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sivangah yay, just noticed the time has changed for the meeting :)05:00
Simirahas it?05:00
Simirato when?05:00
Kamion"Tuesday 15 February 2005 20:00 UTC: Technical Board"05:01
pitti20:00 UTC05:01
Simiraoh, the technical board, yes05:01
zulit was changed a while ago05:01
Simirabut now is the Council meeting, right?05:02
Kamionno, that's next week05:02
Kamionthe topic is confusingly ordered05:02
zulno today is the 15th05:02
SimiraI've been SO sure it's this week. Arg!05:02
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dholbachok... i'm off - have a nice evening everyone08:13
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zulthere is a meeting soon isnt there?08:36
haggaiyes, 25 min08:36
fabbione24 minutes08:36
=== haggai can't be at the meeting
makomvo won't make it either08:43
makoat least not at first08:43
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mdzmako: are you going to be here for the meeting?08:58
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fabbioneevening *08:59
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pittiHi all08:59
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mdzlet's get started09:00
makomdz: yes09:00
makomdz: i'm going to catch the first post-meeting train to boston09:00
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzmako: great; there is a huge list of MaintainerCandidates and I'm not sure where in the process they are09:00
sivanggood evening for us :)09:00
mdzlet's skip ahead first, and discuss pitti's language pack item09:00
mdzI believe the question is, which languages should we try to fit onto the standard Ubuntu CD?09:00
makomy train leaves in ~1.75h so we should keep that in mind09:01
mdzsabdfl: we'll need input from you on that09:01
makomdz: how many can we fit?09:01
pittiFor that matter I did some research about the world's most famous languages09:01
mdzare there publicly available statistics for the number of speakers for each language?09:01
mdzmako: unknown; they are differently-sized09:01
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pittimdz: ^09:01
fabbionei suggest english, german, french, spanish at least09:01
makoi have some unscientific data thta might be useful here09:02
makoyesterday i built some stats for jane on where we are shipping CDs09:02
fabbionethat will cover more than 1 billion possible users09:02
sivangmdz: I'd suggest to put in langpacks of countries in which language has been somewhat a barrier for adoption, taking .IL as an example.09:02
makofabbione: there are 1billion english speakers09:02
mdzof course, we should probably bias our numbers in favour of languages which are used in areas where free software is very popular09:02
pittiaccording to above statistics, we need to ship 11 langpacks to cover the most popular langs09:02
pittimdz: right, that's not contained in the statistics09:02
makothese are the top countries we ship cds to:09:02
mdzfor example, German is not in the top ten on some of these lists09:02
mako1. United States09:02
mako2. Spain09:02
mako3. France09:02
mako4. United Kingdom09:02
mako5. South Africa09:02
pittiabove 11 languages would account for approx. 30 MB09:02
mako6. Netherlands09:03
mdzbut Germany has a lot of free software activity, and I think we should include it09:03
fabbionemako: i mean native speakers. not as second lang09:03
mako7. Canada09:03
mako8. Germany09:03
sivangmako: hebrew09:03
mako9. Chile09:03
mako10. India09:03
mako11. Australia09:03
mako12. Mexico09:03
sivangah right, but that's according to speakers's number09:03
mako13. Belgium09:03
mako14. Russian Federation09:03
mako15. Argentina09:03
mdzfabbione: agreed, those four should definiteely be on the list09:03
makoIIRC, the 5 un languages are: english, spanish, french, arabic and russian09:03
mdzwhat languages do we have available for India?09:03
pittiI would also vote for Chinese09:03
makowhich are each lingua francas for large numbers of countries09:04
fabbionemdz: if i didn't miscalculate we will cover ~1Bilion users as NATIVE speakers09:04
makofabbione: that's easy. there are 3/4billion native spanish speakers i thought09:04
pittifabbione: if we include chinese, we will instantly have 2 Billion09:04
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mdzpitti: how large in total for fabbione's choices?09:04
=== pitti calculates
fabbionemako: yup09:04
makoi think we need arabic, and chinese09:04
sivangmako: what about hebrew? lack of speakers? ;-)09:05
mdzmako: those two are enormous, I think09:05
makosivang: basically :-)09:05
makomdz: arabic is not that big09:05
pittimdz: 15 MB for english, german, french, spanish09:05
makomdz: chinese is big i think09:05
pittihowever, we should add portugese and chinese in any case09:05
makoarabic is big though09:05
sivangmako: so it's "go and make a customized installer cd" for me ?09:05
pittithen we have 22 MB09:05
