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__timHi. Someone set up a rosetta translation effort/project for one of my programs. Now I'd like to grab some of the translation updates as .po files. This didn't require authentication or a user account last time I used it, but now does. So I try to sign up (join) and get my e-mail. However, the link sent just leads me to a 'this part of launchpad isn't ready yet' page12:05
carlos__tim: which URL did you got?12:06
carlosjust a minute12:07
__timdon't ask me why I blanked out the end, I don't really know myself ;)12:07
carlos__tim: don't worry, that's enough12:08
carlos__tim: could you create your account from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/join_form?12:10
carlosthe account is the same12:11
carloswe are just adding that feature to launchpad and it's not completely ready atm12:11
__timI'll try, thanks12:11
__timbtw, just some things I've come across so far with rosetta12:19
__timthere's a special msgid string "translator-credits", which should be filled with the names of the contributors to the translation separated by a newline automatically12:20
__timfor about dialogs etc.12:20
__timmany translators seem to just translate the string into their language instead of putting their name there12:20
__timand it's a pain if I have to edit the .po file every time to edit and add that info, if it could just as well be handled automatically by rosetta12:21
carlos__tim: hmm, it's an interesting feature to add to Rosetta12:21
dafgood point12:22
carlos__tim: could you file a bug report about it at launchapd.ubuntu.com/malone?12:22
dafspecifically, https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/products/rosetta :)12:22
__timI'll file the others there as well then ;)12:22
dafsure, go ahead :)12:22
dafthat's what it's for, after all12:22
__timdidn't know where to look12:22
dafno worrie12:23
daf* worries12:23
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
carlos__tim: also, there is a #rosetta channel in case you want to talk with other users12:32
__timcarlos: thanks12:34
__timI'm interested in rosetta mainly as a developer using the rosetta output, not so much as a translator to be honest :)12:35
carlos__tim: :-)12:36
lifelessdaf: do we have download-a-tarball-of-po's yet ?12:47
dafI think that might just be in production now12:48
dafI need to add links to it12:48
lifelesswhats the URL ?12:48
dafcurl https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/rosetta/products/foo/bar/+tar-export12:49
=== __tim is not sure whether "Report Bug on Upstream Product" is a good text to present to Joe and Jane Average user when filing a new bug --- do they really know or need to know what 'upstream' means?
dafhmm, I wonder if Brad is around12:54
dafbradb: ping12:54
dafstill a bit early for Canada12:54
dafbut if he's around later, I'm sure he'll be happy to discuss Malone with you12:54
carlos__tim: I think it's that way because malone also supports to file bugs against distribution packages12:55
carlosso it's a way to say: The bug is about that package from Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, etc.. or it's a problem of upstream12:55
lifelessdaf: yes it works, but its very slow01:00
carloslifeless: it's normal, until we get fixed the stream feature so we can start giving you the file while we are still creating it01:02
lifelesseven so, its still very slow ;001:03
spivHow slow is slow?01:03
carloslifeless: the .po files are created when you request them, as I said, it's normal01:03
spiv10 seconds?  a minute?  several minutes?01:04
lifelessspiv: ~ 5 minutes before the download started.01:04
spivThat's going to be a problem.01:04
carlosas I said, it's normal 01:04
lifelessits a 3mb tar01:04
carlosnot good, but normal01:04
spivWe only need four people doing that at once, and launchpad won't have any spare threads for servicing other requests for 5 minutes :)01:04
__timthanks again for the help01:06
lifelessand most folk are not as patient with a browser as I .01:06
=== __tim [~tim@dsl-217-155-195-89.zen.co.uk] has left #launchpad ["bye"]
dafincremental tar generation is blocking on a bug in Zope's HTTPResponse01:08
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dc|outSteveA: just out of curiosity, you guys are using slqos/sqlobject?04:26
=== dc|out is now known as dreamcatcher
dreamcatcheramazing. i suppose you're keeping a private copy, as i havent seen much patches04:36
SteveAi'll hassle the guys to send patches04:47
SteveAi think we've had some stuff accepted in sqlos04:47
dreamcatcheri've checked in one or two patches, there may be another one or two on the tracker04:48
dreamcatcheri remember now, i was waiting for your changes to z3 to fire a 'start transaction' event. did you ever get around to do that?04:55
SteveAnot yet04:57
SteveAstill using a kludge in that code04:58
=== faassen [~faassen@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #launchpad
dreamcatcherhey salty05:56
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=== bradb [~bradb@modemcable239.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
lifelessbradb: is launchpad down for you ?11:16
bradblifeless: it appears that it may be, yeah. what happened? it was fine a short while ago.11:21
lifelessI edited a preference.11:21
lifelessshould be back now.11:22
lifelesslooks like my usercode triggers a big honking bug.11:22
lifelessoh, here it goes again.11:23
lifelessdaf: ping11:23
lifelessdaf: when I add latin to my lp preferences, the entire system hangs11:28
lifelessbradb: have I killed it again?11:29
lifelessI think I have11:30
dafhmm, I can't reproduce it locally11:32
bradblifeless: seems to be dead, yeah11:33
bradbdaf: does this hit foaf at all?11:33
lifelessbradb: i can still kill it by editing a bug as well.11:33
lifelessI think its *me*11:34
dafyou must be special11:34
bradblifeless: yeah, it may be that same, scary problem.11:34
lifelessdude, this is really critical, I *cannot* use malone at all at the moment,.11:34
lifelessI presume its not your-fault but its pretty frustrating11:35
bradblifeless: indeed, i understand the severity of this. it's really difficult to debug without privileged access to production. maybe stub can take a crack at it when he gets here (which is presumably quite soon)11:35
dafbradb: I don't think the language view code touches any FOAF stuff, no11:36
lifelessyah, I'm still sick today, but I'll work with stub and see if we can get a handle on it.11:36
dafthere are two forms on that page, though, and the other one touches other attributes of Person11:36
bradbdaf: lifeless was able to swallow up launchpad in this way with Malone too. based on what we've currently see about how this behaviour can be made to happen, it's still pretty confusing.11:37
daffun fun!11:37
bradblifeless: FWIW, i just added Latin to "My languages" and saved on that screen. No hangage.11:38
lifelessok, you can do the bazaar latin translation then ;)11:38
lifelessdaf: so how is the welsh one coming ?11:38
lifelessand do you have klingon in rosetta ?11:39
dafsorry, dude, it's not high on my list11:39
dafonce I'm done with APT, dpkg and GNOME 2.10, I might give it some time11:39
dafklingon, hmm11:39
dafwe should do11:39
dafit has an ISO code, after all11:39
lifelessbah, how many people use gnome11:41
lifelessI mean, really?!11:41

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