
Stew2jpwain: Or it's a list of IP's you allow connection from, somewhere in the config12:00
jpwainStew2: Right, that's where I got hung up. Not sure where to look.12:00
lance_does the remote client have a firewall that is blocking the outbound ssh12:00
Stew2jpwain: Usually a .conf file in /etc.12:00
marcin_antError on file:///[myhomefolder] /.evolution/calendar/local/system: Can't save calendar data: Malformed URI12:00
jpwainNote this is a totally virgin install of openssh and so I haven't done any configuration12:00
jpwainStew2: I wouldn't have guessed that OpenSSH has that sort of setup (blocking external addresses by default) but i'll checked12:01
Stew2jpwain: I don't think I've used open-ssh, just whatever sshd is installed in ubuntu by default.12:01
marcin_antbut these entries are saved in calendar - I only need to click Ok on this error message12:01
jpwainThere is no sshd!12:01
Stew2jpwain: So I doubt it's a firewall issue.12:01
marcin_antcan anyone help me with this thing?12:01
Stew2jpwain: Really. Hmmm. I thought there was one installed by default.12:01
shockError on file:///[myhomefolder] /.evolution/calendar/local/system: Can't save calendar data: Malformed URI <--- bingo I have the very same error12:01
lance_as I recall from my ubuntu install, the ssh client was installed, but not the service.12:02
Stew2jpwain: Well, in that case, not the machine I'm on, but it is possible...12:02
shockno solution found so far12:02
jpwainI hunted around on the Ubuntu website and everything I read instructed to install openssh with apt-get12:02
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HrdwrBoBapt-get install ssh12:02
HrdwrBoBand it works12:02
Stew2jpwain: Don't know what I used. I didn't have to configure the sshd though to allow connections from outside the box.12:02
jpwainnot openssh?12:02
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shock<marcin_ant> make shure you tell me if you find a solution12:02
jpwainMaybe my problem was apt-getting openssh rather than just ssh12:02
Stew2jpwain: I'm using the term sshd generically. I don't know what the daemon service was I installed. It would have been something from synaptic.12:02
marcin_antshock: do you have the same problem?12:03
stephankHello. Is it safe to remove ubuntu-base or ubuntu-desktop? I'm trying to uninstall packages like emacs and mdadm which are dependencies apparently.12:03
shockalso in calendar12:03
shockwith appointments12:03
marcin_antyes and with tasks...12:03
shock(and my imap folders show up twice in list)12:03
Stew2PROBLEM: I got an error from X on this lousy box. It's (EE) Failed to load module "riva128" (module does not exist, 0).12:03
bob2Stew2: using hoary?12:04
Stew2bob2 Yup.12:04
Stew2bob2 Yes I am. :)12:04
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Stew2bob2 I'm using CTRL ALT F2, got IRSSI running so I can figure it out.12:05
Stew2bob2 Or so you can figure it out :)12:05
Stew2bob2 I downloaded an ISO last week of Hoary and burnt it. I did a fresh install on this box.12:05
Stew2bob2 I ran apt-get update, apt-get upgrade 5 minutes ago.12:05
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marcin_antshock: heh and when I'm trying to change something like task's status then it says that "Validation error: completed date is wrong"12:07
bob2then it's probably a bug12:07
shockI allready asken in the evolution list12:08
marcin_antshock: even though "Date completed" is None - because for example "Percent complete" is 10%12:08
shockevolution is truely *****ed12:08
Stew2bob2 What do I do? Some people suggested running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and I did, though that doesn't solve the problem. I get an dexconf error, unexpected end of file, line 52312:08
shockBut I absolutely need that application by now12:08
shockmaybe I revert back to mutt12:09
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Stew2bob2 Someone else said it's been fixed, to go for a walk or something. So I went to a friend's house, had a fun time, slept until 1pm and now I'm back.12:09
TheCanhi. where is the place to put options for modules in ubuntu?12:09
Stew2bob2 They said it should be available today. It was uploaded yesterday ... ?12:10
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Stew2I got X running by switching device to "Standard VGA"12:15
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Stew2Anyone have an idea as to why X comes up with a checkered background and an X for a cursor?12:17
Stew2That's the best I've been able to do so far with this Hoary distro.12:17
marcin_antshock: and what about this evolution list - any answer?12:18
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shocksome - I mailed some dude several output files12:18
shockhavent gotten anything so far12:18
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bob2Stew2: that means whatever else isn't running12:19
bob2ie gnome isn't starting12:19
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pantz_i am unsucessfully trying to mount a smb share in fstab - anyone able to help me out?12:19
pantz_here is my line - //gandalf/share /media/share    smbfs   credentials=/home/pantz/.samba,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,umask=002,noauto,users       0 012:20
jpwainStew2: I think I figured out the SSH thing12:20
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jpwainStew2: by default Ubuntu's portmapper only listens to localhost, so I believe I have to edit /etc/default/portmap12:21
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bob2portmap has nothing to do with ssh12:22
Stew2jpwain At some time on that box, I ran an iptables script. I don't know if that opened up those ports, etc or what. Possible.12:23
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Stew2bob2 Well, dunno what to do. Can I change my sources to warty and run apt-get update?12:24
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TheCannoone can tell me where to put options for modules in ubuntu? :( i need to pass a certain snd= option to the alsa driver12:25
jpwainbob2: is portmap not some network services filter of some sort?12:25
cavediverHi, what's the easisert way to restore grub if my MBR has been corrupt.12:25
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TheCancavediver, user grub-install12:25
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snowblinkjpwain: what are you trying to do?12:25
jpwainsnowblink: To get SSH running (so I can connect from remote locations)12:25
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cavediverTheCan: from where ? Assuming i have shut down the system.12:25
TheCancavediver, from the command line?12:26
zazeemanyone know the other linux os starts with an m, mepicks or something????????12:26
llamakcdid you install the openssh-server package?12:26
Stew2Where can I get a sources.list from ftp for Warty so I can take this broken &^ hoary distro and run warty on the box?12:26
jpwainllamakc: Yes, but I still can't connect from anywhere other than localhost12:26
snowblinkjpwain: apt-get openssh-server12:26
cavediverTheCan: My mistake. If mbr is corrupt and I can't boot my linux-partition12:26
zazeemany other good linux versions like ubuntu?12:26
jpwainsnowblink: I did; still can't connect from rmote locations12:27
llamakcis the sshd daemon running?12:27
snowblinkjpwain: /etc/init.d/ssh restart12:27
jpwainllamakc: I believe so; ps aux | grep ssh shows sshd12:27
jpwainsnowblink: I did reboot the machine too12:27
CAPTAIN_RONzazeem: Try BeatrIX @ watsky.net12:27
llamakcshows your grep and sshd, right?12:27
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CAPTAIN_RONYes it is a very trim down ubuntu12:28
jpwainllamakc: Yes12:28
snowblinkjpwain: ssh -vvv yourbox12:28
TheCancavediver, you need to boot externally via grub. like from grub-floppy or cdrom12:28
lance_jpwain, what you you get when you enter the comand "netstat -an | grep 22"12:28
jpwainlance_: Not sure -- I'm reinstalling Ubuntu now to see if I borked something there :)12:29
lance_jpwain: Just out of curiosity12:29
CAPTAIN_RONI am using it right now. I used ubuntu to learn on and beatrIX to use12:29
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jpwainCAPTAIN_RON: Does BeatrIX come with X and Gnome or is it nice and stripped down?12:29
cavediverTheCan: I've been looking for how to maka a grub-bootable cdrom but can't find it. Only floppies.12:29
snowblinkjpwain: where is it stopping?12:29
jpwainsnowblink: Not stopping; the install went fine both times12:30
CAPTAIN_RONX & nome ... you get what ever you want after that12:30
snowblinkjpwain: ssh -vvv yourbox12:30
snowblinkjpwain: where is it stopping?12:30
Cloudchaseri was just reading about BeatrIX...you like it? CAPTAIN_RON ?12:30
CAPTAIN_RONLeft out the G12:30
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jpwainsnowblink: I just wasn't able to connect via SSH after installing openssh12:30
marcin_anthmm another problem12:30
CAPTAIN_RONI love it12:30
Cloudchaseri'm trying out ProMepis at the moment..it has kde and gnome12:30
Cloudchaserubuntu live and gnoppix didn't work too well for me12:31
snowblinkjpwain: if you're running ssh in debug mode you can't see any output at all?12:31
marcin_antcould someone help me and tell how to do gprs connection12:31
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lance_jpwain: are you installing it as a virutal machine?12:31
jpwainlance_: No, just on an old P2 450mhz.12:31
marcin_antwith gprs modem connected via usb12:31
Cloudchaserthe ubuntu live cd's don't seem quit as compatible to my machines i guess12:31
CAPTAIN_RONI tried it too ... came back to BeatrIX because it lets you pick what you want.12:31
jpwainlance_: Everything else works great and I can ping external hosts etc so I know that's working12:31
Cloudchaseri'll have to download that and try it out..i'm trying out alot of them ;)12:32
Cloudchaseri'll pick the ones i like best and install them to hd12:32
marcin_antand this connection should be established automatically when pluggin this modem in12:32
marcin_antis this available to do something like this?12:32
lance_jpwain: I am curious to know if it is lisetening on port 22.12:32
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CAPTAIN_RONThat is if you do a hdd install. Next version will let you add to the live cd12:32
jpwainlance_: I will find out shortly. Reinstalling right now12:32
Cloudchaserknoppix is nice too, but just kde12:32
jpwainCAPTAIN_RON: How is the hardware support? Same as Ubuntu?12:32
snowblinkjpwain: why are you reluctant to ssh in debug mode?12:33
llamakcsnowblink is reinstalling the entire os?12:33
jpwainsnowblink: I would, but the machine is busy mid-install of Ubuntu12:33
llamakcsorry, jpwain.12:33
llamakcjpwain: why not just purge the files & reinstall openssh-server?12:33
CAPTAIN_RONIt uses everything that ubuntu has. But it is made up of different distros so it takes the best of all to make it small and fast12:34
jpwainllamakc: Because I was silly enough to try a Debian net-inst also... I feel Ubuntu has lots of features (Gnome, OO, etc) that I don't want or need12:34
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zazeemcan i install beatrix like any other os on hardrive ?? or does it need ubuntu?12:34
llamakcahh, so you are reinstalling debian or ubuntu?12:34
CAPTAIN_RONDinner... got to go12:35
jpwainllamakc: Reinstalling Ubuntu. The Debian distro didn't support my NIC12:35
jpwainBeatrIX sounds pretty sweet though12:35
llamakcdebian's linux26 boot option didn't support your card?12:35
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zazeemis beatrix easy to use and game compatible for linux games??12:36
jpwainI don't know anything about that option12:36
Stew2what do I run to pick screen options, resolution, colordepth in X?12:36
llamakcman the netinstaller for sarge has that. it installs a 2.6 kernel12:36
llamakcoh well, ubuntu will be fine12:36
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llamakcjust apt-get remove whatcha don't want12:36
jpwainI tried Debian net-inst because I wanted a more paired-down system... but with hardware support12:36
Stew2I've already run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'. It quits normally (I think) after writing DRI files.12:37
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jpwainStew2: Just edit the config files manually12:37
snowblinkStew2: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:37
Stew2jpwain: Isn't there some app to run that asks me ? I've already tried editing xorg.conf manually. I don't seem to get anywhere.12:37
jerM`needclanyo, i need help. i just downloaded ubuntu, and since im so rusty right now, i need help figuring what to burn to get this .iso CD correctly.12:37
llamakcwhat os you on jerM12:38
jpwainjerM`needclan: Any CD burning app will work. What OS do you run right now?12:38
Stew2I know there's a non-manual way to do it. I'm not a masochist on a diet.12:38
zazeemneedclan u burn the iso....12:38
zazeemopen nero12:38
jerM`needclanwell im on XP right now, but im gonna burn the iso CD and install it on my old eMachine computer that has knoppix-std on it12:38
zazeemburn imasge12:38
zazeemselect file12:38
jpwainStew2: Not sure. I thought Ubuntu comes with Xfree86, not x.org12:38
snowblinkjpwain: hoary does12:39
llamakcnah hoary has xorg12:39
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defilejpwain, Warty does, Hoary doesn't12:39
bitfooi must...speed up ubuntu :|12:39
jpwainWhich has what now?12:39
Stew2so what's the command to do a total configuration of the xserver part?12:39
jpwainWarty has x.org?12:39
snowblinkdefile: hedgehog yes, warthog no12:39
jerM`needclanits that the download made it file.rar so....it through me off, do i just burn it as image in nero or do i extract the files out of the .rar and then burn them as a image?12:39
zazeemwarty has free8612:39
llamakcStew2: if you run startx from the command line, what fails?12:39
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Stew2llmakc I've said it before so many lines back... lemme see if I can find it.12:40
llamakcsorry, just woke up12:40
Stew2PROBLEM: I got an error from X on this lousy box. It's (EE) Failed to load module "riva128" (module does not exist, 0).12:40
snowblinkjerM`needclan: burn the image of the ISO12:40
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llamakcok what card does lspci -v say you have?12:40
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Stew2llamakc Well, I know it has an integrated Riva128 AGP on the motherboard.12:41
llamakctry the ati driver?12:41
Stew2llamakc It doesn't seem to indicate what I have..12:42
Stew2llamakc Uh, it's an NVIDIA card. Not ati.12:42
CraneDo you guys feel hoary is stabe enough for server use?12:42
llamakctried the "nv" driver12:42
Stew2llamakc Riva128's came out right before the TNT.12:42
Cranekbrooks, no to me?12:42
Stew2llamakc: What's the configuration program to run from the shell?12:42
kbrooksCrane, yeah12:43
llamakcbut you can easily just edit that line. its one line to change12:43
zazeemdoes beatrix have synaptic package installer?12:43
CraneThats what I thought too, just wanted to get other opinions12:43
zazeem does beatrix have synaptic package installer?12:43
jpwainCan Beatrix be installed without X/Gnome is the question12:43
CraneDon't know12:44
zazeemwho cares its good :P12:44
llamakcStew2: I see the riva128.o module in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers12:44
Stew2Failed to load module riva128. Module does not exist (EE)12:44
CraneSeem like you could12:44
Cranethen remove gnome12:44
Stew2llamakc well, riva128.o is there.12:44
llamakcStew2: ls /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers | grep riva12:44
llamakcpost lspci -v to #flood12:45
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zazeemmepis  is awesome. try it omg12:45
llamakcStew2: the nv driver failed too?12:45
Cranemepis crashed hard on quake312:45
Stew2llamakc Wish I could. Since this hoary ISO crapped out I've just two shells running.12:46
zazeemwhat about enemy territory?????12:46
zazeemruns on new q3 engine12:46
Stew2llamakc I guess. It keeps saying it needs the riva128 driver and it can't find it.12:46
Stew2llamakc Is there a way to downgrade to warty?12:46
Stew2llamakc I don't have a disk.12:46
zazeemubuntu crashes q3 and et :/12:46
Cranedon't know about that I gave up trying12:46
zazeemand rtcw12:46
Craneubuntu run q3 great12:46
zazeemwtf wish it did for me12:47
zazeemwhats ur card?>12:47
zazeemnvidia fx 5200?12:47
Stew2llamakc I'm throwing this Hoary ISO disk in the trash.12:47
zazeemlol same12:47
CraneOS: Linux | CPU: AMD Athlon(TM) @ 1662.752 MHz | MemTotal: 906736 kB | Audio:  | Video:  | (eth0) Data Sent: 284963857 (271.7 MiB) | (eth0) Data Recivied: 2539791702 (2.3 GiB)12:47
Crane| Uptime: days | Load Average (15 Mins.): 0%12:47
llamakcdon't you need to comment out GLcore and dri in the Load section?12:47
Cranednag didn't show it12:47
CraneI play quake3 every night12:47
llamakcStew2: do this lspci -v | grep NV12:48
Cranesome enemy territory and urban terror12:48
zazeemcrane try enemy territory12:48
zazeemits free kicks super ass12:48
zazeemlike q3 but better imo12:48
zazeemww2 action :)12:48
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CraneIt's good just a little slower12:48
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Craneslower game play12:48
zazeemi like it sooo much12:49
GunlanceHello All12:49
Stew2llamakc Successfully deposited hoary disk where it belongs: In the trash.12:49
zazeemdidu try et on ubuntu?12:49
Cranewhat kind of errors doyou get from quake312:49
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Cranezazeem, yes12:49
zazeemi get umm12:49
zazeemhold on12:49
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llamakcStew2 gave up12:50
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zazeemcrane, http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread30981-1.html12:50
jpwainllamakc: So I should do "12:50
zazeemrun as root same prob LOL12:51
jpwainapt-get install openssh-server12:51
zazeemi think12:51
zazeemhow would u run et as root?12:51
zazeemsudo et?12:51
llamakcjpwain: yep12:51
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mebaran151anybody know a good Evolution replacement12:54
hybriddoes anyone know of a good rss reader for ubuntu12:54
mebaran151I am on AMD64 and Evolution is sort of dead12:54
bob2mebaran151: there isn't one12:54
bob2mebaran151: if it's broken, file a bug12:54
mebaran151it cant handle its floats12:54
mebaran151the bug has been filed12:54
mebaran151it is a pretty awful bug12:55
hybridmebaran151: mozilla thunderbird12:55
mebaran151when you start it up, it automatically generates a floats an exception12:55
mebaran151I need a contact manager12:55
mebaran151I dont really care about integration12:55
eruinevolution is just a tad too monolithic for my taste12:55
eruinthunderbird has an address book atleast12:55
mebaran151except I dont want it to rely on qt12:55
mebaran151KDE has a fine suite12:55
hybrideruin: yea it is real nice12:55
mebaran151but it is too huge12:55
eruinI might just be shot for this, but kde is too windowsish for me12:56
mebaran151I dont want the whole of the kde dependencies12:56
mebaran151KDE is too big; I like XFCE12:56
mebaran151it is gnome but tiny12:56
mebaran151I like tiny12:56
eruinxfce is juuust too smallish for me12:56
eruingnome is a biiiiiit too big12:57
TheCani find xfce not faster than gnome12:57
eruinso I use gnome :)12:57
llamakcjpwain: server working now?12:57
eruinI find myself using nautilus when in xfce anyway12:57
eruinsince the xfce filemanger is horrid12:57
mebaran151it isnt so bad12:57
mebaran151it does what I need it to do12:57
TheCanrox works fine in xfce i suppose12:57
mebaran151I tend to use xterm12:57
eruinit's like your typical kde app12:57
eruinbuttons ALL OVER12:57
mebaran151for all that sort of thing12:58
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eruingnome w/xfwm h ere12:58
eruinand aterm12:58
lance_jwain: whats the good word?12:58
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jpwainllamakc: Yes! It's working. My local machine has the wrong RSA key cached now though12:58
llamakcheh, delete it and you are good to go12:59
llamakcnow start using ssh-keys!12:59
jpwainJust delete it from ~/.ssh/known_hosts ?12:59
llamakcthat particular line, yep.12:59
snowblinkmebaran151: mutt?12:59
hybridis hoary hedgehog availiable for ppc yet12:59
zazeemhow do u get hoary is it just a upgrade?12:59
jpwainllamakc: Sweet! It's working. What is ssh-keys ?01:00
llamakclemme get you a link01:00
TheCani am using some package from hoary. is there some way to get back to the warthy version of it?01:00
TheCanso to say, downgrade?01:00
hybridzazeem: ?01:00
llamakci connect from my desktop to my server with keys lanside only01:00
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llamakcso when i ssh from desktop to server with ssh server, the key does authentication and i don't got to type no stinkin pw01:01
snowblinkjpwain: then onto ssh-agent01:01
jpwainllamakc: Pretty much the only thing I'll be using this Ubuntu box for is an SSH tunnel... so with ssh-keys I could just start something like [ssh -D 8888 hostname.com]  and boom, it'll go without me needing to enter a password?01:02
llamakcthat is possible, yep01:02
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linkhey guys01:02
llamakcyou put your id_dsa.pub appended to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys201:02
jpwainI see01:02
llamakcmakes scp'ing files easy peasy01:03
linkdoes anyone know what the libvga deb package is offhand01:03
linkaptitude under libraries01:03
linki looked and couldnt find it there01:03
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jpwainsnowblink: I see there's an app for OS X (which I'm using here) called SSH Agent that appears to manage ssh-keys and such. Is that what you meant?01:04
linki dont really like that program, where would i go to find such things as these libraries01:04
jpwainAlso how do I change the runlevel in ubuntu so X doesn't start?01:05
Dreamer3jpwain: have you tried the forms?01:05
jpwainLooking now01:05
snowblinkjpwain: dunno on mac os x01:05
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linkwhere would i go to find libraries to download01:06
linki know this is such a noob question but damn01:06
Dreamer3link: why do you need this libvga?01:06
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link=o) fer a game01:06
linkquake one to be exact01:06
dudisnt that libsvga?01:07
linkit says /fuhquake.svga: error while loading shared libraries: libvga.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:07
linkyeah i guess os01:08
llamakcwell i dunno if ubuntu has a web front for package content searching or if synaptic does it01:08
GunlanceI was just wondering..is there like an automatic updater for Ubuntu? Because I looked on the site and didn't really see a place to dl updates.01:08
llamakcbut debian has package searching online01:08
llamakcand the package is svgalib101:09
linkahhh yeah the debian site duh. should have thought of that01:09
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LinuxJonesGunlance, in Hoary there is one, then there is always apt-get + cron01:10
dudyou could use apt-cache search string01:10
seth_ubuntuHas anyone had any luck playing shn "music files" with ubuntu01:10
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=== Dreamer3 wonders wtl shn in
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GunlanceYeah..this machine is to old to run hoary all that well and this is my second day with a Linux OS lol so i have no idea what you mean by "apt-get + cron" that like a command for the terminal01:11
JoaoMarcusIs config_net_radio enabled always disabled in ubuntu kernels?01:11
LinuxJonesGunlance, 1 sec I will get you a link01:11
Gunlance(I am on i386 Warty 4.10 install)01:11
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JoaoMarcusenabled always disabled -> always disalbed01:11
raydoggdoes k3b require kde ?01:12
=== jpwain Why are there 4 filtered ports open on a stock Ubuntu install?
Riddellraydogg: no, only kdelibs01:12
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jpwain22/tcp   open     ssh01:12
jpwain81/tcp   filtered hosts2-ns01:12
jpwain3128/tcp filtered squid-http01:12
raydoggis that what most ubuntu users would use ?01:12
jpwain3141/tcp filtered vmodem01:12
jpwain6969/tcp filtered acmsoda01:12
thenukeGunlance: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/  great guide for newbies and others01:12
JoaoMarcusI guess I will have to get the whole kernel source just to compile CONFIG_NET_RADIO into it01:12
raydoggRiddell, is that what most ubuntu users use ?01:13
linkyeah i found it01:13
LinuxJonesGunlance, >> http://ubuntuguide.org/#autoupdate << you should read the whole guide BTW lots of great stuff :)01:13
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Riddellraydogg: seems to be01:13
thenukeGunlance: there is also manua / automagic updating in the first sections01:13
linkin aptitude under libraries libsvga101:13
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thenukeGunlance: you can do that manual updating also within the gui, look for synaptic somewhere in the menus01:14
Dreamer3anyone here a former gentoo user?01:14
GunlanceYou talking about the unofficial guide 4.10? Or is there one that came with the OS somewhere01:14
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hybridcan you apt-get to mono or dotgnu?01:15
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kbrooksHow do I configure apache01:15
thenukehttp://www.ubuntuguide.org  states, Unofficial Ubuntu 4.10 Starter Guide01:15
thenukekbrooks: apache should have good documents with it01:16
llamakchybrid: you can apt-cache search for it01:16
JoaoMarcusDId anyone here have wireless enabled in warty?01:16
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pvhIs dexconf broken?01:18
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Xirdnehanyone knows where i can find zlib1g, cant find it! damn01:21
linkok now its askin me fer libz.so01:22
mebaran151Dreamer3: I am01:22
Dreamer3mebaran151: happier?01:22
mebaran151I never quite got Gentoo to work right01:22
mebaran151had a different set of problems01:23
Dreamer3well, how's ubuntu...?01:23
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151Gentoo was a bit too hardcore01:23
toresbeGentoo isn't hardcore01:23
toresbeit's just... stupid01:23
mebaran151Ubuntu is like Debian except with a bit more cohessiveness01:23
mebaran151Gentoo is hardcore too me01:23
Dreamer3mebaran151: *nods*01:23
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Dreamer3toresbe: depends on what you want to learn :) it _taught_ me a lot01:23
toresbetrue, that (The debian thing)01:23
toresbeDreamer3: Pff.01:23
mebaran151because you have to do everything01:23
Dreamer3toresbe: i finally go tired of the endless download/compile/download routine though01:24
Dreamer3mebaran151: i'd so LFS once if i ever had the time :)01:24
mebaran151Dreamer3: I learned alot too01:24
toresbeDreamer3: I doubt that... but I don't have time right now ;)01:24
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mebaran151Gentoo was a bit to intermediate01:24
mebaran151if I wanted to compile anything01:24
=== necromancer_ NOtte a tutti
mebaran151I might as well use LFS01:24
Dreamer3mebaran151: oh come on, gentoo is NOT LFS :)01:24
mebaran151it isnt01:24
linkdo you think its refering to libzvt2.0-001:24
mebaran151it is just very time consuming01:25
mebaran151LFS is very very very hardcore01:25
mebaran151Gentoo was my first distro01:25
mebaran151which was a stupid way to start01:25
mebaran151which might be why it seems hardcore to me01:25
Dreamer3mebaran151: gentoo was the first distro i stuck with more than 2 weeks :)01:25
mebaran151Dreamer3: only because that was the compile time :)01:25
Dreamer3but i came in with a lot of windows sys admin experience and a lot of bad experience with Redhat and others01:25
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Dreamer3mebaran151: nah, took 2 or 3 days (going slow) to get it all setup to my liking01:26
mebaran151Dreamer3: yeah01:26
PuGzi just updated to the latest version of alsa-base and alsa-utils... where has the alsaconf script gone?01:26
mebaran151it isnt that long true01:26
PuGzmy sound does not work corrently01:26
mebaran151but I ended up stabilizing on Debian01:26
mebaran151Really Debian01:26
mebaran151the Debian that everyone said was incredibly hard to install01:27
Dreamer3mebaran151: what a joke01:27
Dreamer3mebaran151: i don't know of anything easier to install than Debian01:27
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mebaran151I know01:27
Dreamer3mebaran151: provided you can do partitioning and stuff01:27
HrdwrBoBmebaran151: that's really a hangup from the days of old01:27
pvhmebaran151: a live cd01:27
pvhmebaran151: installation is a physical process. :)01:27
mebaran151I dont know what they were talking about01:27
mebaran151I had no trouble01:27
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pvhWhy might my ncurses programs look like they're printing to the wrong terminal type?01:28
mebaran151I am wondering why all my wxwidgets programs still rely on the old wxwidgets01:28
mebaran151it is so annoying01:28
mebaran151I want the nice GTK 2.0, gtk 1.2 was such ugly01:29
hybridi installed ubuntu b/c it was the quickest thing i could get on ppc01:29
hybridand i like it01:29
mebaran151Ubuntu is nice01:29
mebaran151I also like the fact01:29
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mebaran151that if I ever want to get involved01:29
dbt`veritashybrid: are you on a pb?01:29
mebaran151they have small teams01:29
hybriddbt`veritas: no an ibook01:30
mebaran151but MacOS is so pretty ;)01:30
mebaran151I like the MacOS01:30
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mebaran151it is looks nice01:30
hybridNO WAY01:30
mebaran151it does01:30
mebaran151it looks really nice01:30
mebaran151everything vectorized01:30
mebaran151but I have never really used it01:30
davixhow can i change my ubuntu kernel?01:31
mebaran151I am on PC01:31
mebaran151davix: install a new one01:31
=== Dreamer3 nods
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hybridmebaran: loox are decieving it has like a limited unix enviroment01:31
mebaran151well I never got in the deep recesses01:31
davixmebaran151, ok, and what about viewing my kernel error log?01:31
timlinuxAnother thing I wanted to know is what package to install to get skype 1.0.x to work - I get this error on start:aps02ts@ubuntu:~ $ skype01:31
timlinuxskype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:31
mebaran151davix: all the logs in /var/log01:32
snoopdoggi need help?01:32
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mebaran151named pretty easily01:32
mebaran151to figure out01:32
mebaran151but also01:32
hybridmebaran: i wanted to learn unix so i got os x but it didnt teach me much so thats why i am at ubuntu01:32
mebaran151you can run dmesg for boot mesgs01:32
snowblinktimlinux: did you download the static version?01:32
hypa7iahybrid: that's exactly what i did too :-)01:32
timlinuxsnowblink not I followed hints on ubuntu forum - using alien to convert rpm to deb01:33
hybridnd i put ubuntu on here b/c my said i wasnt elite enuff to01:33
hybridhypa7ia: kewl01:33
snoopdoggi need help?01:33
davixwhat do these lines say: Feb  1 02:07:22 Lenna kernel: acpi: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_unregister_performance01:33
davixFeb  1 02:07:22 Lenna kernel: acpi: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_register_performance01:33
snowblinktimlinux: follow the ubuntuguide (but get the newer skype)01:33
LinuxJonestimlinux, that's some xscreensaver library01:34
Gunlanceok wow that was fun...so i followed the guide and stuff but how does it autoupdate?01:34
timlinuxsnowblink, what is the url for that? I thought I was following ubuntu guide when I did it first time :-(01:34
timlinuxLinuxJones, oh? hrmm...01:34
snowblinktimlinux: see topic01:35
mebaran151just use the skype tarball01:35
mebaran151it is more generic01:35
timlinuxheh ok sorry missed htat01:35
mebaran151and you can take it static if you like01:35
mebaran151but I cant use it anymore01:35
mebaran151on AMD6401:35
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mebaran151in a pure AMD64 environment01:35
timlinuxok will do01:35
Jezechellecan anyone point me in the direction of an fstab tutorial?01:35
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mebaran151man fstab01:35
davixFeb  1 02:07:22 Lenna kernel: acpi: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_register_performance?01:35
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mebaran151davix: I get those, too.  I am no expert, but I think that it is not a big deal, just the kernel cant load that command to the ACPI01:36
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mebaran151kind of like the unsupported feature list so it can keep track01:36
ivansome one knows how can i see the ssh connection to my computer...and info about this?01:36
Gwildori am looking for the absolute lightest .avi player01:37
davixmebaran151, what does it mean, that i have no acpi or that its malfunctioning?01:37
jasonfwhenever I load my ubuntu, it takes about 15 seconds for grub to come up (it says "grub, loading stage 2" and stays there for 15 seconds before I get a menu)01:38
jasonfany ideas on how to speed it up?01:38
jerM`needclan(18:18:38) (jerM`needclan) hey01:38
jerM`needclan(18:18:48) (jerM`needclan) i just burned the iso and loaded up emachine01:38
jerM`needclan(18:18:57) (jerM`needclan) i couldnt get comp to boot with so cd01:38
jerM`needclan(18:19:07) (jerM`needclan) so i put in knoppix cd and its loading u now01:38
jerM`needclan(18:19:27) (jerM`needclan) when i get on knoppix, i doubt if i put in the ubuntu cd in, it would auto-detect it and install :/01:38
jerM`needclan(18:19:31) (jerM`needclan) what should i do01:39
jerM`needclanno, didnt want to retype01:39
jasonfthat's still 6 lines with no break.01:39
Gwildorsame thing01:39
jerM`needclanmy ba then01:39
dbt`veritasjerM: you own01:39
=== Dreamer3 wonders why that'd couldn't be one line
jerM`needclani burned upuntu01:39
=== Dreamer3 shrugs.
=== Dreamer3 laughs
jerM`needclanand need to know how to get it to install on Knoppix01:39
pvhAre the ATI drivers that come with Ubuntu hoary working?01:40
Gwildorumm, that really doesnt make sence01:40
Dreamer3jerM`needclan: why won't the ubuntu cd boot?01:40
PuGzwhy doesnt alsaconf come with the latest version of alsa-utils? how am i supposed to set up my alsa?01:40
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Dreamer3PuGz: dunno, try looking at changelogs?01:40
jerM`needclanDreamer3: cause i have to use a knoppix CD to boot to get onto anything :(01:41
Dreamer3jerM`needclan: and why doesn't the ubuntu cd boot?01:41
Gwildorubuntu will install OVER knoppix, actually, it will remove everything related to knoppix, unless you left yourself enuff room01:41
jerM`needclanwhen i turn ont he other comp it looks for Floppy or CD and if neither are the knoppix boot, it doesnt do anything until Press Any Key01:41
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Dreamer3jerM`needclan: then you burned a bad ubunut cd...01:41
jerM`needclanlet me restart cause it being gay and not opening cdrom right now lol01:41
Gwildori am looking for the absolute lightest .avi player01:41
jerM`needclanso i cant get ubuntu cd in at all LOL01:42
Dreamer3jerM`needclan: or your cdrom is crap01:42
PuGzDreamer3, cheers01:42
=== Dreamer3 yawns.
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lyyi'm logged in as root, but want to read a mozilla profile from another user's profile. How do i do this?01:43
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Dreamer3lyy: ? that's kinda vague01:43
piratePenguinhow do I get drivers for my lexmark p707 printer? Its not listed on http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi :s01:43
Dreamer3or maybe it's too specfic... *head spins*01:44
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hypa7ialyy: ln /root/.mozilla /home/<user>/.mozilla might work01:44
lyyDreamer3: hmm01:44
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=== hypa7ia offers Dreamer3 some tea
jerM`needclanwhy are you talking in 3rd person :-/01:44
Dreamer3hypa7ia: thanks01:44
lyyDreamer3: no, thta's not what i dead in mind01:44
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lyyDreamer3: want to go about it in a fashion such thta i become that user in a way01:45
=== Dreamer3 idesn't talking in third person
=== jerM`needclan is now known as JeRM
Dreamer3lyy: just be that user and quit using root to run mozilla01:45
Dreamer3lyy: that's bad01:45
lyyDreamer3: i guess you don't know01:45
=== Dreamer3 laughs
lyy16:41  * Dreamer3 laughs01:46
Dreamer3if i didn't i wouldn't tell until i understdoo that was a good idea what you're doing01:46
=== Dreamer3 doesn't try and promote bad security with friends, strangers ro clients.
