
mdzKamion: do you have an announcement prepared already?12:03
Kamionnot even a little bit12:03
mdzthom says ETA: 30 minutes12:03
mdzmako: ping,, re: array 4 announcement12:03
KamionI'm starting one now12:04
Kamionum ... I was just going to do it based on the array 3 announcement, I think that's worked pretty well so far12:04
mdzwas looking for a copy12:04
mdzyou send these to where, -devel and -users?12:04
KamionI always need to go through the installer changes I've made in order to write the release notes anyway12:05
Kamionhaha, bonus, due to the lazy way I wrote the end of publish-release, all I needed to do was 'publish-release daily 20050204.2 install no array-4; publish-release daily-live 20050204.2 live no array-4'12:08
mdzthe only interesting user-visible casper change is that it doesn't cause init to emit scary messages anymore12:08
sivanghrm I'm tired, night everyone!12:08
Kamionmdz: ok, thanks12:08
Kamionthat's since array 3.5 live right?12:08
jbaileyKamion: Does the installer have tac and tsort available to it when it's running hotplug, or are you just in busybox land at that point?12:09
mdzjbailey: busybox12:11
bluefoxicymdz:  how are users expected to upgrade ubuntu when a new version is out12:12
Kamionmdz: and the localisation fix12:12
jbaileymdz: Thanks.  Time to conjure some awk magic, I guess =)12:13
mdzKamion: oh, good call12:13
Kamionjbailey: neither appears to be in busybox12:13
bluefoxicymdz:  all the answers I can think of involving altering a setting to point at a new source, whether using synaptec's package manager or editing some files12:13
jbaileyKamion: No, they're definetly not.12:13
jbaileyThanks, though.12:13
Kamionmdz: (have you confirmed it to work, actually?)12:14
mdzKamion: let me do a quick test12:14
mdzsomeone did confirm it at the time, sivang I think12:15
robertjmdz: ok I have a /shadow-working and a /shadow-prestine, what args do I need to force feed patch to get the output you need?12:17
mdzrobertj: diff -ruN12:17
mdzKamion: confirmed, it works12:20
=== T-Bone is now known as T-None
robertjmdz: note to self: doh!12:22
robertjnote to self: set a root password12:22
=== robertj rm'd /etc/sudoers to test ;)
robertjactually I wont be, im gonna fix this and then be off to dinner12:22
Kamionmdz: where was 3.5 announced?12:24
Kamionmdz: oh, never mind, found it12:24
mdz3.5 went to -announce because it was the first live CD milestone EVAR12:24
mdzdo you think we should do broader announcements of any Arrays, or not until Preview?12:25
jbaileyMm.. no awk in the busybox udeb.12:25
mdzwhat's the required task?12:26
Kamionmdz: not until preview, I feel12:27
KamionI think the announcements to -users and -devel have served the intended purpose of Sounders and Arrays pretty well up to now; they've had a substantial amount of interest and testing, but not volumes that we can't cope with during development12:28
Kamionmdz: could you glance over http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/array-4-announce?12:28
Kamionjbailey: sed, tr, and 'while read ...; do' tend to be enough for most things IME ...12:30
Kamionmost awkish things, that is12:30
Kamionplus good use of ${var#...}, ${var%...}, etc. :-)12:30
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srbaker123 upgraded packages.12:37
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elmogar, I so wish apt had rate limiting12:41
jbaileyKamion: I need to do an ordered sort with some guarantees put on it.  Like the pci hotplug run has to happen before the IDE one.  I can probably do a series of ugly pipes with grep -v to just extract them and force them to the end, though.12:41
mdzKamion: glancing12:41
mdzKamion: I think elmo might object to:12:42
mdzI recommend rsync if possible, as you can then download future images12:42
mdzbased on this one to save bandwidth.12:42
Kamionhm? that's been in the sounder/array announcements since sounder 6 or so12:42
mdzI think we ought to change it12:42
Kamionoh, but the rsync limits, blah12:43
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mdzonly users who download ISOs regularly should use rsync12:43
mdzand they certainly don't need to use rsync the first time, in order to be able to rsync later images12:43
Kamiontrue enough12:43
Kamionjust delete that paragraph then?12:43
mdzthat sentence and the rsync:// URL, I'd say12:43
KamionI do think the rsync:// URL should stay; it is not obvious how to construct it from the http:// URL12:44
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Kamionat least I assume that it's not obvious because everybody seems to have to ask about it when we don't mention it explicitly12:45
mdzisn't it on the Archive page in the wiki?12:45
mdzI think "here are http and torrent URLs; for other stuff look at this page" is fine12:45
Kamiondude, I'm nearly convinced *you* asked about it :)12:45
=== thom shivers
Kamionhm, Archive is actually wrong, correcting12:46
thomright, so we need to sync to torrent.u.c and then i'll kick12:47
mdzwe're nearly there12:47
elmoARE WE THERE YET??12:47
thom#ubuntu-devel, featuring James Troup as ADD boy12:49
Kamionok, removed the rsync: line with reservations12:49
lifelesssomeone put that in the topic, puhlease12:49
thomlifeless: go for it ;-)12:49
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:lifeless] : Ubuntu development channel | use #ubuntu for support and general discussion | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources
Kamioncreating .torrent files, then I'll sync12:50
lifeless# | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals 12:50
thomlifeless: um ;-)12:50
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:lifeless] : Ubuntu development channel | use #ubuntu for support and general discussion | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals
lifelesssilly copy n paste12:50
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:thom] : Ubuntu development channel | use #ubuntu for support and general discussion | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals || #ubuntu-devel, featuring James Troup as ADD boy
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thomhurrah for tab completion12:51
mdzKamion: thanks12:52
lifelessoh thats nice, I did not know that.12:53
thomlifeless: irssi > *12:53
mdzKamion: we'll revisit the rsync thing when we have more server-guts to throw at the problem12:53
lifelessyah, irssi is love12:53
mdzat this point, fewer people finding the rsync url is a feature :-/12:53
=== thully [~thully@232.sub-166-155-205.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionmirrors syncing now12:54
thullyhi - I have a question - when the X bug was causing problems, did this effect dist-upgraders or just people installing/using live CD snapshots?12:54
Kamionboth as far as I know; it was a cat-induced typo in the postinst12:55
