bruce_ | damn doesn't work... | 12:00 |
bruce_ | easy... i go out... | 12:00 |
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bruce_ | cu | 12:00 |
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unperson | Anyone out there able to get video playback working with an Intel i8xx video chipset? | 12:02 |
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Oscarian | howdy all! | 12:02 |
Oscarian | i have a question. | 12:02 |
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natx | hello all | 12:02 |
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Oscarian | i'm trying to get a game installed, but it needs java (JRE). apt-get install java doesn't do anything. any clues? | 12:02 |
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natx | have you tried synaptic, oscarian? | 12:03 |
_slice_ | Oscarian: see the FAQ item about install the JRE | 12:03 |
Oscarian | faq, ah. cool. | 12:03 |
Oscarian | =] | 12:03 |
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geppy | How can I change the default sound server to JACK? | 12:07 |
elmaya | mm i need some help with ndiswrapper | 12:08 |
elmaya | i got this when doing modprobe | 12:08 |
elmaya | root@hoary:/home/elmaya # modprobe ndiswrapper | 12:08 |
elmaya | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-2-386/kernel/drivers/net /ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 12:08 |
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elmaya | piece of shit | 12:11 |
unperson | Ug, for maybe a year I had the problem that any time I'd try to playback video (e.g. and mpeg) it had a big blue bar over part of it. Finally, while I was running debian sarge, this got fixed (not sure how, but I think just an update to X). I installed Ubuntu a few months ago and really love it, except it looks like this video problem is back. Ug. | 12:11 |
daaku | i know this might be a little extreme, but i just installed hoary onto a spare partition using debootstrap, would installing ubuntu-desktop be pretty much the same as installing ubuntu using a cd? or should i customize what i install? | 12:12 |
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Ells | hi, how is everyone | 12:12 |
mroth | hmm, has anyone installed Mozilla Sunbird in ubuntu? | 12:14 |
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Ells | what is sunbird | 12:16 |
_slice_ | you'd have to do it from source i think | 12:16 |
_slice_ | it's mozilla's pim | 12:16 |
_slice_ | unless some kind soul has made a .deb for you | 12:16 |
pvh | I can suspend to disk with 'echo "disk" -n > /sys/power/state', but when I reboot, it just ignores it and boots normally. What do I need to change to make this work? | 12:18 |
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evarlast | pvh: ask in #swsup :) | 12:20 |
pvh | evarlast: Thanks/ | 12:20 |
evarlast | pvh: err... #swsusp | 12:20 |
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geppy | How can I change the default sound server to JACK? | 12:23 |
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EfaistOs | is there some backport url like ? | 12:25 |
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jmhodges | hey, for some reason, i can't modprove the nv driver in my fresh hoary install | 12:26 |
bluefoxicy | modprobe nvidia? | 12:26 |
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bluefoxicy | or are you actually trying to modprobe nv | 12:26 |
jmhodges | thats only for the binary version | 12:26 |
jmhodges | modprobe nv | 12:26 |
bluefoxicy | well | 12:26 |
bluefoxicy | there's no such thing as nv.ko | 12:26 |
jmhodges | im trying to see if the nv driver supports randr | 12:26 |
bluefoxicy | so don't worry about it. | 12:26 |
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jmhodges | ah, ok.. | 12:26 |
jmhodges | i could have sworn.. hunh.. | 12:27 |
bluefoxicy | unfortunately, xorg's nv also doesn't do rendering :/ | 12:27 |
njan | <3 nvidia | 12:27 |
njan | 0:) | 12:27 |
jmhodges | :( | 12:27 |
jmhodges | i used to <3 nvidia | 12:27 |
=== bluefoxicy is trying to talk them into fixing their code for their closed source drivers | ||
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njan | bluefoxicy, good luck! | 12:27 |
jmhodges | but now i have this tablet that is a "convertible" | 12:27 |
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jmhodges | bluefoxicy: god i hope you do | 12:27 |
njan | nvidia breaks all kinds of things all the time | 12:28 |
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njan | It's even worse in gentoo than ubuntu | 12:28 |
jmhodges | :-/ | 12:28 |
bluefoxicy | njan: yeah, there's about 10-15 other people who are trying to get them to rewrite it so it works with PaX (if it works on a PaX/GrSecurity kernel, it works on Exec Shield, and on vanilla) | 12:28 |
njan | bluefoxicy, that would be really nice | 12:28 |
bluefoxicy | they said they'll release a dlloader module in the future | 12:28 |
njan | bluefoxicy, it was a real pita using nv on this machine when I was PaX/GrSec'd up. | 12:29 |
njan | bluefoxicy, getting xorg to work with a PaX'd userspace is hard enough without nvidia being a nuisance :) | 12:29 |
bluefoxicy | heh | 12:29 |
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biezt | is there a channel for vsftpd somewhere ? | 12:29 |
bluefoxicy | I'm more worried that they're actually hindering progress. | 12:29 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, tbh, I think the extent of nvidia's interest in their driver is likely to be making sure it works for desktop users/gamers | 12:30 |
njan | bluefoxicy, there's absolutely no return on investment for them to unbreak the driver so it works with anything else. | 12:30 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, it's basically just wasted development time because the demand is so, so small. | 12:30 |
bluefoxicy | njan: I could see every distribution in the world actually holding back on deploying any kind of security enhancement, even one that actually clamped down 100% of incidents (PaX and Gr can probably do 60-80%), just because nvidia breaks :P | 12:30 |
njan | But I may be wrong :) | 12:30 |
njan | bluefoxicy, yup. | 12:31 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, I have no hope whatsoever that distributions will start prepackaging anything more than a kernel which basically has the openwall patches applied any time soon | 12:31 |
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Amaranth | njan: Chicken and egg problem. If nVidia doesn't support PaX/Gr then no distro will have it enabled but if no distro has it enabled it's a waste of effort. | 12:31 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, the breakage for userspace applications, particularly anything graphical, is just too much. | 12:31 |
bluefoxicy | njan: I've seen games (ut2k3) that were actually vulnerable to attacks that brought remote attackers to a local account | 12:31 |
website | i've a problem in hoary: when i connect a usb disk it is detected and mounted (a nautilus session is opened) but there is no icon on my desktop and also in my "Places" men there is not any usb disk, to show it i must click on cdrom device and in the desktop the usb disk icon appears (also in the PLaces menu). In warty there was not this problem | 12:31 |
njan | bluefoxicy, yup. | 12:31 |
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bluefoxicy | njan: imagine a gamer's surprise on linux when his game is hijacked for a virus :) | 12:32 |
njan | bluefoxicy, but that's three hops away; ut is binary, nvidia is binary; you'd have a *lot* of fixing to do for that to work | 12:32 |
bluefoxicy | njan: <-- For a virus, not for root to spread a virus >:) | 12:32 |
njan | bluefoxicy, unsurprising - there are some fairly horrible bugs in armegatron, and that's opne source :) | 12:32 |
njan | s/bad spelling/good spelling/ | 12:32 |
bluefoxicy | njan: yeah but does UT itself set off PaX? | 12:32 |
bluefoxicy | nv glx sets off pax | 12:33 |
njan | bluefoxicy, not sure, haven't tried. I wouldn't imagine it would work with pax. you'd have to chpax the binary | 12:33 |
bluefoxicy | yeah | 12:33 |
njan | which defeats the purpose of PaX existing ;) | 12:33 |
bluefoxicy | uh huh | 12:33 |
bluefoxicy | njan: unless glx was fixed. I doubt UT itself would actually have a reason to do RCE | 12:33 |
bluefoxicy | nested functions don't count; PaX can emulate trampolines | 12:34 |
njan | yeah, you may be right | 12:35 |
njan | It's still a long way off, really, either way :( | 12:35 |
bluefoxicy | heh | 12:35 |
bluefoxicy | IMHO it's an egg and bigger egg problem | 12:35 |
njan | possibly.. | 12:35 |
njan | little steps :) | 12:35 |
bluefoxicy | err | 12:35 |
bluefoxicy | chicken and bigger chicken rather. | 12:35 |
njan | what I'd like to see is hardened ubuntu support approaching that of gentoo | 12:35 |
bluefoxicy | there's an easy way to deploy pax without breaking anything, and still kick nvidia and ati around for it. | 12:35 |
njan | unfortunately, I was forced to drop gentoo in favour of ubuntu because maintaining gentoo on a laptop for production use was just too time-consuming.. | 12:36 |
njan | but with gentoo I dropped hardened gentoo as well, and I wasn't terribly happy about that :( | 12:36 |
bluefoxicy | while ProPolice and PIE become easy enough to deploy without breaking third party programs at all, grsecurity and pax can break things right? | 12:36 |
bluefoxicy | so we have an easy solution. | 12:36 |
njan | What's that? | 12:36 |
bluefoxicy | Supply an official paxified kernel, and an official non-pax kernel, document the difference in terms of security | 12:36 |
bluefoxicy | and support both. | 12:36 |
njan | bluefoxicy, for ubuntu? | 12:36 |
bluefoxicy | (not that hard, supporting the non-pax is just a subset of supporting the pax) | 12:36 |
bluefoxicy | njan: for any/all distros | 12:37 |
bluefoxicy | this is theoretical | 12:37 |
njan | bluefoxicy, so you're basically talking about maintaining a grsec/pax'd kernel in parallel to the sources? | 12:37 |
bluefoxicy | though I'm hoping ubuntu will go that direction | 12:37 |
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=== regeya gets confused when he sees 'pax' and there's no talk of archives | ||
bluefoxicy | njan: yes, it's not really a daunting effort aside from the added build time; grsec goes on last | 12:38 |
njan | likewise. I've actually considered doing a load of work on ubuntu to see if it'd make a difference, but unfortunately I don't have time to do it on my own | 12:38 |
njan | bluefoxicy, true.. although if you're building sources, you'd have a lot of packaging headaches | 12:38 |
bluefoxicy | njan: well, with official support, what do you imagine the public impact would be? | 12:38 |
bluefoxicy | FAQ: | 12:38 |
bluefoxicy | Q. My Ubuntu Linux distribution won't run any games or 3D apps, they crash. How do I fix this? | 12:38 |
njan | bluefoxicy, with official support for anything, there's a positive public impact in terms of uptake.. | 12:38 |
_slice_ | grsecurity and pax can certainly breaks things | 12:39 |
_slice_ | hehe | 12:39 |
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njan | ..but specifically to this I'm not sure how exactly you'd do things.. | 12:39 |
_slice_ | X for one | 12:39 |
bluefoxicy | A. You're using a secure Linux kernel. Please switch to a less secure kernel. | 12:39 |
bluefoxicy | _slice_: dlloader solves the X problem. | 12:39 |
bluefoxicy | njan: How do you think that kind of FAQ question would go? :) | 12:39 |
CreeVal | Citrix has a package it depends on to work in Ubuntu, anyone know what package that is? | 12:39 |
_slice_ | dlloader? cool | 12:39 |
bluefoxicy | "WTF NO FIX YOUR DAMN DRIVER" | 12:39 |
CreeVal | (Citrix ICA client that is) | 12:39 |
_slice_ | now you tell me hehe | 12:39 |
njan | ..since all distributions take the kernel sources and compile them themselves anyway, you'd basically just be giving them a prepatched kernel; and most distributions patch kernels themselves anyway | 12:39 |
njan | I think the direction to go in would be forming an entity which worked with specific distributions to help them maintain securer kernels, because I just don't think you'd have an impact in any other way. | 12:40 |
bluefoxicy | njan: heh | 12:40 |
njan | you'd *never* get *every* distribution to ship a grsec/pax kernel by default, so the FAQ question is kinda redundant, unfortunately.. | 12:40 |
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njan | if ubuntu started shipping a grsec/pax kernel by default I virtually guarantee you that the number of new users ubuntu would have would drop dramatically. | 12:40 |
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bluefoxicy | njan: I'd be the official ubuntu gr kernel maintainer if someone would hand me the job, and give me instructions. I can patch the kernel myself. | 12:41 |
FX|Laptop | hello | 12:41 |
CreeVal | Anyone know when the shipping of Hoary starts? | 12:41 |
ions2 | anybody know what I need in sources.list to get mplayer? | 12:41 |
njan | same reason that the 'secure' distributions like trustix and adamantix which are based on debian don't have very many users.. | 12:41 |
bluefoxicy | njan: not by default on, but as an option | 12:41 |
Zotnix | Hrm... update notifier tells me how many updates I have after I updated. | 12:41 |
Zotnix | and just sits there. | 12:41 |
njan | bluefoxicy, mandrake has that already. | 12:41 |
bluefoxicy | njan: but anything shipped with ubuntu would work out of the box | 12:41 |
njan | bluefoxicy, you can enable selinux using the mandrake control center | 12:41 |
CreeVal | ions2, universe... | 12:41 |
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FX|Laptop | I was just wondering if anyone uses a print server with ubuntu? Like a netgear ps121 | 12:41 |
bluefoxicy | njan: selinux is not PaX/kernsec :) | 12:41 |
ions2 | ok then it's failing for another reason... :\ | 12:41 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, no, it's securer; afaik the 'medium' security levels mandrake give you are grsec/pax'd | 12:42 |
bluefoxicy | njan: selinux doesn't stop race conditions or runtime code execution | 12:42 |
njan | bluefoxicy, level 5 iirc is selinux | 12:42 |
njan | bluefoxicy, I know :p | 12:42 |
biezt | can anyone tell me why ubuntu installation keeps crashing during teh last part ? | 12:42 |
bluefoxicy | it'll stop races with a proper ACL, I think. Maybe. :) | 12:42 |
CreeVal | ions2, try adding it in Synaptic to the Reps... | 12:42 |
djtansey | does anyone have the problem that the esd that is started automatically doesn't release /dev/dsp so other apps can use it? how can i make it not do that? | 12:42 |
_slice_ | biezt: did you check the md5 for the iso ? | 12:42 |
njan | sound properties in gnome, djtansey | 12:42 |
biezt | y | 12:42 |
njan | bluefoxicy, tbh, there are some portions of grsec which there's no excuse for not having in the vanilla sources | 12:42 |
njan | bluefoxicy, like most of the openwall patches | 12:42 |
_slice_ | ok | 12:42 |
bluefoxicy | njan: you saw ? | 12:43 |
_slice_ | biezt: more info... when does it crash... error msg's? etc... | 12:43 |
biezt | this time it was during generating fonts or sumthings | 12:43 |
FX|Laptop | No one has any ideas? | 12:44 |
njan | bluefoxicy, yup, looked pretty good to me | 12:44 |
biezt | i just stops and does nothing | 12:44 |
bluefoxicy | njan: *nod* :) | 12:44 |
njan | bluefoxicy, if you get the job, give me a shout and I'll give you a hand ;) (maintaining ubuntu grsec) | 12:44 |
bluefoxicy | njan: martin pitt has kernels for x86 already, I'd just be willing to take it off his hands | 12:44 |
FX|Laptop | ugh....... | 12:44 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, gotcha. Well, if you need extra hands.. *shrug* | 12:44 |
_slice_ | biezt: is this warty? are you on a laptop ? | 12:44 |
bluefoxicy | I tried adding a grsecurity/netdev-random to my amd64 sources here though and when it built it built a weird package with no real kernel in it :( | 12:45 |
biezt | y this is wharty and no it's on a normal pc | 12:45 |
njan | bluefoxicy, I'm not an expert on grsec/pax, nor am I a fantastic coder, but I do know quite a bit about security ;) | 12:45 |
_slice_ | biezt: i have no idea sorry | 12:45 |
bluefoxicy | njan: what I need to know is how to make friggin' kernel packages :P | 12:45 |
CreeVal | Citrix ICA client for Linux has a package it depends on to work in Ubuntu, anyone know what package that is? | 12:45 |
njan | bluefoxicy, take one to bits and find out | 12:45 |
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_slice_ | biezt: reburn the iso maybe? | 12:45 |
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_slice_ | just in case... rule that out anyway | 12:46 |
bluefoxicy | njan: I tried make-kpkg | 12:46 |
njan | bluefoxicy, debian packages aren't much more complicated than ebuilds, and ebuilds are really easy to hack | 12:46 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, make-kpkg is evil | 12:46 |
bluefoxicy | ebuilds are programming porno | 12:46 |
njan | :) | 12:46 |
bluefoxicy | they're all naked in front of you | 12:46 |
njan | bluefoxicy, programming onanism :p | 12:46 |
bluefoxicy | you just need to touch the parts you like | 12:46 |
CreeVal | i'll take that as a no... | 12:46 |
njan | onanism's a fantastic word, you get to be rude and erudite at the same time; I never miss an opportunity to use the word onanism :) | 12:46 |
bluefoxicy | erudite? | 12:47 |
bluefoxicy | onanism is pulling your penis out before ejaculation btw | 12:47 |
neom | Anyone know anything about windows/linux networking? | 12:47 |
alimango | don;t know | 12:47 |
njan | bluefoxicy, according to my dictionary it simply means masturbation | 12:47 |
bluefoxicy | njan: odd. | 12:47 |
njan | bluefoxicy, the french actually have a fairly well-used phrase which uses the word in french; onanisme intellectuele.. | 12:47 |
CreeVal | lefthanded masturbating part-time fag is a good frase to yell at people you dont like... | 12:47 |
bluefoxicy | the word is derived from Onan, who avoided conception by pulling out | 12:48 |
ions2 | when I try and install mplayer it chokes on a bunch of stuff and I do have universe uncommented | 12:48 |
bluefoxicy | Orin was cooler | 12:48 |
bluefoxicy | he just smashed locks in when he came to locked doors | 12:48 |
bluefoxicy | "The door's locked" "? . . . *push* *Bend* *crunch* . . . looks open to me." | 12:48 |
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njan | bluefoxicy, it must have been bastardised at some point; diction^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^ lists it as masturbation in every entry | 12:49 |
bluefoxicy | hmm | 12:49 |
bluefoxicy | ^H | 12:49 |
ions2 | Package mplayer is a virtual package provided by: it lists 5 things | 12:49 |
ions2 | then says: You should explicitly select one to install. | 12:49 |
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ions2 | if I try and install any one of those on their own it craps out | 12:50 |
njan | bluefoxicy, mind you, it wouldn't be the only sexual word which is at odds with its etymology; if you look at the origin of the word lesbian it doesn't mean what you think either; that word has her origin in the peloponnesian wars.. | 12:50 |
bluefoxicy | in the placenta? | 12:50 |
njan | bluefoxicy, huh? | 12:50 |
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chillywilly | why didn | 12:50 |
=== bluefoxicy only got the big word half way in. . . needs more lube. | ||
chillywilly | didn't anyone mention doign sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 12:51 |
bluefoxicy | man | 12:51 |
bluefoxicy | i need to find a make-kpkg tutorial | 12:51 |
njan | bluefoxicy, I know far too much about ancient greek history and government :p | 12:51 |
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chillywilly | hmmm, need to fix refresh rate, LCD is a bit blurry | 12:51 |
djtansey | njan: that lets me disable the sound server, but now no gnome apps can get access to /dev/dsp -- for instance rhythmbox says could not open resource | 12:51 |
_slice_ | i thought lesbian just came from lesbos | 12:51 |
_slice_ | as in a person from lesbos | 12:52 |
njan | djtansey, that's because they're trying to output sound via esd; you'll have to tell them to use alsa | 12:52 |
_slice_ | originally | 12:52 |
njan | djtansey, the disadvantage of turning esd off is that only 1 app can access /dev/dsp, but the advantage is that apps with no esd support can actually make noises. | 12:52 |
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djtansey | njan: isn't there a esd setting that releases /dev/dsp after a couple of seconds of inactivity? | 12:52 |
bluefoxicy | njan: you know, gr only has 2 misses? | 12:52 |
njan | djtansey, don't know, I have esd disabled :) | 12:53 |
bluefoxicy | one in the makefile (drop it), one in sysctl.h (an enum) | 12:53 |
njan | bluefoxicy, misses? | 12:53 |
bluefoxicy | njan: I tried to patch it on top of ubuntu's kernel sources :) | 12:53 |
jay | hey I've been bustin my balls for days now.... Does anyone know how to set up masqerading on ubuntu (I'm kind of new to this thing....) | 12:53 |
njan | bluefoxicy, oh, gotcha :) | 12:53 |
njan | jay, by masquerading you mean you want to NAT traffic for machines on a network? | 12:53 |
jay | njan: Internet connection sharing, yes I think | 12:54 |
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njan | jay, gotcha. I recommend you use the appropriately-named jay's firewall :) | 12:54 |
djtansey | njan: yes -- it is -as <number of seconds until it releases it> | 12:54 |
matt__ | jay, get firestarter from universe | 12:54 |
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njan | jay, it's a set of scripts with an ncurses (console menus) interface which sets that up for you | 12:54 |
bluefoxicy | jay: not that hard. iptables -t NAT -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j MASQUERADE | 12:54 |
djtansey | njan: now i just have to figure out how to get gnome to start it with that option | 12:54 |
robertj | What paramater do I need to use to do a disk cehck on my Array cd? | 12:54 |
njan | jay, matt__'s recommendation is another script which'll do it. | 12:54 |
njan | djtansey, not sure what to tell you, sorry :) | 12:55 |
bluefoxicy | . . . or you could use a set of scripts with a console interface to do it, like njan said | 12:55 |
jay | yes I'm using GNOME right now, didn't get around to KDE yet. isn't firestarter for KDE? | 12:55 |
matt__ | yeah, firestarter is a nice gtk frontend to iptables | 12:55 |
=== njan is lazy :) | ||
njan | imo jay's firewall is the easiest firewalling system to use if you've never used iptables before. | 12:55 |
njan | you don't really need to know very much about tcp/ip to use it | 12:55 |
bluefoxicy | jay: with mine you'd have to use your internet-side interface for eth0, and you'd replace with your network/netmask | 12:55 |
bluefoxicy | njan: i'm entirely too lazy :) | 12:56 |
jay | bluefoxicy: I am recieving internet on wlan0 and want to share it onto eth0. wlan0's network is 192.168 and eth0's network is 10.0 | 12:56 |
njan | bluefoxicy, :) | 12:56 |
jay | believe it or not, I got ndiswrapper working. that was a whole sepparate issue! | 12:57 |
bluefoxicy | iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -s -j MASQUERADE | 12:57 |
bluefoxicy | . . . is it /8 or /16? | 12:57 |
chillywilly | hmm, so why don't you guys have the typical defualt gnome icons on the desktop? did they get rid of that for gnome 2.10? | 12:57 |
Xenguy | jay: shorewall firewall is an option | 12:57 |
bluefoxicy | /8 is, /16 is | 12:57 |
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jay | It's a very slow computer. I'd rather have it done like within the kernel, not using 3rd party software... | 12:58 |
jay | p2 266, 192 RAM, and I want to be able to play UT on it too | 12:58 |
Zotnix | chibifs, it was a decision of ubuntu, apparently. You could enable them I imagine, via gconf | 12:58 |
Zotnix | chibifs = chillywilly | 12:58 |
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njan | jay, I wouldn't share my internet connection using a workstation, but that's just me; I have a 450MHz machine in my living room doing my internet connection and nothing else. | 12:59 |
jay | oh it's fine. mostly this comp will just be sitting there, but I want it for UT in case too many guys come over, and I Need it... | 12:59 |
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njan | ;) | 01:00 |
Sav | anyone knows why i cant see bold and italic text with X-Chat? | 01:01 |
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adam_ | How does one setup postfix to use the isp name for email? | 01:02 |
adam_ | The from header of the mail i sent from mutt to my gmail account has my machine name | 01:03 |
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lamont | adam_: the simplest way is to tell mutt to use the from address you want | 01:04 |
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adam_ | I set the hostname to my isp email in muttrc and from as well and neither worked | 01:05 |
Xenguy | adam_: what line in ~/.muttrc did you use? | 01:06 |
Tr0gd0r | whats the fastest browser that java capable? | 01:06 |
adam_ | "set hostname="" | 01:06 |
jay | bluefoxicy: I don't believe it's working | 01:06 |
Tr0gd0r | for a slow computer | 01:06 |
bluefoxicy | jay: meh | 01:06 |
adam_ | set from="" | 01:06 |
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jay | On my other machine (XP), I set the gateway to, the IP of eth0 on this machine | 01:07 |
jay | correct? | 01:07 |
chillywilly | gdesklets isn't packaged? | 01:07 |
bluefoxicy | jay: should be. | 01:07 |
Xenguy | adam_: try this -> folder-hook . my_hdr From: Firstname Lastname <> | 01:08 |
bluefoxicy | jay: ask in #iptables, give them the line I gave you | 01:08 |
Xenguy | adam_: you may need to re-start mutt | 01:08 |
jay | oh sweet, thanks | 01:08 |
bluefoxicy | they'll sort you out in 10 minutes (as soon as someone's awake there) | 01:08 |
jay | heh, I was using win2000 to share but it kept going down on me. I KNOW that once I get this set up (which is a pain in the ass) at least it will always work. | 01:09 |
jay | heh | 01:09 |
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adam_ | That worked perfect, I wonder why the options i set didnt work though | 01:10 |
adam_ | thanks | 01:10 |
bitfoo | hey | 01:11 |
bitfoo | how do i get a digicam to show up in linux | 01:11 |
bitfoo | its usb :| | 01:11 |
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adam_ | One more question, how does one change the hostname? hostname blah from the terminal doesnt stick | 01:12 |
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bitfoo | elloooooooooooooo | 01:12 |
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CreeVal | bitfoo: plug it in, turn it on... Thats what i do... | 01:15 |
chillywilly | anyone know how to turn off the short cut keys in gnome-terminal? I like to use emacs commands to navigate/edit the command line | 01:15 |
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chillywilly | M-b makes a menu pop-up even if the menu bar is not shown | 01:15 |
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chillywilly | same with M-v | 01:16 |
chillywilly | blah, I hate that ;) | 01:16 |
bitfoo | well if it was that easy it would show up :| | 01:16 |
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CreeVal | bitfoo: Well, here it just works... :S | 01:17 |
adam_ | Have any of you set your hostnames for your machines? | 01:17 |
altan | the current version of FF on Warty does not appear to support keyboard shortcuts and does not have a manual. Will I have to upgrade to 1.0? | 01:17 |
Tr0gd0r | is there an apt-get install opera? | 01:17 |
CreeVal | have you tried? | 01:17 |
snowblink | chillywilly: edit keyboard shortcuts in the gnome terminal app | 01:17 |
Tr0gd0r | i tried yes, didnt work | 01:18 |
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wm_eddie | Tr0gd0r: Isn't surprizing since Opera isn't open source. | 01:18 |
CreeVal | Then there is most likely not an apt-get install opera... | 01:18 |
wm_eddie | although, I wonder how much better Opera will run on my laptop than firefox | 01:19 |
Tr0gd0r | well i need a good browser for a slow machine | 01:19 |
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Tr0gd0r | firefox is slow | 01:19 |
snowblink | Tr0gd0r: see ubuntuguide to install opera | 01:19 |
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CreeVal | I love firefox... Adblock extension is just great... | 01:19 |
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chillywilly | snowblink: where? I don't see it. | 01:20 |
snowblink | chillywilly: Press edit | 01:20 |
snowblink | chillywilly: then Keyboard Shortcuts | 01:20 |
chillywilly | k | 01:20 |
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=== wm_eddie checks out Opera | ||
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Tr0gd0r | no opera on ubuntuguide | 01:22 |
pvh | CreeVal: Yeah, adblock is what made me give up opera. | 01:22 |
Tr0gd0r | sorry snow | 01:22 |
pvh | CreeVal: Though I think opera is way better in some ways. | 01:22 |
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CreeVal | pvh: yeah agreed... | 01:22 |
snowblink | Tr0gd0r: try epiphany for an alt browser | 01:22 |
pvh | CreeVal: The fast-forward/rewind, the mail client, the tab-handling and sessions... | 01:22 |
CreeVal | pvh: yes indeed... The fact that you have to install an extension bothers me a bit... | 01:23 |
CreeVal | (speaking of FireFox of course) | 01:23 |
pvh | CreeVal: Even with the tab-handling extension it's still not as good as Opera. | 01:23 |
chillywilly | brb | 01:23 |
pvh | CreeVal: Though if you edit your mouse extensions it's pretty darn close. | 01:23 |
snowblink | Tr0gd0r: hmmm. I was sure I saw it somewhere... | 01:23 |
pvh | CreeVal: I hate how when FF fails to load a page, it clears the location bar. | 01:23 |
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CreeVal | pvh: yeah i know! :D | 01:24 |
pvh | CreeVal: Means that if I open FF by accident on my laptop away from network, I lose EVERYTHING I had open. | 01:24 |
snowblink | Tr0gd0r: I think I just downloaded Opera 8 deb file, then dpkg | 01:24 |
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uhulive | hi | 01:24 |
pvh | uhulive: hi | 01:24 |
uhulive | how do i count the words in OOo? | 01:24 |
pvh | 1.2? File-Properties | 01:24 |
uhulive | lemme see. i'm using my uhu live cd at the moment | 01:25 |
pvh | it's moved somewhere more visible in 2.0 | 01:25 |
chillywilly | have a problem | 01:26 |
uhulive | yup thanks | 01:26 |
chillywilly | when gnome starts it keeps wanting to start multiple gnome terminals | 01:26 |
chillywilly | and I keep clicking ok and the dialog keeps reapearing | 01:26 |
chillywilly | gnome panels that is | 01:26 |
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chillywilly | I've detected a gnome panel already running and will exit now | 01:27 |
GrandMasta | chilly open a terminal and type 'killall gnome-panel' | 01:27 |
chillywilly | over and over | 01:27 |
chillywilly | thanks | 01:27 |
=== chillywilly should've thought of that | ||
GrandMasta | then save session | 01:27 |
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snowblink | those using Opera, are you using it in GNOME? | 01:28 |
snowblink | how do you make the fonts look less awful? | 01:29 |
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chillywilly | is there a package for gdesklets? | 01:30 |
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snowblink | chillywilly: yes | 01:30 |
chillywilly | apt-cache search gdesklets gives me nothin' | 01:30 |
snowblink | chillywilly: what repos have you got? | 01:30 |
darkx | there is | 01:31 |
chillywilly | the default ones right now | 01:31 |
darkx | try apt-cache search gdesk | 01:31 |
darkx | or desklets | 01:31 |
=== chillywilly looks in sources.list | ||
darkx | it may be named differently | 01:31 |
snowblink | chillywilly: make sure you have universe & multiverse | 01:31 |
chillywilly | k | 01:31 |
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snowblink | chillywilly: they are in universe | 01:32 |
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Tr0gd0r | i did apt-get install mozilla, and i switched to x-windows, now how do i run it, its not on the apps list | 01:33 |
chillywilly | what about universe security packages? | 01:33 |
snowblink | chillywilly: no such thing | 01:33 |
chillywilly | I don't see multiverse commented so I will have to add that one manually | 01:33 |
chillywilly | it's commented in my sources.list | 01:33 |
bendebian | i have upgraded my ibm-notebook to 1 gb of RAM. the memtest that ubuntu has installed shows 1 gb, but after bootung ubuntu "free" told me only something about 906 mb ram. what is wrong? | 01:33 |
chillywilly | the large memory stuff not enabled in the kernel? | 01:34 |
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bendebian | i will check. moment please | 01:35 |
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njan | chillywilly, if it's the default warty or hoary kernel, it is enabled; I know, I have >1gb ram | 01:35 |
bendebian | njan: okay, thanks | 01:36 |
njan | bendebian, you probably have 906mb *free*.. which makes sense, really. | 01:36 |
chillywilly | I have 1GB RAM too...haven't looked at what the kernel sees | 01:36 |
bendebian | njan: it is the default hoary kernel | 01:36 |
Ensiferum | compiling application from sauce :] | 01:36 |
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Ensiferum | havent done that since ditching crapware | 01:36 |
Ensiferum | err | 01:36 |
njan | total used free shared buffers cached | 01:36 |
njan | Mem: 1296096 404256 891840 0 4268 220020 | 01:36 |
Ensiferum | slackware | 01:36 |
njan | bendebian, I have more ram than you and less free | 01:37 |
chillywilly | root@frodo:/home/danielb # cat /proc/meminfo | 01:37 |
chillywilly | MemTotal: 906660 kB | 01:37 |
chillywilly | same thing here too apparently | 01:37 |
bendebian | chillywilly: but why? | 01:37 |
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CrucifiedLemur | hello | 01:38 |
chillywilly | something is not turned on in the kernel is my guess | 01:38 |
altan | I get 1011MB | 01:38 |
CrucifiedLemur | how can i use my kodak digital camera with ubuntu? | 01:38 |
robodex | hmm, this is weird... /proc/meminfo says I have 97mb of ram free but the little meminfo item in xfce's panel says I have over 300mb free... | 01:38 |
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CrucifiedLemur | can anyone tell me how to make my digital camera work with linux? | 01:39 |
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wm_eddie | opera isn't that fast... | 01:39 |
njan | CrucifiedLemur, they might do, if you give them time to answer :) | 01:39 |
CrucifiedLemur | ok | 01:40 |
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njan | CrucifiedLemur, what sort of camera? (how old, what cables come with it, what sort of media) | 01:40 |
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djtansey | anyone here using beagle (or rather, anyone here feel comfortable discussing problems in beagled?) | 01:40 |
CrucifiedLemur | it is pretty new, Kodak EasyShare | 01:40 |
bendebian | CrucifiedLemur: i use gtkam for my sony s40 and it worked out-of-the-box for me | 01:40 |
CrucifiedLemur | it is a Kodak cx7525 | 01:41 |
bendebian | sorry, it is a sony s45 | 01:41 |
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EfaistOs | does someone have an ipod shuffle working under debian ? | 01:41 |
EfaistOs | s/debian/ubuntu ;p | 01:42 |
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AndyR | anyone know if its possible to change port numbers evolution uses for pop/smtp? im trying to set it up for gmail | 01:45 |
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njan | AndyR, you shouldn't have to | 01:46 |
njan | AndyR, just select 'pop' for receiving mail and then alter the security option to always | 01:46 |
CrucifiedLemur | how do you get to that window with all the programs u can get | 01:46 |
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Zotnix | I've tried beagled.... it eats up insane amounts of memory | 01:46 |
Zotnix | I'm talking 500+ MB of memory | 01:47 |
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jdub | that's the main focus of beagle development atm | 01:47 |
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Zotnix | :nods: | 01:47 |
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Zotnix | They helped me install it. I can get it running now just can't get best to work. but when you have 384 Mb ram, and 500 MB being used... it gets ugly ;) | 01:48 |
AndyR | gmail uses smtp 465 and pop 995 | 01:49 |
gazzabnz | Wassup | 01:50 |
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CrucifiedLemur | how do you force quit | 01:50 |
CrucifiedLemur | sorry i my brother just put linux on my computer and im half-clueless | 01:51 |
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Zotnix | Hrm... whenever I try to run an openGL program I get this: [sis_alloc.c:154] : Failure to allocate Z buffer. | 01:51 |
Zotnix | I imagine this would be a bug with Xorg, no? | 01:51 |
inc | sup peeps | 01:51 |
Zotnix | CrucifiedLemur, force quit what? | 01:51 |
CrucifiedLemur | i had done a Find Text on a web page, and now the box that says Find In This Page wont go away(mozilla) | 01:52 |
chromate | so the only package system ubuntu uses is apt? | 01:52 |
inc | any one out there now about setting up a wifi atheros ar5212 chipset card? | 01:52 |
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Zotnix | CrucifiedLemur, you can either go into your terminal (gnome-terminal or xterm) and type in 'killall mozilla' | 01:53 |
Zotnix | Or type in xkill and kill it that way. | 01:53 |
Zotnix | Your mouse will turn into a crosshair and you click on mozilla to make it go away. | 01:53 |
CrucifiedLemur | thanks | 01:54 |
CrucifiedLemur | do you know that window where there is a list of all the programs you can get are? | 01:55 |
Zotnix | Ah | 01:55 |
carambol | synaptic | 01:55 |
CrucifiedLemur | thanks | 01:56 |
inc | so no one try to et a wifi card ? | 01:56 |
carambol | :) | 01:56 |
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Hwolf | Does the firefox download manager resume downloads? | 01:57 |
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xadas_ | Hwolf, no, but it is in roadmap, ff1.5 should resume :-) | 01:59 |
CrucifiedLemur | thanks for the help....bye | 02:00 |
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Hwolf | xadas_ damn | 02:00 |
wasabi | Is the Ubuntu initrd prepared for mounting a EVMS root dir? | 02:00 |
tw001 | So, whats the stroy with alsaconf & ubuntu ??? | 02:00 |
tw001 | Where is it & why don't I have it? searched with no answers - trying irc | 02:01 |
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=== bluefoxicy sigh | ||
bluefoxicy | still no driver for USB 0846:4220 wg111 | 02:03 |
bluefoxicy | or for the adm8211 based dwl650 pcmcia | 02:03 |
HaloGray | Which method is recommended for accessing a windows shared printer? | 02:06 |
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HaloGray | CUPS or SMB? | 02:06 |
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tw001 | So anyone willing to give me a heads up on configuring sound? | 02:09 |
HaloGray | You don't have sound with ubuntu? | 02:10 |
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HaloGray | It should be automagically configured on install | 02:10 |
HaloGray | You may be lacking a sound card driver | 02:10 |
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tw001 | well, I got it in xmms by manually configuring xmms - but not in hydrogen, or audacity | 02:10 |
tw001 | no sounds on entering kde either | 02:11 |
regeya | guh. I had set up this ppc install to mount another drive at startup via fstab, and mounting failed at startup. I have an emergency shell---but the kbd hasn't been detected. *sigh* | 02:11 |
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tw001 | lspci is OK - 0000:00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07) 0000:00:0a.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 07) | 02:12 |
Zotnix | regeya, USB keyboard? | 02:12 |
regeya | indeed, Zotnix. | 02:13 |
Zotnix | regeya, sure you have your BIOS set to enable USB devices at bootup? | 02:13 |
tw001 | lsmod seems ok - emu10k1_gp 3840 0 | 02:13 |
=== regeya points upward and re-states "ppc install" | ||
tw001 | (amoung others) | 02:13 |
Zotnix | Oh. | 02:13 |
Zotnix | Nevermind | 02:13 |
=== Zotnix knows naught about PPC. | ||
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Iddi | I'm running Warty and am trying to install mplayer, which is in hoary multiverse. I mark it, and it says it needs dependencies to be marked too, so I mark them. Then it says it can't mark them (" Depends: libasound2 but 1.0.5-1ubuntu1 is to be installed" for example). | 02:14 |
regeya | a few hours ago this seemed like a really good idea | 02:14 |
regeya | :-} | 02:14 |
Iddi | I've added all necessary reps... I think... Do I need to upgrade my entire system to hoary? | 02:14 |
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shushi2005 | How can I run multiple commands at startup automatically? | 02:16 |
Orcrist | Iddi... from my experience the packaged mplayer is borked anyway... it only lets you run it command line... if that's what you want then have at it | 02:16 |
Orcrist | but if you want full functionality, just compile from source per the directions on the mplayer site | 02:16 |
Xappe | yepp, and if you install esd-devs before compiling mplayer, it compiles with esd support | 02:17 |
Orcrist | which is nice, esp for gnome | 02:17 |
chillywilly | bah | 02:17 |
robertj | What's wrong with GnomeVFS under Array 4? | 02:18 |
shushi2005 | Is a file in Ubuntu similar to rc.local? | 02:18 |
Orcrist | but by all means make SURE you install the codec library per those directions BEFORE you compile | 02:18 |
Iddi | Orcrist: Yeah, okay... But my brother has installed it, and I can't even do that. Sounds better than no mplayer at all, so I'd like to be able to install it :/ | 02:18 |
=== chillywilly install OOo 2.0 | ||
chillywilly | installs | 02:18 |
Orcrist | Iddi, can't even do what? | 02:19 |
chillywilly | what about Marillat's mplayer debs? surely you could install those | 02:19 |
Orcrist | well a quick kludge would be to change your repositories back to warty, update your cache, then see if it installs from warty repositories | 02:19 |
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muhahahah | hi | 02:20 |
chillywilly | muhahahah! | 02:20 |
muhahahah | can i resize an ext3 partition now that it is created and has ubuntu installed? | 02:20 |
Iddi | Orcrist: As I said, it says it can't mark mplayer's deps... but maybe if i unmark all hoary but multiverse | 02:20 |
muhahahah | i made it only 5gb and i want it to be bigger | 02:20 |
niptac | can anyone tell me what do I replace in this command? "cd browse_to_your_download_folder" if my package resides in home folder | 02:20 |
chillywilly | muhahahah: might be able to do it with parted | 02:20 |
tw001 | shushi2005 - I think you make the script you want and then type chkconfig --add scriptname to add it to startup | 02:20 |
niptac | is it cd browse /home/package_name? | 02:21 |
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muhahahah | parted? if is a gui one better, so i can't make many mistakes | 02:21 |
Iddi | Orcrist: no go | 02:21 |
Orcrist | have you tried manually installing libasound on its own? | 02:21 |
shushi2005 | tw001, How do I make a script? | 02:21 |
Orcrist | how much 'hoary' do you have in your system? | 02:21 |
Iddi | none | 02:21 |
cowbud | shushi2005: what do you want to do? | 02:21 |
cowbud | shushi2005: as in what commands do you weant to run | 02:21 |
Orcrist | why do you have hoary repositories cached up then? | 02:21 |
tw001 | simple bash script - same principle if you added something to rc.local as you mentioned | 02:22 |
Xappe | Iddi, you should not mix hoary and warty repos | 02:22 |
chillywilly | lalala | 02:22 |
Iddi | because i cached them to see if mplayer needed any deps there | 02:22 |
Iddi | Orcrist, no, it says it can't mark any of the deps... libasound was just an example | 02:22 |
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Iddi | Xappe, maybe not... my brother installed mplayer from hoary multi all good, though | 02:22 |
Orcrist | well that's probably why it can't... becasue you're trying to install a hoary package in a a warty environment | 02:22 |
cowbud | tw001: last I checked ubuntu doesn't use chkconfig | 02:23 |
chillywilly | # Host of goodies, mplayer, flashplayer-mozilla, etc. | 02:23 |
chillywilly | #deb unstable main | 02:23 |
chillywilly | deb unstable main | 02:23 |
Orcrist | it's telling you 'I won't install these because they might break me' | 02:23 |
chillywilly | try that one | 02:23 |
Iddi | mhmmmm | 02:23 |
Iddi | So, what, I have to upgrade my entire system to hoary first? :/ | 02:23 |
Orcrist | and if it's an included package in hoary, it won't need any deps from warty | 02:23 |
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tw001 | ok... I thought that both were sysvinit stuff.. I'm used to slack - sorry | 02:23 |
Orcrist | I have hoary and I installed the package just fine | 02:23 |
jdub | Iddi: it is not a good idea to try and use a half-and-half system | 02:23 |
Orcrist | hang on and let me look at what it depends on | 02:24 |
BROKEN_LADDER | try to, not "try and" | 02:24 |
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Orcrist | hmmm... I don't see why you're having problems... just make sure you have your repositiores set to hoary universe multiverse | 02:25 |
Orcrist | oops | 02:25 |
inc | can anyone help wi | 02:25 |
Orcrist | I mean warty universe multiverse | 02:25 |
inc | setting up wfif | 02:25 |
muhahahah | is htere any kde app like synaptic? | 02:25 |
inc | wifi card | 02:25 |
chillywilly | damn no mime types in gnome for OOo 2 docs | 02:25 |
chillywilly | just shows it as a Zip archive | 02:26 |
chillywilly | that's lame | 02:26 |
HaloGray | I can attempt to help with wifi | 02:26 |
chillywilly | mime types nor file associations | 02:26 |
cowbud | anyone know wtf ubuntu uses gamin for? | 02:26 |
HaloGray | I spent a few days earlier this week getting my wifi to work :( | 02:26 |
cowbud | ahh it is a fam replacement.. | 02:27 |
HaloGray | what chipset do you have? | 02:27 |
cowbud | but why do I need fam and gamin running? | 02:27 |
HaloGray | also... does anybody know if there's anything like rainlendar for gnome/linux? | 02:27 |
jdub | cowbud: you don't, remove fam | 02:27 |
HaloGray | I miss that program so so much :( | 02:27 |
cowbud | jdub: excellent :) | 02:27 |
Iddi | Thanks for all the help | 02:28 |
inc | w | 02:28 |
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inc | it's betgear wg511t artheros ar5212 | 02:29 |
inc | hate this keyboard lol | 02:29 |
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HaloGray | are those two different cards? | 02:30 |
niptac | cool I figured it out | 02:30 |
johann | has anyone here installed mail-notification for evolution using apt-get | 02:30 |
inc | it's the card and the chipset of it | 02:30 |
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inc | Artheros ar5212 is the chipset | 02:31 |
Xappe | johann, yes...but in hoary | 02:31 |
blah09 | hello has anyone managed to get realplayer running using the guide on | 02:31 |
inc | comes up as ath0 in dmesg | 02:31 |
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johann | is it only possible in hoary | 02:32 |
Xappe | ok :) | 02:32 |
Xappe | i like it | 02:32 |
HaloGray | so do you have the chipset module? | 02:33 |
HaloGray | is it loading I mean? | 02:33 |
HaloGray | and do you have wireless-tools downloaded via apt-get or synaptic? | 02:33 |
HaloGray | because iwlink will be very helpful to you | 02:33 |
inc | i keep reading th wiki and it says it's supported but i can't get it to run | 02:33 |
inc | yeah they are installed | 02:34 |
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inc | yeah they are installed? | 02:34 |
inc | iwlink? | 02:34 |
inc | sorry dumb keyboard lol | 02:34 |
johann | Xappe: I was trying to use the tarball but I get a frustrating error which I could resolve when I ran ./configure on the mailnotification tarball | 02:34 |
johann | thats why I was looking for an apt-get | 02:34 |
shushi2005 | How do I make a bash script | 02:34 |
johann | it was always complaining of the GTK+ although I had installed 2.6 | 02:35 |
shushi2005 | ? | 02:35 |
Xappe | johann, ah, ok | 02:35 |
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johann | Xappe: Is the apt-get for mailnotification only usable on hoary | 02:36 |
Xappe | johann, that I don't know...but probably the dependencies are hoary specific | 02:37 |
Ex-Cyber | where can I find docs on gnome-vfs and its various backends? | 02:37 |
johann | Xappe: Ok maybe then you could shed some light on my gtk error, do you know how I can see what gtk+ version the system is using | 02:37 |
shushi2005 | How do I make a bash script? | 02:37 |
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inc | this is a great site for shell scripts.. | 02:39 |
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Xappe | johann, hmm...not really sure where it is | 02:40 |
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eskilo | i discovered something really weird about the "places" menu in's defined in the exe. | 02:40 |
johann | Xappe: problem, thanks | 02:40 |
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Xappe | johann, maybe /etc/gtk-2/ | 02:41 |
Ex-Cyber | shushi2005: a bash script is basically a list of commands to be executed by bash (it can get more complex than that, but that's the basic idea)... essentially you just have to type the commands into a text file, one on each line, then if you want to be able to run it "directly" you need to give yourself execute permission for it and add a line at the top like this: #!/bin/bash | 02:41 |
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gamecat | I need the dos2unix utility. | 02:41 |
gamecat | does anyone know where to get the source? | 02:41 |
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eskilo | gamecat you didn't try google? | 02:42 |
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gamecat | ohhhhhh yes, I have tried google. | 02:42 |
blah09 | no one uses realplayer? | 02:42 |
gamecat | More dead ends than you can shake a stick at. | 02:42 |
eskilo | just checking..i really don't know anything about it unfortunately. | 02:42 |
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eskilo | yeah i've been through that. | 02:42 |
carambol | is realplayer working in hoary? | 02:42 |
Ex-Cyber | shushi2005: if you want to get into more depth than that, the best thing to do would be to find some scripts and try to understand them (having the bash manual open for reference helps: ) | 02:42 |
eskilo | blah09: real player is proprietary. | 02:42 |
ioxae | blah09: I make use of the real CODECS , but I dont use real player .. real player is bloated and it tires to be what it isnt .. I just use the actual CODECs | 02:43 |
eskilo | though i don't know of an open standards equivalent. | 02:43 |
rattboi24 | doesn't the helix player play realplayer stuff? | 02:43 |
Xappe | i'm scared of real player | 02:43 |
gamecat | meh. Okay, grovelling through | 02:43 |
carambol | blah09: use the instruction on the | 02:43 |
eskilo | ioxae: you mean codecs that encode to real formats? | 02:43 |
ioxae | blah09: download and install mplayer , dont bother with , is a pit | 02:43 |
blah09 | iox where did you get the codecs? | 02:43 |
eskilo | i don't know why someone would use real codecs. | 02:44 |
eskilo | there are open standards based solutions like theora and vorbis. | 02:44 |
alumik | blah09, search for the marillat repository | 02:44 |
ioxae | blah09: download and install mplayer .. if you have the capability to make software from source .. download the actual source to mplayer and the binary codecs package , two seperate files , codecs are around 12MB , mplayer source is a few MB .. | 02:44 |
akurashy | i installed KDE in my comp and now my xchat opens konqueror =/ is there a way to switch back ? | 02:44 |
ioxae | eskilo: probably because the real format is widely used/deployed , sort of a dumb thing to wonder about | 02:45 |
blah09 | hm i have mplayer installed already, with w32codecs | 02:45 |
gamecat | screw it. I'll just use an emacs hack for dos2unix. | 02:45 |
gamecat | but seriously, there should be a repository of stupid little tools like that around SOMEWHERE. | 02:46 |
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gamecat | 'tevs. Peace. | 02:46 |
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ioxae | blah09: well , there are additonal binary codecs that include some for real player .. problem solved .. I also know of a script integrates it into firefox and plays back with a GUI .. pretty neat | 02:46 |
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Anubis | Well Hoary sure make Gnome look alot better | 02:48 |
Anubis | yeah some shit might break | 02:48 |
Anubis | but it seemed everything was broken in Warty anyway | 02:49 |
Anubis | LOL | 02:49 |
alumik | Anubis, mine is pretty stable | 02:49 |
Anubis | my text is not appearing in the input window | 02:49 |
Anubis | in xchat | 02:49 |
Xappe | no, the gtk themes and mouse cursors got downgraded somehow yesterday after months of beauty | 02:49 |
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stuNNed | wary broken? not. | 02:50 |
Anubis | is that why no text in my input window? | 02:50 |
alumik | Anubis, check the colors | 02:50 |
Anubis | stuNNed, ok your right | 02:50 |
HaloGray | Is there a way of getting hoary as a simple upgrade and not a fresh install? | 02:50 |
HrdwrBoB | yes | 02:50 |
Xappe | Anubis, no, I get text in the input field | 02:51 |
HaloGray | does it require to be burned to an iso? | 02:51 |
HrdwrBoB | change 'warty' to 'hoary' | 02:51 |
HrdwrBoB | in /etc/sources.list | 02:51 |
HrdwrBoB | or in synaptic | 02:51 |
blah09 | totem, does it play anything at all? | 02:51 |
HrdwrBoB | then use synaptic to do a system update | 02:51 |
Anubis | Let me restart Xchat | 02:51 |
HaloGray | cool | 02:51 |
HrdwrBoB | or run apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:51 |
Anubis | i've gotten much better | 02:51 |
HaloGray | ... wish me luck | 02:51 |
stuNNed | totem was broken in hoary last i checked | 02:51 |
inc | good luck | 02:51 |
carambol | no universe!!!! | 02:51 |
Anubis | when i first encounter Linux a broken X was the end for me | 02:52 |
Anubis | now | 02:52 |
blah09 | on my system it was broken before hoary =/ | 02:52 |
Anubis | its just the begining | 02:52 |
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HaloGray | oh wait. inc did you get your wifi working? | 02:52 |
Anubis | but at least I have xorg 6.8 now | 02:52 |
stuNNed | blah09: working here in warty :| | 02:52 |
inc | nope | 02:52 |
Anubis | now I'm going to play with transparencies | 02:52 |
HaloGray | let me scroll for a minute and see where we left off | 02:52 |
HaloGray | sorry... I stepped away | 02:52 |
inc | i threw in a live cd of DSL nd seeing if it finds it | 02:52 |
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HaloGray | so you have the module running? | 02:53 |
Anubis | blah blah blah | 02:53 |
Anubis | works now | 02:53 |
Anubis | yeah | 02:53 |
Anubis | now | 02:53 |
inc | which module? | 02:54 |
Anubis | lets see what i can break?;) | 02:54 |
Anubis | Thing my not be perfect in Ubuntu | 02:54 |
Anubis | but I like the way things are done | 02:54 |
alumik | anyone with kernel 2.6.10 and k7-m? | 02:54 |
Anubis | apt really helps alot | 02:54 |
Anubis | and I can see the hard work the DEV put into this | 02:54 |
HaloGray | the wg511t should be good | 02:55 |
Anubis | just because I always talk about whats broken | 02:55 |
HaloGray | I only use chipset modules when there isn't one for the specific piece of hardware | 02:55 |
Anubis | does not mean I do not like or am shitting on the great peoples work who provide this great resource for FREE | 02:55 |
Anubis | Thanks! | 02:55 |
HaloGray | inc just type lsmod and see if it's there | 02:56 |
Xappe | nice monologue there Anubis ;) | 02:56 |
Anubis | ;) Thanks I mean it | 02:57 |
Anubis | I had a working MDK 10.1 install | 02:57 |
Anubis | and was surprised at how far its come | 02:57 |
Anubis | but I heard of Ubuntu | 02:57 |
Anubis | read about the philosophy and that was enough for me | 02:57 |
Anubis | apt and the Debian sources were icing | 02:58 |
alumik | Anubis, then buy a CD set :) | 02:58 |
Anubis | and like Gentoo i can still be bleeding edge | 02:58 |
=== mojo_ giggles out of the corner of his mind... | ||
Anubis | alumik, not a bad idea | 02:58 |
Anubis | i think I know the person to give it to | 02:58 |
Anubis | Mom | 02:58 |
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Ex-Cyber | I'm quite impressed with Ubuntu... a lot of it is owed to Debian for the infrastructure, but that at least was a smart decision on the part of the Ubuntu folks... I think the degree to which Debian has its stuff together (both technically and administratively) is poorly appreciated in the Linux world | 02:59 |
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gamecat | Okay, so in case anyone else ever wants to use dos2unix? | 03:01 |
gamecat | apt-get install sysutils | 03:01 |
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robodex | ubuntu is the first version of Linux I've used where I wasn't like "Well, back to windows" within a day of installing it | 03:01 |
gamecat | I KNEW there was some package like that hanging around in there. | 03:01 |
gamecat | okay, gone again. | 03:01 |
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robodex | I made an image of my old windows HD but I'm considering deleting it now | 03:01 |
regeya | okeydoke, chief | 03:02 |
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DesiGuy | i'm new to ubuntu | 03:02 |
DesiGuy | how do i remove firefox 0.9.3? | 03:02 |
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alumik | apt-get remove mozilla-firefox | 03:02 |
DesiGuy | thanks | 03:02 |
njan | DesiGuy, do you want to remove mozilla-firefox entirely? | 03:03 |
alumik | but why? | 03:03 |
DesiGuy | i want firefox 1.0 | 03:03 |
njan | DesiGuy, or are you meaning you want a newer version? | 03:03 |
akurashy | how can i edit sensible-browser and set it up to my like? | 03:03 |
DesiGuy | yeh | 03:03 |
njan | Ah. then *DON'T* apt-get remove mozilla-firefox | 03:03 |
chillywilly | bah | 03:03 |
DesiGuy | ok | 03:03 |
alumik | just upgrade | 03:03 |
carambol | @sudo apt-get install moilla-firefox | 03:04 |
carambol | mozilla-firefox | 03:04 |
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DesiGuy | ahh, thanks | 03:05 |
HaloGray | HrdwrBoB: /etc/sources.list doesn't seem to exist ? | 03:05 |
chillywilly | is there any better ubuntu wallpapers than the defualt blah brown ones? | 03:05 |
GuBA | hello i try install GNU Enterprise gnue-common ... but i couldn't --> | 03:05 |
GuBA | sudo python2.3 install | 03:05 |
GuBA | Traceback (most recent call last): | 03:05 |
GuBA | File "", line 174, in ? | 03:05 |
GuBA | from distutils.core import setup | 03:05 |
GuBA | ImportError: No module named distutils.core | 03:05 |
carambol | /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:05 |
HaloGray | ahhhh | 03:06 |
HaloGray | thank you | 03:06 |
HaloGray | chillywilly: there is the ubuntu-calendar | 03:06 |
GuBA | i need install disutils ... | 03:06 |
HaloGray | available in apt-get or synaptec | 03:06 |
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alumik | chillywilly, look at the art forums in ubuntuforums | 03:06 |
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be80be | any one there | 03:07 |
_ShaMukO_ | hi every body ! | 03:08 |
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DesiGuy | seems to think that 0.9.3 is the newest version | 03:08 |
chillywilly | I installed thje calendar onw but didn't see anything | 03:08 |
be80be | is any one runing ubuntu on a amd64 | 03:08 |
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alumik | DesiGuy, it is the latest on warty | 03:09 |
DesiGuy | ic | 03:09 |
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chillywilly | is that woman naked? | 03:11 |
chillywilly | the caledar woman | 03:11 |
HaloGray | XD | 03:11 |
alumik | powernow: No PST tables match this cpuid (0x7a0) | 03:11 |
alumik | powernow: This is indicative of a broken BIOS. | 03:11 |
HaloGray | It's artistic... | 03:11 |
alumik | anyone with this? | 03:11 |
HaloGray | but yes? | 03:11 |
chillywilly | I don't think my wife would like naked women on my PC | 03:11 |
chillywilly | ;P | 03:12 |
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HaloGray | will let you browse wallpapers | 03:12 |
HaloGray | you can add any and all that you like | 03:12 |
DesiGuy | i feel like a little kid on his first day of school | 03:12 |
alumik | chillywilly, sometimes there is a man on the wallpaper | 03:12 |
HaloGray | ok... only 5 hours of downloading updates to go | 03:13 |
HaloGray | then I'll be on hoary | 03:13 |
HaloGray | and hopefully... not broken | 03:13 |
alumik | 5 hours? | 03:13 |
carambol | 2 hours | 03:14 |
HaloGray | 5 hours @ 26kbs | 03:14 |
alumik | ah ok :) | 03:14 |
alumik | powernow: Minimum speed 353 MHz. Maximum speed 796 MHz. | 03:15 |
Orcrist | chillywilly... my girlfriend doesn't mind naked women on my pc as long as I put a doily over it before they sit down | 03:15 |
alumik | :( | 03:15 |
DesiGuy | girlfriend's do nothing but hold u down | 03:15 |
DesiGuy | girlfriends, rather | 03:15 |
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HaloGray | Spoken like a true linux geek :D | 03:16 |
neighborlee | lol | 03:16 |
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Orcrist | also chillywilly, has some wallpapers and splash screens | 03:17 |
DesiGuy | lol | 03:17 |
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DesiGuy | i have yet to become a linux geek, i just installed this thing for the first time a few hours back | 03:17 |
carambol | DesiGuy: | 03:18 |
HaloGray | well I'm off to buy my girlfriend dinner, and waste money proving your theory | 03:18 |
Xappe | i've been running hoary since december, getting geekier every day | 03:18 |
HaloGray | So I'll see you guys later | 03:18 |
DesiGuy | thanks caram | 03:18 |
carambol | :) | 03:19 |
DesiGuy | foul language allowed in here? | 03:20 |
Locutus1976 | Am having some problems with mysql. I am following the Unofficial Ubuntu guide and am trying to setup a mysql server. I install the mysql package and now I am trying to use the following command | 03:20 |
daniels | DesiGuy: no | 03:20 |
rattboi24 | probably not appreciated | 03:20 |
Locutus1976 | sudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password your_db_user_password | 03:20 |
Locutus1976 | not sure what to plug in where. Can anyone help? | 03:21 |
chillywilly | I like the firefox icon with the fox on the world better than the plain boring world | 03:21 |
alumik | chillywilly, but is trademarked | 03:21 |
DesiGuy | how do i get this OS to read NTFS? | 03:22 |
chillywilly | so you can't legally use it? | 03:22 |
alumik | don't know, but aren't free | 03:23 |
chillywilly | the Ubuntu logo is also trade marked according to the bottom of the website | 03:23 |
rattboi24 | does anyone have site about making ubuntu run better on older hardware/ | 03:24 |
rattboi24 | ? | 03:24 |
alumik | so is not possible to ship it | 03:24 |
Orcrist | rattboi... a good starting place would be recompiling your kernel and cutting out the things that aren't necessary | 03:24 |
chillywilly | btu mozilla lets me have it if I download and install it manually | 03:24 |
Orcrist | It turned my 350Mhz P2 box from sluggish to almost snappy | 03:24 |
rattboi24 | serious? | 03:25 |
rattboi24 | how much ram do you have? | 03:25 |
Orcrist | 128M | 03:25 |
Orcrist | on that box | 03:25 |
rattboi24 | I got 500mhz PIII w/ 128mb ram | 03:26 |
Orcrist | also, unless you're just in love with gnome... try a lighter-weight window manager like xfce | 03:26 |
chillywilly | oh, Ubuntu etiquette is nice... ;) | 03:26 |
rattboi24 | I don't know what I'd cut though, and last time I tried to compile my kernel, I had issues with modules | 03:26 |
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Orcrist | well a successful kernel recompile requires some patience and tinkering | 03:27 |
socomm | Hello how can I set a static IP on my box? | 03:27 |
Orcrist | but there is so much stuff enabled in there (either via modules or static compile) a recompile is almost a must on older boxes | 03:28 |
DesiGuy | sudo apt-get install acroread isn't working | 03:28 |
socomm | DesiGuy: You got all the stuff on your synaptic? | 03:28 |
socomm | DesiGuy: Universe, Multi-verse, etc.? | 03:29 |
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alumik | socomm, man interfaces and search for static method | 03:29 |
rattboi24 | Orcrist, I don't know where I'd start on the recompile either | 03:29 |
rattboi24 | can I use the template from the .deb? | 03:29 |
chillywilly | hmmm, trademarks suck | 03:29 |
socomm | alumik: Thanks. | 03:29 |
Orcrist | rattboi... it's actually quite a bit simpler on ubuntu than some other distros because of the debian-based nature | 03:30 |
alumik | chillywilly, patents suck more | 03:30 |
Orcrist | let me get you a link | 03:30 |
Orcrist | | 03:30 |
Orcrist | if you're not familiar with apt rattboi, then you can install any of those packages (the ones referenced on that page) using synaptic, which is a frontend for apt | 03:31 |
rattboi24 | hmm | 03:31 |
rattboi24 | yeah, I know that | 03:31 |
rattboi24 | but kernel-source-? is straight debian, right? | 03:31 |
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Orcrist | debian-patched kernels work fine in ubuntu | 03:32 |
alumik | rattboi24, better use linux-source- | 03:32 |
rattboi24 | isn't there a similar ubuntu deb called linux-source? | 03:32 |
rattboi24 | yeah | 03:32 |
DesiGuy | hmm, i just found out about synaptic, lol | 03:32 |
rattboi24 | that's what I was talking about | 03:32 |
Orcrist | but you can do without them and just use linux-source | 03:32 |
Orcrist | yeah | 03:32 |
rattboi24 | Orcrist, why would you use kernel-source over linux-source? | 03:32 |
rattboi24 | just wondering | 03:32 |
Orcrist | I wouldn't, necessarily | 03:32 |
Orcrist | just letting you know options | 03:32 |
alumik | and if you dont use initrd images, make sure you put the drivers of your disk controller on the kernel | 03:33 |
Orcrist | yes, what alumik said, althought I think that's covered in the tutorial I showed you | 03:33 |
rattboi24 | alumik, I don't know what you just said, I think | 03:33 |
rattboi24 | ok | 03:33 |
Orcrist | initrd is an initial ramdisk that your boot process uses to mount and begin reading your file systems (and other things) | 03:33 |
Orcrist | it's kind of a handoff space until your system is mounted fully | 03:34 |
rattboi24 | ah | 03:34 |
Orcrist | if you compile support into your kernel for your filesystems, then you dont' need it | 03:34 |
rattboi24 | yeah, i'm not retarded when it comes to compiling stuff. I'm a programmer (but not unix) for a while now | 03:34 |
rattboi24 | I just don't know much about compiling linux kernel specifically | 03:34 |
Orcrist | well is a good place to start | 03:34 |
rattboi24 | Orcrist, ah, I see | 03:34 |
DesiGuy | should i get every available package in synaptic? | 03:35 |
Orcrist | DesiGuy: probably not | 03:35 |
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Smeggy | hi | 03:35 |
desplesda | hi | 03:35 |
rattboi24 | bootsplash doesn't work on ubuntu, right? | 03:35 |
Orcrist | you could, but it would eat up LOTS of hard drive space, and if you then went on to install said packages, expect to walk away from your pc for a very very long time | 03:36 |
rattboi24 | VERY long | 03:36 |
rattboi24 | and updates would be ugly | 03:36 |
Orcrist | yes, very | 03:36 |
Orcrist | if you want the packages locally cached for easy retrieval later, then yes... that's usually the only reason to download them all | 03:37 |
