randabis | no | 12:00 |
jason_ | jrydberg___: stable enough for me, not enough for mission critical stuff i suppose, hvent had a kernel pani large oggs get choppy, not sure why im using a laptop | 12:00 |
=== Neil3 [~neil@host81-156-42-30.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | hoary has never crashed on me | 12:00 |
jrydberg___ | okey! | 12:00 |
hybrid | jason- you havent had? | 12:00 |
jrydberg___ | we'll see what happens. | 12:00 |
jason_ | yeah | 12:01 |
hybrid | ok kool | 12:01 |
Grev | the only problem I have with hoary is that gnome loses my wireless settings | 12:01 |
jason_ | i have same prob one day i will set up hostap | 12:01 |
Sav | Anyone got subtitels to work with xvid/divx etc? | 12:02 |
Neil3 | hm | 12:02 |
Neil3 | hey folks | 12:02 |
jason_ | i bougt a mpci prism 2.5 card | 12:02 |
jason_ | doesnt work yet | 12:02 |
Neil3 | i'm considering switching to ubuntu from fedora | 12:02 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Im unable to heard anything on xine suggestions? | 12:02 |
Neil3 | because i hear reports that performance in ubuntu is way way better! | 12:02 |
Xappe | Sav, yes, with MPlayer and VLC | 12:02 |
=== Evaso [~yellow@ppp-120-171.24-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | Neil3, it's a great system | 12:02 |
Neil3 | with specific cpu compiled kernels | 12:02 |
Sav | Xappe, i use VLC, how did u manage that? | 12:03 |
Neil3 | so i'd use k7 :) | 12:03 |
mjt | Sav: subtitles has nothing to do with xvid/divx, really | 12:03 |
Grev | Neil3: I use Ubuntu for my desktop and laptop and FC3 for my servers | 12:03 |
Evaso | hi guys, what's appen if i change my video card on an installed ubuntu and the boot the pc? | 12:03 |
Neil3 | i guess i chose fedora cause it is widely established | 12:03 |
jason_ | Neil3: i will never be a RH fan, ubuntu is pretty nice | 12:03 |
Neil3 | being spawn of red hat and all | 12:03 |
mjt | Sav: xvid/divx are two codecs for your video stream, subtitles are outside that stream | 12:03 |
Neil3 | i do like fedora but it does feel sluggish sometimes | 12:03 |
Grev | Neil3: only because I'm a RHCE and redHat configuation is burned into me:) | 12:03 |
Neil3 | i must admit | 12:03 |
Neil3 | hehe | 12:03 |
Neil3 | nice | 12:04 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | and the problem is just with xine/gxine cause in bmp all works fine | 12:04 |
Sav | Xappe, mjr, well how can i get he darn sub to be shown? | 12:04 |
Xappe | Sav, you can select the subtitlefile in the "open file" dialogue | 12:04 |
Sav | Xappe, ohh | 12:04 |
Neil3 | just wondering about a few things i use in fedora and if i can do the same stuff in ubuntu | 12:04 |
Neil3 | evolution 2.0 for email | 12:04 |
Neil3 | etc | 12:04 |
shingokii | Anyone know why ubunt doesn't have firefox 1.0? | 12:04 |
Neil3 | and openoffice is on there too i see | 12:04 |
Grev | Neil3: goto www.fedorafaq.org, has some speed up tips (run prelink, disable ipv6, and others) | 12:05 |
mjt | ubuntu have quite recent versions of most popular software | 12:05 |
Neil3 | yeah i did those Grev | 12:05 |
Neil3 | still | 12:05 |
mpq | I don't know why it didn't have 1.0 | 12:05 |
Xappe | shingokii, because warty was released before ff1 | 12:05 |
jdub | shingokii: warty didn't because 1.0 was quite b0rky | 12:05 |
Neil3 | i tried the ubuntu live cd out it just seemed a lot quicker | 12:05 |
shingokii | Xappe, do the versions in the repository not get updated though? | 12:05 |
jdub | shingokii: so we reverted to the more stable release | 12:05 |
jason_ | Neil3: i dont care for yum and uptodate has allways crashed on me. fedora with apt is ok but i think hoary is more stable, my opinion | 12:05 |
Neil3 | synaptic seems great | 12:05 |
Xappe | shingokii, no the versions are locked after release | 12:06 |
shingokii | synaptic is lovely | 12:06 |
Neil3 | there is implimentation in fedora of synaptic and apt-get | 12:06 |
shingokii | Xappe, oh that sucks :( | 12:06 |
jdub | shingokii: no, it's good | 12:06 |
=== Stew2 [~guest@209-253-70-33.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Evaso | hi guys, what's appen if i change my video card on an installed ubuntu and the boot the pc? X.org will start again automatically? | 12:06 |
Neil3 | but thats just weird using those debian things on a red hat system | 12:06 |
jdub | shingokii: otherwise it would be unsupportable | 12:06 |
jason_ | I use apt my self | 12:06 |
Stew2 | Warty to Hoary upgrade in progress! | 12:06 |
Grev | Neil3: I like the gnome interface better in Ubuntu | 12:06 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Im unable to heard anything on xine suggestions? The sound is fine in other applications like bmp | 12:06 |
jdub | shingokii: there's a release *every six months* | 12:06 |
Stew2 | jason_ aptitude | 12:06 |
Neil3 | right Grev | 12:06 |
hybrid | Xappe dist-upgrade is workin for me too | 12:06 |
=== Neil3 listens |
=== kbrooks [~kbrooks@CPE0050ba557516-CM000039d12a5d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
shingokii | when hoary comes out, can I go to it without complete reinstall? | 12:06 |
Neil3 | any of you guys using gnomad2 at all? | 12:06 |
Xappe | yes | 12:06 |
kbrooks | kyle@family:~ $ ls -l /usr/share/dict/words | 12:06 |
kbrooks | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 2005-02-03 17:16 /usr/share/dict/words -> /etc/dictionaries-common/words | 12:06 |
Evaso | or i need to reconfigure x.org package? | 12:06 |
shingokii | ah well I can wait that long for new versions | 12:06 |
jdub | shingokii: yes, of course | 12:06 |
Neil3 | i have a creative jukebox 2 that works great in fc3 | 12:07 |
=== kandinsk1 is now known as kandinski |
Neil3 | need to know if i can get it going in ubuntu | 12:07 |
shingokii | jdub, Xappe, pardon my scepticism, I've just never seen that work ;) | 12:07 |
Stew2 | Neil3 dunno. | 12:07 |
kbrooks | The file that /usr/share/dict/words points to basically is kaput. not there | 12:07 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Stew2: does the upgrade means re-installing java, flash and this kind of crap? | 12:07 |
mpq | geez, I need to download a lot to get mplayer to work | 12:07 |
Xappe | shingokii, i've done it myself in december ;) | 12:08 |
Stew2 | Iman: Hmmm. Not that I know of. They are separate packages on their own. | 12:08 |
Neil3 | i'm pretty sure my camera will work if it works with gthumb | 12:08 |
Stew2 | Iman: Basically, the individual packages upgrade to newer versions. | 12:08 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Stew2: but does it mantain the old plugins folder in firefox? | 12:08 |
shingokii | Xappe, if I upgrade to hoary now (is that possible?) then will it just keep updating until final release? | 12:08 |
=== Kokey [~ubunturer@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== net_benjo [~ben@CPE000f66081cde-CM000f2120da81.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Well back to my previous question can anyone give me a hand with soun in xine? | 12:09 |
=== Littlechand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-17-214.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
=== njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu |
net_benjo | hi all | 12:09 |
hybrid | nah | 12:09 |
Xappe | shingokii, yes | 12:09 |
jason_ | quote "this kind of crap" wont toch my box untill assimilated ie GPLed | 12:09 |
net_benjo | can anybody tell me the best way to install xmms skins on my ubuntu system? | 12:09 |
shingokii | Xappe, that excites me strangely. So what do I do, dist-upgrade? | 12:09 |
randabis | shingokii, sure, it's possible to upgrade to hoary now (I have 3 systems running hoary) | 12:10 |
blah09 | iamanewbie try setting it to use ESD | 12:10 |
randabis | we get daily package updates | 12:10 |
=== Lovechild [~dnielsen@] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | the only thing thats kept me from ubuntu is that it uses older packages but i guess thats for extra stability so i'm very tempted still | 12:10 |
Xappe | shingokii, change all warty to hoary in your sources.list. then apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:10 |
kbrooks | The file that /usr/share/dict/words points to basically is kaput. not there. | 12:10 |
blah09 | if you use hoary you'd probably be reasonably near cutting edge | 12:10 |
kbrooks | anyone? | 12:10 |
blah09 | i think | 12:11 |
shingokii | Xappe, is there a wiki page about that? | 12:11 |
kbrooks | The file that /usr/share/dict/words points to basically is kaput. not there. | 12:11 |
kbrooks | anyone? | 12:11 |
kbrooks | anyone? | 12:11 |
kbrooks | anyone? | 12:11 |
Neil3 | i have one last question, does ubuntu start a ton of useless services (useless for a desktop system) at startup, like fedora does? | 12:11 |
lakin | kbrooks: settle down. | 12:11 |
Xappe | shingokii, yes I think so | 12:11 |
shingokii | Xappe, I might as well try it now when I've just installed, so there is less to break | 12:11 |
kbrooks | what package can i install to enable this........... | 12:11 |
=== Burn` [~Burnout@73.65-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu |
jason_ | Neil3: I dont think so | 12:11 |
=== iocaste [~matt@82-39-117-254.cable.ubr03.newy.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] |
Xappe | maby you should dit-upgrade warty before you upgrade to hoary | 12:11 |
blah09 | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary | 12:12 |
jason_ | Neil3: at least not as many | 12:12 |
lakin | kbrooks, search in synaptic for dictionary or something similar. | 12:12 |
blah09 | is there a way to find out where symlinks point to? | 12:12 |
jason_ | no server stuff by default | 12:12 |
=== _|Imanewbie|_ is now known as Maragato |
Grev | I'm going to wait for Gnome 2.10 before I upgrade to hoary | 12:12 |
=== tolstoy [~keith@keith1.cv.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | Neil3, not nearly as many | 12:12 |
jason_ | ls -laF? | 12:12 |
lakin | kbrooks: dpkg -S /usr/share/dict/words will tell you which package "own's" that file... might be helpful. | 12:12 |
blah09 | 2.9 is basically an unstable 2.10 isnt it | 12:12 |
kbrooks | oh | 12:13 |
randabis | it's a development version | 12:13 |
=== Maragato is now known as _Imanewbie_ |
Grev | blah09: development 2.10 | 12:13 |
randabis | it's actually called 2.10 beta 1 now iirc | 12:13 |
=== _Imanewbie_ is now known as _Immanewbie_ |
blah09 | lakin: can i do that the other way round too? can i find out where a package puts a file? | 12:13 |
mpq | the guide to installing mplayer is wrong in an important part | 12:13 |
mpq | two of the download links go nowhere | 12:14 |
=== Xenguy_ is now known as Xenguy |
lakin | blah09: in synaptic you can figure out what files a particular package installs by clicking on properties, so I know it's possible, I just don't know the command line version. | 12:14 |
Grev | in there a mplayer deb with graphic interface enabled somewhere? | 12:14 |
blah09 | oh ok thanks | 12:14 |
blah09 | ill do that instead | 12:14 |
blah09 | grev i think in the marillat repositories | 12:14 |
blah09 | not too sure though i use xineui | 12:14 |
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
kbrooks | where's OOo's dictionary list | 12:16 |
_Immanewbie_ | When i am on the "xine", the sound is very low, and this is sux! Can someone please help me? | 12:17 |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: aumix ? | 12:17 |
=== hackeron [~hackeron@81-86-159-146.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu |
hackeron | can someone tell me what ubuntu uses to configure X? | 12:17 |
haggai | kbrooks: man update-openoffice-dicts | 12:18 |
_Immanewbie_ | Xenguy: what do you mean by that? | 12:18 |
blah09 | randabis have you tried snes9express? | 12:18 |
Stew2 | immanewbie Hmmm. Open up the mixer application? | 12:18 |
randabis | no | 12:18 |
Xenguy | hackeron: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ? | 12:18 |
_Immanewbie_ | Stew2: what do you mean? | 12:18 |
blah09 | weird gsnes just crashes when i want it to play a rom | 12:18 |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: open a terminal window, and try running the command 'aumix' (no quotes) | 12:19 |
Stew2 | Immanewbie well. I'm not in the gnome desktop at the moment. I believe there is an audio mixer application. | 12:19 |
hackeron | Xenguy: oh, is that it? | 12:19 |
_Immanewbie_ | Xenguy: command not found | 12:19 |
=== joh_ [~joh@cD9088834.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: try -> sudo apt-get install aumix | 12:19 |
jrydberg___ | randabis: after I've done dist-upgrade, all I have to do is to reboot? | 12:19 |
randabis | yes | 12:20 |
Evaso | there is any ubuntu developer here? | 12:20 |
randabis | and pray | 12:20 |
jdub | Evaso: always | 12:20 |
=== magnon_ [~magnon@cD9088834.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu |
Xenguy | hackeron: well, that's what I use in Debian, but not on an Ubu box right ATM | 12:20 |
randabis | lolz | 12:20 |
_Immanewbie_ | Xenguy: done | 12:20 |
jdub | _Immanewbie_: use alsamixer, no installation required | 12:20 |
_Immanewbie_ | Xenguy: just oppened it | 12:20 |
=== jdub spanks Xenguy |
shingokii | Xappe, ok fixed the sources.list, what do I run to update/upgrade? | 12:20 |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: aumix ? | 12:20 |
Stew2 | immanewbie There ya go. | 12:20 |
Xenguy | jdub: heheh | 12:20 |
Evaso | jdub: what's about x.org autprobing when an user change a *broken* montior, videocard etc. etc. on reboot? | 12:21 |
jdub | _Immanewbie_: quit it and use alsamixer | 12:21 |
kbrooks | haggai, i need an actual file with a list of WORDS | 12:21 |
Xenguy | jdub: is my method old-fashioned or something? :-) | 12:21 |
Stew2 | Evaso Dunno. | 12:21 |
Xappe | shingokii, apt-get update | 12:21 |
jdub | Evaso: i don't quite understand the question | 12:21 |
Xappe | shingokii, apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:21 |
=== aurax [~aurax@bzq-218-44-70.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
shingokii | Xappe, thanks :) | 12:21 |
_Immanewbie_ | jdub: oki Ive opened alsamixer so what? | 12:21 |
Evaso | jdub: can i explain you a real uses case on ubuntu about this problem? | 12:22 |
Xappe | shingokii, and as sudo of course | 12:22 |
jdub | _Immanewbie_: now check your volumes | 12:22 |
jdub | Evaso: sure | 12:22 |
jdub | Evaso: you're probably better off asking daniels | 12:22 |
shingokii | ok, 424MB ;) | 12:22 |
mpq | I can't install libpng-dev | 12:22 |
_Immanewbie_ | Master is at maximum, 3D Contr 0, PCM Maximum Synth Maximum Line Maximum Lini0in 0 Line in 0 CD maximum | 12:22 |
shingokii | Xappe, is there much day-to-day broken stuff? | 12:22 |
mpq | I got an error message E: Package libpng-dev has no installation candidate | 12:22 |
mpq | how do I fix this? | 12:23 |
Evaso | jdub: i running debian from several years, but i installed ubuntu as the first linux distro for a medium skills windows user | 12:23 |
Stew2 | Immanewbie Well, for sure, PCM should be up, and main volume. | 12:23 |
=== Lineman [~Lineman@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
kbrooks | /usr/share/myspell/dicts/en-US.dic is not exactly what i want for example | 12:23 |
Evaso | jdub: all works fine but one weeks ago motherboard crashed | 12:23 |
Stew2 | Immanewbie Do you have another OS on the machine that is working at full volume | 12:23 |
_Immanewbie_ | Stew2: thay are both at maximum | 12:23 |
aurax | ubuntuguide.org is down ? | 12:23 |
=== Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
_Immanewbie_ | Stew2: if you can think in windows as a "Operational" system yes | 12:24 |
mpq | I can't figure out how to install MPlayer | 12:24 |
Stew2 | Immanewbie: Hmmm. | 12:24 |
Evaso | jdub: he changed the motherboard in a computer shop, then at home power up the pc with the new motherboard and ubuntu boot up fine/all works fine | 12:24 |
mpq | Error: PNG support required for GUI compilation, please install libpng and libpng-dev packages. | 12:24 |
mpq | how do I fix that? | 12:24 |
=== joh_ is now known as joh |
=== getglenn [~glenn@CPE-60-231-36-196.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | mpq: see how it says "please install libpng and libpng-dev packages"? do that :) | 12:24 |
_Immanewbie_ | the most interesting is that the ploblem is JUST with xine/gxine | 12:25 |
mpq | I'm not sure how | 12:25 |
Xappe | shingokii, no not much, but some thing do break but it get fixed quite fast most of the time | 12:25 |
jdub | mpq: synaptic, aptitude, apt-get... | 12:25 |
mpq | E: Package libpng-dev has no installation candidate | 12:25 |
=== EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
jrydberg___ | randabis: the upgrade failed. dpkg wanred that it couldn't remove /etc/gimp/2.0/gimprc | 12:26 |
shingokii | Xappe, sounds good :) I might as well try it since I've had to reinstall anyway | 12:26 |
jrydberg___ | then it died | 12:26 |
Evaso | jdub: but some days ago the nvidia card crashed then he was gone on the pc shop bought a base video card (ati), mounted on the pc, then he go to home, power up the pc and naturally X won't start | 12:26 |
_Immanewbie_ | brb dinner | 12:26 |
shingokii | mpq, when you get a problem like that, a good first thing is to go to synaptic, and search for the thing it said was missing. Then try installing it, and running again | 12:26 |
mpq | You should explicitly select one to install. <-- What does that mean, and how do I fix it? | 12:26 |
aurax | what is a good gui to burn vcd/vcds? | 12:26 |
Xappe | shingokii, yes, since you have aclean system and it just takes about 25 mins to reinstall warty | 12:27 |
jdub | Evaso: run 'dpkg-reconfigure --priority=high xserver-xfree86' | 12:27 |
jdub | Evaso: you're running warty, right? | 12:27 |
=== Anubis [~LordVader@node.tor] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I don't even know what synaptic is | 12:27 |
Xappe | front end to apt | 12:27 |
shingokii | Xappe, yup, so when I break it I can go back to nice safe old version and wait for real hoary release :) Thanks for help btw | 12:27 |
Xappe | shingokii, np :) good luck! | 12:28 |
jdub | mpq: the package manager gui; computer > system configuration > synaptic package manager (on warty) | 12:28 |
Evaso | jdub: i know how to do that and i fixed it, but do u tink that is a good choiche for a newbie medium user that approach to ubuntu go to console and run 'dpkg-reconfigure --priority=high xserver-xfree86'? | 12:28 |
mpq | how do I do it in terminal? | 12:28 |
shingokii | mpq, its what you use to install new software | 12:28 |
jdub | Evaso: no, and we'll fix that eventually | 12:28 |
=== alvercas [~ricardo@10001242261.0000019665.acesso.oni.pt] has left #ubuntu [] |
jdub | mpq: sudo apt-get install ... | 12:28 |
mpq | I did that | 12:28 |
mpq | libpng-dev didn't work | 12:28 |
aurax | anyone? | 12:29 |
jdub | apt-cache search libpng dev | 12:29 |
jdub | there are a bunch | 12:29 |
jdub | mpq: you should probably read about apt | 12:29 |
Evaso | jdub: i want to help you with this (and also for debian) how can i do? | 12:29 |
shingokii | mpq, why do you want to use command line? | 12:29 |
TheMuso | mpq: Are you running warty? | 12:29 |
mpq | yes | 12:29 |
=== Dreamer3 [~unknown@sdn-ap-010tnnashP0251.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | Evaso: it's a hard problem, and one we might come back to for our next release; right now, we're focusing on fixing bugs :) | 12:29 |
Xenguy | shingokii: that's an odd question, no? Why not the CLI ? :-) | 12:29 |
adnans | anyone tried Xgl ? | 12:30 |
aurax | i just kicked out windows for ever | 12:30 |
TheMuso | mpq: There is a command you can use to search for packages with much the same name. The command you might want to look into is apt-cache search. | 12:30 |
=== usual [Qiana@cpe-69-204-171-33.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
shingokii | Xenguy, well I just find synaptic a lot easier :) I thought maybe his X was broken | 12:30 |
TheMuso | mpq: This is on the terminal. | 12:30 |
aurax | damn ubuntu is good | 12:30 |
=== krischan [~krischan@p5090B6C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I think searching worked | 12:30 |
usual | http://www.transamrit.net/~usual/computer.jpg | 12:30 |
mpq | I got "libpng12-dev" which installed correctly | 12:30 |
=== Dreamer3_ [~josh@sdn-ap-010tnnashP0251.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
TheMuso | mpq: Well when I searched for libpng-dev, this is what I got. | 12:30 |
Xenguy | shingokii: different tools suit different people/temperments -- I much prefer CLI/keyboard for most things, for example | 12:30 |
=== subterrific [~jason@subterrific.net] has joined #ubuntu |
TheMuso | mpq: libpng12-dev - PNG library - development | 12:31 |
Dreamer3 | ok | 12:31 |
Evaso | jdub: i know that it is and hard problem, so i want to start to talk about some possible solution with someone, what is the "ubuntu" right people about this kind of problem? | 12:31 |
Dreamer3 | any experts here? | 12:31 |
Xenguy | aurax: congratulations are in order :-) | 12:31 |
Xappe | does anyone know if you can use graevine with cvscedega? | 12:31 |
TheMuso | mpq: So my guess that libpng12-dev is the package you might be looking for. | 12:31 |
Xappe | *grapevine | 12:31 |
shingokii | Xenguy, yup, I wasn't trying to tell him what to use I was just curious ;P | 12:31 |
mpq | I already figured that out | 12:31 |
aurax | eheh | 12:31 |
aurax | this is like old days | 12:31 |
=== magnon_ is now known as magnon |
TheMuso | mpq: Ok, so install it. | 12:31 |
aurax | using ubuntu takes me back to the days of dos | 12:31 |
mpq | I already did | 12:31 |
TheMuso | mpq: But you are still having problems? | 12:31 |
aurax | in feeling . | 12:31 |
Xenguy | shingokii: nod | 12:32 |
=== Stew2 [~guest@209-253-70-33.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu |
TheMuso | mpq: Sorry I came in a bit late, what are you trying to do? | 12:32 |
mpq | my only problem now is that my IRC client pops up whenever anyone says "mpq in the chat" | 12:32 |
Dreamer3 | i'm using screen and irssi on my server (always have, it hasn't changed)... and then i resize the terminal window (on my client) irssi would always mess up... so with debian sarge i just ctrl-a d (disconnect) and then screen -r (reconnect) and irssi would redraw and "learn" the new size and all was well... with ubuntu this does not happy and i'm at a loss since my client (gnome-termainl) is the only thing that has changed... and i wa | 12:32 |
Zotnix | :reads an online document trashing nautilus: | 12:32 |
Zotnix | And gnome too. | 12:32 |
Zotnix | Bah | 12:32 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: ^-l ? | 12:33 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: ? | 12:33 |
TheMuso | mpq: That is because people like myself are directing our conversations to you directly. It makes for easier to follow chats in the channel IMO. | 12:33 |
Xenguy | Ctrl-l <-- ell | 12:33 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: what's that? | 12:33 |
TheMuso | mpq: You would have to look into your IRC client documentation to find out how to disable the popups. | 12:33 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i'm not sure why you mention it, give me more context | 12:33 |
mpq | I don't want to disable it | 12:33 |
mpq | it's just an inconvenience right now | 12:33 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: should 'redraw' the screen (if I understand your Q correctly) | 12:33 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: no, you missed it | 12:34 |
TheMuso | Ok mpq I won't directly address you for now. :) | 12:34 |
TheMuso | I understand. | 12:34 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: after resizing a window irssi would always be messed up... i used to only need to disconnect and reconnect screen to fix it.. (with sarge)... now that does not work with ubuntu | 12:34 |
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mpq | yeah, thanks, themuso | 12:34 |
_Immanewbie_ | jjj | 12:34 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: and it doesn't make _any_ sense to me | 12:34 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: define "messed up" then :-) | 12:34 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: it would draw things in the wrong places all the time | 12:35 |
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Xenguy | Dreamer3: try Ctrl-l and see if that helps; if not, I have no other suggestions that come to mind ATM | 12:35 |
TreadingSoftl1 | any beagle users appeared? | 12:35 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: but disconnecting and reconecting screen _always_ fixed it... and with ubuntu this doesn't work (despite the fact that the software in question is on the server) | 12:35 |
mpq | I used "make" and now the terminal is really slow | 12:35 |
mpq | when will I know if it's done? | 12:35 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: no, ctrl-l doesn't know the new size of the window | 12:35 |
TreadingSoftl1 | beagle and hoary to be more exact... | 12:35 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: /resize works, but it's annoying to have an extra step since i move and resize windows a lot | 12:36 |
=== bascule [~kenny@user-4584.l6.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: you've already tried that then? | 12:36 |
_Immanewbie_ | Xenguy: no suggestions? | 12:36 |
TheMuso | What are you building mpq? | 12:36 |
mpq | mplayer | 12:36 |
EfaistOs | do u know an app to merge some mpeg files ? | 12:36 |
TheMuso | ah. You won't. When it is done it is done. There is no way of knowing how long compiles wil take. | 12:36 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i'll live with it, but just one annoyance that's still bugging me | 12:36 |
=== net_benjo [~ben@CPE000f66081cde-CM000f2120da81.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] |
mpq | I'm wondering if it should take this long to build | 12:36 |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: my suggestion was aumix and I got spanked by jdub for it ;-) | 12:36 |
TheMuso | It depends on how fast your system is, and how big the package is. | 12:37 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: next time i'm in debian i'll confirm that the behavior is correct there, but i only tend to notice things when they are different :) | 12:37 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: hrm, it's an odd sounding problem; not sure what to suggest frankly | 12:37 |
_Immanewbie_ | Xenguy: well the point is that alsamixer is oki sound on the system is oki | 12:37 |
randabis | mpq mplayer takes a little while to finish | 12:37 |
mpq | and I keep getting various error messages during it | 12:38 |
randabis | such as? | 12:38 |
mpq | most of them having to do with pointers | 12:38 |
TheMuso | mpq what errors? | 12:38 |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: no silver bullet here | 12:38 |
randabis | that's normal | 12:38 |
TheMuso | they are probably just warnings, I wouldn't really worry about them unless they stop the build. | 12:38 |
randabis | if I understand the errors right | 12:38 |
mpq | and it paused for like a minute twice | 12:38 |
Xenguy | _Immanewbie_: usually I speak up when I get a brainwave too ;-) | 12:38 |
TheMuso | mpq that is also normal. | 12:38 |
mpq | ok | 12:39 |
shock | goshdamn i luv ubuntu | 12:39 |
randabis | again, normal behavior when compiling software | 12:39 |
TheMuso | some files take that long to build. I have literally seen files that take a few minutes to be compiled. | 12:39 |
shock | now this is what i call a distro | 12:39 |
_Immanewbie_ | Dammm I will have to go to windows to watch my movie | 12:39 |
mpq | first time I've done this | 12:39 |
Dreamer3 | exit | 12:39 |
=== Xenguy notes the profuse praise for Ubu lately :-) |
Zotnix | Hoary is going ahead with GCC 4? | 12:39 |
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randabis | why? | 12:39 |
mpq | I only first used linux of any kind yesterday | 12:39 |
_Immanewbie_ | TheMuso: try gentoo and you will find some that will take days :) | 12:39 |
=== guest is now known as Stew2 |
=== Zotnix eyes. |
mpq | just threw out windows and jumped in | 12:39 |
Dreamer3 | Zotnix: i'm liking it at least, think i'm going to switch from sarge | 12:39 |
Stew2 | mpq yeah | 12:39 |
TheMuso | _Immanewbie_: I have played with it a while back. I know. | 12:39 |
Zotnix | I thought GCC 4 was really unstable. | 12:40 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: might want to try screen in a different terminal and see what happens, now that I think of it | 12:40 |
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Stew2 | mpq well, you picked a good time. I've run FC3 and Ubuntu hoary. Both are mature enough. | 12:40 |
shock | <_Immanewbie_> - i watch movies on ubuntu right now | 12:40 |
shock | =) | 12:40 |
Zotnix | And broke some things | 12:40 |
shock | no problems watsoever | 12:40 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: tried it with xterminal and xterm, same issues | 12:40 |
pepsi | i install hoary on my laptop, and when i close the lid, the screen blanks.. when i open it again, xscreensaver has kicked in and wants my password, but the keyboard doesnt work | 12:40 |
pepsi | nor the mouse | 12:40 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: curiouser and curiouser | 12:40 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: well, next i need to confirm it still works in debian... and if so... what does that leave? bash? env variables? | 12:41 |
shock | ? | 12:41 |
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Stew2 | pepsi Hmmm | 12:41 |
shock | whats happening @ dreamer? | 12:41 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i suppose ssh might negotiate the connection differently or something? | 12:41 |
_Immanewbie_ | shock: wich player? | 12:41 |
shock | totem-xine | 12:41 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i'm using screen and irssi on my server (always have, it hasn't changed)... and then i resize the terminal window (on my client) irssi would always mess up... so with debian sarge i just ctrl-a d (disconnect) and then screen -r (reconnect) and irssi would redraw and "learn" the new size and all was well... with ubuntu this does not happy and i'm at a loss since my client (gnome-termainl) is the only thing that has changed... a | 12:41 |
mpq | it would be nice if I knew how long this was supposed to take | 12:41 |
shock | totem-gstreamer wouldnt work | 12:41 |
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Dreamer3 | shock: ubuntu in my new client (where the behavior is broken) | 12:42 |
_Immanewbie_ | totem is just a front end for xine | 12:42 |
aurax | is k3b can be run under ubuntu with gnome | 12:42 |
_Immanewbie_ | shock: is your sound oki? | 12:42 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: it's hard to know. I've had problems with display (for example with Gnome-terminal) and switching to rxvt worked for me, so <shrug> | 12:42 |
kbrooks | yes | 12:42 |
shock | my sound is great | 12:42 |
pepsi | Stew2: since nothing else laptop-y really works, i wouldnt mind if it did nothing when i close the lid.. its just that sometimes the lid closes on accident you know? | 12:42 |
shock | as for the terminal resize things... hmmm | 12:42 |
Dreamer3 | Xenguy: i think it's deeper than that though... gnome-terminal is what i used under debian too :) | 12:42 |
TheMuso | mpq find something else to do. It my take a while. | 12:42 |
Stew2 | mpq how long what. | 12:42 |
shock | lemme think | 12:42 |
mpq | I'm also watching tv | 12:43 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: nod | 12:43 |
shock | hm | 12:43 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i tried replacing gnome-terminal with xterminal and xterm on my side, no difference | 12:43 |
Stew2 | pepsi break the lid switch, or mabye you can turn it off in power management settings. | 12:43 |
Dreamer3 | shock: haven't confirmed that debian still works properly, but i'm almost positive it does | 12:43 |
shock | i dont think thats on the terminal side | 12:43 |
shock | have u switched from xfree to xorg? | 12:43 |
shock | by any chance? | 12:43 |
Stew2 | mpq I don't recommend watching TV. | 12:43 |
shock | cause it _would_ be some kind of "resize-event" from the xserver or windowmanager | 12:44 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i was using xorg (dri daily snapshot) on sarge and i am using xorg on ubuntu (dri daily snapshop)... no difference there | 12:44 |
shock | signal that is | 12:44 |
shock | meacity version? | 12:44 |
Stew2 | immanewbie I've been using mplayer | 12:44 |
Dreamer3 | shock: vi in the scan screen session works just fine | 12:44 |
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randabis | aurax, yes it can be run under gnome | 12:44 |
pepsi | itd be a shame to break the lid switch :( | 12:44 |
Dreamer3 | shock: it messes up, but if i dis-and-reconnect it fixes itself | 12:44 |
Dreamer3 | scan=same | 12:44 |
TreadingSoftl1 | pepsi: not ideal, but you could disable power management | 12:44 |
randabis | I suggest trying out graveman and gnomebaker if you want a GTK alternative | 12:45 |
shock | hm | 12:45 |
shock | weird | 12:45 |
Stew2 | pepsi Of course. Is there a way to turn it off? | 12:45 |
_Immanewbie_ | Stew2: ive tried it but got no difference | 12:45 |
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shock | maybe you should check if its still behaving that way in debian... you got dual boot? | 12:45 |
Dreamer3 | shock: metacity 2.8.6 | 12:45 |
TreadingSoftl1 | pepsi: Preferences > Screensaver | 12:45 |
shock | (i lost my irssi config while ago - so im using xchat now | 12:45 |
shock | :) | 12:45 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i do, but i'm not wanting to dual boot right this sec... hmmmm | 12:45 |
Xappe | can one get grapevine to work with cvscedega? | 12:45 |
shock | hm | 12:45 |
Xappe | that would be nice | 12:45 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i'll confirm next time i'm in, but just last yesterday it was fine in debian, and i don't recall upgrading any components on the server | 12:46 |
shock | hm | 12:46 |
Dreamer3 | shock: good call with the WM though... would switch to flux/black be a good test? | 12:46 |
shock | probably | 12:46 |
Dreamer3 | shock: does ubuntu have any others installed by default? | 12:46 |
Dreamer3 | shock: well | 12:46 |
shock | erm | 12:47 |
shock | i installed flux, bb and fvwm | 12:47 |
shock | flux and bb crashin on me lately, though :( | 12:47 |
shock | havent dug into that jet | 12:47 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i'm installing blackbox now | 12:47 |
shock | erm... is there xnest in ubuntu? | 12:47 |
jdub | shock: yes | 12:48 |
shock | ;) | 12:48 |
Dreamer3 | shock: shoudl it add itself to gdm? | 12:48 |
shock | *installing* | 12:48 |
Dreamer3 | shock: wihout a restart of gdm? | 12:48 |
shock | yes | 12:48 |
shock | no | 12:48 |
Dreamer3 | shock: yes/no what? | 12:48 |
shock | but i think ubuntu is configured to restart gdm on logout | 12:48 |
Dreamer3 | shock: how can i change taht | 12:48 |
Dreamer3 | shock: i hate that | 12:48 |
shock | yes @ adding itself | 12:48 |
shock | no @ without restart | 12:49 |
Dreamer3 | shock: it does take a long time to log out (as if it's loading gdm again) | 12:49 |
shock | hm... good wuestion | 12:49 |
shock | yes | 12:49 |
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Dreamer3 | shock: looking at the config file now | 12:49 |
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jdub | Dreamer3: don't run gdm if you don't want a display manager | 12:49 |
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shock | and if you go to console and killall gdm while in gnome mit will tell you "no process killed" | 12:49 |
pepsi | i turned off power management in xscreensaver, but now it just gets stuck at a blank screen with some garbage up top.. rather than getting stuck with xscreensaver wanting my password | 12:49 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: i like the pretty gdm theme i have though | 12:49 |
jdub | Dreamer3: but you don't like using a display manager | 12:50 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: well, it's not supposed to restart each time, that's configurable is what i just heard :) | 12:50 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: i don't like slow is what i don't like :) | 12:50 |
jdub | yes, it is supposed to restart | 12:50 |
shock | urks | 12:50 |
jdub | otherwise it wouldn't be a display manager | 12:50 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: hmmmm | 12:50 |
shock | what was the "in window" parameter for xnest...? oh well... man xnest i guess :P | 12:51 |
randabis | it doesn't restart in hoary | 12:51 |
jdub | gdm itself doesn't restart, the greeter does | 12:51 |
randabis | :p | 12:51 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | shock: gdmflexiserver -n | 12:51 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: well, the greater takes a while :) is that configurable? :) | 12:51 |
jdub | shock: far more useful | 12:51 |
shock | thx | 12:51 |
jdub | Dreamer3: sure, don't use the greeter, or don't use that theme | 12:51 |
shock | will check that out | 12:51 |
randabis | with CTRL ALT BACKSPACE the greeter does not come back up in hoary | 12:51 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: hmmm, i guess i don't know what it looks like with no greater :) | 12:51 |
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_Immanewbie_ | Does anyone knows any other movies player than xine and mplayer? | 12:51 |
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jdub | Dreamer3: 'greeter' | 12:51 |
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jdub | Dreamer3: switch gdmgreeter to gdmlogin in the config file | 12:52 |
Xappe | _Immanewbie_, VLC | 12:52 |
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Dreamer3 | jdub: might try that next, trying flux now to see if it fixes my resize issues | 12:52 |
Dreamer3 | brb | 12:52 |
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Dreamer3 | nope | 12:54 |
Dreamer3 | wow, blackbox is really minimal install, no default menu, no nothing :) | 12:54 |
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KSoze | does anyone know the guy who hangs around in here using KeyserSoze as a nick? | 12:54 |
KSoze | i've got it registered, so I kill him when I connect | 12:54 |
KSoze | but he autoreconnects really fast, so I imagine you see a lot of annoying messages about it | 12:55 |
BajonBCN | hi everyone. One question. Does Firestarter have a way to allow traffic to an UDP port? | 12:55 |
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Dreamer3 | well | 12:56 |
Dreamer3 | no dice | 12:56 |
Dreamer3 | oh well | 12:56 |
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Stew2 | Bajon No idea. | 12:58 |
TreadingSoftl1 | KeyserSoze: FYI KSoze said: "does anyone know the guy who hangs around in here using KeyserSoze as a nick? i've got it registered, so I kill him when I connect but he autoreconnects really fast, so I imagine you see a lot of annoying messages about it" | 12:58 |
TreadingSoftl1 | oh bother, gone again | 12:59 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
mpq | I'm really starting to get the hang of this | 01:00 |
TheMuso | mpq good to hear. | 01:00 |
=== shock_ [~tr@dsl-082-082-155-181.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu |
shock_ | lol | 01:00 |
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
shock_ | rehi | 01:00 |
Dreamer3 | i'm starting to get bored already :) | 01:00 |
shock_ | gdmflexi killed my x | 01:01 |
shock_ | :P | 01:01 |
shock_ | narf | 01:01 |
Dreamer3 | though ubuntu is a little less predictable than debian so far | 01:01 |
shock_ | joining on irssi from second computer | 01:01 |
shock_ | :) | 01:01 |
Stew2 | mpq It's not really as bad as Microsoft says it is. | 01:02 |
pw3n | hi everyone, I just installed ubuntu as my first ever experience with linux and am messing around with a few things and have some questions.. | 01:02 |
mpq | what isn't? | 01:02 |
mpq | anyway, why would I ever listen to microsoft? | 01:03 |
