
lamontogra: thanks12:03
=== thully_ [~thully@wuser200-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thully_hi - I closed a bunch of my bugs (ones that were obsoleted by changes in hoary, suggestions that really can't be considered at this point, etc etc) and opened a few new ones12:15
thully_I added some info to the timezone bug - may help in fixing this12:15
mdzhaggai: amd64 has failed on oo.o2, but the others are apparently still going.  a good sign, I take it :-)12:33
thommdz: yo?12:34
mdzlamont: it looks like the locales in the cloop image are selected, but not actually generated yet.  I want them to be pre-generated12:35
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-146.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzthom: never mind12:35
lamontmdz: grumble.  I thought I _had_ pregened them.12:35
lamontwill fix.12:35
mdzlamont: well, 12:36
=== lamont must go fetch his daughter
mdzI'm getting the usual complaints from perl, at any rate12:36
mdzbut when locale-gen runs, it lists all 4 locales12:36
mdz(and after that the errors go away)12:36
=== lamont bets on fat fingers.
lamontwill investigate tonight\12:36
lamontbut also mustn't be late.12:37
mdzthom: have you tried the live CDs yet?12:37
=== usual [~colin@alb-69-202-36-213.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubso the livecd image building bits... do we have a timeframe for cracking those open?12:39
ajmitchhaggai: ok, finally built :)12:39
jdubhave some more people interested in doing customised livecds12:39
ajmitchthe .diff.gz is a mere 1.9MB12:39
T-Bonejdub: i'm one of these ;)12:39
jdubmdz: ping12:44
mdzjdub: pong12:45
mdzjdub: those two things are not related12:45
mdzsivan green and brian sutherland are in the process of writing a HOWTO at this very moment12:45
mdzbased on customizing an existing Ubuntu live CD image, rather than building it from scratch, which is far preferable12:45
mdzit's very simple12:46
=== T-Bone calls it a night
=== T-Bone [varenet@T-Bone.developer.debian] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Client]
jdubok, urling up the dude on the in-progress document12:53
thommdz: not yet12:53
mdzthom: are you short on bandwidth where you are now?12:54
thomno, just short on anywhere to put computers until i get a desk on saturday12:54
seb128thom: do you have the bogus webdav around ? 01:07
seb128thom: not needed now but would be nice to try some fixes tomorrow01:07
thomseb128: no. i'll talk to old job tomorrow and see if they'll reopen it01:07
thomseb128: so my new firefox works and epiphany still works so i'm gonna upload01:17
thomyou can apply the ephy half of that patch and we get search again01:17
=== stockholm [~andi@petrus.schuldei.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stockholmdoes canonical have a logo, too?01:17
jdubstockholm: canonical.com01:17
seb128thom: rock, thanks !01:17
stockholmgeee. (c:01:18
stockholmon that page i dont see a telephone number...01:19
=== stockholm checks whois
makostockholm: what sort of telephone number are you looking for?01:20
stockholmmako: optimally for marks. 01:20
stockholmi want to harass him becaues of debconf sponsorship in general and debconf5 specifically01:21
danielsstockholm: email generally works well01:22
danielswe all have internet access01:22
stockholmdaniels: oh. (c:01:22
stockholmi got delegated to jane.01:22
stockholmok, thanks01:23
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=== daniels slaps forehead.
jdubthom: hrm, not to, um, pour salt on the would immediately after your firefox upload, but...01:29
jdubthom: are the fileselector changes remotely useful to us at this point?01:29
thomjdub: the ones that fedora ship?01:31
jdubfedora and novell; not sure if it's the same code01:32
thomi've not looked at the novell sources, probably ought to01:33
danielsjdub: ez gtk boooog01:35
danielsthom: 'entertaining' doesn't do that version number justice01:40
danielssomething like 'ludicrously insane'01:41
danielscomic relief while we were all stressing during the warty crunch :)01:42
lamontKamion: you around?01:51
lamontfabbione: or you?01:51
=== shlomil [~shlomi@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzlamont: oo.o2 still chugging along?01:54
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-146.vic.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
lamontmdz: only 21 MB of log file so far.01:56
=== moyogo [~moyogo@Toronto-HSE-ppp3718050.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontand it's only been  building for 170 minutes..01:56
lamontgiven that oo.o 1 takes 4:47....01:56
toresbeis 2.0 out?01:57
lamontthis is one of those packages where no log file is a good thing... :-)01:57
lamontlooks like a pre-rel version to me...01:57
toresbeheh, yeah01:57
=== daniels stares at mdz.
toresbethere was a cool report about Linux on Norwegian TV01:58
toresbethey got some parts ludicrously wrong ("In 2003, Novell bought Linux, and sought to commercialize the previously free system")01:58
toresbebut they did some really cool interviews with Skolelinux (easy-to-setup special-purpose school distro)01:59
toresbeand a lot of the students were really positive towards Linux02:00
mjg59daniels: http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/tmp/xglx.png02:00
mdzdaniels: you need to kick this habit of closing bugs just because they're difficult to fix02:00
=== wasabi_ [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzespecially when someone else is working on fixing it02:00
mdzlamont: well, that's about 20.99MB farther than the last one got02:01
danielsmdz: i just saw the REOPENED, not the rest.  it's usually traditional to provide a comment. ;)02:05
danielsmjg59: pimp02:07
mjg59daniels: So, *so* much faster than using composite on i855 otherwise02:07
danielsmjg59: gotta love xaa02:08
thommjg59: holy transparent terminals, batman!02:08
jdubcomposite on nvidia is actually pretty respectable02:08
jdubbut oh man02:08
mjg59I have seen the future, and it is xglx02:08
danielsmjg59: s/xglx/not XAA?02:09
mjg59(on mesa-solo, not on X)02:09
jdubi didn't realise what all the fuss was about composite being not ready until i ran it on i85502:09
mjg59daniels: Pff. Like anyone's ever going to get round to doing decent render acceleration for i81002:09
lamontmdz: heh02:20
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | today is "make mdz happy by actually downloading and testing a Hoary live CD" day
tsengmdz: you said the nightly was bunk, which should I grab?02:21
mdztseng: I have no idea what is wrong with it, which is why I need people other than me to be testing them02:21
mdzeven better would be if people other than me had tested yesterday's, and could confirm whether this problem is new02:22
mdzas it is, USB functionality seems completely fucked and I don't know why02:22
mdzthom: still here?02:23
mdzthom: it might help me if you could diff the manifests for the past few live CD builds02:23
mdzthom: unfortunately they're only available inside the isos, so I can't get to them on little02:23
thommdz: i'm litterally about to fall into bed. can you send me a mail and i can check first thing tomorrow, if that's any good?02:26
lamontmdz: on little... http://mcmurdo.buildd/~buildd/livecd/02:26
mdzI'm grasping at straws here02:26
lamontyou want current, and some previous directory02:27
lamontthat is, for i38602:27
mdzlamont: could you grep those for kernel stuffs and see when it changed?02:27
sivangmdz: iso links on the wiki page as usual? (for testing)02:27
lamontsure - "grep linux"??02:27
mdzif you could tar up the past week or so and send it to me, that'd be good02:27
mdzsivang: I think the wiki page has a link to the index02:28
lamontheh - terranova, anyway02:28
sivangmdz: ok, current is the one right?02:28
=== zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-10-181-189.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontmdz: people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/mdz/manifests.tar.gz02:29
mdzsivang: yes02:30
mdzlamont: thanks02:30
mdz20050120.1 and 20050120 are identical02:31
mdzhow likely is that?02:31
mdz20050119.3 and 20050120 are also identical02:31
lamontwell, the first one is from the manual run, I expect.  the second one is from 061502:31
lamontit's whatever was on jackass when it ran - would have to compare that to changes, I guess02:32
lamontmdz: turns out that I populate /etc/locale.gen, and somewhere decided that would cause locales to generate them...02:34
lamontanything else you want done in the chroot?02:35
mdzlamont: nothing comes to mind02:41
mdzlamont: if you could make USB work again, that'd be great ;-)02:41
mdzmjg59: for some reason I see the apm module loaded twice, once "overridden by ACPI", once "disabled on user request". do you know why?02:44
=== ogra starts the downloads of 3 livecds (testing tomorrow)
mjg59Erm. Nope.02:47
mjg59It should only be being loaded from /etc/modules02:47
mjg59Unless apmd tries to modprobe it, or something02:47
mdzit's not in /etc/modules02:47
mdzbut apmd does try to modprobe it02:47
mjg59Hrm. I thought it was meant to be.02:47
lamontmdz: right.02:50
=== lamont will go into town in a little bit and fetch some images to play wiht
lamontmdz: btw, _does_ debian do rsync-able .debs by default?02:50
mdzlamont: no02:50
lamontI rather expect that there is a good deal of non-determinalism in the file system, which complicates things for us as well.02:50
lamontfs layout that is.02:50
=== lamont grumbles at his router
lamontmdz: number of blocks allocated in a cg affects the placement of a new block, no?02:51
mdzlamont: I think the blocks are large enough that we'd be ok with --rsyncable02:53
mdzbut we could always crank it up to 4k if needed02:53
sladenlamont: this is puzzling me.  AFAIK, the cloop/cramfs effectively compresses each 64kB block separately.  ...therefore there should already be a fair amount, ---but only 64kB at a time02:53
lamontsladen: hence my assertion that the placement of files on the device is varying02:54
=== lamont goes to test his assertion
mdzwe tested that already02:55
mdzby matching the cloop block size with the filesystem block size02:55
mdzit didn't help02:55
lamontmdz: I'm going to rsycn 20050120.1/livecd-fsimg onto a copy of 20050120/livecd-fsimg and see how much diff there is - shouldn't be much...02:55
lamontor the situation is hopelesss02:56
=== thully [~thully@pm474-06.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontif the original fsimg is rsyncable, then it makes sense to try and make the cloop rsyncable02:56
lamontif not, then not.02:56
mdzit will be02:56
mdzI have confidence02:57
mdzI didn't realize fsimg -> uncompressed02:57
thullyI've been fiddling with autohinter - I've found that there are some statements to test font size02:57
danielsthully: patches gratefully accepted ...02:57
sladenlamont/mdz does an ISO contain all the extra 2048->2352 overhead ?03:00
lamont  2147482624 100%   14.96MB/s    0:02:16  (1, 100.0% of 1)03:00
lamontwrote 2147744895 bytes  read 40 bytes  14966863.66 bytes/sec03:00
lamonttotal size is 2147482624  speedup is 1.0003:00
lamontthat looks like a 'NO' to me.03:00
sladenlamont: that's just the cloop filesystem?03:00
mdzlamont: interesting03:01
mdzlamont: how about -B 1024 ?03:01
thullyI've got some ideas, but I'm not quite sure about the syntax of fontconfig files - and all autohinter fonts look good on my machine, so It's a little hard to tell03:01
sladen...why is so precisel half?03:01
lamontthat was 102403:01
lamontsladen: half??03:01
lamontspeed? that's just the sucky disks we ahve03:02
mdzlamont: I mean rsync -B 102403:02
=== lamont repeat
mdzsladen: 2048->2352 overhead?03:02
lamontactually, syncing the first one back over the copy of #203:03
sladenmdz: cd frames are 2352 bytes eg;  with Audio, all but 8(?) bytes are audio data;  data (mode 1) uses 288 bytes for extreme error detection/recovery03:03
sladen== 1 x 2kB sector per frame03:04
mdzthe default block size for rsync is 700 bytes03:04
mdzso 1k filesystem blocks should be just fine, really03:04
lamontwrote 2147744893 bytes  read 40 bytes  14761133.56 bytes/sec03:05
lamonttotal size is 2147482624  speedup is 1.0003:05
sladenlamont: can you build a fileystem compressed with deflate=0 ?03:05
lamontsladen: if the input isn't rsyncable, it doesn't matter _what_ we do in compression03:06
lamontand it's not seeing any benefit from rsync03:06
=== lamont tries -B 8
sladenlamont: hence wanting to know what happens if you create something non-compressed03:06
lamontI'm working with non-compressed images03:06
lamontmdz: I think the choices come down to (1) come up with some way to populate the filesystem in the manner _we_ want, or (2) live with no rsyncability...03:08
=== A [A@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== sladen goes away to re-read cloop source
lamontwhich is really to say (1) fix gene2fs or (2) live with it.03:08
lamonts/fix/fix or rewrite/03:08
mdzI can't think of anything genext2fs could possibly be doing wrong which would cause this03:09
lamontwe're not using genext2fs03:09
mdzext2 stores file data in blocks, period03:09
mdzor the kernel03:09
lamontwere lomounting a 2GB file, and rsyncing into that03:09
mdzthe 2GB file starts out zeroed, right?03:10
=== lamont wonders if maybe there is unitialized mem on the end of the frags
sladentime to try with small / empty files and investigate what is actually happening03:10
lamont2GB file starts out as a sparse file with 1KB of zeros at the end03:10
lamontI suppose I could try it with it zeroed03:10
mdzthat should cause it to be zeroed when read from03:10
mdzbut worth a try03:10
mdzmaybe loop-mount is weird03:10
lamontexactly.  it _shouldn't_ matter...03:11
mdzlamont: yeah, and USB _shouldn't_ be fucked on the live CD :-/03:11
mdzI am at my wit's end with this thing03:11
mdzit makes no sense03:11
lamontdd if=/dev/zero of=$IMGNAME count=$SZ bs=1024 03:12
lamontthat should do something, anyway.03:12
mdzbs=1M ought to be quicker03:12
lamontyeah, but then $SZ would have to be in MB. :-)03:12
=== lamont fix0rs
sladenlamont: that's fine, you can  append   k/m/g  to bs= and count=03:15
lamontsladen: but can I tell it to divide count by 1024?03:15
sladeneg.  count=2k bs=1M03:15
lamontdoesn't matter - it's calcluated anyway...03:15
=== lamont burns a couple images
mdzlamont: it would be worthwhile to do a cmp --verbose over those two images, I think03:16
sladenlamont: do you have the command the cloop for the CD is build with?03:16
sladencommand(s), script, fooage03:16
mdzsladen: create_compressed_fs <input> <block size> > output.cloop03:20
mdzwe use 65536 at the moment for the block size03:20
jdubmdz: have you tried dir_index and EAs-in-inode yet?03:21
mdzjdub: no, rsyncability is a bigger problem03:21
mdzjdub: because Ubuntu developers (cough) say they can't test live CDs due to bandwidth limitations03:21
lamonthaggai: /build/buildd/openoffice.org2-1.9.66/ooo-build/build/src680-m66/sal/rtl/source/macro.hxx:102:2: #error "unknown ARCH -- insert your ARCH identifier above"03:22
lamontearly and violent death for ooo2 on amd6403:22
sladenmdz: no, the bit before that.  the mkisofs/genext2fs ---that's where the problem is03:22
jdubmdz: 8)03:22
mdzsladen: the mke2fs?03:22
jdubmdz: understood and greatly appreciated :-)03:22
mdzsladen: I think that uses all defaults03:22
mdzlamont: any mke2fs args?03:22
lamont mke2fs -b $FSBLOCK $INUM -Osparse_super -F $IMGNAME03:22
sladenyeah, the $INUM was puzzling me, the man page says  mke2fs ... $device $inode_count  (in *that* order)03:25
mdzlamont: that oo.o failure is expected, v2 isn't ported either03:26
lamontINUM is either "" or "-N nnnn"03:26
mdzi386 built, though!03:26
lamontmdz: in 3:40! woot03:27
lamontalthough he better not be special casing builds by the user 'buildd' again......03:27
mdzthat was rene03:28
=== kent [~kent@c83-249-61-131.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzit quits working pretty much the instant that init is re-execed03:30
mdzwhich makes no sense whatsoever03:30
jdubmdz: related to usb b0rk?03:30
mdzjdub: yes03:30
=== HcE [~hc@188.80-202-212.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzfrustrating as hell, I've spent most of the day on it03:31
sladenlamont: so you mke2fs the image.  then loop mount it, then copy the files in, then umount it, then create_compressed_fs it?03:31
mdzwhich is why I'm in such a dreadful mood03:31
=== xmas [~steger14@12-207-158-223.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontsladen: yes03:31
jdubmdz: let's do the warty dance!03:31
sladenlamont: any chance of the script doing the copying?03:32
mdzjdub: do you realize how far that footage has spread?03:32
lamontsladen: I'm told no.03:32
jdubbob2 showed me a debian bug on gstreamer about it03:32
lamontor rather, "not at this time"03:32
jdubhow the hell did it get out, man?03:32
jdubthis is totally going to ruin my porn career03:33
mdzlamont: any insight from that cmp --verbose ?03:33
lamontI was stalling for the zero'ed images...... guess I'll fire up another window.03:34
sladenlamont: does it do anything more than  cp -a ?03:34
lamontsladen: it builds a chroot with debootstrap/apt, runs a few things, and then rsync -a's the chroot into the loopback mounted file03:35
mdzI don't see how it could possibly matter03:35
mdzbut if it's using rsync, I think that means the file list is even sorted03:35
mdzjdub: more people have seen it than have looked at that photo of the giggling 12-year-old spanish girls03:36
sivangmdz: heh, it was actually not that good IMHO ;-)03:37
mdzthe dance? oh, it sucked03:38
ajmitchjdub: some disturbing footage?03:38
mdzok, that does it03:38
mdzI launchped a shell from /sbin/unconfigured.sh03:38
mdzit doesn't get any earlier than that03:38
lamontmdz: 124MB into the cmp --verbose, 1.4GB of output...03:38
mdzand USB is fucked there03:38
sivangmdz: launchped ? ;-)03:38
=== lamont killed the cmp at 168MB compared, 2.3GB of output
mdzlamont: what does the output look like?03:39
jdubajmitch: three men who should know better swinging their hips.03:39
mdzthe amount doesn't tell us much, there would of course be a lot03:39
ajmitchsigh, I wanted php5, but the debs at sources.dotdeb.org are crap03:39
sivangmdz: hehe I read it  like launchpaded.03:39
mdzI would have expected there to be swaths of identical bytes03:39
ajmitchnearly no build-depends,..03:40
lamontmdz: on the order of 10-30 bytes per hundred are different03:40
mdzlamont: do you save the output from the daily d-i builds?03:41
mdzlamont: somewhere in there I think there is a list of the versions of the udebs in the initrd03:41
mdzlamont: I need to know if that changed03:41
lamont     82101   0 37103:41
lamont     82102   0  4103:41
lamont     82105   0 37203:41
lamont     82106   0  4103:41
lamont     82109   0 37303:41
lamontlogs for the dailybuilds are under ~lamont/buildLogs03:41
lamontin the usual place...they're binNMU's03:41
mdzapart from the logs, there is a file03:42
mdzlike the manifest you generate for the cloop03:42
lamontthe above is a block that was used in one image, not the other03:42
mdzI think it's in the tarball03:42
ajmitchwould php5 be welcome in universe once the debs were usable?03:42
lamonttarballs tend to not get pruned, truthfully03:42
mdzlamont: yeah, you know what's fucked up about the un-rsyncability of that ext2 filesystem?03:42
lamontajmitch: I don't see why it wouldn't be....03:42
mdzit's like 25% empty03:42
lamontor more03:43
ajmitchlamont: it'd be a new package, so after hoary?03:43
sivangstrange, nautilus-cd-burner doesn't offer  me clear the CDRW...thus doesn't let me burn..hmm03:43
lamontajmitch: yeah03:43
mdzsurely there are a hell of a lot of contiguous blocks of zeroes03:43
=== lamont thinks that contiguous isn't quite what you mean..
