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smgood morning05:13
sivangmorning sm05:13
smhi sivang.. just easing into the day.. 05:14
smyou ?05:14
sivangwell, for us it's 18:14, so I can maybe go downstairs and make a cup of coffe to carry what's left of the day :)05:15
sivangsm: what are you up to? are you hacking our plone to make it better?05:15
smsivang: whenever I can, which isn't a whole lot just now05:21
smI do a burst here and there05:21
sivangsm: Ah i see, cool then, I wasn't pushing or anything :)05:22
smfeel free :)05:22
smwhat's your personal top wish ?05:22
sivangsm: well, more speed (like in moin) TOCs are nice, removing rest from the choises for markup :)05:23
smthe last is easy, if you get some consensus.. perhaps bring it up on the list ?05:25
smI can check how many RST pages there are 05:25
smspeed: do you use the plone or standard zwiki skin ?05:26
smpages by type: - stx: 76 - rst: 156 - moin: 467 - html: 24 - plaintext: 7 - total: 730      05:32
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smsivang: ayt ?07:54
sivangsm: oops, now I am 08:16
smjust wondering if you use the plone or standard zwiki skin 08:17
sivangsm: plone one08:17
sivangsm: well, I can use ziki's08:17
smit's a good bit faster; is that a solution ?08:18
sivangsm: that's true, I'll switch to it08:19
smTOCs - rst does that - moin pages don't, then ?08:22
smthere's no built-in moin tag for that ?08:22
sivangsm: hrm I see, well, I can cope without them at the momoent, can't remember about that08:24
sivangactually, in zwiki skin it's pretty fast08:24
smyes, most operations should be08:25
smsaving a large page can take a while08:26
smalso a page containing very many []  links will render slowly.. an open issue08:27
smI don't think we have any like that08:27
sivangyes, actually the saving time is a pain...I always scared to loose my changes while it takes it so much time to save..08:27
smshould be reliable, just takes a few seconds08:27
smif you're editing a lot, you can use external editor to avoid this delay08:28
sivangok, I shall use this in the future08:32
sivangsounds reasonable08:32
smI like it for big pages08:35

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