[12:01] is keyspan firmware available, or do I need to build a kernel from upstream source to get that? [12:01] so evidently it may just be coincidence that my mainboard works at all === BackSlaSh is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ..[cyp(l/on.p/on)] === gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] all indications so far are that I really do have a VT8377 in a board designed for a VT8367 [12:03] why are packages in universe not supported? === Neo_654 [~Neo_654@oh-65-40-142-43.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu [] === bassinboy [~jaredu@user-0cet1rk.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === warty_ [~warty@cp254464-d.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] is anyone here using KDE with Hoary? [12:07] snowblink: yes [12:07] it works. u peeps rock! the first ditro that actually works straight out of the box === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] thank u [12:08] Riddell: having trouble running things like the network configurator. Any ideas? [12:08] warty_: yeah, it just barely missed it for me, but I'm finding that may be the fault of my mainboard manufacturer :/ [12:08] zeedo u crckface hehe [12:08] good night! [12:08] bsrf crackers [12:08] take a hike [12:09] :-) [12:09] Riddell: just get an empty window [12:09] thanks peeps and this is only the live cd === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] u guys rock [12:09] we at indymedia love u [12:09] bye now :P [12:10] anyone made a hoary live cd yet? [12:10] AndyR, someone has. [12:10] is it available for d/l then? [12:11] Yes. [12:11] gimme a second to locate [12:11] i would like to try it without committing [12:12] are you on a intel-based pc [12:12] kbrooks, yes [12:12] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-2/hoary-install-i386.iso [12:13] live cd? [12:13] locating === thully [~thully@wuser200-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu === thully_ [~thully@wuser200-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] and that isnt the live cd [12:13] sorry, misread [12:14] ok np :) [12:14] hold on [12:14] hey guys, what command can I use to make the PC speaker beep? I want to create an alarm signal. [12:14] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/hoary-live-i386.iso [12:14] there. [12:15] kbrooks, great, thank you [12:16] you are very welcome === thully_ is now known as thully === AndyR wants is check everything works before committing to warty --> hoary upgrade [12:19] you cant add packages...not unless you remount / first === bassinboy [~jaredu@user-0cet1rk.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:19] mount -o remount, rw -f / [12:20] i will do a apt-get upgrade if all work [12:20] you cant add them onto the live cd btw === pavkonti [~pavkonti@] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] thats fine === GoneBoB is now known as HrdwrBoB === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === nburns [~soma@pcp06953876pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] AndyR, does the ubuntu installer assume the drives are partitioned and formated? === lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-146.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] just noticed the latest upload for gnome-menus mentioning "gnome launch box", where can this box be found? === Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === saif [~saif@] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] it hasn't been uploaded yet [12:33] so now I have an entirely more plausible theory: I got a Soyo Dragon KT400 Lite in a Dragon KT333 box because someone couldn't tell the difference [12:33] hard to be sure though [12:33] in any case my X performance has magically gotten much better [12:34] hello [12:34] ta [12:34] sergeantmcd, no [12:34] just installed ubuntu on my laptop, 2 things i couldn === keyshawn2 [~keyshawn@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] 't figure out, [12:34] how do i get IR to work' [12:35] and how to set cpu freq to 100% all the time? === AndyR is running warty on his laptop === keyshawn2 [~keyshawn@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === keyshawn_ [~keyshawn@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === turkuaz [~paradox@] has joined #ubuntu === turkuaz [~paradox@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:36] I once managed to get to a site that gives beginners a good place to start for ubuntu, how to mount drives and some stuff u have to add in a file in order for the apt-get and update commands wo work [12:36] and get packages [12:37] the 'file' is none other than sudo [12:37] super user do === monkey89 [~jeff@ool-44c69ae6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] hehe [12:37] no i got that part [12:37] saif : which site is it ? === usual [~colin@alb-69-202-36-213.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] there is a configuration file, in which u specify where synaptec should get the name of packages from, and where to find those package lists [12:39] poppo: i don't remember :( [12:39] /etc/apt/sources.list? [12:39] i'll go check, i have to ucomment some stuff and add a url to that list === telemaco [~telemaco@] has left #ubuntu [] === neighborlee is back (gone 01:17:32) [12:40] is there some reason the instructions at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelCompileHowto don't talk about the --initrd option to make-kpkg, and instead suggest/insist you build a non-modular kernel for core io? [12:40] saif: did you check the forum yet ? === keyshawn2 knows he's seen it before, scurries to get the link. === FX|Laptop [~FX@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] hello [12:41] Wondering if anyone can give me a hand. [12:41] keyshawn2: nop, nothin yet, just dropped by here :) and it is the source.list file i was looking for :) thanx [12:41] I just upgraded to hoary and I cannot load X [12:42] is this it ? [12:43] it? === keyshawn2 sent link to saif. [12:43] ah ok === dataw0lf is now known as optikal2 === optikal2 is now known as dataw0lf [12:44] what irc client do you use here ? question open to all. === keyshawn2 uses xchat. [12:44] xchat [12:45] irssi [12:45] gosh [12:45] irssi [12:45] suddenly my internet is slow [12:45] xchat and irssi [12:45] bitchx [12:45] XChat. [12:45] :) === red_cpu [~a@] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] hi [12:46] any ideas on my no x in hoary? [12:46] xchat.. irssi sometimes though [12:47] xchat [12:47] i use mirc via wine, hurr [12:47] only kidding :) [12:48] any one know one time pad? [12:48] srry, fx, never used hoary. === jrydberg_ [~jrydberg@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] Irssi and XChat look identical [12:48] :o === steve [~steve@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/smbclient_3.0.7-1ubuntu6.2_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [12:49] somethings has changed? === sergeantmcd [~sergeantm@wsip-24-249-73-68.tu.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mindphasr [~mind@] has joined #ubuntu === Printer_Prob [~adicus@d235-147-36.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] Hi all [12:53] anyone willing to help out with CUPS usb printer conifg please? === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] Printer_Prob, ASK [12:53] goddammit. === steve [~steve@] has joined #ubuntu === red_cpu [~a@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:54] hmm [12:54] X still seems to get backed up sometimes [12:54] but it is substantially faster [12:54] kbrooks: thanks. We're new to linux and using these two refs, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-23872-0-asc-12.html and http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/howto/CANON-I850-CUPS haven't been able to get it working... canon i550 printer === dstrebel [~dstrebel@12-207-216-34.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === |QuaD-_ [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp151.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === FX|Laptop [~FX@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:55] kbrooks: ppd driver doesn't seem to really work or give access to all configs, think it's probably not working, any ideas/ [12:55] ? === deshantm [~deshantm@bert.sc.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu === krischan [~krischan@p5090BE62.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === caleb_ [~caleb@ip68-111-108-236.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] any plans for an xorg-dev package in hoary? [12:59] any one can help with setting up a printer? === SCube [~scube@] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] Where are Hoary live CDs available for download? [01:00] SCube, [01:00] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/hoary-live-i386.iso === jimbo [~jimbo@66-188-211-187.roc.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] kbrooks: thanks. downloading now. [01:01] How do I not let ubuntu dist-upgrade upgrade to kernel 2.6.10? [01:01] keep it at 2.6.9 [01:02] kbrooks: Would you happen to know how to reformat a memory stick and still have my digital camera be able to read it? === steve [~steve@] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] Quest-Master, No. === steve [~steve@] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] :( [01:02] Anyone else? === icerogue [~Ice@astound-64-83-231-124.mn.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] printer_prob: is there another printer model # besides that one ? [01:03] on it ? [01:03] hi all [01:03] Quest-Master: what filesystems have you tried? === scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] SCube: That's the problem, I don't know how to format a memory stick [01:04] :P [01:04] keyshawn2: all we can see is Canon i550 on the top, or where else would we look? It is also using the japanese canon linux drivers, there the printer is known as pixus [01:05] on the back of it, is there a label ? [01:05] try checking this page - http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi?make=Canon === vasi [~vasi@modemcable252.147-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] Quest-Master: It should be one of the mkfs.FSTYPE commands. Try mkfs.msdos /dev/DEVICE. === Adrenal [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] i just added some RAM, does this mean i have to bump my swap partition? === regeya [~shane@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] SCube, HOLD ON [01:06] anyone else hear, outlook is gonna now be a paid service? [01:06] vasi: I think not. [01:06] since now real memory > space on swap [01:06] DON'T! [01:06] Quest-Master, ignore him. [01:07] vasi: I have never understood that rule "have a swap 2x your RAM" [01:07] kbrroks: Ok :\ [01:07] *brooks, ack [01:07] like if I was to have 10gigs of ram, I should have then 20gigs of swap? [01:07] Quest-Master, you don't want to be messing with msdos. [01:07] wtf.. === eddie [4e3922d0ab@m15-mp1.cvx1-b.cam.dial.ntli.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] vasi: no [01:07] need for swap for sure must depend on what I am doing with my box :) [01:07] Quest-Master, look on your photo's manufacturer site [01:07] thenuke: you are absolutely right [01:07] thenuke: i was under the impression that linux needed at least as much swap as RAM, hmm....where can i learn more? [01:07] kbrooks: Might just try calling Sony and see what they say [01:07] vasi, no. [01:08] vasi: use your own good judgement [01:08] kbrooks: It should be mkfs.msdos or mkfs.vfat, right? [01:08] I've run machines entirely without swap for a long time [01:08] HrdwrBoB: did you mean that part, "if I have 10gigs RAM, I should have 20gigs ram" :D [01:08] generally handy to have swap [01:08] but eh [01:08] thenuke: no, the other bit === Adrenal [~drew@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:08] SCube, well, you haven't gotten the full story. [01:08] where you said it was garbage [01:08] vasi: the rule of thumb is 2*ram should be your swap size. [01:09] OK, here's my issue: I imported some captured video into Kino. I've encoded it using the mpeg2enc/mp2enc method. Audio is spot-on at the beginning, but after about an hour of video the audio is off by, say, 3 seconds(!) I've tried deinterlacing the video, same result, and I've tried different audio sampling rates, and I've even tried using the ffmpeg scripts inclded with Kino. I'm a bit confused. :-/ [01:09] vasi, but that is just a "rule of thumb" [01:09] vasi, i have 1g of ram and keep 1g of swap [01:09] vasi: sorry but I do not know where you could learn more about swapping, if I were you and I were interested on that matter, I would try googling with keywords, linux, swapping, swap, swapspace, and so on [01:09] scoon, please! [01:09] and maybe "how does linux use swap" or something.. [01:09] kbrooks, ? [01:09] is it possible to put swap in a file (or multiple files) on my root partition, like OS X does? so that way there's no hard limit....anyway, i've been googling it, it's hard to find good info, i'll keep trying [01:10] vasi: it is possible, but I dont remember how you did that :D [01:10] scoon, too much is too much [01:10] it must be very simple indeed [01:10] kbrooks, you are correct. try reading before attacking [01:10] scoon: well, have you ever utilized that swap even a bit :) [01:10] kbrooks, i said "rule of thumb" [01:11] scoon, ok. fine then. [01:11] thenuke, nope. but w/ 160gigs [01:11] kbrooks, but i was just stating a rule of thumb [01:11] keyshawn2: we can't find any other info than i550, thanks for your link, though we can't see our printer there strangely... [01:11] i set up 1gig of swap and I have 1 gig of memory [01:11] that rule of a thumb is not wise ;D [01:11] atleast me thinks so [01:11] if 99.5% of ppl have no reason following it :P [01:11] thenuke, what if you only have 256m of ram. [01:11] we should correct that rule a bit [01:12] thenuke, learn what "rule of thumb" means [01:12] scoon: I have 64megs, and run a modified X and a fluxbox and so on, and I think I have never needed any swap ;D [01:12] vasi: yes, thats possible. you use dd to create the swapfile, then mkswap on it, and finally swapon. [01:12] SCube, is it growable? or do i have to grow it manually? [01:12] thenuke, good for you. [01:13] thanks btw :-) [01:13] thenuke, is that your primary box ? [01:13] no, I use that box for firefox and such [01:13] printer: try here - http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=702 [01:13] thenuke, what do you use it for. internet, email, or anything else ? === HillTop [~chatzilla@dt060n09.san.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] whats the package that pretty much gives you everything need to run make [01:13] anyways, if I had 256megs of ram, I think about 256M of swap would be enough [01:13] it says to use the bjc 800 driver instead. [01:13] but to be sure I would have 512M of swap or more [01:13] vasi: It is not growable on the fly. You must select the file size when you create it. [01:14] thenuke, again, "rule of thumb" comes into play. [01:14] keyshawn2: thanks very much, that's the printer and we didn't know about that resource... we could try with that driver, thanks again === MeSoo [~filecomm@pool-129-44-250-24.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] tnx SCube [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm [01:14] Join my irc server and have some fun @ filecomm.zapto.org:6667 #FileComm === MeSoo [~filecomm@pool-129-44-250-24.buff.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:14] thenuke, for you that may be the case. but for a person who could be "doing more" w/ their box, 2X ram may be better for them. [01:14] haha [01:14] *sigh* [01:14] that rule of thumb should state something like, "if you have 64M of ram, have 4x swap, if you have .. .. 256M, have 2x swap" === kleper [~kleper@adsl200-58-207-170.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] the rule of thumb is 'have some swap' [01:15] thenuke, NO. don't get caught up in an EXACT amount. interpret "rule of thumb" as a suggestion [01:15] the system i am working on now has 32mb and a 166 mhz proccessor [01:15] anyways, if someone asks me how much they should have swap, I would feel stupid just saying, 2x ram, without asking how much ram do they actually have === abysmal [~abysmal@cblmdm206-107-239-23.buckeye-express.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] given that ram costs $SFA [01:15] what sound card should I get for ubuntu? [01:15] just buy some more [01:15] thenuke, i didn't say that. === forcotton [~homebody@hawk-d-153.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] jimbo: check the alsa-project.org webpage for supported cards. [01:16] uhh..is that lamer going to get banned ?! [01:16] jimbo: Most Creative cards work really well. I am on a Soundblaster Live LS [01:16] SCube: ty [01:16] jimbo: It was only $29.99 too [01:16] does supported mean all features are supported and driven though [01:17] I have a sound blaster live 24 bit , but no sound [01:17] in not so sure upgrading to hoary on my 'main' OS is smart...so how do I get past this error where nvidia installer says i've got the wrong kernel source..indeed ubuntu came with : yet the linux-source pacakge is : ;(.. ?? [01:17] Does anyone know why my CD-ROM and CD-RW are not automounted anymore? I have gnome-volume-manager set up to automount. === Printer_Prob [~adicus@d235-147-36.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:17] I'm new and maybe I have no idea what to do.. lol === Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-23-35-30.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] im guessing imac g5s are out of the question for linux, i really wanted to try this [01:19] oh cool, there are dynamic swap managers available [01:19] abysmal: Why? === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] abysmal: http://macslash.org/article.pl?sid=04/12/12/2146223&mode=thread [01:20] yeah but I have no idea how to use those patches [01:20] patch the iso? [01:21] jimbo: try `lsmod | grep snd'. Your driver should be snd_emu10k1 I believe. [01:22] Scube: ty === HaRDaWaY [~jugon@] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] hello [01:22] nope abysmal, i bet they're kernel patches [01:22] gentoo has a page up re: imac g5 http://dev.gentoo.org/~tgall/ [01:23] i have one question, i have ubuntu hoary with xorg, 6.8.1, i want to use fglrx drivers of ati, i have to install it with apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx ? [01:23] HaRDaWaY: yes [01:23] only with this? [01:23] is there by chance a hoary iso to download and install over warty with or must I just synaptic all of it ;( [01:24] or..i have to change driver, to "fglrx" in the xorg.conf or anything ? === MFen [~cory@] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] anyone know how to get vnc at boot, complete with a gdm login window? === mindphazr [~mind@000-522-192.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu === mbp__ [~mbp@] has joined #ubuntu === linuxn00b [~xquizit@S0106004005cf20af.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] hey guys I need to copy a folder from my computer at home...but i'm not sure how. I can ssh into it but I can't transfer anything :s and I really need these file [01:27] linuxn00b: scp [01:28] but I need to retrive them not send...i thought scp can only send. === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@mail.nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu === odyssey [~mat@odyssey.user] has joined #UBUNTU [01:28] i think you can retrieve with 'scp user@machine:/remote/path /local/path' [01:29] yup === melazybo1 [~melazyboy@tx-67-77-197-26.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] or you can use sftp === stone__ [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Scognito [~artrg@] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] hi all [01:30] optyk, nothing is happening [01:30] I think it's because of the router here === Scooter [~jocco@hnllhi1-ar6-4-7-245-121.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] how install ati fglrx drivers in my ubuntu hoary with xorg 6.8.1 ? [01:30] [hoary] gnome-cd doesn't fetch automatically the track information from internet, any hint? [01:30] only sound juicer download them [01:32] Scognito: works here [01:32] jdub, hoary? [01:33] yeah [01:33] thanks for your help everyone! === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] damn! [01:33] run cddb-slave2-properties [01:33] will it slow down my Ubuntu if I install KDE? there are a few programs i want to use once in a blue moon for KDE... TIA :) [01:33] see if it's misconfigured [01:33] so it is my problem... === vasi [~vasi@modemcable252.147-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === regeya gives up on ever being able to convert dv->dvd with correct audio sync, sighs, orders a copy of XP and a professional NLE [01:33] Scognito: putting software on the disk won't slow your system down [01:33] ccc [01:34] i have: 1) don't send information, and 2) Server roundrobin FreeDB [01:34] Scooter: and you can install them individually [01:34] Scognito: sounds about right [01:34] Oo cool [01:34] Thanks again Jdub you Rock :D [01:34] jdub, in works with sound juicer [01:34] do you have hoary up to date? [01:34] Scognito: do you need a proxy? have you set your gnome proxy? [01:34] yes [01:35] never used proxy in my life :) [01:35] and it worked, don't know when this problem started [01:36] crap, when I try to scp I keep getting "Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). [01:36] " I know i'm putitng in the right password [01:37] linuxn00b: if you have a recent lftp, you can connect to a ssh server as a ftp site. === forcotton [~homebody@hawk-d-153.resnet.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:37] SCube, ok i;ll try that [01:41] jdub: you have any insider info on getting an xorg-dev package in hoary? [01:42] caleb_: daniels can answer :) === linuxn00b [~xquizit@S0106004005cf20af.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] daniels: *ping* [01:43] LMFAO!!!!!!!! i've been entering the wrong IP hahahhaha [01:43] that's not too funny === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@] has joined #ubuntu === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] jdub, have you tried goobox? [01:44] thats just dumb [01:44] daniels: What should I do if I am interested in being a software developer for Ubuntu? === linuxn00b is now known as linuxMaster === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Quest-Master: see the new maintainer pages on the wiki [01:45] Scognito: yes, but s-j is better. :) [01:45] Is that for software developers as well? [01:45] caleb_: pong === kleper [~kleper@adsl200-58-207-170.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] daniels: any news on a xorg-dev package? [01:46] jdub, i love the cover to be displayed eh eh [01:46] caleb_: uh? [01:46] btw goobox doesn't show artist information too.. :( [01:46] Quest-Master: soon we will have a distinction between committers and maintainers, but we don't for the moment. === maddoc [~maddoc@h228n2fls311o871.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] caleb_: general development headers for client-side libraries, or building drivers out-of-tree? [01:47] Scognito: perhaps freedb is having problems, s-j uses musicbrainz [01:47] daniels: client side libs [01:47] caleb_: ... they're all there ... [01:47] caleb_: which library do you want? [01:47] jdub, good [01:47] so maybe it is a freedb problem [01:47] but... [01:48] you told me it is working on you... :( [01:48] daniels: I'm needing a package that includes X11/Intrinsic.h [01:48] well, provides rather [01:48] caleb_: that would be libxt-dev [01:48] daniels, are you muine maint? [01:48] Scognito: no [01:48] sorry, packager i mean [01:48] Scognito: sounded like it was intermittent for you [01:48] Scognito: i'm neither [01:49] daniels, eh eh ok sorry...little mistake [01:49] jdub, if sj doesn't use cddb2 then cddb is fucked [01:49] daniels: ahhhhh thanks! sorry for the confusion. The RH package was named xorg-x11-devel [01:49] caleb_: yeah, we have it split up into one for each library, more or less [01:50] daniels: thats cool. thanks again. [01:51] np === ljlane [~ljlane@snowman.net] has joined #ubuntu === moyogo [~moyogo@Toronto-HSE-ppp3718050.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === ReX_ [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu === TreadingSoftly [~treadings@] has left #ubuntu [] === wasabi_ [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === borgista [~borgista@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] ~O) === HaRDaWaY [~jugon@] has joined #ubuntu === chapter3 [~kev@adsl-69-109-141-198.dsl.mtry01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] hello all [02:06] is there any way to use 2.6.9 in warty? [02:07] i'm sure you could just recompile the kernel yourself. === Yannick_ [~Yannick_@Toronto-HSE-ppp3761341.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] as far as i know. [02:07] i use kernel 2.6.10-3 in hoary, and..i need to install ati drivers for xorg 6.8.1 [02:07] anyone made totem read dvd movies? === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] :S [02:07] Now, my problem: I can't play CDs. This is pretty dumb, I know. I've been able to make my PC play CDs with other distros. But this time, no dice. [02:08] ok, also, is there a way to "revert" back to warty after an upgrade to horay? [02:09] how do you upgrade to horay? [02:09] chapter3: not sanely, no [02:09] gusto: see the hoary upgrade guide on the wiki [02:10] there are some howto to install ati drivers with xorg 6.8.1 ? [02:10] jdub: thanks [02:10] HaRDaWaY: they're in hoary already [02:10] jdub, but...then i only have to make: apt-get install fglrx-drivers ? [02:10] or, xorg-fglrx-drivers [02:10] sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx [02:10] aha, and....anything more? [02:10] are there plans for NetworkManager in ubuntu? [02:11] i dont have to change ati to fglrx in xorg.conf ? [02:11] caleb_: possibly next release [02:11] or run fglrxconfig [02:11] i'm having bad video performance, and i wanted to upgrade to horay to see if it fixed it [02:11] what is a good low resorce mp3 player for linux? [02:11] HaRDaWaY: change ati to fglrx in xorg.conf [02:11] ok thanks [02:11] icerogue: xmms [02:11] tnx === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] thanks [02:12] anybody else had slow redraw in gnome with ubuntu? === MFen [~cory@] has left #ubuntu ["mlaut] === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === ollie [~orutherfu@pool-70-18-251-94.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-146.vic.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === HaRDaWaY [~jugon@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] hello === mindphasr [~mind@000-522-192.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] daniels, not runs, i have installed ati drivers, but...when i make: modprobe fglrx: "module not found" === Locutus1976 [~dstahan@MTL-HSE-ppp179005.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-10-181-189.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] HaRDaWaY: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) [02:32] ok thx === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu === drspin is trying iTunes on Xover Office === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] how do I launch it? === brittBS [brittBS@12-203-173-178.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === Kokey [~Kokey@] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] is anyone having problems with dist-upgrading to latest hoary? I am getting problems with libgtksourceview [02:41] is this a known issue right now? [02:42] Hi! I've upgrade to Hoary, and now can't run gnome, runs gdm, but not gnome [02:42] Mine updated fine 2 hours ago. [02:42] maybe the upate didn't finish [02:43] why is the provided linuxsource package 2.6.8 not the same as the default kernel that comes with ubuntu ?.ie: downloadable source package says its where uname -r shows my nvidia driver wont compile against it ;( ????? [02:43] cafuego, odd ... it's saying libgtksourceview-common's /usr/share/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/nemerle.lang is conflicting with the libgtksourceview-cil package [02:43] why are you compiling the nvidia driver? [02:43] only way around it I guess is to upgrade to hoary to get new nvidia but gez that'll take 3 hours at the rate its downloading at!! lol [02:43] in my case, don't finish, then I run apt-get -f install and then dist-upgrade again [02:44] and finish well [02:44] randabis-laptop, because the nvidia driver that comes with ubuntu is 6111..I need to try the latest one because of some sluggish behavior im seeing [02:44] is doing this on both my notebook and desktop [02:45] ah [02:45] you could try grabbing the one from hoary, but I don't know about that [02:45] brittBS: lemme see if it have that installed at all. [02:46] but if you must compile the driver, you don't need the kernel source [02:46] you need the kernel headers [02:46] brittBS: yeah, I don't have libgtksourceview-cil installed. [02:46] cafuego, hrm ... but you have libgtksourceview-common? [02:46] randabis-laptop, worth a shot [02:47] brittBS: yep [02:47] you'll have to specify the path to the headers [02:47] brittBS: Check which app wanted the -cil version on your box === mindphasr [~mind@000-522-192.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] gusto: because altho Ubuntu is OT in this #, freebsd apparently is not :p [02:48] gah - ww === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] cafuego: -cil is mono stuff ... so I'll just remove mono from my desktop for now ... not critical. === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === moyote [~moyote@c1-1e205.neo.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] hmmm. i need to loop over characters ub a String [02:49] well it's almost useable... [02:49] I may use it just for file management :) [02:49] in* [02:49] oops [02:50] wrong chan [02:50] Could someone remind me how to get xterm back. Every time I open xterm it closes. I know there is a way to correct this, but I can't remember. Thank you. [02:51] i can't do an apt-get remove right now because it is saying i have to do an apt-get -f ... but I don't want to fix things, I'm just going to remove the problem. [02:51] how can I bypass this? [02:51] brittBS: You can always force the install (dpkg --force-overwrite -i foo.deb) [02:52] cafuego, more specifically i want to force no checking in apt-get ... i didn't see it in the man [02:53] brittBS: If apt-get downloaded it, it's fine. it's just a file wanting to overwrite. === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu [] === thully [~thully@pm474-06.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] i new whit ubuntu === kokey [~kokey@] has joined #ubuntu === Adrenal [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] i need now the password of root when i intall the net system? [02:58] ubuntu doesn't use the root account [02:58] u can make one however [02:58] unless you enable it after the install [02:58] try running the command through sudo [02:58] please somebody can help me with my gnome in hoary [02:58] kokey:what up? [02:59] don't enter to gnome [02:59] eh? [02:59] gdm runs well [02:59] he broke his gnome when he upgraded to hoary === mbp__ [~mbp@] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] yes that's it [03:00] sorry about my poor english ;) [03:00] no problem [03:00] hmm, damn [03:00] seriously, i have no idea? [03:00] yeah I don't know what to do either [03:00] dl and install an older version of gnome [03:00] ? [03:00] you could try to remove gnome and reinstall it possibly [03:00] or try xfce === randabis-laptop uses xfce 4.2 on this laptop :) [03:01] Adrenal that's good, I'll try xfce by now [03:01] grand, then try reinstalling gnome through that [03:01] ok [03:02] do you get any errors when you try to run gnome? [03:02] have you tried running a gnome failsafe session? [03:03] randabis-laptop no errors, and can't use failsafe [03:03] so what happens? [03:05] sorry, got to go, I'm in the office, BRB, Thanks!!!! [03:05] lol [03:06] bitch x ay? === MS-Zeto [~Danbo@syr-24-58-165-155.twcny.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] nah, i prefer xchat [03:08] hmm, when i try to use tor and privoxify through firefox, or, anything, it always just completely stops it from connecting [03:08] anyone wanna hazard a guess as to why? === A [A@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] I likes my xchat too === A is now known as robertj === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@rfenio.dsl.xmission.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Neo_654 [~Neo_654@oh-65-40-142-43.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === jackmacokc [~jackmacok@ip68-12-180-150.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@rfenio.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu === cintyram [~chatzilla@scsiapat1.net.americas.agilent.com] has joined #ubuntu === heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu === swim [~joshua@ip68-228-56-67.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === bennyp [~benny@CPE0080c8dec895-CM0011ae92c084.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] hay folks, need some help, booted up, ran startx and gnome started but Im getting blank background as well as blank background... what I did before rebooting was, I did chmod -x /etc/something/gdm and added nvidia to /etc/modules ... thats all [03:22] Hello! Where can I find a complete list of packages in ubuntu universe? [03:23] swim - can you check your logs to see if the module was loaded properly? [03:23] also, the problem might be in gdm, check the gdm logs [03:23] bennyp, nvidia module? I saw the splash... [03:24] hmmm.... so it's probably gdm [03:24] is anyone on the forum exporiencing the same problem? [03:24] where is the gdm log? [03:24] bennyp: the packages.gz in the archive :) [03:24] swim: /var/log/gdm/ [03:24] havent had a chance to check yet bennyp [03:24] thx jdub [03:24] jdub: i'm not near an ubuntu pc right now, is there a list on the web? [03:24] bennyp: yeah, the Packages.gz in the archive -> archive.ubuntu.com [03:24] oh sweet hehe thanks === blaze [~blaze@ppp-68-251-55-155.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] ubuntu has great community. I'm using gentoo right now to make music... i want to see how many sound apps ubuntu has [03:25] Hey all [03:25] hello [03:26] bennyp: if it's in debian, it's in universe [03:26] hrmm I dont see anything in particular in the /var/log/gdm, so I guess Ill do a chmod +x /etc/something/gdm (where is that btw?) and reboot and see if that was the issue [03:26] great thanks [03:26] chmod +x makes a file executable [03:27] yah I know :) === Supplicium [~adebellis@dhcp024-208-141-134.insight.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] I asked Where is that, not What is that === mebaran [~mebaran@c-24-126-7-72.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] Anybody know how to activate the templates in gnome [03:29] so I could just right click to make a new document anywhere on the desktop [03:29] mebaran: mkdir ~/Templates [03:29] mebaran: throw some files in there [03:29] ok cool === kent [~kent@c83-249-61-131.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] swim: locate gdm [03:29] just any blank files [03:29] mebaran: yep [03:29] mebaran: or non-blank ;) [03:29] haha [03:29] ah [03:29] now I see [03:29] thanks jdub! [03:29] also [03:30] is anyone experience any major evolution problems in that it wont start, or let me edit preferences anymore === dafox7 [~fcomtois@ip216-239-74-201.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] Well the Hydrogen package is up to date, but ZynAddSubFX is behind. How can I find out who maintains a particular package? === HcE [~hc@188.80-202-212.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === Scognito [~artrg@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] hi all === xmas [~steger14@12-207-158-223.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] jdub: does gnome need a reboot after I do that [03:32] must I restart X [03:32] can someone play midi files on ubuntu? I don't know how to play them [03:32] etc === swim [~joshua@ip68-228-56-67.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] Scognito: do you know what kind of snd card you have [03:33] mebaran: killall nautilus :) [03:33] ok [03:33] mebaran, sb128 [03:33] yup it was the gdm thing, but thats lame I dont like using gdm, or starting it at boot... there has to be a way I can disable that and still be able to use gnome ... anyone? [03:33] mebaran: once the templates dir is there, it will automagically update the menu of templates [03:33] ah Scognito: you need to load a sound font [03:33] mebaran: but it won't detect if it's created [03:33] 0000:00:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 0a) === Britt [~Britt@12-203-173-178.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] swim, take a look at update-rc.d [03:33] What MIDI player are you using? [03:34] oh jdub: sexy [03:34] bennyp, i tried kmid [03:34] that is actually the most logical setup I could think of [03:34] it should be better documented [03:34] have you checked the logs from kmid? [03:35] bennyp, it doesn't start [03:35] i need some apply easy to use === hikaru79 [~hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] try starting kmid from terminal [03:35] see what the error message is [03:36] bennyp, it hangs on some kde errors...btw i don't want to use kde apps [03:36] ok [03:36] try playmidi [03:36] trying playmidi [03:36] :) [03:36] there are many many midi players to try [03:36] bennyp, do you have midi working? === mbp__ [~mbp@] has joined #ubuntu === Cinder [BOSS@d141-147-129.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] is there a wav file editor for gnome? [03:36] audacity [03:37] thought that was qt? [03:37] open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory [03:37] scognito: i'm not even using ubuntu right now, i'm using gentoo (gasp!!) [03:37] hmmm [03:37] trying to load snd-seq [03:37] thats a problem [03:37] what is your sound card? [03:37] sound blaster 128 [03:37] btw i did modprobe snd-seq [03:38] is ubuntu unlike some other debian based distros where its perfectly safe to use debian pkgs? is it really better to use only ubuntu packages? [03:38] and i got no prompt...it is hanged [03:38] hmm [03:38] it could be the kernel module [03:38] i know it must have been talked about before, but can anybody point me out why xmms isn't working ? [03:38] what do you mean by not working ? [03:38] bennyp, syslog tells me it tries to create some devs: [03:39] Jan 21 03:37:33 Doolittle udev[8988] : creating device node '/dev/sequencer' [03:39] Jan 21 03:37:33 Doolittle udev[8997] : creating device node '/dev/sequencer2' [03:39] these are the last 2 lines [03:39] swim: stick to ubuntu packages, you should find everything you need in universe [03:39] Cinder, i just apt-get install xmms, and i get an error [03:39] jdub, ok will do [03:39] Cinder, well I get the error when I load xmms === CLucas916 [~chris@pcp08866736pcs.sabrna01.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] I am doing a clusty search right now for you.. have you searched the forums? [03:40] jdub, ah another ubuntu question, I just came from archlinux where updating is easy and quick and should be done once a week at least because things come out for it so fast... should one update ubuntu every now and then like that? if so whats the safest way to do so (btw Im using hoary) [03:41] i'm googling [03:41] what is in /etc/modules.conf [03:41] back === DonL [~don@d207-216-62-247.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] there should be lines like [03:42] alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss [03:42] swim: apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade .. i do it daily. [03:42] mindphasr, cool thanks [03:43] one more question :) is it safe to install kde apps, like amarok ... ? [03:43] bennyp, yes i have that line [03:43] i killed modprobe [03:43] got my 10 free copies of Ubuntu yesterday. Can't believe how popular they were around the office today [03:43] dafox7 do you have a nvidia card, and if so could that be your xmms problem? [03:43] and the modules seems to be loaded [03:43] heliolith, I do habe an nvidia card [03:43] heliolith, I do have an nvidia card [03:43] dafox7 'cause I do, and had to install additional lib [03:44] dafox7 sec [03:44] hem sorry my sc is a sound blaster live 5.1 [03:44] ok [03:44] I can't get to work my nvidia drivers as well :-( [03:44] do you have a file called /etc/modules.d/alsa? [03:44] dafox7: sudo apt-get install libmikmod === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@24-159-246-25.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] bennyp, no [03:45] but alsa works [03:45] crimsun, are you about? [03:45] do you have awesfx installed? [03:45] no [03:45] swim: if you're using hoary, it's up to you === Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] going to install it [03:45] you may need that to use the onboard midi synth on your sblive [03:46] swim: you'll only find and fix the good bugs if you're keeping up :) [03:46] ok installed [03:46] heliolith, how can i load the nvidia module in ubuntu ? [03:46] dafox7 I followed the instructions here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3713 and it worked for me === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:46] dafox7 but I'm a complete newb... just trying to help [03:46] should I use synaptic to install the nvidia or should I get a more recent one from the nvidia site? === paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === tottinge [~tim@adsl-68-79-171-193.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] does it work now? [03:48] one other important question: the new nvidia drivers do not work for me (6229) so I had to downgrade nvidia packages/ kernel ... so how can I put those on hold so that when I do a apt-get dist-upgrade it does not mess with those? [03:48] i think im losing my mind. i can find all of the xmms plugins but i cant find xmms [03:48] also, try the aplaymidi command [03:48] bennyp, i didn't used awesfx [03:48] swim, force version [03:48] you may need to have awesfx installed === superkitty [~chuck@c-24-11-81-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] swim, it's under package, lock version [03:48] bennyp, i've just installed it [03:49] aplaymidi wants a port (?) [03:49] hmmm [03:49] thundrcleeze, under package? [03:49] i think im losing my mind. i can find all of the xmms plugins but i cant find xmms === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@rfenio.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] is it so hard to play midi on linux??? === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@im.nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] swim, sorry I was thinking of synaptic. You could use that if you wanted. [03:49] hi all [03:49] no, but i've never done it before =) === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:50] so it will be hard untill we find the answer together [03:50] Clucas916: did you try sudo apt-get install xmms ? [03:50] swim, otherwise there should be a command option, let me see if I can find it. === Lovechild [~dnielsen@] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] eh eh [03:50] perhaps you need to reload alsa after installing awesfx [03:50] Scognito: you need to dll asfxload [03:50] heliolith, ya and i did apt-cache and its not there [03:50] thundrcleeze, hmm I think I would preffer command line on this [03:50] does Real PLayer play midis? [03:50] awesfx [03:50] no [03:50] try playmidi [03:50] playmidi: No playback device found. [03:51] swim, okay, let me look. Also, how did you get rid of the xserver to install the nvidia driver? [03:51] Clucas916: and did you reboot gnome? (not sure that's necessary but would be my next guess) [03:51] it is because /dev/sequencer has not appeared [03:51] that has nothing to do with it [03:51] try reloading alsa modules and snd-seq [03:51] bennyp, i have it [03:51] on gentoo i type /etc/init.d/alsasound restart [03:52] something similiar is on debian [03:52] maybe there is an equivalent in ubuntu === U3 [~michael@fl-65-40-62-11.sta.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] ok [03:52] thundrcleeze, mmm oh at the time xserver wasnt able to start because I changed xorg.conf to hav nvidia instead of nv and since I didnt have anything installed it couldnt find nvidia module [03:52] reloaded [03:53] swim, oh, so you didn't install the driver? === BROKEN_LADDER [~PRIVATE@adsl-68-124-235-225.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU === superkitty [~chuck@c-24-11-81-82.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:53] thundrcleeze, I did after that yes [03:54] do you have the same error still, Scognito? [03:54] yes [03:54] btw i tried kmid from root [03:54] swim, how did you go about that? Did you apt-get it or did you get it from the nvidia site like me? [03:54] it starts, and "play" the file, but i got no sound [03:54] hmm [03:54] the progressbar is moving [03:54] thundrcleeze, apt-got it [03:54] you said the error was permission denied for /dev/sequencer, correct? === spockster [d_master@203-59-152-110.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] thundrcleeze, from warty repository === DonL [~don@d207-216-62-247.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tottinge wonders if protocol here is "one at a time" [03:55] bennyp, the permission are not a great problem [03:55] the problem for now is get sound... :) [03:56] but if root owns /dev/sequencer and no other users can use it... [03:56] does anyone know the command to lock version of certain packages so that when you run apt-get dist-upgrade those packages are not touched? === Kakalto [~Stranger@wired-210-54-56-92.