rellikarg....  when I plug my ipod into the computer why doesn't it do anything?  it used to put the device /dev/sda and put stuff into syslog..  now it doesn't seem to do anything :(01:46
jasonfwhenever I load my ubuntu, it takes about 15 seconds for grub to come up (it says "grub, loading stage 1.5" and stays there for 15 seconds before I get a menu) -- any idea on how to speed it up?01:46
snowblinkrellik: do you have all the modules loaded?01:46
Dreamer3jasonf: weird01:46
relliksnowblink, far as I know..  I haven't changed anything I think since it used to work01:47
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davixwhat good mp3 player can i install to ubuntu?01:47
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Rochadavix, ubuntu already has rhythmbox01:47
RochaVery good music player01:48
davixit dosent support mp3s01:48
JeRMemachine is being gay now01:48
Rochadavix, yes it does01:48
JeRMwont let me open CDrom when booted01:48
davixwhy do i get this error whenever i load the synaptic package manager: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)?01:48
Rochadavix, let me help you...01:48
davixplease do Rocha01:48
davixi would appriciate it much :)01:48
Rochadavix, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/01:49
Rochabookmark that website please01:49
JeRMi need a closepin to manually open my cdrom lol01:49
RochaEverytime you have any question, search that site.01:49
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goldfishI have installed ubuntu recently and when it boots up it is just freezing at the cream screen, no logon appears or anything, I can boot into recover mode but not full mode, I am completely new to linux and I have no idea what to do.01:49
davixRocha, you were sending me to rtfm the nice way, werent you?01:49
Rochadavix, nop01:49
hypa7iagoldfish: what kind of graphics card do you have?01:49
davixRocha, :)01:50
snowblinkrellik: try restarting hotplug01:50
Rochadavix, just bookmark it because most of your questions are answered there.01:50
goldfishhypa7ia: nvidia geforce 5550 128 mb01:50
jirwinI was wondering how I could change, or even better update firefox to version 1.0?01:50
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Rochadavix, use synaptic to install libmad01:50
jirwinI couldn't get it to quite work with synaptic01:50
goldfishI ran the live cd and that worked fine.01:50
Rochadavix, the codecs for mp301:50
Rochayou can't play mp3 in ubuntu because it's a proprietary sound format01:50
mebaran151why is mad better than mgp12301:50
Rochadavix, add the universe, and multiverse repositories too01:51
davixRocha, synaptic gives me this error: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory). i think it started when i checked the universe boxes01:51
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RochaHmmm, strange01:52
snowblinkdavix: sudo apt-get update01:52
Rochadavix, reload the package list01:52
hypa7iagoldfish: the warty livecd and install cd's are completely different.  what stage of the boot process does it stop at?01:52
Rochadavix, that option is on the menu bar somewhere i think01:52
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Rochadavix, "reload package list"01:52
davixi did it from terminal01:52
davixlike snow said01:53
goldfishhypa7ia: ah k, well everything boots up fine, no errors, then the cream screen pops up, and it freezes there, the ubuntu logo or nothing pops up.01:53
davixits working01:53
jirwinhow can I update firefox to 1.0?01:53
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stuNNedjirwin: use *unstable* backports, i don't recommend it.01:53
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relliksnowblink, no luck (I'01:53
relliksnowblink, no luck (I've even rebooted the dang machine)01:54
hypa7iagoldfish: afraid i can't help you with that :-/01:54
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goldfishhypa7ia: np, cheers01:54
goldfishguess i'll just smash up my machine01:54
jirwinstuNNed, can I change my default browser than?01:54
snowblinkrellik: is it definitely not mounting? Does the iPod say disconnect OK straight away?01:55
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jirwinstuNNed, I found preferred applications under desktop prefs, but that didn't have any effect01:55
stuNNedjirwin: sure, i think epiphany is avail, which is nice, or mozilla greater01:55
relliksnowblink, it isn't even close to mounting...  hotplug isn't even making a dev (/dev/sda) for it..  and the ipod screen never shows that it has connected to a computer..01:56
jirwinbut you wouldn't even recommend downloading the latest version of firefox, and running it that way?01:56
davixRocha, i have to be stupied, i swear. i just install libmad (actually reinstalled, just in case) and yet the music player says it lacks plugins to play mp3s01:56
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shockactually i am running a complete hoary system *g*01:56
shockam happy with it... minor glitches are to be expec ted and do happen, though01:57
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jirwinshock, ???01:58
robodexI've got a silly ubuntu/wine-related question... has anyone successfully gotten nero (or CloneCD) to work under wine? =\01:58
hypa7iahoo boy i doubt it01:58
robodexI need something that burns .ccd and .bin files01:58
hypa7iathere is a way to do that01:58
hypa7ia.cue you mean, right?01:58
robodexerr yeah01:58
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robodex.cue (.bin) and .ccd (.img) files01:59
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Rochadavix, let me check what packages do you need01:59
rellikrobodex, for bin/cue I've always converted to iso...  (yeah it sucks)01:59
robodexheh, doesn't work for the media I'm burning to01:59
robodexI worded that wrong01:59
snowblinkrellik: sorry can't help more. I'm using a 2G iPod Firewire.01:59
robodexjust doesn't work :X01:59
relliksnowblink, k, thanks anyway :)01:59
robodexconverted/burned it fine, but CD didn't work after burning02:00
rellikrobodex, you can convert bin/cue to iso, then use any linux CDR program to write it to CD02:00
robodexit's a playstation game :X02:00
moyogoi'm getting this nasty bug when i swith my mouse to left-handed02:00
hypa7iarobodex: sudp apt-get install bchunk02:00
davixtnx Rocha02:00
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socommYou guys know any repo that has xfce 4.2.0?02:01
Rochadavix, it's "gstreamer-mad" that you need, not just libmad, sorry02:01
Rochaubuntu uses gstreamer by default, instead of xine02:01
robodexsocomm: there's a howto on the forum that will install it... it's very helpful, I'm running xfce atm :p02:01
socommrobodex: Link?02:01
lavigjhey guys, quick input... I just put reiser on a 250GB harddrive, is it normal for the formatting to take 17GB?02:02
robodexlemme find it02:02
socommrobodex: Okay, thanks.02:02
wk1989can anyone here get VLC to play a wmv file?02:02
aethyrlavigj: you're probably just victim of HDD manufacturer's number-game02:02
goldfishlavigj: i got a 200 wd drive and the formatting took 14gb02:02
socommwk1989: You'll need the win32 codecs.02:02
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wk1989I have the win32 codec02:03
lavigjaethyr: could be. goldfish ok, I wasn't sure for reiser how much was normal. if this was a windows fs I would not even think twice02:03
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pvhIs there somewhere I can find the list of current bugs in Hoary?02:03
aethyri.e. it's 250,000,000,000 bytes, which is really 250,000,000,000/1024 GB02:03
robodexhmm I guess I'll try binchunk02:03
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socommpvh: bugzilla02:03
lavigjaethyr: yeah, I follow what you meant02:03
HrdwrBoBgoldfish: 'formtting' ?02:03
wk1989but there's only audio, no video02:03
HrdwrBoBgoldfish: the 200gb drive is not 200gbv02:03
socommpvh: bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org02:03
helphey guys whats a good refresh02:03
robodexsocomm: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1281202:03
HrdwrBoBgoldfish: you have been deceived by the hard drive manufacturer02:03
lavigjaethyr: I could check to be sure, I just wondered if that sounded feasible02:03
helpto set in xconfig02:04
helpits low now i set it low02:04
LinuxJoneshelp, 70+ vetical refresh is ok02:04
helphow do i set higher??02:04
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davixthat is it! i give up02:04
davixno mp3s on ubuntu for me02:04
socommrobodex: Thanks, I really appreciate it.02:04
link_yeah me neither02:04
lavigjaethyr: actually, fdisk shows it as being 250059350016 bytes. :)02:04
LinuxJonesdavix, did you check the www.ubuntuguide.org  site ?02:04
HrdwrBoBdavix: sudo apt-get install gstramer0.8-mad02:04
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davixi did02:05
lavigjaethyr: goldfish - thanks for your input though.02:05
wk1989i extraced the codec to /usr/lib/win3202:05
wk1989but it doesn't work02:05
aethyrlavigj: which means it should be (according to my calculations) 244141 MB, a difference of ~16+ GB02:05
helplinuxjones, this is what i have and my screen looks strange...ection "Monitor"02:05
froustHas anyone sucessfully got the ati drivers working in amd64/hoary?02:05
lavigjaethyr: ah, inded you are right. :: shrugs :: it is still a massive drive. good to know that reiser is not that inefficient02:05
mike_douglasAny been able to ghost Ubuntu with Norton Ghost? I tried to restore an image and Grub won't start02:05
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socommhelp: You should check what refresh rates your monitor supports.02:06
LinuxJoneshelp, use www.pastebin.ca then post the link :) That seems to look ok02:06
helpno it looks horible lines running up02:06
helpwas at like 160 lol02:06
helphow do i see what my monitor supports02:06
stpereis there any custom duties on the free CD shipping?02:06
lavigjaethyr: actually, it woudl be 233GB, which is what df-h is showing02:07
lavigjaethyr: thanks though02:07
lavigjaethyr: you reminded me of the right place to check02:07
LinuxJoneshelp, you can check the maual or google and do a search02:07
davixoh ok02:07
LinuxJoneshelp, yeah for your monitor02:07
helphow do i reset to defauly cfg?02:08
davixnow i read the f*cking manual02:08
davixand i did what it said02:08
helpwhats your s set to linux?02:08
aethyrlavigj: sorry, my math = suck ;)   you get the idea02:08
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link_hey guys do you know what libz.so02:08
mebaran151vlc doesnt use the w32codecs02:08
mebaran151you have to use xine or something02:08
lavigjaethyr: actually your math was right on. when you take it one more /1024 for the GB you get 232.8802:08
LinuxJoneshelp, did you edit the file manually ?02:08
lavigjaethyr: thanks for reminding me of that though02:08
lavigjaethyr: you were righ ton what the deal was02:09
mebaran151can I convert ext3 to reiserfs safely02:09
mebaran151or reiser402:09
helpcan i just reinstall nvidia drivers?02:09
helpwill that reset it?02:09
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link_is it comes up when i try and run fahquake02:09
link_some library somewhere not found02:09
LinuxJoneshelp, look in the /etc/X11/ directory and see if there is an XF86Config-4 file with a ~ at the end that's hopefully a backup02:09
davixgreat thing about linux, now it's playing, but i can't hear any sounds at all, even crackling would do for me.02:10
helpk lol02:10
stperesomeone know?02:10
HrdwrBoBdavix: run alsamixer02:10
helpya theres on e that says backup02:10
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HrdwrBoBensure the main and pcm are nto muted02:10
HrdwrBoBusing 'm'02:10
helphow do i apply?02:10
robodexanyway, another question: are there any other window managers that work well with ubuntu?02:11
LinuxJoneshelp, so the file is there ?02:11
HrdwrBoBrobodex: any you like02:11
robodexI'm trying to find the best one for me... so far it's xfce02:11
helpyes it doesnt hace a ~02:11
mebaran151robodex: probably blackbox and icewm02:11
helpbut says backup at end02:11
mebaran151or anything02:11
mebaran151oh help02:11
socommlink_: zlib02:11
mebaran151just change it02:11
robodexI think I'm going to try icewm02:11
mebaran151I didnt like icewm02:11
mebaran151as much as I like XFCE02:11
socommlink_: Look it up on your favorite search engine.02:11
link_ok thats zlibc right02:12
link_im looking on the debian page02:12
helphow do i apply the default one linuxjones?02:12
LinuxJoneshelp, ok type mv /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4-MyBackup02:12
link_or zlib1g02:12
davixHrdwrBoB, alsa is runing, i think02:13
JeRMomg i need so much help02:13
robodexgonna go play playstation games, cya later02:13
JeRMi have burned ubuntu to cd as iso02:13
socommlink_: Should be one of those.02:13
JeRMbut ont he computer it has Knoppix02:13
robodexwow I didn't realize xchat did /amsg accross tabs...02:13
robodexoh well02:13
JeRMand all of a sudden that computer is being gay and wont oen cdrom, so i cant get the ubuntu CD in it since i have to use the cdrom to boot into knoppix02:13
LinuxJoneshelp, then do type mv /etc/X11/XF86Config-4-backup (or whatever the backup file name actually is) /etc/X11/XF86Config-402:14
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rellikI'm having problems with hotplug/usb/kernel/??? this is from my dmesg: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ylrNuc50.html...  2 of my USB things work but the 3rd (ipod) doesn't ...  any ideas as to what to do?02:18
hypa7iaJeRM: try a paperclip02:18
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yaarghi everyone02:18
davixHrdwrBoB, how do i know if alsa is runing?02:18
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raphaIf I want to try out Hoary, which CD image should I download?02:19
zazeemlinuxjones, that just killed ubuntu :'(02:19
zazeemim in win now02:19
zazeemnow i can only be in console :(02:19
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LinuxJoneszazeem, what ?02:20
zazeemhow do i load the x86free-4 cfg? or wtvr02:20
zazeemthat cmd u gave me killed it02:20
zazeemi cant login to any colored stuff just in console :(02:20
zazeemno screens lol02:20
zazeemny way to load last one02:20
zazeemor get x86 again02:20
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LinuxJoneszazeem, what does ls /etc/X11/XF86Config* output ?02:20
zazeemor do i have to reinstall?02:20
zazeemumm dunno....?02:21
zazeemim in windows atm02:21
LinuxJoneszazeem, type it in console02:21
LinuxJoneszazeem, argh02:21
zazeemk anything else to type?02:21
zazeemill write down02:21
zazeemls /etc/X11/XF86Config*?02:21
HrdwrBoBdavix: if alsamixer works02:21
HrdwrBoBthen alsa is fine02:21
zazeemthats it or outpu to?02:21
raphaarray3 or today's build?02:22
LinuxJoneszazeem, you need to move the /etc/X11/XF86Config-backup file or whatever that name was to XF86Config-4 (the one that was in that directory before you moved anything)02:22
zazeemi didnt move anything02:23
zazeemi typed what u said wtvr backup and it died lol02:23
LinuxJones zazeem  , then do type mv /etc/X11/XF86Config-4-backup (or whatever the backup file name actually is) /etc/X11/XF86Config-402:23
zazeemwhats that do02:23
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raphaI'll get the daily build02:24
raphaG'night everybody!02:24
shockok - now to really improve my desktop I need some kewl space-shipy pictures02:24
link_hey will the fedora 3 rpm work if i tryto install it on ubuntu, its just a library02:24
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LinuxJoneszazeem, it's easier to re-install (20 mins) or try to booting back and forth from Linux to Windows to try to fix it (2 hours)02:24
DeanGI've installed the VNC via synaptics, can someone URL me to server setup directions?02:24
davixHrdwrBoB, what can cause sound not to work other then hardware problems (rulling that out since with windows my soundcard did good)02:24
HrdwrBoBlink_: what library02:24
zazeemwell ill lose everything02:24
shockLink ? why would you want to do that?02:25
zazeemagain :'(02:25
zazeemthats gay02:25
link_its zlib02:25
zazeemno way to re get x8602:25
LinuxJoneszazeem, if your Linux install is working ok then leave it alone :D02:25
zazeemapt-get or something?02:25
shocker ?02:25
LinuxJoneszazeem, do you know your hardware ?02:25
zazeemubuntu was till i typed that in02:25
shockwhats the problem?02:25
zazeemdunno ask linux02:26
JeRMzazeem lol02:26
JeRMhavin linux problems yourself :P02:26
zazeemi edited my x86 cfg and then typed something linux said in it killed ubuntu lol now i can only use console shit :(02:26
shockzazeem - are you running xorg?02:26
zazeemya lol02:26
shockoder xfree02:26
shocktry running xfree86config02:26
LinuxJoneszazeem, open the xf86config file in Linux console and read what it says about modifying your xf86config by hand. Then dpkg-reconfigure zserver-xfree8602:26
pantz_i am unsucessfully trying to mount a smb share in fstab - anyone able to help me out?02:27
shockor whatever it might be called02:27
pantz_here is my line - //gandalf/share /media/share    smbfs   credentials=/home/pantz/.samba,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,umask=002,noauto,users       0 002:27
LinuxJoneszazeem, err make that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8602:27
zazeemopen how i am onlyt in csole02:27
Rochadavix, mp3 working?02:27
link_HrdwrBoB: im tring to install zlib02:27
zazeemill try that02:27
zenroxpantz_,  put a space after your dir and semove the peroid02:27
LinuxJoneszazeem, nooo02:27
rellikwhat's a good hardware channel?02:28
LinuxJoneszazeem, nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 read, write down what it says, follow the commands, then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8602:28
zenroxpantz_, like this ->>>02:28
zazeemtheres no way to reinstall xfree/02:28
snowblinkLinuxJones: man XF86Config-4?02:28
zenroxpantz_, like this ->>>  //gandalf/share /media/share    smbfs   credentials=/home/pantz/.samba uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,umask=002,noauto,users       0 002:28
zazeemya 402:28
LinuxJonessnowblink, ??02:29
HrdwrBoBlink_: err zlib ==libz02:29
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snowblinkLinuxJones: might be easier if he doesn't know how to use a pager02:29
HrdwrBoBlink_: zlib1g02:29
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HrdwrBoBthere you go02:29
HrdwrBoBapt-get install zlib1g02:29
HrdwrBoBwhat is the problem?02:29
LinuxJonessnowblink, actually it's easier if he re-installs 20 mins and back up02:29
HrdwrBoBwhy do you need zlib02:30
klaasvaaghi ppls.. i just inserted my usb-stick, only to find out that after deleting all of the files on it that still 43% of the space is taken up by something misterious... ls -al lists nothing..02:30
JeRMdamnit my computer needs to stop being gay and open cdrm when booted so i can load ubuntu so i can install02:30
HrdwrBoBit's most likely alreadu installed02:30
link_to play quake i guess02:30
klaasvaagany ideas what this could be or how to solve it?02:30
HrdwrBoBklaasvaag: just reformat  it :)02:30
JeRMi need a paper clip so i can manually open cdrom if not lol02:30
pantz_zenrox, thanks i am trying it now ...02:30
HrdwrBoBklaasvaag: mkfs.vfat02:30
link_no when i try and run the fuhquake.svga it dont like it02:30
snowblinkLinuxJones: he needs to read more, and break less02:31
klaasvaagHrdwrBoB: sure about that? i dont wont to completely kill my mp3/usb-stick :P02:31
link_it says libz.so library not fount02:31
HrdwrBoBklaasvaag: that's all it is anyway02:31
LinuxJonessnowblink, we were all there once :D02:31
HrdwrBoBlink_: that's not likely to EVER work properly02:31
HrdwrBoBwhat is fuhwuake02:31
HrdwrBoB.svga probably means svgalib02:31
HrdwrBoBwhich has been obselete for years02:31
link_so you can play quake02:31
HrdwrBoBquake is open sourse02:32
pantz_zenrox, mount /media/share/02:32
pantz_[mntent] : line 10 in /etc/fstab is bad02:32
pantz_mount: can't find /media/share in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab02:32
HrdwrBoByou can get an sdl version02:32
link_well i got the svgalib and that error message went away02:32
link_now it wants zlib.so02:32
pantz_line 10 is - //gandalf/share /media/share smbfs credentials=/home/pantz/.samba uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,umask=002,noauto,users 0 002:32
zenroxpantz_,  do a sudo mkdir /media/share02:32
HrdwrBoBlink_: trust me, you don't want that.02:32
pantz_i didn't see any difference between the line you pasted earlier and mine ...02:32
klaasvaagHrdwrBoB: it seems to work :) thx02:32
link_i dont want zlib?02:33
HrdwrBoByou don't wnat to use svgalibn02:33
pantz_zenrox, root@faramir:/home/pantz # ls /media/02:33
pantz_cdrom  cdrom0  editing  fat  floppy  floppy0  share  xp02:33
link_por que no02:33
link_why not02:33
pantz_zenrox, /media/share exists02:33
HrdwrBoBbecause it's years and years old02:33
HrdwrBoBit won't work in X02:33
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HrdwrBoBit's not 3d accelerated02:33
zenroxpantz_,  hmmm ok put it back the way you had it02:33
HrdwrBoBand even it does ever work, it'll be slow and terrible02:33
link_well when i try the gl version i get the same error02:34
pantz_this is what i have (which to me seems exactly the same as what you pasted earilier) ...02:34
pantz_/gandalf/share /media/share    smbfs  credentials=/home/pantz/.samba,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,umask=002,noauto,users       0 002:34
DeanGI need vncServer setup docs. Any links?02:34
zenrox- a ,02:34
pantz_oops missing the // at the start there02:34
pantz_xchat takes the slash as a special character02:35
link_link@mushroomkingdom:/usr/local/games/quake $ sudo ./fuhquake-gl.glx02:35
link_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".02:35
link_Error: FuhQuake couldn't load the required "libz.so" library.  You must either:02:35
link_i) (recommended) download the required libraries from www.fuhquake.net, or02:35
link_ii) specify "-nolibpng" on the cmdline to disable png image features.02:35
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HrdwrBoBlink_: run ls -l /usr/lib/libz*02:36
HrdwrBoBand paste the output to #flood02:36
pantz_zenrox, this is the error i get ...02:36
pantz_root@faramir:/media # mount share02:36
pantz_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //gandalf/share,02:36
pantz_       missing codepage or other error02:36
pantz_       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:36
pantz_       dmesg | tail  or so02:36
pantz_oh shit - dmesg tells me - smbfs: mount_data version 1684370019 is not supported02:37
link_just this one file and a link to it02:37
HrdwrBoByes and the link is called libz.so.1 ?02:37
HrdwrBoBrun sudo ldconfig02:37
link_maybe i should make a link called libz.so02:37
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HrdwrBoBldconfig should do it for you02:38
HrdwrBoBbut yes that will fix it02:38
link_whats ldconfig?02:38
link_im such a noob =oP02:38
HrdwrBoBldconfig configures shared libraries02:38
HrdwrBoBmakes links and stuff02:38
link_whats that apt-get you mention erlyer02:39
HrdwrBoBapt-get is a program used to install and manage packages02:39
link_cuz i was using aptitude to dl packages02:39
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HrdwrBoBaptitude is a more graphical interface02:39
HrdwrBoBsynaptic is actually graphical02:39
link_i dont really like it very much02:40
link_oh ic02:40
link_through x then right02:40
HrdwrBoBdesktop->administration->synatpci package manager02:40
HrdwrBoBer.. synaptic02:40
link_k im gunna go and figure out how to make a link02:40
link_its ln right?02:41
HrdwrBoBlink_: try just running sudo ldconfig02:41
HrdwrBoBln -s for symbolic link02:41
HrdwrBoBis what you want02:41
link_ldconfig did nothing02:42
link_ill make that link02:42
link_target first?02:43
link_ln -s libz.so.1 libz.so?02:43
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galderHello ubunters02:45
mebaran151can we prelink libs02:45
mebaran151in ubuntu02:45
mebaran151it sounds easy to do and intriguing02:45
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mebaran151and I would like to set hdparm02:45
mebaran151what would be a safe hdparm command to run at startup02:46
mebaran151for a SATA Hardrive02:46
mebaran151that is DMA and 8mb cache02:46
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thenukemebaran151: umm, test :)02:46
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mebaran151no testing02:47
thenukeI think you cannot harm your drive or files if you dont use those commands which you are warned about in hdparm --help02:47
mebaran151I dont need great performance02:47
link_damn now it wants libpng.so!02:47
thenukewhy no testing?02:47
mebaran151I just dont have the time02:47
thenukeokep :I02:47
link_one after another taken em down02:47
thenukehdparm -d1 makes most difference, it enables dma, if it is not enabled02:47
thenukehdparm /dev/hdX tells you if you do not have dma on02:48
eruinhdparm -d1 doesnt work at all here02:49
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eruinstrangely it does when I run gentoo02:49
HrdwrBoBlink_: png is in /usr/lib/libpng12.so.002:49
tritiumeruin, here?  you mean on ubuntu?02:50
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JeRMis their a command to run that will eject CDrom ?02:53
mebaran151and then name your cdrom02:53
mebaran151eject hda02:53
mebaran151for instance02:53
mebaran151or eject hdb02:53
Xirdnehdoes ubuntu support amarok?02:53
macewanmy wife loves that program02:54
jdubbut it's in universe02:54
Xirdnehwich is a good media player that ubuntu support?02:54
mebaran151mplayer ;)02:54
mebaran151gstreamer really isnt so bad02:55
mebaran151with the good codecs02:55
mebaran151I dont notice it being as horrible as peoople02:55
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mebaran151maybe I am just lucky02:55
zenroxmebaran151,  your just luckey02:55
link_i got it!02:56
link_thanks bro02:56
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toxickorewhat's the command to add a service copied from /etc/init.d/skeleton ????02:57
JeRMdamnit it wont open02:57
link_sorry got carried away there02:57
JeRMgoddamnitwindowsXp wont detect any harddisks when installing02:57
JeRMif i leave XP to boot, and i click install, it will try to instal but then fail and say it cant find any harddisks02:57
wartyI am new on ubuntu and want to know how register for IRC on Ubuntu02:57
link_got to putem fat02:57
toxickorewhat's the command to add a service copied from /etc/init.d/skeleton ????02:57
nightwolfJeRM, serial ata?02:57
dudi believe winxp needs the first partition to be recognizable...02:58
wartyI am new on ubuntu and want to know how register for IRC on Ubuntu02:58
JeRMwhat you mean wolf?02:58
tritiumtoxickore, update-rc.d02:58
pantz_does anyone here have a samba share mounted in /etc/fstab so i can steal their syntax?02:58
nightwolfwhat kind of hard drive02:58
JeRMhave no idea02:58
dudwarty, register how?02:58
JeRMits old eMachine etower 500is02:58
link_JeRM are they on fat3202:58
JeRMthinks its a 4.3gb HD02:58
wartyLike get a password etc,  on windows it signs you up automatically02:59
JeRMid suppose causei bought this XP back in 2002 and installed it ont he emachine02:59
nightwolfonly thing i can think of is a weird ide controller that would need special drivers, then use the F6 key on xp setup to add them02:59
LinuxJoneswarty, /msg nickserv help it will  tell you02:59
dudgood luck running wincrap xp on something like that....02:59
link_windows dont like em formatted ext02:59
JeRMnow that i put knoppix ontheir i cant get the XP disc to reinstall02:59
tritiumJeRM, did you put linux on the first partition?02:59
JeRMi probably did02:59
tritiumare you using grub?03:00
dudas i said, xp needs the first partition03:00
JeRMi had bunch of online friends help me install :( it was a bitch to get shit workin03:00
JeRMusing Knoppix-STD03:00
link_oh yeah thats right stoopid old windows03:00
JeRMuhm is their anyway to clear my first partition to get XP back on it :/03:00
tritiumJeRM, if you're using grub, you can remap03:00
pantz_JeRM, mkfs.vfat /dev/hda?03:01
JeRMwhat is grub?03:01
pantz_JeRM, grub is the boot loader03:01
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pantz_decides which operating system to boot to03:01
JeRMim not :(03:02
JeRMwheni turn on my comp03:02
JeRMit loads a nd shit03:02
JeRMthen its like scanning Cdrom for boot03:02
tritiumsince windows wants to be on 1st partion, but linux is on it, "map (hd0) (hd1)" and "map (hd1) (hd0)"03:02
JeRMif not loaded itll then scan floppy03:02
JeRMi use a CD to boot.03:02
pantz_JeRM, have you changed your boot order in the BIOS03:02
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pantz_JeRM, put cdrom first ...03:02
JeRMi dont think im skilled enough to edit bios, so if i did it was by accident03:02
pantz_well it is honesty not scarey03:03
plagerismTrying to use gdesklets and the memory monitor is complaining about glibtop?? Any ideas what package offers this??03:03
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pantz_if your machine will not boot from your cd - you have to go into the BIOS03:03
JeRMwell what should i do?03:03
nightwolfpantz its not boot order, its maybe the hdd is disabled totally03:03
JeRMid like to put windows back on the old emachine...03:03
pantz_ok look for the option of 'boot order' and change the order03:03
nightwolfpantz his xp cd boots, but xp setup cannot find the drive03:03
pantz_change just that - nothing else - then save and quit03:04
JeRMit says cant find any hard disks03:04
plagerismJerM you have to remove all the partitions(linux) and then do the setup03:04
pantz_your machine will reboot and should find the cdrom first03:04
JeRMmy knoppix boot CD works.03:04
JeRMplagerism: how would i go about removing all the partitions?03:04
pantz_nightwolf, oh ok03:04
JeRM(linux) that is03:04
plagerismJerM boot into knoppix and use fdisk /dev/hda03:04
tritiumcan I tell from lspci if I have a controller capable of pci hotplug?03:04
JeRMaight brb03:05
pantz_JeRM, as plagerism says ...03:05
JeRMimma run that cmd03:05
plagerismJerM this is assuming you did have Linux on this box03:05
JeRMsays unable to open /dev/hda !03:05
tritiumI believe I need pci_hotplug to dock/undock from my docking station and have device modules handled properly.03:05
plagerismdmesg |grep hd03:06
plagerismand find your harddrive03:06
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JeRMi had XP on it before Knoppix03:06
JeRMnow its Knoppix03:06
plagerismKnoppix isnt on it, its a livecd03:06
JeRMall say unable to open /dev/hda-b-c-d03:06
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JeRMwell plag03:07
JeRMwhat should i do :/03:07
plagerismJerM did dmesg|grep hd show any drives03:07
pantz_JeRM, have you been messing with the cables plugged into your drives lately?03:07
JeRMhahano pantz03:07
pantz_is it a scsi disk?03:07
JeRMsays bash: grap: command not found03:07
rellikis it possible to downgrade?  can I just 'apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.7-1-686' ?03:07
plagerismpything libgtop, any ideas what package provides this functionality??03:08
JeRMdmesg|grep hd showed some stuff03:08
plagerismrellik, I used to do it on Debian all the time.  It would be insane if you couldnt03:08
pantz_JeRM, paste it ..03:08
JeRMsays alot of stuff is scsi03:09
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plagerismthen try fdisk /dev/sda03:09
JeRMexample: hda=scsi hdb=scsi etc...03:09
pantz_try fdisk /dev/sda03:09
plagerismsdb etc....03:09
JeRMsays unable to open /dev/sda !03:09
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JeRMhey guys i g2g its 8pm and dads got custody so i gotta head back to his place :(03:10
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pantz_JeRM, try fdisk /dev/sdb and if it doesnt work - cya!03:10
JeRMdoesnt work03:10
JeRMplagerism: whats your AIM screenname03:11
JeRMfor further contact tomorrow03:11
plagerismI dont use aim03:11
plagerismAnd I really am not that smart03:11
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JeRMwhat should i dooooooOOOO!03:11
FazerWhat is the root password for Ubuntu's Live CD?03:12
plagerismCome back in here next time you try and fix it03:12
plagerismFazer Ubuntu doesnt have root, get used to sudo03:12
Fazerplagerism: I did sudu /sbin/shutdown03:12
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Fazerasked for password03:12
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plagerismuse the users passwd03:12
FazerWhat do you mean?03:13
Agrajagplagerism: livecd03:13
plagerismOh yea nevermind03:13
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plagerismAgain not that smart03:13
BrianPMHi. Just installed ubuntu.  I've had a little experience with suse.  After install, my monitor doesn't handle the refresh and such that it defaults to.  Is there any little applet I can run to set the modeline like sax2 in suse?03:13
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Fazerso when I am on the Live CD, how do I shut down?'03:13
plagerismFazer are you in a desktop??03:14
Fazerhe's from rogers too!03:14
regeyaBrianPM, you could run the Screen Resolution applet under Computer->System Configuration, or you could (help me out here, is there a better way than this?) edit your XF86Config03:14
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BrianPMI can't load X.03:15
regeyathe Screen Resolution setting would be per-user03:15
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BrianPMI need something I can do from the command line safe mode.03:15
EvolutionRI've ran alot of trouble lately with the Ubuntu Hoary...anyone here facing any trouble?03:15
regeyahelp me out someone; would it behoove BrianPM to do something like dpkg-reconfigure...erm.  /me has a brainfart.03:15
BrianPMOther than open a text editor and find some alternate way to calculate the modeline on the internet03:16
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regeyaI'm just getting over being ill, BrianPM, so my brain has turned to mush.  Bear wiht me...03:16
BrianPMOr...is there a command line option to startx that will start it in 640x480?03:16
pantz_does anyone here have access to a samba share that they could test mounting with smbfs for me?03:16
BrianPMHehe. Thanks for the help03:16
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pantz_i am running hoary03:16
pantz_mount -t smbfs //gandalf/share /media/share fails for me03:17
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regeyaI think dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 may help, BrianPM03:17
EvolutionRpantz: the Gnome 2.9 ...giving me alot of trouble especially the X11...xorg03:17
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regeyaor not...hm.03:18
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EvolutionRthe screen resolution wont stay put....meaning to say saved resolution 1074....after 2 ,3 reboots it went itself to  680 something...03:19
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EvolutionRis Kde done with the Hoary thing?03:19
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plagerismyea so you can use Desktop logout and select shutdown03:20
zazeemhow do i enable nvidia cfg?03:20
zazeemand edit xfree86 cfg?03:20
RiddellEvolutionR: KDE is available in universe, 3.2 in warty, 3.3.2 in hoary03:20
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dudumm, i think i lost my libdvdcss2 after a dist-upgrade on my amd64 hoary....03:21
dudcould that be?03:21
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BrianPMI'm going thru that setup tool, regeya...will let ya know in a few!03:22
madsendud: Well, you can just download and install it again...03:22
pantz_dud, i have libdvdcss2 from woody03:22
hamswhen i connect to my vpn, i can't send X stuff back? is there something i need to configure for that?03:22
hamsi even tried xhost +03:22
dudhmm, i saw something about running /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh03:23
dudill try that03:23
danielshams: using SSH tunelling with ssh -Y is strongly advised03:23
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hamsmeaning that i ssh into my work workstation?03:24
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BrianPMThanks Regeya! I was able to set it to a default that my monitor can actually show. Great call. I hope you're feeling better soon. :)03:25
Xenguydaniels: is ssh -Y preferable to ssh -X  ?03:25
danielsEvolutionR: i think that problem will be solved with the next x.org upload03:25
danielsXenguy: yeah03:25
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Xenguydaniels: tx03:26
hamsok i'll try the ssh thing and see if X apps work...03:26
EvolutionRu mean  next xorg  version? is Xorg have some trouble working?03:26
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danielsEvolutionR: there was a bug about that sort of thing that I grabbed a patch for, and it will be in the next xorg upload03:27
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awdoes this have anything to do w/ xorg not working on ppc w/ radeon? (sorry, came in a bit too late)03:27
danielsaw: nope.  what's your problem there?03:28
dudxorg works fine here on hoary...03:28
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=== madsen got xorg working fine as well.
madsenOn Hoary that is..03:28
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EvolutionRHoary is shaking unsteady here!03:28
awdaniels: it uses fbdev by default at an unacceptable resolution, if I remove the option for fbdev, it won't sync the monitor and claims it can't read the option rom03:28
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regeyaEvolutionR, duh03:29
keyvanhey i installed ubuntu on my laptop the other day03:29
EvolutionRI better wait for the stable release of Hoary03:29
keyvanand it is using my wireless connection just fine, and i see the signal bar at the top03:29
EvolutionRerrors keep popping out03:29
keyvanbut i cant tell it what ssid to connect to03:29
awdaniels: xfree86 on debian and an older xorg on gentoo work fine using the radeon driver w/o fbdev03:29
keyvanand my wireless is labeled as eth0 not wlan0 or anything03:30
madsenkeyvan: sudo iwconfig eth0 essid "your ap"03:30
danielsaw: hm.  could you please file a bug with your Xorg.0.log and xorg.conf attached (from the pristine configuration)?03:30
danielsaw: (i assume you're on a laptop)03:30
keyvanoh thanks madsen, theres no gui one with scanning features?03:30
awdaniels: mac mini03:30
keyvanill try that right now though thans03:30
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regeyahm...does aqua extreme work on the mini?03:30
regeyanot that that matters to ubuntu users :-)03:30
dudbtw, has the bug about not being able to change gnome themes been fixed yet?03:31
dudor is that a "feature"?03:31
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keyvanoh madsen thanks alot, i just ran the iwconfig and it displays everything, thanks for the help, perfect, thanks03:31
madsenkeyvan: I don't know about the gui stuff, there might be... I just use that... You can set it up in some startup script as well. (If you want it to connect to the same AP every time.)03:32
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awdaniels: I don't have the pristine config, is there a utility I can run to remake one (X -configure doesn't work)03:35
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hamsvpnc is not able to open /dev/net/tun (it doesn't exist) what am i missing?03:35
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tritiumhams, it's not tun0?03:36
hamstritium, found a patch for 0.3.2 vpnc to get it working on amd64, was working last night, but now not so much03:37
tritiumhams, you're further along than you were last night.  What was the problem?03:37
tritiumI see.03:37
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regeyaif any NTSC-country Kino-users here have figured out how to create a DVD with synchronised audio, please let me know :-)03:37
keyvan_i wish the wifi scanning and switching was graphical though, since they already have the indicator at the top of the screen03:37
tritiumhams, I think the device always has a number at the end03:37
plagerismHrmm, how do I use ACPI03:38
plagerismStuff like hddtemp03:38
plagerismand cputemp03:38
hamsthe code is doing: open("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR))03:38
tritiumhams, what interface name is listed in your vpnc .conf file?03:39
keyvan_could somebody help me? i am sure gtk is installed (as i see it in the synaptic package manager) but i get this error when ./configuring to install a program:03:40
keyvan_checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.03:40
keyvan_Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'03:40
keyvan_to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable03:40
keyvan_No package 'gtk+-2.0' found03:40
hamstritium, none i guess? what is the syntax i'm looking for?03:40
keyvan_configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.03:40
keyvan_configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.03:40
keyvan_any suggestions?03:40
tritiumhams, for example, the first line of mine is "Interface name tun0"03:40
hamstritium, which file and path has that in it?03:41
tritiumhams, my custom config file in /etc/vpnc03:42
tritiumconfigured for my vpn settings03:42
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tritiumhams, what does your config look like?03:43
hamstritium, do you have 'tun' in your /etc/modules?03:44
tritiumhams, no03:44
hamswhen i did modprobe tun, it worked.03:45
tritiumI've never needed to do that03:45
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hamsperhaps it's a difference in the warty/hoary kernels?03:46
hamstritium, did you need to do anything special to get X working over vpnc?03:47
tritiumhams, could be the difference between the source and the debian package, which has added stuff like the vpnc-connect script03:47
tritiumhams, never tried to03:47
hamsgood point03:48
tritiumhams, try the patch on the ubuntu package sources03:48
jbaanybody else getting totem complaining that alsa device already in use on hoary ?03:49
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plagerismjba yes03:50
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plagerismAlthough never use Totem03:50
ron_new to ubuntu03:50
ron_anyone else03:50
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dudlots of new people try out ubuntu every single day ;)03:50
plagerismjba, All I gotta figure out is how to remove Totem as my default Media Player03:50
=== regeya sighs
plagerismI am new to Ubuntu03:51
plagerismI likes it03:51
ron_maybe use apt get03:51
jbaplagerism, why remove totem?03:51
ron_to remove03:51
plagerismjba, cause I never liked totem03:51
jbai just want to know how to get around that bug03:51
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regeyaapt-get cured my impotency03:51
ron_ok want to know how?03:51
duddesktop-preferences-preffered applications03:51
dudtry that plagerism03:51
ron_heres how03:51
regeyaand it gave me infinite grenades!03:52
ron_apt-get remove totem03:52
regeyain real life03:52
plagerismthanks Dud, I just meant remove it within Gnome03:52
plagerismdud, sorry missed that03:52
ron_i have a major problem03:52
regeyaaye, you do03:52
ron_i went to linux .org and changed some files now my apt get is messing up03:52
regeyaoh dear03:52
plagerismdud, that only does mail terminal and browser03:53
jbawhere is the ubuntu mailing list, wanna see if anyone else had this problem03:53
ron_it does updates03:53
ron_as well03:53
ron_i disabled the universe block03:53
ron_and it was fine till i went to03:53
=== regeya plays Whole Lotta Love real loud
ron_and made changes03:53
plagerismI think its something to do with nautilus and gnome mime types03:54
robertjjba: right click a media file and go to properties, select the open with tab03:54
regeyahere's a tip, ron_: have you thought of changing things back to the way they were before you went mucking about?03:54
dudif you added unsupported repositores, you're basically out on thin ice by yourself hehe03:54
regeyawell said03:54
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ron_i guess ill rebuild the whole system03:54
ron_i will be back though03:55
regeyathat would probably be the easiest route03:55
regeyaand don't go mucking about without a.) backups and b.) knowing what you're doing :-D03:55
wm_eddieYes, it looks like I'm going to demo Ubuntu in my Palm programming class03:55
jbarobertj, still getting the "otem could not startup" error messages03:55
wm_eddieThere a program called Guikachu that my professor wants me to demo.03:55
tritiumron_, please hurry.  You've disabled the universe, and now we're frozen in space and time.03:55
ron_well i changed only one file03:55
ron_and then it stopped03:55
ron_i deleted and rechanged it but iut still didnt work03:56
regeyayou're messing with my infinite-grenades universe patch, ron_03:56
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regeya'chunky.  bacon.'03:56
hamsdaniels, thanks the ssh -Y did the trick03:56
ron_i have learned a lot03:56
ron_i even added a printer03:56
ron_x75 lexmark03:56
ron_and now i never need xp again03:57
regeyaron_: messing thins up is an excellent way to learn :-)03:57
tritiumron_, awesome!03:57
ron_i can do everything windows does03:57
ron_and with wine you can even run other stuff off their system03:57
ron_i picked up a great book03:58
wm_eddieron_: And with Transgaming's Cedega you can even play the popular games.03:58
regeyathat reminds me; I haven't enabled the BSOD screensaver yet.03:58
ron_its got a yellow and black cover called  "teach yourself linux"03:58
ron_im still learning03:58
wm_eddieron_: I remember when I started using linux I got "Linux for dummies"03:58
goldfishThis is very strange, ubuntu recovery mode works for me fine, I am running it now, but I cant boot into ubuntu normally :/03:58
wm_eddieI learned a couple of things from that book.03:59
ron_and you know what i know no one who even cares about linux in my daily activities03:59
ron_whats the deal is everyone numb?03:59
goldfishAnyone know anyway I can check what is wrong?03:59
wm_eddiegoldfish: What does the kernel say when you try botting normally?03:59
marcin_anthello - could anyone help me with ppp settings?03:59
dudgoldfish, check /var/log/syslogd04:00
danielsaw: XORG_FORCE_PROBE=yes sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:00
ron_ok im rebooting the whole sysem i guess unless someone knows how to restore a system to an earlier date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:00
bluefoxicy<@Sandaasu> ugh, blue, do you know how I can get this thing to reconfigure xfree86 the way it did on install?04:00
ron_i think start x is it04:01
ron_is it?04:01
wm_eddieron_: Wouldn't it be great if bash had an undo command?04:01
regeyaron_: backups, or use a Red Hat system ;-)04:01
goldfishdud: file or directory does not exist04:02
wm_eddieron_: um are you in console mode?04:02
=== regeya seems to recall that rh does some xp-style rollbacks now, maybe
ron_do any women use linux?04:02
ron_i know none04:02
regeyaindeed they do04:02
goldfishwm_eddie: emm.. it all goes fine, until it goes to the ubuntu cream screen, then it freezes04:02
tritiumsure, my wife and mother do04:02
ron_i can be in a console04:02
regeyaseek and ye shall find.04:02
wm_eddieron_: I know of two women that use linux04:02
wm_eddieand My sister used to.04:02
regeyathe wife of the founder of the local LUG did a talk at the last lunacy cruise04:02
wm_eddieron_: what exactly are you trying to do?04:03
ron_im trying to restore my system04:03
ron_to yesterday04:03
ron_or earlier04:03
regeyawe had no idea her_brain > his_brain04:03
ron_i changed a file in apt04:03
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ron_and it messed up my apt-get downloads04:03
ron_it seems to semi work04:04
wm_eddieron_: is there a /etc/apt/*~04:04
HrdwrBoBron_: my fiance uses linux04:04
ron_let me look04:04
wm_eddieor something like sources.list~?04:04
ron_yes sources04:04
ron_but not *~04:04
wm_eddie* is a glob by the way.04:05
wm_eddie~ means it's a backup file created by your editor04:05
wm_eddiesee if that is old enough. or..04:05
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ron_i took out the two ##  in universe but then when i did a linux .org suggestion it messed me up04:05
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dudi force my 12 year old sister to use linux hehe04:05
=== syn-ack beats Cox/
wm_eddieyou can get my sources.list from http://wm-eddie.info/~wm_eddie/sources.list04:05
pvhHas anyone else got an ACX100 Wireless LAN card?04:05
tritiumhams, did you try patching the ubuntu sources?04:06
ron_what are all the xtra lines?04:06
ron_i see java i guess04:07
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wm_eddieJava and Mono and win32codecs :)04:07
hamstritium, ?04:08
awdaniels: that didn't write a new xorg.conf, but I did a dpkg --purge of it and apt-get reinstalled, it's only white space difference from the xorg.conf I already uploaded to #611704:08
jbahmm so totem notem likem alsa ?04:08
hamstritium, what do you mean patch ubuntu sources?04:08
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tritiumhams, get the source to the ubuntu vpnc package, patch it, and build it04:09
wm_eddieI wonder if I should bring my camera tomorrow and take a picture of the firefox kiosk in the language media center. (Powered by Ubuntu)04:09
tritiumhams, see if that works better04:09
hamshow do i get the ubuntu source version?04:10
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wm_eddieron_: by the way, it'd be pretty easy to make a shell script that backs up your etc.04:10
ron_i think it worked04:10
ron_i coppied it in gedit04:11
ron_and ran apt get update04:11
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ron_and it went through let me do a upgrade hold on04:11
danielsaw: ok.  does sudo ddcprobe give you output ending in edidfail, or a whole bunch of spew about dtiming, ctiming, tec?04:11
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danielsaw: (what sort of monitor is it hooked up to?)04:12
awdaniels: the latter, much spewage04:12
awdaniels: lcd04:12
ron_if i can find a woman who likes linux and uses it ill marry her04:12
danielswell, 6.8.1-11ubuntu13 might well solve your problem04:12
danielser, 6.8.1-1ubuntu1304:12
awdaniels: happy to try, anywhere I can pull it from?04:13
ron_wm eddie how did u get a link on here with your file?04:13
ron_is it posted on the web?04:14
ron_or did i draw it straight off the file itself?04:14
ron_the source file04:14
hamscan bash be made like ksh, where EDITOR=vi changes the command keys?04:14
ron_how did i pull it up04:14
ron_off that link?04:14
wm_eddiethe http://wm-eddie.info/~wm_eddie/sources.list?04:14
danielsaw: not yet, it's not finished04:14
ron_is that a web page or04:14
wm_eddiewm-eddie.info is my web server.04:15
ron_is a file on your computer04:15
ron_or are they the same?04:15
|QuaD-whats a good pdf editor?04:15
wm_eddieIt's copied to my web serve.r04:15
ron_i have a ways to go to grasp that04:15
rellikI am trying to downgrade my kernel from 2.6.8 to 2.6.7 but when I boot 2.6.7 X won't start..  says "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module!"  I can't 'apt-get install nvidia-glx' because it's already on the machine, for 2.6.8...  how do I fix this?04:15
awdaniels: ok, I'll keep my fingers crossed and try to pull it tomorrow04:15
ron_i thought about setting up a dns of my own mbut i have no clue as of yet04:15
awdaniels: thanks04:15
wm_eddieIt's impossible to access my sources.list on my desktop from the internet.  My firewall won't let you get close to my computer.04:15
HrdwrBoBrellik: why are you doing that?04:15
tritiumhams, "sudo apt-get source vpnc"04:15
rellikHrdwrBoB, there is a bug in 2.6.8 that affects my mobo's USB04:16
danielsaw: no worries04:16
ron_so wm how do i do those backups?04:16
wm_eddiewell there are lots of ways.04:16
hamstritium, where does it put the source?04:16
HrdwrBoBrellik: the nvidia module is in linux-restricted-modules04:16
rellikHrdwrBoB, so get l-r-m for my new (old) kernel?04:17
tritiumhams, in the directory where you execute the command from04:17
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HrdwrBoBrellik: yes, if it's there04:17
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rellikHrdwrBoB, thanks I'll try that...  do I have to boot the other kernel to try that?04:17
terryare there xorg packages for dri from dri.sourceforge.net??04:18
wm_eddie"sudo nautilus /" then copy the /etc/ directory, and paste it into /var/backups/2005.02.02/ or something.04:18
hamstritium, is there a way to specify a "global" proxy? so when i start the vpn, i can set a default http proxy?04:18
ron_or something?04:18
HrdwrBoBterry: er.. what do you mean04:18
HrdwrBoBwhat are you trying to do04:18
wm_eddieor you can make a shell script that is run once a week or once a day or whenever you want that does just that.04:18
wm_eddiebut that requires knowing bash.04:19
ron_thats what i need a shell script04:19
terryHrdwrBob, is dri in xorg??04:19
ron_once a day04:19
defileso far, Hoary rocks04:19
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wm_eddieron_: one ? is just as good at 1004:19
tritiumhams, you're not talking about the IPSec gateway, are you?04:19
ron_let me download bash hold on04:19
wm_eddieor you sound like you are on ritalin04:19
wm_eddieron_: You already have bash04:19
wm_eddiebash is the command prompt04:19
ron_i want to have bash thats what i was doing when it crashed04:19
ron_or i crashed it ie04:20
ron_so let me get bash now04:20
HrdwrBoBterry: yes04:20
ron_i doubt it04:20
defileyep, ritalin04:20
ron_i have04:20
hamstritium, no. i mean when i connect to the vpn, i need my web browser to start using my works http proxy, can you set that on a global basis?04:20
wm_eddieI'm very sure you have bash04:20
terryOh okay, and to use them it will be automatic if supported??04:20
ron_i have gnome terminal04:20
wm_eddieyeah. see the '$'? that's bash04:20
HrdwrBoBterry: yes04:20
terryXservers still confuse the crap out of me04:20
hamsecho $SHELL04:21
defileron_, bash --version?04:21
tritiumhams, for gnome apps, yes, under Computer->Preferences04:21
ron_look at this comment i got04:21
tritium(I think that's the location in Warty)04:21
terryHrdwrBoB so I have an ATI radion 9000 and I am using radeon driver04:21
ron_Reading Package Lists... Done04:21
ron_Building Dependency Tree... Done04:21
ron_E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list04:21
ron_root@ubuntu:/home/ron #04:21
hamstritium, can that be done via a command line function or ENV variable?04:21
terrythis is best?? fglrx wont give me xv04:21
tritiumhams, it's called "Network Proxy"04:21
tritiumhams, I don't know04:21
ron_it says i have04:21
marcin_antare there Eclipse packages available?04:21
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ron_no source url in my source file04:21
wasabi_marcin. ;)04:21
wasabi_marcin, I just made some.04:22
wm_eddiemarcin_ant: In debian unstable yes04:22
wasabi_Eclipse 3.0, on mentors.debian.net04:22
wasabi_Requires gcj 4.0 though.04:22
ron_no source url in my source file it says for bash04:22
wm_eddieron_: dude you already have bash04:22
ron_i know what ill do ill go to my cd rom and copy my apt file from the cd to my hard drive maybe i wont have to reboot04:23
wm_eddieand why is it requireing source URIs...04:23
ron_ok so i type run bash?04:23
wm_eddieron_: no04:23
wm_eddiewhen you open a terminal04:23
wm_eddiethat's bash04:23
HrdwrBoBterry: if you don't need 3d, just stick to the 'ati' driver04:23
wm_eddiethe command prompt04:23
HrdwrBoBthe fgrlx driver should give you xv though04:23
terryWrdwrBoB, what would i need 3d for??04:24
ron_ok so what r the file for a back up script04:24
wm_eddienow to make a shell script you have to make a file with "#!/bin/bash" on the first line (without the ""s)04:24
ron_i mean the commands for a script04:24
ron_backup once a day04:24
tritiumterry, games, for example04:24
wm_eddiethen you just write the commands you would do line by line.04:24
terrytritium, yes that may be a possibility in the near future04:25
=== robertj acks and realizes he needs another job
robertjI need a work from work job04:26
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robertjI did the math today and realized I have worked 13 hours this week, 4 of which were "meetings"04:26
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robertjIs it really possible to do nothing for 40 years and not be noticed at a public University?04:27
tritiumrobertj, are you faculty?04:27
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robertjLower management04:27
robertjit's my first 8-5 though04:27
robertjand my wife's in school for free04:27
marcin_antwasabi_: so, this is "native compiled" eclipse without j2sdk?04:27
tritiumI would say definitely for faculty once they get tunure04:28
robertjtritium: If it weren't for the fact I can't do _nothing_ for years on end I'll be out-earining these guys in 4 years04:28
tritiumrobertj, how's that?04:29
robertjtiritium: IT staff are underpayed so I got an inflated title so they could pay me at a higher pay grade04:29
robertjand now plans are going through to bring it staff up to the averages04:29
marcin_antwasabi_: ?04:29
robertjwhich is like 40% higher than it is now04:29
tritiumI see.04:29
__PennyHey, I have a question... if someone has a minute...   if I use the synaptic package manager to install a CMS like Plone (and thus zope) where does it put it?04:30
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robertjPenny: dpkg -L package-name04:31
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tritium__Penny, also, synaptic lists files in a package, if you prefer04:32
robertjbut I also have the blessing of "supervising" a guy who has been working at this university for 8 years and has a masters degree and isn't a moron04:32
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=== Dreamer3 yawns