pw3n | it came with firefox 0.9.3 .. should i update it and how.. I've downloaded the installer but dont have permission to put it anywhere | 01:03 |
Stew2 | mpq: Because Steve Balmer knows what he's talking about :) | 01:03 |
shock_ | wow... neither openbox nor flux or blackbox are working :/ | 01:03 |
Stew2 | pw3n The easiest way is on www.ubuntuguide.org | 01:03 |
Stew2 | pw3n Mentioned in the topic up above ^ | 01:04 |
Stew2 | pw3n Add the 'backports'. | 01:04 |
shock_ | damn... whats this about... absolutely no other wm except gnome and kde are currently not crshing my X? | 01:05 |
shock_ | this is major pain! | 01:06 |
shock_ | anyone a clue? | 01:06 |
shock_ | powerpc here | 01:06 |
=== nozzy [~daniel@htn-c-6276.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
Stew2 | shock_ What's wrong with gnome or kde? | 01:07 |
Stew2 | shock_ you're trying to get something else running, some other wm? | 01:07 |
shock_ | i just like to have backup possibilities beyond "terminal session" | 01:07 |
shock_ | ;) | 01:07 |
shock_ | yes | 01:07 |
shock_ | like "any other wm" would be it, right now | 01:07 |
Stew2 | shock: What about the lovely GNOME or KDE? | 01:07 |
shock_ | hrhr | 01:08 |
shock_ | huge | 01:08 |
Stew2 | shock Did i read you correctly, they 'aren't' crashing. | 01:08 |
shock_ | ressource consuming | 01:08 |
shock_ | no - gnome and kde arent crashing | 01:08 |
shock_ | they are working fine | 01:08 |
=== lithi_ [~lithi@Toronto-HSE-ppp3858366.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
shock_ | but if i slect open flux or bb x crashes | 01:08 |
shock_ | f i run it from inside terminal session x crashes, too | 01:09 |
shock_ | *sigh* | 01:09 |
Stew2 | shock_: Well, you want to run something that a lot of other people aren't, it seems like it's asking for extra trouble. Linux in general has enough trouble running out of the box on mainstream setups. It seems when it becomes tweaking it, far too easy to jump off the deep end (unless, you really know linux) | 01:09 |
shock_ | I'll do a purge & reinstall of openbox | 01:09 |
shock_ | see what it does ;) | 01:09 |
Stew2 | (for instance, a programmer) | 01:09 |
shock_ | :) | 01:09 |
Stew2 | shock_: Good luck. I like powerpc. | 01:09 |
shock_ | oh i know linux | 01:09 |
shock_ | was used to run debian experimental, actually | 01:10 |
Stew2 | shock_ You need to join #ubuntuexperts then. :) | 01:10 |
shock_ | just for the challange | 01:10 |
shock_ | ;) | 01:10 |
Stew2 | shock_ There you will find all the upper end help. | 01:10 |
shock_ | lol | 01:10 |
=== Dreamer3 wonders if there are any part of the distro he might help polish |
Stew2 | shock_ It may be lonely and cold /action hands shock_ a jacket. | 01:10 |
shock_ | no one in ubuntuexperts *fg* | 01:10 |
Stew2 | shock_ Yes. It's true. | 01:11 |
shock_ | hehe... well my gf lives 350km away from my place | 01:11 |
shock_ | so yes | 01:11 |
shock_ | cold and lonely | 01:11 |
shock_ | :P | 01:11 |
shock_ | thx | 01:11 |
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Stew2 | shock_ That, is a personal problem. I say, have more than one. | 01:11 |
shock_ | LOL | 01:11 |
Stew2 | shock_ As long as she's okay with it. | 01:12 |
BajonBCN | Hi everyone | 01:12 |
Stew2 | shock_ Then you get to avoid 'drama'. | 01:12 |
Stew2 | Bajon Yo,. | 01:13 |
lithi_ | Hey, im upgrading from Warty to Hoary and I got an error while doing the dist-upgrade "/var/cache/apt/archives/gimp-data_2.2.2-1ubuntu1_all.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" | 01:13 |
BajonBCN | anyone still awake? | 01:13 |
Stew2 | Bajon Well, it's the afternoon here. | 01:13 |
Lineman | 7pm here | 01:13 |
BajonBCN | Any way to allow UDP traffic from Firestarter? | 01:13 |
=== jmhodges [~jmh@user254.bowlinggreen.oh.dtnspeed.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Stew2 | Bajon You said that, before... Hmmm. I didn't know. Are there any good guides on that, what about google.com/linux firestarter udp | 01:14 |
jrydberg___ | marco? | 01:14 |
shock_ | well i got openbox running =) | 01:14 |
TreadingSoftl1 | lithi: if all else fails you can try forcing it | 01:14 |
TreadingSoftl1 | lithi: i had to do that with python packages when i upgraded ... but it worked | 01:15 |
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Lineman | hmmm now the ubuntuguide site is down :( | 01:15 |
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neyz | hi all | 01:15 |
Dreamer3 | well, besides getting e-mail just the way i like it i think i'm bored of stuff to do on my new ubuntu box | 01:15 |
Stew2 | shock Is openbox a wm? I don't even know. The only WM's I know are explorer.exe, the max os x aqua, and Gnome and KD2 | 01:15 |
lithi_ | TreadingSoftl1: Ok im forcing it now, hope it will work | 01:15 |
Dreamer3 | Stew2: explorer.exe isn't a window manager :) | 01:15 |
jesuel | Hrm, anyone have experience setting up tv tuner cards? specifically ones using the phillips saa7134 driver? Im having a real problem getting this to work | 01:15 |
Dreamer3 | Stew2: it's not even the taskbar on older versions of windows :) | 01:16 |
Stew2 | Dreamer3 Well, you know what i meant. :) | 01:16 |
Dreamer3 | Stew2: yeah, sort of :) | 01:17 |
Xappe | Gnome is not a wm, it's a desktop environment | 01:17 |
Dreamer3 | Stew2: what's cool though is... afterstep? yeah... | 01:17 |
Stew2 | jesuel No, the only tv in cards I've know about are BTxxx based cards. | 01:17 |
Dreamer3 | Stew2: i wish gnome could minimize windows like that | 01:17 |
Stew2 | Dreamer3 K | 01:17 |
crimsun | Stew2: openbox is a wm based originally on blackbox. | 01:17 |
shock_ | < Stew2> a pretty nice one too | 01:18 |
neyz | how can i check if i have the lastest stuff installed please? | 01:18 |
shock_ | ;) | 01:18 |
crimsun | Stew2: the current stable version of openbox was completely rewritten and shares no code with blackbox. | 01:18 |
Dreamer3 | neyz: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 01:18 |
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BajonBCN | Stew2, sorry, I forgot to open the irc port so I didn't get any answer, that's why I asked again :D | 01:18 |
BajonBCN | I looked for it but I didn't find anything. | 01:18 |
BajonBCN | I always come here after doing all it's in my hands | 01:18 |
=== hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu |
neyz | dreamer3, thanks, is warty the lastest? | 01:19 |
Xappe | lots of Hoary updates tonight...think i've downloaded over 100 packages the last three hours | 01:20 |
Lineman | neyz the latest stable | 01:20 |
sunchez | hi, i got a dlink g520+ wifi card (pci); in lspci it says: Network controller: "Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface" | 01:20 |
Dreamer3 | neyz: latest released, yes | 01:20 |
=== FuzzyTheBear [~FuzzyNatu@h-67-100-36-100.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== ions_ [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
sunchez | wiconfig shows nothing | 01:21 |
neyz | how can i get the latest "testing" to get all the lastest version of software ? do i just need to change the sources? | 01:21 |
=== ions_ [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== FuzzyTheBear [~FuzzyNatu@h-67-100-36-100.miatflad.dynamic.covad.net] has left #ubuntu ["gone] |
lithi_ | Just selected X.org insted of xfree86 just wondering why did SuSE and others boycot xfree86? | 01:21 |
sunchez | any clues how to get this wifi card running? | 01:22 |
Dreamer3 | neyz: yes, but testing is very crazy, lots not working from time to time | 01:22 |
=== ions_ is now known as ions |
Dreamer3 | neyz: i'd stay with warty if you're new | 01:22 |
Dreamer3 | neyz: there are nice backports for important software | 01:22 |
neyz | oh its really that bad ? i'm asking because when i was using debian, i was using "unstable" and it always worked fine | 01:23 |
Lineman | neyz no its not bad | 01:23 |
Lineman | it works well i am using it on two machines | 01:23 |
crimsun | lithi_: the new XFree86 license makes distributing changes freely nearly impossible. | 01:23 |
lithi_ | crisun: Oh.. Well screw them the dev team on X.org already looks 10x better | 01:24 |
neyz | i think i'm gonna try testing then it's just for fun anyways | 01:24 |
shock_ | well... flux and black will have to wait | 01:25 |
Xappe | neyz, you learn faster when things break | 01:25 |
neyz | exactly ;) | 01:25 |
lithi_ | crisun: Just look at the board of directors, A++ | 01:25 |
TreadingSoftl1 | neyz: the testing (or rather, unstable) version of Ubuntu is Hoary | 01:26 |
=== andrewski [~andrewski@] has joined #ubuntu |
andrewski | is there anyone here who is versed in making deb packages? | 01:27 |
=== shock [~shockwave@dsl-082-082-155-181.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu |
shock | ok | 01:27 |
Dreamer3 | neyz: if you're used to unstable you'll be fine | 01:27 |
shock | here's the real me again =) | 01:27 |
lithi_ | neyz: Yea im testing it also (just finishing up installing). The way I think about it is hey if it doesent work it only takes 30min to re-install not like gentoo :) | 01:27 |
Dreamer3 | neyz: i love how rock solid woody is but liked the newer software of sarge (but not the daily updates)... so i'm quite happy with warty | 01:27 |
Neil3 | yeah | 01:28 |
Neil3 | damn i want to switch to ubuntu | 01:28 |
Neil3 | but older packages.... | 01:28 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: do it :) | 01:28 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: huh? | 01:28 |
Xappe | i was a linux newbie when upgrading in november/december and now i'm getting quite advanced :) | 01:28 |
Neil3 | using them and knowing there are new versions out there | 01:28 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: *laughs* | 01:28 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: whatever | 01:28 |
Neil3 | i dunno if i can | 01:28 |
Neil3 | hehe | 01:28 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: any distro is like that (unless you'rs using debian experimental/unstable) | 01:29 |
Neil3 | but it uses older pkgs for a reason i guess | 01:29 |
jesuel | oh i figured out my tv tuner heh, module wasnt loaded .;p | 01:29 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: i'm glad for a more stable pacakge selection actually | 01:29 |
Neil3 | stability and stuff | 01:29 |
Neil3 | yeah | 01:29 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: i cam from sarge | 01:29 |
Neil3 | i'm trying to convince myself that is better | 01:29 |
Neil3 | ah | 01:29 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: nice to have the latest, but on dial-up it's a pain to download | 01:29 |
Neil3 | well i'm on dsl so that isnt a problem | 01:29 |
lithi_ | Yea thats a pain dreamer3 | 01:29 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: just try it... i found it a lot faster than sarge though i have yet to figure out why | 01:29 |
neyz | thanks for your answers guys | 01:29 |
=== runenes [~runenes@ti500710a080-0361.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | the kernel looks pretty damn optimised | 01:30 |
Neil3 | there are k7, i686 etc versions | 01:30 |
lithi_ | are there duron optmized kernels? | 01:30 |
Neil3 | that alone is tempting me | 01:30 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: well, i compiled my own kernel with con kolivas patchset on debian... with hardly any modules (ie, just what i needed, no more)... | 01:30 |
Neil3 | yeah k7 = duron | 01:30 |
Dreamer3 | Neil3: what are you using now? | 01:30 |
lithi_ | right :) I knew that | 01:30 |
Neil3 | fedora core 3 | 01:30 |
=== |Phobos| [~phobos@ip216-239-83-191.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | its nice but feels bloated | 01:31 |
jesuel | anything is faster than fc3 | 01:31 |
Neil3 | a little sluggish | 01:31 |
jesuel | :) | 01:31 |
Neil3 | hehe | 01:31 |
Neil3 | yeah | 01:31 |
Neil3 | i hear that a lot | 01:31 |
=== ftwig [~ben@81-86-78-5.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu |
jesuel | fc3 ran like a slug on my athlon64 with 768 ram | 01:31 |
lithi_ | mepis is FAST | 01:31 |
jesuel | mepis is yucky | 01:31 |
=== FAST not mepis |
=== lordan [~lordan@] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | but i like ubuntu so much better now | 01:32 |
Neil3 | ubuntu won awards and stuff | 01:32 |
Neil3 | i dont like kde | 01:32 |
Neil3 | too many options all over the place | 01:32 |
ftwig | hi everybody - trying to install ubuntu dual boot to wean a frend of windows, I gather I need not to install on MBR but cant work out whithc /dev/ to tell grub install, anyone out there up for giving advide. | 01:33 |
lithi_ | Yea but I like the fact kde makes shortcuts when you use apt-get | 01:33 |
Neil3 | hm | 01:33 |
=== TreadingSoftl1 [~tread@] has left #ubuntu [] |
Xappe | i'm satisfied with Hoary (wiped my mdk for Ubuntu)...but I miss the mousecursor and the industrial window theme right now | 01:33 |
TheMuso | ftwig: It is better to put the Ubuntu boot loader on the MBR, as it wil allow the user to boot Windows as well. It is a lot of work to put Ubuntu into the Windows boot menu. | 01:33 |
andrewski | ftwig: why wouldn't you want to install on the MBR? | 01:33 |
andrewski | Xappe: where'd the industrial theme go? | 01:34 |
Neil3 | i shouldn't have too much trouble transfering my evolution data over to ubuntu from fedora should i? | 01:34 |
Xappe | andrewski, it disappeared when they upgraded the gtk engines I think | 01:35 |
Xappe | think it's filed as a bug | 01:35 |
Xappe | it happened this friday | 01:35 |
ftwig | TheMuso, andrewski, OK - but I thought windows (XP) would just take total control back. did some reading up and it seemed putting it in MBR was a bad idea | 01:35 |
lithi_ | does ubuntu come with a working rw ntfs driver? | 01:35 |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | Lithi, jusr ro | 01:35 |
Xappe | *just | 01:35 |
mpq | I have a weird problem | 01:36 |
andrewski | ftwig: well, it's better to have windows installed before you set up grub, but you can get it back afterwards... don't know about the ubuntu install disc for that, though.... | 01:36 |
TheMuso | ftwig: No it won't All the windows MBR does it point the system directly to the Windows boot stuff at the beginning of the Windows partition. The Ubuntu boot loader will live there happily with no problems. | 01:36 |
mpq | I set firefox to open downloaded mp3s in mplayer | 01:36 |
andrewski | Xappe: i've got it here...? | 01:36 |
mpq | now I can't see the program playing them | 01:36 |
ftwig | nadrewski - XP is already installed | 01:36 |
ftwig | aadrewski - XP is already installed | 01:36 |
Neil3 | hm another nice thing about ubuntu is the community | 01:36 |
andrewski | ftwig: then you should be fine. :) | 01:36 |
Neil3 | fedora channel here is full of assholes ;) | 01:36 |
=== Corvus [~Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | andrewski, hmm. and the mouse cursor? | 01:37 |
andrewski | Xappe: yeah... i miss it too. :P | 01:37 |
andrewski | ftwig: you can install to the MBR and boot to ubuntu/windows every time. | 01:37 |
Xappe | are you sure you have the industrial window border not just the control? | 01:38 |
Dreamer3 | ok | 01:38 |
=== Gmike [~michael@DSL217-132-171-167.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu |
jmhodges | ok, i just got through a huge kernel recompile using dpkg-buildpackage | 01:38 |
Dreamer3 | how can i tell gnome terminal's menus not to catch keypresses? like alt-e? | 01:38 |
jmhodges | and i got to the end of it | 01:38 |
lithi_ | Neil3: Ive been a big fan of SuSE but mepisguide.org and the wiki beat any documentation SuSE has also the fact ubuntu has a forum insted of JUST a mailing list is a big plus | 01:38 |
andrewski | Xappe: oh, you mean a metacity theme? | 01:38 |
jmhodges | but it errors out on | 01:38 |
Dreamer3 | i know i did this before and it was easy | 01:38 |
ftwig | andrewski - cool - will do it now. | 01:38 |
Gmike | hi | 01:38 |
Dreamer3 | got it | 01:39 |
Dreamer3 | :) | 01:39 |
jmhodges | for i in $imagelist; do \ | 01:39 |
jmhodges | dpkg -x $(ls debian/build/linux-image-$i\_*i386.deb) debian/d-i-i386; \ | 01:39 |
Gmike | how can i clear the "Places" menu from my remote servers? | 01:39 |
lithi_ | whopsy i ment ubuntuguide.org something sliped my mind | 01:39 |
Gmike | using hoary | 01:39 |
Xappe | andrewski, well...hmm...maybe :) | 01:39 |
Neil3 | lithi_, i've never tried suse | 01:39 |
jmhodges | says that debian/build/linux-image-2.6.10-3-386_*i386.deb does not exist | 01:39 |
ftwig | andrewski - just a bit wary as I tried this with demudi and it totaly trashed the system | 01:39 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
shock | ok - im off to bed now.... 01:40 here | 01:39 |
shock | need to get up at 06:00 *sigh* | 01:39 |
mpq | I can't see what's playing music on my computer | 01:39 |
jmhodges | i hacked the debian/rules so that it would only build for 686 (did this by changing flavors := 686 ) :-/ | 01:39 |
Neil3 | i've tried mandrake, fedora, vector linux, damnsmalllinux, knoppix and ipcop (for my router, that one) | 01:39 |
mpq | I set firefox to open mp3s in mplayer | 01:40 |
shock | n8 and thx for the help and the talks | 01:40 |
mpq | now they're playing with no window open | 01:40 |
ftwig | andrewski - BTW I take it 12GB is enough | 01:40 |
lithi_ | Neil3: It has its avantages like the fact its soo huge it comes on a DVD or 5 regular cd's but its such a HOG both cup/ram and hd space wise | 01:40 |
jmhodges | sorry flavours | 01:40 |
Neil3 | yeah | 01:40 |
Neil3 | like fedora | 01:40 |
neyz | hey should i stop gnome before upgrading to hoary ? | 01:40 |
Neil3 | its huge, has everything you could ever want | 01:40 |
Neil3 | but its bloated to hell | 01:40 |
jmhodges | neyz: i never had any issues | 01:40 |
jmhodges | neyz: gnome-volume-manager might crash | 01:41 |
lithi_ | Neil3: Yep | 01:41 |
Neil3 | and i think the stuff i use is in ubuntu or can be installed easily anyway | 01:41 |
neyz | ok let's try then | 01:41 |
jmhodges | s/might/will/ | 01:41 |
jmhodges | but you can restart | 01:41 |
TheMuso | ftwig: That is enough. | 01:41 |
jmhodges | it | 01:41 |
lithi_ | Neil3: I didint close gnome before upgrading... mabey i should have | 01:41 |
neyz | wohoo downloading 200megs | 01:41 |
Neil3 | oops | 01:41 |
neyz | why do you guys prefer ubuntu to debian? | 01:42 |
ftwig | also do I mneed to have the boot flag set on the new ext3 partision | 01:42 |
Neil3 | well i'm off to bed chaps, it's been nice talking to you all and tomorrow i shall back up data and install ubuntu :) nite nite | 01:42 |
Gmike | neyz - because ubuntu is more updated, and is more user friendly (out-of-the-boxish) | 01:43 |
lithi_ | Neil3: Check out ubuntuguide.org I found it while browsing the official forums. It has everything and more then I want to install and need to know | 01:43 |
Neil3 | yeah i read through it tonight | 01:43 |
Neil3 | looks good | 01:43 |
Gmike | but it is still debian, that's what so good about it | 01:43 |
Neil3 | i've been doing my homework :) | 01:43 |
BajonBCN | I heard somewhere that the ubuntuguide.org isn't 100% correct, actually | 01:43 |
lithi_ | Says who? Everything ive tryed so far has worked for me | 01:44 |
=== transitdk [~transitdk@user-0c6tibm.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ftwig | TheMuso:also do I mneed to have the boot flag set on the new ext3 partision | 01:44 |
BajonBCN | I read it in the mailing list | 01:44 |
BajonBCN | probably it isn't the most orthodox for who said it | 01:45 |
BajonBCN | I don't know enough to judge | 01:45 |
ftwig | BajonBCN:nothings 100% banything ;) | 01:45 |
Neil3 | well if it does have errors they can get fixed by the community, ah the beauty of open source | 01:45 |
ftwig | BajonBCN:expecialy my typing! | 01:45 |
lithi_ | lol | 01:45 |
neyz | i find ubuntu pretty clean like you don't have 15116516 programs installed only the basic | 01:45 |
Xappe | well, so what...if you get trouble just consult the forum | 01:45 |
BajonBCN | ftwig :D | 01:45 |
Neil3 | the forum looks great | 01:45 |
neyz | and then you can add on your own | 01:46 |
BajonBCN | I also use it | 01:46 |
Neil3 | from what i've been browsing so far anyway | 01:46 |
mpq | well, it took over an hour to figure out how to use mplayer | 01:46 |
mpq | but now I get to listen to the best song ever | 01:46 |
lithi_ | Yea, I like ubuntu for the installation process as well quick, simple, and almost userless | 01:46 |
Xappe | Neil3, it IS great! | 01:46 |
BajonBCN | and all the people I've recommended Ubuntu to found it great to switch to Linux | 01:46 |
Neil3 | i would like to use totem are there any issues with it? | 01:46 |
neyz | best part is that, i tried to reinstall debian over ubuntu, guess what the installer couldn't even detect my network card | 01:47 |
neyz | (and it was the sarge netinstall cd) | 01:47 |
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | I like the netinstall idea / theory but it never seems to go smoothly for me | 01:48 |
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neyz | worked well for ubuntu | 01:48 |
Gmike | using hoary.. how can i clear the "Places" menu from my remote servers? it keeps trying to log on.. | 01:48 |
=== DAC1138 [~dac1138@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | ubuntu has a netinstall cd? | 01:48 |
neyz | i think so.. i remember it downloading a bunch of stuff | 01:49 |
lithi_ | Mabey the live cd can do a netinstall | 01:49 |
Gmike | it does.. but i dont think ubuntu has a pure network install yet | 01:49 |
=== pdaoust [~paul@S010600400559f412.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Gmike | probably not, lithi_ | 01:50 |
neyz | no not like the debien business install which is like 30megs | 01:50 |
ftwig | sorry to be a paid, I'me trying to do a dual boot with XP. I'me going to install GRUB in MBR but do I need to set boot flag on new exp3 partision? | 01:50 |
neyz | heh i have a a64-3200 with an asus motherboard which supports cool n quiet, does ubuntu support that or is my cpu always at max ? | 01:50 |
=== hybrid [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Gmike | ftwig - im no specialist, but i think it is not required | 01:51 |
HrdwrBoB | neyz: it does but you have to configure it | 01:51 |
Neil3 | oh another question | 01:51 |
HrdwrBoB | I'm not 100% on it though | 01:51 |
neyz | mmm ok i'll do that later then i guess ^ | 01:51 |
Neil3 | does ubuntu support stuff like sleep/suspend? | 01:52 |
pdaoust | here's an obscure question, for all you web server mavens out there: does anyone know why I can't get the gd2 functions in PHP, even after I've installed libgd2 and php4-gd2? | 01:52 |
pdaoust | Neil3: haven't looked myself | 01:52 |
ftwig | Gmike:OK - will give it a try - hopefully installing in MBR wont screw things up. | 01:52 |
HrdwrBoB | Neil3: highly dependant on hardware | 01:52 |
Neil3 | my mobo has acpi etc | 01:52 |
Gmike | damn ABIT, and their uguru, i cant use lm sensors or any other program except their own uGuru app (windows) argh :\ | 01:52 |
lithi_ | pdaoust: Is php.ini setup for gd2? | 01:52 |
=== _4strO|zZZzz [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-24-246.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | its quite new | 01:52 |
Neil3 | athlon xp 1800+ | 01:52 |
pdaoust | lithi_: ha, I had a suspicion | 01:52 |
Gmike | 99.5% it won't :o) | 01:52 |
hybrid | i got a connect time out when i apt-get dist-upgrade can i still go on it only did that like twice... so far | 01:52 |
pdaoust | lithi_: it's just that the suspicion only started forming a few moments ago :) | 01:52 |
Neil3 | the mobo is a k7s5a, using an sis735 chipset | 01:52 |
pdaoust | I'll check and see where there might be a directive to turn that on | 01:53 |
lithi_ | padoust: Yea I know i sometimes need to ask my question before I can start to process my own answer | 01:53 |
Gmike | again... anyone knows how to remove entries from the Places menu in gnome 2.9? | 01:53 |
neyz | mmm..i'm saying yes to a bunch of configuration file update or something.. hope i'm not going to break everything hehe | 01:53 |
=== bebek [~bebek@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | live dangerously neyz | 01:53 |
pdaoust | lithi_: too true | 01:54 |
lithi_ | Neil3: lol, yes | 01:54 |
bebek | does anyone know what's the meaning of : "The following packages have been kept back:" list while performing "apt-get update" ? | 01:54 |
pdaoust | lithi_: that's why it's not always enough to RTFA or STFW... you need real people to go through things with... that's how we're made; that's how we work best | 01:54 |
bebek | since after i perform apt-get update, gnome is a bit screwed up | 01:54 |
pdaoust | (kay, I'm done philosophising) | 01:54 |
lithi_ | pdaoust: True true, but a quick google search never hurt anyone | 01:54 |
pdaoust | :"-/ | 01:55 |
bob2 | bebek: they couldn't be upgraded | 01:55 |
bob2 | even tho a newer version exists | 01:55 |
neyz | gonna reboot | 01:55 |
bob2 | probably because they Depend on something now | 01:55 |
Gmike | bebek, it means APT won't upgrade these packages due to some reason (probably the new version will conflict with another package) | 01:55 |
neyz | to see if anything has changed | 01:55 |
bob2 | try 'dist-upgrade' | 01:55 |
neyz | is gnome supposed to update? | 01:55 |
bebek | oh | 01:55 |
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Gmike | yeah use dist-upgrade :) | 01:56 |
=== hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bebek | ok... | 01:56 |
bebek | seems that more packages are to be downloaded :) | 01:56 |
Gmike | aka the "smart" upgrade method (Synaptic) | 01:56 |
bebek | what's the diff between dist-upgrade and upgrade ? | 01:56 |
lithi_ | I must say I like this x-chat over mirc now that i got used to it | 01:56 |
pdaoust | bebek: they're spelled different | 01:56 |
bebek | errrr | 01:57 |
pdaoust | HA! I'm so funny I should be banned from the list | 01:57 |
pdaoust | sorry | 01:57 |
Gmike | :O) | 01:57 |
pdaoust | bebek: and after all that, I don't even have a real answer | 01:57 |
bebek | hehe | 01:57 |
jdub | bebek: dist-upgrade will happily do dangerous things (add or remove packages) to perform an upgrade | 01:57 |
bob2 | bebek: the manpage explains it | 01:57 |
bebek | holy cihuahua | 01:57 |
jdub | bebek: best to stick to upgrade most of the time | 01:57 |
esher | are there any alternative (better) gnome file-explorer outhere as the standard gnome filebrowser | 01:57 |
esher | ? | 01:57 |
Gmike | bebek i can try to answer that, but 'man apt-get' will do a much better job | 01:57 |
bob2 | but dist-upgrade will add or unsinstall packages needed to upgrade other ones | 01:57 |
bebek | should have known that before performing it | 01:57 |
lithi_ | bebek: LOL | 01:57 |
neyz | doing the dist-upgrade, need to download 232 megs again lol | 01:58 |
bob2 | bebek: well, apt does show you it's plan before letting you say yay or nay | 01:58 |
bob2 | just watch carefully what it wants to do | 01:58 |
Gmike | *evil grin* | 01:58 |
hybrid | if the connection times out on a few packages on dist-upgrade can i still go on? | 01:58 |
lithi_ | neyz: My dist-upgrade is still going | 01:58 |
shingokii | 232? I had to get 424 | 01:58 |
hybrid | or will i have to do it again | 01:58 |
Gmike | lol | 01:58 |
lithi_ | neyz: And it finished downloading a long time ago | 01:58 |
bob2 | hybrid: restart and it will only get the needed ones | 01:58 |
neyz | well i did a upgrade just beofre and needed to dl 200 at that time ^^ | 01:59 |
hybrid | ok | 01:59 |
hybrid | thanx bob2 | 01:59 |
Gmike | OMG ubuntu is turning into winxp.. it starts to consume the partition... | 01:59 |
ftwig | bebeK: upgrade will only upgrade packages you have installed, dist-upgrade will also get any new packaged that are required - its best to do dist-upgrade | 01:59 |
lithi_ | Yai! It seems to be configuring X.org | 01:59 |
neyz | lithi_, 3mins before download is complete | 01:59 |
lithi_ | neyz: Its a race | 01:59 |
neyz | lithi_, you got a headstart ---> cheater!! | 02:00 |
Gmike | im close to the finish already ^.^! | 02:00 |
=== gort_ [~jgbiggs@cs2417583-203.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | see I only cheated cause Gmike cheated more | 02:00 |
bebek | ok..... | 02:00 |
Gmike | im gonna ask this again and again, how to remove stuff from Places menu?! | 02:00 |
neyz | arggg you are all cheaters | 02:00 |
Gmike | this is freaking me out | 02:01 |
bebek | what's "array 4" ? | 02:01 |
Gmike | won \o/ \o/ | 02:01 |
Gmike | :D | 02:01 |
shingokii | I don't think it will end up much bigger, I assume it uninstalls the old packages :) | 02:01 |
bebek | does it mean "beta 4" ? | 02:01 |
jdub | bebek: fourth test release | 02:01 |
jdub | no | 02:01 |
neyz | i'd like to help you Gmike but i don't even know what you are talking about :p | 02:01 |
=== gort_afk [~jgbiggs@cs2417583-203.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
pdaoust | lithi_: thanks for the tip; added extension=gd.so, and darned if it didn't work ^_^ and, surprise of all surprises, the modifications I made to the script, that required GD, actually worked the first time! I'm flabbergasted; I usually need to debug my mods for hours!!! | 02:01 |
lithi_ | Gmike: History something no idea | 02:01 |
jdub | look at 'array' and the codename of the release and try and work out why we call the test releases 'array' | 02:01 |
Gmike | anyone using hoary, newer gnome? | 02:01 |
ftwig | anyone got a URL for Ubuntu dual-boot? Cant find anything very usefull on the main site or by gooleing. | 02:01 |
Gmike | history something... :P? | 02:01 |
jdub | Gmike: what don't you wnat in it? | 02:01 |
Gmike | all i want is a simple thing | 02:02 |
Gmike | to remove the ftp entires i put in it | 02:02 |
lithi_ | pdaoust: Good, glad I could pretend to help | 02:02 |
Gmike | it keeps trying to log on to them each time i open the menu | 02:02 |
jdub | Gmike: unmount them from your desktop | 02:02 |
pdaoust | lithi_: ^_^ helped a lot | 02:02 |
bebek | hmmm... | 02:02 |
Gmike | and how do i do that? x: | 02:02 |
bebek | ihihi hahhaha | 02:02 |
ftwig | Gmike:its a BIT unstable - works most of the time but a while ago X wos totaly broke | 02:02 |
bebek | going crazy | 02:02 |
jdub | Gmike: right click on them on the desktop | 02:02 |
pdaoust | lithi_: like you said, sometimes you have to say it out loud before you realise what yo uneed to do. | 02:02 |
Gmike | there is nothing on my desktop | 02:02 |
Gmike | its on the places menu | 02:03 |
Gmike | ! | 02:03 |
jdub | Gmike: i know | 02:03 |
jdub | Gmike: follow my directions | 02:03 |
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Gmike | ok | 02:03 |
Gmike | so right click on what | 02:03 |
bebek | what's "SMP" ? | 02:03 |
jdub | the icon on your desktop for that ftp server | 02:03 |
bebek | should i boot using it? | 02:03 |
jdub | bebek: if you have two or more cpus or hyperthreading, sure. | 02:03 |
LinuxJones | bebek, only if you have more than one processor | 02:03 |
bebek | ohh | 02:04 |
Gmike | there are no icons on my desktop | 02:04 |
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Gmike | :\ | 02:04 |
jdub | Gmike: open up Network from Places | 02:04 |
bebek | "or hyperthreading" <- did you mean intel pentium 4 with ht? if that's so, yes i do have one | 02:04 |
bebek | so should i boot using smp ? | 02:04 |
jdub | bebek: yes | 02:04 |
Gmike | jdub, its empty | 02:04 |
bebek | oooo... | 02:04 |
Gmike | wait | 02:04 |
Gmike | lol | 02:04 |
Gmike | it just appeared | 02:05 |
bebek | any significant effect of using smp ? | 02:05 |
neyz | aha great errors, missed them for a while | 02:05 |
jdub | bebek: ht will actually be used | 02:05 |
bebek | cool | 02:05 |
HrdwrBoB | except the actual benefits are in most cases . not much | 02:05 |
lithi_ | bebek: I think its Intel properganda | 02:05 |
ftwig | bebek think its only relevent if you have >1 CPU | 02:05 |
toresbe | pffff | 02:05 |
Gmike | ok i did "unmount" on them but nothing happens | 02:05 |
lithi_ | bebek: If I could spell | 02:05 |
bebek | ok... | 02:05 |
=== Lineman [~Lineman@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
toresbe | ftwig: well, no, HT looks to the OS as 2 cpus | 02:05 |
jdub | Gmike: they should disappear, and the list should disappear in the panel | 02:05 |
HrdwrBoB | hyperthreading is a good idea sure, however in the real world it provides very little to no improvement in most relevant tasks to the user | 02:06 |
toresbe | and there is a significant speedup | 02:06 |
jdub | Gmike: if the list doesn't disappear, 'killall gnome-panel' at a terminal | 02:06 |
jdub | toresbe: only on very particular application types | 02:06 |
toresbe | jdub: still | 02:06 |
Gmike | yay, thanks | 02:06 |
HrdwrBoB | toresbe: the overhead of SMP is enough to kill the advantage you get in many situations | 02:06 |
jdub | toresbe: ie. non-desktop application types. don't confuse people. | 02:07 |
toresbe | aha | 02:07 |
toresbe | okay | 02:07 |
=== toresbe runs away |
bebek | hmmm | 02:08 |
bebek | hopefully after dist-upgrade my ati card will still work | 02:08 |
bebek | most likely not .... | 02:08 |
lithi_ | bebek: not for 3d support | 02:08 |
bebek | :( | 02:08 |
neyz | Des erreurs ont t rencontres pendant l'excution: | 02:08 |
neyz | /var/cache/apt/archives/lib32gcc1_4.0-0pre6ubuntu1_amd64.deb | 02:08 |
neyz | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:08 |
bebek | wah... | 02:08 |
lithi_ | bebek: But you will be happy to know that there is a X.org driver from ATI | 02:08 |
ftwig | bebek, you could try apt-get --purge on the xserver and then reinstalling it. that should re autodetect it | 02:09 |
bebek | i used that one right now | 02:09 |
hou5ton | what on earth am I missing here??? trying to disable IPv6 in Firefox to load web pages faster .... | 02:09 |
lithi_ | bebek: On a Xfree86 system you used a X.org driver? | 02:09 |
hou5ton | am following the information at this site .. http://ubuntuguide.org/#disableipv6-mozilla | 02:09 |
bebek | i used the driver from ATI... had trouble with it last time.... don't want to repeat the same thing again.... | 02:09 |
bebek | i'm using hoary | 02:09 |
hou5ton | but something has to be different on this system | 02:09 |
bebek | i.e. hoary uses xorg | 02:09 |
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shingokii | It might just be me, but ATI drivers never work on linux | 02:09 |
=== ajmitch [~ajmitch@chc11-port83.jetstart.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | bebek: Oh I though you were upgrading to hoary nvm then | 02:10 |
Gmike | how can i install the default mouse pointers for gnome (white one) in hoary, i got the gay black default X one :\ | 02:10 |
bebek | shingokii: really? i'm using one right now | 02:10 |
=== dle [~dle@Ottawa-HSE-ppp4024350.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
shingokii | bebek, congratulations :) with good 3d? | 02:10 |
neyz | mmm...ok...i think i broke everything :d | 02:10 |
lithi_ | Mabey ill install ut2k4 after i get upgraded | 02:10 |
bebek | ummm.... how do you determine if the 3d is good? the opengl screensaver runs smoothly .. compared to before | 02:11 |
Gmike | run glxgears | 02:11 |
lithi_ | Yea | 02:11 |
bebek | glxgears however only shows around 800.000 fps | 02:11 |
ftwig | nayone know anything about not installing grub on MBR - what exactly douse this mean? | 02:11 |
bebek | maybe it's my card.. (Radeon X300) | 02:11 |
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Gmike | i had about 3200 with my r9800p :p | 02:11 |
lithi_ | bebk: pcie version? | 02:11 |
bebek | yes | 02:12 |
bebek | pci express | 02:12 |
bebek | does it cause any difference in the fps ? | 02:12 |
lithi_ | bebek: Why?!?! Why would you invest in a pcie version from ATI when Nvidia right now is soo much better | 02:12 |
bebek | is r9800 better than x300?? | 02:12 |
bebek | this came with the dell :P | 02:12 |
Gmike | i dont know, think so | 02:12 |
lithi_ | bebek: excuses, excuses | 02:12 |
Gmike | how much does x300 cost? | 02:12 |
bebek | and i don't need 3d applications that much.. only for playing games... and that one in windows, not in linux | 02:13 |
dle | Hello. I'm having some trouble installing VMware (for my work) on this warty box. The install requires some building against kernel headers, but the linux-kernel-headers package that I have installed has headers that apply to 2.6.0-test7, not Likewise, the kernel-source packages seem to be >2.6.8. Any ideas if there is something I can install via apt to right this? | 02:13 |
Gmike | holy shit :P | 02:13 |
bebek | it comes with dell package.. so i don't know how much it costs | 02:13 |
lithi_ | Gmike: More then a 6600 | 02:13 |
LinuxJones | bebek, if it comes from HP or Dell not much | 02:13 |
Gmike | so something's not right -.- | 02:13 |
jdub | dle: apt-cache search linux-headers -> what do you see? | 02:13 |
bebek | i see... | 02:13 |
jdub | guys, please take the off-topic discussions elsewhere | 02:13 |
bebek | i wanted to use nvidia 6800 :P | 02:13 |
bebek | or radeon x800 | 02:14 |
dle | jdub: Ah-hah. | 02:14 |
bebek | but no money | 02:14 |
bebek | cost AU$800 more | 02:14 |
Gmike | no money no problems xd | 02:14 |
HrdwrBoB | bebek: 6600GT | 02:14 |
dle | jdub: So there's 'linux-kernel-headers' and 'linux-headers'. A little confusing. | 02:14 |
jdub | bebek, Gmike: elsewhere please | 02:14 |
HrdwrBoB | is the best bang for your buck | 02:14 |
lithi_ | AU? They ship dells to Australia? | 02:14 |
bebek | lithi_ : yes | 02:14 |
jdub | dle: yes, sorry about that; we left some old mess in warty :| | 02:14 |
Gmike | ok ok, dont be so uptight :^) | 02:14 |
lithi_ | Good day Mate, Your getting a dell! | 02:15 |
lithi_ | Sorry that was bad of me | 02:15 |
bebek | hahaha | 02:15 |
bebek | i like it | 02:15 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bebek | no problem so far... except that hassle with linux | 02:15 |
mebaran151 | anybody know | 02:15 |
mebaran151 | if I could use apt-source | 02:15 |
lithi_ | You learn something new every day | 02:15 |
mebaran151 | to compile evolution from source | 02:15 |
mebaran151 | I have been reading on the msg boards | 02:15 |
mebaran151 | that a source compile | 02:15 |
mebaran151 | seems to solve all the weird float exceptions | 02:16 |
mebaran151 | on AMD64 | 02:17 |
mebaran151 | so I thought I might try a source compile | 02:17 |
mebaran151 | I was unsure if checkinstall was safe | 02:17 |
mebaran151 | to do over an existing install | 02:17 |
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neyz | back | 02:17 |
jdub | mebaran151: apt-get source evolution | 02:18 |
jdub | mebaran151: sudo apt-get build-dep evolution | 02:18 |
lithi_ | my dist-upgrade finished! Yai! Need to restart bb | 02:18 |
bebek | we wont probably seeing you for a while, lithi_ :P must configure everything first .. ehhehee | 02:19 |
lithi_ | lol | 02:19 |
LinuxJones | lithi_, GL :) | 02:19 |
neyz | heh lithi_ mine is finished ^^ | 02:19 |
lithi_ | I hope ill be back soon then | 02:19 |
bebek | hehee | 02:19 |
bebek | see u then | 02:19 |
mebaran151 | do I have to do that for all the parts of evolution | 02:19 |
neyz | firefox wont work | 02:19 |
neyz | evolution neither | 02:19 |
dle | What package is it that contains the three subdirs "linux", "asm", "net"? | 02:19 |
crimsun | dle: more than likely you're looking for linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:20 |
=== John_M [~johnm@cs2416793-101.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ftwig | I have XP on the box. The install gives me options to erase entire disk or manualy partision the drive. I thought Ubuntu would sence free space and sort things out? | 02:20 |
mebaran151 | jdub, will that automagically play nice with the existing binaries | 02:20 |
jdub | ftwig: warty doesn't | 02:20 |
bebek | ftwig: u have to partition for yourself | 02:20 |
jdub | ftwig: hoary does :-) | 02:20 |
dle | crimsun: yeah, that's what I installed. :) | 02:20 |
jdub | mebaran151: once you build the package, yes | 02:20 |
bebek | oh really? | 02:20 |
mebaran151 | or should I predestroy it | 02:20 |
mebaran151 | ok | 02:20 |
bebek | hoary has something like partition magic? | 02:21 |
