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enrico | hello. Anyone around? | 02:53 |
enrico | Who is around, please write "supercalifragilisticespiralidocious" and "cokadoodledoo" in the channel without misspellings | 02:54 |
enrico | I want to see names, so that I can contact whoever is active via private query to send the password to claim a big prize :) | 02:54 |
sivang | supercalifragilisticespiralidocious | 03:19 |
sivang | cokadoodledoo | 03:19 |
enrico | sivang: Ehy! Hello! Compliments! You win the prize, I'll query you now. | 03:20 |
enrico | The contest is still open for the others! | 03:20 |
enrico | sivang: you still there? Please confirm than I'm not completely joking, or I'll look like a crazy :) | 03:25 |
sivang | enrico: yes | 04:15 |
enrico | Well, it seems that it's only me and you active in the channel anyway :) | 04:17 |
sivang | enrico: well, that's a shame :-( I am acutally still busy with g-s-t, but try to be responsive for news update to the main site, | 04:19 |
sivang | and approach new people when they come here. | 04:19 |
enrico | what do you mean "news update"? | 04:23 |
sivang | when there are nice news to put on the main site , like the arstechnica awards that Kevin send etc.. | 04:23 |
enrico | Oh, so you are taking care of that? Cool!! | 04:23 |
sivang | the least I could do.. | 04:24 |
sivang | enrico: still here? | 04:44 |
sivang | enrico: I wonder where from you know how to spell those word.s.. | 04:45 |
enrico | I'm here | 04:46 |
enrico | you can use dict | 04:46 |
sivang | hehe ok | 04:46 |
enrico | and I probably have misspelt them, but I was so loud that noone (well you) didn't care to check :) | 04:47 |
sivang | yeah right, I thought the price was getting a job ;-) | 04:49 |
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khinester | hello | 08:39 |
khinester | i have setup an ubuntu server, but i am having difficulty in accessing the apache web directory via WEbDAV or FTP | 08:40 |
khinester | how do i set this up securely? | 08:40 |
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