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__Pennyok... i'm really inexperienced.  is there something else I should do? I was expecting things to show up in my www dir04:34
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robertjjust dpkg -L packagename04:36
robertjand it will show you all the files in the pacakge04:36
robertjie. apt-get install foo then dpkg -L foo04:36
__Pennyright... i did that.04:36
robertjPenny: check that package for /etc/apache entries04:37
__Pennyi guess i'm just confused... plone documentation isn't very clear to me... like how to install it04:37
__Pennyok i'll check04:37
robertjand also the /usr/share/doc/packagename/README.debian04:37
robertjbecause sometimes there is a bit of installing/configing left to do on your part but since part is already done for you you should rely on a README.debian if it is present instead of the upstream documents04:38
__Pennyi'll check that out too04:39
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wasabi_I'm having trouble booting with Hoary off my raid controller.04:49
wasabi_pivot_root: No such file or directory.04:49
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rellikI'm trying to downgrade my kernel from 2.6.8 to 2.6.7 but when I boot 2.6.7 x fails with "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module!"...  I've tried booting into 2.6.7 and 'apt-get remove nvidia-glx; apt-get install nvidia-glx' but that didn't fix it..  also, I looked for a linux-restricted-modules for 2.6.7 but apt-cache doesn't list any...  any other ideas come to mind as to how to fix x ?04:49
wasabi_I assume it's because the drivers are loading in the wrong order or something.04:49
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goldfishHAs anyone else had problems booting ubuntu into gui version ?04:56
penguinitusno...what problem are you having?04:56
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goldfishwell, em... it just wont start up, everything passes ok, then it starts GNOME, then I get the ubuntu cream screen thingy, and it freezes04:57
goldfishI am completely new to linux and I have no real idea what to do.04:57
penguinitusbefore you enter uname and pass and click login?04:58
goldfishthe screen goes cream, and that's it04:59
penguinituswhat type of system? laptop? desktop? video card?04:59
goldfishDell Inspiron 8600 laptop, nVidia GeForce Ge5550 128mb04:59
penguinitusthat's what I figured05:00
goldfishHave heard of other with the same problem?05:00
penguinitusI really can't help, don't use an nVidia - but probably somebody else here does05:00
goldfishNo problem, thanks.05:00
penguinitusbut I can tell you your problem is either the nvidia driver module or...05:01
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penguinitusacpi giving you fits05:01
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penguinitusdo you know how to change kernel options at boot?05:01
goldfishafraid not :/05:01
goldfishi am logged in now05:01
farruinnanyone know why Apple Airport card isn't listed on the HardwareSupport page?05:01
penguinitusthat's ok...not as hard as you think05:01
goldfishi opened a terminal05:01
=== Soap_On_A_Roap [~mitch@dynamic-216-211-3-61.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
penguinitususing grub or lilo?05:02
GuestCLOh, I just came here to ask a question about my desktop system (with nvidia card) thrashing the monitor just after the ubuntu screen when trying to boot the live cd.05:02
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FLeiXiuSpenguinitus: which run level?05:02
superkittyanyone have experience with Beatrix?05:02
nevynfarruinn: airport or airport extreme?05:02
goldfishpenguinitus: grub05:02
rellikI need linux-restricted-modules for 2.6.7 but apt only lists ones for 2.6.8...  where can I get the older ones?05:02
farruinnnevyn, airport, not extreme05:02
GuestCLUbuntu does not like nVidia?05:02
FLeiXiuSGuestCL: ubuntu is simple with nvidia05:02
farruinnbut really both should be listed, airport for supported and extremem for not, correct?05:02
nevynGuestCL: linux no like nvidia05:02
FLeiXiuSGuestCL: apt-get install nvidia-glx05:02
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penguinitusgoldfish: ok...reboot and when grub pops up highlight the your choice...05:02
FLeiXiuSGuestCL: then, nvidia-glx enable05:02
FLeiXiuSGuestCL: As sudo for the both of them05:03
GuestCLEr, from the live CD?05:03
penguinitusgoldfish: then hit the letter "e" to edit command05:03
penguinitusgoldfish: another menu will pop up, hit "e" again to edit that line...05:03
farruinnI'm thinkin my trouble may not be with the airport card but the wireless network here05:04
CraneGuestCL, what problems with nvidia are you having05:04
penguinitusgoldfish: go to the end of the line and add "noapci"...05:04
CraneMy ibuntu works great with nvidia05:04
LinuxJonesnight all05:04
GuestCLI can't even get to a command prompt.  I get GRUB, then the ubuntu bootup screen, then loud deadly monitor thrashing.  No time to download packages or install.  Have tried failsafe mode, have tried setting the resolution lower.  No help.05:05
penguinitusgoldfish: if that doesn't work, repeat but instead of "noacpi"...hold on a sec.05:05
FLeiXiuSGuestCL: not sure05:05
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FLeiXiuSGuestCL: try 'sudo nvidia-glx enable' then restart x05:05
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GuestCLThis is from the live cd.  It is not installed anywhere05:05
Craneonce it boots can use >ctrl>alt>f105:05
GuestCLI type that into the boot options line in GRUB?05:06
Craneand get console?05:06
GuestCLOh, I could try that05:06
CraneNo wait till it quits trying to boot05:06
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Cranewhat nvidia card do you use?05:06
penguinitusgoldfish: ok...try rebooting and disabling these services one at a time until you disable the one that is causing the problem...05:07
GuestCLFX5200 AGP.05:07
Cranesame card I have05:07
GuestCLIt seems to happen at the same time the little musical tones come on05:07
penguinitusgoldfish: nofire, nodetect, nousb, nohotplug, noapic05:07
penguinitusgoldfish: then you should be able to at least boot and do some more investigation05:07
goldfishOk, thanks.05:08
GuestCLOkay, ctrl-alt-f1, enable nvidia glx, then what?05:08
penguinitusgoldfish: and that change is only temporary, next time you repboot the kernel options you added will be gone05:08
Cranesdid you install the driver yet?05:08
FLeiXiuSGuestCL: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:09
wasabiAnybody use LVM? I'm trying to figure out how to use it. =/05:09
GuestCLNo, I am using the live CD, nothing gets installed anywhere.  I want to get all the instructions before I try to boot the cd again05:09
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=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-219.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
CraneGuestCL, Did you already sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:09
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kakaltois cedega supplied in apt-get?05:09
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kakaltoeven if through a backport from hoary05:10
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Cranedo that first then the enable nvidia-glx command05:10
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Cranethen sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:10
thechitowI have a laptop and I want to get my wireless working, it is based on the Centrino Chipset, what would be the steps I should take to get this to work?... Ubuntu detects it and knows its there but I have no clue of how to get wireless to work.  I have a light normally on the front that indicates if it is on, but it isn't =/05:11
GuestCLOkay, I have it all written down.  Will reboot to try it and then let you know05:11
GuestCLThanks for the help05:11
CraneBe sure to let us know05:11
farruinnAnyone have an airport card working with a router? I'm trying to follow WiFiHowto but my results don't match the wiki.05:11
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FLeiXiuSfarruinn: airports..eh..those can be tricky05:12
Xirdnehanybody know where are the curses headers??05:12
thechitowwhere is the wifi howto?05:12
FLeiXiuSfarruinn: try install the ndiswrapper module05:12
farruinnfor one wlan0 is not listed at all anywhere. It appears eth1 is the airport card, but that means certain iwconfig commands don't work with it05:13
FLeiXiuSthechitow: www.wiki.ubuntulinux.org i believe05:13
farruinnthechitow, ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto05:13
FLeiXiuSfarruinn: Yeah, that'll do the trick also :-)05:13
farruinnall wiki pages are ubuntulinux.org/wiki/*05:13
thechitowDoes linux work with Centrino?05:14
farruinnsee the HardwareSupport wiki page ;-)05:14
FLeiXiuSthechitow: any architechure05:14
farruinnshould work though05:14
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kakaltoanyone know how I can get cedega working on ubuntu?05:15
linkhay yall05:15
linkhow do we stop that grafical login05:15
linkand where are the kernal sources located05:16
linkim trying to install the nvidia drivers and cant find my kernal sources05:16
wasabiHow do I enable LVM? I created a lVM volume group during the install.05:16
linkdoes ubuntu put them in by default? it should right?05:17
Cranelink,  you don't need all that for nvidia drivers05:17
Cranejust use apt05:17
kakaltoanyone know?05:17
linkwhich nvidia set does apt have on there05:17
Cranekakalto, have you looked at the howtos? I thought there was one for this05:18
linkcuz isnt that the one that is already put up on my system by default05:18
linkthere are more then one set05:18
Cranelink, that I do not know05:18
goldfishpenguinitus: Should those modes be in quotes?05:18
linkone is called nv in the x config file05:18
linkthe other is called nvidia05:18
CraneI think default is th nv driver05:18
penguinitusgoldfish: no quotes05:19
linkyeah that one sucks05:19
goldfishpenguinitus: okies05:19
Cranesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:19
Cranehold on theres more let me find it05:19
linkyeah? thats the "nvidia" not the nv05:20
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thechitowI'm confused, my card doesn't show up in the network settings window, but I can add the connection through the wizard, but it seems as if it can't connect, what would i do then?05:21
Cranesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:21
Crane2. sudo nvidia-glx-config enable05:21
Craneyes thats nvidia not nv05:21
linkyer the man05:21
linkwhere pray tell are the kernal sources any ways?05:22
=== mebaran151 [mebaran@c-24-130-168-138.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cranelink,  you can also install nvidia settings control05:22
Cranehold on I'll try to find it05:22
linkwhats that do my friend05:22
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CraneI think you can apt that too05:22
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linkoh ic05:23
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Craneapt-get kernel-sources maybe05:23
mebaran151does anyone know when they are going to fix Evolution for AMD6405:23
mebaran151It really was quite useful05:23
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mebaran151emphasis on was05:23
neomIs ubuntu vunrable to the Kernel 2.6.8 exploit05:23
linkyeah that might be nice if i have to tweak something05:23
hamsis there a true transparent terminal?05:23
Lathiathams: you can enable composite and use transset to do that, bare in mind its a bit buggy, slow, and opengl wont work with composite on.05:24
=== farruinn [~jonathan@cpe-69-201-11-108.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thechitowhow can i find out my root password05:24
Cranesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:24
Crane$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings05:24
Crane$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable05:24
Crane$ nautilus applications:///System05:24
thechitowi was never asked to type one in05:24
farruinnthechitow, you didn't read everything during base-config then05:24
farruinnuse sudo05:24
Cranelook there05:24
HrdwrBoBthechitow: there is no root password05:24
Lathiatthechitow: there isnt one, you use 'sudo su' to get root05:24
brc__thechitow, the root account is disabled05:24
HrdwrBoBLathiat: that's redundant05:24
HrdwrBoBLathiat: sudo 'command'05:24
brc__thechitow, it's best to just use sudo for anything you need to do as root05:24
HrdwrBoBor sudo -s for shell05:24
farruinnsudo -s -H is fine05:24
thechitowoh ok05:25
brc__or sudo su05:25
thechitowI am a debian noob05:25
FASTor suusuuu suuuudio05:25
farruinnsee the RootSudo wiki for details05:25
thechitowCan comeone please assist me with my wireless?05:25
HrdwrBoBthechitow: debian doesn't do this, only ubuntu05:25
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brc__thechitow, what about your wireless?...05:25
Cranethechitow, Sorry try sudo ifconfig down05:25
Cranethen sudo ifconfig up05:26
GuestCLCrane: I have feedback on the nvidia problem with the live cd05:26
thechitowdevice not found05:26
CraneGuestCL, yes05:26
GuestCLOkay, ctrl-alt-f1 stopped the thrashing and brought back the ubuntu screen05:26
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GuestCLEscape from there brought up the boot messages05:27
penguinitusalrighty...night all05:27
GuestCLTried to type in the stuff you suggested there, ut got no response05:27
GuestCLSome interesting looking error messages there i wrote down05:27
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GuestCLTried ctrl-alt-f2 and got a bash prompt05:27
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farruinnthechitow, what connections are listed when you run 'ifconfig'?05:28
GuestCLTried sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:28
Cranethechitow, sorry I'm not real familar with networksettings05:28
GuestCLGot not found, try running apt-get update05:28
CraneSounds like it is still not configing you card right05:28
thechitowwell, i think when following the wiki guide i stopped my eth0(wireless)05:28
GuestCLtried apt-get update, got http died unexpectedly05:28
thechitownow it only shows lo05:28
farruinnyou need to add wlan0 or whatever first05:29
farruinnas per the wifihowto05:29
thechitowum... sudo ifup wlan0?05:29
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linkCrane, thanks alot.05:29
=== Ooze [foobar@pcp03455377pcs.csouth01.va.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
linkyer so freekin helpful05:30
farruinnyoucan try that, but since wlan0 isn't configured I don't think it will do anything05:30
thechitowi know, it doesn05:30
hamshow do i get pgup/pgdn to scroll back a gnome-terminal>?05:30
linkand you too HrdwrBoB! thanks fer yer help earlier!05:31
linkthis is the coolest software ever! It has the best philosophy! =oP05:31
linkyou hold shift i think05:32
Cranethechitow, sorry ifconfig eth0 down then ifconfig eth0 up05:32
neomIs the Ubuntu planet a select few, or can anyone feed?05:32
Cranelink: did it work for ya05:32
CraneGuestCL, what errors did you get from X server and is this just a live cd? is it not installed on hard drive?05:32
hamslink, thanks.05:32
bitfoodamn it, my team lost :|05:33
GuestCLIt is just a live CD, not installed anywhere05:33
GuestCLVESA: failed to set up write-combining range05:33
CraneOH I have never tried to install using live CD05:33
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GuestCLgnmoe_message: gnmoe_execute_asynch_with_enu_fds: returning -105:33
Craneyou could possible post you question at the forums05:34
farruinnGuestCL, are you trying to install w/ livecd?05:34
linkdunno i gotta restart x05:34
thechitowI'm confused05:34
GuestCLOh, I'm not trying to install it, I just want to boot the live cd to see what ubuntu is like05:34
farruinnah, ok05:34
Cranefarruinn, he's trying to install nvidia drivers  using live cd05:34
linkbut how do i do that without restarting my computer05:34
thechitowit keeps talking about wlan0, but I don't have that... so where would i begin05:34
Craneis it the warty or hoary live CD05:35
GuestCLwarty, I just downloaded and burned it05:35
Craneneom, anyone05:35
neomHow do I get added?05:35
GuestCLAnd I'm not installing, just booting the live cd05:35
farruinnthechitow, did you add a connection in Network Settings?05:35
thechitowi tried05:36
GuestCLIs the live cd supposed to actually boot up to a desktop you can use?05:36
thechitowi dont like :/05:36
farruinnwell, it's not working for me either.  When I create a new connection it is eth1 not wlan005:36
thechitowme too05:36
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thechitowdo you have centrino?05:36
GuestCLShould I get the other one?05:37
hamsis there a better version of firefox that 0.9.3 that is in warty?05:37
thechitowoh god05:37
thechitowAny advice for us?05:37
goldfishhams: 1.005:37
goldfishi think05:37
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CraneGuestCL, You may want to try another download. The warty live CD worked great for me05:37
hamscan i install that in warty with apt-get?05:38
rellikis there some file that runs when you log into gnome?  I wanna have stuff like gaim and email run at login05:38
Cranehams, yes if you enable backports05:38
GuestCLOkay.  I'll try it on another computer, and if that fails too I'll re-download.  Thanks for your help05:38
CraneSUre thing Good Luck GuestCL05:38
bitfoothis is off ubuntu topic but i just wanted to share, when i get a new email a wav plays that says "You've got mail m***** f*****"05:39
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bitfooi think its awesome :|05:39
goldfishbitfoo: lol05:39
thechitowfarriunn: try removing it from network connectings, then doing the Wiki05:40
jesusi need help on the instalation of a emac g305:40
thechitowim getting somewhere05:40
thechitowexcept where it says wlan0 do eth105:40
hamsrellik, in gnome under Compture->Desktop Prefs->Sessions you can specify startup items05:40
wm_eddiejesus: I did one yeasterday05:41
thechitowI need help05:43
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Cranethechitow, still no luck05:43
farruinnanyone here currently using an aiport card? (802.11b)05:45
thechitowI see intel has some centrino linux wireless drivers, would those do any good?05:45
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Guy-Montagcan anyone give me a hand with a crontab problem?05:46
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farruinnthechitow, did you check to see if your card is in the HardwareSupport wiki page?05:46
jesusi need help on instalation on a ppc05:46
cwa2what's the gdm package called? apt-get upgrade ???05:46
farruinnjesus, what's specifically is the problem?05:47
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blackmamba06:45 -!- cwa2 [~cwa2@HSE-MTL-ppp70919.qc.sympatico.ca]  has joined #ubuntu05:48
blackmamba06:45 < farruinn> thechitow, did you check to see if your card is in the05:48
blackmamba                  HardwareSupport wiki page?05:48
blackmamba06:46 < thechitow> no05:48
blackmamba06:46 < jesus> i need help on instalation on a ppc05:48
blackmamba06:46 < cwa2> what's the gdm package called? apt-get upgrade ???05:48
hamsare there any ubuntu gnome themes out there?05:48
blackmamba06:47 < farruinn> jesus, what's specifically is the problem?05:48
blackmambasorry- mouse prob there05:48
blackmambahams: I've got one05:48
Locutus1976I just install ssh server on my ubuntu box. Which port does it user? 22?05:48
jesusits starts fine the installing process but when i get to the dhcp i cant pass it05:48
thechitowyes,l it is on the list05:48
hamsblackmamba, where can i get it?05:48
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blackmambahmmm.. I'll upload it quickly and post a link05:48
farruinnblackmamba, I did check, however airport isn't listed but people have reported it working05:49
farruinnhams: art.gnome.org I believe05:49
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blackmambahams: edison.tsf.org.za/~jonathan/bluebuntu.tar05:50
cwa2I'm getting the mkdrtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied error05:50
jdubhams: see www.gnome-look.org, lots of stuff there05:51
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jesuswell farruinn , i dont have an internet conection nor a lan in my house, and it tries to set up a dhcp conection05:52
hamsblackmamba, what was the theme called?05:52
farruinnjesus, well if you don't have any internet connection you can just let that fail05:52
farruinnjdub: do you know why there is a lack of info regarding Airport on the Ubuntu site?05:53
hamsblackmamba, i tried using the "install theme" in gnome. would that work?05:53
jesusyeah fisrt time i did, but then a menu appeared and asked for the next step on the installation, i think it was installing yabot05:54
blackmambahmmm.. no05:54
blackmambayou have to extract that to /usr/share/gdm/themes05:54
jdubfarruinn: airport?05:55
jesusbut then nothing happend05:55
kakaltois cedega "free"?05:55
HrdwrBoBit is not05:55
kakaltonot in either way?05:55
farruinnjesus, everything simply stopped?05:55
farruinnjdub, apple wireless card, 802.11b05:55
jdubfarruinn: probably because it just works :)05:56
farruinnok, I was afraid of that ;)05:56
thechitowI have a Intel 2200 , it says it works instantly on the hardware support page, didn't for me05:56
jesusi hitted <enter> then the menu dissapeared and just like 4 ,5 seconds letar the menu showed up again05:56
Lathiatthechitow: i have a 2200, works fine.05:56
Lathiatthechitow: does iwconfig show it?05:56
thechitowit shows it as eth105:56
thechitowoh shit05:57
thechitowIT IS ON!05:57
HrdwrBoBkakalto: there is a CVS version available that is free05:57
HrdwrBoBas in beer05:57
thechitowi think05:57
HrdwrBoBand allegedly as in speech05:57
Lathiatthechitow: just go to desktop -> administration -> networking and set it up (places -> administration on warty i think)05:57
thechitowthe wireless strength meter shows it is on and 100%05:57
thechitowbut i can't get on05:57
kakaltoHrdwrBoB, yeah, thanks05:57
kakaltojust found a howto...05:57
kakaltobut, some of the packages it says it requires don't show up in synaptic05:58
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thechitowi pressed the button on the front on my laptop05:58
thechitowthat shuts it on and off05:58
thechitowit usually lights up in windows05:58
thechitowbut now it works05:58
hamsblackmamba, ok i did that, but it doesn't show up under the gnome theme menu?05:58
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Soap_On_A_Roapanything I can get to run .WMV files?05:59
Soap_On_A_Roapwhere do I get05:59
blackmambahams: did you extract it?05:59
thechitowubuntu pwns05:59
thechitowthanks for the help guys05:59
hamsblackmamba, yes06:00
kakaltoSoap_On_A_Roap, as far as I know, in synaptic06:00
kakaltoit's there06:00
johnnyboyhey, does anybody know how to stop the X-Windows Server?06:00
blackmambadoes ls /usr/share/gdm/themes show the bLubuntu directory?06:00
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Guardianngood evening fellows06:00
kakaltoSoap_On_A_Roap, go to http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs06:00
hamsblackmamba, yes06:00
dudjohnnyboy, /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:02
hamsi use theme under Computer->Desktop Prefrences?06:02
cwa2had to change my /tmp permissions to 77706:02
johnnyboyok, dud, thanks06:02
blackmambayou might have to exit that and go back in again, it's weird that it's not showing06:02
rellikI'm trying to set up cron to play a video at a certain time, using 'mplayer -display :0.0 <file>'.  the command works when I just type it in, but from cron it fails, saying "Must be connected to a terminal"...  how do I make cron happy?06:05
Dreamer3rellik: hmmmmmm, that's a really good question06:05
Dreamer3rellik: is it running as root?06:05
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rellikDreamer3 nope, regular user (same user logged into x)06:06
Dreamer3rellik: hmmm06:06
Dreamer3rellik: have you tried redirecting the output?06:07
Dreamer3rellik: 2>&1 > /dev/null06:07
hikaru79I'm having problems running Ruby scripts after uncommenting the '#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi' line in apache2.conf , any ideas?06:07
Dreamer3or something?06:07
Dreamer3i really don't know though06:07
rellikDreamer3 redirecting output from what?06:07
blackmambag Ruby scripts after uncommenting06:08
blackmamba                  the '#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi' line in apache2.conf , any06:08
blackmamba                  ideas?06:08
blackmamba07:06 < Dreamer3> or something?06:08
blackmamba07:06 -!- MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net]  has quit06:08
blackmamba          ["\(^_^)/' No Soliciting!!! Unless you have legs way, way up and06:08
Dreamer3rellik: from mplayer, like i just typed06:08
blackmamba          really, really big tits...."] 06:08
blackmamba07:07 < Dreamer3> i really don't know though06:08
blackmamba07:07 < rellik> Dreamer3 redirecting og Ruby scripts after uncommenting06:12
blackmamba                  the '#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi' line in apache2.conf , any06:12
blackmamba                  ideas?06:12
blackmamba07:06 < Dreamer3> or something?06:12
blackmamba07:06 -!- MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net]  has quit06:12
Dreamer3blackmamba: huh?06:12
blackmamba          ["\(^_^)/' No Soliciting!!! Unless you have legs way, way up and06:12
blackmamba          really, really big tits...."] 06:12
blackmamba07:07 < Dreamer3> i really don't know though06:12
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dudtouchpad has to be one of the worst inventions ever heh06:12
Dreamer3i like ibm's joypad :)06:12
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kakaltocan anyone help me with installing the CVS Cedega?06:12
kakaltoI get an error06:12
kakaltoand I'm not sure exactly why06:12
budfoxhow can I get my gnome pager back?06:12
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paravoidhm and i wondered what i was doing wrong with X :>06:12
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paravoidis there any workaround?06:13
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rempresenthey hey hey06:14
kakaltohey hey hey hey.06:14
rempresentwhere is the wastebasket located, if i was running the cd command in the terminal06:15
CraneH E L L O06:15
Cranecd .Trash06:15
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Craneif your in your home directory06:15
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cg0defhi, can someone tell me what was the address of the ubuntu repository06:16
cg0defI am not at my ubuntu computer so I can't check it06:17
kakaltoa few moments...06:17
Cranecg0def, which repo are you talking about?06:17
cg0defkakalto: thanks06:17
kakaltoassuming you're not looking for backport repositorie or any other special one06:18
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cg0defkakalto: well actually I was looking for the hoary ones06:19
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kakaltocg0def, then that link likely won't tell you, sorru06:19
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cg0defI was trying to install xorg on debian for a friend and I know that the ubuntu pkg works06:19
jdubcg0def: archive.ubuntu.com06:20
cg0defjdub: thanks06:20
keyvanif i have a .deb file, how do i install that?06:21
kakaltoman dpkg06:21
kakaltos' alright06:21
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linkeh... Crane06:26
linkyou told me to type in a nautulus command06:26
Cranefrom the link06:27
linkbut i didnt do it cuz i didnt know what it was06:27
linkand now i think i got problems06:27
kakaltonautilus is the file browser06:27
linkbut what was it06:27
linkwhat was that command for06:27
Cranelook in >applications  >system tools on the menu06:28
Cranedo you see nvidia setting?06:28
CraneI think that is waht it installs06:28
linkahhh that would have been nice06:29
linkwell thats not whats causin me problems then06:29
=== Nafallo [nafallo@h35n3c1o1027.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cranestill having problems06:29
Cranewith nvidia06:29
linkwhoa!!! they just went away!06:30
linki tried again to get the error and06:30
linkit just worked06:30
linkthis is not good06:30
Cranewhat went away?06:31
linkmy problems06:31
linki mean thats good06:31
Cranelol why is that not good06:31
=== derJunior [~derJunior@pD9E29835.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
linkthings shouldnt change by them selves06:31
linkthats why i left windows06:31
Cranewhat kind of problem was it06:32
linkcool every thing works great excelent06:32
dudnvidia-settings likes to seg fault on my amd6406:32
linki was trying to play an old game that i used to play a lot06:32
linkand you know, getting games to work is kinda how i learned what i know to day06:33
duddud@shadowplay:~ $ nvidia-settings06:33
dudSegmentation fault06:33
linklike back on my 386 and stuff06:33
linkediting the autoexec.bat and config sys06:33
linkyou know what i mean06:33
dudyeah, back in the dos days06:33
linkgetting games to work, learning the system06:34
linkits all the same thing06:34
dudsome of my earliest cracking like jobs, were trying to hack larry 1 :D06:34
linkyeah you hear me dud, you know what im talkin bout06:34
Craneyep thats what got me envolved in linux in the first place06:34
Cranesetting up a q3 server06:34
linkahh groovy yeah  i hear they make hella good servers huh06:35
linklinux boxes06:35
CraneAnd great clients as well06:35
linkwell my next task is to host a very small webpage off my dsl line06:35
linkor try to anyway06:35
Crane using apache06:36
linkhow do you regester a domain with out paying anyone06:36
Craneon ubuntu?06:36
linki dunno what is apache =oP06:36
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Craneheh don't know, I pay for mine06:36
linkyeah i was hoping to use ubuntu06:36
CraneI have a hosting company for mine06:37
linkbut other distros seem to come with a lot of that stuff06:37
linkwell i was hoping i could do it all on my own you know06:37
Cranewhat stuff06:37
Craneyea its not hard06:37
linkserver stuff06:37
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CraneI did for a while but I have a cable modem and my IP didn't change06:38
linkbut yeah this is all new to me, the idea any way06:38
linkyeah thats gunna be a problem for me.06:38
Craneubuntu should have all the server stuff you need06:38
linkyou dont think ill have to dl much06:38
Craneyea You probably need to use synaptic or apt to get it installed06:39
Cranedepends on what you wanna do06:39
linkok that shouldnt be too bad06:39
MaragatoHail folks, what program can I use to open chm files?06:39
linkhow do you regester a domain once you have a static ip?06:39
Craneshould be able to sudo apt-get install apache06:39
linkits a program? apache06:40
Craneyes a web server06:40
linkoh ill prolly need to do a lot of reading =o)06:40
ZotnixHrm, Ubuntu has been generating lots of splashes. Listened to an interview of one of the developers. It's going places :D06:40
Dreamer3Zotnix: yeah, if only i could get my cd06:41
Cranethere were some site you can register that monitor your IP and so your domain name will always  be set right06:41
jdubZotnix: lugradio? listen to the one with mark the week before mine06:41
Craneyep linux=reading06:41
linkoh yeah i think i heard something like that06:41
linkheheh fer sure06:42
CraneI believ it was tzo or something like that that monito IP changes for you06:42
ZotnixI listened to Jeff Waugh06:42
linkit cost money you think?06:42
linktzo ill look06:42
jdubZotnix: listen to the one the week before06:43
ZotnixI heard that one too06:43
jdubZotnix: so you came here because of those interviews?06:43
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ZotnixI've been using Ubuntu since November or so.06:44
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ZotnixI love it.06:44
mebaranI have always wondered why software always talks in first person06:44
ZotnixBest distro I've used thus far.06:44
mebaranit seems less than proffesional06:44
mebaranZotnix: did you ever try the original debian06:44
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ZotnixYeah, I have.,06:46
jdubZotnix: did you like the interviews?06:46
ZotnixFor a bit, quite awhile back.06:46
Zotnixjdub, yep. It was interesting to hear them.06:46
linkit sounds promising dont see anything bout pricing yet but yeah exactly that06:46
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Cranethis place will do it as well06:47
CraneI don't have much experience with this though06:47
Cranelike I said, I just pay some one to host mine06:47
CraneI started using ubuntu about 1 1/2 months ago06:47
CraneVery nice06:47
CraneI love the people involved with it as well06:47
Craneonly bit of advice I can think of is to remember thast all ports are closed on Ubuntu so you may have to open port 80 to run the web server06:47
CraneI believe there is some info on the forums about it06:47
jdubyou just have to install a web server06:48
jdubnone of the ports are closed, there's just nothing listening by default06:48
Cranejdub, oh OK thanks06:48
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linkok nice06:48
CraneDoes the install set up a public_html file in your home directory?06:48
=== Dreamer3 yawns.
linkdont think so06:49
=== Dreamer3 wonders if you can install the ubuntu calendar on non-ubuntu computers :)
mebaranI wonder when they are going to fix Evolution for 64 bits06:50
jdubDreamer3: it won't work usefully, but you can copy the images around06:50
mebaranI am getting antsy06:50
ZotnixI preferred the interview with Jeff Waugh anyhow. Prefer developer's view points in anycase.06:50
jdub'them', 'fix'?06:50
Dreamer3mebaran: it's broken?06:50
jdubZotnix: (i probably didn't make it clear - that's me)06:50
mebaranit is06:51
mebaranit wont start06:51
mebaranit keeps going "Floating point exception"06:51
CraneGood luck link, I'm off to bed. see you peeps here and on the forums as well06:51
Zotnixjdub, Ah.. hehe. Wouldn't expect you here. :-p.06:51
CraneNight all06:51
jdubZotnix: why so? :)06:51
linkg nite06:51
mebaranI really love evolution as it does everything so well for me06:51
ZotnixHaha! I was just reading an article from ./ and it just mentioned you.06:51
linkthis is gunna be fun06:51
ZotnixI would have caught o.06:51
randabis /.06:52
Zotnix"Why Is The Ubuntu Hoary Beta Release A Milestone?"06:52
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ZotnixGuy from geekybhodi.net06:52
ZotnixI did ./... :feels suddenly stupid:06:53
mebaranthe other /.06:53
ZotnixArticle link there via slashdot06:53
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ZotnixI was just moving files to ./   So the mistake is warranted this once :)06:54
OrcristI just followed the instructions to make a pretty bootsplash screen, and all I get on boot is a message that says rivafb_pan_display start/end in an infinite loop06:55
Orcristanyone else seen/had this same problem?06:55
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OrcristI'm running a riva TNT on a very old P2 system... I followed the instructions explicitly and changed only what the site told me to change06:55
OrcristI'm 100% positive I compiled both frame buffer support and rivaTNT support into the new kernel, but nothing06:56
whiprushheh, man /. is really hitting the bottom of the barrel lately.06:57
Orcristgoogle only turns up one page with any relevant info, and it's bug tracking site for debian, with a followup that 'it's been fixed' from debian... but apparently it hasn't06:57
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jdubtempting to reply with a more in-depth answer06:57
jbato what?06:57
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jdubthe slashdot article06:58
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jbawhich one?06:58
whiprushdon't bother imo.06:58
ZotnixGnome is making big progress too.06:58
jdubwhiprush: we can look down at slashdot, but it still has a large readership06:58
=== Amaranth reads slashdot :P
tsm2004betaHello, uhm, I'm rather new to Ubuntu, and while trying to install Acrobat Reader, it says that I do not have permission to create the folder it wishes to install to... But only root has that authority and I don't know how to log into root or change my own authority.06:58
Amaranthi only read the comments when i'm bored though06:58
=== Zotnix reads it several times daily.
Sam_Hello. Can someone tell me what program runs before ubuntu boots for the first time, and it asks you, "Would you like to download new packages now?"06:59
AmaranthSam_: update-notifier?06:59
whiprushjdub: yeah, I'm just saying, a link to the hoary goals shoul really do the trick.06:59
mebaranGnome is generally nicer than KDE06:59
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ZotnixNot crazy about the update-notifier. It gets "stuck"06:59
mebaranpartially because it feels lighter06:59
mebarannot so many tools06:59
mebaranI happen to like to drop into command line to get stuff done06:59
randabistsm2004beta, use sudo06:59
mebaranit is quicker06:59
whiprushjdub: or maybe a point by point drilldown of each of the things on the hoarygoals list and why they matter.07:00
whiprushie. "this is why replacing fam is good"07:00
neomgo to the terminal and type "sudo -s"07:00
randabisyes, using sudo before a command gives your user root authority07:00
neomWhy are you not using synapic though?07:00
jdubwhiprush: more about the livecd07:00
randabisfor example,07:01
randabissudo mkdir /foo07:01
randabisit will ask you for a password07:01
tsm2004betaI just downloaded the installer... I didn't know it was on synapic.07:01
randabisit is your USER password07:01
randabisbut yeah, it is already in the ubuntu packages07:01
AmaranthI don't get why the new Live CD is important either. :P07:01
tsm2004betaI'll check and see then..07:01
AmaranthWill hoary have a unified Live/Installer CD?07:02
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jdubAmaranth: the DVD will have both on it07:02
randabisKnow what would be cool?07:02
Amaranthyea, firefox froze07:02
randabisA UNIVERSE DVD :)07:02
whiprushbah, they always leave out utf8 support when mentioning hoary07:02
jdubAmaranth: you can't combine both sanely because one has installed packages and the other has the packages themselves07:02
jbatsm2004beta, there is a faq about sudo and the fact there is no root account on ubuntulinux.org07:02
jdubwhiprush: because it's boring :)07:02
jdubjba: there is a root account, it's just disabled07:03
heliolithI just installed jhead, read man jhead, and am unsure of how to use it to -autorot (rotate) all images in a given directory... what's the general method for applying a program to the entire contents of a given directory?07:03
ZotnixHrm... I would love to see a light graphical installer... if not at least a slightly more intuitive partioner.07:03
whiprushyeah but dude, 2 releases in it's still all about the plumbing.07:03
jdubrandabis: too big. we'll have all of supported on a DVD07:03
whiprushand people are complaining about the color of the roof. @_@07:03
jdubZotnix: on its way07:03
randabisIncluding restricted?07:03
jdubrandabis: yes07:03
jdubrandabis: restricted is on the normal cd07:03
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FLeiXiuSZotnix: I light graphical installer wouldn't simply be Debian :-P07:04
randabisndiswrapper utils isn't :p07:04
FLeiXiuSjdub: Hows it going..07:04
randabisthat really should be on there for people trying to get their wifi setup07:04
jdubFLeiXiuS: might be worth pointing out that ubuntu is not debian...07:04
ZotnixHehe, I think Ubuntu surpasses Debian just a bit. ;)07:04
FLeiXiuSjdub: Debian based..07:05
heliolithanyone know how to apply a given command to the entire contents of a given directory?07:05
jdubheliolith: depending on the command, <command> *07:05
FLeiXiuSZotnix: true, but its structure i based solemly on debian, the pacakges are quite different07:05
mebaranZotnix: It depends where07:05
randabisanyway, back to visualboyadvance :)07:05
randabistalk in a bit07:05
mebarannot quite as stable but it certianly is more coherent07:05
heliolithjdub oh ok that jogs my memory... you're not familiar with jhead are you? the exif utility for jpegs?07:05
whiprush<command> -R * will usually go into the directories recursively, check the manpage for the specific command though07:05
ZotnixI've used Debian. I thought it was slow with updating anything on the system. I was fine with stable  base components but updating regular apps (gaim, browsers, etc) was a pain.07:06
OrcristI'm very happy with ubuntu thus far... and while people might want to whine about the 'non-milestoneness' of hoary's release, I think the fact that it's a brand-new distro heading into it's third dev cycle is milestone enough in the linux world anymore07:06
Orcristgetting over the sophomore slump alone is worth note07:07
=== balc [~balc@c68.115.101.1.roc.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthhey, what happens if Ubuntu is still around in the year 3004?07:07
AmaranthThe versioning will be like Y2K all over again. :)07:07
TheMusoWho knows?07:08
mebaranAmaranth: We all get free beer07:08
HrdwrBoBAmaranth: we will all be long dead07:08
FLeiXiuSAmaranth: the world will be ended befoer the year 202007:08
Orcristwow, I didn't even know that my great-great-great...-great grandkids drank beer07:08
mebaranOrcrist: amazing what you learn on IRC?07:09
AmaranthFLeiXiuS: Nah, Bush won't be in office that long. *ducks*07:09
whiprushman, these native gnome dialogs in firefox are so sweet.07:09
Orcristdear great^25 grandkids... here's your free beer from the year 2005... sorry its a little stale07:09
FLeiXiuSAmaranth: the way we naturally gain our resources is going to be a pain in the neck ... our production of C02 is going to anticipate a potential threat ojn global warth, so bad that they already have a globar warning about it..looking to hit within 7-8 years07:09
heliolithjdub that works, now I need to remember how to find a utility via backports that's not showing up in synaptic...07:09
heliolithit's called "jpegtran"07:09
HrdwrBoBheliolith: jpegtools I think07:09
mebaranI just want Evolution to work07:09
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ZotnixI've tried that.07:09
heliolithHrdwrBoB ty07:10
ZotnixHad to reboot my system because of Evolution.07:10
OrcristEvolution has been flawless on my system07:10
Orcristare you guys using hoary?07:10
mebarananyone here on AMD64 Hoary07:10
mebaranAMD64 Hoary07:10
mebaranwhich manes I am cut buggy07:10
ZotnixDownloaded a picture to my HD, netstat (spawned by evolution) froze and that causes evolution to freeze. Killed it. It zombified :(... try to browse where I saved the picture, nautilus zombifies.07:10
Amaranthnetstat zombifies often07:10
keyvanwhat utility can i use to resize my partitions?07:11
ZotnixFor now I'm sticking with thunderbird07:11
mebarankeyvan: two steps07:11
mebaranI need a contact app07:11
ZotnixI can't seem to find an option that allows me to see pictures in evolution inline automatically.07:11
mebaranany of you guy know a decent contact app07:11
mebaranjust needs to do name address phone07:11
dudim on hoary amd64... btw07:11
mebaranand it needs to read vcards07:11
keyvanmebaran, two steps?07:11
dr_willisheh - use a PalmPilot emulator :P07:12
jdubmebaran: evolution07:12
mebaranjdub: My Evolution wont work07:12
Orcristwhy is it that I can't use ping, traceroute, etc...?07:12
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mebaranit keeps either segfaulting07:12
Amaranthmebaran: Thunderbird?07:12
whiprushjdub: so are we hosed with regard to howl?07:12
dr_willisOrcrist,  su to root or use sudo07:12
jdubwhiprush: kind of07:12
jdubmebaran: on hoary?07:12
mebaranor Float Point Exception07:12
mebaranAMD64 Haory07:12
mebaranI needed Xorg07:12
OrcristI need su privs to use those functions dr_willis?07:12
mebaranfor my vid card to actually do anything07:12
keyvanwhat application can i use for resizing my partitions?07:12
mebaranwhat filesyste keyvan?07:13
ZotnixDoesn't work here on i386 on hoary ;)07:13
Orcriststrange that they put them on a default desktop (the little nettools suite in gnome)07:13
jdubmebaran: welcome to the development branch!07:13
ZotnixIt works for most things.07:13
keyvanmebaran, reiserfs07:13
dr_willisOrcrist,  - try it and see.. :P if so - yes. :P  those are common commands taht are 'locked' down for root only07:13
mebaranjdub: Development is where you break things right? :)07:13
ZotnixSo once Hoary is released... I just do apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, no? Then I'm running stable.07:13
ZotnixThen I see how long before I run the next unstable release :-p07:14
jdubmebaran: break and fix, break and fix07:14
whiprushmebaran: some of the net tools ask for your root password, even though they should be asking for your sudo password. Your sudo password should work.07:14
OrcristI guess I could always gksudo the network tools app07:14
Orcriststrange it's not already done that way though07:14
whiprushZotnix: ideally, yes.07:14
jdubOrcrist: network-admin? it already is07:15
ZotnixI don't use network-admin07:15
=== Zotnix hides from it.
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ZotnixIt eats my /etc/network/interfaces fil07:15
ZotnixI had to rewrite it from scratch a few times.07:16
olimarHi all, I updated my Ubuntu distro but the boot manager in the gnome menus disappeared07:16
olimarI have now a full grub menu and can't start my windows partitions anymore07:16
olimarplease any help?07:16
olimardoes anyone know the gnome system tools's boot window command?07:16
jdubolimar: it's not supported (it was in hoary earlier as a packaging regression)07:16
jdubolimar: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:17
goldfishsorry for the n00b question, first time using linux, anyone know where the gnome themes folder is?07:17
olimarbut I feel such a tool is really handy07:17
ZotnixI think .themes in your home folder07:17
olimaryou can add and change your installed OSs and the majority always have two07:18
Orcristwhat's the cmd-line command for traceroute?07:18
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olimarok opened the menu-lst07:19
olimarBUT the windows partition DISAPPEARED O_O07:19
Dreamer3_olimar: great! things are already improcing07:19
olimarhow can I start windows at all? It seems the updated overwrote the old file07:20
olimarmyn I have to go to work with this notebook or I'll get fired07:20
whiprusholimar: your entry for windows should look something like this: http://www.redhat.com/advice/tips/dualboot.html07:20
olimarhow can I tell my Boss I don't have a windows partition with all the data ?!07:20
Dreamer3_olimar: you'll have to add it back... should i even mention restoring from a backup?07:20
Dreamer3_olimar: maybe not play around on work pcs? ;-)07:20
=== Dreamer3_ thinks debian has made him too cynical
Dreamer3_well, time to call a friend07:21
olimarmaybe make no buggy software ???07:21
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froustWhat is the easiest way to set up alsa?07:21
olimarthat's a KILLER bug07:21
whiprusholimar: you running hoary?07:22
Orcriststrange, but it only does that with traceroute07:22
olimaryes I am07:22
whiprushkinda comes with the territory07:22
whiprushif you need something that doesn't break, stick with warty.07:22
olimarare there any possibilities to restart grub config?07:22
olimarmaybe a deb tool?07:23
Orcristlol no traceroute installed!07:23
whiprusholimar: that page I linked you to has an example windows entry for your menu.lst.07:23
olimaryeah I'll not upgrade anymore ...07:23
supergearubuntu seems good07:23
olimarbut it doesn't look like the linux ones in the menu-lsdt07:23
supergeareven tho i am running it on vmware07:23
olimarand it is for RH, is this ok ?07:23
whiprushthe example for a windows boot thing should be fine07:24
whiprushsec, lemme ask someone07:24
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olimarand is hd0 ok?07:25
olimarI doubt it was hd0 on my Notebook but I am not sure07:25
whiprushit needs to point to where your windows partition is07:25
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whiprushugh, I'm not sure and I don't want to give you bad information.07:26
FLeiXiuSwhiprush: if windows was install first windows tends to hang on the hd107:27
dudwindows needs to be on hd0,007:27
whiprushif worse comes to worse and your boss is about to kill you you can stick in your XP disc and do a /fixmbr from the rescue mode07:27
dudwindow has to have the first partition on the first drive, or else it wont work07:27
olimarwell I'll try...07:27
olimarok I'll do a reboot07:27
FLeiXiuSdud: it works on other partitions..07:27
whiprusholimar: wait07:28
whiprushman ...07:28
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dudheh, if we dont see him again, we know what went wrong hehe07:28
Orcristever since I installed (and subsequently uninstalled) imwheel, I've noticed my mouse double clicks without me telling it too about half the time... anyone else had this same problem?07:28
zenroxOrcrist,  dont use imwheel07:30
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Orcristwhy not zenrox?07:30
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zenroxxfree shuld all ready use the wheel07:30
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stuNNedimwheel is deprecated no?07:30
Orcristit wasn't hte wheel, it was the 5 buttons07:31
Orcristwell any idea what it might have tainted?  I already searched through my x86 config and no clues there07:31
ZotnixI used it for a 7 button mouse07:31
ZotnixWhich I have now.07:31
gregdayX has a hard limit of 5 configurable buttons...  left, right, middle, wheelup, wheeldown, and then you're done.07:31
ZotnixJust hadn't done anything with it07:31
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zenroximwheel takes over the wheel and causes probs07:32
Orcristwell since I've uninstalled, this same problem persists07:33
Orcristeven after cold reboots07:33
OrcristI think the only thing I haven't tried is a reboot to the recovery kernel07:33
zenroxmouse wont work thare any way07:33
Orcristis there anywhere else I might look for clues as to whether its still affecting my mouse or if maybe I just have a hardware prob?07:33
zenroxrecovery= root terminal07:33
zenroxOrcrist,  maby gnome mouse settings07:34
Orcristyes, but you can regularly boot it using a clean kernel07:34
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OrcristI wouldn't think imwheel taints kernels but who knows07:34
zenroxgnome can be programed to use other mouse buttons07:34
Orcristnot a whole lot of options in there zenrox... and I've been through them all07:34
zenroxand keys too07:34
zenroxcheck the keyboard07:34
Orcristit's really annoying with searching through synaptic... it'll mark for installation... or I join a game server twice and launch 2 quakes... that one's really fun07:35
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Orcristlet me look there zen07:35
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zenroxya Orcrist  i bet07:35
zenroxthat one is fun07:35
zenroxi want my wireless mouse and kb combo back but its being used on my PS207:36
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olimarNo it didn't work!07:38
Orcriststill nothing...07:38
FrctlHey all! im a windows user and i know a little windows programming, but im pretty new to linux...i messed around with FreeBSD a couple years ago, but gave up. is ubuntu a good place to start?07:38
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zenroxFrctl,  yes07:39
stuNNedFrctl: as good as any, pretty easy to use from teh start.07:39
zenroxeasy install07:39
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stuNNedFrctl: and guarantees to always be free software ;)07:39
zenroxif you can under stad what goes on07:39
Frctlwarty-install-i386.iso is the latest stable, right?07:39
=== stuNNed uses warty with unstable backports
zenroxi use hoary07:40
Orcristyes Frctl... has some big advantages (in my opinion) over the other classic newbie distros like mandrake07:40
stuNNeddoes mdk even ship dbus/hal yet?07:41
zenroxstuNNed,  nope07:42
=== RuffianSoldier [~RuffianSo@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FrctlOne of my goals is to get it running on one of my PC's with a Linksys wireless USB adaptor.  none of the live cd's seem to see it. any advice?07:42
stuNNedonly reason for me to use hoary at this point is for galeon, warty has alot of new stuffs in it already07:43
da_bon_bonwhich is /the/ software for low level raw partition table access and modification ?07:43
MM2is someone familiar with cinerella?07:43
stuNNedda_bon_bon: fdisk ?07:43
da_bon_bonstuNNed: no, i want to change hdc2 to 107:43
zenroxda_bon_bon, fdisk07:44
da_bon_bonzenrox: no i want to change hdc2 to 107:44
zenroxyou gots to del the partion07:44
zenroxand redo it07:44
zenroxto get hdc107:44
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zenroxyou cant jsut rename it07:45
stuNNedzenrox: parted might be able to do it, there is qtparted frontend.07:45
zenroxhes right07:45
zenroxqtparted is nice07:45
da_bon_bonqtparted has screwed up my part. table sooo many times.07:47
Frctlthx all07:47
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stuNNedda_bon_bon: what type partition has it screwed up?07:48
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da_bon_bonstuNNed: the table itself - the part. numbers are non-contiuguous - start from hdc207:48
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kakaltowhat's a good c compiler?07:54
kakaltoI need to install one07:54
TheMusoUbuntu comes with gcc.07:55
zenroxand a few others that are very nice07:55
mebaranis ther anyway07:55
mebaranthat one could some how make a repo07:55
mebaranthat could have stable ports for Hoary07:55
zenroxmebaran,  how so07:55
mebarankind of like backports but in reverse07:56
mebaranlike a lot of stuff for AMD64 is very broken07:56
zenroxme its ubuntu-backports.sf.net07:56
TheMusoHoary is unstable. How would stable ports help?07:56
kakaltozenrox, but...07:56
mebaranwell for really broken apps07:56
mebaranlike Evoultion07:56
mebaranon AMD64 it wont start07:56
mebaranat all07:56
kakaltowhen installing a program which requires compiling, it checks some place, and hasn't found a valid compiler07:56
mebaransegfault or float error07:56
jdubdon't use backports07:56
jdubthey just screw things up07:56
mebaranapt-get install build-essential07:57
zenroxkakalto,  it dont install it as a default set up07:57
mebaranI hope they fix Evolution soon07:57
jdubeither help test the devel branch or live comfortably on the stable release07:57
jdubmebaran: 'they', you keep saying this word07:57
mebaranwell I had a problem in stable07:57
kakaltozenrox, then how do I get it to work?07:57
mebaranas Xfree refused to work07:57
zenroxkakalto,  what mebaran  said is what you do it get it07:57
kakaltoyou mean apt-get install build-essential?07:57
zenroxya with a sudo infrount07:58
mebaraneasy as pie07:58
mebaranoh yes07:58
mebaranthe obligatory sudo07:58
mebaransorry jdub07:58
kakaltobtw, how big is the download?07:58
zenroxnot very07:58
mebaranoh like a couple megs07:58
mebaranI think is like 507:58
mebaranthat sounds about right07:58
mebarannot to huge07:58
kakalto*sigh of relief*07:58
mebaranjdub: sorry if I use they in a silly manner07:58
mebaranthey as in the developers07:59
mebaranI dont know enough C to do anything07:59
mebaranthere we go07:59
zenroxlol now if you want the dev libs for all your progarms that yor going to compile agenst to get a certion program to work07:59
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mebaranmake sure to dll the dev packages07:59
zenroxthen it will get huge08:00
jdubmebaran: have you commented on or reported a bug?08:00
mebaranesp if you need like gtk2.0-dev08:00
zenrox100-200megs depending what you have install08:00
mebaranalot of AMD64'ers have the problem08:00
mebaranso it aint jsut me08:00
stuNNedmebaran: but numbers?08:00
stuNNedmebaran: bug numbers, sorry08:00
mebaranI wouldnt know off the top of my head08:00
mebaranlet me look it up08:00
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mebarandamn page takes forever08:02
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dudtalk about ber split08:10
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dudrather wikked08:10
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bzbbholy netsplit, batman08:10
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brandooOk - Another thing :) Anyone here used Fedora ?08:12
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muhahahahai can acces mldonkey in my pc via how can access it from another pc?08:12
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wezzerI don't if that is possible08:13
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wezzerbut try changing the ip address08:13
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mebaran151it is bug numbers 5870 and bug 564908:14
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mebaran151I experienced both08:14
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dudbleh... nvidia-settings only work on xfree86, and not xorg it seems....08:15
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dudi really fscking need a nice application to adjust my gamma...08:16
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steve__I have a printer issue, and I am wondering if anyone can help me out08:17
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kzmHi all08:17
steve__my message says Paused: Unable to open USB device "usb://hp/deskjet%203320?serial=LPDTESTLD": No such device08:17
kzmI just switched from gentoo to ubuntu, but now I have some problems.08:18
HrdwrBoBkzm: shoot08:18
kzmWell - I installed from warty, then changed the sources.list to refer to hoary08:18
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=== Dreamer3 yawns.