jdub | no | 02:21 |
mebaran151 | jdub, should I also build server too? | 02:21 |
mebaran151 | dataserver | 02:21 |
jdub | it has a 'use free space' choice | 02:21 |
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jdub | mebaran151: i don't know, i don't really think that's going to help | 02:21 |
ftwig | OK - did that, am I correct in thinking I dont neeed to set any boot flags? | 02:21 |
mebaran151 | jdub, it was just a try | 02:21 |
jdub | ftwig: for the installer? no | 02:21 |
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mebaran151 | I had read in the forums | 02:21 |
mebaran151 | that alot of people | 02:21 |
mebaran151 | tried a by hand compile | 02:21 |
mebaran151 | and go it to work | 02:21 |
ftwig | jdib - from the partisioner | 02:22 |
mebaran151 | I dont know why that would be easier | 02:22 |
mebaran151 | or work | 02:22 |
ftwig | sorry jbub | 02:22 |
jdub | ftwig: no | 02:22 |
ftwig | jdub cool - and I have asked this before but putting GRUB in MBR is cool? | 02:22 |
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mebaran151 | ftwig, do you have windows and want to dual boot it | 02:23 |
jdub | ftwig: yes | 02:23 |
ftwig | mebaran151: yes | 02:23 |
mebaran151 | well | 02:23 |
=== aurax [~aurax@bzq-218-44-70.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
aurax | hello | 02:23 |
mebaran151 | you might accidently overwrite the windows boot loader | 02:23 |
mebaran151 | it is fixable | 02:24 |
hybrid | hi man | 02:24 |
aurax | sup hybrid | 02:24 |
jdub | mebaran151: that is not a problem | 02:24 |
jdub | that is the intention | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | jdub, yeah | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | but then | 02:24 |
esher | hmm, any idea for replacement for nautilus ? | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | how is he going to boot | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | windows | 02:24 |
esher | this browser sukks really, or ? | 02:24 |
hybrid | ntm jdub u? | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | after we overwrite the boot loader | 02:24 |
jdub | mebaran151: by choosing windows in grub... that's the whole point | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | it will natively boot windows now | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | ? | 02:24 |
mebaran151 | I always did the | 02:24 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-130-025.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mebaran151 | copy the boot sector to the C:\boot bin | 02:25 |
aurax | nuffing, working :) | 02:25 |
mebaran151 | and add it to my system.ini | 02:25 |
hybrid | kewl man | 02:25 |
mebaran151 | or whatever it was | 02:25 |
mebaran151 | I dont need to do that if I ever decide to buy windows? | 02:25 |
mebaran151 | again | 02:25 |
jdub | mebaran151: install windows, install warty, grub has windows and warty in the menu. no mucking around required. | 02:25 |
hybrid | aurax: i am just here gettin hoary | 02:25 |
hybrid | hopefully | 02:25 |
ftwig | BTW anyone tried ardour/jack/jamin on ubuntu? | 02:26 |
mebaran151 | jdub, I had done that | 02:26 |
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mebaran151 | installed to mbr | 02:26 |
mebaran151 | and windows complained it couldnt find ntldr | 02:26 |
ftwig | mebaran151: so its a bad idea? | 02:26 |
neyz | is hoary only in english? | 02:26 |
jdub | ftwig: no, it's not | 02:26 |
mike998 | mebaran151: that's bad if windows can't find ntldr | 02:26 |
ftwig | lol | 02:26 |
hybrid | jdub : prolly not | 02:27 |
dle | crimsun: according to apt-file search. only 'linux-kernel-headers' contains that hierarchy, and we know the problem with that package already. :-( | 02:27 |
jdub | ftwig: highly unlikely that will happen in most cases | 02:27 |
ftwig | OK - here goes | 02:27 |
calamari | I connect to a remote system via ssh (or sftp). Is there a way to mount the remote filesystem or directory locally? | 02:27 |
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jdub | calamari: no | 02:27 |
jdub | calamari: but all gnome-vfs aware programs will be able to use it | 02:27 |
TheMuso | ftwig: In regards to Ardour, net yet. You are aware that a 2.4 kernel is still more stable and better for getting low latency? | 02:27 |
crimsun | dle: err, huh? | 02:27 |
calamari | jdub: will be able to use what? :) | 02:28 |
ftwig | BTW anyone in the UK interested in audio check out fave.org.uk | 02:28 |
crimsun | dle: linux-headers-$(uname -r) has the symlinks necessary | 02:28 |
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crimsun | dle: (sorry, I've been detached, so I don't know what the "problem with that package" is) | 02:28 |
neyz | on amd64 why do i get amd64 generic kernel and plain generic kernel in grub ? | 02:28 |
aurax | hoary | 02:28 |
aurax | hmm | 02:28 |
aurax | hybrid isnt it the gnoppix release? | 02:28 |
hybrid | aurax : what is that? | 02:29 |
ftwig | TheMuse:yes - but Ubuntu dont like it - I almost had it all working compiling from CVS but It requires some care;) | 02:29 |
TheMuso | ftwig: I still prefer my previous distro of choice for audio, I.E Slackware. | 02:29 |
ftwig | TheMuse:or or demudi? | 02:29 |
TheMuso | Managed to get 1-2 ms on that. | 02:30 |
TheMuso | I have looked at demudi, but never used it for anything. | 02:30 |
Gmike | if i have my R9800P on my AGP, should I use BusID "PCI:1:0:0" ? | 02:30 |
TheMuso | But I would suggest demudi over Ubuntu for audio at this stage. | 02:30 |
ftwig | TheMuse:Yes - Planet CARMA is fairly good but Redhat gives me a rash | 02:30 |
TheMuso | ftwig: I have never liked rpms myself either. | 02:31 |
mike998 | rpms are better left to spinny things | 02:31 |
calamari | jdub: sorry.. had to take a phone call :) what were you saying about gnome? | 02:31 |
ftwig | TheMuse:it actualy used apt-get for redhat - the idea is skary | 02:32 |
hybrid | aurax : i c wut u r saying | 02:32 |
hybrid | aurax : idk never paid much attentiom too gnoppix | 02:32 |
dle | crimsun: The problem was: "I'm having some trouble installing VMware (for my work) on this warty box. The install requires some building against kernel headers, but the linux-kernel-headers package that I have installed has headers that apply to 2.6.0-test7, not" | 02:32 |
mike998 | ftwig: I only found out about that ability with redhat after it became fedora... at that point I didn't want to see it ever again | 02:33 |
TheMuso | ftwig: I know. | 02:33 |
TheMuso | ftwig: But it is not official as such with the distro. | 02:33 |
mike998 | *ahem* pardon me for butting in and all | 02:33 |
=== lithi_ [~lithi@Toronto-HSE-ppp3858366.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
ftwig | TheMuse:with a coordination distro its OK but the main debian sources are VERY well managed | 02:33 |
TheMuso | Yeah. | 02:34 |
lithi_ | Soooo how might i tell that the upgrade when sucessful to Hoary and that im using X.org? | 02:34 |
ftwig | TheMuse:true | 02:34 |
lithi_ | I see that my firefox is 1.0 now :) thats about all that I notice | 02:35 |
crimsun | dle: linux-kernel-headers integrates with libc-dev. | 02:35 |
mike998 | lithi_ as far as I can tell it | 02:35 |
mike998 | s if your X starts up | 02:35 |
=== Evaso [~yellow@ppp-214-164.24-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | but how do I know im running X.org insted of xfree86 like before? | 02:35 |
crimsun | dle: they are _not_ what I'm referring to when I speak of the 'linux-headers-$(uname -r)' package, which contains your kernel headers against which you build external kernel modules. | 02:35 |
mike998 | typically warty uses XF86... Hoary seems to use xorg... someone can correct me if I am wrong | 02:36 |
Evaso | mike998: right | 02:36 |
mike998 | yay! my count of being correct today is now.... | 02:36 |
lithi_ | Yea but how can I tell which one im using? | 02:36 |
mike998 | woo!! one!! | 02:36 |
dle | crimsun: I understand (I think). And I have installed linux-headers- | 02:36 |
ftwig | mike998:that one of the big advantaged of Horay | 02:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o daniels] by daniels |
mike998 | ftwig: yeah, the fonts seem to render better and the server itself seems to be a little more responsive | 02:37 |
lithi_ | I dont see the computer menu anymore in gnoe its now Appications, Places, Desktop | 02:37 |
lithi_ | gnome* | 02:37 |
ftwig | Lithi_:you need to remove xorg and install Xfree86 - but WHY | 02:37 |
crimsun | dle: there is a rather convoluted method I personally use to build vmware modules, and I don't know offhand if the forum/wiki/guide has a more efficient method. Essentially you need to tell the vmware build process that -4-386 is appended to your version (kernel-package's --append-to-version). | 02:38 |
=== ozan [~ozan@dsl81-214-43832.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | ftwig: I want to use X.org I dont want to use Xfree86 | 02:38 |
ftwig | Lithi_:sorry - in Warty or Horay - or are you doing a upgrade | 02:39 |
dle | crimsun: If you could /msg me with that, I'd be most grateful. :) | 02:39 |
ozan | hi, i can't remember a command.. hope you can help me... to download a series of file (for example from 1 to 999 jpg) i need a command to count from 1 to 999. what was that | 02:39 |
lithi_ | I did an upgrade from Warty to Horay and I chose X.org when i was prompted | 02:39 |
hybrid | o ubuntu is beating debian on distrowatch we r #5 now they r 6 | 02:39 |
lithi_ | During the dist-upgrade | 02:40 |
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ftwig | Lithi_:OK - just remove xfree86 and install xorg, I think its called something like xfree86-server and xorg-server | 02:40 |
randabis | xserver-xorg | 02:40 |
randabis | xserver-xfree86 | 02:40 |
neyz | so we can just uninstall xserver-xfree86 ? | 02:41 |
lithi_ | Oh I have to install it? I thought that the dist-upgrade just did that? | 02:41 |
lithi_ | Why did it ask me to pick between X.org and Xfree86 then? | 02:41 |
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neyz | in synpatic | 02:42 |
neyz | if you choose to install xserver-xorg | 02:42 |
mebaran151 | Lithi, for some hardware | 02:42 |
neyz | it will mark xfree86 for uninstall | 02:42 |
mebaran151 | it Xfree works better | 02:42 |
mebaran151 | so they let you take a little choice | 02:42 |
=== neyz [~neyz@pauguste-9-82-224-189-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
neyz | oops | 02:44 |
shingokii | woo, apparently I have upgraded? I dunno... | 02:44 |
ftwig | I now have a sucsesfull dual bood HORAY | 02:45 |
ftwig | well warty actualy;) | 02:45 |
shingokii | oh no... there is more | 02:45 |
neyz | heh i think im using xorg now, how can i check? | 02:45 |
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lithi_ | neyz: Thats what ive been asking lol | 02:47 |
lithi_ | neyz: Ive been told that you arent using x.org now tho | 02:47 |
lithi_ | neyz: After the dist-upgrade you need to open synpatic and install xserver-xorg | 02:47 |
=== Coily [~Coily@216-80-118-25.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | neyz: It will remove xfree86 for you | 02:47 |
Coily | i used "chown -R USER /", does anyone forsee me having problem with switching ownership to my username? | 02:47 |
Coily | problems* | 02:48 |
neyz | Lithi, that's what i just did and after i ctrl alt backspace to restart X | 02:48 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bascule | yes, competely DO NOT DO THAT | 02:48 |
bascule | Coily, ^ | 02:48 |
Coily | why do you think so | 02:48 |
bascule | I *know* so | 02:49 |
Coily | explain | 02:49 |
neyz | need to install my ati now hehe | 02:49 |
lithi_ | neyz: I dont know yet im trying now | 02:49 |
Zotnix | Coily, it serverely compromises the security of your computer. | 02:49 |
lithi_ | neyz: brb | 02:49 |
Zotnix | Coily, it can also break a lot on the system | 02:49 |
redissexy | guys, does ubuntu install any firewall if I let it to? :-) because I want to turn it off if it does | 02:49 |
=== kswat [~ubuntu@dynb18.aca.oakland.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
kswat | what is the root passwd on the live cd | 02:49 |
Coily | as for security im the only one who uses this computer | 02:49 |
Coily | but "breaking" things doesnt sound fun | 02:50 |
Zotnix | Coily, also makes you vulnerable to viruses and things of the like. | 02:50 |
bascule | Coily, it will break your system completely on each new boot things will come in as root only to find their compatriots owned ny you, horrible messy business, all the modules the kernel /dev /proc uggghh NO NO NO | 02:50 |
Coily | alright so i should just "chown -R root /" then? | 02:51 |
bascule | no | 02:51 |
ftwig | anyone got any recomendations for a streaming client, preferebly something with level meters? | 02:51 |
=== lithi_ [~lithi@Toronto-HSE-ppp3858366.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
lithi_ | ok It worked YAI! | 02:51 |
bascule | WTF, then you can't do anything in your home directory , dude are you trolling or wj=aht???? | 02:51 |
Zotnix | Coily, it should, by default, be for root only. | 02:51 |
bascule | note the -R he used | 02:51 |
Zotnix | Yeah | 02:51 |
=== thesilverhand [~matt@YahooBB218182236046.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Coily | i already used the command (was enjoying not having to use root nautilus) | 02:52 |
Zotnix | You would break a lot. Some services use special users to run. | 02:52 |
=== hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Zotnix | Coily, erm... >.< | 02:52 |
bascule | Coily, after a reboot broken system, nice | 02:52 |
Coily | i need to set the ownership back, how should i do that | 02:52 |
=== ozan [~ozan@dsl81-214-43832.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
bascule | Coily, heh, good luck | 02:52 |
Xappe | oh my... | 02:53 |
Zotnix | Coily, you are probably better off reinstalling. | 02:53 |
=== rcliii [~rcliii@c-24-10-179-112.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Coily | i dont understand why using chown wont work | 02:53 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
bascule | Coily, correct you don't, so listen to people who do | 02:53 |
bascule | pardon my harshness, but come on | 02:53 |
=== Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== mike998 [user66@CPE0050bf78a2a0-CM014080207323.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
aurax | hybrid, | 02:54 |
aurax | you still here? | 02:54 |
=== Dreamer3 wonders what he's missed |
=== srikat [~neowin@] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | yea | 02:54 |
aurax | hoary is the live cd right? | 02:54 |
hybrid | srry i thot i set it to away | 02:54 |
Coily | im hearing you out but i still dont understand why it's not as simple as reverting back ownership | 02:54 |
hybrid | yea | 02:54 |
=== pw3n [~pw3n@cpc2-norw1-5-0-cust14.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu |
aurax | oh k | 02:54 |
hybrid | all platforms | 02:54 |
aurax | its looking good but i heard that there is no installer | 02:54 |
srikat | Hi, I posted a question about partitioning advice at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=67096#post67096 | 02:54 |
srikat | can you guys please check that | 02:54 |
Zotnix | Coily, users on my system (that the SYSTEM uses) are bin, daemon, sys, games, backup, etc etc etc | 02:55 |
hybrid | idk i am just editing source.list then apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:55 |
aurax | who runs firestarter here? | 02:55 |
Zotnix | Coily, You just obliterated all those users' homes and whatnot. you really messed up your system. | 02:55 |
Zotnix | aurax, I do. | 02:55 |
Coily | shit | 02:55 |
bascule | Coily, as root run this command 'ls -lR / | wc -l' that tells you how many files you changed the permissions on | 02:55 |
aurax | zontix is it possible to make run on startup without asking the root passwd? | 02:55 |
Zotnix | aurax, yep, I can find you the howto. | 02:56 |
pw3n | hi, I just installed ubuntu and followed the steps for installing Nvidia drivers on www.ubuntuguide.org and now instead of a login screen it just goes black everytime.. using 5200 FX.. can anyone help maybe? | 02:56 |
Coily | can i still boot into xp? | 02:56 |
aurax | cool | 02:56 |
aurax | thx | 02:56 |
Coily | checking bascule | 02:56 |
bascule | and they all had various different owners before, you have no way of knowi9ng what they were originally | 02:56 |
neyz | has anyone installed a ATI card with hoardy? | 02:56 |
=== dreamer_ is now known as dreamer |
bascule | Coily, you are F*ed | 02:56 |
lithi_ | neyz: Did you get your x.org to work? | 02:56 |
neyz | Lithi, yep :) | 02:57 |
Coily | can i still boot into xp? | 02:57 |
aurax | is it possible to image a whole drive and make an installer from it to reverse if crashing ? | 02:57 |
lithi_ | neyz: Check by typing X -version | 02:57 |
bascule | Coily, yeah sure | 02:57 |
lithi_ | neyz: oh ok | 02:57 |
Zotnix | aurax, http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php | 02:57 |
=== jirwin [~jirwin@c-67-164-44-112.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jirwin | hello | 02:57 |
aurax | ty | 02:57 |
Coily | my partitions were mounted, but i had a read only setup, im assuming chown didnt do anything? | 02:57 |
neyz | lithi_ : i can read xorg stuff there | 02:57 |
lithi_ | neyz: So your 3d support isint working anymore? | 02:57 |
jirwin | here is a silly question, but how do you get the xmms-crossfade plugin to work? | 02:58 |
hou5ton | my son installed Ubuntu on this laptop for me, and I later went into Computer > System Config > Users and Groups and changed the user name he had entered (user) to a new one (hou5ton). But now the machine won't let me open a root terminal or sudo. | 02:58 |
Zotnix | aurax, be careful when editing the /etc/sudoers file, I accidently messed mine up and I couldn't sudo. | 02:58 |
hou5ton | any ideas? | 02:58 |
neyz | lithi_: it never did ^^ i'm trying to install my ATI card now :) | 02:58 |
jdub | hou5ton: ouch! | 02:58 |
jdub | hou5ton: okay, so, | 02:58 |
hybrid | how can you turn auto-mount off? | 02:58 |
jdub | hou5ton: boot the computer in recovery mode at the boot screen | 02:58 |
hou5ton | k | 02:58 |
hou5ton | and then? | 02:58 |
jdub | hybrid: removable storage under preferences | 02:58 |
Dreamer3 | Zotnix: what is firestarter? | 02:58 |
lithi_ | neyz: Ohh ok... Yea ill grab you a link to help (if I can find it) | 02:58 |
hybrid | ok thanx jdub | 02:59 |
jdub | hou5ton: then you need to change the line in /etc/sudoers that refers to the old user, to the new user | 02:59 |
rcliii | srikat: that's got to be the first multimedia request for help I've ever witnessed. nice job. | 02:59 |
Coily | repeating question: my partitions were mounted, but i had a read only setup, im assuming chown didnt do anything? | 02:59 |
=== aPoX [apox@neutron.csh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
neyz | cuz i ran the fglrxconfig but it says : This program will create the ATI "XF86Config-4" file | 02:59 |
neyz | i thought under xorg it was xorg.conf ? | 02:59 |
jdub | hou5ton: can you file this as a bug? | 02:59 |
jdub | hou5ton: describing what you did just then? | 02:59 |
lithi_ | neyz: You are correct | 02:59 |
jirwin | does hoary plan on using xorg? | 02:59 |
lithi_ | neyz: there is special drivers that work with x.org | 02:59 |
neyz | oh | 03:00 |
hou5ton | jdub: sure ... i guess the process to do that will be on the Ubuntu home page? | 03:00 |
jdub | hou5ton: yes, bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 03:00 |
hou5ton | great ... not a problem | 03:00 |
Coily | anyone? | 03:00 |
flowerss | neyz as far as I know fglrx doesn't work in xorg | 03:00 |
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | does anyone know if firewire works under ubuntu? | 03:01 |
Xappe | flowerss, it is, ATI released drivers in january | 03:01 |
neyz | oh ok i should stop the configuration process right now then hh | 03:01 |
flowerss | Xappe, ok, my bad. I tried using it in December ;-) | 03:01 |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Coily | ack repeating question again: | 03:02 |
neyz | i have installed this package : xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:02 |
Xappe | neys, uninstall the old one and install the xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:02 |
Coily | my partitions were mounted, but i had a read only setup, im assuming chown didnt do anything? | 03:02 |
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | neys, then you're good to go | 03:02 |
Coily | ntfs windows partition | 03:02 |
Coily | s | 03:02 |
neyz | so now i just run fglrxconfig, add the mmodules to /etc/modules and it should work ? | 03:02 |
mpq | is there a mp3pro plugin for mplayer? | 03:02 |
jirwin | could someone help me with getting a usb wireless device to work | 03:03 |
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | neys, the fglrxconfig will STILL make a XF86Config-4 that you have rename to xorg.conf (be sure to backup the current one) | 03:03 |
Xappe | *have to | 03:03 |
neyz | ahhh ok that's what was confusing me, thanks :) | 03:03 |
pw3n | So.. anyone have any idea why, after following the ubuntuguide.org steps for installing Nvidia driver, i just get a black screen instead of login now? or how to fix it..? | 03:04 |
neyz | mm question for the mouse : Mouse device: [/dev/mouse] is that the correct device ? | 03:04 |
mpq | does anyone know if there's an mp3pro plugin for mplayer? | 03:04 |
mpq | yes, I know that mp3pro sucks | 03:05 |
Xappe | neyz, or you can copy the relevant part to the existing xorg.conf | 03:05 |
=== jeff_ [~altram196@pool-70-104-110-204.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | neyz, /dev/mice | 03:05 |
Xappe | i think | 03:05 |
Xappe | i'll check hang on | 03:05 |
jeff_ | hi | 03:05 |
jeff_ | got a ? | 03:05 |
=== Golfer [~Golfer@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
neyz | it says "/dev/input/mice" in my xconfig | 03:06 |
Xappe | neyz, dev/inpout/mice | 03:06 |
Xappe | *input | 03:06 |
jeff_ | i want to update my kernal. where do i go to download it? | 03:06 |
neyz | thx :) | 03:06 |
jdub | jeff_: why do you want to update your kernel? | 03:06 |
flowerss | anybody know if you can get beagle running on Warty? | 03:07 |
jdub | flowerss: only with very great difficulty | 03:07 |
=== imnes [~nicholas@12-205-157-136.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
flowerss | jdub that was the impression I got. I buggered up mine so bat I had to reinstall. | 03:07 |
jeff_ | i was reading the security issues. says there is a newer kernel than i have | 03:07 |
imnes | I'm getting errors on the latest set of updates to hoary, is there some place for posting bug reports? | 03:07 |
jdub | jeff_: you just need to do and update and upgrade in synapti | 03:08 |
jdub | c | 03:08 |
=== hypa7ia [~leigh@Toronto-HSE-ppp3893091.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | jdub could you just use apt-get to get the newer kernal? | 03:08 |
jbailey | jdub: *blink* | 03:08 |
=== codename2 [~codename@ool-182e350f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu |
codename2 | hey guys | 03:09 |
jeff_ | i'm used to red hat and mandrake. upgrades are almost automatic | 03:09 |
jbailey | jdub: Usually it's people talk to you that triggers the bloody highlight. Now *you're* doing it too! =) | 03:09 |
jdub | hybrid: if there's a security release or entirely new kernel version, yes | 03:09 |
codename2 | is there a hoary x64 iso anywhere? | 03:09 |
mpq | I'm really annoyed | 03:09 |
jeff_ | debian is new to me | 03:09 |
=== shingokii [~shingoki@client-82-3-95-78.mant.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | jeff_: very similar in ubuntu, and it will be improved in hoary | 03:09 |
mpq | one of my favorite radio stations broadcasts in mp3pro | 03:09 |
mpq | sounds lousy without the codec | 03:09 |
jeff_ | i'll give a try | 03:09 |
jeff_ | thanx | 03:10 |
jeff_ | ;) | 03:10 |
mpq | and winamp is the only mp3 player that supports mp3pro | 03:10 |
hybrid | codename2 yea | 03:10 |
shingokii | so uh... I just dist-upgraded, now when I start I just get shell, no X | 03:10 |
shingokii | anyone know how to fix? | 03:10 |
=== Mellar_ [~brebbesvi@vpn-75-33.hib.no] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | mpq wine | 03:10 |
lithi_ | mpq: doesent xmms support mp3pro? | 03:10 |
hybrid | wine.sourceforge.net | 03:10 |
lithi_ | mpq: yea theres wine | 03:10 |
srikat | rcliii, thanks..am refreshing every 5 minutes to see if someone replied | 03:10 |
mpq | I don't know what xmms is | 03:10 |
=== mooselips [~moose2xx@S01060004e204b803.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
flowerss | shingokii I just reinstalled Warty when that happened to me. | 03:10 |
flowerss | It was the fastest thing to do. | 03:10 |
shingokii | I'm currently in X with no window manager, and xchat sat in the middle of the screen :) | 03:10 |
poopy | anyone got an sblive in Ubuntu? I seem to be missing the whole front channel :) and I can't find the mixer option to raise it... | 03:10 |
=== inc_ [~mike@c-65-34-144-27.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
shingokii | would be nice to fix it though | 03:10 |
imnes | shingokii: might need to run dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:10 |
codename2 | hybrid, where would that iso be? | 03:10 |
mpq | I don't want to have to get winamp when it took me this long just to figure out mplayer | 03:10 |
shingokii | imnes, I'll give that a go, thanks | 03:11 |
=== syx [~syx@dsl-150-124.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
inc_ | ubuntu | 03:11 |
imnes | oops no space, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg maybe | 03:11 |
jeff_ | also, what is best version of wine for ubuntu. reg. debian? | 03:11 |
hybrid | go to ubuntu.com and look for get ubuntu and it will have several worty but at the bottom i think it has hoary | 03:11 |
flowerss | shingokii yeah, dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg, that's what I meant. ;=) | 03:11 |
=== codename2 sighs |
jdub | jeff_: wine is in universe | 03:11 |
inc_ | i like red | 03:11 |
jeff_ | i like white | 03:12 |
jeff_ | LOL | 03:12 |
inc_ | heh | 03:12 |
hybrid | lol | 03:12 |
=== shingokii [~shingoki@client-82-3-95-78.mant.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jesuel | merlot pls | 03:12 |
lithi_ | mpq: Look into xmms (its a winamp clone for linux) and from a quick google search it seems to have mp3pro support | 03:12 |
shingokii | sorry can you give me that command again? the reconfigure one? | 03:12 |
codename2 | hybrid, it doesn't.. | 03:12 |
=== macewan [~macewan@ip68-101-19-222.nc.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | hmm | 03:12 |
lithi_ | mpq: It works exactly like winamp so nothing new to learn | 03:12 |
=== flowerss needs a good primer on apt-get and debian style package management. |
hybrid | h/o ill look for it | 03:12 |
mpq | okay, I'll try it out | 03:12 |
imnes | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:12 |
imnes | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:12 |
inc_ | wish mp3s worked on my system | 03:13 |
shingokii | thanks again | 03:13 |
=== jeff_ [~altram196@pool-70-104-110-204.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
mpq | let's hope it supports mp3pro | 03:13 |
flowerss | inc_ why don't you have mp3 support? There are easy instructions on ubuntu docs | 03:13 |
codename2 | i found it :-) | 03:13 |
mpq | my favorite song, and it sounds horrible | 03:13 |
inc_ | they don't work | 03:13 |
inc_ | only cds play on my system | 03:13 |
=== dredg [niall@malkovich.office.blacknight.ie] has joined #ubuntu |
flowerss | inc_ I'm a total ubuntu n00b and I had mp3 working 5 minutes after I booted for the first time. | 03:14 |
hybrid | inc- those dont play on mine | 03:14 |
flowerss | do you get any error messages when you try to install mp3 support | 03:14 |
inc_ | i have a crappy sound card | 03:14 |
syx | somebody a quebec user? I have a real hard time with thi keyboard | 03:14 |
=== calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | inc_ i have a weird sound card the one from apple | 03:15 |
flowerss | syx french kb? | 03:15 |
inc_ | not going with osx hybrid | 03:15 |
hybrid | inc_ no not unixy enuff | 03:15 |
=== hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | inc_ it's cli is crippled like dos nearly | 03:16 |
inc_ | i thought osx had a whole unix backend | 03:16 |
neyz | "Do you want to initialize xfree86-dga (y/n)? [n] " what is that thing anyways ? *lol* | 03:16 |
syx | oui flowerss | 03:16 |
inc_ | i even read an article that you can install kde on an apple and run kde apps | 03:16 |
neyz | des francais dans la salle? | 03:16 |
=== codename2 [~codename@ool-182e350f.dyn.optonline.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
hou5ton | jdub: thanks for the help, ... got it fixed | 03:16 |
hybrid | inc_ well it is posix and is suppose to be on top of *bsd | 03:16 |
flowerss | syx I have a french kb but I use it like a regular one just to confuse myself. I got it for $6 | 03:16 |
hybrid | but it is *bsd | 03:16 |
=== sirjackalot [~your@c-24-99-11-118.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
sirjackalot | a | 03:17 |
=== sirjackalot is now known as bubba |
=== mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
syx | in windows its the canadian french keyboard... | 03:17 |
hybrid | inc_ you can with fink it is like wine but osx and linux | 03:17 |
inc_ | they even had apt-get working on osx | 03:17 |
hybrid | fink | 03:17 |
hybrid | it is like runnin wine permantly | 03:17 |
=== mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | lindows ie | 03:17 |
inc_ | lol | 03:18 |
syx | is there any way to install the right one, it is not in the list | 03:18 |
inc_ | lindows | 03:18 |
bubba | can someone tell me what the correct settings for xmms for sound should be? do i use alsa, oss, esound what? i just get no sound with xine but other event sound and all works fine | 03:18 |
evarlast | bubba: esound is the ubuntu/gnome standard. | 03:18 |
bubba | ok | 03:18 |
flowerss | syx there are canadian french kb layouts listed on my keyboard config tool in Warty. | 03:18 |
=== moquist_ [~moquist@pool-64-223-175-122.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bubba | thanks | 03:18 |
hybrid | codename2 why did you want the iso? | 03:18 |
dreamer | I can really relate to lack of friends .. most of mine have stopped talking to me, or moved | 03:18 |
=== NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu |
bubba | let me see if i can put it on that and try brb | 03:18 |
dreamer | heh wrong window | 03:18 |
evarlast | bubba: then select your sound system in Desktop->Preferences->sound system | 03:18 |
inc_ | i get this when playing sound in rhythm box OSS device "/dev/dsp" is already in use by another program. | 03:19 |
imnes | wow | 03:19 |
bubba | ok | 03:19 |
randabis | I don't use esound anymore :p | 03:19 |
randabis | polypaudio rawks | 03:19 |
=== encryptio [~f00@user-11216h0.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu |
bubba | i see no sound system | 03:19 |
imnes | inc_ you have a sound card that can't handle letting multiple programs use it at the same time. Try to use esound for everything. | 03:19 |
syx | i think i found so,ething:: | 03:19 |
evarlast | randabis: isn't that like ubber alpha-beta CVS only? | 03:19 |
inc_ | it's sound blaster compatible | 03:20 |
bubba | i see general sound events and system bell | 03:20 |
inc_ | it used to on damn small linux | 03:20 |
randabis | evarlast, it's in hoary, so probably so | 03:20 |
randabis | works well | 03:20 |
syx | Woohoo found it!!! ??&&*$/ | 03:20 |
syx | dah, i was looking in french rather than in canadian! | 03:21 |
hybrid | lol | 03:21 |
mpq | of course, the one time the station plays all songs I like, and I don't have the mp3pro codec | 03:21 |
bubba | anyone else ? | 03:21 |
hybrid | would you quite moaning and try googling | 03:22 |
mpq | I'm compiling xmms now | 03:22 |
mpq | it takes a while | 03:22 |
hybrid | it is in universal | 03:22 |
bubba | xmms works fine for me but gxine is where i'm having issues | 03:22 |
inc_ | if i'm in gstreamerproperties i get this error Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ESD - Enlightenment Sound Daemon' | 03:24 |
bubba | but you said desktop preferences sound system | 03:24 |
bubba | is it just me or am i missing somethign here | 03:24 |
=== jinty [~jinty@] has joined #ubuntu |
inc_ | try Applications > Run Applications... gstreamer-properties | 03:26 |
inc_ | buuba^ | 03:26 |
bubba | ok that did something | 03:26 |
stuNNed | is there a way to switch to 2nd soundcard with gstreamer? | 03:26 |
bubba | ouch | 03:26 |
bubba | thats loud haha | 03:26 |
bubba | :) | 03:26 |
stuNNed | or use second soundcard? | 03:26 |
inc_ | lol least it works for you | 03:26 |
bubba | yeah | 03:26 |
bubba | its on esd | 03:26 |
flowerss | how is esd related to gstreamer anyhow, or are they related at all? | 03:27 |
bubba | ok so now esd works just set everything to use esd? | 03:27 |
inc_ | i guess... | 03:27 |
inc_ | how you get esd working.. i don't think it's running right on my box | 03:27 |
bubba | i just don't understand this | 03:28 |
bubba | if esd is working why don't i have it in volume control | 03:28 |
bubba | i have alsa and oss | 03:28 |
bubba | and when i move the ich5 alsa mixer controls the sound changes | 03:28 |
jdub | bubba: you don't control volume through esd | 03:28 |
inc_ | you may need to go into the mixer properies.. my master volume doesn't do anything but pcm works | 03:29 |
bubba | ok sorry i'm just confused never had to do this before | 03:29 |
bubba | the mixer properties | 03:29 |
bubba | wheres that at | 03:29 |
jdub | right click the mixer icon | 03:29 |
jdub | or double click it | 03:29 |
bubba | where in volume control? | 03:30 |
inc_ | right click the speaker and click open volume control | 03:30 |
inc_ | ya | 03:30 |
bubba | yeah i see the sliders | 03:30 |
bubba | if thats what your talking about | 03:30 |
inc_ | yup try one till it works | 03:30 |
bubba | i get no sound out of xine | 03:31 |
inc_ | you can set the one that work to the speaker on the desktop | 03:31 |
inc_ | i don't have that installed ytet | 03:31 |
=== Chazzle [Chazzle@24-148-17-69.grn-bsr1.chi-grn.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu |
bubba | hmm strange | 03:32 |
bubba | cause this thing was working just fine | 03:32 |
randabis | make sure xine is using esd | 03:33 |
bubba | i did | 03:33 |
bubba | doesn't work on esd | 03:33 |
bubba | i changed it to alsa and i get sound | 03:33 |
bubba | thats what confuses me | 03:33 |
randabis | ok | 03:33 |
inc_ | whatever works hehe | 03:33 |
bubba | i mean is that really how it is | 03:33 |
bubba | whatever works | 03:34 |
=== Xappe is looking for evil wallpapers at deviantart |
inc_ | kinda | 03:34 |
evarlast | Xappe: send tlinks to the good ones :) | 03:34 |
bubba | i'm running linux bandaid addition :) | 03:34 |
bubba | :p | 03:34 |
inc_ | linux is always a work in progress | 03:34 |
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-220-51.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
inc_ | esp. with hardware lol | 03:34 |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
inc_ | i'm happy my wireless card works | 03:35 |
Xappe | evarlast, http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/12257240/ <-- hehe | 03:35 |
bubba | yeah that was crap getting to work on here | 03:35 |
bubba | you use the ndiswrapper? | 03:35 |
R0bNyc | Hello, what cdburning app everyone uses here | 03:35 |
=== hypa7ia [~leigh@Toronto-HSE-ppp3893091.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
hybrid | hat is a bin file | 03:35 |
mpq | firefox doesn't play flash movies with sound | 03:35 |
hybrid | **what is a bin file | 03:35 |
Xappe | R0bNyc, graveman | 03:36 |
=== nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== IvyCQuaff [~Sir@200-171-144-228.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu |
inc_ | you need to get the non-free flash that the wiki talks about | 03:36 |
Dreamer3 | hybrid: binary? | 03:36 |
flowerss | mpq for me it works if no other sound apps are running at the time I load a flash page | 03:36 |
hybrid | ok | 03:36 |
=== Anubis [~LordVader@node.tor] has joined #ubuntu |
=== metaliu [~wliu@pool-151-202-78-229.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
hybrid | thanx dreamer | 03:36 |
mpq | I don't know what's running | 03:36 |
bubba | this is totally screwed up why is it master mono but my system is stereo | 03:36 |
bubba | this is so quacked | 03:36 |
inc_ | i used modprobe to get it working bubba | 03:37 |
mpq | it didn't work | 03:37 |
bubba | what on the wireless? | 03:37 |
inc_ | yup | 03:37 |
metaliu | Need some help! can someone help me tech support my sound card? it seemed to suddenly stop working for some reason. | 03:37 |
bubba | it didn't like my broadcom | 03:37 |
bubba | i had to ndiswrapper the driver | 03:37 |
bubba | then mod it | 03:37 |
bubba | and mpq | 03:37 |
bubba | i have the flash package | 03:37 |
bubba | not sure if my router like sme today | 03:38 |
bubba | but i could dcc it to you | 03:38 |
inc_ | had to configure the channel and wep key and it worked...it's the arthos chipset whihc i heard works good with ubuntu | 03:38 |
mpq | flash package? | 03:38 |
bubba | yeah | 03:38 |
bubba | i donwloaded it and works fine | 03:38 |
R0bNyc | Xappe, where can i Find graveman? | 03:38 |
bubba | sound and all | 03:38 |
mpq | what is it? | 03:38 |
R0bNyc | I'm trying to find gnomebaker but cant | 03:38 |
bubba | hang on let me check | 03:38 |
=== Dreamer3 thinks he needs to know what to do now that it's working |
nomasteryoda | for Macromedia flash support | 03:38 |
=== flowerss is old school with an ethernet wired house |
R0bNyc | I got k3b but it wont show up in the menu and i ran it via terminal and i need to set it up and it says root is incorrect | 03:38 |
Dreamer3 | flowerss: nothing like the wire... where is gigabit wireless, eh? | 03:38 |
nomasteryoda | flowerss, safer | 03:38 |
hybrid | whats happining nomasteryoda | 03:39 |
hybrid | ? | 03:39 |
nomasteryoda | hey | 03:39 |
inc_ | there's a repository you can use for the non free flash which worked good on my firefox | 03:39 |
bubba | flash player 7 for linux | 03:39 |
mpq | you mean I have to spend money? | 03:39 |
flowerss | If I had wireless nics I could get free broadband. There's a couple of neighbors with unsecured WAPs | 03:39 |
hybrid | lol | 03:39 |
Xappe | R0bNyc, I use Hoary, and it's in the repos | 03:39 |
inc_ | it's under restricted formats.. hold on | 03:39 |
hybrid | mpq : free != $ | 03:39 |
hybrid | free == freedom | 03:40 |
inc_ | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 03:40 |
mpq | wait, so non doesn't mean not? | 03:40 |
inc_ | lol it was free for me | 03:40 |
Xappe | hehe | 03:40 |
hybrid | mpq ; free is all about freedom | 03:40 |
bubba | inc any idea why pcm doesn't work but mono does this is a stero card i'm sure | 03:40 |
bubba | maybe its not but i thought it was | 03:40 |
metaliu | ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.HUB0._PRT] | 03:41 |
metaliu | ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 9 *10 11 12 14 15) | 03:41 |
metaliu | ACPI-0205: *** Error: Return object type is incorrect [\_SB_.PCI0.LNKA._DIS] (Node dfff8d60), AE_TYPE | 03:41 |
inc_ | i wish i was the sound guru .. i'd have my sound working heh | 03:41 |
metaliu | I get a bunch of those messages on bootup. does anyone know what that means? | 03:41 |
flowerss | mpq non-free in ubuntu just means that the software is licensed in such a way that in some parts of the world you may not be legally allowed to do whatever you want with it. It's still gratis. | 03:41 |
mpq | oh | 03:41 |
inc_ | damn legal mumbo jumbo | 03:41 |
hybrid | not many linux ppl like non free | 03:41 |
hybrid | lol yea inc_ | 03:41 |
hybrid | but free software is the best | 03:42 |
bascule | metaliu, installing or booting? | 03:42 |
flowerss | hybrid - only purists are hung up on non-free vs free. For me, as long as I can work I'll use it. The freedom part is just a bonus | 03:42 |