Orcrist | but DONT install them all, even if you want to download them locally | 03:37 |
DesiGuy | ok | 03:37 |
desplesda | hi there, i'm trying to upgrade firefox to the version in hoary, but it requires a bunch of different packages installed | 03:37 |
desplesda | openoffice was a surpris | 03:38 |
desplesda | e | 03:38 |
desplesda | are they all necessary? i don't want to upgrade to hoary yet | 03:38 |
alumik | firefox requires openoffice? | 03:38 |
desplesda | according to synaptic, yes | 03:38 |
desplesda | according to everyone sane, no | 03:38 |
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DesiGuy | sudo apt-get install acroread isn't working still | 03:39 |
Smeggy | im sure desplesda has accidentally told it to mark all upgrades | 03:39 |
Smeggy | hes a fool. | 03:39 |
desplesda | this is true smeg | 03:39 |
rattboi24 | desplesda, how about don't use synaptic and instead just get the firefox-installer? | 03:39 |
Orcrist | DesiGuy, sudo apt-get install xpdf | 03:39 |
DesiGuy | thanks | 03:39 |
Orcrist | it's lighter than the adobe version | 03:39 |
regeya | desplesda said 'smeg'...heh. | 03:39 |
Smeggy | yes | 03:40 |
desplesda | we're in the same room actually :P | 03:40 |
Smeggy | in reference to me | 03:40 |
rattboi24 | acroread won't be in most repositories, right? | 03:40 |
Smeggy | haha. | 03:40 |
Orcrist | wait | 03:40 |
Orcrist | actually you want gpdf | 03:40 |
Orcrist | sorry | 03:40 |
Orcrist | xpdf is the ugly athena-looking one | 03:40 |
Smeggy | xpdf isnt ugly | 03:40 |
Smeggy | its elegant | 03:40 |
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alumik | sure | 03:40 |
Orcrist | well, it's ugly on my desktop... but opinions are subjective | 03:40 |
Smeggy | oh its ugly | 03:41 |
Smeggy | but elegant | 03:41 |
regeya | I said that when this ppc (a Macintosh ) warty install didn't have ext3 support compiled in, and the modules aren't loaded before filesystems are loaded, and ohci support isn't loaded before the emergency console comes up, and a number of things that should be elementary | 03:41 |
=== regeya has gone from the resigned stage to angry stage, sorry | ||
DesiGuy | synaptic doesn't have acroread? | 03:41 |
Smeggy | its elegant but ugly | 03:42 |
Smeggy | like margaret thatcher | 03:42 |
Orcrist | have you used gpdf smeggy? it's xpdf minus ugliness | 03:42 |
regeya | acroread isn't free as in freedom | 03:42 |
Orcrist | hahahaahahah | 03:42 |
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regeya | gpdf will read most pdfs | 03:42 |
alumik | someone was asking for a firefox icon? | 03:42 |
regeya | and gpdf isn't as pointless as acrobat reader | 03:42 |
j-rock | how do i tell if i properly upgraded to hoary, uname -a isnt giving me anything | 03:43 |
Orcrist | j-rock do you have nvidia card and or drivers? you can tell because they'll break | 03:43 |
Orcrist | hahahaha | 03:43 |
daniels | Orcrist: dude, see /topic. | 03:44 |
j-rock | haha, Orcrist nope, its just an old pentium 2 box | 03:44 |
daniels | alumik: unfortunately ubuntu can't use that icon because of trademark restrictions | 03:44 |
Orcrist | daniels, ? | 03:44 |
alumik | daniels, i know, but is easy to download and change it :) | 03:44 |
daniels | Orcrist: ah, it's gone. the /topic used to contain words to the effect of 'bashing ati or nvidia is offtopic here' | 03:45 |
alumik | or maybe make a package in non-free or contrib | 03:45 |
Orcrist | haha sorry then | 03:45 |
DesiGuy | what is the whole repositories thing about? | 03:45 |
Orcrist | wasn't really bashing, per se | 03:45 |
bitfoo | nvidia isnt broken compared to ati :| | 03:46 |
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Orcrist | what I said is perfectly factual :) a nasty side-effect I experienced first-hand | 03:46 |
Orcrist | okay okay dont' want to start a troll-war | 03:46 |
bitfoo | if you look empirically, they have supported drivers for linux for much longer than ati | 03:46 |
alumik | DesiGuy, repositories are places where the packages are stored on the net | 03:46 |
Orcrist | I <3 nvidia in fact | 03:46 |
bitfoo | well i have ati, im just saying :| | 03:46 |
desplesda | Orcrist, i one-up you | 03:46 |
desplesda | i <4 nvidia! | 03:46 |
alumik | bitfoo, but aren't free | 03:47 |
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rattboi24 | I didn't have problems with nvidia on hoary | 03:47 |
rattboi24 | of course, it was a TNT :P | 03:47 |
bitfoo | what arent free | 03:47 |
DesiGuy | ty | 03:47 |
alumik | the drivers of nvidia | 03:47 |
=== Smeggy blinks | ||
Orcrist | I do too... but it's on the cusp of back when ATI was still actively trying to support open-source drivers for its cards | 03:47 |
Orcrist | radeon 9200 | 03:47 |
bitfoo | you cant download them from ? | 03:47 |
alumik | bitfoo, free as in freedom | 03:47 |
alumik | open source | 03:47 |
Orcrist | bitfoo, you can... but that's not what's generally meant by 'freedom' | 03:47 |
Orcrist | they're binary self-compiling drivers... you can't modify them or see the source | 03:48 |
bitfoo | :| | 03:48 |
bitfoo | ahh well | 03:48 |
bitfoo | oss isnt for everyone | 03:48 |
alumik | windows is free too, you can download it from lots of warez servers | 03:48 |
Orcrist | hahahahh | 03:48 |
Orcrist | they can keep it, thanks | 03:48 |
rattboi24 | too true | 03:48 |
rattboi24 | only reason I still use it | 03:48 |
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Smeggy | hejl;e | 03:48 |
desplesda | right | 03:48 |
Smeggy | ant on keyboard | 03:48 |
bitfoo | be happy they provide it, and campaign them to open the source | 03:49 |
bitfoo | :) | 03:49 |
desplesda | i tell synaptic to mark all the required packages | 03:49 |
desplesda | openoffice included | 03:49 |
desplesda | and then it tells me that it requires 'libgconf2-4' but '2.8...ubuntu' is installed | 03:49 |
alumik | desplesda, maybe is just an upgrade | 03:49 |
desplesda | no | 03:49 |
desplesda | it gives me an error | 03:49 |
desplesda | and fails in marking firefox for upgrades | 03:49 |
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alumik | lots of packages depends of mozilla | 03:50 |
Ells | does anyone know how I can mount my internal sd card reader in my laptop | 03:50 |
desplesda | yeah, but they shouldne be required to be upgraded when mozilla is upgraded | 03:50 |
desplesda | souldnt | 03:50 |
desplesda | gah | 03:50 |
desplesda | shouldnt | 03:50 |
Orcrist | desplesda, circular dependency? | 03:50 |
Orcrist | I thought apt was supposed to be a whiz at that | 03:51 |
desplesda | gconf depends on firefox now? | 03:51 |
Ells | does anyone know how I can mount my internal sd card reader in my laptop | 03:51 |
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Orcrist | Ells, please be patient and don't spam your question | 03:51 |
Smeggy | we heard you the first time Ells | 03:51 |
Ells | sorry, bout that | 03:51 |
chillywilly | all my fav gdesklets are b0rked | 03:51 |
desplesda | so basically firefox just refuses to be flagged | 03:51 |
chillywilly | I like all the LT ones | 03:52 |
Smeggy | Ells: Toshiba laptop? | 03:52 |
rattboi24 | I still need to try gdesklets | 03:52 |
Ells | yeap | 03:52 |
Ells | nice 17 inch | 03:52 |
desplesda | mozilla-firefox: Depends: libgconf2-4 but 2.8.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed Depends: libgnomevfs2-0 but 2.8.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed | 03:52 |
Ells | how did you guess | 03:52 |
Smeggy | just a hunch | 03:53 |
Ells | cool | 03:53 |
Smeggy | unforunately it won't work | 03:53 |
Ells | why | 03:53 |
Smeggy | toshiba change their hardware with every laptop | 03:53 |
Ells | not nice to hear | 03:53 |
Smeggy | nobody can be bothered writing drivers for each new revision of the sd reader | 03:53 |
desplesda | is it worth just doing a full upgrade to hoary? | 03:53 |
Orcrist | lol least of all toshiba :) | 03:54 |
desplesda | lol | 03:54 |
Ells | I always thought warty was the upgrade | 03:54 |
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desplesda | no, warty is current | 03:54 |
desplesda | hoary is the new version | 03:54 |
Ells | cool | 03:54 |
alumik | unstable | 03:54 |
Ells | will that make any difference | 03:54 |
Orcrist | I think desktop linux gaining a big chunk of windows market won't be a reality until a few major things happen | 03:54 |
blah09 | its prettier ;) | 03:54 |
Ells | what is that | 03:54 |
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Orcrist | one of which is a sizeable hardware OEM supporting linux on their hardware | 03:54 |
Orcrist | not just 'we put redhat cmd-line only on our workstations!' | 03:55 |
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alumik | Orcrist, then they will support the millions of possible configurations? | 03:55 |
kakalto | what do I need to listen to *.asx music streaming from the internet? | 03:55 |
Ells | will upgrading to hoary make a difference in getting my sd card reader to work | 03:55 |
alumik | Ells, no | 03:55 |
Ells | had to ask | 03:56 |
Orcrist | well almumik, I'm really referring more to them supporting their hardware alone | 03:56 |
Smeggy | Nope Ells | 03:56 |
Ells | I guess I am sol | 03:56 |
Smeggy | if you need sd card reader youll have to buy an external one | 03:56 |
Smeggy | 99% of them work just dandy | 03:56 |
alumik | Ells, i have your same problem | 03:56 |
Ells | alumik what kind do you have | 03:56 |
desplesda | ok, i'm upgrading libgconf now | 03:56 |
=== Smeggy covers his eyes | ||
alumik | is one reader that uses the same chip for pcmcia or something | 03:57 |
Ells | what kind of computer do you have | 03:57 |
desplesda | thankfully it doesn't require that mono needs to be installed or anything | 03:57 |
desplesda | :P | 03:57 |
Orcrist | mononucleosis? | 03:57 |
alumik | Ells, not mine, but is an asus pundit (barebones) | 03:57 |
Ells | cool, that is the way to go | 03:57 |
Ells | build from scratch | 03:57 |
Ells | is hoary that much better than warty | 03:58 |
desplesda | not yet | 03:58 |
desplesda | its not stable yet | 03:58 |
Orcrist | stable or not, it's coming in a month :) | 03:58 |
Ells | ok, then why does everyone want to do the upgrade | 03:58 |
alumik | a monht? | 03:58 |
alumik | only? | 03:58 |
Orcrist | well, maybe not hoary per se | 03:58 |
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desplesda | i'm not upgrading to hoary | 03:59 |
desplesda | it'd piss off smeggy | 03:59 |
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Smeggy | yes | 03:59 |
desplesda | im just upgrading gconf | 03:59 |
alumik | Ells, because we have so much free time fighting bugs :) | 03:59 |
Ells | I have my warty laptop running pretty smoothly | 03:59 |
Ells | yeap | 03:59 |
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Ells | I also have this hibernation issue as well. It will not hibernate when I shut the lid. | 04:00 |
blah09 | hoary has been pretty stable on my notebook so far | 04:00 |
Orcrist | hoary is coming in april though... whether or not it has all the stuff the 'testing' hoary has, I dunno | 04:00 |
alumik | hibernation is a big problem | 04:01 |
Ells | tell me bout it | 04:01 |
Ells | when the lid is closed, the screen is off, but the computer is still going | 04:01 |
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alumik | i have found the way to suspend the laptop, but it wont wake up | 04:01 |
NetwrkMonkey | okay, is there a good howto on how to setup a virtual printer to print documents out to the .pdf format? | 04:01 |
Ells | nice | 04:02 |
Orcrist | what kind of documents NetwrkMonkey? | 04:02 |
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Ells | well, when i push the power button it shuts down, but not hibernate | 04:02 |
NetwrkMonkey | scanned with xsane | 04:03 |
NetwrkMonkey | ;-) | 04:03 |
alumik | the kernel hackers are working on it | 04:03 |
Orcrist | hmmm... open office generates pdfs | 04:03 |
NetwrkMonkey | rather set up a cups printer > pdf | 04:03 |
Ells | there has to be a way to reconfigure the power button to make it do that | 04:03 |
Orcrist | you looking to dump the pdf's on a network fileshare or something? | 04:04 |
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NetwrkMonkey | yup | 04:04 |
NetwrkMonkey | exactly that | 04:04 |
Orcrist | hmmm | 04:04 |
NetwrkMonkey | for archival purposes | 04:04 |
Orcrist | gotcha | 04:04 |
Orcrist | | 04:05 |
Ells | does anyone know of a work around for the hibernation deal | 04:05 |
Orcrist | that what you're after? | 04:06 |
desplesda | wtf | 04:06 |
desplesda | i think googles down | 04:06 |
chillywilly | llalalalal | 04:06 |
desplesda | or im a fool | 04:07 |
desplesda | lalalala | 04:07 |
Mantle | ndiswrapper is in main, correct? | 04:07 |
Ells | Just trying to get this laptop to hibernate so I wont have to keep turning it off when I am done, ya know | 04:07 |
rattboi24 | Mantle, doubt it | 04:07 |
adamZ | is swsusp enabled in the ubuntu kernel? I think that's sort of a workaround for working hibernate. | 04:08 |
Ells | well, is there anyway to check that out | 04:08 |
NetwrkMonkey | yup | 04:09 |
NetwrkMonkey | now i gotta figure out how to set itup | 04:09 |
Mantle | rattboi24, how can i find out? | 04:09 |
rattboi24 | you meant the main repository, right? | 04:09 |
blixtra | Hi all, I was hoping someone could help with a apt-get/synaptic problem... | 04:09 |
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Anubis | Synaptic disappeared from the Gnome menu? | 04:10 |
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blixtra | I've got a problem trying to uninstall a sun-j2re1.5.0 package that I installed from the repository listed here ... ... | 04:10 |
Zotnix | Mine is in Desktop -> Administration | 04:10 |
alumik | Ells, echo mem > /sys/power/state <--- to suspend | 04:10 |
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Ells | I will try that | 04:11 |
Ells | thanks | 04:11 |
alumik | but is not guaranteed to work :) | 04:11 |
blixtra | i get the following error when trying to uninstall.... | 04:11 |
Sav | how come i have startup sound/event sound etc in ubuntu but in vlc i haveny got any sound at all | 04:11 |
Mantle | rattboi24: i just mean is it in main as opposed to restricted or universe | 04:11 |
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adamZ | Ells: there's a discussion in the forums: Looks like you're out of luck for now if suspend to ram doesn't work | 04:12 |
Ells | cool thanks | 04:12 |
blixtra | cannot remove /usr/bin/unpack200: no such file or directory.... | 04:12 |
Anubis | Zotnix, not there | 04:12 |
Orcrist | what are you trying to uninstall? | 04:13 |
blixtra | subprocess sun-j2re1.5.0 | 04:13 |
blixtra | java runtime | 04:13 |
kakalto | what do I need to listen to *.asx music streaming from the internet? | 04:13 |
Orcrist | blixtra, go to command line and try sudo apt-get -m remove packagename | 04:13 |
alumik | kakalto, totem doesn't work? | 04:14 |
Orcrist | it ignores missing components | 04:14 |
kakalto | I installed the multimedia codecs, but it says "failed to open file: reason unknown" | 04:14 |
kakalto | or something similar | 04:14 |
Ells | adamZ, how can I bring it back when I do this, what the power button | 04:14 |
blixtra | ok i'll try that | 04:14 |
kakalto | alumik, no | 04:14 |
adamZ | I think the power button, yeah | 04:14 |
Ells | thanks | 04:14 |
adamZ | either that or a keypress | 04:14 |
alumik | Ells, any key | 04:14 |
Anubis | damn | 04:15 |
Anubis | hoary uninstalled synaptic for some reason | 04:15 |
Anubis | just installed it | 04:15 |
kakalto | anyone know? | 04:15 |
blixtra | still got the same error msg | 04:15 |
alumik | Anubis, install ubuntu-desktop to keep all the important packages | 04:15 |
alumik | kakalto, mplayer | 04:16 |
Anubis | weee | 04:16 |
alumik | or xine | 04:16 |
eskilo | i can i figure out which version of libvorbis i have? | 04:16 |
Parallax__ | w | 04:16 |
Parallax__ | w | 04:16 |
Parallax__ | w | 04:16 |
kakalto | alumik, which is smaller? | 04:16 |
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alumik | don't know | 04:16 |
alumik | eskilo, dpkg -l | grep libvorbis | 04:17 |
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blixtra | how can I force the removal with apt if a pre-removal script returns an error? | 04:17 |
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alumik | it seems that Ells have suspended the laptop :) | 04:17 |
silverbirch | a question about 'live' warty | 04:18 |
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Anubis | whats the least amount of apps you have installed? | 04:18 |
silverbirch | if I configure network setting and save before exiting does that mean it's there when I use warty again? | 04:18 |
alumik | silverbirch, no | 04:19 |
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alumik | there is no place to be saved | 04:19 |
silverbirch | alumik - thanks | 04:19 |
silverbirch | I guessed as much | 04:19 |
Ells | the hibernation kind of worked. It powered down, but I when I started it back up, it wen through the entire start up | 04:19 |
kakalto | is mplayer or xine easier to install? and which is smaller? | 04:19 |
Mantle | is hoary going to have better livecd support for saving settings to usb | 04:20 |
alumik | kakalto, i use totem-xine | 04:20 |
alumik | totem interface with xine backend | 04:20 |
eskilo | thanks alumik | 04:20 |
silverbirch | how does warty install go with WinXP - is it usually easy for a newbie to do? | 04:20 |
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kakalto | ahk | 04:20 |
kakalto | I'll give it a go | 04:20 |
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rattboi24 | silverbirch, the sucky part is that there's no good free dynamic partitioner | 04:21 |
alumik | kakalto, or gxine | 04:21 |
alumik | how was the suspend experiment, ells? | 04:21 |
tw001 | anyone willing to talk a bit about my sound troubles? | 04:21 |
Ells | well, it kind of worked | 04:21 |
rattboi24 | so unless you have a free partition already, you'll need something like PartitionMagic | 04:21 |
rattboi24 | unless you want a clean install of both | 04:22 |
Ells | it powered down, but when I turned it back on, it went through the entire start up | 04:22 |
rattboi24 | that's not so bad | 04:22 |
Ells | powered down fast, real fast | 04:22 |
silverbirch | rattboi24 - yes I read an article on the wiki about dual boot but for some reason can't get back to the wiki to print and read it again s/he talks about using another partitioner | 04:22 |
alumik | what button you pushed? | 04:22 |
Ells | the power button to start up | 04:22 |
alumik | try just any key of the keyboard | 04:22 |
Ells | I will try that again. be right back | 04:22 |
alumik | ok | 04:23 |
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silverbirch | rattboi24 - clean install of both - what would that involve | 04:23 |
alumik | silverbirch, repartitionate | 04:23 |
alumik | i dont know if that word exists :) | 04:23 |
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BajonBCN | so, at last I found out how stupid I am since I wasn't able to intsall/run mldonkey yet... | 04:23 |
silverbirch | :-) I don't know either | 04:24 |
rattboi24 | first, partition into 3 partitions, at least | 04:24 |
rattboi24 | then install XP on one | 04:24 |
rattboi24 | then install Ubuntu on the other 2 | 04:24 |
rattboi24 | linux uses one partiotn for swapspae | 04:24 |
rattboi24 | swapspace | 04:24 |
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silverbirch | yes I was going to use mandrake to do the partitioning but it won't start the install so don't know what I am doing wrong | 04:24 |
Mantle | OK, i found out ndiswrapper-utils is in main... so it should be supported right? | 04:25 |
silverbirch | I've been reading about importance of swap | 04:26 |
silverbirch | I've defragged and was hoping to just use unused windows space | 04:26 |
tw001 | please - can someone answer me this: why is there no alsaconf in Ubuntu? | 04:26 |
Mantle | can anyone explain what is going wrong if ndiswrapper installs the windows driver properly but modprobe won't insert the module? | 04:26 |
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Mantle | if modprobe complains it cant' find the module ndiswrapper is that modprobe's problem or ndiswrapper's | 04:30 |
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alumik | mantle, you have the module installed? | 04:31 |
wasabi | Is there a Ubuntu netinst release? | 04:31 |
adamZ | Mantle: did you run depmod -a? | 04:32 |
adamZ | I think that's the command at least | 04:32 |
alumik | first you have to compile it | 04:33 |
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Ells | well, i am back | 04:35 |
Ells | the experiment went differently this time | 04:35 |
Ells | alumik, it would not power back on this time, the light was on, but the screen was black | 04:35 |
Ells | I had to restart the computer completely | 04:35 |
alumik | Ells, same here | 04:35 |
Ells | It sort of worked the first time | 04:36 |
Ells | oh well | 04:36 |
|QuaD-_ | does anyone in here use ajunta? | 04:36 |
Mantle | I installed the ndiswrapper binary | 04:36 |
|QuaD-_ | *anjuta | 04:36 |
alumik | suspend only works son some laptops | 04:36 |
Ells | I kind of wish that I could close the lid and the computer would stop like in Crash XP | 04:36 |
Mantle | and then used that to install my windows driver | 04:36 |
alumik | like te vaio or thinkpads i think | 04:36 |
Mantle | the ndiswrapper faq doesnt' mention anything about depmod -a | 04:36 |
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Mantle | alumik: how do i check to see if i have the module installed or not | 04:37 |
alumik | modprobe -l | grep ndis | 04:37 |
christian | lsmod? | 04:37 |
Mantle | it's not installed | 04:37 |
adamZ | My Dell 600m sort of works for suspend to ram. USB doesn't work after it wakes up though. This is under Debian unstable | 04:37 |
alumik | then you have to compile | 04:37 |
Mantle | when i do modprobe -i ndiswrapper it says "ndiswrapper not found" | 04:37 |
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Pluk | i hate it when im sure ive built something witin the kernel while i accidentily set it to be a module | 04:38 |
Mantle | i'm working off of the live cd, so i have no source or tools | 04:38 |
christian | has anyone done a network boot, using ubuntu as the network clients os? | 04:38 |
Pluk | adamZ, in /etc/acpi/ add the line /etc/init.d/hotplug restart | 04:38 |
Pluk | its kinda dirty but it works | 04:39 |
Ells | does anyone think I should bother to upgrade to hoary | 04:39 |
Pluk | adamZ, /etc/init.d/hotplug start >/dev/null 2>&1 | 04:39 |
adamZ | ah thanks, I'll try that | 04:39 |
alumik | Ells, if you are a beginner, dont upgrade | 04:39 |
Pluk | to be more precise | 04:40 |
Ells | I am still kind of novice | 04:40 |
Ells | I will wait | 04:40 |
Ells | I finally have this working pretty good | 04:40 |
alumik | the only reason for me to upgrade is xorg (i have an unichrome card) | 04:40 |
Ells | the only things that still need working are hiberantion, and my sd card reader (maybe hopeless) | 04:41 |
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alumik | Ells, just buy a standard usb reader | 04:41 |
adamZ | Pluk: what's the event called? I'm gonna need to add it to the events folder, cause I don't have a | 04:41 |
Pluk | if you have an ati radeon card and want to use 3d then you can forget about hibernation/sleep | 04:42 |
Ells | yeah, I guess I will | 04:42 |
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Pluk | just comes after some events | 04:42 |
tw001 | how do you prevent Ubuntu from booting into X? | 04:43 |
Pluk | weird you dont have it | 04:43 |
tw001 | I looked at the inittab - couldn't get it | 04:43 |
Pluk | tw001, update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 04:43 |
adamZ | this is debian unstable, so it could be slightly different. | 04:44 |
Pluk | that will remove gdm? startup | 04:44 |
tw001 | thank you | 04:44 |
Pluk | yw | 04:44 |
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eskilo | how can i make included apps use libs that were installed to usr/local/lib? do i have to recompile them, or can i just move the newer libs to /usr/lib? | 04:45 |
Ells | has anyone used net applet | 04:45 |
Ells | to find networks | 04:45 |
alumik | Ells, installing it now :) | 04:47 |
Ells | cool, let me know how that goes | 04:48 |
Ells | I had an instance when I installed it last | 04:48 |
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Ells | after installed, I could get an ip, but it would not route properly | 04:48 |
Ells | hey tritium | 04:48 |
tritium | Ells, hi. | 04:48 |
Ells | how ya been | 04:49 |
tritium | pretty good, you? | 04:49 |
Ells | pretty good, this is steve actually | 04:49 |
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tritium | Hey steve | 04:49 |
Ells | hey have you ever used net applet | 04:49 |
Ells | I am kind of getting a barometer on the application | 04:49 |
tritium | Ells, I don't think so. | 04:50 |
Ells | you never used it | 04:50 |
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kakalto | when I play *.asx streaming music files from the internet via totem-xine, it plays for a second, "starts buffering", then pauses, and when I un-pause it, it only plays for a second | 04:50 |
tritium | Ells, is it the old gnome network applet? | 04:50 |
Ells | not sure, I was given it by ficus | 04:50 |
kakalto | does anyone know why? | 04:50 |
Ells | do you recommend one | 04:50 |
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Ells | last time when it was installed, i had issues | 04:51 |
tritium | Ells, I don't even have it installed. | 04:51 |
Ells | do you use one of any kind | 04:51 |
gza | what's the best way to install ubuntu linux on 2 4gb harddrives? | 04:51 |
tritium | Ells, I used to use the wireless applet, but it's gone from gnome now. | 04:51 |
gza | or should I put everything on the first hd? | 04:51 |
Ells | i have a copy if you want it | 04:51 |
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Pluk | gza, 3.5gb root .5gb swap and 4gb home | 04:52 |
tritium | Ells, it's okay, thanks. Everything works automatically for me, anyway. | 04:52 |
Ells | just trying to gauge if its good and if not which one | 04:52 |
tritium | I used ifrename and resolvconf, and I'm all set. | 04:52 |
gza | Pluk, really that much for root? | 04:52 |
Ells | same here, just cant see other networks | 04:52 |
tritium | Ells, did you try NetworkMonitor? | 04:52 |
Pluk | ubuntu takes 2gb or something with lots stuff loaded | 04:52 |
Ells | naw, what ya think about that app | 04:53 |
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kakalto | does anyone know why, when I play *.asx streaming music files from the internet via totem-xine, it plays for a second, "starts buffering", then pauses, and when I un-pause it, it only plays for a second | 04:53 |
tritium | don't know. I haven't used it either. | 04:53 |
Pluk | then some spare space for some kernel compilation and more spare | 04:53 |
gza | Pluk, sorry I forgot partitioning scheme | 04:53 |
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Ells | how do you find wireless networks | 04:53 |
gza | that last one was a dumb statement ;) | 04:53 |
Pluk | :P | 04:53 |
Pluk | but 3.5 could be kinda an overkill | 04:54 |
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kakalto | anyone?! | 04:54 |
tritium | Ells, I don't ever need to select between more than one. I have one at home, and one at work. | 04:54 |
Pluk | but i should have 2.5 minimal | 04:54 |
Ells | cool, understand | 04:54 |
gza | Pluk, basicially setting up a desktop for my windows bound brother so I'll probably need a lot of space | 04:54 |
Ells | I am out and about, just trying to find a good solid tool. | 04:54 |
Pluk | but i sense its an old computer | 04:55 |
tritium | Ells, sorry. | 04:55 |
Ells | not a problem | 04:55 |
Pluk | then you better try xfce4.2 over gnome | 04:55 |
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gza | Pluk, your Jedi powers have grown young Paduan! | 04:55 |
Pluk | :P :D | 04:55 |
Pluk | hehe | 04:55 |
gza | 350mhz 256ram | 04:55 |
Pluk | should be enough to run gnome i guess | 04:56 |
gza | Pluk, gnome is quite usable though | 04:56 |
Pluk | but for some faster response still would suggest xfce4.2 | 04:56 |
Pluk | takes a lot less space too | 04:56 |
Pluk | about 1.4gb | 04:57 |
gza | not the way to impress someone moving from windows though | 04:57 |
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gza | I showed my brother my freebsd box running gnome 2.8 with OSX theme and his jaw dropped :) | 04:57 |
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Pluk | how is freebsd for laptops lately? | 04:58 |
tritium | gza, which OSX theme did you use? | 04:58 |
gza | Pluk, I'm on freebsd on my laptop right now | 04:58 |
Pluk | would love to try freebsd if i have some more time :) | 04:59 |
Pluk | what kinda laptop you have? | 04:59 |
gza | tritium, I think it might be hacked or something and turned on xorg composite too | 04:59 |
tritium | I see. | 04:59 |
Pluk | read that freebsd has xorg now too | 04:59 |
gza | Pluk, pretty lowend thinkpad | 04:59 |
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Pluk | nice! thinkpad here too | 05:00 |
Ells | alumik how is the net applet going | 05:00 |
cg0def | hi, I get an error in dpkg-preconfigure and I have no idea how to fix it | 05:00 |
gza | Thinkpad i1412 (366celeron) :| | 05:00 |
Pluk | TP's rock! | 05:00 |
cg0def | does anyone know what could be the problem | 05:00 |
gza | definitely want a new one | 05:00 |
Pluk | have a t42 here | 05:00 |
Pluk | great machine | 05:00 |
=== gza is jealous | ||
alumik | Ells, installing the damn wifi drivers for my card | 05:00 |
gza | love the T series | 05:01 |
Pluk | if im gonna wreck my house i can use the ibm as sledgehammer | 05:01 |
Pluk | rocksolid | 05:01 |
Pluk | :P | 05:01 |
kakalto | is apart from interface, is there any difference between xine-ui and totem-xine? | 05:01 |
gza | Titanium? | 05:01 |
Ells | you dont sound happy | 05:01 |
Ells | when I installed it before, I had trouble getting the computer back online after rebooting | 05:02 |
cg0def | kakalto: yeah they look different and totem-xine is the binding to xine for totem | 05:02 |
cg0def | kakalto: so you need to install totem also | 05:02 |
kakalto | totem comes installed, if you hadn't noticed | 05:02 |
alumik | totem is virtual package | 05:02 |
cg0def | ok | 05:02 |
alumik | totem-gstreamer comes by default | 05:02 |
alumik | but it doesn't work very well | 05:02 |
gza | Pluk, but for my brother linux is better since he'll want real player and wine etc. | 05:03 |
kakalto | thing is, I hear xine is the only media player that handles *.asx streaming media properly | 05:03 |
Pluk | indeed | 05:03 |
kakalto | but it's not! | 05:03 |
kakalto | it plays for one second | 05:03 |
Pluk | last question about freebsd :) does it has xfce4.2? | 05:03 |
kakalto | *ooh yay!* | 05:03 |
cg0def | kakalto: I like gstreamer better that xine and I ment that you need to have totem installed not to install it :) | 05:03 |
kakalto | ahk | 05:03 |
cg0def | Pluk: yes it does | 05:03 |
kakalto | but gstreamer doesn't work well with *.asx, does it? | 05:03 |
Pluk | great | 05:03 |
cg0def | Pluk; there's an online database with all the pkgs in port | 05:04 |
Pluk | even better | 05:04 |
Pluk | gonna check that | 05:04 |
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cg0def | kakalto: yeah not very well. I use mplayer for stuff like that but sometimes it doesn't work that well either | 05:04 |
Pluk | thx | 05:04 |
kakalto | cg0def, is it hard to get mplayer? | 05:05 |
kakalto | or is it in the repositories? | 05:06 |
neom | Does anyone else find k packet manger really shit? | 05:06 |
neom | -shit +bad | 05:06 |
kakalto | stupid mplayer | 05:07 |
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cg0def | kakalto: no not at all you need the sourced added to apt | 05:08 |
cg0def | let me check what the address was | 05:08 |
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tritium | neom, I'm not a big fan of k* | 05:09 |
neom | The enviornment seems quite nice. But when I loaded up the package manger I was shocked, it's just ugly. | 05:09 |
neom | I just run synaptic from the command line now, and that works out fine. | 05:10 |
kakalto | man this pisses me off | 05:11 |
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cg0def | kakalto: well I thought that I had labeled the server when I added it but I guess I forgot. Anyway google it and you'll find a bunch of packages | 05:11 |
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kakalto | google what | 05:11 |
kakalto | ? | 05:12 |
kakalto | why on earth do they add mplayer to the default repositorie if you can't install it without getting some random 3rd party repositorie link!?! | 05:13 |
kakalto | on another topic, is grub on the live-cd? | 05:13 |
kakalto | and can i run it to install grub onto a specific hard drive? | 05:14 |
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cg0def | kakalto: google something like debian mplayer or ubuntu mplayer | 05:15 |
dr_willis | grub has a fancy command line with all sorts of commands to do that.. | 05:15 |
cg0def | kakalto: and I really have no idea why mplayer is not in apt | 05:15 |
dr_willis | not that i rember the exact commands however. | 05:15 |
cg0def | kakalto: it is oss after all | 05:15 |
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tritium | kakalto, just add Marillat's repository | 05:15 |
tritium | then you're set | 05:15 |
cg0def | dr_willis: so does lilo | 05:15 |
kakalto | dr_willis, usually I just use "grub", and type a couple of commands when it runs | 05:15 |
kakalto | *I run grub | 05:16 |
kakalto | from the command line, "grub" | 05:16 |
dr_willis | lilo dosent have the shell type featuire of grub however. | 05:16 |
kakalto | although you can just do grub-install hd0 or whatever | 05:16 |
cg0def | well it's personal choise which one you use | 05:17 |
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dr_willis | that shell feature of grub has saved me many a times. | 05:17 |
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cg0def | I like lilo because it looks better when you have images in the backgrown and plus I know pretty much everything about it | 05:17 |
cg0def | background | 05:17 |
geppy | What's a good IDE for C++? | 05:18 |
dr_willis | geppy, emacs :P | 05:18 |
kakalto | I hate how windows doesn't let you choose to write to the MBR or not | 05:18 |
tritium | why does firefox open up to a blank window, rather than the specified homepage? | 05:18 |
geppy | dr_willis: hahaha | 05:18 |
wasabi | Eclipse. =) | 05:18 |
cg0def | geppy: what you want to do with c++ | 05:18 |
dr_willis | grepper, its been an ide for C and C++ longer then all the others :p | 05:18 |
wasabi | geppy, Eclipse. =) | 05:18 |
geppy | cg0def: GTK+ applications. | 05:18 |
cg0def | geppy: anjuta | 05:19 |
geppy | dr_willis: hahaha | 05:19 |
wasabi | Eclipse has a debugger for C that looks like VS.Net | 05:19 |
|QuaD-_ | dr_willis: emacs isn't an ide | 05:19 |
geppy | Hmm... I'll give both of those a run. =) | 05:19 |
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dr_willis | |QuaD-_, some would say emacs would be a great OS - if it had a decent text editor. | 05:19 |
dr_willis | :P | 05:19 |
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cg0def | yeah and is liquid dudu | 05:19 |
mavherzog | so, any new Mac mini owners here? | 05:19 |
geppy | wasabi: eclipse isn't in the warty repository; where would I get it? | 05:19 |
wasabi |, it's Java based. | 05:19 |
dr_willis | mavherzog, looked at them.. cant see that they are worth getting for my needs. | 05:19 |
wasabi | So you need a JVM. | 05:20 |
|QuaD-_ | dr_willis: its not an ide though | 05:20 |
cg0def | geppy: oh yeah plus glade for the interface | 05:20 |
dr_willis | mavherzog, silly step kids managed to kill the imac i gave them | 05:20 |
|QuaD-_ | dr_willis: quit trying to be cute | 05:20 |
geppy | cg0def: Ah, cool. | 05:20 |
|QuaD-_ | geppy: use anjuta | 05:20 |
wasabi | geppy, | 05:20 |
geppy | wasabi: Alright, thanks. =) | 05:20 |
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dr_willis | |QuaD-_, depends on your definition of ide's I recall emacs beuing included in several 'ide' roundups in several magazines. | 05:20 |
cg0def | geppy: eclipse is not in apt because it depends on java and java is not oss | 05:20 |
wasabi | cg0def, not yet. | 05:20 |
|QuaD-_ | dr_willis: ide=integrated development environment | 05:21 |
mavherzog | dr_willis: I just ordered two for my kids. they currently use x86 and SuSE, but it is becoming an increasing pain with the software they need to run for school stuff (we homeschool) :) | 05:21 |
geppy | cg0def: Can blackdown not run it? | 05:21 |
wasabi | blackdown is not oss | 05:21 |
geppy | Oh. | 05:21 |
geppy | My bad./ | 05:21 |
wasabi | | 05:21 |
wasabi | geppy, I am working on Eclipse packages. | 05:21 |
cg0def | geppy: I think it can but it's kinda slow as far as I know | 05:21 |
geppy | wasabi: =) | 05:21 |
wasabi | Blackdown runs it fine. | 05:21 |
geppy | Ah, cool. | 05:22 |
wasabi | Sun's run's it fine too. | 05:22 |
geppy | heh | 05:22 |
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wasabi | Not much reason to pick blackdown over Sun's... they are both closed. | 05:22 |
cg0def | geppy: there's a tutorial on how to install java somewhere on the ubuntu site though | 05:22 |
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geppy | cg0def: Right. =) | 05:22 |
|QuaD-_ | dr_willis: emacs is a text editor, not an ide | 05:22 |
|QuaD-_ | check the definition of an ide | 05:22 |
Ells | alumik, how did it go with net applet | 05:22 |
cg0def | geppy: but for gtk+ anjuta works better | 05:22 |
wasabi | does anjuta have a debugger? | 05:22 |
geppy | cg0def: Alright. | 05:22 |
cg0def | geppy: plus anjuta and glade are merging for the 2.0 release | 05:23 |
geppy | Ah. =) | 05:23 |
dr_willis | |QuaD-_, emacs is included in quite a few of the google hits i am getting for "ide programing comparisons" | 05:23 |
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cg0def | geppy: yeah gnome is finally going to have a real sofisticated IDE | 05:23 |
geppy | cg0def: =d | 05:23 |
|QuaD-_ | dr_willis: ok? so | 05:24 |
alumik | Ells, it works. now i'm connected thru the neighbour dsl :) | 05:24 |
|QuaD-_ | that doesn't mean it is an ide | 05:24 |
FAST | is the latest version of firefox available through synaptiec? | 05:24 |
Ells | nice which version did you use | 05:24 |
|QuaD-_ | | 05:24 |
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Ells | and did you restart | 05:24 |
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IRCUser01 | hi | 05:24 |
kakalto | yay! | 05:24 |
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kakalto | finally | 05:24 |
IRCUser01 | what is new in array 4 over 3.5 :P | 05:24 |
alumik | it crashed the whole computer | 05:24 |
alumik | the hoary one | 05:24 |
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Ells | okay | 05:24 |
Hydroxide | anyone know if there is a unichrome/via driver in hoary's xserver-xorg package _on amd64_? | 05:25 |
Ells | where did you get yours from | 05:25 |
Hydroxide | I have a K8M800 chipset | 05:25 |
j-rock | anyone know what the deal is with 'ncurses-devel' when i try to 'make menuconfig' my kernel | 05:25 |
Ells | alumik, where did you get your version from | 05:25 |
j-rock | it says i need to install ncurses-devel, but there is no package available named ncurses devel | 05:25 |
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geppy | j-rock: libcurses5-dev | 05:26 |
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j-rock | geppy: ty, lemme try | 05:26 |
geppy | wait | 05:26 |
Pluk | :) | 05:26 |
geppy | j-rock: libncurses5-dev | 05:26 |
geppy | I left out the 'n' | 05:26 |
IRCUser01 | array 3.5 livecd worked fine for me | 05:26 |
IRCUser01 | i wonder what array 4 changed :P | 05:26 |
j-rock | geppy: awesome | 05:27 |
niptac | hey guys which one would you recommend xine or mplayer? | 05:27 |
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geppy | xine | 05:27 |
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j-rock | niptac: mplayer | 05:27 |
cafuego | Hydroxide: Let me see. | 05:27 |
niptac | cool | 05:27 |
Ells | alumik what version did you sue and from where | 05:27 |
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geppy | mplayer has a crappy GUI | 05:27 |
FAST | how do i share a folder in linux to be available to a winxp computer on the same network? | 05:27 |
IRCUser01 | 26-Jan-2005 was 3.5 | 05:27 |
pussfeller | xine is better for ogms | 05:27 |
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geppy | FAST: apt-get install samba | 05:27 |
j-rock | yeah it does, but if mplayer can't play the file, then its not a media file | 05:27 |
IRCUser01 | 4 is what, a week newer :P | 05:27 |
alumik_ | Ells, netapplet 0.99.4-2ubuntu | 05:27 |
pussfeller | unless you wanna manually assign subtitle/audion streams | 05:27 |
cafuego | Hydroxide: s3_drv.o | 05:27 |
Ells | okay, where did you get yours | 05:28 |
alumik_ | from hoary | 05:28 |
geppy | FAST: Then modify /etc/samba/smb/conf | 05:28 |
alumik_ | is buggy | 05:28 |
geppy | FAST: /etc/samba/smb.conf | 05:28 |
Ells | do you got the address, maybe I will check it out | 05:28 |
alumik_ | is included with gnome | 05:28 |
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alumik_ | you can't install it on warty | 05:29 |
Ells | really | 05:29 |
Ells | it comes preinstalled with hoary | 05:29 |
alumik_ | no, just apt-get install netapplet | 05:29 |
Hydroxide | cafuego: didn't work for me. I should mention, I am using this package on Debian sid, but from what I understand it shouldn't matter. | 05:29 |
FAST | geppy, ok, installed samba, now have smb.conf open | 05:29 |
Ells | okay | 05:29 |
Hydroxide | cafuego: it's not exactly more appropriate for #debian or #ubuntu, so I had to pick one | 05:30 |
Hydroxide | cafuego: but, since it's an ubuntu package, I'm asking here | 05:30 |
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tw001 | hey folks - I just upgraded from warty to hoary - still no system sounds in kde & other programs - still no alsaconf - any ideas/thoughts? | 05:30 |
Ells | I am on warty and it is not available for download | 05:30 |
Ells | I have 0.99.4-1 | 05:31 |
tritium | tw001, alsaconf is in alsa-utils | 05:31 |
alumik_ | if you want to see the other networks you can use kismet or airsnort | 05:32 |
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tritium | tw001, try "apt-cache search alsaconf" | 05:32 |
geppy | cg0def: Thanks! anjuta is _very_ nice | 05:33 |
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Hydroxide | cafuego: hrm, strings s3_drv.o | grep -i unichrom doesn't give any results | 05:33 |
Hydroxide | cafuego: are you sure that's the right driver? | 05:33 |
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Ells | alumik, you said it wont work with warty, just hoary | 05:34 |
alumik_ | Hydroxide, are you talking about the unichrome cards? | 05:34 |
tw001 | tritium - yes, it says its there. but as root, it gives command not found | 05:34 |
Hydroxide | cafuego: ditto with grep -i via | 05:34 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: yes | 05:34 |
FAST | geppy, anything else to do? | 05:34 |
alumik_ | Hydroxide, i have one of these | 05:34 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: what do you do? | 05:34 |
FAST | geppy, i've edited smb.conf a bit, do i have to restart smb ? | 05:34 |
alumik_ | the module isn't on the main kernel | 05:34 |
geppy | FAST: Restart samba. | 05:34 |
geppy | FAST: Yes. | 05:34 |
FAST | what is the command for that? | 05:34 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: oh, it needs a kernel module for X to detect it? | 05:35 |
alumik_ | with is possible to accelerate 2D | 05:35 |
alumik_ | whithout the kernel | 05:35 |
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geppy | FAST: I don't rightly recall, sorry. | 05:35 |
Ells | alumik, if I was to upgrade to hoary, then I could install net applet | 05:35 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: I'm using ... I'd like both 3D and 2D if possible, but I definitely need 2D acceleration | 05:35 |
geppy | you *could* kill smbd and then run smbd again, but that's a dumb way to do it. | 05:35 |
IRCUser01 | hoary array 5 burning time | 05:35 |
alumik_ | Ells, yes, but i dont reccomend it | 05:35 |
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IRCUser01 | lets see how this puppy runs :) | 05:35 |
gza | ext3 or reiserfs for desktop machine? | 05:35 |
Ells | well the version I have is one behind | 05:35 |
alumik_ | Hydroxide, use the via driver | 05:36 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: I'm using xserver-xorg 6.8.1-1ubuntu15 | 05:36 |
Ells | dont know for sure how stable that version is | 05:36 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: I don't see a via driver | 05:36 |
Hydroxide | alumik_: this is on amd64 | 05:36 |
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Hydroxide | alumik_: also, compiling it from source at gives me a whole slew of errors | 05:36 |
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xquizit | is there a way I can block kernel upgrades? | 05:38 |
FAST | geppy, okay i just ran smbd, it didnt need restarting. looks like its working so far ;) | 05:38 |
alumik_ | Ells, the netapplet isn't very stable | 05:38 |
Ells | ok, is there anyone you would truly recommend | 05:39 |
FAST | geppy, any idea how i set the conf so that windows machines can connect? or what login / password do i have to use ? | 05:39 |
rattboi24 | without opening my box, is there an easy way to find out if I have ISA devices? | 05:41 |
rattboi24 | like lsisa? or something similar? | 05:41 |
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Ells | alumi, is there any one program you would recommend | 05:43 |
IRCUser01 | hoary array 4 is burnt and ready to load :) | 05:43 |
IRCUser01 | off i go! | 05:43 |
AngryPunk | is hoary fairly stable at the moment? | 05:43 |
tritium | yes | 05:43 |
Guardiann | works well for me | 05:44 |
alumik_ | Ells, well, for what? | 05:44 |
Ells | well, to scan for avail networks | 05:44 |
randabis | "unstable" is misleading | 05:45 |
alumik_ | Ells, kismet | 05:45 |
Ells | ok | 05:45 |
alumik_ | is ugly but works :) | 05:45 |
Ells | can i get that from apt-get | 05:45 |
randabis | it's more refering to the status of the packages...not the system itself perse | 05:45 |
alumik_ | yes | 05:45 |
Ells | i will try that then | 05:45 |
alumik_ | and it talks! :) | 05:45 |
jdub | randabis: (that's why we don't have 'unstable') :) | 05:45 |
FAST | can someone tell me how to edit samba's smb.conf to add a user (if i need to) so that windows machines can access shared files | 05:45 |
randabis | jdub, true enough. :) | 05:45 |
randabis | "development" :) | 05:46 |
raydogg | fast, smbpasswd -a user | 05:46 |
Ells | alumik, it is installed, can you tell me how to actually use it | 05:46 |
raydogg | then in the share, make sure u set valid users= user | 05:46 |
randabis | I just hear some less informed people refer to hoary as "unstable" and it's sort of annoying | 05:46 |
gza | Pluk, used the partitioning scheme you suggested 3.5gb /, .5gb swap, /home 4gb. But I get a 'grub-install (hd0) failed' fatal error. ? | 05:46 |
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pussfeller | is playing The Smiths :: That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore | 05:46 |
randabis | gza, no boot partition? | 05:47 |
Ells | I went to start Kismet and got some errors | 05:47 |
FAST | raydogg, "Failed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user hera. Does this user exist in the UNIX password database ?" | 05:47 |
alumik_ | Ells, you have to configure it, with the card model | 05:47 |
gza | randabis, ah could be. | 05:47 |
randabis | it's not "required" per se, but I think it's a good idea | 05:47 |
alumik_ | edit /etc/kismet.conf or something | 05:47 |
pussfeller | smbpasswd -a hera | 05:48 |
Ells | I have to ask, how would someone do that | 05:48 |
Ells | okay | 05:48 |
randabis | you can run it fine without a boot partition, but I find it generally a good practice | 05:48 |
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gza | randabis, so I'm installing on two HD's so I should use / /boot swap hda1 and /home on hda2 (each are 4gb hds)? | 05:48 |
FAST | pussfeller, that's the message i get after trying to run "sudo smbpasswd -a hera" | 05:48 |
tritium | Ells, did you end up trying netapplet? | 05:48 |
Ells | I think I might | 05:49 |
Ells | it seems easier to use than ksimet | 05:49 |
Ells | kismet | 05:49 |
Ells | not sure if my version I have is compatible with warty though | 05:49 |
randabis | I usually do /boot swap, then / /home | 05:49 |
gza | how much for boot? | 05:49 |
Ells | I have 0.99.4-1 | 05:50 |
randabis | shouldn't need more than 100mb, 40-50 is fine too | 05:50 |
randabis | could probably even get by on 20-30 | 05:50 |
tritium | Ells, that's the same version in Hoary | 05:50 |
pussfeller | FAST, you might still be able to connect from windows, if not, add hera as a user with shell /bin/false | 05:50 |
randabis | depends on how many kernels you want, etc | 05:50 |
Ells | Tritium, is it compatible for Warty | 05:51 |
tritium | Ells, I thought you had the same version in Warty. | 05:51 |
Ells | you mean the kernel | 05:51 |
randabis | if it's the same version I'd assume compatibility would be a nonissue | 05:51 |
tritium | It should be the same .deb on the archives | 05:52 |
FAST | pussfeller, what if i want guest access from a windows machine? | 05:52 |
Ells | I have the deb, but cannot get it through apt-get | 05:52 |
wasabi | what version of hte kernel did warty release with? | 05:52 |
tritium | 2.6.8 I believe | 05:52 |
wasabi | Can somebody verify that via-velocity exists in /lib/modules for me? | 05:52 |
pussfeller | FAST, you can do that, but I cant remember how and I was going to ask myself | 05:52 |
wasabi | I need to let a friend know. | 05:52 |
tritium | wasabi, it won't for everyone. | 05:52 |
randabis | to be more specific | 05:53 |
pussfeller | FAST, troubles with samba are ussually password related :) | 05:53 |
wasabi | tritium, why? | 05:53 |
Ells | are there different packages under hoary than warty | 05:53 |
wasabi | Looks liek the patch was submitted to the lkml in 2.6.6 | 05:53 |
tritium | wasabi, because not everyone has the same hardware | 05:53 |
FAST | hm | 05:53 |
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wasabi | lib/modules isn't decided by what hardware you have. | 05:53 |
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JoePenguin | Ells: yes | 05:53 |
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Ells | oka | 05:53 |
FAST | pussfeller, what does /bin/false do ? | 05:53 |
Ells | if I was to change the source, would it upgrade the system | 05:53 |
tritium | wasabi, oh, I thought you meant /etc/modules | 05:53 |
tritium | wasabi, my bad | 05:53 |
wasabi | I just need ot know if the via-velocity module exists in warty | 05:54 |
JoePenguin | Ells: | 05:54 |
Ells | thanks joe | 05:54 |
randabis | Ells, depends on what you change and how you perform upgrades | 05:54 |
Ells | thanks rand | 05:54 |
JoePenguin | Ells: also | 05:54 |
Ells | thanks joe | 05:55 |
pussfeller | FAST, that is for when you have to add a user to your linux box, but you don't want them to have a login shell | 05:55 |
tritium | Ells, in the case of netapplet, though, it's the same package | 05:55 |
Ells | tritium, will it work the same on warty though | 05:55 |
Ells | as far as stability | 05:55 |
FAST | pussfeller, what is the command i run to add the user hera? i forget.. | 05:55 |
wasabi | tritium, there a chance you can check in yours for me? | 05:55 |
pussfeller | superadduser | 05:56 |
tritium | wasabi, I'll check.. | 05:56 |
pussfeller | FAST, you cannt connect from windows? | 05:56 |
FAST | pussfeller, i see the linux computer listed in the windows network area, when i double click it i need a login/pass ; but i guess i havent' set one yet | 05:56 |
tritium | wasabi, it's there | 05:57 |
wasabi | on warty? cool. thanks. | 05:57 |
rattboi24 | if I compile a kernel without IPV6, is everything gonna break? | 05:58 |
tritium | wasabi, I'm using Hoary, but it's still there. | 05:58 |
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tritium | wasabi, the kernel I installed Warty with has it too | 05:59 |
mike998 | guys... i'm looking for ub40... kingston town for my g/f | 05:59 |
mike998 | help please | 05:59 |
tritium | wasabi, it's not something that should change | 05:59 |
Ells | tritium, are you running warty or hoary | 05:59 |
tritium | Hoary | 05:59 |
Ells | oka | 05:59 |
Ells | okay | 05:59 |
tritium | mike998, with what? | 06:00 |
mike998 | bittorrent | 06:00 |
wasabi | tritium, it was posted to the lkml during late 2.6.6 | 06:00 |
wasabi | So I question if it made 2.6.8, that is all. | 06:00 |
tritium | okay | 06:00 |
mike998 | sorry, i am vry drunk... | 06:00 |
wasabi | thanks. ;) | 06:00 |
mike998 | i will owe you many | 06:00 |
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tritium | wasabi, it was in | 06:01 |
wasabi | okay, cool. | 06:01 |
tritium | dont' know before that | 06:01 |
tritium | don't | 06:01 |
tritium | mike998, just buy it | 06:01 |
mike998 | it's her birthday | 06:01 |
mike998 | today | 06:01 |
pussfeller | FAST, actually you can add a user fromthe computer/sys config/users and groups thing | 06:01 |
ferris | hey.... I was wondering does Ubuntu have a utility to create ISO images? | 06:02 |
crimsun | wasabi: it's in, too | 06:02 |
ferris | i am pretty new to linux | 06:02 |
alumik_ | ferris, of course | 06:02 |
lamont | ferris: mkisofs | 06:02 |
ferris | i have been using it for about 2.5 months | 06:02 |
alumik_ | use the gnome cd burner | 06:02 |
wm_eddie | ferris: mkisofs? | 06:03 |
Agrajag | that doesn't create iso images | 06:03 |
lamont | gnome cd burner is much more GUI than mkisofs | 06:03 |
FAST | pussfeller, how do i make it so there is no home directory, etc for the accoutn? | 06:03 |
chillywilly | connect the dots | 06:03 |
chillywilly | lalalaala | 06:03 |
alumik_ | drag files to the gnome cd burner, then select iso image instead your burner | 06:03 |
pussfeller | FAST, you set allthat stuff in the gui thing | 06:03 |
pussfeller | or you can delte it later | 06:04 |
FAST | pussfeller, so i jsut remove the /home/$user part ? | 06:04 |
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pussfeller | yes i assume | 06:04 |
FAST | ok | 06:04 |
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FAST | pussfeller, now do i specify what users can access the share i listed in the smb.conf ? and how? | 06:06 |
ferris | I did not see it in synaptec | 06:06 |
ferris | do i need to apt-get? | 06:06 |
wm_eddie | ferris: um, it's part of nautilus | 06:06 |
wm_eddie | Places>Create CD or something like that. | 06:06 |
|QuaD-_ | ++i itterates then returns right? | 06:07 |
pussfeller | FAST, you are probably going to have to look at the example smb.conf or go to their website | 06:07 |
|QuaD-_ | in c++? | 06:07 |
crimsun | |QuaD-_: preincrements, yes. | 06:07 |
alumik_ | ferris, open nautilus and open burn:/// | 06:07 |
wm_eddie | ++i == (i+=1) | 06:07 |
mike_douglas | Will GCC4 be ready for Hoary? GCJ4+Eclipse would be really awesome. | 06:07 |
alumik_ | or in places | 06:07 |
|QuaD-_ | thanks :) | 06:07 |
crimsun | mike_douglas: _highly_ doubtful. | 06:07 |
mike_douglas | damn | 06:09 |
ferris | alumik_: I have never used Nautilus... i cannot locate it in under applications or computer... how do i start it? | 06:10 |
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alumik_ | nautilus is the "explorer" of gnome | 06:11 |
alumik_ | open your home | 06:11 |
alumik_ | or a cd | 06:11 |
alumik_ | that is nautilus | 06:11 |
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wm_eddie | ferris: You can also use ALT+F2 to run programs by name | 06:12 |
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ferris | alumik_: I do not have a program called 'burn'... atleast not that I can find... | 06:14 |
alumik_ | ferris, open your home | 06:14 |
ferris | ok, it is open | 06:14 |
subterrific | Places->CD/DVD Creator | 06:14 |
estebandido | can someone tell me the command-line name of network tools? | 06:15 |
alumik_ | there is a menu called places or go to or something? | 06:15 |
ferris | no | 06:15 |
alumik_ | no? | 06:15 |
ferris | no | 06:15 |
alumik_ | what menus you have? | 06:15 |
ferris | let me rephrase.... I go to Computer>Home | 06:16 |
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ferris | that opens a new file | 06:16 |
alumik_ | window | 06:16 |
ferris | i have all of my personal files in that window | 06:16 |
ferris | yes | 06:16 |
ferris | window | 06:16 |
Shinitenshi | hello | 06:16 |
subterrific | and at the top of that window there is a menu named Places | 06:16 |
alumik_ | that window doesn't have a menu? | 06:16 |
ferris | ok | 06:16 |
ferris | yes... sorry about that | 06:17 |
subterrific | and in that menu there is an item named CD Creator | 06:17 |
Shinitenshi | umm am having drivers issues any help | 06:17 |
Shinitenshi | :( | 06:17 |
ferris | i am a little intoxicated | 06:17 |
ferris | i have the menu | 06:17 |
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subterrific | so that opens a new window when you select it | 06:17 |
crimsun | Shinitenshi: difficult to help unless you tell us what you're having issues with | 06:17 |
subterrific | then you drag the files you want on the cd, into that window | 06:17 |
ferris | ok i have the cd creator | 06:17 |
ferris | thanks | 06:17 |
Shinitenshi | ah thankyou | 06:17 |
Shinitenshi | i just wanted a reply | 06:17 |
Shinitenshi | well | 06:17 |
Shinitenshi | first time linux user | 06:18 |
subterrific | ferris: then you go to the File menu in the cd creator window | 06:18 |
subterrific | ferris: and select Write to Disc | 06:18 |
Shinitenshi | and everything is good execpt my wireless nick card isnt being seen | 06:18 |
Shinitenshi | am using the onboard network card on my lap top | 06:18 |
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Shinitenshi | i wanted to know how to install it | 06:18 |
Amaranth | Shinitenshi: I have a feeling the onboard card doesn't have a Linux driver. | 06:18 |
Shinitenshi | well my onboard one does | 06:19 |
Shinitenshi | just my wireless one doesnt | 06:19 |
ferris | shinitenshi: it should autodetect and set up | 06:19 |
Amaranth | Luckily there is a way to use the Windows drivers for it but it's a PITA to setup. | 06:19 |
ferris | which laptop | 06:19 |
Amaranth | Unless Ubuntu makes that easier too. | 06:19 |
subterrific | it does | 06:19 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: there is a FAQ on this | 06:20 |
Shinitenshi | on site? | 06:20 |
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Amaranth | This channel really needs a bot. | 06:20 |
estebandido | i need help with netowrk tools | 06:20 |
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alumik | to do what? | 06:21 |
randabis | ndiswrapper really isn't hard to setup as long as your card is supported | 06:21 |
Amaranth | pull up FAQ entries and google searches | 06:21 |
randabis | takes all of 4...maybe 5 commands... | 06:21 |
Shinitenshi | heh | 06:22 |
Shinitenshi | thx i guess ;P | 06:22 |
alumik | Amaranth, and commands like !fix_my_computer | 06:22 |
randabis | I'd like @rtfm and .fgi :) | 06:22 |
Amaranth | alumik: I could make that ask for their password, SSH in to their system, and run sudo rm -rf / && sudo shutdown -h now | 06:22 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: | 06:23 |
alumik | Amaranth, dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda1 | 06:23 |
randabis | lol | 06:24 |
Shinitenshi | Subterrific: This makes it soo.... | 06:24 |
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alumik | while true; do eject /dev/hdb; eject -t /dev/hdb; done | 06:24 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: be sure to read that whole page. at the bottom someone describes an easier way | 06:24 |
randabis | and for kicks alumik cat /boot/vmlinuz- >> /dev/dsp | 06:25 |
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I_Need_Help | omg | 06:25 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: ok | 06:25 |
I_Need_Help | I need serious help man | 06:25 |
I_Need_Help | where do I get W32 stuff | 06:25 |
randabis | ... | 06:25 |
I_Need_Help | for wmv, in Mozilla and stuff | 06:25 |
alumik | randabis, cat /boot/vmlinuz- >> /dev/lp0 | 06:25 |
crimsun | I_Need_Help: /wiki/RestrictedFormats | 06:25 |
randabis | HA | 06:25 |
Amaranth | alumik, randabis: So I make them listen to what sounds like explosions while their cdrom drive keeps ejecting? | 06:26 |
randabis | hahaha | 06:26 |
randabis | :) | 06:26 |
randabis | along with printing a zillion pages | 06:26 |
alumik | yeah, cool eh? | 06:26 |
randabis | it's the sound of gawd! lolz | 06:26 |
Amaranth | I think cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp might be better | 06:27 |
randabis | yeah | 06:27 |
alumik | damn!!! cron kick in! | 06:27 |
randabis | I've actually done that before lolz :p | 06:27 |
=== Amaranth too | ||
subterrific | what about /dev/pinknoise? | 06:28 |
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Amaranth | If you cat the kernel's memory it sounds like explosions | 06:28 |
Amaranth | I dunno about the kernel itself | 06:28 |
estebandido | i still need to know the real name of network tools... | 06:28 |
alumik | estebandido, dpkg -L networktools | grep bin | 06:29 |
estebandido | tnx! | 06:29 |
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alumik | is possible to play a sound when nautilus finishes burning a cd? | 06:30 |
estebandido | hmmm... networktools not found | 06:31 |
wm_eddie | Is it in the Sounds section of the configuration? | 06:31 |
alumik | it will be cool to hear a "ding" like an owen | 06:31 |
cg0def | can someone pls help me, I have some problem with /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure and I can't install, remove, or upgrade packages anymore | 06:31 |
wm_eddie | hehe | 06:31 |
randabis | lol | 06:31 |
FAST | well i commented out the print stuff in smb.conf, and i see the folder i set up through the windows computer, but i can't access the folder | 06:33 |
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crimsun | cg0def: ...please tell me you're not mixing Sid and Warty/Hoary repos | 06:33 |
cg0def | crimsun: hum sorry wrong channel | 06:33 |
cg0def | crimsun: I am using debian | 06:33 |
FAST | the folder i am sharing is /media/sda1/video which is on an external firewire hard drive; are there permissions i have to set up to access it ? | 06:34 |
crimsun | cg0def: this was resolved yesterday with .44; .45 is the current version available. | 06:34 |
cg0def | yeah but I can't install it | 06:34 |
rattboi24 | I'm recompiling my kernel | 06:35 |
rattboi24 | hopefully it works | 06:35 |
rattboi24 | last time I tried, it didn't work | 06:35 |
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estebandido | i have network tools, but configure is greyed out | 06:36 |
pestil | I dont like xchat. I cant save this channel as a favorites channel | 06:36 |
rattboi24 | eh? | 06:36 |
rattboi24 | favorites channel? | 06:36 |
rattboi24 | why not make it a an onjoin channel instead? | 06:37 |
mrossacm | I just installed apache2 using apt-get. What directory do I put files to be served in? | 06:37 |
alumik | mrossacm, /var/www | 06:37 |
pestil | rattboi24, yeah I cant add it as a favorites entry | 06:38 |
FAST | if i set smb security to share, should i comment out the encrypt passwords section? | 06:38 |
pestil | rattboi24, I have to put my pretty fingers on the ugly keyboard to get into this channel. instead of being able to do it automatically, or at least from a menu | 06:38 |
pestil | rattboi24, onjoin? | 06:38 |
pestil | rattboi24, I cant find such feature | 06:39 |
randabis | pestil, it makes you join the channel automatically when you connect to the server | 06:39 |
randabis | edit your preferences for this server | 06:40 |
wm_eddie | pestil: go to edit mode from the server browser | 06:40 |
pestil | wm_eddie, THANKS | 06:40 |
pestil | wm_eddie, yeah thats what i wanted | 06:40 |
rattboi24 | yeah, what wm_eddie said | 06:41 |
rattboi24 | sorry, I'm worried about my kernel compile, Iguess | 06:42 |
rattboi24 | do I always have to recompile the nvidia driver? | 06:42 |
FAST | anyone? | 06:42 |
mrossacm | any apache 2 experts out there? anyone? | 06:43 |
FAST | if i set smb security to share, should i comment out the encrypt passwords section? | 06:43 |
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pestil | Ok, so pet peeve number 538 solved. Next. Apparently the included music player (rhythmbox?) won't load its library anymore. It will only load the first two artists and that's it. It used to work before. | 06:43 |
pestil | I have updated to v0.8.8 | 06:43 |
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Shinitenshi | subterrific: You say thats easy! | 06:44 |
Shinitenshi | lol | 06:44 |
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blergh | hi ther | 06:44 |
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pestil | hey blergh | 06:44 |
Oscarian | does anyone here know how to get 3d working in X with an ATI card (Radeon 9200) | 06:44 |
pestil | 3d? are there any apps in linux that use that yet? | 06:45 |
mrossacm | Is anyone here really good with apache 2? | 06:45 |
Oscarian | pestil: i want to play an MMORPG with cedega | 06:45 |
Oscarian | :) | 06:45 |
blergh | i downloaded the warty release, and ive been trying to get it to work on a b&w g3 mac. Ive got it to install and its told me to reboot and when i do i get an error about pivot points and stuff. Ive looked in the forums, some others have had the same problem, but i couldt find a fix or explanation? any help | 06:45 |
rattboi24 | Oscarian, I don't know myself, but I'd imagine there's a million pages on it | 06:46 |
wm_eddie | pestil: Have you tried deleting your ~/gnome2/rhythmbox/ dir? and reloading the library? | 06:46 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: i said it was easier than what was described at the top. and yes, following those 6 steps does seem easy to me since it is mostly copy and paste into the terminal | 06:46 |
wm_eddie | pestil: Doom3, UT2003/2004 | 06:46 |
pestil | wm_eddie, no. i didnt know that was among the faq firsts to try. i will then. | 06:46 |
Oscarian | rattboi24: there's not that much. and the stuff i've found so far hasnt' work. :( | 06:46 |
pestil | wm_eddie, thanks. scored twice in a row with me. | 06:46 |
rattboi24 | check | 06:47 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: you must not understand me, am incredibly stupid | 06:47 |
Shinitenshi | :( | 06:47 |
Shinitenshi | i just got cd today | 06:47 |
Shinitenshi | my first time | 06:47 |
Shinitenshi | first day on linux | 06:47 |
subterrific | well you must have done something right | 06:48 |
wm_eddie | Well you are lucky that Ubuntu is the one taking your virginity :p | 06:48 |
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pestil | i'm a distro 'hoe already | 06:48 |
Oscarian | rajasun: yep. | 06:49 |
Oscarian | oops | 06:49 |
rattboi24 | yeah, I checked | 06:49 |
Shinitenshi | lol | 06:49 |
rattboi24 | didn't see it there | 06:49 |
pestil | ubuntu is quite gentle, yes | 06:49 |
subterrific | arg, why do the devs keep breaking everything on amd64 | 06:49 |
Oscarian | rattboi24: yep, checked | 06:49 |
Shinitenshi | my linux virginity ? | 06:49 |
subterrific | fjklfjkldsaljfdsa | 06:49 |
Shinitenshi | lmao | 06:49 |
=== Shinitenshi rolls around | ||
pestil | gentoo gets it rough on you. nevemind slackware. i guess thats where the "slack" comes from | 06:50 |
blergh | any help? or is it a lost cause trying to get it to work? the error is "pivot_root: No such file or directory, /sbin/init: 429:cannnot open dev/console: no such file, Kernal panic:attempted to kill init!" | 06:50 |
Shinitenshi | pestil | 06:50 |