makosivang: yeah.. we'll make it easy to do that09:05
smurfixyou'd also need chinese fonts09:05
mdzpitti: 22 total, or 22 + 15?09:05
pittimdz: 22 total09:06
makosmurfix: if we ship *1* chinese font, it's reasonable09:06
mdzpitti: does that include the dependencies?09:06
pitti   1. Chinese* (937,132,000)            337921809:06
pitti   2. Spanish (332,000,000)             318122209:06
pitti   3. English (322,000,000)             265493009:06
pitti   4. Bengali (189,000,000)              61077609:06
pitti   5. Hindi/Urdu (182,000,000)           51317609:06
pitti   6. Arabic* (174,950,000)              74717609:06
pitti   7. Portuguese (170,000,000)          401849409:06
pitti   8. Russian (170,000,000)             221787009:06
pitti   9. Japanese (125,000,000)            255668209:06
pitti  10. German (98,000,000)               317452409:06
pitti  11. French* (79,572,000)              330665009:06
pittimdz: no, these are just the translations09:06
pittiabove list is the world top ten, middle number: #speakers, right number: langpack size in bytes09:06
makothat's native speakers though09:06
makothere are almost 2billion english speakers09:06
sabdflmdz: max 15 languages by default i think09:06
pittiyes, native09:06
mdzsivang: it's "the language support should be downloaded from the Internet" for you09:06
makobut they're all non-native speakers09:06
fabbionemako: yes, but we need to think in terms of native speakers here09:07
makototal speakers is a more useful number here09:07
pittitotal speakers:09:07
makofabbione: in terms of "being able to use the cd at all", total is important too09:07
pitti   1.  Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)09:07
pitti   2. English (480 million)09:07
pitti   3. Spanish (320 million)09:07
pitti   4. Russian (285 million)09:07
pitti   5. French (265 million)09:07
pitti   6. Hindi/Urdu (250 million)09:07
pitti   7. Arabic (221 million)09:07
pitti   8. Portuguese (188 million)09:07
pitti   9. Bengali (185 million)09:07
sivangmdz: err ok, I'll *have* to do the customized installer cd for the "linux doesn't support hebrew enough" people here :)09:07
pitti  10. Japanese (133 million)09:07
pitti  11. German (109 million)09:07
mdzsivang: or the DVD09:07
pittimako: native/total speakers differs only in the ordering, not in the set of languages09:07
mdzwe simply can't fit all languages on a CD09:07
sivangmdz: right.09:07
makothose lists overlap a lot09:07
amuthose top 15 are also supported by d-i ? 09:07
fabbionemako: yes, but second lang has to be weighed in a different way imho.09:07
makook.. the problem with that list is that 6, for example, is one *spoken* language09:08
mdzmako: are our pressed CDs 650M max or 700M?09:08
pittiI think we should focus on native languages09:08
makobut they are encoding differently09:08
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makomdz: we did 650 last time09:08
makomdz: for compatibility reasons09:08
pittiGuys: please note that our current warty cds already ship all translations for the ship seed09:08
mdzpitti: but they don't ship the auxiliary packages like fonts and dictionaries09:09
pittisince we stip them, the total sum should indeed be lower if we only ship some langpacks09:09
mdzand we haven't stripped anything yet, right?09:09
pittimdz: I did not take support packages into account09:09
makopitti: i think we should do the top 8-9 of that second list09:09
mdzor have we stripped packages built since a certain date?09:09
pittimdz: I think we shouldn't ship them on the cd09:09
sabdflcan we make language-related tools a dependency of the langpack?09:09
pittimdz: we already strip for some weeks now09:09
sabdflso installing a language also gives you fonts and input methods?09:09
sivangsabdfl: this is already been done IIRC09:09
mdzsabdfl: we could, but currently they are separate, and I think this is better09:09
pittimdz: I think the stripping already removed about 100 MB from our debs09:10
makomdz: i think we will want to at least have them as suggests09:10
mdzmako, sabdfl: look at it from the other direction09:10
pittisabdfl: the language-pack-lang package provides translations, language-support-lang provides dependencies09:10
mdzmako, sabdfl: the language support metapackage should depend on the support packages09:10
sivangmako: would be nice, at first I thought the general idea to make language specific tools a depend of the langpacks09:10
sabdflmdz: doesn't it make sense to add "language support"? if you want the input methods separately you can always add them directly, but in general reading in a lanauge implies wanting to create content in that language?09:10
mdzmako,sabdfl: and the translations09:10
makopitti: ok, that sounds good09:11
sivangsabdfl: I agree09:11
mdzsabdfl: no, being able to read a language means having it displayed correctly in your web browser, etc.09:11
mdzsabdfl: it does not imply wanting to write documents in openoffice in that language09:11
