
=== jani [~pet@Home03207.cluj.astral.ro] has left #ubuntu-devel []
whiprushjdub: I'll do a big blog post.12:04
Hwolfwhiprush, what are you talking about?12:05
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubwhiprush: sweet ;)12:06
zullamont: thanks for doing the upload12:07
Keybukcan we put figlet into ubuntu-base? :p12:09
smurfixWhat's with d-i(ubuntu11)'s build/Makefile? installing a nonexistent trc.sh seems not to work particularly well ...12:12
KamionI just made my fiancee laugh with figlet "Happy Valentine's Day!" | cowsay -n12:13
smurfixah, my fault12:13
=== smurfix bad
=== JConnell [foobar@node.tor] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/debian-installer/debian-installer-20041227ubuntu12:14
Kamion11>$ grep trc build/Makefile12:14
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/debian-installer/debian-installer-20041227ubuntu12:14
smurfixKamion: my fault, I misapplied a local patch12:14
zulmjg59: ping when you get a chance there are some ibm thinkpad acpi suspend patches that you can look at for me12:16
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smurfixAnybody know if/when mdz'll be back?12:16
Mithrandirseb128: it wasn't a nautilus bug at all -- it was a bug in openbox which set the _NET_WORKAREA to insane values.12:19
=== Mithrandir thinks he should get a bit drunk soonish
mjg59zul: Hi12:20
zulmjg59: http://zulinux.homelinuz.net/ubuntu/kernel/patches/acpi12:21
Mithrandirhm, I need an ia64 to try to reproduce this problem.12:21
zulmjg59: its the thinkpad_suspend patches12:21
zulmjg59: they were taken from the ac tree12:22
GagatanMithrandir: want a beer? *cheers*12:22
seb128Mithrandir: oh ok12:23
MithrandirGagatan: I'm going home for some whisky, I think.12:23
ograMithrandir: so thats why i never saw it in metacity :)12:23
seb128Mithrandir: that explains why there is no bug in bugzilla :p12:23
Mithrandirseb128: it got triggered by the 64 bit fixes in nautilus, though.12:23
Gagatanjust finished the bottle of Noilly Prat with some iced tea12:23
Mithrandirogra: yup, metacity is fine -- it uses a long * instead of a guint32 *12:23
seb128Mithrandir: yeah, I was thinking to the 64bits/desktop patch 12:24
Mithrandirseb128: it just triggered it; I've got insane values like this for _NET_WORKAREA:12:24
Mithrandir_NET_WORKAREA(CARDINAL) = 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 768, 0, 177, 2531391064, 2531391064, 768, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 012:24
MithrandirI wonder how it has _ever_ worked, tho12:24
zulmjg59: if they were ok i was going to add them to -1812:25
mjg59zul: Hm. I thought we had those already.12:25
zullemme check12:25
mjg59zul: Yeah, they're in already12:26
zulok cool12:26
mjg59I picked those up a while ago - they're needed to get interrupts working after swsusp resume12:26
lamontjdub: about 45 min to build the rootfs12:30
pittinight everybody12:48
jdublamont: ah, ta12:59
jdublamont: on superdooper hardware, i guess?12:59
=== mjg59 gets the craptop to do something other than reboot on resume
mjg59No, that time it just rebooted again.01:04
=== farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-9-15.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59Bah. Seems to have been a freak occurance.01:10
=== JanC [~JanC@dD5764B88.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontjdub: that's on the data center machines, yes01:14
lamontbut for local hackery, you can skip a couple steps, and then it's just time to debootstrap+apt-get install ubuntu-desktop+about 5 minutes for locales01:14
lamontif you have a local mirror, it's not bad at all.01:14
lamontwe burn about 15 minutes in the name of rsync-ability01:14
=== lamont realizes that his wife gets home tomorrow, curses
lamonttoo many honey-dos to do today01:15
jdublamont: aha01:29
jdublamont: ok, i might be able to build them here then01:29
jdublamont: got the rootfs script handy?01:30
Mithrandirdaniels: the docs for XChangeProperty is wrong, or the implementation is.01:30
sivangjust installed installed a new hoary daily build, worked as a charm - does anybody know why it seems to not allow me to put grub onto the SATA /dev/sda ? (first SATA disk)01:30
sivang(maybe grub won't ever boot from a sata drive)01:33
Mithrandirsivang: grub is happy with SATA drives01:34
sivangMithrandir: hmm, then maybe a too-much-autoconfiguring d-i ? ;-)01:34
Mithrandirno idea. :)01:34
sivangit said something like "are you happy with installing the boot loader to the first drive's master boot record"01:34
sivangand I answered yes, as in "sure, this is my SATA drive currently" and he ended it up in /dev/hdb weird :)01:35
Mithrandirit depends on the order of the drives in your bios01:37
sivangMithrandir: hmm, interesting. I explicitly made the SATA one boot first , oh well, never mind, I'll put grub on the SATA drive manually :)01:38
=== ogra sees the hoary backports forming in #ubuntu
Mithrandirogra: hopefully, they'll go away once hoary is actually out.01:42
ajmitchthey're complaining about not having the latest software in hoary already :)01:43
Mithrandirand it's part of the "price" way pay for the community -- some do what the developers consider unwise, but there's nothing we can do to stop them (and it's probably not worth the effort)01:43
ograMithrandir: <BockBilbo> but in this period of "featurefreeze" there is no oportunity to have the latest software01:43
Mithrandirwhich software is he missing?01:43
ajmitchhe was wanting php501:43
ograMithrandir: the latest ;)01:43
Mithrandiruhm, uhm.01:44
Mithrandirthat has nothing to do with feature freeze, really, but more that php5 isn't really ready.01:44
Gagatanphp5 is in "new packages" back in debian iirc... /me seconds Mithrandir on that one01:45
=== sivang is glad seb128 is not here to hear all this "not current enough software in hoary" whine :)
ograMithrandir: but if it gets released one day before hoary, you got your first backports candidate01:45
ajmitchGagatan: maybe, just maybe it could go into universe, if we're allowed :)01:46
MithrandirGagatan: I'm talking with \infty at least once a day and he's grumpy enough about php4. :P01:46
GagatanMithrandir: hey, who isn't ;)01:46
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ajmitchwb dholbach 01:46
Mithrandirajmitch: people would start using it despite it not being supported, security-wise and all01:46
Mithrandirhiya Daniel01:46
ajmitchMithrandir: and you'd be lucky to find a MOTU willing to support it, I think01:47
=== Mithrandir notes it's about 01:47 and decides to go to bed, having fixed one RC bug today.
ajmitchit's a package that I would like, but I don't know it well enough to support01:48
=== ogra applauds Mithrandir
dholbachwhat package are you talking about?01:50
=== dholbach missed a bit of the conversation
dholbachah ok01:50
mdzKamion: still up?01:51
dilingerMithrandir: funny, the impression i get from infinity is that he's having lots of fun w/ php4 :)01:56
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zulhey dilinger 02:01
ogramdz: 5870 was closed yesterday.... just no bug update yet02:02
dilingerzul: hello02:02
lamonthrm... guess I should fix mplayer for folks...02:03
=== lamont tries to remember who told him about that originally
=== thully [~knoppix@51.sub-166-155-123.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== lamont beats daniels with the thrice-asked xserver-xorg questions on apt-get dist-upgrade
lamontI mean, they seem to be the same questions we did or didn't ask in the first place....02:07
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=== lamont reboots
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thullyhi - any plans to improve userland wireless support in Hoary?  I've had some major problems getting my wireless to work well using only the default tools.02:26
zuleventually i guess02:26
thullyI've logged bugs on a few - including the fact that configuring my wi-fi in GNOME causes the entire system to wait for a wireless network for 20sec on boot...02:27
dholbachi'm off to bed happily - just did my first 3 uploads ;-)02:27
dholbachsleep tight everyone02:27
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mdzlamont:    http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=648402:43
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wasabiAre versionings containing ~ allowed in Ubuntu at this point?03:30
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zenwheni just wanyted to tell you all that Ubuntu runs perfectly on this old P2266Mhz laptop with 160MB of ram using XFCE.03:50
zenwhenEverything "just works".03:50
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helixevery time I look in here I see usual's quit message03:59
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kenthelix, perhaps you live in a timezone which most other dont? so you always get here when we go to sleap ;)04:11
dilingerhelix: it's a sign.  watch more kevin smith movies.04:11
=== wasabi_ [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== wasabi_ is now known as wasabi
jdubsomething is pushing my clock forward an hour04:30
jduband no reboot is involved04:30
jdubntpdate fixes it up04:30
jdubnot running ntp04:30
HrdwrBoBthat happened to me after I upgraded to hoary on the weekend04:32
HrdwrBoBI put it down to bizarre space aliens tampering with DST04:32
=== SepheeBear [~SepheeBea@24-193-111-253.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontmdz: cool04:45
=== lamont wonders why he has to click in the border of a window to raise it now, instead of just anywhere in the window...
lamonthrm... sound is busted05:02
lamonthrm... scanner works on the laptop, but not when connected to the desktop (which has cupsys configured to talk to the printer...)05:04
wasabiIs ~ allowed in the Ubuntu archive?05:06
wasabiIt's very useful. =)05:06
lamontwasabi: pretty sure the answer is 'not yet', if you're talking about version numbers05:09
wasabiYeah, i am.05:09
wasabiSo, any suggetsions on this version number? I have a package, gjdoc.... It's a CVS checkout. It is labeld 0.7.1pre3. My checkout is post pre3, but pre pre4 (or release).05:11
wasabiWas going to do 0.7.1~pre3.20050212 which is very clear and very useful... but apparently not. =)05:12
wasabioh hi. =)05:12
wasabithx for your help on the other side heh.05:13
infinityI'm stalking you.  <nod>05:13
=== tuo2 [~foo@218-215-8-253.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityMithrandir : php5 for hoary would be a mistake.  php5 in debian is still a mystery right now (what's in queue/new almost certainly shouldn't be there)05:17
fabbionemorning guys05:21
mdzkent: helix lives in a time zone apart from the rest of the world ;-)05:24
helixmy timezone is awesome05:24
mdzyou're somewhere in the middle of the pacific I think05:24
helixI wish05:25
mdzor perhaps you're in Antarctica, and can just run around the pole and change time zones at will05:25
helixI live in an igloo and frolic with polar bears05:26
=== srbaker [~srbaker@blk-215-68-80.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
farruinnin antartica?05:31
mdzthere are no polar bears in Antarctica05:32
helixhave you ever been here?05:32
mdzno, I wish05:33
farruinnand the Inuits live in the arctic as well05:33
farruinn(although I'm sure you could build igloos in antarctica if you wished)05:33
mdzbuilding polar bears is trickier05:34
helixmdz: could I call myself an antarctist?05:34
mdzhelix: I suppose you could say you practice antarcty05:34
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development UP ALL NIGHT | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals
=== mdz puts on boomtown rats
helixwhat kind of music is that?05:37
mdzcheesy 80s tunes05:37
mdzspecifically "up all night"05:37
helixI like lionel richie's "fiesta" for those kinds of moods05:38
helixI think it's lionel richie05:38
jdubbilly ocean05:38
helixnah, it's lionel richie05:39
helix"all night long"05:39
helixbilly ocean sang that o/~ get outta my dreams, get into my car o/~ song05:39
fabbionedaniels: ping?05:45
danielspong, yo05:45
danielsi'm just eating lunch, be with you in a sec05:46
fabbionedaniels: sure05:46
fabbioneenjoy :-)05:46
danielspasta :)05:46
mdzI bet fabbione's pasta could beat up your pasta05:55
danielshey, don't hate on my pasta05:59
danielsgnocchi is love05:59
danielsas is sugar.  mmm, sugar.05:59
mdzI don't like sugar06:00
mdzI like starch06:00
helixmmm, potatoes06:00
mdzand protein, mm, protein06:00
mdzglorious legumes06:00
crimsungotta control my carb intake06:00
helixmdz: you're ruining my fast ;(06:00
mdzhelix: serves you right for having an eat-a-thon without me06:01
helixdude, that's so unfair06:01
helixI begged you to come06:01
mdzand I told you I had a prior engagement :-(06:01
danielsmdz: sugar is wakey06:01
mdzthere is so much good food in nyc06:01
helixmdz: yeah, but those are mostly gone06:01
helixand I'm there for 10 days!06:01
danielsfabbione: i'll chuck all my stuff on chinstrap in a sec, just need to clean up this script06:01
helixthat's like, forever06:02
helixstuff could move into debian testing in 10 days06:02
fabbionedaniels: sure. i am digging into esd stuff... do you know what starts it?06:02
fabbionedaniels: i can't find any reference in /etc06:02
danielsfabbione: i assume it's started by gnome-session06:02
mdzhelix: in this case there is this heavy soname transition going on06:02
helixword to sonames06:02
helixmdz: wait, and you're involved in it?06:03
mdzhelix: booo06:03
helixmdz: I'm still not seeing the problem. pretty much all of NYC has a wireless connection.06:04
helixyou could work anywhere!06:04
fabbionedaniels: hmm and where do we tell gnome-session to start esd?06:04
mdzhelix: this is a personal trip, not a professional one06:05
mdzI'm visiting my family06:05
danielsfabbione: i don't know sorry ... ez gtk boog06:05
helixI'll keep trying06:05
danielsfabbione: you'd really have to ask seb or jdub on this one06:05
mdzmy mother has been sick :-/06:05
danielsmdz: hope everything turns out ok06:05
jdubfabbione: gnome-session does it itself, see sound properties06:06
helixmdz: oops :( *hugs*06:06
mdzI don't think she's dying, but I can never get the truth out of her over the phone06:06
danielsjdub: what we need to do is have esd start with a variable device06:06
fabbionethere is also the problem that esd is limited06:07
mdzspeaking of sonames, /me uploads flac06:07
mdzwhere all _four_ of its shared libraries have been incremented this time06:07
helix* the_world waits in horror06:07
crimsunmdz: 1.1.2?06:07
=== daniels weeps.