FAST | can anyone tell me why i cant access my shared folder from the windows machine? i set security to share, listed a folder to share. the folder exists on an external firewire harddrive (which is already mounted) | 06:50 |
pestil | yikes kernel panics | 06:50 |
FAST | using samba | 06:50 |
Shinitenshi | u know how to install wireless cards? | 06:50 |
Oscarian | ooh, dpkg -l...coolies | 06:50 |
Shinitenshi | sub says its easy but am quite a newb | 06:50 |
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rattboi24 | Oscarian, | 06:51 |
pestil | Shinitenshi, in linux you're lucky if wireless works. you're lucky if you have the right setup | 06:51 |
wm_eddie | Shinitenshi: Computer>System Preferences>Network Settings or something like that. | 06:51 |
pestil | sub? subzero? been many days since my MK days | 06:51 |
Dreamer3 | can ubunut talk LVM during install? | 06:52 |
FAST | or can anyone tell me a command that will restart sbmd ? | 06:52 |
Dreamer3 | FAST: /etc/init.d/smbd restart? or simliar | 06:52 |
wm_eddie | FAST: /etc/init.d/smbd restart? | 06:52 |
Dreamer3 | that's the place to look | 06:52 |
pestil | ooh that network wizards is sexy | 06:52 |
Oscarian | rattboi24: yep, tried that one. didn't work. it broke my XFree86-4 file. | 06:53 |
wm_eddie | pestil: Yeah, but it's a little on the dumb side. | 06:53 |
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Oscarian | (luckily i backed my original one up hehe) | 06:53 |
pestil | hadn't seen it. hey i might try that wireless card here. linare wouldnt take it | 06:53 |
Dreamer3 | anyone? | 06:53 |
Shinitenshi | wm_eddie: yes that the network settings | 06:53 |
jay_ | hey I'm using an old p2 266 with 192 ram. will KDE run faster than GNOME? | 06:53 |
Shinitenshi | but... | 06:53 |
FAST | sudo: /etc/init.d/smbd: command not found | 06:53 |
Shinitenshi | i wana install a new nic card | 06:53 |
wm_eddie | jay_: They are practically the same. | 06:53 |
subterrific | go to the bottom of the page and follow those 6 steps | 06:53 |
Dreamer3 | jay_: i think gnome 2.8 is faster than kde 3.2... but i dunno about 3.3 (in the works)... it always seems to go back and forth to me | 06:54 |
Dreamer3 | jay_: on that you should run xfce or something light IMHO | 06:54 |
wm_eddie | jay_: I suggest XFCE4.2 or a flux/blackbox WM | 06:54 |
subterrific | pestil: subterrific | 06:54 |
pestil | oh! | 06:54 |
jay_ | wm_eddie: then I won't bother switching over, at least for this machine which's sole purpose is internet connection sharing | 06:54 |
=== Dreamer3 is with wm_eddie just depeonds on your personal style | ||
pestil | yes, I've met you before. sorry | 06:54 |
Dreamer3 | jay_: use something light, won't hurt | 06:54 |
jay_ | is XFCE4.2 a X system? | 06:54 |
wm_eddie | yu | 06:55 |
wm_eddie | p | 06:55 |
FAST | can i kill smbd ? | 06:55 |
jay_ | FVWM is light | 06:55 |
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jay_ | My old red hat came with it | 06:55 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: i can see how those instructions might be difficult for a new user | 06:55 |
wm_eddie | XFCE4.2 is probably the best compromise between desktop and window manager. | 06:55 |
pestil | wm_eddie, XPDE, eh? :p | 06:56 |
wm_eddie | FAST you can kill it... | 06:56 |
wm_eddie | ? | 06:56 |
wm_eddie | XPDE what's that? | 06:56 |
Dreamer3 | wm_eddie: xfce is sweet looking if you don't need icons | 06:56 |
Oscarian | rattboi24: thanks for the help anyhow. i'll hopefully work it out some time soon. | 06:56 |
FAST | guh, i just need smbd to restart | 06:56 |
blergh | well i just tried putting the hd on the second ide chain, now it doesnt get as far, it comes up with "default catch!, code=300 at (heaps of different hex things)" | 06:57 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: well i tryed to install "ndiswrapper-utils" thro the synaptic thing | 06:57 |
jay_ | I'll check that out then. Thanks. How about GNOME 1.0 ?? | 06:57 |
Shinitenshi | well it wasnt there | 06:57 |
Dreamer3 | anyone... can ubuntu do LVM during the install phase? | 06:57 |
wm_eddie | wooo GNOME 1.0... | 06:57 |
rattboi24 | Oscarian, did you read the second page? | 06:57 |
Shinitenshi | so i just tried doing the commands and dint work lol | 06:57 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: here are a few hints: Synaptic is in the Computer->System Configuration menu, root terminal is in the Applications->System Tools menu | 06:57 |
wm_eddie | man that's old... | 06:57 |
jay_ | yes, I had it on Red Hat 6.2 | 06:57 |
pestil | wm_eddie, | 06:57 |
Dreamer3 | wm_eddie: i had windows 1 and 2 boxes where i used to work | 06:57 |
jay_ | and It was ugly but fast | 06:57 |
Dreamer3 | wm_eddie: talk about crappy looking | 06:57 |
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wm_eddie | Dreamer3: Yeah, I've had 3.0 | 06:58 |
pestil | wm_eddie, | 06:58 |
Dreamer3 | wm_eddie: yeah, i've run 3.0 before | 06:58 |
FAST | "The safe way to terminate an smbd is to send it a SIGTERM (-15) signal and wait for it to die on its own." ????? | 06:58 |
jay_ | holy crap | 06:58 |
jay_ | that looks like PLEX | 06:58 |
jay_ | it was in the longhorn beta | 06:59 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: the "ndiswrapper-utils" arent there :/ | 06:59 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: you might need to enable one of the 3rd party repositories for Synaptic to see ndiswrapper. there are instructions for doing that also | 06:59 |
Dreamer3 | FAST: can't you use the script in /etc/init.d? | 06:59 |
wm_eddie | pestil: wow... | 06:59 |
FAST | "Sending the smbd a SIGHUP will cause it to reload its smb.conf configuration file within a short period of time." <----- how do i do this? | 06:59 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: give me a sec | 06:59 |
pestil | jay_, PLEX? whats that | 06:59 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: ok | 06:59 |
Dreamer3 | FAST: the same command but pass it reload? | 06:59 |
pestil | wm_eddie, is that sarcasm there? | 06:59 |
wm_eddie | pestil: no. | 06:59 |
wm_eddie | FAST: Um killall might do it... | 07:00 |
wm_eddie | I'm not sure about what signal it sends... | 07:00 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: it looks like ndiswrapper utils should be there without adding any new repositories | 07:00 |
wm_eddie | man killall | 07:00 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: maybe you need to refresh your package list | 07:00 |
Shinitenshi | ok | 07:00 |
pestil | wm_eddie, in my humble opinion, I like it like this. First GNOME, second ROX, third, XPDE, dead last KDE | 07:00 |
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subterrific | Shinitenshi: its the button in Synaptic on the far left...the green chasing arrows | 07:01 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: after you do that, try searching for 'ndis' in Synaptic | 07:01 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: oh yeah, the "lets steal the XP UI" wm :) | 07:01 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: almost forget about it | 07:01 |
Shinitenshi | k | 07:01 |
pestil | Dreamer3, very observative | 07:01 |
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pestil | Dreamer3, they have entire sections of that website dedicated to its legal status | 07:02 |
jay_ | I'm a master on ndiswrapper | 07:02 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: None | 07:02 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: an intersting inspiration | 07:02 |
jay_ | not | 07:02 |
jay_ | but i got it working for my card... | 07:02 |
pestil | Dreamer3, in the end, they end with the conclusion its probably legal | 07:02 |
pussfeller | /etc/init.d/samba reload | 07:02 |
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Dreamer3 | pestil: is this not windows? what is "disk defragmenter"? | 07:02 |
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subterrific | jay_: then can you please help Shinitenshi find ndis in Synaptic :) | 07:02 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: looks like windows to me | 07:02 |
blergh | can anyone help me? | 07:03 |
pestil | Dreamer3, heck, there's even a Linux XP now | 07:03 |
jay_ | why not just install it | 07:03 |
lj_ | is there anyone good at ubuntu software | 07:03 |
pestil | | 07:03 |
FAST | /etc/init.d/samba reload | * Reloading /etc/samba/smb.conf (smbd only)... | start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 15386: No such process | 1 pids were not killed | No process in pidfile `/var/run/samba/' found running; none kille[ ok ] | 07:03 |
subterrific | jay_: he says it doesn't appear in synaptic so he can't install it | 07:03 |
jay_ | here's a good question: On windows, you can automatically view shares of other computers by logging in as guest with no PW. On linux you got to mount everything. how do you just view shares autmatically | 07:03 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: from the menus it looks like Windows XP | 07:03 |
jay_ | I downloaded it | 07:03 |
jay_ | 1.0 | 07:03 |
jay_ | but first | 07:03 |
Shinitenshi | i kno whats up with that | 07:03 |
randabis | ndiswrapper is already in the ubuntu kernel as a merely need to apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 07:03 |
jay_ | i had to install the kernel source code | 07:03 |
pestil | Dreamer3, and you haven't seen anything yet | 07:04 |
jay_ | which STUPIDLY isnt installed by default | 07:04 |
FAST | man i am just going to restart the computer | 07:04 |
FAST | brb | 07:04 |
randabis | jay_ that's completely unnecessary | 07:04 |
subterrific | randabis: we're aware of that. he can't find the utils in synaptic | 07:04 |
jay_ | my biggest gripe against ubuntu | 07:04 |
jay_ | so far | 07:04 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: no, i know you can steal a UI... but the flipping icons... there is no "disk defragmenter" for linux | 07:04 |
randabis | subterrific, then he doesn't have the proper repositories installed | 07:04 |
jay_ | you can't make anything | 07:04 |
Dreamer3 | "files and settings transfer wizard"? | 07:04 |
jay_ | unless you have the source dode | 07:04 |
Shinitenshi | jay_: is this hard? | 07:04 |
jay_ | code* | 07:04 |
subterrific | randabis: so which repos is it in? | 07:04 |
wm_eddie | jay_: what? | 07:04 |
jay_ | PM me | 07:04 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: very sick if they copy all the "features" jsut for the heck of it | 07:04 |
pussfeller | that means samba isnt runing in the first place | 07:04 |
randabis | it's probably in universe | 07:04 |
Shinitenshi | k | 07:04 |
pestil | Dreamer3, its fun!! ;-) | 07:05 |
randabis | or restricted | 07:05 |
jay_ | I tried to "make" ndiswrapper and it wouldnt work | 07:05 |
randabis | not sure | 07:05 |
subterrific | randabis: to me it looks like it is in the main repos | 07:05 |
pestil | Dreamer3, heck, don't we have all those Aqua modders everywhere? | 07:05 |
jay_ | turns out i had to install some stuff off the ubuntu cd | 07:05 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: yeah, but that's just the UI | 07:05 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i tell you the exact same icon descriptions and tool sis just weird | 07:05 |
pestil | Dreamer3, there's a website dedicated to making Mac OS X "About" dialogs, fortheloveofelvis | 07:05 |
lj_ | so can anyone help me | 07:06 |
wm_eddie | jay_: where did you try to make ndiswrapper? | 07:06 |
randabis | subterrific, yeah, apparently it is | 07:06 |
randabis | again, making ndiswrapper is redundant and not required | 07:06 |
subterrific | lj_: ask your question, then people can help | 07:06 |
pestil | Dreamer3, here's *another* completely different project: | 07:06 |
wm_eddie | to compile things you need build-essentials | 07:07 |
subterrific | randabis: we're following those instructions. | 07:07 |
Amaranth | pestil: For windows there was a whole project dedicated to making pulsing buttons. | 07:07 |
randabis | the module already exists in /lib/modules/kernel/drivers/network I think | 07:07 |
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subterrific | Shinitenshi: just open the root terminal and type apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 07:07 |
pestil | Dreamer3, by the way, there *are* disk defragmenters for linux. But they're so friggin dangerous even the author advises against it | 07:07 |
subterrific | Shinitenshi: i don't know why you're not seeing it in Synaptic, you must be doing something wrong | 07:08 |
pestil | Amaranth, damn! | 07:08 |
wm_eddie | They are also not really needed until the disk is over 85% full anyway. | 07:08 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: ah | 07:08 |
Amaranth | Modern filesystems don't usually need defragged. | 07:08 |
Amaranth | And most people agree that defragging is almost worthless on large HDs. | 07:08 |
wm_eddie | subterrific: does he have universe uncommented? | 07:08 |
subterrific | wm_eddie: doesn't need to | 07:08 |
wm_eddie | oh | 07:09 |
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pestil | Amaranth, defragmentation still exists, it just isn't so severe anymore, or its effects are reduced by modern filesystem methods behavoir. but it still exists. | 07:09 |
Amaranth | you mean fragmentation ;) | 07:09 |
regeya | indeed, fragmentation exists | 07:09 |
jay_ | sorry guys, not source, but header files | 07:09 |
jay_ | the files needed to "make" things | 07:10 |
jay_ | were not included in the install | 07:10 |
wm_eddie | jay_: Yeah, that's a normal thing | 07:10 |
regeya | just watch how long it takes the average, say, ext3 filesystem takes to have 5% non-contiguous nodes | 07:10 |
sig | anyone install "Warty" on a sony laptop? | 07:10 |
sig | if so what results have you gotten. | 07:10 |
wm_eddie | jay_: The only distro where you don't need that is Gentoo | 07:10 |
pestil | Amaranth, Dreamer3, out of my head I can instantly think of at least 4 projects that plagiarize the Mac Dock: YzDock, Mobydock, ObjectDock, Docktales | 07:10 |
regeya | unless you're filling that drive up to capacity, you won't see serious fragmentation for a loooong time | 07:10 |
randabis | /lib/modules/2.6.10-2-k7/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper | 07:11 |
pestil | Amaranth, Dreamer3 not to mention all those KDE mods by, what was his name? he's so famous | 07:11 |
regeya | may I sig that? | 07:11 |
regeya | '<pestil> Amaranth, Dreamer3 not to mention all those KDE mods by, what was his name? he's so famous' | 07:11 |
Amaranth | YzDock is gone, MobyDock was abandoned, ObjectDock is the current leader, never heard of Docktales | 07:11 |
randabis | that's where it is...but I don't think it is created until you install ndiswrapper-utils | 07:11 |
pestil | Amaranth, fragmentation, defragmentation, tomato, tomahto | 07:11 |
regeya | fragmentation and defragmentation...the difference is NOT splitting hairs :-) | 07:11 |
pestil | regeya: it's GPL, go ahead | 07:12 |
wm_eddie | pestil: More like cause and effect | 07:12 |
randabis | jay_, probably because most people don't need to "make" any modules | 07:12 |
regeya | wonder how long maconlinux will run the crappy OS9-ASIP install | 07:12 |
pestil | regeya, I was referring to this famous guy that made Aqua mods for KDE | 07:12 |
regeya | that I ahve at work | 07:12 |
Amaranth | I once had WinXP looking so much like OS X I almost fooled a Mac user. | 07:12 |
regeya | pestil: I've not seen it for a while | 07:12 |
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snarky | hey all | 07:12 |
randabis | it's good you found another way to get ndiswrapper going, but you did a redundant step | 07:12 |
snarky | anyone know how to run a .jar file? | 07:12 |
snarky | the command for that | 07:12 |
regeya | seems to have fallen out of fashion, and he's not developed it for a while | 07:12 |
wm_eddie | snarky: java -jar foo.jar | 07:12 |
pestil | regeya, He got all mushy and depressed when people critizied him | 07:13 |
snarky | wm_eddie: thanks | 07:13 |
regeya | mosfet | 07:13 |
wm_eddie | HOLY CRAP! | 07:13 |
wm_eddie | it's 1 am! | 07:13 |
pestil | regeya: its two sides to a ying yang | 07:13 |
regeya | you know, when someone started talking about cedega last night, they were told to go elsewhere. how is this conversation with pestil any different? | 07:13 |
lj_ | hello any one good with ubuntu | 07:13 |
regeya | let's away to #ubuntuforums | 07:13 |
lj_ | please help | 07:14 |
regeya | load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 | 07:14 |
subterrific | lj_: ask the question | 07:14 |
snarky | lj_: just ask the question | 07:14 |
wm_eddie | lj_: ask the question first. | 07:14 |
randabis | regeya, I haven't really been paying attention :p | 07:14 |
snarky | heheh | 07:14 |
subterrific | haha | 07:14 |
regeya | again I ask, how is this different, though? it's definitely not on-topic | 07:14 |
lj_ | how do i make a icon for k3b | 07:14 |
pestil | regeya, what, you pushing me out? | 07:14 |
subterrific | lj_: i told him before to ask the question and he sits silent for 10 minutes | 07:14 |
snarky | lj_: in kde? | 07:14 |
pestil | regeya, I don't see anybody pissed | 07:15 |
regeya | pestil, no, I'm just bringing up something from last night. I have a point to this, and I'll make it soon enough. :-P | 07:15 |
randabis | regeya, is there a "better" place the discussion could be placed? | 07:15 |
lj_ | were do i find kde | 07:15 |
pestil | regeya, you can put ROX or XPDE on Ubuntu anytime | 07:15 |
lj_ | sorry was burning music | 07:15 |
snarky | lj_: that was a question, what kind of desktop are you running | 07:15 |
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subterrific | lj_: right click on the top panel on the top of your screen and select Add to Panel | 07:15 |
regeya | pestil: how is talking about mosfet's whiny bitchiness on-topic...oh well. | 07:15 |
wm_eddie | lj: in GNOME click on applications then go to Multimedia> then right click and go to "more options" or something like that and select the "Add new item to Menu" menu item. | 07:15 |
pestil | mosfet! that's his name! thanks | 07:16 |
lj_ | ok | 07:16 |
snarky | lj_: yep thats it | 07:16 |
regeya | I have a theory: any time anything WINE-related is mentioned around Ubuntu folks, it's OFF-TOPIC | 07:16 |
snarky | has anyone gotten ourtunes to run? | 07:16 |
regeya | anything else is OK | 07:16 |
snarky | its a java program | 07:16 |
pestil | regeya, you people started kvetching about xpde, so I just defended it by pointing out how many people plagiarize OSX too. | 07:16 |
wm_eddie | snarky: url? | 07:16 |
regeya | pestil: "you people"? | 07:17 |
regeya | pestil: paste an example of my 'kvetching' about xpde | 07:17 |
snarky | | 07:17 |
pestil | regeya, yeah, you blacks, jews, christians, and little people | 07:17 |
Dreamer3 | i wish xfce were more like the apple dock (as i understand it - never used it) i wish clicking firefox would bring up the existing window or give me a choice vs opening a new one | 07:17 |
randabis | regeya, well the discussion is offtopic at any rate, just apparently no one noticed enough to say anything about it | 07:17 |
subterrific | snarky: yeah, i use ourTunes at work on Warty | 07:17 |
pestil | regeya, and and and skinheads and asians and caucasians and and and | 07:17 |
snarky | its an itunes-like client that lets you download the music | 07:17 |
Amaranth | ourTunes? | 07:17 |
snarky | subterrific: how did you get it to run | 07:17 |
FAST | okay, here is what is in the log file for samba; [2005/02/05 22:14:02, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(620) | '/media/sda1/video/carnivale' does not exist or is not a directory, when connecting to [Carnivale] | 07:18 |
regeya | christ almighty will this be ubuntu-related any time this century? | 07:18 |
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FAST | but i chcked the path name and it is fine | 07:18 |
Shinitenshi | subterrific: ill try your way after i try jay_ | 07:18 |
snarky | subterrific: was java -jar OTXX.jar sufficient? | 07:18 |
pussfeller | media/sda1? | 07:18 |
FAST | pussfeller, it's an external firewire hard drive | 07:18 |
pussfeller | ah | 07:18 |
lj_ | i have a problem when i right click i cant find more options | 07:19 |
FAST | but it's al;ready mounted too | 07:19 |
snarky | subterrific: ? | 07:19 |
Amaranth | subterrific: You might like my latest project, PyTunes. It's a GTK interface to the iTunes Music Store. | 07:19 |
pestil | wm_eddie, Because of my rhtyhmbox trouble, I installed KDE's Juk. But it's fonts are so *tiny*. Is there a way to fix that? (preferrably without installing the whole KDE environment?) | 07:19 |
pussfeller | you are trying to make it public? | 07:19 |
wm_eddie | lj_: You have to be inside a submenu | 07:19 |
subterrific | snarky: installed java and then ran it java -jar OTXX.jar | 07:19 |
FAST | yes pussfeller | 07:19 |
snarky | subterrific: which version do you use? | 07:19 |
wm_eddie | pestil: qtconf...something? | 07:19 |
FAST | just that folder on it | 07:19 |
wm_eddie | Not sure if it exists... | 07:19 |
Dreamer3 | did i ever get my question answered, is LVM supported in the default ubunut install? | 07:20 |
lj_ | i tried but all i get is all these other options | 07:20 |
pestil | qtconf, ok, brb | 07:20 |
snarky | subterrific: cuz i get loads of java build errors when i try to java -jat OTXX.jar it, i dunno if its the source is no good or if my java is borked? | 07:20 |
subterrific | Amaranth: neat, but i don't buy music from apple | 07:20 |
pestil | subterrific, now that Linspire will open its own store, you will be able to buy linux music from Ubuntu! | 07:21 |
snarky | Amaranth: its better to shteal it 8oP | 07:21 |
subterrific | Amaranth: i use ourTunes to share music with friends at work. if i like it, i go buy a cd | 07:21 |
wm_eddie | pestil: Have you tried using Lsongs? | 07:21 |
snarky | subterrific: which version you use? | 07:21 |
wm_eddie | it suck something terrible! | 07:21 |
randabis | Amaranth, cool sister could have used that when she still hadn't used her gift card :p | 07:21 |
pestil | snarky, how do you steal music in linux? everything's too clean here. I need that kinda software. apt-get what? | 07:21 |
subterrific | snarky: OT43.jar is the jarfile name | 07:21 |
Amaranth | randabis: Oh, you can't register with it. :/ | 07:21 |
pestil | wm_eddie, Downloaded the source, but never compiled. Are you talking about the rhythmbox subject here, or the linspire music store subject? | 07:22 |
snarky | subterrific: my java must be messed up it won't compile correctly | 07:22 |
randabis | oh well, she used all her gift money anyway | 07:22 |
Amaranth | randabis: Basically with the GUI all you can do is search (still working on it) but with the CLI you can do basically everything but register. | 07:22 |
wm_eddie | pestil: there's emule and stuff (I use limewire) | 07:22 |
wm_eddie | pestil: the linspire music program | 07:22 |
lj_ | so can anyone help me with that | 07:22 |
snarky | pestil: but you need to be on a network with other people that are running itunes | 07:22 |
FAST | any idea pussfeller? | 07:22 |
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wm_eddie | lj_: right click inside the submenu inside Multimedia | 07:23 |
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randabis | I think this is getting way off-topic..:/ | 07:23 |
wm_eddie | there should be "More Options"->Add new item to menu | 07:23 |
subterrific | Amaranth: how are you going to handle playing the songs? | 07:23 |
pestil | wm_eddie, I synaptic-ized emule, but I don't know if I need to configure something, cuz it never manages to connect. Haven't had the time to look into it | 07:23 |
lj_ | ok | 07:23 |
Amaranth | subterrific: I'm not, let the music player of the user's choice handle that. | 07:23 |
subterrific | ahh, yes, leave the copyright violations to others | 07:24 |
pestil | snarky, thanks for the f00f site, ill bookmark it | 07:24 |
snarky | wm_eddie: hmm something's messed up, can you help me debug this? | 07:24 |
wm_eddie | pestil: there's also gnomoradio that's an interesting application. | 07:24 |
sulkd | feh... why do people rar .avi's? | 07:24 |
randabis | compression | 07:25 |
lj_ | now were do i find kb3 | 07:25 |
subterrific | snarky: for news groups | 07:25 |
wm_eddie | sulkd: they are l33t if they use rar :p | 07:25 |
wm_eddie | snarky: have you tried the OS X jar? :) | 07:25 |
randabis | and to divide large files into smaller ones | 07:25 |
snarky | wm_eddie: maybe i should | 07:25 |
sulkd | randabis, heh.. the data is as compressed as it can be.. rar can maybe shave off like 2%, by just taking reoccurring blocks or something | 07:25 |
lj_ | file | 07:25 |
subterrific | news groups and email have file size limitations that require the files to be divided into smaller chunks | 07:25 |
wm_eddie | lj_: /usr/bin/kb3 | 07:26 |
pestil | sulkd, I don't know. Habit maybe? or protection from, umm, people who only want to see a fraction of it? that way people are forced to see it whole. even the ending. | 07:26 |
sulkd | subterrific, that I'll buy | 07:26 |
randabis | sulkd, well it's more for dividing them the cases where that doesn't apply, I'm not sure... | 07:26 |
lj_ | ok | 07:26 |
pestil | randabis, rar doesn't compress | 07:26 |
snarky | wm_eddie: hmmm i'm getting the same errors | 07:26 |
pestil | randabis, sh*t wait, rar does compress | 07:26 |
sulkd | kinda annoying when it's a movie like Meet the Fockers, and then you have it and realize it's a gigabyte of a guy videotaping it in the audience | 07:26 |
pestil | randabis, I thought we were talking tars. | 07:26 |
Crane | hello | 07:26 |
randabis | unrar-nonfree will handle most rar files | 07:26 |
randabis | pestil, indeed | 07:26 |
wm_eddie | snarky: try getting the source | 07:26 |
snarky | wm_eddie: oh like getting the actual source? | 07:27 |
randabis | tar doesn't compress without something like bzip or gzip | 07:27 |
wm_eddie | yeah. | 07:27 |
snarky | wm_eddie: not just the jar, k thanks man | 07:27 |
sulkd | now I'll drop the real bombshell... why don't all people laugh at how ridiculous eminem is? | 07:27 |
snarky | wm_eddie: it may also be an error in their source, would be good to point it out | 07:27 |
randabis | because he's "different" and people like that for some reason | 07:28 |
pestil | randabis, yeah that's why I made the sarcastic comment. I meant tars. but considering divx videos are compressed at max (he said avi, which is too general), then the phrase can still be funny. oh well | 07:28 |
wm_eddie | sulkd: because he has lots of money... | 07:28 |
sulkd | yeah.. the funds.. :/ | 07:28 |
randabis | pestil, yeah, but like I said, it's more for dividing a large file into several small ones | 07:28 |
lj_ | thank you | 07:28 |
pestil | sulkd, eminem? wait, regeya will moan about how off-topic that is. Oh wait, you mean eminem trying to not use Ubuntu you mean? | 07:28 |
sulkd | but still.. Donald Trump has $$$ but when he pulls off the same lame posturing as Eminem, he gets laughed at | 07:29 |
randabis | I personally don't like that means of distribution, but it seems to be the de-facto standard in warez crowds | 07:29 |
sulkd | hehe.. yeah.. offtopic | 07:29 |
randabis | regeya was merely making a point that is duely noted | 07:29 |
lj_ | now how can i take synaptic package files and burn them to update my computer at home becouse im at my moms | 07:30 |
regeya | pestil: It's okay. It doesn't mention running Windows programs. | 07:30 |
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subterrific | randabis: because it allows storing files as email attachments in free email accounts | 07:30 |
pestil | randabis, meands of distribution, meaning chopped rars, or meaning trump's posturing? | 07:30 |
randabis | chopped rars | 07:30 |
pestil | :) | 07:30 |
randabis | subterrific, yeah, and newsgroups | 07:30 |
subterrific | randabis: just email all the parts of a file to a hotmail account and then share the login/password, free storage | 07:30 |
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subterrific | free bandwidth | 07:30 |
randabis | pfft | 07:30 |
randabis | gmail | 07:30 |
subterrific | whatever | 07:31 |
lj_ | so can any one help | 07:31 |
wm_eddie | snarky: java -jar OT44src.jar works | 07:31 |
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randabis | lj I'm not sure...I know it has to be'd just be downloading a bunch of .DEBs and burning those to CD | 07:31 |
randabis | but you'd need to figure out how to set the cd as a repository | 07:32 |
lj_ | were do i find .debs | 07:32 |
pestil | regeya, wait, talking donald trump is NOT offtopic, but talking a subject that mentions the profane word "windows" (gui emulation in ubuntu) IS offtopic? | 07:32 |
regeya | pestil, you wouldn't recognize 'sarcasm' if it were a juiced-up wino kicking you in the head | 07:32 |
regeya | and now I'm /ignoring you | 07:32 |
sulkd | pestil, did you get the business end of a stick or something? | 07:33 |
randabis | again, regeya was only making a point in a sarcastic way | 07:33 |
pestil | subterrific, I know *ONE* person who has 250 in her hotmail inbox, but the rest 50 people I know that use hotmail only have 2MB still? what about you? | 07:33 |
wm_eddie | pestil: in all seriousness the conversations about Windows emulation sometimes end up as a mess of trolls and flames | 07:33 |
randabis | specifically related to an incident that occured yesterday | 07:33 |
pestil | regeya, why would juice kick me in the head? why would juice kick me at all? | 07:33 |
subterrific | pestil: i don't use hotmail. i run my own email server | 07:33 |
subterrific | i was just using hotmail as an example, yahoo, gmail, whatever | 07:34 |
pestil | regeya, apparently you don't recognize gentle-hearted trolling either, eh? | 07:34 |
randabis | my hotmail account was upgraded to 250 a month ago, but I use gmail now so the gesture was kinda nill | 07:34 |
sulkd | hot males isn't offtopic? O_o | 07:34 |
randabis | regeya, ignored you...or claimed to | 07:34 |
wm_eddie | sulkd: of course not ;) | 07:35 |
snarky | wm_eddie: i got the same errors with that, i emailed them | 07:35 |
pestil | subterrific, you geek. | 07:35 |
randabis | those naked people on ubuntu calender lolz | 07:35 |
wm_eddie | snarky: what was the errors? | 07:35 |
snarky | UIDefaults.getUIError: failed to locate UI class:EditorPaneUI | 07:35 |
snarky | UIDefaults.getUIError: failed to locate UI class:EditorPaneUI | 07:35 |
snarky | java.lang.Error: Not implemented | 07:35 |
snarky | wm_eddie: and a bunch more, but i figure after the first error, the rest all just went to hell | 07:36 |
subterrific | snarky: looks like you don't have java installed right | 07:36 |
sulkd | that "java.lang.Error: Not implemented" sounds just splendid | 07:36 |
Buuyo^ | Is it safe to use the debian apt sources instead of ubuntu's? I can't get libpng3, which is a prereq for cedega. | 07:36 |
snarky | yeah | 07:36 |
sulkd | "TODO: handle errors" | 07:36 |
wm_eddie | Buuyo^: Sometimes, I use debian's apt sources for a couple of files. | 07:36 |
snarky | subterrific: i just installed java with synaptic | 07:36 |
da_bon_bon | and anyone know whats the medkit iso all about ? | 07:36 |
subterrific | Buuyo^: yes, but that package doesn't do anything but create a symlink | 07:37 |
sulkd | Buuyo^, universe is actually the debian unstable base.. but with ubuntu dependencies | 07:37 |
snarky | subterrific: and i tried reinstalling | 07:37 |
pestil | wm_eddie, funny. I wiped the .gnome2/rhythmbox folder, and tried loading the app again, pointing it to the location of my music (a FAT partition) but it still "hangs" at the first 5 songs. It's not frozen, the scrolling thingie that says "looking for songs" still moves, but no more songs are gathered. This used to work, dammit!! | 07:37 |
sulkd | Buuyo^, and multiverse is everything in debian's unstable that hasn't been thoroughly tested on ubuntu | 07:37 |
wm_eddie | Buuyo^: But you can seriously break your system if you install the wrong things. | 07:37 |
randabis | I'm fairly certain libpng3 is in one of the ubuntu repositories | 07:37 |
Buuyo^ | apt-cache search libpng3 reveals libpng3-dev | 07:38 |
wm_eddie | pestil: interesting... | 07:38 |
Buuyo^ | but it doesn't do much for cedega. :) | 07:38 |
wm_eddie | Buuyo^: libpng3-dev probably depends on libpng3 | 07:38 |
randabis | pestil, rhythmbox is kinda flaky | 07:38 |
pestil | blatant newbie question: is synaptic a different way to access deb repositories, or is it just a graphic front end to apt-get | 07:38 |
Buuyo^ | wm_eddie, libpng12 and -dev apparently. | 07:39 |
jdub | pestil: graphical frontend | 07:39 |
regeya | randabis: it wasn't just a claim; I done did done it. | 07:39 |
wm_eddie | pestil: graphic gront end to apt-get, people aren't really supposed to use apt-get | 07:39 |
pestil | randabis, I thought it was stronger than Juk. I didn't know that (no, its not sarcasm, i really didnt know) | 07:39 |
randabis | regeya, indeed | 07:39 |
wm_eddie | pestil: maybe it's a filesystem encoding problem... | 07:39 |
wm_eddie | but probably not if it's fat... | 07:39 |
randabis | pestil, It seems to have problems with directories that contain non-mp3 files | 07:40 |
randabis | err non music | 07:40 |
subterrific | rhythmbox has all sorts of problems with certain types of music files | 07:40 |
randabis | yeah | 07:40 |
pestil | jdub, thanks. then there should be absolutely no difference in how the updates are installed then. thanks | 07:40 |
subterrific | wma especially | 07:40 |
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pestil | wm_eddie, it's worked before in rhythmbox! (plus, it works with juk fine) | 07:40 |
randabis | I just used xmms for my music needs | 07:41 |
subterrific | randabis: tried beep? | 07:41 |
randabis | yes | 07:41 |
toresbe | night | 07:41 |
wm_eddie | randabis: you have simple music needs then :) | 07:41 |
randabis | yeah, mp3 and ogg is pretty much all I do | 07:41 |
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wm_eddie | pestil: try running it in gnome-terminal with -g | 07:42 |
randabis | and I don't need a program to sort my music...I do that myself | 07:42 |
pestil | wm_eddie, The only thing that comes to my mind that could somehow affect this, is that a couple of weeks ago my partition setup was changed (I added some partitions before my ubuntu one) and that screwed some things for a while. But I fixed it already! everything else works! (except rb) | 07:42 |
randabis | I can see the merits of the gesture though | 07:42 |
pestil | randabis, if you can point me to an xmms library thing, I'll go the xmms way too | 07:42 |
pussfeller | rhymbox is just buggy | 07:42 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here an expert on the ubunut installer? | 07:42 |
pussfeller | plus its hard to spell | 07:42 |
randabis | apt-cache search xmms should yield some results | 07:43 |
heliolith | I'm trying to install ubuntu on a bunch of systems (teacher in an elementary school) and I forgot the err username/pw I chose on install setup, is there anyway to get around this? | 07:43 |
wm_eddie | pussfeller: uh no... | 07:43 |
wm_eddie | (hard to spell) | 07:43 |
j-rock | heliolith: so its already installed you just forgot the username and passwd? | 07:43 |
pestil | randabis, I just read your comment about "containing mp3 files". I'll try moving every non-mp3 file then. The funny thing, though, is it worked before. | 07:43 |
pussfeller | xmms, juk amarok are all easy to spell | 07:43 |
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pussfeller | mpd is very very easy to spell | 07:43 |
wm_eddie | heliolith: you can go into single-user mode and see /etc/passwd to get the user name | 07:44 |
randabis | amarok seems to work pretty well, but I don't want QT apps if I can avoid them | 07:44 |
heliolith | j-rock yes err wait.... i think i just got in lol; thanks for the help | 07:44 |
wm_eddie | the password is another problem. | 07:44 |
pestil | wm_eddie, gnome-terminal -g? as in "rhythmbox -g" or how? | 07:44 |
wm_eddie | you can probably reset it with su username && passwd | 07:44 |
wm_eddie | pestil: "rhythmbox -g" | 07:44 |
pussfeller | the best I have found is mpd... its nice and light and you run it from yer webserver | 07:44 |
j-rock | np heliolith | 07:45 |
jason_ | while using dist-upgrade to hoary is it ok to use an xterm or should i have started it in a non graphical console? | 07:45 |
wm_eddie | pussfeller: I can never really understand mpd | 07:45 |
randabis | xterm is fine | 07:45 |
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pestil | j-rock, I love that kinda questions. They work so well in many places as social engineering | 07:45 |
wm_eddie | jason_: you might get a few problems if you keep running that xserver though. | 07:46 |
pussfeller | wm_eddie, you had trouble setting it up? | 07:46 |
wm_eddie | pussfeller: no, I can't understand what it does. | 07:46 |
j-rock | pestil: :) | 07:46 |
randabis | jason_, you'll want to reboot after the upgrade completes though | 07:46 |
pestil | wm_eddie, I'll try that. BTW, since rb is always "stuck" looking for songs, I always have to force quit it too. brb to try your suggestion | 07:47 |
jason_ | ok so should i cancell and start it from a console? | 07:47 |
wm_eddie | jason_: you are fine | 07:47 |
randabis | jason_, no | 07:47 |
jason_ | ok thanks guys | 07:47 |
pussfeller | ok, well... I have it running on one computer in my office that has nice speakers, but I control it from any computer in the house | 07:47 |
randabis | definitely reboot'll be using a new kernel, xserver, etc | 07:48 |
pestil | j-rock, just like those that go "I'm the IT manager of my floor but I forgot the root password. Can somebody help me?" | 07:48 |
jason_ | :) | 07:48 |
pussfeller | its just that, a music player deamon, it just plays music, and con be controlled by a varity of means remotely | 07:48 |
wm_eddie | I see. | 07:48 |
j-rock | pestil: i should see if i could actually pull that one off some time, that'd be hilarious | 07:48 |
pestil | j-rock, believe me, in many places, IT WORKS! | 07:49 |
j-rock | pestil: haha | 07:49 |
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pestil | j-rock, the ones at school environments are the most obvious. "computer teacher" is normal, but when they say "principal", they push it. Still, it works for many | 07:50 |
j-rock | univeristy env.'s would be worse i bet, just claim you are some obscure prof. | 07:51 |
sulkd | adjunct professor | 07:51 |
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pestil | I'm the science teacher and can't access my list of report cards! ahh! help me! | 07:52 |
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sulkd | pestil, just be cool and give em all A's | 07:53 |
pepperpot | i think i just borked my apt/sources file. Can someone tell me what I am supposed to have in there? | 07:53 |
wm_eddie | | 07:53 |
wm_eddie | the first couple of lines is the basic stuff one wants. | 07:53 |
pestil | sulkd, no I can't because my, uhmm, mo--- boss would get mad at me | 07:54 |
pepperpot | thanks! | 07:54 |
pestil | wm_eddie, I tried running rb from terminal -g. Same results. Was that supposed to bring up console messages? | 07:54 |
wm_eddie | pestil: I don't know but it was worth a try :) | 07:54 |
sulkd | pestil, go by their last results :P | 07:54 |
wm_eddie | I wonder what file is causing the problem. | 07:55 |
pestil | wm_eddie, *sigh* thanks. So I guess I've gone all the rigorous steps, eh? Upgrading, deleting settings folder/file, and starting from console. Am I missing any (before the dreaded reinstall ala Windows way?) oh yeah, the uninstall/reinstall! | 07:55 |
wm_eddie | pestil: There's always Ubuntuforums and the wiki for more help. | 07:55 |
pestil | wm_eddie, :/ thanks anyways then. | 07:56 |
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wm_eddie | sorry I couldn't be more help :) I use QL a music player a friend of mine wrote. | 07:56 |
Ells | I just upgraded to hoary. There seems to be some real noticeable changes | 07:57 |
Ells | i have to ask though. where is the synaptic upgrade tool in here | 07:57 |
pestil | sulkd, "You suk y0u l00s3r5 Im 1337 Ill flunk you!" :-p | 07:58 |
pestil | wm_eddie, "I use ______ I wrote myself". YOU GEEK! | 07:58 |
sulkd | pestil, :] | 07:58 |
wm_eddie | pestil: but QL is really really good | 07:58 |
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regeya | what's QL | 07:59 |
wm_eddie | the only problem is that you need pygtk 2.4.1 which isn't in warty | 07:59 |
pestil | wm_eddie, I'm just kidding you. But seriously, that app of yours is real? | 07:59 |
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Ells | in hoary, where is the synaptic tool | 08:00 |
Ells | ficus what is up man | 08:00 |
Ells | I upgraded to hoary | 08:00 |
ficusplanet | Sweet. Synaptic is in Desktop>>Administration | 08:00 |
sulkd | Ells, O_o Desktop-> Administration -> | 08:00 |
heliolith | does anyone have any good tips for elementary level apps that would work well with Ubuntu? (Besides web-browsing and | 08:00 |
Ells | cool | 08:00 |
Ells | thanks guys | 08:00 |
heliolith | elementary school level is what I meant to say | 08:00 |
ficusplanet | np | 08:00 |
Ells | this is sweet | 08:01 |
Ells | I really like it | 08:01 |
sulkd | heliolith, you said elementary, erhm elementary | 08:01 |
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HaloGray | help help! The worst has happened.... :( | 08:01 |
pestil | heliolith, there's a site called linux4kids that has lots of links to useful educational software | 08:01 |
heliolith | sulkd: like K-6 grade level | 08:01 |
heliolith | pestil Thanks! | 08:01 |
Ells | someone told me that net-applet comes included in this distro do you know if that is true ficus | 08:01 |
HaloGray | I upgraded to hoary, and it seems to have eaten my wireless driver | 08:01 |
wm_eddie | regeya: QL is short for Quod Libet an ausome music player written in python at | 08:01 |
wm_eddie | awesome* >< | 08:02 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Yeah, it's in Universe. | 08:02 |
Ells | cool | 08:02 |
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Ells | I will have to do the deed then | 08:02 |
wm_eddie | heliolith: KDE has a couple of educational applications in it too | 08:02 |
HaloGray | so I tried to recompile the new driver using the new source... but I can't seem to find the source for 2.6.10 ? | 08:02 |
heliolith | ok ty wm_eddie | 08:02 |
HaloGray | it's not under /usr/src | 08:02 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, Install the appropriate linux-source package with synaptic. | 08:03 |
pestil | heliolith, tell me about your lab. Is this a pilot linux lab? or are you deploying it full flegded? | 08:03 |
HaloGray | ok | 08:03 |
Ells | ficus, it is installed, now what | 08:03 |
HaloGray | When I just attempt to use the old compiled driver insmod says invalid format | 08:03 |
HaloGray | is that usual? | 08:03 |
ficusplanet | Run netapplet. Or ad it to your startup progs. | 08:04 |
heliolith | We have a small school, about 150 kids and I'm a 2nd grade teacher and the main person in charge of school computers | 08:04 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, if it isn't compiled for your current kernel, yes. | 08:04 |
HaloGray | allright, downloading the latest source | 08:04 |
HaloGray | when I tried this the first time with the usual source it didn't fly | 08:04 |
Dreamer3 | is LVM supports in the ubuntu install? | 08:05 |
HaloGray | I had to download linux-headers | 08:05 |
Dreamer3 | and default kernel? | 08:05 |
pestil | heliolith, I advise you that Reader Rabbit doesn't work well under Ubuntu | 08:05 |
heliolith | pestil: I've gotten a dozen new machines, many of which I'm installing Ubuntu on. For me it's a matter of philosophy and for the school a matter of savings... we don't ahve a lab yet | 08:05 |
ficusplanet | Dreamer3, yes | 08:05 |
mojo_ | helioth: what sort of things you want to do with the 'puters? I am not in the field, but I know I have heard of lots of different things. There is even school / class / records admin type software out there to be googled up for linux | 08:05 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: can i install it on a root lvm parition though? | 08:05 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: install root on lvm rather | 08:05 |
HaloGray | downloading source now... hope this works :( | 08:06 |
ficusplanet | Yes, I believe my roommates box is set up like that. | 08:06 |
wm_eddie | heliolith: gcompris is a package that has educational games for small children | 08:06 |
heliolith | We'll keep some windows machines to run platform specific apps on... but the more I can get us to transition to Linux, I think it will be well suited for many purposes... a lot of edu soft can be used online as well | 08:06 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, You will also need the headers to compile a module. | 08:06 |
HaloGray | do I need to re-get the build-essential package? | 08:06 |
HaloGray | or do you think that's been upgraded along with the rest of things? | 08:07 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: the only space i have is on a LVM drive... in the past i recall you needed an initrd to boot from to have the LVM user space tools | 08:07 |
pestil | heliolith, Even then, I would recommend you not to go 100% from the beginning. Start with just a few, especially since you don't have many available apps yet. At best make it a 70%linux/30%windows environment. If costs are a real concern, you can get cheap copies of win95 or win98 at eBay or something. | 08:07 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, That should have been upgraded. | 08:07 |
HaloGray | ficusplanet: ok, I'll get the latest headers too | 08:07 |
HaloGray | a quick search seems to show that the headers and source version don't match... ? | 08:07 |
pussfeller | heliolith, you will have less problems with security too | 08:07 |
ficusplanet | Dreamer3, You need some kind of bootloader set up, yes; there is not MBR on an LVM volume. | 08:08 |
heliolith | pestil: I agree that's a good plan... I would like to see 50% Linux 25% mac 25% windows someday if that's possible | 08:08 |
pestil | heliolith, I just want to advise to not make an entire deployment based on pure philosophy. From the start | 08:08 |
jason_ | heliolith: some sort of typing tutor, debian had a kids collection if i remember correcty, scientific calculator | 08:08 |
heliolith | pestil: point taken | 08:08 |
HaloGray | linux-headers-2.6.10-2, linux-source-2.6.10-14 ... ? | 08:08 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: oh no, i have grub on my debian... i have a bootloader.. | 08:08 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, Yes, that's fine. | 08:08 |
HaloGray | allright | 08:08 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: i just have no non-LVM parition to donate to root... so if files are neded to "start" LVM before LVM is accessible then all is lost | 08:08 |
pestil | heliolith, I recently saw this typing tour in Synaptic. It's called Ktouch | 08:08 |
heliolith | pestil: excellent I'll search it now | 08:09 |
HaloGray | source download should be complete in 5 minutes or so | 08:09 |
pestil | heliolith, But you'll need the KDE libraries, and you will need to add it manually to the menu. | 08:09 |
mojo_ | heliolith: if they're all for a lab, you may want to look at apt-proxy to help maintain them. If they're all running the same distro, you can have this build a local cpy on a master machine of the repository, so each computer does not have to hit the net. They hit the proxy first and get the local cache via lan. WAN is usu. slow, so this speeds up multi-box upgrading | 08:09 |
HaloGray | I'll let you know how it goes | 08:09 |
ficusplanet | Dreamer3, I believe you should be OK, but I'm not positive. | 08:09 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: ok | 08:09 |
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ficusplanet | Dreamer3, If it was earlier I'd go check to verify that my roomie's machine is setup like that, but I think he's been asleep for a while now. | 08:09 |
heliolith | mojo_ it's not a lab, but that's a great idea even for a couple of machines... | 08:10 |
Ells | ficus, I installed the net-applet and I dont see the applet stuff at the top | 08:10 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: *nods* | 08:10 |
pestil | heliolith, does your school use some sort of school management system? I used to be at a school that did. | 08:10 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: i won't have the CD for horus and no CDRs here | 08:10 |
HaloGray | my laptops battery life has been greatly extended with the hoary set up though :D it went from 1 hour to 4 hours. I also notice that a centrino-speedstep driver is running, so I guess hoary detects and adjusts better for centrino chips | 08:10 |
HaloGray | that's good to know | 08:10 |
Dreamer3 | ficusplanet: so oh well | 08:10 |
heliolith | pestil: what do you mean by school management? | 08:10 |
ficusplanet | Ells, pop open a terminal and run netapplet. | 08:10 |
Ells | cool, will try | 08:10 |
pestil | heliolith, you know, a system where you take attendance on computers, and put homework and report cards on some webpage | 08:11 |
mojo_ | heliolith: just passin on the knowledge nuggets... picked that one up here on the 'chat a day or so back. | 08:11 |
heliolith | pestil: nope we're not that far ahead | 08:11 |
pestil | heliolith, I'm trying to find out how your current computer layour works | 08:11 |
wm_eddie | pestil: I've done some research on moodle for the Language Media Center, it's good for that kind of stuff. | 08:12 |
wm_eddie | but k-6.... | 08:12 |
pestil | mojo_, thanks for the proxy suggestion. useful to know | 08:12 |
heliolith | pestil: it's a mishmosh of barely networked 486's and PII's running Win98 | 08:12 |
pestil | heliolith, ouch. Ubuntu will *barely* work there, if at all. | 08:12 |
Ells | ficus is there any particular way I am supposed to. I typed netapplet and return and nothing | 08:12 |
pestil | heliolith, Win98 (or 95) is definitely your best system. | 08:12 |
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jason_ | heliolith: you may also want to put in a full set of development tools for the kids. Amazing how fast they pick up coding at that age. | 08:13 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Nothing as in you got a prompt back or it just sat there processing? | 08:13 |
wm_eddie | but the 486s are another problem... | 08:13 |
heliolith | pestil: i'm getting IPcop up and running for the half of the school that has no filter, and am working on getting dans guardian installed | 08:13 |
pestil | heliolith, Another suggestion, if you're budget for upgrades is really tight, is DSL Linux. It'll run GUI on 486 pretty snappily | 08:13 |
heliolith | i won't mess with the 486s | 08:13 |
Ells | it said command not found | 08:13 |
HaloGray | <3 to ipcop | 08:13 |
ficusplanet | Ells, You need to install netapplet with synaptic | 08:13 |
pestil | jason_, full development tools? wtf? | 08:13 |
heliolith | DSL linux is a low resource distro? | 08:13 |
ficusplanet | heliolith, Yes, it is actually designed and tested on a 486 | 08:14 |
heliolith | pestil: I've gotten a few higher end systems donated from a gaming shop that went under | 08:14 |
jason_ | compilers scripting langs | 08:14 |
Ells | thought I did,but will try again | 08:14 |
mojo_ | pestil: well true a full gnome desktop will be probably a pig for those old boxes heliolith has there, but there is also the option of stripping it down. Xfce4 is nice n light. But truly, if he's going to forego Gnome he might start a lookin at other distros out there. | 08:14 |
ficusplanet | ok | 08:14 |
wm_eddie | jason_: Ubuntu comes with python that should be enough for the kids | 08:14 |
heliolith | oh damn small linux right? not dsl the internet standard | 08:14 |
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ficusplanet | heliolith, right | 08:15 |
heliolith | I"m checking out Beatrix atm also | 08:15 |
mojo_ | Heliolith: if you do pick a different distro, mind you that apt-proxy is for debian-based distributions or others that use the apt package management system. | 08:15 |
Ells | according to synaptic, it is installed | 08:15 |
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HaloGray | I think m0n0wall runs off dsl | 08:15 |
HaloGray | it's a prebuilt router | 08:15 |
HaloGray | distro * | 08:15 |
Dreamer3 | heliolith: build your own with the ublibc buildroot :) | 08:15 |
heliolith | Beatrix is pretty close to Ubuntu | 08:15 |
Dreamer3 | heliolith: uclibc that is | 08:15 |
Dreamer3 | heliolith: if you need minimal | 08:15 |
HaloGray | as is Mepis... or so I hear | 08:15 |
Ells | I really am not trying to be funny, but where would it be installed on the desktop | 08:15 |
heliolith | dreamer3: I wish I was that hardcore. I'm still learning basic commandline... not a programmer myself | 08:16 |
chuck | dual monitor help - how to set up | 08:16 |
ficusplanet | Applications>>Other>>Network Selector | 08:16 |
pestil | heliolith, yes, damnsmalllinux | 08:16 |
Dreamer3 | heliolith: ah | 08:16 |
lj_ | i went and put k3b in aplications but when i use it it wont find my burner but in root terminal it finds it can some one help | 08:16 |
Ells | all I have there is gnome predict | 08:16 |
Ells | could one of my sources be missing | 08:16 |
pestil | Ells, sorry, what was the software you looking for? | 08:16 |
Ells | netapplet | 08:16 |
wm_eddie | lj_: maybe adding gksudo to the command field? | 08:16 |
HaloGray | it's not in synaptec? | 08:17 |
wm_eddie | that way you run it as root. | 08:17 |
ficusplanet | Try marking it for reinstallation and make sure you click apply in synaptic. | 08:17 |
pestil | Ells, bend down to a terminal and type "netapplet" | 08:17 |
lj_ | how do i do that | 08:17 |
Ells | it is, and it says it is installed, but it dont show up | 08:17 |
wm_eddie | lj_: right click on k3b and go to properties | 08:17 |
lj_ | ok | 08:17 |
pestil | Dreamer3, heck, he's a second grade teacher! C'mon! Python for 7 year olds??!!?? | 08:18 |
lj_ | then what | 08:18 |
HaloGray | ficusplanet: the source just got done coming down. I'm going to try compiling the module again and let you know how it goes. | 08:18 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: huh? | 08:18 |
lj_ | do i do | 08:18 |
Ells | again it says command not found | 08:18 |
wm_eddie | change the field that has k3b to gksudo k3b | 08:18 |
Ells | just dont understand it | 08:18 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, OK. I really think you need the headers, too. | 08:18 |
jason_ | I thought some were 6th graders | 08:18 |
pestil | Dreamer3, wasn't it you who suggested to put dev tools to teach the kids? if not, sorry | 08:18 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Mark it for reinstallation and click apply in synaptic. | 08:18 |
HaloGray | the headers are already downloaded | 08:19 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: no | 08:19 |
Ells | cool thanks | 08:19 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: not i | 08:19 |
mojo_ | Heliolith: I think it's cool that you're wanting to put linux in front of the kids along with win n mac. Jason is right about kids and programming. But that's a curriculum thing, of course. Regarding "school management", there are programs for managing class rosters, attendance, grades, etc. Though many schools may already have some system in place for that. | 08:19 |
lj_ | ill try it and be back in 30 mins | 08:19 |
wm_eddie | pestil: My friend Joe was programming in BASIC when he was 7 | 08:19 |
HaloGray | hmmm... it seems to be just a tarball in the /usr/src/ dir | 08:19 |
HaloGray | do I need to reboot? | 08:19 |
wm_eddie | these kids have it easy. | 08:19 |
ficusplanet | HaloGray, No, you need to unpack the tarball. | 08:19 |
Ells | no reinstalled, what next | 08:19 |
randabis | you only need kernel header to make modules, not kernel source | 08:19 |
Ells | now | 08:19 |
HaloGray | :( I figured synaptec would have done that much for me | 08:19 |
HaloGray | allright | 08:20 |
randabis | kernel source is to roll your own kernel | 08:20 |
jason_ | y | 08:20 |
randabis | you don't need it unless you intend to make a kernel | 08:20 |
wm_eddie | well I'm heading to bed. | 08:20 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Check for Network Selector under Apps>>Other | 08:20 |
randabis | kernel headers suffices to compile modules | 08:20 |
heliolith | mojo_: we do most centralized student tracking on paper, or in one computer's DB it's a small school but I'm open to learning that stuff for my own class tracking... | 08:20 |
Ells | cool | 08:20 |
Ells | not showing, should I restart | 08:20 |
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ficusplanet | Ells, You can just restart the panel by running "killall gnome-panel" | 08:21 |
wm_eddie | restarting will do nothing | 08:21 |
Ells | cool thanks | 08:21 |
pestil | wm_eddie, Yeah, I programmed a CASIO PB-1000 for my father's store inventory system when I was 8. I still don't agree with the compiling thing though. | 08:21 |
randabis | HaloGray, again, you don't need the kernel source unless you are compiling a completely new kernel | 08:21 |
wm_eddie | pestil: I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic though. | 08:21 |
chuck | ubuntu root password - I don't recall the setup asking for a root password? | 08:21 |
Ells | beleive it or not, it did not show up | 08:21 |
wm_eddie | chuck: it's all done via sudo | 08:21 |
randabis | there is no root password | 08:21 |
randabis | unless you set one up | 08:22 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Sweet. Does it run? | 08:22 |
Ells | in hoary what does the icon look like at the top, it did not show up | 08:22 |
pestil | wm_eddie, I'm not so sure. Granted, my sarcasm-o-meter is broken here, but still, I don't he was kidding. | 08:22 |
chuck | what no root password! sudo requires a tag | 08:22 |
pw | Good morning, fellow Ubuntoids. | 08:22 |
randabis | chuck sudo uses your USER password | 08:22 |
HaloGray | randabis: I'm trying to use it to compile a module for the kernel | 08:22 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Are you using the default theme? | 08:22 |
HaloGray | the module asks for the kernel source? | 08:22 |
randabis | HaloGray, you use kernel headers for that | 08:22 |
pestil | chuck, there's not even a root account | 08:22 |
randabis | point the module to kernel headers | 08:22 |
Ells | how would I know for certain | 08:22 |
randabis | pestil, incorrect | 08:23 |
chuck | so in terminal I am always root - have used RH before | 08:23 |
randabis | there IS a root account | 08:23 |
pestil | randabis, semantics, sorry. | 08:23 |
wm_eddie | but it has no password. | 08:23 |
HaloGray | I tried and it compiled ok, but when I try to insmod the compiled driver it says invalid format | 08:23 |
ficusplanet | Ells, You can do a few things. First, check in the System Tools>>System Monitor to see if netapplet is running. | 08:23 |
pestil | chuck, if you want to set a root password, type in sudo passwd | 08:23 |
Ells | cool | 08:23 |
chuck | why does it prompt for password at Ssu | 08:23 |
wm_eddie | chuck: when you want to do something that requires root privaledges use sudo command | 08:23 |
randabis | HaloGray, make sure you used the correct headers for your running kernel | 08:23 |
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wm_eddie | chuck: to do su do sudo su | 08:24 |
sulkd | no | 08:24 |
sulkd | sudo -s | 08:24 |
randabis | either will work | 08:24 |
sulkd | anyway.. reboot | 08:24 |
wm_eddie | it's harder to type the - :p | 08:24 |
randabis | sudo -s is probably better | 08:24 |
wm_eddie | probably | 08:24 |
HaloGray | linux-headers-2.6.10-2, linux-source-2.6.10-14 ... ? | 08:24 |
heliolith | Ubuntu on a 500mhz PIII with 128ram should be fine right? | 08:24 |
chuck | ok different than RH | 08:24 |
pestil | tasteful trivia: did you know that "sudo" in spanish means "I sweat" | 08:24 |
wm_eddie | heliolith: I'm using a PII 300ish | 08:24 |
HaloGray | hmmm.. the correct headers might be 2.6.10-2-386 | 08:24 |
HaloGray | would that make all the difference? | 08:25 |
pestil | heliolith, it's fair enough | 08:25 |
wm_eddie | GNOME runs a little two slow for me. | 08:25 |
randabis | you don't need linux-source | 08:25 |
heliolith | wm_eddie are you running gnome? | 08:25 |
randabis | yes that would make the difference | 08:25 |
Ells | it is not running, I did a whereis and it cameback /usr/share/man/man1/netapplet.1.gz | 08:25 |
wm_eddie | heliolith: but it'd be a little better on a 500 | 08:25 |
chuck | anyone know where I should start to set up dual monitors | 08:25 |
randabis | assuming you're running the 386 kernel | 08:25 |
wm_eddie | and you can use gconf-editor to do some things to speed up gnome. | 08:25 |
wm_eddie | I think... | 08:25 |
heliolith | heh. have you tried another Windows manager? | 08:25 |
wm_eddie | heliolith: I use XFCE4.2 on my laptop. | 08:26 |
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HaloGray | randabis: I'm pretty sure I am | 08:26 |
HaloGray | I was with warty and I just updated to hoary | 08:26 |
heliolith | I dl'ed fluxbox and blackbox, but am working on figuring out how to get them to appear in the session menu | 08:26 |
Ells | ficus, did you see what I posted | 08:26 |
HaloGray | I can run higher... but I don't think it bothered and just stuck with what was working | 08:26 |
pestil | heliolith, try out DSL Linux. It's only 50MBs download. | 08:26 |
HaloGray | I only started with the 386 because that was the only iso I could find to download | 08:26 |
ficusplanet | Ells, OK. I'm not sure what is wrong, but you can try "sudo /etc/init.d/netapplet restart && netapplet" | 08:26 |
heliolith | pestil: i'm at their site now (= | 08:26 |
wm_eddie | pestil: I'm sure he doesn't want DSL for little kids. | 08:27 |
pestil | heliolith, pretty much *every* ubuntu user runs gnome | 08:27 |
Ells | cool thanks | 08:27 |
wm_eddie | and the *box WMs are for advanced users. | 08:27 |
jason_ | time to reboot, bbl | 08:27 |
ficusplanet | heliolith, Where is the school you teach at? | 08:28 |
pestil | heliolith, if you're gonna use a computer of less than 1Ghz, do *NOT* use OpenOffice. Instead, try KOffice, or AbiWord, Gnumeric, etc. | 08:28 |
Ells | I guess I am screwed, it came back with no command | 08:28 |
heliolith | oh ok | 08:28 |
heliolith | i'm in Southern California | 08:28 |
wm_eddie | Abiword works good on low end stuff. | 08:28 |
pestil | wm_eddie, yup | 08:28 |
ficusplanet | Ells, it's possible that the package in hoary right now is a little messed up. If you wait a bit and update you might have better luck. | 08:28 |
wm_eddie | OpenOffice doesn't run that bad even on my system. | 08:28 |
HaloGray | woohoo! insmod worked great with the -386 headers | 08:29 |
heliolith | with wordprocessing and firefox I can do quite a lot | 08:29 |
ficusplanet | heliolith, You've got to be able to find something better than a 486 in southern california. | 08:29 |
HaloGray | but now modprobe reports module not found | 08:29 |
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heliolith | ficusplanet I am I am | 08:29 |
Ells | cool, will try that | 08:29 |
pestil | wm_eddie, even after the prelinking and quickstarthacks, I can start and quit Abiword twice before OO loads. | 08:29 |
heliolith | I'm workin on it every day.... got 9 boxes in parts some of them amd 1ghz | 08:29 |
randabis | HaloGray, strange | 08:30 |
Dreamer3 | does everyone divide there paritions up here? (/usr, /home, /boot) etc or no? | 08:30 |
randabis | what did you type? | 08:30 |
HaloGray | I had this happen the first time around too with the old kernel | 08:30 |
Dreamer3 | what does ubuntu default to? | 08:30 |
wm_eddie | eddie@ubuntu:~ $ date && oowriter && date | 08:30 |
wm_eddie | Sun Feb 6 02:27:28 EST 2005 | 08:30 |
wm_eddie | Sun Feb 6 02:28:14 EST 2005 | 08:30 |
randabis | Dreamer3, I make /boot swap, / and /home | 08:30 |
randabis | ubuntu defaults to only / and swap | 08:30 |
wm_eddie | Dreamer3: I do / and /home | 08:30 |
heliolith | ficusplanet: I got another array of PIIs that had Redhat on them, they were part of some super array... | 08:30 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: I think Ubuntu defaults to / and /home. I use /, /boot, and /home. | 08:30 |
Amaranth | Oh, and swap, of course. | 08:31 |
HaloGray | I had to copy it into /lib/modules/*kernel*/kernel/drivers and then try it | 08:31 |
Dreamer3 | what filesystems do you all use? | 08:31 |
ficusplanet | heliolith, I'd be willing to donate some parts, if you'd like them. I have some 40GB harddrives and a few motherboards and ~1Ghz CPUs. | 08:31 |
HaloGray | which I just did... yet it's still modprobe not found | 08:31 |
randabis | HaloGray, weird | 08:31 |
randabis | make sure you're modprobing correctly I guess | 08:31 |
Ells | hey ficus at the top of my screen, I have a network connection monitor. is this something separate in hoary | 08:31 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: ext3 for now (most reliable), I want to try reiser4 soon | 08:31 |
heliolith | ficusplanet: Im me i can send you info that would be nice | 08:31 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i've heard reiser4 isn't so reliable :) | 08:31 |
randabis | I use ext3 after having a disaster happen with reiserfs | 08:31 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Yeah, that is different. | 08:31 |
randabis | It was partially my fault though | 08:32 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: well, maybe it is, just not interactive | 08:32 |
Ells | cool | 08:32 |
wm_eddie | bleh 2:30 | 08:32 |
wm_eddie | ok going to bed for real now | 08:32 |
HaloGray | sudo /sbin/insmod rt2500.ko -- followed by -- sudo modprobe rt2500 | 08:32 |
randabis | note to self...NEVER use QTParted | 08:32 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: high thoroughput, but not high interactibity | 08:32 |
randabis | it sucks donkey balls | 08:32 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: yeah... | 08:32 |
pestil | heliolith, I tell you, if your philosophy thing weakens a little, just slap Win95 on all of them. More unstable than Win98, but it wont catch latest-generation viruses and hacks either. Just put Winows 95, Firefox (or OffbyOne, Dillo), Abiword for Windows, and there you go | 08:32 |
randabis | GParted > than QTParted in every way | 08:32 |
HaloGray | then modprobe says: FATAL: Module rt2500 not found. | 08:32 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: i had a crash during prelink on reiserfs3 and had to install a bunch of debian files over again | 08:32 |
heliolith | pestil: and where do I get legit copies of Win95? | 08:32 |
pestil | randabis, are you another victim of reiserfs? | 08:33 |
HaloGray | heliolith: ebay :D | 08:33 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: why would you recommend that? | 08:33 |
pestil | heliolith, on ebay, on bargain binds, pretty much anyware in california i would think | 08:33 |
randabis | pestil, yes, but it was partially my fault | 08:33 |
randabis | I resized a reiser partition with QTParted | 08:33 |
mojo_ | heliolith: just google around with good keywords, like linux with education, classroom, and other words like administration, roster, lesson, etc. | 08:33 |
Amaranth | Win95 is a joke | 08:33 |
mojo_ | heliolith: remember, much of unix (and linux by inheritance) was a higher-education phenomenon. So there were always lots of teachers (and students) involved at some point in the mix. I am sure you'll find stuff that is helpful. | 08:33 |
randabis | and it pretty much destroyed it | 08:33 |
HaloGray | randabis: any idea what the modprobe issue could be? | 08:33 |
mojo_ | btw: what is a heliolith anyway? a monument to the sun? just curious | 08:33 |
randabis | I lost roughly 60 GIGS of data | 08:34 |
pestil | Amaranth, nothing with a GUI is faster than Win95 on a 486 | 08:34 |
pestil | Amaranth, except BeOS | 08:34 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: ouch | 08:34 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: backups or course, right? | 08:34 |