pittisabdfl: our current installer tries to install both pack and support09:11
makosabdfl: actually, in terms of just reading, having a translation without a font is slightly useless as well :)09:11
sabdfli disagree09:11
smurfixsabdfl: with what?  ;-)09:11
sivangmdz: for hebrew enabled desktops, it does ;-)09:11
sabdflmost people who can read a language (and want to use apps in a language) will want to create content in the same language09:11
mdzsivang: you are not listening09:12
pittisabdfl: the installer will download the dependencies from the network if available09:12
makosabdfl: there is a difference between viewing a webpage in a language and wanting apps in that language09:12
pittihowever, including all dependencies on the CD is just too big09:12
sabdflwe want to simplify this to the point where someone adds Korean, and gets the fonts, the translations and the input methods09:12
pittitranslations are okay since we stripped them09:12
mdzsabdfl: we have the capability for both; it's not an issue.  the only question is what to put on the CD09:12
sabdflmako: then add the fonts directly09:12
makosabdfl: i want to view/write japanese but i don't necessarily want gimp in japanese09:12
Kamionsabdfl: it's useful for the language support to be a separate package because currently language-support-* pulls in stuff not suitable for server installations09:12
Kamionsabdfl: this is already implemented in the installer09:12
sabdflthe thing we want people to apt-get install is the top level metapackage09:12
makosabdfl: i'm just saying there's a case for having them seperate09:12
sivangmdz: ah ok, noted, thanks.09:12
makosabdfl: but i'm on your side about this about having the input methods installed on the cd with teh language support09:13
smurfixWe have read < create < localize, more or less, IMHO09:13
Kamionsabdfl: if there is a top-level metapackage, then *please* let's keep the separate "translations only" bit, it's very useful09:13
sabdflagreed, i'm trying to make sure we agree on the end goal, which is to have shot-named language packs which are obvious and easy to find and which do it all09:13
mdzsmurfix: exactly09:13
mdzsabdfl: I expect we will create a language chooser tool like gnome-app-install, so it won't be an issue09:13
makosabdfl: perfect :)09:13
sabdflKamion: no problem, i'm just trying to remind folks that we want to focus on the simple get-it-all case from an end-user experience point of view09:13
sivangwould it e possible to make read < create == read && create for several langs?09:14
pittisabdfl: there was a time when the support packages depended on the translation pack09:14
makomdz: ideal09:14
sabdflmdz: you mean, like, for bendy+1 ;-)09:14
Kamionsabdfl: well, language-pack-en Recommends: language-support-en; I kind of think it's a frontend issue after that :)09:14
pittisabdfl: but some folks complained about this, they wanted it separate09:14
mdzsabdfl: no, for hoary+1. it would be very simple to do09:14
sabdfli'm teasing09:14
pittiso I made it a Recommends09:14
sabdfla System-> Administration -> Languages tool will be perfect09:15
makobut back to the major question....09:15
pittithe question is:09:15
mdzeither way, we need a prioritized list of 10 languages09:15
makois there space isssues with teh top 8 from that list?09:15
mdzand then we can choose what will fit, in priority order09:15
pittihow much space can we devote for translation apcks?09:15
mdzmako: if we include support tools like dictionaries, yes09:15
mdz(I think so)09:15
makowe will need to work on that list a little bit too09:15
mdzpowerpc install CD is 586M currently09:15
pittiif we include support dependencies (OO.o, ffox, etc.) for 10 languages, space will be an issue09:16
makobecuase there is more than one arabic, more than one chinese, and more than urdu/hidi09:16
mdzso we have ~64M09:16
makobut i can help people sort that out09:16
mdzi386 is 510M, leaving 140M09:16
mdzsabdfl: do you think it is important that we standardize the set of languages we will put on the CD, and keep it consistent across releases?09:16
fabbioneif we could kill some kernels....09:16
makoand that sounds removing all of the old translations?09:16
mdzsabdfl: if so, we must be much more conservative, to ensure that we don't exceed our space budget09:16
sivangmako: as far for arabic, people on my country team told me that htere is one "dialect" which is considered official thus resonable to put only it . (jordania)09:16
pittimdz: please note that we did not yet strip all packages09:17
sabdflmdz: yes, though with derivatives blooming i expect they will tune that list to their audience09:17
sivangfabbione: hehe09:17
makosivang: eastern and egyption.. i suspect jordania is eastern09:17
makosivang: but i can look it up09:17
sivangmako: yes, he told me that noone would get mad if he sees "only" the jordenian one ;-)09:17