mdzcrimsun: yes06:07
crimsunmdz: joy!06:07
jdubdaniels: aha06:08
jdubmdz: is charles going to hate you for this?06:08
mdzjdub: well, I'm only uploading it to Debian so far06:08
mdzI don't see any particular justification for a FeatureFreeze exception in Ubuntu06:09
helixoh, nice. "in case it breaks, muahahaha"06:09
mdzthough, it does fix a versioning error06:09
mdz1.1.1 changed ABI without a soname increment in one of the libraries06:09
mdzi don't think it's used in Ubuntu main06:09
crimsunI've triggered the id3v1 tag bug that's fixed in 1.1.2, actually06:10
crimsunbut I'll deal :)06:10
mdzjdub: I think charles has only done a couple of packages so far06:11
=== fabbione sighs
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionedaniels, jdub: sometimes between today and xmas? :P06:16
=== mvo_ [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== daniels frowns.
danielsKamion: ping?06:26
_mvo_daniels: he's very likely sleeping06:28
danielsmmm, true06:30
danielsmdz: do you know how to get a mini.iso out of the daily build?06:30
mdzdaniels: it's in there somewhere06:31
danielsmdz: i'm kicking cron.daily by hand, and no mini.iso is forthcoming06:32
danielsmdz: right, but I need to kick my own06:32
danielsmdz: need a cd with l-i -17 installed06:32
mdzmake netboot_blah_blah06:32
mdzdaniels: install or live?06:32
mdzisn't -17 the current version in hoary?06:33
danielsmdz: install06:33
mdzI could roll a build on little for you06:33
danielsmdz: i have cdimage access to little, dude06:33
mdzso what do you need exactly?06:33
danielsmdz: i kicked a build with cron.daily and environment variables up the hizzay, but /srv/cdimage.u.c/scratch doesn't have a mini.iso06:33
mdza fresher d-i build?06:33
mdzdude, you are in the wrong place06:33
danielsyeah, a mini.iso built for i386 with what's in the archive now06:33
mdzmini.iso is built by d-i06:33
mdzyou're at the debian-cd level06:33
mdzI can kick off a d-i build (for reference, so can lamont and Kamion)06:34
danielsthat would be awesome, thanks06:34
danielsjust as long as I can get my hands on a mini.iso with l-i -17806:34
danielser, -1706:34
lamontdaniels: it'll take a while to get to -178, I hope... :-)06:34
mdzdaniels: building now06:35
danielsmdz: thanks a lot06:35
bluefoxicyany reason mono isn't available on amd6406:39
bluefoxicy-rw-r--r--  1 bluefox users 12701 Nov 13 19:28 amd64-codegen.h06:40
danielsbluefoxicy: because it only really works with mono 1.1, which requires a complete packaging.  it's in universe, so if you want to totally repackage that and line it up with motu, that'd be great, thanks.06:40
lamontbluefoxicy: I expect it's because I have to bootstrap it06:43
lamontif someone tells me that what's in the archive should actually work, I'll turn the crank - but it'd be nice to know that before I spend time on it...06:44
bluefoxicydaniels:  not tonight, and i really have nfc what I'm doing anyway06:44
danielslamont: nope, needs repackaging06:45
bluefoxicybut if you want to walk me through it tomorrow some time (3:30p EST I have an interview)06:45
bluefoxicyit may provide a good learning experience.06:45
bluefoxicyonce I learned to write ebuilds on gentoo I brushed 'em up and tested patches at my liesure, and also wrote a few to contribute06:45
bluefoxicynothing says I won't do the same if I can get past dpkg's learning curve06:46
danielsno, i really do not have the time; there is some excellent documentation on www.debian.org/devl/newmaint/ that have served fine for around 1000+ new maintainers06:46
danielser, /devel/newmaint/06:46
bluefoxicywell, i"m the hands-on type.  More like I'm lazy; my idea of documentation is "Here we will do X and there we tell you what you're doing.  Build X, read the other real docs, and you should know exactly what your'e doing and have a process to modify for everything else"06:47
bluefoxicybut eh06:47
bluefoxicynot your job to babysit me06:48
danielsthere's a difference between being hands-on and having a bash at things (which is also my style of learning) and needing to be spoonfed06:49
bluefoxicyI know.06:49
bluefoxicylike I said, lazy.06:50
bluefoxicyI'll read the first line of documentation and then drop straight to the bottom of the screen like "blahblahblah where's the part that tells me to put files somewhere and enter some command"06:50
danielsthat's probably an attribute you'll want to work on06:53
bluefoxicyya think?06:53
bluefoxicyI did actually build some debian packages a while back06:54
bluefoxicywhich is worrisome:  my character's gotten bad over time.06:54
bluefoxicyI like contributing, but I'm so damn anal I annoy the shit out of everyone, and when they give me something to do I don't do it o.O06:54
=== helix is shocked
bluefoxicyand I'm flooding the channel again06:55
bluefoxicyI should shut up now.06:55
mdzdaniels: build is finished06:57
mdzdaniels: it'll need elmo love in order to get into the archive06:57
mdzbut lamont might be able to snatch it from the jaws of the buildds06:58
danielsok, thanks06:58
danielsuncle laamoooonnnnttttt ... :)06:58
fabbionelamont: -17 has changed the ABI?07:05
=== da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
da_bon_bonhi all07:08
da_bon_bonupdated to hoary07:08
da_bon_bonhow do i know whether udev is runing or no ?07:09
fabbionelamont: ?07:10
da_bon_bonhow do i know whether udev is runing or no ?07:15
lamontfabbione: I don't believe it has?07:16
fabbioneit did.. probably due to inotify update07:16
lamontdaniels: shortly after it d-i finishes uploading, it goes *poof*07:16
fabbionelamont: i guess you are going to sleep soon, aren't you?07:16
lamontfabbione: GAH! - scream at zul, eh?07:16
da_bon_bonfabbione, lamont: how do i know whether udev is running ?07:17
fabbionelamont: i need to revert one patch at a time to figure that out...07:17
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fabbionelamont: can i go with -18 if i find the change and it is undoable?07:20
fabbionelamont: if the security patch changes the ABI than we need to do it properly07:20
lamontfabbione: sure07:21
=== BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontfabbione: out of curiosity (and because I _should_ know in the future) what made you realize that the abi had changed?07:26
fabbionemodprobe nvidia07:26
fabbioneto test the ABI you install the new kernel without rebooting07:27
fabbioneand try to load a module07:27
fabbioneif the module will load the ABI is the same07:27
fabbioneor it is supposed to be the same07:27
fabbioneif it doesn't the ABI is broken07:27
lamontah, cool07:31
=== lamont will remember
=== dholbach [~dholbach@td9091a7c.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachmorning guys07:37
danielslamont: so when does mini.iso hit cdimage.u.c?07:45
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dholbachhi d3vic307:50
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lamontdaniels: as soon as elmo puts it in the archive07:54
lamontassuming it's built as part of the build.07:54
lamontOTOH, I do have the tarball still sittinga round on the buildd, I expect...07:54
danielsah, so it's byhanded07:54
danielsif I could get at the mini.iso at all, that would be fantastic07:55
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dokogood morning all07:56
dholbachhi doko07:57
_mvo_hi doko 07:58
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mantienaKamion, hi08:01
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pitti_fabbione: bah, 2.6.11 reproducably crashes on my desktop09:08
fabbionelamont: still around?09:09
fabbionepitti_: it's not a case it is in universe09:10
fabbione+ it's a bk snapshot and not a full 2.6.1109:10
pitti_fabbione: I know, I just thought you were interested in hearing reports09:10
fabbionepitti_: just open a bug in bugzilla for now09:11
pitti_fabbione: it crashes always at exactly the same time (already under Gnome), I still suspect inotify09:11
fabbionetry to boot with noinotify09:11
pitti_fabbione: I'll open a bug if I have something to write into09:11
fabbioneand see if it still crashes09:11
pitti_okay, I'll do that at next boot09:11
=== Keybuk [~scott@host217-37-231-25.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionelamont: -18 uploaded. I had to revert the security fix and the inotify update09:15
pitti_lamont: why the security fix?09:18
fabbionepitti_: the sign patch changes the kernel ABI09:19
fabbioneand it needs to be handled properly09:19
pitti_ah, ok09:19
fabbione-18 is a temporary kernel while the team will take care of getting it right in -1909:19
fabbionesince it takes a while to sync everything09:19
pitti_elmo: htdig sync, please09:31
ajmitchlatest daily install cd won't install base, missing memtest86+, what's the bugzilla product to report against?10:05
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pitti_lamont: still here?10:11
pitti_elmo: ping10:12
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mantienaKamion, maybe you could help me to test my d-i component, which replaces base-installer ? I have troubles with runing d-i in chroot :(10:18
smurfixfabbione: A good test WRT "same kernel interface" is to check if the generated Module.symvers file is identical (or rather "sort +1 Module.symvers | cut -f 1-2")10:19
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smurfixfabbione: Just installing a module or two risks missing something10:21
danielsKamion: have another bug :) if you enter the root password wrong (expert mode), you only get prompted to re-enter it10:21
danielsi.e. only the second question gets asked, so you have to reproduce the typo you made the first time10:22
Treenaksnice one10:22
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_mvo_ping haggai 10:27
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pitti_elmo: mnogosearch sync, please10:42
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Kamiondaniels: for a mini.iso, it's way easier to just build it yourself!10:50
danielsKamion: yeah, didn't know it came from d-i ... such is life10:50
danielsi assumed it was part of the d-c build process10:50
Kamiondaniels: get the debian-installer source, cd build, set up sources.list.udeb.local with stuff like 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main/debian-installer', 'fakeroot make rebuild_netboot'10:51
danielswhich we all know makes an ass out of u and some dude called med10:51
danielsKamion: phat10:51
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Kamionmantiena: could you put the source package somewhere and I'll have a look when I get a chance? now is not an excellent time but if you give me the URL then I can have a look later10:51
haggai_mvo_: pong10:53
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Keybukpitti_: [feature request]  pumount /media/*10:54
mantienaKamion, it would be better if you tell me how get d-i menu working in chroot. I analyzed Makefile's demo target as you told and started d-i with command: sudo chroot $TREE bin/sh -c "export DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 ; /usr/bin/debconf-loadtemplate debian /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.templates; exec /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/bin/main-menu"10:54
Keybuk(ie. don't bitch that /media/sda1 isn't under /dev)10:54
Kamionmantiena: well, that would be what I'd try first, and then debug it into existence from there10:55
mantienaKamion, before this I mounted proc and dev: sudo /bin/mount -t devfs dev $(TREE)/dev10:55
mantienasudo /bin/mount -t proc proc $(TREE)/proc10:55
Kamiondon't use devfs10:55
Kamionmount --bind /dev $(TREE)/dev10:55
Kamion$TREE/dev in fact, given that you aren't in make10:55
mantienaKamion, yes, I'm starting from simple shell script10:56
mantienaKamion, I grabed  "sudo /bin/mount -t devfs dev $(TREE)/dev" from Makefile ;)10:57
mantienademo target10:57
pitti_Keybuk: pumount /media/* shall unmount all devices?10:58
Kamionmantiena: yeah, it's probably wrong, the switch to udev is an Ubuntu change and I won't guarantee that everything has been updated10:59
Keybukpitti_: no, just pumount /media/sda1 shall unmount that10:59
Keybuk(at the moment it complains that /media/sda1 isn't under /dev)10:59
pitti_Keybuk: hmm, this should actually work11:00
pitti_Keybuk: can you please check what it does with pumount -d /media/sda1?11:00
mantienaKamion, thanks, I'm trying now without devfs11:00
Keybukubuntu mango-sorbet# pumount -d /media/cdrom011:00
Keybukresolved /media/cdrom0 to device /media/cdrom011:00
KeybukError: invalid device /media/cdrom0 (must be in /dev/)11:00
pitti_Keybuk: just to be sure, you are using latest Hoary version?11:00
Keybukpitti_: yeah, give or take a day or two11:01
pitti_Keybuk: hmm, this works for me for USB devices11:02
Kamionmantiena: you haven't told me what went wrong with your approach though11:02
pitti_$ pumount -d /media/Pitti\ Drive/11:02
pitti_resolved mount point /media/Pitti Drive/ to device /dev/sda111:02
pitti_resolved /dev/sda1 to device /dev/sda111:02
pitti_policy check passed11:02
pitti_Executing command: /bin/umount /dev/sda111:02
pitti_Keybuk: I'll take a look at it11:02
Keybukit works with the usb device11:03
Keybukmaybe I'm being dumb11:03
pitti_Keybuk: no, I think it may be a bug if the device is in fstab11:03
pitti_Keybuk: I get the same for cd-rom11:03
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Keybukah, yes, cdrom is in fstab11:04
mantienaKamion, without devfs is same problem than before - I get only blue screen and process "/usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/bin/main-menu" uses ~90% of my CPU :(11:09
KamionI'll have to investigate that later then11:11
mantienaKamion, after few minutes this process eats almost all my memory: 946m  VIRT and 625m RES :(11:11
Kamionyou know how to use strace and gdb, right? :)11:12
Kamion'cos that's where I'd start ...11:12
=== Kamion expects developers to be competent debuggers too
mantienaKamion, ok, I try to do this, but notice, this is not because of my component, I just trying to start standard d-i from ubuntu11:13
Kamionyes I'm aware of that11:13
mantienaKamion, I build d-i with make demo_hd-media11:13
KamionI've never tried to run the demo target in Ubuntu though :)11:13
mantienaKamion, how you are building and debuging d-i ?11:14
Kamiondemo, in itself, is not all that useful for installer development11:14
KamionI build either netboot images or CD-ROM images and boot into those11:14
mantienaKamion, you are rebooting every time when you need test ?11:15
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lowhowdy !11:15
lowKamion: around ?11:15
Kamionmantiena: depends on what I'm doing11:15
Kamionmantiena: but, for the installer itself (as distinct from your live CD installer), there are many things that you cannot usefully do while just chrooted11:16