mdzI do mean contiguous03:44
lamontthey're scattered all over the iamge03:44
mdzif 1 in 4 blocks are empty, lots of them are going to be adjacent03:44
mdzchunks of 2k, 4k, etc. all over the place03:44
lamontand we're doing 65536, since it didn't make any difference to do the 409603:44
mdzwhich even if something funky is going on with file allocation, would rsync03:44
mdzI'm talking about the uncompressed image03:44
=== lamont goes to process the images and count how many times there is a contig block of 1024 bytes of zeros at the same place in the two files... sound like a good test?
mdzit doesn't need to be in the same place, that's my point03:45
lamontor do you want 1024 with the block on either side being zero in the other?03:45
mdzif there is a block of Nk zeroes in one image03:46
mdzand also a block of Nk zeroes in the other image03:46
mdzrsync ought to find that03:46
lamonthow close to each other though?03:46
mdzI didn't think it mattered03:46
mdzrsync scans the whole file before it does anything03:46
lamontin 2GB image, it's not going to cache it all forever....03:47
mdzare you sure rsync isn't being too smart?03:47
mdznoticing that you're doing a local copy, and saying fuckit on the delta algorithm?03:47
lamontthat wouldn't surprise me...03:47
lamontah, could be...03:47
=== lamont fetches across the network instead.
mdz       -W, --whole-file03:47
mdz              With this option the incremental rsync algorithm is not used and03:47
mdz              the whole file is sent  asis  instead.   The  transfer  may  be03:47
mdz              faster  if  this  option  is used when the bandwidth between the03:47
mdz              source and destination machines is higher than the bandwidth  to03:47
mdz              disk  (especially  when  the  disk  is  actually  a  networked03:47
mdz              filesystem).  This is the default when both the source and  des03:48
mdz              tination are specified as local paths.03:48
sladenI was going to suggest that03:48
mdzok, so I get to go back to sticking to my guns and saying that the uncompressed filesystem will rsync OK03:48
sladenhowever, the I suspect the kernel ext2fs is still non-deterministic in its file placement;  ...and maybe the rsync search window isn't as big as I thought03:48
sladenlamont: re: mdz.  Why /are/ you using rsync if this is an empty, fresh image each time03:50
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sladenlamont: and if it's /not/ a fresh image, it'll be full from crap from the last time03:50
mdzrsync makes a nice local copy command as well03:51
mdzrsyncing against the last build would be clever, though03:51
lamontand the origin chroot is rm -rf'ed at the start of the script, and the target image szeroed03:51
mdzthen the unchanged files would be left in place03:51
sladengood point.03:51
lamontcloop size grows though that way mdz03:52
lamontrather quickly, I might add03:52
mdzlamont: rsync --delete03:52
lamont(it didn't used to do that...)03:52
lamontchanged files still change blocks03:52
mdzrsync --delete --inplace03:52
mdzrsync --delete --inplace --no-whole-file !03:52
sladenthat's fine.  but the *unchanged* blocks within (even changed files) stay exactly where they were the last time03:52
mdzsladen: that's what --inplace would do03:53
lamontthat has potential03:53
sladenmmm.  yummy.03:53
mdzthough even if we completely lost on every changed file03:53
mdzwe would still win big03:53
mdzbecause most of them don't03:53
smurfixThe way this is going, you need "rsync --every-option-ever" soon. ;-)03:54
lamontsmurfix: not quite, just most of them.,03:54
sladensmurfix: rsync because useful after about:  rsync -CvzapP --stats03:55
lamontmdz: then we just need a tool to rip through an ext2fs and zero any blocks that aren't being used.03:56
mdzlamont: doesn't this mean that your 4096/4096 test was invalid as well?03:56
mdzlamont: actually, that already exists03:56
smurfixlamont: cp /dev/zero FS/zero; sync; rm FS/zero03:56
lamontmdz: what package?03:57
mdzlamont: partimage03:57
lamontah, that'd explain that03:57
sladenyou should also be able to make the image 25% bigger to avoid fragmentation and let cloop take care of the unused parts03:58
mdzunloading and reloading all of the usb modules fixes it03:59
mdzsladen: he does that already04:00
mdzbecause it's useful to have free space for runtime04:01
sladenmdz: does diffing the before and after of:  /sbin/lsmod | grep -E '(hci|usb)' | awk '{print $1,$4}'   produce the same result?04:02
mdzlamont: did --no-whole-file give us some nicer statistics?04:02
mdzsladen: dunno04:02
lamontmdz: each of these tests takes about an hour...04:03
mdzlamont: you're shitting me04:03
lamontalthough I suppose that if I just did it manually, I could get it down to 40 minutes of my time04:03
lamontrun the script twice, look at the results04:03
mdzoh, you rebuilt the image04:03
lamont== 30 minutes * 204:03
lamontit was already running...04:03
mdzI am just interested in taking the last two images, already built, and rsync --no-whole-file'ing them04:04
mdzwhich should take almost none of your time04:04
lamontso the plan is rsync --delete --inplace --no-whole-file, using the previously built fsimg as the base, correct?04:04
mdzwell, not the last two04:04
mdzbecause they're too close04:04
lamontfsimage, or mounted tree?04:04
sladennever mind04:05
mdzI'm taking a few steps back04:05
mdzI'd like to know what our theoretical savings would be04:05
mdzI'd also like to retry the 4096/4096 test04:05
mdzboth of those should be doable with existing images, the latter recompressing them04:05
lamontwrote 324458 bytes  read 651330424 bytes  2290526.83 bytes/sec04:05
lamonttotal size is 2147482624  speedup is 3.3004:05
lamont*(^_^*(&+)}_*U rsync04:05
lamontthat's over the network04:05
lamontyes, same to fsimages as before04:06
mdzwhich two were those?04:06
mdz20050120 and .1 ?04:06
lamontnot entirely04:07
lamontthose are 20 and 20.1 amd64 images04:07
mdzsladen: notably, reloading only ehci_hcd (the one with the device actually connected to it) doesn't change anything04:07
=== lamont re-checks really using the same two images
=== srbaker [~srbaker@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzsladen: only reloading usbcore fixes it04:10
mdzI wonder if it's related to /proc/bus/usb somehow04:11
mdzthis is insane; I have no idea what changed04:13
sladenmu.  load order, usbfs on procfs on ro, subtle timing delays.  04:16
sladenIs the broken universal for everyone and/or just ppc, just i38604:16
sladenjust mdz?04:16
mdzthat's what I've been trying to determine04:17
mdzand why I've been bitching about lack of testing ;-)04:17
mdzit breaks for me on amd64, powerpc and i38604:17
mdzso I highly suspect it's universal04:17
sivangmdz: done burning, testing now.04:18
lamontmdz: --no-whole-file on 0120 and 0120.1: wrote 635250483 bytes  read 324462 bytes  1905771.95 bytes/sec04:26
lamonttotal size is 2147482624  speedup is 3.3804:26
mdznot bad, but not as good as one would expect04:26
lamontof course, that's still about 500MB too much04:26
=== sivang now talking from the livecd
mdzsivang: does USB work?04:26
sivangmdz: lemme test, btw, sound (EMUK10) doesn't :(04:27
mdzone problem at a time04:27
sivangmdz: btw, Xorg is superb, maximum resolution, hebrew selection in d-i ingored completly04:28
=== sivang plugs usb disk in
sivangerggh, nothing.04:31
sivangnot even appearing in hal-device-manager04:31
sladensivang: okay, now  sudo modprobe -r uhci_hcd  && sudo modprobe uhci_hcd04:32
sivangsladen: ok, load them modules up :)04:32
sladensivang: remove+reload04:33
sivangsladen: eh right , -r04:33
sivangsladen: blank password?04:33
sladenI have no idea, I'd guess so.  Though I've a feeling sudo can get unhappy about blank passwords04:34
sivanghmm, I need to search the wiki for what the root/sudo password is.04:36
lamontmdz: btw, any feedback on https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BuildDaemons ??04:36
lamontmdz: I assume that even if we have reason to use partimage, it'll stay in universe?04:37
lamontor do we want to support it?04:37
sivangmdz: any idea for what the sudo password is? I can't load the USB modules without it it seems.04:38
sivangsladen: ah! guessed it, "ubuntu" :)04:40
sladenwent into the Apple Store in London last week hunting for Mac Mini's to test Ubuntu PPC on.  They didn't have any, but I did figure out all the Apple Express IP->audio units had  apple/apple  as their username/password combo04:42
sivangback in the cd,04:47
sivang(using it)04:47
sivangsladen: modprobing hung up the terminal and the whole system so I had to power reset the machine04:48
sivangsladen: however , this was when the usb disk was already in - I will try now when it's unplugged first.04:48
sladengodo point, might be prudent to add a good sleep between unloading and reloading04:48
sladensince I think modprobe returns before it's been finished04:49
=== sivang finds it funny that the livecd is *much more* responsive then his hoary upgraded system on disk
mdzlamont: when do uploads get noticed by the buildds?04:51
mdzsladen, sivang: in my case, reloading the HCI module had no effect whatsoever04:51
mdzonly after unloading usbcore04:51
lamontmdz: it's in there..04:52
lamontah, almost in there..04:52
sladenmdz: modprobe -r  should do that04:52
mdzsladen: modprobe -r ehci_hcd won't unload usbcore04:52
lamontThe build daemons are frequently idle, and just waiting for packages (and therefore sleeping for up to 5 minutes), so on a good day, they'll start building your package somewhere between 0 and 5 minutes after the source enters the archive.04:53
sladenmdz: it should do if it's a dependancy and it's use-count is zero04:55
lamontmdz: updated04:55
mdzlamont:  so roughly, <=5 for the source to be accepted, <=5 for the buidds to notice, build time, <=5 for binaries to be uploaded and accepted, then the next :03 or :33 for them to appear04:55
mdzsladen: usbcore gets loaded when /proc/bus/usb is mounted by mountvirtfs04:56
sivangmdz: would you have a modprobe line to test with? I had already tested 2 times, same behavior: terminal spitts endless CRs,04:56
lamont<5 for the source to be accepted, up to 3-32 minutes for the source to actually hit the archive, < 5 for the build to start, < 5 for the binaries to be built and uploaded, < 5 for them to be accepted, and then the next :03/33, they're in the archive.04:57
mdzsivang: perhaps you have a USB keyboard04:57
sivangsystem hung up other then that. (had to reset)04:57
lamontor, in other words:04:57
sivangmdz: I do, how do you know? ;-)04:57
lamont< 5 for source accepted mail, then next :03 or :33 the build starts, and 30 minutes later you have binaries04:57
mdzlamont: oh, so the source needs to be in the archive before it's built?04:57
sivangmdz: well, it should wotk with it also isn't it?04:57
lamontno accepted auto-building04:57
mdzwhy not?04:57
mdzdoesn't Debian build from accepted?04:58
lamontbecause we run cron.daily every 30 minutes04:58
lamontbut they only run cron.daily once a day04:58
mdzwhat would it cost us to build from accepted?04:58
lamontit's not instantaneous, you know...04:58
lamontas it sits, elmo has turned off building the Contents files, because that pushes us (with 4 architectures)( over 30 minutes on heavy-churn runs.04:58
lamontthat and it's a pain... if you make elmo turn it on, I can certainly add the deb-src/deb-src line to the buildd's.04:59
mdzyou're saying that cron.daily takes longer if we build from accepted?05:00
sladensudo umount /proc/bus/usb && sudo modprobe -r uhci_hcd    works from here05:00
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontno. cron.hourly takes longer then, since it has to apt-ftparchive05:01
sivangsladen: this time I didn't plug the stick at all, but mdz suggested my usb keyboard is cuasing the problems..05:01
lamontand it has a 5 minute budget05:01
lamont(since it runs every 5)05:01
lamontand the thinking was that folks who couldn't wait 30 minutes should get a life, or something like that..... dunno. :-)05:01
mdzsladen: here as well05:02
sivangsladen: using usb kbd?05:02
mdzsivang: your keyboard is USB.  When you unload the USB drivers, your keyboard will *stop working*05:02
=== OddAbe19 is away: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... diddily dee... and so forth
sladen'''hi users, the first thing you'll need to do to use the LiveCD, is plug a network connection in and bring up an SSH session to fix the USB drivers05:03
sivangmdz:  woops right, I hate to be so overlookinig for so obvious details..05:03
mdzsladen: devices which were activated during stage 1 continue to work fine05:03
mdzbut no new devices are noticed, and no removals are noticed05:03
sivangmdz: ok, is there a way to do mount the stick without removing ehci_hcd ?05:04
sladenis /proc/bus/usb remounted?05:04
mdzsivang: you have confirmed that the bug exists for you also, thank you05:05
mdzit gets unmounted during casper/d-i shutdown, and then mounted again when init starts up, yes05:05
sladento remove usbcore, I was having to umount /proc/bus/usb05:05
mdzI've also tried leaving the d-i mount there05:05
mdzcorrect, /proc/bus/usb holds a reference to usbcore05:05
sladenI don't have an image to play with;  how big is the test LiveCD to suck down (smaller is better)05:06
mdzabout 550M05:06
mdz-rw-rw-r--  1 mdz mdz 525M 2005-01-20 00:02 hoary-live-i386.iso05:07
sivangmdz: glad to be of service, lemme know if you need further testing with that as I am learning how to customize the livecd ;-) , I am also on 1.5Mbit conneciton so downloading the cd is not biggy.05:08
mdzI just don't understand how usbcore can get into this state05:08
sladenmdz: can you drop to a shell during d-i and see what state it is at that point?05:09
mdzor what is triggering it05:10
HostingGeekdoes someone want to explain to me why you need windows/dos to flash bios?05:11
mdznot here05:11
mdzbut sure, another time05:11
HostingGeekmdz: well if it can be asked in the devel's mail list it can be asked here05:11
HostingGeeki prefer if someone reply to it rather than explain it here....05:12
mdzdon't ask it on the development mailing list either05:12
sladenHostingGeek: there are tonnes of flash chips out there.  the /dev/bios drivers and MTD drivers eat some of them.  But not most05:12
HostingGeeksladen: i am a idiot i have no idea what that ment05:13
HostingGeekare not bios a chip on the m/b with a rom loaded on to it05:13
HostingGeekif so why can not mb makers offer just the rom and the end user can use his/her fav. tool to flash05:14
smurfixsladen / HostingGeek: I think mdz said "not here" ... and I agree actually05:14
HostingGeeksry i didn't see that comment05:14
HostingGeekmdz: no its a reply to something about using freedos to flash bios05:15
sladenHostingGeek: additionally, the 'images' frequently don't come as images, but compressed files that can be patched and uncompressed for a particular machine before being hurt---the provided floppy disks have all that in one glob.  dosemu isn't really an opinion because of port and timing-critical sections that can't be achived under emulation or userspace.  Hope that answered your question.  If it didn't, pester me privately  (/query sladen).  But pref05:15
mdzI can't find any other way to trigger this behaviour, other than actually using the live CD05:15
mdzmounting /proc/bus/usb elsewhere, unmounting it, mounting it multiple times, nothing breaks it05:16
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lamontmdz: what's the default finish action in partimage, I wonder...05:19
mdzfinish action?05:19
mdzunmounting /proc/bus/usb before doing the pivot doesn't make any difference, either05:23
lamontmdz: any reason I shouldn't link the BuildDaemons package in?05:32
lamont(i.e., publish it.)05:32
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sladenlamont: I'm sure it would be very useful when a structure for derivities is available;  I can see if leading to temptation and confusion right at this point05:39
=== lamont adds a note that this is the current infrastructure, being replaced when we have the derivatives infra in place.