heliolith | mojo_ yeah sunstone and thanks everyone for your ideas | 08:34 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: not flux? | 08:34 |
HaloGray | pestil: Microsoft BOB :D | 08:34 |
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mojo_ | weird... my cablenet got hung-up... sry to repeat.... | 08:34 |
mojo_ | Heliolith: I think it's cool that you're wanting to put linux in front of the kids along with win n mac. Jason is right about kids and programming. But that's a curriculum thing, of course. Regarding "school management", there are programs for managing class rosters, attendance, grades, etc. Though many schools may already have some system in place for that. | 08:34 |
Amaranth | pestil: I think the slowdown is worth not having to restart every 15 minutes. | 08:34 |
mojo_ | heliolith: remember, much of unix (and linux by inheritance) was a higher-education phenomenon. So there were always lots of teachers (and students) involved at some point in the mix. I am sure you'll find stuff that is helpful. | 08:34 |
mojo_ | btw: what is a heliolith anyway? a monument to the sun? just curious | 08:34 |
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randabis | Dreamer3, yes, for "some" of it...backups I don't currently have access to due to a lack of a proper USB cable | 08:34 |
pestil | Dreamer3, Win95 GUI runs circles around flux. | 08:35 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: bad reason not to have backups :) | 08:35 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: um, ok | 08:35 |
pestil | Dreamer3, I'm trying to not take sides here. I'm not doing just to bash linux or microsoft. | 08:35 |
pestil | Dreamer3, it's the practical thing. | 08:35 |
randabis | Dreamer3, I don't have a good means of backing up data unfortunately | 08:35 |
randabis | HaloGray, I have no idea | 08:35 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: but he needs win95 licenses then | 08:35 |
pestil | HaloGray, I got a few copies of Bob if you want | 08:35 |
pestil | Dreamer3, those are pretty cheap now | 08:36 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: and he installing bug-ridden, insecure software with 0 support :) | 08:36 |
HaloGray | randabis: :( :( | 08:36 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: 95 was EOLed a long time ago | 08:36 |
pestil | Dreamer3, but it's not hell to configure | 08:36 |
HaloGray | pestil: Nah, I downloaded it awhile back just for fun... and I haven't a system to even test it on | 08:36 |
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pestil | Dreamer3, you're bashing it just cuz its Microsoft. | 08:36 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: nah :) bashing it cause it's not free | 08:37 |
pestil | Dreamer3, linux kernel might be the most stable thing in this world, but its GUIs are not. I can make GNOME, KDE, Flux, XPCE crash on command | 08:37 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i can make win95 crash on command :) | 08:37 |
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pestil | Dreamer3, it's even then. | 08:37 |
=== regeya can manage to keep his desktop working just fine, thanks | ||
Dreamer3 | pestil: and after a few days i can make it crash withotu command :) | 08:38 |
=== regeya has to work to get his desktop crash | ||
ficusplanet | pestil, How can you make GNOME crash? | 08:38 |
pw | GNOME2's plenty stable for me | 08:38 |
pw | Please tell me how to crash it | 08:38 |
pestil | Dreamer3, why would you want to run a school computer for several days?!? | 08:38 |
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=== Dreamer3 runs crashme on pestil's PC | ||
pw | 2.9.90 | 08:38 |
regeya | pestil: why is that a bad thing? | 08:38 |
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mojo_ | sunstone.. cool | 08:38 |
jason_ | upgrade worked like a charm :) | 08:39 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i don't turn off any computers i use ever :) youre saying the stability isn't important... just reboot with a problem? | 08:39 |
HaloGray | I haven't ever seen a GUI crash... I've seen parts of it crash but never a complete GUI crash out | 08:39 |
Dreamer3 | i hate telling our clienting running windows that, but it [almost] always works | 08:39 |
pestil | regeya, cuz, unlike a server, it's not necessary. It's just a coolness factor. And an electrical-power-wasting factor | 08:39 |
pestil | Dreamer3, you do with your own computers as you desire, I won't argue with that. | 08:39 |
=== mojo_ is finally caught up from cablemodem snafu... amazing i kept my connection thru a modem reset! HA!!! Can' beat that wit a stick | ||
Amaranth | mojo_: It's just the server forgetting you left. | 08:40 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i can understand why you might power down PCs in a school | 08:40 |
=== mojo_ rubs eyes... man you guys write a lot in 2 minutes | ||
pestil | Dreamer3, but truth is, that stability be damned, those things suck power, even with monitors turned off. Multiply that by 12 or more computers, and you're just wasting money in the name of stability | 08:40 |
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mojo_ | amaranth: thats the sort of bug i can call a feature! | 08:40 |
Amaranth | Our the cable company patiently collecting the packets for a bit waiting for you to come back before dropping them. :) | 08:40 |
Amaranth | err, or | 08:40 |
mojo_ | Amaranth: you give Charter Communications too much credit, LOL | 08:41 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: true | 08:41 |
=== Dreamer3 laughs | ||
=== Dreamer3 thinks maybe he could free a 4gig install partition for ubuntu | ||
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=== Dreamer3 needs another drive | ||
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pestil | wm_eddie, what does the "-g" parameter do, when starting stuff from console? | 08:44 |
pestil | wm_eddie, wait, I think I got it. if I don't put it, it won't come up. | 08:44 |
pestil | wm_eddie, funny how for other apps the -g is not necessary. | 08:44 |
mojo_ | wow! do a search in Synaptic for "education" in names and descriptions. Heliolith: There is thin-client stuff for classrooms, course-oriented stuff for all the major studies, etc. There must be even more out on the net | 08:45 |
heliolith | mojo_: nice! | 08:45 |
heliolith | ty | 08:45 |
pestil | mojo_, a lot of it is for college/university level. | 08:46 |
=== Dreamer3 doesn't think it would be wise to share one home between two different distros with Gnome and KDE, would it? | ||
HaloGray | pestil: Do I have to tell modprobe to look in the new kernel libs now that I've updated? | 08:46 |
HaloGray | Do you think? | 08:46 |
pestil | But, granted, there's plenty for the kids too. | 08:46 |
HaloGray | and how would I do that? | 08:46 |
HaloGray | err... sorry | 08:46 |
HaloGray | randabis: the question I asked pestil by mistake XD | 08:46 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: If they have different usernames then it shouldn't be a problem. | 08:46 |
mojo_ | np. (pestil: oh. well... just letting him know that it's promising). I gotta go afk for a while. u kidz have fun! | 08:46 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i mean the same username, so i don't have to setup stuff again | 08:47 |
pestil | :-D | 08:47 |
randabis | HaloGray, I'm not sure, but it should be a nonissue if you --purge remove the old kernel | 08:47 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Make a backup and try it. :) | 08:47 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i'm pretty sure if the versions of gnome or kde are different it might be "not good" :) | 08:48 |
pestil | mojo_, I agree there's much promise for education from opensource. I wholeheartedly agree. | 08:48 |
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HaloGray | randabis: how would I do that exactly? | 08:48 |
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kakalto | can more than one partition be mounted on the same point? | 08:49 |
kakalto | eg. mount sda6 & sda7 on / | 08:49 |
kakalto | ? | 08:49 |
wolf1502 | nope | 08:49 |
kakalto | arg | 08:49 |
randabis | HaloGray, you can use synaptic, or apt-get --purge remove nameofkernelpackage | 08:49 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: how would that even work? | 08:49 |
wolf1502 | but you could mount sda6 on /mnt/abc, and sda7 on /mnt/def | 08:49 |
arnaud | how get mplayer with an athlon ? | 08:50 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, I don't know, I was hoping :( | 08:50 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: why? | 08:50 |
kakalto | I don't have enough space on sda6 | 08:50 |
pestil | kakalto, you can mount them as /sda6 and /sda7, but both can't be "/" at the same time | 08:50 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: now that makes more sense | 08:50 |
kakalto | but qtparted won't combine mounted partitions | 08:51 |
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Dreamer3 | kakalto: make a new parition, copy your largest directory to it (home for example) and mount it on /home | 08:51 |
kakalto | and I can't umount / | 08:51 |
wolf1502 | so copy /home to sda7 and then mount sda7 as /home | 08:51 |
mojo_ | Grrr... wierd... looks like I'm being porscanned by "", IP Am I seeing things? WTF is this? Seems to be hitting all major known ports lookin to connect. (I love u iptables!) | 08:51 |
randabis | don't use's the devil | 08:51 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: or delete one and use parted and partition resizing tools | 08:51 |
randabis | gparted > qtparted | 08:51 |
kakalto | how much space does /home take up? | 08:51 |
randabis | you could use a livecd possibly to combine the partitions | 08:51 |
wolf1502 | mojo_ looking for open relay ports to see if your a real client or a spam bouncing through another system | 08:51 |
pestil | gparted? hadn't heard of it! thanks! I've used qparted so far | 08:52 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: du / --max-depth 1 | 08:52 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: du / --max-depth 1 -x | 08:52 |
kakalto | exactly what does that do? | 08:52 |
wolf1502 | disk usage | 08:52 |
pepperpot | uh-oh. Firefox refuses to do anything than pop up a window titled Gecko, saying 'title="&windowtitle.label;" | 08:52 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: man du | 08:52 |
heliolith | goodnight all: thanks for the educational banter! | 08:52 |
Dreamer3 | heliolith: no prob | 08:52 |
mojo_ | wolf1502... hmmm.. something in the system things i'm a robot???? | 08:52 |
randabis | pestil, you'll have to get a deb from the gparted site though, not in the repos as of yet | 08:52 |
pestil | heliolith, sure, good luck. | 08:53 |
wolf1502 | mojo_, the irc server does it to everyone that connects | 08:53 |
wolf1502 | if you dont have the ports open you have nothing to worry about | 08:53 |
mojo_ | wolfnnnn - wonder if it is related to me having reset my cablemodem a short while ago while connection to irc survived' | 08:53 |
pestil | heliolith, I really like linux too, but don't let emotions always get in the way of the best solution. Keep on with your research. You might find something better than what you got here! | 08:53 |
=== Dreamer3 wishes he had blank CDs at home | ||
pestil | randabis, darnt | 08:54 |
=== Dreamer3 remembers mini-CDs upstairs, but those are no good | ||
mojo_ | wolf: okay, i won't freak on it then. I thought it was something much worse. | 08:54 |
kakalto | du doesn't estimate particularly well, does it? | 08:54 |
wolf1502 | mojo_, nah just a security check | 08:54 |
Amaranth | pestil: It's worse then emotions, it's politics. | 08:54 |
kakalto | estimating 4.2GB on a 3 GB partition... | 08:54 |
pestil | Amaranth, and philosophies, and sometimes even *gasp* religion | 08:54 |
kakalto | is it alright to mount /usr on a different drive? | 08:54 |
heliolith | pestil: I'm not blinded by my idealism, so it's all good (-= thanks again... be well | 08:54 |
kakalto | or do symlinks screw things up? | 08:54 |
kakalto | or do I have no idea what I'm talking about? | 08:55 |
Dreamer3 | does ubuntu use grub by default? | 08:55 |
kakalto | yes | 08:55 |
mojo_ | wolf: okie dokie... learn somethin new all the time. | 08:55 |
pestil | Amaranth, thought I can agree and accept it's a double edged sword. The obnoxious fanatism of the mobs for open source can also be a heck of a really good motivation for doing stuff for free!! | 08:56 |
randabis | pestil, not a big deal, dpkg -i debname.deb will install the deb pretty easily | 08:56 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, but if you install via expert mode, you can choose between lilo and grub | 08:56 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: du doesn't estimate | 08:56 |
pestil | randabis, yes | 08:56 |
Dreamer3 | dud: it's exatly | 08:56 |
mojo_ | heliolith: take care and good luck with all | 08:56 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: well, can i choose not to install either? | 08:56 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, it says in the man pages that it estimates. | 08:56 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, yes. | 08:56 |
mojo_ | heliolith: good not to be blinded by it, OR blind to it!!! | 08:56 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: well, it's a pretty darn close estimation then | 08:56 |
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pestil | kakalto, there's also df | 08:56 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, you can't tell me, honestly, that my 3Gb partition is 4.2GB | 08:57 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: did you run it with -x? | 08:57 |
kakalto | Hardware/Software discrepencies aren't that bad | 08:57 |
kakalto | and yes, with -x | 08:57 |
wolf1502 | mojo_, | 08:57 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: weird | 08:57 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, it wouldn't change due to SATA, would it? | 08:58 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: it's either pulling in other paritions or counting hard links twice (whith i wasn't aware it did) | 08:58 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: no | 08:58 |
mojo_ | wolf: u rok, tnk | 08:58 |
mojo_ | er, thanks | 08:58 |
mojo_ | :) | 08:58 |
=== wolf1502 is now known as nightwolf | ||
Shinitenshi | hey any good linux dvd programs out there? | 08:58 |
j-rock | Shinitenshi: for ripping or watching | 08:58 |
Shinitenshi | watching | 08:59 |
kakalto | so anyways, is it fine for me to copy my /usr/* to /dev/sda7, and just auto-mount sda7 as /usr? | 08:59 |
ficusplanet | Shinitenshi, Or burning? | 08:59 |
Shinitenshi | just watching | 08:59 |
ficusplanet | Shinitenshi, totem-xine | 08:59 |
j-rock | Shinitenshi: ogle | 08:59 |
Shinitenshi | freee? | 08:59 |
pestil | mplayer, xine, kaffeine | 08:59 |
randabis | Shinitenshi, Totem-xine, mplayer, xine, ogle, etc | 08:59 |
j-rock | ogle rocks | 08:59 |
Shinitenshi | whitch one best? | 08:59 |
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randabis | there is no "best" | 08:59 |
kakalto | "Best" | 08:59 |
pestil | they all have their mobs | 08:59 |
kakalto | bad word | 08:59 |
ficusplanet | Shinitenshi, You'll need to install libdvdcss as well. totem-xine is integrated well with GNOME. | 08:59 |
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pestil | Shinitenshi, personally, the one that has seen all kinds of movies recognized here (with ubuntu repos) is Kaffeine. | 09:00 |
pestil | Shinitenshi, many hate it though, and love whichever other one. ditto the rest | 09:00 |
mojo_ | wolf: that was helpful. I see. I thought *I* was either being porscanned or DoS attacked, he he | 09:00 |
Amaranth | isn't kaffeine a xine frontend? | 09:00 |
randabis | I believe it is | 09:01 |
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randabis | and QT I think :/ | 09:01 |
ficusplanet | Amaranth, Yes, in which case, it would make sense to use totem - since we're in GNOME here. | 09:01 |
Shinitenshi | kaffeine is the one on ubuntu | 09:01 |
pestil | Amaranth, yes | 09:01 |
kakalto | so anyways, is it fine for me to copy my /usr/* to /dev/sda7, and just auto-mount sda7 as /usr? | 09:01 |
pestil | Shinitenshi, Totem is in ubuntu | 09:01 |
Shinitenshi | that one dint work for my burned dvd | 09:01 |
randabis | but totem-gstreamer is the default totem | 09:01 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: yeah, but the deleting and remounting should be done in single user mode | 09:02 |
randabis | totem-xine is what you want | 09:02 |
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randabis | you need libdvdcss though | 09:02 |
pestil | randabis, you mean there are *two* totems? sheesh | 09:02 |
Ells | hey ficus,now that I have upgraded, i cannot access my dvds | 09:02 |
Ells | any idea | 09:02 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: which repo is libdvdcss in? | 09:02 |
kakalto | Dreamer3: "single user mode"? | 09:02 |
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kakalto | you mean proper root terminal? | 09:02 |
randabis | pestil, no, it's the same totem, different backend | 09:02 |
kakalto | instead of sudo? | 09:02 |
Shinitenshi | am gona try ogle | 09:02 |
randabis | Dreamer3, marilliat | 09:02 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: im ean single user mode, nothing else running, console | 09:03 |
kakalto | ah | 09:03 |
kakalto | shut down x | 09:03 |
pestil | randabis, so, what, is there a switch to choose either or? | 09:03 |
Halo-Gray | randabis: the card seems to be working without the modprobe even working? | 09:03 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: and everything | 09:03 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: it's called single user mode | 09:03 |
Halo-Gray | I just did an ifconfig ra0 up, and then an ifup ra0 and here I am | 09:03 |
randabis | Halo-Gray, insmod probably did the trick | 09:03 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, how do I get to it? | 09:03 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: you can't very well switch /usr with anything at all using it | 09:03 |
pestil | run level 2? | 09:03 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: i don't know | 09:03 |
Halo-Gray | would I be able to add this to /etc/modules and hope it actually works? | 09:03 |
Ells | ficus, you there | 09:04 |
kakalto | well, thanks anyway | 09:04 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: run level 2 would stil have services running, no? | 09:04 |
kakalto | will be looking around | 09:04 |
ficusplanet | Ells, yup | 09:04 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: or is that 3? | 09:04 |
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Ells | it says I cannot now access my dvds | 09:04 |
randabis | pestil, totem-gstreamer is default, you have to install totem-xine later if you want removes totem-gstreamer | 09:04 |
Ells | like I am lockedout | 09:04 |
pestil | 3? sorry, I wasn't good at social studies | 09:04 |
kakalto | Dreamer3, why not just google for runlevels? | 09:04 |
Ells | any ideas | 09:04 |
Halo-Gray | or would I even need to? | 09:04 |
kakalto | there should be a list somewhere | 09:04 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Do you have libdvdcss installed? | 09:04 |
randabis | Halo-Gray, yes, add it to /etc/modules | 09:04 |
Ells | I will double check | 09:04 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Are you trying to watch a dvd? | 09:04 |
Ells | try to | 09:05 |
pestil | randabis, *sigh* didn't know that. thanks for updating me though, cuz gstreamer never did it for me. | 09:05 |
Halo-Gray | ok... it's there... let me try and reboot and hope for the best | 09:05 |
ficusplanet | Ells, OK, yes, install libdvdcss and totem-xine | 09:05 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: just thinking alound :) | 09:05 |
Ells | it says the latest is installed | 09:05 |
kakalto | :D | 09:05 |
Dreamer3 | kakalto: that would require using the mouse and i've only go tthe keyboard at present | 09:05 |
Ells | I guess go and reinstall huh | 09:05 |
randabis | pestil, LOTS of documentation about stuff like this in the wiki, on the forums, and on ubuntuguide | 09:05 |
pepperpot | why not just man runlevel | 09:05 |
Dreamer3 | pepperpot: there is an ieda | 09:05 |
Dreamer3 | pepperpot: didn't know that existed :) | 09:06 |
kakalto | pepperpot is "pro-active" | 09:06 |
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randabis | there's manpages for almost EVERYTHING :) | 09:06 |
pepperpot | Dreamer3, actually i just did, and it doesn't say much about the specific levels | 09:06 |
Dreamer3 | 2.5 hours till my ubunut is done downloading | 09:06 |
kakalto | (my english teacher's favourite word) | 09:06 |
kakalto | lol | 09:06 |
pestil | randabis, yeah, I'm a forum lurker, and have swallowed quite a bit from there already, but this "conversational methodology" works fine for me too. | 09:06 |
pestil | randabis, ;-) | 09:06 |
randabis | pestil, sure. :) ymmv | 09:06 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: prolly cause specific runlevels can be redefined by different users/distros :) | 09:06 |
kakalto | runlevel 0: Halt 1: SU mode | 09:07 |
kakalto | and a bunch of others | 09:07 |
kakalto | :D | 09:07 |
kakalto | so, I go to a terminal, and type "init 1" ? | 09:07 |
Ells | get this ficus, i uninstalled it and now it is no longer offered, what is up with that | 09:07 |
randabis | I thought su was "switch user" not "super user" | 09:07 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Did you install it manually? As in with dpkg? | 09:07 |
kakalto | sorry, I was meaning single user, lol | 09:07 |
Ells | no | 09:07 |
randabis | ah | 09:08 |
randabis | okay | 09:08 |
pestil | Dreamer3, yeah the runlevel thing for each distro used to drive me nuts. | 09:08 |
kakalto | too many acronyms :S | 09:08 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Or remove the repository it was in? It is in marillat. | 09:08 |
randabis | indeed | 09:08 |
Ells | can you write in the repository again for me | 09:08 |
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pestil | Dreamer3, that's why I didn't just state it. It's different in a lot of places. Debian, Redhat, yadda | 09:08 |
ficusplanet | deb unstable main | 09:09 |
pestil | randabis, su meands switch user, but when you don't give it a username, it defaults to root (super user) | 09:09 |
syn-ack | pestil: the only levels which are defined are 0,1 and 6, other than that, you're on your own and I see nothing wrong with that. | 09:09 |
Ells | thanks | 09:09 |
syn-ack | Thats ALL that SysInit V states | 09:09 |
pestil | randabis, see? toldya about the methodology thing | 09:09 |
mojo_ | lol @ pestil | 09:10 |
randabis | yeah I know | 09:10 |
pestil | syn-ack, well, like your nickname says: AAAAAACK | 09:10 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: well, if i'm here i assume i'm talking about debian/ubuntu :) | 09:10 |
randabis | I likes xfce :) | 09:10 |
randabis | | 09:10 |
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=== Dreamer3 likes people whos save screenshots at jpg instead of png | ||
mojo_ | randabis:: u running which version? 4.0 is what's in Hoary repositories, methinks | 09:11 |
Xenguy | randabis: that's the same one as last time :-) | 09:11 |
pestil | Dreamer3, why? | 09:11 |
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pestil | Dreamer3, cuz they will show in IE too? | 09:11 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: cause pngs are usually larger and take forever to download | 09:12 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: ie does pngs | 09:12 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: since at LEAST 5 | 09:12 |
mojo_ | xfce 4.0.6 | 09:12 |
pestil | Dreamer3, already? | 09:12 |
Xenguy | whatever | 09:12 |
Dreamer3 | IINM | 09:12 |
pestil | Dreamer3, with transparency?!? | 09:12 |
pestil | Dreamer3, png compression can be tweaked | 09:12 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: PNG transparency is more complicated in IE :) | 09:12 |
cowbud | randabis: APC :) good music | 09:12 |
Xenguy | awwww | 09:12 |
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pestil | Dreamer3, a very politically correct answer | 09:13 |
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Dreamer3 | pestil: *laughs* | 09:13 |
mojo_ | randabis:: i too like Xfce, but wanna get the 4.2 schtuff | 09:13 |
Xenguy | oh he's PC alright =) | 09:13 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i know IE sucks, but i wasn't going to let a total mis-truth slide by like that | 09:13 |
randabis | cowbud, :) I loves my trance/techno/etc | 09:13 |
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randabis | mojo_, that screen I posted is XFCE 4.2 | 09:13 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: you still not like me? | 09:14 |
cowbud | randabis: listen to Astral Projection at all? | 09:14 |
randabis | yes :) | 09:14 |
mojo_ | randabis:: Oh! missed that link <g> | 09:14 |
cowbud | randabis: right on :) | 09:14 |
mojo_ | got it now | 09:14 |
Xenguy | IE doesn't run on linux - what else can I say to you? | 09:14 |
pestil | Dreamer3, actually IE is pretty neat. If it weren't for the whole integration thing its got going on, it'd be far more secure, and firefox wouldn't be growing so fast | 09:14 |
randabis | IE can run on linux with WINE | 09:14 |
pestil | Dreamer3, It would just be stale, like mozilla was all this years | 09:14 |
Xenguy | pestil: yer nuts | 09:14 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: maybe i said this the other night, but XP SP2 makes IE much safer :) | 09:14 |
Shinitenshi | Hey u guys what plugins do i need to play dvd's? | 09:14 |
Xenguy | omfg | 09:15 |
randabis | libdvdcss | 09:15 |
Shinitenshi | cuz i tried playing it on default one and it dint work | 09:15 |
Shinitenshi | k | 09:15 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: I changed my mind - yer a fuckin retard | 09:15 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: we were talking about pngs | 09:15 |
sirukin | hmm | 09:15 |
Shinitenshi | randabis: thx | 09:15 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: and that cussing was entirely unecessary | 09:15 |
pestil | Xenguy, the flexibility IE gives to developers is amazing. So good its been abused by the smarter people out there. | 09:15 |
mojo_ | randabis:: sweet. looks good. btw: what xmms skin is that, or is that bmp or sumthin? | 09:15 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: no you were selling us IE | 09:15 |
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Xenguy | pestil: nonsense | 09:15 |
randabis | it's xmms, winamp 5 skin I got from freshmeat I think | 09:15 |
=== Dreamer3 ignores Xenguy | ||
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Xenguy | Dreamer3: good | 09:16 |
randabis | pestil, no, it just lets developers get away with SLOPPY coding | 09:16 |
Ells | ficus, totem plays it, but not other program, and in totem, there is no sound | 09:16 |
randabis | gecko is standards compliant | 09:16 |
pestil | Xenguy, IE is the victim of its own making. The reason it put all those snazzy features (and integration) was to outbeat the competition. and it worked. | 09:16 |
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randabis | IE is not | 09:16 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: when i can i replace it entirely (as much as possible) on clients computers with Firefox | 09:16 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3 shouldn't even be here AFAICT | 09:16 |
Mantle | i finally got ndiswrapper to work in hoary, but i can't seem to set the essid i want | 09:16 |
pestil | randabis, If you equate SLOPPY with EASY, I completely agree | 09:17 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: IE still has like 90% (or more) market share... though i read firefox and others had taken 10% the other day, so maybe it's less in some places | 09:17 |
Amaranth | randabis: Gecko is not | 09:17 |
Xenguy | pestil: it's completely inferior, in all respects - what are you frickin talking about? | 09:17 |
Dreamer3 | i only know what our servers logs say | 09:17 |
randabis | Amaranth, in what way? | 09:17 |
Mantle | i tried using the gui tool and iwconfig wlan0 essid [essid] but it doesn't stick | 09:17 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Is your mixer set correctly? | 09:17 |
mojo_ | dreamer: isn't there some TCPA/Palladium/All Your BOX R Belong to MS crap hiding in the XP SP2 and latest WinMediaPlyr updates??? I could be wrong, but still... (chill runs down spine) | 09:17 |
Amaranth | randabis: Because the standard isn't specific, it has to be interpreted. That means people interpret things differently. | 09:17 |
pestil | Xenguy, you are blinded by your faith, man | 09:17 |
Amaranth | randabis: And that's before you find the actual bugs. :P | 09:17 |
randabis | true enough | 09:17 |
randabis | I'll give you that | 09:18 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: *laughs* | 09:18 |
Xenguy | pestil: IE is a piece of total shit - get with the program | 09:18 |
Ells | ficus, as far as what | 09:18 |
Amaranth | Gecko isn't perfect but it's probably the closest to it. | 09:18 |
cowbud | IE succeeded because it was the only browser preinstalled PERIOD | 09:18 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: watch Irobot and think that WIndows XP makes it very hard to turn off auto-updates withotu feeling like a moron | 09:18 |
cowbud | WABAM | 09:18 |
randabis | Amaranth, that's better :) | 09:18 |
Amaranth | But Opera and KHTML are right there too. | 09:18 |
ficusplanet | Ells, The channels aren't muted, right? I know that is a problem for some people in hoary. | 09:18 |
pestil | Xenguy, *heck*, GNOME was born out of the vision to see how the whole IE development was done! | 09:18 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: and it was better than netscape at the time | 09:18 |
randabis | Amaranth, yeah, they are pretty good as well | 09:18 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: ALL you box, and don't you forget! ;) | 09:18 |
cowbud | dreamer: yes | 09:18 |
Ells | ficus, I can hear sound when the computer starts up. | 09:18 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: i remember when IE was the "cool" browser and NS 4.x did crap | 09:18 |
randabis | I used to use opera a lot | 09:19 |
Xenguy | pestil: IE sucks compared to FireFox - isn't it obvious by now? | 09:19 |
Ells | is that what your talking about | 09:19 |
pestil | Xenguy, now, WMP. THAT is crap | 09:19 |
randabis | even tinkered around with Konqueror some | 09:19 |
cowbud | dreamer: hrmm I am skeptical there I don't remember IE ever being "cool" | 09:19 |
Amaranth | pestil: Actually, I kinda like WMP10. | 09:19 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: hey, our customers have no choice... deal with bugs and security glitches and get no work done or sell your soul to MS | 09:19 |
ficusplanet | Ells, Yes. There is no reason for totem not to be playing sound, though. It should work fine with esd. | 09:19 |
pestil | Xenguy, IE even NOW is faster at loading pages than firefox. PROVED. | 09:19 |
cowbud | I remember when like IE 3.0 redirected you to when you put in | 09:19 |
Xenguy | pestil: you windows weenies need to find yer own channel | 09:19 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: IE was cool before mozilla really hit the scene | 09:19 |
Xenguy | pestil: bullshit - you are on crack | 09:19 |
Ells | ficus, I will give it a shot | 09:19 |
pestil | Amaranth, WMP is BLOATED | 09:19 |
cowbud | GALEON owns ALL | 09:19 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i'd way depends on the page :) | 09:20 |
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cowbud | NEW tOpIc | 09:20 |
Xenguy | cowbud: ;-) | 09:20 |
randabis | Galeon RAWKS MY SOX | 09:20 |
cowbud | hell yah | 09:20 |
syn-ack | Glaleon is crap. | 09:20 |
Amaranth | pestil: Ignore Xenguy, he is blinded by his faith. | 09:20 |
=== Dreamer3 laughs | ||
randabis | I like galeon better than firefox :p | 09:20 |
cowbud | I keep trying to switch from galeon but nothing compares | 09:20 |
syn-ack | Galeon, that is | 09:20 |
=== Dreamer3 doesn't push windows and doesn't use it but won't see it maligned more than is realistic :) | ||
cowbud | epiphany comes close but not close enough | 09:20 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: you don't know what you are talking about - and it's got nothing to do with faith, dumbass | 09:20 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: I am an Isaac Azimov fan and so I refused to pay for IRobot at theater. I mean, they took out the WHOLE IDEA in the storyline! GRRRRR!!!! Azimov is rollin like beethovin down in his grave | 09:20 |
pestil | Xenguy, the fact that I can think for myself and don't bash microsoft for showing up in a sentence doesn't make me a windows weenie | 09:20 |
cowbud | firefox is slow compared to gtk gecko browsers | 09:20 |
Dreamer3 | as long as we can get our clients away from IE and Outlook Express I'm happy | 09:20 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: go away | 09:20 |
Xenguy | pestil: give me a break | 09:21 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: I'd say I know what I'm talking about. Do you poke and prod into IE and Gecko CSS and JS on a daily basis? | 09:21 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: such as? | 09:21 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: But I will watch tha bastard movie on cable soon as it gets out of the pay per view and moves to hbo/cinemax/showtime | 09:21 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: no you don't - you just think you belong here | 09:21 |
pestil | Xenguy, please stop insulting people | 09:21 |
Ells | stil no sound from totem | 09:21 |
cowbud | dreamer: galeon epiphany...the interface is just slower | 09:21 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: what browsers? | 09:21 |
Xenguy | pestil: please stop insulting our intelligence | 09:21 |
Ells | and still no video in gmaplayer or xine | 09:21 |
Ells | cannot understand it | 09:22 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: hmmmm | 09:22 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Where is 'here'? | 09:22 |
Ells | any ideas ficus | 09:22 |
cowbud | dreamer: trust me I tried to switch from galeon to firefox and I noticed a slow down..try it | 09:22 |
pestil | Xenguy, please start showing a sign of it by rationally arguing instead of just insulting | 09:22 |
snowblink | Mantle: /etc/network/interfaces should have a wireless_essid line | 09:22 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: you figure it out | 09:22 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: epiphany seems to load a LOAD slower here, perhaps because it needs so much gnome stuff | 09:22 |
cowbud | I am on a 2.0ghz so that might have an affect :) | 09:22 |
Xenguy | pestil: you insult us with every statement you make | 09:22 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: If you mean this channel I am an Ubuntu user so I think I belong here... | 09:22 |
cowbud | dreamer: I am speaking more from a galeon side but even epiphany seemed quicker | 09:22 |
Dreamer3 | cowbud: i might, i've been using firefox forever, same browser on multiple platforms is nice | 09:22 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: then act like it | 09:22 |
ficusplanet | Ells, I have to get going, but Xine should be the same as totem, seeing as totem-xine is based on it. Make sure you're using totem-xine and not totem-gstreamer. | 09:22 |
Ells | okay | 09:23 |
cowbud | dreamer: I agree and I use firefox in windows (god forbid when I have to go there) but there are just a few things that haven't allowed me to switch..that being one | 09:23 |
pestil | Dreamer3, are you in ubuntu gnome? | 09:23 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: What is that supposed to mean? Ignoring facts and saying things are better just because they're open-source? | 09:23 |
randabis | no windows for me :) | 09:23 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: no, xfce | 09:23 |
pestil | oh | 09:23 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: does IE run on Ubuntu - no. Nuff said | 09:23 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i'd hope it loads faster from gnome :) | 09:23 |
pestil | I see I started a war by not bashing microsoft, sigh | 09:24 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: sure it does :) | 09:24 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: suuuure | 09:24 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: it was just mentioned earlier | 09:24 |
syn-ack | Xenguy: sure it does and I can install it RIGHT NOW | 09:24 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: you're on crack dude | 09:24 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i ran IE 6 on Gentoo for a year | 09:24 |
randabis | again, you can run IE with WINE...don't know why you would | 09:24 |
Xenguy | syn-ack: sure you can | 09:24 |
syn-ack | Would you like a screen shot? | 09:24 |
mojo_ | Xenguy:: Hey, chill a little. We're all friends here. Try bein ZENguy... feel the openness of the knowledge flow, be one with the tao of open source. follow not your heated emotions, but rest calm in the knowing of the one true way | 09:24 |
=== Dreamer3 high 5's syn-ack | ||
Xenguy | Dreamer3: why in fucks name would you want to, for one thing | 09:24 |
Xenguy | ? | 09:24 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: what OS? | 09:24 |
pestil | Dreamer3, interesting! was it stable? last time I tried that combination, IE kept locking under wine | 09:24 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: for developing websites | 09:24 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3: Linux, of course. | 09:25 |
pestil | Dreamer3, but that was a long time ago | 09:25 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: was stable for me | 09:25 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: of course i didn't use if for browsing, onl ytesintg sites | 09:25 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Some of us develop websites and need them to work in IE. | 09:25 |
kakalto | have the people @ wine made virii stable yet? | 09:25 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: gentoo? | 09:25 |
Xenguy | mojo_: I don't see any reason I should be forced to put up with total ignorance and stupidity from these people - do you? | 09:25 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: i didn't know there was a QUICK way to install it for other distros | 09:25 |
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pestil | Xenguy, man, stop insulting around. | 09:25 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: who gives a shit about IE - it doesn't run on Ubuntu, so get on topice or leave | 09:25 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: gentoo has a nice package to install and setup wine just right and give you an icon to launch IE :) | 09:25 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: I'm starting to get the feeling you have no idea what you're talking about... | 09:25 |
randabis | Xenguy, well, swearing profusely isn't helping matters any | 09:25 |
Xenguy | pestil: I already told you - you insult me every time you open your mouth almost | 09:26 |
pestil | Xenguy, if you wanna keep arguing, just keep saying that for you it works, or say something like that, but dont insult | 09:26 |
Xenguy | whatever | 09:26 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: You trolled us. We're on this topic because of that. | 09:26 |
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syn-ack | Dreamer3: I run CrossOver Office. ;) | 09:26 |
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Xenguy | Amaranth: you are the troll AFAI concerned | 09:26 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: You were just told IE works on Ubuntu, btw. | 09:26 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: ah, then it's easy :) | 09:26 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: fuck IE | 09:27 |
mojo_ | mojo_: that's not the point dude. the hostile vibe comes from you. pestil is warm n cozy with some microserf stuf, so be it. he is also kind and helpful to people who have come by the forum. That shows as much as the heat under your collar. Hey, I'm a True Believer in FOSS, and run Linux exclusively here. But others can have opinions, and you can disagree without so much venom man. Really. | 09:27 |
HaloGray | well... the wireless seems to be peachy under hoary now :) | 09:27 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3: Hell, I have Quicken 2004 installed ATM | 09:27 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: Microsoft Office runs on Linux too, ya know? ;-) | 09:27 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: it's a piece of shit browser | 09:27 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: really, does it work wel? | 09:27 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: M$ sucks | 09:27 |
matt_ | Argh! I'm frustrated, I have a warty install, and the DEFAULT kernel was, I want to get vmware running, but unfortunately there is no header file to matchup with the default kernel, the latest header files they have are 2.6.7.. why is this? | 09:27 |
randabis | HaloGray, that's awesome | 09:27 |
=== Dreamer3 laughs at Xenguy | ||
syn-ack | Dreamer3: The online shit doesnt. Everything else does though | 09:27 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: for once i agree with you :) | 09:27 |
HaloGray | randabis: thanks... but now sound seems to be pooched :( | 09:27 |
=== Xenguy laughes back - you suck | ||
mojo_ | LOL: I talk to myself! | 09:27 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: I'm tempted to point you to a certain penny arcade comic.. | 09:27 |
randabis | HaloGray, make sure it isn't muted :p | 09:27 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: are you 13? | 09:28 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: go away - what are you even doing in this channel? | 09:28 |
HaloGray | randabis: the ubuntu sounds work, but flashplayer doesn't play anything, and xmms crashes when trying to play a song | 09:28 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: go away | 09:28 |
HaloGray | randabis: it wasn't like that on warty.... | 09:28 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i like the company, excluding one :) | 09:28 |
HaloGray | is there something I can do to reconfigure things? | 09:28 |
goldfish | I think Xenguy has a crush on Dreamer3. | 09:28 |
Xenguy | you guys don't know shit | 09:28 |
=== mojo_ fumbles toward that iggy button... | ||
randabis | HaloGray, make sure xmms is using the esound output plugin | 09:28 |
Dreamer3 | rofl@ goldfish | 09:28 |
randabis | for flashplayer, I don't know | 09:28 |
Dreamer3 | goldfish: perhaps | 09:28 |
HaloGray | is that new to hoary? | 09:28 |
randabis | I had problems with it too | 09:28 |
pestil | Amaranth, I have not seen that site in ages!! any particular comic page you mention? | 09:28 |
Xenguy | you're retards frankly | 09:28 |
syn-ack | ./ignore Xenguy ALL <= MUCH better. | 09:29 |
Dreamer3 | goldfish: we'd never work out though | 09:29 |
Xenguy | syn-ack: sure | 09:29 |
randabis | HaloGray, no | 09:29 |
goldfish | haha | 09:29 |
Xenguy | hahahahaha | 09:29 |
Amaranth | pestil: The one where they make fun of people who say M$. | 09:29 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: i did, but everyone kept talkign to him so i had to hear both sides :) | 09:29 |
Xenguy | Windows is *so* greeeeaaaat | 09:29 |
mojo_ | Xenguy shows us all why free speech works... the fools make themselves known ;) | 09:29 |
Xenguy | woohoo | 09:29 |
Xenguy | I'm coooool | 09:29 |
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pestil | Amaranth, as I told you earlier, that fanatism we are observing is the same one who gets people awfully motivated. | 09:29 |
randabis | just log the conversation, and report it to the appropriate channels | 09:29 |
MeMa|Sorcerer | hiho | 09:29 |
mojo_ | hi diddly dee | 09:30 |
pestil | Amaranth, just like religion, where you can get people to kamikazee themselves for free!!! cool! | 09:30 |
syn-ack | You know what, I still run MS products and Im not affraid to admit it. /me points to his copy of W2KPRO | 09:30 |
Amaranth | pestil: Found it. :) | 09:30 |
Amaranth | Xenguy, pestil: | 09:30 |
=== pw has a boxed copy of XP Pro right here. | ||
randabis | I have a couple of oem copies of XP home...gathering dust... | 09:30 |
pestil | syn-ack, I agree Win2000 has yet to be topped by MS | 09:30 |
=== Dreamer3 went Windows clean maybe a year ago, but sitll uses it at work and hard to get clients to switch :) | ||
Xenguy | Amaranth: yer still a retard :P | 09:30 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: oh yeah? | 09:31 |
syn-ack | pw: I have my recovery disks for my laptop too. thats XP PRO | 09:31 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i'd recommend anytone going to run windows run XP (if they don't mind the whole product activation thing) | 09:31 |
syn-ack | pestil: I think XP Pro is pretty. | 09:31 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Quick question: Do you do any programming at all? | 09:31 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i actually liked it because now companies that stole before can start to understand real MS cost | 09:31 |
HaloGray | randabis: xmms was using oss... I put it on esound and away I go | 09:31 |
mojo_ | LOL @ Amaranth's link... Penny Arcade is cool. | 09:31 |
HaloGray | randabis: I guess I'll try re-installing flash player | 09:31 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: I'd recommend you die (what *are* you doing here anyway?) | 09:31 |
randabis | HaloGray, good :)... I wish I could help with flashplayer | 09:31 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i'm a linux user and soon to be ubuntu user :) | 09:32 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: what difference does that make? | 09:32 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Whether or not you have any clue what you're talking about. | 09:32 |
pw | Mind you, all the computers in my house are currently running linux or UNIX. | 09:32 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: we're just tring to decided where all that pent up anger comes from :) | 09:32 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: you need to get with the program, and stop cheerleading for M$ | 09:32 |
=== syn-ack is a long time Linux user as well as a long time Windows/DOS user/ | ||
syn-ack | . | 09:32 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: lol | 09:32 |
pw | Even SWMBO's laptop is an OS X box. | 09:32 |
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Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i'm not :) | 09:32 |
randabis | if one "must" run windows, I recommend XP for newer systems, Win2kPro for older ones (not bad for new ones either though) | 09:32 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: you insult me with yer stupidity - that's where my anger comes from | 09:32 |
Xenguy | :P | 09:32 |
=== Dreamer3 wonders if Xenguy likes Apples :) | ||
=== syn-ack loves Apple. | ||
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: well, you should get a grip on it or go to some anger management :) | 09:33 |
Xenguy | apples sucks | 09:33 |
=== pw loves Apple kit, too. And their software. | ||
Xenguy | :P | 09:33 |
syn-ack | I would blow a load to have a dual G5 | 09:33 |
randabis | I'd love to have a powerbook | 09:33 |
pestil | pw: what non-linux non-BSD unix do you have in your house? | 09:33 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: if stupid people make you anger one day you'll be in jail :) the world is full of stupider people than I :) | 09:33 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: die | 09:33 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Xenguy is one of those GPL fanatics who probably doesn't contribute any code and hasn't even read the GPL. | 09:33 |
pw | pestil: Solaris | 09:33 |
randabis | dual g5 would r0x0r my b0x0rs too | 09:33 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: what do you know anyway | 09:33 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: Mr. Suppose this and that | 09:33 |
mojo_ | randabis:: My brothers run Win2k at home as a desktop system... pretty stable, runs all the games, more secure than any 9x and not as risky as XP. All they see as a "loss" is the fisher-price interface, which they say is no loss. | 09:33 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: how old are you? | 09:34 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Know about what? | 09:34 |
Oscarian | hrm. i just included the debian path in my sources.list .. i hope it doesn't break anything | 09:34 |
syn-ack | I ran FreeBSD once. Thought it was special oylimpics linux | 09:34 |
Amaranth | syn-ack: Good one. :) | 09:34 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: none of yer fuckin business, dickhead | 09:34 |
randabis | mojo_, that's why I said (not bad for newer ones though) | 09:34 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: the "fisher price" interface is entirely optional, i usually disable it | 09:34 |
randabis | I perfer it over XP too... | 09:34 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: i recommend XP to home users because of the build in firewall | 09:34 |
pw | syn-ack: Ah, FreeBSD. It was like going back to linux circa 1996. | 09:34 |
Amaranth | syn-ack: Seriously though, DragonflyBSD might replace Linux for me once they get things moving. | 09:34 |
syn-ack | pw: more like 1992 | 09:34 |
nightwolf | ya first thing i do with an xp box is turn off themes to get the 2k look back | 09:34 |
randabis | dragonflyBSD is interesting | 09:34 |
Xenguy | hah | 09:35 |
Dreamer3 | nightwolf: *nods* | 09:35 |
pestil | syn-ack, "blow" a "load"?? I hadn't heard that phrase in ages. Ahhh I hope you're a girl or something, I can't get this images off my mind | 09:35 |
pw | syn-ack: It was so *slow* | 09:35 |
Dreamer3 | nightwolf: and i turn off system restore and a tun of other crap | 09:35 |
syn-ack | pkg_install annoys the hell out of me. | 09:35 |
syn-ack | pestil: I am a male. I think.... | 09:35 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Have you ever used it? | 09:35 |
pestil | mojo_, if the teletubby thing is such a big thing, get windowblinds | 09:35 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: why would I? | 09:35 |
pw | When the payments are complete on my current computer, I'm going to transition to OS X full time | 09:35 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: Oh. I'll probably never bother with XP though. Been doing professional support for Windows and Microsoft products for 11 or 12 years. Had my fill. Am going back to school for some linux/unix parchments this fall and crossing over. | 09:35 |
=== Dreamer3 is 25, going on 26 and thinks Xenguy is acting awfully immature. | ||
Dreamer3 | mojo_: *nods* | 09:36 |
goldfish | stylexp is better than windows blinds imo | 09:36 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: we don't work with any clients who'll run linux though :) | 09:36 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: and I think you are a fucking idiot :P | 09:36 |
Xenguy | there - it's official | 09:36 |
Amaranth | goldfish: StyleXP is using the native Windows theme engine for it's stuff. Faster but less powerful. | 09:36 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: you're not ignored for the evening :) have a great windows free life :) | 09:36 |
mojo_ | pestil: the fisher-price thing is just an observation. My brothers are just home users | 09:36 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: it's pretty, but slow | 09:36 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: this *is* Ubuntu (not wind0ze), no? | 09:37 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: compared to non-theme | 09:37 |
syn-ack | When I run XP I run Classic mode. | 09:37 |
syn-ack | To hell with that fisher price crap. | 09:37 |
pestil | mojo_, yeah, I just know a few people that have use that as an excuse to go one way or the other. home users, yes we agree | 09:37 |
=== Dreamer3 wonders how much crossover office is these days | ||
Amaranth | Xenguy: Ask an Ubuntu question then. Otherwise unless an op asks us to change topics it's basically general chat. | 09:37 |
randabis | I do kinda agree that the windows bandwagoning is getting a little out of hand | 09:37 |
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Xenguy | Amaranth: windows weenie chat - how wonderful | 09:37 |
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_joey | how many prebuilt packages available on ubunut? | 09:38 |
mojo_ | Also: if I get another tech job I prob will *have* to deal with windows world. Oh well... but I will not take another windows-only job. I want to have fun again. My job was burning me out on computers, which has been my love since I first saw one in 5th grade, back in '79 | 09:38 |
pestil | goldfish, stylexp wont work with win2000 AFAIK | 09:38 |
pw | _joey: Lots | 09:38 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: I'm sure we all came here for that | 09:38 |
randabis | _joey, one sec, I'll give you a link | 09:38 |
Dreamer3 | i switch my mom from 2000 to ubunut any day now :) | 09:38 |
_joey | how many is lots? | 09:38 |
goldfish | pestil: ah right, i run xp :/ | 09:38 |
Amaranth | _joey: Well Debian has 13,000 and I'm willing to bet Ubuntu has a good portion of those... | 09:38 |
pw | _joey: sec | 09:38 |
randabis | complete list of ubuntu packages | 09:38 |
Dreamer3 | as soon as i have a good CD | 09:38 |
randabis | | 09:38 |
mojo_ | Since I've been running Linux these past 4-5 months, I really enjoy my computer a lot more. I feel like it's a hobby agian. | 09:38 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: if you don't like it you are free to leave. | 09:39 |
_joey | why are telling me about debian? | 09:39 |
pw | Information about 16178 package(s) was updated. <-- that's what dselect update says on my hoary box with marillat, universe and multiverse enabled. | 09:39 |
Dreamer3 | do packages in warty get upgraded, or are they static? | 09:39 |
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pestil | mojo_, fortunately, this linux wave is prone to give you more options in that sense | 09:39 |
randabis | _joey, that isn't about debian | 09:39 |
Amaranth | _joey: Ubuntu is based on Debian. | 09:39 |
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Xenguy | Amaranth: no, *you* are free to find a frickin wind0ze channel - get it? | 09:39 |
_joey | why are telling about debian? | 09:39 |
randabis | check my link | 09:39 |
randabis | | 09:39 |
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pestil | Amaranth, 13K what? | 09:39 |
_joey | when I asked how many prebuilt packages avvailable on ubuntu | 09:39 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: You are the only one having problems with what we are talking about. | 09:39 |
Amaranth | pestil: Packages. | 09:39 |
pestil | oh | 09:39 |
Dreamer3 | warty ~= debian stable, hoary ~= debian sid/experimental? | 09:39 |
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Xenguy | Amaranth: yeah, I detest your windows cheerleading *on this channel* | 09:40 |
_joey | it seems like another distro that attracted a bunuch of clueless n00bs | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | they have sep repositories i assume? | 09:40 |
randabis | no | 09:40 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: I haven't done any. | 09:40 |
randabis | that's not correct | 09:40 |
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randabis | warty != debian stable | 09:40 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: okkkkaaay | 09:40 |
randabis | it's closer to sarge | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: i mean concept wise, not age of software wise | 09:40 |
randabis | ah | 09:40 |
randabis | okay | 09:40 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: I said WMP10 was ok and that IE rendered pages faster than Firefox. The first one is an opinion and the second is fact. | 09:40 |
pestil | Amaranth, lol. "get it?" i love that phrase. like, "it's a joke", but if you dont understand it, i can explain | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: warty is supposed to be stable at all time? | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | :) | 09:40 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: nonsense | 09:40 |
randabis | for the most part it's pretty stable for a first release | 09:41 |
randabis | in terms of packaging and system stability | 09:41 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: tell me - what exactly *does* IE have to do with *anything* Ubuntu, heh? | 09:41 |
pw | IE doesn't draw things faster than Firefox, anyhoo. | 09:41 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: do the packages get updates based on sarge or sid or something in warty, or is it esentially frozen period? | 09:41 |
randabis | it's frozen, only security updates are received | 09:41 |
pestil | Amaranth, you keep fighting that guy! hillarious | 09:42 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: It has nothing to do with it, I dropped it long ago. You are the one that keeps talking about it. | 09:42 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: ok... apt-get upgrade should be as minimal as debian stable then? | 09:42 |
Amaranth | pestil: It's 2:30AM and I'm bored. This is almost fun. | 09:42 |
pestil | Amaranth, I admire your calmness though | 09:42 |
AndyR | im using hoary here and firefox renders pages faster than w2k/ie6 on the same h/w | 09:42 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: then shut up with the IE crap, and get on topic OK? | 09:42 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Are you an op? If not, you can stop telling people what to do. | 09:42 |
randabis | Dreamer3, for the most part, I believe a lot of packages have received security updates since the final warty release | 09:42 |
goldfish | Xenguy: Do you get bullied irl ? | 09:42 |
randabis | he's no green dot :p | 09:43 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: ah | 09:43 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: why don't *you* stop telling people what to do then? | 09:43 |
pestil | randabis, "for the most part". Any personal specific experiences to tell, please? I'm curious | 09:43 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: interesting | 09:43 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: I haven't told anyone to do anything. | 09:43 |
randabis | pestil, I can't remember, been running hoary too long | 09:43 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: so i should expect a lot fo upgrade after the initial install? | 09:43 |
Xenguy | goldfish: you don't want to meet me IRL :-] | 09:43 |
randabis | Dreamer3, yes, I think so | 09:43 |
goldfish | Of course not. | 09:43 |
Amaranth | goldfish: I think he is trying to threaten you. :P | 09:43 |
randabis | you can safely do the update during the install though | 09:44 |
Dreamer3 | lol | 09:44 |
goldfish | rofl | 09:44 |
Xenguy | goldfish: I'd clean yer clock for one thing :P | 09:44 |
pestil | pw: IE does draw things faster, yes it does. There are a few independent examples showing this. OT, but yes | 09:44 |
goldfish | Threats over irc. | 09:44 |
randabis | it will ask you if you want to download packages from the internet | 09:44 |
Dreamer3 | any way of installing ubunut from the ISO without a bootable CD? :) | 09:44 |
jesuel | oh my god | 09:44 |
jesuel | get a life xenguy | 09:44 |
goldfish | Xenguy: Cool. | 09:44 |
pw | pestil: whatever. Doesn't do it here, doesn't do it at work. | 09:44 |
=== mojo_ wishes he could roll a j out of some real kind bud and give i to Xenguy. That dude needs some love or something to chill out on | ||
Xenguy | jesuel: die | 09:44 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: so click no for a fast install and go back later | 09:44 |
randabis | yes | 09:44 |
Xenguy | mojo_: I wouldn't refuse :-) | 09:44 |
randabis | it takes a lot longer if you download packages during the install | 09:45 |
goldfish | Xenguy: I think you are a fudge packer. | 09:45 |
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=== Amaranth falls over laughing | ||
Xenguy | goldfish: I think you are a retard | 09:45 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: i still need a blank CD thoguh :( | 09:45 |
mojo_ | Xenguy:: so long as it would help, man.... sheesh. | 09:45 |
Amaranth | goldfish: Direct, aren't we? | 09:45 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3: I need some pot. | 09:45 |
Xenguy | mojo_: heh | 09:45 |
jesuel | Guys, why dont you take this somewhere else. Doesnt Need to be here. | 09:45 |
goldfish | Xenguy: I am. | 09:45 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: guess i want until tomorrow morning | 09:45 |
syn-ack | That would be nice. | 09:45 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: sorry, none of that | 09:45 |
goldfish | Amaranth: heh, I tried to refrain from commenting. | 09:45 |
randabis | never received your ebay CD? | 09:45 |
apokryphos | Is anyone else getting a "Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException" when trying to install Limewire? The error is apparently meant to occur when no X-session is running; but one certainly is. | 09:45 |
pestil | Xenguy, when you said we don't want to meet you IRL, I just pictured this Dennis Rodman photograph of him at his wedding | 09:45 |
Amaranth | goldfish: I've been trolled. :) | 09:45 |
Xenguy | pestil: whatever | 09:45 |
goldfish | hah | 09:45 |
Xenguy | pestil: it that short for pestilence BTW? | 09:46 |
Dreamer3 | rofl | 09:46 |
=== goldfish books a flight to cali | ||
Dreamer3 | are you all still talking to him? | 09:46 |
Amaranth | I'm just enjoying the show now. I'm sure others enjoy watching me too but oh well. | 09:46 |
randabis | yes, they just love feeding the trolls | 09:46 |
Amaranth | Slow night. | 09:46 |
randabis | I'm just watching with popcorn in hand | 09:46 |
jesuel | lol | 09:46 |
mojo_ | LOL Hell, it's all just a big move, right Amaranth?? | 09:46 |
Dreamer3 | did everyone miss my good question :) | 09:46 |
jesuel | no popcorn here /sigh | 09:46 |
Dreamer3 | is it possible to install ubunuto from the ISO image without any blank CDs :) | 09:47 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: Sorry... | 09:47 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: download the latest wind0ze security update ;-) | 09:47 |
pw | dreamer: in VMWare, yes. | 09:47 |
=== Dreamer3 thinks he can never type the name right | ||
Amaranth | Dreamer3: I heard it was possible but it was a PITA. | 09:47 |
randabis | Dreamer3, theoretically you can | 09:47 |
AndyR | Dreamer3, you can get the files from iso using isobuster on dose then do netinstall i think | 09:47 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: with success? :) | 09:47 |
randabis | anyway, brb | 09:47 |
syn-ack | I kick Dreamer3 you can mount -t iso9660 loop it | 09:47 |
randabis | Dreamer3, probably in VMWare | 09:47 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: i know | 09:47 |
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Amaranth | syn-ack: Sure, on one computer. How does he get that to the other one? | 09:48 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: but didn't know if i can just run ./ubuntu_install after it's mounted from an alreayd running distro :) | 09:48 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: not that familiar with debian installer :) | 09:48 |
Amaranth | If you're on a network there is a way to do it but it was a bit complicated. | 09:48 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Well, it is possible to bootstrap in a chroot if you really know what you're doing. | 09:48 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: net boot, yeah sounds complicated :) | 09:48 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i've done it before with debian sarge :) | 09:48 |
jesuel | bootstrap in a chroot is fun ;p | 09:49 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i upgraded from gentoo to sarge in place while running ;-) | 09:49 |
syn-ack | Ive installed via chroot. its no biggie. | 09:49 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Yeah, just follow those instructions with a bit of common sense for Ubuntu things and you'll be good. | 09:49 |
pestil | Dreamer3, with 2 cd drives? | 09:49 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: but i don't want to miss all the good boot-up stuff :) | 09:49 |
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Dreamer3 | pestil: huh? | 09:49 |
Amaranth | I tried helping a newb bootstrap in a chroot once, I stopped suggesting it after that. | 09:49 |
pestil | Dreamer3, sorry, nevermind | 09:50 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: Btw, does this make you happier? :) | 09:50 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: i used debootstrap from debian under gentoo... to a chroot... to set it all up... when i rebooted the box was sarge | 09:50 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: be quiet | 09:50 |
Dreamer3 | lol | 09:50 |
goldfish | aaaaw | 09:50 |
=== mojo_ rolls eyes ;) | ||
goldfish | Let's talk about IE again, just for Xenguy. | 09:50 |
Amaranth | Xenguy: So first you want me to talk about Ubuntu. I do that and probably confuse the hell out of you so now you want me to stop talking completely? | 09:50 |
pestil | Amaranth, just until now did I go to check out the penny comic. nice :) | 09:50 |
=== Dreamer3 kinda wondering if there is an easy way to jump into the debian installer directly after boot :) | ||
mojo_ | LOL | 09:51 |
Dreamer3 | you'd think you could do that | 09:51 |
HaloGray | randabis: a re-intall of flashplayer proved fruitless.... still no sound :( | 09:51 |
Xenguy | goldfish: yer a windows weene (WW) | 09:51 |
Dreamer3 | HaloGray: are you running arts or esd? | 09:51 |
mojo_ | haloGray - you n me both. | 09:51 |
Amaranth | goldfish: SP2 IE isn't all that bad. :) It has a popup blocking and plugin uninstaller. (gets rid of nasty spyware) | 09:51 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: /ignore me -- please | 09:51 |
Dreamer3 | HaloGray: my experience with flash was it wanted to use alsa all by itself | 09:51 |
HaloGray | Dreamer3: .... yes? | 09:51 |
goldfish | omfg | 09:51 |
Xenguy | Smith will suffice | 09:52 |
goldfish | Xenguy: Get that penis out of your rectum, then come back to your terminal. | 09:52 |
Xenguy | ;-) | 09:52 |
Dreamer3 | lol@ goldfish | 09:52 |
Amaranth | goldfish: Don't have a heart attack. :) | 09:52 |
jesuel | lol goldfish | 09:52 |
pestil | Amaranth, it's interesting how many users come complaining because firefox won't show the formatting toolbar in their webmail, like IE correctly does | 09:52 |
Xenguy | goldfish: be quiet, retard | 09:52 |
jesuel | LOL | 09:52 |
jesuel | omfg, rofl | 09:52 |
=== Dreamer3 will ask again when he has iso in hand :) | ||
jesuel | goldfish, why dont you tell us how you really feel :) | 09:52 |
goldfish | lol | 09:52 |
Dreamer3 | is most of the hardware detection done on initial install or after first boot? | 09:52 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Just do the chroot thing. :) | 09:53 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i'm not sure what to run on the CD once i'm chrooted :) | 09:53 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: I think both, actually. :) | 09:53 |
Amaranth | It uses hotplug and udev to try to figure out what to load. | 09:53 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i want the full experience possible :) | 09:53 |
=== Desplesda [~Nicholas@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | 1.75 hours left | 09:53 |
