
=== _froud_ [~froud@ndn-165-139-163.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== svenl [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-52-214.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-doc
svenlhi guys.04:06
svenlzul told me i should maybe ask here.04:06
svenli have a problem with registering on the wiki, i tried to register, but the join page claims my email address (luther@debian.org) is already in the database. I am not sure if i added it or not, but there is no way to get my password back.04:07
KinnisonThere should be a forgottenpassword page04:08
sivangsvenl: you should speak to mako or thom I think, they can reset you password, also sm would be a good address for that since he's the zwiki creator.04:08
svenlKinnison: i hunted it yesterday.04:08
svenldidn't find any.04:09
svenlhi sivang.04:09
svenlwell mako told me he had no idea.04:09
svenlbut then i didn't ask him about reseting the password, will ask.04:09
Kinnisonsvenl: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/forgottenpassword04:09
svenlKinnison: ok, thanks. Should maybe be linked from the login page ? 04:10
KinnisonI believe it is linked from somewhere; but I just happen to know the url04:10
svenlanyway, thanks.04:12
svenlI will bother you more, or thom or mako, if it didn't work :)04:12
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frouduname -a: Linux sean 2.6.8-24.11-default #1 Fri Jan 14 13:01:26 UTC 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux07:22
froudps: PID TTY          TIME CMD07:22
froudps: 4653 ?        00:00:00 startkde07:22
froudps: 4693 ?        00:00:00 gpg-agent07:22
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froudps: 4722 ?        00:00:01 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4725 ?        00:00:04 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4727 ?        00:00:00 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4730 ?        00:00:02 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4739 ?        00:00:04 artsd07:23
froudps: 4741 ?        00:00:05 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4742 ?        00:00:00 kwrapper07:23
froudps: 4744 ?        00:00:01 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4745 ?        00:00:58 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4748 ?        00:00:08 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4749 ?        00:00:20 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4751 ?        00:01:33 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4754 ?        00:00:10 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4757 ?        00:01:37 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4759 ?        00:00:01 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4761 ?        00:00:01 kdeinit07:23
froudps: 4763 ?        00:00:01 kdeinit07:24
froudps: 4767 ?        00:00:01 kgpg07:24
froudps: 4770 ?        00:00:02 kdeinit07:24
froudps: 4772 ?        00:00:02 knotes07:24
froudps: 4776 ?        00:00:09 kscd07:24
froudps: 4780 ?        00:00:13 kget07:24
froudps: 5562 ?        00:00:02 kdeinit07:24
froudps: 9658 ?        00:00:01 kweatherservice07:24
froudps: 9678 ?        00:00:01 rssservice07:24
froudps: 9704 ?        00:07:56 kontact07:24
froudps: 11728 ?        00:01:25 korgac07:24
froudps: 13873 ?        00:04:47 kdeinit07:24
froudps: 28090 ?        00:00:00 kdesud07:24
froudps: 11164 ?        00:04:22 krdc07:24
froudps: 17368 ?        00:00:55 kopete07:24
froudps: 17375 ?        00:00:00 kwalletmanager07:25
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froudubuntu with KDE is not bad :-)07:29
froudKinnison: home grown07:31
froudInstall kde on my own07:31
=== Kinnison nods
froudno ubuntu packages just those from kernel and gnu etc07:32
froudtook me forever to fix all the problems, not sure they are all gone :-) but it works07:32
froudNow I have Konversation for IRC :-)07:33
froudjust slash excec cmd command -options07:33
frouduptime: 8:25pm  up 7 days  4:25,  4 users,  load average: 1.11, 1.04, 0.9607:34
froudgreat for interactive debuging on IRC07:35
froudwell Im off c ya07:36
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