mdzfabbione: morning05:42
mdzfabbione: I have been fighting with this strange kernel problem all day05:42
lamontmorning fabbione 05:42
sladenfabbione: how much effort was the sparc port?   (...alpha appears to be lacking at the moment :-)05:42
fabbioneguys ... stop05:42
fabbionei just woke up05:42
fabbioneand reading emails :-)05:42
fabbionemdz: 5701 worksforme on normal boxes05:49
fabbionewhat kernel are you using right now?05:50
fabbionebecause i remember fixing something USB related recently05:50
mdzfabbione: can you try the live CD?05:50
mdzfabbione: it worksforme on normal installs too05:51
mdzand it _used_ to work on live CDs05:51
mdzbut something has changed and I have no idea what it is05:51
mdzthe live CD I'm using has 2.6.10-1005:51
fabbionemdz: yes. i will try in a bit ok?05:51
mdzfabbione: wonderful, thank you05:51
fabbionei need to see if my mirror is synced05:52
fabbionemdz: no problem05:52
fabbionemdz: when did you build the last one?05:52
mdzthe most recent one is a daily build05:52
=== jdz_ [~jdz@chpau.oxfordnetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionemdz: is it the same you are using for testing?05:53
fabbioneok it is synced05:54
lamontfabbione: all the 20050121* images are me testing stuff05:57
jdubjdz_: dude :)05:57
jdz_jdub: hey man :)05:57
fabbionelamont: i use the "current" symlink to update05:58
fabbionei don't mirror everything even if i could :-)05:58
mdzjdz sounds like a fusion of jdub and mdz05:58
=== lamont mumbles something very similar to "never mind"
mdza frightening concept05:58
fabbionemdz: it's burning...05:59
fabbioneand i need to wake up my gf05:59
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sladenjdz_: were you thinking some KY-Jelly would solve this problem too?06:07
jdz_oh man ;P06:08
fabbionemdz: booting now...06:10
fabbionemdz: everything is working fine here06:11
mdzfabbione: you can plug and unplug USB devices?06:12
fabbionemdz: sure.. but that won't make it working properly06:12
fabbioneyou know that, don't you?06:12
fabbionethe usb devices, when unplugged and replugged. might get a different /dev/input/<name>06:13
fabbioneit depends on how fast you do the operation06:13
mdzhave you read the bug?06:13
fabbioneand X will not reopen the FD06:13
mdzwhen I plug in a USB device, it does not even log in dmesg06:13
mdznothing happens06:13
fabbioneok just a sec...06:13
mdzI think I have found the next level of cause06:13
mdzkhubd dies06:13
mdzonce khubd is dead, no more USB device events are noticed06:14
mdzyes, that is it06:15
mdzreloading usbcore restarts khubd06:15
mdzkhubd can be killed by SIGKILL06:15
mdzwhich init sends it, of course06:16
mdzbut this never happened before06:16
fabbionei unplug my mouse and replug it i get a lot of crap in dmesg06:16
magnonmdz: are we on "why doesn't my usb stuff show up in nautilus"?06:16
fabbionedriver/*/usb-core: input irq status -84 received06:17
magnonmy card reader just shows up the first time it's mounted06:17
mdzmagnon: no, this is "why is USB broken on the live CD"06:17
magnonI should file a bug on this, if it isn't filed alraedy06:17
mdzfabbione: I am fairly sure I have isolated it06:17
magnonand I need sleep, to fix my typing06:17
mdzfabbione: sudo killall -9 khubd06:17
fabbionemdz: worth a try to boot with that irqpoll ?06:17
mdzfabbione: and you will see exactly what I am talking about06:17
fabbionethere is no khubd runnig on that machine06:18
fabbionei already checked06:18
sivangmagnon: card reader? as in smart card?06:18
mdzfabbione: this is with the same live CD I am using?06:19
fabbionemdz: it's the last one from archive in current/06:19
fabbioneif you need another version you need to tell me06:20
mdzkhubd should be started as soon as a hub is detected06:20
fabbionebut yes i can reproduce the problem on livecd06:20
mdzmdz@little /srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/www/full/daily-live/current $ md5sum hoary-live-i386.iso06:20
mdz1d1afb2a99db7501486b6b8d7840ca0a  hoary-live-i386.iso06:20
mdzoh, you can?06:20
mdzyou just told me you got messages in dmesg when you connected USB devices06:20
fabbioneboot -> X everyuthing works06:20
mdzwhich would mean that you cannot reproduce the problem06:20
fabbionei remove the mouse and replug it -> the message you wsaw above06:20
fabbione1d1afb2a99db7501486b6b8d7840ca0a  hoary-live-i386.iso06:21
fabbionelooks about the same06:21
mdzno idea about that message; that is not the same as my bug06:21
mdzbut I am 99% sure I have nailed it06:21
mdzon the live CD, when init re-execs, it kills all other processes06:22
fabbionemdz: ok.. let me know...06:22
mdzfirst SIGTERM, then SIGKILL06:22
mdzit sends a SIGKILL to khubd06:22
mdzwhich kills it06:22
mdzwhich is what causes the problem06:22
fabbionebut why do you send that message around?06:22
mdzwhat message?06:22
fabbioneSIGTERM, then SIGKILL06:23
mdzit is init, that is what it does06:23
mdzkernel threads are not supposed to die from signals06:23
fabbionemdz: that's true.. but that didn't change 06:23
mdzbut khubd does this:06:23
mdz        daemonize("khubd");06:23
mdz        allow_signal(SIGKILL);06:23
mdz        /* Send me a signal to get me die (for debugging) */06:24
mdzif it is only for debugging, I say turn it off :-P06:24
fabbionei am pretty sure i didn't patch anything there of that kind :-)06:24
mdzyes, I don't understand why this didn't happen before06:24
fabbionelet me check the patchsets06:24
fabbionewhat file is that?06:24
mdzI checked; you don't patch it06:24
fabbioneyup.. i am checking if there is a fix upstream06:25
fabbionethe code is clearly broken06:27
mdzI think I know why I didn't see this before06:28
fabbionethe code is BAD!06:28
mdzmaybe the mouse driver was loaded by d-i06:28
fabbioneit sends signals to itself to exit and die06:28
mdzhmm, no, doesn't look like the mouse drivers were ever there06:31
mdzit's in input-modules06:32
mdzI bet input-modules was on the CD before, and is now gone, and that's the problem06:32
mdzwell, the trigger06:33
mdzhotplugging still would not have worked06:33
mdzbut my mouse worked before, and this is why06:33
mdzconfirmed: I am not insane06:33
fabbionewell there are no changes in the code for a long while06:34
fabbionemdz: so who is at fault and what do you want me to do?06:34
fabbionethis code is still strange tho06:36
mdzyes, it makes sense that there have not been changes06:36
mdzwhat changed was which modules were shipped on the CD06:36
mdzin my opinion, it is pointless for a kernel thread to die like that06:37
mdzI see two ways to fix it:06:37
mdz1) patch the kernel so that the thread doesn't die06:37
fabbioneit is needed on cleanup06:37
mdz2) try to unload all USB modules before pivoting on the live CD06:37
fabbionei am reading more code...06:37
mdzSIGKILL is the wrong way to clean up a kernel thread06:38
mdzin my uninformed opinion06:38
mdzbut many other threads do it06:39
fabbionemdz: i am checking waht is in bk06:39
mdzso I guess this will be a bigger problem than just usb06:39
fabbioneand they started using it even more06:39
mdzmd_thread does it06:39
fabbionethe point is that you load khubd when you need it06:39
fabbioneand you need to remove when you don't06:39
mdzmany filesystems do06:39
fabbionethey accept to die?06:39
mdztrying to unload all the modules is not really feasible06:40
fabbionemdz: stop sending them signals :-)06:40
mdzso I guess I will need to patch init06:40
fabbionemdz: another option would be for me to provide you a boot option to diable allow_signal06:41
mdzhow can I tell a kernel thread from a user process?06:41
mdzhmm actually06:41
mdzI can't fix this in init06:41
mdzI am pretty sure init does kill(-1, SIGKILL)06:41
mdzso it is a kernel problem again! ;-)06:41
fabbionemdz: nope...06:41
fabbionebut i can help you with that06:41
danielsargh, the ltmodem source package is shit06:42
mdzhow do you mean?06:42
fabbionethe point is that either you or me needs to patch something to be used only on livecd06:42
fabbioneso either i give you a boot option06:42
mdzwell, let's think about this06:42
fabbioneor you patch init to recognize that it is a live cd and NOT send SIG_KILL06:42
mdzwon't this be a problem when rebooting?06:42
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fabbionemdz: fromt he livecd?06:42
mdzfabbione: from anywhere06:43
mdzlet's say your filesystem uses a thread which can be killed by SIGKILL06:43
mdzinit SIGKILLs it06:43
fabbioneno.. because we can enable the boot option only on livecd06:43
mdzand then runs the shutdown scripts06:43
mdz./doc/Changelog:  * killall5 now skips kernel threads06:43
fabbionetsk :)06:43
=== fabbione hits init and mdz with a refrigerator
mdzwell, this means that sysvinit has found a way around this problem06:44
mdzand we just need to do the same in busybox06:44
mdzthis has been one of those "one bug" days06:45
mdzone bug the whole damn day06:46
lamontmdz: and a trivial fix at the end of it.06:46
lamontwhich fits the rule06:46
mdznot as trivial as I'd like06:46
lamont(time to fix is inversely proportional to the time to find)06:46
mdznot trivial at all, unfortunately06:46
mdzbusybox uses the simplest possible method06:46
mdzkill(-1, <sig>)06:47
mdzsysvinit walks /proc06:47
=== lamont looks at the clock, decides that _tomorrow_ he will go into town, not _tonight_
danielsan autoconf'ed source distribution that seemingly can't be made to use srcdir!=builddir06:50
magnonthe beauty of autotools06:52
jameshusing automake 1.4 by any chance?06:52
lamontdaniels: I'm sure keybuk can hit it over the head hard enough...06:52
danielslamont: it uses a bastard mix of automake and kbuild06:53
danielsi've given up on srcdir != builddir for this crap06:53
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lamontit's 0645 at the data center...07:45
fabbionelamont: welcome to the concept of TZ's ;)07:46
fabbionelamont: is there anything you want me to do so you can go and crash?07:46
lamontfabbione: nah-  what I really need to do is add some mutual exclusion to the livecd build script...07:46
lamontIOW... oops.07:46
lamont| #define HAVE_STDINT_H 107:54
lamont| #define  107:54
lamont| #ifdef __cplusplus07:54
lamontno mvo yet, eh?07:59
=== lamont debates filing an aptitude bug
fabbionedaniels: do you have any machine where you can dri and test the new kernel modules?08:02
danielsfabbione: two08:03
danielsfabbione: (i855, which uses the i915 module, and radeon)08:03
fabbioneok.. what flavours do you need?08:03
daniels686, k708:03
danielsi need to start getting ready very soon though08:03
fabbioneuplaoding them now08:03
fabbioneno problem08:03
fabbionei am not going to release today08:03
danielscool, ta08:03
danielsahr sweet08:03
danielsin that case I might check them when I get back08:03
danielslest I die for not being ready on time08:03
fabbionedaniels: i am uploading them to people08:04
fabbionein my home08:04
fabbionethey should be up in 30 minutes or so08:04
=== lamont declares bedtime
fabbioneg'night lamont08:04
fabbionedaniels: i need you to upgrade the kernels without rebooting the machine08:04
fabbionedaniels: unload the old module and load the new one08:05
fabbioneto see if the ABI is broken or not08:05
fabbionefrom my tests is not, but i can't really use dri here08:05
fabbioneso my loads are fake08:05
danielsfabbione: sure08:06
danielsi915 should be ok08:07
danielsit's just adding more functions08:07
danielsand it bumped the version number08:07
fabbionedaniels: just check both of them08:07
fabbionei did review the code again08:07
danielsalright, I'm off now08:07
fabbioneand there is a new module that collect all the common code08:07
fabbioneand all the others have been changed to use it08:08
fabbioneok.. later dude08:08
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d3vic3doko, ping 08:55
dokod3vic3: morning d3vic3, just sent you an email09:11
d3vic3oh ok 09:13
d3vic3morning 09:13
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ajmitchmorning ogra 10:12
Treenakshey ogra10:14
Treenakswhy is everyone so ignorant about the package system/apt etc?10:15
Treenakson the ml10:15
ajmitchthe -devel list?10:16
Treenaksno, users10:16
ajmitchthat's no surprise then10:17
Treenaksbut you can't vent steam in front of the people you're venting steam about :)10:17
ajmitchI think people would like a nice easy way to install debs they've got themselves10:18
Treenaksstill, there should be a huge brigt yellow-on-purple screen with "USE PACKAGES", about 10 times during installation10:18
ograi just started to create a MOTU page skeleton on the wiki....any idea what other subtopcs should be there ? https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU10:19
=== ajmitch looks
amumoins 10:20
ajmitchhi amu 10:20
ajmitchhmm, a little empty10:20
=== ogra wonders if it makes sense to have a interim solution for bugs until malone is ready
ajmitchogra: want to upload a fix for a universe package for me?10:21
ograajmitch: skeletons mostly have less flesh ;)10:21
ajmitchthis is more like a couple of knuckles than a skeleton ;)10:21
ograajmitch: if it was approved by haggai make him send me a "ok" and i'll do :)10:22
amuajmitch: *waves*10:22
ajmitchogra: ok, I'll talk to him10:22
ograTreenaks: do you have uploader status already ? (or will we have to wait till next TB)10:23
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Treenakshi Kamion 10:29
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pittiHi guys!10:43
=== pitti opens a bottle of champagne
pittiI just was in my uni, got my diploma certificate :-)10:43
Treenakspitti: congratulations!10:44
mvo_pitti: congrats!10:44
=== mvo_ cheers
pittiamu: ping10:44
amupitti: moins 10:45
pittiamu: I have some CAN numbers for konversation10:45
pittiamu: I'll mail you, amu@ubuntu.com?10:45
amupitti: congrats first, look to you incoming filedir, i fixed warty ar morning ;) 10:46
pittiamu: argh, I thought you wanted to wait until the CANs are there?10:46
amupitti: mdz was faster ;) 10:46
pittiokay :-)10:47
amupitti: mdz sended the CAN numbers at morning ..  10:48
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pittiamu: it built fine, I'm releasing it now. Thanks for preparing!10:50
ograpitti: yeah, prost und glueckwunsch !10:51
amupitti: np10:51
pittiogra: Danke :-)10:51
Treenaks"Willkommen in #Deutschland" ?10:52
pittiTreenaks: mea culpa :-)10:54
Treenakspitti: it's just that there's a lot of Germans in here :)10:55
amuogra: thx for your translations, you're fast like light 10:55
ograheh :)10:55
ograamu: somenative speaker should review it, my grammar is mostly crap ;)10:56
toresbeschni schna schnappi, schnappi schnappi schnapp :D11:03
=== toresbe quickly runs to the correct window
ograi added some flesh and bood to the MOTU page....feel free to extend or correct it11:04
ograblood even11:04
Kamionhm, I think I might have nailed thully's timezone bug at last11:04
ajmitchogra: looks better11:05
=== ogra thinks there should be a little He-Man image in the page header....