=== Tac [] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tac | anyone around tonight?" | 09:53 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: After you boot up to your nice minimal ubuntu install run apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 09:53 |
Tac | ah yes | 09:54 |
GammaRay | Tac: no | 09:54 |
Dreamer3 | Tac: yep | 09:54 |
goldfish | this morning | 09:54 |
goldfish | it's 9 am! | 09:54 |
Tac | whats the root password on ubuntu live | 09:54 |
Amaranth | I think Xenguy exploded from all the "M$" talk. | 09:54 |
pestil | The current image I have in my mind of Xenguy is of a non-bald Dennis Rodman creature in a wedding dress banging away at the keyboard | 09:54 |
Amaranth | Tac: There isn't one, afaik. | 09:54 |
anti_ | goldfish, 10, even! | 09:54 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i'm still not sure what command i'm running to jumpstart the ubuntu install after i chroot and mount the CD :) | 09:54 |
goldfish | Amaranth: Maybe he is doing what I told him to do. | 09:54 |
Xenguy | Amaranth: I think you can't STFU | 09:54 |
mojo_ | goldfish:: not here it isn't. 3am for me | 09:55 |
Xenguy | pestil: pestilence? | 09:55 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: debootstrap? | 09:55 |
Tac | Amaranth, but theres a /home/root....... | 09:55 |
pestil | Xenguy, yeah, that's right | 09:55 |
Tac | i just want to be able to mount shit... and all the fun stuff | 09:55 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: ok... that simple, eh | 09:55 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: not sounded like much fun :) | 09:55 |
Xenguy | pestil: excellent | 09:55 |
Amaranth | Tac: Yeah, root with no password. | 09:55 |
Desplesda | hey there, i have a studioworks 55i monitor, and whenever i try and load up gdm the monitor shuts down - i've found and set the right hsync and vsync frequencies, what else can i change? | 09:55 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: wait, that gonna bypass the whole debian installer, right? | 09:55 |
Tac | su then just enter ? | 09:55 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: You said you did this before. | 09:55 |
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Dreamer3 | Amaranth: yeah, with sarge :) | 09:56 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Both use d-i. | 09:56 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: n/m guess that's the logical way | 09:56 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: i never booted a sarge CD... didn't evne have one... it was all from the net :) | 09:56 |
Amaranth | And debootstrap and etc, etc, etc | 09:56 |
=== syn-ack runs Sarge on the server with the woody security updates repo/ | ||
syn-ack | . | 09:56 |
=== Dreamer3 nods. | ||
mojo_ | Desplesda:: in your /etc/X11/Xfree86.conf file comment out all but the lower/ lowest resolution settings. GDM will try to run highest listed resolution by defalult, and it may be specc'd past your monitor's capabilities. | 09:56 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: does ubuntu-desktop pull in all the desktop apps as well? | 09:56 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: ie, the whole distribution? | 09:57 |
anti_ | yes | 09:57 |
Desplesda | mojo_: i doubt it, i ran slackware 10 at 1024x768 before i moved to unbuntu | 09:57 |
mojo_ | Desplesda:: If you can get running X/GDM in lower resolutions, you can then un-comment your way back up until you hit the failure again | 09:57 |
Dreamer3 | well, that's one way of doing it :) | 09:57 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Yeah, after the initial base system install that gets run and installs the entire desktop. | 09:57 |
Desplesda | i'll give that a go - one moment, while i skip away next door | 09:57 |
=== syn-ack spins Eminem - Stan | ||
pestil | syn-ack: you made a comment like 4 screens ago. Was that a phrase out of your ass or is that thing easy to get? I honestly never met a person who does that stuff, but you make it sound easy | 09:57 |
Amaranth | ubuntu-desktop is the meta package that pulls everything in | 09:57 |
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mojo_ | Desplesda:: But what does your video card support? Maybe it can go higher? My Radeon 9800 is running at 1600x1200 right now. | 09:57 |
syn-ack | pestil: It is if you RTFM..... about the chroot, right? | 09:58 |
syn-ack | pestil: I used to run Gentoo man, how do you think its installed? | 09:58 |
mojo_ | Desplesda:: Point is that X may be trying to run at the card's maximum listed res, and it *could* be the problem. It is just an idea of something else to investigate. | 09:58 |
pestil | syn-ack, I meant pot. ;-D | 09:58 |
Amaranth | syn-ack: I thought sarge got security updates recently. | 09:58 |
syn-ack | Amaranth: I dont know, I sure it has. | 09:58 |
syn-ack | pestil: I used to be one of the biggest heshers you would have EVER seen | 09:59 |
syn-ack | Ive not smoked in over a year. | 09:59 |
Desplesda | mojo_: i just set all bit depth resolutions to 640x480 - the monitor shut down anyway | 09:59 |
mojo_ | syn-ack:: what's a shesher? | 09:59 |
pestil | I honestly can't picture it. Is that stuff so easy to get? you are in US? sounds funny | 09:59 |
mojo_ | syn-ack:: what's a shesher?* hesher | 09:59 |
syn-ack | mojo_: pothead. | 09:59 |
syn-ack | pestil: Give me 5 mins | 10:00 |
pestil | lol | 10:00 |
mojo_ | Desplesda:: well it was worth a try. Does your monitor maybe go into sleep mode? maybe something is amiss with the power management stuff? *guessing here* | 10:00 |
Desplesda | it looks like sleep mode - the monitor's led turns from green to yellow, the crt shuts down | 10:01 |
viper12 | just caught the last part of the video issues...what video card/monitor? | 10:01 |
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syn-ack | pestil: I like 65 miles from Mexico | 10:01 |
syn-ack | live, that is | 10:01 |
Desplesda | but that could be the 'whoa! time out!' mode as well | 10:01 |
pestil | syn-ack, you go to mexico for that?! | 10:01 |
pestil | syn-ack: so what, you just walk into a shop? bs! | 10:01 |
syn-ack | fuck no, I smoke the shit from .ca. ;) | 10:01 |
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Desplesda | hrmm.. this laptop has been running at 0% for way too long :P | 10:02 |
syn-ack | Im going to smoke a cigarette. | 10:02 |
=== Xenguy grins | ||
pestil | man, you're funny, I no longer believe you. Next thing you'll say is you get stuff on ebay | 10:02 |
pestil | syn-ack, you got me for a sec | 10:02 |
mojo_ | syn-ack:: O, IC. Hash. Hesher/Hash-er. Right? Mmm... nuthin wrong with pot IMHO so long as you know the diff between use and abuse. Abuse in this case is when it's used for escapism from life's problems. But, then, there are all sorts of *those* escapes, aren't there. (.02 meter empty, steps off stump) | 10:02 |
syn-ack | pestil: I know the right people is all. | 10:02 |
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Xenguy | mojo_: addictions come in different shapes and colours | 10:03 |
syn-ack | pestil: Which country are you from? | 10:03 |
pestil | everyone gets stuff on ebay nowadays. a soul was being sold the other day. and also ocean water just like the one titanic sunk in | 10:03 |
=== mojo_ suddenly jonseing, lol. | ||
Desplesda | i saw one guy selling an air guitar | 10:03 |
pestil | syn-ack, Mexico | 10:03 |
pestil | Desplesda, air guitar?!? ROFL | 10:03 |
Desplesda | the buyer got an official 'certificate of ownership' | 10:03 |
syn-ack | pestil: I just know the right people then.... thats all you need to know. | 10:03 |
mojo_ | Desplesda:: Just curious, but is there anything of note in the /var/logs/Xfree89.0.log file??? | 10:03 |
Desplesda | not really | 10:03 |
pestil | syn-ack, man how old are ya? | 10:04 |
mojo_ | Desplesda:: Air-guitar on ebay, LOL! | 10:04 |
flodin | hm i seem to have found a repeatable bug in aptitude | 10:04 |
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pestil | syn-ack, are you in college? | 10:04 |
Desplesda | the nvidia driver mumbles a few things about resolutions that it thinks the monitor can handle | 10:04 |
julio | Hello. Tried using Xane to scan with my HP-PSC1210, but instead it picks up my TV Card. Ideas? | 10:04 |
Desplesda | could it be overriding XFree86.cong? | 10:04 |
Amaranth | pestil: I could walk less than a mile and get it if I really wanted it. | 10:04 |
Desplesda | conf | 10:04 |
mojo_ | Xenguy: so does enligtenment ;) | 10:04 |
pestil | Amaranth, whow. sheesh | 10:04 |
flodin | i go into the categorical browser, then "Programming and software development", then "Build tools and source management", and press / and enter "art", then it locks up | 10:04 |
=== Dreamer3 just atea bowl of cheese and hotsauce, man am i hungry | ||
Amaranth | pestil: I'm 100mi north of Omaha, NE. | 10:05 |
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Xenguy | mojo_: heheh | 10:05 |
HaloGray | Is there a way to make ubuntu/gnome to use the speakers/standard sound system for system beeps? | 10:05 |
julio | I'm in Los Angeles. WOOO! (not) | 10:05 |
jesuel | cheese and hotsauce? | 10:05 |
HaloGray | I mute the laptop in class... yet system beeps don't care | 10:05 |
Desplesda | that must be difficult to eat | 10:05 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: That bowl o stuff was counterproductive then, huh? | 10:05 |
jesuel | eww | 10:05 |
pestil | Amaranth, that sounds like the most Suburban christian clean place on this earth | 10:05 |
anti_ | HaloGray, you can switch beeping off. "xset -b" | 10:05 |
HaloGray | so in class, if I push the backspace key 1 too many times when typing in a terminal, I beep at people | 10:05 |
Desplesda | you can disable that in the kernel | 10:06 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: well, i could try cerial | 10:06 |
anti_ | HaloGray, just "xset -b" in a terminal will switch that off for X. | 10:06 |
HaloGray | anti_: that worked great | 10:06 |
jesuel | im eating cerial now ;p | 10:06 |
HaloGray | thanks :) | 10:06 |
Desplesda | although you'll need to recompile | 10:06 |
jesuel | mmmm cerial | 10:06 |
anti_ | welcome. | 10:06 |
Dreamer3 | jesuel: what kind? | 10:06 |
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=== mojo_ fights the spelling-correcting-nerd in his soul. Cerial.. lol | ||
jesuel | ummm, fruity pebbles or cookie crisp | 10:06 |
jesuel | havent poured it yet | 10:07 |
Amaranth | pestil: I'm willing to bet a third of the people in this city smoke pot. | 10:07 |
pestil | hey people its circa 3 ante meridian here, so I'm gonna hit someone's bossom. bye | 10:07 |
pestil | Amaranth, wtf? naah | 10:07 |
Amaranth | 3am? | 10:07 |
Amaranth | hey, you're in my timezone | 10:07 |
pestil | Amaranth, just a couple dekathousand miles away | 10:08 |
randabis-laptop | me too | 10:08 |
mojo_ | pestil:: Amaranth:: mine too. | 10:08 |
randabis-laptop | hurray for CST | 10:08 |
=== mojo_ flashes gang signs, says "Cen-TRAAAALL" (LOL) | ||
Amaranth | heh | 10:08 |
pestil | get some sleep! you people gotta go to church tomorrow | 10:08 |
jesuel | lol | 10:08 |
Amaranth | pfft | 10:08 |
syn-ack | Sun Feb 6 02:10:35 MST 2005 | 10:08 |
jesuel | how about no | 10:08 |
syn-ack | he he he | 10:08 |
Dreamer3 | pestil: not those who alreayd sold their souls on ebay | 10:09 |
pestil | I wonder why the linux+pot combo is not more popular in the mainstream... | 10:09 |
Desplesda | lol | 10:09 |
pestil | Dreamer3, LOL | 10:09 |
mojo_ | heh every day is church in my life. the sky is my cathederal. Besides, rome "moved" sabbath to sunday for their convenience, not the christian god's | 10:09 |
Amaranth | I didn't sell my soul, I sold my Junior Developer. :) | 10:09 |
Desplesda | woohoo | 10:09 |
Desplesda | my laptop battery just died | 10:09 |
Amaranth | heh | 10:09 |
Desplesda | now to recharge | 10:09 |
=== mojo_ checks self like tommy twist | ||
mojo_ | oof! | 10:10 |
anti_ | I'm trying to make an ubuntu live usb stick... I planned to take the cloop from the live CD, and set this up on the stick. do you think that may work? | 10:10 |
pestil | mojo_, How would you know? How do you know if maybe God really did prefer a sunday? heck, it even sounds sunnier | 10:10 |
mojo_ | pestil: nmind me lol. | 10:10 |
julio | That's pure semantics, pestil. | 10:11 |
syn-ack | anti_: You have a 700+ Meg stick and a system which can boot from a USB drive? | 10:11 |
pestil | mojo_, However, I agree the better decision should've been making sabbath on mondays | 10:11 |
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anti_ | syn-ack, yes. 1G | 10:11 |
syn-ack | anti_: The system? | 10:11 |
anti_ | syn-ack, and thinkpad r51 | 10:11 |
mojo_ | sunday -sun day. monday - moon day. saturday saturn day | 10:11 |
julio | I opt for the abolition of alienated labor. | 10:11 |
mojo_ | monday works for me i guess. i love to watch moon go thru phases | 10:11 |
syn-ack | anti_: Can it boot from USB? | 10:11 |
anti_ | syn-ack, yes. | 10:11 |
pestil | wednesday wedding of Ned day? | 10:11 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: is that stick USB 1 or 2? | 10:12 |
syn-ack | anti_: Then I dont see why you wouldnt be able to | 10:12 |
mojo_ | wednesday woden's day thursday thor's day, methinks | 10:12 |
anti_ | usb 2.0 | 10:12 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: have you tested that it can boot from that specific stick? | 10:12 |
mojo_ | But I think thurs or Fri is for Jupiter, too | 10:12 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, no. there's no bootable fs on it right now. | 10:12 |
syn-ack | /bin/sh: line 1: acpi: command not found | 10:13 |
syn-ack | thats right, nm | 10:13 |
pestil | still, I think free mondays would be better | 10:13 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: not all sticks and usb boot mechanisms are created equal... i'd try a simple test before you get too fast | 10:13 |
Dreamer3 | *fast=far | 10:13 |
mojo_ | monday, monday, can't trust that day... | 10:13 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, thanks. I will. | 10:13 |
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Dreamer3 | anti_: but provided that works, sounds doable | 10:13 |
Ells | can anyone help me a sound issue | 10:13 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: BTW: What are some good mfg's of usb-stix? Any known reputable hardware review sites look at 'em all? | 10:14 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, just throwing lilo at it should do for the test, right? | 10:14 |
pestil | hey back again Ells | 10:14 |
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Ells | I cant hear any sound while my dvd is playing | 10:14 |
Ells | what is up | 10:14 |
=== mojo_ wants a usb stick some time soon | ||
Ells | i upgraded to hoary | 10:14 |
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pestil | syn-ack, Amaranth, Dreamer3, mojo_, I'm off for today. GRACIAS TOTALES. | 10:14 |
Ells | and now I cannot hear any sound when the dvd play | 10:14 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: dunno, not played with them but i'd think getting a boot loaded on it would mean it works | 10:14 |
pestil | mi casa es su casa | 10:14 |
Ells | cool | 10:14 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: i dunno | 10:14 |
pestil | Xenguy: viva IE! viva Microsoft! | 10:14 |
Ells | I hear systems sounds | 10:14 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: j/c | 10:14 |
pestil | bye | 10:14 |
Ells | any idea pestil | 10:14 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, ok. thanks. | 10:14 |
Desplesda | hm | 10:15 |
Desplesda | second question | 10:15 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: don't use usb flash drives really... i mean i have a 256mb one, but really only use it on windows | 10:15 |
Desplesda | i plug in my usb stick, it doesn't appear as a mount point in /media | 10:15 |
felixdz | Problem with my girlfreinds usb stick... | 10:15 |
anti_ | Desplesda, what filesystem is on it? does "dmesg" give clues? | 10:15 |
Desplesda | and it doesn't appear in fstab either | 10:15 |
Desplesda | dmesg says that the device is there and fine | 10:15 |
felixdz | Error while copying to /dev/sda The destination disk is read-only. | 10:15 |
Desplesda | i can mount it manually | 10:15 |
Ells | anyone have any ideas concerning my audio in dvd issue | 10:16 |
felixdz | Can anybody tell me how to fix this? | 10:16 |
randabis-laptop | felixdz, probably ntfs | 10:16 |
Desplesda | but i'm sick of doing that now that i'm used to hal in gnome 2.8 | 10:16 |
Desplesda | it's vfat | 10:16 |
anti_ | Desplesda, uh. no idea. works for me. | 10:16 |
Desplesda | :/ | 10:16 |
jesuel | mmm cerial good, now i want meat though :( | 10:17 |
randabis-laptop | weird | 10:17 |
jesuel | mmm bacon sounds tasty | 10:17 |
Dreamer3 | Desplesda: do other memory sticks work? | 10:17 |
randabis-laptop | bacon...heh | 10:17 |
=== syn-ack is running Gnome 2.9 | ||
jesuel | yeah that or steak, or chicken | 10:17 |
Dreamer3 | randabis-laptop: hmmm... your name references what machine your on? | 10:17 |
randabis-laptop | yes | 10:17 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: any good? | 10:17 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3: I like it. Alot. | 10:18 |
mojo_ | randabis:: did you ever say what that xmms skin was on your picture? | 10:18 |
Desplesda | hang on, let me dig out my card reader | 10:18 |
randabis-laptop | I'm laying on the couch chillin', probably gonna drift off to sleep eventually | 10:18 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: kinda like you liked 2.8 a lot or a whole new love? | 10:18 |
felixdz | Just checked with qtparted...FAT 16 | 10:18 |
randabis-laptop | mojo_, winamp5 skin...I think I got it from freshmeat | 10:18 |
mojo_ | randabis-laptop:: oh, you can run wa5 skins in xmms??? Or is it xmms skin to look like winamp5? | 10:19 |
Ells | anybody have any idea about how I can fix my audio for my dvds that are playing | 10:19 |
randabis-laptop | it's an xmms skin to look like winamp5 | 10:19 |
Ells | it is like my midi is not working right | 10:19 |
randabis-laptop | actually, I got it from gnome-look | 10:19 |
=== mojo_ knows xmms and winamp both derive from same root project | ||
randabis-laptop | I remember now | 10:19 |
mojo_ | randabis-laptop:: thanks | 10:19 |
jesuel | do they mojo_? | 10:19 |
HaloGray | it seems that totem can't play shit... | 10:19 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3: I like it more. | 10:19 |
jesuel | shrug, i use mpg321 | 10:19 |
jesuel | its functional :) | 10:20 |
HaloGray | is there a better video player or a way to make totem wrk better? | 10:20 |
Dreamer3 | syn-ack: ok... | 10:20 |
felixdz | Would someone taking the usbstick out without unmounting it change the read-write mode? | 10:20 |
Desplesda | ok, i've removed the --drop-priviledges option from hal | 10:20 |
anti_ | HaloGray, install some gstreamer plugins. | 10:20 |
Desplesda | i'll see how this goes | 10:20 |
mojo_ | jesuel:: AMP became both XAmp and WinAmp. WinAmp was based on Amp. XAmp became XMMS. Ever notice how frightenlingly similar xmms and winamp 2.x are? | 10:20 |
HaloGray | anything for xvid and so forth? | 10:20 |
jesuel | yeah ive noticed that | 10:20 |
syn-ack | mojo_: 3.0 | 10:20 |
Desplesda | mojo_: i always thought that was because it was a deliberate clone | 10:20 |
jesuel | course i dont use xmms but, yeah it makes sense. | 10:21 |
mojo_ | funny, shit is all i get totem to play. | 10:21 |
syn-ack | I think Justin helped out for that one. | 10:21 |
Ells | does anybody have any idead about my sound not playing with my dvds | 10:21 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: pick a different file | 10:21 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: lol | 10:21 |
felixdz | I used another usb stick in the computer and it worked fine. Isn't there some way of changing read-only to write? | 10:21 |
randabis-laptop | HaloGray, apt-get install totem-xine | 10:21 |
mojo_ | Desplesda:: nope. common roots. For a time you could use the same skin pics between them, methinks | 10:21 |
Desplesda | you still can | 10:21 |
Desplesda | thats one of the features in their list | 10:21 |
Dreamer3 | 1.25 hours | 10:21 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: Let's not talk about scat now... EEEeeeeewwwwww!!!!! | 10:22 |
anti_ | HaloGray, gstreamer ffmpeg plugin lets me play asf/wmv stuff with totem... | 10:22 |
randabis-laptop | it'd be a good idea to install w32codecs as well | 10:22 |
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randabis-laptop | ffmpeg works too if you wanna go that route | 10:22 |
HaloGray | "Package totem-xine is not available" | 10:22 |
jesuel | ack almost spilled milk and cerial all over my laptop | 10:22 |
jesuel | *whew* | 10:22 |
steve | is this civilization clone good | 10:23 |
Dreamer3 | what is the distributed download thing? | 10:23 |
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randabis-laptop | HaloGray, check your repositories | 10:23 |
randabis-laptop | you need universe I think | 10:23 |
mojo_ | Seriously, I have been having lots of problems with Totem and MPlayer. Even tried Totem-Xine. Neither was playing all it should, and when they did I rarely got sound. I installed VLC and have had some progress. Earlier I uninstalled all the totem and mplayer stuff so I can re-do it all step by teeny step and try to get it right. | 10:23 |
randabis-laptop | Dreamer3, bittorrent? | 10:23 |
Dreamer3 | randabis-laptop: yes, does it pad file when downloading? | 10:24 |
randabis-laptop | pad? | 10:24 |
Desplesda | okay, removing --drop-priviledges didn't work | 10:24 |
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Dreamer3 | randabis-laptop: i switched from it to wget -c and wonder if i'm going to have to rsync this file after i've got it to fix "issues" | 10:24 |
mojo_ | jesuel:: better your lap than kbd tho ;) | 10:24 |
Dreamer3 | randabis-laptop: yeah, seemed the file was always bigger than the amount downloded | 10:24 |
Ells | does anyone have any idea why I cannot hear sound while my dvd is playing | 10:24 |
randabis-laptop | I noticed that too... | 10:24 |
jesuel | mojo, laptop, as in computer.... | 10:25 |
Desplesda | Ells: what player are you using? | 10:25 |
steve | how do i burn synaptic package software | 10:25 |
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Dreamer3 | randabis-laptop: just wonder if there is going to be empty space in the middle.. | 10:25 |
jesuel | not just my lap... | 10:25 |
Ells | gmplayer | 10:25 |
randabis-laptop | probably not | 10:25 |
Ells | it wont play sound for that or xmms | 10:25 |
Dreamer3 | randabis-laptop: then i have to run rsync again it, which works well the last time i had an inconsistency | 10:25 |
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mojo_ | Ells... depends on what sound output path. Mabye it's hogging /dev/dsp or something? ESD is supposed to help. There is also something called soundwrapper but it may depend on some kde stuff, I dunno. soundwrapper helps with audio-hogging apps. | 10:25 |
Ells | any idea to correct this | 10:26 |
anti_ | Ells, mplayer has an option "-ao" | 10:26 |
Ells | okay | 10:26 |
randabis-laptop | make sure your sound output plugins are set to esound | 10:26 |
anti_ | Ells, you can get a list with "-ao help" | 10:26 |
randabis-laptop | or esd | 10:26 |
Ells | on gmplayer | 10:26 |
anti_ | Ells, try some | 10:26 |
Ells | yeap | 10:26 |
=== Dreamer3 thanks the ibm god for hardware mixing on this thinkpad :) | ||
randabis-laptop | hehe | 10:26 |
mojo_ | jesuel:: O, IC... WHEW is right! -) | 10:26 |
mojo_ | =) | 10:26 |
cowbud | cake and sodomy? | 10:26 |
Dreamer3 | i really should get some sleep | 10:27 |
Dreamer3 | who's watching super bowl tomorrow?\ | 10:27 |
Ells | anti, is it under the preferences in gmplayer | 10:27 |
jesuel | not me | 10:27 |
cowbud | #@$#@ the superbowl | 10:27 |
=== Dreamer3 wonders if the ubunutu install process is easy to automate | ||
jesuel | i got a little race with my buddy down the street, we hitting the track tomorrow | 10:27 |
Dreamer3 | with answer files and stuff? | 10:27 |
Ells | I wonder if it is a system wide sound thing. i can system sounds, just not from clips or audio files | 10:27 |
anti_ | Ells, yeah. that or you use "mplayer -ao <stuff>" from the commandline for testing. | 10:27 |
Ells | cool | 10:28 |
jesuel | gonna give him a 2 second lead for dragging :) | 10:28 |
randabis-laptop | white trash get down on your knees | 10:28 |
randabis-laptop | :p | 10:28 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Why not just image all the drives you need to install it on? | 10:28 |
=== mojo_ isnt into the stuporbowl (no offence meant personally, Dreamer) | ||
cowbud | YAH | 10:28 |
randabis-laptop | that tomorrow/today? | 10:28 |
Ells | anti, that didnt work. | 10:28 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: image as in? | 10:29 |
mojo_ | randabis:: They call it SuperBowl Sunday every time, he he | 10:29 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: network or drive to drive? | 10:29 |
Ells | could there be a system wide thing that I could do | 10:29 |
randabis-laptop | mojo_, yeah, just wasn't sure if it was this particular sunday | 10:29 |
Dreamer3 | that brings me to a good questoin... had anyone ever used *nix only tools to image and restore windows XP setups? | 10:29 |
mojo_ | randabis-laptop:: Heck, I dunno. Ask Dreamer3. I don't follow that schtuff... uninterested. Get my adrenaline 1st-hand. | 10:30 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, "dd" ;-) | 10:30 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: yeah... kinda annoying for 40gig paritions :) | 10:30 |
anti_ | hehe | 10:30 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: we used norton ghost where i used to work, as it uynderstood ntfs and could do some logical stuff | 10:31 |
anti_ | ok. combine it with ntfsresize | 10:31 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: is that 100% solid? | 10:31 |
mojo_ | Dreamer3:: I hear Knoppix STD is a kewel set of utilities. Can be used for some Windows / NT fixing too. (and hacking, for that matter) | 10:31 |
anti_ | dreamer, naaah. | 10:31 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: Get an actual tool to do this. | 10:31 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, even. | 10:31 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, worked for me, though. | 10:31 |
Amaranth | Hook the HD up to this thing and it reimages it in a couple minutes | 10:31 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: is there a linux tool? :) | 10:31 |
Ells | anti it says dev/dsp busy | 10:32 |
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Dreamer3 | anti_: dd | bzip2 wouldn't be terrible... | 10:32 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: It's an actual tool. | 10:32 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: just a lot of wasted disk turning :) | 10:32 |
jesuel | mmm salad with chicken :) | 10:32 |
Amaranth | Dreamer3: As in hardware. :) | 10:32 |
jesuel | much better than cerial | 10:32 |
Dreamer3 | Amaranth: that assumes you have all the HDs in a pile | 10:32 |
anti_ | Ells, I guess you have a sound demon running. esd. perhaps. | 10:32 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: but that breaks if the size of the drives change :) | 10:32 |
mojo_ | jesuel:: chicken with noodles n alfredo sauce much better | 10:32 |
Ells | anti,what would be your idea of a fix | 10:33 |
mojo_ | (imho) | 10:33 |
jesuel | yeah but i dont have that | 10:33 |
anti_ | ells, "-ao esd" | 10:33 |
jesuel | i had salad stuff in the fridge | 10:33 |
jesuel | and chicken already grilled ;p | 10:33 |
Ells | I will try that | 10:33 |
=== Dreamer3 wonders the quickest way to deploy a debian based distro on 100 PCs in only a few horus | ||
Desplesda | Student Pasta Recipie: 1. Boil pasta. 2. Add tomato relish. 3. Stir. Serve. | 10:33 |
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pw | dreamer: Norton Ghost | 10:33 |
Dreamer3 | pw: i was thinking more along the lines of netboot :) | 10:33 |
Ells | sorry anti, is that the actual command | 10:33 |
mojo_ | jesuel:: funny, i made a salad for dinner last night. But I have chicken alfredo leftovers from night before that look to be my 4am snack here soon (he he) | 10:34 |
anti_ | Ells, no, it is the mplayer switch... | 10:34 |
jesuel | cerial just didnt satisfy me | 10:34 |
Ells | again am sorry, but where should I put that ao esd | 10:34 |
Dreamer3 | pw: turn it on, it gets a kernel and initial image over the network and then starts the preconfigured install ;-) | 10:34 |
Dreamer3 | pw: assuming nics | 10:34 |
pw | ltsp? | 10:34 |
anti_ | Ells, "mplayer -ao esd dvd://1" in a terminal. | 10:35 |
pw | Would that help? | 10:35 |
Dreamer3 | pw: but that would slow the network terribly without multicast | 10:35 |
Ells | cool thanks | 10:35 |
pw | true | 10:35 |
mojo_ | Ells, he is saying to run mplayer from a command line and put the -ao esd on it. Like "gmplayer -ao esd" | 10:35 |
Dreamer3 | pw: not if you want real clients and not terminal server clients :) | 10:35 |
anti_ | Ells, or gmplayer -> settings -> soundsomething -> [x] esdblah -> restart gmplayer :-) | 10:35 |
Dreamer3 | i'm just thinking alound | 10:35 |
pw | that too, of courser | 10:35 |
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pw | -r | 10:35 |
Dreamer3 | i haven't seen 100 computers since i don't know when | 10:35 |
mojo_ | ells/anti - sry... =) | 10:35 |
Ells | okay, yes | 10:36 |
felixdz | Got this when I closed qtparted: Fatal: Bad FAT: unterminated chain for \LEREN.NL\LEREN.NL\FW__TE~1.EML. You sho uld run dosfsck or scandisk. | 10:36 |
felixdz | Whats that all about? | 10:36 |
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Dreamer3 | felixdz: doesn't sound good, i think somoene here said qtparted fried his stuff | 10:36 |
Dreamer3 | flodin: i've never had problems with the command line version | 10:36 |
Ells | I have also got mplayer | 10:36 |
Ells | shouldnt be much different right | 10:37 |
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ZorroBytes | Hi Everyone. I'm having real problems getting my soundcard (audigy2) to work in Hoary. | 10:37 |
bert_ | Good morning folks | 10:37 |
anti_ | Ells, gmplayer is just a graphical interface to mplayer. | 10:37 |
Desplesda | morning bert_ | 10:37 |
anti_ | Ells, they are the same thing, really. | 10:37 |
ZorroBytes | Anyone willing to walk me thru a few things to ensure that I'm not going insane? | 10:37 |
bert_ | is there some equivalent for "google desktop search" or something like "spotlight", but something I can use in Gnome? | 10:37 |
Dreamer3 | wow | 10:37 |
Desplesda | what exactly is the problem? | 10:37 |
Dreamer3 | do a lot of the question seekers hang out here and in linuxhelp on another server? | 10:38 |
Desplesda | bert_: | 10:38 |
Dreamer3 | interesting | 10:38 |
bert_ | thanks | 10:38 |
Ells | you know, I bet my audio codecs are in a different place. I upgraded from Warty | 10:38 |
Dreamer3 | bert_: locate | 10:38 |
Desplesda | lol | 10:38 |
Dreamer3 | bert_: sorta ;-) | 10:38 |
Dreamer3 | bert_: prolly not | 10:38 |
Desplesda | bert_: it's not done yet | 10:38 |
mojo_ | dreamer: check out this link then... | 10:38 |
Desplesda | bert_: and you need mono installed | 10:38 |
Ells | what ya think anti | 10:38 |
bert_ | ok thanks for the info ;) | 10:38 |
Desplesda | bert_: but it's looking very promising | 10:38 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: ? | 10:38 |
Madeye | guys, any CVS client for linux? preferably GUI ? | 10:38 |
Desplesda | hrmm | 10:38 |
Desplesda | Madeye: you can use cvs from the command line | 10:39 |
mojo_ | Oh, something popped to mind when you said you haven't seen 100 computers together | 10:39 |
Desplesda | Madeye: that's pretty easy | 10:39 |
Madeye | Desplesda, Yeah i know, I'm just checking if there is a gui | 10:39 |
Desplesda | Madeye: as far as gui goes, i know that cervisia in kde does it | 10:39 |
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Madeye | Desplesda, I'm running gnome | 10:39 |
Dreamer3 | mojo_: oh i have, it's just been a while, and photos don't count :) | 10:39 |
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Desplesda | i know | 10:39 |
mojo_ | lol | 10:39 |
Desplesda | you're running ubuntu :P | 10:39 |
anti_ | Ells, I'd think mplayer finds it's codecs, even if upgraded. | 10:39 |
mojo_ | photos don't count | 10:39 |
Madeye | Desplesda, :D | 10:39 |
Madeye | Desplesda, and I couldn't find any in | 10:40 |
Ells | well, I get system sounds, but nothing from the dvd | 10:40 |
Ells | I am trying to diagnose this,ya know what I mean | 10:40 |
Desplesda | Madeye: anything from google? | 10:40 |
mojo_ | ZorroBytes: I have an Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro. Maybe I can help you with some things | 10:40 |
ZorroBytes | mojo - that's what I have. | 10:40 |
Madeye | Desplesda, nah | 10:41 |
Desplesda | Madeye: i know that a couple of projects integrate cvs | 10:41 |
Desplesda | anjuta and screem | 10:41 |
Madeye | Desplesda, I have screem installed, but aint login | 10:42 |
Desplesda | Madeye: then i don't know, sorry :( | 10:42 |
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Madeye | Desplesda, Thank you anyway :-) | 10:42 |
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jintxo | hey guys, can you recommend a good comand line id3 tag reader/editor for setting tags on a bunch of files at once? | 10:44 |
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randabis-laptop | I know there's a really good one... I can't remember the name offhand :/ | 10:45 |
anti_ | I'd like to know, too :-) | 10:45 |
anti_ | I'd even take a gui one. | 10:45 |
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jintxo | I apt-getted id3tool, but it won't dispaly thetags, I would like one to display them and then set them | 10:46 |
Madeye | then I have to try Anjuta | 10:46 |
anti_ | jintxo, I once tested a bunch - they all seemed to suck. | 10:47 |
jintxo | anti_, dang | 10:47 |
jintxo | :-) | 10:47 |
anti_ | jintxo, so if you find a good one: let me know :-) | 10:47 |
Desplesda | well, i can't see anything that could fix this | 10:47 |
Desplesda | the monitor issue, i mean | 10:47 |
Desplesda | i may move back to slack 10 and keep ubuntu on my laptop | 10:47 |
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anti_ | Desplesda, I didn't follow, but did you try xorg? maybe throw in a hoary live CD? | 10:49 |
Desplesda | i haven't the bandwidth for a hoary livecd | 10:49 |
anti_ | oh. i see. | 10:49 |
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Desplesda | also, there's no network connection (internet or lan) that could let me download xorg anyway | 10:49 |
anti_ | Desplesda, xorg comes with hoary. that was my idea... | 10:50 |
Desplesda | fair enough :) | 10:50 |
bert_ | shit! | 10:50 |
Desplesda | what i'll do is move all of the downloaded packages to my laptop and then put slack on the desktop | 10:50 |
Desplesda | sorry, ubuntu, better luck next version | 10:50 |
Desplesda | :) | 10:51 |
bert_ | i get this error when running ./configure for beagle | 10:51 |
bert_ | checking for Mono.Data.SqliteClient.dll... configure: error: missing required mono DLL: Mono.Data.SqliteClient.d | 10:51 |
anti_ | it hurts to see ubuntu lose :-) | 10:51 |
coobra | wee i hawe installed ubuntu to my laptop :) | 10:51 |
coobra | heh not hard :)) but nice :) | 10:51 |
Desplesda | rock on for having separate /home and / partitions | 10:51 |
Desplesda | can't do that with windows, can you | 10:51 |
Desplesda | well | 10:51 |
Desplesda | you could | 10:51 |
Desplesda | BUT THATS NOT THE POINT | 10:51 |
anti_ | bert_, libmono-dev installed? | 10:52 |
anti_ | Desplesda, hehe | 10:52 |
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bert_ | anti_, yes | 10:52 |
Desplesda | besides, the names of folders wouldn't be the same | 10:52 |
Desplesda | so hah! | 10:52 |
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jintxo | anti_, I'm cheching out one called simply "id3" and it seems to do what I need with a little scripting/find'ing although it doesn'tseem to have any special features. enough for my purposes | 10:52 |
anti_ | jintxo, thanks. | 10:53 |
bert_ | oh | 10:53 |
bert_ | i fixed it | 10:53 |
jintxo | as long as it takes "*" as an argument, it's good enouch for what I need, heh | 10:53 |
bert_ | it also neede mono-utils | 10:53 |
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Desplesda | *finger hovers over 'format partition /dev/hde2'* | 10:56 |
Desplesda | :``( | 10:56 |
anti_ | :-( | 10:56 |
Desplesda | ah well | 10:56 |
Desplesda | i have much ubuntu-ey goodness in a little 2.5kg package | 10:57 |
jesuel | err rm -rf * / | 10:57 |
Desplesda | i need a real internet connection :( | 10:57 |
jesuel | lol ;p | 10:57 |
jesuel | how fast is your net connect? | 10:57 |
Desplesda | jesuel: i'm installing slack 10 over the old, non-working ubuntu install | 10:57 |
Desplesda | as fast as a speeding modem | 10:57 |
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jesuel | you could, TRY a download of hoary | 10:58 |
jesuel | but it would take a while | 10:58 |
anti_ | Desplesda, maybe someone could send a hoary live CD to you! | 10:58 |
anti_ | :-) | 10:58 |
jesuel | yep | 10:58 |
anti_ | Desplesda, where are you from? | 10:59 |
jesuel | ive done that a few times | 10:59 |
Desplesda | tasmania | 10:59 |
Desplesda | :P | 10:59 |
Desplesda | has shipit got hoary cds yet? | 10:59 |
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anti_ | Desplesda, don't think so. | 10:59 |
anti_ | Desplesda, but if you beg them pitiful enough... who knows :-) | 10:59 |
Desplesda | well, if any non-stalker wants to send me a hoary cd, i'll give them my address :P | 10:59 |
bert_ | damn | 11:00 |
anti_ | hehe. stalking you in tasmania would be kind of hard from germany. | 11:00 |
Desplesda | lol | 11:00 |
bert_ | anti_, now i get this one: | 11:00 |
bert_ | configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.2 mozilla-gtkmozembed) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them. | 11:00 |
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Desplesda | i ordered a bunch of warty cds a few days ago | 11:00 |
anti_ | Desplesda, but it also would take a pretty long time getting the cd to you, i guess. | 11:00 |
Desplesda | true | 11:00 |
jesuel | yup | 11:00 |
Desplesda | unless you want to spend fantastic amounts of money | 11:01 |
jesuel | almost as long as a download | 11:01 |
anti_ | hehe | 11:01 |
Desplesda | 'Postman! I need this CD delivered to Australia in 2 days! It's.. um.. livesaving.. medical data. Yeah.' | 11:01 |
jesuel | hah ;p | 11:01 |
anti_ | :-) | 11:01 |
jesuel | that will be 1 MILLION dollars ;p | 11:01 |
anti_ | Screensaving, even! | 11:01 |
Desplesda | 'Ubuntu? Oh, that's spanish for heart.' | 11:01 |
Desplesda | 'Heart transplant data. You know. Howtos and that.' | 11:02 |
=== anti_ smirks. | ||
Desplesda | i cant see it working | 11:02 |
Desplesda | how about you :P | 11:02 |
jesuel | nay | 11:02 |
anti_ | weeell | 11:03 |
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Desplesda | night all | 11:04 |
Desplesda | off to slackland i go :D | 11:04 |
Desplesda | thanks for all your help :) | 11:04 |
anti_ | night, Desplesda :-) | 11:04 |
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bert_ | pff | 11:08 |
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jesuel | mmm bed | 11:10 |
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FAST | anyone know why samba cant handle shared folders from an external firewire hard drive> | 11:11 |
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anti_ | FAST, what filesystem? this works for a 160G ext3 external firewire partition here... | 11:12 |
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SirFred | Good morning | 11:12 |
FAST | anti_, its a fat32 fs on the external | 11:13 |
anti_ | FAST, ours mountable by nfs, smb. | 11:13 |
FAST | ? | 11:13 |
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anti_ | hm. I can't see, why that shouldn't work. | 11:14 |
anti_ | FAST, exactly what's the problem? | 11:14 |
FAST | well, i have a share listed as /media/sda1/folder in the smb.conf ; and test folder as /tmp/test , both with same settings otherwise | 11:15 |
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FAST | the test folder is working fine, but the sda/folder isn't. trying to access it, i get a login box for name/domain/pass | 11:15 |
FAST | and cant get past that | 11:16 |
larsrohdin | hi! my mozilla firefox, opens all new windows really small... how can i change that? | 11:16 |
anti_ | FAST, hm.. the linux-side rights on the folder are ok? | 11:18 |
FAST | how do i find out? | 11:18 |
anti_ | FAST, ls -ld /media/sda1/folder | 11:18 |
anti_ | compare that to ls -ld /tmp/test | 11:19 |
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bert_ | can someone help me? i'm trying to install beagle, and i'm getting this error when running ./configure: configure: error: Library requirements (gtk-sharp glade-sharp gecko-sharp = 0.6 gnome-sharp dbus-sharp = 0.23 gconf-sharp gmime-sharp) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them. | 11:19 |
FAST | drwxr--r-- | 11:19 |
FAST | drwxr--r-- 2 ryan ryan 32768 2005-01-31 12:53 /media/sda1/video/carnivale | 11:19 |
FAST | drwxr-xr-x 2 ryan ryan 4096 2005-02-06 02:10 /tmp/test | 11:19 |
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anti_ | that may be it. "x" is "allow change into dir" for directories. | 11:20 |
FAST | how do i fix that? | 11:20 |
anti_ | now. I don't know for the hotplug-fix... but as a hotfix: | 11:20 |
anti_ | try to set the rights by hand. "chmod a+x /media/sda1/folder" | 11:21 |
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anti_ | restart samba, and see. | 11:21 |
_4strO | yop yop | 11:22 |
FAST | ok ill see if it works | 11:22 |
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ZorroBytes | Hi, if I want to compile against the kernel (some drivers) what packages do I need to install? | 11:25 |
ZorroBytes | Using hoary. | 11:25 |
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Mantle | ZorroBytes: is this what you are looking for? | 11:27 |
ZorroBytes | Mantle: wonderful. ta. I'll give that a shot. | 11:28 |
FAST | anti_, looks like chmod on the firewire folder didn't work, ls -ld shows no change! yikes | 11:28 |
anti_ | hm. | 11:29 |
ZorroBytes | Mantle: would that allow me to compile alsa 1.0.8, or will I need the kernel source as well? | 11:29 |
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Mantle | ZorroBytes: sorry, i have no idea.. i don't really know what i'm doing either haha | 11:31 |
FAST | i just tried sudo nautilus, right click properties of /media/sda1 to add the execute, but the checkboxes are forced to stay unchecked | 11:31 |
larsrohdin | im kinda new to fluxbox, but i want to add synaptic to my root menu... how should i write in the menu-file? | 11:32 |
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coobra | im a new linux user if i want to hawe aterm installed on mu ubuntu what do i do :) | 11:33 |
Dreamer3 | coobra: apt-get install aterm | 11:34 |
coobra | ohh | 11:34 |
Dreamer3 | coobra: with sudu in front | 11:34 |
coobra | trying :) | 11:34 |
larsrohdin | sudo | 11:34 |
coobra | whats do stand for :) | 11:34 |
coobra | su is switching user | 11:35 |
larsrohdin | i don't know what it stands for but it gives you root access | 11:35 |
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anti_ | coobra, sudo switches the user (to root) for one command. | 11:36 |
Dreamer3 | yep i do | 11:36 |
anti_ | :-) | 11:36 |
Mantle | i am very close to getting my wlan0 working, except i can't figure out how to turn on the radio | 11:36 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, whole bt protocol, or just the existing clients? | 11:36 |
larsrohdin | anyone here good at fluxbox menus? | 11:37 |
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Mantle | if it works in knoppix is there any way i can figure out what it's doing there that it isn't doing in ubuntu? | 11:37 |
FAST | hmm | 11:37 |
FAST | Bear in mind, that fat32 filesystems do not support 'chmod' for file permissions in linux. File permissions are set the same for all files using the umask variable in the file located at "/etc/fstab" (The file system table for linux). | 11:37 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: it left a large file in an inconsistent states so i couldn't just resume the transfer with wget -c | 11:38 |
anti_ | FAST, hmm. but it has been mounted by pmount... so no fstab entry... | 11:38 |
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FAST | yeah its already mounted and i can access it normally by this computer | 11:39 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: now i have to rsync the ISO against a known good copy | 11:39 |
Dreamer3 | i figured i wuold | 11:39 |
coobra | hmm | 11:40 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, hmm. yeah. I ponder if you are expecting too much :-) | 11:40 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: expecting things to just work | 11:40 |
Dreamer3 | i would have used bt for the whole thing but the dumb bt server went down 55mb in | 11:41 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, it is chunking the file for distributed downloads, afaik. there is no single server. just swarming clients. | 11:41 |
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Dreamer3 | and now debian rsync -z isn't comparible with redhat rsync -z? | 11:42 |
anti_ | Dreamer3, so how should it be left in a consistent state, when you turn it off whilst downloading from a bunch of clients.well maybe it could be done... | 11:42 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: i don't know i give up | 11:42 |
Ells | anyone have a clue, I have been working to get my audio to work with my dvds with no luck | 11:42 |
Dreamer3 | anti_: i'm just tired of dial-up | 11:42 |
larsrohdin | how can i add synaptic to my menu in fluxbox? | 11:43 |
Ells | anti, when I do it acts like my esd or something is busy | 11:43 |
Dreamer3 | thi si sjust too much | 11:43 |
altan | I sure love Firefox and how it's using 595MB of RAM for four tabs open with few images and none larger than 100x100 | 11:43 |
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Dreamer3 | altan: i think it has to have memory leaks | 11:44 |
FAST | anti_, do you think i can make a symbolic link to the folder ? | 11:44 |
anti_ | FAST, I think I would umount the partition, create a mountpoint (/mnt/something) and remount it by hand. | 11:44 |
Dreamer3 | altan: it gets crazy on my system | 11:44 |
anti_ | FAST, you could make a symlink, but that would not help you. as symlinks' filemodes are not looked at. | 11:45 |
Ells | anti, how could I have sound but no audio to for my dvds | 11:45 |
FAST | ok | 11:45 |
anti_ | Ells, I have no more idea, sorry. I can't imagine why esd hangs... | 11:45 |
Ells | can it be reinstalled | 11:46 |
Ells | it worked in warty | 11:46 |
da_bon_bon | hi all. | 11:46 |
anti_ | Ells, how did you install mplayer? | 11:46 |
Ells | can I unistall hoary | 11:46 |
FAST | it seems iam unable to unmount the drive "device is busy" | 11:46 |
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Ells | it was installed from the ubuntu website | 11:47 |
da_bon_bon | is it ok if i do a warty install and update to hoary, or is it better to get array4 ? | 11:47 |
Ells | totem also plays video with no sound | 11:47 |
anti_ | FAST, "sudo lsof /media/sda1" shows the processes that are using the partition. | 11:47 |
Ells | can hoary be uninstalled anti | 11:47 |
da_bon_bon | Ells: u got the codecs right ? | 11:47 |
anti_ | FAST, stop those processes, and it ain't busy anymore. | 11:47 |
Ells | I think so, how can I be sure | 11:48 |
FAST | "famd" is using it | 11:48 |
Ells | da bon bon how can I be sure | 11:48 |
anti_ | Ells, "uninstalling hoary" is much more complicated than reinstalling warty from scratch. I don't think you want that :-) | 11:48 |
FAST | "famd (8) - The File Alteration Monitor (FAM) daemon" | 11:48 |
anti_ | FAST, kill that famd instance. | 11:49 |
flosch | hi | 11:49 |
Ells | okay, then I need to get this audio deal dealt with | 11:49 |
FAST | whats the command to kill it? | 11:49 |
FAST | sudo kill famd ? | 11:49 |
anti_ | lsof gave you a process id. | 11:49 |
anti_ | "kill <process id>" | 11:49 |
FAST | got it | 11:49 |
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anti_ | now umount | 11:49 |
Ells | da bon bon, how can I be certain abou the codecs. The player acts like esd is buy or something | 11:49 |
FAST | now do i make an entry in the fstab ? | 11:49 |
anti_ | FAST, I'd first create the mountpoint, and try the mount by hand. | 11:50 |
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anti_ | FAST, "mkdir /mnt/fw; mount -t vfat -o /mnt/fw /dev/sda1" | 11:52 |
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anti_ | FAST, then ls -ld /mnt/fw to see if the modes look better. | 11:53 |
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sirukin | hmm | 11:54 |
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FAST | anti_, im trying to 'sudo mount -t vfat -o /media/hermes /dev/sda1 | 11:55 |
FAST | but not working for some reason; i did mkdir /media/hermes | 11:56 |
FAST | sudo mount -t vfat -o /dev/sda1 /media/hermes | 11:56 |
FAST | Usage: mount -V : print version | 11:56 |
FAST | mount -h : print this help | 11:56 |
anti_ | FAST, I wouldnt create the mountpoint in /media... | 11:56 |
FAST | etc | 11:56 |
anti_ | skip the -o, sorry. | 11:57 |
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FAST | ok thats working, but the directories aren't loaded as directories | 11:57 |
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FAST | i see the directory names there, but they have gnome foot icons and i cant open the directories up | 11:57 |
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johns_ | you should use /mnt -t vfat -o umask=0 /dev/sda1 /media/hermes | 12:01 |
johns_ | damn, sed s/\/mnt/mount/ | 12:02 |
johns_ | hello by the way | 12:02 |
johns_ | new try: mount -t vfat -o umask=0 /dev/sda1 /media/hermes | 12:02 |
da_bon_bon | is there any speech recognition software for linux ? | 12:02 |
sirukin | to enable monitor mode with my orinoco pcmcia card | 12:03 |
sirukin | do I need to recompile the kernel? | 12:03 |
FAST | heyyyyyy it worked! | 12:03 |
sirukin | da_bon_bon, afaik, yes there is | 12:04 |
cowbud | anyone got a find command for if it is a directory run x command in that direcotry? | 12:04 |
da_bon_bon | sirukin: sphinx ? | 12:04 |
cowbud | sirukin: that depends on if you have the orinoco driver compiled as a module or not.. | 12:05 |
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GuestTemp | Hi all... i've upgraded to Hoary but now some parts of Gnome are not localized... | 12:06 |
GuestTemp | ...any hints? | 12:06 |
sirukin | this is a stock warty install | 12:07 |
FAST | finally! the folder can now be seen through samba | 12:07 |
da_bon_bon | is it ok if i do a warty install and update to hoary, or is it better to get array4 ? | 12:07 |
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FAST | thanks guys | 12:07 |
GuestTemp | sirukin, so i should re-install array 4 from scratch? | 12:07 |
sirukin | I tried applying the 2.6.x patch from kismet's download page it didn't work | 12:07 |
sirukin | :[ | 12:07 |
anti_ | FAST, you can now put a line in fstab to have your drive mounted at boot time. | 12:07 |
sirukin | hmm | 12:08 |
cowbud | sirukin: well was it a patch for the kernel you wer running? :) | 12:09 |
FAST | anti_, should the umask option have a value for it? | 12:09 |
cowbud | raghh how do you do a test with find to print only if it is a directory?! | 12:09 |
da_bon_bon | please tell me whether is it ok if i do a warty install and update to hoary, or is it better to get array4 ? | 12:09 |
FAST | for the winxp mountpoint, umask is set to 0222? | 12:09 |
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GuestTemp | da_bon_bon, i did so... till now, no problems except this annoying partial localization | 12:10 |
GuestTemp | (from warty to hoary) | 12:10 |
da_bon_bon | GuestTemp: did what ? upadted or arra4 ? | 12:10 |
da_bon_bon | ok.. | 12:10 |
da_bon_bon | what partial localization ? | 12:10 |
GuestTemp | Some menu in Gnome are not localized... | 12:11 |
anti_ | FAST, default should do. | 12:11 |
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GuestTemp | ...well, if your language is english, you probably don't see the difference :D | 12:11 |
da_bon_bon | ok.. | 12:11 |
da_bon_bon | GuestTemp: why, which language do u use ? | 12:11 |
Harold | just did a dist-upgrade to hoary and now the mounted media don't show in nautilus desktop, anyone have a fix for that? :) | 12:11 |
da_bon_bon | and is hoary faster ? | 12:12 |
GuestTemp | Italian | 12:12 |
GuestTemp | Faster? Mmmh... don't seem so... | 12:12 |
Dhashen | er - I have some questions if i may? | 12:12 |
da_bon_bon | then, whats the difference ? | 12:12 |
FAST | /dev/sda1/media/hermesvfatdefaults ? | 12:12 |
da_bon_bon | Dhashen: ask dont ask to ask | 12:12 |
GuestTemp | It uses more updated packages | 12:12 |
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da_bon_bon | Castoro: nothing else ? | 12:13 |
Castoro | That's all | 12:13 |
Castoro | ("packages" meaning alsa the kernel, of course) | 12:14 |
da_bon_bon | du-uh! i will use the cds i get thro' shipit :D | 12:14 |
Harold | hmm and it still uses xfree it seems :/ will the final hoary use xorg and should I upgrade now already? | 12:14 |
Dhashen | heard alot about ubuntu and would like to try - am currently on yoper which has kde. just like to know what i should look out for when moving from kde to gnome | 12:14 |
sirukin | exit | 12:14 |
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da_bon_bon | Dhashen: some vagueness | 12:15 |
Castoro | Harold, the main difference between Xfree and Xorg is the licence... | 12:15 |
website | Castoro, per ora.. | 12:15 |
Castoro | | 12:15 |
johns_ | @FAST /dev/sda1 /media/hermes vfat defaults,umask=0 0 0 should work in fstab | 12:15 |
Harold | I thought Xorg where going in another direction dev wise other/newer features? | 12:15 |
da_bon_bon | Castoro: perfectly right. | 12:15 |
troll_god | problem with the depends on libacvodeccvs with/ mplayer-586 meta pkg | 12:16 |
Harold | nice totem doesn't give the blue screen on first video anymore | 12:16 |
troll_god | anyone cares enough to fill out a bug report more power to you | 12:16 |
FAST | got it | 12:16 |
da_bon_bon | troll_god: why cant u file one yourself / | 12:16 |
website | Castoro, e poi posso garantirti che il supporto ati radeon manca in xfree e in xorg gira che una meraviglia (ho una ati radeon 9000 pro) | 12:17 |
troll_god | da_bon_bon: lazy etc | 12:17 |
da_bon_bon | :P | 12:17 |
troll_god | da_bon_bon: Also trying to figure out why the hell im getting random sounds | 12:17 |
troll_god | i think this box is compromised | 12:17 |
troll_god | well the box im working on | 12:17 |
Castoro | website, mi sembra che recentemente sia stato sistemato su Xfree (non sono sicuro)... comunque, il problema risolto in parte, dato che il resto degli utenti Ati, con Xorg (per sfruttare le estensioni nuove) si attacca... | 12:18 |
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ZorroBytes | Hey everyone! Got my Audigy2 to work in Ubuntu Hoary! | 12:19 |
website | Castoro, vengo dalla warty dove mettendo il driver ati su xfree mi ritornava schermo nero | 12:19 |
website | Castoro, ho dovuto usare i vesa | 12:19 |
Castoro | website, i driver ati inclusi nel kernel? | 12:19 |
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website | Castoro, ho modificato il fie di configurazione di xfree con ati (l'ha fatto in automatico quando l'ho messa) ma xfree non partiva, ho dovuto riconfigurare il pacchetto mettendo i driver vesa per farlo partire | 12:21 |
website | *messo ubuntu | 12:21 |
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nokia6000 | is there a way to talk to a windows machine locally? | 12:24 |
Castoro | website, in teoria perch il supporto open-source si ferma alle 8500 (ultimo rilascio delle specifiche da parte di Ati) | 12:24 |
nokia6000 | as in "talk xpuser@192.168.x.y" | 12:24 |
website | Castoro, ma con xorg le glx vanno e alla grande :-) | 12:25 |
Castoro | website, usando i driver proprietari dovrebbe andare (ora controllo sul sito) | 12:25 |
nokia6000 | from *nix machine | 12:25 |
website | Castoro, lo so l'ho visto | 12:25 |
website | ma con Xorg non ho dovuto installare nessun pacchetto porprietario (ora sono su hoary) | 12:25 |
Phosphoros | Nokia, Like share files and such? | 12:25 |
website | Castoro, quindi sono a posto :-9 | 12:25 |
website | :-) | 12:25 |
Castoro | :) | 12:26 |
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Castoro | website, aspetta un secondo... ma hai anche l'accelerazione 3d ? | 12:27 |
Castoro | glxinfo | grep direct | 12:27 |
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website | asp | 12:28 |
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website | $ glxinfo | grep direct | 12:29 |
website | direct rendering: Yes | 12:29 |
website | :-) :-) | 12:29 |
dgr | hm, hi there | 12:30 |
Castoro | ...quindi a quanto pare il supporto open si esteso un pochino. | 12:30 |
Castoro | Speriamo riescano a fare qualcosa anche per i modelli successivi... | 12:30 |
website | Castoro, io sono nel paradiso adesso :-) | 12:31 |
dgr | does anyone know how to keep ubuntu up-to-date without reinstalling every 6 months? maybe something like in debian. a simple apt-get dist-upgrade? | 12:31 |
johns_ | yup | 12:31 |
johns_ | apt-get update | 12:31 |
johns_ | then apt-get upgrade | 12:31 |
dgr | yeah but I got the warty servers in my sources.list and so I can't upgrade to (e.g.) hoary without reinstalling | 12:32 |
Castoro | Vado... ciao!! | 12:32 |
johns_ | Ah I see | 12:32 |
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johns_ | change warty with hoary | 12:33 |
johns_ | in /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:33 |
dgr | uhm are you sure that doesn't break something? | 12:33 |
johns_ | no | 12:33 |
dgr | mh | 12:34 |
johns_ | <-- living on the edge | 12:34 |
johns_ | ;) | 12:34 |
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dgr | has anyone tried to change the servers to debian sid ones and do a dist-upgrade? | 12:34 |
johns_ | on the other hand, on a debian box I use 'testing in my sources.list | 12:34 |
SirFred | My desktop files are not upgraded on Hoary. | 12:34 |
johns_ | so when sid replaces sarge, my system should update | 12:35 |
SirFred | I have to type Ctrl+R on the desktop to keep them updated. And the gamin daemon seems to be running. | 12:35 |
dgr | johns_:yeah that's the case with debian | 12:35 |
johns_ | I guess it should work on ubuntu also | 12:35 |
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dgr | you guess, I hope ;) | 12:35 |
johns_ | I'v addes some debian sources to my sources.list and nothing broke | 12:36 |
johns_ | yet | 12:36 |
dgr | did you do a dist-upgrade since then? | 12:36 |
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johns_ | no. and they're non-free and contrib things. Not really usefull btw | 12:37 |
johns_ | ubunta has everything also | 12:37 |
dgr | not _everything_ but pretty much, yes | 12:37 |
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dgr | I'm only afraid my installation will break if I upgrade to hoary. | 12:38 |
dgr | means upgrading without cd | 12:38 |
dgr | I don't want to download and burn a cd image every six months :/ | 12:38 |
johns_ | I wouldn't fear a net upgrade more than a cd upgrade | 12:39 |
johns_ | I've done an upgrade from woody to sarge and it didn't really break | 12:39 |
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dgr | atm I'm using the warty-backports | 12:40 |
johns_ | me too | 12:40 |
johns_ | is hoary on the servers already? i can't seem to find it on the ubuntu website | 12:41 |
dgr | It's not final yet | 12:41 |
tremor | | 12:42 |
johns_ | I mean an apt repository | 12:42 |
johns_ | but it is. just found it :) | 12:42 |
dgr | hm, could you post the link? | 12:42 |
dgr | didn't search fot it yet, but I'm too lazy anways | 12:42 |
johns_ | | 12:42 |
dgr | +y | 12:43 |
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larsrohdin | how can i upgrade to hoary? | 12:43 |
dgr | hey, nice question | 12:43 |
dgr | I'm trying to replace "warty" with "hoary" in my /etc/apt/sources.list, let's see what happens ;) | 12:43 |
larsrohdin | dgr, ? | 12:44 |
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website | :-) | 12:44 |
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johns_ | me too | 12:44 |
dgr | If it breaks I'm going to re-install debian testing *g* | 12:45 |
website | drg: ubuntu /is/ a debian derivate | 12:45 |
dgr | website: I know. | 12:46 |
larsrohdin | website, how can i upgrade to hoary? | 12:46 |
no0tic | where can I report my experience with standby/resume & hibernate? | 12:46 |
dgr | but there's a difference between debian testing and ubuntu | 12:46 |
dgr | no0tic, what's your experience? | 12:46 |
website | larsrohdin, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:46 |
website | change all the "warty" with "hoary" | 12:46 |
larsrohdin | ok, and then sudo apt-get update and upgrade? | 12:47 |
website | dgr, yes i comes from 4 years of debian sid | 12:47 |
dgr | yep | 12:47 |
website | larsrohdin, yep | 12:47 |
no0tic | dgr: standby works, but on resume it hangs on a black screen (without backlight, I think also without screen at all) | 12:47 |
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larsrohdin | ok, but nothing of my stuff will disappaer right? | 12:47 |
dgr | I'm currently upgrading, he needs to get 400 mb :/ | 12:47 |
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apokryphos | Hi everyone. Does anyone have any extra apt sources, other than the default ones that come with it [hoary] ? | 12:48 |
johns_ | hm i just dit a sed s/warty/hoary/ -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:48 |
no0tic | dgr: hibernate works & resume from hibernate works halfly, I need to restart most services | 12:48 |
johns_ | over 700 MB | 12:48 |
no0tic | dgr: alsa acpi-support | 12:48 |
dgr | hm | 12:48 |
no0tic | dgr: ehm s/alsa/also | 12:48 |
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tremor | apokryphos: yes | 12:49 |
larsrohdin | website, it wont erase my files right? | 12:49 |
no0tic | dgr: I'm using hoary | 12:49 |
apokryphos | tremor: Care to share? :) Could use | 12:49 |
website | your file under /home not | 12:49 |
iapx8088 | mmh | 12:49 |
iapx8088 | hi website, are you familiar with the suspend nvidia hack? | 12:50 |
tremor | apokryphos: | 12:50 |
larsrohdin | website, ok but what happens with fluxbox for example? | 12:50 |
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dgr | larsrohdin: If it's included with hoary then It's going to be updated, otherwise it will stay as it is (IMHO) | 12:50 |
website | iapx8088, not | 12:50 |
iapx8088 | thx | 12:51 |
website | larsrohdin, it will be upgraded to lastes relase | 12:51 |
website | it's all ok | 12:51 |
apokryphos | tremor: thanks :); I appreciate it | 12:51 |
website | larsrohdin, you will not lose anything | 12:51 |
iapx8088 | anybody is familiar with the suspend nvidia hack? xinit /bin/false -- :1 | 12:51 |
tremor | np | 12:51 |
larsrohdin | website, but it would look the same? i mean it took me all day yesterday to make it look like i want=) | 12:51 |
website | -__- | 12:51 |
dgr | larsrohdin: That data is saved in your /home | 12:51 |
larsrohdin | dgr, ok... but how long will it take? and what happens if my internet connection fails? | 12:52 |
dgr | larsrohdin: means: it keeps lookin' how you want it | 12:52 |
dgr | stop worrying | 12:52 |
larsrohdin | lol | 12:52 |
larsrohdin | ok, ill do it=) | 12:52 |
website | an upgrade is performed in 1 or 1,5 hours | 12:53 |
dgr | If your internet connection fails, then you reboot and try again. apt-get will use the alreay-downloaded files and continue the upgrade | 12:53 |
apokryphos | tremor: Arr, that's excellent. It fills in some dependencies that it didn't previously have. Cool. | 12:53 |
larsrohdin | website,dgr, ok thanks alot=) | 12:53 |
dgr | larsrohdin: doing our best *grin* | 12:53 |
larsrohdin | just change all words "warty" to hoary? | 12:54 |
dgr | exactly | 12:54 |
website | yes | 12:54 |
larsrohdin | ok | 12:54 |
website | larsrohdin, dgr said that 30 line before (about) | 12:54 |
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larsrohdin | but what about this? deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / unstable main restricted | 12:55 |
dgr | remove it | 12:55 |
larsrohdin | ok | 12:55 |
iapx8088 | comment it | 12:55 |
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website | ^__^ | 12:56 |
Bloomy | hi | 12:56 |
dgr | hi there Bloomy | 12:57 |
larsrohdin | ok here we go=) | 12:57 |
dgr | This is the first time I'm in this channel and I like it already ;) | 12:57 |
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larsrohdin | dgr, i ran update now and some lines said not found... | 12:58 |
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dgr | larsrohdin: can you post one of these (ONE, please) | 12:59 |
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larsrohdin | 404 Not Found | 12:59 |
dgr | yeah that's the backports repository. You'll have to comment that line, too. | 01:00 |
larsrohdin | comment how? | 01:00 |
dgr | sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:00 |
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dgr | you put a # in front of it | 01:00 |
larsrohdin | but i can do that in gedit right? nano looks scary=) | 01:01 |
dgr | of course, but nano is my editor of choice ;) | 01:01 |
MobyTurbo | larsrohdin, if you think nano is scary try vi. :) | 01:01 |
larsrohdin | MobyTurbo, lol | 01:02 |
dgr | MobyTurbo: Not only that vi(m) is scary, but also I can't seem to get it to do what I want | 01:02 |
dgr | nano is pretty easy to handle | 01:02 |
larsrohdin | ok, ill close down xchat to make it go faster... but if something happens ill be back for you dgr=) | 01:03 |
MobyTurbo | dgr, I don't have any problems with vi, but then again I started using Unix 13 years ago so it is familiar to me. | 01:03 |
dgr | larsrohdin: ok, see you | 01:03 |
dgr | *grin* | 01:03 |
larsrohdin | dgr, bye thanks alot | 01:03 |
no0tic | can I use vanilla kernel sources directly on ubuntu? | 01:03 |
dgr | MobyTurbo: I started using Linux (and so Unix) 2 weeks ago | 01:04 |
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dgr | MobyTurbo: But I'm already quite familiar with it | 01:04 |
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JJH^ | hi | 01:04 |
apokryphos | is the mplayer from apt currently working for anyone? | 01:04 |
MobyTurbo | dgr, vim is actually less scary than some of them, the original vi I used in SysV if you weren't in insert modes made raw terminal control characters if you tried anything wrong. | 01:05 |
dgr | no0tic: There should be no reason why you couldn't, can anyone comment this? | 01:05 |
dgr | *grin* yeah, that's what I call user-friendlyness ;) | 01:05 |
JJH^ | i installed ubuntu. when i log in it first says that Xserver cant be started, then when i log in and type startx it says could not load something for Glide: | 01:05 |
MobyTurbo | make that if you *were* in insert mode, and did anything like backspaces or arrow keys. | 01:06 |
JJH^ | whats the problem? | 01:06 |
=== MobyTurbo shudders | ||
no0tic | dgr: with some other distros I had some problems | 01:06 |
dgr | no0tic: Ok, then better wait for some _competent_ guy ;) | 01:07 |
dgr | maybe MobyTurbo? ;) | 01:07 |
dgr | I'm just here to entertain people by talking about editors and explaining 100 times how to upgrade to hoary ;) | 01:08 |
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JJH^ | i installed ubuntu. when i log in it first says that Xserver cant be started, then when i log in and type startx it says could not load something for Glide: | 01:09 |
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MobyTurbo | I'm bad to ask because I'm lagging like crazy, apt-get upgrade is tying up my dial-up bandwidth. | 01:10 |
apokryphos | upgrading via dial-up? Yeouch. | 01:10 |