Kamionlow: yes11:16
lowKamion: i've tried daily/current amd64 iso from this morning. two problems appeared: 1st, network card isn't recongnized anymore (forcedeth), 2nd, when coming to raid config, it says the kernel doesn't support MD devices11:17
KamionI was only working on i386; I'll try amd64 later11:17
Kamionthe forcedeth thing surprises me but is really a job for the kernel guys to analyse11:17
lowthat was ok when running array4 test iso11:18
lowKamion: i suppose your fixes about md configuration are applied to x86/x86_64/ppc/etc ?11:19
Kamionthey were not architecture-specific in the least, as far as I know11:19
Kamionanyway, I have to go and apply for a notice of marriage11:19
lowKamion: ok, who do i have to talk with about kernel problems ?11:20
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danielsKamion: poor soul (i mean, good luck!)11:21
Kamionlow: currently, lamont's probably the best candidate11:26
lowok thx Kamion !11:26
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Kamionlow: for the MD problem, have a look to see (a) does /proc/mdstat exist? (b) are modules md, raid0, raid1, raid5 available/loaded? (they should have been loaded automatically)11:28
lowhmmm nothing, trying to load modules by hand...11:30
lowmodprobe all these, keeps complaining: "invalid module format"11:31
lowchecking iso md511:31
ajmitchlow: just burnt it, I get the same thing11:31
Kamioninvalid module format? odd11:31
ajmitchit won't load networking modules nor lvm11:31
Kamionanything interesting on tty4?11:32
lowKamion: anyway md5 isn't correct11:33
ajmitchnothing interesting as such, just modprobe complains11:33
lowKamion: checking (box is in another room, brb)11:33
Kamionlow: that might explain some of it; I'm surprised that it booted that far though11:33
ajmitchchecking md5sums here11:34
lowKamion: nothing special in tty411:34
ajmitchmd5 checks out ok11:34
=== ajmitch throws cd on the coaster pile :)
low0983640d59a6f44653a247c80120d807 then ?11:34
Kamionapparently linux-source-2.6.10 2.6.10-17 broke the module ABI11:34
Kamionthat might be part of it11:34
Kamion-18 fixes it11:35
lowhmmm 2.6.10-3 here !?11:35
ajmitchKamion: alright, yesterday's image seems to have missed memtest86+ installation, which broke it11:35
danielslamont: if you want to just abi-bump l-r-m when you do -19, i'd love you forever11:35
lowgah i'm in the bad dir11:35
Kamionlow: that's the module ABI version, not the kernel package version.11:35
danielslamont: (and also do the CONFIG_DRM thing we discussed in l-s)11:35
Kamionajmitch: "missed"?11:36
danielsthings that are shit include: discover111:36
lowKamion: ok, md5 is good here11:36
ajmitchKamion: not sure, but apt complained about ubuntu-base's missing dependency11:36
Kamionajmitch: what arch?11:37
Kamionwill investigate later11:37
Kamionmust go11:37
lowsee ya Kamion 11:37
danielsKamion: miastill around, perchance?11:38
danielsKamion: if so, how does one pick up on a switch passed on the command line?  e.g. debian-installer/multiseat=true11:38
Mithrandirit's in /proc/cmdline11:39
Kamiondaniels: debconf question, db_get11:39
Kamiondon't use debian-installer/* please though11:39
ajmitchmemtest86+ looks to be on the cd, retrying install..11:39
Kamionenv2debconf maps */*=* into debconf questions11:40
danielsKamion: ah cool, thakns dude11:41
thomoh dear god kill me now11:54
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ograthom: poor guy....11:57
ograthom: solve it by a disk monitor that pops up a warning ;)11:57
smurfixthom: Debian #27572611:57
smurfixthom: tagged fixed-upstream11:57
seb128thom: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-mozilla-maintainers/2005-January/000006.html11:58
=== thom steals the patch
seb128thom: wait before doing an upload, I've perhaps an another bug for you (#5992)12:01
thomgee, thanks12:02
seb128thom: and about the jumping cursor ? let me know if you need any help on this, I would like to get it fixed to enjoy replying in bugzilla again :p12:03
danielsthom: psst, if you want to get him back, he can have anything on my bug list12:03
thomseb128: i might turn pango off to see if that fixes the problem12:04
seb128thom: I'm going to run a firefox build to try something for #5992, do you want me to turn it in the same build ?12:04
seb128daniels: any news on the xkb issues ?12:05
thomseb128: please do12:05
ajmitchKamion: ok, forget that semi-bug about ubuntu-base dependencies - tried again with same settings, same cd, and it's all installed, somehow12:08
danielswhat's the best way to count numbers of lines in shell?12:11
danielsassuming that busybox's wc seems to be crap enough to print all the spaces before the number12:11
daniels${#FOO} only counts numbers of characters12:12
danielsseb128: none ta all, sorry, been way too busy with other stuff12:12
jdubPOO=0 while read foo; do POO=$(($POO+1)); done < file12:12
=== daniels vomits.
seb128daniels: k, np12:13
jdubhey, if your wc is screwed, anything's game :)12:13
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danielsjdub: it's not my wc, it's busybox's12:14
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AndyFitzokay, which guy broke my gnome    ;-)12:17
mantienaKamion, hehe, I got working d-i in chroot - simply unpackged and mounted initrd.gz from CD ;)12:25
=== AndyFitz wonder if package maintainers can hear users applaud or cry all over the world
seb128AndyFitz: we don't even know what you are talking about12:26
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AndyFitzsince upgrading to the new ubuntu-base and restarting i havent been able to log into gnome. i have no idea how that works since i thought ubuntu-base was an empty package with lots of depends12:28
AndyFitzthis really belongs in #ubuntu12:29
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Mdis a version of ongoing-merge for hoary available?12:34
danielsMd: as in, the actual merge tool?12:35
Mddaniels: no, the .diff files from the debian version to the ubuntu/hoary version12:35
danielshttp://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/ has interdiffs, i believe12:36
Mdor is 0.0.20040329-15ubuntu3 really the latest hotplug version in ubuntu?12:36
Mddaniels: I know, but they look old. the hotplug diff there has been generated in november12:36
Keybuk16ubuntu11 is current12:37
Keybukthe ongoing merge tool only takes diffs at merge-point12:37
Keybuk(so 16ubuntu1 through 16ubuntu11 aren't represented there)12:37
Mdso I need to generate it manually?12:38
Keybukcurrently, yes12:38
seb128thom: #5992 reassigned, crappy patch in fact12:47
thomseb128: ok, thanks12:49
thomdid killing pango fix your problems, or didn't you try?12:49
danielsoh my god, posix shell is broken to shit12:50
danielsFOO="   I run the risk of letting this entry run rather melancholic, so I'll leave you with a picture of my titties.12:50
daniels     er12:50
jdubha ha ha ha12:50
danielsimagine that I just pasted some random crap from LiveJournal instead of hitting the space bar :)12:50
seb128thom: I still get the jumping cursor without the pango option to the configure12:50
jdubyay for daniels livejournal girlfriend!12:50
thomseb128: no to which12:50
danielsso let's try that one again12:50
danielsjdub: not my girlfriend, dude12:50
jdubthe boobies are attached to a he?12:50
danielsFOO="        x"; if [ "${FOO## }" = "x" ] 12:50
danielsthis will return false12:51
danielsFOO="        x"; if [ ${FOO## } = "x" ] 12:51
danielsthis will return true12:51
smurfixdaniels: Ouch12:51
danielsin the first case, the ## isn't actually doing anything, it's still       x12:51
mjg59Yay for shell12:51
smurfixdaniels: In the second case, the ## still isn't doing anything I suspect12:51
=== daniels puts something else into his cut buffer
danielssmurfix: well, "${FOO## }" == $FOO12:52
seb128thom: hum, removing the configure option is enough ? or should I turn it to the opposite ? it's still linked with pango12:53
danielssmurfix: the substitution happens without the "" though; don't know what shell it is (posh?), it's whatever one is in the installer12:53
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thomseb128: i think it defaults true, so you'll need to reverse it12:53
smurfixdaniels: aren't the spaces swallowed by the standard whitespace skippage?12:53
seb128thom: right, I've screwed so :p12:53
=== Md still can't see the point of bothering with posh
thomseb128: d'oh12:54
thomyou do use ccache, right?12:54
danielssmurfix: all I know is that my postinst was broken for that very reason ("      4" != "4") until I fixed it12:54
danielssmurfix: and the trace was showing it comparing "      4" vs "4"12:54
danielsin "${FOO## }" = "4", where $FOO="      4"12:55
smurfixdaniels: exactly. Without the quotes, shell word expansion ditches the whitespace.12:55
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smurfixdaniels: bash doesn't understand ##<whitespace> either12:55
danielssmurfix: oh, hm. 12:55
danielssmurfix: weird12:56
seb128thom: nop12:56
smurfixdaniels: anyway, that's not a bug. The thing after ## is suppose to be a (pathname-style) pattern.12:59
elmosmurfix: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: python-dev (>= 2.4dfsg-1)12:59
elmosmurfix: python-dev | 2.4-0ubuntu6 |         hoary | all12:59
smurfixelmo: I noticed -- will upload -2 later today01:00
danielssmurfix: ok, thanks for the heads-up01:00
smurfixelmo: after I replaced the hard disk in my laptop :-/01:00
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smurfixdaniels: If you use exactly as many spaces as there are in $FOO, it works.01:00
danielssmurfix: bleh.  isn't ## supposed to be a greedy match, though?01:01
elmodrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2005-02-15 11:58:43 ./usr/share/dotnet/mono/gac/evolution-sharp/
elmo... nice.01:01
danielssmurfix: i.e. if you have xxxxxy, shouldn't ${FOO#x} give you xxxxy, and ${FOO##x} give you y?01:01
smurfixdaniels: it's shortest/longest matching pattern, not matching repetition of that pattern.01:01
danielssmurfix: blegh01:01
smurfixdaniels: Unfortunateky it's also shell filename pattern, not regexp, so ... :-(01:02
thomseb128: oops01:04
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Mdwho should be credited for the beautiful hotplug.init shell hack? mdz?01:36
mantienaMd, not I ;)01:39
dholbachjdub: still there?01:41
jdubmust sleep01:42
jdubor at least, i must attempt to portray sleep01:43
dholbachjdub: you read mary gardiner's mail concerning offlineimap breakage?01:43
jdubnup, where abouts?01:44
dholbachjdub: ubuntu-users - the MOTU team (including me) wants to get 2347346 of python universe packages sorted out and i wanted to reply to get some enthusiasts about it together on #ubuntu-love day01:44
jdubah, rocking01:44
dholbachjdub: since i dont know about your exact plans, i wanted to ask you before replying01:44
jdubgood call01:44
jdubplease do01:44
jdubi'm going to put up a page about it and activities tomorrow01:45
jdubplease Cc me on that one :)01:45
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dholbachjdub: and thanks for the congratulations ;-)01:45
=== jdub has not been reading u-u recently :|
jdubdholbach: :-)01:45
=== jdub goes to bed
bob2dholbach: it's fixed in sid01:45
bob2I meant to bug you about that01:45
pittinight jdub 01:45
dholbachbob2: oh cool01:45
dholbachjdub: sleep tight01:46
dholbachelmo: could you please sync offlineimap from sync then?01:46
bob2we're past upstream freeze01:46
bob2get permission from jeff and matt01:46
dholbachbob2: it's in universe01:46
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jkhrmpzgrmbl #^&$%&# php &#*$^*&%^01:47
=== infinity looks askance at jk.
bob2it didn't move to supported, again?01:50
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dholbachapt-cache show offlineimap   told me01:51
bob2I know how to find it out01:52
dholbachbob2: sorry... i just wanted to state, i didn't know of any plans about re-supporting it and just consulted apt-cache01:53
mjg59jbailey: Any progress with setting RESUME by default?02:04
jbaileymjg59: None.  On my todo list today to talk to you about.  I'm not sure of the logic to figure it out, or where it should go.  Should I just drop the only swap partition into the config file when I'm installing for the first time?02:05
jbaileyinitrd-tools isn't essential, so I could debconf it in the event that I've got multiple choice or just pick the biggest one.02:05
mjg59If there's only one swap partition, use it. If there are two, use the biggest.02:06
mjg59If they're equal, just use the first02:06
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zulfabbione: ping02:15
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sivangHi everybody!02:33
Treenakshey sivang 02:33
dholbachhi sivan!02:34
sivanghey Treenaks , dholbach 02:35
lamontzul: morning - about 2 minutes before I need to run out the door02:39
lamontfwiw, I think we want to let -18 stand today, and plan on uploading -19 after array 4 is out the door tomorrow.02:39
lamont(since -17 broke all the isos...)02:39
zullamont, k02:39
lowlamont: great. i'll test it tomorrow02:39
=== lamont is out today
lamontwife comes home this afternoon, gotta make the house ready for her so that I can sleep in my bed tonight... :)02:40
zulawww isnt that sweet :)02:40
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lamontlow: I expect that Kamion will burn a new CD collection with -18 on them...02:40
tritiumnvidia is broken with -1802:41
lamonttritium: broken how?02:41
Kamionlamont: that's the plan, yeah02:41
lamontall?? kernel modules are broken with -17....02:41
tritiumlamont, couldn't load the module.  Had to boot into 2.6.10-2.  Similar to what happend around 2.6.10-7 and -8 or so02:41
lamonttritium: right. you have -17, not -1802:42
tritiumlamont, no, I got -18 this morning02:42
Kamiontritium: did you reboot into -18?02:42
lamontthat would be annoying02:42
Kamiontritium: or are you running a -17 kernel and trying to load -18 modules?02:42
Kamionlamont: just waiting for ia64 to finish building -18 ...02:42
lamontKamion: lets hope that is the issue...02:42
lamontKamion: linux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-18_20050215-0838 07:33:26 (4 entries, sigma 00:02:29)02:43
lamontstart without it02:43
tritiumKamion, let me reboot to double-check02:43
lamontKamion: unless you really have 2 hours to kill.02:43
tritiumbefore I say any more02:43
Kamionlamont: ok02:43
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lamontKamion: and then if you want to build a new set of ia64-only CD's somewhere around 1630 your time, it might be ready for you02:44
KamionI'll just hold my debian-installer upload until ia64 makes it, I think02:45
=== daniels waves at Kamion.
