=== pampa [~serquicia@c68.112.166.223.dul.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
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abelli | sup yo! | 09:33 |
abelli | enrico: is there any kind of digital documentation in warty's image? | 09:34 |
enrico | abelli: hi | 09:36 |
enrico | abelli: you mean all of the /usr/share/doc? | 09:36 |
abelli | enrico: no, sorry, ive been a little cryptic, is there any guide in there? | 09:36 |
abelli | i humbly dont think so but i just wanted to query the Oracle (you) | 09:37 |
enrico | abelli: uhm, don't know :) | 09:38 |
enrico | Have a tour of the package list, see the -doc packages, grep for guide | 09:39 |
enrico | there could be a gnome user's guide in there | 09:39 |
sivang | enrico: hey! :) | 09:40 |
sivang | enrico: what's up? | 09:40 |
abelli | sivang: thank you.... :'( | 09:41 |
sivang | abelli: what? | 09:41 |
abelli | you're pleasing the Power | 09:41 |
sivang | abelli: what did I do ? (o.o) | 09:41 |
abelli | no words for me.. | 09:41 |
=== hypatia [~mary@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc |
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