dgr | Yikes, that's heavy | 01:10 |
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MobyTurbo | apokryphos, the good thing about Ubuntu Warty is that its a fairly stable target, only a few packages get updated. Tracking Debian Sid is more difficult. | 01:11 |
flankk | hi. i am a bit confused about how ubuntu's package repos.. i understand ubuntu is built upon debian and uses apt.. but are all packages taken from a ubunto repo? or are they somehow mixed with the debian repos? | 01:11 |
dgr | flankk: Ubuntu has it's own repositories | 01:11 |
LinuxJones | flankk, Ubuntu has their own repository | 01:11 |
MobyTurbo | flankk, they use Ubuntu repos. | 01:11 |
dgr | lol | 01:12 |
MobyTurbo | lol | 01:12 |
apokryphos | flankk: Ubuntu has its own | 01:12 |
apokryphos | (ok, so I did it on purpose =)) | 01:12 |
dgr | look how friendly we are: If there's is one question there are 3 answers ;) | 01:12 |
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LinuxJones | JJH^, what vidoeo card do you have ? | 01:13 |
flankk | whoa! | 01:13 |
JJH^ | its voodoo2 :D: | 01:13 |
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flankk | people here are eager to help, i see. lol | 01:14 |
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apokryphos | ;) | 01:14 |
LinuxJones | JJH^, yeah I kind of figured :P | 01:14 |
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JJH^ | what now? | 01:14 |
JJH^ | will it work | 01:14 |
MobyTurbo | oops, control-w doesn't work like it used to. ;( | 01:14 |
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LinuxJones | JJH^, I don't know if you can change the card type to vesa or do you have another video card you can put in ? | 01:15 |
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dgr | hm, for me it does *g* | 01:15 |
JJH^ | LinuxJones, no i dont have another one | 01:15 |
=== dgr has a 40% complete hoary :) | ||
JJH^ | how do i change the type to vesa | 01:15 |
dgr | the driver? | 01:16 |
dgr | sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 01:16 |
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LinuxJones | JJH^, in bash terminal type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xfree86 , when it asks you for the card type select vesa | 01:16 |
MobyTurbo | JJH^, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 | 01:16 |
dgr | eeek | 01:16 |
JJH^ | hmm.. i really did understand. what do i type? | 01:17 |
LinuxJones | JJH^, >> xserver-xfree86 | 01:17 |
dgr | I don't like dpgk-reconfigure: It asks too many questions :/ | 01:17 |
flankk | hmm. well, you've gotten my attention now. so ubuntu has its own repositories all the way, which are all more up-to-date than debian? that sounds too good to be true.. when it comes to desktop at least. | 01:17 |
dgr | flankk: They're less up-to-date | 01:17 |
MobyTurbo | dgr, just press return for anything you don't understand. | 01:17 |
dgr | MobyTurbo: I like replacing the video driver in the text file better ;) | 01:18 |
MobyTurbo | dgr, or use a command line flag to make it ask less questions, I forgot the syntax - should be on the manpage. | 01:18 |
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JJH^ | LinuxJones, so could you say what i have to write down there? | 01:18 |
MobyTurbo | dgr, yes, but once you do that further upgrades to X no longer manipulate the file. | 01:18 |
dgr | you have nothing to write down, JJH^ | 01:18 |
flankk | dgr, ??? ubuntu is less up-to-date than debian packages?? | 01:18 |
LinuxJones | JJH^, you mean you want to edit the file by hand ? | 01:19 |
JJH^ | where do i go? | 01:19 |
MobyTurbo | dgr, unless you use md5sum as explained at the top of the file | 01:19 |
dgr | flankk: debian unstable is _really_, _really_ up-to-date. If you mean debian stable: Ubuntu is much more up2-date | 01:19 |
LinuxJones | JJH^, sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 01:19 |
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MobyTurbo | flankk, Warty is less up to date, but is stable. Hoary is partially more up to date, xorg for example. | 01:20 |
JJH^ | LinuxJones, do i type that? | 01:20 |
flankk | dgr, hmm. well the main reason i don't want to use debian on desktop (even with unstable) is because of no xorg, which i realize ubuntu has, but i want something up-to-date as well. | 01:20 |
LinuxJones | JJH^, go down to the video device settings change the driver from "glide" to "vesa" hit Ctrl + o, then enter to save the file Ctrl + x to exit | 01:21 |
dgr | flankk: Ubuntu gets released every six months. | 01:21 |
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iapx8088 | flankk, ubuntu hoary is da way | 01:21 |
MobyTurbo | flankk, there's always Hoary to satisfy your unstable preferences. | 01:21 |
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MobyTurbo | personally I think Warty strikes a good ballence between bleeding-edge and obsolecense. | 01:22 |
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=== ZorroBytes is using Hoary and apart from having to use alsa 1.0.8, it appears *relatively* stable. | ||
dgr | Hm, isn't Hoary the current stable release? | 01:23 |
LinuxJones | Hoary doesn't like my Nvidia card ;( | 01:23 |
JJH^ | LinuxJones, how much memory do i put for the graphics card? (in KB) | 01:23 |
iapx8088 | linux_jones? | 01:23 |
=== ZorroBytes has an nvidia card (Ultra GeForce 6800) and works okay. | ||
JJH^ | i have 128mb of memory | 01:23 |
LinuxJones | JJH^, leave that blank | 01:23 |
JJH^ | k | 01:23 |
=== iapx8088 has a fx5200 mobile, and works fine | ||
=== iapx8088 suspends also. | ||
MobyTurbo | I don't use Hoary also because I have dial-up. It's easier to just track security fixes and limited feature improvements rather than sail the bleeding-edge. | 01:24 |
dgr | say, has anyone the same problem as me: I'm loading pretty many mp3s in XMMS (from an NTFS device) and it hangs everytime | 01:24 |
LinuxJones | iapx8088, the nvidia binary, I have GF2MX and it refuses to work | 01:24 |
iapx8088 | LinuxJones, did you recompilre/reinstall the kernel-module? | 01:24 |
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LinuxJones | iapx8088, no I used the Ubuntu pre-compiled ones | 01:25 |
iapx8088 | LinuxJones, and it's in sync with your kernel? I don't know, but that driver goes fine with my tnt2, I wonder how it won't go with a newer card. | 01:25 |
JJH^ | it works | 01:26 |
JJH^ | thanks | 01:26 |
LinuxJones | iapx8088, I messed around for a day with it and finally gave up and went back to Warty | 01:26 |
MobyTurbo | iapx8088, my TNT2 M64 has problems with the latest nvidia driver. Only the latest | 01:26 |
JJH^ | bye | 01:26 |
iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, mmh can I ask what kernel are you running? | 01:27 |
iapx8088 | both of you | 01:27 |
dgr | hmmm... I hope I won't run into the same problems as LinuxJones | 01:27 |
MobyTurbo | iapx8088, it freezes on the spash screen. | 01:27 |
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iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, i had that problem. | 01:27 |
LinuxJones | dgr, It seems to only affect a few people I am wondering if it is because of the crappy AGP VIA chipset in my motherboard | 01:27 |
iapx8088 | can't recall how i fixed it. Besides, it was a foult of mine, not nvidia's | 01:28 |
dgr | I have an VIA APG chipset, too :/ | 01:28 |
iapx8088 | besides, what kernel version are you running | 01:28 |
=== LinuxJones thinks that VIA is pure trash | ||
iapx8088 | LinuxJones, i have a kt600 and it's going. | 01:28 |
LinuxJones | iapx8088, mine is KT400 mmmm | 01:29 |
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iapx8088 | LinuxJones, were you running 2.6.10/ | 01:29 |
LinuxJones | iapx8088, oh yes | 01:29 |
MobyTurbo | iapx8088, I'm still apt-get upgrading warty's security fixes, which include a new kernel, so I don't know yet if it will break. The latest nvidia driver did break other distros, including Debian Sid. | 01:29 |
dgr | I got a KT266a, pretty much older ;) | 01:29 |
iapx8088 | LinuxJones, dunnu now if it's the problem, but I assume you know there was a patch to run the newest nvidia with older kernels. | 01:30 |
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iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, surely, they changed one thing to accomodate with 2.6.9> | 01:30 |
iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, and sid doesn't have 2.6.10 | 01:30 |
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iapx8088 | I can't recall what the change | 01:30 |
=== dgr ...63% Hoary... | ||
LinuxJones | iapx8088, I was running the 2.6.10 kernel. | 01:31 |
iapx8088 | LinuxJones, so that wasn't the problem | 01:31 |
LinuxJones | iapx8088, I am assuming it is a nvidia driver problem, with 2.6.10 | 01:32 |
MobyTurbo | iapx8088, I actually in sid was running the 2.4 kernel. They backported, in both 2.4 and 2.6, the changed ABI, and thus only run with the latest nvidia drivers, which is what sid supplies with apt-get. | 01:32 |
iapx8088 | so, a big mess | 01:32 |
MobyTurbo | LinuxJones, not just 2.6.10, backported 2.6.10 features can break earlier kernels. | 01:33 |
MobyTurbo | actually, the problem is I think the nvidia driver. | 01:33 |
MobyTurbo | these features get backported quite frequently because it addresses a security problem. | 01:34 |
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LinuxJones | MobyTurbo, it was coming up with an error about not reading hardware EDID or something, so I am fairly sure it's Nvidia's fault as well | 01:34 |
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iapx8088 | LinuxJones, did you try IGNOREEDID 1 | 01:35 |
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LinuxJones | iapx8088, no I didn't try that | 01:35 |
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iapx8088 | LinuxJones, what a pity, might apply | 01:36 |
LinuxJones | iapx8088, with my luck probably :) I will just wait for next Nvidia release and hope it works for me :D | 01:36 |
iapx8088 | :) | 01:36 |
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MobyTurbo | I'm actually thinking of moving to ATI because of this if nvidia doesn't fix their drivers soon. | 01:37 |
MobyTurbo | my TNT2 is due for an upgrade anyway. :) | 01:38 |
ZorroBytes | ati drivers are much worst | 01:38 |
dgr | ok, see you guys | 01:38 |
ZorroBytes | they suck. | 01:38 |
ZorroBytes | take for example their support of mobile graphic chip sets. appalling! | 01:38 |
MobyTurbo | a sucky driver is better than no driver | 01:39 |
MobyTurbo | I am using a desktop | 01:39 |
=== ZorroBytes is using a desktop with a GeForce Ultra | ||
ZorroBytes | and nvidia, both in Suse and Ubuntu with great results. | 01:39 |
LinuxJones | MobyTurbo, more folks are having trouble with ATI than with Nvidia it seems | 01:40 |
ZorroBytes | Let me find you a link where some of the xorg maintainers talk about ATI. | 01:40 |
MobyTurbo | I thought nvidia was the best too, hopefully they won't daudle fixing this bug and I can get back to liking them. | 01:40 |
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Derp | Hey. | 01:41 |
=== MobyTurbo wishes there were good open source video drivers for non-obsolete cards. | ||
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Derp | Is there another good alternative for Winamp besides Xmms ? | 01:43 |
jdub | rhythmbox | 01:43 |
ZorroBytes | bash | 01:43 |
ZorroBytes | derp: bash | 01:43 |
jdub | if you're looking for something very winampy, beep | 01:43 |
MobyTurbo | Derp, beep-media-player | 01:43 |
ZorroBytes | derb: ogg123 or mpg123 | 01:43 |
MobyTurbo | beep is kind of buggy though, I should warn you. | 01:43 |
=== ZorroBytes has mpg123 running at the moment in a shell | ||
ZorroBytes | fantastic stuff! | 01:44 |
MobyTurbo | ZorroBytes, if you want to use only command line tools, maybe you're playing with the wrong distro. ;-) | 01:44 |
Derp | I mean, with a really slick interface ? Heh. I am trying to make the switch from Windows XP Pro to Ubuntu, only I can't give up Winamp. I really need a decent mediaplayer, with the same slick interface and options. | 01:44 |
Derp | :P | 01:44 |
Derp | Or equal. | 01:44 |
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ZorroBytes | Moby: tee hee | 01:45 |
Derp | Isn't there a Winamp port ? | 01:45 |
no0tic | Derp: Xmms | 01:45 |
Derp | Hmm'kay. | 01:46 |
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MobyTurbo | Derp, beep seems to have the best interface, give it a whirl. | 01:47 |
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MobyTurbo | though I prefer xmms 'cause its less buggy. | 01:47 |
larsrohdin | website, im done upgrading... how can i see what version imusing? | 01:47 |
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Derp | I'll try, in the meantime I still have to find out how to install a program without the packetthing tool. | 01:47 |
Derp | Via terminal* | 01:47 |
Derp | And how to unpack a tar.gz . | 01:48 |
csturm | hey, why are there no python2.4 bindings for clearsilver? | 01:48 |
MobyTurbo | Derp, synaptic | 01:48 |
LinuxJones | Derp, you downloaded a .deb package and want to install it ? | 01:48 |
Derp | Yes. | 01:48 |
LinuxJones | dpkg -i package.deb | 01:48 |
MobyTurbo | Derp, tar zxvf foo.tar.gz | 01:48 |
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Derp | Okey, thanks. | 01:48 |
LinuxJones | Derp, but that won't resolve dependencies if there are any | 01:48 |
larsrohdin | how can i check which ubuntu-version im using? | 01:48 |
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csturm | linuxjones: but it will complain when there are missing dependencies, and when you apt-get update later it will install them | 01:49 |
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LinuxJones | Derp, what are you installing anyways ? | 01:50 |
Derp | Well, I actually just wanted to update Mozilla Firefox from version 0.93 tot 1.0 . | 01:50 |
Derp | Via synaptic I got version 1.0 PR. | 01:50 |
csturm | derp: then dont install a deb. install a tar.gz into your home dir | 01:51 |
MobyTurbo | Derp, there are unofficial Ubuntu repositories that carry 1.0 | 01:51 |
Derp | Okay, how to do that ? I am the ubernoob in linux. | 01:51 |
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csturm | derp: get the archive from, extract it to your homedir, start it | 01:52 |
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Derp | Yes, but I told you before, I am a newbie in Linux. I am used to clickerdeclick Windows. Same goes for this whole new filetree thing. Windows has something similar, only I don't understand this yet. | 01:53 |
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Derp | Tar.gz can just be opened, it has an build in application that supports uncompressing those kind of files ? | 01:54 |
chrissturm | yeah, fileroller can open it | 01:55 |
chrissturm | file-roller | 01:55 |
Derp | And is there something like explorer in Ubuntu ? :P | 01:55 |
Derp | Or do I have to use a sort of list command in the root ? | 01:56 |
Piero | query |Quad-_ | 01:56 |
LinuxJones | Derp, it's called Nautilus | 01:57 |
chrissturm | derp: nautilus is the explorer | 01:57 |
jdub | Derp: click on something in the Computer menu | 01:57 |
Derp | Okay. | 01:57 |
MobyTurbo | Derp, add the repo listed here and you can get firefox 1.0 | 01:57 |
MobyTurbo | or | 01:58 |
Derp | Okay, thanks. | 01:58 |
jdub | don't use backports | 01:58 |
chrissturm | yep | 01:58 |
jdub | they'll screw up your upgrade later | 01:58 |
chrissturm | derp: install the tar.gz into your home dir | 01:58 |
jdub | Derp: if you don't have a very specific reason why you need firefox 1.0, stick with the supported version | 01:58 |
MobyTurbo | got to reboot to try the new kernel | 01:59 |
Derp | Yes, I am a pain in the ass, I know :P. The reason I want to update it, is the ease of the type-in-window search function, including the highlighting. | 01:59 |
Derp | It does have it in 0.93, but not yet including the highlighting. And I am a configfreak, so I must have it. | 02:00 |
Derp | :P | 02:00 |
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mojo_ | Hi. Not a problem but some strangeness... Anyone else on Hoary been dist-upgradin and found that the cursors in X.Org have reverted to defaults? No more little spinny ubuntu wait pointer. Is this just me or anyone else too? | 02:01 |
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spacey | mojo_, i read some others having that problem. i have installed the gcursor package myself and selected another cursor. so maybe thats why I don't have the problem myself | 02:05 |
mojo_ | gcursor package? i'll check on that... | 02:05 |
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audiblest | Can somebody point me to a utility so I can read my ext3 formatted partition from WinXP? | 02:06 |
spacey | mojo_, it creates a Cursor Selection option at Desktop>preferences | 02:06 |
mojo_ | nice | 02:09 |
LinuxJones | audiblest, >> | 02:09 |
audiblest | LinuxJones, beauty, thx | 02:10 |
mojo_ | so where can i get other cursor themes to install? | 02:10 |
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mojo_ | lets me pick them but they don't do anything. | 02:11 |
knewt | is it possible to manually mount my partition during install and bypass the partitioner stage? | 02:11 |
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LinuxJones | knewt, what seems to be the problem ? | 02:14 |
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tkz | Howdy... some DVD-problems on my laptop... | 02:18 |
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tkz | Sometimes I get sound with totem, sometimes not. Xine usually has no sound but just now one mpeg clip had sound... what's up with my multimedia? | 02:19 |
tkz | Where do I go looking for the cause? | 02:19 |
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LinuxJones | tkz, sounds like you need additional sound support | 02:19 |
dueyfinster | I am running Win WP SP2 and have a Dell Dimension 8300. I try to boot from the CD I burned when I downloaded Ubuntu, but my PC keeps skipping over it and loading Windows. I have changed the boot preference order so that my CD Drive is No.1, but it makes no difference. Any Ideas? | 02:20 |
dueyfinster | Thanks! | 02:20 |
tkz | LinuxJones, hmm... games and gnome have sound working... it's just the movies and video clips that do not always work | 02:20 |
LinuxJones | tkz, >> look to addon applications | 02:20 |
chrissturm | tkz: its a codec problem | 02:21 |
martyr | dueyfinster: turn off any other boot devices so that your cdrom is the only one in queue | 02:21 |
dueyfinster | ok will try that thanks! | 02:21 |
chrissturm | tkz: check out vlc, its a really nice mediaplayer that can play all files that i know of | 02:21 |
LinuxJones | tkz, restricted formats like mpeg2 audio and mp3 aren't included in Unbuntu for legal reasons | 02:21 |
mojo_ | tkz... go to Desktop, Preferences, Multimedia Systems Selector... try settings in there, see if it helps | 02:21 |
tkz | chrissturm, I tried to install that but some libraries that had to be downloaded from nerim-server were not downloading | 02:22 |
mojo_ | chrissturm:: how about the windows media 9 format? | 02:22 |
chrissturm | tkz: i am not sure about that one. | 02:23 |
tkz | I have MP3 working and I can get DVD movies to play with sound but it usually takes 2 or 3 reboots before I get sound | 02:23 |
chrissturm | tkz: point me to a wm9 file and i try to open it :) | 02:23 |
bendebian | can i tell ubuntu to start in a certain udma-modus? | 02:23 |
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bendebian | i am assuming that it uses an udma modus that is too fast for my old harddisk | 02:23 |
BockBilbo | hello | 02:23 |
LinuxJones | bendebian, how old is your hard drive ? | 02:24 |
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bendebian | five years | 02:25 |
BockBilbo | whats the package for adding perl 5 support to apache2 ? | 02:25 |
chrissturm | linuxjones: you can use hdaparm to check what mode is used | 02:25 |
bendebian | LinuxJones: maybe six | 02:25 |
tkz | chrissturm, this plays with xine and sound... then I have some mpegs on my harddrive that have sound when I play them with mplayer but with xine they do not have sound | 02:25 |
chrissturm | tkz: are you using warty or hoary? | 02:26 |
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LinuxJones | bendebian, you checked hdparm settings ? | 02:26 |
iapx8088 | mmh just wondering what is it this false start problem | 02:26 |
mojo_ | okay i cant think of one off hand, but have had problems with them in totem and mplayer | 02:26 |
iapx8088 | at resume from hibernation | 02:26 |
mojo_ | tho i never used the win32codecs with mplayer | 02:26 |
bendebian | chrissturm: i cannot because after "ubuntu is starting" it says nine times "drive not ready for command" | 02:26 |
iapx8088 | lets tri | 02:27 |
iapx8088 | y | 02:27 |
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bendebian | chrissturm: and some time after that it runs in a kernel panic | 02:27 |
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LinuxJones | bendebian, you get a kernel panic after running hdparm ? | 02:27 |
mojo_ | chrissturm:: ATM i uninstalled totem and mplayer 'cuz of my own audio problems and been using vlc myself. u r right, it is very nice and supports more stuff than the others... but i have not tried it yet on wm9 | 02:27 |
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tkz | chrissturm, i have warty | 02:28 |
bendebian | LinuxJones: no, i wanna say that i cannot run hdparm because my ubuntu did not start in that machine | 02:28 |
mojo_ | chrissturm:: but i only just now (hour ago) got my Audigy working again thanks to a #Ubuntu forum user (ZorroBytes) in a DLC chat | 02:28 |
dueyfinster | I tried booting with no other device except CD-Dirve, It didnt work | 02:28 |
LinuxJones | bendebian, you get a kernel panic when you try to boot ? | 02:29 |
iapx8088 | back from hi | 02:29 |
iapx8088 | ok | 02:29 |
iapx8088 | I'm back from hibrnation | 02:29 |
LinuxJones | bendebian, did you compile your own kernel ? | 02:29 |
iapx8088 | can you read ne | 02:29 |
martyr | dueyfinster: what did it complain about? | 02:29 |
bendebian | LinuxJones: no, it is warty-standard | 02:29 |
iapx8088 | anyone can read me | 02:29 |
dueyfinster | No bootable media | 02:29 |
MobyTurbo | iapx8088, no, nobody can read you. ;) | 02:30 |
LinuxJones | bendebian, someone else had the same problem yesterday, What filesystem types did you use ? | 02:30 |
knewt | LinuxJones: i'm trying to install on a 32meg box. i've managed to create my partitions and activate the swap all from the commandline, but even with the swap activated the partitioner won't load, with the OOM appearing | 02:30 |
bendebian | LinuxJones: reiserFS | 02:30 |
iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, marvellous. I have to fix this little problem and then i'm fine | 02:30 |
website | does anybody know how to tell to grep to print line conains "foo" and not "bar"? | 02:31 |
MobyTurbo | grep foo | grep -v bar | 02:31 |
website | MobyTurbo, thanks | 02:31 |
tkz | Is there any other place to get w32codecs besides nerim-server? That one always complains that I can't log in because only 2 connections per IP is allowed. I have tried for a month and it's always the same | 02:31 |
knewt | LinuxJones: with the old-style debian installer i could just mount my partitions under /target and the installer would proceed fine, but there's no /target in the filesystem with the new stuff, so i've idea how to do it manually | 02:31 |
MobyTurbo | website, there's probably a more elegant regular expression for it but that's what I do. | 02:31 |
LinuxJones | knewt, you passing the custom option after boot ? | 02:32 |
iapx8088 | when I'm back off the hibarnation, i have to press ctrl alt del to terminate the fake server | 02:32 |
knewt | LinuxJones: custom-expert | 02:32 |
iapx8088 | and then I'm fine and the 3d accelleration is fine | 02:32 |
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iapx8088 | I'd like to avoid to terminate the fake server | 02:32 |
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jan__ | hi guys | 02:33 |
MobyTurbo | I'm happy to report that after a Warty kernel upgrade my nvidia card is fine, unlike most other distros which use now a kernel requiring a broken video driver... | 02:33 |
MobyTurbo | I hear the problem exists in Hoary tho. | 02:33 |
jan__ | I just got ubuntu running | 02:33 |
jan__ | my first chat on linux | 02:34 |
iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, also mine, suspends and hibernates fine | 02:34 |
MobyTurbo | jan__, congradulations | 02:34 |
jan__ | tks | 02:34 |
LinuxJones | jan__, welcome aboard :D | 02:34 |
jan__ | just | 02:34 |
iapx8088 | (exept for the fakeX server problem | 02:34 |
MobyTurbo | iapx8088, I don't know about suspending and hibernating, this is a desktop.... | 02:34 |
jan__ | only on ethernet, WLAN is not working | 02:34 |
tkz | jan__: wellcome to linux land :) I've got ubuntu running on 3 computers so far. Each with unique problems :) | 02:35 |
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MobyTurbo | iapx8088, though I do have a suspend button on my keyboard. | 02:35 |
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MobyTurbo | jan__, maybe you need ndiswrapper | 02:35 |
jan__ | why? | 02:35 |
LinuxJones | jan__, what kind of wireless card do you have ? | 02:35 |
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jan__ | internal in laptop | 02:35 |
iapx8088 | MobyTurbo, well this is a toshiba m30 | 02:35 |
tkz | I'm chatting over wlan right now. For me, wlan "just works" | 02:35 |
jan__ | cybermaxx/medion laptop | 02:35 |
iapx8088 | jan__, centrino I suppose | 02:35 |
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whaq_ | while we're on the subject of notebooks... anyone know how to add them internal bluetooth modules? | 02:36 |
knewt | LinuxJones: any ideas? | 02:36 |
whaq_ | what to buy, what interface they use? | 02:36 |
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LinuxJones | knewt, sorry dude no :( | 02:36 |
jan__ | wlan is made by intersil/prism | 02:36 |
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jan__ | i can activate eth0 in conf but extingwish right after | 02:37 |
LinuxJones | jan__, does lspci -v reveal a model number ? | 02:37 |
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socketbind | howdy, for some strange reason i "lost" su-to-root in /usr/sbin, how do I restore it? | 02:38 |
jan__ | gimme a hint how i can run lspci. | 02:38 |
brianb | Got a newbie question... I can't play a DVD in Totem. The symlink is there between /dev/hdc and /dev/dvd, but totem doesn't recognize a DVD when I insert one. | 02:38 |
socketbind | try ogle, brianb | 02:38 |
jan__ | just got a gui | 02:38 |
socketbind | it's simple and nice | 02:38 |
socketbind | though ogle's gui is a little crude | 02:38 |
knewt | LinuxJones: oh well, i guess i'll just plop for woody. it's only for development purposes on this box anyway. once i've got things sorted out it's all going to be custom stuff with busybox et al on a spare 133meg drive i've got lying about | 02:38 |
LinuxJones | jan__, open a gnome-terminal | 02:38 |
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jan__ | how? | 02:38 |
socketbind | brainb: sudo apt-get install ogle | 02:39 |
socketbind | try if you want | 02:39 |
LinuxJones | knewt, sorry wish I could help :( | 02:39 |
brianb | Socketbind: Gotcha. Will do. | 02:39 |
socketbind | it is a neat and fast dvd player with full menu support | 02:39 |
LinuxJones | jan__, Applications >> System Tools >> Terminal | 02:39 |
socketbind | but don't say if I didn't warned you it hasn't got a gui it is an other package :D | 02:39 |
jan__ | mom be right back | 02:40 |
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socketbind | howdy, for some strange reason i "lost" su-to-root in /usr/sbin, how do I restore it? | 02:40 |
iapx8088 | suspend | 02:40 |
tkz | brianb, try command "totem dvd://" when the dvd is mounted. I sometimes have the problem that sound does not play but sometimes it works fine | 02:40 |
iapx8088 | let's ssee | 02:40 |
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jan__ | how do cut and paste in linux? | 02:40 |
socketbind | any idea? for some strange reason it isn't there | 02:40 |
jan__ | i got notes on WLAN in lspci | 02:41 |
iapx8088 | ok | 02:41 |
iapx8088 | just fine | 02:41 |
tkz | jan__, ctrl+c and ctrl-v work most of the time | 02:41 |
socketbind | ctrl+c, ctrl+v but don't close the "children" application, if you want to copy from console use ctrl+shift+c | 02:41 |
iapx8088 | may help someone | 02:41 |
socketbind | or install gnome clipboard daemon | 02:41 |
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iapx8088 | if you experience 3d accelleration problems after the resume/suspend, put this at the end of the resume script | 02:42 |
iapx8088 | | 02:42 |
jan__ | quote | 02:42 |
iapx8088 | ? | 02:42 |
jan__ | paste not working | 02:42 |
jan__ | will type it all | 02:42 |
iapx8088 | I should addquote? | 02:42 |
iapx8088 | !addquote | 02:42 |
tkz | how do you disable mouse movement from commanding firefox? I constantly get back to the previous page when moving mouse to the left | 02:42 |
iapx8088 | tkz, disable shorcuts | 02:43 |
tkz | iapx8088, is that a setting in firefox ox in gnome? | 02:43 |
tkz | ox=or :) | 02:43 |
iapx8088 | firefox | 02:44 |
form_ | hi | 02:44 |
tkz | thanks | 02:44 |
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jan__ | Intersil corp; unknown device 3886 (rev 01); subsystem: 17cf: | 02:44 |
iapx8088 | are you messing with a prism card? | 02:44 |
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jan__ | yep | 02:45 |
iapx8088 | firmware update? | 02:45 |
iapx8088 | what | 02:45 |
jan__ | euh? | 02:45 |
jan__ | fimware updtae? where? | 02:45 |
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jan__ | newby | 02:45 |
iapx8088 | jan__, what are you trying to do | 02:45 |
jan__ | using wlan iso ethernet | 02:46 |
iapx8088 | I dont' understand | 02:46 |
jan__ | just running ubuntu now for a few hours | 02:46 |
jan__ | i got the 100mb ethernet card running | 02:47 |
jan__ | internet also accessable | 02:47 |
jan__ | and now on chat | 02:47 |
iapx8088 | fine | 02:47 |
jan__ | yeah tks | 02:47 |
iapx8088 | are you enjoing it? | 02:47 |
jan__ | so far | 02:47 |
jan__ | now next | 02:47 |
jan__ | i just have gui on line | 02:48 |
jan__ | find out i have eth1 and eth0 | 02:48 |
brianb | Did anyone find that the Warty Warthog install omits some important files? | 02:48 |
jan__ | eth1 is running now with 100mb | 02:48 |
jan__ | eth0 is not active | 02:48 |
jan__ | when set active it goes off after a few seconds | 02:49 |
jan__ | dont know why | 02:49 |
jan__ | i have set IP-address and so on mamual | 02:49 |
jan__ | it worked with eth1 | 02:50 |
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tkz | jan__, I had that problem. Turned out that after I corrected a typo on the network name, it started working | 02:52 |
jan__ | i check again. | 02:52 |
jan__ | tks | 02:52 |
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tkz | iapx8088, do you remember where to turn off the shortcuts in firefox. Can't find it :( | 02:52 |
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iapx8088 | tkz, let me see | 02:53 |
tkz | thanks | 02:53 |
iapx8088 | do you remember what was -ne in if/bash | 02:53 |
iapx8088 | non equel? | 02:53 |
darksatanic | Numeric not equal. | 02:53 |
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iapx8088 | thanks | 02:54 |
darksatanic | See the man page for "test" | 02:54 |
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vpalle | whats array 4 ? | 02:56 |
jdub | the latest test release of our development branch | 02:56 |
vpalle | ok, thx | 02:57 |
tkz | is thre another server from where I could get the w32codecs than | 02:57 |
jan__ | doublechecked the SSID , still no wlan | 02:57 |
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vpalle | strange naming scheme.. but what the h.. | 02:57 |
jdub | vpalle: hint, the release codename is 'hoary hedgehog' | 02:58 |
chrissturm | vpalle: array is the codename for the hoary test cds. the other part of the name is a number that counts upwards :) | 02:58 |
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vpalle | hh will be out around march right? cant wait.. :) | 02:59 |
chillywilly | cool, I just had my first automatic update happen | 02:59 |
chillywilly | that was pretty slick people | 02:59 |
chillywilly | just click on the little notification icon and bam there were updates | 03:00 |
chillywilly | clicked | 03:00 |
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chillywilly | so is the new gnome (~2.10) going to not have the defualt desktop icons enabled? I turned them on in gconf but I was just wondering... | 03:01 |
jan__ | q: I using terminal now, try to login with root: msg:"you must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh" | 03:01 |
jan__ | what does that mean? | 03:02 |
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topyli | chillywilly: i think the new gnome will respect your settings | 03:02 |
bob2 | chillywilly: they were turned off in ubuntu gnome 2.8 anyway | 03:03 |
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[PoVal] Dutchy | what ftp client would you guys suggest using on linux? | 03:04 |
chillywilly | I use ncftp and yafc (for ssh transfers mainly) both are command line apps ;P | 03:05 |
jan__ | 03:05 | |
zeedo | [PoVal] Dutchy: depends what youre doing, generally I use CLI prograqms but you could use nautilus | 03:05 |
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vpalle | [PoVal] Dutchy, gftp | 03:06 |
jan__ | No utmp entry. You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh" | 03:06 |
jan__ | what does this means? | 03:06 |
LinuxJones | [PoVal] Dutchy, gftp is very good | 03:06 |
chillywilly | OOo 2 has the most but ugly fonts I have ever seen in my life | 03:06 |
bob2 | jan__: how did you get that? | 03:07 |
chrissturm | how can i tell gnome-ftp to use passive mode? | 03:07 |
[PoVal] Dutchy | oh right ^^ i always forget to specify "with a gui" in my linux questions :) ill try gftp | 03:07 |
jan__ | msg from terminal session | 03:07 |
chrissturm | i have some sites that work perfectly with gftp, but not with nautilus | 03:07 |
jan__ | try to login as root | 03:07 |
bob2 | jan__: well, by default, you can't login as root | 03:07 |
bob2 | but that wouldn't give that error | 03:07 |
bob2 | ask on the list, I guess | 03:07 |
jan__ | ?? | 03:07 |
jan__ | can I change the default somehow? | 03:08 |
bob2 | er, please read the FAQ | 03:08 |
jan__ | where? | 03:08 |
bob2 | but that doesn't explain the error | 03:08 |
iapx8088 | bob2, the same bob2 I used to know on debian? | 03:08 |
bob2 | jan__: read the channel topic | 03:09 |
bob2 | iapx8088: yes | 03:09 |
chillywilly | hmmm, it's like OOo uses my gnome fonts, theme, and such but OOo 2 does not | 03:09 |
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iapx8088 | bob2, nice to see you here | 03:09 |
chillywilly | hence it looks like crap | 03:09 |
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Lethorion | hi, I just dist-upgraded to haory, and now I can't seem to get X running.. it dosn't give any error messages it just dosn't start... but it seems like xfree86 is still there... can that be the problem? | 03:12 |
=== chillywilly <3s | ||
Lethorion | it was hehe | 03:13 |
iapx8088 | tell me a thing see this bash script | 03:14 |
iapx8088 | | 03:14 |
iapx8088 | how it can be that it keeps turning the lamp on and off | 03:14 |
iapx8088 | to me it means the two outer ifs are both true | 03:14 |
iapx8088 | but can't understand why | 03:15 |
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Derp | How can I install audiosupport in Ubuntu ? | 03:15 |
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Derp | + make decoders like MP3, 2, 1, Divx, ( Xvid ), Ogg work. | 03:16 |
martinal | Derp: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 03:16 |
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iapx8088 | bob2, any idea? | 03:16 |
Derp | The latest one. | 03:17 |
Derp | @ martinal . | 03:17 |
martinal | yes | 03:17 |
martinal | fully upgraded to latest packages? | 03:17 |
martinal | is this hoary or warty? | 03:17 |
Derp | Warty. | 03:17 |
martinal | well how the hell is that the 'latest one' then. jesus | 03:17 |
martinal | anyway | 03:18 |
Derp | Oh lol. I just downloaded the latest one, I thought. XD | 03:18 |
martinal | it should just work. there is a tickbox for it somewhere, look for hte option to 'start sound server' | 03:18 |
Derp | Btw, is there a tutorial available that explains this in full detail ? | 03:18 |
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Derp | I do appreciate your help, but I am on a Windows system now.. | 03:19 |
martinal | it's in preferences --> sound i believe | 03:19 |
martinal | it's very simple, you just need to check the box and it should all work. it also comes with ogg codecs, but u will need to install the mp3 and xvid/divx ones | 03:20 |
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[m0rph] | hi, can someone help me with nautilus-cd-burner? It still doesn't work under hoary | 03:27 |
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Slaven | I think I need to upgrade to xorg after all | 03:31 |
robodex | is there any way to upgrade to xorg without upgrading to hoary? | 03:31 |
Slaven | my question exactly. | 03:31 |
robodex | last time I upgraded to hoary it screwed my resolution up and I lost sound :S | 03:32 |
Slaven | I want to know the safest possible way upgrading to xorg. I wanna be able to go back and use xfree86 if xorg fails. | 03:32 |
jdub | robodex: no | 03:32 |
jdub | Slaven: xorg should not fail | 03:32 |
Slaven | Cedega is giving me segmentation faults on some games :( | 03:32 |
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robodex | :S | 03:33 |
Slaven | jdub: I've heard many say it does. And it did for me on Gentoo. | 03:33 |
Mantle | alright i FINALLY got my wireless card working in ubuntu | 03:33 |
jdub | Slaven: gentoo is not an entirely useful benchmark. | 03:33 |
chillywilly | bah, my printer doesn't work...I print the job and it just sits there | 03:33 |
Slaven | ok, ok... | 03:33 |
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Slaven | question: is xfree86 still available through the ubuntu repositories in hoary? | 03:34 |
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chillywilly | oh, it's working | 03:35 |
chillywilly | yay | 03:35 |
Benjamin_L | where do i suggest translation improvements ? "verteilte ordner" for shared folders just doesn't sound right | 03:35 |
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niptac | is anyone using jigdo to download hoary? | 03:45 |
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da_bon_bon | so, anyone tried array4 ? | 03:48 |
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Mantle | i'm using it | 03:49 |
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martinal | what is the best new feautre of gnome 2.10? | 03:49 |
da_bon_bon | Mantle: ok, is it stable, smooth ? | 03:49 |
ZorroBytes | martinal: a new gnome-service "Make Me A Cup Of Tea Now." | 03:50 |
ZorroBytes | it's pretty nifty. | 03:50 |
Mantle | it's hard locked on me a few times | 03:50 |
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Mantle | but sound works and so does wirless net | 03:50 |
Benjamin_L | i like hoary, if only fglrx drivers would work | 03:50 |
tremor | martinal: totem | 03:51 |
da_bon_bon | Mantle: would u say its worth downloading ? | 03:51 |
ZorroBytes | I would say it's worth a go | 03:51 |
Mantle | not unless something is terribly broken in warty | 03:51 |
ZorroBytes | But, as Mantle says, if you're happy with warty then wait until Hoary is final. | 03:51 |
tremor | Gnome 2.10 sneak peek --> | 03:52 |
=== ZorroBytes trashed his suse 9.2 install the other day, so thought - why not try ubuntu. I'm a deb kid @ heart. | ||
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Mantle | i'm liking this x-chat client more than mirc | 03:52 |
ZorroBytes | mantle: me too. | 03:52 |
=== ZorroBytes thinks VMware is just the bees knees. | ||
da_bon_bon | ZorroBytes: why not use bochs ? | 03:53 |
tremor | i gave ubuntu a try on my centrino notebook, never seen a smoother install | 03:53 |
Mantle | isn't bochs like super super slow? | 03:53 |
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ZorroBytes | da_bon_bon: no reason, just that vmware seems to feel "better" at the moment. | 03:54 |
ZorroBytes | bochs is slow as well. | 03:54 |
Mantle | i'm really happy with the default setup of ubuntu too, got every program i need and none that i don't | 03:54 |
da_bon_bon | Mantle: it has any cd burning tool not that autilus. | 03:54 |
da_bon_bon | *nautilus | 03:54 |
da_bon_bon | Mantle: bochs is super slow, only if u dont configure it properly. | 03:54 |
Mantle | i dunno about cdburning at all, i barely do it in windows | 03:54 |
ZorroBytes | It was missing a few things for me on a default install, but adding universe to my sources.list helped. | 03:54 |
da_bon_bon | ZorroBytes: which cd burning prog. u use ? | 03:55 |
Mantle | in fact the only cds i've burned ever are 4 live cds in the last 2 days | 03:55 |
Benjamin_L | does anyone here know how i can get a "open terminal here" option to nautilus, i don't understnad nautilus scripts at the moment | 03:55 |
tremor | yeah, cd burning is still a problem in gnome, there are a lot of "almost there" apps | 03:55 |
tremor | but nothing like k3b | 03:55 |
da_bon_bon | Mantle: which ? | 03:55 |
da_bon_bon | tremor: even i love k3b | 03:56 |
Mantle | da_bon_bon, knoppix, beatrix, warty, hoary | 03:56 |
Mantle | i think i'll stick beatrix on my grandma's computer | 03:56 |
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Mantle | ie my old P120 | 03:57 |
ZorroBytes | benjamin: | 03:57 |
ZorroBytes | look a bit down the page. | 03:57 |
vortec | hi, is prism compiled into the ubuntu kernel? | 03:57 |
da_bon_bon | shows two cd burning apps. hope they find place in warty. | 03:57 |
da_bon_bon | Mantle: and the nest is ? | 03:57 |
da_bon_bon | *best | 03:57 |
tremor | i refuse to install k3b :) i don't want any kde/qt stuff on my pc | 03:57 |
ZorroBytes | ben: | 03:58 |
da_bon_bon | tremor: i like kde muccchh more than gnome | 03:58 |
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xareum | I've installed mldonkey-server and sancho gui and when i run sancho, this says than can't conect to the core. What's happen? (sorry for my english) | 03:58 |
Mantle | da_bon_bon, so far i'm liking hoary best, simply because there are too many broken things in warty/beatrix | 03:59 |
Xappe | tremor, well, first I contaminaded with Valknut...and then...and then... ;) | 03:59 |
da_bon_bon | OMG! gnome-ppp is a direct kppp rip! | 03:59 |
Mantle | i think i just like gnome better than kde | 03:59 |
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Mantle | knoppix is quite good in terms of everything functioning out of the box tho | 04:00 |
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=== ZorroBytes is happy that there is so much choice for window managers. | ||
robodex | I haven't found too much wrong with warty except for some random crashes in GNOME | 04:00 |
robodex | but I'm using xfce now :P | 04:00 |
da_bon_bon | kde has so many great apps which gnome doesnt | 04:00 |
Xappe | what can the WM:s choose? :) | 04:00 |
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robodex | the only think Linux doesn't have is native support for anything except ISOs :( | 04:01 |
robodex | (when it comes to cd images) | 04:01 |
da_bon_bon | fuck! gnomebaker is a k3b rip off! damn it, cant gnome guys /innovate/ for god sake ? | 04:01 |
ZorroBytes | da_bon_bon: calm down! | 04:01 |
Xappe | check out graveman | 04:01 |
robodex | oh no! GNOME people created a CD burning program! It must be a ripoff of k3b! | 04:01 |
robodex | they also used ICONS and WINDOWS! CURSE YOU, GNOME! | 04:02 |
ZorroBytes | oh my good! k3b exists! it must be a rip-off of NERO! | 04:02 |
sir_hellis | I get this massage when i try to run device manager "make sure that the hald service is running. How can check tah ? | 04:02 |
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robodex | except nero's better because it supports more than one type of image file ;) | 04:02 |
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ZorroBytes | robodex: tee hee | 04:02 |
robodex | but I can't get nero to run properly in wine :( | 04:03 |
Benjamin_L | ZorroBytes, i chmodded it with +x put it in ~/.gnome/nautilus-scripts and restarted nautilus, still don't see it, am I doing something wrong ? | 04:03 |
da_bon_bon | Xappe: link, please ? | 04:03 |
da_bon_bon | ZorroBytes: but i hope ubuntu has gnome-ppp and gnomebaker | 04:03 |
rajasun | hmmm all of us here speaks/types English and so we are but the copycats of others who have known the English langauge before us...funny logic eh? ;-) | 04:03 |
=== ZorroBytes doesn't speak English. | ||
=== da_bon_bon thinks rajasun wanted to cracks a joke, but didnt quite make anyone laugh. | ||
rajasun | ZorroBytes: msg sates type or/and speaks type in English ;-) | 04:04 |
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ZorroBytes | ben: <shrug> | 04:04 |
sir_hellis | Anybody know how to fix the hald service problem. i know it is running but the system tells me it's not | 04:04 |
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ZorroBytes | ben: I'll have a shot. hang on. | 04:05 |
da_bon_bon | anyway, bye all, meet ya guys later. | 04:05 |
sir_hellis | Can anyone help me with the hald problem ? | 04:06 |
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will | sir_hellis: what problem is that? | 04:08 |
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deang | Woohoo!! Another Live CD Success!! P3/500, intel mobo. | 04:10 |
sir_hellis | i can not acsess device manager i keep getting the massege "make sure hald is running" but wen i restart i can acsess devise manager but after 2-2 hours i get the massage again when i try to start device manager | 04:11 |
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Frafraxy | hi | 04:12 |
Frafraxy | for install the ati driver with xorg? | 04:12 |
zenwhen | zuh | 04:13 |
ZorroBytes | ben | 04:14 |
ZorroBytes | you there/ | 04:14 |
ZorroBytes | ? | 04:14 |
Benjamin_L | sure | 04:14 |
ZorroBytes | okay, figured it out. | 04:14 |
ZorroBytes | put the file in .gnome2 | 04:15 |
ZorroBytes | nautilus-scripts | 04:15 |
ZorroBytes | then visit the directory in nautilus | 04:15 |
Benjamin_L | argg i used gnome ... | 04:15 |
Benjamin_L | stupid me ^^ | 04:15 |
ZorroBytes | for it to know about it, then you can right click on a file and see the script. | 04:15 |
ZorroBytes | . | 04:15 |
sir_hellis | will, I get the massage when i try to acsess dvice manager "make sure that the hald is running" but usually when i reboot i can acsess device manager | 04:15 |
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Mantle | ok this is dumb... i can't launch any apps through the application > system tools menu | 04:15 |
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Benjamin_L | thx ZorroBytes | 04:16 |
Mantle | is there a GUI process manager? | 04:16 |
Mantle | or task manager | 04:16 |
Anubis | too many | 04:16 |
Mantle | i mean, is there a default one | 04:17 |
Mantle | what's it called | 04:17 |
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Mantle | hmm... i can't ctrl-alt-f2 into a tty... no response... | 04:18 |
Mantle | i'm stuck in X.. yay | 04:18 |
ZorroBytes | there's always ctrl+alt+backspace | 04:18 |
Mantle | can i resume my session though? | 04:19 |
Mantle | or is that just an escape | 04:19 |
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ZorroBytes | don't think so - it kills X completely. | 04:19 |
ZorroBytes | then gdm restarts and hay-presto! you're back | 04:19 |
Mantle | but all my work is lost? | 04:19 |
ZorroBytes | do you have another machine? | 04:19 |
Mantle | nope | 04:19 |
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ZorroBytes | okay, let's see what we can do then. | 04:19 |
Mantle | it's no big deal, i have no real work to lose | 04:20 |
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sir_hellis | how can i restart hald ? | 04:23 |
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namaste | hi, when i try to modprobe ndiswrapper, i get the following error message: "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format". how can i fix that? | 04:24 |
sir_hellis | install linux-image- | 04:25 |
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Frafraxy | excuseme | 04:26 |
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Frafraxy | for install ati drivers on hoary | 04:26 |
Frafraxy | how i must to do? | 04:26 |
iapx8088 | mmh | 04:26 |
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iapx8088 | maybe they are in linux-restricted. | 04:26 |
namaste | sir_hellis, guess i have to reboot now? | 04:27 |
Frafraxy | i try to install ati-driver but it need xfree | 04:27 |
sir_hellis | namaste: yes | 04:27 |
namaste | thanks | 04:27 |
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Xappe | Frafraxy, xorg-driver-fglrx | 04:28 |
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danilo | Frafraxy: install xorg-driver-fglrx | 04:28 |
Frafraxy | thanks | 04:29 |
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sir_hellis | anyone know how to restart hal ? | 04:30 |
blah09 | is there anyway to check wireless speed in linux? | 04:30 |
Frafraxy | then install the ati driver what i must to do? | 04:31 |
sir_hellis | blah09, gkrellm | 04:31 |
Xappe | Frafraxy, then you can follow the ATI howto on the forum | 04:31 |
Frafraxy | thanks | 04:31 |
danilo | Frafraxy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Select the fglrx driver and leave everything else as it is. | 04:31 |
blah09 | i need to apt-get that right | 04:31 |
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Docta | Hey there, what package in the ubuntu universe/multiverse supplies the glut headers? | 04:31 |
sir_hellis | blah09, yeh | 04:31 |
WW | Hello world. | 04:32 |
blah09 | is it just me or is wifi in linux slower? | 04:32 |
blah09 | i normally can stream divx over the network | 04:32 |
sir_hellis | blah09, Are you using ndiswrapper ? | 04:32 |
WW | Apt experts: What command can I use to list the packages that I have installed from a specific repository? | 04:32 |
iapx8088 | I wonder if any | 04:33 |
blah09 | nope | 04:33 |
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danilo | WW: which repository? | 04:33 |
blah09 | ipw2100 | 04:33 |
blah09 | the ones that came with ubuntu anyway | 04:33 |
WW | danilo: warty-backports | 04:34 |
Frafraxy | what post exactly? | 04:34 |
danilo | WW: let me think... | 04:35 |
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Frafraxy | for ati driver on hoary? | 04:35 |
namaste | sir_hellis, it doesn't work still | 04:35 |
Jack | little help if possible: i'm geting an error message with my ./configure for fontconfig: Cannot find usable expat library. This could mean that your version is too old. What am i missing?I already installed a new version of expat | 04:35 |
Xappe | Frafraxy, the warty guide should do just fine | 04:36 |
danilo | Frafraxy: did you select the 'fglrx' driver? If so, just restart X | 04:36 |
Frafraxy | i don't edit anything? | 04:36 |
sir_hellis | namaste, What do you mean ? | 04:36 |
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danilo | WW: try with aptitude search '~i~Owarty-backports' | 04:36 |
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Xappe | but he also needs to tweak his xorg.conf a bit more than just changing 'ati' to 'fglrx' I guess | 04:37 |
danilo | Frafraxy: the first (or second) screen lets you choose the video driver. Just change that and leave everything else as it is. | 04:37 |
blah09 | sir_hellis, about gkrellm, can i have it dock to the side like a panel? | 04:37 |
danilo | Xappe: for me, it just works this way :-) | 04:37 |
Xappe | danilo, how about 'xv' and such? | 04:38 |
sir_hellis | blah09, yes | 04:38 |
namaste | sir_hellis, the modprobe ndiswrapper problem | 04:38 |
sir_hellis | namaste, Fire Up synaptic or whatever you like to use and update your repository.Install the packages "ndiswrapper-utils" and "linux-image-" | 04:38 |
namaste | uh, it says invalid driver on ndiswrapper -l. | 04:39 |
WW | danilo: That didn't seem to work. I have firefox installed from backports, but that command showed nothing. | 04:39 |
danilo | Xappe: I don't have it enabled because it's buggy | 04:39 |
Xappe | well, you need it for tvtime and MPlayer | 04:39 |
danilo | WW: hmm... just look at the aptitude README, section about searching | 04:39 |
Xappe | hmm, maybe not MPlayer | 04:40 |
Xappe | but tvtime | 04:40 |
danilo | Xappe: I use simple x11 for mplayer. When I tried to use xv (enabled it in the config), it was... er.. shaky | 04:40 |
WW | danilo: Thanks for the attempt. I'll take a look at more aptitude options. I also looked at apt-show-versions, and apt-cache, but I couldn't find quite what I wanted. | 04:40 |
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Xappe | danilo, no problems with xv here | 04:41 |
Frafraxy | hi | 04:41 |
Frafraxy | i've installed ati driver for xorg | 04:41 |
Xappe | and tvtime won't run without it | 04:41 |
Frafraxy | but agp doesn't work | 04:41 |
danilo | WW: usually different repos have different Release files: the Origin tag (which *should* be there) is used to tell one from another | 04:41 |
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danilo | Xappe: i'm glad for you, that xv works :) | 04:41 |
Xappe | danilo ;) | 04:42 |
danilo | Xappe: maybe I just have to retry with Xorg | 04:42 |
Xappe | you have to enable video overlay | 04:42 |
namaste | can anyone help me? i'm trying to install my wlan-card which i have to plug into my laptop. i guess the problems starts at linux not recognizing the card as the light "link" on it doesn't light | 04:42 |
danilo | Frafraxy: have u installed linux-restricted-modules ? | 04:42 |
danilo | Xappe: I'll try | 04:43 |
sir_hellis | namaste, sudo ndiswrapper -i DEVICEDRIVER.INF # this tells ndiswrapper whan proprietary windows driver files to use. | 04:43 |
sir_hellis | sudo modprobe ndiswrapper #this loads the driver into the running kernel. | 04:43 |
sir_hellis | sudo ndiswrapper -l #this tells ndiswrapper to tell you what you have running. | 04:43 |
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namaste | yes i tried that | 04:43 |
Frafraxy | danilo, no, i've not installed it | 04:44 |
namaste | but when i do ndiswrapper -l it says "invalid driver" | 04:44 |
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Xappe | Frafraxy, then you should | 04:44 |
namaste | sir_hellis, | 04:45 |
sir_hellis | namaste, you also have to copy over the .sys file in to the directory where the other windows driver files are | 04:45 |
namaste | oh, ok lemme try | 04:45 |
Duck_busy | jordi: here ? | 04:45 |
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namaste | sir_hellis, "gplus driver present, hardware present" :)) | 04:46 |
sir_hellis | namaste, :) good | 04:47 |
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Duck_busy | sjoerd: coin ? | 04:47 |
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namaste | but still: | 04:47 |
namaste | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format | 04:47 |
namaste | even tried ndiswrapper -m | 04:48 |
Hannes_ | namaste: wrong ndiswrapper | 04:49 |
Duck_busy | anyone working at the python 2.4 transition ? | 04:49 |
Hannes_ | try with the .10 | 04:49 |
Hannes_ | and not with .12 | 04:49 |
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Hannes_ | if in warty | 04:49 |
HaloGray | I got the invalid format issue when using a driver from the wrong source | 04:49 |
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namaste | Hannes_, which one should i use? | 04:50 |
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Mantle | ZorroBytes: i had to hard reboot and then when i finally got back in i couln't get the wireless to work again =( | 04:50 |
suzan_ | help! in my gnome-menu suddenly some startes dissapeared! if i open nautilus and type "applications:///" they are still there. what went wrong? | 04:51 |
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Hannes_ | namaste: in warty 0.10 and in hoary 0.12 | 04:52 |
namaste | uff. i'm not really into apt-get, i have warty, how can i install version 0.10 ? | 04:53 |
namaste | i did a apt-get update && apt-get install ndiswrapper before though | 04:53 |
topyli | suzan_: right click on the panel, add Menu bar | 04:54 |
danilo | suzan_: have you just upgraded some packages? | 04:54 |
suzan_ | yes | 04:54 |
suzan_ | the security-patches | 04:54 |
sir_hellis | namaste, use the synaptic package mananger | 04:54 |
danilo | suzan_: well, log out and re-log in... the Gnome panel doesn't play well with upgrades | 04:55 |
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suzan_ | i've logged out and in and nothing changed | 04:55 |
suzan_ | very strange | 04:55 |
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topyli | suzan_: did you try to put the menu bar back there? | 04:55 |
suzan_ | the menu bar ist still there, but some single starters dissapear. that one, i put manually in the menu. | 04:56 |
marcin_ant | danilo: better way is to kill gnome-panel and wait for respawn | 04:57 |
suzan_ | in applications:/// they are still | 04:57 |
topyli | hmm. | 04:57 |
sir_hellis | suzan_, You could try temporarily getting a different window manager and using that in GNOME. (XFWM4 is a popular choice.) | 04:58 |
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topyli | i don't think the window manager handles the gnome menu :) | 04:59 |
suzan_ | i don't think either | 04:59 |
suzan_ | in nautilus the startes are still there | 04:59 |
ZorroBytes | you know what's neat about gnome? | 04:59 |
ZorroBytes | Just a funky feature | 05:00 |
ZorroBytes | but if you have a window maximised and you click on the title bar and drag it down the window becomes unmaximised!!! | 05:00 |
=== ZorroBytes just wanted to share that with everyone. | ||
danilo | marcin_ant: I never bother... I laungh everything from a term if needed ;-) | 05:00 |
topyli | ZorroBytes: hey, that's very cool! i've never noticed :) | 05:01 |
marcin_ant | danilo: laungh? | 05:02 |
Jack | sorry, a question: how do I install a downloaded package with apt? | 05:02 |
suzan_ | it's so strange because that happened so suddenly .. yesterday i think | 05:02 |
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tux | lo | 05:02 |
topyli | ZorroBytes: here's another one: hold down shift while dragging from the menu bar. the window docks to window edges or nearest windows | 05:02 |
tux | getting an openssl error | 05:02 |
tux | i get this .. | 05:02 |
tux | checking for main in -lcrypto... no | 05:03 |
tux | configure: error: OpenSSL crypto library missing. | 05:03 |
suzan_ | AND the thing is, i cannot edit any starters to the gnome men. i can only see them in applications:/// | 05:03 |
tux | but i have openssl installed, anyone any recommendations ? | 05:03 |
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housetier | Jack, if you downloaded the package and have the file on your filesystem you use "dpkg" not apt | 05:04 |
housetier | Jack, its just like resiak told you: "dpkg -i /path/to/the/package.deb" | 05:05 |
Jack | and the sys will detected when I try to install a program that depends on that package with apt? | 05:05 |
housetier | Jack, now tell us which problem you are trying to solve | 05:05 |
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jaza | hi | 05:06 |
Jack | from the beginning: i'm trying to instal emelfm. Tnx to your help i've managed find the "apt-get install emelfm", but it needs libglib1.2, so i'm trying to dowload it and see what hapands | 05:06 |
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housetier | Jack, apt-get install emelfm should download and install all necessary packages by itself. now, did you get an error message from apt-get? | 05:07 |
Benjamin_L | is there a way to go amd64 -> i386 without reinstalling ? | 05:07 |
Jack | yes | 05:08 |
jaza | i just changed my ubuntu login screen theme and it doesnt work, instead i have to startx in console to get into ubuntu and i cant find the ubuntu login screen thing that was in computer sys config or desk pref its gone how do i change to default login screen? | 05:08 |
Jack | the message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:08 |
Jack | emelfm: Depends: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not installable | 05:08 |
Jack | Depends: libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4) but it is not installable | 05:08 |
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housetier | Jack, do you have warty or hoary? | 05:08 |
Jack | warty | 05:08 |
namaste | ok, i've installed ndiswrapper 0.10, but on modprobe ndiswrapper it hangs itself up | 05:08 |
namaste | even a kill -9 pid didn't help | 05:09 |
housetier | oh je... "not installable" haven't had that in a long time | 05:09 |
topyli | Jack: there's libglib1.2- and it's very much installable. do you have universe enabled? | 05:09 |
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housetier | ah there we go | 05:09 |
topyli | Jack: oh, and it's in main, not universe | 05:10 |
Jack | sorry, lost me with the universe? | 05:10 |
topyli | Jack: never mind. it's in main | 05:10 |
topyli | Jack: universe=extra packages, unsupported | 05:11 |
Jack | nope | 05:11 |
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AndyR | what about galaxy? :) | 05:11 |
topyli | AndyR: we do have multiverse :) | 05:11 |
Jack | basicly: it's not installable? | 05:12 |
topyli | Jack: dunno, but i for one have it installed right now | 05:12 |
namaste | ... anyone? | 05:12 |
Jack | that's good to hear :) | 05:12 |
Jack | well, i'll work on it a while longer before i give up. Tnx everyone in anycase :) | 05:13 |
topyli | i installed emelfm for sports now, and it went without any problem | 05:13 |
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Jack | i simply don't know | 05:14 |
topyli | did you do apt-get update? | 05:14 |
Jack | just a sec | 05:14 |
tja | why doesn't allow rsync-connections anymore? | 05:14 |
Jack | did it. Nothing changed | 05:14 |
Jack | i'm missing the libglib & libgtk | 05:15 |
MobyTurbo | Jack, maybe you should add universe and see what happens. | 05:15 |
topyli | Jack: theoretically, they might be uninstallable right now, but were ok when i installed them... | 05:15 |
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MobyTurbo | hmm, they are in apt-cache here too. | 05:16 |
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Jack | ok dudes, i'm off to work out your suggestions, i'll get back with the news (hopfuly good ones) | 05:16 |
I_Need_Help | mplayer is not installing | 05:17 |
housetier | Jack, have you tried to install liglib and libgtk by other means before? | 05:17 |
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housetier | Jack, maybe via dpkg -i or so? | 05:17 |
Jack | nope | 05:17 |
Jack | will try anything at the moment | 05:17 |
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topyli | I_Need_Help: yeah, marillat's repository seems to be broken. he follows debian so it was bound to happen | 05:18 |
housetier | Jack, was that the whole error message? | 05:18 |
Jack | yes | 05:18 |
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sir_hellis | why can't linux show the JPG pictures why do the have to be JPEG, i have a 100 pic wich are in JPG formate. how can i see them | 05:18 |
Jack | i'll cpy/pst it again | 05:18 |
housetier | Jack, no! | 05:18 |
Jack | ok | 05:19 |
housetier | we all have it in our logs | 05:19 |
topyli | sir_hellis: "linux" doesn't care what the files are called | 05:19 |
iapx8088 | in a samba mount, to have it writable to the user of the group disk, i have to set an umask | 05:19 |
tja | any archive managers around??? | 05:19 |
iapx8088 | ark, file roller? | 05:19 |
tja | no, I mean admins ;) | 05:20 |
AndyR | both ops in here are i think | 05:20 |
sir_hellis | how can i display my jpg images in gimp ? | 05:20 |
housetier | Jack, when you "apt-get install libglib1.2" whats the error message? | 05:20 |
tja | somehow doesn't allow rsync-connections anymore.. | 05:20 |
housetier | don't forget the sudo | 05:20 |
tja | says max connections reached | 05:21 |
AndyR | busy then | 05:21 |
tja | hard to maintain a mirror | 05:21 |
topyli | sir_hellis: right click on them, choose open in application, enter "gimp" to the box | 05:21 |
sir_hellis | when i rename them to jpeg, yhen i canm display them with gimp but not JPG | 05:21 |
MobyTurbo | tja, there's probably your answer | 05:21 |
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sladen | sir_hellis: Unix file names are case-sensitive | 05:21 |
tja | but it worked fine couple of days ago.. | 05:21 |
Jack | didn't forget sudo, i'm ni the root accoutn. Just another error message for the libglib1.2 | 05:21 |
AndyR | tja, it too busy then i would say | 05:21 |
sladen | tja: I think archive.ubuntu only allows a /certian number/ of rsync connections | 05:22 |
sir_hellis | oh..does that mean i have to change all those JPG napes into JPEG ? | 05:22 |
tja | now regardless of the time it is full | 05:22 |
tja | sladen: yes, 15 connections | 05:22 |
housetier | Jack, yes error messages can be important as they sometimes tell us what's wrong | 05:22 |
MobyTurbo | sir_hellis, not with capitals, try lowers. | 05:22 |
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Jack | .... | 05:22 |
Jack | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:23 |
Jack | is only available from another source | 05:23 |
sir_hellis | i have over 600 images, is there another metode ? | 05:23 |
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MobyTurbo | sir_hellis, although Linux doesn't always go by file name, when it does it usually prefers lower case. | 05:23 |
Jack | Package libglib1.2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:23 |
MobyTurbo | sir_hellis, convert them at the command line. "rename" can do it. | 05:23 |
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marcin_ant | /whois tja | 05:24 |
tux4 | hi, all! please, can someone help me? i tried last three live cds and with none of them i could connect to internet... i have cable connection a it works on win with dhcp.. any thoughts? | 05:25 |
housetier | Jack, what does "apt-cache policy libglib1.2" show? if its longer you can use a paste bot so nothing gets lost | 05:25 |
tja | marcin_ant: nobody ;) | 05:25 |
marcin_ant | tja: sorry | 05:25 |
tja | heh | 05:25 |
marcin_ant | tja: just learning ;) | 05:25 |
FLeiXiuS | tux4: lmao | 05:25 |
Jack | libglib1.2: | 05:25 |
Jack | Installed: (none) | 05:25 |
Jack | Candidate: (none) | 05:25 |
Jack | Version Table: | 05:25 |
sir_hellis | The filename "P1230483.JPG" indicates that this file is of type "JPG document". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "JPEG image". If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system. WTF | 05:25 |
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FLeiXiuS | i thought this channel wuld actually be pretty mature, guess not. | 05:25 |
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sir_hellis | MobyTurbo, how can i rename the all in text command ? | 05:26 |
MobyTurbo | sir_hellis, man rename. | 05:27 |
housetier | Jack, could you send me your /etc/apt/sources.list please | 05:27 |
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Piero | query |QuaD-_ | 05:28 |
Jack | housetier, are you getting anything? | 05:29 |
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sir_hellis | MobyTurbo, i am new to linux could you give me the hole command. i have JPG wich i would like them to be jpeg. | 05:29 |
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housetier | Jack, I am not, the connection cannot be established | 05:29 |
Jack | ? | 05:29 |
MobyTurbo | sir_hellis, read the rename manual as I mentioned, the command you need is right in there. | 05:30 |