danielsKamion: thanks a lot for your help :)02:45
ograhmm, pmount locks my terminal :(02:46
=== lamont heads out the door
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tritiumKamion, I'm a moron this morning02:47
=== sladen ponders answering the bootsplash thread and hmmms.
sivangdaniels: do you know if we have il archives already? the hoary build I installed with has "il.archive.u.c" 02:48
sivanghey tritium 02:49
tritiumsivang, hello02:49
sivangtritium: how are you ?02:49
danielssivang: i don't know, sorry, but iirc there's a *.a.u.c wildcard pointing to the master server02:49
tritiumsivang, fine, thanks.  How are you?02:49
sivangdaniels: ah cool, thanks :)02:50
sivangtritium: fine, copying last settings from my old hd to a new sata :)02:50
Kamiondaniels: np02:51
tritiumsivang, new hardware - cool!02:51
sivangtritium: yeah, it's always a refreshing feeling.02:52
mantienaKamion, it seems I found one error in cdrom-retriever :)02:52
Kamionmantiena: oh?02:53
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mantienaKamion, line 47 of cdrom-retriever is "        if db_get mirror/suite; then"02:54
mantienait should also check if return value isn't empty02:54
mantienamaybe check for empty $RET should be in line 48  ?02:55
Kamionmm, perhaps; although an environment that doesn't set mirror/suite before calling cdrom-retriever is itself buggy02:55
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mantienaKamion, in any case, I think it's not hard to make chech for empy ;)02:56
eruindebian sid bugs are automatically imported to ubuntu, right?02:56
Kamion(note that cdrom-detect sets mirror/suite02:56
Kamioneruin: only release-critical ones02:56
Treenaksand only on main02:56
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mantienaKamion, not always, when I copied CD to hard disk it doesn't set ;) I think if $RET is empty then we should do suite=stable :)02:57
eruinKamion: so should I bugzilla this ( http://lists.debian.org/debian-apache/2005/02/msg00090.html ) for ubuntu or track the debian bug?02:57
Kamionmantiena: *you* should set mirror/suite in that case02:57
Kamionmantiena: no, I want to get rid of the 'stable' symlink in dists02:57
thomeruin: no, it'll be fixed in about 10 minutes02:57
eruinthom: heheh, thanks02:57
Kamionmantiena: mirror/suite should always be set; it's a bug not to :)02:57
Kamionmantiena: (I'm fixing cdrom-retriever upstream now anyway, though, thanks)02:58
mantienaKamion, it seems you always take the best decision ;)02:59
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Kamionmaybe I should just zap the stable symlink now to "encourage" fixing code ... nah, maybe not02:59
mantienaKamion, btw, what you call "upstream" ? ubuntu or debian-installer SVN ?03:00
KamionUbuntu is clearly not upstream03:00
Kamiondebian-installer svn03:00
Kamioncode flows downstream from original authors to distributors03:00
mantienaKamion, ok, nice to hear ;)03:00
Kamioneruin: in general if you want a bug in Ubuntu then either (a) ask mdz, who operates debzilla, or (b) file a bug and set the debNNNNNN alias on it where NNNNNN is the Debian bug number, wait, and shortly afterwards the bug history will be imported for you03:01
mantienaKamion, I can run d-i in chroot only when I choose English language in language-choose, if I choose Lithuanian then frontend eats all me memory :)03:01
mantienayea, but if I run d-i in real environment, not in chroot then Lithuanian language works fine ;)03:03
infinityeruin : thom is rolling new apache2 packages to fix that based on Debian's -4 packages which fixed it.03:03
infinityeruin : Oh, and I missed where thom already told you that.  Nevermind.03:03
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sivanghey svenl 03:15
svenlhi sivang 03:15
sivangsvenl: it's been some time since we last talked ;-)03:15
svenlsivang: remember me who you are ?03:16
sivangsvenl: just one user of your nvidia howto on debian, remember the issue with the nvidia installer and debian ones not agreeing on stuff ? 03:17
svenlsivang: ah ...03:18
svenlzul, lamont: ping ...03:18
danielsKamion: is having my udeb install stuff into prebaseconfig.d a Bad Thing?03:19
Kamiondaniels: not necessarily, just take account of what else is there and what order you need to be at03:20
danielsKamion: rad, thanks03:20
svenlKamion: hi.03:20
Kamiondaniels: (in particular, you can't call apt-install after 10; it's usually better to call apt-install much much earlier, if you need to)03:21
svenlKamion: i tried a daily-hoary-netboot install, and there seems to be some kernel/module troubles,03:21
Kamionsvenl: yeah, known, being fixed now ...03:21
danielsKamion: ah, hmm ... not much I can do there since the udeb's at 30 by design03:21
Kamionthe kernel ABI broke03:21
svenlmodprobe telling me invalid module format and such,03:21
svenlKamion: guessed so.03:22
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Kamiondaniels: that's xb-installer-menu-item, not prebaseconfig order03:22
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Kamionsvenl: there's already been a kernel upload to fix it, it just has to propagate everywhere03:22
svenlKamion: daily isos will work though ?03:22
Kamionsvenl: yesterday's daily ISO should work, today's is broken03:22
danielsKamion: oh, right -- I assumed you meant 'earlier than prebaseconfig' for 'much much earlier', but come to think of it, that doesn't actually make any sense03:22
KamionI'm building fixed ISOs now03:22
svenlKamion: oh well.03:22
svenlKamion: what about netboot ?03:23
Kamiondaniels: if you need to install extra packages into /target, you can call apt-install anywhere from startup to prebaseconfig.d/1003:23
sivangKamion: the one before also installed without any fuss, excluding the vauge question about the place where to put the boot loader ;-)03:23
Kamionsvenl: installer-*/ is fine, dunno status of daily-installer-*03:23
Kamionsivang: I'd prefer bug reports about things you think are vague, instead of vague reports on IRC :-)03:23
lowKamion: which arch are you fixing ?03:24
svenlKamion: remember me the path to installer-*03:24
Kamionlow: all except ia64 (kernel package not built yet on ia64)03:24
Kamionsvenl: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/installer-powerpc/ etc.03:24
lowKamion: great :) available tomorrow i suppose ?03:25
Kamionsvenl: although, since there was a period when the kernels in the archive were broken, you might well just try whatever image you used before once again03:25
Kamionlow: building *now*, they don't take a day :)03:25
sivangKamion: ofcourse :-) just trying to finish setting up my system (something which is being delayed since last night) and then I will do some buracracy ;-))03:26
lowKamion: sweet :) please tell me when it's ok so i can dl and try !03:26
svenlKamion: mmm, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/installer-powerpc//powerpc/netboot should be ok ?03:26
KamionETA half an hour or so03:26
Kamionsvenl: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/installer-powerpc/current/images/powerpc/netboot/03:26
svenlKamion: i mean, they will be compatible with the module .udebs in the archive ?03:29
danielsKamion: mmm, I need to throw in a couple of files to /target also03:30
Kamionsvenl: should be03:30
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danielsKamion: so pbc might be easier03:30
Kamiondaniels: that's fine before prebaseconfig.d/95umount03:30
danielsKamion: right03:30
Kamiondaniels: many udebs have both a main portion that runs early on, and a prebaseconfig script03:31
Kamiondaniels: there's nothing at all to prevent you doing both03:31
mantienaKamion, debian-installer in sarge sets utf8 locales for all by default like ubutu hoary or not ?03:31
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smurfixKamion: I need to generate the keymapping file from tmp/*/tree/usr/share/console/lists/console-keymaps-*. Where's the best place to put a rule for that?03:37
smurfixKamion: s:tmp/*:tmp/whatever, of course03:38
danielsKamion: yah, 'swhat I'm doing :)03:40
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danielsKamion: shotgun pbc.d/0903:40
Kamionmantiena: no, d-i in sarge does not do that, it's an Ubuntu change to localechooser03:41
svenlzul: hi.03:41
Kamionsmurfix: build-depend on console-data and pick it out of that?03:41
svenlzul: i hear that you are on the ubuntu kernel team, and that you need a powerpc maintainer or something ? 03:41
mantienaKamion, are there any plans to make UTF8 locales in sarge as default ?03:43
svenlmantiena: definitively not.03:44
zulsvenl, we already have t-bone working on powerpc but he might like some help03:44
mantienasvenl, :(03:44
svenlzul: ah, ok.03:45
Kamionmantiena: sarge is FROZEN03:45
svenlzul: well, i will ask him. as said i do the powerpc kernels for debian, so ...03:45
TreenaksKamion: and has been for about a year now, afaik03:45
KamionTreenaks: base has been frozen for about six months.03:46
TreenaksKamion: one of the reasons I switched to ubuntu03:46
KamionTreenaks: but the installer was not frozen at that point; since rc2, though, there have been few substantive changes03:46
smurfixKamion: I need to process exactly those keymaps available at install time into one file. for i386 that would be the i386 and mac subdirectories, each of whom has their own udeb03:46
Kamionsmurfix: can't you generate it at run-time then? that would be much safer03:47
smurfixKamion: generation is rather time-consuming, needs Python unless I spend two weeks rewriting the thing in C03:48
thomyes! someone found me the bug in upstream for the RtL crasher in mozilla03:48
Kamionsmurfix: you need to copy kbd-chooser's lists of which udebs are used, then03:48
sivangthom: wooo, what's the bug who found it?03:48
Kamionsmurfix: BTW you know cdebconf failed to build?03:49
smurfixKamion: umm, no. Where's the log? I'll look at it03:49
mantienaKamion, thanks for onfo03:49
thomexcept it doesn't ahve a patch or any useful data03:49
fabbionezul: pong03:49
svenlhi fabbione 03:49
fabbionehi svenl03:49
Kamionoh god, you did awful things involving autoconf!03:49
fabbionedamn you found me!03:49
Kamiondon't do that!03:49
svenlfabbione: you still around ? Should you not be busy with otherstuff right now ? 03:49
Kamionsmurfix: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/c/cdebconf/0.74ubuntu5/cdebconf_0.74ubuntu5_20050214-2059-i386-failed03:50
fabbionenow i can't talk bad about you anymore :P03:50
zulfabbione, unpong03:50
fabbionezul: ok03:50
Kamionsmurfix: please please generate configure statically at build-time rather than depending on random versions of autoconf on the buildds03:50
fabbionesvenl: i will be around until thursday -> then honeymoon03:50
tsengd3vic3: if you didnt catch it your last mono update ftbfs03:50
tsengd3vic3: muine rather.03:50
Kamionsmurfix: I'll fix it up03:51
svenlfabbione: hehe.03:51
smurfixKamion: OK. Sorry about that.03:51
d3vic3tseng, what ? 03:52
svenlfabbione: i was wondering if the powerpc ubuntu kernel could also add the mkvmlinuz magic to the packages ? 03:52
d3vic3what is ftbfs ?03:52
Kamionsmurfix: oh, we should work out a cdebconf custom widget API based on your detect_keys thing; ultimately I'd like it to be the first example of a custom widgets03:52
tsengd3vic3: fails to build from source03:52
svenlfabbione: i can provide a patch for it if needed.03:52
tsengd3vic3: http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~lamont/buildLogs/m/muine/0.6.3-5ubuntu1/muine_0.6.3-5ubuntu1_20050214-1507-i386-failed03:52
danielslamont: when are you planning the next kernel upload?03:52
Kamionsmurfix: (and sorry, I should be calmer :-))03:52
danielslamont: i have one more tweak for you :)03:52
fabbionesvenl: i am out of the kernel team until i am back from the honeymoon03:52
fabbionesvenl: but we are in feature freeze. so no new things go in now03:53
fabbionesvenl: new devel will start after hoary03:53
smurfixKamion: That makes sense. cdebconf should also report its availability when asked. Of course, if you have a not-implemented error code that actually gets returned to the caller, that tends to help too ;-)03:53
Kamionsmurfix: indeed :)03:53
fabbionesvenl: but you are welcome to discuss the patch in the meanwhile so it can get scheduled03:53
svenlfabbione: oh well.03:53
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svenlfabbione: it is no kernel patch, just a couple of .o that gets copied to /lib/kernel/something.03:54
svenlfabbione: absolutely no effect on the vmlinux so this argument doesn't stand :)03:54
fabbionesvenl: better.. just talk with the kernel team and let them decide :-) they need to strech their wings on the package :P03:55
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zulfabbione: yeah and not break it :)03:55
d3vic3tseng, thanks,will look at it 03:55
tsengd3vic3: thanks.03:56
fabbionezul: before you or the team will upload -19 you need to bump the ABI03:56
Hwolfdaniels: is there any place on the web where one can get an idea where the linux desktop is going? xorg and freedesktop don't really provide a vision / roadmap03:56
fabbioneand coordinate all the bits required for it03:56
fabbionezul: so please take 2/3 days before doing so03:56
svenlfabbione: like said, i volunteer to be part of the kernel team for ppc.03:56
Kamiondefinitely wait 'til after array cd 5 for that03:56
zulfabbione: how?03:56
fabbionesvenl: welcome! add your name to the wiki and start the job :)03:57
fabbionezul: how what?03:57
zulfabbione: check the abi03:57
fabbionesvenl: it's easy :P03:57
fabbionezul: smurfix has a very technical method03:57
fabbionei use to check via modprobe/rmmod03:57
Kamionsmurfix: cdebconf changes look good otherwise though, hope to try them out soon (although I hope after array cd 5, too :))03:57
fabbionezul: check the irclogs from this morning (my time)03:57
svenlI guess i have to join and login first though.03:58
Kamionsmurfix: fix uploaded; will merge a couple of things upstream now03:58
smurfixKamion: Anyway, the idea seems to be to have console-tools prebuild the necessary keymap files. I guess I can do that; combo things like mac+i386 can be handled as a special case, there shouldn't be too many of those.03:58