elmowe dropped mozilla-locale-* ?12:56
mdzwe did?12:56
thomelmo: they were only seeded by the language packs12:57
thoms/seeded/depended on/12:57
elmomdz: anastacia wants to remove a whole bunch12:57
mdzah, pitti removed the deps12:57
mdzelmo: feel free to add them to supported, we want to keep them12:57
mdzin fact I think they were there, and were removed because they were added to the language packs12:57
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elmomdz: okay, what about {i,w}{danish,dutch} ? they're built by source packages that got promoted for building aspell i18n dicts.. do we want the {i,w} variants too?12:59
KamionI really must automate that HEADER.html thing, doing it by hand each time is no fun12:59
elmore-seeding mozilla-locale for ca, cy, da, el, es-es, it, no-nb, pl, ptbr and sl 12:59
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Kamionand .htaccess, come to that01:00
mdzelmo: if ispell is in main, and the source packages are in main for other reasons, yeah, why not01:00
Kamionmdz: should I put "(Install and Live)" or something in the subject line?01:02
KamionI like the pun anyway :)01:02
mdzKamion: sure01:03
mdzKamion: "installation and live editions"?01:03
elmomdz: hmm, ispell is in main but we don't seem to have {m,}any other i18n dicts for it01:03
Kamionbah, how boring01:03
Kamionok, done01:03
KamionARE WE NEARLY THERE YET, mirrors01:03
mdzlive stuff is still appearing on cdimage.u.c01:04
mdzis the torrent mirror up to date?01:04
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elmothom's working on it01:07
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elmomirnyy's only up to ia6401:08
thomorcadas is syncing now01:13
Kamionorcadas? new torrent?01:13
Kamionok, since I want to get to bed, if you don't mind I'll send the announce as soon as mirnyy's complete; mail delays should take care of the rest anyway01:14
thomfine from where i'm sat01:14
Kamionah, there it goes01:15
elmomirnyy's done01:16
Kamionsent, night all01:16
thomorcadas is at ia6401:16
thomnight duder01:16
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=== tseng trys to snag array-4 before the masses hit
mdztseng: use the torrent and benefit from the massis01:22
tsengheh, good call01:22
tsengi just used gnome-bt on array-3.5 and it rocks01:23
mdzit's installed by default now01:23
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jdubKamion: night, rock :)01:30
thomtorrents should be kicking ass and taking names01:30
mdzseeding {install,live}-i38601:32
thomaww, the ia64 live cd doesn't have any peers01:38
mdzit also doesn't work, I don't think01:38
thomreally? i should grab a copy and try it next week01:39
thombut now, i should go to sleep01:39
thomor at least leave my computer01:39
mdznight, thanks01:40
thomno problem01:41
lamontmdz: ia64 livecd won't work until it's built with -14 kernel, I believe01:47
=== lamont checks
lamontnope.  -14 still lacks the needed ia64 changes.01:49
lamontthose will be in -15, I believe - fabbione had them in his tree01:49
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mdzlamont: is mplayer all happy now?02:28
elmowhen his last 3 uploads push through, it should be02:29
elmoI asked him to do the ffmpeg stuff we discussed02:29
mdzyeah, I saw the uploads and that prompted the question02:29
mdzthe array 4 announcement seems to have gone over quietly02:30
jdubmdz: can fix.02:31
elmodpkg-distaddfile gpgv-udeb_$(VERSION)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).udeb debian-installer extra02:36
elmohow can that possible be right?02:36
mdzlooks reasonable to me?02:41
elmomdz: not so much if you're cross building02:41
mdzah, ok02:42
lamontelmo: like that actually works...02:42
lamontmdz: no clue if it's happy yet, but elmo tells me it should be...02:42
mdzdaniels: so, array 4 is done02:43
mdzdaniels: feel free to break xorg02:43
=== lamont giggles
mdzdaniels: can we do something about my KVM regression?02:43
mdzdaniels: it seems that if we can't probe, and so go to the trouble of asking the user which modes they want, we should give them what they ask for02:48
danielsmdz: yes, that's already fixed locally02:49
daniels(i fixed it about 10min after you first tlold me about it)02:49
mdzdaniels: oh, great02:50
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mdzso that'll be in ubuntu1602:50
mdzwhich will also eliminate the need for XORG_FORCE_PROBE=yes02:52
mdzand is free of live CD regressions in your test02:52
danielsmdzafaict, yes03:00
mdzlet me know if you want to send some debs my way to test03:00
danielsmdz: (X_F_P can be unset or yes for the same effect; no to disable it)03:00
danielssure.  might throw up some source packages later, but for some reason my local build is screwed with strip (it just point-blank refuses to strip them), so all my debs are hoooooge.03:00
mdzDEB_BUILD_OPTS=nostrip lingering somewhere?03:01
danielsmdz: nope, strip gets called, but bails out03:12
danielsstrip: unable to copy file 'debian/xserver-xorg/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/palmax_drv.o' reason: Permission denied03:13
danielsad infinitum03:13
danielsumask doesn't seem to be a problem, not sure of what's up03:13
wasabiRemember earlier when I asked about the cyclic build dependencies being acceptable? I am working on going over Debian's Java stuff and cleaning it up... seems there are lots of these.03:16
wasabiXML libraries requiring utilities requriing XML libraries, and onward.03:16
wasabiShould I even try to sort this out? Or is it acceptable?03:16
mdzjdub: still here?03:24
mdzwasabi: if it is possible to build the packages without the cyclic dependencies, then yes, that is preferable03:25
mdzwasabi: these cases need to be handled manually when we bootstrap a new architecture, which is labour-intensive03:25
wasabiWell, it being Java might not make that that important.03:26
wasabiIt's arch all03:26
mdzlamont,jdub: I'm ready to make the ubuntu-live metapackage, but the current contents of the live seed are sort of random03:27
mdzwe should have some guidelines/rationale/sanity before we start to use it03:27
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jbahey gang03:31
=== jba lurves he's working acpi on dell x300 laptop
=== jba hugs ubuntu
lamontmdz: does ubuntu-live Depend: ubuntu-desktop, I wonder?03:33
lamontin any case, you say when, and I'll switch the script over03:33
jbalamont, i was thinking of installing tomboy from ubuntu apt servers, but my mono prefix is /user/local03:33
jbashould i just install it from source ?03:34
lamont"my mono prefix" == something you did, or does our mono package have things broken?03:34
lamonthoary has mono 1.0.5, or should03:34
tsengjba: er, why?03:34
tsenginstall tomboy + mono all from hoary03:34
jbalamont, something i did03:35
