randabis | heh it's already been a couple hours I think | 12:00 |
randabis | bootstrapping was quicker :p | 12:00 |
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wm_eddie | I'm right now trying to find a laptop with linux pre-installed. And not some person/company that buys laptops and then installs Linux on them. | 12:01 |
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afonit | element computers | 12:01 |
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randabis | wm_eddie, walmart sells some lol | 12:02 |
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randabis | the laptops themselves are decent, but they have linare or linspire on them :( | 12:02 |
FAST | LinuxJones, i just rebooted. ubuntu went straight to the console login screen. i ran startx, up came gnome... | 12:02 |
tezza | what's the best way to install kde for ubuntu? | 12:03 |
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micahf | hey when is hoary going to be released? | 12:05 |
jdub | www.ubuntu.com/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule | 12:05 |
CarlK | 3 weeks before it is ready ;) | 12:05 |
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wm_eddie | Only the bottom of the line laptop has linspire on it... | 12:09 |
wm_eddie | and no wireless | 12:09 |
baluba | bye | 12:09 |
wm_eddie | http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?product_id=3504708&cat=179113&type=19&dept=3944&path=0%3A3944%3A3951%3A4070%3A179113 | 12:09 |
randabis | wm_eddie, yeah..the higher up one has linare | 12:10 |
=== wm_eddie checks to see what linare is. | ||
wm_eddie | is it linspire 5.0 or something? | 12:10 |
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tezza | once i install applications how do i update the gnome menus ? | 12:12 |
wm_eddie | tezza: They update immediately if the program put something in the menu | 12:13 |
tezza | xmms didn't seem to | 12:13 |
wm_eddie | really... | 12:13 |
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tezza | uhuh | 12:14 |
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kirt | Is anyone else having a problem with current hoary where nautilus windows will sometimes appear underneath other windows? | 12:14 |
fubared | where can I find libdvdcss2 for warty? I see something on the wiki, but the marillat repository is supposedly incompatible for warty | 12:15 |
blah09 | it works fine | 12:15 |
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blah09 | www.ubuntuguide.com | 12:15 |
wm_eddie | http://www.sub300.com/port.htm looks interesting... | 12:16 |
blah09 | 1ghz via? | 12:16 |
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blah09 | but its probably enough for xfce ;) | 12:17 |
wm_eddie | heh, I can run GNOME 2.8 kind of ok on my PII | 12:18 |
wm_eddie | runs xfce4.2 perfect. | 12:18 |
blah09 | yeah fluxbox would be a bit extreme | 12:18 |
=== Crane [~Crane@cable-71-8-46-55.grd.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blah09 | but 100 more for http://www.sub300.com/delport.htm might be better | 12:20 |
blah09 | well 170 more | 12:20 |
wm_eddie | But I'd rather have an HP or something | 12:20 |
blah09 | but at least its reasonably futureproof | 12:20 |
wm_eddie | and I don't like anything bigger than 14" | 12:20 |
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suix | hi | 12:20 |
blah09 | yeah agreed | 12:20 |
blah09 | 14" is pushing it already | 12:21 |
blah09 | ibook is more or less perfect | 12:21 |
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suix | Im using warty and when I open a program that uses wxwindows the letters are shown very little, do u know why? | 12:21 |
suix | is it normal? | 12:22 |
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tezza | anyone familair with laptops/acpi with ubuntu? | 12:23 |
blah09 | very little | 12:24 |
FAST | LinuxJones, i just rebooted. ubuntu went straight to the console login screen. i ran startx, up came gnome... | 12:25 |
FAST | it won't go to the gui login screen automatically | 12:25 |
tezza | well my cpufreq scaling seems to work but i only want it to work when the laptop is running on battery power, how would i go about doing this? | 12:25 |
blah09 | try hitting ctrl-alt-backspace, it should go to the gui login soon | 12:25 |
blah09 | nope no idea how to do that | 12:25 |
blah09 | i kinda like it like that though, so the fan doesnt come on unnecessarily | 12:25 |
blah09 | er, -soon | 12:26 |
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blah09 | afk | 12:26 |
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tezza | what's the best package to install divx/xvid codecs and all the rest of the codecs? | 12:26 |
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wm_eddie | tezza: w32codecs | 12:27 |
wm_eddie | I think | 12:27 |
wm_eddie | I just install that and hope everything works :) | 12:27 |
tezza | where from? | 12:27 |
wm_eddie | Man, even the HP is 15 inches... | 12:27 |
fubared | I just installed xine, xvid and divx play fine in it | 12:27 |
wm_eddie | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 12:28 |
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Ultrahex | hey guyz, i am having some problems during the install of i386 latest version warty UBUNTU .. the accounts could not be created, i am now running in in safe 'mode' command line, how would i add users? | 12:29 |
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fas3r | why when i lauch apt-setup and i choose ftp, the windows switch off? it's impossible to select ftp mode? | 12:29 |
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wm_eddie | Ultrahex: adduser | 12:30 |
Ultrahex | wm_eddie: when i use sudo adduser it said chowd or chood 1000:1000 ... and it fails | 12:30 |
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fas3r | Ultrahex what's u r problem u dont have root account ? | 12:31 |
Ultrahex | fas3r: well im in root@ProjectUnknown | 12:31 |
fas3r | or when u want to conect with su it's fails | 12:32 |
Ultrahex | fas3r: but it doesnt allow me to create still | 12:32 |
mz2 | you don't need to do sudo then | 12:32 |
mz2 | if you're in the single user mode | 12:32 |
Ultrahex | its command-line | 12:32 |
fas3r | ok | 12:32 |
Ultrahex | mz2: i tried both ways , same error | 12:32 |
[Spooky] | Anyone here that are gaming Tactical Ops ? | 12:32 |
kerignell | 'Debootstrap error' 'Failed getting Release file /cdrom/dists//Release.' it says during install, when looking in console that file doesn't seem to exist Can anyone point me to a solution? | 12:33 |
mz2 | Ultrahex, you're probably just a bit fucked then... :) try base-config? | 12:33 |
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Ultrahex | mz2: whats base-config :P | 12:33 |
Ultrahex | ill BRB im gonna try something | 12:34 |
mz2 | just run a command called base-config. it's basically the installer | 12:34 |
Newbi3 | hi | 12:34 |
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Newbi3 | can anyone explain why i can hear a sound of a movie and i can't see any image | 12:35 |
Newbi3 | on totem player | 12:35 |
Newbi3 | :/ | 12:35 |
wm_eddie | Newbi3: Try restarting totem | 12:35 |
wm_eddie | I think it's a bug. | 12:35 |
mz2 | is that a common thing? for me totem sometimes shows just a blue screen and sound works fine, and then when it's restarted everything's fine? | 12:35 |
Newbi3 | humm | 12:37 |
wm_eddie | mz2: Happens to me all the time | 12:37 |
fas3r | localhost kernel: hdc: packet command error: error=0x50 what's that? | 12:37 |
tezza | wm_eddie, thanks for the repo ;oP | 12:37 |
Newbi3 | it's not having it | 12:37 |
wm_eddie | like every first time I run totem per X session | 12:37 |
Newbi3 | i think i need some codecs | 12:38 |
Newbi3 | :S | 12:38 |
wm_eddie | Newbi3: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 12:38 |
wm_eddie | win32codecs | 12:38 |
wm_eddie | but you didn't get that from me >.> | 12:38 |
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fubared | my xine is segfaulting when I try to play a DVD full screen :( | 12:39 |
Newbi3 | good stuff | 12:39 |
jmob | fubared: totem crashes my computer | 12:40 |
tezza | do you have to manually unmount a cdrom in ubuntu? because mine won't eject ;o( | 12:40 |
Newbi3 | are all those codecs wm_eddie? | 12:40 |
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sasquatc4 | anyone gotten the audigyls cards to work, your supposed to be able to specify at configure time to use the audigyls card, but it says card not recognized | 12:41 |
jmob | but that's because the i830 driver sucks | 12:41 |
vjaz | tezza, I think the GUI asks you if you want to unmount it when you close the Nautilus window. I don't think that it'll automatically unmount it when you press eject. | 12:41 |
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vjaz | tezza, It's a bit hazardous to autounmount when pressing eject. | 12:42 |
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tezza | ahhh ok | 12:43 |
fubared | I've never actually gotten totem to play any of my movies | 12:43 |
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wm_eddie | I never had a problem with totem. | 12:44 |
wm_eddie | but all of my friends do... | 12:44 |
fubared | I like gxine though | 12:45 |
fubared | too bad it segfaults playing DVD's | 12:45 |
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JoshA | hello all | 12:47 |
JoshA | I just installed ubuntu, and everything initially worked fine, but now when grub loads at startup, it displays the word 'grub' then restarts my system | 12:47 |
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dottedline | install question? system stalls at: Starting hotplug subsystem - How do I get past this stall? The ubuntuguide doesn't cover this one | 12:47 |
tezza | what do people here use to watch dvd's ? | 12:48 |
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ebone | hey guys ... | 12:49 |
ebone | what's the state of KDE and ubuntu ? | 12:49 |
vjaz | KDE is doing fine I guess, and Ubuntu is not bad either. | 12:50 |
dottedline | ;P | 12:50 |
Stereotype | I think he meant using KDE with Ubuntu.:-p | 12:50 |
ebone | :) | 12:50 |
ebone | yeah, that's what I meant. | 12:50 |
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Stereotype | It works, but not easily. | 12:50 |
=== Ultrahex [NS@CPE00095b574485-CM001225401352.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fubared | I guess building libdvdcss2 from source might help | 12:51 |
Ultrahex | ok i used the alternate adduser it made teh user and i added to group root but it does not let me login using it | 12:51 |
Ultrahex | ^ (person which cannot get it to make accounts / login now) | 12:51 |
Riddell | ebone: warty has KDE 3.2, hoary has KDE 3.3.2 | 12:52 |
Riddell | ebone: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingKDE | 12:53 |
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bulio | too bad my internet won't work in ubuntu | 12:53 |
bulio | :/ | 12:53 |
randabis | hoary has kde 3.3.2 warty has 3.2 | 12:53 |
randabis | crap | 12:54 |
randabis | didn't see that was already posted | 12:54 |
randabis | lol | 12:54 |
ebone | Riddell: thanks | 12:54 |
ebone | Has anyone heard of MEPHIS ? | 12:54 |
njan | ebone, you mean MEPIS? | 12:55 |
Ultrahex | doing "sudo psswd root" will make GNOME login with root/root ? | 12:55 |
Ultrahex | or "sudo/root" (user/pasas) | 12:55 |
randabis | no | 12:55 |
Ultrahex | ok well i have no clue how to fix | 12:55 |
ebone | njan: yeah, that's it. | 12:55 |
tezza | when i try and install mplayer i have all the dependencies but it won't install? can i force it? | 12:55 |
randabis | why do you want to login to gnome as root? | 12:56 |
njan | ebone, yup. KDE-centric, debian-based linux distro. Installs off the livecd, has non-free components. | 12:56 |
ebone | it doesn't look as popular as ubuntu though. | 12:56 |
=== delphi [~delphi@host217-44-227-3.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | it isn't as popular partly because it isn't funded by a millionaire lol | 12:57 |
ebone | ahh ... | 12:57 |
randabis | development is slower too I believe | 12:57 |
ebone | i think i might give this ubuntu a shot ... | 12:57 |
randabis | there are more ubuntu developers I believe | 12:57 |
ebone | i've been using debian for a few years, but am a little tired with it being so conservative. | 12:57 |
randabis | ubuntu hoary might just be up your alley :p | 12:58 |
randabis | or gentoo :) | 12:58 |
delphi | does ubuntu live cd work ok with nvidia cards? we have 2 machines here, and it won't boot into a gui properly on either. | 12:58 |
randabis | delphi, depends on what nvidia card and which version of the livecd | 12:58 |
ebone | i thought about gentoo .... but i already know apt-get/dpkg management system. | 12:59 |
randabis | ebone, :) both portage and apt rock | 12:59 |
delphi | latest live cd from the website "warty" 4.10 i think, nvidia gfore 4 mx and 5700 | 12:59 |
redrum | What program can I use to play shoutcast streams? | 12:59 |
randabis | delphi, might wanna try one of the hoary livecds | 12:59 |
delphi | ah, ok. sounds like a plan. on the main website? | 12:59 |
ebone | i take it you can use apt-get to install packages ? | 12:59 |
randabis | redrum, xmms, streamtuner, rhythmbox, etc | 12:59 |
ebone | apt-get, apt-cache, all that ... | 01:00 |
randabis | delphi, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary | 01:00 |
randabis | should be a livecd directory | 01:00 |
randabis | or one within snapshots | 01:00 |
redrum | randabis: with xmms, can I get a list of all the streams? | 01:00 |
delphi | randabis: thank you. i'll download and try | 01:00 |
vjaz | Anyone here run Ubuntu on less than 256MB of RAM? | 01:01 |
ebone | just how "unstable" is unstable guys ? | 01:01 |
ebone | trying to decide if i should go with hoary or warty ? | 01:01 |
randabis | delphi, here's a link to the latest | 01:01 |
randabis | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-4/hoary-live-i386.iso | 01:01 |
vjaz | I'm interested if it's bearable. I have an old laptop with only 128MB of RAM that I would rather like installing Ubuntu on, but I'm afraid that the RAM is not enough for running GNOME. | 01:01 |
randabis | ebone, depends on what you mean by unstable | 01:02 |
speel | vjaz: yea min is like 128 | 01:02 |
ebone | randabis: that's what I'm trying to figure out :) | 01:02 |
Xappe | vjaz, you could try, and if it's slow change to xfce | 01:02 |
delphi | randabis: thanks, coming down now. | 01:02 |
randabis | vjaz, do a custom install and choose a different wm | 01:02 |
vjaz | Xappe, Maybe. | 01:02 |
vjaz | Well yes, a custom install is a choice. | 01:02 |
randabis | ebone, what is "stable" to you? | 01:02 |
ebone | do they mean some apps will just act "quirky" sometimes ... | 01:03 |
delphi | at the risk of getting flamed. does kde work fine on it? | 01:03 |
vjaz | I actually currently do use XFCE. | 01:03 |
randabis | ebone, it means that packages change often, a lot of times daily | 01:03 |
randabis | delphi, kde isn't on the livecd | 01:03 |
delphi | randabis: sure, I understand that. but, if i was to install, I presume it's just an apt-get away? | 01:04 |
randabis | delphi, sure. I usually perform daily apt-get dist-upgrades | 01:04 |
vjaz | How well does XFCE fit in Ubuntu? Do menus get updated automatically, etc? | 01:04 |
randabis | but you don't have to be as vigorous as me | 01:04 |
randabis | vjaz, yes I believe so | 01:04 |
vjaz | Ok. | 01:05 |
vjaz | Doesn't sound that bad. | 01:05 |
randabis | it has xfce 4...I think you'll need to get the latest elsewhere if you want it | 01:05 |
delphi | i'm suprised it has reached 5th spot on distrowatch. must be pretty good | 01:05 |
randabis | delphi, it's the best debian-based distro out there imho | 01:05 |
randabis | I'm starting to like gentoo even more though for the speed. :) | 01:06 |
randabis | gentoo is noticably faster for me than ubuntu | 01:06 |
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delphi | randabis: sounds interesting. have you tried/compared it with mepis? | 01:06 |
ebone | randabis: will most apps run "smoothly" with warty ? | 01:06 |
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randabis | I've checked out mepis live...didn't use it too long | 01:06 |
redrum | some people I've talked to are telling me I should install freeBSD instead of ubuntu... | 01:06 |
randabis | ebone, sure, but they are old | 01:06 |
vjaz | The thing is I'm planning on installing it to my parents and I would much rather have them use a "standard" installation. | 01:07 |
delphi | randabis: not keen on it? | 01:07 |
ebone | ohh, maybe i meant hoary. | 01:07 |
randabis | redrum, freebsd is nice, but linux is better in terms of hardware compatibility | 01:07 |
randabis | delphi, no, mostly because of kde and the layout | 01:07 |
redrum | ok | 01:07 |
randabis | ebone, hoary is very smooth imho...I have it on 3 systems without a hitch | 01:07 |
ebone | cool ... i might as well go with that then ... | 01:08 |
redrum | my buddy was just telling me that freebsd can compile linux binaries, and also that the latest version somehow allows windows hardware drivers... | 01:08 |
delphi | randabis: fair enough. I must admit, the layout of the screen shots for ubunto seem very well thought out. | 01:08 |
ebone | i don't mind the occational app being a bit buggy this way or that ... | 01:08 |
ebone | so long as it's not a constant thing. | 01:08 |
mz2 | randabis, does hoary already have the gnome 2.10 beta 2? | 01:08 |
randabis | ebone, the most problems you'll have is with software in universe, but it isn't that bad | 01:08 |
ebone | i guess from a security standpoint the stable version is better. | 01:09 |
ebone | if your using it as a server or something. | 01:09 |
randabis | mz2 yes..hoary follows gnome's development branch very closely...one of gnome's head developers is also a ubuntu developer | 01:09 |
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randabis | ebone, to an extent probably so | 01:09 |
ebone | hell ... i may just use enlightenment :) | 01:10 |
mz2 | randabis, how about X.org 6.8.2? :) | 01:10 |
randabis | not yet | 01:10 |
ebone | yeah, how about X.org ? | 01:10 |
randabis | I don't think it will make it | 01:10 |
randabis | 6.8.1 is in there though | 01:10 |
randabis | 6.8.2 is in gentoo now though | 01:10 |
ebone | shoot ... debian doesn't have an X.org packages even for unstable yet. | 01:10 |
ebone | last i checked anyways. | 01:10 |
mz2 | ok... well, i'll soon find out... my dist-upgrade is now at about 68% :) | 01:10 |
randabis | if you use ~86 keywords | 01:10 |
Xappe | xorg 6.8.2 will be in hoary soon | 01:11 |
mz2 | will it? oh cool | 01:11 |
randabis | I was thinking about recompiling xorg to check out 6.8.2 | 01:11 |
randabis | Xappe, you sure? feature freeze happened yesterday I think | 01:11 |
Xappe | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14994 | 01:11 |
randabis | ok | 01:11 |
ebone | Is that live cd worth the extra 100 MB ? | 01:11 |
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-183-182.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ebone | it is a live/install CD i take it ? | 01:12 |
ebone | based on Knoppix probabaly ? | 01:12 |
randabis | great | 01:12 |
bascule | anyone else have a segfaulting xmms in hoary? | 01:12 |
bascule | like not even starting just segfault | 01:13 |
randabis | ebone, it's just a demonstation cd..you can't install with it | 01:13 |
randabis | bascule, do you have libmikmod2? | 01:13 |
Neill_ | bascule: mine starts | 01:13 |
ebone | ahh ... good thing you told me. | 01:13 |
bascule | dunno actually, I'll check | 01:13 |
randabis | if you don't have libmikmod2 then xmms will seg fault | 01:13 |
randabis | it really should be automatically be added to xmms as a meta package | 01:14 |
randabis | bad sentence :/ | 01:14 |
bascule | OK, glad I could help, it was weird cause I built 1.2.10 from source and it did the same thing | 01:14 |
mz2 | does anybody know of OO.o snapshot releases for ubuntu/debian? | 01:15 |
randabis | hoary has the latest oo.o 1.9 something | 01:17 |
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mz2 | cool! | 01:17 |
randabis | it also has 1.1.4 I think | 01:17 |
mz2 | along with 1.1.x ? | 01:17 |
mz2 | good | 01:17 |
FAST | can anyone help? i installed some xfce packages, but now when i reboot the computer, ubuntu stays at the console terminal login. it does not boot into the gui login screen like normal. how can i fix this? | 01:17 |
randabis | I think it has one of the 1.1's...can't remember if it is 1.1.3 or 4 | 01:17 |
mz2 | after the dist-upgrade is finished, do i have to do something else before hoary is "properly" set up? | 01:17 |
randabis | I can't check right now either because I'm in gentoo and actually compiling openoffice as we speak | 01:17 |
marioch | hello I have a BCM4306 wireles card, and I'm having problems to get it work on ubuntu hoary array4 | 01:17 |
delphi | randabis: will a daily upgrade keep hoary completely up-to-date? | 01:18 |
randabis | mz2, reboot...that's should do it | 01:18 |
randabis | delphi, yep, as long as there were updates that day | 01:18 |
marioch | I did install ndiswrapper and the windows drivers, but the card doesn't work | 01:18 |
randabis | brb | 01:19 |
randabis | food | 01:19 |
marioch | any hint/help wil be appreciated | 01:19 |
delphi | randabis: and that's for hoary as well as the debian archives? in other words, when gnome 2.10 beta 3 comes out, it will update that to? | 01:20 |
delphi | .. even though it's not in debian unstable? | 01:21 |
mz2 | will OpenOffice 2 release be somewhere roundabout when Hoary is released? | 01:21 |
jdub | delphi: seb packages all the gnome stuff as soon as it arrives, and not just in the big batches | 01:22 |
jdub | mz2: roughly, yes. | 01:22 |
jdub | delphi: debian doesn't put pre-release stuff in sid | 01:22 |
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stuNNed | jdub! | 01:22 |
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delphi | jdub: i know. i'm just trying to get my head around a distro that's so "up-to-date" but still based on debian :) | 01:23 |
jdub | delphi: debian is generally very up to date | 01:23 |
jdub | delphi: we just happen to ship pre-releases | 01:23 |
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jdub | in preparation for our final release | 01:24 |
delphi | cool. thanks for everyones help. catch you later | 01:24 |
=== zhukov_ [~zhukov@bl5-40-173.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zhukov_ | Hi | 01:25 |
ebone | man kids ... that's one fast download ... they have some speedy servers. | 01:25 |
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ebone | is the warty install CD going to choke on my nvidia card ? | 01:26 |
ebone | chipset i should say. | 01:26 |
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gen | How can I share more than just my home directory with samba | 01:27 |
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stuNNed | jdub: can you do me quick fav? | 01:32 |
stuNNed | gen: sure, set up your shares in /etc/samba/smb.conf :) | 01:33 |
gen | stunned, what do you mean | 01:33 |
gen | ive already set it up, i have home directory shared fine | 01:33 |
stuNNed | ok then just share your home directory. | 01:33 |
gen | i asked how to share more than the home dir | 01:34 |
gen | that was my question.. | 01:34 |
Xappe | ebone, i have nforce2 and no problems...though I'm running Hoary since a couple of months now | 01:34 |
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stuNNed | yes you can, add a share to that file i mentioned | 01:34 |
gen | .. | 01:35 |
cuga | gen.. just open that file, look at the line that is specifing how your home dir is share, and just mirror it with whatever else you want to share | 01:36 |
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Torakiky | hi | 01:42 |
Torakiky | can someone help me? | 01:43 |
ssam | whats the problem | 01:44 |
CarlK | yes | 01:44 |
CarlK | you need to type some keys | 01:44 |
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grogoreo | hi | 01:45 |
=== pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cuga | Array-4 burning as we speak :D | 01:45 |
pvh | Someone recommended a digital camera tool to me the other day F-<something> | 01:45 |
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pvh | Can anyone refresh my memory? I'm looking for a gnomish tool to move images automatically off my camera. | 01:46 |
grogoreo | I'm trying to get libwxgtk2.3-python but dont know where I can use apt to get it | 01:46 |
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pvh | (And name them nicely, etc.) | 01:46 |
Torakiky | I got an error with apt | 01:46 |
hypatia | pvh: F-spot I think. | 01:46 |
cuga | grogorea, package names are pretty much the same from debian to ubuntu so just use http://packages.debian.org and check out what packagename would be for that | 01:46 |
pvh | hypatia: That was probably it, thanks. | 01:46 |
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pvh | hypatia: I didn't see it listed in Synaptic... I wonder why. | 01:47 |
grogoreo | cuga: thanks, ill have a look | 01:47 |
hypatia | pvh: http://www.gnome.org/projects/f-spot/ -- I don't know if there are packages. | 01:47 |
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pvh | hypatia: On it. Thanks. :) | 01:47 |
Torakiky | who use hoary? | 01:48 |
mike998 | is amyone having problems using xine to play dvds under hoary? | 01:49 |
=== acs good bye | ||
=== Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[Spooky] | anyone playing Tactical Ops in Ubuntu here ? | 01:53 |
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restrex | where is my xorg startup script? | 01:53 |
grogoreo | in apt, is there a search function? I've looked on packages.debian.org and found the package I want, but when I try apt-get install it cant find it. Or is it possible to do apt-get install http://package.directory.com/package-1.2 etc? | 01:53 |
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scognito_ | hi all | 01:54 |
[Spooky] | grogoreo: sudo apt-cache search name | 01:54 |
grogoreo | great thanks Spooky | 01:54 |
scognito_ | any way to use framebuffer devices without recompiling the kernel? (using nvidia or matrox card) | 01:54 |
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randabis | there's a ubuntu version of packages.debian.org also | 01:55 |
randabis | http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ | 01:55 |
grogoreo | randabis: thanks, is it easy to put more servers in the configs? | 01:56 |
pvh | This is REALLY strange but great. I put a memory module into my laptop that was apparently incompatible with it, fired up memtest86 and it crashed. | 01:56 |
pvh | I rebooted, tried a few random tests to make it crash again, but it wouldn't. | 01:56 |
pvh | Now it reports 256mb (instead of the truth, 384) and works fine... | 01:57 |
randabis | grogoreo, yes, but I don't recommend mixing debian and ubuntu stuff together | 01:58 |
Valador | Hi. I have just installed Ubuntu on one of my PC's. I have tried since this morning to get it to work, and the guides on the website don't help me. When the computer is booting, I get the error, "I cannot start the X server (your graphical interface) It is likely that it is not set correctly. It then asks if you would like to view the server output to diagnose the problem. If you click yes, it shows a window with nothing in it, and if you click no, it goes | 01:58 |
randabis | you should keep straight ubuntu as much you can | 01:59 |
Valador | how do i fix this problem? | 01:59 |
randabis | Valador, what version of ubuntu? | 01:59 |
=== Carorion [C_Matrix@c-d402e055.08-29-6f736412.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grogoreo | randabis: ive again found the package on ubuntu package search, but it now says that I can not install it (I have an error message) | 01:59 |
Valador | not sure. I think it is the most recent version | 02:00 |
randabis | what package? | 02:00 |
grogoreo | libwxgtk2.4-python | 02:00 |
Carorion | evening/mornin chan | 02:00 |
Valador | just a sec | 02:00 |
randabis | grogoreo, hmm, it should work...what is the error? | 02:00 |
Valador | the iso says , warty-release-install-i386.iso | 02:00 |
grogoreo | randabis: shall I PM it you? | 02:00 |
randabis | Valador, okay...you could try this | 02:00 |
randabis | grogoreo, sure | 02:01 |
randabis | I don't know if I can help, but I might be able to track down the prob | 02:01 |
Valador | ok | 02:01 |
randabis | Valador, try this | 02:01 |
kerignell | can i instruct the installer to grab base system via network instead od CD? (i started with cd) | 02:01 |
Valador | i'm not sure | 02:01 |
Valador | it is not on the computer I am using, but i do have a network | 02:02 |
randabis | at the command prompt, type sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 02:02 |
grogoreo | Reading Package Lists... Done | 02:02 |
grogoreo | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 02:02 |
grogoreo | E: Couldn't find package libwxgtk2.4 | 02:02 |
grogoreo | root@GCOMP2:/home/grogoreo # apt-cache search libwxgtk2.4 | 02:02 |
grogoreo | root@GCOMP2:/home/grogoreo # apt-cache search libwxgtk | 02:02 |
grogoreo | root@GCOMP2:/home/grogoreo # apt-cache search libwxgtk2.4-python | 02:02 |
grogoreo | root@GCOMP2:/home/grogoreo # apt-get install libwxgtk2.4-python | 02:02 |
grogoreo | Reading Package Lists... Done | 02:02 |
grogoreo | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 02:02 |
grogoreo | Package libwxgtk2.4-python is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:02 |
randabis | hey | 02:02 |
grogoreo | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:02 |
grogoreo | is only available from another source | 02:02 |
grogoreo | E: Package libwxgtk2.4-python has no installation candidate | 02:02 |
randabis | don't paste that in chan | 02:02 |
grogoreo | eek! Sorry | 02:02 |
randabis | Valador, at the command prompt, type sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 02:02 |
grogoreo | i thought i was messaging you | 02:02 |
Valador | ok | 02:03 |
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randabis | Valador, navigate down to the device section...what driver does it say you are using? | 02:03 |
Valador | is the command prompt supposed to say something like, MSHOME login: | 02:03 |
randabis | you have to login with your username and password | 02:03 |
Ultrahex | im having a problem with UBUNTU not being able to make accounts on installtion, then being able to make accounts(command line), but unable to login with that info in Login GUI | 02:04 |
Valador | it won't let me. I can type in the user name, but no passwork | 02:04 |
Valador | password | 02:04 |
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Ultrahex | Valador: it seems --disable-password was used when making account (I AM A NEWBIE I COULD BE WRONG!?!) | 02:05 |
ebone | if ubuntu installer ncurses/text based ? | 02:05 |
jdub | yes | 02:05 |
ebone | is, rather. | 02:05 |
ebone | cool. | 02:05 |
jdub | but is really simple and quick | 02:05 |
Valador | I can't type anything for the password, the keyboard won't let me | 02:05 |
=== Ultrahex wonders if anyone even say my message | ||
Ultrahex | saw* | 02:06 |
ebone | looks a lot like debian debconf. | 02:06 |
randabis | Valador, it is typing, you just don't see the characters | 02:06 |
Valador | ok. let me try | 02:06 |
Valador | it says login incorrect | 02:07 |
randabis | make sure you typed the right username and password | 02:07 |
Valador | do capitals matter? | 02:07 |
randabis | YES | 02:07 |
Valador | ok | 02:07 |
randabis | unix is case sensitive | 02:07 |
Torakiky | does anyone know how to configure default sound card on the alsa mixer? | 02:07 |
jdub | unix is sensitive | 02:07 |
jdub | often about case | 02:07 |
jdub | ;-) | 02:07 |
=== Ultrahex wonders if i should say again .... me trying to get help message | ||
Carorion | Since I can't seem to find this in the documentation already, I'm getting packet checksum errors, I've burned 3 cds they all fail at different points, anyone have an automagic fix for this? :) | 02:08 |
Valador | Ok. I am in | 02:08 |
Ultrahex | im having a problem with UBUNTU not being able to make accounts on installtion, then being able to make accounts(command line), but unable to login with that info in Login GUI | 02:08 |
randabis | Valador, at the command prompt, type sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 02:08 |
randabis | Valador, navigate down to the device section...what driver does it say you are using? | 02:08 |
ebone | hey guys ... | 02:08 |
randabis | yeah? | 02:08 |
Torakiky | does anyone know how to configure default sound card on the alsa mixer? | 02:09 |
ebone | he sounds like he is going to wack my entire partition table ? | 02:09 |
ebone | is this an idle threat ? | 02:09 |
ebone | i just want to make a change or two, not wack the whole thing. | 02:09 |
Valador | it doesn't say anything | 02:10 |
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Valador | G.N.U nana 1.2.3 | 02:10 |
wm_eddie | randabis: It's better to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree or something like that. | 02:10 |
bascule | Torakiky: alsaconf | 02:10 |
Ultrahex | wow... anyone want to help me :( | 02:10 |
speel | Ultrahex: whats the problem? | 02:10 |
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ssam | ultrahex, if nobody knows the answer now then try later | 02:10 |
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randabis | wm_eddie, maybe, but ubuntu desktop might now have installed | 02:11 |
ssam | or ask in the forums/mailing lists | 02:11 |
bubbannga | bascule, i have been told to do that alsaconf before is that a file or a shell command or what cause i never could find it | 02:11 |
randabis | Valador, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:11 |
Ultrahex | speel: i cannot login ... cause no accounts could be created on install | 02:11 |
ebone | i'm confused about the partitioning step here guys ... | 02:11 |
Valador | what do you mean | 02:11 |
randabis | exit nano first | 02:11 |
speel | can you get into the console? | 02:11 |
bubbannga | i see nothing in the effect of alsaconf in alsa-utils | 02:11 |
randabis | CTRL+X | 02:11 |
Ultrahex | speel: and i created accoutns manually command-line and they dont let me login in the GNOME GUI | 02:11 |
bascule | bubbannga: its a command | 02:11 |
speel | hmm | 02:11 |
bubbannga | what package by chance? | 02:11 |
speel | what happens when you type startx? | 02:11 |
bubbannga | cause i have bee looking for it | 02:11 |
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bascule | bubbannga: from alsa-utils | 02:12 |
Torakiky | bascule: bash: alsaconf: command not found | 02:12 |
ebone | it looks like he wants to wipe the entire part. table or nothing ... | 02:12 |
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bubbannga | i can look again but i don't see i there let me try again | 02:12 |
ebone | isn't there something in the middle ? | 02:12 |
Ultrahex | speel: startx? is that to me speel ? | 02:12 |
bascule | Torakiky: alsa-utils | 02:12 |
wm_eddie | bubbannga: It's has been removed from alsa-utils | 02:12 |
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ebone | fdisk from busybox isn't seeing my disk either. | 02:12 |
Valador | ok | 02:12 |
randabis | ebone, you'll need to resize your partition before the install | 02:12 |
wm_eddie | get the source.deb and build it | 02:12 |
bubbannga | ok thats what i thought but wasn't sure if i was missing something | 02:12 |
Valador | so type what | 02:12 |
speel | ultrahex: like login via terminal the type startx | 02:12 |
wm_eddie | then you'll get alsaconf | 02:12 |
ebone | randabis: thanks ... :) no prob. | 02:12 |
Torakiky | bascule: bash: alsa-utils: command not found | 02:12 |
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Torakiky | :| | 02:12 |
bubbannga | ok get it off of of debians site? | 02:13 |
bascule | wm_eddie: why on earth did the remove alsaconf!!!??? | 02:13 |
bubbannga | or do you have a url by chance? | 02:13 |
randabis | Valador, did you exit nano? | 02:13 |
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stuNNed | jdub: hi | 02:13 |
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Valador | yes | 02:13 |
randabis | Valador, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:13 |
Ultrahex | speel: ... ok ... so go into terminal (safemode thingo) and type startx? | 02:13 |
wm_eddie | bascule: "Because it's old and buggy" | 02:13 |
jdub | hi | 02:13 |
Valador | i am at commant line | 02:13 |
randabis | okay | 02:13 |
speel | yea try that | 02:13 |
wm_eddie | bascule: "And Unecessary" | 02:13 |
Ultrahex | speel: BRB | 02:13 |
randabis | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:13 |
speel | k | 02:13 |
bubbannga | ok then that means i will not install it what is used then wm_eddie? | 02:13 |
bascule | <-- has found alsaconf useful ... | 02:13 |
bubbannga | cause i would like to configure my default sound like him | 02:13 |
Valador | ok it is loading. | 02:14 |
bubbannga | i hate having to slide 3 sliders to control volume | 02:14 |
bloggs | Hi all - anyone has problems with ubuntu freezing and requiring a reset or reboot? | 02:14 |
wm_eddie | bubbannga: I just built it from source, but it still didn't work. | 02:14 |
bubbannga | pcm-2 controls my subwoofer on the laptop and then mono master controls the smaller speakers go figure | 02:14 |
randabis | Valador what does it say? is it downloading stuff? | 02:14 |
bubbannga | ok thats fine i was just wondering what you recommended | 02:14 |
bubbannga | since you said it was useless | 02:14 |
Valador | it says setting up and then a whole bunch of stuff | 02:15 |
randabis | okay great | 02:15 |
randabis | that's why you didn't have an xserver | 02:15 |
Valador | ok | 02:15 |
wm_eddie | bubbannga: Check the Ubuntu wiki or forums for info on how to get your card to work. | 02:15 |
randabis | after it finishes you might need to reboot the computer | 02:15 |
Valador | how long will it take | 02:15 |
wm_eddie | or check the alsa wiki | 02:15 |
Valador | ok | 02:15 |
randabis | Valador, it varies | 02:15 |
bubbannga | well card works and i ahve sund just two different sliders control sound its not mapped to the master | 02:16 |
Valador | i have a amd k6-2. I think it will take a while | 02:16 |
bubbannga | but i will look | 02:16 |
fubared | how can I clean out all the -dev packages I've installed with apt-get dep-build? | 02:16 |
randabis | Valador, probably 30 minutes at the most...likely shorter | 02:16 |
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randabis | fubared, possibly apt-get clean | 02:16 |
Valador | ok | 02:16 |
randabis | dunno | 02:17 |
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randabis | maybe there's an apt-get depclean too not sure | 02:17 |
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Valador | how long have you been using Linux. I just started today | 02:17 |
randabis | About 3 years | 02:17 |
Valador | so you are like an expert then? | 02:17 |
randabis | I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I know my way around | 02:18 |
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randabis | I've used a lot of different distros n'such...finally have decided on 2 I like best | 02:18 |
bloggs | Hi - anyone having problems with random freezing of ubuntu? | 02:19 |
grogoreo | bloggs: i think I have had that once | 02:19 |
randabis | bloggs, my laptop has frozen once...that's about it | 02:19 |
randabis | oh, I had a freeze on this desktop when I unplogged an ipod without unmounting it first too | 02:19 |
randabis | lolz | 02:19 |
jontiz | can i instruct the installer to grab base system via network instead od Cd? | 02:20 |
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thundrcleeze | hi | 02:20 |
speel | Ultrahex: wb | 02:20 |
bascule | bubbannga: alsamixer -D | 02:20 |
Ultrahex | speel: im back ... startx unknown command | 02:20 |
fubared | hmm, I don't think apt-get clean did it | 02:20 |
speel | hmm weird | 02:20 |
randabis | jontiz, I don't think so...if you're using warty it isn't going to matter much anyway | 02:20 |
zhukov_ | YEAHHH!! | 02:20 |
thundrcleeze | I've got a small problem here. What does it mean by "cannot read .ICEAuthority" | 02:21 |
Ultrahex | speel: adduser error is "chown 1002:1002 /home/me: Operation not permited" hoewever useradd works | 02:21 |
zhukov_ | Finally solves the firefox sound problems - hoary | 02:21 |
randabis | fubared, yeah I think that clean just cleans out the apt cache | 02:21 |
EfaistOs | does someone have an ipod shuffle that works under linux ? | 02:21 |
speel | ah man i wish i can help more but i have no clue try linuxquestions.org | 02:21 |
=== Scognito [~utdut@host9-139.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bloggs | I'm not sure if it is overheating of the CPU, or a memory problem - but I dual boot with WinXP and no problems with XP. Is ubuntu more sensitive to bad memory? | 02:21 |
randabis | useradd is the correct syntax anyway | 02:21 |
Ultrahex | randabis: then why cant i use the accounts i make to login to GUI | 02:22 |
Ultrahex | ? | 02:22 |
randabis | bloggs, possibly...might want to run memtest on your system overnight | 02:22 |
randabis | Ultrahex they probably aren't in the correct groups | 02:22 |
Ultrahex | randabis: i added to root | 02:22 |
randabis | it needs to be in some others too I believe | 02:23 |
Ultrahex | randabis: also i made a default group and tried ... same thing , what do i need to add to ? | 02:23 |
randabis | you can check in /etc/group | 02:23 |
Ultrahex | !!! | 02:23 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: is this a new user? | 02:23 |
bloggs | randabis: yeah ok, I'll run memtest and see what it comes up with. Thanks | 02:24 |
randabis | there's a video group, audio, etc | 02:24 |
thundrcleeze | no, bascule | 02:24 |
Valador | Hey randabis, got a question. When is says configuring xserver- xf ree86, use kernel framebuffer device interface, what should I put. I have an integrated 8mb video card. Yes or No? | 02:24 |
bubbannga | any upgraded to alsa 1.0.8? | 02:24 |
randabis | Valador, you can safely choose either I believe...probably best to use no on the safe side...ubuntu doesn't use the framebuffer anyway I don't think | 02:25 |
Valador | so choose no, it says yes is reccommended | 02:25 |
bubbannga | and bascule the mono slider on that works for my front speakers but the sigmatel pcm-2 works for the back speakers strange | 02:25 |
randabis | well, it "should" work with yes | 02:26 |
Valador | ok | 02:26 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: ls -l ~/.ICEauthority | 02:26 |
randabis | I'm just saying no would be safer | 02:26 |
bascule | check the premissions | 02:26 |
bascule | other tha that it's in /tmp/.ICE-unix/ | 02:26 |
kerignell | randabis: the problem is it cant read the cd, but i have network up and running, is it possible to change debootstraps (?) source from cd to network? | 02:26 |
bascule | remove a socket, after killing X with init 3 as root from a second vc | 02:26 |
randabis | kerignell, I really don't know...maybe in theory. you'd need to ask a developer about it | 02:27 |
kerignell | hehe | 02:27 |
randabis | they'd probably know more than me | 02:27 |
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kerignell | thank you | 02:27 |
Valador | what should I set for the keyboard? pc101? | 02:27 |
thundrcleeze | Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, bascule, I'm running hoary | 02:28 |
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Valador | I think i have a pc104 | 02:28 |
randabis | defaults should be okay if you use a standard US keyboard | 02:28 |
randabis | use pc104 then I guess. I think that's the number of keys | 02:28 |
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randabis | OMG | 02:28 |
randabis | openoffice finally finished compiling | 02:29 |
randabis | it took about 4 and a half hours | 02:29 |
bubbannga | open office is sweet i like it | 02:29 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: dist-upgrade? | 02:29 |
Valador | what should i put for the mouse? /dev/input/mice? | 02:29 |
thundrcleeze | yes, bascule | 02:29 |
bascule | do you have a ~/.ICEauthority ? | 02:30 |
bubbannga | when is hoary expected to be nonbeta? | 02:30 |
bascule | were you in a GUI when you upgraded it? | 02:30 |
randabis | hoary will be released in early april | 02:30 |
bubbannga | ok thanks | 02:30 |
bascule | <-- remebers a knoppix hd install that did this and was unfixable | 02:30 |
thundrcleeze | yes, but it was working before, I didn't just upgrade it | 02:30 |
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bubbannga | that ICEauthority gets me at times | 02:31 |
bubbannga | i hve to boot to root and chmod it to my user name | 02:31 |
bubbannga | only way it will let me back in | 02:31 |
Valador | Randabis, should I put the default for the mouse? | 02:31 |
bubbannga | if yoru burning or whatever k3b will change it to root | 02:31 |
bubbannga | for some reason | 02:31 |
randabis | Valador, yeah defaults usually work ok | 02:31 |
randabis | unless you have a special mouse | 02:31 |
Valador | no. two button | 02:32 |
randabis | then standard defaults should be fine | 02:32 |
LinuxJones | bubbannga, just delete the fiel it will be re-created automatically | 02:32 |
thundrcleeze | no, I don't seem to have it, bascule | 02:32 |
bubbannga | ok didn't know it would regenerate | 02:32 |
bubbannga | thats good to k now | 02:32 |
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bubbannga | thanks | 02:32 |
LinuxJones | bubbannga, :) | 02:32 |
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bubbannga | with new drivers | 02:33 |
bubbannga | haha | 02:33 |
=== Ultrahex [NS@CPE00095b574485-CM001225401352.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ultrahex | well that error has ruined my entire LINUX 'experience' | 02:33 |
Ultrahex | wasted 5 hrs of my life ontop of that | 02:33 |
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Valador | Randavus, it is now at the command prompt | 02:34 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: you have no .ICEauthority in you r home directory? | 02:34 |
bubbannga | hmm oh well i have yet to figure this sound thing out | 02:34 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: please put my nick at the front of the message, I use irssi and it only highlights that way | 02:34 |
bubbannga | i get sound it works fine but i hve to slide 2 sliders instead of one master | 02:34 |
bubbannga | the master doesn't work at all | 02:34 |
thundrcleeze | bascule, yes, I found it | 02:35 |
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randabis | valador you should reboot the computer now | 02:35 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: ??? now I'm lost ... | 02:35 |
Valador | ok | 02:35 |
thundrcleeze | bascule, I found the .ICEauthority in my home dir | 02:35 |
Valador | flick the switch, or type something in? | 02:35 |
randabis | you could type reboot if you want | 02:36 |
Valador | ok | 02:36 |
bascule | sudo chown <username> ~/ICEauthority | 02:36 |
randabis | or hit CTRL ALT DELETE | 02:36 |
bascule | thundrcleeze: ^ | 02:36 |
randabis | either | 02:36 |
thundrcleeze | bascule, I'll try that | 02:36 |
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Valador | ok | 02:36 |
Ultrahex | ok this is extermely pissing me off ... and no one knows why its happening ... maybe its just cause UBUNTU new version has major errors int it ? | 02:36 |
bascule | missed the . but I think you got it | 02:36 |
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LinuxJones | Ultrahex, what's wrong ? | 02:37 |
Ultrahex | i cant make accounts/cannot login in with them | 02:37 |
thundrcleeze | bascule, I found .ICEauthority but not /ICEauthority | 02:37 |
LinuxJones | Ultrahex, what errors are you getting ? | 02:38 |
Ultrahex | chown 1002:1002 Operation was not permitted | 02:38 |
Ultrahex | but if i use useradd it works fine and i cant use the login info to login | 02:38 |
LinuxJones | Ultrahex, your doing this in an admin shell right ? | 02:38 |
Ultrahex | yes recovery mode of UBUNTU | 02:39 |
LinuxJones | Ultrahex, err console | 02:39 |
thundrcleeze | bascule: okay, I think I changed it | 02:39 |
LinuxJones | Ultrahex, why are you in recovery mode ? | 02:39 |
Ultrahex | LiniuxJones: how else do i get in ? | 02:39 |
Ultrahex | LinuxJones: there is no accounts to login with cause setup did not make them | 02:39 |
thundrcleeze | bascule: I'll try it out then | 02:40 |
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bascule | yeah | 02:40 |
LinuxJones | Ultrahex, start the install process again and start over | 02:40 |
Ultrahex | LinuxJones: ........ NOT AGAIN .... well if you fix me after cause i want to run at 1600x1200 | 02:40 |
Ultrahex | cause i know i am compatible ive had it installed before | 02:40 |
Ultrahex | ok ill be back in 20 min | 02:41 |
Ultrahex | and if it doesnt work | 02:41 |
Ultrahex | im gonna smash my pc | 02:41 |
Valador | IT WORKS!!!!! | 02:41 |
Valador | FINALY!!!! | 02:41 |
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zenrox | how do i install ubuntu warty to get it to use the free driver for my nv gf fx5200 pci | 02:41 |
thundrcleeze | bascule, that seemed to do it, thanks | 02:41 |
bascule | np | 02:42 |
bascule | seen it before .. :) | 02:42 |
thundrcleeze | bascule, any idea how that happened? | 02:42 |
LinuxJones | zenrox, it should to that for you automatically | 02:42 |
zenrox | its not | 02:42 |
bascule | upgrade to a new X it probably didn't like it | 02:42 |
thundrcleeze | okay. | 02:42 |
zenrox | LinuxJones, it not its using the driver for the agp card that also hapends to be nivida too | 02:43 |
zenrox | tnt2 | 02:43 |
bascule | it's like a passport to start X, new X new [assport or something | 02:43 |
LinuxJones | zenrox, cat /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | grep Driver | 02:43 |
bascule | Passport* | 02:43 |
zenrox | LinuxJones, this is the warty live cd atm | 02:43 |
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LinuxJones | zenrox, that's another problem :D | 02:44 |
mike998_ | whois Ultrahex | 02:44 |
LinuxJones | zenrox, it is probably using agpgart | 02:44 |
mike998_ | okay.. is Ultrahex still here? | 02:44 |
Valador | This is cool. I really like the GUI. | 02:45 |
LinuxJones | mike998_, he went to do a re-install | 02:45 |
zenrox | LinuxJones, ya intel-agpgart | 02:45 |
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bascule | mike998_: 01:41 -!- Ultrahex [NS@CPE00095b574485-CM001225401352.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit | 02:45 |
mike998_ | cheers, mate... I was AFK and was gonna try to help him | 02:45 |
zenrox | LinuxJones, i can get it to boot but it will not use fx5200 | 02:46 |
LinuxJones | zenrox, don't worry about that right now, go here and install the nvidia drivers >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto/view?searchterm=nvidia | 02:46 |
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LinuxJones | zenrox, copy or print off the instructions if need be it will work :) | 02:47 |
randabis | Valador, you got in? awesome glad I could help you experience ubuntu | 02:47 |
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SeanQ | Hey from Fedora Core 3. | 02:48 |
randabis | yuck | 02:48 |
SeanQ | I'm actually considering a move to Ubuntu..what should I know? What are some perks and downfalls of Ubuntu? | 02:48 |
bascule | perks: no fedora core 3 | 02:48 |
bascule | yum sucks apt is very good | 02:49 |
mike998_AFK | I totally agree with bascule | 02:49 |
bubbannga | bascule, u ever have the issue with the alsa slider thiga ma giggy :) | 02:49 |
Valador | where can you get flash and shockwave for linux? | 02:49 |
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Valador | or can you? | 02:49 |
thundrcleeze | you can get flash | 02:49 |
SeanQ | bascule, I use apt in FC3. | 02:49 |
SeanQ | I have a Flash link right here, hold on | 02:49 |
thundrcleeze | not sure about shockwave | 02:49 |
bascule | bubbannga: nah I have a sucky onboard boring intel8x0 thing, not that complicated | 02:49 |
SeanQ | http://sluglug.ucsc.edu/macromedia/site_ucsc.html | 02:50 |
bubbannga | no mine is onboard too but what i mean is volume control is not centralized to one slider | 02:50 |
Valador | i just found it on macromedia | 02:50 |
SeanQ | i believe it has the deb file name there | 02:50 |
thundrcleeze | apt-get install mozilla-flash or something like that should work too | 02:50 |
LinuxJones | SeanQ, there are like 15,000 packages available in the apt-repository :) | 02:50 |
bubbannga | pcm-2 for subwoofer and mono master for other speakers haha | 02:50 |
thundrcleeze | (slightly easier) | 02:50 |
SeanQ | My apt in FC3 has about 1006. | 02:50 |
SeanQ | But honestly, what could convince me to come over to Ubuntu? | 02:50 |
Tsjoklat | Valador for flash follow the guide on ubuntuguide.org | 02:50 |
bubbannga | so if i slap in a porno i can either here the guy on the sub woofer or the girl on the mono haha i can't mute them both | 02:51 |
LinuxJones | SeanQ, pwn | 02:51 |
SeanQ | ... | 02:51 |
SeanQ | What? | 02:51 |
bascule | bubbannga: I can only thnk of bonding the two in some way using modules.conf, but that is a terecherous hacky approach | 02:51 |
LinuxJones | SeanQ, I like Ubuntu better than Fedora | 02:51 |
bubbannga | well i haven't a clue how to do that at all | 02:51 |
bubbannga | so i guess ill just live with what i have :( | 02:51 |
bascule | nor me I'm amking it up as I go, sort of thing I would try thiugh | 02:52 |
bascule | then sware a lot and give up ;) | 02:52 |
bubbannga | haha | 02:52 |
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SeanQ | LinuxJones, can you give me some reasons though? | 02:52 |
bubbannga | i run linux bandaid addition :p | 02:52 |
wm_eddie | SeanQ: Ubuntu and Fedora have different views on certain issues. | 02:53 |
bascule | <-- runs weird (but superb) distro from hell | 02:53 |
bascule | and ubuntu | 02:53 |
thundrcleeze | To anyone running hoary: is it just me, or do your "Places" menus have March 27 2004 or somethign like that? | 02:53 |
wm_eddie | But they are both good. | 02:53 |
SeanQ | Which would be..? | 02:53 |
wm_eddie | just depends what you want from your distro. | 02:53 |
speel | PFFFT fedora | 02:53 |
wm_eddie | which is the whole point of a distro. | 02:53 |
Tsjoklat | thundrcleeze, I don't have that | 02:54 |
SeanQ | wm_eddie, can you explain where Ubuntu differs from Fedora on these issues? | 02:54 |
LinuxJones | SeanQ, It is Debian based, is much more stable, it's 1 cd download, has live cd version, has many more packages available for download (15,000) anything else :D | 02:54 |
wm_eddie | My reason for moving to Ubuntu is that it's a Debian that even I can use. | 02:54 |
bubbannga | ubuntu to me is fine just somet things i wish it had | 02:54 |
wm_eddie | and Debian is the best distro IMHO | 02:54 |
bubbannga | like dvd9 to dvd5 support and things like that | 02:54 |
bascule | bubbannga: what are dvd5 and dvd9 ? | 02:55 |
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jdub | bubbannga: can't support dvd | 02:55 |
bubbannga | well lxdvdrip works | 02:55 |
SeanQ | Hm. Okay. | 02:55 |
bubbannga | but its transcodes | 02:55 |
bascule | is that dvdshrinking stuff? | 02:56 |
SeanQ | Are there any good "post-install" guides.. | 02:56 |
jdub | you can get stuff online that'll make dvds work beautifully | 02:56 |
bubbannga | yeah | 02:56 |
jdub | but we can't ship it :) | 02:56 |
SeanQ | literally like what I should do after install? | 02:56 |
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jdub | SeanQ: lots of howtos on the wiki and website, ubuntuguide.org | 02:56 |
jdub | on the main website *and* there's also ubuntuguide | 02:56 |
bascule | SeanQ: ubuntuguide.org , or the ubuntu wiki | 02:56 |
bubbannga | well closest i have found is vobcopy and mkiso | 02:56 |
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bubbannga | but shrinking it is where i have the problem | 02:56 |
speel | is it me or is the ubuntu wiki a bit sloppy? | 02:56 |
bubbannga | so i have to hope and pray that dvdshrink works in wine and 99.9 percent of the time it crashes | 02:57 |
bascule | speel: that is the nature of wikis | 02:57 |
speel | =/ | 02:57 |
SeanQ | Is the Live CD like Knoppix in the extent that it's the whole distro on CD? | 02:57 |
tezza | when you minimise something to the systray in gnome where does it go? how do you get it back? | 02:57 |
wm_eddie | tezza: Usually by clicking on the icon | 02:58 |
tezza | wm_eddie, i can't see the icon anywhere though lol ;oP | 02:58 |
thundrcleeze | they're hoping to make the liveCD able to do a HDD install. | 02:58 |
SeanQ | And another thing holding me back is this 'Fedora Core 3 For Dummies' right next to me | 02:58 |
wm_eddie | tezza: maybe it crashed? | 02:58 |
tezza | wm_eddie, ps still lists it though | 02:59 |
speel | SeanQ: ah bite the bullet and install ubuntu :) | 02:59 |
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SeanQ | I'll go for it. :P | 02:59 |
SeanQ | Wait, you DO have mplayer in Ubuntu, correct? | 03:00 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, you won't regret it.. it all depends on what you would like though... warty if you want stable.. hoary if you are courageous | 03:00 |
wm_eddie | SeanQ: I can't get it to work :) | 03:00 |
SeanQ | Oh. Can anyone? | 03:00 |
wm_eddie | Although I must admit I didn't try very hard. | 03:00 |
speel | ba hoary is a bit unstable right now tho isant it? | 03:00 |
SeanQ | yeah | 03:00 |
SeanQ | that's what he said | 03:00 |
SeanQ | warty is stable, hoary is unstable | 03:00 |
speel | yea | 03:00 |
thundrcleeze | Hoary's not too bad for me, speel in terms of stability | 03:01 |
SeanQ | Can anyone get MPlayer to work? I'd need something to play my vid files? | 03:01 |
Tsjoklat | it all depends on how much work you are willing to put in... warty is a breeze.. hoary can give you a migraine at times | 03:01 |
bascule | bubbannga: ldvd9to5 has BSD ports and gentoo ebuilds on the net | 03:01 |
speel | hmmp well last time i tryed it about 2 months ago my whole system just collapsed lol | 03:01 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, I'm using totem-xine plus the codecs from merilat and it works great | 03:01 |
bascule | seems to do the thing, I'll have a go at building it and see how I do | 03:01 |
bubbannga | ok thats what i was looking for ldvd9to5 | 03:02 |
Tsjoklat | speel same here.. but I just tried again two days ago and it is good now | 03:02 |
SeanQ | ah, okay..so totem-xine is kinda = mplayer, because of the codecs | 03:02 |
SeanQ | that works | 03:02 |
bubbannga | let me go check that out thanks | 03:02 |
SeanQ | question #2 | 03:02 |
SeanQ | would i be able to get blackjack on the ubuntu machine? | 03:02 |
bubbannga | bascule, you have a link for that by chance | 03:02 |
thundrcleeze | Blackjack is installed on mine | 03:02 |
SeanQ | ok good | 03:02 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, totem-gstreamer was a no-go for me | 03:02 |
SeanQ | my dad's obsessed with gnome blackjack | 03:02 |
SeanQ | alright | 03:03 |
SeanQ | well, that kinda frightens me | 03:03 |
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SeanQ | that some people are getting "no-go"'s | 03:03 |
thundrcleeze | you can pretty much get any programs from apt that you want. | 03:03 |
SeanQ | where Fedora is kind of 'Anything Works'. | 03:03 |
SeanQ | er 'Everything Works'. | 03:03 |
jdub | SeanQ: totem-gstreamer works about as well in both; ie. badly | 03:03 |
bascule | bubbannga: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/lxdvdrip/ <-- changed its name | 03:03 |
SeanQ | lol ok | 03:03 |
wm_eddie | SeanQ: totem-xine and w32codecs is the shiz | 03:03 |
randabis | ubuntu is pretty much "everything works" too...especially hoary | 03:03 |
jdub | SeanQ: given that we can't support much in the way of proprietary codecs, etc. | 03:03 |
SeanQ | Alright. | 03:03 |
SeanQ | Is there a way I can go back to my MDK days and say have Warty | 03:04 |
bubbannga | oh i have lxdvdrip but for some reason it doesn't like my libdvdreader or whatever | 03:04 |
SeanQ | but sometimes download from hoary sources | 03:04 |
randabis | not a good idea | 03:04 |
SeanQ | why not? | 03:04 |
randabis | you should pick one or the other | 03:04 |
speel | thundrcleeze: what blackjack prog you use? | 03:04 |
SeanQ | ok | 03:04 |
blah09 | hm looks like speedstep breaks after suspend.. | 03:04 |
randabis | SeanQ, they are too different | 03:04 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, there is a guide on the wiki to downgrade but I wouldn't do it... I tried several times on my testbox and again no-go | 03:04 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, but you can always use Warty with backporting | 03:05 |
thundrcleeze | Yeah, but that would screw things up when you wanted to upgrade to Hoary when it comes out, wouldn't it? | 03:05 |
SeanQ | backporting? | 03:05 |
LinuxJones | SeanQ, don't go there :D | 03:05 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, yes.. that means you run warty but with certain progs from hoary | 03:05 |
SeanQ | ah ok | 03:06 |
SeanQ | like what i asked | 03:06 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, but again.. I wouldn't recommend it lol | 03:06 |
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SeanQ | Alright. | 03:06 |
SeanQ | Lemme go grab a CD-RW | 03:06 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, it is good that you ask all those questions though :) | 03:06 |
randabis | backports are a double edged blade | 03:06 |
randabis | personally I think you are better off just using hoary | 03:06 |
jdub | triple edged | 03:06 |
randabis | indeed | 03:07 |
Tsjoklat | jdub totally | 03:07 |
Tsjoklat | does anyone have the problem of other partitions not being mounted and not showing up in the tab: Computer? | 03:07 |
thundrcleeze | speel: it's just labeled "blackjack" for me | 03:07 |
SeanQ | that's what my synaptic says | 03:08 |
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Tsjoklat | it use to show my other partitions under the tab Computer and was fully mounted... not anymore.. wondering if I am the only one (probably am) | 03:08 |
thundrcleeze | speel, it's written by William Jon McCann | 03:08 |
bubbannga | bascule, for some reason it doesn't realize i have libdvdread installed hmm thats my only issue with lxdvdrip | 03:08 |
SeanQ | nother question while my ubuntu downloads: | 03:08 |
SeanQ | How's NTFS support? | 03:08 |
SeanQ | Out-of-the-box, rihgt? | 03:09 |
Tsjoklat | SeanQ, yes | 03:09 |
SeanQ | WOOHOO | 03:09 |
jdub | SeanQ: read, sure. | 03:09 |
speel | ah ok | 03:09 |
Tsjoklat | jdub, is my problem a common thing? I can't find any references to it on the bugzilla site | 03:10 |
ebone | ubuntu buntu bu cho whoo wiki wonk ? | 03:10 |
speel | ah lol i dident even notice it came with ubuntu | 03:10 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: which? | 03:10 |
bascule | bubbannga: it's a weird thing, I got nowhere with it | 03:10 |
jdub | bubbannga: you probably need libdvdcss | 03:10 |
bascule | bubbannga: tried dvdauthor? | 03:10 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: ah | 03:10 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: if they're system mounted, they don't appear | 03:11 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: they're just assumed to be part of the filesystem | 03:11 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: and not removable media | 03:11 |
Tsjoklat | jdub should I change that? or just leave it as it is? | 03:11 |
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jdub | Tsjoklat: you could user mount those partitions | 03:12 |
SeanQ | *gasp* | 03:12 |
SeanQ | (Amaranth@AC960243.ipt.aol.com) | 03:12 |
Tsjoklat | jdub, and not go through fstab doing so? | 03:12 |
bubbannga | now is dvd::rip different? i can get it to work but all i see in it is a way to make a dvix file all i want is something like dvdxcopy that will back the dvd up | 03:12 |
bubbannga | im amazed there isn't something for linux that does that | 03:12 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: add user to the fstab options | 03:12 |
Amaranth | SeanQ: Yeah, that's what happens when you don't have net access at home. You have to use other people's shitty connections. | 03:12 |
SeanQ | Ouch. | 03:13 |
jdub | bubbannga: 'back the dvd up'? what does that involve beyond copying everything off it? | 03:13 |
Tsjoklat | oops sorry about that! | 03:13 |
Tsjoklat | jdub, okay I will do that then.. thanks | 03:13 |
speel | man i wish partypoker would work | 03:13 |
thundrcleeze | have you tried looking for it on synaptic or apt? | 03:15 |
Tsjoklat | jdub, one more question... is esd now standard in hoary? Alsa is not selected by default? | 03:15 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: that was the case in warty | 03:16 |
jdub | esd -> oss emu -> alsa | 03:16 |
jdub | now we're using polypaudio | 03:16 |
jdub | application -> libesd -> polypaudio -> alsa | 03:16 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: can't use alsa directly because most people don't have multiple writer drivers/hardware | 03:17 |
ebone | hey ... it picked up my broadcom eth0 card ... good job ! | 03:17 |
Tsjoklat | jdub, oh.. I was just going through my sound settings en under Desktop Pref Multimedia --> esd is selected... because when I open up my volume control panel my alsa tab has vanished | 03:17 |
randabis | polypaudio rocks | 03:17 |
jdub | Tsjoklat: yes, that's correct; dunno about your alsa mixer vanishing | 03:18 |
=== Stew2 [~my@c-24-21-130-14.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tsjoklat | jdub no big deal it plays lol | 03:18 |
Stew2 | Is there an iMac bootable version of Ubuntu with repair software on it? I have a misbehaving iMac. | 03:19 |
=== Hymie [hymie@L8R.NET] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdub | Stew2: the livecd is a good start | 03:19 |
Tsjoklat | it looks ten times better then it use to anyways... the volume control panel | 03:19 |
jdub | Stew2: the new one | 03:19 |
Stew2 | jdub URL? | 03:19 |
Tsjoklat | ah .. Hoary is going to stay this time: I am content :) | 03:19 |
Stew2 | I got a burner and some blank disks if you have an ISO. | 03:19 |
neom | #lilofanclub hahah. | 03:19 |
thundrcleeze | jdub, I thought the livecd was only for x86 | 03:20 |
randabis | there is a pcc livecd out now | 03:20 |
jdub | the new livecd is available for i386, amd64 and ppc | 03:20 |
jdub | it is completely rad | 03:20 |
randabis | indeed | 03:20 |
thundrcleeze | is it based on hoary, jdub? | 03:20 |
jdub | yes | 03:20 |
randabis | yes | 03:20 |
jdub | Stew2: cdimage.ubuntu.com | 03:20 |
neom | worty, hoary, horny. :\ | 03:20 |
=== ultrahex [~ultrahex@CPE00095b574485-CM001225401352.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hymie drools for x.org 6.8.2 | ||
ultrahex | hey guyz ... ok got into UBUNTU , this might be in FAQS but how do i change to 1600x1200, cause its not a selectable option | 03:21 |
=== ubuntu2u [~ubuntu2u@host-253.ken-66-244-224.norcomcable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu2u | hey | 03:22 |
ubuntu2u | can anyone help me with ubuntu? | 03:22 |
randabis | no | 03:23 |
jdub | ask your question, don't ask to ask | 03:23 |
ultrahex | ubuntu2u: dont ask to ask | 03:23 |
randabis | lol | 03:23 |
randabis | no one can help you | 03:23 |
randabis | :p | 03:23 |
_d4vid | :p | 03:23 |
ubuntu2u | i can't egt my internet working on ubuntu | 03:23 |