Kamionsmurfix: yeah, that would work too, have the prebuilt bits shipped in the udeb?03:59
smurfixKamion: hmm, which udeb should the combined i386+usb keymap be in?04:02
Kamionsmurfix: oh, no way to have one per console-keymaps-* udeb?04:02
smurfixKamion: If I do that, I have to ask the architecture question beforehand04:03
Kamionsmurfix: ok, how about making the console-data source package spit out a new udeb with the appropriate prebuilt files for each architecture, looking at the keymaps as per kbd-chooser/Makefile?04:04
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smurfixKamion: yeah, that would probably work best04:05
Kamionthen your keyboard selector udeb can depend on that new udeb04:05
Kamionand we suck them both into the initrd at the same time04:05
svenlmmm, fabbione any coordination mailing list for the kernel team04:05
fabbionesvenl: ubuntu-devel and add [kernel]  in the subject04:06
fabbioneif there will be enough traffic we will create our own ml04:07
smurfixKamion: I need to touch console-data anyway, some keymaps lack keys like "e"04:07
smurfixKamion: ... because it's there anyway04:07
smurfixKamion: ... unless you've been using Dvorak04:07
tsengTreenaks: is xine-lib known broken elsewhere?04:07
Treenakstseng: I don't know...04:08
tsengI see.04:08
Treenakstseng: I just spotted it because I wanted to install muine, and looked at the build log04:08
thomseb128: i think your bug is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20718604:08
thomhave fun ;-)04:08
tsengwe could opt to sync the debian package, which is using gstreamer04:08
tsengor rush my 0.8.2 packages.04:08
svenlfabbione: ok.04:09
Kamionsmurfix: heh, ok04:09
Kamionlow: new daily CD up04:10
lowKamion: already dling it, ETA 8 minutes :)04:11
Treenakstseng: why rush them? are they broken?04:11
danielsHwolf: not really, sorry04:12
tsengTreenaks: they arent in debian experimental even04:12
tsengTreenaks: they work fine, however04:12
Treenakstseng: could I try them in ~ 2 hours (when I'm  home)04:12
Treenakstseng: ok04:12
Treenakstseng: how/where? :)04:12
seb128thom: that's bidi text ?04:14
Hwolfdaniels: is there anything on the horizon at all? Lots of fud about next-gen os's, but there is more about osx / lonhorn, nothing about tux04:14
thomseb128: i'm pretty sure that having pango turned on means that it gets used that way all the time04:15
seb128thom: do we have any improvement by turning pango on ?04:16
thomturning pango off, you mean?04:16
thomoh, ISWYM04:16
thomyes, bidi text everywhere else seems to work better04:16
danielsHwolf: i dunno, i'm not a visionary, i just package stuff and work on x (mainly the build system, even, not anything hugely exciting)04:17
danielsask havoc or nat or someone ;)04:17
Treenakstseng: it needs new versions of all that -cil stuff?04:18
tsengTreenaks: yes04:18
Treenakstseng: scary :)04:18
tsengnot really, it uses gtk 2.4 widgets04:18
Hwolfdaniels: visionary != goodlooking-desktop-lover :-P04:19
danielsHwolf: sure, but I don't know what it's going to be; like, I love Tomboy, right, but I wouldn't have been able to predict its existence :P my only prediction for the desktop is that Composite will get usable because we'll throw XAA away, and maybe people will actually use it, but it's a little offtopic for #u-d04:20
svenlMmm, ubuntu kernel has some troubles with the marvell gigabit ethernet controller driver.04:20
Hwolfdaniels: I'll take it to google. :)04:20
Treenaksdaniels: throw away XAA?04:21
Kamionsvenl: strange; that's what I have here and it works fine (though only in 10Mb/s mode I think)04:22
danielsTreenaks: the current acceleration architecture, which is crap and the main thing making composite so goddamn slow04:22
Treenaksdaniels: ah, so it'll replaced by New Cool Acceleration, and we won't have unaccelerated X where the slowness of composite is no longer noticable because the rest is slow too :P04:23
HwolfIs there are target system for development? Gnome is already slow, imho. :-S04:23
danielslamont: see your mail -- these NEED to merged for -18, which would ideally happen ASAP04:23
svenlKamion: on the pegasos ? 04:23
tsengHwolf: this stuff is really off topic imo.04:23
svenlKamion: the mv643xx_eth driver it is.04:24
Kamionsvenl: no, the amd64 to my right04:24
Kamionsvenl: oh, different driver04:24
Treenakswe need #coolnewstuff04:24
svenlKamion: it is a different driver, the amd64 stuff is just a marvell phy or something, while the pegasos gige port is builtin the northbridge.04:24
danielslamont: (we need the mouse stuff to do multiseat-udeb properly)04:24
=== sivang wonders who is Monika
danielsmmm, marvell phys definitely work fine04:25
ograsivang: mdz's GF afaik04:25
=== daniels looks at the netinst happening over a Marvell PHY right next to him.
sivangogra: ah ok, I saw this https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MonikaWebsiteContent04:25
Kamiondaniels: -18's already happened04:26
danielsKamion: with the new ABI?04:26
ograsivang: yeah... nice new structure04:26
Kamiondaniels: no, fixing the ABI change inadvertently introduced in -1704:26
danielsKamion: oh, right04:26
danielslamont: -19, then04:26
fabbioneyeah but wait for -1904:27
zuldaniels: what changes if you dont mind me asking04:28
fabbionesince you have to change the ABI04:28
fabbioneyou can pull in safely N changes04:28
fabbionezul: all the package naming04:28
fabbione2.6.10-3 will be -404:28
fabbioneand so on04:28
fabbioneso everything needs to be rebuilded04:29
Kamionfabbione: we need this stuff before the ABI change, and separate from it04:29
fabbioneand the user MUST reboot to use the new kernel04:29
Kamionmantiena: try 'export LANG=C.UTF-8' in that demo thing (say, just after exporting DEBCONF_DEBUG); works much better04:29
lowKamion: same errors: invalid modules format, forcedeth, md, etc04:30
=== fabbione is lost
zulah k04:30
fabbioneKamion: what do you need asap?04:30
Kamionlow: gah, exact reverse problem; we got an initrd build with -1704:31
Kamionfabbione: 15:23 < daniels> lamont: see your mail -- these NEED to merged for -18, which would ideally happen ASAP04:31
Kamionfabbione: 15:24 < daniels> lamont: (we need the mouse stuff to do multiseat-udeb properly)04:31
fabbioneah shit04:31
danielszul: CONFIG_DRM y -> m, adding mousedev and psmouse to input-modules*.udeb04:31
lowKamion: :( just to be sure, that was the iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20050215.2/04:31
fabbionedaniels: we can do it with -19 today04:32
lowhow can i verify the build ?04:32
Kamionlow: yeah, I know, just checked04:32
fabbionebut elmo will kill us04:32
Kamionlow: don't need to, I've verified the problem04:32
Kamionlow: I'm going to execute plan B now04:32
fabbionelamont: are you around?04:33
lowKamion: which is ?04:33
zuli dont think he is fabbione 04:33
Kamionlow: building with an older initrd from the last time I uploaded debian-installer by hand04:34
mantienaKamion, ok, thanks again04:35
danielsfabbione: mmm, if you could, that would be fantastic, thanks04:35
lowKamion: ok. i'm still at work for, hmmm, 1 hour and a half. hope i'll have time to test tonight, or i'll try tomorrow04:35
svenlKamion: netboot installing now.04:35
Kamionlow: you might do, just about04:35
Kamionmantiena: trying that with Greek, I've got the demo up as far as the partitioner04:36
svenlKamion: upto what point is it synced with d-i ? I guess i will have to hand-boot the thing with grub2, like i did with the installer.04:36
lowKamion: you're great !04:36
Kamionsvenl: whenever upstream version freeze was, see HoaryReleaseSchedule04:36
mantienalow, agree04:36
fabbionedaniels: no i am not going to do -19 now. i need to leave and i will be back for the meeting04:36
Kamionplus bits and pieces04:36
svenlKamion: you have nobootloader too, right ? 04:37
fabbionedaniels: i will see later with lamont04:37
svenlOh well, i will see after the install.04:37
Kamionnobootloader |       1.02 | hoary/main/debian-installer | all04:37
Kamion(i.e. yes)04:37
tritiumtrulux, looks good, but I think you should remove table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables04:37
svenlKamion: i guess you don't have real time for pegasos support stuff, right ? 04:37
svenlKamion: i will be doing some OF hacking on thursday/friday, and intent to have yaboot and grub2 working once i am done with this.04:38
svenlthis mean that pegasos support probably needs either only the new OF, or also a yaboot upgrade.04:38
svenland probably some yaboot-installer work.04:39
Kamionsvenl: sadly not really, I have a million and one scheduled things to do before the next release still04:40
KamionI can do some little bits of integration help and merging and stuff but that's about it04:40
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svenlKamion: well, i booted the initrd.gz and vmlinux with grub2, and am doing the install.04:41
svenlKamion: i can follow the rest of it, and fill bugs or patches or whatever if needed.04:41
mantienaKamion, it seems after fixing suite I can test my installer at least ;) only one problem - "Abort the installation" item from debian-installer menu doesn't work, so I can't exit :( :(04:41
danielsfabbione: yeah, that's fine, thanks04:41
=== daniels -> zzzz
danielsnight all04:42
mantienabye daniels 04:42
=== madduck [~madduck@madduck.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel
madduckwhat does the D-BUS acronym stand for?04:42
svenlMmm, i am trying to register myself on the wiki, but when trying to log in, using my luther@debian.org address, it tells me the account already exists, and i see no way to send me the passwd or something.04:42
svenlhi madduck 04:43
Kamionmantiena: do not expect demo to work for you without *substantial* hacking. It's a demo. I didn't suggest it to you with the aim that you use it, I suggested it as an example of some of the things you have to do04:44
Kamionmantiena: also nobody's put any kind of significant work into the demo for months and months04:45
mantienaKamion, it seems here is the main problem ;)04:45
svenlKamion: neat, all worked.04:45
Kamionmantiena: yeah, but it's not intended to be used for production04:46
svenlKamion: is there some post-reboot install needed too ? 04:46
Kamionsvenl: same as Debian04:46
Kamionsame kickoff procedure, anyway04:46
svenlKamion: ah.04:46
mantienaKamion, I try to make it more stable ;)04:46
Kamionmantiena: please write something new instead04:46
Kamionusing those ideas04:46
mantienaKamion, instead what ?04:47
Kamioninstead of trying to abuse the demo for things that it was never intended to do04:47
svenlKamion: if i want a user without root access, it is best to create a second user without sudo access ? 04:47
Kamionsvenl: yes04:47
svenlKamion: mmm.04:47
svenlKamion: seems a bit convoluted as approach (is that even an english word ?)04:47
mantienaKamion, I'm not trying demo, I simply use unpacked and mounted initrd.gz from live CD :)04:48
Kamionmantiena: ok04:48
Kamionmantiena: but I think that that's still pretty inappropriate, you don't want to execute most of the early stuff there04:48
svenlDamn, didn't copy the name of the kernel :/04:48
KamionI tried to tell you this the other day but I didn't seem to be getting through04:48
Kamionthat early code has already been run, and should not be run again04:48
mantienaKamion, I understand this04:49
mantienaKamion, I think I find the way how to prevent unneeded d-i modules from starting ;)04:51
mantienamaybe udeb_exclude ?04:51
svenlvideo/win 3304:51
Kamionmantiena: the right way is to build an image that actually matches what you need, not to abuse some other image04:55
Kamionmantiena: (then, for example, you could include di-utils-exit-installer rather than di-utils-reboot)04:57
mantienaKamion, my goal is to make simple d-i component which can work in liveCD text mode, so people could install live CD without starting X and gnome04:57
Kamionyes, I know04:57
mantienaKamion, thanks04:57
Kamionthe debian-installer source package already spits out quite a few source packages. yours may have to behave rather differently though, since it's running in a chroot rather than being there from system startup04:58
Kamions/quite a few source packages/quite a few images/04:58
mantienaKamion, I think modifying udeb_include and udeb_exclude is pretty good way, I'm right ?04:58
Kamionapart from anything else it will not help for anything that runs before anna04:59
Kamionand it's really not particularly what you need04:59
=== Keybuk [~scott@host217-37-231-25.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionyou should seed the cdebconf database in the chroot with the cdebconf database from the live CD startup phase, to start with05:00
Kamionthat will help a bit05:00
Kamionbut you may need to remove some things from that05:00
mantienaKamion, thanks again, I try to preseed cdebconf database, I saw some info how to preseed into d-i documentation05:02
KamionI wouldn't call it preseeding as such05:02
Kamionthe d-i documentation will probably not be helpful to you in this area, because it's focused on people doing automatic installs, which is very different and isn't what I was driving at05:03
Kamionbasically all you need to do is get a copy of the cdebconf database from when casper was running, and shove that into your chroot05:03
haggailamont: ping05:04
mantienaKamion, problem is, that cdebconf database, like all other data is erased after casper finishes and Ubuntu starts from livefilesystem05:08
=== Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionmantiena: casper could easily be made to copy it into the live system, in the same way that the installer copies it into the installed system05:10
Kamionmantiena: in fact, casper *already* does so05:10
Kamionlook in /var/log/casper05:10
thomKamion: if you look at people.ubuntu.com/~thom/ does hoary-install-ia64.iso look the right size and stuff to you?05:10
Kamionalthough it would probably also need to copy templates.dat05:11
mantienaKamion, all answers are in questions.dat.gz ?05:11
Kamionthom: yeah, that looks about right, 100MB difference which is probably just down to 1000 vs. 102405:11
Kamionmantiena: yes05:12
thomnow to see if this stays stable :-)05:12
mantienaKamion, you are very good helper ;)05:12