kzm...then dist-upgrade'd, which broke horribly.08:19
Dreamer3did i miss anything08:19
steve__does anyone know that printer message means and how I can fix it08:19
bob2kzm: to the unstable pre-alpha version of ubuntu?08:19
bob2shock ;)08:19
kzmBut I removed and reinstalled, and now I have at least ubuntu-desktop installed, and there doesn't seem to be anything missing08:19
Dreamer3kzm: no way, hoary isn't 100% perfect yet? :)08:19
kzmOKay, perhaps it's a bit more experimental than I thought.  Shoulda known08:20
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kzm(Because the warty live CD worked pretty well when my disk had crashed)08:20
billyanachronismim having a problem installing ubuntu.. warty.. whatever it was that was sent first08:20
billyanachronismit installs and gets to initrd-tools and dies08:20
kzmBut perhaps it's possible to resolve my issues anyway08:20
billyanachronismit says.. from console 3 that its already installed08:21
billyanachronismand also that there are some unmet dependancies08:21
billyanachronismis this a common error?08:21
steve__again, can anyone help with my printer issues08:21
billyanachronismanyone know what I should do?08:21
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kzm1. the X server (or Gnome?) hangs for some time at irregular intervals.  Around a second or so, where the mouse pointer doesn't move.  I use the nv driver (not nvidia), so perhaps it is inefficient?08:21
dudsooo.... has anyone gotten the nvidia-settings package to work on hoary amd64?08:22
billyanachronismthis is so ridiculous.. I haven't ever been able to install ubuntu08:22
mebaran151I found the bug number as 587008:22
billyanachronismit just doesn't work.. on multiple computers08:22
mebaran151Evolution crashing when dataserver is launched08:22
mebaran151with a float error08:22
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kzmbilly: I had a problem with the computer locking up -- I think it was solved by using "noapic" etc as kernel params on boot08:23
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billyanachronismis there a howto or FAQ for the warty cd install?08:23
billyanachronismkzm, it doesn't lock up.. it just stuffs up when it gets to initrd-tools installation08:23
stuNNedbillyanachronism: /topic ?08:23
billyanachronismstuNNed, ty08:24
kzm"stuffs" up?08:24
billyanachronismsays initrd-tools is already installed .. or something08:24
billyanachronismI'll have to retry install08:24
billyanachronismgive me a second08:25
kzmVery strange, imho.  But I'm no expert - I was trying to figure out some issues with my own ubuntu install...08:25
billyanachronismbut in order for me to do that I have to redo the install to format the disk because once its got files on there it won't install over it again08:25
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ficusplanetHey everyone.  I'm attempting to build gossip cvs and I get this error during the configure script:08:27
ficusplanetchecking for XScreenSaverRegister in -lXext... no08:27
ficusplanetchecking for XScreenSaverRegister in -lXss... yes08:27
ficusplanetconfigure: error: Couldn't find XScreenSaver extension.08:27
kzmI guess warty is the recommended distro ,then?  Is it possible to downgrade, or must I reinstall?08:27
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ficusplanetWhat do I need to install to circumvent this?  (I'm using hoary)08:27
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jirwinsure looks like08:34
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jirwinreal quick, could anyone tell me why stuff I put in .bashprofile (adding to PATH) isn't working?08:35
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heliolithdoes anyone have a utility to auto-rotate jpegs with embedded exif-orientation info?  or a way to do that they prefer?  I can't DL jpegtools b/c of a dependency issue08:37
dudargh, i really really need to get nvidia-settings running so that i can adjust my gamma here... its killing me hehe08:38
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Dreamer3heliolith: with imagemagick not do that?08:39
dudheliolith, afaik RawView is a sweet application which can read EXIF information08:39
Lathiatheliolith: look at the package called 'exiftran'08:39
dudat least for crw files, and most likely for jpeg08:39
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helioliththanks all 3 of you08:39
Lathiatheliolith: preserves the exif data and updates it too08:39
dudbut how about this crapassed nvidia problem of mine...08:39
=== dud doesnt like segmentation faults
Amaranthdud: This is why I stick to the open source ATI driver. :)08:40
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dudAmaranth, that driver really wont do much good on an nvidia card...08:40
timlinux_zzzzzzzAmaranth, does the OS ati driver give you nice 3d acceleration?08:40
Dreamer3dud: lol08:40
Amaranthtimlinux_zzzzzzz: Depends on what card you have.08:41
linux-rulzhey, this isn't really a ubuntu question, i am more here to maybe help answer them, but anyways, i use chatzilla, and now it logs me in without asking for my username on other networks i use sometimes, how do i change my username?08:41
AmaranthIt does up to the Radeon 9250, iirc08:41
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linux-rulzah, never mind, found it08:41
AmaranthIf you're running Ubuntu and have a supported card it should have been setup on its own.08:41
timlinux_zzzzzzz0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE]  (rev 01)08:41
dudstracing it just gives lots of garbage08:42
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Amaranthtimlinux_zzzzzzz: Did you install the ATI driver from ATI or just left what Ubuntu setup for you?08:42
ficusplanetDoes anyone know what I would have to install to get gossip to see that I have xscreensaver.  It says "checking for XScreenSaverRegister in -lXext... no"08:42
timlinux_zzzzzzzAmaranth, It may have been but ubuntu didnt install any 3d / opengl apps afaict08:42
timlinux_zzzzzzz0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE]  (rev 01)08:42
timlinux_zzzzzzzsorry for double post :-(08:42
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dudficusplanet, prolly xscreensavers dev package...08:42
Amaranthtimlinux_zzzzzzz: check out glxinfo and see if you have 'Direct Rendering: Yes'08:42
timlinux_zzzzzzzI'm trigger happy on my keyboard today :-(08:43
AmaranthI think that's what it says.08:43
ficusplanetdud, There is not xscreensaver dev package.08:43
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dud"glxinfo |grep direct" should do it08:43
dudficusplanet, hmm08:43
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timlinux_zzzzzzzdirect rendering: Yes08:44
timlinux_zzzzzzzIll grab a copy of bzone and give it a go08:44
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AmaranthYou're probably enjoying the goodness that is the open-source DRI driver then. :)08:45
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CreeValGod day08:45
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CreeValWhen i try to change the resolution on my Ubuntu install(Warty) i get this error message: "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available."08:46
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CreeValAny ideas? (have installed the fglrx module and its working just fine...)08:47
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ron_ok how do i put a new program in my ubuntu start menu08:47
timlinux_zzzzzzzAmaranth, goodie goodie goodie....I am just crossgrading to ubuntu from suse and have been missing out on 3d because xorg doenst do 3d ati yet afaik08:47
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ron_ok how do i put a new program in my ubuntu start menu08:47
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Amaranthtimlinux_zzzzzzz: It has for awhile now, if you have that card. :)08:48
ron_anyone know?08:48
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Amaranthron_: I remember it was a PITA when I tried to find out and that I gave up. :P08:48
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randabisron_, are you running warty or hoary?08:49
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randabisto add stuff to the applications menu, type nautilus applications:/// in a terminal08:49
randabisit will open your menu08:49
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randabisthen you can right-click, and select Add Launcher08:49
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randabisyou "should" be able to figure it out from there :)08:50
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Amaranthrandabis: Not in hoary. :P08:50
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randabisAmaranth, that's why I asked him which version he was running08:50
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AmaranthI know, just saying it isn't that easy in hoary.08:50
randabisYep, it's a pain atm08:51
randabisMuch easier in XFCE though :)08:51
randabisI've been gnome-free about a week now08:52
randabiswell, gnome is there, it's just gathering dust08:52
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stuNNedhi, warty is like sid snapshot at time of development, what is it compared to with debian?  like "sarge" ?08:53
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rubenvkinda, but way better08:53
fabbionewarty is a stable release08:53
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stuNNedyes but08:54
randabisstuNNed, if you mean like stable vs unstable, I'd say Woody08:54
fabbionehoary is betweend sid and sarge08:54
stuNNedhoary is between sid and sarge? ah ok08:54
randabishoary has surpassed sid for the most part08:54
randabisxorg, etc08:54
stuNNedso if i want to grab galeon when it enters sarge or get it from sid?  (i think the former)08:54
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randabiswithin ubuntu?08:55
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stuNNedrandabis: ok then, so it is alot different, to a degree :)08:55
stuNNedrandabis: yes, it's not avail, only in hoary.08:55
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randabisah, didn't realize that...I've been using galeon for a little while now. I like it better than firefox08:55
stuNNedme too really08:56
randabisas far as "where" to get it...I really don't know...I suppose you could try the sarge one08:56
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HrdwrBoBgaleon is in universe08:56
HrdwrBoBI beleive08:57
stuNNednot in warty.08:57
stuNNedrandabis: according to #galeon on irc.gnome.org it should be ported to sarge soon enough :)08:57
randabiswell I run hoary anyway so it's not a big deal08:57
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stuNNedrandabis: do you sync often?08:58
randabisthe sid one might work in warty, I really don't know...I don't think jdong backported that often either08:58
randabisstuNNed, daily08:58
randabissometimes more than once depending on what's released (I'm on the mailing list)08:58
stuNNedrandabis: which mailing list?08:59
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stuNNedthanks will subscribe08:59
bob2you really don't need to be on ubuntu-changes08:59
bob2all the info there is in the package changelogs anyway09:00
bob2(Except for who uploaded it)09:00
randabisI like to have it in my mailbox for quick reference09:00
stuNNedrandabis: how much mail per day lol?09:00
bob2sure, so do I, but it's not that useful09:00
bob2stuNNed: ~40 maybe09:00
randabislately it's been less09:01
stuNNedbtw this windows admin here likes ubuntu09:01
bob2stuNNed: a better idea is apt-listchanges09:02
stuNNedbob2: okie09:02
mdrjrdoes anyone here knows what packages are for C functions manual pages?09:02
bob2mdrjr: manpages-dev09:02
mdrjrbob2, thank you.09:03
goldfishHow do I get xmms?09:03
mdrjrgoldfish, sudo apt-get install xmms09:03
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goldfishmdrjr: hrmm... That doesn't seem to work for me.09:04
bob2goldfish: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto09:04
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steve__can anyone help me with a printer issue09:05
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steve__hey ficus what is up09:06
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ficusplanethey steve09:07
ficusplanetnothing much09:07
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steve__I have a pritner issue09:07
stuNNedbob2: like randabis would prefer emails sorry09:07
steve__can you help09:07
stuNNedbob2: web based and all...more convenient imho09:07
ficusplanetWhat's the problem?09:07
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steve__i get  a crazy message when I print09:08
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steve__it is Paused: Unable to open USB device "usb://hp/deskjet%203320?serial=LPDTESTLD": No such device09:08
steve__I configured it, I thought09:08
pvhWhat's the best wireless frontend to use? Kismet? KWifiManager? Wavemon? WMWave?09:09
stuNNedwireless frontend for what?09:09
ficusplanetDid it automatically detect your printer or did you try to manually do it?09:09
steve__auto, but then it made me choose one09:09
steve__kind of confusing09:09
ficusplanetpvh, netapplet or NetworkManager.  I prefer networkmanager but it is hard to set up.09:09
pvhstuNNed: Signal strength, joining networks, etc.09:09
bob2stuNNed: huh?09:09
pvhficusplanet: How hard?09:10
bob2and networkmanager is buggy as hell09:10
stuNNedpvh: kismet i would think, until something like networkmanager is in stable or something.09:10
=== pvh nods
ficusplanetpvh, Well, I checked out cvs and applied a patch and then I was ready for hoary.09:10
stuNNedbob2: would prefer hoary-changes email is all.09:10
bob2er, kismet is not a wireless frontend09:10
pvhficusplanet: My laptop is my low-danger-zone.09:10
bob2stuNNed: apt-listchanges has nothing to do with anything "web based".  it displays new changelog entries to you when you install packages.09:10
bob2pvh: netapplet is in hoary (universe) and not too buggy09:11
steve__any ideas ficus09:11
pvhbob2: I'll give it a go.09:11
Amaranthbob2: It isn't just in thom's repository anymore?09:11
stuNNedbob2: before the install of packages or after?09:11
stuNNedbob2: so it's automatic?09:11
stuNNedbob2: with apt-get?09:11
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pvhbob2: Is there lid sensor stuff in hoary?09:14
linux-rulzis there any third party repositories for ubuntu warty that receive security updates (cause universe doesnt)09:15
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steve__ficus, still the same. i will have to get with my partner tomorrow and have him diagnose this one09:16
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linux-rulzsteve__: what is wrong?09:17
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steve__my printer is all jacked up09:17
flodinwhat does it mean when aptitude tells me packages are "held back"?09:17
ficusplanetsteve__, good luck.  sorry i can't be of any help on this one.09:17
steve__it comes out with the message Paused: Unable to open USB device "usb://hp/deskjet%203320?serial=LPDTESTLD": No such device09:17
linux-rulzflodin: try apt-get dist-upgrade09:17
pvhIs there a Hoary Laptop site?09:18
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flodinlinux-rulz: what does that do?09:18
linux-rulzflodin: instead of a normal upgrade09:18
linux-rulzit prevents packages from being held back09:18
[Batch] good morning !!09:18
linux-rulzsteve__: what kind of printer?09:18
flodinlinux-rulz: well do i want them to be held back? I don't even know what it means or why they are held back09:18
steve__hp 332209:18
linux-rulzflodin: which ones are being held back....things such as the kernel are sometimes held back because people don't always want to upgrade them09:19
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linux-rulzsteve__: did you check linuxprinting.org09:19
flodinokay. So this is some kind of manual option? Who flags them as held back, me?09:19
steve__yeah, it says the driver installed was the right one09:19
steve__it is almost like the driver is not installed in the right directory or something09:20
linux-rulzflodin: yes, i believe you can, but the ubuntu team also flags some that people often don't want upgraded all the time09:20
linux-rulzflodin: use synaptic and see which ones are being held back09:20
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flodinlinux-rulz: i can see that using aptitude09:21
steve__did you see the error message I posted09:21
linux-rulzflodin: which ones are being held back?09:21
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linux-rulzsteve__: i dont think i was in this room yet09:21
steve__ok, hold one09:22
flodinlibasound, libfaad, libavcodec, libdv4, libpostproc, ...09:22
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steve__Paused: Unable to open USB device "usb://hp/deskjet%203320?serial=LPDTESTLD": No such device09:22
linux-rulzflodin: just do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, it will download the updates09:22
flodini chose "mark upgradable" in aptitude now, which made it upgrade them09:22
steve__linux-rulz, there ya go09:22
linux-rulzsteve__: i have never seen that before......was it working before on ubuntu or any other linux distro?09:23
steve__this is the first time i used it09:23
linux-rulzsteve__: ubuntu or linux?09:23
steve__I used it before on mandrake09:23
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linux-rulzthats strange....you could try uninstalling cups and compiling it from source...although that could mess something up09:24
billyanachronismhey, I have an obscure error in the install09:24
linux-rulzbilly: what is it?09:24
billyanachronismjust after it says.. choosing what kernel to instal09:24
billyanachronismusing the warty install cd09:24
billyanachronismit says initrd-tools is already at its newest version09:24
billyanachronismthen it lists a number of packages that are its unmet dependancies but that they aren't going to be installed09:24
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billyanachronismand then E: unmet dependancies09:24
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billyanachronismI was browsing through the forums and another guy was having the same error on the exact same processor as me..09:25
linux-rulzsteve__: does hp officially support there printers on linux?09:25
billyanachronismbut his solution seemed non-sensical and not really related09:25
linux-rulzbilly: what processor?09:25
steve__this driver is their generic release09:25
linux-rulzsteve__: you could try contacting hp09:26
steve__maybe I will do that09:26
steve__thanks man09:26
billyanachronismhe eventually got it installed.. but it required him filling the harddrive with 000s and then fixing the heatsink+fan properly onto the cpu09:26
linux-rulzbilly: is that the processor that supposedly had lots of bugs...i know a few years AMD released a buggy processor09:26
bob2stuNNed: before, yes and automatically displays new changelog entries to you09:26
billyanachronismuhm ok09:26
linux-rulzsteve__: no problem09:26
bob2Amaranth: yeah, but apparently pretty buggy09:27
billyanachronismlinux-rulz, thats an extremely obscure bug09:27
bob2pvh: and warty, yes09:27
linux-rulzsteve__: you could try contacting the cups or the ubuntu teams too09:27
bob2pvh: assuming you mean acpi09:27
steve__I will definately do both09:27
stuNNedbob2: so just 'apt-get install package' and automagically displays changelog before and during the process?09:27
linux-rulzbilly: im not sure what else to recommend...never heard of anything like that before09:28
linux-rulzas far as i know ubuntu is compiled for i386, so there shouldnt be any problem there09:28
bob2stuNNed: yup09:28
billyanachronismits quite irritating.. the install basically finished too09:28
bob2stuNNed: and with aptitude, but not synaptic09:28
stuNNedbob2: wowza.09:29
linux-rulzbilly: try apt-get check and then open synaptic and see if there is any broken packages09:29
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billyanachronismlinux-rulz, I tried that09:29
bob2yeah, very handy09:29
billyanachronismI'll do it again09:29
billyanachronismI think i have to run /target/usr/bin/apt-get09:29
billyanachronismlinux-rulz, I get a library error when trying to run apt-get09:30
billyanachronismlibapt-pkg-libc6 i think09:30
linux-rulzhmmm....im not sure....have you tried debian to see if it works?09:30
stuNNedbob2: ok i just 'apt-get install bzflag' and no changelog09:30
linux-rulztry downloading that package from ubuntu's servers and then install it using dpkg09:30
bob2stuNNed: did you have it installed before?09:30
stuNNedbob2: just installed it.09:31
bob2then it won't show anything09:31
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bob2since every entry is new09:31
stuNNedah ok then09:31
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=== mvo_ would like to add that apt-listchanges works fine with synaptic too
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bob2sorry for the disinformation09:34
stuNNedmvo_: thanks09:35
GammaRaywhat? rumsfeld is that you?09:35
stuNNedbob2: think it's worth it to upgrade to hoary so can get galeon? :\09:35
thoreauputicquestion re ppc warty: I have dual boot and mac osx in /etc/fstab - is it safe to write to the os x partition?09:35
thoreauputiciBook G4 , ppc version of warty of course09:36
bob2thoreauputic: hfs, yes, ufs, no09:36
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bob2hfs+, I don't know09:36
bob2stuNNed: not for me, but I don't use galeon anyway09:36
stuNNedbob2: k09:37
bob2if you ccan deal with things breaking sometimes, then go for it09:37
thoreauputicbob2: aha, thanks - it's hfsplus so I guess it's fine :)09:37
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thoreauputicbob2: I tried copying a .png over and nothing broke, so I'm hopeful09:38
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dsl1165anyone no anything about freenx?09:38
linux-rulzthoreauputic: try rebooting in os x now09:38
steve__linux-rulz, I went to get the file from hp, and i went to compile it, but it says i do not have a c compiler. what apt-tet file do I need then09:38
bob2thoreauputic: hrm, ok, be careful...09:39
linux-rulzapt-get install gcc g++09:39
thoreauputiclinux-rulz: alrewady have and it wasn't broken :)09:39
bob2steve__: install 'build-essential'09:39
bob2gcc by itself can't even compile 'hello world'09:39
steve__cool bob09:39
dsl1165was going to be my suggestion. might also grab module-assistant because it will set up your /src symlinks09:40
dsl1165module-assistant prepare, iirc09:40
flodinanyone know of an rss aggregator that can handle https and http redirects? I want to use gmail's rss feed for mail09:40
linux-rulzsteve__: what file did you get from hp?09:40
dsl1165So, no gurus to help me with my nomachine woes?09:40
bob2dsl1165: you don't seem to have asked a question about it09:41
dsl1165well, installed freenx, got it working but it seems to completely ignore theming and icons under gnome.09:41
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dsl1165any ideas on how to tweak it into playing nicer aside from saying "switch to kde"? :-)09:42
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thoreauputicdsl1165: my nxclient works fine in i386 but not in ppc - beyond thatb I don't know much09:42
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dsl1165it works fine, it just gives me the default theme on the remote session and half my icons are broken09:42
dsl1165so "works" yes, but a little glitchy.09:42
dsl1165fast as hell though.09:43
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dsl1165so, I was hoping someone might know of a fix.09:43
bob2that's bizarre09:43
thoreauputicdsl1165: I haven't seen a big advantage over just using ssh -X here, but I'm only trying it on local network09:43
bob2I thought it was well above the toolkit level09:43
dsl1165it really makes a difference over slower links.09:43
dsl1165bob, so did I, from what I read. seems like it is ignoring the human theme though.09:44
dsl1165I've used it over wireless, from an old and busted p133. works like a champ.09:44
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thoreauputicdsl1165: yes, amazing - i did try the "demo" over dialup, and even kde was usble (barely)09:44
dsl1165I'd just like to crack why it isn't using the correct icon/theme/etc info under ubuntu09:45
thoreauputicslow, but amazing it worked at all09:45
dsl1165actually, across a wireless link through a firewall it's almost as fast as being there for me.09:45
dsl1165best part is it playing over ssh09:45
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Emanuelezhello *09:45
dsl1165can tunnel it like a fiend. ;-)09:45
Emanuelezwhat's new? :)09:46
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dare2dreamerfreaking damnsmalllinux.09:46
thoreauputicdsl1165: yes. I haven't had much joy trying vnc - it is much slower09:46
dare2dreameroh, vnc pushes bitmaps of your screen around, very heavy. even compressing the ssh tunnels, my vnc sessions were awful unless I was on my lan09:47
dare2dreamerused to log in, xrandr to a lower resolution and connect to vino before I found nx. it doesn't give you display :0, but damn it's fast.09:47
thoreauputicdare2dreamer: yep. btw, damnsmall is very clever, but I wouldn't want to live there, if you know what I mean ;)09:48
dare2dreamersorry about the nic mixup, was working on a borrowed rig.09:48
dare2dreameryeah, but gets a p100 upright and useable as a surf station.09:48
dare2dreamerI use it to connect to the ubuntu beast in the next room.09:48
thoreauputicindeed- usefulit is :)09:48
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crypticreignhmm, this "smb mount" icon wont delete off my desktop09:48
dare2dreameroh yeah, got two old laptops screaming on it.09:49
crypticreigneven tho nothing is mounted09:49
thoreauputicright click, umount?09:49
dare2dreamerrestart fam?09:49
dare2dreameror has that become an old joke now...09:49
crypticreignthat did nothinig09:49
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dare2dreamerdamn thing is in a constant state of breaking things for me. damn near ripped it out, but I didn't like the idea of refreshing my nautilus windows manually.09:50
thoreauputiccrypticreign: heh- rename the icon ;)09:50
crypticreigni cant :)09:50
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dare2dreamerrestart X?09:50
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crypticreigndone that :)09:50
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crypticreignoh woah.. its just dissapeared09:51
dare2dreamerhey, it's always my LAST idea.09:51
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dare2dreamersometimes samba shares need a few minutes to go inactive. at least on the win side.09:51
dare2dreamerthey time out09:51
dare2dreamerseen that here with the gf's xp rig09:51
=== dare2dreamer shudders
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=== thoreauputic just uses nfs - no windows to worry about
crypticreignah, this is samba connecting to a linux box09:52
dare2dreamernever found a need to nfs...found shfsmount early on09:52
crypticreignfroma  linux box09:52
dare2dreamerew, black voodoo I say09:52
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dare2dreamerso bob2, you said you had nomachine/freenx running on your rig?09:53
bob2I don't think I ever said that.09:53
thoreauputicdare2dreamer: actually I can use ssh with nautilus instead - works OK although kde's fish with konqueror is better IMO09:53
bob2(no, I don't)09:53
dare2dreamersorry, got confused.09:54
dare2dreamerthore, only beef I have with that is I can't seem to log onto anything with nautilus that has an @ or an # in the username09:54
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dare2dreamermy webhost authenticated with usernames like user@host.09:54
rubenvdare2dreamer: your webhost shouldn't be doing that09:55
dare2dreamertried it as user#host, but no love. works locally though. of course shfsmount let's me play with stuff like its local.09:55
thoreauputicah, good to know, thanks09:55
dare2dreamerrubenv, why not?09:55
rubenvbecause it's against the RFCs09:55
dare2dreamerit's a shared host. seen it before. chroot iirc.09:55
dare2dreamerseen a lot of it, three hosts now. pain in the tail, but he's a good host.09:56
rubenva username shouldn't have an @ :)09:56
dare2dreameryou use an # as a substitute in logins09:56
dare2dreamerproblem is, ssh honors it but nautilus doesn't.09:56
dare2dreamerjust sits there, looking for love.09:56
dare2dreamertried escaping it too, no dice.09:57
dare2dreameruser#host@host is a bitch to type on the line all the time. :-)09:57
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dare2dreamerfor ssh.09:57
dare2dreamerI kind of enjoy having things mounted to the filesystem as opposed to vfs though, can actually work with the files in question.09:58
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dare2dreamerthat "can see 'em but not hit 'em" thing nautilus does gets on my nerves.09:58
dare2dreameroh, totally unrelated point to share, naim is the second worst irc client I've ever touched.09:59
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thoreauputicdare2dreamer: OK I'll bite- whiach is the worst? ;)10:01
dare2dreamerlol. parachat. web-based thing, used java and irc, but restricted the servers such that you couldn't use any client but their pos java toy.10:02
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dare2dreamera website I frequented for a while used it before they found a contender that was equally bad...some flash garbage that made my eyes water to look at it10:03
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thoreauputichehe - I hate java stuff on the web - but then on dialup it's just painfully slow...10:04
dare2dreamerthey told me, when I offered to host a chat server for free, that "we paid for this one so we could modify it" I just giggled and killed my membersip.10:04
dare2dreamerouch. dial. I remember those days.10:04
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=== thoreauputic puts on his old timer hat
dare2dreamerhey, I wonder what's worse, dialup or really bad 802.11b.10:04
dare2dreamerhey I ain't newskool, I upgraded.10:04
=== thoreauputic did a year ofCS at uni when they still used punch cards
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dare2dreamerok, you kicked it old skool.10:05
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Xyverzgood morning.10:06
thoreauputichehe... my laptop is way more powerful than the mainframe they had back then...10:06
dare2dreamera buddy of mine's dad has the best oldskool geek story. he and a few guys snuck into their work a number of years ago to steal some time on a photo-etcher...to make floppy drive controllers.10:06
=== aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006657-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu
dare2dreamer8 inchers bay-bee.10:07
aethyrhi all, I did a warty install, and then afterwards changed my apt.sources to hoary, and did the whole "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" business10:07
aethyrhowever, it never changed over to xorg (it didn't even install xorg-server)10:07
dare2dreamerI told him, my friend and everyone in the room that I was handing over my madskillz hat10:07
aethyris this normal? I thought xorg came with hoary?10:07
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thoreauputicaethyr: doesn't sound right, no10:07
dare2dreamerhm. if you did it from within X, it might have not overwritten it because it was in use.10:08
=== dare2dreamer is guessing
Xyverzlooks like mine is migrating now10:08
XyverzI guess I should kill gdm, huh?10:08
aethyrerr... well, now when I do apt-get dist-upgrade, it doesn't want to change anything :P10:08
dare2dreamerI do that serious crap from init 1.10:09
thoreauputicdare2dreamer: hmm.... thatb didn't happen when I upgraded xfree86 in debian a few months back10:09
Xyverzaethyr: you have universe (and maybe multiverse) in your sources?10:09
aethyrI don't think I should have to though10:10
Xyverzdare2dreamer: heh.  can't do anything that requires networking from init1 unless you start your network manually.10:10
aethyrwhat determines how that switch gets made?10:10
dare2dreamerand this is an issue why?10:10
Xyverzaethyr: I'm just guessing, as well10:10
aethyrI don't quite understand apt :P   I use gentoo, there I know why stuff gets updated10:10
aethyrthe whole "apt-get dist-upgrade" seems vague and mysterous10:10
dare2dreamerno one understands apt, it's more of a worship thing.10:10
Xyverzdare2dreamer: one would assume network is needed for apt-get10:10
dare2dreameroh bitch bitch. ;-)10:11
thoreauputicdare2dreamer: well, why not just do everything with patch cords and vacuum tubes ;) ?10:11
dare2dreamer /etc/init.d/networking restart && /etc/init.d/piss off ;-)10:11
aethyrwell I guess a better way to rephrase it is, under what conditious would "apt-get dist-upgrade" want to install xserver-xorg ?10:11
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aethyrI mean I know I can manually do "apt-get install xserver-xorg" but that takes away the point of apt-get dist-upgrade :P10:11
Xyverzoh hey!10:12
Xyverzthere's my AIM buddy list10:12
dare2dreamerif I understand it, upgrade pulls in new packages with no additional packages and dist-upgrade is more like emerge world where it gets everything new.10:12
Xyverzjeez... 31% and still 35 minutes left do DL all packages.10:12
dare2dreamerof course I speak gentoo with an accent.10:12
aethyryea, but what tells it to get xserver-xorg ?10:13
dare2dreamerso what's the running opinion, migrate to hoary or clean install? I'm old debian thinking, but I'm wary with all the stories I've been hearing.10:13
Xyverzupgrade will upgrade to the newest versions of installed packages.  dist-upgrade upgrades everything including all deps, I tihnk.10:13
dare2dreamerubuntu-desktop metapackage I bet, aethyr....seems to track everything else.10:13
Xyverzdare2dreamer: I have no experience with ubuntu and upgrading.  this is my first try.  last time I did anything with ubuntu was on a previous install... I tried to install kde and farked everything up. heh.10:14
aethyri.e. in gentoo it would be because either a) a package which is already installed wants xorg installed or b) xserver is marked deprecated and they change the virtuals to point to xorg10:14
aethyrdare2dreamer, I'll check there, thanks :)10:14
dare2dreamernp. I think it's both in this case, aethyr, because it is a fork. new version number and new "official" package.10:15
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Xyverzoh sweet.  hoary's got gimp2.210:16
Xyverznot that I'm good with gimp, but still... ;)10:16
=== FAST [~asdfasdfa@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dare2dreamerit's slickness. so, what are the gotchas on a warty-to-hoary upgrade?10:16
FAST :(10:16
dudgimp 2.2 is so frikkin faster and much better than previously gimps10:17
aethyrdare2dreamer, it appears "apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop" will work. I'm going to kill X and try that, bbiab10:17
dudits amazing10:17
dare2dreameraethyr, I actually knew something...yay me10:17
FASTi have X problems again :(...         has something to do with the nvidia drivers.     cant get the GUI login screen,   gives me the "no screens found" error message again. anyone else have problems with the nvidia drivers?10:17
dare2dreamernope, mine work solid here. upgrade or new install?10:18
XyverzFAST: did it work for you with the nv drivers?10:18
FASTi think i installed the drivers yesterday, but never restarted until tonight.   now i have problems :(10:19
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FASTdare2dreamer, i must have installed them from apt-get10:19
FASTor something10:19
dare2dreamerif you kernel upgraded, you might need to get the new restricted module.10:19
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XyverzFAST: modprobe nvidia10:20
FASTi did kernel upgrade..... got a 686 batch10:20
XyverzFAST: did you do the opengl-update nvidia ?10:20
FASTi dont think so10:20
XyverzI had problems until I did that10:21
FASTwhat do i do10:21
dare2dreamerthought it was nvidia-glx-enable or somesuch. what does the opengl-update do?10:21
FASTi did run  nvidia-glx-update in console, tried startx, no luck10:21
FASTer, enable10:21
dare2dreamerrestart gdm and see if it flies?10:22
FASTwhats the command to restart10:22
FASTgdm, that is10:22
XyverzFAST: did you run nvidia-glx-config ?10:22
FASTdont think so10:23
XyverzFAST: I'm still using the stock kernel though.10:23
dare2dreamersudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:23
thoreauputicFAST: just sudo gdmI think10:23
Xyverzdid 'apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings' then 'nvidia-glx-update' and restart x10:23
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dare2dreamerI always call it from the script, because the restart will cleanly kill off any stragglers too10:24
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Xyverzjesus.  I've now snagged almost 600 packages and it's to only 56%10:24
Xyverzthat's a lot for a dist-upgrade.10:24
dare2dreamerbig update.10:24
Xyverzno kidding10:24
dare2dreamerI need to do one, but I'm holding off till after the weekend. got work to do10:25
Xyverzheh.  this is the spare disk in my Gentoo box10:25
Xyverzso I'm just futzing.10:25
=== Xyverz is on the windows box at the moment.
dare2dreamerI'm still timid about going hoary.10:25
FASTany other suggestions if these dont work?        pain in the ass to have to keep rebooting and trying :\10:25
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Xyverzwell, it's not like this is my main install on that box.10:26
Xyverzso I'm not really all that concerned.10:26
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XyverzFAST: you try modprobing the nvidia module and restarting X?10:26
XyverzFAST: is the module loaded?10:26
dare2dreamerok, it's official, nx is a mystery. google returned my forum-posted questions on the subject.10:26
FASTnope, let me try that as well10:26
XyverzFAST: you might also want to check all your settings for the card and disable everything that's not necessary in the config.10:26
FASTjust  'modprobe nvidia' ?10:26
Xyverzshould work.10:26
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XyverzFAST: if you installed the driver package from nvidia, you'll need to load the module upon reboot10:27
Xyverzyou can write a script for that.10:27
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FASTwell, everything was working fine beforehand, i htink just the nvidia drivers installation cause problems.10:27
Xyverzor add it to your conf.modules10:27
dare2dreamer /etc/modules10:28
=== aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006657-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu
aethyrok, last question for the evening10:28
FASTalso, one more thing.  in case theyve been removed (might have been), what command can i run to  install all the nvidia packages10:28
XyverzI just did apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings10:28
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Xyverzdunno which other packages provide.10:28
dare2dreamermine never got uninstalled.10:28
=== |ALLANON| [~|ALLANON|@adsl-ull-96-118.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
aethyrwhat's the "ubuntu way" to setup xorg?  I tried dpkg-reconfigure, but it doesn't get me the right default-resolution (I want 1280x1024 it's giving me 1024x768).  I know how to edit xorg.conf, but I'm trying to figure out the proper way to do it with this distribution.10:29
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aethyralso, when I first installed ubuntu, all it asked me was what res I wanted, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg asks a ton of questions :P10:29
dare2dreamerI just tweaked mine by hand and got on with it. I think the ubuntu way is largely weighted on results.10:30
thoreauputicaethyr: you did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?10:30
aethyrthoreauputic, yup10:30
Xyverzaethyr: cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/xorg.conf?10:30
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aethyrok, so there's no "best way"10:30
aethyrI'll just do it by hand10:30
Xyverzaethyr: I have no idea, actually10:30
thoreauputicif you edit by hand, dpkg-reconfigure ceases to work10:30
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=== aethyr is just playing around with ubuntu anyways on a spare 5GB drive
Kishucan someone help me with the error when u get trying to dual boot with windows xp10:31
dare2dreamerwe can try10:31
thoreauputicthe file has a dire warning about it ;)10:31
Kishu"Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7" this is my error10:31
dare2dreameraethr, you should be able to dpkg-reconfigure it.10:31
Xyverzthoreauputic: really?  I just change options around.  nothing major10:31
dare2dreamersame here.10:31
FASTwell..... here it goes.10:31
XyverzKishu: what was the last command you did?10:31
aethyrthoreauputic, do you know why it would ask about 20x more questions using dpkg-reconfigure than it does during installation?10:31
=== Xyverz wonders why fast rebooted.
Kishui installed ubuntu10:31
XyverzKishu: are you getting that when you run grub or on reboot?10:32
thoreauputicaethyr: different priority setting10:32
dare2dreameraethyr, probably because its reconfiguring without the benefit of autodetection10:32
KishuXyverz when i try to boot xp10:32
aethyrhm, seems shifty, ok, bbiab10:32
thoreauputicyou can do dpkg-reconfigure -plow for example10:32
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martyrKishu: http://www.geocities.com/epark/linux/grub-w2k-HOWTO.html10:33
XyverzKishu: ugh.  hmmm10:33
thoreauputicprority low i guess10:33
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dare2dreameranything that wan't to plow me gets a higher priority in my humble estimation.10:33
XyverzKishu: no idea on my end.  but it sounds like grub didn't install nicely.10:33
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thoreauputicdare2dreamer: heh - yes some commands are weird ;)10:33
kzmhi again.10:34
Kishuthanks martyr10:34
dare2dreamerindeed. my gf asked me the other day if this ubuntu thing was based on "deviant" linux.10:34
Kishulet me check that ljnk10:34
jamin_lhey guys... i'm a noob at the term command line stuff... is there a way to batch rename files?10:34
kzmReinstalled to warty; let's see if it is better behaved than hoary10:34
dare2dreamerrename is a ood place to start10:34
thoreauputicdare2dreamer: classic!10:34
kzmjamin_l: what exactly did you want to do?10:34
dare2dreamerman rename, uses regex'es10:34
dare2dreamerthore, she's grand like that10:34
jamin_li have a whole bunch of files that are named xxxx.mp3.OK10:34
jamin_land i want to strip the .OK from them10:35
Zindarjamin: type this10:35
eyequeueman basename10:35
Zindarjamin: for f in *.mpg.OK; do mv $f ${f/.OK/}; done10:35
thoreauputic"Deviant Linux - for the man who wants all the options "10:35
dare2dreamerrename 's/OK//g' *10:35
Zindar*.mp3.OK that should be10:35
dare2dreamerzindar, that dot is going to screw you.10:36
Zindardare: why?10:36
dare2dreamerregex. better quote it10:36
dare2dreamerotherwise it wildcards to any character, iirc10:36
Zindar: [bagfors@zyrgelkwytng] $ ; ls -ltr *.mp3.OK10:36
Zindar-rw-r--r--    1 bagfors  bagfors         0 2005-02-03 10:36 apa.mp3.OK10:36
Zindar: [bagfors@zyrgelkwytng] $ ; for f in *.mp3.OK; do mv $f ${f/.OK}; done10:36
Zindar: [bagfors@zyrgelkwytng] $ ; ls -ltr *.mp310:37
Zindar-rw-r--r--    1 bagfors  bagfors         0 2005-02-03 10:36 apa.mp310:37
jamin_lack how do you get out of man?10:37
Zindarworks fine10:37
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XyverzDeviant Linux, huh?10:37
|ALLANON|hi, how can i do the backup of the file of configutation of xorg?10:37
jamin_lokay good cuz the Esc wasn't doing anything :)10:37
eyequeueZindar:  fwiw, that's a 0-byte file10:37
dare2dreamerok, I'll shut my "gee I once wiped a bunch of files" trap.10:37
d3vic3hmmm, my apt-get fails10:37
Zindareye: I know.. just created it with "touch" to prove my point :)10:37
=== jamin_l creates a fake dir with fake files to practise on
thoreauputicjamin_l: or a sex-change op...10:37
=== aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006657-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu
d3vic3W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:38
Xyverzdare2dreamer: did you do the rm -rf ./* before as well?10:38
aethyroh well, I edited it by hand, ok time for bed10:38
d3vic3how do I fix that ?10:38
Xyverzactually, I think it was the rm -rf .* that fucked the system up.10:38
aethyrthanks again all10:38
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jamin_lthoreauputic: i'm quite happy n my gender thanks10:38
Xyverz'cuz the .* removed everything starting with .10:38
thoreauputicjamin_l: heh -me too ;)10:38
kzmI have one problem with warty, that worked under hoary...10:38
dare2dreamerno, but I did sudo chmod -R -x .* once, and only one.10:38
Xyverzg'nite aethyr10:38
mdrjr690 upgraded, 142 newly installed, 18 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:39
mdrjrNeed to get 462MB of archives.10:39
mdrjrhhe nice..10:39
Zindardare: dot matches dot... so that's not a problem unless he has files that matches "mp3[^\.] OK$"10:39
kzm...namely that I want to remap Alt-Tab to Win-Tab (since Alt is useful for apps, while Win is otherwise ignored)10:39
jamin_lalthough i actually do have a friend who is a transsexual going to do the sex change10:39
dare2dreamerkzm, xmodmap?10:39
SavMy sound is really low, i have all volumes set on max, but still my sound is very low. Any ideas?10:39
kzmBut it doesn't quite work -- it pretends to change windows, but focus is still left with the old window, not changed to the new one10:39
thoreauputicjamin_l: pity he/she can't just type q :/10:39
jamin_lSav: same here10:39
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kzmdare2: xmodmap?  This is the 21st century, you know! :-)10:40
Savjamesh, it sux =(10:40
dare2dreamerhey, color me old skool. I'll be in the corner with thoreau talking floppies.10:40
=== liquidboy [~matthew@222-153-17-179.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
kzmdare2: the interface to keyboard shortcuts is actually pretty damned neat10:40
=== thoreauputic checks his punch card reader
kzmif you pardon my french here10:40
jamin_ldare: what colour is old school these days10:40
XyverzMmmm, floppies.10:41
liquidboyhow do i list all the mounted partitions?10:41
liquidboyor mounted disks?10:41
Xyverzthoreauputic: SSDD?10:41
dare2dreamerI know, I'm just annoyed that I had to learn gconftool to change my wallpaper.10:41
Xyverzor SSSD?10:41
mdrjrliquidboy, mount or df10:41
eyequeueliquidboy:  mount10:41
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dare2dreamermount, df, cat /etc/mtab10:41
mdrjrmount will show mounted partitions and df will show you mounted partitions used space.. free space.. total space..10:41
mdrjryou can also use df -h10:41
thoreauputicafk , back soon10:41
mdrjrwill make things easier10:42
=== FAST [~asdfasdfa@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dare2dreamer-h (humane readable.);-)10:42
liquidboyi tried mounting a reiser partition and i got this: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb5,10:42
liquidboy       or too many mounted file systems10:42
mdrjrdare2dreamer, thank you! hehe that what was missing.10:42
liquidboyno other disks are mounted10:42
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aethyrer I lied, one last question, is there a way (with dpkg or something) that you can see what packages depend on a given package?10:43
FASTdidn't work :(            "modprobe nvidia" gave "module not found"           i did     "apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings" , tried again, still no module, couldnt start x,10:43
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dare2dreameryou can view that in synaptic.10:43
FASTand   nvidia-glx-config wasn't found10:43
rubenvFAST: install the restricted modules package10:43
thoreauputicaethyr: apt-get depends10:43
FASTrubenv, how do i do that?10:43
dare2dreameror that10:43
eyequeueaethyr:  apt-cache rdepends ?10:43
rubenvit's in the restricted repository10:43
jamin_lbasename * [OK]  -- gives me too many args10:43
FASTi think ive added that repository already,      what command do i run ?10:44
rubenvare you on hoary or warty?10:44
thoreauputicoops apt-cache depends10:44
jamin_lcan someone give me a sample of how this damned thing works?10:44
aethyrthoreauputic, apt-get depends isn't a real command ;)10:44
thoreauputicaethyr: indeed10:44
rubenvapt-get install linux-restricted-modules-<arch>10:44
aethyrnor is rdepends10:44
rubenvreplace <arch> by i686 or i386 depending on what kernel you have10:44
rubenvand do it with sudo ;)10:45
kzmAnybody have problems with Wlan (old hermes/orinoco card, used to work perfectly)?  It probes and shows up in iwconfig, but doesn't manage to connect to AP.10:45
rubenvafter that, you'll be able to modprobe for nvidia10:45
FASTand in case i havent got that repository, what should i run to add it ?10:45
thoreauputicaethyr: apt-cache depends "foo" works10:45
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eyequeueaethyr:  apt-cache rdepends works fine here10:45
aethyrwhoops, I screwed up10:45
aethyryou're right, it works10:46
aethyrI did apt-get rdepends10:46
thoreauputiceyequeue: interesting - what bis the difference from just "depends" ?10:46
=== jamin_l bangs head on desk...