ubuntu2u | get* | 03:23 |
randabis | okay...first of all..wired or wireless | 03:23 |
ubuntu2u | wired | 03:23 |
randabis | is it being detected at all? check the device manager | 03:24 |
ultrahex | first of all how did you get here :P JK | 03:24 |
randabis | probably in winblows | 03:24 |
ubuntu2u | on a different computer.... lol | 03:24 |
randabis | hah | 03:24 |
randabis | ooh | 03:24 |
_d4vid | eth or dial ? | 03:24 |
ubuntu2u | randabis: how do i dot hat id on't know much i just installed last night | 03:25 |
ubuntu2u | damn typo's | 03:25 |
ubuntu2u | i'm sure you can figure it out | 03:25 |
ubuntu2u | lol | 03:25 |
_d4vid | :p | 03:25 |
randabis | It's in the Computer Menu | 03:25 |
ubuntu2u | ok | 03:25 |
randabis | maybe system administration | 03:25 |
randabis | not sure | 03:26 |
_d4vid | use pppoeconf | 03:26 |
bascule | ultrahex stick "1600x1200" in xorg.conf at the 24bit display | 03:26 |
randabis | hoary's menus are layed out differently | 03:26 |
bascule | or 16bit or wherever | 03:26 |
=== viper12 [~casey@c-67-176-43-76.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_d4vid | sudo pppoeconf | 03:26 |
ubuntu2u | maybe i have a winmodem... is there any websites that tell if my modem is a winmodem? | 03:26 |
bascule | Modes "1600x1200" | 03:26 |
_d4vid | winmodem ? | 03:26 |
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=== ben4572 [~marit@h000cf1e30663.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ultrahex | bascule: OK | 03:26 |
=== Hymie whispers "x.org 6.8.2" | ||
Tsjoklat | having a modem is bad.. having a 'win' modem is double bad? :) | 03:27 |
randabis | meaning a windows modem...uses software to work rather than hardware | 03:27 |
ubuntu2u | oh | 03:27 |
ubuntu2u | well i am using a d-link router | 03:27 |
ubuntu2u | does that change anything? | 03:27 |
Amaranth | winmodems aren't as bad as winprinters | 03:28 |
ultrahex | bascule: do you happen to know location | 03:28 |
bascule | Hymie: what is the big 6.8.2 deal, minor revision os super uber maga window manager that is the new Jerusalem and will save world hunger and war? | 03:28 |
_d4vid | use Network Admin.. | 03:28 |
randabis | it could... really need more info about the connection...the part in the computer | 03:28 |
Hymie | bascule: patches to fix problems with pci-e gfx cards | 03:28 |
ubuntu2u | what indo do you need? | 03:28 |
ubuntu2u | i am going to whisper you it seems easier if that is ok | 03:28 |
bascule | ultrahex: screen sections | 03:28 |
randabis | manufacturer etc | 03:28 |
Stew2 | Do I have to mount the mac volume with a command after booting from the live ppc disk to repair the hard drive? | 03:28 |
=== Bersirc [~Bersirc@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | Hymie: nice, how is the kernel; on those thins at the moment | 03:29 |
Hymie | bascule: seems ok... very stable | 03:29 |
Bersirc | hello all | 03:29 |
bascule | cool | 03:29 |
Hymie | bascule: which shocks me for 2.6.x ;) | 03:29 |
bascule | heh | 03:29 |
Bersirc | I have a question regarding the warty hog CD | 03:29 |
=== odyssey [~mat@222-152-115-247.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== SeanQ [~sean@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | Hymie: I have had my issues, ide light is permanently on, except during disc activity, it's normal then | 03:30 |
=== thegnark [~thegnark@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hymie | bascule: heh, weird | 03:30 |
bascule | actually it's off now, but it will come back on ... ;P | 03:30 |
thegnark | hi peopel. i'm getting "shell: command not found" on a `make install`. any ideas? | 03:30 |
bascule | lol | 03:30 |
Bersirc | hello? | 03:30 |
bascule | thegnark: that lol wasn't at you OK? | 03:31 |
Bersirc | Is it normal, when I setup net access in ubuntu it doesn't allow any open dialog boxes | 03:31 |
thegnark | bascule, i know ;) | 03:31 |
ebone | Hey ... is that Gnome display manager ? looks slick ... | 03:31 |
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bascule | just checking, kill a noob for months that could;) | 03:31 |
=== chromate [~yaman@user-0can7ft.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ultrahex | whats the default pass for SUDO | 03:32 |
chromate | hi i'm using a laptop and new to ubuntu... it appears the acpid is running, and when i close the lid it enters standby/sleep mode--is there a way to disable this feature/really annoying thing? | 03:32 |
bascule | your password | 03:32 |
Tsjoklat | chromate, you set that yourself? | 03:32 |
thegnark | me? noob? i don't think so ;) maybe to ubuntu... | 03:33 |
chromate | Tsjoklat: no, it must have been a default setting this is a fresh install | 03:33 |
Tsjoklat | chromate, errr.... you set it yourself... | 03:33 |
bascule | thegnark: you sound familiar, same as me, new to this | 03:33 |
Tsjoklat | chromate, what are you trying to do anyhow? | 03:34 |
thegnark | if only i could get madwifi installed i'd be content | 03:34 |
bascule | wifi firmware ... ugggh | 03:34 |
chromate | Tsjoklat: no, i didnt... i noticed that when i fold my laptop screen down, the computer enters hibernate and never comes back to life. i was just wondering where the configuration for the acpi thing is anyway? | 03:34 |
alumik | thegnark, install the restricted modules | 03:34 |
thegnark | already did | 03:35 |
Tsjoklat | chromate, this happened when you were installing ubu? | 03:35 |
ebone | its been a long time since i messed with Gnome ... | 03:35 |
alumik | thegnark, then you have madwifi installed | 03:35 |
chromate | Tsjoklat: ah, no, this is after a fresh install. im describing the behavior of the laptop right now | 03:35 |
bascule | ebone: get some nice themes from gnome-look.org, it can be *very* nice, I was xfce4 for ages, but this got me back to gnome | 03:35 |
thegnark | let me rephrase... "...get madwifi working with my card" | 03:36 |
ebone | hell, it already looks pretty good ! i'd probably just mess it up. :) | 03:36 |
alumik | thegnark, ah ok :) wich card? | 03:36 |
Tsjoklat | chromate, there is something about that on the forums and on the wiki if I recall right.. I wouldn't know what to tell you .. laptops isn't my forte | 03:36 |
thegnark | dlink dwl-g630.. which according to device amnager is simply rebranded atheros | 03:37 |
chromate | Tsjoklat: thanks for the reference! | 03:37 |
thegnark | here's the error i get on `ifconfig ath0 up`: ath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device | 03:37 |
Tsjoklat | chromate, you are most welcome | 03:37 |
alumik | thegnark, and the card is detected? | 03:37 |
thegnark | it shows up in device manager as unknown device under cardbus | 03:38 |
alumik | then no | 03:38 |
ben4572 | Hi all - new question. I'm new to Ubuntu, been with Debian for about two years. | 03:38 |
alumik | dmesg should show if is detected | 03:39 |
thegnark | k... care to point in me in the direction fo gettingthe card detected propery ? | 03:39 |
ben4572 | The install was very nice and automagical, but I just replaced my cdrom drive with a DVDRW drive. Is there a way, | 03:39 |
AngryClip | does ctrl+alt + backspace reload x? | 03:39 |
alumik | first make sure the card is really an atheros | 03:39 |
AngryClip | or just gnome | 03:39 |
tezza | AngryClip, X | 03:40 |
alumik | AngryClip, it kills X | 03:40 |
thegnark | the vendor info reported in device manager tells me atheros | 03:40 |
ben4572 | or a need, to rerun the installer to make Ubuntu happy with the new device? So far no problems, except for programs | 03:40 |
AngryClip | i.e. can I change the xfree config file, and then press ctl+alt+backspace | 03:40 |
AngryClip | oh | 03:40 |
AngryClip | right | 03:40 |
AngryClip | ok | 03:40 |
AngryClip | ty | 03:40 |
ben4572 | expecting the DVD one place, finding it another. | 03:40 |
=== tuxadermist [~tuxadermi@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ebone | dumb question ... what hotkey get's me the computer menu ? | 03:41 |
alumik | thegnark, hotplug should load a module and show something like this on dmesg | 03:41 |
ebone | alt-f1 graps the app menu ... | 03:41 |
=== tritium [~tritium@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alumik | ath0: Atheros 5212: mem=0x20800000, irq=5 | 03:41 |
thegnark | so what should i be checking ? | 03:42 |
alumik | wait... | 03:42 |
bascule | ebone: alt+F1 then right cursor | 03:42 |
ebone | bascule: thanks man, that's a life saver. :) | 03:43 |
bascule | np | 03:43 |
bascule | <--good on the gnome shortcuts | 03:43 |
alumik | thegnark, maybe your card isn't supported | 03:43 |
thegnark | hm | 03:43 |
alumik | http://www.seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/ClientAdapters_2f802_2e11g | 03:44 |
ebone | hey guys, i don't remember ever giving a root password during the install ... | 03:44 |
AngryClip | is there a way to turn the gnome eye-candy down take the load of my ageing cpu | 03:44 |
alumik | revision C1 isn't supported | 03:44 |
=== elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegnark | dmesg has nothign about ath0... i see cardbus coming up and eth0, but nothing in relation to my card | 03:44 |
thegnark | c1 isn't supported. where did you read that ?. | 03:44 |
alumik | http://www.seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/ClientAdapters_2f802_2e11g | 03:44 |
alumik | search your card here and read the notes | 03:44 |
alumik | damn these vendors are evil | 03:45 |
=== pepsi [~pepsi@p180.n-sfpop05.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
occy | what's a way I can use apt to search for packages I have installed. like I want to find out all the mysql stuff I have installed and all the php stuff. apt-cache search mysql searches through the repo not your system. | 03:45 |
ebone | This beats the hell out of suse ... :) | 03:45 |
thegnark | this sucks... :( | 03:45 |
occy | ebone: you can type that again. | 03:45 |
tritium | occy, dpkg -l | grep mysql | 03:46 |
occy | thegnark: what you doing? | 03:46 |
thegnark | occy: trying to ge my wifi card to work | 03:46 |
occy | tritium: cool | 03:46 |
occy | thegnark: I'm using ath0 here... | 03:46 |
occy | thegnark: hmm, sec. | 03:46 |
thegnark | apparently the particular revision of my card isn't supported in madwifi | 03:47 |
alumik | the card should work when the restricted modules are installed | 03:47 |
=== wasabi_ [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegnark | restricted modules are definately installed | 03:47 |
thegnark | but device manager is listing as an unknown device | 03:47 |
alumik | then is this revision thing | 03:47 |
alumik | it happens the same with prism54 v2 | 03:47 |
alumik | thegnark, maybe it will work using ndiswrapper | 03:48 |
alumik | and the windows drivers | 03:48 |
thegnark | shouldn'y ubuntu recognize the card at least though? | 03:48 |
=== sourcomet [~sourcomet@pcp05187621pcs.micske01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alumik | thegnark, the system see the card, but doesn't have the vendor and product id | 03:49 |
occy | thegnark: let me read. | 03:49 |
occy | thegnark: yeah, if dmesg doesn't see it... | 03:50 |
occy | thegnark: I don't know what to tell you. :/ | 03:50 |
tezza | is it possible to make acpi only use cpu frequency scaling when i am on battery power instead of all the time? | 03:50 |
randabis | my gensplash is purdy :p | 03:50 |
occy | thegnark: what kind of card is it? | 03:50 |
occy | thegnark: mine is a Netgear. | 03:50 |
=== ben4572 [~marit@h000cf1e30663.ne.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
alumik | dlink is evil | 03:51 |
randabis | nah dlink's okay | 03:51 |
thegnark | dlink dwl-g630 | 03:51 |
alumik | well, almost all wifi vendors are | 03:51 |
randabis | heh I have that same wifi card thegnark | 03:51 |
randabis | ndiswrapper will work with it | 03:52 |
thegnark | k | 03:52 |
thegnark | i'm apt-getting the source now | 03:52 |
randabis | you don't need the source | 03:52 |
ebone | hey guys, anybody have problems with firefox hotkeys ? | 03:52 |
randabis | thegnark, apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 03:52 |
ebone | nevermind ... | 03:52 |
ebone | think it was just something weird with that page. | 03:52 |
randabis | then you'll need the windows driver for your card | 03:53 |
randabis | I used the windows 2000 ones | 03:53 |
=== dash [washort@adsl-17-129-211.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thegnark | yeah.. i'm seeing it in synaptic | 03:53 |
randabis | then ndiswrapper -i blah.inf | 03:53 |
randabis | then I think ndiswrapper -m | 03:53 |
randabis | then you should be able to just modprobe ndiswrapper | 03:54 |
thegnark | hm.... quesiton is can i find the cd or do i have to boot back to windows to get the inf | 03:54 |
alumik | from the cd | 03:54 |
randabis | you can get it off the cd, but you'll need ushield to extract the .cab files | 03:54 |
thegnark | eek | 03:54 |
dash | Is there an Ubuntu net installer? | 03:54 |
randabis | so it might be easier to just get them from windows | 03:54 |
thegnark | this is what i hate about linux.. once everything is set up it's great, but it takes 15 packages just to get to do what you want | 03:55 |
randabis | dash, I don't think there is presently | 03:55 |
dash | or do i need the full install cd? | 03:55 |
dash | OK | 03:55 |
tezza | if my wifi card device is listed in ifconfig -a does that mean all i need to do is configure it and it will be working? | 03:55 |
dash | randabis: guess i will be patient and download the entire iso :) | 03:55 |
randabis | tezza, probably | 03:55 |
bascule | http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~u08km3/screenshots/screenieFeb05.jpg <-- first ever after 18months of linux use | 03:55 |
|QuaD- | so has anyone tried the new kubuntu packages? | 03:55 |
=== dash [washort@adsl-17-129-211.bhm.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["thanks!"] | ||
randabis | dash, heh | 03:55 |
randabis | |QuaD-, yes | 03:55 |
|QuaD- | how is it | 03:55 |
randabis | it's kde...what can I say | 03:56 |
ebone | hey guys, is there a way to pull in entire categories of packages ? | 03:56 |
thegnark | brb grabbing the inf | 03:56 |
|QuaD- | nice.... does it feel as integrated as plain ubuntu? | 03:56 |
randabis | dammit | 03:56 |
ebone | i need to set this up as a development environment ... | 03:56 |
randabis | thegnark needs the .sys file too...not just the .inf | 03:56 |
tritium | ebone, did you install build-essential? | 03:57 |
ebone | i don't think so ... | 03:57 |
tritium | ebone, you'll want that | 03:57 |
randabis | ebone, synaptic has a category listing | 03:57 |
ebone | i just went the stupid route, and i'm drinking beer. | 03:57 |
=== Biggles [~Geoff@218-101-13-208.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | ebone, me too | 03:57 |
ebone | :) | 03:57 |
randabis | build-essential will give you the basic things you need to compile software...you'll need specific dev kits etc if you actually want to write software | 03:58 |
tezza | how do i go about installing the ati drivers for my graphics card? glxgears only puts out like 130fps | 03:58 |
tritium | yep | 03:58 |
ebone | that's what i need ! | 03:58 |
=== mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ebone | i'm trying to compile synergy ... | 03:58 |
ebone | it's a great app if you have 2 computers side by side. | 03:58 |
Biggles | i'm having trouble booting the installation CD. the live CD worked fine, but when i try the installation CD it has a segmentation fault while trying to modprobe a module (I think HID but it flashes past rather fast) | 03:58 |
tritium | tezza, see the topic for ubuntuguide | 03:58 |
Biggles | this is on an ancient P200MMX | 03:58 |
randabis | tezza http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowTo | 03:59 |
Biggles | anyone got any ideas? | 03:59 |
randabis | I think that's it | 03:59 |
bascule | at least it's mmx ;) | 03:59 |
Biggles | yeah :) | 03:59 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-141-125.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Biggles | i had to hunt for half an hour to find more than 64mb of ram... | 03:59 |
randabis | heh emerging xorg 6.8.2 it gonna take a while :p | 03:59 |
bascule | Biggles: HID amy well be a USB thing, do you have USB on that box? | 03:59 |
tezza | randabis, the guide only has nvidia | 03:59 |
Biggles | it has USB | 04:00 |
randabis | tezza no, it has ati below | 04:00 |
Biggles | cant say as to how effective USB it is... | 04:00 |
Biggles | as i recall HID is for USB human interface devices (like mice and keyboards) | 04:00 |
tezza | randabis, not on ubuntuguide.org it doesn'ty | 04:00 |
Biggles | i'm using a ps2 mouse and a ps2 keyboard | 04:00 |
randabis | tezza, you didn't follow the link I gave you | 04:00 |
randabis | tezza http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowTo | 04:00 |
bascule | yup, you got that right, now to see if there is a boot option to the kernel to tell it not to bother ... | 04:00 |
tritium | tezza, it's also on the wiki | 04:01 |
tezza | yer i know that one, reading now ;oP | 04:01 |
Biggles | ok | 04:01 |
=== inc [~mike@c-65-34-144-27.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | emerging openoffice.org took 4 and a half hours lol | 04:01 |
ebone | anybody heard of XTest ? | 04:01 |
ebone | it's supposed to be a library. | 04:01 |
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tritium | randabis, why, oh why...? | 04:01 |
Biggles | you emerged open office? i just used the binary :D | 04:02 |
tritium | :) | 04:02 |
=== ubuntu2u [~ubuntu2u@host-253.ken-66-244-224.norcomcable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Biggles | far too big for me to be bothered | 04:02 |
ubuntu2u | hey | 04:02 |
randabis | tritium, I like looking at gcc output until my eyes bleed | 04:02 |
randabis | :p | 04:02 |
inc | ahh fully upgraded to hoary.. this looks pretty spiffy | 04:02 |
AngryClip | does the install disc have the X11 devel on it, and the kernel source? | 04:02 |
Biggles | woo! it got to the installation screen now! cheers, bascule | 04:02 |
tritium | randabis, heh | 04:02 |
tritium | ubuntu2u, is that you, liam? what's up, eh? | 04:03 |
ubuntu2u | hey tritium | 04:03 |
ubuntu2u | ya it is me lol | 04:03 |
AngryClip | if so how would I install them from the disc, not the internet as I need them to compile my wireless card | 04:03 |
randabis | plus my CFlag optimizations really make programs run faster | 04:03 |
ubuntu2u | i got everything working fine | 04:03 |
tritium | excellent | 04:03 |
=== NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | my gentoo install is noticably faster than my hoary install | 04:03 |
ubuntu2u | tritium: last night my internet wasn't working but randabis helped me fix it today :D | 04:03 |
tritium | ubuntu2u, cool - what was wrong? | 04:03 |
randabis | we're not sure | 04:04 |
tritium | and what did you end up doing about the acpi issue? | 04:04 |
randabis | it just started working all the sudden | 04:04 |
ubuntu2u | tritium: i dont know but it just worked | 04:04 |
Biggles | wow, lots of seg faults while detecting hardware... i get the feeling this system isnt going to be very stable | 04:04 |
zhukov_ | hey, nayone managed to use transset in hoary? | 04:04 |
ubuntu2u | it was awesome haha | 04:04 |
tritium | cool, then | 04:04 |
randabis | but if it stops working again, then I told him to modprobe tulip | 04:04 |
zhukov_ | i keep getting no composite extension | 04:04 |
tritium | ubuntu2u, so did sladen help you figure out the acpi issue? | 04:04 |
randabis | his chipset apparently works with the tulip module | 04:04 |
tritium | I see... | 04:04 |
=== kivinen [~kivinen@S0106004005c2cc58.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kivinen | hey | 04:05 |
kivinen | can someone help me? | 04:05 |
randabis | ubuntu2u, I still think you should add tulip to /etc/modules | 04:05 |
randabis | just in case | 04:05 |
bascule | kivinen: maybe if you ask | 04:05 |
zhukov_ | xcompmgr...anyone... | 04:05 |
tritium | good thinking, randabis | 04:05 |
bascule | Biggles: lots of segfaults could be bad RAM | 04:05 |
kivinen | i'm having trouble with getting my soundcardto work | 04:05 |
inc | bascule: i'm back with hoary up... heh | 04:06 |
bascule | cool | 04:06 |
bascule | sound? | 04:06 |
randabis | zhukov_, I haven't bothered with it too much | 04:06 |
tritium | zhukov_, nor have I | 04:06 |
inc | looks very nice the apps places and desktop.. no sound :( | 04:06 |
kivinen | i had two in the first time... then i ripped one out and re-installed ubuntu, now there is no recognition | 04:06 |
=== pcybill [~billy@194-155.207-68.eufaula.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inc | plus only root terminal works lol the reg on seems to hang | 04:06 |
kivinen | its a Soundblaster AWE 64 | 04:06 |
randabis | brb | 04:07 |
bascule | inc: rin chown -R <you> /home/<you> | 04:07 |
ubuntu2u | tritium: no i didn't gett he acpi issure figured out | 04:07 |
ubuntu2u | issue | 04:07 |
inc | bascule: now hoary gives me an error from the gui telling you noe sound | 04:07 |
tritium | ubuntu2u, so did you end up booting with acpi=off? | 04:07 |
Biggles | bascule: good point | 04:08 |
bascule | kivinen: when you run alsamixer what does it say? | 04:08 |
Biggles | know a good way to stress test ram that the live cd might have? | 04:08 |
inc | you mean run? | 04:08 |
bascule | <-- notice *loads* of ubuntu souncard issues | 04:08 |
bascule | Biggles: memtest86 | 04:08 |
ebone | don't mean to be a baby ... | 04:09 |
Biggles | thanks | 04:09 |
kivinen | alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory | 04:09 |
bascule | I think you boot to it from the cd | 04:09 |
bascule | boot: memtest86 IIRC | 04:09 |
ebone | but, is there a 2 panel file manager for Gnome like midnight commander or total commander ? | 04:09 |
bascule | Biggles: ^ | 04:09 |
Biggles | ok | 04:09 |
=== Orcrist [~orcrist@dhcp16631177.indy.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | which is exactly why you want to run alsaconf, but ubuntu devels decided it was 'unneccessary' ... | 04:10 |
=== LucidVisions [~nord@209-180-170-143.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Biggles | ebone: i dont know of any gnome specific ones, but there is the gentoo file manager that's X based | 04:11 |
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | OI!! DEVELS!! give back alsaconf | 04:12 |
tritium | Biggles, maybe I'll install it so i can say I'm a gentoo user ;) | 04:12 |
Tsjoklat | bascule, isn't that in alsa-utils? | 04:12 |
Biggles | :D | 04:12 |
kivinen | i went aptget remove alsa, to see if i could re-install it... | 04:13 |
kivinen | but that got rid of my GUI on startup | 04:13 |
kivinen | :S | 04:13 |
bascule | it *should* be, but it was removed | 04:13 |
kivinen | :( | 04:13 |
tritium | kivinen, always check what packages depend on something you intend to remove | 04:14 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | before you do it ;) | 04:14 |
kivinen | so, how would you tell a windows user (too cheap to go to mac), how to get his sound working? | 04:14 |
kivinen | :D | 04:14 |
=== NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Biggles | kivinen: reboot | 04:14 |
Tsjoklat | bascule, sue them :) | 04:14 |
Biggles | if that doesnt work, reformat, reinstall | 04:14 |
kivinen | heh, I JUST DID!!! | 04:14 |
Biggles | heh | 04:15 |
kivinen | (reformat/reinstall) | 04:15 |
tritium | bascule, Tsjoklat is right. It's in alsa-utils. Just install that. | 04:15 |
kivinen | took about... 45 minutes | 04:15 |
Biggles | if that doesnt work, buy a new sound card and a new copy of windows | 04:15 |
kivinen | i tried, but i couldn't. | 04:15 |
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kivinen | when i try to install alsa, it says the newest version is in already!!! | 04:15 |
bascule | it is, I heard it was gone ... | 04:15 |
raydogg | How can i install umbuntu over the network ? | 04:15 |
=== jdrowell [~jdrowell@200-146-150-110.rev.easyband.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | maybe in hoary it's gone | 04:16 |
tritium | bascule, "apt-cache search alsaconf" | 04:16 |
=== bascule diuble checks | ||
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | bascule, no, it's in alsa-utils in Warty and Hoary | 04:16 |
=== Dreamer3 [~unknown@sdn-ap-005tnnashP0218.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Potn [~potnhbug@ip136-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kivinen | alsa-utils - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (utilities) | 04:17 |
bascule | tritium: http://rafb.net/paste/results/TWLibf49.html doesn't seem to be | 04:18 |
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tritium | bascule, "dpkg -L alsa-utils" to be sure. It it's not listed, then you're right. | 04:19 |
micahf | how do you put a display to sleep? | 04:19 |
micahf | because I really don't want to ruin my LCD | 04:19 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenrox | ok i have the nvidia driver installed but xfree will not start | 04:20 |
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zenrox | i need to know how to find the bus id | 04:20 |
bascule | root@Kript:/ # dpkg -L alsa-utils | grep conf | 04:20 |
bascule | root@Kript:/ # | 04:20 |
thegnark | randabis-laptop, you there? | 04:20 |
Biggles | hmmm. the memtest option on the livecd just returns straight back to grub | 04:20 |
tritium | zenrox, did you get linux-restricted-modules? did you run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"? | 04:20 |
zenrox | tritium: yep | 04:20 |
zenrox | done that nothen | 04:21 |
tritium | zenrox, did you check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for the cause? | 04:21 |
zenrox | nope hold on | 04:21 |
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Biggles | anyone know of a nice small diagnostic livecd? | 04:23 |
s1amson | define diagnostic | 04:23 |
s1amson | damnsmall linux is like, 50 mb | 04:24 |
=== monkeyboz [~monkeyboz@66-215-165-150.riv-mres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Biggles | something that can stress test ram | 04:24 |
tritium | Biggles, http://www.sysresccd.org/ | 04:24 |
tritium | 110 MB | 04:24 |
kivinen | okay.. well, my problem's not fixed... | 04:24 |
kivinen | looks like another week of trying to figure it out | 04:24 |
Biggles | to a 128kbps connection, 110MB isn't small :) | 04:24 |
Biggles | but it'll do | 04:24 |
tritium | Biggles, check the "tools" link to make sure it has what you want | 04:25 |
zenrox | tritium: i just needed the busid and i found it and it now works out of the XFree.log file | 04:25 |
Biggles | ok | 04:25 |
=== zenrox_ [~zenrox@wbar7.sea-4-12-028-223.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s1amson | 'lo zenrox | 04:25 |
tritium | Biggles, it's got MemTest+, I see | 04:25 |
pcybill | thanks tritium, Im bookin that one =) | 04:25 |
zenrox_ | hi s1amson | 04:25 |
tritium | zenrox, :) | 04:25 |
tritium | pcybill, cool! | 04:26 |
zenrox | exit | 04:26 |
=== randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenrox_ | woohoo | 04:26 |
zenrox_ | and 3d acell works too | 04:26 |
tritium | sweet | 04:26 |
s1amson | pffft | 04:26 |
=== ultrahex [~ultrahex@CPE00095b574485-CM001225401352.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s1amson | i get like, .7 frames per sec | 04:26 |
ultrahex | hey guyz | 04:26 |
s1amson | lol | 04:26 |
zenrox_ | just needed to get the bussid of whare my vid card is | 04:27 |
AngryClip | wheres a good place to get gnome themes, desktop wallpapers and the like? | 04:27 |
ultrahex | im having some problems with sound ... i can hear my mic echo back but sound players dont make music | 04:27 |
=== tezza [tabmow@CPE-144-132-2-124.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | http://www.sysresccd.org/ | 04:27 |
tritium | oops | 04:27 |
=== bascule chuckles | ||
tritium | AngryClip, http://www.gnome-look.org/ | 04:27 |
tezza | i followed the information at the wiki to install the ati fglrx drivers but when i modprobe fglrx i get an error, any ideas? | 04:27 |
Biggles | hey hey, here we go: http://www.stresslinux.org | 04:27 |
Biggles | 50MB | 04:27 |
zenrox_ | SysInfo: uname: Linux CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.00GHz 2000.199 MHz Bogomips: 3964.92 Mem: 346/504M [||||||||||] Diskspace: 36.45G Free: 30.20G Procs: 68 Uptime: 1 hr 18 mins 32 secs Load: 1.24 1.23 1.20 Screen: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1) Screen Resolution: 1600x1200 (24 bpp) eth0: In: 112.01M Out: 4.98M | 04:27 |
AngryClip | tried that tritium | 04:28 |
=== Biggles grabs | ||
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bascule | AngryClip: http://art.gnome.org http://gnome-look.org | 04:28 |
zenrox_ | woohoo | 04:28 |
tritium | AngryClip, and? | 04:28 |
tezza | terry@laptop:~ $ sudo modprobe fglrx | 04:28 |
tezza | FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/ No such device | 04:28 |
AngryClip | tried them both.... I dunno what I am after really | 04:28 |
s1amson | you upgraded your RAM too zenrox_ ? | 04:28 |
tezza | ? | 04:28 |
ultrahex | hmmm no one answer: ... i was trying to get any information why sound programs dont work but i can hear my mic loopback... | 04:28 |
inc | damn you crystal audio | 04:28 |
bascule | zenrox_: was that teh 1600x1200 thing fixed? | 04:28 |
zenrox_ | hu bascule | 04:29 |
tritium | tezza, did you install the fglrx driver? | 04:29 |
suffix | his driver is failing | 04:29 |
zenrox_ | s1amson, its not using onboard video thats why i have more ram | 04:29 |
pcybill | AngryClip have you tried www.digitalblasphemy.com, they have some interesting ones | 04:29 |
s1amson | sweet :) | 04:29 |
ultrahex | is there a way to set default audio : | 04:29 |
tezza | tritium, yes sir - the file that it refers to actually exists | 04:29 |
tritium | AngryClip, did you try themes.org | 04:29 |
tritium | ? | 04:29 |
tritium | tezza, hmm... | 04:29 |
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bascule | or freshmeat <-- maybe the same place | 04:30 |
cindux | woo | 04:30 |
tezza | $ locate fglrx | 04:30 |
tezza | /lib/modules/ | 04:30 |
cindux | everyone be happy for moi | 04:30 |
cindux | my first pc upgrade | 04:30 |
cindux | 600mhz - 2.4ghz | 04:30 |
=== fallker [~jj@cs70112166-228.austin.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bascule throws a party | ||
fallker | hey all | 04:30 |
cindux | :D | 04:30 |
bascule | ;) | 04:30 |
tritium | :) | 04:30 |
inc | evil sound... evil | 04:31 |
fallker | is there a usa channel of #ubuntu? | 04:31 |
bascule | gonna flame Europeans? | 04:31 |
tritium | fallker, no, just other channel by language | 04:31 |
fallker | ahh | 04:31 |
Biggles | why? dont speak english? ;) | 04:31 |
ultrahex | lol | 04:31 |
fallker | no no | 04:31 |
inc | lol | 04:31 |
fallker | Austin TX | 04:31 |
fallker | me | 04:31 |
ultrahex | you looking for #DUH_UBUNTU ?!? | 04:31 |
inc | Ft Luaserdale,FL | 04:31 |
inc | luaderdale lol | 04:32 |
bascule | ultrahex: LOL!! | 04:32 |
Biggles | Middleearth! woo! | 04:32 |
fallker | i was wondering if there was a local versions thats all | 04:32 |
tritium | no | 04:32 |
inc | local to earth | 04:32 |
Tsjoklat | you can always start #ubuntu-tx | 04:32 |
=== Cuga_ [~Cuga_@Toronto-HSE-ppp4161537.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
suffix | tezza http://mirror.usu.edu/mirrors/ubuntu/indices/override.hoary.extra.restricted | 04:32 |
suffix | i dunno if this might help | 04:33 |
fallker | anyway...query? | 04:33 |
ultrahex | anyone know how to disable sound devices in UBUNTU ? | 04:33 |
s1amson | anybody use Sound Blaster Audigy LS | 04:33 |
randabis | tezza, you could try to insmod fglrz | 04:33 |
=== linusthepenguin [~andy@altctrlesc.rh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inc | ubuntu parties | 04:33 |
tritium | ultrahex, blacklist the module | 04:33 |
Cuga_ | is hoary broken right now, i just tryed an upgrade from a fresh warty install and it errors out with input/output errors then sgettys fail to launch... | 04:33 |
randabis | then modprobe | 04:33 |
=== bascule couts up teh souncard problems ... | ||
tritium | Cuga_, not broken now | 04:33 |
s1amson | heh | 04:33 |
fallker | how can i find out about helping out the ubuntu project? | 04:33 |
tezza | insmod: can't read 'fglrx': No such file or directory | 04:33 |
randabis | hmm | 04:33 |
ultrahex | bascale: its even worse when you hear your mic echo back on software side ... | 04:33 |
Tsjoklat | fallker the wike sites | 04:33 |
randabis | weird | 04:34 |
inc | least you mic works | 04:34 |
s1amson | im not having one :] but my friends been chatting up the alsa guys and their not much help he says | 04:34 |
Cuga_ | tritium: i tryed before that installing from the array 4 cd and it did the same thing at the same spot | 04:34 |
bascule | ultrahex: I'm sure its infuriating | 04:34 |
=== Dreamer3 is SO bored | ||
fallker | Tsjoklat, can you link me? | 04:34 |
randabis | Dreamer3, you could install gentoo lolz | 04:34 |
tritium | Cuga_, what is it doing? | 04:34 |
Tsjoklat | fallker, see topic? | 04:34 |
suffix | thats why i sent link | 04:34 |
bascule | Dreamer3: break your machine by chown -R you / | 04:34 |
tritium | fallker, it's in the topic | 04:34 |
ultrahex | bascule: ontop of that i have supposly 5 devices of sound | 04:34 |
=== XhyldazhK [~xhyldazhk@dup-200-64-114-111.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tezza | suffix, you reckon that is newer or something? | 04:34 |
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XhyldazhK | hi all | 04:34 |
suffix | possibly | 04:34 |
fallker | ahhh thanks | 04:34 |
XhyldazhK | how do I install mplayer-custom? | 04:34 |
suffix | this looks newer | 04:34 |
Dreamer3 | sheesh | 04:35 |
XhyldazhK | I've read ALL docs and no one works | 04:35 |
Biggles | ultrahex: that's a lot of soundcards... | 04:35 |
goldfish | does ubuntu come with a firewall set up as default? | 04:35 |
=== green1 [~green1@CPE-65-30-27-113.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cuga_ | tritium, at the end of installing all the current updates, dpkg errors out and crashes the terminal (every command gives input/output errors) then on reboot, kernel panic | 04:35 |
bascule | ultrahex: you mean lspci -v shoes 5 cards or /dev/snd has 5 files? | 04:35 |
Dreamer3 | i just said i was bored, not that i wanted to tear up my machine or anything | 04:35 |
=== fallker embarassed | ||
ultrahex | bascule: i mean volume controller | 04:35 |
bascule | Dreamer3: OK, just a suggestion .. ;) | 04:35 |
XhyldazhK | anyone knows how to install mplayer-custom? | 04:35 |
Biggles | what are their lables? | 04:35 |
tritium | Cuga_, oh! | 04:35 |
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bascule | ultrahex: volume controller has 5 whats .. I am not following you | 04:36 |
tritium | Biggles, and who's teasing about not speaking English? ;) | 04:36 |
ultrahex | ISPCI shows 5 also | 04:36 |
randabis | goldfish, no it doesn't | 04:36 |
=== SepheeBear [~SepheeBea@24-193-111-253.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ultrahex | it has 5 tabs | 04:36 |
randabis | ubuntu does not open ANY ports by default so there's really no need for a firewall | 04:36 |
goldfish | ok | 04:36 |
bascule | wtf?? | 04:36 |
goldfish | ah k | 04:36 |
goldfish | thanks | 04:36 |
ultrahex | theres like 8 sound things bascule in dev/snd | 04:36 |
ultrahex | lol | 04:36 |
tezza | suffix, but i am not on hoary - i'm using warty | 04:36 |
Biggles | tritium: watashi da! | 04:36 |
tritium | :) | 04:37 |
green1 | i can think of needs for a firewall if you do open ports and don't want the entire world coming in. | 04:37 |
=== Mantle [~uh@61-224-52-204.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | green1, well of course | 04:37 |
XhyldazhK | how do I install mplayer-custom, i've read all the docs! no one works! i'm not a newbie, I have 4 years as linux user! | 04:37 |
Xappe | well, firestarter is just an apt-get away | 04:37 |
randabis | but I'm talking for a normal user that does not do such things | 04:37 |
green1 | ah, okay. my bad, randabis. | 04:37 |
Biggles | ultrahex: the files in /dev/snd arn't necessarily present on the system | 04:37 |
bascule | ultrahex: thats normal in /dev/snd | 04:37 |
Biggles | if you want to know what your system actually knows is there, use lspci to look | 04:38 |
ultrahex | bascule: ya i was just listing amounts of what you said | 04:38 |
bascule | cat /proc/asound/cards | 04:38 |
Biggles | you can also use the new /sys interface in kernel 2.6 to see what it's found | 04:38 |
=== thegnark [~thegnark@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | heh anyone tried using entrance as a display manager? it's pretty nifty | 04:38 |
ultrahex | i have realtek ALC100/100P rev 38 [OSS mixer] Sigmatel,SIS 7012, ENSONIQ AudioPCI | 04:38 |
ultrahex | ^ ALL | 04:38 |
randabis | it's not stable though so I'd only use it to play with | 04:39 |
thegnark | randabis: typing wirelessly now with ndiswrapper ;) thx | 04:39 |
bascule | in /proc/asound/cards ? | 04:39 |
Biggles | all of those? | 04:39 |
Biggles | actually in your system? | 04:39 |
randabis | thegnark, awesome :) | 04:39 |
s1amson | fluxbox is nice | 04:39 |
green1 | Just installed Ubuntu on the HD for the first time today. It's nice and plain. But seems workable. | 04:39 |
tritium | randabis, entrance? | 04:39 |
ultrahex | bascule: how do you change order | 04:39 |
tritium | I had not heard of it... | 04:39 |
ultrahex | bascule: my SIS sound card is set as default but i burnt it out | 04:39 |
randabis | tritium, yeah it's a new display manager under heavy development | 04:39 |
XhyldazhK | anyone knows how to install mplayer-custom?????? | 04:39 |
ultrahex | bascule: its the onboard POS anyhow | 04:39 |
Dreamer3 | green1: nice and plain vs what? | 04:39 |
randabis | I don't know if hoary has it or not | 04:39 |
randabis | I got it in gentoo | 04:39 |
bascule | alsaconf ... nah i dunno, I'm just flaming the edcision to leave that util out | 04:39 |
bascule | alsactl is a possibility | 04:39 |
green1 | Dreamer3: you name it. however, i'm saying that is a bad thing. | 04:40 |
tritium | randabis, doesn't look like it. Hey, have you tried polypaudio? | 04:40 |
randabis | yes | 04:40 |
green1 | Dreamer3: NOT a bad thing. | 04:40 |
randabis | polypaudio rocks | 04:40 |
Dreamer3 | green1: yeah, i understand | 04:40 |
randabis | I wish gentoo had it | 04:40 |
tritium | really? | 04:40 |
=== s1amson is now known as s1eep | ||
tritium | Maybe I'll try it... | 04:40 |
randabis | tritium, yeah I like it better than esd | 04:40 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: there is something gentoo doesn't have? | 04:40 |
randabis | Dreamer3, yep..it doesn't have polypaudio | 04:41 |
Biggles | nice and plain not a bad thing? oh i dont know, i kinda miss having every single package possible thrown in my face by mandrake... | 04:41 |
randabis | ubuntu has more packages over all than gentoo | 04:41 |
Cuga_ | The array 4 cd should install a atleast semi-stable system at this time by default correct? | 04:41 |
randabis | portage has almost 9000 ebuilds | 04:41 |
randabis | ubuntu including universe has around 15000 | 04:41 |
XhyldazhK | I tried to compile by source mplayer-custom, but it doesnt compile, it complains about some library, and the precompiled one doesn't work because i am on an athlon pelase help me please help me please help me | 04:41 |
green1 | Speaking of plain,.. am wondering if it's just me or is there anything to see in http://ubuntuforums.org/article.php when clicking Ubuntu Themes/Artwork ? | 04:42 |
randabis | gentoo is faster though :p | 04:42 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: ubuntu/debian breaks packages into more pieces too :) | 04:42 |
bascule | randabis: jack is the best but glibc with nplt broke it | 04:42 |
tritium | randabis, do you prelink? | 04:42 |
randabis | yes | 04:42 |
=== steve [~steve@69-171-247-27.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | nptl?? which I always forget | 04:42 |
tritium | Dreamer3, nah... | 04:42 |
=== tuppa [~tuppa@c211-30-136-180.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xappe | green1, no, nothing there | 04:42 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: should i? i'm still trying to get over how fast the default install is with no prelinking | 04:42 |
green1 | Xappe: Thanks. Was wondering about that, being new to Ubuntu. | 04:42 |
randabis | Dreamer3, I recommend prelinking yes | 04:42 |
randabis | it doesn't take that long...at least it didn't here | 04:43 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: so it should get even faster? | 04:43 |
=== Ells [~steve@69-171-247-27.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | things should load a little faster | 04:43 |
Ells | is anyone here familiar with gtkpod | 04:43 |
green1 | Why is Ubuntu so high on the Distrowatch list ? | 04:43 |
randabis | Ells, somewhat | 04:43 |
tritium | green1, because it rocks | 04:43 |
bascule | Dreamer3: careful, it can break, In my experience java and SDL quite badly | 04:43 |
randabis | green1, because it rox the sox | 04:43 |
Dreamer3 | bascule: two things i don't use :) | 04:44 |
Dreamer3 | bascule: and you can always unprelink :) | 04:44 |
Ells | randabis, when i use it,it wont import my mp4a it says is needs libmp4v2 | 04:44 |
green1 | How is Ubuntu different than the others in the top 10 ? | 04:44 |
Ells | what the heck is with that | 04:44 |
XhyldazhK | heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey please help me with mplayer | 04:44 |
bascule | Dreamer3: I did, cause builds were getting funny too, different distro, but similar setup to g* | 04:44 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | Ells, what do you mean? | 04:44 |
randabis | oops | 04:44 |
randabis | Ells, I don't know | 04:44 |
randabis | it "just worked" for me | 04:45 |
Ells | randabis, when I go to import my files, it comes up with this | 04:45 |
LinuxJones | omg I need a cigarette :( | 04:45 |
Ells | do you have mp4s | 04:45 |
XhyldazhK | randabis: do you have mplayer-custom? | 04:45 |
bascule | Dreamer3: In a system as dynamic as that it is sketchy and dangerous IMO | 04:45 |
randabis | XhyldazhK, no | 04:45 |
randabis | I don't use mplayer in ubuntu | 04:45 |
randabis | I use it in gentoo though | 04:45 |
XhyldazhK | do anyone here have mplayer-custom on athlon? | 04:45 |
XhyldazhK | on ubuntu? | 04:45 |
Xappe | XhyldazhK, i compiled it from source with no difficulties at all | 04:45 |
bascule | XhyldazhK: apt-get install mplayer, if not google up the build error and learn ... ;) | 04:45 |
randabis | Ells, no, but I do have the essential codecs from mplayer.hu | 04:46 |
ultrahex | umm stupid LINUX and stupid sound | 04:46 |
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Ells | randabis, for gtkpod | 04:46 |
randabis | no | 04:46 |
bascule | ultrahex: can't tar all LINUX eith the same brush, not fair | 04:46 |
XhyldazhK | bascule: I've did that and I've not found that error for mplayer | 04:46 |
XhyldazhK | I've googled until exhausting and I cannot have my mplayer working | 04:47 |
XhyldazhK | and the mplayer, installed directly from mplayer site sources, is unstable | 04:48 |
bascule | http://rafb.net/paste <-- put it there I'll have a look | 04:48 |
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lunitik | XhyldazhK: I'm using the package in multiverse for mplayer, and having no issues (although I'm using -nogui...) | 04:50 |
bascule | xine leathers mplayer anyway | 04:50 |
Tsjoklat | yeah but you are special lunitik :P | 04:50 |
lunitik | bascule: Xine rarely even works here *shrug* ... mplayer lets me watch my pr0n so I could care less :P | 04:51 |
green1 | i see yet another xine vs. mplayer war a brewing.... | 04:51 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-143-207.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XhyldazhK | lunatik: do you have amd processor? | 04:51 |
XhyldazhK | bascule: http://rafb.net/paste/results/GAWaSf18.html | 04:51 |
lunitik | XhyldazhK: yup... a pos Duron :/ | 04:51 |
Xappe | i have an Athlon XP, and mplayer compiled just fine | 04:51 |
bascule | lunitik: well that is imortant, I have xine beautiful but mplayer locks all the time .. Linux .. heh | 04:51 |
XhyldazhK | xine plays all files and encodes video? | 04:52 |
Xappe | even got the esd-support | 04:52 |
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bascule | XhyldazhK: ./configure worked OK? | 04:52 |
XhyldazhK | bascule: yes | 04:52 |
Ells | does anyone know what this error means E: Read error - read (21 Is a directory) | 04:53 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ells | I get it when I try to install through apt-get | 04:54 |
lunitik | XhyldazhK: mplayer offers mencoder for encoding things... | 04:54 |
XhyldazhK | mencoder does not compile on my machine... | 04:54 |
lunitik | XhyldazhK: good job its in multiverse then I guess? | 04:55 |
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XhyldazhK | mencoder does compile, bue only the version from mplayer site | 04:55 |
XhyldazhK | and that version sometimes freezes my pc | 04:55 |
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julio | Hello folks. | 04:56 |
Golfer | hello | 04:56 |
julio | In the past my cheap, usb, mass-storage mp3 player would be automounted, and would come up as a folder. Now it doesn't (it did with another installation of Ubuntu). Any ideas? | 04:56 |
=== LucidVisions thinks its funny when he runs xine without a soundcard | ||
bascule | XhyldazhK: what version of MPlayer do you have there? | 04:57 |
Tsjoklat | julio add 'user' to the options in fstab | 04:57 |
bascule | sok I see pre6 | 04:57 |
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LucidVisions | x crashes and goes to gdm,lol | 04:57 |
XhyldazhK | mplayer-1.0-pre6 | 04:57 |
julio | but before i wouldn't even have to add anything to fstab. | 04:57 |
julio | i never even wrote anything in fstab. | 04:57 |
julio | a way to find where it is? as in /dev/??? | 04:58 |
bascule | XhyldazhK: are you *sure* ./configure finished OK? | 04:58 |
Tsjoklat | sudo nano -w /etc/fstab | 04:58 |
julio | k | 04:58 |
Biggles | usually usb drives are /dev/sdaX | 04:58 |
bascule | -march=i486 -mcpu=i686 <--reason I ask is it will configure for your arch by default | 04:58 |
XhyldazhK | bascule: yes, because all mplayer compiles, is the linking that fails | 04:59 |
Mantle | i remember seeing a release schedule for hoary milestones but now i can't find it linked on the ubuntu site.. anyone know where the site is? | 04:59 |
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julio | Hmm.....There isn't any sda in my /dev directory | 04:59 |
zhukov_ | anyone knows how to solve the composite extensions problem in hoary? | 05:00 |
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Biggles | julio: then you need to check you have scsi disc support in your kernel | 05:01 |
Biggles | also, try plugging the usb drive in and doing a tail /var/log/messages to see what it says about it | 05:01 |
julio | crappers....o.k., will do. i'm using the ubuntu kernel: | 05:01 |
zhukov_ | nobody? | 05:01 |
julio | it's not in there automatically? | 05:01 |
Golfer | Biggles he needs to do that to have it auto open? | 05:02 |
Biggles | not to auto open, but for it to work at all | 05:02 |
Biggles | unless it's a kind of usb drive i've never come across before | 05:02 |
Golfer | i think he said it was working | 05:02 |
Golfer | just doesnt auto open | 05:03 |
julio | it's not working at all. | 05:03 |
Biggles | hmm ok | 05:03 |
Golfer | oops sorry | 05:03 |
speel | hey i have a question .. with usb drives like thumb drives, mp3 flash based players , do they auto mount ? | 05:03 |
julio | /dev/sda used to come up in another installation. | 05:03 |
lil_anthony | can someone help me with my wireless connection? for some reason it was working just fine now it doesn't anymore i did a iwlist scan and i see two networks one linksys and one not might called chickennugget | 05:03 |
Biggles | right | 05:03 |
Biggles | speel: if you use an automounter they will | 05:03 |
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lil_anthony | for some reason i can't get it let me connect as in linksys which is my router i manually assigned the ip but its like i'm dead in the wind | 05:03 |
Biggles | there are various automounters, ranging from the ancient and much-maligned supermount to modern ones whos names i cannot remember | 05:04 |
speel | well ubuntu auto mounts everything for me so far cds,camras | 05:04 |
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julio | well....i have to go. thanks for the help. will be back later. | 05:04 |
julio | :-B | 05:04 |
=== Dreamer3 sighs. | ||
Biggles | then it should automount usb drives too | 05:04 |
=== Ells [~steve@69-171-247-27.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Biggles | julio: np | 05:04 |
speel | ah ok thankd | 05:04 |
speel | thanks* | 05:04 |
Biggles | esp if it automounts cameras, since a camera is a usb drive | 05:05 |
speel | true | 05:05 |
Ells | can anyone help me out. I cannot add or subtract any packages thru apt-get or synaptic. I keep getting this error E: Read error - read (21 Is a directory) | 05:05 |
Dreamer3 | Ells: no idea | 05:05 |
XhyldazhK | hw do i do a dpatch? | 05:05 |
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Ells | well, is there anyway that I can reinstall synaptic without reinstalling everything | 05:06 |
Golfer | Ells did you uodate your repositories | 05:06 |
Biggles | apt-get install synaptic? | 05:06 |
Ells | it will update the repos | 05:06 |
Ells | just not install or remove | 05:07 |
Ells | biggles using apt-get | 05:07 |
id_ID | everybody, is the protocol for YM from Gaim change..?? [i can't login YM via Gaim... :( ] | 05:07 |
Dreamer3 | id_ID: i just logged in fine (1.1.1 gaim) | 05:07 |
Ells | anyone have any answers | 05:08 |
Biggles | Ells: is it locked somehow? note that i dont use apt so i'm not entirely sure what i'm talking about :) | 05:08 |
Ells | biggles, I wish I had the answer | 05:08 |
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Biggles | oh i see does that give you that read error as well? | 05:09 |
Ells | yes | 05:09 |
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Biggles | hmmm | 05:09 |
id_ID | Dreamer3, i can't login i use gaim from default of ubuntu woody, yesterday i can do that..:( | 05:09 |
Biggles | sounds to me like you need to do a dist-update or something | 05:09 |
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Ells | if need be, I will reinstall, rather not | 05:09 |
Biggles | my guess is that something in your local apt db has got corrupted | 05:09 |
Ells | I need the apt-get | 05:09 |
Ells | okay | 05:10 |
Biggles | unfortunately i havent a clue where the local db is stored nor how to fix it if it has become corrupt | 05:10 |
tritium | Ells, did you try "apt-get install --reinstall synaptic"? | 05:10 |
Ells | no, i will try that thanks tritium | 05:10 |
Dreamer3 | id_ID: try adding backports and upgrading to 1.1.1 | 05:10 |
id_ID | Dreamer3, ok thank's :* | 05:10 |
tritium | backports are not a good idea if you ever plan to upgrade to HOary | 05:11 |
Ells | tritium, here is what I get apt-get install --reinstall synaptic | 05:11 |
Ells | Reading Package Lists... Done | 05:11 |
Ells | E: Read error - read (21 Is a directory) | 05:11 |
tritium | Ells, when/how did this start happening? | 05:11 |
Cuga_ | what is the diff bethween linux-image-k7 and linux-image-2.6.10-3-k7 ? | 05:11 |
Ells | today, about 30 mins ago | 05:11 |
Ells | strange stuff | 05:11 |
tritium | Ells, what were you doing at the time? | 05:12 |
Ells | I was updating | 05:12 |
FAST | anyone know of software that converts wma to mp3 ? without spyware/adware/all that junk | 05:12 |
tritium | Ells, did packages fail to install? | 05:12 |
Ells | maybe I should restart | 05:12 |
tritium | Ells, try "apt-get -f install" | 05:12 |
Ells | I could not search for certain packages | 05:12 |
Ells | okay | 05:12 |
tritium | Ells, also, "dpkg --configure --pending" | 05:12 |
Ells | cool, will try both | 05:12 |
tritium | ok | 05:12 |
Biggles | FAST: i think mplayer can dump the audio stream info, which you could then pipe into lamenc to encode to mp3 | 05:12 |
FAST | know of anything for windows? a friend is asking me | 05:13 |
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Ells | tritium same error both ways | 05:13 |
tritium | Cuga_, linux-image-k7 is a meta-package that depends on the actual kernel package | 05:13 |
Biggles | oh for windows | 05:13 |
Biggles | hmmm | 05:13 |
tabmoW | damn fglrx driver won't install - maybe i should upgrade to hoary | 05:13 |
Biggles | cdex? maybe? | 05:13 |
tritium | Ells, man, I don't know then... | 05:13 |
Ells | can I get apt-get outside and reinstall | 05:14 |
ultrahex | i need some help installing wine | 05:14 |
tritium | Ells, outside? | 05:14 |
Xappe | Ells, and you are sudoing (just to make sure)? :) | 05:14 |
Ells | maybe dpkg package | 05:14 |
ultrahex | is there synaptic APT for UBUNTU? | 05:14 |
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darkx | o.o | 05:14 |
tritium | ultrahex, synaptic is a front end to apt, and yes, it's installed by default | 05:14 |
Biggles | Ells: a random page i found on the net suggests using something called "strace" (i dont know why) | 05:15 |
Ells | Xappe, I am actually able to do those from root | 05:15 |
Cuga_ | why does hoary have a /.dev? | 05:15 |
ultrahex | tritium: how do you run it | 05:15 |
tabmoW | anyone had problems installing the fglrx driver with a Mobility Radeon 9100 IGP chip? | 05:15 |
Ells | biggles, what is strace | 05:15 |
tritium | Cuga_, because of udev | 05:15 |
Biggles | not a clue :) | 05:15 |
Cuga_ | thought udev just made /dev | 05:15 |
Cuga_ | not /.dev | 05:15 |
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Biggles | ohh | 05:15 |
Biggles | how's this | 05:15 |
Biggles | dpkg-restore | 05:15 |
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Biggles | sounds like it might do something useful | 05:15 |
tritium | Cuga_, udev moves the old /dev system into .dev | 05:16 |
l337 | has anyone gotten their video player to work with fx's downloadwith extension? | 05:16 |
Cuga_ | ahh | 05:16 |
Cuga_ | that explains it | 05:16 |
Cuga_ | Thanks | 05:16 |
Xappe | any news on usplash yet? | 05:16 |
tritium | Cuga_, it should have tons of files in there | 05:16 |
l337 | ie has anyone been able to stream download videos a la WMP? | 05:16 |
Cuga_ | yeah there is alot | 05:16 |
tritium | ultrahex, are you on Warty? | 05:17 |
l337 | no one? | 05:17 |
tritium | someone please tell ultrahex where synpatic is in the Warty menu system? | 05:17 |
kerignell | l337: DO u wanna stream or receive stream? | 05:17 |
bascule | computer -> system | 05:17 |
l337 | recieve | 05:17 |
ultrahex | tritium: just found it | 05:17 |
tritium | ultrahex, ok | 05:18 |
tritium | bascule, thanks | 05:18 |
bascule | np | 05:18 |
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bascule | though sometimes I wonder at people, if they can't navigate a drop down menu ... ;( | 05:18 |
Xappe | l337, well, mplayer should do that | 05:18 |
kerignell | l337: VLC will most certainly do it, or mediaplayer (not sure of exact name) | 05:18 |
Biggles | Ells: did you try dpkg-restore? | 05:18 |
kerignell | mplayre | 05:18 |
=== hybrid [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kerignell | mplayer* | 05:18 |
bascule | XhyldazhK: libavcodec1: Depends: libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) but it is not installable | 05:19 |
bascule | i think that is it | 05:19 |
Ells | Biggles, it did not work | 05:19 |
Biggles | mplayer will do live streams if you have the live.com codecs | 05:19 |
Biggles | what did it do? | 05:19 |
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l337 | i mean being able to open a wmv from a url in fx | 05:19 |
l337 | without first downloadin | 05:19 |
linux_galore | yeah mplayer isnt a stand alone it depends on whole pile of media libs..reason being mplayer just about plays anything | 05:19 |
kerignell | yes | 05:19 |
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=== lithi [~lithi@Toronto-HSE-ppp3858366.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Biggles | mplayer will even capture streams if you use the -dumpstream -dumpfile <filename> options :) | 05:20 |
XhyldazhK | bascule: I've hoaryized my warty | 05:20 |
bascule | l337: try mplayer -playlist some.url | 05:20 |
Xappe | l337, i'm using mplayerplug-in for firefox | 05:20 |
lithi | what does it mean when apt-get says "The following packages have been kept back"? | 05:20 |
l337 | xappe i am as well, but there are no control options | 05:21 |
linux_galore | I acutally have the mozilla-mplayer plugin for firefox/mozilla I often get wma stuff poping up and mplayer just works | 05:21 |
lil_anthony | anyone wanna help me tackle a wireless problem? i can scan with iwlist scan and i get my essid but when i do iwconfig it says off/any so i do iwconfig essid linksys and it still says off/any any ideas | 05:21 |
hybrid | what is the apt to search for a package? | 05:21 |
bascule | XhyldazhK: dont think its gonna help, I found out that libavcodec.a is linked to libvorbis which it doesn't like in VLC anyway, I guess uninstallable libvorbis0 addresses this ... | 05:21 |
tritium | hybrid, apt-cache search | 05:21 |
hybrid | ok thanx tritium | 05:21 |
tritium | np | 05:21 |
=== inc [~mike@c-65-34-144-27.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l337 | anyone have an opinion on which is better: xine or mplayer? i dont like mp because i cant browse dvd menus | 05:22 |
bascule | xine IMO is the best by far | 05:22 |
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Tsjoklat | l337, vlc | 05:22 |
l337 | then how can i play from url | 05:23 |
linux_galore | l337: yeah thats being fixed ...they are dumping this version of mplayer and are starting again | 05:23 |
Cuga_ | in hoary, the XF86config-4 file is not used anymore correct? | 05:23 |
Xappe | correct | 05:23 |
bascule | < bascule> l337: try mplayer -playlist some.url | 05:23 |
tritium | Cuga_, Xorg uses /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:23 |
hybrid | what is the apt-get package name for mplayer? or is it in synaptic? | 05:23 |
l337 | bascule i mean in xine | 05:23 |
FAST | is there an open source virtual machine program yet? | 05:24 |
Biggles | linux_galore: they are? how long is that going to take? | 05:24 |
tritium | hybrid, synaptic is a front-end to apt. It uses the same package database | 05:24 |
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tritium | hybrid, use apt-cache search | 05:24 |
inc | why must this sound torment me | 05:24 |
bascule | l337: good question | 05:24 |
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l337 | :O | 05:24 |
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tritium | FAST, like qemu? | 05:24 |
hybrid | tritium i did i got mga-vid-source - Kernel driver for the back-end scaler on Matrox cards (source) | 05:24 |
spinifex | any hope of playing games with sound on hoary? | 05:24 |
linux_galore | l337: they have already started they have to pretty much dump the core setup its all wrong the libs are fine though | 05:24 |
l337 | xappe: have you gotten the mplayer plugin to display control options | 05:24 |
bascule | xine -p some.url | 05:25 |
l337 | linux_galore i see | 05:25 |
tritium | hybrid, what are you searching for? | 05:25 |
Xappe | l337, like what? | 05:25 |
hybrid | mplayer | 05:25 |
bascule | or without the p, depends on the stream | 05:25 |
l337 | pause, play, save file, etc | 05:25 |
tritium | hybrid, apt-cache search mplayer | 05:25 |
wm_eddie | mplayer seems to be one of those big problems of Ubuntu huh... | 05:25 |
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lithi | what does it mean when apt-get says "The following packages have been kept back"? | 05:25 |
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vjaz | It means that those packages are not upgraded. | 05:25 |
linux_galore | I built my own version of mplayer from source works fine | 05:26 |
inc | screw mplayer i just want sound hehe | 05:26 |
Xappe | l337, not the save file, but pause and so on is there | 05:26 |
lithi | not upgraded? Or are not able to upgrade without causing conflict? | 05:26 |
Cuga_ | Im trying to get binary ATI drivers to install on hoary following the instructions from the wiki but think its missing something, i apt-got the xorg-driver-fglrx and the fglrx-kernel-source but when i modprobe fglrx it doens' find the module | 05:26 |
spinifex | inc-- doesn't it install rythmbox by default? | 05:26 |
l337 | not with mine =[ | 05:26 |
lithi | Cause Im trying to update my wine and I know there are updates | 05:26 |
hybrid | i already did man all i got mga-vid-source - Kernel driver for the back-end scaler on Matrox cards (source) | 05:26 |
tritium | hybrid, it's in multiverse | 05:26 |
tritium | hybrid, you need to enable it in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:26 |
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inc | spinifex.. that's not the prob | 05:26 |
tritium | hybrid, might was well enable universe too | 05:27 |
hybrid | ok | 05:27 |
l337 | Xappe i only get the video, no playback options | 05:27 |
vjaz | lithi, Because of conflicts, or simply because upgrading them would require removing something else or installing something new. | 05:27 |
Xappe | spinifex, you can try by killing esd. that way I get sound in games not using esd sound output | 05:27 |
hybrid | it is i believe | 05:27 |
spinifex | heh, I'm on a fresh install of hoary. I read a bit in the forums about how sound doesn't work in some games. Is there any fix for this yet? I hear nothing from chromium | 05:27 |
spinifex | ah | 05:27 |
Biggles | well, i need to go | 05:27 |
Biggles | later all | 05:27 |
l337 | perhaps i should run mplayer while opening the file? | 05:27 |
tritium | hybrid, you'd see mplayer if you had it enabled | 05:27 |
linux_galore | l337: might have to select OSS for sound in xine | 05:27 |
hybrid | ok | 05:27 |
Xappe | spinifex, killall esd | 05:28 |
tritium | hybrid, you're using Hoary, right? | 05:28 |
spinifex | sweet, worked instantly, thank you | 05:28 |
spinifex | *just killed the process name* k so now how do I start it again when I wanna play some music? | 05:28 |
Xappe | just type in esd | 05:28 |
Xappe | anf hit enter | 05:28 |
Xappe | *and | 05:28 |
Cuga_ | anybody here got the binary ATI drivers installed on hoary? | 05:29 |
tritium | Xappe, perhaps run it in the background | 05:29 |
Tsjoklat | lithi, it usually means you have to install other packages | 05:29 |
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hybrid | tritium no i apt-get update then dist-upgrade but got errors so i ran it again but never got it so i said forget it | 05:29 |
linux_galore | HAA! HA | 05:29 |
linux_galore | (ati) | 05:29 |
Xappe | tritium, well, yes. but that doesn't really matter, it will keep running even if you close the terminal | 05:29 |
green1 | is it true that one can 'upgrade' from warty to hoary without doing a complete re-install ? | 05:29 |
tritium | hybrid, then you need to use the Marillat repos | 05:29 |
hybrid | ???? do what | 05:30 |
spinifex | urk.. dying | 05:30 |
l337 | greenl yes | 05:30 |
green1 | l337 are there any distinct advantages? | 05:30 |
l337 | none | 05:30 |
hybrid | tritium what is marillat repos? | 05:30 |
green1 | <-- goes to search the forums. | 05:30 |
lithi | turned out it just wouldent upgrade the wine version, needed to apt-get remove then apt-get install | 05:30 |
tritium | hybrid, a repository | 05:30 |
l337 | in fact, theres many advantages/fixes | 05:31 |
l337 | there are* | 05:31 |
hybrid | tritium ok then how do i use it? | 05:31 |
tritium | hybrid, see ubuntuguide.org | 05:31 |
spinifex | um, hey.. this isn't good. After I killed esd while rythmbox was running, I can no longer create a terminal in X | 05:31 |
hybrid | ok | 05:31 |
tritium | hybrid, re: How to add extra repositories | 05:32 |
spinifex | (perhaps this is why it's in testing) | 05:32 |
hybrid | k so all i have to do is add marillat in synaptic? | 05:32 |
green1 | l337: i just installed warty today. I did not see hoary on the mirror. is it just available 'as an upgarde' or is there an iso? | 05:33 |
tritium | hybrid, then be sure to update so apt sees the newly available packages | 05:33 |
jdub | green1: both | 05:33 |
tritium | hybrid, then, you'll be able to see it | 05:33 |
hybrid | ok | 05:33 |
jdub | green1: hoary is the development branch | 05:33 |
spinifex | there's an iso | 05:33 |
green1 | jdub: guess i'm not understanding the difference. | 05:33 |
hybrid | and will that be for mplayer or hoary? | 05:33 |
inc | dev mean it's buggy as all hell | 05:34 |
tritium | hybrid, mplayer | 05:34 |
hybrid | ok | 05:34 |
inc | lol | 05:34 |
tritium | hybrid, that repo also has other packages | 05:34 |
hybrid | tritium: what about hoary do you know why i cant get it to install? ok | 05:34 |
jdub | green1: the development branch means it's not released, unchanging and security supported | 05:35 |
tritium | hybrid, you'd probably have to give me more info | 05:35 |
green1 | i'll get used to Ubuntu with warty. It seems fine today. | 05:35 |
inc | jdub: i still like the buggy part :) | 05:35 |
=== Ells [~steve@69-171-247-27.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdub | inc: that's not the intent. | 05:35 |
Cuga_ | what version of gcc was the latest hoary kernel image compiled against? | 05:35 |
Cuga_ | 3.3 or 3.4 | 05:35 |
inc | i know | 05:35 |
inc | it's to work 'em out | 05:36 |
Xappe | damnit did l33t go now that I've fixed a screenshot for him of mplayerplug-in | 05:36 |
hybrid | tritium ; ok i edited my source.list so everything says hoary not warty then i apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade but i got some errors like disconnected by peer and so on then i tried to do it again but got another error and when i restarted i only had warty | 05:37 |
tritium | hybrid, I didn't tell you to do that | 05:37 |
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=== usual [~colin@cpe-69-204-161-106.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid | tritium to do what? | 05:37 |
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sasquatc4 | what would be the correct fstab permissions for mounting an ntfs partition so all users can read from it? | 05:37 |
inc | jdub: lspnp work for you | 05:37 |
=== vjaz [~vjaz@vjaz.yok.utu.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | hybrid, change warty to hoary in sources.list. All you wanted to do was add Marillat repo | 05:38 |
id_ID | everybody, i have a trouble too, like hybrid :( | 05:38 |
hybrid | i mean for hoary | 05:38 |
Xappe | sasquatc4, umask 0222 | 05:38 |
spinifex | I've got a c300 series tablet pc. I installed wacom-tools, but I haven't been been able to get any input from the digitizer yet. Any advice? | 05:38 |
hybrid | id_ID : you arent on ppc by any chance | 05:39 |
sasquatc4 | so for options it would be: ro,umask 022 0 0? | 05:39 |
Xappe | umask=0222 | 05:39 |
id_ID | hybrid, no it doesn't but i have a troube to upgrade my warty to hoary... :( | 05:39 |
tritium | hybrid, you'd only do that if you wanted to upgrade to Hoary, which was not what you wanted earlier | 05:39 |
hybrid | i kno | 05:40 |
sasquatc4 | k | 05:40 |
hybrid | i have been doing this | 05:40 |
hybrid | to get hoary | 05:40 |
hybrid | Xappe arent you on ppc? | 05:40 |
Xappe | nope | 05:40 |
hybrid | oo | 05:40 |
hybrid | then who was i talking to that was... | 05:41 |
id_ID | tritium, which tty we use to upgrade ?? if i run from X11 i have a trouble... :( | 05:41 |