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] swim: echo hold | dpkg --set-selections [03:56] bennyp, for now i want to test by root, so i'm sure it is not a permission problem === rellik [~rellik@] has joined #ubuntu === freedomla [~kkk@user-12ld2fb.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] sorry I couldn't find it swim [03:57] thats cool thundrcleeze thx [03:57] with kmid i can select several devices [03:57] what can i use to test if my 3d acceleration work ? [03:57] hi, i'm trying to install linux on my powerpc, but i am having trouble booting from the cd [03:57] emu10k1 wavetable port [0...3] ALSA [03:57] dafox7: glxinfo [03:58] what packages would I get to install the nvidia driver? === graymalkin [~graymalki@pcp02119270pcs.sabrna01.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] and emu10k1 mpu401 (UART) rawmidi 0 [03:58] try them all [03:58] jdub, cool thank you... btw to keep the same nvidia driver packages I have now, Ill need to hold nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common kernel-image and what else? [03:58] wavetable0 is selected for now [03:58] greets [03:58] trying others [03:58] I'm working on nvidia now... nvidia-glx-* worked for me [03:59] got a ? about forwarding x11 or vnc on unbuntu [03:59] anyone got an answer? === de_wizze [~vc@AC897437.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === goatboy [~tim@pppoe0952.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] depends on the question ....? [04:00] ...tryin to get rid of all these damn monitors :/ [04:00] whats wrong with Ubuntu [04:01] why does my clock take like 33.2mb of my memory [04:01] do you have these lines in etc/modules.conf? [04:01] alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss [04:01] alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss [04:01] alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss [04:01] alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss [04:01] alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss === heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has left #ubuntu [] [04:01] sorry bout spam === _|Imanewbie|_ [~imanewbie@200-203-023-037.paemt7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] <_|Imanewbie|_> can anyone please help me with 4 lines of shell script? [04:01] figured out how to install ssh d but, i'm a newbie with this === hams [~harms@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] bennyp, yes [04:02] maybe now it is a problem of mixer? [04:02] can i run the live cd off an amd athlon machine? [04:02] i only get no sound but the progressbar is moving === tottinge has a keyboard that only works in console, not in gdm -- was fine when running deb sarge, but after pointing at ubuntu and dist-upgrade, this is the only obvious problem. [04:02] it could be muted [04:03] bennyp, do you know what is the midi mixer? === heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu === graymalkin is trying to forward x11 to a windows ssh using putty. is it easier to use vnc or synergy? [04:03] Scognito check this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736&highlight=%2Fdev%2Fsequencer [04:03] Evolution contact importation is not working for me [04:04] graymalkin: I always use cygwin Xwin.exe -query whateverhost --- didn't know you could through putty. [04:04] it crashes when ever I try to add a contact or insert a vcard or change a preference [04:04] do I report the bug to ximian or to the ubuntu bugzilla [04:04] anyone: can anyone make sense of the error: "There was an error initializing the audio i/o layer. You will not be able to play or record audio. Error: Host error. after installing Audacity? [04:04] brb === spockster [d_master@203-59-152-110.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === saad [~saad@zeff.docisland.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] can anyone think of a reason why xmms isnt in apt-cache but all the xmms plugins are? [04:05] is it possible to run the x86 LiveCD from a amd64 machine? [04:05] hams: I did [04:05] the amd64 install is sweet [04:05] no chroot [04:05] just hacked openoffice [04:05] hams: but of course :) [04:06] <_|Imanewbie|_> can anyone please help me with 4 lines of shell script? [04:06] hams: plus, you could test our new amd64 livecds for the devel branch [04:06] _|Imanewbie|_: try #bash [04:06] bennyp, ok [04:06] i hope you find what you were looking for? [04:06] jdub, willing to try it now if you got a place to download it [04:06] <_|Imanewbie|_> caleb_: thanks! [04:06] let me know if it works [04:06] hams: cdimage.ubuntu.com [04:07] jdub, cool thank you... btw to keep the same nvidia driver packages I have now, Ill need to hold nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common kernel-image and what else? [04:07] jdub: under what dir [04:08] Scognito, you did modprobe snd-seq-oss? [04:08] hams: hoary [04:09] hams: just click daily-live and follow [04:09] CLucas916, i know why. [04:09] kbrooks, why === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@24-159-246-25.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] it is modprobed [04:10] jdub, current? === otter [~ginn@cpe-065-184-086-159.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] jdub? do you know? [04:10] hams: yes [04:10] CLucas916, ubuntu does not ship with m[\ players === de_wizze [~vc@AC897437.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:11] mp3 [04:11] swim: kernel and nvidia stuff, yes [04:11] but [04:11] ok i'll be back in a couple hours with the results. [04:11] jdub and restricted modules or something? [04:11] kbrooks, i know but i added mirrors and did apt-get update and it didnt come up [04:11] Scognito: this page has usefull info http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?module=emu10k1 [04:11] swim: try and see, just watch your upgrades [04:11] usually enabling the universe repository will help [04:12] jdub, do you know what the name of that package Im thinking about is? restricted miodules or something? [04:12] bennyp, i'm downloading the sound fonts...it's 10mb and i'm waiting for proceed... [04:12] kbrooks, did you enable the universe repoistory? [04:12] thnx in advance [04:12] swim: apt-cache search restricted modules, you'll be able to find it yourself :) [04:12] ok. while you wait, read the page on the alsa site, it is very informative [04:12] hi [04:12] no problem, i love helping [04:13] i'm connecting here with ubuntu [04:13] w00t === ions [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] especially the section for debian (and thus ubuntu) users [04:13] livecd ran without a hitch [04:13] Why is my refresh rate locked at 60hz when I can get 85 in windows for the same resolution? [04:13] jdub: what is "hal" short for? i can't find pertinent info on google. i'm trying to understand how it works, so i can see whether there's a way to make it work apart from gvm, more like autofs. [04:13] thanks for ubuntu [04:14] is there documentation on running windows apps, like with wine, or? [04:14] otter, no one here sells ubuntu cds [04:14] i'm not asking for cds [04:14] BROKEN_LADDER: hardware abstraction layer, but that's a misnomer. [04:14] i have it running [04:14] otter: you're welcome, that's 9,99$ anything else for you? [04:14] and by no one i mean absolutely no one [04:14] thanks jdub [04:14] BROKEN_LADDER: it is optimally used by g-v-m [04:15] on the dot [04:15] but gvm seems like a weird hack. [04:15] it is not [04:15] again, please start asking questions before making claims [04:15] i'd like to not go back to windows, so i'm looking for ways to run apps [04:15] it seems to be intimately tied to gui. === thisfred_ [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] g-v-m provides user-defined policy [04:15] it is not [04:15] otter: maybe you should try looking for replacements? what kind of apps? [04:16] the daemon is not at all 'tied to gui' [04:16] it seems to have problems when more than one x server is using it. [04:16] BROKEN_LADDER: jeff says, ask questions before making claims, that's just plain wrong [04:16] it is configured by a gui [04:16] magnon: i didn't make a claim. [04:16] bennyp, i hope it is a sound font problem [04:16] there is one specialty app for a photo lens [04:16] but the download is slow... [04:16] the g in gvm is "gnome" no? [04:16] an app for a photo _lens_? [04:16] BROKEN_LADDER: yes, there are concurrency issues, it's currently designed for use on single-user machines [04:16] so gvm works fine even if i'm not running x? [04:16] BROKEN_LADDER: yes [04:16] remotereality.com [04:16] it wouldnt be soundfonts, you want the hardware synth (sblive wavetable) to render the sound [04:16] BROKEN_LADDER: yes [04:16] can anyone think of a reason why xmms isnt in apt-cache but all the xmms plugins are? [04:16] okay. [04:16] it's a panoramic lens [04:17] otter: Ah. [04:17] CLucas916, damn it! [04:17] can ubuntu run wine? [04:17] at least rtfm [04:17] i guess the concurrency issue isn't really it's fault though, since having to start extra x servers to have more than one user switch between x sessions is a bit of a terrible hack. [04:17] otter: yeah, it can [04:17] copy the sound parts from /etc/modules.conf into /etc/modutils/alsa and run update-modules [04:17] kbrooks, dude. thats not it [04:17] is wine the best option? [04:17] read the ubuntu guide, CLucas916 [04:18] otter, there is cedega, and wine-x [04:18] but they both cost money, right? [04:18] BROKEN_LADDER: ... that's not the reason why there are concurrency problems, and no, multiple X servers for separate sessions is also not a terrible hack [04:18] otter, and also crossover [04:18] otter: send the company an email and ask them for a linux version ;) [04:18] BROKEN_LADDER: again, ask questions before making claims [04:18] it's quite a terrible hack. [04:18] it's a hack, pure and simple. === hikaru79 [~hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] omg. u think its because its not on the ubuntu cd that its not on another ubuntu mirror? [04:18] it may not be what you are used to, but it is not a hack [04:18] BROKEN_LADDER, STOOP! [04:18] it's a total hack. it's unnecessary and poor design. [04:18] BROKEN_LADDER, what is? [04:18] STOP [04:19] BROKEN_LADDER: why are you insulting? === mebaran [~mebaran@c-24-126-7-72.we.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:19] thanks [04:19] BROKEN_LADDER, no. it is not === rellik [~rellik@] has joined #ubuntu === maximaus [~max@user-37kacjo.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] magnon, he is not [04:19] Anyone know why my refresh rate is locked at 60hz when I can get 85 in windows for the same resolution? [04:19] BROKEN_LADDER: you're not backing up your claims particularly well, and given past comments from you, i'm assuming you're misinformed again. [04:19] if i'm logging into gdm, gnome should just present my gnome session to me on that same x server, and display the gdm again if i go to screen saver, or want to switch users. [04:19] he is, it's free software that someone voluntarily did they're best to create [04:20] BROKEN_LADDER: that's true, but that has nothing to do with the mechanics of the X servers involved [04:20] and I think it's pretty arrogant to bash it. [04:20] it should work, terrible as this sounds, like the winxp login screen. [04:20] anyone know how to set up a 2nd monitor? under 'nvidia-settings' it only lists the CRT, but not the LCD [04:20] i'm not bashing it, it's just not mature yet. [04:20] magnon, i decree that he is not [04:20] BROKEN_LADDER, whats wrong with opening another session? [04:20] mature? dude. [04:20] far out [04:20] it's a hack. [04:20] it makes no sense. [04:20] BROKEN_LADDER: you simply don't understand the architecture. [04:20] BROKEN_LADDER: any chance you could /nick broken_ladder my eyes are hurting [04:20] back later [04:20] it works very similarly to the windows xp login screen [04:20] i understand it well enough. [04:20] X is the most mature window system still in use today :P [04:20] kbrooks: ok, repeatedly failing to understand it === otter [~ginn@cpe-065-184-086-159.nc.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:20] only it doesn't currently have all the gui chrome [04:20] jdub, stole what I was about to inform him of [04:20] and it is more secure [04:21] and X is vastly more mature than windows [04:21] BROKEN_LADDER, obviously not, your logic behind it is very well un clear and incertain.. [04:21] magnon, yes, he is..... [04:21] BROKEN_LADDER: again, you need to ask questions to find out what you're talking about before making claims. [04:21] bennyp, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORKS [04:21] it was a sound fonts problem [04:21] you are opening up a new xserver for a new user to log in and use gnome. that's reprehensibly bad design. [04:21] no it's not [04:21] wh? [04:21] bennyp, thank you a lot [04:22] thundrcleeze: probably because your monitor doesn't return any information when asked what refresh-rates it supports. Ubuntu has to just guess the lowest possible in that case [04:22] BROKEN_LADDER, no it is not. [04:22] that's pretty much intentional [04:22] it's secure, it's the optimal model for X [04:22] BROKEN_LADDER, do you know how many security flaws there is with using the same session? [04:22] sladen, is there any way to change that? [04:22] BROKEN_LADDER, /nick your name. [04:22] BROKEN_LADDER: would you like to ask questions about it so i can explain why? [04:22] if there are flaws, they should be fixed. [04:22] FLeiXiuS, nnone? [04:22] BROKEN_LADDER: or would you like to continue making claims without being informed [04:22] ? === dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] i can give you a great demonstration of the X architecture in action [04:23] BROKEN_LADDER, Hacking will always be there, its more secure and less vulnerable this way, dont complain to the Ubuntu Community, go straight to X and GNU! [04:23] one of the engineers working on beos once wrote a great detailed analysis on why x is so slow.. [04:23] BROKEN_LADDER, we're not here to wipe your eyes of tears, that'll be your own doing. If you want to cry about something go elsewhere. [04:23] if you're willing to learn. [04:23] ya really [04:23] lemee google it. it outlines these flaws. [04:23] I think I found the conflict with audacity, this thread shows a workaround for killing esd, but what functionality will I lose if esd is off? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6551.html [04:23] BROKEN_LADDER: which is unrelated to the issue you've raised. [04:23] kbrooks, nnone? [04:23] no problem scognito [04:23] an engineer with skills probably far exceeding the combined knowledge of everyone in here. [04:23] it works now? [04:23] heliolith: try esddsp [04:23] heliolith: generally audio through GNOME will not play. [04:24] bennyp, yes === Scooter [~jocco@hnllhi1-ar6-4-7-245-121.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] but you can start it again whenever though [04:24] jdub: it's totally related. [04:24] BROKEN_LADDER: and those unrelated issues are rapidly being fixed. [04:24] sweeeeet [04:24] right, I forgot esddsp [04:24] thank you a lot [04:24] none [04:24] sladen: what's esddsp do? [04:24] :) [04:24] heliolith: in esound-client [04:24] i made a typo [04:24] the issues are related. he talks about this multiple x server issue. [04:24] kbrooks: now, that's more like an insult. [04:24] i downloaded a super mario song and finally i can listen to it [04:24] :) [04:24] heliolith: pipes accesses to /dev/dsp to esd instead [04:24] hahah wicked! [04:24] there's no reason a single x server is "insecure". you have absolutely no basis or backup for that absurd statement. [04:24] BROKEN_LADDER: ok, do me a favour and listen for a bit, and run through this demonstration. [04:24] favor? [04:25] i can do you a favor. [04:25] i'm listening [04:25] install xnest [04:25] just gotta be like Dr. Spock [04:25] all ears [04:25] then all the answers come easy, when you take it piece by piece [04:25] tell me when it's installed. === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@www.nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] eh eh [04:26] BROKEN_LADDER: (whilst it's installed would be a good time to lowercase your /nick ... as more than one person has pointed out, it is quite over-powering in here) [04:26] Uhoh. My keyboard suddenly only works in console [04:26] sladen, it clearly points out his maturity level in the Linux Architechture [04:26] I was running sarge, then pointed apt/sources.list to ubuntu and dist-upgraded. [04:26] Seems to be the only problem I have now..... [04:27] lowercase letters are ugly. [04:27] ok good night all, happy hacking! [04:27] and since it's just my nick, and not lines of text, it shouldn't be that distracting. === bennyp [~benny@CPE0080c8dec895-CM0011ae92c084.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] === decklin [decklin@bgm-68-172-180-95.stny.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] why am i installing xnest? [04:27] does anyone know a mirror where xmms is available? [04:27] Any suggestions? [04:27] BROKEN_LADDER: because we're doing a demonstration for you [04:27] broken_ladder, you could change the font on your computer to an all-caps font... [04:27] sladen: so esddsp is not a program? I looked for it in synaptic, all I find via google is some vague commands [04:27] that's a hack. [04:27] people shouldn't use lowercase letters. [04:27] BROKEN_LADDER: it is all entirely safe, i'm not asking you to do anything dangerous. [04:28] i hate having to turn caps lock off in irc. [04:28] CLucas916: do you not like the newer music players? [04:28] okay. [04:28] one sec [04:28] heliolith: it's in esound-clients as, I mentioned above [04:28] thundrcleeze: let's ignore the side issues, please. [04:28] jdub, sure. [04:28] caleb_, i prefer xmms [04:28] it would make it easier to find my way around the terminal if you could tell me why my arrow keys don't work whenever i start gnome. [04:28] at least until i change something, anything, in keyboard settings. [04:28] don't know, sounds like a good bug for you to file. [04:29] CLucas916: thats cool. I'm really liking muine and, at times, rhythmbox [04:29] my left key is being read as XF86AudioPrev [04:29] ahh finially i got it [04:30] if anyone else wants to do the demo too, install xnest :-) [04:30] broken...: what type of keyboard do you have? === Ex-Cyber installs xnest [04:30] any hoary users in here? [04:30] CLucas916: always. [04:30] I already know what it's for, but I'm curious as to what you're going to do :) [04:30] sladen: so once I install via syna then restart gnome and it's good to go, or I need to configure it some? [04:30] jdub, hows the stability? === Transitdk [~transitdk@user-0c6tibm.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] hoary is getting very good [04:31] heliolith: type esddsp command-that-doesn't-use-esd [04:31] it used to break a lot though [04:31] keyboard shortcuts are insanely buggy. [04:31] heliolith: no restarting GNOME [04:31] CLucas916: we're post upstream-version-freeze now, so the upgrade load is better now [04:31] oh cool [04:31] Question: Has anyone gotten APM to work with HP Pavilion Laptops? (view battery level to be specific) OR gotten the FN keys to work? [04:31] sladen so in my autolaunch icon thing I can type esddsp audacity instead of just typing audacity? [04:31] broken: XF86AudioPrev is normally a special key on an extended keyboard. What type of keyboard do you have? [04:32] xnest has unmet dependencies, which it didn't install. [04:32] for some reason. === budyong [~budyong@] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] BROKEN_LADDER, dependencies, welcome to linux.. [04:32] erm, xnest has very simple dependencies [04:32] are you running hoary, warty, warty with backports? [04:33] sladen, I don't know if you got to this yet or not, but is there a way to change my refresh rate with a command or tool? [04:33] BROKEN_LADDER: if you have anything other than 'insanely buggy' (specifics are good) to contribute, maybe we stand a chance of actually fixing it. [04:33] thundrcleeze: xrandr -q to see what you support, then xrandr -r xx to change to that refresh rate. [04:33] thundrcleeze: Computer->Settings->Display [04:34] BROKEN_LADDER: (also, multiple X servers for different sessions is the right way to do things. the only-ever-one-X-server perception is crack, and should die ASAP. i say this as an X developer.) === StolenShoeBox [~StolenSho@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@rfenio.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] sladen: do you use audacity? your esddsp workaround worked great for getting rid of that error, but now normal mp3 files sound like pure staticky noise; any idea what my problem is now? [04:36] i'd love to describe my x problems in detail. [04:36] heliolith: no idea. btw, which sound chipset do you have---some can only run at a particular bitrate+frequency [04:36] maybe you could provide some feedback. [04:37] i'm using the default dvorak keymap with some third level stuff for typing esperanto characters. [04:37] sladen: where do i find my sound/chipset? [04:37] irssi need a /rename LUSER luser option [04:37] everything seems to work fine, until i assign keyboard shortcuts, like mod4-right_arrow to do XF86AudioNext. [04:37] sladen: :) [04:37] then things go awry. [04:37] sladen: i'm happy to learn, but I'm a complete newbie to this stuff [04:37] BROKEN_LADDER: now this is more productive, thank you [04:37] whats a good cd/dvd burning program for gnome? [04:38] BROKEN_LADDER: i'd suggest filing this as a bug [04:38] broken: interesting. I'm still puzzled how the weird keys are generated [04:38] every time i start up, my arrow keys don't work, and instead they act like next and previous, causing rhythmbox, for instance, to do just that. [04:38] i.e. not k3b [04:38] CLucas916: none in ubuntu atm [04:38] they are third level keys. [04:38] CLucas916: though graveman has just been uploaded into hoary universe [04:38] wow [04:38] i can show a sample line from my xkb file. [04:38] ok [04:38] CLucas916: there are a number of projects working on it, but none are ready for release (or are in hoary) [04:38] CLucas916: it's a nice black hole atm ;) [04:38] CLucas916: but nautilus-cd-burner is great if you just want to do data cds [04:38] lol === magnon waits anxiously for coaster [04:39] BROKEN_LADDER: can you file a buy, and upload your custom xkb, and some sample xev output before/after [04:39] key { [ g, G, gcircumflex, Gcircumflex ] }; [04:39] this allows me to type [04:39] BROKEN_LADDER: please file this as a bug, that's where it will be most useful [04:39] sladen: define the 'default dvorak keymap'. [04:39] what's the command to find out my sound chipset anyone? === magnon files a bouy :) [04:39] s/sladen/BROKEN_LADDER/ [04:39] where and how? [04:39] BROKEN_LADDER: see the topic. [04:39] daniels, how's it going. [04:39] it's the xkb dvorak file. [04:40] whats ubuntu backports? [04:40] FLeiXiuS: good thanks [04:40] BROKEN_LADDER: that's useless to me. how is it configured in xorg.conf? [04:40] CLucas916: it's a misguided project to build hoary stuff against warty :| [04:40] ah [04:40] it has nothing to do with xorg.conf [04:40] daniels, Yeah it's been a while since I communicated with yah on the forums. [04:40] broken: "with some third level stuff" ? [04:40] it's just the keymap i'm using. [04:40] BROKEN_LADDER: there are many ways to configure dvorak, some of them quite badly misguided (including 'dvorak') [04:40] it's done using xkb [04:40] FLeiXiuS: hooray for being busy === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] acually, no i changed my xfree86 config file to using dvorak. it just says dvorak instead of us or whatever. so it uses the file /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/dvorak [04:42] i don't see anything about filing bugs in the topic. [04:42] BROKEN_LADDER: first mistake. [04:42] sladen, I don't see a computer->settings->display and daniels, In windows I can get 1280x1024 @85hz and here it only reports I can do it at 60, is there a way to force it or is it the driver that only supports 60? [04:42] BROKEN_LADDER: (there's an FAQ in the topic) [04:42] this problem existed prior to that. [04:42] BROKEN_LADDER: try 'us(pc104)+dvorak(basic)' [04:42] dvorak modifies existing symbol tables; it's not a complete replacement === FX|Laptop [~FX@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] try that where? [04:42] Hello [04:42] in the dvorak file? [04:42] thundrcleeze: edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 as root, and remove the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines [04:43] dude, what are you talking about? [04:43] BROKEN_LADDER: no dude, in your config [04:43] i'm using the default dvorak file that COMES with the distro. [04:43] anyone here running hoary with ndiswrapper? [04:43] my x config has nothing to do with this. [04:43] this happened before i changed anything in my x config. [04:43] BROKEN_LADDER: yes it does. if you want to argue with me on xkb stuff, that's great, but don't expect me to attempt to keep helping you. [04:43] this happened before i changed anything in xfree86 config. [04:44] my apologies broken. I've used /ignore for the first time ever on IRC, and that's getting on for 10years === troy__ [~troy@adsl-69-210-107-87.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] are you not listening to me? [04:45] is ncurses-devel in hoary? [04:45] this happened _before_ i changed xfree86 [04:45] before [04:45] not after [04:45] CLucas916: it's probably ncurses5-dev or something [04:45] CLucas916: apt-cache search ncurses [04:46] sladen: I'm getting there myself, my statistics are the same [04:46] daniels: you want me to put that line in PLACE of the dvorak line? [04:46] i did and theres nothing about ncurses-dev [04:46] BROKEN_LADDER, I couldn't hurt to listen to them anyway and attempt what they suggest, could it? === sigSEGV [~sigSEGV@ip68-102-168-30.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] How can I get the networking settings to stay on reboot? [04:46] i'm willing to give it a try if he'll tell me exactly where to put that line. he already asked me about x.org config, which is weird since ubuntu currently uses xfree86 [04:47] BROKEN_LADDER: the developers live in hoary, remember. [04:47] but i don't. [04:47] CLucas916: libncursesw5-dev [04:47] BROKEN_LADDER: then you need to make that clear, without being a jerk about it. === tolstoy_ [~tolstoy@c-67-171-195-50.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] okay. sorry. i'm not a developer. [04:48] FX|Laptop: pop them in /etc/network/interfaces === tolstoy_ [~tolstoy@c-67-171-195-50.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:48] FX|Laptop: what settings are you trying to get to survive? [04:48] BROKEN_LADDER: we know that. we don't know which version you're using. [04:48] How can I (from command line, no synaptic), uninstall a program so that it's configuration files go with it? The equivalent of "Complete Removal" from Synaptic? [04:48] now in my xfree86 config, daniels, where would i put this line about the pc104(basic) or whatever. [04:48] BROKEN_LADDER: unless you tell us (which you now have). [04:48] i thought you just told me hoary wasn't out yet. [04:48] my mistake. [04:49] hoary is the devel branch. [04:49] BROKEN_LADDER, it's not out yet officially, but you can still participate in the development version [04:49] hikaru79: apt-get --purge remove package [04:49] i see. [04:49] Just don't count on it working [04:49] sladen, thanks :) === Grev [~dbasinge@dsl093-224-097.slc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] hikaru79: you have to have the packaged installed to do that though [04:50] evening all [04:50] sladen, yup === FX|Laptop [~FX@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === CLucas916 is upgrading to hoary === tottinge [~tim@adsl-68-79-171-193.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Scognito [~artrg@] has left #ubuntu ["con] [04:55] here's what's in my xconfig daniels: Option "XkbLayout" "dvorak" / Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch,altwin:left_meta_win" [04:55] so replace dvorak with what you were just saying? === heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has left #ubuntu [] [04:58] with us(pc104)+dvorak(basic), yes === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu === tottinge [~tim@adsl-68-79-171-193.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] Here's my problem: I installed a program that creates it's own directory and stuff in ~/. It made the directory the first time I installed it. But then, I removed the package and deleted the created directory. I deleted the package WITH --purge. However, if I try re-installing the package subsequent times, it refuses to re-make the directory it needs to make. I assume it thinks it's there from last time. How can I get it to start a new one? [04:59] yay just got my laptop to support Fn buttons and standby [04:59] but the second line is fine? [04:59] too bad the fglrx driver cant handle sleepmodes very well :( [05:00] you're an X developer daniels? === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] BROKEN_LADDER: yes. [05:01] i read on some forum that i could just replace pc with dvorak, which works on the surface. that's why i was so skeptical about this. [05:01] BROKEN_LADDER: probably, although it may cause problems, and yes [05:01] okay. === swim [~joshua@ip68-228-56-67.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] hay folks [05:01] 'ello [05:01] "some forum" vs. "distro and upstream developer" -> hmm! [05:02] actually, I'm not sure I'd give daniels the title of X developer. X Meddler perhaps. *grin* [05:02] so for those who cannot use the new nvidia drivers/ubuntu packaged (6229), is there anyway to use the new kernels and use the previous nvidia packaged drivers? (6111) === OddAbe19 is away: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... diddily dee... and so forth [05:02] swim: not really, sorry [05:03] swim: it would just be a horror to build two versions [05:03] even though 6629 does have some quite massive problems [05:03] daniels, so Im just stuck with the older kernel? that sucks [05:03] BROKEN_LADDER: depending on what you're attempting to bind, moving ralt to level3 shift and changing the altwin behaviour might break things badly [05:03] swim: tell me about it :\ [05:03] it now says Option "XkbLayout" "us(pc104)+dvorak(basic)" [05:04] daniels, so my only hope is that newer nvidia kernels thus ubuntu packages will fix the problem ? [05:04] it's the way everything i've read says to do this. it's even in the esperanto keymap file i found. [05:04] it's to make right alt be altr [05:04] altgr [05:04] so can type by pressing right-alt-c === tottinge [~tim@adsl-68-79-171-193.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:04] i also set mod4 to the win keys. [05:05] but those are also options in keyboard prefs in gnome.. [05:06] is bootsplash in hoary? [05:06] swim: yeah. apparently breaking older cards is a 'known issue' upstream, and they'll fix it in their next driver revision. === tottinge [~tim@adsl-68-79-171-193.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] daniels, Im not even using an older card! nvidia is driver crazy or something [05:07] swim: the joys of binary drivers, eh? [05:07] my card is a 2004 card [05:07] hmm === Necrosan [Necrosan@nwblwinas01-pool0-a152.nwblwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] Joe Zicarelli in the house? [05:08] swim: i think the biggest breakages were on tnt2, geforce2, and geforce4 mx440 [05:08] or mx400 or something [05:08] ive got a geforce4 440 [05:09] daniels: what am i _supposed_ to use for level3 besides right alt? [05:09] BROKEN_LADDER: not sure [05:09] ack [05:09] hi can someone help me? [05:10] freedomla, whats the prob [05:10] i couldn't boot from the ubuntu cd in my powerpc [05:11] i dont think ubuntu is for ppc [05:11] so i should log out and back in now? === sobralense [~sobralens@] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] well i got this powerpc version of ubuntu, not the dell x86 one [05:12] CLucas916: it works on powerpc, yes [05:12] daniels: is it not relevant to you that this problem happened even when i had it set to the default, us? [05:12] i mean, are other people able to use keyboard shortcuts? [05:12] daniels, oh i didnt know that === ernesto [~ernesto@tdev132-201.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] como estan todoss === [deadmongrel] [~mongrel@] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] how can I set a kernel do be default? [05:14] in menu.lst? === mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] this chat is just in english? [05:14] do you think it might be something with my keyboard? Because when i turned on the mac, the cap/scroll/number lock lights flashed, and then went off, and after that, I couldn't get those lights back on again by pressing the lock keys [05:14] BROKEN_LADDER: it seems to work for most everyone else [05:14] is it just like that for macs? [05:15] I need to connect to this smb share but when I open it in nautilus it says I don't have permission. How would I make Nautilus ask for username and password? [05:15] eh people [05:16] Im a ubuntu linux new user [05:16] I need some help [05:16] somebody can help me? === thully [~thully@pm472-08.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] ernesto: if you ask a question... [05:17] tell me [05:17] ernesto: it's a little hard to answer if you don't ask a question first [05:17] can someone tell me whether my problem is in the keyboard or what? [05:17] ok [05:17] shot me [05:18] freedomla: usb/ps, PPC/i386/amd64, X or console? [05:18] how can I set a kernel do be default? anyone?? [05:19] PCC/i386/amd64 [05:19] I listen something about amd64 procesors [05:19] Im Dominican [05:19] ernesto: is your computer White with some fruit on the front, or gray and ugly? === Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-23-35-30.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] sladen [05:20] I know about hardware computers [05:20] it's ppc 6500/275 [05:20] swim: edit /etc/grub/menu.lst && sudo update-grub [05:20] Im a tecnician [05:20] swim: /boot/grub/menu.lst [05:20] Im using a clone pc with 500mhz procesor [05:21] sladen, yes but edit to show what? how do I tell it to use a specific kernel [05:21] mdz same [05:21] i don't understand the point of starting laptop mode. the hard disk never spins down anyway because the disk is accessed every 5 seconds. [05:21] I have a ubuntu linux version [05:21] maybe somehow my keyboard is broken. === icerogue [~Ice@astound-64-83-231-124.mn.astound.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:21] i mean it's like 6 years old. [05:21] Im not a advance linux user [05:21] swim: the line that says 'default 0' to be 'default N' [05:22] but when i set a shortcut say where F2 is "take a screenshot" and "alt-F2" is "go to workspace 2", it records the alt-F2 fine. But if i press alt-F2 from the desktop, it treats it like a pressed F2, and tries to take a screenshot. [05:22] but I know much things about hardware [05:22] sladen: so what's causing the problem? [05:22] sladen where N is the number of the entry in the list of kernels? [05:22] Im not using mac [05:22] os === aperson [~aperson@] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] hello all [05:23] Arkainium: how much RAM do you have, is it swapping? [05:24] is there anybody who can help me get my soundcard to work? [05:24] brb [05:24] aperson, sure === mindphasr [~mind@000-512-325.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] aperson you need to download the packages [05:24] aperson, what card [05:25] it is... [05:25] ok anyone wanna help me get my audio running? [05:25] sladen, i have 768mb. still though, i disable my swap, i mounted /tmp as tmpfs. i even tried stopping syslogd, cron, etc === Managu [~swalker@] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] aperson: hopefully you shouldn't need to download packages... [05:25] a seal 4 channel sound card [05:25] I better not [05:25] since my linux box has no internet connection [05:25] and I have dailup [05:26] sladen, the kernel is saving the dirty buffers... i tried setting laptop_mode in /proc/sys/vm but it doesn't stick. [05:26] Arkainium: there's a /proc/sys option you can write to, to display which disk-access caused the spin-up. I can't remember the option, Google will [05:26] is there an audio setup wiki for ubuntu anyone?? === TechPepsi [TechPepsi@ca-agoura-cuda2l-66.ventca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] I have done the register-0.8 bit to no avail [05:26] is there any screenshots on this distro === BROKEN_LADDER [~PRIVATE@adsl-68-124-235-225.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU [05:27] sladen, it's /proc/sys/vm/block_dump, how do you watch it though? i disabled syslog and klogd [05:27] TechPepsi: distrowatch I think has tonnes. Other people have done reviews [05:27] whats the link === maximoose [~max@user-37kacll.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] Arkainium: watch -n 1 'dmesg | tail' or something [05:28] any ideas on what I need to do? [05:28] I gto like 5 x86 and 5 for mac [05:29] what come with ubuntu when ya install? [05:29] is there an audio setup wiki for ubuntu anyone please? My audio is not working [05:29] heh [05:30] seems to be a bigger problem than I thought then [05:30] okay i fixed my problem in a roundabout way. === tritium [~tritium@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] I need to read some manuals of linux [05:32] well, I'll be back probally tommorrow for help === ObsidianX [~ryan@adsl-66-127-114-92.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] argh I need sound [05:33] where does gvm mount things? [05:33] Can I get help with an XFree86 problem? [05:33] ask your question tottinge [05:33] that's the only way anyone can help. [05:34] swim: google your sound card and debian for starters [05:34] My keyboard is standard 104, /dev/psaux (ms natural) -- works fine in console, but not gdm or xdm. [05:34] swim: and ofcourse search the forums too [05:35] Note: I was running straight debian, and it was fine in gdm/xdm. I set /etc/apt/sources.list to ubuntu, dist-upgrade, and now this. [05:35] does the ubuntu distro work with airport card [05:35] I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 -- no joy. [05:35] what might I try next? [05:35] daniels: so I've installed ubuntu. [05:35] daniels: but I think this machine is dodgy [05:36] tottinge: er, keyboards aren't on /dev/psaux, they're mice [05:36] nevyn: oh? [05:36] TechPepsi: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10860&highlight=airport "airport ( not the extreme ) is autodetected in ubuntu and works like a charm... " [05:36] Sorry -- mind went south (too many trips through dpkg-reconfigure) I mean ti's on PS/2 port. === pepsi [~pepsi@p153.n-sfpop05.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] daniels: Cyrix 686 PR200 [05:37] tottinge: i have no idea -- i've never heard of a keyboard that just stopped working before [05:37] only for the ap card and not extreme [05:37] nevyn: isn't that implied? [05:37] tottinge: i also have an ms natural and tons of problem. [05:37] It still works in console, not in gdm, xdm. [05:37] s [05:37] i give up on getting shortcuts working. [05:38] tottinge: What does your keyboard input device options say in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4? [05:38] i'll be setting keyboard shortcuts and all of a sudden it starts reading arrow keys as 0x66 instead of left or whatever. [05:38] thenuke, I just need to know the common proccess to get sound up... [05:38] why xf86config-4? [05:38] is there an easy way to get from a custom install to a minimal gui? [05:38] nevyn: sudo aptitude install '~tubuntu-desktop' === stone__ [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] Section "InputDevice" [05:38] Identifier "Default Keyboard" [05:38] Driver "keyboard" [05:38] Option "CoreKeyboard" [05:38] Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" [05:38] Option "XkbModel" "pc104" [05:38] Option "XkbLayout" "us" [05:38] EndSection [05:38] or maybe just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [05:38] I think I'll try the Dell laptop suspend fix. What does the kernel option "nolapic" do? [05:38] google that term? === monra [~monrayagt@cable-202-8-232-104.d-one.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] swim: what soundcard do you have then [05:39] thenuke, it uses driver snd_intel_8something um hold on [05:39] oh 8x0 [05:39] mindphasr: exactly the same as my other (working) libranet debian box. [05:40] swim you using warty or hoary [05:40] Guardiann, hoary [05:40] tottinge: Any errors in /var/log/XFree86.0.log? [05:40] did it work in warty [05:40] Guardiann, I havent used warty in a very long time, I dont remember [05:41] you have a sis system? [05:41] I think so... laptop === tottinge double checks [05:41] just got one of those free pressed CDs from my school. i've always wanted to be a linux user but found many of the programs (flash, 3ds max) can't be used in linux (except with crossover office, but it still doesn't support the latest versions). furthermore, some hardware on the pc doesn't work with linux because there aren't any drivers available (wifi card, video card). anybody want to tell me otherwise? :) i'll be glad to hear from you [05:41] bekieve it or not Try to disable your on board modem in your setup [05:42] mindphasr: none. [05:42] Guardiann, me? [05:42] then reboot [05:42] yep swim you [05:42] Guardiann, ermm I have no idea how to do that [05:42] monra: clearly you don't want to be a linux user enough... === freedomla [~kkk@user-12ld2fb.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] when you rebbot your machine should tell you what key you need to push to run the setup [05:43] mine was f2 [05:43] tottinge: Does your caps lock lights go on and off in X? [05:43] if it doesnt say google for the info [05:43] monra: Then why do you want to be a linux user? === tottinge checks.... === heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu === heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has left #ubuntu [] [05:43] Guardiann, are you talking about disabling in bios? I dont have that option in my bios [05:43] swim: I am now. What's up? [05:44] I also notice that X takes longer to come up than I expected. [05:44] anybody know why acpi_irq_isa=7 is needed to enable sound on some Dell laptops? [05:44] mindphasr: No, no lights. [05:44] hmmm you should [05:44] crimsun are you [05:44] Dionys [05:44] i was having the sound problem on my vaio with hoary [05:44] ernesto: come again? [05:44] monra: We arn't here to turn you into a linux user. Go elsewhere if you want someone to convince you to use linux because frankly, i don't really care if you use linux. [05:44] crimsun, whats up, uh I took care of it thanks :) was wondering how to deal with holding nvidia packages... [05:44] tritium: broken irq routing with acpi for those bioses. [05:44] tottinge: Does X even start? [05:44] will this distro ruin an ibook? [05:44] mindphasr because i believe in opensource.. makes much more sense. [05:45] swim: sudo aptitude hold [05:45] i found that its the kernal that is having trouble with on board devices i disabled my modem and away went the sound [05:45] crimsun, now Im trying to get sound working... ive got a r3000z laptop, which uses snd-intel8x0 any ideas? [05:45] mindphasr: I get the login screen and the mouse is live. [05:45] crimsun, I see. So I need that, regardless of kernel version? [05:45] I wonder why I never needed it on Debian. [05:45] monra: What do you want us to tell you? You only want to use closed source applications and they dont run in linux. [05:45] tritium: at least for current 2.6 [05:45] crimsun, thanks [05:45] swim what brand is an r3000x laptop [05:45] tottinge: That is very strange..I don't know what the deal is there [05:46] swim: that's not nearly enough info to assist in debugging. === RamNinja [~ram@ppp206-172.lns1.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] Guardiann, hp/compaq [05:46] crimsun, I can't seem to find the wiki page where I originally saw that fix. === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] mindphasr: gdm responds to mouse events -- I can use 'actions' menu. [05:46] crimsun, I dont know how to setup audio in ubuntu... so I dont know how to give you more info... [05:46] tritium: search for hardwaresupport for laptops [05:46] oh ok, thanks anyway [05:46] ok well i would give it a try but whatever [05:47] Oh, looky there... it's running an old kernel (2.4.22) [05:47] Hmmm..... [05:47] swim: /join #flood, cat /proc/asound/cards === pd5rm [~pd5rm@m09105e42.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] crimsun, yeah, I think it's gone now [05:49] crimsun, http://pastebin.com/231528 [05:49] What is the "normal" kernel version for warty? [05:49] tottinge: === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] ey I need help [05:50] I have this a.deb package need to remove in order to install b.deb but what is the command? [05:50] tritium: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops still exists. [05:51] EvolutionR: dpkg -r or apt-get remove [05:51] crimsun, yeah, thanks. That's not the original page that described the fix. [05:51] It's okay, though. [05:51] I'll read bugzilla, bug #1254 [05:52] ernesto: please state the issues then [05:52] mindphasr: thanks === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:52] swim: and what does using gnome-volume-control give you? === jdz_ [~jdz@chpau.oxfordnetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu === tottinge quickly upgrades to [05:53] crimsun, hmm Playback only shows PCM [05:54] swim: is it using the oss mixer? select Change Device [05:54] swim: make sure it's using the ALSA mixer [05:55] crimsun, it was using oss now I changed it to alsamixer how should I test it? [05:55] op [05:55] works :") [05:55] anyone know how to use samba over an ssh tunnel? === Neo_654 [~Neo_654@oh-65-40-142-43.