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amuegyption is 'real arabic spoken 09:18
makoi think if we take the languages spoken by msot people in the world and work down that list, we can defend that09:18
makowe stop when we run out of room09:18
sabdflpitti: any idea what we save when we do strip main?09:18
fabbionemako: we need to be more conservative09:18
mdzpitti: do you know how much space is occupied by translations in the unstripped packages?09:18
pittisabdfl: it's already half-stripped09:18
mdzmako: agreed09:18
pittimdz: hmm, I guess about 80 MB09:18
mdzmako: but we can't go right up to the limit09:18
sabdflthe critical point in the evening, then ;-)09:19
makofabbione: i can't think of a fairer *or* strategic way to do it09:19
mdzmako: because then we'll need to drop a language or two in the next release, and as we grow09:19
fabbionemako: otherwise we might end up in having to remove languages in next releases09:19
pittimdz: but that is really a coarse guesstimation09:19
pittimdz: I stripped 60 MB of translations for hoary/main09:19
makofabbione: we're not going to nee to be removing languages spoken by 300million+ people :)09:19
sabdflthe other challenge is that the number of strings will grow, and the translations will get more complete09:19
fabbionemako: i agree, but we can't add italian in hoary and remove it for BENDY09:20
pittiright, we should leave some space to account for that09:20
fabbionemako: it will look really unprofessional09:20
KragenSitakerwikipedia links to a language frequency list that has ten or fifteen versions of arabic listed as separate languages09:20
makofabbione: i don't think the numbers on that list are going to fluctuate too much along *our* timeframe09:20
KragenSitakerbut lists english as one09:20
sabdflhmm... can we leave the installer unstripped please?09:20
mdzsabdfl: we don't have a choice09:20
fabbionemako: the list of langs no, but the size of packages on cd yes09:20
pittisabdfl: it is unstripped09:20
mdzsabdfl: it cannot be stripped09:20
sabdflgood :-)09:20
makofabbione: right, so we are conservative09:20
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makoso is a good goal to get definite numbers on the sizes and then just work down the list in terms of most spoken languages?09:21
fabbionemako: if we need to stick to rule #666 that force us to ship always one CD: yes09:21
mdzmako: that's my feeling09:21
mdzmako: but we need to know when to stop, as well09:21
sivangseems that most reasonable09:21
makoup to a conservative cut-off09:21
pittiI thought we wanted to take into account in which countries Ubuntu is used most likely?09:21
makoi mean, then we can't be accused of playing favorites, etc09:21
sabdflpitti: would be useful to know if any of the languages we consider translating is very poorly translated, because that is a risk of rapid translation and hence expansion09:21
mdzpitti: as mako says, it's easier to defend by simple popularity of the language09:22
pittisabdfl: that can be seen at the size of the langpack09:22
KragenSitakerpitti: good point --- portuguese is probably much more important than raw numbers of speakers would suggest09:22
pittisabdfl: a good translation has about 3 to 4 MB 09:22
sabdflKamion: how hard would it be to prompt for langpack download based on region as well?09:22
makopitti: those numbers work out pretty well.. we may not do, say, a dutch translations on the cd even though we send lots of cds there but i think we'll live09:22
mdzsabdfl: do you think the concerns about favoritism are justified?09:22
pittihmm, ok09:22
Kamionsabdfl: we can select by region certainly; didn't think you'd want a prompt though09:22
mdzsabdfl: we would not have hard data to work with for that angle09:23
sabdflmdz: if we cover each major language group, and have a rationale that is published, we are fine09:23
pittibut If I just seed the top 5, we neither have French nor German :-)09:23
sabdflkamion: only if they want to download updates09:23
Kamionsabdfl: you mean something like "if you selected Switzerland, then include French, German, and Italian"?09:23
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sabdfldo we have a multiselect widget in debconf?09:24
sabdflpresent a list and let them select all desired languages?09:24
Kamionsabdfl: I'd be a bit concerned about geopolitics, but if you like :)09:24
Keybukcan't we do it automatically if they select to update from the net09:24
sivangwhy not shipping each language per word region, and donwload specifics over the net?09:24
Kamionsabdfl: yes, and that is done in expert mode09:24
sivang(hmm, not sure if this is even better..)09:24
KamionKeybuk: do what?09:24
Thom_Holwerda1. Chinese 2. English 3. Hindi 4. Spanish 5. Russian09:25
Keybukdownload interesting language packs based on their locale09:25
Thom_Holwerdamost popluar languages09:25
sabdflwe can get languages-by-country from rosetta easily enough, or even from the libc translations table carlos loves playing with09:25