housetier | Jack, try this paste bot here: (now you also know what a paste bot is) | 05:30 |
ZorroBytes | Hi again everyone. Does anyone know of a *simple* (as in I'm hair-brained) way of editing the menus / | 05:30 |
mindphasr | ZorroBytes: Hoary or Warty? | 05:31 |
iapx8088 | there's a menu editor | 05:31 |
ZorroBytes | Hunting around for vfolders and .desktop-willy-nilly is not doing my mind any favours | 05:31 |
ZorroBytes | mindphasr: hoarrrrrrrrrry | 05:31 |
ZorroBytes | if there is a menu editor in warty, what's the package name and I'l apppppppppt-get it. | 05:31 |
mindphasr | ZorroBytes: There is no GUI menu editing for Gnome2.8. Youll have to wait till gnome includes one | 05:31 |
ZorroBytes | *aarrrrrrrrgh* | 05:31 |
ZorroBytes | #@~&!"*!"*!"^" | 05:32 |
Jack | done, dough i just saw my self ... | 05:32 |
mindphasr | ZorroBytes: You're using a development branch. There is in warty | 05:32 |
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Docta | what ubuntu package supplies the libglut headers? | 05:32 |
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housetier | Jack, where is the url? :) | 05:32 |
mindphasr | Docta: libglut3-dev | 05:33 |
Jack | | 05:33 |
Jack | sorry | 05:33 |
Docta | mindphasr, apparently that has no installation candidate | 05:33 |
mindphasr | Docta: You may have to add universide to repositories | 05:34 |
Docta | universide? | 05:34 |
mindphasr | universe | 05:34 |
Docta | I've got that :( | 05:34 |
Docta | and multiverse | 05:34 |
housetier | Jack, uncomment those lines starting with deb and deb-src and you should be fine | 05:34 |
Jack | working ... | 05:34 |
mindphasr | Warty? | 05:34 |
Docta | mindphasr, yeah | 05:35 |
mindphasr | Docta: ahh, I have it in hoary | 05:35 |
mindphasr | Docta: apt-cache search libglut | 05:35 |
Docta | I used to have it in warty, but i've downgraded amd64 -> i386 and it no longer has it | 05:35 |
housetier | uncomment, save, apt-get update, apt-get install emelfm | 05:35 |
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akurashy | where can i find eggdrop conf file? i installed it but i cant find it =/ | 05:36 |
Jack | he's actully doint something :) | 05:36 |
Timbo | so er, at the risk of FAQing.. all my gnome icons have been replaced by little notes, the cursors are the default X cursors | 05:36 |
Timbo | and my theme is the default gnome theme | 05:36 |
Timbo | after a dist-upgrade on hoary | 05:36 |
Timbo | what's up? | 05:36 |
Xappe | yepp, something happened with the gnome themes this friday | 05:37 |
Timbo | hmm | 05:37 |
Jack | it'll take time, but i figure i'm on the right road :) | 05:37 |
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Timbo | i had the same thing happen on debian a while back, but i can't remember what fixed it | 05:37 |
Jack | tnx housetier | 05:37 |
darkx | i was so happy the dist upgrade to hoary fixed my gdm probs | 05:37 |
Timbo | i seem to remember it had something to do with mime types | 05:37 |
AndyR | not sure if im still here after update | 05:38 |
Xappe | Timbo, the problem came with an update, so hopefullt it'll be fixed soon | 05:38 |
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Timbo | yeah | 05:39 |
housetier | Jack, you might want to check out synaptic soon, its a nice graphical package manager | 05:39 |
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Timbo | synaptic has come on leaps and bounds since i last used it in debian | 05:39 |
Timbo | the user interface used to be very confusing | 05:39 |
Jack | found out about it while talking right now | 05:39 |
Jack | will check it out in detail | 05:40 |
Xappe | synaptic is the way to go for new users, and it beats the crap out of the rpm managers i've used | 05:40 |
Docta | mindphasr, er, sorry I was being retarded :( | 05:40 |
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iapx8088 | scite is not opening a php file when I associate it throught the menu | 05:49 |
iapx8088 | maybe I should add a %what | 05:49 |
iapx8088 | scite %u | 05:49 |
iapx8088 | scite %f | 05:49 |
iapx8088 | what | 05:49 |
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blah09 | is ubuntu supposed to automount usb thumbdrives? | 05:51 |
iapx8088 | yea | 05:51 |
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blah09 | hm, it doesnt for me for some reason | 05:52 |
blah09 | maybe its due to those hotplug errors i get during startup | 05:52 |
iapx8088 | ehci_hcd? | 05:53 |
iapx8088 | shcp_hcd | 05:53 |
iapx8088 | random_hw? | 05:53 |
blah09 | how do i tell? | 05:53 |
blah09 | i think e and s are mentioned in lsmod | 05:53 |
blah09 | e and u | 05:53 |
iapx8088 | maybe you are just reading those | 05:53 |
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blah09 | is there a way to playback the bootup messages? | 05:54 |
njan | blah09, dmesg | 05:54 |
njan | blah09, or dmesg |more :) | 05:55 |
blah09 | are those all system logs? | 05:56 |
sir_hellis | sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=jrennie /dev/sda1 /media/usb | 05:56 |
sir_hellis | If this doesn't work, try `sdb1' in place of `sda1'. Replace | 05:56 |
sir_hellis | `/media/usb' with whereever you want the device to be mounted. | 05:56 |
erik__ | why does zsnes lag on a 450 Mhz @ Ubuntu?? | 05:56 |
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sir_hellis | Oh, and change 'jrennie' to your own user id... | 05:56 |
blah09 | yeah that works, but it doesnt mount automagically =( | 05:56 |
sir_hellis | it does for me | 05:57 |
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blah09 | is there a script somewhere that i can edit so that it mounts the thing automatically? | 05:58 |
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anguila | hi | 05:59 |
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trace | Hello room | 06:00 |
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trace | I have a ymf715 audio chip in my laptop and I can't get sound enabled under warty...can someone help me? | 06:02 |
iapx8088 | it's kernel supported? | 06:02 |
trace | the spec say its sbpro compat | 06:02 |
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iapx8088 | trace, loading the sbpro compatibile module by modprobe says? | 06:03 |
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trace | I'm a new how do I do that? | 06:03 |
anguila | I have two partition in my hd, in hda1 winxp and in hda2 ubuntu, i have grub configured correctly, i have tittle winxp, root hd(0,0), makeactive, chainloader +1, but when I reboot the system and grub it's loaded I choose winxp and the grub reply: root (hd0,0) file system type unknown, partition type 0x7 savedefaul makeactive chainloader +1, and doesn't load windows, any can help me to be able to boot the win partition? | 06:04 |
iapx8088 | trace, do you know the name of the right module? | 06:04 |
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kent | does any one know of a program that prints dvd-covers? | 06:05 |
trace | I'm just moving to linux for win 2000....what module would I be lookig for??? | 06:05 |
SirPsy | how can i get rid of the virtual desktop so when i change my screen reso the desktop will fit the screen | 06:05 |
iapx8088 | trace wait | 06:05 |
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iapx8088 | anguila, maybe root (hd0,0) not hd(0,0) | 06:06 |
iapx8088 | trace why a dcc? | 06:06 |
trace | ok | 06:06 |
trace | 4 a direct chat | 06:06 |
iapx8088 | maybe would be polite to ask before | 06:06 |
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trace | lol...sorry | 06:07 |
iapx8088 | anyway, being sbpro says nothing about the right module to load | 06:07 |
iapx8088 | did you google a bit? | 06:07 |
trace | I found all the address to set it up.. | 06:08 |
trace | the irq and dmas | 06:08 |
iapx8088 | ? | 06:08 |
anguila | iapx8088, yes yes, root(hd0,0), I have this in menu.list, it's my mistake :P | 06:08 |
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iapx8088 | anguila, can't say what's wrong. | 06:08 |
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anguila | I don't undesrtand why i cannot boot win -_- | 06:09 |
iapx8088 | weird | 06:09 |
iapx8088 | trace, what does it say lspci? | 06:10 |
trace | one sec... | 06:10 |
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trace | it says : | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 430TX - 82439TX MTXC (rev 01) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:01.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:01.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:01.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:01.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Chips and Technologies F65554 (rev c2) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:03.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1131 (rev 01) | 06:10 |
trace | 0000:00:03.1 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1131 (rev 01) | 06:10 |
iapx8088 | the relevant one :( | 06:10 |
iapx8088 | can't see the audio | 06:11 |
trace | No, its not listed | 06:11 |
iapx8088 | that's bad | 06:11 |
ErikHK | having trouble with sound too?? | 06:11 |
ErikHK | I have :( | 06:11 |
trace | Yes | 06:11 |
iapx8088 | yeah but it's not even listed! | 06:12 |
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ErikHK | nope, not here either... | 06:12 |
trace | So what do you think I should do? | 06:12 |
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MobyTurbo | blah09, just put the information in /etc/fstab and you'll only need to specify a mount point. | 06:13 |
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iapx8088 | trace it's a laptop, what is it | 06:13 |
trace | its a winbook XL | 06:13 |
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trace | with a ymf715 sound chip | 06:14 |
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torebuntu | hey guys | 06:17 |
trace | hello | 06:17 |
torebuntu | I'm runing on a livecd here, and there's no BitTorrent (wtf?) | 06:17 |
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torebuntu | is there any way to add applications live? | 06:17 |
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trace | what are live cds??? | 06:17 |
bluefoxicy | torebuntu: I believe there's a program called apt-get you can try | 06:18 |
torebuntu | bluefoxicy, apt-get works on livecds? | 06:18 |
bluefoxicy | trace: | 06:18 |
kristjan | i have some networking questions regarding ubuntu | 06:18 |
bluefoxicy | torebuntu: try it? | 06:18 |
Xappe | trace, a system that boots directly from cd | 06:18 |
mindphasr | Anyone know how to hide unused columns in gnumeric? | 06:18 |
trace | oooo, ok thanks | 06:19 |
Xappe | trace, and loads to your RAM | 06:19 |
kristjan | 1) Why does it take sooo long on boot when "Configuring network interfaces"? | 06:19 |
trace | I tried morphix... | 06:19 |
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fredericm | hi | 06:19 |
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HaloGray | kristjan: do you have anything plugged into your network interface? | 06:20 |
kristjan | no, i'm connecting wifi | 06:20 |
fredericm | i need help with grub | 06:20 |
HaloGray | kristjan: Ubuntu assumes any and all interfaces are connected by default, and will try then re-try until eventually timing out | 06:20 |
HaloGray | wifi and only wifi? | 06:20 |
kristjan | yes | 06:20 |
kristjan | how can i decrease the timeout? | 06:21 |
kristjan | or is there a better solution? | 06:21 |
HaloGray | sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak | 06:21 |
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kristjan | why? | 06:21 |
kristjan | auto lo | 06:22 |
kristjan | iface lo inet loopback | 06:22 |
kristjan | (my interfaces... | 06:22 |
trace | how do you get warty to try to re-scan for your sound card??? | 06:22 |
HaloGray | you don't have an eth0 interface? | 06:22 |
kristjan | no, i have wifi through eth1 | 06:22 |
HaloGray | does it ever properly connect on boot? | 06:23 |
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blah09 | is there a good way to stream media from a samba share over wifi? VLC doesnt seem to want to open my files | 06:23 |
kristjan | eth0 currently down. | 06:23 |
kristjan | HaloGray: always | 06:23 |
HaloGray | right, but if it's there, and auto eth0 is set, you don't want that | 06:23 |
HaloGray | since eth0 isn't ever really used | 06:23 |
Neo_654 | If wifi is eth1 wouldn't that mean that there is an eth0? (just asking cause I don't know) | 06:23 |
kristjan | HaloGray: not true | 06:23 |
HaloGray | the rare time it is used, you can manually bring it up in a terminal | 06:23 |
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kristjan | eth0 is used when i connect ethernet | 06:24 |
HaloGray | i thought you connected only through wifi ? | 06:24 |
kristjan | HaloGray: at home yes, at work no | 06:24 |
Neo_654 | Well that would seem why things are slow when trying to bring up network cause the device is checking if it is connected | 06:25 |
HaloGray | kristjan: I had the same issue myself and asked in here... somebody fixed it for me but I forgot exactly what they did | 06:25 |
kristjan | where do i set the timeout | 06:25 |
HaloGray | they edited the script to auto skip eth0 if the linkstate was not connected | 06:25 |
kristjan | which script? | 06:25 |
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HaloGray | this was over a month ago... so I don't remember what script and what exactly was edited :( | 06:25 |
HaloGray | but that's what worked out for me | 06:25 |
HaloGray | perhaps somebody a bit more knowledgable can help you from here... or perhaps a google search? | 06:26 |
kristjan | i always first ask google,... | 06:26 |
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kristjan | (he likes to be bothered...) | 06:26 |
kristjan | ;o)) | 06:26 |
HaloGray | Well now you know what specifically to ask... | 06:26 |
HaloGray | to answer your question though... ubuntu is persistant to find a connection even if the connection isn't plugged in | 06:27 |
HaloGray | that's why the boot time is increased 10 fold | 06:27 |
kristjan | does anybody in this room now where the networking script is? | 06:28 |
blah09 | eek why doesnt nautilus applications:///Internet work anymore? | 06:29 |
blah09 | (it used to work in warty) | 06:29 |
Neo_654 | That might be a good one to post in the forums for others to find when needed. | 06:29 |
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zeedo | kristjan: /etc/init.d/networking | 06:30 |
HaloGray | blah09: it's the update in gnome | 06:31 |
HaloGray | they took it out | 06:31 |
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blah09 | oh =/ | 06:31 |
HaloGray | what they replaced it with... I don't know | 06:31 |
blah09 | is there a new way to do things? | 06:31 |
blah09 | oh | 06:31 |
kristjan | zeedo: thanks | 06:31 |
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HaloGray | where's the menu script for grub? I recently updated to hoary... and it still shows my old kernel options | 06:32 |
HaloGray | I want to edit them out | 06:32 |
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zeedo | HaloGray: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:33 |
HaloGray | thanks | 06:33 |
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Anubis | mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/tkconch.1.gz is a dangling symlink | 06:36 |
Anubis | can I just deleete dangling symlinks? | 06:36 |
carambol | how i install mplayerplug-in | 06:36 |
carambol | ? | 06:36 |
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carambol | in hoary | 06:37 |
rubenv | Anubis: yes | 06:37 |
rubenv | carambol: check the wiki, on the restricted formats page | 06:38 |
rubenv | carambol: nl support in #ubuntu-nl if needed | 06:38 |
HaloGray | thanks for the grub help :) | 06:38 |
carambol | dankje | 06:39 |
rubenv | carambol: np, spread the love :-) | 06:39 |
Anubis | rubenv, thanks | 06:39 |
rubenv | Anubis: spread the love ;-) | 06:39 |
carambol | rubenv: :) | 06:39 |
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Grev | how do I turn on DMA for my DVD drive at boot-up | 06:42 |
trace | Dose anyone know how to get warty to reprobe for sound cards?????????? | 06:42 |
trace | *does | 06:43 |
dr_willis | Hmm. | 06:44 |
dr_willis | that reminds me - i need to set up sound card on my other machine | 06:44 |
dr_willis | I think thers some config script that the alsa package runs. not too sure however. | 06:44 |
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dr_willis | I use way too many differetn disrtos. | 06:44 |
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Scognito | hi | 06:45 |
dr_willis | Right now Compareing how "debian" differs from Ubuntu. | 06:45 |
Scognito | why cddb support is fucked in hoary? | 06:45 |
Scognito | it is broken since 1 month about | 06:45 |
dr_willis | Hello Scognito | 06:45 |
Scognito | hi Dr_Aevil | 06:45 |
Scognito | dr_willis, | 06:45 |
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dr_willis | Scognito, Hmm. not tried the cddb. i THINK it worked for me when i was useing k3b | 06:45 |
Scognito | i know hoary is in develop, but this problem is old since time | 06:46 |
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dr_willis | or was that "grip" | 06:46 |
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Scognito | dr_willis, tried with gnome-cd, goobox, easytag | 06:46 |
trace | thanks | 06:46 |
dr_willis | what program are you useing thats accessing the cddb database anyway? | 06:46 |
dr_willis | Hmm. | 06:46 |
Scognito | try one please | 06:46 |
dr_willis | Scognito, i cant. :P linux box is down.. | 06:47 |
dr_willis | its getting ready to be Turned into a MythTV box. | 06:47 |
Scognito | cool | 06:47 |
Scognito | i'll try it too | 06:47 |
dr_willis | I just tossed "KnoppMyth" on it last night.. - and noticed it dident see the sound card. *sigh* | 06:48 |
Scognito | i used the other app | 06:48 |
dr_willis | debeting useing a full distro and installing MythTV. or FreeVo. | 06:48 |
Scognito | i don't remember its name | 06:48 |
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dr_willis | The KnoppMyth install was... boot.. hit Install.. go take a nap. :P | 06:48 |
dr_willis | heh heh | 06:48 |
Scognito | freevo | 06:49 |
Scognito | i used it | 06:49 |
Scognito | it is very cool | 06:49 |
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pepperpot | anyone know what package it is that contains quote of the day? | 06:50 |
Timbo | so i installed k3b from universe and now i have the kde control centre in the apps menu | 06:50 |
Timbo | i'd rather it wasn't there | 06:50 |
Timbo | how can i remove it? | 06:50 |
Timbo | pepperpot: probably bsdgames | 06:51 |
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pepperpot | Timbo, thanks | 06:52 |
MobyTurbo | pepperpot, fortune-mod | 06:52 |
Timbo | or not ;) | 06:52 |
pepperpot | MobyTurbo, thanks!! | 06:52 |
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MobyTurbo | np, sorry Timbo. :-) | 06:52 |
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MobyTurbo | tho in *BSD, fortune is indeed part of the bsd games packages. | 06:53 |
Scognito | hope someone will solve... | 06:53 |
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pawlofski | salut a tous | 06:55 |
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dueyfinster | I have just tryed to load the Ubuntu Live CD, and it opens up E:/bin/K-Meleon/k-meleon.exe, what do I do with this window? | 06:55 |
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kristjan | hi all | 06:55 |
Riddell | Timbo: apt-get remove kcontrol | 06:55 |
monkey89 | can someone please tell me how to get bluecurve working on QT apps? I've installed bluecurve w/ the .deb, and it works in xfce fine for gtk apps, but I don't know how to change k3b to curve | 06:55 |
pawlofski | est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider pour installer un programme? | 06:55 |
kristjan | FWI: i just solved the long boot time problem | 06:56 |
Timbo | Riddell: but k3b depends on it | 06:56 |
Timbo | it needs to stay installed, i just don't want it in the menu | 06:56 |
monkey89 | pawlofski: je parle un peu de francais, ditez le question | 06:56 |
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torebuntu | helloes | 06:56 |
shad0w1e | hey... If anyone could help me get NAT set up...? I'd like to share my internet access coming in from wlan0, and share it to eth0. Coming in on wlan0 is internet, AS WELL as a local network. wlan0 is on 192.168 with mask and eth0 is on 10.0 with mask / Firewalling is not important. I just need the connection to work... any help? Thanks | 06:56 |
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Riddell | Timbo: interesting, didn't know that. you could try adding X-OnlyShowIn=KDE to the .desktop file | 06:58 |
Riddell | (check the exact syntax on that) | 06:58 |
Timbo | aha, that sounds more like it thanks | 06:59 |
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dueyfinster | I have just tryed to load the Ubuntu Live CD, and it opens up E:/bin/K-Meleon/k-meleon.exe, what do I do with this window? | 07:01 |
swanriversean | Hi, does any one know of anyone working on a gtk port of eric3? | 07:01 |
monkey89 | anyone? bluecurve doesn't show up in the list when I hit kconfig, and I want to use it for k3b in xfce | 07:01 |
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MobyTurbo | monkey89, bluecurve is AFAIK specific to Red Hat/Fedora | 07:02 |
swanriversean | dueyfinster, have you opened the cd while in ms windows? | 07:03 |
dueyfinster | yes | 07:03 |
swanriversean | and you want to try out the ubuntu desktop? | 07:03 |
dueyfinster | yes | 07:03 |
monkey89 | MobyTurbo: there are redhat-artwork deb's available, I'm using it in ubuntu now | 07:04 |
swanriversean | I think what you need to do, now that you've got the cd in your drive is to reboot your computer ... ubuntu should load from the cd | 07:04 |
Neo_654 | Make sure your bios is set to boot from CD before HDD though | 07:04 |
dueyfinster | It doesnt though, I have even set it in first preference to boot | 07:04 |
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Shinitenshi | GOOOD MORNING PPL | 07:05 |
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swanriversean | does your bios let you pick the boot device interactively (F12 maybe)? | 07:05 |
dueyfinster | yes F12 | 07:05 |
ProgramGeek | Good morning | 07:05 |
ProgramGeek | =) | 07:05 |
Shinitenshi | :) | 07:06 |
swanriversean | if you select the cd from there does it load? | 07:06 |
ProgramGeek | Ubuntu Rocks. | 07:06 |
Shinitenshi | :) I FORGOT TO LOG OUT OF UBUNTU | 07:06 |
Shinitenshi | :p | 07:06 |
dueyfinster | No it always says there is no bootable media | 07:06 |
swanriversean | again, anyone know of anyone working on an eric3 port? | 07:06 |
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swanriversean | did you download the cd and burn it yourself? it could be your burning program didn't make the cd bootable | 07:07 |
dueyfinster | yes I burned it myself with alcohol 120% | 07:07 |
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Neo_654 | dueyfinster; Sounds like a bad burn/ | 07:08 |
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Fitzsimmons | are the kernel headers on the install CD? | 07:09 |
dueyfinster | I tryed getting Nero but I cannot find a free version of their burning rom# | 07:09 |
ProgramGeek | What's a good IDE for C/C++ in ubuntu? | 07:10 |
toresbe | how do I start the livecd in runlevel 2, but text-only? | 07:10 |
Neo_654 | dueyfinster, you should be able to use the demo | 07:10 |
toresbe | This machine is critically low on RAM | 07:10 |
dueyfinster | I cannot find it on Nero Site, It only offers trial of Nero 6 for which you need a previous nero version to run | 07:10 |
Fitzsimmons | anyone? where can I get the kernel headers? | 07:11 |
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toresbe | Fitzsimmons: lIvecd or installed? | 07:12 |
Fitzsimmons | toresbe: installed | 07:12 |
Fitzsimmons | gah nm | 07:12 |
Fitzsimmons | I just found them... =/ | 07:12 |
Fitzsimmons | as soon as I open my big fat mouth on IRC... | 07:13 |
Neo_654 | dueyfinster, check your tabs.. | 07:13 |
toresbe | Fitzsimmons: apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r` | 07:13 |
Fitzsimmons | yep | 07:13 |
=== Dreamer3_ yawns. | ||
Dreamer3_ | who's awake? | 07:13 |
Shinitenshi | me! | 07:15 |
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Shinitenshi | :) | 07:15 |
Hannes_ | I | 07:16 |
MobyTurbo | ProgramGeek, eclipse, kdevelop, some would call emacs an IDE but it's really an operating system. ;-) | 07:17 |
Dreamer3_ | yeah, i have a ubuntu instal CD now :) | 07:17 |
ZorroBytes | Emacs is everything and nothing to everyone at the same time | 07:17 |
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toresbe | what does expert mode do? | 07:18 |
Shambler | has ne1 managed to install beagle on hoary? | 07:18 |
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Dr_Aevil | I've got beagle going in debian/sid - I'm not sure how similar they are though - most things are in the sid repository - some of the sharp extensions to existing packages haven't been compiled in though so, for example, I did need to compile my own gmime-sharp | 07:19 |
Dreamer3_ | are warty universe and multi-verse frozen repositories as well? | 07:19 |
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Shambler | dr_aevil: so, in my case, i need to compile glade-sharp? | 07:20 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, what do you mean "as well"? main and restricted aren't frozen. | 07:20 |
MobyTurbo | just limited to security upgrades | 07:20 |
jesuel | hrm, i wonder p2 - 350 with 256 ram would be fast enough for a mythtv box | 07:20 |
Anubis | how does one untar a dir full of tars? | 07:21 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: or, that's what i meant... are universe and multiverse the same way? | 07:21 |
Anubis | tar -xf *.* does not work | 07:21 |
MobyTurbo | universe and multiverse are frozen | 07:21 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: ah, ok | 07:21 |
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Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: so for all packages in main ubuntu does all security updates themselves, right? | 07:21 |
Xappe | Anubis, hmm, good question, never tried myself | 07:22 |
MobyTurbo | jesuel, probably not. It's barely enough to play compressed multimedia, much less record it. | 07:22 |
hybrid | hello | 07:22 |
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Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: because there would be no debian source, as they've moved on to newer version no doubt | 07:22 |
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Xappe | Anubis, what about just * instead of *.* | 07:22 |
jesuel | well, im sure my other linux box which is a via c3 1.2 wouldnt. it feels as slow as the p2... | 07:22 |
jesuel | *mumble* | 07:23 |
jesuel | i think i need a faster machine | 07:23 |
hybrid | does anyone know of a real good .avi player to play files downloaded on bittorrent | 07:23 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, you need the branch to get the security upgrades. It should be in your /etc/apt/sources.list file already. | 07:23 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: i get to install ubuntu for the first time today :) | 07:23 |
llamakc | hybrid: xine works well. did you read the ubuntuguide yet? | 07:23 |
Dreamer3_ | just got the CD | 07:23 |
jesuel | hybrid: avifile or xine | 07:23 |
MobyTurbo | hybrid, mplayer | 07:23 |
jesuel | or mplayer | 07:23 |
hybrid | ok thans | 07:23 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: gonna see if it can lure me away from sarge ;) | 07:24 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, warty is like stable, except fairly up to date. Hoary is like unstable, except for even more unstable. | 07:24 |
jesuel | think im gonna try hoary on mah laptop ;) | 07:25 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: yeah, and sarge got lost ;) | 07:25 |
hybrid | Dreamer_3 what artitecture are you on>? x86? | 07:25 |
Dreamer3_ | hybrid: yes | 07:25 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, sarge only makes sense in the Debian policy release system - which is showing signs of not working well. | 07:25 |
Dr_Aevil | Shambler: basically, try ./configuring beagle and see what it complains about :) then check to make sure that what it needs isn't in the repository. I found with sid that pretty much all that I needed was within sid already. In fact the stuff that wasn't in sid could have been since august but..t's been held up a bit..I gather more stuff will be compiled with sharp extensions soon as several packages (e.g. Muine) require it. Having said that still q | 07:25 |
stuNNed | is totem-xine still broken in hoary? | 07:26 |
hybrid | Dreamer_3 ok then ubuntu won't be near as bd to install as debian time wise | 07:26 |
hybrid | **bad | 07:26 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: well, i get got tired of stable but diesn't want unstable, so sarge works well :) | 07:26 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: just have to watch things like Gnome updates that you don't jump to soon (before all packages come in)... but other than that it's been peaceful | 07:27 |
Shambler | dr_aevil: i'm just asking myself if i should do this... are there any plans when beagle will be available as a deb? | 07:27 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, well, running the latest GNOME (and xorg) is not a problem in Ubuntu. :-) | 07:27 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: can one add sarge/sid repositories to ubunut and expect workabout results or no? | 07:27 |
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Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: warty is xfree, no? | 07:27 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, it's a bad idea to mix Debian and Ubuntu repositories | 07:27 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, warty is *xorg* | 07:28 |
Xappe | warty is xfree | 07:28 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: well, can you add hoary repositories to warty then? | 07:28 |
Xappe | hoary is xorg | 07:28 |
Dreamer3_ | Xappe: that's what i thoguht | 07:28 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: i'm sure i'll want gimp 2.2 back for example :) | 07:28 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: and i understand it's in hoary but not warty | 07:28 |
MobyTurbo | oops, Warty is xfree. All this time I thought it was xorg. ;-) | 07:29 |
Dr_Aevil | Shambler: I'm not aware of any but it's very close to being possible to include - which surprised me somewhat :) I mean, anyone could package it as a deb now..but you'd have to still mess around a bit. | 07:29 |
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MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, I've never run Hoary. Too much change for someone on dial-up | 07:29 |
threshold | is there a fix for mISDN in hoary yet? | 07:29 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: oh i know... sarge is a lot of change for dial-up :) just wondering how hard it is to pull newer packages into warty... | 07:30 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: i'm not afraid to apt-get source -b so i wouldn't think it'd be too difficult | 07:30 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, there is the backports for Warty from Hoary. | 07:30 |
Shinitenshi | how do i register a name again? | 07:30 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: unless the libraries are much newer in hoary and you get into dependency probs | 07:30 |
Shinitenshi | i forget | 07:30 |
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hybrid | Dreamer_3 : lets just say i am pretty much a n00b but still can update and get new packages rather easily | 07:31 |
Dreamer3_ | MobyTurbo: ah, i'll have to check it out | 07:31 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3_, there's a couple of other backport sources for warty as well. | 07:31 |
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Dreamer3_ | hybrid: i'm not worried about how well it will work for a newb, worried about how well it will work for me :) | 07:31 |
Shinitenshi | lol | 07:31 |
Dreamer3_ | hybrid: if it's faster than stock debian i'll prolly be sold | 07:31 |
hybrid | dreamer_3: lol idk i m on ppc and never had debian on it | 07:32 |
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Dreamer3_ | hybrid: hmmm, i'd love to try linux on a non-x86 platform, if only i had the hardware | 07:33 |
=== Dreamer3_ wonders if linux supports the new mini-macs :) | ||
hybrid | Dreamer_3 : but dont go to the debian channel for ubuntu help on anything i made that mistake and got flamed and flamed and flamed | 07:33 |
=== Dreamer3_ laughs. | ||
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Dreamer3 | ubuntu != debian | 07:33 |
hybrid | Dreamer_3 : ebay has good deals on older macs | 07:33 |
Dreamer3 | ubnutu ~= debian | 07:33 |
Dreamer3 | hybrid: how good? because a mini-mac is NEW and only $500 | 07:34 |
hybrid | yea | 07:34 |
mroth | going into the debian channel for help on *anything* (including debian) is a mistake | 07:34 |
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Dreamer3 | lol@ mroth | 07:34 |
Xappe | hmm, i've got an ibook g3 that I borrowed from my fathers company, but i'm not sure if he allows me to install ubuntu on because it's a leased computer | 07:34 |
mroth | linux@ars voted #debian the "worst part of the linux community 2004" or something like that | 07:34 |
MobyTurbo | Dreamer3, you'll see a lot less flaming on Ubuntu fora because there's an official Ubuntu Code of Conduct. | 07:35 |
hybrid | ubuntu >= debian well the mac mini has now keyboard mouse or disply and is 500 my ibook g3 had all of it for the same | 07:35 |
hybrid | **no | 07:35 |
hybrid | MobyTurbo : there is? | 07:35 |
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hybrid | i like the ubuntu channel because i can help even though idk much :) | 07:36 |
MobyTurbo | hybrid, yes. | 07:36 |
MobyTurbo | hybrid, it's mentioned somewhere on their website, and has been invoked once on one of their mailing lists. I don't know how much it applies to IRC though. | 07:37 |
hybrid | MobyTubo: kewl | 07:37 |
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chrissturm | sunbird 0.2 is out, woohoo | 07:37 |
mroth | has anyone got sunbird working in ubuntu? I only tried briefly, but it was segfaulting | 07:37 |
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hybrid | MobyTurbo: o i c it is a nice idea | 07:38 |
chrissturm | mroth: what did you try? 0.2 binary? | 07:38 |
mroth | yeah, 0.2 binary | 07:38 |
hybrid | chrissturm: tell me how it is i am a mac covert and liked ical... | 07:38 |
mroth | the gtk+2+xft ver | 07:38 |
=== MobyTurbo wonders if running firebird, thunderbird, and sunbird all togeather consumes more memory than the mozilla suite alone. | ||
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chrissturm | mobyturbo: what would you guess? | 07:39 |
MobyTurbo | s/firebird/firefox | 07:39 |
MobyTurbo | chrissturm, it does take up more with thunderbird and firefox togeather according to someone's benchmark. | 07:39 |
hybrid | wtf is firebird? | 07:39 |
hybrid | ooo | 07:39 |
MobyTurbo | hybrid, an old name for firefox. | 07:39 |
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MobyTurbo | hybrid, they changed the name because a database product had the name first. | 07:39 |
MobyTurbo | hybrid, actually, "firebird" was a name change from "phoenix" | 07:40 |
MobyTurbo | for similar reasons. | 07:40 |
hybrid | MobyTurbo : oh yes i remember round .8 they changed | 07:40 |
chrissturm | the problem i had with the mozilla suite was that i had the mail app for a long time and started writing some mails. in the meantime i was browsing around, and when the browser crashed i lost all mails that i was writing | 07:40 |
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Josephus | hey | 07:40 |
hybrid | MobyTurbo : why did they change from pheonix | 07:40 |
chrissturm | phoenix is a bios maker | 07:40 |
MobyTurbo | hybrid, it was someone else's trademark. | 07:41 |
chrissturm | firefox a database | 07:41 |
chrissturm | oops firebird | 07:41 |
Josephus | When logging in i got "gdm could not write your x auth file" and i cannot log in | 07:41 |
MobyTurbo | chrissturm, isn't firebird an SQL database? | 07:41 |
Josephus | i already removed .Xauthority from my home, but no change | 07:41 |
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chrissturm | mobyturbo: yep | 07:41 |
hybrid | MobyTurbo : yea | 07:41 |
hybrid | | 07:42 |
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Neo_654 | They should have named Firefox "The real Internet Explorer" | 07:42 |
Josephus | how can i get my x back? :P | 07:42 |
Neo_654 | Since IE can't explore the internet cause it's always catching something | 07:42 |
chrissturm | "the final part of the mosaic" would also be cool | 07:42 |
hybrid | Neo_654 : internet explorer is a losy name i liked netscape navigator that was kewl | 07:43 |
Neo_654 | hybrid: I would have just done it just to piss old Billy off some more. | 07:43 |
threshold | is there a fix for mISDN in hoary for kernel 2.6.10? | 07:44 |
hybrid | Neo_654 : lol yea you noticed mozilla has chanllenged most of M$ bundled products like ie and outlook | 07:44 |
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hybrid | i wanna see mozilla hotbird the new windoze explorer | 07:45 |
Neo_654 | hybrid: Yes. | 07:45 |
Neo_654 | LMAO | 07:45 |
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Neo_654 | Isn't Teminal the true windoze explorer? LOL | 07:45 |
hybrid | lmfao | 07:45 |
Fitzsimmons | is there an easy way to get bootsplash? | 07:46 |
chrissturm | fitzsimmons: best thing right now is wait some more. | 07:47 |
Xappe | a site that cannot be browsed with lynx is not a site ;) | 07:47 |
chrissturm | xappe: good point | 07:48 |
hybrid | Xappe : lynx is awesome | 07:48 |
Josephus | could someone help me with that GDM problem? | 07:48 |
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chrissturm | hybrid: sunbird crashes here too :( | 07:49 |
hybrid | whats a matter | 07:49 |
hybrid | :'( | 07:49 |
Fitzsimmons | chrissturm: I'm giving ubuntu to some big noobs, and I think they might be frightened by the large number of errors it gets while booting | 07:49 |
chrissturm | fitzsimmon: add "quiet" to the kernel parameters | 07:49 |
Xappe | i get no errors during boot | 07:49 |
Fitzsimmons | thanks chrissturm | 07:50 |
hybrid | same here | 07:50 |
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hybrid | i did once and it was cant sync time to | 07:50 |
chrissturm | fitzsimmons: that will turn off the kernel messages. you will still get bootmessages | 07:50 |
Xappe | hybrid, yes but I removed the ntp check | 07:50 |
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hybrid | Xappe : yea it isnt a big deal | 07:51 |
Xappe | because I have to log in with netlogon to get the network going | 07:51 |
hybrid | Xappe : ooo | 07:51 |
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Xappe | university network you know | 07:52 |
chillywilly | Unbuntu 6.0 "The Randy Rhinoceros" ;) | 07:52 |
hybrid | chrissturm : so i shouldnt d/l sunbird? | 07:52 |
hybrid | Xappe : hmm | 07:52 |
chrissturm | hybrid: maybe it runs on warty. it crashes here on hoary | 07:52 |
hybrid | chrissturm: ok | 07:52 |
Xappe | the sad thing about this network is that all students sit behind a NAT and share the same outbound ip | 07:54 |
Xappe | but I can live with that | 07:54 |
Xappe | :) | 07:54 |
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hybrid | Xappe : lol are you on a personal computer or did the school actually install linux | 07:55 |
Xappe | no, personal comp | 07:55 |
chillywilly | no one likes my new code name? | 07:55 |
chillywilly | "randy rhinoceros" :) | 07:55 |
stuNNed | what is the command to configure nvidia? dpkg-reconfigure nvidia ? | 07:55 |
Xappe | hybrid, broadband connection in the student appartments/rooms | 07:55 |
hybrid | Xappe : oo kool | 07:56 |
chillywilly | stuNNed: reconfigure your X server? | 07:56 |
alma_ | anybody spanish? | 07:56 |
stuNNed | chillywilly: oh that is what that's for? | 07:56 |
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MobyTurbo | stuNNed, nvidia-glx-config enable/disable | 07:56 |
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stuNNed | MobyTurbo: thanks | 07:56 |
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RzR | hi | 07:56 |
stuNNed | hi RzR | 07:57 |
RzR | are there special packages for dri ? i can not use the debian ones? | 07:57 |
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chillywilly | you guys can use the ubuntu models as the logo for randy rhinoceros...come one man it just works | 07:57 |
no0tic | hi | 07:57 |
hybrid | chillywilly : Pete penguin | 07:57 |
chillywilly | on | 07:57 |
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chillywilly | blah | 07:57 |
chillywilly | randy rhinoceros is better ;) | 07:57 |
chillywilly | randy has other implications ;) | 07:58 |
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hybrid | no | 07:58 |
chillywilly | yes | 07:58 |
chillywilly | it does | 07:58 |
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wm_eddie | Is there a way to install stuff on the liveCD after it booted? | 07:58 |
wm_eddie | specifically Guikachu? | 07:58 |
chillywilly | you guys are half way there with the ubuntu naked people | 07:59 |
hybrid | a rhino is too big and slow ubuntu should be small and fast :p | 07:59 |
chillywilly | bah | 07:59 |
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chillywilly | or you can say a rhino is powerful and stable | 07:59 |
RzR | are there special packages for dri ? i can not use the debian ones? drm-trunk-module-src | 07:59 |
chillywilly | kinda like the postgres elephant | 07:59 |
chillywilly | :) | 07:59 |
hybrid | ok now you sound like a deb usr | 07:59 |
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Kyaneos | hi | 08:01 |
Kyaneos | nobody can use rhythmbox?? | 08:01 |
chillywilly | ello | 08:01 |
RHCPfan666 | im new to ubuntu. actually main purpose is to make a homeade tivo. any ideas on myth tv of freevo? i also want remote access on my powerbook. and how big should the HDD be? im thinking like 160GB | 08:01 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: me | 08:02 |
Kyaneos | on warty | 08:02 |
hitu | configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) | 08:02 |
Kyaneos | no0tic, on warty?? | 08:02 |
hitu | which package do i need to get ? | 08:02 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: I used it on warty, I think | 08:02 |
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Kyaneos | no0tic, and you can play ogg and mp3 files?? | 08:02 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: yes | 08:02 |
chillywilly | hybrid: penguis are only fast in the water | 08:02 |
hybrid | can i install a prog thats built for x86 even tho i am on ppc | 08:02 |
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chillywilly | penguins too | 08:03 |
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no0tic | Kyaneos: but probably I don't remember well, now I use hoary | 08:03 |
Kyaneos | no0tic, what version of rhythmbox are you using?? | 08:03 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: now I use the devel version | 08:03 |
iapx8088 | what's for rithmvox | 08:03 |
Kyaneos | ok | 08:03 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: 1min | 08:03 |
hybrid | rhino are only stable on land | 08:03 |
Kyaneos | thank you | 08:03 |
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Kyaneos | iapx8088, it breaks | 08:03 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: 0.8.8-4ubuntu2 | 08:03 |
Levi_ | Does the Ubuntu installation CD include BootPart/GRUB so I can boot to another partition (the one with Ubuntu)? | 08:04 |
Kyaneos | and i do not know why | 08:04 |
Kyaneos | ok | 08:04 |
Kyaneos | 0.8.5 i use | 08:04 |
Kyaneos | thx | 08:04 |
iapx8088 | Levi_, ys | 08:04 |
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chillywilly | "charlie cheeta" | 08:04 |
Levi_ | Awesome. | 08:04 |
Levi_ | Thanks a bunch. | 08:05 |
chillywilly | ;P | 08:05 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: in this very moment it crashes when I try to import a folder, but it plays normally the other files already in. | 08:05 |
hybrid | cheeta i think apple already has that | 08:05 |
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chillywilly | panther | 08:05 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: I used rhythmbox also on warty, now I'm sure | 08:06 |
chillywilly | they havethat | 08:06 |
hybrid | and jaguar for 10.1 panthr for 10.3 tiger 10.4 | 08:06 |
Kyaneos | no0tic, i used it too, but now it seems to be updated and it breaks | 08:06 |
hybrid | idk 10.2 and 10 | 08:06 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: ah, so I can't help you, sorry | 08:06 |
Kyaneos | thank you very much and sorry for my English no0tic | 08:07 |
no0tic | Kyaneos: you are talking with an Italian ;) | 08:07 |
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Kyaneos | xD | 08:08 |
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Ribs | ! | 08:08 |
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Kakalto | arrg! | 08:08 |
mebaran151 | I dlled awesfx and modprobed snd-emux-synth | 08:09 |
bitfoo | whats the command to see which /dev my usb hdd is | 08:09 |
mebaran151 | but asfxload still complains | 08:09 |
Kakalto | I haven't touched my boot partition, nor my boot options, but now, when I try to boot into ubuntu, it says "file not found" about the kernel :X | 08:09 |
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Kakalto | anyone know why? | 08:11 |
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hybrid | i have a ibook dual usb firewiremin vga wit reg vga adapter ethernet and dail up modems cd rom drive can i use freevo or mythtv to capture tv? | 08:12 |
HaloGray | anybody know what replaced the nautilus applications/// feature in gnome 2.8 ? | 08:12 |
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Xappe | HaloGray, do you mean gnome 2.9? | 08:13 |
Xappe | as in gnome in hoary? | 08:13 |
chrissturm | halogray: the gnome menu system | 08:13 |
HaloGray | yes, gnome in hoary | 08:13 |
HaloGray | the help menus all say 2.8 though? | 08:13 |
hybrid | when will they ship hoary cds? | 08:13 |
HaloGray | chrissturm: where's the gnome meny system | 08:13 |
chrissturm | halogray: but theres no editor for it yet | 08:13 |
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HaloGray | oh... so I'm stuck editing configs by hand then? | 08:14 |
chrissturm | you need to edit text files | 08:14 |
HaloGray | hybrid: Supposed to be in April | 08:14 |
Xappe | HaloGray, the only way for now is to edit the .desktop files | 08:14 |
HaloGray | crap... | 08:14 |
HaloGray | Allright thanks | 08:14 |
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HaloGray | I like that hoary auto-adds new packages to the applications menu though | 08:15 |
HaloGray | so it should save me lots of trouble with hand editing the configs anyway | 08:16 |
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bitfoo | warty does that too :| | 08:16 |
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Kakalto | hybrid, they ship hoary cds after the April release | 08:17 |
HaloGray | it didn't auto add xmms for me :? | 08:17 |
datadevil | heh..adnans | 08:17 |
datadevil | hi | 08:17 |
bitfoo | it did for me :| | 08:17 |
Xappe | HaloGray, well, it did for me | 08:17 |
HaloGray | strange... | 08:17 |
Xappe | but that was a couple of months ago | 08:17 |
HaloGray | I had to hand edit mine in, I got it just a few days back | 08:18 |
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chillywilly | lalala | 08:18 |
HaloGray | the stuff I've pulled down with hoary got auto added though, so I guess all is well now *shrug* | 08:18 |
pvh | From what I've read on the internet, the "advanced" features of my laptop's touchpad should Just Work, but none of them are enabled? What gives? | 08:18 |
Kakalto | anyone have any idea why grub can't find my kernel image when booting, when I haven't changed my boot directory, nor my boot parameters? | 08:18 |
HaloGray | pvh: what sort of features? | 08:18 |
pvh | HaloGray: scrolling, two-finger tap for right click, that kind of thing | 08:19 |
chrissturm | pvh: you need to add the synaptic driver | 08:19 |
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HaloGray | ah | 08:19 |
pvh | chrissturm: Okay, cool. That sounds pretty simple. | 08:19 |
pvh | chrissturm: apt-get install synaptic-driver, or such? | 08:20 |
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Hwolf | How does one reconfigure lvm? | 08:20 |
mebaran151 | Anybody know about MIDI on an Audigy | 08:20 |
mebaran151 | (Emu10k1) | 08:20 |
Kakalto | anyone have any ideas? | 08:20 |
chrissturm | pvh: should already be installed | 08:20 |
chrissturm | pvh: ls /usr/share/doc/xfree86-driver-synaptics | 08:21 |
pvh | chrissturm: I'll check. | 08:21 |
chrissturm | pvh: i hope that path is correct, i am using hoary, and there its: ls /usr/share/doc/xorg-driver-synaptics | 08:21 |
pvh | chrissturm: Yes, I'm also using hoary. | 08:21 |
pvh | chrissturm: The laptop support is so much more developed. | 08:22 |
chrissturm | ok, then its the xorg one | 08:22 |
pvh | chrissturm: Yes, I have it. | 08:22 |
HaloGray | hoary uses right? | 08:22 |
pvh | chrissturm: Which is not a great sign... | 08:22 |
pvh | HaloGray: optionalyl | 08:22 |
chrissturm | pvh: yeah, and powermanagement is great | 08:22 |
pvh | HaloGray: Or, I should say, by default. | 08:22 |
HaloGray | cool | 08:22 |
pvh | chrissturm: I had a nightmare of a time getting that set up. | 08:22 |
HaloGray | I like more than x86free as of late | 08:22 |
pvh | HaloGray: I haven't noticed any difference. | 08:22 |
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pvh | chrissturm: Okay, so I have it installed. Maybe my xorg.conf is wrong? | 08:23 |
chrissturm | pvh: you need to paste some codesnippet into your xorg.conf. | 08:23 |
HaloGray | the first thing is that xorg makes all my fonts look prettier... after that there's a lot of subtle things. It seems to respond faster, it has better transperency | 08:23 |
pvh | chrissturm: Would that be in the readme? | 08:23 |
pvh | chrissturm: Stupid question, I can probably figure out myself. | 08:23 |
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chrissturm | Readme.DEBIAN | 08:24 |
chrissturm | oops | 08:24 |
chrissturm | README.Debian | 08:24 |
HaloGray | free had a lot of internal issues and their lead developer jumped over to at which time org seemed to just get better while free continues to stale | 08:24 |
pvh | chrissturm: Is there a better idiom than "gunzip -c <file>.gz | less" | 08:24 |
HaloGray | maybe they'll pull back ahead... but who knows | 08:24 |
Kakalto | anyone have any idea why grub can't find my kernel image when booting, when I haven't changed my boot directory, nor my boot parameters? | 08:24 |
chrissturm | pvh: vi file | 08:24 |
datadevil | anyone have an idea which font is used for gnome-terminal in ubuntu? | 08:24 |
pvh | chrissturm: haha | 08:24 |
chrissturm | try it | 08:24 |
Kakalto | nothing to do with installing something | 08:24 |
Kakalto | ? | 08:24 |
iapx8088 | Kakalto, 1)update-grub 2)do you know what does it mean your nick in italiamn? | 08:24 |
HaloGray | datadevil: monospace | 08:25 |
Kakalto | 1) I just installed it 2) no... | 08:25 |
datadevil | HaloGray, is it called monospace? I thought it was something 'sans'-like | 08:25 |
chrissturm | have a nice evening/morning, whatever everyone. cu | 08:25 |
cuatro | hi huyz, yesterday I upgrated to hoary and the fonts chnaged its look, like fedora 3 aliased, cool, now... today I downloaded the array cd 4, but the fonts looks normally, withou the special 'alias'.. how can I enable the alias for the fonts?? thanks guys :) | 08:25 |
Kakalto | iapx8088, plus, it booted fine the first time after I installed grub | 08:25 |
iapx8088 | 1) update-grub should automagically find everything for you. 2)It means "I shit high" | 08:25 |
HaloGray | datadevil: open the terminal, edit > profiles, select default, push edit button and see for yourself :) | 08:26 |
cuatro | hi huyz, yesterday I upgrated to hoary and the fonts changed its look, like fedora 3 aliased, cool, now... today I downloaded the array cd 4, but the fonts looks normally, withou the special 'alias'.. how can I enable the alias for the fonts?? thanks guys :) | 08:26 |
Kakalto | w00t! I shit high1!!!1!!1one!!! | 08:26 |
iapx8088 | Kakalto, sorry I can stand your nick makes me laugh | 08:26 |
HaloGray | it's monospace 12 | 08:26 |
iapx8088 | this nick is da shit | 08:26 |
iapx8088 | so | 08:26 |
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iapx8088 | Kakalto, what are you trying to do with grub | 08:26 |
datadevil | HaloGray, k..odd then.. | 08:26 |
Kakalto | make it work | 08:26 |
Kakalto | I didn't change anything | 08:26 |
HaloGray | what made you think otherwise? | 08:27 |
iapx8088 | doesn't boot? | 08:27 |
cuatro | ... toaday my hoary looked thus | 08:27 |
Kakalto | it can | 08:27 |
iapx8088 | so what | 08:27 |
Kakalto | oops | 08:27 |
cuatro | ... toaday my hoary looked thus | 08:27 |
cuatro | :( | 08:27 |
cuatro | hi huyz, yesterday I upgrated to hoary and the fonts changed its look, like fedora 3 aliased, cool, now... today I downloaded the array cd 4, but the fonts looks normally, withou the special 'alias'.. how can I enable the alias for the fonts?? thanks guys :) | 08:27 |
Kakalto | *it can't find the kernel boot image | 08:27 |
Kakalto | (I accidently pushed enteR) | 08:27 |
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iapx8088 | Kakalto, can follow you, please explain where you pressed enter | 08:28 |
Kakalto | when I said "it can" | 08:28 |
Shambler | does anybody know, which filters are already implemented in beagle? i've read on the homepage about pdf support, but searching doesn't bring any valuable results | 08:28 |
Kakalto | because I meaned to say what I just did | 08:28 |
Kakalto | this is probably confusing | 08:29 |
datadevil | HaloGray, any idea what the package the font comes from is called ? | 08:29 |
HaloGray | nay | 08:29 |
iapx8088 | Kakalto, if it can't find the kernel image, how did you manage to boot. | 08:29 |
iapx8088 | have you multiple kernels | 08:29 |
Kakalto | I did before, but not now | 08:29 |
mebaran151 | datadevil, I think it is a font configuration file | 08:29 |
Kakalto | it's really strange | 08:29 |
cuatro | hi huyz, yesterday I upgrated to hoary and the fonts changed its look, like fedora 3 aliased, cool, now... today I downloaded the array cd 4, but the fonts looks normally, withou the special 'alias'.. how can I enable the alias for the fonts?? | 08:29 |
mebaran151 | like used by fontconfig | 08:29 |
randabis | my hoary :) | 08:29 |
randabis | | 08:30 |
iapx8088 | Kakalto, indeed, if you didn't change anything | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | I forgot which | 08:30 |
Kakalto | iapx8088, I'm in windows now | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | let me check | 08:30 |
iapx8088 | Kakalto, soo now it's clear | 08:30 |
sig | all the developmental tools don't install? | 08:30 |
Kakalto | iapx8088, no, I can't boot | 08:30 |
datadevil | mebaran151, heuh? | 08:30 |
AndyR | cuatro, whats wrong with the fonts in the sreenshot? | 08:30 |
iapx8088 | Kakalto, it's fixable, as long as it's still there | 08:30 |
AndyR | they look fine to me | 08:30 |
iapx8088 | if you succeed to recall the right name/path for the kernel, you can press e on the kernelimage label | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | datadevil | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | I forgot | 08:31 |
iapx8088 | and edit everything, than press b to boot | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | but between Warty and Hoary up to Array 3 | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | they had some file in either home or etc | 08:31 |
pvh | HaloGray: You use the synaptics touchpad? | 08:31 |
cuatro | AndyR that was yesterday, now I have instaleld the array cd 4 but my fonts are not like that screenshot, I wanna that fonts, and I don't know how to do that :( | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | that controlled if fonts were aliased or not | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | try apt-get install xfstt | 08:31 |
Kakalto | iapx8088, I'll give it a go | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | first | 08:32 |
Kakalto | seeya | 08:32 |
mebaran151 | install the x truetype server | 08:32 |
iapx8088 | mh | 08:32 |
iapx8088 | mhmh | 08:32 |
HaloGray | pvh: Nah, I use a usb mouse | 08:32 |
HaloGray | pvh: testing out the touchpad that comes on my dell 8600 seems to work fine though... double click works as a left click | 08:32 |
HaloGray | there is no scrolling feature though | 08:33 |
HaloGray | so I can't test that | 08:33 |
pvh | HaloGray: hmm | 08:33 |
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HaloGray | I believe it's APS touchpad | 08:33 |
datadevil | mebaran151, thanks, i'll bbl | 08:33 |
chillywilly | will the automatic updater tell me when anyone make a new package and uploads it? | 08:33 |
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chillywilly | makes | 08:33 |
cuatro | apt-get install xfstt it's on here?? ? mebaran151 | 08:33 |
chillywilly | if it's something I have installed | 08:33 |
pvh | HaloGray: Well, I just made the changes in the README.Debian, and my computer crashed hard on startup. | 08:33 |
yrdl | Greetings. Question! Install CD hangs just after boot prompt, before language selection etc. Any tips? (i386, sager notebook) | 08:34 |
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AndyR | any UK ubuntu users here? | 08:34 |
sirukin | zeedo is an ass-jockey *wink* | 08:36 |
cuatro | The newer font subsystem is known as "fontconfig" | 08:37 |
cuatro | !!!! | 08:37 |
cuatro | :@ | 08:37 |
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mebaran151 | how does one configure font config | 08:37 |
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cuatro | I don't know, I guess here are ubuntu users that know that.. | 08:38 |
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cuatro | :( | 08:38 |
apeitheo | How would I enable icons on the desktop? | 08:38 |
mebaran151 | heh | 08:38 |
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apeitheo | I think there was something in the configuration editor that allowed me to enable/disable icons but I can't remember since I haven't used Gnome in a while | 08:38 |
dueyfinster | I have tryed to use live CD version but it stalls in the middle of loading, any ideas anyone? | 08:38 |
iapx8088 | dueyfinster, alt f2 open a console and try to see wassup | 08:39 |
yrdl | Yes, I am using the install CD rather than the Live CD to install on my notebook. However, it doesn't get far! Black screen for ages. | 08:39 |
iapx8088 | video card problem | 08:39 |
iapx8088 | anyway | 08:39 |
cuatro | yrdl try the boot options | 08:39 |
cuatro | :) | 08:39 |
iapx8088 | I'll sleep | 08:39 |
cuatro | good nights iapx8088 | 08:40 |
dueyfinster | ok, thanks ;-) | 08:40 |
yrdl | Will do. I don't quite know where to begin with the boot options. | 08:41 |
TreadingSoftly | Hi folks. I'm running hoary and using 1.9.{milestone} deb package off hoary main. But for some reason the fonts in the menus (not the documents) are squashed, and checkboxes reduced to a useless line. Does anyone have any idea what this might be? Don't have this problem in my old OpenOffice, which is still on the machine. | 08:41 |
mebaran151 | ok | 08:41 |
mebaran151 | well you can configure fonts | 08:41 |
mebaran151 | in fontconfig | 08:41 |
mebaran151 | with dfontmgr | 08:41 |
yrdl | I do see the boot menu. If it is perhaps a video card problem I will winkle with those settings. | 08:41 |
hybrid | what is a cvs | 08:42 |
cuatro | mebaran151 ok I'm gonna see now | 08:42 |
mebaran151 | you have to apt-get it first | 08:43 |
mebaran151 | though | 08:43 |
yrdl | A cvs is a versioning archive which allows a set of users to update a set of files concurrently. | 08:43 |
cuatro | jejeje | 08:43 |
cuatro | yes | 08:43 |
cuatro | command not found | 08:43 |
cuatro | :P | 08:43 |
mebaran151 | heheh | 08:43 |
hybrid | oo | 08:43 |
TreadingSoftly | mebaran151: Not sure if that was addressed to me. But if it was, thanks - but what would i want to change? The fonts work fine within documents. I'm used to fiddling with local.conf and xorg.conf. I've got fonts working fine in old Ooo and firefox ... the problem is limited to Ooo milestone release menus. | 08:43 |
mebaran151 | TreadingSoftly, did you install the gnome add on for ooffice | 08:45 |
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TreadingSoftly | mebaran151: I don't know... what package is that? | 08:46 |
mebaran151 | let me check | 08:46 |
dueyfinster | sorry what was that alt+C for the console? | 08:46 |
mebaran151 | | 08:46 |
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TreadingSoftly | mebaran151: Synaptic says not. Thank you! That could be it... i'll see if it makes any difference :) | 08:47 |
mebaran151 | try it | 08:47 |
mebaran151 | it will render all your apps in gtk 2 | 08:47 |
cuatro | agrgrgrgrg | 08:47 |
dueyfinster | sorry what was that alt+C for the console? | 08:47 |
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mebaran151 | so if your gtk 2 apps look pretty | 08:47 |
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mebaran151 | so should the openoffice now | 08:47 |
cuatro | now my pc with hoary doesn't want up network | 08:47 |
cuatro | :( | 08:47 |
lucien | Hey, can someone tell me how to change the repositories in synaptic from warty to hoary ? | 08:48 |
mebaran151 | cuatro, tell your pc it is being bad and give it a time out | 08:48 |
mebaran151 | jk | 08:48 |
cuatro | I'll have to install warty and then upgrade it to hoary | 08:48 |
lucien | Because some say it will solve my sound problem. | 08:48 |
dueyfinster | Need Help! was that alt+C for the console? | 08:48 |
mebaran151 | cuatro | 08:48 |
cuatro | yes | 08:48 |
cuatro | :( | 08:48 |
cuatro | :''( | 08:48 |
mebaran151 | are you sure all your modules are loaded | 08:48 |
cuatro | es | 08:48 |
mebaran151 | ok | 08:48 |
wm_eddie | ctrl+c in a console kills the running process.. | 08:48 |
cuatro | cause I'll connected it when it terminated the installation | 08:49 |
cuatro | :) | 08:49 |
cuatro | now, when I robooted it | 08:49 |
cuatro | it don't want to ip network :/ | 08:49 |
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cuatro | doesn't :( | 08:49 |
mebaran151 | upper bar > desktop > administration > networking | 08:49 |
dueyfinster | the live cd stalls and I was told to check out the problem it was alt+ something else | 08:49 |
mebaran151 | tell me what you see under taht | 08:49 |
cuatro | mebaran151 ok | 08:49 |
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mebaran151 | cuatro, what see you | 08:50 |
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mebaran151 | under connections | 08:50 |
bitfoo | guys how do i mount my usb hard drive properly? i can't seem to assign read permissions to anyone but root :| | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | you can use pmount | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | or | 08:51 |
BiteMeBilly | dueyfinster: have you tried to boot the live CD to a failsafe? | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | just mount as root | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | but append -o user | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | to the mount command | 08:51 |
dueyfinster | nope how do you do that? | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | os it would | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | be | 08:51 |
mebaran151 | mount -t (insert your fstype) (dev) (mount point) -o user | 08:51 |
bitfoo | hmm | 08:52 |
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mebaran151 | you have to do that as root | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | if pmount works | 08:52 |
BiteMeBilly | dueyfinster: It's one of the choices when you boot the CD | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | which sometimes is does | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | it is cleaner | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | everything done by the user | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | pmount (dev) | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | the mount point is the name of the device in /dev | 08:52 |
FAST | agp 4x and agp 8x are completely different as far as their slots right ? | 08:52 |
cuatro | mebaran151 it was a cable problem xD thanks for help me by the way | 08:52 |
cuatro | :P | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | no problem | 08:52 |
miho | hey does somebody wanna help me out? | 08:52 |
TreadingSoftly | mebaran151: thanks for the tip, but I'm afraid the menus still look the same. | 08:52 |
cuatro | XD | 08:52 |
mebaran151 | hmmm | 08:53 |
mebaran151 | TreadingSoftly, what do they look like | 08:53 |
mebaran151 | just unantialiased | 08:53 |
mebaran151 | and oogly | 08:53 |
bitfoo | bitfoo@horus:~ $ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows/ -o bitfoo | 08:53 |
bitfoo | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, | 08:53 |
bitfoo | or too many mounted file systems | 08:53 |
bitfoo | :( | 08:53 |
bitfoo | but it will mount so only root can read it without thej -o flag | 08:54 |
bitfoo | and i get the same thing with pmount as well :O | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | hmmm | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | oh | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | not -o bitfoo | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | -o user | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | user is literal | 08:54 |
bitfoo | ohhhhh | 08:54 |
mebaran151 | if you want the user to be bitfoo | 08:55 |
mebaran151 | just og -o user=bitfoo | 08:55 |
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mebaran151 | but -o user works like you expect | 08:55 |
bitfoo | hmm that doesnt work either :| | 08:55 |
mebaran151 | hmmm | 08:55 |
mebaran151 | worked for me | 08:56 |
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bitfoo | ive done it before but i cant remember what id id | 08:56 |
bitfoo | i think there may have been a umask flag or somethingm? | 08:56 |
mebaran151 | oh yeah | 08:56 |
cuatro | bye mebaran151 | 08:56 |
mebaran151 | OH yeah | 08:56 |
mebaran151 | I forgot that | 08:56 |
mebaran151 | cant remember it either | 08:56 |
TreadingSoftly | mebaran151: ah .. slight correction: the fonts still looked squashed but I've got checkboxes back sort of. Whereas before I had [vertical line instead of checkbox] Use OpenGl, now I have [checkbox] se OpenGL - note the missing first letter of "Use". Then when I tell OOo to "Use system font for user interface" (under Options - - View), the menu font becomes legible - which is good. Even then, however, checkboxes seem to hide the first | 08:57 |
mebaran151 | the umask makes sure the permissions work out | 08:57 |
mebaran151 | TreadingSoftly, hmmm | 08:57 |
bitfoo | ah hah! | 08:57 |
bitfoo | umask=022 | 08:57 |
mebaran151 | yep | 08:57 |
bitfoo | which is 755 in octal | 08:58 |
sig | can someone dcc me there /etc/sources.list ? | 08:58 |
sig | so I can take a look at the way it is setup before I install ubuntu | 08:58 |
mebaran151 | hmmm | 08:58 |
sig | and I also have another question about how the root account is disabled ? | 08:58 |
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mebaran151 | sig, you cant log in root | 08:59 |
sig | bitfoo: can't accept it | 08:59 |
mebaran151 | you just have sudo | 08:59 |
mebaran151 | which is more secure | 08:59 |
bitfoo | hmm :| | 08:59 |
sig | but why? | 08:59 |
Dreamer3 | i'm getting an error trying to mount swap during my install, any ideas? | 08:59 |