rubenvrdepends is reverse afaik10:46
jamin_lhow the frell does basename work?10:46
eyequeuethoreauputic:  yours doesn't give what he wants :)10:46
=== Nermal licks ubuntu
FASTrubenv: and in case i havent got that restricted repository, what should i run to add it ?10:46
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rubenvFAST: the extra repository is named restricted10:47
eyequeuethoreauputic:  yours tells what packages foo needs, not what packages need foo10:47
rubenvjust add it at the end of your deb line that contains main10:47
thoreauputiceyequeue: ah, wrong again... premature alzheimers I fear..10:47
Xyverzholy crap, 809 packages for this dist-upgrade10:47
eyequeuethoreauputic:  no sweat, i've got worse here10:47
thoreauputicok gotcha10:48
rubenvdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted10:48
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thoreauputiceyequeue: I learn something new each day.... and all that cliche stuff ;)10:48
FASTrubenv: after i do modprobe nvidia,  what should i do?      if it finds the nvidia module... can i just startx ?10:48
rubenvif your X configuration is ok, yes10:49
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FASTok.  haven't touched the x config...    time to go try this.        thanks10:49
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dare2dreamerback in a few.10:49
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rosehello all - I tried various linux a couple of years ago until I messed up bootloader and had a major crash - now ready to try again10:50
rosewhat is ubuntu like in dual boot with windows10:50
rubenvrose: good luck, ubuntu is a good choice10:50
rubenvdoes it perfect, just watch out you don't overwrite your windows partitions while installing10:51
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rosethanks rubenv - is it the disc partioning easy10:51
thoreauputicrose: should be fine - you might need to edit /etc/fstab for full access10:51
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jamin_lok basename does absolutely nothing10:52
roseI'm a windows user thoreauputic - nervous with command line but have used it10:52
rubenvrose: it's okay, if you use your brain, nothing can go wrong10:52
thoreauputicrose: it's a one-liner: not hard10:52
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roserubenv - I think I found before that so long as I took my time would be okay10:53
kzmkzm: Okay, it wasn't so hard. Just get into the Windows mindset, and configure eth1 to use wireless from the nice dialog you find in the menu.  Thanks!10:53
rubenvthoreauputic: doesn't g-v-m does this automatically?10:53
thoreauputicrose: there's stuff on ubuntulinux.org about all you ned to know10:53
roseis lilo or grub best with ubuntu?10:53
rubenvrose: ubuntu uses grub automatically10:53
kzmAnybody know how to set up Gnome in general to use Unix'y keys? (Ctrl-a to beginning of line, Ctrl-k to cut the rest, etc etc)?10:53
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roseokay thor - will go back there - started looking then thought I'd get more info - was thinking mandrake would be easy for me10:54
rubenvrose: go for ubuntu :)10:55
thoreauputicrose: easy yes - but ubuntu is very cool :)10:55
rubenvcauses less pain then mandrake10:55
|ALLANON|help : i'm using ubuntu hoary and have downloaded xorg-driver-fglrx ....how can i install the acceletation for ati radeon 9800 ????10:55
rubenvubuntu just works10:55
rubenv|ALLANON|: have you checked the binary driver howto on the wiki?10:55
rosemandrake is very big I think - want something smaller for personal use10:55
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|ALLANON|i uused synaptic10:56
FASTwoohoo, it worked. thanks rubenv !10:56
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rubenvFAST: no prob, spread the love :-)10:56
rosewhat about hardware compatibility?10:56
rubenv|ALLANON|: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto10:56
rubenvrose: probably the best around AFAIK10:56
roserubenv - that sounds good - I may have to get a modem as have winmodem in box10:57
|ALLANON|rubenv: the online help if for server-xfree10:58
rubenvtry checking the wiki10:58
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roseoh - and is it okay in dual boot with winXP10:58
rubenvmaybe it has info about your modem10:58
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rubenv|ALLANON|: it's the same, the online help also applies to xorg10:58
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SavMy sound works fine, but the volume is very low. I have all settings on max. Any ideas?11:00
jamin_lanyone good here at creating shell scripts?11:00
jamin_lbrb - have to check on potatoes in the oven11:00
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Dreamer3anyone know how to make m3u files online work?11:05
Dreamer3i'm trying to listen to some music from magnatune.com, but with no success11:05
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thoreauputicDreamer3: I installed gstreamer0.8-mad, from memeory11:05
thoreauputicworks fine with rhythmbox, xmms etc11:06
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jamin_lthat and isn't there a codec32 thing you have to download?11:06
jamin_lor windows codecs?11:06
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jamin_lah w32codecs11:07
thoreauputichmm - for windows media, yeah - I just listen to mp3/shoutcast etc11:07
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jamin_lthat might have what he's looking for11:07
Dreamer3thoreauputic: i can't get xmms to do anything with it11:07
thoreauputicand I use ogg for ripping..11:07
Dreamer3thoreauputic: what am i missing11:08
jamin_ldreamer do you have the w32codecs packages installed?11:08
jamin_lthat's in Synaptic Package Manager11:08
Dreamer3jamin_l: these are mp3 files11:08
Dreamer3jamin_l: but yes i do11:08
thoreauputicDreamer3: dunno - mine is fine with just gstreamer0.8-mad11:08
Dreamer3m3u is just a playlist11:08
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Dreamer3i know xmms can do this, i just don't knwo what i'm missing11:09
jamin_ltotem-xine supports it11:09
thoreauputicDreamer3: try putting a .pls extension on the playlist11:09
Dreamer3thoreauputic: they are on a webserver11:09
Dreamer3i just want to click them and have them work11:09
thoreauputicI did that for some stuff11:09
thoreauputicsave the file and edit it ( the direction file) ie copy the link11:10
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thoreauputicthen tell firefox touse yourplayer of choice'11:10
thoreauputice.g. I'm using rhythmbox as the default app11:11
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thoreauputiconce you have it set up, clicking will "just work"11:11
Dreamer3thoreauputic: hmmm11:12
thoreauputicno good?11:12
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koxbox_hello... some powerpc useres here ??11:12
thoreauputicit's just a matter of choosing an app when firefox pops up a box asking what to open it with11:12
sami005ya pas quelqune qui parle francais11:13
thoreauputickoxbox_: very recent, yes (iBook G4)11:13
Dreamer3thoreauputic: hmmmmmmmmm11:13
thoreauputicsami005: un peu, oui11:13
koxbox_thoreauputic: i damaged my apt sources.list11:13
koxbox_thoreauputic: can you help me out and post it for me in a query ??11:14
thoreauputickoxbox_: back it up, then run sudo apt-setup11:14
sami005on peut parlker en pv11:14
Dreamer3ok, now it's working :)11:14
thoreauputickoxbox_: you want a copy of my source.list?11:14
koxbox_thoreauputic: did apt-setup get me  a new...11:15
thoreauputickoxbox_: I have universe and multiverse enabled11:15
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smsmastershi, which mysql package do u download11:15
smsmastersmysql-common, mysql-client or mysql-server11:16
zeedothat depends11:16
zeedodo you need the client or the server ?11:16
smsmastersim running apache211:17
smsmasterswhat is the client11:17
smsmastersi just need a mysql database11:17
zeedoclient is the tools for connecting to and controlling mysql server11:17
zeedoifok, get both then :)11:17
koxbox_thoreauputic: one other is the pu clock... it shows me 553 mhz.. but i have 867...11:17
smsmasterswould i need it11:17
zeedosmsmasters: probably yeh11:17
smsmasterswhats the command to start mysql11:17
koxbox_thoreauputic: you got the same problem ?11:17
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thoreauputickoxbox_: the cpu varies with load11:18
thoreauputickoxbox_: feature, not a bug :)11:18
thoreauputickoxbox_: I'm offering you a sources list - got it?11:19
koxbox_thoreauputic: yes on debiaan sarge i got the same ... but i found some to make it right11:19
thoreauputicit *is* right ;)11:19
thoreauputicleave it alone...11:19
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jamin_lok if anyone here is good with shell scripts here's one for you11:20
jamin_lZindar  suggested "for f in *.mp3.OK; do mv $f ${f/.OK}; done" to rename files x.mp3.OK to x.mp3  which appears to work -- is there anyway to script this so it'll work recursively through directories?11:20
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thoreauputickoxbox_: my dcc offer aborted with a time out.. run apt-setup as I suggested11:21
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BP-Joshua #Beta-Projects seeking more members for the OpenSource Software Developing Community!11:23
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scizzosmsmasters: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start11:27
scizzosmsmasters: or something like that11:27
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koxbox_thoreauputic: apt works ... thx11:29
thoreauputickoxbox_: heh- you're welcome11:29
koxbox_thoreauputic: ;-)11:30
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PWMok, so I wanted to install the newest version of firestarter (firewall), but it depends on a lot of other packages... how can I install those? I know I can use synaptic, but it doesn't have the newest version of firestarter...11:31
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dudapt-get build-deps firestarter11:31
PWMI'll try that, thanks :)11:32
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kzmjamin_l: replace "for f in *.mp3.OK" with "for f in `find . -name \*.mp3.OK`"11:32
kzmdon't forget the backticks!11:32
thoreauputicgoodnight all11:33
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Jeltehi there... anyone here familiar/good with wine?11:34
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jamin_lkzm: can you explain that to me?11:34
SavMy sound works fine, but the volume is very low. I have all settings on max. Any ideas?11:35
Jeltei can't seem to get the path in wine to be right...   i can start something like  wine i:/somedir/someapp.exe  but not  as  wine /somedir/someapp.exe  even though i: is in my path?11:35
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jamin_lJelte: lol first i thought you were talking about the alcohol version of wine :)11:35
Jeltejamin_l, hehehe... bit too early for that one! ;-)11:35
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jamin_lJelte: depends where you live11:37
jamin_lhere: it's 02:3711:37
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Jeltejamin_l, its 10.37 am here in London ;-)11:37
jamin_lyes i see that :)11:38
PWMdud, when I try typing "apt-get build-deps firestarter" it says "invalid operation build-deps"11:38
jamin_lLondon... more UK again11:38
jamin_lbtw.... i work for eBay UK from Vancouver, Canada11:38
Jelteyou make it sound like a bad thing! ;-)11:38
dudbuild-dep then?11:38
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dudsorry, build-dep yes11:39
XyverzI upgraded to hoary and X won't load now.11:39
jamin_lwell Brits are weird11:39
jamin_lwoah... meow-in-sync here from 2 cats when i looked at them that was freaky11:39
PWMdud, thanks a lot... it seems to work now :)11:40
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pregoI need some advanced help with a usb Flash Hard Drive. It is a 1Gb "Mini Pend Drive 2.0". It has a password protection feature (Windows only), which I have not used. However, the drive maps /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. The data is available through /dev/sda2 but the fdisk command sees strange partition table in those devices... I wish to create partitions on the drive, so I'm puzzled about how to do that...11:41
kzmjamin_l: sorry, was away a sec.  backticks expand to the result of the command between them11:41
kzmjamin_l: try echo `ls` vs echo ls11:41
kzmjamin_l: and try the find command on its own11:42
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pregothe fact of having that strange partition table comes from the password protection feature....11:43
smsmastersok, im in terminal, how do i change root password of mysql11:43
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jamin_lahhhh brain imploding!11:43
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rosedoes ubuntu partition the hard disc easily11:45
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roseperhaps I could say - for the newbie - is it easy to follow11:46
zeedorose: sort of11:46
jamin_lon install? yes...11:46
pregosmsmasters, I guess (what I did time ago with postgres and RH7.x) that you shoud: sudo su - mysql    and then passwd11:46
zeedoits easier than most distros, but nothing compared to how mandrake does it11:47
jamin_lthen again i'm the moron who had to reinstall Ubuntu 3x to get it to work :)11:47
roseI tried mandrake a couple years ago11:47
pregorose, however I don't know if you can shrink existing partitions11:47
pdamocproblem: I downloaded a Hoary snapshot (2005-feb-02) and tried to install it in vmware... BUT it doesn't recognise the virtual HDD...11:47
rosedo you use command line11:47
zeedorose: nah its curses based menu11:47
roseprego - at the mo I am running winXP with just whatever partition that has11:48
jamin_li use command line when i want to implode my brain :)11:48
jamin_lbut it has a great GUI (windows & point-n-click interface)11:48
pregorose, can you forget of your winXP (delete ALL of the HD data) ?11:49
pregorose, and install it after?11:49
roseI do get nervous with command line - but also see how powerful it can be11:49
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zeedorose: thats the main problem ubuntu has, it should be able to resize the XP partition but atm it doesn't :-(11:49
rosehaven't instlle winXP - computer came preinstalled prego11:49
zeedorose: use a partition resizing tool such as partition mgic before hand11:50
jamin_lif you're not a gamer than you can get by without it i find11:50
smsmastersthat mysql command didnt work11:50
pregorose, I agree with zeedo, AFAIK11:50
rosezedo - hmm yes I think a friend did that for me some years ago on old system11:50
zeedorose: best idea, apart from a second hdd11:50
pdamocany ideas?..... I didn't have this problem installing Warty....11:50
roseokay prego - guess that means some more reading for me11:51
pregorose, once the XP partition is resized, in ubuntu you can fill the rest of the HD with the partitions you wish11:51
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roseso - I would partition the hard drive then reinstall winXP and ubuntu11:51
pregorose, on the other hand, if you have the XP CDs and license, ..., and you have not personal data on the HD, you can delete the partition at ubuntu and define it all11:52
jamin_lor just burn personal data to CD/DVDs11:52
jamin_lor 10-zillion floppies11:52
roseyeah I have photos and any other important stuff backed up11:52
XyverzX is fux0r3d after upgrading to hoary.  heh.11:52
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pregorose, check it twice before ;-)11:53
rosebut have heard winXP is a bastard to install11:53
jamin_lit's even more of one to live with11:53
pregoXyverz, hoary has Xorg instead of XFree....11:53
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altanI'm having issues with the nvidia driver locking up my computer about 60-300 seconds into X (XFree on Warty) when I start using things. Didn't try OpenGL apps yet, it crashes on everything.11:53
rosehaven;t had the crashes with it that I used to have all the time with win9511:54
altanThe strange thing is, the mouse cursor keeps moving - but nothing respons and caps lock / num lock do not work. CTRL + ALT + Backspace or CTRL+ALT+Del do not work either.11:54
jamin_lhey but Ubuntu, no more virus scanning, spyware scanning11:54
rosebut do think that if I could get over my fear of the command line that linux would be better long term11:54
Hannes_fear of command line?11:54
Xyverzprego: I know that.  prego I'm having problems running X on hoary.11:55
XyverzI'm tempted to copy my gentoo xorg config over.11:55
altanI first tried with nvidia-glx from universe, then I tried debian unstable's latest nvidia drivers with a freshly compiled kernel11:55
roseworry I might mess everything up11:55
Xyverzeven running xorgcfg fails.11:55
Xyverzall I get is a black screen11:55
altanXyverz, try xorgconfig11:55
Xyverz'cuz dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg don't help11:55
pregohave to go. Bye.... :-((11:55
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Xyverzaltan: I might try that11:55
stvnhi, I got a weird network problem: windows work but ubuntu fails on  SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable (*after* recieving it's ip with dhcp) any suggestions?11:56
roseanyway - prego - what you're saying is - if no necessary data and I lose it accidentally - to install ubuntu first and then winXP?11:56
stvnwindows does get a connection i mean11:56
altananyway, the card I have is a GeForce 3 Ti200 - it's good on FreeBSD with nvidia drivers, and it's... quirky on Windows XP11:56
altanI black out for a few seconds sometimes on WXP, and sometimes after the blackouts some graphics are corrupted until I reset the resolution - it worked fine when I used to have it 2 years ago, and it worked fine in my friend's computer11:57
altanbut it works flawlessly with FreeBSD. I'm wondering if the "quirkiness" can be causing the nvidia driver to crash11:57
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rosethanks people bye for now11:59
Xyverzaltan: thx, that worked.12:00
altannp. wish I could fix my problem though :/12:00
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=== stvn slaps routing
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jamin_lokay now that my problem is half-fixed... i'm going to bed12:02
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SavMy sound works fine, but the volume is very low. I have all settings on max. Any ideas?12:04
odysseyhi i im a little stuck. open gl is only detecting my apg to a 1 speed when in fact its a 4. Any ideas?12:05
Nermalyou using kernel agpgart or nvidia ?12:05
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NermalSav, checked them all in aumix or something similar ?12:05
Nermalis it a 5.1 card ?12:05
SavNermal, yes i have checked, not its not 5.112:06
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kzmAnybody have a nice guide on modding XF86config for nvidia driver12:08
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mdrjrthey have a nice README12:09
robust_I have been using gentoo with raid0 and no im about to try ubuntu. Is there someway to activate my raid0 disks in the setup so i can install on them?12:09
kzmmdrja: Okay.  Nothing Ubuntu-specific, I take it12:09
mdrjryep.. it's explain how to modify your XF86Config or Xorg.conf12:10
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kzmOn Gentoo, patches were applied that let it work with sw suspend etc. Something similar on Ubuntu?  Or does the default nvidia driver work?12:11
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Nermalkzm, should work out of the box with acpiu12:11
Nermaljust do echo 4 >/proc/acpi/sleep12:12
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Nermaland make sure resume=/dev/<swappartition> is in your kernel parameters12:12
kzmnermal: hmm...I used to "echo mem > /sys/power/state"12:12
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Nermalkzm, thats the same thing, but the 2.6 way :)12:14
Nermalthat works out of the box with me on hoary12:14
Nermalnot sure about warty12:14
Nermalndiswrapper wasn't too happy when resumed though ;)12:14
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kzmWell - I've made the suggested changes (nv->nvidia, #GLcore,dri)12:15
kzmSo if I'm not back in fifteen minutes, you'll have to come look for me :-)12:15
mdrjrunless you did something wrong it will work fine.12:16
mdrjralways work for me12:16
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robust_Is there someone herer that have install ubuntu on a previous raid0 setup ?12:17
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robust_I'm feeling alittle nervous about loosing all my data12:17
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mdrjrrobust_, do you have the raid0 setup ok ?12:17
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mdrjrif you have it working on another distro you can easily mount it on ubuntu.12:18
robust_yeah , i'm using gentoo and raid0 works fine and has been for months12:18
mdrjrUbuntu has an option on it's install to install over raid12:18
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robust_i have two raid0 setups and i want to delete one (it contains gentoo and my system files) and create a new raid0 and install ubuntu on that one .. will that work?12:19
robust_Or maybe there is a option for formating the raid0 system drives +12:19
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mdrjrI think so.12:19
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mdrjryou will see your raid arrays on ubuntu install12:19
robust_hopefully it will work ;>12:20
mdrjrit will12:20
robust_mdrjr, are using amd64 ?12:20
robust_you .12:20
mdrjrmine is an Atlhon XP 3000+12:21
robust_I was thinking about installing a 32bit chroot and wanted to talk with someone with alittle experience12:21
mdrjrwell.. get the amd64 version12:21
mdrjrand try to boot it.. if it works and find's all of your hardware12:22
mdrjrthen it's ok to install.12:22
robust_Now it's time .. wish me luck , and if it works out i'll be back ;<12:22
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mdrjrgood luck!12:22
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mdrjrkzm, working ?12:23
kzmUmm...yes...yes, but12:24
duduniversitet i bergen....12:24
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kbrooksi have a question:12:24
kzmmouse seems a bit erratic12:25
dudyour host....12:25
kbrooksthe screen resolution here is too big12:25
kbrookshow do i change it12:25
mdrjrComputer/System Configuration12:25
mdrjrand click on Screen Resolution12:25
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mdrjrkzm: did you see the nvidia logo on X start ?12:27
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kbrooksi dont see the computer menu anywhere12:27
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kbrooksummm..i cant change the resolution.12:28
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kzmmdrjr, yes, and Tuxracer works nicely12:30
kzmI think my problems are with upgrading (and dist-upgrading) warty12:30
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mdrjrtuxracer eh?12:30
kzm:-)  OpenGL test.  And a cute game12:30
mdrjr**apt-getting it**12:31
kzmanyway, most stuff seems to work.  When I tried hoary previously, the mouse was very erratic12:31
BeTahi,I'm looking for a nice integration into the ubuntu (gnome) GUI of PPPoE configuration (in the network configuration tool for example)12:31
BeTais there anything to do that ?12:32
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kbrookswhaat is the name of the xorg package in hoary12:32
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BeTaanyone knows a great and integrated tool to configure PPPoE on an ubuntu ?12:37
kbrookscan i remove xserver-xfree86?12:37
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kbrooksis it possible?12:37
mdrjrBeTa, pppoeconf12:37
mdrjrsudo pppoeconf12:37
kbrooksmdrjr, gui12:38
BeTayep... but pppoeconf is text-based12:38
mdrjrpppoeconf is nice and easy to use12:38
BeTathere is no problem for me12:38
tuxJr_14kbrooks, yes12:38
mdrjrso.. what's the big deal.. it will ask you .. you answer and get your connection working12:38
BeTabut this is for friends who are really not aware about compting12:38
kbrookswithout affecting xorg12:38
mdrjrand we should go out to drink12:38
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BeTais pppoeconf in the install CD ?12:39
BeTaor do we have to install it by hand ?12:39
tuxJr_14kbrooks, you have both on the same machine?!12:39
BeTaall right12:39
mdrjrit's installed by default12:39
K-Richthe desktop in Warty there is an option 'Create Document' that has 'No Templates Installed' and 'Empy File' ... Where is the folder i add templates to ?12:39
BeTaI have another question about the install CD's content : is gimp-print on this CD ?12:39
kbrookstuxJr_14, yeah. apparently the upgrade didnt conflict with xserver-xfree8612:40
mdrjri'm not that familiar with GIMP12:40
BeTagimp-print are printing drivers12:40
mdrjrlet's see12:40
BeTanothing related to gimp except of the origin of the project12:40
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joukeis it possible to store your route-table somewhere? my dhcp-server gives a faulty routetable and i want to override it12:40
BeTaI'm sorry to ask this kind of question... but I don't have any ubuntu CD here :c/12:40
tuxJr_14is it possible to download the whole ubuntu repository on to a dvd or some no. of cds?12:41
tuxJr_14kbrooks, then, uninstall xfree and reinstall xorg12:41
kbrookstuxJr_14, xfree is not installed, i checked12:42
kbrooksi'll reboot.12:42
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mdrjri think that gimp is working12:43
mdrjrand printing stuff too12:43
mdrjrI'm printing a image on my HP Deskjet 930C12:43
mdrjrYep.. it's worked. and nice12:44
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joukeanybody knows how to manipulate routetables?12:45
mdrjrjouke, what you wanna do ?12:45
joukemdrjr, I want to store my working route table12:46
mdrjrbut you use dhcp right ?12:46
joukemdrjr, everytime I reboot my route table is fcked and internet doesn't work anymore12:47
mdrjryou wanna store just your default route ?12:47
mdrjroh guy12:47
BeTamdrjr: gimp-print is on the install CD ? great ! :c)12:47
mdrjrBeTa, yep. it is.12:47
PWMhmm, if I want to edit the /ect/acpi/power.sh file don'12:47
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mdrjrjouke, add to your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:47
BeTamdrjr: thanks !*12:47
PWMshouldn't I just type "sudo" in front of it?12:48
mdrjrsupersede routers the.correct.IP.that.you.want;12:48
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mdrjrBeTa, you're welcome.12:49
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zhukov_anyone wth hoary!????12:49
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zhukov_Can run alsamixer12:49
zhukov_*sheisse CANT!12:49
joukemdrjr, thanks12:49
mdrjrjouke, you are welcome too.12:50
K-Richthe desktop in Warty there is an option 'Create Document' that has 'No Templates Installed' and 'Empy File' ... Where is the folder i add templates to ?12:50
mdrjrwell.. 10am.. time to sleep12:50
kzmzhukov: I used to, but reinstalled warty.  That answer your question? :-)12:51
mdrjrzhukov_, i'm updating to hoary right now12:51
jdubzhukov_: heaps of people with hoary, easier to ask your question straight up12:51
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zhukov_mdrjr, last night i was here with snarky trying to fix the sound problems12:52
kzmQ: how do I edit the menus?  Some things can be accessed by right click, but e.g. "places" cannot, it seems.12:52
jdubkzm: you can't12:52
zhukov_i've managed to play sound with xine and dvds, etc, but xmms is still crashing12:52
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kzmjdub: can't?  That's a pretty strong word (two, actually.  Fear and surprise and...)12:52
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Hannes_you can12:52
jdubkzm: not graphically12:53
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Hannes_by edithing .display or something...12:53
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jdubkzm: you have to edit .desktop files directly, etc.12:53
mdrjrmenu's aren't build on the source code. so they must be on some file some where on your file system12:53
zhukov_managed to play a cd as root12:54
zhukov_trying an ogg12:54
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Hannes_edit /usr/share/applications/.desktop12:54
kzmIn ~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers, I guess?12:54
jdubkzm: no, that's the panel launchers12:55
zhukov_its with oggs nd mp312:55
jdubkzm: read the xdg menu spec12:55
zhukov_anyone knows how controls oggs and mp3 in here?12:55
jdubkzm: don't edit the stuff in /usr/share/applications/ though12:55
kzmxdg menu spec, got it.  Google next?12:55
kzmogg123 worked for me (ogg vorbis stream over http)12:56
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terryIs Evolution Broken in Hoary??12:58
odysseyboolean variables in config files for true is yes ok?12:59
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zeedoodyssey: 101:00
jdubterry: yes01:00
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kzmterry: it broke rather nastily when I tried to upgrade from warty, at any rate01:02
odysseyzeedo, thanks01:02
terrykzm, same here, I get a floating point exception01:02
kzmabout menus again - I'm able to add "main menu" and "custom menu" to the panel01:02
kzmterry: oh, in my case, the dist-upgrade failed entirely.  A mess.01:03
Zindarhey.. jdub... do you know anything about martin who is working at canonical for a SCM system?01:03
zhukov_appearetly the problem is with some programs01:03
Zindarjdub: does that mean it's NOT bazaar?01:03
kzm...but it's not obvious where it gets the menu information?  Okay, I can do some more reading....01:03
zhukov_anyone knows were to configure the xmms and totem sound configurations?01:03
terrykzm, oh mines not that bad01:03
terrykzm, I just researched that, it is in /usr/share/gnome/vfolders01:04
terrykzm, some of it is in that folder in XML documents01:04
jdubZindar: it's bazaar-ng :)01:05
terrykzm, however I havent found out how it pulls that all together in a Menu01:05
jdubterry: that's the old menu system01:05
terryjdub, ohh I see01:06
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Zindarjdub: and that will be compatible with tla or not?01:06
Zindarjdub: he says that he doesn't think arch is a good foundation to build on.... and I agree...01:06
jdubZindar: most likely not, it's quite a different beast in a way01:06
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jdubit's very much inspired by arch01:06
jdubbut most people think tla == arch01:07
Zindarsure.. that's good .. since arch is good... but way to complex :)... at least it's tla implementation01:07
jdubsee, that's the problem01:07
jdub*tla* is complex01:07
deepsighthallou, has anyone tried to get a external hd through usb working with ubuntu warty warhog?01:07
Zindarthis is soo great... I'm not a big fan of tla at all.. but I love darcs... but it has some problems...01:08
mz2deepsight, should work fine?01:08
jdublittle of that complexity is defined in the arch mechanics01:08
terrydeepsight, warty automatically mounts my USB pen01:08
jdubZindar: try bazaar01:08
Zindarmaybe he/canonical will create the perfect match of arch/tla:s stuff and darcs01:08
zhukov_wahts the ****** difference of alsa and oss???01:08
mz2firewire hd's don't seem to work hotplugged but usb should work just fine01:09
Zindarjdub: I have tried it... couldn't find much documentation that wasn't based on "how to convert from tla"... and since I don't like and know tla that good it didn't help me01:09
kzmBack again.  So - in nautilus, I can open applications:// and computer://, but they don't correspond entirely to what I see in the menus.  I'm not sure the help docs are entirely updated?01:09
jdubzhukov_: alsa is the new kernel sound driver and interface model01:09
deepsightwell yes, it also works with my ngage01:09
kzmzindar: did you just say darcs?!01:09
deepsightthe usb connection to the ngage but not with this hdd01:09
kzm(happy user)01:09
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deepsightits an external enclosure thing where i put my hdd01:10
robustmdrjr: it didnt work so good , apparently ubuntu don't have suppot for raid on system partitions ;>01:10
kzmbtw: anybody tried to get OpenMosix working on Ubuntu?01:10
terrydeepsight, does dmesg say anything when you plug it in??01:10
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robustbut i deleted the raid partitions and installed regular ones instead01:10
deepsightyeap... wait01:10
zhukov_Alsamixer isnt runnin01:10
robusthmm .. i forgot , how do i become root in ubuntu?01:11
zhukov_any sugesttions about xmms nd tootem01:11
kzmrobust: I tried to install it all on LVM, and after struggling through the partitioning, I was informed that root/boot on LVM wasn't supported.  Go directly to jail.  Even if you do pass Start, etc01:11
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deepsightusb 1-1: new full speed USB device using address 201:11
deepsightusb 1-1: control timeout on ep0out01:11
kzmrobust: sudo bash01:11
zhukov_robust, sudo01:11
jdubzhukov_: configure both to use esd01:11
terryrobust ubuntu doesnt have root but you can sudo bash01:11
deepsightusb 1-1: device not accepting address 2, error -11001:11
zeedoterry: root does exist, root login is just disabled by default01:11
terryzeedo, thats what I meant01:11
Zindarkzm: yeah.. I'm a happy darcs user too.... it's really good.... but I think bazaar-ng can be better... if it drops some of the stupid ideas used by tla :)01:12
terryWhats darcs??01:12
Zindarterry: www.darcs.net01:12
zhukov_jdub, how do i do that in totem? Xmms crashed and wnt restart until i reboot, in the meanwhile i can do that in totem...but un the sound menu, the only options r stereo, 4.1 ... 5.1 ... ac3 passtrhough01:12
kzmzindar: don't know it, I'm afraid.  I just like working in Haskell, so darcs is a natural choice (although my only contribution to it was a few lines of C code :-)01:12
jdubzhukov_: are you using totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?01:13
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deepsightand i use lilo instead of grub, but i dont want to but from it just use it01:14
zhukov_*totem-xine with lib 1.0.001:14
terryhrmm, whats another good gui email client that I can use until Evolution is fixed??01:14
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zhukov_terry, thunderbird01:14
giardterry: gmail ;-)01:14
jdubzhukov_: edit ~/.gnome2/totem_config01:14
Zindarjdub: will you move from the gnuarch mailinglist to a real bazaar-ng mailinglist I can join???01:15
terryzhukov, I used to use thunderbird, then I stopped liking it01:15
ZindarI'm very anxious :)01:15
terrywill try gmail01:15
jdubzhukov_: uncomment and change audio.driver to esd01:15
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jdubZindar: there's no mailing list discussion for bazaar-ng at all thus far01:15
Zindarok... didn't think so...  but I hope that changes soon :)01:16
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terryhrmm gmail isnt available in the repository01:16
jdubterry: they mean gmail.com01:16
terrylol jdub, oh I see01:17
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terryso thunderbird it is01:17
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zeedoterry: theres also sylhpeed01:17
zeedosylpheed *01:18
terryis transcode available in repository?? I have another repository for mplayer which has transcode, I wonder if I could pin back to a version available in hoary01:18
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giardcool to hear about Guadalinex01:18
giardgood to see momentuum starting01:19
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zhukov_jdub, still not working01:20
terrygiard whats Guadalinex, all I can understand on there page is the picture of the Ubuntu Distro01:21
giardterry: http://babelfish.av.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.guadalinex.org%2Fmodules%2Fnews%2Farticle.php%3Fstoryid%3D119&lp=es_en01:21
zhukov_(gedit:10098): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:01:21
zhukov_Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.01:21
terrygiard, so its just another Distro??01:22
jorditerry: remember the famous "Linex" Spanish distro?01:22
jdubterry: it's an important spanish distro01:22
jordiin the schools of Extremadura?01:23
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terryeverybody, I know nothing about Spanish Distros01:23
jorditerry: it's sort of the same thing, but in Andalucia, not extremadura.01:23
jordiit was even on the American TV01:23
jdubjordi: GOSH! ;-)01:23
ajmitchhey jordi01:24
jordihi andrew01:24
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jdubjordi: you like the news? :)01:25
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jordiyes. Although I hear thunders in the west.01:26
terrycdrdao is not in hoary universe, nor growisofs?01:27
jordijdub: here we've considered Ubuntu, but not right now. Hopefully after Perky we can seriously talk about it.01:27
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jordijdub: our first release will be Sarge based01:27
jdubheh, thunders :)01:27
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kzmHi again (the /&% panel crashed, taking everything with it)01:33
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giardwow, the x11 packages in hoary are getting rev'd almost daily now01:38
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terrywhy isnt growisofs and cdrao not in hoary amd64??01:39
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terryooops double negative01:39
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dudthey are there...01:40
dudi have them installed on hoary amd6401:40
Rakehey again people. quick q; how do i apply big patches? (trying to put on https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1940)01:40
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Rake`bug* rather01:41
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giardterry: did you check to see if they were in universe01:45
giardterry: or multiverse01:46
terrygiard, resolved it in #debian-amd6401:46
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terrygiard, whats multiverse, that seems interesting01:48
terryit sounds mystical01:48
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terrygiard, I will just have to add it and find out!!01:49
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regebroHi all! When I runt gedit, I get  "WARNING **: Failed to lock: No locks available **" repeated three times. Anybody know what that means?01:52
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Phreakazoidregebro, its trying to lock the file, but the kernel won't let it?01:53
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regebroPossibly. But what file? I'm not opening a file. Any why? ggv does that same.01:54
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PhreakazoidI don't know... does the program still work fine?01:54
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flodingnome apps output so much bs to the console01:54
flodini wouldnt think much of it01:54
regebroYup. Except that it starts and saves very slowly, which I thought may have something to do with this.01:55
robusthmm , i tried to upgrade by using apt-get install nvidia-glx and then a apt-get upgrade but my nvidia module is version 6610 and my glx version is 6629. (I'm using amd64) How can I fix this?01:55
giardsilly question01:55
giardso I just installed monodevelop01:55
giardhow long does it take for the developer menu to appear?01:55
giardin the main menu01:56
regebroI'll just find an editor that doesn't take a life time to start and use that instead.  Any hints? (No, not vi or emacs)01:56
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dudregebro, nano01:59
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dudi dont think i could have survived without nano...01:59
PhreakazoidI just use vim out of habit01:59
regebroHmm, yeah, I forgot about those. OK, that might do for today, but I would like something graphical. Kinda lika kate. ggv looked fine, but takes half a minute to start with is just to annoying.02:00
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Phreakazoidggv is a text editor?02:00
PhreakazoidI was sure its a postscript viewer02:01
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regebroI ment to say gedit but it came out wrong. :p02:01
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Rake`Hey - I want to install a bug fix (https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1940) - how do I go about it02:02
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dudgedit or bluefish02:06
dudi really prefer bluefish by a mile when i want a graphical editor02:06
Phreakazoidgedit in gnome 2.10 looks nice02:06
shockis 2.10 out ?02:07
HwolfPhreakazoid: What can possibly be better on gedit?02:07
Hwolfshock: no02:07
=== shock updates fast
Phreakazoidthe 2.10 version has syntax highlighting, and some other programmer friendly stuff02:07
shockhow can u get me this close to an orgasm and then deny it to me?02:07
shockwell.. I have syntax highlighting in gedit right now02:07
Hwolfshock: get an orgasm with another human being. I bet you'd enjoy it better02:08
HwolfPhreakazoid: gedit has had that for ages02:08
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Phreakazoidit has bracket matching02:10
Phreakazoidin the 2.10 version02:10
HwolfPhreakazoid: that's good02:10
neofeedwhat happened to 'applications:///' in hoary?02:10
neofeednautilus tells me: location does not exist02:11
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scizzoneofeed: just upgraded to hoary?02:11
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neofeedscizzo, jep02:12
neofeedmust have fucked something up I guess02:12
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neofeedwell upgrade about 1 or 2 weeks ago already02:13
neofeedkilled my home .files and restarted.02:13
neofeedeverything worked fine. Except the `how the fsck do I edit my menu' part02:13
regebroAh, the bluefish description is "HTML editor". ;-)02:13
scizzoneofeed: I think that link is gone in the new nautilus version and so on02:14
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regebroBut gxedit opens *very* fast, I like that. I'll try these out. Thanks for the hints.02:14
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neofeedscizzo, so how do I edit my menu now ?02:15
scizzoneofeed: I am not sure...02:15
scizzoneofeed: maybe look for information on www.gnome.org02:16
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digitalpurei am trying to vpn into my office, but cannot figure out how to get connected02:17
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trey3Hey... how does one get a "BitTorrent meta file"?02:17
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shocktrey3 - download it somewhere?02:18
shockor do you want to create one?02:19
trey3shock: from where? I just want to try out "GNOME BitTorrent" on account of its part of ubuntu-desktop now...02:19
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shocksuprnova.org is down :/02:20
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terryshock its been down for like 4 months now02:20
robustI'm trying to upgrade to the latest version of gnome but it keeps complaining. I'm using hoary with all the repositories .. main universe etc... and it tells me that it can't be installed because gnome-desktop-environment can't be installed ;>02:21
shockhttp://torrent.dulug.duke.edu/ <-- why not try fedora *g*02:21
silbsRake`: did you get an answer yet? you should attach the patch to the bug in bugzilla02:21
shockgnome-desktop-environment is a meta package, i think02:21
shockjust dont install it02:21
Rake`hey .. how do i go about installing a patch?02:21
robustshock, but it won't continue ?02:22
nevynRake`: with patch(1)02:22
shockrobust - just use synaptic - go to section gnome and install02:22
shockworks fine here02:22
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trey3robust: apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment on its own and see why it won't install?02:22
robustshock, not for me.. complains about gnome-desktop-environment02:23
Rake`nevyn - patch(1)?02:23
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nevynRake`: the program called patch02:23
Rake`yeah .. but the fix is on the bugzilla.ubuntu .com site02:25
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Rake`don't quite know how to use it02:25
nevynit's a source patch you really don't want to deal with that.02:25
nevynjust update and upgrade and you'll get it.02:25
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Rake`what if I have? problem still occurs.02:27
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terrywhat is Ubuntu based on sid or sarge??02:28
rcaskey__terry: sarge02:28
nevynterry: a little from collumn a a little from collumn b02:28
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robustThis sucks , still can't install gnome , it has something to do with libnautilus-2-2 , it doesnt seem to exist02:29
terryOkay finally got transcode to install!! Nice02:30
terryrobust did you try apt-get dist-upgrade??02:30
rcaskey__It really doesn't matter all that much. Sure, rsync has a .001 version bump, but the big stuff like Ooo and Gnome is being reworked significantly...02:30
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rcaskey__robust: try an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade02:30
robustdoesnt help ;/02:30
rcaskey__sometimes that happens if your trying to snag an out of date package becuase your package list is old02:31
trey3terry: Ubuntu is based on Sid...02:31
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terryIt doesnt matter now, I have transcode installed, just trying to figure out which mariliat repository to use02:31
George_GuyCan anyone help me.... I need to get a FTP client that works on ubuntu, have downloaded gftp but get an error that there is not C compiler02:31
robustit seems strange that gnome-desktop-environment has a dependency on libnautilus2-2 when it clearly doesnt exist02:31
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, you can install gftp using synaptic or apt-get02:32
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George_Guyok...I only started using linux on friday......what are the baby steps?02:33
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, In console type sudo apt-get update && apt-get install gftp (enter YOUR user password)02:34
robustlol ..02:34
MM2I'm trying to open a mpg file to kino02:34
MM2it won't open a file :(02:35
robustgnome depends on gnome-environment - and in the end that depens on libnautilus-2-2 , but if i install gnome-core and libnautilus-2-2 it's still not please. Then it wants me to install nautilus , but that removes libnautilus completly ;>>02:35
trey3MM2: you need the codecs... www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:35
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LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, if you can do that you should probably do apt-get upgrade as well to update all the packages on your system.02:35
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George_Guyok I clicked on synaptic package manager....entered my password and nothing has come up on my screen after that?02:37
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, are you in the account that you used to install Ubuntu ?02:37
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, the user account that is02:38
George_Guyyes, only have the one user02:38
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, ok open a gnome terminal session Alt+F2 gnome-terminal02:39
George_Guyok got it open02:39
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, type sudo -s (enter your user password)02:39
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George_Guyok did that and after typing my password the terminal window shut down02:41
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, umm02:42
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, are you on your Ubuntu system right now ?02:42
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LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, that's weird what you can try is hitting Ctrl + Alt + F2 to get to a real terminal. Login and type sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. Hit ctrl + alt +F7 to get back to where you are now.02:44
LinuxJonesGeorge_Guy, write that down so you don't forget ;)02:44
LinuxJonesgg in 15 mins02:46
LinuxJonester bb02:46
trey3George_Guy: he really meant 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' though02:47
George_Guyok tried that but is came back and said 'user is not in the sudoers file02:48
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George_Guytrey3 any ideas?02:52
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terryGeorge what was the first user you added to Ubuntu02:54
trey3George_Guy: you have to restart to "recovery mode"... and enter 'George_Guy ALL=(ALL) ALL'02:54
George_Guyok thanks guys will give it a try02:55
trey3^^ that goes in /etc/sudoers... that parts important02:55
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robusti have begun to create a 32bit chroot .. and i want to keep my 32bit and 64bit applications and libraries completly seperate. And now i'm wondering if there is a command so that i can type : apt-get install wine and it will install all of the dependencies automatically ? (It just bugs me all the time cause there are no applications installed for the moment)03:07
liberionwhat header do i need to install for building nvidia module?03:08
LinuxJonesliberion, nvidia module is available for download unless you compiled your own kernel you should use that.03:08
bob2robust: er, that's what apt does03:09
nevynrobust: that's what apt DOES.. it's it's entire purpose.03:09
bob2liberion: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:09
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LinuxJonesliberion, lots of good stuff for getting started with Ubuntu can be found here >> www.ubuntuguide.org03:09
nevyn' abuse03:09
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liberionLinuxJones, nah im not picking up opengl03:11
bob2read that wiki page03:11
liberionbob2, been there is not about bin driver must build module03:11
bob2liberion: why?03:12
bob2please don't randomly rebuild things for no reason03:12
liberionbob2, when i try to build other stuff opengl is not picked up03:12
bob2liberion: indeed03:13
bob2liberion: did you install the nvidia GL headers?03:13
liberionbob2, no theres no deb for it03:13
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liberionbob2, it would be just as easy to build the module anyway03:14
bob2nvidia-glx-dev - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver development files03:14
bob2what's that then?03:14
liberionbob2, lemme check apt03:14
bob2no, you don't "check apt", you install that package03:15
liberionbob2, thanx man i didnt see it lol :)03:15
bob2in future it might be a good idea to ask questions instead of making assumptions...03:16
bob2save you time and all03:16
LinuxJonesbob2, aren't you being rather rude03:16
bob2I'm not meaning to be03:16
bob2apologies if that sounded harsh03:17
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liberionbob2, what tools do i need to build debian packages i have build-essential what else03:17
bob2depends what you mean by build03:17
liberionbob2, nah its cool03:18
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bob2package from scratch or compile debian source packages?03:18
liberionbob2, i want to build a deb package for briquolo03:18
Treycki've a question03:18
bob2liberion: from scratch?03:18
bob2ie no one else has packaged it?03:19
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liberionbob2, yes03:19
liberionbob2, no one has03:19
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bob2then dh-make and read the Debian New Maintainer's guide03:20
Treyckmy problem : i must download the nvidia-graphicdrivers,but i dont know the command for downloading a programm in textmode03:20
bob2you'll have to calculate the build-deps etc yourself as the packager03:20
bob2Treyck: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:20
liberionbob2, im not new to linux just debian me and some developers are build arcane linux and migrating to a debian type system new stuff for me03:20
bob2tho I don't know of any cards the default nv driver doesn't handle (in hoary, anyway)03:21
bob2liberion: right03:21
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bob2liberion: new maintainer's guide the [place to learn how to package stuff03:21
shockhello alltogether03:21
shockI have a stupid little problem at hand03:21
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shockI do not - for the love of christ - remember how to make a router out of a two-eth-device computer03:22
Treyckthx a lot03:22
=== shock feels stupid
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bob2"make a router"?03:22
shockall i need to do is this iptables thing i guess03:22
bob2just enable ip forwadring (echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ip_forward) and setup your routes03:22
shocku know - forward eth1 to eth003:22
bob2iptables doesn't have much to do with routing03:22
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shockah ok03:22
bob2it does for masquerading, but that's not quite the same thing03:23
LinuxJonesshock, >> http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Networks/Easy_Internet_Sharing.html03:23
shock/proc/sys/net/ip_forward: No such file or directory03:23
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bob2come on dude, proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:23
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shockits 15:24 here and I had no coffee today *searchesforexcuses*03:24
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bob2fair enough03:25
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shockweirdness.... did the echo1 thing... no forwarding so far03:26
shocki'll do the elinks thing and look at that howto ;)03:26
bob2you're really just forwarding, no need for NAT?03:27
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LinuxJonesshock, sorry that howto is no good it's for ipchains , sorry my bad :(03:28
shockjust noticed03:28
shockipchains *g*03:28
shock*remember that*03:28
shock15:27 < bob2> you're really just forwarding, no need for NAT?03:28
shock^^ yeas03:28
shockif they want NAT here.... oh well03:28
shocklet them cry first03:29
bob2then just sticking the right subnets on each interface and enabling forwarding should work03:29
bob2check your routing table (ip route)03:29
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shocklooks good03:29
shocki got internal ip on eth1 - external on eth0 and default via external route - eth003:30
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shockanyone - how can i configure irssi to ignore join and quit messages?03:31
shockthis really screws up all the conversations03:31
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cbauxHi, I'am a newbie to Linux and I am looking for a way to setup an openmosix cluster with Ubuntu. Is it possible, and if yes, how.03:34
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websitedoes anybody know a good file sharing program for gnome?03:35
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shockoh boy... I want to be back to the internet properly03:36
kzmcbaux: I'd like to know as well.03:36
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bob2shock: /help ignore03:37
Xappewebsite, well for direct connect i use Valknut, even though it's a qt app. no better alternatives for the dc protocol at least03:37
kzmcbaux: I suppose you need to patch the kernel, and openmosixview is available with apt-get, but isn't there another daemon you need?03:38
shockwell... there is the default gnome-filesharing thing03:38
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websiteXappe, and for something about gnutella?03:38
RainMoodsHi all03:38
Xappewebsite, sorry cant't help you there. i only use dc for file sharing03:39
kzmBTW: I'm using x-chat, does anybody know how to do /me?03:39
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Hwolfkzm, how about typing /me?03:39
=== kzm tried that
=== Hwolf does it
=== kzm was so sure it didn't work last time.
=== kzm is now convinced and very grateful.