jbai install mono form source cause I hack on mono sources03:35
jbalamont, i would be using mono/gtk#/gecko# and so on from svn as of two days ago03:36
tsengsounds like you are on your own, dude03:36
jbatseng, I'm actually a mono hacker (working on MWF at the moment), that's why03:36
lamontthen either tomboy from source, or point it at /usr/local after you install, I guess03:36
jbajust thought I'd ask03:36
=== lamont has never used mono
jbaI'm not adverse to installing from source, but was wondering if you wanted me to test the installation03:36
jbasorry dude (lamont), I thought you were packaging mono stuff, must have been tseng instead03:37
tsengnot jumping to support non-standard installs from svn, no03:37
lamontjba: I just build the stuff03:37
jbai wasn't asking for support guys03:37
jbajust wanted the lowdown on how it's installed03:37
tsengwell install whatever works, your own your own03:37
jbaI'll give it a whirl from apt, and let you know how it goes ?03:38
tsengis how i mean.03:38
jbatseng, I know that, I'm cool with it03:38
jbajust thought maybe you wouldn't mind some testers03:38
jbaapologies for coming off as someone asking for suppot03:39
jbacatch ya round later03:39
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tsengbattlstar, bbl03:52
mdzlamont: no, ubuntu-live will not depend on ubuntu-desktop04:00
mdzdependencies between the metapackages get ugly04:01
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lamontmdz: ok04:08
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thullyhi - I was trying to rsync an iso to array 4, and I wondered - where do I see how much has to be downloaded in order to rsync?04:10
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robertjhey all, Im bumbling around trying to create a diff of the stuff that has changed from the apt-src package, but it's picking up all the new stuff in the debian directory05:00
robertjis their an equivalent of a dpkg-buildpackage mrclean or something?05:00
lamontrobertj: "fakeroot debian/rules clean"05:05
zullamont: what are you still doing up?05:09
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lamontzul: about to go to bed, truth be told05:29
zullamont, what time is it there?05:30
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zulthats not too bad..05:31
zul2331 here05:31
tsengdaniels: ping05:38
tsengi just did a clean install of hoary, i have a ~/.Xresources with settings for rxvt05:39
tsengany ideas why its not seeming to be picked up?05:39
tsengdid xrdb -all .Xresources even05:39
danielstry .Xdefaults instead; other than that I'm not sure, sorry05:41
=== daniels wanders off towards the kitchen.
tsengyeah i copied it there also.05:42
tsengstupid thing05:42
crimsuntseng: err, xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources ?05:42
tsengcrimsun: still nothing05:42
wasabiWhat would I use in cdbs to do something before the build starts?05:42
crimsunthis is "true" rxvt, correct?05:43
tsengno, rxvt-unicode05:43
tsengthis was working until i reinstalled05:43
crimsunI presume you use URxvt* ?05:43
robertjwhat params do you need to reapply a diff created with ruN05:43
tsengcrimsun: yes.05:43
tsengrobertj: patch -p1 < ~/diff05:44
tsengrobertj: or so05:44
crimsunhmm, puzzling.05:44
robertjhrmm, how can I test the configure script?05:51
tsengactually its kind of working, just not the font05:51
robertjthe closest I managed to get was to coerce a message that it was already configured05:52
ajmitchogra: around?06:04
crimsun(probably still asleep)06:04
ajmitchnah, he's only 40min idle06:04
ajmitchalthough he was disconnected then..06:05
crimsuntimed out, yeah06:06
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wasabi_i wonder if having EVMS set up by default removes the need for the md startup scripts06:50
zenroxwhos the nivida god in here07:18
fabbionemdz, Kamion: andrew morton acknoledge the patch :-)07:29
mdzwasabi_: nearly so, yes07:44
mdzfabbione: cool07:45
dilingerwhich patch is that?07:56
fabbionedilinger: noexec=07:58
fabbionemdz: did you read the other mail about grub?07:58
fabbione(btw Robert released another inotify patch yesterday with our fixes and it should fix our critical bug)07:58
fabbionei will test it on monday :-)07:58
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fabbionewhat do we use to burn dvd's?08:11
fabbionecrimsun: without natilus?08:14
fabbionedvd+rw-tools are ok to format/clean but they can't burn08:14
fabbioneand cdrecord needs the "PRo" version08:14
=== fabbione would like cmd line
crimsunthat's a good question. Unfortunately I don't know.08:16
fabbionedvdrtools - DVD writing program08:16
crimsunah, in multiverse?08:17
crimsunsorry, I presumed you meant something in main08:17
fabbioneeheh no problem :-)08:18
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fabbionecrimsun: how do you blank dvds?08:41
fabbioneapparently dvd+rw-format doesn't do it properly...08:42
crimsunfabbione: (no dvd drive here)08:42
fabbioneah ok08:42
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mdzfabbione: yes, I did read the mail, but I'm not sure how to implement the fix09:28
mdzfabbione: I use dvd+rw-tools to burn, all the time09:28
fabbionemdz: what command do you use?09:29
mdzgrowisofs, the program with the completely uninformative name09:29
mdzgrowisofs -Z /dev/scd0=hoary-live-i386.iso09:29
mdzis my finger macro09:29
mdzyou can also burn DVDs with dd :-)09:29
fabbionei am having some weird problems and i am trynig to figure out if it is a media problem or not09:29
mdzwhat kind of media?09:29
fabbione"budget" dvd-r09:30
fabbionethe same iso can be burned without any problems on dvd+rw09:30
fabbionebut whatver i use i cannot burn it on the dvd-09:30
fabbionethe strange thing is that the rw reports even less space than the dvd-09:30
fabbioneit always fails at the end09:31
fabbionenot being able to close the disc (on windows)09:31
fabbioneand it doesn't even start in linux09:31
mdzI use dvd+rw exclusively09:31
fabbione(indipendently from the media)09:31
mdzso I don't know much about other media09:31
mdzbut I have had no problems with +rw09:31
fabbioneneither do i, but i cannot store everything on +rw :-)09:31
fabbionenot after i got 600 DVD's -r :-)09:32
mdzthat is a lot of DVD09:32
fabbionei know :-)09:32
fabbionesomebody was kind enough to give them as present for the wedding09:33
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mdzonly 7 days to go :-)09:34
fabbione7 days, 6 hours and 35 minutes09:34
fabbionedon't try to steal my (still) FREE TIME!09:34
fabbionemdz: to clean the dvd do you use dvd+rw-format?09:37
mdzI have never had to do that09:44
fabbioneso you never reuse a dvd?09:44
mdzof course I do09:44
mdzI just growisofs over it again09:44
fabbioneor growisofs does it for you?09:44
mdzthere is no need to explicitly erase09:44