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Treenaksogra:  ...11:14
ograhuh ?11:15
Astharotgood morning11:15
ograTreenaks: do they still sell it ?11:15
Treenaksogra: http://imdb.com/title/tt0403102/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxteD0yMHxzZz0xfGxtPTIwMHx0dD1vbnxwbj0wfHE9aGUgbWFufGh0bWw9MXxubT1vbg__;fc=21;ft=22;fm=111:15
Treenaksogra: sorry, http://imdb.com/title/tt0427340/11:16
ograTreenaks: hmm, the plot outline from there would make a good introduction :)11:17
ogra" He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe, goes against the evil"11:17
Treenaksogra: you're NOT he-man11:18
ograTreenaks: nope, haggai is ;)11:18
Treenaksogra: nah.. wrong accent ;)11:19
=== ogra wonders what he should write for sladen there.....
ograsladen could you add something there that describes your universe work: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU11:20
Riddellogra: has sladen done universe work?11:22
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fabbioneRIFE THE SPLIT11:26
fabbioneRIDE even11:26
ograRiddell: nope, but he has uploader status11:26
Treenaksfabbione: well.. "rife" is OK too, here on freenode ;)11:27
ajmitchTreenaks: now, I hadn't seen a split for hours :)11:28
Treenaksajmitch: then you've been lucky ;)11:29
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-6-122.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi seb128 !11:36
Treenaksseb? where? :P11:36
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fabbionehey Keybuk 11:41
mvo_hi seb128, hi Keybuk 11:41
Treenaksgrr... my client doesn't show joins..11:41
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fabbionehey seb128 11:41
Treenaksthis tends to help11:42
fabbionehi mvo_ 11:42
mvo_hey fabbione 11:42
seb128hey pitti & mvo_ & fabbione 11:42
Treenakshey seb25611:42
pittiseb128: please ping me if you want to debug this icon issue11:42
seb128pitti: right, I've just pinged the panel guy, waiting for a pong :)11:43
seb128pitti: there is a patch in http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108864, to apply to gnome-panel in gnome-panel/applets/notification-area/11:48
seb128pitti: if you could try that11:48
pittiseb128: bah, that means that I need to recompile gnome-panel?11:51
seb128pitti: yeah11:53
seb128pitti: I can make a patched package if you want11:53
pittiseb128: I don't mind recompiling it, it just will take a while :-)11:53
pittiseb128: this patch looks fairly intrusive...11:53
seb128why ?11:55
seb128looks ok imho11:55
pittiseb128: I downloaded the 18 MB of build-deps now :-)11:56
seb128ah ah11:56
pittiseb128: I compile it and report back11:56
seb128nice, thanks11:56
pittiseb128: bah, FTBFS with the patch12:07
pittiseb128: hmm, this is nontrivial12:10
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pittiseb128: the patch uses some variables (tray, xev, icon) which are not declared anywhere12:12
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pittiHi carlos!12:12
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seb128pitti: 12:18
seb128vuntz: a priori, s/xev/xevent12:18
seb128vuntz: s/tray->sockets/manager->socket_table12:18
seb128icon -> socket12:18
seb128pitti: don't bother too much if that doesn't build12:19
pittiseb128: hey, it compiles now :-)12:20
=== ogra [~ogra@s217-115-139-139.colo.hosteurope.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmohaggai: ?12:28
pittiseb128: that's so mean! I tried the usuall killall axe to restart nautilus, panel & co, and now it works fine (still with the old version!)12:28
pittielmo: is it okay if I upload the l-p flood?12:28
elmopitti: no, sorry, I lost all of yesterday and didn't get a chance to implement the jennifer change.. give me 10minsw and I'll do it now12:28
pittielmo: no problem12:28
elmopitti: also, please get me a listing of what will be being uploaded so I can pre-add them to bypass NEW12:29
elmopreferably a list of binary packages 12:29
pittielmo: no problem, I mail it to you12:29
seb128pitti: :(12:29
pittielmo: I currently have a list of solely the binary package names (no version, no ".changes" suffix, etc.)12:32
pittielmo: is that okay? or do you need the filenames of the debs?12:32
seb128pitti: perhaps that happens only in the login (depending on the order to load gaim/panel/...)12:32
rburtonis the usplash source available in cvs/arch anywhere?12:32
pittiseb128: I tried to logout and back in as well12:32
pittiseb128: anyway, I try some further, and then I try the new pacakge12:33
pittiseb128: if the new pkg works as well, it's probably okay to upload :-)12:33
seb128ok :)12:33
seb128pitti: BTW why have you killer the panel with the old version still here ?12:33
pittiseb128: just testing...12:34
elmopitti: that's great12:34
pittiseb128: probably the killall triggered a rewrite of some configuration file.12:34
pittielmo: sent12:34
pittibrb, new gnome-panel test...12:35
pittiseb128: I KILL this damn panel some day!!!12:36
pittikill -9 --extra-bloody --try-harder gnome-panel12:37
seb128ah ah12:37
smurfixpitti: doesn't matter, it gets restarted automatically12:37
seb128pitti: if you want to kill it just "gnome-session-remove gnome-panel"12:37
pittifind -name "*panel*" -exec rm -rf '{}' \;12:37
pittithat should do12:38
pittiseb128: thanks for that hint12:38
pittiseb128: 12:38
ogra....the return of the undead panel....12:38
pitti$ gnome-session remove gnome-panel12:38
pittignome-session: you're already running a session manager12:38
seb128that's a command12:38
pittiargh, thanks12:38
smurfix... without a manpage, as usual :-/12:39
seb128patches are welcome :)12:39
pittiseb128: the gaim icon is still there, well and up12:39
pittiseb128: that bloody thing was broken for a week now!12:39
smurfixseb128: can I patch the upstream authors to please include manpages?12:39
pittianyway, I test the new package now12:39
seb128bah, that's always like that, when you want to get a but that works12:39
=== thom pokes seb128. i do all that work for you, and you can't be bothered to upload a new epiphany :P
seb128smurfix: upstreams don't care to add a manpage for that but if you send one ..12:40
seb128thom: dude, fixing a gtk bug atm :p12:40
seb128thom: have you get the webdav access btw ?12:41
smurfixseb128: I know. I want to patch the upstream people so that the *do* care. ;-)12:41
=== pitti votes for teaching people to use bash and text consoles
seb128smurfix: that's not an easy patch :p12:41
seb128yeah, be good guys12:41
seb128STOP USING GTK :)12:41
ograhuh ? QtGnome ?12:42
seb128no, just the command line12:42
pittiogra: gnome-curses :-)12:42
ograpitti: the ones you suffer from ?  ;)12:42
pittiseb128: the new panel works just as well12:44
thomseb128: have emailed, not heard back12:44
pittiseb128: shall I upload it and see what happens? :-)12:45
thomelmo: please can you sync apache from unstable12:45
pittielmo: and if you are at it: mysql-dfsg and mysql-dfsg-4.1 syncs as well please :-)12:45
Kamionpitti: the partman changes were upstream, not something I did; it'd be a lot of effort to change the UI back and I'm not sure it's worth it12:46
fabbioneelmo: can you please sync libapache-mod-radius-auth and libpam-auth-radius (it's universe stuff, but since we are it ;))12:46
pittiKamion: I think it is confusing to be forced to specify the fs type if I just want to use a partition12:46
seb128pitti: feel free :) Could you update the patch upstream ?12:47
seb128thom: ok12:47
pittiKamion: furthermore, if I accidentially pick the wrong fs type, I can not choose to not format it...12:47
Kamionpitti: I didn't know you needed to; that sounds like a bug, it should autodetect the currently-used fs type12:47
ograhmm, www.ubuntulinux.org is unreachable again ... ??12:47
seb128elmo: please remove "gstreamer gst-plugins gst-player kgst" from hoary12:47
pittiKamion: the fs type is shown in the partition list12:47
pittiKamion: but if I select it, I cannot just select "use this partition" any more12:48
Kamionyes, but the one that's currently on the partition should be the default12:48
smurfixogra: works here12:48
Kamionthat sounds like a plain bug, please report it12:48
pittiKamion: okay, I try that out again and report it12:48
ograsmurfix: hmm, i get timeouts tracrouting from several different places.....12:48
smurfixogra: traceroute is typically blocked by firewalls12:49
ogra62.140.218.35 is always my last hop12:49
elmoseb128: not built from source?12:50
elmoaiee, my airo-cs dies and I get flooded with requests12:50
smurfixogra: doesn't matter. telnet to port 80 instead.12:50
ograprobably the routing is broken anywhere at Level3.net ....(all routes i use take that path)12:50
seb128elmo: old gstreamer0.6 stuff, should be erased from the archive now :)12:50
smurfixogra: traceroute -I works too (that uses ICMP packets instead of UDP)12:51
ograsmurfix: hmm, interesting...GTE / works....12:51
ograGET even12:51
haggaielmo: yup12:51
ograhaggai: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU12:55
thomseb128: launch-box FTBFS :(12:56
haggaiogra: great stuff, thanks!12:56
elmofabbione: are those the names of source packages?12:56
thomit's mod-auth-radius12:57
ograhaggai: it needs some more flesh and blood but is a start to point ppl to12:57
seb128thom: lemme see12:57
fabbioneelmo: if i didn't mispell them, yes12:57
elmohaggai: what's the deal with the oo.2 crack?12:57
fabbionethom: no..12:57
fabbionethom: i didn't name them as upstream... i got them like that12:57
elmohaggai: a package called 'openoffice.org2-l10n-' ?  and what's with all the new ones?12:57
thomfabbione: ahem?12:58
thom20:10 < willy> There is no record of the libapache-mod-radius-auth source package, and no bugs have been filed against it.12:58
thom20:11 < fabbione> libapache-mod-auth-radius12:58
fabbione<thom> it's mod-auth-radius12:58
haggaielmo: bah, the l10n- should be en-us12:58
fabbionethom: ok ok.. you removed the libapache-12:58
fabbioneand i am off12:58
fabbionei really need to start the weekend now12:58
thomyou really ought to know the names of your own packages :P12:59
fabbionethom: <fabbione> elmo: if i didn't mispell them, yes12:59
pittiseb128: uploaded12:59
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haggaithom: I know what *I* think they should be ;)12:59
fabbionethom: shushhhhh12:59
fabbioneah haggai12:59
thomthat's not mispelling! that's out and out misremembering :-)12:59
fabbionehaggai: ooo1?12:59
thomhaggai: *g*12:59
seb128pitti: thanks12:59
haggaithom: that's a script going wrong :-/12:59
elmoso anyway, once you guys figure out who is who's bitch, pls let me know the names of the source packages to sync.  kthxbye01:00
thomelmo: apache is the only thing that matters ;-)01:00
fabbionelibapache-mod-auth-radius_1.5.7-6 and libpam-radius-auth_1.3.16-301:00
=== fabbione is really tempted to figlet elmo
haggaifabbione: well ooo2 mysteriously started working again so I guess all I have to do is reupload01:01
fabbionehaggai: hold on01:01
fabbioneno need to reupload to get a build01:01
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haggaifabbione: oh?  what's the magic?01:01
fabbionehaggai: ping lamont01:01
haggailamont: ping :)01:01
elmofabbione: done01:02
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fabbionethanks elmo01:02
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seb128morning jbailey 01:03
jbaileyMorning sb!01:04
pittiseb128: sent patch to the gnome bts01:08
seb128pitti: thanks01:08
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ograseb128: is it intended that the volume-control applet is hidden if the master mixer is muted on login ?01:21
seb128ogra: no01:24
ograso its a bug....01:24
seb128at least I think so, I'm not the upstream01:25
ogra.... i will wait if your current upload still behaves like this and fle one then ;)01:25
ografile even01:25
ograseb128: it could also be a feature since it avoids the "no mixer found" errormessage it seems...01:26
seb128I'll ask to upstream01:27
seb128ogra: I'm opening a bug upstream01:38
Treenakspitti: you were working on language packs right?01:39
pittiTreenaks: right01:39
pittiTreenaks: I await elmo's GO for actually uploading them01:39
pittiTreenaks: this still needs some preparations01:40
pittiTreenaks: already tried the unofficial ones?01:40
Treenakspitti: well, I just got a mail from someone who made a list of packages to make a system more Dutch01:41
Kamionhm, just hypothetically, what would it take for me to become gdk/linux-fb maintainer?01:41
pittiTreenaks: cool, just send it to me01:41
pittiTreenaks: I can add them to language-support-nl01:41
ograseb128: ok, thanks01:41
ogratrukulo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/g/graveman/0.3.0-2ubuntu1/graveman_0.3.0-2ubuntu1_20050121-1237-i386-successful01:42
thomhrm, firefox and ephy really dn't like o2's build lg01:42
Treenakspitti: how's your Dutch? :)01:42
pittiTreenaks: not there :-)01:43
trukuloogra: tell me01:43
trukuloCOOL !01:43
Treenakspitti: hmm.. http://www.lacocina.nl/artikelen/ubuntu-nederlands.html is his page.. he links to a few debs that aren't in ubuntu yet01:44
deckoogra, Are you building graveman???01:44
trukulosp graveman is in universe for hoary?01:44
pittiTreenaks: oh, I can only depend on packages in main01:44
trukuloor warty?01:44
pittiTreenaks: I think I should be able to figure out what's written there01:44
ogradecko: i just upload it...trukulo made the package ;)01:44
Treenakspitti: things like a Dutch openoffice dictionary file can't be in main?01:44
elmopitti: can you do me a favour and upload two things: 1) a binary upload (of anything) signed by the language pack key, 2) a source upload of anything other than a language pack signed by the lang pack key01:45
ogratrukulo: hoary01:45
trukuloogra: ok01:45
ogratrukulo: wartys universe wont change anymore01:45
deckoogra, Because I know a DD that made the package for the lastest version (0.3.1).01:45
trukulothat's what i tought, ok01:45
pittiTreenaks: openoffice.org-l10n-nl is in main01:45
trukulodecko: brazilian one?01:45
deckotrukulo, Yes! otavio01:45
trukuloyes, sylvain told me01:46
deckotrukulo, otavio is his name01:46
pittielmo: hmm, real packages (which go into the archive), or just some mockup which you will trash?01:46
Treenakspitti: oh wait.. it described manual installation of "myspell-nl" if the package isn't available01:46
trukulono problem for me, if he knows to make better packages than me, then it's better01:46
trukuloi don't mind, i only want graveman avalaible01:46
elmopitti: mockup01:46
elmopitti: they'll be rejected, and if they aren't, I'll purge them by hand01:47
deckotrukulo, I think that he upload graveman yesterday do sid01:47
trukulodecko: how do you know it?01:47
deckotrukulo, he told me01:47
trukuloumm, i made an ITP in debian01:47
Treenakspitti: and he made his own mozilla-firefox-locale-nl package, because it's not in debian or ubuntu01:47
pittielmo: I upload a pmount version lower than hoary's current one, this should be rejected01:47
trukulofor graveman, 3 days ago01:47
deckotrukulo, Wait a moment01:48
elmopitti: nono01:48
elmopitti: please upload something that would otherwise be accepted01:48
elmojust trust me when I say it's not going to get into the archive proper01:49
trukulodecko: ok01:49
pittielmo: ah, now I understand :-)01:49
pittielmo: pmount 0.5.1-1invalid1_source uploaded (signed by langpack key)01:50
trukulodecko: could you tell ottavio my jabberid?01:50
deckotrukulo, What's you jabber ID???01:50
deckotrukulo, What's is your name??? Miguel???01:51
trukulodon't mind, i'm in query with him01:51
deckotrukulo, Ohhh No problem01:51
deckotrukulo, ha has send a email to you!!!01:51
elmopitti: okay, that's 2), (1) too pls01:52
pittiI'm at it01:52
pittiI want to use another package01:52
pittielmo pkgstriptranslations_4invalid1_i386.changes uploaded (signed by langpack key)01:53
trukulodecko: he's telling me, don't worry01:53
deckotrukulo, :)01:53
elmopitti: excellent, thanks01:54
ogratrukulo: amd64 and ia64 were successfull too ;)01:55
trukuloogra: superb01:55
ograyup :)01:55
ograwe got a gtk2 burning app, yay01:56
elmopitti: I'm just creating the 'translations' section in the archive, will pre-add all the packages, then test-run lang-pack-en, and then FINALLY we'll be ready01:56
elmopitti: okay, please upload the pack and pack-updates for -en, so we can test all 3 types auto-build correctly02:05
pittielmo: done02:06
elmook, all 3 in accepted.. let's see how they auto-build, assuming they do, and you're happy, you're clear to upload the rest02:07
pittinice, thanks!02:07
pittiI will follow the build progresss02:07
lamonthaggai: which arch do you want ooo2 requeued on?02:10
elmohaggai: seriously, what's the point of splitting the oo.o components out by function when they all depend on a 45Mb .deb (140Mb installed) -core package?02:13
=== ogra [~ogra@s217-115-139-139.colo.hosteurope.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
haggailamont: just ooo1 thanks02:16
haggaielmo: modem users are very happy if they don't have to download eg 6mb of spreadsheet02:17
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lamonthaggai: and on which architecture?02:17
haggaielmo: and it follows upstreams' packaging02:17
lamontmvo_: you around?02:18
haggailamont: i386 thanks02:18
haggaielmo: I did already remove 2 tiny packages which upstream had and merged them into core02:18
elmohaggai: dude, modem users are faced with the 45Mb -core, and godsknowshowmuch -common.. I'm pretty sure they've already drunk themselves unconcious rather than think about oo.o anymore02:18
Treenakselmo: "Let's have a beer for every minute of download time" ?02:19
lamontgiven back02:19
elmobtw, appeals to upstream authority are particularly unimpressive when upstream are the folks who include glibc into their upstream source.. :-P02:19
haggaielmo: I've had enough people have complained about the all-one-one lump situation we've had up until now who are thankful for every saved meg02:20
mvo_lamont: yes02:21
haggaithere's no glibc in the source02:21
haggaithankfully that one's a sun-onlyism02:21
haggaino, it never was in the offical source02:21
elmook, well they still include a bucket load of crack that they ought to just link to02:21
danielselmo: that's stupid, man02:22
haggaiyeah well rene has been hard at work fixing lots of that02:22
danielselmo: you've gotta include your own copies of zlib, freetype, fontconfig, ...02:22
haggaidaniels: for us yes, but not for their broken environments02:22
Mithrandirdaniels: slightly forked, preferably.02:22
Treenaksdaniels: xlib 8)02:22
danielsTreenaks: x including xlib is ok, as much as i wish xlib would die02:22
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmohaggai: well, I'm not going to add the "-l10n-" package as is at least, FYI02:23
haggaielmo: the oo2 tarball has quite a few of those system lib removed already now btw02:23
no0tichi, when will mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail be available?02:24
ogradaniels: i got a colleague with a dual opteron and a matrox four chip card ..... xorg can only intialize the first chip for him....02:24
haggaielmo: no problem it should have been l10n-en-us and I already uploaded a fix02:24
elmohaggai: it's still 155|Mb ?02:24
Mithrandirno0tic: it's available already.02:24
danielsogra: four-head, or four-core?02:24
haggaielmo: the official upstream source is > 200mb nowadays02:24
danielsif it's a g650 (parhelia), you're sol, I'm afraid02:25
danielsmatrox have refused to give us any docs at all on the parhelia02:25
ogradaniels: it has four chips and four heads...02:25
no0ticMithrandir: I updated right now, but I found 0.90.0-1 version02:25
haggaim65 was a whopping 229 meg02:25
Mithrandirno0tic: yes, and that is the latest version.02:25
ogradaniels: he is here...., its a g450 mms02:25
Mithrandirno0tic: it works with thunderbird 1.002:25
no0ticMithrandir: ah, ok I thought it was for thunderbig 0.9 .. :)02:26
danielshaggai: ... that's not COMPRESSED, is it?!?02:27
Mithrandirno0tic: the depends for packages are usually correct, so you wouldn't be able to have incompatible thunderbird and enigmail installed at the same time.02:27
danielsogra: hm, I don't think we have support for those -- certainly never seen one02:27
haggaidaniels: uncompressed its over 0.8gb...02:28
ogradaniels: i could get you the data :)02:28
danielsanyway, I'm tired as hell, so need to crash -- if you want to file a bug, I'll take a look at it in the morning02:28
=== rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielshaggai: sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick02:28
trukuloogra: tonight graveman-0.3.1 is going to enter in sid02:28
no0ticMithrandir: thanks02:29
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Ciao]
=== lamont takes kids to school.
