
apokryphosFor installing RPMs, I do a "alien *.rpm", and then what? Konqueror opens it in archive manager....12:00
snowblinkgeppy: you didn't make your modules?12:00
Phoenix[SPH] smsmasters: just a note, you might consider reading some security material before putting an apache into the web...12:00
geppyI'm assuming I did initrd incorrectly, if this is what helps with modules?12:00
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smsmasterswhat security material12:00
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goldfishhow to secure an apache web server maybe12:00
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Phoenix[SPH] holotone: well, it's about mignight over here... but there are some folks around that will help you :)...12:00
smsmastersi need to know how to setup write permissions12:00
randabisapokryphos, why are you using rpms?12:00
kirk-codehey guys. i'm having a bit of a problem here..12:01
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holotoneOne more question, if I want to install Unbuntu (which it's looking like I will) What's the best way to get it installed as a dual boot w/ the XP pro that's already on my laptop? When I start from scratch, should I make the partitions and install XP first, or Ubuntu, so that the boot manager can do it's thing?12:01
apokryphosrandabis: to install, naturally ;)12:01
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randabisanyway, besides that, alien converts rpms into debs12:01
holotonethanks pheonix12:01
randabisapokryphos, install what?12:01
mjrholotone, XP first12:01
geppyTheMuso:  Any advice? =)12:01
apokryphosrandabis: I noticed. That's what I did first; don't know what to do with the .deb (I'm new to Debian systems).12:01
snowblinkgeppy: did you make modules?12:01
Phoenix[SPH] smsmasters: like an apache manual, linux manual - you don't want an exploitable webserver do you?12:01
randabisdpkg -i debname.deb12:02
holotonedo I need to make two partitions right from the start then?12:02
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apokryphosrandabis: This time j2re (I already had the RPM in a folder), but I'm sure there's other stuff I'll need to install12:02
holotoneSorry, newb here, if it isn't obvious already.12:02
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geppysnoblink:  Yes, I built the realtime-lsm module.12:02
mcphailholotone: 3 (one for swap)12:02
randabisthat's probably not going to work right...you should use the bin not the rpm12:02
kirk-codethis was tested with: ubuntu live, beatrix(which is ubuntu based). right after i configure my networking, applications would stop loading. meaning, i go to execute gaim, and it would say "starting gaim" and then it would disappear and nothing would happen... this is not network apps limited, it's also in regular apps12:02
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holotonehow big a swap partition?12:02
blah09twice your ram12:03
holotoneand how much room should I allow for Ubuntu and any further expansion I may do with it??12:03
blah09anyone here have ubuntu on a laptop with an ALPS touchpad?12:03
goldfishI do.12:03
blah09did you manage to get the scroll ares working?12:03
kirk-codecan anyone help me with the problem i just noted?12:03
mcphailholotone: how long is a piece of string?12:03
kulakihi, network-admin couldn't setup my modem dialer correctly. the version i have is 1.1.90 hoary. it seems that it doesn't save the setting properly. i'm using wvdial instead. i wanted to turn on my connection using the new modem monitor. any idea?12:04
geppysnowblink:  I built the realtime-lsm module.12:04
goldfishhrmm... nope i haven't im afraid.12:04
holotonewell, I'm just saying on average, give my self a bit of room, but not go overboard.12:04
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blah09did the the noirq thing work btw?12:04
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snowblinkgeppy: when you were compiling your kernel. You did make dep; make modules; make modules_install?12:04
geppysnowblink: Oh, no.  I just ran make modules_install12:05
bitfoosnowblink, what does that do o_O12:05
mcphailholotone: I use 20 gig with plenty spare. If you format winXP as FAT32 you can read and write from that partition as well12:05
goldfishholotone: i installed ubuntu from winxp, i just gave myself 20 gigs for ubuntu12:05
randabisheh you have to make the modules before you can install them :/12:05
geppysnowblink:  It didn't say to run 'make dep' or 'make modules' in the INSTALL or README files, but I guess that they assumed you should know that. =)12:05
geppyrandabis:  haha =)12:05
holotoneperfect, thanks.12:05
bitfooholy crap maybe that is why my custom kernel didnt load ati drivers or wireless driver, all i did was make oldconfig12:05
geppyI shall soon return, then.12:05
randabisI think make dep is deprecated in the 2.6 series12:06
Phoenix[SPH] bitfoo: oldconfig just updates .config... nothing more...12:06
snowblinkrandabis: This is my first 2.6 and I haven't compiled my own kernel on ubuntu yet12:06
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mcphailIsn't there a 2.6 HOWTO?12:06
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kirk-codethis was tested with: ubuntu live, beatrix(which is ubuntu based). right after i configure my networking, applications would stop loading. meaning, i go to execute gaim, and it would say "starting gaim" and then it would disappear and nothing would happen... this is not network apps limited, it's also in regular apps --> im not sure it relates to the network config directly12:07
randabisI find it easier just to use kernel-package.12:07
farruinnsnowblink: have you read the debian howto? I'd imagine the process would be similar12:07
snowblinkfarruinn: Not yet. No need to compile a kernel on Ubuntu so far.12:08
holotoneAm I going to have any problems getting my wireless up and running in Ubuntu? I've heard that linux is notorious for being a pain in the ass w/ wireless networking..12:08
cozmanis there any information available on what to do if upon booting the ubuntu CD to install, the splash screen is half missing, and upon hitting enter, it initializes then just goes all black (assumably when the installation switches to a GUI)12:08
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farruinnubhuti hardware support12:09
ubhutiwell, hardware support is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupport12:09
farruinnholotone: ^^^12:09
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randabisholotone, depends on your wireless card/chipset12:09
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randabisthere's a list of compatible wireless cards/chipsets in the ubuntu wiki complete with their status "out of the box"12:10
cozmanI'm using a Radeon Mobility that should be supported12:10
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farruinncozman: that's normal12:10
holotonewhere's the ubuntu equivilant of device manager so I can check it out?12:10
holotoneI actually forgot which chipset I've got.12:10
cozmanfarruinn, what do I do?12:10
dbt`veritasso if i want to change my default os to windows can i just pico/vi/whatever the menu.lst file and reboot and it'll then goto my new os or do i have to do something different?12:10
farruinncozman: does the screen go completely black and doesn't do anything? The installer is textual12:11
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farruinnholotone: Computer>System Configuration>Device Manager12:11
mcphaildbt`veritas: yes12:11
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goldfishCan you get transparency on these terminals? the setting in profile doesn't seem to work for me :/12:12
cozmanwell the splash is corrupted, but I hit enter anyway, and then it loads vmlinuz and does some stuff (way too fast to catch)12:12
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cozmanthen it says something along the lines of "starting..." and goes to nothing but black12:12
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blah09ok, anything i should take note of before doing a dist-upgrade to hoary?12:13
goldfishcozman: ubuntu not boot into gui mode?12:13
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jazaomg ROFL12:13
holotonethere's an entry for  BCM4306, which is stated that it doesn't work out of box12:13
holotoneis that the same family of chipset as mine?12:14
Phoenix[SPH] cozman: you might tell ubuntu to boot without framebuffer support - but dunno how....12:14
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cozmangoldfish: no, a corrupted GUI, some quick text, then nothing12:14
farruinngoldfish: I believe cozman is booting the install cd however12:14
cozmanyes, I am12:14
farruinnjaza: we got it the first time, thanks12:15
jazau c it?12:15
jazaomg LMFAO12:15
goldfishi installed ubuntu yesterday and i got the same blank screen after it started gnome12:15
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cozmangoldfish: during the install?12:16
goldfishi got it fixed by logging into recovery mode and running 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86' and setting it up there, then startx12:16
jazawow whos desk is that12:16
goldfishoh no12:16
jazathats leet12:16
blah09is that an eterm?12:16
goldfishcozman: everything installed ok12:17
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goldfishcozman: it just wouldnt boot into gui12:17
randabisthat's my desk :)12:17
randabisno, that's Terminal, not eterm12:17
jazais that ubuntu?12:17
cozmanoh, this is during the install, it just hangs12:17
goldfishsorry i missed the question12:17
randabisyes it's ubuntu12:17
snowblinkfarruinn: where can I find the Deb kernel howto?12:17
goldfishcozman: ah sorry :/12:17
jazahowd u do that12:17
jazawhere do u get them12:17
randabisread the console, it says hoary :p12:17
farruinnsnowblink: check www.debian.org/docs. I can't remember if there is one specifically for compiling the kernel, but I do know that there are some pages in the install manual12:17
jazahoary sux12:17
randabisit's XFCE 4.212:18
randabisno it doesn't12:18
randabisit rawks my sox12:18
jazahow do i get hoary lol12:18
jazaupgrade or os12:18
blah09randabis thats an eterm isnt it?12:18
randabisyou don't need hoary to do what I did, but read the faqs12:18
randabisblah09, no12:18
blah09so are you gonna share the secret? ;)12:19
blah09ive been trying to get eterm to look like that but it refuses12:19
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randabisan xfce app12:19
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blah09is it apt-gettable?12:19
blah09sorry can't check, apt is tied up doing a dist-upgrade12:20
snowblinkfarruinn: cheers. Will take a look at the weekend12:20
cozmangot it, thanks everyone for trying to help :)  it was actually covered in the help on the installer, I found the line to use my 4th read oer12:20
farruinnsnowblink: ok, good luck with it =)12:20
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randabisblah09, possibly, but I installed it with the graphical installer at www.xfce.org12:20
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AnubisI have the k7 kernel and with it X crashes12:20
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Phoenix[SPH] randabis: doesnt get the media player into the way down the screen?12:21
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farruinnblah09: I didn't find it with apt-cache search :/12:21
holotonethanks for the help, ya'll, I'm sure I'll be back around during the big install.12:21
goldfishDo i need to install a plugin to play .swf files?12:21
blah09oh =(12:21
oMega505hey guys, i got a question about how to start a script at startup.12:21
blah09yeah you do12:21
oMega505i dloaded wifi_radar12:21
blah09do a sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla12:22
randabisPhoenix[SPH] , do what?12:22
goldfishblah09: cheers12:22
oMega505how do i make it startup automatically at boot time?12:22
Phoenix[SPH] randabis possibly mean a "Gnome Terminal"... eterm is a *Terminal*12:22
farruinnoMega505: if it's not critical it runs at boot you can put it into your gnome session12:22
Phoenix[SPH] okay... I just read it isn't :)12:23
oMega505farruinn, i did that, but it didnt work12:23
mcphailoMega505: might be easiest to add to crontab12:23
randabisPhoenix[SPH] , the program is called TERMINAL12:23
oMega505it has to be run with sudo12:23
randabisit's not gnome-terminal or eterm12:23
Phoenix[SPH] blah09: apt-cache should work regardless....12:23
mcphailoMega505: root crontab12:23
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randabisto answer your question, the media player doesn't get in the way12:24
blah09ah yeah thanks12:24
blah09terminal - a Terminal Emulator for GNUstep12:24
blah09that one?12:24
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randabisthe Terminal window is a fixed size12:24
randabisblah09, I don't know...like I said, I didn't apt-get it12:24
oMega505uhh hehe, where is crontab?12:25
mcphailoMega505: crontab -e12:25
Phoenix[SPH] randabis: so gaim docks nicely and a gkrellm would no be able to function as dock?12:25
mcphailoMega505: Then insert: @reboot /path/to/script12:26
oMega505mcphail, thanks!12:26
ian_brasilola...trying to get midi working on a fresh install ...any docs/links for me to look at12:26
Phoenix[SPH] randabis: when you work some more in the terminal, the prompt is at the bottom of the terminal window, and if the media player is on top of the terminal you won't see what you are typing....12:27
farruinnian_brasil: there is a nice howto at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=873612:27
ian_brasilthx farruinn12:28
Phoenix[SPH] randabis: where does the terminal "border"?12:28
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randabisit's a fixed size, and only uses about a quarter of the screen12:28
randabisi never have an problems with xmms overlapping the terminal12:29
Phoenix[SPH] randabis: okay, I got it - it's borderless12:29
geppyAlright.  I've run make bzImage and make modules.  The INSTALL for the realtime-lsm says to run 'lilo', but I'm wondering what the grub equivalent of this would be?  grub-install, with special parameters?12:29
HaRDaWaYhi, i have a problem, when i compile kernel 2.6.10-2 of ubuntu, i have vesa fb, and i put: vga=791...but console not appears...anybody have idea?12:30
randabiseditting menu.lst should be all you have to do12:30
geppyrandabis:  Alright.12:31
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Phoenix[SPH] geppy: make modules_install and copy your arch/i386/boot/bzImage to /boot/yourkernelname (vmlinuz-2.6.x)12:31
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geppyPhoenix[SPH] :  Alright. =)12:32
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geppyWhat do I need to do about initrd?  Just run mkinitrd?  Any parameters, or anything?12:32
geppyOther than the output file, of course.12:32
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randabismkinitrd initrdname.img kernelname12:33
geppyrandabis:  Thanks.12:33
randabisI "think it's .img12:34
randabischeck /boot to be sure12:34
geppyrandabis:  Yeah, it is. =)12:34
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zenroxLinuxJones,  warty booted but xdint come up right12:43
zenroxi know why too12:43
LinuxJoneswhy ?12:43
zenroxxfree wasnt configured for my built in vod card12:44
zenroxthat ant a prob12:44
zenroxbut it will not boot with the nv fx520012:44
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zenroxknoppix loves the nv fx5200 tho12:45
zenroxso ubuntu dont like that vid card12:46
zenroxit ends in a kernel panic12:46
zenroxthen locks up12:46
zenroxeven the ubuntu live cd dont boot up12:47
zenroxi even put the vid card in to another pci slot12:47
zenroxstill nothing12:47
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farruinnzenrox: this is warty?12:48
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kirk-codeHey ppl, after setting the network in the live CD, Ubuntu won't let me run any new program. Does anyone know of the reason and how to fix ?12:48
zenroxwarty hangs on starting hotplug12:48
zenroxwhen nv fx5200 in in the sys12:48
farruinnzenrox: what if you boot in rescue mode?12:49
zenroxsame thang12:49
zenroxhangs on starting hotplug12:49
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zenroxfarruinn,  will you be on lator12:49
zenroxi gots to go to wrok12:49
zenroxin 10 mins12:50
farruinnyeah, I'll probably be around12:50
zenroxknoppix uses the vid just fine12:50
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zenroxits what is displaying x atm12:50
cavediverHi! Does anyone manage to install Firefox 1 and Thunderbird 1 in Warty AMD64 ?12:51
gollumHow can i activate my root account in ubuntu?12:51
zenroxhmm so i know it ant a bad vid card12:51
cavedivergollum: sudo passwd root12:51
zenroxor disabling the built in one on my mobo12:51
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zenroxits not hardware12:51
zenroxthat much i know12:51
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zenroxbut ubuntu warty just wont boot12:51
zenroxif the card in hooked up12:52
gollumAnd one more thing, i run xmms and i can`t get some sound out of my speakers, what can be wrong? I get a error on xmms.12:52
cavediverMan i don't like Firefox 0.8 :/ And don't want Hoary either..12:52
geppygollum:  try 'killall esd'12:52
LinuxJonescavediver, you can download and install firefox from the mozilla website12:52
vrecancavediver have you tried just grabing the linux gui installer from their site12:52
gollumi says no prosess runs thats named esd.12:52
geppygollum: ah, alright.12:53
vrecanit worked just fine for me12:53
geppygollum:  What error does XMMS give you?12:53
gollumHmm, hold on,12:53
cavediverI've tried that, however id didn't start the installer when I ran the script.12:53
vrecandid you make sure its executable?12:53
cavediveri think so. Will try again.12:54
gollumCheck that: The soundcard is correctly configured... No other program blocks the sound, and something about output.12:54
kirk-codecan anyone help me with this??12:54
kirk-codeHey ppl, after setting the network in the live CD, Ubuntu won't let me run any new program. Does anyone know of the reason and how to fix ?12:54
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vrecancavediver make sure to start it in term with sudo ./filename12:54
cavediverI get this: ./firefox-installer-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:54
vrecanjust have to grab it then from synaptic12:54
neomI couldn't ssh to my server from work -> home today, and I was sitting just racking my brains as to what it could be. And I got home, and I was fucking around with the box, I rebooted it, reinstalled sshd, etc etc.12:55
neomAnd then I realized the ethenet cable had falled out of the back of the router. :(12:55
cavedivervrecan: libgtk-x11 you mean ?12:55
gollumgreppy, should i use esound, OSS or alsa?12:55
geppyneom: haha12:55
gollumnone of em works.12:55
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janccavediver : use ubuntu-bp.sf.net repository to get FF 1.012:55
geppygollum:  Do you want to have sound from other applications, as well?12:55
geppygollum:  you might as well go with ESD12:55
geppygollum:  Yeah, use ESD.12:56
cavediverjanc: Does that work on the AMD64 version ?12:56
gollumI just need to have sound on my computer, but im using xmms to test.12:56
jancah, probably not12:56
gollumi get same error with esound12:56
cavediverjanc: I think I've tried it and it didn't work12:56
geppygollum:  Can you copy and paste the error?12:56
gollumCheck that: The soundcard is correctly configured... No other program blocks the sound, and something about output.12:56
neomIs there a command to view the dependencys of an application?12:56
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goldfishgollum: are u on a dell machine?12:57
gollumYes i am12:57
goldfishi had that problem12:57
cavediverI can't find libgtk-x11 package either.12:57
gollumWhat did you do ?12:57
goldfishi'll tell u how to fix it now12:57
goldfishone sec :)12:57
gollumOk, thanks12:57
mike998gollum: I have that problem too12:57
mike998dell inspiron 115012:57
blah09neom you could try apt-get install -s12:57
gollumDell Inspiron 510m12:58
blah09500m here12:58
blah09you guys having the no sound/wifi problem?12:58
mike998now if the wireless router would arrive, I could test the wireless12:58
goldfishah blah09 told me how to fix it12:58
goldfishi can't remember now12:59
blah09sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst12:59
goldfishthat's the one :)12:59
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mike998i did borrow a 802.11a wireless access point and a pcmcia card but ubuntu doesn't know how to appy power to it.  It seems to be a known error... but not fixed01:00
gollumHmm *waiting for the help to arrive*01:00
blah09behind the line that says #nonaltoptions01:00
blah09insert "acpi=noirq"01:00
blah09without the ""01:00
gollumI can`t find any wlan with my card in ubuntu, but i got my own router so i know it is one avaible.01:00
blah09save and exit01:00
goldfishgollum: there what blah09 said01:00
gollumholdo n01:00
blah09sudo update-grub01:00
blah09then reboot01:00
neom"This APT has Super Cow Powers" LOL01:01
neom-never- noticed that before.01:02
pepperpotneom, where does it say that?01:02
neomapt --help01:02
buganeom: try running `apt-get moo' :)01:02
mike998that's funny01:03
pepperpotneom, what package is apt in?01:03
ubhutineom: I give up, what is it?01:03
neomThat is really cool.01:04
pepperpotis that from ubuntu or debian?01:04
pepperpotthe super cow powers01:04
neomubuntu, hoary.01:04
pepperpoti saw the cow and i think i'm using warty01:04
mike998i saw a cow and i am on warty01:05
=== mike998 not brave enough to try hoary yet
geppymkinitrd... sudo mkinitrd vmlinuz- -o initrd.img-
geppythat's not working.01:05
snowblinkIt's a Debian cow01:05
neomhoary seems very stable to me.01:05
geppyHow do I specify which kernel to use for mkinitrd?01:05
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neomI'm not pushing it too hard yet though.01:05
mike998works like a champ for me01:06
mike998this laptop is only a week or so old... it only ran WinXP for long enough for me to check all the hardware was working01:06
mike998then I pulled out my Ubnuntu CDs...01:06
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gollumWhat should i write in the menu shit again?01:07
geppy(18:00:12) blah09: behind the line that says #nonaltoptions01:07
geppy(18:00:15) blah09: insert "acpi=noirq"01:07
geppy(18:00:19) blah09: without the ""01:07
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crimsunremember to ,,sudo update-grub'' afterward.01:07
gollumi did so, and i rebooted and when i looked at the file the shit aint there anymore.01:07
snowblinkgeppy: mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd-2.blahblah.img01:08
gollumthat shit didnt work :(01:08
geppysnowblink: But how do I specify the kernel to use for building it?  I think I've found the answer on redhat.com01:08
neomHow does everyone pronouce debian? Cause I say deb ee en, and a guy at work says dee bain.01:08
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geppyneom:  It's a mix of "deborah" and "ian"01:08
neomSo i is deb ian01:09
pepperpotshould name a kid that01:09
geppylike "deb ee en"01:09
neomI'm smack cliff tomorrow when he says dee bian.01:09
=== thully [~thully@232.sub-166-155-205.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
thullyHi - I wondered if anyone here who runs hoary has had major breakage after a dist-upgrade (meaning, X doesn't start, or you can't log on)?01:10
neomX didn't start for me.01:10
geppysnowblink: mkinitrd -o /boot/initrdblahblah 2.6.<rest-of-desired-kernel-designation>01:10
geppythully:  X is broken.01:10
geppyOr, that's what the topic says.01:10
mike998I had some problems with packages not working... can't remember what they were, but I decided to reinstall rather than fix it01:10
crimsunthully: yes, but not due to Hoary (rather, due to over 1 GB PC133 dying on me).01:10
=== Imbroglio [~Imbroglio@cpe-24-194-64-207.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Imbroglioquick question, what's default root password?01:11
crimsunthere isn't one.01:11
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geppyImbroglio:  Use your user password01:11
mike998it's the same as the first user you create01:11
Imbroglioahh okay01:11
pepperpotmaybe i should try upgrading to hoary from debian sid. Right now I'm running warty off another partition, to try it out. I think I'm ready to let go of debian on this machine.01:11
geppyImbroglio: 'sudo' is powerful fun. =)01:11
Imbrogliomakes sense01:11
Imbroglioevery other distro ever used asked for a root password01:12
AndyRthully, i havent seen that01:12
thullyWell - I heard X was fixed yesterday01:12
neomWhen I did the upgrade I had to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after the first reboot.01:12
Imbrogliohate how they default the cray01:12
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gollumwhy did the line disapear again?01:12
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gollumI think im going to go to hell some day01:12
eruinanyone able to recommend a good p2p client?01:12
neomActually no, I guess it was sudo apt-get -f install.01:12
geppyeruin:  limewire?01:12
thullywell, if I go in here and ask "Is there any major breakage" before doing a dist-upgrade that contains major updates, am I safe?01:12
eruino.O thx01:12
crimsungollum: please see what I typed regarding update-grub.01:13
pepperpothehe limewire01:13
geppyJust out of curiosity, when did /etc/grub/grub.conf move to /etc/grub/menu.lst?01:13
gollumi did do that01:13
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eruingeppy: should I get it off limewire.com ?01:13
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mike998gollum: were you editing the file as the sudo user?01:13
TreadingSoftl1Hi folks. Has anyone managed to get RealPlayer working on hoary?01:14
gollumi did everything u guys told me to by line01:14
pepperpotis it worth getting limewire pro?01:14
spaceyany idea why i can't find the openoffice.org2 package in hoary?01:14
thenukeis limewire good p2p?01:14
TreadingSoftl1spacey: i believe it's in universe01:14
goldfisheruin: azureus ! torrents!01:14
geppyeruin:  Yes.01:14
thenukeI need some p2p-software for my sister01:14
pepperpotnoooo not torrents01:14
geppypepperpot:  No./01:14
Xirdneheruin, giFT with, Ares and Gnutella plug ins is goof01:14
spaceyTreadingSoftl1, its in main but i have main and universe01:14
kirk-codeHey ppl, after setting the network in the live CD, Ubuntu won't let me run any new program. Does anyone know of the reason and how to fix ?01:14
crimsunTreadingSoftl1: (no, it's in main)01:14
neomthully - You whould be safe.01:14
gollumI need help, im desperate after music and rest of my programs needs sounds! :)01:15
spaceyi can find openoffice.org2-common but i can't find -core01:15
TreadingSoftl1crimsun: i stand corrected :)01:15
goldfishkirk-code: i got the same problem, i just ran all the stuuf before i set the net connection :)01:15
geppyXirdneh:  I've never figured out how the hell to use GiFT.  Perhaps it's firewall problems, but I set up port-forwarding like it asked me to.01:15
spaceyi don't understand01:15
mike998all the torrent sites I used to use have gone away01:15
crimsunspacey: (that, too, is in main)01:15
goldfishtorrentspy.com is a good search one01:15
kirk-codegoldfish: really? so this is a bug?01:15
eruingoldfish: I already use torrents01:15
eruinI want p2p too :-)01:15
crimsunspacey: make sure your apt proxy is current if you're using one01:15
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spaceycrimsun, i don't use apt-proxy01:16
goldfishkirk-code: I have no idea, but i had the problem, i have moved to the install disk now.01:16
spaceybesides i pull updates for hoary everyday01:16
kirk-codegoldfish: it works on disk ?01:16
spaceyso its updated allright01:16
crimsunspacey: what does ,,apt-cache policy openoffice.org2-core'' reveal?01:16
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goldfishkirk-code: What works?01:16
gollumIf anyone can help me with my sound drivers on my dell (its a sigmatel card) please /msg me!01:16
goldfishkirk-code: oh everything is fine on install01:16
kirk-codegoldfish: i see. however in knoppix everything seems to work fine, you know ?01:16
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spaceycrimsun, no real info01:16
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goldfishkirk-code: nah im a complete linux noob i think it is a bug01:17
kirk-codei think maybe i should issue the ifconfig command myself01:17
Xirdnehgeppy, well i just install it with giFTcurs client, dont do anithing in the setup just the basic, plug ins and stuff, just make giftd -v and wait, then start giFTcurs and all worked out fine01:17
crimsungollum: the parameter (without the quotes) is placed at the end of the line beginning with # kopt=, which for me, is line 62 of /boot/grub/menu.lst01:17
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niptacHi guys, how do I compile gaim? are there any instructions on how to compile things?01:17
gollumcrimsun: huh? say what? :)01:17
kirk-codeniptac: make;make test;make install --01:17
geppy|busyniptac:  ./configure; make; sudo make install01:17
spaceycrimsun, could it be that some file is corrupted01:17
RalfGwhy you want to compile it?01:17
crimsunniptac: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim && apt-get -b source gaim01:17
geppy|busyniptac:  Read the INSTALL file01:18
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niptacok thanks will read the Install01:18
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stevedoes anyone know how I can get my laptp to hibernate01:19
stevethe ACPI is on01:19
crimsungollum: sudo $EDITOR /boot/grub/menu.lst, scroll down to the line beginning with # kopt=, and append  acpi=noirq to the end01:19
steveokay, when I want to hibernate, then what do I do01:20
TreadingSoftl1spacey: browsing through archive.ubuntu.com, this may be the file you're looking for: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org2/openoffice.org2-core_1.9.66-0ubuntu8_i386.deb01:20
TreadingSoftl1Any hoary and realplayer users around?01:21
crimsunTreadingSoftl1: 10 gold update 1 or something, yeah.01:21
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TreadingSoftl1crimsun: did you have to do anything different to get it working? I followed the instructions from the unofficial guide, which worked for warty. But realplayer command doesn't do much (strace reveals it stops at a WAITPID). Seems others have the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7017.html So what did you do different?01:23
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crimsunTreadingSoftl1: I didn't follow the unofficial guide, so I'll need a few minutes to trace the instructions it recommends.01:26
spaceyTreadingSoftl1, yes somehow apt doesn't see it. maybe some apt file is corrupted01:26
TreadingSoftl1crimsun: ah okay, thanks :)01:26
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TreadingSoftl1spacey: maybe they pulled it out temporarily because of a problem with the package ...?01:27
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niptacRalfG: I want to compile it cause the latest gaim 1.1.2 is not available in apt sources, and in http://gaim.sourceforge.net/downloads.php there is no .deb package available01:27
niptacbye bye now ;)01:28
spaceyTreadingSoftl1, then you couldn't find it on the mirror ?01:28
crimsunniptac: do you mean for Warty?01:28
niptaccrimsun: yes01:28
crimsunniptac: 1:1.1.1-2ubuntu6 is available in Hoary01:29
TreadingSoftl1no - i mean maybe they pulled it out of the package list for hoary, but left it in place in pool ... but i don't know ... i'd need to check the list .. and my apt is busy updating at the moment01:29
spaceythere is also some warty backport site01:29
niptacI know but that would have to be backported?01:29
spaceynot sure how good those packages are though01:29
crimsunniptac: if you can wait 10-15 minutes, I can generate a backport for it.01:29
niptacI was adviced here not to use backports01:29
spaceyhttp://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ ?01:30
crimsunubuntu-bp's packages are horribly versioned.01:30
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TreadingSoftl1spacey: firefox backport worked fine, for what it's worth01:30
gort_does natilus have a command that will recursively create thumbnails without having to open up each dir?01:30
spaceyTreadingSoftl1, i use hoary :)01:30
spaceyhoary is pretty stable now fortunaly:)01:30
crimsunthe reason we don't recommend using them is their versioning will cause havoc when dist-upgrading from Warty to Hoary.01:30
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TreadingSoftl1spacey: me too, on my laptop01:30
jasonfI'm having a strange problem01:30
jasonfgrub pauses at "Grub loading stage 1.5" for about 30 seconds before loading a menu01:30
crimsunjasonf: you're always having strange problems :p01:30
jasonfany idea why / how to speed it up01:31
TreadingSoftl1spacey: hence broken RealPlayer tho :(01:31
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spaceyjasonf, its in the grub config file01:31
jasonfcrimsun: same strange problem as before, just hoping to actually get a resolution this time01:31
spacey /boot/grub01:31
jasonfspacey: no, it's not01:31
TreadingSoftl1crimsun: fair enough on the recommendation; but isn't it best to dist-upgrade from a fresh warty installation anyhow?01:31
jasonfspacey: it take it 30 seconds to LOAD GRUB, not to load the default config01:31
crimsunTreadingSoftl1: certainly.01:32
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gollumthanks guys01:32
spaceyahja wierd01:32
gollum!! :)01:32
crimsunTreadingSoftl1: granted, some of us actually take care in our backports to version the packages correctly so a smooth dist-upgrade occurs.01:32
goldfishgollum: WOO!01:32
goldfishgollum: New to linux?01:32
gollumJust got some ppl thats saying other things in the same room as me, and i trusted them, but they just told me crap01:32
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gollumgoldfish: naw, just not that good yet ;)01:32
goldfishah right01:33
goldfishI only using it for 2 days01:33
goldfishIt's hard to get used to.01:33
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goldfishThis channel helps alot though.01:33
gollumI used it for 2 years, but have used windows between01:33
goldfishah right01:33
willany one here used freenet?01:34
jasonflets ask a different question:01:34
jasonfis there an easy way to switch from lilo to grub on an ubuntu system with multiple kernels, dual booting with windows01:35
crimsunniptac: any particular reason you want the latest upstream version?01:36
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niptaccrimsun I thought it would fix a bug, there is a problem in gaim it's set by default to "Away" and I cannot change it to any other mode.01:37
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crimsunniptac: are you positive 1.1.2 resolves that?01:38
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andrewskiwhat package provides those nice white cursors (the default ones)?01:38
jasonfniptac: that's NotABug01:38
niptacnot sure01:38
niptacjasonf: no?01:38
jasonfniptac: probably a corrupted profile on your end01:38
LinuxJonesjasonf, do you still have grub installed ?01:38
jasonfniptac: go to #gaim01:38
jasonfLinuxJones: yes01:38
jasonfLinuxJones: scrollback to read my problems with grub though01:38
niptacjasonf: every1 is asleep there01:39
jasonf"it pauses at "loading stage 1.5" for about 30 seconds, then loads as normal"01:39
jasonfniptac: patience.01:39
crimsunniptac: I am extremely hesitant to create a backport for which a Warty security update exists01:39
MLimburgwell, i finally got my ATI drivers to work .. now the next issue .. where's my sound :P01:39
jasonfniptac: you aren't paying people to help you, so you have to wait :)01:39
jasonfLinuxJones: so what do I do?01:39
niptacthat's a good point ;)01:39
goldfishbash: whois: command not found01:40
goldfishAm I just stupid?01:40
crimsungoldfish: sudo aptitude install whois01:40
LinuxJonesjasonf, you can change those settings in gdm-setup01:40
goldfishcrimsun: k01:40
LinuxJonesjasonf, go back to grub first01:40
jasonfLinuxJones: what does GDM have anything to do with grub?01:40
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jasonfLinuxJones: I haven't touched my grub install at all -- it works atm, although annoyingly slow01:41
LinuxJonesjasonf, I thought you might have set a delayed login or something01:41
jasonfLinuxJones: this guy has the same prob as me01:42
jasonfLinuxJones: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8499&highlight=grub+stage+1.501:42
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andrewskidoes anyone know which package provides the default cursor theme?01:42
jasonfLinuxJones: it's a problem with the *bootloader* taking ages to load01:42
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jasonfand apparently lilo doesn't have that problem01:42
DeltaooLinuxJones:: Help !!!01:42
jasonfbut I'm afraid to switch to lilo, for fear of something breaking01:43
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:mdz] : Ubuntu Help | FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Forum: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | Guide: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ || Array 4 is released: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-4/
LinuxJonesjasonf, did you do a system upgrade to update all of your packages ?01:44
LinuxJonesDeltaoo, what's wrong ?01:44
jasonfLinuxJones: I'm running hoary. I've done all the "stupid little fix" things.01:44
Cloudchaserhey if i get cedega for 3 months, can i cancel it after the 3 months? they only have 3 months on the renewing option..for non-renewing its only 6 months01:44
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LinuxJonesjasonf, Hoary :D01:44
jasonfCloudchaser: buy the renewing and cancel it.01:44
Anubislot of stuff I use seems broken in Ubuntu?:(01:45
Cloudchaserok just wanted to make sure i could cancel it after 3 months01:45
Anubiswith FastTrack and Gnutella plugins01:45
MLimburgyeah i cant get gdesklets to run straight from apt-get01:45
MLimburgits on my to-do list to look into01:46
Anubiswhile doing intensive things like installing apps, my music play is interrupted01:46
snowblinkgdesklets runs fine on warty01:46
MLimburgnot all of us are on warty01:46
MLimburghang on01:46
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MLimburgyes i am01:46
AnubisI used the one in the repositories01:46
jasonfLinuxJones: ah-ha!01:46
jasonfLinuxJones: I think I know the problem01:46
Anubiswhich is very old01:46
MLimburgdont worry about me .. i need coffee01:46
LinuxJonesDon't complain if you run Hoary :)01:46
jasonfLinuxJones: grub by default looks for a floppy drive -- I have none01:47
thully_hi - I'm rsyncing a hoary install image now - how do I tell how long rsyncing will take?01:47
MLimburgyeah i'm on warty .. i keep getting them mixed up :P01:47
jasonfLinuxJones: gotta love gentoo forums :) they usually have an answer to everything01:47
Anubiscan i "complain" now?01:47
mike998there is a how to on the forums on how to get gdesklets running01:47
Anubismike998, link please?01:47
snowblinkAnubis: what problems with gdesklets?01:47
mike998hang on01:47
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jasonfLinuxJones: so now my question is: any easy way to switch from grub to lilo01:47
MLimburgcool .. ta mike99801:47
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njanjasonf, why would you want to?01:47
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Anubissnowblink, I'll get back with you after I try to install and use the latest version01:48
kirk-codeHey ppl, how can I add TTF fonts (From Windows) to my existing LIVECD Ubuntu ??01:48
Anubisbut the one in the repositories crashed01:48
snowblinkAnubis: I'm using straight out of the warty repos01:48
Anubisand did not come with the gdeklet shell cmd?01:48
jasonfnjan: grub has issues on my system -- it takes >30sec to load a menu01:48
snowblinkAnubis: 0.26.201:48
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Anubissnowblink, WOW01:48
blah09wow hoary is nice01:48
LinuxJonesjasonf, apt-get install lilo && dpkg-reconfigure lilo01:48
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jasonfLinuxJones: it'll copy over all the information in my grub.conf?01:49
snowblinkAnubis: yup. gdesklets whatever.display01:49
jasonfLinuxJones: i.e. windows dual boot and all that01:49
mike998Anubis, check the link I posted01:49
mrproperI am having a hard time getting my PCI wireless card working in Ubuntu 4.10.  Could someone help me?01:49
kirk-codecan anyone help me ?01:49
LinuxJonesjasonf, it used to work the other way around in Debian, I can't say for sure in Ubuntu but I woudl assume so :)01:49
Anubismike998, doing so now01:49
mdzjasonf: no, if you install lilo, you need to configure it01:50
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kirk-codeCan I add TTF Fonts to a Ubuntu running from LiveCD ?01:50
Anubissnowblink, I installed all the displays from the reposite01:50
mrproperSo could someone help me (I hit the wrong button)?01:50
jasonfmdz: will a kpkg still automatically add the kernel to the list?01:50
snowblinkAnubis: you have to start one instance of gdesklets running first01:50
mdzjasonf: no01:50
Anubissnowblink, do i have to type gdesklet display for evereyone?01:50
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mdzjasonf: these are the reasons why grub is preferred over lilo01:50
snowblinkAnubis: AFAIK yes01:50
Anubisand which directory did synaptic hide them in?01:50
jasonfmdz: that's horrible. Blegh.01:50
TreadingSoftl1kirk-code: yes that is possible; there is a command to add fonts to X for a session01:51
mike998meh I prefer gkrellm01:51
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jasonfmdz: well then, possibly you could help me resolve my grub issue01:51
Anubissnowblink, thats why the gdesklet shell was nice01:51
LinuxJonesjasonf, your system works ok except for this error ?01:51
kirk-codeTreadingSoftl1, great... HOW ?01:51
mdzjasonf: I can show you where to report a bug01:51
snowblinkAnubis: /usr/share/gdesklets/01:51
DeltaooLinuxJones : I go the Anjuta installed with the glade stuff. I tried make a simple project but it keeps complaining about stuff like auto config.. etc.. so I did the synaptic stuff.. but now I cant find what its complaining about ...but it is..01:51
Anubissnowblink, thx01:51
jasonfLinuxJones: yes, it works perfectly -- I'm 99.999% sure it has to do with my system01:51
LinuxJonesDeltaoo, install build-essential01:51
jasonflack of floppy drive01:51
jasonfif grub is not compiled with --no-floppy it scans for a floppy whenever it loads01:52
jasonfwhich is probably what is causing my hang01:52
blah09does anyone know whether hoary has the alps drivers yet?01:52
LinuxJonesjasonf, I would just put up with the 30 second boot delay, file a bug and it will eventually be squashed :)01:52
snowblinkAnubis: I'm looking forward to the new gdesklets, but I can wait until April. ;)01:52
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mdzit only looks for a floppy when you run the grub command-line tools; that has nothing to do with when your system boots01:52
kirk-codeTreadingSoftl1, can u help me with this? existing fonts really make me sick01:52
Anubissnowblink, why not install from source?01:52
anusayaIs there an online list of packages in "main"?01:53
jasonfLinuxJones: you have NO IDEA how much a pain it is -- I dual boot and have to boot into windows whenever my gf asks me to (we both have webcams)01:53
Anubisgdesklets /usr/share/gdesklets/Displays/XXXX/ZZZZ.display01:53
Anubisseems like a hassle01:53
jasonfmdz: hrm. Well that was the only usefulness I got from googling.01:53
DeltaooLinuxJones, Whats it mean in synaptic when there's a little ubuntu logo next to the name?01:53
jasonfI guess I'll just file a bug01:53
jdubDeltaoo: that the package is supported01:53
mike998Anubis: In the beginning... was the command line01:53
Deltaoojdub, : Thanx01:53
TreadingSoftl1kirk-code: not an expert; enough trouble getting new fonts to work with installed linux; but i believe once you've got the fonts together in an accessible directory, you can add that directory to places X looks for fonts with the "xset" command01:53
farruinnanusaya: you can browse archive.ubuntu.org or use the apt-cache command01:53
blah09oh does anyone know how i can pin an app to the desktop>01:53
snowblinkAnubis: Not that fussed. Once they are running that's it.01:53
blah09specifically, Eterm01:53
Anubisthats why I suggest installing the latest from source01:54
jasonfAnubis: and you can probably add that line to your xinit01:54
Anubisvia cli01:54
LinuxJonesDeltaoo, you can do a search for build-essential then install it when it comes up01:54
anusayafarruinn: thx01:54
Anubisjasonf, that was my next question will I have to do that everytime I load Gnome?01:54
Anubisif so01:54
mrproperHow can I turn on a  wireless card in Ubuntu 4.10?01:54
AnubisI think I'll get the latest from the site01:54
farruinnanusaya: or synaptic really01:54
FASTanyone else have problems installing mplayer?01:55
TreadingSoftl1kirk-code: if that works, the you can go on and reset the font cache with fc-cache -vf01:55
jasonfAnubis: google about xinit on ubuntu01:55
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mike998mrproper: if the drivers are present, you should be able to see it from Computer > System Configuration > Networking01:55
farruinnmrproper: check http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto01:55
mrpropermike998: I can see it in Networking.  What now?01:55
Anubisalso the nvidia driver install does not work for all kernels01:55
blah09did you check ubuntuguide.org01:55
anusayafarruinn: I haven't installed ubuntu. Just wondering what's supported before I take the plunge01:55
mike998mrproper: right click, properties and fill in all the relevant information01:56
farruinnanusaya: ah, I see, well dpkg/apt is awesome01:56
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mike998I haven't had a chance to try it yet01:56
mrpropermike998: I did that, but it just itmes out or something.01:56
AnubisLinux ubuntu #1 Fri Jan 14 11:40:53 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux01:56
Anubisespecially this kernel01:56
AnubisI had to do it with the Nvida script01:56
stevedoes anyone know how I can get myp linux laptop to hibernate01:56
mike998try me in about a week after my router arrives01:56
Potnrteni magyar?01:56
mdzAnubis: it works for others01:56
blah09wow i like that they split the menu into Places and Desktop01:57
mrpropermike998: I'm trying to enable it now.01:57
goldfishIf you alter /etc/apt/sources.list do i have to update anything or just reboot?01:57
mike998mrproper: you may want to check your logs to ensure that there is nothing there that will help you01:57
Anubismdz, weird01:57
kirtisgoldfish, just apt-get update01:58
Anubis   gDesklets 0.26.2     (April 30th, 2004)01:58
Deltaooas a side question question.. does anyone know why the touchpad on my laptop is not accepting double taps as a left-button double click?01:58
steveagain, anyone know how I can get my linux laptop to hibernate01:58
goldfishkirtis: cheers01:58
Anubis gDesklets 0.33.1     the current release (January 9th, 2005)01:58
mike998steve: check http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryPM01:59
goldfishis nsdiwrapper a package?01:59
mrpropermike998: I'm getting "timeout waiting for mgmt response"01:59
mrproperThen I'm getting "mgmt tx queue is still full01:59
mdzgoldfish: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper02:00
LinuxJonesgoldfish, yeah ndiswrapper-utils02:00
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steveMike is this going to matter that I am on Warty02:00
goldfishmdz: ta02:00
mike998steve: I don't know02:00
stevewell, we shall see02:00
mike998mrproper: can't help you, I'm afraid... you are now officially beyond my knowledge02:00
mrpropermike998: Yeah, okay thanks.02:01
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DeltaooLinuxJones, Is there a collection of lib files// I seem to have to add it libTHIS and libTHAT every so often?? What am I doing wrong??02:01
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Anubisthe gtk-gnutella in the reposite is old so it doesnot connect02:02
LinuxJonesDeltaoo, did you install build-essential ?02:02
AnubisgiFT is totally useless02:02
Anubisso I have lost my fileshare ability for the moment02:02
Anubisand I refuse to use Limewire02:02
blah09anyone here use xine?02:03
Anubiswhy are these packages so old?02:03
AnubisI guess I better join the forums;)02:03
LinuxJonesAnubis, what distro did you use before Ubuntu ?02:03
Anubisnicotine is for soulseek right?02:03
_slice_anubis: yep02:03
AnubisMDK 10.1 recently02:03
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AnubisI was not impressed with soulseek02:03
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snowblinkAnubis: gtk-gnutella is lastest stable isn't it?02:04
Anubisfor peer to peer with someone you know sure02:04
mdzMandrake 10.1 is older than Ubuntu 4.1002:04
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Anubisbut once someone disconnects you lose them as a sourcce02:04
LinuxJonesDeltaoo, maybe a real programmer can help you :)02:04
Anubisand nicotine does not seem smart enough to swarm?02:04
crimsunsnowblink: if it's the missing binary issue in Hoary, I know about it.02:04
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Anubissnowblink, that gtk-gnutella in the reposite is old, its still in ggtk102:04
Anubisthe latest uses gtk202:05
mdzDeltaoo: any necessary libraries are automatically installed for you when you install new (packaged) programs02:05
snowblinkcrimsun: you have me mixed up with someone else02:05
AnubisI'll be back02:05
AnubisI have to take a break02:05
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Anubisthis has been an all day thing02:05
crimsunsnowblink: I don't think so; I was simply stating that preemptively.02:05
Anubisbut I really like the package mangement of Debian/Ubu02:05
nuOpusDelatoo: You must configure the touchpad to accept the double clicks02:06
DeltaooI have not even started with the coding?  When I follow the project wizard through and click the finish.. it goes an does stuff.. but then it fails.. :((02:06
snowblinkcrimsun: I'm curious. What was I going to ask?02:06
nuOpusDelatoo: You must have the synaptic touchpad driver installed and add lines to your X configuration file. Ubuntu does not do this by default02:06
crimsunsnowblink: note the "preemptively."02:06
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snowblinkcrimsun: pre-emptive kernel issues in something. I'm sorry. I'm very lost. :(02:07
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Deltaoohi.. when you synaptic pm where does it download to >>02:08
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crimsunsnowblink: (this discussion has nothing to do with kernel preemption but rather my stating something that you might have found informative if you had intended to ask about the missing-binary issue in the gtk-gnutella package)02:08
MartokHey, how do I install my serial mouse?02:08
MartokDo I need serial mouse support in my kernel?02:09
nuOpuswell the packages are installed automatically Deltaoo02:09
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snowblinkcrimsun: right. I'm using gtk-gnutella just fine. There is a missing binary?02:09
nuOpusDeltaoo: BUT the packages are placed in /var/cache/apt/archives02:09
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crimsunsnowblink: in Hoary, yes. It's "fixed" pending upload.02:09
FASThere is the error i get when doing  sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts02:09
FAST ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network02:09
FASTdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted02:09
FASTdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted02:09
FAST## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'02:09
FAST## repository.02:09
FAST## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu02:09
FAST## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to02:09
FAST## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in02:09
FAST## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security02:09
=== snowblink is using warty. Blissfully away from the edge. ;)
FAST## team.02:10
FASTdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe02:10
FASTdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe02:10
crimsunFAST: please don't flood here, thanks. :)02:10
FASTdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted02:10
FASTdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted02:10
FASTdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse02:10
FASTdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse02:10
FASTdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main02:10
FASTdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main02:10
MartokWhoa, he's not stopping.02:10
FASTdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main02:10
DeltaoonuOpus, Thanx? is there a need to delete them> to save space?02:10
FASTdeb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu/ warty-backports main universe02:10
LinuxJonesgo fast go02:10
MartokI think he's trying to help someone.02:10
crimsunFAST: please read /wiki/RestrictedFormats02:10
goldfishHas anyone d/loaded tux racer via apt-get?02:11
blah09anyone else upgrade from warty to hoary and find that synaptic is broken?02:11
MartokAnybody know about how I'd get my serial mouse installed?02:11
FASTit was an accident that i pasted that02:11
neombroken how blah09?02:11
blah09yeah =/02:11
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blah09The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:11
blah09  synaptic: Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.3 but it is not installable02:11
neomDo you have universe?02:12
blah09thats the error when i apt-get install synaptic02:12
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neomWhy would you apt-get synaptic?02:12
blah09because synaptic won't run02:12
blah09as in, when i type it in it gives an error02:12
blah09file not found02:12
nuOpusDeltaoo: You can type sudo apt-get clean02:13
MartokAnybody know how I can get my serial mouse detected?02:13
blah09hm i have multiverse but not universe, strange, would a dist-upgrade mess with my sources?02:13
Deltaoois there a real player fo linux? or should I use another?02:13
nuOpusDeltaoo: It will remove those packages for you ... to save space02:13
blah09yes there is02:13
nuOpusDeltaoo: Yes. Go to real.com02:13
blah09somewhere on ubuntuguides.org theres a guide02:13
MartokDoes anybody else use a serial mouse?02:13
MartokOr is that too old school?02:14
nuOpusMartok: LOL I would rather move the mouse by touching wires together02:14
nuOpusMartok: Just kidding02:14
MartokI'm doing a project.02:14
Deltaoowill the Totem application work?02:14
neomYou should have universe & multiverse.02:15
MartokWhere I'd need 2 mice at the sametime.02:15
Deltaooas a side question question.. does anyone know why the touchpad on my laptop is not accepting double taps as a left-button double click?02:15
nuOpusDeltaoo: I have not had much luck with totem02:15
nuOpusDeltaoo: You must install the gstreamer ffmpeg package in order to get it to play things02:15
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nuOpusDeltaoo: Yes02:15
blah09oh i do02:15
nuOpusDeltaoo: I use ubuntu on laptop02:15
blah09deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe02:15
blah09right on top i didnt notice02:15
Martoknu0pus: You're lucky I can fight my homacidal urges.02:15
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goldfishhey guys, when i do 'apt-get install ndiswrapper', where does the .inf file go?02:16
blk_hi im trying to get framebuffer support for the console on my ubuntu warty box - is this possible? tnx02:16
goldfishCall "sudo ndiswrapper -i foobar.inf" where foobar.inf is the path to your inf-file.02:16
DeltaoonuOpus, does the double tap on the touchpad work??02:16
nuOpusDeltaoo: yes02:16
nuOpusDeltaoo: You must configure the synaptic touchpad driver02:17
goldfishor does apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils install it all for me?02:17
Deltaoomine don't :( any ideas02:17
mcphailgoldfish: the inf file is with the Windows driver02:17
nuOpuswell . is it a synaptic?02:17
nuOpusmost in laptops are02:17
mcphailgoldfish: you need the windows driver for your card02:17
DeltaoonuOpus, what do you synaptic?02:17
goldfishHow teh hell do i get that mcphail ?02:18
nuOpusWell synaptic package manager and synaptic touchpad are different02:18
nuOpusI think warty installed the synaptics touchpad driver by default02:18
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liquidhexmy MBR got wiped out02:18
mcphailgoldfish: usually from the install disk or manufacturer's website02:18
LinuxJonesgoldfish,  you need to download it from the manufacturers website02:18
goldfishah right02:19
liquidhexhow can i boot into my ubuntu partition and reinstall grub?02:19
altanhttp://www.jrw6.net/gnome.png <--- see the little app shortcuts he has by the post-it icon? How can I get them to be on two lines rather than one?02:19
liquidhexi dont have the installcd02:19
nuOpusDeltaoo: Are you using Warty or Hoary?02:19
Anubiscan I use this package?02:19
blah09synaptic is dead =(02:19
blah09root@loki:/ # synaptic02:19
blah09bash: synaptic: command not found02:19
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nuOpusDeltaoo: If you are using Warty release, cd to /usr/share/doc/xfree86-driver-synaptics02:20
DeltaooI think its Warty02:20
nuOpusand read the Readme02:20
farruinnblah09: did you try installing the package that's causing the problem?02:20
blah09it says it has no installation candidate02:20
nuOpusread the README.Debian file02:20
snowblinkAnubis: yes02:20
Anubisgtk-gnutella_0.95.0-0_i386.deb can I use this?02:20
nuOpusyou have to add a bunch of lines02:20
Anubissnowblink, how?02:20
farruinnblah09: did you do a dist-upgrade?02:20
Cloudchaseri really hate that applications aren't put onto the menu most of the time in ubuntu02:21
nuOpusDeltaoo: That should get it working02:21
snowblinkAnubis: dpkg02:21
blah09from warty to hoary02:21
nuOpusCloudchaser: Ya I know02:21
mdzblah09: that synaptic package you were trying to install is not from Hoary02:22
mdzit looked like you were trying to install the Warty synaptic on Hoary02:22
mdzwhich won't work02:22
Cloudchaseris that fixed in hoary?02:22
blah09hm the only warty repository i have in my sources is the backports one02:22
mdzblah09: that'd be the problem02:22
farruinnblah09: ah, that'd be it02:22
mdzthat backports repository has buggy packges in it02:22
nuOpusblah09: DOH!02:23
mcphailCloudchaser: synaptic tells me I've got over 900 installed packeages. The menu would be HUGE.02:23
blah09is there a hoary equivalent or is it now unnecessary?02:23
nuOpusblah09: You dont need the hoary backports if you are switching to hoary02:23
blah09oh those are hoary backports?02:23
blah09now that i didnt know =)02:23
liquidhexI can't boot into ubuntu, another OS wiped out GRUB! How can I get a boot disk so I can mount my linux partition and reinstall grub?02:23
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mdzliquidhex: use the live CD02:23
liquidhexi lost it02:23
DeltaoonuOpus how do I open the readme02:23
timothydoes anyone know how to get a quicktime plugin in firefox in ubuntu?02:23
liquidhexisnt there a floppydisk image?02:23
nuOpusThe ubuntu backports are for warty users to get updated packages from Hoary ... like Firefox 1.002:24
Anubissnowblink, dpkg --help lots of options, none seem straight forward02:24
nuOpusDeltaoo: type less filename02:24
AnubisI just want to install this app02:24
snowblinkAnubis: dpkg -i yourpackage.deb02:24
blah09ahhh synaptic is installing =)02:24
blah09thanks everyone02:24
nuOpusblah09: What did you do?02:24
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Anubissnowblink, will this break my warty?02:24
blah09got rid of the entry for the backports02:24
nuOpusblah09: LOL02:24
Cloudchaserwell there still has to be a better way..if i install an app i want it to go into the menu02:24
snowblinkAnubis: nope. You should be good.02:24
goldfishAnyone know what card is inside a Dell 8600 ?02:25
blah09you still have xp installed?02:25
DeltaoonuOpus, What do  I do then?02:25
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nuOpusCloudchaser: I notices that most of the package maintainers seem to not like to add .desktop files for their packages in debian based distros02:25
blah09anyway goldfish it should be stated in your device manager02:26
Cloudchaseri installed point2play and cedega and there's supposed to be a transgaming entry with point2play in it02:26
nuOpusCloudchaser: A lot of the packagers for Fedora or SuSE and most other RPM based distros seem to do a good job at creating entries for most packages02:26
Croccifixioguys where did eyequeue disappear?02:26
goldfishblah09: oh that to me, yeah i have xp02:26
stuNNedhi, what do i need installed for windows file sharing to work via network-admin?02:26
nuOpusCloudchaser: But debian maintainers .. ubuntu too? seem to be lazy02:26
Anubissnowblink, why is'nt this file in the repository?!?02:26
goldfishblah09: is there a device manager in ubuntu?02:26
Cloudchaserits just one more little annoying thing i guess02:27
snowblinkAnubis: Warty was frozen some time ago - only security updates now.02:27
blah09its in administration02:27
blah09in one of the menus02:27
blah09i already forgot what its called in warty02:27
goldfishsorry man im still n00btarded02:27
Anubissnowblink, so has everyone fled to Hoary?02:27
snowblinkanubis: If you want cutting edge, then go to hoary. I'm happy on a stable warty system.02:28
goldfishblah09: It's called Device Manager, heh.02:28
Anubissnowblink, also once installed will synaptic see it to uninstall it?02:28
blah09sound broke too02:28
snowblinkAnubis: yes it should02:28
blah09did that one faulty entry just nuke my whole install? =/02:29
blah09although... system sounds still work02:29
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randabisrunning hoary :)02:30
mdzblah09: caution is definitely advisable when adding entries to sources.list; you are trusting that repository with the integrity and security of your system02:31
Cloudchaserhmmm i installed point2play and cedega but point2play doesn't seem to see it, so i hit the get newest version button and it downloaded it again..very odd02:31