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] I have a problem with mozzila [05:56] awesome crimsun thank you :)! [05:56] with the pluggin shockwaveflash === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] I have this error on startup screen on Ubuntu 1)modprobe:FATAL:Error inserting pciehp(/lib/modules/ Operation not permitted 2) same with the error but with "shpchp". What's this how can I remove this annoying error message? === Bisclaveret [~chatzilla@AC8DF43F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] I have the same error in my pc [05:57] what is tha [05:57] that [05:57] ernesto: I'm not alone :) === TechPepsi [TechPepsi@ca-agoura-cuda2l-66.ventca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:57] put pciehp [05:57] yes [05:57] i just got my cd's.. they look good but something's fishy when i installed :( [05:57] swim: wasn't that simple? :-) [05:58] sure was ! [05:58] in /etc/hotplug.d/blacklist [05:58] I want to know what is that? === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] ernesto: it's loading pci hot plug drivers [05:58] but your hardware does not support it === poningru [~Poningru@n128-227-11-146.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BootHotPlugErrors see that page [05:58] modules.blacklist?? [05:58] thanks [05:59] why did the installer (when run with linux noapic nolapic) stall forever when it was setting up/getting info on IDE devices? [05:59] sorry /etc/hotplug/blacklist [05:59] not .d === cswanson [~cswanson@blk-224-208-237.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] Bisclaveret, try just a normal boot [05:59] HrdwrBoB: thanks for the info! [05:59] crimsun, you wouldnt happen to know why audacity says this when I start it up: There was an error initializing the audio i/o layer would you? [05:59] evening all === elmaya [elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] zenrox: it did the same thing when i just pressed enter on the screen [06:00] Bisclaveret, then try just one of the commands [06:00] swim: esd grabs /dev/dsp, and audacity needs access to it. [06:01] it stalled forever, then it completed the installation.. but now when i reboot, it takes forever for the thing to start (i stare at a blinking cursor for 15 seconds or so) then i see GRUB... then 20 seconds later Loader Version 1.5, then 30 seconds after that Loading GRUB or whatever... then the thing just sits there [06:01] swim: so before you run audacity, make sure you `pkill esd' [06:01] my hd led indicator on the case is full on, but the access led on the hd itself isn't doing anything [06:02] HrdwrBoB: But I have another error on ubuntu when on startup screen. Synchronising clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org *failed* I dont want to synchronise my clock! [06:02] I have another problem [06:02] why would you _not_ want to sync the clock? [06:02] ya [06:02] i love it to sync [06:02] I have a friend that wants to enter to this channel [06:02] Bisclaveret: Was that off a reboot? And also does they system seem to be majorly slow once things are running accessing the drive? [06:02] but I dont know the name of this channel [06:02] ernesto: #ubuntu [06:03] #ubuntu [06:03] ernesto: #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net [06:03] mindphasr, crimsun --- the kernel upgrade did it. I have keyboard now. [06:03] crimson wins the support price [06:03] Thanks much. [06:03] *prize [06:03] magnon: rather, the ubuntu community. [06:03] that was after a complete power cycle, and .. things don't start. i just sit there with loading GRUB on my screen [06:03] EvolutionR: I can help you disable, it, but why not === gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] thanks crimsun [06:04] Bisclaveret: Is this the first time this has done this? [06:04] I got us a new ubuntu recruit :p [06:04] crimsun: it's not like my support prize involves any honor or benefit at all anyway ;) [06:04] also, i'm quite the linux newb ;) i fooled around slightly with mandrake 9.2 but couldn't really get into it on account of my modem being majorly unsupported. now that i have a hardware modem i hope it should be better [06:04] he's dist-upgrading to hoary right now hehe [06:04] neo: this is the first install, yes [06:04] HrdwrBoB: how pls! this annoys me, it takes some time to put into my desktop! [06:05] too boot [06:05] First time seeing it what I mean is first time seeing this problem... Reason I ask was I just had something like this this past weekend. [06:05] http://ubuntuguide.org [06:05] read it and stfu [06:05] or rtfm [06:05] i'm thinking the installer is broken on my hardware or my harddrive is just trashed :p === dnielsen [~dnielsen@] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] No need to be rude, Necro. [06:06] When people demand help I demand satisfaction. [06:06] But thanks for the link. [06:06] :) [06:06] Necrosan: be polite. it's embodied in the ubuntu code of conduct. [06:06] Bisclaveret [06:06] Necrosan: which are the rules this channel operates by. [06:06] HrdwrBoB: tell me how to disable this sychronising clock ntp.ubuntulinux.org my startup screen? need help! [06:06] EvolutionR: I ask again - why don't you want it to sync? [06:06] I have the same problem with a hard disk === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD9E60052.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] here [06:07] Bisclaveret: the next time you reboot go into your bios and check to see how fast it discovers the HDD. That was my issue and then I reformated it and and now can't format it back cause it is trash I was just seeing it at the begining of dieing a slow and painfull death. [06:07] that happen when the fist boot sector is busted [06:07] magnon: if I read it right, to speed up boot time [06:07] Does ubuntu default to not showing your non-linux hdds, or is there something screwed up with it? === Skullripp [Skullrippe@tdev158-146.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] EvolutionR: sudo update-rc.d -f remove ntp [06:08] Wait, it probably doesn't have ntfs reading as a default package, right? [06:08] it kinda sucks because i have a really old system and i can only have 1 HD in at a time (only 3 molex connectors) === tottinge [~tim@adsl-68-79-171-193.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:08] Bisclaveret: get a new PSU? [06:08] otherwise i would try to use a windows bootdisk and do a reformat of the drive [06:08] Bisclaveret: thats what splitters are for. [06:09] necro: id' have to modify my case for that.. and it would be pretty cramped [06:09] is a good option [06:09] MATX power supply in a minitower right now. it's an old eMachines etower 566^i2 [06:09] bis just get anthoer psu and plug it in and turn it on set it on top [06:09] ernesto [06:10] tell me [06:10] dont dare to speak spanish here [06:10] 120w psu and i've no idea how it's powering a cdrwiter, HD, 2 usb devices, and my geforce 2 [06:10] crud gconf crashes at start... [06:10] Bisclaveret: You can get a splitter for Radio Shack or anyplace like that to solve the molex problem. But if your Bois has troulbe seeing your HDD you may not want to reformat cause it won't be able to format the HDD. [06:11] and who wanted to speak spanish [06:11] hmm starts as root from cli [06:11] my bios can detect it fine.. it's.. .a Quantum Fireball Lct 15. 7.5gig [06:11] just is a warning [06:11] yay,, array-3 cd.. [06:11] yeah i know, Quantums suck] [06:12] Ok then the first sector could be messed up. [06:12] so what's up? [06:12] bisclavert [06:12] you can try to install mandrake in the harddrive === dnielsen is now known as Lovechild [06:13] wouldn't the repartitioning and formatting fix that? beh. i could try to stick it in my 386 and attempt a low-level format [06:13] I tried that with a hard disk [06:13] the hard drive worked [06:13] would take forever but my 386's bios can do lowlevel formats and interleave disks [06:14] ernes [06:14] pepe [06:14] tell me [06:14] Bisclaveret: I often hear that most modern HDs fake the low-level format because the hardware needed to do the low-level format only exists at the factory (cf. CD-R pregroove) [06:14] 386 [06:14] yowsers [06:14] windows user [06:15] HrdwrbBoB: ???? [06:15] heh.. i've only been a windows user since 98 or so >.> i'm a dos-man [06:15] Ex-Cyber: correct [06:16] ey sladen I need to upgrade my mozilla navigator [06:16] with the shockwave plugin === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] pepe [06:17] what you know about it [06:17] motherfucker [06:17] Ex-Cyber: when i upgraded my 386dx to use IDE devices last year i had to LLF my new 120mb seagate [06:17] anyone knows how to disable the ntp.ubuntulinux.org *Fail* it took a few minutes to log in because of that thing? anyone???? [06:17] what you want [06:17] windowsniano === swim [~joshua@ip68-228-56-67.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] gay take it easy [06:18] ernesto: keep it nice please. [06:18] 16:08 < sladen> EvolutionR: sudo update-rc.d -f remove ntp [06:18] ernesto: u have the Synchronising ntp.ubuntulinux.org *fail* on ur Ubuntu startup screen???? [06:18] ey everybody the user Skullripp is using microsoft windows in this channel [06:18] crimsun, hmm seems that the setting in gnome-volume-control is not saved at boot its back to oss [06:19] ernesto: they are allowed [06:19] if anyone wants a slightly failing ST-225 halfheight, ST-412 interface, they can have it. had to get rid of it because the motor for driving the platters is starting to fail. it's losing RPM's randomly, thus making you reboot the computer and spewing trash all over the hd, but no media errors [06:19] jdub pardon me but that user is bothering me [06:19] crimsun, no thats not it... it starts muted [06:19] i'm using win2kpro >.> [06:19] sorry I did not see it thanks [06:19] up until last week i was using winme ;) [06:19] Bisclaveret: ouch. good move. ;) [06:20] haha [06:20] winme is the best windows [06:20] I have 3 5RU pentium 2s here someone can take away [06:20] but you have to carry them [06:20] i dunno. i liked winME. it was functional [06:20] when the kernel is go down [06:20] wow this was ugly, to get Muine working in Hoary I had to force it and link the flac lib to the old version... just nasty [06:20] people were amazed at my ability to constantly get 1 week+ uptime from it [06:21] the video continue [06:21] ernes say your own opinion [06:21] "OMFG j00 have to reboot every 40 minutestst" [06:21] Bisclaveret: something like that :) [06:21] you actually liked winme? :) [06:21] you can give your opinion [06:21] EvolutionR: it's probably DHCP taking so long. Probably because you wifi/DHCP is broken [06:21] you used that version of windows [06:22] I haven't used Windows since 98, but that wasn't a half bad release to be honest, aside the crashing it did what it was supposed to [06:22] you know everything about windows [06:22] magnon: never really had a lot of experience with NT-based stuff and i've used win95 OSR and winME for a while now [06:22] you love ms [06:22] you can work with Bill gates [06:22] and i have a lot of "legacy" devices and older computers that i needed backwards compatibility with [06:23] you know everything about it his products [06:23] this is rapidly shifting off-topic, dudes [06:23] HrdwrBoB: I can't seem to surf internet (DSL) on Gnome 2.8 (ubuntu) warthy? I use adsl-start it showed status connected! but I click my Firefox webbrowser to try surf www.google.com or etc...cannot "Stil Resolving" I use a Aztech 305E (router) DSL modem [06:24] sladen: which one are u refering to? [06:24] ernes [06:24] tell me [06:24] i gotta go [06:24] why [06:24] anyone happen to know what this means when I try to run amarok: Socket-path is not a link or a directory: /home/joshua/.kde/socket-penguin-water [06:24] 8088 running IBM Personal DOS 3.0, GEM 286 running MS-DOS 5.0, AMD 386dx-40 running 6.22, 133mhz pentium running win95 osr, and this computer that used to have winme on it [06:24] i have to do something [06:24] EvolutionR: why your computer is taking long to boot (btw Ctrl-C will cancel the timeout if you're in a hurray) [06:24] sladen: :) ok ! [06:25] it's not that i love MS, it's that thats what i have ;) [06:25] byeeee [06:25] sladen: I can't seem to surf internet (DSL) on Gnome 2.8 (ubuntu) warthy? I use adsl-start it showed status connected! but I click my Firefox webbrowser to try surf www.google.com or etc...cannot "Stil Resolving" I use a Aztech 305E (router) DSL modem [06:26] gad i hate chatzilla X.x [06:26] I even try to of the disable "IpV6" mentioned on the ubuntu forum [06:26] Bisclaveret: I admire you ;) [06:27] but failed to surf internet [06:28] heh. i'm more of a hardware person :p i can't code a lick unless it's in GW-BASIC or COBOL :p but i can troubleshoot and repair a NIC or make a covox soundcard for LPT1 [06:28] how do i play WMV files? [06:28] though it's been a while since i was in school and i've forgotten things :( [06:28] EvolutionR: this is the reason that NTP is timing out---your internet connection is broken! [06:29] sladen: how to connect then? my dsl worked on WindowXP [06:29] EvolutionR: === goofykinky [~Riky@cablelink39-253.intercable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] hile, can anyone tell me how do i configure my usb devices for not run on my start up? === Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-23-35-30.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:31] is there some specific way to setup gtk themes? (not gkt2.0) but gtk... === phatbob [~rob@adsl-68-127-89-97.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === DeepSpaceAnt [~DeepSpace@lsanca1-ar41-4-61-130-127.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] guys anyone else here have a 9700 pro [06:38] that is detected as a 9500 pro [06:38] im getting worse preformace than a 9600 pro under same ubuntu /drivers [06:38] i dunno why === goofykinky [~Riky@cablelink39-253.intercable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Jogariga [~gabriel82@adsl-065-007-203-122.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === _Ribs_ [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@24-159-246-25.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === regeya [~shane@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-064-060.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] DeepSpaceAnt: install ati drivers [06:46] Necrosan: that is with fglrx [06:46] how can i install ethereal using apt-get? [06:46] fglrx is the only driver ever with the 9700/9500 problem, and the free driver doesn't accelerate 3D on r3xx/r4xx === phatbob [~rob@adsl-68-127-89-97.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:51] daniels: ah. i have no ati cards nor a pc, so :) [06:51] When I'm trying to ./configure something what does this mean: checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool === smogger914 [~max@adsl-64-171-50-178.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] has anyone with centrino wifi had any probs lately? [06:52] Britt: nope, don't have it, sorry. [06:52] as in, my wifi isn't showing up any more :( [06:52] max@ubuntu:~ $ alien -d mplayer.rpm [06:52] Must run as root to convert to deb format (or you may use fakeroot). [06:52] Britt: is the question ''I'm having problems with ...'' ? [06:52] how do u fix that [06:52] smogger914: fakeroot alien foo.rpm [06:53] sladen, well it just dissapeared with an update a week ago or so [06:53] Britt: update from what to what? [06:53] doesnt work [06:53] from hoary to newest hoary [06:54] bash: fakeroot: command not found [06:54] Britt: okay. was this the 2.6.10.something kernel upgrade? [06:54] smogger914: sudo apt-get install fakeroot [06:54] why don't i have smbmount in ubuntu? [06:54] sladen, not sure ... didn't have time to look into it at the time [06:54] sladen, probably a good guess, i hadn't updated in a while [06:56] thanx [06:56] When I'm trying to ./configure something what does this mean: "checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" ? [06:57] dmesg reports: eth1: Firmware 'ipw211-1.2.fw' not available or load failed === regeya blinks [06:57] there's this perl module needed by intltool, see, and that perl module is called XML::Parser === regeya runs [06:58] max@ubuntu:~ $ fakeroot alien -i mplayer.rpm [06:58] mkdir: cannot create directory `mplayer-1.0pre6': File exists [06:58] mkdir: cannot create directory `mplayer-1.0pre6/debian': File exists [06:58] arrggg [06:58] So I should try and apt-get it, regeya? [06:58] apt-cache search for it === Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] ahoi === heliolith_ [~heliolith@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] hn [06:59] hm even [06:59] I don't see it. [06:59] libxml-parser-perl - Perl module for parsing XML files <- maybe? === vj [~vijay@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] Ah ha. [06:59] BINGO! [06:59] Thanks, regeya, I'll try that [06:59] or not [06:59] can anyone help me install ubuntu, live cd works perfect [07:00] Or not? [07:00] hm. [07:00] vj: put in install cd, follow directions, enjoy [07:00] I dunno. give it a shot [07:00] dethread have done the normal and it installs but does not function right [07:00] how so? === FLeiXiuS [~Nick@pcp0010487831pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] well i have 4 iso's sent by ubuntu to me, none of them installs properply, i cannot access half of the applications, while ubuntu live cd works perfect === techn9ne [~jeremy@S0106000f66ddc57e.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] The LiveCD could really use an install script, I think. [07:02] vj, tried downloading the iso? [07:02] fc3, suse 9.2, mandrake 10.1 .......works perfect [07:02] yes i have downloaded twice from the net and i have in all 6 iso copies [07:03] and i am sure nothing wrong with my system as i can boot a lot of distro's [07:03] hm, when you say "accessing packages", are you referring to the cd or online repositories? [07:03] hay do you guys use anything to burn data to dvds? [07:03] is gstreamer lame plugin avail? [07:04] can you switch from gnome to kde in ubuntu? [07:04] swim: nautilus [07:04] Supplicium: yes [07:04] how? [07:04] umm download the kde packages via apt-get [07:04] for example, i cannot access the applications [07:05] sudo apt-get install kde i think [07:05] techn9ne, cool, ive been mainly a kde user so i used k3b in the past [07:05] Marcel Gagn [07:05] i cannot set up the network, cannot detect the network card [07:05] swim: you can use k3b in gnome [07:05] how do i go about doing that, im new to linux sorry :P [07:05] 5 more LJ surveys; wonder if they'll list COoking with Linux in each one, and if I'll ever feel like giving it a rating other than 1. [07:05] cannot see my ntfs partition [07:05] hmmm [07:05] I had to set mine up manually in the fstab [07:05] Supplicium: ok if you're a newbie goto computer->system configuration->Synaptic package manager and search for kde [07:06] well i think i will wait for the next release of ubuntu [07:06] techn9ne, yah but i allways seem to have issues when I try ... like now it cant find cdrdao, and it doesnt seem to see my external usb dvd burner anyways [07:06] yeah, just a few more months [07:06] the next release of ubuntu will be awesome [07:06] tech9ne: thx alot. [07:06] aye [07:06] swim: i dunno i dont use k3b. gnome ufrotunatley doesnt have a cd burning utility on the same level as k3b. [07:07] i how do you know regeya [07:07] hay is there anything like a gtk+qt engine that will make qt apps use gtk themes? [07:07] there's something over at freedesktop.org I think [07:07] vj: because I've installed things from the next release (not recommended) and things that are broken in warty actually *work* [07:07] ;-) [07:07] but it's not finished [07:07] ok [07:07] you can get gnome themes that look like kde [07:07] max@ubuntu:~ $ fakeroot alien -i mplayer_1.0pre6-1.20041114_i386.deb [07:07] dpkg-deb: failed to create directory: Permission denied [07:07] dpkg: error processing mplayer_1.0pre6-1.20041114_i386.deb (--install): [07:07] subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2 [07:07] Errors were encountered while processing: [07:07] mplayer_1.0pre6-1.20041114_i386.deb [07:08] AAAAAAAAAAAAA [07:08] how u fix that [07:08] ubuntu prob. runs gnome better than kde [07:08] i have heard they are installing a graphical install [07:08] smogger914: why do you install the rpm? [07:08] how else u do it [07:08] smogger914: run that command using sudo [07:08] or, what are you doing using alien [07:08] plus a new set up icons [07:08] how do u do it [07:08] smogger914, get the deb or compile yourself [07:08] mplayer is in Hoary universe/multiverse [07:08] well, ubuntu is sorta *gnome-centric* [07:08] "sorta" [07:08] haha [07:08] so naturally gnome is a bit more polished on ubuntu [07:08] heh [07:08] sorry Dethread [07:08] yeah, they have dedicated themself to it [07:08] and good reasons so :) [07:09] ;) === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] mepis / suse are kde main kde distros i think === regeya keeps meaning to try mepis [07:09] depends how long suse will stay kde centric only though, after novell [07:09] how do u do it [07:09] well i am using yoper now, and it been on the system since the last 15 days now, really fast as they say [07:09] nld is gnome already [07:09] true that [07:09] i dunno kde annoys me [07:09] are there any sweet themes for gnome like transparentcy and other cool looking stuff? [07:09] and seems slow [07:09] smogger914: put "sudo" in front of the command [07:09] o_O [07:09] Supplicium: http://art.gnome.org [07:10] Is just ubuntu's liveCD based on MEPIS or is it the whole thing? [07:10] the next version of gnome supports transparency but i dont know if this one does [07:10] kk thx. [07:10] thundrcleeze: its based on gnoppix [07:10] i mean knoppix [07:10] well ubuntus live cd is based on gnoppix [07:10] kde seems fast these days to me *shrug* then again I'm using a gnome-centric desktop these days, so the technically-better-and-faster-but-horrible-UI must not appeal to me anymore. :-/ [07:10] GNOME 2.10 has transparent panels and applets [07:10] Because when you boot it it says "Welcome to MEPIS LiveCD!" [07:11] is it so,,, i am in doubts now mepis ? [07:11] can anyone tell me how to run a gdesklet install file that ends in .bin? [07:11] magnon: GNOME 2.2 had the same fake transparency hacks ;) [07:11] magnon: the applet support is improved, however [07:11] regeya have you tried yoper [07:11] nothing supports real transparency sanely [07:12] no [07:12] jdub: it's kinda unusable without transparent applets, so I wouldn't call it a feature until now ;) [07:12] do i need to rename the extension to python extension to make it work? [07:12] where can i get gstreamer lame encoder plugin for ubuntu? dangit :( [07:12] but no, it's not real === maximaus [~max@user-37kac6v.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] well try it, it's got the best of all distros [07:12] hm. [07:12] and it is really fast [07:12] magnon: a number of the applets have supported it well, there's just been a concerted effort to fix the rest. [07:13] which is half of the applets I use regularily :) [07:13] oh well [07:13] high hopes for panel 3, eh? :) [07:13] I was hoping to help davyd out with that stuff soon [07:14] what's the normal file extension for a python script? [07:14] to name it, kudzo, sax2, slackware packet management, apt-get/synaptic, base systen from scratch, they even have there own repositories === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] heliolith_, py [07:14] ty [07:14] I think === sulkd [~henry@194-144-124-151.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] arrg I hate this cpu. [07:17] i love my cpu ;) [07:17] I'm indifferent about mine === tritium [~tritium@12-202-89-11.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] especially with ubuntu hoary amd64! hell yah [07:17] Way cool -- suspend-to-disk works on my C840! [07:17] Yeah, python ext = .py === smogger914 [~max@adsl-64-171-50-178.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:18] cyrix 686 MII [07:18] there's a reason I hate it. [07:18] (except for some weirdness with wireless network card) [07:19] stupid qt apps look bloody ugly [07:20] do you guys use qt apps, and just accept their ugliness ? :P === heliolith_ [~heliolith@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:23] is there a way to add galaxy repo's? [07:25] swim: i dont use qt apps === gen [~lek@] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] techn9ne, ah Im trying not to myself, but I really like amarok, and k3b is pretty nice too [07:26] how to enable zonealarm to dcc send on mirc? [07:26] zonealarm!? isnt that windows crap [07:26] EvolutionR: wrong channel [07:26] zonealarm and mirc are both windows programs [07:26] techn9ne : i have problem with linux ubuntu...I cant connect so I use windows :( [07:26] pls [07:27] i have no idea because i dont use windows [07:27] I'm assuming that you're not using mirc right now huh? [07:27] what dcc port is mirc [07:27] funk I 'm using mirc === Scooter [~jocco@hnllhi1-ar6-4-7-245-121.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] temp === sangriag [~drbista@] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] You're here and using mirc. I expect that ZA is already configured to allow access? [07:28] :) maybe the guy din't accept dcc [07:29] amd64 installer burnt from iso does not get booted, doe anyone have idea? === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] Of course, I do see 8 directories (dists, doc,install,isolinux, pics, pool, tools and ubuntu) and two files md5sum.txt and README.diskdefines in the burnt CD === Ribs [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] does ubuntu run a samba daemon by default? [07:31] a server.. [07:31] no [07:31] http://www.pastebin.com/231549 <=== Is there mistake /wrong with my Ubuntu Linux...can't seem to surft internet but connected === johane_ [~johan@h248n8c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] that would be a major security hole [07:32] BROKEN_LADDER: it doesn't run daemons by default, full stop === Ribs [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] http://www.mirc.org/dccprob.html [07:34] Evo, that's for you [07:34] dcc issues with mirc [07:35] funk nvm [07:35] :) thanks anyway [07:36] np [07:36] funk any idea, why the amd64 installer does not get booted on its own (md5sum is right, the first booting device is cd-rom). [07:37] How did you burn the iso === BoBaN [~BoBaN@ip18.ds1-ro.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === otter [~ginn@cpe-065-184-086-159.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] hi, i just installed ubuntu [07:39] and i get the $ prompt [07:39] now what? [07:39] how do i start the desktop? [07:40] or, will ubuntu install in 2 gigs? [was the desktop not installed?] [07:41] xstart === pw [~pw@cpc3-midd5-4-1-cust78.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] "command not found" [07:41] dang [07:42] You did the complete install right? [07:42] apt reported that not everything got installed [07:42] yes [07:42] and you only have a blank ci? [07:42] the cd installed fine [07:42] then the apt get worked over the net [07:42] did your system update from the net? [07:42] yes [07:42] so you've run the update and upgrade? [07:43] but appeared to stop at some point and aptitude did not upgrade anything [07:43] try it again.. [07:43] ok === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] what'st he command for that? [07:43] sudo apt-get update [07:43] sudo apt-get upgrade === goatboy_ [~tim@pppoe0952.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] it does a few, then requires superuser to continue [07:46] su wants the password and i never set it [07:46] is there a default su password? [07:46] It's the same as your defrault user [07:46] i will try that again === Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] my buddy is having some problems getting 3d acceleration working with his radeon igp 345m chipset in hoary. can anyone help? [07:47] nope [07:47] Why is the root account "disabled" and sudo is used instead? [07:47] su password not accepted [07:47] have no ATI experience... nvidia all the way on nix imho [07:47] I agree but this chip is supposed to have 3d acceleration in hoary/xorg === Tomcat__ [tomcat@laptop-dynip219.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] thundrcleeze: security.. [07:48] says dpkg requires superuser [07:49] otter, I would reinstall it real quick. Was this your first time installing it? [07:49] yes [07:49] yeah, if you can't even run apt and don't have root access, you're kinda hosed. [07:49] will ubuntu install in 2 gigs [07:49] ? [07:50] ie: did it run out of space? [07:50] If it gets weird on install again, check your image to ensure it's good. Is this a pressed CD or a burnt CD? [07:50] hey all what's a good fontpack to DL via synaptic for standard web page fonts? firefox is looking a little funny with fonts in ubuntu vs. windows [07:50] thundrcleeze: www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RootSudo [07:50] burnt from the iso [07:50] otter: you didn't happen to do a 'custom' install did you? [07:50] no [07:51] just let it roll [07:51] ok [07:51] so that's weird :) [07:51] otter: you run commands as root by using sudo, btw. [07:51] i will try that now [07:51] otter: i suggest retrying the install and watching for any errors at all [07:51] did you check the md5 before burning? I'm still looking for space requirements but I would think 2Gs would be enough [07:51] funk: I used k3b to burn CD image in ISO9660 [07:51] no md5 check [07:51] i could [07:51] should [07:52] but I did, funk [07:52] And md5sum is alright in my case ;-) [07:52] sangriag: that should have worked. I'm still looking for some info on your trouble. [07:53] that would be very grateful. [07:53] sudo dpkg --configure -a got past the hangup [07:53] It was the CD or DVD there sangriag? [07:53] and now: "no space left on device" [07:53] lol [07:53] so that is it [07:53] CD [07:53] my buddy is having some problems getting 3d acceleration working with his radeon igp 345m chipset in hoary. can anyone help? [07:54] well, you solved it for us then.. You need more than 2Gs for base install? [07:54] seems so [07:54] otter: type apt-get clean [07:54] otter: then go again :) [07:54] ok [07:55] randabis: ati + linux doesnt work well [07:55] I have also made partitions for specific stuffs like /hda1 for /boot /hda7 for /, hda10 for /var hda13 for /user, hda5 and hda11 for /swap, /hdb6 for /tmp and /hdb16 for shareable /home with FC1 ;-) [07:55] talk to ati about that [07:56] it's moving on and setting up python [07:56] no complaints yet [07:56] thanks === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:57] lets see what happens [07:58] techn9ne I'm aware of that, but according to daniels himself on the forums, this chipset should work with 3d acceleration [07:59] These are regular CDRs right sangriag? Not CDRWs? === melazyboy [~melazyboy@tx-65-40-205-176.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] randabis, I believe he'll need DRI for sure. I don't know if that'scommon knowledge but I believe it to be true with ATI devices === heliolith [~heliolith@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu === borgista [~borgista@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] yeah I believe he does have dri enabled, he's using the radeon driver now too, he's still getting low fps in glxgears however [08:01] anyone here know how to set up a samba connection over an ssh tunnel? [08:01] randabis-laptop: i don't think we have working acceleration for the igp345 [08:01] man, I wish I had even a little working knowledge of ATI in Linux.. I'm definitely the last guy you want giving advise. :) [08:01] s/acceleration/3d &/ [08:02] it's a pretty new chipset, iirc [08:02] BROKEN_LADDER: you can't unless you do ppp over ssh, which is also insane. i suggest you research standard vpn options. [08:02] randabis-laptop: what does lspci say? [08:03] okay I'll ask one sec [08:03] jdub: there are howto's on this. [08:04] http://www.ibiblio.org/gferg/ldp/Samba-with-SSH/Samba-with-SSH.html#toc7 [08:04] what am i missing here? [08:04] his chipset is showing up as an ati radeon igp 340m...that's funny though because in win2k it shows up as a 345m [08:05] are there kde styles in the ubuntu repository? (just dont like the way my gtk apps look in gnome ) [08:06] BROKEN_LADDER: sure, you can make a direct server connection. you can't browse, etc. [08:06] browse? [08:06] setup is moving right along :) [08:07] otter: rock ;) [08:07] 0000:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 340M [08:07] i'm just trying to treat a remote samba share, treating it as though it were a localhost share and letting ssh tunnel it. [08:07] apt-get loads a ton of libraries i guess [08:07] otter: there have been quite a lot of security updates [08:07] jdub: i'm confused because this howto seems to say i can do it, and a very smart engineer friend of mine on the bios team at intel says it's supposed to be possible. [08:07] what do you mean by "can't browse"? [08:08] you can make a direct server connection [08:08] you can't browse the network without having a proper network tunnel [08:08] isn't that what i'm using ssh to do? [08:08] the guide there clearly describes making a direct connection [08:08] what's the difference? [08:09] am i, or am i not mounting a samba share? [08:09] it seems you intend to make a direct connection [08:09] which is what that document describes [08:09] i want to be able to mount a samba share [08:09] that is remote..but securely [08:09] hence the ssh part. [08:10] does that all jive with what you are getting from that doc? [08:10] do i have to repeat myself again? [08:10] repeat what? [08:10] you get that daniels? [08:10] you mentioned a direct connection. [08:10] i'm asking about mounting. [08:11] what do you think you're doing when mounting? [08:11] making a remote directory accessible und /mnt [08:11] and how is this done? [08:11] using smbfs [08:11] smbmount [08:11] no, dude [08:11] what happens underneath... [08:12] i will give you a clue: you make a direct connection to the server [08:12] there is a protocol called samba. [08:12] hi jdub [08:12] morning stuNNed [08:12] ssh is used to map a local port to the remote machine on which the share is located. [08:13] morning jdub, going to bed shortly here in southern central us :) have a good one [08:13] i have no idea why you're discussing the underlying mechanisms of the protocol. [08:13] i'm not [08:13] i feel like i'm asking an incredibly simple question and getting an answer that is incoherent. [08:13] funk, yes regular CD [08:13] sheesh dude [08:13] you're talking about tunnelling cifs over ssh [08:13] what burn speed? [08:14] that involves two connections [08:14] 1x === melazybo1 [~melazyboy@tx-65-40-205-176.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] the document very clearly describes how to make both connections [08:14] does this documented method allow me to emyoy ssh to establish a secure tunnel from a local port to a port on a remote machine, such that a can use smbmount to mount a "local" shared directory that is presently transparently, even though it is actually a remote directory. [08:14] quality discs right? [08:14] cifs? [08:14] of course it does [08:14] yes [08:14] employ [08:14] that's precisely what it says it does, and i've confirmed that repeatedly to you [08:14] so why do you keep bringing up this "direct connection" stuff? [08:14] I have burnt severeal other images on the same quality disks [08:15] hmm It doens't even attempt to boot the disc or it hangs? [08:15] you keep talking about direct connections. [08:15] i've got a "direct connection" to google's web servers right now. [08:15] BROKEN_LADDER: because that's what you're doing. you are making a direct connection to the samba server, you do not need to browse. [08:15] it attempt to boot the discs and then goes to the HDD booting (the second priority device) [08:15] okay, now i see what you're saying. [08:15] i'm not trying to get a list of available shares. [08:15] i know the name. [08:15] I think daniels died...hehe [08:15] but the second priority device does not have grub installed in MBR (for FC1) [08:16] well i'm getting significant problems. [08:16] you can also get a list of shares on that machine. you cannot browse the network. [08:16] weird Im trying to unrar something and it just fails... doesnt return anything except that it fails... !? === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] smb over ssh = http://mindterm.appgate.com/pipermail/mindterm-users/2002q1/000516.html might help.. [08:16] which unrar are you using? [08:16] smbmount "\\\MICAHC\***" /mnt/brokenladder/ -o username=***,password=******,ip= [08:17] randabis, 0.0.1 i think [08:17] there's a free and a nonfree one [08:17] does that look correct? [08:17] funk: he already has a very clear document :) [08:17] the nonfree one tends to work better [08:17] BROKEN_LADDER: follow the documentation and experiment. you do not need our help. === gusto [~gusto@dsl59-177.firstmile.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] randabis-laptop, from the repos... [08:17] night everyone. :) [08:17] should be a nonfree unrar in the repos [08:17] i've followed the documentation..along with a computer engineer working in a prestigious part of intel. [08:17] apparently we must both be idiots. [08:18] i'm sorry to hear that. [08:18] because everything we've tried returns bizarre errors. [08:18] you might want to read a primer on ssh tunnelling [08:18] randabis-laptop, hrmm I only see one in there ... hoary version anyways [08:18] thanks funk === goatboy [~tim@pppoe0952.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] so with warty we are like Debian "testing"? TIA :) === ctr [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] Scooter: no, warty is stable and released [08:19] Scooter: hoary is the current development branch [08:19] swim yeah there is a nonfree one in hoary, I'm currently using it [08:19] Scooter: there is no real analogue to 'testing' === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] I think it is called rarnonfree or unrar-nonfree something like that [08:19] I am getting some DEB packages, I need to know If i ned SID or WOODY [08:19] Scooter: don't mix ubuntu and debian [08:20] randabis-laptop, i only see one in the hoary repos just called unrar === heliolith [~heliolith@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] I need thishttp://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all&keywords=mame&sourceid=mozilla-search [08:20] http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all&keywords=mame&sourceid=mozilla-search [08:20] Scooter: use universe and multiverse, which provide almost all of debian [08:20] sorry [08:20] Multiverse? [08:20] swim do you have multiverse enabled? [08:20] randabis-laptop, no, what the heck is that ? :) I just migrated from arch-linux... [08:21] Scooter: universe and multiverse are additional, unsupported ubuntu repositories that cover all of debian (universe == the rest of debian main, multiverse == contrib/non-free) [08:21] you need to uncomment the universe and multiverse lines in /etc/apt/sources.list swim [08:21] i think multiverse is for-pay stuff, universe is still opensource? [08:21] COOL! are the repository addresses listed somewhare? [08:21] not necessarily pay for === bborkk [~bborkk@wireless-14.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] multiverse is just non-Free (capital F) for whatever reason [08:21] Scooter: see your sources.list [08:22] Ah, Ok i look :) [08:22] Scooter: they're commented out by default [08:22] could be nonfree as in beer or freedom [08:22] Ok cool :) [08:22] Thankyou [08:23] Is there a package that will install a Java plugin for Firefox? [08:23] randabis-laptop, yup there it is unrar-nonfree ;) [08:23] there ya go [08:23] that one will work for most any rar file [08:24] randabis-laptop, crazy it totally worked :) [08:24] yeah likely you had a newer rar file...the free unrar only works for very old rar files [08:25] bborkk - No package but easy instructions here --> http://www.myjavaserver.com/~mike001/ubuntu/#mountunmountntfs === martok [~kern@pcp01327764pcs.chrstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] kewl [08:25] Ubuntu! [08:25] funk: Thanks... I'll take a look. [08:25] oh btw people when I do a apt-get dist-upgrade should I uncomment universe, and multiverse first? [08:26] np. good luck.. === sangriag [~drbista@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:26] swim probably a good idea === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:27] bbork, the better link is here.. http://www.myjavaserver.com/~mike001/ubuntu/#jre Install JRE and then the plugin.. Dont' know wy I copied the ntfs section. === Skif [~emschwar@c-67-176-4-3.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] Ok cool, I got Multiverse now, Thanks :D === smogger914 [~max@adsl-64-171-50-178.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] max@ubuntu:~ $ fakeroot alien -i kmud-1.0-1.src.rpm [08:31] dpkg-deb: failed to create directory: Permission denied [08:31] dpkg: error processing kmud_1.0-2_i386.deb (--install): [08:31] subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2 [08:31] Errors were encountered while processing: [08:31] kmud_1.0-2_i386.deb [08:31] please help\ [08:31] Anyone has trouble with DVD writing : [08:31] 1001193472/4522905600 (22.1%) @0.0x, remaining 107:45 [08:31] :-( unable to WRITE@LBA=775a0h: Input/output error [08:31] builtin_dd: 488864*2KB out @ average 0.4x1385KBps [08:31] :-( write failed: Input/output error [08:31] /dev/dvd: flushing cache [08:31] I can't wait for the Gnome 2.10 it looks promising! [08:31] /dev/dvd: stopping de-icing [08:31] /dev/dvd: writing lead-out [08:32] 1 more month to go [08:33] svenl can u help me i sent u message [08:34] can anyone help me install rpm [08:34] not really. [08:34] i am not into alien and x86 stuff. [08:34] can any one else help me [08:34] how would U install it [08:34] rpm file [08:35] So, is DVD burning broken in warthy ? [08:35] hay guys trying to add an account to evolution, when I get to a particular place it crashes, I tried running it console to see where it crashed, and it crashes with thi: ** (evolution-2.2:11934): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap: /home/joshua/.themes/Outcrop/gtk-2.0/empty.png borders don't fit within the image [08:35] any ideas? [08:36] smogger, that's a src rpm.. I think you would have to rebuild it first. [08:37] perhaps try alien -d [08:37] -d, --to-deb Generate a Debian deb package (default). [08:37] i did then what [08:37] did it create a deb file? [08:37] yes === maximaus [~max@user-37kac3m.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] funk: can u help me with my ubuntu connection? [08:38] I have the desktop screenshot that I can send [08:39] $ wajig install <.deb file> ??? [08:39] I haven't gone this route before (src rpm -> deb -> install) [08:39] now thats bizzare hoary gnome doesnt have mail checker to add to panel? === jaco [~jaco@host254-178.pool8019.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === melazybo1 is now known as melazyboy [08:41] EvolutionR - are you talking about that smb via ssh? [08:42] cause I haven't ever tried it. [08:42] funk: not [08:42] what ya working on? [08:42] is the adsl-start "conneted" but cant surf the web or ping websites! [08:43] anyone else have problems with evolution crashing in hoary amd64? [08:43] working on damn DSL rp pppoe , pppoeconf, Dhcp ! [08:43] ugh [08:43] on ubuntu [08:44] funk: status show "connected" but cant do anytning like surf web check email and so on [08:44] apsodifh [08:45] I have the screenshot of it ! I can send it to u? [08:45] funk: I have the screenshot of it ! I can send it to u? [08:45] so ? Nobody did DVD burning in ubuntu ? [08:45] svenl: I guess Ubuntu is not user friendly as other Distro! [08:46] hold on Evo. Never used a ppoe connection.. [08:46] svenl, I use growisofs of dvd+rw-tools as I'm used to [08:47] EvolutionR, trolling is not necessary [08:47] ppoe requires a login and a password to function correct? This is a standard ethernet connection? Is there a router in the mix? Where is your system getting it's IP? [08:47] mjr: well, i did too, but it was burning at 0.4 speed, and failed at 12% or so. [08:47] EvolutionR: DVD burning is fucked on any kernel above 2.6.7 [08:47] svenl, well, "works for me" [08:47] svenl: one solution :) go to windows [08:47] mjr: on pure-amd64 install, and with a athlon 64 3200+ dual channel, so ... [08:48] ooh Evo, that hurts.. [08:48] a/me slaps EvolutionR === randabis-laptop slaps EvolutionR [08:48] svenl, on pure-amd64, with athlon 64 3500+, so [08:48] EvolutionR: yeah, problem, my windows partition has no space for the iso, i don't have DVD-burner client installed, and loosy windows cannot read ext3. [08:48] seems he cant burn the damn dvd go to windows lor [08:49] ... [08:49] slap me wat for? [08:49] svenl, check that you have DMA on on the DVD drive [08:49] not everyone dual boots [08:49] I only help him to ease his problem [08:49] [it reports: Rebuilding the database. This may take some time.] [08:49] sounds promising [08:49] svenl, hdparm /dev/[whatever] , and hdparm -d 1 /dev/[whatever] if it isn't [08:49] oh, as root, so add sudo [08:50] well linux is kinda (on going -testing) alot of apps still not perferctly run smoothly - it takes time [08:50] maybe i will come back in the morning and see ... === herman_ [~herman@213-132-207-191.adsl.nlhosting.