inc_ | how can u charge for something you don't physically own... gonna charge me for remembering the words to a song ;) | 03:43 |
metaliu | bascule, booting | 03:43 |
metaliu | bascule, i get it for a bunch of interrupts LNKA, LNKB, LNKC ... | 03:43 |
jesuel | muah, i really love mythtv | 03:43 |
hybrid | flowerss : yea well i kno alot of ppl that will never use closed source | 03:43 |
bascule | metaliu, add noacpi to you r boot options however that is done, I know lilo not grub | 03:43 |
butt | what was that website that is for right after you install Ubuntu? I cant seem to find it | 03:43 |
flowerss | hybrid do they have jobs? Do they work in the real world? | 03:43 |
hybrid | ill use close source if it is some how better than its open source counter part | 03:43 |
inc_ | butt: huh/ | 03:44 |
hybrid | flowerss : actually yea | 03:44 |
Dreamer3 | anyone have a THinkpad laptop and ubuntu working perfect with acpi? | 03:44 |
thesilverhand | butt: you mean ubuntuguide.org? | 03:44 |
flowerss | hybrid doing what? we do engineering, and the goddamn cad package that all our clients insist on is Autocad, closed source and windows only. | 03:44 |
=== Dreamer3 thinks of trying the forums. |
hybrid | flowerss : idk not me talk to them. i wont step towards windoze tho too ugly and too many bad experiences | 03:45 |
metaliu | bascule, do you think this option will make my sound card start working again? | 03:46 |
flowerss | hybrid our company is 500 people and I'm on the IT staff, and the only one who runs Linux on my desktop. We have lots of Linux servers, however. | 03:46 |
encryptio | like oss/esd/alsa? | 03:46 |
encryptio | damnit | 03:46 |
bascule | metaliu, most likely, if the interrupts are borked and that option fixes them | 03:46 |
Chazzle | to burn a boot disc, do i need any other files than the iso? | 03:47 |
hybrid | flowerss : yea my school just bought new computers all xp and i hate it i tried to push for linux but no1 listened | 03:47 |
Chazzle | I am new. | 03:47 |
metaliu | bascule, ok, i'll give it a shot... brb | 03:47 |
bascule | Chazzle, nope | 03:47 |
Chazzle | cool. | 03:47 |
Chazzle | thanks. | 03:47 |
=== shad0w1e [~jay@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
flowerss | hybrid MS probably gave all the senior IT people golf memberships or something ;-) | 03:47 |
hybrid | lol | 03:47 |
shad0w1e | hey, Q: What's the easiest, (SIMPLEST), quickest way to install KDE on Ubuntu ?? | 03:47 |
Chazzle | i am using xp's 'writable' folder...is this good enough or do i need another program? | 03:48 |
hybrid | well we are just a lil school with a big grant and gateway gave them the best deal and they dont support linux | 03:48 |
flowerss | shad0w1e, install ubuntu, download suse linux, format drive and install suse ;-) | 03:48 |
shad0w1e | funny | 03:48 |
shad0w1e | Is it really that hard? | 03:49 |
imnes | shad0w1e: apt-get install kde works. | 03:49 |
flowerss | kde isn't supported on ubuntu, is it? | 03:49 |
hybrid | wtf u want kde | 03:49 |
shad0w1e | why is GNOME better? | 03:49 |
=== metaliu [~wliu@pool-151-202-78-229.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
shad0w1e | I'm coming from Red Hat 6.2. KDE 1 kicked GNOME 1's ass! | 03:49 |
metaliu | bascule, thanks that fixed it all up :) you rock | 03:49 |
=== micahf [~micahf1@user-12l39q2.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== flowerss got rid of suse and switched to ubuntu to get rid of kde. |
hybrid | smaller faster and nothing like windows | 03:49 |
micahf | hey I have a question | 03:49 |
inc_ | kde is cool | 03:49 |
bascule | metaliu, you are welcome, and thank you :) | 03:49 |
inc_ | i like fluxbox better | 03:50 |
hybrid | too windows-like | 03:50 |
micahf | after installing, I noticed X and gnome and stuff were missing | 03:50 |
hybrid | never used it | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | root@JAYS:/home/jay # apt-get install kde | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | Reading Package Lists... Done | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | Package kde is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | is only available from another source | 03:50 |
micahf | so I started to install them manually | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | E: Package kde has no installation candidate | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | root@JAYS:/home/jay # | 03:50 |
imnes | You will lose some of the nice functionality gnome gives you. Under KDE for example your drives won't auto-mount. | 03:50 |
hybrid | could you like dual boot gui managers? | 03:50 |
micahf | now I have half a gui installed | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | oh flash drives... | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | no biggie | 03:50 |
micahf | and no xterm | 03:50 |
flowerss | imnes who toldyou that? | 03:50 |
HrdwrBoB | hybrid: yes | 03:50 |
micahf | and ubuntu goes to x right away | 03:50 |
hybrid | ok kool | 03:50 |
shad0w1e | the apt-get didnt work | 03:50 |
imnes | flowerss: I installed KDE on hoary last week and none of my drives / cdrom's would auto-mount. | 03:50 |
flowerss | kde at least has a decent cd burner. | 03:51 |
micahf | anyone got any ideas? | 03:51 |
inc_ | who needs auto mount lol | 03:51 |
Chazzle | i am using xp's 'writable cd folder' to burn this boot disc....Should I use something else? | 03:51 |
imnes | hehe, hey I like gnome's nautilus burner, I burn my DVD's in it. | 03:51 |
flowerss | imnes, no automount on ubuntu, but every other kde distro has it. | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | yes | 03:51 |
shad0w1e | yes | 03:51 |
metaliu | bascule, hmmm, my sound card is working, but dmesg is reporting that i'm still getting those error messages on bootup | 03:51 |
shad0w1e | burn it AS an ISO | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | you should burn the iso directly | 03:51 |
micahf | nobody has ideas? | 03:51 |
inc_ | too much fluff.. fluxbox all the way | 03:51 |
shad0w1e | don't put the iso onto the disk | 03:51 |
HrdwrBoB | otherwise you will have a CD with an iso file on it | 03:51 |
shad0w1e | you wont get anywhere | 03:51 |
metaliu | bascule, any insight on what's happened? | 03:51 |
dredg | automount is kinda nice actually. plug in camera/iriver/whatever and it just opens. mmm yum. | 03:51 |
bascule | hmmm | 03:51 |
imnes | flowerss: I know but I thought he was asking specifically about using kde on ubuntu | 03:51 |
micahf | how do I configure the startup to not open the gui right off | 03:52 |
inc_ | matter of fact who needs a gui.. console baby | 03:52 |
=== aurax [~aurax@bzq-218-44-70.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
shad0w1e | Chazzle: Use any burning program, like Roxio or Nero. You need to find the "burn disc from image/file option" | 03:52 |
micahf | yea how do I make the console default | 03:52 |
micahf | please help | 03:52 |
flowerss | imnes you're probably right. I like gnome better despite the few shortcomings. | 03:52 |
dredg | apt-get remove gdm? | 03:52 |
hybrid | could you some how haave a cd burner and like upgrade the firmware or w/e to make it burn dvd's? | 03:52 |
imnes | hehe if you guys want KDE / Console maybe just run debian instead of ubuntu - isn't the whole idea with ubuntu to get a nice gnome based setup? | 03:52 |
imnes | :) | 03:52 |
micahf | but I have no terminal | 03:52 |
shad0w1e | fo ril? | 03:52 |
jesuel | hrm | 03:52 |
micahf | I am trying to finish installing | 03:53 |
flowerss | micahf if you go ctrl-alt-f1 you should get a terminal | 03:53 |
jesuel | 18:52:45 up 21 min, 4 users, load average: 1.49, 1.34, 0.91 | 03:53 |
inc_ | slackware baby | 03:53 |
Chazzle | thanks shad0w1e, is there a free one or a trial one I can use just to burn the thing and obliterate xp afterward? | 03:53 |
shad0w1e | I just finished settin all ma shit up | 03:53 |
jesuel | that feels like really high load :( | 03:53 |
micahf | xterm? | 03:53 |
shad0w1e | dont tell me... | 03:53 |
Coily | can i expand my ext3 partition without reinstalling? | 03:53 |
micahf | or console? | 03:53 |
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-220-51.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
micahf | because I didn't get xterm installed | 03:53 |
shad0w1e | Chazzle: I'm sure there is | 03:53 |
shad0w1e | Chazzle: in fact, Nero ought to have a trial | 03:53 |
inc_ | there's got to be a terminal | 03:53 |
=== niptac [~niptac@acc1-ppp344.ade.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
micahf | not xterm | 03:54 |
poopy | wheren't there plans of having an ubuntu beagle deb? | 03:54 |
shad0w1e | Chazzle: But it's kind of big. | 03:54 |
bascule | metaliu, acpi=off can also be added, aprt from that go up to 2.6.10 if you have those sort of skills | 03:54 |
Coily | anyone? | 03:54 |
micahf | I try changing session to failsafe terminal | 03:54 |
micahf | doesn't work | 03:54 |
micahf | no xterm | 03:54 |
niptac | hi guys how do I open a directory where I have permission denied access to? | 03:54 |
Chazzle | thanks shad0w1e | 03:54 |
metaliu | bascule, ok, i'll give that option a try | 03:54 |
flowerss | micah going ctrl-alt-f1 switches you to the console | 03:54 |
micahf | ok thanks flowerss | 03:54 |
bascule | Coily, install qtparted | 03:54 |
=== usual [~colin@cpe-69-204-161-106.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
inc_ | ijust use the gnome terminal | 03:55 |
dredg | Coily: yeah. partition magic, qtparted... | 03:55 |
micahf | yea I can't get gnome started | 03:55 |
micahf | it doesn't work | 03:55 |
Coily | alrighty good | 03:55 |
inc_ | oic | 03:55 |
dredg | Coily: it's ext3 so it needs to be resized offline.. knoppix has qtparted. you could do it that way | 03:55 |
micahf | it freezes on nautilus | 03:55 |
micahf | and it takes like 10 minutes on the window manager startup | 03:55 |
bascule | niptac, sudo nautilus, but be very careful with it | 03:55 |
Coily | thanks :O | 03:55 |
=== jinty [~jinty@] has joined #ubuntu |
micahf | and if I click, it disappears | 03:55 |
inc_ | see i like the file manager in kde better than nautilus | 03:56 |
micahf | I don't like the letter K | 03:56 |
niptac | bascule ok thanks I just need to locate a file .pid that's all | 03:56 |
micahf | and thats why I hate KDE | 03:56 |
hybrid | lol | 03:56 |
dredg | inc_: so use the kde file manager in gnome. there's nothing stopping you | 03:56 |
inc_ | better than W | 03:56 |
micahf | true story | 03:56 |
niptac | and kill it | 03:56 |
micahf | thanks guys | 03:56 |
micahf | see ya | 03:56 |
inc_ | well i may do that after i get sound working | 03:56 |
=== heero [~heero@cablelink41-252.intercable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bascule | niptac, sudo updatedb && sudo locate *.pid | 03:56 |
micahf | oh wait, any ideas on what to apt-get to get my gui working? | 03:57 |
=== felipe_ [~felipe@200-204-85-15.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu |
felipe_ | Hi there! | 03:57 |
micahf | did apt-get install xserver-xorg x-window-system-core gnome | 03:57 |
micahf | what else? | 03:57 |
micahf | I will apt-get install xterm | 03:57 |
micahf | because I need that | 03:58 |
jesuel | ohh, i hate comcast! | 03:58 |
micahf | is there a program I can use to automatically install the rest of the packages that the installer was supposed to install? | 03:58 |
imnes | hehe how did you install ubuntu without a gui? | 03:58 |
imnes | or you running something else? | 03:58 |
HrdwrBoB | micahf: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 03:59 |
dwmurphy | ? | 03:59 |
felipe_ | Someone told me that ubuntu has most of it made w/ python...is it true? | 03:59 |
micahf | nice | 03:59 |
micahf | thanks alot | 03:59 |
imnes | I don't remember the installer giving an option to not install gnome. | 03:59 |
niptac | thanks bascule it found it | 03:59 |
LinuxJones | felipe_, I think that Red Hat has that honor | 04:00 |
imnes | felipe_ I think all debian based systems include just about every python dev tool, and all their stuff like configuration tools are written in python? | 04:00 |
bascule | np | 04:00 |
metaliu | umm, here's a simple question: how do i add an entry to the menu? | 04:00 |
imnes | metaliu: open your file browser and type applications:/// into the location | 04:00 |
felipe_ | hmmm I c | 04:00 |
Xappe | ooh, they're watching me! http://www.delta.se/~jon/Screenshot.png :) | 04:01 |
metaliu | it says applications:/// is not a valid location | 04:01 |
bascule | niptac, locate <whatever> is handy | 04:01 |
imnes | oo you must be using Hoary | 04:01 |
imnes | that's a nice screenshot | 04:01 |
Dreamer3 | so | 04:01 |
niptac | cool thanks | 04:01 |
metaliu | anyone else know how to add an entry to the menu? | 04:02 |
aurax | is there a good ssh guy client ? | 04:02 |
imnes | metaliu: if you're running Hoary you can't. | 04:02 |
bascule | ssh -l <user> some.where | 04:02 |
metaliu | imnes: that's a little... crappy? | 04:02 |
imnes | yeah it's gnome's problem not ubuntu's. | 04:02 |
=== n0sferatu [~n0sferatu@] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | imnes, yes i'm starting to like my desktop now :) | 04:02 |
imnes | Here's mine http://www.cs.uwf.edu/~nsmith/Screenshot.png | 04:03 |
Xappe | what window theme is that? | 04:03 |
hybrid | brb | 04:04 |
imnes | metaliu: my understanding is they are implementing a new way to store menu entries based on some freedesktop.org standard (that both Gnome and KDE will share), but it's not done yet. | 04:04 |
imnes | Xappe: it's Wintah | 04:04 |
felipe_ | mine: http://felipelopes.dotgeek.org/screenshot.jpeg | 04:04 |
=== Houligan [~chatzilla@houlecm0.umeres.maine.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
n0sferatu | hey, i need some help with iptables in ubuntu, every time that i add rules that i found in the net for sharing internet with another computer, i stop having access to internet in my linux box!, can someone tell me what happen with iptables in ubuntu pls | 04:04 |
Xappe | imnes, ok | 04:04 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
housetier | here are mine: http://screenshots.mine.nu/ | 04:04 |
evarlast | WANTED: add "status" to invoke-rc.d scripts as a standard. coming from RH/MDK I MISS IT! | 04:04 |
Dreamer3 | evarlast: ps -Af | grep service ;-) | 04:05 |
Dreamer3 | evarlast: but not a bad idea :) | 04:05 |
evarlast | Dreamer3: its not as nice :) | 04:05 |
Dreamer3 | evarlast: i nkow | 04:05 |
Dreamer3 | evarlast: we should just all use daemontools :) | 04:06 |
evarlast | I've not used daemontools :) | 04:06 |
=== ozan [~ozan@dsl81-214-43832.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu |
evarlast | is that the service restarter thingy? | 04:06 |
jesuel | grumble...grumble...grumble | 04:07 |
Dreamer3 | evarlast: it's by the author of qmail, djbdns, etc :) | 04:07 |
dredg | yay djbware | 04:07 |
dredg | without it life would be just too frickin easy | 04:07 |
jesuel | grumble, 163 dollars month just for cable modem + tv | 04:07 |
=== Dreamer3 laughs |
jesuel | i HATE comcast :( | 04:07 |
Dreamer3 | i switched our production dns server to it and have had 0 problems | 04:08 |
hybrid | ok | 04:08 |
dredg | right, see, he has this thing about distributing patched releases of software | 04:08 |
=== ewhitte1 [~eric@pool-141-158-232-219.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
dredg | i have this thing about patching and rebuilding something every time i want a feature :) | 04:09 |
hybrid | lol | 04:09 |
dredg | plus i use ipv6 in production. djb kind of flies in the face of that | 04:09 |
Dreamer3 | dredg: yeah, i used one patch | 04:09 |
Dreamer3 | dredg: yeah, he's not big on ip6 though i believe djbdns does work fine with it | 04:09 |
evarlast | Dreamer3: wow. that says a lot. does it have all the features of bind? | 04:09 |
flowerss | jesuel wow, is that US dollars? | 04:09 |
chillywilly | djb is an ass too | 04:09 |
chillywilly | ;P | 04:09 |
jesuel | yes flowerss | 04:09 |
flowerss | brutal | 04:09 |
dredg | chillywilly: didn't want to bring that one up :) | 04:10 |
Dreamer3 | evarlast: you'll have to read up on it yourself, totally different... i had to rebuild all my zones to the new format files | 04:10 |
jesuel | that gets me all the premium channels, but still | 04:10 |
jesuel | and 6mbit download/768 upload with 1 static ip | 04:10 |
ewhitte1 | is anyone else having this weird issue: when i startup and login through gdm, gnome won't come up. I reboot and try again, it works fine. This seems to happen everytime I shut down. | 04:10 |
flowerss | mine's like $29.95 for cable internet, and $40 for digital sattelite. | 04:10 |
flowerss | canadian | 04:10 |
jesuel | but still, extremely brutal | 04:10 |
jesuel | oh i h8 u | 04:10 |
jesuel | :) | 04:10 |
evarlast | wow... canadian, so it is even cheaper! | 04:10 |
jesuel | the sad thing, the cable internet part is like 50 bucks | 04:10 |
flowerss | well, I don't have all the fancy stuff you have though. | 04:11 |
dredg | Dreamer3: feh, i have thousands of zones that i'm not converting any time soon :) | 04:11 |
jesuel | the rest is the actually cable | 04:11 |
imnes | We have 5mbit / 384k with 1 static IP like $35 | 04:11 |
flowerss | i don't have enough time to watch that much tv. | 04:11 |
randabis | yo' | 04:11 |
jesuel | imnes thats pretty cheap | 04:11 |
dredg | Dreamer3: though i wish you all the best with djbdns | 04:11 |
flowerss | besides, I can just dl all my shows off btefnet.net anyhow. | 04:11 |
nomasteryoda | imnes, nice | 04:11 |
jesuel | ... | 04:11 |
jesuel | uhm | 04:12 |
=== NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
=== jdub covers his eyes at mention of djb. |
=== dredg laughs |
jesuel | imnes, those torrents fast? | 04:13 |
imnes | Depends. | 04:13 |
=== regeya_ [~shane@sdn-ap-013ilchicP0084.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jesuel | well, fast and good quality? | 04:13 |
imnes | Usually the fastest downloads I see are like 300k/s sustained. More typical is 200 | 04:13 |
jesuel | well thats not so bad | 04:14 |
imnes | But I can run multiple downloads at the speed, so I dunno it's like each stream is capped or something | 04:14 |
jesuel | i can always dl 3 or 4 things at once ;p | 04:14 |
dredg | jdub: so what did djb do to you? this can be like therapy... | 04:14 |
=== regeya_ pulls up a chair |
Dreamer3 | dredg: well, i had more than a few, but they were all based off templates (hosting company) so i just made a new template and updated my "create new domain" script :) | 04:14 |
=== regeya_ is now known as regeya |
dredg | Dreamer3: sure. i just have huge reservations (read: i get the fear) about doing things like ripping out bind and putting in something else | 04:16 |
=== regeya_ [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | heh | 04:16 |
randabis | problems? | 04:16 |
Dreamer3 | dredg: yeah, i had a few :) | 04:17 |
Dreamer3 | dredg: did lots of testing | 04:17 |
dredg | i still run sendmail on a bunch of servers because i don't want to risk the hurt that could stem from a migration to postfix going horribly horribly horribly wrong | 04:17 |
dredg | and besides, if it ain't broke... :) | 04:18 |
lamont | dredg: who says it ain't? :-) | 04:18 |
neom | If it ain't broke, tweek it! | 04:18 |
ewhitte1 | dredg: what's the IP of those servers? I'll help move your migration along. ;) | 04:18 |
n0sferatu | hey, i need some help with iptables in ubuntu, every time that i add rules that i found in the net for sharing internet with another computer, i stop having access to internet in my linux box!, can someone tell me what happen with iptables in ubuntu pls | 04:18 |
dredg | lamont: me. it's 3.20am and it better not be :) | 04:18 |
lamont | heh | 04:19 |
ewhitte1 | dredg: 3:20am? england? | 04:19 |
dredg | close. ireland. | 04:19 |
Xappe | n0sferatu, have you tried Firestarter? easy to use fron end to iptables | 04:19 |
=== lamont fondly remembers the evening that HP switched to postfix on the firewall machines |
ewhitte1 | same thing! | 04:19 |
ewhitte1 | ;) | 04:19 |
=== ewhitte1 thwacks the beehive. |
dredg | ewhitte1: there are some who would kill you in the face for that one ;) | 04:19 |
lamont | it was like the only good thing to come out of the melissa virus | 04:20 |
ewhitte1 | dredg: I'm just giving you a hard time. :) | 04:20 |
dredg | ewhitte1: 6/10 for effort anyway | 04:21 |
dredg | lamont: nice | 04:21 |
ewhitte1 | I had to get up at 6am and it's been a long day. I'll try harder next time. | 04:21 |
ewhitte1 | I did manage to get ifolder3 with nautilus extensions up and running on ubuntu in about 30 secs. this afternoon, though. | 04:21 |
ewhitte1 | alien the rpms from ifolder.com, move all the stuff it puts into /opt/gnome/* into /usr and restart nautilus. :) | 04:22 |
dredg | ick | 04:23 |
dredg | grab the src and make packages? | 04:23 |
dredg | mmm sane :) | 04:23 |
=== inc_ [~mike@c-65-34-144-27.se.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] |
ewhitte1 | dredg: probably a better way to go about it. this was a quick "I wonder if it would even work" test. | 04:23 |
Dreamer3 | ewhitte1: ifolder, apples online file storage? | 04:23 |
ewhitte1 | Dreamer3: no, from novell. it's pretty neat. | 04:24 |
n0sferatu | Xappe, i need something for share internet, can i use firestarte for that? | 04:24 |
ewhitte1 | Dreamer3: watch the flash demos: http://www.ifolder.com/screens.html | 04:24 |
Dreamer3 | ewhitte1: what's it do? | 04:24 |
ewhitte1 | network sync'ed folders with ACL's. | 04:24 |
Dreamer3 | ewhitte1: are they heavy flash, i'm on dialup | 04:24 |
ewhitte1 | yeah, 1-3MB | 04:24 |
Dreamer3 | ewhitte1: this is fre enovell stuff? | 04:25 |
nomasteryoda | nice | 04:25 |
nomasteryoda | Novell SuSE can be had for free | 04:25 |
ewhitte1 | Dreamer3: yeah, at least the client portion. It's being written with mono for os x, linux, and windows. | 04:25 |
nomasteryoda | there is a posting that states such | 04:25 |
ewhitte1 | comes in two varieties: workgroup (free, user to user sharing), and enterprise (which isn't free) | 04:25 |
jdub | when the ifolder gui doesn't bite, it will land in ubuntu | 04:26 |
dredg | ewhitte1: right. might package it tomorrow...or now.. i should sleep but i don't think that'll happen | 04:26 |
nomasteryoda | er, I'll find the post | 04:26 |
Dreamer3 | ewhitte1: i take it the enterprise version is pricey? | 04:26 |
jdub | most likely in hoary+1 universe | 04:26 |
=== asimo [~asimo@pcp01685474pcs.wchstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | n0sferatu, yes. look at this: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/wizard.php | 04:27 |
ewhitte1 | jdub: aside from it killing nautilus every once in awhile, it seemed to play fairly nice. | 04:27 |
jdub | ewhitte1: not with human beings | 04:27 |
=== hnn [~hnn@h71n3fls309o968.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu |
ewhitte1 | jdub: I'll agree with that part, yes. | 04:28 |
ewhitte1 | jdub: the red 'i' emblem on the folders likes to jump from top to bottom in ugly fashions. | 04:29 |
=== heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu |
regeya | ifolder... | 04:30 |
=== zzyzxrd [~bill@host-66-81-195-112.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu |
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hybrid | hey g2 | 04:32 |
hybrid | g | 04:32 |
=== ewhitte1 [~eric@pool-141-158-232-219.phil.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] |
heliolith | hello all; I'm having a hard time installing on my laptop, in the first few screens the installer locks up and won't let me progress. I found similar issues on the forums but no solution short of the "NET install", after making a bootable floppy. Is there a simpler to initiate an internet based installation than the one described in the forums that anyone here knows of? I really want Ubuntu on my laptop! | 04:32 |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I just got an interesting idea and I'm wondering if it exists | 04:33 |
=== zzxroad [~bill@host-66-81-16-116.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu |
nomasteryoda | mpq, what | 04:34 |
mpq | anyone know if there's a program that changes your wallpaper every day? | 04:34 |
Examancer | yes | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | sure | 04:34 |
Examancer | there is | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, so you got it running? | 04:34 |
mpq | I don't have one | 04:34 |
mpq | I thought it would be a good idea | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | linux i meant | 04:34 |
=== jba [~jba@] has joined #ubuntu |
heliolith | change wallpaper script here: http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/clasqm/ubuntu.html | 04:34 |
mpq | oh, yeah | 04:34 |
zzxroad | does anyone have a bash script to install flash and java and wine? | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | congrats | 04:34 |
heliolith | link above for mpq | 04:34 |
Examancer | i don't know if there is a decent gnome wallpaper changer out there though, with a GUI and everything | 04:35 |
mpq | thanks helio | 04:35 |
Examancer | sounds like a nice little app | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | Examancer, its called kde | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | =) | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | i can do that at any interval | 04:35 |
jdub | mpq: there's a few out there; google :-) | 04:36 |
heliolith | Who here has experience installing over the net with no cd? | 04:36 |
hnn | heliolith: Try debian ;) | 04:36 |
mpq | what do I do with the .sh file? | 04:36 |
Examancer | ./ it | 04:36 |
hnn | mpq: chmod +x *.sh then ./*.sh | 04:36 |
Examancer | . executes | 04:37 |
mpq | ok | 04:37 |
heliolith | hnn and abandon ubuntu? it's all I know Lol! | 04:37 |
Examancer | or you can do sh script.sh i think | 04:37 |
Xappe | nomasteryoda, i didn't hear you, did you say bloated? | 04:37 |
Xappe | ;) | 04:37 |
Examancer | lol Xappe | 04:37 |
hnn | heliolith: Try the expert installation ;) | 04:37 |
heliolith | hnn ubuntu expert? | 04:38 |
=== runenes [~runenes@ti500710a080-0361.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu |
nomasteryoda | Xappe, LOL | 04:38 |
nomasteryoda | true | 04:38 |
mpq | hnn: nothing happened | 04:38 |
hnn | heliolith: HEH... no, I just installed it ;) But i have linux experience since 1997 :) | 04:38 |
Xappe | nomasteryoda, :) | 04:38 |
hnn | mpq: Hm.. is it executable? :p | 04:39 |
mpq | I have experience since yesterday | 04:39 |
mpq | I don't know | 04:39 |
hnn | mpq: ls -lA | 04:39 |
hnn | What does it tells you? | 04:39 |
bubba | inc you still there? | 04:39 |
heliolith | hnn you just installed what? Ubuntu over the net? via expert installation? I' have Linux experience since 2004 /sigh I don't know why my laptop's CD-roms are so sucky that they won't let Ubuntu install /pout | 04:39 |
hnn | On the line with the *.sh script | 04:39 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, you will catch on | 04:40 |
mpq | -rwxr-xr-x 1 tony tony 1720 2005-02-09 19:35 ranwp.sh | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | give it 2-3 weeks | 04:40 |
mpq | the filename is green | 04:40 |
zzxroad | doe anyone have a script or program to tweak your sources.lst, apt-get update, then install wine, khtml, java, flash? | 04:40 |
hnn | mpq: ./ranwp.sh | 04:40 |
hnn | It should run the | 04:40 |
hnn | n | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, if you do "ls -al" you will see permissions | 04:40 |
=== dredg yawns |
mpq | nothing happened | 04:40 |
bubba | ill try again cause i'm still stuck can someone kindly help me with my sound on ubuntu? i can open up applications like xine and all and it the mute on it and i still have full sound | 04:40 |
=== dredg ponders bed.. veh veh tired |
hnn | nomasteryoda: He just did that ;) | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 04:41 |
bubba | i can slide the volume down to nothing on the volume control and i have sound wat am i doing wrong | 04:41 |
hnn | nomasteryoda: Try to look a few lines up :) | 04:41 |
=== Johan [~Johan@] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I have volume control buttons on the side of my computer, how do I get them to work in ubuntu? | 04:41 |
hnn | heliolith: hehe... Nah... I installed it via the CD player ;) | 04:41 |
hnn | heliolith: But i have installed a few servers over the net with Debian that Ubuntu is based on | 04:42 |
asimo | how do I stop the bootup sequence from started X? | 04:42 |
hnn | asimo: Try to press CTRL-ALT-Backspace ;) | 04:43 |
asimo | when, during bootup? | 04:43 |
hnn | Dunno :p | 04:43 |
heliolith | Ok I guess I'll try the floppy/ net install referenced here: it looks scary though... (i think i can, I think i can) http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetbootInstallHowto | 04:44 |
=== Faustus [~Faust@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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hnn | heliolith: Try dual boot :) | 04:45 |
hnn | So you can return to the Crappy XP :p | 04:45 |
heliolith | hnn how would dual boot help me? I don't need no stinkin' windows anymore | 04:45 |
hnn | heliolith: *sigh* | 04:45 |
Xappe | if I get the hang of cvscedega I'll wipe my xp installation too | 04:46 |
heliolith | lol | 04:46 |
mpq | I wiped xp the easy way | 04:46 |
mpq | by formatting the only partition on my computer | 04:46 |
hnn | heliolith: I put ubuntu on my mac yesterday... I really sucked :p | 04:46 |
hnn | OSX is 1000 times better :) | 04:47 |
Xappe | but it seems har to a grip of that program | 04:47 |
heliolith | hnn: dual boot doesnt' fix my cd-rom problem... | 04:47 |
Xappe | *hard to get | 04:47 |
jba | hey guys | 04:47 |
jba | jdub, you around dude? | 04:47 |
heliolith | lol hnn | 04:47 |
hnn | heliolith: Try to tell it to work?:p | 04:47 |
asimo | is there no key that you can hold down so it startX doesn't load on bootup? | 04:47 |
=== zzxroad [~bill@host-66-81-16-116.rev.o1.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
hnn | asimo: AFAIK, no :p | 04:48 |
asimo | screw this, I'm going back to mandrake | 04:48 |
hnn | asimo: Try Fedora Core 3 ;) | 04:49 |
asimo | I didn't like Fedora... | 04:49 |
Agrajag | why not just boot into runlevel 3 or 4? | 04:49 |
jba | does the kernel in hoary array 4 have the mkinitrd magic for custom dsdt yet guys ? | 04:49 |
jba | jdub, anyone ? | 04:49 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | jba: the kernel has initrd magic, but it's nothing to do with mkinitrd | 04:50 |
jdub | unless jbailey has already uploaded his mkinitrd hack | 04:50 |
jdub | which will do the dsdt attaching for you | 04:50 |
jba | jdub, nah was going off a comment you made a few weeks back | 04:50 |
=== Martok [~kern@pcp01327764pcs.chrstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | * Take /etc/mkinitrd/DSDT and put it in the initrd if it exists. | 04:51 |
jdub | (Ubuntu BZ#5231) | 04:51 |
jba | so jdub, do i still need to cat the custom dsdt to the end of initrd, or is there a special place i can put it | 04:51 |
jba | sweet | 04:51 |
scoon | asimo, what's the beef ? | 04:51 |
=== jba reads bugzilla |
=== felix_1 [~felix@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
asimo | I guess I'll just reinstall it... again | 04:51 |
jba | jdub, by the way, i've been away for a few days, my son was just born | 04:51 |
jdub | cool, congrats | 04:52 |
asimo | scoon, I installed ubuntu and it didn't configure my graphics, gave me an error and dropped me to the prompt | 04:52 |
jba | thanks ,ate | 04:52 |
jba | mate | 04:52 |
=== dle [~dle@Ottawa-HSE-ppp4024350.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Anon."] |
scoon | asimo, what kind of card ? | 04:52 |
=== Dreamer3 looks around |
jba | hmm bugzilla.ubuntu.com is verified by an unknown authority | 04:52 |
asimo | scoon, so I found the ubuntuguide.org and decided to follow the nvidia driver install guide | 04:53 |
Dreamer3 | jdub: is there any way to tell the kernel NOT to try and do certain things when booting? | 04:53 |
asimo | scoon, I have a GeForce 6600 | 04:53 |
scoon | asimo, I have never had any luck w/ nvidia debs. | 04:53 |
felix_1 | hi, Can't find guide to setup sudoer : there were no sudo setup in array-cd 4 install in expert mode... ( yes expert, sorry ) I had to install LILO instead of GRUB, and root account is enabled but no sudoer | 04:53 |
scoon | asimo, i use the installer from the site. | 04:53 |
scoon | asimo, the down side of that is that every time i update my kernel, i need to re-run the installer | 04:54 |
scoon | asimo, but the upside is that my video works | 04:54 |
asimo | scoon, I ran the apt-get stuff which seemed to install ok, said I should restart X | 04:54 |
asimo | so since I was in the prompt already I ran startx | 04:54 |
jba | jdub, that bugzilla doesn't mention the location of the DSDT file | 04:54 |
jba | is there anywhere with documentation on it that I can look? | 04:55 |
jba | or do i just take your comment literally: | 04:55 |
scoon | asimo, and was there an err next ? | 04:55 |
=== felix_1 [~felix@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] |
asimo | scoon, then it froze on the nvidia logo | 04:55 |
jba | and dump it in /etc/mkinitrd/DSDT | 04:55 |
asimo | scoon, so I has to restart, but every time I restart, it trys to load startx and freezes again and again on the nvidia logo and I can't get it to stop loading startx on bootup | 04:56 |
scoon | asimo, that was in startx ? | 04:56 |
scoon | asimo, take a look in the file ~/.xsession-errors | 04:56 |
scoon | asimo, also, what version is the debian nvidia stuff | 04:56 |
=== shad0w1e [~jay@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
scoon | 6629 ? | 04:57 |
shad0w1e | does anyone know where the ubuntu file is that I can edit to add more sessions (I installed other GUI interfaces) | 04:57 |
asimo | scoon, I would if I could, but how do I log into my system when it always trys to load startx on bootup and crashes? | 04:57 |
=== asdf123 [allan@S010600a0cc2c818a.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jdub | jba: initrd-tools docs | 04:57 |
scoon | asimo, isn't it in the ubuntu guide on how to change runlevels ? | 04:58 |
scoon | for boot | 04:58 |
jba | cool thanks mate, I just figured to look there when i saw what module the bug was under | 04:58 |
=== zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
asimo | scoon, I don't see anything | 04:58 |
asdf123 | is there any way to install ubuntu onto a partition, while leaving the rest of the partitions, given that no such option exists in the installer? | 04:58 |
shad0w1e | ah got it | 04:58 |
shad0w1e | thanks | 04:58 |
shad0w1e | ... | 04:58 |
asimo | asdf123, yes, it's all in the installer | 04:59 |
asdf123 | supposedly, but when I go to manual partitioning, there seems to be no way to select the free space I left on this drive | 04:59 |
scoon | asimo, you need to do chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm | 05:00 |
scoon | asimo, that will stop it from starting up | 05:00 |
asimo | asdf123, I'm going to reinstall ubuntu now, I'll walk through with you | 05:00 |
scoon | asimo, that is one of the many ways to do it. | 05:00 |
asimo | asdf123, ok I'm at "Manually edit partition table" | 05:01 |
asimo | asdf123, there's nothing in there for you marked "FREE SPACE"? | 05:01 |
asdf123 | no | 05:01 |
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
asdf123 | both of my drives are listed | 05:01 |
asdf123 | if I select the one I want then it asks me if I really want to format | 05:02 |
=== redissexy [~redissexy@201009181017.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
asimo | asdf123, do you have partitions already makde | 05:02 |
asimo | makde = made | 05:02 |
=== felix_1 [~felix_1@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
asdf123 | i have primary with Windows, free space, then extended | 05:03 |
asimo | scoon, I'd love to try your command BTW, but I'm no longer in prompt and I can't get there because it's always trying to startx and crashing | 05:03 |
scoon | asimo, ever hear of a live CD ? | 05:03 |
scoon | asimo, ubuntu has one, so does knoppix. | 05:04 |
randabis | knoppix IS one you mean :p | 05:04 |
asimo | scoon, didn't make one, and I can reinstall ubuntu before I get to a live up and running | 05:04 |
scoon | my grammer sux | 05:04 |
scoon | asimo, well good luck. and consider making a live cd. | 05:05 |
scoon | asimo, is your card agp or pci ? | 05:05 |
asimo | scoon, noted | 05:05 |
asimo | agp | 05:05 |
scoon | asimo, you may want to check on nvidia's site for troubleshooting. | 05:05 |
asimo | asdf123, "Free Space" is your empty partition, format it and set it as "/" | 05:06 |
scoon | asimo, i think i have heard people saying that the older drivers don't work w/ that card. | 05:06 |
=== neighborlee [neighborle@c-24-16-103-160.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
scoon | asimo, there is a really good chance that the warty nvidia is NOT 6629 | 05:06 |
asdf123 | that's what's on my drive, but ubuntu doesn't present it as such | 05:06 |
=== heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has left #ubuntu [] |
asimo | is anyone else understanding asdf123 problem? | 05:07 |
asdf123 | i'm familiar with partitioning and installing linux distros, but I'm less familiar with ones that want me to trash my disk at every option... | 05:07 |
asimo | ubuntu doens't have a partition resizer, it only allows you to manage what you already have | 05:08 |
asimo | if you have free space, you can partition that into a swap and a drive for "/" | 05:08 |
asdf123 | i get a screen "format disk A, format disk B, manual partition" so I choose manual. I get some options: "config raid, helpful stuff, disk A, disk B, disk B logical partition #5, back" | 05:08 |
asdf123 | there is no free space listed | 05:09 |
=== siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu |
asdf123 | selecting disk A, which has my free space, is where I'm prompted to trash that disk too | 05:09 |
bubba | is there not a master volume control for ubuntu gnome? | 05:09 |
asdf123 | i don't need to resize. I left 20GB for primary partitions | 05:09 |
asimo | asdf123, that's FUBAR, for me it displayed all my partitions under my hda | 05:09 |
asdf123 | i see | 05:09 |
bubba | cause pcm-2 will change some of the volume then mono master changes the other | 05:09 |
siimo | eye candy x.x http://tr.openmonkey.com/files/images/ubuntuubuntu.jpg | 05:10 |
bubba | :``( | 05:10 |
asimo | asdf123, then I just entered the partion under the drive that I wanted to install under and blah blah blah | 05:10 |
=== itga [~chatzilla@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu |
poopy | what is the next best thing to k3b? | 05:11 |
=== hnn [~hnn@h71n3fls309o968.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | graveman or gnomebaker i would say | 05:11 |
poopy | Xappe: and which do you like of the two? :) | 05:11 |
Xappe | i've only used graveman | 05:12 |
poopy | huh i'll give it a go.. | 05:12 |
poopy | thanks | 05:12 |
mooselips | Linux still has issues, but I am not sorry to see it on the way out. Nice eye candy... | 05:12 |
siimo | graveman ? | 05:12 |
Martok | Linux is on the way out? | 05:12 |
poopy | sii: apt-cache show graveman | 05:12 |
Xappe | poopy, if you need dvd support I think gnomebaker is the one | 05:12 |
Martok | Not in my home it isn't. | 05:12 |
mooselips | No Microsoft.. | 05:13 |
=== John_M [~johnm@cs2416793-101.houston.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] |
poopy | sounds like a flamer to me | 05:13 |
Martok | Microsoft is on it's way out? | 05:13 |
siimo | heh i prefer gnomebaker | 05:13 |
Xappe | siimo, yes, but graveman is in the repos, at least for Hoary users | 05:14 |
Martok | Microsoft will never go away. | 05:14 |
Golfer | i am happy with k3b | 05:14 |
Xappe | Golfer, yes it's a good app but it's also qt-horror | 05:14 |
mooselips | It is in my trash can.... | 05:14 |
poopy | Xappe: how do you get mp3 support in graveman? | 05:15 |
Golfer | seems to work well here | 05:15 |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | does warty support USB 2.0? | 05:16 |