blah09yeah i think i've learnt that lesson today =/02:31
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neomI've yet to have an issue with hoary.02:33
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neomSynaptic froze today for like, 10 seconds when I tried to exit it, but that's about it.02:33
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Deltaoook. so how do I get real player to play a video online?02:33
blah09xmms stopped working02:33
blah09and xine also has no sound02:33
crimsunblah09: are they all set to use esd?02:35
Croccifixioanybody here used vsftpd?02:35
blah09is esd new?02:35
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crimsunno, it has been the default sound config since before Warty02:36
blah09oh i thought it was alsa02:36
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blah09is esd newer on the whole?02:36
crimsunwell, technically yes, Ubuntu Warty uses ALSA, but GNOME uses EsounD, which uses ALSA's OSS emulation.02:37
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Deltaoook. so how do I get real player to play a video online?02:37
blah09ok sound works everywhere now i think02:37
Anubisthis gtk-gnutella package is compiled with gtk1 not 2!?! wtf for?!02:37
crimsunthere is movement to replace EsounD in GNOME with polypaudio. This may or may not make it in time for Hoary (probably not given the lateness).02:37
LinuxJonesDeltaoo, click the file in firefox and when it asks to open the file or save to disk specify the a path to your real player installation binary02:38
mcphailDeltaoo: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#realplayer02:38
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blah09awesome, looks like the search for the perfect distro is over =)02:41
=== Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
FASTdoes it take a long time to do an  apt-get dist upgrade  from warty to hoary?02:43
jdubdepends on your 'net connection02:44
jdubit's quite a few hundred megs, depending on what you've installed02:44
jdubbroadband doesn't say anything about speed :)02:44
FASTwhat about the live cd02:44
blah09mine was 600mb02:44
FASTcan you install from the live cd?02:44
jdubno, you can't02:44
neomIs limewire nix compatable?02:46
LinuxJonesneom, yes it is02:47
neomCan't find it in synaptic?02:47
LinuxJonesneom, there is a howto somwhere on the ubuntu website but you have to install java02:47
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LinuxJonesneom, which seems to be a real pain02:48
neomIs there any other p2p that isn't as..complicated to install?02:48
Deltaooboohoo.. whats that link to the real player faq??02:48
FASTinstalling java wasn't difficult02:49
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FASTanyone happen to know what file the winamp equalizer presets are stored in?  so i can import into xmms02:51
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LinuxJonesFAST, they wouldn't sound the same even if you could import them02:51
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FASTsnap :\02:52
FASTthere IS an import option in xmms to load a winamp preset list02:52
FASThmm i just did it!02:52
FASTand they work just fine02:52
FASTWinamp.q1  was the file02:53
randabisI need some presets for xmms02:53
FASTif anyone wants to trty02:53
randabisI suck with eqs lol02:53
FASTyou want me to dcc you the file to import them?02:53
FASTi haven't tried dcc-ing anything yet, dunno if it will work behind the router02:54
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DeltaooHi. when I try and open a video(realplay) it sez could not find appropriate hxplay in system path...02:54
randabisyeah it's just sitting there02:54
FASTjust get this then,    http://members.cox.net/lafolieverte/Winamp.q102:55
goldfishany .wma to .mp3 conertors for ubuntu?02:56
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crimsungoldfish: via mplayer, yes.02:56
blah09dont the w32codecs include wma?02:56
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DeltaooHi. when I try and open a video(realplay) it sez could not find appropriate hxplay in system path... WHys that? and when I click it from menu sez no sucj file02:56
imaekI was wondering, how do you install fonts in Ubuntu?02:56
randabisI wonder if it would be safe to use my current /home partition with freebsd...02:57
crimsunimaek: Warty or Hoary?02:58
neomHow do I get an transparent borderless windowless terminal on my desktop?02:58
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raydogg_I'd be willing to bet no randabis02:58
imaekcrimsun: Warty.02:58
crimsunimaek: in Nautilus, drag fonts into fonts:///02:58
randabisheh yeah I figured as much02:58
blah09is current hoary running Xorg already?02:58
imaekOk, thanks.02:58
crimsunblah09: yes.02:58
FASTis there a hoary iso out that isn't the live cd ?02:58
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randabisthere are daily hoary snapshots, as well as array 302:59
DeltaooHi. when I try and open a video(realplay) it sez could not find appropriate hxplay in system path... WHys that? and when I click it from menu sez no sucj file02:59
crimsunarray 4 is out, too.02:59
blah09ah ok i hadnt noticed02:59
imaekDoes anyone happen to know where the font "Fixedsys" resides on a windows machine?02:59
crimsun(please test!)02:59
randabisah didn't notice array 4 was released02:59
jdahlinHi, are Secure Card type flash cards (SD) readers supported in ubuntu?02:59
FASTcan you get the hoary iso and upgrade warty from it ?02:59
goldfishWhen i turn on transparency in terminal settings it won't work. Anything i can do to get transparency?02:59
mdzFAST: there are daily install and live CDs, and bi-weekly milestones02:59
crimsungoldfish: how are you setting the backdrop?02:59
randabisfortunately I've had no need to reinstall hoary :)02:59
mdzFAST: yes, you can upgrade using the CD, but it isn't very simple02:59
FASTok thanks02:59
mdzFAST: upgrading from hoary with a CD will be easier03:00
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blah09which reminds me, is it possible to pin windows e.g. an eterm to the desktop?03:00
randabisyou guys are wanting something like this huh? (terminal peeps)03:00
blah09i almost got it too03:00
goldfishcrimsun: eh.. well i went into profeil clicked on the transparecny box03:00
Mantlei can't get modprobe to install the ndiswrapper module, but ndiswrapper shows that my card is detected and running... any ideas?03:00
goldfishgah my typing !03:00
neomWhats the terminal ftp command to send a file to the ftp server?03:00
raydogg_how come mplayer isn't in the repositories?03:00
crimsunraydogg_: /wiki/RestrictedFormats03:00
crimsunraydogg_: unofficial rationale there03:01
DeltaooHi. when I try and open a video(realplay) it sez could not find appropriate hxplay in system path... WHys that? and when I click it from menu sez no sucj file03:01
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mdzraydogg_: multiverse03:02
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blah09randabis: http://server3.uploadit.org/files/hizz99-eterm.jpg03:02
kirtisneom, Probably 'put'.. but it's been a while.  Use scp if you can.03:02
neomsend seemed to work.03:02
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goldfishDo you have to d/l any extra files to get transparency to work on the standard terminal that comes with ubuntu?03:03
randabisblah09, cool, I likes my yellow though :p seems to fit the color scheme well03:03
blah09i used Eterm for mine03:03
geppyWhere does apache2 store web files03:03
Mantlei can get my (broadcom) card working in knoppix using ndiswrapper, but not in ubuntu.. can anyone help?03:03
randabisI use Terminal03:03
blah09heh yellow wouldnt work with mine methinks03:03
kirk-codecan anyone help me about adding TTF fonts (from windows) to a ubuntu running form liveCD ?03:03
randabisred might :p03:03
wm_eddiegoldfish: It can do sort-of transparency03:03
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goldfishblah09: Full transparency with Eterm?03:04
randabisfull transparency with eterm, aterm, Terminal03:04
wm_eddieblah09: using Xorg?03:04
randabispossibly with gnome-terminal too, but I haven't figured out how to remove the window borders03:04
blah09apparently i am now =)03:04
randabisyou're still running gnome 2.8...03:05
blah09thats the one i made during the dist-upgrade03:05
blah09so it was on xfree03:05
imaekWhen I drag a font into "fonts:///" in Natalus, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?03:05
LinuxJoneskirk-code, you can install msttcorefonts and get the common MS fonts on your system03:05
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crimsunimaek: TrueType font, correct? have you logged back into GNOME?03:06
geppywhere does apache 2 store files?03:06
imaekCorrect, crimsun.03:06
imaekNo, I have not.03:06
Mantlewhen i run "modprobe ndiswrapper" it complains "module ndiswrapper doesn't exist"... how can i see if the problem is ndiswrapper or modprobe?03:06
imaekShould I?03:06
encryptiogeppy: /var/www by default.03:06
popeygeppy, have a look in the apache config in /etc/apache2 to find out03:06
popeyusually /var/www03:06
chillywillyhey I just tried to get the live cd to boot but it did not like my onboard nvidia video03:06
geppythere's no public_html, is that okay?03:06
crimsunchillywilly: the latest live cd? see the topic? ;)03:06
imaekcrimsun: I will restart xserver, be right back.03:06
crimsunargh, topic already changed03:06
chillywillyhoary image url?03:07
randabisMantle, I think you need to do ndiswrapper -e first (or something, check ndiswrapper --help)03:07
chillywillyI am burning the install cd now03:07
randabismight be -m03:07
crimsun19:31 -!- Topic for #ubuntu: Ubuntu Help | FAQ: ... || things that are broken include: X on Array 3, Hoary live CD03:07
soulsyphonftp install was fun03:07
chillywillyhow can I install hoary right away? is it best to do a dist-upgrade?03:08
Mantlerandabis: i tried both of those already03:08
LinuxJoneswhat is Array 3 ?03:08
pepperpotchillywilly: i think dist-upgrade is correct03:08
Mantlerandabis: ndiswrapper -l is reporting that my driver is installan dand hardware is present03:08
randabisarray 3 is a milestone release of hoary I believe03:08
randabiscrimsun said array 4 is out now though03:08
=== pepperpot doing dist-upgrade to hoary from sid
blah09there, happy?03:09
blah09btw does anyone know how to get rid of those error messages in apt-get?03:09
Parallax1blah09: how did you do that transparency03:09
chillywillydamn you guys have hoary cds now ;P03:09
blah09Eterm -O -f white --scrollbar=no --buttonbar off -x03:09
chillywillyguess I just wasted some disks ;P03:10
kirk-codemy newly added fonts wont appear in the font util03:10
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randabis:p I think I already posted that03:10
randabisoh well03:10
LinuxJoneskirk-code, you might have to re-start gnome to see them :)03:10
soulsyphonblah09, apt-get all your args 2>/dev/null03:10
soulsyphonthat might work03:10
soulsyphonyou could just do03:10
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i can't this is a livecd03:10
popeyhow do you get that terminal to be in the background on the desktop?03:10
blah09where in my system can i add public keys so apt-get wont complain?03:10
soulsyphonblah09, apt-get all your args 2>&1 &03:10
soulsyphoni think03:11
neomAnyone know a decent ftp client? terminal just isn't doing it for me.03:11
blah09what do you mean soul?03:11
LinuxJoneskirk-code, lol03:11
Cloudchaserok any cedega/point2play users here/03:11
popeyoh, i see, its not background03:11
popeyjust transparent with no edges03:11
soulsyphonblah09, to get rid of the error msgs03:11
mdzchillywilly: hoary is in development; the final CDs won't be released until April03:11
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i know.. but i must look at how things look like with these fonts03:11
Cloudchaserok thanks03:11
mdzchillywilly: the current hoary CD images are development snapshots03:11
soulsyphonif thier isnt a --quiet argument to pass it03:11
randabisI wonder how usplash is doing03:11
randabisno updates in a month03:11
chillywillyI am brave though03:11
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i'm at this mess for about 2 hours now.. can u help? i've gotten almost there.. just need gnome to display the added fonts in the dont util or sth03:12
LinuxJoneskirk-code, the fonts look nice jsut go ahead and install :)03:12
chillywillyI usually run debian sid :)03:12
nosrepaello all03:12
mdzrandabis: sunday night, with luck03:12
randabismdz that's AWESOME :)03:12
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randabiseven if it's a few days later, that still rocks03:12
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mdzrandabis: it can't be much later; feature freeze is 5 days away :-)03:13
TwiggyHow can I turn on dma to my cdrom drive?  My dvd playback is 00ber choppy03:13
randabismdz yeah I noticed :)03:13
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randabisexciting times03:13
engieHi. Any idea what package on hoary I need to install to get a mp3 codec for totem?03:14
LinuxJoneskirk-code, mdz, Hoary is frozen in 5 days ?03:14
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i was talking about the fonts thing03:14
randabischeck the release schedule03:14
LinuxJoneskirk-code, sorry that wasn't meant for you :)03:14
kirk-codecan anyone do me a favor and help me at this.. it's been 2 hours...03:15
kirk-codei'm not a quitter.. but its really getting frustrating...03:15
crimsunLinuxJones: feature freeze, yes.03:15
LinuxJonescrimsun, cool03:16
raydogg_is that down03:17
raydogg_cuz its not working for me03:17
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blah09strange, i installed the marillat's public key and apt-get still isnt happy03:17
crimsunraydogg_: it's most definitely not down.03:18
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crimsunraydogg_: what are you trying to accomplish?03:18
kirk-codehow can i make gnome reload fonts ?!03:19
FASTanyone else haev a problem with the notification area panel item? when restarting/logging into gnome, it's not positioned properly (e.g. gaim icon is 95% hidden)03:19
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raydogg_Im' trying to install mplayer03:22
raydogg_and it says it has unresolved dependencies03:22
Mantlein array-4 what is "array" referring to?03:22
crimsunraydogg_: are you following the directions?03:22
raydogg_the first repo installs fine03:23
raydogg_the second one doesn't03:23
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giardso the mouse cursors are changing?03:23
crimsunraydogg_: what command are you using to install mplayer?03:23
crimsunraydogg_: and which mplayer package are you attempting to install?03:24
raydogg_was using gui03:24
raydogg_i tried the command on the page it did not work03:25
raydogg_and i tried the mplayer for 38603:25
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raydogg_i also tried mplayer-nogui03:25
crimsunI tested this afternoon, so it should work03:25
raydogg_i'm on warty03:26
crimsunyes, those are specifically backported for warty.03:26
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crimsunraydogg_: works for me from a clean warty chroot that I just constructed.03:28
raydogg_what command did you type ?03:29
crimsunapt-get install mplayer-386=1.0-pre6a-0.003:29
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neomI have a wierd ass issue here.03:29
goldfishI did a apt-get install eterm03:29
jasonfThen I'd reccomend going to a qualified assologist, neom03:29
neomMy mouse randomy stops responding, and I have to unplug it and plug it back in for it to work again.03:29
goldfishhow do i lauch an eterm terminal?03:29
raydogg_mmm, that is working, how come i wasn't able to do it from the gui ?03:29
kirk-codehow can i make gnome-font-properties show my installed fonts ??03:29
neomgoldfish - In a regulare terminal use "eterm"03:30
crimsunraydogg_: because my backport is deliberately epoched lower than the package in the debian-marillat repo to ensure a smooth dist-upgrade from Warty to Hoary.03:30
raydogg_I see03:30
goldfishneom: command not found? Do i need an apt-get upgrade?03:30
blah09capital E03:30
crimsunraydogg_: the package in the debian-marillat repo was rebuilt against versions of packages not available in Warty.03:31
=== goldfish walks away in embarrasement
goldfishcheers :)03:31
jasonfwhere does make-kpkg put the kernel-image by default?03:31
LinuxJoneskirk-code, you actually have to install them on hard drive :)03:31
crimsunjasonf: ../03:31
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kirk-codeLinuxJones, don't tell me i did all this for nothing03:32
jbahey gang03:32
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i have them in /home/fonts03:32
neommuhahaha! I crashed it.03:32
jasonfcrimsun: well, it didn't03:32
neomI took a screenshot, and the screenshot application crashed. :o03:32
LinuxJoneskirk-code, you might be able to archive your /home dir to your actual hard disk and then restore from backup after you do an actual install.03:33
crimsunjasonf: then vmlinux didn't build successfully?03:33
jasonfcrimsun: it did build successfully03:33
jasonfas did all the modules03:33
crimsunjasonf: I presume you're in /usr/src/linux-foo/ ?03:34
kirk-codeLinuxJones, but i cant do a install, the whole idea here that i see how it looks with TTF fonts, because right now it's really ugly and i won't continue with it03:34
kirk-codeLinuxJones,  the fonts make a BIG difference for me03:34
jasonfcrimsun: I know what I did, I did a "make-kpkg" and forgot the kernel-image on the end03:34
goldfishblah09:  Eterm -O -f white --scrollbar=no --buttonbar off -x03:34
goldfishi tried that03:34
goldfishbut it aint transparent :/03:35
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i already added the fonts to the X cache.. and i can see then using xfontsel. all is left is to make gnome-font-properties show them03:35
josephus_Eterm -x -g 80x25+200+70 --buttonbar=0 --trans --shade=0 --font4 edges -F 10x20 -f white --scrollbar=no03:35
LinuxJoneskirk-code, free up a few gigs and try an install it will take you at most 4 hours to get up and running.03:35
kirk-codeLinuxJones, i cant do that03:36
LinuxJoneskirk-code, what resolution are you running the live cd @ ?03:36
kirk-codei NEED those fonts03:36
LinuxJoneskirk-code, what you see is what you get. Why are you so concerned about how the fonts look ?03:36
kirk-codethis antialiasing makes me sick03:36
kirk-codei really feel like im gonna puke any moment03:37
kirk-codeand dont say i can turn AA off, because then it's worse03:37
LinuxJoneskirk-code, well you know what the alternative looks like with all of it's shortcomings :D03:37
kirk-codeLinuxJones, no... all i want is to put the windows fonts in03:38
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kirk-codei know it can be done03:38
bitfooarent they in fonts:///03:38
kirk-codethey are inside my /home/fonts03:38
LinuxJoneskirk-code, I would rather puke than have a machine with 50 shitty worms and virus's03:38
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neomThe only thing I don't like about eterm is that you still have the eterm icon on your system bar.03:38
svendCan someone running Ubuntu Warty tell me what version of Bash is installed?03:38
kirk-codei did a mkfontscale;mkfontsdir;xset +fp /home/fonts; xset fp rehash03:38
bitfoowhat the :/03:39
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mcphailsvend: GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (i386-pc-linux-gnu)03:39
bitfooi just untarred them into my fonts dir03:39
raydogg_how do you fullscreen with mplayer?03:39
bitfoofc-cache -fv ./03:39
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svendmcphail: Thanks.  I am trying Hoary, which has bash-3.0, and I couldn't remember what Warty had.03:40
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mcphailsvend: no probs.03:40
randabisfreesbie is okay, but my net didn't work out of the box :/ don't know enough about bsd to set it up03:40
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LinuxJoneskirk-code, can't you do a search on google and find out what the fonts look like in a .png graphic ?03:42
goldfishXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:42
goldfishXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:42
goldfish*** tuxracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual03:42
goldfishAnyone know what is wrong there?03:42
raydogg_if you press "f" it fullscreens the app, but it doesn't stretch the video03:42
bitfoowhat are the array versions03:42
raydogg_how can u make the video stretch ?03:42
LinuxJonesgoldfish,  you need to install a binary driver for your video card03:42
goldfishWhere can I get one of those?03:43
LinuxJonesgoldfish, it's on www.ubuntuguide.org03:43
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goldfishLinuxJones: ok, thanks.03:43
LinuxJonesgoldfish, have fun, lots of greats stuff there :)03:43
goldfishLinuxJones: lol03:43
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Cloudchaserhow would i change something in my XF86Config file without messing it up so i can't change it again with the configuration program?03:44
LinuxJonesCloudchaser, did you modify /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 by hand ?03:45
svendbitfoo: the array versions are testing releases (milestones) of the installer and live cd03:45
CloudchaserLinuxJones, no i haven't03:45
svendbitfoo: hoary is at array-4 now03:45
Cloudchaseri read that if you do that you can't use the configuration tool03:45
Cloudchaserbut i don't know how to get that configuration tool03:45
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LinuxJonesCloudchaser, ok dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 will continue to work, until you modify that file by hand03:46
Cloudchaserok thank you i'll try that03:47
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calamariI think there is some kind of bug in ubuntu03:47
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goldfishcalamari: live cd?03:47
calamariI've lost my firefox bookmarks twice now03:48
jasonfis it a beetle or a roach?03:48
goldfishah right03:48
neomThat's a firefox but iirc.03:48
neomAnd there is an extention to prevent it.03:48
calamarineom: except that when ff loads (after losing the bookmarks) it shows an ubuntu welcome page03:48
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goldfishneom: that Eterm?03:49
calamarineom: somehow ubuntu is initializing them03:49
neomYah goldfish.03:49
calamarigoldfish: nope.. regular install03:49
calamarican I get my bookmarks back somehow ?03:49
=== wmealing sighs.. can anyone confirm that the hoarey live CD for ppc doesnt work ?
wmealingwont boot from CD ?03:50
u404hey.. i want to install ubuntu, but cannot get anywhere, because i get the error: your installation cd-rom could not be mounted. this possibly means that the cd-rom was not in the drive.03:50
wmealingmd5 sum matches here, simply wont boot.03:50
u404can anyone help me?03:51
u404i tried 2 different cd-roms, but got the same03:51
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Dwayne_anyone there03:51
Dwayne_i need help03:51
LinuxJonesu404, sounds like a corrupted download, check the md5sum on the .iso file03:51
goldfishDwayne_: ask away03:52
u404ok, i will try03:52
Dwayne_okay well03:52
Dwayne_i installed Ubuntu03:52
carambolu404: try it with cdwriter03:52
Dwayne_it wants me to add a user03:52
Dwayne_so.. it asks for Full name of User, and i type Dwayne Dingman03:53
calamarianyone have an idea why I lost my bookmarks and how to get them back?03:53
Dwayne_then it asks for Username: dwayne (sets it to that automatically, but i can change it)03:53
Dwayne_then it asks for Password: admin03:53
Dwayne_so then it reboots and asks for username and password but it doesn't work03:53
Dwayne_i just want it to load like windows :\03:53
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goldfishDwayne_: Don't use admin as a password.03:53
Dwayne_but i didn't the first time03:54
Dwayne_i reinstalled it03:54
goldfishDwayne_: What happens? u get a blank screen?03:54
Dwayne_i'll talk to you in PM03:54
goldfishI don't know alot :)03:54
calamarianyone know where firefox keeps the bookmarks?03:54
calamarimaybe there is a backup copy?03:55
neomcalamari - I would suggest you use this http://www.pikey.me.uk/mozilla/03:55
toojaysdoes anyone here have the iso for array-4 (daily 20040204) ppc? i tried to get it with jigdo, but two packages are missing from archive.ubuntu03:56
calamarineom: so the way to fix the ubuntu bug is to back up my bookmarks.. LOL03:56
calamarithanks tho03:56
neomWell, it will restore them if they get corruped.03:56
calamariit will help the next time.. maybe I should store my bookmarks online03:56
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Dwayne_can anyone help me?03:56
calamaricould code a bookmarks page in php or something :)03:56
calamaridwayne: what are you trying to do? log in?03:58
Dwayne_yeah yeah03:58
goldfishneom: How do i set the backround image?03:59
goldfishneom: for eter,03:59
neomThat's my wallpaper you are seeing.03:59
Dwayne_okay okay calamari03:59
Dwayne_when installing Ubuntu03:59
goldfishEterm:  Error:  Unable to locate desktop window.  If you are running Enlightenment, please03:59
Dwayne_it asks me to add a user03:59
goldfishneom: yeash, it's transparent when i try start it i get that04:00
calamaridwayne: okay.. and you did, right?04:00
Dwayne_yes yes04:00
calamaridwayne: ok.. so then what happened?04:00
Dwayne_so when i add the users full name (mine), it will set the username as "dwayne" and then when i enter in a password04:00
Dwayne_then it reboots04:00
Dwayne_then its like in DOS mode in windows04:00
calamarithen what?04:00
Dwayne_and says04:00
Dwayne_localhost username:04:00
Dwayne_so i enter in dwayne04:00
neomxwindows didn't start?04:01
Dwayne_then it pauses and wont let me type in the password04:01
calamarisounds like the x server failed04:01
Dwayne_yeah thats it04:01
Dwayne_x server came up04:01
goldfishmight be the same problem as me after all04:01
calamaridoes it seem toi blink a few times and go away?04:01
Dwayne_not sure04:01
Dwayne_let me check04:01
neomhoary or warty?04:01
goldfishneom: me?04:02
calamariwait for it to "blink away" a few times, then try to type your username & password04:02
calamaridwayne: it will most likely pop up a blue screen telling you that the x server failed04:02
goldfishi got a blue screen04:02
goldfishbut no errors at all04:02
goldfishit just froze04:02
neomgoldfish did you use apt-get or synaptic?04:03
goldfishneom: apt-get04:03
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goldfishneom: apt-get install eterm04:03
Dwayne_i just rebooted04:03
Dwayne_and it didn't give me an error04:03
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Dwayne_it did when i first formatted04:03
goldfishDwayne_: so can u login?04:04
Dwayne_says my username is invalid04:04
neomgoldfish - get eterm-themes too04:04
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MLimburgguys, got an issue here .. there seems to be no sound on my setup, but if i turn up the volume to max, i can hear the background noise going up slightly .. so it looks like its installed but something is screwy .. also, when playing a MP3, it *speeds* along, like a 4 minute song is silently played in 20 seconds .. any ideas?04:04
goldfishneom: cheers04:04
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mike998hmmm how do I get firestarter (a program that requires sudo privelidges) to run when I start gnome?04:05
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Jeyradhi there dwayne04:05
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Dwayne_so anyone going to help?04:05
neomDwayne - use "root" for your username, and try your password with that username.04:05
Jeyradwhy would that work?04:06
Dwayne_okie dokie04:06
MLimburgnever seen a sound error like this before .. got me stumped04:06
neomJeyrad - if he typoed somewhere in the install, then if he can at least get in as root he can change *his* accounts username.04:06
neom-username +password04:07
Dwayne_neom, i type in "root" but when i hit enter04:07
Dwayne_it goes to Password:04:07
Dwayne_but i cant type04:07
Dwayne_i can only hit enter again04:07
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neomyou can type04:07
neomYou just can't see it.04:07
neomInstead of *** it just shows blank.04:07
Dwayne_okie dokit04:07
Dwayne_brb again04:07
Jeyradyou didnt know that dwayne?04:08
Dwayne_now it says04:08
goldfishneom: Do I need to do anything else with eterm now?04:08
Dwayne_root@localhost #04:08
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neomnow type04:08
neomuseradd dwayne04:08
Dwayne_hopefully linux is better than windows04:08
goldfishIT IS04:08
Jeyradxsession start or somthing04:08
Dwayne_im in my username04:09
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Dwayne_now it says dwayn@localhost $04:09
encryptiodudes. startx.04:09
wm_eddiecoven is for a group of vampires?04:09
Jeyradyou sure?04:09
encryptioi'm sure.04:09
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goldfishyesah lol04:09
neomIf his x server won't start at startup, why do you think it will run from command?04:09
wm_eddieUbuntu 6.x Coveny Vampire04:09
encryptioif it runs on that command, then it's a gdm problem.04:09
Dwayne_xstart not a valid command :X04:09
Jeyradit might04:09
Jeyradstartx dwayne04:09
encryptioDwayne_: startx04:09
Dwayne_doesn't work04:10
goldfishdpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree8604:10
goldfishRun that command04:10
goldfishYou might need to be root04:11
neomI'd suggest you run "sudo apt-get -f install"04:11
bretzelHi :-) ...again ... mmm Which file to edit to restore GDM as the display man ? ( I replaced with kdm when installing it and finally changed my mind)04:11
Jeyradyou do need to be root to engage xsessions04:11
Dwayne_type sudo apt-get -f install?04:11
neomI'd do that and see what the output is.04:11
Jeyradi dont think sudo works anymore, isnt it just su04:11
encryptioJeyrad: sudo is for systems with root disabled (ubuntu, osx)04:12
encryptio"sudo -s" to get the effect of "su"04:12
goldfishsudo does04:12
goldfishbloody lag04:12
Dwayne_just gives me 0 upgrades, 0 new installtions04:12
Jeyradi had this same problem with debian04:12
Jeyradbut i fixed it some how, cant remember04:13
Dwayne_how is this better than windows? :X04:13
Jeyraditi s04:13
neomtry this "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"04:13
Jeyradyou have to get into xwindows04:13
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Jeyradkde or gnome04:13
bretzeljeyrad: GNOME is prettier than KDE04:14
Dwayne_all 0's04:14
Jeyradkde is much better04:14
mike998yipes... a kde vs gnome war04:14
Jeyradwhat? kde is better04:14
bretzelJeyrad: kde is better because of more apps support like KDevelop which I can't live without... k3b, and the like - otherwize, gnome is far better and light04:15
mike998Jeyrad: I ain't touching that one with a ten foot barge pole04:15
u404where can i get ubuntu linux md5 checksums?04:15
mike998you should never discuss: Religion, Politics or Window Manager preferences04:15
Jeyradyeah. KDE is better though :P04:15
neomDwayne_ - sudo apt-get install xserver-common04:15
bretzellisten all: I was a hard KDE user before I jumped to Ubuntu - gnome is far more beautyfull than KDE. :-) hahahaha04:15
randabisI perfer xfce04:16
mike998personally, I have always preferred gnome...04:16
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bretzelanyway: Which file to edit to restore GDM as the display man ? ( I replaced with kdm when installing it and finally changed my mind)04:16
Jeyradive always prefered kde, and wish to never go to gnome04:16
Jeyradthats why i dont like FC304:16
snowblinkbretzel: /etc/X11/default-display-manager04:17
mike998pah... FCx are pretty awful04:17
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neomDwayne_ - Did that do anything?04:17
mike998i tried 1, 2 and 3 and didn't like any of them04:17
Dwayne_hold on04:17
Jeyradit didnt even have my audio drivers04:17
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bretzelsnowblink: ok wait I ...sh*&^T I am blind - If could see that file before asking here ;-(04:18
Dwayne_neom: told me to put in the CD-Rom04:18
Dwayne_so i did04:18
Dwayne_installing stuff?04:18
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neomShould be installing x server.04:19
Dwayne_neom: it did04:19
Dwayne_now what?04:19
thullyhi - does anyone know how to tell how long an rsync will take?04:19
Jeyradchill out neom04:19
Dwayne_that doesn't work04:19
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neomno shit04:19
Dwayne_dont get pissed at me04:19
Jeyradooh yeah04:19
Dwayne_i'm new to linux04:19
neomsudo apt-get install xserver-xfree8604:19
Jeyradyouve got to config it to use gnome or kde right?04:20
neomHe has to get the Xfree86 X server first.04:20
Jeyradgood point :P04:20
mike998Dwayne_: have you actually done anything with your system yet?04:21
mike998like, installed anything, or logged into it?04:21
Dwayne_i dunno :X04:21
Dwayne_neom, i typed sudo apt-get install xserver ;\04:21
mike998okay... let me rephrase that - you did the ubuntu install... and have you logged into your system yet?04:21
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Dwayne_installed ubuntu, kinda :X04:22
neommike - He installed it but x server is failing.04:22
Dwayne_neom, can i just talkt o you in PM?04:22
mike998okay - well, it may be a good idea to do a reinstall?04:22
neommike - he also had no username. only root. :s04:22
Dwayne_i had a username04:22
Dwayne_but i didn't know it didn't show the ****04:22
Dwayne_neom i'ma chat with you in PM04:22
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goldfishI had the same problem 4 times, i did 4 installs and no gui.04:22
mike998ya know... nothing is installed... why not just cut your losses and reinstall ?04:23
mike998I did it with this laptop...  and now I am up and running04:23
goldfishreinstall didnt work for me04:23
goldfishdpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree8604:23
goldfishi had to run that04:23
mike998hmmm - interesting04:24
goldfishand it got the gui working for me.04:24
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jasonfwhy isn't mplayer anywhere in the ubuntu repositories?04:24
Jeyradscrew this, im sticking with debian04:25
neomCan't you just add the debian repository?04:25
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mike998jasonf: isn't that in one of the repsoitories that you have to manually add?04:26
jasonfno idea04:26
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kox-roxhow can i get mp3 plkug04:26
kox-roxplugin for rhythmbox?04:26
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mike998jasonf: http://ubuntuguide.org/ is the first place I would look if I were you04:26
mike998but I personally use xine04:27
pussfellerwhats the gstreamer thing that has support fro musepack04:27
e-Jahkox-rox: ths remark for jasonf by mike998 is available too for you ;)04:27
kox-roxxine i dont like... rhythmbox looks a bit like itunes04:27
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pepperpotrhythmbox crashes a lot...04:28
pussfellerwhy would u use xine for music, isnt the playlist support really bad04:28
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mike998eh... actually I use XMMS for my music needs04:28
Jeyraddebian roxors my boxors04:28
randabisthat's for rhythmbox04:28
pepperpotubuntu roxors my debian boxors04:28
pussfellerrhythmbox isnt the most stable app in the world, its true04:28
kox-roxbut i'd really like to use rhythmbox04:28
=== pepperpot dist-upgrading sid to hoary
Jeyraddebian roxors my ubuntu boxors04:28
kox-roxisnt there any package out ?04:29
pussfellertho, this is the first time its actually started without crashing04:29
pussfellerso its getting better04:29
randabisubuntu just r0x :)04:29
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pepperpots'all good as long your boxors are roxors04:29
Jeyradits so roxxors it rox my chicken pox04:29
mike998your boxors are roxors???04:29
pussfellerim going to give my mom the disk and see how she does without help04:30
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mike998pussfeller: my dad is trying ubuntu... no help from me (bit far away for a tech support call04:30
Jeyradwhat a name. pussfeller04:31
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pussfellerblame my mom Jeyrad04:31
pepperpotJeyrad: you gotsors chicken pox0rz?04:31
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tgechohey, anyone know if anything came of that contest?04:31
pussfellermike998, has he been successful04:31
mike998dunno..  Haven't spoken to him in a couple of days... but he did seem to be making VERY good progress - he...04:32
Lutty1Newb question: how do I setup a internet dialup connection in ubuntu?04:32
mike998prefers KDE *sniff*04:32
pepperpothmm, have a chemical brothers song stuck in my head now... "Don't rely on this to get you high"04:32
pussfelleri took off her win98 a couple years ago and put slack in and wouldnt take it off04:32
pussfellerthat didn't make her happy :)04:32
mike998sooo... I told him to fire up synaptic and install KDE and select KDE for his session04:32
mike998everyone is happy04:33
pepperpotpussfeller: what applications did she miss?04:33
pussfellerquickbooks mostly04:33
pepperpotthat an accounting package?04:33
pussfelleryeah, way more advanced than gnucash is so far04:33
pussfellerand one of the most annoying programs eva, it costs hundreds of dollars, and they nag you to death to buy more features04:34
pussfellerbut they have an 80% marketshare in personal/small business financial software04:34
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=== Jeyrad listens to Blink 182- Im lost without you.
pepperpotwell, if she paid hundreds of dollars for it, she might as well use it04:35
pussfellershe finnally got sick of it one day and paid 100$ to have win98 reinstalled04:35
pepperpotdid she ever try grisbi?04:35
pepperpotnot sure how that compares with gnucash04:36
pepperpoti actually need to set up an accounting system myself04:36
jasonfhrm. is anyone else having trouble apt-get update'ing the hoary universe repository?04:36
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pussfellerheh, so i finally made her get rid of her p2 300 mhz and get a athlo 3200+ emachine, and she says she misses her old computer cause the new one doesnt have a floppy drive04:36
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pussfellerpepperpot, for persoanl use, gnucash isnt bad04:37
pepperpotpussfeller: does she even use floppies?04:37
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pepperpotpussfeller: doesn't like udf on cd-rw?04:37
pussfelleryes, she wants floppies04:37
wolf1502usb floppy drive?04:37
pepperpothmmm, how much do usb floppy drives cost these days?04:37
mike998pussfeller: have you tried a usb key?04:37
pussfellerbut I told her to use gmail which can hold more than a floppy04:37
pepperpotpussfeller: not good for confidential info though04:38
pussfelleri thot about that04:38
pepperpotpussfeller: you'd have to teach her gpg :p04:38
pussfellergmail pop has to use ssl04:38
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pepperpoti don't know04:38
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pepperpotsay, i'm upgrading sid to hoary. Which xserver should I select? I'm using nvidia's glx04:39
pussfellermike998, i should get some usb keys, they will come in handy04:39
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mike998pussfeller: I had a 32 meg key which really p*ssed me off when it died04:40
pussfellerthats like 6 floppies and cooler too04:40
pussfellerhow can a key die?04:41
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mike998mind you, i think a 256meg key is about 90cdn04:41
mike998pussfeller: crappy key from work fighting with my crappy work laptop... the key died... FATALITY!04:41
pepperpotpussfeller: how is gnucash for a small firm?04:41
pussfelleri think it would work for a small company04:41
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wasabi__Is ubuntu's initrd image EVMS ready?04:42
pussfellertho, i found the customer database /invoice interface very annoying and hard to use04:42
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pussfellergoogle should make an online money manager04:43
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pussfellerthat  would be worth paying for04:43
pussfelleras peachtree is doa, and intuit is just the suckiest evillest company around04:43
jasonfBUT WHAT ABOUT MS MONEY!!!!1111ononeononoene04:44
pepperpotpussfeller: they should make a free money manager. Pay for it by selling adwords.04:44
pepperpotpussfeller: they would know what you could afford and what ads to show you ;p04:44
jasonf"It looks like you have extra money,  what would you like to spend it on?"04:44
pussfelleryeah that would be a great place to sell financial services :)04:44
pussfellerif yer balance is always overdrawn, they advertise debt reduction agencies and loan consolisdaations04:45
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pussfelleror if you have over 500k they can bombard you with cigar and beamer ads04:46
pussfellerjasonf, have you ever used msmoney? is it any good04:47
jasonfpussfeller: meh04:47
jasonfpussfeller: I use spreadsheets04:47
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pepperpoti've used pclaw. It's a piece of crap04:47
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gollumWhats the make config shit that u can do when u install ubuntu with cd?04:48
gollumAnd it says u can install it later, by typing the command.04:49
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djtanseyhas anyone here used ubuntu (hoary) in a virtual machine? i'm trying to test some things from a clean system.04:49
gollumWhats the make config shit that u can do when u install ubuntu with cd?04:49
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neomanyone know where xkill is in ubunatu?04:51
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mike998neom: gnome has a nice panel applet you can use to kill rogue windows04:52
neomtyfound it04:52
pussfellerfrom my past experience  with debian, ubuntu really surprised me04:53
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pussfelleri never could get past the install with deb04:53
mike998gollum: what do you mean>04:53
pussfellerbut its even easier to use than fedora04:54
mike998pussfeller: and the community is great04:54
pussfelleryes, the feel is much friendlier04:54
gollummike998: it is a "Update" config script of some kind when u install it allows u to download all new updates automatical, but i didnt, so i need to install them now, but forgot the command.04:54
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Cloudchaserhow would i go about setting up my video driver?04:54
mike998this is the first non MS o/s I have kept on my system04:54
pussfelleri think the devs need to see how fedora does its fonts tho and copy it04:55
neomxmms won't play. it freezes when I try and play a file.04:55
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mike998gollum: you mean sudo apt-get update?04:55
gollumlol no04:55
gollumit is a part of the installasion04:55
mike998ah  yes04:56
gollumits something like makemenu makeconfigmenu04:56
gollumor something04:56
neomWhat's another mp3 player apart from xmms?04:56
mike998I know what you mean04:56
gollumbut i can`t find it anywhere.04:56
mike998I can't remember the command04:56
pussfellermpd, amarok, juk04:56
pussfellermpg123 :)04:56
gollumthat dont help me very much mike998 ;)04:56
=== Halo [~Halo@adsl-68-79-2-88.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
neomWas that for me pussfeller?04:57
pussfellerjuk is actually a very good stable playlist/mp3 player04:57
pussfelleryes neom04:57
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mike998Dwayne_: I've been running Ubuntu for about two months or so04:57
pussfellerbut xmms has the most format support with the least hassle04:57
HaloGrayit also supports winamp skins and playlists04:58
HaloGrayand you can say what you like about winamp, but the skins are sweet :)04:58
neomWhat does status sleeping mean?04:58
mike998Dwayne_: okay04:58
syn-ackBMP also supports winamp skins.04:58
pussfellerfor what it does its good04:58
mike998neom: awaiting input04:58
Dreamer3neom: means those tasks asn't doing anything04:58
neomIt's frozen.04:58
neomoh well.04:59
pussfelleri use mpd unless i wanna play my mpc's04:59
=== neom kills the pid and gets juk.
HaloGrayneom, I get that when my network doesn't respond04:59
HaloGrayon my wireless04:59
syn-ackme uses Rhythmbox for all his mp3/ogg needs04:59
pussfellertill i figure out enough c to make mpd play differnt formats04:59
HaloGrayrhythmbox is pretty good if you dig itunes04:59
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HaloGrayI personally prefer foobar2000 as my media player of choice04:59
syn-ackHaloGray: I LOVE iTunes.04:59
pussfelleryeah foobar is nice04:59
HaloGrayis it available on linux?05:00
HaloGrayor any sort of clone of it?05:00
neompussfeller - I'm using gnome, not kde.05:00
pussfellernah, its written in .net i think05:00
HaloGrayit's definately not written in .net05:00
pepperpotrhytmbox always crashes when indexing my files05:00
trey3pussfeller: you mean C#?05:00
syn-ackI see that they FINNALLY got rid of that gnome-terminal bug where tabbing while using screen didnt play well.05:00
HaloGrayI'm not sure what it's written in... but it's not .net05:00
pussfelleri think, trey305:00
mike998oh he signed off05:00
HaloGrayis there some sort of gnome menu editor?05:01
HaloGraybecause... as fun as digging around and hand editing giant config files for each shortcut is...05:01
mike998oh here's a question - does anyone know how to make a terminal the root window?05:01
pussfellerit was visual something I knew wouldnt port thru wine05:01
pepperpotmike998: oooh, interesting05:01
trey3pussfeller: .NET is an architechture that involves a CLI (Common Language Interface) ... Mono implements the same thing  :/05:01
ushoozHaloGray, to edit menus follow these steps05:02
=== brc_ [~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
mike998pepperpot: if you check out the screenshots of ubuntuforums.org, there is a fella who has that... I so wanna do that05:02
pussfellerit doesnt run in wine tho, at least it didnt for me05:02
trey3pussfeller: try with Mono  ;/05:02
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ushoozHaloGray, click applications go down to run05:02
pussfelleri dont wanna have anything to do with mono from what little i know and understand about it05:02
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ushoozHaloGray, then type nautilus applications:///05:03
mike998pepperpot http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=240&page=67&pp=1005:03
trey3pussfeller: Mono = .NET for everyone that doesn't use Windows   :/05:03
syn-ack     Thermal 1: ok, 129.2 degrees F05:03
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mike998the post from answeris4205:03
syn-ackI was trying to COPY05:03
ushoozHaloGray, then select what part you want to edit and delete or create a new launcher05:03
HaloGrayholy crap!05:04
HaloGrayThat's amazingly easier than hand editing configs...05:04
trey3HaloGray: cept you just learned something useless, cuz applications:/// is gone in 2.10  ;)05:05
=== unperson [~nickc@dsl092-149-232.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
ushoozHaloGray, that is true. it is gone in 2.1005:05
HaloGray... going to be something better to take its place?05:05
trey3HaloGray: supposedly... hopefully... yea05:05
trey3HaloGray: still waiting to see it though, and its after freeze  :/05:06
pepperpottrey3: so in other words you're saying we better set up all our shortcuts now before it's too late?05:06
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goldfishIs there anything for ubuntu that monitors the temps and stuff and gives techy info like that?05:07
goldfishcpu load etc.. ?05:07
trey3pepperpot: umm... the menu system changed too... so that won't help either... (vfolders -> gnome-menu)05:07
unpersongoldfish, System monitor will tell you about CPU load.05:08
=== regeya [~shane@sdn-ap-011ilchicP0176.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mike998 is now known as mike998_AFK
Craneuh oh05:08
=== runenes [~runenes@ti500710a080-7492.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
unpersongoldfish, Don't think it will do CPU temps.  There is an applet and a full application.05:08
CraneMy video card is talking to me05:09
trey3Crane: whats it saying?05:09
trey3goldfish: you mean kinda like gkrellm maybe?05:09
unpersonCrane, You mean it hasn't been...rendered speechless?05:09
CraneIt's say "the fan is about to lock up"05:09
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HaloGrayOk, so the very first thing I tried to add with it was nautilis applications:\\\ and it didn't work :P05:09
trey3Crane: well... at least it was nice enough to tell ya  ;P05:09
goldfishtrey3: emm... new to linux, never heard of gkrellm :) but i'll look it up05:10
syn-acktrey3: I want an applet that shows cpu temp that goes in my notifcation tray.05:10
HaloGrayoff I go to find the config file to fix my screw up05:10
Cranetrey3, LOL05:10
syn-ackThey dont have one.05:10
trey3syn-ack: afaik, nothing like that exists?05:10
goldfishyeah i was looking for something like what syn-ack is asking05:11
trey3Not for tempreture etc at least... load yes  :/05:11
syn-acktrey3: not unless you install gdesklets or gkrell,05:11
goldfishIs there a way to make a terminal copy by just highlighting text?05:11
trey3syn-ack: neither of those go onto the panel though... so not what you're looking for afaict?05:12
trey3goldfish: you can use screen  8)05:12
syn-ackAll I want is simple little applet that tells me cpu temp.05:12
trey3goldfish: else just use the mouse... middle mouse button to paste...05:12
=== tsm2004beta [~tsm2004be@mt.] has joined #ubuntu
=== syn-ack spins Van Halen - I'll Wait
trey3syn-ack: file an enhancement of GNOME's bugzilla? Shouldn't even be that hard... but likely won't get into gnome-applets-data till 2.12  :/05:15
syn-acktrey3: heh05:15
syn-ackmore than likely.05:15
pussfellergkrellm is nice for watching multiple boxes05:15
trey3syn-ack: well, no, its a new feature... like I said, its after feature freeze...05:15
trey3(I think that was the 12 of this month...)05:16
tsm2004betaHello, I was just curious to see if anyone here had successfully installed Counter Strike: Source and HL2 on Ubuntu with Point2Play and Cedega??05:16
trey3Uhh... last month...05:16
syn-acktrey3: Damn, barely missed it then.05:16
trey3tsm2004beta: uhh... Ubuntu doesn't support the use of either... so this is the wrong place to ask, sorry.05:17
tsm2004betatrey3, It doesn't hurt to ask, now does it?05:17
goldfishtsm2004beta: someone got hl2 working, in gaming section on ubuntuforums05:17
syn-acktsm2004beta: Common sense would tell you that this is not the place to ask though05:17
goldfishtsm2004beta: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1356605:18
unpersonsyn-ack, It ain't hurtin' no one.05:18
regeyatrey3, I'd argue that he was asking everyone, and quite frankly, if one more person suggests that I can either use my system in the approved way or I need to not ask anyone, I'm suggesting to everyone I know that they never even consider Ubuntu.05:18
=== regeya is tired, cranky, and a little sorry he just said that. :-}
tsm2004betagoldfish, Thank you very much. I'm sure it will be quite helpful.05:18
goldfishI sense sarcasm.05:19
goldfishSo go fuck yourself.05:19
tsm2004betaOr not, whatever. I was thanking you since two others were being dicks about support.05:19
=== randabis smacks goldfish
randabisdown boy05:19
goldfishtsm2004beta: oh right, sorry :)05:19
goldfishtsm2004beta: thought you were taking the piss.05:19
goldfishMy apologies.05:19
ushoozwee irc is so much fun with so much love :)05:20
regeyawell, I'm not the only cranky one!05:20
=== Guardiann [~Guardiann@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
trey3regeya: first question... how many people that you know use Ubuntu?  Second, if you use your system in ways that aren't supported, its on you to support that.05:20
=== snarky [rlynch@dsl092-235-011.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
snarkyhey all, im running hoary and my sound doesnt work :( anyone able to help me?05:20
Guardiannhello all05:20
pussfellerdid it ever work05:20
Dwayne_goldfish: when your screen was flickering?05:21
tsm2004betaHello Guardian.05:21
ushoozsnarky, waiting for stable before I move to it05:21
Dwayne_did you type in the username then it flickered?05:21
tsm2004betaGuardiann* even, sorry.05:21
randabistrey3, featurefreeze is in 5 days according to mdz05:21
goldfishDwayne_: When i tried to log onto ubuntu.05:21
snarkyushooz: yeah it worked on warty, actually the sound is the only issue05:21
Guardiannhey tsm2004beta how are you05:21
goldfishDwayne_: it flickered then went blank05:21
=== remorse [~najib@cm179.omega32.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
pussfelleris the module loaded05:21
Dreamer3snarky: and what is the exactly problem with sound now?05:21
ushoozsnarky, I look forward to checking it out. Warty I like alot05:21
=== Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishDwayne_: Problem not sorted?05:21
regeyatrey3, firstly, I suggest you go back to my previous statement and then it'll be clear why the question "many people that you know use Ubuntu?" isn't entirely on-topic.  Secondly...duh, I'm assuming that's why people are here, to do stuff with their Ubuntu systems.  Why not give users a chance to help each other use their systems in double-plus-ungood ways?05:21
tsm2004betaGuardiann, quite fine, thanks.05:22
snarkyDreamer3: uh when i open a sound file in rb for example it says "could not open resource for writing"05:22
pussfelleri had to manually load my sound card module and then it worked05:22
ushoozsnarky, you do fresh install or a dist-upgrade?05:22
Dreamer3snarky: can you play sounds as root... sudo mpg123 for example?05:22
snarkyushooz: dist-upgrade05:22
snarkyDreamer3: lemme try05:22
unpersonThe thing I really love about Linux is the fact that it is a community about empowering users.  Not about officially sanctioned uses for your computers.  If you like that way of thinking, try Windows or Mac OS.05:23
trey3regeya: no body has said they can't do such things... no one cares what they do with their system, but its not supported, thus this isn't the place to ask about it... this is all I've said  :/05:23
regeyadid I miss a channel guideline rule somewhere that only supported activities can be discussed?  Please point me in that direction!05:23
=== Dreamer3 understands both sides of the issue being discussed :)
=== Dreamer3 yawns.
=== tck [~tck@213-202-143-24.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
snarkyDreamer3: same error05:23
pepperpotunperson: having a guru like Jobs to worship must be comforting05:24
Dreamer3snarky: is the module for your sound card loaded?05:24
regeyaif I, a ubuntu user, cannot ask other ubuntu users in #ubuntu about non-supported activities, please suggest a more appropriate place.  I will go there rather than the official ubuntu headquarters support line.05:24
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bitfoodoes anyone know why the sound crackles on my avi movies :|05:24
snarkyDreamer3: i...don't know (im kind of a n00b with this sort of thing)05:24
randabisI see no harm in discussing "unsupported" activities, but if there is already a channel devoted to said activity, then I think the discussion should be moved there05:24
=== ogra [~ogra@pD95F8011.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Dreamer3 nods towards randabis
snarkyDreamer3: yes it appears to be loaded05:24
Dreamer3randabis: unless it's REALLY ubuntu specific05:24
=== regeya raises an eyebrow, asking "WHERE?"
snarkyDreamer3: lsmod only lists loaded modules, correct?05:25
Dreamer3snarky: yes05:25
Guardiannlooks like I missed something good05:25
randabisregeya, depends on said activity05:25
snarkyDreamer3: yeah, its loaded then05:25
Dreamer3regeya: #cedega in this example05:25
regeyaI've seen people called onto the carpet in #ubuntu for asking about software in Universe.05:25
randabisnow that's a bit ridiculous05:25
trey3regeya: see, the thing with cedega etc though... they are either stealing software, or PAID for support... the former is against the law, the latter means they have a better medium for support  :/05:26
Dreamer3trey3: ah, now i understand more05:26
unpersonWell, I think there's a difference between saying, "Oh, you might ask in ___ too" as opposed to "that's not officially supported, so don't ask here."05:26
pepperpottrey3: maybe they live somewhere outside of the berne convention? :p05:26
=== cLin [~what@adsl-69-227-169-65.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pussfelleri have met the first linux user who is concerned about stealing software!05:27
snarkyDreamer3: any idea whats wrong?05:27
Dreamer3snarky: no, what kind of sound carD?05:27
regeyatrey3, beside the point, and not a reason to tell someone to take it elsewhere.  I can use mpeg2enc to do illegal things.  I can use vim to do illegal things, come to that. ;-)  Politely pointing someone in the right direction would be more helpful ;-)05:27
cLinis there something like cleartype on ubuntu?05:27
snarkyDreamer3: the worst ever, intel onboard05:27
Dreamer3cLin: yes05:27
trey3pussfeller: no... many are  :/05:27
cLini just recently switched to linux and chose ubuntu but i need some thigns to make it more....homely05:27
regeyapussfeller, if I didn't care about not stealing, I'd probably be using XP right now. ;-)05:27
snarkyDreamer3: it worked in warty, and uuusually works05:27
Dreamer3snarky: hmmm, and it worked before?05:27
pepperpotsnarky: is that worse that via?05:27
=== salti [~salti@fl-69-68-16-152.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
HaloGraycLin, what's up?05:28
Dreamer3cLin: under font properties of gnome... it's font smoothing for LCD05:28
pepperpotcLin: ubuntu is the most homely distro i have come across.05:28
pussfellerwe should actually thank MS for making xp harder to copy05:28
unpersoncLin, I think you mean homey, not homely.05:28
Dreamer3snarky: perhaps it's something changed in the kernel?05:28
regeyaanywho...meh, I got way too worked up over that.  heh.05:28
cLinthanks guys05:28
snarkypepperpot: i dunno, but when it does work it provides crappy sound and theres no hardware mixing, except ALSA now supports a little bit of software mixing so it makes it better05:28
Dreamer3snarky: can you boot an older kernel?05:28
pussfellersince it does make you realize just how much you have to pay for that crap05:28
Xenguypepperpot: one person's less is another person's more :p05:28
snarkyDreamer3: yeah i can..but i don't think thats the issue05:28
pepperpotcLin: get ubuntu-calendar-october or something05:28
snarkyDreamer3: rather im pretty sure05:28
=== salti [~salti@fl-69-68-16-152.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
trey3pussfeller: eh... they failed miserably... I have a cracked copy... I haven't used it since 2002 though  :/05:28
=== salti_ [~salti@fl-69-68-16-152.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
cLini use a nForce3 mobo and geforce 6600 gt, do i need to update my drivers?05:28
cLinpep, what is that05:29
pussfellerim looking at having my client spend about 800 bucks for office xp and xp pro upgrade on 2 computers05:29
snarkyDreamer3: cuz there have been quite a few alsa updates recently (my sound hasn't been working for a while) and i think its a problem with alsa or something in hoary thats not in warty05:29
=== regeya doesn't have a copy of XP newer than 98SE, no joke
regeyaum windows I mean05:29
randabiscLin, depends..05:29
Dreamer3snarky: well, when did it stop working?05:29
pepperpotsnarky: true, it's alsa's crappy hardware mixing that made me buy an sblive. They're cheap these days05:29
randabisI have 3 oem copies of XP home gathering dust :p05:29
snarkyDreamer3: when i switched to hoary eheh05:29
ushoozpepperpot, kinda hard with my laptop :)05:30
Dreamer3pepperpot: my cs46xx onboard supports hardware mixing :)05:30
snarkypepperpot: yeah well its a laptop so i can't do that05:30
pussfellerpepperpot, does the mixing work, the 2 sounds at once on sblive?05:30
crimsunto be fair, alsa can't do hardware mixing, only hardware can. alsa is software.05:30
Dreamer3snarky: well, i dunno then05:30
ushoozmy onboard ac97 on and intel mobo stinks as well05:30
pepperpotpussfeller: yes, without having to deal with dmix05:30
snarkyDreamer3: i just thought maybe a dev would be on that could help05:30
=== LucidVisions has never had a copy of windows, started getting into computers right away with linux 3 years ago
regeyawell, randabis, that's precisely what should happen to xp home :-P05:30
pussfellerthat would be nice to have for once05:30
cLinand are there logitech mouse drivers?05:30
Dreamer3crimsun: i finally gave up on dmix... my boards seems to do hardware mixing :)05:30
randabisyou could get a usb sound card :p05:30
pussfellerso I could use teamspeak and etf05:30
=== regeya has a copy of DOS 1.0
regeyaon floppy no less05:30
crimsunDreamer3: ...not sure why you were messing with dmix in the first place!05:31
trey3regeya: floppy 5 1/4  *g*05:31
Dreamer3crimsun: well, i didn't know that it did till i was messing around with it05:31
randabisregeya, yeah...my sister still uses it on her pc and so does my stepbro, but I've semi converted my sis over to ubuntu05:31
Dreamer3crimsun: and 1.0.8 didn't help dmix any05:31
pepperpotDreamer3: i spent many many hours fiddling with dmix when it was in CVS and barely documented before I realized my time would be better spent if I just bought an sblive05:31
regeyahow is it that I have an 18-year-old copy of King's Quest that still (mostly) works, but floppies from 5 years ago won't work? ;-)05:31
randabisseems she doesn't use it too much though05:31
Dreamer3pepperpot: i can't buy an sblive for my lappy though05:31
crimsunDreamer3: your symptoms are interesting; I'll have to look into it.05:31
pepperpotDreamer3: right, i know... hm...05:31
crimsunsnarky: what issues?05:32
=== trey3 has a nasty habbit of removing that metal part from floppies :(
randabiscreative makes usb sound solutions too :p05:32
snarkycrimsun: sound not working in hoary, but worked in warty05:32
Dreamer3crimsun: well, i might even say it was working, but if so the volume was 0... no way to tell with no sound :)05:32
pepperpotDreamer3: then you either need to use dmix or else do something more high-level05:32
neomlike.. sudo -s?05:32
=== neom was scrolled up.