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] (though I can burn fine even without DMA, this might not apply to all DVD burners) [08:50] linuxis a kernel [08:51] sorry if I sound offended well this is true [08:51] have hdc: _NEC DVD_RW ND-2500A, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive [08:51] mjr: on the disk or the DVD burner ? [08:51] argh what's wrong with Ubuntu it wont let me surft net!!!!!!! [08:52] Evo, how is your network setup? [08:52] svenl, on the drive - disks don't know about DMA, they only know about laser beams ;) [08:52] I've done everything including pppoeconf, pppoe_dialer, disable IPv6 etc firefox [08:53] mjr: on the harddisk you mean, and DVD drives only know about laser beam ? [08:53] I setup using Static ip XXXXX subnet : gateway: 10.0.0.x [08:53] I mean physically. Where is your computer getting it's IP. Is it DHCP, is there a router. Are we talking about some USB modem? [08:53] DNS: 202.188.X.X , XXXXXXX [08:53] DHCP! [08:53] router [08:53] Aztech 305E [08:54] bridgemode [08:54] mjr: on the disk : [08:54] $ sudo hdparm -d /dev/sda [08:54] /dev/sda: [08:54] operation not supported on SCSI disks [08:54] svenl, oh, I'd be more worried about the DVD burner [08:54] OK, so the router stores the username and password for the connection with the ISP right? === K-Rich [~krich@70-97-104-50.bras01.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] funk: nop [08:54] I dont [08:54] use that I use bridgemode === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] dialer to dial [08:55] like winxp dialer [08:55] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [08:55] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [08:55] using_dma = 0 (off) [08:55] crimsun: can you tell me your repository again so i can reget mplayer on this box? [08:55] this sucks. [08:55] since at least for me, the DVD burner has no DMA on by default, while the hd has (but well, I have an IDE disk) [08:55] svenl, hdparm is for IDE drives only; your DVD burner is something else then? [08:56] mjr: nope. [08:56] plain ide one. /dev/hdc. [08:56] funk: I dont put use the username & password on my router to connect to internet but by Bridge mode [08:56] That seems odd to me.. I would think that the router would have the info and maintain the connection with the ISP. Get it's WAN address from them etc and then serve the LAN with DHCP and it's gateway address.. [08:56] svenl, and the DVD burner said that "HDIO_SET_DMA failed"? [08:56] funk: I try [08:56] mjr: sure. [08:56] I look for the wan add [08:57] Like I said, I haven't used PPOE but that seems like the logical setup to me. [08:57] but then, i also have in dmesg : [08:57] hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } [08:57] hdc: irq timeout: error=0x00 [08:57] hdc: ATAPI reset complete [08:58] svenl, bugger, that... Maybe your IDE chipset is not appropriately detected or supported by the kernel [08:58] anyone know the address of crimsun's repository off-hand ? [08:58] My Linksys has a PPOE section and it contains the username and password and a "connect on demand" setting that I would think would be disabled (always on). [08:58] svenl, check the chipset and google around for any linux problems with dma with that, and/or ask on the forums etc [09:00] mjr: via ide ? [09:00] 0000:00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06) [09:00] that should be well supported, === stone__ [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] maybe trying to burn without dma brked the drive though, will try after a reboot, === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu === Husk1 [~tcg@aerg-annexe2.canberra.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu === swim [~joshua@ip68-228-56-67.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] true, the drive may be just confused [09:02] hrmm can anyone think of a reason why totem is not showing video ? only sound? [09:02] with luck, anyway :) [09:02] funk: Thanks for the pointer... Firefox with the Java plugin is working now. Do you know why there is both a /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and a /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/? [09:03] swim: try totem-xine [09:03] K-Rich, hmm wasnt installed it seems === larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] everytime i log in to x, nautilus opens my home directory, how can i make it stop? [09:04] K-Rich, seems if I install totem-xine totem-gstreamer (which I dont think I care about) must be removed but then also ubuntu desktop! ? [09:05] ubuntu-desktop that is === Tomcat__ [tomcat@laptop-dynip219.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] swim: installing totem-zine will handle removing totem-gstreamer and ubuntu-desktop isn't a "real" package but i'm brain farting and can't think what kinda package it is, it's like smbolic or something [09:06] totem-xine even [09:06] K-Rich, so it wont remove anything important? like ubuntu images or something? gdm or whatever? [09:07] nope [09:07] ok then thx :) [09:07] all will be fine [09:08] K-Rich, much better thank you !:) [09:08] np [09:08] K-Rich, hehe though now its showing video and no sound! :P [09:10] ugh not good... did an error box pop up by chance saying the sound is in use? [09:10] K-Rich, nope, nothing [09:10] odd... :/ [09:11] not sure now... worked fine for me :/ [09:13] damn === sangriag [~drbista@] has joined #ubuntu === Falstius [~ubuntu@mac-188-77.cern.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] that is so lame if I install totem-xine I get video and no sound, if I install totem-gstreamer I get sound and no video! [09:18] Arg, ubuntu sucks as much as debian. [09:18] Or maybe it is just X who sucks, === K-Rich refrains from cxomment after going through hell with both tonight alone === ObsidianB [~ryan@adsl-66-127-113-92.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] just because i had my KVM switched away from the box, i know have no keyboard input :/ [09:18] that's why X is everybody's favorite little girl. [09:18] cannot even do CTR+Alt+BS :/ === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:19] sounds like your KVM sucks [09:19] could anyone tell me what is the hostname fo the mirror from which Debian will be downloaded? === psf [~psf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] as Ubuntu64 installation is asking? [09:20] we use a bunch of KVM switches at work ... when I get calls that they "aren't working" on some box it is usually because someone kicked one of the keyboard or mouse cables. [09:20] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ is this the one for warty? [09:20] a good KVM shouldn't give the computer even a hint about it being present, and X taking issue with it sounds like it's giving a hint [09:21] K-Rich, I wonder if there is a way to tell totem what audio to use visavi esd === linux-rulz [~linux-rul@S0106000c6ec62859.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] anyways, I use x2x at work, no KVM needed [09:21] does anyone know of any Canadian Tax software for Linux, or am I stuck with Windows in that department [09:22] mjr: no, X sucks. === psf [~psf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] mjr: X does detection of keyboard, it finds no keyboard. [09:23] mjr: mjr it is a nice belkin 8 port KVM. probably because i have the keyboard and mouse usb connected. [09:23] Ah, strange, works now. [09:24] i guess X just needed time to find out about it ... === Falstius tries to imagine having 8 computers at 1 desk [09:25] svenl: sounds like your KVM is quite horrid, yes [09:25] is gnucash or kmymoney capable of doing taxes? [09:25] daniels: nope. [09:25] X just needs time. [09:26] I think something is very very wrong with the kernel and DVD burners. [09:26] 09:24 < daniels> svenl: sounds like your KVM is quite horrid, yes [09:26] sven@ubuntu:~ $ sudo hdparm /dev/hdc [09:26] Password: [09:26] /dev/hdc: [09:26] HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT failed: Invalid argument [09:26] IO_support = 0 (default 16-bit) [09:26] unmaskirq = 0 (off) [09:26] using_dma = 0 (off) [09:26] keepsettings = 0 (off) [09:26] readonly = 0 (off) [09:26] readahead = 256 (on) [09:26] HDIO_GETGEO failed: Invalid argument [09:26] sven@ubuntu:~ $ sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc [09:26] /dev/hdc: [09:26] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [09:26] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [09:26] using_dma = 0 (off) [09:26] stop flooding [09:26] sven@ubuntu:~ $ sudo apt-get update [09:26] oh can that be ? [09:26] daniels: do you know if there are 2.6.10 kernels or so ? [09:27] svenl, the point is that the KVM should _at all times_ show up as a regular keyboard to the hosts, if it doesn't, it's broken [09:27] but *shrug*, gfy if it works [09:28] mjr: well, i believe it just acts as a USB hub when using usb for keyboard. and auto-plug/unplugs the keyboard/mouse. [09:28] mmm 09:26 < mjr> svenl, the point is that the KVM should _at all times_ show up as a regular keyboard to the hosts, if it [09:28] err, [09:28] doesn't, it's broken [09:28] should i use : amd64-generic or amd64-k8 ? [09:28] i guess the second. === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === liquidhex [revolver@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] hmm [09:30] daniels: should i do something special for moving to X.org on ubuntu ? apt-get upgrade is not enough, right ? What about the config files ? [09:30] hi.. I am so excited that Ubuntu is the first distribution to actually recognize my ethernet card and work, and I installed the whole 540MB AMD64 iso (Warty Warthog or something) and Everything is great, but many things are not installed.. I must have missed an important part; i have no gcc [09:31] and apt-get install bitchx is a nogo, apt-get install irssi nope [09:31] what did i do wrong [09:31] try using synaptic [09:31] whats that? [09:31] you can easily search for the packages you want [09:31] probably nothing, probably you just want to add universe to apt sources (via synaptic or editing sources.list) [09:31] it's a frontend to apt-get === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] and apt-get install build-essential if you want gcc and stuff [09:32] see, where did I miss how to do those parts? === BROKEN_LADDER [~PRIVATE@adsl-68-120-131-237.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU [09:33] so all i need to do is apt-get install build-essential [09:33] and apt-get install synaptic [09:33] off this fresh install? [09:33] yes === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:34] beautiful [09:34] and add universe to your sources [09:34] through synaptic though? [09:34] right? [09:34] yes === tanek [~tanek@h6n2fls33o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] ok great, thanks [09:34] ill be back [09:34] gonna reboot into linux === angel [~angel@101.Red-217-126-148.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] well, that sucks. grub tells me file not found when booting the 2.6.10 kernel i just installed :/ [09:35] he.. was going to point him to the topic [09:35] :) [09:35] why doesn't gcc get installed by default ... that one did kind of irk me. [09:35] What kernel does Warty come with? [09:35] Version I mean. === Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] Nevermind... [09:36] falstius: because most people don;t need it [09:36] gcc isn't installed by default? [09:36] I've gotta see this. [09:36] and the people who do, can install it easily [09:37] dwa_: come on, I wanna see my mom try and recompile the kernel. [09:37] Whoa, gcc isn't installed. [09:37] Interesting. [09:38] Ubuntu's kinda strange. But in a cool way. [09:38] martok: like the man said, "apt-get install build-essentials" [09:38] martok: there is only so much space on a single CD. [09:38] martok: "sudo apt-get build-essential" [09:38] apt-get install, actually. [09:38] svenl, actually gcc is on the CD it just doesn't get isntall. [09:38] svenl: the compiler is on the CD [09:38] Couldn't I just sudo apt-get gcc install? [09:39] martok: the build-essential is a wrapper package for gcc and g++ etc. [09:39] Oh, ok. I wasn't sure. [09:39] but yes, you could. [09:39] falstius: my mom doesn't even know how to turn the computer on.. [09:39] :) === liquidhex [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] how convenient; it already came with irssi ;/ [09:40] i typed irc and it worked lol [09:40] Why do I have to use the CD? [09:41] For build-essential? [09:41] I'm having one more small problem though; in ./configure im getting an error about -ltermcap, and its telling me to install ncurses-devel, but there is no such package! [09:41] martok: you dont [09:41] i just did it [09:41] It told me to enter the CD and press enter. [09:41] liquidhex: libncurses-dev [09:41] ajmitch: you rule [09:41] thanks [09:41] Mmm, i guess my booting problems are because my bios numbers disks differently than linux :/ [09:42] I have like 8 repositories. [09:42] martok: remove the CD from the list of sources. [09:42] It's not on the list. [09:43] Oh wait. [09:43] Yeah it is. [09:43] Mmm, even when rebooting to 2.6.10, still no DVD dma setting. [09:43] Sorry about that. [09:43] hey all i have gaim 1.0... where can i get an update, what repository === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] martok: no problem, just a mental "tick .. tick .. tick ... ding!" [09:44] Heh [09:44] I'm new to all this apt stuff. === defendguin [~supertux@ip68-0-57-44.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] darn my friend is still having problems [09:46] K-Rich, ubuntu backports [09:46] archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ is reported to be bad archive mirro by ubuntu installer? [09:47] anyone knows which is the good one? === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === neighborlee [~neighborl@d6-185.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] I changed warty to hoary in apt sources and installed new nvidia-glx...rebooted ( to find tons of seeming duplicate entries in grub menu) and while I got kernel to boot ok I had trouble with nvidia driver ..it said kernel module was 6111 yet something else was 6629 ??? ( so I had to revert to warty and reinstall 6111 nvidia driver) === ollie [~orutherfu@pool-70-18-251-94.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] K-Rich, was there a sollutin to the problem you said you'd experienced with nvidia install ? ;-) === duckdown [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] daniels, you there? === ideafix [~user@a81-84-140-24.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu === duckdown [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] If I have an AMD64 3500+ Socket939, in kernel configuration under Processor Family do I pick GENERIC X86-64 or AMD-Operton/Athlon64 === ICU [~me@host-95173.ewetel.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] I already have the partitions for /home, /boot, /, /swap, /var, /tmp which I created before booting to ubuntu installer, could anyone tell me how to assign different partitions to different directory mounting? [09:56] i'd assume you'd pick athlon64 [09:56] neighborlee: not that i could find === patjoh [~miranda@dhcp-245-92.nomad.chalmers.se] has joined #ubuntu === lsm0d [~lsm0d@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] I am at the Partition Disks stage in the installer. [09:57] anywho, i'm off til sometime tommorow i guess [09:57] later all === K-Rich [~krich@70-97-104-50.bras01.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] === mvo_ [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu === randabis-laptop sighs [10:00] this is a pain === AfgBaby [~monme@cpe-66-87-94-163.ca.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] sangriag: you select the partition and the "use as" and change that. Don't have the installer infront of me. [10:05] unless you're setting up a server though, that many partitions is probably overkill. [10:06] anyone here have experience dealing w/ the linksys wusb54g or wusb54gs? === SolitudeX [~chatzilla@218-101-14-103.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] Hey, is anyone home? [10:07] hey [10:07] Greetings. [10:08] Hello :-) [10:08] I am having a problem, perhaps you can help me out? [10:08] My linux is a little rusty but I can try === ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] been using xp pro for a while )-; ... cant switch back till I figure out my wireless usb adapter [10:09] Ha ha, likewise. Well, I have just tried installing ubuntu. The first stage of the install went sweet. However on reboot, GRUB reports an error 18. Not sure what this means or how to correct it, any thoughts? [10:09] Is it on a laptop? [10:09] No, on a desktop PC. [10:10] SolitudeX: when does grub report the error, before or after giving you boot options? [10:10] I am not so hot with GRUB - I used to use LILO. Heh go figure. [10:10] It says "GRUB Loading stage1.5" "GRUB loading, please wait..." "Error 18". [10:11] So I would assume before it gives me boot options. [10:11] Hmm... [10:11] I've had a similar error trying to boot the Live CD. [10:11] sounds like grub was installed pointing to the wrong directory [10:11] Hmmm. [10:12] you could reinstall grub (not such a terrible thing) but I've never seen that error before. === chipig [~chip@constant.northnitch.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] Ha ha, I spose it wouldn't hurt to learn something new. Problem is, once I reinstall grub, will the ubuntu install continue? [10:14] yes, it should. What you need to do is reinstall grub and tell it where to locate its config files, probably the /boot/grub directory of your ubuntu install. [10:14] grr this is so stange... [10:14] Ahhh ok. That makes sense to me. I spose the grub site will be a good starting point. === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] Again it died : [10:14] yeah ... I have this book marked somewhere but I'm in the wrong distro. [10:14] 1003094016/4522905600 (22.2%) @0.0x, remaining 103:27 [10:14] :-( unable to WRITE@LBA=77940h: Input/output error [10:14] builtin_dd: 489792*2KB out @ average 0.4x1385KBps [10:14] :-( write failed: Input/output error [10:14] /dev/dvd: flushing cache [10:14] /dev/dvd: stopping de-icing [10:14] /dev/dvd: writing lead-out [10:15] Cheers guys, that was informative. I will stick around here from time to time, who knows I might be able to help someone one day, heh. [10:18] About GRUB.. I'm just finishing compiling 2.6.10, and I copied bzImage to /boot/grub/kernel-2.6.10 .. where is the initrd file though for my new kernel? [10:20] duckdown, you have to create it if you need it [10:21] but if you compiled support for all your file systems into the kernel you don't need it. [10:21] Hrm [10:21] (just leave that entry out of menu.1st) [10:21] why does the default menu.lst contain so many of them [10:22] for all of the default booting [10:22] because when people write distros they can't tailor the kernel to peoples machines and they don't want to compile in hundreds of modules. [10:22] Oh :] [10:23] thanks.. i guess ill try without it when this is done compiling [10:23] duckdown, you didn't overwrite your current kernel did you? [10:23] mkinitrd is the command to make a initrd [10:23] Falstius: god no [10:23] hehe [10:24] duckdown: then try and see is a valid option :) [10:24] :> === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax8-187.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] odds are it won't boot without an initrd unless you made sure to include everything you need in the kernel [10:25] d0h [10:25] Well say it doesn't boot, isn't this initrd.gz file created at the time of compiling? so I can just copy it to /boot/grub and add a initrd= entry under my new kernel? === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu === martink [~martin@pD9EB2BDD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] duckdown it isn't created at compile unless you tell it to create one [10:29] anyone know the command to check which video driver is running? === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] From Arctic: if you are using a dsl-router, a dns-server-bug in the 2.6 kernel is the most problable troublemaker (=constant flooding protection by kernel, although there is no flooding). i am suffering from it, too. you can do two three things: <=is that true kernel 2.6 have the bug? === qbeek [~qbeek@sete.idealx.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] EH? [10:32] the kernel does NOT have a dns server [10:33] I got this from the http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3643.html === telemaco [~telemaco@45.Red-81-36-81.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] ARGH this is so annoying === arctan [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] EvolutionR: do you believe that Elvis is still alive? ;) [10:34] EvolutionR: that stuff is wrong... [10:34] ahhahah [10:34] okie [10:34] two of my friends have the same radeon igp 345m, each are running the same config, one friend's dri works, the other one's does not [10:34] this makes absolutely no sense at all [10:35] fabbione: I have the no connection exactly like them http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3643.html === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] let me read the thread [10:36] okie [10:36] EvolutionR: ok. let's check a couple of things... === Br|ce_ [~brice@daknet.org] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] 3.) install a 2.4 kernel. the 2.4 series does not have this problem. i opted for this solution and currently use a 2.4.27 kernel [10:37] and please do NOT paste the output in this chan [10:37] nah [10:37] is that true? [10:37] okie [10:37] show me the output of ifconfig [10:37] in private or something === manchot [~manchot@] has joined #ubuntu === matt__ [~matt@c210-49-176-30.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] if I downloaded .deb packages manually, how do I install them [10:40] dpkg -i pack.deb [10:40] the reason I ask is because the source address : deb ./ [10:40] does not work even though I added it. [10:40] /./? [10:40] satan_, could you check the source address mention above? [10:41] manchot: sudo dpkg -i [10:41] no time, im out [10:41] stupid work :( [10:42] thoreauputic, are you the guy that has a degree of English literature? [10:42] what's wrong with this source address: deb ./ [10:42] manchot: heh... from long ago, yes ;) [10:42] its for debian, I thought it should work for ubuntu === pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] thoreauputic, have you seen amphi recently. I lost him for a long time === EvolutionR [EvolutionR@] has left #ubuntu [] === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] manchot: no, but I haven't been on IRC much lately [10:45] you could turn one of your directories into a local repository for apt ... makes installing updates easier [10:45] Mmm. [10:45] fabbione: you there ? [10:45] Or anyone with kernel knowledge ? [10:45] svenl: busy atm === satan__ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] fabbione: i am trying to burn DVDs, but it fails hooribly, and i noticed that i can't enable DMA for /dev/hdc [10:46] fabbione: is there a way to workaround the DMA_DISKONLY config option that is set with ubuntu kernels ? [10:47] fabbione: oh well. [10:47] fabbione: i will be leaving soon, can you /msg me when you have time to reply to the above ? [10:47] svenl: set up your dvd drive with scsi emulation otherwise you can't do dma with cdrecord (so far as I know) [10:48] Falstius: i thought scsi emulation was obsoleted in 2.6 kernels. [10:48] Falstius: and it worked fine in cdrecord with dvd patch on real debian, so i am baffled. [10:48] svenl: it is (deprecated at least) [10:48] that depends on whether you ask the kernel maintainers or the cdrecord guy (who seems to have a personal grudge against ATAPI) [10:48] svenl: yes. you can rebuild the kernel, but on i386 i can just use hdparam and it works === Falstius goes away now. === Falstius [~ubuntu@mac-188-77.cern.ch] has left #ubuntu [] [10:49] fabbione: not for me : [10:49] sven@ubuntu:~/jigdo $ sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc [10:49] /dev/hdc: [10:49] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [10:49] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [10:49] using_dma = 0 (off) [10:49] fabbione: and burning writes at 0.4x speed, and fails after 22% or so. [10:50] fabbione: but then, i am on amd64 ... [10:51] svenl: try building a kernel tha allows to set DMA on non-disk devices and see if it really works [10:51] could anyone take a look at this source: deb ./ and why it does not work? [10:51] that's my only suggestion [10:51] fabbione: but dvd burnig should work ? [10:51] i upgraded to 2.6.10 from 2.6.8, since there where known problems in 2.6.8. [10:52] fabbione: is there a reportbug or similar ubuntu BTS for such kind of problems ? [10:52] svenl: http://bugzilla.u.c/ [10:52] svenl: no dvd/cd burning might be compromised by missing dma === Falstius [~jgregory@mac-188-77.cern.ch] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] fabbione: yeah, but DMA needs to be enabled by default, so it is another bug (and one you may be responsible for :) [10:54] fabbione: i can just apt-get source linux-source-2.6.10, modify the .config and build it ? [10:54] svenl: what version of the kernel are you running? [10:54] fabbione: is it easy to disable the other kernels ? I need only one, not 4 copies of them ? [10:54] fabbione: Linux ubuntu 2.6.10-2-amd64-k8 #1 Wed Jan 19 17:21:54 UTC 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux [10:55] the packaging is similar to debian [10:55] fabbione: todays hoary. [10:55] debian/config/amd64/ [10:55] fabbione: well, i do powerpc kernels for debian, and there are individual packages. [10:55] fabbione: for powerpc packages, i just need to edit debian/flavours, and put only the image i want there. === patjoh [~miranda@dhcp-245-92.nomad.chalmers.se] has left #ubuntu [] === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] YAY we finially sorted this mess out === ThePoet [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu === mistic_ [tehLair@218-144.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] hi guys [11:00] and Girls [11:01] what advantages does ubuntu have over using just regular debian? [11:01] other than ease of install? [11:01] fabbione: should i worry about those : Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/kernel-wedge/commands/gen-control line 161. [11:02] AfgBaby: ease of use, updated packagews [11:02] svenl: no. harmless [11:03] HrdwrBoB: updated as in even newer than debian unstable? [11:04] AfgBaby: i switched from unstable to ubuntu because i didn't want the excitement of the daily updates [11:04] AfgBaby: in some cases [11:04] AfgBaby: but generally less wacky breaking of stuff than deb unstable [11:04] topyli: what do you mean? that suggests that unstable is newer === OZ8AAZ [~OZ8AAZ@port323.ds1-brh.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] AfgBaby: the stable ubuntu uses modern up to date software [11:05] AfgBaby: basically, ubuntu freezes unstable every 6 months for testing, then releases [11:05] hmmm [11:06] AfgBaby: plus, ubuntu releases on the same day as gnome does :) [11:06] I probly would end up using somethin other than gnome [11:07] gnome isnt too bad, but Im into lighter wm's like xfce and fluxbox [11:07] but Id use gnome over kde anyday [11:07] AfgBaby: sorry, ubuntu releases the "preview" on gnome release day. anyway, we get the latest gnome sooner than debian does [11:07] o === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] well the gnome release manager, oddly enough is also the ubuntu release manager :) [11:08] AfgBaby: ubuntu's desktop is gnome. everything else is unsupported. that's another difference with debian, they only support a subset of unstable [11:08] o === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:09] fabbione: does ubuntu have write support on NTFS partition enabled ? [11:09] but they do package almost everything, it's just not supported === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has joined #ubuntu === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:10] svenl: no, it's all in the config files === satan__ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] svenl: it's in the kernel, but i think you have to set up fstab yourself. i'm not sure [11:12] fabbione: i enabled it already, but maybe it is too dangerous ? I need to burn a DVD iso, and if i can't fix in in ubuntu, i will have to move the DVD iso to the NTFS partition and burn from windows :/ [11:12] topyli: # CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set [11:12] are distros coming w/ reiser4 these days? [11:12] topyli: so i think not. [11:12] svenl: it's EXPERIMENTAL [11:12] AfgBaby: reiserfs eats filesystem for breakfast. === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-140-180.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] AfgBaby: it's not even in the kernel yet. [11:13] svenl: not read-write. i wouldn't use that anyway === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD95D25B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] really? [11:13] I think mm is the only patchset that includes it now [11:13] I thought it was released [11:13] could anyone guide me to my problem posted here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=52804#post52804 [11:13] otherwise you have to add it yourself [11:13] fabbione: ok, but no particular bad experience, just prudence. [11:13] i dunno... i don't have windows anywhere... [11:14] AfgBaby: well, at least on powerpc, it has no good track record. I wouldn't trust it. [11:14] fabbione: i wish i could do the same. [11:14] i wish DVD burning would work hassleless. [11:14] oh well. [11:14] Ive used it b4 === djrom [~djrom@APuteaux-152-1-1-182.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] hadnt really had any problems [11:14] that was months ago [11:14] ever since i switched to 2.6 kernels there where problems. === topyli has a win98 box [11:15] topyli: and ? is fat32 enough to put 4.5GB files on it ? [11:15] svenl: dunno, probably not === randabis is away: night night with my kite [11:15] fabbione: how long is a kernel build for you usually ? [11:16] got to go to work, as batman says === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [11:16] svenl: god.. i don't know.. on concordia it takes me less than 5 minutes (amd64 [11:16] svenl: it depends from your hardware man [11:17] and how much stuff you stick in the config [11:17] and if you use ccache [11:17] and so on... [11:17] or even if you fork the build process... === EvolutionR [~UserName@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] Hi! === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === djrom is now known as Djrom === randabis-laptop [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] where's that guy? forgot his nickname === irt [~irt@client-82-14-67-32.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] reiser4 is released, but it is not in linux yet === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === randabis-laptop [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Djrom [~djrom@APuteaux-152-1-1-182.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === mistic_ [tehLair@218-144.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === manchot [~manchot@] has joined #ubuntu === Br|ce_ [~brice@daknet.org] has joined #ubuntu === qbeek [~qbeek@sete.idealx.com] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax8-187.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu === chipig [~chip@constant.northnitch.com] has joined #ubuntu === AfgBaby [~monme@cpe-66-87-94-163.ca.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu === mvo_ [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu === ICU [~me@host-95173.ewetel.de] has joined #ubuntu === ollie [~orutherfu@pool-70-18-251-94.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === neighborlee [~neighborl@d6-185.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === defendguin [~supertux@ip68-0-57-44.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === tanek [~tanek@h6n2fls33o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === psf [~psf@] has joined #ubuntu === ObsidianB [~ryan@adsl-66-127-113-92.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === sangriag [~drbista@] has joined #ubuntu === Husk1 [~tcg@aerg-annexe2.canberra.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu === smogger914 [~max@adsl-64-171-50-178.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === martok [~kern@pcp01327764pcs.chrstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === gusto [~gusto@dsl59-177.firstmile.no] has joined #ubuntu === pw [~pw@cpc3-midd5-4-1-cust78.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === sulkd [~henry@194-144-124-151.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD9E60052.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === poningru [~Poningru@n128-227-11-146.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu === pepsi [~pepsi@p153.n-sfpop05.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@rfenio.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu === thisfred_ 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[~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-59-193.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Telep [~telep@dsl-tregw3hb8.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === donncha [~donncha@mail.tradesignals.com] has joined #ubuntu === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === reformed [nobody@junkybox.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === dsr [~fboyer@MTL-HSE-ppp189011.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === jmhodges [~jmh@cpe-069-133-106-188.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === kogorman [~4Dummies@adsl-64-166-164-49.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu === bdale [~bdale@tc1100.gag.com] has joined #ubuntu === seth__ [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-85-59.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006612-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu === zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === popey [~popey@] has joined #ubuntu === Arnald [~Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === crypticreign [~crypticre@207-180-183-196.c3-0.abr-ubr1.sbo-abr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === sri|work [~sri|work@pdxproxy.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu === vtg [~vtg@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu === JamesDotCom [~james@sweep.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu === Kaloz [~kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu === EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu === dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu === rexec [are@dsl-tregw2g9e.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@] has joined #ubuntu === hookah [~flash@] has joined #ubuntu === squeegy [squeegy@cpe-024-033-073-122.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Synek [synek@oak.rpg.pl] has joined #ubuntu === BeTa [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-89-225.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu === thread [~thread@thread.user] has joined #ubuntu === Delgul_at_work [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jamesh 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joined #ubuntu === _d4vid [~ehud@triforum.com] has joined #ubuntu === chii [chii@chii.utility.freenode] has joined #ubuntu === Wulf_ [wulf@wulf.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu === jkka [jukkash@shell.evtek.fi] has joined #ubuntu === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === halkeye [halkeye@baasheep.halkeye.net] has joined #ubuntu === cef [~cef@c211-28-9-44.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === daniels [~daniels@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu === scopecrp [scopecrp@always.lagging.net] has joined #ubuntu === maswan [maswan@kennedy.acc.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu === lool [~lool@pig.zood.org] has joined #ubuntu === sri [[aWpRYQ+8T@onyx.spiritone.com] has joined #ubuntu === devusb [mhelton@devusb.user] has joined #ubuntu === LapTop006 [~laptop006@sparc006.chriskaine.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === ions [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] fabbione: amd64 3200+, standard dpkg-buildpackage, no ccache trick. [11:27] svenl: i dunno know.. and i cannot know.. [11:27] there is no way to estimate that [11:28] fabbione: well. it takes you less than 5 minutes, but that is not for the standard config with all modules, i guess. === satan__ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] svenl: yes.. it's full ubuntu config.. but concordia (where i build) is a dual opteron with 2Gb of ram and do make -j 400 === EvolutionR [~UserName@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:30] fabbione: hehe. === zAo^ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === sangriag [~drbista@] has left #ubuntu [] === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-6-122.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] fabbione: also, i wonder about the dma-ideonly stuff, what i knew about it was that it caused roblems on some lder motherboards. [11:32] i doubt older motherboards run amd64 though. :) === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Broken-Monkey [~imonkeys@cpc2-scun2-3-0-cust119.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Br|ce_ is now known as Br|ce === Broken-Monkey [~imonkeys@cpc2-scun2-3-0-cust119.nott.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === satan__ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu === EvolutionR [~UserName@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] come across when error synchronising ntp.ubuntulinux.org failed at boot up? how to disable this thing? [11:41] once ? [11:41] Any my time at the Taskbar always mess up === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] gsuveg: then how u fix it? [11:42] gsuveg: it took a long time to boot [11:43] EvolutionR: chmod -x /etc/init.d/ntpdate [11:43] The time on my taskbar alwasy change? how come? I've changed it to my local time then when I reboot it changed to other time? [11:43] EvolutionR: next: read the ubuntuguide.org [11:43] gsuveg: ok === bugz_ [~vanni@] has joined #ubuntu === proudhon [~rob@cp254464-d.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] the website is confusing me, is not organise in category [11:44] like the howto/ guide [11:44] taymauche [11:44] plovs: ping === satan__ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] what bootloader is ubuntu using? [11:44] hiya peeps. dear devs_ sudos nice & all. but this n00b just wants to set his root user. can someonehelp me [11:45] proudhon: sudo su - [11:45] hello... [11:45] set a password using passwd [11:46] gsuveg: I've followed ur command what's next? [11:46] like "sudo su - passw [11:46] zeedo, what bootloader is ubuntu using? [11:46] bugz_: grub [11:46] confused [11:46] thanks [11:46] zeedo: dude, sudo -s [11:46] gives you a root shel [11:46] l [11:46] sorry, try again it says [11:47] HrdwrBoB: ahh yeh :) [11:47] EvolutionR: sudo chmod ... [11:47] sorry [11:47] passwords allways wrong [11:47] proudhon: u can run root at Apps=>system tools [11:47] i cant [11:48] dont know the password becouse i dont knowwho to set it up === Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] that wasmy question [11:48] proudhon: it's your password [11:48] n00b here use to use suse really sorry [11:48] ohhh [11:48] the password to your account [11:48] that's how sudo works [11:48] there's only one password [11:48] yeah the sudo password is the normal account user password [11:49] aha [11:49] am I right? [11:49] that explains stuuf [11:49] :-) [11:49] ofcours how silly [11:49] proudhon: sudo generally makes sense [11:49] you only use it when you need to [11:49] instead of doing lots of things as root [11:49] sudo has to have one and since only one user exists he stole it from him haha [11:50] proudhon: nono, sudo is a process [11:50] so my root passw must be my user passw [11:50] no [11:50] give me a minute to explain [11:50] the system is configured to allow you full sudo access [11:50] i want a root passw plz gimme gimme [11:50] as a further method of making sure that people don't abuse it [11:51] when you use sudo [11:51] you have to put your own password in again [11:51] well i have to install stiif into /usr/local [11:51] proudhon: prefix the command with sudo [11:51] i cant becouse my maps arnt writeable [11:51] SUperuser DO [11:51] gsuveg: how to edit the ntpdate? [11:52] u mean i have to do all those things by terminal === umarmung [~Tanzbaer@pD9E684A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] proudhon: of course if u use Ubuntu ehhehehe [11:52] man o man, now i have to learn the old commands again [11:53] well thanks peeps [11:53] :-) [11:53] root@ubuntu:/etc/init.d # ntpdate [11:53] 22 Jan 02:44:52 ntpdate[9317] : no servers can be used, exiting [11:53] lol [11:53] can i hang out here btw. or u peeps kick idlers ? [11:53] u see my time is all wrong it display 2 am here in sabah is 8 pm [11:54] lol [11:54] guys how to edit ntpdate? [11:55] this sychronising ntp.ubuntulinux.org fail is very annoyed! === KlaasVaag [~KlaasVaag@82-197-198-78.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] at boot up screen [11:55] have u net at boot ? or ? [11:55] I dont net at boot man [11:55] ive an idea, i can sudo run nautilus right ? [11:55] I use dialer === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu === SirPsy [qwert@cc392968-c.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] mornin [11:57] Hey. Does anyone know how to enable xvideo on the new xorg fglrx drivers? [11:58] no answer? [11:58] gtg eat dinner [11:58] bye === EvolutionR [~UserName@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:58] I got a problem with my ubuntu :/ on boot i get some pnp error and it suggest to put the option nobiospnp somewhere [11:58] it works hihi [11:58] i cheated the root [11:58] sudo is a handy thing [11:58] :P [11:58] so i tried to edit my grub but i dont know where to put it [11:59] the nobiospnp part [11:59] sirpsy, most grub options are in /boot/grub/menu.lst [12:00] he peeps am testing something called simp_server for msn. sorda pgp encryption system. === scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] k will check tha [12:00] t [12:00] and this is my biggest prob [12:00] i cant seem to set the linkspeed of my intel network card === Nominus [~hanzo@2001:c20:ffff:2b:0:0:0:1541] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] ultimatly when ever i touch or change a setting it completely dies [12:01] if i get it to work can i get it listed on ure propetary section, as an option if the corp guys agree === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu === satan__ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] its closed cource i know.its evil. by now === alexrait [~alexrait@] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] :) [12:02] cu === SuSE|UsER [~ja@] has joined #ubuntu === t31 [~t31@chello084010094087.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] hello, maybe my sources are too old, but I somehow I can't find the new mozilla-firefox in the repositories... === mistic_ is now known as mistic [12:03] alexrait, looking for 1.0? [12:04] hi guys ive installed ati drivers up to the ubuntu wiki and now works like hell, how can i uninstall it? [12:05] SuSE|UsER, yes === zxy [~ralph@host217-43-242-135.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === zxy_ [~ralph@host217-43-242-135.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] alexrait, you have to add backport repository to apt-get [12:06] SuSE|UsER, where can I find it? === G2 [~c1c39442@] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu/ warty-backports main universe === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:20e:2eff:fe27:ea88] has joined #ubuntu === seafood [~rob@cp254464-d.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] looking for specific ubunto packkage wich contains libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 [12:10] can I apt-get dist-upgrade from warty to hoary? [12:10] SuSE|UsER, thanx it includes what I need. [12:10] np [12:10] g2 Yes you can === cyberfreak [user2@marcadet-6-82-226-93-66.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === TerminX [~terminx@terminx.envision7.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] Hey. Does anyone know how to enable xvideo on the new xorg fglrx drivers? === hno73 [~Henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] SuSE|UsER: what lines do I need to paste/change in source.list and if any packages need upgrading first? === ploum [~ploum@131-250.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] warty -> hoary :) === jamesh [~james@203-59-158-180.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === bloodwulf [asdf@CPE00508df5f569-CM0012256eb7a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] nobody ? [12:19] does glibc contain em :? [12:19] need to get this thing to fix depenancies === choisy [~choisy@APoitiers-106-1-4-201.w80-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === wezzer [~antti@a80-186-16-127.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ploum [~ploum@131-250.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] Lets see if I'm back after this upgrade vi apt-get [12:22] [12:22] anyone get vmware 4.5.2 working with ubuntu [12:22] found it meself, thanks allot for the help guys [12:23] :| [12:23] where can I find hoary daily isos? [12:24] how old is the ubuntu project [12:25] did you guys here Mark Shuttleworths interview on linuxradio.org ? === beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] choisy, http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily/ === beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Don't] [12:27] SuSE|UsER: thanks, I had just found it ;) [12:27] :) [12:27] how stable is hoary these days? === IRC-Sophos [~chatzilla@c3eea0b00.