mantienaKamion, without your help my coding was four times slower05:16
mantienaI'm very happy05:16
=== tritium [~tritium@ee213-dhcp-15.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
svenlfabbione: what is the status of the marvell_pegasos patch in the ubuntu/hoary 2.6.10 kernel ? 05:22
madduckwhat does the D-BUS acronym stand for?05:22
madduckdistributed? data? dorky?05:22
=== sivang notes that 3ddesk is just *awesome* , would love to see a verion that takes your currently opne windows and make a carousale out of them :)
Kamionlow: ok, try this latest cd05:25
mjg59sivang: Played with Looking Glass+05:25
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svenlOh well, how comes i have a vmlinux.coff installed in /boot ? 05:27
lowKaloz: ok thx :)05:27
svenland it doesn't even include the initrd, no way this file will ever work.05:27
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lowKamion, even05:27
ogramjg59: did you already try it ?05:29
Kalozlow: np, we like xchat :p05:31
Kalozogra: hello. i was missing due to upgrading my workstation.. now i'm waiting for a new kernel to be able to use it, hehe :p05:31
elmocan w3m be told to auto-reload a page every n-minutes?05:32
ograKaloz: join us in #ubuntu-motu ;)05:32
Kalozokie :)05:32
mjg59ogra: I've played with it at an expo05:34
svenlMmm. is there a way to create a base-only ubuntu install ? without X and all the stuff ? in expert mode maybe ?05:34
=== sid77 [~sid77@ppp-183-138.30-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thomKamion: you should have cdimage DVD love now :-)05:37
lowKaloz: yep, still not used to new completion :S05:38
lowgah, Kamion , one more time :)05:39
Kamionthom: awesome05:41
Kamionthanks :)05:41
Kamionsvenl: that's "custom" in warty or "server" in hoary05:41
Kamionno need for expert mode05:42
lowKamion: well, i leave work, will tell you tomorrow mornin05:42
seb128smurfix: here ?05:43
smurfixseb128: yep05:44
seb128smurfix: the confile bugs ... what's needed to fix it ?05:44
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smurfixseb128: I'm insufficiently experienced with dpkg to answer that question. :-/05:45
ogramjg59: ah, i thought you already tried it on ubuntu ;)05:45
seb128smurfix: k05:45
svenlKamion: euh ?05:45
svenlKamion: where do i specify server ?05:45
mjg59ogra: Hell no - it's in Java and scares me too much05:45
smurfixseb128: offhand, I'd guess a Replaces: on the package which owned it previously05:46
ogramjg59:  hehe05:46
svenlKamion: oh, i guess it is some special yaboot target, will look at the yaboot.conf on the iso i just downloaded.05:47
=== Hwolf [~hidde@136.16.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hwolfdaniels: You around?05:47
svenlKamion: indeed, nice it is just a preseed thingy.05:49
=== svenl wonders where i have to preseed it from on netboot :
Kamionsvenl: oh, yeah, need to fix that up05:50
Kamionsvenl: in the meantime, 'echo d-i base-config/package-selection string >> /var/log/debconf-seed' from tty2 at some point in the installation should do most of the job05:50
svenlKamion: i guess i can just grab the server.seed file and move it to a local http server and use it with preseed/url will work too ? 05:51
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wasabisee. =(05:52
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Kamionsvenl: should work, yeah05:59
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Hwolfhm. After upgrading ubuntu-desktop/base, I've lost the system sounds.06:09
smurfixHwolf: You mean the login/logout ones?06:11
svenlKamion: well, X is hosed on the pegasos, it seems06:12
Kamionsvenl: :(06:13
svenlOk, fixed.06:14
svenlSeems like UseFBDev should not be used.06:14
mako_sivang: around?06:14
svenlI don't know what is going on with UseFBDev and RadeonFB, but it seems that the mode that the X server requests are not accepted by radeonfb, it has been so for a while.06:14
svenlmako_: hi, i sent you mail, jbailey suggested i should do it like that, but am not convinced it is the right way.06:15
mako_sivang: i'm contacted by an israeli computer shop that wants to distribute preinstalled computers06:15
mako_svenl: about cds?06:15
=== Treenaks just received 200x Warty Goodness
mako_Treenaks: nice :)06:15
jbaileysvenl: What I told you was that it's how I did all of my installs but one. =)06:15
TreenaksJust in time for tomorrow's ubuntu-nl meeting :)06:16
jbaileysvenl: It's not without pain, but it's less pain than I watched you go through this morning. =)06:16
svenlmako_: about the code of conduct stuff, and maybe about how to access the wiki, since it seems luther@debian.org seems already registered, but i have no password for it.06:16
svenljbailey: well, i did a true d-i install, not the debootstrap way like you did.06:16
mako_svenl: whoa? really?06:17
svenlOnly 3 issues ?06:17
svenl1) need grub2 to boot the stuff since yaboot won't do it from net or CD.06:17
mako_svenl: let me chase this one down06:17
svenl=> could be solved by adding the mkvmlinuz magic at least for netboot.06:17
mako_svenl: can you have it email you a new password?06:17
svenl2) meed to set MODULES=dep in /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf, or the initrd is too big for grub2.06:18
svenl3) this X issue.06:18
svenlmako_: i didn't find how to do it.06:18
svenlBTW, does the wiki registration also allow to access the bugzilla ? 06:21
Kamionno, bugzilla's separate as far as I know :-/06:22
haggaiwhat does 'dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH' report on amd64?06:22
dholbachhaggai: amd6406:22
haggaidholbach: thx06:23
=== haggai enables the OOo2 64 bit patchset
svenloh well, DRI seems to not be enabled in hoary/radeon.06:24
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pittifabbione: ping06:24
fabbionepitti: fast pong.. i am on the way out06:24
svenlah, need to force pci mode.06:25
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svenldaniels: you there ? 06:28
bob2it's 0430 here06:28
bob2so, "probably not"06:29
svenldaniels: X needs Option "BusType" "PCI" on pegasos and radeon.06:29
fabbionesvenl: send him the info that includes how to identify that it is a pegasos06:29
svenlfabbione: oh well.06:31
Kamionwhat's happened to the icons in the top panel that used to be there on a fresh installation?06:31
svenl$ more /proc/cpuinfo06:31
svenlmachine         : CHRP Pegasos206:31
Kamion(and should whatever it is be fixed by array cd 5?)06:31
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T-Bonesvenl: ping?06:47
svenlT-Bone: pong.06:47
T-Bonesvenl: so you want to hack on ubuntu's kernel as well? :)06:47
svenlI hear that you are part of the ubuntu kernel team, and doing powerpc, but the powerpc porter is listed as vacant on the wiki, and i was thinking of going for it.06:48
T-Bonewell tbh i din't take time to touch the wiki06:48
T-Bonesure you can do it. Dunno how lamont and zul want to handle that, tho. Maybe you push patches up to me and i get them merged with lamont?06:49
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T-Bonesvenl: have you looked at ubuntu's linux package? It's pretty different from the debian one...06:51
zulT-Bone: hola06:53
=== dredg coughs... ip address:, netmask does not give a broadcast address of
dredgwell, it does, but it shouldn't :)06:53
T-Bonehey zul!06:53
dredg(unless this is still 1987 and we're waiting for classful addressing to go away)06:53
=== Astharot- [~isager@host251-99.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dredgi assume that ifupdown is the package to file a bug against?06:55
svenlT-Bone: i know about ubuntu's kernel packages.06:58
svenl(sorry, am cooking at the same time, so ...)06:58
svenlT-Bone: there are some stuff missing in them, like the mkvmlinuz support stuff.06:58
svenlT-Bone: but basically they are single package, and have a different set of patches applied, no ? 06:59
T-Bonesvenl: i think that the idea is not to have mkvmlinuz, as it shouldn't be needed,06:59
T-Boneand if you think about Pegasos, jbailey has a solution in progress ;)06:59
svenlT-Bone: i know about the grub2 work, but what about netbooting, which is much nicer with the zImage.initrd stuff, and what about things like prep ? 07:00
T-Bonesvenl: it's a megapackage with all patches in it, including d-i stuff. The current scheme has a "team leader" (currently lamont, zul and me) doing main uploads, and a set of "porters" and "subsystem guys" doing patches and pushing them to us07:00
T-Bonesvenl: prep isn't supported (yet) afaik07:01
svenlT-Bone: the reason why there is no mkvmlinuz support, is simply because the ppc port originated on pmacs which where able to use yaboot.07:01
Kamionif we were to support prep we'd have to have reliable testing for it; can't release untested stuff07:01
T-Bonesvenl: as Kamion said07:01
svenlT-Bone: i have a prep, support could as easy as making sure the kernel boots on it.07:01
svenlKamion: bah, whatever.07:02
svenlOk, back in a bit, the kitchen calls.07:02
Kamionmake that "making sure the release works on it from start to finish", no half-measures :)07:02
T-Bonesvenl: 'testing' means more than a single configuration07:02
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=== Astharot- is now known as Astharot
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T-BoneKamion: the latest ISO roll has -18 on them, right?07:04
svenlKamion: hoary+1 i think anyway.07:05
svenlT-Bone: come on, what are you trying to tell me ?07:05
KamionT-Bone: for all arches except ia64, since ia64 hadn't quite built it yet; I have another set of ISOs building now to pick up the ia64 change07:05
T-Boneah ok cool07:05
T-Bonei'll wait a bit then07:05
=== mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangmorning mdz 07:06
T-Bonei'd like to make sure i've fixed the zx6000 issue, and then report to you for the elilo bug :)07:06
svenlT-Bone: i have access to 4 different powerpc subarches here, not counting the quad power5 at augsburg, so i don't understand the problem really.07:06
T-Bonesvenl: Kamion explained it fairly well. If you can cope with that I have nothing to say07:06
T-Bonesvenl: I'm not omniscient, I can't *guess* what hardware you've got access to07:07
svenlT-Bone: i am just saying that i volunteer to jump in as powerpc porter, not getting into details like that.07:07
T-Bonesvenl: what details?07:08
svenlT-Bone: those you agressed mewith :)07:08
svenlno seriously, i perfectly know what is needed, and the stability standard i will be hold too, so ...07:09
T-Bonesvenl: i don't think i've "agressed" you in any way, and please excuse me if I did so. All I did was stating a few facts on how we work here, and what it takes to add a supported architecture. Merely important stuff imho, not details07:10
svenlT-Bone: i know what jbailey has been doing with grub2.07:10
svenlT-Bone: ah, you missed the smiley :)07:10
T-Bonesvenl: i know that you know, hence the 'smiley'07:10
svenlT-Bone: prep was just an example, a detail. yaboot is clearly not the solution to all, and grub2 probably won't in the near future,07:11
T-Bonesvenl: that doesn't change a thing to how we work. We're not going to add stuff we don't need until we need it. For now, only macs are supported, and yaboot is a "just fine" solution for macs. Please don't reverse-solve problems07:13
svenlT-Bone: so what ? did i say i would force it in or something ? the fact that i still think it is a good idea to have it in (and fully orthogonal to the yaboot stuff), has nothing to do with my ability to do the necessary job for ppc porting.07:15
T-Bonei never said anything like that07:15
svenlT-Bone: read your above sentence please and repeat me that.07:16
=== Hwolf [~hidde@136.16.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T-Bonesvenl: I never said anything related to your ability to do the necessary job for ppc porting. I merely told you how we work here, for I'm not assuming you already know how Ubuntu works compaired to Debian.07:17
T-BonePlease don't make me say what I'm not :P07:17
T-BoneI know that you are perfectly able to do a fine job, as you already do with Debian.07:18
svenlT-Bone: well, i know how you work, i have been doing d-i work with Kamion since >1year, and interacted with other ubuntu guys about various issues, and also understand the comercial need for staibility, and short release cycle needs07:20
=== Alessio [~Alessio@host249-5.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T-Bonethen it's all fine :)07:21
svenlT-Bone: as you said.07:22
T-Bonenow if you'd excuse, i have to run out for a short while, be back in ~ half an hour07:22
=== T-Bone is now known as T-Gone
svenlT-Bone: except that your wiki thinks luther@debian.org  is already registered.07:23
T-Gonei don't own a wiki07:23
=== T-Gone runs for good
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sivangdoes anybody know if we have a "you need to install this stuff" wiki page for people wanting to do pkg/code development on their system?07:29
mantienaKamion, still online ?07:29
tsengsivang: DeveloperResources, i just added some more docs last night07:29
dholbachtseng: oh cool, rocking!07:30
dholbachtseng: just in time for valentine's erm ubuntu-love day :-)07:30
sivangtseng: cool, I just thought to "port" some stuff from the NM guide to a page for us, but since you arealdy did it- cooool07:30
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tsengsivang: actually i just linked to it07:30
makocan i get a german speaker to help me with some info mail?07:30
tsengits still valid imo07:30
dholbachmako: i can help you07:31
amutodays-live, still doesnt boot, crash while booting with kernel panic 07:31
amumako: you are all times welcome 07:31
sivangtseng: DeveloperResources seems to have no specific pkgs you need to install, am I missingn anything?07:31
mantienaamu, really ?07:31
tsengsivang: yes, read the NM07:32
tsengsivang: and you shall be enlightened07:32
tsengsection 1.107:32
tsengbuild-essential plus anything else mentioned there07:32
sivangtseng: I read it, but everytime I set up a new system (just moved to my new SATA) I need to reinstall the devel packages, would be good to have a short list with pkg names only to copy paste install :)07:33