mebaran151 | sudo -s opens a root shell | 08:59 |
sig | bitfoo: can you e-mail it to me | 08:59 |
BiteMeBilly | Sig; to protect yourself from yourself. | 08:59 |
bitfoo | sig join #flood and i will paste it | 08:59 |
mebaran151 | sudo allows you more flexibility in allowing su | 08:59 |
mebaran151 | but for me I dont notice mcuh | 08:59 |
hybrid | i wish they made a live cd for ppc | 08:59 |
mebaran151 | they do | 08:59 |
Dreamer3 | it's a simply 64mb swap parition on /dev/hda1, but it keeps giving me an error | 09:00 |
hybrid | :'( i want hoary | 09:00 |
mebaran151 | hybrid, the hoary livecd I think is available now | 09:00 |
hybrid | for ppc? | 09:00 |
hybrid | i couldnt find it | 09:00 |
coobra | is there a burning program to ubuntu | 09:00 |
mebaran151 | nautilus | 09:00 |
mebaran151 | burns most everything | 09:00 |
mebaran151 | and after that you have sound-juicer for mp3 to cd | 09:00 |
Dreamer3 | ok, recreating and letting it format it and it worked (even though it was a pre-existing linux swap) *shrugs* | 09:02 |
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sig | k3b is sweet for burning | 09:03 |
hitu | yes | 09:03 |
hitu | k3b \m/ | 09:04 |
sig | bitfoo: I see your using unstable sources | 09:04 |
stuNNed | k3b is the kde suck. | 09:04 |
sig | stuNNed: gnome has no equivelent to that burning program to be honest dude. | 09:05 |
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stuNNed | sig: dudeolios, will soon! | 09:05 |
sig | dudeolios? | 09:06 |
sig | lol | 09:06 |
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stuNNed | sig: =) | 09:06 |
sig | I hope they will to be honest | 09:07 |
stuNNed | sig: i'm sure of it! | 09:07 |
sig | I use gnome and have always. | 09:07 |
stuNNed | sig: hopefully in hoary stable. | 09:07 |
sig | but I do use k3b for burning | 09:07 |
sig | thats the only kde app I use. | 09:07 |
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sig | stuNNed: what program are you talking about? | 09:07 |
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mebaran151 | I find cdrecord at the cli is fine for me | 09:08 |
stuNNed | sig: there are a few considerations, check the ubuntu site | 09:08 |
mebaran151 | but then again | 09:08 |
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sig | stuNNed: give me a direct link so I don't have to search around | 09:08 |
kojack | hey all-i run a athlon CPU-which version of ubuntu should i download | 09:08 |
sig | mebaran151: yes cdrecord is nice, but gui is nice as well when your in the desktop | 09:08 |
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sig | i386 | 09:09 |
Mogge | I could use a little help with sound servers. | 09:09 |
kojack | thanks sig-what is powerpc all about | 09:09 |
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sig | mac | 09:10 |
kojack | cool | 09:10 |
sig | Coaster (libburn) - GNOME/GTK alternative to K3B | 09:10 |
Mogge | how they work, how to get programs to work with them... | 09:10 |
sig | stuNNed: I see it | 09:10 |
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Mogge | I'm really clueless. | 09:10 |
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Mogge | I need to be able to hear beeps from messengers and listen to music at the same time, if you know what I mean. | 09:11 |
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Sye | hello | 09:11 |
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mebaran151 | Mogge, esd | 09:15 |
mebaran151 | or even alsa | 09:15 |
mebaran151 | do that now | 09:15 |
mebaran151 | esd is Gnome's snd server | 09:15 |
Mogge | it blays a little beep | 09:16 |
mebaran151 | alsa is the driver layer that now can do mixing too | 09:16 |
mebaran151 | I think | 09:16 |
Mogge | yep.. | 09:16 |
Mogge | but esd is a server | 09:16 |
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mebaran151 | esd is a sound server | 09:16 |
Mogge | yep. | 09:16 |
mebaran151 | all that means is it serves sounds | 09:16 |
Mogge | yep. | 09:16 |
mebaran151 | it is not networky at all | 09:16 |
Mogge | no. | 09:16 |
Mogge | I realize that. :) | 09:16 |
mebaran151 | yeah | 09:16 |
MobyTurbo | mebaran151, it can serve sounds over a network... | 09:17 |
mebaran151 | so what is wrong with it | 09:17 |
Mogge | let's say I want it to serve me this .mp3 | 09:17 |
mebaran151 | just get out xmms | 09:17 |
Mogge | or rather, I want to listen to an .mp3 on xmms | 09:17 |
mebaran151 | select output to esd | 09:17 |
Mogge | hm... | 09:17 |
Mogge | wait... | 09:17 |
pepperpot | I'm trying to set up hotplug to run jpilot-sync. I got udev to create /dev/pilot, but I can't get the /etc/hotplut/usb/visor script to run | 09:17 |
mebaran151 | and then just play it | 09:17 |
Mogge | mebaran: Where can I select output? | 09:18 |
Mogge | output plugins? | 09:18 |
Mogge | eSound-output? | 09:18 |
Mogge | yay, it works :P | 09:19 |
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TreadingSoftly | mebaran151: I've made two screenshots. shows with its default squashed font in menus and dialog box. shows how, even with Use System Font for Interface selected, the checkboxes seem to hide the first character of adjacent text. | 09:19 |
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Dreamer3 | "copying remaining packages to hard disk" what's up with that? | 09:20 |
Dreamer3 | do they get installed later, not at all, available? | 09:20 |
Mogge | mebaran: uh. | 09:20 |
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TreadingSoftly | Does anyone have any similar experience with checkboxes? | 09:21 |
Mogge | isn't there supposed to be a program called "esdplay"? | 09:21 |
mebaran151 | mogge | 09:21 |
mebaran151 | esdplay | 09:21 |
mebaran151 | is for a very specific circumstance | 09:21 |
HaloGray | does anybody have flashplayer getting proper sound out of hoary? | 09:21 |
mebaran151 | when your software asks for a command to play sounds | 09:22 |
Mogge | yeah | 09:22 |
Mogge | I know | 09:22 |
mebaran151 | most programs like esd and gaim | 09:22 |
Mogge | like aMsn | 09:22 |
mebaran151 | have the support compiled in | 09:22 |
mebaran151 | oh yeah | 09:22 |
Mogge | it's refered to in the manpage for esd | 09:22 |
Mogge | but man esdplay gives nothing | 09:22 |
Mogge | and neither does simply saying 'esdplay' | 09:22 |
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mebaran151 | yeah | 09:23 |
mebaran151 | hmmm | 09:23 |
mebaran151 | aMsn | 09:23 |
mebaran151 | what type of program is it | 09:23 |
mebaran151 | maybe we can just use like alsaplayer | 09:23 |
Mogge | MSN Messenger | 09:23 |
Mogge | yeah sure | 09:23 |
mebaran151 | why not just use Gaim | 09:23 |
Dreamer3 | hmmm | 09:23 |
Mogge | you can select which program | 09:23 |
Dreamer3 | guess they will be installed next | 09:23 |
Dreamer3 | weird | 09:23 |
Mogge | you want to youse. | 09:23 |
Mogge | ehm... "youse"? | 09:24 |
Mogge | o.o | 09:24 |
Mogge | mebaran: Let's say I DO want to use aMsn, however... | 09:24 |
mebaran151 | ok | 09:24 |
mebaran151 | go to synaptic | 09:24 |
Mogge | oh | 09:24 |
mebaran151 | and select all the alsaplayer packages in sight | 09:25 |
Mogge | what's the terminal command for synaptic? | 09:25 |
TreadingSoftly | Mogge: synaptic | 09:25 |
Mogge | or can I do this through apt-get? | 09:25 |
HaloGray | apt-get | 09:25 |
mebaran151 | or | 09:25 |
mebaran151 | just apt-get install esound-clients | 09:25 |
Mogge | ah | 09:26 |
Mogge | great! | 09:26 |
mebaran151 | there you go | 09:26 |
Mogge | yeah, now esdplay *exists* | 09:26 |
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Mogge | let's try it out :-) | 09:27 |
mebaran151 | I think you might need like %q | 09:27 |
mebaran151 | but I am unsure | 09:27 |
mebaran151 | manpage if you runinto trouble | 09:27 |
Mogge | worked really well :) | 09:28 |
mebaran151 | cool | 09:28 |
mebaran151 | Anyone do any midi stuff | 09:28 |
mebaran151 | I need to load a midi sf2 | 09:29 |
mebaran151 | on my Audigy | 09:29 |
mebaran151 | I modprobed snd-emux-synth | 09:29 |
mebaran151 | and installed the awesfx packages | 09:29 |
mebaran151 | but it complains it cant find an hwdep device | 09:29 |
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Mogge | now | 09:30 |
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Mogge | how do I make esd start automatically? | 09:30 |
Mogge | are there any init.d-scripts or something? | 09:30 |
coobra | Mogge: hej hej | 09:30 |
mebaran151 | I think it normally does | 09:30 |
mebaran151 | automagically with gnome | 09:30 |
bitfoo | anyone know how to change the default media player in firefox | 09:30 |
Mogge | coobra: tja. | 09:30 |
Mogge | mebaran: Weird. | 09:31 |
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Mogge | mebaran: Hadn't started until I started it :$ | 09:31 |
topyli | Mogge: see computer -> desktop prefs -> sound, tick "start sound server at startup" | 09:31 |
Mogge | hm | 09:31 |
Mogge | argh | 09:32 |
kent | Am i the only one who cant find out how to write covers to dvd's in Linux? I just cant find a program that lets me do it :( | 09:32 |
Mogge | don't make me start gnome-panel :) | 09:32 |
Mogge | but then there must be something I can put in .xinitrc, right? | 09:32 |
topyli | Mogge: gnome-sound-properties | 09:32 |
Mogge | topyli: isn't that just for gnome, though? | 09:32 |
topyli | Mogge: do you use gnome in the first place? | 09:32 |
Mogge | nahg | 09:32 |
Mogge | openbox | 09:32 |
topyli | ah | 09:32 |
topyli | and how do you start openbox? | 09:33 |
bitfoo | covers? | 09:33 |
bitfoo | like case covers? | 09:33 |
randabis | I guess you could make a script to do it | 09:33 |
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randabis | to start esd you just have to type esd | 09:33 |
Mogge | ofcourse :D | 09:34 |
topyli | Mogge: if you use startx, ~/.xinitrc should be the one. with xdm it's .xsession. i'm not sure if gdm respects that | 09:34 |
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bitfoo | what do the arrays mean for hoary? | 09:35 |
Mogge | topyli: yeah, already done. | 09:35 |
bitfoo | is it distributed? | 09:35 |
Dreamer3 | df | 09:35 |
Dreamer3 | hmmm | 09:35 |
Dreamer3 | how much space does warty take up fully installed? | 09:35 |
Dreamer3 | i only have a 2g drive | 09:35 |
TreadingSoftly | kent: what do you mean by writing covers to dvds? | 09:35 |
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Zomb | hi | 09:36 |
HaloGray | hi Zomb | 09:36 |
Zomb | what is the fastest and most reliable way to detect Ubuntu? | 09:36 |
Zomb | read: see that it is Ubuntu and not Debian | 09:37 |
pussfeller | /dev/hda1 5.7G 1.9G 3.6G 35% / | 09:37 |
HaloGray | ... I don't understand the question | 09:37 |
topyli | Dreamer3: might just fit there, but doesn't leave too much for data | 09:37 |
kojack | lol | 09:37 |
bitfoo | umm...http header? | 09:37 |
HaloGray | detect ubuntu? | 09:37 |
kent | TreadingSoftly, well.. My brother wants to be able to print covers for the DVDs that he has burnt. Do you understand me? | 09:37 |
pussfeller | just under 2 gigs with a few extra things installed | 09:37 |
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topyli | Zomb: cat /etc/lsb-release | 09:37 |
hypn0 | Zomb: the three half naked people on login screen :-D | 09:38 |
Zomb | oh jeez | 09:38 |
bitfoo | i have no naked people? :D | 09:38 |
Zomb | any developers around? | 09:38 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: hmmmmm | 09:38 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: well, this is just a test box, but i'll be annoyed if it can't even instal... because it copied 397mb of debs to the HD it could be accessing off of CD | 09:39 |
pussfeller | might be some locale stuff you get jettison to free up space | 09:39 |
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pussfeller | i had alot more free space when it first installed, so you will be fine to get started | 09:40 |
LucidVisions | developers of what,,linux in genral or just ubuntu? | 09:40 |
topyli | Dreamer3: it's an option, you don't have to copy them there | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | bitfoo: apt-get install ubunut-calendar | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: oh, i was never prompted | 09:40 |
bitfoo | what? | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: do you have to run expert to be asked? | 09:40 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: it copied them over and is installing them from the HD, you're saying that's optional? | 09:40 |
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Dreamer3 | bitfoo: you asked where the naked people were | 09:41 |
topyli | Dreamer3: it optionally copies them there so you don't have to use the cd when you install extra stuff | 09:41 |
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Dreamer3 | topyli: where was i supposed to be asked? | 09:41 |
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topyli | Dreamer3: i think so. but i've done both kinds of installs, so i'm not swearing about the "normal" install | 09:42 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: i don't think you get an optionin normal... i wasn't even asked how to configure the bootloader in normal mode | 09:42 |
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chillywilly | bah | 09:42 |
chillywilly | my gnome froze up | 09:42 |
chillywilly | then I restarted and now it will not load the nvidia kernel module | 09:43 |
topyli | Dreamer3: since you're short on space, i'd do a minimal install anyway and add stuff. the debian way | 09:43 |
pussfeller | i wish they would use random numbers for uids to make nfs things easier | 09:43 |
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eskilo | how do i remove a package from the system install without removing the local install version of it? | 09:43 |
eskilo | like say i had some library in /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, and wanted to keep the /usr/local/lib version. | 09:43 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: except i'm wanting to try the full ubunut, so i'll just hope it works | 09:43 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: i suppose i could delete all the debs from /var/cache/apt... but i don't know what the install would do then :) | 09:44 |
chillywilly | (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! | 09:44 |
chillywilly | (EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting *** | 09:44 |
chillywilly | X will not come back up now | 09:44 |
Dreamer3 | how can you scroll the linux console? | 09:45 |
ewhitten | chillywilly: is the module already loaded? | 09:45 |
topyli | Dreamer3: try the expert install, it'll ask for your opinion a lot more often :) | 09:45 |
ewhitten | Dreamer3: shift or ctrl + page up | 09:45 |
=== ewhitten can't remember quite which. | ||
topyli | shift | 09:45 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: I was just running fine and then things locked up and now I cannot bring X back up | 09:45 |
chillywilly | I manually reset the box with the reset switch | 09:45 |
ewhitten | topyli: thanks. I just do it automatically nowadays. | 09:45 |
chillywilly | maybe the driver is fsked up? | 09:46 |
chillywilly | corrupted | 09:46 |
Coily | i read on some outdated linux faq that changing the size of a swap partition would mean formatting the entire drive, im assuming this isnt true | 09:46 |
chillywilly | which package would it be in? | 09:46 |
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chillywilly | I can try reinstalling it | 09:46 |
ewhitten | chillywilly: shouldn't happen. Have you rebooted since you installed the nvidia module. | 09:46 |
pepperpot | anyone good with bash? How do I pipe stderr from a script to, say, email me the errors? | 09:46 |
Dreamer3 | ewhitten: except it only goes up one screen, how useless :) | 09:46 |
ewhitten | crap. I gotta run. | 09:46 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: is it true that ubuntu-desktop pulls in ALL the dfault install? | 09:46 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: no but I restarted X and got the nvidia splash screen | 09:47 |
shawn | pepperpot: shellcommand|mail -s 'Subject' | 09:47 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: so I was under the impression that it worked | 09:47 |
Coily | anyone? | 09:47 |
ewhitten | shawn / pepperpot: but just stderr would be 2> or with the `tee` command. | 09:47 |
pepperpot | shawn, but that's only stdin, not stderr, right? | 09:47 |
=== ewhitten has to run. back in a few. | ||
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ewhitten | pepperpot: shawn's suggestion was stdout, actually. | 09:47 |
martyr | Coily: this is bullshit | 09:47 |
pepperpot | ewhitten, stdout but not stderr? or both? | 09:48 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: just manually inserted the module now | 09:48 |
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shawn | pepperpot : right... so cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null | 09:48 |
martyr | Coily: and it was never true | 09:48 |
topyli | Dreamer3: i guess | 09:48 |
Coily | i see | 09:48 |
BiteMeBilly | Dumb question of the day! How do I make a non color printer stop trying to print color? | 09:48 |
pepperpot | shawn, or in my case cmd 2>&1 1|mail -s result me ? | 09:48 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: nm, that worked | 09:48 |
martyr | Coily: just resize it as you desire.. as long as you don't kill any other partitions you'll be ok | 09:48 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: :) | 09:48 |
Coily | 1 gig swap partition coming up :p | 09:49 |
R0bnyc | Everyone using Array 4 ? (Latest Hoary) | 09:49 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: don't you guys use discover or something that will do some hardware detection and load modules? | 09:49 |
martyr | BiteMeBilly: install appropriate drivers... | 09:49 |
chillywilly | ewhitten: do I have to manually add nvidia to /etc/modules like on debian sid? | 09:49 |
pepperpot | Okay great! Works. | 09:49 |
BiteMeBilly | martyr: Ubuntu seemed to have the drivers for my HP LaserJet 5 but it's sending the color to it. | 09:50 |
pepperpot | Now how do I get my hotplug script to wait for the symlinks to be up before running? | 09:50 |
pepperpot | Sleep 3? | 09:50 |
pepperpot | or is there a better way to wait for /dev/pilot to exist? | 09:50 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: i checked in aptitude, it seems that way | 09:50 |
Dreamer3 | topyli: so if i'd done a minimal install i could have apt-get ubuntu-desktop from the CDs | 09:50 |
Dreamer3 | oh well, live and learn, eh? | 09:51 |
topyli | Dreamer3: i think you'll end up with the same stuff then | 09:51 |
chillywilly | anyone know what the proper thing to do to get certain kernel modules to load on boot up for Ubuntu would be? | 09:51 |
topyli | Dreamer3: as a plus, you could take the cd out of sources.list and just install the updated packages from the net | 09:52 |
topyli | before installing ubuntu-desktop | 09:52 |
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=== chillywilly was just expecting more from Ubuntu than what debian proper does ;) | ||
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Dreamer3 | topyli: dial-up... installing from net= bad | 09:55 |
topyli | ah | 09:55 |
chillywilly | nah, you just leave the computer run overnight ;) | 09:56 |
chillywilly | that's what we used to do in the old days ;) | 09:56 |
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topyli | depends on how they bill you (by the minute or by the month) | 09:56 |
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=== Dreamer3_ yawns. | ||
Sav | I have event sounds in ubuntu, but when i try to play a mp3/xvid/mpg etc in VLC i have no sound at all, any ideas? | 09:57 |
HrdwrBoB | chillywilly: stick them in /etc/modules | 09:57 |
chillywilly | topyli: well yea...some telcos are bastards | 09:57 |
HrdwrBoB | Sav: either use esd output on vlc | 09:57 |
HrdwrBoB | or killall esd | 09:57 |
HrdwrBoB | and then run vlc | 09:57 |
chillywilly | HrdwrBoB: bah, yea of course one can do that but I though Ubuntu would be more user friendly than that ;) | 09:57 |
Sav | HrdwrBoB, how do i change to esd in vlc? | 09:57 |
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HrdwrBoB | chillywilly: well, hotplug should detect all your stuff | 09:58 |
HrdwrBoB | Sav: sorry I don't know, dont' use vlc | 09:58 |
Xappe | think you'll need an addition package | 09:58 |
HrdwrBoB | Sav: give me a tic | 09:58 |
chillywilly | it didn't load the nvidia driver | 09:58 |
Xappe | *additional | 09:58 |
topyli | yahzee is a very challenging strategy game | 09:58 |
Xappe | Sav, something like vlc-esd | 09:58 |
chillywilly | nvidia_agp was loaded though | 09:58 |
HrdwrBoB | Sav: vlc-plugin-esd | 09:59 |
HrdwrBoB | apt-get or synaptic that package- | 09:59 |
HrdwrBoB | then go to preferences, audio out plugin | 09:59 |
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HrdwrBoB | chillywilly: that's just the AGP driver | 10:00 |
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chillywilly | HrdwrBoB: I know that | 10:00 |
HrdwrBoB | chillywilly: if you want the nvidia driver install nvidia-glx | 10:00 |
Sav | HrdwrBoB, works now, thnx | 10:00 |
HrdwrBoB | np Sav | 10:00 |
chillywilly | HrdwrBoB: I already have it working | 10:00 |
HrdwrBoB | ok cool | 10:00 |
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chillywilly | HrdwrBoB: the problem was on reboot it did not know enough to load it again | 10:00 |
HrdwrBoB | hrm it should load it automagically | 10:01 |
chillywilly | HrdwrBoB: I thought it would be smarter than that ;) | 10:01 |
HrdwrBoB | if not on boot, on X load | 10:01 |
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HrdwrBoB | ok bbl, breakfast | 10:01 |
chillywilly | HrdwrBoB: I had to modprobe it in | 10:01 |
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chillywilly | I would think that if you configured X to use the nvidia driver it would load the kernel module too | 10:02 |
HaloGray | Ok, for anybody else having issues with flash and various other sound problems in hoary, check out this thread: | 10:02 |
Sav | HrdwrBoB, one more thing, how can i fix so i can play 2 soundsources at once? when vlc is playing mp3 i can hear the eventsounds in ubuntu | 10:02 |
CreeVal | Anyone who can help me with automounting an NTFS volume? Ive added the line found on , but when booting it says that special device /dev/sda1 does not excist... Wich it does because i can mount it when i enter gnome desktop... Any ideas? | 10:02 |
dueyfinster | I am trying to install ubuntu (warthy), but it asks for cd drivers, on a floppy, but my pc doesnt have floppy drives. Any Ideas? Help Much Appreiciated! | 10:03 |
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Dreamer3_ | i think i'm going to have to dynamically delete .debs as they are installed to make this work :) | 10:03 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3_: apt-get clean ? | 10:03 |
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Dreamer3_ | syn-ack: what will delete ALL the packages, yeah? | 10:04 |
Dreamer3_ | syn-ack: it's still installing from archive... | 10:04 |
syn-ack | right | 10:04 |
syn-ack | then dont do that.... heh | 10:04 |
Dreamer3_ | syn-ack: can't do that, i can only dlete the ones alreayd installed | 10:04 |
syn-ack | on | 10:04 |
syn-ack | oh | 10:04 |
syn-ack | wait wait wait | 10:04 |
syn-ack | Dreamer3_: Clean with clean anything that you've installed. | 10:05 |
CreeVal | Anyone who can help me with automounting an NTFS volume? Ive added the line found on , but when booting it says that special device /dev/sda1 does not excist... Wich it does because i can mount it when i enter gnome desktop... Any ideas? | 10:05 |
dueyfinster | I am trying to install ubuntu (warthy), but it asks for cd drivers, on a floppy, but my pc doesnt have floppy drives. Any Ideas? Help Much Appreiciated! | 10:05 |
syn-ack | CreeVal: Yeah, like Im sure the manual on line states, do you have a SCSI device installed? | 10:06 |
CreeVal | Yeah its a SATA drive... | 10:06 |
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syn-ack | are the sATA drivers installed, CreeVal | 10:06 |
CreeVal | Yes... Because i can mount it in gnome desktop... But not "premount" it... | 10:07 |
hitu | anyone knows of a program to stream webcams ? | 10:07 |
syn-ack | So you are having issues with /etc/fstab | 10:07 |
CreeVal | Yeah... | 10:08 |
syn-ack | Whats the line? | 10:08 |
CreeVal | 2 seck | 10:08 |
CreeVal | sec* | 10:08 |
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CreeVal | syn-ack: this is the line i currently use: /dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs umask=0222 0 0 | 10:08 |
netmonk | can anyone if hoary works ok on a notebook? | 10:09 |
netmonk | can anyone tell me if hoary works ok on a notebook? | 10:09 |
netmonk | ;) | 10:09 |
HrdwrBoB | netmonk: wfm | 10:09 |
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netmonk | HrdwrBoB, ??? | 10:10 |
HrdwrBoB | works for me | 10:10 |
TreadingSoftly | netmonk: hi, i'm running Ubuntu hoary on a Thinkpad T40. Works okay. | 10:10 |
Sav | how come i cant see other users typing with bold text, i can only see my own bold lines. Any ideas? using X-Chat | 10:10 |
HaloGray | hoary works better than warty did on my dell | 10:10 |
HaloGray | it extended the centrino lifetime to 4 hours instead of 1 | 10:11 |
dolphy | i installed ubuntu on a very old laptop and managed to do an apt-get -u dist-upgrade on it but now it's not booting anymore | 10:11 |
HaloGray | 4 hours is what windows gets as well :) | 10:11 |
netmonk | wow, that's great to hear | 10:11 |
dolphy | it reports : Kernel Panic : Attempted to kill init (because /dev/console could not be opened) | 10:11 |
dolphy | any clue what i could try ? | 10:11 |
syn-ack | CreeVal: try this: /dev/sda1 /mnt/win2k ntfs ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 | 10:11 |
netmonk | I'm on toshiba and I'm just upgrading to hoary | 10:11 |
CreeVal | syn-ack: will do... | 10:12 |
Sav | HrdwrBoB, did u see my question about 2 sound sources? | 10:12 |
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CreeVal | syn-ack: rebooting now... | 10:13 |
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=== syn-ack spins Dr Dre - Housewife | ||
hitu | guess nobody knows of a cam server that will work :[ | 10:14 |
hitu | cause i tried Gyach | 10:14 |
hitu | i can just view cams .. i cant uplaod | 10:14 |
hitu | upload* | 10:14 |
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julio | i think you can send with AYTTM. | 10:15 |
threshold | does anyone know of any mISDN fixes in hoary? (kernel 2.6.10)? | 10:15 |
CreeVal | syn-ack: Didn't work, but thx for trying ;) | 10:16 |
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syn-ack | CreeVal: I took that straight from the docs. theres something else wrong then | 10:16 |
CreeVal | syn-ack: most likely yes | 10:16 |
syn-ack | CreeVal: as root, fdisk -l | 10:17 |
syn-ack | and see what the partitions are | 10:17 |
BiteMeBilly | dueyfinster: What are you installing on? Seems it's not being very friendly with you. | 10:17 |
julio | hitu, try ayttm. | 10:17 |
bruce_ | does any one from you use amule? | 10:17 |
hitu | k | 10:17 |
julio | you can send webcam images w/yahoo | 10:17 |
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jcurry | How can i make firefox print through cups, not just a .ps file? all the other apps (gedit, OOo) can print, but not firefox...what to do? | 10:17 |
CreeVal | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24792 cylinders | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 10:18 |
CreeVal | /dev/hda1 * 1 24792 199141708+ 7 HPFS/NTFS | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Disk /dev/hdb: 122.9 GB, 122942324736 bytes | 10:18 |
CreeVal | 16 heads, 63 sectors/track, 238216 cylinders | 10:18 |
kengur | how do i remove an applet from gnome pannel if it doesn't have menu options? | 10:18 |
hitu | niceness :D | 10:18 |
hitu | thanks | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 = 516096 bytes | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 10:18 |
CreeVal | /dev/hdb1 1 238216 120060832+ f W95 Ext'd (LBA) | 10:18 |
CreeVal | /dev/hdb5 * 1 234259 118066473 83 Linux | 10:18 |
CreeVal | /dev/hdb6 234260 238216 1994296+ 83 Linux | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Disk /dev/sda: 300.0 GB, 300090728448 bytes | 10:18 |
CreeVal | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 36483 cylinders | 10:18 |
Cloudchaser | hmm anyone got poker sites working in linux? | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 10:18 |
CreeVal | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 10:18 |
CreeVal | /dev/sda1 * 1 36483 293049666 7 HPFS/NTFS | 10:18 |
Cloudchaser | my husband wants me to play poker with him | 10:18 |
hitu | kengur: right click on the applet and select REMOVE | 10:18 |
pepperpot | Does udev wait for hotplug to finish its scripts before adding symlinks? | 10:18 |
hitu | :P that easy | 10:18 |
julio | CreeVal. next time put that in the #flood channel. | 10:18 |
julio | please | 10:18 |
CreeVal | wtf? | 10:18 |
hitu | CreeVal: use paste bin :P stop the flooding | 10:18 |
kengur | hitu: "if it doesn't have menu options" | 10:19 |
Cloudchaser | they all have windows .exe files to download..i'll try cedega and see if it works with that | 10:19 |
CreeVal | sorry peeps | 10:19 |
jcurry | How can i make firefox print through cups, not just a .ps file? all the other apps (gedit, OOo) can print, but not firefox...what to do? | 10:19 |
Mogge | oh. | 10:19 |
CreeVal | really sorry for the flooding... | 10:19 |
Mogge | I hate it when someone you know really wants you to do something. and then you can't because of Linux. | 10:19 |
julio | go to the #flood channel to paste. | 10:19 |
hitu | kengur: uhh umm not much of a gnome user .. but there'e somethin inthe control panel to edit the menu | 10:19 |
Mogge | usually something software-specific, ofcourse. | 10:19 |
Mogge | worst scenario EVER. | 10:19 |
julio | Like what Mogge? | 10:19 |
Mogge | like Cloudchasers dilemma. | 10:20 |
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CreeVal | ok | 10:20 |
julio | CloudchaserS? | 10:20 |
hitu | eh Mogge | 10:20 |
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hitu | lmao | 10:20 |
jnk | jcurry, if cups is configured I guess you can print with the command lp or lpr in firefox | 10:20 |
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jcurry | jnk, what would the command be, specifically? i'm not familiar with lp(r) | 10:21 |
pepperpot | Mogge, I love it when someone you know really want you to do something you don't want to do, and then you can't because of Linux. Best scenario EVAR. | 10:21 |
Mogge | hehe | 10:21 |
Mogge | that's true | 10:21 |
Mogge | like playing those silly games over msn | 10:21 |
julio | Oh, those. | 10:21 |
pepperpot | yeah, or run some .exe "ecard" | 10:21 |
julio | Well that's Microsoft's fault. | 10:21 |
hitu | games on MSN ? :S | 10:21 |
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Mogge | msn messenger | 10:22 |
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bitfoo | anyone know why menus and text in flash don't show up for me in firefox ;X | 10:22 |
kent | Mogge, though sometimes it's a bit frustrating when some one wants you to watch them on the webcamera with msn, and you realy cant :( | 10:22 |
hitu | oh bleh dunno not been on Microsoft products since Nov,2004 | 10:23 |
hitu | :[ | 10:23 |
Mogge | yes! :( | 10:23 |
jnk | jcurry, I juste use "lp" to print a file to the default printer. If this works for you from the terminal (with a .ps file created by firefox) then you can try to write just "lp" as the print command in firefox | 10:23 |
Mogge | like a really hot chi... oh yeah, that's gonna happen. | 10:23 |
julio | kent, you can with AYTTm | 10:23 |
jcurry | jnk, ok, thanks, i'll try it... | 10:23 |
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Twiggy | Hey I just installed onto my PC and it hangs on the loading Grub screen after I reboot, anybody know how to fix this? | 10:24 |
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CreeVal | his* | 10:24 |
threshold | Twiggy: which ubuntu did you install? | 10:25 |
Twiggy | thread: I used a Warty CD | 10:25 |
Twiggy | Errr | 10:25 |
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Twiggy | sorry, threshold :oD | 10:25 |
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threshold | Twiggy: what arch are you using? | 10:26 |
Twiggy | x86 | 10:26 |
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threshold | i don't know... i know that the amd64 hoary just got fixed :) | 10:26 |
johns_ | Twiggy: sometimes it's conflict between what die bios says and wat grub sees | 10:27 |
Twiggy | Is there a way to pass boot parameters before it's completely installed? | 10:27 |
Twiggy | johns_: How so | 10:27 |
johns_ | dunno, i've had a lot of problems with ubuntu AND debian on some systems | 10:27 |
Twiggy | I've had ACPI issues with 2.6.8 and 2.6.9 kernels on a number of distros _and_ from scratch kernels, so I'm assuming that's probably the issue | 10:27 |
johns_ | setting them to lba in the bios solved it in most cases | 10:28 |
Twiggy | Setting what to lba | 10:28 |
johns_ | the drive params in the bios setup | 10:28 |
johns_ | or auto | 10:28 |
=== Twiggy curses his crappy bios | ||
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Twiggy | Hopefully I can do that ;oD | 10:28 |
johns_ | ofcourse you can | 10:28 |
topyli | Twiggy: don't curse thy bios. it's vital to you :) | 10:29 |
=== Twiggy pets his bios | ||
mike998 | not in public, buddy | 10:29 |
Twiggy | Hehe | 10:29 |
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johns_ | I like the 'hit del for setup' message | 10:30 |
johns_ | a 'del' is a 'slut' in dutch ;) | 10:30 |
Twiggy | johns_: LBA is marked as supported | 10:30 |
johns_ | in general setup | 10:30 |
johns_ | ? | 10:30 |
Twiggy | johns_: I'm in the config for my hda | 10:30 |
johns_ | that's mode yes? | 10:30 |
johns_ | lba or auto | 10:31 |
Twiggy | lba mode | 10:31 |
johns_ | should work | 10:31 |
Elsidox | help can someone help me I just upgraded to hoary and everything works great. I installed cedega and im trying to install starcraft but its not working. | 10:31 |
johns_ | any s-ata drives in your system? | 10:31 |
johns_ | aor s-ata capable? | 10:31 |
Twiggy | nope | 10:31 |
johns_ | hm. one disk? two? | 10:31 |
Twiggy | 2 IDe's | 10:31 |
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Twiggy | IDe drives, oboth on the same chain | 10:31 |
Twiggy | Then there's the separate chain | 10:32 |
johns_ | a master and a slave, should work | 10:32 |
johns_ | you could let you bios autodetect your hard drives again | 10:32 |
Twiggy | Yeah that's what I'm trying | 10:33 |
Twiggy | My mobo has SATA, but I'm not using any dev's, my bad | 10:33 |
altan | okay, gnome system monitor HAS to be reporting memory usage incorrectly - there's no way zinf takes 111MB playing a single MP3 file or rhythmbox takes 70MB | 10:33 |
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Twiggy | johns_: Could that be something? | 10:33 |
johns_ | Twiggy: yes | 10:33 |
johns_ | i noticed that ubuntu (or any linux) sees the ide drivers as hde and hdf | 10:34 |
Twiggy | johns_: I'm seing an ATA/IDE config, it's set to enhanced: all SATA and PATA resources enabled | 10:34 |
Mogge | hm | 10:34 |
Twiggy | Hmmmm | 10:34 |
Mogge | how about xmms-midi | 10:34 |
johns_ | try to disable the sata for now | 10:34 |
Twiggy | k | 10:34 |
Mogge | anyone's got that to work right? | 10:34 |
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Twiggy | johns_: Should I reinstall with these new settings? | 10:35 |
johns_ | reinstall? | 10:35 |
johns_ | no | 10:35 |
Twiggy | Hrm | 10:35 |
Twiggy | Still no go | 10:35 |
johns_ | just hangs? | 10:35 |
Twiggy | yeah | 10:35 |
johns_ | weird | 10:35 |
hitu | julio: ayttm is installed | 10:36 |
hitu | but umm its not streaming | 10:36 |
johns_ | the bootloder installation on debian based systems suck | 10:36 |
hitu | i mean i get the request on other id | 10:36 |
hitu | but it doesn stream .. it just says connected and stuff | 10:36 |
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johns_ | Twiggy: do you get the grub loader screen or does it hang before that? | 10:37 |
Twiggy | Just before that | 10:37 |
Twiggy | Loading Grub 1.5... | 10:37 |
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Twiggy | And it sits there | 10:37 |
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johns_ | ah, well, you need to get into your system | 10:37 |
johns_ | with a boot cd | 10:38 |
johns_ | or rescue cd | 10:38 |
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Twiggy | Change the boot params that way/ | 10:38 |
Twiggy | ? | 10:38 |
johns_ | mount your drives, chroot to that mountpoint and reinstall grub | 10:39 |
eskilo | is there a way to increase the resolution in grub? | 10:39 |
eskilo | so it doesn't look all ghetto. | 10:39 |
johns_ | grub-install /dev/hda i should think | 10:39 |
pepperpot | grub looks ghetto?? | 10:39 |
pepperpot | grub is just keepin it real | 10:39 |
=== johns_ likes lilo a lot more | ||
eskilo | when it starts up my system's text looks very low-res like 1980's. | 10:40 |
Twiggy | johns_: Thankya, I'll screw with it some | 10:40 |
johns_ | have fun ;) | 10:40 |
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eskilo | john__: supposedly grub is much much better in a technical sense. i just wish it _looked_ better. | 10:40 |
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ubuntu | hi | 10:40 |
Guardiann | good afternoon fellows | 10:40 |
pepperpot | do either grub or lilo recognize usb keyboards? | 10:40 |
ubuntu | is there any way to isntall ubuntu from the live cd? | 10:40 |
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johns_ | @ eskilo: i know, i just know lilo better :) | 10:40 |
johns_ | pepperpot: both should | 10:41 |
_psai | are there any "dual monitor" howtos | 10:41 |
johns_ | at that point it's a bios thing | 10:41 |
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pepperpot | johns_, i've used lilo and never bothered to learn grub until i installed ubuntu. Then, since it was using grub, I was forced to learn it to understand what the hell was going on in my system | 10:41 |
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sladen | _psai: Google for 'Xinerama' | 10:42 |
topyli | ubuntu: no | 10:42 |
johns_ | hm, i did an apt-get install lilo | 10:42 |
sladen | johns_: what did you find wrong with Grub? | 10:42 |
ubuntu | so you basically need the other disk | 10:42 |
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johns_ | I've been migrating some systems to debian and ubuntu | 10:42 |
sladen | pepperpot: grub/lilo don't talk to USB keyboards; use USB->PS/2 keyboard emulation in hte BIOS | 10:43 |
topyli | ubuntu: yes :) | 10:43 |
johns_ | on some grub left me with an not bootable system | 10:43 |
pepperpot | johns_, i think i've been lucky so far | 10:43 |
pepperpot | what are the relative merits of ayttm and gaim? | 10:43 |
johns_ | pepperpot: no, I think I have some pretty weird configs on some systems | 10:43 |
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ubuntu | is it worth to migrate from suse to ubuntu? | 10:47 |
jesuel | id say yes | 10:47 |
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topyli | ubuntu: i think it is worth it to migrate from suse period :) | 10:47 |
jesuel | the machine i got running ubuntu is running it quite nice with very LOW load | 10:47 |
Bandit | ubuntu depends on what your looking for | 10:47 |
ubuntu | stable and easy to install system | 10:48 |
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ubuntu | yast takes ages to install software | 10:48 |
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Bandit | warty is easy to install and very stable | 10:48 |
kent | ubuntu, if you have a working system etc, i would not do it. I like ubuntu, but having a working system over time.. is better than changing to whatever people for the moment seems to like. As long as it works i would not change | 10:49 |
|QuaD-_ | anyone here tried mepis? | 10:49 |
johns_ | yep, I did | 10:49 |
|QuaD-_ | whats your opinions | 10:49 |
Bandit | kent isnt your system working? | 10:49 |
syn-ack | I dont use rpm based distros | 10:49 |
johns_ | ubuntu is cleaner | 10:49 |
|QuaD-_ | johns_: what do you mean | 10:49 |
johns_ | the way the desktop looks | 10:50 |
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johns_ | and it more or less copies a live cd to your harddisk | 10:50 |
|QuaD-_ | i just miss kde | 10:50 |
pharynx | I experience intermitten lockup when accessing Desktop Preference or System Configuration menu, anybody seen that? | 10:50 |
ubuntu | ok I think I am migrating now | 10:50 |
johns_ | then use kde with ubuntu | 10:50 |
|QuaD-_ | johns_: it didn't feel as complete as gnome (on ubuntu) | 10:51 |
ubuntu | by the way, is gnome 2.8 available for ubuntu? | 10:51 |
Guardiann | ubuntu yes its on warty | 10:51 |
topyli | ubuntu: it's the default | 10:51 |
ubuntu | great | 10:51 |
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Twiggy | johns_: I did a sudo grub-install /dev/hda and it says: Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device | 10:51 |
johns_ | hm, I mostly use windowmaker or xfce | 10:51 |
ubuntu | great | 10:51 |
Guardiann | :) | 10:51 |
ubuntu | I will be back with a ubuntu system | 10:52 |
jesuel | gnome for me | 10:52 |
ubuntu | c ya | 10:52 |
johns_ | Twiggy: did you mount your drives | 10:52 |
Guardiann | have fun | 10:52 |
=== Twiggy slaps himself | ||
johns_ | first / | 10:52 |
johns_ | then /boot | 10:52 |
johns_ | the rest doesn't really matter | 10:52 |
Twiggy | johns_: k | 10:52 |
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coobra | hmm | 10:52 |
jesuel | Of course, I use xdcmp and connect from a windows box and display my Xsessions on that machine ;p | 10:52 |
johns_ | and after you mounted them, do a 'chroot /mountpoint_of_you_choice | 10:53 |
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jesuel | At least i do that when im working ;p | 10:53 |
gazoombo | I'm on the phone with my friend who is trying to get ndiswrapper installed. how can I make synaptic or apt use a tarball? | 10:54 |
johns_ | jesuel: remote x rules ;) | 10:54 |
jesuel | aye ;p | 10:54 |
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kent | Bandit, my system is working perfectly. Thats what i wanted to say, if its working.. dont change. :) | 10:55 |
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pharynx | ok let's try again, anybody seen gnome-panel freezes when accessing certain menu items? | 10:55 |
coobra | hmm whats on and of as deafault off deamons ?? | 10:55 |
topyli | gazoombo: apt can use debian sources but not plain tarballs | 10:55 |
Twiggy | johns_: gaH! still no go, how can I install lilo? | 10:55 |
Twiggy | johns_: Got it installed again, but still won't boot | 10:55 |
eskilo | what are the alsa modules called? | 10:56 |
topyli | eskilo: snd-foo | 10:56 |
gazoombo | topyli: I believe it is a debian source package, but how can I point it to that file, or what does it need to be put in order to be indexed as a possible package to install? | 10:56 |
KevMan | pharynx: Yeah, 3 time @ 2 -3 mins yesterday. | 10:56 |
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pharynx | on mine, gnome-panel freezes forever | 10:57 |
pharynx | until I booted the machine | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | hello all | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | artur@ubuntu:~ $ /etc/init.d/ssh start | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | *hd: no hostkeys available -- exiting. [fail] | 10:57 |
KING^^^ | why it doesn't starts ? | 10:57 |
johns_ | Twiggy: normally 'apt-get install lilo' | 10:57 |
cowbud | KING^^^: there is something called channel etiquette and oyu aren't going to get help by doing shit like that | 10:58 |
KevMan | pharynx. But also whilest closing certain things. | 10:58 |
johns_ | when root | 10:58 |
topyli | gazoombo: dunno, i just put the debian src sources to sources.list and do 'apt-get build-dep foo' and 'apt-get -b source foo' or something. i forget because i use wajig :) | 10:58 |
johns_ | and then a lilo.config | 10:58 |
cowbud | KING^^^: notice when you are starting that service you are not root put sudo in front of that | 10:58 |
johns_ | damn /etc/lilo.conf | 10:58 |
pepperpot | how do i get a hotplug script to run after udev creates the symlink rather than before? jpilot-sync needs to run after /dev/pilot is created | 10:58 |
KING^^^ | artur@ubuntu:~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 10:59 |
KING^^^ | * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [fail] | 10:59 |
KING^^^ | cowbud: | 10:59 |
KevMan | pharynx: MS word did it first, thought "ah typical" | 10:59 |
pharynx | KevMan: MS Word?? | 10:59 |
topyli | KING^^^: please don't flood | 10:59 |
KING^^^ | i`m not flooding | 10:59 |
cowbud | KING^^^: put a restart and see what happens and yes you are flooding | 10:59 |
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KING^^^ | ok , sorry | 10:59 |
hitu | okay | 10:59 |
topyli | KING^^^: use #flood for that :) | 10:59 |
hitu | how do i umm remove usbvideo module | 11:00 |
hitu | i get this | 11:00 |
KevMan | pharynx: yeah, crossover. need it for word docs that I recieve. | 11:00 |
KING^^^ | yeah sure ... | 11:00 |
KING^^^ | i said sorry | 11:00 |
hitu | root@kinky:/home/hitu # modprobe -r usbvideo | 11:00 |
hitu | FATAL: Module usbvideo is in use. | 11:00 |
KING^^^ | it won't happen` again | 11:00 |
cowbud | KING^^^: try the same command with restart instead of start | 11:00 |
hitu | omg | 11:01 |
hitu | i just unplugged the cam | 11:01 |
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hitu | and it works again :S | 11:01 |
hitu | thats sooooo bleh | 11:01 |
KING^^^ | cowbud: | 11:01 |
KING^^^ | * Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [ ok ] | 11:01 |
cowbud | KING^^^: is it running? | 11:01 |
KING^^^ | * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [fail] | 11:01 |
KevMan | pharynx: Then froze once when closing network window and once after trying to change certain preferances. | 11:02 |
pharynx | KevMan: OpenOffice doesn't work for your purpose? | 11:02 |
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cowbud | KING^^^: oddly enough saying it still failed with the same error is sufficient enough then pasting two whole lines to the channel...try putting sh -x /etc/init.d/ssh start and see where it is failing.. | 11:02 |
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cowbud | and don't paste all that output | 11:02 |
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KevMan | pharynx: Sometimes it changes the formating of complicated docs | 11:02 |
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KevMan | pharynx: Otherwise yes, and I use it as well. | 11:03 |
pharynx | KevMan: hmmm ok | 11:03 |
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KING^^^ | *'[' 1 -eq 0 '] ' [fail] ' | 11:03 |
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KING^^^ | cowbud: | 11:03 |
cowbud | KING^^^: yah that doesn't help | 11:03 |
cowbud | KING^^^: paste it all in #flood and I might be able to help | 11:03 |
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pharynx | KevMan: the bad thing about it is that bug-buddy tries to send the stack trace to someone, but it freezes also | 11:04 |
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eskilo | whenever i try to use alsa, the program in question freezes. | 11:05 |
eskilo | wtf | 11:05 |
eskilo | this just started happening. | 11:05 |
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blah09 | evening, does anyone know if theres a lemmings version for linux? =) | 11:05 |
pharynx | anybody knows how to get the bug-buddy stack-trace manually? | 11:05 |
KevMan | pharynx. I think though with me its just Nautilus thats having problems, mouse still moves, just can't do anything. | 11:06 |
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pharynx | KevMan: .. thing is, i wasn't running nautilus or is nautilus *always* runs a'la explorer.exe? | 11:07 |
KevMan | pharynx: Nautilus is like konqueror on kde. | 11:08 |
eskilo | except much much better. | 11:08 |
KevMan | Needs getting used to. | 11:08 |
pharynx | eskilo: well, i haven't seen konqueror hang yet ;) | 11:08 |
rempresent | quick question, why does my mplayer plugin for mozilla firefox hang after I download the video? | 11:08 |
eskilo | i've never seen nautilus hang either. | 11:08 |
Anubis | how does one start and stop services in Ubuntu? | 11:09 |
pharynx | eskilo: well, something obviously hangs on mine, mouse is working but the GUI just freezes | 11:09 |
Anubis | I want to stop and start webmin | 11:09 |
ewhitten | Anubis: sudo /etc/init.d/service start | stop | restart | etc | 11:09 |
KevMan | Only recently installed ubuntu, so its new to me, otherwise I use KDE. | 11:09 |
Anubis | thx | 11:09 |
KevMan | i get the message that nautilus has to close. | 11:10 |
pharynx | KevMan: same here.. I like it so far, except for this darn hanging | 11:10 |
KevMan | Dito. | 11:10 |
pharynx | KevMan: where did you see the message? | 11:10 |
KevMan | After the last hang. | 11:10 |
pharynx | KevMan: no i mean where.. like in /var/log or something? | 11:11 |
KevMan | pharynx: No, came as window on desktop | 11:11 |
pharynx | KevMan: i see, i got similar message except it's gnome-panel that has to close | 11:12 |
eskilo | i have modules loaded with "oss" in them, and i can't rmmod them because they are "in use" and i can't use alsa..can anyone help? | 11:12 |
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KevMan | then couple of seconds empty desktop, then alls well | 11:12 |
pharynx | KevMan: mine never came back :( | 11:13 |
eskilo | well that sucks. hopefully people here will be able to help you through it so that you can see how great gnome is. | 11:13 |
ewhitten | eskilo: you may need to remove certain other modules first.. try using "modprobe -r" instead of rmmod. | 11:13 |
KevMan | pharynx: Hasn't hung today yet. | 11:13 |
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geppy | gstreamer-jack is broken. How do I fix it? | 11:13 |
KevMan | pharynx: Otherwise like Ubuntu so far. | 11:14 |
hyphenated | is the "free shipping of CDs" still going, and do they mind donations from people after they are received? | 11:14 |
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geppy | Perhaps I should be more clear: the gstreamer-jack package is broken. | 11:15 |
Xenguy | hyphenated: | 11:15 |
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|QuaD-_ | hyphenated: i bet they mind donations! | 11:16 |
|QuaD-_ | i bet they don't want them at any cost | 11:16 |
eskilo | thanks ewhitten . i did that and closed those oss modules down and alsa works now. | 11:16 |
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Xenguy | hyphenated: for answers to both your Q's. | 11:16 |
mike998 | |Quad-_ my sarcasam meter is broken... are you serious? | 11:16 |
hyphenated | Xenguy: the shipping one isn't answered clearly there | 11:16 |
mz2 | geppy, it's not terribly useful at the mo anyways... you'll have to wait for a bit for somebody to code a decent jack gstreamer sink | 11:16 |
pranxor | Gnome seems to be running pretty slow so I have installed the nvidia drivers and edited the XF86Config-4 to enable hardware rendering. So far so good, but when I try to update the XF86Config-4 file with this command " sudo cd /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 >/var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4-4.md5sum" I get "permission denied" error. Any ideas how to solve this will be much appreciated | 11:16 |
geppy | mike: He's kidding. | 11:17 |
geppy | mz2: What's wrong with the current sink? (I haven't had a chance to try it out, yet) | 11:17 |
pharynx | KevMan: ok, i'll try asking again later... thx for responding! gotta go! | 11:17 |
mike998 | phew... I was gonna say | 11:17 |
|QuaD-_ | mike998: i highly doubt that they would turn down a donation | 11:17 |
hyphenated | Xenguy: and the donate icon.. looked like an ad, and I kinda don't see them on web pages anymore :-) | 11:17 |
geppy | mz2: I would be interested in coding a new sink. | 11:17 |
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seiya | hello - does anyone know what's going on with ubuntu's look'n'feel website contest? | 11:17 |
topyli | mike998: you can always donate something to me, with my permission ;) | 11:17 |
ewhitten | pranxor: that command doesn't look quite right. | 11:17 |
mz2 | geppy, it just generally doesn't work too well, or with too many applications... | 11:17 |
ewhitten | pranxor: for one, you can't 'cd' to a file. | 11:18 |
geppy | mz2: Hmm... | 11:18 |
mon | hi i'd like to isntall the exact kernel source that was used to build the ubuntu kernel. that should be "linux-tree" right? | 11:18 |
joh | Hello, I'm having a problem with Sound Juicer. When I'm extracting a CD, it goes extremely slow (0.5x) and the audio is sparkling and plays too fast (this is raw wave). I've tried with both of my CD-drives, but with the same result... any ideas? | 11:18 |
pranxor | sorry, it should be "cp" | 11:18 |
mz2 | geppy, i saw a mentioning of somebody on starting working on it, you should maybe do some searching to find this guy and help him :) | 11:18 |
geppy | mz2: Thanks! =) | 11:18 |
mz2 | i'd be glad to test it :) | 11:19 |
geppy | mz2: heh... Would you want me to contact you about it, if it ends up becoming useful? | 11:19 |
ewhitten | pranxor: also, you don't want the md5sum file to be a copy of your configuration file | 11:19 |
mon | joh: try another disc, if it's still that weird, file a bug | 11:19 |
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Xappe | hmm, installed graveman on hoary with apt-get source -b and dkpg to enable the mp3 support. now when I run synaptic it wants to upgrade graveman although the version is the same...why what how? | 11:19 |
mz2 | absolutely! | 11:19 |
ewhitten | replace 'cp' with 'md5sum' | 11:20 |
geppy | mz2: Alright. In here, or somehow else? =) | 11:20 |
Phr0stByte | I have just connected through a router and now my speed is much slower - any ideas here anyone? | 11:20 |
Shambler | is it normal that in hoary the preview for video files in nautilus isn't working any more? | 11:20 |
pranxor | ewhitten: I`ll try that, thanks | 11:21 |
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topyli | Xappe: just hold the package ("pin" in synaptic IIRC) | 11:21 |
ewhitten | pranxor: no problem. | 11:21 |
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topyli | Xappe: seems to be "lock" in synaptic | 11:21 |
Xappe | topyli, mkay...i'll try that. | 11:22 |
Xappe | but I think it's strange sonehow... | 11:22 |
Xappe | *somehow | 11:22 |
shock | ok - I am going for another experiment: "how well does ubuntu install on a good old a20p thinkpad" | 11:22 |
shock | wish me luck | 11:22 |
topyli | Xappe: happened to me with gaim :) | 11:23 |
shock | its gonna be another hoary | 11:23 |
Xappe | the versions in synaptic 'installed' and 'available' are exactly the same | 11:23 |
Phr0stByte | I have just connected through a router and now my speed is much slower - any ideas here anyone? | 11:24 |
topyli | Xappe: the package in the repository probably has an "epoch" or whatever it's called, like version 1:1.1.1 while you just have 1.1.1 | 11:24 |
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|QuaD-_ | Phr0stByte: are other comps on the router? | 11:24 |
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Phr0stByte | |QuaD-_: Yes 1 - But my speed is slow even when mine is the only one on. | 11:26 |
DanC | hmm... I'm interested to do video capture on an ubuntu box; I'm bummed to find no dvr/freevo/mythtv package. | 11:26 |
Xenguy | hyphenated: Answer #1 seems clear to me; what (specifically) is it you are unclear about? | 11:26 |
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DanC | I started building from source, using libavi from some apt repository, but ran into segfaults | 11:26 |
DanC | then I thought I'd just install regular debian and use the freevo package there, but there's no madwifi support in the installer | 11:27 |
DanC | hmm | 11:27 |
joh | mon: ok, same with all disks.. | 11:27 |
Xappe | topyli, but the lock function does not seem to work. it unlocks it when I choose smart upgrade... | 11:27 |
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drew | hi all. I have installed scribus with libqt3c102-mt and was wondering if I could make it a little less ugly (ie: use a theme) without installing all of kde... | 11:28 |
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hyphenated | Xenguy: the last mentioned shipping date was December 2004 or so. I wasn't sure if it was still going | 11:29 |
drew | any pointers? | 11:29 |
hyphenated | November, rather | 11:29 |
audix | How can I browse my NTFS volumes from gnome? Can somebody recommend me an app? | 11:30 |
hyphenated | gah. getting confused by order deadline and actual shipping date :-) | 11:30 |
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topyli | Xappe: strange | 11:30 |
Xenguy | hyphenated: are you viewing a cached page or something? Here's what I see (do you see it too?) -> All orders placed after the end of the February will be Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" CDs which will printed and sent as soon as Hoary releases. | 11:30 |
Xappe | topyli, yes | 11:30 |
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Xenguy | hyphenated: ahh | 11:30 |
hyphenated | Xenguy: <-- that page | 11:31 |
topyli | Xappe: nothing should depend on graveman so why would it matter to any upgrade? | 11:31 |
shock | question: is all of marillat in multiverse? | 11:31 |
hyphenated | Xenguy: I guess I landed in the wrong spot :-) thanks | 11:31 |
Xenguy | hyphenated: np | 11:31 |
Xappe | topyli, I don't know. installed all build-deps and install deps before dkpg -i | 11:32 |
mon | joh: then file a bug at bugzilla i guess... | 11:32 |
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drew | audix: just need to mount the volume (read-only is only supported) and you can use nautilus | 11:32 |
joh | mon: k, I'm going to try with a newer kernel first though, as this also happens with plain cdrdao... | 11:32 |
shock | seriously guys? how about it? marillat in multiverse or not? | 11:33 |
Xappe | topyli, and afaik the existing binary in the repos does not have mp3 support | 11:33 |
shock | talking the win32codecs n stuff | 11:33 |
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mithro | hello people | 11:33 |
topyli | Xappe: yeah, and even if you missed a graveman dependancy, it would simply be broken. but nothing depends on graveman :\ | 11:33 |
shock | hoi | 11:33 |
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Xappe | well, i'll just see if get any answers from the graveman thread in the forum | 11:35 |
audix | drew, Thx, can you point me in the right direction on how to mount the volume? | 11:35 |
topyli | Xappe: yeah, i'm clueless | 11:36 |
shock | and one more question: maybe that will be answered: what was that linux-printer page in the web? | 11:36 |
shock | :P | 11:36 |
shock | okok - I'll google | 11:36 |
topyli | shock: dunno, browse multiverse in and see what's in there | 11:37 |
Xenguy | shock: (or .net?) | 11:37 |
shock | hmkay | 11:37 |
shock | tak | 11:37 |
shock | :D | 11:37 |
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mon | anyone knows how i can install the ubuntu kernel source? | 11:38 |
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HrdwrBoB | apt-get install linux-source-version | 11:38 |
Phr0stByte | I have just connected through a router and now my speed is much slower - any ideas here anyone? | 11:39 |
HrdwrBoB | maybe the router is broken | 11:39 |
shock | erm... maybe you switch/hub is too slow? | 11:39 |
shock | cables screwed? | 11:39 |
mon | HrdwrBoB: do i need to patch it manually? | 11:39 |
shock | roomy runs a donkey? | 11:39 |
HrdwrBoB | mon: no | 11:39 |
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mon | HrdwrBoB: hmm, but the .config seems missing. i'm also not sure if it's included in the kernel so i could copy it from /proc... | 11:40 |
bruce_ | hey how can i write an easy cronjob? | 11:40 |
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Slaven | There's one thing I've always wanted to know. | 11:40 |
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shock | ok slaven? what? | 11:41 |
shock | *g* | 11:41 |
drew | audix: add this to /etc/fstab: | 11:41 |
Slaven | It's pretty much RTFM-level, but... | 11:41 |
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drew | audix: /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noatime,defaults,users,ro,umask=0 0 0 | 11:41 |
Slaven | let's say I have a terminal emulator... | 11:41 |
Slaven | let's say I have Eterm. | 11:41 |
shock | ok | 11:41 |
shock | U got ETerm | 11:41 |
drew | audix: (change the partition to suit of course) | 11:41 |
topyli | heh | 11:41 |
Slaven | I've seen how people can have messages printed to them when they run their Eterms. like small welcoming messages or status messages or whatever. | 11:42 |
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topyli | Slaven: they are probably monitoring syslog or something | 11:42 |
Slaven | oh | 11:42 |
shock | or they are running a startup command | 11:42 |
shock | like "cat message.txt" | 11:42 |
topyli | or compiling the kernel :) | 11:42 |
shock | *g* | 11:42 |
Slaven | so there's no way to actually tell an Eterm to say "Hello World!" | 11:42 |
shock | there is | 11:43 |
topyli | sure | 11:43 |
Slaven | I don't mean WHILE running it. I mean as soon as it starts :D | 11:43 |
topyli | echo "hello world" | 11:43 |
shock | run on start: "echo Hello World" | 11:43 |
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topyli | :P | 11:43 |
shock | or something thelike | 11:43 |
Slaven | shock: is there a commandline argument for running on start? | 11:43 |
bitfoo | anyone know how to limit upload/shape traffic in gftp!? | 11:44 |
shock | am looking right now | 11:44 |
topyli | Slaven: if the shell is a login shell, you get the motd or /etc/issue | 11:44 |
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bitfoo | ;[ | 11:44 |
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shock | -e "command" | 11:45 |
shock | ? | 11:45 |
topyli | sure | 11:45 |
shock | hm - no thats instead of shell | 11:45 |
topyli | yeah | 11:45 |
Slaven | but after the action specified in -e is complete, the terminal closes... | 11:45 |
topyli | yes | 11:45 |
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kim1 | I have a n00b question | 11:46 |
shock | hm... and if that action would be "bash" | 11:46 |
kim1 | where can I find a list of what is in the ubuntu distro? | 11:46 |
Slaven | topyli: Eterm -l makes it a login shell. | 11:46 |
shock | well... define this for login shells then | 11:47 |
Slaven | shock: Start just like normal. | 11:47 |
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shock | and if u tell that bash to execute something? | 11:47 |
shock | like echo ... | 11:47 |
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topyli | shock: in gnome-terminal you can just set these things in the preferences | 11:48 |
KING^^^ | hello all | 11:48 |
KING^^^ | i have installed bittornado-gui | 11:48 |
topyli | Slaven i mean, not shock | 11:48 |
KING^^^ | how do i start it ? | 11:48 |
Slaven | shock: I tried Eterm -e bash -c echo "Hello World" | 11:48 |
shock | I know | 11:48 |
Slaven | didn't work :) | 11:48 |
Slaven | just as if I'd written Eterm -e echo "Hello World" | 11:48 |
Slaven | topyli: I use Eterm. | 11:49 |
shock | When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell | 11:49 |
shock | with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/pro- | 11:49 |
shock | file, if that file exists. | 11:49 |
shock | how about that? | 11:49 |
shock | *g+ | 11:49 |
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shock | ~/.bash_login | 11:49 |
KING^^^ | nobody can tell me ? | 11:49 |
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Slaven | shock: Adding the --login option didn't really help either. | 11:49 |
niktaris | hi all, | 11:49 |
shock | <KING^^^> <--- use open with on an bittorret file? | 11:50 |
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shock | slaven - add the line "echo Hello" to ~/.bash_login | 11:50 |
topyli | Slaven: with xterm, you can use the -ls option to make the xterm a login shell. then it will execute your ~/.login | 11:50 |
shock | then execute it as a login shell | 11:50 |
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niktaris | anyone can tell me where to find ubuntu sources? | 11:51 |
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izte | KING^^^: btdownloadgui.bittornado | 11:51 |
stuNNed | need help | 11:51 |
shock | or get gnome-btdownload | 11:51 |
Slaven | shock: No, doesn't work. :( | 11:51 |
jazzka | has ubuntu enabled Preemptible Kernel option by default? | 11:51 |
topyli | niktaris: | 11:51 |
shock | hmpf | 11:51 |
KING^^^ | thanks izte | 11:52 |
kim1 | | 11:52 |
kim1 | is this where I can find a text file of all the packages>? | 11:52 |
topyli | Slaven: you need to see eterm's man page to see how to run it as a login shell (like -ls in xterm) | 11:52 |
Slaven | -l | 11:52 |
Slaven | it doesn't work. | 11:53 |
shock | hm... weirdness... | 11:53 |
Slaven | or rather, it starts just as normal | 11:53 |
shock | ill try bash_profile | 11:53 |
shock | aah | 11:53 |
shock | it works when put into profile | 11:53 |
niktaris | topyli, thanks. are the souce .debs for the live cd's too? | 11:53 |
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Slaven | thanks :) | 11:54 |
stuNNed | i must have screwed up my home dir perms with sudo -s is there any way to fix? | 11:54 |
Slaven | works just fine | 11:54 |
topyli | niktaris: not entirely i guess. the live cd is essentially morphix | 11:54 |
shock | :) | 11:54 |
Shambler | is it normal that in hoary the preview for video files in nautilus isn't working any more? | 11:54 |
Slaven | now I just have to come up with something smart to put there :D | 11:54 |
joh | mon: upgrading the kernel fixed the problem. :) | 11:55 |
shock | Slaven "this is my computer u scumbag!" | 11:55 |
niktaris | topyli, where can I find more info on these cd's? | 11:55 |
Slaven | oh. | 11:55 |
Slaven | I know. | 11:55 |
topyli | Slaven: just make it execute fortune for starters | 11:55 |
Slaven | something randomized. :-) | 11:55 |
Slaven | fortune for starters? | 11:55 |
mon | joh: good then :) | 11:55 |
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shock | just run fortune | 11:56 |
kim1 | niktaris: do you know if there is a list of all the packages on the ubuntu distro somewhere? | 11:56 |
topyli | niktaris: dunno off hand. try the morphix home page | 11:56 |
mon | anyone knows where to get the .config file for Ubuntu-kernels? | 11:56 |
Slaven | ah | 11:56 |
terry | I want to register a new protocol, however I cant seem to find gnomes file types and applications capplet | 11:56 |
drew | hi all. I have installed scribus with libqt3c102-mt and was wondering if I could make it a little less ugly (ie: use a theme) without installing all of kde... ? | 11:56 |
Slaven | exactly what I was looking for :D | 11:56 |
crimsun | mon: /boot/config-$(uname -r) | 11:56 |
terry | anyone know where it is?? | 11:56 |
mon | kim1: you can download it from a mirror like you said | 11:56 |
mon | crimsun: doh! thaks | 11:56 |
mon | must've been my dumbest question ever | 11:57 |
kim1 | mon: I just want the list not the distro | 11:57 |
mon | kim1: yeah, get it from the apt mirror | 11:58 |
topyli | terry: you want to associate an app to a file type? | 11:58 |
mon | kim1: it's called Packages or something | 11:58 |
mon | a gzipped text file | 11:58 |
terry | toppyli, umm a URL | 11:58 |
terry | toppyli, a protocal | 11:58 |
kim1 | is the ip for the apt mirror on the web site? | 11:59 |
terry | I read you can do it in file types and applications, I just cant find it | 11:59 |
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