mdzyou just rewrite09:44
fabbionei am kinda "new" to dvd mastering09:44
mdzDVD+RW is so much nicer than CD-RW09:45
mdzvery simple09:45
fabbionei get that ;)09:45
smurfixI still need to get a DVD burner for the server -- the thing is busy enough, backup over the network would be deadly09:46
fabbionesmurfix: i have a LITE-ON.. cheap and nice09:46
smurfixmdz: new initrd image for the key selector available09:47
smurfixI'm off for a week of {supervising the kids while they do some,} skiing now, but I'll take the cellphone and the laptop09:48
mdzsmurfix: you don't think we should put it into hoary yet?09:50
smurfixmdz: Need a Python bugfix for that, and d-i doesn't yet know how to build the file.09:51
smurfixI'll do that work over the next few days.09:52
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smurfixmdz: The Python fix is already in CVS, and the next release will be soon; if not I'll do an interim bugfix update.09:56
mdzenjoy your holiday10:00
mdzogra: ping?10:01
smurfixmdz: I will, assuming I won't freeze my ass off :-/10:01
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dholbachgood morning10:26
sivangdholbach: morning10:28
dholbachhi sivang10:29
sivangdholbach: what's up?10:29
dholbachsivang: got to do some shopping and some learning afterwards :-)10:31
sivangdholbach: when is your test?10:31
dholbachsivang: what are you up to, today?10:31
dholbachlast exam :-)10:32
dholbachcouldnt sleep last night, so i packaged gparted10:32
sivangdholbach: hehe, nice going for someone who can't sleep :)10:33
dholbachit really looks nice, but i discovered a SERIOUS bug10:33
dholbachunmounting a vfat partition caused the box to die10:33
dholbachso i put this in a kind of "experimental" repo :-)10:33
dholbach0.0.9 (next release) should be better :-)10:34
sivangAh I see, well, do you have any idea why tomboy won't start ? (sheesh all my notes..)10:34
dholbachon amd64 there is no mono atm :-/10:34
dholbachso i couldnt test... but does it say anything, if you start it from console?10:35
dholbachstrace ?10:35
sivangand tseng is 3 hours into away ..10:35
sivanglemme check10:35
dholbachdoes it look for a file it can't find?10:35
sivangclock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, {1107596150, 55674000}) = 010:35
sivangfutex(0xb70504cc, FUTEX_WAIT, 126, {0, 99326000}10:35
sivangseems like it's stuck somewhere...10:36
sivangdoesn't go out of this10:36
dholbachnothing funny before?10:36
sivangno, everything was working just fine, and I was using tseng's repo's before, oh wel..10:37
dholbachimean in strace10:37
dholbach<- shower10:38
=== mvo_ [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangI'll check and let you know10:39
sivangmvo_: morning10:39
mvo_hi sivang 10:39
mvo_hi all10:39
=== sivang wonders how come his theme changes so much after last night's upgrade
Kamionfabbione: I saw the grub mail even if mdz didn't. working on it now(ish)10:41
fabbioneKamion: cool, i am talking with Anderw Morton that is asking why we are having this problem and pushing for the noexec fix for 2.6.1110:47
fabbionethey scheduled for 2.6.12 but that was not clear from the first emails10:47
sivangseb128: any idea why my theme changed completely after last night's upgrade? ;-)10:47
sivangseb128: and the mousr cursoe became plain old X's insteaf of the gnome one? 10:47
fabbioneKamion: i think anyway that grub is not the only that needs to be fixed10:48
seb128sivang: what theme are you using ?10:49
Kamionfabbione: there are extraordinarily few applications that this affects; if grub isn't the only one, it's almost certainly the only one we care about10:49
fabbioneroger :-)10:49
Kamionfabbione: and reading ak's mail I understand the problem and it makes sense for it to be fixed in grub, imho10:49
sivangseb128: I had a customized one...10:49
sivangseb128: can't recall10:49
seb128sivang: so no way to help you10:50
sivangseb128: ok, I'm searching...btw, I see now that I can really page through the available themes in the them manager window, do you have the same problem?10:50
seb128"can really page through"10:51
sivangno matter if I try scrolling using the kbd or mouse, it goes back to the first theme10:51
seb128oh, yeah, known issue10:51
sivang's a bug number already and an assumtpion what causes this?10:51
seb128I think that's fixed in the CVS with all the patches commited this week10:52
seb128let me know if that still happen next week with the new release10:52
sivangok, I made the changes back,10:53
=== Alessio [~Alessio@host249-5.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangfor some reason the "custom" theme was still there,10:53
sivangbut contained no info probably as it was plain white without borders etc..10:53
sivangI am using Glider as my Controls theme, and metabox for the windows10:54
seb128I think industrial is broken10:54
sivangindustrial seems working here ;-)10:54
seb128you said that your mouse cursor is the standard one and now you say that's working fine10:55
seb128is that working or not ?10:55
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sivangseb128: err, yes, *BESIDES* the mouse cursor :) Detail, details...10:55
syn-ackIm thinking I may need to submit another bug report Rhythmbox.10:58
seb128feel free :)10:58
syn-ackIts crashing when one tried to load a /dir with multiple directories in it.10:59
=== mvo_ grumbles about baz and the "corrupt pristine" message
blixtraHi all, For a bug in a universe package, do I submit to ubuntu or debian?10:59
syn-ackto its maintainer.11:00
blixtrathe debain mantainer I assume, since it's in universe.11:01
sivangmvo_: how did the pristine got corrupted? ;-)11:01
mvo_sivang: I don't care if they are it should just rebuild it11:02
Kamionooh, grub-install worked11:03
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fabbioneKamion: cool... i need to leave now.. going to test ubuntu sparc on a TELCO datacenter11:12
mdzKamion: nice11:20
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sivangmorning pitti 11:30
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spiralAny new about smart batteries support ?11:55
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi sivang 11:59
mjg59spiral: I've seen no progress on the kernel driver, I'm afraid12:07
spiralmjg59: saki told me that this worked on his computer, when he rebuild the kernel12:08
mjg59spiral: Yes. That's not much use to us, though12:11
mjg59Currently it's not possible to usefully support normal batteries /and/ smart batteries12:12
spiralmjg59: hmmm... incompatibility between two kinds ?12:14
spiraland wouldn't it be possible to have a specific kernel for smart batteries ?12:14
mjg59The maintenance hassle would be large12:15
Kamionthere are major benefits for us in having just one supported set of kernels12:15