tsengbuild-essential !07:33
sivangtseng: okok :)07:33
elmocrimsun: ?07:33
elmodholbach: done (offlineimap)07:33
tsengsivang: also.. when working on package foo you can apt-get build-dep foo07:33
dholbachelmo: rocking07:33
amumantiena: yep07:34
sivangtseng: eh, right, then it will grab each one's depends , cool enough - thanks.07:34
mantienaamu, with Kamions help I got running installer from liveCD chroot and I'm testing liveCD installer now ;)07:34
amumantiena: rocks07:35
=== Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionmantiena: yes07:40
=== Kamion causes great steaming pain to udev
Kamioncreate my md device, damn you07:40
=== mantiena thinks, that udev sometimes is bad kid
elmo"steaming pain"? that's an interestingly mixed metaphor07:41
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mantienaKamion, maybe you know why language packs aren't included in hoary live CD ?07:42
Treenakshm.. udev not creating Md devices? :P07:42
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pittiTreenaks: his last revenge :-)07:44
pittiTreenaks: s/last/latest/07:44
Kamionmantiena: they're not seeded yet07:44
pittimantiena: this topic is discussed in today's TB BTW07:45
svenlhi amu ...07:45
=== bluefoxicy sneezes
KamionT-Gone: ia64 iso up now07:52
amusvenl: *waves*07:53
svenlamu: did you ever get my emails about the pegasos offer last year ? 07:57
amusvenl: sure and answered them :)  07:59
whiprushaanyone seen mako?07:59
svenlamu: mmm, never reached me though.07:59
makowhiprush: he's around :)08:00
whiprushbring more CDs, I've given away all mine. ;)08:01
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makowhiprush: are you in LWCE?08:02
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whiprushgnome booth08:03
whiprushwith havoc08:03
makowhiprush: i'll get into town tonight08:03
makowhiprush: i really don't have as many left as i thought08:03
makoi'll order more for myself now and bring all i have.. i have enough08:04
sivangwhiprush: LWCE is a linux event?08:05
makosivang: linuxworld08:05
sivangmako: oh. 08:05
sivangmako: where is it held this time ?08:05
makosivang: boston08:05
makoi'll leave immediately after the TB meeting today08:05
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=== T-Gone is now known as T-Bone
T-BoneKamion: roger that, rsync in progress08:08
fabbionelamont: ping?08:11
T-Bonehey fabbione!08:11
fabbionehi T-Bone 08:11
T-Bonehow's the bride? :^)08:11
fabbioneshe just crashed in the bed08:11
fabbioneand i was close to08:11
T-Bonehehe! Congrats anyway!08:11
fabbionethanks :-)08:12
zulheh...your freedom is gone now...its all down hill from here08:12
dholbachok... i'm off - have a nice evening everyone08:13
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fabbionezul, T-Bone: do you have daniels email about the required changes for the kernel?08:16
fabbionei  know he was asking for a couple of things like DRM=m08:16
fabbioneand there were 2 other things08:16
seb128elmo: hicolor-icon-theme sync please08:17
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zulfabbione: dont think so let me check08:17
elmoseb128: done08:17
T-Bonefabbione: nah I don't have this one08:18
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AndyRlo all08:19
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fabbionepreparing -19 to fix daniels crack08:27
fabbioneafter that the kernel is back to the team08:27
smurfixfabbione: Is that the "how many kernels packages can we do in a day" contest?  ;-)08:28
T-Bonefabbione: heh. Weren;t you supposed to let us deal with 2.6.10? :^)08:29
fabbionesmurfix: no.. i would win that easily08:29
fabbioneT-Bone: yes. but emergency > *08:29
T-Boneheh. Fair enough :)08:29
=== AndyR had a problem with X freezing in hoary today after update
fabbioneAndyR: it's a GTK bug08:30
=== fabbione hides from seb128
=== T-Bone tssks fabbione :)
zulT-Bone: let it go :)08:30
AndyRfabbione, thank you08:30
fabbioneAndyR: no sorry.. i was just kidding08:30
T-Bonezul: hehe ;)08:30
=== fabbione starts to emit his own light in sign of magnificence
zul*cough* full of it *cough*08:31
T-Bonefabbione: looks like your wedding got to your head. Get some cold shower to cool it down ;^))08:31
fabbionethat's nothing08:31
fabbioneit's more fun when i play pinhead or God08:32
=== T-Bone gets scared ;)
zuli was the same way when i had my wedding08:32
fabbionei did that way before i decided to get married08:33
=== fabbione is sick in his mind
smurfixelmo: please de-NEW keymapper08:33
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T-Bonezul: see, fabbione is a long-time nuthead :^)08:33
=== T-Bone ducks!
zulno he said pinhead 08:34
Kamionsmurfix: (hope you're not expecting keymapper in array cd 5 BTW)08:34
T-Bonehmm true ;)08:34
Kamionsmurfix: does it have priority optional or extra?08:34
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fabbioneT-Bone, zul: i think you need to see the movies Hellraiser to understand what i mean08:35
smurfixKamion: Awww... 08:35
smurfixKamion: optional08:35
T-Bonefabbione: aaaaah08:35
Kamionsmurfix: ok, fine08:35
Kamionsmurfix: (we need array cd 5 to be really stable)08:35
smurfixKamion: as I understand, extra wouldn't be a good idea for something that's ultimately needed to build the installer08:36
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Kamionsmurfix: optional or extra doesn't make the slightest bit of difference08:36
smurfixKamion: Hmm, so why did you ask?08:36
Kamionsmurfix: the only thing that makes a difference to d-i is whether it's >= standard or < standard08:36
Kamionsmurfix: I asked "does it have priority optional or extra" as opposed to standard, important, or required :)08:37
Kamion>= standard udebs get used by default08:37
Kamionsome < standard udebs get used by default too, but that's by virtue of being in the initrd08:37
smurfixKamion: ah ;-)   No, the thing doesn't need to be installed anywhere except on the system that builds the console-data udebs08:37
Kamionor for other reasons08:37
Kamionsmurfix: the udeb needs to be installed eventually, though; but it'll go in the initrd08:38
smurfixKamion: sure08:38
Kamionsmurfix: oh, is this just a build system helper? I thought it was the udeb08:38
smurfixKamion: The additional udeb will be built by console-data as soon as I'm done with it, which should be RSN08:39
smurfixKamion: ... which I'll (obviously) hold off on until after elmo has processed keymapper.08:40
Kamionok, right, as long as *that* udeb is priority < standard then I'll be happy :)08:42
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mdztech board meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 minutes08:56
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=== T-Gone is now known as T-Bone
T-Bonefeh, just in time :)09:08
fabbioneok the kernel -19 is going up now09:09
fabbionenow.. 09:09
T-BoneGO TO BED! :)09:09
fabbioneDear Kernel Team,09:09
fabbione please take over09:09
fabbione and let me go in honeymoon09:09
T-Bonewill do, until your next upload :)09:09
T-Bonehave a nice a sweet time!09:09
fabbionei am looking forward to thursday :-)09:10
fabbioneand to next monday when i will be swimming with the Galapagos Penguin09:10
T-Boneheading to the Galapagos heh?09:11
kentfabbione, have a nice wedding! :)09:11
T-Bonelucky guy!09:11
fabbionekent: hem.. that's late for that ;)09:11
=== fabbione wants honeymoon
T-Bonefabbione: enjoy it, and forget everything else.09:11
kentfabbione, oh, haha, i dont know you, so i just assumed you were getting married, but perhaps you already are now? :)09:11
T-Boneif you don't get 200% into it, you'll regret it :)09:12
fabbioneT-Bone: yeah i know09:12
fabbionekent: i got married last saturday09:12
T-Bonefabbione: heh, that (hopefully) happens only once in a lifetime! You'd better not miss that time ;)09:13
fabbioneT-Bone: yeah once for each wife :P09:13
T-Boneshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame on you, you nasty boy ;)09:13
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T-BoneARG! Kernel bug strikes back09:21
T-Bonelamont, Kamion : ia64 won't find its cdrom again09:21
Kamionplease investigate09:21
T-Boneif only I knew where to look09:21
T-Bonelast time it was fixed in the next ISO i tried...09:21
T-Boneand i never found out what was wrong09:22
T-Bonei don't know whether that's something you change in d-i or some ABI breakage in the kernel...09:22
fabbioneT-Bone: just wait -19 to be around tomorrow09:23
fabbioneand that everything is synced again09:23
T-Bonefabbione: i guess so09:23
fabbionei am pretty sure -17 has been used for some stuff09:23
=== T-Bone looks at the change message to see what fabbione changed
fabbioneence the breakage09:23
T-Bonefabbione: i'm using kamion latest roll with -18 on it09:23
T-Boneand last time i hit that bug was 1 or 2 weeks ago09:24
T-Boneindeed :(09:25
fabbionethere was also a report for sparc not recognizing the netcard09:25
fabbionethat it is kinda weird09:25
fabbioneso perhaps it is not necessarely the kernel at fault here09:25
T-Bonethat's why i'd like to know whether d-i has changed lately ;)09:26
T-Boneit's kinda weird that I had the bug, then it vanished, and now it's back again :P09:27
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KamionT-Bone: I thought I remembered it being a kernel problem09:34
KamionT-Bone: there have been no relevant changes in d-i09:34
Kamion+  * ia6409:35
Kamion+    - Remove amd74xx from debian/d-i/ia64/modules/ia64/ide-modules09:35
Kamionthat was what fixed it09:35
T-Bonenah. That fixed the error prompt09:35
KamionT-Bone: no, it fixed much more than that09:35
KamionT-Bone: our kernel packages do not check the return code from kernel-wedge (which I think is a clear and severe bug in our kernel packages, but Fabio disagreed last time I mentioned it, so I dropped the issue)09:36
KamionT-Bone: kernel-wedge stops copying modules when it encounters a module name that it's been told to copy but that it couldn't find09:37
KamionT-Bone: so everything following amd74xx in debian/d-i/ia64/modules/ia64/ide-modules was totally missing (including isofs.ko), and a number of other udebs were empty09:37
fabbioneKamion: no. i didn't disagree09:38
T-BoneKamion: ah ok.09:38
fabbioneKamion: but kernel-wedge breaks in other interesting ways i had no time to figure out09:39
T-BoneKamion: something strange: if i look in dmesg output, tho ide-cd is loaded, i don't see the "Uniform CD-ROM driver loaded"09:39
T-BoneKamion: when i modprobe -r the module, it says "Uniform CD-ROM driver unloaded", but if i modprobe it back, nothing happens...09:40
fabbioneT-Bone: try to modprobe cdrom09:41
fabbioneide-cd is only one of the mods you need09:41
T-Bonefabbione: cdrom is loaded when modprobing ide-cd09:41
T-Bonei rmmod'd both of them before loading ide-cd09:42
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T-Bonei'm also quite suspicious at the number of IDE interface reported to be probed: 609:42
T-Bonei don't think there's that many in the box09:42
KamionT-Bone: I'd suggest diffing udeb contents from -16 to -17 to -1809:42
fabbioneskip -1709:42
fabbioneand go directly for -1909:43
T-BoneKamion: any easy way to do that?09:43
Kamion-18 is what is on the current CDs09:43
KamionT-Bone: debdiff?09:43
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fabbioneT-Bone: you can add to the kernel TODO list to remove the || true on kernel-wedge call09:46
fabbioneT-Bone: and fix either kernel-wedge or the kenrel package09:46
fabbionedepending is in the worst shape ;)09:46
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T-Bonefabbione: i've pointed lamont at some other likely bug too09:48
fabbioneT-Bone: we need the fixes.. not the bugs :-)09:49
T-Bonefabbione: i have a life, too, you know? :)09:49
fabbioneT-Bone: that's what you believe09:49
fabbionenot after you offered volunteer for the kernel team09:49
T-BoneKamion: that's either a kernel bug, or a module init bug, or something related to that. /proc/interrupts shows no trace of the ide interfaces, while it does on the installed ubuntu system09:50
T-Bonelooks like the probing simply fails09:50
T-BonePCI table screwed?09:51
T-Bonei don't know well enough how hotplug works alas :(09:51
Kamionlook at modules.pcimap and see if it's sane09:51
zulT-Bone: you have been asimilated your gf will understand09:52
T-Bonezul: i don't think so. And even if she does, you'd have to convince my boss as well to explain him why i'm sleeping at work ;)09:53
T-BoneKamion: what's the filetype for boot.img?09:54
T-Bones/file/filesystem /09:54
Kamionfor ia64 it's FAT of some kind09:54
Kamioncreated with mkfs.msdos09:54
T-Boneah ok thx. I was trying cramfs ;P09:55
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KamionT-Bone: not unless somebody taught EFI to understand cramfs ;)09:56
T-Bonehmmm. I guess i'm not looking at the right place. modules.pcimap is in the kernel package source i suppose ;P09:56
T-BoneKamion: heh, don't even think of it :)09:57
KamionT-Bone: no, it's generated by depmod09:57
KamionT-Bone: /lib/modules/blah09:57
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T-Bonefound it09:57
KamionT-Bone: in this case it's generated (a) during the debian-installer initrd build process (b) by various d-i modules after new module udebs are installed09:57
T-Boneso i want to look at it on the booted media?09:58
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KamionT-Bone: yes09:59
Kamionat the point of failure09:59
zulT-Bone, well your boss isnt my problem :)09:59
T-Bonezul: somehow i knew you would say that10:00
T-Bonezul: but it extends to me lacking sleep in unhealthy fashion, unfortunately :P10:00
=== T-Bone has the defect of needing long nights to hack efficiently
T-Bonei'm almost certain the issue is pcimaps10:01
T-BoneKamion: grep generic modules.pcimap yields no result10:04
T-Bonehmmm WTH10:05
T-BoneCONFIG_FUSION=m !?10:05
T-Boneuname -a: Linux (none) 2.6.10-3-itanium-smp #1 SMP Mon Feb 7 15:49:57 UTC 2005 ia64 unknown ???10:06
T-BoneKamion: i rsync'd that ISO, what's wrong?10:07
KamionI had to drop back to an old debian-installer build to make shit work at all10:08
Kamionbecause today's daily d-i build was built with -1710:08