=== Hwolf was very sure it did
kzm(perhaps that too was something not workin in hoary :-)03:40
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kzmOkay, how do I get emacs keybindings for editing the entry text field?03:40
=== Hwolf is trying to get rid of his hoary addiction
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cbauxkzm: OK, this is a first step, but I am wondering because Ubuntu runs under kernel 2.6.8, at least on my config, and the patches I hace found are for kernel 2.4.20. Thus, I don't know how to proceed to use such patches without destroying my config.03:40
Hwolfcbaux, then take a good advice and don't.03:41
kzmcbaux: If you get the kernel-sources, I think you can fairly safely download standard kernel source, copy the .config over, recompile and use it.03:41
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kzmcbaux: oops...2.*4*, right03:41
Jeltehi there... is there any software for gnome (or even already in ubuntu?) that does a full screen picture slideshow?03:42
cbauxkzm: no problem, things happen03:42
Hwolfjelte, gthumb does that03:42
kzmcbaux: I wonder how far OpenMosix 2.6 is along?  The OM people aren't too good at docummenting, I think.03:42
JelteHwolf, ah ta03:42
shockok - I enabled ip-forwarding, I got internal ips set up right - and i got connection to internet. now why would a ping not be passed through from intern-to-out ?03:42
shockcan someone help me please03:43
Hwolfshock, try taking the hammer to it.03:43
RainMoodsI'm afraid I killed my Ubuntu...03:43
RainMoodsI got the error: Failed to start message bus: failed to read directory: "/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/services" No such file or directory03:43
HwolfRainmoods: how?03:43
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cbauxkzm: may you be right but as you wrote, it is not easy to find docs on OM.03:43
HwolfRainmoods: that's an ouch moment03:43
kzmRain: you killed humanity to others!?03:43
RainMoodsyes it is03:43
RainMoodsI just upgraded to hoary03:44
kzmAh. BTDT.03:44
RainMoodsand restarted...03:44
RainMoodsI 'just' upgraded? I 'just' killed it03:44
HwolfRainmoods, I'd go and ask someone in #ubuntu-devel03:44
RainMoodsOK thanks03:44
Hwolfmention the upgrade broke your system03:45
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jbaileyHwolf: Not usually the best answer, sadly.  We just sent him back here. =)03:46
jbaileyRainMoods: Can you be more specific?03:46
Hwolfjbailey: It gets the attention, usually ;)03:47
RainMoodsYes I can be more specific03:47
RainMoodsI did this: http://ubuntuguide.org/#upgradewartytohoary03:47
RainMoodsand restarted the system03:47
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RainMoodsThen, when I got into Gnome, it immediately got me out of it03:47
RainMoodsand there was some extra information: Failed to start message bus: failed to read directory: "/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/services" No such file or directory03:48
RainMoodsI can enter into gnome via a safe mode03:48
jbaileyRainMoods: Can you check to make sure you have the 'ubuntu-desktop' package installed?03:48
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Treycki've a second question03:49
jbaileyRainMoods: The times I've had that problem, it's been because I was missing pieces.03:49
RainMoodsyes I can check - pls tell me how?03:49
jbaileyRainMoods: dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop03:49
Treyckhow can i activate the root under ubuntu03:49
jbaileyTreyck: Just set it's password.  Usually running 'sudo su -' is good enough, though.03:50
jbaileyTreyck: That will drop you to a root shell.03:50
RainMoodsjbailey: I am on a dual boot machine, now in windows. I will restart and check it out. Now how do I get into IRC via gnome safe mode?03:50
jbaileyRainMoods: Errr...  I'm guess x-chat or whatever should still be under applications->Internet.03:50
jbaileyFAiling that, open a terminal window and type xchat03:51
RainMoodsapplications -> ... is broke in Gnome when I enter Gnome in safe mode03:51
RainMoodsI can right-mouse-click on the desktop though03:51
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RainMoodsah OK03:51
RainMoodswell, I'll be back in a few minutes then03:51
RainMoodsThanks so far!03:51
tritiumI need pciehp and shpchp to hotplug the NIC in my docking station, right?03:51
Treyckthx a lot03:51
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websitewhat does dpkg-buildpackage -S do?03:52
jbaileywebsite: You did check the man page, right? =)03:53
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websitejbailey, i don't find nothing there03:55
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jbaileywebsite: It's under the section "COMMON OPTIONS", and tells you that it's a source only upload.03:56
jbaileywebsite: IF you do /-S  (/ is the search command) in the man page, it's the first thing that comes up.03:57
tritiumThom May said the pciehp and shpchp failure to load problem was "purely cosmetic" and fixed in Hoary.  In what way was it fixed?  I still can't load them.03:58
Lathiattritium: then you probably dont need them03:59
tritiumLathiat, I can't hotplug the NIC in my docking station03:59
Lathiatmaybe your hardware isnt supported03:59
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tritiumLathiat, yeah, I've been googling.  I'll keep doing so.03:59
Lathiattritium: i suspect what your commenting on is the fact that people who dont have that hardware see the load failures04:00
Lathiattritium: and that you no longer see them04:00
tritiumLathiat, oh, I see.04:00
tritiumThat makes sense.04:00
websitejbailey, thanks04:00
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tritiumLathiat, am I wrong in thinking I need pci hotplugging to dock/undock and be able to use the NIC?04:01
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Lathiattritium: depends on the nic04:03
Lathiattritium: it might be like already there, or a usb nic04:03
tritiumLathiat, it's PCI04:03
Lathiattritium: does it work if you bootup with it plugged in?04:04
tritiumBut if I undock and then re-dock, it's not detected.04:04
tritiumCan't ifup the device04:04
Lathiatwhat about booting up without it docked adn then docking, same deal?04:04
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bob2er, you'd know if you had pci hotplug support04:04
tritiumSame deal04:04
bob2ie your hardware would have cost more than your house04:05
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sladenq/win 2604:05
tritiumbob2, so what's the trick to detect the nic when i dock?04:05
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Lathiattritium: have you tried loading the module manually to see if it works taht way?04:05
Lathiattritium: if so restarting hotplug or somethign so it rescans might work...04:06
tritiumLathiat, those are good ideas, but yes, I've tried them too...04:06
Lathiatwell im out of ideas04:06
aba9232so what is so diffrent about ubuntulinux linux..   what is the main selling points?04:06
tritiumLathiat, thanks for your help.  I appreciate it.04:06
bob2tritium: I don't knw if it's possible or not04:07
bob2ask on the list04:07
tritiumbob2, okay.  Thanks.04:07
robustWhat do I need to type to install gtk+ 2.4 ?04:07
bob2aba9232: www.ubuntulinux.org has lots about that04:07
bob2robust: what are you trying to do?04:07
robustcompile linuxdcpp04:07
bob2so install build-essential and libgtk2.0-dev04:08
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Lathiattritium: time ot get to know google better ;p04:08
aba9232bob2, i have looked there and im just curious more about what people think about it.04:08
terryis there a wiki or something for java04:08
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terryI am having a hell of a time doing it the ubuntu way04:08
tritiumLathiat, yeah :)04:08
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Lathiatterry: yeh under rescrited formats in the wiki04:08
Treyckonce again i have a problem04:08
Lathiattritium: you searching for generic sollutions, as opposed to specific to your laptop?04:08
tritiumLathiat, both, actually.04:09
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bitandbitehi, anybody wants to help me?04:09
Treycki have downloaded the nvidia-driver,but when i try to install it,he says,i must make sure,that gcc is installed,und cc is in my path,what should i do ?04:09
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tritiumlittle bit of searching for generic solutions, little bit of Dell-specific searching04:09
Lathiattritium: well, your too smart for me ;)04:09
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Lathiattritium: ooher its dell, which laptop?04:09
tritiumLathiat, not at all04:09
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tritiumLathiat, C84004:09
Lathiattritium: ive got an 8600 and was planning on getting a docking station down the road04:10
bob2Treyck: dude, please read the wiki04:10
Lathiatmostly for the dvi port on it04:10
Lathiattritium: so if you figure it out, do let me know :)04:10
tritiumLathiat, they're convenient for sure.04:10
tritiumI'll be sure to let you know.04:10
Lathiattritium: what ports does yours have on it?04:10
Lathiattritium: i dont suppose it has firewire or sound?04:11
tritiumNo firewire, but sound (which doesn't work)04:11
tritiumI have VGA, no DVI04:11
Lathiattritium: ahh, the 8600 one has dvi04:11
Lathiattritium: i wish it had dvi on the actual laptop04:11
tritiumLathiat, I'm going to replace with a powerbook soon.04:12
LathiatSantel: please ask your questions in channel04:12
LathiatSantel: and not to me, or anyone else in private04:12
Santelok Lathiat04:13
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Santelthe install don't reconize a s-ata raid, why???04:13
tritiumI'm going to go try a few things...04:13
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LathiatSantel: perhaps your chipset is not supported04:15
LathiatSantel: maybe your bios has an emulation mode for  normal hard drives?04:16
Santelbut the install reconized the hard disk separally, but the raid no04:16
Santelif reconized the hard disks i believe that reconize the chipset04:17
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LathiatSantel: oh, one of those04:18
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LathiatSantel: You'll find that its most probably not really SATA raid, but in fact run by windows drivers04:18
LathiatSantel: its just 'set up' in the bios04:18
LathiatSantel: (at least thats what i found with on e of mine)04:18
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Santeli configure the s-ata raid in the s-ata controller04:19
Santelno in windows04:19
terryUghh Java is annoying in a 64bit system04:19
Santeli don't know if you asked that04:20
Santelmy english is very poor04:20
LathiatSantel: Yes, but on some 'sata raid controllers, its not really RAID, its pretend.04:20
LathiatSantel: you set it up in the s-ata controller, but windows detets those settings and actually does the raid in windows (not in the hardware)04:20
Santelthe s-ata is a sil31204:21
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LathiatSantel: you could just use the two disks, and perhaps setup linux software raid04:21
Lathiatim not sure if the ubuntu installer lets you setup raid (the debian one did, altho it didnt work so well)04:22
Santelubuntu suport my s-ata controller'?04:22
zhukov_All solved (sound problems with Hoary) :D04:22
LathiatSantel: yes, but not in RAID04:22
LathiatSantel: you can use the disks separately, like two disks, tho04:23
zhukov_If anyone wants the how-to just ask04:23
Santelhow i cant do that suport the raid?04:23
LathiatSantel: pardon?04:23
terryzhukov_ what sound problems??04:23
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Guardiannzhukov_ and how did you fix them04:24
Santelthat how i do that ubuntu suports my s-ata raid (if exits one method)?04:24
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filgyis hoary stable enough to upgrade to? i like being on the bleeding edge... always used debian unstable and such04:25
terryfilgy most definately04:25
Nghey filgy :)04:26
Nermalfilgy, seems fine here :)04:26
filgyhowdy Ng04:26
terryfilgy but thats just stable enough for me04:26
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LathiatSantel: Linux can do raid in software, thats probably your best bet, i do not know if you can set that up in the installer tho04:26
filgyi'm sure it will be fine for me since debian unstable was always stable enough for me (for the most part) :)04:26
Ngfilgy: if you have reasonable debian clue it's fine. I ran the amd64 version for a while, but I went back to warty so I could not have to fiddle at all ;)04:26
Lathiative never had debain unstable break for me04:26
Ngbut if you've run sid for a while then you'll probably handle hoary :)04:26
Lathiatapart from kde deps being broken for ages, but i don tuse kde so i dont care04:26
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Lathiatand hoary has never broken either, and in fact has often worked better than sid ever did :)04:27
Santelthere's an option in the installation for that but whit it i lose some data??04:27
filgyyea i use xfce04:28
terryOkay so I guess I will have to do a chroot for mozilla+java+flash for now!! It is the easiest way04:28
filgyit's the r0x0r04:28
filgythat's why i want hoary, get the newest xfce04:28
filgy4.1 or whatever04:28
terryUbuntu doesnt seem to have 64bit java yet04:28
terryevolution doesnt work in hoary, although not sure if that is 64bit specific04:29
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Lathiatterry: thats a 64bi bug apparently04:29
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Lathiatterry: altho i did have some 32bit crashers the other day04:29
Treycki have a question again04:29
fabbioneit is mostlikely related to the kernel04:29
fabbioneia32 emulation on amd64 is broken04:29
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fabbioneand there is no upstream fix yet04:30
RainMoodshi there - back again04:30
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tritiumLathiat, I don't think it's a pci hotplug problem after all.04:30
tritiumThis is from dmesg: eth1: Interrupt posted but not delivered -- IRQ blocked by another device?04:30
Treycknow i see nvidia @ my xserver-driver-list,but nothing else goes on,how can i disable GLCore ?04:30
RainMoodsjbailey: thanks it looks like everything looks OK04:30
tritiumThat only occurs if I try to ifup eth1 after I undock & re-dock.04:31
jbaileyRainMoods: What did you do? =)04:31
fabbionetritium: what kernel is that?04:31
Treyckhow can i write new xserver config ?04:31
Treyckand overwrite the ol04:32
Lathiattritium: try removing the module before you undock04:32
Lathiattritium: then redock and load the module again04:32
tritiumfabbione, 2.6.10-204:32
jazzkaI would like to help translating, where do I start?04:32
fabbionetritium: try to boot with the option 'irqpoll'04:32
terrythey have ia32 emulation??04:32
tritiumfabbione, thanks!04:32
fabbionetritium: and see if the thing works or not04:32
terryis that the same as chroot??04:32
Treycknow i see nvidia @ my xserver-driver-list,but nothing else goes on,how can i disable GLCore ?04:32
Treyck<RainMoods> jbailey: thanks it looks like everything looks OK04:32
Treyck<tritium> That only occurs if I try to ifup eth1 after I undock & re-dock.04:32
fabbioneterry: no.04:32
terryoh well I am happy with chroot for now04:32
liberionbob2, hey built the deb package for briquolo04:33
fabbioneterry: the ia32 emulation is needed to run 32bit binaries in a 64bit env04:33
tritiumfabbione, what does that do?04:33
terryfabbione, no its not04:33
zhukov_anyone having amsn problems???04:33
fabbionetritium: 2.6.10 added a new way to handle irq. irqpoll restore the old behavior04:33
terryfabbione, you can do it with a chroot and dchroot04:33
tritiumfabbione, and I can use that in conjunction with acpi_irq_isa=7 ?04:33
fabbionetritium: yes04:34
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tritiumI'll try that now.04:34
tritiumbe back soon...04:34
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fabbionetritium: please let me know if that fixes the problem04:34
RainMoodsjbailey: first I did dpkg -l ubuntu-desktop, and it told me 'unknown version'. Then I tried to install it (apt-get) but I got erro messages. Then I tried 'apt-get -f install' and it crunched for a while. Finally a restart and now I am in gnome. In the background I am now doing 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop', so hopefully everything will work later on!04:34
fabbionetoo late...04:34
Treycki have a question04:34
zhukov_Anyone with Hoarty and amsn troubles???04:34
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Treycki want wo overwrite my old xserver-configuration04:34
jbaileyRainMoods: Excellent!  Glad it worked for you.04:34
shockallright - that was fairly easy04:34
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RainMoodsjbailey: yes! I was afraid I killed Ubuntu, you know.. Anyway, thanks a lot!04:35
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jbaileyRainMoods: np =)04:35
fabbioneterry: that is something different.. a chroot is not the same as the kernel ia32 emulation04:35
RainMoodsOK I will try one more restart04:36
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terryfabbione, oh okay04:36
Treyck i want wo overwrite my old xserver-configuration04:36
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fabbioneTreyck: are you running hoary or warty?04:37
DoctaShould upgrading to hoary have broken my nvidia-glx ability?04:37
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liberionhey guys ill built a debian package for briquolo anyone wanna test it04:37
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Treycknothing, i have installed the driver yet and now whanted to reconfig my xserver,so that i could use graphical mode,not just textmode04:38
fabbioneTreyck: ok.. but are you running warty or hoary?04:38
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Treycki'm not sure , where is the unterschied ?04:39
Treyckwhat is hoary,warty ?04:40
Treyckmy english isn't the best04:40
fabbioneTreyck: uname -r?04:40
fabbionewarty is the stable release04:40
fabbionehoary is the development version that will be released in a few months from now04:41
fabbioneTreyck: less /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
fabbioneit will tell you if you are running warty or hoary04:41
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Treyckthen i run warty04:43
fabbionedid you do a normal installation?04:43
fabbionedid X come up?04:43
DoctaIs it possible to use the nvidia-glx extensions in hoary?04:44
fabbioneDocta: yes. they should work04:44
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Doctahmm.  brb  :)04:45
robustDoes anyone here have experience of raid0 and ubuntu ?04:45
fabbionerobust: yes.. go ahead04:45
robustwell fabbione i have a raid0 that isn't activate from when i used gentoo04:45
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robusthow do i activate it ? easiest way possible please ;>04:46
robusttried configuring raidttab and raidstart --all but that doesnt seem to work04:46
fabbionerobust: it should be fairly trivial.. let me refresh the mdadm commands :-)04:46
robusti'm sleepy as hell i might add ;D04:46
robustthat's why i want to get the raid going so i can watch a movie and go to sleep ;D04:47
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fabbionerobust: try this: lsraid -pR > raidtab.temp04:48
fabbioneyou might need to sudo or be root04:48
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fabbioneand check the contents of raidtab.temp04:48
robustfabbione, empty ;/04:48
fabbionelsraid -R -p04:49
fabbioneis there something in the output?04:49
robustyeah .. alot of things ;>04:50
fabbionecan you put the output somewhere on a web where i can look at it?04:50
robustall my sata drives ..04:50
fabbioneyeah don't worry about extra junk04:50
robustit just says /dev/dm -0 -1 etc ..04:50
fabbioneit is all automatically commented04:50
fabbioneplease show me the output somewhere04:50
robustand /dev/sda /dev/sda1 etc ..04:50
fabbionei don't like to guess or assume04:51
robustbut there really isnt anything strange there04:51
robustbut ill show it to you04:51
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robustsorry for sending it but my brain doesnt work very well ;>04:51
fabbioneit's ok04:52
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robustfeel like i've been awake for a year or two04:52
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fabbionerobust: what are the devices forming the raid0 ?04:53
Doctafabbione, since I just upgraded to hoary, I have to turn off the glx option in xorg.conf or else startx catches "Signal 11"04:53
robustfabbione, /dev/sda4 /dev/sdb404:53
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DoctaAlso, why won't alsa-base and alsa-utils install?  Version conflict of some kind apparently04:53
snowblinkIs there a countdown timer available for GNOME, like KTeaTime in KDE?04:54
fabbionerobust: try: lsraid -R -d /dev/sda4 -d /dev/sdb404:54
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fabbionethat should create the raidtab for the raid04:54
pregohow do I repartition an USB-flash-drive?04:54
robustomfg ..04:54
pregojust fdisk /dev/sda and deleting existing partition and creating new ones?04:55
robustlsraid: Device "/dev/sda4" does not have a valid raid superblock04:55
robustthat's really bad i guess ? ;/04:55
fabbionerobust: yes....04:55
fabbionepretty much04:55
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robust400gb data..04:55
LinuxJonessnowblink, timer-applet04:55
robustwell where the hell has the superblock gone ? ;>04:55
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robusti have just removed sda3 and sdb3 and made them to oridinary partitions and installed ubuntu .. nothing else04:56
sridI created my .xinirc. I also symlinked it to .xsession.  I have "allow-user-xsession" in user config too. But still .xinitrc is not executed during startup of X session.04:56
ismaevaljust installed ubuntu for the first time, I expected that it would install everything from the shipped cd, instead it downloaded >80MB archives from Internet! did I something wrong?04:57
ismaevalsrid: try making .xsession executable04:57
sridismaeval, i did that too04:57
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DoctaIs there an easy way to downgrade to warty?04:57
fabbionerobust: here:  *      y = (x & ~(MD_RESERVED_BYTES - 1)) - MD_RESERVED_BYTES04:57
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LinuxJonesismaeval, they are probably just updates04:57
sridi will be back04:57
ismaevalsrid: using gdm? I am not sure that gdm honors xsession at all04:57
snowblinkLinuxJones: cheers. Only in hoary right?04:58
robustfabbione, huh ?04:58
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LinuxJonessnowblink, let me check I am running hoary yes04:58
ismaevalLinuxJones: but they are >80MB of updates, I though there was a difference to running sid! :)04:58
fabbionerobust: that is where the md superblock are located compared to the beginning of the partition and its size04:58
snowblinkLinuxJones: cool. Something to look forward to. :)04:58
fabbionerobust:         __u32   magic;          /* MD_SB_MAGIC: 0xa92b4efc - little endian */04:59
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fabbionethis is the label that identify the first 4 bytes in the superblock04:59
fabbioneso you can in theory hexedit the hd04:59
fabbioneand see if they are still there04:59
sridI still cannot make .xsession run at startup! :(04:59
robustfabbione, but .. it's a mystery why this has happened04:59
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LinuxJonessnowblink, do you have universe enabled ?04:59
snowblinkLinuxJones: I'm on warty, but yes.04:59
sridcan anyone help?05:00
sridi am using icewm05:00
sridand I want my .xsession to be run on X startup05:00
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sridchmod +x .xsession05:00
fabbionerobust: not necessarely...05:00
sridstill not working!05:00
sridplz help05:00
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LinuxJonesismaeval, warty was frozen so there were not that many updates.05:00
ismaevalLinuxJones: so, warty freezes after CD's are pressed, is that it=05:01
LinuxJonesismaeval, yes05:01
ismaevalLinuxJones: so running warty will look more like running FC than running sarge or sid, this is, I am not bound to downloadind >80 MB archives once a month or so?05:02
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sridanyone know this fucking stuff?? how to run a program in X server startup?05:03
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StuttergartIs anyone else finding that Evolution 2.x in Hoary is very unstable?05:03
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sridhey, i want a window manager that doesn't suck05:05
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Mitariodoes anyone know if I can sync my agenda on my mobile phone with evolutions one?05:05
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ismaevalsrid: you running startx or xdm?05:06
douglashi !05:06
Mitariovia bluetooth05:06
douglasdo anyone here has a IBM router ?05:06
sridismaeval, i am running gdm  (so xdm)05:06
housetiersrid, how do you start your x session? from gdm?05:06
sridhousetier, yes, from gdm05:06
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sridI have "allow-user-xsession" in Xsession.options too!05:06
ismaevalsrid: not sure, I think gdm doesn't honor .xsession but honors .gnomerc instead, try quitting gdm and startx05:06
sridbut still .xsession is not executed05:06
sridoh, will try that05:07
sridismaeval, thnx05:07
ismaevalsrid: also check .xsession-errors, more useful than us!05:07
housetiersrid, afaik you need to tell gdm that it should execute your xsession instead of the system wide ones05:07
sridismaeval, checkd that .. no useful stuff05:07
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housetiersrid, something like "default xsession" or so from gdm session menu05:07
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sridhousetier, I use 'icewm' from gdm menu05:07
sridwill try05:08
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tritiumfabbione, thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately, it didn't work.05:09
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terryWhat package do I need to install to have a pretty boot like SuSe05:09
sridstill doesn't work!! :(05:09
sridtried .gnomerc too05:09
sridno xsession in gdm menu05:09
sridonly gnome,icewm,.default sesion,...05:10
housetiersrid, try default05:10
ismaevalsrid try xdm05:11
toxickoresomeone has run nagios under ubuntu?05:11
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sridok this fucking .xsession finally worked05:13
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housetiero tempora o mores05:14
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dudit is pretty horrid times :o05:15
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tritiumfabbione, anything else you might suggest other than irqpoll?05:15
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fabbionetritium: not at the moment.. mind to file a bug on bugzilla with all the possible details? lspci, dmesg and so on?05:16
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RainMoodshi all05:16
fabbionedid it ever work? is it the first time? kernel version that broke and so on..05:16
tritiumfabbione, okay, I will.05:16
RainMoodsI've got a screen resolution problem all of a sudden (Hoary)05:16
fabbionetritium: use package linux05:17
fabbioneor component.. i can never remember how bugzilla calls it05:17
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tritiumfabbione, okay.  I'll find it.  And, no, it's never worked.  I'll put the details in the report.05:17
RainMoodsjbailey: are you there? can you help me out (again)?05:17
tritiumfabbione, thanks again.05:17
fabbionetritium: no problem05:18
jbaileyRainMoods: I'm working at the same time, so I might be slow.05:18
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RainMoodsjbailey: np! I'm supposed to be working myself :)05:19
jbaileyRainMoods: Yeah, but my boss watches me when I slack off in this channel ;)05:19
RainMoodsthing is: I restarted and now I am in 640X480, while I used to be in 1240x102405:19
dr_willisjbailey,  its not slacking.. its 'research'05:20
RainMoodsDesktop->Administration->Screen resolution does not help me05:20
tritiumRainMoods, are you on a Mac with an ATI card?05:20
RainMoodstritium: I am on a PC05:20
RainMoodsdr_willis: you are so right!05:21
tritiumRainMoods, you just upgraded to Hoary, and switched from XFree86 to Xorg?05:21
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jbaileyRainMoods: My first guess is that something got chewed when the box moved to x.org.  Unfortunately, I don't have any experience there.  I had to do my config file by hand to support the dual head.05:21
RainMoodsI just upgraded, yes. but did I switch? I dont know, how to find out?05:21
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jbaileyRainMoods: I suspect if you do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg you might be able to fix it.05:21
jbaileyRainMoods: It really shouldn't be needed, but I don't have a better answer for you.05:22
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tritiumYep.  If that doesn't work, you might need to manually set HorizSync and VertRefresh.05:22
RainMoodssomething like sudo dpkg -r xserver-xorg ?05:22
tritiumRainMoods, what does ddcprobe report?05:22
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jbaileyRainMoods: Nope, that tells dpkg to *remove* the packag.e =)  You definetly want dpkg-reconfigure.  Although, you're right about the sudo05:22
no0ticI have a problem with dri, and want to file a bug, wich package is?05:23
RainMoodstritium: it tells me a lot! I shall first try jabailey's remark05:23
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Mr_Blondewhich is tge best linux distro05:24
tritiumRainMoods, yes, try dpkg-reconfigure first.05:24
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zAo^randabis, how did you change the XFCE panel like that?05:29
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zAo^anyone know how I change the panel like this? http://img114.exs.cx/img114/8282/newdesktop4hp.jpg05:30
RainMoodsreboot ...05:31
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housetierzAo^, looks like a aqua'esque theme to me05:31
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zAo^housetier, yes, but how do I change that panel? I change everything, but dont know how to change the panel itself05:32
housetierzAo^, you install and then select the theme05:32
zAo^housetier, I did, everything but the panel changed :)05:32
Danko123456Hi, I just wanted to ask someone with experience with Ubuntu on an iBook, about his experience with it.05:33
Cinduxtheirs an ubuntu ibook05:33
housetierzAo^, hmmm if this is a xfce panel maybe you need the xfce theme too... I only use xfwm4 from xfce so I don't know for sure05:33
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Danko123456there is a Ubuntu for PowerPCs?05:34
Danko123456was that your messsage?05:34
housetierDanko123456, I know from reports that ubuntu works well on ppc05:35
housetierwell maybe "know" is too strong, "heard" is better05:35
Danko123456Great, but you never used it hey?05:35
zAo^thanks housetier  :)05:35
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CinduxI'm so glad the login screen wasn't those 3 half naked people05:35
Cinduxglaring at05:35
housetierDanko123456, I only have various i386 at my disposal05:36
Danko123456Yeah...PCs are still more usual...05:36
Danko123456I just ordered an iBook.05:36
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Danko123456Cause it was cheaper than other good notebooks.05:36
Danko123456So Im downloading the CD image for Ubuntu PPC.05:37
CinduxI just ordered a new 2.4ghz celery :D05:37
Danko123456I just thought Id get some information before I start...05:37
Danko123456Celery, hey? Thats a new way to say it(to me)05:37
CinduxThey still haven't recieved my bank order though05:37
housetierDanko123456, maybe you find something in the wiki05:37
Danko123456Thanks Ill look.05:38
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MFenanybody have a sense of where we are on hoary? on schedule??05:39
Danko123456You know, I just heard a person yesterday say that the OS X is running better than Linuxes(I guess in general)...would you agree? Anyone have any experience with both?05:39
Cindux= /05:39
CinduxI've used my friends g4 a couple times :P05:40
housetierDanko123456, depends on the platform wouldnt you agree :)05:40
Cinduxmeh Linux can't be beaten ^.-05:40
housetierI doubt osx will run on i38605:40
Cinduxwith the fact that it has no limits05:40
Cinduxit automatically wins05:40
Danko123456Yeah, off course I guess, do you mean between Macs?05:40
Danko123456I totally disagree with the guy anyhow, he gives me some corporate article as proof of his statement...05:41
CinduxHas anyone else been able to find this Ubuntu forum05:41
CinduxI honestly can't find it lol05:42
Danko123456But I just wanted to ask if someone has experience, since the OS X, is built on Unix, I can almost believe the guy....05:42
crimsunCindux: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/forums05:42
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crimsunCindux: Ubuntu home page>Community>Web forums05:43
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Danko123456ill click on it too :--05:43
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zAo^can any1 help me with some themes? TA05:44
Cinduxlol gotcha05:44
Danko123456What themes?05:44
Cinduxthe person, who gave me link ??05:44
Cinduxwant a referral ?05:44
zAo^Danko123456, http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/rpanther2/?branch_id=52431&release_id=186512 << this one05:44
Danko123456So what kind of help?05:45
MartokDid anybody notice that Gentoo now supports the TCG?05:45
Danko123456thats a nice theme...05:45
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Danko123456So what do you need>05:45
zAo^well, when I extract it to /usr/share/themes05:46
zAo^XFCE doesnt see it05:46
zAo^when I rename the dir to gtk+2.0 it shows up, but doesnt work05:46
Danko123456Ok, Ill tell you first that I am a total beginner with this.05:46
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zAo^hehe lol05:46
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Danko123456But to install a theme...05:47
zAo^I think the theme engine is not started or something like that05:47
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Danko123456Let me try b4 I say anything.05:47
zAo^lol :D05:47
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zAo^it says on the site: It matches nicely with the GTK+ 2 part of the RPanther2 theme.05:49
Danko123456Well, I cant get it to work...05:49
zAo^lol, in XFCE?05:50
Danko123456It should be just open the themes click on install and select your theme...05:50
zAo^in gnome that is05:50
Danko123456 thought it worked that way...05:50
Danko123456not much of a help...05:50
altanHi guys, I resolved my problems with the nvidia drivers crashing by setting "NvAGP" "1" in XF86Config-4. However, the 2D performance of nVidia's AGP driver is rather poor, and I wish I could use agpgart since it was much faster (at least in 2D, 3D mode would freeze [probably due to my problems] )05:50
altanright now I'm back to using the stock nv drivers and the 2D performance is much better since it can use agpgart05:51
Danko123456Well its supposed to work that way...05:51
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zAo^Yes, but not in XFCE :)05:52
Danko123456All right...05:52
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terryOkay so I tried to add splashimage=(hd0,1)/boot/GRUB/splashimages/fiesta.xpm.gz to my menu.lst05:53
terrybut it didnt work05:53
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Cinduxlol :P05:54
Cinduxhows everyone like my new layout05:54
Cinduxsimple is good :D05:54
djjasonis there a way for me to adjust the sensitivity of my laptops touchpad, the mouse settings in Desktop preferences only work for external mouses05:55
Danko123456:) you have a girls group in your gAIM?05:55
shocki like it alot05:56
shockcan i have it?05:56
Cinduxhave wut ?05:56
Cinduxthe girls group05:56
Danko123456There is a girls group in your gaim...05:56
Danko123456Its all good....05:57
shockno - the webpage-sources?05:57
Cinduxit was when I first installed Ubuntu05:57
Danko123456I  just never seen it b4..05:57
Danko123456that someone does that....05:57
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CinduxI organized my contacts when I was using MSN05:57
Danko123456a separate group for girls..enough abouit that.05:57
dudwhat is this "girl" thing you are talking about...?05:58
CinduxGAIM automatically put them in my msn groups05:58
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terryWhat is the package that makes a graphical boot??05:58
Cinduxdud: it's just a screenshot of GAIM on my website with a "girls group"05:58
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dudi saw that, but i was thinking generally this "girl" thing05:59
dryzeri have just update my ubuntu warty with synapsis, and after more one hour, i reboot dans i have :05:59
dryzerBooting 'Ubuntu, kernel'05:59
Danko123456need more information...05:59
dryzerFilesystem type reiserfs, partition type 0x8306:00
dryzerkernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash06:00
dryzerError 15: File not found06:00
dryzer Press any key to continue06:00
dryzerand when i press a key i arrive in grub menu06:00
dryzerand all proposition give the same error06:00
LinuxJonesdryzer, when it says loading grub after you re-boot, hit the ESC key and select another kernel06:01
zenwhenhelloooooooooooooo ubuntuians06:01
LinuxJoneszenwhen, hi06:02
snowblinkterry: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/USplash06:02
zenwhenI idle here 24/7 and never say hi. I figured I would rectify this by having a bit of meaningless small talk and such.06:02
dryzerLinuxJones : hum ! all options are for the same verion of kernel in grub06:02
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csturmhey guys! i am running ubuntu hoary on a nforce2 motherboard, and i have distorted sound06:03
loolCrane: hmm?06:03
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Danko123456ok I gotta leave, I cant figure out how to stop this screen from bringing itself to foreground every time a message is sent, so Ill just leave, im no use anyhow...06:03
csturmi am using the onboard nforce sound06:03
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Cranelool, I meant lol06:04
LinuxJonesdryzer, well it's probably easier to re-install than try to get back in :D06:05
Cinduxmy web hosting company has billed me for another year automatically - . -06:05
Cinduxlol no not funny, i used my dads cc to sign up06:05
Cinduxand i dont have the $ to give him06:05
LinuxJonesCindux, rolf that's fraud06:05
Cranetry emailing them06:06
Craneor setting up payment schedule with dad06:06
CinduxI'm in their billing area now06:06
Cinduxtheir a great host just that i dont have the cash to continue06:06
Cinduxhttp://www.fuitadnet.com cheap to06:06
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CraneI use hasweb06:08
dryzerwhat's the best type of filesystem ? reiserfs, ext3, jfs or xfs ?06:09
Stuttergartfat rocks06:09
Stuttergartfat12 to be specific.06:09
CraneI use ext306:10
Cranedon't know which would be considered "best"06:10
Cinduxhm pretty good06:10
zenwhenreiser on every partition here just because \06:10
CinduxI wasted my money06:10
Cinduxfuitadnet was 3gb ebspace / 25gb bandwidth06:10
Cinduxand the most i had on my webspace were a few HTML files & a movie06:11
Cinduxmaybe 60gb total06:11
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Cinduxnot gb*06:11
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Cinduxmb *06:11
CraneI have about 3 gig of files on mine06:11
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CinduxI'm going with something actually suited to my needs next06:11
Cranegame files ,maps and such06:11
Cinduxsure you've heard of them06:12
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brunohi cindux06:13
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Cinduxcould not be found :(06:14
dryzerfor my problem about update who failed on reboot, do you know what is the source ?06:14
dryzerin synapsis i choos "update simply", not "intelligent update"06:15
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CraneCindux, be sure to check has web, some of their priced are yearly but they are cheaper than most06:15
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CreeValAnyone encounter this message when trying til change resolution in Gnome? :"The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available."06:15
CreeVal(Getting a bit tired of waiting for forum answers... :P)06:16
CraneCreeVal, what are you trying to do?06:16
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Cranewhat res are you changing to06:16
CreeValWell i cant really change any because this message pops up everytime i try06:17
CraneCreeVal, did you see this post?06:19
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Cranesounds like you have ATI maybe?06:19
CreeValYeah...Stupid ATI06:19
CreeVal*will read post*06:19
CreeVal(tried searching btw...)06:19
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Cranethis one has some more info as well06:20
CraneSorry I use nvidia myself and don't know much about ATI06:21
CreeValWierd i didn't get the post when searching... Thx Crane... :)06:21
CreeValThis was my first and last ATI card btw...06:21
Craneno problem I actually did a search on  XRandR extension06:22
CreeValWierd... :P06:22
CreeValI searched on the excact same frase... :P06:22
CreeVal(impatient me... :P)06:22
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terryokay one more thing.  My internet isnt being automatically configured06:24
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terryI have to add the route and bring up the interface manually06:24
terrywhere should I fix this??06:24
terry/etc/network/interfaces shows the nic06:24
terryhowever it doesnt automatically come up06:24
DagaZanyone here using icewm??06:25
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LinuxJoneshi spiral06:30
spiralI just saw a web page on the internet speaking about smart batteries handled on ubuntu after a kernel recompilation06:30
spiraldoes anyone here know if the normal ubuntu kernel will soon be patched to handle this ?06:31
pregohow do I repartition an USB-flash-drive?06:32
pregojust fdisk /dev/sda and deleting existing partition and creating new ones?06:32
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pregowill the OS just detect the partitions?06:33
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CreeValBah, stupid ATI card...06:38
CreeVal*considering switch to my old GeForce 4 Ti4200 card...*06:38
spiralsouki gave me this link... Do you think that the patch could be integrated in ubuntu ? http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~dbildh/Linux_On_TM4001/#smartbattery06:39
pregoI have had to unplug de usb-flash-drive and plug it again in order to re-generate de /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2...06:39
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ewhittenIs this the right place for hoary questions?06:42
=== ewhitten taps the mic...
csturmewhitten: sure06:43
ewhittenJust a basic one:  Where did all the mono packages go?06:43
ewhittenI could have sworn they were there yesterday.06:43
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phaemonhiya...I have a problem with apt-get/synaptic...it doesn't find the files, even though the address looks to be good.  This is running off a livecd06:46
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csturmewhitten: they are all there, i am installing them right now06:46
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ewhittencsturm:  Hmm.  I just reloaded from hoary and I'm not seeing any of them in synaptic.  strange...06:47
Treyckhi all06:47
ewhittenTreyck:  mornin.  well, sorta.06:47
Treyckanyone german ?06:47
phaemoncan anyone help?06:47
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csturmewhitten: do you have multiverse and universe in your apt.sources?06:48
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ewhittencsturm:  ahhh..  universe, yes.  multiverse, no.06:48
websitewhere are locatd the files used by ubuntu to create the menus (in gnome)?06:49
pybe-lappyjust logged in and this change password dialog has come up saying my password has expired, whats the deal06:49
ewhittenwebsite:  check /usr/share/applications?06:49
tolstoyfolks, my "theme" widget is messed up.  Every theme icon has a question mark on it, and the thing doesn't scroll right.  Is there a way to "clean it out?"  Removing .themes doesn't fix anything.06:49
Treyckanyone german here `?06:49
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tolstoyLogged in as another user: things seem okay.06:49
ewhittenTreyck:  I'm not german, but I can speak it somewhat. ;)06:49
websiteewhitten, gonna do that since i look at debian-menu stuff06:50
tolstoy(hoary, btw)06:50
csturmewhitten: i'm not sure where they are but possibly in multiverse :)06:50
Treyckewhitten,have you learned it on school ?06:50
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ewhittencsturm:  where can I add multiverse? right with the others after universe?  Just wanting to make sure it's the same server.06:51
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ewhittenTreyck:  yes, a couple years in high school, plus relatives there. :)06:51
csturmewhitten: write it after universe06:51
pybe-lappyheh, its evolution telling me to change my exchange password =)06:51
Treyckewhitten what nationality are you ?06:52
=== spiral feels lonely... Nobody answers his recurrent question, even when he has new informations to submit... :-/
ewhittenTreyck:  american06:52
phaemonumm...if it helps, apt-get update returns: Get:1 http://people.ubuntu.com ./ Packages [3734B] 06:52
phaemonE: Method http has died unexpectedly!06:52
pregowooohooo! it worked ;-) Now I have a 1Gb pendrive with a 125Mb vfat partition and a 880Mb reiserfs partition!!06:53
ewhittenspiral:  I just joined.  What's up?06:53
ewhittenphaemon:  have you been editing your /etc/apt/sources.list?06:53
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phaemonewhitten: No, this is just booted off a livecd06:53
spiralewhitten: support for smart batteries under hoary06:53
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Mitarioanyone else experiencing problems with printing to windows XP shared printers?06:54
Treyckewhitten what state ?06:54
ewhittenphaemon:  Hmm.  I haven't played with the Hoary live cd, just the full install.06:54
phaemonewhitten: Well, my /etc/apt/sources.list is:06:55
ewhittenTreyck:  I live in Cambridge (Massachusetts), practically down the street from all those ximian/novell guys.06:55
phaemondeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main06:55
phaemondeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/LiveCD/warthog ./06:55
phaemondeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/LiveCD/morphix ./06:55
ewhittenprego:  nice!06:55
phaemonit says they're all unavailable06:56
phaemonbut I can see them in firefox06:56
ewhittenyeah.  are those trailing ./ 's all in your sources.list file?06:56
ewhittenthat seems a bit odd.06:56
phaemonewhitten: yes, they are06:57
ewhittenphaemon:  try removing them and doing an apt-get update06:57
Treyckare you jobbing in the it or just interested in linux ?06:57
pregoewhitten, soon I will write these flash-usb experiences at www.barrapunto.com/~prego . Stay tunned ;-)06:57
ewhittenprego:  very cool.06:58
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snowblinkIs anyone using the new Skype?06:58
phaemonewhitten: now it says the line is malformed...I guess it needs a dir of some sort at the end06:59
ewhittenTreyck:  Right now, I work for a biz intel company doing data warehouse stuff, but yeah, I've been doing linux stuff since about '96.  I may be starting a job with a new company in a couple months, migrating their entire desktop systems to linux :)06:59
=== toxickore_ is now known as toxickore
pregosnowblink, just installed it... not yet tested (and I have not a microphone right now)06:59
ewhittenphaemon:  let me try to play around with it.  one sec.06:59
ewhittensnowblink:  I'm compiling it now on my laptop.06:59
snowblinkprego: Right. Tell me if you can hear it ring. Everything else seems to work though.06:59
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Treyckewhitten wow,nice, how old r u ?07:00
ewhittenTreyck: 2407:01
Treyckah,i see07:01
Treycki'm just 1907:02
shockre hi07:02
phaemonwhat on earth is wrong with this?  Now I can't edit files in a term?07:02
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ewhittenphaemon:  what's going on?07:02
ewhittenany errors?07:02
ewhittenTreyck:  keep it up.  In my day, we didn't have this fancy GUI thing... ;)07:02
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snowblinkewhitten: let me know if you can make it ring07:04
phaemonI don't know...the term stops responding if I hit tab, or if I type the full path, it just locks as well...07:04
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goofykinkyhi everyone..07:06
ewhittengoofykinky:  yo.07:06
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goofykinkydoes anyone knows whats the last date stable version of the warty distribution?07:07
pepperpotHow do I set ubuntu to use my Soundblaster Live instead on onboard sound as the default? My SBLive is detected and available in volume control.07:07
=== rediah__ [~rediah@fw54.torolab.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu
kzmHi.  I have a problem.07:07
ewhittenpepperpot:  which one is sound device 0?07:08
pepperpotewhitten, on board. The sblive is hw:1,0 i believe07:08
phaemonit's done it again....hmm....I have to say I've never had this problem on linux before...07:08
ewhittenphaemon:  still working on your problem, trying to get  my apt-get to try out your files.07:08
kzmMy provider DHCPs me braindamaged DNS servers.  I've installed dnsmasq, which works nicely from nslookup.  But resolv.conf gets updated (overwritten)07:08
=== ions [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjrpepperpot, I tend to just stick on-board sound driver modules into /etc/hotplug/blacklist, so the damn thing won't be used at all. There may be another solution, but that works :)07:08
ewhittenpepperpot:  do you use the onboard at all?07:08
kzmHow do I make it stop?07:08
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pepperpotewhitten, i plan to use it a bit, yes07:09
ewhittenpepperpot:  or you can just switch which is device 0 and 1 in your alsa modules, then reboot.07:09
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lamontphaemon: and useless, and apt-http is broken on the livecd07:09
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pepperpotewhitten, maybe i should tell alsa to change the rank of the soundcards?07:09
pepperpotewhitten, i remember there's a module option for that07:09
lamontphaemon: wrt the apt/sources.list lines on the warty livecd07:09
snowblinkgoofykinky: do you mean hoary?07:10
phaemonlamont: yeah?07:10
pepperpotewhitten, i was just wondering if there was a higher level option rather than going down to the module to renumber the cards07:10
pisukekzm, you can configure dnsmasq to use a different file than resolv.conf. look at /etc/dnsmasq.conf07:10
ewhittenpepperpot:  yeah, I'm digging around now. :)07:10
lamontphaemon: yeah - those are the repositories that were used to build the livecd07:10
lamontthey won't be updated, and include no warty bits07:10
phaemonlamont: oh...Ok...so I need to use different ones?07:10
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lamontyeah - but apt will fail if you give it an http: target on the livecd.  known b ug07:11
=== djjason [~johann@h000f66d1cc38.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
kzmpisuke: not sure I understand.  I think the problem is DHCP that keeps resetting resolv.conf to use broken servers07:11
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phaemonlamont: Ok...I'll find an ftp one then07:12
phaemonany idea why my term keeps locking up?07:12
pisukekzm, yep, but you're using dnsmasq. don't you?07:12
kzmpisuke: well, I would like to.  It seems programs are accessing external servers nonetheless.07:12
=== warty [~warty@a81-197-57-52.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
pepperpotewhitten, i did this in my debian install: alias snd-card-0 snd-emu10k and alias snd-card-1 snd-via82xx07:13
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kzmpisuke: nslookup on any domain uses localhost, and returns almost instantly, using any other program takes a long time to resolve07:13
pepperpotewhitten, good thing about ubuntu is I can resort to some of my debian experiences07:14
pisukekzm, you can make a resolv.conf.kzm with nameserver .... then edit dnsmasq.conf to use resolv.conf.kzm07:14
phaemonthis is so weird.  I opened gedit and it locked up when I tried to switch to the /etc/apt directory07:14
wartyI tryid to install ubuntu, but it says to @cannot start graprhics x server@, but this liveeval works, whats wrong?07:14
ewhittenpepperpot:  yeah, I'm coming more from the redhat/fedora side.07:14
phaemonit's like that dir is no longer available to me07:14
ewhittenapt is what pulled me over here. :)07:14
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ewhittenpepperpot:  have you looked at /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base?07:15
maximausewhitten:  you know there's apt for Fedora and it works well, but it's a lot slower for some reason than apt for Ubuntu/Debian.07:15
pepperpotewhitten, yep. I've got it sorted it i think. I'm copying my debian configs over into /etc/modutils07:15
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ewhittenmaximaus:  yeah, I know.  I was using it for awhile, but I just got tired of dealing with rpms07:16
=== Dethread [~Dethread@wsp009836wss.netadm.calpoly.edu] has joined #ubuntu
kzmpisuke: I think my problem is that dnsmasq is bypassed by libc ... am I wrong?07:16
kzmpisuke: how does the applications know to use dnsmasq?07:16
phaemonwarty: maybe copy the /etc/X11/XF86Config file from your livecd to your real system?07:16
ewhittenI keep ubuntu on my laptop, and vmware installs of suse 9.2, fc3, and nld907:16
pepperpotI'm weirded out by the fact that ubuntu has no root password07:16
Dethreadpepperpot, just set one :)07:17
pepperpotDethread, I know :) I'm just savouring the weirdness!!07:17
SmokingFireI just checked out VLC player on Windows and its very cool, what are the chances of it being included (standard) with ubuntu. No messing with codecs anymore. A player that does all.07:17
ewhittenpepperpot:  I was at first, but I've been using sudo for so long, I didn't really notice07:17
phaemonack...I'm gonna reset this thing...biab07:17
ewhittenSmokingFire:  VLC tends to work really well for me.07:18
ewhittenalthough, not so sure about the mozilla plugin...07:18
maximauspepperpot: by default only the first user on your system will be able to run "sudo" if that's of interest07:18
SmokingFireewhitten: Yeah, thats why I think it should perhaps replace Totemplayer07:18
ewhittenSmokingFire:  are you using totem with the xine or gstreamer backend?07:19
ewhittenjust curious.07:19
SmokingFirexine backend07:19
pepperpotthx maximaus, I checked the sudoers :)07:19
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MartokHey, when's the new Ubuntu coming out?07:19
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DethreadMartok, april07:19
TreyckIch bin Deutsch,ewhitten msste das verstehen,er kann Deutsch sprechen.07:19
DethreadTreyck, ich auch :)07:19
Treyckah :)07:19
=== fraggsta [~jrw6@host81-153-241-81.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Treyckwar ein test,ewhitten is nmlich ami,kann aber deutsch ;)07:20
ewhittenTreyck:  Ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch.   umm. what's "rusty" auf Deutsch? ;)07:20
SmokingFireewhitten: but it noticed that when using ubuntu and tomtem-xine and playing dvd the cpu usage is high. However using windows with a pro player (come with dvd drive) the cpu usage is way low and now hick ups at all.07:20
Treyckyou asking thins ... :)07:20
ewhittenmaximaus:  thanks.07:21
SmokingFireFor me it means that dvd playing codecs in xine are not as advanced/optimized07:21
maximausewhitten: LOL, that's swedish, btw :P07:21
TreyckDethread,woher bekomme ich Zusatzsoftware fr mein Ubuntu ?ich bentige Entwicklungssoftware,gibt es da spezielle dinge,oder muss ich mir die einzelnen tools runterladen ?07:21
maximausSmokingFire: have you tried mplayer?07:21
ewhittenTreyck:  I really need to get back to learning German.  I'm headed there next October most likely.07:21
pepperpotHow should I install nvidia's drivers on ubuntu? is it in universe?07:21
=== ewhitten was just going to ask that.
ewhittenpepperpot:  I just did that.07:21
Dethreadtreyck, was genau brauchst du denn?07:22
pepperpotewhitten, how did you do it? was it easy?07:22
ewhittenpepperpot:  get linux-restricted-modules for your kernel version.07:22
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SmokingFiremaximaus: I havn't, will it better on cpu usage?07:22
Treyckeditoren fr z.B. c++ ,aber auch php etc.07:22
pepperpotewhitten, how do i set my apt sources? should i just vi /etc/apt/sources?07:22
ewhittenpepperpot:  yes, as root.07:22
DethreadTreyck, das meiste ist natuerlich in den repositories....evtl. auch mal in denen von debian schauen. ansonsten direkt vom "hersteller" pakete oder source saugen07:22
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pepperpotewhitten, i'm also expecting GUI's for everyting ? ;)07:23
maximauspepperpot: or you can do it with the (gasp) synaptic gui. :P07:23
DethreadTreyck, schau Dir mal anjuta an, das gefaellt mir ganz gut07:23
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fraggstaI've googled for this and found nothing..when I do "X -configure", I get an error message of something like "Missing output drivers".  Help!07:23
DethreadTreyck, ist 'ne IDE zum entwickeln...07:23
pepperpotmaximaus, ooh nice, under repositories?07:23
maximauspepperpot:  ya07:23
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ewhittenmaximaus: don't spoil him too much. ;)07:23
cetanhotawhat do I need to chage in SFT to allow a user to move out of their home directory?07:23
=== maximaus massages pepperpot's shoulders.