Dreamer3pepperpot: no, my integreated supports hardware mixing :)05:32
pepperpotrandabis: exigy seems quite nice05:32
crimsunsnarky: mixer problem?05:32
pepperpotDreamer3: then you are lucky :)05:32
snarkycrimsun: not playing any sound..05:32
randabispepperpot, yeah, they make another cheaper one too05:32
=== wasabi__ is now known as wasabi
crimsunsnarky: did you paste your lsmod and amixer output onto http://pastebin.ca/ ?05:33
pepperpotthere are also some nice prosumer level firewire sound cards05:33
unpersonAnyone aware of an app that has an option to let you know how strong the wireless signal is by beeping?05:33
crimsun1394 sound is not recommended under Linux currently05:33
snarkycrimsun: no05:33
Dreamer3unperson: like a geiger counter?05:33
trey3unperson: not by beeping I don't think... but netapplet tells you I think...05:33
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pepperpotcrimsun: I didn't know that... :/05:33
randabislol@geiger counter05:34
pussfellerthat would be agood sound to port somehow05:34
trey3unperson: "Network Monitor" applet...05:34
snarkyDreamer3: actually it may be 2.6.10, im reading on the ubuntu bugzilla that another guy that uses the same soundcard doesnt have sound in 2.6.1005:34
snarkyDreamer3: i'll reboot and see whats up05:34
unpersonDreamer3, Sort of yes, but with beeps rather than clicks.05:34
Dreamer3snarky: i said to try the older kernel ;-)05:34
pussfelleri copied the wavs out of serious sam and use those for mail notifications and stuff :)05:35
unpersontrey3, You mean the wireless link monitor, I assume.05:35
trey3unperson: nope... because I don't see that  :/05:35
bitfoomy mail notification goes "BEEP BEEP Mail M****** F****!!!"05:36
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trey3bitfoo: interesting  ;P05:36
Oscarian'lo all05:36
trey3Oscarian: hey05:37
pepperpotwell then, I am going to have to rip some soundbites from "You've Got Mail" and one up you all05:37
ushoozEvolution OWA exchange plugin is not very good. It wastes memory like crazy05:37
Dreamer3ushooz: maybe it's ms's fault :)05:37
ushooz648 meg use for one process05:37
regeyaif anyone here knew what sort of frankenstein's monster my ubuntu system was, I'd probably be banned for asking questions. ;-)05:37
Dreamer3ushooz: um05:37
neomDoes anyone know how hard it would be to allow me to pick what software enviornment I wanted to use when I start ubunutu? For example, in drake under the login dialog there was a dropdown with a section between kde/gnome/swordfish/etc etc?05:37
pepperpotwhat's a good mail notification program for mutt users?05:37
goldfishbitfoo: how did u get that?05:37
Dreamer3ushooz: ok, that's kinda crazy05:37
=== vtg [vertigo@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ushoozDreamer3, nope. this is Evolutions exchange plugin fault05:38
Oscariani just wanted to find out if i can set up 3d with my ati radeon 9200.  i want to play a game i have using cedega, but it's bombing out.05:38
Dreamer3ushooz: is this after prolonged use? surely a bug05:38
=== rellik [~rellik@r12ptsm8f.desktop.umr.edu] has joined #ubuntu
trey3neom: 'custom' at the installer prompt05:38
ushoozDreamer3, no biggie, I will just use OWA via Web until it is resolved :)05:38
crimsunneom: install another environment that has a session file, like xfce4 or kde. The session option will appear when gdm is reloaded/restarted.05:38
neomfucking cool05:39
=== Dreamer3 wonders if irssi supports a word filter
trey3neom: yup... well worth cussing  :/05:39
neomsorry for teh virgin eyes. :(05:39
trey3neom: eh... I've seen 14 yo's in here...05:40
pepperpotcussing bad05:40
pepperpotnaked people good05:40
neomSo swearing is bad but p0rn is fine. :D05:40
bitfoogoldfish i dunno i just found that wav somewhere :|05:40
=== Dreamer3 thinks both are bad... but *shrugs*
pepperpotneom: not porn. tasteful nudes05:41
Dreamer3i can't force my views on anyone here :)05:41
neomI see.05:41
goldfishbitfoo: Is there a setting to set the wav?05:41
goldfishlike for mail notification?05:41
pepperpotrespectful of people's beauty, inner and outer05:41
pussfellerlol taseful nudes05:41
=== vtg [vertigo@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== Sye [~Sye@cpe-066-061-080-233.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bitfooits under preferences05:43
pepperpotbitfoo: are you talking about evolution?05:43
Dreamer3anyone here come over from debian and enjoying it more?05:43
pepperpotDreamer3: me05:43
=== el_ZaHIa [~albertein@] has joined #ubuntu
Dreamer3pepperpot: what's better?05:43
trey3Dreamer3: yup...05:43
goldfishah yes, sound events05:43
bitfoooh sorry im talking about thundrebird05:43
pepperpotDreamer3: it's much nicer out of the box05:43
Dreamer3pepperpot: ok, that's a given :)05:44
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
el_ZaHIahi, i'm using warty , what are the repositorys por hoary ? i want to upgrade05:44
regeyaDreamer3: Had switched from Gentoo, briefly to Debian Unstable, then to Ubuntu.  Very little work to get it to my frankenstein's-monster setup now. ;-)05:44
Dreamer3pepperpot: but if i have a nice debian system setup perfect, why might i want ubunut? :)05:44
trey3Dreamer3: More up to date software, without having to play with Experimental... less anal-retentive people  :)05:44
=== Dreamer3 wonders if saying ubuntu is like debian with the gentoo community would be far off
Dreamer3my mom's computer is going to be the first to try ubuntu, but it's taking it's time getting here05:45
pepperpotDreamer3: I wouldn't. But my debian setup (sid) was getting really fux0red after many a year. Firefox would not run properly. I tried a fresh install of sarge on a partition and it was so primitive, it would have taken forever to get it up to speed. Ubuntu is like a big headstart.05:45
Dreamer3pepperpot: how did you find sarge primitive?05:46
Dreamer3pepperpot: are you refering to apps, or just OTB experience/05:46
=== vtg [vertigo@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu
trey3Dreamer3: OTB?05:46
Dreamer3trey3: out of the box05:46
=== k40z [~k40zmotic@] has joined #ubuntu
regeyapepperpot: same here, sorta; or rather, debian is very much server-oriented, and while it can be whipped into submission, it takes some work.  Nice to have some dedicated devs on the ubuntu project doing that these days. :-)05:47
pepperpotDreamer3: alsa, nvidia glx, growisofs05:47
Dreamer3pepperpot: hmmm05:47
pepperpotDreamer3: palm pilot, udev05:47
=== bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
unpersonDreamer3, Wait, you're saying the Ubuntu community is like the Gentoo community?05:47
pepperpotDreamer3: all stuff that i can and have set up on debian, ubuntu saves me several hours doing that05:48
trey3pepperpot: most of what you just said just means you didn't hit 'linux26' at the installer prompt  :/05:48
Dreamer3unperson: i think so, unless i'm mistaken... gentoo (at least a year ago) was a fun, helpful place where everyone acontributed05:48
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neomDoes anyone know if open office can import qattro pro files?05:48
jasonfneom: it cannot05:48
jasonfneom: at least not officially05:49
Dreamer3trey3: good point... i always make sure when installed debian to boot the latest kernel :)05:49
jasonfneom: there may be some other converter05:49
pepperpottrey3: the sarge installer prompt?05:49
jasonfneom: because you haven't written it yet05:49
trey3pepperpot: yeah...05:49
neomGood reason. :D05:49
trey3Dreamer3: eh... its usually out of date anyways... usually just upgrade it later as I upgrade to Sid  ;)05:49
unpersonDreamer3, Ah, perhaps.  To me it seems very different.  Ubuntu seems to be more practical, computer as a tool kind of outlook, whereas Gentoo is more computer as hobby (or religion?).05:50
Dreamer3trey3: yeah, i always build kernels from source05:50
pepperpotactually I was running 2.6.10 from source05:50
Dreamer3unperson: yeah, eventually the source downloads and compiling were just too much for me :)05:50
trey3Dreamer3: I sooo would... cept my CPU is crap   :/05:50
Dreamer3trey3: that's what nice is for ;-)05:50
trey3Dreamer3: takes like 2 1/2 - 3 hours to compile a kernel  :/05:50
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unpersonDreamer3, With Ubuntu it seems like the idea is to make everything easy and "just work" where possible.  Talking to Gentoo people the first thing always seems to be "ok, first you recompile you kernel..."05:50
Dreamer3unperson: no, compiling kernel is kind of last, but i know your point :)05:51
regeyaunperson: considering that the gentoo crows seems to think that portage is near-perfect before reverse-deps handling is ready...05:51
regeya...I'd say religion.05:51
Dwayne_i get this option05:51
Dwayne_"use kernal framebuffer ~ yes or no"05:51
Dwayne_what do i pick?05:51
Dreamer3Dwayne_: did you read the help?05:51
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pussfellerportage is the first package manager i used that actually worked05:51
Dreamer3Dwayne_: it almost always has useful suggestions05:51
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be80bedoom 3 any 1 tryed it05:52
stevecan anyone tell me how to hibernate my laptop in linux05:52
Dwayne_it said its safe to keep it on :\05:52
Dreamer3steve: hibernate or suspend?05:52
Dreamer3Dwayne_: then try taht05:52
regeyapussfeller, I think they should take a cue from the FreeBSD crowd; have a system that builds, then take something like portupgrade and use that ;-)05:52
unpersonI'm not trying to necessarily bash on Gentoo.  It seems like a cool idea, just not for me.05:52
Dreamer3Dwayne_: i think the first few kernel building should be experience anyways :)05:52
Dreamer3unperson: it got me started... did it for over a year05:52
Dreamer3steve: do you already have the hibernate parition setup (ie, from windows util or whateveR)?05:53
Dreamer3steve: or you want to do software hibernate?05:53
regeyaat the time I started using gentoo, it was the most-untainted source of software, other than slack, imho.05:53
steveI do beleive so, you tell me how to check and which I would use05:53
unpersonpussfeller, For me apt has always worked like a dream.05:53
Dreamer3steve: software hibernate (not called that IIRC) is experimental05:53
stevehow do I check for the partition setup05:54
Dreamer3steve: not a bad idea if your laptop supports it in hardware to setup a hibernate partition and use apm or ACPI with the right options05:54
Dreamer3steve: did you reparition yourself with linux?05:54
regeyaplus I had used freebsd, dug the ports concept and went with it.  it hasn't grown significantly since I first started using it, though.  ah, well.05:54
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steveit was already done from before05:54
Dreamer3regeya: you using freebsd you said?05:54
Dreamer3steve: so you left it intact?05:54
regeyaDreamer3, I have, but long enough ago I can't give you a good opinion.05:54
regeyaas in, I used it before 5 came out.05:55
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steveI have a home, swap, and root05:55
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Dreamer3steve: i don't know, never had to setup hibernate on my laptop05:55
Dreamer3steve: apm doesn't take a hibernate option05:55
Dreamer3steve: acpi might, but i'm new with that05:55
deangHiya.  Anyone care that the new Live CD didn't jive well with the video card on my Dell Inpsiron 5000e?05:56
stevewhat I really want is to close the lid and have it shut off till I come back and open it05:56
regeyaDreamer3, one thing I liked was reverse-dep handling; the ability to take a convenience tool like portupgrade and when, say, libpng did a binary-incompatible change, I coudl rebuild everything that depended on libpng.  that was sweet.  I couldn't justify using freebsd-as-desktop just for that dep handling.05:56
Dreamer3regeya: debian you get that for free ;-)05:56
TheMusodeang: What video chipset is it?05:56
pussfelleryeah gentoo could use a more n00b friendly install05:56
pussfellerthey hard terrible battles over a gui installer05:57
TheMusodeang: Is this the latest Hoary live CD you are talking about/05:57
Dreamer3steve: yeah... and what does it do now?05:57
stevewell, it will turn the screen off, but the computer and battery still go05:57
syn-ackpussfeller: Gentoo is not meant for a "n00b"05:57
Dreamer3steve: try setting up acpi or apm... my laptop would automatically suspend when i closed the lid with APM05:57
LucidVisionspussfeller: vidalinux is a gentoo stage3 install with anaconda as the graphical installer,its great05:57
stevesorry, but how will I go about it05:57
regeyaoh, the anaconda port, pussfeller?  that was a great idea....and LucidVisions just made my next point. :-}05:57
stevekind of new to this part05:58
Dreamer3steve: i'd look for a apm-how-to or some such, not sure of the ubuntu way05:58
steveokay, thanks05:58
Dreamer3check the forums? or maybe someone else will pipe up05:58
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pussfellerwow that anaconda port has come along way06:00
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LinkMasterSabBlah, when I upgraded to Gaim 1.1.2, it stopped connecting to MSN06:04
Dwayne_i'm having MAJOR problems06:04
Dwayne_i've been trying to get ubuntu to work for 4hrs!06:05
LinkMasterSabI asked on #gaim and they couldn't help me either06:05
Oscarianis anyone here up up with getting 3d to work with an ati card?06:05
pussfellerhow do you change nautilus back to the sane way of opening folders06:05
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: sounds like a gaim problem06:06
LinkMasterSabpussfeller, what's the sane way? :o06:06
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Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: go back to the older version06:06
Dreamer3Dwayne_: why?06:06
LinkMasterSabPlenty of people have told me they have it working on the new one06:06
be80beyou have a bad cd ?06:06
Dreamer3pussfeller: in gconf somewhere06:06
LinkMasterSabHow could I regress back?06:06
Dreamer3pussfeller: google will know06:06
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: /var/cache/apt i'd say... locating and install an old versoin06:06
regeyaif this works with kino, I'm sending a sternly-written email to the kino ahtuors...06:06
regeyaauthors, even...06:07
Dwayne_dreamet3, i am configuring xserver okay? well i get to Color Depth and i select 24bit, so i hit enter and shell loads at the bottom of the screen06:07
regeyaas far as I can tell, all that's required to get audio sync working for us ntsc users is to pass -F 4 to mpeg2enc06:07
Dwayne_so i gotta do it all over again and it wont let me hit OK on Color Depth06:07
Dreamer3Dwayne_: i don't know...06:07
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Dreamer3Dwayne_: retry and pick something more conserative?06:08
regeyaand that should be an easy addition, and further, people on the kino forums have been trying to figure out what to do to the *audio track* to get it to work right.06:08
Dreamer3Dwayne_: is this installing, or what?06:08
bj_hi dudes, quick question.06:08
bj_when is usplash going to be iimplemented06:08
Dreamer3bj_: what's that?06:08
LinkMasterSabDreamer3: Where are the packages that the installation CD installs?06:08
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Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: i don't know06:08
bj_boot splash06:08
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: search for .deb files06:08
Dreamer3bj_: you can prolly compile it in yourself06:09
Dreamer3bj_: but to answer your first question, no idea06:09
be80behow do find out what module eth0 is using?06:09
bj_yeah, but usplash is some new jawn the ubuntu devs are working on06:09
Dreamer3be80be: i usually lsmod and deduce06:09
be80beit dosnt list 1 for eth006:10
Dreamer3be80be: then it must be compiled in06:10
Dwayne_yeah yeah06:10
Dreamer3be80be: try looking at dmesg output06:10
Dwayne_i got it06:10
Dwayne_i made it 16bit06:10
Dwayne_but my resolution is like 800x60006:11
Dreamer3Dwayne_: great06:11
Dwayne_and i want it bigger06:11
Dreamer3Dwayne_: what video card?06:11
Dwayne_onboard ;\06:11
Dreamer3Dwayne_: which is what?06:11
hikaru79Anyone here have WINE experience?06:11
hikaru79I'm running Photoshop under WINE06:11
hikaru79But I can't seem to add any text because all of the fonts say that no system font could be found06:11
Dreamer3hikaru79: yeah, it played D2 way better than i ever though it would years ago06:11
Dwayne_BulletIntegrated Intel Extreme 3D Graphics06:11
encryptioi've got absolutely nothing running under wine06:11
hikaru79Even the one one font that IS in the windows/fonts/ directory06:12
Dreamer3Dwayne_: don't know06:12
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be80bepowernow-k8: BIOS error - no PSB what this mean06:14
be80beyou all quit06:15
u404i am installing ubuntu, and now formatting the partitions06:16
TwiggyHow can I turn on dma to my cdrom drive?  My dvd playback is 00ber choppy06:16
u404can any one tell me, what does bootable flag mean?06:16
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crimsunTwiggy: what device is it?06:16
d8uvI just came to say that Ubuntu rules pretty hard06:16
crimsunTwiggy: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdX (replace X with the appropriate character corresponding to your DVD drive)06:18
Twiggycrimsun:  Thanks06:18
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Twiggycrimsun:  Is that permanent or will I have to do it again after a reboot?06:18
crimsunTwiggy: it can be made permanent.06:19
HaloGrayu404, bootable flag means the partition which will be read as a boot partition06:19
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HaloGrayYou'd want your primary nix partition to be that, and if you have grub set up you can still use it to choose windows06:19
jayHas anybody tried netboot with PXE using the files in netboot.tar.gz?  I get to the installer fine, and it grabs some extra files from my local mirror, but doesn't appear to obtain the required IDE modules (the hard disk can't get accessed).  This happens with hoary and warty for me.06:20
crimsunTwiggy: see /etc/hdparm.conf06:20
Twiggycrimsun:  thankya06:20
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u404HaloGray, i have right now w2k on the same HDD, if I turn that bootable flag on  ubuntu partition, will i be able to choose between w2k and ubuntu, when PC is turned on?06:21
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tenegot a bit of a problem installing ubuntu here...06:22
teneit's freaking out trying to install the locales package06:22
teneand the error is about not being able to load locales.06:22
HaloGrayso long as grub is set up properly... and you can go back and fix anything that goes sour there once you're booted into ubuntu06:22
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u404and.. what filesystem should i choose?06:23
goldfishi heard it doesn't like fat3206:24
u404I chose ext3, but as i know nothing about them, i am not sure, if that is the right choice06:24
HaloGraythe default ext3 with a swap is fine for your first install and if you're the only user06:24
crimsuntene: what program is spitting errors, dpkg?06:24
LeeColletonHow do I browse the files on a bluetooth device?06:24
tenecrimsun: apt-get06:24
Dwayne_i hate ubuntu06:24
Dwayne_my screen size is 640xblah ;\06:24
Dwayne_windows was 1024x784 thingy ;\06:24
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crimsuntene: please paste a snippet of the errors onto http://pastebin.ca06:24
jayDwayne_: then adjust it06:24
HaloGraysounds more like an xwindows issue06:25
Dwayne_it wont let me06:25
crimsuntene: or #flood06:25
HaloGrayubuntu picked my max res by default06:25
HaloGraywhat video card do you have?06:25
Dwayne_Intel Extreme 3D Graphics06:25
jayDwayne_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8606:25
HaloGraylisten to jay06:25
Dwayne_i selected Medium06:25
Dwayne_do i select Advance?06:25
jayi don't recall06:25
jaywouldn't hurt06:26
goldfishif i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 now it doesnt ask me anything about resoltion06:26
goldfishany reason why that may happen?06:26
goldfishit did the first time i ran it06:26
Dreamer3goldfish: first time only config?06:26
goldfishah shitebags06:27
goldfishMaybe that is it.06:27
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goldfishIs there anyway I can get back to that?06:27
farruinngoldfish: maybe apt-get remove --purge xserver-xfree86 would do it06:27
dr_willisHmm. I got a TV Tuner Card on order. Hauppage 350 - dare i ask how easy this thing will be to setup under Ubuntu? :P06:27
farruinndunno though06:27
jaygoldfish: what do you want to do?06:27
goldfishreconfigure it06:27
tene'kay, pasting to #flood06:27
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jaygoldfish: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ?06:27
farruinngoldfish: or if you just edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-406:27
HaloGraydr_willis: I have that card... it was a bitch to get working in Windows XD06:28
be80beok I'm on the net ubuntu loaded my eth0 net card debian testing couldnt find it but for the life of me i cant find out what module is loaded ispci dosnt tell dmesg dosnt tell so were do i look now lsmod dosnt say what mod it is and i dont think it is built in because it loaded 1 when i installed ubuntu06:28
pussfellermy hauppenpage was autodetected06:28
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pussfellerat least the modules are loaded06:28
HaloGrayI haven't a clue how it'd fly on ubuntu06:28
Dreamer3be80be: if it's loaded sep, it's a module06:28
pussfelleris there something better than xawtv06:28
dr_willisHaloGray,  lol. :P easier under linux? i got an Older tv card - that mandrake and suse both saw very well.. but its an old nasty card. Updateing it. and making a new machine.. Looking at useing MythTV or Freevo also.06:28
ernestohello people06:28
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pussfellerfreevo has a nice looking interface for music06:29
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ernestoI need help with aim06:29
dr_willisguess i will find out when the thing gets here.06:29
be80bebut there is no listing of a mod for eth0 this is a amd 6406:30
dr_willisWanting to be able to record some tv shows.. and perhaps copy them to dvd to watch at work.06:30
jayernesto: you need to clarify.06:30
linux_galoreernesto: just us gaim total no brainer06:30
ernestoI need to know how I can add my acount06:30
dr_willisOr i saw that 'creative' has some sort of mini-media player. :P but that may not be very workable.06:30
jaybe80be: could try poking around in /proc06:30
ernestoto other msn user06:30
linux_galoreernesto: aim has nothing to do with msn06:31
be80belooked all over ti06:31
jaybe80be: remove a module at a time until it stops working? lol06:31
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ernestowhen the other has eliminated me06:31
Dreamer3what package is the ubuntu monthly calendar?06:32
ernestopardon me06:32
ernestois Gaim06:32
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mdzdreamer: ubuntu-calendar06:32
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ernestoIm taking about Gaim06:32
HaloGrayhey... is there something like rainlendar available for gnome?06:32
HaloGraythat'd be kickin rad06:32
rellikwhich package has divx codecs? (for totem, the nautilus thumbail generator thingy)06:33
Dreamer3mdz: which category is it in? main, uni, etc?06:33
mdzdreamer: main06:33
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goldfishfarruinn: The resoltions in that config file are "1680 x 1050" but the max resolution i can pick in Screen resolution settings is 1400 x 1050, any ideas why this is?06:33
farruinngoldfish: probably sync range06:34
goldfishfarruinn: sorry, newb here, what does that mean06:34
farruinnif you have your monitor manual you're in luck06:34
Dwayne_well ubuntu is going in the trash06:34
goldfishoh right06:34
Dreamer3mdz: if i'm wanting to install on a non-ubunut system should i just get the tar.gzs?06:34
goldfishfarruinn: im on a laptop06:34
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farruinngoldfish: oh, not sure that'd be the problem then06:34
farruinnI've never configured X on a laptop06:34
goldfishah right06:35
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goldfishIs there a next resolution up from 1680 x 1050 ?06:35
goldfishi may put in a larger one and see what happens06:35
neomThe kde copy in synaptic has 404s, and so I can't get it. Anyone have any suggestions as to how I might have this fixed?06:35
Dreamer3goldfish: umm... this is a laptop LCD?06:35
HaloGraywhat resolution can the laptop's LCD handle?06:36
goldfishwell this is 1680 x 105006:36
Dreamer3neom: wait on the servers... apt-get update?06:36
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regeyaholy moly...I can't believe that no one had posted that to the kino website yet...dang it all, the 'audio sync' problem in exported MPEGs was fixed for me by adding '-F 4' to the command line options for mpeg2enc.  The framerate was wrong.06:36
Dreamer3goldfish: i dunno then06:36
goldfishDreamer3: ah right06:36
neomwhat does apt-get update do?06:36
ernestoWhat's up with my question06:36
farruinnneom: updates apt's list of available packages06:37
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crimsunernesto: could you rephrase, please?06:37
HaloGrayernesto... you should be able to add multiple msn accounts to gaim06:37
=== Dreamer3 thinks linux tries to hard to be windows
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neomIs it ok to run on hoary? (it's not going to change it back to warty or anything funky like that?06:37
regeyaso if you're trying to use kino for a home movie, and attempt to export to MPEg to burn to DVD, and the audio gets way out of whack, add '-F 4' to the list of options for mpeg2enc (if you're creating NTSC video)06:37
ernestoHow I can add my msn account to other person account when he has eliminated me06:37
regeyauh...sometimes I think that some linux people try too hard to make linux into os x06:38
ernestoin gaim06:38
farruinnernesto: you mean y ou want to add your nick to his buddy list?06:38
Dreamer3regeya: never used os x06:38
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LinkMasterSabDreamer3: Windows is a damned good thing to emulate in a quite a few places06:38
regeyaas soon as I see a non-screensaver bsod, I'll agree that linux is getting too windows-like. ;-)06:38
crimsunernesto: no idea, have you asked in #gaim ?06:38
LinkMasterSabAnd not literally emulate of course, but ... copy.06:38
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: sure, but don't say you're windows until you are :)06:38
=== Xenguy sobs...
ernestomy account06:39
ernestoadd me06:39
regeyaor as soon as running fsck fouls up init, I'll agree.06:39
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: things won't just work until vendors properly support linux06:39
HaloGrayernesto... I'd love to help but I'm not understanding the problem06:39
Zotnixoh! Screensavers... that reminds me. Screensavers that use your screen as part of it don't work here. They display the default image in the screensaver.06:39
=== Dreamer3 shrugs.
XenguyDreamer3: we don't want to be wind0ze06:39
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: until them (some) linux users live in a second rate world06:39
ernestopardon for my bad english Im a Dominican boy06:39
ZotnixAnyway to fix them?06:39
HaloGrayare you trying to add somebody elses msn account to your gaim?06:40
rellikis there some way to change nautilus to use vlc instead of totem to generate thumbnials for videos?  totem won't do divx06:40
LinkMasterSabDreamer3: Yeah. There's a reason I'm considering moving back to Windows already.06:40
regeyaDreamer3, amen06:40
regeyaamen to vendor support06:40
Dreamer3Xenguy: true... but the idea seems (if you want to attract the non-technically included) to become more and more like it06:40
neomernesto - You get lots of canadians going on holiday to the dominican?06:40
XenguyDreamer3: wind0ze is not that to which we aspire06:41
Dreamer3Xenguy: 3d has never worked right on my lapotp... and the hardware acceleration drivers are just coming up to speed years after the hardware was released :)06:41
ernestowhen a person erase your account of his msn, what you can do for to add your account to his msn06:41
LinkMasterSabCalling Microsoft "M$" and calling Windows "Wind0ze" is pretty stupid.06:41
HaloGraylike... if they were to block you?06:41
Dreamer3Xenguy: not a perfect linux world i live in :)06:41
XenguyDreamer3: We aspire to useable, friendly, free software06:41
trey3Xenguy: he's not saying that though... he's saying Windows does some things well... reinventing the wheel for the sake of it is counter-productive...06:41
HaloGrayLinkMasterSab: I agree. INTERNET EXPLODER LOL06:41
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Xenguytrey3: free software is not "re-inventing the wheel" -- it's creating something new :-)06:42
LinkMasterSabHaloGray: Internet Explorer is pretty bad compared to the opposition now though, you must admit. But it's hardly terrible.06:42
neomcrossover office scares me.06:42
regeyaLinkMasterSab, evaluate what your current issues are; in some cases, as a last-ditch resort, there are proprietary solutions available.  Case in point: my main printer is properly supported by Turboprint right now.  As soon as an equivalent Gimp-Print driver is out, I'll use it.  I'm reluctant to help because I've ruined hardware with bad drivers before (my own fault.)06:42
Dreamer3i'm saying i think the linux community (particularly "friendly" distros) gives too many people the ide ayou pop in a CD and it "just works" and it's not there yet06:42
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HaloGrayI'm a web developer... don't talk to me about IE not being horrible06:42
HaloGrayIt's horrible...06:42
XenguyThe FOSS angle is lost on you people most of the time, which is dreadful06:42
neomAnd the fact that someone has developed a distro to run ms shit, is annoying.06:42
Dreamer3HaloGray: amen :)06:43
regeyaI remember IE back when it was Mosaic :-P06:43
trey3Xenguy: you're wrong... many things in GNOME were taken from other desktops etc... not because they were from that other OS, but because they were the right thing to do.06:43
Dreamer3HaloGray: but if it just didn't add those 3 pixels to floats i could forigve most :)06:43
Dreamer3Xenguy: huh?06:43
KokeyHey! somebody have a Dell with a BCM modem? there is a driver for this winmodem?06:43
XenguyDreamer3: exactly, and that is what frustrates me -- it creates the impression that we aspire to windows, which is what first caught my eye about your comments ;-)06:43
LinkMasterSabHaloGray: Okay, yeah, never mind, its compliance to standards is something we wouldn't call compliance06:43
ernestowhat's up06:43
HaloGrayOn a user/browser level it's still pretty bad though...06:44
HaloGrayOn the pure basis that it uses 'zone' security06:44
=== tuppa [~tuppa@c211-30-136-180.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnernesto: _you_ cannot control _his_ gaim...06:44
Dreamer3Xenguy: it just saddens me to see people who don't know anything about linux asking basic questions... because the goal (evidentally) is to make it open to less and less technically skilled, but it's not ready on all hardware06:44
HaloGraythat whole thing was a terrible idea from the get go06:44
Dreamer3the much of the software is far from usable :)06:44
ernestoI know that06:44
pussfelleri have made alot of money lately off of windows explorers so shh06:44
Dreamer3(as defined by usability professionals)06:44
tuppaanyone here running the amd64 arch of ubuntu hedgehog?06:44
HaloGrayit's so easy to hack up 'uhhh, hey IE... I sure am a local file... let me edit everything on the local drive now'06:44
ernestobut must be a trick for add your account to his msn06:44
goldfishhow to update /etc/X11/XF86Config-406:44
pussfellerand people not running windows update06:44
=== tuppa is after some anecdotes
goldfishafter u alter it06:45
HaloGrayand if you look at most of IE's security updates, they've been patching that very thing06:45
wolf1502tuppa im running warty 64bit06:45
farruinnernesto: I don't understand what you mean by "add your account to his msn"06:45
regeyaanother proprietary example: once upon a time, back when alsa was someone's wet dream, commercial oss was always a good bet if you had a newish popular soundcard and wanted supported rather than buying a new card (back then, the drivers were actually cheaper than a SB16)06:45
HaloGrayuntil the 'zone' security is dropped from IE, I don't see ever recommending it on a secure level06:45
HaloGrayeven if they do get a hold on the active x issues06:45
ernestoadd you I dont know how say it06:45
Xenguywindows is a mess in so many ways - it is just as easy for me to trash it, as it is for you guys to praise it06:45
LinkMasterSabHaloGray: Firefox <306:45
regeyaproprietary isn't necessarily evil if it's the only current choice and isn't produced by an evil company, imho...and illness kicking in again, clear a path to the bathroom, bbiab06:45
Dreamer3HaloGray: XP SP2 is nice06:46
Xenguywhy you insist on praising windows I really don't understand06:46
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Dreamer3HaloGray: as nice as IE can get i think :)06:46
HaloGrayDreamer3:  I agree06:46
XenguyXP is butt ugly - horrible to look at06:46
LinkMasterSabXenguy: I find more quality software on Windows, it's easier to use, it doesn't tend to piss me off at the moment.06:46
Dreamer3Xenguy: then change it06:46
HaloGraySP2 had some amazing jumps in IE security06:46
ernestofor example when you erase a contact of msn06:46
Dreamer3Xenguy: who's praising windows?06:46
trey3Xenguy: ok... but windows does some things right... reinventing a good idea usually ends up bad  :/06:46
HaloGraybut it still has a zone core... and as long as it has that, it's going to be exploited06:46
XenguyDreamer3: we're trying, but here you are praising it ;-)06:46
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Xenguytrey3: sure06:46
Dreamer3Xenguy: i just know a LOT of my hardware works flawlessly on windows and still doesn't work on linux06:46
farruinnernesto: you want to add him to your buddy list?06:46
LinkMasterSabAnd I disagree, since Windows XP looks good to me.06:47
pussfellerthats the thing with ms, they they just wont play nice and they are too powerful and too untrustworthy to be allowed to continure having that much influence over the tech world06:47
=== piratePenguin [~piratepen@dialup363.ts527.cwt.esat.net] has left #ubuntu []
XenguyDreamer3: flawlessly?  Including the viruses, spyware, and inflated cost?06:47
ernestono I want to add me to his buddy lisst06:47
=== ivar [~ivar@S0106002078c9e525.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinkMasterSabpussfeller, welcome to fucking capitalism :)06:47
XenguyDreamer3: give me a break, you must be trolling06:47
Dreamer3Xenguy: a lot of that is user education (except for IE)06:47
farruinnernesto: ok, if I understand what you're saying, you cannot do that06:47
trey3Dreamer3: I find that hard to believe... XP is 4 years old... enless you mean after you installed 3rd party drivers?06:47
HaloGrayernesto, if you add him to your buddy list he'll get a notice that you did and have an option to add you06:47
=== Xenguy shakes his head...
Dreamer3Xenguy: i ran windows (with firefox) and never had any of those problems06:47
HaloGraythat's the closest you can get06:47
ivaris there a way for a non root user to find the IP associated with eth0 ? ifconfig requires root...06:47
HaloGrayyou can add yourself to somebody elses buddy list though... though any program06:48
pussfellerit wont be capitalism that MS uses to keep its market share in the future, i assure you06:48
LinkMasterSabDreamer3: I've been running Ubuntu for a week now.06:48
=== HaloGray is now known as Halo|Dennys
LinkMasterSabAnd Windows never gave me any real problems.06:48
Dreamer3Xenguy: i'm not trolling :) I have a thinkpad, and accelerated video is flakey (but improving every day) sound doesn't survive suspend/resume, no dual-head, etc06:48
XenguyDreamer3: you're 'dreaming' frankly -- read the experiences of others -- it is a horrible, defenceless OS, completely under attack by crippling malware06:48
ernestothere's no matter with that I just want to add me06:48
Dreamer3Xenguy: windows works much better when run by technically included...06:48
Dreamer3Xenguy: i know a few sys admins who never have those types of problems but i fix windows pcs all the time from regular joes that do06:49
pussfellerMS will use IP and the courts to fight FOSS and will rpobably win at least in the usa06:49
XenguyDreamer3: if yer not connected to the Net, I'm sure wind0ze behaves just fine :P06:49
trey3Xenguy: by default... sure... defaults are there to be changed though   :/06:49
Dreamer3Xenguy: i think windows is mostly superior in hardware support06:49
Dreamer3Xenguy: if i could have all the hardware drivers on linux that'd seal the deal for me06:49
Dreamer3Xenguy: but some corps need office, and other windows apps06:49
LinkMasterSabDreamer3: That's generally because manufacturers provide drivers to Windows and not Linux.06:49
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: i know :)06:49
trey3Dreamer3: wrong... there are just more 3rd party drivers  :/06:50
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: it's because linux is the minority06:50
XenguyDreamer3: there are so many problems with windows, that frankly I cannot take you seriously any longer.  Let's concentrate on creating an alternative to that mess, shall we?06:50
Dreamer3trey3: huh?06:50
LinkMasterSabIt'll remain the minority.06:50
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Dreamer3trey3: well, right06:50
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LinkMasterSabYou'll never see it rise over Windows unless it becomes easier to use.06:50
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ernestonow do you understand?06:50
Dreamer3Xenguy: sure, i run linux :)  but our customers use windows :)06:50
pussfelleryup linkmaster06:50
LinkMasterSabSince your average Windows user doesn't know what a command prompt is06:50
trey3Dreamer3: like I said... Windows is 4 years old... if you have new hardware... Windows won't support it... Linux supports most hardware out of the box...06:50
pussfellerand linux has gotten 100x more user friendly over the last couple years06:51
LinkMasterSabIt's more like magic to them; they click the internet on, check email, chat with people...06:51
Dreamer3trey3: hmmmmmm, perhaps :)06:51
peloverdeI just migrated to ubuntu today, and despite the rocky install i love it06:51
Dreamer3trey3: windows xp supports anything in the last year or two OTB has been my experience06:51
regeyapussfeller, indeed06:51
LinkMasterSabLinux requires quite some understanding with how things work.06:51
trey3Dreamer3: umm... how can it? its a 4 year old OS... :/06:51
Dreamer3but i'm not argueing for windows, was only talking about hardware support for non-mainstream stuff (laptops, integrated, fringe, etc)06:52
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Dreamer3trey3: SP1, SP206:52
regeyaLinkMasterSab, the same is true of any OS, if you're installing on your own.06:52
Dreamer3trey3: they come on media06:52
=== regeya nods in Dreamer3's direction...yep
LinkMasterSabregeya: Installing XP takes no intelligence.06:52
pussfellerthe move to more and more apps being web-based will help linux as well06:52
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trey3Dreamer3: thats not Windows though...06:52
LinkMasterSabYou hit OK a few times.06:52
=== regeya raises an eyebrow.
trey3LinkMasterSab: Installing Ubuntu did?06:52
Dreamer3trey3: yeah it is :)06:52
XenguyDreamer3: anyway, this is a Ubuntu support channel, right?  Why are you on about wind0ze here anyway?06:52
gobeavscuz its a competitor06:53
Dreamer3trey3: windows xp OEM w/SP2... :)06:53
LinkMasterSabtrey3: No, but he said installing Windows did.06:53
trey3Dreamer3: its really not... thats driver discs   :/06:53
gobeavsits like a windows forum talking about the threat of linux06:53
u404i installed ubuntu, rebooted and choosed test apt sources..., but because i can use internet only trough VPN, now the system trys to connect  to security.ubuntu.com several times06:53
LinkMasterSabtrey3: Or rather, any OS.06:53
Dreamer3trey3: it's full install media, i just used it the other day :)06:53
regeyaLinkMasterSab, are you referring to an off-the-shelf XP on random hardware, or an OEM copy?06:53
u404is there a way to cancel this process?06:53
danielsguys, offtopic06:53
=== Dreamer3 doesn't keep up with off the shelf stuff
Xenguygobeavs: it's off-topic when carried to this extreme06:53
gobeavsXP does fine with new hardware06:53
Dreamer3buy OEM and a mouse...06:53
Xenguydaniels: thank you06:53
LinkMasterSabregeya: Take XP or Ubuntu to a machine with "random hardware" and you're much more likely to get XP running06:54
gobeavsthis isn't OT06:54
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: i agree06:54
gobeavswe are talking about hardware compatibility06:54
Xenguygobeavs: of course it is06:54
Dreamer3LinkMasterSab: not that it's ubuntu's fault or anything06:54
farruinnthis discussion is much more suited for #ubuntuforums06:54
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regeyaLinkMasterSab, I've had hardware where Windows installs were hell and mainstream Linux installs required no intervention.  Ubuntu may not have the pretty installer, but I put very little thought into it.06:54
=== Dreamer3 tries out the ubuntu wallpapers
trey3LinkMasterSab: very wrong... in my experience at least... usually have graphics and sound issues with Windows... no such issues on Linux...06:54
regeyaI put less thought into installing Ubuntu on this hardware than I did into the last Mac Panther install I did.06:55
Dreamer3trey3: all depends on hardware :)06:55
pussfellerspeaking of that, should i file a bug with warty not being able to auto install my azt2320 soundcard06:55
LinkMasterSabtrey3: Really? I've had much more trouble with Linux installs with hardware.06:55
Dreamer3i think linux has the mainstream coverered really well, but when you get into obscure things that techies dont use it's not so rosey06:55
pussfelleror just wait til the next release is out and check06:55
regeyaLinkMasterSab, it's all very relative. :-)06:55
Dreamer3that's why 3d on my savage integrate lappy video has taken years to come about06:55
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=== LinkMasterSab shrugs.
farruinnpussfeller: find out if anyone is having the same problem in hoary06:55
regeyaDreamer3 says it well06:55
danielspussfeller: if you want, you can try the Hoary live CD from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com, and see if the problem still occurs there06:56
pussfellerthats a good idea06:56
=== LinkMasterSab wants to see that Unununium OS develop.