=== sivang just experienced a very strong lightning. machines started to work, displays glittered
spiralmjg59: ok... So I suppose the only way is to wait for an upgraded version of the patch, that could work for both situations ?12:15
mjg59spiral: It's possible that we'll provide smart battery support in the kernel for hoary, but userspace tools won't be able to work with it12:16
mjg59By the time Bendy comes around, everything ought to be using HAL for battery information, at which point it ceases to be a problem12:17
spiralmjg59: so this means that the battery indicator of KDE or gnome wouldn't work ? until HAL usage ?12:17
=== Hwolf [~hidde@136.63.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Treenaksthat's Hoary + 2?12:21
Treenaks+3 ?12:21
sivangmdz actually refuses the recognize the name of the beast :)12:23
mjg59spiral: Correct12:23
Treenakssivang: according to the wiki that's still grumpy :)12:24
HwolfBendy? Bendy what?12:24
Kamiondon't ask12:24
azeemhey, is there a way to test IRDA on the hoary LiveCD? Any apps installed/anything to activate?12:24
HwolfTreenaks: right.12:24
HwolfKamion: Enlighten me.12:24
KamionScott was trolling Mark and Mark took him seriously; a lesson for us all ;)12:24
=== Kamion takes noexec=off back out of the amd64 CD configuration
sivangKamion: but really, how did scott think of a Bendy ?12:25
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KamionScott has a twisted mind12:25
HwolfBendy Badger? Stylish. :-)12:26
Mithrandirplease stop it.12:27
HwolfFeature freeze in a few days?12:27
Kalozbendybunny :p eh :) 12:27
=== Kaloz hides
KamionHwolf: welcome to the Manic Coding Emporium12:28
Kamionit's feature freeze! get your mad hacks in now!12:28
sivangHwolf: monday12:28
KamionWednesday I think12:28
sivangKamion: oh ok, oops++12:28
Hwolfsivang: That means no usplash; you just blew my weekend :-P12:28
sivangHwolf: wednesday as Kamion noted :)12:29
Kamionthe release schedule's confusing, but there's a bit at the top that says "Tasks listed for a given week are, in general, due on the Wednesday"12:29
sivangHwolf: doesn't it help?12:29
KamionI think sladen's still going for it but I don't know how he's doing12:29
Kamionsladen: ?12:29
Hwolfsivang: Only pretty artwork will help. Sorry12:29
sivangKamion: btw, thanks for mentioning me on the d-i changlog :) (a suprising way to find my name there)12:30
Kamionheh, you're welcome12:30
HwolfHoary is a lot more user-friendly compared to the warty I'm currently using, but besides the installer, boot is a major weak piont, imho12:30
=== Mithrandir thinks the installer is a strong point, not a weak point.
Kamionhe did say "besides the installer"12:31
Mithrandiroh, I misparsed12:31
azeemcongrats on the Hoary-LiveCD, btw. Great work.12:32
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HwolfMithrandir: It's straight forward, it works like a dream, but I pretty much dislike that you get 'booting into your ubuntu system' and then spend x hours watching -desktop being installed without a progress bar.12:34
KamionHwolf: yeah, I really would like to fix that, but it requires implementing progress bars in perl debconf12:35
Kamionwhich keeps slipping down my to-do list12:35
MithrandirHwolf: for x == 0.5 or so? ;)12:35
MithrandirKamion: that ought to be simple enough, or?12:35
KamionMithrandir: it's not extraordinarily difficult, but I want to do it for all frontends which is a fair bit of API research12:35
MithrandirI can imagine the "editor" frontend having some problems there.12:36
Mithrandirand the http one12:36
KamionI actually implemented a little bit of the PROGRESS interface in debconf recently, just enough to allow it to passthrough to cdebconf12:36
Kamionwell, some of them would certainly have to ignore it, that goes without saying ...12:36
KamionI suppose I could do it for dialog and make the rest fail or something12:36
Kamionor capb it :)12:36
MithrandirI think capb is the way to go, really.12:37
Kamionguess so. I added progress to cdebconf's capb recently too.12:37
Kamionand capb can be per-frontend ...12:38
HwolfKamion: In the meantime, change the texts to mention that installation is not finished, but now progressing to the installing of -desktop12:40
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sivangKamion: the new grub is your work ? :) 12:45
Kamionsivang: yeah12:46
KamionHwolf: I thought I already did that12:46
Kamion_Description: First stage of installation complete12:46
Kamion The first stage of the installation process is complete. Your computer12:46
Kamion will now reboot, ask you a few remaining questions, and install more12:46
Kamion packages. Make sure to remove the installation media (CD-ROM,12:46
Kamion floppies), so that your system boots from the disk to which Ubuntu was12:46
Kamion installed.12:46
Kamionsince prebaseconfig 0.69ubuntu2, which was pre-warty12:47
HwolfKamion: I must have completely missed that.12:47
Kamionit's at the point when it ejects the CD12:47
sivangKamion: eh, a new upstream, nice12:47
Kamionit does say "Rebooting into your new Ubuntu system", though, but I was reluctant to change too much because it kills translations12:48
Kamionsivang: hm, no?12:48
Kamionit was my patch for hardware you probably don't have unless you're on amd64 :)12:48
HwolfKamion: Please do. :-S12:50
sivangKamion: ah ok , I thought I read on the changlog that's it's a new upstream :) nevermind12:51
Kamionno, just "New" as in "new patch"12:52
sivangKamion: ok, cool, btw how is the weather in London today?12:52
=== Kamion digs out his old debconf progress diff
Kamionhaven't been outside yet - looks like a fairish day for winter thoug12:56
Kamionoh yes, I had trouble working out where to keep the fd for communication with whiptail while the gauge was being displayed, that was it12:58
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thomKamion: you've moved to london now? ;-P01:00
Kamionthom: not last I checked01:01
thom(because it's grey and 'orrible, here ;-) )01:01
sivangKamion: Ah oops, I assumed you were in london like sladen is :)01:01
infinityI've heard some pretty terrible things about London.01:02
infinityNot the least of which is "thom's there"01:02
thomit's a great city :P01:02
sivanginfinity: like what? is one of the best places to be I reckon01:02
infinityOh, and people say "reckon" a lot.  But I have that problem where I live now, too.01:02
sivangpubs close around 11, peace and sound all day long :)01:02
sladenit's not as crap as I was expecting it to be when I moved here ...alot of what goes on in this country goes on here01:03
=== sivang wishes to visit picadilli square (or whatever it's spelled)
sivangsladen: G'afternoon01:03
thompicadilly, you were pretty close01:03
sladenKamion: no I don't know either, but we'll see01:03
=== infinity is happy his devel box came back to life today.
