
crypticreignhawke_: well the changing permission on .ICEauthority didnt work. gonna try to remove vbesave now12:00
hawke_crypticreign: I can almost guarantee that will be it.12:00
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crypticreignhawke_: can i stop vbesave with chkconfig?12:00
hawke_crypticreign: I ... don't know.  what's chkconfig do?12:01
crypticreigna great debian tool.. i had it on my last ubuntu install.. apt-get cant seem to find it now tho12:01
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hawke_crypticreign: I seem to recall it being redhat-based, but...shrug12:03
topyliisn't chkconfig like update-rc.d?12:04
ompaulcrypticreign, it is a rpm distro tool -  apt-get install rcconf might be a little tool12:05
crypticreignwhats the curses based services tool?12:05
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ompaulcrypticreign, of use in this case12:05
hawke_topyli: I think so.  But I think chkconfig is much simpler12:05
mz2hmm, am wondering if the fancy new incarnation of enlightenment is worth trying12:06
topylicrypticreign: i like sysv-rc-conf. it's a ncurses gui12:06
crypticreignboooh, it doesnt have vbesave listed12:06
ompaulhawke, have a look at rcconf and tell me it is hard :)12:06
hawke_ompaul: I was comparing to update-rc.d12:06
ompaulyeah different levels12:06
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aremedishowdy, I'm trying to install VPN 3000 and my instructions have me input "Directory containing linux kernel source code " can someone help me find this directory?12:07
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hawke_crypticreign: Is there an /etc/rc3.d/S05vbesave12:07
crypticreignrm it?12:07
ompaularemedis, where did you find VPN 3000 ? the only one I have used on linux freebsd windows is OpenVPN12:07
hawke_crypticreign: yup12:08
aremedisompaul: from the university i work for12:08
crypticreignhawke_: yessir, rebnooting now12:08
topylicrypticreign: apt tells me rcconf is just about the same thing as sysv-rc-conf, but the command itself is user-friendlier :)12:08
hawke_crypticreign: and rc2.d/S0512:08
hawke_crypticreign: rc2.d is the important one12:08
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hawke_crypticreign: That's the default runlevel..12:08
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bborkkIs anyone successfully using wxPython 2.5.3 on Ubuntu?12:10
hawke_bborkk: I am, sort of12:11
hawke_bborkk: with the musicbrainz 'picard' tagger12:11
bborkkhawke_: So, I was too until I upgraded to Hoary.12:11
bborkkhawke_: You're not at ML are you?12:12
hawke_bborkk: ML?12:12
crypticreignhawke_: you are my new best friend12:12
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hawke_crypticreign: lol, I take it it worked?12:12
bborkkhawke_: Guess not.  :)12:12
aremedishowdy, I'm trying to install VPN 3000 and my instructions have me input "Directory containing linux kernel source code " can someone help me find this directory?12:12
crypticreignhawke_: yes12:12
hawke_crypticreign: I had the exact same problem...what model is your laptop / what video chipset does it take?12:13
hawke_take -> have12:13
bborkkhawke_: Anyway, I'm using Python 2.4 and it has access to wxPython, but not to
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hawke_bborkk: You mean, the package doesn't install, or .. ?12:14
crypticreignhawke_: dell inspiron 5000, its an ati rage pro12:14
crypticreignhawke_: hehe, gnome freezes after it laods the background and doesnt show any panel icons or anything12:14
hawke_crypticreign: Is that the one that's the same as the Compal N30W?12:14
crypticreignum, dont know12:15
bborkkhawke_: I have wxpython2.5.3, libwxgtk2.5.3, and libwxgtk2.5.3-python installed.  No problems there.12:15
viper12cryptic....did you just upgrade hoary before these freezes?12:15
crypticreignviper12: yes12:15
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crypticreignfirst time in gnome after upgrading to hoary12:16
viper12The problem is the new 10-4 kernel and the gam-server.  either use the 10-3 kernel OR add the "noinotify" option in the grub menu.12:16
viper12the kernel is panicking.12:16
hawke_crypticreign: Are the keyboard LEDs blinking?12:16
bborkkaremedis: You might want to check in /boot somewhere.12:16
crypticreignhawke_: no12:17