Xappe | i have an iBook though, but no linux on that one yet | 05:41 |
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tritium | id_ID, doesn't really matter | 05:41 |
hybrid | i may just wait for my shipit cds | 05:41 |
lil_anthony | anyone thnk they could help me get my wireless to give me access to the net? | 05:41 |
hybrid | Xappe : ooo ok | 05:41 |
alz | Hello to all; does anyone know how to set the volume of an internal modem | 05:41 |
=== Anubis [~LordVader@node.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | hybrid, you said you wanted mplayer, and you were going to add Marillat repos | 05:42 |
hybrid | i am | 05:42 |
Xappe | hybrid, tried out the hoary ppc livecd, maybe that's why you thought I was running ppc | 05:42 |
=== tierra|h [~tierra@c-24-10-173-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid | tritium ; but i have had problems tring to upgrade for days now Xappe: oo ok | 05:42 |
tritium | hybrid, that's why I don't get why you changed warty to hoary. that wasn't part of getting mplayer from marrilat repo | 05:43 |
tritium | hybrid, which problem are we dealing with now? | 05:43 |
hybrid | tritium ; nvm man | 05:43 |
Cuga_ | found a great script that got my ATI drivers installed properly, applies a kernel patch aswell to make it all work, maybe add to wiki? | 05:43 |
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tritium | hybrid, just pick. Do you want to get mplayer, or upgrade to Hoary? | 05:44 |
=== Golfer [~Golfer@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid | i want hoary | 05:44 |
Xappe | tritium, hehe | 05:44 |
tritium | :) | 05:44 |
darkx | so how would i go about the switch from xfree to xorg in hoary? | 05:46 |
tritium | darkx, that's part of the upgrade | 05:46 |
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=== janc [~janc@dD5762641.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkx | i ran a dist upgrade, and it seemed to hold back the xorg packages, and kept the xfree packages | 05:46 |
tritium | dist-upgrade held them back? | 05:47 |
=== Xappe plays aroud with window themes: http://www.delta.se/~jon/Screenshot3.png | ||
darkx | yep | 05:47 |
Golfer | darkx synaptic and install xorg | 05:47 |
=== illek [~mike@ip68-13-238-168.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== Xappe plays around with window themes. xchat: http://www.delta.se/~jon/Screenshot2.png | ||
darkx | sounds like a plan | 05:48 |
tritium | yeah, just "sudo apt-get install xorg-common xserver-xorg" | 05:48 |
Golfer | yep or like that :) | 05:49 |
tritium | either way, whichever is your preference | 05:49 |
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=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XhyldazhK | hey tritium: how can I find cc1plus? | 05:49 |
ironwolf | XhyldazhK: which cc1plus | 05:50 |
bascule | Xappe: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~u08km3/screenshots/screenieFeb05.jpg | 05:50 |
=== darkx huggles super cow powers | ||
tritium | XhyldazhK, ironwolf is correct if you mean find something in your filesystem | 05:50 |
tritium | XhyldazhK, do you mean find the package? | 05:50 |
bascule | Xappe: dark - light heh | 05:51 |
Xappe | bascule, that's a nice one. but I like it dark :) | 05:51 |
bascule | I like dark, but I can't live with it | 05:51 |
Xappe | think it's more relaxing with a dark theme | 05:52 |
sasquatc4 | are there any simpler alternatives to tv viewing than mythtv | 05:52 |
sasquatc4 | i keep gettin errors with it cause of the sql db and all the other crap i really dont need | 05:52 |
bascule | yeah different taste, different people, i posted mine cause they are opposites :) | 05:53 |
Xappe | blah, have to go to work in about 1,5 h | 05:53 |
Xappe | no sleep for me then | 05:53 |
bascule | lol | 05:54 |
bascule | Xappe, you use gkrellm? | 05:54 |
tritium | I will be sleeping in 1.5 hrs :) | 05:54 |
ultrahex | hey anyone know how to check which /dev/ttyUSB my palm is connected to | 05:54 |
Xappe | nah, have installed but never uses it | 05:54 |
bascule | ultrahex: lsusb | 05:55 |
Xappe | sasquatc4, i use tvtime, great app | 05:55 |
ultrahex | so in Gnome Pilot put /dev/lsusb ? | 05:55 |
sasquatc4 | k | 05:55 |
bascule | no run lsusb, it might tell you .. | 05:55 |
bascule | I really dunno about such things | 05:56 |
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ultrahex | Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0830:0060 Palm, Inc. Palm Tungsten T | 05:56 |
=== MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ultrahex | so would that be ttys3? | 05:56 |
sasquatc4 | tvtime does look nice, but cant get any channels in, just blue screen | 05:57 |
Xappe | you have to scan | 05:57 |
spinifex | I want to get my tablet screen working... | 05:57 |
ultrahex | bascule: any ideas? | 05:57 |
sasquatc4 | you have to scan before it gets rid of blue screen? | 05:58 |
Xappe | sasquatc4, yep. should be somwhere in the right click menu | 05:59 |
ultrahex | did something replace GNOME pilot? | 05:59 |
sasquatc4 | yea, i think i saw it | 05:59 |
bascule | ultrahex: nay I know nothing of palms | 05:59 |
spinifex | =\ I don't know how to do this.. help.. | 05:59 |
ultrahex | bascule: i think it has more to do with USB conenctions then actual Pilots | 05:59 |
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inc | anybody know what causes this FATAL: Error inserting snd_cs4236 (/lib/modules/2.6.10-3-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4236.ko): No such device | 06:01 |
FAST | can anyone help? i installed some xfce packages, but now when i reboot the computer, ubuntu stays at the console terminal login. it does not boot into the gui login screen like normal. how can i fix this? | 06:01 |
sasquatc4 | hmmm, still no signals | 06:01 |
=== edgeoc [~polarisx@ool-44c157dc.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Xappe | sasquatc4, what tvtuner do you have? i have a hauppage wintv pci, and have no problems | 06:02 |
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bascule | FAST: cat /etc/inittab | grep initdefault | 06:02 |
sasquatc4 | its a generic kworld, but its BT based | 06:02 |
Xappe | ok, then it should be allright | 06:03 |
FAST | id:2:initdefault: | 06:03 |
bascule | edit it so it reads id:5:initdefault | 06:04 |
tritium | bascule, no | 06:04 |
crimsun | uh no. | 06:04 |
=== srid [~sridhar@srid.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
srid | firefox is loading empty page for some of the sites. do anyone face this problem? how do I fix it? | 06:04 |
tritium | this is not fedora | 06:04 |
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crimsun | do not play with /etc/inittab. Ubuntu, like Debian, does not play with runlevels. | 06:04 |
bascule | tritium: OK thien, I guess things are different now | 06:04 |
wm_eddie | Yay for emacs -rv | 06:05 |
FAST | ermm...... so what should i do | 06:05 |
tritium | bascule, debian has never been like that as far as I recall. Same for ubuntu | 06:05 |
bascule | OK, new to htis whole debian based thing | 06:05 |
tritium | bascule, it's cool :) | 06:05 |
siridhar | how do I check the integrity of the downloaded .isos? I see 'MD5SUMS' and 'MD5SUMS.gpg' @ http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/cdimage/releases/5.04/array-4/. What do I do w/ them? | 06:05 |
FAST | thanks anyway | 06:05 |
crimsun | inc: you're positive you have a sound card based on that chipset? | 06:06 |
FAST | tritium, do oyu have a suggestion then? | 06:06 |
crimsun | FAST: installing xfce should not muck with X Window System at all | 06:06 |
=== IRCMonkey [~chatzilla@YahooBB219019237251.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | FAST, I don't use xfce, so not really | 06:06 |
crimsun | FAST: are you using Warty or Hoary? | 06:06 |
FAST | warty | 06:06 |
FAST | ive only used synaptic to install packages | 06:06 |
FAST | nothing else | 06:06 |
srid | siridhar, run 'md5 file.iso' to get the digest and compare | 06:06 |
crimsun | FAST: paste your /var/log/XFree86.0.log to http://pastebin.ca | 06:06 |
=== pestil [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pestil | hellouh | 06:07 |
FAST | the whole thing? | 06:07 |
siridhar | sridhar, how do I run it? | 06:07 |
pestil | hello FAST, subterrific, and the gang | 06:07 |
crimsun | FAST: to http://pastebin.ca , yes | 06:08 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ultrahex | anyone know how to use LINUX ... and PALM Pilots ( i have a tungeston E) | 06:08 |
pestil | or www.pastebin.com | 06:08 |
FAST | http://pastebin.ca/5696 | 06:09 |
pestil | ultrahex: try downloading jpilot from Software Manager (Synaptic) | 06:09 |
ultrahex | ya i need the resporisorsors .... its not naturally in list | 06:09 |
tritium | FAST, comment out the GLCore module | 06:10 |
wm_eddie | ultrahex: There is also a gnome panel applet (right click on the panel) but it's a little buggy with installing .prc files. | 06:10 |
wm_eddie | the gnome panel applet also syncs with evolution which is a pluss. | 06:10 |
pestil | ultrahex: I hear Evolution works ok with Palms | 06:10 |
FAST | tritium, comment it out? from the log file? | 06:11 |
ultrahex | ummmm ... gnome panel applet? | 06:11 |
tritium | FAST, no, in your xorg.conf | 06:11 |
Anubis | how would I put hdparm into the start scripts | 06:11 |
wm_eddie | ultrahex: Right click on the top panel and go to add to panel | 06:11 |
tritium | Anubis, hdparm has its own start scripts | 06:11 |
ultrahex | ya that doesnt work at all wm_eddie | 06:12 |
wm_eddie | there you'll see Pilot Applet | 06:12 |
ultrahex | cause my palm is too new or something | 06:12 |
FAST | tritium, im using warty. isn't that xfree86? or where is the conf located ? | 06:12 |
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tritium | FAST, yes, sorry | 06:12 |
tritium | FAST, /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 06:12 |
wm_eddie | oh. | 06:12 |
Anubis | tritium, really? | 06:12 |
ultrahex | wm_eddie: ya ... | 06:12 |
=== orospakr [~orospakr@CPE0004762b7051-CM001225701f0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | Anubis, yes. "dpkg -L hdparm" to see for yourself where it has files | 06:12 |
FAST | Section "Module" | 06:12 |
FAST | #Load"GLcore" | 06:12 |
FAST | like that? | 06:13 |
randabis | yes | 06:13 |
crimsun | FAST: did you execute ,,sudo nvidia-glx-config enable''? | 06:13 |
tritium | FAST, yep, like that | 06:13 |
FAST | i believe i did that last night | 06:13 |
randabis | that will prevent GLCore from loading | 06:13 |
=== dwmurphy2 [~dwmurphy@c-24-131-30-135.mw.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | yeah | 06:13 |
wm_eddie | http://aadis.de/wiki/TungstenLinux | 06:13 |
tritium | which he wants with nvidia | 06:13 |
randabis | heh I'm recompiling my whole system...156 emerges lol | 06:14 |
wm_eddie | ultrahex: | 06:14 |
FAST | so now that glcore wont be loading, i should get the normal gui login screen then? | 06:14 |
=== mat51 [~matt@lin-dsl-static-206-222-213-205.inetnebr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ultrahex | ya ... i got the first link | 06:14 |
randabis | maybe | 06:14 |
tritium | FAST, you should | 06:14 |
FAST | :\ | 06:14 |
FAST | alright let me reboot, ill see what happens | 06:14 |
tritium | Anubis, find the files? You'll want to edit /etc/hdparm.conf to suit your needs. | 06:15 |
=== wm_eddie goes back to iPod and python stuff | ||
pestil | wm_eddie: I got an easy question for you, but answer I haven't found. Ubuntu screws up my clock. Going back to windows advances me 6 hours | 06:16 |
ultrahex | pestil: do you have GMT set ? | 06:16 |
Ells | Tritium for president, who will second it | 06:16 |
pestil | uhmm, I don't know. | 06:16 |
tritium | Ells, lol | 06:17 |
Ells | You know the deal | 06:17 |
tritium | you're too kind | 06:17 |
Ells | I try | 06:17 |
tritium | thanks, buddy | 06:17 |
Ells | you got it | 06:17 |
tritium | :) | 06:17 |
pestil | ultrahex: wm_eddie: thanks, you got it. GMT is exactly the 6 hours I was missing. thanks. :P | 06:17 |
=== FAST [~ryan@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | work? | 06:18 |
ultrahex | psteil: well it seems like when you install you setup your system time saying it was GMT ... and windows thinks differnt and yada yada yada ... :P | 06:18 |
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FAST | well.......... that didn't work. still get console login screen | 06:18 |
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tritium | FAST, let's see your new log | 06:18 |
randabis | what video card do you have? | 06:18 |
ultrahex | pestil: sad that i started using UBUNTU today :P hehe | 06:18 |
FAST | nvidia vanta | 06:18 |
randabis | ooh | 06:18 |
randabis | is that the chipset? | 06:19 |
FAST | guess so.. its an older 8MB agp | 06:19 |
randabis | that's your problem | 06:19 |
FAST | evga nvidia vanta | 06:19 |
randabis | those won't work with the nvidia driver | 06:19 |
FAST | hm | 06:19 |
randabis | you're just gonna have to use nv | 06:19 |
ultrahex | ok now anyone know where i can get the JPILOT ... | 06:19 |
randabis | the nvidia driver is only for TNT2 or better I believe | 06:20 |
ultrahex | lol | 06:20 |
randabis | vanta is old | 06:20 |
randabis | very old | 06:20 |
=== daniels has a riva128. | ||
FAST | should i remove nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings and nvidia-kernel-common packages? | 06:20 |
randabis | probably | 06:20 |
randabis | they aren't doing you any good | 06:20 |
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=== sirjackalot is now known as bubba | ||
=== tritium has a GeForce4 440 Go | ||
FAST | that nvidia-settings program works though ":\ | 06:22 |
FAST | it detects the right card and memory | 06:22 |
tritium | And the log indicates that nvidia driver loaded | 06:22 |
randabis | well I dunno then | 06:22 |
randabis | I'm pretty sure you can't get opengl working with a card that old | 06:22 |
randabis | and I'm pretty certain that card isn't supported | 06:23 |
randabis | *checks* | 06:23 |
FAST | opengl screensavers work (i think) ? | 06:23 |
tritium | FAST, does xfce have a login manager? | 06:23 |
bascule | no it doesnt | 06:24 |
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tritium | FAST, so what's supposed to start up at boot? | 06:24 |
bascule | a session-manager is it, saves open apps and so | 06:24 |
randabis | my mistake | 06:24 |
randabis | http://www.nvidia.com/object/products_supported.html | 06:24 |
FAST | i dunno, i wanted try it out, but only installed packages from synaptic. | 06:24 |
randabis | it says it is supported right there | 06:24 |
randabis | :/ | 06:24 |
tritium | randabis, it's all good, dog | 06:24 |
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tritium | :) | 06:25 |
FAST | i think im just gonna reinstall ubuntu again' .. | 06:25 |
tritium | FAST, that's probably not necessary | 06:25 |
bascule | FAST: how about pasting this file /var/log/gdm/\:0.log | 06:25 |
FAST | whats the website to paste again | 06:26 |
siridhar | My video adapater is "VIA/S3G UniChromeII Graphics (64 MB)". Ubuntu installer chose 'vesa' by default. Is that correct or 's3' or 's3virge'? | 06:26 |
bascule | a few i use hrrp://rafb.net/paste | 06:27 |
siridhar | FAST: www.pastebin.com | 06:27 |
daniels | srid: the most correct driver is 'via', but it's broken in warty, and will be fixed in hoary, the next release due for april 2005 | 06:27 |
bascule | actually http but there you go :) | 06:27 |
FAST | 1 sec | 06:27 |
srid | daniels, ? | 06:27 |
FAST | http://pastebin.ca/5697 | 06:28 |
tritium | srid, he meant siridhar, I believe | 06:28 |
srid | firefox is loading empty page for some of the sites. do anyone face this problem? how do I fix it? | 06:28 |
tritium | FAST, I still see the GLcore error | 06:29 |
tritium | FAST, also, did you comment out the "dri" module? | 06:29 |
bascule | thing is it goes past it ???! | 06:29 |
FAST | no i didnt | 06:29 |
tritium | FAST, do that as well | 06:30 |
FAST | im just gonna reinstall again heh... | 06:30 |
da_bon_bon | is it better to get daily build of cd images or the array4 ? | 06:30 |
tritium | FAST, just try this first | 06:30 |
tritium | FAST, reinstall is extreme when you can just remove packages | 06:30 |
daniels | srid: er yeah, sorry | 06:30 |
srid | anybody know where anjuta2 deb is available? | 06:30 |
srid | np | 06:30 |
daniels | siridhar: see above | 06:30 |
FAST | ok i commented out dri | 06:30 |
tritium | FAST, from a v.c. /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 06:31 |
FAST | ok ill try | 06:31 |
FAST | brb | 06:31 |
tritium | ok | 06:31 |
ultrahex | ok | 06:32 |
ultrahex | guyz ... i have synaptic package manager failing | 06:32 |
srid | oo .. i upgraded hoary and python is missing some modules! ipython returns error saying 'profile' module not found! what is happening? | 06:32 |
ultrahex | it says it cant find a file but its there | 06:32 |
ultrahex | how would i make it so that i can just download and install the .deb file | 06:32 |
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defendguin | hmmm install from usb sounds good | 06:35 |
defendguin | i wonder if the bios supports it | 06:35 |
fsc | shouldn't ubuntu be putting an entry in update-alternatives for ruby so that at least there is a symbolic link ruby to ruby1.8 or whatever? | 06:35 |
crimsun | srid: are you referring to Profile from hotshot? | 06:35 |
srid | crimsun, i started 'ipython' and it says cannot import 'profile' module | 06:36 |
srid | crimsun, i just dist-upgraded my hoary setup | 06:36 |
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srid | sri@infinity:~ $ dpkg -L python2.4 | grep profile | 06:37 |
srid | sri@infinity:~ $ | 06:37 |
srid | sick! | 06:37 |
tritium | daniels, is that a pen in your hand in your hackergotchi? | 06:37 |
daniels | tritium: a texta, yes | 06:38 |
srid | that's a bug | 06:38 |
tritium | daniels, I've always wondered... | 06:38 |
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=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-186-160.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
R0bNyc | Hello | 06:39 |
siridhar | My video adapater is "VIA/S3G UniChromeII Graphics (64 MB)". Ubuntu installer chose 'vesa' by default. Is that correct or 's3' or 's3virge'? | 06:39 |
=== slackd00d [~bacardi@c-24-19-219-0.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
defendguin | how can you tell if a computer is underpowered? | 06:39 |
R0bNyc | Is that app that shows up in the systemtray for when theres updates availabe for hoary what is the name of it | 06:39 |
crimsun | fsc: that was done in 1.8.1-2 | 06:39 |
crimsun | fsc: I presume you have 'ruby' and 'ruby1.8' installed from hoary/universe? | 06:40 |
fsc | no hoary | 06:40 |
tritium | siridhar, daniels had explained that "via" is the correct driver, but it's broken in Warty | 06:40 |
fsc | warty | 06:40 |
daniels | siridhar: 'via' is correct, but it doesn't work in warty; you need to wait until the next release | 06:40 |
R0bNyc | Hoary users please your attention :) | 06:40 |
crimsun | fsc: it works fine in hoary. | 06:40 |
fsc | crimsun, yeah, that was causing me some angst trying to build ruby-gnome2 | 06:40 |
crimsun | fsc: (ruby1.8 is in hoary/main) | 06:40 |
Ells | Tritium: I got a question for ya. I have a 17 in screen on my toshiba. The resolution is set to only go to 1024. It is capable of going up to 1440X900. Do you know how I can accomplish this. | 06:40 |
tritium | R0bNyc, update-notifier | 06:41 |
Ells | it would make the print look better | 06:41 |
R0bNyc | thanks tr | 06:41 |
tritium | yup | 06:41 |
R0bNyc | so yea that update-notifier | 06:41 |
=== wnaLinux [~wna@c-24-20-63-246.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
R0bNyc | notifies me and i update it right through there | 06:41 |
siridhar | tritium and daniels, does VIA show up an option in Hoary? | 06:41 |
slackd00d | i ordered some ubuntu disks off of the website when they were sending them out for free....and that day someone went through my neighborhood and stole mail from everyone's mailbox's...and my ubuntu cd's were what were stolen from me =( | 06:41 |
daniels | siridhar: yes, and it should be done by default | 06:41 |
=== lemonade [~nick@crown-5-160.resnet.ucsc.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wnaLinux | hi | 06:42 |
=== benjaminfinkel [~benjaminf@216-15-127-143.c3-0.smr-ubr3.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ells | Tritium: any ideas | 06:42 |
tritium | Ells, you're on Hoary? Warty? | 06:42 |
Ells | Warty | 06:42 |
lemonade | what's the preferred way to use the mouse in textmode on ubuntu (hoary)? Install gpm? | 06:42 |
siridhar | okay cool. I downloaded hoary .iso and burnt it using Alcohol 120% at 40x speed but the installer said the CD is corrupt or something | 06:42 |
wnaLinux | 40x is to high | 06:42 |
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=== weee [~scott@146-115-127-217.c3-0.smr-ubr2.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | Ells, does your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 not list higher resolutions? Do the refresh rates look correct? | 06:43 |
tritium | (if they're listed) | 06:43 |
=== suffix [~power@c-24-126-178-57.we.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ultrahex | anyone know the command to start apache2 on linux | 06:43 |
Ells | Tritium, the rates only go up to 1024 throught the resolution tool | 06:43 |
Ells | I can check etc | 06:43 |
bascule | ultrahex: httpd2 | 06:43 |
tritium | ultrahex, it would be /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 06:44 |
ultrahex | whoa you people are fast | 06:44 |
ultrahex | lol | 06:44 |
tritium | ultrahex, chech for apache* in /etc/init.d. I may have the filename wrong | 06:44 |
bascule | yeah use the init.d things | 06:44 |
lemonade | how do I make the mouse work in text mode? | 06:44 |
wnaLinux | lemonade is that possible? | 06:45 |
tritium | Ells, you can try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, and include higher resolutions when asked | 06:45 |
ultrahex | hmmmm no listening sockets available | 06:45 |
tritium | lemonade, gpm | 06:45 |
Ells | Tritium: cool will try | 06:45 |
ultrahex | tritium: why can i bind to address port 80? | 06:45 |
lemonade | gpm won't screw up X at all? Cuz in earlier debian versions it kinda did | 06:45 |
tritium | lemonade, I don't know. Haven't used gpm in years | 06:46 |
Amaranth | ultrahex: You need to run it as root to use a port that low. | 06:46 |
lemonade | it's fun though. heheh. I'll try it | 06:46 |
Amaranth | ultrahex: iirc all ports under 1024 require root access | 06:46 |
ultrahex | Amanrath: yes i understand ... but i was doing sudo ... | 06:46 |
fsc | so should i just change my respositories and dist-upgrade to hoary? | 06:46 |
Amaranth | ultrahex: oh | 06:46 |
tritium | ultrahex, so the init script is failing? | 06:47 |
ultrahex | yes | 06:47 |
ultrahex | i suppose | 06:47 |
=== dwmurphy2 [~dwmurphy@c-24-131-30-135.mw.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | what do you mean? | 06:47 |
ultrahex | i mean its giving an error | 06:47 |
ultrahex | that it cant bind to adress no listening sockets available | 06:48 |
ultrahex | unable to open logs | 06:48 |
siridhar | tritium: do you happen to know how can I check if installation CD is okay or not at the very first step itself during ubuntu installation? | 06:48 |
Ells | Tritium: I did it, but it did not ask for any resolutions | 06:48 |
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Ells | Tritium: it did let me fix my memory for the card though | 06:48 |
siridhar | I realized that only if the CD is corrupt, can I see the list of various steps during installation in which one is the CD check | 06:48 |
siridhar | but how do I go to that step initially | 06:48 |
tritium | Ells, you can always edit the config file yourself. | 06:48 |
tritium | siridhar, you can check the md5sum | 06:49 |
lemonade | =\ installed the package but don't see any change. Do I have to configure it myself or what? | 06:49 |
Ells | Tritium: can you walk me thru that | 06:49 |
bubba | is firefox 1.0 available for warty yet? | 06:49 |
wnaLinux | yes bubba is is | 06:49 |
siridhar | tritium: even if the md5sum is correct since I burnt the CD at higher speed, it got corrupted | 06:49 |
wnaLinux | just issue these commands | 06:49 |
bubba | ok | 06:50 |
siridhar | now I am burning at 8X and want to make sure by the installer itself | 06:50 |
siridhar | is that possible>? | 06:50 |
wnaLinux | sudo apt-get update | 06:50 |
wnaLinux | sudo apt-get upgrade | 06:50 |
wnaLinux | that should update firefox | 06:50 |
da_bon_bon | is it better to get daily build of cd images or the array4 ? | 06:50 |
fsc | so are a lot of people using hoary now. I don't really have a reason to upgrade unless it won't break anything | 06:50 |
tritium | siridhar, I don't recall. | 06:50 |
wnaLinux | got it bubba? | 06:50 |
bubba | working on it | 06:50 |
siridhar | k | 06:51 |
tritium | Ells, yes | 06:51 |
wnaLinux | ok, cool | 06:51 |
bubba | didn't know it was in the repository though hang on | 06:51 |
wnaLinux | k | 06:51 |
Ells | Tritium: cool | 06:51 |
tritium | Ells, /msg me again | 06:51 |
Ells | got iy | 06:51 |
Ells | it | 06:51 |
lunitik | Anyone know of a fix for the 'E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) / E: Unable to lock the download directory' bug? | 06:51 |
lemonade | =[ how do I make gpm work? | 06:51 |
wnaLinux | bubba, you checking through synaptic? | 06:52 |
lemonade | lunitik: either be root when using apt-get or don't use two instances at the same time | 06:52 |
bubba | running yoru command right now | 06:52 |
bubba | i had done this before | 06:52 |
wnaLinux | ahh | 06:52 |
wnaLinux | ok | 06:52 |
bubba | but wanting to see if it upgrades it this time | 06:52 |
wnaLinux | well | 06:52 |
bubba | i don't think 1.0 is supported yet so i was told beofre when i asked they said april | 06:52 |
wnaLinux | it could also be that | 06:52 |
lunitik | lemonade: no instances of synaptic/aptitude/apt ... using sudo itself, and sudo -s, and sudo -l | 06:52 |
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubba | but can't you pin it from warty | 06:52 |
bubba | err | 06:52 |
bubba | hoary | 06:53 |
bubba | much like you do mplayer? | 06:53 |
wnaLinux | im sorry? | 06:53 |
bubba | you know how mplayer doesn't install right | 06:53 |
bubba | and you have to pin it from hoary | 06:53 |
wnaLinux | I guess. . . go on . . . | 06:53 |
lemonade | lunitik: does it do this on a fresh startup? you might have to kill things | 06:53 |
bubba | well i was wondering if it might work that way | 06:53 |
lunitik | lemonade: I have killed all that pertain to it. | 06:53 |
lemonade | hm, then I dunno | 06:53 |
wnaLinux | no I dont think so | 06:53 |
lunitik | lemonade: I could have told you that. | 06:54 |
wnaLinux | the only thing I did was | 06:54 |
wnaLinux | add extra repositories from www.ubuntuguide.org | 06:54 |
wnaLinux | and then issue those commands I gave you | 06:54 |
bubba | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingMplayerFromHoaryInWarty/view?searchterm=mplayer | 06:54 |
bubba | ok let me try that | 06:54 |
bubba | what you just posted | 06:54 |
wnaLinux | yeah | 06:54 |
wnaLinux | ok | 06:55 |
=== lunitik notes mplayer was supposed to be in warty-updates | ||
wnaLinux | It is? | 06:55 |
wnaLinux | I havent checked recentlu | 06:55 |
wnaLinux | recently* | 06:55 |
lunitik | wnaLinux: should be, yes | 06:55 |
rubixXx | does anyone have the win32codecs package | 06:56 |
rubixXx | apt-get can't find it | 06:56 |
goldfish | should do | 06:56 |
goldfish | i got it from apt-get | 06:56 |
goldfish | w32codecs | 06:56 |
goldfish | i think it's called | 06:56 |
wnaLinux | you half to add the extra repositories | 06:56 |
rubixXx | extra reps? | 06:57 |
=== Mr_Smiley [~smiley@CPE-144-136-183-182.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wnaLinux | from www.ubuntuguide.org | 06:57 |
wnaLinux | yes rubixx | 06:57 |
wnaLinux | you half to edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:57 |
=== Ashen [[U2FsdGVkX@220-244-11-158-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wnaLinux | bubba, any progress? | 06:58 |
lunitik | rubix_: w32codecs is in Christians repo... I wouldn't use it though, is only the 'essential' codecs, the 'all' collection offeres, for example, wmv support - which essential doesn't. | 06:58 |
Ashen | hokay... does anyone have any experience with ubantu warty on AMD64 that can give us a hand? | 06:58 |
bubba | yeah checking against the list brb in a sec | 06:59 |
lunitik | You can find it in tar.gz form on mplayers site | 06:59 |
bob2 | er, w32codecs includes wmv support. | 06:59 |
wnaLinux | k | 06:59 |
rubixXx | wna apt-cache search win32codecs | 06:59 |
lunitik | bob2: doesn't work here with w32codecs... | 06:59 |
bob2 | works fine for me | 06:59 |
rubixXx | wait | 06:59 |
rubixXx | i forgot to update | 06:59 |
wnaLinux | yeah | 06:59 |
wnaLinux | sudo apt-get updater | 06:59 |
wnaLinux | sudo apt-get update | 07:00 |
rubixXx | sudo is a much more insecure way of doing things | 07:00 |
bob2 | it's really not | 07:00 |
wnaLinux | nah | 07:00 |
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ashen | ubuntu installs, downloads all the latest security patches, opens gnome, and then x hangs, somewhere between the login screen first appearing and the actual desktop loading bar appearing after you log in. | 07:00 |
tritium | rubixXx, no | 07:00 |
goldfish | Ashen: nvidia card? | 07:01 |
rubixXx | ashen, clt alt f1 then kill the xserver | 07:01 |
Ashen | goldfish: yup | 07:01 |
rubixXx | run apt-get update-dist | 07:01 |
goldfish | i had the same problem | 07:01 |
goldfish | u need the nvidia drivers | 07:01 |
goldfish | yep what rubixXx said | 07:01 |
Ashen | mmm. I tried to install them... and... uh... they hate me. | 07:01 |
rubixXx | then apt-get install nvidia-glx | 07:01 |
rubixXx | nvidia-glx-enable | 07:01 |
tritium | Ashen, make sure you have linux-restricted-modules that match your kernel | 07:02 |
Ashen | k. | 07:02 |
bob2 | I really doubt that's the problem | 07:02 |
wnaLinux | to be safe I would also check your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 to see if it detected | 07:02 |
wnaLinux | your video card correctly | 07:02 |
Ashen | it did. | 07:02 |
wnaLinux | ok, good | 07:02 |
wnaLinux | then installing the drivers should be cake | 07:03 |
rubixXx | can someone please see what source the win32codecs come from or dcc me the deb | 07:03 |
rubixXx | my apt-get sources can't find it for anything | 07:03 |
lunitik | rubix_: from marillats sources. | 07:03 |
wnaLinux | yeah | 07:03 |
bob2 | rubixXx: it's in marillat's repository | 07:03 |
wnaLinux | marillats | 07:03 |
crimsun | rubixXx: 'w32codecs' | 07:04 |
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Ashen | I've got no experience with deb dists. | 07:04 |
Ashen | :p | 07:04 |
=== mpq [~tony@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wnaLinux | no proiblem | 07:04 |
wnaLinux | no problem | 07:04 |
mpq | I just got a USB hub | 07:04 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | the ports are too close together | 07:04 |
tritium | mpq, sorry, there's no "apt-get install more space" :( | 07:05 |
mpq | lol | 07:05 |
fsc | so are most people in here running hoary? | 07:05 |
mpq | I'm not | 07:05 |
wnaLinux | lol | 07:05 |
wnaLinux | nether am I | 07:05 |
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tritium | I am | 07:05 |
mpq | I got a USB 2.0 4 port hub for $20 | 07:05 |
ultrahex | is there something similiar to CTRL+ALT+DELTE FOR Linux? | 07:05 |
lunitik | fsc: many are... some aren't. | 07:05 |
Xappe | me too | 07:05 |
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wnaLinux | I wouldnt recommend it ether | 07:05 |
tritium | I would | 07:05 |
fsc | neither am I. warty is pretty damn good for me | 07:05 |
mpq | but the ports are too close together so I can only plug in two devices at the same time | 07:06 |
fsc | i'll wait for a final release | 07:06 |
tritium | how many do you have? | 07:06 |
rubixXx | E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate | 07:06 |
bob2 | ultrahex: to do what? | 07:06 |
wnaLinux | tritium: is it even stable? | 07:06 |
bubba | yeah some o the resps i didn't have added | 07:06 |
bob2 | rubixXx: dude, paste your sources.list to #flood | 07:06 |
rubixXx | can someone PLEASE just dcc me the file | 07:06 |
rubixXx | ok | 07:06 |
tritium | rubixXx, ubuntuguide.org for the marillat repo | 07:06 |
wnaLinux | you get it now bubba? | 07:06 |
tritium | wnaLinux, it has been fine | 07:06 |
wnaLinux | tritium: wow, really? | 07:07 |
tritium | wnaLinux, but I've been running debian unstable with experimental stuff too for years | 07:07 |
wnaLinux | yeah | 07:07 |
tritium | so I'm used to occasional issues | 07:07 |
wnaLinux | ubuntu based on sid | 07:07 |
tritium | yep | 07:07 |
bubba | running update and upgrade now after i got the new resps | 07:08 |
Xappe | i've been running windows for several years, so i'm used to having a big bug as my os | 07:08 |
mpq | I am so bored | 07:08 |
bubba | 27 upgrades so possible | 07:08 |
tritium | Xappe, heh | 07:08 |
bob2 | rubixXx: http://wiki.canonical.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:08 |
mpq | I plugged the wireless mouse receiver into a USB extension cord that I plugged into another computer | 07:08 |
bubba | yeah its in there | 07:08 |
bubba | its installing it now | 07:08 |
bascule | mpq: reverse engineer DirectX for us | 07:08 |
goldfish | rofl | 07:08 |
mpq | now I'm controlling the cursor on another computer from six feet away | 07:09 |
wnaLinux | great | 07:09 |
=== bubba wonders how much stuff is not gonna work after he gets done with this upgrade | ||
=== rintrah_ [~rintrah@S01060050ba4d4742.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wnaLinux | avtually | 07:09 |
wnaLinux | actually | 07:09 |
Xappe | off@work | 07:09 |
wnaLinux | everything should work great | 07:09 |
rubixXx | bob2, i need a user/pass | 07:09 |
bubba | should is a magic word around here | 07:09 |
bascule | enjoy ..working Saturday sux | 07:09 |
rubixXx | bob2, do i need to get some kind of account | 07:09 |
wnaLinux | I havent had a problem | 07:09 |
mpq | shit | 07:09 |
mpq | the hub doesn't work right | 07:09 |
wnaLinux | ever since I updraded | 07:09 |
bubba | i should be screwing britney spears | 07:09 |
bubba | but i'm not | 07:10 |
bubba | :) | 07:10 |
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bob2 | rubixXx: no, you do not | 07:10 |
mpq | I knew it was too good a price | 07:10 |
bubba | well we will see | 07:10 |
rubixXx | well its asking for a pw | 07:10 |
mpq | $20 for a 4 port usb 2.0 hub? | 07:10 |
bubba | i thnk flash will notn work on me as it did before | 07:10 |
=== lunitik really thinks 'update-notifier' and 'update-manager' should be merged and made into a real applet... having -manager and synaptic in the menu's is untidy imo... | ||
mpq | I hope I can return it | 07:10 |
bubba | and java | 07:10 |
bob2 | rubixXx: no, it's not | 07:10 |
bob2 | bah | 07:10 |
bob2 | rubixXx: sorry | 07:10 |
bob2 | rubixXx: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:10 |
wnaLinux | why is that? | 07:11 |
bubba | why is what or are you talking to me | 07:11 |
rubixXx | bob what do you mean marilliat's rep | 07:11 |
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bob2 | blah, nevermind then | 07:11 |
wnaLinux | im talking to you | 07:11 |
bubba | i might hve done it wrong though | 07:12 |
wnaLinux | bubba | 07:12 |
=== dash [washort@adsl-17-129-211.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | just follow the random incorrect instructions other people are giving you | 07:12 |
bubba | cause i took and downoaded the firefox deb manually from the backport | 07:12 |
bubba | and then ran it | 07:12 |
wnaLinux | . . . | 07:12 |
bubba | maybe this will work | 07:12 |
wnaLinux | apt-get upgrade didnt work? | 07:12 |
tritium | rubixXx, did you read ubuntuguide.org? | 07:12 |
bubba | like i stated i'm doing it now | 07:12 |
bubba | i'm talking about hte old way | 07:12 |
wnaLinux | ahh | 07:12 |
dash | Hi. I'm installing ubuntu on a new machine: is the warty install disc still the one i want to use? | 07:13 |
bubba | i changed it 1.0 the old way or my way | 07:13 |
mpq | I'd think so | 07:13 |
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bubba | and i lost java and flash even though the symbolic links were still there | 07:13 |
lunitik | dash: not a bad choice. | 07:13 |
mpq | dash: I don't see why it wouldn't be | 07:13 |
rubixXx | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 07:13 |
wnaLinux | you removed the older package from the debian backport right? | 07:13 |
rubixXx | tritium, yes i did, and it didn't tell me anything other then apt-getting it | 07:13 |
dash | mpq: okay, just making sure i'm not missing anything :) | 07:13 |
rubixXx | is that source right? | 07:13 |
bubba | yeah i removed the old and installed the new | 07:13 |
wnaLinux | k | 07:13 |
bubba | it didn't work so i removed purged it | 07:14 |
tritium | rubixXx, did you apt-get update after adding that repo to your list? | 07:14 |
bubba | and went back to .99 | 07:14 |
wnaLinux | yeah | 07:14 |
bubba | now dooidn gthe upgrade | 07:14 |
tritium | rubixXx, yes, it's correct | 07:14 |
bubba | so gonan see if it works | 07:14 |
rubixXx | yea i did | 07:14 |
Ashen | is ubuntu natively support ntfs? | 07:14 |
bubba | sorry for the typos i'm in bed on lappy haha | 07:14 |
wnaLinux | yes ashen | 07:14 |
crimsun | Ashen: yes, in read-only. | 07:14 |
Ashen | (btw, the graphics thing fixed it) | 07:14 |
wnaLinux | it does | 07:14 |
Ashen | cool. | 07:14 |
sig_ubuntu | bubba: you sound as lazy as me | 07:14 |
wnaLinux | bubba: its cool I type slow n e ways | 07:15 |
mpq | how do I read an ntfs partition? | 07:15 |
defendguin | hey im going to try to do a usb install and im setting up the bios to boot from usb but when im picking the boot devices in the bios there is an option for usb-fdd what is this? | 07:15 |
nomasteryoda | mpg, sudo mkdir /mnt/windows | 07:15 |
=== mpq is now known as mpQ | ||
nomasteryoda | then sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda (nfts partition) /mnt/windows | 07:16 |
wnaLinux | mpq: check this url:http://ubuntuguide.org/#windows it has all the stuff you need | 07:16 |
nomasteryoda | replace /dev/hda with actual nfts patition | 07:16 |
=== mpQ is now known as mpq | ||
nomasteryoda | wnaLinux: lol | 07:16 |
nomasteryoda | just a few days ago, we were kidding about mpg, and look how far he's come | 07:16 |
nomasteryoda | wow | 07:16 |
mpq | yeah, thanks | 07:17 |
mpq | it's Q by the way | 07:17 |
mpq | not g | 07:17 |
nomasteryoda | really.. thanks | 07:17 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 07:17 |
nomasteryoda | i forget | 07:17 |
nomasteryoda | tire | 07:17 |
nomasteryoda | d | 07:17 |
bubba | sig_ubuntu, don't tell anyone | 07:17 |
bubba | haha | 07:17 |
mpq | it said I don't have permission to access the partition | 07:17 |
bubba | i'm a computer junky i eat sleep and breath pcs | 07:17 |
=== salti [~salti@fl-67-77-165-81.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | you breathe pcs? | 07:18 |
mpq | is that safe? | 07:18 |
wnaLinux | heh, you sound like me | 07:18 |
bubba | breed i mean | 07:18 |
bubba | and no its not safe | 07:18 |
bubba | i'm sick i need help | 07:18 |
mpq | that makes less sense than breathe | 07:18 |
mpq | breed? as in you sleep with computers? | 07:18 |
bubba | porn man porn gotta have porn | 07:18 |
bubba | yes my girlfriends last name is .jpg | 07:18 |
wnaLinux | heh | 07:18 |
wnaLinux | lmao | 07:18 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, make sure you do it using "sudo" | 07:18 |
defendguin | ummm | 07:18 |
defendguin | help | 07:19 |
mpq | I did | 07:19 |
nomasteryoda | so you have the directory? | 07:19 |
wnaLinux | defendguin: whats wrong? | 07:19 |
bubba | and wna you have a good flash page to test this thing | 07:19 |
nomasteryoda | /mnt/windows? | 07:19 |
tritium | mpq, yeah, you've come a long way. way to go, dude | 07:19 |
bubba | it seems to have worked flowgo is working sor far | 07:19 |
mpq | You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "windows". | 07:19 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 07:19 |
wnaLinux | bubba: try www.flash.com | 07:20 |
bubba | ok | 07:20 |
mpq | could it have something to do with options set while in windows? | 07:20 |
bubba | java works | 07:20 |
bubba | let me try flash | 07:20 |
wnaLinux | ok good | 07:20 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, er if you setup encryption or dynamic drives | 07:20 |
nomasteryoda | yea, but plain old ntfs, it will read | 07:20 |
mpq | I don't know how to do that, so I don't think that's it | 07:21 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, i always open the root term | 07:21 |
nomasteryoda | inal | 07:21 |
bubba | yeah its working good deal | 07:21 |
nomasteryoda | so i can type the commands without sudo | 07:21 |
bubba | now yo uwanna nother challenge? | 07:21 |
wnaLinux | yeah man glad I could help | 07:21 |
wnaLinux | sure | 07:21 |
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bubba | merge my sounds sliders so i have a master control | 07:21 |
=== geppy [~geppy@c-24-0-83-218.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | mount -t ntfs /dev/NTFSPARTITION | 07:21 |
bubba | instead of having to change half of the sound with pcm-2 | 07:21 |
mpq | who here uses both firefox and xchat? | 07:21 |
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bubba | and the other with mono master | 07:21 |
geppy | What package provides esddsp? | 07:22 |
nomasteryoda | /mnt/windows | 07:22 |
defendguin | wnaLinux, i wanted to install from a usb | 07:22 |
tritium | mpq, me | 07:22 |
nomasteryoda | me | 07:22 |
bubba | i do mpq | 07:22 |
mpq | ok | 07:22 |
=== Am|NickTaken [Amaranth@ACA9A38C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nomasteryoda | love them | 07:22 |
=== Jim-Panse [~Jim-Panse@pD9E8E9A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | geppy: esound-clients | 07:22 |
mpq | I can't get irc commands in firefox to run in xchat | 07:22 |
geppy | crimsun: danke | 07:22 |
mpq | as in, type in an irc server and channel | 07:22 |
dash | I'm wanting to put my root fs on an LVM partition. am i crazy? :) | 07:22 |
bubba | anyone use bittornado? | 07:22 |
dash | "logical volume", i mean. | 07:22 |
wnaLinux | defendguin: sorry man I have never done that b4 | 07:22 |
mpq | how do I get firefox to run irc commands in xchat? | 07:22 |
defendguin | wnaLinux, i was setting up the bios and i was wonder what usb device i should set as a boot option and i saw usb-fdd | 07:22 |
dash | i've got a separate /boot partition, of course | 07:23 |
defendguin | not sure what that is | 07:23 |
bubba | wna you gotta clue on that one? | 07:23 |
wnaLinux | hmm | 07:23 |
wnaLinux | nah I dont | 07:23 |
bubba | why part of my sound is pcm-2 | 07:23 |
bubba | and the other part is mono master | 07:24 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, i would be sure there is an extension for that | 07:24 |
wnaLinux | yeah thats a bit odd | 07:24 |
nomasteryoda | mayb Linkification | 07:24 |
mpq | yeah, it's called chatzilla | 07:24 |
mpq | but I don't want to use that | 07:24 |
bubba | i can't kill the sound totally | 07:24 |
nomasteryoda | er, nope | 07:24 |
bubba | i either get a guy moaning or a girl | 07:24 |
bubba | soi choose the girl :) | 07:24 |
mpq | I bookmarked irc channels so I could open them easily | 07:24 |
nomasteryoda | you can use an extension to make firefox open using the program of your choosing | 07:24 |
=== kivinen [~kivinen@S0106004005c2cc58.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wnaLinux | bubba: you running this on a laptop? | 07:24 |
bubba | yeah | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, i add them to my server list in xchat | 07:25 |
kivinen | hey, i'm installing MPlayer, and i ran "make install" and it's been like 15 minutes and its still at cc -I../libvo -I../../libvo -I/usr/X11R6/include -fno-PIC -O4 -march=pentium3 -mcpu=pentium3 -pipe -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -D_REENTRANT -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_AV_CONFIG_H -I.. -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -c -o motion_est.o motion_est.c | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | and they all open together | 07:25 |
wnaLinux | ok | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | by default | 07:25 |
bubba | why? | 07:25 |
mpq | I'm not very familiar with xchat | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | man xchat | 07:25 |
wnaLinux | im just checking | 07:25 |
mpq | but I prefer it because it's easier to tell who's talking to me than in firefox | 07:25 |
mpq | and it looks better | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | his site is very informative | 07:25 |
bubba | i have dell inspiron with the subwoofer and the subwoofer is off if i don't raise the pcm-2 slider | 07:25 |
bubba | the mono one controls the two little speakers | 07:26 |
bob2 | kivinen: yes, stupid optimisation flags make gcc run very slowly | 07:26 |
bob2 | and I hope you're on x86, or that will explode most amusingly | 07:26 |
kivinen | youre right! IT MOVED! | 07:26 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, xchat is quite a piece of work | 07:26 |
wnaLinux | well whats your controller for your sound (if u dont know try "sudo lspci") | 07:26 |
mpq | so far it's my favorite irc client | 07:26 |
mpq | here's another question | 07:27 |
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bubba | the controller i'm not sure i think its sigmetal let me make sure | 07:27 |
wnaLinux | k | 07:27 |
mpq | I'm on a laptop, is there a way to get the volume buttons to work in linux? | 07:27 |
nomasteryoda | i tired kopete, konversation, epic, chatzilla, bitchx | 07:27 |
nomasteryoda | xchat is tops | 07:27 |
mpq | mirc sucks | 07:27 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, ther surely has to be a way | 07:27 |
bubba | 0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 07:27 |
goldfish | mpq: desktop prefernces > keyboard shortcuts | 07:27 |
goldfish | irssi | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | i have my keyboard here on the desktop working | 07:28 |
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goldfish | tbh | 07:28 |
wnaLinux | ok | 07:28 |
bob2 | irssi-text is by far the best. | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | it has lots of extra buttons that work | 07:28 |
mpq | thanks goldfish | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | volume, ffwd, etc. | 07:28 |
bubba | if you have any idea i'm open ears | 07:28 |
mpq | that was easy | 07:28 |
wnaLinux | k | 07:28 |
wnaLinux | one sec | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | bubba, you might need the intel drivers for that | 07:28 |
bubba | ok | 07:28 |
wnaLinux | im trying somehting | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | look at the intel site | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | i saw a posting last night about that same issue.. i think | 07:29 |
bubba | about the slider issue? | 07:29 |
defendguin | does any one know where i can get a usb boot image for array-4? | 07:29 |
bubba | if you can find it that would be great | 07:29 |
nomasteryoda | bubba, what brand of laptop | 07:29 |
bubba | cause here is what i see in volum control | 07:29 |
bubba | dell inspiron 9100 | 07:29 |
nomasteryoda | ah, i have troubles with mine too | 07:29 |
nomasteryoda | brightness works fine | 07:30 |
nomasteryoda | most other Fn keys suck | 07:30 |
bubba | yeah tv out i ahve yet to get work | 07:30 |
bubba | everythign else works though | 07:30 |
nomasteryoda | bubba, tv out would be an xf86 function | 07:30 |
nomasteryoda | cool | 07:30 |
mpq | I just set "run terminal" to f10... let's see if I can just used to doing that | 07:30 |
nomasteryoda | i have a D505 Latitude | 07:30 |
wnaLinux | yeah bubba the best I can think of at the moment is compiling the alsa driver yourself | 07:30 |
bubba | been there done that | 07:31 |
nomasteryoda | got 1400x1050 screen resolution working on suse | 07:31 |
wnaLinux | hmm | 07:31 |
defendguin | uggg | 07:31 |
wnaLinux | no results from that bubba? | 07:31 |
bubba | i have the latest alsa drivers installed | 07:31 |
wnaLinux | hmm | 07:31 |
bubba | let me explain what i have | 07:31 |
wnaLinux | k | 07:31 |
bubba | to get a clear picture | 07:31 |
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tritium | bubba, what video chipset? | 07:31 |
bubba | sigmatel i think | 07:31 |
tritium | oh... | 07:32 |
nomasteryoda | in a dell? odd intel i855 | 07:32 |
bubba | at least thats what dell says | 07:32 |
mpq | I need help enabling my wireless network card | 07:32 |
nomasteryoda | mine is i855 | 07:32 |
crimsun | (sigmatel? for video?) | 07:32 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, the ndiswrapper issue huh? | 07:32 |
bubba | i have ati for video | 07:32 |
nomasteryoda | good | 07:32 |
mpq | ...I forgot what ndiswrapper is... | 07:32 |
bubba | but anyway | 07:32 |
bubba | on the sound controls | 07:32 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, just go to http://ndiswrapper.sf.net | 07:33 |
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bubba | i have sigmatel stac9750/51 oss mixer | 07:33 |
=== EfentharWireless [~EfentharW@219-88-5-239.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubba | and the only slider that works on there is pcm-2 | 07:33 |
crimsun | bubba: hoary? | 07:33 |
defendguin | hmmm i need a usb image | 07:33 |
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bubba | no warty | 07:33 |
nomasteryoda | bubba, did you look at the alsamixer? | 07:33 |
bubba | yeah | 07:33 |
bubba | only thing that works on it is mono master | 07:33 |
defendguin | anyone know where i can get a usb array-4 image | 07:33 |
bubba | two seperate volums | 07:33 |
bubba | i have intel ich5 alsa mixer | 07:34 |
wnaLinux | bubba: I think I will leavbe this issue to yoda | 07:34 |
bubba | and the slider for mono changes the small speakers | 07:34 |
nomasteryoda | i'll try | 07:34 |
defendguin | jdub, you around? | 07:34 |
bubba | and the sigmatel one changes the subwoofer | 07:34 |
bubba | hope you understand i can make a screenshot if needed | 07:34 |
crimsun | something doesn't make sense, bubba. Do you have an sblive _and_ an onboard one? | 07:34 |
bubba | all i know on this lappy is its a sigmatel according to the dell specs | 07:35 |
mpq | I forgot how to use universe | 07:35 |
crimsun | bubba: laptop or desktop? | 07:35 |
bubba | ;) | 07:35 |
bubba | lappy = laptop | 07:36 |
mpq | I have to enable it or something but I don't know how | 07:36 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:36 |
nomasteryoda | look at the wiki on ubuntulinux site | 07:36 |
nomasteryoda | google... remember that little thing? | 07:36 |
bubba | i can go to dells site and tell you exactly whts in here but its sigmatel according to the specs | 07:36 |
=== tritium needs sleep in a bad way | ||
=== nomasteryoda me too | ||
crimsun | bubba: paste ,,amixer'' output to pastebin.ca | 07:37 |
=== net_benjo [~ben@CPE000f66081cde-CM000f2120da81.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
net_benjo | hello....can anybody help me with PRINTING in ubuntu??? | 07:37 |
bubba | ok hang on | 07:38 |
mpq | I forgot how to edit the source file | 07:38 |
mpq | what do I run? | 07:38 |
tritium | good night folks | 07:38 |
rintrah | mpq, if you prefer gui's to editing the sources you could use synaptic and simply *click* the repository "on" and refresh | 07:38 |
bubba | pico /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:38 |
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mpq | I'm used to the command line | 07:38 |
rintrah | mpq, to edit the source file, you open an editor and edit the file | 07:38 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, make sure to use root terminal ... or sudo | 07:39 |
rintrah | it should be commented out | 07:39 |
mpq | I remembered the command... nano | 07:39 |
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bubba | crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/5700 | 07:39 |
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net_benjo | anybody can help me with printing? no one? | 07:39 |
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rintrah | printing? | 07:39 |
net_benjo | rintrah: yes printing.. | 07:40 |
defendguin | ugggg | 07:40 |
rintrah | what is the problem? | 07:40 |
crimsun | bubba: when you say only pcm-2 works, do you mean that you haven't scrolled right in alsamixer? | 07:40 |
defendguin | is there or is there not a way to do an install from a usb key | 07:40 |
net_benjo | my printer (canon iP4000) is not in the list of printers when i go to add it.. | 07:40 |
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bubba | i mean the onlys lider that has effect on sound is pcm-2 | 07:40 |
defendguin | i thought i read that in the hoary goals | 07:40 |
defendguin | and it said donw | 07:41 |
defendguin | done | 07:41 |
bubba | in sigmetal | 07:41 |
bubba | and only slider in alsa that controls sound is mono master | 07:41 |
bubba | all other sliders have no effect | 07:41 |
net_benjo | i've just tried installing the turboprint drivers...but you have to pay to get the full licence.. | 07:41 |
crimsun | bubba: your PCM sliders are set at 0. | 07:42 |
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bubba | yeah cause i have the volume down | 07:42 |
bubba | what i was getting at is master control doesn't work | 07:42 |
mpq | I just installed the wireless driver... I think... | 07:42 |
bubba | let me make some screen shots show you what i'm talking about | 07:42 |
crimsun | bubba: not necessary, I can see that from your amixer output. | 07:43 |
rintrah | net_benjo, sorry, i do not know anything about canon printers. | 07:43 |
bubba | ok | 07:43 |
bubba | pcm-2 is down low | 07:43 |
rintrah | is there a driver you can download from canon? | 07:43 |
bubba | that controls my subwoofer | 07:43 |
bubba | if i raise it up i get full sound on those speakers | 07:43 |
bubba | then i have to go to alsa mixer and raise mono up | 07:44 |
bubba | to get the other speakers | 07:44 |
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bubba | but nothign is centralized | 07:44 |
mpq | oh, it's too much of a hassle to try to use the wireless card | 07:44 |
bubba | as in no master control | 07:44 |
net_benjo | rintrah: thanks anyways...i'll try the forums... | 07:44 |
mpq | it's faster wired anyway | 07:44 |
rintrah | try googleing - "canon ip4000" driver | 07:45 |
crimsun | bubba: and what happens with, say, ,,amixer sset Master 29''? | 07:45 |
nomasteryoda | rintrah: have you tried a lower numbered model? | 07:45 |
=== Wammy [Wammy@ip68-101-254-243.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubba | haven't tried let me see | 07:45 |
Wammy | has anyone made a boot floppy? | 07:45 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, not really | 07:45 |
mpq | I'm not going to bother | 07:46 |
Wammy | my bios is being stupid and skips cd on boot. | 07:46 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, that was in reference to the wireless | 07:46 |
mpq | it's easier just to use the wired connection | 07:46 |
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rintrah | nomasteryoda: it was net_benjo that needed help, but thanks | 07:46 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, you'll get there | 07:46 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 07:46 |
mpq | I don't even know where the HP installer put the driver | 07:46 |
bubba | crimsun go to flood please | 07:46 |
bubba | and ill paste the results | 07:46 |
trigger_my_passi | hi, someone here said earlier that hoary supports VIA chipset graphic cards. But it isn't. My Ubuntu's GDM wouldn't start | 07:47 |
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defendguin | frick | 07:47 |
crimsun | bubba: now play something. | 07:47 |
bubba | ok | 07:48 |
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bubba | i'm playign xmms stream | 07:48 |
bubba | same thing mono controls sound | 07:48 |
bubba | as does pcm-2 | 07:48 |
bubba | nothign else | 07:48 |
crimsun | use amixer to control the volume/ | 07:49 |
crimsun | ? | 07:49 |
bubba | let me try | 07:49 |
bubba | i was using the gui volume control | 07:49 |
bubba | under alsamixer | 07:49 |
bubba | only mono master | 07:49 |
bubba | does gstreamer have any effect at all | 07:50 |
bubba | cause i currently have it set to esd | 07:50 |
crimsun | bubba: Volume Control is gstreamer-properties. | 07:50 |
bubba | i can't get it to use alsa | 07:50 |
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crimsun | bubba: esd is fine | 07:50 |
defendguin | is array 4 very useable? | 07:50 |
bubba | ok | 07:50 |
bubba | well same effect | 07:50 |
bubba | :( | 07:50 |
bubba | thanks for your help by the way | 07:51 |
nomasteryoda | mpq: try this http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrontPage/searchwiki?expr=ndiswrapper&submit=Search | 07:51 |
crimsun | bubba: my suggestion would be to consider trying array 4 | 07:51 |
mpq | I already tried | 07:51 |
mpq | I don't care enough to bother with it | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 07:52 |
bubba | ok how you do that sorry im still a nub | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | i thought i did not either, but since i got it working... i'm loving it | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | go to the local wireless cafe... hotels, etc. | 07:52 |
crimsun | bubba: iso image in the topic url | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | tis nice | 07:52 |
mpq | I guess you got a point there | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto | 07:52 |
mpq | except I don't think I go anywhere with public wifi | 07:53 |
bubba | oh upgrade to hoary | 07:53 |
nomasteryoda | once you know the chipset... and i would bet is the bcmwl5a.inf you need... | 07:53 |
Ashen | what does everyone recommend for the best gui dvd burning software for ubuntu? | 07:53 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, it's really an easy matter to install | 07:53 |
mpq | how do I find the chipset? | 07:53 |
nomasteryoda | is an internal card? | 07:54 |
mpq | yeah | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | do | 07:54 |
mpq | it's built into the computer | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | sudo lspci | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | look for bcm | 07:54 |
mpq | Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94306 802.11g (rev 03) | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | or you can use grep if you have a very long list of hardware | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | sweet | 07:54 |
mpq | I already knew what it was | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | yes | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | i remembered | 07:54 |
mpq | I've done lspci like 5 times now | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | that driver should work | 07:54 |
nomasteryoda | what brand laptop? | 07:55 |
mpq | hp pavilion | 07:55 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 07:55 |
nomasteryoda | hp would have the drivers | 07:55 |
nomasteryoda | i think | 07:55 |
defendguin | ugg | 07:55 |
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mpq | I found the .exe on HP's website | 07:55 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 07:55 |
mpq | the ndiswrapper linked to it | 07:55 |
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mpq | but I don't know what to do with the file | 07:55 |
nomasteryoda | you need to extract the contents | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | and having wine or windows works well | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | for that | 07:56 |
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nomasteryoda | i used wine to do mine | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | does ubuntu have wine, i dont' know | 07:56 |
mpq | yes | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | ok | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | good | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | type | 07:56 |
nomasteryoda | wine filename.exe | 07:56 |
bob2 | er | 07:57 |
bob2 | that seems like a terrible idea | 07:57 |
nomasteryoda | then look for the folder where it extracted the contents | 07:57 |
nomasteryoda | bob2, why> | 07:57 |
bob2 | I'm pretty sure "unzip" or the cab-extract thing will work | 07:57 |
nomasteryoda | i do it | 07:57 |
nomasteryoda | er ok | 07:57 |
bob2 | well, that's nice | 07:57 |
bluefoxicy | damnit | 07:57 |
nomasteryoda | never tried it | 07:57 |
bluefoxicy | I can't get anyone on an amd64 gentoo box to build me gtk-gnutella | 07:57 |
defendguin | ok ill just insta;; fedora | 07:57 |
mpq | I want the .inf file? | 07:57 |
bubba | crimsun how smooth you think that upgrade will go if i do that | 07:57 |
bluefoxicy | because the amd64 package is broke | 07:57 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, yes | 07:57 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: that seems like a gentoo problem | 07:57 |
bubba | i have enough hell trying to get the simple stuff working :) | 07:57 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5799 | 07:57 |
mpq | wait, there are two | 07:58 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, look here | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: I had gtk-gnutella on amd64 on gentoo | 07:58 |
nomasteryoda | on that wiki page | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | but the ubuntu package comes with no binary | 07:58 |
nomasteryoda | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | so rather than build gentoo, I'm trying to get gentoo users to build me one | 07:58 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: awesome | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | and nobody will do it >:( | 07:58 |
crimsun | bubba: it's the fourth milestone and should dist-upgrade fairly smoothly | 07:58 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, you will n eed the bcmwl5a | 07:58 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: why don't you just fix the ubuntu package with your leet hax0r skillz? | 07:58 |
nomasteryoda | since you have a version 3 | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: I tried | 07:58 |
bubba | ok | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | it didn't work | 07:58 |
bubba | well tell me this | 07:58 |
mpq | do I need anything other than that file? | 07:58 |
bluefoxicy | I can't rebuild gtk-gnutella because it tries to include glib.h | 07:59 |
bubba | do i need to download the upgrade or can i put in a repository and do an upgrade that way | 07:59 |
bluefoxicy | which doesn't exist when both glib1.2-dev and glib2.0-dev are installed | 07:59 |
bluefoxicy | for some odd reason. | 07:59 |
bluefoxicy | apparently NEITHER glib dev package provides glib.h, at least not the way the gtk-gnutella programmers want it | 07:59 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, no | 07:59 |
=== bluefoxicy blames gtk-gnutella | ||
nomasteryoda | that should work | 08:00 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: it does seem like you're jumping to conclusions here | 08:00 |
nomasteryoda | http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/Installation | 08:00 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: since header location is not very arch-dependant | 08:00 |
nomasteryoda | ndiswrapper -i filename.inf | 08:00 |
bubba | i guess thats a no :( | 08:00 |
nomasteryoda | then check with ndiswrapper -l | 08:00 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: glib.h is /usr/include/glib{1.2,2.0}/glib.h | 08:00 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: yes, I know | 08:00 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: gtk-gnutella's source files #include <glib.h> | 08:00 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: so fix the -I flags | 08:01 |
bluefoxicy | huh. | 08:01 |
=== [1] Cuga_ is now known as Cuga_ | ||
bob2 | you know, how gcc decides where to look for header files? | 08:02 |
nomasteryoda | mpq, just muddle along in that page reading... should be pretty much self explanatory.. | 08:02 |
nomasteryoda | got to sleep | 08:02 |
=== nomasteryoda says night all | ||
bluefoxicy | bob2: this will take about half an hour due to gtk-gnutella's braindamaged build system | 08:02 |
bluefoxicy | it literally asks you baout 30 questions | 08:02 |
bluefoxicy | while working | 08:02 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: so fix that too | 08:02 |
mpq | I got an error when I tried to make install | 08:03 |
nomasteryoda | need the gcc libraries and linux-source | 08:04 |
nomasteryoda | guys, please help mpq... | 08:04 |
bubba | crimsun, so just change everything in repository to hoary and then apt-get update and apt-get upgrade? | 08:04 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: also, the debian build won't ask *any* questions | 08:04 |
bluefoxicy | heh | 08:04 |
=== tuppa [~tuppa@c211-30-136-180.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefoxicy | I don't know how to build debs yet | 08:05 |
bluefoxicy | yay | 08:05 |
bob2 | er | 08:05 |
crimsun | bubba: dist-upgrade afterward, but yes. | 08:05 |
bob2 | you've been spamming the dev list for weeks now | 08:05 |
bubba | ok | 08:05 |
=== chibifs [~chibifs@bgp01048662bgs.southg01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
bubba | gonna try and see how bad i can break it | 08:06 |
mpq | ndiswrapper won't compile | 08:06 |
mpq | I get an error "Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/; give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make | 08:07 |
bob2 | install them | 08:07 |
mpq | install what? | 08:07 |
bob2 | also, you don't need to compile ndiswrapper | 08:07 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: most of what I say is more policy or theory than "this is how you build a deb file, you all know this but I will lecture anyway" | 08:07 |
bubba | you said dist-upgrade | 08:08 |
bubba | so thats apt-get dist-upgrade? | 08:08 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: er, knowing the basics is pretty important if you're planning on make broad generalisations | 08:08 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel/4372 for example doesn't necessarily need me to know how to make stuff. It'd be nice if I understood the structure of deb files and such, as then I could design the stuff I talk about there; but for as far as i go into it, it's not necessary. | 08:09 |
bluefoxicy | main.o(.text+0x923): In function `main': | 08:09 |
bluefoxicy | : undefined reference to `bitzi_init' | 08:09 |
bluefoxicy | if/bridge/ui2c.o(.text+0x11): In function `guc_query_bitzi_by_urn': | 08:09 |
bluefoxicy | : undefined reference to `bitzi_query_byurnsha1' | 08:09 |
bubba | ok i did apt-get update | 08:10 |
bubba | and doiong apt-get dist-upgrade now | 08:10 |
bubba | wish me luck | 08:10 |
bluefoxicy | I don't know how to handle those | 08:10 |
bubba | i'm like a child in a china cabnet | 08:10 |
=== Wammy|LapTop [~osx@ip68-101-254-243.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubba | i'ms ure to break something | 08:10 |
=== siridhar [~neowin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bubba will soon be running Ubuntu BandAid edition :P | ||