KamionTemplate: localechooser/supported-locales09:25
KamionType: multiselect09:25
KamionChoices: ${LOCALELIST}09:25
Kamion_Description: Choose other locales to be supported:09:25
Kamion You may choose additional locales to be installed from this list.09:25
Kamionsabdfl: the installer already uses the SUPPORTED table from libc09:25
sabdflKamion: i love it when you're so far ahead of me ;-)09:25
Kamionsabdfl: (I had to do it for kickstart, you see :-))09:25
sabdflso those locale's map directly to langpacks?09:26
Kamionmany-to-one mapping09:26
makowow. nice :)09:26
KragenSitakerThom_Holwerda: is that including Urdu under Hindi or not?  They use different character sets09:26
sabdflis the question ugly or does it look slick and easy to answer?09:26
Kamionit's kind of overkill and the UI isn't great, but it'll do for now considering it's an expert mode thing09:26
KragenSitakeralso, what's "Chinese"?09:26
makoKragenSitaker: we know09:26
Thom_HolwerdaKragenSitaker: i dont know09:26
makoKragenSitaker: right, i brought this up a little bit09:26
Kamionsabdfl: it's expert mode only, which is ugly in general; do you want it non-expert-mode?09:27
KragenSitakermako: I know *you* know --- I'm just pointing out that Thom may not have been the original compiler of the language list09:27
pittiKragenSitaker: Mandarin, mostly09:27
Thom_Holwerdai am indeed not, took it from an atlas09:27
sabdflmdz, what do you think about prompting for langpack download based on location if they have chosen to download updates and we know they have a net connection?09:27
makopitti: well madarin or catonese is not important because the written language is the same09:27
Kamionat the moment it's a big list starting "aa_DJ, aa_ER, aa_ER@saaho, aa_ET, af_ZA, ..."09:27
mdzsabdfl: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=639009:27
sabdflcan we hint at the size of the download involved?09:28
Thom_Holwerdahindi does not include urdu09:28
pitti^ erm, download is already attempted right now??09:28
Thom_Holwerdaurdu is 13th09:28
sabdflkamion: that's what you prompt on? aa_DJ? "af_ZA"? or "Afrikaans"?09:28
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sivangKamion: would be good to have it non export, I already have people complaining over too many languge settings that are "expert" moded.09:28
makoThom_Holwerda: we know.. but there are an order of magnitude more people who can read hindi versus urdu09:28
KamionKeybuk: we already download the language pack that matches their selected language; for some countries I'd be worried about the download being huge if you try everything09:29
Kamionsivang: non-expert-mode questions require Mark's approval in general09:29
Kamionsivang: and they'd better be pretty09:29
mdzsabdfl: oo.o localization alone for Chinese is ~4M09:29
sivangKamion: ah oops ok.09:29
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Kamionsabdfl: at the moment; it was a quick hack to let me implement the 'langsupport' keyword in Kickstart09:29
pittisabdfl: I think installing one langpack by default (without further prompting) is a good choice for 98% of the desktops09:30
Kamiontranslating to more friendly text would be possible but I'll need to figure out how to suck in the translations automatically from iso-codes/localechooser/whatever and probably how to do much cleverer sorting09:30
pittimdz: let alone the help packages...09:30
sabdflpitti: but which langpack?09:31
Kamionsabdfl: I'm not sure that this question would pass the needed-for-nearly-everyone test whichever way you slice it09:31
pittisabdfl: the langpack matching the users's selected language09:31
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mdzI think we're straying from the point here; do we have a consensus on methodology for selecting which languages we should ship on the CD?09:31
Kamionsabdfl: that's easy, the one matching the installation language they suggested; that's what we do09:31
pittisabdfl: as it's done in the current daily CDs09:31
sabdflpitti: ok, that's best09:31
sivangpitti: agreed09:31
makomdz: you have my blessing :)09:32
pittiproposed method: start adding from the top until 30 MB is reached?09:32
pittithen we have enought space even on ppc for the future09:32
fabbioneadding later is easy09:32
fabbioneremoving no09:32
pittiwe still gain some space through stripping09:32
mdzwith 20M I do not think we will get Chinese09:32
sabdfllet's compile a list of top 10 languages spoken, and top 10 countries Ubuntu is requested in shipit, and try to cover all of those09:32
makomdz: we will get chinese09:32
pittiok, 20 MB is fine, too09:33
mdzsabdfl: ok, we have both of those lists09:33
Kamionsabdfl: we can assume that the selected installation language is understood by the user, and I tend to feel that it's better to push off the task of installing further language packs to a desktop application, considering that we've provided for automatic installations with multiple language packs09:33
