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froudenrico, 03:43
enricoHello froud!03:43
frouddeb packages03:43
enricoNice to see you!03:43
froudu 203:43
enricou 2?03:43
froudnice to see you to03:43
froudhow can I help03:44
enricoJust sent a mail to the list, with the current status of the .debs03:44
froudgot your message. Ok Ok hold must read03:44
enricoThings build fine (I updated the makefile to set XML_CATALOG_FILES on Debian)03:44
enricoBut two issues to solve: 03:45
enrico1) Installing the .xml files03:45
enrico2) Putting the right images in every .deb03:45
enrico(and, if solvable, 3. Package .pdf versions as well)03:45
froudMy, my you want three packages :-)03:45
froudWhy not do one03:46
froudI have not catered for three packages03:46
enricoBecause one may want to deinstall the 7+Mb of the QuickGuide while keeping the FAQGuide, for example03:46
froudI will have to change the make and filter images to the various dirs03:46
enricoOr we may want to put ABout Ubuntu and release notes on some core part of the distro and the rest outside03:46
froudOK, I will have to add an XSL and incorporate it into the make03:47
enricoWant to work together on some make install?03:47
froudI will only get to tomorrow morn03:47
froudsure, though I dont know about deb installs03:48
froudwith your expert guidance anything is possible03:48
enricoI can solve the deb install part03:48
enricoOk, so now I'll send the packages to mdz, so that we set a foot in Hoary, then we try to make things better03:48
enricoI'm also wondering how to install the .xml files so that yelp can browse them fine even if not all of them are installed03:48
froudwhat do you need make install to do on debs'03:48
enricoHowever, we can make faqguide and quickguide depend on ubuntu-docs03:49
froudHmmm, best was to rely on the HTML, but I understand you want to have yelp to03:49
froudI am not sure how yelp finds its stuff03:50
enricomake install is usually the program that installs what's generated by make into its final destination (say, /usr/share/doc/something)03:50
enricoOk, that's some info to dig out03:50
froudyes, something with scrollkeeper03:50
froudwe dont have a unique key for ubuntu their03:50
enricoMy problem was how to install, for example, the entities03:50
enricoall the parts that are shared between teh various documents03:51
froudso long as the xml dir structure is the same as in svn it will just work03:51
froudI will create a target for you03:51
enricouhm... so I could install the things in some common directory.  I'll ask for advice03:51
froudyeak a common dir under usr/share/doc/03:52
froudyeak a common dir under usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc03:52
enricoyes.  Now I ask if it's allowed by policy: hang on03:52
froudOh ok03:52
enricouhm... I asked on ubuntu/devel but I think I've been too verbose and people ignored me03:55
enricoSo far I'm being fairly ignored.  Let's wait a bit...03:58
froudI tried asking about this stuff about a month ago and got the same result03:59
froudOK so here is what you need03:59
froud1. Make target to be able to package each HTML version seperately03:59
froud2. Make target to get pristine copy of xml sources04:00
froudis that it04:00
KinnisonShared stuff should go somewhere like /usr/share/ubuntu-doc/...04:00
KinnisonDocumentation about the 'ubuntu-doc' package belongs in '/usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc'04:00
froudKinnison, agreed04:01
froudso you want html dirs for each book04:01
enricoKinnison: what if the shared stuff is documentation?  Like images used by the documentation, things like that?04:01
froudand an XML direc for the sources04:01
Kinnisonenrico: Hmm04:01
Kinnisonenrico: are they shared between different books?04:01
froudAt present we have one folder for all images04:02
enricoand no04:02
enricosome yes, most no04:02
KinnisonI'd imagine putting everything inside /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/... then04:02
froudKinnison, +104:02
KinnisonI was imagining XML stuff going in /usr/share/ubuntu-doc04:02
KinnisonEntity docs and the like04:02
enricoI thought about making a single package, but the QuickGuide is 7+Mb and it's only an intro, so someone might want to deinstall that at some point04:02
KinnisonThen again; I'm not totally au-fait with the docbook way of doing things04:02
froudenrico, Kinnison 04:03
froudit's no problem to install the xml in this location04:03
froudand make individual packages04:03
=== Kinnison -> Post office
froudenrico, you know when you do the make you get the build/04:04
enricoSo, xml things go in /usr/share/ubuntu-doc, and the HTML gets separated in three independent things to install in /usr/share/doc/{ubuntu-doc,ubuntu-faqguide,ubuntu-quickguide}04:04
enricoBut where do we put the images that are in common between the XML and the HTML?04:04
froudJust hold let me draw this04:05
Kinnisonremember, it has to be /usr/share/doc/<binarypackagename>04:06