sivanginfinity: where are you in?01:03
infinitythom : Which means, expect a barrage of uploads tomorrow afternoovening.01:03
infinitysivang : Cairns, QLD, Australia.01:04
thomsladen: so how do we proceed with cpufreq? try to load what we think, then try speedstep-smi, then acpi?01:04
thominfinity: when are y'all actually moving?01:04
sladenthom: trying -smi is ''just going to work'' on more machines01:04
infinitythom : We leave on the 15th or 16th, get there 4 or 5 days later.01:04
infinitythom : So.. Uhh.. Friggin' soon.01:05
sivanginfinity: why are you moving?01:05
infinitysivang : Greener grass.01:05
sladenthom: I don't know what to do about the PIV machines without EST, p4_clockmod is supposed to be deprecated01:05
sivanginfinity: yay01:05
thomsladen: nod01:06
sladenthom: and I think the detection should be rewritten to check family/model/make and then fallback to the string to differentiate separate models01:07
thomsladen: right, seems reasonable; should we change to trying -smi soon and then the rewrite can be a bit more opportunistic01:09
sladenmjg59: some other distro (can't remember where I read the code), is writing a 'resume' line into the config during hibernate and only allow resume from that line  01:10
sivanginfinity: are you like moving to a more countrysideish place?01:12
sivang(as opposed to urbanic and grey area)01:12
thomsladen: i can get that done now, then01:13
Hwolfsladen: Will we see usplash in hoary?01:16
sladenHwolf: how long is a piece of string.01:18
Hwolfsladen: depends on how you cut it. 01:19
sladenHwolf: bingo01:19
sladenHwolf: at the very worst, you'll see it in an apt repositary you can apt-get01:20
Hwolfsladen: You're my newest hero then.01:21
=== T-None is now known as T-Bone
sivangHwolf: so it your weekend not ruined completely? ;)01:24
Hwolfsivang: It is, but for other reasons01:24
sivangHwolf: ah ok :-/01:25
HwolfI spent weeks and long hours writing a business plan for a company that just decided yesterday to move all engineering and production to china. I can start from scratch, and have 10 days to do it if I want to make sure I get a grade for it.01:25
Hwolf(studying business administration)01:25
tsengsivang: eh?01:27
sivangtseng: no more tomboy for me :(01:27
tsengsivang: oh01:28
tsengsivang: did you read the changelog?01:28
infinitysivang : No, moving from a city of 250 thousand to a city of 3.5 million.01:28
tsengsivang: im guessing you are trying to run `tomboy`, right?01:28
infinitysivang : Which, for me, is a "grass is greener" thing. :)01:28
sivangtseng: yes01:29
sivanginfinity: hehe01:29
tsengsivang: well, two choices01:29
sivangtseng: didn't read the changlog, let's check01:29
tsengsivang: add the applet, or tomboy --tray-icon01:29
mjg59sladen: Hrm. Any chance that you could find that?01:29
sivangtseng: I do apt-listchanges on it and nothing comes out 01:30
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sivangtseng: ok, wow, it's now an applet? or just the command line changed?01:31
tsengtheres still a tray icon with --tray-icon01:31
sivangtseng: it's coool01:31
sivangall my notes are there! thanks tseng 01:32
=== T-Bone curses cdimage.u.c for claiming that max rsync connx are reached...
danielsT-Bone: try checking if mirnyy.u.c works for cdimage rsyncing01:34
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T-Bonedaniels: same error message01:36
T-Bonei think i'll just dl the full ISO, it'll be as long as waiting for a rsync slot to open :P01:36
Mitariohi everyone01:37
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Kamionsivang: apt-listchanges --all01:42
sivangKamion: k, thanks01:43
sivangKamion: eh, the joys of the changlogs :)01:44
tsengogra: ping01:47
sladenmjg59: I can't find it from casual googling with  'grub patch resume alternative' alikes.  It was using two menu.lst's and mv'ing between them.  I suppose you could extend the idea, set the password to 'yes' and require them to type 'yes' to do anything but boot the first option01:49
Treenaksmjg59: my laptop still cycles back into suspend on resume from suspend-to-RAM01:49
mjg59Treenaks: We should have support for fixing that now01:51
mjg59I don't know if thom has uploaded an acpi-support package that uses it, though01:51
Treenaksmjg59: how do I check?01:51
thomoh, to lock acpid? no, i've not done that yet01:52
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mjg59thom: If you could, that would be great01:53
mjg59That's really something that should be pushed upstream, too01:53
thomyeah, i intend to01:53
thomand yes, intend to do that also01:53
sivanghmm, lunch is calling, bbl02:01
mjg59thom: Hm. Maybe we should only be doing the vbestate save on laptops.02:02
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MithrandirKamion: "MPE" = "My point exactly"02:06
thomsladen: -smi fallback in02:08
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KamionMithrandir: ah, right02:11
Mithrandirwhat's the magic invocation to show all the stuff one has installed from universe?02:13
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thomMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~thom/lscomponent ; run as lscomponent universe02:13
thomif it's buggy it's jdub's fault02:13
=== Mithrandir blames jdub preemptively
danielsboo jdub02:14
Mithrandirit worked.02:15
=== Mithrandir stops blaming jdub
Mithrandir(for now)02:15
Kamionmdz: current grub in unstable has fixes for ida/ataraid/cciss devices and added support for raid1; can I merge?02:21
ogratseng : pong02:22
ogramdz: pong02:22
ogramorning everybody02:22
tsenghi ogra 02:23
ograhi, whatsup ?02:23
tsengi still didnt get a chance to send my key to mark, so no upload02:23
tsengjust noticed muine in hoary needs rebuild against libflac (again?)02:24
Kamionthe key would go to James, wouldn't it? unless you were already told otherwise, in which case ignore me02:24
tsengyes, I was.02:24
ograi thought that was already done....do you mean the mail on the -users list ?02:24
tsengit needs to be notarized, which is its not done02:25
tsengogra: personal experience, i tired to install it, and it depended on libflac4. current is libflac602:25
tsengi dont see a recent -users mail with muine02:25
ograah, ok02:25
ograsubject: broken package02:26
tsengi have a cdbs question as well02:26
ogravery informative ;)O02:26
tsengthis is a tricky one02:26
tsengmuine 0.7.1 pre packages patch a file to install to /usr/share/dotnet02:26
tseng0.8.1 has an option to the make install, ${exec_prefix} that looks like it will do this for us02:27
danielsso is /usr/share/dotnet actually the right path now?02:27
danielsas opposed to /usr/lib/mono02:27
danielsbecause they were /u/s/d, then /u/l/m, and ah we're bored now, back to /u/s/d02:27
danielsnot that I'm bitter02:27
tsengyes.. its meant to take into account other interpretations apperantly02:27
tsengsuch as pnet02:27
tsengor whatever else crack smoking vm comes along02:27
[m0rph] libsdl-sound1.2 also needs a rebuild for flac602:28