regeyaalso LinkMasterSab it also depends on whether or not your hardware vendors are cooperative on specs or if they're BPHBFHs06:56
regeya(Bastard Pointy-Haired-Bosses From Hell)06:56
hikaru79Does wine have an IRC chan?06:56
LinkMasterSabregeya: Dilbert yay.06:56
crimsunpussfeller: does manually modprobing snd-azt2320 work?06:56
trey3Dreamer3: not really... I installed Windows on about 300 machines... same machines with Fedora, Ubuntu and SUSE... no issues with the Linux distro's, could expect at least graphics and sound issues on Windows...06:56
pussfelleryes, thats waht I had to do06:56
LinkMasterSabIt's okay though. I'm only 16. I'll live to see much better Linux and slightly better Windows06:57
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meandyouI am having problem exporting NFS share, here is what I did06:57
meandyou/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start06:57
danielstrey3: dude, please just let the discussion die06:57
Dreamer3trey3: well, with windows you might have to find and install the latest graphics/sound drivers :)06:57
farruinnpussfeller: isn't there a file you can add that to?06:57
Dreamer3trey3: with linux sometimes they aren't available, is my only point :)06:57
meandyouportmap start first06:57
trey3daniels: no offense dude... but I don't see anything more interesting being discussed?06:57
regeyaor perhaps the discussion could go to a more generic disscusion, or it could continue privmsg06:58
trey3Dreamer3: I've yet to see it...06:58
farruinntrey3: this is a support channel. #ubuntuforums is a discussion channel06:58
regeyanow, see there, there's something I'd never even heard of.06:58
crimsunfarruinn: yes (/etc/modules), but the bug is that it isn't autodetected06:58
Dreamer3trey3: ok, on _my_ laptop :) windows had better hardware support ;-)06:58
XenguyBTW, to the Ubuntu developers, I handed off a Warty CD to a friend at work (he's been interested in trying out Linux), and he installed it without a hitch this past weekend.  His comment was "Wow" :-)  He is still trying to figure out how to print form the Ubu to a printer on his mostly windows network, but other than that, it 'just worked' -- thanks a lot for your hard work!  He's really impressed by it :-)06:58
pussfellerfarruinn, you add that to a file in etc, but I was more thinking of the autodetection in the installation06:58
farruinncrimsun: ah, got it06:58
trey3farruinn: so is #ubuntu-offtopic ... but there is no one ever in there   :/06:58
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regeyathere should be a channel guideline list, with a list of channels, and it should be the first thing in the /topic06:59
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Zotnixheh, when I was 16 I was locked into Windows with no alternative at all.06:59
Zotnixmother would hate if I ruined the family computer ;)06:59
Dreamer3some of these ubuntu wallpapers :)06:59
LinkMasterSabZotnix: I had to install my own HD and buy my own hardware to get it running06:59
ZotnixI actually had a nasty habit of taking apart old computers and never putting them back together.06:59
regeyathere is NO ONE in #ubuntu-offtopic06:59
meandyoucan anyone help me set up my NFS server under ubuntu06:59
pussfellercommunication happens spontaneously tho06:59
LinkMasterSabZotnix: I have three cases in my room. Two of them don't work anymore.07:00
regeyaand #ubuntuforums is hopping07:00
gobeavswhat is ubuntuforums for anyway>07:00
LinkMasterSabwoooo 23 users07:00
goldfishgobeavs: disussions07:00
regeyawell, since #ubuntu is for nothing other than support...07:00
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trey3regeya: yup... hopping... still yet to see a comment  :/07:00
ZotnixSo I imagine we should move off topic non-support stuff to Ubuntuforums?07:01
_slice_and a discussion of the relative merits of windows/linux/panther etc gets tedious after the first 1000 times07:01
_slice_worthy as it is...07:01
Dreamer3where can i get the background on the ubuntu homepage?07:01
Dreamer3of the login07:01
dudheh, if my 200GB drive ext3 wont get defragmented from this, it never will07:01
dudmoving around, compressing and deleting about 7000 files07:02
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goldfishDreamer3: You already have it.07:03
unpersonAnybody still looking for an app to display CPU temps, you might look at EmiFreq  http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=40607:03
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Dreamer3goldfish: no, i don't run ubuntu yet :)07:03
goldfishDreamer3: oh right07:03
goldfishDreamer3: it's installed with it07:03
Dreamer3goldfish: i just downloaded all the wallpapers and they were a little but riske, but i like the login07:03
u404i read, that there is no VPN wizard in Gnome, how can i configure a VPN then?07:03
Dreamer3goldfish: well what pacakge is it in? :)07:03
goldfishDreamer3: u get a few logins as standard07:03
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Dreamer3goldfish: take one of the login screens and dpkg -S it07:04
Dreamer3goldfish: once you find where they are :)07:04
Dreamer3maybe it's ubuntu-artwork, but i'd hate to download a large file just to be wrong07:05
Dreamer3goldfish: dpkg -L ubuntu-artwork | less07:05
Dreamer3goldfish: see if that looks right07:05
Dreamer3u404: by hand?07:05
Dreamer3u404: by reading a how-to?07:05
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goldfishDreamer3: /usr/share/gdm/themes/HumanCircle/HumanCircle.xml ??07:06
Dreamer3goldfish: are there png/jpg files as well?07:06
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goldfishDreamer3: yes07:07
u404Dreamer3, maybe you can give me a link to a how-to?07:08
Dreamer3downlaoding it :)07:08
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Dreamer3u404: try google, i don't know, never tried07:08
Dreamer3u404: i use ssh for any sys admin stuff i need to do07:08
Dreamer3u404: and rsync via ssh for transferring files07:09
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goldfishDreamer3: yeah it's cool07:09
bitfoohow do i tell gstreamer to use something else besides esd :|07:10
Dreamer3i may end up putting ubuntu on new pcs and just using the artwork on mine :)07:10
Dreamer3of course eventually i'll get tired of that image07:10
goldfishart.gnome.org have nice ones07:10
meandyouI have added my share in /etc/exports, started portmap and NFS server then issued exportfs but i cant access the share from clients. what am i missing here07:10
unpersonu404, Did you try looking at ubuntuforums.org?07:10
Dreamer3goldfish: i don't run ghome07:11
Dreamer3unperson: did'nt think of that :)07:11
Dreamer3forms always a good place to look07:11
Dreamer3or evne ask there07:11
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Dreamer3amazing what you can get if you aren't in a hurry07:11
trey3bitfoo: Computer > Preferences > Multimedia System Selector <-- thats a gstreamer util afaik...07:12
trey3bitfoo: description even says it is  8)07:12
Dreamer3meandyou: can you accuess the share locally?07:13
Dreamer3meandyou: over nFS?07:13
bitfootrey3, are you in hoary?07:14
trey3bitfoo: yes... thats the location in Warty though  :/07:14
bitfootheres only desktop preferences07:14
=== gobeavs [~gobeavs@wbar4.sea1-4-5-123-214.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bitfoonot plain preferences in warty07:14
trey3bitfoo: eh... that...07:14
bitfooand no multimedia system selector :|07:14
trey3bitfoo: It was there when I was using warty... been there since 2.6 afaik07:15
bitfoowell i mean i can take a screenshot for ya but it aint there lol07:15
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trey3bitfoo: 'gstreamer-properties' <-- run that, same thing07:16
bitfooahh ok07:16
crimsun(confirmed, not a menu item)07:17
=== pepperpot [Wang@CPE0004e2987e23-CM014080211876.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
pepperpotYay! I've finished upgrading sid to hoary07:18
pepperpotworks much better now07:18
Dreamer3pepperpot: hmmm07:18
Dreamer3sarge -> warty or no?07:18
pepperpotno, i've never done sarge -> warty07:19
=== Dreamer3 tells himself no, he'll wait to install on a free PC
pepperpotsid is pretty broken07:19
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zenrox                                              whos the nivida god07:19
pepperpotso hoary is an improvement07:19
Dreamer3that's why i've never run sid :)07:19
pepperpotzenrox: nvidia is the nvidia god07:19
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trey3zenrox:                                                      Why are you typing over here?07:19
zenroxdont know07:19
pepperpottrey3: right justify?07:19
zenroxpepperpot,  but nivda ant god when its broke07:20
Dreamer3trey3:                                                           no one clued you in?  it's in style07:20
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pepperpotzenrox: maybe it's an evil god07:20
trey3Dreamer3:                                                                    guess I missed the memo  :(07:20
zenroxprobly so07:20
pepperpotI         like                 fill                 justify,           personally07:20
zenroxso whos up to truble shouting nv fx5200 pci07:20
Dreamer3oh, got artwork :)07:20
Dreamer3now lets go see07:20
zenroxbrand now card and ubuntu warty wont boot when the card is in the system07:21
pepperpotdepends. What's the trouble?07:21
pepperpotyikes. I have no experience with that, sorry07:21
zenroxits ok any one else07:21
crimsunzenrox: ask in #nvidia07:21
Neo_654zerox will the system post?07:22
zenroxNeo_654,  up to "starting hotplug"07:22
zenroxthen locks up07:22
Dreamer3that is pretty bright for a background07:22
Dreamer3but nice07:22
zenroxi assume a kernel panic happens07:22
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Dreamer3looks like you have to have 24bit color to really appreciate things though...07:23
zenroxeven warty live cd kernal panics07:23
u404unperson, not yet..07:23
zenroxtho knoppix uses the card just fine07:23
Neo_654zenrox: So your running a mobo that has built in video and then connecting the new card into AGP or PCI?07:23
Dreamer3is the ubuntu warty iso any smaller bziped?07:23
crimsunI wasn't aware hotplug had been modified to attend to graphics cards07:23
Neo_654zenrox: any other PCI card in?07:23
zenroxbuilt in = agp , new card = pci07:24
zenroxjust a modem07:24
zenroxthat i dont use07:24
Neo_654Never mind that you already answered that.07:24
trey3Dreamer3: I'd imagin so...07:24
unpersonu404, Well, I see some VPN threads on there.  Not sure there's a how-to, though.07:24
crimsunis it possible to disable the onboard agp?07:24
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zenroxcrimsun,  no07:24
zenroxknoppix dont care tho07:24
Neo_654Sounds like a configuration issue since booting off a livecd is doing a default boot.07:24
zenroxNeo_654, that for me07:25
zenroxhow so07:25
Dreamer3is the CD availalbe via rsync anywherE?07:25
Dreamer3crimsun: what did you use before ubuntu?07:26
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bitfoois there anyway to not use esd :|07:26
trey3Dreamer3: he used Debian  ;)07:26
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bitfoobecause i htink it is why all my sound is crappy in movies :|07:26
Neo_654zenrox; A liveCD does loads with some default and basic features.  Where you Ubuntu install is installed and all the drivers are set.07:26
trey3bitfoo: use raw alsa... and kill esd...07:27
zenroxNeo_654,  so the live cd kernel panics casue on allready installed config07:27
bitfooi killed esd07:27
bitfoobut it always starts up by itself07:27
bitfoowhenever i play a video07:27
Neo_654zenrox; No the livecd doesn't cause the kernel panic.07:27
bitfooso there must be some setting in gnome :|07:27
crimsunDreamer3: I still use Debian. In fact, my main machine is Sid+experimental+Hoary with enough chroots and pbuilders to drive one batty.07:27
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trey3bitfoo: what video player? set it to use alsa also?07:28
zenroxNeo_654,  so the live cd kernel panics becasue of allready installed config07:28
zenroxthats what i ment07:28
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Dreamer3crimsun: pbuilder?07:28
bitfoototem and done07:28
Pierre_hi all07:28
bitfoobut wait07:28
bitfoohow do i set gnome to use only alsa07:28
da_bon_bonhi all07:28
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bitfooall i do before is ps aux | grep esd and then kill that process07:28
crimsunDreamer3: apt-cache show pbuilder :-)07:28
Neo_654zenrox; I thought the livecd was knoppix and your installed OS was Ubuntu and the Ubuntu boot was going into panic.07:28
trey3bitfoo: totem-xine? you'd need to config it seperately....07:29
crimsunbitfoo: set gstreamer-properties to use alsasink, and disable system sound events07:29
unpersonUbuntu is basically based off of a snapshot of the Debian unstable repository at a certain time, correct?  Certain packages are then chosen to make a good, integrated system and more extensively tested.  That's the jist, right?07:29
zenroxNeo_654,  i assumed my ubuntu install is doing a kernal panic when it frezzes at "starting hotplug"07:29
crimsunbitfoo: then configure all the individual sound apps to use alsa directly07:29
zenroxNeo_654,  the warty live cd kernel panics at start up07:29
goldfishAnyone running on a dell 8600 ?07:29
Pierre_what isdn modems work well with ubuntu as my duxbury external is a pain07:29
zenroxNeo_654,  knoppix is what i am running right now07:30
Dreamer3crimsun: interesting, so it's kinda like debootstrap?07:30
crimsununperson: so to speak07:30
Neo_654zenrox: Yes that is what it seems since the video has switched from the onboard to the PCI card.07:30
Dreamer3crimsun: except intender only for chroots?07:30
zenroxok Neo_654  now get this hehehe warty is a fresh install07:30
crimsununperson: a mix of sarge and sid (moreso the latter) with syncs and merges07:30
zenroxafter i put the vid card in07:31
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Neo_654zenrox; so you have no data on the install that you can't loose?07:31
crimsununperson: many ubuntu packages have a full life of their own after merging07:31
crimsunDreamer3: it essentially automates that ordeal, yes07:31
zenroxNeo_654,  just one dir i cant louse thats /home and thats a seprate partion im a good boy07:31
unpersoncrimsun, But outside of the ubuntu packages, universe is basically a frozen snapshot of sid, right?07:32
crimsunDreamer3: very effective and highly recommended if you want to build packages07:32
Dreamer3crimsun: are you saying al ot of pacages are pulled out and then exclusively maintained by ubuntu?07:32
Neo_654zenrox: Did you install the Ubuntu after the install or the PCI card or before?07:32
jason_" Detected as eth0 and started working after modules.conf was edited (wlan0 to eth0)" Anyone know what this means I have to do?07:32
crimsununperson: essentially, yes, at UVF.07:32
Dreamer3crimsun: hmmm, sid frozen?07:32
zenroxNeo_654,  pci card ,format  then install of warty07:32
Dreamer3so... multi-verse is what again?07:32
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Neo_654zenrox: Oh heck...  That has me confused then.07:33
crimsunDreamer3: only packages that are necessary and maintainable are moved from universe to main07:33
trey3Dreamer3: multiverse = non-free unsupported07:33
Dreamer3trey3: ah07:33
Dreamer3crimsun: so... gnome is main?07:34
crimsunDreamer3: yes, since it's the base of Ubuntu07:34
trey3Dreamer3: yes07:34
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trey3Dreamer3: all other desktop environments/window managers are in universe...07:34
Dreamer3crimsun: is ubunut compiled with different cflags than base debian?07:34
Cinduxmy barebone was shipped to me today :D07:34
trey3Dreamer3: yes07:35
AndyFit1does xorg work with fglrx in hoary yet  ( for the 9250 )07:35
Dreamer3trey3: it the different compared somewhere?07:35
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Dreamer3trey3: i'd be happy if it was faster than debian07:35
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crimsunbrisgeek: yes, with current Hoary.07:36
brisgeekcrimsun,  I know they are there..  so they work now ?07:36
trey3Dreamer3: it should be... at least load times etc... but no, its not compared anywhere that I know of...07:36
crimsunbrisgeek: afaik, yes, but I don't use ATI hardware, so I can't confirm.07:36
brisgeekcrumsun, everytime I tried them in the past I had unfortunate results07:36
Dreamer3trey3: why would load times be much faster?07:37
brisgeekbummer .  I might wait until someone with a 9250 can confirm07:37
Dreamer3crimsun: do you know the difference in cflags?07:37
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Dreamer3trey3: and only main pacages would even be affected, right?07:37
Dreamer3trey3: are the other repositories official debian?07:37
trey3Dreamer3: no... all... Ubuntu compiles all Debian packages themselves...07:37
crimsunDreamer3: err...there's a linker tweak iirc, but no major CFLAGS tweaking that I know of07:37
unpersoncrimsun, Ah so universe = sid main, and multiverse = sid non-free?07:38
Dreamer3trey3: interesting07:38
Dreamer3crimsun: so they're all 386 compiled like debian?07:38
Dreamer3crimsun: i swore i read something on that somewhere07:38
sobralenseer.. if I remove the "hotplug" and put everything by hand, I need to load the ext3/reiserfs modules too?  ok, dummy question07:38
crimsunsobralense: no, that's in initrd07:38
crimsunDreamer3: you'll need to dig deeper, because I don't know offhand. They may be optimised for 586+.07:39
trey3Dreamer3: this is one such difference for example: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=22690907:39
sobralensethats because I'm trying to remove some "automatic" things on ubuntu .. and load only what I really need07:39
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Dreamer3trey3: looking07:40
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Dreamer3crimsun: yeah, i should just google if my interenet weren't so darn slow07:40
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Dreamer3trey3: interesting so far07:42
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crimsunsobralense: removing 'hotplug' will unnecessarily complicate things07:42
crimsunsobralense: particularly for removable peripherals07:42
Glin|Jolhi all, i am having difficulty with nvidia drivers and ubuntu07:42
Glin|Jolwhenever i startx, or starat runlevel 5, my x session freezes07:42
Glin|Jolno logs or anything07:42
crimsunGlin|Jol: Ubuntu, like Debian, doesn't play runlevel games. 2->5 are identical.07:43
Glin|Jolthis is my first time trying ubuntu or debian so i am on thin ice heh07:43
crimsunGlin|Jol: are you using Warty or Hoary?07:43
Glin|Jolwarty i believe, the non-beta release07:43
crimsunGlin|Jol: ,,cat /etc/issue'' (don't paste here) will give you a clearer picture07:44
Glin|Joli followed the instructions listed here http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver07:44
Glin|Jolcrimsun, let me try that07:44
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Glin|Jolok seems i am using warty warthog 4.1007:46
meandyousysv-init edit how07:46
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crimsunmeandyou: come again?07:47
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crimsunGlin|Jol: when you boot into Warty, does the graphical greeter fail to load and drop you to a console login prompt?07:47
logicalguten morgen07:48
meandyoucrimsun, what do you mean07:48
crimsunmeandyou: I don't understand what you stated. Are you asking for assistance or responding to someone?07:48
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sobralensewhy I cant remove postfix and stay with anacron?  =/07:49
meandyoucrimsun, I wont to start NFS service boot time, I need sysv editor under ubuntu07:49
sobralenseif I install anacron it says that needs exim07:49
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logicalhello, is here someone who speaks german???07:50
Glin|Jolcrimsun, no, i see the nvidia logo displayed, then the screen just goes haywire after 30 seconds or so07:50
Glin|Joleverything freezes up and then my monitor looks all distorted07:51
crimsunsobralense: a MTA is normally necessary.07:51
goldfishI had X problems with nvidia.07:51
crimsunGlin|Jol: which nvidia card?07:52
Glin|Jolcrimsun, 6600GT07:52
goldfishGlin|Jol: can u log on at all? even through a shell?07:52
goldfishah meh07:52
Glin|Jolgoldfish, not if i want to use the nvidia driver07:52
Glin|Joli can log onto a gui just fine using vesa07:52
Glin|Jolbut everything dies when i try to use nvidia07:52
sobralensecrimsun, =( Not for me...07:53
sobralensecrimsun, I'm trying to remove ... even if broke something.. =P07:53
goldfishoh right07:53
crimsunsobralense: well...a cron-like program needs to mail output somewhere...07:53
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goldfishwhat folder does a usb hard drive get mounted to?07:54
crimsunGlin|Jol: can you still switch to a console afterward using ctrl+alt+f1 ?07:54
Glin|Joli thought they were mounted under /mnt/removeable07:54
Glin|Jolbut that just may be in mandrake07:54
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crimsun/media for Hoary07:55
pellywinkle87crimsun: i have probs with x too, just installed warty 4.10 (my first debian dist) and gdm fails to load07:55
goldfishme too x shit itslef07:55
Glin|Jolcrimsun, is ctrl+alt+f1 similar to ctrl+alt+backspace?07:55
Glin|Joli am not familiar with the ctrl alt f1 command07:55
goldfishif u can log into a shell07:55
goldfishand run07:55
crimsunGlin|Jol: no, ctrl+alt+f* switch between consoles07:55
goldfishsudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree8607:55
goldfishand set that up07:55
goldfishx shud get running07:55
Glin|Joli usually just use ctrl+f*07:56
crimsunGlin|Jol: ctrl+alt+backspace kills the X server process07:56
Glin|Jolbut no, i cant switch between consoles07:56
Glin|Joleverything is frozen07:56
Glin|Jolcrimsun, yeah07:56
pellywinkle87what's -plow? (im a noob)07:56
crimsunpellywinkle87: nvidia/ati driver?07:56
crimsunpellywinkle87: it's a priority indication07:56
goldfishpellywinkle87: dunno,  im a newb too :)07:56
pellywinkle87nvidia 925007:56
goldfishpellywinkle87: that got x working for me07:56
pellywinkle87installed nvidia-glx package07:57
pellywinkle87still doesn't work07:57
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crimsunpellywinkle87: did you execute ,,sudo nvidia-glx-config enable''?07:57
crimsunpellywinkle87: could you paste your /var/log/XFree86.0.log on http://pastebin.ca?07:58
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LinkMasterSabAnyone know of a call alert prog?07:59
pellywinkle87will do07:59
pellywinkle87not now though07:59
Glin|Jolbe right back07:59
unpersonSo, I'd really like to use some of the warty backports for a select few packages (e.g. firefox).07:59
pellywinkle87gtg, going out07:59
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pellywinkle87ill fix it later07:59
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unpersonI'm trying to determine if there's a really nice way to grab just a few without grabbing the kitchen sink.07:59
crimsununperson: it's highly recommended that you dist-upgrade to hoary directly if you wish to use the latest packages.08:00
unpersonLooks like apt-pinning is one way.08:00
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Adrenalanyone know what the bandwith consumption of a jabber server is like?08:00
crimsununperson: using backports often gets one into a bind because the packages are versioned poorly, so dist-upgrades cause headaches08:00
pussfellerit would depend entirely upon how many people wehre using it and how often08:00
Adrenalits all so simple08:01
pussfelleryou could run an irc server for 20-30 people off cable pretty easily08:02
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pussfellerprobably more08:02
FASTis there a shoutcast server software for linux ?08:02
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crimsunFAST: certainly, though I highly recommend icecast2 instead.08:02
FASTokie doke08:03
unpersoncrimsun, Yeah, but generally I don't care about using the latest versions.  I'd rather few downloads and more stability.  There are only one or two apps I want the most current versions of, like firefox.08:03
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crimsuntakes a bit of configuring, but once you do that once, it's pretty much go.08:04
crimsununperson: all right, but do keep in mind the backports'-broken-versioning caveat if you plan to dist-upgrade to hoary.08:04
unpersonEven for firefox I don't need bleeding edge, but I would like 1.0.08:04
goldfishme too08:04
Adrenalbackports, just uninstall when u upgrade08:05
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crimsun[to be fair, hoary has been quite stable despite its development moniker - unless you use amd64] 08:05
unpersonBut if I add the backports repository apt will try to upgrade all packages present in the backports unless I use pinning, correct?08:06
Glin|Jolcan someone that uses an nvidia graphics carc send me a copy of their XF86-4 config file please?08:06
crimsununperson: essentially.08:06
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Adrenalunperson: theorictically08:07
crimsunGlin|Jol: http://sh.nu/~crimsun/XF86Config-408:08
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shushi2005Where is the rc.local file?08:08
crimsunshushi2005: Ubuntu, like Debian, does not use rc.local08:08
unpersonI guess there's also the issue of not getting security patches.08:08
crimsunshushi2005: what are you attempting to accomplish?08:09
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shushi2005I need some drivers to be loaded at bootup, along with some commands.08:09
crimsunshushi2005: drivers->kernel modules?08:10
shushi2005They are to configure a usb wireless adapter.08:10
shushi2005crimsun, what do you mean?08:10
crimsunshushi2005: define "drivers"08:10
crimsunshushi2005: are they kernel modules?08:10
Glin|Jolcrimsun, can you use the "nvidia" drivers with your setup or no? i noticed that you are using nv instead08:11
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shushi2005crimsun, prism2_usb08:11
crimsunGlin|Jol: I used 'nv' with XFree86 on that machine.08:11
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crimsunshushi2005: place it in /etc/modules if you need to manually specify it08:11
shushi2005crimsun, do you think they would load at startup?08:11
crimsunshushi2005: as for commands, I recommend reading the update-rc.d man page08:12
shushi2005crimsun, ok08:12
jasonfcrimsun: what's that command to send a message to all terminals from root? tell?08:12
crimsunshushi2005: hotplug should handle that. Check the supported hardware (search the wiki).08:12
crimsunjasonf: wall(1)08:12
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Glin|Jolthis nvidia thing is really annoying08:19
syn-ackyou know how much I get that, Glin|Jol?08:19
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Glin|Jolits probrably the most often voiced complaint heh08:20
Glin|Jolbut any insight or tips on how to get the nvidia module working with ubuntu would be appreciated :>08:20
crimsunGlin|Jol: could you keep a ssh session open and copy /var/log/XFree86.0.log after a failed graphical startup attempt?08:21
crimsunor rather, open a ssh session after...08:21
Glin|Jolcrimsun, i dont think so08:22
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Glin|Joleverything freezes and i am not too sure if an ssh session would be able to start08:22
crimsunGlin|Jol: do you have a spare computer from which you could attempt to log in via ssh?08:23
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Glin|Jolcrimsun, nope :<08:24
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Dreamer3Glin|Jol: your nvidia doesn't work?08:25
crimsunGlin|Jol: ok, does it boot normally if it doesn't attempt to start X Windows?08:25
=== Dreamer3 has a gx440 card and just had to compile kernel modules when they were released, otherwise worked
Glin|JolDreamer3, nope, when i try to load the nvidia module my x session freezes08:26
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Dreamer3Glin|Jol: you mean the startup freezes?08:26
Glin|Jolcrimsun, yes everything boots fine when i dont boot into x08:26
Glin|JolDreamer3, exactly08:26
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Glin|Jolwhen i see the nvidia logo everything freezes08:26
Dreamer3Glin|Jol: can you startx?08:27
Glin|Jolerr dunno08:27
jdahlinIt seems that lyx is not installable on hoary: lyx-common: Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4-0ubuntu4 is to be installed08:27
Glin|Jolhow would i get ubunto to not start the x session at bootup?08:27
jdahlinor am I just doing something completely stupid?08:27
Dreamer3jdahlin: yeah, it requires an older phython08:27
crimsunjdahlin: no, you're fine.08:28
crimsunjdahlin: it just needs debian/control:Build-Depends bumped, among other things.08:28
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=== Dreamer3 wishes he'd gotten tino buildling debian packages
Dreamer3oh well08:28
crimsunI'll generate a diff and submit it to MOTU08:28
Dreamer3i know nothing08:28
Glin|JolDreamer3, how do i get ubunto to not boot into x?08:29
Dreamer3crimsun: is there anywhere to rsync the CDs from the net?08:29
Dreamer3Glin|Jol: i don't know08:29
Glin|Joli cant seem to figure it out, i dont know how to start at run level 308:29
crimsunGlin|Jol: sudo mv /etc/init.d/gdm /etc/init.d/_gdm08:29
Glin|Jolisnce there is no runlevel 308:29
Dreamer3crimsun: that would work :)08:29
crimsunjdahlin: thanks for bringing that up.08:29
syn-ackYes there is.08:29
Dreamer3i think this ISO is going to be corrupt when i get it08:30
Dreamer3and i'd hate to start from scratch08:30
syn-ackGlin|Jol, you dont know inittab, do you?08:30
Glin|Jolsyn-ack, cant say i do08:30
jdahlincrimsun: no problem. should I file a bug in bugzilla?08:30
syn-ackGlin|Jol, Lesson 1) man inittab08:30
crimsunjdahlin: that's probably the most effective way to bring attention to it; please note me the bug number so I can attach a diff.08:31
syn-ackcrimsun, How goes?08:31
gobeavswhenever I try to play an mp3 in XMMS, it always freezes...any ideas? I have MAD installed...08:31
jdahlincrimsun: but lyx is only in universe right?08:31
crimsunjdahlin: right.08:32
crimsunsyn-ack: not bad, yourself?08:32
jdahlincrimsun: I don't think it should be added to bugzilla then08:32
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=== jdahlin rebuilds lyx
gobeavsin fact, whenever I try to play any file in XMMS08:32
syn-ackCrimsun: Enjoying the new bug fixes in Gnome. :)08:32
=== Dreamer3 wonders if anyone here plays freeciv
syn-acknot too bad.08:33
Dreamer3syn-ack: you a ubuntu user?08:33
_slice_gobeavs: maybe run in from a console and see if you get any useful information08:33
_slice_in = it08:33
Dreamer3syn-ack: do i know you from #linuxhelp or no?08:33
syn-ackDreamer3, yes.08:33
syn-ackto both08:33
=== Dreamer3 nods.
Glin|Jolsyn-ack, would i just change this entry id:2:initdefault: to id:3:initdefault: ?08:34
Dreamer3syn-ack: you loving it?08:34
syn-ackGlin|Jol, yes.08:34
Glin|Jolor am i totally misunderstanding the man page08:34
Dreamer3syn-ack: did you come from Debian?08:34
syn-ackDreamer3, and Redhat and Gentoo.08:34
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Dreamer3syn-ack: i've been reading it should be faster than debian, but not sure08:35
syn-ackoh, and CorelLinux back in the day.08:35
Glin|Jolgonna try this08:35
Glin|Jolbe right back08:35
FASTwooo  installed icecast.... time to figure out how to set the config file proper08:35
syn-ackDreamer3, I have a P4 2.4 with 768 M RAM, everything is fast.08:35
gobeavsilll try it slice08:36
Dreamer3syn-ack: ah08:36
Dreamer3syn-ack: must be nice08:36
Dreamer3syn-ack: i got the ram, just not the processor08:36
syn-ackdreamer, Its a laptop too, and it is. ;)08:36
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=== syn-ack hugs Compaq.
Dreamer3syn-ack: laptop? what?08:36
gobeavsslice: nothing....its still technically running fine, it just doesn't play and doesn't respond08:36
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=== Dreamer3 hugs old p3/900/512mb/20g thinkpad
gobeavsrhythm box won't play anything either, but at least it comes up with an error message08:37
syn-ackdreamer, I have a Compaq Presario 2535 QV08:37
_slice_gobeavs: what msg ?08:37
Dreamer3syn-ack: i dunno that that is :)08:37
Dreamer3syn-ack: bout like me sayging i have a T22 :)08:37
syn-ackgobeavs, I have the latest and it works fine for me...08:37
Dreamer3syn-ack: oh, but you already told me sorta08:37
syn-ackI know what that is08:37
Dreamer3so n/m08:37
=== Dreamer3 yawns
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Dreamer3syn-ack: then you are smart :)08:38
=== Dreamer3 beats his head against the wall that is dial-up
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syn-ack RX bytes:1307082494 (1.2 GiB) <--- all over WiFi, baybee08:38
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gobeavs"could not open source for writing"08:39
gobeavs"could not pause playback"08:39
gobeavsthats in rhythm box08:39
_slice_do you have permissions for the relevant files/dirs maybe?08:40
crimsungobeavs: warty? hoary?08:40
syn-ackwarty? really?08:40
syn-ackThats a bit odd.08:40
crimsungobeavs: err...is artsd running? pgrep artsd08:40
_slice_artsd ?08:40
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gobeavsin the console? pgrep artsd?08:41
crimsungobeavs: yes, or in a Konsole08:41
gobeavsit says 429208:41
crimsunpkill artsd08:41
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crimsunpgrep esd08:41
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gobeavsnothing for esd08:42
crimsungobeavs: do you normally use kde?08:42
gobeavsuh....sort of...switched yesterday08:42
gobeavsdon't know if it worked beforehand though08:43
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_slice_gstreamer-properties select esd maybe or maybe try selecting alsa or arts08:43
[^OsAmA^] alguien habla espaol ?08:43
heliolithsomeone please refresh my memory which is the shell command to list processor info?08:43
_slice_see what happens08:43
crimsungobeavs: if you normally use kde, then there are two steps: you want to select alsasink for output in gstreamer-properties08:43
_slice_maybe the KDE install pu arts in a config and there's a conflict08:43
crimsungobeavs: and you want to shorten the idle timeout period for arts in kde's control panel08:43
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_slice_artsd still has that idle problem ?08:44
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gobeavsin gstreamer-properties08:44
gobeavswhen I switch output to alsasink08:44
gobeavsand test08:44
gobeavsthere is an error08:44
lji need help08:44
[^OsAmA^] nadie habla espaol ?08:45
burnboyanyone ever used Ubuntu as a router?08:45
crimsun[^OsAmA^] : #ubuntu-es?08:45
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[^OsAmA^] ok08:45
lji cant install yahoo messanger08:45
gobeavsI think maybe I should reboot....could it be that too many things are trying to access the sound at one time?08:45
crimsunlj: are you set on using yahoo's linux client, or have you considered (or are aware of) gaim's yahoo plugin?08:45
goldfishyahoo is for teh gheys08:46
crimsungoldfish: choice is golden.08:46
gobeavsim rebooting, thanks for trying08:46
goldfishcrimsun: heh08:46
goldfishSorry :)08:46
crimsungoldfish: no need, hang on08:46
crimsungobeavs: no need, hang on08:46
crimsunwhat error do you get?08:46
gobeavsjust a sec08:46
gobeavslemme produce again08:46
=== syn-ack rips some CDs
gobeavswhen I select Test: "Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture'"08:47
ljit say's i need a package installed but i cant find the package\08:47
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gobeavsand in the console it says /dev/dsp: device or resource is busy08:47
crimsungobeavs: pgrep artsd08:47
gobeavscan't connect to aRts soundserver08:47
crimsungobeavs: pgrep esd08:48
gobeavswait, cancel that last one08:48
gobeavsnothing for esd08:48
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syn-ackIs esd running, by chance?08:48
syn-ackI was late on the draw08:48
gobeavsif it plays in Kaboodle, it is fine08:48
ljthe file name is libssl0.9.608:48
gobeavsbut not in XMMS or rhthymbox08:49
gobeavsand I want something a little better than kaboodle....:D08:49
syn-ackAre the plugins in the applications set correctly?08:49
gobeavsI used apt08:49
gobeavsso they should be configured right08:49
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gobeavsI have the MAD plugin for XMMS08:49
lji only got the file called libssl0.9.708:49
syn-ackgobeavs, No, that doesnt mean a thing08:49
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gobeavssyn-ack: ok08:50
ljplease help08:50
syn-ackgobeavs, Do you have the OUTPUT plugins in the apps setup correctly?08:50
gobeavsI don't know08:50
gobeavslemme check XMMS08:50
syn-ackThen check08:50
ljcan anyone help08:50
crimsunlj: sudo aptitude install libssl0.9.608:50
ljwhats that08:51
crimsunlj: it's a command you execute.08:51
ljok ill try08:51
gobeavswell, now at least I get a "failed to open audio output: ALSA 1.2.10 output plugin" error08:51
gobeavsand in gstreamer-properties it is set for output as ALSA08:51
crimsunlj: you need the 'universe' repository enabled.08:51
crimsungobeavs: for xmms?08:52
gobeavsshould I put input as ALSA also?08:52
gobeavsor does it matter>?08:52
gobeavsin gstreamer-properties08:52
crimsungobeavs: ok, let's start from square one. ,,cat /proc/asound/modules''08:52
syn-ackCrimsun: Thats what Im thinking....08:52
gobeavs0 snd_intel8x008:53
ljgot ererors08:53
crimsungobeavs: ok, now ,,lsmod|grep ^snd_pcm_oss''08:53
gobeavsI get a prompt08:53
ljhow do i do that08:53
crimsunlj: (don't paste here, summarise) apt-cache policy libssl0.9.608:53
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crimsungobeavs: (leave out ,, and '')08:54
lji didnt08:54
gobeavsnothing then08:54
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crimsungobeavs: excellent. ,,sudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss''08:54
gobeavssnd_pcm_oss 48168 008:54
Anubischecking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp08:54
Anubisconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check08:54
gobeavshad it typed wrong08:54
crimsunAnubis: sudo aptitude install build-essential08:54
Anubisall of my compiles end with this08:55
ljit says unable to locate pacage08:55
syn-ackcrim: funny that it didnt install by default.08:55
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crimsunlj: do you have universe enabled?08:55
ljhow do i do that08:55
syn-acklj, Dude, I think you need to check out the website08:56
syn-acklike do a LOT a reading.08:56
ljive never uesed code befor this i just got on the internet08:56
syn-acklj, especially the wiki08:57
crimsunlj: Computer>System Configuration>Synaptic Package Manager08:57
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crimsunlj: Settings>Repositories08:57
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crimsunlj: place a check mark in the line that reads ... warty ... main restricted universe08:58
ljdo i type it in08:58
crimsunlj: (the line that begins with deb ... main restricted universe)08:58
crimsun(not deb-src)08:58
syn-acklj, www.ubuntulinux.org would be a good start.08:58
crimsunlj: then click OK, and Reload08:59
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ljim at the site now what do i do08:59
syn-acklj, I will find the howto. its very nice.08:59
crimsunlj: then you may search for 'libssl0.9.6'08:59
pepperpotI just upgraded from sid to hoary and am installing ubuntu linux-image-2.6.10-2-k7. I'm getting a message about initrd and lilo. How do I get my system to adopt the ubuntu behaviour of using grub and auto-detecting other OSes?09:00
AnubisNo package 'libgift' found09:00
Anubis./configure --prefix /usr/lib09:00
Anubisdoes not work09:00
Anubisis my syntax wrong?09:00
crimsunpepperpot: there's a message that pops up when you attempt to install/upgrade linux-image-*; it tells you what line to insert into what file.09:00
ljit says command not found09:00
crimsunAnubis: warty or hoary?09:01
gobeavslj: what did you type in?09:01
ljdeb main restricted universe09:01
syn-acklj http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto/view?searchterm=Synaptic09:01
gobeavsah, thx syn-ack :D09:01
crimsunAnubis: is the universe repo enabled? You need the 'libgift-dev' package.09:01
gobeavsthat will help09:01
gobeavsthey should just enable them by default...09:02
pepperpotcrimsun: it says to insert a line into lilo.conf, but doesn't ubuntu use grub?09:02
Anubisuniverse is enabled09:02
crimsunlj: you don't need to type anything in, just check the line I told you09:02
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Anubisand multiverse09:02
syn-ackThough, very rarely do I use Synaptic myself.09:02
ljwhat line is that09:02
pepperpotcrimsun: it also says to instert a line in /etc/kernel-img.conf09:02
gobeavsI like it...although sometimes I just use apt-get for some old-schooling09:02
crimsunlj: it's the 3rd line that begins "deb ..."09:03
gobeavslj: in settings>repositories09:03
gobeavsin synaptic09:03
crimsunlj: if you scroll over to the right using the bottom scrollbar, you'll see it has "...universe" at the end09:03
lji dont understand09:03
syn-ackI dont use it often, if at all.09:03
crimsunpepperpot: indeed, Ubuntu uses GRUB. Are you actually using GRUB, though?09:04
crimsunlj: there are check boxes on the left hand side09:04
FASTanyone wanna help me with this?      ryan@zeus:~ $ icecast -c /usr/local/etc/icecast.xml  ......  FATAL: could not open error logging (/var/log/icecast/error.log): Permission den ied09:04
crimsunlj: do you see them?09:04
pepperpotcrimsun: I don't know. I've never hand-configured a grub file. Doesn't ubuntu generate grub automatically?09:04
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Anubiscrimsun, SWEET!09:04
pepperpotpepperpot: the installation cd detects other OSes and adds them to the grub09:05
crimsunFAST: err, why /usr/local/etc/icecast.xml? Did you compile icecast2 locally? Why not use the Ubuntu package?09:05
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FASTdammit..... there's a package?       yeah i compiled it ... :\09:05
crimsunFAST: yes, in warty/universe.09:05
FASTguh.  ill do that, thanks09:05
crimsunFAST: apt-cache search foo and apt-cache policy foo are indispensable tools09:06
lji reloaded synaptic and it downloaded some stuff but not the file im looking for09:06
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crimsunlj: did you place a check mark in the box I told you?09:06
crimsunlj: and then click OK?09:06
ljwhat box again09:07
crimsunlj: Settings>Repositories09:07
crimsunlj: third deb line09:07
crimsunlj: finished?09:08
ljits not there09:08
crimsunwhat isn't there?09:08
Anubisconfigure: error: Can't find Python.h! You will need the python development package09:08
Anubis              to successfully compile gDesklets.09:08
ljony all is ther09:09
crimsunAnubis: why not use gdesklets from universe?09:09
crimsunAnubis: (python-dev)09:09
pepperpotwhat package is it that automatically configures grub?09:09
lji dont have that program09:10
Anubiscrimsun, it runs crappy here09:10
crimsunlj: "ony all is ther?"09:10
Anubisit uses the old displays09:10
crimsunlj: I have no idea what you typed.09:10
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Anubisand the weather displays don't work for me09:11
crimsunAnubis: then install 'python-dev' and go at it.09:11
ljand i checked anf the package is not there either09:11
crimsunlj: did you search for "libssl0.9.6" ?09:11
ljdoes not exist09:12
crimsunlj: you must be doing something odd...09:12
lji just updated it too09:12
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crimsunlj: close Synaptic, open a Terminal, and type: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:13
ljdo you mean root terminal09:13
crimsuneither one will do09:13
ljok now what09:14
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ljok now what09:15
crimsunscroll down to the line that reads: # deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe09:15
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crimsunerase the '#'09:15
crimsunpress ctrl+x09:15
crimsunsave the file09:15
ljas what09:16
crimsunas the filename it defaults to09:16
crimsun(press enter)09:16
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ljit said cancelled09:16
crimsunlj: you have to save it09:17
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crimsunlj: press ctrl+o after you've made the change09:17
crimsun(then enter)09:17
ljwhat do you want me to call the file thats what it asked for09:18
AndyFitzcrumsun,  nope  xorg-driver-fglrx still doesnt work..   all good I'm on xfree86-driver-fglrx again :P09:18
FASTryan@zeus:~ $ icecast -c /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml ... I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml" ... FATAL: error parsing config file (/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml) ... XML config parsing error09:18
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Anubisconfigure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 gtk+-2.0 pygtk-2.0 >= 2.4.0)09:18
crimsunlj: it comes up with a filename by default09:18
Anubis pygtk-2.009:18
Anubisnot in the sorces?09:18
ljwell it didnt this time09:18
crimsunAnubis: sudo apt-get build-dep gdesklets09:18
crimsunlj: the name of the file is the one you typed in09:19
Anubiswhats that do?09:19
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crimsunAnubis: it installs all the packages needed to build gdesklets.09:19
ljok it worked now what09:19
crimsunlj: sudo aptitude update09:20
ljtype that in09:20
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rosehello everyone - a question about booting the warty CD to have a look09:21
ljnow what09:21
crimsunnow: sudo aptitude install libssl0.9.609:21
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ljit worked now what09:22
Anubisconfigure: error: Library requirements (pygtk-2.0 >= 2.4.0 gtk+-2.0 librsvg-2.0) not met;09:22
Anubis pygtk-2.009:23
Anubisits not availible09:23
ljis that all i have to do09:23
crimsunlj: yes.09:23
ljthank you byby09:23
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crimsunAnubis: you need python2.4 packages.09:24
rosecan anyone please tell me how to boot the warty CD - do I just restart withe CD insitu?09:24
gobeavsno more suggestions for poor gobeavs and his poor music?09:24
crimsunrose: yes.09:24
gobeavsrose: yes09:24
roseokay thanks crimsun and gobeavs09:25
=== lj [~lj@70-97-144-179.br1.ctn.pa.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
gobeavswell, in XMMS now it says I need an ALSA output plugin09:25
lji still have a problem09:25
=== syn-ack spins Iron Maiden - Be Quick Or Be Dead
crimsungobeavs: so in Preferences, tell it to use the ALSA output plugin09:26
gobeavsI did09:26
crimsunlj: ...which is?09:26
ljelecting previously deselected package ymessenger.09:26
lj(Reading database ... 61455 files and directories currently installed.)09:26
ljUnpacking ymessenger (from ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb) ...09:26
ljdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ymessenger:09:26
lj ymessenger depends on libssl0.9.6; however:09:26
lj  Package libssl0.9.6 is not installed.09:26
ljdpkg: error processing ymessenger (--install):09:26
lj dependency problems - leaving unconfigured09:27
ljErrors were encountered while processing:09:27
lj ymessenger09:27
gobeavsI think09:27
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj #09:27
crimsunlj: didn't you say you installed libssl0.9.6?09:27
gobeavsok...now it thinks its playing09:27
ljthats what it said ill show you09:27
gobeavsbut it really isnt09:27
gobeavsno sound, but it says its playing09:27
gobeavsthats a start :D09:27
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syn-ackgobeavs, stop the player.09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # sudo aptitude install libssl0.9.609:28
ljReading Package Lists... Done09:28
ljBuilding Dependency Tree09:28
ljReading extended state information09:28
ljInitializing package states... Done09:28
ljE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:28
ljE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # apt-cache policy libssl0.9.609:28
ljW: Unable to locate package libssl0.9.609:28
crimsungobeavs: make sure all the mixer sliders are unmuted and are at a fairly normal level09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # settings>repositories09:28
ljbash: settings: command not found09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # deb main restricted universe09:28
ljbash: deb: command not found09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # sudo nano09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # sudo aptitued update09:28
ljsudo: aptitued: command not found09:28
crimsunlj: please kill the paste.09:28
ljroot@70-97-144-179:/home/lj # sudo aptitude update09:28
ljReading Package Lists... Done09:28
_slice_thank you09:28
syn-ackgobeavs, try this and tell me if you hear the voice of god: " cat /dev/urandom/ > /dev/dsp09:28
Anubisnot much fun staying in Warty09:28
ljBuilding Dependency Tree09:28
ljReading extended state information09:28
ljInitializing package states... Done09:28
ljHit http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/main Packages09:28
ljGet:1 http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/main Release [102B] 09:28
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Packages09:28
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Release09:28
ljHit http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/restricted Packages09:28
_slice_stop it !09:28
ljGet:2 http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/restricted Release [108B] 09:28
syn-ackhe cant09:29
ljHit http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/main Sources09:29
ljGet:3 http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/main Release [104B] 09:29
ljHit http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/restricted Sources09:29
ljGet:4 http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/restricted Release [110B] 09:29
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Packages09:29
syn-ackhe doesnt notice it, he will have to /part09:29
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Release09:29
crimsun(just let him finish flooding. I'm going to get a drink in the meantime)09:29
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Sources09:29
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Release09:29
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Sources09:29
ljHit http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Release09:29
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ljFetched 424B in 0s (570B/s)09:29
ljReading Package Lists... Done09:29
ljBuilding Dependency Tree09:29
ljReading extended state information09:29
ljInitializing package states... Do09:29
syn-ackgobeavs, did you get my last?09:29
_slice_lj: you get with trouts for doing that :)09:30
vIkSiTyou can install ubuntu thru a CHAT-bot?!09:30
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_slice_lj: because people lose their conversation09:30
_slice_as it scrolls away up the screen09:30
syn-ackgobeavs: again, did you get my last?09:30
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ljive never done this before09:31
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gobeavssyn-ack: no09:31
ljcant someone hack in my computer and fix it09:31
vIkSiTA deb newbie question - can i update a base ubuntu install through another debian-based distros package files?09:31
syn-acklj, word of the wise, dont EVER paste moer than 3 lines at a time.09:31
_slice_lj: lol09:31
gobeavsnow I only have mono for KDE also...09:31
syn-ackgobeavs, try this and tell me if you hear the voice of god: " cat /dev/urandom/ > /dev/dsp09:31
vIkSiTlj, whats the trouble really?09:31
syn-ackwith out the '09:31
lji cant install yahoo messenger09:32
crimsunvIkSiT: highly unrecommended if you mean to add external repos to ubuntu's base install09:32
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_slice_lol syn-ack09:32
crimsunlj: the problem is that you never added the universe repo.09:32
_slice_gobeavs: turn the vol down a bit first09:32
syn-acklj, Dont install That crap Yahoo! messanger.09:32
gobeavssyn-ack: no09:32
syn-ackgobeavs, you get any error?09:32
vIkSiTcrimsun, "external repos"?09:32
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_slice_doesn't gaim do yahoo's protocol ?09:32
Anubishow long has warty been out?09:33
ljit says im missing this package and its not on my computer09:33
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syn-ackit does.09:33
vIkSiT_slice_, sure it does09:33
crimsunlj: here, type this _exactly_: echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list09:33
ljyahoo's for my mom09:33
gobeavssyn-ack: no09:34
crimsunvIkSiT: what do you mean by "update a base ubuntu install through another debian-based distros package files?"09:34
gobeavsjust keeps running09:34
syn-ackgobeavs, try this  sudo lsmod | grep snd09:34
gobeavsno audio09:34
crimsunAnubis: since mid-October 200409:34
heliolithwhat's the command for processor INfo in the Terminal??09:34
crimsunheliolith: more /proc/cpuinfo09:34
gobeavssyn-ack: what about it?09:34
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gobeavsrather long and complicated09:34
syn-ackgobeavs, are the modules there?09:34
gobeavsit lists some09:34
heliolithmore /proc/cpuinfo09:35
vIkSiTcrimsun, well, I want to get into deb. I'm sure the ubuntu CD doesn't have all the tools which I keep experimenting with. I also have a debian distribution on a dvd with some 6k packages..09:35
_slice_Anubis: the 4.10 refers to Oct 04... 5.04 to...09:35
helioliththanks crimsun09:35
syn-ack /msg them to me, gobeavs09:35
vIkSiTWondering if i could use the dvd to install stuff onto an existin ubuntu distro?09:35
crimsunvIkSiT: please don't add external repos. Those packages are built against packages available in the Debian repos, not in Ubuntu's repos.09:35
ljhow do i get the strait line09:35
crimsunlj: the what?09:35
vIkSiTAh, ok.09:35
crimsunlj: I just told you the _exact_ command to highlight and paste ino the Terminal...09:36
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syn-ackgobeavs, now do this dpkg -l | grep alsa09:36
vIkSiTcrimsun, in effect, I should use packages built specifically for Ubuntu..09:36
syn-ackgobeavs, and paste those to me too09:36
crimsunvIkSiT: yes, that's the cleanest solution if you're new to Ubuntu (and/or Debian) and wish to avoid headaches.09:37
ljit wont let me copy drag or past it09:37
vIkSiTHmm. My only problem is that I don't have a  fast enough, or constant net connection09:37
ljill be back09:37
crimsunlj: highlight/select with the left mouse button (or your primary one)09:38
crimsunlj: paste with the middle (or both left and right if you have a 2-button mouse)09:38
vIkSiTcrimsun, so what *major disadvantage comes out of mixing and matching the 2 repos?09:38
gobeavssent through /msg09:38
crimsunvIkSiT: upgrade headaches, dependency hellishness, etc.09:38
vIkSiTanything which can be fixed manually? Am new to deb/ubuntu, but not to Linux in general09:39
vIkSiTcrimsun, Hmm..09:39
crimsunvIkSiT: feel free to try it if you feel the need to burn yourself.09:39
_slice_better to go with the source09:39
crimsun(it _can_ be done, but Ubuntu does not support it, and you should be quite experienced to handle the issues)09:40
vIkSiTyeah, its just that a dvd with 6k of packages.. REALLY tempting :)09:40
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vIkSiTdependency problems shouldn't really be an issue really. I once installed kde 3.2 by hand, resolving deps!09:40
vIkSiT<scratch one of the 2 really's>09:40
crimsunmost things can be fixed manually; the real issue is whether you ask in #ubuntu for help resolving those issues.09:41
crimsunbe aware that if you mix repos, you are running an unsupported config, and people may not be able to assist you.09:41
vIkSiTAh, hadn't thought of it that way09:41
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ljim back09:43
ljhad to roll a cigeret for mom09:43
crimsunlj: please scroll up for instructions.09:44
vIkSiTcrimsun, Apart from the automated installation of Ubuntu, as compared to the 3 stage process which deb offers.. any significant advantages I'd gain by not going for deb directly?09:44
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ljit only copys url09:45
crimsunvIkSiT: a well-integrated, GNOME-based, desktop-oriented Linux distribution.09:45
=== SirFred [~mteira@170.Red-81-36-12.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunvIkSiT: 18 months of support for each stable release09:46
vIkSiTwell, I use fluxbox primarily. Will have to hack around anyway :)09:46
SirFredGood morning.09:46
vIkSiTHullo SirFred09:46
crimsunvIkSiT: a meaningful community09:46
SirFredMy hoary has lost the cool X icons09:46
SirFredNow, my mouse pointer is black, the busy icon is the old clock,...09:46
ljit gives me a list of menu's and non say copy09:47
lji just wish somone can hack09:47
SirFredPerhaps they have been moved to another package not installed on my box?09:47
vIkSiTlj, you should hack yourself..09:47
vIkSiTbest way09:47
crimsunlj: select with the left button, paste with the right button09:47
crimsun(assuming you're right-handed)09:47
crimsunlj: err, paste with the middle09:48
lji dont now how to hack09:48
vIkSiTor shift+ins even09:48
goldfishlj, run apache, a version with known exploits and someone will be able to root you09:48
SirFredAnother question.09:48
SirFredWhen I try to install ubuntu-desktop, I see some english packages.09:49
vIkSiThehe, or better still.. run sshd and give him a key-pass combo09:49
ljwere do i find that program09:49
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SirFredI mean, things like: openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-gb, myspell-en-gb,...09:49
SirFredBut I want an Spanish localized computer.09:49
ljwere is apachi09:49
SirFredIs there any way to change this behaviour?09:49
vIkSiTlj, er.. that was just a joke. forget it09:50
lji would of ran it to09:50
crimsunSirFred: just install openoffice.org-l10n-es09:50
crimsunSirFred: and additional, relevant -es packages09:50
goldfishsorry lj i was messing09:51
SirFredOr perhaps language-support-es09:51
SirFredIt seems an interesting metapackage. Lets see what is there inside09:51
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crimsunSirFred: certainly.09:51
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vIkSiToh espanol.. es?09:51
crimsunsleep, work in a couple hours.09:51
ideafixthis is a trools distro isnt it ?09:51
SirFredvIkSiT: Yes.09:51
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lji will give you my ip numer if someone would just hack my computer09:52
ljso i can fix the stuff09:52
vIkSiTlj, what DO you want done?09:52
ideafixhow do you hide your ip ?09:52
vIkSiTafaik, you want to get gaim running?09:53
SirFredIt seems that language-support-es ubuntu-desktop and language-pack-es will meet my needs.09:53
ljmy computer wont install yahoo messanger for my mom09:53
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goldfishideafix: use a bouncer09:53
vIkSiTlj, google: gaim yahoo howto09:53
ideafixwhats that ?09:53
goldfishproxy bouncer or something09:54
ljit says im missing a package and i cant find this package09:54
ideafixare you using one ?09:54
goldfishI am logged on from a college server.09:54
goldfishI know ppl that use one.09:54
goldfishgoogle for proxy bouncer09:54
goldfishmaybe, i dont really know much about them09:55
ironwolfhow do I change the name/volume name of /dev/sda1 in ubuntu?09:55
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goldfishlj: We can see your ip already.09:55
ljcan you help me fix this problem09:56
ideafixgoldfish: you are leet09:56
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goldfishideafix: i am not leet09:56
goldfishnot at all :)09:56
ideafixyes you are09:56
ljor can you hack09:56
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goldfishlj: no09:56
goldfishi cant hack09:57
ljmr goldfish09:57
ideafixyour ip isnt showning09:57
goldfishhis ip is in his login ident09:57
goldfishnothing leet about that09:57
ljdo you know any one that can hack09:57
ideafixyour leeter than me09:57
ljis he on09:57
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goldfishit's one thing to hack09:57
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goldfishhe would have to root your machine09:57
goldfishwhich is a different story09:58
ljteach me obi wan09:58
goldfishlj: k do me a favour09:58
ideafixmy mouse isnt working09:58
goldfishbuy a book :)09:58
ljya whats up09:58
goldfishlj: open a terminal and type09:58
gobeavsYAY! I figured out my sound issue...thanks to everyone that helped09:58
goldfishlj: sudo apt-get install xmms09:59
ideafixthis is a distro for trools09:59
ljit said could not get lock09:59
ideafixgoldfish: what distro are you using ?09:59
SirFredxmms? Have you tried beep-media-player?09:59
SirFredIt's the xmms evolution with gtk2 widgets.10:00
ljthats what im using10:00
SirFredlj: You need to make it as root.10:00
goldfishSirFred: I was just testing was his apt-get set up correctly.10:00
SirFredgoldfish: Oh, I understand.10:00
goldfishlj: did it ask u for your root password?10:00
SirFredlj: With sudo.10:00
goldfishwhen u typed that command?10:00
goldfishtype sudo su -10:00
SirFredlj: Do you have your package manager running?10:00
goldfishideafix: my ip is not showing coz im behind a server10:01
ljsorry yes10:01
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SirFredlj: So, that's the reason10:01
ljclose out10:01
SirFredIt locks the package database.10:01
lji closed out10:02
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goldfishlj: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories10:02
goldfishlj: read that10:02
goldfishhave u done that already?10:02
goldfishright, do that.10:02
goldfishYour apt-get is not set up.10:02
goldfishand then that apt-get command should work for you.10:03
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ideafixgoldfish: how do you bounce ?10:04
goldfishwell, i am ssh'd to a server in college10:04
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goldfishI am not connecting to irc direct from my computer.10:04
ideafixwhy not ?10:05
ideafixyou got something to hide ?10:05
goldfishwell, like i have a shell account with a society in college10:05
goldfishso i use that10:05
goldfishfor stuff10:05
ljim sorry but it keeps telling me bad command10:05
FASTso is there a place to get themes for metacity?10:05
ljor cammand not found10:06
goldfishideafix: nothing to hide no.10:06
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ideafixso why are you hiding ?10:06
rubenvFAST: art.gnome.org10:07
goldfishI'm not :)10:07
goldfishlj: What command did u enter?10:07
goldfishideafix: do u have shell accounts anywhere?10:07
ideafixyes you just said your connected thru you school network10:07
goldfishIt's handier that way.10:07
goldfishI use my shell account from there.10:08
ideafixso you are hiding behind it10:08
goldfishnot really10:08
lj PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin10:08
lj/usr/bin/apt-get update10:08
lj/usr/bin/apt-get -y upgrade10:08
ideafixwhy arent you directly connected ?10:08
goldfishideafix: I can give you my ip if you want :)10:08
goldfishBecause I am only new to linux.10:09
goldfishI'm used to ssh'ing to that server10:09
goldfishand using it10:09
ljbut what do i do with it10:09
ideafixsounds like hiding to me10:09
lji mean the ip10:09
goldfishlj: are u following the directions from the link?10:09
goldfishemm.. nothing, i was talking to ideafix.10:09
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syn-ackcrimsun, gave up, eh? ;)10:09
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syn-ackseb128, How goes it?10:10
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goldfishlj: Did you type 'sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup' ?10:10
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FASTrubenv, is there a place i shoudl store the .gz's  for gnome themes?10:11
seb128syn-ack: fine, thanks10:11
ideafixit seems i have to go to colege to get my ip hided10:11
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kenguri got python program error which says " unknown locale: en_RU:en_GB:en_US:en" should i add en_RU to /usr/share/locale/locale.aliases?10:11
ljyes but it says tri cp helo10:11
goldfishideafix: not hiding, i have nothing to hide, I'm not running many services anyway so even if i was connected directly it be hard to hack me10:11
syn-ackseb128, Again, Thanks for fixing the Rythmbox bug I submitted last week.10:11
goldfishideafix: i also can't get any viruses onto my computer from irc10:12
ideafixevery one gots stuff to hide10:12
goldfishideafix: which i cud if i was directly connected10:12
seb128syn-ack: you're welcome :)10:12
syn-ackRhythmbox, that is.10:12
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CastleSoftne1 installed mono from svn on the latest dev release of Ubuntu ?? About to try and would like to know if its easy or full of problems.. THANKS10:12
ideafixyou can get virus from irc ?10:12
goldfishideafix: yes10:12
goldfishideafix: :)10:12
ideafixhow come ?10:12
goldfishideafix: ppl can send u file10:12
goldfishworms and stuff10:13
ljhello does any one  on ths chat site know how to hack10:13
ideafixonly if you acept and run the files10:13
goldfishideafix: Don't try to send me files.10:13
ideafixi all ready tryed10:13
rosehi - I run WinXP and am trying to boot warty - have tried restarting with the CD insitu but jsut keeps booting windows - do I need to do something else?10:13
ideafixit was a PDF10:13
goldfishideafix: I know.10:13
ideafixi dont think there any virus in it10:13
kengurrose: check boot sequence in you BIOS10:14
goldfishthere's not10:14
syn-ackSmoke break10:14
goldfishideafix: It would have to be an executable file.10:14
ljgo into bios and change your boot10:14
ljso cd runes fist10:14
ideafixbut theres no virus for linux10:14
goldfishlj: People can't just hack you, and they don't chat about it publicly really.10:14
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rosekengur - it's a while since I fiddled with these things and never on this computer which I have only had for a year - instructions please10:14
ljoh ok10:14
ideafixif they do its to deny it10:15
goldfishideafix: well, yeah, but im only using linux 2 days10:15
ideafixwhats with this version stuff ?10:15
kengurrose: boot, press whaever keys it says to access BIOS (usually ESC or DEL or F<whatever>) get to BOOT SEQUENCE screeen, make sure CD/DVD comes before HDD10:16
goldfishim seeing what client you are using10:16
ideafixjust found a new button to press ?10:16
goldfishideafix: yeah10:16
roseI sem to recall on old computer presing one of the F keys to look at the bios (while booting)10:16
ideafixleave it alone its getin boring10:16
goldfishideafix: And it sounds like you know more than you are letting on.10:17
Neo_654did his mother pull the plug on his computer?10:17
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ideafixwhat about ?10:17
ideafixmr noob10:17
rosethanks kengur will do - seems odd though as music CDs play by just putting into place10:17
goldfishideafix: I am a n00b, yes.10:17
goldfishideafix: But you don't seem to be.10:17