Wammy|LapTop | ok i had to boot ubuntu with a SBM floppy disk, now i have a small issue, it seems to 'die' when it all boots and it is asking to select a language. | 08:11 |
mpq | I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong | 08:11 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: aren't you the PaX-advocate from lkml? | 08:11 |
mpq | I'm following the directions but they aren't helping | 08:11 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: *cough* yeah | 08:11 |
Wammy|LapTop | any ideas what might be causing this? | 08:12 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: well, I'm not sure broad generalisations about things people are not very familiar with are always useful | 08:12 |
bluefoxicy | heh | 08:12 |
mpq | I can't get ndiswrapper to work | 08:12 |
=== Faustus [~Mestaphel@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | it won't compile | 08:13 |
bob2 | you don't need to compile it | 08:13 |
mpq | then how do I run it? | 08:13 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: if you're referring to my strikes at ingo/ExecShield and such, http://woct.sourceforge.net/defmatrix/threatmodel/security.html | 08:13 |
bob2 | you read the instructions | 08:13 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: since you seem eager to drag pax into this | 08:13 |
bob2 | if the instructions say you need to compile it, they're wrong | 08:13 |
mpq | the instructions said to compile | 08:13 |
bubba | mpq you ndiswrapper <your inf file goes here> | 08:13 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: no, just wondering if it was you or not | 08:13 |
bubba | you ndiswrapper -l to see if its there | 08:13 |
bubba | you modprobe ndiswrapper | 08:13 |
bubba | you then ndiswrapper -m | 08:14 |
bubba | so it makes wlan0 | 08:14 |
bluefoxicy | bob2: ah, ok. Thought you were trying to drag something else out to hit me with | 08:14 |
mpq | ndiswrapper: command not found | 08:14 |
mpq | clearly something's wrong | 08:14 |
bubba | sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper | 08:14 |
=== wizard_2 [~wizard@24-193-223-149.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubba | :) | 08:14 |
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=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefoxicy | "This knocks off (stuffing_sz / rand_period) bits from the randomization" <-- I still need to fix this x.x it overstates the damage, which is making the target a much wider area (though it only cuts out N possibilities, much less damage for higher randomization) | 08:15 |
=== bluefoxicy corrects that. | ||
mpq | it says there's no ndiswrapper package | 08:15 |
bubba | google is my friend and yours too | 08:15 |
bubba | try there for the ndiswrapper deb package | 08:15 |
bob2 | bluefoxicy: nope | 08:15 |
mpq | google is useless | 08:15 |
bob2 | no it's not | 08:15 |
mpq | I downloaded ndiswrapper but it doesn't work | 08:15 |
bubba | how is google useless | 08:15 |
bob2 | I know you're frustrated, ut you're frustrating everyone else by making broad incorrect statements | 08:15 |
mpq | I tried to compile and it won't compile | 08:15 |
goldfish | mpq: did u read the ubuntu forums? | 08:15 |
bob2 | you don't need to compile it | 08:16 |
mpq | you told me I didn't need to | 08:16 |
bob2 | you need to stop | 08:16 |
goldfish | u dont need to compile | 08:16 |
mpq | then why doesn't it work? | 08:16 |
bob2 | paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood | 08:16 |
bubba | the ndiswrapper is clear as hell on ubuntu forum | 08:16 |
bubba | thats how i learned how to do it | 08:16 |
bob2 | because you haven't set it up right yet | 08:16 |
bob2 | ignore the forums | 08:16 |
bob2 | mpq: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper | 08:17 |
bob2 | read that | 08:17 |
bob2 | ignore the stupid comments at the bottom | 08:17 |
bubba | i had no problem with ndiswrapper installing and all my pboelm is there is a bug or something in it cause after a while it will not let you get essid just craps out on you and takes for ever to get it back i asked in ndiswrapper and they said it is a known oddity so go figure | 08:18 |
bob2 | strange things happen when you slurp binary crud into your kernel | 08:19 |
mpq | it says the driver is installed now | 08:19 |
bob2 | cool | 08:20 |
mpq | oh no | 08:20 |
mpq | I don't have the network key | 08:20 |
=== tuppa_ [~tuppa@c211-30-136-180.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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goldfish | mpq: did u set one? | 08:22 |
mpq | yes | 08:22 |
goldfish | k | 08:23 |
bob2 | you need to find that out then | 08:23 |
mpq | well, not me, someone else | 08:23 |
mpq | I'm trying to, but they lost the code | 08:23 |
bubba | after a dist-upgrade do you have to restart | 08:23 |
bubba | or is it automatic? | 08:23 |
bob2 | you don't need to | 08:23 |
bubba | good deal | 08:23 |
bob2 | but you won't get gnome updates until you log out then in again | 08:23 |
bob2 | and you won't get libc6 fixes etc until everything is restarted | 08:24 |
bubba | ok | 08:24 |
bubba | so in other words restart hope and pray haha | 08:24 |
bubba | :) | 08:24 |
bob2 | meh, I haven't rebooted in weeks | 08:24 |
bubba | well considering this is a lappy | 08:24 |
bubba | kinda hard to keep it up 24/7 | 08:24 |
bob2 | hm? | 08:24 |
bob2 | my laptop is either on my lap or asleep | 08:24 |
bubba | well | 08:25 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubba | i seldom turn mine of too | 08:25 |
bubba | but thats another story | 08:25 |
bubba | :) | 08:25 |
bob2 | hah | 08:25 |
bubba | my toshiba burnt up cause of that | 08:25 |
bubba | it became a toaster | 08:25 |
mpq | I hate my parents | 08:26 |
bubba | honestly melted the pcmia network card | 08:26 |
bubba | why they making you go to bed? | 08:26 |
mpq | they are stubborn asses who won't help me with anything | 08:26 |
Wammy|LapTop | does ubuntu read ntfs file systems? | 08:26 |
mpq | and they lost the code | 08:26 |
bubba | haha | 08:26 |
bob2 | Wammy|LapTop: yes | 08:26 |
bubba | go down there and hit that reset button on the router | 08:26 |
Wammy|LapTop | default? | 08:26 |
bubba | gave over :) | 08:26 |
bubba | err game even | 08:26 |
Wammy|LapTop | or do i need to install a package? | 08:26 |
bob2 | Wammy|LapTop: yes, by default | 08:27 |
Wammy|LapTop | alright nice | 08:27 |
bob2 | you will need to configure /etc/fstab manually, tho | 08:27 |
Wammy|LapTop | how so? | 08:27 |
bob2 | by telling it where your NTFS partitions are | 08:27 |
Wammy|LapTop | ah ok | 08:27 |
Wammy|LapTop | like /dev/hdb or whatever it turns out to be? | 08:28 |
bob2 | yes | 08:28 |
Wammy|LapTop | alright | 08:28 |
bob2 | "fdisk -l /dev/hdb" will list the partition on hdb | 08:28 |
mpq | I can't restart the router | 08:28 |
mpq | that doesn't do anything | 08:28 |
bubba | that reset button restores it to defaults at least on mine it does | 08:29 |
mpq | default has a code | 08:29 |
mpq | the code is set by default | 08:29 |
bob2 | you need to find that out | 08:29 |
bubba | or if they haven't changed the admin pass you can usually and then reconfigure it | 08:30 |
mpq | if I reconfigure it it'll screw up their computers | 08:30 |
mpq | and as much as I want to do that, it won't help me | 08:30 |
goldfish | SCREW THEM! | 08:30 |
bob2 | then you need to talk to your parents | 08:30 |
mpq | they won't listen | 08:30 |
bubba | typical default is username black password: admin | 08:30 |
goldfish | 1234 : pass | 08:30 |
mpq | <mpq> they are stubborn asses | 08:30 |
bubba | then sounds like your screwed | 08:31 |
mpq | I just need to find it | 08:31 |
bubba | id go and reset it regardless and tell them you don't know what happen | 08:31 |
mpq | they won't believe that | 08:31 |
mpq | they'd just yell at me to fix it | 08:31 |
bob2 | well, anyway | 08:32 |
bob2 | you need to negotiate this with them | 08:32 |
bubba | then tell them you don't knwo how | 08:32 |
bubba | just like they don't know the key | 08:32 |
mpq | <mpq> THEY ARE STUBBORN ASSES | 08:32 |
bubba | simple fix | 08:32 |
mpq | they won't listen to anything | 08:32 |
bob2 | mpq: well, that's sad, but not our problem | 08:32 |
mpq | they still use AOL for crying out loud | 08:32 |
bob2 | and not something anyone here can help with | 08:32 |
bubba | i say get off the nipple and get your own place | 08:32 |
bubba | :) | 08:32 |
mpq | not old enough to yet | 08:32 |
Wammy|LapTop | lol | 08:32 |
mpq | believe me, that's the first thing I'm doing when I turn 18 | 08:32 |
bubba | then sue them for pain and sufferin | 08:32 |
mpq | lol | 08:33 |
Wammy|LapTop | mpq: thats why i run the entire network | 08:33 |
mpq | lucky you | 08:33 |
Wammy|LapTop | it all runs from my room | 08:33 |
Wammy|LapTop | no one messes with it | 08:33 |
mpq | I'm going to look for the network information paper | 08:33 |
mpq | it's probably in a drawer somewhere | 08:33 |
Wammy|LapTop | its fun messing with my step sister while she is online with VNC tho | 08:33 |
Wammy|LapTop | ;) | 08:33 |
bubba | what good is the network paper that came with the router gonna do? | 08:33 |
bubba | just curious | 08:33 |
Wammy|LapTop | 425kB/s comes out to how many MB/s ? | 08:34 |
Wammy|LapTop | er wiat | 08:34 |
bubba | can you not telnet into it from the main computer? | 08:34 |
Wammy|LapTop | think i just answered my question | 08:34 |
goldfish | do an ifconfig | 08:34 |
goldfish | and telnet to the default gateway | 08:35 |
bubba | yeah but i don't think he knows the password | 08:35 |
Wammy|LapTop | mpq: what is your problem? | 08:35 |
bubba | which is why i said just go and reset it | 08:35 |
mpq | I hate them | 08:35 |
mpq | they won't even let me look for the damn thing | 08:35 |
mpq | "It's your fault for screwing with your computer!" | 08:35 |
mpq | I hate them so much | 08:35 |
Wammy|LapTop | Fetched 104MB in 4m7s | 08:35 |
bubba | well dont' commit suicide i don't want my tax dollars having to go toward cleaning you up | 08:36 |
Wammy|LapTop | haha love my internet! | 08:36 |
mpq | what about cleaning them up? | 08:36 |
Wammy|LapTop | mpq: what is your problem? | 08:36 |
goldfish | it shud be 1234 | 08:36 |
bob2 | come on | 08:36 |
bob2 | this does suck for you, but is kinda off-topic | 08:36 |
goldfish | man | 08:36 |
goldfish | press reset | 08:36 |
goldfish | what make router is it? | 08:36 |
bubba | goldfish, i hve told hi that 3 times already | 08:36 |
mpq | linksys | 08:36 |
goldfish | heh | 08:36 |
bubba | he doesn't listen | 08:36 |
bubba | much like his parents | 08:37 |
mpq | I've reset that thing countless times | 08:37 |
mpq | it doesn't do anything | 08:37 |
bubba | then reset it again | 08:37 |
Wammy|LapTop | mpq: not power it off | 08:37 |
mpq | the router is a piece of shit | 08:37 |
goldfish | it does | 08:37 |
bob2 | no | 08:37 |
goldfish | reset, resets the password | 08:37 |
Wammy|LapTop | there is a small button you have to press with a paper clip | 08:37 |
bubba | you dont' turn the power off on it you hit the reset button | 08:37 |
bob2 | reseting it does not alter the wep key | 08:37 |
bob2 | do not encourage people to do stupid things | 08:37 |
goldfish | it alters the password | 08:37 |
bob2 | come on, have some common sense, people | 08:37 |
mpq | I knew that already bob | 08:37 |
bubba | :) | 08:37 |
mpq | THIS is why I didn't want to waste time with the wireless | 08:38 |
bubba | i was just trying to see if he would try :) | 08:38 |
=== shehjar [~shehjar@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | please don't do that | 08:38 |
mpq | I wasn't going to | 08:38 |
shehjar | isnt there a xmms package for hoary? | 08:38 |
bob2 | mpq: well, we're all sorry you forgot to record this information while you were in windows | 08:38 |
bob2 | but ultimately it's a person al issue | 08:38 |
bob2 | shehjar: it's in universe | 08:38 |
=== bubba is sorry for being a butthole | ||
mpq | well, this was back when I knew nothing about computers | 08:39 |
Wammy|LapTop | wait, so you forgot the password to the router, and now you cant get the wep key? | 08:39 |
shehjar | bob2: that means i cant use the regular deb packages? | 08:39 |
mpq | I can't get the wep key because my parents lost it | 08:40 |
shehjar | i downloaded it from xmms.org | 08:40 |
Wammy|LapTop | dont you have any other computers using the wireless? | 08:40 |
mpq | yeah | 08:40 |
Wammy|LapTop | usually you can pick it off from there. | 08:40 |
Wammy|LapTop | in the configs | 08:40 |
mpq | both other computers are on windows | 08:40 |
Wammy|LapTop | ah windows encrypts the key right. | 08:41 |
Wammy|LapTop | might wanna call linksys up and see what you can do | 08:41 |
mpq | it's 11pm here | 08:41 |
mpq | and if I was going to call anyone it would be comcast | 08:41 |
Wammy|LapTop | where you at? | 08:41 |
mpq | pacific | 08:41 |
Wammy|LapTop | a, in 19 mins, good feb 12th to you ;) | 08:42 |
Wammy|LapTop | is there a 'sleep' in ubuntu? | 08:43 |
bob2 | shehjar: don't bother | 08:43 |
bob2 | shehjar: just use the ubunt ones | 08:43 |
mpq | I'm going to wait until they go to bed then I'm going to look for it again | 08:43 |
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bob2 | mpq: get the wep key off the windows machines | 08:43 |
mpq | don't know how | 08:43 |
mpq | and I don't think I can | 08:43 |
mpq | they're not mine | 08:43 |
Wammy|LapTop | you could packet sniff yourself for a few hours and crack the key just like you would any other network | 08:44 |
mpq | and my parents sure aren't going to help me | 08:44 |
Amaranth | hmm, i wonder if ndis is a sign of the future :) | 08:44 |
=== eskilo [~PRIVATE@h-67-101-45-95.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
bob2 | I hope not | 08:44 |
mpq | wammy: that sounds illegal | 08:44 |
e_machinist | Hey, I was wondering what kind of support ubuntu has for ATI cards? | 08:44 |
bob2 | it would be very sad if it encouraged idiot hardware manufacturers to not produce proper drivers | 08:44 |
mpq | and I don't know how to do that anyway | 08:44 |
e_machinist | Does it use a package system for installing software? | 08:44 |
bob2 | e_machinist: same as every other distrubution | 08:44 |
bob2 | e_machinist: of course | 08:44 |
Amaranth | appearently Longhorn is going to basically have base drivers that handle the basics of interfacing with USB, etc | 08:44 |
bob2 | e_machinist: it's based on Debian | 08:44 |
e_machinist | oh ok, so I should download debian packages when I am trying to find software. | 08:45 |
bob2 | no | 08:45 |
e_machinist | ok, maybe not. | 08:45 |
bob2 | you should use the ubuntu packages in the ubuntu repositories | 08:45 |
e_machinist | Will the ubuntu repository have some of the more obscure apps? For example, a lot of the sourceforge apps? | 08:46 |
bob2 | it has basically everything Debian does | 08:46 |
Wammy|LapTop | mpq: not when its your own network... | 08:46 |
ajmitch | e_machinist: universe may have | 08:46 |
bob2 | I wouldn't give legal advice if you're not a paid lawyer. | 08:46 |
mpq | wammy: I don't know how anyway | 08:47 |
=== _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-12-33.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | so, we're left with you waiting until later and asking help from windows users to extract the key | 08:47 |
bob2 | good to hear, good luck wit hthat | 08:47 |
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Amaranth | I just left WEP off on my wireless router/dsl modem. | 08:49 |
mpq | I don't exactly have that option | 08:49 |
Amaranth | I figured if someone was going to be close enough to use it I'd be close enough to break their laptop. :) That router sucked. | 08:49 |
mpq | again, it's not mine | 08:49 |
bob2 | as interesting as "mpq's parent's AP policy" is, there is lots of other exciting things to talk about | 08:49 |
lunitik | bob2: any ideas? :P | 08:50 |
bob2 | so, my grass is growing pretty slowly | 08:50 |
bob2 | and this paint here is drying | 08:50 |
bob2 | it's fun to watch | 08:50 |
mpq | I don't have a lawn, so I can't watch grass | 08:50 |
Amaranth | is the water boiling? | 08:50 |
lunitik | such sarcasm :) | 08:51 |
ajmitch | bob2: you could even talk about ubuntu.. | 08:51 |
mpq | even if there was, it's dark | 08:51 |
bob2 | ajmitch: that would be novel! | 08:51 |
goldfish | count the stars | 08:51 |
Amaranth | ubuntu? wtf is ubuntu? | 08:51 |
=== lunitik slaps Amaranth | ||
mpq | "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". | 08:51 |
Amaranth | Let me try that again....<sarcasm>ubuntu? wtf is ubuntu?</sarcasm> | 08:52 |
lunitik | mpq: yeah... pretty sure that was rehtorical... | 08:52 |
mpq | I was referring to the "let's talk about ubuntu" | 08:53 |
mpq | not the obvious sarcasm | 08:53 |
bob2 | aaaaaaaanyway | 08:53 |
mpq | I was just late typing it in | 08:53 |
=== lunitik seconds bob2's motion | ||
daniels | guys, damnit, this is a support channel. please stop arguing about pointless offtopic random stuff, ok? | 08:53 |
=== Amaranth points at bob2 | ||
Amaranth | Ok, anyone need help with anything? | 08:54 |
mpq | nothing anyone here can help me with | 08:54 |
mpq | but that's been established | 08:54 |
=== Wammy [~linux@ip68-101-254-243.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | so I'm just going to stare at my desktop wallpaper | 08:55 |
Wammy | hehe, got ubuntu running. | 08:55 |
lunitik | Wammy: good job? | 08:55 |
Wammy|LapTop | well its taken me weeks, i ran into some issues with my motherboard to where it wouldnt boot ANY cdrom | 08:56 |
=== micahf [~micahf@user-12l39q2.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | how do you get ALSA to work in ubuntu? | 08:56 |
micahf | hoary | 08:56 |
micahf | and what driver does ubuntu default to? | 08:57 |
micahf | because I can't switch to ALSA or OSS | 08:57 |
micahf | I'm trying to use the Hydrogen Drum Machine | 08:57 |
lunitik | micahf: it will try to detect... often fails... do you know the module you need? | 08:57 |
=== arbeck [~arbeck@c-24-19-255-77.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | sound works, but not ALSA or OSS | 08:57 |
bob2 | ALSA is the default | 08:57 |
bob2 | and it doesn't "often" fail | 08:57 |
lunitik | s/often/sometimes/ | 08:58 |
micahf | hmmm | 08:58 |
=== linuxfly [~linuxgod@owner.of.the.netmafia.info] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | it works for nearly every PCI card in the universe | 08:58 |
lunitik | bob2: most issues here seem to relate to sound... hence 'often'... bad wording, sorry. | 08:58 |
micahf | Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture' | 08:58 |
subterrific | if sound is broken it is usually esd | 08:58 |
=== lunitik hasn't had any issues lately. | ||
micahf | should I get rid of esd? | 08:58 |
geppy | GSTREAMER-ALSA == BROKEN | 08:58 |
geppy | sorry 'bout the caps | 08:58 |
micahf | arg | 08:58 |
micahf | what should I do then? | 08:59 |
micahf | wait no it's not | 08:59 |
lunitik | micahf: kill esd if you want to use raw alsa... esd occupies /dev/dsp, which alsa will complain about. | 08:59 |
arbeck | how do i make gaim only show in the system tray, and not in the window list? | 08:59 |
micahf | I'm using it for music | 08:59 |
micahf | hmmm | 08:59 |
micahf | thats probably why OSS doesn't work either | 08:59 |
subterrific | arbeck: close the gaim window | 08:59 |
micahf | arts doesn't work either | 08:59 |
lunitik | arachne: using gaim for music? uhh... ok... anyways... just click on the systray icon. | 08:59 |
=== lunitik really mean arbeck | ||
lunitik | meant* | 09:00 |
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Tr0gd0r [tr0gd0r@k.thnx.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | ick why does removing esd-alsa get rid of gnome-session and everything else | 09:02 |
=== scizzo [~scizzo@c-d20f72d5.01-113-76786a1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | evolution | 09:02 |
micahf | everything | 09:02 |
micahf | gedit | 09:02 |
subterrific | remove esound | 09:02 |
bob2 | can you please not make broad statements unless you're actually sure they're true? | 09:02 |
=== rubenv [~lambda1@83-134-125-188.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
subterrific | not esd-alsa | 09:02 |
micahf | ah hah | 09:03 |
=== jdub_ [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | esound-common too? | 09:04 |
subterrific | doesn't matter | 09:04 |
micahf | because that wants to get rid of 96 packages | 09:04 |
lunitik | micahf: why do you want to get rid of esd? | 09:04 |
micahf | because there isn't esd support in hydrogen and is screwing me over maybe | 09:05 |
micahf | I can't use alsa | 09:05 |
micahf | with hydrogen or gstreamer | 09:05 |
bascule | polypaudio | 09:05 |
bob2 | bah | 09:05 |
subterrific | in my experience esd causes more problems than it is solves | 09:05 |
bob2 | now you're all just throwing out buzz-words and half-thought-out answers | 09:05 |
=== Nex6 [~nex6@lsanca1-ar51-4-42-016-046.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | first, actually check if the problem is that the ALSA device is in use | 09:06 |
=== Angel666 [~KYA@cpe-67-49-41-37.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mpq [~tony@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | if that is the case, setup dmix so it's not a problem | 09:06 |
bascule | lsof /dev/dsp | 09:06 |
micahf | but how do I check to see if it's in use | 09:06 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | "lsof | grep snd" | 09:06 |
mpq | I just downloaded folding@home | 09:07 |
mpq | not sure why | 09:07 |
micahf | gnustep_s 7017 root mem REG 3,68 49892 473679 /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Tools/gnustep_sndd | 09:07 |
micahf | micah@g4ubuntu:~$ lsof /dev/dsp | 09:08 |
micahf | esd 7406 micah 5w CHR 14,3 2274 /dev/dsp | 09:08 |
lil_anthony | ok i ran apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to hoary now gnome will not start | 09:08 |
micahf | I'd just as soon use oss if it works | 09:08 |
lil_anthony | how can i rollback to warty or is it possible? | 09:08 |
micahf | dist-upgrade doesn't go to hoary unless you changed your source.list | 09:09 |
micahf | and you can't go back | 09:09 |
subterrific | micahf: did you try killall -9 esd, and then try using whatever app to play sound? | 09:09 |
=== treed [~treed@70-32-97-160.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | I didn't | 09:09 |
lil_anthony | i changed the source list i thought | 09:09 |
micahf | I will | 09:09 |
lil_anthony | maybe i didn't do soethign wright | 09:09 |
bob2 | micahf: there you go | 09:09 |
lil_anthony | i just changed eveyrthing from warty to hoary | 09:09 |
bob2 | lil_anthony: you can't roll back | 09:09 |
lil_anthony | so my files are hosed? | 09:09 |
bob2 | micahf: esd is using /dev/dsp, which means alsa stuff may not work. "pkill esd" and try again. | 09:09 |
shehjar | bob2: apt-get updated, but apt-cache search lists only supporting plugins for xmms, not the actual program. | 09:10 |
micahf | awesoome | 09:10 |
micahf | oss works now | 09:10 |
micahf | and alsa | 09:10 |
subterrific | micahf: that is actually alsa | 09:10 |
shehjar | bob2: updated from the universe, i.e. | 09:10 |
subterrific | micahf: alsa provides oss emulation | 09:10 |
lil_anthony | so what do you guys recommend? | 09:10 |
micahf | nice | 09:10 |
bob2 | Package: xmms | 09:10 |
bob2 | Version: 1.2.10-2ubuntu1 | 09:10 |
bob2 | shehjar: it's there | 09:11 |
bob2 | assuming you're using hoary | 09:11 |
shehjar | bob2: nope, its warty | 09:11 |
=== orb [~orb@228-208.suscom-maine.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | oh, there you go | 09:11 |
lil_anthony | anyway to get gnome to install? | 09:11 |
bob2 | you have gnome installed | 09:12 |
lil_anthony | well how come it will not r un? | 09:12 |
bob2 | perhaps you found a bug, since you're using the development unstable version of ubuntu | 09:12 |
lil_anthony | in other words HELP :) | 09:12 |
Wammy|LapTop | hrm hrm hrm | 09:13 |
Wammy|LapTop | im getting Joirnal errors on hdd1 | 09:13 |
micahf | hmmmmm | 09:13 |
micahf | very very choppy and fuzzy | 09:13 |
randabis | lil_anthony, does X run at all? | 09:13 |
micahf | and now it stopped working | 09:13 |
lil_anthony | yeah | 09:13 |
Wammy|LapTop | whats this mean? my hard drive is failing? | 09:13 |
randabis | so gdm comes up? | 09:13 |
lil_anthony | but gnome display manager fails | 09:13 |
=== Tsjoklat [~Tsjoklat@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shehjar | got it, was in the ubuntu archives not in the univ | 09:14 |
randabis | are you sure it's gdm failing and not x? | 09:14 |
lil_anthony | nope not sure | 09:14 |
lil_anthony | it just says gnome display manager | 09:14 |
lil_anthony | big red failed | 09:14 |
randabis | ah | 09:14 |
bob2 | shehjar: no, it's in universe | 09:14 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip24-253-217-164.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | shehjar: the .deb you downloaded was for hoary | 09:14 |
randabis | you might be able to try to install ubuntu-desktop over again | 09:14 |
lil_anthony | please help i'm listening | 09:15 |
micahf | oh yea hoary doesn't work for installing ubuntu-desktop sometimes | 09:15 |
randabis | lil_anthony, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 09:15 |
micahf | it won't work | 09:15 |
micahf | it will say can't install locales I'm guessing | 09:15 |
micahf | because it wants to install glibc2.3.2 | 09:15 |
zerokarmaleft | the new ubuntu branded xscreensaver is supafly | 09:15 |
=== mpq [~tony@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lil_anthony | broken dependencies | 09:16 |
micahf | you have to apt-get your way up to synaptic | 09:16 |
mpq | I've decided I'm going to be one of those guys who's always in the channel even when I'm not at my computer | 09:16 |
micahf | then it will work | 09:16 |
mpq | and I'm starting now | 09:16 |
micahf | yea what broken dependencies does it say? | 09:16 |
micahf | locales? | 09:16 |
micahf | glibc? | 09:16 |
lil_anthony | xorg-driver-synaptics | 09:16 |
randabis | hmm | 09:16 |
=== Tsjoklat points mpq at the sofa at the end of the room | ||
micahf | hmmm | 09:17 |
goldfish | ermm..... | 09:17 |
randabis | you could try a clean install | 09:17 |
lil_anthony | what with the cd? | 09:17 |
randabis | sure unless you have something important you can't lose or backup | 09:17 |
lil_anthony | tell me something | 09:17 |
Tsjoklat | zerokarmaleft, what is the name under xscreensaver? | 09:18 |
lil_anthony | i have just some porgrams i made | 09:18 |
micahf | if you want hoary, there is a new array 4 something or other | 09:18 |
lil_anthony | that aren't backed up other than that its all good | 09:18 |
micahf | that I used | 09:18 |
micahf | and it worked OK | 09:18 |
randabis | did you install hoary from a cd or did you upgrade from warty? | 09:18 |
lil_anthony | upgrade | 09:18 |
lil_anthony | from warty | 09:18 |
randabis | sometimes upgrading from warty can go bad | 09:18 |
randabis | especially if you've used ubuntu backports at all | 09:19 |
=== Wammy [Wammy@ip68-101-254-243.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lil_anthony | yeah i did | 09:19 |
shehjar | bob2: its downloading from here: http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/main | 09:19 |
randabis | that's why your install is borked | 09:19 |
lil_anthony | now you tell me :( | 09:19 |
bob2 | ok! | 09:19 |
randabis | blame jdong :/ | 09:19 |
randabis | he should version his packages correctly | 09:19 |
lil_anthony | anyway to unbork it? | 09:19 |
Amaranth | heh, this is why backports are nonsupported | 09:19 |
randabis | I don't know | 09:20 |
Tsjoklat | must be me but I don't see an Ubu screensaver | 09:20 |
randabis | I stayed away from his backports for that reason | 09:20 |
micahf | wait you should use universal packages lil_anthony | 09:20 |
micahf | do you have them enabled? | 09:20 |
Tsjoklat | randabis.. I don't really understand that when you upgrade from warty to hoary that ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop are not installed | 09:20 |
Tsjoklat | you have to do it manually | 09:20 |
lil_anthony | yeah | 09:20 |
micahf | that will help your dependencies perhaps | 09:20 |
micahf | did you do apt-get update? | 09:20 |
Tsjoklat | err I mean bob2 | 09:21 |
lil_anthony | yep | 09:21 |
Tsjoklat | bob2 you should take that up with the bosses :) | 09:21 |
lil_anthony | and apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:21 |
randabis | Tsjoklat, they are meta-packages | 09:21 |
bob2 | Tsjoklat: I don't either | 09:21 |
lil_anthony | and now i'm dead in the wter | 09:21 |
bob2 | Tsjoklat: hah, I'm not a distro guy | 09:21 |
micahf | hmmm | 09:21 |
micahf | weird | 09:21 |
micahf | man I dunno | 09:21 |
micahf | keep trying stuff | 09:21 |
Tsjoklat | bob2 speak for the people hehehe | 09:21 |
lil_anthony | so put the hoary cd in here | 09:22 |
randabis | meta-packages just pull up all the dependencies they require | 09:22 |
lil_anthony | and try that? | 09:22 |
micahf | I got my hoary dependency problems out super easy compared to debian | 09:22 |
micahf | gentoo is good about dependencies, but I hate compiling | 09:22 |
Tsjoklat | ah well... I know mostly what to do but for a new users that upgrades.. might be a tad confuzling | 09:22 |
zerokarmaleft | Tsjoklat, it's not a ubuntu screensaver, they branded the password dialog for when you're coming out of a locked screen | 09:23 |
randabis | heh I'm in gentoo right now | 09:23 |
Tsjoklat | zerokarmaleft, oh duh! sorry about that! | 09:23 |
randabis | doing emerge -uDv --newuse world | 09:24 |
=== pepsi__ [~pepsi@p60.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tsjoklat | we'll see you in a week then randabis? :) | 09:24 |
randabis | compiling does kind of suck, but it really does make a difference | 09:24 |
lil_anthony | so should it ry a clean hoary | 09:24 |
fsc | i'm back from insanity now, after contemplating upgrading to Hoary tonight. Warty works perfectly for me. | 09:24 |
lil_anthony | or just go back to warty? | 09:24 |
randabis | Tsjoklat, nah it'll be done by morning | 09:24 |
Tsjoklat | randabis, I am so allergic to it that I do it at night so I don't have to see it | 09:24 |
randabis | My system bootstrapped in under 2 hours | 09:25 |
bob2 | randabis: in very very few cases | 09:25 |
zerokarmaleft | randabis, staying the bleeding edge of big metapackages is annoying though | 09:25 |
Tsjoklat | lil_anthony, install warty clean then upgrade | 09:25 |
micahf | any ideas as to why OSS is so choppy and bad? | 09:25 |
bob2 | maybe the driver sucks | 09:25 |
Tsjoklat | lil_anthony, that's what I had to do to get it up | 09:25 |
micahf | haha well thats helpful! | 09:25 |
lil_anthony | ok | 09:25 |
lil_anthony | so just reinstall warty | 09:25 |
micahf | I can't get hydrogen to work with plain ALSA | 09:25 |
micahf | only oss | 09:25 |
randabis | bob2, going from stage 1 to now...I see a noticable increase in performance in comparision to my hoary install | 09:25 |
lil_anthony | whats screwed up is i gotta screw with this damn network crap not working again | 09:26 |
Tsjoklat | you could burn all your .deb files, so you don't have to d/l them again lil_anthony | 09:26 |
lil_anthony | this blows be back later | 09:26 |
lil_anthony | so you say put warty back on it clean and try again | 09:27 |
zerokarmaleft | randabis, i'd actually prefer gentoo for single/limited-role servers | 09:27 |
Tsjoklat | lil_anthony, toodles | 09:27 |
lil_anthony | fun fun fun | 09:27 |
randabis | lil_anthony, hoary's install cd might give you better luck with the networking...depending on your card | 09:28 |
randabis | zerokarmaleft, meh, it makes a good desktop too imho | 09:28 |
=== TiffOn [~trillian@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | what does this mean! | 09:30 |
micahf | ALSA lib seq_hw.c:446:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory | 09:30 |
=== TiffOn [~trillian@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | randabis: no, that doesn't count | 09:31 |
bob2 | randabis: url for benchmarks | 09:31 |
=== kengur [~kengur@ppp11-77.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | I don't need benchmarks to know there's a difference | 09:32 |
bob2 | right | 09:32 |
=== FAST [~ryan@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bob2 | it couldn't possibly be the placebo effect | 09:32 |
=== wickedpuppy [~wickedpup@cm142.omega73.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== _4strO is now known as _4strO|Ult1m4t3 | ||
_4strO|Ult1m4t3 | go go tournoi :) | 09:33 |
randabis | I could do a comprehensive set of benchmarks, but what's the point? It feels faster to me. I don't need to prove it to increase the size of my epenis | 09:33 |
_4strO|Ult1m4t3 | bon WE tous | 09:33 |
micahf | ok how do I use dbmix to make this crap work | 09:33 |
bob2 | no, but it actually shows there's a point | 09:33 |
bascule | micahf: modprobe snd-seq | 09:34 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | the point is I feel a difference in speed. That's all I need | 09:34 |
bob2 | how do you know you wouldn't feel it if I told you it was faster? | 09:34 |
randabis | because that's silly | 09:34 |
bob2 | no, it's not | 09:34 |
mpq | something's wrong with firefox | 09:34 |
=== Ashen2k [[U2FsdGVkX@220-244-11-158-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | flash files don't have any sound | 09:34 |
Ashen2k | hyoh. | 09:35 |
bob2 | people feel gentoo is faster because they've been told it's faster | 09:35 |
wickedpuppy | which website ? | 09:35 |
bob2 | mpq: pkill esd | 09:35 |
mpq | what? | 09:35 |
Ashen2k | the fix for the stalling thing worked for a while... but now its crashing again... O_o' | 09:35 |
bob2 | run that command | 09:35 |
bob2 | enjoy the sound | 09:35 |
mpq | that didn't do anything | 09:35 |
micahf | [ERROR] AlsaAudioDriver ALSA: cannot open audio device hw:0: Device or resource busy | 09:36 |
micahf | [ERROR] AlsaAudioDriver ALSA: cannot open audio device default: Device or resource busy | 09:36 |
mpq | there is sound | 09:36 |
mpq | it just isn't playing in flash | 09:36 |
randabis | bob2, maybe for some people...but that is not the case for me. If I must "prove" this...then direct me to a good linux benchmarking suite | 09:36 |
bob2 | randabis: run openssl or something | 09:36 |
subterrific | mpq: restart firefox after killing esd | 09:36 |
Ashen2k | is "$ nvidia-glx update" meant to do anything? | 09:37 |
mpq | oh | 09:37 |
mpq | I should have thought of that | 09:37 |
mpq | what's esd anyway? | 09:37 |
=== ZorroBytes [~ZorroByte@82-69-75-178.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | a crappy sound daemon that screws people | 09:38 |
lunitik | Enlightened Sound Daemon... software mixer | 09:38 |
micahf | I mean, it works I guess, but it won't let me use hydrogen | 09:38 |
mpq | so it basically screws stuff up and has no use? | 09:38 |
subterrific | it does a lot more than software mixing | 09:38 |
bob2 | no | 09:38 |
micahf | no it works | 09:38 |
bob2 | it has a use because most sound hardware is shit | 09:38 |
bascule | from the smms site "I don't know why and I'm not yet motivated to fix it since my views on esd are mostly unprintable." Alan Cox | 09:38 |
bob2 | and the linux kernel drivers don't do software mixing | 09:38 |
micahf | hydrogen doesn't support it | 09:39 |
micahf | and it makes me sad | 09:39 |
lunitik | mpq: its uses involve remote sound... and software mixing (ie, more than one application at a time can play sounds..) | 09:39 |
bob2 | hydrogen sounds kinda crap | 09:39 |
bob2 | what's it supposed to do? | 09:39 |
micahf | any ideas as to why OSS sounds so bad? | 09:39 |
micahf | its a drum machine | 09:39 |
micahf | it sounds really nice from the demos of it | 09:39 |
bob2 | maybe the OSS driver sucks | 09:39 |
Ashen2k | so what was the process to stop X from crashing using my nvidia 5900XT on my 64bit Warty? | 09:39 |
bob2 | why aren't you using ALSA, anyway? | 09:40 |
bob2 | Ashen2k: use the nv driver | 09:40 |
micahf | it doesn't work | 09:40 |
micahf | [ERROR] AlsaAudioDriver ALSA: cannot open audio device hw:0: Device or resource busy | 09:40 |
micahf | [ERROR] AlsaAudioDriver ALSA: cannot open audio device default: Device or resource busy | 09:40 |
micahf | because of that | 09:40 |
bob2 | 'doesn't work' is not a useful description | 09:40 |
Ashen2k | it still crashes. | 09:40 |
bob2 | so, something else has it open | 09:40 |
bob2 | Ashen2k: file a bug if on one else has | 09:40 |
micahf | like what? | 09:40 |
bob2 | micahf: "lsof | grep snd" | 09:40 |
bob2 | paste the output to #flood | 09:40 |
micahf | ok | 09:40 |
Ashen2k | bob2: hrmm... someone had an answer for me before... an hour or so ago. | 09:40 |
bob2 | ok! | 09:41 |
micahf | NUstep/System/Tools/gnustep_sndd | 09:41 |
bob2 | so | 09:42 |
bob2 | you didn't paste the output | 09:42 |
bob2 | and you did it in the wrong channel | 09:42 |
=== da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== PWM [~PWM@50A2DE03.flatrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | thats because thats the only thing besides hydrogen that's using it | 09:43 |
micahf | and what IS it | 09:43 |
bob2 | no | 09:43 |
micahf | no? | 09:44 |
bob2 | you seem to have two copies of hydrogen open | 09:44 |
bob2 | kill them all | 09:44 |
micahf | no that was just one | 09:47 |
micahf | process manager only showed one | 09:47 |
micahf | I closed it | 09:47 |
=== Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-18-47.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | ah, the wonders of 4chan | 09:48 |
micahf | now alsa is only in use by gnustep | 09:48 |
micahf | and I really don't know what that is I should google it | 09:48 |
mpq | <ALTERNATIVE> what the fuck is linux | 09:48 |
mpq | <[Bond] > alt, something nerds do instead of get laid | 09:48 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | 4chan is a strange place | 09:49 |
bob2 | micahf: er, why do you think gnustep is using your alsa devices? | 09:49 |
micahf | hahaha | 09:49 |
bob2 | mpq: language, please | 09:49 |
mpq | I was quoting | 09:49 |
bob2 | indeed | 09:49 |
mpq | I was going to change it to fsck but that's stupid | 09:49 |
micahf | I dunno because it said it under lsof | grep snd | 09:49 |
bob2 | maybe you should just not paste random stuff from other channels? | 09:50 |
bob2 | micahf: no, that's not what it said | 09:50 |
micahf | what does that mean then? | 09:50 |
mpq | uhh... I'm just going to go back into the shadows now... | 09:50 |
=== glyph [foobar@h00095bd2b849.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glyph | anybody familiar with GNOME's configuration of audio devices? | 09:51 |
bob2 | it means nothing except that it got printed out | 09:51 |
=== Burn` [~Burnout@69-26.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ashen2k | grrr | 09:51 |
=== Firsti [nightrider@a81-197-42-254.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ashen2k | ubuntu, or rather X (no ctrl-alt-backspace/f1) is crashing when it reaches "Starting window manager" | 09:52 |
=== bendebian [~ben@dsl-082-082-122-142.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ben [~ben@dsl-082-082-122-142.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glyph | I have 3 sound cards, and I'd like to configure media keys on different input devices to alter the volume on different output devices | 09:52 |
bob2 | that's not a gnome issue | 09:52 |
bob2 | that's a "you have too much money" issue ;) | 09:52 |
glyph | bob2: esad, etc ;) | 09:52 |
glyph | bob2: I use VoIP for work | 09:53 |
glyph | bob2: One of the devices in question is the crappy on-board sound card, which actually cost negative money. One is the soundblaster live that I bought because the onboard one was so crappy I couldn't stand it. One of them is a logitech USB headset that I use for VoIP | 09:53 |
=== [amasimak] [~keiichi@gobelins-2-81-57-231-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
glyph | bob2: but, backing off from the multiple-device question, I need to change mixer settings even if I just had one sound card: it's defaulting to change the "master" volume on my sblive, which, as far as I can tell, affects nothing at all | 09:54 |
glyph | bob2: I need to change it to "Wave" in order to make it affect the actual volume. | 09:54 |
bob2 | I just use alsamixer in a terminal for all my cards, sorry | 09:55 |
glyph | bob2: Well, that's what I do too. I'd just like it if the on-the-cord volume buttons on my headset would work. It's a huge pain when somebody is raping my ear with a SUPER loud mic on the other end of a voice connection and it takes me like 30 seconds to change the volume :) | 09:56 |
bob2 | hah | 09:56 |
bob2 | it's a software volume control on the headset? | 09:56 |
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glyph | bob2: Yeah, when I first got it I thought it was really neat! I plugged it in and pushed them, and the little gnome "I'm changing the volume" progress-bar-window came up | 09:58 |
glyph | but then it didn't do anything :-( | 09:58 |
bob2 | that's kinda arse | 09:59 |
=== Levander [~cponder@user-11fav1n.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Levander [~cponder@user-11fav1n.dsl.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
glyph | Everybody took that rant that Havoc wrote about "configurability is bad" way too seriously, and now there are no options for anything :-( | 10:01 |
glyph | and at the same time, too many | 10:02 |
glyph | 9 different ways for me to change the volume, and they are all configured differently | 10:02 |
bob2 | I think gnome's balance is pretty good | 10:02 |
bob2 | there's only one in modern gnome | 10:02 |
=== froust [~froust@S0106000f6694d7bf.ed.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
micahf | wow | 10:03 |
micahf | this program is amazing | 10:03 |
micahf | good sound quality on export with jack | 10:04 |
micahf | but it won't play back | 10:04 |
=== zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea-4-12-028-223.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
micahf | except with oss | 10:04 |
micahf | and it sounds terrible | 10:04 |
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glyph | bob2: I count at least 3 | 10:07 |
bob2 | they all use gstreamer | 10:07 |
glyph | bob2: mixer applet, "volume control" preference pane, keyboard keys | 10:07 |
glyph | bob2: Ohhhhh | 10:07 |
bob2 | and I don't see a problem having three ways to do it | 10:07 |
glyph | bob2: so I have to configure *gstreamer*'s default mixer device? | 10:07 |
bob2 | it would be shit to only have one | 10:07 |
bob2 | aiui, yes | 10:07 |
glyph | bob2: is there a preference pane for that/ | 10:07 |
bob2 | yeah | 10:08 |
glyph | okay finally :) | 10:08 |
Agrajag | gstreamer-properties | 10:08 |
glyph | that is what I want | 10:08 |
bob2 | what Agrajag said | 10:08 |
glyph | Okay maybe that's not what I want | 10:09 |
glyph | just sinks and sources | 10:09 |
glyph | no talk of a mixer | 10:09 |
Agrajag | oh | 10:09 |
Agrajag | you might have to fight with gconf then :/ | 10:09 |
Agrajag | hm, no, it's not there either | 10:10 |
bascule | how about right-click the applet and select the appropriate mixer device? | 10:10 |
glyph | bascule: Configures it for the applet, but not the media keys | 10:10 |
bascule | r-click properties, maybe thats the same | 10:10 |
subterrific | glyph: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=MultipleCards | 10:10 |
glyph | Agrajag: I've been reading keys in gconf for hours now :) | 10:10 |
=== ToTo [~ToTo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
subterrific | glyph: pay attention to the .asoundrc part, in that file, you set the defaults for alsa | 10:12 |
subterrific | glyph: its all in the alsa wiki...shocking i know | 10:12 |
glyph | subterrific: Hmm | 10:13 |
glyph | subterrific: I'll try it | 10:13 |
=== deepcover [~mike@203-59-18-246.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glyph | Doesn't seem to make any difference if I swap the default alsa card, I imagine since it's actually using ESD, which is using OSS | 10:15 |
=== bascule shoots esd | ||
=== bascule trawls up the alsaconf resentment | ||
=== delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mpq | the old version of firefox that came with ubuntu is screwing with stuff | 10:19 |
delltony | ok finally got ubuntu back up after hoary borked me | 10:19 |
mpq | how do I get rid of the old version? | 10:19 |
=== bendebian [~ben@dsl-082-082-122-142.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delltony | so how do i go about upgrading to hoary successfully? i had the backports in before? | 10:20 |
delltony | this is a clean warty install i'm all ears :) | 10:20 |
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subterrific | delltony: look in the wiki | 10:20 |
delltony | ok let me try again :) | 10:21 |
=== Burn` [~Burnout@69-26.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
subterrific | glyph: i'd recommend not using esd | 10:21 |
subterrific | glyph: alsa by itself works much better for me and everyone else i know | 10:21 |
FAST | what's the umask settings for owner RWX, group RX, others RX | 10:22 |
FAST | number | 10:22 |
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subterrific | 755 | 10:23 |
glyph | OK, I have discovered what responds to the media keys | 10:23 |
glyph | it is gnome-settings-daemon, and it *has* to use esd, there is no other option | 10:23 |
=== glyph tries fiddling with it | ||
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subterrific | glyph: maybe tell esd which alsa card to use? | 10:24 |
FAST | 755 didnt work | 10:24 |
FAST | 0222 is close but i need + owner W | 10:25 |
subterrific | FAST: 755 is what you asked for | 10:26 |
glyph | subterrific: hmmmm | 10:26 |
glyph | subterrific: yeah, there is a config file. I bet if I passed it /dev/mixer1 as the mixer, it would do what I want | 10:26 |
subterrific | FAST: 222 gives only write to everyone | 10:27 |
subterrific | which isn't close at all to what you asked for | 10:27 |
FAST | when i try 0755, i get properties of the volume, and all that is checked is group W and others W | 10:27 |
=== delltony fires another round of hoary at his laptop and see's how bad it borks this go round | ||
FAST | pemissions tab | 10:27 |
glyph | *nice* | 10:28 |
subterrific | FAST: you're doing: sudo chmod 755 /path/ | 10:28 |
glyph | gnome-settings-daemon opens /dev/mixer *directly* | 10:28 |
FAST | im trying to put the umask setting in fstab properly | 10:28 |
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glyph | aaaand I'm using udev, so I can't change what device that is. argh! :) | 10:28 |
subterrific | udev lets you change that | 10:29 |
=== Alessio [~Alessio@host249-5.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glyph | subterrific: oh? | 10:30 |
glyph | subterrific: using the usual hack of just moving the device files around, or do I have to do something more involved? | 10:30 |
=== tremor [~tremor@dD57647E0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
subterrific | glyph: much better way. i played with it for changing the order of my network cards. haven't tried sound cards yet though | 10:30 |
bascule | glyph: try lineakd | 10:30 |
subterrific | glyph: there is a really good guide on udev, i found it on google | 10:31 |
bascule | nasty to set up, but might do what you need | 10:31 |
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delltony | just curious ndiswrapper works with hoary doesn't it? | 10:31 |
bascule | or there is xev and xmodmap <-- on your own there :) | 10:31 |
FAST | what does udev do? can i change the udev.conf so that the permissions for a firewire hard drive will be set a certain way? | 10:31 |
FAST | when plugged in | 10:32 |
bascule | FAST: is it an NTFS volume | 10:32 |
FAST | it is a fat32 hard drive | 10:32 |
bascule | umask=000 | 10:32 |
bascule | in fstab | 10:32 |
glyph | bascule: despite all this screwing around with sound devices, I am pretty lazy | 10:32 |
bascule | and 777 on the moutpoint dir | 10:32 |
glyph | bascule: I will probably just report a bug in gnome and wait for the next release ;) | 10:32 |
bascule | lol | 10:33 |
glyph | it's just annoying because gnome does 95% of what I want it to, I just feel compelled to squeeze the last 5% out of it | 10:33 |
subterrific | you'll be waiting a while before everything in gnome uses gstreamer :\ | 10:33 |
bascule | <-- gstreamer free gnome, different distro | 10:34 |
FAST | 777 on the mountpoint dir? right now its: /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 umask=0000 0 0 | 10:34 |
=== steve [~steve@69-171-247-27.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | umask=000 thre of them | 10:34 |
steve | can anyone tell what the source is that has marillet in it | 10:34 |
bascule | look: 2 secs | 10:34 |
bascule | /dev/sda1 /keydrive vfat defaults,noauto,users,rw,codepage=850,umask=0 | 10:35 |
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bascule | all on line needless to say, I hope | 10:35 |
=== lx [~lx@i-83-67-28-146.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | one line* | 10:36 |
FAST | looks good | 10:36 |
lx | does anyone know how to make a laptop go to standby or shut power when left on overnight? | 10:37 |
lx | my laptop is hot this morning... i left it on | 10:37 |
lx | i can't find the power options... if there are any | 10:38 |
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subterrific | lx: use google and search for your laptop model name + linux + power | 10:39 |
subterrific | or similar combinations | 10:39 |
subterrific | you can usually find someone else with your laptop that has figured out how to enable power management | 10:40 |
=== traanf [~tuananh@nusnet-223-238.dynip.nus.edu.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ashen2k | is there a way i can edit nvidia settings through the command line in the non-gui boot of ubuntu | 10:41 |
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subterrific | Ashen2k: of course | 10:41 |
traanf | hi all, after trying a lot of things, I still cannot play sound with Xmms | 10:41 |
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lx | subterrific: looking . . . | 10:41 |
Ashen2k | n e chance u could tell me how subterrific | 10:41 |
traanf | don't really know why but my Gnome still gives sound as usual | 10:42 |
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subterrific | Ashen2k: you're probably looking for /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 10:42 |
subterrific | traanf: probably because you've got esd running and you need the esd plugin for xmms? | 10:42 |
Ashen2k | no i know bout that how to switch to the nvidia driver but my prob is that my system keeps hanging just after i login | 10:43 |
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Ashen2k | its an AMD64 on the amd64 ubuntu | 10:43 |
traanf | subterrific: I go to the Preference page of xmms and changed to esd already | 10:43 |
subterrific | Ashen2k: hoary or warty? | 10:43 |
traanf | I also try alsa | 10:43 |
Ashen2k | warty | 10:43 |
traanf | but still cannot get it running | 10:44 |
subterrific | traanf: in my experience esd causes lots of problems and i uninstall it and disable it on every machine i touch | 10:44 |
Ashen2k | i had some issue with the nvidia-glx thing but we fixed that coz the system was working fine for about an hour | 10:44 |
subterrific | Ashen2k: try rm -rf $HOME/.ICE* | 10:45 |
Ashen2k | then had to reboot for somethin and when it tried to get back in it just died | 10:45 |
=== Zotnix [~Zotnix@ool-4357361a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
traanf | subterrific: I am quite a newbie, do you know any howto about this stuff? | 10:45 |
Ashen2k | the cursor just sits on a new line flashing and nothing seems to b happening | 10:46 |
subterrific | traanf: not a good one. i started to write one, but sound is really complicated on linux and the guide quickly got out of hand | 10:46 |
Ashen2k | actually hold that | 10:46 |
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subterrific | Ashen2k: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart ? | 10:47 |
Ashen2k | ill try that | 10:47 |
Ashen2k | one sec | 10:48 |
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Ashen2k | um it said sudo: command not found | 10:48 |
traanf | subterrific: yeah, I switch to Ubuntu coz it is Debian based which I love, but alot of problems for desktop ussages | 10:49 |
jeavis | hello, somebody can say me how to see an .chm | 10:49 |
subterrific | Ashen2k: sudo should be installed by default, what did you do to your install? | 10:49 |
Zotnix | jeavis, xchm | 10:50 |
Ashen2k | nothin it installed fine | 10:50 |
Zotnix | Ashen, did you accidently remove /usr/bin? | 10:50 |
Ashen2k | possibly :S | 10:50 |
Zotnix | can you do anything? | 10:51 |
subterrific | Ashen2k: well ubuntu doesn't work without sudo... | 10:51 |
Ashen2k | im gonna re-install it gimme a sec | 10:51 |
Ashen2k | i kno | 10:51 |
jeavis | Zotnix: Ubuntu have xchm | 10:51 |
Tsjoklat | is polyaudio installed by default or is it something one has to do themselves | 10:51 |
Zotnix | jeavis, yeah. It might be in universe repostitories or multiverse, but it's there. | 10:52 |
randabis | Tsjoklat, you have to do it yourself right now...it "might" be default by april's release | 10:53 |
jeavis | Zotnix: coomando not found said me the term | 10:53 |
Zotnix | jeavis, sudo apt-get install xchm | 10:54 |
Tsjoklat | randabis ah okay... is it really as good as the devs claim it to be? | 10:54 |
Zotnix | do that first | 10:54 |
randabis | Tsjoklat, I really like it | 10:54 |
jeavis | Zotnix:Ooooooooooooooh! I do that. | 10:54 |
Tsjoklat | randabis it replaces esd and alsa? or just esd? | 10:55 |
jeavis | Zotnix: How works mySQL in Ubuntu | 10:55 |
randabis | Tsjoklat, it's a drop-in replacement for esd | 10:55 |
Zotnix | jeavis, not sure, haven't installed it. | 10:56 |
=== vi11e [~Ville@adsl-82-141-117-202.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | all you have to do is apt-get install polypaudio, edit the polypaudio config file, logout, log back in | 10:56 |
jeavis | Zotnix: I am going to do that this night | 10:56 |
vi11e | hey.. doesn't x-chat support multi-servers? | 10:56 |
randabis | yes | 10:56 |
Zotnix | vi11e, yeppers. | 10:56 |
vi11e | hmm weird | 10:56 |
randabis | I'm on channels in 3 different servers | 10:56 |
randabis | 7 channels total | 10:57 |
=== vi11e [~Ville@adsl-82-141-117-202.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vi11e | joh..works now | 10:57 |
Tsjoklat | randabis thanks for the advice .. much appreciated | 10:57 |
Zotnix | I'm in 10 channels on 2 servers | 10:57 |
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randabis | np | 10:57 |
vi11e | does dc++ work on linux? | 10:58 |
jeavis | Zotnix: Thank you very much I see you later :) | 10:58 |
randabis | vi11e, if they've ported it than possibly | 10:59 |
randabis | otherwise there are alternative | 10:59 |
randabis | s | 10:59 |
randabis | such as dcgui | 10:59 |
vi11e | oh, dcgui, hmm | 11:00 |
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=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vi11e | is there apt-get for dcgui | 11:01 |
randabis | yes | 11:02 |
vi11e | nice nice, running it now already ,letssssee | 11:03 |
klaym | Hello! I have a Lacie external cd-rw drive and I'm trying to make Warty detect it. Any experiences? | 11:03 |
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glyph | klaym: "plug it in"? :) | 11:04 |
=== Tomcat_ [Tomcat@p54A1B9C8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glyph | klaym: hotplug isn't finding it? what bus is it on? | 11:04 |
klaym | it's on usb | 11:06 |
vi11e | as a new linux person it is hard for me to keep track with which directories uses all my harddisk space... it seems that I have only 1.6gb space and I installed 10gb ext2.... now what's a good way to locate those directories that might have all the big files? | 11:07 |
klaym | it says Special device not found: dev/scd0 | 11:07 |
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randabis | " /home /usr will have most of the space | 11:07 |
glyph | klaym: Hmm | 11:07 |
randabis | you could also try running sudo apt-get clean | 11:07 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | that should free up some space | 11:08 |
glyph | klaym: Distressing - I wish I could help. My CD burners all worked first try. | 11:08 |
klaym | ok thanks anyway | 11:08 |
vi11e | ah I found, I didn't remember I still had that 4.5gb image file, that took the space | 11:08 |
vi11e | I think I have to make some 100gb ext2 space, feels like I am going to use this filesystem more than ntfs from now on | 11:09 |
klaym | is k3b installed by default? | 11:11 |
vi11e | what's k3b may I ask? :S | 11:11 |
=== Burn` [~Burnout@69-26.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klaym | some cd handling application | 11:11 |
vi11e | at least w3m is :) | 11:11 |
bascule | bloated KDE burner app | 11:12 |
vi11e | ohh... for cd-burning there is nautilus thing... I don't know about k3b | 11:12 |
glyph | klaym: you can just right-click on an ISO in nautilus to burn it | 11:12 |
Tsjoklat | gnomebaker is a good burning application... heard graveman is good too | 11:12 |
klaym | ok | 11:13 |
glyph | klaym: or you can go to the "places" menu and select "CD/DVD creator" if you want to make a new ISO | 11:13 |
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=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SirFred | HI. | 11:16 |
SirFred | Is there any applet for monitoring remote mailboxes (POP3) ? | 11:16 |
SirFred | I've tried flink, but it segsfault. | 11:16 |
scoon | SirFred, yes. mail-notification | 11:16 |
scoon | SirFred, even does gmail | 11:16 |
SirFred | scoon: Oh, is that the package-name ? | 11:17 |
SirFred | Yes it is | 11:17 |
scoon | SirFred, yes | 11:17 |
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SirFred | scoon: Thanks a lot | 11:17 |
scoon | SirFred, np | 11:17 |
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klaym | I'm installing k3b, I'll see if that then recognizes my usb cd-rw drive | 11:21 |
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scoon | anyone in here use muine ? | 11:26 |
SirFred | scoon: I've tried it a little. | 11:26 |
SirFred | scoon: But only a pair of times. It worked fine, I think. | 11:26 |
scoon | SirFred, w/ ubuntu ? | 11:26 |
SirFred | scoon: Yes. | 11:26 |
SirFred | scoon: Hoary | 11:26 |
scoon | SirFred, are you still warty ? | 11:26 |
SirFred | scoon: No, sorry | 11:27 |
=== jcoxon77 [~jac208@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoon | SirFred, i am hoary. the version is .63 | 11:27 |
scoon | SirFred, i have found that it requires libflac4 but i have libflac6 | 11:27 |
SirFred | scoon: 0.6.3 here. | 11:28 |
SirFred | scoon: I installed it yesterday or the day before yesterday with no problem. | 11:28 |
scoon | SirFred, yeah that is what i mean. | 11:28 |
SirFred | scoon: So, you're getting dependency problems? | 11:28 |
=== vi11e [~Ville@adsl-82-141-72-127.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoon | SirFred, yeah. it wants libflac4 but only libflac6 is avail. | 11:29 |
scoon | SirFred, but there is a newer version out: .8.4 or something like that. | 11:29 |
SirFred | scoon: On hoary repositories? | 11:29 |
scoon | SirFred, yea | 11:29 |
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SirFred | scoon: apt-cache show muine only gets for me the Version: 0.6.3-4 | 11:30 |
randabis | the new update probably calls the old libflac4 accidently | 11:30 |
randabis | I'd tell you to file a bug, but that's a universe package | 11:30 |
scoon | SirFred, that is correct, but there is a newer version out there. | 11:30 |
randabis | you'd have to contact the maintainer of that package directly | 11:30 |
SirFred | I have installed libflac4, but I see my repository has a libflac6 that replaces libflac4. | 11:30 |
scoon | SirFred, my question is: does muine play over samba. | 11:31 |
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SirFred | scoon: Out where? | 11:31 |
SirFred | scoon: No idea. | 11:31 |
SirFred | scoon: Perhaps it uses gnome-vfs2 functionality | 11:31 |
scoon | SirFred, well xmms doesn't and neither does beep-media-player. | 11:31 |
randabis | samba sucks :/ | 11:32 |
scoon | randabis, no. it is needed. | 11:32 |
SirFred | scoon: Can't you just mount that volume using nautilus? | 11:32 |
randabis | yeah really | 11:32 |
vi11e | hmm, I couldn't install qtparted from apt-get | 11:32 |
randabis | why can't you just mount the volume? | 11:32 |
scoon | SirFred, i have. | 11:32 |
scoon | and randabis. | 11:33 |
SirFred | scoon: So you mean muine is not able to access mounted volumes in nautilus? | 11:33 |
randabis | and you tried to add files from the mounted folder with xmms? | 11:33 |
SirFred | I can give it a try | 11:33 |
scoon | randabis, yes. | 11:33 |
=== nybro43 [~nybro43@pool-70-23-147-63.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoon | SirFred, that would be much appreciated. | 11:33 |
randabis | they don't play though? or nothing shows up | 11:33 |
vi11e | hey, how can I check my filesystem? I think it is ext2 but in windows partition magic it says ext3. And can I create ext3 partition aside with my possible ext2 partition and how can I detect it with ubuntu after I created it? | 11:34 |
randabis | I'm just wondering cause I am able to do it with nfs | 11:34 |
scoon | randabis, i get errs cuz gnome pre-pends the files with samba:// | 11:34 |
scoon | randabis, and that gets beep and xmms all in a jam. | 11:34 |
randabis | wtf | 11:34 |
randabis | they should just be /path/to/sambashare | 11:34 |
randabis | :/ | 11:35 |
randabis | do you have smbfs installed? | 11:35 |
scoon | randabis, like in life, what "should be" is not "is" | 11:35 |
scoon | randabis, yes. | 11:35 |
randabis | ok just ruling that out | 11:35 |
randabis | :/ | 11:35 |
scoon | randabis, there is NO problem w/ my samba set up, kernel mods or anything of the sort. | 11:35 |
randabis | ok | 11:35 |
scoon | randabis, that I know. | 11:35 |
klaym | what is the default program to operate cd devices in ubuntu? | 11:35 |
randabis | it's just a program problem | 11:35 |
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scoon | scoon, in fact i have used the same samba conf for about 3 years. | 11:36 |
scoon | randabis, yes. a program problem. | 11:36 |
randabis | so you're trying to find an alternative | 11:36 |
scoon | randabis, and not necessarily a bug yet | 11:36 |
SirFred | scoon: Well, the muine file dialog is the old gtk one. | 11:36 |
chrillan | god morning | 11:36 |
randabis | have you tried rhythmbox scoon? | 11:36 |
SirFred | scoon: It seems I'm not able to see the network mounted volumes. | 11:36 |
scoon | thanks SirFred | 11:37 |
SirFred | scoon: Because they're not mounted at SO level. | 11:37 |
scoon | randabis, errr, rhythmbox never works for me. | 11:37 |
SirFred | scoon: Let's try with beep-media-player. | 11:37 |
scoon | randabis, it constantly crashes. | 11:37 |
scoon | SirFred, thank you. | 11:37 |
randabis | yeah rhythmbox is quirky as hell | 11:37 |
scoon | randabis, that was a very polite way to speak of that turd. | 11:38 |
randabis | for some people it works flawlessly, others it's a trainwreck | 11:38 |
SirFred | Well, I've never tried this before. But it seems that the gtk+ file dialog is not able to see the gnome vfs volumes | 11:38 |
randabis | heh that sucks | 11:38 |
scoon | randabis, I have over 20gigs of mp3s and rhythmbox can load less than 1 gig of them. | 11:38 |
scoon | totally annoying. | 11:38 |
randabis | what I was thinking was adding the samba shares into fstab | 11:38 |
SirFred | rhythmbox gives me the worst audio quality I've ever tried. | 11:39 |
SirFred | randabis: That's a workaround. | 11:39 |
scoon | SirFred, i wonder if i could write a plugin for muine. | 11:39 |
SirFred | randabis: But I thought that gnome-vfs would take care of this. | 11:39 |
SirFred | Doesn't the gnome-vfs2 mounted volumes should be available using the file selector? | 11:39 |
scoon | the new versions allows for using "plugins" | 11:39 |
randabis | scoon, do you have files other than mp3s in the folders you're trying to add with rb? | 11:39 |
scoon | randabis, no. | 11:39 |
randabis | ok | 11:40 |
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scoon | randabis, at first i thought could be the problem so i really cleaned everything up. | 11:40 |
scoon | randabis, but it is not. | 11:40 |
D|m3 | hi i need some help to set up a ADLS connection on Ubuntu | 11:40 |
randabis | SirFred, well that's just how I handle my nfs shares so I thought it might be a possibility to try | 11:40 |
SirFred | randabis: Yes I know. But... | 11:41 |
D|m3 | can i ask the question :)? | 11:41 |
randabis | no | 11:41 |
SirFred | randabis: I think that the expected behaviour should be mount the volume from gnome and then all the gnome applications should have that volume available. | 11:41 |
scoon | D|m3, didn't you already ? | 11:41 |
randabis | lol | 11:41 |
D|m3 | no :) | 11:41 |
D|m3 | I want to set up an ADSL Connection under Ubuntu Linux but I can't. I tried with pppoeconf but it's says that the connection was triget. i tried instaling initscripts_2.85-22ubuntu12_i386.deb the I installed rp-pppoe-3.5-8.i386.rpm but there is a problem when i type adsl-setup root@DimeUbuntu:/home/dime # adsl-setup Welcome to the ADSL client setup. First, I will run some checks on your system to make sure the PPPoE client is installed properly... ** /etc/sysc | 11:41 |
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scoon | D|m3, i don't run adsl so I can't help you. if no one answers it tends to mean that they can't help you either. | 11:42 |
randabis | SirFred, yeah as long as they use gtk+ iirc | 11:42 |
D|m3 | ok | 11:42 |
davyd | pppoeconf didn't work? | 11:42 |
davyd | man | 11:42 |
scoon | SirFred, i think i may look at the changelog for the newer version and see if smb support has been added. | 11:42 |
SirFred | randabis: That's not working. | 11:42 |
randabis | weird | 11:42 |
randabis | dunno | 11:42 |
SirFred | scoon: But the point is that the smb support is only needed on gnome-vfs2 | 11:43 |
will | D|m3: is your adsl connection over cat5? | 11:43 |
SirFred | scoon: That should be enough. | 11:43 |
scoon | SirFred, understood. but that is not what is happening here. | 11:43 |
D|m3 | i don't know :) The ADSL modem is connected on a HUB and frem the Hub all PCs are connected | 11:44 |
davyd | D|m3: is it a modem or a router? | 11:44 |
D|m3 | modem | 11:44 |
SirFred | scoon: Perhaps you should file a bug. | 11:44 |
davyd | D|m3: then what you are doing seems a bit weird | 11:44 |
D|m3 | what? | 11:44 |
D|m3 | i don't speak english very well :) | 11:45 |
scoon | SirFred, maybe. I am not quite certain where it will be approp to do so. with gnome-vfs or every other music player. | 11:45 |
scoon | SirFred, i wonder what kde does w/ this stuff. | 11:45 |
davyd | D|m3: usually you would have your modem on the other side of a router (ie. your linux box) from your hub | 11:45 |
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SirFred | scoon: Not sure. | 11:45 |
scoon | SirFred, i will figure that out as time goes on. | 11:45 |
davyd | D|m3: assuming your modem is in "bridged mode" you should be able to run pppoeconf and see the access concentrator | 11:45 |
randabis | audacity rocks :p | 11:45 |
randabis | my records come out very nicely | 11:46 |
SirFred | I've tried to drop the mounted volume folder to the gtk+ file selector. | 11:46 |
randabis | recordings even | 11:46 |