tsengbut anyway, trying to find where cdbs actually calls make install02:28
tsengso i can pass in the var02:28
tsengbest i see is:02:28
tseng include $(_cdbs_rules_path)/buildvars.mk$(_cdbs_makefile_suffix)02:28
=== usual [~colin@cpe-69-204-174-79.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsand either makefile.mk or autoconf.mk in there02:29
danielsor maybe it's autotools.mk02:29
danielsbut they'll have a common-install-impl target02:29
tsenghm so i can overload that02:31
tsengor maybe setting DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET02:34
=== T-Gone is now known as T-Bone
Kamiontseng: notarised> oh yes, that was you02:35
tsengyeah =/02:36
tsengmonday i hope02:36
=== Kamion is lost in a twisty maze of file descriptors, all alike
KamionI need to sit down with pencil and paper here, which is just silly02:36
danielsKamion: d-i/casper/debconf?02:36
Kamiondaniels: debconf/whiptail02:36
danielsKamion: bongtasmic02:36
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Kamioncdebconf has it easy, it uses the newt library in-process02:37
Kamionwhereas debconf has to fork whiptail and then juggle desperately02:37
infinityKamion : You could just give joeyh your requirements and a pot of coffee, and have it done in the morning.02:39
infinityKamion : The man's a machine.02:39
MithrandirKamion: wouldn't it be easier to have a libnewt-perl?02:40
infinityThere is a libnewt-perl...02:40
KamionMithrandir: there already is one; I'm assuming there was a reason for not using it, like it was hopelessly broken or something02:40
infinityThe description claims it's "very useable".02:41
Kamionwell I'm not going to totally upend debconf when I don't have to02:41
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mjg59Hmm. The RTL8180 driver is now actually working for some people, impressively.03:08
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sladenKamion: is there clean way to rename kernel-* or add a provides: to linux-* so that ex-Debian people don't keep finding the wrong packages04:23
=== zul thinks he needs a faster computer for kernel compiles
lamontsladen: the best answer is probably to drop the kernel-* packages (well, 2.6 that is..)05:03
makomdz: still need help with array 4 announcement.. i worked offline yesterday.. jane knew.. not sure if she got the message to you05:10
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lamontspeaking of MTA's...  /me tries to remember which way we decided...  drop postfix from base after modifying base to behave in the absence of an MTA?05:43
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sivanghey dholbach 06:18
dholbachhi sivang! :-)06:19
wasabithis evms stuff is unbelievable.06:24
wasabii am tempted to make / a evms volume...06:24
wasabiwonder what the potential to do that automatically in ubuntu is. it kind of solves the drive order problem.06:24
sivangwasabi: it allows so many things...I was amazed to see it, and it has complete backward compatibility with lvms06:26
sivangwasabi: meaning you can leave your volumes as they were and evms would use them no prob06:26
wasabiyeah it seems that doing that is better06:26
wasabiusing lvm as the disk linker06:26
sivangI am using everything bu /boot under lvms on the laptop, should switch to evms sometime06:27
wasabiI'm thinking that if hte Ubuntu initrd has evms support... then I should be able to pass root=/dev/evms/root to the kernel.06:27
wasabidoes ubuntu's initrd support it?06:27
wasabiSee, this solves my one big problem... I can't hot swap my sata drives, because they make linux reorder sda to sdb, etc... causing grub to not boot and fstab to be inaccurate.06:28
sivangI am using lvms on the lappi, and /boot is the only partiton not under lvm, so at least for lvm it has?06:28
wasabiseems so.06:28
sivangah well, go ahead and test it on some non important data :)06:28
Treenakssivang: no, you test with real important data06:30
Treenakssivang: that way you can blame the developers06:30
sivangTreenaks: hehe, I always do, but I reckon wasabi has much more important data then I have on my syste :)06:30
wasabisivang: to auto mount an evms vol, you just plug the evms path into fstab right?06:30
wasabiI have been moving 600GB of anime back and forth between hd's for two days, reformatting ubuntu, and setting up evms.06:31
sivangwasabi: I am not sure, just read a couple of bits about it , using lvm on the laptop, not evms.06:31
wasabidid you see evms?06:31
wasabiit's even better. ;006:31
sivangwasabi: I read about it sometime ago, after mdz noted to me it's apparent benefits.06:31
sivangwasabi: I think on my lvm entries in the fstab on the laptop, it as simple IIRC06:32
wasabiI'm seriously beginning to think that if Ubuntu set it up by default during an install, making / an evms vol, it would be Really Neat.06:32
sivangwell, this is rather a drastic decision to do, only time would tell :)06:33
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mdzmako: announcement went out, no problems08:29
mdzKamion: sure08:29
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sivangseb128_: ping09:24
seb128_sivang: pong ?09:26
sivangseb128_: hi :) just wanted to know, if I want to modifiy some of the gtk+ code, I need to open the tarballs under the gtk+2.0-2.6.2/upstream dir of the source pkg and work on them? how would I go about modifying this pkg?09:28
dholbachsivang: i guess you have to  tar xfz  it, modify it, make a patch, put that patch in debian/patches as 99_sivangs_special_something.patch :-)09:32
seb128_right, that's it09:32
sivangseb128: ah ok, simple patch system ? (cdbs)09:33
sivangdholbach: thanks09:33
dholbachsivang: de rien :-)09:33
=== Burgundavia_ [~corey@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Burgundavia_Hello all09:35
sivangdholbach: merci beaucoup09:36
dholbachsivang: we'll take french lessons together... maybe seb128 will volunteer for it ;-)09:37
sivangsure, and you should do germen lessons :)09:38
=== dholbach wipes out the blackboard for Monsieur seb128. :-)
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-35-150.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wasabiOye. The kernel instalsl break horribly when using EVMS09:55
wasabiFailed to create initrd image.09:56
mdzwasabi: -ENOTENOUGHINFO09:59
wasabiI'm looking at it trying to get info10:00
wasabiOkay... during postinst, it does some setting up stuff. Spits out a ton of errors related to LVM, and says two of my volumes have duplicate PV identifiers... which I suspose is true.10:01
wasabiOne of my LVM disks is a md raid 1 disk. =)10:01
wasabiComprised of two seperate physical disks. I suspect it's reading the PV id from each and getting confused.10:01
wasabiWould you like the output?10:02
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wasabiGuess i'll make a bug report.10:04
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicysome people really can't boot from cd and need a floppy10:06