KamionT-Bone: ok, that'll be fixed sometime tomorrow then10:09
KamionT-Bone: sorry, it was you or everyone else10:09
KamionI forgot about the fusion thing10:09
T-BoneKamion: it's not a fusion problem10:09
fabbioneyou mean FUSION should have been =y ?10:09
T-BoneKamion: you apparently picked up the d-i version that already failed for me last week, that's all10:09
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Kamionthat was fixed in -1710:10
T-Boneso the issue i've been investigating since my dinner is a non-issue :(10:10
KamionT-Bone: yes, I know. sorry :(10:10
KamionT-Bone: everyone else was on my back for a fixed ISO though10:10
Kamionconsider it an object lesson for the kernel team on what happens if you break the ABI ... :)10:10
fabbioneT-Bone: well tomorrow there will be -1910:10
T-BoneKamion: i understand. It's just that if you'd said so a bit earlier, I'd have been sleeping already by now :}10:10
KamionT-Bone: sorry, I just didn't catch on that that was the issue10:10
Kamionfabbione: without ABI change, I hope ...10:11
fabbioneKamion: i fixed the ABI with -18 :-)10:11
fabbione-19 is a requirement for some other modules in a udeb10:11
Kamionfabbione: I mean without deliberate ABI change10:11
=== T-Bone calls it a night and curses a bit fabbione Kamion and others for killing his nights B-]
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=== T-Bone is now known as T-None
=== fabbione inflicts endless pain to T-None
T-Nonefabbione: there's no bigger pain for me than a shortenned night. Come back tomorrow :)10:12
zulT-None: *whine* *whine* :)10:12
ogramoquist: ping10:12
T-Nonezul: heh. I think I can :)10:13
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=== T-None really gets to bed now. bye all
=== seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-39-130.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamiondamn, must not accidentally upload packages to Debian as cjwatson@ubuntu.com10:18
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fabbionenight ladies10:19
ogranight fabbione :)10:19
sivangnight fabbione , congerts10:19
=== fabbione &
pitti_night fabbione 10:19
Kamiondamn, every time someone says something like "fabbione &", I think "huh? demon? where?"10:20
smurfixelmo: please sync yapps210:20
smurfixelmo: (needed for keymapper)10:20
fabbionehmm that's more like fabbione's fork in background ;)10:20
ograKamion: normally he switches to pinhead mode before becoming a daemon ;)10:21
Kamionogra: well, it wasn't that kind of daemon I was thinking of; suffice to say I've played too much nethack10:21
Kamionelmo: please sync os-prober 1.0310:25
sivanganybody know where boot admin went? (I think it's part of g-s-t)10:28
tsengits always been patched out afaik10:29
mantienasivang, yes, it's part of g-s-t10:29
sivangtseng: ok, thanks.10:29
mantienaKamion, when your's today fixed cdrom-retriever will be available at archive.ubuntu.com pool ?10:29
sivangseb128: is there anything wrong with boot-admin that we put it away?10:30
Kamionmantiena: I only committed the change upstream, I didn't upload it anywhere10:30
Kamionyou should be setting mirror/suite so you shouldn't need it urgently10:31
mantienaKamion, ok10:31
ogradredg ?10:31
mantienaKamion, how many hours you are working ?10:32
ograare you going for MOTU ?10:32
mantienaper day10:32
Kamionmantiena: way too many :)10:32
Kamioncertainly at least 9-10 on average10:32
dredgogra: yes... but soon10:32
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mantienaKamion, you could have a dog, then you should go to walk with a dog every day ;)10:35
dredgogra: why do you ask?10:36
Kamionmantiena: my fiancee already has a snake; I think one pet between us is enough for now. However, walking the snake is not so easy. :)10:37
ogradredg: you already linked your wiki page on MaintainerCandidates ? (we are cleaning up tha page currently and i suspect you got deleted, since i dont see you there)10:37
dredgogra: did i?10:38
mantienamdz, still online ?10:38
dredgeep. i don't recall10:38
mdzmantiena: yes10:38
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ogradredg: dunno, thats why i asked....if you want to be a MOTU, this is the first step to take ;)10:39
mantienamdz, why en_ZA.UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8 and en_US.UTF-8 locales are generated every time when liveCD starts ? it wastes a lot of time on average computers (~1 Ghz, 256 RAM) :(10:39
Hwolfmantiena: gnome isn't build for average computers anyway. :-S10:39
pittimantiena: because we decided to generate all relevant language locales when isntalling a language pack10:40
mdzmantiena: they are not supposed to be; the language support package should be preinstalled in the cloop image10:40
mdzlamont: ^^^ please check10:40
Kamionthe -en one is, like, massive overkill though :)10:40
pittinot my fault that there are so many english speaking countries...10:41
mdzoh, lamont is away today10:41
dredgogra: i was looking around a fair bit, and kicked off a page yes... i *may* have accidentally linked myself in there (it was around 4am), and yes i do intend going for MOTU... just not right yet :)10:41
pittiKamion: of course I can special-case this, but to what?10:41
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Kamionpitti: I'm not all that bothered10:41
bluefoxicyfreedoom depends on prboom or doom-engine10:41
bluefoxicyfreedoom depends on prboom or doom-engine10:41
ogradredg: we are in a fast maintainer approval process until hoary is released....so this is the best time to start 10:41
bluefoxicy^^^  freedoom depends on prboom, twice :)10:41
mantienamdz, I think problem is in casper/pre.d/15localechooser script - it uses locale.gen instead of localedef 10:41
pittiKamion: it's primarily a live cd issue, installation won't see it often10:42
bluefoxicyout of academic curiousity, why do some dependencies show up more than once?10:42
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pittiKamion: in fact only once10:42
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mdzmantiena: this was working in the past; it probably broke as a result of the transition from special-case code in the live cd build, to the language-support-en package10:42
dredgogra: noted :) sorry if i caused any confusion10:42
ogradredg: i already saw you made some packages, so polish them for universe inclusion ;)10:43
mantienamdz, it works, but does unneeded work, I  can patch casper/pre.d/15localechooser script to use localedef instead of localegen if you would accept my patch10:43
dredgogra: that's my intention :)10:44
ogragreat :)10:44
mdzmantiena: talk to Kamion about it; that is his domain10:44
mdzbut this used to work, so I doubt that changing localechooser is the correct fix10:45
KamionI don't see why it should use localedef10:45
Kamionlocale.gen is correct and integrates properly with the rest of the system10:45
ogradredg: if you got questions regarding the motu process or organizational stuff, feel free to join #ubuntu-motu10:45
Kamionlocale-gen, that is10:45
Kamionand locale-gen does very little more work than equivalent localedef on an initial run10:46
dredgogra: oh excellent. will do10:46
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dredgogra: thanks :)10:47
ogradredg: youre welcome :)10:48
mantienaKamion, locale-gen regenerates all locales, it not checks if they are already generated10:57
mantienaKamion, when starting from live CD regenerating already generated UTF-8 locales (en_US, en_GB and en_ZA) wastes pretty long time11:00
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Hwolf64% cpu-usage by gam-server, is that normal?11:08
Kamionmantiena: oh, I see. However, if all the locales for a language are already generated then localechooser's script should do nothing11:09
Kamionor at least not call locale-gen11:09
KamionI think the right answer is to make sure that all the English locales are pre-generated in the cloop image so that localechooser doesn't run11:09
mdzmantiena: the localechooser script already does that check11:10
mdzit's just a bit picky about it11:10
mdzif all of the needed locales exist, it doesn't call locale-gen11:10
mdzmantiena: /etc/locale.gen on the cloop image seems to be missing the ones you mentioned11:10
mdzlamont will need to fix it11:10
mdzthanks for finding it11:11
Kamionlocalechooser doesn't check for things like en_ZA though11:11
Kamionit only cares about the exact locale you selected11:11
KamionI guess it depends which locale you ended up with11:11
mdzoh, I see the problem11:12
mdzwe added language-support-en to the live seed, but not language-pack-en11:12
mdzlanguage-pack-en does the locale generation11:12
mdzlive_seed++ for making this trivial to fix :-)11:13
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ograbah, the new gksudo without borders is soo ugly...11:14
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Kamionmdz: aha, good call11:14
Kamionand l-s-en only recommends l-p-en11:14
tsengogra: agreed.11:14
mdzjdub: how is polypaudio treating us so far?11:15
Kamionmdz: I should make germinate spit out informational .recommends files with all the unsatisfied recommendations in each seed11:15
mdzKamion: I was just thinking that11:15
mdzKamion: if it's trivial, sure, otherwise add to the never-ending germinate todo11:15
KamionI think that might not be too hard11:15
Kamionthere's a never-ending germinate todo? where?! :-)11:15
mdzjbailey: ping?11:16
HwolfIs jeff waugh still here?11:20
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mdzHwolf: I have not seen jdub yet today, but he should be around soon if he is not so already11:25
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Hwolfmdz: I take it that 100% cpu-usage from gamin is something he'd like to hear about?11:29
mdzHwolf: I'm pretty sure I saw a bug report about that already11:29
ograHwolf: i think "like" is the wrong term here11:30
mdzHwolf: but if there isn't, filing a bug would be the thing to do11:30
Hwolfmdz: that's why I'm asking, because I have no idea where it is coming from. :-)11:30
seb128sivang: boot is not built by upstream, we don't change the options11:37
sivangseb128: ah ok, unmaintained or something ? It used to work pretty well for me 11:37
seb128sivang: ask carlosg, I'm not upstream11:38
sivangseb128: right :-)11:38
=== mxpxpod [~bryan@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mxpxpodis there a reason I'm getting a BADSIG on the hoary-security and hoary-release gpg keys on the powerpc archives?11:40
crimsun_which key signs? 0x437D05B5?11:41
crimsun_(from apt-key list)11:41
crimsun_looks to be perhaps a ppc-specific issue?11:43
crimsun_ppc archive, that is11:43
crimsun_looks fine for i38611:43
=== azeem [~mbanck@ppp-62-245-211-50.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mxpxpodis anyone here running hoary on an ibook g4 with benh's sleep patch applied to the kernel?11:48
mxpxpodI've got an issue where I wake my ibook up after a long sleep and then try to pop my email using evo and my laptop freezes11:48
amumxpxpod: probably pitti, i'm not sure if he use the patches 11:48
mxpxpodit's really strange11:49
pittimxpxpod: no, I don't use the patch11:49
mxpxpodpitti: ibook g4?11:49
pittimxpxpod: I tried it once but it did not work11:49
pittimxpxpod: yes, a pretty new one (Jul 04)11:49
amupitti: mxpxpod: i think the latest sleep patches arnt applied to the hoary kernel also11:50
mxpxpodamu: I use 2.6.911:50
mxpxpodbenh doesn't have a patch for 2.6.1011:51
mxpxpodwhich is a shame11:51
pittimxpxpod: according to the logs, much of the stuff was merged into 2.6.11 upstream11:51
pittimxpxpod: however, hoary's current 2.6.11pre kernel doesn't work for me11:51
mxpxpodthat's cool11:52
mxpxpodwhat's this? we're not using esound anymore?11:52
ograpolypaudio :)11:52
mxpxpodwhat's that?11:52
ograthe esd replacement11:52
mxpxpodis it any good?11:52
amumxpxpod: same here, using also 2.6.9 patched myself 11:53
ograi have installed it since about an hour.....11:53
mdzmxpxpod: nah, we think it's pretty crap. that's why we selected it :-)11:53
sivangmxpxpod: you should have seen the love letter jdub wrote the mdz when polyaudio were GO, I was here when it happened :)11:53
mxpxpodmdz: :P11:53
ograits misconfigured, but works fine after some tweaking....11:53
sivangogra: do I need to explicitly install it or it's been auto upgraded ?11:53
mxpxpodogra: hmm11:54
mxpxpodamu: what machine?11:54
ograsivang: i have explicitly installed it....11:54
sivangbtw, the topic is timezone unfriendly ;-)11:54
mxpxpodpolyp is getting installed with ubuntu-desktop now11:54
amumxpxpod: pb-g411:54
mxpxpodamu: hmmm, do you remove modules before you go to sleep?11:55
=== usual [~colin@cpe-24-194-194-177.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi jdub 11:57
=== kent [~kent@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangmorning jdub !11:57
sivangwe were just talking about you :)11:57
mxpxpodI'm scared to install polypaudio11:57
=== dredg boinks jdub in the capslock
mxpxpoddoes it work with libgnome*?11:58
amumxpxpod: yeah11:58
tsenghi jdub, mxpxpod 11:59
mxpxpodamu: what modules do you remove?11:59
jdubmxpxpod: polypaudio supports the esound unix socket and tcp protocols11:59
mxpxpodtseng: hey... did you ever get that tomboy thing fixed?11:59
amumxpxpod: alsa, hwclock11:59
mxpxpodamu: no usb stuff?11:59
tsengmxpxpod: no =/11:59
azeemmxpxpod: polypaudio is binary compatible to esound, TTBOMK11:59
amumxpxpod: no 12:00
tsengi did try installing the pixmaps by hand to the right places but no love12:00
mxpxpodamu: hmm12:00
mxpxpodamu: what about bluetooth stuff?12:00
mxpxpodazeem: ah, ok... thanks12:00
amumxpxpod: with my own pachted 2.6.9 everthing works fine12:00
tsengas i recall the strace wasnt very useful either12:00
ogramxpxpod: i had to start it manually with polypaudio -nF /etc/polypaudio/default.pa to make rhythmbox happy12:00
amumxpxpod: i do not use bluetooth 12:00
Hwolfjdub, can you help me check why gamin is using up 100% of my cpu?12:00
mxpxpodogra: that's crap12:01
ogramxpxpod: just a wrong default config, i guess that will be sorted soon...12:01
mxpxpodI hope12:02
ogramxpxpod: it only affected RB here12:02

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