Kinnisonso that would imply an ubuntu-doc, ubuntu-faqguide and ubuntu-quickguide package each04:06
enricoCan I install symliks in /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs pointing at /usr/share/ubuntu-docs?04:07
enricoKinnison: but it can be that ubuntu-faqguide installs stuff in /usr/share/ubuntu-docs?04:07
froudis this what you mean04:08
froud/usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-doc-xml/ as it is now just pristine04:08
froud                /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-quickguide/04:08
froud                /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-quickguide/images/04:08
froud                /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-faqguide/04:08
froud                /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-faqguide/images/04:08
froudenrico, symlinks are allowed04:09
enricoNo, that appearently isn't possible because the ubuntu-faqguide package can only install in /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-faqguide (according to what Kinnison seems to have just said)04:09
enricoI was thinking about making:04:09
enricoand then installing all XML and images there04:10
enricothen separating the HTML and the images into their respective packages.  Images that are used by more than one package go in the ubuntu-docs package04:10
froudwhy not just have the trunk as it now then, just under ubuntu-doc/04:10
enricoThe various packages install images in /usr/share/ubuntu-doc/images, and install symlinks to them in /usr/share/doc/<package>/images so that HTML documentation works04:11
froudthat's fine04:11
froudbut the path must be ../images/04:12
enricosure: and we stuff symlinks in there04:12
enricoI'll try to put together something like that.  I'll probably need something that tells me which images are used by which document04:13
froudso long as there is a images link in the root and html packages are installed relative to that root it will work04:13
froudI have an XSL to to this04:13
enricoOh, cool!  Could you please commit it in the repo?04:13
froudbut need to integrate it to the system04:13
froudI think the best think is that you send me an email with the exact dir structure you want and I will create the system to do it that way04:14
froudso what you get in build/ will be what you want for dist04:14
froudHowever, if a person does uninstall qg04:15
froudit will also remove images shared by other documents04:16
froudincluding the xml04:16
froudif we have each HTML version of the book seperate with its images relative, this wont happen04:16
KinnisonYour best bet is to make some packages; see what people think / ask the opinion of some real ubuntu packagers; and then fix them as needed04:17
froudIt means duplication04:17
froudno worries04:17
enricoKinnison: I was about to do that, but I need to have some base knowledge to start from04:17
froudThe current system was designed to reuse as much as possible to reduce on disk usage04:18
enricofroud: please commit that XSL into the repo, I'll try to see what I can do with the rest04:18
Kinnison(side note: was someone here asking about my keysigning stuff?)04:18
enricoKinnison: I use caff04:18
froudenrico, I will, but I must modify first and incorporate it into the system04:18
enrico(how to the XML files refer to images? ../images ?)04:18
enricoI had a look at /usr/share/gnome/help and saw more issues, like l18n04:19
froudHe, he C/04:20
froudyes all images refs start ../image04:20
froudoh I see that XSL is in the libs dir04:21
enricoOk, could make sense.  Let's see what I Can do04:21
froudbut it wont work in present state04:21
froudenrico, take a look at libs/foImageList.xsl04:21
enricoDoesn't that only give things related to fo?04:22
froudIt was something I used in another project04:22
froudyes, that's what it wont work04:22
froudalso it's not in context04:22
froudI seem to remember putting it there cause I knew we would need it later04:23
froudso I will modify it and incorporate it to the make04:23
enricofroud: please just make it work, then I can maybe make a script that outputs the list of images for a given package04:24
enricoThat'd be already enough to me to work on04:24
froudwell the xsl does that04:24
froudleave it with me I will have a working solution in svn by tomorrow night 04:24
froudwill this be in time?04:25
enricoI think so.  However, I may already have solved the problem by that, and just need your revision :)04:27
enricoI'm installing all the .xml files in /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/C/04:27
enricoAll the images in in /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/C/images04:28
enricoThen, link farm in /usr/share/doc/*04:28
enricothen I'll see what happens04:28
froudHmm I would not put the link farm in /usr/share/doc/*04:29
froudrather /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-doc/04:29
froudrather /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs/04:31