=== Kamion attempts to understand gdk foreign windows
rcaskeygraveman is a neat app but it should be two slightly less neat apps02:40
rcaskeyor two different menu entries ;) graveman --audiocd or graveman --duplicate02:41
=== rburton waits patiently for new gnome-python-extras releases
seb128thom: gnome-launch-box in the archive :)02:42
ograrcaskey: its just a modern replacement for xcdroast in my eyes02:42
rcaskeyogra: yah02:43
rburtonrcaskey:  http://s1x.homelinux.net/projects/serpentine02:43
rcaskeybut just with a bit of tweaking it could be much more gnomish02:43
ograrcaskey: the two apps you look for are nautilus-cd-burner and rhythmbox ;)02:43
rburtonncb and rhythmbox|serpentine will rule02:43
rburtoni've got half-done serpentine debs hanging around somewhere02:43
rcaskeyyeah rhythmbox will take that over02:43
rcaskeybut there is no point and click way to duplicate an optical disk is there?02:44
ograrcaskey: i just urged to get graveman in universe to have _anythin_ at all for audio in gnome....to prevent tha ppl to be forced to use k3b02:44
rcaskeyis RB going to get burning in in time for hoary?02:45
rcaskeyI compiled the other day and it did okay but crasehd out burning a disk02:45
chrisarcaskey: Would likely make more sense to ask in #rhythmbox on gimpnet02:45
trukuloogra: graveman in sid tonight or tomorrow02:45
rburtonbut but but graveman is ugly02:46
ogratrukulo: ypu, i saw it02:46
rcaskeybecause if it is, maybe it's better to get experimental rb debs going instead02:46
ograrburton: its at least _something_02:46
rburtonogra: serpentine is a better audio cd burner02:46
trukuloogra: ok02:46
rcaskeySerpentine does look nice in the screenshots02:47
ograrburton: btter then telling users pleas use k3b or xcdroast if you wanna burn audio02:47
rburtonogra: i understand, but i'm not saying use xcdroast or k3b02:47
ograrburton: so when will you become a MOTU and bring it to universe ?02:47
rcaskeyogra: do you know anything about point & click copying of optical media?02:47
rcaskey(btw, I put out an SOS last night for a debian-trusted signatory for my key)02:48
ograrburton: since you are already writing ubuntu stuff :)02:48
rburtonogra: amusingly i'm still running warty on my desktop :)02:48
rburtoni must find more disk space and get a warty install02:48
haggaielmo: please can you sync dmake from Debian?02:48
ograrcaskey: what exactly do you mean if i know anything about point n click copying ?02:49
rcaskeyis there a nautilus extension for that I am missingh02:49
elmohaggai: that's in main and would violate the UVF.. please mail me, cc mdz and jeff02:49
rcaskeysome little gtk python frontend to dd02:49
elmo[Updating]  dmake (4.2+cvs20031009-5 [ubuntu]  < 4.3-1 [debian] )02:49
haggaielmo: ok02:49
rcaskeyogra: like open up Computer, right click on CD drive and select "Make an Illegal Copy of this Disk" from the menu02:50
elmohaggai: (oh, btw, when you send mail, you need to include rationale for violating UVF)02:50
rburtonrcaskey: iirc that's planned for ncb 2.12... hadess keeps on saying he'll write it02:50
thomFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gnome-launch-box/gnome-launch-box_0.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb  404 Not Found02:51
ograrcaskey: should be trivial to implement (but i wont do it yet)02:51
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rcaskeydoes n-c-b work fine for data dvds as well?02:51
ograrcaskey: yup02:52
ograrburton: join in ;) https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU02:53
rburtonhow the hell did that page change the bg colour of my URL entry field02:53
ograits firefox that does it, not the page02:54
rcaskeyI've been wondering how many man-hours it would take me to get up to speed enough on c and gtk to hack on nautilus, I'm thinking maybe 100 man hours02:54
opiand that's nice feature02:54
rburtonogra: aah, new galeon feature.02:55
rcaskeysome things about it are bugging me to death02:55
rcaskey#1 is the fact that items on the history bar are not gtk drop targets02:55
rburtonrcaskey: nautilus team always want more hackers02:55
rcaskeyyeah, I need to learn how to suck less though02:56
ograrburton: so will we see serpentine integration in soundjuicer ?02:59
rcaskeyAt work I have a G4 but I'm getting a Dualie G5 next year02:59
rburtonogra: how?02:59
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rburtonthat's the 3rd time i've been asked about serpentine integration into SJ but i can't see a single good reason02:59
ograrburton: audio CD copy03:00
rburtonogra: that should be a right-click action on the CD icon in Computer03:00
rburtonthus in ncb03:01
rburtonSJ audio CD copying would encode and then decode an entire album03:01
rburtonwaste of time and effort03:01
ograrburton: but currently th only way to do it with a default gnome03:01
Treenaksogra: coaster..03:01
ograTreenaks: audio ?03:02
chrisaPeople actually use coaster?03:02
Treenakschrisa: don't know03:02
chrisaI thought it was just something harshy spoke of that no one really paid attention to03:02
tsengogra: do multiverse bugs apply to you?03:03
ogratseng: hmm, good question .....03:03
ogratseng: what is it ?03:03
TreenaksMotU vs MotM ?03:03
elmopitti: err, dude03:03
ograTreenaks: nah03:04
tsengogra: hm, fixed possibly anyway03:04
elmopitti: I thought you seeded the language packs?03:04
pittielmo: I did?03:04
rcaskeycoaster is someting I see all the time on the planet and think "why"03:04
pitti$ madison language-pack-en03:04
pittilanguage-pack-en |   20050119 |         hoary | source, all03:04
ograrcaskey: because libburn is the future.... ?03:04
zulhey pitti03:04
pittiHi zul03:04
rcaskeyI thought it wasn't using libburn anymore?03:05
pittielmo: what's wrong?03:05
elmopitti: yeah, but anastacia wants to demote them all to universe03:05
elmopitti: anyway, if you did, don't worry for now, I'll check some more, the problem may be at my end03:05
=== d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittielmo: I added them to "supported"03:05
pittielmo: so shall I wait with uploading the rest?03:06
elmonah, you can do that if you want03:06
pittiokay, fine!03:06
pittithen let's get ready for the flood :-)03:06
Mithrandirfabbione: feel like looking at 2502?  noapic doesn't seem to apply there?03:07
pittielmo: uploaded. I'll grab something to eat now, later03:15
=== ogra_ [~ogra@p508EA58B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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no0ticI get an error installing gnome-panel-data03:23
no0ticjust upgraded03:23
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no0ticI can paste it in Italian, sorry, it's a problem in /schemas/apps/clock_applet/prefs/hour_format, it doesn't recognize value  for the schema03:24
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=== lamont_r [~lamont@dsl-140-170.dynamic-dsl.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
smurfixanybody know mako's schedule?03:32
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tseng6am wake up, shave, shower, 7pm breakfast (of champions), 7:15, hit irc03:33
smurfixtseng: ... am or pm?  ;-) and which timezone?03:34
=== tseng shrugs
Mithrandirhe lives in NYC, iirc03:34
lamont_rsmurfix: he's UTC-0500 right now, but dunno what his schedule is03:34
lamont_rMithrandir: yep03:34
amusmurfix: mako: Core Hours: roughly 10:00 - 18:00 EST (15-23 UTC)03:34
sivangMorning all!03:35
smurfixthanks, that's helpful.03:35
amusivang: moins? it's going to be dark :) 03:35
=== lamont_r makes a note to go see what his "core hours" says
sivangamu: yeah :), I am trying to go back to UTC , but my body keeps EST :)03:36
smurfixlamont_r: mine look more like "core dump hours" lately03:36
sivangsmurfix: hehe03:36
amulamont_r: hehe you should use UTC :) 03:38
lamont_ramu: meh03:38
opiwe should use Swatch Internet time03:39
=== __daniel [~daniel@td9091c1b.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograoh, __daniel....hi :)03:40
amuopi: I found you *g* pls join #kubuntu-devel 03:40
__danieldid anyone notice the   Arithmetic exception   on amd64's gnome-launch-box?03:40
Treenaksogra: beats! yeah!03:40
__danieli would so much liked to use it :-)03:40
__danielhi ogra03:40
Treenaksuh. opi 03:41
opihi Treenaks03:41
ograTreenaks, opi: are you sure they are not patented ?03:41
opinever heard about it03:41
opibut I liked the idea03:42
Treenaksthere should be locale-modifiers to do this!03:42
opi,,lets meet @500''03:42
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Ciao]
opiit was clear, without all this UTC, CET and stuff03:42
Treenaksopi: there's still the dateline problem... "the NEXT @500, or the @500 after that?"03:42
=== Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
opiTreenaks, true :)03:43
Treenaksopi: "stardate" would fix that03:43
ograTreenaks: or ubuntime03:43
opifrom UTC time03:44
Treenaksopi: that's too geeky for most ;)03:45
opinaa, we need a simple program and a database ;)03:45
sivangopi: that's in shell/c ?03:46
opiSELECT meeting FROM meetings WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) == meeting_date03:46
opisivang, SQL03:46
opisorry, I'm in a middle of finishing a financial system03:46
opiand I'm sensible when it comes to dates ;)03:46
sivangopi: ah ok :)03:47
lamont_rwrote 174063 bytes  read 127798477 bytes  2348120.00 bytes/sec03:48
lamont_rtotal size is 618282296  speedup is 4.8303:48
lamont_rhrm...  that's not too bad03:48
Treenaksopi: finanicial systems in SQL... I did that once :)03:48
opisivang, but SQL query can be called from virtal any language :)03:48
opiTreenaks, SQL's just a place to store things03:49
Treenaksopi: I know.. I did it in Perl + SQL03:49
opiTreenaks, but thanks to SQL language you can do mutch stuff with query03:49
Treenaksopi: + apache03:49
opiTreenaks, instead processing data by yourself03:49
lamont_rwrote 160329 bytes  read 17721011 bytes  701229.02 bytes/sec03:49
Treenaksopi: I put most of my "intelligence" in queries.. the programs did not much more than just show the output03:49
lamont_rtotal size is 524116225  speedup is 29.3103:49
lamont_rand that's just _FUNNY_03:50
opiTreenaks, that's the way it should be done03:50
opiTreenaks, database is so mutch faster at processing03:50
Treenakslamont_r: nice transfer speeds03:50
Treenaksopi: yeah03:50
=== decko escutando Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe
lamont_rwe need a little package churn in ubuntu-desktop... where's seb128 03:50
opiTreenaks, some people just SELECT * FROM table ;-)03:51
lamont_rTreenaks: that's the data center lan03:51
lamont_rit's more the speedup that I care about03:51
Treenakslamont_r: I don't even know what it means...03:51
lamont_rsince that's the cloop image for the livecd03:51
seb128lamont_r: what ?03:51
ograopi: at least thats an easy entry threshold.....didnt we all start with select * from ... once ?03:51
lamont_rseb128: how much more gnome uploadage should I expect today?03:52
opiogra: sure we do.. but it's lame if you won't go further03:52
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128lamont_r: I'm making bug triage, so probably not a lot03:52
lamont_rsadly, that 17MB of data rsync transferred were from officially identical cloop filesystems...03:52
opiogra: if you see someone who do sutch stuff as a proffesional developer, then you just cry ;-)03:52
lamont_rseb128: oh well. :-)03:53
seb128lamont_r: should I hold the upload for a while time to get a CD built or something ?03:53
ograopi: nope, i suggest gettina an SQL class ;)03:53
lamont_rseb128: no.  I actually _want_ some churn today03:53
lamont_rbut no big deal03:53
seb128why do you want that ? :)03:54
no0ticseb128: Changes submitted for bug 5717, gnome-system-tools03:54
lamont_rso I can see what affect a bit of churn has on the livecd cloop fs03:54
seb128no0tic: I get mails from bugzilla, no need to ping on IRC03:55
no0ticseb128: sorry03:56
seb128no0tic: oh no, don't worry, that's was just for information :)03:57
wasabiHeh. All that database stuff that was just talkeda bout.03:57
wasabiTHat's a formula for inscalibility.03:58
seb128no0tic: seems to be a dup of #5578 which should be fixed03:58
seb128no0tic: somewhat the patch has not been applied to the build, updating the package right now04:00
no0ticseb128: I searched in bugzilla before posting, I didn't noticed there already was...04:01
seb128no0tic: it's closed ... 04:01
seb128no0tic: that's probably why you didn't notice it04:02
lamont_rhaggai: ??04:02
lamont_rhaggai: openoffice.org2_1.9.66-0ubuntu6_i386.changes REJECTED04:03
lamont_rBroken l10n package name.04:03
lamont_rhaggai: of course, what that actually means is an elmo question04:04
=== shlomil [~shlomi@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shlomilhi , where can i find source for Rosetta? what is the license for it ?  04:08
thomshlomil: try #rosetta04:11
shlomiloh ok , thanks 04:12
haggailamont_r: don't worry I asked elmo to reject it04:16
haggailamont_r: there should be a fixed pkg building04:16
lamont_rah, okl04:17
=== haggai hopes this one will actually work..