makomdz: and english, and french09:33
fabbionepitti: that will happen only if we upload the packages that have been unstripped09:33
mdzmako: not with support09:33
makomdz: and probably spanish09:33
makomdz: not if we could oo.o support09:33
mdzmako: oo.o localization, dictionaries, etc.09:33
pittifabbione: right, we wil09:33
sabdflkamion: agreed09:33
makomdz: then we don't include that09:33
mdzmako: sabdfl insists that we do09:33
sabdfland we can make that tool pretty smart, showing just the list of languages recommended for your IP address location, for example09:33
HwolfOn localisation: I'd like to be able to hide those fonts that I can't read from my ooo fonts list. Otherwise i'll be scrolling through a lot of chinese/hebrew etc. 09:34
fabbionesabdfl: that doesn't work pretty well when you are behind some retarted networks09:34
Thom_Holwerdaas long as other langueges from ouytside your IP can be selected as well :)09:34
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fabbioneretarded even09:34
makoif thethe choice comes down to  chinese everything support or no other languages, i don't think it's much of a choice09:34
sivangHwolf: heh09:34
KragenSitakeryou are in 10.0.0.x.  apparently you are on ARPAnet.  would you like to use English?09:34
sabdflfabbione: we'd use combination of current selected timezone/locale and ip address, for example09:34
Hwolfsivang: it's already annoying, imho09:35
mdzlet's try not to stray too far into the hypothetical; we have an immediate issue to deal with for Hoary09:35
Thom_Holwerdasabdfl: im dutch but i always use english-- so that may become annoying09:35
sivangHwolf: oh :-/09:35
fabbionesabdfl: imho timezone/locale is the best. I would definetely leave the IP out09:35
sabdflThom: I think english will always be installed. Kamion?09:35
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fabbionesabdfl: it has too many implications and exceptions to provide a good choise09:35
pittiis there any real opposition to "start adding from the top until 20 MB is reached"09:35
fabbionesabdfl: + you need a mapping file that is constantly up2date for that09:35
sabdflfabbione: we have one, in rosetta09:36
fabbionesabdfl: Ip address -> location?09:36
sabdflmdz: i think you have agreement09:36
makopitti: i haven't heard anyone09:36
smurfixif OOo is included in that size limit, that doesn't seem enough09:36
mdzif pitti's question is answered, let's proceed with the agenda09:36
makopitti: silence is consent :)09:36
pittiok :-)09:36
pittibut I don't seed support dependencies09:36
pittijust translations09:37
Hwolfsivang: so if we include all sorts of non-english non-standard fonts, could they be uninstallable without breaking ubuntu-base/desktop?09:37
pittidependencies can be downloaded09:37
mdzpitti: there is clearly much more to discuss about language support; if you could summarize the unresolved questions for ubuntu-devel@lists and start a discussion there, that would be great09:37
mdzpitti: we have raised some new issues here I think09:37
pittiok, I will read scrollback and summarize09:37
makopitti: if it's impossible to fit, it's impossible to fit09:37
makopitti: awesome.. i will jump into that discussion09:37
pittimako: obviously :-)09:37
mdznext agenda item is new maintainer candidates09:37
sivangHwolf: well, they should...I'll try over here and let you know09:38
mdzthere is a long list on MaintainerCandidates09:38
mdzbut some of these people I know have already been processed09:38
Hwolfsivang, thanks.09:38
sabdflwe now have at least a spec for managing this in launchpad09:38
sabdfldue to be done for hoary09:38
mdzif you're already an Ubuntu maintainer, please remove yourself from https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MaintainerCandidates09:38
ograwe should move them to the MOTU page09:38
makoa number of them have been processed09:38
mdzis there anyone present who is seeking TB approval for maintainership?09:39
makoT-Bone, sivang, ogra are handled IIRC09:39
T-Bonemako: ? I'm a maintainer since sabdfl appointed me in last november.09:39
makoT-Bone: yes09:40
ogramako: riddell, crimsun, dholbach, Treenaks, ajmitch, tseng09:40
makoso.. that leaves: Saravanan Raju09:40
ograwhom did i forget ?09:40
makoy'know.. a lot of these people were applying for membership09:41
makobut it was before we had a membership09:41
makoi know for a fact that several of these people would like to be a member for not a maintainer09:41
mdzso I take it that there is no TB business regarding maintainer candidates today?09:41
mdzok, then09:41
mdzany other business?09:41
makowe need to clean up that page09:42
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mdzmako,ogra: can one of you take care of cleaning up MaintainerCandidates?09:42
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makoit's a multi-person job09:42