enricoSure: /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-docs, /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-faqguide, /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-quickguide04:32
froudwhere /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-faqguide, /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-quickguide hold the HTML versions and each has images relative to it04:32
enricothe images would be symlinks to /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/C/images/*04:33
froudyou need symlink in /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/images(ln)/04:33
froudjust one04:34
enricouh... yes!04:34
enricothat's utterly ansolutely true!04:34
enricothanks!! Saved me lots!04:35
froudln /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/C/images/ images04:36
froudso what's left for me to do :-)04:37
=== froud is lost
enricothe XSL that tells me what images are used by a given document04:37
enricoI can use that to see what packages I shuold put the images in04:37
froudOK, the way I did it before was that the xsl writes atext file containing the list of images found in the xml04:38
froudthen the make just did a cp of that image list to the directory04:38
froudqg has the picture04:39
froudqg has the pictures04:39
enricoIt's ok if you just spit a list of image filenames to standard output04:39
froudbut they both use images/navig/ and images/admon/04:40
froudok stdout is fine but its better to input by reading the list from a file, no?04:40
enricoNo: I can do    for i in `xsltproc [stuff] `04:41
enricoOr send it to a file with >file.list if needed04:41
enricoIf it's not a burden.  If it's easier to a file I can do04:41
enricofor i in `cat file.list` :)04:41
froudNo the XSL is what writes the file04:41
frouddont worry about it, I will make it so you just run make dist04:42
froudrun and forget04:42
froudyou worry about the deb stuff04:43
froudagreed :-)04:43
enricoagreed, but I think you won't need to make that build/ work04:48
froudwhy not04:49
froudif we have it once we will have it for furture no?04:49
enricobecause I'm doing all the work in the debian packageing already04:49
froudAh ha,       ok04:49
froudSo I will just do that XSL04:50
froudand see how you work in the deb stuff04:50
froudI normally just make a directory and tarball it for the packagers04:50
enricoimages/{admon,callouts,navig} are used by all the docs, isn't it?04:50
froudbut you want to skip that04:50
froudbtw you should not just copy the XML dirs04:51
enricowhy not?04:51
froudyou need to do an svn export or else you will have all the .svn dirs04:51
froudand they can be many Meg04:51
enricoSure: I do things with an svn export04:52
enricoI mean, I do a svn export, then I build the package04:52
enricothe debian tools complain if they see .svn directories in the source 04:52
froudin fact the whole build thing should be done on an svn export04:52
enricowe have two .gif images: are they used?04:53
froudthat's why I had started make dist04:53
froudthe cc images yes04:54
enricocan I convert them to png?04:54
froudall docs should use them in the license sections04:54
froudno you cant :-)04:54
enricobuuu... why04:54
froudnot unless we change the source04:54
enricoI can convert them and change the source04:55
enricocan I ?  :)04:55
froudthe xml looks for gif04:55
froudHo humk, if you must :-)04:55
enricono source is using those, appearently, anyway04:55
enrico(just did an rgrep)04:56
froudbut change legalnotice.xml to04:56
enricodo you confirm?04:56
froudyes, you are right, they are not being used04:58
enricoso I convert them before you use them :04:58
froudit was removed when I did the lic stuff with mako04:58
froudJust dont change gifs in images/navig04:59
enricoconverted (and ocmmitted)!  They are smaller, too.04:59
enricobastard!  More gifs!04:59
froudyes :-)05:00
enricoDistributing gifs is impolite05:00
enricobut at least if they are in images/navig I care less05:00
enrico(that is, I was doing a *.png :)05:00
Kinnisongifs suck05:00
Kinnisonuse PNGs05:00
froudthe navig gifs have transparent backgrounds05:01
enricoPNGs can have transparent background, too05:01
KinnisonPNGs can have alpha channels in them05:01
froudeasier to match header and footer colors in chunked output05:01
froudwell if you see how small they are you dont want to mess with them05:02
froudI tried a convert to png and did not like the result05:02
froudperhap you can do it05:02
enricoOH COOLNESS05:25
enricoIt works quite well05:26
enricoIt now just misses splitting the images in teh various packages05:26
enricosending a mail in the list05:26
froudok, I have to get ready to go out. Valentines dinner05:29
froudc ya05:29
enricoWoW!  Have a lovely evening!05:29
enricoCommitted.   Announced.   Now I deserve a walk out05:39
enricofroud, Kinnison: BTW, big compliments!  The resulting packaging is IMHO quite cool!05:42
=== Kinnison grins
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