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D|m3 | i run the pppoeconf | 11:46 |
SirFred | error accessing 'x-nautilus-desktop:///orballo.volume': The URI is not valid | 11:46 |
davyd | if you can't see an access concentrator, something is wrong: either your modem is not in bridged mode, or it's your LAN setup (which sounds strange) | 11:46 |
magnon | randabis: although the overall sound quality of the recordings rarely have something to do with anything else than the sound card :) | 11:46 |
randabis | scoon, you could file the bug as UNKNOWN | 11:46 |
randabis | magnon, yeah true...audigy 1 does fairly well with a good microphone | 11:47 |
scoon | randabis, that sounds like it could get flushed down the bug toilet | 11:47 |
scoon | randabis, i will try and figure it out better as i go. | 11:47 |
randabis | lol | 11:47 |
SirFred | scoon: Or just on the component you've found the bug. One not from universe or multiverse. | 11:47 |
scoon | SirFred, yes but that is a limited way of fixing the bug. i would like to know if it is a gnome-vfs problem or not. | 11:48 |
SirFred | scoon: So, file the bug on gnome-vfs2 | 11:48 |
scoon | SirFred, but frankly i am not at the point where i care about the bug so much. | 11:48 |
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SirFred | scoon: The gnome-vfs2 maintainer should know if it's a problem on gnome-vfs2 or not. | 11:48 |
magnon | randabis: that fact is fortunate though, because you can get a good recording out of all the existing linux sound tools if you're having a good sound card. And the number of tools are many, and they're scattered. Not all of high quality either. | 11:48 |
SirFred | scoon: I recommend you to take a time searching on the bugzilla, before firing the bug. | 11:49 |
vi11e | can I resize my swap drive in windows with partition magic ? | 11:49 |
scoon | SirFred, that is what i'd do when i get there. | 11:49 |
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isah | hi, i have a big problem: i configured my ati driver, but if i make "startx" it says can't find your mouse, where can i see whats the name of my mouse? | 11:49 |
vi11e | is there a uplimit for swap drive size? | 11:49 |
randabis | magnon, yeah I've had good luck with audacity so far...I have ardour too but haven't played with it yet | 11:49 |
magnon | ardour was useless the last time I tried it | 11:50 |
magnon | but that's long ago | 11:50 |
randabis | I have a ton of effects plugins to play with now too | 11:50 |
magnon | it crashed every two minutes | 11:50 |
randabis | hehe | 11:50 |
davyd | vi11e: yes you can resize it | 11:51 |
davyd | vi11e: 2x your RAM is a good size | 11:51 |
randabis | I've heard a lot of good things about it...I'm gonna mess with it eventually, but audacity really has me satisfied so far...kinda reminders me of cool edit pro with an ugly gtk1 interface | 11:52 |
magnon | vi11e: if you have several disks, putting a swap partition on a different one too might not be a bad idea | 11:53 |
klaym | is there a decent videoplayer for ubuntu (apt-gettable) that would also include all the needed codecs without need to install those | 11:53 |
randabis | not likely | 11:53 |
randabis | installing the codecs is just an apt-get away if you set up marillat anyway | 11:54 |
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randabis | I usually just add marillat's repos to sources.list, apt-get update, install the codecs and libdvdcss2, then remove marillat's repos and apt-get update again | 11:54 |
randabis | in gentoo I just emerge mplayer :p | 11:55 |
isah | cant anybody help me to find to correct path to my mouse? | 11:55 |
klaym | what does apt-get update actually do? | 11:55 |
randabis | it syncs your apt-cache to the latest versions of your repository packages | 11:56 |
randabis | it's equivalent to emerge sync in gentoo | 11:56 |
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randabis | man apt-get can probably explain it a little better | 11:57 |
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klaym | okay | 11:58 |
klaym | and apt-get upgrade is like actually updating the system, instead of only the source lists? | 11:58 |
randabis | yes | 11:58 |
klaym | ok I got wiser now | 11:58 |
randabis | but sometimes it will hold packages back and that can be good or bad depending on what you're trying to do | 11:59 |
randabis | apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade regardless..no packages get held back | 11:59 |
randabis | it's also called smart upgrade in synaptic | 12:00 |
vi11e | what's the command for viewing information of harddiskz | 12:00 |
vi11e | not df but some other | 12:00 |
klaym | dist-upgrade is like a forced update? I thought it meant upgrading the distro (from warty to hoary or something) | 12:00 |
klaym | I think I'll read the apt-get faq | 12:01 |
randabis | yeah good idea | 12:01 |
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randabis | but yeah it's basically a forced update | 12:01 |
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randabis | that's why it is used when upgrading distro | 12:01 |
mz2 | hmm | 12:02 |
mz2 | just installed hoary | 12:02 |
rubixXx | man tonight was rough | 12:02 |
rubixXx | my roommate totaled his girl's car, got hit by a drunk driver, left in an ambulence, then when he got outta the hospitol he went to jail | 12:02 |
mz2 | i don't like that debian menu that it put inside my gnome menu | 12:03 |
randabis | :( | 12:03 |
randabis | how did HE get put in jail? | 12:03 |
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randabis | mz2 remove menus then | 12:03 |
randabis | I think that's the package anyway | 12:03 |
randabis | might be debian-menu...not sure | 12:03 |
mz2 | which package provides that? | 12:03 |
mz2 | ok | 12:03 |
randabis | I'd apt-cache search menu and see if anything comes up..or check synaptic | 12:04 |
mz2 | but other than that, this looks promising :) | 12:04 |
randabis | yeah hoary rocks | 12:04 |
mz2 | now if only the workspace switcher and the window list would support transparency somehow :) | 12:04 |
klaym | is realplayer any good for playing all kinds of videoformats? | 12:05 |
Xappe | no, go for mplayer or vlc instead | 12:05 |
klaym | it's 'suggested' on ubuntuguide | 12:05 |
randabis | wish it was as fast as my gentoo install, but that's to be expected | 12:05 |
rubixXx | randabis, he had a municipal warrent for battery thats like almost a year old | 12:06 |
randabis | rubixXx, ouch | 12:06 |
mz2 | well at least it's not as buggy as fedora is because it tries to be superfast with prelink :) | 12:06 |
randabis | mz2, the base hoary binaries ARE prelinked iirc | 12:06 |
mz2 | randabis, well exactly, it does work in ubuntu and it certainly doesn't in fedora :) | 12:06 |
randabis | I know that ubuntu does do "some" prelinking, but not everything is prelinked | 12:07 |
randabis | like if you install new things...none of those are prelinked | 12:07 |
randabis | unless you do it yourself | 12:07 |
rubixXx | can sum1 dcc me the win32codec's package, apt-get can't find it (yes i have apt-get update and have all the mirrors) | 12:07 |
mz2 | and am glad everything isn't, because for example w32codecs cause all sorts of trouble with mplayer if mplayer has been prelinked, to name one example | 12:07 |
klaym | rubixxx: it's w32codecs, not win32codecs | 12:08 |
rubixXx | yea | 12:08 |
rubixXx | thats what i meant | 12:08 |
randabis | rubixXx, why not just get them from the mplayer site? | 12:08 |
klaym | it will find them with sudo apt-get intall w32codecs, I know cos I'm just installing it myself | 12:08 |
randabis | all you have to do is extract them to /usr/lib/win32 | 12:08 |
rubixXx | ok they are installed | 12:08 |
rubixXx | nm thats wierd | 12:08 |
randabis | klaym, that's only if you change your repositories | 12:09 |
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klaym | yes but I assume rubixxx has the repositories suggested at ubuntuguide | 12:09 |
randabis | remember to change it back after you're done so you don't break the whole system with an apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade | 12:09 |
rubixXx | klaym, i do | 12:10 |
rubixXx | klaym, i just isntalled mplayer, it gave me the codecs | 12:10 |
randabis | you have to take EXTREME caution when mixing repositories created for other debians | 12:10 |
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klaym | why is that | 12:10 |
klaym | :P | 12:11 |
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randabis | klaym, because you can bork your system if you aren't careful | 12:11 |
randabis | you should only use ubuntu repositories as much as possible | 12:11 |
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randabis | damn netsplit | 12:11 |
danielbo | php4 4.3.10-2ubuntu2 has a bug. It was compiled with --with-pcre-regex=/usr and it should be --with-pcre-regex instead. This breaks most complicated php apps | 12:11 |
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randabis | danielbo, file a bug | 12:12 |
danielbo | deal | 12:12 |
rubixXx | is the xchat-systray on apt-get? | 12:12 |
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randabis | dunno...that's probably just a script from scripts.xchat.org | 12:12 |
randabis | or .com...can't remember | 12:13 |
zeedo | rubixXx: nope, just download the .deb | 12:13 |
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linusthepenguin | how do I install and setup cgi? | 12:16 |
D|m3 | hi | 12:17 |
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D|m3 | again | 12:17 |
D|m3 | :) | 12:17 |
rubixXx | linusthepenguin, first you have to install cgi then set it up | 12:17 |
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linusthepenguin | Got any guides to setting it up? | 12:18 |
mz2 | hmm | 12:18 |
mz2 | OO.o 2 looks ugly as hell | 12:18 |
stuNNed | lol | 12:18 |
linusthepenguin | I got it installed... | 12:18 |
stuNNed | use gnumeric/abiword | 12:18 |
linusthepenguin | php4-cgi | 12:18 |
mz2 | i probably need to install some sort of gnome integration to it | 12:18 |
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D|m3 | who was the man who helped me just a few minutes ago?:) | 12:19 |
D|m3 | i forgot the nick | 12:19 |
D|m3 | :) | 12:19 |
linusthepenguin | rubixXx, any guides to setting up cgi? | 12:19 |
acs | read the log | 12:19 |
acs | lol | 12:19 |
rubixXx | linusthepenguin, one moment | 12:19 |
D|m3 | i don't have any saved logs | 12:19 |
D|m3 | :) | 12:19 |
mz2 | such a lot snappier than 1.1 though, and opens up a few problematic MS Office files a lot better | 12:19 |
mz2 | ahh, much better, the openoffice.org2-gnome package helped :) | 12:20 |
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rubixXx | linusthepenguin, http://www.aboutdebian.com/internet.htm | 12:20 |
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Dreamer3 | the world sleepeth | 12:27 |
Dreamer3 | mz2: from where? | 12:27 |
mz2 | Dreamer3, how do you mean? | 12:27 |
Dreamer3 | mz2: are you on hoary or warty? | 12:28 |
mz2 | hoary | 12:28 |
SirFred | That xchat-systray is great. | 12:28 |
Dreamer3 | mz2: ah | 12:28 |
Dreamer3 | mz2: i'd love to try it, but oh well | 12:29 |
mz2 | hmm, i got calc to crash already... so with this limited experience, i wouldn't really recommend this just yet :) | 12:29 |
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HurL3y[Clan | Hi everyone !! | 12:31 |
linusthepenguin | I'm trying to have cgi scripts run outside of usr/lib/cgi-bin/, how do I do that? | 12:31 |
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stuNNed | linusthepenguin: you symlink it? | 12:31 |
linusthepenguin | How can do I do that? (n00b) | 12:32 |
HurL3y[Clan | so here is the place to come to get help with ubuntu | 12:32 |
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HurL3y[Clan | so here is my problem ...is there a way that i would get information on how to partition with ubuntu | 12:34 |
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Xappe | qtparted? | 12:35 |
randabis | mz2 oo.o period in ubuntu sucks for some reason | 12:35 |
HurL3y[Clan | no partman | 12:35 |
randabis | it's very unstable for me | 12:35 |
randabis | gparted > qtparted :p | 12:35 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: were you the one who was going to work on xfce? | 12:35 |
Xappe | randabis, never used any of them so i dodn't know | 12:36 |
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randabis | Dreamer3, going to work on xfce? what do you mean? | 12:36 |
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Dreamer3 | randabis: maybe it wasn't you | 12:36 |
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Dreamer3 | someone was setting upa wiki to discuss integrating xfce fully into ubunutu | 12:36 |
randabis | what did you mean though? like making debs for it? | 12:36 |
randabis | oh | 12:36 |
randabis | wasn't me, but it's a good idea | 12:37 |
Dreamer3 | randabis: more than making debs, ubuntizing it... i wanted to check out ht epage when it wa sup to see what that meant exactly | 12:37 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: hey, is the xfce page up yet? | 12:37 |
randabis | shouldn't be hard...xfce already follows gnome's menus fairly well | 12:37 |
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randabis | you'd just need to get things like esd setup | 12:38 |
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ep6678 | Hey all, got a DVD question. | 12:38 |
ep6678 | I've installed libdvdcss2, and it allows me to play dvd's, my question is that for some reason, it will only play new dvds | 12:38 |
SirFred | randabis: And what about the hald , pmount and friends integration. | 12:39 |
ep6678 | is there another library that allows for me to read :the older encryption | 12:39 |
SirFred | randabis: It should be great. | 12:39 |
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ep6678 | I am getting sound, but no picture on older dvds | 12:39 |
SirFred | ep6678: Which player? | 12:39 |
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ep6678 | totem right now. Any better choices? | 12:40 |
SirFred | ep6678: totem-gstreamer? | 12:40 |
SirFred | ep6678: It doesn't work for me. Try with totem-xine. | 12:40 |
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SirFred | Anyway, I haven't tried totem-gstreamer for a while. | 12:41 |
randabis | SirFred, I said "things like" :p | 12:41 |
SirFred | Perhaps it's useful now. | 12:41 |
ep6678 | I'm using xine | 12:41 |
ep6678 | or totem xine | 12:41 |
SirFred | randabis: :) | 12:41 |
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zzyber | im thinking to switch from gentoo to ubuntu becouse of portage en emerge (not binary). I wounder, what flavor should i have, can i use debian repositories or am i boude to ubuntus? How about xorg? | 12:43 |
ep6678 | debian repos are not supported, but open to apt | 12:43 |
Dreamer3 | zzyber: warty, yes but be careful, in hoary | 12:44 |
ep6678 | my hoary experience wasn't good, won't be going back until it's official. My display just didn't work. | 12:44 |
ep6678 | Loved the interface though. Very smooth running. | 12:45 |
SirFred | ep6678: What's your display? | 12:45 |
zzyber | are u guys running kde or gnome in ubuntu? | 12:45 |
darkkyo | how can i verify if i have xorg under my ubuntu | 12:45 |
ep6678 | gnome | 12:45 |
Dreamer3 | zzyber: gnome, kde isn't officially supported | 12:45 |
zzyber | good | 12:45 |
=== daleboRt [~daleboRt@203-219-229-145-tow-ts1-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkkyo | i have change my sources.list and i use apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:45 |
Dreamer3 | darkkyo: if you have hoary you do | 12:45 |
zzyber | i dont like kde | 12:45 |
SirFred | darkkyo: dpkg -l xserver-xorg | 12:46 |
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darkkyo | ok thanks | 12:46 |
SirFred | ii xserver-xorg 6.8.1-1ubuntu1 the X.Org X server | 12:46 |
darkkyo | ok | 12:46 |
=== universal [~universal@port989.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ep6678 | so...any ideas on my dvd issue? | 12:46 |
universal | hi all | 12:46 |
darkkyo | i use the cd array 4 but it's bug for me | 12:47 |
darkkyo | now i have installed woary after i update to hoary | 12:47 |
=== cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E31A8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkkyo | xserver-xorg is not installed O_ | 12:48 |
ep6678 | found a plugin for mplayer that allows for dvd playback supposedly, going to give that a try | 12:48 |
randabis | zzyber, you'll want to use ubuntu hoary | 12:48 |
randabis | it'll suit you well coming from portage | 12:48 |
randabis | I'm currently using both gentoo and ubuntu | 12:49 |
=== jintxo [~jintxo@246.Red-83-33-2.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | randabis, is that stable enough? | 12:49 |
randabis | I have them share /home /boot and swap so it's easy to maintain | 12:49 |
acs | I heard gentoo was a pain to install | 12:49 |
universal | can someone tell me what to do, when i would like keybinmdings for 3ddesktop? | 12:49 |
randabis | zzyber, sure not any less stable than portage is at any given time | 12:49 |
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randabis | hoary would be kinda like passing ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86 " to your make.conf | 12:50 |
randabis | so in other words... | 12:50 |
tuppa | hrm | 12:51 |
zzyber | randabis, so how do i install hoary? Do i install warty then change source.list and do an apt-get dist-upgrade? | 12:51 |
=== Pot [Pot@82-46-211-102.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | overall the system is pretty stable, but you might get breakage from time to time...but you're going at a good time | 12:51 |
tuppa | disappearing text on Hoary amd64... | 12:51 |
tuppa | in GNOME | 12:51 |
randabis | hoary is almost finished | 12:51 |
randabis | so it's stabilized a lot | 12:51 |
=== Pot is now known as potn | ||
universal | whats the differences | 12:51 |
randabis | zzyber, just use a hoary snapshot iso or array 4 | 12:51 |
Xappe | the weekends feels boring nowadays. only very few updates for my Hoary (myy prrrrescious) | 12:52 |
zzyber | randabis, okey, tnx | 12:52 |
SirFred | Xappe: :) That's right. | 12:52 |
SirFred | Xappe: I have a synaptic dependency. | 12:52 |
haggai | mz2: I'm just getting a new OOo2 package ready for upload now | 12:52 |
randabis | zzyber, get it from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary | 12:53 |
universal | randabis, do you know about hotplug as linux boots up? | 12:53 |
ep6678 | If going with hoary, for whatever reason, when I installed array 4, it worked great, but after shutting down and restarting, it would not start X | 12:53 |
randabis | Xappe, that's cause feature freeze has happened and things are starting to wrap up | 12:53 |
mz2 | haggai, for hoary? | 12:53 |
randabis | universal, somewhat | 12:54 |
mz2 | gdesklets are nice | 12:54 |
randabis | mz2, yes...warty will never get oo.o2 | 12:54 |
zzyber | whatis array 1 2 3 4 ? | 12:54 |
mz2 | in hoary they even work | 12:54 |
haggai | mz2: yes | 12:54 |
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randabis | zzyber, milestone releases | 12:54 |
Xappe | randabis, yes, and I guess the developers need some time off too :) | 12:54 |
mz2 | that's what i thought too :) | 12:54 |
zzyber | randabis, akey | 12:54 |
randabis | zzyber, either get array 4 or current | 12:54 |
SirFred | The gnome integration on OOo2 was unusable the last time I tried. | 12:54 |
universal | its because my computer says fatal error, modprobe hw.random.ko | 12:54 |
randabis | current is the latest, array 4 is pretty recent too though | 12:54 |
zzyber | randabis, isnt that the same? | 12:54 |
SirFred | Some menues were like crap | 12:54 |
randabis | zzyber, see above | 12:55 |
haggai | SirFred: please file some bugs so I have an idea of where the problems are | 12:55 |
randabis | current might currently be array 4...not sure | 12:55 |
SirFred | haggai: Well, it seemed just a problem of font size. | 12:55 |
zzyber | isnt there any p4 optimized or i686 distributions? | 12:55 |
SirFred | haggai: But I'm not sure, it segsfault a little after. | 12:55 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daleboRt | universal, I get the same, but for 3 or 4 modules, on boootup | 12:56 |
SirFred | haggai: I can try again, and file some bug if you wish. | 12:56 |
universal | ok, hmm, u think its a bug? | 12:56 |
randabis | zzyber, no...for compatibility it is i386...you can get architecture optimized kernels though for it | 12:56 |
SirFred | haggai: I'm not using it really anyway, I was just curious about it's state. | 12:56 |
randabis | kernel images that is | 12:56 |
randabis | precompiled | 12:56 |
zzyber | so i can forget k3b or does it install? | 12:56 |
randabis | zzyber, it's in universe and you can install it | 12:57 |
daleboRt | universal, I get an error right at the very start of bootup, about plugnplay, you get that? | 12:57 |
haggai | SirFred: we're considering putting it in the desktop task instead of oo1 | 12:57 |
SirFred | haggai: Humm, so... | 12:57 |
SirFred | haggai: I should better file those bugs. | 12:57 |
haggai | SirFred: at the moment I am not getting any feedback about it | 12:57 |
haggai | SirFred: yes :) | 12:57 |
SirFred | haggai: I discovered its existence a week ago. | 12:57 |
SirFred | Well, I'm going to try. | 12:57 |
haggai | yeah I will announce the new upload more widely | 12:57 |
randabis | zzyber, another thing to know is that ubuntu's kernels make heavy use of modules...if you don't like that you need to roll your own kernel...but in debian kernel compiles are not done the same way as in gentoo | 12:57 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | randabis, ubuntu sounds great! I have been on debian alot and now on gentoo but everyone it talking ubunto so im courious | 12:58 |
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SirFred | But it's such a beast. I'm "only" 512Mb RAM. And I'm compiling some opemembedded stuff. | 12:58 |
randabis | zzyber, I like it a lot | 12:58 |
universal | daleboRt, i dont think its in the very start, but its there when the hotplug is initializing | 12:58 |
randabis | gentoo is still faster than hoary overall though | 12:58 |
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scoon | randabis, what are your benchmarks | 12:58 |
scoon | ? | 12:58 |
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SirFred | randabis: Perhaps I'm mistaken, but warty seemed faster that hoary. | 12:59 |
scoon | randabis, i disagree w/ that. | 12:59 |
daleboRt | universal, I get one at the very start about plug and play, and a few in the hotplug. But everything seems to work okay anyway. | 12:59 |
SirFred | Perhaps I don't remember how fast was warty. | 12:59 |
randabis | I haven't benchmarked...I'm going by my own experience in general use | 12:59 |
scoon | randabis, my use shows the exact opposite. | 12:59 |
randabis | I don't know of anything to benchmark with in linux for one | 12:59 |
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scoon | randabis, but that is not fair. | 12:59 |
scoon | randabis, and should not be stated. | 12:59 |
universal | yeah exactly, everything works fine, hmm, its just wierd | 12:59 |
universal | daleboRt, have u 3ddesk installed? | 01:00 |
randabis | scoon, well I should clarify then...I just meant that my gentoo feels faster than my hoary | 01:00 |
scoon | randabis, i ran gentoo for 18months and i was an emerge-a-holic | 01:00 |
randabis | things load quicker etc | 01:00 |
daleboRt | universal, I installed it and removed it. It was happening both before and after. | 01:00 |
scoon | randabis, that was a hard habbit to quit | 01:00 |
scoon | randabis, yea, i don't notice that at all. | 01:00 |
randabis | heh I'm emerging -uDv --newuse world as we speak lol | 01:01 |
randabis | over halfway done :p | 01:01 |
scoon | randabis, i have found that compiling much more than kernels is pretty much a big waste. | 01:01 |
=== redissexy [~redissexy@201009184102.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stuNNed | randabis: can we say #gentoo-* ? | 01:01 |
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universal | daleboRt, ok, so u dont have any clue to how this problem can be fixed? | 01:01 |
randabis | can we say I am already in #gentoo | 01:01 |
=== Killian [~fsck@dpc67143222143.direcpc.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
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randabis | I use both | 01:02 |
daleboRt | universal, not a clue | 01:02 |
stuNNed | can we say STFU about it here? | 01:02 |
Killian | goodmorning | 01:02 |
zzyber | i have used a lot of different flavors of linux and i must say that none can compare to gentoo in speed so i dought that ubuntu could compare in speed on any level | 01:02 |
randabis | can we see drop the attitude? | 01:02 |
scoon | randabis, i would be curious as to find a compare with gentoo-ppc and ubuntu-ppc | 01:02 |
randabis | yeah that could be interesting | 01:02 |
martin | hi, do anybody know where i can find my gaim user files? | 01:03 |
scoon | anyone care to take a stab and compare gentoo/ubuntu ppc | 01:03 |
scoon | ? | 01:03 |
=== Killian is curious on a good Frontend data/music burning prog for ubuntu : x86 style | ||
=== IamJacksUsername [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killian | scoon, so far i really like ppc ubuntu | 01:03 |
Killian | havent tried gentoo ppc yet tho | 01:03 |
scoon | Killian, thanks | 01:03 |
IamJacksUsername | Ubuntu 5.04 array 3.5 live CD i386: Created a folder called "suse" in /home/ubuntu and then ran | 01:03 |
randabis | heh I'm connected to that server that keeps netsplitting and it hasn't disconnected me once | 01:03 |
IamJacksUsername | mount -r -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /home/ubuntu/suse/ | 01:03 |
IamJacksUsername | which reports | 01:04 |
SirFred | haggai: This is not a bug, but I have to say that the splash screen sucks. | 01:04 |
IamJacksUsername | mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /home/ubuntu/suse/ busy | 01:04 |
universal | randabis, a thing about themes in gnome. as i download a theme.tar.bz file, how the to install it right? | 01:04 |
IamJacksUsername | I can't see hda1 in /mnt/ or (like my usb stick) on the desktop, and I don't know what the busy might mean. Is my mount command correct? | 01:04 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killian | scoon: some glitches in ubuntu-PPC, but nothing tooo terrible. | 01:04 |
SirFred | haggai: With that childish X on the 1.0 version. | 01:04 |
randabis | universal, use gnome-theme-manager | 01:04 |
scoon | Killian, such as ? | 01:04 |
randabis | it has a button that says "install theme" | 01:04 |
=== oferw [~oferw@85-250-101-193.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoon | Killian, i am thinking about getting an ibook and am just curious | 01:04 |
Xappe | universal, unpack it in .themes in your home dir | 01:04 |
SirFred | haggai: Is that supposed to be the final splash screen ? | 01:04 |
randabis | click that and point it to the tar.bz2 | 01:04 |
randabis | SirFred, that's not something haggai did at the very least...:p | 01:05 |
randabis | it's in the official source | 01:05 |
randabis | I guess they are just doing that for the betas | 01:05 |
randabis | I would HOPE anyway | 01:05 |
Xappe | universal, or do it the point and click way that never worked for me in Hoary | 01:05 |
randabis | Xappe, that's the way I do it (.themes) | 01:06 |
randabis | :) | 01:06 |
Killian | scoon: synaptic glitches when you open up "universal" packages : my bus speed isnt being read right, and from what ive noted, : any HFS+ hdd <apple native> reads a bit slow if mounted w. Music/media | 01:06 |
universal | ok, hmm, | 01:06 |
SirFred | randabis: Yes, I now. | 01:06 |
randabis | it's retarded though...I agree | 01:06 |
scoon | Killian, that hfs could be problematic | 01:07 |
randabis | looks awful | 01:07 |
scoon | Killian, do you dual boot ? | 01:07 |
Killian | scoon: a buddy of mine told me Gentoo runs real good on his Powerbook : he was dualbooted w. OSX : | 01:07 |
universal | but is the theme-manager the one in the bar? | 01:07 |
Killian | yes scoon: im dualbooted | 01:07 |
SirFred | I tried Gentoo a while ago. | 01:07 |
universal | or something i should write in commandline? | 01:07 |
haggai | SirFred: yes it's unmodified. I can't do everything and have to prioritise. They are running a contest for the new splash screen so there's not much point in doing anything at the moment | 01:07 |
SirFred | It's not practial for me, with a Pentium III 700. | 01:07 |
SirFred | haggai: Ok. | 01:07 |
Xappe | univeral, yes it's in the menus somewhere | 01:07 |
scoon | Killian, thnks. | 01:07 |
=== marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | universal, which ubuntu you running? in warty it is in the computer menu...desktop in hoary | 01:08 |
scoon | Killian, yeah i don't think that i would dual boot. not a big osx fan really. | 01:08 |
SirFred | haggai: I'm seeing now the problem. The checkboxes on the option dialogs are overlapping the text. | 01:08 |
randabis | SirFred, haha | 01:08 |
scoon | have it here @ home and don't use it. | 01:08 |
SirFred | haggai: I think that I could send a shot and attatch it to the bug report. | 01:08 |
universal | yeh, its warty | 01:08 |
randabis | My athlon xp 3200+ handles compiles rather well | 01:09 |
SirFred | On Gentoo, the versions of the packages was evolving faster than my machine compiling them. | 01:09 |
randabis | I can bootstrap in under 2 hours | 01:09 |
Killian | scoon: i find i like osx on a >1ghz cpu. anything less is questionable | 01:09 |
SirFred | My machine was day and night compiling. | 01:09 |
randabis | hah | 01:09 |
universal | randabis, but somehow when i install themes from the manager, the icons from the theme dont show | 01:09 |
SirFred | But I have to say that it was the fastest gnome I had. | 01:09 |
SirFred | Compared with debian sid one. | 01:09 |
universal | randabis, only the windows.... | 01:10 |
=== Killian likes the new gnome | ||
zzyber | how is ppc compared to intel when using linux? | 01:10 |
scoon | Killian, my girl has a powerbook and i'd love to put linux on it but she uses it for her work and i don't want to make that harder for her. | 01:10 |
randabis | universal, might have to go to the advaned properties and install the icons | 01:10 |
scoon | Killian, but osx i don't like so much. | 01:10 |
randabis | SirFred, yeah my gnome in gentoo does feel faster than hoary's | 01:10 |
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randabis | well everything does really | 01:10 |
kbrooks | I have a problem with ubuntu. | 01:10 |
scoon | randabis, i'd bet that is only becuase you waited 3 days biting your nails hoping that it would work :) | 01:11 |
randabis | no | 01:11 |
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haggai | SirFred: ah, great yes please file and attach a screen shot. If you did anything to the theme or fonts that is different to the default please mention that too so it is possible to reproduce your problem | 01:11 |
universal | randabis, hmmm | 01:11 |
Killian | zzyber: its basically comparing RISC to x86 : A classic battle of good vs. evil <you decide which is which> ;) | 01:11 |
randabis | I started stage one on thursday at about 2 am | 01:11 |
randabis | I had a fully functional gnome in under 13 hours | 01:11 |
kbrooks | I cannot start gnome, or fvwm. i even tried to upgrade to hoary yesterdat, but that exited with a error | 01:12 |
universal | randabis, actually i should drag the icon-file into the .themes=? | 01:12 |
Xappe | .icons | 01:12 |
scoon | randabis, you know you can get help for your emerge problem. | 01:12 |
Xappe | i think it is | 01:12 |
universal | ye ok | 01:12 |
universal | ok | 01:12 |
scoon | randabis, i am a recovering emerge-a-holic and would be fine "sponsoring" you | 01:12 |
randabis | scoon, I don't consider it a problem :p | 01:12 |
scoon | randabis, anytime you feel like you want to kick that nasty habit, i will be here for you :) | 01:13 |
tuppa | anyone having issues with text not displaying properly in GNOME/firefox on hoary? | 01:13 |
universal | ...and then try theme-manager again to set the right icon-display | 01:13 |
Killian | lol : recovering emerge-a-holic | 01:13 |
randabis | remember I still use hoary too | 01:13 |
=== linux_galor1 [~linux_gal@60-240-90-4-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | Killian, i have never used a mac since that day i couldnt get my floppy disc out. :-) | 01:13 |
scoon | as do i | 01:13 |
kbrooks | I have a problem with ubuntu. | 01:13 |
scoon | but i have found so many other things to do instead of emerging :) | 01:13 |
kbrooks | I cannot start gnome, or fvwm. i even tried to upgrade to hoary yesterday, but that exited with a error | 01:13 |
randabis | I just like the speed of my gentoo install :) overall I like ubuntu's way of doing things better than gentoo's | 01:14 |
zzyber | Killian, i think my next computer will be a mac | 01:14 |
kbrooks | HELP! | 01:14 |
kbrooks | I cannot start gnome, or fvwm. i even tried to upgrade to hoary yesterday, but that exited with a error | 01:14 |
scoon | kbrooks what is the err | 01:14 |
randabis | does x even start? | 01:14 |
kbrooks | scoon: i don't remember it. X starts | 01:14 |
randabis | tried apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? | 01:15 |
Killian | zzyber: i like the mac hardware side : plus the bsd base of OSX, but thats me. | 01:15 |
scoon | kbrooks, hmmm. | 01:15 |
kbrooks | but gnome popups a error message that i didnt fully see | 01:15 |
randabis | oh | 01:15 |
randabis | that error | 01:15 |
kbrooks | it starts with 'I' | 01:15 |
randabis | probably and x config problem | 01:15 |
kbrooks | (in a dialog box) | 01:15 |
randabis | try changing your xconfig's device driver to vesa and see if you can get in | 01:16 |
zzyber | Killian, i read about bsd as base in osx and i must say i also like the idea, that is one thing why i will by myself a mac the next time | 01:16 |
kbrooks | randabis: X STARTS! | 01:16 |
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kbrooks | randabis: don't assume! | 01:16 |
randabis | kbrooks, still could be related to x config though | 01:16 |
randabis | I've seen people with that problem | 01:16 |
randabis | and a lot of times it was related to xconfig | 01:16 |
kbrooks | with what problem | 01:17 |
Killian | kbrooks: ive had that problem before; improper config in X | 01:17 |
thomas__ | hello, i've got a problem! i'm using the test release of ubuntu hoary and when i want to play a dvd in xine i don't have any sound! what could be the problem? | 01:17 |
Killian | wont start up a WM at all :| | 01:17 |
randabis | the thing where it logs you out of gdm for having a session of less than 10 seconds | 01:17 |
kbrooks | randabis: i dont want vesa | 01:17 |
martin | where is the search function in nautilus? | 01:17 |
kbrooks | Killian: in my case, it starts up a wm | 01:17 |
zzyber | now i remember.............!! I tried ubuntu some time ago but i couldnt get dvdrip to work, is that working now? | 01:17 |
randabis | kbrooks, just try it and see if you can even get in a wm with it...you can always install an nvidia or ati driver, etc afterward | 01:18 |
=== linux_galor1 isnt impressed with BSD.its slow compared to Linux and has very poor hardware support and next to Linux its standing still and this cant do OSX much good in the long term | ||
=== kalila [~kalila@gp129c.halls.manchester.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kalila | what's up with ubuntuguide.org? | 01:18 |
kbrooks | linux_galor1: do you have proof to support what you are stating? | 01:18 |
kalila | oh its up again | 01:18 |
kalila | wasnt yesterday | 01:18 |
randabis | most people say the opposite linux_galor1...the speed anyway | 01:19 |
=== jintxo [~jintxo@246.Red-83-33-2.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galor1 | kbrooks: used it and there are some recent benchmarks on OSX in fact one just a day ago | 01:19 |
=== Killian is gonna load NetBSD on a ppc machine one of these days | ||
linux_galor1 | sorry BSD not OSX | 01:19 |
zzyber | linux_galor1, do you have a link? | 01:19 |
=== hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-59-173.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | linux_galor1: i wouldn't release my opinion on BSD, nor even touch bsd with a 50-foot pole | 01:19 |
kbrooks | if i were you | 01:20 |
randabis | I have a freesbie livecd lol | 01:20 |
linux_galor1 | kbrooks: slashdot posted a article today/yesterday on benchmarking mysql on BSD/Linux/Solaris | 01:20 |
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randabis | I can't get networking working with it though so I don't use it much | 01:20 |
zzyber | randabis, lol | 01:20 |
linux_galor1 | kbrooks: Linux kicked the crap out of all the BSD's | 01:20 |
=== kbrooks tries xfce | ||
randabis | If I could figure out how to get networking working in freesbie I might actually use it a bit | 01:21 |
linux_galor1 | kbrooks: only thing that came near Linux was Solaris | 01:21 |
tuppa | gah... | 01:21 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuppa | seems like my problem is an nvidia driver issue :\ | 01:21 |
randabis | kbrooks, did you even TRY my suggestion? it can't hurt man...you can always switch back | 01:21 |
zzyber | i tried gnoppix live cd and that is really nice based on ubuntu | 01:21 |
randabis | yeah | 01:21 |
jintxo | that xcompmgr stuff is pretty nice, any themes that go really well with it? | 01:21 |
randabis | gnoppix and ubuntu devs are working together | 01:21 |
Killian | i thought gnoppix was Debian : not ubuntu based :| | 01:22 |
Killian | more apt-get, less gui | 01:22 |
kbrooks | randabis: i will IF xfce doesnt even load and ONLY a error message displays THAT starts with 'I' (yes, I in caps) | 01:22 |
zzyber | Killian, everyting is based on debian :-) | 01:22 |
randabis | fair enough | 01:22 |
Killian | lol zzyber | 01:22 |
randabis | I'm just trying to help you | 01:22 |
Killian | seems like its going that way, yes | 01:23 |
=== albeerto [albeerto@cport3.giant.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
albeerto | anyone awake at this time of night | 01:23 |
randabis | yes | 01:23 |
Killian | morning albeerto | 01:23 |
stvn | night? | 01:23 |
randabis | almost 6:30 am here | 01:23 |
zzyber | middle of the day | 01:23 |
albeerto | 23.23 here not quite morning | 01:23 |
bumperland | is anyone having a problem with the multiverse in apt | 01:23 |
Killian | 7:30 here | 01:23 |
zzyber | 13:24 | 01:24 |
Killian | *am | 01:24 |
Killian | not i bumperland | 01:24 |
randabis | I kinda didn't go to sleep tonight | 01:24 |
kbrooks | almost .... *looks* | 01:24 |
ogra | zzyber: adjust your clock.... 13:24 | 01:24 |
linux_galor1 | kbrooks: here we go look and weep -> http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=04/12/27/1243207 | 01:24 |
randabis | use ntpd :p | 01:24 |
kbrooks | 7:24 | 01:24 |
ogra | zzyber: youre a minute ahead ;) | 01:24 |
zzyber | ogra :-) | 01:24 |
kbrooks | linux_galor1: ok | 01:24 |
randabis | use ntpd :p | 01:24 |
bumperland | what is the address | 01:24 |
randabis | hehe | 01:25 |
Xappe | randabis, i most certainly did not. I sat here chatting with you guys, and then it was time to go to work | 01:25 |
randabis | lol | 01:25 |
randabis | ah emerge 68 of 100 lol | 01:25 |
Xappe | and now it's 13.26 here | 01:25 |
randabis | moving right a long | 01:25 |
randabis | this would be much shorter had I not installed gnome | 01:25 |
zzyber | randabis, are u installing gedit :-) | 01:26 |
Killian | shoulda went xfce ;) randabis | 01:26 |
randabis | Killian, I did actually..I have both | 01:26 |
randabis | and fluxbox as well | 01:26 |
Killian | haha... | 01:26 |
scoon | randabis, check out openbox. | 01:26 |
scoon | randabis, that w/ a perlpanel totally rocked. | 01:26 |
randabis | zzyber, I think it is already compiled...not sure | 01:26 |
Killian | i liked openbox | 01:26 |
scoon | but pointless for a desktop | 01:26 |
randabis | haha | 01:26 |
randabis | I use xfce4.2 most of the time | 01:27 |
scoon | i have 1 gig of ram, gnome isn't strapping me at all. | 01:27 |
scoon | 4.2 is great. | 01:27 |
=== klaxnek [~klaxnek@195.Red-83-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | I'm in gnome right now atm | 01:27 |
Killian | xfce/openbox combo is what i ran under QuartzWM <aqua desktop> when OSX took a shat on me | 01:27 |
randabis | I kinda wish gentoo's gnome was as good as ubuntu's :p | 01:27 |
bumperland | does anyone have the address for multiverse | 01:28 |
IamJacksUsername | Ubuntu 5.04 array 3.5 live CD i386: Created a folder called "suse" in /home/ubuntu and then ran "mount -r -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /home/ubuntu/suse/" which reports "mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /home/ubuntu/suse/ busy". I can't see hda1 in /mnt/ or (like my usb stick) on the desktop, and I don't know what the busy might mean. Is my mount command correct? | 01:28 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
randabis | bumperland, http://archive.ubuntu.com | 01:28 |
Gagatan | just add multiverse in addition to universe (if you mean apt-source) | 01:28 |
scoon | Killian, that sounds like a nice combo | 01:28 |
bumperland | yes | 01:28 |
randabis | QuartzWM? | 01:29 |
Killian | scoon, it was. had to hand compile everything, but isnt that what bsd is for? | 01:29 |
randabis | I must investigate! | 01:29 |
randabis | is that ppc only? | 01:29 |
Killian | randabis: Quartz is AKA : Aqua | 01:29 |
mz2 | how do i make qt apps use the kde theme i have set up? | 01:29 |
Killian | OSX | 01:29 |
randabis | damn :/ | 01:29 |
scoon | Killian, even now i do a fair amount of hand rolling | 01:29 |
tuppa | gah | 01:29 |
randabis | that would rock to use with xfce | 01:29 |
=== pythonist [~paris@host17-57.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuppa | daniels not around :\ | 01:29 |
=== planner [~danilo@adsl-ull-133-52.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daniels | tuppa: trying not to be | 01:30 |
tuppa | looks like I'll have to patch+build xorg-common manually :\ | 01:30 |
tuppa | ;) | 01:30 |
randabis | daniel stone is probably taking a long deserved break | 01:30 |
daniels | what for? | 01:30 |
daniels | randabis: i wish | 01:30 |
randabis | oh | 01:30 |
vi11e | hey, if I want to mount a new ext drive I have created what should I type in fstab? | 01:30 |
randabis | lol | 01:30 |
tuppa | daniels: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2322 <- this patch in yet? | 01:30 |
randabis | my bad | 01:30 |
Killian | scoon: im basically just setup cuz OSX went Kabooom on me : waitin to buy it again : | 01:30 |
Killian | i dont install much | 01:30 |
scoon | Killian, purchase an os ? | 01:30 |
scoon | yikes | 01:31 |
tuppa | major PITA for amd64 nvidia people (like me) :P | 01:31 |
randabis | tiger is supposed to rock :o | 01:31 |
Killian | i went nutz on initial install | 01:31 |
scoon | i bought redhat a couple of times for the boxes and bumperstickers. | 01:31 |
randabis | haha | 01:31 |
universal | when using downloaded icons in ubuntu, were should i plave them? | 01:31 |
scoon | i did buy my girl osx once. | 01:31 |
Killian | yeah scoon, i'll pay for OSX | 01:31 |
scoon | Killian, so did i. | 01:31 |
randabis | my stepbro has a red hat sticker on his monitor | 01:31 |
Killian | 5 luser license for 200$ | 01:31 |
=== Killian is gonna start a OSX server farm | ||
universal | under /home/.themes=? | 01:31 |
randabis | I used to have a suse linux sticker on my old case | 01:31 |
Killian | ahh!~ RH? | 01:32 |
randabis | suse is bleh though lol | 01:32 |
randabis | so is rh | 01:32 |
Killian | Yast is Cool tho | 01:32 |
randabis | in THEORY only | 01:32 |
daniels | tuppa: nope, sorry. you can download that attachment and dump it in debian/patches after fixing the path to be xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86pciBus.c though, and debuild -us -uc | 01:32 |
randabis | yast is poorly implemented | 01:32 |
randabis | cool idea | 01:32 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | but it sucks | 01:32 |
daniels | tuppa: i won't get to doing 6.8.2-1 until about thursday or friday at this rate | 01:32 |
Killian | i liked yast2 | 01:32 |
scoon | well i was running redhat 5.2 and then bought 6.1 or 6.3 or both | 01:32 |
Xappe | universal: .icons in your home | 01:32 |
Killian | lol randabis | 01:32 |
scoon | i don't remember | 01:32 |
=== hypn0_ [~chatzilla@host81-7-62-231.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Alvercas [~ricardo@10001242261.0000019665.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Killian always liked suse better than redhat tho | ||
daniels | tuppa: ('that attachment' -> the simple fix with FIXED_X11R68x) | 01:33 |
Killian | but debian was always king | 01:33 |
randabis | Killian, well I haven't used it since suse 9, but I'm sure it still has some of the quirks the old yasts has had | 01:33 |
Killian | for linux distros | 01:33 |
randabis | the only distro I've bought was suse 8.2 pro | 01:33 |
tuppa | daniels: no worries | 01:33 |
randabis | I like suse better than rh too though | 01:34 |
=== pisuke [~luis@84-120-67-237.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killian | i paid for ubuntu and for Source-Mage | 01:34 |
Killian | 1$ | 01:34 |
randabis | hehe | 01:34 |
Killian | cuz i aint got a burner | 01:34 |
pythonist | is there any openoffice2 package for ubuntu? | 01:34 |
randabis | pythonist, only in hoary | 01:34 |
pythonist | randabis: I'm using hoary | 01:35 |
scoon | pythonist, and it works wonderfully. | 01:35 |
randabis | pythonist, universe I think | 01:35 |
randabis | might be in main now though | 01:35 |
pythonist | randabis: let me check... | 01:35 |
randabis | openoffice.org2 should be the package | 01:35 |
pythonist | randabis, scoon: found, thank you... | 01:35 |
randabis | you'll want to also install openoffice.org2-gnome so it doesn't look like ass | 01:35 |
scoon | np | 01:36 |
jintxo | anybody know why nautilus would say "applications:///" is not a valid location? | 01:36 |
pythonist | randabis, scoon: I wasn't looking in the most obvious place :-) | 01:36 |
kbrooks | wtf? | 01:36 |
randabis | jintxo, because you're using hoary | 01:36 |
randabis | and the way menus are done has been completely revamped | 01:36 |
kbrooks | xfree wont fsckin install | 01:36 |
randabis | kbrooks, sounds like your install may be borked in some way | 01:36 |
=== dargo_ [~dargo@245.Red-80-39-84.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | i dont want to reinstall | 01:37 |
kbrooks | but i have a idea | 01:37 |
=== dargo_ is now known as dargo | ||
albeerto | basic question unbuntu box won't recognise a seagate tape drive!! any ideas | 01:37 |
rubixXx | /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xfree86 is broken or not fully installed | 01:37 |
jintxo | randabis, should there be a place where I an tell it (or look at) what the valid locations are? | 01:37 |
=== LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | jintxo, you're not going to be able to use applications:/// anymore | 01:38 |
randabis | there's no way around it | 01:38 |
randabis | nothing you can do | 01:38 |
jintxo | heh, that's cool | 01:38 |
randabis | you're going to have to edit the xml files manually until a menu editor package is created and placed in the repos | 01:39 |
=== Killian might have to install ubuntu on mother's box here soon : | ||
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jintxo | randabis, ok, fair enough :-) | 01:39 |
jintxo | thanks | 01:39 |
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=== kent [~kent@c83-249-62-87.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mgg [~mg@spc1-leed3-6-0-cust18.seac.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xappe | randabis, heard something about a menu editor in xfce that woukd do the trick? | 01:41 |
=== mgg is now known as mg | ||
randabis | Xappe, yeah technically...forgot about that...haven't tried it but I've heard it works | 01:42 |
=== Tsjoklate [~Tsjoklat@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pythonist [~paris@host17-57.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Thank] | ||
Xappe | i've heard that too | 01:43 |
=== Hwolf [~hidde@136.39.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hwolf | Someone running Hoary here? | 01:43 |
Hwolf | Someone running Hoary here? | 01:43 |
linuxboy | Hwolf: no need to ask twice like that | 01:44 |
HrdwrBoB | Hwolf: yes | 01:44 |
Killian | PPC SMP Warty here | 01:44 |
Tsjoklate | what is Hoary | 01:44 |
Hwolf | linuxboy, I bought a new keyboard, I tend to mistype a bit. | 01:44 |
kbrooks | I'm reinstalling all the packages in the archives | 01:44 |
HrdwrBoB | Tsjoklate: next version of ubuntu, currently in develpoment | 01:45 |
Tsjoklate | HrdwrBob :P | 01:45 |
Hwolf | hrdwrBob, can you open firefox and select a bit of text with the mouse cursor? mine seems to skip the last chars of sentences on default. | 01:45 |
Xappe | Hwolf, no, i'm running Hoary here | 01:46 |
Hwolf | tsjoklate: Hoary is the development version of Ubuntu. It will be branded stable in april, Ubuntu 5.04 then. | 01:47 |
Tsjoklate | ah.. seems I am on Hoary :) | 01:47 |
thomas__ | hi, i've got a problem: i'm running ubuntu hoary pre-release and i want to watch a dvd in xine, but it doesn't play the sound! | 01:47 |
Tsjoklate | thanks peeps | 01:47 |
HrdwrBoB | Hwolf: seems to be fine, but this isn't 100% up to date | 01:47 |
linuxboy | Hwolf: oic. I have that trouble too :) | 01:47 |
Hwolf | thomas__: it defaults some sound mixer settings to muted. Open up the mixer controls and check if all is open. | 01:47 |
Hwolf | linuxboy: I'll file a bug then. | 01:48 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Tsjoklate is now known as Tsjoklat | ||
Killian | its a good day for Guttermouth I think | 01:50 |
Killian | yeah it is | 01:50 |
thomas__ | Hwolf, i can't turn up the sound in xine! other programs, such as rhythmbox, play the sound | 01:50 |
=== Elephantman [~Cory@parmentier-1-82-67-24-35.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Elephantman | hello | 01:52 |
HrdwrBoB | thomas__: if you 'killall esd' | 01:52 |
=== Sander [~opera@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | :P | 01:52 |
HrdwrBoB | rhythmbox will stop working | 01:52 |
HrdwrBoB | but xine will work :) | 01:52 |
kbrooks | huh | 01:52 |
kbrooks | wtf is esd | 01:52 |
Killian | sound driver kbrooks | 01:52 |
Killian | last i knew/thought | 01:53 |
Elephantman | is there the driver for dell's sound blaster live by default in ubuntu | 01:53 |
Elephantman | emu10k1x | 01:53 |
Elephantman | something like that | 01:53 |
=== Killian steps away from the dell questions | ||
=== Jack__ [~jack@UBR-cpe-113.nat-pool.nsad.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thomas__ | HrdwrBoB, now it works, why that? | 01:54 |
HrdwrBoB | thomas__: 'esd' was using your sound device | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | it allows multiple devices to use the sound | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | but only if they have esd support | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | rhythmbox does (via gstreamer) | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | and so does totem (same) | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | xien does not | 01:55 |
randabis | Killian, esd = enlightenment sound daemon | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | xine | 01:55 |
Hwolf | thomas__ unfortunatly, xine isn't supported. | 01:55 |
kbrooks | why? | 01:55 |
Killian | ty randabis | 01:55 |
HrdwrBoB | Elephantman: yes, emu10k1 are good linux soundcards | 01:55 |
randabis | sorry | 01:56 |
=== Killian knew it was something like that ;) | ||
Elephantman | yes but i need the emu10k1x driver | 01:56 |
randabis | that was actually for kbrooks | 01:56 |
Elephantman | is it in ubuntu | 01:56 |
thomas__ | ah, that means i can use rhythmbox an totem at the same time? | 01:56 |
randabis | but if it helped you than fine | 01:56 |
Killian | hehehee | 01:56 |
Hwolf | thomas__ install totem-gstreamer and xine_ui and you can | 01:56 |
HrdwrBoB | Elephantman: hm.. I'm not sure | 01:56 |
Killian | is totem gettin any better? | 01:56 |
randabis | totem is great imho...with a xine backend | 01:56 |
Hwolf | killian: totem isn't, gstreamer is. | 01:56 |
Killian | i still stay away from Totem | 01:56 |
Hwolf | Killian: the program is good, the gstreamer backend sucks. | 01:57 |
randabis | hmm | 01:57 |
thomas__ | ah, thanks Hwolf | 01:58 |
Killian | whats a good burning frontend | 01:58 |
Killian | data or music : | 01:58 |
randabis | I should probably boot hoary after this emerge -uDv --newuse world is finished and do an apt-get update && dist-upgrade | 01:58 |
Killian | i have to hook this person from work up, and i dont have a burner so i never look | 01:58 |
randabis | gnomebaker is nice | 01:58 |
randabis | graveman is ok too | 01:59 |
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@81-178-173-166.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== vi11e [~Ville@adsl-82-141-72-85.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | k3b is probably the most famous...but it uses qt :/ | 01:59 |
Elephantman | my dell french layout keyborad is not recognised correctly in hoary | 01:59 |
randabis | qt gives me nightmares :p it takes FOREVER to compile it | 01:59 |
Elephantman | is this know or does it deserve a report | 01:59 |
jintxo | gxine sound works ok for me | 01:59 |
apokryphos | randabis: isn't that a good thing? ;) | 01:59 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | Killian: you can burn data using nautilus | 02:00 |
HrdwrBoB | Killian: and by the end of the weekend | 02:00 |
apokryphos | Oh. You can always apt for it. | 02:00 |
HrdwrBoB | you will also be able to burn audio | 02:00 |
randabis | apokryphos, I'm referring to gentoo though with that comment...compiling qt took forever :/ | 02:00 |
Killian | HrdwrBoB: its a warty install of ubuntu i have to go "assist" on | 02:00 |
=== scoon_ [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | randabis: Ah, right. I'm sure it would. ;) | 02:01 |
randabis | before you walked in I recommended gnomebaker and graveman as gtk+ alternatives | 02:01 |
=== Deschanel [~Chaotic@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== zerotime [~zerotime@246.Red-80-25-231.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Gnomebaker...haha, what an excellent name. Never tried them; might check them out. | 02:01 |
Killian | typical : i am always late for what i really need | 02:01 |
zerotime | hile, i just did apt-get install msttcorefonts, but I dont see any change in my fonts, how do I enable them, I am using hoary with xorg | 02:02 |
=== beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBoB | Killian: ahr well yeah | 02:02 |
randabis | Killian, there's a warty deb for gnomebaker out...I can fetch the link | 02:02 |
zerotime | any help would be appreciated | 02:02 |
kbrooks | heh | 02:03 |
kbrooks | irssi is reloading | 02:03 |
kbrooks | :P | 02:03 |
Deschanel | I visted the Ubuntu 'ship it' website, and I read that the CDs I oredered are shipped on 1.02.2005 from the factory... So when should I expect them to be here? | 02:03 |
randabis | next year | 02:03 |
randabis | lol | 02:03 |
zerotime | no one knows how to enable msttcorefonts? | 02:03 |
randabis | seriously though...it might take a month or more | 02:03 |
Killian | Deschanel: mine took Forever | 02:03 |
randabis | zerotime, dunno...they "just worked" for me | 02:04 |
Deschanel | Killian how long? | 02:04 |
Killian | over 2 months Deschanel | 02:04 |
Killian | i ordered 6 of them tho | 02:04 |
Deschanel | k | 02:04 |
=== AngryClip [~kvirc@jriley1984.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zerotime | randabis, you have the same system as me? | 02:05 |
=== godo [~godo@c117134.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killian | i paid a buck for it off budgetlinuxcds.com | 02:05 |
Killian | got here real quick | 02:05 |
=== ph_ [~ph@pD9E109B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mhy [~mark@vodka.oikos.uk.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deschanel | When newer versions of Ubuntu come out, can I order them too? | 02:06 |
HrdwrBoB | Deschanel: yes | 02:06 |
Deschanel | That's great, but I never find out, how can be great for the Ubuntu cmpany too!? | 02:07 |
daniels | Deschanel: we're just generous :) | 02:07 |
Deschanel | :) | 02:07 |
Deschanel | unbelievable | 02:07 |
Deschanel | but good, yeah... | 02:07 |
randabis | daniels, I can't quite figure out how to/if it is even possible to order hoary cds yet. any idea? | 02:08 |
zerotime | what are the names of the fonts that msttcorefonts install? | 02:08 |
randabis | what I did temporarily was just put "I would like hoary cds please" in address line 2 | 02:08 |
randabis | lol | 02:08 |
Tsjoklat | zerotime, verdana is one ariel is another | 02:09 |
randabis | times new roman | 02:09 |
randabis | lol | 02:09 |
jintxo | zerotime, things like "comic sans" or "arial" | 02:09 |
zerotime | yeah | 02:09 |
Tsjoklat | trebuchet | 02:09 |
zerotime | done, it works, I had only to restartx | 02:09 |
randabis | heh | 02:09 |
zerotime | thx, all | 02:09 |
randabis | good | 02:09 |
daniels | randabis: i think when you order on shipit, there's a radio button for warty or hoary, but can't really remember. in any case, they're not getting shipped 'till april ... | 02:10 |
zerotime | I installed kde for hoary, and although it comes with kcontrol, is not in the K menu, is this normal? | 02:10 |
=== Killian goes n kills hisself : smokin:bbiaf | ||
=== fc_ [~fc@84-104-69-109.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
universal | it seems like i cant get my downloaded them-ikons inn funktion, why not? | 02:10 |
fc_ | What is a good DVD burn program? I want to burn movies on a RW | 02:10 |
zerotime | k3b | 02:11 |
kbrooks | i didnt see a button last time i ordered on shipit, daniels | 02:11 |
linux_galor1 | yeah cant go past k3b | 02:11 |
universal | im try using the theme-manager but still i just get the windows and nothing more | 02:11 |
=== FiveAcres [~elaine@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | daniels, there appears to be no such radio button | 02:12 |
fc_ | zerotime, if I install k3b, it installs kde things, I dont want kde things | 02:12 |
randabis | and I'm aware of the not being shipped until april | 02:12 |
godo | fc_,gnomebaker | 02:12 |
linux_galor1 | fc_: then you should have asked whats a good GTK based burner | 02:12 |
randabis | I just wanna get them preordered so they'll be read to ship | 02:12 |
daniels | randabis: ah well | 02:12 |
fc_ | I E: Couldn't find package gnomebaker | 02:12 |
zerotime | gnomebaker? | 02:12 |
daniels | randabis: i have no idea; it'll probably be announced when hoary ordering opens | 02:13 |
zerotime | is that good? | 02:13 |
linux_galor1 | fc_: poke around www.freshmeat.net | 02:13 |
fc_ | I did | 02:13 |
apokryphos | zerotime: I just tried it out. It seems reasonable | 02:13 |
fc_ | can't find anything | 02:13 |
godo | apt-get install gnomebaker | 02:13 |
linux_galor1 | fc_: lol goto be kidding there are 2 pages of burners | 02:13 |
zerotime | it not in the repositories | 02:13 |
randabis | daniels, yeah. :p oh well...hopefully they READ my address line 2...it says I would like hoary cds please lol | 02:13 |
fc_ | E: Couldn't find package gnomebaker | 02:13 |
apokryphos | zerotime: Whoops, no I didn't. I installed graveman. | 02:13 |
zerotime | graveman? | 02:13 |
fc_ | godo, which source | 02:14 |
daniels | randabis: er, that won't get read by anyone at ubuntu/canonical | 02:14 |
apokryphos | Another GTK burner program | 02:14 |
apokryphos | you can apt for it | 02:14 |
=== mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | daniels, good thing you told me | 02:14 |
godo | google it | 02:14 |
daniels | randabis: it will fail address verification by the shipping company, though, so your order will bounce back to us for clarification and might get delayed ... you might want to take that one out | 02:14 |
randabis | now that I think of it it would just go to a database anyway | 02:14 |
apokryphos | It's more basic than K3b -- not nearly as good, but it does basic stuff like audio/data/duplicate cd. | 02:14 |
randabis | okay | 02:14 |
linux_galor1 | fc_: enjoy http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=burning+cd§ion=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=0 | 02:14 |
haggai | zerotime: you need gnome-menus to be installed to get k menus (sorry a bug) | 02:14 |
daniels | randabis: correct | 02:14 |
zerotime | ok | 02:14 |
godo | i dont know were i got it, fc_ | 02:14 |
=== reperire [~d@wbs-146-129-214.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zerotime | Dependency Tree... Done | 02:15 |
zerotime | gnome-menus is already the newest version. | 02:15 |
zerotime | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 36 not upgraded. | 02:15 |
zerotime | 02:15 | |
=== ogra [~ogra@p508EAC53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zerotime | http://gnomebaker.sourceforge.net/ | 02:15 |
randabis | daniels well I guess if they send me warty cds that's not so bad...:/ I'll just make sure to order hoary ones too when I can | 02:15 |
godo | look in sourceforge | 02:16 |
randabis | I'll give you a link to gnomebaker debs | 02:16 |
Tsjoklat | it's a nice set randabis | 02:16 |
randabis | just a second | 02:16 |
zerotime | gnomebaker is at warty repositories | 02:16 |
zerotime | not in hoary | 02:16 |
randabis | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeBaker | 02:17 |
zerotime | http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/debian/sid/gnomebaker/releases/i386/ | 02:17 |
randabis | the warty deb will work in hoary | 02:17 |
=== MrRoboto^ [~MrRoboto@81-174-4-60.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randabis | I tried it | 02:17 |
=== dutch is away: breakfast | ||
zerotime | hoary=sid? | 02:17 |
randabis | no | 02:17 |
linux_galor1 | wonder if that have got Nautilus to burn DVD's yet | 02:18 |
Tsjoklat | is there a way to turn automatically rate in rhythmbox? | 02:18 |
randabis | hoary > sid | 02:18 |
fc_ | what was that command again, to install deb's,pkgd or something? | 02:18 |
zerotime | yeah, thats what I meant | 02:18 |
HrdwrBoB | linux_galor1: you can burn DVD's, just only data dvds | 02:18 |
zerotime | dpkg -i package.deb | 02:18 |
randabis | correct | 02:18 |
randabis | only 10 emerges left :p | 02:18 |
=== reperire [~d@wbs-146-129-214.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
linux_galor1 | Ive got Vidalinux on my hackbox...way nicer than gentoo and has all the same emerge stuff | 02:19 |
rubixXx | with dpkg-reconfigure how do you select resolutions without hitting enter | 02:20 |
fc_ | tab? | 02:20 |
rubixXx | fc_, no i just need to know the key to add a resolution, tab just moves to ok | 02:21 |
fc_ | dunno | 02:21 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | does anyone use dvdrip on ubuntu? | 02:21 |
kbrooks | rubixXx: down arrow key | 02:21 |
=== pavkonti [~pavkonti@home-213-240-224-37.megalan.bg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | >^> | 02:21 |
kbrooks | oops | 02:22 |
kbrooks | <^> | 02:22 |
kbrooks | + | 02:22 |
AngryClip | I have downloaded a gtk 2 theme for gnome, how do I install it? I have tried going using "gnome-control-centre --use-shell" selecting theme and used that dialog to install it but there is no change | 02:22 |
randabis | linux_galor1, ugh vidalinux...:( I don't like it | 02:22 |
kbrooks | AngryClip: did you select the theme? | 02:22 |
kbrooks | randabis: why? | 02:22 |
AngryClip | yeah | 02:22 |
AngryClip | does it need to be in an folder somewhere? | 02:23 |
linux_galor1 | randabis: less hassle than Gentoo | 02:23 |
randabis | it didn't detect my network ootb | 02:23 |
kbrooks | did you press ok? did you confirm | 02:23 |
AngryClip | I did | 02:23 |
kbrooks | etc etc etc | 02:23 |
=== jpedrosa [~jpedrosa@201009184102.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryClip | it brings up a progress box | 02:23 |
randabis | linux_galor1, gentoo's more fun though | 02:23 |
AngryClip | that does it's thing | 02:23 |
=== Ribs [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryClip | and then closes and nothing happens | 02:23 |
linux_galor1 | randabis: if you like pulling our hair out yes | 02:23 |
AngryClip | or is added to the list | 02:23 |
linux_galor1 | your* | 02:23 |
randabis | no | 02:23 |
randabis | it just makes you think more | 02:24 |
linux_galor1 | randabis: got books for that | 02:24 |
randabis | vida felt slower to me too and I didn't like the layout, etc...I think they made gnome all screwy and clunky | 02:24 |
randabis | it is a good idea though | 02:25 |
randabis | I'll give it that much | 02:25 |
randabis | but my stage 1 gentoo install pwns it :p | 02:25 |
randabis | wasn't hard to do at all | 02:25 |
randabis | anyway, getting off-topic | 02:25 |
kbrooks | OK. I | 02:26 |
kbrooks | uh oh | 02:26 |
kbrooks | gr | 02:26 |
kbrooks | sounds like my cd is damaged | 02:26 |
randabis | yeah that's kinda what I was thinking :/ | 02:26 |
kbrooks | i get errors in the background | 02:26 |
kbrooks | brb | 02:26 |
randabis | you could try to reinstall ubuntu-base | 02:26 |
randabis | from the net | 02:26 |
=== gholmer [~shadow@adsl-69-210-54-222.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | randabis: i think i fixed my prob. i'm in gnome in another tty | 02:27 |
randabis | cool | 02:27 |
kbrooks | randabis: installation over the warty packages did that :P | 02:27 |
randabis | ah | 02:28 |
kbrooks | cd /var/cache/apt/archives/ && dpkg -i --force-overwrite *.deb | 02:28 |
randabis | hehe | 02:28 |
kbrooks | whats funny | 02:28 |
=== lupusBE [~lupus@dD5E03DF1.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryClip | ok my system is really really slow (it's only a PIII500), is there anyway to disable some of the gnome eye candy or effects, or is there some services/processes running that it is safe to disable (e.g. all the printing ones etc) | 02:29 |
linux_galor1 | AngryClip: how much ram | 02:30 |
randabis | oh nothing...just gcc | 02:31 |
randabis | it was funnier when gcc was compiling itself | 02:31 |
AngryClip | erm 192 I think | 02:31 |
AngryClip | or 256 | 02:31 |
AngryClip | something low like that | 02:31 |
linux_galor1 | AngryClip: plenty | 02:31 |
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=== vi11e [~Ville@adsl-82-141-118-233.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galor1 | AngryClip: I found compiling the kernel was a good idea | 02:32 |
randabis | AngryClip, you could try a lighterweight wm | 02:32 |
AngryClip | I am looking at xfce | 02:32 |
randabis | I recommend xfce | 02:32 |
linux_galor1 | yeah XFCE4 is a life saver | 02:32 |
randabis | heh good | 02:32 |
AngryClip | and I will probably compil a new kernel actully | 02:32 |
randabis | 4.2 is even better | 02:32 |
rubixXx | how can you get a 5 button iexplore to work with ubuntu (will i have to manually edit the config file?) | 02:33 |
randabis | it's a little heavier than 4.0.6 I "think" | 02:33 |
AngryClip | I am sure I read somewhere | 02:33 |
AngryClip | that recompiling the kernel means that I have to reinstall the nvidia drivers | 02:33 |
AngryClip | is that correct? | 02:33 |
randabis | more than likely | 02:33 |
ultrahex | hello | 02:34 |