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] choisy: the last weeks it was very usable. you should rather ask how many updates a day are flowing into hoary [12:29] siretart: many? [12:29] should I apt-get dist-upgrade then? [12:29] I download abount 10-20mb a day, for a small desktop/notebook system. thats quite a lot [12:29] siretart: indeed ;) [12:30] :P [12:31] 10-20MB of updates / day? [12:31] Does anyone know how to enable xvideo on the new xorg fglrx drivers? === Sophos [~chatzilla@c3eea0b00.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] <_4strO> yop yop === G2 [~c1c39442@] has left #ubuntu [] === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has joined #ubuntu === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] Please suggest a applicable (fee) anti-virus software. And send instructions to install without install-problems. [12:36] Cheers, Sophos === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === mikael_ [~mikael@h130n3fls302o1120.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] Sophos: I use f-prot [12:37] Sophos, you can use clamav === HiddenWolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] Right. I tried to get f-prot installed, but strangely failed. Do you know a solution? [12:40] Sophos: what do you need it for [12:40] I use clamav [12:41] Regular protection. [12:41] of...? [12:41] from what? [12:41] Sophos, when is the last time you heard about a tux exploit / virus that wasn't promptly countered within hours/days? [12:42] I get my regular protection in the toiletries isle [12:42] are you running an email server? [12:45] Well that's funny, but doesn't comply with my question. [12:46] Sophos: the facilities for 'virus scanning' as it happens in the windows world [12:46] simply do not exist for linux [12:46] because they have never been necessary [12:47] HrdwrBoB: erm not quite true [12:47] perhaps one day they will, however currently it's not the case [12:47] Sophos the company, have antivirus for linux [12:47] zeedo: I mean in terms of a desktop PC watching memory and all files you open etc etfc [12:47] there's quite a few AV's for linux [12:47] HrdwrBoB: me too [12:47] and they all run on mailservers [12:47] Sophos does just that [12:48] well, phileus T barnam has something to say about that :) [12:48] I think that was his name [12:48] something abut one born every minute [12:49] http://www.sophos.com/products/sav/eval/ [12:49] the list of systems you can use it on are there [12:49] they includ windows, os/2 macosx, linux, aix, unixware .............. === gt500 [~gt500@214-224.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] hell0w peepz :D [12:50] i'm back :p === redfun [~redfun@201009179242.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] zeedo: and it operates as it would on a windows systemA [12:51] ? [12:51] wb gt500 [12:51] with gui config, etc etc [12:51] HrdwrBoB: pretty much yes [12:51] yes [12:51] ty zAo^ :) [12:52] HrdwrBoB: its a client os AV, not a mailscanner [12:52] how recently has that come about? [12:52] and how much money are they rorting from people for it [12:52] HrdwrBoB: for quite a while [12:52] HrdwrBoB: linux viruses do exist === G2 [~ghenry@] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] I know they exist [12:53] but generally they are not 'viruses' per se === odyssey [~mat@odyssey.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] not that anything is these days [12:53] HrdwrBoB: depends on your definiton, lets just say malware [12:53] and for the most part get thwarted by the sheer diversity of systems [12:53] which I know is rather broad [12:54] I would go so far as to say running an anti virus on your desktop linux PC is almost entirely pointless [12:54] currently [12:54] hhmm .. why doesn't my numlock activate when i boot ubuntu >( [12:54] yes atm its not entirely useful, but it does exist and probably will become more useful [12:54] gt500: check your bios settings [12:54] zeedo: well tbh given the nature of linux, I doubt that too === G2 [~ghenry@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:54] because it's much easier to fix the root cause [12:55] than a bandaid solution [12:55] HrdwrBoB: the root cause of most malware infections is users [12:55] kebac, i did , looked over it .. probably [12:55] the virus and worms that makle biggest impact often do it long after a patch is available [12:55] HrdwrBoB: want to talk about this in pvt, Im concerned we might be flooding the chan with talk thats not quite ubuntu support related [12:56] zeedo: #ubuntu-offtopic, agreed === stone__ [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] turning on numlock usually happens in an rc script. Don't know how it is specified in ubuntu. === Falstius has unpleasant memories of SunOS and bizarre interface problems caused by numlock being on === abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-39-62.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === Adrenal [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu === pisuke [~luis@84-120-67-237.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] Thanks for your technical opinion for the matter. [01:01] can somone help me plz. question about this product am running on ubuntu http://www.secway.fr/products/simpserver/home.php?PARAM=us,ie === stub [~stub@dsl-] has left #ubuntu [] [01:02] i cant seem to find any documention on how to create a keypair or stuff [01:02] gt500: check /etc/console-tools/config and uncomment the last line [01:03] i mean it seems to be working but i dont get it, the windows program made create a key pgp setup and all [01:03] Falstius, i'll take a look ;) === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] ok all [01:03] im trying firefox [01:04] Falstius, thx ^_^ [01:04] and one last question [01:04] i finally got tired of a few ticks in opera [01:04] my firefox is dying === [Uky0] [~jojo77@] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] does anyone know how you change the keybord layout off your login screen ? [01:04] gonna have to reinstall ubuntu soon === ctr [~chris@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] and the things i hated about firefox were just a part of the ubuntu version... 1.0 works fine [01:04] someone help me though [01:04] its slow! [01:04] i was told its because of the pipes or someshit but i cant find that [01:04] what is? [01:04] firefox [01:05] oh, i can help you [01:05] msg me your msn [01:05] i have some files to optimize the settings [01:05] opera was instantaneous... but buggy... this isn't buggy but is slow [01:05] i need new files? isnt there another way [01:05] gt500: you want to change the layout the login screen uses or change it from the login screen? [01:05] again, message me your msn [01:06] Falstius, the keybord layout ... [01:06] actually, no need [01:06] just wjat connection u on? [01:06] login screen = qwerty , ubuntu desktop = azerty [01:06] setite, its probably using ipv6 [01:06] dialup, adsl or cable? [01:06] (changed that in keybord settings) [01:07] cable [01:07] hmm, grep -ri layout /etc === umarmung [~Tanzbaer@pD9E684A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] do what the text says [01:07] so will hoary have gnome 2.10? [01:08] Falstius, :p and now look i presume :p [01:09] oh, no need to thank me, i'll just sit here in the corner and cry [01:09] odyssey: yes [01:09] *shrug* there are a LOT of entries. Probably need something alittle less general than that. [01:09] when is the next ubuntu release due? === mte_ [~mte@BSN-77-15-83.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] haha thanks man [01:09] I should figure that out actually, I have a swiss-french keyboard that I usually use with an american layout (stupid qwertz) [01:10] qwerty [01:10] dvarok is better [01:10] Adrenal: swiss-french is qwertz [01:10] hello..i've just booted the ubuntu livecd and i wonder why i can't get to any other resolution other that 640x480? where to start troubleshooting? [01:10] oh, my bad === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] yay gnome 2.10 === sangriag [~drbista@] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] looks neat, doesn't it? [01:11] bastards switch the z and y and then make all the handy symbols (@ # / \ ) require three key combinations. [01:11] ahaha [01:11] I have assigned various mountpoints to the different partitions and chosen ext3fs as my default fs. When I tried to finished the partitioning and assigning, then it gives an error that says: [01:11] [01:11] !! Partition disks (red) [01:11] Not yet implemented (blue) [01:11] This ext2 filesystem has a rather strange layout! Parted can't resize this (yet). [01:11] [01:11] [01:11] I have chosen everything in ext3fs. What could be the problem? [01:12] sangriag: don't worry about it [01:12] it'll be fine === k40z [~k40zmotic@] has joined #ubuntu === |rufius| [~suifur@suifur.linuxfordummies] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] ok scrolling is super slow [01:15] hey all i have one more issue [01:15] im gonna have to use a seperate email program right [01:16] im used to opera having email integrated but there is no way to do that in firefox is there === [Uky0] [~jojo77@] has joined #ubuntu === BuffaloSoldier [~user@] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] setite: mozilla-thunderbird [01:16] setite: you're right [01:17] is the mail client to match firefox === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] smooth-scrolling was the culprit [01:18] setite, turn it off then :p === Skwid_ [Skwid1@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] i did [01:20] i had to turn it off to figure out that it was the problem [01:20] :) [01:22] I need to know config my navigator for shockwave [01:23] oooh i love thunderbird [01:24] its smart... and saved me time [01:24] i have 6 email addresses with the same password and server [01:24] i just have to enter the new account, password, and pop address for each... not the smtp... that is logical and the first time i've ever seen it [01:25] lol === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] === chakah [~chakraah@a18039.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] setite, lol :p found that just now ? [01:26] :p === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@27.Red-81-44-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] hey man im just now using mozillas stuff [01:27] i hated the firefox that came with ubuntu... [01:27] ow ^_^ [01:27] i still think the pipelines and all that should have been default settings [01:27] but since opera seemed to be dying on me i decided to try somethign new [01:27] you can change the pipline settinsif you wanna : [01:29] yea i know i can and i did [01:29] im saying such a thing should be default though [01:30] does ubuntu have a sound editor? [01:31] ooh everythign is so easy to edit on thunderbird... this is nice [01:32] none, outlook, opera, eudora, or evolution were so simple [01:32] I wish they'd switch the default mail client to thunderbird instead of evolution. Or offer an alternative "ubuntu-desktop" package. [01:32] pitti, pong (with a very faint echo) [01:32] But does thunderbird have a calendar? [01:33] well too many things and ubuntu would become like the other multi-disk distros [01:33] does it? [01:33] does it need one? [01:33] wezzer-: it doesn't have one, but evolution doesn't have a news client [01:33] that's true === |rufius| [~suifur@suifur.linuxfordummies] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] and since I don't have a pda, most of the nice features of evolution are useless to me. [01:34] I remember that Mozilla team are working with some kind of calendar [01:34] so maybe we will see a calendar in thunderbird soon === lizdeika [~lizdeika@mail.northway.lt] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] wezzer, they are but it will be seperate from thunderbird [01:34] its called sunbird or something. [01:35] ok [01:35] I didn't know that [01:35] but I would like to be able to install "ubuntu-desktop-thunderbird" instead of ubuntu-desktop ... its a pretty easy change for the maintainers. [01:35] question [01:36] how do i change settings like default email client, browser, etc [01:36] im used to programs and windows askign if i would like them to become default [01:36] Preferred Applications [01:36] in Desktop Preference [01:36] +s [01:37] they should make mozilla suite:firfox edition [01:37] i still miss the integration of opera [01:37] setite, you could download mozilla instead of firefox then. [01:38] but I'm starting to really like firefox more than mozilla. [01:38] plovs: #1866 is still valid? [01:38] umm could someone tell me the command to install a .deb i know its something like pk -i package name [01:38] plovs: if so, which type of ZIP drive you have (usb/parallel/ide)? === no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] odyssey: dpkg -i packege.deb [01:38] ok WTF is with gnome-terminal going BLANK every now and then? [01:38] thankyou lizdeika [01:38] dpkg ? [01:39] jbailey: do you remember my network problem, yesterday? [01:39] nevyn, it flashes or stays blank? [01:39] i like firefox [01:39] ow , someone allready toldya [01:39] :p [01:39] no0tic: Yup. By the time I made it back to my terminal you'd gone. [01:39] ok when i click a link in thunderbird nothing happens [01:39] I hear that vte4, gnome-terminal's terminal widget, is without proper upstream maintenance, which is a shame, 'cause it's buggy [01:39] how do i tell it to use firefox [01:39] and how do i make sure that firefox is the default browser [01:39] setite, look in your options :p [01:40] jbailey: I tried to redo the same thing and it messed up interfaces file again [01:40] Falstius: it's probably some funky terminal screen ssh interaction thing === [Uky0] [~jojo77@] has joined #ubuntu === SuSE|UsER [~ja@] has left #ubuntu ["If] [01:40] because i dont think there is a default since i removed the opera that came with ubuntu [01:40] yea gt.. what options though [01:40] jbailey: I noticed what was wrong in the changed file [01:40] Falstius: it stays blank but if I ^L it re-draws for a bit [01:40] opera ? [01:40] where did you see opera ? :p [01:40] it seems to be gone now I have gone back to the default colour scheme. which I unfortunatly hate. === rocco [~rocco@IlDuce.ST.HMC.Edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] i meant firefox [01:41] i need to remove opera now too === scube_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === flute [~flute@dsl-80-41-21-155.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] no0tic: and? =) === sri [[0y22IlJf3@onyx.spiritone.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] Is it possible to install hoary from the livecd? [01:42] scube_, are you per chance updating from warty to hoary? [01:43] jbailey: network-setting tool doesn't append to "iface eth0 inet" line the option "static" === ssam [~chatzilla@dsl-80-41-21-155.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] can someone tell me how to update Warty to Hoary? I need ATi drivers for AMD64 === satan_ [~satan@d226-26-229.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] jbailey: so /etc/init.d/networking script fails due to few parameters [01:43] no0tic: Ah, interesting. [01:43] nevyn, it might be because of the method you use to set the colors. [01:43] rocco: there is a section about this on the Wiki [01:44] no0tic: Would you mind filing a bug in bugzilla for that? [01:44] umm edit the profile. change to linux colors. [01:44] yes [01:44] that's it. === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] rocco: I am just testing the hoary live CD. I don't have it installed to upgrade. [01:44] rocco: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryHedgehog [01:45] scizzo, thanks, can I mp you to get help? I'm still new at linux... [01:45] rocco: wow! are you really new? [01:45] rocco: in that case stick with warty === juliux [~juliux@] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] jbailey: I searched for thus bug on bugzilla & found the opposite bug! :) [01:46] rocco: hoary is development [01:46] rocco scizzo is right hoary is a work in progress [01:46] jbailey: net-tools that switch to static a dhcp connection :) [01:47] well, I am running warty amd64, and it doesn't have ATi drivers I've found out [01:47] no0tic: Perfect. The best bugs are the reproducable ones ;) [01:47] so I don't have acceleration, which might be nice === choisy [~choisy@APoitiers-106-1-4-201.w80-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === krischan [~krischan@p5090BE62.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] rocco: that does not mean that hoary will help you a lot [01:48] rocco: what drivers are you looking for?= [01:48] <_4strO> surte === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] rocco: what card is it? [01:48] <_4strO> i m on hoary and i don't have acceleration too :/ [01:48] scizzo, hoary is supposed to have ATi Radeon 9800 driver support [01:48] rocco: and what driver are you using? [01:49] it just says ati [01:49] okej [01:49] <_4strO> i'm using xorg-fglrx-driver with an ATI radeon 9600 [01:49] people using 9700 has used the "radeon" driver for the cards [01:49] <_4strO> Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". [01:49] <_4strO> display: :0.0 screen: 0 [01:49] <_4strO> OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org [01:49] <_4strO> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect [01:49] <_4strO> OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1) [01:49] I am not sure if that help with 9800 [01:49] I did glxinfo|grep -i dri and it said that: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". [01:50] <_4strO> lol [01:50] _4strO: thats xorg yes [01:50] _4strO: rocco is using XFree86 [01:50] <_4strO> yes === lavigj [~largo@pcp03303349pcs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] <_4strO> oki [01:50] <_4strO> ( Operating System ) Linux Debian-3.1 Kernel:, GNU/Linux | Xorg: | Desktop: Gnome v2.9 | IRC Client: X-Chat v.2.4.1 [01:50] shit [01:50] did i lose all my thunderbird settings [01:50] rocco: ummm.....dri doesn't matter much at the moment [01:50] i upgraded from warty to hoary last night by changing all the wartys to hoarys in synaptic, now synapic is gone, is this a known problem? did i do something wrong? how do i get it back? [01:51] rocco: well...it is important...but still [01:51] jbailey: I must file a bug for gnome-system-tools package, right? [01:51] scizzo, a friend said that because it said it was missing, that meant I didn't have acceleration, that's all [01:51] flute, :/ weird [01:51] no0tic: Yes, please. [01:52] its only a playing around system, so its not the end of the world or anything if i need to reinstall [01:52] <_4strO> flute> u change the synaptic version [01:52] i take back everything i said abotu thunderbird [01:52] it sucks [01:53] 4str0: not tht i know of [01:53] it seems to have lost all the settings and accounts [01:53] <_4strO> so your shortcut must be change too [01:53] setite, :/ how ? [01:53] i closed it [01:53] and when i open it its all gone [01:53] <_4strO> flute> type synaptic in your terminal === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu === SpitFire [~mohaa@113-8-135.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] bash: synaptic: command not found [01:54] <_4strO> ouch [01:54] scizzo, what kind of setup/distro would make things easier at the moment? I like ubuntu so far [01:54] setite, i think you have a problem , because , here it works fine [01:54] <_4strO> flute : apt-get install synaptic [01:54] scizzo, so I don't want to give it up, exactly [01:54] i had some warty-backport packages installed, would that make to problem? [01:54] yea... my problem is i wasted time with thunderbird [01:54] because its screwed up [01:54] rocco: yes... [01:54] it seems that it never installed [01:54] I tried all night to config my mozilla navigator [01:54] can i do apt get synaptic or something [01:55] <_4strO> <_4strO> flute : apt-get install synapti [01:55] <_4strO> <_4strO> flute : apt-get install synaptic [01:55] someone can to help me with that? === Guardiann [~Guardiann@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Skwid_ [~Skwid1@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] scizzo, how about I forget about acceleration. How about java applet support and flash plugins? [01:55] I can't get those to work in Firefox [01:55] with sudo aswell i guess [01:56] rocco, flash dont work yet with amd64 [01:56] rocco check out www.ubuntuguide.org [01:56] <_4strO> yes flute :) [01:56] blackdown.org does have 64bit java [01:56] so should I just reinstall ubuntu with x86? [01:56] ok [01:57] would that make more things availible to me? [01:57] jbailey: files [01:58] jbailey: filed [01:58] I came across this problem, ext3 format and no resizing gives ext2fs related resizing problem due to parted. See here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=52866#post52866 [01:58] no0tic: Thanks! [01:58] thanks, synaptic is back :-) [01:58] should i post a bug report? === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] why is thunderbird beign gay [01:59] scizzo, do you think I should reinstall ubuntu with x86 instead of amd64 then? === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has joined #ubuntu === Specialized [~Specializ@tux.wilhelm.softwarezentrum.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === Necrosan [Necrosan@nwblwinas01-pool0-a172.nwblwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu === pepsi [~pepsi@p48.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu === ZzeCoOl [~zzecool@thes730b-0683.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] goodmorning ZzeCoOl [02:02] rocco have you tried chmod or whatever that is [02:02] chroot i mean === ernesto_ [~ernesto@tdev132-185.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] Guardiann :>>>>>>>>>>> [02:02] I don't even know what that is, setite [02:02] :D [02:02] ok hold up [02:02] Is it worth asking for troubleshooting in this IRC? I posted a few problems with installations, and yet getting no reply? Losing hope!? [02:03] ubuntu [02:03] MY stab doenst mount my window partition ....but if i arun mount -a then it mounts... Any clue? plz [02:03] arun run* [02:03] sangriag maybe noone has the answer [02:04] http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu [02:05] setite, thanks, have you worked with that before? [02:06] Guardinn: maybe. :-( === emanuelez [~emanuelez@adsl-ull-73-200.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] hello * :) [02:08] hello [02:08] does upgrading to hoary automatically use x.org instead of xfree? === amiroff [~amiroff@dsl81-214-21642.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] noone?... [02:09] any clue about fstab? [02:10] ZzeCoOl: what's your proble with it? [02:10] setite, what is chroot, can you conceptually explain that to me? [02:11] rocco: chroot=change root. you simply change the root of your filesystem [02:11] <_4strO> emanuelez> niet [02:12] <_4strO> u have to change manualy [02:12] oh, ok [02:12] <_4strO> and not in Xserver [02:12] I don't see how that helps, but ok, hehe [02:12] <_4strO> do it in a terminal session [02:13] rocco: try installing gentoo and u'll have to use chroot :P LOL [02:13] emanuelez i have set my ftab to mount my windows partition but it desnt work at the boot time,but if i run mount -a then it mounts [02:13] fstab* [02:13] emanuelez, you know, my last comp a friend installed gentoo for me, and yeah, he used chroot, I remember now [02:13] <_4strO> defaults,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [02:14] confused the shit out of me then, confuses the shit out of me now [02:14] <_4strO> ZzeCoOl> did u set auto option ? [02:14] i dont remember [02:14] <_4strO> :) [02:14] i folowed the ubuntu guide [02:14] :D [02:14] just a sec im going to check it [02:15] _4strO: if he didn't set auto, then mount -a shouldn't mount it .. [02:16] <_4strO> ha ? [02:16] _4strO is is like this : /dev/sda6 /mnt/Games vfat umask=000 0 0 [02:16] <_4strO> fabbione> i thought that mount -a will mount all device in etc/fstab [02:16] _4strO this is what it does [02:16] pitti, i have a usb zip-drive, i haven't used it for a while though, you want me to test it? on hoary or warty? [02:17] <_4strO> ZzeCoOl> dev/hdc2 /mnt/musique1 vfat defaults,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [02:17] plovs: well, we know that it does not work on warty, so hoary :-) === TreadingSoftly [~treadings@] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] does this gives read write to every user? [02:17] plovs: the new hal version contains a patch, but only for IDE zip drives [02:17] <_4strO> niet [02:17] plovs: it would be nice to check whether usb zip still does not work [02:17] what does this does? [02:17] i want read write to every user [02:17] <_4strO> uid=1000 [02:18] <_4strO> id=1000 [02:18] ? [02:18] does someone know how to apt-get dchroot? [02:18] Does anyone know how to enable xvideo on the new xorg fglrx drivers? [02:18] <_4strO> ZzeCoOl> groupe 1000 and user 1000 === ThePlateau [james@cae88-122-187.sc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] I have: uid=1000,gid=100,umask=007 .. gives all rights for every user in the group users [02:19] i dont understand what is group id 1000 and user id 1000 [02:19] <_4strO> i think uid=1000 contain all user u have ;) [02:19] <_4strO> just try it [02:19] uid=1000 is your own uid [02:19] omg [02:19] ZzeCoOl: what you have should work though. The problem is probably that at boot time the system is not recognizing your scsi driver. Is it SATA? [02:19] netx user has uid=1001 [02:19] yes it is [02:20] western digital 200gb [02:20] sata [02:20] is there a message in dmesg about it? [02:20] how come "apt-get install dchroot" doesn't work? [02:20] let me check === aya [~aya@national-2-82-66-184-192.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:20] do you boot your root (ubuntu) off the same drive? [02:20] hrm updating my installation onw [02:20] er now [02:20] i had 47 updates [02:21] does upgrading to hoary automatically use x.org instead of xfree? [02:21] <_4strO> emanuelez> niet [02:21] _4strO: so what doi need to do for the switch? [02:21] Falstius [02:21] i cant find nothing [02:21] <_4strO> kill ur Xsession === Neo_654 [~Neo_654@oh-65-40-142-43.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] do i have to grep something special in the dmesg [02:22] ? [02:22] _4strO: i did the sweitch about a month ago! LOL [02:22] # sudo apt-get install dchroot debootstrap [02:22] Reading Package Lists... Done [02:22] Building Dependency Tree... Done [02:22] E: Couldn't find package dchroot [02:22] what does that mean? [02:22] rocco, that the package doesn't exists [02:22] :p [02:22] nevermind [02:22] but... but... but... [02:23] ZzeCoOl: I'd grep for the drive name. [02:23] <_4strO> and apt-get install xserver-xorg in a terminal session [02:23] rocco did you apt-get update? [02:23] Pluk, yes [02:23] ah you were running amd64 right? [02:23] yeah [02:23] <_4strO> perhaps apt-get remove xserver-xfree86 [02:23] <_4strO> dont't remember the exact name [02:24] possibly not yet ported to x86_64 [02:24] Pluk, so what can I freaking do with amd64? it is like nothing but what came with ubuntu even has a chance of working, which isn't that much [02:25] lol software development for amd64 is still very fresh [02:25] _4strO: it tells me that is't gonna remove my ATI driver :( [02:25] rocco: enable universe? === shizzlean [~mslutton@cpe-24-176-94-002.hky.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] hmmm indeed [02:25] nevyn, how? [02:26] dchroot seems to be in universe [02:26] <_4strO> emanuelez> u'r in X ? [02:26] do you guys recommend I install x86 instead? [02:26] yes [02:26] that'd be good. how do I access universe? [02:26] yes rooco === ctr [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] <_4strO> xorg-driver-fglrx [02:26] <_4strO> emanuelez> do't do that in X [02:26] i have amd64 here too and have a x86 and x86_64 installed [02:26] rocco: universe is like.. everything that's in debian. [02:26] dont use x86)64 very often [02:27] _4strO: so i have to kill gdm i guess [02:27] <_4strO> yes [02:27] what provides auplay? [02:27] _4strO: ok.. thx :) [02:27] <_4strO> xorg-driver-fglrx is the xorg ATI driver [02:27] Pluk, how much room do I need to install x86? or should I install over this partition and get rid of this once and for all? === moyote [~moyote@] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] nevyn, should I enable universe then and try that? === rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] i think with 4gb root 1gb swap and 3 gb home you prolly be safe [02:29] home and swap can be shared === trey3 [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Pluk, I got more than enough then, I think I can spare that. But is keeping this one worth it? [02:29] sure worth it [02:29] always fun to play with x86_64 === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] what can I do with 64 then that is special and fun? [02:30] fun for nerds then i guess... [02:30] :D [02:30] I'm a nerd... I just don't know linux as well as I wish I did [02:30] play with big numbers [02:30] I definitely am trying... 5:30am, class at 9am... see? I'm trying [02:31] lol === manchot [~manchot@] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] in gnome, what is the file brower? I can't see its link. [02:33] Pluk, what should I download to install the x86 ubuntu then? [02:33] manchot nautilus === Zindar [~bagfors@] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] pitti, i have both ide-zip and usb-zip i'll test both and let you know somewhere at the end of next week [02:34] rocco, just get the iso? [02:34] Is home on the panel by default? [02:34] ok, the thing is, I'm not sure I can burn it from here. [02:34] plovs: nice, thanks! Please write your results in the bug report [02:34] I haven't found a burning program here yet [02:34] rocco, cdrecord [02:34] rocco use k3b === moyote [~moyote@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:35] I don't think I have k3b, but cdrecord I do, just don't know how to use it [02:35] rocco: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] then add universe onto the end of the repository you are using [02:36] then open up synaptic and install it [02:36] alternatively there is a gui way but I dont have it in front of me now [02:36] Does anyone know how to get CDDB working for CD Player? [02:37] open up synaptic? [02:37] pitti, do you know how to restore the partition table to a usb-key, i get an error when plugging it in and it can no longer be accessed (not on windows, nor on linux) fdisk says: unable to open dev/sda [02:38] plovs: hmm, fdisk should not care about the partition table [02:38] plovs: sure that you do this with sudo? [02:38] it's on the menu === snowblink [~snowblink@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] TreadingSoftly, works fine fore me... might not have the cd in the database? === SuSE|UsER [~ja@] has joined #ubuntu === emanuelez [~emanuelez@adsl-27-201.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] no ... rhythm box can pick them up + not obscure cds [02:43] _4strO: still there? [02:43] <_4strO> yep [02:43] <_4strO> not for a long time, my bath is ready ... [02:43] _4strO: i did as u said... everything went smootly but i seem to have lost every hardware acceleration :( [02:44] <_4strO> video card ? === raul [~raul@] has joined #ubuntu === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] ATI radeon 9600 [02:44] <_4strO> same as mine [02:44] <_4strO> don't have acceleration too :/ [02:44] :-O [02:44] <_4strO> u have it before ? [02:44] _4strO: yes!! [02:45] <_4strO> erf [02:45] cine ma ajuta si pe mine? [02:45] <_4strO> I never had it :/ [02:45] _4strO: hope i'll be able to switch back LOL === setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] hey === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@24-159-246-25.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] anyone know a repo that has the newest xine [02:45] In gconf I've got this under the entry for CDDB-Slave2 (in case this is relevant): hostname = info=0 name= port=888 server=freedb.freedb.org server-type=0. Anything missing there? [02:46] well that update went rather smoothly [02:46] setite what version you looking for [02:46] <_4strO> emanuelez> u change the video driver ? [02:46] ummmm... something newer than the one ubuntu has [02:47] _4strO: installing xorg apt removed my driver [02:47] i want to update alot fo things that ubuntu has... but ill do it one by one if i must [02:47] 15 minutes till howard stern replay! [02:47] where are the CDDB settings for CD Player? [02:47] <_4strO> emanuelez> but it put on newer ? [02:48] _4strO: no... i had to install xorg-driver-fglx manually === raul [~raul@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] should i add the debian repo? [02:48] setite: very risky [02:49] <_4strO> fuck [02:49] xine 99.3 is pretty recent [02:49] <_4strO> fuck$* ati driver .... [02:49] pitti, sudo fdisk /dev/sda gives: Unable to open /dev/sda [02:50] plovs: but /dev/sda does exist? [02:50] I've problems with powernow module & frequency scaling. powernow: No PST tables match this cpuid (0x7a0). On warty this didn't happen [02:50] ok then just xine then [02:50] plovs: does "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null bs=1k count=10" work? === vj [~vijay@] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] is it possible to steer apt to a new repo that is not on the list [02:50] pitti, dmesg says: usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:50] like if you just want to use it once [02:50] urth [02:51] plovs: no idea. sounds like a hardware problem... [02:51] pitti, dd: opening `/dev/sda': No such file or directory [02:51] _4strO: what kernel r u using? [02:51] <_4strO> ( Operating System ) Linux Debian-3.1 Kernel:, GNU/Linux | Xorg: | Desktop: Gnome v2.9 | IRC Client: X-Chat v.2.4.1 [02:51] ubuntu does not install properly [02:51] plovs: dmesg output is from plugging in? [02:52] plovs: do you have a via MOBO? [02:53] <_4strO> emanuelez> u ? [02:53] _4strO: i guess it only works with kernel 2.6.10 but i'm not sure. the problem is that i have issues with that kernel so i'm using 2.6.9 right now [02:53] no0tic, yes, but it used to work, after pulling it out one day it just stoppped [02:53] pitti, it is a lot, i don't want to flood the channel === vj [~vijay@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:53] plovs: feel free to /msg [02:53] plovs: try appending pci=noacpi in kernel options === BadJon [~harding@server1.quellan.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] <_4strO> emanuelez> change X server don't change kernel using , i think [02:54] _4strO: of course, but the driver is a kernel module of course [02:54] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... [02:54] scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices [02:54] usbcore: registered new driver usb-storage [02:54] USB Mass Storage support registered. [02:54] usb-storage: device found at 3 [02:54] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning [02:54] Vendor: JetFlash Model: TS256MJF2L Rev: 2.00 [02:54] Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 [02:54] usb-storage: device scan complete [02:54] sda: Unit Not Ready, sense: [02:54] Current : sense key Unit Attention [02:54] Additional sense: Not ready to ready change, medium may have changed [02:55] sda : READ CAPACITY failed. [02:55] <_4strO> emanuelez> yes [02:55] sda : status=1, message=00, host=0, driver=08 [02:55] Current sd: sense key Unit Attention [02:55] Additional sense: Not ready to ready change, medium may have changed [02:55] sda: Write Protect is off [02:55] sda: Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00 [02:55] sda: assuming drive cache: write through [02:55] SCSI device sda: 512000 512-byte hdwr sectors (262 MB) [02:55] sda: Write Protect is off [02:55] sda: Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00 [02:55] sda: assuming drive cache: write through [02:55] /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: p1 [02:55] Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 [02:55] UDF-fs: No VRS found [02:55] UDF-fs: No VRS found [02:55] Unable to identify CD-ROM format. [02:55] Unable to identify CD-ROM format. [02:55] FAT: utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive! [02:55] PLEASE KICK THIS GUY! LOL [02:55] usb 4-6: USB disconnect, address 3 [02:55] usb 3-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4 [02:55] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:55] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:55] usb 3-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 5 [02:55] <_4strO> lol [02:55] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:55] plovs use pastebin or sometihng [02:55] usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:55] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 6 [02:56] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:56] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:56] plovs: you have to /msg every line! [02:56] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 7 [02:56] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:56] usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [02:56] usb 3-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address [02:56] sorry all === plovs hides [02:56] yes, now i know [02:56] Uh oh, i can't eject my cd O_o [02:56] no autokick here uh? LOL [02:56] SuSE|UsER: lsof /dev/cdrom [02:56] Help me :S [02:56] i'll kick myself if that makes people happy [02:57] SuSE|UsER: umount -l /mnt/cdrom [02:57] SuSE|UsER: ehm, lsof | grep /dev/cdrom [02:57] plovs: just kidding :) [02:57] <_4strO> emanuelez> u had default driver before switching X ? [02:57] emanuelez, it really hurt, kicking myself so hard [02:57] <_4strO> lol plovs === _4strO slaps plovs with a glowing 23. === no0tic reminds: large pastes at http://rafb.net/paste/ [02:58] plovs your a bastard [02:58] stil doesnt work after umount -l /media/cdrom [02:58] ok ive said my piece [02:59] _4strO: i had the fglrx driver [02:59] suse!!! guys grab your clubs and torches! [02:59] wow, plovs, 27 lines at once. [02:59] <_4strO> emanuelez> the ubuntu fglrx driver ? [02:59] SuSE|UsER: view what program is using you cd with : lsof | grep cdrom [02:59] and doesnt work after lsof | grep /dev/cdrom [02:59] the flood of castigating plovs is almost as bad as the flood he generated in the first place [03:00] _4strO: yup [03:00] SuSE|UsER: lsof lists all opened files [03:00] daniels... indeed [03:00] <_4strO> emanuelez> stange [03:00] plovs, your name wouldn't happen to have the letters s l x in front of it, would it? [03:00] SuSE|UsER: then kill the process that is using your cd [03:00] <_4strO> i had the same but hadn't acceleration :/ === help [~oyion@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] _4strO: weird [03:01] But which process? [03:01] <_4strO> some people said i have too recomplie my kernel :/ [03:01] SuSE|UsER: the process that is using you cdrom... :) === help is now known as oyion_ [03:01] <_4strO> some people said i have to recomplie my kernel :/ [03:01] But i dont know which one :) [03:02] lsof | grep /dev/cdrom shows nothing [03:02] SuSE|UsER: how many processes are using your cd right now? [03:02] I dunno :) [03:02] SuSE|UsER: ok, so noone [03:02] from xorg-drivers-fglrx docs: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10 ( hoary; [03:02] hell [03:02] <_4strO> pffff [03:02] SuSE|UsER: lsof | grep cdrom lists them, if doesn't list anything, there aren't... [03:03] cd icon disappeared from desktop but i still cant eject him [03:03] SuSE|UsER: try eject [03:03] :S [03:03] I can't === thully [~thully@wuser200-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] fabbione: u there? [03:04] Is there any command for ejecting cd (in console) [03:04] ? [03:04] SuSE|UsER: eject === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] eject -r [03:05] eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === scylax [~x@ARennes-303-1-16-186.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] hi [03:05] SuSE|UsER: are you 100% sure no processes are using your cdrom? [03:06] I'm not, but lsof shows nothing [03:06] any shell console? any mplayer hidden session... === manchot [~manchot@] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] when I mounted some local partitions, ubuntu shows all their icons on the desktop. [03:07] how to disable this? [03:07] After plugging in an USB device in warty it was mounted automatically, on hoary, it is correctly recognized but doesn't show up [03:08] anthother question: anyone is using gmailfs ? I tried to install its debian pkg but it seems that ubuntu does not have dependent packages. === sangriag [~drbista@] has left #ubuntu [] === WindowsUninstall [~WindowsUn@a-li5-77.tin.it] has joined #ubuntu === larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] is there a (unofficial) hoary install iso ? [03:10] I don't think so [03:10] pusling: imagecd.ubuntulinux.org === appleseed [~paul@ACB9E7BD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] pusling: sorry, cdimage.ubuntulinux.org [03:11] pusling: under releases [03:11] ah nice, i'll get one of those too [03:11] what is array1, array2, array3? [03:11] pusling: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/hoary/array-3/ [03:11] what is arr... what scylax said [03:12] scylax: are hoary-milestones [03:12] ok so 3 is more recent? === TheGuild [~klara@cust.94.144.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu === SuSE|UsER still can't eject cd :S [03:12] hi everyone! sorry to ask this, as I'm sure I'm not the first, but how do I enable DRI on the ATi fglrx drivers? fglrx STILL says opengl is using the mesa driver. i've installed linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), and rebooted, but still no luck [03:12] scylax: 3 hsa been released today [03:12] it's it true that the hoary dist isn't complete at the moment? [03:12] i'll download it and check it out [03:13] TheGuild: it isn't stable, but it has all [03:13] only played with hoary for a couple of days before going back to warty :) [03:13] no0tic: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gtk+2.0/libgtk2.0-common_2.6.1-1ubuntu2_all.deb 404 Not Found [03:13] get a lot of these whilst dist-upgrading [03:13] can one record an iso with nautilus? [03:13] TheGuild: update your repositories [03:13] scylax: yes [03:13] no0tic: allready done [03:13] great [03:14] TheGuild: then probably they are upgrading packages right now [03:14] what do I need to install to get auplay or is there an easy way tomake gaim do notifications via gstreamer? [03:14] no0tic: great then I'll hang on... was wondering if it were my apt sources :) [03:15] i saw a friend had weather info in evolution, how do i get that? [03:15] scylax: I think there are plugins for that [03:15] is debmirror in ubuntu ? === ogra_ [~ogra@p508EA58B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] do you know how to install them? i see nothing on the menus [03:16] nevermind worked it out. === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] TheGuild: yes, they are upgrading packages now ;) [03:16] no0tic: thnx for checking :) [03:16] I mounted cd again /dev/hdc on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 and i wrote lsof | grep /dev/hdc [03:16] , but nothing was shown [03:16] SuSE|UsER: yes, if you are not using it.... === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] Hm. Is the hoary repro server down? [03:17] Hwolf: no [03:17] ailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mysql-dfsg/libmysqlclient12_4.0.23-3_i386.deb 404 Not Found [03:17] E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? [03:17] Hwolf: probably they are upgrading packages now [03:18] Hwolf: TheGuild & I got the same error [03:18] When i'm trying to eject it says eject -r [03:18] eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error [03:18] Hwolf: but not with all packages [03:21] TheGuild & Hwolf: now it works [03:21] no0tic: senks again :) === xmas [~steger14@12-207-158-223.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] SuSE|UsER: what shows when you type mount? [03:23] Hm. First time I've ever encountered an official mirror downish. In all my years of using debian-systems [03:23] :-P [03:23] ok how the hell do i install xine lib 1.0 [03:24] i cant figure it otu [03:24] setite: apt-get install xine-ui [03:24] i ran sj ./configure [03:24] well i have xine-ui... but i want a newer version then the one on the ubuntu repo [03:24] sh* [03:25] whats wrong with the version you have? === mikael_ [~mikael@h130n3fls302o1120.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] nothing is wrong [03:25] i just want the newer version [03:25] setite: right. I was looking for the debs yesterday too. [03:25] to see if the quality is any better [03:25] so i downloaded the newest lib and xine-ui [03:25] and i was trying to install xine lib but it wont [03:25] What is the networking device sit0 ? [03:26] why wont it install] [03:26] snowblink, /dev/hda4 on / type xfs (rw) [03:26] proc on /proc type proc (rw) [03:26] sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) [03:26] devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) [03:26] tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) [03:26] usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) [03:26] /dev/hdc on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 === lamont_r [~lamont@dsl-140-170.dynamic-dsl.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] SuSE|UsER: umount /media/cdrom0 === Mabus [~folk@phobos.coretrek.