crimsun_I'll help with that, mdz/mako/ogra.09:42
ograi think every motu can move his page to MOTU 09:42
crimsun_will sort out in u-d and u-m09:42
makopeople that we don't know what to do, we need to contact them about the membership/maintainership process09:42
ograits just reparenting09:42
makocrimsun_: cool09:42
mdzok, thanks09:42
sivangcrimsun_: what is u-m ?09:42
crimsun_sivang: ubuntu-motu09:43
makoif there is time, we can talk right after the meeting09:43
sivangcrimsun_: ah -)09:43
crimsun_(for administrative issues only)09:43
makocrimsun_, ogra: cool?09:43
mdzlast call for other TB business09:43
crimsun_mako: yep09:43
makooh wait.. there will definitely be time then09:43
ogramako: ok09:43
sivangmako: you need to run no?09:43
mdzmeeting adjourned.  Thanks, everyone09:43
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Kamionsabdfl: sorry, I was busy with #ubuntu-devel stuff; English will not always be installed at the moment (the C locale will, though ...), but I can make that a special case if you like09:44
makosivang: nah.. train isn't for a couple hours09:44
sivangmako: ok09:45
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crimsun_mako: / ogra: most of those names/links are no longer "candidates" per se and have already been approved, so we should just delete them from that wiki page.09:45
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ogracrimsun_: let them reparent it themselves to the respective group member/motu09:46
tsengcan I be my own parent?09:46
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tsengbtw, perhaps we should work this out later09:47
ogratseng: MTU is your parent ;09:47
crimsun_ogra: ok. Shall we ping them (on irc and/or via email) to alert them?09:47
makotseng: i don't zwiki supports taht, YET09:47
ograMOTU even09:47
makoi'll go through and delete teh folks i know are already members/etc09:47
sabdflkamion: thanks. pitti, mdz, how about making English a special case always-install?09:47
pittisabdfl: it already is09:48
sivangI second that,we must have english09:48
sabdflmako: perhaps leave people who were declined till we have further working experience together?09:48
pittisabdfl: IIRC en is in shipped09:48
sabdflwith a note09:48
Kamionwe must have C; what's the use case for English?09:48
pittiKamion: or is it?09:48
Kamionpitti: it is09:48
sabdflwhat's the difference?09:48
KamionC is what's used as the source for translations09:49
smurfixKamion: People who write their C in $LANGUAGE and then ship an English translation may be rare but they're not nonexistent09:49
pitti~/ubuntu/seeds-hoary$ grep language-pack-en *09:49
pittiship: * language-pack-en09:49
pittiship: * language-pack-en-update09:49
KamionEnglish may be translated (consider "Trash" -> "Wastebasket" for en_GB, for instance)09:49
makosabdfl: right.. the first pass just removed people who are already maintainers09:49
pittiso it should always be installed09:49
makocrimsun_, ogra can you guys take a look at the list now09:49
Kamionsmurfix: I fully agree that English should be installed if you've selected English as your installation language. What I'm questioning is the value of installing it for everyone on the planet.09:49
makois there anyone i missed?09:49
Kamionpitti: ship is not always installed; that's the very definition of ship09:50
Kamiondesktop is always installed; ship goes on the CD and is conditionally installed09:50
pittiargh, I mixed that up with desktop09:50
smurfixHmm, you're right, I was thinking of having English as fallback instead of $LANGUAGE, but that's not how it works09:50
pittibut why would my mother want English?09:50
Kamionsabdfl: C isn't UTF-8, though (by definition)09:50
ogramako: we're talking about MaintainerCandidates ?09:50
Kamionbut "English" fallbacks will be to C09:50
makoogra: yes09:51
ogramako: i dont see a change...09:51
crimsun_mako: Jonathan Riddell, Paul Sladen, and Chuck Short have all been approved09:51
ogramako: ah.... mozilla cache.... weird09:51
=== mako remembers approving at least two of them
pittiKamion, sabdfl, mdz: would you be opposed to removing ttf-indic and ttf-malayan from ubuntu-desktop and isntead make them language-support dependencies?09:52
makook.. new version w/o those three09:52
sabdflpitti: fine by me09:52
Kamiondidn't we want to have at least one font that gave coverage of everything, regardless of l-s-*09:52
makois there anyone on that list that you know wants to be a maintainer/motu? 09:52
Kamioni.e. installed by default09:52
sabdflhmm... good point kamion09:52
KamionI thought that was one of the things we discussed; l-s-* was to provide better more specialist coverage09:52
ogramako: yup09:53
makoogra: who?09:53
makoi think we should email the rest of them and tell them about the new procedure and ask them if they really want membership, etc09:53
Kamionso if ttf-{indic,malayan} are just supplementary things then I'd say removing them is fine09:53