randabis | especially if you compile a newer kernel than the running kernel | 02:34 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-38-167.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galor1 | rubix edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config file | 02:34 |
=== Sander [~opera@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
universal | someone who wants to help me, get my dvd-player in funktion with Xine? | 02:36 |
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galor1 | rubix http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=46 | 02:36 |
=== CAPTAIN_RON [~p@69-171-167-251.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryClip | would it be wise to install xfce first, or compile a new kernel first? | 02:37 |
universal | randabis, wants to help me, get my dvd-player in funktion with Xine? | 02:38 |
marcin_ant | any eclipse or java user here? | 02:38 |
randabis | universal, you need libdvdcss2 | 02:38 |
=== vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galor1 | heres a howto aimed at the iexplorer mouse http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/g/c/gca101/linux_howtos/intellimouse.html | 02:38 |
universal | ok, so actually i can apt-get install libdvdcss2? | 02:38 |
godo | univesal, look for instructions in ubuntuguide.org | 02:40 |
=== Alvercas [~ricardo@10001242261.0000019665.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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universal | randabis, i try to apt get the libdvdcss2, but it says dependecies libxine0 | 02:41 |
vi11e | Hey do you know if I can simply resize my ext3 partition that has my ubuntu OS ? if I enlarge it | 02:44 |
IamJacksUsername | Ubuntu 5.04 array 3.5 live CD i386: Created a folder called "suse" in /home/ubuntu and then ran "mount -r -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /home/ubuntu/suse/" which reports "mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /home/ubuntu/suse/ busy". I can't see hda1 in /mnt/ or (like my usb stick) on the desktop, and I don't know what the busy might mean. Is my mount command correct? | 02:45 |
mz2 | how do i unpack every tar.gz in a folder? tar xzvf *.tar.gz won't do it | 02:45 |
mz2 | i know how i'd do that with a few lines of bash script but there's got to be a way to do that just with tar? | 02:46 |
=== gholmer [~shadow@adsl-69-210-54-222.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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fc_ | I want to burn a dvd movie, how? | 02:50 |
apokryphos | mz2: couldn't you use find and -exec for it? | 02:50 |
fc_ | gnomebaker sucks | 02:50 |
apokryphos | mz2: Can probably do it with one line, I should think. | 02:50 |
Pointwood | I just installed mplayer, but when I try to start it (from the console) I get this: | 02:52 |
Pointwood | <Pointwood> Reading config file /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf | 02:52 |
Pointwood | <Pointwood> Illegal instruction | 02:52 |
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=== mistic_ is now known as mistic | ||
mz2 | ah, of course... | 02:53 |
apokryphos | :) | 02:53 |
rapha | Anybody got bootsplash working? | 02:54 |
Golfer | nope | 02:54 |
HrdwrBoB | rapha: it will be working soon | 02:55 |
kent | Didn't some people work on this usplash-thing instead of bootsplash? | 02:55 |
HrdwrBoB | kent: it's in development atm | 02:55 |
=== randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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fc_ | how can I burn dvd's without k3b? | 02:56 |
kerignell | pls have a look :) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15137 | 02:56 |
=== adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Don't people need KDE stuff sooner or later? What mp3 player do Gnome-ers use? xmms? | 02:57 |
=== Killian uses xmms | ||
AngryClip | try zinf | 02:57 |
=== kent uses beep media player and totem. | ||
=== bicho [~bicho@42.Red-81-37-140.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | you guys are missing out ;) | 02:58 |
vi11e | is it safe to resize my ext partition that is running ubuntu? | 02:58 |
Killian | i use xchat : xmms works for me :| its just one of those things | 02:58 |
Pointwood | I tried to use Rhythmbox, but it's just not quite ready for prime time | 02:58 |
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Pointwood | I also tried Juk, but that just eats more and more memory and 100% CPU time when I try to play a music file | 02:59 |
AngryClip | oh thats weird my sound just started working | 02:59 |
AngryClip | how funky | 02:59 |
AngryClip | I really need a new sound card, this one is hammered | 02:59 |
AngryClip | is there an externel usb reccomended that nix compatible? | 02:59 |
HrdwrBoB | I would recommend to never ever ever use a usb soundcard | 03:00 |
AngryClip | well | 03:00 |
AngryClip | I have 5.1 speakers, and my laptop doesn't have 5.1 soundcard | 03:00 |
AngryClip | so if I get usb | 03:00 |
AngryClip | I can use for both my laptop and my desktop | 03:01 |
HrdwrBoB | if you are at your desktop which has 5.1 sound | 03:01 |
HrdwrBoB | why would you want to unplug it and use your laptop | 03:01 |
rubixXx | does ubuntu load .Xmodmap file or .xinit | 03:01 |
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AngryClip | because my laptop is much faster than my desktop | 03:01 |
AngryClip | and can play games | 03:02 |
fc_ | HOW DO I BURN A FUCK DVD | 03:02 |
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fc_ | *fucking | 03:02 |
HrdwrBoB | well usb sound cards are all pretty much equivalent, you can however get a soundblaster in PCMCIA form | 03:02 |
HrdwrBoB | with an external breakout box | 03:02 |
daniels | fc_: watch your language. | 03:03 |
AngryClip | external breakout box? | 03:03 |
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-16-248.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hymie whispers "x.org 6.8.2" | ||
rubixXx | fc_, so lets come in here and talk in all caps and be rude and expect help | 03:03 |
HrdwrBoB | AngryClip: yeah, a box with all the connections on it that connects using a special connector to the card | 03:03 |
daniels | hypn0_: late next week. | 03:03 |
daniels | er | 03:03 |
daniels | Hymie: late next week. | 03:03 |
fc_ | rubixXx, I asked 3 times, no one answers | 03:03 |
fc_ | I just need a good DVD burning program | 03:04 |
AngryClip | I see | 03:04 |
HrdwrBoB | fc_: what sort of dvd do you want to burn | 03:04 |
Hymie | daniels: ok ;) just wondering, I have 64bit pcie probs ;) | 03:04 |
Golfer | fc_ have you tried k3b | 03:04 |
Hymie | daniels: hey, do you know if 6.8.2 has evdev support? | 03:04 |
fc_ | an RW, I want to burn a movie on it | 03:04 |
AngryClip | but that wouldn't help me with my desktop sound | 03:04 |
fc_ | Golfer, ubuntu has gnome, not kde | 03:04 |
AngryClip | would it? | 03:04 |
daniels | Hymie: ah, that wonderful bug. and, um, 6.8.1 has evdev support ... | 03:04 |
fc_ | if you instakk k3b it also instals kde, i dont want kde | 03:04 |
=== daniels looks at his setup now, which is using evdev as we speak. | ||
Golfer | my gnome/hoary also has k3b | 03:04 |
fc_ | how? | 03:05 |
Hymie | daniels: the version I compiled didn't seem to have it (although I realise your patches on 6.8.1 may have) | 03:05 |
HrdwrBoB | fc_: unfortunately gnome does not yet have a full featured DVD/CD burner program | 03:05 |
=== VincentMX [~vincent@c3eea080c.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bsd3 | hi, friends! | 03:05 |
Golfer | fc_ do you know what synaptic is ? | 03:05 |
fc_ | yes | 03:05 |
Hymie | daniels: I'm itching to get my 10 button mouse going ;) | 03:05 |
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Golfer | well check there | 03:05 |
=== Coily [~Coily@216-80-118-25.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hymie waits for people to whisper "insane" and "drugs" after he spoke of 10 mouse buttons | ||
bsd3 | how do i verify files installed by all the packages? | 03:06 |
fc_ | Golfer, if I want to install k3b, it installs KDE | 03:06 |
=== rubixXx [~rubix@ip68-103-55-163.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daniels | Hymie: yeah, the debian patches on top of 6.8.1 do, neither released 6.8.1 nor 6.8.2 have it | 03:06 |
apokryphos | fc_: Are you low on space? | 03:07 |
fc_ | I installed kde before on ubuntu, and it fucks up gnome | 03:07 |
fc_ | no | 03:07 |
Golfer | fc_ if you say sp | 03:07 |
fc_ | I installed kde before on ubuntu, and it fucks up gnome | 03:07 |
Golfer | so | 03:07 |
Hymie | daniels: arg, I'm surprised that 6.8.2 didn't include evdev | 03:07 |
apokryphos | Why would you not want to install KDE then? It opens up the possibility of having a plethora of other programs. | 03:07 |
HrdwrBoB | fc_: that should not happen, what exactly happenes | 03:07 |
bsd3 | anyone out there a dpkg guru, please? | 03:08 |
apokryphos | It certainly shouldn't happen. I've got KDE installed; I tried Gnome a few times, and it's working just as smoothly as could be expected. | 03:08 |
fc_ | hm | 03:08 |
Hymie | fc_: perhaps you should more clearly define your angst with gnome and kde | 03:08 |
Coily | has ubuntu released a fix for the fx vulnerability yet | 03:08 |
Coily | idn* | 03:08 |
apokryphos | :P | 03:08 |
bsd3 | LinuxJones: hi, there! | 03:09 |
daniels | Hymie: why would it? it's just a bugfix release, not a feature release | 03:09 |
Hymie | daniels: you mean someone actually knows the difference? ;) | 03:09 |
=== Anubis [~LordVader@node.tor] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daniels | Hymie: sadly not as much as I'd hoped | 03:10 |
=== Hymie mumbles something about the kernel, mysql, and everyting else on the land treating bugfix releases as new feature releases | ||
apokryphos | bsd3: What is it you're trying to do? You'll probably have more luck in #debian, but it's worth asking. | 03:10 |
Hymie | daniels: sometimes, the only problem with open sauce, is that it moves too fast ;) | 03:10 |
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LinuxJones | bsd3, hi sorry I was afk :) | 03:11 |
rubixXx | this is strange | 03:11 |
rubixXx | the xchat .deb file didn't contain icons :-( | 03:11 |
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bsd3 | LinuxJones: I actually wanted to check/verify all files installed by all the packages | 03:12 |
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gholmer | I'm unable to install Ubuntu on a ThinkPad with a HPA (host protected area) on the disk (disabled, with partitions in it). Any known workarounds? | 03:12 |
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LinuxJones | bsd3, I am not 100% sure what you want to do :( | 03:13 |
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@81-178-173-166.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxJones | bsd3, you want to make sure you have all packages installed ? | 03:14 |
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bsd3 | LinuxJones: it like we can test the integrity of installed packages with rpm --verify | 03:15 |
=== Rocha [~hrocha@195-23-167-163.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxJones | bsd3, oh like md5 checksum on the packages ? | 03:15 |
godo | dpkg -l | 03:15 |
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=== andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-16-144-67.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gholmer | testing, 1,2,3... | 03:17 |
Killian | houston : we read ya | 03:17 |
godo | bsd3, dpkg -l ? | 03:17 |
gholmer | heh, sorry, long time since I used IRC :) | 03:18 |
=== mw07 [~mw07@wetap20.Physik.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hymie | bsd3: debsums - Verify installed package files against MD5 checksums. | 03:18 |
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Hymie | not sure if it is in #ubuntu, that's debian proper | 03:18 |
=== binks [~binks@82-38-227-50.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hymie | bsd3: note that not all packages have checksum information etiher (at least, again, not in debian proper). Not sure what ubuntu's policy is | 03:19 |
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binks | hi peeps | 03:20 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxJones | binks, good morning | 03:20 |
binks | mornin to u too sir (well afternon here buy lol) | 03:21 |
speel | i dont think it morning in uk lol | 03:21 |
binks | can someone hlpme install sdl | 03:21 |
LinuxJones | It's 10:21 am here :D | 03:21 |
binks | i have ./configure but when i make it errors | 03:21 |
Xappe | speel, that depends on when you get out of bed :P | 03:22 |
Anubis | lets try this again | 03:22 |
Anubis | hdparm at boot | 03:22 |
Anubis | I need dma on my cdroms @boot | 03:22 |
Golfer | LinuxJones where are you from? | 03:22 |
LinuxJones | binks, sdl is available as a download via apt | 03:22 |
CAPTAIN_RON | LinuxJones must be in coooold nort land | 03:22 |
LinuxJones | Golfer, Nova Scotia, Canada | 03:22 |
andrewski | anyone have trouble with /dev/cdrom missing in hoary? | 03:23 |
andrewski | mmm, cold. :) | 03:23 |
Golfer | ahh Ontario here | 03:23 |
Anubis | andrewski, YES! | 03:23 |
LinuxJones | CAPTAIN_RON, it's not too bad, -2 here today :D | 03:23 |
Hymie | it's been a very warm winter | 03:23 |
andrewski | Anubis: i have to add it every time i boot; is there a way around that? | 03:23 |
Hymie | it should be -40C here right now, it's -10 | 03:23 |
CAPTAIN_RON | Soth Florida here .... wish you guys wouldkeep the cold up there | 03:23 |
=== BiteMeBill [~antiM$@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Anubis | andrewski, I'm looking, I understand there is an issue with the udev package, for all ldistros? | 03:24 |
Killian | lol Capn'Ron | 03:24 |
CAPTAIN_RON | 45% here | 03:24 |
LinuxJones | CAPTAIN_RON, you can have your warm weather & hurricanes :D | 03:24 |
andrewski | Anubis: i didn't have this trouble in gentoo; it remembered the links i created manually. | 03:24 |
CAPTAIN_RON | Hurricane central is where I live | 03:24 |
bascule | that was devfs then | 03:25 |
bascule | /lib/dev-state | 03:25 |
Anubis | andrewski, I wa thinking the same, Gentoo is not broken though, I at least am using broken Hoary | 03:25 |
andrewski | yeah, me too. | 03:25 |
LinuxJones | CAPTAIN_RON, I have been in a class 2 hurricane I was scared to death :D | 03:25 |
CAPTAIN_RON | ME TOO | 03:25 |
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rapha | Can a preempt kernel cause random segfaults and filesystem corruption? | 03:25 |
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bascule | CAPTAIN_RON: USE AOL BY CHANCE | 03:26 |
bascule | <-- bad mood | 03:26 |
Xappe | we don't have hurricanes in sweden, so I win | 03:26 |
CAPTAIN_RON | We got hit at ground zero by two and then one more just for fun | 03:26 |
daniels | (off-topic) | 03:26 |
CAPTAIN_RON | No AOL | 03:26 |
=== The_Nalf [fabrice@AToulouse-251-1-7-211.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killian | andrewski: is the cdrom listed in a :pico /etc/fstab ? | 03:28 |
Killian | or editor of choice? | 03:28 |
CAPTAIN_RON | Got to go now... I smell the bacon and I think I will sneak a piece | 03:28 |
binks | i have at installed sd but still get this error when i try to make everball | 03:28 |
andrewski | Killian: yes, as /dev/hdc, but not as /dev/cdrom. | 03:28 |
binks | cc -Wall -O3 -ansi -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -Ishare -o share/vec3.o -c share/vec3.c | 03:28 |
binks | make: cc: Command not found | 03:28 |
binks | make: *** [share/vec3.o] Error 127 | 03:28 |
LinuxJones | binks, install build-essential | 03:29 |
Rocha | gstreamer-mad is what i have to install to use mp3 in rhythmbox right? | 03:29 |
binks | hmm forgot that bit just reinstalled | 03:30 |
LinuxJones | Rocha, gstreamer0.8-mad | 03:30 |
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Killian | andrewski: just thought i'd check :S | 03:31 |
andrewski | Killian: ;P | 03:31 |
=== Killian isnt on hoary, but ive had that prob before | ||
Rocha | LinuxJones, thanks | 03:31 |
andrewski | Killian: would it help if i listed it as /dev/cdrom? i.e. would udev 'remember' that link? | 03:31 |
Rocha | LinuxJones, i'm still downloading the package list (26min remaining) | 03:32 |
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LinuxJones | Rocha, :) | 03:32 |
Killian | andrewski: mines at /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 | 03:32 |
andrewski | Killian: yeah, mine too, but all the apps i actually use look for it at /dev/cdrom. :) | 03:33 |
Killian | hmm: is it just a cdrom? | 03:34 |
andrewski | dvd too. | 03:34 |
Rocha | LinuxJones, dialup sucks ;) | 03:34 |
LinuxJones | Rocha, I remember those days back in 1995 :) | 03:35 |
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LinuxJones | OMG 10 years | 03:35 |
Xappe | yes, time flies when you're downloading | 03:36 |
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rubixXx | how do you install a local .deb file | 03:42 |
rubixXx | dpkg -i? | 03:43 |
Xappe | dpkg -i <packagename> | 03:43 |
binks | linuxjones ur a star m8 now i can loose me marble and prob be ill lol | 03:44 |
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LinuxJones | binks, :D | 03:46 |
binks | bbl soccer on in a mo | 03:46 |
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NetwrkMonkey | Will it be easy to upgrade to hoary once it comes out and is deemed stable? without any show stopping problems? | 03:51 |
NetwrkMonkey | most of the time i wipe clean before i do my clean installs, but i'm getting tired of that | 03:51 |
rapha | Well, until now the updates have always worked | 03:51 |
vjaz | It's easy to upgrade to hoary right now, so I guess it'll still be pretty easy after it's stable. | 03:51 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rocha | i have hoary array-2 installed and it's working fine | 03:52 |
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rapha | Otherwise I'd agree; this has never worked with any other distro for me before. | 03:53 |
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rapha | apt-get magic... | 03:53 |
polli | in what package is the C-man files? | 03:53 |
Rocha | i'm just trying to install the mp3 codecs for gstreamer | 03:53 |
Rocha | btw, can i watch dvds with gstreamer? | 03:53 |
Rocha | in warty i had to install totem-xine | 03:53 |
=== Coily [~Coily@216-80-118-25.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ex-Cyber | what can I do if my monitor image is too dim even with brightness set to maximum? | 03:54 |
vjaz | Rocha, There's gstreamer-dvd... haven't tried that though | 03:54 |
Ex-Cyber | aside from buying a new monitor, which isn't in the budget atm :P | 03:54 |
kerignell | Ex-Cyber: get a flashlight? :P | 03:55 |
Coily | i just did a smart upgrade and now theres a dupe ubuntu in my mbr, anyone know whats going on? | 03:55 |
Ex-Cyber | kerignell: a CRT is a light source, I don't think external illumination will have the desired effect :) | 03:55 |
Rocha | vjaz, thanks, i hope it doesn't take half an hour to download like gstreamer-mad | 03:55 |
WillCooke | Ex-cyber, What video card are you using? | 03:57 |
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Ex-Cyber | WillCooke: Radeon 8500 (with xorg driver) | 03:57 |
linuxboy | How do I play DivX files in Ubuntu? | 03:58 |
bzbb | if I have a list of files, and I want to run mp3gain on them, what would I do? | 03:58 |
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mjr | linuxboy, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 03:58 |
Coily | no one? | 03:58 |
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Anubis | You don't have a /dev/cdrom device. | 03:59 |
Anubis | why? | 03:59 |
WillCooke | Ex-Cyber: Are you running Xorg or XFree86? If you're running XFree you might be able to get the ATI application running (like in windows) which would allow you to change the brightness etc that the card puts out, it might give it enough of a boost to make it viewable. Is the monitor OK on other systems? | 04:00 |
Ex-Cyber | WillCooke: not really in a position to test it on other systems at the moment | 04:00 |
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linuxboy | mjr: do I need mplayer? | 04:00 |
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Ex-Cyber | however I didn't notice it happening when I briefly had Windows on this one | 04:01 |
Ex-Cyber | so I wouldn't be surprised if it is the card | 04:01 |
Rocha | what is the name of the program that creates the drop shadows in xorg? | 04:01 |
Rocha | linuxboy, mplayer sucks, use totem | 04:02 |
eruin | damn | 04:02 |
eruin | latest hoary apache breaks php / pcre | 04:02 |
linuxboy | Rocha: i cant get it to work with divx files | 04:02 |
mjr | Rocha, (x)compmgr or something | 04:02 |
=== abi_ [~abi@68.Red-80-24-107.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BiteMeBill | linuxboy: what about ogle? | 04:03 |
linuxboy | Rocha: i installed w32codecs, but totem cant play divx files | 04:03 |
mjr | linuxboy, install totem-xine | 04:03 |
mjr | and no, the ubuntu-desktop thing isn't critical | 04:03 |
Anubis | You don't have a /dev/cdrom device. | 04:03 |
linuxboy | mjr: so... i need w32codecs and totem-xine to play divx files? | 04:04 |
rapha | Not w32codecs | 04:04 |
mjr | totem-xine did it for me on amd64 | 04:04 |
mjr | without the w32 stuff | 04:04 |
WillCooke | Ex-Cyber: Hmmm. I would suspect the drivers. | 04:04 |
mjr | *shrug* | 04:04 |
linuxboy | where do i get totem-xine from? what source? | 04:04 |
mjr | linuxboy, from ubuntu universe | 04:05 |
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linuxboy | mjr: so.... totem-xine will give me divx. What about dvd? | 04:05 |
mjr | linuxboy, you need the libdvdcss stuff mentioned on the page | 04:05 |
mjr | after that, AFAIK totem should do that too | 04:06 |
mjr | haven't tried it myself | 04:06 |
Anubis | broken rom device symlinks anybody? | 04:06 |
rubixXx | anyone know how to install crossover office from a .deb file i'm having problems with it | 04:06 |
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Rocha | linuxboy, yup, install totem-xine, that's what i did | 04:07 |
amd | do these images have working Gnome environment or not? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ | 04:07 |
rapha | Sure do | 04:08 |
amd | the package list doesn | 04:08 |
Ex-Cyber | WillCooke: that's what I meant, that the card was configured to output a dimmer image... guess I didn't word that so well :P | 04:08 |
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amd | the package list doesn't show any Gnome packages | 04:08 |
Ex-Cyber | I don't see any options in the radeon manpage to change it though | 04:08 |
rapha | Well, "working", that's of course not guaranteed since they are, after all, untested daily images. But they do have GNOME installed, yes. | 04:08 |
amd | oki.. I just want to test translations... | 04:09 |
amd | thx | 04:09 |
Ex-Cyber | actually, the xorg.conf manpage seems to suggest that the gamma-correction value is applied in the driver, so maybe that does it | 04:09 |
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abi_ | hi | 04:11 |
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WillCooke | Ex-Cyber: Sorry - beyond me now! | 04:11 |
abi_ | i need help, everytime i try to play mp3 files with tythmbox y get: "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg." | 04:12 |
drqk_ | how do i neble php in apache? | 04:12 |
LinuxJones | abi_, www.ubuntuguide.org | 04:12 |
Anubis | what happened to /dev/cdrom? | 04:13 |
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Anubis | what happened to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0? | 04:13 |
abi_ | LinuxJones, what do i need to find there? | 04:13 |
Anubis | what happened to /dev/dvd? | 04:13 |
LinuxJones | abi_, it's a guide that answers your question | 04:14 |
universal | could someone tell me what to do when Xine cannot open DVD? : it says cannoet find MRL (dvd:/ | 04:15 |
abi_ | LinuxJones, i'll read it | 04:15 |
Anubis | symlinks? | 04:16 |
Anubis | anybody? | 04:16 |
=== cindux [~cindux@d141-145-190.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cindux | hey all | 04:16 |
Anubis | All CD-ROMs, whether SCSI, IDE or whatever, are placed under the /dev/cdroms hierarchy: | 04:16 |
Anubis | its not there | 04:16 |
kent | Anubis, dont the cd's get mounted automatic when you insert them? I belive it uses udev, so on insert.. it should work automatic, | 04:18 |
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hybrid | hello | 04:18 |
=== Juice- [~frode@ti300710a080-0916.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
universal | Anubis, could someone tell me what to do when Xine cannot open DVD? : it says cannoet find MRL (dvd: | 04:18 |
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Juice- | hey, is there any app in ubuntu like apt-get | 04:20 |
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Juice- | to get new packages | 04:20 |
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LinuxJones | Juice-, there is apt-get | 04:20 |
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Juice- | oh | 04:20 |
Juice- | cool | 04:20 |
LinuxJones | heh | 04:20 |
Juice- | :) | 04:20 |
Juice- | (Im a newbie in linux) | 04:21 |
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LinuxJones | Juice-, synaptic gui front end is installed by default as well | 04:21 |
Juice- | Atleast semi-newbie | 04:21 |
Juice- | Nice | 04:21 |
sittisal | oh my god this ubuntu is great! | 04:21 |
sittisal | i switched from debian sarge to ubuntu in my notebook... | 04:21 |
LinuxJones | Juice-, you'll probably want to add the universe repository for additional software goodies | 04:21 |
Juice- | ok | 04:22 |
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abi_ | LinuxJones, ok, i've installed multimedia codecs: gstreamer0.8-plugins, now i listen mp3 files | 04:22 |
abi_ | LinuxJones, thanks | 04:22 |
LinuxJones | abi_, NP :) | 04:22 |
=== chromate [~yaman@cpe-67-49-36-167.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abi_ | LinuxJones, and now, to play mp4 files from itunes? | 04:23 |
Juice- | Is there a way i could switch the used language? | 04:23 |
drqk_ | how do i neble php in apache? | 04:23 |
chromate | when configuring /etc/network/interfaces for logical interfaces, what is the easiest way to check simply if a wireless network exists? | 04:23 |
Anubis | universal, I'm in sorta the same boat | 04:24 |
Anubis | messed up rom symlinks | 04:24 |
=== GilGalad [~GilGalad@m164-mp1.cvx1-a.cam.dial.ntli.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LinuxJones | Juice-, you can switch at the GDM login screen under the session menu I think. | 04:25 |
Juice- | LinuxJones: Any suggestions, to how i can change the language ubuntu shows all in? I didnt chose english in the install, but i'd like english now | 04:25 |
andrewski | chromate: iwconfig? | 04:25 |
Juice- | Oh ok, i'll check | 04:25 |
cindux | Juice | 04:26 |
Juice- | Yes cindux | 04:26 |
cindux | I understand your a newb & well I am to mostly :P | 04:26 |
andrewski | Juice-: dpkg-reconfigure locales | 04:26 |
cindux | if your interested in lesrning the "shell" | 04:26 |
Juice- | Ok =) | 04:26 |
cindux | which of course almost all linux users use | 04:26 |
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cindux | check this site out | 04:26 |
chromate | andrewski: i'm configuring multiple logical interfaces for one physical interface; during the process of it automatically deciding which one to use, it needs to know if a wireless network exists. i cant really use iwconfig for that | 04:26 |
cindux | http://www.linuxcommand.org | 04:26 |
andrewski | chromate: oh, sorry; i have no idea. :) | 04:26 |
chromate | andrewski: thanks anyway =) | 04:27 |
Juice- | cindux: Thanks, i'll read on it | 04:27 |
tritium | Anubis, you never answered me last night. Did you edit /etc/hdparm.conf? Did it help? | 04:27 |
andrewski | is there any documentation on configuring boot services? i'd like to figure out how to administer different runlevels and to see which services are running at any given time. | 04:28 |
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lifeless | hi, I've tried rolling my own kernel, to add in fuse support, but it fails to read the root on boot. its got an initrd, which looks correct ... | 04:28 |
lifeless | any pointers ? | 04:28 |
tritium | andrewski, "man update-rc.d", and the Debian Policy Manual | 04:29 |
LinuxJones | andrewski, update-rc.d | 04:29 |
andrewski | tritium: thanks! | 04:29 |
tritium | yep :) | 04:29 |
andrewski | tritium: on the latter, why is there no ubuntu equivalent to much debian documentation? | 04:29 |
lifeless | For the curious, I've cross hcecked what I'm doing against hte howto, and it looks good. I didn't have this problem in debian, except whent he cramfs patch wasn't applied for some reason. | 04:30 |
tritium | andrewski, debian is over 10 years old. ubuntu documentation is just starting up | 04:30 |
lifeless | AFAICT the buntu kernels come pre-patched, so I'm presuming thats not the problem. | 04:30 |
lifeless | *ubuntu* | 04:30 |
tritium | andrewski, and in many cases, the debian documentation is sufficient | 04:30 |
andrewski | tritium: ah. and can i assume, when i'm referred to debian docs, that everything therein applies? | 04:30 |
tritium | andrewski, for the most part. I'm sure there are exceptions. | 04:31 |
andrewski | ok. | 04:31 |
tritium | I'll be back | 04:32 |
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lamont | lifeless: linux-source-2.6.10, add your patch there, and say 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' | 04:32 |
lamont | or figure out the incantation that debian/rules is doing to build just one binary | 04:32 |
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tritium | okay | 04:33 |
hikaru79 | Where can I get the latest HOARY ISO? | 04:33 |
chromate | when configuring /etc/network/interfaces for multiple logical interfaces, the result of which to be determined by some mapping scheme, is it possible to set an interface to stop, and not go up? | 04:33 |
lifeless | lamont: 'make-kpkg' | 04:33 |
tritium | Anubis, ??? | 04:33 |
lifeless | lamont: which is what our official Ubuntu doco says to use :) | 04:33 |
Rocha | Where can I get libdvdcss2? From multiverse? | 04:33 |
lamont | lifeless: ok. | 04:33 |
universal | Anubis, ohhh, thats not good, but would you tell me when the problem is fixed? | 04:33 |
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hikaru79 | Rocha, no | 04:34 |
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=== lamont has never needed to build an ubuntu kernel outside of what's already in the package | ||
hikaru79 | I think you have to get the merillat repository | 04:34 |
lifeless | lamont: yah, thanks for trying though ;) | 04:34 |
lifeless | I think I will have to fly east a little and beat up fabbioe | 04:34 |
lifeless | *fabbione* | 04:34 |
zul | lifeless: check http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelBuildpackageDetailedHowto if you just want to build for your arch | 04:34 |
lifeless | this lag is killing me | 04:34 |
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jesse_132 | I've gotten my bluetooth mouse to work, but when I try to use my apple bluetooth keyboard I get "Cannot create HID channel: " then permission denied or feature not implimented ... any clues? | 04:35 |
delphi | any ideas why the latest hoary live cd boots into a 640x480 gui on nvidia hardware, and then won't let you change the resolution? | 04:35 |
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lifeless | zul - thats an interesting page. | 04:36 |
lifeless | zul: makes me wonder why we have two completely different ways to build kernels :) | 04:36 |
zul | lifeless: i use that when im building a kernel | 04:37 |
=== phr0stbyte [~phr0stbyt@ip68-100-73-71.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
tritium | lifeless, back when I used to need to build kernels, I always used the debian way. | 04:40 |
tritium | But I don't need custom kernels anymore. | 04:40 |
phr0stbyte | When trying to burn a DVD through Gnome burn, my media is seen as a regular blank CD - Anyone know what is wrong? | 04:40 |
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rohandhruva | hi all | 04:41 |
rohandhruva | jsut installed warty | 04:41 |
lifeless | tritium: if I beat up fabbione hard enough, neither will I. | 04:41 |
lifeless | tritium: he'll want to know that it works for me first though, I tihnk:) | 04:41 |
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tritium | lifeless, good luck :) | 04:42 |
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lifeless | its just fuse, which is in the -mm tree these days, or so I hear. | 04:42 |
phr0stbyte | Yay! Wacom drawing tablet is now working!!! | 04:42 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 04:42 |
da_bon_bon | just installed warty | 04:43 |
linuxboy | I installed totem-xine to get my divx working. that worked. but it removed ubuntu-desktop..... whats that? | 04:43 |
da_bon_bon | will update to hoary. | 04:43 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: ok, sounds like a plan. | 04:43 |
randabis | ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package | 04:43 |
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randabis | it's safe to remove | 04:43 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski, :) | 04:43 |
linuxboy | whats a meta-package? | 04:43 |
da_bon_bon | wtf isnt my sound card detected ? | 04:44 |
randabis | ... | 04:44 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: well, it may be if you update to hoary; i dunno.... | 04:44 |
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da_bon_bon | hey, how do i configure my sound ? | 04:45 |
linuxboy | randabis: whats a meta-package? | 04:46 |
andrewski | linuxboy: it's an empty package that depends on other packages. | 04:46 |
phr0stbyte | When trying to burn a DVD through Gnome burn, my media is seen as a regular blank CD - Anyone know what is wrong? | 04:46 |
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linuxboy | andrewski: oic. why was it removed? Will i regret removing it in the future? | 04:47 |
linuxboy | Rocha: do you play dvds in linux? | 04:47 |
da_bon_bon | how do i configure my i810 onboard sound card ? | 04:47 |
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andrewski | linuxboy: so for ubuntu-desktop, it has a specific list of dependencies: gnome, firefox, etc. if, for example, i didn't want firefox, i could safely remove firefox, which would in turn remove ubuntu-desktop. it's not a problem (the other packages are still installed); i just don't have *those specific packages* installed anymore. :) | 04:48 |
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andrewski | linuxboy: make sense? | 04:48 |
IRCMonkey | hello ... | 04:48 |
IRCMonkey | i am new to Ubuntu | 04:49 |
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da_bon_bon | please HELP me : how do i configure my i810 onboard sound card ? | 04:49 |
IRCMonkey | just downloaded the ISO and installed it | 04:49 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: welcome. :) | 04:49 |
linuxboy | andrewski: when hoary comes out. Will i need ubuntu-desktop? | 04:49 |
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fuglyRat | hi | 04:49 |
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Rocha | linuxboy, with totem-xine | 04:49 |
fuglyRat | how do i do port fowarding? i just want all connections on port 80 to be forwarded to another machine on my lan | 04:49 |
andrewski | linuxboy: you never "need" it, that's exactly the point. here's a scenario: | 04:49 |
linuxboy | andrewski: oic. instead of installing a whole bunch of packages, you just install ubuntu-desktop. It installs them all for you | 04:49 |
andrewski | linuxboy: exactly. | 04:50 |
BiteMeBill | da_bon_bon: see if this helps http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1312&highlight=i810+onboard+sound | 04:50 |
=== hrdesalpes [~hrdesalpe@i01m-19-78.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | how to configure GUI? | 04:50 |
linuxboy | Rocha: i installed that, but it says it cant play without libdvdcss | 04:50 |
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andrewski | linuxboy: but, if you don't want a handful of packages that are there, it's not a problem to remove that metapackage. | 04:50 |
IRCMonkey | startx says no screens found | 04:50 |
hrdesalpes | hello all ,there are a french please for the help in ubutun? | 04:51 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: you'll need to reconfigure X; is that a message you get by default, or did you mess with the configuration? | 04:51 |
linuxboy | andrewski: so, you could have ubuntu-server anu uuntu-desktop. both have a list of packages for that. server will have apache etc. desktop will have firefox etc | 04:51 |
andrewski | linuxboy: yes. | 04:51 |
website | hrdesalpes, go to #ubuntu-fr | 04:51 |
IRCMonkey | got it by default | 04:51 |
hrdesalpes | thanks you | 04:51 |
IRCMonkey | it tries to start gnome and says some fatal error | 04:52 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: and you're on warty, right? | 04:52 |
linuxboy | Rocha: An error occured. The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss? | 04:52 |
IRCMonkey | yeah | 04:52 |
da_bon_bon | BiteMeBill, thanks. do i need to restart after this ? | 04:52 |
linuxboy | Rocha: should i log out and in again? | 04:52 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: xfree-config, i think (i don't have the command on my system). | 04:52 |
Rocha | linuxboy, install libdvdcss2 | 04:52 |
IRCMonkey | the same prob i had with FreeBSD also ..but it somehow is starting X now | 04:52 |
linuxboy | Rocha: done. doesnt hel | 04:52 |
linuxboy | Rocha: done. doesnt help | 04:52 |
tritium | randabis, hola | 04:52 |
Juice- | Back. How can i scroll up to see old text in console using irssi? is it shift+pg up? | 04:52 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: well, don't ask questions and enjoy X! :P | 04:52 |
IRCMonkey | it is XFree86 -config | 04:52 |
Rocha | linuxboy, close totem and open it agani | 04:52 |
randabis | hi tritium :) | 04:53 |
IRCMonkey | but that is only on BSD, not with Ubuntu | 04:53 |
linuxboy | Rocha: doesnt help | 04:53 |
tritium | randabis, sunny day in Houston? | 04:53 |
Rocha | Strange | 04:53 |
rapha | Hey, who made the Ubuntu GDM screen? | 04:53 |
rapha | I'd like to copy it for a GRUB screen, but I've no idea how to do that "glowing" effect in GIMP | 04:53 |
LinuxJones | rapha, Jeff Waugh I think | 04:54 |
linuxboy | Rocha: i have totem-gstreame and totem-xine installed | 04:54 |
delphi | anyone go the latest live cd to work correctly with an nvidia graphics cards? | 04:54 |
BiteMeBill | da_bon_bon: it says to. | 04:54 |
Phr0stByte | When trying to burn a DVD through Gnome burn, my media is seen as a regular blank CD - Anyone know what is wrong? | 04:54 |
randabis | tritium, looks to be cloudy...haven't been outside yet but I see out the window | 04:54 |
linuxboy | Rocha: what you got installed | 04:54 |
Rocha | linuxboy, i can't remember | 04:54 |
linuxboy | Rocha: do a dpkg -l | grep totem | 04:54 |
linuxboy | Juice-: pgup for irssi | 04:55 |
fuglyRat | how do i do port fowarding? i just want all connections on port 80 to be forwarded to another machine on my lan | 04:55 |
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goldfish | fuglyRat: Read your router manual. | 04:55 |
Rocha | linuxboy, i'm not on ubuntu warty, i'm in hoary | 04:56 |
fuglyRat | my router is retarded and ignores rules sometimes, i have to do it on my local machine | 04:56 |
goldfish | oh right | 04:56 |
Rocha | linuxboy, i must have two versions because ubuntu cd doesn't support upgrade | 04:56 |
linuxboy | Rocha: oic. hmmm... | 04:56 |
linuxboy | Rocha: ubuntu cd doesn't support upgrade | 04:56 |
linuxboy | Rocha: ? | 04:56 |
fuglyRat | is it easy to do? | 04:56 |
fuglyRat | like in windows | 04:56 |
Rocha | linuxboy, nop, i must install it to a new partition | 04:57 |
linuxboy | Rocha: can i upgrade my warty to hoary when hoary comes out? | 04:57 |
Rocha | At least array-2, it's what i have installed | 04:57 |
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jk | linuxboy: yes | 04:57 |
Rocha | linuxboy, with apt-get yes | 04:57 |
rapha | Change everything from "warty" to "hoary" in synaptic's sources, then update, then upgrade. | 04:57 |
rapha | A couple of mouseclicks and keystrokes. | 04:57 |
Rocha | linuxboy, but i can't use apt-get (dialup) | 04:57 |
linuxboy | Rocha: oic | 04:57 |
randabis | I already use hoary...heh not in ubuntu right now though | 04:57 |
linuxboy | rapha: i want to upgrade only when the hoary cd comes out | 04:57 |
randabis | using gentoo | 04:58 |
rapha | Well, then just make the Hoary CD the only package source | 04:58 |
da_bon_bon | hey, who had given me the link for my i810 onboard audio problem ? | 04:58 |
linuxboy | rapha: it wont break anything? | 04:58 |
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LinuxJones | fuglyRat, firestarter can do port forwarding | 04:59 |
Zotnix | I imagine not an entirely appropriate place to ask, but since there are developers lurking: Is C# good and does anyone know a good "tutorial/help" site not necessarily MS specific? | 04:59 |
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Scognito | hi | 05:00 |
IRCMonkey | can anyone tel me how to get GUI up and running? i'm new to ubuntu and i just installed it | 05:00 |
LinuxJones | fuglyRat, >> http://security.linux.com/security/05/01/03/2250258.shtml?tid=49&tid=47&tid=35 | 05:00 |
andrewski | Zotnix: #c# | 05:00 |
Scognito | why http://www.getsweaaa.com is no more usable for getting mono? | 05:00 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: did you get X working? | 05:00 |
randabis | I wonder if there's a way to prevent ubuntu from editing my menu.lst when a new kernel is installed/updated | 05:00 |
linuxboy | Rocha: for the record. logging in and out fixed the DVD issue :) | 05:00 |
IRCMonkey | no | 05:00 |
LinuxJones | IRCMonkey, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 | 05:00 |
linuxboy | Rocha: i mean out and in | 05:00 |
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IRCMonkey | what does dpkg do? | 05:01 |
Rocha | linuxboy, cool :) | 05:01 |
andrewski | IRCMonkey: a lot. :) | 05:01 |
Zotnix | andrewski, thanks. Searching for c# in xchat produces every room with a c in it. | 05:01 |
randabis | I have my menu.lst set a certain way for gentoo and ubuntu to co-exist and ubuntu's script messes it up | 05:01 |
andrewski | Zotnix: i just searched in xchat also. :) | 05:01 |
randabis | it makes ubuntu try to run my gentoo kernel lol | 05:01 |
andrewski | Zotnix: which version? | 05:01 |
Zotnix | Latest. | 05:02 |
Zotnix | Oh... dug | 05:02 |
Zotnix | duh* | 05:02 |
IRCMonkey | ok ... thanks guys .. wil try it out and tel u. | 05:02 |
andrewski | 2.4.1? | 05:02 |
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Zotnix | Was searching wrong server. | 05:02 |
Zotnix | :p | 05:02 |
andrewski | Zotnix: hehe. | 05:02 |
Zotnix | Yep | 05:02 |
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cindux | hrm | 05:02 |
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cindux | stupid question but does the "ls" command list files & dirs only in the current directory? | 05:02 |
randabis | hmm...maybe I could use grub.conf instead of menu.lst | 05:02 |
cindux | or could i do ls & then a directory | 05:03 |
cindux | and it would list them as well | 05:03 |
speel | cindux: yea | 05:03 |
cindux | oh neato = / | 05:03 |
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speel | liek you could go to cd /home/username | 05:03 |
fuglyRat | ta linuxjones | 05:03 |
speel | and then just type ls to see whats in it | 05:03 |
Rocha | bye ppl | 05:03 |
Rocha | with dial up, i just can't upgrade this thing | 05:03 |
=== _Firsti [~firsti@a81-197-7-118.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | i am screwed. | 05:03 |
Rocha | It's better to install array-4 | 05:03 |
Rocha | bye | 05:03 |
da_bon_bon | before logging in i hear the sounds, but once i log in the osund stops working. | 05:04 |
da_bon_bon | why ? | 05:04 |
cindux | do you mean just cut off ? | 05:04 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: hmm... logging into gnome? | 05:04 |
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da_bon_bon | andrewski: yes. | 05:04 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: at the prompt i hear the drum sound | 05:04 |
polli | can anyone tell me in what package the man pages for C are? | 05:05 |
andrewski | did you check your sound settings in gnome? | 05:05 |
da_bon_bon | but not after logging in :( | 05:05 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: where do i check ? | 05:05 |
da_bon_bon | polli: build-essential | 05:05 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: gnome control center | 05:06 |
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WillCooke | How do I change the size of the icons on the desktop in Gnome? And, can I change the size of the window title bars to make them a bit thinner. | 05:06 |
da_bon_bon | should esd be enabled or disabled ? | 05:07 |
WillCooke | I'm running a desktop at 1024x768 and it's a bit squashed | 05:07 |
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polli | da_bon_bon: no, they were not | 05:08 |
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andrewski | WillCooke: for the title bars, you'd have to change your theme | 05:08 |
da_bon_bon | polli: no idea then. | 05:08 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: enabled. | 05:08 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: it is. strange that only after logging i cant hear! :( | 05:08 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: i dunno; try starting it manually and see if there's any output in a term window. | 05:09 |
Phr0stByte | When I try to burn a DVD from Gnome, the DVD disk is seen as a CD-R disk - ANyone know what is wrong? | 05:09 |
WillCooke | andrewski, Though so. Thanks | 05:09 |
fuglyRat | hmm | 05:10 |
fuglyRat | firestarter doesn't seem to work properly | 05:10 |
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fuglyRat | connectiosn just timeout | 05:10 |
fuglyRat | ah there it goes | 05:11 |
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da_bon_bon | does ubuntu use udev to clean up the dev file system ? | 05:13 |
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andrewski | da_bon_bon: warty, no. hoary, yes. | 05:13 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: i had to do "chmod 777 /dev/dsp" now esd is fine, but still volume control says no mixer els. | 05:13 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: hmm, you on hoary? | 05:13 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: warty/ | 05:13 |
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da_bon_bon | ok, now gnome cant use sounds - other apps can | 05:14 |
polli | da_bon_bon: manpages-dev | 05:15 |
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da_bon_bon | i brb | 05:15 |
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andrewski | tritium: for the runlevels bit, would i find which runlevels are used by what in the debian policy manual? | 05:16 |
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tritium | andrewski, I believe so. | 05:17 |
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andrewski | where can i find it? | 05:17 |
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andrewski | locally or on the internet? | 05:17 |
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tritium | andrewski, "sudo apt-get install debian-policy" | 05:18 |
fuglyRat | when i middle click a tab in firefox it seems to load a url from my clipboard, but i've disabled middleclick.paste. is there something else that might be casuing this? | 05:18 |
vi11e | Hello, Anyone here with updated and edited source.list for hoary? | 05:18 |
osvaldo | Hello, anyone got a link to a tutorial on how to get sound working on ubuntu? | 05:18 |
andrewski | tritium: ok, thanks. | 05:18 |
tritium | andrewski, sure :) | 05:18 |
goedson | I've just tried to upgrade my machine from warty to hoary and I'm not able to boot it anymore. | 05:19 |
godo | osvaldo, http://ubuntuguide.org | 05:19 |
goedson | It isn't possible to run any program when try to boot it. | 05:19 |
linuxboy | How do I play wmv files in ubuntu? | 05:19 |
fuglyRat | mplayer is good | 05:20 |
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goedson | I get "Can't run /sbin/shutdown" when I hit CTRL+ALT+DEL on the console. | 05:20 |
osvaldo | godo, Thanks. | 05:20 |
linuxboy | How do I play wmv files in ubuntu with totem? | 05:20 |
goedson | Any ideas? | 05:20 |
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vi11e | linuxboy, just play them | 05:20 |
fuglyRat | it won't play drm ones | 05:20 |
vi11e | you need to apt-get the codecs first | 05:20 |
linuxboy | vi11e: good idea!!! pity they dont work | 05:20 |
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da_bon_bon | andrewski: well, do this to help me - what group is a standard ubuntu user a part of ? | 05:20 |
linuxboy | vi11e: whats the package noame for the codecs? | 05:20 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: uh... h/o a sec. | 05:21 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: sure | 05:21 |
godo | w32codecs | 05:21 |
vi11e | I don\t remember... I just installed ubuntu... they should update that info to the ubuntuguide website | 05:21 |
linuxboy | godo: what source? | 05:21 |
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da_bon_bon | andrewski: pm me if thats better. | 05:21 |
usual | daniels, I still have issues in hoary with double clicking on folders in nautilus and X crashes, did you tell me before why that was? I can't remember | 05:21 |
godo | apt-get install w32codecs | 05:21 |
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andrewski | da_bon_bon: no, we can keep it here. i don't really know, but for audio problems, there's the audio group. :) | 05:21 |
godo | nerim | 05:21 |
linuxboy | godo: thanx | 05:21 |
vi11e | Can someone with ubuntu hoary please gedit his source.list and make it a text file and upload it ? | 05:21 |
dv[bteg] | i'm in the middle of an install and i need to change the network settings. I have a rogue DHCPD server on the network which is giving ubuntu the wrong information, but because ubuntu gets information it decides its all good, but I cant figure out how to change the settings (gateway & dns specifically) | 05:22 |
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da_bon_bon | andrewski: well, i had to login to recovery mode to create the user | 05:22 |
andrewski | vi11e: ubuntuguide.org | 05:22 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: ok, here: | 05:22 |
godo | linuxboy, ubuntuguid.org | 05:22 |
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godo | ubuntuguide.org | 05:23 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: go on. | 05:23 |
osvaldo | godo, There's no section on sound there. | 05:23 |
godo | look in the wiki | 05:23 |
osvaldo | anyone know how to get sound going on ubuntu | 05:23 |
goedson | Now, I can mount its root partition in my Debian system. But I get this when trying to access it: | 05:23 |
osvaldo | all ready did | 05:23 |
vi11e | andrewski, there are only source.list for warty and it doesn't include all the good libraries | 05:23 |
andrewski | my normal user is in dialout, cdrom, floppy, audio, video, plugdev, lpadmin, and scanner. (there's also a group with my username with no members.) | 05:23 |
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goedson | [14:22:04] [goedson@glomps:/mnt] ->LC_ALL=C sudo ls | 05:23 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: thats all ? | 05:23 |
goedson | ls: reading directory .: Input/output error | 05:24 |
goedson | [14:23:38] [goedson@glomps:/mnt] -> | 05:24 |
andrewski | vi11e: what good libraries? and you can change 'warty' to 'hoary'. | 05:24 |
goedson | It's an XFS partition. | 05:24 |
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andrewski | da_bon_bon: yes. | 05:24 |
linuxboy | godo: it kinda works. But the sound is broken. Any clues? | 05:24 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: do you think i should have more? | 05:24 |
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cindux | damnt >< | 05:24 |
vi11e | well.. last time I installed hoary, few days ago, some dude sent me his libraries and it had lots of different ones | 05:24 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: i dunno. | 05:24 |
cindux | Anyone know why Ubuntu won't read my floppies | 05:24 |
cindux | er.. | 05:24 |
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godo | linuxboy, maibe another knows the fix | 05:25 |
cindux | it used to be able to read my floppies with a few .txt & .html files on them | 05:25 |
vi11e | I guess I have to live with those then | 05:25 |
cindux | and those same floppies cant be read | 05:25 |
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linuxboy | godo: the audio codec in the file is MS Windows Media Audio 2 (ffmpeg) | 05:25 |
andrewski | vi11e: ok, well, there are other repositories out there, but i don't use them. :) | 05:25 |
godo | apt-get ffmpeg | 05:26 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: do me a favour, please post your /etc/group file somewhere on the net - www.yousendit.com or www.pastebin.com | 05:26 |
fuglyRat | anyone else getting flooded with "paypal flagged acount" scams? | 05:26 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: why do you need it? you can set up your user automagically. | 05:26 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: how ? | 05:26 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: man adduser | 05:27 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: i did that, but didnt work. please post /etc/group | 05:27 |
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Petteri | Hello everybody | 05:28 |
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andrewski | da_bon_bon: how are you invoking it? | 05:28 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: see, during install due to display coruption i couldnt put my username in correct, so after isntall i booted into recovery and used adduser | 05:29 |
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andrewski | da_bon_bon: right. what are you typing in? | 05:29 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: adduser rohandhruva | 05:30 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: oh, you need a bit more than that. :) | 05:30 |
da_bon_bon | what ? | 05:30 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: did you read the manpage? | 05:30 |
da_bon_bon | no. | 05:30 |
andrewski | :) | 05:30 |
da_bon_bon | can u please /tell/ ? | 05:30 |
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andrewski | da_bon_bon: i'm doing other things now and am not going to interpret the manpage for you, sorry. (i'd have to look there myself.) | 05:31 |
da_bon_bon | ok. | 05:31 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: take a stab and post back here before you run it. | 05:31 |
da_bon_bon | but, can u post ur etc/group ? | 05:31 |
cindux | Could someone help me witha wierd floppy problem ? | 05:31 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: i don't see how it'd help; you'd still need to run adduser to get a home dir, a shell, etc.... | 05:32 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: i am rohandhruva user have the shell home dir nice. jsut dont have group perms. | 05:32 |
ferris | after I install a program, how do I get an icon in the menu. currently, I have to go to /usr/bin/ or use the command line | 05:32 |
andrewski | oh, then you'd just need to run adduser. :) | 05:32 |
andrewski | you can specify group membership there. | 05:32 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: adduser. ? | 05:33 |
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da_bon_bon | whats that ? | 05:33 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: u dont get me. i dont have permissions for /myself/ | 05:33 |
andrewski | wait, do you have a user already? | 05:33 |
da_bon_bon | yes. | 05:33 |
da_bon_bon | i am that user and i dont have the permissons. | 05:33 |
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andrewski | ah. do you have a group called rohandhruva? | 05:34 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: yes. | 05:34 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: and have you added rohandhruva to the other groups, like the ones i mentioned? | 05:34 |
vi11e | hmm, what's wrong with the apt-get... it refuses to update.... it tries to say some packages are broken or something | 05:35 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: no, thats what i want the file for. | 05:35 |
afonit | ville: if packages are broken, you must fix them first, before it will update | 05:35 |
da_bon_bon | vi11e: apt-get update | 05:35 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: yes, but why would by file help? try `man group` | 05:35 |
vi11e | just did that | 05:35 |
andrewski | vi11e: and what did it say? | 05:36 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: it will help. | 05:36 |
afonit | ville: on bottom left of synaptic, click on the button that says 'custom' | 05:36 |
afonit | it will show you the broken packeges on the left | 05:36 |
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da_bon_bon | andrewski: sheesh. can u jsut post it ? i am no newbie :) | 05:36 |
afonit | you have to uninstall them, then reinstall | 05:36 |
vi11e | ok | 05:36 |
andrewski | da_bon_bon: then you should have no trouble reading the manpage. | 05:37 |
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ferris | how do i create a link to a program, so that i can access it through the menu | 05:37 |
ferris | ? | 05:37 |
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da_bon_bon | andrewski: ok.. can u post it or no | 05:38 |
da_bon_bon | ? | 05:38 |
universal | can someone help me with my xine playing dvd's? | 05:38 |
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da_bon_bon | universal: yes ? | 05:39 |
dejavu | ppl need some help with nautilis | 05:39 |
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universal | da_bon_bon, ok its because there is some problems with my symlinks i think | 05:40 |
universal | da_bon_bon, xine cannot read eml:dvd | 05:40 |
dejavu | when i open a mount a FAT drive and open it from the nautilis it shows directories/folders as files ! | 05:40 |
universal | what shall i write to set the corret symlink from dvd, to fstab? | 05:41 |
da_bon_bon | am i alive | 05:41 |
da_bon_bon | can i be heard ? | 05:41 |
bascule | pardon? | 05:41 |
bascule | wanted spoon-fed | 05:42 |
dejavu | when i open a mount a FAT drive and open it from the nautilis it shows directories/folders as files ! how can i make emm look like folders ? | 05:42 |
bascule | change your Icon theme maybe, is that it? | 05:42 |
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universal | can someone helt me with xine? | 05:43 |
mjg59 | dejavu: How did you mount the drive? | 05:43 |
bascule | what's wrong woth it? | 05:43 |
universal | me? | 05:43 |
rapha | Goddamn it | 05:43 |
rapha | Has anyone here had any experience setting up bootsplash | 05:43 |
bascule | universal: yes you | 05:43 |
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vi11e | synapcsis shows no broken packages.. afonit andrewski and apt-get gives these messages: http://vk0.dk/vkprivupload/rfyybhtt/error.txt | 05:44 |
dejavu | mjg59: with simple mount command like ... "mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/winc" | 05:44 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: hey, sorry for my rude behaviour | 05:44 |
mjg59 | dejavu: Right. You used sudo? | 05:44 |
mjg59 | In that case, the files won't be readable by your normal user | 05:44 |
universal | ok, xine says no input plugin available to handle DVD | 05:44 |
da_bon_bon | andrewski: can u please atleast tell me which groups u r in again ? | 05:45 |
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dejavu | mjg59: umm dont think so ! | 05:45 |
universal | bascule, maybe MRL syntax is wrong | 05:45 |
bascule | universal: libdvdcss2 | 05:45 |
bascule | libdvdread | 05:45 |
mjg59 | dejavu: Try mount -oumask=000 /dev/hda3 /mnt/winc | 05:45 |
deepsight | hello, has anyone tried to install vmware on ubuntu? | 05:45 |
dejavu | mjg59: wait lemme try ! | 05:45 |
bascule | universal: put the dvd in, hit the dvd button on xine, that is it | 05:45 |
malte` | hi, how can i tell my bash i want color in my xterms? (the xterm-color thing) | 05:45 |
=== Burn` is now known as Burn`Away | ||
universal | i tried, but i think it has something to do with the symlink etc/fstab | 05:46 |
bascule | ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd <-- something like that | 05:46 |
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vjaz | Hm... I upgraded from Warty to Hoary and I now noticed a little detail. The mouse cursor has changed to the X11 default. Anyone know how to change it? | 05:46 |
vjaz | (Yes I know it's silly.) | 05:47 |
vi11e | afonit, andrewski probably I am missing some libraries even as I imported all the libraries at ubuntuguide.org because I am still capable installing some other things with apt-get | 05:47 |
malte` | vjaz, install gcursor from the universe repository | 05:47 |
malte` | and use the nice pinux ubuntu cursor theme :) | 05:47 |
vjaz | malte`, Is that necessary then? | 05:47 |
deepsight | has someone vmware installed in ubuntu? | 05:47 |
vjaz | malte`, How does it work in Warty? | 05:47 |
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=== cindux [~cindux@d141-145-190.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dejavu | mjg59: hey it works :) ... thats dude ! but what was the diff ? | 05:48 |
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cindux | does /bin = /binaries? | 05:48 |
cindux | <newb :( | 05:48 |
malte` | vjaz, we (hoary users) have the boring core theme for a bug in the themes | 05:48 |
universal | bascule, ok, then how to remove the xine-386 ? | 05:48 |
vjaz | Ah, ok. | 05:48 |
malte` | you don't have mist gtk themes too, if you look there | 05:48 |
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vi11e | or maybe not libraries.... I can't install many other things... but can install some things : | 05:48 |
bascule | apt-get remove <what-ever> | 05:48 |
malte` | so this is now the only workaround | 05:48 |
vjaz | :-/ | 05:49 |
malte` | but i hope developers will adopt Pinux cursors instead of Jimmac's ones :) | 05:49 |
nesr | how do i setup my touchpad? only the mouse is affected in computer->DP->mouse (movement speed, acceleration etc.) .. | 05:49 |
universal | bascule, other ways? | 05:49 |
cindux | Pinux ? | 05:49 |
cindux | my friends working on Pynux :P | 05:49 |
universal | it cant find it as pat-get remoce | 05:49 |
malte` | heeh | 05:49 |
bascule | universal: what are you talking about, remove the package ... other ways ??? | 05:49 |
universal | yes | 05:50 |
bascule | manually if you want, but no I won't help you do that | 05:50 |
bascule | package mangement system ... arguably the best one around .. other ways .. weird | 05:51 |
dejavu | how can i get MP3 Support for ubuntu ? and is there a better mp3 player + mp3 file manager then xmmx ? | 05:52 |
dejavu | how can i get MP3 Support for ubuntu ? and is there a better mp3 player + mp3 file manager then xmmx ? | 05:52 |
vjaz | malte`, Is the Pinux theme available from apt-get or do I need to install it manually? apt-cache search pinux found nothing so I guess it's not in universe at least | 05:52 |
bascule | is there an echo in here? | 05:52 |
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vjaz | bascule, no | 05:52 |
vjaz | bascule, no | 05:52 |
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mjg59 | dejavu: The umask option tells it to make the files readable to everyone | 05:54 |
malte` | vjaz, www.gnome-look.org | 05:54 |
cindux | .. #linux told me i must register myself | 05:54 |
cindux | i dont know how :( | 05:54 |
cindux | ll | 05:54 |
plagerism | Can I use mplayer to convert video from one type to another?? And if so is there a tutorial somewhere to do so?? | 05:54 |
bascule_bad_mood | RTFM freenode.net | 05:54 |
plagerism | I am currently attempting with transcode, however it doesnt seem to work | 05:55 |
cindux | ? | 05:55 |
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plagerism | RTFM=READ THE F'N MANUAL | 05:55 |
plagerism | And SOrry wrong channel on my question | 05:56 |
malte` | RTFM it's worse than not answering... | 05:56 |
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dejavu | mjg59: thanks for the info dude ! | 05:56 |
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inc | sup peeps | 05:56 |
cindux | er | 05:56 |
cindux | lol | 05:56 |
krister | I want to enable a "dummy/virtual" disolay :0.1, how do i do this? | 05:57 |
bascule_bad_mood | malte`: depends where yoyr at really ... | 05:57 |
AlphaZero | anyone use Xine for dvd playback? | 05:57 |
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bascule_bad_mood | malte`: RTFM http://www.freenode.net | 05:58 |
krister | i need this to get fullscreen magnification with gnome-mag/gnopernicus | 05:58 |
bascule_bad_mood | malte`: have yuou tried this http://www.freenode.net ? | 05:58 |
bascule_bad_mood | what is the difference? | 05:58 |
malte` | ok you're in a bad mood | 05:58 |
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inc | damn pulled out the RTFM lol | 05:58 |
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Cybodog | I have a user who is trying to update menus in ununtu, gnome desktop, I dont use gnome, how would he do that, to reflect new apps installed? | 05:59 |
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bascule | these things pass quick sometimes :)# | 05:59 |
inc | most apps i've installed with apt put themselves into the menu system | 05:59 |
Cybodog | inc in gnome? | 06:00 |
inc | thats what ubuntu uses | 06:00 |
AlphaZero | restart gnome maybe? | 06:00 |
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Cybodog | I told him to use update-menus and restart, we will see | 06:00 |
inc | if he installed the app with apt-get then he just needs to restart gnome | 06:01 |
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Cybodog | reports differntly | 06:01 |
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inc | if he compiled it on his own then i would use the configuration editor | 06:02 |
Cybodog | let me check | 06:02 |
cindux | Is their any reason to update ubuntus kernel ? | 06:03 |
cindux | to 2.6.10 ? | 06:03 |
inc | bascule wanna take another wack at helping me get this damn sound working? lol | 06:03 |
=== Burn`Away is now known as Burn` | ||
inc | i dunno works ok for me right now cindux | 06:04 |
bascule | inc: nah I really need to go out, I mean *really* need too LOL | 06:04 |
inc | lol | 06:04 |
bascule | or I'll flame peole and stuff, not nice .. | 06:04 |
cindux | hm | 06:05 |
inc | burn baby burn | 06:05 |
bascule | cindux: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering <-- ther | 06:05 |
inc | hoary is nice but if my sound doesn't work i'm going to chuck it | 06:05 |
cindux | woah | 06:06 |
cindux | thankey :P | 06:06 |
bascule | np | 06:06 |
bascule | LOL | 06:06 |
bascule | read the rest of the FAQ, might find useful things there | 06:06 |
bascule | ;) | 06:06 |
inc | how much sleep you running on bascule? | 06:06 |