larsrohdinHi! im using fluxbox, what filemanager should i use?10:18
FASTdo the themes *.gz's go into the   themes:/// directory?10:18
ideafixstrange because every one calls me noob10:18
FASTfrom art.gnome.org10:18
goldfishideafix: okies.10:18
kengurrose: it doesn't have anything to do with boot sequence10:18
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ideafixim the noob but you are the one sshing10:19
ideafixodd !10:19
ideafixim the leet one but you are the one sshing ... odd!10:19
goldfishWtf are you on about?10:19
goldfishI'm not leet.10:20
goldfishIt is a crime to ssh?10:20
ideafixi would be doing it too if i could10:20
goldfishu can10:20
larsrohdingive it a break guys... lets all be friends!10:20
goldfishIndeed, ideafix has issues.10:20
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goldfishOr else, he is homosexual.10:21
apokryphosHey Everyone. Will installing most .deb packages work on Ubuntu?10:21
Neo_654I think the two of them just need to get a room.10:21
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ideafixeverybody get together .. try to love one another RIGHT NOW !10:21
goldfishI think i'll go for an ignore command.10:21
larsrohdinNeo_654, i was just going to suggest that...=)10:21
larsrohdinnow, does anyone know a good filemanager for fluxbox?10:21
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Neo_654larsrohdin, Sorry but I couldn't resist.10:22
ideafixNeo_654: is 654 your room number ?10:22
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ideafixyou could be a little more mystirouse about it10:23
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ideafixgoldfish: so tell me how can i irc thru ssh ?10:23
goldfishjust shut up please10:24
goldfishyou know how to10:24
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goldfishStop pretending you are a n00b.10:24
ideafixi dont come to irc to hush10:24
larsrohdinis rox a good filemanager for fluxbox?10:24
goldfishWell, what do you come on for then ideafix ?10:24
ideafixeducate my self10:25
goldfishWell, k.10:25
Neo_654larsrohdin, I think it would be just personal opinion.10:25
goldfishBuy a shell account.10:25
goldfishssh to it10:25
goldfishrun irssi10:25
larsrohdinNeo_654, any other suggestions?10:25
goldfishor an irc client10:25
goldfishthere you go10:25
ideafixim using linux because its free10:25
larsrohdini don't know that many filemanagers...10:25
ideafixnow you tell me i have to buy something ?10:26
goldfishideafix: yes if u want to use someome elses server10:26
Neo_654larsrohdin: Not from me.  I don't use it so I can't give an opinion on it.10:26
goldfishideafix: well, if u want an account on someone elses server10:26
St_Anger308can anyone tell me if ubuntu has a disk defrag program :-/10:26
Tomcat_Why should it need one? :o10:27
ideafixso you have to pay for privacy ?10:27
goldfishideafix: no10:27
ideafixit seems like it or else you have to be leet10:27
goldfishideafix: anyway, why do you want to hide your ip?10:27
ideafixlike being in colege10:27
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St_Anger308dam computer going slower than on windows10:27
goldfishideafix: being in college doesn't make you leet.10:27
ideafixthe same reason you do10:27
goldfishi dont hide it10:28
goldfishu can get my ip10:28
ideafixi dont wnat it10:28
goldfishjust whois my ident10:28
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goldfishwell then , what's all this about then?10:28
ideafixits about privacy10:29
goldfishI see.10:29
goldfish#privacy tbh10:29
goldfishthey'll help you10:29
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ideafixtbh ?10:29
goldfishto b ehonest10:29
goldfish*be honest10:30
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ideafixdo you know what bop means ?10:30
goldfishbecause of privacy?10:31
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goldfishbritish or portuguese?10:31
ideafixaree you portuguese ?10:31
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goldfishideafix: Yes. As are you.10:31
ideafixwhat do you want to know were i come from ?10:32
goldfishI don't.10:32
ideafixwell every one knows that now10:33
goldfishKnows what?10:33
ideafixdidnt i told you i like privacy ?10:33
goldfishwell don't use irc.10:33
goldfishAnd no I'm not from Portugal.10:33
ideafixyou use it and im not telling everyone wich country your from10:34
goldfishthey know10:34
ideafixi think thats fall short of descrimination10:34
goldfishdont need a mastermind to work out where i am from10:34
ideafixi dont care were you from why should you care were im from ?!10:35
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goldfishI noticed your ident ends in .pt.10:35
goldfishWhich is portugal, that's all.10:35
goldfishActually I am stalking you.10:35
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ideafixyour ident tells me nothing about you10:36
goldfishIt tells you what country my connection is coming from.10:36
larsrohdinhow can i change wallpaper i fluxbox?10:36
apokryphosWhy is Ubuntu lacking basic packages for compiling?10:36
vIkSiT|bbiawlarsrohdin, see #fluxbox topic10:37
vIkSiT|bbiawuse fbsetbg or xsri10:37
apokryphos/lib/cpp is failing sanity check. Thought kernel-headers needed to be installed, but by the looks of it -- they already are.10:37
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larsrohdinvIkSiT|bbiaw, fbsetbg a command or a file?10:37
vIkSiT|bbiawits an app..10:37
ideafixgoldfish: i dont give flying f*** were you come from10:38
goldfishideafix: I know.10:38
goldfishideafix: Just leave it man.10:38
larsrohdinvIkSiT|bbiaw, but how do i run it then?10:38
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vIkSiT|bbiawlarsrohdin, as i said, topic in #fluxbox has a link to the tutorial. This is probably the most asked question for fb..10:39
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goldfishlarsrohdin: the channel #fluxxbox10:40
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larsrohdinaha... ok im no good at this irc business=) how do i join that?10:40
ideafixgoldfish: your using ubuntu ?10:40
goldfishlarsrohdin: /join #fluxxbox10:41
goldfishshud work10:41
goldfishideafix: yes10:41
=== lj [~lj@70-97-144-179.br1.ctn.pa.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ideafixso thats why your hiding behind ssh10:41
socketbindi'm love to tune my machine, if I replace the kernel image with linux-image-686 will it improve performance?10:41
larsrohdinwhere to type? here?10:41
goldfishlarsrohdin: emm.. i've never used xchat, but that should work10:42
ljyahoo says i need this file how do i install it GtkHTML10:42
larsrohdinok, thanks alot guys...10:42
ideafixgoldfish: you are usin irrsi ?10:42
goldfishideafix: no, i use ssh from windows too10:42
goldfishideafix: yep10:42
ideafixthats leet10:43
goldfishem.. not really.10:43
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goldfishIt's the only way I can use my shell account from windows.10:43
ideafixso your not using ubuntu ?10:43
goldfishideafix: I am yes.10:43
ljso can anyone help me install GtkHTML10:44
ideafixare using unbuntu and windows ?10:44
seb128lj: install libgtkhtml3.6-1510:44
goldfishideafix: yeah, as i said i am only new to linux, i installed ubuntu 2 days ago. i dual boot10:44
ideafixirrsi works on windows too ?10:45
pawelis hoary the official and stable release?10:45
apokryphosWarty. Hoary is still in developement.10:45
goldfishideafix: That is why I have to ssh to a unix shell.10:45
ljdidnt work10:46
goldfishi could use mirc but i hate it.10:46
pawelapokryphos: I just don't know which one to try.10:46
ideafixsounds like too much trouble for someone thats has nothing to hide10:46
goldfishideafix: rofl10:46
ljsays too few arguments10:46
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apokryphospawel: Depends on your needs. If you essentially need a fully stable system, without any possibility of a crash (for some reason or other), then go for Warty for the time-being. Hoary seems to be really quite stable to me, even though it's in developement. I haven't had any problems yet.10:46
goldfishideafix: Not really, how else am i supposed to use my shell account from unix?10:46
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copilotcan anyone recommend a good ftp server w/gui?10:47
Neo_654lj; did you type sudo apt-get install libgtkhtml3.6-1510:47
ljhow can i run window program on linux10:47
ideafixdont use do it like everybody and connect from windows10:47
copilotI'm used to bpftp in windows if that makes a diff.10:47
apokryphospawel: Also depends on whether you use Gnome/KDE. On Warty, it's a little dated with only KDE 3.2.10:47
Neo_654lj; and why not?10:48
goldfishideafix: What would I have to hide?10:48
ideafixhow the hell should i know10:48
pawelapokryphos: is hoary *very* unstable? it's not a production machine, it's my personal laptop. I've got some knowledge, but like to use of the box, when it's my box or in other words out of the package.10:48
ideafixthats why your hiding it10:48
_slice_pawel: try them both :)10:48
pawelwill do.10:48
pawelI'm torrenting warty.10:49
paweland finishing partitioning.10:49
ideafixwars are esay to start10:49
ideafixwars are easy to start ...10:50
copilotand that's why.10:50
copilotftp server, gui optional, ubuntu.10:50
ideafixnot so easy to stop them at least with out some major hard feeling10:50
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apokryphospawel: It's not unstable in the slightest as far as I can see. Only termed thusly because it's in developement :D.10:51
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pawelI've tried potato and woody, but it was enough outdated at the time of release that I stoped using it. :)10:51
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apokryphosOnce you've got Warty, you can always just apt a dist-upgrade and have hoary. You can revert after, as well, if there'd be any reason for it.10:52
pawelyeah, that's what I'm planning. :)10:52
kengurcan anyone help with locale?10:52
ideafixhow long do you think ubuntu would hold as a honynet ?10:52
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ironwolfhow does one chane a volume name on a compact flash card without mkfs ?  Or is there no way?10:53
ideafixit seems this distro dont even sets up a firewall10:53
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ironwolfideafix: apt-get install iptables ; done. :)10:54
ideafixironwolf: you make it sound so simple10:54
ideafixi could all most believe you10:55
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pawelOK guys. I've got warty, gonna burn it and try.10:55
goldfishideafix: Learn system administration, and be your own firewall.10:55
pawelcu later.10:55
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ljsorry my computer froze10:55
apokryphosHas anyone tried to install the .deb package on Ubuntu of taskbar v2.0?10:55
ideafix goldfish you seem to know all about it for someone using linux for 2 days10:56
kengurcan anyone help with locale?10:56
pussfellerideafix, get arnos script if you want an easy firewall script10:57
goldfishideafix: not really, i have used a unix account for bout year and a half10:57
blixtrawhich locale?10:57
goldfishideafix: but never install linux on my own machine until the other day10:57
ideafixi seem to lost my mouse button after palying quake10:58
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ideafixmiddle mouse button isnt working any more10:58
toresbeideafix: Don't press it so hard, then! :P10:58
ideafixand the test mouse thing ist wotking too10:59
kengurblixtra, where does Ubuntu store locale info? i get this weird string LANGUAGE - "en_RU;en_GB..." and en_RU doesn't make any sence10:59
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ideafixtoresbe: mabey you know something about that10:59
toresbeideafix: You can reset your X server by pressing Ctrl-Alt_Backspace (this will log you out)10:59
NightieHello, anyone can help me with eciadsl please?10:59
kenguri tried to reconfigure locales and localeconf but it doesn't help much10:59
ideafixwhy would i reset it ?10:59
ideafixive already rebooted10:59
toresbeideafix: Dunno, might clear up ... oh.10:59
toresbekengur: en_RU is the way  Pitr talks! :)11:00
toresbekengur: Now please to be acceptink, da? ;)11:00
toresbekengur: userfriendly.org character :)11:00
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EvolutionRhow to install Edge icons theme downloaded from the gnome look org?11:01
NightieEvolutionR :: read faqs on gnome.org11:01
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kenguri need to fix that stupidity11:01
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ironwolfideafix: are you running warty or hoary?11:02
iapx8088hi all guys, i've got a problem here. Yesterday night recompiled my hoary 2.6.10 kernel using the previous 2.6.10 config (who was just fine!) and now the system is unable to boot11:02
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ironwolfiapx8088: did you make oldconfig?11:02
iapx8088I need a way to get there fix this problem with the kernel and install it again11:02
iapx8088ironwolf, pardon?11:02
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larsrohdinapokryphos, hey #fluxxbox was empty=)11:03
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rosehi again - I'm having trouble finding out my boot sequence - when win loads it goes so fast I can't read all the notes - I tried F8 and it gave some options but not boot sequence - can I slow it down so I can read it?  Thanks11:03
iapx8088ironwolf, no, i just copied the .config to the new linux dir11:03
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iapx8088ironwolf, actually don't know where I did trash the thing, maybe when iI did dpkg -i I believe.11:04
ironwolfiapx8088: you need to "make oldconfig" to make sure no options have been added.  Kernels like that.  They get grumpy when you don't.11:04
iapx8088ironwolf, didn't know that.11:04
roseoh - Win XP and want to try 'live' ubuntu from CD11:04
roseit won't boot when i restart11:04
EvolutionRJust be sure to use ~/.icons instead of ~/.themes. And clicking on the "Go to Theme Folder" in the Icon tab of the Theme Details window will take to the correct location for Icon themes. <--dont understand this statement11:04
iapx8088and now that he's grumpy?11:04
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EvolutionRhow to go to icons theme?11:04
iapx8088ironwolf, I hope the hoary live cd has some rescue kernel in it11:04
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ironwolfiapx8088: the warty live CD does.11:05
iapx8088ironwolf, sorry I closed11:05
iapx8088ironwolf, I'm dowloading the hoary one, wrong way? I have hoary.11:06
ironwolfiapx8088: the warty live CD has a rescue.  I don't know what the hoary live CD test has on it.11:06
iapx8088that's ok11:06
iapx8088will dowload both of the11:06
dudis it possible getting realplayer and wmv codecs on amd64?11:06
ironwolfdud: yes see the wiki11:06
iapx8088ironwolf,  then from the live cd old story I beleve11:06
iapx8088ironwolf, you were just too kind. thanks11:07
ironwolfiapx8088: anytime.11:07
PhosphorosRose, you're trying to use the LiveCD on a winxp machine?11:07
EvolutionRhow to install icons theme in gnome???????????????~/.icons instead of ~/.themes. And clicking on the "Go to Theme Folder" <===how to go there?11:08
rosephosphoros - yes11:08
PhosphorosRose, Make sure your CDrom is the first boot device in your bios.11:08
dudironwolf, where in the wiki? sure you understood that i mean amd64 architecture?11:08
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ironwolfdud: wiki.ubuntu.com11:08
rosehad a play with linux few years ago but lots of problems on old computer - thought i'd look at ubuntu live and then try install - also have mandrake to try11:09
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ironwolfdud: yes amd64 :)11:09
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dudyes, but what should i search for? w32codecs, real player, amd64, codecs... seems to give me nothing?11:09
rosephosphoros - it boots so fast I can't read quickly enough to get to bios - ie to know which key to press11:09
dudor relevancy i mena11:09
PhosphorosI'm doing my first ubuntu install tomorrow.  My first dive at Linux.11:09
PhosphorosRose, As soon as you see the BIOS post screen start hitting the delete key11:10
rosephos - I read somewhere that sometimes problems with dual install and overwriting MBR11:10
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roseokay phos - didn't try delete - tried F8 and F12 which were what I saw as it flashed by, but no boot sequence11:11
PhosphorosThe LiveCD doesn't install anything.  It reads everything off the CDrom on the fly.  It just has to be the first boot device in the BIOS.11:11
dudim so not getting anywhere with these codecs :(11:12
roseyes phos - I thought CDrom was fisrt on as other CDs eg music and photos read by putting them in11:12
ljanyone know how to install byond11:12
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ljcan anyone help11:13
ironwolflj: what is byond ?11:13
rosephos - on the wiki I read an article about dual boot - talked about problems with MBR - don't know if you're doing dual boot11:13
ljand live cd is slow11:13
PhosphorosRose, Ya I've been reading up on dual booting for a few days now.  I think I have it licked.  We'll see.  :)11:14
ljits online games for free11:14
rosepreviously when I had win 95 I did a big mess up somehow with GRUB and major crash11:14
ljits for my little brother11:15
rosebut I am definitely NOT a geek!11:15
PhosphorosI am11:15
apokryphosljlane: live CDs are guaranteed to be pretty slow; they're not installed to the Hard-drive.11:15
PhosphorosI scare myself11:15
rosewish I was more computer savvy11:15
ljruns by cd and ram11:15
_4strOyop yop11:16
MartyWill a GeForce 6800 GT work good under ubuntu?11:16
roseat least if I mess up I can reinstall - don't know how easy WinXP is to install11:16
iapx8088anyone knows if hoary live has rescue boot features in it?11:16
ironwolflj: I need more info.. did you try to apt-get it?11:16
PhosphorosWinxp is cake to install11:16
iapx8088marty as long as it's supported by nvidia662911:16
lji know alought abought windows but litlle abought ubuntu11:17
rosethat mean it's easy phos?11:17
PhosphorosYep, easy11:17
iapx8088marty I strongly doubt warthy 6611 or sorta like that did know about 6600gt11:17
iapx8088smoke time11:17
roseI have my photos backed up so not a worry - just can't get the blinking CDs to work!11:17
ljdoes it mean when im on the computer all the time that im a geek11:18
apokryphosyes :P11:18
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rosetried mandrake also but the install wouldn't work - highlighted but nothing happened when I clicked on it11:18
rosesame with ubuntu install11:19
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apokryphosWhen trying to install kynaptic, I get " Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.7  but it is not installable". Should I report this somewhere/11:19
PhosphorosI almost tried Mandrake, then didn't.  There homepage sucks, so I figured.... how good could the OS be?  hehehe11:20
apokryphosPhosphoros: Mandrake isn't too bad. A little bloated, though.11:20
apokryphosurpmi is good11:20
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rosephos - reason I want to try mandrake is that it's suposed to be easy for newbs and windows users11:20
PhosphorosSo is Lindows as well as Ubuntu.  :)11:21
apokryphosrose: It is. I'd recommend you start with Mandrake/Fedora/SuSE.11:21
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apokryphosrose: Of those three, I personally liked Fedora the best.11:21
NoFate^I think ubuntu looks cool11:21
_slice_my 2 cents would be to spend 60 minutes with a good intro to linux book11:21
roseapokryphos - actually had an older Suse working to a limited degree a couple of years ago - but hardware problems I recall11:22
PhosphorosI like gnome so  gravitated towards Ubuntu.  I can't stand KDE11:22
apokryphosrose: Fedora has better hardware support; the community is pretty huge.11:22
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iapx8088ironwolf, just one last thing: i use make-kpkg, is there make-kpkg oldconfig?11:23
Kengurwhere does the $LANGUEAGE var come from?11:23
roseapokryphos - been reading some good stuff about fedora somewhere recently11:23
apokryphosI seem to always fall for Gnome-distros even though I couldn't live without KDe ;)11:23
rosemaybe a PC magazine11:23
rosefrom my playing before I think I preferred KDE to gnome11:23
NoFate^Does ubuntu has that HAL thing that Fedora has?11:23
j-rockam i the only one that hates both gnome AND kde11:23
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PhosphorosSo here's a silly question.  Is XFCE something you'd run in addition to gnome or is it a replacement for gnome/Kde?11:24
ironwolfiapx8088: no :) only make oldconfig11:24
j-rockDE's are just a big pain for me11:24
rosewhat do you use j-rock11:24
apokryphosrose: It's pretty good. Very user-friendly; has a graphical installation. Annoying things: doesn't come with MP3 support (though that's easily sorted), and secondly -- it never worked that fast for me. Compared to others.11:24
j-rocki dont like startbars on my desktop11:24
rosehaven't seen that11:24
iapx8088ironwolf, this is a bad thing11:24
j-rockthey take up unnecessary room11:24
iapx8088ok, i'll see11:24
ironwolfiapx8088: why?11:24
dougskPhosphoros, mostly a replacement -- although you can get the gnome-panel to work with xfce11:25
roseapokryphos - mp3 not an issue for me so maybe i could buy the PC mag and try it11:25
iapx8088ironwolf, mixing make and make-kpkg will make the kernel grumpy!11:25
rosebut first of all have to get the darned things booting11:25
NoFate^j-rock: how do you start apps in openbox then?11:25
apokryphosrose: I think that would be a good idea. You could always just download the DVD iso, if you've got a DVD-burner.11:26
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roseapokryphos - no - no DVD burner and dial up modem!11:26
dudis there a way i could connect from my amd64 pc to another i386 pc on my lan, in a way that i can view mplayer on my amd64being played natively on the i386 computer?11:26
PhosphorosThe horror11:26
dudif that made sense...?11:26
Panzerboyany idea why xmms only plays like, the first 10 secs of a song and then gets to the next in pl ?11:26
roseeasier and better to buy mag or buy CDs from dealer11:26
dudthrough x or such?11:26
apokryphosrose: Yup, you better go for the magazine ;)11:26
Panzerboyand so on :)11:27
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roseI sometimes wonder why I keep looking at linux when my winXP does what I need11:27
iapx8088dud, I guess vlc could help you11:28
PhosphorosCuz Microsoft is evil?11:28
apokryphosBecause Linux is so much better, provides you with much more power. Kernel is more efficient with memory etc..11:28
dudhmm, perhaps vlc....11:28
rose:-) yep - that is definitely part of it!11:28
j-rockNoFate^: with a menu that you get by right clicking on the desktop11:28
PhosphorosSadly I have to run WinXP or I'd probably ditch MS all together.11:29
roseyes - but I need more time to learn apokrphos11:29
NoFate^j-rock: cool11:29
apokryphosIt's infinitely easier to re-install other distros (with a /home partition etc), and install packages. Does Windoze have anything like apt or urpmi? ;)11:29
NoFate^j-rock: Just saw some screens, looks pretty neat11:29
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j-rockyeah i've always like the minimalist window managers11:29
PhosphorosApokr, windows update  lol11:29
roseapok - you run dual boot, or just linux - well not JUST linux ...11:29
apokryphosrose: Sure. Linux takes some learning, but it's not that hard. But, personally speaking, it's been by far the best decision I've ever made computer-wise.11:29
apokryphosPhosphoros: :D11:30
apokryphosrose: Sorry?11:30
j-rockthe *boxes also run WORLDS faster that either kde or gnome on older systems like a p2 266Mhz i have ubuntu on11:30
NoFate^j-rock: yeah11:30
roseapok - do you run win and linux on a dual boot11:30
apokryphosrose: Oh, yeah, dual boot. Though, I dont' think I've logged into Windoze for well over a couple of months.11:30
PhosphorosWow openbox is slick and tiny11:30
NoFate^*me need*11:31
j-rockgot that right Phosphoros11:31
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NoFate^I like the borders11:31
PhosphorosSo OpenBox is something that runs in addition to gnome correct?11:31
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Phosphoros<-- Newb11:31
j-rockmy only complaint is that the menu file is in XML, i hate editing tags, once you get it set up though its easy to copy and paste entries11:31
j-rockPhosphoros: you can run openbox AS gnomes window manager, or you can run openbox on its own11:32
rosewas an article recently that I saw quite by chance, and had read the first article a year or two ago by someone who was starting with linus - he's now converted11:32
j-rockits very cool11:32
NoFate^j-rock: Do you have a screen of your desktop?11:32
PhosphorosOnce I figure out what the hell I'm doing in Linux I'll have to tinker with it.11:32
PhosphorosSomething will burst into flames I'm sure but that half the fun.  Get the Marshmellow!11:33
roseI get really annoyed with MS and the way everything has to be upgraded at huge cost *all* the time11:33
azteccan anyone tell me where do I find unofficial ubuntu guide?11:33
apokryphosPhosphoros: Don't worry about it. There's plenty of Linux-ers standing by in IRC channels and on forums (linuxquestions.org) to help.11:33
j-rockNoFate^: not that i have access to right now i think maybe lemme check11:33
iapx8088ok time to study11:33
dudffs, ill just encode the file to a more open format with either a native i386 linux, or winblows11:33
NoFate^j-rock: ok11:33
dudeasy to over-complicate things! :O11:33
roseapok - that's one of the neatest and nicest things about linux - the help11:34
PhosphorosAztec - http://ubuntuguide.org/11:34
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PhosphorosI also like the fact that all my friends who are computer-like challenged run away from linux computers screaming.  Good way to have people not mess with my 'puter11:36
j-rockNoFate^: http://grendel.homelinux.org:81/gallery/Screeners/screener011205_001?full=111:36
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NoFate^10 min until ubuntu cd is downloaded11:37
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NoFate^j-rock: cool11:38
rosegoing to try the info on boot sequence again - thanks for suggestions11:39
j-rockNoFate^: yeah thats actually old11:39
Phoenix_vanitygoldfish: you are the xfce guy, aren't you?11:39
NoFate^j-rock: How do you access the app you've already started?11:39
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j-rockNoFate^: what do you mean?11:40
NoFate^j-rock: If you minimize X-chat, where can you click to get it up again?11:41
j-rocki never minimize anything though11:42
j-rockif you use the scroll wheel on the title bar it, well try it11:42
j-rocksee what happens11:42
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j-rockNoFate^: http://grendel.homelinux.org:81/screener010605.png  <- thats kahakai very similar to openbox, i ran that for a good year11:43
j-rockits officially dead though so i decided to move on11:43
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NoFate^j-rock: k, checking now11:44
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brandooI've just installed Ubuntu and upgraded to hoary - I'm trying to compile mplayer and it needs xfree dev libraries -- but cant fine these - any one know if theres a .deb for them?11:45
apokryphosbrandoo: just do an apt for mplayer11:46
brandooapokryphos, thats no good - this is an old version that I NEED to compile11:46
elyseumyou can install the xfree dev libs with synaptic11:46
brandooapokryphos, this is the only version with support for streaming from tivo11:47
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brandooelyseum, I've got xorg installed -- will xfree dev work?11:47
elyseumfor debian those packs are called xlibs-dev11:47
elyseumdon't know for that11:47
elyseumtry to install the xlibs-dev11:48
rosewell finally I think I've got the info I needed -now how to change it11:48
brandooAhhh - I'll try it, worst case scenario it wont work11:48
elyseumthat did the trick for me11:48
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rose1st boot device - floppy, 2nd boot device - IDE -0; 3rd boot device CD/DVD11:48
j-rockNoFate^: the other feature of the *boxes and kahakai and such is the mouse scroll wheel to traverse desktops11:49
j-rockjust put the cursor on the desktop, scroll, and you are on the different virtual desktop11:49
NoFate^j-rock: k cool11:49
PhosphorosRose, Use your arrow keys ti hilight the first boot device and hit enter, you should get options for it OR when it is selected use page up or page down11:50
PhosphorosChange it to Cd-rom, hit f10 to save, hit Y for yes, it'll reboot, make sure the CD is in and Viola!11:51
rosephosphoros - thanks that is beginning to sound familiar again11:51
spiralhmmmm... Any new about smart battery support ?11:52
spiralmjg59: maybe ?11:52
rose:-) new computer last year and too scared to fiddle!11:52
roseanyway - off to fiddle now!11:52
PhosphorosGood luck11:52
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ljhow do i install cdrw softwere thats not for data only thats all i could find for ubuntu11:54
j-rocklj look up k3b?11:55
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Phosphorosisn't that kde only?  Just read on the forums it trashed some guys install of ubuntu since he installed it ontop of gnome.11:56
lji found one but it always wont install it tells me to type make and make install11:57
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NoFate^Phosphoros: You can run kde apps in gnome you know11:57
ljhow do you use gnome11:58
NoFate^if you have the kde libs etc installed that is needed for the app to run, basically, in the end it's just Linux11:58
PhosphorosNoFate, didn't know that.  :)11:58
PhosphorosBut that's why I'm a newb and sitting in here.11:58
ljhow can i find out if i have it11:59
j-rockcheck synaptic?11:59
PhosphorosNo idea, is there a little foot in the toolbar?11:59
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PhosphorosThat's gnome12:00
j-rockah i thought we were still talking about k3b12:00
ljok but do i have an audio cd burner software12:01
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ljbecouse i cant find it12:01
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PhosphorosThat'll teach me to pay attention12:01
j-rocklj: check synaptic for that12:01
El_Cheany problem with the new xorg in hoary (no software cursor?)12:01
j-rocksearch 'k3b' in synaptic and see if its already installed12:01
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ljit says command line cd wrighting tool12:03
ljbut my mom would never figure out how to use it12:03
j-rocki like k3b isnt command line12:04
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j-rocktwo lines combined there12:04
j-rockk3b is like a nero clone12:04
ljits not there12:04
j-rocklj do you have the universe repository enabled?12:05
ljwhats that12:05
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ljok eplain how to get this k3b package12:06
robstacan i install php4 mod with apache 1.3 on stable?12:06
IRCjoeNew dude...anybody who can help me with updating Ubuntu...directions?12:06
ljah man i just did that 4 hours ago thats a pain12:07
IRCjoebelieve it has sometrhing todo with apt...right?12:07
ljhey j-rock you still there12:07
j-rocklj just came back12:08
j-rockim at work so i get up and wander off every once and a while :)12:08
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lji just typed it up for you12:08
ljwhen i download it do i save it or open it12:09
dudIRCjoe, open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor. replace every warty with hoary, and then 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot'12:09
dudthen do a little prayer hehe12:09
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dudyou'll need to prepend reboot with sudo too i suppose12:09
j-rocklj: here http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-09-30.535934980112:10
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IRCjoethanx dud will try and pray12:10
dudalso read those links for good measure i'd recommend heh12:10
elyseumhow can i set ubuntu to update at startup?12:11
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dudelyseum, with init.d or something like that12:11
elyseumk i'll check it, thx12:12
dudbut i'd much rather recommend having it run once a day or once a week through crontab12:12
dragonkhI like it twice a day12:13
dragonkhseven days a week12:13
dragonkhand three times on a Sunday12:13
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ljnow what12:14
lji follwed the instructions12:14
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j-rockok after universe is enabled, search synaptic for k3b again see if it comes up12:15
duddragonkh, i try to keep up with security updates daily, and everything else about once a week12:16
ljunavers is not there12:16
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lji mean universe12:16
j-rockno universe where?12:18
j-rockdid you enable it through synaptic or the apt-sources file?12:18
lji didnt edit the file though12:18
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j-rocki'd check that file12:18
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w0j0please help me?12:18
ljbut i dont know how to edit12:18
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Dark_Kyohello all!!!12:19
j-rockwhat editor are you using lj12:19
dudapplications -> run -> gedit12:19
dudtry that lj12:19
w0j0can someone help me with twinview12:19
j-rockgotta run it as root in order to edit that file12:20
ljont know never used editor befor12:20
j-rockw0j0: what you lookin for12:20
j-rocki cap pop my config in here for ya12:20
w0j0I am lost as how to configure xfree86...12:20
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w0j0I tried following the readme from nvidia and it didn't help much12:21
j-rockwhat part isnt working12:21
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j-rockw0j0: i'd say get one monitor working before moving on to two monitors12:22
w0j0got one12:22
Dark_Kyoanyone have a url for optimizing ubuntu after a fresh setup?12:22
w0j0but it's not the right specs...btw they are both the same monitor type12:22
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w0j0I.E. twinview dual FP displays12:22
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j-rockw0j0:     Identifier  "Geforce"12:23
j-rock    Driver      "nvidia"12:23
j-rock    Option "NoLogo" "1"12:23
j-rock    #VideoRam    13107212:23
j-rock    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate12:23
j-rock    Option "TwinView"12:23
j-rock    Option "MetaModes"  "1280x1024, 1280x1024; 1024x768, 1024x768"12:23
j-rock    Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync"     "57.6-82"12:23
j-rock    Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh"   "60-77"12:23
j-rock    Option "TwinViewOrientation"        "LeftOf"12:23
j-rocki run dual FP's too12:23
w0j0ok that looks like mine almost12:23
j-rockyou might need to change the TwinViewOrientation setting depending on your set up but thats just changing left to right12:24
w0j0I didn't tell it how much ram12:24
j-rockthat doesnt really need to be there i think12:24
ljmy editor wont uncomint the two lines with univers12:24
j-rocklj: its probably because you arent root12:24
j-rocklj: can you open up a terminal12:24
ljhow do i use edit in root12:24
j-rocki'll explain it12:24
j-rockroot is a user, like the administrator acct on unix systems12:25
j-rockopen up the terminal and type 'cd /etc/apt/'12:25
j-rockthen type 'sudo vim sources.list'12:25
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j-rockthen just hit the down arrow until you come to the universe lines and put the cursor over the '#' symbols12:25
j-rockthe '#' symbols are comment symbols12:26
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ljdidnt work12:26
j-rockand simply hit 'x' while the cursor is on one to remove it12:26
j-rockwhat didn't work?12:26
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ljbash: cd/ect/atp/: No such file or directory12:27
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_slice_with a space12:27
_slice_cd means change directory12:27
ljyou there12:28
_slice_you're not from troll magazine are you ?12:28
j-rocklj: cd /etc/apt/12:28
j-rockyou switched the p and the t in apt12:28
_slice_and the t and c in etc12:28
j-rockoh yeah he did that too12:28
ljbash: cd: /ect/apt/: No such file or directory12:29
NoFate^lj: cd /etc/apt12:29
NoFate^see the difference between ect and etc ?12:29
Dark_Kyoargh i can't play a dvd on my ubuntu i install the codecs and software for this and symbolic links it doesn't work T_T12:29
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w0j0jrock just rebooted xwindows12:30
w0j0still not working on one12:30
j-rockwhat card w0j012:31
ljbash: cd: /ect/apt/: No such file or directory12:31
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NoFate^oh come on12:31
j-rocklj: ect is not the same as etc12:31
j-rockcd /12:31
j-rockthe typ ls12:31
w0j0running an Nvidia 4200 128mb12:31
j-rockthen type ls12:31
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j-rocklook for a directory called 'etc'12:31
j-rockthen cd etc12:31
ljnow what12:32
j-rockcd apt12:32
j-rockare you in /etc/apt now?12:32
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j-rockw0j0: hmmm, and it works with one monitor, what window manager/ desktop env. ?12:33
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ljbash: cd: etc: No such file or directory12:33
w0j0resolution runs at 1280x960@60 monitor menu tells me I'm running at 1280x1024@6012:33
j-rocklj: type 'pwd' what does it tell you?12:33
ljok now what12:33
j-rockuhh what did 'pwd' output12:34
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j-rockok lj, now vim sources.list12:34
j-rockyou should be able to type 'vim sou<tab>'12:34
j-rockhitting tab autocompletes names12:35
snowblinkj-rock: don't forget sudo ...12:35
j-rockoh yeah12:35
j-rocksnowblink: still not used to sudo yet12:35
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j-rocklj: sudo vim sources.list'12:35
j-rocklj: sudo vim sources.list12:35
j-rockno ' thing12:35
ljim in but how to edit12:36
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will_Hello all - Just installed Hoary!12:36
j-rocklj, move the cursor down to the '#' marks in front of the universe lines12:37
w0j0congrats will_12:37
bonghiHi all, what if my ubuntu doesn't recognize my audio card (Via vt82c686) how can I be sure proper modules are there?12:37
j-rocklj: and when you want to delete whatever is under the cursor, just hit 'x'12:37
snowblinkDark_Kyo: http://ubuntuguide.org/#xine-ui12:37
will_Is the problem with the xorg conf file not having specs for the monitor, and therefore only giving you 640x480 a common one?  is it fixable, or is it just my computer?12:37
NoFate^doesn't ubuntu have nano or pico?12:37
j-rocklj: and then to quit and save the file type ':wq!'12:38
j-rockNoFate^: bah vim > *12:38
lji made a mistake12:38
pellywinkle87hey... i've installed warty and the startup hangs after gdm tries to start. goes to console login after XFree86 fails to load saying 'no devices detected'12:38
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snowblinkNoFate^: nano12:38
lj cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / unstable main restricted12:38
snowblinkwill_: have you got horizontal & vertical refresh rates?12:38
j-rocklj: just type ':q!' and then redo that sudo vim sources.list command12:38
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_slice_pellywinkle87: might not be your problem... but i had that when i had a bad iso image. did you check the md5 ?12:38
will_snowblink, I had to add them manually to the xorg-conf file12:38
w0j0<everyone> is xorg any better then xfree?12:39
pellywinkle87i installed from x86_64 iso and then xi38612:39
NoFate^I just asked if nano existed in ubuntu, because I think it's much easier to use than vim12:39
pellywinkle87same problem12:39
snowblinkwill_: did that sort out the problem?12:39
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snowblinkNoFate^: yes nano does exist...12:39
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ljwhats it sopsed to do12:40
will_snowblink, yeah, added the VertRefresh and HorizRefresh in the "monitor" section, ctrl-alt-backspace et voila.12:40
ljyou still there j-rock12:41
will_snowblink, I tried dpkg-reconfigure first, but I missed the "advanced" section where you can enter that sort of thing, I think12:41
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pellywinkle87does warty have probs with nvidia agp? i have radeon 925012:42
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_slice_radeon isn't nvidia12:42
j-rockNoFate^: yeah we'll install nano for him12:42
j-rockok lj : issue this command in the terminal 'sudo apt-get install nano'12:43
snowblinkj-rock: I think it should be there already...12:43
j-rockoh is it?12:43
snowblinkj-rock: possibly easier to gksudo gedit12:43
will_sound question> I have two sounds cards an on-board c-media and a SB Live, how can I disable the c-media one (it is already disabled in the bios).  This seems to be causing me problems as I have no sounds atm12:43
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pellywinkle87my mistake, ati12:43
j-rocksnowblink: you want to explain that to him, i'm a cli junky12:44
j-rocki dunno what that is12:44
j-rockand i've never used gedit12:44
ljnano is already the newest version.12:44
j-rockwell we are gonna try something12:45
snowblinklj: in a terminal type: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:45
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j-rock^^^ yeah do what snowblink says lj12:45
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ljbash: qksudo: command not found12:46
j-rocklj: you can also copy and past by highlighting and then middle clicking where you want to paste12:46
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j-rocklj: gksudo not qksudo12:46
lji dont have a middle mouse button12:46
j-rocklj: middle click is left and right mouse buttons at the same time12:47
dudstill havent managed to edit a text file? :o12:47
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snowblinkj-rock: any reason not to use synaptic?12:47
snowblinklj: can you run synaptic?12:48
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snowblinklj: Computer->System Configuration->Synaptic12:48
j-rocksnowblink: he said he did that already i thought12:49
ljyes i did12:49
snowblinklj: uncheck the first line which says CD12:50
snowblinklj: and check the rest12:50
snowblinklj: then OK it12:50
snowblinklj: Press Reload (top left button)12:50
snowblinklj: what are you trying to install?12:51
ljyes sorry12:52
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snowblinklj: Press the search button12:52
snowblinklj: Type k3b and search. :)12:52
ljits there12:53
NoFate^of course it would be there12:53
snowblinklj: double-click on k3b12:53
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snowblinklj: should list some other stuff. Okay it12:54
j-rockheh, i'm still new to the ubuntu scene, so apt-get and synaptic aren't my area of expertise12:54
snowblinklj: Press Apply12:54
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NoFate^apt-get is originally debian stuff, but I guess ubuntu is based on debian so it works perfectly fine on it12:55
ljok know its downloading12:55
NoFate^Fedora Core also has apt12:55
Xappehmm, what happened to the gtk themes in Hoary? lost rounded corners in industrial and the nice cursor12:55
snowblinklj: You probably have to download cdrao or cdrecord too12:56
j-rockNoFate^: yeah but my progression went like this FreeBSD -> gentoo (still using it on the main box) -> installed ubuntu on a spare box last week12:56
NoFate^ah oki12:56
j-rockstill use the bsd's too12:56
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NoFate^gentoo has a cool system right? emerge thingie?12:56
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_slice_yes, it's cool12:56
NoFate^yeah, couldn't put my lips on it :P12:56
bonghiHi All, I have a problem with my sound card, may I ask some questions?12:56
j-rockyeah, i'm a huge fan a bsd style ports so portage was cool for me12:56
j-rockapt-get is pretty cool though too now that i've gotten to try it12:57
_slice_portage does rock12:57
NoFate^bonghi: Just ask ;)12:57
j-rockdefinatly a lot better for an aging pentium 2 than portage12:57
bonghiit's just not working... :)12:57
NoFate^oh ok12:57
j-rocki couldnt picture a p2 compiling everything from source12:57
bonghiI've read that it should... it's a via vt82c68612:57
_slice_needed do it that way12:57
_slice_needn't even12:58
bonghithat should be compaticble with te via82cxxx driver...12:58
_slice_you can install a basic system and then compile stuff in the background12:58
_slice_but, yes, it's going to be slow on a p2 hehe12:58
bonghihow can i know if proper modules are loaded?12:58
j-rockyeah, even w/ a stage3 getting a working system would take days if not weeks12:58
_slice_will list the loaded modules12:58
_slice_lol, not weeks12:59
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_slice_stage 3 is already bootstraped and has a complete tool chain12:59
j-rockwell if i did it around the clock it would take a couple days12:59
j-rockto compile everything from source12:59
_slice_depends if you want gnome or kde12:59
bonghiuhm... it says used by 1...12:59
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j-rockxorg and firefox alone would take forever12:59
_slice_on a p2 i would go with xfce4 for a de or something lighter12:59
j-rockif i wanted kde or gnome, damn, i went with openbox01:00
_slice_bonghi: so it's loaded then01:00
j-rockmaybe alsa isn't unmuted?01:00
_slice_'boxes are good for p2's hehe01:00
_slice_yes, maybe alsa is muted01:00
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_slice_bonghi: type alsamixer01:00
bonghi_slice_: seams so... but in the device manager it says "unknown"01:01
_slice_and make sure you have levels01:01
_slice_what says unknown?01:01
_slice_i wouldn't worry about the 'device manager' too much01:01
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snowblinkbonghi: do you have headphones?01:01
bonghi_slice_: wow! what else01:01
_slice_did you check the mixer/01:02
bonghinope... have speakers ;-)01:02
titoohello, is the hoary repository "stable" for an upgrade?01:02
ljnow how do i install dream seeker on here01:02
_slice_titoo: strictly no01:02
snowblinkbonghi: you can usually diagnose sound issues better with headphones01:02
_slice_titoo: many people are reporting no problems01:02
Xappemore like: many people are reporing few problems01:03
ljand how do i runk3d01:03
_slice_but the www.ubuntu.com page will tell you the current version01:03
azteccan anyone please tell me what linux software is equivilant to Quickbooks Lite 2004 or if i can get this anywhere for free to use in linux?01:03
bonghi_slice_: i checked... but cant' understand it.01:03
j-rockaztec: gnucash?01:03
_slice_bonghi: you see a lot of sliders?01:03
j-rocklj: type either k3b or k3bsetup in a terminal01:04
_slice_bonghi: put them all up01:04
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j-rocklj: or type 'sudo k3b' or 'sudo k3bsetup'01:04
titoo_slice_: ok, thanks, I know it is the unstable, but with debian unstable can be completely broken some times...01:04
snowblinklj: Should be under applications->multimedia01:04
_slice_bonghi: and make sure nothing is muted.... [x]  mute  <--- don't have this01:04
_slice_titoo: yeah. concensus would be avoid if you need no problems01:05
ljits not01:05
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bonghi_slice_: how can i toggle mute?01:05
snowblinklj: You may need to restart GNOME for it to show01:05
j-rockbonghi: 'm'01:05
_slice_bonghi: just click on the [x] 01:05
titoo_slice_: I need "problems" as I am reporting bugs and using the latest version is better01:05
_slice_oh, you are in a terminal.. hehe... yes... 'm' i think01:05
j-rocki do everything by terminal, sorry for the confusion01:06
_slice_titoo: lol...excellent01:06
_slice_j-rock: yeah i figured but thought bonghi was in X :)01:06
Anubissudo sensors-detect01:07
AnubisNo i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them.01:07
j-rocklol i still use terminals even when i am in X01:07
bonghi_slice_: clicing doesnt work... "m" does!01:07
Anubishow did you guys get your sensors working?01:08
bonghiNow i hear a backround noise but if i start vlc it says  oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)01:08
_slice_what is vlc ?01:08
bonghia multimedia player.01:09
bonghishould i try something else?01:09
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j-rockbonghi: you need to switch your output plugin to alsa it sounds like01:09
j-rockbonghi: dig around in vlc settings01:09
_slice_maybe gstreamer-properties also01:09
Xappetry getting vlc to use esd output01:09
_slice_esd is not bad i think01:10
Xappethere should be that option anyways, I use it :)01:10
=== Hannes_ [~Hannes@dna250-146.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
_slice_a good example of the value of having KDE around.... the esd devs can look at artsd and not make that mess again ;P01:10
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bonghihow can i check to know if it's working?... after that i'll try to fix vlc01:10
lji restarted the computer and its still not there01:11
_slice_try our advic01:11
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ljit does work interminal though01:11
_slice_look in vlc settings for esd as an output and type 'gstreamer-properties in a terminal and set your audio output to ESD also01:11
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j-rocklj: it starts from terminal?01:11
j-rocklj: thats good, i'd ask around to find out how to add menu entries for gnome01:11
j-rockoi SirFred01:12
=== AndyR [~andrew@wlan-208.ecs.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
_slice_vlc certainly sounds interesting... does it work well?01:13
SirFredanyone on hoary?01:13
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Xappe_slice_, http://www.videolan.org/01:13
j-rocki'm a big beep-media-player fan01:13
SirFredHave you lost the new icon theme on X? I'm back on the black cursor pointer and the other old cursors.01:13
SirFredj-rock: beep-media-player is fine, but a little buggy.01:14
bonghiI used I used to love it... it doesnt need codecs to run!01:14
Xappevlc has all (well almost) needed codecs builtin01:14
_slice_Xappe: yeah i'm there already... sounds good...01:14
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j-rockSirFred: i have no issues with bugs, what is showing up for you?01:14
SirFredj-rock: Mine, for example, crashes when I d'n'd songs on it.01:14
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j-rockSirFred: what version01:14
Xappebut i still use MPlayer most of the time01:14
SirFredj-rock: Perhaps no the first song, but the second.01:14
SirFredj-rock: Humm. (wait)01:14
titoo_slice_: question, is better to upgrade to hoary outside of X?01:14
SirFredYesterday I compiles an mplayer with a gtk-2 patch.01:15
_slice_Xappe: i'm reading the docs now.... opensource streaming yum yum01:15
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_slice_titoo: no idea... shouldn't matter at all i would think01:15
SirFredj-rock: 0.9.701:15
ACID|neti have warty and i only have 1024 as my size for screen res - how do i up it??01:15
_slice_titoo: i think runnningpackages will be upgraded when you start them next, no?01:15
bonghibut still... (configuring alsa) it wont play audio and report that erroe01:15
j-rockSirFred: check out their cvs01:16
titoo_slice_: ok, I have a complete backup of the system in case of :)01:16
j-rockSirFred: i have no d'n'd issues01:16
Xappe_slice_, and if your windows friends start buggin' you with codec problems, just direct them to the videolan page. very handy...01:16
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_slice_titoo: gotta love that... you're bulletproof...01:16
SirFredj-rock: Perhaps it's related with the UTF support or something so. I'm on an spanish localized hoary.01:16
_slice_Xappe: i don't have any windows friends! :p01:16
_slice_nah j/k01:16
bonghi_slice_: LOL01:17
j-rockSirFred: i run UTF-8 too though, i listen to a lot of scandinavian metal and i like my umlauts01:17
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SirFredj-rock: So, you're using the cvs version?01:18
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Xappewell I quite recently migrated, so I still have them thoughe ;)01:18
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j-rockSirFred: actually its 0.9.7-r2, its in gentoo, assumably we have a patch that may have not been added upstream yet, but its doubtful01:18
lji have a litle prob01:18
_slice_hi bert01:18
ljk3b: ERROR: (K3bSongManager) Can't open file /root/.kde/share/apps/k3b/songlist.xml01:18
berti have this problem: after i've installed Ubuntu, both my network & wireless network worked just fine. After i've rebooted for the first time, none of them work any more. If i try 'ifconfig' I only see my lo device. Can someone help me?01:19
SirFredj-rock: Don't know01:19
j-rockSirFred: me neither01:19
_slice_man ifconfig ?01:19
_slice_try reconfiging the device?01:19
scizzobert: tried using "ifup" "ifdown" ?01:19
SirFredI'm also confused about the removable devices support in ubuntu.01:19
bonghiI'll come back and ask again later... now i'm gonna go!01:19
scizzobert: using dhcp to get ip? "dhclient eth0" or something like that01:19
bonghithanks you all!01:20
SirFredWhen my laptop boots, it always complain about not finding my eth0.01:20
_slice_bert: ifconfig interface [aftype]  options | address ...01:20
neofeedwhat happened to the Xserver? in Hoary?01:20
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bertscizzo, my eth0 & eth1 aren't 'there' anymore01:20
SirFredBecause the pcmcia startup is after those errors.01:20
SirFredneofeed: The icons?01:20
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ljive gotta goto bed ive been up all night01:20
neofeedxcoursor gone nuts and resolution to 640x48001:20
scizzobert: then look at dmesg01:20
Xappeneofeed, it's there01:20
titoo_slice_: See you after upgrade :)01:20
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SirFredneofeed: Have you lost them?01:20
scizzobert: dmesg | grep eth01:20
_slice_bert: lsmod... did the modules for them load?01:20
neofeedSirFred, no. No icons lost01:20
SirFredneofeed: My resolution is fine, but I lost the cool cursors01:20
scizzobert: also look if "ifup eth0" does something01:21
SirFredneofeed: I'm back in 1995, with the old cursors.01:21
bertokay thanks01:21
berti'll reboot and try some stuff01:21
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Xappeseems like they somehow downgraded the gtk-themes yesterday01:21
KING^^^i dont't know what happened , but my music runs too fast01:21
Xappelost my cool cursors too01:21
neofeedI have the following problems: my xcoursor went back to the X-Core cursor (black) and my resolution might get down 640x480 // had that in school yesterday01:21
_slice_don't reboot01:21
bertbut i'm not in my ubuntu install now01:21
_slice_type: sudo ifup eth001:22
KING^^^why ?01:22
SirFredneofeed: No resolution change here, but mine is 800x60001:22
Ex-Cyberif I have a folder open in Nautilus 2.9, how can I make a link to it?01:22
berti'm using the knoppix livecd right now01:22
_slice_oh yeah.. you;re on knoppix01:22
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SirFredWe want our cursors back!!01:22
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_slice_reboot bert hehe01:22
XappeSirFred, word!01:22
_slice_bert: and don;t panic...01:22
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_slice_if it works on knoppix... you'll get it working01:22
KING^^^can anyone help me ?01:22
neofeedSirFred, well, I did upgrade in school yesterday and the systems came up wih all 640x480.. And NO way to change that. not even though the xorg conf01:22
bertvery weird that they worked right after the install01:22
Ex-Cyberalternately, how would I go about making a link that uses gnome-vfs (e.g. samba or FTP share)?01:22
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bertbut stopped working after my first reboot01:23
SirFredneofeed: Have you tested your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?01:23
_slice_yeah, some config or module maybe01:23
_slice_try schizo's suggestions01:23
neofeedSirFred, in school? yep. Nothing01:23
SirFredneofeed: And your xorg.conf file , has changed?01:23
neofeedEx-Cyber, drag n Drop?01:23
KING^^^hey !01:23
neofeedSirFred, no01:23
bertokay thanks i'll be right back :)01:23
neofeedSirFred, do you have the location applications:/// ?01:24
SirFredneofeed: I think I never had that on hoary01:24
SirFredneofeed: Going to try01:24
Ex-Cyberneofeed: drag what? the folder I want to link to is open and there is no parent01:24
neofeedSirFred, yea I miss it on hoary... I wanted to modify the menu...01:24
Xappehmm, and the industrial theme lacks rounded corners nowadays01:24
neofeedEx-Cyber, so drag and drop a higherlevel folder/file. and change it's properties?01:25
SirFredneofeed: I think hoary is on a transition on that particular.01:25
SirFredneofeed: The only way to do that is hacking manually the desktop files, I've heard.01:25
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SirFredneofeed: I think that a human way to do that will be available on hoary final.01:25
neofeedI found applications:/// pretty human01:26
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KING^^^so can anyone help me ?01:26
Ex-Cyberneofeed: yeah, I just tried linking a subfolder on the FTP server and it just whines about an "unsupported operation" (and no, I'm not trying to create the link on the FTP server)01:26
neofeedonly problem I had was: where do I edit the master files (schemas) easily and how do I deactivate menu entries (like suspend them/not delete them)01:26
Ex-Cyberso much for transparency01:27
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darkkyoWhat type of kernel for the AthlonXP CPU i686 or K7?01:28
Xappedarkkyo, i've used both K7 and i686. K7 right now...01:29
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Xappebut I think the K7 is for the AthlonXp, yes01:29
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bertit still doesn't work01:30
bertif i type 'ifconfig', i still only see my lo device01:30
_slice_lsmod ?01:30
_slice_dmesg | grep eth ?01:30
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darkkyobut i have a problem for the dvd playback, when i put a dvd in my device i have a blue screen no picture available T_T01:31
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_slice_uname -a also... check you;re not running some recovery kernel or something01:31
bertif i 'dmesg | grep eth' i see two lines with my eht0 device01:31
bertwith the name, type etc01:32
_slice_no errors?01:32
_slice_ok... did you compile the kernel ?01:32
_slice_(i'm assuming no...)01:32
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darkkyoanyone have the same problem?01:32
bertno, indeed ;-)01:32
_slice_check with lsmod that the module for your ethernet card is loaded01:33
bertyeah they are01:33
_slice_also try... ifup eth001:33
berti830 and ipw220001:33
_slice_see if it says the card is already configured01:33
bertifup eth0 gives some errors01:33
_slice_what errors?01:33
berti do ifup -a01:33
bertinterface lo already configure ....01:34
_slice_can you try ifconfig ?01:34
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bertthen it tries to set my essid etc for my eth1 wireless decive, and says: "no such device"01:34
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bertbut no errors for eth0 (my wired connection)01:34
kengurwhat pkg do i need to solve this configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check?01:35
bertwhen i do ifconfig i only see the 'lo' device01:35
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kentkengur, build-essential?01:35
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bertvery weird01:36
bertbecause right after the install everything worked01:36
bertafter the reboot nothing worked01:36
_slice_try ifconfig eth0 <ip>01:36
_slice_then ifconfig01:36
_slice_don't worry about gateway or netmask01:36
_slice_or put them all in would be better hehe01:36
bertthat works01:37
_slice_heh ok01:37
_slice_man ifconfig01:37
bertnow when i 'ifconfig' i see my eth001:37
_slice_read the man page01:37
berthow can i let him config by dhcp?01:37
bertah ok01:37
_slice_ifconfig netmask gateway <yr gateway> eth0 <ip> i think but i'm not sure01:37
_slice_someone may correct me ... ?01:37
bertcan't you let it go by dhcp?01:38
_slice_i've never done it so i'd just have to read the man page hehe01:38
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SirFredWell, ifup just bring up the interface you pass it, acording to the information in /etc/network/interfaces01:39
_slice_in gnome... try Computer>System Configuration>Networking01:39
SirFredPerhaps you could take a look at that file, to see what could be wrong.01:39
_slice_if you can't get the syntak of ifconfig figured out01:40
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bertit gives an error when i set my gateway01:41
bertgateway: Unknown host01:41
bertbut i entered the correct ip01:41
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SirFredbert: That IP belongs to you  LAN ?01:43
bertmy ip, gateway ip
andrewskifor anyone using hoary, did the default cursors and default font resolution recently change?01:44
SirFredbert: And your netmask?01:44
SirFredandrewski: Yes.01:44
mike998_Upgradincan you ping your gateway?01:44
andrewskiSirFred: so my fonts "are supposed to be" smaller and my cursor theme black?01:44
SirFredbeezly: That's fine.01:45
SirFredandrewski: My resolution hasn't changed, actually. Only the cursor theme.01:45
SirFredandrewski: But a while ago, neofeed reported that his resolution also changed.01:45
mike998_Upgradinbert: can you ping your gateway?01:46
andrewskiSirFred: hmm, maybe related to Xfce?  any idea of the name of the nice white cursors or in which folder they are?  or which package provides them?01:46
SirFredandrewski: No idea. I've not installed xfce. It's a X.org issue, I think.01:46
SirFredandrewski: But I'm not sure about the magic under the icons in X.01:46
andrewskiSirFred: what was that second one?01:47
bertmike998_Upgradin yep01:47
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mike998_Upgradincan you ping outside of your gateway: for example try to ping www.google.com01:47
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bertno: "connect: network is unreachable"01:48
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AndyRis X slightly broke on hoary latest update?01:49
SirFredandrewski: What do you mean?01:49
mike998_Upgradinwhen you check your network settings (Computer > Desktop Configuration > Networking) and you click Properties on eth0 what do you see?01:49
mike998_Upgradin(I assume you are trying to go DHCP)01:50
andrewskiSirFred: i mean, "what do *you* mean?" :)  i didn't understand your sentence: "But I'm not sure about the magic under the icons in X."01:50
SirFredandrewski: Oh, excuse me.01:50
bertmike998_Upgradin is that network-admin01:50
bertthe tool?01:50
SirFredandrewski: I just mean that I'm not sure about how xcursors work.01:50
berteth0 isn't even in the list of connections01:50
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andrewskiSirFred: ah, ok.  it's good enough to know that it's not just me; i should be able to resolve it. :)  thanks!01:51
mike998_Upgradinbert: one second01:51
searcher`Another diatribe I hear on this matter is, "It's fantasy, kids are capable of distinguishing between fantasy and reality." First, not all kids are capable of making this distinction. Frankly, not all adults are capable of making this distinction. If my kid can't, I don't want him or her having access to this stuff. Second, even if my kid is capable of making this distinction, it still presents certain things as acceptable, things like beating hookers, 01:51
searcher`that mousebutton pasts01:51
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searcher`sorry about that01:51
mike998_Upgradinwrong window, searcherr?01:52
SirFredsearcher`: :)01:52
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SirFredsearcher`: For a while I was trying to connect what you've said with ubuntu.01:52
kenguri get this now No package 'gnome-vfs-2.0' found01:52
searcher`it's a small piece of slashdot ... can't get around the bad habit of selecting text i read01:53
SirFredsearcher`: Same here.01:53
mike998_Upgradinbert: check your /etc/network/interfaces and see if you have an entry for eth001:53
SirFredsearcher`: I'm playing with the mouse, clicking here an there all the time.01:53
kengurkent, can u help out?01:53
mike998_Upgradinsearcher`: me too... one of the problems of gettin old01:53
bertmike998_Upgradin no entry for eth001:53
SirFredTalkin about that, the copy/paste in gnome/x.01:54
SirFredIsn't it a little... inconsistent?01:54
goldfishhey there, have a dell inspiron 8600 with internal wireless card, my wireless network monitor is not picking up any device :/ Can anyone help?01:54
bertshould i enter: "iface eth0 inet static" ?01:54
SirFredGnome apps has their own way to cut and paste.01:54
mike998_Upgradinbert: check https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper (I know that it's not specifically about wired... but it should help)01:54
SirFredBut the X cut buffers gets filled only selecting.01:54
searcher`it's not that hard to figure out01:54
danielsSirFred: what you copy with edit->copy is pasteable via edit->paste01:55
searcher`selected text you can paste with a mouse button01:55
danielswhat you copy by lmb selection is pasteable by mmb01:55
kentkengur, you need the package called build-essential. Search for it in synaptic and install it. Its not that hard. But for most packages, you dont need to compile them at all, just install them with synaptic01:55
SirFreddaniels: So, when I select something with the mouse, it's not available with edit->paste ?01:55
searcher`everything else, use ctrl+c|v01:55
danielsSirFred: no01:55
kentkengur, and im in a hurry so i have no time to help, sorry for that :(01:55
searcher`SirFred: depends on how intelligent the application is01:55
mike998_Upgradinbert: you should enter iface eth0 inet dhcp01:55
SirFredWouldn't be better to have only one way to do it?01:55
searcher`SirFred: ofcourse it would be01:56
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danielsSirFred: arguably, yes01:56
searcher`although i like this as well01:56
kengurthanks, i think i can handle it =)01:56
SirFredIs there any movement on that direction? A single way to cut/paste things on the desktop?01:56
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danielshaving two cut buffers is kinda nice, sure, if you want two things, but my god it's a hack01:56
kenguri need the dev package01:56
danielsSirFred: not really; the status quo is that if you copy/paste via one method (mouse selection + mmb, or edit->copy/edit->paste), you'll get consistency01:57
SirFredHumm, could be.01:57
SirFredWell, lunch time.01:57