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] suse is the devil [03:28] I see the OOo2 package has completed successfully - does anyone know if it causes any problems if I install it ? [03:28] And still soesnt work :S [03:28] doesn't* [03:28] setite what did you tyoe to try to install [03:28] SuSE|UsER: what error did you get? [03:28] well i ran ./configure [03:28] then tried make [03:28] but make errored [03:28] eject -r [03:28] eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error [03:29] somethign abotu no specified path or file or soemthign like that [03:29] do you have all the gcc packages [03:29] SuSE|UsER: exit all your shell sessions [03:29] im trying to install xine-ui now [03:29] i dunno [03:29] i have some of them [03:29] SuSE|UsER: then try the command again [03:29] i dont know if i have all or enough though === VincentMX [~VincentMX@c3eea5206.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] Still doesn't work [03:30] hi [03:30] It has to be some bug :S [03:30] checking for XINE-LIB version >= 1.0.0... no [03:30] *** The xine-config script installed by XINE could not be found [03:30] *** If XINE was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in [03:30] *** your path, or set the XINE_CONFIG environment variable to the [03:30] *** full path to xine-config. [03:30] configure: error: *** You should install xine-lib first *** [03:30] Big,nasty bug :S [03:30] so i do need to install the libs first [03:30] SuSE|UsER: is there a CD on your desktop? [03:30] Now it isn't [03:31] has anyone noticed that the update notifier in hoary has "update" spelled as "upate"? [03:31] what are "all" the gcc packages [03:31] It disappeared after umount [03:31] brb [03:32] SuSE|UsER: from the prompt where you are doing the umount, type pwd [03:32] It shows my /home/user [03:32] i'm using the Ubuntu live CD, it works kinda slow. Wil it go faster when i install Ubuntu? [03:32] i'm using the Ubuntu live CD, it works kinda slow. Wil it go faster when i install Ubuntu? [03:32] VincentMX, it should === no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] Ok thanx! [03:33] couse this is really going slow [03:33] :) [03:34] Yeah, I think WindowsXP live CD is FasTer ;) [03:34] SuSE|UsER: you have no programs in your tray which might be accessing it? [03:34] Guardiann where did you go [03:35] should i get a newer gcc then ubuntu has [03:35] or should i move over to hoary [03:35] im getting frustrated with warty... but hoary will be worse i bet [03:36] settite, why is that? [03:36] i dunno [03:36] i just want to update something and im dying [03:36] VincentMX, it will go a *lot* faster [03:36] i cant update xine [03:37] only if you absolutely need a newer gcc - hoary is a tad unstable, proceed with caution (it's like debian's unstable) [03:37] ok [03:37] maybe you're missing libs to compile xine? [03:37] i downloaded the libs [03:37] Thully, Hoary has been reasonably stable so far. I've installed it three times. [03:37] thats what i cant install === BockBilbo [~BockBilbo@] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] why did you install it 3 times [03:37] yes - I've used it, but there still is breakage every now and then - not as stable as warty [03:37] why not once [03:38] does anybody have a moin-moin skin that looks ubuntu-ish? [03:38] (or know of) [03:38] I'm not saying it's unstable in the windows sense, I'm saying it is in the debian sense [03:39] is it in the noob sense === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@] has joined #ubuntu === appleseed [~paul@ACB9E7BD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] i cant be doing alot of configuring because im too new [03:39] i just want better quality dvd playback [03:39] hello [03:39] and xine is the only program i can get to play TV's === Mabus [~folk@phobos.coretrek.no] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:39] has anyone here tried MATLAB in linux? [03:39] in ubuntu.. [03:39] SuSE|UsER: what is the output of fuser /dev/hdc [03:40] Hello everyone. sorry, i asked a question before but got cut off so i'm not sure if anyone answered. I'm having problems with xorg+fglrx drivers(fglrxinfo will only show the mesa driver used, not the ati one) [03:40] BockBilbo, not yet.. but i tried some OS equivalents :) [03:40] I mean - if you use debian sarge or sid, or gentoo, or similar and can handle things fine hoary should be OK - even if you're good at using, say, mandrake you should be fine [03:40] hehe you mean octave [03:40] is it legal to distribute Ubuntu cd's during my lecture about computers? [03:40] right? [03:40] yes it is legal [03:40] yes - that's the beauty of it [03:40] it is as far as ubuntu [03:40] any ideas how to fix that? i've reinstalled linux-restricted-modules, and the binary drivers, but still cant get Xorg to use ATi's OpenGL [03:40] ok [03:40] i dont know abotu the place your lecturing at [03:41] BockBilbo, i think i do :) not sure though.. it was a while ago, and did not spent to much effort on it.. [03:41] what? [03:41] fuser /dev/hdc ? output=0 [03:41] oh... ok === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] see.. im trying to install matlab7 on ubuntu [03:41] im trying to find a cheap way to get grocery stores or some kind of store to hand them out [03:41] BockBilbo, have you tried it? how did you like it in comparison with matlab? [03:41] here in vegas [03:41] and im havng som errors [03:41] KlaasVaag, i havent try octave at all [03:41] :S [03:41] How long do you guys use Linux? [03:42] i havent used windows in days... === Bigtoe [fwuser@fctg.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] VincentMX, just 10 months [03:42] ok.. never mind then :) i love the potential of Matlab but cannot work with it yet.. since i dont like to spend money on software i was hoping Octave was a good alternative :) [03:42] snowblink, fuser /dev/hdc has no output [03:42] it would be over a month if it wasnt for my inability to upload mp3s to my phone with linux [03:42] KlaasVaag, ive heard it is a good alternative === EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] so basically i am figuring what software to put some time in to learn it :) [03:43] ok.. that is great :) [03:43] but, for example it misses some packages that i need [03:43] like simulin [03:43] k [03:43] i'm using Linux for only 2 hours by now ;) [03:43] :P === BadJon [~harding@server1.quellan.com] has left #ubuntu [] === derf [~derf@do.you.has.homestarmy.us] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] your giving a lecture [03:43] on what [03:43] any dutch or belgian people? [03:43] ok.. good luck then getting matlab to work.. in my opinion its just to costly :) [03:44] VincentMX, what about them? [03:44] i'm dutch [03:44] VincentMX, :) try #ubuntu-nl some dutch there [03:44] KlaasVaag, it iss.. === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] ok, thanx [03:44] im dutch :) [03:44] but who has said that ive paid for it? 8-) [03:44] :/ [03:44] has anybody heard anything concerning whether gtkpod works with iPod shuffle, or if support is on the way? Those look kinda interesting (ducks from the OGG evangelists) [03:45] BockBilbo, i prefer my software to be such that i can use it legally :) [03:45] me too Klas [03:45] KlaasVaag, === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-64-11.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] im american sorry [03:45] what are you lecturing on === sangriag [~drbista@] has joined #ubuntu === angusdung [~mslutton@cpe-24-176-94-002.hky.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] setite, please specify who you are talking to :) [03:47] who else mentioned lecturing [03:47] SuSE|UsER: eject -v [03:47] anyone who is givign a lecture is free to talk abotu it [03:47] SuSE|UsER: running out of ideas [03:48] They (the Shuffle) have much more storage than the equivalently-priced iriver (I would never get a flash player w/256MB or memory, and I don't want to spend a whole lot) - just wondering for the future === Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] screw this... once again imma have to convert an RPM [03:49] snowblink, i got errors, the last 1 is eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argumen [03:50] whats i586 and i6 86 [03:50] i have a celeron what do i need [03:50] i dont have a custom kernel either as far as i know === Sleipnir [Sleipnir@APuteaux-153-1-18-223.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] hello === StoneTable [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] SuSE|UsER: I would play with umount. Options -r and -f === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] there is i386, i586, k6,k7, and src === Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] I'm using hoary, and it seems like the latest kernel has really good ACPI - my battery is lasting 20 min longer than is normal on Linux [03:52] great [03:52] 1h 55min left, 66% left [03:52] almost 3h [03:52] someone please help me i dont know which to pick for a celeron [03:53] i386, i586, k6,k7, and src [03:53] i386 i think [03:53] celerons are i686 [03:53] setite - i586 (if there isn't an i686* [03:53] whoops no i386 [03:53] there is 586, 686 [03:53] 686 ok [03:53] go with 686 [03:53] ok === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:54] should i get a new kernel?> [03:54] whats the command to determine what i have [03:54] Nope, snowblink doesn't work, I'll just reboot my pc ;) Thx for help :) === manchot [~manchot@] has joined #ubuntu === Seminole [~Seminole@rdu26-48-191.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Get [~gustav@gw5.web.thalamus.se] has joined #ubuntu === jens [~jens@240.12-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] Hi! I'm going to change from gentoo to ubuntu, do I need any install gudie for ubunto or the screen instructions is enough? === martyr [~mriedel@pD9E9F986.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] Get: you should be okay, but you may want to check http://ubuntuguide.org/ after install === Neo_654 [~Neo_654@oh-65-40-142-43.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === klaym [~isom@a81-197-249-111.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === manchot [~manchot@] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] I see no big difference between ubuntu and debian. === icecrash [~sven@x37.vpn.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] seems debian has more pkgs === icecrash [~sven@x37.vpn.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [04:01] Can anyone recommend a monitoring tool (for CPU temperature, network usage, etc.) that can sit on my desktop? [04:01] gkrellm [04:01] snowblink: k, sounds good [04:01] hi. i just installed ubuntu amd64 on my new notebook (Athlon64 3000+, 1280x800 WXGA, ATI Mobility Radeon 9700). when it attempts to start X11 after installation / reboot, it fails and my display becomes very dark (you can hardly read white text on black background). any idea how, to fix that, anyone? thanks in advance === mike1 [~mike@pcp01082215pcs.northw01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] Seminole: thanks. Will take a look [04:02] np [04:02] gkrellm: Depends: gkrellm-common (= 2.2.1-1) but it is not going to be installed [04:02] E: Unmet dependencies. Try E: Unmet dependencies. Try apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution). [04:02] what's wrong? [04:03] I tried to install some pkg with dpkg but failed, not apt-get can't work. [04:03] sudo apt-get install gkrellm === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] It will install the dependencies === ihhhuohuohuh [~ihhhuohuo@fia88-77-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] Seminole, "You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: [04:04] " [04:04] I am using root [04:05] hi === ihhhuohuohuh is now known as Bart6114 === wobbler [wayne@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] hello [04:06] setite get your answer? [04:06] yay i updated xine [04:06] answer to what === Get [~gustav@gw5.web.thalamus.se] has left #ubuntu [] [04:06] nice your answer to kernel number [04:06] manchot - have you run that command yet? [04:06] yea i was told 686 [04:06] should i get a new kernel? [04:06] type uname -a [04:07] well nvm what is the command that will tell me the kernel i have [04:07] anyone know what wouldl cause this error or how to fix it? "error activating xkb configuration" when starting an x session [04:07] I've got a question, i'm kind of a linux noob, i wanted to start with linux by using Ubuntu. The installation went ok, when i tried to boot for the first time i got an error: No screens found. Can anyone help me on this? [04:07] uname -a [04:07] what about athlon xp, is that 368,586 or 686? [04:07] ? [04:07] uname -r [04:07] thats k7 isnt it? [04:07] in terminal [04:07] scylax: k7 [04:07] a or r [04:07] or -a [04:07] aha ok thanx no0tic [04:07] Linux ubuntu #1 Tue Oct 12 12:41:57 BST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux [04:07] scylax: i686 architecture, but use k7, this one's optimized for athlons [04:07] ok [04:08] Seminole, yes, I did. and got error msgs [04:08] so that means that ubuntu installed the correct kernel right [04:08] scylax: You need k7, 686 won't work probably. [04:08] Tomcat_: it works. backwards compatible. [04:08] ok, i always got i386 anyway, will look out for k7 now [04:08] setite are you using warty [04:08] anybody got an answer to my question? :( [04:08] si senor [04:08] cool [04:08] why [04:09] just wondering [04:09] martyr: Didn't for me... Kernel panic or something :] [04:09] can/should i update my kenel [04:09] dunno martyr, i'd check the XF86Config file [04:09] hoary has 2.6.10-2-386 [04:09] /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [04:09] i did. ubuntu already added the appropriate modline for my resolution. [04:09] 2.6.10 of what.. gnome? [04:10] anyone know what wouldl cause this error or how to fix it? "error activating xkb configuration" when starting an x session [04:10] setite: Kernel [04:10] kernel [04:10] is there anyone that knows an answer to my question? is there maybe a safemode to start xserver? [04:10] whoops yea [04:10] Bart 6114.. http://www.neowin.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t267321.html === Sensebend [~steve@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] is there any reason for me to try and update the kernel? [04:10] maybe worth a shot.. found it on google [04:10] is there any advantage? [04:10] thx i'll check it out [04:10] np [04:10] and 2.94 gnome [04:11] ok tell me this [04:11] you may just want to wait 2.68 works well i though with warty [04:11] if i do the distupgrade what will break [04:11] :) [04:11] setite,normally dist-upgrade breaks nothing [04:11] nothing at all [04:11] the only problem i had with hoary was with the sound [04:11] warty upgrade right? not upgrading to hoary? [04:11] once i sorted that out hoary runs great [04:11] i will have an updated ubuntu with no need to fix anything [04:12] will it upgrade packages ive removed? [04:12] like firefox [04:12] nope [04:12] bart... seems to be a vesa vs other drive thing... other google searches turn up similar stuff eg http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread27992-1.html [04:12] distupgrade upgrades to hoary doesnt it [04:12] manchot, you habve used apt successfully for other programs right? [04:12] only if you modify your /etc/apt/sources.list file [04:12] what does it do now then [04:13] aren't most of my packages already updated [04:13] it upgrades warty(: [04:13] manchot did you add extra repositories? [04:13] if you think it might break something you could do a backup previously [04:13] with partimage for example [04:13] but arent most of the packages on the ubuntu repo not updates [04:13] Seminole, yes I did [04:14] no room for backing up on this PC [04:14] ok [04:14] ahhh nvm [04:14] not gonna do anything [04:14] i just wish i could get the dvd quality to improve [04:14] install mplayer === netmonk [~~@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] no,wait [04:14] whats wrong with your dvd quality [04:14] I am stuck here even at the very first stage of installation: :-(( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=12005 === wezzer- [wezzer@ZMKDCCXLI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu === PotajiTo [PotaJep0w3@31.Red-80-35-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] it wouldnt run [04:15] wenas [04:15] the quality sucks [04:15] its blurry [04:15] mike1 i'm gonna try to set the driver to VESA if that doesn't work i'll be right back :) [04:15] have you run xine-check [04:15] no whats that [04:15] setite,did you do this? -> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [04:16] i have libdvdcss2 [04:16] from your terminal type xine-check [04:16] everythign was good on xine-check === sobralense [~sobralens@] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] well thats a good thing [04:17] is there nothing better than libdvdcss2 for decoding [04:17] or perhaps a newer version === LetterRip [~LetterRip@209-193-46-92-cdsl-rb1.sol.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] how do i determine the version i have [04:17] :) works good for me you and your newer versions :) [04:18] i want better quality... i dont know what would do that... so anyt options you have would work... i just figured newer versions were the key === SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] new xine did nothing but i didnt expect it to [04:18] how I can know the installed .debs without using synaptic ? === trey3 [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] you have enough ram? [04:18] sobralense, apt-get [04:18] i read that totem was better... BUT it wont play dvds === BockBilbo [~BockBilbo@] has joined #ubuntu === SuSE|UsER [~ja@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] try vlc [04:19] Pluk, yes but I did'nt find it [04:19] is the quality better? === SuSE|UsER ejected cd :D [04:19] Hello all, I read the meeting minutes and saw a mention of a site blocking tool to be developed for ubuntu, I have a fairly nice design document for a tool I call safeTNet that I'd be interested in having the coders consider [04:19] for you it maybe [04:19] Pluk, I mean.. the command line === ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] any idea who I should contact, or an email list I should join, etc? [04:20] should i install the VLC on the repo or should i get the newest version :) [04:20] SOS: Upon boot... I keep getting: hw_random Fatal loading... How can I disable a module from loading at boot without being able to boot into the system to edit the blacklist thing? [04:20] setite: what problems are you having with DVD playing? [04:21] lol get it from repo [04:21] i am not happy with the quality... picture was better in windows... so... === jimmy_deanWork [~jhodapp@] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] your no fun Guardiann... you know i like new versions [04:21] makes me feel special [04:21] occy... ubuntu live or knoppix could be an option [04:21] setite: please define quality [04:21] yeh i know but they dont seem to work for you :) [04:22] sharper image === scylax [~x@ARennes-303-1-16-186.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === `huihuoho [~ihhhuohuo@fia88-77-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] setite: your resolution is the same? === ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:22] anyone here knows what NvAGP "true" in XF86Config-4 means? [04:22] mike1: you can't simply set something like linux hw_random=no ? [04:22] heh [04:22] what do I need to install to play mp3 streams (totem keeps whining about a required decoder) [04:23] <`huihuoho> Hey all, i just tried to set the graphic driver to VESA, but i still get the "no screens found" error anyone knows waht i can try next? [04:23] gnome applications panel merge different windows of the same app, how can I change this? [04:23] I'd think you should be able to pass some command line param at boot time to get it to not load a module upon boot. === LetterRip [~LetterRip@209-193-46-92-cdsl-rb1.sol.acsalaska.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:23] heh. dunno if there are boot args like that for what you want.... sory [04:23] there may be...i just dont know abou thten [04:23] them [04:23] TheGuild have you looked at www.ubuntuguide.otg [04:24] Guardiann: will do :) === vassie [~vassie@] has joined #ubuntu === VincentMX [~VincentMX@c3eea5206.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === sangriag [~drbista@] has left #ubuntu [] === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === elec [~elec@] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] <`huihuoho> anyone know an answer to my question? === `huihuoho is now known as Bart61140 === sabdfl [~mark@wbs-146-170-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] sorry occy... google doesnt show much help ... at least not that i see. sounds like knoppix or ubuntu live time to me [04:26] Jan 21 15:25:14 slinky postfix/flush[22954] : fatal: service flush requires a process limit of 0 [04:26] Hey all, i just tried to set the graphic driver to VESA, but i still get the "no screens found" error anyone knows waht i can try next? [04:26] what's the magic to get postfix to process its queue? [04:26] Bart61140/`huihuoho sorry i dont [04:26] is there maybe a safemode to start xerver? [04:26] xserver [04:27] snowblink - i think your correct... im using a higher resolution on linux === Neo_654 [~Neo_654@oh-65-40-142-43.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] because everything is a little bigger on nix than windows [04:27] higer would be smaller wouldnt it [04:27] sabdfl... >postqueue -f [04:28] mike1: thanks very much! [04:28] but the video card would have to render differently [04:28] np [04:28] because of increased pixels it would cause the picture to looks blurrier because it would have to multiply them === _d4vid [~ehud@triforum.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] higher res usually means better quality [04:29] only in equivalent signals [04:29] the dvd is designed for a tv... [04:29] which has a much lower resolution [04:29] if i had a better video card it would work better === rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] my broken 6800gt has a hardware module for better video rendering === Alessio [~Alessio@host249-5.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] if you say [04:29] yea... video is one of the few things i understand [04:30] ok imma try vlc [04:30] :) [04:31] is there maybe a safemode to start xerver? [04:31] ooh i like vlc [04:31] told you didnt I [04:31] quality isnt better but i know what the issue is with that... but i like being able to skip straight past the menus to the chapter i want [04:32] brb [04:32] i have a problem with my intel chipset [04:32] its the ich 5 bridge [04:32] is there a deb file for it ? [04:33] with an url [04:33] cuz i cant connect it to the internet because of the ich5 problem === BockBilbo [~BockBilbo@] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] if i want to alter some hardware settings it kills things [04:33] :< [04:33] how do i know which Xserver version im running? [04:33] setite, what do you use to play dvd's? [04:33] bart what type of video card do you have [04:33] i cant wait till hd-dvd become standard [04:34] what program? [04:34] yes [04:34] i used xine [04:34] im usin vlc atm === stav530 [~chatzilla@adsl-68-122-0-58.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] is it in universe? [04:35] mike i've got an integrated via/s3 unichrome [04:35] do anyone know? [04:35] can anybody help me with plone in ubuntu [04:35] what file do i have to edit to force network linkspeed ? [04:35] what vlc [04:35] yea [04:36] well actually i dunno if its in universe or multiverse === mameluke [~bo@dhcp-24-209.via-eth.ch] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] its in one of the ubuntu repos though === VincentMX [~VincentMX@c3eea5206.cable.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Bezig] [04:37] bart... looks like lots of others have had that issue and may have something to do with X.. .http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=22991 [04:38] ill keep looking but havent found a fix yet [04:38] k thx === gt500 [~gt500@214-224.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === oliv45 [~olive@] has joined #ubuntu === sabdfl [~mark@wbs-146-170-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [04:38] ow yeah :D i'm back :D === melter [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] btw Falstius, i found how to add keyb layouts :p === Prower [~Prower@wiley-287-4421.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mitario [~msikkes@] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] jojojo guys [04:39] will the sync-freez in Hoary meen that gaim wont be upgraded from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2? [04:39] dpkg-reconfigure locales :) [04:39] Mitario, ;) === ronalde [~ronalde@xblade.lacocina.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] bart.. have you tried running xf86config as root and building a new xconfig... or is that what you just did [04:40] kent: I imagine that if there's something particularly important in there, they'd probably update the package before long [04:40] BockBilbo: apt-cache showpkg xserver-xfree86 [04:40] anyone knows the progress of bluetooth support in hoary? :) [04:40] Especially in the case of a security bug [04:40] thanks [04:40] ;) === markuman [~markuman@pD9559ACE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] english here or deutsch? [04:40] Prower, ok. good. There was some mention of bugfix in the Changelog. So hopefully then.. :) [04:41] BockBilbo: or xorg if you're running that [04:41] markuman, EN [04:41] markuman, english [04:41] ok thx [04:41] :) [04:41] Mitario, nope , i don't [04:41] kent: Ahh, yes...often times I think patches are backported as well, so although you might technically be running 1.1.1 for example, it might have pertinent patches from later versions included in the release [04:41] bart.... what are the first lines of startx error... eg "XFree86 Version 3.3.6a / X Window System"... im looking for the version of x you have... [04:41] (But I'm not entirely sure about that :>) [04:41] i have problems...my hdd is broken and i have install ubuntu on another hdd. but apt-setup doesn work [04:42] Prower, RedHat/Fedora does backport stuff alot, i think.. not sure if its something ubuntu does. [04:42] i can choise "ftp" but than nothing happen [04:42] but anywyas.. i still dont have 3d acceleration [04:42] :( [04:42] kent: Yes, I'm not too sure either...I know that in the case of the kernel, a lot of security patches have been backported, so I suppose they might do it elsewhere [04:42] markuman, :/ sudo synaptics [04:42] :) [04:42] mike i should have to reboot to see that, i have downloaded the latest ubuntu and update everything on install, does this tell you anything? [04:43] with "sudo passwd root" i have change a root pwd [04:43] but apt-setup doesnt work [04:43] has anyone tried to print from ubuntu using samba for accessing a remote printer located in a windows machine? [04:44] BockBilbo, yeah :p works [04:44] :) [04:44] hum. it should... but honestly i dont know what version that would end you up with... ill have to power up an ubuntu box here to see what you would get on a vanilla install [04:44] gt500, not for me [04:44] dont know why... i get to establish a connection [04:44] you have a log [04:44] ? [04:44] but.. when printing [04:44] it just passes all the pages [04:45] are all your settins correct ? [04:45] setite, vlc plays the dvd fine - a little rough but no delays, with xine the movie stops every 2-3 seconds, any ideas? [04:45] without printing anything [04:45] have you tried the ubuntu live disk or anything and seen if that works for you? [04:45] settings [04:45] well not sure gt500 [04:45] ... [04:45] markuman: when you use sudo you are supposed to input your user password [04:45] i have an epson stylus c64 [04:45] how's the machine called on your windows machine ? [04:45] SOBREMESA [04:45] and the printer is called Impresora [04:46] i think i have a problem with the cups driver [04:46] :s [04:46] hmm :/ [04:46] mike no not yet, you think it would make a difference? [04:46] snowblink: that is no problem. i have root rights, but apt-setup doesnt work [04:46] is Epson Stylus Color 6400 the same printer as Stylus C64 [04:46] ? [04:46] markuman: if you want to alter your sources, then you can just use vi /etc/apt/sources.list [04:47] but why doesnt apt-setup work on ubuntu? [04:47] markuman, it does here .. [04:47] corrupt install ? [04:47] BockBilbo, don't think so .. [04:47] netmonk enable DMA [04:48] but not here :-D [04:48] :s === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-64-11.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] gt500, so.. this is wierd.. cause in the other pc, which has the printer, i also have debian SID and the printer works fine using cups [04:49] sounds like your network sucks [04:49] idd :p [04:49] lol [04:49] BockBilbo, check your settings one more time [04:49] I have an problem i want to solve. I just read on planet.gnome.org about Luis Villa who saved a file (using gnome, not cli) to a server from the screendump-dialog. If i want to do the same, and add my Ubuntu-server (/var/www/ for example) how should i do this? if i choose "connect to server" from gnome i can choose from ftp, ssh etc. But since ubuntu is sudo based, isn't it impossible for me to choose a way that lets me add files to for exam [04:49] ple /var/www? ftp cant login with root, since root is disabled. :( [04:49] or compare it from your debian; [04:49] ;) [04:49] sorry for the long message :( [04:49] ok [04:50] i think i know what happens [04:50] linux printing says the best driver is gimp's [04:50] what di you choose in the wizard ? [04:50] setite, sorry for the dummy question, but how? [04:50] Epson [04:50] hello [04:51] Stylus Color 640 [04:51] no [04:51] did anyone install vmware with ubuntu ? === ToTo [~ToTo@host97-141.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] CUPS , SMB , LPD ? === scylax [~x@ARennes-303-1-13-159.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] hi how can i disable agpgart ? [04:51] netmonk: man hdparm [04:51] smb [04:51] of course [04:51] BockBilbo, there is a nice print driver available from epkepo or some such === Hannes_ [~Hannes@dna250-146.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] oks [04:52] but i think ive fixed it [04:52] y'a des franais en ligne :p ? [04:52] oliv45, pas moi [04:53] BockBilbo, download the drivers from your website [04:53] argl flut alors ! [04:53] epson .. [04:53] oliv45, #ubuntufr ? [04:53] yes [04:53] oliv45, or #mandrakefr or #debutant [04:53] ah c un canal franais a ? [04:53] it's #ubuntu-fr [04:53] oki fine === Gwildor|work [~onceagain@adsl-68-79-97-33.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === neofeed [~moritz@pD9574E29.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] does oatmeal go bad? [04:56] setite: not unless it gets damp or gets beasties [04:56] will it look bad === superted [~superted@] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] im hungry... and i found a thing of oatmeal === tony_ [~tony@c3eea61e9.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] it looks fine and smells fine but the package says use by oct 1998 [04:57] hehe [04:57] anyone using fasttrack from that berlios rep. ? [04:57] Hi I am having problems getting pppoe to work after reboots [04:57] setite: is oatmeal like porridge oats? [04:57] must have some serious munchies to eat something with an exp date of 1998 [04:57] i think so [04:58] I have to run pppoeconf as sudo each time... [04:58] setite: it'll be fine === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] well i didnt think oatmeal had an expiry date [04:58] but the box has one [04:58] Is there somewhere to put pon so it runs automatically? [04:58] Yeah, I think so too.. Let us know if it's yummy.. [04:58] thanks riddell i figured that.... can i hold you to that incase i get sick [04:58] haha [04:58] it is yummuy [04:58] I wouldn't eat the box though, it's obviously expired :) [04:58] i started eatign it before i thought abotu it [04:59] so i suppose its too late either way [04:59] porridge oats eh [04:59] what do i have to install to get g++? i assume that's what i need when configure says c++ can't create executables? === froud [~sean@ndn-165-140-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] thats what they call it in the rest of the world [04:59] thans all [05:00] ie fixed it [05:00] :) [05:00] anyone had a situation where wharty hags while installing the base system? [05:00] eww so porridge and whey is what... oatmeal and cheese? [05:00] or is whey an oat too [05:00] (/me on an expensive dialup, any help appreciated ;) [05:00] whoops im thinking of curds and whey [05:00] curds is cheese right [05:00] ok nvm [05:00] You need g++ [05:01] It's listed in synaptic.. [05:01] Seminole: i know, but is that the package name? [05:01] Search for it and install [05:01] d'oh, it's simply called g++, thanks [05:01] yeah, search g++ in synaptic. I see a few diff versions in there [05:02] np [05:02] i use apt directly right now, this is kind of a slow system [05:02] its probably better to apt-get install build-essentials than g++ directly. === martyr is now known as martyr_off === pybe-lappy [~pybe@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] you can still search with apt-get [05:03] btw, if anyone has any advice on getting the HPLIP printer driver working, it would be much appreciated [05:03] i thought search was done with apt-search [05:03] apt-cache even [05:03] Yeah, those things can be a little confusing but even when installing gcc in synaptic, it gets all the dependencies. [05:03] forgive me... ill rephrse [05:03] you can still search with APT === MagicFab [~chatzilla@MTL-ppp-151255.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] ahh [05:03] i call it all apt-get.. however wrong that may be [05:03] well [05:03] thanks to all [05:03] I need help re-installing grub [05:03] bye! [05:04] i just though id missed an option some where [05:04] 1) installed ubuntu 2) installed WinXP in separate part 3) grub gone! [05:04] magicFab, grub-install /dev/hda === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] You need to install winders first [05:04] txs., cand I do that from a Knoppix boot ? [05:04] (safe ?) [05:04] MagicFab: yep. [05:04] well, you can probably get it working but in the future, save the headache and insall win first. [05:04] what is the ubuntu live cd built on [05:05] i wish you could buy ubuntu printed cds [05:05] setite, they give them away for free. [05:05] you can :) [05:05] You can get them free [05:05] yea but it takes forever [05:05] go to the site and order some. === froud [~sean@ndn-165-140-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:05] when you buy things its faster [05:05] Seminole: I would have if I could [05:05] i ordered them in october [05:05] buy the magizine linux user its attached [05:05] well actually early november [05:05] linux user has ubuntu? [05:05] Mine took forever too but I got em.. :) [05:06] really? [05:06] yep [05:06] you think it will have hoary? [05:06] when hoary is released [05:06] ohh xfce 4.2 rc2 is nice [05:06] can i even get that in the US [05:06] infact ubuntu and agnula/demudi were attached [05:06] i am sure you can i bought it in canada [05:06] Fals: I'm using Knoppix which complains about being a read-only system [05:07] hoary is released in April [05:07] Falstius: /dev/hda is the right device, though === trumpetmic [~lkjgl@xlate.regis.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] setite the price in US is 11.99 [05:08] setite.. My guess; as soon as you buy it, your CDs will arrive the next day.. Don't buy it and they'll never come.. :) === trumpetmic [~lkjgl@xlate.regis.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === manu_ [~manu@mutualite-2-82-67-65-75.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] MagicFab: yeah. After you run install-grub you may has have to run grub and point it to your boot directory. [05:10] Falstius: grub-install is the one complaining about /dev/hda1 being a read-only FS [05:10] don't install to /dev/hda1, install to /dev/hda [05:10] where do i get the cd [05:11] is there a good linux magazine in the US thats on most shelves === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-64-11.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] Falstius: same error [05:11] i worked at a Barnes and Noble and dont remember one [05:12] setite: I like linux journal === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] setite: i got my cds on linux user mag [05:14] setite: nm its mainly a uk magazine [05:14] its sold in the states and canada as well [05:14] is there anyway to tell gnome to always do something to a window? eg. always on top and on all desktops? [05:16] magicfab, try unmounting the filesystem === amiroff [~amiroff@dsl81-214-21642.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu === nebo [~stereo@p508A6FA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] I did it once from a mandrake live cd. === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] whats a good place for cheap laptops [05:20] like in the 500-700 dollar range... === Lovechild [~dnielsen@] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] ... & when i woke up this morning and rebooted the machine ubuntu desktop appeared :) [05:21] and it works [05:22] I wish I could easily buy electronics at US prices :-/ [05:23] order online? [05:23] Falstius, just today I read an article about companies just doing whatever they can to prevent you from doing just that. === stereo_ [~nebo@p508A6FA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] otter, you'd run into problems, since companies are optimising their hardware for the specific markets. You don't get a 220v adaptor with a US gameboy, for instance. [05:23] Hwolf, probably in response to the printer cartidge crap. [05:23] Otter, but then I have to get it to me. [05:23] hello people, anyone here has any exp. with KDE on Ubuntu? [05:23] Falstius, that's right. [05:25] whats worse though, is that even if you're willing to pay rediculous prices, it is really hard to find the latest and greatest here (france) === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] Falstius, same here. (Holland) === JamesDotCom [~james@sweep.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu === KING^^^ [~king@] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] hello all , help me with something , how can i extract an rar file ? [05:28] i mean many rar files from a folder [05:28] KING, install unrar [05:28] unrar -e [05:28] unrar --help can tell you pretty well. [05:28] Falstius, unrar isn't a main package. It's universe/multiverse [05:29] and ... in that directory are many rar files , how do i do ? unrar -e directory ? === albert [~albert@15.Red-80-37-89.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] if you mean multiple rar files that aren't part of the same package you'd have to do [05:29] for file in `ls`; do unrar -e $file; done [05:30] if they're part of the same package you can just unrar the first one and it will find the rest. === beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === alessio [~alessio@host49-13.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] this is how it looks like [05:30] root@ubuntu:/mnt/d/filme/Exorcist.The.Beginning.WS.DVDSCR.XviD-MoF # ls [05:30] mof-exocist.part01.rar mof-exocist.part19.rar mof-exocist.part37.rar === sobralense [~sobralens@] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] so .... ? [05:32] for i in *.rar; do unrar -e $i; done [05:32] anyone listening to howard stern [05:32] unrar -e mof-exocist.part01.rar [05:32] it will find the rest. === gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu === Alessio [~Alessio@host249-5.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] amiroff: yes, I do ubuntu with KDE === zao__ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Hwolf [~hidde@136.37.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] it doesn't work Falstius [05:36] Riddell: great, I just installed KDE 3.3.2, everything seems fine,but... [05:36] ./me awaits the but [05:36] Riddell: I am having constant lock ups :( even with previous KDE 3.2.2 had [05:37] Riddell: currently disable arts, waiting for another lock up :) guess it's the arts guilty... [05:37] amiroff: what locks up? 1 app? X? whole machine? [05:38] Riddell: actually it only locks up keyboard, mouse can be moved, but cannot click on anything [05:38] Riddell: system seems to continue running without problems, still I have to reset machine though === chand [~chand@ABordeaux-251-1-26-220.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] amiroff: very strange, doesn't sound like an arts of KDE issue though, do you suspect anything of triggering the lockups? [05:39] s/of/or/ === G2 [~ghenry@] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] Riddell: yes, for example, I enabled OsX style menu on top, I log in kde, and as soon as I browse through top menu, things lock up === abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-39-62.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] currently, with arts disabled, it does not happen anymore, so I am happy :) [05:41] what a time. Just upgraded via pat to hoary - 4hrs. Menus a total mess and font is bad, also keyboard language now changed [05:41] amiroff: does that consistenly happen every time you try it? === tanari [~inandrei@213-35-166-230-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] Hmm my usb camera (fujifilm a310) is detected by the kernel. But no /dev devices are created. Is there someway that I can create one myself ? Dmesg tells me this : usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 5 [05:42] Riddell: kde seems to lock up and keyboard does not work to do the Ctrl [05:42] Riddell: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace thing [05:42] read the gphoto manual on setting usb permissions mikael_ [05:42] its a straigth forward copy-paste job :) [05:42] did wonders for my camera [05:42] dud, so not having a dev entry is normal ? [05:42] mikael_, http://www.gphoto.org/doc/manual/permissions-usb.html [05:43] thanks .. i'll try it [05:43] it uses hotplug to dynamically detect your camera and load it when you plug it in [05:43] Riddell: it happens everytime I try it yeah, but now, it does not after disabling sound server, strange indeed [05:43] the easiest is to setup usbcam.user in that guide [05:43] or usbcam.group [05:43] nah there are easier ways [05:44] jp.. i dont know anythign abotu cameras [05:44] i wish my cellphone would connect to linux... thats my camera [05:45] hows linux bluetooth support btw? === Scognito [~artrg@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] Riddell: does your KDE run smoothly on Hoary ? [05:45] barely working? no workie? [05:45] amiroff: yep, runs perfectly, arts and all (and mac OS style menu bar) === bobalien [~bobalien@rrcs-67-78-34-171.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] in OOo->draw how do I make the grid dots darker/more visible? [05:46] Riddell: great to hear that :) === tanari [~inandrei@213-35-166-230-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has left #ubuntu [] === ealden [~ealden@] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] amiroff: I'm not sure how else to help, I guess you could submit a report to bugzilla.ubuntu.com with as much information as possible and see if anyone else has the same problem === fraggsta [~jrw6@host81-153-241-81.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] amiroff: does it happen when you just play a sound: artsplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Error_1.ogg [05:48] I've been having a big problem with Ubuntu. [05:48] Since Nvidia's drivers version 6629 won't work with my card, I need to use version 6111. [05:48] fraggsta: what's your question? [05:48] Riddell: nope, it plays just fine === fletan_ [~fletan@81.Red-217-125-136.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === lavigj [~largo@pcp03303349pcs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] there doesn't appear to be any package for that version of the Nvidia drivers, so I had to use makekpkg to compile my own kernel, and then manually install the drivers. [05:49] Riddell: I am afraid to enable arts again because I have rebooted over 8-9 times this hour :) [05:49] Unfortunately, every time I shut down and restart, Ubuntu is doing something that overwrites the manually installed Nvidia drivers and stopping X.org from starting. [05:50] amiroff: hmm, tricky [05:50] I don't have any other kernels than the one I compiled myself installed, and I don't have the restricted-modules package installed either [05:50] so what is doing this on boot? === G2 [~ghenry@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:51] Riddell: any idea on why does Ubuntu not ship with font hinting enabled? it improves the look very much [05:51] and is there a package for version 6111 of nvidia's drivers? [05:51] amblin: it does. === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] amiroff: it does [05:52] wasabi_: I mean freetype autohinter [05:52] wasabi_: the thing you turn on in /etc/fonts/local.conf [05:53] Hi all :-) need the command for apt-get for nvidia-glx and the config command - Forgot those - [05:53] oh, AUTO hinting for non hinted fonts. === gnatslegs [~mike@spc1-lewi6-6-0-cust93.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] I've changed my Motherbaord and re-sintalled Ubuntu - need to re-do ALL :-( [05:54] what is the nvidia pkg name for that 3d accel ?? [05:54] wasabi_: yeah, after enabling that, fonts rock here, better than macos and windows rendering I can say [05:55] Found answer. Thanks. [05:56] Oh! -- oh my forget my request!!!! I know ubuntu support site is full of the needed answers!! :-) forgive me for my silly behaivour :-) [05:56] bretzel: forgiven === esac [~esac@esac.user] has joined #ubuntu === fraggsta [~jrw6@host81-153-241-81.