HrdwrBoB | yes | 05:16 |
mpq | good | 05:16 |
Xappe | poopy, oh, check out the graveman thread in the hoary forum. | 05:16 |
Martok | Does Hoary detect serial devices? | 05:16 |
poopy | xappe thanks | 05:16 |
mpq | I heard there were some distros that don't support devices that don't work with 1.1 | 05:16 |
Xappe | seems like the package maintainer did accidentally build it without mp3-support | 05:16 |
mpq | it was a bug in a linux-based arcade game | 05:16 |
Xappe | and he has promised to fix that soon | 05:17 |
=== gen_ is now known as gen |
LinuxJones | night all sleepy time :) | 05:17 |
Martok | Nobody answered my question. | 05:17 |
=== HaloGray [~HaloGray@adsl-68-79-8-91.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | serial devices like what? | 05:17 |
Martok | Xappe: Like serial mice. | 05:19 |
mpq | I don't even have a serial port on my computer | 05:19 |
Xappe | hmm, feels like it should do that :) | 05:19 |
mpq | I don't have a floppy drive either | 05:20 |
Xappe | floppys are so 1993 | 05:20 |
mpq | lol | 05:20 |
Martok | Xappe: It SHOULD, but warty didn't detect my serial mouse automatically. | 05:20 |
Martok | And I'm very angry. | 05:20 |
nomasteryoda | Martok, mice are cheap | 05:20 |
Martok | I can't get it to work at all. | 05:20 |
=== MLimburg [~Mark@ppp243-207.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@bl4-89-206.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | use a hoary cd :p | 05:21 |
Xappe | Martok, mybe you could try with the hoary live cd | 05:21 |
nomasteryoda | Xappe, LOL | 05:21 |
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Martok | There's a Hoary Live CD? | 05:21 |
Xappe | yep | 05:22 |
randabis | sure | 05:22 |
Martok | Cool, I'll try it tomorrow. | 05:22 |
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Martok | Is Hoary stable? | 05:22 |
Xappe | quite | 05:22 |
Martok | Cool, I was going to wait until April. | 05:22 |
mdz | the array 4 live CD is quite stable | 05:23 |
randabis | depends on what you mean by stable | 05:23 |
gen | i wouldnt call it stable | 05:23 |
mdz | hoary as a whole is likely to go through some breakage yet | 05:23 |
Xappe | still some annoying gnome bugs and so on, but i could never use warty because it's so outdated :) | 05:23 |
mdz | though we just entered feature freeze today, so we're more or less winding down | 05:23 |
randabis | mdz no usplash yet :( | 05:23 |
=== ficusplanet [~brad@12-216-228-198.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
mdz | randabis: there have been some setbacks, but there is still a valiant effort underway | 05:23 |
randabis | great :p | 05:24 |
mdz | I want to see it happen | 05:24 |
Xappe | mdz, I guess that's why there were so many updates available today | 05:24 |
randabis | I think just about everyone does :) | 05:24 |
mdz | we'll know within the next week | 05:24 |
ficusplanet | Hey everyone. Since we just had the feature freeze, I was wondering if usplash will be in hoary or if it has been pushed back to hoary+1. Does anyone know? | 05:24 |
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randabis | I'd love to help if I had the technical know how | 05:24 |
mdz | ficusplanet: see above | 05:24 |
ficusplanet | mdz, Oh, is that what the valiant effort is about? I just got into the room. | 05:25 |
randabis | yeah I had just commented about usplash before you entered | 05:25 |
poopy | Xappe: uhh did you actually get mp3 burning to work the forums seem to be fairly useless.. | 05:25 |
randabis | because last weekend mdz had told me usplash might be up by sunday. Understandable setbacks though | 05:25 |
Xappe | hmm, i got mp3 support at least :) | 05:26 |
ficusplanet | Cool. Thanks for the info. | 05:26 |
HaloGray | any ideas on when the epd nonsense will be fixed? | 05:26 |
Xappe | poopy, i can give u a summary in a query if you want | 05:26 |
poopy | Xappe: what version of the program do you have? :) cause I don't have any mp3 crap.. | 05:26 |
poopy | Xappe: sure | 05:26 |
=== whaq_ [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu |
Dreamer3 | what's going on tonight? | 05:27 |
Dreamer3 | anything? | 05:27 |
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=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | not much | 05:29 |
randabis | just waiting on torrents here lol | 05:29 |
gen | nublet | 05:29 |
HaloGray | do any current distros still use 2.4? | 05:30 |
=== neal_ [~neal@mad-dsl-dhcp-17-124.madtel.net] has joined #ubuntu |
HaloGray | Or is everything on 2.6 now? | 05:30 |
mdz | HaloGray: Debian 3.0 | 05:30 |
=== Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@bl4-89-206.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu |
mdz | HaloGray: OpenWall | 05:30 |
HaloGray | Why do they use it? Any particular reason? | 05:30 |
gen | because they're stable is beyond stable, so outdated | 05:30 |
gen | their | 05:31 |
gen | * | 05:31 |
=== OOOOKKK [~OOOOKKK@] has joined #ubuntu |
mdz | OpenWall use it because they maintain extensive patches, and it presumably takes quite some effort to update to a new minor release | 05:31 |
OOOOKKK | hey | 05:31 |
neal_ | i have a new install - totem won't work - what am I missing? | 05:31 |
OOOOKKK | guys | 05:31 |
OOOOKKK | I need help on something | 05:31 |
OOOOKKK | I want to download a executable sort of program which can apply A* to my given state representation of 8 Puzzle | 05:31 |
HaloGray | neal_: Wont work like wont launch? Or wont play various movies? | 05:31 |
mdz | (I assume; I haven't asked them) | 05:31 |
OOOOKKK | does any one knows from where to download ? | 05:31 |
=== rellik [~rellik@r12ptsm8f.desktop.umr.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
neal_ | when i open a file it says it can't play the file for unknown reason | 05:32 |
neal_ | the file is mpeg | 05:32 |
neal_ | and avi | 05:32 |
neal_ | and they are good files | 05:32 |
randabis | the 2.4.30 kernel will be out reasonably soon | 05:32 |
gen | totem sucks | 05:32 |
asimo | scoon, you still there? | 05:32 |
randabis | 2.4.30pre1 is out | 05:32 |
gen | neal, use mplayer or vlc | 05:32 |
scoon | asimo, yes | 05:33 |
randabis | totem works fine | 05:33 |
mdz | neal_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 05:33 |
asimo | scoon, ok, what do I need to edit to stup startx from running on bootup? | 05:33 |
scoon | sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm | 05:33 |
HaloGray | I use mplayer myself | 05:34 |
HaloGray | It supports plenty of windows codecs | 05:34 |
HaloGray | So long as they're installed :P | 05:34 |
asimo | scoon, ok... is that is? | 05:34 |
neal_ | also when i go to configure a binary for a make install it gives me one error after another | 05:35 |
scoon | asimo, yes. that is a brute force way of stopping it from loading | 05:35 |
scoon | asimo, read man chmod to better understand what is happening. | 05:35 |
poopy | Xappe: you rock man! thanks | 05:35 |
Martok | asimo: Are you into the robot of the same name? | 05:35 |
randabis | totem-xine supports just as many | 05:35 |
Xappe | poopy, np ;) | 05:36 |
asimo | I've been folling it's production... thought it would be a cool handle | 05:36 |
scoon | asimo, you could also use update-rc.d | 05:36 |
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bubba | does ubuntu not have alsaconf? | 05:37 |
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sanzky | hi, does anyone knows how to play divx files in ubuntu? | 05:39 |
bascule | win32-codecs | 05:39 |
bubba | anyone know? | 05:39 |
Xappe | sanzky, or vlc | 05:39 |
=== dr_willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #Ubuntu |
sanzky | is win32-codecs in the repositories? | 05:41 |
gen | sanzky just grab vlc | 05:41 |
sanzky | ok | 05:41 |
bubba | is there a way to make sound control actually work on this dang thing | 05:41 |
=== dr_willis wonders what thing |
=== net_benjo [~ben@CPE000f66081cde-CM000f2120da81.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
sanzky | and other thing, how can I add a deamon so it starts at boot? I deleted it from /etc/rcx | 05:44 |
=== johnnygeargrinde [~johnnygea@adsl-219-243-19.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
sanzky | the deamon I need powernowd | 05:45 |
randabis | bubba, try alsa-utils | 05:46 |
bubba | do you just type that in the shell | 05:46 |
bubba | cause i have it installed | 05:46 |
bubba | its really fustrating me :( | 05:46 |
randabis | not sure...you should see what packages that installs | 05:47 |
bubba | cause one slider controls haf the sound pcm-2 to be specific | 05:47 |
randabis | never had to use it | 05:47 |
=== thully [~thully@142.sub-166-155-214.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu |
bubba | and then master mono the other part | 05:47 |
bubba | so basically i can't kill sound with one slider | 05:47 |
cthulfuego | Has the md5sum mismatch problem been sorted? | 05:50 |
Xappe | think so | 05:51 |
Golfer | yes it has | 05:51 |
cthulfuego | cool, thanks. | 05:51 |
bubba | anone else knwo how to use alsa-utils? | 05:52 |
Golfer | bubba what are you attempting to do | 05:53 |
bubba | get my sound working | 05:53 |
bubba | as in this | 05:53 |
Golfer | no sound at all even at boot | 05:53 |
bubba | if i go to to the slider in gnome it has no effect on my sound | 05:53 |
bubba | sound works but i cna't change it | 05:53 |
stuNNed | using spdif? | 05:53 |
bubba | but if i go to the pcm-2 slider and lower it the front speakers kill | 05:54 |
bubba | and then if i go to master mono the back speakers kill | 05:54 |
bubba | i want to mute the whoel sound as in a master slider | 05:54 |
bubba | like in xine if i hit mute i want the dang thing to mute | 05:55 |
bubba | haha | 05:55 |
bubba | not asking for much :) | 05:55 |
Golfer | nope i guess not | 05:55 |
=== bj_ [~bj@ool-4352a84b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bubba | if anyone has an idea i'm open | 05:57 |
cthulfuego | Oh great. There's no 'mono' for x86-64? | 05:58 |
bubba | hmm interesting | 05:58 |
bubba | if i set the mono and the pcm-2 all the way up | 05:59 |
bubba | and then go to expert in xine | 05:59 |
bubba | and change it to oss | 05:59 |
bubba | it works fine | 05:59 |
stuNNed | oss-emu, tis ok | 06:00 |
cthulfuego | bubba: The gnome slider works via the sound server. It won't have any effect if your app uses /dev/dsp directly. | 06:00 |
bubba | oh thats good to know | 06:00 |
bubba | so no way to fix that? | 06:00 |
bubba | sorry still a noob | 06:00 |
=== salti [~salti@fl-71-0-175-248.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu |
stuNNed | hi salti | 06:01 |
=== compmanio36 [~David@c-24-19-132-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
salti | hi | 06:02 |
compmanio36 | augh.......FINALLY got GKrellm working on Ubuntu | 06:02 |
=== Faustus [~Faust@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Xappe | gah, now it's 6 am here | 06:02 |
regeya | congratulations compmanio36 | 06:03 |
compmanio36 | LOL.......I installed it using Synaptic, then it........wasn't running.......was like, huh? | 06:03 |
randabis | gkrellmd | 06:03 |
compmanio36 | had to go up and run "gkrellm &" | 06:03 |
compmanio36 | gkrellmd actually wouldn't work either | 06:03 |
randabis | hah | 06:04 |
compmanio36 | and got the PSF plugin for XMMS done 2night | 06:04 |
=== elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu |
compmanio36 | then got gkrellm to start at login too | 06:04 |
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compmanio36 | only thing I can't get working that I REALLY want working is midi playback | 06:06 |
salti | i'm new to ubuntu and so far i really like it, do you mind if i ask some questions? | 06:06 |
=== Coily [~Coily@216-80-118-25.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu |
compmanio36 | don't know how much help I can be but shoot | 06:07 |
salti | what is hald? | 06:07 |
compmanio36 | hald? | 06:07 |
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bascule | hardware abstraction layer daemon | 06:07 |
salti | i try to open my device manager and it says to make sure hald is running | 06:07 |
compmanio36 | damn | 06:07 |
compmanio36 | beat me to it ;) | 06:08 |
bascule | heh | 06:08 |
calamari | is there a way to get a list of installed packages that no toher packages depend on (including file dependencies)? | 06:08 |
=== heliolith [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu |
calamari | toher => other | 06:08 |
Coily | do i need to know the user/root pw for a mounted ext3 partition, so that i can read the partition? | 06:08 |
heliolith | Does anyone think that HOary would be a better bet to try and install on a Dell Inspiron 8100? I've heard reports of lots of glitches with Warty | 06:08 |
bascule | no, depends how it's mounted really, but no | 06:08 |
compmanio36 | guess that would depend on the permissions set on that drive | 06:08 |
calamari | alternately, is there a way for find out what a package depends on and what a package provides? | 06:09 |
=== speel [~speel@24-90-224-86.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
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compmanio36 | the package dependencies come up when you mark it for installation and in the details tab | 06:10 |
=== calamari has a bright idea.. maybe man will help :) |
Coily | bascule the reason i ask is because my user pw wont open synaptic/others on my screwed install | 06:10 |
calamari | compmanio36: I'm thinking along the lines of writing a script | 06:10 |
speel | hey sup i have a Q , when hoary finally comes out will we be able to upgrade via apt-get? | 06:10 |
heliolith | For some reason Warty Live loads fine on my Dell laptop, but the install disk just Stalls out within the first 3 minutes of loading )= | 06:10 |
bubba | dang this is starting to get annoying not even flash media is one slider if i want to kill all sound i have to lower pcm-2 and then master mono :( what gives haha | 06:10 |
calamari | it would be neat to get a list of packages I don't need on the syste, | 06:10 |
heliolith | Thee's no way to install the core system off the LiveCD is there? | 06:10 |
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randabis | no | 06:11 |
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis | I think you can with gnoppix though | 06:11 |
bascule | Coily, ah, the problems arise ... | 06:11 |
compmanio36 | speel, I think it is still apt-get, but I am not sure | 06:11 |
Coily | heh ='[ | 06:11 |
speel | hmm ok ty | 06:11 |
jba | jdub, was gonna tell you that the docs for the DSDT stuff were in "man mkinitrd", but looks like I didn't get it to work properly | 06:11 |
compmanio36 | just a new fron-end GUI | 06:11 |
jba | might be a permissions thing | 06:12 |
heliolith | randabis gnoppix to install Ubuntu or Gnopix to install itself? | 06:12 |
randabis | well gnoppix is based on ubuntu I thought | 06:12 |
dr_willis | Hmm | 06:12 |
randabis | but why not just use a hoary snapshot cd or array 4 | 06:12 |
compmanio36 | so does anyone know how to get midi playback on here? I even looked in the Debian packages that are out and there is notta that I have found to get it working | 06:12 |
dr_willis | I thohg gnoppix was a variant of knoppix. which is a live-cd varient of Debian. | 06:12 |
=== nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
dr_willis | of coruse Knoppix is getting soo advanced. its amazeing. | 06:13 |
compmanio36 | I just got Knoppix 3.6 burned..........used to have 3.2 | 06:13 |
randabis | dr_willis, it was, but now the gnoppix guys are working with the ubuntu devs | 06:13 |
Coily | bascule but at least i can create folders w/o root nautilus! | 06:13 |
dr_willis | randabis, cool. :P | 06:13 |
dr_willis | ubuntu guys seem to favor gnome Heh heh. | 06:13 |
bascule | Coily, oh, not a compensation really .. :P | 06:13 |
compmanio36 | eh, I like Ubuntu cause I don't have to deal with KDE.....think Gnome is a LOT more polished | 06:13 |
jba | jbailey, do i need to chmod the DSDT file at all? or give it an .aml extension? | 06:13 |
randabis | nothin' wrong with likin' gnome | 06:14 |
randabis | I have both gnome and kde on here heh and fluxbox and xfce | 06:14 |
dr_willis | I perfer kde myself. | 06:14 |
randabis | I use xfce the most | 06:14 |
dr_willis | set the wife up to use gnome. | 06:14 |
dr_willis | tend to use WindowMaker over vnc. a lot. | 06:14 |
HaloGray | I like xfce but haven't learned it well enough to prefer it | 06:14 |
dr_willis | when you normally just log in and run 2 apps 90% of the time. i could make due with twm. | 06:14 |
randabis | vino is good for vnc too | 06:14 |
dr_willis | not seen 'vino' :P time to google. | 06:15 |
randabis | vino is standard in gnome | 06:15 |
randabis | you can run it in kde and others too though iirc | 06:15 |
jbailey | jba: No, the file should be exactly /etc/mkinitrd/DSDT (This is also in the man page now). Because mkinitrd is run as root, there's no permiissions issues. | 06:15 |
salti | thanks bascule | 06:16 |
=== burner [burner@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
jba | jbailey, hmm, do i need to recompile the file then? | 06:16 |
jbailey | jba: recompile? | 06:17 |
jbailey | Sorry, I don't know what you mean. | 06:17 |
jbailey | My laptop has good dsdt support, so I tested it by pulling the file out of /proc/acpi/dsdt and having it take that exact file and use it. | 06:18 |
bascule | np | 06:18 |
jba | I upgraded initrd-tools, and did cp DSDT.aml /etc/mkinitrd/DSDT, but am getting DSDT Table not found from dmesg | 06:18 |
jbailey | Oh, I see. Yes, you need to regenerate the initrd. | 06:18 |
jbailey | Assuming you're on 2.6.10-3-686, you would do: | 06:18 |
=== randabis-laptop [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
jbailey | sudo mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-3-686 2.6.10-3-686 | 06:19 |
salti | how do i get hald running? i found it somewhere else and it said it was sleeping and now i can't remember where it was | 06:19 |
jba | aah cool | 06:19 |
jba | i haven't upgraded kernel yet | 06:19 |
=== rattboi [~bradon@c-24-22-178-137.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
compmanio36 | in the system monitor? | 06:19 |
jbailey | jba: That's done automatically for you when you do kernel upgrades. | 06:19 |
jba | don't want to drain office bandwidth | 06:19 |
jbailey | jba: So if you update the kernel, it'll pick it up automatically. | 06:19 |
jba | cool thanks dude | 06:19 |
jba | I'll likely run it manually for now, and update it automaitcally at home | 06:20 |
=== bubba wishes his sound sliders would work right |
jbailey | jba: I'll be here for a few minutes still if you want to test it now. | 06:20 |
jba | testing now dude | 06:20 |
jba | by manually mkinitrd | 06:20 |
salti | that's where it was! the system monitor says that hald is sleeping | 06:21 |
jba | jbailey, it's complaining that the first argument (the initrd image) is not a directory | 06:22 |
jbailey | When running mkinitrd, or when booting? | 06:22 |
compmanio36 | hmm weird | 06:22 |
jba | typo by me sorry | 06:22 |
compmanio36 | evolution is not pulling my email off of comcast's server | 06:22 |
jba | one sec | 06:22 |
jba | rebooting | 06:23 |
=== phoenix_vanity [~phoenix@vanity.dyn.dominion.ch] has joined #ubuntu |
jba | obviously i'm not actually on that machine from in here | 06:23 |
nomasteryoda | nite | 06:23 |
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=== inc [~mike@c-65-34-144-27.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
compmanio36 | forget it, I'm downloading Thunderboird | 06:24 |
compmanio36 | -bird | 06:24 |
stuNNed | lol | 06:24 |
cthulfuego | compmanio36: Be glag evolution is running at all. *grunt* | 06:24 |
cthulfuego | glad, too | 06:24 |
compmanio36 | LOL | 06:25 |
inc | sup room | 06:25 |
compmanio36 | sup inc | 06:25 |
stuNNed | hi inc | 06:25 |
salti | hi inc | 06:25 |
cthulfuego | Coz mine says "Floating point error" | 06:25 |
jba | jbailey, thumbs up dude, you rock!! | 06:25 |
compmanio36 | hmm | 06:25 |
bubba | so is there no way to make the master control for sound work on ubuntu? | 06:25 |
inc | nice greeting | 06:25 |
inc | heh | 06:25 |
compmanio36 | think I am going to have to restart the x server here | 06:25 |
=== Locutus1976 [~dstahan@Toronto-HSE-ppp3735791.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu |
jba | jbailey, it works just as if I had cat'ed the file to the end of the initrd image myself :) | 06:25 |
=== bubba throws ubuntu against his wall damn sliders work right |
inc | bubba still having sound issues? | 06:26 |
Locutus1976 | How does one disable and re-enable GDM? | 06:26 |
bubba | yeah man pcm-2 controls subwoofer and all on lappy | 06:26 |
bubba | mono mater controls front speakers | 06:26 |
bubba | i guess there isn't a master to kill all sound | 06:26 |
=== mousse [~tim@adsl-68-72-90-209.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu |
inc | locutus1976: try killing the pid | 06:26 |
mousse | #linux | 06:26 |
mousse | :D | 06:26 |
bubba | cause if thats the case the the volume slider is pointless | 06:27 |
=== Dreamer3 yawns. |
bubba | and what exactly does alsa-utils do | 06:27 |
bubba | i installed it but see n othing to use from it | 06:27 |
cthulfuego | arrrgh | 06:28 |
Locutus1976 | inc: How can I tell ubuntu to start gdm again? I had it pointing to kdm before (foolish mistake). | 06:28 |
inc | someones pissed | 06:28 |
Dreamer3 | Locutus1976: /etc/init.d/gdm start? | 06:28 |
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=== Dreamer3 yawns. |
=== jesuel [~jmaradin@jesuel.user] has joined #ubuntu |
jbailey | jba: Yay! I'm glad it works. | 06:28 |
bubba | do you just type alsa-utils or alsaconf or what? | 06:29 |
Dreamer3 | bubba: dpkg -L alsa-utils | grep bin | 06:29 |
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jba | jbailey, Not as much as I am. this is awesome | 06:29 |
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cryptomatt | i tried searching for this issue before but couldnt get anything.. i am using hoary and in nautilus when i type applications:/// it says "is not a valid location" this used to work before | 06:30 |
Dreamer3 | cryptomatt: you can't currently edit applications menu in hoary | 06:31 |
compmanio36 | there we go......thunderbird rox ;) | 06:31 |
Dreamer3 | cryptomatt: they're in the middle of transitions to the new freedesktop standard | 06:31 |
stuNNed | thunderbird is nice, use mutt here :\ | 06:31 |
Dreamer3 | cryptomatt: so you'll just have to love it how it is | 06:31 |
bubba | ok i see that showed me what it had and all still doen't fix my problem sound test works and all strange like i say looks like master would actually be what it stats a master slider :( | 06:31 |
compmanio36 | well, since evolution wouldnt pull my messages off of the server, it is my best option at this point | 06:31 |
cryptomatt | Dreamer3: oh ok.. didnt know that... :) thanks for the info | 06:32 |
inc | my sound test doesn't work | 06:32 |
=== Dreamer3 sighs. |
Dreamer3 | i need to get my e-mail working | 06:32 |
inc | try thunderbird? | 06:32 |
Dreamer3 | no, i'm picky | 06:33 |
Dreamer3 | i want them downloaded and delivered into an imap mailbox for me automatically | 06:33 |
Dreamer3 | i just haven't gotten around to make getmail and cyrus work together yet | 06:33 |
inc | isn't that what it does? | 06:33 |
Dreamer3 | inc: i want it to work without an e-mail client :) | 06:34 |
inc | that the mail server u are running? | 06:34 |
Dreamer3 | inc: i only want to use the client after i've "checked" mail :) | 06:34 |
inc | ??? | 06:34 |
Dreamer3 | cyrus is the imap server ih ave locally, yes | 06:34 |
inc | i use courier-imap.. works great | 06:34 |
Dreamer3 | inc: i think that's what i used before, not fast enough for me | 06:35 |
inc | postfix and courier-pop and imap... | 06:35 |
inc | how fast do u need it? lol the mail is there before i can blink my eyes | 06:35 |
=== grelli [~grelli@apoc.dagr.net] has joined #ubuntu |
grelli | is there a way to prevent sata_sil from being loaded, and force siimage instead? | 06:36 |
Dreamer3 | inc: i have a lot of mail in different folders and move then around a lot and courier has always felt slow | 06:36 |
inc | hmmm you use the maildir format? | 06:37 |
inc | or mbox | 06:37 |
Dreamer3 | inc: well, maildir, but cyrus uses it's own format | 06:37 |
Dreamer3 | inc: which makes it all more complicated :) | 06:38 |
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=== pampa [~serquicia@c68.112.166.223.dul.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
inc | never got cyrus to work... but i had my friend spam my current setup... hit my it hard and it kept up fine | 06:39 |
=== hamilton [~hamilton@s230-124.resnet.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
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HaloGray | I have an issue with a driver and modprobe | 06:41 |
Dreamer3 | inc: well i already have cyrus working :) followed the readme.simple file... it's just getting getmail to dowlnoad from pop3 and delivery automaticlaly to imap now :) | 06:41 |
grelli | or maybe sata_sil isn't causing the problem and I'm just really really blind | 06:41 |
HaloGray | I insmod the driver, but when I type modprobe it says driver not found | 06:41 |
HaloGray | do I need to copy the .ko file someplace? | 06:41 |
inc | thats what i don't under stand why does i map need to use pop? | 06:42 |
FAST | hey how do you type that middle finger emoticon | 06:42 |
FAST | ? | 06:42 |
grelli | .|.. ? | 06:42 |
=== An00b15 [~LordVader@node.tor] has joined #ubuntu |
FAST | <^>O_O<^> something like that | 06:43 |
FAST | but better | 06:43 |
grelli | then I've got nothin | 06:43 |
FAST | :'( | 06:43 |
inc | =op | 06:43 |
compmanio36 | this pisses me off.......how could a distro not have something so simple as a midi player?! | 06:43 |
=== BiteMeBill [~antiM$@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu |
inc | midi eww... | 06:44 |
inc | i'm still working on sound so gettign midi to work would be a step forward i geuss lol | 06:44 |
sig_ubuntu | compmanio36: lol | 06:46 |
bubba | ok since sound doesn't like me all that great lets try this why is it that ogle show black when i play a dvd? i hear the sound but no video | 06:48 |
stuNNed | BiteMeBill: lol funny nick | 06:48 |
=== bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== maximaus [~bea@user-37kac4c.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu |
maximaus | anyone ever configured a 56K modem with the live CD? | 06:54 |
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=== froust [~froust@S0106000f6694d7bf.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
froust | perl: warning: setting locale failed | 06:55 |
froust | what does that mean? | 06:55 |
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heliolith | hoary has the 2.6 kernel? | 06:58 |
HrdwrBoB | warty too | 06:58 |
heliolith | From what I'm finding my Inspiron 8100 may never run ubuntu )= funny that it runs the liveCD perfectly, but the install crashes within 2 minutes | 06:59 |
BiteMeBill | stuNNed: Well what can I say... Thats the way I feel. LOL sorry it took so long to reply | 06:59 |
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goldfish_ | heliolith: what happends? | 06:59 |
goldfish_ | Does x start up? | 06:59 |
heliolith | the basic screens just lag out and the keyboard doesn't provide any feedback | 07:00 |
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
goldfish_ | heliolith: Does everything boot up fine? And then it lags out when it tries to start x ? | 07:00 |
heliolith | goldfish: in livecd no problems... with the install i get as far as "United States" (the 3rd config option?) and then no further | 07:01 |
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=== froust [~froust@S0106000f6694d7bf.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
froust | Can anyone help me out with a weird error I'm getting? | 07:01 |
goldfish_ | ah right | 07:01 |
sig_ubuntu | If I download lets say "quanta" and it gets all the libs etc that it needs... if I want to remove it via apt-get --purge remove quanta will that also remove all the libs etc that it had to get for that package? | 07:01 |
goldfish_ | Live cd was fine for me and I had trouble starting in gui with the install cd | 07:01 |
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
heliolith | goldfish: but I have another desktop that I configured today, an older desktop that boots up and fails to load X, just like you're saying I get the basic bash prompt, a basic shell, no gnome... | 07:02 |
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froust | I'm getting a perl: warning: setting locale failed | 07:02 |
froust | anyone know how i can correct this? | 07:02 |
goldfish_ | heliolith: yeah, I had to do a dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86, on my maching at a bash prompt to get a gui running | 07:03 |
crimsun | froust: export LANG=C LC_ALL=C | 07:04 |
goldfish_ | *machine | 07:04 |
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-144-137-50-246.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
crimsun | froust: I suspect you're getting that warning on a{n} dist-upgrade? | 07:04 |
froust | no, just installing a package. | 07:04 |
crimsun | froust: which? | 07:04 |
froust | bittorrent | 07:04 |
crimsun | in hoary? | 07:05 |
froust | yeah | 07:05 |
randabis | azureus is sexy | 07:05 |
randabis | :p | 07:05 |
crimsun | froust: 3.4.2-3ubuntu3 seemed to upgrade just fine | 07:05 |
=== dstrebel [~dstrebel@12-214-25-227.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
froust | i just instored the ubuntu supported one... what's so great about azureus? | 07:06 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
goldfish_ | azureus it the best torrent client i have used | 07:06 |
crimsun | froust: nice ui | 07:06 |
froust | can i apt-get it? | 07:06 |
crimsun | though "better" is subjective | 07:06 |
randabis | no | 07:06 |
randabis | I just said it was sexy, not better :p | 07:06 |
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-220-51.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
goldfish_ | but on windows it was a cpu hog, i havent tried it on ubuntu yet, does it hog thee cpu on ubuntu? | 07:06 |
crimsun | randabis: in reference to goldfish_'s "best" :p | 07:07 |
randabis | I'm running 2 torrents...system load is 9% | 07:07 |
goldfish_ | randabis: cool, i must install it. | 07:07 |
randabis | that's with xchat, galeon, gaim, xmms, and thunderbird running | 07:07 |
R0bNyc | I just finish installing HOary and it shows on the bottom 13 updates available, it asked me for the password and i typed it and it says its wrong | 07:07 |
crimsun | you'll want jre/jdk 1.5.0_01, though | 07:07 |
goldfish_ | crimsun: I just prefer it, nice ui, I dunno just my opinion :) | 07:07 |
randabis | yeah you need java for it | 07:07 |
crimsun | goldfish_: certainly a valid opinion (I happen to concur) | 07:07 |
goldfish_ | :) | 07:08 |
R0bNyc | RuffianSoldier, I'm running your fav distro | 07:08 |
randabis | I'm gonna install gentoo again I think hehe | 07:09 |
froust | so azureus = java? | 07:09 |
randabis | yes | 07:09 |
randabis | dual booted with ubuntu of course | 07:09 |
randabis | can't break my marriage | 07:09 |
=== Crane [~crane_@] has joined #ubuntu |
froust | so i'd need to uncomment my java repository and install it that way? | 07:09 |
Crane | hello | 07:09 |
crimsun | 'lo | 07:10 |
froust | the ubuntu supported one is pretty nice | 07:10 |
crimsun | froust: if you're referring to blackdown, sure, that would work. | 07:10 |
munkee | mako: what happened to the statistics at the beginning of ubuntu traffic? | 07:10 |
froust | i'm not sure... it just said "bittorent client" | 07:11 |
randabis | froust, I used sun's binary package to install java so I dunno | 07:11 |
R0bNyc | When I run aptitude update (apt-get update) these 2 lines show is this normal | 07:11 |
R0bNyc | Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Alpha i386 Binary-1 (20050204) unstable Release.gpg | 07:11 |
R0bNyc | Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Alpha i386 Binary-1 (20050204) unstable Release | 07:11 |
froust | my next question would be what is the easiest way to burn an iso? | 07:12 |
mako | munkee: i just forgot them this week.. i'll go add them again :) | 07:12 |
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An00b15 | do we have a ut2004demo package? | 07:12 |
maximaus | froust: right click on ISO and choose "burn". :P | 07:13 |
froust | LOL | 07:13 |
froust | are you serious? | 07:13 |
maximaus | :D | 07:13 |
maximaus | absolutely | 07:13 |
froust | damn. | 07:13 |
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maximaus | cool isn't it? | 07:14 |
froust | my last experience with linux before this was mandrake kernel panicking on me during the install | 07:14 |
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maximaus | that stinks--I like mandrake a lot, though it can have issues like French cars... | 07:14 |
froust | this was years ago | 07:15 |
froust | like... 6 7 years ago? | 07:15 |
maximaus | wow | 07:15 |
=== regeya thinks back...yeah, I guess there was a mandrake 7 years ago |
maximaus | I tried it about three years ago and was impressed, used it for a while and went to fedora then Ubuntu. I started in the kiddie pool with Suse 5 years ago. | 07:16 |
maximaus | One night that damn talking paperclip freaked me out so I erased windows. | 07:16 |
regeya | or...hm...it may have been introduced 7 years ago, if '98 was the year that RH pulled the plug on KDE | 07:16 |
maximaus | regeya, that sounds very right. | 07:17 |
=== Faustus [~Faust@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
regeya | first release was a fairly stock redhat (packages compiled for 586, w00t) + kde | 07:17 |
Dreamer3 | ok, what is a cheap multi-head card to go with these days? | 07:17 |
=== calamari_ [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu |
regeya | kde back then was a bit like gnome is now; if they hadn't gone chasing the old gnome's tail, they'd have a bulletproof desktop by now | 07:18 |
froust | maximaus: lol | 07:18 |
randabis | hah | 07:18 |
froust | i'm still attached to windows for games | 07:18 |
=== LarryT-ubuntu [user101@] has joined #ubuntu |
LarryT-ubuntu | morning all :) | 07:18 |
goldfish_ | hi | 07:19 |
froust | crimsun: i'm still getting the locale erro | 07:19 |
LarryT-ubuntu | i met some problem with by customizing hoary live cd ... umount mnt | 07:20 |
LarryT-ubuntu | the system answer device is busy :( | 07:20 |
LarryT-ubuntu | but i have umounted all :( | 07:20 |
crimsun | froust: it's only a warning | 07:20 |
regeya | seriously! most of the suckitude in kde nowadays is due to half-hearted attempts at doing things that GNOMErs had attempted first. if they'd just ignored things like rasterman's early gtk theming and stuck to making a decent interface, they'd probably have a decent system now. well, and not chasing windows's tail. it's a great desktop system, but barely usable these days (imho) | 07:21 |
LarryT-ubuntu | does anyone knows something about that ? | 07:21 |
regeya | </soapbox> | 07:21 |
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regeya | lsof /dev/whatever | 07:21 |
chromate | is the ubuntu install a graphical one? | 07:21 |
froust | crimsun: i know, but i'm just wondering how i can remedy it | 07:21 |
LarryT-ubuntu | chromate : talking to me :) ? | 07:22 |
regeya | chromate, no, but you won't miss it. it's much simpler than you'd think. | 07:22 |
chromate | LarryT-ubuntu: to anyone =) | 07:22 |
Crane | hiya again | 07:22 |
chromate | i've been a gentoo user for a couple years, just thinking about checking out ubuntu | 07:22 |
chromate | is the install similar to debian? | 07:22 |
LarryT-ubuntu | dunno | 07:23 |
regeya | chromate, yes, and several of those GNOMEish things that Gentooers work toward Just Work(TM) | 07:23 |
LarryT-ubuntu | here is the like i use : | 07:23 |
Crane | chromate, yes | 07:23 |
=== FLeiXiuS [~Nick@pcp0011094024pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mjr | chromate, similar to debian sarge, but more streamlined | 07:23 |
Crane | a little easier | 07:23 |
chromate | will it Just Work =) | 07:23 |
randabis | depends on your hardware | 07:23 |
chromate | i've had a lot of problems with binary based installs in the past, mainly because recompiling a kernel is usually a pain in the butt... i have some modules i need enabled | 07:24 |
randabis | if you have newer stuff you might wanna try installing Hoary instead of Warty | 07:24 |
regeya | chromate, what randabis said; remember, the same is true of anything, even off-the-shelf Windows :-) | 07:24 |
regeya | the PC world is a godawful mess, and it's a wonder that anything works as well as it does ;-) | 07:24 |
randabis | chromate, your modules might already be included in restricted-modules | 07:24 |
chromate | randabis: is there a place i can look this up? | 07:24 |
chromate | regeya: good point. | 07:25 |
BiteMeBill | What foul language | 07:25 |
LarryT-ubuntu | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo | 07:25 |
randabis | www.ubuntulinux.org might have some info | 07:25 |
randabis | also, I have a quick package search link I can give ya | 07:25 |
regeya | BiteMeBill, if you'r ereferring to me, my apologies | 07:25 |
chromate | someone mentioned hoary as opposed to warty. the mirrors i saw only had warty torrents | 07:25 |
randabis | http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ | 07:25 |
regeya | wait...BiteMeBill... | 07:25 |
=== Dreamer3_ [~unknown@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0227.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
regeya | what am I apologizing for? | 07:25 |
BiteMeBill | regeya: Thought I seen that W word. LOL | 07:25 |
Crane | lol | 07:26 |
regeya | BiteMeBill, just pointing out that not even Windows works on everything out of the box...they've not had THAT sort of penetration yet... | 07:26 |
randabis | chromate, well typically hoary isos are downloaded from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary | 07:26 |
regeya | imagine if MS managed to control the hardware world to the point that new ideas never surfaced until the next major Windows release...*shudder* | 07:26 |
BiteMeBill | regeya: There you go with that word again.. LOL | 07:26 |
BiteMeBill | regeya: No doubt. | 07:27 |
regeya | to a certain extent we owe MS a lot. Most computers are one hardware platform, messy though it may be. | 07:27 |
froust | anyone know how i can fix my locale warnings? | 07:27 |
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crimsun | froust: you should export those env vars | 07:28 |
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regeya | also, the mere fact that people consider Windows to be *expensive* these days, when the *low cost* was its main selling point years ago...I wonder if Linux would exist, and be as common as it is, without MS's meddling | 07:28 |
froust | crimsun: i did | 07:28 |
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regeya | but I'm getting off-target...sorry | 07:28 |
BiteMeBill | regeya: too a point.. IBM gave them something to work from after he stole the software. | 07:29 |
regeya | heh, too true | 07:29 |
crimsun | froust: are you using sudo apt.. or sudo -s ? | 07:29 |
froust | i was using synaptic | 07:29 |
=== _4strO|zZZzz is now known as _4strO |
regeya | I guess we'd be touting Linux as an alternative to OS/2 | 07:29 |
BiteMeBill | LMAO | 07:29 |
regeya | :> | 07:29 |
chromate | i'm assuming that the difference between hoary and warty is big enough to warrant waiting for hoary to download rather than burning the warty iso i already have? | 07:30 |
Crane | hoary is still in development though | 07:30 |
froust | "warning: please check that your locale settings.... are supported and installed on your system | 07:30 |
crimsun | froust: and what happens when you use apt-get or aptitude? | 07:31 |
froust | i'll try. | 07:31 |
froust | same thing | 07:31 |
crimsun | with sudo or sudo -s? | 07:32 |
froust | want me to send it to pastebin? | 07:32 |
froust | sudo | 07:32 |
froust | what's the difference? | 07:32 |