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mz2hmm, how come klipper works in the gnome-panel for me, but not on a friend's computer (it goes into this little window and doesn't get integrated to the tray applet)02:00
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AndyRis anyone else having a problem with icons in latest update of hoary?02:07
seb128AndyR: what icons ?02:08
seb128AndyR: industrial ones ?02:08
AndyRshow desktop02:08
AndyRand waste bin02:08
seb128what theme are you using ?02:08
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AndyRok, changed theme, all ok now :)02:10
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NightieI have a D-link adsl router with 4 ports. There is 1 laptop with winxp and a pc with ubuntu connected to.02:13
NightieIn win I can surf the web, but in ubuntu only ping works...02:14
RichBI'm looking for help with Hoary. Yesterday I lost my network and don't have enough Linux knowledge to fix it. I did several apt updates to Hoary yesterday02:14
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Nightiecan you help me? Why firefox doesn't work in ubuntu?02:14
RichBOne of the updates upgraded to linux-image-2.6.10-2 to 2.6.10-14. This may have caused the problme02:15
RichBCan anyone suggest anything?02:15
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antonio_hola, alguien habla espaol02:16
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, good morning :)02:16
andredIs there a reason why Hoary doesn't use the GNOME-Fx theme for Firefox? It seams to use a theme that sort of fits into your current theme, but doesn't have all the menu icons that GNOME-Fx has, for instance.02:17
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, argh I feel like crap, too many beer :(02:17
kengurcan anyone help with SYNCE-gnomevfs compilation?02:18
Nightiehelp me with dns, pleaaase!02:18
darkkyoLinuxJones, i have a question on size for the best partitionning an HD 40GB for install of ubuntu02:19
searcher`darkkyo: don't ask to ask, just ask02:21
darkkyoi want to say what this a best partitionning for install ubuntu on a 40GB HD?02:24
searcher`depends on what you plan to do with it really?02:25
searcher`wanna dual boot another OS?02:25
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searcher`looking to keep your logs seperate from your root ...02:25
searcher`possibilities are endless02:25
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andredseb128, Is Gnome-Fx too tied into one GNOME theme, is that why it's not used to default for Firefox?02:26
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darkkyoi have a dual boot but my another OS is on other HD 120GB ;), i want just to know for partitionning my 40 GB for ubuntu02:27
seb128I don't know what Gnome-Fx is and I don't use firefox ...02:27
andredseb128, Aha, ok. I saw you had commented in a number of Ubuntu Firefox bugs, so I thought you handled those bugs.02:27
andredThat's Gnome-Fx02:28
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seb128andred: no, I just reassign epiphany bugs to firefox when they are due to firefox02:28
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seb128andred: k02:28
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^iDleR^someone could help me with a network problem?02:29
andredseb128, The description for the theme even says "Blends in really well with the Default GNOME theme and the Ubuntu Human theme.":-)02:29
seb128andred: epiphany does that better: p02:29
danielsseb128: there are no firefox bugs, only gtk bugs02:29
andredseb128, Hehe, yep. true.02:29
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Evasohi guys any plann to support udf writing in hoary?02:31
usualis there something wrong with X in hoary?02:31
usualafter the last upgrade I have a plain cursor02:31
usualafter the last upgrade I have a plain cursor02:31
blah09maybe its an Xorg thing\02:31
danielsno, it's gtk being broken (really)02:32
danielsor the gtk engine, rather02:32
usualso my cursor is plain because of gtk?02:32
eruinthe gtk engine breaks the cursor?02:32
usualnot x?02:32
blah09hm does anyone know if ALPS touchpad support is built into hoary already?02:33
danielsusual: correct02:33
seb128daniels: right, blame gtk :p02:33
danielsblah09: no, it is not02:33
eruinanyone experiencing random X restarts in hoary?02:33
blah09oh =(02:33
danielsseb128: there's a bug on industrial; it diverts the cursor theme away but doesn't actually provide the files02:33
usualdaniels, cool, just curious.02:33
eruinI'm unsure how to submit a bug about it02:33
blah09guess it won't make it in then...02:33
seb128daniels: I know, was just kidding :)02:34
danielsblah09: you just can't reliably detect alps touchpads; you pick up far too many false positives for it to be usable02:34
eruinas it seems to happen randomly (while using places in gnome-panel or inside nautilus)02:34
blah09oh right02:34
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danielsseb128: cool, that was easy.  now let me run some other bugs by you ;)02:34
seb128daniels: I've reassigned the bug to jdub since he has uploaded the broken gtk2-engines-industrial :)02:34
blah09so i gotta compile a new kernel for alps?02:34
no0ticeruin: while using nautilus02:34
danielsseb128: #6175 is yours if you want it ...02:34
blah09stupid synaptics ripoff =(02:34
seb128daniels: no thanks02:35
no0tictheme's manager doesn't show previews02:35
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eruinno0tic: you got a bugreport going?02:36
no0ticeruin: not yet02:36
no0ticeruin: it's not well reproducible02:36
eruinyeah, that's what's bugging me ;/02:36
mchasardi just download the new  5.04 Array-4 but i can't boot it ...02:36
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blah09hoary is due in april isnt it?02:37
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Guardiannblah09 yes02:38
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thephotomanMorning, all.02:41
Xappehehe, it's 14.42 here in sweden ;)02:41
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thephotomanCompliments on Array 4.  Heard about it on Distrowatch after needing a Hoary Live CD, and it's working beautifully right nooo02:42
thephotomanIt's 7:42 in Texas.02:42
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thephotomanIn fact, the computer I'm on right now can't get on IRC in Windows, and the Ubuntu-based LiveCDs are the only ones I know of that will detect atheros cards without fuss.02:43
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thephotomanOne gripe, though: I still had to run dhclient on it.02:43
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, sorry I was afk you still need help ?02:44
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darkkyoyes i still need help for partitionning my 40GB HD to install a fresh ubuntu under :)02:44
LinuxJonesXappe, it's 9:44 am here in Eastern Canada :)02:45
darkkyobut i want to know what type and size of partition02:45
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, stick with ext3 for partition type02:45
GuardiannLinuxJones hmmm its 8:45 in eastern canada02:45
darkkyoyes EXT302:45
LinuxJonesGuardiann, I am in Atlantic time zone :D02:46
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Guardiannyep i thought so02:46
Guardianni am in eastern02:46
darkkyoLinuxJones, whate style of partition et size is do set?02:47
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Xappewe're so international here, aren't we? ;)02:47
no0ticXappe: oh, yes02:47
no0ticXappe: Italy. here02:47
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, /boot = 30 meg /swap = 500meg  /root=5 gig /home=rest of free space02:47
darkkyoLinuxJones, no /usr ?02:47
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, nah02:48
darkkyoLinuxJones, ok i use your setting :)02:48
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, /home is really the only important one. It takes about 25 mins to do a re-install :)02:48
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Xappewhat's the deal with /boot partition?02:48
njanXappe, do you mean what's it for?02:49
njanXappe, it's where the kernel image file is stored, along with the configuration for the bootloader (grub)02:49
darkkyoLinuxJones, yes but i have installed ubuntu with only /root and /swap i have no partition to backup02:49
Xappenjan, yes, but why have it on it's own partition?02:49
njanwhen your machine boots up, the bios loads the bootloader off the MBR of your hard disk, and it looks in the /boot partition (which it's installed and configured to know the location of) for configuration02:49
darkkyoLinuxJones, /root is the /02:49
njanXappe, because the bootloader is small and stupid and doesn't understand some filing systems and larger partitions02:50
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, that's ok do you have much stuff in your /home directory ?02:50
njanXappe, and also traditionally because it didn't understand partitions not at the beginning of the drive02:50
Xappeah, I see02:50
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njanXappe, I think you probably could use the root partition (I've never tried), but I wouldn't recommend it.02:50
darkkyoLinuxJones, no but i have upload all files on my second box linux server :-) before reinstall ubuntu02:50
Xappei'm doin that right now02:50
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, perfect :D, just wipe out your current partitions and make new ones and install from scratch.02:51
snowblinkdarkkyo: you might want to put /var in a separate partition02:51
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darkkyoLinuxJones, i want a best setting for an 40GB HD tell me a best i use the best :)02:52
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, if you were running a busy server I would recommend a /var /usr but not for a desktop system02:52
darkkyoLinuxJones, i use ubuntu for a desktop system, my server use debian sarge and i have created all partition for this thank for this information02:53
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LinuxJonesdarkkyo, have fun with your install :D02:53
darkkyoLinuxJones, thank you very much LinuxJones i come back here after my reinstall of ubuntu02:54
iapx8088I wonder02:54
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LinuxJonesdarkkyo, see you then02:54
iapx8088is there any ubuntu cd where i can find a kernel image like the rescue one in debian's02:54
iapx8088something to do some rescue root=/dev/hda302:55
magnonI've never tried it, but the installation cd _should_ have a rescue mode02:55
darkkyoLinuxJones, oh i have juste a last question after installation i can update my kernel to a K7 version i have a AthlonXP cpu? i use this one or i686?02:55
magnonif not you could always use a live cd to fix it02:55
LinuxJonesdarkkyo, yeah it's very easy02:56
iapx8088mmh don't know how I' going to fix that with a live cd.02:56
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LinuxJonesdarkkyo, K702:56
iapx8088I have an unbootable kernel, and it's alone02:56
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darkkyoLinuxJones, ok thank see you later02:56
Xappegl darkkyo02:56
darkkyoi'll be back all :) get fun with ubuntu02:56
iapx8088even with the live cd what can I do as long as I cannot deinstall that one and install a new kernel?02:56
darkkyovery nice people :) here i'm coming back here02:57
iapx8088the bad kernel itself it's saying kernel-panic not syncing:VFS unable to mount root02:58
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LinuxJonesiapx8088, sounds like you don't have the correct filesystem support03:00
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LinuxJonesiapx8088, did you compile a custom kernel ?03:00
iapx8088I could be who knows, I made a mess with kernel config Afaik03:00
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iapx8088but my config was a good tuned one, just I did copy the .config instead of making make oldconfig03:01
LinuxJonesiapx8088, you should have added filesystem support in the kernel or used initrd03:01
iapx8088yea but I have to come back there to do that03:01
iapx8088I simply need to boot into ubuntu one more time to fix that.03:01
iapx8088but linux root=/dev/hda3 into installation cd didn't help03:02
iapx8088nor did linux root=/dev/hda3 into hoary live cd.03:02
iapx8088what a mess.03:02
LinuxJonesiapx8088, it's probalby faster to just re-install :D03:02
snowblinkiapx8088: can you get to a grub menu when you boot?03:02
iapx8088snowblink, sure03:02
snowblinkiapx8088: do you have any other options apart from your custom?03:02
esherhow can i disable some installed packages from apt that there never be updated again (ignore) when i do command apt-get upgrade ?03:03
iapx8088snowblink, I don't that was the catch03:03
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iapx8088I was so sure it was going to work03:03
iapx8088it was from 2.610 to 2.610, same kernel I told myself03:03
iapx8088what the hell, that hoary box was marvellous03:03
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snowblinkiapx8088: you overwrote your old kernels?03:04
iapx8088snowblink, sure, this one was working so good03:05
iapx8088hibernate and so on03:05
iapx8088It was a newbie move.03:05
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LinuxJonesesher, in synaptic select the package(s) and under packages in upper left menu click Lock Version03:05
iapx8088i only need to boot that box again and I cannot. What a dumb man03:05
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snowblinkiapx8088: did you actually delete the kernels or just alter the menu.lst?03:08
andredWhy are application names shortened "..." in the panel at the bottom, when there's plenty of space there?03:08
Xappethat's a bug in hoary03:09
giardandred, mine do that too... they didn't used to do it in the older version03:09
Xappeu have to increase the size manually i think03:09
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Xappeandred, i've set minimum to 250 px and now it's quite ok03:11
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andredXappe, Well, why would you have to do that? It's a bad default since there's space left on the panel.03:12
andredA bug already filed on it, or should I file one?03:12
Xappewell, I read about it in december I think, so it should've been filed03:13
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andredOk. And it's specific to Ubuntu?03:14
andredOr a GNOME bug?03:14
Xappecould be gnome specific03:14
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andredXappe, So how do you change the size manually?03:15
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Xappeandred, right click, choose preferences --> size -->...03:17
HurL3yhi everyone i have a question for Unbuntu people03:17
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iapx8088snowblink, I did that! (i copied a kernel from knoppix live cd into ubuntu boot and succeeded starting...03:20
no0ticI noticed powernowd has been updated in hoary; my problem with cpu frequency is still here...03:20
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HurL3yin dualboot with XP can anyone can tell me what will be the bootloader with Ubuntu03:20
iapx8088no0tic, centrino?03:20
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iapx8088HurL3y, grub03:20
no0ticiapx8088: no amd k703:20
goldfishHurL3y: grub ?03:20
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iapx8088no0tic, amd k7 will support dinamic cpu frequency change?03:20
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HurL3ythank you iapx808803:21
no0ticiapx8088: yes03:21
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no0ticiapx8088: It was working on warty03:21
Gussydamn iver never used linux, is this a good start03:21
goldfishGussy: yep03:21
no0ticiapx8088: scaling works also on hoary, only frequency values are wrong03:21
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Gussycool as03:21
Gussyi just ordered a cd03:22
Gussyhopefully i wont get charged03:22
no0ticiapx8088: I files #5874 bug03:22
no0ticiapx8088: *filed03:22
goldfishGussy: I started using linux 2 days ago. This channel is very helpful, and the forums, and ubuntuguide.org really help03:22
XappeGussy, no, i got 10 cds for free ;)03:22
Gussycool thanks03:22
Gussy10, nice03:23
goldfishI got one for free :)03:23
Gussyi rember someone telling me how they somehow pressed back and foward buttons alot when ordering winxp sp2 and ended with a box of 50003:23
goldfishThere was a link about it.03:24
XappeGussy, in that case they'll call you before shipping :)03:24
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Gussynah, i only ordered 103:24
iapx8088I'm so happy03:25
iapx8088I promise I will never deinstall the stock kernel again03:25
Xappehehe :)03:25
Gussyso whats the current wait time for a cd?03:25
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Xappei waited a couple of weeks03:26
Xappeso if you want to get started quickly, download and burn...03:27
Gussy... dialup 31.2k03:27
Gussynot an option03:27
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Gussyand i get a perty cd anyways03:27
andredXappe, That's just how you change the panel size03:28
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Xappeandred, yes...think that's the only wy right now. but I might be wrong...03:28
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andredXappe, That changes the *height* of the panel, which has no effect on when the window names are shortened.03:29
Xappeandred, nono...right click the applet03:29
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Xappethe little "bar" on the left03:30
andredXappe, Ahh, ok03:30
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no0ticrhythmbox crashes when I try to import folder...03:32
andredXappe, This is the bug: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=491803:32
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Xappeandred, yes03:34
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Xappeoff@restart x03:39
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theinei'm looking for an alternative to metacity, any suggestions?03:46
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theinej-rock: do you know a clean way of replacing metacity with openbox?03:47
Xappehmm, did an upgrade, now the industrial window theme is all gone (hoary)03:48
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j-rocktheine: umm i used to let me look it up03:50
theinej-rock: say again?03:50
j-rocktheine: in a terminal type 'openbox --replace' and then save your gnome session03:51
j-rocktheine: after you install openbox of course03:51
j-rockthats it03:51
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theinej-rock: okidoki03:52
cutoff_hi all!03:52
j-rocktell me if it works out :)03:52
j-rockit should make gnome VERY snappy03:52
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theinej-rock: THE feature i need is vertically maximizing03:54
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theinej-rock: edge resistance is also nice03:54
usualmono broken in hoary?03:54
usualmono-assemblies-base trying to overwrite files in libdbus-cil03:54
danielsusual: yes03:55
usualdaniels, k03:55
snowblinktheine: You can get vert maximizing by assigning a keyboard shortcut03:56
theineis there anything like xawtv in the main ubuntu repository?03:56
usualdaniels, I see alot of live cd's using the application 'captive' to use NTFS partitions, any plans for that to be included in ubuntu?03:56
theinesnowblink: i know, but i never got used to that03:56
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SirFredgtk 2.6.2 is already on hoary. Amazing.03:57
giardSirFred: yeap, kinda curious about the new sound-juicer too... really glad to see bittorrent made it in as well03:57
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SirFredgiard: New sound juicer?03:59
SirFredI have 0.5.1503:59
giardSirFred: it hasn't hit hoary yet03:59
jayduklooking for advice - i've got a list of urls in a TXT file. Each one needs to be accessed once only, sequentially, at 30 minutes intervals. Any ideas what would be the best tool for the job (command line?)03:59
SirFredgiard: Oh.03:59
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SirFredgiard: I expect we will be able to choose the quality with the new sound juicer.04:00
SirFredIt seems that the new powernow has some mistake on the init script04:00
SirFred/etc/init.d/powernowd: line 66: [: speedstep-smi: binary operator expected04:01
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giardSirFred: seems that the new sound juicer will use "Audio Profiles"  not sure what those are04:01
mariano'afternoon, people04:01
savage1rHey, I'm a linux n00b and I just installed ubuntu,can someone help me out with a few things?04:01
websitesavage1r, go04:01
websitesavage1r, don't ask to ask, just ask!04:02
savage1rok, well, how the hell do I install software?04:02
websitesavage1r, are you running hoary or warty?04:02
savage1rFull install04:02
savage1rnot livecd04:02
website(the menus differ)04:02
marianoI guess the http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ might help you, savagelr04:02
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SirFredit's missing a pair of quotes04:02
websitecomputer ---> administration ---> synaptic04:03
esheri want to install courier-imap-ssl, but apt-get will also install exim... how can i this disable ? i only need courier packages04:03
savage1rThere is no administration tab under computer04:03
marianoI have a related problem. Somehow, while upgrading my hoary sys Synaptic got uninstalled, when trying to install it again I get a dependency problem which can't be solved :S04:04
marianoany idea?04:04
savage1rok, hold on04:04
altanwhere is the config file that manages what to do at startup (like when it's starting Postfix, RAID services, syncing the time etc)04:04
savage1rok, found the synaptic04:04
esherLinuxJones, i dont have synaptic here, its console only04:04
websitesavage1r, excuse me but i'm running hoary04:04
websiteand the menu differs04:05
marianodoes anyone know the utility of libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.3?04:05
savage1rI actually tried this package manager before04:05
savage1rAnd I keep getting error messages and nothing installs04:06
websitehave you upgraded the list?04:06
savage1rYeah, I think so04:06
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savage1rShould I dl package files only?04:06
websitesavage1r, yes you can04:07
iapx8088anyone knows if yesterday kernel update 2.6.10 for hoary was bugged04:07
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savage1rWill that make a difference in the install?04:07
websitejust check "download only" when click apply04:07
savage1rok, well, it's dling them04:07
savage1rBut will I still get the error messages?04:07
SirFrediapx8088: It's buggy for me. My soundcard don't work for any of the 2.6.10-2 hoary series.04:07
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altanWhere can I edit services for startup (Postfix, time synchronization with ubuntulinux.org, stuff like that)04:07
websitesavage1r, you get errors for broken dependencies04:07
websitedo this04:08
websiteedit ---> fix broken dependencies04:08
websiteand then apply04:08
websiteit will fix your system04:08
websiteit is strange since i had a broken dependencies when i was upgrading to hoary04:08
savage1rWell, I'm dling packages at the moment04:09
savage1rSo I guess I'll fix broken dependencies when that's done04:09
savage1rok, hopefully this'll work and I can use wine and samba04:09
=== larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@ad-f-134.finet.se] has joined #ubuntu
savage1rNow if I can just get WWIIOL to work I'm ditching Windows, lol04:10
websiteso enjoy04:10
larsrohdinis fbsetbg something i have to download?04:10
websitelarsrohdin, i don't understand04:11
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larsrohdinfbsetbg, has something to do with changing wallpapers in fluxbox.. but i can't get it to work...04:11
websitetell synaptic to locate in which package is fbsetup executable04:12
larsrohdinexcuse me? do what?04:13
savage1rwebsite it's funny, since I've used windows for so long it feels like I'm a retarded kid in a calc 2 class when it comes to linux, lol04:13
websitedo you have fbsetup executable on your system?04:13
larsrohdini honestly don't know=)04:13
larsrohdini have fluxbox=) and its running...04:13
Guardiannlarsrohdin take a look her >>>  http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanb/software/fluxbox/fbsetbg.html04:14
websitesavage1r, it is the same feeling that i had when 4 years ago i switched to Gnu/linux debian04:14
klaymwindows makes us all retarded04:14
savage1rUgh, before I tried installing ubuntu (easy) I tried installing Debian (fucking impossible)04:14
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websitelarsrohdin, maybe you can do fbse(TAB) in the terminal to know if you have that04:14
websitesavage1r, no, it is like ubuntu04:15
websitejust some questons to answer04:15
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savage1rCan you help me install Cinelerra when I'm done updating? :D04:15
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websitesavage1r, why not ?-)04:16
=== cblack [~cblack@c-24-3-183-57.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cblacklo folks04:16
larsrohdinGuardiann, when i click on download cvs-version... i just get alot of text... what am i supposed to do with it?04:16
websitesavage1r, how does it mean? i don't find that work on my dictionary (i'm not english native)04:17
Guardiannnot sure i left the site04:17
savage1rHow does what mean?04:17
savage1roh schweet?04:17
website<savage1r> schweet04:17
jakujakui got "ramdisk compressed image found at block 0" when i booted from an ubuntu cd. out of memory?04:17
savage1rUm, cool04:17
jakujakuand it halted there04:18
websitejakujaku, do you have a sata hd?04:18
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jakujakui dont know04:18
savage1rOk website, I got an error when the installer tried instaling samba04:19
jakujakuhow d o i find out?04:19
websiteuhm.. it seems that the initrd image don't load the appropriate modules04:19
websitesavage1r, what error?04:19
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larsrohdinhow can i see which version of fluxbox im running?04:20
savage1rErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.7-Iubuntu6.3_i386.deb04:20
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websitesavage1r, try to install it again04:21
savage1rI did, 2 times04:21
websiteuhm ok04:21
websiteso do sudo dpkg --configure -a04:21
websitewhat's up?04:21
savage1rum...how do I do that?04:21
websiteopen the terminal and then do: sudo dpkg --configure -a04:22
AnubisThis is pissing me off04:23
Anubisbeen up all night04:23
AnubisI can't successully compile a damn thing?04:23
savage1rdatabase is locked by another process04:23
savage1rClose the package manager?04:23
Anubiswtf? is wrong with the environment?04:23
Anubisthe apps I want to use are broken04:23
websitesavage1r, yep04:23
AnubisI try to compile them04:23
AnubisI don't have the dependencies04:23
websiteAnubis, maybe you don't have the right libs04:23
Anubisor if I do they are old04:24
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Anubislike now04:24
larsrohdinhow can i update my fluxbox?04:24
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Anubistrying to install the latst XFCE404:24
savage1rok, ran the execution, that looked like everything went ok04:24
Anubispeople in the forums said it works04:24
Anubisbut not here04:24
Anubissimple things04:24
bretzelHi all --- Anybody knows C++ ???04:24
websitelarsrohdin, use synaptic04:24
Anubisdbh-1.0 XFCE4 is looking for04:25
diegoAnubis: why are you not using apt?04:25
savage1rok website, looks like the execution went through04:25
Anubisseems as though I have the libs but not the bin?04:25
websitebretzel, yes but in #c++ is better04:25
savage1rdo I go back to package manager?04:25
Anubisdiego, because its not in there?04:25
larsrohdinwebsite, fluxbox -version says Fluxbox 0.1.14... is that old or new version?04:25
diegoAnubis: sure it is04:25
websitesavage1r, go back and try to install samba04:25
diegoAnubis: `apt-get install xfce404:25
Anubisdiego what is?04:25
websitelarsrohdin, give me a minute04:25
Anubiswhich version is that?04:26
larsrohdinok, thanks04:26
Anubisits not 4.204:26
diegoAnubis: shrugsauce04:26
=== website checking
Anubisso like I was saying04:26
savage1rNope, still have that samba error04:26
diegoi'm on hoary so i dunno04:26
Anubisanyone know of the dbh-1.0 pkg?04:26
totzillaxfce4.2 installer is failing to find dbhash?04:26
larsrohdindiego, isn't hoary released in march or something?04:26
websitelarsrohdin, i need the package name04:26
totzillai had to install the dbh devel pkg to get 4.2 working04:26
diegolarsrohdin: that's the plan04:26
larsrohdinwebsite, how can i find that?04:27
larsrohdindiego, but how can you be on hoary now then=)04:27
Anubistotzilla, with what command?04:27
Guardiannlarsrohdin is out now but its in development04:27
savage1rdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.7-Iubuntu6.3_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 10204:27
bretzelwebsite -- That's because I have a point that I don't catch : look:" class::function( const type& t) ": the compiler raises error:  ( next line with real error )04:27
diegolarsrohdin: mad hax...either that or anyone can be by following the "Update to Hoary" instructions on the web site04:27
Anubisis it in the repositories/04:27
bretzelcursesiface.cc:116: error: passing ` const felix::csize' as `this' argument of `int felix::csize::height()' discards qualifiers04:28
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totzillai use yum -y install  Anubis04:28
diegolarsrohdin: it's not done yet but it's fine for me04:28
websitebretzel, i don't know how to help you04:28
bretzelthus const freference in arguments doesn't  work ... I never understood that04:28
websitetotzilla, yum? here is debian world04:29
websiteapt-get instead04:29
larsrohdinwebsite, where can i find the pakage name?04:29
websitelarsrohdin, i'm doing it for you04:29
bretzelwebsite: ok... thanks for your time :-)04:29
larsrohdinoh, ok=)04:29
Anubiswtf is yum?04:29
Anubisand what difference does it make which installer I use?04:29
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totzillaits a package manager Anubis04:29
larsrohdinAnubis, the redhat package manager04:30
websitelarsrohdin, but if you system is upgradded it is the last package, if you want a newest version switch to hoary04:30
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Anubisbasically, how can i satisfy these dependencies04:30
savage1rwebsite, I can't even remove samba04:30
cblackhrm. are there install images that support reiser4?04:30
websiteAnubis, it is apt-get for fedora $ friends04:30
diegowebsite: don't forget about the backports project04:30
larsrohdinwebsite, ok how can i do that then?04:30
Anubisalso its missing X pixmap Library04:30
websitelarsrohdin, The latest stable release is v0.1.1404:31
AnubisI can't find thes in the universe04:31
larsrohdinwell, that the one i have...04:31
larsrohdinshit, all i want is to change my wallpaper=)04:31
websitediego, what?04:31
websitelarsrohdin, why do you use a desktop manager that is hard to manage, have you already tried gnome?04:32
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Anubiswhere is ubuntuforums chammel?04:32
larsrohdinwebsite, because i want a new challange... gnome is as boring as windows=)04:32
diegothe backports project offers xfwm4_4.1.99.2+cvs.20041212-1-4.10ubp1_i38604:33
website:-) yes it could be, but not for me ^__^04:33
diegonote how i can't read04:33
savage1rOk website, ready to help me install cinerella?04:33
larsrohdini've managed to configure my own menu and all that... the only thing that isn't working is fbsetbg...04:33
diegoand now for something relevant: XFCE v4.1.99.2+cvs.20041211-2-4.10ubp1_i38604:33
websitesavage1r, do: sudo apt-get upgrade04:33
websiteso we will see what will go wrong04:34
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Anubissolved one dependency04:34
Anubisnow for the last04:34
AnubisI love this04:34
AnubisLike when I was new to Linux04:34
Anubisand thought I'd get help in IRC04:34
WillCookeAnyone who's running hoary > Does nautilus applications:/// work for you?  I get an error04:34
AnubisI got some04:34
Anubisbut mostly i had to figure things out04:35
savage1rsamba: Depends: samba-commo (=3.0.7-Iubuntu6) but 3.0.7-ibuntu6.3 is installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f04:35
websiteAnubis, to solve dependencies automatically use synaptic ---> edit ---> fix dependencies04:35
Anubisits the fun part about Linux04:35
bretzelwebsite: ah --- I 've worked around: If you know c++ and interrested of my thought :passing const reference in parameter - you cannot use the argument's regular properties.  so if I copy the instance into a local or other non const ref obj, I can work with it :-)04:35
Anubisbut also a PITA!04:35
diegoWillCooke: doesn't work for me either last time i checked04:35
WillCookediego, Doh!04:35
websitebretzel, thanks :-)04:35
XappeWillCooke, have used Hoary since early december, applications:/// has been dead since then...04:36
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Anubiswebsite, how can synaptic solve dependecies for an installer that indepedent of synaptic?04:36
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WillCookeOK, thanks guys.04:36
websitesavage1r, look for samba common package04:36
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=== totzilla sips coffee
websiteAnubis, excuse me i thought it was a regular package04:37
savage1rWebsite, I keep getting the same error over and over04:37
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iapx8088does anyone know if there's a real performance enanchement using --initrd04:37
larsrohdinok, is anyone here running fluxbox? and how do you do to change wallpaper=)04:38
websiteis the samba common isntalled?04:38
websiteiapx8088, yes initrd load modules04:38
savage1rsubprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 10204:38
websiteand starts kernel04:38
iapx8088website, what about the enanchements04:38
website(it is used when you don't know exactly what is needed built in kernel)04:39
savage1rI don't think so, but samba isn't my primary concern, I'd rather install cinelerra04:39
WillCookeAnoe with hoary go skype 1 running?04:39
websiteiapx8088, wait since i need to traslate that word04:39
Guardiannlarsrohdin do you mean the background?04:39
larsrohdinGuardiann, yes04:40
WillCookeanoe -> anyone (I think the batteries in my kbd are running flat)04:40
Guardiannhave you looked at their site at all?04:40
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larsrohdinGuardiann, all day long=)04:40
Guardiannhmmm  try here04:40
iapx8088website, you are right it's wrong04:40
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websiteiapx8088, do yo want to know if a system goes better with initrd?04:41
savage1rOk, so how about we try to tackle installing cinelerra?04:41
larsrohdinGuardiann, i've done all that...04:41
iapx8088website, yeah, or a good reason to use initrd in a custom kernel04:41
Glin|Jolhow can i determine the version of a package i have installed?04:41
websiteiapx8088, in a CUSTOM kernel there is not reason04:42
WillCookeAhh Skype fixed.  I needs libxft1 installing04:42
websiteGlin|Jol, use synaptic or dpkg04:42
iapx8088website, and why mainteneirs use ite?04:42
websiteiapx8088, initrd immages contains modules to run the system04:42
iapx8088ahh i see04:43
websiteit you should build a kernel for more people04:43
cblackwhy does a dist-upgrade to hoary install both x.org and xfree86?04:43
Anubisfixed it04:43
iapx8088I-ll go initrd04:43
AnubisI should help others:)04:43
websiteyou should consi "any" hardware configuration as built in04:43
savage1rWebsite, let me know when you have a few seconds04:43
websitecblack, it does it to solve dependencies04:44
websiteit is ok04:44
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cblackwebsite, yeah. noticed that a second later when it asked which server i wanted to use. hehe.04:44
Anubisdoes Hoary have Xorg 6.8?04:44
larsrohdinGuardiann, any ideas?04:44
websitesince x.org will be auto configurated for you04:44
Guardiannlarsrohdin no sorry I have stuck with gnome04:44
iapx8088website, isee thanks for the help04:44
websiteAnubis, yes it has xorg04:45
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websiteiapx8088, here to help (i'm joung and i'm happy to help)04:45
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websitesavage1r, it seems to be your time04:45
larsrohdinGuardiann, ok thanks alot anyway...04:45
savage1rok, need to install this program cinelerra04:45
savage1rIt says it's an executable file04:46
websitesavage1r, it is in te repo?04:46
savage1rte repo?04:46
diegoteh reposaurus04:46
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savage1roh...um...what are repositories?04:46
websitei don't know anything about that program.. so04:46
websitesavage1r, repositories are where packages are (ubuntu servers)04:47
savage1rOh, it's not from an ubuntu server04:47
websiteapt-get and synaptic have a file where the packages name are stored to and then the get them from ubutu servers04:47
=== diego jumps behind a tree and hopes the reposaurus rex doesn't spot him
savage1rIt's an independant program for linux04:47
savage1rIt's a video editing program04:47
websitediego, :-)04:47
websitesavage1r, can i have a html page?04:48
savage1rum....hold on04:48
websiteok sir!04:48
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diegowebsite: it's not in the repos04:49
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websitediego, she has already said that04:49
savage1rIs it able to be installed?04:49
SirFredFirefox is crashing on hoary when I try to print.04:50
websitesavage1r, it seems to be an rpm file isn't it?04:50
websiteSirFred, arch?04:50
savage1rYeah, I already ran the rpm04:50
SirFredwebsite: i38604:50
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savage1rBut I can't get the program to run04:50
websitesavage1r, how?04:50
savage1rI double clicked on the rpm and selected a folder to extract to04:51
SirFredPerhaps it's related with mozilla-firefox-gnome-support04:51
websitehave you done rpm -i package (it could not work)04:51
websiteSirFred, i never tried it since i upgraded to hoary yesterday04:51
savage1rok...maybe I don't understand how this works04:51
websitesavage1r, really it is not installed04:52
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savage1rI just extracted the files04:52
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savage1rI need to know how to install them04:52
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websitesavage1r, windows is not linux04:53
savage1r_I know04:53
websiterpm is a special package04:53
websiteit is not something like zip04:53
diegowebsite: are you serious? shiiiiiit.04:53
websitediego, fun guy :-)04:53
websiterpm is like deb04:53
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savage1r_I don't know that04:53
websitebut a little bit different04:54
websiteyou shoudl open the terminal04:54
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websiteand then go where you downloaded the package04:54
websiteand then do rpm -i name-of-the-paclage (it could work)04:55
websitesince in debian i had to convert it in deb04:55
savage1r_ahhh, ok04:55
SirFredIs anybody else suffering this problem? I just press the print option on mozilla firefox file menu, and get a SIGSEGV04:56
savage1r_I'll try that, then come back if it don't work04:56
diegoSirFred: i just tried it and it didn't happen to me04:56
websiteSirFred, submit the bug04:56
=== NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-36-76.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
SirFredI'm going to restart the computer first.04:56
websitesavage1r, if it will not work (as i think) we neet to do sudo alinen package and then sudo dpkg -i package04:57
SirFredBecause I've updated gtk2 a while ago.04:57
websiteSirFred, yes do that04:57
SirFredI've restarted gnome, I think it should be enought, but, who knows.04:57
hybridi have an airport wireless card set up for my network but when i got to other wan's it doesn't recongize it/ why is that and how can i fix it?04:57
websiteSirFred, is better if you rebbot it and test again before submit a bug04:57
diegohybrid: wlan*, not wan04:57
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hybridoo srry04:58
websitediego, it is not my field04:58
diegowebsite: mine's always just worked :/04:59
XappeSirFred, you're using Hoary right?04:59
diegoXappe: he left the room04:59
Xappeoh, didn't notice04:59
websiteXappe, ^__^05:00
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savage1r_Ok, website, it says I need to run alien and then run as root05:00
websiteok check if you have alien installed05:00
savage1r_aparrently I do05:00
savage1r_I ran it and it said I need to run as root05:00
websitesudo alien package.rpm05:00
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savage1r_file "package.rpm" not found05:01
websitezhukov, happy day to you05:01
websitemore mind flexibility05:01
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savage1r_Don't I just need to create a root account?05:02
websitesavage1r_, it was for you05:02
zhukovI'm i just the only one that cant hear sound when playing flash in firefox?05:02
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savage1r_what was for me?05:02
hybriddid u try using the root terminal savage05:02
websitezhukov, look at ubuntuguide.org05:02
website<website> more mind flexibility05:02
zhukovi did :)05:02
websitepackage.rpm is a varible05:03
savage1r_I have no idea how to use the root terminal05:03
websiteno no05:03
=== jaza [~zazeem@pool-70-16-78-214.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
websiteyou never should use it05:03
diegohow do you say 'XFCE'?05:03
savage1r_Oh, website05:03
websitesudo alien name-of-the-package.rpm05:03
jazahow do i play a game thats in a .jar file?05:03
savage1r_I ran the alien command for the package and it said I needed to open it in root05:04
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savage1r_How do I create a root account?05:04
websitejaza, it should be java i think05:04
Xappediego, "exfschee" ;)05:04
websitesavage1r_, !!!!05:04
diegojaza: .jar is a zip file containing java stuff, try `java bleh.jar`05:04
websiteput "sudo" before the command"05:04
diegoXappe: are you kidding?05:04
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diegoi've always said 'XForce' in my head05:05
diegobut now i feel stupid05:05
rotundohello: what is the difference between fam and gamin, and why does ubuntu recomend the later to me? (it want to upgrade gamin, but conflicts with fam)05:05
websitesavage1r_, , you have an root account but is "unset" and it is betterto leave it as it05:05
savage1r_ok...., it made a .deb package05:05
Xappediego, sorry 'bout that :)05:05
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websitesavage1r_, sudo dpkg -i package-that-you-have-created-deb05:06
diegoXappe: ok seriously now, do you say each letter individually?05:06
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WillCookeanyone else getting a seg-fault when installing samba on hoary?05:06
andredHmm, the focus prevention stealing in metacity seams buggy. Sometimes a nautilus window starts up under Firefox for me.05:06
websitediego, uhahahhaha05:06
no0ticandred: nautilus, always starts under other windows here...05:07
Xappediego, well, i do that, but i don't know wheter or not it's right05:07
websiteno0tic, it is space stuff05:07
websiteno0tic, space navigation05:07
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diegowebsite: how do YOU say 'XFce'?05:07
websiteit should be better05:07
websitediego, X F C E05:08
diegobah time-consuming05:08
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websitein italian: ics ef ci a05:08
no0ticwebsite: I noticed: it starts just under the focused window, but over the others05:08
diegoXForce makes it sounds like something right out of Star Wars though05:08
PWMwhen I type "sudo gedit /ect/apt/sources.list" in the console gedit opens sources.list, but the file is empty! how can that be?05:08
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diegoLuke, use the XForce!05:08
websiteyes you can go to parent folder easly05:08
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blah09its /etc05:08
PWMdamn :)05:09
Xappediego, how about XFace then ;D05:09
websiteto close all the folder do "CTRL + Q"05:09
blah09sudo /etc/apt/sources.list =)05:09
larsrohdinif i want some program to start when i start fluxbox, where can i edit that?05:09
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PWMgot it :|05:09
diegoXappe: heh05:09
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websiteblah09, what it will do?05:09
savage1r_ok, web, ran sudo dpkg -i on it, now what?05:09
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websiteit is installed05:09
diegoi'ma go take a nice steamy shower05:10
websitesavage1r_, in you system05:10
hybridis sudo better then using the root terminal?05:10
blah09website what do you mean?05:10
savage1r_How do I execute it?05:10
website<blah09> sudo /etc/apt/sources.list =)05:10
blah09oh i forgot the nano05:10
Kyaneoshow can i play mp3 files with rhythmbox??05:10
blah09to edit your sources.list file05:10
websitesavage1r_, i looked into the rpm and there is not any desktop file you should run it from terminal05:10
blah09kyaneos: sude apt-get install gstreamer-mad0.905:10
diegohybrid: `sudo -s` is about the same as `su` but sudo-y-er05:10
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blah09my typing is bad today05:11
websitego to the terminal and then write the name of the program05:11
dudyou can only execute ELF executables... not ascii files heh05:11
Kyaneosthankyou very much05:11
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savage1r_ok, with the .deb extension?05:11
websiteblah09, yes :-)05:11
diegodud: you can interpret ascii files...05:11
websitesavage1r_, without deb05:11
SoBanyone have some insight as to why k3b (growisofs) won't burn DVDs faster then .7X...?  And after installing k3b using synaptic I can't run the setup because kcmshell is missing but not listed in synaptic05:12
websitesavage1r_, it is started?05:12
diegobye all...look out for reposaurus rexes as you leave05:12
larsrohdinhow can i make a program start when i log in to fluxbox?05:12
maximausKyaneos, open up Synaptic and search for gstreamer-mad05:12
robablyuhh, anyone know what might be cuasing the install to freeze after hardware detection? the error it reports (before hanging) is Kernel panic: fatal exception in interrupt in interrupt handler - not syncing05:12
websiteSoB, it is not the better way into ubuntu05:12
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websitelarsrohdin, gonna google05:12
SoBwebsite, I don't understand what you mean05:13
websitemaximaus, not gstreamer-mad but gstreamer0.8-mad on the universe05:13
blah09oh its just gstreamer-mad without the 0.805:13
savage1r_So, it was xmovie_1.9.13-2_i386.deb, I tried running that without the .deb extension05:13
blah09ah yes website is right05:13
websiteSoB, it is not the best thing to use kde stuff on ubuntu05:13
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maximausAnyone here used Beatrix? I'm throwing Linux on my aunties 2nd HDD (she's begging because of virii) and on the fence between it and Ubuntu (which I use on my box). She's got a 350mhz/192 clunker.05:13
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savage1r_won't run, lol05:14
blah09but fluxbox on it05:14
websiteblah09, i don't understand, is there a gstreamer-mad package?05:14
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blah09yeah apparently, im not sure if it works though05:15
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SoBwebsite, even without k3b, just using growisofs on the command line it doesn't burn the possible 2x05:15
savage1r_Ugh this is the biggest drawback I can see in linux05:15
blah09on ubuntuguides.org they recommend gstreamer0.8-mad05:15
websiteblah09, yes it is true05:15
Quest-Mastersavage1r_, what drawback?05:15
savage1r_Pain in the ass installs05:15
fcHi, I need a good program to burn audio and data cd's, and to burn from an iso05:16
websiteblah09, i don't find that package05:16
websitefc www.ubuntuguide.org05:16
SoBI'm with fc, then, if k3b w/growisofs isn't a good idea.  What are the alternatives05:16
SoBvery well05:16
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Quest-Mastersavage1r_, what are you installing?05:16
maximausfc, data and iso you can do with Nautilus just great. I use Gnomebaker for audio CDs.05:16
cubexhello everyone05:16
blah09root@loki:/ # apt-cache search gstreamer-mad05:16
blah09gstreamer-mad - MAD MPEG audio decoder plugin for GStreamer05:16
savage1r_Private pm quest05:16
cubexwhy does postfix depend on ubuntu-base?!05:17
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fcmaximaus, how do you burn iso's with nautilus05:17
Xappehow about graveman? (haven't tried it myself)05:17
maximausright click, "burn"05:17
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cubexi want to remove postfix, but it says it'll remove ubuntu-base as well, how ome?!05:17
blah09maximaus: you could try installing ubuntu using the custom boot parameter with the install CD, then installing fluxbox instead of gnome05:17
websiteblah09, $ sudo apt-cache search gstreamer-mad05:17
websitevincenzo@ubuntu:~ $05:17
heliodehey, can I ask a question about ubuntu? I just installed it on my laptop and the screen resolution won't go above 800x600, while I specified it during the install05:18
websiteblah09, nothing for me (using ubuntu servers without universe)05:18
blah09must be on universe then05:18
maximausblah09, I'm using Gnome period, it runs just fine on that box as I've run Mandrake/gnome on it before.05:18
savage1r_well quest, I sudo alien'd an rpm, sudo dpkg -i'd it, and now I can't get them to execute05:18
fcmaximaus, right click in the cd creator? i dont see "burn"05:18
maximausthe ram is the bottleneck anyway.05:18
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blah09ah ok05:18
maximausfc, no just right click on the file in the browser.05:18
savage1r_I'm a linux retard so it's kind of difficult05:19
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maximausblah09, so I'm looking for something that doesn't have a bunch of services in the background (like Fedora ;))05:19
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Quest-Mastersavage1r_, alien doesn't always work perfectly05:19
Quest-MasterWhat program did you want to install?05:19
blah09gentoo stage 1? ;)05:19
savage1r_xmovie and mix200505:19
websiteQuest-Master, it is a rpm progrram05:19
savage1r_Going to try to install cinelerra next05:19
heliodeI used 'fb1024x768' to get live distro's like Knoppix and BeatrIX to the right resolution. How can I do so for Ubuntu?05:20
websiteQuest-Master, whitout soureces05:20
Quest-Masterwebsite: Well, that is a crap program05:20
websiteQuest-Master, yes i know but he wanna play it05:20
maximausheliode: Computer/System configuration/resolution.05:20
savage1r_Get errors like mix2005: error while loading shared libraries: libXxf86vm.so.1: cannot open shared object file: nos such file or directory05:20
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websiteQuest-Master, he did a .deb and install it05:20
jazahow do i get java for mozilla in ubuntu??05:21
encKe`I have a SB live sound card , but cant seem to get it going. Ubuntu wants to use my on board sound. How can i change this?05:21
websiteQuest-Master, do you know a good movie editor program (he is lookin for that)05:21
cubexguys, what does it hurt if i remove ubuntu-base from my system?05:21
jazaencke, disable it in your bios05:21
heliodeMaximaus: there i can only select 640x480 and 800x600. i did specify 1024x768 during the install though05:21
maximausencKe`, I believe you need to disable the on board in the bios.05:21
websiteencKe`, there is a jumper on you motherboard05:21
cubexdpkg-query -L says ubuntu-base only contains 2 files, copyright and changes, so is it ok to remove it?05:21
savage1r_I know this one is good website05:21
maximausheliode, you'll have to manually edit the xfree config file then.05:21
savage1r_Just getting it to work is the trick05:22
maximausand I'm not an authority on that LOL05:22
jazamaximaus, how do u install a jar file??05:22
heliodeo ok...05:22
websitesavage1r_, it is is good why it is not package either in the universe05:22
jazaany sitees for linux nubs on installing files for linux??05:22
encKe`jaza ....check out this for ur java issue ---> http://www.ubuntuguide.org/index.html05:22
jazai did :/05:22
jazacant dload it05:22
websitejaza, yes google is the main site05:22
Quest-Masterwebsite: I don't know of any05:22
maximausjaza what jar file do you want to install? That's a java file btw.05:22
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encKe`worked for me05:22
Quest-MasterI'm sure you can find some though05:22
heliodemaximaus: i'll try that now..05:22
savage1r_That's kind of irrelevent, I've read the reviews, talked to people who've used it, seen it's specs, it's a good program05:22
jazamaximaus, there is a silmar.jar and a silmar_data.jar lol05:23
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websitesavage1r_, so why it does not work?05:23
maximausjaza, you'll need to install java to make it work.05:23
savage1r_User error, replace user05:23
jazamake what work?05:23
jazaits a game i downloaded05:24
jazao i c05:24
websitesavage1r_, the only way to run it is from console05:24
heliodeMaximaus: u think copying the XF86Config-4 file from Knoppix might do the trick?05:24
websitetry run it from console05:24
encKe`brb ....gonna change bios setting05:24
blah09heliode i'd just copy out the relevant bits05:24
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maximausheliode, that's a good idea--though I'd just print it out and use it for "inspiration". ;)05:24
savage1r_Is there a command I need to use when executing it?05:24
heliodehm ok i'll go try05:24
websiteheliode, have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure x-server-xfree86?05:24
savage1r_I mean, all the sudo alien, sudo dpkg -i stuff seemed to work05:25
savage1r_Maybe I'm just not using the right command to execute05:25
heliodeehm.. no i havent... i'll do that first05:25
websitesudo dpkg -i package : says that it is installed right?05:25
limaunionHi, I'm having some trouble with the new thunderbird 1.0 after upgrading my laptop from warty-backports, I can't get any email from my pop3 account, any ideas?05:26
websitesavage1r_,  sudo dpkg -i package : says that it is installed right?05:26
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Kyaneosi have a problem with rhythmbox05:26
websiteKyaneos, play an mp3? go to ubuntuguide.org05:26
Kyaneosit seems it plays mp3 files but it breaks05:26
savage1r_Unpacking cinelerra (from cinelerra_1.2.2-2_i386.deb05:27
blah09you'll have to be a little more specific than that ;)05:27
savage1r_Setting up cinelerra (1.2.2-2)...05:27
heliodewebsite: what is the command i should do? i'm root btw.05:27
websiteKyaneos, you have to install gstream-mad package05:27
savage1r_Then next command line05:27
savage1r_So I'm assuming it work05:27
websiteheliode, it will configure your xserver05:27
websitesavage1r_, ok05:27
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websitecinirella in your terminal05:28
heliodewebsite; it says the package is not installed05:28
websitethe "$" means that you are on terminal05:28
heliode'x-server-xfree86' is not installed05:28
websiteheliode, do you have xorg?05:28
blah09can you set rhythmbox to monitor a folder for mp3s?05:29
websiteblah09, import folder05:29
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blah09will that monitor?05:29
heliodewebsite: I just installed it today from  the latest CD. how can i check?05:29
blah09if i say an mp3 to the folder will rhythbox autoadd?05:29
maximausblah09, no it won't unfortunately.05:29
encKe`thx for the sound advice. Werked great :)05:29
websitei used that than i add files and they are monitorated every atartup05:29
blah09too bad05:29
savage1r_cinelerra: error while loading shared libraries: libXxf86vm.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:29
blah09ok ill try05:29
maximausblah09, that's the ONLY thing I like about Juk.05:30
websiteheliode, use synaptic05:30
blah09i've never tried juk05:30
blah09no big deal though, on my xp box i used my computer as my library and played the m3u's in foobar =)05:30
savage1r_You see that error website?05:30
websitesavage1r_, it seems that the library is not in the good place05:30
maximaussavage1r_, then install the missing library.05:30
savage1r_ok, how?05:30
heliodewebsite; it seems i've got xfree86 installed05:31
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maximausblah09, there's always xmms: open folder and give it your root mp3 folder. I use Cymbaline.py at the command line. :P05:31
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websiteheliode, so: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8605:32
savage1r_The Cinelerra package contains Cinelerra and most of the libraries needed to run it. We try to include all the dependancies because of the difficulty in tracking down the right versions. Also included are some utilities for handling files. The following are the general contents of all Cinelerra packages.05:32
savage1r_    * Foreign language translations - These go into /usr/share/locale.05:32
savage1r_    * Cinelerra executable - This goes into /usr/bin05:32
savage1r_    * Cinelerra plugins - These go into /usr/lib/cinelerra05:32
savage1r_    * soundtest - Utility for determining sound card buffer size.05:32
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savage1r_    * mplexhi - Multiplexing of MPEG elementary streams with standards conformance.05:32
savage1r_    * mplexlo - Multiplexing of MPEG elementary streams without standards conformance but more efficiently.05:32
savage1r_    * mpeg3toc - Utility for indexing and reading MPEG files.05:32
SirFredIs there any password wallet on ubuntu?05:32
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websitesavage1r_, use a pastebin instead05:32
websiteciao SirFred risolto con firefox?05:32
heliodewebsite: ow now somethings happening... just a sec05:32
SirFredwebsite: No.05:33
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SirFredwebsite: I'm going to open a bug report.05:33
websitesavage1r_, do not flood channel with long messages05:33
jazau there?05:33
savage1r_oh, sorry05:33
SirFredwebsite: That was italian, wasn't it?05:33
SirFredwebsite: :)05:33
jazai got java installed now05:33
jazahow do i run silmar.jar05:33
websiteyes SirFred excuse me i looked to you quit message05:34
websiteand it was italian05:34
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websitejaza, it should be $java program.jar05:34
SirFredWhat was my quit message?05:34
Xappehmm, hope they'll fix the gtk themes soon :/05:34
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SoBnautilus' ability to write cd/dvd is really cool, except when trying to write an ISO to a DVD it requests that I put in blank media over and over again, despite there already being one in the drive05:34
websiteSirFred, something like "abbandono"05:34
SirFredwebsite: Weird.05:34
maximausjaza: max@ubuntu:~ $ java -h05:35
maximausUsage: java [-options]  class [args...] 05:35
maximaus           (to execute a class)05:35
maximaus   or  java [-options]  -jar jarfile [args...]          (to execute a jar file)05:35
SirFredwebsite: Oh, it was "Abandonando"05:35
SirFredwebsite: Spanish.05:35
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websiteSirFred, it is the "present continuos" of abbandono in italian :-)05:35
jazain readme it says type java -jar silmar.jar05:35
SirFredjaza: You need to know the name of the class.05:35
maximausjaza: exactly. :D05:35
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jazabut it says05:35
jazazazeem@ubuntu:~ $ java -jar silmar.jar05:36
jazabash: java: command not found05:36
iGadget_anyone got some experience with 1600x1200 displays using dvi on linux?05:36
SirFredjaza: You need to have java in your path.05:36
crackerjackHello all!! I cannot login to gdm!! I have installed Ubuntu three times over again, and still I cannot login using gdm. Under a normal terminal it works okay05:36
SirFredjaza: Where have you installed java?05:36
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iGadget_I got mine working... but the display's distorted05:36
jazato home05:36
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jaza /home/user/05:36
savage1r_Oh well, fuck it05:36
heliodewebsite ok, i'm done. now i suppose i'll have to restart the x server?05:36
SirFredjaza: So, where is the java executable ?05:36
jazao wait /home/jaza/05:36
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SirFredjaza: The binary called java.05:37
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SirFredjaza: Yes, where?05:37
hybridi have a wlan and my aiport card works perfectly on it but when i went to a friends house the wlan did not work i have a linksys and she has a netgear05:37
jazai have no idea what that is05:37
maximausjaza, that's unusual but fine--just make a symlink from your ~/javaxxx/bin/java to /usr/local/bin/java05:37
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SirFredjaza: You said that you had installed java, didn't you?05:37
crackerjackHello all!! I cannot login to gdm!! I have installed Ubuntu three times over again, and still I cannot login using gdm. Under a normal terminal it works okay05:38
maximausjaza, do you know what a shortcut is in windows? A symlink is kinda like that.05:38
SirFredjaza: So, how did you installed it? Tell me the steps to install you followed.05:38
jazao i c05:38
hybrid i have a wlan and my aiport card works perfectly on it but when i went to a friends house the wlan did not work i have a linksys and she has a netgear. why is that?05:38
jazald on ill look05:38
jazasudo sh /home/jaza/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin05:38
jazathats where05:38
iGadget_crackerjack: probably your gfx card is not correctly installed05:38
SirFredjaza: That's how.05:38
jazathats what i did05:39
iGadget_crackerjack: nvidia card?05:39
SirFredjaza: That's the installer.05:39
jazaya i installed it already05:39
SirFredjaza: Did it asked you about some location ?05:39
jazathats cmd i used05:39
crackerjackiGadget_,? I can start X I can start GNOME.. yes Nvidia05:39
jazai have the file in my desktop the folder with a lock on it05:39
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SirFredjaza: It asked you nothing?05:39
SirFredjaza: That's because it's write protected.05:40
jazato accept license agreement05:40
SirFredjaza: That's strange.05:40
SirFredAnd then?05:40
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jazathen i accepted it installed05:40
iGadget_crackerjack: so you do have gfx... it's not just a plain console you're getting?05:40
heliodewebsite: lol now my screen is all screwed up... let me try that again05:40
SirFredDidn't it told you where it was to be installed?05:40
altanhow do I install an icon theme in GNOME? I downloaded an icon pack from the GNOME art website, but when I drag it to the Icons view it does nothing\05:40
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bl4cks4ilswhen i boot up it says "cannot allocate device." what does that mean?05:40
jazaleme reinstall05:40
SirFredjaza: OK05:41
SirFredjaza: And now, pay attention to the messages.05:41
SirFredjaza: Try to see where it's installing java.05:41
SirFredjaza: Or try this, before:05:41
SirFred/usr/local/bin/java -v05:41
SirFredjaza: What we are trying to know, is where got your java installed.05:41
crackerjackiGadget_, GFX Than I need to look in xorg.cong or whatever.. gnome starts though (with startx)05:42
jazasudo sh /home/jaza/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin so i type this first?05:42
SirFredjaza: No.05:42
jazawhat then?05:42
SirFredjaza: Let's try to see if it got installed in /usr/local.05:42
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SirFred /usr/local/bin/java -v05:42
crackerjackiGadget_, only gdm doesn accept my login05:42
SirFredTry that, to see if java got installed on /usr/local05:42
lamontcubex: ubuntu-base Depends: postfix, because postfix is part of base05:42
jazazazeem@ubuntu:~ $ /usr/local/bin/java -v05:42
jazabash: /usr/local/bin/java: No such file or directory05:42
iGadget_crackerjack: hmmm... then I guess you have a different problem then05:42
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SirFredjaza: Bad luck, it's not there.05:42
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jazaonly thing i typed in csole was that sudo sh command05:43
SirFredjaza: YOu still have that console opened?05:43
jazaam i suposed to do something else?05:43
Menaherannanybody home?05:43
iGadget_crackerjack: gdm doesn't accept your password?05:43
SirFredjaza: So, try to scroll up and see where it got installed.05:43
jazaits in my home directory05:43
ewf345can someone help? my installation hangs on creating device node: /dev/raw139405:43
jazai said that before lol05:43
jazathe java folder is in there05:43
crackerjackiGadget_, yes.. I can start gnome or x or whatever, only gdm doesn acceptmy login. Everybody else does05:43
SirFredjaza: The folder?05:44
jaza yes  /home/jaza/jre1.5.0_0105:44
SirFredjaza: How is it named?05:44
SirFredjaza: :)05:44
SirFredjaza: So, type:05:44
crackerjackI can pop up a terminla and login...05:44
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SirFredexport PATH=$PATH:/home/jaza/jre1.5.0_01/bin05:44
iGadget_crackerjack: sounds like a passwd sync prob with gdm and the rest of the system... I don't have any experience with that, sorry05:44
SirFredjaza: Now try: java -v05:44
crackerjackiGadget_, ok.. thanks05:44
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jazaUnrecognized option: -v05:45
jazaCould not create the Java virtual machine.05:45
SirFredjaza: That's fine.05:45
Menaherannok.. now is better05:45
SirFredjaza: Now, you should be able to run your program.05:45
SirFredjaza: But only on that shell.05:45
SirFredjaza: I'm going to try to explain it.05:45
jazaname of file is silmar.jar05:45
Menaheranni kinda need some help... will anybody will be willing to provide?05:45
iGadget_Anyone know how I can tweak DVI settings in linux?05:46
SirFredjaza: When you type a command on your shell, like 'java'05:46
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jazawait whats a shell05:46
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SirFredjaza: Well. It's the program that runs on the console, for example.05:46
SirFredjaza: On linux, it uses to be 'bash'05:46
jazai c05:46
SirFredjaza: Something like the 'command' on windows.05:47
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SirFredjaza: It's interactive, you type commands and gives you a result for them.05:47
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SirFredjaza: For example, 'java' is a command. When you type that, the shell tries to find it in some locations.05:47
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SirFredjaza: That locations are the ones listed in the PATH variable.05:47
SirFredSo, if you type:05:48
SirFredecho $PATH05:48
sigwhats the latest stable release? Warty?05:48
=== iGadget_ is amazed he's the only one using DVI on linux...