bascule | 5 hours | 06:07 |
AlphaZero | inc, did warty find your audio? | 06:07 |
inc | that should be enough hehe | 06:07 |
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bascule | yeah, I need 3D people tonight | 06:07 |
inc | warty was playing cds | 06:07 |
Cybodog | inc, turn out he installed from a tar | 06:07 |
AlphaZero | ah ok, i was considering a dist-upgrade, but wont til its stable i guess | 06:08 |
kalandor | re all, has anybody an idea why cannot scan with xsane as normal user? I mean it does not see the scanner as a user, only as root, the device is a Canon Lide 20 | 06:08 |
inc | cybodog: try the configuration editor | 06:08 |
AlphaZero | I got my dvd playback working with mPlayer but not anything else | 06:08 |
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inc | alphazero: my sound wasn't 100% before the upgrade but my wifi card was working and still does | 06:09 |
cindux | woo registered | 06:09 |
Cybodog | just told him that inc, what is the path to the configuration editor? | 06:09 |
inc | he on warty or hoary | 06:09 |
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AlphaZero | my sound is partially working now, but fine when i use different codecs for different playback options | 06:09 |
AlphaZero | in mPlayer | 06:10 |
Cybodog | inc warty | 06:10 |
AlphaZero | in Xine, dvd playback doesnt work at all at the moment | 06:10 |
inc | apps> system tools> config editor | 06:10 |
Cybodog | ty | 06:10 |
cindux | er | 06:11 |
AlphaZero | where do I edit the config for autoplay on a device? | 06:11 |
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cindux | er anyone know where the passwd file is in ubuntu? | 06:11 |
cindux | I tried /etc/passwd | 06:11 |
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inc | you sure it's not there? | 06:12 |
inc | i got one | 06:12 |
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bascule | cindux: you have no plaintest version of yuor password /etc/shadow has an md5 sum of it | 06:13 |
bascule | md5 sum hash thingy algorithim scrambled whats it | 06:14 |
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AngryClip | what does bad superblock on /dev/hdc mean? | 06:15 |
marjan | what is the name of package repository which has functioning k3b? | 06:15 |
marjan | the main repository has k3b without k3bsetup2 | 06:15 |
marjan | so you can not setup up k3b | 06:16 |
sig_ubuntu | marcus|: go to k3b.com and get thepackage manually | 06:17 |
sig_ubuntu | k3b.org or whatever it is | 06:17 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, why??? | 06:17 |
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cindux | oh | 06:18 |
dud | prolly k3b.sf.net | 06:18 |
marjan | there should be a package repository which has k3b | 06:18 |
marjan | or should i do it for gnome too??? | 06:18 |
marjan | rofl | 06:18 |
marjan | or do you know any alternative for k3b which is as good? | 06:18 |
sig_ubuntu | gtoaster | 06:18 |
marjan | i have not found any gnome program which good enough | 06:18 |
marjan | gtoaster should be degubbed first | 06:18 |
krister | are XF86Config and XF86Config-4 the same? | 06:19 |
sig_ubuntu | gtoaster is good | 06:19 |
sig_ubuntu | marcus|: here... | 06:19 |
sig_ubuntu | http://gnomebaker.sourceforge.net/ <- an equivelent to k3b for gnome | 06:20 |
plagerism | Whos the guy in here that can get stuff done as far as the amd64 port?? | 06:20 |
rubixXx | how can i change the owner of hda5 i mounted...i tried chown but it said permission denied as root | 06:20 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, is it stable? | 06:20 |
sig_ubuntu | http://www.coaster-burn.org/ <-- another one | 06:20 |
sig_ubuntu | get the stable package | 06:20 |
marjan | i saw a lot of programs | 06:20 |
marjan | but they are unusable | 06:20 |
marjan | and i have a wish to use cdrecord manually after i used them for 30 seconds | 06:21 |
ups | marjan: tried graveman? | 06:21 |
plagerism | marjan, I have k3bsetup | 06:21 |
sig_ubuntu | http://ubuntulinux.com/ <-- marjan | 06:21 |
ups | its in univesre | 06:21 |
marjan | plagerism, k3bsetup2 | 06:21 |
marjan | plagerism, not k3bsetup | 06:21 |
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plagerism | marjan, lol nevermind | 06:21 |
marjan | thx ppl | 06:21 |
marjan | :) | 06:21 |
plagerism | marjan there is a two?? | 06:21 |
cindux | er im new to linux so noone betta get mad | 06:21 |
sig_ubuntu | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeBaker <-- marcus| | 06:21 |
sig_ubuntu | erer | 06:21 |
sig_ubuntu | marjan: | 06:21 |
cindux | bin is usually used for programs etc | 06:21 |
sig_ubuntu | read that link above | 06:21 |
rubixXx | how can i change the owner of hda5 i mounted...i tried chown but it said permission denied as root | 06:21 |
cindux | if I download something from the internet, should i install it within bin | 06:22 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, thank you very very much :D | 06:23 |
sig_ubuntu | np | 06:23 |
rubixXx | cindux, depends on what you d/led | 06:24 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, hmm it is only 0.3 | 06:24 |
cindux | hm | 06:24 |
sig_ubuntu | thats ok | 06:24 |
sig_ubuntu | it is just starting, that wiki explains they asked for testers | 06:24 |
marjan | see | 06:25 |
sig_ubuntu | it looks like a really good burning app for cd/dvd | 06:25 |
marjan | my problem is i installing linux for total noob | 06:25 |
marjan | he needs a stable app | 06:25 |
marjan | which is very easy to use | 06:25 |
marjan | and he does not want to be a betatester | 06:25 |
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sig_ubuntu | marjan: it is going to be fine | 06:26 |
rubixXx | marcus|, get mandrake | 06:27 |
rubixXx | marjan, get mandrake i mean, lol, its better for total newb | 06:27 |
=== boris [~boris@213-182-118-94.teleos-web.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marjan | rubixXx, i am upset of mandrake | 06:27 |
marjan | i like ubuntu it is very userfriendly | 06:27 |
marjan | ... after it is installed | 06:28 |
marjan | :D | 06:28 |
cindux | installation was easy for me, a linux newb | 06:28 |
cindux | just took a LONG time to install packages | 06:28 |
marjan | yes | 06:28 |
marjan | mandrake is easy to install | 06:28 |
marjan | and use | 06:28 |
marjan | but it is very unstable | 06:28 |
marjan | and it has little programs | 06:28 |
marjan | which you can install with urpmi | 06:28 |
sig_ubuntu | marjan: quit talking about little you know | 06:28 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, what do you mean? | 06:29 |
sig_ubuntu | then just use nautilus if your so scared the program will blow up on you | 06:29 |
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marjan | sig_ubuntu, cool how to do it? | 06:29 |
vjaz | Argh, anyone know how to make Totem-Xine use Esound? | 06:29 |
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ferris | can i switch to kde desktop? | 06:30 |
ferris | if so, how? | 06:30 |
Riddell | ferris: certainly https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingKDE | 06:30 |
sig_ubuntu | marjan: I'm using gnomebaker and I haven't had one single problem yet ok | 06:30 |
Xappe | install it | 06:30 |
ferris | ok | 06:30 |
ferris | thanks | 06:30 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, then tell me please how to install it | 06:31 |
markus | Hi. Something changed on my Warty installation: I can't change the preferred application for the text editor anymore. It's set to "Kedit" for all Gnome-users, and it doesn't remember my changes ...? | 06:31 |
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sig_ubuntu | marjan: ok dude one time and one time only, I thought you weren't a newb | 06:32 |
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sig_ubuntu | first "gnomebaker" depends on cdda2wav so... | 06:33 |
oyaji | hiya everyone :) | 06:33 |
sig_ubuntu | manually download gnomebaker_0.3-1ubuntu1_i386.deb | 06:33 |
larsrohdin | hi! in nautilus there's an built-in cd/dvd burning funciton.. is there such a thing in Fluxbox? | 06:33 |
pestil | is Sir subterrific here? | 06:33 |
sig_ubuntu | then: apt-get cdda2wav | 06:33 |
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marjan | sig_ubuntu, ok | 06:33 |
sig_ubuntu | then: dpkg -i gnomebaker_0.3-1ubuntu1_i386.deb | 06:33 |
sig_ubuntu | thats it | 06:33 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, sorry | 06:33 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, i though it is in the repository | 06:33 |
sig_ubuntu | then run gnomebaker in a terminal | 06:33 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, i wanted only that you give me the address of repository which has it | 06:33 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, excuse me please | 06:34 |
sig_ubuntu | it isn't in repositories yet | 06:34 |
sig_ubuntu | for warty | 06:34 |
marjan | that was my only problem | 06:34 |
sig_ubuntu | so you'll have to do it this way until it is added | 06:34 |
sig_ubuntu | once it is added you can upgrade it | 06:34 |
marjan | thx | 06:35 |
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pestil | what do I have to get to satisfy X includes? | 06:35 |
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SeanQ | I know I asked this last night, but maybe I can get some different answers and some different perspectives: What makes Ubuntu better than Fedora Core 3 [IN YOUR OPINION] ? | 06:36 |
sig_ubuntu | better package management for 1 | 06:37 |
larsrohdin | what program can i use to write to dvd-rw discs in Fluxbox? | 06:37 |
sig_ubuntu | and based off of debian | 06:37 |
Sniper^ | is there to make an ubunty system in a LAN an ubdate server for all other ubuntu desktops fpr the LAN? | 06:37 |
vjaz | Anyone else had problems with no sound in Totem-Xine? | 06:37 |
SeanQ | sig_ubuntu, what if i told you I used Synaptic in FC3? [I do.] | 06:37 |
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jazzka | hi! | 06:38 |
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kerignell | Sniper^: im sure thats possible, try google LAN repository o something | 06:38 |
jazzka | I can run the last hoary livecd from my dvd-rom drive, | 06:38 |
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sig_ubuntu | then I'd say it probably isn't stable since it wasn't written for fedora and the fact that fedora doesn't support it and they even admit that. | 06:38 |
jazzka | but the installation setup says that no module for cd-rom can be found | 06:38 |
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jazzka | howhow can I know wich module uses? | 06:39 |
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SeanQ | sig_ubuntu, is it possible to use RPMs in Ubuntu as well as .deb's? | 06:39 |
sig_ubuntu | no | 06:40 |
sig_ubuntu | man dpkg | 06:40 |
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sig_ubuntu | you can convert tar.gz to .deb's though | 06:40 |
sig_ubuntu | which you should be able to find anything in tar.gz | 06:40 |
Xappe | well you can convert rpms with alien | 06:40 |
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sig_ubuntu | Xappe: yeah but why do that when you can do it from tar.gz | 06:41 |
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=== carlos [~carlos@142.Red-80-37-30.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sig_ubuntu | then your not using an rpm that was built specifically for fedora. redhat, mandrake etc... | 06:41 |
godo | i have had a dist-upgrade...and now i have no sound with the players | 06:41 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xappe | sig_ubuntu, well, sometimes the source isn't there...like for nonfree drivers and such | 06:41 |
=== sig_ubuntu away & | ||
godo | how to fix this | 06:42 |
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sig_ubuntu | upgrade your sound godo | 06:42 |
sig_ubuntu | or reinstall it with apt-get | 06:42 |
godo | how to do it | 06:42 |
pestil | ok | 06:42 |
sig_ubuntu | http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html | 06:43 |
godo | uupgradind sound? | 06:43 |
sig_ubuntu | --reinstall | 06:43 |
sig_ubuntu | Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest | 06:43 |
sig_ubuntu | version. Configuration Item: APT::Get::ReInstall. | 06:43 |
carlos | hello, its possible add debian repositories in ubuntu? and please, tell me which ones.. | 06:44 |
sig_ubuntu | might have broke on your dist-upgrade | 06:44 |
sig_ubuntu | I'm leaving now | 06:44 |
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cblack | hrm. what's the name of the NetworkManager applet? | 06:45 |
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carlos | i cant find in ubuntu repositories, some programs like cinelerra an others .... | 06:46 |
carlos | hello, its possible add debian repositories in ubuntu? and please, tell me which ones..please | 06:47 |
=== cindux [~cindux@d141-145-190.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryClip | carlos: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 06:49 |
Anubis | messed up rom symlinks | 06:49 |
Anubis | All CD-ROMs, whether SCSI, IDE or whatever, are placed under the /dev/cdroms hierarchy: | 06:49 |
Anubis | what happened to /dev/dvd? | 06:49 |
Anubis | what happened to /dev/cdrom? | 06:49 |
Anubis | what happened to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0? | 06:49 |
Anubis | symlinks? | 06:49 |
Anubis | broken rom device symlinks anybody? | 06:49 |
Anubis | I need dma on my cdroms @boot | 06:49 |
Anubis | you can | 06:49 |
Anubis | and | 06:49 |
Anubis | I don't know | 06:49 |
Gusto_ | /dev/hdc ? | 06:50 |
Anubis | Gusto_, yeah | 06:50 |
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Anubis | Gusto_, There needs to be a symlink to that no? | 06:51 |
carlos | <AngryClip> thanks but some dependences of programs not find in this repositories for example mplayer . | 06:51 |
andrewski | Gusto_: but there are missing symlinks for programs that look specifically for /dev/cdrom. | 06:51 |
=== charle1 [~charles@host-84-9-32-83.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlos | or amarok ...too | 06:52 |
AngryClip | you have to compile mplayer from source i belive | 06:52 |
AngryClip | look on the programs websites, some (e.g. wine) have there own repos that you can use | 06:52 |
=== shadearg [~shadearg@cpe-69-135-198-185.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gusto_ | i compiled mplayer from source | 06:52 |
Gusto_ | works great | 06:53 |
inc | anyone know how to get over --no soundcard found-- ?? | 06:53 |
carlos | oks i think the same | 06:53 |
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andrewski | carlos: on which repository is mplayer? | 06:53 |
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bascule | inc: compile your own kernel ;) | 06:53 |
carlos | a bit please | 06:54 |
inc | noooo | 06:54 |
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bascule | inc: heh, takes practice, learn a *lot* about your machne and machines in general | 06:55 |
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inc | yeah well fark this.. lol going back to damn small linux | 06:55 |
bascule | or hoary .. | 06:55 |
delltony | hi anyone happen to know off hand where in the wiki the extra repositories are? i added them before but forgot what they were :( | 06:55 |
=== [NikO] [~nicolas@bon13-1-82-232-115-134.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inc | it was always good to me.. hope it takes me back | 06:55 |
[NikO] | hey | 06:55 |
carlos | ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main | 06:56 |
carlos | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 06:56 |
carlos | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main | 06:56 |
inc | 101 | 06:56 |
AngryClip | oh no! | 06:56 |
[NikO] | i have some problems, could someone help me ? | 06:56 |
AngryClip | audioscrobbler does not have a plugin for zinc :( | 06:56 |
Anubis | alwasy just ask | 06:56 |
delltony | thats all of them? | 06:56 |
bascule | [NikO] : is it a sound card? | 06:56 |
[NikO] | i want to boot ubuntu on a external harddrive | 06:56 |
bascule | BIOS issue as much as anything, a boot floppy would simplify things | 06:57 |
[NikO] | i need to sleep the boot during 5 sec to have the usb drive reconised | 06:57 |
eskilo | how can i find out which version of a given library or app i have installed, or is available with apt-search? | 06:57 |
eskilo | apt-cache search.. | 06:57 |
bascule | if your BIOS can't boot USB you are stuck, if it will could be OK, something I know *nothing* about | 06:57 |
carlos | bye to all | 06:57 |
eskilo | [NikO] : are you from France? | 06:57 |
eskilo | [NikO] : You need to sleep the boo _for_ five seconds. | 06:58 |
[NikO] | for the moment, the kernel launch, and after break /dev/console not found | 06:58 |
[NikO] | yes i m french | 06:58 |
eskilo | say "for" instead of "during". | 06:58 |
[NikO] | ok :) | 06:58 |
[NikO] | the bios boot usb | 06:58 |
bascule | 'for the duration' is OK too, for what that is worth ... | 06:59 |
[NikO] | there is some commande in boot linux to stand a little time | 06:59 |
eskilo | "for" means during the whole time. "during" just means at some point or points, but not continuously through. if i talked "during" a movie, that could mean that i just said a few things during the movie, not for the ENTIRE movie. :) | 06:59 |
[NikO] | k | 06:59 |
bascule | eskilo: are you German :) | 07:00 |
eskilo | now back to linux. | 07:00 |
eskilo | Nein. | 07:00 |
[NikO] | \o/ | 07:00 |
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eskilo | Ich bin zehr kleine. | 07:00 |
bascule | they have the reputation for speaking the best English in the World .. :) | 07:00 |
eskilo | hah | 07:00 |
asimo | I'm getting a XIO: fatal IO error 104 when ubutu trys to to load X, how do I debug this? | 07:01 |
andrewski | bascule: that's true; my english got much better as i took german in high school. | 07:01 |
[NikO] | so, i have error : PnPBios : unknow '0x' length '0' juste after kernel load | 07:01 |
eskilo | Und du bist nicht kleine. | 07:01 |
bascule | really, It was said at University if toy get 100% for an essay you are a) cheating b) German ;P | 07:01 |
eskilo | Ich haben keine geld. | 07:01 |
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[NikO] | pivot_root = no such file or directory | 07:02 |
bascule | s/toy/you <-- god knows | 07:02 |
eskilo | lol | 07:02 |
[NikO] | some way to initrd > delay | 07:02 |
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eskilo | how can i see which version of a lib i have installed? | 07:03 |
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eskilo | when i try to upgrade libgcrypt, it says i need version 1.2.0..but i don't know which version i have now. | 07:03 |
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bascule | dpkg -L libcrypt | 07:03 |
[NikO] | hum, it seem to be impossible | 07:03 |
eskilo | La plej bona lingvon kiun ni povus paroli estus i tiun. | 07:04 |
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eskilo | bascule: oh..i tried that earlier only i didn't use a * at the end..now i see i. | 07:04 |
eskilo | it | 07:04 |
=== decklin [decklin@cpe-66-24-59-135.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eskilo | bascule: does that only check for system-installed libraries? | 07:05 |
bascule | yes | 07:05 |
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eskilo | bascule: because i'm trying to compile from source. do i need to copy those libs to /usr/local/lib? | 07:05 |
bascule | I know little of dpkg commands as yet I need to RTFM on them, new to the whole debian based business | 07:05 |
neofeed | is it normal that I see some of these [02\nAD] fields? | 07:05 |
neofeed | http://mdot.mine.nu/~moritz/XSLCharMap.png (example) | 07:05 |
=== MeMa|Sorcerer [~sorcerer@pD9FD04A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cblack | you can download marillat's mplayer debs. | 07:06 |
MeMa|Sorcerer | hi | 07:06 |
bascule | eskilo: chances are you need -dev versions of the libraries | 07:06 |
cblack | aargh. wrong channel. hehe | 07:06 |
bascule | it's the usual way of binary distros | 07:06 |
serion | quick question. how can i access my data files on my windows 2k install from a livecd? | 07:06 |
bascule | libcrypt-dev an so on | 07:06 |
eskilo | bascule: okay. but a local compile can see libs in both /usr/lib/ and /usr/local/lib right? | 07:06 |
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bascule | it should check both in ./configure, there are also enviroment variables that are looked to | 07:07 |
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maggijons | hey. how do I force k3b in ubuntu to realize that I have a combo cd burner? | 07:08 |
krister | I want to enable a "dummy/virtual" disolay :0.1, how do i do this? Is it /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 i have to edit? | 07:08 |
eskilo | the dev libs fixed everyhing bascule...thanks | 07:09 |
bascule | np | 07:09 |
AngryClip | hmmm, how comes when I ctrl + alt + f1 to another terminal all I get is a blank, black screen? I can still ctrl + alt +f7 into xfce | 07:09 |
[NikO] | nobody know how to sleep during 5 sec the boot ? | 07:10 |
Hymie | anyone get x.org evdev working? | 07:10 |
bascule | [NikO] : s/during/for ;P | 07:11 |
=== [NikO] autoslap | ||
bascule | lol | 07:11 |
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=== bascule looks into the pause for root fs problem | ||
[NikO] | if i try boot linux apci=false ? | 07:12 |
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zombics | ther is a binary pack for ubuntu AMD64 of wine? | 07:13 |
Ribs | zombics: no | 07:13 |
Ribs | you should be okay with the i386 package, however | 07:13 |
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zombics | Ribs, to compile it whold be better, no? | 07:14 |
Ribs | erm, no? | 07:14 |
Ribs | What do you hope to achieve by compiling it? | 07:14 |
arbeck | for some reason in rhythmbox I can't edit the tags of any of my .flac files, any ideas? | 07:14 |
zombics | Ribs, nothig.... | 07:15 |
Ribs | So why bother compiling it/ | 07:15 |
Ribs | ? | 07:15 |
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bascule | [NikO] : http://www.simonf.com/usb/ <-- might be useful | 07:16 |
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Xappe | finally a nice cursor again. got tired of waiting so I learned how to install one myself | 07:17 |
[NikO] | i read it before come here, i m linux noob :) | 07:17 |
cblack | anyone using NetworkManager in Hoary and managed to get the applet to show up? | 07:17 |
bascule | ah, it's a tricky procedure then, but it makes sense what is said, just rty it ... ;-/ | 07:18 |
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marjan | is there the newer kernel then for warty? | 07:18 |
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Ribs | marjan: not for Warty | 07:19 |
marjan | because otherway i can use k3b only as root | 07:19 |
marjan | or it recongises my burner only as reader | 07:19 |
rapha | When a package is so horribly broken that it can not be "apt-get remove"'d, how do you tell apt-get that the f*** you'll remove it yourself and it shall take it out of its database? | 07:20 |
sig_ubuntu | marjan: dude, change ownership permissions | 07:20 |
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vjaz | join #ubuntu-fi | 07:20 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, sure | 07:20 |
vjaz | orgh | 07:20 |
zombics | Ribs, wheere i can find the binary for wine? | 07:20 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, they are correct | 07:20 |
marjan | sig_ubuntu, this is the problem with 2.6.8 kernel | 07:20 |
sig_ubuntu | apt-get --purge remove packagename rapha | 07:21 |
marjan | exec -o ls -l /dev/sr0 | 07:21 |
marjan | brw-rw---- 1 root burning 11, 0 2005-02-12 18:51 /dev/sr0 | 07:21 |
Ribs | zombics: The wine homepage, naturally | 07:21 |
marjan | crw-rw-rw- 1 root cdrom 21, 0 2005-02-12 18:51 /dev/sg0 | 07:21 |
marjan | marjan adm dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner burning | 07:21 |
Ribs | zombics: I forget how good Ubuntu's 32-bit support is, wine may not work | 07:21 |
rapha | Thx sig_ubuntu | 07:21 |
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sig_ubuntu | rapha: did that work? | 07:22 |
rapha | Nope | 07:22 |
rapha | sig_ubuntu: It's still spewing out its errors and I can repeat the command over and over, it won't change. | 07:22 |
sig_ubuntu | odd | 07:23 |
rapha | Ya | 07:23 |
krister | i need this to work: For fullscreen mode, if you modify your XF86Config file (or XOrg.conf, on the newest | 07:23 |
=== zzyber [~andreb@h205n8c2o1022.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krister | systems) to enable the 'dummy' (virtual) display on screen :0.1, then GNOME will use both | 07:23 |
eskilo | anyone know why ubuntu doesn't actually turn my computer off when i shut down, whereas in slackware it was no problem? | 07:23 |
krister | DISPLAYs and you can either run "magnifier -f -s:0.1 -t:0.0" or configure | 07:23 |
krister | gnopernicus to do fullscreen magnification using source :0.1 and target :0.0 (by editing | 07:23 |
krister | the 'default zoomer' from the gnopernicus magnification preferences dialog). | 07:23 |
rapha | Any other idea sig_ubuntu? | 07:23 |
delltony | where do you get wxPython so you can run python apps like bittornado? | 07:23 |
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krister | but i do not know what do edit in the file | 07:23 |
zzyber | does dvdrip installs on ubuntu hoary? | 07:23 |
sig_ubuntu | rapha: when I get back later, I have to go now sorry | 07:23 |
rapha | zzyber: positive | 07:23 |
bascule | eskilo: kernel patches, mdk shut this thing down ubuntu doesn't nor does my custom | 07:24 |
rapha | Okay, thx anyways | 07:24 |
zzyber | rapha, i get dvdrip: Depends: transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) | 07:24 |
=== farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-9-15.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rapha | zzyber: So install transcode then | 07:24 |
eskilo | kernel patches? is it worth the time? | 07:25 |
arbeck | Can someone suggest a good program for burning audio cd's? | 07:25 |
eskilo | zzyber: you should use thoggen | 07:26 |
isah | plz, i need help. where can i set default sound device? | 07:26 |
zzyber | eskilo, what is thoggen? | 07:26 |
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plagerism | arbeck, k3b | 07:26 |
rapha | eskilo: Yes, and what repository is it in? | 07:26 |
arbeck | plagerism, I was hoping for something other than k3b | 07:27 |
zzyber | eskilo, ah, you meen instead of dvdrip | 07:27 |
delltony | i had the smae problem with transcodes and all here read this it will help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7057.html | 07:27 |
godo | try gnomebaker | 07:28 |
serion | yo, anyone know how to mount my windows 2k hard drives while im running off a live cd | 07:28 |
godo | arbek | 07:28 |
plagerism | delltony, libavifile will be in hoary universe tomorrow, and you can pick up amd64 transcode from merillat | 07:28 |
krister | isah: sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base, maybe :) | 07:28 |
ups | zzyber: you'll need to add Marillat repo to get transcode/dvdrip to work | 07:29 |
=== ceu [~ruut@194-185-170-163.f4.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | ups, i have marillat but it wont work? | 07:29 |
bascule | eskilo: probably not worth th time acpi=force is one I have heard work, but who knows ... | 07:29 |
eskilo | zzyber: thoggen is a great dvd ripper app | 07:30 |
ups | zzyber: are u sure? does it give some gpg error? | 07:30 |
delltony | hoary borked me :( | 07:30 |
eskilo | and it encodes to theora! | 07:30 |
delltony | when i tried to upgrade it | 07:30 |
delltony | had to put warty bck on | 07:30 |
zzyber | eskilo, can i find thoggen in some repo? | 07:30 |
delltony | can someone help me get python working please | 07:30 |
zzyber | ups, i have ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ | 07:30 |
farruinn | delltony: what's the problem first? | 07:31 |
arbeck | godo: gnomebaker looks alright, but I really need something that does flac... so far the only thing I've found is serpentine | 07:32 |
farruinn | there's so much python in Ubuntu I would've thought it'd "just work" | 07:32 |
delltony | trying to get bittornado to run | 07:32 |
delltony | gives me the following error hang on | 07:32 |
ups | zzyber: did you do 'reload' in synaptic? | 07:32 |
AngryClip | delltony: azureus is much better btw :D | 07:32 |
godo | arbeck, ? | 07:32 |
delltony | well i have used both | 07:32 |
delltony | i like bittornado better just matter of opinion | 07:33 |
delltony | wxPython is either not installed or has not been installed properly. | 07:33 |
farruinn | did you install bittornado through apt? | 07:33 |
eskilo | zzyber: thoggen.net/download | 07:33 |
zzyber | ups, i get Depends: transcode but it is not going to be installed | 07:33 |
arbeck | godo, according to the gnomebaker site it does: WAV, MP3, and OGG... all my music is stored as FLAC | 07:33 |
zzyber | eskilo, checking | 07:34 |
ups | zzyber: yes, but did u do the reload? | 07:34 |
=== andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-16-144-67.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrewski | how do i set my LANG and other variables system-wide? | 07:34 |
dud | andrewski, /etc/bash.bashrc | 07:34 |
delltony | so how do you get wxpython to install? | 07:34 |
dud | assuming you're using bash as your shell | 07:35 |
=== Morgenstjerne [~warty@140.80-202-9.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | ups, yes | 07:35 |
andrewski | dud: ok, thanks. there's no general rc file that would be better suited for it? | 07:35 |
ups | zzyber: and it didnt give you some gpg warning message? | 07:35 |
serion | any1 know how to access my hard drive from a livecd? | 07:35 |
andrewski | serion: mount it? | 07:35 |
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zzyber | ups, no gpg warning becouse i have installed marillat gpg key | 07:37 |
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grogoreo | hi | 07:37 |
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ups | zzyber: weird, i got it working today - and dvdrip installed fine | 07:37 |
ups | zzyber: alongwith transcode, ofcourse | 07:38 |
=== johane [~johan@h99n1c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | ups, strange, do u use hoarty? | 07:39 |
grogoreo | I'm trying to add a new respository but there is an erorr when I select a new one from the 'Synaptic Package Manager' saying "stat (2 No such file or directory)" which is after the URL | 07:39 |
ups | zzyber: yes | 07:39 |
serion | andrewski, yeah, thats it | 07:39 |
serion | how do i do that? | 07:39 |
zzyber | ups, are u using marillat testing, unstable or stable? | 07:39 |
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andrewski | serion: so there's no general rc? | 07:39 |
grogoreo | I basically want the universe respository to be active. even if I have to use the normal ubuntu one (which isnt working) | 07:40 |
ups | zzyber: unstable | 07:40 |
serion | nope | 07:40 |
andrewski | serion: hmm, what if another user wants to use a different shell? i think that's a shortcoming; i'll file an enhancement bug in bugzilla. | 07:41 |
Morgenstjerne | did I understand the forums correctly in taht there is no way to install ubuntu from the livecd? | 07:41 |
serion | k | 07:42 |
zzyber | ups, can u send me your souce.list | 07:43 |
ups | zzyber: k, sec | 07:43 |
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zzyber | ups | 07:43 |
zzyber | ups, now it works | 07:43 |
ups | hmm | 07:43 |
zzyber | ups, i did a apt-get -f install | 07:44 |
=== drasko [~drasko@ic-07.etf.bg.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zzyber | ups, but thx anyway | 07:44 |
ceu | my scanner is unavailable to common user (only to root), it it's plugged at boot time. If I unplug and plug it, it works flawlessy (the file permissions in /proc/bus/usb/ are correct) | 07:44 |
ups | zzyber: np :) | 07:44 |
ceu | it that a know bug of warty? | 07:44 |
=== farruinn points ceu to bugzilla.ubuntu.org | ||
devo | Can someone help me with a Gnome problem I have with Ubuntu? I wanted to consolidate the panel bars into one single one at the bottom of the page and thought I'd gotten everything migrated to just one bar (the one from the top moved to the bottom) but I found that I lost the ability to toggle between running applications. Anyway of recovering that function short of a re-install? | 07:45 |
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ups | farruinn: u mean bugzilla.ubuntu.com ;) | 07:46 |
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farruinn | ups: yeah, that one :) | 07:46 |
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umarmung | devo, add the windowlist to your panel | 07:46 |
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bascule | devo: add window-switcher? | 07:47 |
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bascule | umarmung: windowlist is the one yeah | 07:47 |
ups | farruinn: :) | 07:47 |
umarmung | bascule, well both can do what he wants... | 07:48 |
farruinn | I just installed warty on B&W G3 but I get a kernel panic after rebooting to finish the install. | 07:48 |
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vi11e | how do I make permanent alias ? I have to save my alias command to which bash files? | 07:48 |
vi11e | Do I need to create a new file? | 07:49 |
farruinn | I get two lines before the panic: pivot_root: No such file or directory and /sbin/init: 429: cannot open dev/console: no such file | 07:49 |
farruinn | vi11e: .profile or .bashrc are both loaded | 07:49 |
=== Neil3 [~neil@host81-156-42-30.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | there may be advantages to putting it into one or the other but I've forgotten what they are | 07:49 |
Loppan | farruinn: looks like wrong root partition in grub.conf | 07:50 |
bascule | .bashrc is best cause it is used at all shells, login or not IIRC | 07:50 |
devo | umarmung and bascule: that did it. sorta. do I need to put it on all workspaces now? | 07:50 |
Loppan | farruinn: and is that an old world mac G3 you're talking about? | 07:50 |
zombics | whats the commad that will download all you need to compile a program? | 07:51 |
vi11e | I'll try | 07:51 |
farruinn | Loppan: no, B&W G3's are newworld | 07:51 |
bascule | devo: don't think so, but by default it only shows windows from current workspace | 07:51 |
Loppan | farruinn: darn, got an old world just sitting dead on my desktop :( | 07:51 |
speel | zombics: sudo apt-get build-essential* | 07:51 |
Loppan | farruinn: hoped that it would do for ubuntu, could always try I guess | 07:52 |
devo | bascule: it looks somehow different from the other setup. I guess the space constraint makes it looks that way. | 07:52 |
=== boris__ [~boris@213-182-118-94.teleos-web.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devo | Anyhow, we're back in business. Thanks, bascule and unarmung! | 07:52 |
farruinn | Loppan: I actually installed Ubuntu on an oldworld with less trouble than this =) | 07:52 |
=== enabl [~enabl@host81-132-166-215.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Loppan | farruinn: ok, I'm heading for the iso download! | 07:52 |
bascule | could be, the windows seem to dynamically resize, after more apps have been open, the open ones get a smaller 'button' .. | 07:52 |
=== _4strO|Ult1m4t3 [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-37-29.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Loppan | farruinn: and I got that exact same message on a gentoommachine yesterday, turned out I wrote the wrong rootpartition in grub.conf | 07:53 |
farruinn | Loppan: check the InstallOnOldWorldMacs wiki page for instructions | 07:53 |
Loppan | farruinn: thanks, will do | 07:54 |
devo | bascule: yep. that's it. i may just have to trim back on some of the buttons or make some drawers. | 07:54 |
=== bumperland [~bumper@ny-lasalle-cadant1-24-49-98-240.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | different menu would be better drawers suck cause they only hold 2 things | 07:55 |
=== coobra [~coobra@PC96-180.oru.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devo | I'm really liking Ubuntu. This distro might be the tipping point for Linux on the desktop. | 07:55 |
coobra | hello ppl | 07:55 |
andrewski | devo: yes, it's very promising. | 07:55 |
flowerss | devo you're right. It has a few rough edges but it's definitely a great start | 07:56 |
farruinn | ubuntu's the best desktop linux I've found | 07:56 |
zombics | speel, are you sure? | 07:56 |
coobra | do ubuntu suport 64 ?? | 07:56 |
bascule | I think it's a good example of where linux is at, linux is tipping that way all the time, Ubuntu is a nice 'snapshot' of the latest advances | 07:56 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
zzyber | does gnomebaker burn iso and encode mp3? | 07:57 |
zombics | coobra, yea | 07:57 |
devo | Any word of what advances are planed for Hedgehog? | 07:57 |
flowerss | Ubuntu needs a default CD burner | 07:57 |
devo | Flowerss: yes, that's a major weakness. and no easy install of mplayer. | 07:57 |
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | I got mplayer easy I think ... | 07:58 |
flowerss | devo yeah, although I usually use xine, which was easy enough to install. | 07:58 |
devo | I have another problem. No sound with Totem when playing mpg. | 07:58 |
=== arbeck [~arbeck@c-24-19-255-77.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | gstreamer0.8-mad might do it | 07:58 |
devo | I've been thinking of disabling esb (sp?) | 07:58 |
arbeck | slight problem... i rebooted my machine and my panel is gone! how do it get it back?? | 07:58 |
bascule | disable all gnome sounds IMO | 07:58 |
coobra | zombics: ohhh isit in the forum i hawe been drinking some beers | 07:58 |
bascule | It's the only way to be sure ;) | 07:58 |
bascule | drum sounds are OK for about 10 mins, then they can dissappear | 07:59 |
devo | bascule: is that in the Gconf area that i've been considering tweaking? | 07:59 |
devo | under sounds | 07:59 |
bascule | nah just preferences sound | 07:59 |
bascule | tell it to shut-up :) | 07:59 |
Sniper^ | i have a pc with an HPT external IDE controller, and it can not boot from CD, is there a way to start the ubunu install process from a floppy? | 07:59 |
=== bendebian [~ben@port-212-202-182-243.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devo | bascule: but I want it to speak. :) My Totem shows the video but has no sound. | 08:00 |
=== eskilo [~PRIVATE@h-69-3-235-78.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
=== bascule wants to start a jackd campaign | ||
orospakr | Hi! I did a dist-upgrade on my ubuntu warty box the other day, and the samba daemons quit working. now all connections to them just time out. even `smbpasswd` run locally times out.. any thoughts? :) | 08:00 |
zombics | coobra, no problem ;) i'm not "fresh" myslef :P | 08:00 |
devo | orospakr: I did it the other day too. All went well. Maybe try again? | 08:00 |
bascule | devo: try killall esd, then restart totem | 08:01 |
orospakr | and, also, /etc/init.d/samba stop fails to actuallly kill all the esd daemons... | 08:01 |
orospakr | er | 08:01 |
orospakr | smbd. | 08:01 |
=== ertz [1000@modem78-as1.laplata.sinectis.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orospakr | devo, hmmm | 08:01 |
ertz | hello!... | 08:01 |
ceu | is this apt-conf line correct? "deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports warty-backports main universe multiverse restricted" | 08:01 |
coobra | zombics: heh your nick is saying you are dead and walking so heheh | 08:01 |
=== Loppan [~gusten@81-232-98-109-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ertz | i need a quick answer... i'm not a user of ubuntu linux, i just want to ask you if ubuntu warty includes QT? | 08:02 |
zenrox | ertz yes | 08:02 |
sladen | ertz: qt? | 08:02 |
zenrox | after you enable all the rpostires | 08:02 |
ertz | zenrox: thanks!... is it at least qt 3.2? | 08:02 |
sladen | ertz: Quicktime, or Qt as in KDE? | 08:02 |
zenrox | tho | 08:02 |
vjaz | ertz, not by default | 08:02 |
ertz | sladen: Qt as in KDE | 08:02 |
zenrox | ertz yes | 08:02 |
orospakr | it will be in the universe repository, afaik. | 08:02 |
coobra | Loppan: :))) | 08:03 |
devo | bascule: no dice with the killall esd and restart. still no sound. | 08:03 |
ertz | ok, so in the default installations it's not included.. | 08:03 |
zombics | coobra, i'm not dead yet.... but if i will go on like this i guss i dont have much time | 08:03 |
=== joel [~chatzilla@dsl092-038-176.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | should yaboot.conf show my master drive on the first ide bus as hdc?! | 08:03 |
bascule | devo: will rhtythmbox/xmms play mp3s | 08:03 |
ertz | will synaptic download and install qt correctly? | 08:03 |
dud | hoary has 3.3.3 of qt at the moment it seems | 08:03 |
sladen | devo: esdctl off ; esdctl on | 08:04 |
coobra | zombics: whit what hm computers or what :) | 08:04 |
sladen | farruinn: probably hda ? | 08:04 |
arbeck | Does anyone know how I can add a new panel to gnome? my panel dissapeared after reboot and I'm finding it very hard to function without it | 08:04 |
sladen | arbeck: have *all* the panels disappeared? | 08:04 |
zzyber | so does anyone have ati radeon working on ubuntu? | 08:04 |
devo | bascule: xmms plays streaming okay. will have do d/l a mp3 to see on the other. | 08:05 |
arbeck | sladen: yes | 08:05 |
arbeck | sladen: i only had one to begin with though | 08:05 |
zombics | coobra, no... the shit i enter my body.... and linux does not help ^_^ | 08:05 |
farruinn | sladen: that's what I would expect, but both the OS X and linux entrie are listed as being on hdc. OS X will boot but not linux. | 08:05 |
GammaRay | ertz: did for me when I installed kword. | 08:05 |
sladen | arbeck: there's a race conditioin somewhere. Alt-Ctrl-F2 login and type killall5 | 08:05 |
sladen | arbeck: X will restart and hopefully it'll be already again | 08:05 |
coobra | zombics: hehehehehe lol true :P | 08:05 |
devo | sladen: is that two command line comments esdctl off and then esdctl on? | 08:05 |
bascule | if it streams mp3, I guess your ok but try apt-get install gstramer0.8-mad | 08:05 |
bascule | gstreamer* | 08:05 |
coobra | zombics: well try a gentoo install then :P | 08:05 |
sladen | ertz: yes, synaptic/apt-get will install all the Qt/KDE stuff you need | 08:05 |
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vi11e | Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:06 |
vi11e | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:06 |
vi11e | is only available from another source | 08:06 |
ertz | thanks a lot guys! | 08:06 |
vi11e | humm | 08:06 |
sladen | devo: the ';' semi-colon means you can run the two commands one after each other on the same line | 08:06 |
=== arbeck [~arbeck@c-24-19-255-77.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devo | sladen: okay. thanks. will try. | 08:06 |
arbeck | sladen: that didn't do it | 08:06 |
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sladen | vi11e: it's probably in multiverse (legally questionable stuff) | 08:07 |
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sladen | arbeck: did X restart ? | 08:07 |
sladen | arbeck: or try pkill -u $USER | 08:07 |
arbeck | sladen: yes, x restarted | 08:07 |
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vi11e | sladen hmm, oh... where can I get a deb for that? | 08:07 |
devo | sladen: "esdctl not found" | 08:07 |
arbeck | let me try it again | 08:07 |
zombics | coobra, did it... loved gentoo.... and i found out its not so hard after every thing is working... but the install bhaaaa :( i wanted to insall it but i was too lazy after i got my new PC | 08:07 |
sladen | devo: sudo apt-get install esound-clients | 08:08 |
coobra | zombics: lol true | 08:10 |
=== froust [~froust@S0106000f6694d7bf.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
froust | does anyone know how to use openoffice's autocomplete (it does it, i just don't know how to make it finish the word) | 08:11 |
bascule | return | 08:11 |
=== arbeck [~arbeck@c-24-19-255-77.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arbeck | sladen: my panel is still gone | 08:12 |
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froust | bascule: thanks | 08:13 |
sladen | arbeck: arg. I hadn't that a few times, but killing everything has normally sorted. Is this warty of Hoary? | 08:13 |
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arbeck | warty | 08:13 |
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sladen | arbeck: and whilst it's an unusual request in the non-Windows world, have you tried a reboot? | 08:14 |
arbeck | yep... i just got back from one | 08:14 |
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devo | sladen: installed and ran the off and on lines. still totem runs with no sound. just video | 08:14 |
farruinn | devo: use gxine, it's better than gstreamer really | 08:14 |
bascule | *much* better | 08:14 |
bascule | well it works ... :) | 08:15 |
=== auk [~auk@h-69-3-116-158.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
umarmung | arbeck, start gnome-panel from a xterm | 08:15 |
=== Neil3 [~neil@host81-156-42-30.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
umarmung | arbeck, and make sure there isn't a gnome-panel already running but not showing up -> pkill gnome-panel | 08:15 |
arbeck | it's telling me gnome-panel command not found | 08:16 |
umarmung | arbeck, you somehow managed to remove it? try to apt-get it again | 08:16 |
devo | bascule: gxine not found at the command line | 08:16 |
zombics | what's the best way to install wine on ubuntu 64-Bit? | 08:17 |
arbeck | EUREKA... i think I know what happened... i used synaptic to remove evolution, and I think it removed a whole bunch of stuff it shouldn't have | 08:17 |
bascule | xine | 08:17 |
bascule | if not apt-cache serch gxine | 08:17 |
Tomcat_ | gxine is crashy for me. :o | 08:17 |
=== auk [~auk@h-69-3-116-158.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | Get xine-ui. | 08:17 |
devo | bascule: xine not found either. | 08:17 |
bascule | sudo apt-get install gxine | 08:17 |
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zombics | Tomcat_, what are you trying to do? | 08:18 |
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arbeck | umarmung, what is the package name? | 08:18 |
Tomcat_ | zombics: To crash gxine? Just playing movies :) | 08:19 |
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Tomcat_ | zombics: It might have improved now though. Don't know... but it can't be too good if it crashes on a fresh Ubuntu install. :) | 08:19 |
bascule | Tomcat_: some people it's mplayer some xine .. | 08:19 |
bascule | just as well there is two really :) | 08:19 |
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zombics | Tomcat_ i found kaffeine very good | 08:20 |
devo | bascule: gxine installed okay and worked fine until a seg fault. :) | 08:20 |
devo | close but no cigar yet. :) | 08:20 |
rubixXx | whats a nice fast filesystem for storing data | 08:20 |
bascule | OKFG, what can I say ... | 08:20 |
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@81-178-173-166.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bascule | rubixXx: reiser | 08:20 |
zombics | rubixXx, ntfs :P | 08:21 |
rubixXx | alright, thanks | 08:21 |
rubixXx | what is faster though | 08:21 |
=== bascule goe out | ||
Neil3 | reiser is aparantly faster | 08:21 |
Neil3 | than ext3 is anyway | 08:21 |
devo | and tidier | 08:21 |
rubixXx | bascule, you kick it in #mandrake don't ya | 08:21 |
=== Neil3 asks himself why he is using ext3 | ||
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== devo take his leave and thanks the assorted Ubuntu masses for their kind assistance | ||
auk__ | hello | 08:23 |
speel | reiser isant dramaticly faster tho | 08:23 |
Neil3 | hi | 08:23 |
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Neil3 | wooo the wind is howling outside tonight | 08:23 |
=== Neil3 closes the window | ||
scoon | WHAT A GREAT DAY | 08:24 |
scoon | yesterday i got the job of my dreams. | 08:24 |
scoon | and today..... | 08:24 |
Neil3 | congrats scoon | 08:24 |
andrewski | scoon: congrats. | 08:24 |
Neil3 | what do you do? | 08:24 |
scoon | today, rhythmbox read in all 20gigs of my music w/o crapping. | 08:24 |
Neil3 | :) | 08:24 |
andrewski | scoon: lol, which is better? | 08:24 |
scoon | Neil3, i will be a lead perl developer for a bio-tech comp | 08:24 |
Neil3 | nice one | 08:25 |
scoon | andrewski, i don't know. | 08:25 |
scoon | andrewski, sometimes i think i love rhythmbox as much as perl. | 08:25 |
andrewski | scoon: as i often mention, mpd! | 08:25 |
Neil3 | had problems with rhythmbox myself | 08:25 |
Neil3 | once i ditched esd it was just bad | 08:25 |
andrewski | scoon: not to discourage rhythmbox or to start flames, but i find mpd is much much better. :) | 08:25 |
scoon | Neil3, as did I, even stopped using it for a while. | 08:25 |
scoon | andrewski, what is mpd ? | 08:26 |
Neil3 | but i use totem-xine for everything | 08:26 |
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Neil3 | it just seems gstreamer stuff has trouble for me | 08:26 |
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Neil3 | maybe my cruddy sound card | 08:26 |
ghen | I apt-get'ed postgresql, but I can't find the binaries ... how can I list the files installed by a package? | 08:26 |
andrewski | scoon: music player daemon, runs as a system service and you control it with frontends (command line, GUI, PHP). musicpd.org | 08:26 |
rubixXx | is there a way to "unmount" /dev/hda5 | 08:27 |
Neil3 | i got lm_sensors working too today :) | 08:27 |
ghen | rubixXx; what about umount /dev/hda5 ? :-) | 08:27 |
rubixXx | its not mounted | 08:27 |
rubixXx | but i don't wanna unmount it, i wanna have the device not in use so i can format the partition | 08:27 |
rubixXx | its on the same hdd i'm using to run the os tho | 08:27 |
scoon | andrewski, it looks cool. i really like the interface of rhythmbox | 08:28 |
Neil3 | ubuntu feels a lot faster than fedora on my system, now i'm thinking, would gentoo be even quicker? | 08:28 |
scoon | Neil3, let me give you some advice | 08:28 |
rubixXx | Neil3, no | 08:28 |
scoon | Neil3, i am a recovering emerge-a-holic | 08:28 |
rubixXx | Neil3, gentoo has to be uberfast because you getta compile everything | 08:28 |
scoon | rubixXx, no. | 08:29 |
rubixXx | it was a joke | 08:29 |
scoon | rubixXx, not by a long shot | 08:29 |
scoon | rubenv, sweet. | 08:29 |
scoon | sorry | 08:29 |
andrewski | scoon: yeah, i used it for a while, but i find that gmpc (the GTK frontend) is good. | 08:29 |
Neil3 | so it wouldnt give a performance boost? | 08:29 |
Neil3 | i did a bunch of tweaking here | 08:29 |
rubixXx | Neil3, yea, but it takes a long time to install | 08:29 |
Neil3 | hdparm, k7 kernel etc | 08:30 |
scoon | Neil3, not really. you would spend days getting gnome compiled before you could even use it. | 08:30 |
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Neil3 | and prelink works well with ubuntu so far | 08:30 |
scoon | the truth of the matter is for compiling, emerege is a very cool, albiet addicting, tool. | 08:30 |
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scoon | but the idea of compiling everything is a drag | 08:30 |
andrewski | Neil3: what's prelink? | 08:30 |
scoon | oh and addicting. | 08:31 |
Neil3 | yeah i can see the appeal of compiling everything so its specially for you | 08:31 |
andrewski | scoon: yes, exactly. | 08:31 |
scoon | not worth it tho. | 08:31 |
andrewski | yup. | 08:31 |
Neil3 | prelink prelinks libraries and binaries or something for faster loading of programs | 08:31 |
=== andrewski just switched from gentoo. | ||
scoon | every once and a while i think about installing it over this. | 08:31 |
scoon | but then just don't | 08:31 |
andrewski | Neil3: memory-intensive? | 08:31 |
Neil3 | not at all | 08:31 |
scoon | hoary pretty much quenches my thirsts for bleeding edge | 08:31 |
Neil3 | its just something that runs once | 08:31 |
timothy | hey, I had the GRUB boot loader installed on my booting drive and was booting between two hard drives: one with windows and the other Ubunutu. I just reinstalled Windows and formatted the hdd that contained windows (and incidentally the GRUB boot loader). How can I reinstall GRUB/get back to my Ubuntu installation? | 08:31 |
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andrewski | Neil3: wow, is there doc for setting it up? | 08:31 |
rubenv | scoon: ain't the first time someone does that :-) | 08:31 |
Neil3 | and then again every midnight to link new stuff you might have installed | 08:32 |
sladen | timothy: sudo install-grub | 08:32 |
Neil3 | sudo install prelink | 08:32 |
Neil3 | then you have to edit a file | 08:32 |
timothy | sladen: how about from windows? because now I'm not quite sure how to get back into Ubuntu | 08:32 |
andrewski | Neil3: ok, i'll check it out. | 08:32 |
Neil3 | lemme find the info | 08:32 |
andrewski | Neil3: that'd be great. | 08:32 |
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sladen | timothy: stick the install CD, wait until you've set the keyboard settings, Alt-F2 [Enter] mount /dev/hdaX /sysinst ; chroot /bin/sh /sysinst ; install-grub | 08:33 |
Neil3 | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1971 | 08:33 |
timothy | sladen: hdaX being the booting hard drive (windows)? | 08:34 |
sladen | timothy: being the partition with Ubuntu on it. Eg /dev/hda2 | 08:35 |
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Neil3 | also | 08:35 |
Neil3 | when you've installed prelink do | 08:35 |
Neil3 | sudo oooprelink -f | 08:35 |
Olivier_54 | yo | 08:35 |
Neil3 | that speeds up openoffice | 08:35 |
andrewski | Neil3: and it just runs once (per day)? | 08:35 |
Neil3 | yeah | 08:35 |
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Neil3 | and does nothing if you've installed or upgraded nothing in that time | 08:36 |
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Neil3 | just the first time you run it, it takes a little while to link everything | 08:36 |
sladen | Neil3: the increased link-bucket that Ubuntu compiles with means that it won't save as much as it will on other systems | 08:36 |
andrewski | Neil3: wow. | 08:36 |
andrewski | sladen: what's that mean? | 08:36 |
Neil3 | i found ubuntu to be really quick without prelinking but i enabled it anyway | 08:37 |
Neil3 | just to squeeze out that little bit extra | 08:37 |
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sladen | andrewski: it means that Ubuntu is already faster than Gentoo to start with :) | 08:37 |
=== hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-59-79.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenrox | prelink makes it faster in the long run | 08:37 |
Neil3 | i notice things like evolution starting faster | 08:37 |
Neil3 | and openoffice is really happy | 08:37 |
zenrox | notice mozilla firefox starting faster | 08:37 |
Morgenstjerne | install from live cd possible_ | 08:37 |
Morgenstjerne | ? | 08:37 |
zenrox | s1amson, hi | 08:37 |
andrewski | sladen: lol, heh. | 08:38 |
Neil3 | yeah firefox starts quicker | 08:38 |
sladen | Morgenstjerne: no. Use the install CD | 08:38 |
Neil3 | most big apps do | 08:38 |
Neil3 | gimp is really quick | 08:38 |
timothy | sladen: is that what I want to do even if the hard drive containing Ubuntu doesn't boot by default? | 08:38 |
sladen | Morgenstjerne: it's being floated as an idea for Hoary+1 | 08:38 |
s1amson | 'lo zenrox | 08:38 |
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Morgenstjerne | hehe | 08:38 |
andrewski | Neil3: i actually noticed slower performance in drawing windows (when closing, etc.) and with librsvg... | 08:38 |
Morgenstjerne | too late now >P | 08:38 |
sladen | timothy: you need to boot up and get to an ubuntu login somewhere, can you do that? | 08:38 |
timothy | sladen: see, I'm not exactly sure how to do that... would booting from the CD help? | 08:39 |
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Neil3 | andrewski, is librsvg to do with prelinking? | 08:40 |
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andrewski | Neil3: dunno. i never messed with prelinking in gentoo, if that means anything. | 08:41 |
Neil3 | ok | 08:41 |
zombics | sim icq crash after i am trying connect to my account :/ | 08:41 |
Neil3 | from what i gather its just a library for rendering vector graphics | 08:41 |
sladen | timothy: that is what I suggested from above. You need to get to the console so you can run 'install-grub' somehow---one way of doing that is to boot from the install CD, drop to a console, mount you main Ubuntu partition and run it from there | 08:42 |
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andrewski | Neil3: yes, and thusly draws any .svg files i use (icon themes, desktop backgrounds)... but more slowly in ubuntu than in gentoo, for me anyway. | 08:42 |
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Neil3 | ah | 08:42 |
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Neil3 | and theres no alternative? | 08:42 |
andrewski | Neil3: alternatives to librsvg? | 08:43 |
timothy | sladen: OK, thanks | 08:43 |
sladen | andrewski: rsvg is the main one used on Linux | 08:43 |
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andrewski | sladen: that's what i'm talking about. ?? | 08:43 |
Neil3 | ah dont worry andrewski that was a stupid question from me | 08:44 |
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timothy | i tried to mount my partition but it doesn't have anything in /etc/fstab except /dev/floppy/0 (though I don't even have a floppy drive installed). | 08:54 |
cowbud | anyone have evolution alerts working without evolution being loaded? | 08:54 |
bestadvocate | hey guys the nvidia driver in hoary is acting buggy where can I report the bug? | 08:55 |
bestadvocate | actually cowbud. evolution still isnt working on my hoary cpu | 08:55 |
mjg59 | bestadvocate: bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org , but if it's actually a bug in the driver itself it'll have to end up being forwarded to nvidia | 08:55 |
mjg59 | (If we had the source code, we'd stand some chance of being able to fix bugs ourselves, but...) | 08:56 |
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bestadvocate | :-] mig59 yah, i feel kind of guilty for running the driver in the first place | 08:56 |
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mjg59 | Some problems with the nvidia driver are due to kernel or X bugs, so it's worth reporting | 08:57 |
vixus | Hi. | 08:57 |
AlphaXero | if i install kde through apt, will that screw with gnome? | 08:57 |
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vixus | How do I have a different wallpaper on each desktop? | 08:57 |
bestadvocate | oh if you find that out vixus tell me | 08:58 |
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vixus | I used to be able to do it on GNOME | 08:58 |
AlphaXero | just wondering cause i wANted to play with kde too | 08:58 |
vixus | It seemes to have disappeared with ubuntu. | 08:58 |
vixus | Ubuntu rocks by the way... easiest linux install ever | 08:59 |
bestadvocate | vixus: probobly part of the simplification and minimalization efforts | 08:59 |
Neil3 | yeah i found the install to be easy | 08:59 |
ep6678 | Which repos should I enable to hoary for the most stable unstable release? | 08:59 |
Neil3 | a little bland and minimal though | 08:59 |
andrewski | ep6678: ubuntuguide.org; the reps there are good. | 08:59 |
bestadvocate | vixus im going to search the packages in the synaptic | 08:59 |
vixus | No, actually it's gnome's fault | 08:59 |
vixus | Gnome doesn't have different-wallpaper support. | 09:00 |
vixus | KDE does. | 09:00 |
Neil3 | ep6678, i'm using the ones from www.ubuntuguide.org | 09:00 |
AlphaXero | neil, definitely needs a little customizing for sure | 09:00 |
blk | what kind of patches are applied to ubuntu kernels? | 09:00 |
Neil3 | yeah | 09:00 |
Neil3 | but its really quick | 09:00 |
timothy | can someone help me access my Ubuntu installation via the installation disk's boot ? | 09:00 |
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AlphaXero | also a built-in dvd playback or easy setup of dvd playback would be nice | 09:00 |
Neil3 | and i like how it can download updates for you during the install | 09:00 |
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vixus | So it's not possible bestadvocate. | 09:01 |
AlphaXero | so anyone think installing kde is a bad idea for gnome? | 09:01 |
bestadvocate | vixus: bummer, not even with third party aps? | 09:01 |
andrewski | AlphaXero: why would it be? | 09:01 |
vixus | I don't know about that. | 09:02 |
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vixus | I don't want to slow-down and mess up my system with 3rd party stuff however. | 09:02 |
ep6678 | How did the upgrade go for anyone? | 09:02 |
vixus | Hell, you could even grab the gnome source and do it yourself. :D | 09:02 |
ep6678 | I did it earlier, had problems, where my gui wouldn't start at all. | 09:02 |
AlphaXero | <---noob | 09:02 |
bestadvocate | vixus: this seems like the kind of thing that someone would have scratched the itch for | 09:02 |
vixus | Anyone managed to get HL2 working on linux? XD | 09:02 |
speel | ep6678: up grade? | 09:02 |
ep6678 | where are the gui config settings? is the the X11 blah blah? | 09:02 |
vixus | well, better get looking bestadvocate. | 09:02 |
ep6678 | Well, going from warty to hoary | 09:02 |
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speel | oo ok | 09:03 |
andrewski | AlphaXero: oh. :) yeah, go for it. the only downfall i can think of is that your gnome and kde menus will show all apps from either, but that's not too big a deal. | 09:03 |
timothy | can someone help me install GRUB from the ubuntu boot disk? | 09:03 |
AlphaXero | ah ok, thanks andrew | 09:03 |
andrewski | AlphaXero: sure thing. | 09:03 |
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AlphaXero | just wanted to make sure my curiosity wouldnt kill the gnome | 09:03 |
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vixus | bestadvocate: Tell me if you find anything. | 09:04 |
andrewski | AlphaXero: oh, one more thing: i wouldn't install gtk-qt; i tried it and found that the only way to get my gtk back was to uninstall kde entirely. :) | 09:04 |
vixus | ok. How do i get my ubuntu root password? | 09:05 |
andrewski | vixus: sudo passwd root | 09:05 |
GammaRay | vixus: ubuntu has root disabled by default | 09:06 |
vixus | well, how do I enable it? | 09:06 |
vixus | or start a root terminal? | 09:06 |
GammaRay | vixus: what he just said | 09:06 |
blk | vixus: enter "sudo passwd root" | 09:06 |
GammaRay | vixus: sudo -s | 09:06 |
vixus | :o | 09:06 |
vixus | ok | 09:06 |
=== cindux [~cindux@d141-145-190.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cindux | = / | 09:06 |
vixus | blk: It asks for my password. | 09:06 |
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vixus | what do i put in? | 09:06 |
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AlphaXero | oh, i just did a spt-get install kde, which i assume is everything | 09:06 |
blk | vixus: entere your user-password | 09:06 |
AlphaXero | apt* | 09:06 |
speel | vixus: what ever you set for your name is the root password | 09:06 |
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GammaRay | vixus: sudo -s will start a root terminal, without enabling root | 09:06 |
andrewski | vixus: your user password, then it will ask for the new root password | 09:07 |
vixus | ok | 09:07 |
vixus | thanks | 09:07 |
vi111e | how do I unmount my cd-rom drive if it keeps saying that it is busy? | 09:07 |
cindux | hm | 09:07 |
cindux | on the desktop right click it | 09:07 |
cindux | then press Ejeect | 09:07 |
vi111e | it says it is busy | 09:07 |
AlphaXero | i'll just cancel the kde install then | 09:07 |
GammaRay | vixus: use lsof to find out how it's busy and kill the offending process | 09:07 |
Loppan | vi111e: sudo fuser -k /mnt/cdrom | 09:07 |
speel | villle: close any folders that might be using it | 09:08 |
vixus | i did't ask that | 09:08 |
blk | is it possible to start firestarter at bootup (since i need root-pwd. for it's startup, setuid didn't help) - i think firestarter is started since it's a daemon, but the control-applet isn't and i'd like to have it | 09:08 |
vixus | villle did | 09:08 |
vixus | :D | 09:08 |
vi111e | no folders open | 09:08 |
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hector_ | GammaRay where can i get some help i see that you're a kind of busy and u have a little problem i don't remember my root password what can i do??? | 09:08 |
vixus | hmm, no Firefox 1.0 for ubuntu? | 09:08 |
hector_ | *i have a litlle problem | 09:08 |
GammaRay | vi111e: use lsof to find out how it's busy and kill the offending process | 09:08 |
andrewski | vixus: warty or hoary? | 09:08 |
vi111e | gammaray what's a command to use lsof, sounds interesting | 09:08 |
vixus | warty | 09:08 |
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bestadvocate | vixus: im going to file a bug to gnome about this, its fundementally contrary to the spirit of a Spartal File manager being the defalut system | 09:08 |
vixus | ok. | 09:09 |
vixus | :D | 09:09 |
Loppan | vi111e: sudo fuser -k /mnt/cdrom might be quicker way to kill the process | 09:09 |
GammaRay | vi111e: lsof is the cmd | 09:09 |
vixus | good luck with that. | 09:09 |
hector_ | GammaRay where can i get some help i see that you're a kind of busy and i have a little problem i don't remember my root password what can i do??? | 09:09 |
GammaRay | hector_: do you still remember you user passwd? | 09:09 |
vi111e | yau it floods a long list, wonder how I could narrow it | 09:09 |
hector_ | yes | 09:09 |
hector_ | i am right now like user | 09:09 |
ep6678 | Ah well all, going to attempt to go hoary | 09:10 |
vixus | andrewski: Can i just install from the firefox site download? | 09:10 |
GammaRay | hector_: does sudo passwd allow you to chnage it? | 09:10 |
andrewski | vixus: i guess, though there are packages available in hoary. | 09:10 |
hector_ | let me see | 09:10 |
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Loppan | vi111e: lsof | grep /mnt/cdrom, but still, fuser -k /mnt/cdrom might be easier | 09:10 |
cindux | Anyone know what font & size firefox is by default on windows? | 09:11 |
cindux | its to small on ubuntu | 09:11 |
cindux | and fonts different to | 09:11 |
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hector_ | yeah i get in like root thanks man | 09:11 |
hector_ | thanks GammaRay | 09:11 |
Neil3 | cindux, you need the ms core fonts then | 09:12 |
cindux | = / | 09:12 |
hector_ | bye | 09:12 |
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WW | Is archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/* the place to find the actual deb files for universe packages? | 09:12 |
cindux | im looking at fonts & colors in firefox right now | 09:12 |
=== niels_ [~niels@0x50a06e12.naenxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cindux | i see sans serif? | 09:12 |
cindux | which was i believe the font on microsoft firefox | 09:13 |
hybrid | i finally got hoary on here but gnome isnt workin... didnt they change desktop enviroments? if so what is it now? | 09:13 |
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GammaRay | Loppan: that's terrible use of lsof: use lsof /mnt/cdrom | 09:13 |