crimsun | the "-s" ;) | 07:32 |
regeya | "Linux: At least it's not Warped!" | 07:32 |
froust | LOL | 07:32 |
crimsun | froust: man page will tell you. | 07:32 |
crimsun | (well, man sudo) | 07:32 |
BiteMeBill | froust: sudo apt-get install locales | 07:32 |
froust | man pages give me the error too | 07:32 |
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crimsun | froust: paste the contents of /etc/locale.gen to pastebin | 07:33 |
froust | locales: Depends: glibc-2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu6 but it is not installable | 07:33 |
froust | that's what i get from installing locales | 07:33 |
daniels | froust: yes, it's because glibc failed to build on i3865 | 07:33 |
crimsun | err... | 07:33 |
daniels | i386, even | 07:33 |
daniels | i'm sure it will be fixed reasonably soon | 07:33 |
randabis | chromate, depends on how bleeding edge you want to be | 07:33 |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
froust | so don't worry about it then? | 07:34 |
maximaus | before I turn in I just want to pimp the Beatrix live CD (based on Ubuntu), I'm using it now on vacation and it's a dream. | 07:34 |
=== Dreamer31 [~unknown@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0233.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu |
chromate | randabis: i dunno, gnome 2.8, xorg, the usual? | 07:34 |
=== steve_ [~steve@69-171-247-27.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu |
BiteMeBill | maximaus: You Pimpdaddy you! | 07:34 |
randabis | chromate, gnome 2.10 beta 1, x.org 6.8.1, tons of other new packages in hoary | 07:34 |
mpq | my laptop's touchpad is too sensitive and the mouse settings don't help | 07:34 |
=== maximaus adjusts hat feather |
steve_ | anybody here good with wine and setting it up. I am getting an error message | 07:34 |
froust | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/240027 | 07:35 |
randabis | warty = gnome 2.8, xfree86 4.3.0, old packages | 07:35 |
crimsun | odd, I seem to have 6 installed | 07:35 |
chromate | ah. i see. hoary for me then. | 07:35 |
randabis | :) | 07:35 |
froust | daniels: thanks | 07:35 |
randabis | I have hoary going swell on 3 systems | 07:35 |
maximaus | steve, I run crossover office w/ Ubuntu and it works great. I , erm, borrowed it from a "friend". | 07:35 |
=== Tomcat_ [Tomcat@p54A1C186.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
steve_ | crossover, where can I get this | 07:36 |
steve_ | I am getting some sort of tcl error | 07:36 |
steve_ | with wine | 07:36 |
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-144-137-50-246.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
maximaus | I'm running a pirated copy just to check out, I may buy it this week...it's super easy to configure with a gui. | 07:36 |
steve_ | it says invalid command name "f_scrf_location" | 07:37 |
steve_ | whatever that means | 07:37 |
randabis | hmm | 07:38 |
randabis | pondering whether I should go ahead and plunge into gentoo right now or wait until tomorrow... | 07:38 |
maximaus | gentoo: http://funroll-loops.org/ | 07:39 |
maximaus | :P | 07:39 |
BiteMeBill | LOL | 07:39 |
froust | brb | 07:39 |
=== Houligan [~chatzilla@smithjo9.umeres.maine.edu] has joined #ubuntu |
steve_ | does anyone have any idea about my wine error | 07:40 |
maximaus | steve_: sorry no ideas here. What are you trying to run? | 07:40 |
=== compmanio36 [~David@c-24-19-132-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Houligan | I have a question. Im new to Linux, I want to install Ubuntu onto a partition I made, but when the installation asks for which storage system to use, the NTFS that is defaulted for windows is not available, Which should I choose | 07:41 |
steve_ | I have a dvd ripper I want to use | 07:41 |
steve_ | dvd shrink | 07:41 |
compmanio36 | I want to find more radio stations for Rhythmbox.....how would I go about that? | 07:41 |
=== Lathiat2 [~lathiat@sweep.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu |
BiteMeBill | Houligan: is it only showing hda1? | 07:42 |
maximaus | steve, have you tried a linux ripper like dvd::rip? http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/ | 07:42 |
Houligan | I only have 1 hard drive, and I partitioned off 5 gigs to install onto | 07:43 |
steve_ | I dont think so | 07:43 |
steve_ | this one actually compresses the video i believe | 07:43 |
BiteMeBill | Houligan: So it should show hda1 and hda2 | 07:43 |
Houligan | It lets me select the partition, and it askes which file storage system to use eg. FAT16, FAT 32...etc | 07:43 |
steve_ | does dvdrip do that | 07:43 |
Houligan | yes it does | 07:43 |
dejavu | does anyone knows from i can downlaod linux games ? i mean 3dgames .. not like nibbles and shit! | 07:43 |
steve_ | cool | 07:43 |
BiteMeBill | Ext2? | 07:44 |
steve_ | is it a apt-get app | 07:44 |
Houligan | I just don't know which system to use | 07:44 |
Houligan | EXT2 | 07:44 |
Houligan | ok | 07:44 |
dejavu | does anyone knows from i can downlaod linux games ? i mean 3dgames .. not like nibbles and shit! | 07:44 |
maximaus | steve_: dunno, but a google should help. Perhaps adding the marillat repository would help | 07:45 |
BiteMeBill | Houligan: after you get it installed check out the guide to set it up so you can see your windows files, http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 07:45 |
maximaus | dejavu: enable Synaptic's universe and you'll find some cool games. | 07:45 |
randabis-laptop | haha | 07:45 |
Houligan | thanks | 07:45 |
steve_ | I have that, I just did a apt-get and it has a dep that it says it will not install for some reason | 07:45 |
randabis-laptop | cube is a pretty neat fps | 07:45 |
maximaus | :/ | 07:45 |
randabis-laptop | multiplayer | 07:45 |
dejavu | maximus : im using synaptic right now to install libraries and stuff .. can i find games from that ? | 07:46 |
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dejavu | maximus : im using synaptic right now to install libraries and stuff .. can i find games from that ? | 07:47 |
maximaus | dejavu: sure, just browse by "sections" and have a look. I like simple stuff like GLtron and Foobillard, but my gx card is a crappy on board. LOL | 07:47 |
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dejavu | maximus: i want to view java applets on the browser ... my firefox dosent let me since it lacks java .. what i need to download ? | 07:50 |
BiteMeBill | dejavu: http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre-mozilla | 07:50 |
=== El_Cris [~isnogud@p54BFFF6B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
El_Cris | hey ppl | 07:51 |
=== Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@bl4-89-206.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Coily [~Coily@216-80-118-25.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu |
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maximaus | what BiteMeBill said... :D | 07:51 |
=== me is now known as meuwe |
dejavu | thanks :) | 07:52 |
El_Cris | am I just blind or is there no kde available yet on the ubuntu-archive? | 07:52 |
BiteMeBill | YW | 07:52 |
El_Cris | # apt-cache search kde ... shows nothing useful :) | 07:52 |
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meuwe | everybody, i have a problem with my computer, if i boot an error displayed "error waiting for dma" what did happen..?? | 07:52 |
thully | El-Cris - you have to add the "universe" repository to your sources.list - just uncomment it or check it in Synaptic | 07:53 |
maximaus | El_Cris: Enable "Universe" in Synaptic and you'll find KDE. | 07:53 |
maximaus | jinx | 07:53 |
El_Cris | maximaus, thx | 07:54 |
Coily | whats the command for viewing what format my partition is | 07:54 |
Coily | no one? | 07:55 |
maximaus | it's probably ext3... | 07:56 |
chromate | you can use fdisk/cfdisk to see the file format of your partiotions | 07:56 |
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chromate | this is probably kind of silly, but the only reason i'm trying ubuntu is because i like the front page of the website =) | 07:56 |
Coily | good enough | 07:57 |
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maximaus | ...if it's a linux partition | 07:58 |
steve_ | Maximus, I tried going to the link for dvd rip and it requires alot of stuff for that app to work. apt-get will not longer download that program | 07:59 |
Coily | fdisk only says linux and cfdisk only shows my master HD | 07:59 |
=== siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu |
dejavu | has anyone used MS Visual Basic for programmin ? if yes then is there any software in linux that is similar as VBasic ? | 08:00 |
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FAST | if you're interested in programming, vb is the wrong place to begin | 08:00 |
BiteMeBill | Coily: Both are showing both here. | 08:00 |
maximaus | :( | 08:01 |
dejavu | FAST: i just need something similar to it .. that can make linux softwares really fast to make ! | 08:01 |
siimo | dejavu: no VB on linux but if you have done C# then you can try that with mono | 08:01 |
maximaus | sorry I'm no guru | 08:01 |
dejavu | i only know c++ ... am a bit good at it ! | 08:01 |
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siimo | well kernel is written in C | 08:02 |
dejavu | siimo: but how do i make interfaces ? | 08:02 |
LucidVisions | you can do vb.net under mono | 08:02 |
El_Cris | [advertising] www.python.org [/advertising] .... no, im not programming in python (yet) | 08:02 |
siimo | dejavu: monodevelop tries to clone .Net | 08:02 |
siimo | try it | 08:02 |
=== redrum [~redrum@d206-116-30-174.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
siimo | dejavu: or if you want to use C or python or whatever to write GTK2/gnome apps try glade | 08:03 |
siimo | for UI | 08:03 |
dejavu | where can i get it from ? any official website ? | 08:03 |
siimo | apt-get it | 08:03 |
dejavu | okie dokie | 08:03 |
=== yokomo_ [~aluser@c68.190.161.195.eau.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu |
siimo | www.monodevelop.com | 08:03 |
meuwe | eveybody , any body help me..?? | 08:03 |
Coily | wait... i got it :p | 08:04 |
yokomo_ | that's what she said | 08:04 |
yokomo_ | ha! | 08:04 |
yokomo_ | oh, I am so good | 08:04 |
LucidVisions | monodevelop is the best linux IDE for mono, and here is the best guide, http://www.gotmono.com/docs/ | 08:05 |
Coily | where are the dns hosts located? | 08:05 |
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LucidVisions | hands down, the mono handbook online is the ultimate pimpage | 08:05 |
LucidVisions | http://www.gotmono.com/docs/ | 08:05 |
El_Cris | dejavu: just if you're interested ... this is a link a/the python beginners guide: http://www.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide | 08:06 |
El_Cris | a/ = to // it's 8:06 over here | 08:06 |
LucidVisions | gtk#,gnome#,glade#,c#, that is the future of linux development, | 08:07 |
goldfish_ | gtk#,gnome#,glade#,c#, that is the future of linux | 08:07 |
LucidVisions | python is old cheese | 08:07 |
goldfish_ | shit | 08:07 |
goldfish_ | bloody right click | 08:07 |
LucidVisions | lol | 08:07 |
goldfish_ | :) | 08:07 |
El_Cris | old cheese tastes good :) | 08:07 |
LucidVisions | hehe | 08:08 |
FAST | big loaf of round bread + insert brie into center + pour honey all over cheese, cover with cut bread top, bake in oven. serve in slices | 08:08 |
chromate | i like the partitioner in the install | 08:09 |
dejavu | El_cris: not interested in Python but thanks anyway :) | 08:09 |
LucidVisions | EL_Cris: python is a great language also though, but it seems too slow | 08:09 |
Coily | has anyone figured out why the search for files app doesnt always work | 08:09 |
FAST | coily> click the "show more options" arrow, and use that box to search | 08:10 |
Dreamer31 | ok anyone here every use crydeliver? | 08:10 |
El_Cris | LucidVisions: my tip wasnt intented for system or game programming hehe | 08:10 |
=== FAST likes java |
LucidVisions | EL_Cris: ahh, i see then | 08:10 |
LucidVisions | cool | 08:10 |
LucidVisions | FAST, but mono can compile java, | 08:11 |
LucidVisions | and its faster | 08:11 |
El_Cris | LucidVisions: I thought about Basic (I don't know VB) and Python would be an alternative then | 08:11 |
FAST | i was just saying i like java | 08:11 |
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LucidVisions | FAST: Ahh, | 08:12 |
siimo | FAST: try java-gnome if you want to contribute to linux with java :) | 08:12 |
BiteMeBill | <-- Doesn't think java and sliced bread go well together. | 08:12 |
LucidVisions | Ive had one too many of my homebrew hampf beers,lol Ill focus | 08:12 |
FAST | hehe | 08:13 |
LucidVisions | java-gnome, wow, ive never heard of it,sounds cool | 08:13 |
El_Cris | who had holidays on the island java yet? any geeks here? :) | 08:13 |
LucidVisions | is the island of java close to sumatra,ouch | 08:14 |
daniels | LucidVisions: yes, the island of java is right next to sumatra, only separated by a tiny body of water. | 08:15 |
daniels | (java is to the south-east) | 08:15 |
BiteMeBill | siimo: since you brought it up. How would a noob contribute to the projects? | 08:15 |
Coily | FAST nope still didnt find a file i know exists | 08:16 |
LucidVisions | daniels: cool, i guess im more focused that i though toinght | 08:16 |
LucidVisions | lol | 08:16 |
BiteMeBill | Coily: what package are you looking for? | 08:16 |
Coily | its not a pkg its resolve.conf | 08:17 |
lunitik | Coily: /etc/resolv.conf | 08:17 |
Coily | i know its in /etc but search didnt find ir | 08:17 |
lunitik | no e | 08:17 |
Coily | it | 08:17 |
Coily | i was also looking for any copies of the file | 08:18 |
LarryT-ubuntu | could someone give me some help about my umount problem (remastering cd live) please ? | 08:18 |
Coily | i remember the install telling me to run the script slocate (this may be unrelated... but still), anyone know why this happens? | 08:19 |
Dreamer31 | how do i tell my logged in session to update what groups i belong to? | 08:19 |
siimo | BiteMeBill: well im a newbie myself.. im playing around with making little programs for GTK2 havent done much yet | 08:19 |
siimo | BiteMeBill: is there a specific project you want to contribute too you may want to sigh up for their mailing list or forums talk to developers | 08:20 |
BiteMeBill | siimo: Yea I know the feeling. | 08:20 |
=== johnnygeargrinde [~johnnygea@adsl-219-243-19.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Coily | has anyone gotten downloadwith to work with their video player | 08:21 |
=== ben_ [~ben@cpc4-hem14-5-0-cust76.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu |
BiteMeBill | siimo: Not really one thing more of the feeling of needing to give back since they broke me away from the evil bill | 08:21 |
BiteMeBill | <-- Wonders who the real bill was meant to be in the movie "Kill Bill" | 08:22 |
siimo | BiteMeBill: theres a whole lot besides programming like confirming bugs in bugzilla or writing documentation | 08:22 |
siimo | that you could help with | 08:23 |
BiteMeBill | siimo: this is true... Guess I better start looking into it even more. | 08:23 |
Dreamer31 | ok, why wouldn't newgrp "just work"? | 08:23 |
BiteMeBill | cause they need trained before they know how to work..??.. | 08:24 |
=== Dreamer31 sighs. |
BiteMeBill | Dreamer31: Sorry couldn't pass it up. | 08:25 |
siimo | BiteMeBill: ? | 08:25 |
siimo | you contribute what you know | 08:25 |
Dreamer31 | ok... hmmmmmm | 08:25 |
Dreamer31 | it can change groups but it's not refresing the groups i'm in | 08:26 |
mebaran151 | I want Evolution to work | 08:26 |
mebaran151 | somebody should backport Evolution 2.0 to Hoary | 08:26 |
mebaran151 | so that we have working email and real contact management | 08:26 |
siimo | backport? | 08:27 |
mebaran151 | well I guess it would be a front port | 08:27 |
mebaran151 | moving a stable program to the unstable branche | 08:27 |
mebaran151 | :) | 08:27 |
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Dreamer31 | darn, i know there is a way to do this | 08:28 |
=== Dreamer31 sighs. |
mebaran151 | anybody want to help me setup a vsftp server | 08:28 |
mebaran151 | I need it to just do one folder | 08:28 |
mebaran151 | can I restrict my ftp server to look only in one folder | 08:28 |
mebaran151 | and like never crawl anywhere else | 08:29 |
Coily | has anyone gotten downloadwith to work with their video player | 08:29 |
BiteMeBill | mebaran151: I set up proftp and have it working with permissions. | 08:29 |
mebaran151 | do I have to change every folder | 08:29 |
mebaran151 | I dont want to chmod ever folder on the disk | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | to not be readable by anyone but owner | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | that would seem rather silly | 08:30 |
BiteMeBill | mebaran151: I didn't have to. | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | hmmm | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | how did you do it then | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | are these permissions internal within the ftp server | 08:30 |
BiteMeBill | Let me see if I can find the page that I used. | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | so I can set for ftp | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | everything 000 | 08:30 |
mebaran151 | except for like /home/ftp | 08:30 |
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mebaran151 | or something | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | I want to serve some stuff to some friends | 08:31 |
BiteMeBill | It is with the users permissions. | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | but I dont like people crawling around my FS | 08:31 |
mebaran151 | it seems unright | 08:31 |
justdave | is excessive configuration requests from xserver-xorg on today's update a known issue? | 08:31 |
justdave | (in Hoary) | 08:31 |
_4strO | u can create a count tu use with vsftp | 08:32 |
_4strO | and put him some rights | 08:32 |
_4strO | limited ... | 08:32 |
justdave | I got the debconf dialog for it during preinstall, got it again while it was installing the package, and got it again during the post-install configure phase | 08:32 |
_4strO | his /home e.g. | 08:32 |
mebaran151 | justdave, did it kill anything | 08:32 |
mebaran151 | if it just configured it correctly 3 times | 08:32 |
justdave | mebaran151: no, didn't seem to | 08:32 |
mebaran151 | there might not be much to worry about | 08:32 |
mebaran151 | I think if it is during preinstall | 08:32 |
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mebaran151 | it is working from a different apt database | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | as it probalby installed a new apt | 08:33 |
justdave | I'm sure there's not much to worry about, but I assume it's only supposed to ask once :) | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | as it was running it through | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | so that later on | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | the new apt | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | now fully configured and the old apt out of the way | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | probably felt that the pkg was unconfigured | 08:33 |
justdave | yeah, I think there was a new apt today, too. | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | it probably shouldnt do that | 08:33 |
mebaran151 | which is why it would do it preinstall (old apt)and after installl (new apt) | 08:34 |
mebaran151 | seems like a problem that would be hard to fix | 08:34 |
mebaran151 | or maybe really easy | 08:34 |
mebaran151 | the middle one is probably just a pkg thing | 08:34 |
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BiteMeBill | mebaran151: Take a look at this.. http://www.chinalinuxpub.com/doc/www.siliconvalleyccie.com/linux-hn/ftp-server.htm | 08:37 |
mebaran151 | thanks BiteMeBill | 08:39 |
randabis-laptop | hehe I'm installing gentoo from stage 1 | 08:40 |
BiteMeBill | mebaran151: yw | 08:40 |
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=== tkw [~tkw@dsl-hkigw7x4d.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu |
tkw | Has anyone a working vncserver running on ubuntu 4.10? | 08:42 |
wm_eddie | wow.... | 08:42 |
wm_eddie | my .Trash is 12 GB... | 08:42 |
tkw | It seems that my vncserver dies immediately after startup | 08:42 |
randabis-laptop | tkw why now just use vino | 08:45 |
randabis-laptop | not | 08:45 |
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mpq | I have a problem | 08:54 |
bigbubbanga | anyone happen to know of a program in linux that will both rip a dvd and then allow you to shrink it onto dvd 5? or two programs to do the trick? | 08:54 |
mpq | I can't figure out how to install wine | 08:54 |
=== pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | the directions on the wine website aren't helping | 08:54 |
wm_eddie | mpq: apt-get install wine? | 08:54 |
mpq | it told me to modify /etc/apt/sources.list but it's a read-only file | 08:55 |
Dreamer31 | anyone here used cyrdeliver before? | 08:55 |
pvh | My monitors used to have a separate screensaver each, but now after booting without the second monitor once, they run one giant fullscreen one. How can I fix it? | 08:55 |
bigbubbanga | thats the same as adding it in synaptic | 08:55 |
wm_eddie | mpq: you need to use sudo to modify anything outside of /home/username/ | 08:55 |
bigbubbanga | just got o synaptic and add it in the repository there | 08:55 |
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wm_eddie | mpq: What do you need wine for? | 08:57 |
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mpq | windows programs? | 08:57 |
mpq | what else? | 08:57 |
wm_eddie | but which | 08:57 |
BiteMeBill | mpq: Remember sudo | 08:57 |
mpq | I did | 08:57 |
BiteMeBill | and it was still a read only file? | 08:57 |
mpq | I didn't know I could modify text files on the command line | 08:57 |
mpq | I tried to use gedit but it didn't work | 08:58 |
bigbubbanga | pico | 08:58 |
wm_eddie | hehe, unix has more ways to edit text files on the command line than anything else I bet. | 08:58 |
wm_eddie | mpq: you can also do gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:58 |
wm_eddie | in Applications>Run Program | 08:58 |
wm_eddie | or application... | 08:59 |
bigbubbanga | anyone had success with dvdshrink with wine and dvdbackup? | 08:59 |
mpq | I'm installing wine now | 08:59 |
wm_eddie | bigbubbanga: If it doesn't say any good news on the wine web-site then probably no. | 09:00 |
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bigbubbanga | well i can get it to run just wondering why it crashe swhen i try to open a disk | 09:00 |
bigbubbanga | err disc | 09:00 |
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wm_eddie | "Application worked fine when transcoding DVD files on the hard drive. Gave ASPI errors when attempting to open a DVD for transcoding" | 09:02 |
mpq | whoo, wine works | 09:02 |
BiteMeBill | bigbubbanga: Does this help? http://www.videohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=240939 | 09:02 |
=== Neil3 [~neil@host81-156-42-30.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I remembered the only windows program I bothered to back up | 09:03 |
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Netwolf | is there a ppc ubuntu channel? | 09:05 |
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BiteMeBill | Netwolf: I think there is only this one and #ubuntuforums | 09:06 |
Netwolf | BiteMeBill: thanks | 09:06 |
BiteMeBill | yw | 09:07 |
=== Nge [igor@OL195-171.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis-laptop | there's ubuntu-dev too :p | 09:08 |
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mpq | dammit | 09:09 |
mpq | I tried to install itunes using wine but it didn't work | 09:09 |
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wm_eddie | mpq: Yeah, I have no idea how they got it to install... | 09:09 |
randabis-laptop | gtkpod is good | 09:10 |
wm_eddie | rhythmbox has a development branch with experimental ipod syncing capabilities too. | 09:10 |
=== aleitner_ [~aleitner@se-pc31.inf.ethz.ch] has joined #ubuntu |
Coily | whats the proper fstab config for a ext3 partition | 09:10 |
Neil3 | they mught have used itunes with one of the non-free wines | 09:10 |
randabis-laptop | yeah I've heard about that | 09:10 |
Neil3 | like crossover office or something | 09:10 |
wm_eddie | Not to mention the millions of music players there are for linux. | 09:10 |
randabis-laptop | indeed | 09:11 |
=== randabis-laptop hugs xmms |
mpq | I like itunes' music library | 09:11 |
aleitner_ | i am running hoary and somehow the gnome sticky always stay in the foreground. is that intended behavior? | 09:11 |
Coily | anyone? | 09:11 |
randabis-laptop | rhythmbox and amarok do the same thing mpq | 09:11 |
mpq | do they rip music from cds in unicode? | 09:11 |
Neil3 | i'm backing up my home dir across the network now, getting ready to replace slow bloated fedora with lean mean ubuntu, wish me luck chaps! | 09:11 |
randabis-laptop | so does muine iirc | 09:11 |
Examancer | mpq: isn't that like saying you like music? if you liked the program or the service that'd be one thing, but to like the collection is to enjoy popular music | 09:12 |
randabis-laptop | no, I think soundjuicer can though | 09:12 |
mpq | wait, what? | 09:12 |
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mpq | I like itunes because I could organize all my music easily | 09:12 |
Examancer | oh | 09:12 |
randabis-laptop | Examancer, he was saying he likes the library features :p | 09:12 |
mpq | I don't know of another program that could do that | 09:12 |
mpq | I never even used the music store | 09:12 |
Neil3 | rhythmbox is ok for organising music from what i see | 09:12 |
randabis-laptop | rhythmbox can | 09:12 |
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randabis-laptop | muine and amarok also can | 09:13 |
mpq | okay, I'm going to try rhythmbox | 09:13 |
mpq | I should know right off the bat if it does what I need it to | 09:13 |
wm_eddie | mpq: If you want to see a cool music player check out quodlibet http://kai.vm.bytemark.co.uk/~piman/software/quodlibet.shtml | 09:14 |
=== cprov [~cprov@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | QL isn't like iTunes at all. | 09:14 |
wm_eddie | Rhythmbox is trying to be an iTunes clone. | 09:14 |
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mpq | is flac a lossless format? | 09:14 |
wm_eddie | ... | 09:14 |
wm_eddie | yeah | 09:15 |
FAST | free lossless audio code | 09:15 |
FAST | c | 09:15 |
mpq | ok | 09:15 |
Coily | whats the proper fstab config for a ext3 partition | 09:15 |
mpq | sound juicer doesn't seem to support compilation albums | 09:15 |
mpq | it put the same wrong artist on all the songs | 09:16 |
wm_eddie | sound juicer sucks something awefull. | 09:16 |
wm_eddie | get grip. It's bad, but powerful. | 09:16 |
mpq | considering ALL my cds are compilations this is useless | 09:16 |
wm_eddie | I'm going to eventually work on an iPod driver for QL. | 09:17 |
wm_eddie | (To upload songs to the iPod) | 09:17 |
mpq | does grip support unicode and compilations? | 09:18 |
FAST | are there libraries written for ipod communication? | 09:18 |
FAST | for linux | 09:18 |
smok | grip supports compilations but most db lookup data doesn't | 09:18 |
randabis-laptop | there are some python scripts for ipods iirc | 09:18 |
mpq | itunes did everything perfectly | 09:18 |
randabis-laptop | but a good gui interface is gtkpod | 09:19 |
=== Arago_AFK [~Arago@host17-73.pool8174.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
jdub | mpq: sound juicer does, | 09:20 |
jdub | mpq: but sometimes the musicbrainz data is borked | 09:20 |
mpq | musicbrainz? what the hell is that? | 09:21 |
wm_eddie | randabis-laptop: Where can I find those python scripts. | 09:21 |
jdub | mpq: an online database of music metadata | 09:21 |
=== ICU [~me@host-95173.ewetel.de] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | CDDB is better... | 09:21 |
jdub | not usually | 09:21 |
jdub | musicbrainz is peer-reviewed | 09:21 |
mpq | it got the artists right on compilations | 09:21 |
jdub | but there was a format change | 09:21 |
jdub | mpq: not always | 09:22 |
randabis-laptop | wm_eddie, google, or possibly synaptic | 09:22 |
mpq | it got the ones I had right | 09:22 |
wm_eddie | I didn't find anything in synaptic... | 09:22 |
jdub | mpq: it totally depends, with both systems, on the particular album you've inserted | 09:22 |
mpq | the albums I had worked perfectly on itunes | 09:22 |
jdub | mpq: the musicbrainz data is on the whole, better than freedb | 09:22 |
wm_eddie | There was GNUPod_perl | 09:22 |
mpq | they aren't working in anything I have now | 09:22 |
jdub | mpq: itunes is a different story altogether | 09:22 |
mpq | at least itunes worked when I wanted it to | 09:22 |
randabis-laptop | that's what I meant wm | 09:22 |
randabis-laptop | got the language wrong :/ | 09:23 |
wm_eddie | hmm pypod | 09:23 |
jdub | mpq: itunes is a well funded piece of software and infrastructure, it's hardly comparable | 09:23 |
mpq | you've got a point there | 09:23 |
mpq | I didn't think of that | 09:24 |
wm_eddie | mpq: But there are many interesting music players for linux. | 09:24 |
wm_eddie | interesting in good and bad ways | 09:24 |
randabis-laptop | I'm bootstrapping :p | 09:24 |
mpq | but none of them seem to do what I need them to | 09:24 |
wm_eddie | mpq: Lsongs? | 09:24 |
wm_eddie | http://info.linspire.com/lsongs/ $20 though... | 09:24 |
jdub | mpq: i recommend sticking with sound-juicer for ripping; fixing up rare incorrect data isn't hard and doesn't take long | 09:25 |
mpq | rare incorrect data? | 09:25 |
mpq | it didn't get anything right | 09:25 |
mpq | the titles were the only things that weren't wrong | 09:25 |
jdub | that's unfortunate | 09:25 |
mpq | I have all video game soundtracks | 09:25 |
Examancer | all of them? | 09:26 |
mpq | no | 09:26 |
jdub | not exactly common dataset there | 09:26 |
mpq | just the cds I own | 09:26 |
Examancer | like even NBA Jam '95 | 09:26 |
mpq | I mean video games with real music | 09:26 |
mpq | mainly bemani | 09:26 |
Examancer | lol | 09:26 |
Neil3 | battlefield 1942 has a great sound track | 09:26 |
Examancer | mario isn't real music? | 09:26 |
mpq | albums of several different artists | 09:26 |
mpq | and I can't have it putting "KONAMI" as the artist | 09:27 |
wm_eddie | mpq: Do you have Bounce Connected? | 09:27 |
mpq | especially when many of them are in japanese | 09:27 |
jdub | so i'm not entirely surprised, given the dataset | 09:27 |
=== Littlechand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-17-100.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | wm: I wish I did | 09:27 |
Neil3 | it gets its artist from cddb right? | 09:27 |
Neil3 | and other info | 09:27 |
wm_eddie | mpq: The problem with unicode mp3s is that it's worng. | 09:27 |
=== TreadingSoftl1 [~tread@] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I don't like mp3s | 09:27 |
wm_eddie | You aren't supposed to use unicode in ID3v1 tags (not sure about v2 | 09:27 |
wm_eddie | QL doesn't care though, it uses unicode anyway :) | 09:28 |
mpq | that's why I didn't use winamp to play music | 09:28 |
mpq | this is so frustrating | 09:30 |
wm_eddie | I feel the same way in Windows man. | 09:31 |
wm_eddie | and OS X >< | 09:31 |
mpq | at least then I could use a music player that worked | 09:31 |
wm_eddie | um, but there are lots of music players.... | 09:31 |
wm_eddie | which ones have you looked at? | 09:32 |
mpq | I'm not sure... | 09:32 |
mpq | I can't figure out how to use half of them | 09:32 |
wm_eddie | Did you try rhythmbox? | 09:32 |
=== An00b15 [~LordVader@node.tor] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | it didn't have the right cd information | 09:32 |
mpq | where does sound juicer get cd information? | 09:32 |
wm_eddie | mpq: Grip is all you'll need for ripping cds | 09:33 |
wm_eddie | you can even specify where it gets Tag info from. | 09:34 |
wm_eddie | And mine is set up to use UTF-8 for encoding. | 09:34 |
Dreamer31 | yeah! | 09:34 |
Dreamer31 | working | 09:34 |
cthulfuego | arrrgh | 09:35 |
wm_eddie | mpq: http://www.musicbrainz.org/ | 09:35 |
randabis-laptop | heh this bootstrap will probably finish at 4:30 AM | 09:35 |
randabis-laptop | all that lovely gcc output | 09:36 |
wm_eddie | The internet, can't get homework done without it, can't get homework done with it... | 09:36 |
mpq | okay, musicbrainz isn't where it's getting cd information | 09:37 |
mpq | the album isn't even in the database | 09:37 |
Agrajag | probably freedb | 09:37 |
Dreamer31 | ok | 09:37 |
Dreamer31 | where can i get a nice default "new mail" sound for ubuntu, or is there one already installed somewhere | 09:38 |
=== thesilverhand [~matt@YahooBB218182236046.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis-laptop | gnome-look has a sounds section. so does kde-look | 09:40 |
wm_eddie | nothing interesting in /usr/share/sounds/ | 09:40 |
ICU | good god ... this xorg update today on hoary is pain in the ass. this is the third time i'm getting ask for my xorg configuration via debconf - of course i already HAD it configured... | 09:40 |
randabis-laptop | I wasn't asked anything ICU | 09:40 |
=== jimcooncat [~jim@pool-70-105-231-39.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | dammit, I forgot how to compile again | 09:41 |
wm_eddie | mpq: what are you compiling? | 09:41 |
ICU | randabis-laptop, so? | 09:41 |
mpq | grip | 09:41 |
wm_eddie | mpq: this isn't gentoo | 09:41 |
jimcooncat | how can I speed up DNS lookups in Firefox, preferably system wide? | 09:41 |
wm_eddie | apt-get install grip | 09:41 |
randabis-laptop | ICU nothin' just sayin' I wasn't asked anything during today's upgates | 09:41 |
randabis-laptop | jimcooncat, turn off ipv6 | 09:41 |
ICU | ah | 09:41 |
ICU | hmm | 09:41 |
ICU | strange | 09:41 |
mpq | that didn't work | 09:41 |
wm_eddie | or Computer>System Configuration>Synaptic Package Manager | 09:42 |
wm_eddie | it downloads and installs software for you. | 09:42 |
jimcooncat | thanks | 09:42 |
=== zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip24-253-217-164.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I already downloaded grip | 09:42 |
wm_eddie | don't compile things unless it's absolutely necesarry. | 09:42 |
mpq | but I forgot what to do with it | 09:42 |
wm_eddie | or however it's spelled. | 09:42 |
ICU | and even more funny: all changes/questions were for nothing since my xorg.conf is selfmade and: xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/xorg.conf; file has been customized | 09:42 |
randabis-laptop | heh I'm bootstrapping a new gentoo system right now :p | 09:42 |
=== ZorroBytes [~ZorroByte@] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis-laptop | I'll be dual booting gentoo and ubuntu soon enough... | 09:43 |
randabis-laptop | heh more like tomorrow afternoon :p | 09:43 |
wm_eddie | mpq: compiling is ./configure && make | 09:43 |
=== Kvark [~k@c83-250-151-52.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu |
FAST | whats the diff between xfree86 and xorg ? | 09:43 |
mpq | I was told to get grip and I don't even know how to use it | 09:43 |
bob2 | not much | 09:43 |
bob2 | mainly driver support | 09:43 |
wm_eddie | mpq: But grip is already in the Ubuntu APT repository. | 09:43 |
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Agrajag | mpq: apt-get install grip | 09:44 |
randabis-laptop | xorg can do composite, xfree86 can't..there's other differences too | 09:44 |
Agrajag | well | 09:44 |
wm_eddie | mpq: Grip has a pretty terrible GUI, but it's the most configurable program. | 09:44 |
randabis-laptop | sudo apt-get install grip | 09:44 |
Agrajag | sudo apt-get install grip | 09:44 |
randabis-laptop | hehe | 09:44 |
mpq | I already did that | 09:44 |
mpq | E: Couldn't find package grip | 09:44 |
randabis-laptop | type grip? | 09:44 |
Agrajag | mpq: do you not have universe? | 09:44 |
randabis-laptop | heh must not have universe enable | 09:44 |
mpq | I don't know what that is | 09:44 |
Agrajag | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages/ | 09:45 |
Dreamer31 | ok | 09:45 |
=== TiffOn [~trillian@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Dreamer31 | now the best way to pull in all my old mail | 09:45 |
wm_eddie | mpq: replace your /etc/apt/sources.list with mine http://wm-eddie.info/~wm_eddie/sources.list | 09:46 |
wm_eddie | it has everything you need | 09:46 |
=== im_high [~im_high@ip68-107-122-239.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu |
im_high | hello hello | 09:47 |
mpq | I don't know how to replace the source list | 09:47 |
im_high | anyone try installing ndiswrapper on ppc version of ubuntu? | 09:47 |
mjr | im_high, not gonna happen | 09:48 |
im_high | kinda pissed it works on mandrake and not ubuntu....seems like messes up at make | 09:48 |
im_high | is it the header deal that sposed to be /usr/src/ | 09:48 |
mjr | ndiswrapper kind of depends on the CPU to be able to run the x86 ndis driver | 09:48 |
im_high | gotcha | 09:49 |
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu |
im_high | dang | 09:49 |
bob2 | er, it won't work on mandrake | 09:49 |
bob2 | or any other distro on ppc | 09:49 |
=== Dreamer31 smiles. |
Dreamer31 | e-mail, check :) | 09:49 |
im_high | <-working on mandrake as we speak | 09:49 |
Dreamer31 | ubuntu almost 100% | 09:49 |
mjt | it's just a wrapper, not a CPU emulator ;) | 09:49 |
im_high | oh ok bob2..thought u were talkin about x86 | 09:49 |
bob2 | it works fine on i386 ubuntu | 09:49 |
bob2 | well, as well as any binary glob being slurped into the kernel will ever work | 09:50 |
im_high | so it wont at all work on any distro...damn it.. | 09:50 |
=== im_high jus realizing |
mjr | of course, ndiswrapper in itself is perverse enough that a CPU emulator slapped on it would just be fitting, but nobody's done it yet ;) | 09:50 |
=== Faustus [~Faust@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | hah | 09:50 |
im_high | ya i think its ugly in itself | 09:50 |
im_high | very true | 09:50 |
bob2 | I have heard rumours of someone strapping it onto qemu | 09:50 |
im_high | but for wifi drivers...what can u say | 09:50 |
bob2 | but thankfully no code | 09:50 |
bob2 | you can say "buy a properly supported card" ;) | 09:51 |
im_high | guess i have to put os x back onto the g3 imac | 09:51 |
im_high | lol | 09:51 |
im_high | i had linux runnin a great mp3 server for a wk | 09:51 |
bob2 | er | 09:51 |
bob2 | normal airports work fine under linux | 09:51 |
im_high | i have a usb dwl-122 for it | 09:51 |
im_high | no airport | 09:51 |
bob2 | and I'm pretty sure airport extreme is only for g4 ones | 09:51 |
im_high | ya i have extreme for the powerbook | 09:52 |
MLimburg | is there a way i can remove the bloody OSS sound drivers for good? | 09:52 |
mjt | why OSS is bloody? | 09:52 |
zerokarmaleft | why are there forced upgrades to 4.0 for gcc-related packages in hoary? (e.g. libgcc1) anyone else notice this today? | 09:52 |
Neil3 | how come you dont use os x if you're on a mac? | 09:52 |
mpq | the cd information is wrong in grip | 09:52 |
mpq | and I'm back to square one again | 09:52 |
bob2 | zerokarmaleft: 4.0 is not the default | 09:52 |
im_high | because i felt like tryin linux on ppc.. | 09:52 |
bob2 | libgcc1 may come from the gcc 4.0 source package, but that doesn't matter | 09:52 |
Neil3 | hehe fair enough | 09:52 |
im_high | i like linux....bored. | 09:53 |
im_high | :) | 09:53 |
MLimburg | mjt .. i've stabbed it twice and it wont die :P | 09:53 |
Neil3 | aqua is way better than x | 09:53 |
im_high | this thing has 128mb..i think its s 350 g3 imac | 09:53 |
im_high | i need to throw some mem in it | 09:53 |
=== Neil3 wishes he had a mac |
Neil3 | ah ha | 09:53 |
Neil3 | an oldie g3 | 09:53 |
im_high | i picked it up from my last gf...it was donated | 09:53 |
im_high | to my 'collection' | 09:53 |
Neil3 | cool | 09:53 |
im_high | :) | 09:53 |