SirFredYou will see that it contains some locations on your filesystem, delimited with the ':' character.05:48
SirFredThe programs use to be installed in some standar locations, like /usr/bin, /bin, etc.05:49
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sigis warty the latest stable?05:49
SirFredWhen you install a program in a non standard location (like /home/jaza/jre5.blabla) ,  you need to change your PATH variable, to instruct the shell to look also on that path for your executables. ok?05:49
Menaheranni need soem help configuring the network on Ubuntu05:50
jazao i c05:50
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jaza$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/jaza/jre1.5.0_01/bin thats this?05:50
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SirFredjaza: The problem is that the change is only visible for the shell you're running. When that shell terminates, the PATH variable will reset.05:50
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SirFredjaza: Yes.05:50
SirFredjaza: You need to put that command in a location to be loaded for every shell you run.05:50
iGadget_menaherann: what's the prob05:51
SirFredjaza: For example, in a file called .bash_profile on your home directory.05:51
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Menaherannwelll i just installed Ubuntu a couple of days ago...05:51
SirFredjaza: That file is read by the shell when it starts. So, you can put that command in that file, but be careful where you put it.05:51
SirFredjaza: Perhaps there're more modifications for that variable on that file. Take a look at it.05:52
jazacan i just reinstall java to the normal place?05:52
SirFredjaza: It's not that easy.05:52
Menaherannapparently works fine nut the detail is that i conect to the internet via USB, and i don,t know how to configure that!05:52
jazadamn :/05:52
jazaima linux nub lol05:52
jazalearnig though05:52
=== ZorroBytes [~ZorroByte@82-69-75-178.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jaza<3 ubuntu05:52
sigI'm confused on Hoary and Warty?05:52
SirFredjaza: You have another posibility.05:52
sigwhich is the latest?05:52
sigand which is stable?05:52
SirFredjaza: You can make a symlink.05:53
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SirFredjaza: It's like a windows shortcut.05:53
iGadget_menaherann: I guess you'll have to find out if your usb (modem?) device is supported by linux first...05:53
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SirFredjaza: Just type:  sudo ln -s /home/jaza/jre1.5.0_01/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java05:53
Xappesig: Warty is the stable one05:53
sigHoary is the unstable bleeding edge then I take it?05:54
Menaherannwell it is recognized by the device manager, at least05:54
SirFredjaza: That way, you will have a "shortcut" to java in a place where the shell usually looks for binaries.05:54
sevidoes anyone know how to get the new fglrx driver to work on warty?05:54
sigXappe: thanks dude05:54
SirFredjaza: But that's a worse option.05:54
iGadget_xappe: is Warty automatically updated as soon as Hoary is released?05:54
ZorroBytesHi Everyone, I have a problem with my soundcard and Hoary05:54
Xappesig: np05:54
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ZorroByteschecked the ubuntu bugzilla, couldn't find anything.05:54
ZorroBytesBasically getting absolutely no sound.05:54
XappeiGadget_, you probably have to upgrade yourself05:54
SirFredjaza: Because in this way, for example, if you want to use the java compiler, you need to make another symlink.05:54
ZorroBytesWorks under Suse 9.2 + KDE.05:54
crackerjackHello anyone?? I CANNOT loginusing GDM. I can popup any terminal and use that to login, but NOT with gdm. I have tryed 3 different installations, I tryed to reinstall GDM, I looked at sever log files..nothing! I can start X or GNOME or whatever but not VIA GDM. Anyone?05:55
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SirFredjaza: Just updating your PATH, the shell will found for itself all the binaries in the new path.05:55
sevidoes anyone know how to get the new fglrx driver to work on warty?05:55
iGadget_Menaherann: I'm not sure if that means anything... could be the data is simply read from the usb bus05:55
jazasudo ln -s /home/jaza/jre1.5.0_01/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java right?05:55
SirFredjaza: Do you understand?05:55
Grevcan someone using hoary send me their sources.list05:55
SirFredjaza: Right.05:55
jazadid that05:55
vinicHi all! I have two computers linked to a hub, then hub to a DSL modem. I managed to launch connection from the first computer but I can't figure out how to share that connection for the second computer... anyone can help?05:55
XappeiGadget_, by changing all "warty" to "hoary" in your sources.lst05:55
SirFredjaza: I'm sorry, but you are too newbie and I'm not english speaker.05:56
iGadget_xappe: that's the next question I wanted to ask, thanks :)05:56
Menaherannok... but in any case, will it count as a LAN, or as Ethernet, ?05:56
SirFredjaza: Just try to understand what you're doing. OK'05:56
Menaherannhow should i go abuot configuring?05:56
heliodeHey, what is the difference between the XF86Config and the XF86Config-4 file?05:56
jazasudo ln -s /home/jaza/jre1.5.0_01/bin/java /usr/local/bin/java i did this05:56
Grevi'm looking for the proper multiverse and backport server for hoary05:56
jazaand looked in bin for java and its no there05:56
XappeiGadget_, and then doing a apt-get update, atp-get dist-upgrade05:56
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SirFredWhere is "in bin" ?05:57
jazao woops05:57
iGadget_menaherann: I'd check google for the device name in combination with linux... see what pops up05:57
jazaits there05:57
SirFredjaza: I don't understand half of your achronims.05:57
jazak now hoe do i open silmar.jar lol05:57
Menaherannallr ight, thanks iGadget!05:57
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iGadget_xappe: just as with debian... but will hoary always be unstable, or will it eventually become stable?05:58
SirFredjaza: Just the way you where trying before.05:58
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jazazazeem@ubuntu:~ $ java silmar.jar05:58
jazaException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: silmar/jar05:58
XappeiGadget_, when hoary is released they're starting on Grumpy i think05:58
socketbindjava -jar silmar.jar05:58
socketbindthat's the correct form05:58
gaatmxgreetings from Mexico05:58
Grevwould someone using hoary email me there sources.list, especially of you use multiverse and backports05:58
jazaomgf it works!!05:58
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SirFredsocketbind: Sure? I thought you need to provide the class name.05:58
jazathanks guys sirfred05:59
SirFredjaza: np05:59
jazait worked05:59
socketbindoh yes, but it wants to search the classes in the local path not the jar05:59
SirFredsocketbind: So, how does the JVM know what class to invoque?05:59
socketbindevery jar file has a file name manifest05:59
socketbindit contains the name of the main class06:00
socketbindso it knows06:00
SirFredsocketbind: I understand. Thanks.06:00
socketbindnp, anyway i'm losing my faith in java :D06:00
SirFredsocketbind: I'm not a java friend.06:00
socketbindyou mean you don't like java, SirFred? :D06:00
SirFredsocketbind: Well, I've worked too little with java.06:01
socketbindwell, I start to feel so06:01
SirFredsocketbind: A language I've liked is Objective C06:01
socketbindunder ubuntu is very unstable for me06:01
chillywillywho comes up with the silly code names?06:01
socketbindgood ol' times huh? :D06:01
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jazahmm now i clicked start new game it says path:/home/zazeem/ ???06:01
SirFredsocketbind: Well, not that old.06:01
jazaand lists junk06:01
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PWMcould someone talk me through how to re-compile my kernel? or give me links to howtos... I've searched a lot but I haven't found anything :(06:01
SirFredsocketbind: All the cocoa layer in OSX is based on Objective C.06:01
socketbindi only worked in c++ and don't know anything about it's history :D06:01
socketbindwow nice06:02
jazagot it nvm :)06:02
SirFredsocketbind: It's a really powerful language, it lacks a garbage collector, perhaps.06:02
socketbindi love mac os x06:02
chillywillyapt-get kernel-package ;)06:02
socketbindwell well, now i'm try to learn python06:02
SirFredsocketbind: I also work mainly with C++06:02
chillywillyapt-get install kernel-package, that is06:02
socketbindSirFred: me too :D but i'm only a hobbyist/student :D06:02
socketbindlove to code opengl/sdl06:02
jaza# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:06:02
jaza#  SIGBUS (0x7) at pc=0x4095aa62, pid=5750, tid=118198571206:02
jaza# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_01-b08 mixed mode, sharing)06:02
jaza# Problematic frame:06:02
jaza# C  [libzip.so+0xfa62] 06:02
jazawtf is that :(06:02
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SirFredsocketbind: OpenGL is a fantastic API06:03
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SirFredsocketbind: How elegant.06:03
hikaru79jaza, ask in #java06:03
socketbindSirFred: yeah, i love it too :D06:03
PWMchillywilly, ok... I tried to install a kernel via synaptic, but I think it just installed some headers... I'm a newbie :|06:03
AnubisPerhaps you should add the directory containing `alsa.pc'06:03
chillywillyPWM: you want a binary?06:03
Grevwhat are the backport servers for hoary?06:03
SirFredsocketbind: First time I saw it, I said: this is the way to do it. All that transformation matrixes.06:03
socketbindSirFred: funny I wanted to start with DX but it is an ugly piece of....06:03
jazaythere isnt a chnnl called #java06:03
Anubis`alsa.pc' I can't find this fie06:03
iGadget_okay... just kicking my problem up again:06:03
iGadget_Anyone got some experience with DVI in linux?06:03
socketbindSirFred: OGL is the way to go :D06:03
SirFredsocketbind: Never saw it, but I was told about its uglyness.06:04
unpersonAnyone here have an Intel i810 or i815 video chipset working with Ubuntu?  Mine is mostly working, but I'm curious to see someone else's XF86Config.06:04
socketbindyeah especially that COM object model06:04
PWMchillywilly, I just want a kernel that support some power management and that can spin down my harddrives...06:04
tritiumGrev, you don't need backports with Hoary.  It's in active development.06:04
chillywillyI had written a small debian kernel howto at one time in my life06:04
SoBok, nautilus won't let me burn DVDs, it just sits at the 'insert rewritable/blank media' any ideas?06:04
socketbindwell the entire stuff is pure evil06:04
Menaherannwho can recomend anetwork adapter supported by BOTH windows and Linux?06:04
SirFredsocketbind: :)06:04
socketbindnow I only do multiplatform development06:04
iGadget_menaherann: intel pro/10006:04
SirFredsocketbind: That's fine06:04
socketbindmy stuff should be avaible for everyone :D06:04
=== chillywilly prepares to go ice fishing
unpersonMenaherann, I've had a gigabit ethernet NIC that works fine with both.06:05
iGadget_menaherann: or the pro/1000 if you need it ;)06:05
=== chillywilly prepares to go ice fishing
unpersonMenaherann, But I think most major brands ought to do ok, right?06:05
Grevdoes ftp://ftp.nerim.net repos work under hoary?06:05
socketbindwell for some strange reason I "lost" su-to-root in /usr/sbin06:05
chillywillyoops, wrong window...I already announces that here ;)06:05
socketbindhow can I restore it?06:05
titoojust upgraded to hoary, the fonts are not nice anymore, any idea?06:05
tritiumGrev, you can use Marillat repos with Hoary, yes.06:06
socketbindwas it a symlink?06:06
Grevtritium, thanks06:06
jazasocketbind, how do i uninstall java?06:06
chillywillyanyone here ever been ice fishing?06:06
socketbindrm -rf /usr/java/<java dir>06:06
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socketbindfor instance jre1.4.206:06
socketbindand remove the symlink in you browser's plugin dir06:07
tritiumthat's if you didn't build a java .deb package06:07
klaymchillywilly: yea, it's boring06:07
chillywillyno way dude06:07
socketbindusually situated in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins06:07
jazaits in /zhome/zazeem/06:07
socketbindoh yes i almost forgot06:07
socketbindhow did you installed it?06:07
chillywillyfishing is more about just getting outdoors and relaxing ;)06:07
socketbinddeb package, self extracting archive from sun ? (not rpm)06:07
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jazalike this06:08
eBopBobhey - is there any detailed guide on how to partition a hard drive using ubuntus installer? - i'd like to ideally partition my 250gb hdd into 7 parts06:08
=== iGadget_ is amazed he appears to be the only one using DVI on linux...
jazasudo sh /home/zazeem/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin06:08
jazai dloaded it and thern typed this in csole06:08
jazasudo sh /home/zazeem/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin06:08
socketbindthen you have it in your home06:08
socketbindjust remove the dir06:08
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jazahow do i uninsatall?06:08
arabflakI can't get my microphone to work... :S I'm so sad, I want to skype... need microphone.06:08
socketbindit does not make any symlink afaik06:08
SirFredjaza: rm -rf /home/jaza/jre1.5.0_0106:08
socketbindno system-wide stuff06:08
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socketbindi have the same version but the jdk, it's very unstable :(06:09
SirFredjaza: Well, perhaps jaza, perhaps zazeem, don't know06:09
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socketbindwell maybe only for me...06:09
SirFredsocketbind: I've read that java 5 was a great speed improve06:09
socketbindoh yes, i love the improvement :D06:09
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SirFredI'd say: a necesary speed improvement06:09
SoBwah, why can't I burn :-(06:10
jazak now how do i install it to usr/local/ wtvr06:10
iGadget_ebopbop: do you have any existing data on the drive which needs to be saved?06:10
=== chillywilly is not a java fan either
arabflakI've tried alsamixer and it said that it's turned off. But how do I enable it?06:10
tritiumSoB, maybe you're not flammable06:10
socketbindyeah it was EXTREMELY necessary06:10
SirFredSoB: What's the problem.06:10
SoBI was wondering when the first smart-a$$ comment would crop up06:10
jazahow do i install it to the right directory06:10
SirFredSoB: ANy error message ?06:10
wk1989is skype working for u rite now?06:10
socketbindone of things what most people know about java is it's inhuman speed... :D06:10
wasabiDoes the Ubuntu initrd properly initialize and scan EVMS?06:10
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tritiumSoB, what are you using to burn?06:11
SoBSirFred, trying to use nautilus' in-built burning to burn an ISO to DVD, just sits at the 'insert media' screen and won't do anything...no error message06:11
jazasocketbind, how do i install it to the right directory???06:11
tritiumnautilus?  cdrecord?06:11
SirFredThis is like a question storm.06:11
arabflakSkype is not working for me right now, because my microphone isn't working.06:11
socketbindwell jaza, the preferred dir is /usr/java06:11
gaatmxAnyone have tried the NVIDIA installer on Ubuntu? I mean the one that you d/l from nvidia.com not the one you could get from synaptic....06:11
SirFredSoB: And you have a CD inserted?06:11
blah09skype doesnt work for me at all, when i try to dial out the thing just hangs06:11
jazaya socket but how do i install it to that directory?06:11
wk1989Well, the program works but I can't connect to anyone06:11
ArCHoNKoGin hoary what happen with gdesklets ?06:11
SoBSirFred, DVD, yes...and it is blank ;)06:11
tritiumgaatmx, why not use ubuntu-supplied nvidia?06:11
socketbindcd /usr/java06:11
wk1989it was working yesterday06:11
wk1989so i'm not the  only one?06:11
SirFredSoB: Don't know, but there was a way to debug it.06:11
socketbindcp ~/jre<whateve> .06:11
blah09lemme try in xp06:11
jazazazeem@ubuntu:~ $ cd /usr/java bash: cd: /usr/java: No such file or directory06:12
socketbindthen make it06:12
arabflakYeah, because dialing out requires money :P06:12
socketbindmkdir /usr/java06:12
SoBgrowisofs is working, but not properly...it only burned at 0.7x on a 2x drive06:12
gaatmxtritium, as far as I could read in the forums, they do not work w/  the new kernel. AmI right?06:12
SoBand I know the disks are 2x because just yesterday I burned in windows on this computer and it worked fine06:12
SirFredSoB: You need to change a gconf key, to activate the debug mode.06:12
tritiumgaatmx, no06:12
socketbindthe only thing after you did this is to make a symlink to the jre mozilla plugin in your browser plugin dir06:12
SoBSirFred, I'll look around, thanks for the help06:12
tritiumgaatmx, they work fine06:12
jazacp ~/jre<whateve>???06:12
SirFredSoB: np06:12
socketbindcp ~/jre and press tab jaza06:13
socketbindit will complete the filename06:13
socketbindthe self-extracting archive is still in your home?06:13
heliodewoohoo :D in case anyone's wondering: i got the screen resolution thing working! thanks Website!06:13
SoBSirFred, would the debug just go to stderr?06:13
jazaits a bin file06:13
socketbindbut is it still in your home?06:13
socketbindsuperb :D06:13
SirFredSoB: You need to fire a different nautilus after it, I remember.06:13
socketbinddid it copied there?06:13
jazazazeem@ubuntu:/usr/java $ cp ~/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin06:13
jazacp: missing destination file06:14
jazaTry `cp --help' for more information.06:14
gaatmxtritium, let me find that quote from the forums.....06:14
socketbindbecause you didn't specified it jaza :D06:14
=== NanoTek is now known as termitor
socketbindcp ~/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin /usr/java06:14
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SoBSirFred, ok, will do06:14
socketbindhow should it know to where copy it? :D06:14
SirFredSoB: With an option to avoid nautilus to draw the desktop.06:14
jazazazeem@ubuntu:/usr/java $ cp ~/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin /usr/java06:14
jazacp: cannot create regular file `/usr/java/jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin': Permission denied06:14
socketbindafter it has finishes it should be there06:14
socketbindoh i forgot06:14
socketbindyou must do it as root!06:15
Neo_654jaza try sudo06:15
jazak now it worked i think06:15
SirFredSoB: After enabling that nautilus-cd-burner key, you should have that debug.06:15
jazadidnt get an error06:15
eBopBobhey - Does anyone know of a detailed how-to guide (in re: partitioning) for the Ubuntu Installer?06:15
jazanow how to install?06:15
bert__slice_,  just want you to know because you've helped me a lot: my wlan works again, because i had a totally misconfigured /etc/network/interfaces file! I've used google & knoppix to recreate it, and that worked for me! Thanks for your help earlier on the day06:15
socketbindjaza: cd /usr/java06:15
socketbindsudo ./jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin06:15
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jazasudo: ./jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin: command not found06:16
SoBSirFred, I enabled the debug key and restarted all nautilus but am unsure what you mean about the 'avoid to draw the desktop'06:16
eBopBobNo one? Anyone?06:16
SirFredSoB: --no-desktop06:16
socketbindjaza: it should display a bunch of files being extracted :D06:16
SoBoic ;)06:16
SirFredSoB: You already have a nautilus started, you don't want the new one to draw the desktop, the icons.06:16
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SirFredSoB: So, from a gnome-terminal, type nautilus --no-desktop06:16
jazasudo: ./jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin: command not found06:16
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socketbindoh geez06:16
SoBSirFred, right, gotcha06:16
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socketbindsudo su then, you will get a root prompt :D06:17
socketbindsudo su06:17
socketbindcd /usr/java06:17
SirFredSoB: You will get a new file navigator, I suppose, go to the burner location using that window06:17
tritiumsudo -s -H06:17
socketbindanything means tab ehm :D06:17
SirFredSoB: And I suppose you will have more information on the terminal, this way06:17
jazaim root06:18
socketbindkewl :D06:18
jazastill get that error06:18
socketbindcd /usr/java06:18
socketbindls -la06:18
jazasudo: ./jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin: command not found06:18
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socketbinddid you copied it there properly? :D06:18
SirFredjaza sudo: ?06:18
socketbindcd /usr/java06:18
jazano need for sudo?06:18
SirFredjaza: You're typing "sudo: blablabla" or "sudo blablabla"06:18
socketbindyou need sudo ! :D06:18
jazasudo ...06:19
SirFredI mean that you wrote "sudo: ./jre....."06:19
socketbindoh geez :D06:19
Xappehehe, this chat is quite entertaining to watch :)06:19
SirFredXappe: :)06:19
tritiumjaza, is the .bin executable?  chmod +x file.bin if it's not06:19
jazawhats the cmd06:19
SirFredjaza: sudo06:19
socketbindoh i forgot that too :D06:19
SirFredjaza: First, where are you?06:19
SirFredjaza: Type pwd06:19
socketbindsudo chmod +x jre<tab>06:19
jazaim as root06:19
jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/java #06:19
jazathats me06:20
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SoBSirFred, I am not getting any additional debug info anywhere =/06:20
SirFredjaza: Now, what is there where you are ?06:20
socketbindi told him to cd to /usr/java :D06:20
SirFredType ls06:20
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SirFredSoB: Humm.06:20
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socketbindhe's in java he told before :D06:20
socketbind<jaza> root@ubuntu:/usr/java #06:20
SirFredSoB: To say you the truth, I didn't tried it myself, I read it somewere.06:20
socketbindi always forget something06:20
SirFredSoB: I'm going to try myself, ok?06:20
SoBSirFred, ok, np, you tried anyway ;)06:20
socketbindsudo chmod +x jre<tab>06:20
jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/java # sudo chmod +x jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin06:20
jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/java #06:20
socketbindcool jaza06:20
jazanow what06:20
SirFredSoB: I have to burn a cd now. Give me a minute.06:20
socketbindsudo ./jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin06:20
SoBSirFred, ok06:20
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socketbindsudo ./jre<press tab>06:21
socketbindgreat :D06:21
jazathnx :D06:21
socketbindthat's it :D06:21
tritiumhe doesn't need sudo once he's done "sudo -s -H"06:21
socketbindjaza, what browser do you use?06:21
socketbindsimple, plain mozilla or firefox?06:21
socketbindcd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins06:21
socketbindyou should make a symlink there for the java plugin06:22
jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/java # cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins06:22
jazabash: cd: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins: No such file or directory06:22
socketbindsorry: cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/06:22
SirFredI think it is /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox06:22
socketbindthere is it06:22
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socketbindoh and yes06:22
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jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox #06:22
jazanow what06:22
socketbindgeez dude i always forget something!06:22
socketbindcd plugins06:22
jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins #06:23
jazanow what lol06:23
SirFredSoB: /apps/nautilus-cd-burner/debug, that is the key you enabled?06:23
socketbindln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so06:23
jazak whatd that do??06:23
socketbindln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so06:23
SoBSirFred, yup06:23
jazaroot@ubuntu:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins # ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so06:23
jazaln: `./libjavaplugin_oji.so': File exists06:23
socketbindls -la then06:23
socketbindand see where it points06:23
socketbindi have the jdk version and it didn't made the link06:24
socketbindls -la06:24
jazadid that06:24
socketbindwell ls -l06:24
jazait lists06:24
socketbindand paste there the output06:24
socketbindor pm me06:24
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socketbindif it isn't too much06:24
heliodeA quick firefox tip: go to about:config, filter for 'turbo' and enable 'browser.turbo.enabled'! try it, you'll like it!06:24
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SirFredSoB: This is not starting a different process.06:25
SirFredSoB: Perhaps I'm missing something06:25
jcoxon77hey everyone06:25
SoBI'm going to try a new login06:26
SirFredheliode: I'm not feeling anything different.06:27
SirFredheliode: What is supposed to do?06:27
SoBwell that didn't work either06:27
heliodeHey, what u guys think about this: the other day i bought a PCMCIA WLAN card, and it said on the box "linux support included!" so i was like "hell yeah!" but the drivers were only for kernel 2.4 >_<... suppose they 'forgot' to mention that on the box06:27
SirFredSoB: I'm searching for the place i read it.06:28
SirFredSoB: Perhaps some bug on the ubuntu bugzilla.06:28
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SoBa side question, does anyone know how I can get GAIM to alert me when people have written me messages when the window doesn't have focus...WITHOUT sound?06:29
SoBI can't find any way anywhere to enable a flash window or something similar06:29
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SirFredPerhaps there is something useful in the debug log. To get it:06:30
SirFred- unset /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop in gconf-editor06:30
SirFred- set /apps/nautilus-cd-burner/debug in gconf-editor06:30
SirFred- run nautilus from a gt -> you'll get the log here06:30
SirFred- try to write the CD06:30
SirFredSoB: I've found it.06:30
SoBSirFred, excellent06:30
metaliuhi ubuntu guys06:30
SirFredSoB: Try that.06:30
SoBSirFred, trying now06:30
SoBdo these gconf editor changes take effect immediately?06:31
SirFredSoB: Yes.06:31
SirFredSoB: In gnome everything should take effect immediatly06:31
SoBSirFred, ok, the nautilus window put out debug as expected, still no error messages about the burning06:31
SirFredSoB: Are you using hoary?06:32
SoBwhat is that06:32
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SirFredSoB: What ubuntu version?06:32
metaliudoes anyone know if Ubuntu will work with my Buffalo 802.11g PCI card?06:32
SirFredSoB: Don't know how to help you06:33
SirFredSoB: Sorry06:33
SirFredSoB: Perhaps your device is locked by another process. Don't know06:33
SoBSirFred, good point, but thanks for your help anyway06:33
SirFredSoB: :)06:33
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gaatmxthnx tritium06:34
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gaatmxit works06:34
gaatmxme bad06:34
SirFredI expect a better cd burner app for gnome, anyway. This is too simple.06:34
tritiumgaatmx, good deal06:34
SirFredI've got a question about hdparm.06:35
tritiumgaatmx, if issues come up, let me know06:35
SirFredI don't know why, but hoary don't activate DMA on my CDRW device.06:35
SirFredSo, I tried to make it with hdparm.06:35
metaliuim thinking of installing Ubuntu.  does anyone know if it will find my wireless pci card?06:35
tritiumSirFred, in the init scripts06:35
gaatmxI have another doubt: How do I add applications to the Gnome menu??06:35
SirFredOn the boot process it says that /dev/hdc is an unknown device.06:35
SirFredBut it knows /dev/hda.06:36
tritiumSirFred, same thing happens for me.06:36
SirFredAfter the boot process, I'm able to do it by hand: hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc06:36
Neo_654metaliu: have you tried to run the liveCd?  I would try that first and see if it will work.06:36
tritium/dev/hdb (in my case) doesn't exist yet at the time /etc/init.d/hdparm is run06:36
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SirFredI think that has something to do with the ide-cd module, that is loaded later, when hotplug starts.06:37
metaliuNeo_654: I actually tried booting with the liveCD but it wouldnt boot on my old Gateway computer06:37
heliodehey, a quick gnome question: how to I add icons like links to my home folder and to the devices to my desktop?06:37
SirFredtritium: Has you fixed it in some way?06:37
tritiumSirFred, no, I rarely use my cdrw.  When I do, I just re-run /etc/init.d/hdparm start.06:37
SirFredtritium: Yes, that's what I do.06:38
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metaliuNeo_654: I think it's a problem finding the hard drive.  I tried with a different distro and had to use the 'nodma' parameter for it to boot06:38
SirFredtritium: But if I forget it, it doesn't burn.06:38
tritiumSoB, did you look into that?  Maybe you should try enable dma on your cdrw?06:39
SirFredtritium: Well, the symptoms are not the same.06:39
tritiumyou mean with SoB?06:39
SirFredtritium: Yes.06:39
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tritiumTrue, but it could explain why he can't burn, perhaps.06:39
SirFredtritium: What I get is an error dialog saying that my burner is not enable to achieve that speed, or something so06:40
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SirFredtritium: Could be.06:40
tritiumI see.06:40
tritiumI just haven't taken the time to fix it.  I've thought about changing the order of my init scripts, but I don't care to do that right now.06:40
Anubis`alsa.pc' I can't find this file06:40
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Neo_654metaliu: so far I'm not finding anything where people have posted havnig a problem with it.06:43
heliodeDoes anyone know which repository has MC (midnight Commander) ?06:43
metaliuNeo_654: ok, then i just need to get it to boot.  is there anything else i should try besides the 'nodma' flag when booting?  and as a side note, the distro i got to boot was Beatrix06:44
Neo_654metalie: what version is it?06:44
metaliuNeo_654: I was using warty warthog06:44
Neo_654Metalie: what version Buffalo card.06:45
metaliuNeo_654: WLI2-PCI-G5406:45
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iGadget_anyone got some experience with the proprietary ati drivers on ubuntu?06:45
iGadget_installing them, I mean06:46
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iGadget_I've converted the .rpm with alien to a .deb... but will that work?06:46
iGadget_I don't really feel like messing up my ubuntu installation...06:46
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tritiumiGadget_, fglrx drivers are in ubuntu.06:47
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iGadget_tritium: okay... so how do I configure them? I need more DVI options...06:48
tritiumiGadget_, don't know.  I have nVidia.06:49
tritiumBut I wouldn't be using .rpms when .debs already exists.  Just my opinion.06:49
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ZorroBytesquestion, trying to build new alsa drivers, but not finding asm/*.c06:49
ZorroByteswhen building06:50
iGadget_tritium: okay... but I guess these fglrx are not the latest?06:50
ZorroBytesWhat do I need to install to allow for source builds?06:50
tritiumiGadget_, I'm not really that familiar with them.06:51
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iGadget_tritium: I understand... thanks anyway :)06:51
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tritiumyeah, sorry.06:52
Quest-MasterAnybody using the latest XFCE here?06:53
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tritiumiGadget_, apt-cache search fglrx to find the packages, and then apt-cache policy <packagename> to see the version06:53
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iGadget_tritium: don't you just love synaptic? :D06:54
tritiumiGadget_, nah, I stick with apt on the command line06:54
iGadget_tritium: I only do that when I really need to ;)06:55
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tritiumI see.06:55
heliodehey, how do i change the permissions on a file so that anyone may do anything with it?06:56
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tritiumheliode, chmod06:56
SoBchmod 777 filename06:56
heliodegreat, thanks :D06:57
iGadget_darn... the ubuntu version is _very_ outdated06:57
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tritiumiGadget_, oh...06:57
iGadget_2. @ ubuntu06:57
tritiumiGadget_, you're using Hoary?06:57
bert_can someone help me, i try to mount a windows share06:57
iGadget_4-3-0_8.8.25-2 @ ATI06:57
bert_when i do:06:58
iGadget_tritium: no, the original06:58
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bert_mount -t smbfs -o username=bert,pwd=mypwd //host/share /mnt/folder/06:58
tritium8.8.25 in Hoary, if I read the package versions right06:58
bert_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //fried/Muziek,06:58
bert_       or too many mounted file systems06:58
iGadget_tritium: okay... is hoary usable for normal desktop use? :s06:59
iGadget_as in... how beta is it? :)06:59
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tritiumiGadget_, in my opinion, it's very usable06:59
iGadget_so... you'd risk the apt-get dist upgrade if you were me? :)06:59
tritiumiGadget_, depends on your comfort level07:00
snowblinkbert_: sudo apt-get install smbfs07:00
iGadget_tritium: well... comfort is a subjective matter ;)07:00
tritiumiGadget_, if you upgrade, pay close attention to what it's going to remove, if anything07:00
bert_snowblink, thanks m807:01
snowblinkbert_: np07:01
iGadget_as in... I won't be able to reinstall the stuff it'll remove?07:01
tritiumno, not like that07:01
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iGadget_tritium: well... no big problem then. If I miss anything after the upgrade, I'll just reinstall it :)07:02
tritiumiGadget_, right.07:03
iGadget_but before I dot that, I'll just try the old fglrx package... If that doesn't solve my problem, I'll upgrade to hoary07:03
tritiumsounds good07:04
pepsihow can i get ubuntu to recognize my cdrom drive again?07:05
iGadget_drivers installed... Let's see what an X-restart does :D07:05
iGadget_If I don't return here within 5 mins... my PC will probably have died ;)07:06
iGadget_thanks & brb07:06
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heliodeu think we'll see more of him? :P07:07
tritiumwe'll find out07:07
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heliodehey guys, i gtg, thanks for your help!07:09
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dalsanI am looking for help in restoring my desktop to the default07:11
dalsanI got rid of the top toolbar and can not get it back07:11
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marianohi people07:12
marianodid anyone experienced problems using synaptic lately? (hoary)07:12
marianoit doesn't seem to install anything :S07:12
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dalsanI installed this morning, but from universe07:13
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marianoit does uninstall software but it doesn't install properly things07:13
dalsando you know how to restore the desktop to default?07:14
cuatrohi guyz, why debian sid with gnome 2.8 runs speedier than ubuntu warty wih compiled kernel?07:14
dalsanI lost my top bar07:14
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iGadget_well... that part worked07:14
cuatroI wanna use ubuntu, but it is a little slow :/07:14
R0bNycwhy I dont have no bootsplash or grub splash ?07:14
iGadget_allthough the fglrx driver wasn't loaded afaik07:14
iGadget_okay... what's the most elegant way to reconfigure X on Ubuntu?07:14
marianoUbuntu loads much faster with hoary, CUATRO07:14
Dreamer3_cuatro: really, interesting07:15
tritiumiGadget_, dpkg-reconfigure your xserver07:15
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iGadget_tritium: okay... and I should exit X before doing that, right?07:15
cuatroDreamer3_ it's true :/07:15
tritiumiGadget_, don't have to, but can't hurt.07:15
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cuatromariano I'm gonna download de array4 :)07:16
tritiumiGadget_, have you changed your XF86Config-4 at all?07:16
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marianocuatro, when I upgraded to Hoary I had a much better experience (when things worked, of course ;))07:16
iGadget_tritium: no, I thought this would be done automagically as with the nvidia driver package07:16
cuatrooh mariano thanks :)07:17
marianohowever, remember, it's still in development and somethings might not work correctly07:17
XappeiGadget_, there is a quite good guide at the ubuntu forums...07:17
marianowhich is the reason why I'm here now!07:17
tritiumiGadget_, good.  The dpkg-reconfigure should work just fine, then.07:17
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cuatrobut, really, I don't know why ubuntu runs so slow, comparing with debian :/07:17
iGadget_xappe: is there? I only found the nvidia howto on ubuntuguide.org07:17
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cuatroI have a p3 677 mhz, 256 ram07:17
marianoCuatro, for me it's the opposite07:17
XappeiGadget_, w8 i'll fetch the url for you07:18
cuatrojeje :)07:18
marianoit runs much faster than the Debian version I used to have07:18
jesuelalmost as slow as my linux box heh07:18
jesuelvia c3 800 w/ 256 ram07:18
Dreamer3_mariano: i can expect warty to be faster than sarge though, or not?07:18
cuatromariano curious :/07:18
XappeiGadget_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=356707:18
=== Dreamer3_ though sarge was just unstabled delayed by so many days
cuatrommm I think sarge is much faster than warty07:18
marianoDreamer3, it theory yes, I guess :D07:19
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iGadget_xappe: thanks07:19
marianobut again, Ubuntu is the first distro I'm really looking at07:19
kalandorhi everybody, could anybody help, where to put module options for bttv? I mean which file?07:19
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cuatromariano the first distro that I've used was ubuntu, but now I think debian is much faster than ubuntu :/ I don't know why, I killed processes of init.. but it's slow :(07:20
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cuatroI meant, after I used debian.. :)07:21
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cuatronow I'm downloading hoary (by your recmmendation)07:21
marianoCuatro, for me let's say I lost my linux verginity with Ubuntu, with Debian it was just petting :)07:21
Treyckhi all07:21
iGadget_well... this seems to be a fairy large operation... let's first eat and then look further :)07:21
cuatromariano jeje07:21
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marianoCUATRO, again, it's not that I recommend you to install Hoary, it's just my experience07:22
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marianoCUATRO, however, it is very exciting to see how fast things are getting developped when you have hoary installed07:23
jesuelthats very funny  mariano07:23
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Quest-MasterLast time I tried to upgrade to Hoary, I had no X07:23
Dreamer3_mariano: you used warty before?07:23
jesueli feel that way about prior distro's. like redhat and whatnot07:23
no0ticQuest-Master: me too, but then I resolved07:23
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cuatromariano jeje thanks :)07:24
Quest-Masterno0tic: What'd you do?07:24
no0ticQuest-Master: installed what was missing07:24
marianoI think the best thing to do is to have your files and things very well packaged so you don't miss much time if you need to reinstall your OS07:24
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Quest-Masterno0tic: Which was xserver-xorg, I am guessing?07:24
marianoDreamer, yes, I had Warty since it was beta07:24
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Quest-MasterOr xorg-xserver?07:24
=== Dreamer3_ wonders if anyone here has gone from sarge -> ubuntu
marianoDreamer, I did07:25
jesuelnot me07:25
no0ticQuest-Master: no, they were fonts07:25
marianobut I almost didn't use Debian07:25
Dreamer3_mariano: via apt?07:25
Quest-Masterno0tic: Interesting. :\07:25
jesueli went from redhat 8.something to ubuntu07:25
no0ticQuest-Master: X & gdm started but failed07:25
Xappehmm, where do i find my x server logfile?07:25
marianoDreamer, no, via format c:07:25
no0ticQuest-Master: beacouse of the lacking of those fonts07:25
Dreamer3_mariano: ah07:25
Dreamer3_mariano: i'm wondering how hard it would be to do it with apt07:26
Quest-MasterI see.07:26
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djjasonanyone here familiar with acpi and apm07:26
Quest-MasterSo, does anyone think XFCE offers a lot over GNOME here?07:26
no0tichoary problem: booting with battery it doesn't recognize it and doesn't switch to powersave mode.07:26
marianoDreamer, I'd say it takes more time than reformat it all07:26
Quest-MasterI'm considering installing it07:26
no0ticXappe: /var/log/XFree86.0.log or Xorg.0.log07:27
marianoTo be honest, I like to reformat it all once a month07:27
marianoin 2 hours I can reinstall everything and recover all my stuff, so I don't think about it twice if neede07:27
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knapjackI was messing around with GNU/Hurd the other weekend and it has this concept of a non-authenticated user, and it made me start to think about what it would take to make tsclient available from gdm.07:29
Xappeno0tic, thx07:29
djjasoncan anyone help with acpi and/or apm07:29
knapjackThat way you could walk up to a workstation and use rdesktop or fire up a Citrix session and not necessarily have a local workstation account.07:29
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knapjack(or VNC)07:30
cuatroI have 1 mb adsl, and I'm downloading hoary with a limit of 15 kbps :( I tried torrent but there's only 5 seeds :(07:30
knapjackI was thinking about Xnest, maybe, and having some user whose default session is just metacity and tsclient.07:30
marianocuatro, you look Spaniard by your description of connection ;)07:30
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=== knapjack isn't sure.
cuatromariano :P07:31
marianoAqu Barcelona ;)07:31
cuatroaca chilito :P07:32
cuatrochile ;)07:32
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no0ticmariano: I will be in Barelona next month07:32
no0ticcuatro: I would like to be in Chile right now ;)07:32
marianono0tic, well, try to survive to alcohol!07:32
marianodammit! I'm experiencing a lot of hits detected by firestarter...07:33
no0ticmariano: I will stay by a friend there in Erasmus07:33
cuatroso good grils in reaca, via del mar, pucon :D07:33
no0ticmariano: it's normal07:33
cuatrogrils :P07:33
Tr0gd0rubuntu has taken over 4 hours to install on my p1 200mhz07:33
cuatrogirls :D07:33
knapjackno0tic: Barcelona is nice.07:33
no0ticknapjack: never been before07:34
marianono0tic, if I'm not wrong the port 43999 is used by ssh07:34
no0ticmariano: 43999???07:34
no0ticmariano: ssh is port 2207:34
no0ticmariano: but, if you have changed something...07:35
marianoI know, but I read somewhere that it might be used for that too07:35
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knapjackno0tic: It's a great city, with a very intersting mix of modern and historic flavor.  Gotta see the park with all the Gaudi sculpture/architecture.07:35
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marianoThat's Park Gell, true, very interesting07:36
no0ticknapjack: I studied it at school...07:36
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marianodammit, now I can't install any bittorrent client :(07:37
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no0ticmariano: why?07:37
marianonot sure07:37
marianoazureus doesn't start07:37
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marianoand bittorrent and bittornado don't want to get installed07:37
marianovery confusing day...07:37
no0ticuhm... I'm gonna getting a shower07:37
mariano(fucking hangover...)07:38
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jesuelahh mrtg all setup now :)07:41
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R0bNycAnyone here using apt-build07:42
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marianonop, sorry07:43
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R0bNycwhy theres no bootsplash or grub splash ?07:44
cuatrowhy you dont enter to #ubuntu-es ?07:44
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djjasonIm trying to fix power related errors and when I put acpi=off and apm=off into the menu.lst my wireless and usb stop working07:45
djjasonany clues?07:45
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R0bNycnoapic nolapic ?07:46
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djjasonshould I include that in the lst file as well?07:46
jeavisHello somebody can says me where I can fin a Korn Shell Manual07:46
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pmar_hi all07:47
giarddoes anyone know if hoary will have support for airport express?07:48
pmar_have no idea...07:48
pmar_however, ive been using hoary on amd64 for more than 10day and it works great...07:48
djjasonor should I replace acpi=off with pci=noacpi07:48
pmar_appart from the problem with evolution07:48
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pmar_any experiencies with amd64 hoary?07:51
R0bNycFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/memstat/memstat_0.4_i386.deb  Size mismatch07:51
R0bNycE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?07:51
R0bNycwhat do Ido07:51
tritiumas it says07:51
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R0bNycI still get het smaething07:53
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R0bNycthe* samething*07:53
goldfishIs there any way to reset XF86Config-4? I was sure I made a backup, but it looks like I was wrong :/07:54
tritiumR0bNyc, what were you in the process of doing?07:55
knapjackHas anyone tried building mozilla-firefox from hoary on warty?07:55
matt_Hi, I am having an issue with the nvidia driver.  I am running an HP Pavilion zd7058cl laptop. It has a geforce go5600.. My lcd monitor/video adapter support a 1440x900 resolution, but the nvidia driver, no matter what config settings i throw at it, does not let me go higher than 1024x768 resolution(60hz refresh ugh) if anyone has the answer to this problem please let me know :)07:55
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R0bNyctritium, apt-build install memstat07:55
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knapjackmatt_: Did you try installing the nvidia display tool?07:55
tritiumR0bNyc, try apt-get -f install07:55
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R0bNyctritium, http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/slug/2002/03/msg00647.html07:56
R0bNycmy friend just told me theres a problem with the sources of ubuntu07:56
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tritiumR0bNyc, possibly also dpkg --configure --pending07:56
penguinitushello all...07:56
matt_knapjack: i have it installed, but i don't believe it has any relevant settings to correct this issue, if you know something i dont, please enlighten me :)07:56
knapjackR0bNyc: What did he tell you?07:56
penguinitusI need some help setting up a simple shell script...07:57
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knapjackmatt_: I just installed the nvidia drivers the other week for the first time (to play a little bzflag), but it went very smoothly.07:57
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R0bNycAfter unpacking 86.0kB of additional disk space will be used.07:57
bonhelsingcan anyone here help me out with networking? im kinda stuck. thanks07:57
R0bNycGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe memstat 0.4 [10.1kB] 07:57
R0bNycFetched 9890B in 1s (6143B/s)07:57
R0bNycFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/memstat/memstat_0.4_i386.deb  Size mismatch07:57
R0bNycE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?07:57
penguinitusI need a script to execute apt-get update apt-get upgrade when I click the icon, I want it to open a shell and run in the shell so I can see the output07:57
pmar_compiling mozilla worked on both hoary and warty, on both amd64 and i68607:58
tritiumR0bNyc, did you try what I suggested?07:58
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knapjackmatt_: Did you follow the guide on the wiki?07:58
R0bNyctritium, will now07:58
matt_knapjack: ya i have installed them on many computers, the thing is, they have always gone smoothly for me also, but on this particular laptop it is giving me grief.  a funny thing to note is that i remember using previous versions of the nvidia driver with no issues. :\07:58
R0bNycbut i cant do it with apt-get, i gotta do it with apt-build because its part of apt-build07:58
R0bNycyes tritium i just did it and same problem too07:58
knapjackmatt_: Strange.  I have had problems with the 2go chipset on an Acer in the past and ended up using the VESA drivers.07:59
matt_i just did apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia settings (the restricted modules were already installed) .. then I changed nv to nvidia in xfree and deleted the glcore and dri entries.07:59
knapjackmatt_: No accelerated X, but nvidia has very impressive VESA performance.07:59
knapjackmatt_: That should have done the trick.  Anything in the logs?07:59
giardmatt_: do you need to delete the dri entry?07:59
matt_knapjack: nope, when i type xrandr in console 1024x768 is the "uppermost" setting.. usually nvidia cards are pretty good when detecting these things.  I even tried turning of edid on the monitor and setting the resolution manually but i think the driver is ignoring my config entries08:00
pmar_giard: I usually remove dri....08:00
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matt_well its working beautifully in 1024x768 but it irks me because it is a widescreen display and things are not in correct proportion they are "stretched" :)08:01
cuatroguyz, in hoary, how is called the fonts rendering in xorg? now the fonts are like in fedora08:01
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knapjackmatt_: I'd start checking other sources for info on the nvidia driver.  Maybe it's a known issue.08:03
goldfishCan u reset XF86Config-4 ?08:03
knapjackI've read before that 2go is a different beast and sometimes needs a swift kick. ;)08:03
cuatroguyz, in hoary, how is called the fonts rendering? the fonts looks like fedora look08:04
Ex-Cyberis there a distro that would work well on a 486/33 with 8MB of RAM and a ~300MB disk?08:04
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matt_knapjack: most likely, i will do that.  i just dont have much time to screw with this now ;) Btw i just replaced a fc3 install with ubuntu, I had debian on here before but man after using yum its nothing compared to apt. the dependency resolution is slowwww.. and it doesnt work as well as apt :)08:05
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knapjackmatt_: Yeah, I hear you.  I'm a big debfoster fan (prune dependencies from the tree when you uninstall) and there's just no correlation with RPM-based distributions.08:06
Tr0gd0ri want a distro that will run well on a p200mhz, 80mb ram, and 5gb drive, i installed ubuntu, but when it tries opening x-windows the screen is just black08:06
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chibifsTrog - Slackware.08:06
knapjackTr0gd0r: Have you read the Ubuntu mini-RAM HOWTO?08:06
Tr0gd0ri installed it that way08:07
Tr0gd0rand when i started x08:07
Tr0gd0rthe screen is blank08:07
matt_damn-small linux08:07
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chibifsI run Slackware on my 133mhz pentium with 32 megs of ram. :o08:07
Tr0gd0ri cant figure out how to exit x to get back to bash08:07
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Tr0gd0rdoesnt work08:07
thelusivsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:08
knapjacksounds like a video card issue08:08
cuatroguyz, in hoary, how is called the fonts rendering in xorg? now the fonts are like in fedora08:08
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Tr0gd0rits a 3dfx banshee08:08
thelusivi have a question...i have a ice1712 chipset sound card08:08
thelusivm-audio audiophyle 249608:08
Tr0gd0ri need to edit the x config, but right when it starts xdm loads so i cant edit it08:08
thelusivTr0gd0r: you should be able to edit it, then restart gdm/xdm and it will load the new config08:09
knapjackTr0gd0r: You can boot single-user or boot from the rescue disk and mount the drive and disable xdm in the init scripts.08:09
thelusivi need the envy24control tool to mix this card...and i need alsaconf to set it up08:09
tritiumcuatro, you mean that they're anti-aliased?08:09
thelusivbut these don't appear to be in alsa-utils for some reason?08:10
cuatroyes :/08:10
knapjackthelusiv: Sounds like xdm locks up the machine before he can get to a login prompt at the console.08:10
cuatrotritium :P08:10
cuatroit's cool08:10
thelusivooh i see08:10
Tr0gd0ryes it does08:10
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knapjackCan anyone walk Tr0gd0r through a single-user boot w/ GRUB?08:11
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tritiumTr0gd0r, you need to reboot into single-user mode?08:12
tritiumTr0gd0r, okay, let's use grub-reboot08:13
tritiumTr0gd0r, can you look at /boot/grub/menu.lst?08:13
Tr0gd0rmy screen is blank, as x-windows isnt working08:14
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tritiumTr0gd0r, Ctrl-Alt-F1 ?08:14
tritiumdoes that get you to a console?08:14
Tr0gd0rstill blank08:14
iGad_dinerwohee... let's reboot and see if the 686 kernel works :)08:14
tritiumokay, just reboot the machine and hit Esc before grub starts booting08:14
Tr0gd0rk one sec08:14
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=== knapjack tries to build mozilla-firefox from hoary's source repository.