vixus | Well, I've got my new linux system. What now? =D | 09:13 |
vi111e | ville@ubuntu:~$ fuser -k /media/cdrom | 09:13 |
vi111e | No automatic removal. Please use umount /media/cdrom0 | 09:13 |
Neil3 | http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrafonts | 09:13 |
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Neil3 | microsoft don't make firefox :) | 09:13 |
Neil3 | mozilla do | 09:13 |
Loppan | GammaRay: true true, I'm just stuck in my ways :) | 09:13 |
eskilo | red hat has a copyright on the gnome noification area?! wtf | 09:13 |
niels_ | someone who can give me a litle onlinhelp | 09:13 |
cindux | i know | 09:13 |
vixus | oh well, my eyes are burning. | 09:13 |
vixus | see ya,. | 09:13 |
cindux | i meant firefox FOR microsoft as in windows lol | 09:14 |
eskilo | i just copy the windows fons. | 09:14 |
vi111e | ville@ubuntu:~$ lsof | grep /media/cdrom0 <-- does nothing.... or do I have to view some file after I did this ? | 09:14 |
ep6678 | upgrading to hoary after previous unsuccessful attempt. Had previous problems with Xdisplay | 09:14 |
timothy | Can anyone help me install grub by booting from teh Ubuntu install CD? I have an existing Ubuntu install but can't access it because I inadvertantly deleted GRUB when formatting the boot hard drive with Windows installed on it. I tried mounting the Ubuntu partition from the console but it doesn't recognize the partition. any help? | 09:14 |
Loppan | GammaRay: grepping and awking my wy through life | 09:14 |
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hybrid | does hoary have gnome or a diffent desktop enviroment | 09:14 |
AlphaXero | gnome | 09:14 |
Loppan | vi111e: lsof /mnt/cdrom as GammaRay said | 09:14 |
WW | Anyone know? ^^^ | 09:15 |
vi111e | Loppan, I did that but it doesn't do anything | 09:15 |
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cindux | er | 09:15 |
ep6678 | It wouldn't even start x, so for the sake of being careful, I've stored the settings in a file for X in my home, as well as an email, so that I can configure later if the issue reoccurs. Any other ideas? | 09:15 |
cindux | ok it's not my font for firefox >< | 09:15 |
zzyber | whats up!!?? I get invalid encoding in filenames with swedish characters?? | 09:15 |
cindux | for some reason it fails to read the CSS stylesheet on my website & a few others | 09:15 |
cindux | any ideas why ? | 09:15 |
GammaRay | vi111e: well you probably want lsof /media/whatever cdrom is | 09:15 |
vi111e | I did that too | 09:16 |
kent | Can anybody recomend a good wiki to use? I used phpwiki but it seems to have went nuts today :( | 09:16 |
hybrid | ok then when i boot into gnome i get a lightbulb with and "i" on it then a arrow i hit the arrow and got the terminal and nothing else.... why is that and how can i fix it | 09:16 |
vi111e | it just does nothing... hmmm maybe I should use some kill thing ? but how to know what to kill? | 09:16 |
GammaRay | lsof )-: | 09:17 |
cindux | >< | 09:17 |
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cindux | does Ubuntu come with Tahoma ? | 09:17 |
cindux | the font* | 09:17 |
eruin | no | 09:17 |
vi111e | damn, I guess I have to ctrl+alt+backspace | 09:17 |
cindux | oh.. | 09:17 |
cindux | lol | 09:17 |
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aps02ts | molweni abesebenzi | 09:18 |
cindux | my stylesheet only included tahoma | 09:18 |
cindux | Arial ? | 09:18 |
eruin | get it off a windows box | 09:18 |
eruin | :P | 09:18 |
AlphaXero | what is s deprecation warning? | 09:18 |
eruin | no microsoft fonts whatsoever | 09:18 |
cindux | er | 09:18 |
=== estebandido [~chatzilla@icable-docsis2-31.ibw.com.ni] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neil3 | cindux, do you mean you cant view some web sites properly because of the fonts? | 09:18 |
cindux | well i fixed part of the issue | 09:18 |
cindux | my CSS stylesheet only specified to use Tahoma | 09:18 |
Neil3 | do this | 09:18 |
cindux | and no others | 09:18 |
Neil3 | sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts | 09:18 |
eruin | cindux: or, if you've got multiverse added to your etc/apt/sources.list | 09:18 |
eruin | apt-get install msttcorefonts | 09:18 |
aps02ts | hoe can I get ubuntu to start with equivalent of : X -query ? | 09:19 |
cindux | ok | 09:19 |
cindux | ill try it | 09:19 |
Neil3 | :) | 09:19 |
Neil3 | need those fonts to view a lot of sites | 09:19 |
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estebandido | hello... i need help getting x.org to work on an ibook | 09:19 |
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estebandido | it's there, but it's obviously not right | 09:19 |
vjaz | estebandido, what's wrong? | 09:20 |
AlphaXero | GtkDeprecation warning: gtk.mainloop is deprecated, use gtk.main instead. what does that mean? | 09:20 |
cindux | hm | 09:20 |
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cindux | apt-get didnt work | 09:20 |
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estebandido | it won't start x automatically, and when i do it manually, only a third of the screen appears, with what should be the panel right across the middle | 09:20 |
vjaz | AlphaXero, It means the person who made the software used a deprecated way of programming his application's main loop. | 09:20 |
estebandido | according to the log, it can't find the video bios | 09:21 |
AlphaXero | thats for gDesklets | 09:21 |
AlphaXero | anyone else have that problem? | 09:21 |
scoon | AlphaXero, how are you running gdesklets ? | 09:21 |
netmonk | anyone with hoary and skype working? | 09:21 |
AlphaXero | i'm not, heh | 09:21 |
vi11e | ok... after rebootin the gnome, I still can't eject my cd-rom drive... After I enter gnome, comes a message "no volume control elements and/or devices found." Also if I try eject cd in gnome there is a message "unmount of dev/hdc failed" along with that device is busy | 09:21 |
AlphaXero | i installed it with apt | 09:22 |
estebandido | vjaz: could this have to do with incorrect refresh rates? | 09:22 |
cindux | what is apt ? | 09:22 |
cindux | < newb | 09:22 |
blk | does someone know what kind of patches are applied to ubuntu kernels? | 09:22 |
=== rubixXx [~knoppix@ip68-103-55-163.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubixXx | whats up | 09:22 |
blk | cindux: debian's package manager - ubuntu is based on debian | 09:22 |
eskilo | gawd, the human them is atrocious. all rounded and shiny like plastik. | 09:22 |
vjaz | estebandido, probably not... | 09:22 |
estebandido | the video bios, then? | 09:22 |
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cindux | sorry im the big time newb = / | 09:23 |
cindux | lol | 09:23 |
blk | cindux: the thing that keeps a database on what is installed and installs/removes packags (programs) | 09:23 |
Neil3 | apt stands for aptitude | 09:23 |
cindux | oh | 09:23 |
cindux | so its like add/remove programs on windows | 09:23 |
Neil3 | and you have to run it as root | 09:23 |
blk | Neil3: no, aptitude is a frontend to apt | 09:23 |
Neil3 | sort of | 09:23 |
Neil3 | ah my bad | 09:23 |
vjaz | estebandido, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. What happens when you start X? | 09:23 |
Neil3 | synaptic is a bit like add/remove programs | 09:24 |
vjaz | estebandido, I mean do you get any kind of graphical display? | 09:24 |
Neil3 | except it sees stuff in repositories on the internet that you can install if you like | 09:24 |
estebandido | just what i said... only a third of the screen comes up | 09:24 |
estebandido | yes, sort of | 09:24 |
hybrid | synaptic is an apt frontend | 09:24 |
Neil3 | cindux, did you do sudo apt-get ? | 09:24 |
cindux | well i tried it & it basically said the package was not avaible, it may have been obsoleted or only avaible from another source | 09:24 |
Neil3 | not just apt-get | 09:24 |
=== RancidLM [~RancidLM@RancidLM.linuxfordummies] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RancidLM | hey all | 09:24 |
cindux | I did sudo su* | 09:24 |
estebandido | there's some setting not right, but i don't know what it is | 09:24 |
Neil3 | ah then you have to make sure apt is set to use the repository the package is on | 09:25 |
|QuaD- | what does sudo su* do? | 09:25 |
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Neil3 | executes the command su as root | 09:25 |
cindux | sudo su lets you type all commands in the terminal as root | 09:25 |
cindux | bla | 09:25 |
cindux | :p | 09:25 |
Neil3 | basically makes you log in as root to your terminal | 09:25 |
|QuaD- | oh | 09:25 |
Neil3 | cindux, lots of stuff here: http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 09:25 |
cindux | i have no idea how to do that Neil lol | 09:25 |
cindux | :p | 09:25 |
blk | cindux: you'd rather use "sudo -s" | 09:25 |
RancidLM | i got a quick question for you all.. im DLing ubuntu cuz i have been hearing Great things about it.. but currently im installing it to a laptop with no internet access and a cdrom thats connected via USB.. is thier a Disk image to load the Usb cdrom to install ubuntu? | 09:25 |
cindux | what does that do | 09:25 |
vjaz | estebandido, Have you looked at your xorg.conf? | 09:26 |
Neil3 | this is the section you want http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 09:26 |
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estebandido | yes, lots... but i don't know what i'm looking for | 09:26 |
blk | RancidLM: you could install through knoppix -> debootstrap | 09:26 |
estebandido | i was hoping there would be something obvious | 09:26 |
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vjaz | estebandido, which driver is it using? | 09:26 |
hybrid | RancidLM make sure you bios will boot off esb cd rom then it should be good to go | 09:26 |
dud | installing ubuntu without an internet connection can't be much use... | 09:27 |
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timothy | I need help: I have two hard drives , one with Windows and one Ubuntu installed. My computer automatically boots into Windows. I would like to install GRUB so that I can choose where to boot each time, but I don't have access to my current Ubuntu install. Is there anyone that can help me do this? | 09:27 |
cindux | bah im to confused | 09:27 |
estebandido | dud, i've done it several times now | 09:27 |
RancidLM | hybrid / blk thiers no option in the bios for USB boot im woundering if theirs a usb.img boot disk i could use? | 09:27 |
cindux | the color scheme on x-chat by default pissing me off | 09:27 |
cindux | hang on gonna change it | 09:27 |
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estebandido | vjaz: not clear what you mean. which driver? | 09:28 |
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dud | estebandido, no doubt it would work... but at least i'd want to have access to the security repos... | 09:28 |
RancidLM | hybrid / blk: in the past iv had to use MDk's FTP net install but im at work with it.. and don't have net access | 09:28 |
LinuxJones | timothy, you could start the Ubuntu Installer and run it up to the part where it writes the grub info to the bootsector. | 09:29 |
vixus | Hey. Can anyone help me get: MP3 Support on Rhythmbox, Blue Remote and BlueZ all working? | 09:29 |
=== markuman [~markuman@p548557B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blk | RancidLM: you could try using a boot-floppy to boot from the cdrom.. i don't know if you'll find such a thing but it's worth a google-query | 09:29 |
vixus | I think using my phone as a remote is awesome | 09:29 |
vjaz | estebandido, display driver | 09:29 |
andrewski | vixus: ubuntuguide.org for the first one. | 09:29 |
trans_err | how do you edit the application menu? | 09:29 |
pepsi | does anybody know where i can go to learn about making my wirelss card work? | 09:29 |
|QuaD- | vixus: using irc on my phone is great | 09:29 |
|QuaD- | currently in an airport | 09:29 |
andrewski | pepsi: which card? | 09:29 |
hybrid | RancidLM idk if there is a ububtu net install debian has it but have you tried flashing you bios | 09:29 |
trans_err | vixus: get the gstreamer-mad module | 09:30 |
pepsi | broadcom 94306 | 09:30 |
RancidLM | blk: yeah.. in the past thier use to be a usb-cdrom.img for mandrake but they dropped it for some strange reason..lol | 09:30 |
trans_err | pepsi: broadcom? look into ndis | 09:30 |
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andrewski | pepsi: i think you can use ndiswrapper, but i don't know for sure. | 09:30 |
pepsi | one site says ndiswrapper works | 09:30 |
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pepsi | thats probably the easiest or only way, eh? | 09:30 |
vixus | |QuaD, you have to pay though | 09:30 |
timothy | LinuxJones: I tried running the Ubuntu install disc but it didn't get to that portion before it started telling me to format my partitions in order to continue with the Ubuntu install. Is there a way I can get to that portion without deleting my current install? | 09:30 |
trans_err | pepsi: it should if you're on an x86 platform | 09:30 |
RancidLM | hybrid: yeah i have, i got the latest bios for the laptop.. and still no usb boot support | 09:30 |
andrewski | pepsi: then go for it. i don't know personally. | 09:30 |
estebandido | vjaz: would i see that in xorg.conf? i see monitor and screen, but not display | 09:30 |
vixus | trans_err: apt-get? | 09:30 |
pepsi | ok | 09:30 |
trans_err | vixus: as in apt | 09:31 |
RancidLM | hybrid: this wouldn't be a big problem if the internal CDrom wasn't busted | 09:31 |
hybrid | rancidLM then go with blk's idea | 09:31 |
hybrid | ooo | 09:31 |
trans_err | vixus: as in the tool used to download packages from the ubuntu repositories | 09:31 |
vjaz | estebandido, It's the section "Device" | 09:31 |
|QuaD- | vixus... small fee for always on internet access | 09:31 |
trans_err | no one know how to edit the application menu in gnome 2.99?? | 09:31 |
RancidLM | blk: does ubuntu come with boot floppy images? | 09:31 |
estebandido | vjaz: ati | 09:31 |
|QuaD- | vixus: control my whole comp through my phone | 09:32 |
LinuxJones | timothy, you don't actually have to format them but you do have to go in and set where your / or /swap partitions are located and select don't format the partition | 09:32 |
vjaz | estebandido, which iBook is this? | 09:32 |
timothy | LinuxJones: OK, will try this | 09:33 |
estebandido | 2001 G3 (i believe) | 09:33 |
LinuxJones | timothy, how many partitions did you set up for Ubuntu ? | 09:33 |
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vixus | trans_err: apt-get install gstreamer-mad... package not found | 09:34 |
nealmcb | how do I find out the status of a package in various ubuntu releases? e.g. whether hplip is in hoary yet? | 09:34 |
vjaz | estebandido, ok... does that have a rage 128 or a radeon? | 09:34 |
estebandido | rage mobility m3 (agp) | 09:35 |
vjaz | ok | 09:35 |
rubixXx | i'm on knoppix trying to do some partitioning work but /dev/hda1 is still active, yet not mounted | 09:35 |
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rubixXx | any ideas | 09:35 |
vjaz | I guess you could try changing the driver to "r128" or "vesa" | 09:35 |
timothy | LinuxJones: I have just one partition (plus the swap partition) on one hard drive | 09:35 |
faxons | vixus: switch to universe | 09:35 |
deepsight | has anyone installed vmware on ubuntu? | 09:35 |
blk | RancidLM: sorry but i don't know.. i'm not a long time ubuntu-user | 09:35 |
LinuxJones | timothy, ok jsut checking :) | 09:36 |
|QuaD- | deepsight....I have | 09:36 |
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vixus | faxons: What?!?! O_o | 09:36 |
vjaz | estebandido, I think the ati driver is a metadriver though, so you're probably using r128 now | 09:36 |
estebandido | vjaz: i'll try that | 09:36 |
wnaLinux | rubixXx: have you tryed unmounting it?(umount /dev/hda1 etc. etc.) | 09:36 |
faxons | vixus: one sec, I'm looking for the faq | 09:36 |
vjaz | estebandido, but I guess it's worth a shot | 09:36 |
rubixXx | wnaLinux, yes its not mounted | 09:36 |
deepsight | |QuaD-, can u help me out... it says something about the headers of C | 09:36 |
=== Dreamer3_ wonders what everyone is up to | ||
estebandido | i can always put it back | 09:36 |
Dreamer3_ | crimsun: that page up yet? | 09:36 |
rubixXx | its status is still active though | 09:36 |
timothy | LinuxJones: OK, i've told it to use the partition I was using before, and it's telling me : Not installing to unclean target. The installation to the target filesystem has been canceled, as the target filesystem contains files from a past installation, which could break the installation process or cause a broken system to be intsalled. We recommend that you go back and erase or format the target filesystem before proceeding with t | 09:37 |
vixus | thanks, faxons | 09:37 |
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rubixXx | /dev/hda is mounted readonly though | 09:37 |
nealmcb | i.e. I'm looking for ubuntu versions of debian web pages like http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/hplip | 09:37 |
rubixXx | is there a wayt o mount it rw | 09:37 |
deepsight | running kernel (version Even if the module were to compile | 09:37 |
deepsight | successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. | 09:37 |
|QuaD- | deepsight.....apt-get install *your kernel source* | 09:37 |
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faxons | vixus: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages/view?searchterm=universe | 09:37 |
rubixXx | look in the unbuntu faq | 09:37 |
wnaLinux | ok | 09:37 |
LinuxJones | timothy, argh do you have a live cd ? | 09:37 |
wnaLinux | try this | 09:37 |
faxons | vixus: from what I understand they regulate which packages are under different groups based on lincense | 09:38 |
wnaLinux | fuser /mnt/hda1 or w/e | 09:38 |
faxons | vixus: universe means you just want the stuff that works | 09:38 |
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timothy | LinuxJones: no, I may be able to make one. But, when I hit <Go Back> it took me to the main menu for the Ubuntu installer, and it appears I can just skip to "Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk" but when I choose that, it gives me a similar message about a broken system/unclean target. | 09:38 |
orospakr | I dist-upgraded yesterday and now I see this in my samba logs: | 09:39 |
deepsight | |QuaD- how to find the kernel source? | 09:39 |
orospakr | [2005/02/11 23:15:49, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(36) =============================================================== | 09:39 |
orospakr | [2005/02/11 23:15:49, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(37) | 09:39 |
orospakr | INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 5051 (3.0.7-Ubuntu) | 09:39 |
orospakr | Please read the appendix Bugs of the Samba HOWTO collection | 09:39 |
orospakr | [2005/02/11 23:15:49, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(39) | 09:39 |
vixus | faxons: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 09:39 |
dud | apt-cache search kernel source | 09:39 |
|QuaD- | deepsight: uname -r | 09:39 |
RancidLM | in ubuntu thiers no urpmi.. its apt-get right? | 09:39 |
wnaLinux | rubixXx: whats the output? | 09:39 |
|QuaD- | figures out which kernel | 09:39 |
LinuxJones | timothy, probably easiest to re-install :( | 09:39 |
|QuaD- | then apt-cache search kernel source | 09:40 |
|QuaD- | apt get that source | 09:40 |
vixus | faxons... sorry. | 09:40 |
timothy | LinuxJones: can I do anything else with the liveCD? | 09:40 |
vixus | forgot to update | 09:40 |
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LinuxJones | timothy, you have one ? | 09:40 |
andrewski | for /etc/init.d scripts, is it possible to switch from the links method to the file-rc method? | 09:40 |
deepsight | ok | 09:40 |
estebandido | vjaz: i've realized the problem may be in gnome.... xorg uninstalled a lot of stuff, and gnome was damaged | 09:40 |
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timothy | LinuxJones I am downloading now, should be able to burn a copy | 09:40 |
vixus | OK, now that i'm getting gstreamer-mad, how do i get bluez and blue-remote to work? | 09:40 |
timothy | LinuxJones: Even accessing that partition to retrieve files would be helpful | 09:40 |
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blah09 | hm how often should i dist-upgrade rather than just plain upgrade? | 09:41 |
rubixXx | wnaLinux, it just says its not mounted | 09:41 |
faxons | vixus: check /etc/apt/source.list | 09:41 |
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cindux | hm | 09:41 |
wnaLinux | wow, thats really wierd | 09:41 |
cindux | tried that thingy still didnt work | 09:41 |
|QuaD- | blah: I almost never dist upgrade | 09:41 |
LinuxJones | timothy, yeah you have access to all of the files once you boot into the livecd | 09:41 |
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cindux | damn't | 09:41 |
blah09 | so its not really necessary unless doing an actual distro upgrade? | 09:41 |
wnaLinux | whats the error you get when you try to partition it | 09:42 |
cindux | anyone know why totem doesnt play my .wmv files? | 09:42 |
|QuaD- | blah. I haven't found it necessary | 09:42 |
blah09 | i never got totem to work at all, i use xine-ui instead | 09:42 |
blk | RancidLM: do you still have the mdk usb.img file? | 09:42 |
blah09 | ok thanks quad | 09:42 |
vixus | Hmm, gstreamer-mad didn't do anything. I still can't play mp3s in rhythmbox! | 09:42 |
blah09 | gstreamer0.8-mad | 09:42 |
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blah09 | not gstreamer-mad | 09:42 |
andrewski | vixus: did you look at ubuntuguide.org? | 09:42 |
cindux | stupid totem | 09:42 |
RancidLM | blk: yes but its for the 9.2 release.. iv already tried using it with the 10.1 and it didnt' work.. so im kinda upset with mdk | 09:43 |
faxons | vixus: did you run #sudo apt-get update | 09:43 |
MacSociety | I am having issues getting the Hoary install to work on my G5. Anyone here running a G5 that can help. Install goes fine but when it comes time to boot, the yaboot window lets me select "L" for linux but nothing happens from there and it keeps me in that window forever. | 09:43 |
cindux | I tried to open an MPEG by a longshot & it closes totem | 09:43 |
andrewski | vixus: i'd also recommend you switch to mpd, since it's awesome. ;) | 09:43 |
deepsight | |QuaD-, its saying something about updating grub... but i use lilo, would that matter? | 09:43 |
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vixus | faxons, i downloaded and installed gstreamer-mad | 09:43 |
vixus | andrewski... mpd? | 09:43 |
|QuaD- | deepsite. probably | 09:43 |
blah09 | vixus thats the wrong package for rhythmbox | 09:43 |
|QuaD- | you should update lilo by hand | 09:43 |
vixus | blah09, what should i get? | 09:44 |
deepsight | ok | 09:44 |
deepsight | will do | 09:44 |
blah09 | gstreamer0.8-mad | 09:44 |
andrewski | vixus: www.musicpd.org, music player daemon (runs as a system service independent of X or any sessions) | 09:44 |
blah09 | not gstreamer-mad | 09:44 |
blk | RancidLM: you could try "sudo dd if=/mnt/cdrom/usb.img of=/dev/fd0" <- copies boot file to a floppy, then use the floppy to access ubuntu | 09:44 |
blah09 | or just xmms with mpg123 ;) | 09:44 |
cindux | >.< | 09:44 |
vixus | andrewski: Maybe later, I'm a gui man. | 09:44 |
vixus | blah09: I want rhythmbox to work ;) | 09:44 |
blah09 | then gstreamer0.8-mad | 09:45 |
cindux | rhythmbox works for me :D | 09:45 |
RancidLM | blk: using the mdk usb.img or is thier a ubuntu usb.img file? | 09:45 |
cindux | but Totem is being a jerk | 09:45 |
cindux | Anyone know what I have to get for wmv ? | 09:45 |
cindux | wmv / mpeg | 09:45 |
apokryphos | cindux: w32 codecs | 09:45 |
blah09 | www.ubuntuguide.org | 09:45 |
blah09 | follow the instructions for xine-ui if you want to use that | 09:46 |
blah09 | worked to get wmv and .mov support for me | 09:46 |
|QuaD- | why would someone want xine-ui over totem? | 09:46 |
blk | RancidLM: i don't think there's a ubuntu one but i don't know..use mandrakes.. if the file is bigger than 1.44mb do it with two disks: "sudo dd if=/mnt/cdrom/usb.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k" | 09:46 |
vixus | Thanks for the ubuntuguide link! | 09:46 |
blah09 | quad how did you get totem to work? | 09:47 |
RancidLM | blk: ok thnx :) | 09:47 |
blah09 | <- using hoary, btw | 09:47 |
blah09 | totem refuses to play anything | 09:47 |
cindux | >< | 09:47 |
|QuaD- | blah. apt-get remove totem-gstreamer | 09:47 |
cindux | why would ubuntu which i love continue to put it on | 09:47 |
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|QuaD- | aptget install totem-xine | 09:47 |
cindux | ? | 09:47 |
blah09 | ahh | 09:47 |
vixus | Mp3s WORK!!!!!!! | 09:47 |
cindux | are you helping me ? | 09:47 |
apokryphos | :) | 09:47 |
vixus | alright, thanks | 09:47 |
cindux | lol | 09:47 |
|QuaD- | cindux. I believe totem is part of gnome | 09:48 |
vixus | now to get bluez and blue remote working. anyone? | 09:48 |
blk | vixus: that's not a reason to spam the chan. with !!'s | 09:48 |
vixus | :( | 09:48 |
vixus | sorry. | 09:48 |
vixus | sound came out of linux | 09:48 |
blk | vixus: no problem, just don't do it again :) | 09:48 |
cindux | stupid totem | 09:49 |
vixus | OK. | 09:49 |
vixus | Now, can anyone help me get BlueZ and Blue Remote working? | 09:49 |
cindux | im gonna shut down for a sec | 09:49 |
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blk | RancidLM: good luck with it, i'm going off. | 09:49 |
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blah09 | quad does totem work for playing DVDs with menus for you? seems to be having some issues with this DVD's menu | 09:50 |
blah09 | oh nvm it works now | 09:50 |
|QuaD- | blah I don't thinl | 09:51 |
=== RancidLM [~RancidLM@RancidLM.linuxfordummies] has left #ubuntu ["Client] | ||
scoon | vixus, i use bluez for my keybds and mouse | 09:51 |
scoon | vixus, never used blue-remote tho | 09:51 |
vixus | scoon: Can you help me then? | 09:51 |
vixus | setup bluez that is | 09:51 |
AlphaXero | damnit, this gdesklets wont work. stupid defacation by the author | 09:51 |
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|QuaD- | alright plane is leaving... gotta go | 09:51 |
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deepsight | |QuaD-, thanks | 09:52 |
scoon | vixus, well it is really easy. I apt'd the bluez debs | 09:52 |
vixus | scoon: i have a bluetooth usb dongle | 09:52 |
vixus | done that | 09:52 |
vixus | bluez-utils | 09:52 |
scoon | vixus, one thing tho, I roll my own kernel's. | 09:52 |
scoon | vixus, there are kernel patches in ubuntu repos that may work for you. | 09:53 |
vixus | :P | 09:53 |
scoon | vixus, i patch my kernel's with the bluez patches and other ones. | 09:54 |
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scoon | vixus, if you don't know how to do that, I don't know how much help i would be. | 09:54 |
AndyR | lo all | 09:54 |
scoon | vixus, i guess i'd start with looking at apt'ing the kernel patches | 09:54 |
scoon | vixus, also, post w/ the forums. | 09:54 |
vixus | mok | 09:55 |
rubixXx | man | 09:55 |
scoon | mok ? | 09:55 |
rubixXx | i wish i could figure out why this hd won't umount | 09:55 |
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rubixXx | if you can mount a /dev/hda doesn't that mean that its in use by the filesystem | 09:55 |
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coobra | hey | 09:57 |
coobra | is there anyone hawing trubel geting the sound to work :/ | 09:58 |
lupusBE | can someone tell me how I patch cvs code my pc? | 09:58 |
blah09 | hi does anyone here use polypaudio instead of esound? | 09:59 |
coobra | what player is best for mp3 and divx/mpeg/dvd in ubuntu ?? | 09:59 |
AlphaXero | so far for me, xmms and mPlayer | 09:59 |
AndyR | anyone know how to get higher res in hoary using nv x server, im only able to get 640x480 | 09:59 |
AlphaXero | i cant Xine to play dvd's | 10:00 |
coobra | hmm | 10:00 |
=== cindux [~cindux@d141-145-190.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AndyR | i have run xorgcfg but that doesnt help | 10:00 |
coobra | AlphaXero, hmm ar you on a laptop :) | 10:00 |
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AlphaXero | yes | 10:00 |
scoon | brain farted. what is the name if the mp3 tagger gtk app ? | 10:01 |
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rubixXx | easytag | 10:01 |
deepsight | |QuaD-, is the linux source the same as kernel source? | 10:01 |
coobra | AlphaXero, , its hanging it self :) what codex are you using | 10:01 |
vi11e | I have to say that my ubuntu is acting real strange now. Nautilus is crashing quite often... and when I tried to install those updates , it downloaded lots of packs... about 120mb and when I pressed install, everything just closed.... apparently I can't install them now | 10:01 |
rubixXx | cobra depends on kernel ver' | 10:02 |
vi11e | + some problems with volume control | 10:02 |
hector_ | GammaRay can you help me again? | 10:02 |
AlphaXero | mPlayer is hanging? | 10:02 |
coobra | xmms | 10:02 |
coobra | sorry | 10:02 |
deepsight | is the linux source the same as kernel source? | 10:02 |
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vjaz | yes | 10:03 |
=== eljO [~johannes@pD95F4F32.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlphaXero | mine plays fine | 10:03 |
AlphaXero | xmms | 10:03 |
AlphaXero | the mPlayer is a little odd, need to change codec for different audio | 10:04 |
hector_ | can somebody give me some help? | 10:04 |
coobra | rubixXx, 2.6 somting | 10:04 |
netmonk | why mp3 play fine, but I don't have audio in xine? (i'm on hoary) | 10:04 |
rubixXx | the last digit is very important | 10:04 |
AlphaXero | netmonk, try mPlayer | 10:05 |
eljO | has anyone managed to get either multisync with a nokia 6230 (via bluetooth) to work? | 10:05 |
AlphaXero | i cant get xine to work at all in warty | 10:05 |
AlphaXero | it loads but doesnt play dvd | 10:06 |
eljO | or multisync-gnokii | 10:06 |
netmonk | i tried to install it but it sais it can't be installed because i don't have a sertain library, AlphaXero | 10:06 |
AlphaXero | mplayer? | 10:06 |
Neil3 | for dvd you need libdvdcss | 10:06 |
eljO | or is there a different way to get evolution to sync with nokia phones? | 10:06 |
delltony | what package needs to be installed to get gcc to work? | 10:06 |
delltony | vmware is giving me hell about it :( | 10:06 |
netmonk | AlphaXero, yes, mplayer | 10:06 |
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AlphaXero | 1 sec | 10:07 |
netmonk | AlphaXero, it sais i need " libavcodeccvs " | 10:07 |
AlphaXero | i installed libdvdcss2 and it doesnt help at all for xine or totem | 10:07 |
coobra | rubixXx, this | 10:07 |
coobra | os[Linux 2.6.10-3-386 - Debian 3.1] up[2 hours, 37 minutes] cpu[Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1500MHz, 598.155 MHz (1186.2 bogomips)] mem[487.89/504.39 MB (96.7%)] video[ at 1024x768 (24 bits)] | 10:07 |
Loppan | coobra: tried apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad? | 10:07 |
coobra | heh no | 10:07 |
Neil3 | hehe | 10:08 |
Loppan | :) | 10:08 |
Neil3 | Hostname: neilnix - OS: Linux - CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+ (1527.110 MHz) - Processes: 73 - Uptime: 1h 54m - Load Average: 0.75 - Memory Usage: 155.07MB/504.37MB (30.75%) - Disk Usage: 15.47GB/73.14GB (21.15%) - Internal Traffic (eth0): 10.14MB In/3.23MB Out | 10:08 |
tobbe | Hi, I have just switched to Ubuntu from SuSE. So I'm used to do all my configuration in YaST. Is there a simular tool for Ubuntu? More specificaly, how do I change the keyboard layout? | 10:08 |
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SeanQ | Quick question. | 10:09 |
SeanQ | What's the best Linux CD burning application IMO? | 10:09 |
SeanQ | er iyo | 10:09 |
SeanQ | IYO | 10:09 |
hector_ | how can i create a folder in my mnt dir and how to know the name of my hd where is my music is fat partition, somebody? | 10:09 |
deepsight | how do i do make dep? | 10:09 |
rubixXx | ok | 10:09 |
deepsight | in what folder? | 10:09 |
tobbe | hector_, with mkdir | 10:09 |
=== merhojt [~merhojt@h67n2fls35o989.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubixXx | apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 should work | 10:09 |
zenrox | SeanQ, k3b | 10:09 |
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hypn0_ | ubuntu channel users has overtaken fedora :-O | 10:10 |
SeanQ | next to k3b | 10:10 |
SeanQ | i am a #fedora regular | 10:11 |
SeanQ | who is in fedora now | 10:11 |
coobra | hmm | 10:11 |
SeanQ | looking for a cd burner so he can burn ubuntu | 10:11 |
zenrox | SeanQ, then its gnomebaker | 10:11 |
SeanQ | ok | 10:11 |
=== universal [~universal@port989.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hypn0_ | SeanQ: u want a list :-/ | 10:11 |
hypn0_ | 347 | 10:11 |
hector_ | and i how to mount the hd? i don't know its name | 10:11 |
Neil3 | SeanQ, i switched to ubuntu from fc3 the other day, am really happy with ubuntu, seems much much faster | 10:11 |
zenrox | SeanQ, and k3b can be installed and used in gnome | 10:11 |
AlphaXero | coobra, netmonk: http://www.linuxforums.org/tutorials/1/tutorial-25783.html | 10:12 |
AlphaXero | thats how I installed mPlayer and codecs | 10:12 |
apokryphos | Neil3: My exact reason for switching, too. ;) | 10:12 |
AlphaXero | got dvd player working and everything | 10:12 |
delltony | question which header package is needed to be installed for vmware it needs its the linux/includes | 10:12 |
SeanQ | i know, zenrox..it just can't notice my /dev/hdc | 10:12 |
AlphaXero | nothing else worketh for me | 10:12 |
zenrox | SeanQ, it does for me | 10:12 |
zenrox | lol | 10:12 |
zenrox | same /dev/hdc | 10:12 |
netmonk | AlphaXero, thanks a lot | 10:12 |
netmonk | ;) | 10:13 |
hector_ | mount: special device /dev/hdc/ does not exist (a path prefix is not a directory) | 10:13 |
hector_ | ??? | 10:13 |
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SeanQ | zenrox, I'm not in Ubuntu | 10:13 |
zenrox | oh | 10:13 |
zenrox | that helps | 10:13 |
zenrox | lol | 10:13 |
hector_ | LoL | 10:14 |
SeanQ | well i need this .ISO to get into ubuntu | 10:14 |
AlphaXero | netmonk, if it mentions a package that is unavailable, just replace it with the latest version on the mplayer site | 10:14 |
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tobbe | hector_, What's the partitions name in Windows? | 10:15 |
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=== ProgramGeek [~ProgramGe@c-24-14-187-31.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hector_ | 20_gigas | 10:15 |
ProgramGeek | Good day' | 10:15 |
tobbe | Sorry, I mean drive letter... | 10:15 |
universal | can someone tell me how to share files on ubuntu warty | 10:15 |
universal | ? | 10:15 |
hector_ | and true_space | 10:15 |
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ProgramGeek | Do we have alot of BitTorrent fans here? | 10:15 |
lupusBE | can someone tell me how to patch a cvs repository with a given patch | 10:15 |
=== randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProgramGeek | Hehe, I'm a dreamer, what if all downloading with repositories worked like bittorrent | 10:16 |
linusthepenguin | I installed the php4 packages and it's seems to be that it doesn't work | 10:16 |
ProgramGeek | Like, you know how azureus releases updates? That's neat.. :O | 10:16 |
tobbe | Is there a YaST equivalent in Ubuntu? | 10:16 |
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ProgramGeek | YaST, the initial installer? | 10:17 |
tobbe | no, the setup tool | 10:17 |
hector_ | the driver letter is C and D | 10:17 |
ProgramGeek | Setup for packages? | 10:17 |
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tobbe | Setup for the entire system | 10:17 |
SeanQ | ooh ubuntu' | 10:17 |
SeanQ | s burning | 10:17 |
ProgramGeek | Oh yeah --- I don't think so | 10:17 |
tobbe | Right now I want to change keyboard layout | 10:17 |
ProgramGeek | Ah... | 10:17 |
universal | how to share files in ubuntu? | 10:18 |
ProgramGeek | Hmm, the best you can do in the middle of install to change keyboard layout is to stop it and try again.. Because all it does is put a writefile on wait | 10:18 |
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SeanQ | could one still use "su' in ubuntu or is there another command? | 10:18 |
SeanQ | i recall seeing another command | 10:18 |
SeanQ | sudo? | 10:18 |
ProgramGeek | Well, for the X-installation of the keyboard layout, unless you speaking of before that... | 10:18 |
tobbe | hector_, how many physical drives do you have in your computer | 10:19 |
ProgramGeek | seanq: sudo | 10:19 |
SeanQ | easy to remember, like austin powers | 10:19 |
ProgramGeek | seanq: sudo <command> | 10:19 |
SeanQ | "SUDO Chop!" | 10:19 |
ProgramGeek | HIYA! | 10:19 |
tobbe | ProgramGeek, I'm in Ubuntu already | 10:19 |
SeanQ | but isn't 'sudo' to become root? | 10:19 |
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SeanQ | or does it literally mean.."root does..<command>"? | 10:19 |
ProgramGeek | tobbe: ah -- so you need to change the keymapping for X? | 10:19 |
tobbe | yeah | 10:19 |
tobbe | or, no | 10:19 |
timothyarnold85 | LinuxJones: Do you know if I could install GRUB booting from the liveCD? | 10:19 |
hector_ | two with two partition each: two fat partitions in one hard disk and two partition for linux swap and ext2 | 10:19 |
ProgramGeek | seanq: it may become root temporarily, i dont know, i just say it's whatever that command is, done it root | 10:20 |
tobbe | I need to change it for the entire system | 10:20 |
hector_ | on the another hard disk | 10:20 |
ProgramGeek | Tobbe, does the keymapping affect you out of X too? | 10:20 |
ProgramGeek | Because I know how to change keymapping for X, but not otherwise. | 10:20 |
SeanQ | ok | 10:20 |
tobbe | Haven't been out of X yet, I just installed Ubuntu :( | 10:20 |
tobbe | :) | 10:20 |
ProgramGeek | Tobbe, PM | 10:21 |
=== rockwilder [andreas@pD95DDB6C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
universal | ProgramGeek, can u tell me how to share files in ubuntu? | 10:21 |
tobbe | hector_, if the windows partitions are on the first hdd they would be /dev/hda and /dev/hdb | 10:21 |
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hector_ | ok let me se | 10:22 |
hector_ | see* | 10:22 |
ProgramGeek | universal: sure | 10:22 |
ProgramGeek | universal: Share files through a network? | 10:22 |
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universal | ProgramGeek, ok, so how to do that? using samba? | 10:23 |
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rockwilder | what is this file? ./firegl_public.c: required file is missing in build directory | 10:23 |
rockwilder | what is missing? | 10:23 |
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ProgramGeek | universal: Yes, apt-get install samba | 10:23 |
ProgramGeek | universal: as I remember, there may be a FAQ of it on ubuntu forums... | 10:24 |
tobbe | universal, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#sambaserver | 10:24 |
ultrahex | i still cant find how to install satan with apt-get :P | 10:24 |
universal | ProgramGeek, i got samba, but how to share. I can se others one the network, but others cannot se me | 10:24 |
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ProgramGeek | universal: ahhhh, sounds a bit to tricky for my part, one sec | 10:25 |
=== hybrid [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rockwilder | does anyone speak german? my english is bad | 10:26 |
hybrid | hello | 10:26 |
ProgramGeek | universal: PM | 10:26 |
ultrahex | for ubuntu, anyone know how to read or write to NTFS drives | 10:26 |
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=== deepsight [~deepsight@loleeta.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ | 10:27 |
hybrid | i am in hoary and when i login gnome only opens a pop up that has a lightbulb with an arrow and the terminal nothing else no icons no toolbars nothing | 10:27 |
hybrid | what is wrong | 10:27 |
hybrid | what is wrong? | 10:27 |
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AndyR | anyone know how to get higher res in hoary using nv x server, im only able to get 640x480 | 10:28 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AndyR | i have run xorgcfg but that doesnt help | 10:28 |
ultrahex | to mount a NTFS you do sudo mkdir /media/windows , then sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows -t ntfs umask=0222 ?!?! | 10:29 |
=== Valdez [~valdez@c-768c71d5.431-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkx | apt-get install cowsay | 10:29 |
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darkx | thats hilarious | 10:29 |
deepsight | not really | 10:29 |
deepsight | but i also have it ;) | 10:29 |
mike998 | guys... is there a FAQ for this channel? I keep seeing the same questions over and over | 10:29 |
deepsight | isnt that a question in the FAQ? | 10:30 |
hybrid | lol | 10:30 |
mike998 | hehehe | 10:30 |
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darkx | im sure cowsay gets old after the millionth time :) | 10:30 |
deepsight | anyone with vmware here? | 10:31 |
Seveas | ultrahex, almost | 10:31 |
Seveas | -o "umask=0222" | 10:31 |
Seveas | but better | 10:32 |
hector_ | tobbe, look at this | 10:32 |
GammaRay | hector_: still around? | 10:32 |
deepsight | trying to install vmware but complains with this "The path "/usr/src/linux/include" is an existing directory, but it does not | 10:32 |
deepsight | contain at least one of these directories "linux", "asm", "net" as expected." | 10:32 |
hector_ | root@Psicodelico:/dev # mount /dev/hda1/ /mnt/hda1/ -t vfat | 10:32 |
AlphaXero | where do i set the auto-play options for a dvd? currently i have it auto-playing in mPlayer and would like to try totem | 10:32 |
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hector_ | but another problem | 10:32 |
=== darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hybrid | can anyone hel me with my gnome problem | 10:32 |
hector_ | mount: special device /dev/hda1/ does not exist (a path prefix is not a directory) | 10:33 |
hybrid | **help | 10:33 |
Seveas | deepsight, install linux-headers | 10:33 |
Seveas | hybrid, maybe, if you tell the problem :o) | 10:33 |
deepsight | Seveas, i installed linux-source, is it a different thing? | 10:33 |
hybrid | i am in hoary and when i login gnome only opens a pop up that has a lightbulb with an arrow and the terminal nothing else no icons no toolbars nothing | 10:34 |
hector_ | GammaRay, look at this | 10:34 |
hector_ | mount: special device /dev/hda1/ does not exist | 10:34 |
hector_ | (a path prefix is not a directory) | 10:34 |
Seveas | source == kernel source, needed for compiling the kernel | 10:34 |
GammaRay | hector_: what about /dev/hda1 | 10:34 |
Seveas | header == kernel headers, needed for every other purpose requiring kernel headers | 10:34 |
hybrid | Seveas is that to me? | 10:34 |
GammaRay | a trailing slash indicates it's a dir | 10:34 |
Seveas | no hybrid, that was to deepsight :) | 10:34 |
hybrid | o | 10:34 |
hybrid | lol | 10:35 |
hector_ | Lol | 10:35 |
trans_err | is samba browsing via nautilus broken in hoary? | 10:35 |
deepsight | Seveas, but in the repository its only up to the 2.6.7 kernel | 10:35 |
ultrahex | mount: fs type -ntfs not supported by kernel | 10:35 |
deepsight | should i look somewhere esle? | 10:35 |
ultrahex | why am i getting this error when mounting (mount: fs type -ntfs not supported by kernel) | 10:35 |
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Seveas | deepsight, wart/hoary? | 10:35 |
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Seveas | hybrid, sorry, can't help you with your problem | 10:36 |
trans_err | ultrafunk: because it isn't supported by your kernel | 10:36 |
hybrid | oo ok | 10:36 |
eskilo | ANYONE done a dist-upgrade lately? sweet upgrades | 10:36 |
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ultrahex | trans_err: how do i make it :P | 10:36 |
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deepsight | Seveas, hmmm good question... how could i know, its freshly burned | 10:36 |
hybrid | eskilo i have | 10:36 |
trans_err | ultrafunk: what's the command you're typing? | 10:36 |
Seveas | deepsight, type in a terminal: uname -a | 10:36 |
trans_err | CyberKing: why are you pinging? | 10:36 |
ultrahex | sudo mount /dev/hda1 /drives/HDA1 -t -ntfs -o unmask=0222 | 10:37 |
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trans_err | no hyphen begore ntfs | 10:37 |
deepsight | Seveas, #1 Thu Nov 18 11:47:33 UTC 2004 i686 GNU/Linux | 10:37 |
ultrahex | oh | 10:37 |
Seveas | ultrahex, unmask should be umask | 10:37 |
bj_ | is anyone else having metacity problems? | 10:37 |
Seveas | souns like warty to me | 10:37 |
deepsight | think so | 10:37 |
Seveas | deepsight, as root type in: | 10:37 |
Seveas | apt-get update | 10:37 |
Seveas | apt-get install linux-headers | 10:37 |
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trans_err | oh can you change the application menu in hoary? | 10:38 |
deepsight | Seveas, nice but there are two similar... linux-headers- and linux-headers- | 10:39 |
deepsight | just a 0? | 10:39 |
deepsight | ohh the 4 | 10:40 |
Seveas | use the one that matches your kernel | 10:40 |
Seveas | that would be the 3-386 one | 10:40 |
=== Loevborg [~loevborg@d6-8.dip.isp-service.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delltony | man i sure hope when it comes time to upgrade to hoary that it actually works. i have tried twice with the current beta and ubuntu-desktop among other things get borked so ill just wait | 10:41 |
daniels | delltony: it's a development release, so things will obviously break while we work on them; this is normal | 10:42 |
Seveas | delltony, you can expect things to not-work when using a beta version... | 10:42 |
ultrahex | the sadest thing about the music player in UBUNTU is it cant play mp3's lol | 10:42 |
delltony | nah nah i undrestand all that | 10:42 |
delltony | not knockin it | 10:42 |
Seveas | ultrahex, that is not Ubuntu's fault | 10:42 |
delltony | i was just saying | 10:42 |
delltony | i hope it works for me | 10:43 |
Seveas | please see the RestrictedFormats wikipage | 10:43 |
=== GammaRay [~GammaRay@adsl-67-127-53-157.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ebone | newbie question ... | 10:44 |
ebone | i'm sort of new to gnome, how do i edit the Application Menu ? | 10:44 |
deepsight | Seveas, i love you (in a very not faggy way) it worked | 10:45 |
Seveas | :) | 10:45 |
zombics | sim icq crash after i am trying connect to my account :/ | 10:45 |
Seveas | glad i could help | 10:45 |
delltony | you wanting to add stuff to it ebone? | 10:45 |
GammaRay | ebone: the places menu in nautilus I think | 10:45 |
=== Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zombics | what's the best way to install wine on ubuntu 64-Bit? | 10:45 |
GammaRay | deepsight: you mean "non-sexual man crush"? | 10:45 |
ebone | GammaRay: thanks, is Nautilus the File Manager ? | 10:46 |
deepsight | GammaRay, exaclty, you understand me? | 10:46 |
GammaRay | ebone: yes | 10:46 |
GammaRay | ebone: nope.. me no speek english | 10:47 |
GammaRay | err deepsight rather | 10:47 |
GammaRay | ebone: hmm not in the places menu... try ctrl-l end enter applications:/// | 10:48 |
GammaRay | I mean: ctrl-l *then* enter applications:/// | 10:49 |
ultrahex | any recommendations for mp3 | 10:49 |
ebone | thanks | 10:49 |
Seveas | ultrahex, apt-get totem-xine | 10:50 |
GammaRay | tisk tisk | 10:50 |
Seveas | and don't worry about ubuntu-desktop being removed | 10:50 |
GammaRay | apt-get install gstreamer-mad | 10:50 |
ultrahex | GammaRay: what repository will i need | 10:50 |
bascule | Seveas: is totem-xine totem built with the xine backend instead of gstreamer? | 10:51 |
GammaRay | universe -or- multiverse | 10:51 |
Seveas | yes bascule | 10:51 |
bascule | cool, thnk God for that :) | 10:51 |
Seveas | hehe | 10:51 |
GammaRay | ultrahex: dunno which.. add both | 10:51 |
Seveas | it is in universe GammaRay | 10:53 |
ultrahex | GammaRay: its universe , anyhow ... now what programs can i open MP3's in | 10:53 |
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AlphaXero | yeah, gstreamer has to be removed for totem-xine to be installed | 10:55 |
bascule | ah, not a problem/issue for me personally ... | 10:55 |
ultrahex | AlphaXero: thats why i went with gstreamer :P | 10:55 |
bascule | what happens to rhythmbox then? | 10:56 |
hypn0_ | that means rhythembox wont work AlphaXero | 10:56 |
AlphaXero | i removed rythmbox anyway | 10:56 |
bascule | :-/ I like rhyhmbox | 10:56 |
AlphaXero | but if its dvd playback you want, try mPlayer bascule | 10:56 |
bascule | even though it is hard to type | 10:56 |
AlphaXero | it wont remove gstreamer | 10:56 |
hypn0_ | and what abt all the othe gstreamer programs | 10:57 |
=== osvaldo [~osvaldo@adsl-69-111-122-170.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlphaXero | hypno, then use mPlayer instead and keep gstreamer | 10:57 |
osvaldo | hello how can i find out what sound card my comuter has | 10:57 |
AlphaXero | http://www.linuxforums.org/tutorials/1/tutorial-25783.html <---there you go bascule | 10:57 |
osvaldo | lspci doesn't find anything | 10:58 |
AlphaXero | scroll down to the dvd playback part | 10:58 |
bascule | AlphaXero: I use xine for dvd, I really don't like mplayer for that, strams are all I use it for mplayer -cache 500 -playlist foo.com/whatever.{rm,wma,wmv} | 10:58 |
Seveas | osvaldo, what does it say (please paste it at pastebin.com) | 10:58 |
osvaldo | my sound card is intergrated into the mobo | 10:58 |
Seveas | osvaldo, what mobo? | 10:58 |
AlphaXero | bascule, xine doesnt work for me, is there a certain way i need to config it? | 10:58 |
osvaldo | Seveas, it's just the eth0 and other stuff | 10:58 |
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osvaldo | mobo == mother board | 10:59 |
bascule | AlphaXero: I dunno it works for some and not others, | 10:59 |
bascule | seems either xine or mplayer work byt not both | 10:59 |
AlphaXero | i havent had mPlayer not work yet | 10:59 |
Seveas | i know that osvaldo, but which mobo do you have :) | 10:59 |
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osvaldo | some intel mobo | 10:59 |
AlphaXero | totem works with totem-xine installed | 11:00 |
osvaldo | i'm guessing it's an i810 sound chip | 11:00 |
AlphaXero | just not xine solo | 11:00 |
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AlphaXero | i think it has something to do with the dev/dvd or something | 11:00 |
osvaldo | but the i810 sound module won't load | 11:01 |
osvaldo | something about unresolved symbols | 11:01 |
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bascule | AlphaXero: yeah xine insists on /dev/dvd being there | 11:02 |
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bascule | I can do the link for /etc/devfsd.conf, not ude yet, but I'll learn it | 11:02 |
AlphaXero | bloody xine is so easy to hand | 11:02 |
AlphaXero | hang | 11:02 |
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AlphaXero | how do i force-quit an app? | 11:03 |
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bascule | xkill, use the magic cursor | 11:03 |
AlphaXero | ah, alt-f4 | 11:03 |
osvaldo | killall -9 name-of-app | 11:03 |
bascule | gnome has it's own thing too as an applet you can add to the panel(s) | 11:03 |
AlphaXero | i guess it didnt hang that bad | 11:03 |
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AlphaXero | ah cool | 11:03 |
ultrahex | its a pain... my sound card sounds soo terrible in LINUX ... for some reason ... | 11:04 |
osvaldo | by the way if you wanna play dvd's you'll need libdecss which can be found in the nerim repo | 11:04 |
osvaldo | search for it on ubuntu's wiki | 11:04 |
AlphaXero | i got libdecss2 in there | 11:04 |
osvaldo | get the dev version and compile mplayer | 11:05 |
AlphaXero | iimagine thats why totem-xine is working | 11:05 |
osvaldo | or just install via apt | 11:05 |
=== knoppix [~knoppix@ip68-103-55-163.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlphaXero | yeah i did compile mPlayer | 11:05 |
AlphaXero | heheh | 11:05 |
osvaldo | mplaer dvd:// should do it | 11:05 |
knoppix | should a backup partiton wthat will use rieserfs be extended or logical | 11:05 |
AlphaXero | but was just wondering why xine doesnt work | 11:05 |
=== knoppix is now known as rubixXx | ||
osvaldo | granted that the dvd is mounted or something | 11:05 |
AlphaXero | i have mPlayer and totem-xine playing dvd's but not xine | 11:06 |
bascule | rubixXx: makes little difference | 11:06 |
osvaldo | i don't bother with xine, it takes too much time to load it's ui | 11:06 |
rubixXx | bascule, primary it is then | 11:06 |
=== Nafallo [~nafallo@h2n2c2o1027.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlphaXero | osvaldo, i configured mplayer to come up when i pop in a dvd, forgot how to change that. can you point me inthe right dir? | 11:07 |
Nafallo | after a custom-expert wartyinstall starting base-config first run goes into a loop. known problem? | 11:07 |
=== Burn` [~Burnout@69-26.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osvaldo | AlphaXero, the config should be under /usr/share/mplayer or ~/.mplayer/config | 11:08 |
farruinn | Nafallo: what do you mean by loop? | 11:08 |
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Nafallo | farruinn: info: switching console to ISO-8859-1 | 11:09 |
Nafallo | farruinn: starting base-config | 11:09 |
Nafallo | fabbione: and that's what it does :-P | 11:09 |
Nafallo | fabbione: oops | 11:09 |
Nafallo | farruinn: and those lines loop ;-) | 11:09 |
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timothyarnold85 | hello all, I was wondering if anyone could help me install GRUB via a LiveCD boot of Ubuntu? Currently, I can't access my Ubuntu install on the hard drive because I accidentally deleted the GRUB loader. | 11:10 |
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bascule | timothyarnold85: maske sure your ubuntu install partition is mounted, then 'sudo chroot /that/mountpoint' | 11:11 |
bascule | grub-install | 11:12 |
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zzyber | i have a really strange problem. I have a script that start LimeWirePro called runLime.sh and it calls for java -jar LimeWire.jar, when i klick the file in nautilus i get a question if i want to display it, run it or terminal. I choose run and it starts. Now if i do a softlink to it and try to run the link nothing happens?? Whats wrong? | 11:12 |
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polemarch | Question about syaptic updates: | 11:15 |
polemarch | I have installed java 1.4.2 and each time i run synaptic now, I get the following message during the removal of old .deb's stage | 11:16 |
polemarch | Removing old /usr/bin/JavaPluginControlPanel | 11:16 |
polemarch | ln: `/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so': File exists | 11:16 |
polemarch | dpkg: error processing sun-j2re1.4.2 (--configure): | 11:16 |
polemarch | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 11:16 |
polemarch | Setting up libgtk1.2-common (1.2.10-17) ... | 11:16 |
polemarch | is there any way to fix this? | 11:16 |
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johns_ | maybe rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 11:17 |
johns_ | ? | 11:17 |
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polemarch | i thought about that, since it's complaining about removing a linker (at least, I assume that's what the ln: statement is saying) | 11:18 |
timothyarnold85 | bascule: i tried that and got: "install_device not specified" | 11:18 |
polemarch | but I'm kind of clueless, and wasn't sure if that wouldn't break something else | 11:18 |
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bascule | grub-install /dev/hds | 11:18 |
bascule | <-- me realises something that might stop it | 11:19 |
bascule | /dev/hda not s | 11:19 |
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timothyarnold85 | bascule: It says permission denied. line xxx: /dev/null: Permission denied | 11:20 |
bascule | exit | 11:20 |
timothyarnold85 | bascule: also, it says "unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname() | 11:20 |
bascule | mount none -t devfs /mnt/point/dev | 11:20 |
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bascule | mount none -t proc /mnt/point/proc | 11:21 |
bascule | then chroot again | 11:21 |
fsc | I just rebooted into my Unbuntu partition after being in XP for a couple months or so and noticed that a apt-get update; apt-get upgrade didn't really bring in that much. Are most Warty packages being frozen for the transition to Hoary? | 11:21 |
timothyarnold85 | bascule: for the first: mount point /mnt/point/dev does nto exist | 11:21 |
bascule | timothyarnold85: just thionk alittle please that should be replaced by the actual mount poin of the partition | 11:21 |
rubixXx | yay | 11:22 |
rubixXx | got partitioning done | 11:22 |
Nafallo | fsc: warty is a stable release. it's been frozen since 04-10 :-P | 11:22 |
rubixXx | now to edit /etc/fstab | 11:22 |
Nafallo | fsc: only security-updates gets in. | 11:22 |
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timothyarnold85 | fs type devfs not supported by kernel | 11:23 |
bascule | darn, i don't know then, this change to udev and sys has me beaten on some of the old rescue tricks | 11:23 |
timothyarnold85 | bascule: OK, thanks | 11:23 |
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froust | what should the line of my host file look like? | 11:24 |
bascule | try ... none -t sysfs /mount point/sys | 11:24 |
Krypt0n | Has anyone else had a problem when installing Array 4, after installation of the base and optional packages, after the first reboot, it complains that packages couldn't be installed and fails? | 11:24 |
rubixXx | i havn't had any problems with hoary either | 11:25 |
Krypt0n | I tried it on 2 seperate machines, same thing. A friend and I both tried it, using 2 different cds, althought burned from the same ISO. Perhaps my ISO is corrupt? | 11:26 |
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timothyarnold85 | bascule: sorry, I have to go. I will try again later. | 11:26 |
timothyarnold85 | bascule: thanks | 11:26 |
bascule | timothyarnold85: mount --bind /dev /mount/point/dev | 11:26 |
bascule | if you get a chance :) | 11:26 |
bascule | you are welcome, I'd like to get that sussed for new system setups too, sp thnks to you | 11:27 |
timothyarnold85 | bascule: If you want, you could send me what you're trying to get me to do at timothyarnold@gmail.com , or I will just try again later. Thanks for your help! | 11:27 |
bascule | ok | 11:28 |
rubixXx | /dev/hda6/home/rubix/winreiserfsrwx,auto00 that a good line? | 11:28 |
=== bascule starts to gather useful inforamtiomn for a bascule's FAQ webpage | ||
Nafallo | s/rwx/rw/ | 11:29 |
rubixXx | ? | 11:29 |
bascule | anyone know why irssi/Eterm render some characters funny, some of that last line from rubixXx has solid block I s | 11:29 |
bascule | tabs perhaps? | 11:30 |
Nafallo | rubixXx: rw,auto | 11:30 |
bascule | is rwx valid? | 11:31 |
fsc | so when does Hoary release come out? | 11:31 |
bascule | cause some times you can't chroot reiser without -o remount,rw,exec | 11:31 |
Nafallo | fsc: 05.04 | 11:31 |
osvaldo | fsc, when it's done | 11:31 |
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Nafallo | osvaldo: well, that's debian ;-). | 11:32 |
bumperland | is tr | 11:32 |
rubixXx | ok, ty guys | 11:32 |
fsc | the later the better as far as i'm concerned. i want a smooth transition. warty works absolutely perfectly for me right now | 11:32 |
osvaldo | fsc, hoary works well too | 11:32 |
polemarch | anyone know when hoary is going to be stable? tried to upgrade to it yesterday, and had to reinstall warty | 11:33 |
fsc | osvaldo, heh. i guess that's why there's all the horror stories on the hoary forums with people saying "I'm stuck back in my XP partition now" | 11:33 |
Nafallo | ubuntu do releases six months after the one before :-). | 11:33 |
polemarch | ok | 11:33 |
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darkx | it installed fine for me too | 11:33 |
darkx | :x | 11:33 |
osvaldo | fsc, noobs. | 11:33 |
fsc | osvaldo, but of course most aren't probably doing clean installs | 11:33 |
bascule | heh | 11:33 |
osvaldo | i've been running hoary for a few months now, haven't had any such problems | 11:34 |
Nafallo | I've been using hoary since december or something... still have to make it crash hard ;-) | 11:34 |
bumperland | is there an xvid codeck for totem | 11:34 |
bascule | that is nice to know actually, I *hate* crashing distros | 11:34 |
fsc | i'll leave others to do beta testing for me | 11:34 |
=== bascule growls at his mandrake cds | ||
hector_ | the folders of my fat partition when i mount it it doesn't appear, what can i do, somebody can help me in that? | 11:35 |
osvaldo | makdrake is one of the distros that i've grown to avoid over the years | 11:35 |
osvaldo | that and gentoo | 11:35 |
vjaz | bumperland, I think totem-xine supports it | 11:35 |
fsc | mandrake was nice back in the 7.1 days. first distro that just worked "out of the box" for me | 11:35 |
bascule | osvaldo: and rightly so, some people get on fine, If yo do your own kernel it makes a big difference | 11:35 |
bumperland | no not that i see | 11:35 |
Nafallo | jdub: I had an... accident with wartyinstall. you got time? just need things explained :-). | 11:36 |
hector_ | the folders of my fat partition when i mount it it doesn't appear, what can i do, somebody can help me in that? | 11:37 |
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GammaRay | hector_: try mounting it w/ -o dmask=777,fmask=666 | 11:37 |
fsc | "cigs and chocolate" - sounds like a movie title or song | 11:38 |
=== amos_ [~amos@220-245-253-130-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amos_ | hello | 11:39 |
polemarch | i'm agonna do something that may be stupid...try to get some of the upgraded packages from hoary without doing a full dist-upgrade | 11:39 |
polemarch | let's see what i can break today | 11:39 |
scoon | polemarch, isn't there a backports repo you could use ? | 11:39 |
scoon | polemarch, or are you trying to break things ? | 11:40 |
osvaldo | Linux. What do you wanna break today? | 11:40 |
Valdez | polemarch im running hoary right now . working | 11:40 |
Valdez | ;) | 11:40 |
bascule | osvaldo: that is soooo true :) | 11:40 |
polemarch | yes, i did a dist-upgrade last night and it crashed itself this morning, and i couldn't get a good boot, even under the rescue kernel | 11:41 |
amos_ | what C/CPP IDEs would anyone suggest for ubuntu? | 11:41 |
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binks | evening all | 11:41 |
osvaldo | amos_, ajunta | 11:41 |
osvaldo | i think that's how it's called, or anjuta | 11:41 |
Loevborg | amos_, you don't like gvim? | 11:41 |
osvaldo | Loevborg, IDE ... | 11:42 |
polemarch | sccon, i guess i like breaking things, but there's only a couple of things i actually want to upgrade right now (firefox and thunderbird mainly) | 11:42 |
GammaRay | bascule: if you could upgrade to the code the ms devs were running windows would be the same way. | 11:42 |
polemarch | sorry, that should've been scoon | 11:42 |
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kbrooks__ | hey. | 11:42 |
amos_ | whenever I figure out how to use vi, I forget how to use it a week after ;P | 11:42 |
amos_ | thanks, guys | 11:43 |
osvaldo | I prefer vim. | 11:43 |
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polemarch | don't want to mess with anything that's going to break my system, and wasn't able to figure out what did it the first time | 11:43 |
Loevborg | amos_, many people like kdevelop, though I doubt it'll work out of the box in ubuntu. | 11:43 |
GammaRay | well I perfer jed? so there! ha! | 11:43 |
amos_ | would it be in the repositories, osvaldo? | 11:44 |
osvaldo | amos_, should be, if not enable the multiverse repo. | 11:44 |
=== GammaRay keeps forgetting there is a diff between vi and vim... | ||
amos_ | I installed qt for opera, would that let other kde stuff run..? | 11:45 |
GammaRay | I think it comes from not caring | 11:45 |
zenrox | amos_, yes | 11:45 |
osvaldo | GammaRay, Vi is the visual version of ed. Vim is Vi Improved. | 11:45 |
GammaRay | osvaldo: so I've heard | 11:45 |
GammaRay | amos_: sure but you will need the kde libs also | 11:46 |
haggai | Loevborg: kdevelop is in universe | 11:46 |
zenrox | amos_, witch will get what it needs automatickly | 11:46 |
osvaldo | amos_, doesn't look like anjuta is on the defaul repos, enable multiverse to gain accessto it's binary. | 11:46 |
osvaldo | amos_, search ubuntu's wiki if you don't know how to enable multiverse. | 11:47 |
amos_ | oh, cool | 11:47 |
amos_ | shall do :-) | 11:47 |
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nphase | hey | 11:49 |
nphase | is there a hd formatting/partitioning tool on the ubuntu cd? | 11:49 |
Nafallo | anjuta should be in universe, not multiverse :-) | 11:49 |
nphase | ubuntu live* | 11:49 |
nphase | anyone? | 11:50 |
GammaRay | what file in ~/.ssh do I put pub keys into to allow passwordless login? | 11:51 |
GammaRay | it's slipping my mind | 11:51 |
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alexrait | I have ubuntu hoary. I can't hear sound with flash in firefox... anyone knows how to enable it? | 11:52 |
GammaRay | ahh authorized_keys2 | 11:52 |
osvaldo | alexrait, check your volume levels | 11:52 |
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alexrait | osvaldo, I can hear sound and player anything else... | 11:53 |
alexrait | play* | 11:53 |
Nafallo | alexrait: bug Macromedia or something :-) | 11:53 |
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osvaldo | alexrait, dunno, sound works for me. you probably got whatever channel flash uses muted. | 11:54 |
osvaldo | or some other application is accessing the sound card while flash is trying to access it at the same time | 11:54 |
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alexrait | I want to change the settings of the flashplayer, but I can't see the text.... | 11:55 |
celerex | I'm having a small problem with apache. My default ubuntu install seems to always be looking for an htdocs reference. I only have one apache2.conf/httpd.conf reference and changes are reflected. It's basically an install and a run.. i haven't change anything. Any ideas? | 11:55 |
alexrait | only the icons.. | 11:55 |
=== Nafallo has always thought esound's purpose was to allow more sources to play sound at the same time... * | ||
GammaRay | Nafallo: tis true... if they use esd | 11:56 |
Nafallo | GammaRay: ahh, they are that b0rked :-P. | 11:56 |
ultrahex | hey guyz is there a minGW compiler for C++ for Ubuntu | 11:57 |
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osvaldo | ultra, yes. gcc | 11:57 |
amos_ | gcc/gpp? | 11:58 |
ultrahex | thanx | 11:58 |
alexrait | for instance I want to launch icq2go (flash version), but no text appears... what is the problem? | 11:58 |
osvaldo | ultrahex, apt-get install build-essentials | 11:58 |
osvaldo | alexrait, most likely macromedias fault | 11:58 |
alexrait | osvaldo, it doesn't work for you? | 11:59 |
alexrait | too* | 11:59 |
osvaldo | icq2go? dunno, never tried it. | 11:59 |
alexrait | can you check for a moment? you don't have to register or something: http://www.icq.com/icq2go/ | 12:00 |
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