lamont_rhaggai: so the 3.4 trampolines in ccache mean I can start hijacking it and routing it through ccache?04:18
haggailamont_r: should do, if you prepend /usr/lib/ccache to your path04:19
lamont_rI wind up invoking it as 'ccache gcc-3.4.real ...', actually04:20
lamont_rso it probably doesn't even care about the trampoline, no?04:20
haggaioh, no04:20
=== LetterRip [~LetterRip@209-193-46-92-cdsl-rb1.sol.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
haggaithe trampoline is only for if you don't include ccache explicitly on the command line.04:21
LetterRipHello all, I read the meeting minutes and saw a mention of a site blocking tool to be developed for ubuntu, I have a fairly nice design document for a tool I call safeTNet that I'd be interested in having the coders consider04:21
haggaiif you do, ccache should ignore all gccs that are actually symlinks to itself like in /usr/lib/ccache04:21
deckoHi people!!! What's happen to the ubuntu mirrors??? I can't download anything from them04:23
lamont_rhaggai: ok.04:24
lamont_rdecko: what exactly is the failure?04:24
deckolamont-away, 404 Object not found!] 04:25
lamont_rdecko: and you have a current Packages file?04:25
lamont_rthat is, if you re-update and try again, does it work, or still fail?04:25
lamont_rand what exactly are you trying to download?04:25
=== rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamont_rhrm.. no -onomtime,noctime available in mount... :0)04:31
lamont_rI guess that's a good thing04:31
deckolamont-away, I'm not using apt to download this files, I'm trying to download from the ubuntu's packages page 04:32
lamont_rah, ok04:32
lamont_rboth the 404 and the page with the link, that is.04:32
deckoNope! I know, when you go to the packages page, select a package, and after this, select the archicteture04:34
deckolamont_r, And then, you select from where you want to download the file04:35
lamont_rdecko: of course, this really belongs in #ubuntu...04:36
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lamont_rdecko: I need a url before I can see what's happening..04:37
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamont_rironwolf: shouldn't you be asleep right now?04:40
deckolamont_r, http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/hoary/gnome/update-manager04:40
deckolamont_r, Select the i386 architeture and try to download something04:40
=== Mitario [~msikkes@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
__danieldecko: i had problems on archive.ubuntu.com too some minutes ago - i guess you just have to be patient for 20 minutes or something04:41
decko__daniel, But I can't download anything from any mirror!04:42
__danieldecko: i had problems too, some minutes ago04:43
lamont_rdecko: that mirror looks out of sync04:43
lamont_r0.36 is current, although that was uploaded on Jan 1904:43
Mitariohey guys, is there any active testing/development/debugging project of bluetooth stuff in hoary?04:44
Mitarioor for the future :)04:45
deckolamont_r, ahauahuahua Then all the mirrors are out of sync!04:45
decko__daniel, Ok guy! Thanks so much!04:45
Kamionupdate-manager |       0.36 |    hoary/main | amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, source04:45
Kamionthat's on rookery ...04:45
mvo_decko: maybe it's just this http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ site that's not up-to-date?04:46
Kamiondecko: ftp.mirrorservice.org is fine, for instance; definitely not all the mirrors04:47
mvo_seb128: is a new version of libnautilus-extensions available? it looks like g-s-t needs it04:47
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lamont_rmdz: wrote 160329 bytes  read 17721011 bytes  701229.02 bytes/sec04:49
lamont_rtotal size is 524116225  speedup is 29.3104:49
lamont_rmdz: 4k/4k is _worse_ by loads... (127MB)04:49
lamont_ralthough 17MB of diff for effectively no change is kinda sad...04:49
__danieldecko: de rien :-)04:50
lamont_rmdz: doh.. comparing manifests, 10 packages are different, so I'm less concerned.04:51
=== lamont_r prepares do deploy... Kamion wanna burn new livecd's in about 45 minutes?
seb128mvo_: no04:51
seb128mvo_: which version is required ?04:51
pittilamont_r: the langpacks are flowing into the archive. strip time! :-)04:52
pittilamont_r: this time for real, I hope :-)04:52
lamont_rpitti: current plan was to drop new livecd roots into things, then go to the gym, then go home...  Mind if stripping waits a couple more hours?04:53
mvo_seb128: it claims that it needs 2.9.304:55
seb128mvo_: CVS or a release ?04:56
seb128mvo_: that's the CVS version (bumped after the 2.9.2 release)04:56
mvo_seb128: ok04:56
Kamionlamont_r: sure04:56
mvo_seb128: I'm sending garnacho a patch that makes the use of sudo a gconf option04:57
Kamionlamont_r: is this the rsyncable one?04:57
seb128mvo_: rock04:57
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lamont_rKamion: no, the next one is :-)05:00
lamont_r3/4 building... (ia64 needs more help.)05:00
lamont_r%partimage: !ia64 !alpha                                              # 64-bit is br0ken05:00
lamont_rhrm.. that bodes ill for amd64 as well...05:01
lamont_ror is the filesystem 32-bit?05:01
lamont_rKamion: so anyway, this'll give us much more rsyncable i386/ppc images, and rsyncable amd64 images that may or may not be totally and thuroughly broken.05:02
lamont_rplease advise. :-)05:02
amumvo_: any plans for sun? 05:02
pittilamont_r: I don't mind at all. This was just intended as a notification :-)05:02
mvo_amu: still uncertain :)05:02
lamont_rpitti: cool05:02
Kamionlamont_r: awesome05:02
lamont_rKamion: after the gym, I'll ping you and download the image that I'll rsync against after this...05:03
Kamionlamont_r: hm, is ia64 broken? I thought it had started working05:03
lamont_rand then I'll go home and change things so that partimage is optional05:03
lamont_rthe new script uses partimage for some of the rsync magic05:03
Kamionit's got a livecd-current.cloop05:03
lamont_rand partimage is PaS05:03
Kamionlamont_r: ia64 CDs should be building anyway as of tonight05:03
lamont_ryes - not the rsyncable change though05:03
lamont_ronce you see ~buildd/livecd/latest populated with a cloop, then current is the same thing and ready for the CD05:04
KamionI'd enabled it but forgotten to sync to little, and then I managed to run into a baz bug ... but the change is there now05:04
lamont_rpartimage and 64-bit: either ia64 could build and be fine, or amd64 may be toast.05:05
lamont_rah, ok05:05
lamont_rso someone should really test the new amd64 livecd once you burn it... :-)05:05
lamont_ranyway, off to the gym, and then the bandwidth-rich coffee shop.05:07
lamont_rback in about 90-120 minutes, give or take05:07
amulamont_r: 20050121/amd64 ? 05:08
lamont_ramu: no, the one Kamion is going to build in about 40 minutes or so05:09
lamont_ryou'll want to grab that one in any case, since future ones should rsync much nicer....05:09
amulamont_r: no prob, i can test it 05:10
fabbionehey gys05:10
lamont_ramu: thanks - if it's thuroughly b0rked, then we need to fix partimage...05:10
amuKamion: just ping me if it's ready05:10
=== smzZZ is now known as sm
=== lamont_r grabs partman by the throat and shakes it
Kamionwhat's up with partman?05:17
lamont_rit really doesn't like to run without a valid $TERM05:17
Kamionhow did you manage not to have a valid $TERM?05:17
lamont_rFailed to open terminal.Unknown terminal: unknown05:17
lamont_rCheck the TERM environment variable.05:17
lamont_rAlso make sure that the terminal is defined in the terminfo database.05:17
lamont_rAlternatively, set the TERMCAP environment variable to the desired05:17
lamont_rtermcap entry.05:17
lamont_reasy - it's inside a chroot in an at job.05:17
Kamionuh, you sure you mean partman?05:17
Kamionthat's part of d-i05:18
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fabbionejdub, thom, Mithrandir: ping05:22
thomfabbione: yo?05:22
fabbionethom: you should be able to install hoary from sparc.u.c now :-)05:23
fabbioneelmo: can you bless the latest d-i please? (when you have time)05:23
thomfabbione: heh05:23
stockholmWerner_: it is in pere`s homedir on /wc05:24
thomstockholm: uh, wrong window one suspects05:24
stockholmthom: (c:05:24
stockholmthom: but this time it was not even embarrassing.05:25
stockholmcontent at least.05:25
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seb128wasabi, wasabi_: no need to Cc: me I read ubuntu-devel05:25
wasabi_did i?05:25
wasabi_oh, oops. ;)05:26
wasabi_actually this one menu editing thing has incited me. i work in an office of people using ubuntu now, and one of the office guys wanted to try hoary... and was really miffed that he couldnt' edit the menus, and that he was forced to use weird text files. ;)05:26
wasabi_and i have to agree with his feelings.05:27
seb128why do you need to edit the menu ?05:27
seb128it should "just work"05:27
wasabi_They want to add their own items to it.05:28
wasabi_Stuff that is not properly packaged.05:28
wasabi_And probably never will be.05:28
seb128ie: you get a menu entry with all the user apps05:28
wasabi_third party apps05:28
Kamionif you're adding your own applications then you *obviously* need to edit the menu ...05:28
lamont_rseb128: and my list of machines menu05:28
wasabi_if it was just temporary and attributed to "hoary not being done yet", I wouldn't have a problem... but that the feature is being removed because the replacement "is not done yet"... seems odd.05:28
seb128applications:// was crap05:28
wasabi_just leave the old peice of crap in until a proper replacement is complete.05:28
wasabi_i agree.05:28
seb128you can't argue than the old menu with applications:// was better than the new one05:29
wasabi_i'm not trying to05:29
seb128the old piece of crap edit a vfolder05:29
seb128which is not used for gnome-panel05:29
seb128that doesn't work05:29
wasabi_but a feature was just ripped out from under many people who used it, and they were told to "edit some arcane text files instead".05:29
wasabi_that's just not right.05:29
seb128you prefer to do nothing so ?05:29
wasabi_I prefer to leave the menus as they are until the proper way is complete.05:30
seb128I agree than having an editor would be better05:30
seb128ok, so you would have kept the old vfolder crap with applications:/// rather than the new menu05:30
lamont_rseb128: are there plans for one before 2.10?05:30
seb128lamont_r: no05:30
wasabi_seb128: that's not the question05:30
wasabi_seb128: the question is "would you prefer to be able to edit the menus in hoary or not"05:30
seb128lamont_r: "plan" could be, people with the willing and the time ...05:30
lamont_rseb128: right05:30
seb128wasabi_: no, that's not the question05:31
wasabi_it's the question I was just asked by an ubuntu user here in the office05:31
seb128wasabi_: you are saying "keep GNOME 2.8 for hoary"05:31
seb128just install menu and menu-xdg05:31
lamont_rseb128: I think the real question he's trying to ask is "is the lack of an editor for menus in 2.10 considered a release critical bug or not?  ditto for hoary?"05:31
seb128you'll get the Debian menu05:31
wasabi_My users don't give a damned how you make it happen.05:31
seb128and edit that :p05:31
seb128lamont_r: if you ask if I'm going to write a menu editor for hoary, I'm not, too busy for that :)05:32
lamont_rbecause wasabi_ appears to consider it release critical.05:32
seb128but patches are welcome05:32
wasabi_This is just one of those things which really pisses peple off about linux and open source in general05:32
lamont_rseb128: I know that05:32
seb128we should bounty that if 05:32
wasabi_And I'm just hilighting that.05:32
seb128jdub: ping ?05:32
Kamionhey, let's not turn this into something more general than it needs to be05:32
lamont_rwasabi_: as opposed to proprietary source,where they just don't implement the feature and don't give you the source??05:33
KamionI've seen this kind of thing happen with software from all sources05:33
lamont_rKamion: ditto05:33
wasabi_listen, all im saying is when I deploy hoary, my users will come to me for support, and I won't have a good answer (unless menu-xdg is a good answer, perhaps it is, trying it now)05:33
seb128wasabi_: you should consider that applications:/// was not really obvious in warty too and many people were already complaining about the menu edition, that's not new05:33
seb128wasabi_: menu-xdg install a Debian menu in applications ... have you already used debian/the debian menu ? :)05:34
lamont_rseb128: IOW, "lack of a good menu editing solution continues to be an issue looking for someone to solve it."?05:34
wasabi_seb128: you could right click on items In The Menu and edit them. add remove, delete.05:34
wasabi_You did not need to browse to applications:///05:34
wasabi_So, it was VERY obvious.05:34
seb128so why people keep complaining about it for months :p05:35
wasabi_I just confirmed this on Warty across the office.05:35
wasabi_I dunno.05:35
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seb128lamont_r: right05:35
wasabi_I mean, I don't have a good answer for you, from the developer side.05:36
jdz_workThis might make a good love-fest afternoon or a good bounty.05:36
wasabi_But, from the user side, I can say, it's one of those things which will come back to haunt ya.05:36
seb128wasabi_: I've a 2.8 box here and adding a menu in the menu doesn't seems to be obvious05:36
lamont_rseb128: and 2.8->2.10 goes from a really crappy menu editor to no menu editor?05:36
wasabi_seb128: right click in the sub menu05:36
seb128lamont_r: correct05:36
wasabi_use the ... "Entire menu" or something, box.05:36
wasabi_You can add new items.05:36
seb128wasabi_: I've an option to add the menu to the panel05:36
lamont_rseb128: so if I install menu and menu-xdg I get a 'debian' menu entry that I can then play with?  that could be a start for me...05:36
wasabi_Yeah, it does suck. It is bad UI.05:36
wasabi_But, a right click can figure it out.05:37
seb128wasabi_: but not to create an entry05:37
wasabi_seb128: right click on an item in a submenu, use the Entire Menu sub pop up menu05:37
seb128lamont_r: you get a debian menu ... do we have an editor in debian for this crap ? :)05:37
seb128wasabi_: bah, that sucks, most of people don't find it and I know why :p05:38
lamont_rKamion: eta 35 minutes or so05:38
Kamionwasabi_: if you're doing the deployment, do you have the facility to add .desktop files?05:39
lamont_rKamion: actually, i386 is about 5-10 away from done... :)05:39
Kamion[note I don't know enough about GNOME to know whether that's sufficient to add menu items] 05:39
seb128Kamion: you just need to add a .desktop to add a menu entry (in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications)05:39
seb128BTW perhaps KDE has an editor for the menu, since the menu are freedesktop ones now ?05:40
=== lamont_r makes plans to learn enough about .desktop files to create his own again
seb128haggai: ping ?05:40
jdz_workseb128: So what we need is a graphical editor for .desktop menu entries?05:40
Riddellseb128: kmenuedit has always been there05:40
seb128jdz_work: a way to edit menu since some people want this05:40
seb128Riddell: does it use the freedesktop spec ?05:40
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wasabi_and Add new item to this menu05:41
wasabi_It pops up the launcher creator box05:41
wasabi_Let me just list some apps my users need in these menus... some of the ones I *know* about anyways.05:41
wasabi_vmware we use. it doesn't make .desktop items.05:41
wasabi_that stupid ass adobe acrobat reader05:41
wasabi_most of our developers put Eclipse in there05:41
wasabi_some install Wine applications which we need and put an item in there for each thing.05:41
wasabi_etc etc etc05:41
wasabi_anyways, i dont have a good answer for you. i realize the old system sucked and the new one is better...05:41
Riddellseb128: yes I think so05:41
seb128wasabi_: could you try this kmenuedit ?05:41
haggaiseb128: pong05:42
wasabi_Kamion: I dont do the deployment of a lot of things. We're a very ad hoc company. We deploy the basic stuff, but really each department fends for themselves... users are given artistic license on their PCs05:42
