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=== falco [~falco@a81-84-137-197.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
falco | hi | 04:08 |
falco | any of you can tell-me who is the author of rosetta? | 04:09 |
falco | tell me | 04:09 |
falco | enrico: ? | 04:11 |
falco | sivang: ? | 04:11 |
sivang | falco: yes | 04:14 |
sivang | what's up falco ? | 04:15 |
falco | I would like to know who is the creator of rosetta portal | 04:15 |
falco | there's people who would like to deploy it for other projects | 04:16 |
sivang | they would be able to do that when launchpad is ready, I don't think this can be done now. | 04:17 |
falco | ok | 04:18 |
falco | thanks | 04:18 |
falco | :) | 04:18 |
sivang | no prob :) | 04:18 |
enrico | falco: hello! | 04:53 |
enrico | falco: the Rosetta guy is Dafydd Harries | 04:53 |
enrico | just in case you want to ask him anyway | 04:53 |
falco | thanks | 04:54 |
falco | :) | 04:54 |
sivang | falco: ah right, his nickname is "daf" | 04:59 |
falco | thanks again | 04:59 |
falco | :) | 04:59 |
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-44.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== Keltchar [~keltchar@addr-82-128-217-20.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
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=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
sivang | hey enrico , what' sup?? | 11:56 |
enrico | hi | 11:59 |
enrico | working working working... | 11:59 |
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