
=== ick_ [~abelli@adsl-84-222-38-159.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== hypatia [~mary@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
abellidoes anyone of you know valerio catalano?01:49
enricoabelli: ciao02:10
enricoabelli: doesn't tell me much atm02:10
=== enrico goes to bed
=== hypatia [~mary@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivanghi enrico 08:04
sivangenrico:  'sup? ;-)08:07
enricohello sivan!08:12
enricoI'm back home since a couple of days, but I keep waking up really early08:13
enricosivang: what are you doing already awake on the sabbath?08:13
sivangenrico: hehem actually got up aroud 4am my time, these is the slowly readjusting to UTC :)08:18
sivangnithing more nice then smeeling morning in an early sabbath day :)08:18
sivangenrico: going to eat something, be back in a 3008:22
sivangenrico: back08:55
=== hypatia [~mary@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivanghi hypatia 09:27
=== hypatia has just joined the -doc mailing list
hypatiaI want to see what's happening :)09:30
enricoHello hypatia!09:32
enricohypatia: are you connected to the Hypatia group?09:33
hypatiaI've never heard of it.09:33
hypatiaSo I think it is unlikely :)09:33
enricohypatia: ok :)09:33
hypatiawhat is it?09:34
enricohypatia: http://hipatia.info/09:35
sivangenrico: this is an italian project?09:36
enricosivang: quite international afaik09:36
sivangenrico: but started in italy?09:37
enricosivang: I don't know.  I've met italians and brasilians who were part of it09:38
enricoIt could have been born trasversally over the net09:38
sivangenrico: Ah nice, very nice description09:38
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
abellienrico: dig11:26
abellithe pig11:26
sivangabelli: what pig? ;-)11:28
abellidig the pig..11:28
abellipig the dig11:28
enricoSomeone knows of a blog post software per windows with a really simple interface?12:44
abellienrico: straw o liferea01:02
_d4vidplay S?hne Mannheims - Und Wenn Ein Lied.mp301:58
abelliKinnison: ding02:48
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
abellienrico: san martino02:49
enricoabelli: campanaro02:49
abellienrico: ding dong dan02:49
=== sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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enricosivang: around?04:39
enricoThere will be a Debian packaging tutorial in #debian-women tomorrow jan 30, 21:00 UTC04:39
sivangenrico: wow, I'll try that04:40
enricoStrongly suggested!04:40
sivangbtw, didn't know there is a deiban woman channel04:40
sivangenrico: I'll do my best to be there :)04:40
sivangactually, I will join this channel now just to see what's on there :)04:41
sivangsounds , hrm, interesting :)04:41
=== enrico splashes sivang with a bucket of cold bits :)
sivangenrico: say, I dind't know mdz is there?04:43
sivangand bob2?04:43
enricosivang: and fabbione04:43
sivangI wonder if he met his wife from there ?04:44
enricono, no04:44
sivangwas kidding :)04:44
enricoThe channel started after last debconf04:44
enricoit's pretty new04:44
sivangah I see.04:44
sivangso mdz and fabbione probably are helping people to create pakcages there?04:45
enricothey are not much active there04:46
sivangeh I see, well they just love to lurk I suppose l-))))04:46
enricothey have been there since the channel has been created04:47
enricosivang: Simira was at the ubuntu conf, if you remember04:52
sivangah righ!04:53
_d4vidky all05:57
enricohello _d4vid !05:57
=== ick [~abelli@adsl-84-222-38-159.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
ickciao a tutti06:29
ickbelli e brutti06:29
abelliKinnison: Princeps06:34
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=== abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-38-86.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
abellienrico: tu quoque magister meo09:00
abellienrico: http://rubyforge.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=108209:00
abelliyou're out like a balcony09:00
abelliretake your self please09:00
enricoabelli: it happens09:01
abelliwhat about those messages, on erlug :pyblosxom09:02
abelliwhat is that, what an attitude09:02
_d4vidky all09:11
abelli_d4vid: ciao09:12
_d4vidabelli, ciao09:12

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