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === beyond_ [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@27.Red-81-44-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === beyond_ [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Don't] === DudeX [~DudeX@] has joined #ubuntu === MagicFab [~chatzilla@MTL-ppp-151255.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === doug [~Jebu@pcp08489895pcs.levtwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] linuxboy: :-) thanks - just finished to install the pkgs, - [06:04] restarting :-) === KingCiro [~asdasd@] has joined #ubuntu === Scognito [~artrg@] has left #ubuntu ["con] === Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-85-59.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === srid [~sridhar@] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] modpython still depends on python2.3 [06:07] but I only have python2.4 installed [06:07] how do I install modpython _for_ python2.4? === tony_ [~tony@c3eea31dd.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] Still having problems with pppoeconf... [06:08] After reboot I get following error: tony@Perez ~ $ sudo pon dsl-provider [06:08] Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded. [06:08] Linux kernel does not support PPPoE -- are you running 2.4.x? === martink [~martin@pD9EB37E6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === jordi_ [~jordi@fanelli.sindominio.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] hola alguien habla espaol aqui? [06:09] Can anybody tell me why pppoedoesn't want to work after reboot? [06:10] srid: weird, apt-get wants to grab libapache2-mod-python-2.4 for me... have you updated lately? [06:10] i updated 5 hrs before === froud [~sean@ndn-165-140-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] Do I need to put the pppoe module somewhere? [06:11] Ex-Cyber, are u using official mirror? [06:12] srid: possibly not [06:12] wharty base system installation error - The debootstrap program exited with error. Anyone know why this happens? [06:12] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [06:12] libapache-mod-python: Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4-0ubuntu4 is to be installed === srid updates === haggai [~halls@i-83-67-20-196.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9515415.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] i updated [06:12] still depends on 2.3 [06:13] srid: nm, was looking at libapache2-mod-python [06:13] and you are looking at libapache-mod-python [06:13] Ex-Cyber, oh [06:13] i did apt-cache search modpython [06:13] which *only* returned libapache-mod-python [06:14] System installation into /target/ failed === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] KingCiro: #ubuntu-es [06:15] srid, I see libapache2-mod-python2.4 in hoary (which is where python2.4 is...) [06:15] hi [06:15] it works === srid is using hoary [06:16] I changed warty to hoary in apt sources and installed new nvidia-glx along with other dependencies ( just few)...rebooted ( to find several duplicate entries in grub menu for starters) and while I got kernel to boot ok I had trouble with nvidia driver ..it said kernel module was 6111 yet something else was 6629 ??? ( so I had to revert to warty and reinstall 6111 nvidia driver)..... [06:16] so is there no way at all to use a non-packaged version of the nvidia drivers and not have them break every time I reboot? [06:16] srid, hmm... even in hoary though, seems libapache2-mod-python depends python >= 2.4? [06:17] srid, when was the last time you apt-get update'd? === tritium [~tritium@pal-170-095.itap.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-64-11.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] trey3, just now [06:17] now i am installing libapache2-mod-python .. which depends in python2.4 :) [06:17] ok... much better :) [06:18] trey3, have you programmed using modpython? [06:18] Ex-Cyber Idon?t know how acces it [06:19] srid, nah... just know how to use the package system ;) === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax8-061.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] KingCiro: I don't know if it will work in Opera, but try this: /join #ubuntu-es === elec [~elec@] has joined #ubuntu === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === froud [~sean@ndn-165-140-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === jamesh [~james@203-59-158-180.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === stuNNed [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === poningru [~Yoko@n128-227-137-21.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu === VincentMX [~Vincent@c3eea5206.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === srid [~sridhar@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:25] hey everybody [06:26] another thing..why are linux-sources not same as default installed kernel of ??..this is preventing me from intalling nvidia drivers the normal way ;(( === VincentMX [~Vincent@c3eea5206.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === randabis is back (gone 07:13:31) === VincentMX [~Vincent@c3eea5206.cable.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Bezig] === typo [~typo@deec-gab-nasc.fe.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] my ubuntu CD is broken [06:29] can I do a network install instead? [06:30] the cd boots and installs [06:30] but starts to get very slow when reading some sectors [06:30] if I could tell it to fetch the packages elsewhere it would probably work [06:30] typo, I kind of wish there was a network install option... [06:30] trey3: ok, then [06:30] I'll burn another CD [06:30] off to buy a CD then [06:31] trey3, Network install form the LiveCD would be awesome :D [06:32] LinuxJones, eh... still too much to download and burn... === nxterra [~steven@pcp02541133pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] LinuxJones, my favorate thing about Fedora is that their boot.iso image can be used to install... its just over 5 megs!!! === Fator_Dee [~fatordee@adsl-82-141-88-192.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@rfenio.dsl.xmission.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:33] Anyone know what package installs gnomeConf.sh?? [06:33] LinuxJones, something simular would be awesome! [06:33] yeah ideally you could install from the network with a floppy or two === ogra [~ogra@p508EA58B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] that would rock === jmones [~jmones@] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] Seminole, apt-get install apt-file and apt-get search the_file === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@dataw0lf.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] How can I install a custom ubuntu warty (ie, openoffice,gimp,gaim,xchat,firefox,evolution,gnome) thats all. How do I update to the lastest versions of these apps or update to (hoary). This is only thing keeping me from switching from Fedora core 3 [06:34] uhh... apt-file search [06:34] trey3, Fedora has alot of nice features but needs a real package mgmt. system. [06:34] nxterra, boot with 'custom'. === snowblink [~snowblink@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] Hello! I need to find /usr/include/X11/Xauth.h but it's not in xlibs-static-dev as in Debian. Where is it? [06:35] doesn't custom do a minimal install? thought it was linux custom...not sure [06:35] LinuxJones, yes... once you install Ubuntu once.. provided nothing breaks... you never need do it again... but still... such a large image :( [06:35] trey3, thanks...can you suggest a step by step install guide for someone like me that has little expererience with linux? [06:35] randabis, custom lets you select via aptitude... [06:35] ah okay [06:35] trey3, thankfully :D [06:36] hmmm okay I did a major mistake :) System has two users: root, einstein. now I ran 'sudo usermod -l max einstein' [06:36] nxterra: hmm, why you want to update to hoary? it still is very unstable as far as I know. You for sure might have to re-install everything if you update to hoary :) [06:36] and I sucessfully locked me out... gotta do some init=/bin/bash next time I'm on that box... === lobo_nz [~lobo_nz@219-88-207-153.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] nxterra, you'd basically be using straight debian-install ... there are many howto's for that... search 'debian-installer howto' via google... [06:37] thenuke, I am off from work today and bored really. :) ... I just want to see it :) [06:37] I don't think it is that unstable personally. It's gotten a lot better really [06:37] I think that hoary is not that different you would see about anything different? [06:37] thenuke, I'm using it... not very unstable at all... of course major things cause headaches (like the menu problems) [06:37] It's in package libgnome-dev [06:38] trey3: yup, but many who have done it, have had to reinstall [06:38] I searched all over and wouldn't you know it. As soon as I ask, I find a good link on the Debian website.. [06:38] thenuke, other then playing with new toys like transparency... and seeing whats new with GNOME 2.9... not much different at all... [06:38] Seminole: do you refer to Xauth.h? === nlaouni [nlao@vpn-084.vpn.net.ed.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu === __deadmongrel__ [~porthos@] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] no [06:38] is there a lot new things in that gnome? [06:38] there's also ALOT of updated packages [06:39] thenuke, nothing huge... no... [06:39] mmkay === duckdown [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] Hi.. I'm recompiling into kernel 2.6.10, but it's hanging on boot giving me about 15 error messages saying ERROR: Cannot read MAC address on /dev/tun* .. I dont need these /dev/tun things! and I've disabled ETHERTAP and TUNNELING in my menuconfig but something is still calling this! help! [06:40] duckdown, any reason you're not just using the recompiled? didn't get into warty-updates or anything? [06:40] actually... that prolly wouldn't huh? :/ [06:40] duckdown, don't mind me === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-14-23.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] :[ [06:41] hmm... where do I tell gdm and gnome what keyboard-layout I want to use ? === popey [~popey@] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] speaking of cheesy GDM.. why the hell wont it start [06:42] my screen will flicker black === Shaun_ [~soneil@] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] duckdown: wrong configuration of xfree ? [06:42] then i have to pick DISABLE for now.. then i look at the logs and it says 'no screens available' [06:42] i've edited XF86Conf like 8 times [06:42] its fine === moquist_ [~moquist@pool-70-16-213-76.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === neighborlee is away: I'm busy [06:43] maybe it doenst like Nvidia 6800 GT's [06:43] pusling, dpkg-reconfigure debconf... set to 'low' ... then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86... [06:43] pusling, you do that on the gdm login screen. === Shaun_ is now known as smo_ [06:43] pusling, enless you don't mind playing with the file? === francofait [~francofai@adsl-124-67.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] trey3: I have a costumized xmodmap-file, that I want to use === eruin [~eruin@eruin.user] has joined #ubuntu === francofait [~francofai@adsl-124-67.37-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Ooh,] [06:44] duckdown, did you install the nvidia binary driver ? [06:44] no [06:44] :] [06:44] this is a brand new install.. first time using ubuntu [06:44] anyone experiencing fuzzy sound lately? [06:44] duckdown, you have nv for the video card driver to use or vesa ? [06:44] are there any howtos for setting up a local repository? [06:44] LinuxJones: nope, it says nv [06:44] duckdown: are you half-experienced user - or new user ? [06:44] pusling, bah... ok... Keyboard section of XF86Config (or xorg.conf) ... XkbLayout ... [06:45] pusling: experienced enough to know there is nothing wrong with my xf86config === SirFred [~mteira@238.Red-81-44-135.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] is there anyway to install hoary development without install warty first and then upgrading? [06:45] duckdown, you can have a look @ /var/log/XFree86.0.log it might provide some information [06:45] duckdown: okay... (Else I would just boot on a ubuntu-live or a knoppix and steal the config-files) [06:45] odds are you don't have restricted modules installed with your new kernel [06:46] Hi. I would like to know why my ubuntu does not set DMA=1 on my cdrom drive. === zAo^ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] you should change it to vesa until you download and install the nvidia binary driver [06:46] I have: [06:46] PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later [06:46] ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1c10-0x1c17, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio [06:46] ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1c18-0x1c1f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio [06:46] hdc is my cd drive. [06:46] Later [06:46] Probing IDE interface ide1... [06:46] hdc: SONY CD-RW/DVD-ROM CRX810E, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive [06:46] hmmm... any new about smart batteries driver ? [06:46] But no mention on DMA. [06:46] DudeX, you would need apt-proxy to setup a local repository for several systems to use. [06:47] hdparm -d /dev/hdc [06:47] /dev/hdc: [06:47] using_dma = 0 (off) [06:47] randabis: where do i obtain these nvidia drivers.. nvidia.com ? [06:47] SirFred, plsease stop spamming === nlaouni [nlao@vpn-084.vpn.net.ed.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [06:47] I tried to workaround this, just configuring hdparm to enable DMA on the CD. [06:47] theoretically you CAN grab the 2.6.10 linux image and restricted modules from hoary and install them into warty...some people have does this anyway [06:47] duckdown, have a look here >> http://ubuntuguide.org [06:47] LinuxJones: Well, it's not a full dmesg, just three lines. === abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-39-62.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] LinuxJones: I was trying to explain my problem, and selecting only the interesting lines. [06:48] duckdown, yes [06:48] Fatal Error: No Screens Found [06:48] thats what var/log/xf86 comes down to [06:49] LinuxJones: So, what do you suggest me? I can just say "it doesn't work" [06:49] you should edit your xf86config-4 and change nv to vesa [06:49] alright, let me try [06:49] odds are you didn't include the nvidia driver with your custom kernel [06:49] SirFred, dude relax === gumpish [axcf@user-0vvdbm3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] SirFred there are places to post things like that though...like #flood or www.pastebin.com [06:50] Dur, am I crazy or on some chipset/distro combinations is there a way to find the temperature of the CPU in /proc/acpi ? === ironwolf_ [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] somebody speak in spanish [06:51] what ever happened to http://rafb.net/paste/ [06:51] It was only 8 lines. [06:51] KingCiro: I speak spanish. === _4strO is now known as _4strO|b1 [06:51] KingCiro, me too if you need somebody else [06:51] hola SirFred [06:52] de que cuernos estan hablando aca [06:52] KingCiro: Ubuntu, una distribucin de Linux basada en debian. [06:52] ahh [06:52] gracias [06:52] LinuxJones, Thanks I'll check it out [06:52] DudeX, gl :) [06:52] KingCiro: No se merecen. [06:52] que no se merecen? === Zindar [~bagfors@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:53] KingCiro: Las gracias [06:53] porque? [06:53] KingCiro: En Espaa se responde as muchas veces, a las gracias. [06:53] KingCiro: Es como quien dice "de nada" [06:53] KingCiro: mira el canal #ubuntu-es para tener informacin de ubuntu en espaol [06:53] perdona mi ignorancia [06:54] KingCiro: Supongo que no eres espaol, por eso te habr chocado. [06:54] queria hacerte un ultima pregunta y no te molesto mas... [06:54] wow I actually understand that somewhat :p [06:54] me too [06:54] KingCiro: A mi no me molestas en absoluto, no s al resto. [06:54] no [06:54] creo que si [06:54] KingCiro: Por? [06:55] ayer me echaron aunque estaba hablando en Ingles === trey_ [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] porque me insultaron y respondi! [06:55] KingCiro: Bueno, no hay que llegar a eso. [06:55] but still, you should go to #ubuntu-es [06:55] Is there a notification program for new email with evolution? [06:55] KingCiro: esto es un canal de ayuda, para charlar, no para insultarse. Y de todos modos, hay un canal en espaol. === Hannes_ [~Hannes@dna250-146.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] la pregunta que te iba a hacer es si sabes como conseguir una cuenta shell? === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] KingCiro: Ni idea. [06:56] ok I now speak in English === trey_ is now known as trey3 [06:57] I've seen that ide-cd is loaded after hdparm is started on startup. Is that right? I think that's the reason hdparm is not finding my /dev/hdc. Could be? [06:58] can anyone get mp4(quicktime) moveis to play with totem [06:58] On that way, I'm not able to put dma-mode on in my cdrom drive automatically [06:58] crypticreign: You're talking about totem-xine or totem-gstreamer? [06:58] you see fator_dee? he ask me I go out === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] SirFred: er um.. hmm, didnt know there was two.. i think totem-xine [06:59] crypticreign: What package have you installed? [06:59] for mp4 playback, you need w32codecs [06:59] randabis: And totem-xine, isn't it? [06:59] not sure, I use gxine myself [06:59] how I do to go to ubuntu-es? [07:00] I'm not able to play near anything, with totem-gstreamer. [07:00] King /join #ubuntu-es [07:00] KingCiro: Just type /join #ubuntu-es [07:01] thank you SirFred you?re a gentleman! [07:01] I'm installing totem-xine now to check it out [07:01] KingCiro: One of the last ones. [07:01] SirFred: totem-gstreamer.. it appears i cant have both totem-gstreamer and totem-xine [07:01] randabis: Yes, with totem-xine is working fine for me. [07:01] crypticreign: No, they conflicts. [07:02] crypticreign: No, they conflict. [07:02] ok, so i need to install totem-xine and download which package for w32 [07:02] crypticreign: But, it's only 70 or 80 Kb download. [07:02] crypticreign: w32codecs [07:02] ok [07:02] thanks === orospakr [~orospakr@209-195-116-171.c1.ac1.otton1.isp.cyberus.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] gah [07:02] I am in ubuntu-es but nobody here [07:03] Nobody? Let's see [07:03] KingCiro: 14 people is nobody? [07:03] gah no sound in totem-xine and the playback isn't great [07:03] randabis: I have sound on totem-xine. === nebo [~stereo@p508A6FA0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:04] randabis: And the playback is not bad. [07:04] well I didn't have sound in totem-gstreamer either... [07:05] and it seems the preferences menu is severely lacking [07:05] randabis: gnome style. === Kokey [~jramirez@] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] I have a feeling it's just not using esd [07:05] but since these preferences menus SUCK, I can't change the output plugins [07:06] guess I'll go on back to gxine...at least that works correctly [07:06] randabis: I suppose they think that the average user don't need to know even what a plugin is [07:07] gah [07:07] I'm gonna try something to verify if that's what's wrong [07:07] randabis: Now that I see the preferences menu on gxine, I understand why you think the totem ones are poor. === randabis kills esd [07:07] randabis: I have been using vlc from www.videolan.org It seems to play everything except .wmv and .rm playback is good for me [07:07] vlc is so friggin' ugly though [07:07] Well, my totem-xine is also able to play rm. [07:08] lobo_nz: Is vlc interface gtk2, at least? [07:08] no vlc is gtk 1 [07:08] hmm, no sound with totem-xine [07:08] randabis: yup, but in full screen I cant see it [07:08] Buff, I can't live with that. [07:08] lobo_nz: :) === jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] YEP [07:09] totem-xine is NOT using esd [07:09] SirFred: not sure its got a rip off quicktime skin by default, I'll take a look [07:09] as soon as I killed esd it plays sound [07:09] that's bull === harri_ [~Ufo@wire29.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] now to figure out how in the hell you are supposed to change that [07:10] My totem-xine is using /dev/snd/controlC0 and /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p directly [07:10] SirFred: no its not GTK2 very ugly [07:10] And I have esd also started. [07:11] I don't know then... === eruin [~eruin@eruin.user] has joined #ubuntu === mic64 [~mic@pD9EA7DCF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] I just know it started playing sound as soon as I killed esd [07:11] randabis: And you're using alsa? [07:11] yes [07:11] randabis: Perhaps your sound card doesn't allow that === josip [~josip@josip.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] I'm using the nforce2 alsa drivers in hoary === drac [sighup@] has joined #ubuntu === gabaug [~gabe@vpn82-7e-92-7c.near.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu === HappyFool [~happyfool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p02.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] omg, big channel. ubuntu offer similar netinstaller than debiansarge somewhere? going to change from debian sid to ubuntu now. === _4strO|b1 is now known as _4strO === Stew2 [~admin@67-42-152-129.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] If there are two users, User account Bla is member of the group Blagroup, and User Admin is member of the group Admingroup. And User Admin is member of Blagroup, I want Admin user to be able to read and write user account Bla's files. Why can't I? Permissions are R&W for the group Blagroup. === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-61-165.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] then he can [07:16] something is wrong [07:16] maybe the directory permissions are wrong [07:17] checking it out [07:17] yea if you can create new files then it could be the directory permissions [07:17] you should still be able to edit prexisting files though [07:17] drac iirc, the ubuntu installer is exactly the same as the sarge installer [07:18] Yup. The user account Bla's home folder does not have Write permissions for the group. [07:18] Neither does the subfolder 'files' I'm working in. [07:19] When I change the permissions for Bla's home folder, how do I make that propigate? CHMOD -R something or other? === lobo_nz [~lobo_nz@219-88-207-153.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:19] propigate=recurse [07:19] yip [07:19] chmod --help [07:19] Stew2: yes, chmod -R should do it [07:20] CHMOD is a daunting tool. Not that 'I' can't use it. I'm more interested in finding out how to fix the problem through the GUI. [07:20] I work with other users who are not as handy. [07:21] Do I tell them to log in as root? Is there a way to sudo open a folder through the gui? [07:21] These are just workstations, not critical servers or anything. [07:21] can you maybe use nautilus for this? [07:21] Stew2: *DON'T* tell them to log in as root! [07:21] HappyFool That's what I meant. [07:21] I don't remember the different names right away for the myriad of components that make up the desktop. [07:22] right-click on folder -> properties-permissions === Olivier_54 [~olivier@dyn-83-154-104-64.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] Can nautilus open a folder in a "Run As..." fashion? [07:23] HappyFool: You're right, but if the 'admin' account I'm logged in as doesn't have the priveledge of changing other account's folders, how do I affect that change? [07:23] err, dunno [07:23] I followed the setup of Ubuntu, creating this admin account. Then I created a 'Bla' account to test it out. [07:23] ideally the owner should be doing that anyway (?) [07:23] HappyFool If I was logged in interactively as root, this would be easy. [07:24] I'm looking at making this so a computer admin, someone who isn't terribly linux savvy, can say, do this kind of stuff. === maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-195.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] what sort of things does he/she need to be able to do? [07:24] Can I 'sudo nautilus'? [07:24] Stew2: yes === h4rh4r [~haha@dialup2.fhpaschen.com] has joined #ubuntu === h4rh4r [~haha@dialup2.fhpaschen.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:25] Stew2: yes, you can sudo nautilus [07:25] SirFred forgive me they don?t talk with me! [07:25] Okay, I can handle explaining that, and the caveats. === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-9-143.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] HappyFool: Just general administrative file management stuff. I don't want them to have to drop to a terminal to act as root when changing permissions, etc. I'd like them to be able to do that through the file mangler, in this case, nautilus. [07:26] HappyFool: It's not that they don't understand the gravity of what they are doing by changing permissions, they are human beings. They're just not programmers and not used to having to do anything from the command line. [07:27] HappyFool: They are already enthusiastic about Ubuntu and linux/open source in general. I'm helping there enthusiasm. [07:27] there=their [07:27] but it won't be that hard to teach them something about terminal use [07:27] Stew2: a script in your menu that asks for a password to run nautilus in "admin" mode would be relatively simple [07:27] even a little [07:28] Fator_Dee: Mabye, mabye not. These people -aren't- programmers. Neither am I, although I've compiled mplayer and done a little bit of stuff. [07:28] Fator_Dee: With the ubuntu distro, I'm really stressing the 'human' side of it. [07:28] Stew2: look for some on-line tuts for "introduction to linux". try en.tldp.org. and, if the machines are networked, consider running sshd so you can shell in to do admin [07:30] 19:29 < froud> /usr/bin/debootstrap: 1: echo: not found [07:30] 19:29 < froud> Segmentation Fault [07:30] HappyFool: I'll be in sweden. These machines are behind a router and I don't have port forwarding turned on. I'm showing how they can 'sudo nautilus'. If they screw it up, stick the install cd in from the distro and start over (and don't do whatever you did again, or ask first on google/linux or #ubuntu) [07:30] can anyone help? [07:30] Stew2: there's a program "gksu" that pops up a dialog box to ask for a password, for instance, though I think that requires a root password [07:30] Stew2: at least tell them about man [07:30] could be something similar for sudo [07:30] oh, there's a gksudo as well [07:30] <_4strO> I'm listening -- Title: ( /mnt/musique1/MUSIQUE I/FUNK - SOUL/Craig David - Slicker Than Your Average/ - ) Time: ( 2:05/3:53 (53%) ) BitRate: ( 192 kbit/s - 44100 Hz ) Volume: ( 100% ) [07:30] thoreauputic: That might work then, thanks. Like I said, this isn't some all-important terminal server. [07:30] aha! [07:30] look at the entry for "Root terminal" [07:31] gksudo would be it [07:31] Stew2: gksudo should make it easy for the user to go to Nautilus as superuser -- no terminals needed [07:31] So I run this app, gksudo, it asks me for the app I want to run? === zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === WindowsUninstall [~WindowsUn@a-po6-86.tin.it] has joined #ubuntu === KingCiro [~asdasd@] has left #ubuntu [] === Dko [~jesse@roc-24-169-209-65.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] Stew2: I think you would do "gksudo nautilus" as a script [07:32] no, not even [07:32] http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ [07:32] so you make a menu entry for that [07:33] there are ready nautilus scripts for that [07:33] Stew2: go Applications->System Tools->Root terminal (but don't left click!) -> Properties [07:33] Well I finnaly I finnaly figured out how to get the startup script to work. Had to delete the two lines that had link and ulink in them. [07:33] right, OK, I don't use them but that's good :) [07:33] you can copy that menu entry for a superuser nautilus [07:34] or just to Applications->Run Application... and type 'gksudo nautilus' === JanC [~JanC@dD5764FD7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/Execute/root-nautilus-here [07:36] says to install in my ~/Nautilus/scripts directory. What if I want it available globally? [07:36] Quicky question. Whats a good program to edit c/c++ source? Gedit seams to space text strangly. [07:36] emacs is good ;) [07:38] Dko: vim, emacs, bluefish === jeff_ [~jeff@12-220-134-83.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] Dko: but know that there is no right answer or consensus === poningru [~Poningru@n128-227-142-123.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] Dko: or try scite, nedit - both have syntax highlighting etc [07:40] Ahh. Well it seams emacs is already installed on my comp so ill check it out. Just gota find where it is. [07:40] doesn't ubuntu have the 'whois' tool? :( [07:41] Dko: heh - just type `whereis emacs` [07:41] well, although emacs is *clearly* superior ;), vim should also be on your machine === thoreauputic sits back to watch the editor war [07:41] /usr/bin/emacs and /usr/bin/vi on my ubuntu system [07:41] jeff_: yes, the package is called, whois [07:41] Ok thanks [07:42] http://users.fishinternet.com.au/~peterg/edistheeditor.txt [07:43] caleb_, i haven't got it [07:43] fuh. ed is for the antediluvian. [07:43] jeff_: what version of ubuntu? [07:43] apt-cache search ^whois reveals a whois package [07:44] HappyFool: of course, but that link is amusing on the subject [07:44] caleb_, 4.1 or something. cds just came in the mail today [07:44] jeff: you probably need to install it [07:44] jeff_: sudo apt-get install whois [07:44] try 'sudo apt-get install whois' [07:44] winna winna === popey [~popey@] has joined #ubuntu === d [~d@] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] hi! [07:45] ok [07:45] new ubutu usr on the way! [07:45] just downloading the new hoary iso [07:45] uh, i don't have a root password? [07:45] d: your nick is a bit long - care to shorten it ;) [07:46] jeff_: you can create a root account with passwd root [07:46] thor: why bother messin wi letrz :~~) [07:46] how do i make links that open in a new page open in a new tab [07:46] jeff_: you don't really need one [07:46] jeff_: and take a look at Synaptic for installing software. in your menu to go Computer -> System Configuration -> Synaptic [07:46] ok [07:47] setite: have a look at about:config [07:47] jeff_: and when you use the sudo command and it asks for your passwd, just enter your password [07:47] i did, it said the db was locked [07:47] because you're running apt-get and synaptic at the same time I bet [07:47] jeff_: do you have another instance of apt running? [07:47] my quezzie is: will i be able to get the latest kde beta with apt from the ubutu resources, or does anyone know of a repos. that does have? [07:47] i had synaptic open [07:48] bingo [07:48] jeff_: then hit the search button, and enter whois === njs12345 [~njs@dsl-217-155-201-142.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] another thing, ubuntu puts me at 60hz, i can't change it with the system resolution prefs tool.. how can i do it? [07:48] d: there arn't any repositories which have it yet, we're working on 3.4 packages [07:48] what if the GDM periodically locks up and I have to ssh into the box and restart it? Why does that happen? [07:48] can't wait x.org + debian, today! Yip! [07:48] thoreauputic what setting === njs_ [~njs@dsl-217-155-201-142.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] d: hoary has KDE 3.3.2 [07:49] x.org is in debian now? [07:49] setite: hmm.. hang on I'll see if I can find a link for you [07:49] thats what is says on distrowatch! [07:49] <_4strO> x.org is in debian now? it is [07:50] testing or sarge? === Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] setite: maybe here >>> http://www.mozillazine.org/misc/about:config/ [07:50] jeff I think it's in sid [07:50] its in this new hoary iso, not in testing or sarge [07:50] oh === saBrEwolf [~craig@] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] that doesn't count [07:50] or not? [07:51] jeff I'm fairly certain x.org is in debian sid [07:51] one of the reasons I say this is because hoary is based of a snapshot of debian sid [07:51] oh [07:51] hoary has kde then? [07:51] x.org is not in Debian [07:52] umm no it's not. [07:52] jeff_: hoary has KDE 3.3.2 in universe [07:52] oh [07:52] not even in sid? [07:52] randabis: no === superkitty [~chuck@c-24-11-81-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] ah [07:52] xorg won't be in debian until after Sarge is released, IIRC [07:52] randabis: x.org is not in debian. which is unfortunate. [07:53] okay I've got that now thanks [07:53] not that xorg is good. but it is better than xfree [07:53] warty has kde 3.2 jeff [07:53] i am getting an error from apt-get update [07:53] does it still have gnome? [07:53] yes [07:53] W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [07:53] W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [07:54] gnome will always be ubuntu's default desktop environment [07:54] i wish i could change my refresh rate :/ === Dko [~jesse@roc-24-169-209-65.rochester.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:56] jeff_: if you're comfortable with command line, you could try `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ` [07:57] jeff_: should give you options for refresh rates [07:57] nevyn: you don't like x? whats your fave windowing system then? [07:57] thoreauputic i know how to edit it... i just dont know what setting to edit [07:57] and i sorta found the culprit to my shitty dvd problem [07:58] setite: yeah - I changed it a while back - let me see if I can find it [07:58] i realized that when you use the monitor to make the picture fill the screen its zooming in... === superkitty [~chuck@c-24-11-81-82.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:58] thoreauputic, ok, how do i reboot X? [07:58] i need to find a true resolution that will fill the monitor screen [07:58] jeff CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE === shizzlean [~mslutton@cpe-24-176-94-002.hky.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] jeff_: umm - just run the command then do ctrl-alt-backspace [07:59] hehe i beat you [07:59] see.. he left already === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] i love that thing... its so fast [07:59] setite: heh - I'm a slow typist ;) [07:59] no problem === nburns [~soma@pcp06953876pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jeff_ [~jeff@12-220-134-83.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] i typed extra fast because i wanted to beat you [07:59] hey question... how do i do a probe of my monitor to see what resolutions its capable of [08:00] setite: congratulations :) [08:00] i have to manually set my resolutions because of a bug with my integrated card [08:02] does anyone know the way to edit video settings in the terminal [08:02] browser.tab.opentabfor.windowopen could be what you want, setite [08:02] i forgot what it was === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] awesome.. i bet it is [08:03] setite: trial and error works for me with those settings - then I forget what I changed! haha [08:04] I should write it down I guess [08:04] Aww my new firefox crashes on most sites. =( [08:04] damn thats not it [08:06] whats browser turbo [08:06] should i enable it === ironwolf_ is now known as ironwolf [08:06] hmmm seems interesting === gustav_ [~gustav@c-394a71d5.322-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === srid [~sridhar@] has joined #ubuntu === jeff_ [~jeff@12-220-134-83.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] no SqlObject in Ubuntu?? It is in debian http://packages.debian.org/unstable/python/python-sqlobject === beezly [~andy@2001:618:400:9627:20c:6eff:fee1:a9da] has joined #ubuntu === djuuss [~djuuss@82-197-204-27.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Shadow_Demon [~Shadow_De@pcp02023049pcs.rthfrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] hey, how do i rename (in gnome) multiple files at once? [08:10] crap.. ubuntu won't play mp3 either? === darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] (so they have filename for instance) [08:11] djuuss, write a script [08:11] you can either learn 'bash' or 'python' [08:11] python will help you write lot of programs === Shadow_Demon [~Shadow_De@pcp02023049pcs.rthfrd01.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:12] jeff_: i think ubuntuguide.org has info on installing codecs, and there's also a page on the ubuntu wiki somewhere (RestrictedFormats, it might be) [08:12] jeff_, apt-get install xmms === evilstoy [HydraIRC@cmung3749.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] srid nah [08:12] ok [08:13] he still needs an mp3 codec though === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@] has joined #ubuntu === duckdown [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] last i checked xmms didnt have it by default [08:13] djuuss: What are you trying to do? [08:13] jeff what OS [08:13] ubuntu? [08:13] yes [08:13] ubuntu has xmms [08:13] just get a load of files (movies) with pretty much diffrent names and name them into movieXX.mpg where XX is a number [08:14] How do I make the nvidia module load at boot? gdm keeps failing on system entry because it cant load the nvidia module, so i always have to go to root and manually modprobe nvidia;startx [08:14] xmms is kinda deprecated though [08:14] someone refresh my memory... gstreamer0.8 plays mp3 right [08:14] yes [08:14] but i did it the hard way [08:14] manually [08:14] gstreamer0.8-mad ? [08:14] duckdown, /etc/modules [08:14] yes [08:14] restrictedformats? [08:14] thanks [08:14] djuuss: You need a script or something so. [08:14] python sounds like a good thing to learn still yeah [08:14] yea that mad one [08:14] this channel needs a bot. [08:15] nevyn a bot for what [08:15] djuuss: You don't need python for that, it can be made on a shell script. [08:15] why dont you creat one [08:15] python is a good thing to learn still though :P [08:15] djuuss, if you are newbie programmer, see http://www.byteofpython.info/ === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] shell script is only for _small_ work [08:16] newbie programmer? dude, i don't even know how to grep [08:16] :P [08:16] djuuss, so this book is for you :) [08:16] srid: What he's asking for is a _small_ work. [08:16] thx [08:16] srid: hmm... the whole knoppix installer was written in bash [08:16] programmer... damn i dont even know my way around apt yet [08:16] SirFred, yes .. I am meta-helping him :) === blair [~blair@12-218-140-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] so is slackware [08:16] by Fabian I believe [08:16] srid: :) [08:16] Fabio [08:17] Fabian Franz [08:17] is there a good book to learn all the commands i need to know [08:17] Fabbione [08:17] hehe good point [08:17] I need some help with an ATI Graphics Card === abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-39-62.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] setite, ls /bin /usr/bin and man [08:17] yea you do [08:17] hehe [08:17] a book on apt? [08:17] setite ? [08:17] man apt [08:17] you need help selling it [08:17] apt-howto [08:17] apt-reference [08:17] setite: hang on and I'll give you some links [08:17] apt-cache search rox :) [08:17] he said fabian so i said fabbione [08:18] hey is that your repo i keep seeing on google [08:18] setite: for ipv6? [08:18] i dunno i just saw a repo or some site with your name on it [08:18] could easily be [08:18] srid no i want a book [08:18] everyone says man pages but i like books [08:18] setite: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html [08:18] i dont want to print it... but i want something i can carry with me [08:19] setite, , see apt-howto [08:19] last time i checked fabbione on goggle there were only one that is not me after 5/6 pages [08:19] djuuss: A shell example just in a line: [08:19] setite: O'Reilly have good linux books [08:19] ok but that doesnt solve my want/need for a book... a tangible piece of paper, glue and ink [08:19] setite, http://www.nl.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ [08:19] does he have a debian specific [08:20] suf=0; for fich in *.mpg; do echo "mv $fich movie$(printf \%02d $suf).mpg"; suf=$(( $suf + 1 )); done [08:20] is there any need for a debian specific book? === sid77 [~sid77@ppp-186-160.30-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] srid not just apt... everything [08:20] djuuss: Well, that only echoes the mv command to execute. Just for security [08:20] i especially want it for when i fubar my linux [08:20] setite: for a good guide to cli --> O'Reilly: "Linux-Pocket Guide" (author: Daniel J. Barrett ) === maximaus [~max@user-37kac86.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] ok so o'reilly... any other suggestions [08:21] what it cli [08:21] command line interface? [08:21] command line interface [08:21] :) [08:21] awesome i figured that out... cool... [08:21] setite: you did indeed ! [08:21] are there debian specific things i need to know... [08:22] dont say man pages please [08:22] setite: oh yes [08:22] i saw a debian/gnu book === srid [~sridhar@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:22] whats with the gnu part [08:22] setite: the apt howto is very good [08:22] GNU's not Unix [08:22] recursive acronym [08:22] SirFred .. i'll look in to it later, copiepasted it for now in my "todo-list-appendix-B.txt" === sid77 [~sid77@ppp-186-160.30-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] have (field)hockey practice now [08:23] cya [08:23] all === jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] hdparm -i /dev/sda9 [08:23] /dev/sda9: [08:23] operation not supported on SCSI disks [08:23] does exist any hdparm for scsi disks? === snowblink [~snowblink@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] yea i remember reading that GNU was its own thing... but debian is linux as far as i know so why would there be a Debian/GNU book [08:25] setite: linux is the kernel - GNU/Linux is the whole operating system [08:25] "Once you're up and running, Linux Pocket Guide provides an easy-to-use reference that you can keep by your keyboard for those times when you want a fast, useful answer, not hours in the man pages." [08:25] ooh thanks for that suggestion [08:25] jazzka: see man hdparm. the -i option is for IDE drives === sid77 [~sid77@ppp-186-160.30-151.libero.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] setite: only problem is it's Fedora oriented - but it has all the important commands === zido_ [~zido@13.80-203-117.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] ewww fedora!! [08:26] bad experiences [08:26] hey, how can i make nautilus start my home-directory on startup? [08:26] well, actually, it's an ide drives, connected with usb to the computer [08:26] setite: don't fret - the book is good [08:26] yeah fedora's no fun... [08:26] larsrohdin: save your session on exit [08:27] no wrong!!! how can i make nautilus stop starting y home=) [08:27] jazzka: the man page talks about AT interface. I guess you're out of luck using usb [08:27] larsrohdin: ah - not what you asked [08:27] --no-default-window just wont work [08:27] so, any tool to test and configure my ide drive (throw usb) ??? [08:27] no, i wrote wrong=) my bad [08:28] would the Debian GNU/Linux 3.X Bible be good also [08:28] setite: I expect so - haven't read it === typo [~lreal@deec-gab-nasc.fe.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] ok... yea i dont even think its out yet [08:28] its february 05 [08:29] but i was saying are the books from this company usually good [08:29] jazzka: what does hdparm /dev/sda9 do ? [08:29] I've just finished installing ubuntu. Seams to work fine. OO.org won't input accented characters if LANG=C though === mz2 [~mz@81-1-78-177.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] hdparm -v /dev/sda9 [08:29] /dev/sda9: [08:29] readonly = 0 (off) [08:29] geometry = 19929/255/63, sectors = 105209622, start = 214949763 [08:29] but that's in debian as well [08:29] http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0764576445/qid=1106335655/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-9640012-5729737?v=glance&s=books [08:29] thoreauputic, any ideas? [08:29] setite: you really should read the apt howto - it's very good. And O'Reilly books are mostly good, yes [08:29] jazzka: that enough? [08:29] yea i will... but i truly want a book [08:29] HappyFool, yeah [08:30] i dont want to destroy my eyes any more than i need to [08:30] larsrohdin: maybe edit the properties in the menu to open nautilus at the dir you want? [08:31] the idea of moving everything out of the Desktop seams cool [08:31] will that be included in stock gnome 2.10? [08:32] is this a true statement? [08:32] "Debian GNU/Linux is free, supported by HP, and is often cited as the most stable and reliable Linux distribution-which makes it a great alternative for users put off by Red Hat's pricey Enterprise Linux and unsupported Fedora" [08:32] the HP part [08:32] larsrohdin: or create a launcher to do it [08:32] Hewlett Packard? dunno [08:33] <_d4vid> ky all [08:33] well, a google for HP debian support reveals some articles [08:33] you know what is great and sad at the same time [08:33] how easy it is to get all these linux books in ebook format [08:33] Can anyone help me get a Radeon card to render OpenGl instead of MESA [08:34] i have nautilus in my .xsession file... and it should work but it doesnt... [08:34] i dont know how they get them in PDF format and such with all the pictures and text that can be fiddled with === naibed [~Amparo@123.red-62-57-14.