ogramako: wait, i have to dig my mails.... i got at least 3 motu candidates last week...09:53
sabdflpitti: changing my mind to agree with kamion, lets try to retain max font coverage09:53
pittisabdfl: ok09:53
ogramako: most want to be in the MOTU team.... we first need to review theitr packages....09:54
pittisabdfl: ok, so what about "english always be installed"?09:54
pittisabdfl: it will be on the cd, so all English users will have it automatically isntalled anyway09:54
makoogra: can you then split that page into two lists?09:54
pittisabdfl: but for non-English folks it seems to be kind of a waste09:55
Kamion(it's a trivial base-config change either way, BTW)09:55
makoogra: people that you know want to be MOTU.. and ones who you don't know about09:55
pittithe English translations won't be used even if they are installed09:55
ogramako: good idea....i'll do it..09:55
makoogra: because if they are not going through pre-hoary they need to go through membership09:55
Kamionalthough I guess we wouldn't want to force l-p-en for automatic installs if they didn't select English09:55
makoogra: when you are doing, let me know09:55
makoogra: i will go through the link and mail all of the people and explain the change in policy and ask them waht they want :)09:56
ogramako: during the next hour....09:56
mdzpitti: this is one of the things I would like to discuss on the mailing list :-)09:56
HwolfKamion, sadfl, mdz, pitti: the same goes for a major bunch of fonts, from ttf-arabic to ttf-korean09:56
ogramako: yup..., but that will drown us in package reviews....09:56
makoogra: ok.. well i might run off to a train soon so an email makes sure i don't miss it09:57
pittiKamion: right, it just makes no sense09:57
mdzpitti: we have at least three major use cases09:57
ogramako: which is quite time consuming....09:57
mdzpitti: reading content in a language, writing content in a language, and using programs translated into a lanugage09:57
makoogra: i can help if you need it09:57
ogramako: ok, i'll mail you....including a list of the ppls mail adresses...09:57
makoogra: that's not necesasry. i can dig those up09:57
sabdfli think anyone who is wanting to se programs in a language is in the content-creation realm too09:57
ogramako: k09:58
makoogra: just a list of the people you know about in regards to motu and those you don't know about it09:58
sabdflwhich simplifies it to two use cases09:58
mdzsabdfl: <smurfix>       We have read < create < localize, more or less, IMHO09:58
makoogra: i can lbdb the email addresses09:58
mdzI think that's fairly accurate09:58
mdzthey're concentric09:58
mdzit might be worthwhile to represent that in the language support packages09:59
sabdflwe want read everywhere (fonts only) in desktop, then an easy install to get localise+create09:59
sabdflif you want localise | create then you need to dig a little09:59
sabdflso will pitti initiate a discussion on -devel about english as a default-install option?10:00
smurfixsabdfl: most people wouldn't want more than one localizations -- what for?10:00
mdzpitti will initiate a discussion based on the transcript of the meeting + post-discussion10:00
ogramako: hmm, this page has the name MaintainerCandidates ... should we probably make a MemberCandidates one ?10:00
pittisabdfl: yes, I will put that into the mail10:01
smurfixI'm not going to switch my OOo to Japanese menus just because I'm writing a letter to my friend in Tokio.10:01
sabdflsmurfix: need a language for a sysadmin to fall back to10:01
mdzthis should include at least: installer issues (language selection, availability of language packs during the installation process, etc.), language support metapackage organization (read/create/localize), whether we need additional fonts for better desktop coverage...10:01
mdzwhether English should always be installed10:02
ogramako: regarding the title and the text at top, i would expect everybody there going for maintainer... even if i dont know them...10:02
makoogra: that's just not the case10:04
makoogra: because that page is old10:04
ograah, ok...10:04
makoogra: i.e., beofre membership and maintainership were different things10:04
makoi know a few people on that list really want membership, not maintainership10:05
makoso we should ask people.. at least the folks at the top of the list10:05
ograi just was a bit distraced by the introduction :)10:06
sabdflfolks, i need to head home unfortunately10:06
sabdflgood night all10:06
ogranight sabdfl10:06
pittinight sabdfl 10:06
sivangnight sabdfl 10:07
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ogramako: mail sent 10:30
makoogra: awesome10:39
ogramako: and i just recieved a mail of a new one ;) 10:40
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makoogra: well that's fine.. i'm not very worried about accounts moving forward10:42
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