viper12bugzilla is well aware of the issue, and there should be  a fix fairly shortly, but for now, the 'noinotify' option in the boot line in grub fixes it. (got my system running again.)12:17
hawke_crypticreign: Mouse still move?12:17
AndyRnn all12:17
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crypticreignhawke_: hehe no12:17
crypticreignviper12: ok ill try that.. it also looks like my resolution is set lower than it was12:17
hawke_crypticreign: Your laptop is the same model as mine12:17
hawke_crypticreign: Mine's the OEM version, yours is the rebranded/re-firmware'd version.12:17
aremedisbborkk: what would the file im looking for look like?12:17
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viper12hawke, trust me, its a kernel panic.  the easiest way to check is to switch ctrl/alt/f1 right after you log in but before gnome gets loading....lyou'll get to watch the kernel barf.12:18
hawke_viper12: I believe you12:18
dstevensHi all have been having problems installing libssl-dev, dependence problems on a laptop upgraded from hoary to warty, unpacked a fresh mini-itx installed ubuntu warty with cd from post box, everything run fine so i can only presume that its is a problem with Hoary to Warty upgrade, does this sound plausable.12:18
hawke_viper12: I just thought the keyboard LEDs always flashed if the kernel panicked.12:18
bborkkaremedis: Well, /boot is where all the kernels are kept, but I'm not sure about the sources.12:18
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viper12the kernel panic's....then the machine will completely lock up. (reset required.)12:19
hawke_What exactly is the point of the vbesave init script?12:19
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hawke_bborkk: so, what problems are you running into w/ wxpython?12:21
crypticreignviper12: yes that worked12:21
crypticreignhmm, my resolution is set at 1024x768 it seems12:21
crypticreignwas at 1400x1050 before12:21
viper12not sure there..........but at least the system will 'load'.12:21
dstevensMini-itx has finished compiling, make install; Must be a problem with Hoary to Warty on my laptop, mmm should i consider a reinstall with Hoary.12:21
crypticreignhmm, thats not even listed12:21
viper12you mean warty to hoary, right dstevens?12:22
bborkkhawke_:  wx.VERSION returns (2,4,2,4) instead of (2,5,3,1)... Python doesn't seem to know about wxPython2.5.312:22
hawke_crypticreign: You might have to add it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:23
mz2fatal error: could not find default font 'fixed'12:23
mz2what to do? which package should give this_12:24
hawke_crypticreign: http://kropf.net/i5000/  may be generally useful if you've not found it already.12:24
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dstevensviper12, Warty is now, Hoary was yup.12:24
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aremedisthe install for VPN 3000 needs to build a module, what path do I use to direct it?12:24
andrewskionly today, i can't access my sound for use in mpd.  can anyone help?12:25
bborkkandrewski: what is mpd?12:25
andrewskibborkk: music player daemon, a really good program.12:25
andrewskibborkk: but why can't it be run?12:25
hawke_bborkk: wx.VERSION gives 2,5,3,2,'pre' for me12:26
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crypticreignhawke_: yeah adding it worked12:26
xvershey.. i have warty, 64-bit, i constantly have problems installing packages because apt-get cant find amd64 packages.. is there any way i can make apt-get install 32 bit packages also, since the processor is supposed to run in both modes ??12:26
hawke_crypticreign: Wish I had that nice screen you do...mine only does 1024x768..12:26
bborkkhawke_: Which repository did you get it from?  Do you have wxpython 2.4 installed as well?12:26
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crypticreignhawke_: ouch12:26
crypticreignhawke_: anything less than 1400 x 1050 drives me nuts12:26
tjsanyone here using the synaptic modules for dell touchpads?12:27
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dstevensShould i consider reinstalling a fresh with Warty, would that be best and remove that 30gig hogging xp install in the process ??12:27
dstevensI know it sounds extreme, to reinstall for the sake of a dependency problem.12:28
mz2is there some configuration script i should run to fix the font issue?12:28
mseneydstevens, i like hearing the words "remove xp" :)12:29