cetanhotaI mean SFTP07:24
pepperpotmaximaus, I don't have to type in any uri's? just check the boxes?07:24
Treyckwoher kommst Dethread ?07:24
=== rouven [~rouven@dsl-213-023-137-226.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
maximauspepperpot, yeah to just enable universe and multiverse, just check the boxes and refresh the package lists.07:24
DethreadTreyck, naehe von Goettingen...lebe aber seit 3 Jahren in den USA07:25
ewhittenmaximaus: next thing you know, he's going to want things to install by clicking next, next, finish!07:25
kzmLet me ask it more generally: how does libc determine where to send DNS queries?07:25
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Treyckah,ist schn da ?07:25
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kzmApparently it is not resolv.conf, contrary to the manual pages07:25
DethreadTreyck, naja...kann ueberall schoen sein :)07:26
MartokAnybody using Ubuntu as a server?07:26
maximausewhitten: isn't that click, scroll through lengthy license, click I accept...07:26
ewhittensomething tells me gaim IRC isn't resolving all these umlauts right.07:26
kzmMartok: trying to, as a DNS server, except it doesn't work wery well07:26
MartokWhy not kzm?07:26
ewhittenmaximaus:  the worst is when they disable the accept button until *after* you've scrolled the license.07:26
phaemonlamont: yay!  switched it to ftp and it's working fine07:26
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phaemonmany thanks07:26
maximausewhitten: gaim is a little goofy with IRC (though I'm using it now), Xchat is better with German/Swedish in my experience.07:26
ewhittenI'm installing WoW on my laptop and just had to do that.07:27
kzmMartok: apparently, resolv.conf isn't used, and I am at a loss to find out where apps determine their DNS servers07:27
ewhittenphaemon: glad to hear it!07:27
neofeedwhere has application:/// gone?07:27
phaemonthanks for looking ewhitten07:27
neofeednautilus tells me: location not found07:27
kzm...perhaps I must restart something, but I've no idea what07:27
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ewhittenno problem, but I definitely wouldn't have known that apt-http was broken.07:28
=== BierGuzzl [~carl@d205-250-71-238.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishHello there, I'm getting an error from "apt-get install xmms"07:28
MartokWhat error?07:28
=== Soap_On_A_Roap [~mitch@dynamic-216-211-6-247.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishPackage xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:29
goldfishThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:29
goldfishis only available from another source07:29
Soap_On_A_Roapis there a way to get more Panel Buttons, like for different thing07:29
goldfishI'm brand new to linux, and im at a loss :/07:29
MartokDid you add more apt repositories?07:29
goldfishSoap_On_A_Roap: Right click, add to panel07:29
DethreadSoap_On_A_Roap, right click the panel, choose "Add to panel"07:29
Soap_On_A_Roapno i know07:29
Soap_On_A_Roapbut I mean like different ibuttons07:29
pepperpotin synaptic, what does a filled box with a yellow star mean?07:30
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Martokgoldfish: Did you add more apt-get repositories?07:30
DethreadSoap_On_A_Roap, in the list, pick "Custom Application launcher"07:30
goldfishMartok: nope07:30
MartokThat could be your problem.07:30
pepperpotewhitten, did you install nvidia-glx?07:30
ewhittenpepperpot:  yup.  you need that.07:30
MartokOnce I tried installing xmms and I realized I forgot to add the other repositories.07:30
goldfishMartok: Ah ok, I only installed this today. First time using linu07:30
Tux-RoxHas anyone seen an issue with the 2.6.7 smp kernel not being able to see reiserfs partitions? The module is loaded, but I can't see the data on the drive.07:31
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-37.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ewhittengoldfish: well, you're doing good so far. :)07:31
goldfishewhitten: lol07:31
pepperpotewhitten, well, I'm gettin 1280x1024 without it. I just want the hardware acceleration for some 3d niceness07:31
Martokgoldfish: Goto ubuntuguide.org07:31
MartokEverything will be explained there.07:31
goldfishOk, cheers.07:32
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ewhittenpepperpot:  using the nvidia-glx stuff will speed up your window drawing and everything.07:32
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pepperpotewhitten, oh my god, this is so easy. Will I even have to restart X?07:32
ewhittennot to mention my huge gradient desktop doesn't have colored rings.07:32
ewhittenpepperpot:  yes, you need to log out and restart X with Ctrl+Alt+backspace.07:32
fraggstapepperpot: to get 3D acceleration, yes07:33
mystkhey there ... newbie to Ubuntu looking for some help ... with sound card issues ...07:33
ewhittenassuming that the module install editing your x config correctly.  If not, you might have to tweak that a bit.07:33
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Martokmystk: What issues?07:33
fraggstamystk: just spit it out and anyone who can help, will07:33
ewhittenpepperpot: and you might want to check to make sure that you have nvidia module set to load on boot07:34
mystki'm running a Guillemot [Hurcules]  Maxisound Muse sound card ... the card is recognize in the Device Manager but i can't get sound from the cd ...07:34
=== larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@ad-f-134.finet.se] has joined #ubuntu
pepperpotewhitten, I just looked at my new XF86Config. Ubuntu does everything! holy smokes!07:34
pepperpotok see you back in a bit. alt-ctrl-backspace now07:34
=== TheButteryWonder [~joshua@173-53-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
larsrohdinhi, are there any need to use a antivirus program in ubuntu?07:35
fraggstamystk: run "sudo alsamixer" from a terminal and try raising the levels on all the mixer controls.  Especially look for a "CD" mixer control07:35
fraggstamystk: play a CD at the same time, for a bit of instant feedback as to what works :)07:36
mystkwell i went into the volume control and there are a pille of mixers in there ...07:36
ewhittenmystk:  also, the PCM control...07:36
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mystkwhen i fooled around with the level s i got nothing ...07:36
=== ewhitten has a crappy intel8x0 on his laptop.
mystkPCM okay i'll try that ...07:36
=== maximoose [~max@user-37kackk.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
pAntZanybody here got a samba mount mounted in their /etc/fstab?07:37
MartokI've also had troube with sound.07:37
MartokI just used an amplifier.07:37
=== freemymind [~freemymin@adsl-065-005-233-048.sip.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ewhittenthe sound controls are much nicer in the gnome 2.10 betas07:38
larsrohdindo i need a antivirusprogram in ubuntu?07:38
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pAntZlarsrohdin, no07:38
pAntZnot yet :P07:39
MartokAnti virus for Linux? Ahahaha!!!!07:39
Tux-RoxAnyone know how to install a new GNOME splash image?07:39
larsrohdinpAntZ, ok, did'nt think so either... what about spyware and stuff like that?07:39
pAntZlarsrohdin, nope07:39
MartokAnti spyware!!07:39
phaemonMartok: well, it does exist...for servers...samba shares, you know...07:39
MartokYeah, I know.07:40
MartokI know that there's a Linux port of bit defender.07:40
zeedotheres sophos for linux too07:40
MartokBut I mean... come on! Ho ho!07:40
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mystkso i've maxed out all the Volume, CD, and PCM sliders on ALL four mixers and still no sound ...07:40
larsrohdinpAntZ, ok nice... im kinda new to linux but I was kinda sure that i wouldn't need any such stuff... We can just lay back and laugh at all the windows-users, spammed with viruses and spyware=)07:40
phaemonhehe...true enough...07:40
maximooseewhitten, what's changed with the sound controld with Gnome2.10? Personally, I find right clicking on the volume applet and getting a mixer is pretty decent...07:41
GammaRayTux-Rox: there might be a key in gconf-editor07:41
Martoklarsrohdin: Yes, let's throw our heads back and laugh at all the Windows users!07:41
MartokHa ha ha!07:41
Tux-RoxGammaRay, Makes sense, I'll check it out.07:41
=== Nafallo_ [nafallo@h140n4c2o1027.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
ewhittenmaximoose:  it's basically the same, but simplified.  It looks like they merged some of the dozen or so mixers that alsa gives.07:42
=== abelli [~abelli@adsl-84-222-38-86.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
maximooseewhitten, well that's not a bad thing then. :D07:42
=== zhukov [~zhukov@bl5-135-53.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
ewhittenanyone else here using evolution 2.1.4 on hoary?07:43
csturmi do07:43
GammaRaynever did07:43
mystkfraggsta: so i've maxed out all the Volume, CD, and PCM sliders on ALL four mixers and still no sound ...07:44
Dethreadthunderbird all the way :)07:44
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-18-136.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Dethreadmystk, do you also have on-board sound, besides your soundcard?07:44
mystkit's disabled in the BIOS ...07:44
csturmis there a tool in ubuntu that can compress pdf files? i need to convert it to a lower resolution...07:44
mystkyup .. *scratching head*07:44
GammaRayDethread: captin mayflour and the wayward defenders of prissy land?07:44
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DethreadGammaRay, what?07:45
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=== RuffianSoldier [~RuffianSo@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mystkDethread: craziness ... bbut any ideas why i can't get audio from my cd?07:46
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maximoosemystik: you probably don't have a soundcard cable, use digital instead (Totem plays CDs this way great)07:48
ewhittenahh nothing like converting my outlook contacts to evolution.07:49
mystkmaximoose: i turned up the Digital faders in the VolControl ... nada ...07:49
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Tux-RoxGammaRay, yup, it's in GConf. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.07:49
Dethreadmystk, no idea...do mp3s work?07:49
maximoosemystik, what are you using to play CDs?07:49
mystkDethread: i will soon find out ... downloading a mix now ...07:50
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mystkmaximoose: LG CD-RW 8x4x32 ...07:50
mystki know old tech07:50
maximoosemystk, I mean, which program? :P07:50
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=== ewhitten loves the buddy list/evo contact syncing :)
mystkmaximoose: oh sorry ... CD-Player built into Ubuntu ...07:51
Tux-RoxMy next big challenge with Ubuntu is disabling certain sound events. It seems impossible to disable individual sound evens. Anyone know how?07:51
maximoosemystk, the default Gnome CD player won't work without a soundcard cable. Use either Totem, or xmms (tick "digital extraction" in xmms's pref)07:52
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ewhittenTux-Rox:  going to Desktop -> Preferences -> Sound, then "Sound Events" tab isn't what you're looking for?07:52
Tux-Roxewhitten, Ya, but how would I disable just a couple of sound events? You can't do it from there.07:53
mystkmaximoose: okay will try that ...07:53
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pepperpotxmms complains on startup: libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:53
pepperpotit works after apt-get install libmikmod207:53
Tux-Roxewhitten, I tire of the drum sound for damn near every action I do in Ubuntu...07:54
pepperpotthe dependencies need to be fixed07:54
kzmAnybody know how to get dhclient to *stop* updating resolv conf?07:54
ewhittenpepperpot:  known issue.  i have a link for you!07:54
pepperpotah, ok07:54
pepperpotTux-Rox, replace the drum sound with a symbol. ba-dum-bum07:54
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pepperpotthat was a freudian slip, i guess07:55
Tux-Roxpepperpot, I just had an epiphany. Create an empty sound file..... DOH!07:55
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ewhittenpepperpot:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto07:55
ewhittenscroll down to nvidia section07:56
=== maximoose likes the drumming, then again he's computing whist wearing a loin cloth...
pepperpotewhitten, the binary driver installed automatically the way you suggested07:56
pepperpotewhitten, very nice07:56
=== sabine [~sabine@p54A0970A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sabineHi all!07:56
sabineAre there Ximian Artwork packages for Ubuntu?07:57
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ewhittensabine:  looking for anything in particular?07:57
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maximoosesabine: do try gnome-look.org or art.gnome.org07:57
kzm\me swears loudly.07:57
sabineewhitten: Yes, the OpenOffice.org icons07:58
zzyberhave anyone succes with installing dvdrip or mplayer from binary???07:58
ewhittensabine:  I don't blame you.07:58
ewhittenzzyber:  I just installed mplayer from hoary multiverse07:58
davixhow can i check if ubuntu recognizes my soundcard or if its malfanctioning?07:58
maximoosezzyber: I had to compile mplayer, which was rather easy.07:58
sabineewhitten: And why would you?07:58
Dethreadyeah, I installed mplayer from source too....07:58
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ewhittensabine:  I was sympathizing.  The current ones are a little bland.07:59
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zzyberewhitten, whats the source.list entry for that?07:59
{MSX}hi, i'm going to try Ubuntu on my pc.. The installation process is similar to Debian? or is something else ?07:59
mrothdoes anyone have this thing where openoffice freezes for like 4-5 full minutes when launching?07:59
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sabineewhitten: Indeed ... mildly spoken08:00
ewhitten{MSX}:  yes, pretty similar.  but I think you might find it a bit more simplified.08:00
Dethread{MSX}, it is much easier than debian08:00
ewhittensabine:  I'm just that nice... almost.08:00
ewhittenzzyber:  do you have the universe lines uncommented?08:00
{MSX}is it maybe the new Debian-installer ?08:00
pepperpotdo i need to reboot to make sure my alsa modules get reloaded, or can i just go down to run level something or other08:00
zzyberewhitten, yes08:00
ewhittenjust add the word "multiverse" (minus the quotes) after that.08:01
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davixhow can i check if ubuntu recognizes my soundcard or if its malfanctioning?08:01
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ewhittenzzyber: it looks like mplayer installation pulled in all the libdvdplay/read libs too.08:01
pepperpot{MSX}, ubuntu is very nice. So far it seems as powerful and configurable as debian, but the default install is much more usable and useful08:01
marioHi, what's the root password of the Ubuntu's Postgresql??08:02
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ewhittendavix:  does your mixer icon work?08:02
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ewhittendavix: often when sound modules aren't loading, you will try to alter the sound and it will immediately zero out.08:02
davixewhitten, yeah, it even says ensoniq creative sb 128pci08:03
davixbut it plays no sound08:03
ewhittenhmm.  you could try the alsamixer on the command line08:03
ewhittensabine:  I'm not seeing ximian-artwork packages.08:03
sabineNo Ximian pixmaps on any of these pages08:03
ewhittenbut you could have good luck with some of the icon sets on gnome-look.08:04
sabineBeatrIX has got them; they must be around somewhere08:04
sabineNope, neither gnome-look nor art.gnome.org08:04
zzyberewhitten, no it wont work......hmm, whats the diffrent between hoary and warty?08:04
pregoewhitten, if you know spanish ->  www.barrapunto.com/~prego/journal08:04
pregoewhitten, I expect traducing to english all that stuff any soon...08:04
ewhittenzzyber:  hoary is the new developmental version, release in april.  gnome 2.10 beta, evolution 2.2 beta...08:05
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ewhittenzzyber:  but pretty stable I think.08:05
sabineprego: s/traduce/translate08:05
davixewhitten, it's runing, but yet no sound is coming out of my speakers.08:05
pregosabine, my translation will be veeery funny ;-P08:05
pregogood bye folks08:05
zzyberewhitten, so i could do a apt-get dist-upgrade with that and be pretty stable08:05
ewhittenprego:  If you want help with it, let me know08:05
ewhittenat least on the english side.08:05
pregoewhitten, thanks for your offering ;-) I'll let you know.08:06
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ewhittenzzyber:  yeah, you will probably need to -f the apt-get, though.08:06
sabineprego :)08:06
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ewhittenand maybe do it a couple times to get everything.08:06
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ewhittensabine: i think I found it :)08:08
ewhittensabine:  hm. maybe not.  check this out:  http://ooextras.sourceforge.net/downloads/artwork/index.php?tab=All08:09
PuGzMy sound in gnome doesn't seem to work, and there is no alsaconf now that i have upgraded to the latest alsa... however, aplay still works fine, as does alsamixer... any ideas?08:09
ewhittensabine:  haha or maybe not.  "no ximian artwork was used in the production..."08:09
PuGzis alsaconf missing on purpose?08:09
PuGzanyone else have a problem with sound running in gnome?08:10
ewhittenpugz:  a few people seem to be, yeah08:10
PuGzi am using warty btw08:10
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PuGzintel8x0 is my sound card08:10
ewhittenPuGz: I have the same one.08:10
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PuGzi am thinking a simple sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would do it... but on dialup i wouldnt dare! i can goto uni and do it starting in march...08:11
pepperpotI just sorted out my alsa sound problem. I put in a new file under /etc/modprobe.d08:11
PuGzewhitten, is your working?08:11
ewhittenPuGz:  does esdplay work?08:11
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PuGzwhat version of alsa? kernel? gnome? esound?08:12
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PuGzdo you have the command alsaconf available to you? my setup doesnt have that command... for some reason08:13
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PuGzdoes /dev/dsp have anything to do with sound? or just movies? what is it? the reason i ask: i cant seem to play ANY movie files (even those without sound built into them) in totem... it complains that /dev/dsp doesnt exist08:14
darksatanicPuGz: It's to do with sound.08:15
PuGzwould that be related to my sound problem?08:15
pepperpotPuGz, /dev/dsp is from OSS the old sound system08:15
darksatanicSpecifically, it's the _old_ sound interface.08:15
pepperpotPuGz, alsa emulates OSS08:15
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darksatanicYou need to configure totem to use ALSA, or use the OSS-emulation modules from ALSA.08:15
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pepperpotI just installed ubuntu this morning. ALSA just worked right off the bat, albeit with onboard sound instead of my sblive08:16
PuGzdarksatanic, how do i configure totem to use alsa?08:16
zhukovgo runlvl 308:17
pepperpotPuGz, I don't think you do, directly. TOTEM uses gstreamer. You configure gstreamer08:17
zhukovcd .gnome208:17
ewhittenrun gstreamer-properties08:17
darksatanicPuGz: I don't know. I don't use totem.08:17
zhukovpico totem_conifg08:17
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PuGzpepperpot, my onboard sound did NOT work straight off the bat... it was like the only thing that didnt.. except obviously my winmodem, which although i can get working with other distros, debian and ubuntu hate it!08:17
zhukov*sudo pico totem_config08:17
zhukovin the wiki08:18
PuGzzhukov, why do this in run level 3?08:18
FASTcan anyone tell me how to mount the winxp partition of this hard drive real quick?   something mount -t /dev/hda0 /media/winxp ?08:18
Tux-RoxI installed mozilla mplayerplug-in but the browser doesn't see it. Anyone have this happen?08:18
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ewhittenFAST:  mount -t <partition type> /dev/hda0 /media/winxp08:18
ewhittenwhere partition type is ntfs or vfat.08:18
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ewhittenmost likely the former08:19
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klaymubuntu's screensavers are the best I've seen08:19
FASTi forget the command to create the folder08:19
tsm2004betaHello, I'm trying to get NWN working on my new system, and after installing everything, the only error I am getting is 'failure to initialize graphics'. So after looking I downloaded all the Xfree86 stuff and downloaded the newest NVIDIA Linux driver for my FX5900, but it wants me to install it outside of the X Server. How can I do this?08:20
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ewhittenFAST: umm .. mkdir08:20
PuGzzhukov, simply running gstreamer-properties as ewhitten suggested did the job, although i am not doubting yours would have also worked08:20
iMeXdiACi use thunderbird1.0 but cant find the "offline" button in the interface on linux(ubuntu) ?08:20
pepperpottotem doesn't work for me, actually. "Failed to open; reason unknown."08:20
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larsrohdinhey, a friend of mine sent me a movieclip in .3gp format...?!?!, what program can i use to play that?08:20
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zhukovPuGz, :D lol08:21
iMeXdiAClarsrohdin .. mplayer might08:21
ewhittentsm2004beta:  you have to hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to a different terminal, log in, and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"08:21
ewhittenthat will stop X08:21
ewhittentsm2004beta:  you also need to make sure the kernel source packages are installed08:21
Gwildorlarsrohdin: im working on it08:21
davixwhat is the latest ubuntu kernel version?08:21
larsrohdiniMeXdiAC, nope didn't work... do i need extra codecs or something?08:21
ewhittendavix:  hoary uses 2.6.10-208:22
FASTewhitten, hda0 didn't seem to exist,   i did   'mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/winxp', worked fine. but i dont have permission to view contents of the folder now?08:22
Gwildorlarsrohdin: it seems that 3gp is a mobile phone format, im not too sure about getting it to play on an ubuntu install08:22
davixhow can i know my kernel?08:22
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davixversion ewhitten08:22
iMeXdiAClarsrhodin .. its actually the natel format of movies .. prolly something mpeg408:22
ewhittenlarsrohdin:  http://www.cdavies.org/permalink/watchingbrowserembeddedgpvideosinlinux.php08:22
caramboluname -a08:22
ewhittenjust a thought?08:22
=== JeanJean [~janvanmoe@83-134-70-224.Gent.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
iMeXdiAClarsrhodin .. once played it on quicktime08:23
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ewhittenFAST: you need to specify user accessibility.  one sec.08:23
davixuname -a?08:23
carambol$uname -a08:23
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ewhittenFAST:  add "-o user" ?08:23
zhukovPuGz, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SoundProblemsHoary I thought you were having the same trouble08:23
ewhittenntfs is not writeable in linux, just so you know.08:23
=== Dreamer3_ [~unknown@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0058.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu
JeanJeanif i want to install ubuntu i have got an error08:24
PuGzzhukov, cheers mate08:24
JeanJeani cant load X1108:24
FASTewhitten, do i have to unmount it first (how?), then mount again with -o <user> ?08:24
zzyberhmm, why ubuntu when there is debian? I dont understand?08:24
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JeanJeani have a geforce2 MX and select nv08:24
ewhittenFAST:  yup08:24
ewhittenumount  /dev/hda108:24
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Cranemount -t ntfs umask=0222 /dev/hda108:25
ewhittenCrane's is better. :)08:25
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ririi've a burning problem: nautilus doesn't want to burn anymore08:25
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ririsomeone to help ? (i can give more details :-)08:25
FASTmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,08:26
FAST       or too many mounted file systems08:26
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ewhittenFAST:  what was that from?08:26
CraneFAST, at this to your /etc/fstab file08:26
Crane/dev/hda1       /windows/system    ntfs    umask=0222      0       008:26
tsm2004betaewhitten, What was that command line again? I got there, but I completely blanked. So I typed sudo gdm stop and it said that it was already running and aborted.08:27
Cranethe /windows/system can be changed to where ever you want to mount it08:27
PuGzzzyber, because the up to date version of debian (ie, unstable) tend to be exactly that, unstable... some times it is ok... but a little more stability was required...08:27
ewhittentsm2004beta:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:27
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tsm2004betaThank you08:27
Cranethen it will be mounted automaticly when you boot08:27
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FASTCrane, okay did that. can i have it mounted now without rebooting ?08:28
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pe7erFAST: sudo mount -a08:28
Craneheh the command I gave you didn't work?08:28
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FASTexcellent! thanks!08:28
mdrjrhoary inside(tm)08:29
Xappe...and remember to create the folder where you want it to be mounted :)08:29
FASTgot it done08:29
zzyberPuGz, okey im with you, first i was on gentoo but i have been on debian sarge for a couple of weeks and its outdated for sure. One thing is bothering me about ubuntu and that is unbuntus lack of compability with debian repos, i want to install mplayer and dvdrip but that seems impossible08:29
JeanJeanI tryet to install ubuntu but i have got an error while installing packages, i cant start x, i have a Geforce2MX Athlon-xp 2200+ 512 DDR and Zolid Tv-tuner card08:29
pepperpotHow do I turn off the info display in totem's fullscreen mode08:29
CraneI  use mplayer all the time08:29
pe7erzzyber: add the extra repositories08:30
pepperpotCrane, i use mplayer too. Just trying totem since I installed ubuntu today08:30
ewhittenCrane:  did you compile from source?  I just got the mplayer packages and there's no gui?08:30
Craneoh cool08:30
CraneI didn't care for totem to much08:30
PuGzzzyber, could always just do those 2 from source... but i am pretty sure there are ways to install them!08:30
XappeMPlayer compiled like a charm from source :)08:30
mdrjranybody know where to find the 2.6.10-2-k7 kernel source configured ?08:30
CraneXappe, same here08:31
ewhittenhm I guess I'm going to do that now.08:31
Craneewhitten, yep08:31
zzyberpe7er, what repositories should i have exactly? Pls send me a source.list08:31
PuGzpepperpot, how do you add extra plugins to totem?08:31
Xappeeven with esp support :)08:31
pepperpotewhitten, mplayer source has a debian directory08:31
pepperpotPuGz, apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins08:31
Craneewhitten, is it not in the menu08:31
pepperpotPuGz, then configure gstreamer with gstreamer-properties08:31
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pepperpotPuGz, totem is just a front end if you use the gstreamer back end08:32
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tsm2004betaAfter shutting down X, and trying to install my nvidia drivers, it reports that I don't have the nvidia kernel source, and it connot locate one from their servers.08:33
Craneewhitten, in a treminal type gmplayer08:33
PuGzpepperpot, cheers!08:33
pepperpotewhitten, you can compile mplayer by editing the debian files in the directory and then dpkg-buildpackage08:33
Cranetsm2004beta, did you not want to install from apt?08:33
pepperpotewhitten, deb-builpackage -uc -b or some such08:34
tsm2004betaCrane, I honestly don't know how...08:34
ewhittenCrane: I know, gmplayer reports as being compiled with no gui.08:34
=== kzm scratches his head.
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Cranetsm2004beta, hang on08:35
mdrjron hoary sound does not work (nvidia soundstorm)08:35
mdrjrany ideas ?08:35
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pepperpotewhitten, okay I want to join the mplayer compilation bandwagon too. Which sources are you using mplayerhq.hu CVS?08:36
Xappeewhitten, try ./configure --enable-gui and recompile08:36
ewhittenI didn't compile from source, just checked out the mplayer packages from apt.08:36
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Xappeah, ok08:36
Cranetsm2004beta, http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver08:36
RainMoodshi all08:37
pepperpotXappe, which source did you use?08:37
mdrjrhmm working now !08:37
pepperpotXappe, 1.0pre6a?08:37
RainMoodsI have a screen resolution issue (still)08:37
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Xappepepperpot, 1.0pre508:37
tsm2004betaThank you08:37
fchow do I set gthumb as the default picture program?08:37
RainMoodsjbailey: doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didnt help08:38
pepperpotXappe, I'm going to try 1.0pre6a.08:38
RainMoodsthere were so many questions..!08:38
=== pepperpot crosses fingers
ewhittenI'm having a hell of a time trying to get any sound of out mplayerplug-in08:38
jbaileyRainMoods: Yeah, usually it guesses and does so correctly.08:38
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jbaileyRainMoods: Failure to get the right resolution often means either: 1) Your scan rates are wrong for you monitor.  2) The driver is hooped.08:38
jbaileyRainMoods: But I'm not an X guru, so I don't have much more I can offer you off the top of my head.08:39
pepperpotewhitten, you mean in your browser?08:39
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RainMoodsjbailey: I had the same problem when I tried the live CD of Hoary... And now since I upgraded to Hoary I am stuck in 640 by 48008:39
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RainMoodsmust be a hooped driver then08:39
RainMoodsI'm sure of the scan rates08:39
jbaileyYeah, sounds like a driver issue.  It's probably worth filing a bug in bugzilla giving your video card information and saying that the LiveCD gets your video card stuff wrong.  Explain that it worked in Hoary.08:40
Xappei had to compile mplayer with esd-support to get the sound to work while esd is running08:40
ewhittenRainMoods:  also try passing NVreg_SoftEDIDs=0 when you load the nvidia module08:40
ewhittenXappe: thanks.08:40
RainMoodsis the old ubuntu using xfree and hoary using xorg?08:40
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RainMoodsewhitten: I do not have a nvidia08:40
ewhittensorry :)08:40
CraneRainMoods, yes08:40
JeanJeanWhat does i have to choose form my vga driver, i have a geforec2 MX and got a compile error when i pick up "nv"08:40
RainMoodscan I use xfree in hoary?08:40
Xappeyou prbably can, but it's not supported08:41
RainMoodsXappe: ah08:41
ewhittenpepperpot:  you working on installing mplayer?08:41
RainMoodsXappe: what's the command line order to get xfree to start?08:41
defilestartx, normally RainMoods08:42
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pepperpotewhitten, yep08:42
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fchow do I set gthumb as the default picture program?08:42
defileassuming it's configured properly08:42
pepperpotewhitten, i tried using the plugin before. It worked but wasn't very stable08:42
RainMoodsdefile: startx? that's what I did. What's the command for xorg?08:42
defileit's the same for both08:42
RainMoodsdefile: hrm08:43
maximausfc, right click "open with"...08:43
CraneRainMoods, startx also work for xorg08:43
fcmaximaus, i know08:43
maximausfc then right click, properties08:43
fcbut i want it as the default08:43
maximausand tick gthumb as your preferred app.08:43
fchey thanks08:43
RainMoodsOK now, since I am into the GUI already, is there a way to configure from where I am now?08:43
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RainMoodslet me rephrase that: is there a way to find out what my chipset is?08:44
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mdrjrRainMoods, lspci ?08:45
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RainMoodswhoo back again08:45
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ewhittenvrrroom, go mplayer go.08:46
pepperpotXappe, did you builg with real and live?08:46
=== ewhitten wishes his amd64 would work on linux.
RainMoodsif anybody said something to me while I was gone, pls repeat08:46
Xappepepperpot, codecs?08:46
kebacewhitten: doesnt it work then08:46
pepperpotXappe, for streaming08:46
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=== mdrjr wishes his tk3000 would work on linux.
pepperpotXappe, which gcc should I get and use?08:46
ewhittenkebac:  I've had it work on other systems, but for some reason, this combination of hardware just makes the system lock up completely after about 10 mins.08:47
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Xappeuhm, so many questions :)08:47
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RainMoodsI really don't want to re-install from scratch ...08:47
ewhittenI think it might be the ATI x800 card, though08:47
Xappepepperpot, should be enough to install build-essentials maybe?08:48
digitalpurequestion? - I prefer KDE over gnome (newbie) and would like to unistall gnome from my system are there any packages that I should avoid all together removing08:48
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CraneRainMoods, have you checked the forums08:48
Craneyour using ATI right08:48
Xappeand maybe some esd devs08:48
mirkozWhy when I mount my fat32 filesystems, folders appears as files in the explorer?08:48
digitalpureI get a fairly clean system, if I just do a install, and then install the KDE-base pacakges right away08:48
pepperpotXappe, what is build-essentials? It's not a package is it?08:48
ewhittenpepperpot:  yes, it is.08:48
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ewhittenbasics for building source08:49
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occyanyone advise against upgrading to hoary Right now?08:49
pepperpotewhitten, hmm, it's gcc-3.308:49
RainMoodsoccy: I advice against08:49
Craneoccy for your main system?08:49
RainMoodsI strongly advice against08:49
Guardiannoccy its running for me ok on this machine08:49
Xappemy hoary is quite stable :)08:49
defileewhitten, I have some minor problems with Hoary right now08:49
RainMoodsit's almost not running at all08:49
occyCrane: this box keeps dying as it is. :(08:49
occyRainMoods: yeah?  :/08:50
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defileer I mean occy08:50
=== KBJ [~KB@port227.ds1-oebr.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== ewhitten is running hoary :)
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RainMoodsgot some huge problems right now :(08:50
digitalpurei have major sound issues with Hoary, but not with Warty08:50
occydefile: heh, :)08:50
=== Guardiann has been running it for 3 weeks
Craneoccy, dieing?08:50
KBJi have just installed ubuntu, but upon startup grub says error 17... can anyone help me?08:50
defileoccy, but nothing I can't overlook ;-)08:50
=== Xappe has been running Hoary since early december
RainMoodsoccy: but the daring get all!08:50
KBJis there any easy answer? :)08:50
Guardianndigitalpure whats your sound problem08:50
occythanks peeps08:50
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RainMoodsnp occy, dont do it08:51
digitalpureAlsa is starting, but I cannot get anysound08:51
digitalpureI have a audigy 2 card08:51
defileXappe, how often are you updating it?08:51
occyman... I need a new machine. :(  this one's hardware is dying.08:51
Guardianndo you here sound when you first log in08:51
Xappecouple of times every day08:51
digitalpureI thought it might be the mic on the usb device I have, but unplugging it still does not help08:51
Guardianndo you here sound when you first log in08:51
defileXappe, *nod* I've been doing the same for the past week or so08:51
KBJwhen trying to install win2k it wouldn't even format the harddrive08:52
pepperpotdigitalpure, do you have an onboard soundcard?08:52
digitalpureno i get no sound when I first login - only started once I moved to hoary08:52
defileXappe, overall, I'm pretty impressed with it08:52
Xappeif I get bored, I just update my hoary :D08:52
pepperpotdigitalpure, do you see your soundcard if you open volume control?08:52
pepperpotugh me hoary, ugh ugh me so hoary08:52
Xappedefile, yep, i like it08:52
digitalpurethe sound card is a PCI Audigy 2 card, and yes device manager, and alsa mixer etc are all showing it fine08:52
mdrjrdigitalpure, type fuser /dev/dsp08:53
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mdrjrdid it returned something to you ?08:54
CraneXappe, lol08:54
KBJcan anyone help me?08:54
digitalpureumm, not in front of my home system, this is my office system (also ubuntu)08:54
CraneKBJ, windows?08:54
KBJwhat does error 17 mean?08:55
mdrjrdigitalpure, well if it returns something i will return one number this number is a process id.. you can type ps ax | grep numer.that.it.gaved.to.you08:55
KBJin Grub08:55
CraneCannot mount selected partition08:55
Crane    This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.08:55
mdrjrand see if it's esd running.. if it's you need to setup your sound applications to run with ESD08:55
Cranefound that here08:55
digitalpureok, but why would it switch from Alsa to esd08:55
mdrjrno.. alsa is the drivers, esd is a sound server08:56
digitalpureI have tried installing the ESD, OSS and ALSA packages08:56
mdrjresd make possible to you play 2 things at same time08:56
digitalpureahh, ok08:56
mdrjrlike system events and mp3's08:56
pepperpotmdrjr, you don't need esd to play multiple streams on an audigy08:57
digitalpurewould me using the 686 kernel even though I have a AthlonXP make a diffrence08:57
pepperpotmdrjr, i have an sblive and alsa natively supports hardware mixing08:57
mdrjrpepperpot, hehe nice :)08:57
mdrjrpepperpot, my card is a nvidia soundstorm08:57
mdrjrand don't do it08:57
KBJwhat can i do then, Crane?08:57
Riddelldigitalpure: you can remove all of gnome no problem, but if you're using hoary you need to keep gnome-menus otherwise the k-menu won't work08:57
pepperpotmdrjr, i know. In the old days i struggled with alsa dmix, cmipci and all that crap08:58
=== neighborlee [~neighborl@pppoe-64-91-69-64.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mz2does anybody know what sort of stuff the new sound server in gnome 2.10 should bring (am assuming they're putting that esd compatible sound server in it?)08:58
mz2or is that gnome 3 stuff08:58
Cranehmmm you said you just installed it?08:59
Cranewhat was that ablout installing windows08:59
pepperpotXappe, what X libraries do I need to get for building mplayer?08:59
KBJYa! win2k could not even formate my hard drive?08:59
Xappehmm, doesnt the readme state what the dependencies are?09:00
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Craneare you sure the drive is good?09:00
digitalpurecool, thanks all for the gnome and sound problem09:00
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Xappepepperpot, because I don't really remember :)09:00
digitalpurei will try that all at home... I thank you all for the help09:00
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KBJit was working good when i had Win xp!!09:00
karstenWhat is Ubuntu's support tail length?   I know release cycles are 6 mos.  How long after release are support and updates available?09:01
Craneis winXP still on there, is it duel boot09:01
pepperpotXappe, there's a package called mplayer-custom. I don't understand. The description says it is mplayer for my machine. How can that be? IS it a source package?09:01
KBJno not anymore09:01
KBJi don't believe in dual boot... ;)09:01
Cranejust ubuntu?09:01
Xappepepperpot, i don't know09:01
KBJhehe... yep09:01
pepperpotewhitten, did you install mplayer-custom?09:02
KBJa 256 mb swap and a 13 gb reiserfs partition... all made during the ubuntu install09:02
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Xappekarsten, hmm, think it's at least 18 months09:02
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siimocan someone tell me what the bug status "upstream" means :-/09:02
karstenXappe: Thanks.  Is waugh here?09:02
CraneKBJ, has the system started before then crashed or was this the first boot09:03
karstenYeah.  jdub.09:03
karstenXappe: Thanks.09:03
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KBJfirst boot after the install09:04
karstenXappe: Is that from release, or after update?09:04
KBJi can boot on a livecd and then chroot into it... but i don't know what to do to fix it...09:04
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Xappehmm, that I don't know. probably from release09:04
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karstenKBJ: ...um.  Fix what?09:05
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karstenKBJ: ...I joined in the middle of your comments.09:06
KBJthe bootup.. i can't boot into my newly installed ubuntu... it says grub error 17...09:06
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karstenKBJ: Ok.  If you're chrooted, you can rerun the grub installer.  So: boot.  cd to /.  'chroot .'09:07
karstenKBJ: ...at which point you want to google for Grub error 17.  Sure that isn't 15?09:07
Crane    This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.09:07
REN0Hi. I am trying to get my WiFi card working on my HP ze4918ea laptop09:08
karstenKBJ: pinfo grub shows 17:   Cannot mount selected partition09:08
carambolif i upgrade  to hoary...realplayer and mozplugger dont work amymore09:08
KBJit's grub error 17 alright... and google doesn't give me much answer... i tried running grub-install chroot'ed... but it didn't change anything09:08
REN0I have apt-geted ndiswrapper-utils09:08
karstenKBJ: What filesystem for that partition?09:08
djjasoncan anybody tell me how I can configure the sensitivity on my touchpad....its way too sensitive09:08
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karstenKBJ: ...and are you sure you've got the right root partition specified?09:08
=== zazeem [~zazeem@pool-64-223-239-171.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zazeemcan someone help me09:08
KBJreiserfs... but i'm pretty sure i tried it with ext3 before and same error09:08
Guardiannzazeem hello09:09
jazzkahow can I know if I have usb 2.0 or 1.1 motherboard?09:09
REN0I have the WinXP driver cd so now Ineed to "Select the inf-file you need." as it says in the How to...09:09
zazeemi put this in console to run et i finally go it to work but  it has no sound... and on a site several sites actually they say type artsdsp -m et and itl start et but it doesnt start et :/09:09
zazeemhi guardiann :)09:09
REN0Where should I put it?09:09
zazeemfinally fixed problem09:09
zazeemrefresh rates too high lol09:09
bluefoxicyHow do I change the default X session09:09
bluefoxicyi.e. twm instead of gnome on startx09:10
karstenjazzka: Connector shape.  Or grep -i usb /var/log/dmesg09:10
bluefoxicyor such09:10
bluefoxicyor say I had kde09:10
Guardiannzazeem good for you09:10
Xappepepperpot: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/install.html#softreq  <-- needed software for MPlayer09:10
KBJam i supposed to say "grub-install /dev/hda" for where i want the boot record, or /dev/hda2 for which partition i want to boot?09:10
Riddellbluefoxicy: you need to tell gdm to use a different default09:10
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zazeemaany idea why artsdsp -m et doesnt start et?09:10
bluefoxicyRiddell:  startx09:11
bluefoxicynot gdm09:11
bluefoxicyRiddell:  boots into text mode, log in, startx, you know?  no display manager?  stuff happens based on /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc and friends, which happens to trigger this 5000-script long web of complex crap that somehow choses a display manager?09:11
carambolafter upgrading to hoary..no sound from RealPlayer09:11
caramboland mozplugger09:12
carambolhow to fix this09:12
karstenKBJ: if you're single-booting, /dev/hda.  if you're mutli-booting, depends on the bootloader you plan to use, but /dev/hda is still possible.09:12
karstenKBJ: /dev/hda2 if you plan on using NTLDR.EXE.09:12
KBJok... then /dev/hda09:12
KBJi'm single booting...09:12
bluefoxicyso nobody knows then.  Damn.09:12
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digitalpurei need to be able to vpn into my company vpn server09:13
KBJbut why wouldn't it mount my partition?09:13
Riddellbluefoxicy: try changing the symlink at /etc/alternatives/x-session-manager09:13
bluefoxicyahh thanks09:13
digitalpurei cannot find anyway to vpn in and then use remote desktop or tightvnc to get to my windows desktop09:13
KBJshould i try lilo or is lilo still not reiserfs compatible?09:14
karstenKBJ: lilo should work with reiserfs.09:15
KBJyou think it'll help?09:15
karstenKBJ: It's worth a shot, easy enough to try.09:16
karstenKBJ: ...and lilo error messages are generally better understood than GRUB.09:16
zazeemanyone know how to make the sound in games work for quake 3 rtcw and et???????09:16
KBJcool i will do that09:16
hkl8324is there no root acc in ubuntu liunx?09:16
FASThow do you burn audio cds in ubuntu ?09:17
Xappezazeem, try a killall esd before you start the game09:17
=== RainMoods [~Rainy@fwcura.cura.net] has joined #ubuntu
RainMoodsfixed the screen resolution problem09:17
RainMoodshow? I hear you ask...09:17
=== Nightie [~Nightfall@adsl-98-108.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
KBJdamn... when i try to use apt-get it says i have to use the ubuntu install cd, but i've booted up via the gentoo install cd... :) what's the easiest? can i boot the ubuntu cd and go into a console?09:18
RainMoodsfirst sudo apt-get install xserver-xfree8609:18
NightieHello! Can someone help me with a trouble about Azureus please?09:18
RainMoodsand then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8609:18
qopiwhat does ubuntu do better than debian?09:18
FASTNightie, what's the problem09:18
Hannes_qopi: it's new09:18
RainMoodsanyway, I wanted to share this with you09:19
Hannes_and updates fater09:19
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RainMoodsbye - till the next problem09:19
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qopiHannes_: why is new better?09:19
KBJdoes the ubuntu install cd have a console?09:19
NightieI have 2 users in my pc: UserA and UserB. UserA was created during installation. UserB was created later, with gnome tool09:19
Hannes_qopi: updates faster, that's what i meant09:19
qopiyou mean more active delopment/09:20
NightieI installed Azureus following ubuntuguide.org procedure, but I can start Azureus JUST when I am logged as UserA09:20
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NightieIf I log as UserB I can't start: unknown command, or something like this...09:20
NightieI can't start Azureus...09:20
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liberionanyone using enlightenment 17 in ubuntu?09:21
ackerhello. anybody installed vexim or have any knowledge about it?09:21
Hannes_qopi: yes09:21
Hannes_and newer versions of the packages they put in repos09:21
NightieFAST, any hint?09:21
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zazeemhow do i install enemy territory to local/games ??????/09:22
CraneNightie, you said you used ubuntus howto09:22
karstenKBJ: You can fetch DEBs manually and install them.  or chroot into your distro and fetch from within it.09:23
zazeemhow do i install enemy territory to local/games ??????/09:23
Cranezazeem, run the script as sudo09:23
zazeemwhats path09:23
XappeNightie, in the guide you change ownership to ypur first user (chown x:x ...). maybe you have to give the same rights to your second user...09:23
zazeem o ok09:23
zazeemhey crane09:23
=== forcotton [~homebody@hawk-d-153.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
zazeemthat worked yesterday :D09:23
zazeemet works now09:23
zazeemnow i just cant get sound to work in it ... :(09:23
Xappezazeem, try killall esd before you start the game09:24
Craneare you running anything else that could ne using sound09:24
forcottonhi, anyone got a wacom tablet working under ubuntu?09:24
NightieCrane :: I used the procedure on ubuntuguide.org09:24
zazeemno i dont get that error ill send u error i get09:24
zazeemin a min09:24
zazeemi did killall .. it did nothing :09:25
NightieXappe :: done "sudo chown -R root:root /opt/azureus/" when I was userB,too09:25
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XappeNightie, ah ok...09:25
NightieOh, my God, maybe I undestand now!09:25
NightieI see "azureus" does not run from as UserA, too!09:26
klaymwhat does that "sudo chown -R root:root /dir/" do? can someone explain please?09:26
NightieI have to specify path! :-D09:26
zazeemcrane heres error i got09:26
zazeem------- sound initialization -------09:26
zazeem/dev/dsp: Input/output error09:26
zazeemCould not mmap /dev/dsp09:26
pepperpotklaym, it changes the owner to root for all subdirectories09:26
Nightie:-) Now I log to UserB and verify! Sorry fot bothering you all! Bye!09:27
klaymso the program can be used without typing root password at startup?09:27
crimsunzazeem: cs46xx sound chipset?09:28
crimsunwhich ac97?09:28
zazeemhow do i ckeck09:28
crimsunlook at /proc/asound/modules09:29
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zazeemsays permissio denied09:29
crimsundon't try to execute it, cat it09:30
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crimsuncat /proc/asound/modules09:30
zazeem0 snd_via82xx09:30
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rgmHello from my Ubuntu Hoary LiveCD09:30
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AndyRlo ppl09:31
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rgmI can't seem to find any GUI to browse partitions and mount them.  Does Gnome provide anything like this?09:32
zazeemi have 0 snd_via82xx09:32
crimsunzazeem: 10-409:32
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zazeemi have sound in ut09:32
zazeemnot et :'(09:32
crimsunzazeem: "acknowledged"09:32
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Cranezazeem, do you have sound in quake3?09:33
snarkyhow do i add a module so it will load upon booting?09:33
zazeemdont have q309:33
Craneoh ok09:34
zazeemin ut i do09:34
crimsunsnarky: echo module | sudo tee -a /etc/modules09:34
snarkycrimsun: thanks09:34
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gangalinocrimsun: how do I load ALSA?09:34
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zazeemthink i need alsa09:34
zazeemhow do i ?09:35
tsm2004betaHello, got everything working so far. Another problem I found was that Totem Movie player... really doesn't want to play any kind of movie file at all.09:35
crimsungangalino: it's configured to be used by default. Is something not working?09:35
gangalinothe mixer09:35
crimsunzazeem: you're already using ALSA.09:35
JJH^hi, i tried to install ubuntu on my other computer. i have burned the image on a CD and inserted it but the install didnt start, can you help?09:35
crimsungangalino: which mixer?09:35
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rgmDoes Gnome on Hoary include a way to mount a partition on my /dev/hda device?  I can't figure out how without using the command line.09:35
Xappetsm2004beta, i'm using MPlayer and VLC for movies09:35
LinuxJonestsm2004beta, do like most everybody else install gxine or mplayer and the w32codec package09:36
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gangalinocrimsun: "Sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found" when trying to turn on the volume from the toolbar09:36
crimsungangalino: which sound chipset(s) are you attempting to use?09:36
zazeemlinuxjones, perhaps u could help me09:36
crimsunzazeem: please download the quake3 demo and try it.09:36
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Xappetsm2004beta, VLC is in the repos I think, and it has all codecs builtin09:37
crimsunzazeem: please search google.09:37
KBJkarsten: you still there?09:37
LinuxJoneszazeem, your having alsa trouble ?09:37
zazeemfor linux?09:37
crimsunzazeem: yes.09:37