seb128haggai: anything in KDE to edit GNOME menus ? :p05:42
wasabi_seb128: checking05:42
wasabi_Kamion: and to say that that's not the case for every home user would be foolish.05:43
=== wasabi_ downloads all of kde. =/
amuseb128: kmenuedit ? 05:43
lamont_rKamion: i386 is compressing, other two are chunking along in apt - I'm finally gonna go disappear for that 2 hours or so05:43
seb128I'll try kmenuedit05:43
seb128dunno if it works for the new GNOME fd menu05:44
Kamionwasabi_: I'm not trying to say that; I'm trying to help you by suggesting workarounds05:44
haggaiseb128: yeah, kmenuedit.  I don't know if it works for the Gnome menu nowadays05:44
Kamionwasabi_: (and yes, every company I've ever worked for as a permanent employee has worked the way you say, and it's great)05:45
seb128bah, still, I hate pointing a KDE stuff to GNOME users :p05:45
=== haggai fires up laptop
amuhaggai: should works also for gnome, both use fd.o05:45
wasabi_kmenuedit looks like it works05:45
seb128wasabi_: ok, you have a workaround so if you don't mind installing the deps ...05:46
wasabi_or not.05:46
Riddellseb128: can't they use applications:///05:46
wasabi_it reads... doesn't look like it saves05:46
seb128Riddell: that has been dropped in 2.905:46
Riddellseb128: why is that?05:46
wasabi_seb128: kmenuedit does not work05:46
wasabi_seb128: it reads the config, but does not save changes.05:47
haggailooks like gnome menus don't get updated05:47
=== haggai logs out & back in
seb128Riddell: you should read ubuntu-devel :/05:48
seb128Riddell: gnomevfs has dropped the vfolder support which was the stuff used for the old menus, now it uses the freedesktop specifications05:48
seb128Kamion: about #4280 ?05:49
KamionI think germinate will be OK with that, let me see05:50
haggaibah it won't log back into my Gnome session05:52
seb128hey mdz 05:53
fabbionehey mdz05:53
fabbionehaggai: did you talk with lamont?05:54
haggaifabbione: yes thank05:54
fabbionedid he give it back?05:54
Kamionmdz: can I add a backdrop title to casper?05:54
Kamionsomething like "Ubuntu Live CD"05:55
haggaifabbione: hmm seems he did and it failed again05:55
=== haggai grabs log
mdzKamion: yes, certainly05:55
fabbioneno.. it's not ok05:56
mdzKamion: I had planned to do that, and some other live CD improvements yesterday, but instead I spent all day chasing that init/khubd bug05:56
pittiHi mdz!05:56
Riddellwhy are ubuntu milestones called arrays?05:57
Kamionmdz: note I'm going away for the weekend starting in about an hour; if I'm to do the busybox modifications I had better start now05:57
mdznot even so much as a log message to say "usb is useless now because khubd died, sorry"05:57
fabbionemdz: RUN! when pitti add a "!" at the end it means troubles!05:57
KamionRiddell: collective noun: an array of hedgehogs05:57
sivangfabbione: hehe05:57
sivangpitti: Hi Martin!05:57
mdzKamion: you already explained what needed to be done for the backtitle; I can do that if you take care of busybox05:57
mdzKamion: are you back monday morning?05:58
Kamionmdz: ok. yes, probably Sunday evening although I don't know if I'll be around much then05:58
pittifabbione: no worries, just sayin' hello05:58
fabbionepitti: :P05:58
pittifabbione: I don't trash anything any more at Friday evenings :-)05:58
fabbioneehehh neither do i05:58
haggaifabbione: same problem, I'll start a local build05:58
fabbionei am laying in bed with 39 of fever :/05:59
RiddellKamion: but of course :)05:59
fabbionehaggai: ok, because i trashed my build after you told me you will look at it ;)05:59
haggaifabbione: np05:59
mdzKamion: "Ubuntu Live CD" you think?05:59
mdzKamion: hmm, but it will also be used on DVDs and USB sticks05:59
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Kamionyeah, was wondering about that05:59
mdzthat's one of the reasons that casper has a proper name06:00
mdz"Ubuntu Live"?06:00
T-Bonefabbione, ping?06:00
fabbionecat chroot-hoary/CurrentlyBuilding 06:00
fabbionePackage: aca06:00
fabbioneComponent: universe06:00
fabbioneso the fix works :-)06:00
fabbioneT-Bone: pong :-)06:00
Kamionmdz: works; reads a bit oddly at first glance06:00
fabbionei read the mail and answered to it06:00
pittifabbione: oh, bad06:00
Kamion"Live Ubuntu Environment"?06:00
fabbionepitti: the funny thing is that i don't feel it at all06:00
pittifabbione: anyway, I already did my trash of the day, I uploaded 246 packages (language packs) :-)06:00
T-Bonefabbione, just read your mail (i'm recovering a few boxes at school after powerfailure),06:00
Kamion"Live Ubuntu"?06:00
mdzKamion: if we can think of something better, a number of other Casper templates could use improvement too06:01
sivangKamion: UbuntuLive06:01
fabbionepitti: my gf noticed that i had a weird (more than usual) look06:01
haggaiUbuntu Live06:01
mdzI'm not particularly satisfied with "Preparing for live session" either06:01
pittifabbione: hmm, but not feeling anything with high fever might also be a very bad sign...06:01
=== haggai high-fives sivang
T-Bonefabbione, what do you mean by 'taking the leadership for the kernel'?06:01
=== sivang high fives haggai back :)
fabbionepitti: nah.. it has always been like this and i saw the packages :) congratulation man06:01
amufabbione: hehe, rest and heal :) my flu is over  06:01
fabbioneT-Bone: you can take over the kernel team leadership :-)06:02
fabbioneamu: i have only 9 days to finish 2 rooms in the house :(06:02
fabbioneit's no good to have to stay in bed06:02
T-Bonefabbione, who's on that team. What would it involve from my side? :)06:02
fabbioneT-Bone: did you read on the wiki?06:03
T-Bonefabbione, i'm installing firefox atm ;)06:03
T-Bonethere, having a look06:03
Kamionmdz: BTW translations of backdrop titles won't work until we get a newer cdebconf (I fixed that upstream), but that's not urgent06:03
fabbioneT-Bone: as kernel leader you lead the team and it involves basically everything 06:04
T-Bonefabbione, ok got it. Now what am I expected to do, as a (potential) team leader?06:04
fabbionecoordinate, delegate, qa, do releases06:04
T-Bonefabbione, lol, that's an answer I can't cope with :)06:04
fabbionethat's why there is a team06:04
=== T-Bone curses warty installer for not offering a proxy setting
fabbioneT-Bone: that has been disabled06:06
amufabbione: place the "brush" into you GF's hand :) 06:06
fabbioneif the installer can reach one of our server it doesn't ask for proxy06:06
sivangfabbione: from where I know, a team leader also has to cover for team members who do not manage to complete tasks and who do embarrasing stuff :)06:06
fabbionesivang: as well06:07
sivangfabbione: hehe :)06:07
fabbioneamu: she is working06:07
amufabbione: you got it :) 06:08
fabbionei need to reboot 06:08
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jmonesHello! I'm not sure if this question is appropiate here, but it seems to me that something is wrong. I need to find /usr/include/X11/Xauth.h but it's not in xlibs-static-dev as in Debian. Where is it?06:37
sivangjmones: strange, when doing apt-file search for that, I do find it there, did you install the package?06:38
jmonesmmm... yes06:39
sivangjmones: sorry, my mistake06:39
sivangjmones: xlibs-static-dev: usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xauth.h06:39
jmonesi installed xlibs-dev06:39
jmonesand xlibs-static-dev06:39
sivangjmones: so it would be under X11R6 , not under X1106:39
jmonesopps... my fault then06:39
ograjmones: ogra@honk:~ $ dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xauth.h06:40
ogralibxau-dev: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xauth.h06:40
jmonesisn't it in X11 in debian?06:40
Treenaksogra: ah, Xorg with split packages06:40
azeemjmones: there's a compatibility symlink06:40
ograyup :)06:40
Treenaksjmones: Debian has XFree86, Hoary has Xorg06:40
jmonesah ok06:40
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jmonesi've recently changed from xfree86 to xorg and there's are some glitches 06:41
jmonesbtw, there's a bug that avoids the user from using ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to VT06:41
sivangjmones: on a hoary?06:41
jmonesi set the sources from hoary to a warty06:41
jmonesand without dist-upgrading (i was in a hurry) installed xorg06:42
fabbionejmones: nah.. that's plain wrong...06:42
jmonesi noticed the problem about crl+alt+f1 (there are a lot of references on the web) is because xlibs version06:42
ograjmones: this will certainly break06:42
fabbioneeither you update properly or stuff won't work06:42
=== sivang is using hoary happily without anything simiarl.
=== moquist_ [~moquist@pool-70-16-213-76.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangofcourse, I've done dist-upgrade everytime.06:43
jmonesi've now dist-upgraded and everything works :)06:43
fabbionea bug like that would be noticed even by CNN06:43
sivangmoquist_: Matt ! :)06:43
sivangfabbione: CNN are using Ubuntu? ;o)06:43
jmonesthanks very much06:44
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fabbionesivang: no idea.. but if something like was broken, both Daniel and I would have tons of people knocking at the door06:44
sivangfabbione: true.06:44
ografabbione: knock knoc06:45
fabbioneogra: come in :)06:45
ografabbione: on the recent ppc livecd console switching doesnt work for me *g*06:46
jmonesi thought that perhaps setting a conflicts in xserver-org on old xlibs could be ok06:46
fabbioneogra: that has to be a ppc problem06:46
ografabbione: (baut taht is caused by the special machine i got ;)06:46
jmonesogra, that's another bug i thing related to keyboard06:46
sivangogra: doesn't work for me also in i38606:46
fabbionejmones: please can you move these topics to #ubuntu?06:47
fabbionethe are not really related in here06:47
ograjmones: it is common for that machine....x dtdection also doesnt work ;)06:47
fabbioneand if there are bugs, please report them vua bugzilla06:47
fabbionevia even06:47
jmonesfabbione, ok. Sorry. Thank you06:47
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fabbionebecause otherwise people will lose track of these stuf06:47
fabbionenot everybody uses a huge irc scrollback06:47
fabbioneor read eons of it06:47
fabbioneand the X maintainer is not here06:48
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fabbioneabelli: you can start testing the sparc d-i from sparc.ubuntu.com06:49
abellifabbione: mmm... sorry for the lack of help, but i had some problems collecting the machines06:50
Kamionmdz: patch sent; see you next week06:50
Kamionmdz: as I said, no time to test it I'm afraid :-(06:50
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mdzKamion: I'll give it a shot, and fix it up if necessary. thanks06:51
ograKamion: thanks for fixing the MOTU typo ;)06:51
mdzKamion: enjoy the weekend06:51
ograKamion: have a nice WE06:51
Kamionogra: I like details ... :-)06:53
ogragoood :)06:53
Kamionmdz: apparently I shall be wearing a snake costume to a fancy dress party06:53
ograKamion: please take pictures :)06:54
thomgood weekend, folks06:54
sivangKamion: nice, I'd join if I was in a walking distance :)06:54
Kamionmy other half is in the process of buying an amelanistic corn snake06:54
sivangthom: c'ya!06:54
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sivangKamion: you should put some photos maybe ;q)06:56
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ograwow, how do i rape css: http://zengarden.20megsfree.com/07:10
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__danielabuse :-)07:11
abelli__daniel: yeah..07:11
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__danielogra+__daniel: Online Thesaurus 1.0 (c) 2005 :-)07:11
ogramy cpu is pushed from 800Mhz to 1.6 Ghz by only displaying this page...woah07:12
sivangogra: at least you got cpu scaling working :)07:12
ograsivang: yup, worked from the beginning....07:13
sivangogra: worked for me also in the beggining of hoary, not now though.07:13
__danielsivang: which kernel do you have installed?07:13
ograsivang: you fiddle too much with your system ;)07:14
abelliwhat does it mean if the installer throws a segfault?07:14
sivang__daniel: 2.6.10-107:15
makosmurfix: 07:17
ograsivang: why not -2 ?07:18
abelliwhy not -hardened?07:18
sivangogra: -2 sefgaulted amd tried to kill init :)07:18
ograsivang: you definately fiddle too much with your system ;)07:19
__danielsivang: that's bad because 2.6.10-2 made cupfreq_userspace working again :-)07:19
sivang__daniel: well, I'm upgrading the dellappi now , see where that gets me, unless I would open a bug.07:23
__danielsivang: i'll have my fingers crossed :-)07:24
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sivang__daniel: ok, MOTU also are you?07:27
mdzlamont-away: today's i386 live CD image is bigger; did you change parameters on the daily build?07:28
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__danielsivang: er... whats MOTU?07:28
ograsivang: __daniel will be a MOTU .....07:29
ograsivang: i will care for that ;)07:29
__danielsivang: i'd love to be... really, but i'm busy with my thesis at the moment07:29
sivangogra: ah you two know each other?07:29
__danielsivang: yes... you could say that :-)07:30
ograsivang: we learned to know each other through ubuntu :)07:30
sivangogra: eh nice :) please to meet you __daniel 07:30
wasabi_Hmm. I wanna be a MOTU. ;)07:30
wasabi_do they get t-shirts?07:30
=== __daniel curtseys before sivang ;-)
jdz_workt-shirts! :D07:31
__danielsivang: so until april/may i unfortunately wouldnt have the time to do the job properly07:31
=== ogra looks at his chest....
sivang__daniel: no prob, not all of us can, work, other stuff etc.07:31
__danielsivang: mvo_ lives 10 km away from me, too :-)07:31
wasabi_Actually. In all honesty... is anybody working on Java on Ubuntu?07:31
wasabi_or is it all just copied out of debian07:31
ograsivang: nah, there are only 15000 packages....07:32
sivangwasabi_: Jeff Bailly is, IIRC07:32
mdzwasabi: jbailey is working on that for the hoary release07:32
__danielsivang: so this area is properly ubunt-ized :-)07:32
mdzwasabi: see JavaIntegration in the wiki07:32
ogramdz: on todays livecd the desktop worked like a charm.....(amd64)07:33
sivangmdz: anything sorted out with the usb bug?07:34
eruindoes the ubuntu 2.6.9-kernels have fixes for the ptrace bug that messes with cedega/wine/ copy protection=07:34
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wasabi_jbailey: It's just come to my attention that you ARE the Java guy for Ubuntu. Want Eclipse? :)07:36
__danielthe term MOTU is just too funny :-)07:42
zuldamn now im thinking he-man and she-ra07:42
wasabi_Whose the Master of the Multiverse?07:43
__danielzul: that's what i thought too :-)07:43
ograwasabi_: haggai is the master of the MOTUs (which would make him he-man i guess)07:44
eruinwhy is #5619 marked a duplicate of 5582 ?07:44
eruinfabbione? 07:44
zul__daniel: all we need is battlecat and we would be set07:44
__danielzul: not quite sure man-at-arms would be :-)07:45
__danielzul: not quite sure, who man-at-arms would be :-)07:45
=== zul is now known as orro
=== orro is now known as zul
mdzsivang: yes, I found the bug last night07:47
mdzsivang: colin wrote an initial patch this morning07:48
mdzand I am fixing it up now07:48
sivangmdz: ok, I'll resync/download at your will.07:48
mdzlamont-away: I'm going to need d-i builds a bit later07:53
sivangyay! new 2.6.10-2 doesn't segfault init anymore and works.07:54
__danielsivang: woohoo! :-)07:56
elmomdz: you know how you approved the language packs - did you realise it was going to pull in about 40 random l10n packages with it?08:10
elmomdz: people.ubuntu.com/~james/l10n.txt08:11
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mdzelmo: yeah, those should all have been seeded anyway08:11
mdzthey're either new, or ones we missed08:11
mdzin fact we should probably remove the ones which are seeded, and let the language packs handle it through germinate going forward08:12
=== T-Bone is done restoring vital hw setup @school, heading back home. Bbl.