MLimburg | i agree Neil3 .. but its down to preference, and how much HD space you got :) | 09:53 |
Neil3 | yeah | 09:53 |
zerokarmaleft | bob2, right, 3.3.5 is still the default | 09:53 |
im_high | powerbook g4 is runnin very well | 09:53 |
Neil3 | on an older mac linux would be great | 09:54 |
im_high | i wont throw any linux distro on that at the moment | 09:54 |
im_high | cept for live cds | 09:54 |
im_high | live cds are great for wardriving | 09:54 |
bob2 | my ibook g4 loved ubuntu | 09:54 |
MLimburg | i hope to get a decent apple one day .. want to run it side by side to my linux rig | 09:54 |
bob2 | except for the stupidity of broadcom | 09:54 |
mpq | it's definitely freedb that's the problem | 09:54 |
Neil3 | i want an apple mac for music production | 09:54 |
im_high | dunno which i am going to config....gentoo is lookin good with nmap and stuff ready to go | 09:54 |
mpq | the album information is inaccurate | 09:54 |
Neil3 | logic 7 is so good | 09:54 |
Kvark | how to edit a text file that belongs to root? | 09:54 |
bob2 | mpq: so fix it | 09:54 |
Neil3 | sudo gedit | 09:54 |
bob2 | Kvark: sudo gedit /blah/blah | 09:54 |
bob2 | or nano instead of gedit | 09:55 |
mpq | it's too much work | 09:55 |
Kvark | oh, ok *goes to that scary terminal* | 09:55 |
mpq | I want grip to get cd information from gracenote | 09:55 |
im_high | scary? | 09:55 |
mpq | how do I do that? | 09:55 |
bob2 | except gracenote are evil | 09:55 |
bob2 | and don't they just run cddb now anyway? | 09:55 |
zerokarmaleft | bob2, but i'd have to install gcc-4.0-base to upgrade those packages, i meant why aren't there parallel installs for libgcc1 libobjc1, etc. | 09:56 |
mpq | at least gracenote got the artist information right | 09:56 |
bob2 | then fix it | 09:56 |
bob2 | lordy | 09:56 |
mpq | I don't know how to fix it | 09:56 |
bob2 | zerokarmaleft: why should there be? | 09:56 |
Kvark | I'm a windows user that discovered just today how much nicer linux is :D .... so it is scary for me with a terminal | 09:56 |
im_high | gotta love irc...where else can i talk to people about this shit | 09:56 |
bob2 | im_high: your local lug | 09:56 |
bob2 | zerokarmaleft: it's only 220KB | 09:57 |
Dreamer31 | wow | 09:57 |
Dreamer31 | cyrus seems to be quite slow (vs maildir) | 09:58 |
Kvark | whee, thanks it worked :D | 09:58 |
randabis-laptop | Kvark, get used to it. The terminal r0x | 09:58 |
TreadingSoftl1 | Hi folks. I'm trying to autogen gtk-sharp from the mono repositories, with the ultimate aim of getting Beagle up and running on Ubuntu Hoary. Autogen says that the following packages - gnome-sharp.dll gda-sharp.dll gnomedb-sharp.dll rsvg-sharp.dll gtkhtml-sharp.dll vte-sharp.dll panelapplet-sharp.dll - are "optional assemblies" that haven't been "included in the build". Then it says: "you may install the corresponding development packages for them, re | 09:58 |
zerokarmaleft | that's not the point...it just seems like an unnecessary dependency, imho | 09:58 |
bob2 | <greycat> cyrus is like a huge black cube with an eyeball painted on it that says "YOUR MAIL IS SAFE WITH ME, CITIZEN" | 09:58 |
bob2 | good quote about cyrus :) | 09:59 |
mpq | this is just more trouble than it's worth | 09:59 |
bob2 | zerokarmaleft: do you know what's in that package and how libgcc1 uses it? | 09:59 |
mpq | I should not be having this much trouble listening to music | 09:59 |
bob2 | you're not | 09:59 |
bob2 | you're having trouble using a free music metainformation service with some obscure-ish album | 10:00 |
mpq | it's not my fault I hate american music | 10:00 |
mjt | what's wrong with using libgcc1 and gcc-base from 4.0 ? | 10:00 |
randabis-laptop | LOL | 10:00 |
Neil3 | mpq, you can submit your albums to the database | 10:00 |
mpq | just because a bunch of japanese guys who work for konami are better than everyone in america | 10:00 |
Neil3 | so that they will be recognised properly | 10:00 |
bob2 | they're there but with minor errors, apparently | 10:00 |
mpq | but I can't submit them | 10:00 |
mpq | half of the credits are in japanese which I can't type in linux | 10:01 |
randabis-laptop | hah | 10:01 |
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mjt | mpq: but cut-n-paste should work ;) | 10:01 |
mpq | I don't have the information on the computer | 10:01 |
thesilverhand | mpq: you can type japanese in linux...but if you don't have a japanese keyboard finding the right characters can be tricky | 10:01 |
mjt | nod | 10:02 |
mpq | all this was fine on windows | 10:02 |
=== Dreamer31 tries all imap servers one by one |
mpq | in windows I could just type the romanized words and it would convert it to japanese | 10:02 |
=== Dreamer31 wants something approaching the speed of Maildir for local access |
mjt | hmm.. a maildir better than maildir? | 10:03 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: well, i want speed, but also need to access it from other PCs from time to time... | 10:04 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: courier and cyrus both seem slow when moving large amounts of messages about | 10:04 |
mjt | i fail to see how imap is slower | 10:04 |
mjt | ah | 10:04 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: i mean an order of magniture or 2 slower than maildir, seems like a lot of overhead | 10:04 |
mpq | I'm pissed | 10:04 |
Dreamer31 | mpq: ? | 10:05 |
mpq | everything worked perfectly when I was on windows and now nothing works right | 10:05 |
mjt | dovecot has an option to link message files when copying - speed things up quite a bit | 10:05 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: just use local maildir on every machine | 10:05 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: maildir several hundred messages... few seconds... imap few seconds for 3% | 10:05 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: with offlineimap to sync them up | 10:05 |
Dreamer31 | mpq: welcome to linux ;-) | 10:05 |
mpq | why does anyone use this? | 10:05 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: hmmmm | 10:05 |
Dreamer31 | mpq: *laughs* | 10:06 |
mjt | Dreamer31: after all, with standard maildir (courier, dovecot) you can just mv files around | 10:06 |
Dreamer31 | mpq: because we love headaches | 10:06 |
mjt | lol | 10:06 |
=== bebek [~bebek@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Dreamer31 | mjt: well, not exactly... courier (at least) creates lots of hints files that evolution likes to show, which doesn't make it seamless for normal use | 10:06 |
bob2 | mpq: people have different needs | 10:06 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: i'll look at that | 10:06 |
bebek | apt-get update, upgrade , dist-upgrade wrecked up my gnome :( | 10:06 |
bebek | no more icons... can't access gnome theme.... | 10:07 |
mjt | Dreamer31: hmm which hints? You mean flags? | 10:07 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: courierimapkeywords, etc | 10:07 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: dovecot works with /Maildir in your home? | 10:07 |
mjt | yes | 10:07 |
mjt | and i never saw courierimapkeywords | 10:07 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: i did :) | 10:08 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: it will work with any location you like | 10:08 |
mjt | there's courierimap-something-about-message-flags (like "todo", "later" etc) - don't remember the filename | 10:08 |
mpq | I'm too frustrated to do anything now | 10:08 |
mpq | I need to take a break from this | 10:08 |
bebek | has anyone experienced the same thing? | 10:09 |
bob2 | yeah | 10:09 |
mjt | provided every imap (sub)folder contains the same flags set (it's just a map attribute=>digit), you can copy/move/etc the files around as you like | 10:09 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: wow, dovecot is way faster than cyrus | 10:09 |
calamari_ | any idea why every time I close a kde app I get a KDE window telling me there was a crash, signal 11 SIGSEGV? | 10:09 |
bob2 | yup | 10:09 |
randabis-laptop | poor kid | 10:10 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: dovecot is the default in ubuntu, remeber | 10:10 |
bob2 | due to it's general rockingness | 10:10 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: i had no idea there was a default | 10:10 |
mjt | Dreamer31: check out maildir_copy_with_hardlinks setting in /etc/dovecot.conf too | 10:10 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: it's still nowhere near as fast as direct Maildir :) | 10:11 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: hence offlineimap! | 10:11 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: not there yet :) | 10:11 |
mjt | still, what's wrong with copying files manually? | 10:12 |
bob2 | ewewew. | 10:12 |
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mjt | (*provided* the IDs does not clash - they shouldn't) | 10:12 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: i think that would only work copying folders around inside the imap server :) | 10:12 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: neat though | 10:12 |
bebek | what can possibly cause packages to be kept back while performing apt-get upgrade ? | 10:12 |
Dreamer31 | mjt: and i don't really copy, i move :) | 10:12 |
bob2 | bebek: read the apt manpage | 10:12 |
bob2 | and note the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade | 10:12 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: hmmm | 10:13 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: where can i learn more about this | 10:13 |
bob2 | about what? | 10:13 |
bob2 | brb | 10:13 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: offlineimap guess i'll good | 10:14 |
mjt | bebek: usually it's because you set preferred distribution to say warty, and installed some package from say hoary.. now in hoary there's more recent version of the same pkg, but it requires more recent version of some library which is available in hoary but not in warty... | 10:14 |
bob2 | oh lord | 10:14 |
bob2 | if you're using apt pinning, YHL, HTH, HAND. | 10:14 |
mjt | heh | 10:14 |
mjt | apt.conf: APT::Default-Release stable; | 10:14 |
=== t0mLe- [~tommy@ti311110a080-2187.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu |
mjt | is that pinning? ;) | 10:15 |
=== Welly [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu |
mjt | and sometimes i do use apt pinning for various reasons. For example, I don't damn want to mess up with broken mdadm-1.8.1 which is now in ubuntu -- it is broken, BROKEN. | 10:16 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: install the package, it has docs | 10:16 |
Welly | Hello all | 10:16 |
bob2 | mjt: so put it on hold | 10:16 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: i'm reading on their website | 10:16 |
bebek | mjt: oh... | 10:16 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: trying to understand if this might fill a BIGGER need for me :) | 10:16 |
bob2 | mjt: and make sure the bug is followed up | 10:16 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: which is? | 10:16 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: wanting to download mail at two locations when connections are idle so i just have mail and never have to click "get" | 10:17 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: keeping the locations in sync would be the issue before | 10:17 |
bob2 | yup | 10:17 |
bob2 | offlineimap is yo (dadd|mumm)y for that | 10:18 |
bob2 | I use it so I have my mail on my desktop, laptop and mail server | 10:18 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: the approach you suggests require 2 copies of every message, no? | 10:18 |
Welly | looking at giving ubuntu a whirl as i'm a pretty, well absolutely, new linux user.. been tinkering with mandrake for a few days which seems alright | 10:18 |
Welly | how do the two distributions compare? | 10:18 |
=== zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | Dreamer31: if you're using offlineimap, you will have one copy of each message on each machine, yes | 10:19 |
Dreamer31 | bob2: or in the case of using it to speed up imap i'd have an imap copy and maildir copy localy, correct? | 10:19 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: you'd use offlineimap to download the mail via imap to a local maildir | 10:19 |
bob2 | Dreamer31: on my laptop, mutt just sees a tree of maildirs, and doesn't know or care that they get filled up via imap | 10:19 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Dreamer31 | bob2: hmmm | 10:20 |
Dreamer31 | and changes go back across to the imap server too, right? | 10:20 |
bob2 | of course | 10:20 |
Dreamer31 | sweet | 10:20 |
=== Dreamer31 is now known as Dreamer3 |
=== Zindar [~bagfors@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Dreamer3 tries to figure out how this changes things |
bob2 | Welly: well, I'd guess most people in here prefer ubuntu ;) | 10:20 |
Welly | i bet :) | 10:20 |
bob2 | imho ubuntu is a better first (and last) distribution | 10:21 |
=== egon_ [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu |
=== dredg [niall@malkovich.office.blacknight.ie] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | but you won't know which you prefer unti lyou try both | 10:21 |
Welly | ok.. so it's a distribution i can install and kind of grow to learn linux with and it'll be capable when/if I'm a bit more advanced further down the road? | 10:21 |
mjt | what offlineimap does which rsync does not? | 10:21 |
bob2 | Welly: very much so | 10:22 |
bob2 | mjt: do it safely and handle moved messages and use imap and work in both directions | 10:22 |
Welly | cool.. i'm going to install it into vmware (am at work on my windows machine) and see how it is | 10:22 |
bob2 | rsync on your maildirs is a terrible idea | 10:22 |
Welly | i tried gentoo last night on my machine at home.. that was fun :| | 10:22 |
Welly | still didn't get it installed | 10:22 |
thesilverhand | Welly: I switched to linux with ubuntu a few months back...it's definitely good to learn on | 10:24 |
Welly | wicked.. i'll give it a go | 10:25 |
An00b15 | I love it | 10:25 |
Neil3 | it seems a lot of brits are using ubuntu? | 10:25 |
Dreamer3 | hmmmmmmm | 10:25 |
An00b15 | its nice to have a working desktop in a half an hour | 10:26 |
Dreamer3 | i just copied in Maildir from my old box... is there no way to make dovecot "wake up" and see all the folders, etc? | 10:26 |
An00b15 | I should have stayed Warty though | 10:26 |
Neil3 | so when i do install ubuntu i can then install linux-k7 for the athlon kernel and stuff then use synaptic to get rid of the intel stuff? | 10:26 |
Neil3 | the i386/686 or whatever? | 10:26 |
bob2 | Dreamer3: imap servers don't generally like raw maildir | 10:26 |
thesilverhand | An00b15: why? | 10:26 |
bob2 | Neil3: yeah | 10:27 |
Neil3 | or is there a way when you install to get it to use the k7 kernel straight away? | 10:27 |
=== bendebian [~ben@port-212-202-181-102.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu |
=== johane [~johan@h99n1c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | thesilverhand, why else? Hoary is broken | 10:27 |
bob2 | there's no point, and "no" | 10:27 |
bob2 | hoary is not "broken" | 10:27 |
bob2 | some particular things might be | 10:27 |
bob2 | which I assume you have filed bugs on? | 10:27 |
thesilverhand | An00b15, I haven't had any trouble | 10:28 |
An00b15 | looks pretty though | 10:28 |
An00b15 | runs fast | 10:28 |
thesilverhand | it has bugs, yeah...it's still growing | 10:28 |
Dreamer3 | bob2: yeah, but it'd be a lot faster than dragging all these already organized things into imap (and no copying disk space) | 10:28 |
An00b15 | does your firefox crash? | 10:28 |
bob2 | no | 10:28 |
thesilverhand | nope...if yours does, file a bug | 10:28 |
bob2 | (if no one else has filed it) | 10:28 |
thesilverhand | well yeah :) | 10:29 |
An00b15 | I'm not being negative | 10:29 |
An00b15 | when I say broken thats what i mean | 10:29 |
An00b15 | NOT FINISHED | 10:29 |
An00b15 | hence | 10:29 |
An00b15 | broke | 10:29 |
bob2 | no | 10:29 |
bob2 | please don't spread fud like that | 10:29 |
An00b15 | it'll be "fixed" whe its ready | 10:29 |
bob2 | it works great for thousands of people | 10:29 |
thesilverhand | broke would mean it was fine, and now it isn't | 10:29 |
=== SO_SASSS [XxH2kxX@we11198.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | I knew that when I installed | 10:29 |
SO_SASSS | http://www.club2share.com | 10:29 |
bob2 | if you have a specific issues, please file bugs | 10:29 |
=== SO_SASSS [XxH2kxX@we11198.emirates.net.ae] has left #ubuntu [] |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ |
thesilverhand | it's still growing and changing...unfinished and broken are very different | 10:30 |
An00b15 | Firefox has crashed on my all day | 10:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@we11198.emirates.net.ae] by bob2 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2 |
bob2 | An00b15: then please file a bug | 10:30 |
bob2 | An00b15: it works perfectly well for lots of other people | 10:30 |
An00b15 | I updated to Hoary before and that did not happen | 10:30 |
bob2 | including at least thesilverhand and I | 10:30 |
An00b15 | what do i look like filing a bug from a system they know is unstable? | 10:30 |
thesilverhand | that's how they identify issues that need resolving | 10:31 |
An00b15 | and you don't just file "bugs" | 10:31 |
mjt | btw, is there a way to "forward" $LANG over ssh connection? | 10:31 |
stvn | An00b15: because it's stable for a lot of ppl, so if it's unstable for you, something is probably wrong and needs to be fixed | 10:31 |
An00b15 | you at least make sure thatas what it is | 10:31 |
An00b15 | and not just your system | 10:31 |
bob2 | An00b15: a clueless but valid bug is better than no bug at all | 10:31 |
scizzo_ | An00b15: start firefox from a terminal? | 10:31 |
bob2 | tho I know someone will make me eat those words someday | 10:31 |
=== stvn makes bob2 eats his words :p |
=== b_e_n_z [~Mercedes@vp201124.kln.uac68.hknet.com] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | scizzo_, and? | 10:32 |
bob2 | An00b15: and observe the output | 10:32 |
=== pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | firefox | 10:32 |
bob2 | I think you're turning a minor thing like filing a reproducible bug into a big deal for no reason | 10:32 |
bob2 | mjt: yes | 10:32 |
An00b15 | and the other mozilla based browesrs crashed | 10:32 |
An00b15 | but dillo does not | 10:32 |
bob2 | mjt: man ssh, look for .ssh/environment | 10:32 |
pvh | It looks like I'm missing a Python module to track my PC's stats with GDesklets. Can anyone help me? | 10:32 |
bob2 | An00b15: there you go, that's useful information for your bug report | 10:33 |
Zotnix | Hey, I'm using glade2 here and I notice it can save with C, C++, or ada support.. anyway I can get Python support as well in there? | 10:33 |
An00b15 | even the sefl installer from mozilla for firefox crashed | 10:33 |
mjr | Zot, use pyglade | 10:33 |
An00b15 | its hit and miss | 10:33 |
An00b15 | video seems to kill it | 10:33 |
An00b15 | I think the mplayer plug is screwy | 10:34 |
bob2 | Zotnix: those are dodgy options to generate code (ie a .c file which builds the UI) | 10:34 |
thesilverhand | even more info for the bug :) | 10:34 |
An00b15 | the mplayer plugin loads the video but then never finishes | 10:34 |
mjr | it loads the gui from the glade file on the fly | 10:34 |
An00b15 | I thought it was video related | 10:34 |
scizzo_ | An00b15: try to see if you get any errors in the terminal | 10:34 |
bob2 | Zotnix: it's considered waaaaaaaaaay better to just load the .xml file at runtime with libglade, which python can do using the modules in python-glade | 10:34 |
An00b15 | but then I tried ot go to my bank online | 10:34 |
An00b15 | and it kept crashing after I logged in | 10:34 |
mjt | bob2: this allows to *set* *any* variable in ~/.ssh/environment (not safe). I want to *forward* just $LANG, pretty like it forwards $TERM. | 10:34 |
An00b15 | like it was choking on https | 10:34 |
Zotnix | bob2, what I'm currently able to do, however, I'm learning and would rather see the code. | 10:35 |
bob2 | mjt: yes, that's not possible afaik | 10:35 |
bob2 | mjt: kamion would know for sure | 10:35 |
bob2 | Zotnix: hm, why? so you can learn python gtk programming? | 10:35 |
mjt | i see $TERM is handled in source, while $LANG isn't | 10:35 |
An00b15 | there | 10:35 |
Dreamer3 | bob2: copying over the maildir worked FINE, just had to go and subscribe to all the folders :) | 10:35 |
bob2 | mjt: right | 10:35 |
An00b15 | logged into the bank and it crashed | 10:35 |
Zotnix | bob2, yep. | 10:35 |
An00b15 | did not do thjat earlier | 10:35 |
bob2 | An00b15: there you go, file a bug | 10:35 |
mjt | . o O { file a bug } | 10:36 |
bob2 | whinging on irc is about as pointless an activitry as there is | 10:36 |
mjt | all together now ;) | 10:36 |
Dreamer3 | bob2: just fyi | 10:36 |
An00b15 | seems if I empty the cache i have until it fills before it vrashes again | 10:36 |
bob2 | except maybe hammering nails in your head | 10:36 |
An00b15 | i dunno | 10:36 |
bob2 | Dreamer3: ah, ok | 10:36 |
An00b15 | whinning on an irc? | 10:36 |
=== ZorroBytes [~ZorroByte@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== ICU [~me@host-95173.ewetel.de] has joined #ubuntu |
Zotnix | I'm not learning using glade really, I'm making programs writing out everything without using glade. but I want to see how certain things are set up (accelerators, for example) | 10:36 |
An00b15 | Thast what 317 ppl are doing here? | 10:36 |
=== BeTa [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | An00b15: no | 10:37 |
mjt | wasting their time? | 10:37 |
Zotnix | I can't find good tutorials with examples on those so I figure maybe using glade could help me see how its done. | 10:37 |
An00b15 | when they say join us on our channel for free support or concern etc. Thats what it is to you whinning? | 10:37 |
An00b15 | oh boy | 10:37 |
bob2 | An00b15: no | 10:37 |
bob2 | of course not | 10:37 |
An00b15 | Thats the Ubuntu spirit | 10:37 |
bob2 | but I really think you should file a bug | 10:37 |
pvh | bob2: Hammering nails in your head was a popular practice for a while. | 10:37 |
An00b15 | way to go | 10:37 |
bob2 | An00b15: stop trolling | 10:37 |
bob2 | no one ever said that | 10:37 |
pvh | bob2: Let me see if I can link you. | 10:37 |
bob2 | we just suggested you file a bug | 10:37 |
bob2 | please don't go off the handle | 10:38 |
An00b15 | now I'm a troll? | 10:38 |
bob2 | god | 10:38 |
An00b15 | brother | 10:38 |
bob2 | what is it about IRC that makes people go crazy? | 10:38 |
An00b15 | what is it about IRC that makes people call others outta there name for no reason? | 10:39 |
pvh | bob2: http://www.ee0r.com/trepan.html | 10:39 |
bob2 | please calm down | 10:39 |
An00b15 | take your own advice | 10:39 |
bob2 | I have | 10:39 |
An00b15 | I did not call you a troll | 10:39 |
bob2 | indeed | 10:39 |
mjt | folks stop this nonsense. right now. | 10:39 |
Neil3 | is there a way when you install ubuntu to get it to use the k7 kernel and modules etc straight away? | 10:40 |
bob2 | Neil3: no | 10:40 |
Neil3 | dang | 10:40 |
=== odyssey [~mat@odyssey.user] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | Neil3: it will not give any significant gain, afaik | 10:40 |
mjt | how's that "straight away" ? | 10:40 |
=== rubenv [~lambda1@83-134-125-188.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | so its apt-get install linux-k7 | 10:40 |
bob2 | yes | 10:40 |
Neil3 | and then trawling through to remove the i386 stuff | 10:40 |
Neil3 | ok | 10:40 |
bob2 | well, it's not that big a deal | 10:41 |
=== Neil3 rolls up his sleeves |
Neil3 | :) | 10:41 |
bob2 | one package to remove, one to install | 10:41 |
Neil3 | would be nice if it recognised your cpu and installed the correct kernel | 10:41 |
mjt | Neil3: just make sure it boots ok BEFORE removing i386 kernel ;) | 10:41 |
Neil3 | heheh | 10:41 |
An00b15 | *** ExtensionManager:_updateManifests: no access privileges to application directory, skippin g. | 10:41 |
An00b15 | The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error. | 10:42 |
An00b15 | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 10:42 |
bob2 | please don't paste stuff in here | 10:42 |
stvn | An00b15: how did you install firefox? | 10:42 |
An00b15 | The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'. | 10:42 |
=== egon_ [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | stvn, via apt-get | 10:43 |
An00b15 | I also tried the self installer from firefox | 10:43 |
mjt | speaking of firefox.. is it fair to have two sets of gecko stuff, for both firefox and thunderbird? | 10:43 |
An00b15 | both crash | 10:43 |
An00b15 | now it seems they don't like xorg? | 10:43 |
mjt | firefox works here with xorg from ubuntu just fine -- either original from mozilla.org, of .deb from debian, or .deb from ubuntu. | 10:44 |
bob2 | mjt: no one has turned gecko into a proper library yet | 10:44 |
An00b15 | (Details: serial 90 error_code 8 request_code 149 minor_code 3) | 10:45 |
An00b15 | no access privileges to application directory, | 10:45 |
An00b15 | this should be easy to fix | 10:45 |
An00b15 | just assign the proper privs | 10:45 |
An00b15 | but to what | 10:45 |
mjt | it should not require that access | 10:45 |
An00b15 | and whom I dunno | 10:45 |
mjt | An00b15: check all permissions in your ~/.mozilla-firefox | 10:46 |
stvn | An00b15: best thing to do is file a bug report, explaining how you installed it, what you tried and what errors it gives, than you can point people to the bugreport if you want to discuss it | 10:46 |
An00b15 | k | 10:46 |
mjt | An00b15: if it tries to do something with its /usr/lib/... directories, when installation went wrong for some reason. | 10:46 |
An00b15 | I just don't like fasle alarms | 10:47 |
mjt | maybe you tried to install some extensions? | 10:47 |
An00b15 | hmmmm | 10:47 |
An00b15 | I had some extentions installed form a previous installation yes | 10:47 |
mjt | where? | 10:47 |
An00b15 | I kept my /home | 10:47 |
An00b15 | and reinstalled Ubuntu | 10:48 |
An00b15 | reinstalled | 10:48 |
An00b15 | kept /home | 10:48 |
An00b15 | what do you mean where? | 10:48 |
mjt | you answered my q. in /home | 10:49 |
wm_eddie | migrating old home dirs is trouble some in the beginning huh... | 10:49 |
mjt | why? | 10:49 |
mjt | if user IDs match, it should be painless | 10:49 |
wm_eddie | well, in theory | 10:49 |
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu |
mjt | speaking of which... An00b15: do you own your own home dir and all inside it? | 10:49 |
=== Lnx|Lapp [~Lappy@] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | it was painless fo rthe most part | 10:50 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-36-224.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
An00b15 | mjt, I sjopuld but I'm about to check ~./mozilla-firefox like you asked | 10:50 |
An00b15 | one sec | 10:50 |
An00b15 | I also had two of each extention installed in firefox | 10:51 |
An00b15 | that could not have been good | 10:51 |
mjt | maybe just reinstall all local extensions.. at least, move everything out of ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins (of whatever it is) and try first w/o any exts, and if that works, try adding them one-by-one... maybe ;) | 10:51 |
mjt | and.. if you have some extensions installed in /usr/lib/..., you have to run mozilla as root once. | 10:52 |
topyli | An00b15: haven't been following this but when you change distros the UIDs often change so that the username is not enough for "owning" files and dirs | 10:52 |
An00b15 | well user name and groups match | 10:54 |
An00b15 | I dunno about the uids though | 10:54 |
=== lizdeika [~lizdeika@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== bzbz [bzbz@] has joined #ubuntu |
topyli | An00b15: when i switched from mandrake to debian, i had to chown everything. debian has different (numeric) UIDs | 10:55 |
=== theine [~theine@fw2.nbi.dk] has joined #ubuntu |
=== mpq [~chatzilla@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
mpq | I just realized I can't think of a real reason to use linux | 10:56 |
theine | how come mplayer-586, mplayer-k7, ... cannot be found on my friend's athlon machine? | 10:56 |
mpq | I don't do any real work on my computer | 10:57 |
topyli | mpq: how sad | 10:57 |
theine | just mplayer-custom which does not work dur to illegal instructions | 10:57 |
An00b15 | topyli, I di dthe same thing | 10:57 |
An00b15 | (Gecko:7315): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Deprecated function. User modifications to the MIME database are no longer supported. | 10:57 |
mpq | I had everything working perfectly and I had to screw it up by changing the operating system | 10:57 |
An00b15 | I think thats the problem there | 10:57 |
An00b15 | I just ran firfox as root | 10:57 |
An00b15 | and still crashed on my banks site | 10:57 |
=== Cspnico [Cspnico@ADijon-151-1-10-25.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
Cspnico | hi | 10:58 |
mpq | why did I think I could use this? | 10:58 |
topyli | An00b15: oh, so i have no clue. :) as i said, i haven't wathced your discussion, just joined the channel | 10:58 |
topyli | mpq: propaganda? | 10:58 |
mpq | I was told it was better than windows | 10:59 |
mjt | "after byuing my first computer... after dreaming about it for several years.. i just realized i don't know what to use it for..." ;) | 10:59 |
topyli | mpq: it is | 10:59 |
b_e_n_z | is there a way to pass kernel boot options when the install disk is booting? | 10:59 |
mpq | but I've never been this frustrated using computers before | 10:59 |
theine | mpg: for many of us it's the other way 'round | 10:59 |
topyli | mpq: rtfm ;) | 10:59 |
mpq | I can't figure out how to get anything working the way I had it in windows | 10:59 |
mpq | I don't think I can get anything working the way I had it | 10:59 |
Neil3 | it takes time to learn the different ways | 10:59 |
theine | mpg: like what? | 11:00 |
Neil3 | make a list of what you need | 11:00 |
mjt | i don't think it's supposed to work exactly as in windows. it's different OS, after all | 11:00 |
topyli | mpq: well, things do not work the way they do in windows | 11:00 |
mpq | first, it's q | 11:00 |
Neil3 | and what you did in windows | 11:00 |
Neil3 | and people will tell you linux alternatives | 11:00 |
theine | q? | 11:00 |
mpq | first off, the music player | 11:00 |
mpq | nothing in linux does what I need it to | 11:00 |
topyli | ok, let's fix it | 11:00 |
mpq | it's mpq, not mpg | 11:00 |
mjt | xmms isn't working? | 11:01 |
mjt | or isn't nice? | 11:01 |
mpq | xmms doesn't do what I need it to | 11:01 |
BiteMeBill | mpq: I completely disagree... you seem to be moving too fast instead of trying to learn things and to work on one thing at a time. | 11:01 |
topyli | mpq: and what is that? | 11:01 |
wm_eddie | xmms sucks bad. | 11:01 |
mpq | I originally used itunes | 11:01 |
MeMa|Sorcerer | use rythmbox | 11:01 |
topyli | mpq: so you'll probably like rhythmbox more than xmms | 11:01 |
bob2 | if you don't like linux, then stay with windows | 11:01 |
bob2 | ubuntu will still be there another day | 11:02 |
MeMa|Sorcerer | :D | 11:02 |
MeMa|Sorcerer | its like iTunes | 11:02 |
Neil3 | yeah bob2 is right, it's all about freedom of choice | 11:02 |
mpq | it had that whole music library thing, full unicode support, and it ripped cds perfectly | 11:02 |
topyli | bob2: sage advice | 11:02 |
mpq | I don't want to have to start over again | 11:02 |
theine | mpg: well then don't | 11:02 |
topyli | mpq: rhythmbox is what you want, really | 11:02 |
mpq | it's q not g | 11:02 |
mjt | heh | 11:02 |
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
theine | mpq: i'm terribly sorry | 11:02 |
=== pisuke [~luis@84-120-67-237.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu |
topyli | hehe | 11:03 |
mpq | you're not the first to do that | 11:03 |
pisuke | hi. | 11:03 |
=== mpq is now known as mpQ |
=== selinium_ [~selinium_@82-34-235-176.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
=== bruno [~bruno@ARennes-204-1-43-179.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
pisuke | just one question, mount: could not find any device /dev/loop | 11:03 |
pisuke | how can I enable the loop device? | 11:03 |
Neil3 | bah 25 mins to download this thing | 11:03 |
=== Neil3 waits patiently |
bob2 | pisuke: modprobe loop | 11:04 |
topyli | pisuke: what is your mount command that gives this error? | 11:04 |
pisuke | bob2, thx | 11:04 |
mpQ | problem with sound juicer: the artist information it retrieved is wrong | 11:04 |
mjt | well.. it's with everything. if you had some stuff created in some app running - on win, on mac, on linux, whatever, and the app does not work on other os, you're pretty much screwed | 11:04 |
selinium_ | Hi all, I have just installed UBUNTU! It is my first stab at linux! Just one problem, my usb ports dont seem to work. Is there a way round this? | 11:04 |
bob2 | that's not a problem with sound juicer | 11:04 |
=== mpQ is now known as mpq |
bob2 | it's a problem with whatever db it's using | 11:04 |
mpq | is there a way to get it to use gracenote? | 11:04 |
topyli | mpQ: that's not sound juicer's fault, it retrieves whatever is there | 11:04 |
=== Silesian [~Lukasz@245.004.dsl.sa.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
Silesian | hey | 11:04 |
Neil3 | ooh ooh i have a question | 11:05 |
mpq | how do I change what database it uses? | 11:05 |
Silesian | can i have a very quick question in regards to ubuntu installation ? | 11:05 |
bob2 | when you say "gracenote", do you mean "cddb"? | 11:05 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: My Mother board has a bug, so my front USBs don't work correctly, but the ones on the back of the case work. Have you tried that? | 11:05 |
Neil3 | does ubuntu include the gimp-print drivers? | 11:05 |
bob2 | Silesian: best to just ask | 11:05 |
=== odyssey [~mat@odyssey.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
mpq | does freedb support compilation cds with multiple artists? | 11:05 |
mpq | it doesn't have correct artist information for compilations | 11:06 |
topyli | mpq: not that i know | 11:06 |
mpq | then freedb is completely useless to me | 11:06 |
topyli | mpq: sorry about that | 11:06 |
mpq | I need to get sound juicer to use a different database | 11:06 |
mpq | how do I do that? | 11:06 |
=== Dreamer3 really wishes mpq would lose the attitude |
bob2 | no, it's not useless | 11:06 |
wm_eddie | mpq: you know QL has a function that can split a tag into two different tags. | 11:06 |
mpq | I'm just in a bad mood | 11:06 |
bob2 | it's imperfect | 11:06 |
bob2 | we noticed | 11:06 |
wm_eddie | like composer out of artist... | 11:06 |
mpq | I can't get anything to work right | 11:06 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: Yeh, both the old USB 1.1 ports at the back and the new USB 2.0 Ports dont work. Would it be worth unplugging the USB 2.0 PCI before booting? | 11:06 |
bob2 | anything seems to just be "freedb" | 11:07 |
bob2 | mpq: try asking on the user list, since it seems no one here knows | 11:07 |
mpq | my old music player used gracenote | 11:07 |
topyli | mpq: you need support, but you're not handling this free support thing very well. | 11:07 |
=== randabis-laptop twiddles thumbs at bootstrap |
wm_eddie | selinium_: You should do a search for your PCI model in google.com/linux and see if there's any hits talking about non working usbs | 11:08 |
Silesian | during installation there is section about partitioning; can i tell ubuntu explicitly to install on for example / on hda5 and /boot on hda2 swap on /hda3? | 11:08 |
bob2 | Silesian: yes | 11:08 |
Silesian | bob2; will other partitions will be left untouched? | 11:08 |
bob2 | it does whatever you tell it to | 11:09 |
bob2 | "yes" | 11:09 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: Cheers, I will have a scout around! | 11:09 |
Silesian | bob2; thx :) | 11:09 |
Silesian | cya :) | 11:10 |
theine | could anyone tell me how the mplayer-custom package actually works? is it supposed to always point to the appropriate mplayer package for the given CPU? | 11:10 |
randabis-laptop | poor mpq...he should have never killed windows lol | 11:10 |
wm_eddie | hmm... | 11:11 |
wm_eddie | how do I stop a USB device. | 11:11 |
topyli | theine: i think the "custom" part there is a pun, and it's a generic package for all i386's | 11:11 |
Neil3 | i'd say if you like itunes so much and want stuff to just work then go for a mac | 11:11 |
Neil3 | although its not free :( | 11:11 |
theine | topyli: actually i doubt that since it doesn't work on an AMD sempron | 11:11 |
randabis-laptop | I'd like a powerbook :p | 11:11 |
randabis-laptop | it'd put this ol' gateway to shame hehe | 11:12 |
=== wm_eddie is waiting for IBM to make POWER laptops. |
wm_eddie | I know they will one day. | 11:12 |
wm_eddie | and I"m going to buy one. | 11:12 |
topyli | theine: it doesn't really work on my duron either, but i think it's simply broken that's all | 11:12 |
randabis-laptop | ibm sold their pc business though wm_eddie | 11:12 |
topyli | theine: get mplayer elsewhere is what i say | 11:12 |
wm_eddie | randabis-laptop: Exactly, they produce a competetor to the IA-32/64 but they had to always make PCs because of Windows, Now they are focusing all their power on the POWER architecture. | 11:13 |
theine | topyli: broken in the sense that it is probably compiled for intel CPU's | 11:13 |
wm_eddie | hopefully, that'll mean POWER desktops and laptops. | 11:14 |
theine | topyli: thus the error message ``illegal instruction'' | 11:14 |
wm_eddie | I hope... | 11:14 |
randabis-laptop | wm_eddie, yeah, but what os would it run? | 11:14 |
topyli | theine: yes, that's what i get too | 11:14 |
Welly | I've downloaded a debian package right, and double clicked on it to install and am getting an error - "Couldn't display "/home/alastair/Desktop/ndiswrapper-source_1.0-1_i386.deb". there was an error launching the application" | 11:14 |
wm_eddie | randabis-laptop: Linux... | 11:14 |
Welly | any ideas? | 11:14 |
randabis-laptop | wm_eddie, true enough :p | 11:14 |
=== Guybrush|Numb [~franz@host78-184.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Lanzu [~lanzu@] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | Welly: dpkg -i foo.deb | 11:14 |
theine | topyli: when you search for mplayer with apt-cache, do you find mplayer-686, mplayer-k7,... | 11:15 |
theine | ? | 11:15 |
Welly | ok | 11:15 |
wm_eddie | damn 5 am... | 11:15 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | I'm going to have to pull the ethernet plug out of this computer... I haven't gotten any work done ;_; | 11:15 |
BiteMeBill | wm_eddie: Where abouts are you from? | 11:15 |
wm_eddie | ? | 11:16 |
topyli | theine: i used to use christian marillat's debian repository, and got a working mplayer from there. but i think it's broken now as well since ubuntu and debian are too different now | 11:16 |
wm_eddie | you mean where I'm from? | 11:16 |
BiteMeBill | wm_eddie: Yes/ | 11:16 |
BiteMeBill | Being that it's 515 there. | 11:16 |
wm_eddie | Pittsburgh... | 11:16 |
BiteMeBill | Damn Hello neighbor.... | 11:16 |
BiteMeBill | Just west of Y-town here. | 11:17 |
theine | topyli: well, i guess i compile it from source then | 11:17 |
selinium_ | Hi all, I am just making the transition from Windows to linux. I used to use UltraEdit for my text editor. Is there a decent Linux equivalent? | 11:17 |
topyli | theine: i'd get a source package from marillat and build it if i had to get mplayer right now | 11:17 |
Gusto_ | hehe | 11:17 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: There are like a million editors for linux... | 11:17 |
theine | topyli: yeah, i'll do that | 11:17 |
Guybrush|Numb | selinium_ code editor or text editor ? | 11:17 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: or emacs :p | 11:17 |
wm_eddie | emacs is a class of it's own. | 11:17 |
Guybrush|Numb | eheh, true | 11:18 |
goldfish_ | nano all the way! | 11:18 |
wm_eddie | or not... | 11:18 |