KBJit said unable to mount root filesystem when i tried lilo09:37
LinuxJonesJJH^, did you change your system's bios to boot to your cdrom ?09:38
Dreamer3_anyone use alas and dmix here?09:38
Dreamer3_when i turn on or try and use dmix manually ihear nothing at all09:38
skiyexcuse me folks, how can I get my usb mouse to work on ubuntu? can I rerun the hardware detection somehow? thanks...09:38
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crimsunDreamer3_: dmixed applications currently must _not_ use mmap09:38
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tsm2004betaI don't see VLC in the repo...09:38
Dreamer3_crimsun: ???09:38
Dreamer3_crimsun: that means nothing to me09:38
gangalinoac-97-codec? nm_25609:38
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crimsunDreamer3_: is xmms one of the applications?09:39
Dreamer3_crimsun: i'm tring alsplayer -o also -d plug:dmix and i get slience09:39
Dreamer3_crimsun: i'm just trying to get the most basic stuff to work from the how-to09:39
crimsunDreamer3_: did you configure an .asoundrc | /etc/asound.conf?09:39
LinuxJonesJJH^, did you save the changes ?? I think that most systems will boot to the cdrom device if you hold the "c" button while it is booting up.09:39
gangalinocrimsun: nm_256 is listed in lsmod09:39
gangalinocrimsun: however I can't remember what alsa shows up as09:40
Dreamer3_crimsun: when i use the .asoundrc from the site i get only silence09:40
tsm2004betaXappe, I don't see VLC anywhere in the repo.09:40
crimsungangalino: nm256_audio or snd-nm256?09:40
Dreamer3_crimsun: again, i'm first just trying to get dmx working from the dmix how-to... with that alsplayer command...09:40
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Dreamer3_crimsun: is there some mixer setting i just need to turn up or something?09:41
LinuxJonesbye :)09:41
tsm2004betaAnd when I chcked out MPlayer, I had trouble compling everything together.09:41
Dreamer3_alasplayer -o also works fine, but adding the -d plug:dmix i get nothing09:41
Xappetsm2004beta, hmm, maybe it's just for Hoary then09:41
Dreamer3_(though the song "plays" so to speak)09:41
Dreamer3_(ie, the progress meter moves along)09:41
gangalinocrimsun: snd_nm25609:41
crimsunDreamer3_: the built-in pcm.dmix definition is unreliable; you need to define your own.09:41
KBJdoes anyone know what i did wrong when i'm booting with lilo and it says "unable to mount root fs"?09:41
crimsungangalino: so ,,cat /proc/asound/modules'' shows: 0 snd_nm256 ?09:42
GuardiannDreamer3 whats your output plugin in xmms09:42
LinuxJonesKBJ, you did not add support for the filesystem your trying to load the kernel from09:42
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Dreamer3_Guardiann: i'm not using xmms09:42
Dreamer3_Guardiann: just tring to get alsaplayer working for starters09:42
gangalinocrimsun: correct09:43
KBJbut i installed ubuntu with reiserfs... the ubuntu installation formatted the partition as reiserfs... shouldn't it be in the kernel then?09:43
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crimsunDreamer3_: start with something more simplistic. Get two instances of aplay running simultaneously.09:43
Dreamer3_crimsun: ok, how?09:43
LinuxJonesKBJ, yeah it shoudl be did you have any errors during installation ?09:43
KBJi had trouble with grub, so i decided to try lilo... it made it boot the kernel this time... but now the kernel complains...09:43
KBJno error during install09:43
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KBJbut it wouldn't boot the grub the first time... i haven't booted the ubuntu successfully yet09:44
LinuxJonesKBJ, did you include the initrd line ?09:44
KBJthat's probably it, what is the initrd line? hehe09:44
LinuxJonesKBJ, heh I don't know what it is in lilo09:44
Dreamer3_crimsun: aplay -D plug:dmix song.mp3 only produces silence09:44
Dreamer3_crimsun: i can't even get one to work09:44
KBJwhat is it in general then? hehe09:45
LinuxJonesKBJ, initrd is another way to add support for filesystems and such during initial boot.09:45
LinuxJonesKBJ, honestly it might be faster to re-install. It's only like 20 mins or so :D09:45
KBJhehe... but i tried reinstalling a couple of times... it always says grub error 1709:46
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gangalinodmesg would show alsa, right?09:46
Dreamer3_crimsun: any thoughts?09:46
Dreamer3_crimsun: is dmix just being quiet a new problem?09:46
crimsunDreamer3_: then use a simple ~/.asoundrc such as: echo "pcm.card0 { type plug slave.pcm "dmixer" } ctl.card0 { type hw card 0 } pcm.dmixer { type dmix ipc_key 1024 slave { pcm "hw:0" } }" > ~/.asoundrc09:46
crimsun(you'll probably need to escape the \"s)09:47
LinuxJonesKBJ, actually I think you can bail out of the installation once your partitions have been assigned and grub has been re-written to your MBR.09:47
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KBJLinuxJones, ok, but what do i do then?09:47
crimsungangalino: does ,,amixer'' report anything?09:47
KBJLinuxJones, i've been booting the ubuntu cd and chroot'ing a couple of times to get lilo on it...09:48
gangalinocrimsun: amixer does an output09:48
LinuxJonesKBJ, make sure you setup your partitions NOT to be overwritten and when grub updates your MBR then just cancel out of the install, remove disk and re-boot.09:48
crimsungangalino: what is the output? (summarise, don't paste)09:48
gangalinocrimsun: you wanna check #flood, I don't know what to summarize...09:49
Dreamer3_crimsun: silence with that file in place09:49
kengurdoes anyone know why totem compiled against gstreamer doesn't play dvd even if decss is installed?09:50
KBJLinuxJones, but why would it make a difference when it rewrites my MBR again... i already redid the whole installation to see if it would help09:50
kenguronly totem-xine works for me here09:50
LinuxJonesKBJ, sorry I thought you wanted to get grub back09:50
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crimsunDreamer3_: have you used other dxs_support values other than the default (which is 0)?09:50
KBJi don't care if i have grub or lilo.. i just want to boot... hehe09:50
Dreamer3_crimsun: i think something is wrong, the apps aren't even starting now09:50
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crimsungangalino: please unmute your Master and PCM sliders. And next time, please wait for the other person(s) to finish pasting before you begin.09:51
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kengurlower your shields and surrender your ships09:53
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gangalinocrimsun: by the icon on the toolbar? it doesn't find a mixer/device09:53
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crimsunDreamer3_: does ,,aplay -Dplughw:0 foo.wav'' work properly?09:53
[amasimak] KBJ, did you use a separate partition for /boot ?09:53
crimsungangalino: use ,,alsamixer''09:53
gangalinocrimsun: alsa would show in dmesg, right?09:53
crimsungangalino: not necessarily09:53
KBJ[amasimak] , no i didn't09:53
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KBJ[amasimak] , i have a swap and a root partition09:54
eddie303Hello everybody. Does anybody know about a fine NES emulator with a fine frontend?09:54
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Kirschhey guys, is there a way to turn off the tapclick on my laptop?09:54
Kirsch(on the touchpad)09:54
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defileKirsch, synaptic?09:54
crimsuneddie303: xmess-x? nestra? fceu?09:55
gangalinocrimsun: where would alsamixer show? it doesn't bring up a window. and the mixer/device is still unfound by volume-control09:55
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defileKirsch, in your X config file do you have any lines like:09:55
defile  Option        "MaxTapTime"    "180"09:55
defile  Option        "MaxTapMove"    "0"09:55
crimsungangalino: Applications>Systems Tools>Terminal09:55
eddie303crimsun, thanks, I will try them in this order :)09:55
crimsungangalino: then execute ,,alsamixer,,09:55
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zazeemcrimsun im gttin the q3 demo but its a .gz.sh file how do i install ?09:55
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crimsunzazeem: sh foo.sh09:56
gangalinocrimsun: cwa2@mombassa:~ $ ps -ef|grep alsa09:56
gangalinocwa2      4601  4585  0 15:54 pts/0    00:00:00 alsamixer09:56
gangalinocwa2      4605  4585  0 15:55 pts/0    00:00:00 grep alsa09:56
zazeemfoo,sh? lol09:56
[amasimak] KBJ, http://www.mepis.org/node/view/325709:56
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Kirschif /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is my conf file, then no09:56
gangalinocrimsun: and it still isn't working09:56
[amasimak] KBJ, they seems to have the same problme which was resolved by using a small partition for /boot09:56
Dreamer3_crimsun: that makes a buch of static... does aplay not do mp3?09:56
[amasimak] KBJ, before 1024th cylinder09:56
defileif you make MaxTapTime 0, it disables tap clicking, if you have MaxTapMove as 0, it makes it so you can use two fingers as middle click and three fingers as right click, but disables one finger from clicking09:57
crimsunDreamer3_: no, only wav.09:57
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Dreamer3_crimsun: ok, so what does that prove?09:57
Dreamer3_crimsun: -Dplughw:0 works09:57
crimsunDreamer3_: which application are you having trouble with?09:57
crimsunDreamer3_: any/all with dmix?09:57
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[amasimak] KBJ, I don't know if this is the same problem, though09:57
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Dreamer3_crimsun: i haven't even got to apps yet... i'm just trying to get dmix working... when i use the config files in the how-tos i only get silence with alsa apps09:58
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Dreamer3_crimsun: if you want an app i'm trying just to get alsaplayer working for now09:58
crimsungangalino: what's not working? no sound? did you unmute those two sliders?09:58
KBJ[amasimak] , thx, i'll see if it helps...09:58
prussiapri hear this is the place to get informed :)09:58
defileKirsch, pm me if you have any more questions09:58
gangalinocrimsun: there a no sliders09:58
[amasimak] KBJ, you're welcome09:58
LinuxJonesIs it just me or do the fonts look alot better in Gnome 2.9 ?09:59
gangalinocrimsun: no mixer or window came up09:59
rgmI'd like to know if Gnome can mount a partition graphically.09:59
rgmI can't find the interface09:59
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prussiaprhello ?09:59
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crimsungangalino: you executed alsamixer from the command line, and nothing came up?09:59
Dreamer3_crimsun: i'm trying "alsaplayer -o alsa -d plug:dmix" right out of the how-to to test dmix and i have only sielnce, thoguht the slide of the song creeps along as if it's playing09:59
Guardiannprussiapr hi09:59
gangalinocrimsun: you see my output?09:59
gangalinocrimsun: n-a-d-a10:00
crimsunLinuxJones: they do seem more crisp on certain lcds10:00
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prussiaprhi guardiann.. was starting to wonder if i was getting through :)10:01
prussiaprfirewall issues here10:01
Dreamer3_crimsun: they give an example of starting 3 things that way and testing if you hear them al... and i can't even hear the first10:01
crimsungangalino: then do this: ,,amixer sset PCM on''10:01
crimsungangalino: also: ,,amixer sset Master on''10:01
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crimsunDreamer3_: did you try other dxs_support values for snd-via82xx?10:01
prussiaprcan i ask questions in here ? i don't know too much about linux.. but i I got ubuntu running.. I got my sata raid and at one point dvd-r and some other stuff running.. for some reason gdm stoped working yesterday10:01
Dreamer3_crimsun: i don't know what that means10:01
crimsunDreamer3_: then no, you didn't.10:02
Dreamer3_crimsun: no, i did not10:02
crimsunDreamer3_: kill all applications accessing sound and ,,sudo modprobe -r snd-via82xx''10:02
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crimsunDreamer3_: then: ,,sudo modprobe snd-via82xx dxs_support=1''10:03
prussiapranyway it started giving me an out of synch error and i have no idea why.. then gdm got uninstalled.. but it looks like it's there now..10:03
rgmWhat's the root password on the Hoary liveCD?10:03
gangalinocrimsun: hate to tell ya... check #flood, it still isn't finding the mixer device after that10:03
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Dreamer3_sheesh, this is proving to be hard10:03
rgmMan, I feel like I'm invisible in this channel.10:03
Dreamer3_what i using my sound10:04
LinuxJonesrgm, using  sudo ?10:04
rgmI was trying to "su" to root.10:04
prussiaprand i can't10:04
LinuxJonesrgm, use sudo10:04
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rgmsudo it is, thx.10:04
Dreamer3_i don't know10:04
crimsungangalino: amixer's finding it just fine.10:04
prussiaprmy turn for attention :)10:05
crimsungangalino: are you using warty or hoary?10:05
prussiapri was thinking of upgrading to hoary but hmm is it ready yet.. or will it break everything I installed before10:05
Dreamer3_well hold on10:05
crimsunprussiapr: it will be a learning experience for you.10:05
mjrprussiapr, if it were ready, it'd be released ;)10:05
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rgmMy first experience with ubuntu is through this Hoary LiveCD.  It's pretty great so far.\10:06
LinuxJonesprussiapr, it has a few problems yeah :D10:06
caleb_whats the name of the update manager applet thingy?10:06
caleb_not synaptic10:06
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caleb_but the actual applet10:06
prussiaprhe he.. learning exprience is good and all.. right now i just want the damn X server to run so i can use the machine :)10:06
LinuxJonesrgm, play around for a few days then do an actuall install :)10:06
prussiaprlearning i can do later10:06
gangalinocrimsun: warty10:07
prussiapri'm starting to be better with ubuntu. very similar to debian.. but i could never get X running on my debian installs10:07
LinuxJonesprussiapr, what video card do you have ?10:07
prussiaprI really like ubuntu cause most stuff worked out of the box :) i just had to do stuff10:07
rgmLinuxJones - eventually the liveCD runs out of RAM and everything goes to hell, so I'd have to reboot every few days...  Anyway, I was hoping to try a KDE based distribution.  I've never used a nice one of those.  But this one is pretty great, I'm seriously considering it.  My first debian-based one.  I forgot how nice binary packages are (coming from Gentoo)10:07
Dreamer3_crimsun: ok, it's gone, but it's snd_cs46xx, not via driver10:07
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zazeemi got the demo10:08
LinuxJonesrgm, if you want a good KDE based live cd Knoppix is it10:08
Dreamer3_crimsun: i assume i want to modprobe it with diff params?10:08
prussiaprnvidia mx 400 with t.v. out (wanted to get t.v. out and dual monitor if possible but who knows.. t.v out is nice)10:08
crimsunDreamer3_: !@$ One sec.10:08
Dreamer3_crimsun: ok :)10:08
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zazeemhow do i install it the filename is linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh????????10:09
LinuxJonesprussiapr, do you know what errors are preventing it from running ?10:09
zazeemhow do i install it the filename is linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh????????10:09
prussiaprthis is the card10:09
prussiaprJaton nVIDIA GeForce2 MX400 Video Card, 64MB DDR, 64-bit, TV-Out, PCI, Model "VIDEO-118PCI-64DDR-TV" -RETAIL10:09
crimsunDreamer3_: sudo modprobe snd-cs46xx mmap_valid=110:09
prussiaprnot sure.. not in front of it..10:09
terryzazeem chmod a+x file; sh file10:10
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LinuxJonesprussiapr, have you tried installing the nvidia binary drivers ?10:10
zazeemcmd ?10:10
prussiaprit said something about glx or something.. i followed this ubuntuguide.org to try and get the nvidia dirver working but still nothing10:10
terryzazeem, `chmod a+x file` `sh file;10:10
prussiapri think it's something in the config10:10
zazeema+x file; sh linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh10:10
prussiaprbut i looked at it.. seems loical10:10
zazeemlike that terry?10:10
LinuxJonesprussiapr, so you installed the nvidia binary drivers ?10:10
terryzazeem no replace file with the filename10:11
Dreamer3_crimsun: plug:dmix still produces no sound10:11
prussiapryeah did this10:11
rgmprussiapr:  hey-- I'm thining of getting that exact card for a cheap MythTV setup.  You having any luck with it on linux/10:11
LinuxJonesprussiapr, you must have missed something10:11
crimsunzazeem: are you using cs46xx?10:11
prussiaprthe thing is it's been working all this time10:11
crimsunDreamer3_: sec10:11
prussiaprthen i get an out of synch eror.. and couldn't see anything.. after i installe azureus10:11
LinuxJonesprussiapr, can you access the ubuntu files now or are you in windows ?10:12
prussiaprnow it gives me config errors when i try and runx10:12
zazeem chmod a+x linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.shfile; sh didnt work terry10:12
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prussiapri'm at work.. but i can access the server remotely10:12
zazeemcrimsun i dont remember10:12
zazeemhow do i find out10:12
rgmha ha10:12
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crimsunzazeem: cat /proc/asound/modules10:12
rgmi'm totally screwed10:12
Mannyanybody around who is responsible for the PPC port?10:12
zazeem0 snd_via82xx is what i got10:12
Dreamer3_i'll obvioulsy have to write a cs46xx how-to when i'm done :)10:12
MannyI'm currently trying to find out why ubuntu kernels don't boot on my pegasos10:12
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Mannysven luther uploaded a peg kernel tarball10:13
rgmI tried to install totem-xine while running the LiveCD and now Gnome has completely died.  Every menu item says "Cannot launch entry: not a launchable item"10:13
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crimsunDreamer3_: sorry, I've been racing back and forth, and apparently I've mixed up yours and zazeem's problems10:13
Mannywill there be included a new pegasos-specific kernel if I beg for it?10:13
Dreamer3_crimsun: ah10:13
miro__Hi all.10:13
Dreamer3_crimsun: my problem is when i try and use the dmix device like the simple test example shows i have only silence10:13
zazeemcan anyone plz tell me how to open a gz.sh file?10:13
LinuxJonesprussiapr, I think you missed the nvidia-settings enable portion of the install10:13
prussiaprhmm how do i check.. i did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable10:14
Dreamer3_crimsun: i don't have a via card though10:14
crimsunzazeem: you don't open it; you execute it as terry said10:14
zazeemchmod a+x linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.shfile; sh didnt work...10:14
LinuxJoneszazeem, you type sh whateverthefilenameis.sh10:14
Dreamer3_crimsun: i have the cs46xx10:14
miro__How to contact one of the mirror admin of ubuntu?10:14
crimsunDreamer3_: right10:14
terrywhats basic ACI audio mean in respect to the proprietary nvidia audio drivers??10:14
terryI alreay have basic audio support, but do I need ACI audio support??10:14
crimsunterry: using which sound driver, nvsound or snd-intel8x0?10:14
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terrycrimsun, using intel8x010:15
zazeemk crimsun no sound in q3 either :(10:15
terrycrimsun, but I was wondering if its worth using the nvidia drivers10:15
gangalinothe sound on this thing (Dell Latitude CSx500 on Warty) is flakier than a good baklava10:16
willwhat program can copy a cd in ubuntu?10:16
crimsunterry: I can only assist with ALSA driver (snd-intel8x0)10:16
gangalinosometimes snd_nm256 works, sometimes it locks up the machine...10:16
Dreamer3_crimsun: dmix is software right, so the hardware shouldn't matter?10:16
KBJnow i got a new problem... i added the initrd to my lilo, so it could boot... it booted alot of stuff and then all of a sudden it went init 0, which means shutdown... after a couple of lines it said power down... i couldn't see what made it happen, any ideas?10:16
crimsungangalino: / Dreamer3_: sec, looking up things.10:16
gangalinowill: k3b10:17
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willgangalino: no built in support?10:17
prussiaprso what should i do10:17
t325my system gets unstable with official audio nvidia, but you get a nice nvidia sound control panel with many functions for the 5.1 and such; so give it a try and fall back to 8x0 if it also gets your pc unstable..10:17
zazeemhey crimsun heres error with q3 sound ------- sound initialization -------10:18
zazeem/dev/dsp: Broken pipe10:18
zazeemCould not toggle.10:18
terryoh crimsun, those are working fine, is there stuff I can tweak with those??10:18
gangalinoWill: I believe so in nautilus10:18
terrycrimsun, like getting 8 channels as per my motherboard manual10:18
crimsunterry: no, snd-intel8x0 is rather limited. You'll want to use nvsound if you prefer the tweaking.10:19
zazeemu see the error crimsun?10:19
gangalinoI didn't notice alsa being a part of bug=125410:19
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dryzeri have this error when i start apche2 with ldap10:19
dryzerCannot load /usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_auth_ldap.so into server: libprldap50.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dire10:19
dryzerwhat i must do to correct this10:19
crimsungangalino: the ALSA neomagic 256 audio driver is quite unstable. It is one of the few chipsets for which I recommend using OSS instead of ALSA.10:19
t325terry yes you get all the channels that's what I meant by 5.1 (mine is 5.1)10:19
prussiaprLinuxJones still there?10:20
gangalinocrimsun: how would I switch it back to OSS?10:20
terryokay thank you t32510:20
terryt325, are they alsa or OSS??10:20
crimsungangalino: ,,sudo modprobe -r snd-nm256 && sudo modprobe nm256_audio''10:20
pepperpotwhat is the default sendmail system in ubuntu?10:20
bitfoohow does one rip a dvd in linux? is there a dvd shrink like package?10:20
pepperpotbitfoo, no10:21
crimsunpepperpot: 220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)10:21
gangalinocrimsun: already done that10:21
t325terry oss10:21
pepperpotcrimsun, oh, i meant software. Is it exim?10:21
pepperpotbitfoo, you can run dvdshrink under wine though10:21
crimsunpepperpot: read closely ;)10:21
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t325terry but as i said b4 gets my sys unstable..10:21
zazeem------- sound initialization -------10:21
zazeem/dev/dsp: Broken pipe10:21
zazeemCould not toggle.10:21
zazeemsound error in q3 ayone know what to do to fix???10:21
bitfoopepperpot, is there something similar that is native to linux?10:21
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pepperpotbitfoo, not really, as far as i know. There's some stuff that doesn't work that well.10:22
bitfoodoh :|10:22
[amasimak] bitfoo, mencoder ?10:22
crimsungangalino: still getting a mixer error?10:22
pepperpotbitfoo, i find dvdbackup is very good for reading, and growisofs is very good writing. But the shrinking software is pretty mediocre10:22
bitfoodunno i have never heard of it o_O10:22
zazeemanyone gunna hgelp :|10:22
bitfooahh so maybe dvd shrink is my best bet then :|10:23
bitfoounder wine that is :|10:23
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wasabi_I need to find a good comparison of EVMS and LVM10:23
bitfooi kind of like the simplicity of one button ripping :|10:23
wasabi_Anybody know of one?10:23
crimsunzazeem: did you test other values of dxs_support for snd-via82xx ?10:23
Mannydoes ubuntu use deb kernels?10:23
pepperpotbitfoo, yep. Use dvdbackup or something like that to rip onto your hd, use dvdshrink to compress it, and use growisofs to burn it10:23
stuNNedbitfoo: simple is always the way to go imho10:23
crimsunManny: no, Ubuntu uses Ubuntu kernels.10:23
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Mannythere were some nice recent fixups10:23
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pepperpotcrimsun, esmtp?10:23
gangalinocrimsun: check #flood for lsmod output10:24
MartokObject oriented OS? WTF?10:24
gangalinocrimsun: still no mixer. would this be a part of https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1254 ?10:24
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crimsunpepperpot: what's printed after ESMTP ?10:24
pepperpotcrimsun, postfix!10:24
zazeemcrimsun how do i test other junk10:24
=== pepperpot slaps forehead
t325bitfoo, transcode is a good ripping encoding transcoding, etc. prog and there are guis for it10:24
bitfooi'll look into it t32510:25
crimsungangalino: you can't unload the snd_nm256 module because it's still being used10:25
crimsungangalino: please close all applications accessing the sound device.10:25
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crimsungangalino: then unload snd_nm256 and load nm256_audio10:26
fred41Problem:  when I log in as the first-installed user, the screen goes "chocolate" for 10-15 seconds, then black, then the login screen returns.  This doesn't happen for other user names.  Suggestions?10:27
terrywell the nvidia audio drivers were short lived.  They wouldnt compile on my current kernel10:27
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t325bitfoo, and transcode -i /dev/dvd -x dvd -o film.avi -y xvid -N 0x55 -b 320,0,5,0 -d -T 8,-1 -V -Z 1024x768 -R2 is a good start for a 700 mo xvid w/ good quality10:27
crimsunterry: unless you're on exotic hardware, you shouldn't need to compile them yourself if you're using a Ubuntu-provided kernel10:28
Xappebtw, any news on usplash?10:28
Dreamer3_crimsun: still looking, or am i sol?10:28
crimsunDreamer3_: I'm still looking.10:28
terrycrimsun amd6410:28
gangalinocrimsun: now I can't find which app is using nm_25610:29
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crimsungangalino: lsof /dev/dsp*; lsof /dev/snd/*10:29
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gangalinoroot@mombassa:/home/cwa2 # ls /dev/snd/10:31
gangalinocontrolC0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  timer10:31
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prussiaprso can anybody help?10:31
crimsungangalino: no, not ls but lsof10:32
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crimsungangalino: if lsof doesn't exist, either install it or use fuser instead10:32
hituhello (:10:32
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hitui been not able to send anythin to anyone via dcc10:33
crimsunManny: which kernel in particular?10:33
crimsunDreamer3_: running a query (still)10:33
defilethere's some Ubuntu discussion at osnews10:34
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LinkMasterSabHey guys, I want to remove all files that match *.jpg in a folder. I tried "rm -rf *.jpg" but it didn't do it.10:35
bitfoocopying from a dvd to my hdd has reduced the speed of my laptop to sub-molasses :(((10:35
gangalinocrimsun: pretty sticky10:35
gangalinocan't unload snd_25610:35
wk1989i love linux!10:36
crimsungangalino: you have no snd_256 loaded.10:36
Mannycrimsun,  2.6.1010:36
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Mannyit contains some (for me very important) ppc pegasos fixes10:36
gangalinocan't unload snd_25610:36
bitfoodid you know solaris10 is free?10:37
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pepperpoti love linux with all of my body!10:37
crimsungangalino: presuming you mean snd-nm256?10:37
gangalinoyes, root@mombassa:/home/cwa2 #  modprobe -r snd-nm25610:37
gangalinoFATAL: Module snd_nm256 is in use.10:37
crimsunDreamer3_: I need to confirm w/ upstream, but if you're using Warty, you need a newer version of ALSA [alsa-driver] .10:37
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crimsunDreamer3_: are you in fact using Warty?10:38
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gangalinocrimsun: got somewhere!10:40
gangalinocrimsun: I killed alsamixer, then unloaded  Module snd_nm25610:40
Dreamer3_crimsun: debian sarge, 2.6.10 kernel, asla-base 1.0.7-2, when i started i never though this would be distro specific10:40
gangalinocrimsun: then seg faulted! check #flood10:41
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crimsunDreamer3_: ...you're not running Warty or Hoary but Sarge?10:43
Dreamer3_crimsun: yes10:43
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Dreamer3_though my warty CD is on the way10:44
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keyshawn2srry linkmasterstab10:44
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keyshawn2i dont know, though I do know that you're probably going to have to put in the the directory in there.10:45
crimsunDreamer3_: ok, I'll need to check p.d.o.10:45
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keyshawn2try the command 'man rm10:45
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keyshawn2[without that ' in there] 10:45
Dreamer3_crimsun: pdo?10:45
crimsunDreamer3_: packages.debian.org10:45
keyshawn2info rm10:45
linkall a sudden my audio stopped working10:45
Dreamer3_crimsun: i'm about to give up, seemed like something easy to impliment an hour or two ago10:45
crimsunDreamer3_: it's a bit less straightforward to troubleshoot for sarge, since I don't have any machines with that config.10:45
linksays i dont have access to it10:46
linkso what devs control audio?10:46
JDahllink, try fuser -k /dev/dsp10:46
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Dreamer3_crimsun: well, does warty use toally different alsa packages?10:46
linkic lemme10:46
crimsunDreamer3_: yes, Warty's are older than Sarge's. Hoary's are newer than Sarge's.10:46
keyshawn2keyshawn2, dude.10:46
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linkJDahl, nothin10:47
Dreamer3_crimsun: sheesh10:47
keyshawn2LinkMasterSab, it works eh ?10:47
linkwhat is that command fer?10:47
Dreamer3_crimsun: guess dmix doesn't get much testing10:47
hendspwhat version of gnome is in hoary at the mo?10:47
crimsungangalino: you need to do several things:10:47
Dreamer3_crimsun: how do i find the actual alsa version sipping with 2.6.10, do yo know?10:48
crimsungangalino: edit /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base and remove the line that reads "nm256_audio"10:48
JDahllink, it's for killing whatever process which might block /dev/dsp10:48
Dreamer3_crimsun: i though it was in a header, file but i can't find it10:48
crimsunDreamer3_: cat /proc/asound/version10:48
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Dreamer3_crimsun: ok, 1.0.610:48
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Dreamer3_crimsun: should i download alsa source and compile the modules outside the kernel tree?10:48
linkno i dont think its that i ran a game as root might that have something to do with it?10:48
tritiumHello.  I just installed update-notifier today.  It doesn't appear to be in the applets menu.  Do I just run in in the bg and save my session on logout?10:49
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crimsunDreamer3_: use alsa-source from Sid.10:49
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JDahllink, then try sudo fuser -k /dev/dsp. Fuser only kills processes you own10:49
tritiumI don't see any scripts that start update-notifier anywhere.10:49
crimsungangalino: when you reboot, you'll be using OSS instead of ALSA.10:50
crimsungangalino: that should fix you right up10:50
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Dreamer3_crimsun: easier to go get the source from the website...i'm on diadlup.. just adding sid apt sources will take as long10:50
Dreamer3_crimsun: unless sid will build it and make it all work magically, then it might be worth it10:50
blurdoes anybody have a howto install ubuntu from another pc? The pc where i want to install ubuntu doesnt have cdrom drive.10:50
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linkwhen i try and run that volume control it says no mixer devices found or sound devices or not enough permisions10:50
crimsunDreamer3_: you only need one deb from Sid if you already have 'kernel-headers-$(uname -r)' installed10:51
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crimsunlink: warty? hoary?10:51
blurthe computer have floppy.10:51
Dreamer3_crimsun: hmmm, i compile all my kernels from kernel.org, i don't use debians tools10:52
Dreamer3_crimsun: kernel-headers package doesn't match by running kerenel, but the headers areom /usr/src/linux10:52
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crimsunDreamer3_: do you have configured kernel headers matching precisely your running kernel?10:52
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kbrooksHi. I want to install GNOME.10:52
Dreamer3_crimsun: i'm sure i don't... i just download kernel, make, install grup-update, fly :)10:52
kbrookshow do i do this?10:53
magnonkbrooks: since you're in an ubuntu channel, I guess you have ubuntu?10:53
bitfooubuntu uses gnome by default :|10:53
crimsunkbrooks: is 'ubuntu-desktop' installed?10:54
magnonin that case, you have it.10:54
magnonif there's not something entirely wrong10:54
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crimsunDreamer3_: do you run ,,make clean'' in the source dir afterward?10:54
linkit should be owned by root right10:54
linkin the audio group10:54
crimsunlink: root:audio10:54
kbrooksNo. I did not install it. I will.10:54
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Dreamer3_crimsun: it's been cleaned since i last installed, yeah, but i can build a new kernel, no sweat10:54
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crimsunDreamer3_: no need to build a new kernel if the configuration matches precisely10:55
kbrooksi dont want python2.310:55
Dreamer3_crimsun: i'm downloading the alsa 1.0.8 driver source snow10:55
crimsunDreamer3_: just run ,,make prepare''10:55
kbrooksits listed. and i dont want it.10:55
kbrooksyeah, i want 2.410:55
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bitfoo2.4 is hoary only i think10:55
bitfoonot warty :|10:55
fred41I seem to be missing a .ICEauthority file in one of my user directories.  How do I re-generate the file?10:56
kbrooksfred41: you don't. chmod 755 it10:56
Dreamer3_crimsun anything wrong with using direct alsa sources?10:56
bitfooyeah i see no backport for warty of python 2.410:56
fred41??  It isn't there - how can I chmod a non-existent file?10:56
linki get sound only as root10:57
Dreamer3_crimsun: if the modules work i'll figure out how to install them right is my thinking10:57
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kbrooksare you sure it isn't there?10:57
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Dreamer3_crimsun: i just tired of waiting for downloads10:57
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fred41Well, I did "ls -al" and it didn't appear - but it *is* in other users' directories.10:57
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linkis dsp the only sound device10:58
linklooks like theres a few others in there10:58
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ulissehi all!10:59
crimsunlink: crw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 3 2005-01-31 11:46 /dev/dsp10:59
ArdieMi want to add ubuntu too my lilo conf. could someone tell me the bootimage (im using amd64 version) and the append?10:59
pepperpotIs there any way of transferring my evolution settings and folders from debian to ubuntu?10:59
linkyeah thats what i got too on that device10:59
linkcrimsun: ^^10:59
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ulisseis there someone running warty on Asus L4800-L laptop?10:59
t325pepperpot, import11:00
ArdieMfor pclos its like: bootimage: "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.7-2.tmb.6mdk" and append: "nomce devfs=nomount splash=silent"11:00
ArdieMu know what i mean?11:00
kbrookslink: add yourself to audio11:00
crimsunlink: type: groups11:00
linkim in audio yo11:00
ArdieMplease :) i wanna go to bed soon ^_^11:01
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linkhey wtf i wasnt in any groups11:02
linkhowd that happen?!11:02
linki didnt do that11:02
pepperpott325, import does bits and pieces. I just want evolution set up the way I had it on my debian partition11:02
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linkhow could that happen?11:02
crimsunuh huh.11:02
linkwhat commands could you type in to do that?11:02
crimsunno idea, but add yourself back.11:03
kbrookslink: use groupadd11:03
linkyo i was in all kinds of groups this is the default user!11:03
crimsunadm, dialout, cdrom, floppy, audio, video, plugdev, lpadmin11:03
kbrookslink: i'll check.11:03
ArdieMouh please i rally dont know the name of the bootimage11:03
crimsunthen log out and back in11:03
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linkwhy would that change anything11:04
kbrookscan i tell yall something.11:04
kbrookslink: it does.11:04
linkreally what script does it run that would put me back in all my groups11:04
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kbrookslink: ummm. dude11:05
linkdoes anyone know this just doesnt make sense to me that all11:05
kbrookslink: run adduser <your user here> audio11:05
linkyeah im back in audio now11:05
linkbut just weird how it happend11:06
crimsunlink: I typed a list of groups above.11:06
kbrookslogin and logout, please.11:06
linksaw that thanks ma11:06
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kbrookslink: well, look. you have to be in certain groups to get certain benefits because of permissions on certain devices11:06
linki just wanna know what would be the command to take yourself out of all your groups like that11:06
linkthe only group i was in was myself11:07
kbrookslink: for example, /dev/dsp is crw-rw----11:07
linkcrazy i wonder what i did11:07
kbrooksthat means:11:07
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kbrooksfirst character: character device11:07
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kbrooksnext three: owner can read and write, but not execute11:08
linki know what the permissions line means11:08
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kbrooksnext three: group can read and write, but not execute11:08
linkall im wondering is about how my user was taken out of all his groups11:08
kbrooksand so on.11:08
linki know the permissions line11:08
kbrookslink: hold on11:08
linkthen owner11:09
linkthen group11:09
kbrookswell, use it to your advantage11:09
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kbrooksthen world.11:09
linkworld eh?11:09
kbrooksor other.11:09
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linkthe number?11:10
kbrooksthat's weird. i'm in all the default groups11:10
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linkyeah i musta did some weird command somewhere in my journys11:11
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Koilink o.O11:11
linkthat wiped out my groups11:11
kentwhat is needed for a device to turn up in the computer:// ? my brother added a ide-disk to his computer, and would be glad if it could turn up there. Is there some way to make it do that?11:11
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kbrookslink: and no, you didnt wipe out your groups11:11
linkim just gunna go and put me back in my groups now11:12
kbrookslink: that's "deleting groups"11:12
linkno but it took me outta them all11:12
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linki am aware of this my friend, but thanks for your efforts11:12
linkim finna look in to all dis =o) craziness11:13
kbrookslink: bye if you wanna "leaf"11:13
link=o) ill be back with an answer11:14
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minichazHello. Quick question for everyone...11:17
minichazAnyone know how to disable the .Trash folder on a USB memory stick?11:17
hendspminichaz: i dont think you can11:18
minichazhendsp: Damn. :)11:18
hendspminichaz: i know :)11:19
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hendspwhenever you open a window on your removable storage, view hidden directories, and delete the folder when you're done11:19
minichazOr I believe holding shift when you delete just removes the file bypassing the trash.11:20
minichazStill annoying though.11:20
minichazMany thanks.11:20
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hikaru79With what line can I check what version of Xorg I am currently running?11:21
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hendsphikaru79:  xdpyinfo |grep version11:22
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linkthings got weird11:23
linkit was saying i had been in audio the whole time exept in the graphical user editor11:23
linkthen i logged out and back in... like you said to11:24
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linkevery thing is fine11:24
=== link looks down
linkyeah! another problem successfully solved!11:24
linkbut! with a reboot just like windows11:25
linki dont like fake problems like that there should be a direct soulution11:25
HrdwrBoBthe group thing is a systemic thing11:26
linktangible evidence ya know11:26
linktell me more im listening, what does that mean11:26
linkno big problem? happens every once in a while or what?11:26
linkdid i do something to cause it?11:26
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HrdwrBoBif you added yoruself to a group11:27
HrdwrBoByou have to log in/out to change it11:27
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linko ic thought it was realtime =o)11:28
Brittso ... somehow the debian menu got in my applications dropdown11:28
kebaccan users add themselves to groups?11:28
Britthow do i get rid of that sucka?11:28
crimsunBritt: remove menu-xdg11:28
defilekebac, not normally11:28
crimsunBritt: menu, too11:29
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kebacis root adds user to group, does the user have to relogin to apply it?11:29
sabineHi again!11:29
Brittcrimsun, wacky ... how'd that get there11:29
crimsunkebac: yes11:29
Brittcrimsun, thanks!11:29
kebacumm ok11:29
crimsunBritt: see changelog for gnome-menus (2.9.2cvs041212-0ubuntu4)11:29
linkso that still leaves the question what did i do to take myself outta all my groups11:30
=== neighborlee is away: I shall return
sabineI thought there'd be a graphical boot process in Hoary ... I just installed the latest build, but there isn't one. What's the deal?11:30
linkthe quest is on, save princess zelda while collecting the pieces of the tri-force11:30
linkive done it before no biggie =oP11:31
Xappesabine, it has not been implemented yet11:31
=== kbrooks tests gdm
sabineAh okay11:31
sabineXappe: Can it be had somewhere?11:31
Xappedon't think so11:32
sabineI see11:32
sabineSo bootsplash it is or nil. Thanks.11:32
SymbolicLinkOnly if Zelda is nekkid at the end of course11:32
Xappehaven't seen any news 'bout usplash for a while11:33
=== bitfoo [~bitfoo@rdu26-78-203.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunthere's work on it, but it could use more help.11:34
Banditooooooo I think i like this hoary11:34
=== vladster [~vladster@h-68-166-89-122.chcgilgm.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Guardiannhello bandit11:35
Xappeusplash won't make it for hoary, will it?11:35
vladsterwhere is the file that re-edits the resolve conf11:35
vladsterI need to set it so it does not interfere with my static settings11:35
linkexcuse me, but what is the command to remove yourself from a group?11:36
vladsterI am trying to use it as a samba server11:37
=== link is sorry for the bad joke =o)
vladsterIf I wanted abuse, I would talk to my boss11:37
=== Phoebus [~Phoebus@216-130-66-94.static.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
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vladsterTher is a script that runs that edits that file and I need to take it balls away in that respect11:38
=== Flik [~flik@d64-180-8-241.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
vladsterThere is no mention of the script in the file11:39
vladsteryet is gets edited anyway11:39
=== ced______ [internet@UNUSED-216-222-246-203.UNUSED.EPIX.NET] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksI have a question.11:40
ced______hello...I have a question regarding Ubuntu11:40
HaukkariAsk away11:40
HrdwrBoBwell you've come to the right IRC channel11:40
kbrooksHow can other users send e-mail to my user account kyle11:41
=== Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ced______My setup as of now is a Soltek SL-939-Pro, AMD Athlon 64 3000+ winchester, 512MB Mushkin RAM, and an 80GB SATA harddrive11:41
kbrooksother local users11:41
=== Dreamer3_ wonders why kernels don't ship with newer alsa sources...
ced______I set Ubuntu up and everything was fine and dandy11:41
ced______then I go to shut down and it does the shutdown procedure (halt, etc.)11:41
ced______but then it hangs on (I believe this is the command) calling acpi shutdown11:41
ced______and it never shuts down11:41
ced______I tried a reformat, the same thing happened.11:42
HrdwrBoBced______: that means it's shutdown11:42
HrdwrBoBand you can turn it off11:42
vladsterhow old is the hardware11:42
crimsunDreamer3_: -mm acts as a stability filter, so to speak.11:42
HrdwrBoBit is trying to turn off your hardware through ACPI and your hardware doesn't like i11:42
ced______any suggestions on trying to solve this?11:42
HrdwrBoBpost a bug report with your hardware listed11:43
ced______ok  I will11:43
HrdwrBoBtry to get it fixed for later versions11:43
HrdwrBoBin the meantime.. use the power button :)11:43
ced______another question...after rebooting, gnome won't load11:43
kbrookswhat is the error11:43
ced______I log on to my account and the background will show up and the right click menu will work11:43
ced______but there are no panels shown11:43
ced______I'm not sure of the error..it doesn't give any errors11:44
hendspced______: try going to a terminal and running killall esd - that works for me11:44
neighborleeis hoary getting fairly stable as in no show stoppers or easily fixed if there are any ? ;-)11:44
ced______well another thing too, when trying to run a sudo commond (like sudo shutdown) it will ask for my password11:44
ced______however I can't type any password in11:44
ced______like my keyboard isn't responding11:44
=== Phoebus [~Phoebus@216-130-66-94.static.mts.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
kbrooksoh yes you can.11:44
linkit doesnt echo the keys you press11:44
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linkbut it is typing in11:45
kbrooksecho is turned off.11:45
=== blahrus [~blahrus@12-223-50-121.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
hendspced______: the keystrokes dont show up onscreen, for security reasons11:45
ced______shouldn't an asterick show up?11:45
ced______or is it nothing at all?11:45
ced______ok I feel stupid. thanks guys.11:45
blahrusanyone had luck with madwifi/Atheros 521211:45
linkits all good11:45
ced______I'll have to reinstall it again11:45
linkpor que11:45
kbrooksced______: DONT11:45
ced______no I mean I installed xp11:46
=== REN0 [~pjharper@a213-84-42-207.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksced______: and i mean dont.....11:46
ced______originally I tried to dual boot with xp and ubuntu11:46
linkok then do it11:46
kbrooksced______: listen11:46
ced______but grub wouldn't detect my xp install11:46
ced______ok I will11:46
ced______listen, I mean11:46
kbrooksced______: what are you doing11:46
ced______I was attempting to dual boot xp sp2 with ubuntu11:46
=== sabine [~sabine@p54A0970A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sabineOkay, back again.11:46
REN0Hi. I am stuck on installing my Broadcom 54g wireless11:46
ced______however after getting frustrated I reformatted and went xp only..I'm going to install it on another hardrdive since it will take a lot less time to format a 4GB harddrive than an 80GB harddrive11:47
ced______since I don't feel like dealing with multiple partitions on my 80GB drive.11:47
kbrooksced______: actually...11:47
sabineGot some questions: firstly, is there some "pre-load-thingy" for OpenOffice available somewhere, and second, is OpenOffice 2 "good enough" for somebody to read their MS Word documents with it and not crash on them?11:47
kbrooksced______: partition off 4 gb of 80 gb11:47
REN0ndiswrapper -l Installed ndis drivers:11:48
REN0bcmwl5  hardware present11:48
kbrooksand thats it11:48
ced______kbrooks I have my xp install set to 1 80GB partition11:48
sabineGuardiann :)11:48
Guardiannyes it is good enough11:48
ced______and it's a pain in the ass since I've already reformatted about 4 times11:48
Dreamer3_crimsun: ah, so my shiny new 1.0.8 isn't considered stable :)11:48
Guardiannand it gets installed when you install ubuntu11:48
sabineGuardiann: And what are the loading times as compared to OpenOffice 1?11:48
REN0So then I udo modprobe ndiswrapper11:48
sabineGuardiann: Well, I just got the latest Hoary installed, and it comes with OpenOffice 111:48
ced______anyways thanks kbrooks11:48
Guardiannsabine not sure i dont use open office11:49
sabineI see11:49
Dreamer3_crimsun: i hope it works in this case :)11:49
REN0FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.11:49
sabineSo does somebody know of some kind of preload program for openoffice?11:49
Guardiannabiword works with ms stuff as well and its much quicker11:49
REN0That should have said sudo11:49
hendspREN0: did you build the ndiswrapper while running the same running kernel?11:49
sabineGuardiann: not an option unfortunaly. The friend I am converting from Windows needs some stuff that AbiWord does not have.11:49
Guardiannsabine what might that be?11:50
REN0I am using stock ubuntu kernel11:50
hendsphow did you install ndiswrapper?11:50
=== djjason [~johann@h000f66d1cc38.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
sabineGuardiann: a little program that loads openoffice during system boot, so that you don't have to wait that long when you need it.11:51
REN0Following these destructions: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper11:51
djjasonis it possible to change the touchpad sensitiviy11:51
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Dreamer3_sabine: what' doesn't abiword have?11:51
Guardiannsabine i know what prelinking is I was asking what doesnt abi have that you need11:52
sabineOh I see11:52
sabineWell, not me, her11:52
sabineSome stuff about tables. I don't even know what it is since I don't use tables.11:52
REN0sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils11:52
Guardiannhmmm ok :)11:53
hendspREN0: you need to build the kernel module too.11:53
Dreamer3_sabine: hmmmm abiword recent version have much better table support11:53
Dreamer3_sabine: just fyi11:53
=== alohawulfie_ [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sabineDreamer3_: cool, thx. I'm gonna try.11:53
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REN0That from source at the sourceforge site?11:54
aardvark anyone tried playing Doom3 under Ubuntu ?11:54
aardvarkusing ATI gfx card ?11:54
hendspREN0:  sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r), then get the ndis sources from their site11:55
crimsunhe means linux-headers-$(uname -r), btw11:55
sabineaardvark: No, using an old NVidia GeForce 2 MX. :-}11:55
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djjasonno one that knows anything about configuring touchpad sensitivity?11:56
hendspcrimsun: whats the difference between linux/kernel-sources?11:56
crimsunhendsp: ubuntu/debian11:56
hendspcrimsun: ahh, i see11:56
=== blahrus [~blahrus@12-223-50-121.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
sabineDreamer3_: Guardiann: "ooqstart-gnome" is what I was looking for!11:56
blahrusanyone had anyluck with madwifi/11:57
blahrusseems like it found the divice but its not working . . .11:57
Guardiannsabine what is that11:57
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Guardiannah i see11:58
sabineGuardiann: read the package description... it is an applet that keeps OpenOffice loaded in the background...11:58
=== vtg [vertigo@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== Xalior [~Xalior@cpc1-harg1-4-0-cust87.ldst.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sabineRight now it'd be cool if OpenOffice would work at all. It crashes on "Open File".11:58
=== julio [~julio@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
REN0pjharper@reno ~ $ uname -a11:58
REN0Linux reno #1 Tue Sep 14 10:30:08 BST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux11:58
blahrusanyone had anyluck with madwifi?11:59
REN0but the kernel-headers only go up to 2.67 on an apt-cache search???11:59

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