andrewskihave the udev permissions changed in hoary today?12:29
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hawke_bborkk: universe...12:30
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crypticreignhaha yay, a bunch of gnome icons are missing.. and i have a red x instead of a trashbin12:30
crypticreignhmm, no Industrial theme12:31
hawke_bborkk: I do not have wxpython2.4 installed as well (and don't see the option to do so)12:31
beazhey all, i work in a recording studio, we recently went 100% linux. We were using fedora core 3 but it wasnt stable enough and decided to try out a few other distros, Ubuntu was one of them. We need a low latency patch but are having problems getting this to work, can anyone help?12:31
viper12dstevens, I missed part of the dependency issue....what is borking things up?12:31
andrewskihow do i check which my package install history?12:31
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dstevensviper12, libssl-dev is the problem libssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.7 (= 0.9.7d-3) but 0.9.7d-3ubuntu0.1 is to be installed12:32
crypticreignhaha why does "evolution2-2" start up evolution 2.1.5?12:33
beazcan ubuntu run with a 2.4 kernel?12:33
dstevensProved it tobe a local issue on this laptop, but im not sure howto resolve issue12:33
hawke_crypticreign: I think 2.1.5 is the devel version that will become 2.212:33
viper12the libssl-dev controls 'what' on that laptop?12:33
crypticreignhawke_: ah12:34
dstevenstrying to compile asterisk linux-pbx12:34
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bborkkhawke_: Are you using Python 2.4?12:34
viper12nods.  well first off, you had hoary on it, then you "downgraded" to warty, and you're having issues, am i correct on this one?12:34
hawke_bborkk: Yup12:34
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nutshell42hi, I use the ubuntu 4.10 live cd but suddenly I can no longer start any programs, all I get are "connection refused by server" "no protocol specified" errors12:35
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DAC1138hey hey hey, im back12:35
DAC1138does anyone here play ut2004?12:36
nutshell42(no new windows->no browser (well, lynx but that's too much trouble =), therefore I'm asking here)12:36
hawke_DAC1138: I do12:36
DAC1138hawke what video card do you have?12:36
DAC1138hawke i can play it unless its in software mode :-(12:36
hawke_DAC1138: Geforce FX5700Ultra12:36
DAC1138hawke and software mode is ugly and painfull, but it works12:36
beazdoes ubuntu work with a 2.4 kernel? i ask because mine is having issues12:37
dstevensIm using Warty cd from post i think i confused myself with the Warty, Hoary thing, think i still am.  Ubuntu 4.10 "The Warty Warthog" is the newest ??12:37
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nutshell42dstevens: according to the homepage, yes12:37
hawke_dstevens: The newest stable version.12:37
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viper124.10 is the supported release.  "hoary hedgehog" is the beta release.  So you're on warty now, and having a dependency issue.12:37
hawke_dstevens: hoary is the devel/testing version12:37
KokeyHoary is testing version, tell it to me... I have problems with the new kernel upgrade12:38
dstevenscool not confused anymore.12:38
viper12What I would do would be to use synaptics to "smart-upgrade" everything in warty first...then see what's what.12:38
viper12exactly dstevens.12:38
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hybrid_veery unstable on ppc12:38
viper12and after today's kernel panic wonder-fun, unstable be the operative word. lol12:38
hawke_hybrid_: Not in my experience12:38
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hawke_viper12: what's the kernel to avoid?12:39
nutshell42if noone can help me with the first problem, I have two other questions; I'm thinking about installing ubuntu for a computer illiterate and I need (a) non-case sensitive file sorting12:39
viper122.6.10-4-686 or 38612:39
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beazunder the 2.4.26 kernel what is the equivilant to udev?12:39
hybrid_hawke_ well my hoary ibook the screen goes all wild and distorted so i  have  to restart12:39
dstevensviper12, will try the smart-upgrade back soon.12:39
viper12although hawke....if you put a "noinotify" in the grub boot command for that kernel................it will bypass the gam_server kernel panic, and all will live okay for now. :)12:40