selinium_ | I use it for php programming. I only installed Ubuntu today so this is all very new to me! | 11:18 |
selinium_ | Complete newbie! | 11:18 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: check out bluefish | 11:18 |
Neil3 | gedit does lots | 11:19 |
wm_eddie | Computer>System Configuration>Synaptic Package Manager | 11:19 |
wm_eddie | gedit does do lots. | 11:19 |
Neil3 | tabbed editing is so good | 11:19 |
=== Cred [teemumat@hylsy.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | selinium_: CTRL+F "bluefish" | 11:19 |
randabis-laptop | my bootstrap didn't take as long as I thought it would hehe | 11:20 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: Or brows the Editors section under "Sections" in that program | 11:20 |
=== raphael [~raphael@203-217-38-219.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
randabis-laptop | emerging system now | 11:22 |
=== cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD95D2ED2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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=== tremor [~tremor@dD57647E0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu |
stuNNed | anyone running Hoary on a laptop? | 11:23 |
bigbubbanga | anyone know of a linux alternative to dvdshrink? | 11:23 |
theine | how can i easily install all the packages required for building something with 'apt-get source'? | 11:23 |
Guybrush|Numb | builddep | 11:23 |
randabis-laptop | stuNNed, I am | 11:23 |
theine | nevermind, i hust found out how to do it... | 11:23 |
stuNNed | Guybrush|Numb: not apt-get install build-essentials ? | 11:23 |
wm_eddie | bigbubbanga: DVD::RIP? | 11:23 |
stuNNed | randabis-laptop: any issues? | 11:23 |
bigbubbanga | i havent' tried that does it shrink? | 11:23 |
topyli | the same thing i ask every day just to make sure. anyone using p3nfs with success? | 11:24 |
bigbubbanga | and thats the package name? | 11:24 |
randabis-laptop | no, other than wireless networking not working ootb | 11:24 |
stuNNed | randabis-laptop: i'm currently running hoary on desktop and warty on laptop, would like to upgrade laptop but don't know if should risk it | 11:24 |
=== mahnve [~marcus@] has joined #ubuntu |
Guybrush|Numb | apt-get build-dep package, where `package' is the name of the package you're going to build | 11:24 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: Bluefish isn't there :( | 11:24 |
stuNNed | randabis-laptop: why isn't wireless networking working for you? | 11:24 |
randabis-laptop | it WASN'T | 11:24 |
theine | Guybrush|Numb: yep, that's it | 11:24 |
wm_eddie | bigbubbanga: google it, you can find more info at the web site. I don't know much about DVDs | 11:24 |
randabis-laptop | I had to use ndiswrapper | 11:24 |
Guybrush|Numb | stuNNed theine from APT-HOWTO | 11:24 |
stuNNed | oh ok, dang | 11:24 |
stuNNed | Guybrush|Numb: theine? | 11:24 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: hmm right click on the desktop and open a terminal | 11:25 |
stuNNed | Guybrush|Numb: so 'apt-get build-dep package' will install gcc and all of that? | 11:25 |
Guybrush|Numb | stuNNed: the other guy interested :) | 11:25 |
wm_eddie | do cd /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:25 |
Guybrush|Numb | stuNNed, i suppose it does :) | 11:25 |
theine | Guybrush|Numb: what about runtime dependencies? | 11:25 |
wm_eddie | and then do sudo wget 'http://wm-eddie.info/~wm_eddie/sources.list' | 11:25 |
topyli | stuNNed: you need to do build-depend first | 11:25 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: k | 11:25 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: i suppose those are included in the package you build from source | 11:26 |
=== king_arthur [~chatzilla@adsl-ull-13-169.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | selinium_: then run Synaptic again and click on the Reload button | 11:26 |
theine | Guybrush|Numb: hmmm, you think so? | 11:26 |
king_arthur | hi guys | 11:26 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: i suppose so :) you end up with a .deb with the appropriate deps | 11:26 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: but don't sue me if i'm wrong | 11:27 |
stuNNed | topyli: ah ok then | 11:27 |
king_arthur | this is ubuntu running on an old apple powerbook G3... I am impressed | 11:27 |
theine | Guybrush|Numb: no no, that sounds very reasonable, but how do I resolve those dependencies then? with dpkg? | 11:27 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: on do cd /etc/apt/sources.list it says not a directory | 11:27 |
topyli | stuNNed: just install wajig and you can forget most of this. i always do "wajig build foo" :) | 11:27 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: that's my ipothesis | 11:28 |
mjt | selinium_: s/cd/vi/ ;) | 11:28 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: i'll go check right now | 11:28 |
wm_eddie | oops | 11:28 |
theine | Guybrush|Numb: cool | 11:28 |
king_arthur | btw anybody here using ubuntu ppc | 11:28 |
wm_eddie | do cd /etc/apt/ | 11:28 |
im_high | was | 11:28 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie k | 11:29 |
im_high | now im gettin a fuckin blackscreen after install of osx | 11:29 |
im_high | haha | 11:29 |
=== sjoerd [sjoerd@simons.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
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im_high | i trashed ubuntu cuz it couldnt handle the ndiswrapper driver | 11:29 |
im_high | being im on ppc | 11:29 |
topyli | im_high: what' a non-workiing osx? | 11:29 |
wm_eddie | im_high: .... | 11:29 |
mjt | ugh, ndiswrapper is a very evil thing... ;) | 11:30 |
topyli | im_high: sorry, i seem to be typing like i were high :) | 11:30 |
im_high | ya what are you talkin about | 11:30 |
im_high | haha | 11:30 |
wm_eddie | can ndiswrapper things even run on ppc? | 11:30 |
=== fwiffo [~fwiffo@dhcpserver0.oersted.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: do I need to be logged in at root level? | 11:30 |
mjt | wm_eddie: nope, it's not a CPU emulator | 11:30 |
im_high | u can get root though on ubuntu | 11:30 |
im_high | sudo su | 11:30 |
im_high | then change password | 11:31 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: kind of. we just do sudo | 11:31 |
wm_eddie | don't listen to im_high | 11:31 |
=== robsta [~rob@62-99-193-35.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | although he's right. | 11:31 |
im_high | lol what | 11:31 |
topyli | i'm never root on any distro | 11:31 |
stuNNed | topyli: wajig avail through ubuntu as .deb? | 11:31 |
wm_eddie | but it's simpler to just use sudo | 11:31 |
topyli | stuNNed: i guess it's in universe | 11:31 |
im_high | simpler? | 11:31 |
im_high | su | 11:31 |
im_high | pw | 11:31 |
im_high | make | 11:31 |
robsta | hi | 11:32 |
im_high | not too hard | 11:32 |
wm_eddie | sudo -s does the same thing. | 11:32 |
mjt | don't compile sources as root, btw | 11:32 |
Neil3 | righty ho folks i'm copying the iso across my network now to be burned woohoo! | 11:32 |
topyli | stuNNed: wajig did everything via sudo way before ubuntu was born :) | 11:32 |
wm_eddie | sudo is a FreeBSD thing I think... | 11:32 |
=== Shambler [~Shambler@pD95FC9A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
stuNNed | topyli: for debian specific? | 11:32 |
topyli | yes | 11:32 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: I am in /etc/apt. what now? | 11:33 |
wm_eddie | and then do sudo wget 'http://wm-eddie.info/~wm_eddie/sources.list' | 11:33 |
wm_eddie | see if that works... | 11:33 |
mjt | lol | 11:33 |
Neil3 | right its burning | 11:33 |
selinium_ | k | 11:33 |
=== Poolshark [~jrd@CPE-24-211-5-76.wi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
mjt | wm_eddie: s/see if/pray/ ;) | 11:33 |
=== k40z [~k40zmotic@] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | it works... | 11:33 |
wm_eddie | I was referring to wget replacing his old sources.list. | 11:34 |
mjt | just kidding ;) | 11:34 |
=== Sav [~sav@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== hno73 [~Henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
TreadingSoftl1 | what's the easiest way to create a .deb package (for personal use) out my gtk-sharp compilation ... without installing it? | 11:34 |
im_high | eddie why wouldnt u want root anyways | 11:34 |
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=== Poolshark [~jrd@CPE-24-211-5-76.wi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: I have a > promt now | 11:35 |
Guybrush|Numb | stuNNed: actually apt-get build-dep gets gcc and all the stuff | 11:35 |
topyli | stuNNed: see http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Wajig_Overview.html . wajig rocks very seriously | 11:35 |
=== ben_ [~ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
stuNNed | Guybrush|Numb: aha! :) | 11:35 |
wm_eddie | im_high: its a little safer if there's no root password to be hacked. | 11:35 |
stuNNed | topyli: okeiz | 11:35 |
=== jrd_ [~jrd@CPE-24-211-5-76.wi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
im_high | someone can hack user acc and type sudo su | 11:35 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: no do sudo apt-get update | 11:36 |
wm_eddie | now* | 11:36 |
wm_eddie | then close the terminal and run Synaptic again. | 11:36 |
=== TreadingSoftl1 [~tread@] has joined #ubuntu |
im_high | if u have 2 passwords...it would be mroe diff if u kept logged into the non su | 11:36 |
TreadingSoftl1 | what's the easiest way to create a .deb package (for personal use) out my gtk-sharp compilation ... without installing it? | 11:36 |
topyli | im_high: no-one knows my box has a user named "topyli", but they do know there's "root". so brute force attacks against root are more expected | 11:36 |
mjt | selinium_: you still see the > prompt? You haven't closed the ' at the end it seems | 11:37 |
im_high | good pt | 11:37 |
=== dwmurphy [davidm@c-24-131-30-135.mw.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu |
mjt | selinium_: if at the > prompt, hit Ctrl+C and try again (wget command) | 11:37 |
Gusto_ | how do I connect to a ftp using ssl ? | 11:37 |
=== Skwid_ [Skwid@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
stuNNed | topyli: mind if i /query you about something? | 11:37 |
wm_eddie | mjt: Oh oops, I didn't notice :) thanks | 11:37 |
topyli | stuNNed: go ahead | 11:37 |
mjt | selinium_: and this time, ensure you have two 's - at both sides of the url | 11:37 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: the runtime dependencies are embedded in the compiled .deb, you should solve them with dpkg (i checked) | 11:38 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: you can access your last used commands by pressing the up key | 11:38 |
mjt | nod | 11:38 |
topyli | stuNNed: let's see if it works on gaim which i'm using right now :) | 11:38 |
theine | Guybrush|Numb: nice, thanks a lot | 11:39 |
Guybrush|Numb | theine: you welcome, happy to be of any help | 11:39 |
Gusto_ | anyone know a gui ftp client that is capable of connecting to a ftp server using ssl encryption? | 11:40 |
=== defnop [~defnop@dD5E0EF5B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu |
Neil3 | gftp? | 11:41 |
Welly | having a problem with installing ndiswrapper, when i run the apt-get tool, using the command line specified, I get "E: couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils".. any suggestions? | 11:41 |
theine | Gusto_: the lftp package might be compiled with ssl support | 11:41 |
Guybrush|Numb | Gusto_: check out, most clients will encrypt only the control connection | 11:41 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie || mjt : I keyed sudo wget 'http://wm-eddie.info/~wm_eddie/sources.list & sudo apt-get update But still no bluefish! | 11:42 |
wm_eddie | ??? | 11:43 |
=== tuppa [~tuppa@c211-30-136-180.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | selinium_: what does apt-cache search bluefish print? | 11:44 |
selinium_ | What do I key? Sorry! | 11:44 |
=== bloggs [~careri@] has joined #ubuntu |
Guybrush|Numb | selimium_: you should move the sources.list file in /etc/apt and then run apt-get update | 11:45 |
wm_eddie | in a terminal "apt-cache search bluefish" (without the quotes) | 11:46 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: root@ubuntu:/etc/apt # apt-cache search bluefish | 11:47 |
selinium_ | root@ubuntu:/etc/apt # | 11:47 |
selinium_ | nothing! | 11:47 |
=== fwiffo [~fwiffo@dhcpserver0.oersted.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu |
=== christianp [~christian@host236-176.pool62110.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
christianp | hi all | 11:48 |
=== stormycat [~chatzilla@CPE-144-131-162-110.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | what about "ls /etc/apt/" | 11:48 |
mjt | apt-get update completed successefully, right? | 11:48 |
christianp | a question: how can i run alsaconf | 11:48 |
bob2 | you don't need to | 11:48 |
wm_eddie | I bet wget got smart on us and renamed the remote one. | 11:48 |
christianp | what's the package i need to run alsaconf? | 11:48 |
Guybrush|Numb | my bet, eddie | 11:48 |
mjt | wm_eddie: it doesn't do such weird things | 11:48 |
bob2 | christianp: why do you want to run it? | 11:48 |
Guybrush|Numb | christianp: packages.debian.org | 11:48 |
selinium_ | root@ubuntu:/etc/apt # ls /etc/apt/ | 11:49 |
selinium_ | apt.conf.d sources.list sources.list.1 | 11:49 |
christianp | bob2, my sound doesn't work | 11:49 |
mjt | er | 11:49 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: mv sources.list.1 sources.list | 11:49 |
mjt | strange | 11:49 |
wm_eddie | then do apt-get update | 11:49 |
mjt | i haven't noticied wget does that | 11:49 |
Guybrush|Numb | it does to avoid overwrite, mjt | 11:49 |
Guybrush|Numb | :) | 11:49 |
Neil3 | well here i go to install ubuntu, wish me luck! | 11:50 |
defnop | good luck :) | 11:50 |
Neil3 | ta | 11:50 |
Guybrush|Numb | you won't need any :) | 11:50 |
=== [Spooky] [~spooky@h96n1c1o1032.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu |
defnop | lol | 11:50 |
mjt | crossing fingers... ;) | 11:50 |
Neil3 | its getting all my data back that worries me the most | 11:51 |
Neil3 | my evolution email and stuff | 11:51 |
[Spooky] | Hello, anyone know any good RC4 crypting programe ? | 11:51 |
selinium_ | Ready for this! Large paste coming up! | 11:51 |
mjt | no | 11:51 |
Guybrush|Numb | anybody noticed slow dns lookups when IPV6 is active (default) ? | 11:51 |
randabis-laptop | yes | 11:51 |
randabis-laptop | it sucks | 11:51 |
mjt | selinium_: for pastes, use #flood or http://pastebin.com | 11:51 |
selinium_ | k | 11:51 |
Guybrush|Numb | selinium_ large pastes will probably get you kicked | 11:51 |
mjt | (i prefer pastebin) | 11:52 |
christianp | Guybrush|Numb, what's the right package for alsaconf? | 11:52 |
Guybrush|Numb | randabis-laptop, did you refer to me ? | 11:52 |
mjt | christianp: alsa-utils | 11:52 |
Guybrush|Numb | dunno, search on http://packages.debian.org | 11:52 |
Guybrush|Numb | try helping yourself | 11:52 |
Guybrush|Numb | :) works best | 11:53 |
bob2 | I really doubt alsaconf will help at all | 11:53 |
bloggs | Guybrush - If you don't already know (you probably do though) there's a way to disable IPV6 in the http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html | 11:53 |
mjt | christianp: discover the util: apt-cache search alsaconf | 11:53 |
Guybrush|Numb | bloggs: thanks, i disabled it yesterday, but it took weeks to discover those were related | 11:54 |
Guybrush|Numb | i mean IPV6 and slow dns lookups | 11:54 |
mjt | bloggs: how about all programs that tries to getnameinfo(AF_UNSPEC) which results in AAAA nameserver queries? ;) | 11:54 |
[Spooky] | Anyone know any good RC4 crypting program ? | 11:54 |
=== kzm [~ketil@sefirot.ii.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu |
selinium_ | wm_eddie || mjt : http://pastebin.com/240062 :) | 11:54 |
kzm | hi! | 11:54 |
bloggs | mjt - whoosh, in English please :) | 11:54 |
bob2 | [Spooky] : gpg | 11:54 |
bob2 | [Spooky] : but using something more secure, like AES | 11:55 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: Is synaptic open? | 11:55 |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] openssl ? | 11:55 |
wm_eddie | if it is close it. | 11:55 |
wm_eddie | then try again | 11:55 |
kzm | Does anybody know where the (/&% warty has its manual pages for system calls? | 11:55 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: yep | 11:55 |
bob2 | or twofish | 11:55 |
bob2 | kzm: manpages-dev, same as debian | 11:55 |
[Spooky] | i mean for crypting/decrypting files | 11:55 |
Guybrush|Numb | i repeat myself, openssl :) | 11:55 |
[Spooky] | gpg dont seems to work so well... | 11:55 |
bob2 | in what way? | 11:55 |
bob2 | it encrypts files for me just fine. | 11:56 |
[Spooky] | bob2: decrypt... | 11:56 |
kzm | Ah! | 11:56 |
bob2 | and decrypt | 11:56 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: Hallalujah! | 11:56 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: you can encrypt/decrypt files with openssl ? | 11:56 |
mjt | bloggs: i haven't looked at the wiki page you talked about above, but i *guess* it's about setting an alias for ipv6 module... But still, every app out there will still try to lookup AAAA DNS records (for IPv6) before asking for A records (IPv4) - there's no way to disable that i think. | 11:56 |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] if i remember correctly, yes | 11:57 |
wm_eddie | yeah, now you should have 11,000 or so programs you can install. | 11:57 |
Guybrush|Numb | man enc | 11:57 |
wm_eddie | including java and w32codecs | 11:57 |
bob2 | mjt: if you have no ipv6 addresses on any interfaces they won't | 11:57 |
=== Johan is now known as jrydberg__ |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] apt-get install openssl and then man enc | 11:57 |
=== pisuke [~luis@84-120-67-237.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu |
christianp | mjt, it says: alsa-utils is already the newest version. :( | 11:57 |
bob2 | christianp: why do you think alsaconf will help? | 11:58 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: ok leet me try... | 11:58 |
wm_eddie | christianp: alsaconf is removed in Ubuntu because it's old and buggy | 11:58 |
christianp | wm_eddie, ah, ok | 11:58 |
wm_eddie | christianp: So you could do what I did, and download the src.deb and build it. | 11:58 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: I have marked Bluefish and Weblint for installation. What do I do now? | 11:58 |
mjt | bob2: my nameserver logs are full of AAAA queries, yet NO local machine have IPv6 address on any interface ;) | 11:58 |
Guybrush|Numb | It does symmetrical encryption and decryption in all supported algos | 11:58 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: Click apply | 11:58 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: hm allready had openssl | 11:58 |
pisuke | anyone can help me? root@mazinger ~ # chroot /mnt | 11:59 |
pisuke | chroot: /bin/bash: No such file or directory | 11:59 |
bob2 | mjt: even on loopback? | 11:59 |
Guybrush|Numb | then man enc | 11:59 |
bob2 | pisuke: it's telling you the problem | 11:59 |
bob2 | pisuke: /bin/bash doesn't exist in the chroot | 11:59 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: allreay there :) | 11:59 |
=== lizdeika [~lizdeika@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
mjt | bob2: cat /etc/modprobe.d/local | 11:59 |
mjt | install ipv6 /bin/true | 11:59 |
pisuke | bob2, thx again | 11:59 |
=== decklin [decklin@cpe-66-24-59-135.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: in the summary it has a list of files to not be upgraded? Do these need to be upgraded at some point? | 12:00 |
bob2 | mjt: well, ok, but you're sure it's not loaded? | 12:00 |
bob2 | I don't even know if module-init-tools cares about modprobe.d anymore | 12:00 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: hm man enc works but not enc <command> | 12:00 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: You might as well, it only takes a second. | 12:00 |
bloggs | mjt - The guide basically says that in firefox address box type "about:config" and you get heaps of firefox options - find "network.dns.disableIPv6" and set it to true. | 12:00 |
[Spooky] | strange... | 12:00 |
mjt | bob2: modprobe in m-i-t is the ONLY util that checks modprobe.conf, since the day one ;) | 12:01 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: click on the mark all upgrades button then click on the smart-upgrade button and then click on the apply button. | 12:01 |
mjt | bob2: and yes i'm pretty certain the damn thing is NOT loaded ;) | 12:01 |
bob2 | ok | 12:01 |
wm_eddie | that process should really be automated.... | 12:01 |
selinium_ | wm_eddie: Already done! | 12:01 |
mjt | but bloggs suggestion is.. interesting. lemme try... | 12:01 |
christianp | wm_eddie, the problem is i discover debian(in my old laptop) few months ago and in the new laptop i wanted ubuntu (more stable i think), but nothing works (sound, batterystatus,mouse tablet, modem,...) :((( | 12:02 |
mjt | . o O { nothing works } | 12:02 |
mjt | sad. | 12:02 |
wm_eddie | christianp: I have that problem too (with my 600E) | 12:02 |
=== mz2 [~mz@81-1-73-144.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
christianp | but with debian(and old laptop) all works!!! | 12:03 |
selinium_ | Ok then, As a windows user I had zone alarm firewall and Norton. Do i need equivalents? | 12:03 |
wm_eddie | I installed a 2.4 kernel, and messed with xf86config to get APM and my track point working. | 12:03 |
mjt | norton what? | 12:03 |
mjt | norton commander? ;) | 12:03 |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] openssl enc commands | 12:03 |
=== Gusto__ [gusto@dsl58-37.firstmile.no] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | selinium_: Ubuntu doesn't have any outward facing services, so not really. | 12:03 |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] from the man page: The program can be called either as openssl ciphername or openssl enc | 12:04 |
Guybrush|Numb | -ciphername. | 12:04 |
=== seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-31-189.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
selinium_ | mjt: Internet Security - sofeware firewalls and Virus scanning. Like I said I am new to LINUX! | 12:04 |
bob2 | by default | 12:04 |
wm_eddie | selinium_: But there are a LOT of firewall programs for linux if you really need one. | 12:04 |
bob2 | you could install stuff that you might want to firewall in some way | 12:04 |
mjt | (for ones who don't know: norton commander aka nc is (was) a "file manager" for ms-dos, in days before windows-3.1) | 12:04 |
christianp | ok, i think i'll try other distro. Sad, but quick | 12:04 |
christianp | :(( | 12:04 |
bob2 | oh well | 12:04 |
=== umarmung [~Schreiber@p54853E8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
wm_eddie | selinium_: As for viruses, don't worry about it. | 12:05 |
mjt | i don't think other distros will work better | 12:05 |
=== christianp [~christian@host236-176.pool62110.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
wm_eddie | christianp: SuSE 8.2 worked very well on my 600e...... | 12:05 |
wm_eddie | too slow... | 12:05 |
topyli | selinium_: the linux kernel features a firewall. virus scanning is something you need of you run a server with windows clients | 12:05 |
=== marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu |
selinium_ | Cheers everyone, you have been fabulous! | 12:06 |
topyli | yeah! | 12:06 |
wm_eddie | if only every newbie were as nice as selinium.... | 12:06 |
topyli | hehe | 12:06 |
wm_eddie | anyway, I really must go, I start work in 4 hours and I still have two homework assignments to complete. | 12:07 |
=== Guybrush|Numb agrees with wm_eddie |
Guybrush|Numb | bye | 12:07 |
=== topyli strokes wm_eddie's homework with a magic touch |
bloggs | ciao | 12:07 |
wm_eddie | topyli: don't do perverted things to my homework >< | 12:08 |
=== wm_eddie ^A^Ds |
topyli | heh | 12:08 |
=== bloggs [~careri@] has left #ubuntu [] |
Guybrush|Numb | bloggs: thanks for the ipv6 disabling link, i missed that one | 12:09 |
=== tierra|h [tierra@c-67-166-119-150.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== eruin [~eruin@eruin.user] has joined #ubuntu |
kzm | bob2, thanks -- sorry for the delay, but now I found what I was looking for | 12:16 |
=== joerg__ [~joerg@pD9E51EB3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu |
=== chrissturm [~chris@chello062178007044.3.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu |
kzm | that is -- not quite: anybody know how clock(3), times(2) et al, behave in the presence of leap seconds? | 12:17 |
Guybrush|Numb | anyone knows if sounds on events are supported in xchat 2.0.8 (the one in warty) ? | 12:17 |
=== kzm worries too much, perhaps. |
chrissturm | leap seconds? | 12:17 |
=== besan_pas [~besan_pas@bunuel-cpe-101.nat-pool.bgd.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu |
kzm | leap seconds. | 12:17 |
besan_pas | hi to everyone | 12:17 |
chrissturm | when do they happen? | 12:17 |
kzm | as in 23:59:60 | 12:18 |
bob2 | chrissturm: every few years | 12:18 |
kzm | once in a while | 12:18 |
bob2 | a year is not an integer number of seconds | 12:18 |
besan_pas | i have one problem, can somebody help me? | 12:18 |
besan_pas | please? | 12:18 |
Neill | what is the problem | 12:18 |
kzm | dec 31 or ... july? 31 | 12:18 |
Guybrush|Numb | besan_pas: write down the problem | 12:18 |
bob2 | so sometimes they add extra ones when the error is > one second | 12:18 |
besan_pas | i downloaded array3 and when i trie to install | 12:18 |
chrissturm | bob2: is there an url for this? | 12:19 |
besan_pas | i have no desktop installed | 12:19 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
kzm | Rant: the nice thing about POSIX (gettimeofday) is that it reports the number of seconds since the epoch -- which is easily converted into UTC. Unfortunatly, the epoch is moved at leap seconds | 12:19 |
bob2 | chrissturm: google for "leap seconds" and you'll no doubt find millions | 12:19 |
kzm | Whish is a mess. | 12:19 |
chrissturm | huh, muine is such a great media player. needs to move to main | 12:19 |
bob2 | er | 12:19 |
bob2 | I dont think leap seconds affect the epoch at all | 12:19 |
besan_pas | when i type "startx" i get nothing | 12:19 |
bob2 | they just affect the value you get when you converyt seconds-from-the-epoch to human-readable time | 12:19 |
=== bendebian [~ben@port-212-202-182-243.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu |
besan_pas | how to install array 4, is it better to install warthy, then upgrade or clear install array4 ? | 12:20 |
=== Guybrush|Numb thinks bob2 is right |
besan_pas | how to install array 4, is it better to install warthy, then upgrade or clear install array4 ? | 12:20 |
kzm | Yes, they do. POSIX defines the gettimeofday to return the result of a formula involving the current UTC time | 12:20 |
chrissturm | besan: if you have an array4 cd just install from it | 12:20 |
bob2 | that's sick | 12:21 |
kzm | So Linux slows down the clock during a leap second....it's a mess :-) | 12:21 |
Guybrush|Numb | chrissturm, enlighten me, wtf is array3/4 ? | 12:21 |
besan_pas | ok thanks | 12:21 |
chrissturm | guybrush: its the test install cds for hoary. look into the channel topic | 12:21 |
kzm | And POSIX also got the leap day wrong, so it will be miss the leap year in 2100 | 12:21 |
Welly | I'm definitely warming to this ubuntu.. looks pretty good | 12:21 |
=== Guybrush|Numb feels dumb |
Welly | fun bit will be installing it at home and keeping my win2k install | 12:22 |
Guybrush|Numb | you're right, did not know that was the name | 12:22 |
bob2 | kzm: sometimes I wonder how drunk they were when posix was voted on | 12:22 |
kzm | You can say lots of nice things about POSIX, but most of it would probably not be true. :-) | 12:22 |
bob2 | hahaha | 12:22 |
chrissturm | kzm: lol | 12:22 |
Guybrush|Numb | nice 1 | 12:23 |
=== christianp_ [~christian@host50-57.pool8021.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
=== kzm has to eat lunch now. |
kzm | Thanks for the man pages! | 12:23 |
Guybrush|Numb | anyone knows if custom sounds on events are supported in xchat 2.0.8 (the one in warty) ? | 12:24 |
=== Gusto_ [~gusto@dsl59-177.firstmile.no] has joined #ubuntu |
[Spooky] | well openssl enc dosent work... | 12:27 |
=== mameluke [~bo@84-72-11-126.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu |
[Spooky] | anyone have any other program ? | 12:27 |
=== b_e_n_z [~Mercedes@vp201124.kln.uac68.hknet.com] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | gpg | 12:28 |
bob2 | assuming you're not fixated on rc4 | 12:28 |
bob2 | (which, iirc, is not considered secure, and is patent-encumbered) | 12:28 |
[Spooky] | bob2: yes i am :) | 12:29 |
bob2 | why? | 12:29 |
[Spooky] | bob2: its used by my "Windows" friends... | 12:29 |
bob2 | you should tell them to use something more secure if they're going to send you encrypted files | 12:30 |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] would you please explain me ur problem with openssl ? | 12:30 |
bob2 | and I wouldn't assume that random ecnryption programs use the same output format as each other | 12:30 |
=== Nominus [hanzo@2001:c20:ffff:2b:0:0:0:1541] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | tell them to use pgp, basically | 12:30 |
Guybrush|Numb | or openssl or anything that is multi platform :) | 12:30 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: "openssl enc -d -rc4 -in Screen.PNG -out Screen.png" and it says: bad magic number | 12:32 |
bob2 | 21:30:28 bob2 | and I wouldn't assume that random ecnryption programs use the same output format as each other | 12:33 |
bob2 | that would seem to be the case | 12:33 |
Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] the source file was encrypted with what ? | 12:33 |
[Spooky] | rc4 | 12:33 |
Guybrush|Numb | i suppose a "windows" program, duh ? | 12:33 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: yes | 12:34 |
=== dueyfinster [~dueyfinst@213-202-145-192.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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Guybrush|Numb | [Spooky] My advice, and bob2's i suppose, is to get your friends to use a portable encryption suite | 12:35 |
bob2 | like pgp | 12:35 |
Guybrush|Numb | with the added bonus of a secure encryption algo | 12:35 |
=== godez [~godez@h8441157071.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | which gpg can interoperate with | 12:35 |
[Spooky] | Guybrush|Numb: ok so rc4 isnt OS indipendant ? | 12:35 |
bob2 | rc4 isn't the problem | 12:35 |
Guybrush|Numb | the algo is, i suppose it is the program your friends use that is not | 12:36 |
bob2 | the problem is the output format of their program | 12:36 |
=== Guybrush|Numb shuts up and lets bob do the talking :) |
bob2 | openssl is assuming encrypted files have some structure which is different to what your friends produced | 12:36 |
=== pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | OpenPGP is a standard for, amongst other things, the format of encrypted files. | 12:36 |
bob2 | PGP and GPG (the Free one one Linux) can read and write it using a variety of algorithms. | 12:37 |
=== DanielT [~pingu56@82-33-130-164.cable.ubr01.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu |
[Spooky] | ok | 12:37 |
=== odyssey [~mat@222-152-115-247.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu |
bob2 | I'm surprised anyone uses anythign else except as a toy | 12:37 |
=== beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:204:75ff:feed:da66] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Hwolf [~hidde@136.95.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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=== christianp [~christian@host50-57.pool8021.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu |
shock | hi all | 12:44 |
surrounder | hi shock | 12:44 |
christianp | does anyone can help me in configuring sound and battery in my laptop? | 12:44 |
=== Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu |
=== G2 [~ghenry@] has joined #ubuntu |
lup|gnometogtk | I have a site that crashes firefox | 12:47 |
lup|gnometogtk | can I start firefox in debug mode | 12:47 |
lup|gnometogtk | or something? | 12:47 |
Guybrush|Numb | report to firefox developers | 12:47 |
=== nybro43 [~nybro43@pool-70-23-237-75.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu |
TreadingSoftl1 | lup|gnometogtk: what site? | 12:49 |
=== Thom_UltraSPARC [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
=== beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:204:75ff:feed:da66] has joined #ubuntu |
lup|gnometogtk | TreadingSoftl1, http://www.occ.be/site.php?id=inschrijvingen | 12:51 |
lup|gnometogtk | poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}, {fd=8, events=POLLIN}, {fd=12, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=14, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=15, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=16, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=17, events=POLLIN}, {fd=4, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN}] , 8, 0) = 1 | 12:52 |
lup|gnometogtk | gettimeofday({1108036239, 178130}, NULL) = 0 | 12:52 |
=== Thom_UltraSPARC [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu |
lup|gnometogtk | seems to repeat that a lot | 12:53 |
lup|gnometogtk | and the app it self seems to hang | 12:53 |
=== IamJacksUsername [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== dueyfinster [~dueyfinst@213-202-145-192.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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=== Silesian [~Lukasz@] has joined #ubuntu |
Silesian | will grub be configured by ubuntu installation so that i will be able to boot back to windows? | 12:55 |
surrounder | Silesian: yes | 12:56 |
Guybrush|Numb | yes | 12:56 |
Silesian | thx :) | 12:56 |
Thom_UltraSPARC | fabbione: are you the fabio wokring on the SPARC port in his free time? | 12:56 |
fabbione | Thom_UltraSPARC: yes | 12:56 |
=== zombics [~zombics@] has joined #ubuntu |
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=== dsonc [~dsonc@c906067a.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
Thom_UltraSPARC | fabbione: how far is the port along? any idea on when it reaches a useable state? | 12:57 |
zombics | i have a sound problem on ubuntu :\ i have the onbored sound card(ePox 8kda3j) it worked but after a reboot it sudenlt stoped working | 12:57 |
jdub | hi Thom_UltraSPARC | 12:58 |
fabbione | Thom_UltraSPARC: it should be possible to install | 12:58 |
=== souki [~souki@menilmontant-7-82-226-68-125.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu |
Guybrush|Numb | zombics, is it a via82xx chip ? | 12:58 |
Thom_UltraSPARC | fabbione: and how would one do that? im used to basic .iso installs or ftp installs. how does ubuntu hanle this? | 12:58 |
Guybrush|Numb | the integrated sound i mean | 12:58 |
=== thesilverhand [~matt@YahooBB218182236046.bbtec.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] |
=== Thom_UltraSPARC is now known as Thom_Holwerda |
fabbione | Thom_UltraSPARC: yes. you can use either tftp install or mini.iso and install via network | 01:00 |
fabbione | I need to shutdown all my services | 01:00 |
fabbione | brbr | 01:00 |
=== TreadingSoftly [~tread@] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Keybuk [~scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu |
zombics | Guybrush|Numb, Nforce3 chip | 01:01 |
zombics | Guybrush|Numb, but i think the sound is via | 01:01 |
TreadingSoftly | lup|gnometogtk: yep that crashed my firefox too | 01:02 |
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu |
zombics | Card: NVidia CK8S Chip: Realtek id 90 Item: Master [Off] | 01:03 |
zombics | this is what alsa mixer told me. | 01:03 |
zombics | but i cant find why its OFF :/ | 01:04 |
Guybrush|Numb | nope then, i had a couple of glitches with latest via82xx chips | 01:04 |
Guybrush|Numb | had to install 2.6.10 to solve them | 01:04 |
Guybrush|Numb | sorry | 01:04 |
zombics | thx anyway | 01:04 |
Guybrush|Numb | anyway, on my machine, due to impossibility to use the hardware mixing of nforce2 audio | 01:05 |
Guybrush|Numb | i reverted to a good old PCI sblive :-| | 01:05 |
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu |
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Ubuntu Help | FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Forum: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | Guide: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ || Array 4 is released: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-4/ |
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mdz at Sat Feb 5 01:43:12 2005 |
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu |
=== stub [~stub@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu |
(b_e_n_z/#ubuntu) did you guys use acpi=noirq in the boot kernel options? | 01:27 |
(TreadingSoftly/#ubuntu) b_e_n_z: i know the ipw2100 site says that, but remember that firmware should be just an update to information stored on the network card ... it shouldn't need to continually reside on your system. In any case, I never had to fiddle with firmware to get it working. If you need it though, can't you download it from the ipw2100 site? | 01:27 |
(souki/#ubuntu) no more sound since upgrade kernel -> 2.6.10 (intel8x0). any idea? | 01:28 |
shock | er | 01:28 |
shock | i dont have any ideas not concerning sex | 01:28 |
shock | so | 01:28 |
shock | ... | 01:28 |
shock | someone else? | 01:28 |
b_e_n_z | TreadingSoftly: yea that would mean i have to download it from eth1 (the wired nic) | 01:28 |
TreadingSoftly | b_e_n_z: well, can't you? | 01:28 |
=== seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-32-212.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu |
TreadingSoftly | b_e_n_z: i didn't change the default boot options | 01:29 |
b_e_n_z | TreadingSoftly: you installed ubuntu version 4.10? | 01:30 |
=== imi [~imi@150.3-182-adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu |
imi | how would warty run an 800mhz ibm t23 with 256 megs ram? | 01:31 |
Thom_Holwerda | mmm when the installer on the mini-iso for sparc asks for hostname of the debian archive mirror i should select sparc.ubuntu.com (i guess), but what dir should i use? ubuntu-sparc/dists/hoary/? | 01:31 |
TreadingSoftly | b_e_n_z: yes, originally, now running Hoary | 01:31 |
TreadingSoftly | b_e_n_z: but wireless was working on Warty | 01:31 |
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu |
surrounder | imi: probably quite ok | 01:32 |
Thom_Holwerda | fabbione, somehow you came in at exactly the right moment :) | 01:32 |
b_e_n_z | very strange... | 01:32 |
surrounder | imi: I run it on a 1 Ghz with 384 MB and it runs perfect | 01:32 |
Thom_Holwerda | i just asked: | 01:32 |
TreadingSoftly | b_e_n_z: indeed | 01:32 |
Thom_Holwerda | "mmm when the installer on the mini-iso for sparc asks for hostname of the debian archive mirror i should select sparc.ubuntu.com (i guess), but what dir should i use? ubuntu-sparc/dists/hoary/?" | 01:32 |
tinster | TreadingSoftly, d3vic3 I have a similar problem | 01:32 |
imi | surrounder: good cause the decision came down to gentoo or ubuntu, but compiling OOo for a day is ridicolous | 01:32 |
tinster | I know the WEP key is good | 01:33 |
fabbione | sparc.ubuntu.com and dir is ubuntu-sparc/ | 01:33 |
b_e_n_z | all T40's are the same right? mine is bought outside the usa | 01:33 |
TreadingSoftly | tinster: also on a Thinkpad T40? | 01:33 |
Thom_Holwerda | ah ok | 01:33 |
Thom_Holwerda | thank you | 01:33 |
surrounder | imi: gentoo has god OpenOffice-bin too | 01:33 |
tinster | no, TreadingSoftly.. | 01:33 |
tinster | Acer | 01:33 |
surrounder | *got | 01:33 |
TreadingSoftly | b_e_n_z: no there are many different models... mine is UK... and not all T40s have ipw2100 of course | 01:33 |
tinster | it's a dual boot. and Windows detects the signal .. | 01:33 |
surrounder | imi: I'd say try them both and see what suits you best | |