bluefoxicyany ideas?10:06
bluefoxicyi'm thinking you could put grub on a floppy image10:06
bluefoxicywith chainloader (cd)+110:06
bluefoxicyto boot from cd10:06
azeembluefoxicy: that's not specific to Ubuntu though, is it?10:07
bluefoxicyazeem:  this can't get woody or sarge installed, and can't even try ubuntu because the machine is 10 years old and doesn't do boot from cd in the bios10:07
azeemyou can install sarge via floppies10:09
bluefoxicyazeem:  but I think the grub idea is a good one, since it'd be more of a generic boot-from-cd disk, which means the problem only has to be solved once.  Then again, is there anything like that?10:09
bluefoxicyazeem:  he has a boot disk but sarge won't work there either10:10
bluefoxicyit broke10:10
azeemwhat makes you think Ubuntu would work then?10:10
bluefoxicyhe's tried woody and sarge, but can't try ubuntu, because it can't be installed, because there's no boot from CD10:10
=== bluefoxicy shrugs
bluefoxicynothing else's worked10:11
bluefoxicyso why not :P10:11
bluefoxicythis is irrelavent10:11
=== bluefoxicy heads out
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sivangdholbach: ok, but that's after I know my patch is good and working, how do I test build change by change?10:25
sivangdholbach: like chanign a source tree before diffing with the orig to make the patch10:26
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dholbachsivang: what do you want to do? check if the build works before you try to patch?10:29
sivangdholbach: yes, like change the package inline, without having to make a patch for every single attempt I make10:30
dholbacherm... cant you remove the according patch from debian/patches?10:31
sivangdholbach: what do you mean?10:32
=== farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-11-107.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachoh... now i see what you mean merging the diffs is a bit of a pain10:33
sivangdholbach: yes, everytime I change some small bits :-)10:34
dholbachyou'll have to find a clever way of applying-and-removing-while-preparing-a-new-diff10:35
sivangdholbach: I wish this package would use dpatch :)10:35
dholbachsince i never used  dbs , before, i'm not sure, if there's a cool tool10:35
sivangdholbach: it's way cool to do stuff that way10:35
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azeem(you can use cdbs together with dpatch)10:38
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sivangdholbach: I just want an easy way to make modification, without _having_ to do them as patched everytime :) like, work on the source pkg, debuild from the same dir several time , when I reach the my desried results, then make diffs against the orig and create patches.10:39
sivangazeem: I can imagine, however, this specific package doesn10:40
sivangazeem: use dpatch, I suspect it uses the simple patch system.10:40
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangseb128: how do you apply all the patches in their order to get a sourcetree to do more work on when working on this package?10:43
seb128start the build and ctrl-C ? :p10:44
robertjI'm trying to test some changes I made to a package but the config script bombs when testing it by doing sh passwd.config reconfigure, is there a better way to test it?10:46
sivangseb128: I thought there must be a way to do that more, hrm, elegantly ? :)10:47
sivangerr, my upgrade is stuck :-(10:51
sivangdoes anybody know if setting up linux-kernel on lvm volumes should take, like, forever, on an inspiron machine ?10:52
sivangehh it's just continued..phew, that was a close one10:52
seb128sivang: perhaps, but I'm not working on the computer atm and I don't want to search10:52
jdubyo seb128 10:52
jdubseb128: "ugh" to the industrial cursors/stock stuff10:53
sivangseb128: ok10:54
=== stratus [~stratus@201008025136.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
robertjhey jdub, do you have any hints on how to test the config portion of a package?10:56
robertjI just get a bunch of debconf complaining about missing templates and the like10:56
jdubnot i, check the debian documentation10:56
Treenakswhy would logging out & back in fix themeing in firefox?11:01
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lamont../mantools/postlink: line 715: 24692 Segmentation fault      perl -e '11:07
lamontbad perl11:07
lamontwell, it is 55988 bytes of file that says 'perl -e'11:09
sivangbuffer size exceeded?11:12
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=== YokoZar [~scott@d160-104-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachunmounting my vfat-partition crashes my box... completely11:13
dholbachand i thought it was a gparted-bug...11:14
YokoZarWhen is Hoary universe going to get frozen?11:14
jdubit's in upstream version freeze11:15
jdubbut we are more open to universe updates11:15
dholbachjdub: this reminds me of g*mm *whistle silently*11:16
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seb128jdub: evening, yep ...11:21
bluefoxicy.rhythmbox[10107] : segfault at 0000000000000000 rip 0000000000000000 rsp 0000007fbfffeb18 error 1411:21
bluefoxicyso much for ogg vorbis11:21
bluefoxicyactually no, other oggs play  o.o11:21
bluefoxicydoes anyone want this file?11:22
bluefoxicyit's reproducibly killing rhythmbox on hoary as of 5 hours ago11:22
bluefoxicyon standard ubuntu kernels (amd64-k8)11:22
dholbachbluefoxicy: you could talk to the guys at   irc://irc.gnome.org/rhythmbox  about it11:23
bluefoxicysure, though they might not be able to reproduce it (everything kills rhythmbox on gentoo, and they can't reproduce that, the gstreamer guys say it's gentoo's fault)11:24
=== robertj gets ready to make his whining list
=== robertj is burning Array-4 (finally)
=== robertj will be back in an hour
=== netdur [~adel@adsl-231-20-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu-devel
netdurfirefox (1.0 hoary) doesn't apear to render unicode well! I have the same site shown in both browsers (firefox 1.0 and mozilla 1.8, both character set to uft-8) while mozilla show it well, firefox doesn't, anyway, I'm not firefox (not stable enough) user so I don't need help, this is just to inform you!!!11:44
sivangsladen: yay! cpu scaling works again :)11:48
sladensivang: btw, can you remind me the specs of your machine;  was it /not/ working because of a duff ACPI DSDT11:49
sivangsladen: DSDT? duff? :)11:51
sivangsladen: basically, dell inspiron 8200, 256MB ram, Brookdale 82845 chipset11:53
sivangsladen: anything else?11:53
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lamonthrmpf.  page ranking fell to #311:53
sladensivang: what's the CPU?11:53
sladenlamont: Google?11:53
sivangsladen: pentium mobile, pre centrino technology11:53
lamontyeah - basketball and college football player beat me out11:53
sivangsladen: the one that eats the hell out of you batter11:53
lamontI need to have mako mention me in traffic a again11:54
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