Tr0gd0ralright at the screen08:16
tritiumTr0gd0r, you can see a list?08:16
cuatromariano yeahhh :D hoary rocks, it runs so speedy :)08:16
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tritiumarrow down and select one that says "recovery mode"08:16
tritiumand hit return08:17
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Tr0gd0rk loading08:17
tritiumokay, you're going to boot into single-user mode08:17
Tr0gd0rwhich means?08:18
tritiumas root, with none of the multi-user stuff08:18
Tr0gd0rnow wheres the xserver config08:19
Tr0gd0rso i can try to fix it08:19
goldfishhey lads, is there anyway i can reset XF86Config-4 to default?08:19
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goldfishI forgot to make a backup :/08:19
tritiumTr0gd0r, /etc/X11, but I suggest you try dpkg-reconfigure08:19
goldfishel n00b08:19
tritiumTr0gd0r, you're on Warty?08:19
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nanophaseanyone knows how to dualhead on a radeon mobility (or at all) ?08:20
tritiumTr0gd0r, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8608:20
Tr0gd0rit says please specify a package to reconfigure08:20
tritiumsee above08:20
morchubooHi all - my first time in here. Can anyone tell me how to configure the GDM - I want to set its resolution to 1024 x 76808:21
morchubooI tried gdmsetup but that doesnt et you choose its resolution08:22
tritiummorchuboo, you need to configure your xserver, not gdm, for the resolution08:22
XappeGDM uses the first resolution in Xfree86.conf I think08:22
morchuboobut i want to let people set their user resolution to higher if they want - just that the default for GDM be 102408:23
Tr0gd0rwhich sould i use for standerd ps2 mouse08:23
tritiummorchuboo, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"08:23
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Tr0gd0r/dev/input/mice or /dev/psaux08:24
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tritiumTr0gd0r, /dev/input/mice should work08:24
Tr0gd0rwhich xfree86 modules should i remove?08:25
tritiumTr0gd0r, using nvidia?08:25
tritiumI'm not sure that you have to remove any.08:26
tritiumBut I don't have 3dfx08:26
metaliudoes anyone know if ubuntu will work with my ATI All-in-wonder Radeon 7500?08:26
metaliumore specifically, so i can use my tv tuner and tv out and do pvr stuff?08:27
chibifsMetaliu - Yes, but don't expect amazing 3d performance.08:27
SavIm using X.IRC and i cannot see bold and itailc text, how can i fix this?08:27
SavX-Chat even08:27
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metaliuchibifs: im not planning on doing games, just pvr stuff08:27
Tr0gd0rbakc to console, should i reboot or start xserver08:27
chibifsAh. PVR on ubuntu has been a pain in the ass to me :/08:27
tritiumchibifs, using mythtv?08:27
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chibifsMythTV itself is amazing, it has something to do with the hotplug stuff ubuntu uses.08:28
metaliuchibifs: so i should stay away from ubuntu with my ATI AIW 7500?08:28
chibifsWell, you don't /have/ to. Just look into things first. And a plain Debian testing might do you better.08:29
tritiumTr0gd0r, I need to get going.  Good luck.08:29
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chibifsMythTV installs a lot easier on vanilla debian, anyway.08:29
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tritiumchibifs, how so?08:30
chibifsLots of library name conflicts between ubuntu and debian testing.08:30
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Mannyis it somehow possible to install ubuntu using a partitioned, formatted HD and internet access from a bootable live CD?08:31
abiertoshello, I want to now how I can add my email to the messenger of a friend that eliminated me08:31
MannyI remember some manual bootstrapping with deb08:31
bluefoxicyManny:  heh, I wanted net-install livecds (DEbian's net installers are 20M cds, so +20M on the livecd), that may be neat if they ever decide to make 'em08:32
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Mannyhrm I have a debian netinst CD08:32
thelusivanybody here use envy24control?08:32
Mannymaybe I can hack it to use the ubuntu repository?08:33
chibifsManny - You can, but it'll be kinda rough08:33
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chibifsI tried it once, it made a messy install :P08:33
MannyI want a clean installation08:33
Mannythe problem is that my pegasos doesn't like the ubuntu CD kernel. Obviously it has problems with the initrd08:34
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chibifsWell, how is the disk formatted?08:34
chibifsYou could always pick out and backup parts of the old OS if you're looking to replace it. I do that often.08:35
MannyI have a working deb installation on it08:35
MannyI plan to resize this partition, though08:35
Mannythis would have to take place from a rescue CD or such08:36
chibifsAh, so you want Ubuntu and Debian :P08:36
Mannychibifs, no, I want ubuntu instead of deb08:36
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chibifsWell, do this, then. Boot from the ubuntu install CD, and open a terminal.08:36
Mannychibifs, well, booting the CD doesn't work - because it has an initrd kernel08:36
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Tr0gd0rwhere is the xserver log file found?08:37
Mannycan I build my own CD with a non-initrd kernel? :)08:37
MannyTr0gd0r, you use XFree86?08:37
altanis there any way I can send some sort of alert to a machine that I am ssh'ed to, like to another user that's logged on? I have root access, but I need to get the attention of the current user somehow08:37
Manny /var/log/XFree86.0.log08:38
chibifs:o I don't understand why your bios would have trouble booting the disk. ;_;08:38
Mannychibifs, it boots the kernel08:38
chibifsDoes it not get to the debian installer?08:38
Mannybut the screen suddently displays colored squares and hangs. I see a blinking "thingie" (cursor?) scattered over 6 or 7 locations08:38
MannyI'm talking abou the warty preview iso08:39
chibifsOh! I'm talking about the install CD :P08:39
MannyI as well08:39
Mannyoh, I messed it up with the live CD08:39
Mannyit is the install CD08:39
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chibifsLive CDs are smelly o.o08:40
Tr0gd0ri had the error no screens found08:40
guerbyhi, how to rebuild just one module of the kernel? (in my case prism54)08:40
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chibifsManny, I'm lost :P08:40
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Mannychibifs, :P08:41
scaroohi ppl ! the last xorg upgrade broke my x installation, i m stuck with 640x480, the xorg.log speaks about not finding te right mode because of an hsync trouble, any clue ?08:41
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Tr0gd0rhow do i get out of insert mode in vi?08:42
scarootrogdor press 'i' or :q ther 'emacs' :d08:43
Tr0gd0rif i type that it will just go into the file im editing08:43
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scaroowow you wanted to get out the edit mode ! didn t read correctly, i m not a vi user but i think you can leave a mode by pressing esc08:44
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theineTr0gd0r: try vimtutor08:44
theineTr0gd0r: ... in a terminal08:45
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djtanseyi just (re)installed hoary (array 4) -- automounting doesn't work. what gives?08:47
djtanseyand are there any work around?08:47
knapjackIs there a mime editor in warty?08:47
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neighborleedjtansey, I dont use hoary but unless someone replies here I"d suggest for now the forums..sorry I can't be more help08:49
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djtanseyneighborlee: i'm there poking aronud already. :) thanks08:50
neighborleeknapjack, i'm not in linux atm but i'd check prefs or system tools area..Idont use that stuff much but it should be in there somewhere ..08:50
neighborleedjtansey, oh ok ;-))08:50
knapjackneighborlee: thanks08:50
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Tr0gd0rhow do i install javavm on mozilla firefox08:51
XiMobileDamn, I am way out of my league here. I just wanted to know how to get my trackball running ...08:52
pisukeTr0gd0r, www.ubuntuguide.org08:52
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LinuxJonesknapjack, gnome 2.8 has automatic file associations. If you need to change it right click the file then open with other app.08:53
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iGadget_well... first fglrx driver running... screen looks a little better08:55
hybridhas anyone in here used amule? if so what are some good servers?08:55
Ensiferumif I switch to another tty with Alt+F1 for example switching back to X with Alt+F7 works only once.08:55
iGadget_now for that 'dvi alternate mode' option08:55
Ensiferumanyone knows what gives?08:55
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morchubooI just tried editing xorg.conf to set 1024x768 as the default resolution so GDM will start in 1024, but it just uses 1280x1024 with a viewport of 1024x76808:55
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Jeeezhi there08:56
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theinetoo bad libavcodec2 (which is a dependency of mplayer) is missing from the multiverse repositor08:56
morchubooI want to enable users to use any resolution, but make GDM use 1024x76808:56
JeeezAre there any known problems with ubuntu and ICS?08:56
theinein hoary i should add08:56
morchubooif I take out the reference to 128x1024 then users cant select resolutions higher than 102408:57
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Br|ceI'm trying to install slune under hoary08:57
Br|ceand I get the following error :08:57
Br|ceThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:58
Br|ce  slune: Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4-0ubuntu4 is to be installed08:58
Br|ce         Depends: python-openal (>= 0.1.4-4) but it is not going to be installed08:58
Br|ceE: Broken packages08:58
Br|ceis there anything I can do ? maybe fill a bugreport ?08:58
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tanarihi all08:59
tanariI have problem with rhythmbox (0.8.5), when I want launch it I see error message: Failed to create the player: Couldn't initialize scheduler.  Did you run gst-register?08:59
iGadget_well... did you? :)08:59
tanari@ubuntu:~ $ gst-register09:00
tanaribash: gst-register: command not found09:00
njs12345tanari: try gst-register-0.809:00
tanarinjs12345 thanks, now works09:00
njs12345np :)09:00
estebandidohello... i have a problem: boot hangs at "Configuring network interfaces"09:01
njs12345a useful fact: in the terminal if you press [TAB]  it completes the names of programs09:01
iGadget_stupid error... why can't it just ask if you'd ran gst-register-0.8? :p09:01
njs12345so if you type in gst-register and press [TAB]  it'll give you gst-register-0.809:01
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Br|ceanyone's got an idea for my own question ?09:01
Tr0gd0rhow do i change default window manager from gnome to icewm?09:02
ioxaeTrogd0r: gdm configuration files ,there should be a tool in system tools/configuration or whatever09:03
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Tr0gd0rim in sustem toos/configureation09:04
ioxaelook for anything that says 'gdm'09:05
ioxaeor , edit the file by hand ..09:05
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iGadget_br|ce: I'm not ignoring you... I just don't know :|09:05
Tr0gd0rwhat directory?!?09:05
estebandidoany thoughts on getting my machine to boot?09:05
ioxaeI'm not going to hold your hand ..09:05
Br|ceiGadget_: :)09:05
umarmungTr0gd0r, when you log in through gdm chose icewm from session, then you get ask if this should be default from now on09:06
ioxaeTr0gd0r: you should be able to SELECT "icewm" whe you login by the way , if its installed ....09:06
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iGadget_ioxae: well if your hands are warm, that'd be quite welcome ;)09:06
cuatrohoarys rocks!! it's running so fast on my p3 667 mhz, 256 ram :D I'm happy :D09:06
ioxaeiGadget_: quit flirting you dirty european09:06
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tanariI have another problem with rhythmbox, it doesn't show non englosh mp3 tags09:07
ioxaetanari: but was submitted and fixed .. update09:07
ioxaetanari: japanese text ?09:08
morchuboobr|ce: I think this means that the package needs to be rebuilt for python 2.4, it comes up quite often with universe packages09:08
tanarino, cyrillic mp3 tags09:08
Br|cemorchuboo: ok, or maybe it should depend on python2.3 not python09:08
Br|cemorchuboo: should I use something like apt-build ?09:08
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LinuxJonescuatro, those drop shadows look awesome !!09:09
tanariI have this problem with all audio players based on gstreamer09:09
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cuatroLinuxJones yeah rocks :D hary rocks ;) :P :D09:09
morchuboorepackaging is something Ive been wanting to get into for a while so I can repack some of the universe stuff - but i dont know anything about it yet09:09
cuatrohoary :D09:09
Br|cemmm, I'm under hoary and doesn't have these dropshadow ;)09:10
larsrohdinhi, im having troubles getting my stuf transparent in fluxbox... whatever i do the backgrounds are black...09:10
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Br|celarsrohdin: guess you're using the stable fluxbox version09:10
Br|celarsrohdin: you want to install the dev one09:10
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larsrohdinok... how and where?09:11
Br|celarsrohdin: I'm unsure there's a ubuntu package for it though09:11
djtanseyanyone here know anything about the "auto" filesystem type? because gnome-volume-manager is saying that it is invalid.09:11
morchuboodjtansey: what you trying to mount?09:11
larsrohdini got the stuf transparent once, but then it showed my old background insted of my present...09:11
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djtanseymorchuboo: a CF disk plugged into a pcmcia card. gnome-volume-manager (running it in a terminal to watch what it says) says Error: invalid file system name 'auto'09:12
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tanarican somebody help me with rhythmbox please? I like this app, but can't see cyrillic mp3 tags09:13
mcphaildjtansey: try mounting it as vfat09:13
morchubootry mounting it manually09:13
iGadget_so... what's the overall opinion... upgrade to hoary or not?09:13
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djtanseymorchuboo, mcphail: would almost certainly work. but i want gnome-volume-manager to detect it. so unless i can somehow tell g-v-m to use vfat i'd rather try to figure out why g-v-m doesn't recognize "auto" (i've mounted this before manually so i know it iworks)09:14
njs12345tanari: you could try converting the encodings to utf-809:14
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djtanseyiGadget: i'd say do it. the breaks are few. i eventually did a clean reinstall with an array CD though since the upgrade isn't always perfect.09:14
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njs12345iGadget_: if you use your Warty for non-crucial work then yes09:14
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njs12345you can do all kinds of spiffy crap with it09:14
looksaushm, is anyone else experiencing unstable connections on cdimage.ubuntu.com?09:14
iGadget_djtansey: about your CF card, how much space has it?09:15
looksausit tends to download at +-750K/s (top speed of my cable modem) at moments, then fall back to 60 K/s09:15
djtanseymorchuboo, mcphail: mounted it manually and it works. either of you have an idea of where g-v-m gets its knowledge about FSs? are the filesystems part of the kernel or elsewhere?09:16
looksausI would download from the local university network mirror, but that one's down for maintenance right now09:16
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mcphaillooksaus: tried bittorrent?09:16
djtanseyiGadget: just 256MB. usually works beautifully. i might have to set up a fstab mountpoint for the thing instead of just using gnome-volume-manager though...09:16
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iGadget_djtansey: with sizes that small, it probably has a fat16 filesystem09:17
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mcphaildjtansey: that sounds like a good idea. Might be worth reformatting the card first?09:17
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looksausmcphail, no, cable provider sharks severely limit upload capacity here :(09:17
Br|cehum, after looking into the python-openal, it seems like the python dependancy is crappy09:18
djtanseymcphail, iGadget: it is vfat -- i mounted it manually and it works happily. i would rather solve the actual problem though. g-v-m should be able to handle this09:18
Br|ceis there a way to rebuild or altere the package ?09:18
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mcphaildjtansey: don't know much about it. My USB drives auto vfat perfectly09:18
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djtanseymcphail: hoary or warty?09:19
larsrohdinBr|ce, i found the problem... it was a known problem with the image viewer qiv, which i used with fbsetbg.. i installed feh insted and it works perfectly!09:19
spaceyusb drives worked for me in warty and hoary09:19
spaceydon't have one atm though09:19
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Br|celarsrohdin: ok :)09:20
iGadget_djtansey: I see fat16 now falls under vfat indeed... some years back fat and vfat were separate filesystems when using mount09:20
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djtanseyiGadget: yeah. i remember those days. its amazing how much has changed since i started using Rhat 4.x09:20
tanarinjs12345 I tried to convert UTF-8, but still can't see09:20
djtanseyiGadget: even if things aren't yet perfect (then we were predicting world domination by now...)09:20
iGadget_djtansey: well then you're even a bigger veteran than me... my first linux steps were with rh5.1 :)09:21
mcphaildjtansey: are you plugging CF card directly into PCMCIA slot?09:21
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njs12345compared to the two of you I'm a linux n00b :P09:21
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=== iGadget_ still considers himself a linux n00b...
djtanseyiGadget: yeah. to be honest that was my first serious distro. i got 4.x but only wiped my windows partition with 5.109:22
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djtanseymcphail: well, through a little adapter. but year09:22
djtanseymcphail: "yeah"09:22
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iGadget_can anyone tell me how risky it is to mount an ntfs volume rw?09:23
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Ensiferumcan someone tell me how does all the gnome settings work like keyboard layout? I presume that gnome has it's own settings stored somewhere (per user perhaps) and it sets them from there when loading?09:23
sigEnsiferum: in "preferences" >> "keyboard layout"09:24
sigin the gnome panel09:24
Ensiferumsig: thats not what i asked09:24
sig<Ensiferum> can someone tell me how does all the gnome settings work like keyboard layout?09:24
sigyou can change them from there09:24
Ensiferummore specifically, how does gnome make those settings happen09:25
Ensiferumi assume it uses x tools to configure x on the fly?09:25
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mcphaildjtansey: some stuff in man mount. I'll post to flood. Might be bad superblock on your card.09:26
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djjasonby mistake I removed the top menu panel, is there a way for me to get it back, restore it?09:26
Ensiferumdjjason: reinstall ;)09:26
djjasonwhat.....there must be a way to restore it?09:27
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Ensiferumdjjason: dont count on it09:27
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ArCHoNKoGthere is not libpng3 package09:27
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djjasonEnsiferum: but I could just use the package manager and reinstall gnome....and that should do the trick?09:28
snowblinkdjjason: gnome-panel09:28
bluefoxicyI just umounted a compact flash card09:28
bluefoxicyand ubuntu said "WHOA WHAT THE FUCK"09:28
djjasonsnowblink: should I run that or?09:29
toresbebluefoxicy: huh?09:29
djjasonor reinstall09:29
bluefoxicyand shit, now gnome's broken09:29
toresbebluefoxicy: As in literally?09:29
bluefoxicytoresbe:  no, as in, the computer stopped doing anything09:29
snowblinkdjjason: personally, I'd try a command before reinstallation09:29
toresbebluefoxicy: ah, well, that's always a bad idea :P09:29
morchubooanyone know how to stop xfce asking for sudo password when wanting to turn off computer?09:30
toresbebluefoxicy: never remove a mounted volume!09:30
djjasonsnowblink: you mean running gnome-panel09:30
bluefoxicytoresbe:  umount /mnt/usb0 is a bad idea?09:30
snowblinkdjjason: yeah09:30
djjasonsnowblink: it says that it has detected another panel running and will exit?09:30
toresbebluefoxicy: no, sorry, misread  unmounted as removed, sorry09:30
snowblinkdjjason: what happens when you restart GNOME?09:31
djjasonsnowblink: it just starts up again...without the top panel09:31
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Tr0gd0ri installed j2re and when i goto a site in mozilla with java it still wont work09:32
=== bluefoxicy try again
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bluefoxicysync first09:32
toresbebluefoxicy: umount syncs,09:32
Guest_Has anyone ever configured Shorewall. I have an ubuntu box which my router DMZ's to. I want to prevent access from the internet to the SMB service.09:32
bluefoxicytoresbe:  not when the machine freezes09:33
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toresbedjjason: You *could* "rm -rf ~/.gnome", this would flush all your gnome settings09:33
toresbebluefoxicy: strange09:33
bluefoxicyI just changed from the 2.6.10-2-amd64-generic to k8 kernel though09:33
ArCHoNKoGwhere can i find libpng3 i need that to instlal cedega09:33
djjasontoresbe: ok....thanks...maby Ill just have to do that09:34
djjasonunless someone else has a suggestion09:34
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topylitoresbe, djjason: the .gnome dir might have lots of interesting stuff you don't want to lose09:34
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toresbetopyli: Oh? Like what?09:34
morchubooTr0gd0r: http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre-mozilla09:35
djjasonwell I just set it up last night...so there isnt musch there yet09:35
mcphailChest: welcome09:35
topylitoresbe: i mean .gnome2 of course. well, there's all my nautilus scripts, epiphany bookmars, keyrings...09:35
Chesthowdy all.  I need a minimal server distro, preferably on one cd.  Would ubuntu fulfill this?  Is is fairly easy to install a minimal, server oriented os?09:35
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toresbetopyli: aha09:36
Chestubuntu seems desktop oriented09:36
toresbeChest: minimal server = debian sarge netinstall09:36
spaceyi have ubuntu as server09:36
spaceyand works perfectlyh09:36
spaceyjust boot it with custom bootparameter at the install cd09:36
Chesttoresbe: so your saying no, install sarge?09:36
morchubooChest: If you select expert / custom install it will install just the base packages - you can then install anything you want for your server as you wish. Advantage - you will know exactly what is on your server09:37
topyliChest: sarge is no server until it's stable09:37
Chestmorchuboo: ok09:37
morchuboonp :)09:37
toresbeChest: Yeah, basically, Ubuntu is by no means minimal. You don't want GNOME and so on on a server, but morchuboo made a good point :)09:38
Chestubuntu is a debian based distro right?09:38
=== Chest should read the docs
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topyliChest: or at least the front page of ubuntu.com :)09:39
AndyRevenin' all09:40
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iGadget_hmmm... where can I specify the preferred audio device?09:40
iGadget_(I have several soundcards installed in my system)09:40
iGadget_with xmms I could simply specify emu10k1 audio... but vlc has no option for this as far as I can see09:41
iGadget_so I assume it's playing on the primary audio device09:42
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topylidoes anybody use p3nfs anymore?09:42
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snowblinkI would have thought GNOME would not let you remove your remaining panel...09:47
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jaHello Natx09:48
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xquizitHey how come I can't edit the applications menu in hoary?09:54
xquizitthis is the command I am using "nautilus applications:///Internet"09:55
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Natxi'm having some trouble with my recently received ubuntu cd's09:56
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djjasonIve been trying to reinstall gnome, but the top menu panel is still not there09:56
Ensiferumdjjason: you gotta delete your gnome settings09:56
Natxfinally i've could install ubuntu, but disabling USB support on motherboard09:56
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Natxbut now i cannot startup my windows09:57
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Natxand gdm doesn't start09:57
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djjasonEnsiferum: I did remove ~/.gnome09:57
iGadget_errr... you didn't select 'erase entire harddrive', did you?09:57
Natxi've installed ubuntu over a debian partition09:57
Ensiferumdjjason: i dont think all the settings are there09:57
djjasonoh crap09:57
Natxno i didn't iGadget09:57
mcphailNatx: what happens when you try to boot windows?09:58
Natxgrub tries to start but computer freezes09:58
morchubooxquizit: Its an upstream change - Gnome no longer uses the applications:/// way, they now use the freedesktop.org standards - this will lead to better interoptability. Unfortunately, they have stopped the old way before having an alternative menu editor ready09:58
Ensiferumdjjason: i have just few empty folders in my ~/.gnome09:58
=== iGadget_ has had enough for one day
morchubooyou need to edit the .desktop files09:58
xadas_Natx try rootnoverify in menu.lst09:58
iGadget_let's see if my windoze still wants to boot09:58
xquizitok thanks morchuboo i'll try that :D09:58
stuNNedhi bluefoxicy09:58
iGadget_c y'all later09:58
Natxmenu.lst? is it the grub config file, isn't it?09:59
djjasonisnt it just possible to reset all the X settings09:59
njs12345is there any way to allow echoing of passwords?09:59
xquizitmorchuboo, where is the .desktop file?09:59
njs12345I'm using a tablet PC and the lack of echoing for passwords makes it very difficult to input characters09:59
xadas_Natx, yop10:00
morchubooxquizit: /usr/share/applications10:00
mcphailnjs12345: ubuntu works with tablets?10:00
xquizitwow that a lot haha, i'm guessing that I can't do this througha GUI anymore :s10:00
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morchuboobut i have a feeling there is somewhere in your home directory that you should put your own mande .desktop files - cant remeber where though10:01
morchuboowill find out10:01
djjasonwhere could possible all my gnome settings be10:01
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xquizitok :)10:01
Natxxadas_, must i put rootnoverify in some specific place in menu.lst (i'm used to work with lilo, no grub)10:01
xquizitomg those .desktop files look confusing haha10:02
xquizitnm i'm just drunk :P10:02
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jeyradhey, anyone know what the default root pass is?10:05
Quest-Masterjeyrad: The same as your user pass10:05
jeyradi tried it; didnt work :(10:05
Natxjeyrad you can change it writing sudo passwd root10:05
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topylijeyrad: you don't log in as root. you use sudo with your own passwd10:06
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djjasonI tried to log into using another session and the panel is also gone from there....I must have deleted it or sum....10:06
jeyradi need to configure stuff, it asks for the root password10:06
jeyradand i dont know what to put in10:06
larsrohdinhow can i change fonts and fontsizes in fluxbox? do i have to edit the specific theme?10:07
topylijeyrad: what asks for root passwd?10:07
Ensiferumlarsrohdin: yes10:07
jeyradthe system config thing10:07
topylijeyrad: what is this thing?10:07
hypn0Natx: after the title i think10:07
jeyradLogin Screen Setup10:07
Natxi'm trying now hypn0, thx10:07
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topylijeyrad: afaik, it says "please enter your password"10:08
larsrohdinok, but how? is it in the file in styles? i don't understand what to edit... is there maybe a faq to read?10:08
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jeyradok, thanks topyli10:09
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jeyradit wasnt working before for some reason :P10:09
untuti installed ubunto 4.10 last week but i entered user/passwd several times end int doesn't allomw me to login10:09
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iapx8088untut, caps was on?10:10
untuti think not10:10
larsrohdinEnsiferum, ok, but how? is it in the file in styles? i don't understand what to edit... is there maybe a faq to read?10:10
snowblinkdjjason: I tried a dummy account - and it doesn't let you delete the last panel10:10
neighborleewhat is the status does anyone know about including java and say flash out of the box ??10:10
untutiapx8088: i think not10:10
topyliuntut: i had the same problem when i still had a + sign in my password. finnish keyboard10:10
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iapx8088untut, you just forgot it?10:11
pvhHi, has anyone got local multi-user working in Ubuntu?10:11
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Tr0gd0ri just wanna run mozilla and a java app from a website on my p200, even ubuntu with firefox and icewm cant10:11
pvhI'd like to be able to hook up a second keyboard/mouse for my girlfriend to use when I'm doing other stuff.10:11
Rockjwhich bootloader does Ubuntu comes with?10:11
topyliRockj: grub10:11
Natxrockj grub10:11
RockjIve tried debian now, and I only get error 15 with debian sarge :S10:11
Rockjeven if I click install lilo10:11
Rockjso I have given up debian10:12
Natxxadas_, hypn0, it doesn't work10:12
Rockjheard ubuntu should be good10:12
Rockjis it same type of setup as debian or? oO10:12
topyliRockj: ubuntu installer is pretty much the same10:12
Natxi meant rootnoverify, booting windows keeps freezin tha pc10:12
topyliRockj: when do you get this error?10:13
Natxi think ubuntu haven't installed correctly10:13
Tr0gd0ranyway to run mozilla without a window manager running?10:13
untutnot, i entered the passwd several times, iapx808810:13
Ensiferumlarsrohdin: you want to edit that specific style10:13
snowblinkpvh: multi-user at the same time on the same screen?10:13
iapx8088untut, explain it better10:13
Natxbecause during the apt-get, i've read some read errors from /dev/hdc (cdrom)10:13
Ensiferumlarsrohdin: most likely in ~/.fluxbox/styles10:13
iapx8088what deas it mean10:13
topyliuntut: does your password have special characters in it? i had problems with a plus sign10:13
Ensiferumor if its global i.e. in /usr/share somewhere you wanna copy it10:14
Natxi think the cd's i've received doesn't work correctly in my dvd-rom10:14
topyliuntut: in gdm only, not in the console10:14
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Natxhypn0, it doesn't work, windows keeps freezing at startup10:14
Rockjtopyli: on debian, I first type expert26 , and I go thru the steps10:14
larsrohdinEnsiferum, yes i understand that, but i cant really understand to files... what to edit and so on... do you know if theres a faq or something i can read?10:14
Rockjwhen I come to  install base system, I click it, and it install grub10:14
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pvhsnowblink: I have two monitors.10:15
untuttopyli: in both intyerfacers10:15
pvhsnowblink: I'd like to be able to "split one off"10:15
Rockjautomatic, reboots, and I get error 15. I get the same error even if I skip over install basesystem but over to  install lilo as bootloader10:15
Rockjgrub gets installed and same error10:15
snowblinkpvh: Never heard of doing that I'm afraid.10:15
topyliRockj: were you able to boot the installed system from a boot disk or the install cd?10:15
hypn0Natx: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/pipermail/linuxsa/2004-November/075019.html10:15
pvhsnowblink: I've heard of some people doing it using an AGP and a PCI card.10:16
Ensiferumlarsrohdin: fluxbox.org has FAQ and helps10:16
hypn0dont have xp :-)10:16
snowblinkpvh: sounds interesting10:16
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pvhsnowblink: But apparently it's not an easy process. And I don't want it always enabled.10:16
topyliuntut: you probably don't have the same problem i did. i traced it down to locales (or so I think)10:16
Rockjtopyli: dunno how to do that :S as I dunno how to chroot it from console after I booted up the cd. as there is no SDA listed in /dev :S10:16
Tr0gd0ranyone know a distro that could run www.runescape.com on a p200?10:17
Natxthx, hypn010:17
topyliRockj: not sure but the cd should have a "rescue" boot option10:18
Natxanyway i'm having some more troubles: just after install, gdm cannot startup, it says there is no screen....10:18
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Natxmy video card is riva tnt, from nvidia,10:18
topyliRockj: this is all  assuming that there is a system to boot :)10:18
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iapx8088Natx, strange, is an old one10:18
Rockjtopyli: I assume so too, I mean, the installer automatic reboots :S and I follow the steps one for one10:19
iapx8088natx did you install nvidia proprietary drivers?10:19
Natxi didn't know what i'm saying, ipax8088, ... is from nvidia, but is geforce 410:19
Natxno, its a *very* fresh install10:19
topyliRockj: doesn't prove anything more than that the _installer_ thinks all is cool10:20
wezzerany idea how to get diamond viper v550 to work in ubuntu? I mean 3D graphics10:20
untutit's better to install in english, topyli ?10:20
iapx8088Natx,  you should see if it's supported by xfree, if not install nvidia proprietary drivers10:20
Natxi'm trying apt-get upgrade, but i think it's not the problem10:20
Rockjtopyli: mhm, thing is, I want to boot it up and check the configuration for grub :S but dunno how. as I dunno how to mount my "installed?" system10:20
Natxthanks ipax808810:20
topyliuntut: dunno, i installed in english but i use a finnish keyboard layout, so that might have been the problem10:21
Natxi'll check this, then10:21
iapx8088Natx, don't forget to make the configuration changes10:21
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mike998is the backports site down?10:21
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topyliRockj: IIRC, the cd should have a "rescue" boot option to do just that. but you might have to find the filesystem still. i've never had to do that with debian10:22
Natxi'll do ipax8088, thx10:22
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untutok typyli -er topyli10:23
wm_eddieanyone know a repository where I can get a newer version of Abiword? 2.0.7 is buggy...10:23
topyliwm_eddie: there's ubuntu-bp.org. very unofficial backports. or build from hoary sources10:24
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wm_eddieI tried building Abiword 2.2 myself but it would just crash after I made the plugins10:25
topyliwm_eddie: where'd you get the sources?10:25
Tr0gd0rwhat window manager has the smallest memory footprint?10:25
topyliTr0gd0r: twm probably10:26
wm_eddietopyli: From abisource10:26
Tr0gd0rapt-get install twm?10:26
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topyliTr0gd0r: apt-get install x-window-system should do it. it's the x default10:27
topyliTr0gd0r: very basic, very ugly, but you can configure it to be prettier10:28
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jmhodgeshey, whats the magic ubuntu does at install time to make grub see other operating systems at ubuntu's own kernels automagically?10:29
topyliwm_eddie: use debian sources, or better, hoary sources. use apt to build10:29
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SavHow do i mount a windows share with samba? (its user/password protected), and how to i mount a bin/cue file?10:29
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topyliwm_eddie: put unstable or hoary sources in sources.list and do apt-get source -b abiword (or something, i forget)10:31
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topyliwm_eddie: i use wajig, and build stuff with "wajig build stuff" :)10:31
mcphailSav: don't know about Samba. I think you can mount bin/cue using http://www.jinjiru.ru/index/mountiso10:32
Ensiferumi installed fluxbox, but i need to have few things ran at login, such as setxkbmap, where to put those commands?10:33
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topyliSav: something like "smbmount -u<username> -p<passwd> /server/share /mountpoint". man smbmount. you can use plain "mount -t smbfs foo" as well10:34
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bashelo, whats up with mplayer in hoary? i get a "libavcodeccvs is not available" error when apt-get installing it..10:34
topyliEnsiferum: ~/.xsession i guess10:35
Savmcphail, i need kde for that package =(10:35
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mcphailSav: sorry. Long time since i last looked at it10:36
topyliSav: doesn't nautilus "just work" with windows shares? it should10:37
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jeyradok,this time it needs the root pass :P10:38
topylijeyrad: oh, gdmsetup? :)10:39
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jeyradunder control center10:39
Ensiferumtopyli: could i somehow create a specific setting file for fluxbox only?10:39
jeyradthen under bootmanager and administrator mode10:39
jeyradthe administrator mode needs root pass10:39
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mjtwhat does gconfd-2 process do, can anyone tell me?10:40
steve__anyone have an idea how I can get my computer to hibernate10:40
topyliEnsiferum: dunno. depends on what sets up your X session10:40
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steve__my laptop10:40
basin hoary mplayer from universe should work, right? theres no need for marillat sources anymore, right?10:40
Ensiferumtopyli: gdm10:40
jeyradtopyli, can you help me here?10:40
=== chillywilly burns the hoary live CD
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mcphailSav: maybe this will convert cin/cue to iso? http://he.fi/bchunk/10:41
bassteve__, it depends on your laptop, some can do it with acpi, some only with apm, others can only do software suspend..10:41
chillywillydo you guys think this will work with my nvidia onboard graphics?10:41
larsrohdinhi, can someone tell me what fonts these are? im most interested in the window title and the root-menu...  http://www.fluxbox.org/zoom.php?themes/sid/aleczapka_fluxcarnation.jpg10:41
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farruinnmjt: I would guess it is what applies all of your gnome settings (set in Preferences)10:41
topylijeyrad: grubconf? you got that from universe didn't you :)10:41
steve__well, I have a fairly new computer, what woudl you recommend10:41
jeyradyes, i got kde10:41
mjtfarruinn: but i don't run gnome10:42
steve__If i close thelid, the screen goes off, but it is still running10:42
jeyradkde and all those other things with it :P10:42
topylijeyrad: i guess you need to enable root then10:42
farruinnmjt: it's probably used by gnome applications10:42
jeyradhow do?10:42
steve__any ideas bas10:42
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Savmcphail, i just want to mount the iso, not convrt it, its a SVCD movie so i wanna be able to mount it and then look at it =)10:43
nakeeeis there a list of packages in ubuntu somewhere?10:43
topyliEnsiferum: you should try and find what gdm runs when you choose fluxbox. in /etc/gdm/sessions or something10:43
Savmcphail, what is nautilius?10:43
=== nakeee wants to see if ethereal and xfce are there
mcphailSav: mounting an iso is easy. Mounting cue/bin is not10:43
topylijeyrad: sudo passwd root10:44
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bassteve__, i think it just starts xscreensaver or sth like that, not sure how it works on ubuntu..10:44
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SlavenI use bchunk to convert bin/cue -> iso and isodump to convert img -> iso10:44
steve__I am using ACPI, what would you propose10:45
farruinnnakeee: you could browse archive.ubuntulinux.org or use 'apt-cache search'10:45
Slaventhere are several other programs out there for the different formats10:45
farruinnnakeee: however apt-cache search will only search the repositories you have enabled10:45
topyliSav: nautilus is the gnome file manager10:45
evarlastis it me or does buzilla.ubuntu.com not work?  or does it only accept bugs for certain packages?10:45
jeyradthank you topyli10:46
mjtugh. gconfd-2, dbus-daemon-1, ...  what is all that nonsense?  and what it is doing here?  Which apps insists on starting these?10:46
topylijeyrad: have you rooted your own box now? :)10:46
topylibloody crackers ;)10:46
Ensiferumtopyli: .xsession does not get read10:46
evarlastmjt: those are pretty core apps to gnome.  They are supposed to be running.10:47
mjtok, i found where dbus is started (dunno why, but found it) - /etc/init.d/dbus-110:48
mjtbut i can't find who starts gconfd10:48
topyliEnsiferum: have a look around /etc/gdm, it might have its own idea what to run10:48
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thelusivanybody here use an envy24 chipset sound card with ubuntu?10:48
Savtopyli, how should i type to see contens in a windows share with user/pass protection in nautilius then?10:48
Ensiferumtopyli: allready did10:48
Ensiferumdidnt find anything10:48
morchuboomjt: gconfd makes all your gnomesettings available to applications and dbus is a messaging system that allows differnent programs to talk to each other10:49
topyliSav: Computer -> network10:49
topylifrom the menu10:49
topyliEnsiferum: on debian, i used to have a gdm option of "Xsession". i think it's gone :(10:50
=== mjt wonders where "his gnomesettings" are...
morchuboomjt: dbus is started from init when the system starts10:50
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nakeeewhat's restricted?10:50
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farruinnmjt: if you open any gnome app, eg nautilus, gedit, evolution, it will probably start gconfd10:51
farruinnmjt: use gconf-editor to find out what uses gconf10:51
topylinakeee: non-free kernel modules and other questionable stuff10:51
Ensiferumtopyli: theres something in /etc/X11/Xsession.d, any idea if i could create a file similar to 55gnome-session_gnomerc there?10:52
mjtlol. i don't have any of that stuff installed ;)10:52
morchuboonakeee: things like the nvidia kernel module10:52
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Ensiferumas in "if (fluxbox) source /~.fluxrc or something..10:52
topylimjt: yeah, i also bought my hardware prudently :)10:52
mjtno nautilus, no evo, no gedit, no gconf...10:52
_slice_you have gnome and no nautilus and no gconf ?10:53
morchuboomjt: so you not running gnome?10:53
=== mjt replaces /usr/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2 with a symlink to /bin/true, to get rid of spammy apps ;)
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topyliEnsiferum: yeah, it might respect it10:53
mjti don't run gnome. pure X only.10:54
evarlastmjt: lol, Pure X eh??? so only twm and xterm :)10:54
nakeeemjt no window manager??10:54
mjtwell, it's icewm10:54
mjtwas twm before10:54
chillywillyis it Hoard Hedgehog?10:54
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nakeeemjr: so you are contaminated:)10:55
mjti hate when i don't have control over my machine10:55
mjtcontami.. what? ;)10:55
mjthmm.. by what?10:56
mjtby gnome stuff which is running without my intention maybe? ;)10:56
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topylimjt: your x is not pure. you run icewm when there's twm which comes with x itself :)10:57
chillywillytwm sucks10:57
mjti was running twm for a long time, switched to icewm about nov-200410:57
mjttwm worked quite nicely.. after alot of tweaking10:57
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farruinnicewm reminds me way too much of Winblows 9510:57
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farruinnflux is rather nice10:58
topylii've seen very nice twm setups10:58
mjtmy .xdefaults was about 20Kb due to twm stuff10:58
estebandidoquestion - what does it mean that i can see my wireless router, but not the internet?10:58
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topylimjt: i believe you with no hesitation :)10:59
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mcphailestebandido: you probably haven't set the router as your gateway11:00
=== regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu
estebandidohow do i do that?11:00
estebandidoit worked a couple of hours ago11:00
topyliit really sucks when there's TWO things not working at the same time  >_<11:00
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blkdoes it make sense to install the dri-trunk-modules over the standard Xorg ones? in debian (XF) it was a big performance enhancement..11:01
mcphailestebandido: man ifconfig11:01
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regeyaokay, I'm attempting to install warty on a g4 with a sonnet ultra ata-133 card; installation gets as far as copying everything over, setting up yaboot, adn rebooting, but the kernel panics, unable to find anything on /11:02
regeyaany wild ideas?11:03
neighborleehttp://www.novell.com/linux/windowstolinux/publicservice/ < this is off topic but its real cute and worth watching ;-))11:03
klaymdoes kernel panic mean that something about the code is screwed?11:03
neighborleeyes its at least linux related ;-)11:03
evarlastregeya: is it using initrd, and does it need the driver for that ata-133 card in the initrd?11:03
regeyaexcellent question!  darn if I know. :-(11:04
regeyahang on...11:04
evarlastregeya: can you shift-pgup to scroll up the kernel screen and see if it actually sees the disks?11:04
blkklaym: mostly it's about the user who screwed something11:04
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regeyay'know, evarlast, I was having trouble finding this info, but not now.  I think I see the solution, evarlast.  Thanks, though.11:05
regeyaappears that the driver isn't included.11:05
mjtafter oops, shif-pgup does not work anymore in 2.6 (worked in 2.4(11:05
regeyacannot open dev/console11:06
evarlastregeya: but that is fixable.11:06
=== cb_ [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
klaymblk: ok11:07
klaymso it isn't the kernel that panics but the user11:07
evarlastklaym: ha!  I sometimes panic when I see a kernel panic :)11:07
regeyaevarlast: well, have you got any ideas on that?  I'm sitting here with an unbootable machine, and I'm having a major brainfart moment (which is why I juwst ran to #ubuntu and asked.)  Sorry for not thinking it through, though to tell the truth it's a production fileserver and I thionk I'm entitled to panic ;-)11:08
iapx8088regeya, what's up11:08
=== bas [~bas@82-169-207-79-mx.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has left #ubuntu ["later"]
Chestcan you manuall install packages off the Ubuntu installation cd11:09
klaymI have never experienced a kernel panic. how does it happen?11:09
Ensiferumhumm.. someone know how to either how to apply the settings that i have set in gnome for like GTK/icons and such when i run fluxbox.11:09
regeyaiapx8088: seems the ubuntu install CD recognizes my Sonnet Tempo Ultra ATA 133 card, but the driver isn't being loaded at boot.11:09
Ensiferumor then if i have to set them manually, how to do it11:09
evarlastregeya: I would boot the CD again, drop to command prompt after it mounts the mount points to /target, chroot to /target, and checkout /boot.  see if there is an initrd image there, and verify that grub is using it.  are you even using grub on a ppc?11:09
klaymis it the same as windows crashing?11:09
regeyaevarlast: the installer is using yaboot.11:09
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mjter it's quite difficult to follow all these discussions going on in parallel...11:09
=== euthydemus [~mhough@host81-157-161-224.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== regeya will return
iapx8088regeya, so kernel panic root not found?11:10
evarlasti don't know yaboot well enough to give you good advice.11:10
chillywillyhmmm, this live cd is running at a really crummy low resolution11:11
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chillywillyand it took forever to boot up11:11
=== JayParadise [james@cae88-122-187.sc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
regeyawell, iapx8088, actually it panics because it can't find dev/copnsole. :-}11:11
iapx8088mh I see11:11
mjtthat's.. problematic11:11
iapx8088regeya, can't help at once11:12
mjtlooks like it isn't using initrd at all11:12
regeyaI have an idea11:12
=== regeya will be afk for a while
mjtor the initrd isn't set up properly11:12
=== nicedreams [~nicedream@ip68-2-79-215.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicedreamsAnyone know when the Ubuntu / Nvidia problem is going to be fixed?11:13
chillywillythis is not impressive11:13
topylichillywilly: i got that on a box at work too. the real installation is still beautiful, it's a different system11:13
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iapx8088nicedreams, which one?11:14
nicedreamsthe problem where it hard locks your system11:14
nicedreamsi've googled for over a month11:14
iapx8088my nvidia drivers are working perfecly11:14
iapx8088nicedreams, never happened11:14
nicedreamsand people have problems with nvidia and ubuntu11:14
nicedreamscan you run open gl games without hard locking the system?11:14
topylithey do?11:14
chillywillythis system has nvidia onboard graphics11:14
=== cb_ [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
iapx8088nicedreams, didn't try, glxgears runs fine11:14
EfaistOsis there a backport of rhythmbox ?11:14
nicedreamsany time you run a real opengl app it locks the system11:15
nicedreamsusing the real nvidia drivers though11:15
_slice_there must be11:15
nicedreamsthe ubuntu nvidia doesn't let you play games11:15
_slice_there's no such thing as the ubuntu nvidia11:15
chillywillyNVIDIA Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] 11:15
_slice_it's nvidia's binary driver, same for all11:15
topylinicedreams: ubuntu is for hard-working company people only :)11:15
ixion83what about KDE-Ubuntu ?11:15
nicedreamstopyli, that makes no since11:15
Chestis universe & multiverse a Ubuntu thing or an apt-get term?11:16
topylinicedreams: no gaming ;)11:16
=== Slaven can play games
=== tim1 [~Tim@dsl-084-058-004-082.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
iapx8088Chest, ubuntu11:16
=== topyli buys matrox
nicedreamsa linux box you can't game on doesn't seem like a good distro then11:16
chillywillywell I guess I still take a stab at installing Hoary :)11:16
nicedreamsi was just wondering if they are going to fix the problem though11:16
=== iapx8088 notices his glxgears is going very slow and wonders why?
nicedreamsor if they even know there is a problem11:17
=== x4m [~max@65-82.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
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iapx8088uh I know why11:17
=== bitfoo [~bitfoo@rdu26-78-203.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
topylinicedreams: you should file a bug. you might have a rare combination of harware since it's working for many others11:18
=== vtg [vertigo@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nicedreamstopyli, i'll file a bug then.  if you google "ubuntu nvidia crash" you'll see a lot of people with the same problem11:18
=== giard [~jonathan@pool-70-110-9-75.roa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
iapx8088I lost my 3d accelleration after the suspend11:18
iapx8088as I don't play, no problem :)11:19
topylinicedreams: then there might be a bug report already. check first, don't make a 20th duplicate :)11:19
nicedreamstopyli, is it in the wiki or main site?11:19
topylithey do want to know :)11:20
Chestcan someone explain the diff between universe, main, and multiverse?11:20
topyliChest: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view11:21
pvhHow can I synchonize my laptop and desktop in linux?11:22
topylinicedreams: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/11:22
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pvhI don't want to have to worry about where my email/homework is.11:22
nicedreamstopyli, i found it..  :)11:22
=== zeff [~gdarcy@minerva-as79.labyrinth.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
topylinicedreams: was just surfing so... ;)11:23
mmoyerphv, look at rsync11:23
topylipvh: i sync my work/home desktops with unison11:23
pvhmmoyer, topyli: thanks, i'll look at both11:23
pvhi also would like to mount my ~ on my laptop when it's availalbe11:23
dataw0lfI'm having a problem with gmplayer.11:23
dataw0lfmplayer plays video fine, but when I use gmplayer it seems to auto 'fast forward' with no sound.11:24
pvher, desktop/~ in laptop/~/desktop11:24
dataw0lfany ideas ?11:24
pvhi'm not sure that's even coherant11:24
topylipvh: i mount my home box from work over ssh simply with nautilus11:24
tim1to anybody official from the ubuntu team: i created a wiki page (https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LinuxTag), to ask whether ubuntu might have official presence at LinuxTag 2005, and for users to organize their visit, but i got no feedback, is nobody interested in this?11:24
=== SmokingFire [~Ubuntu@ashanti.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mjtis gmplayer supported at all?  Mplayer folks says something in a line with "don't use gmplayer"11:25
=== jan__ [~jan@pD9E93890.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
pvhtopyli: I'll try it.11:25
jan__I have a canon powershot digital camera11:25
jan__how can I use it as a mass storage device?11:25
ChestCan you use apt-get to search/verify if a package is installed?11:26
_slice_mass being 1gig ?11:26
mjtif it IS masstorage, you should be able to use it11:26
jan__I dont't want always to use gtkam ...11:26
=== maximaus [~max@user-37kac55.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
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_slice_you can turn the auto open of gtkam off11:26
jan__because there's no icon on desktop when i put it in11:26
_slice_it just let's you grab your files off the camera11:27
jan__so I have to make an entry in fstab?11:27
_slice_you using normal mode or the ptp mode ?11:27
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tim1jan__: do you use warty or hoary?11:27
jan__hm ptp I think11:27
jan__warty @ tim111:28
jan__(spricht jemand deutsch?)11:28
tim1jep ich11:28
=== tremor [~tremor@dD57647E0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
_slice_i forget what it's called exactly... ptp maybe... it's a file transfer protocol11:28
mjtso it's not an usb device?11:28
tim1kann dir aber leider auch nicht helfen11:28
_slice_canon's own i think11:28
_slice_yes, it's a usb device11:28
_slice_it's a camera11:28
mjt(there are some (probably old) cameras that works using serial port)11:29
_slice_so it's fully technically possible to write to the cf card11:29
jan__I want to browse in nautilus and view the pictures11:29
jan__but without using gtkam ...11:29
_slice_can't you just open nautilus on the folder you transfer the pics too ?11:29
_slice_grab them off the cam and then browse?11:29
mjtdoes it gets recognized as usb mass-storage device? eg, in /proc/bus/usb/devices ?11:29
mjt(as the first step)11:30
topylipvh: run sshd on the desktop, you can connect to it with anything then. nautilus, unison, ssh, sftp11:30
=== _slice_ goes to get his canon s45
=== elmaya [~elmaya@dsl-200-78-92-124.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
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topylipvh: i run putty on my phone and i'm home :)11:31
jan__can't I make a folder eg. /media/camera11:31
_slice_mjt: yes11:31
jan__and in fstab /dev/sda#11:31
jan__but what device do I have to choose in fstab?11:32
_slice_Seq:  Manufacturer=Canon Inc.11:32
_slice_Seq:  Product=Canon Digital Camera11:32
_slice_recognized fine in /proc/bus/usb/devices11:32
jan__sda is my externel usb storage and not my camera ...11:32
_slice_jan__: i don't think you need to do that11:32
mjtheh. now that's a good question for udev/hotplug folks11:32
pvhtopyli: Your phone has putty? Man, that's pimp.11:32
pvhtopyli: phone hacking is so on my todo list.11:33
jan___slice_: but what's another method to browse my pictures in nautilus?11:33
mjtie, if this usb device is "Canon digital camera", make it in /dev/camera11:33
=== netdur [~adel@adsl-231-20-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
topylipvh: there's putty for symbian. i run nethack too :)11:33
zeffwhat kernel are you using, my USB camer has not worked since the the 2.6.6 kernel due to bugs in the USB modules11:33
mjtwhich bugs?11:33
_slice_jan__: well, for sure you can just import the photos and browse the folder you import to....11:33
pvhtopyli: Okay, that's just goofy. Unless you have a screen that can do 80x2411:34
netdurfirefox 1.0 (hoary) doesn't render unicode well, (mozilla works fine)11:34
topylipvh: it's an old nokia communicator11:34
mjtthere was some usb breakage in 2.6.8 which was corrected in 2.6.1011:34
pvhtopyli: not familiar with it11:34
topylipvh: big screen, full keyboard11:34
_slice_Linux serenity #1 Fri Jan 14 11:26:38 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:34
pvhtopyli: nice11:34
pvhtopyli: very nice11:34
_slice_canon s45 works fine11:34
zeffI don't know specifically, have not looked that far but it stopped working a while ago and when searched google found it was not the only one.  It only affects some devices.11:34
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mjtwarty kernel contains quite some fixes in usb area i think'11:35
zeffI have been using an old Knoppix live CD while I wait for 2.6 get sorted out11:35
topylipvh: http://www.nokia.com/nokia/0,1522,,00.html?orig=/phones/9210/ . they sell them for about EUR 100 now, second hand11:35
mjtand it *should* work with 2.6.1011:35
=== iapx8088 [~iapx@host189-241.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
pvhtopyli: Really? That's worth looking into... I wonder if it would work on my network.11:36
topylipvh: it works over the internet, has wap and http browsers and email11:37
zeffI have not tried 2.6.10 yet but 2.6.8 and 2.6.9 are no good for my sony camera11:37
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=== regeya is installing ubuntu to a smaller drive hooked to the on-board ide controller
pvhtopyli: No, I meant my cell network. I don't think it will, sadly.11:38
pvhtopyli: I live in the cell-challenged part of th ewor11:38
pvhtopyli: the world.11:38
topylipvh: probably not11:38
mjtjan__: if your /proc/bus/usb/devices entry for your camera lists usb-storage as a driver, it should be available as /dev/sdX1 as msdos filesystem. which X in sdX is really depends, there are ways to make it persistent using udev rules (/etc/udev.d/) but i'm not an expert here11:38
topylipvh: it's also not very linux-friendly :(11:38
=== Wolven [~ion@c5100A7C5.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
iapx8088ok now hibernate and resume works flawlessy11:39
iapx8088not bad considering we are on a farly new pc11:39
=== vtg [vertigo@route6.alumina.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Jonhi all. using the warty livecd. added a network connection using the Computer -> System Configuration -> Networking tool. that worked but as a side-effect I can't spawn any X windows anymore. XFree86.0.log reports 'client X rejected from local host'. Any advice?11:39
iapx8088xhost -11:39
jan__mjt: sdX1 is my external ushb storage (not camera)11:40
iapx8088said that11:40
=== jan__ [~jan@pD9E93890.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
iapx8088I'll go having a couple of drinks11:40
iapx8088and some chicks11:40
iapx8088have phun, guys11:40
Jonxhost was re: me? no dice unfortunately, that client rejected too11:40
Joncheers anyway, see you11:40
chillywillyhey ppl I have ubuntu installed now but still running at that really low res11:40
mjti wish linux can hibernate on my via-c3-based system as good as winxp does that...  (c3 processor lacks pse or pse36 support)11:40
iapx8088mjt here we have a centrino dothan and nvidia adapter and with hoary is doing just fine11:41
chillywillyhow can I setup nvidia w/ ubuntu?11:41
=== bruce_ [~bruce@161.catv245.lgt01.lan.ch] has joined #ubuntu
iapx8088bye all11:41
bruce_english or german chanel?11:41
darkxchillywilly, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx i think11:41
chillywillydarkx: ok11:42
=== Amaranth [Amaranth@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu
=== LucidVisions [~Me@209-180-170-143.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruce_how can i change my aplication database?11:42
chillywillyI don't ever remember setting a root password11:43
chillywillyduring the install11:43
Jonafaik you didn't11:43
Jonbut your user has sudo accses11:43
Jonbruce_: repositories?11:43
Jonbruce_: /etc/apt/sources.list ?11:43
darkxif you need root i think you can sudo passwd root11:43
topylipvh: by cell-challenged part of the world do you mean america? the 9210 has a sister, 9290 for americans. same phone, different network11:44
chillywillyso no root user is the ubuntu way? ;)11:44
=== antonio_ [~antonio@216.Red-213-97-90.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
pvhtopyli: I live in the Americas, but I'm no American.11:44
darkxwell you can have set the root password if you want11:44
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topylipvh: yeah, but you don't have gsm?11:45
pvhtopyli: Harrum... Not sure. I'm not much of a cellgeek.11:45
=== pvh just crashed his laptop by trying to issue a disk suspend to /proc/acpi/sleep
bruce_@ Jon thx im trying11:46
topylipvh: what i know i always have to leave my phone home when i cross the pond :(11:46
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xappethey've gsm 1800 in the states I think11:46
akurashyi installed an eggdrop i cant find the config and i cant run it because it says is not root O_o11:46
=== caravena [~caravena@pc-32-179-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruce_@ jon it's not what i mean... I mean hm not shure if it's called mime type.11:47
Jonhm I couldn't find anything in faq or wiki for my X auth problem, but I'd be amazed if nobody had suffered before11:47
chillywillydo I need to configure X to use this nvidia driver just like I do under normal debian?11:47
chillywillydebian sid that is11:47
=== unperson [~nickc@dsl092-149-232.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xappechilly, yes11:47
=== thelusiv [~thelusiv@adsl-068-209-090-003.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
bruce_I wan't to do: open file with other aplication11:48
=== Slaven [~gatubarn@h98n3fls305o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruce_and then i got this error message: Could not add application to the application database11:48
Slavenhow do I get rox icons on *box?11:48
Jonbruce_: aah I see11:48
bruce_if i run nautilus under sudo i can do...11:49
bruce_and it ads my choosen aplication to the right click menu... so next time i can easy chose...11:49
bruce_but if im not root i can't11:49
Jonwhen you run an application on the ubuntu/warty livecd, where does stderr output go? I'd normally check .xsession-errors but it doesn't exist.11:49
Jonbruce_: sorry, I don't know11:50
unpersonWhen I try to run mplayer from the command line, it quits before displaying anything and says "Illegal instruction".  Any idea what this means?  The last line of output before that is "Reading config file /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf", is it just that this file has an error?11:51
=== biezt [~R007B0Y@g81073.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
unperson(mainly I'm asking here because this is the mplayer-custom multiverse package)11:52
biezthow do i edit a text file which can only be edited from the root ?11:52
bieztwhich commando to start text editor ?11:52
=== giard_ [~jonathan@pool-70-110-1-133.roa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unpersonbiezt, sudo gedit [file] 11:53
unpersonAt least if you want to edit it in X.11:53
=== Smeggy [~Smeg@203-113-248-231.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ionsMy Mom got sent some stupid video of a chimp peeing in his own mouth.  Problem is it won't work on her Ubuntu install but works fine on my Gentoo install.  Yes, I have installed xine-ui, win32codecs and gstreamer0.8-plugins11:54
ionsit's an mpeg11:54
Jontry running file on it, see if that tells you more about the exact details (e.g. MPEG1,2,4?)11:54
ions$ file Whyyoushouldneverkissaboy.mpeg11:55
ionsWhyyoushouldneverkissaboy.mpeg: data11:55
bruce_@ jon i found something http://www.elyps.de/guide.html#changedefaultfiletypeprogram11:55
Jonions: ok sounds corrupted. md5sums for gentoo machine copy match the ubuntu machine copy11:56
ionsyeah it's the same file11:56
ionsI scp'd it over11:56
JonI've had scp corrupt stuff before... sorry, no further ideas11:56
=== Loppan [~loppan@osdf.oru.se] has joined #ubuntu
ionsI scp'd it from her box to mine and it worked on mine11:57
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