__danieli don't get why i'd need myspeel-de-{de,at,ch}08:16
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__danielbut good to have those metapackages anyway :-)08:18
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abelliis openoffice2 avaible now?08:30
rcaskeymdz: how many more arrays are left until release?08:33
rcaskeyis there a torrent?08:33
mdzrcaskey: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule08:33
rcaskey(anyone on the southern light rail ;)08:33
rcaskeymdz: did the arrays get started later than planned?08:37
=== abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-39-62.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangogra: ergh, updated to 2.6.10-2 newone, boots the syste, but now no sound and cpufreq applet still b0rked08:46
ograhmm :(08:47
__danielsivang: what does dmesg say when you modprobe cpufreq_userspace or the appropriate module for your soundcard08:47
sivangogra: I should put some more time into investigatin it when I am less busy..08:47
sivang__daniel: the machine is busy doing something else at the moment, I will run this when I get a hold of it agian.08:48
ograsivang: did you make any changes to your grub kernel line ?08:48
sivangogra: didn't touch it08:48
ograsivang: never ?08:48
sivangogra: hhm, sudden;y I  not sure , I may have added something for the PCI collision workaround..08:50
ograsivang: thats what i thought when i read dell....08:50
ograsivang: if you added it dirctly to the kernel line it is overwritten on upgrade08:51
jbaileywasabi_: *lol*08:51
ogra /is/was 08:51
sladensivang: hunt around in /proc/cpufreq the display should be independent to the control08:51
jbaileywasabi_: Let's talk about it. =)08:52
ograsladen: great to see you, could you add some info here: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU08:52
abellican i install OOo2?08:52
wasabi_jbailey:  =)08:53
wasabi_jbailey: my mission right now is to get most of the java stuff on debian that's stuck in contrib for some reason into main.08:53
wasabi_Mostly so it makes it into Ubuntu for myself.08:54
wasabi_So, I think our goals merge.08:54
jbaileywasabi_: Yeah.  Are you one of the authors of the JavaInMain on wiki.debian.org?08:54
wasabi_but, im one of the people working on it. :008:54
wasabi_I dont know how out of date that page is08:54
wasabi_We've got ONE package to get into main before Eclipse hits it.08:55
mdzinit is the biggest pain in the ass to debug08:55
jbaileyReasonably, but the sense of the page is still pretty good.08:55
ogramdz: rewrite it :)08:55
mdzogra: it's not the implementation08:56
mdzbut thanks for the helpful suggestion :-p08:56
ogramark would kiss you for a python replacement08:56
=== ogra has weird ideas today
__danielpython replacement of what?08:57
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wasabi_jbailey: when Eclipse hits main, that will give us eclipse-javac. It's a 100% complete javac, that's free enough.08:58
wasabi_So, we can compile anything at that point.08:58
mdzyou can't trace it, you can't debug it, you need to replace it and reboot in order to test a change, and if you have a bug, the system halts08:58
wasabi_http://jack.feedbackplusinc.com/~jhaltom/eclipse    I need testing of those packages. ;008:59
sivangwasabi_: whatever you do, make sure you include a simple DOM parser that's easier to learn then Xerces ;-p09:09
sivangand subclass..09:09
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Mitariojo all09:20
Mitariojdub, here?09:20
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amuKamion: your image is finished? 09:30
ograamu: Kamion is away for the weekend09:32
amuweekend: command not found ;)09:34
ografor me its... weekend, finally i can do the serious work....09:36
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ogramdz: probably a vm would be helpful, i think xen has something like that09:40
ogradebugging that is09:40
mdznot really09:40
sivangogra: I wish QEMU would be a bit faster, then I could be using it more efficiently for cross platform needs :)09:40
ograah, only kernel debugging it seems....http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/readmes/user/#SECTION0334000000000000000009:42
T-Bonemako: ping?09:42
sladenkeybuk: see #ubuntu if you're around09:47
wasabi_ubuntu cd's should come with a friendship bracelet.09:49
ograwasabi_: great idea, start wattling ;-P09:50
amuwasabi_: ;)09:51
__danielwasabi_: in germany we make fun of the right one of these: http://www.fernando-express.com/Petri_01.jpg09:52
__danielwasabi_: at least 2-3 years ago :-)09:52
ogra__daniel: LOL09:52
amu__daniel: heheheh09:53
wasabi_that guy, with that hair, has more friends than me. =(09:53
__danielwasabi_: but i guess he's not on any gpg-keyrings :-)09:54
seb128thom: here ?09:54
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__danieli thought that was the modern friendship bracelet :-)09:54
ogra__daniel: in this case ^^^, the new hoary cd will obviously ship one :)09:56
__danieli'll wear it too, i promise ;-)09:57
jbaileyWhat's the magic command to tell cdebootstrap to build a hoary chroot?09:58
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jbaileyAh, debootstrap, not cdebootstrap.  That'd be why google didn't have it. =)10:02
jbaileyogra: Thanks! =)10:03
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sivangogra: if I already have hoary, do I need to create a chroot env? only for testing breakage stuff i,e ?10:05
ograsivang: if you dont want your system polluted with unecessary packages a chroot is very helpful10:07
sivangogra: k, that what I though :)10:07
sivangogra: tnx10:07
sivangogra: strange, I get E: No such script: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10:08
mdzsivang: you gave the wrong arguments10:08
sivangmdz: used riddle's args from the wiki...10:10
sivangmdz: # udo debootstrap --variant=buildd hoary chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10:10
ograsivang: after making the dir ?10:11
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mdzyou don't need to make the dir10:12
mdzremove the trailing slash from "chroot/"10:12
sivangmdz: k, thanks alot.10:12
sivangmdz: same, I think it can't find archive.ubuntu.com or something..10:13
ograsivang: i just tried it again, even with the / it works here10:15
sivangogra: could you msg me the line you executed?10:16
mdzyou have an extra space somewhere, or something like that10:16
mdzyou're passing 4 non-option arguments to debootstrap, instead of 310:16
ograsivang: i copy and pasted:  sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd hoary chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10:16
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sivangogra:  sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd hoary chroot/10:18
sivangI: Retrieving debootstrap.invalid_dists_hoary_Release10:18
sivangE: Failed getting release file http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/hoary/Release10:18
ograsivang: now you are missing the archive ;)10:18
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ogramy IRC line is wrapped....10:19
sivangogra: working.thanks10:21
ograhmm, it might be because the wiki adds this odd little globe graphics in the line....did you copy and paste from the wikipage before ?10:22
ograi changed the layout to a better copy and pasteable format10:25
ajmitchI should setup a hoary chroot/pbuilder setup on my sid box10:26
ajmitchthere was something on the wiki about that somewhere10:27
ajmitchcan't find it now :)10:27
sivangogra: I: Base system installed successfully.10:27
ograajmitch: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebootstrapChroot10:27
ajmitchogra: I'm sure there were other instructions along with that10:28
=== ajmitch looks over the page
ajmitchand I was wanting something for sid10:29
ajmitchwhich is what the wiki had, iirc10:29
ajmitchthe debootstrap line requires the hoary debootstrap scripts to be installed10:29
Nafalloajmitch: those are copyable ;-)10:31
ograajmitch: there is another page, youre right:http://www.dina.dk/~abraham/religion/vi-music10:31
ajmitchthe use of apt-proxy or similar will have to be mandatory for me :)10:31
ograoops, wrong url10:31
sivangogra: gcc-3.3 ??10:32
sivangogra: in the chroot 10:32
ajmitchnow that looks nice & evil;10:32
ograajmitch: but i think dropping the archive url in the end of the line and changing hoary to sid sould work too10:35
ografrom the Debootstrap wiki page ....10:35
ajmitchI've already got a pbuilder chroot setup for building sid packages10:35
ajmitchso I guess I can get another one setup for warty & then upgrade that to hoary or something :)10:36
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moquist_sivang: hi!  I see you said hi a long time ago.  :)10:40
rcaskeyogra: is warty going to ship with esd as default?10:45
wasabi_warty shipped awhile ago. ;)10:47
rcaskeyerr hoary10:48
rcaskeyit's 4:48 here, you know how it is ;)10:48
=== thully [~thully@wuser200-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T-Bonefabbione: ping?10:50
=== rcaskey bangs head o wall
thullyhi - how are the dailys looking today?  are they broken in any severe way?  is it advisable to use these or array 2?10:51
rcaskeyarray3 is out10:51
thullythat's what I meant - array 3 - my bad10:52
rcaskeydunno then10:52
rcaskeybtw thully, can you just substitute in array3 or array for hoary?10:52
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thully? - array 2 and array 3 are milestone snapshots of hoary10:53
rcaskeyyeah, I was wondering if there was a way to track the milestones10:54
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thullyno - you track hoary - the milestones are just cleaned-up daily builds for installation10:55
rcaskeyyeah, but they are cleaned up ;)10:56
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T-Bonelamont_r: ping?10:57
rcaskeyusplash debs are due next week right?10:58
lamont_rKamion: you still around?10:59
lamont_rhow was the amd64 livecd?10:59
amulamont_r: Kamion left, i didnt got an image :( 10:59
lamont_rcurses.  I'm competing with another downloader.  only 70Kbytes/sec11:00
lamont_rmdz about?11:00
rcaskeylamont: isn't that linked to in osnews' story11:00
mdzbeating on #570111:00
thullyhow good are today's live CDs for i386?11:01
thullyI'll download today's build if it doesn't sound like it's extremely broken today11:01
amulamont_r: there's still time for a new download :) 11:02
lamont_rmdz: wanna kick a livecd build for us?11:02
lamont_rlatest cloop image rsync'ed 17MB, with 10 packages diff in the manifest...11:02
mdzno shit?11:03
lamont_rnot sure we can get much better than that without dinking around with timestamps in the fsimage11:03
mdzhow did you manage that?11:03
mdzdid you do the zlib thing?11:03
thullythere won't be any new builds in the next hour, right (if there will be, I'll hold off on burning the current one)11:03
mdzlamont_r: sure, I can do one right now11:04
mdzlamont_r: a bit later, when I'm finished with busybox, I'll need a set of d-i builds, followed by live CD builds (but no new cloops)11:04
wasabi_Is anybody here named Celso Pinto? 11:04
=== lamont_r waits for mdz to say the images are done to do the download
thullylamont_r - are you talking about live or installer builds?  because if there is a new build coming I'll hold off on burning the current build11:05
lamont_rmdz: funny thing was that the 4k:4k version was 127MB of rsync,while te 1024:64k was 17MB...11:05
lamont_rthully: although mdz is going to burn a new install cd in a while as well.11:06
thullywill it be ready in next 45min-1hr?11:06
=== sivang is also waiting for the new live cd to test the usb bug fix.
thullyI have to leave for home soon, and I only have dial-up there (here I can nab an ISO faster than a kernel .deb at home)11:07
mdzshould be ready in <1011:07
thullyI heard a timezone fix should be in - and want to test it11:08
=== sivang promised to make mdz happy by teting the livecd ;-)
mdzthully: a time zone fix would probably require a new installer build, which I don't think has happened yet.  did Kamion tell you that?11:09
thullythe fix is in base-config - check bug 2416 for details11:10
mdzlamont_r, thully, sivang: new live CD builds are up11:10
mdzah, ok, if it's in base-config, it only requires a new cloop image from lamont11:10
mdzwhich I think he made recently11:10
thullyI'm talking about installer cd for the timezone fix11:11
lamont_rSetting up base-config (2.61ubuntu13) ...11:11
lamont_ris the last one I built, some 4-5 hours ago11:11
lamont_ror rather, is what's in the last cloop fs that I built11:11
T-Bonelamont_r: has the "libunwind" bug been fixed in that one?11:11
thullyyep - that's the one that fixes it - is this on the installer build?11:11
lamont_rT-Bone: should almost certainly be...11:12
mdz^^ that's what the latest install CD has11:12
T-Bonelamont_r: gonna test then.11:12
thullyno, then11:12
T-BoneKamion: ping?11:12
thullyubuntu13 has fix11:12
lamont_rmdz: btw, there's a risk to amd64 livecd because of partimage...11:12
lamont_rpartimage is PaS'ed on ia64,alpha right now (debian), with a comment about it being b0rked on 64-bit....11:13
lamont_rso either ia64 should try it again, or amd64 is b0rked.11:13
Mithrandiris there something _really_ fucked with archive.u.c atm?  I'm getting approximately 5k/sec from it.11:23
mdzMithrandir: maybe the cd images mirroring or something?11:25
sivangmdz: what's the rsync url? (i recall it differs form the vhost of the website)11:25
mdzthe I/O on some of those servers is horrific11:25
Mithrandirmdz: I don't know, it11:26
mdzsivang: rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/...11:26
sivangmdz: thank you11:26
Mithrandir's just _dog_ slow and wondered if anybody else saw it11:26
sivangMithrandir: the archive?11:26
lamont_ralthough it's maxed out on rsync clients right now...11:26
sivangMithrandir: I updatted my chroot, was a _pain_11:26
lamont_rOTOH, I know that it won't rsync for crap this download...11:26
Mithrandirsivang: I'm running dist-upgrade and getting 8k/sec now, yes.11:26
sivangMithrandir: got B/s at the end...11:27
T-BoneMithrandir: you're sorta lucky, i just timeouted on archive.u.c11:27
Mithrandirok, so it's not just me.11:27
thullyI've got a snails-pace download also 11:28
=== lamont_r is getting 6KB/s on a wget of the cdimage
maswanWell, good thing there are mirrors, bad thing that the mirrors are not perfectly up to date?11:28
T-Bonethis is just happening. I downloaded 200M 20mn ago at 540kB/s avg11:28
Mithrandirooh, it's 10k/sec now.11:28
sivanglamont_r: you're not rsyncing?11:29
sivang@ERROR: max connections (15) reached - try again later11:30
lamont_ryeah - that'd be why sivang 11:31
sivangok, then wget it is..11:31
lamont_rmdz: I don't suppose the livecd is bt-able, eh?11:32
amulamont_r: i think, it make no sense atm 11:33
sivang8.57K/s erg..11:33
mdzlamont_r: ask thom11:34
lamont_rI was getting 60K/s for a several seconds there...  now1.811:36
wasabi_haha i had the same problem.11:38
wasabi_i was trying to figure out if our inet was messing up11:38
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lamont_rhell - I could fetch it at home this quick...11:40
=== Mithrandir updates his local mirror instead.
=== lamont_r looks at the topic, sees that mdz is to blame for DDoSing cdimage.u.c
Mithrandirit should probably go on another machine?11:42
Mithrandiror be torrented?11:42
lamont_rit should tget torrented11:42
lamont_rbut, ENOTHOM11:43
sivangstarting to rise up..11:43
lamont_rbouncing between 15 and 7011:43
lamont_rwow! it actually said 113K/s there for an instant. :-)11:44
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals
mdzthat was yesterday11:48
Mithrandirit's faster again now11:49
lamont_rmdz: to late, dude. :-)11:49
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lamont_ryeah, much faster11:49
=== T-Bone edits xchat2 source to remove that fsckin ctrl-a==ctrl-q shortkey
lamont_rwhat you hitting ctl characters for anyway??? :-)11:49
T-Bonelamont_r: get back to the beginning of the line, as it should: ctrl-a / ctrl-e :P11:50
lamont_rT-Bone: see - that's why I don't use emacs11:51
T-Bonelamont_r: neither do I. I *hate* emacs :^)11:51
T-Bonelamont_r: pretty much as I *hate* perl :)11:51
T-Bonelamont_r: gives you the picture, heh? :^)11:51
elmogtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"11:51
elmoT-Bone: ^-- add that to ~/.gtkrc-2.011:52
=== T-Bone does
T-Bonedoesn't work11:53
elmosure it does11:53
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mdzlamont_r: what was the secret to getting the ext2 image more rsyncable?11:54
T-Boneelmo: what it's supposed to do?11:54
mdzlamont_r: was zeroing the empty blocks with partimage the ticket?11:54
lamont_rmdz: amazing foo, thanks11:54
lamont_rmdz: partimage11:54
lamont_rwell, that and rsyncing over the top of the previous image11:54
mdzand cloop took care of itself, I guess11:54
lamont_rwhich either (a) necessitates partimage, or (b) makes the cloop grow over time11:55
mdzare you doing the rsync-inplace-from-previous-image trick too?11:55
lamont_rhad to11:55
mdzah, yes11:55
lamont_rthat was the real trick.  partimage just cleans up the trash11:55
lamont_rMithrandir: you gonna grab one of them thar new amd64 livecd images and tell me if it even boots?11:55
Mithrandirlamont_r: sure, I can do that11:56
mdzlamont_r: locale generation looks good now11:57
sivang185.83K/s ah back up!11:57
mdzspeeds up the boot by several seconds11:57
sivangmdz: it didn't general he_IL.UTF8 when I tested it llast time..11:58
sivanggenerate even11:58
lamont_rmdz: that'd be because it actually _runs_ locale-gen11:58
mdzsivang: I find that difficult to believe11:58
mdzlamont and I are talking about the pre-generated locales11:58
mdzbut generating them on-demand has always worked11:58
lamont_rsivang: it pre-generates en_{US,GB,ZA},UTF-811:59
sivangmdz: just before preparing the live session, well, I only chose "hebrew" as the language in the d-i menu.11:59
sivanglamont_r: maybe something else is needed to trigger generating other locales?11:59
sivangI mean, on the user side.11:59
mdzsivang: did you actually see that the locale wasn't generated, or are you assuming?11:59
mdzperhaps something else went wrong12:00
mdzwas the locale set in /etc/environment properly?12:00
sivangmdz: I watched the "generating localeles" message on the debug console or the other consoel that allows me to see what's happening while "preparing for live session".12:00
sivangmdz: I will check that with the new iso.12:00
lamont_rmdz: the pre-gen populates /etc/locale-gen (or such) before the install, and runs locale-gen after- dunno if that's affecting the postinst..12:00
mdzsivang: and it said "Generating locales..." and your locale didn't appear in the list?12:00
mdzlamont_r: d-i goes in and manhandles it anyway12:01
sivangmdz: nope12:01
mdzgetting 3MB/sec on amd64 iso download12:02
lamont_rback to 100K/s here - must be someone else downloading12:02

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