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] Hi === frisoirc [~Beheer@ip503c52a2.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] setite: saving as PDF is really easy in Linux [08:35] but i dont know how to take a book and convert it [08:35] without scanning the individual pictures and typing each word [08:35] setite: many times the book has a electric format also.... [08:36] ok then where do you get it [08:36] setite: do you really want to actually ask those questions in here? [08:36] no i know the not so legal way... im saying legally [08:37] i rarely see legitimate ebooks created by the publishers and companies that are allowed to [08:37] there is a legal way yes... [08:37] I've a problem with mi Nvidia TNT2 and nvidia's GLX driver since an Xorg update I think...The kernel module loads and Xorg starts but the nvidia logo is kept on screen and glx support is disabled :S Xorg version is X Window System Version (Ubuntu 6.8.1-1ubuntu11 20050119010805 root@) and kernel 2.6.9,2.6.10.. [08:37] setite: many Linux/OSS books are available on line as html or pdf for download [08:37] awesome... where [08:37] setite: http://cdbookshelves.oreilly.com/ [08:37] setite: that is a legal way === abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-39-62.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] setite: umm...try googling ;0 [08:38] ok what about non o'reilly [08:38] setite: stop asking about this...please [08:38] like the moving to linux book./... do you think the ebook for it is legit [08:38] wah [08:38] ok [08:38] setite: go to the publishers page and look instead [08:38] yeah that's a bit off-topic [08:38] setite: yes, Marcel Gagne is legitimate [08:38] setite: I belong to his virtual LUG :) === reki [~m@reki.rh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu === [Euphori] [kvirc@140.Red-81-40-236.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] <[Euphori] > hi all [08:40] <[Euphori] > can help me anyone [08:40] <[Euphori] > im can?t connect in ubuntu whitch my external 56 K modem [08:41] <[Euphori] > im install gnome-ppp fine === no0tic [~no0tic@host138-163.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] <[Euphori] > config all fine but when im try to connect im have the error [08:42] [Euphori] : try running ` sudo pppconfig ` in a terminal :) [08:42] <[Euphori] > PPP: Not enabled === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu === borgista [~borgista@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] <[Euphori] > thoreauputic: im try it but error [08:43] <[Euphori] > im put my user y dip group === Stew2 [~admin@67-42-152-129.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] When I create a user in Ubuntu, they are made a member of a group name that is the same as their user name. Shouldn't they all be members of group User? [08:43] i e the same group? [08:44] gotta go - have fun all of you ! :) [08:44] Stew2: no, that's the Debian way [08:44] So I have as many groups as I do users when I'm done? === Gwaihir [~Gwaihir@ppp-194-85.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Stew2: the user will also be in group users [08:45] and a bunch of others [08:45] no one is in the group 'users' by default. [08:45] weird. [08:45] is that the way it's supposed to be? [08:46] well, none of my users are in user either === scotth [~scotth@stroustrup.csee.wvu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] my "main" user, i.e., one who can do sudo, is in lots of groups though === BockBilbo [~BockBilbo@] has joined #ubuntu === setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] hey [08:47] why doesnt /server -m work on x-chat [08:47] is it possible to open rar 3.0 files in ubuntu? [08:49] apt-get install rar [08:49] yup [08:49] HappyFool How do I make sure additional users are able to SUDO? [08:49] Hi all, I have a firewire problem with Ubuntu PPC. 1st message during boot: cannot allocate resource region 0 of devie 0000:01.04.0 Pretty scary, isn it [08:49] BockBilbo, try with rar or unrar [08:50] <[Euphori] > im comeback later [08:50] BockBilbo, I've had problems opening some rar files created with windows unfortunately. :/ [08:50] Don't they have to be in a sudoers list? [08:50] then modprobe: fatal: error inserting aic79xx (): no such device [08:50] that's pretty much the only time I boot into my hibernated windows partition. [08:50] stew2: yeah, see man sudo. you need to add them to /etc/sudoers [08:51] maximaus, i also hae that problem [08:51] :S === misionero [jimb@249-251-90.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] naibed, i also have that prob [08:51] hey everyone [08:51] BockBilbo, Perhaps it's a winrar issue? === gregburd [~gburd@] has joined #ubuntu === alumik [~alberto@163.Red-80-25-173.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] no firewire experts present? [08:52] how can i connect to irc on the console [08:52] ? [08:52] irssi, at a guess [08:52] misionero, with an text-based IRC client, like irssi, BitchX, ...http://fershmeat.net [08:52] freshmeat.net sorry === duckdown [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] has anyone here ever compiled FiSH for either xchat or irssi? [08:53] why use gui on 100% text based system .. like irc [08:53] cause neither of these goddamn things are working [08:53] Hey, since root and admin are in the Sudoers file, can I just add the user to group ADMIN? Or do I have to explicitly add the user? [08:53] http://freshmeat.net ? [08:54] maximaus, i have no clue [08:54] :S [08:54] hmmm.... please !!!! Tell me about smart batteries & hoary support [08:54] Hi all, I have a firewire problem with Ubuntu PPC. 1st message during boot: cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:01.04.0 Pretty scary, isn it [08:54] Stew2: i think those are user names (?) [08:55] BockBilbo, if that's my only grip with Ubuntu, I'm satisfied. (why can't folks just use zip or tar.gz?) [08:55] gripe [08:56] any firewire support possible [08:56] ? [08:56] Stew2: try man sudoers -- oh, it's in EBNF. goodness. === sipstar [~sipstar@h133n1fls35o828.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] can x-chat autoaccept dcc [08:57] how can i create my own theme and then publishe it on the net [08:57] ?? [08:58] quit === frisoirc [~Beheer@ip503c52a2.speed.planet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [08:58] setite, yes, right click on text box->IRC-auto accept.. === Scooter [~jocco@hnllhi1-ar6-4-7-245-121.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] Stew2: this probably isn't good advice, but I would just add lines similar to those in there, substituing the appropriate user names [08:59] awesome thanks [08:59] i see you're supposed to use visudo to edit it too [09:00] Anyone know how to have Java set up in your path? I just downloaded the JAVA common, and from Commandline I type java and get file not found... TIA :D [09:00] I neeed to execute a *.JAR file [09:01] I got JAVA from Synaptic BTW === toxickore [~toxickore@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] It says I HAVE to edit it with visudo. I have no idea how to use VI [09:02] So do I really HAVE to use visudo? [09:02] SteveA, then read a manual [09:03] try sudo gedit if you need to be root... [09:03] Stew2: do the vitutor [09:03] vimtutor I mean [09:03] Stew2: try EDITOR=myfavouriteeditor visudo /etc/sudoers [09:04] i assume it just does some sort of locking on the file === foxfuz [~cdq@117.Red-213-96-31.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] or rather EDITOR=myfavouriteeditor sudo visudo [09:05] thanks. I just used gedit === l3m [~l3m@] has joined #ubuntu === puzzledm [~matthew@user-2247.l1.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] i'm trying to "su" from the ubuntu live cd ( in order to parted my hd ), what's the default root passwd? === foxfuz [~cdq@117.Red-213-96-31.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:06] l3m there isn't one. 'sudo passwd root' [09:06] or maybe even 'sudo parted' or whatever === Hannes__ [~Hannes@dna250-146.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === zido [~zido@13.80-203-117.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] thanks, sudo parted worked!!! [09:09] uhm, the different desktops dissapeared from my "system line"(?) or whatever the line at the bottom's called.. [09:09] anybody got any idea how i get it back? [09:09] Ooooo! Sorry, I had the wrong packages, i needed sun-J2, I did not see that in the manual, Thanks anyways :p [09:09] i can't see the different programs on that desktop there either === poppo [~chaitu@] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] right-click the panel, choose add to panel... and choose the "desktop chooser" or whatever that applet's called === blair [~blair@12-218-140-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] "workspace switcher" might be it [09:11] Greetings, my X wouldnt work .. so i did lspci to check if my vga card (mercury) is listed ... couldnt find it. tried configurin X using confxf86 - wouldnt work .. xf86 log says " [09:11] " nop devices found" can someone help me pls [09:11] ah, thx [09:11] but i still can't see the different programs on that desktop [09:11] poppo, what video card [09:11] zenwhen : mercury [09:12] huh [09:12] I am having trouble getting my Video card to hardware render, everything is running through mesa [09:12] i would guess that lspci not finding your video card is Pretty Bad (tm) [09:13] i tried vesa , intel just to see if anythin works out but it isnt helpin [09:13] HappyFool : yeh : \ [09:13] you don't get anything saying "VGA" in it ? [09:13] Does anyone know how to make the ATI drivers render instead of the MESA indirect drivers [09:13] HappyFool : i get Vga controller but it says intel ... [09:15] and iam pretty sure of having mercury vga . before this i couldnt even get to the pompt - so i changed vga to mono in bios -now i do get prompt - but no X .. [09:15] anyone? === gwak [~gwak@p5480C196.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Enkiklios [~jc@lns-vlq-24-lyo-82-255-122-177.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] how do i mount a cdrom in ubuntu? i dont see /dev/cdrom [09:19] it should appear at /media/cdrom [09:19] ah [09:19] crypticreign, dmesg|grep -i cdrom or grep hd [09:19] though if you don't have /dev/cdrom, i'm not sure [09:19] hmm [09:19] ok === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] poppo: sorry, i'm not finding much via google. === upayavira_ [~upayavira@elfriedeholmes.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === hns [~hans@d8149.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] in hoary in the network settings control panel should there be an add button? [09:26] no [09:26] are new devices added automagically? [09:27] the dialog should list all the devices [09:27] it detects the devices on the system [09:27] I dont mind telling people to RTFM in Ubuntu, TFM is Beautiful Babby! I cant believe how much I learn about linux from this WIKI and the forums :) [09:27] Oops wrong window sorry [09:28] so if i take out a pcmcia wireless card and put in a new one, eth1 will now be the new one === billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === pisuke [~luis@84-120-67-237.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === phw [~weissph@p508CA851.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] Scooter: but a nice insight ;) === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] hello folks, i wanted to install network-manager-gnome, but it tells me that that package relys on a package named network-manager... see http://people.ubuntu.com/~thom/network-manager/ === Ivy6Quaff is away: Estou ocupado [09:30] Just read document "Installing Ubuntu from a Unix/Linux System" - it says "creating at least one filesystem plus swap". Does anyone know if I can just use the filesystem that I've already got? I'd converting from Debian Sarge. === raitis [g4k4@M2182P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] anybody online? === Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@pD9E60052.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] no a soul [09:32] need some help with windows ntfs partition , i can view it in root terminal but cant get it on desktop as icon [09:32] and if i try to access the folder it says that i dot have the permissions [09:33] is it possible to play wma files in ubuntu? [09:33] yep [09:33] are you mounting it from the command line, or via /etc/fstab ? [09:33] i have a line like this in my /etc/fstab: /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows auto ro,user,noauto,umask=000 0 0 [09:33] the umask=000 lets normal users access the ntfs [09:34] NanoTek, with which package? [09:34] it's still read-only though === spacey__ [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] well i did this on these forums http://www.syntheticsw.com/%7Euu/viewtopic.php?t=232 [09:35] BockBilbo, The only solution I found to play every songs and videos is to compile mplayer with every codecs which are available [09:35] ... but i cannot install mplayer [09:35] when i tried to install it it gives me dependency problems [09:35] i mounted it on /mnt/win [09:35] :S [09:36] then i edited the fstab.bak [09:36] raitis: what command did you use? [09:36] mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/windows/c [09:36] err, no, you should edit /etc/fstab *before* mounting [09:36] mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/win [09:36] and not fstab.bak, but /etc/fstab [09:36] yeah [09:36] did that [09:37] i can view the folder through root terminal with the command " cd /mnt/win " then " ls -al " [09:37] but i cant get a desktop icon [09:37] raitis: first do this: 'sudo umount /dev/hda1' === gro [~gro@ip-212-239-167-159.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] ok [09:38] BockBilbo, did you never try to compile it ? [09:38] and then: 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win -o ro,user,umask=000' [09:38] nope... [09:38] :S [09:38] :S [09:38] root@ubuntu:/mnt/win # sudo unmount /dev/hda1 [09:38] sudo: unmount: command not found [09:38] im a bit afraid of compiling stuff [09:38] :S [09:38] sry [09:38] raitis: "umount" === popey [~popey@] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] hey it worked [09:39] thanks alot [09:40] no problem ;) === ana [~ana@VA1-1E-u-0926.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] how can i do a shortcut to the desktop? [09:41] ok thanks alot i have to go now bye, thanks thanks alot [09:41] bye === raitis [g4k4@M2182P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has left #ubuntu [] [09:42] : ) === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] Greetings, people of Ubuntu === darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu === frisoir1 [~Beheer@ip503c52a2.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] hello zooko [09:44] I want a mail transport agent. I tried to install exim and exim4 (on warty) and in both cases apt-listbugs warned me that there were outstanding security bugs in them. [09:44] Is there another nice simple MTA I can install for my 1-user satellite mail system? [09:45] postfix ? [09:45] though neither dpkg-reconfigure nor the wiki have especially good setups, in my completely inexpert opinion ;) === calamari_ [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it! === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === __daniel [~daniel@td9091c1b.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] zooko: There's ssmtp and esmtp. === Nermal [~peter@81-179-249-210.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] They're not full mail servers, but will forward mail by SMTP to a mail server. [09:49] They're both pretty unsophisticated, but work well if they're all you need. === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] still no menu editing eh ? [09:50] in hoary === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@27.Red-81-44-123.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === netmonk [~~@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] Maybe ssmtp would be easier for me to configure than postfix... [09:52] I just want to send mail via SMTP, possibly using a "smarthost", [09:53] and to receive mail by fetchmail -> MTA -> nmh [09:53] well, postfix is at least easier than sendmail *shudder* [09:54] ssmtp asks "Name of your mailhub?", but is this for incoming or outgoing mail? :-( === zooko gives up on ssmtp and tries esmtp. [09:55] won't fetchmail be handling your incoming ? [09:55] yes [09:55] Oh. [09:56] But, um, doesn't fetchmail need to contact an SMTP server on port 25 and give it the mail? [09:56] Not necessarily. [09:56] zookoo:try getmail: you don't need a mta with getmail [09:56] So ssmtp needs to know that "incoming" mail that appears on port 25 needs to be delivered to local users. [09:56] It can deliver direct to a mailbox, IIRC. === zooko tries getmail. [09:57] i would guess the alternative is evolution/ thunderbird / etc which, i presume, do all this nonsense for you === digmig [~Digmig@p548087B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] I must have my mail in nmh! :-) === poppo [~chaitu@] has joined #ubuntu === appleseed [~paul@ACB9E7BD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === xmas [~steger14@12-207-158-223.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === HappyFool [~happyfool@tedo-ip-nas-1-p02.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:05] Oh boy. I've screwed up my perl-base package. 8-( [10:05] Can't locate File/Basename.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/sbin/install-docs line 24. === zooko begins manual repair. === [Spooky] [spookan_78@h96n1c1o1032.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] which .deb has Basename.pm ? === zooko tries perl-modules [10:06] bingo, zooko. [10:07] i have to re-add my eth0 connection everytime i reboot, how do i get network-admin to add the right entry to my system? [10:07] <__daniel> zooko: apt-file can help you there [10:08] apt-file was also broken... [10:08] thanks #ubuntu!! === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu ["] [10:09] hmmm. i have a package conflict [10:09] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libgtksourceview-cil_0.5-2ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): [10:09] trying to overwrite `/usr/share/gtksourceview-1.0/language-specs/nemerle.lang', which is also in package libgtksourceview-common [10:10] appleseed, select your nic card then go properties , click start @ boot time [10:10] what do i do? [10:10] hmmm. i have a idea, === borgista [~borgista@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] LinuxJones, i dont have that option in the utility === itzzan [~itzzan@123.Red-83-33-3.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #Ubuntu [10:11] LinuxJones, i'm using hoary though [10:11] root@kyle:/home/kyle # dpkg --get-selections | grep gtksourceview [10:11] libgtksourceview-common install [10:11] libgtksourceview1.0-0 install === itzzan [~itzzan@123.Red-83-33-3.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [10:11] could i possibly set the selections and replace install with something? [10:11] appleseed, go System Configuration >> Networking [10:12] what programs i'm running on the current desktop isn't showing on the lower panel, any ideas on how to get them back? :) [10:12] yeah === jaco [~jaco@host42-20.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === cholo [~cholo@host45.201-252-142.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] Hi all, I have a firewire problem with Ubuntu PPC. 1st message during boot: cannot allocate resource region 0 of devie 0000:01.04.0 Pretty scary, isn it [10:14] i've added the device, and connected it(using it now), but it isn't added to the /etc/network/interfaces file, so doesn't come up at boot [10:14] are you using dhcp ? [10:14] LinuxJones, yeah [10:15] LinuxJones, i've got a feeling its a fault with the network-admin tool, not adding the connection to the file === duckdown [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] appleseed, these are the entries from my eht0 card >> (first line) auto eth0 (2nd line) iface eth0 inet dhcp === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] appleseed, I've had problems with that tool saving settings too. It never remembers to start samba. === cholo [~cholo@host45.201-252-142.telecom.net.ar] has left #ubuntu [] [10:16] Anyone know why when I'm trying to mount /dev/sda1 (my windows partition, on a TOTALLY different drive than my linux os) wont let me mount it? It says its already mounted, or any of the destination points I try are busy.. but I typed 'df' and its not mounted at all! [10:17] LinuxJones, i'll try putting that in, thanks. [10:17] GL ;) === jaco [~jaco@host42-20.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] :) [10:17] why does the default install of ubuntu install firefox 0.9.3? [10:17] reki, it's not stable enough I suspect [10:18] because 1.0 wasn't out yet I believe === hno73 [~Henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === zido [~zido@13.80-203-117.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === frisoir1 [~Beheer@ip503c52a2.speed.planet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === Nafallo [~nafallo@c-23ff70d5.038-1-65736b2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === drac [sighup@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:20] reki: if you apt-get upgrade you should get FF1.0 [10:20] ah thx [10:20] am I the only one whose synaptics have stopped working in hoary? === melter [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Nafallo, describe your situation. === carsonc [~carson@adsl-12-46-137.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] kbrooks: I can't scroll anymore. that only happens when synaptics is out-of-order :-/. [10:23] does anybody know if there exists something like fluxboxes tabs, for gnome ? === Nermal upgrades to hoary === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] Is there a program for Linux (preferably packaged for Ubuntu) that will let me rotate my desktop backgrounds automatically, the way I can do in OS X? I've apt-cache search'd and googled, but I can't find anything relevant. Am I just missing it, or does such a program not exist? [10:27] theres probably a script somewhere to do it [10:27] but no apps that I've seen === sm [~simon@lsanca1-ar5-4-60-054-207.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] carsonc, I've seen these before, search freshmeat and sourceforge [10:27] carsonc, I had it a while back with my redhat 8 machine. [10:28] carsonc: http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=random+background§ion=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=0 [10:28] carsonc, KDE can do taht :) [10:28] that [10:28] you mean rotate as in change the orientation ? [10:28] or change the background [10:28] change [10:28] oh [10:28] yeah.. there are apps to do that [10:28] naibed: Yeah, it can, but I can't stand KDE :) [10:29] is the w32codecs in universe or anywhere else? Or do I need a unafficial mirror? [10:29] zeedo: Thanks! === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] carsonc: look at gbrand on that page === haunter [~haunter@APlessis-Bouchard-151-1-41-128.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] thats one specifically for gnome === ThePainter666 [~steven@82-39-56-31.cable.ubr04.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === _martin [~315517725@1-2-4-8a.gmt.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] hi, i tried ubuntu but i return on slackware, but i like the human theme, i'm searching this theme but i don't find, do you know where i can find it ? [10:30] pusling: ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ [10:30] can someone help me install mplayer [10:31] Hmm. This one looks like it changes the background every time you log in. [10:31] Nafallo: 2 weeks ago I couldn't install from the marillat archive. [10:31] can someone help me istall mplayer [10:31] pusling: where you using 'stable'? [10:31] smogger914, can you repeat please?can you repeat please? [10:31] pusling: seems w32codecs have moved out of the others. [10:31] I'm looking for one that will allow me to change it every, say, half hour or hour or every day, while remaining logged in. [10:32] Nafallo: nope - testing I think [10:32] can someone help me install mplayer i have the deb file and odnt know what to do with it [10:32] smogger914: Assuming you have all the dependencies installed, run "sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb" [10:32] you can find out what the dependencies are with "dpkg -I whatever.deb" [10:33] dpkg: error processing maplyer.deb (--install): [10:33] cannot access archive: No such file or directory [10:33] Errors were encountered while processing: [10:33] maplyer.deb [10:33] aha, I think I may have found what I'm looking for [10:33] i spelled it wrong [10:34] max@ubuntu:~ $ sudo dpkg -i mplayer.deb [10:34] (Reading database ... 70415 files and directories currently installed.) [10:34] Preparing to replace mplayer 1.0pre6-1.20041114 (using mplayer.deb) ... [10:34] Unpacking replacement mplayer ... [10:34] Setting up mplayer (1.0pre6-1.20041114) ... [10:34] does that mean its done [10:34] http://gchbkgrd.sf.net [10:34] smogger914: yes, it does [10:34] how do i run it [10:34] smogger914: type mplayer [10:35] max@ubuntu:~ $ mplayer [10:35] mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libmp3lame.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [10:35] it has dependencies :) [10:35] that means [10:35] And of course, the app I find has ceased active development === carsonc sighs [10:35] smogger914: type this [10:35] sudo dpkg -I mplayer.deb [10:36] then what [10:36] whats it say [10:36] > [10:37] were do u get the libraries [10:37] apt-get [10:37] Read up on how to use dpkg. === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === TD|flux [~gaute@7.80-202-165.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === skeyeword [~skeyeword@cpe.ct10050.wireless.vh.staffnet.com] has joined #ubuntu === Nafallo [~nafallo@c-37ff70d5.038-1-65736b2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === aperson [~aperson@] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] hello all [10:39] hwo do u use apt update === [Spooky] are going to test the live cd soon :) [10:40] apt-get update [10:40] aolbonics :| [10:40] aolbonics? === __daniel [~daniel@td9091c1b.pool.terralink.de] has left #ubuntu [] === slicslak [~slicslak@S01060050bf73737f.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] hmmmm... please... can anybody tell me whether smart batteries will soon be handled under hoary ? [10:41] libmp3lame.so.0: how do i get that === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-61-165.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] anyone have madwifi working w/ warty [10:42] hmm, -dbg have some bad side-effects? like synaptics driver stops working? === pepsi [~pepsi@p48.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] madwifi, anyone? [10:44] how do u get apt to update the libraries for a file === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === rellik_ [~rellik@r12ptsm8f.desktop.umr.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] Hi threre --- [10:45] yo [10:46] for ubuntu can add debian sources to apt? I can't find a ubuntu download for VLC [10:46] I am playing with re-installation of Ubuntu ( after hardware upgrade ) - Every dev tools are there but I just can't lauch g++ or gcc - not in my path! That means a config step have failes somewhere... [10:47] rellik_: I think you'll find them in universe [10:47] how do i get this library [10:47] libmp3lame.so.0: [10:47] what's universe? === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@24-158-7-43.mazo.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] does anyone know how to get sharutils package installed === cprov [~cprov@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:48] libmp3lame.so.0: how do i get that it be for mplayer [10:48] rellik_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages/view?searchterm=universe [10:49] hmm... the mirror that I use for apt (local to network) has vlc under universe... but 'apt-get search vlc' returns nothing... how do I tell apt-cache to use universe/multiverse/... ? [10:49] hmm, why is it that installing xserver-xorg-dbg breaks synaptics? :-P === town [~town@82-33-193-162.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === thully [~thully@wuser200-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Nafallo got way to much troubles atm :-P. [10:50] how do u get thelibraires needed for a specific package [10:50] can anyone say what "universe" and "multiverse" are? [10:50] ...and restricted [10:51] how do u get the libraires needed for a specific package [10:51] rellik_: repositorys :-) [10:51] smogger914, if you install with apt or synaptic, it should fetch the needed package for you [10:51] yeah but what's the diff between them === ycco [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === dseomn [~dseomn@] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] Every dev tools are there but I just can't lauch g++ or gcc - not in my path! That means a config step have failes somewhere... I had to manually create the soft links to the bins... [10:51] smogger914: they are dependencies, so is installed automatically. [10:51] Anyone here have a Wireless PCI Adapter - WG311 v2 working under Ubuntu? [10:52] I was thinking about pulling my wifes wired network card and using this. [10:52] i hav wg311 working [10:52] just not w/ wpa yet [10:52] rellik_: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/ [10:54] anyone had trouble w/openoffice in hoary lately? mine seems to take 2 min to start (rather than 10-15 secs as it usually does) === haunter [~haunter@APlessis-Bouchard-151-1-41-128.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === buga [burjang@pandora.inf.elte.hu] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] ah ok thanks gro.. added universe and multiverse to my apt :) [10:55] rellik_: you may add restricted too ;) === gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] thully: mine works fine === mosquito_ [~mosquito@h45n2c2o1028.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] thully: does it start faster when you do this: SAL_DISABLE_CUPS=1 openoffice [10:55] gro: heh yeah apt had that already === imka [~imi@246.169-183-adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] hi === lamont_r [~lamont@mesaradio41.customer.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] the problem only occurs when I start from the GNOME menu, curiously (not when I use openoffice or SAL_DISABLE_CUPS=1 openoffice) [10:57] if i login to my ubuntu system remotely (ssh) and start a download with wget, will the download continued if i close the ssh session here? i wanna start downloading smthg and have it finished by the time i get home [10:57] imka use screen [10:58] thully: oh different problem then === quittt [1000@200-233-51-42.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] what is Ubuntu? [10:58] An OS based on Linux [10:58] quittt: www.ubuntulinux.org [10:58] imka no the dl will stop when you close the session(unless you use screen) [10:58] http://www.ubuntulinux.org === jakroon [~jakroon@c83-249-198-140.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] rellik_ how does that work? im not sure i have it installed here. let's see [10:59] Anyone know if Mono will be included in Hoary ? [10:59] screen comes in ubuntu [10:59] im not using ubuntu at the moment [10:59] what is ubuntu focus? [10:59] jakroon tell me about mono. i keep hearing about it [11:00] imka, its a runtime environment for linux, in order to run .NET applications [11:00] why use Ubuntu not Slackware? [11:00] jakroon, ive never done any coding and im seriously considering mono [11:01] imka, using Mono together with Gtk# is really sweet [11:01] does mono come with an IDE for writing code for the windows RE? [11:01] jakroon, i have some gtk apps on my mind i would write. === pravo_u_raj [~ide_zeka@kds4-108.ptt.yu] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] rellik_: try searching for monodevelop [11:01] rellik_, I'm not MonoDevelop has been ported to Win32, but they always have SharpDevelop === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [11:02] hmm, xmms only buffers this stream up to 19/32KB and uses 100% cpu [11:02] "sure" === fraggsta [~jrw6@host81-153-241-81.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === borgista [~borgista@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] Has anyone here been having problems with Openoffice segfaulting? Whenever I try to run oowriter (or any other OO program) it segfaults. === pravo_u_raj [~ide_zeka@kds4-108.ptt.yu] has left #ubuntu [] [11:06] I'm running hoary. [11:06] who decides these names anyways? hoary? warty? === quittt [1000@200-233-51-42.user.ajato.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] [11:07] has anynone tried to use Open Office 1.9.69 in ubuntu? [11:07] no [11:07] no [11:07] finally beep media player works in Hoary again. Its mich nicer then xmms ;) [11:07] anybody knows how to get sound working with stuff run through wine? [11:07] BockBilbo, yes, and it segfaults :( [11:07] :s [11:07] what do you mean?... [11:07] kent: sure, now we need an crossover plugin ;) === Cube-ness [~james@170-215-49-81.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] gro, crossover plugin? [11:08] jrw6@pants:~ $ oowriter [11:08] Segmentation fault [11:08] ohm... [11:08] :s [11:08] kent: to fade tracks === pavkonti [~pavkonti@] has joined #ubuntu === Killerbunny [~kp@port149.ds1-arno.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] i meant crossfade of course ;) === raiti1 [zod@M2273P016.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] gro, oh.. i never use that. Im just happy to have it working. it stoped working some time ago, kept segfaulting :( === town [~town@82-33-193-162.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@80-29-42-221.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] sad to read on bmp's homepage that their homepage had been hacked :( [11:10] there's been a lot of that happening recently === chand [~chand@ABordeaux-251-1-39-179.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === ToTo [~ToTo@host97-141.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] hi all [11:12] yo [11:12] I have a small problem with newly installed ubuntu [11:12] hello. === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === liquidhex [~duckdown@CPE00095b4fbe4d-CM000e5c6df516.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] What is a transparent terminal that there is an apt-get for.. [11:13] or is there such a thing === pavkonti [~pavkonti@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] you make it transpert with the options. [11:13] liquidhex: it's easy [11:13] for some reason, this ubuntu install resolves all names to and it seems that for some reason the dns server isn't used at all even if the address is correct at the /etc/resolv.conf file. [11:13] transparent* [11:13] can the stock xterm do it? my tcpdump window is -bg black [11:13] ??? [11:13] lifeless: the standard gnome-terminal can do it, just edit your 'profile' [11:14] ? [11:14] Hi again :-) -- Question: I realize that Ubuntu / or Debian ENV setup is a bit cryptic: /etc/profile contains refs to all sort of evn setup script - But I need to set vars such as CVSROOT; CVS_RSH etc ... Where can I put it for system wide ??? [11:14] Quest-Master, how do i do it then [11:14] lifeless: Edit -> Current Profile -> Effects [11:15] liquidhex: Edit -> Current Profile -> Effects -> Set Transparency [11:15] ack [11:15] gabaug got me to it. :P [11:15] gabaug: I don't use gnoem-terminal, why are you telling me this stuff ? [11:15] lifeless: whatever, have fun with xterm [11:15] ?? [11:15] Wait [11:16] lifeless: liquidhex asked the question, gabaug didn't hit the tab key enough times ;) [11:16] There is difference between lifeless and liquidhex.. [11:16] hehe. [11:16] lifeless: whoops, sorry :) === Fiddler [~sam@12-217-9-70.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === cavediver [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Is there a good, modern cd/dvd writer application in Gnome ? [11:16] I can't find one. [11:16] I got a problem with my soundcard.. im currently on a dell 8500, and hotplug failed to find my card. [11:16] just use nautilus cd burner. [11:17] that's what i use. === Fiddler [~sam@12-217-9-70.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:17] Any suggestions? [11:17] cavediver: nope not yet, want to write one? ;) [11:17] borgista: i do, but it's limited i think. [11:17] Umm [11:17] gro: If I had the skills :) [11:17] it is. [11:17] Where is this edit -> current profile? [11:17] sme here cavediver ;) [11:17] not at the top of my xterm === AndyR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] please id someone free for telling me how I can put ENV varibales for system wide such CVSROOT value ??? [11:18] liquidhex: it is at the top of the gnome-terminal [11:18] oh shit [11:18] sorry.. thanks [11:18] bretzel: you can probably put it into /etc/bash.bashrc [11:18] sorry full of thumbs [11:18] lo ppl [11:19] gabaug: I tried but it seems not working ( echo $CVSROOT" is empty :-( [11:19] bretzel: what line did you add to the rc file? [11:20] export CVSROOT="..." [11:20] bretzel: did you try to log of and then log back on? [11:20] bretzel: you'll have to reopen your current terminal, or 'source' the rc file by doing . /etc/bash.bashrc [11:20] indeed, after re-loging it doesn't shows the var [11:21] bretzel: try sourcing the file by hand to make sure it works when done manually === digmi1 [~Digmig@p548087B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] ok thanks, I am searching other way of the right file to edit :-) === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] gabaug: DUH!!!! I am not only full of thumbs here -- It was a typo! :-) sory for the disturb :-) === caleb_ [~caleb@ip68-111-108-236.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mosquito_ [~mosquito@h45n2c2o1028.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] xmms only tries to buffer and uses 100% cpu.. ive tried a few different streams [11:26] How can I change the poo-colored titlebars from brown? === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Lowry [~Lowry@CPE-144-136-199-234.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === francofait [~francofai@adsl-124-67.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === misionero [jimb@152-78-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu === htodd [htodd@i8u.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] i had a problem with the distro [11:28] liquidhex, desktop -> preferences -> theme [11:29] fraggsta, cool. thanks. [11:29] I've just tried to install it, but it fails in the stage of mounting the cdrom [11:29] what could that be?? === Kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-143.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] misionero, can you get to a terminal and type "dmesg"? might give you a clue === dafox7 [~fcomtois@ip216-239-87-9.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] what filesystems are available in the installer? === dao [~dao@cp691225-a.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] htodd, just about every filesystem linux supports. I saw ext2, ext3, reiser, xfs === chipig [~chip@constant.northnitch.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:32] cool.. how do I take a screenshot now? [11:32] desktop -> take screenshot :) [11:32] lol :D === tanek [~tanek@h6n2fls33o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === gusto_ [~gusto@dsl59-177.firstmile.no] has joined #ubuntu === Kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-143.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === Kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-143.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === froust [~hah@S0106000f6694d7bf.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] fraggsta: thanks. === htodd [htodd@i8u.org] has left #ubuntu [] === raiti1 [zod@M2273P016.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] I just installed the new ati drivers (synaptic downloaded - then changed ati->fglrx) and now i'm stuck with 640X480 resolution... anyone know how i can fix this? === jakroon_ [~jakroon@c83-249-198-140.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === mwh [~mwh@port10.ds1-arve.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] can't get sound to work :( the onboard soundcard doesn't work (even in windows) so I have a PCI card in.. the ubuntu volume control lists 4 devices.. all are unmuted with vloume up but still no sound :( anyone know how to fix this? [11:40] fraggsta hdc: command error: status 0x51 [11:41] hdc: command error: error 0x54 [11:41] hi, im having a problem with evolution/spamassassin, its very slow :( anyone know what I can do to speed it up? [11:42] Can anyone help me set up my ati card? === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] misionero, I can only suggest that you use a different CD drive === mosquito_ [~mosquito@h45n2c2o1028.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === K-Rich [~krich@70-97-107-84.bras01.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] I have a dell laptop 8500, but i cant make the soundcard work. [11:43] ok [11:43] crimsun: you here? [11:43] ill try thtat [11:43] how can I get the MAC address of an incomming connection? [11:43] I know it works under debian, but im getting errors when i boot in the hotplug part. [11:44] say I listen on a given port and want to get the MAC address of the connecting interface... how would I do that? [11:45] K-Rich: yes, but not fully attentive. [11:45] neofeed, you want to get someone else's MAC address? === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === The_Nalf [fabrice@AToulouse-251-1-5-140.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] When I try to change my screen resolution i get a message saying "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension." [11:45] crimsun: can you tell me your repository again so i can reget mplayer? [11:46] fraggsta, I try to setup some image service. That will serve local boxes with a disk image. But as those boxes have different hardware. they might require different images. Thus I'd like to decide wich image to serve based on the MAC === BockBilbo [~BockBilbo@] has joined #ubuntu === pd [~pd@h8.232.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] K-Rich, its in the unofficial docs. [11:46] K-Rich: deb http://sh.nu/~crimsun/ ./ [11:46] crimsun, is it possible to recover the runlevels config?? [11:47] froust, I think a better way to get X working well is to do this: log out, shut down GDM, do "X -configure" as root and then copy the resulting /root/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or xorg.conf (depending whether you run X.Org or XFree) [11:47] ive done an rm /etc/ without meaning to... and now ubuntu doesnt boot [11:47] :S [11:47] sucks [11:47] :'( [11:47] BockBilbo, oops..your installation is hosed :( [11:47] fraggsta: i just installed the new ati drivers - does that matter, or should i still try x -configure [11:47] BockBilbo: "runlevels config?" Do you mean /etc/inittab? [11:47] yeah [11:47] :s [11:47] crimsun: thanks [11:48] :s [11:48] froust, it worked for me with nvidia drivers, so it should work with ATI.. [11:48] BockBilbo: cp /usr/share/sysvinit/inittab /etc/inittab [11:48] mm [11:48] okeydokes. [11:48] the problem is that i cannot login to ubuntu [11:48] im in windows right now [11:48] :S [11:49] wtf [11:49] /etc and /var/lib/dpkg are both awful, awful things to muck up [11:49] I'm going to have to log out, my cursor just disappeared and won't reappear :( [11:49] BockBilbo, If you have deleted the whole /etc directory [11:49] fragg: said missing output drivers, configuration failed. === sipstar [~sipstar@h133n1fls35o828.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] I think you can make a new install [11:49] :p [11:49] NanoTek, i have deleted all the files in the /etc directory [11:50] but not the directories inside the /etc directory [11:50] should i try a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [11:50] froust: for Hoary's X.Org, yes [11:50] k [11:50] im gonna try smething.. [11:50] you've deleted a lot of configuration files [11:50] yeah [11:50] i have most of them === Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] but from a warty installation i had a month ago === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] should i try copying them from the backup image to the actual linux drive? [11:51] :S [11:52] No luck - resolution is still stuck === mosquito_ [~mosquito@h45n2c2o1028.bredband.skanova.com] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] === jakroon_ [~jakroon@c83-249-198-140.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:52] what about running fglrxconfig? === kent [~kent@] has joined #ubuntu === madzzoni [~madzzoni@0x50a247b1.bynxx11.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] froust: sorry, I don't have scrollback. What's the issue? [11:55] I installed the new ati drivers === cavediver [~jonas@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:56] I get 2000 fps with glrxgears [11:56] i have a 9700, it sees it as a 9500 in fglrxinfo [11:56] and my resolution wont' go past 640x480 === randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] and i'm on hoary/amd64 [11:57] ato drivers sucked, sucks, and will suck [11:57] s/ato/ati [11:57] froust: presuming you have a freshly regenerated /etc/X11/xorg.conf, have you followed the /wiki/BinaryDriverHowto? [11:58] crimsun - how do i create a freshly regenerated xorg.conf? [11:58] and where's the wiki/binarydriverhowto? === _Stefan_ [~stefan@] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] froust: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [11:59] okay