nutshell42and (b) a working graphical network configuration. Here it seems to start both ethernet devices as ipv6, checks for a dhcp server (I don't have one) and then the config dialog shows...nothing12:40
beazunder the 2.4.26 kernel what is the equivilant to udev?12:40
viper12nods to dstevens.12:40
hawke_viper12: thanks12:40
andrewskihow do i check my package install history?12:40
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nutshell42no ethernet devices, if I configure one it's listed as "nil" and it doesn't work, I had to do all the stuff manually (difficult, it's been a long time since I've used route as most distributions automatically set routes if you change something with ifconfig) and that's simply not an option12:41
viper12afk a few...12:41
usualcan openoffice work with ms access files12:42
Nermalnot even ms access can half the time12:42
hawke_usual: Yes, via ODBC12:42
Nermalah.. I suppose12:42
usualhawke, do I need the dbase OOo app?12:42
hawke_usual: But it's a pain, and not pretty at all12:42
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beazunder the 2.4.26 kernel what is the equivilant to udev?12:43
dstevensviper12, smart-upgrade shows there is nothing to mark, run apt-get dist-upgrade everything look fine.12:43
nutshell42could anyone at least acknowledge that I exist, please? I'm actually wondering whether I can post in this channel12:43
hawke_beaz: devfs(d) possibly?12:43
hawke_nutshell42: You're welcome to post here.12:43
dstevensnutsheel42, Hi there12:44
nutshell42good I thought perhaps it's +m =)12:44
nutshell42oh, stupid, irssi shows the modes in the tab bar12:44
minimecnutshell42: can you start firefox with 'sudo firefox'?12:44
dstevensNa head down typing like a madman on acid.12:44
nutshell42thought it was after the topic12:44
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minimecnutshell42: can you start firefox with 'sudo firefox'?12:45
beazthanks alot hawke, im gonna go test that now12:45
nutshell42minimec: nope12:45
minimecnutshell42: do you have an USB-Stick installed?12:45
pussfelleri wish someone would develop an FPS file manager12:46
usualis there an openoffice dbase package for ubuntu anywhere12:46
hawke_pussfeller: Do you remember the doom ps program?12:46
minimecnutshell42: sorry. I have no idea. Let me think a little while....12:46
pussfellerwhen id open sources guake 3 it would be a good base12:46
pussfellerhawke, no12:47
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nutshell42minimec: that X problem isn't all that important though, I assume it's somehow connected to the live-cd and would vanish (or at least be solvable) if I'd install ubuntu12:47
e1venI have a x.org config question, under hoary.. When I start up without a monitor (logging in to X via VNC), I can only get 640x480. I think I need to define a default Screen/monitor section in xorg.conf, but I'm not sure how to make it default, rather than just another monitor.. Can anyone advise where to look, or suggest a solution?12:47
nutshell42I'm more interested in the case-sensitive sorting and the network config12:47
hawke_pussfeller: It would have all processes as monsters, init as the final boss ...killing monsters would kill the process.12:47
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hawke_pussfeller: kinda insane.12:47
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nutshell42thx nevertheless12:47
hawke_nutshell42: there's a gui network config applet12:47
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viper12dsteven: okay, so if all that looks good, but you still get a dependency error, best bet would be to report it to the dev team via bugzilla or the forums. (my opinion anyway.)12:47
hawke_nutshell42: but that might be in hoary only.12:48
minimecnutshell42: That's true.12:48
attila[ReDegliUnHello. How do I set a view-only password with vncpasswd ????12:48
nutshell42 nutshell42> and (b) a working graphical network configuration. Here it seems to start both ethernet devices as ipv6,12:48
lexhiderelven: I have a similar issue, check out bug #5917: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=591712:48
nutshell42 nutshell42> and (b) a working graphical network configuration. Here it seems to start both ethernet devices as ipv6,12:48
nutshell42                    checks for a dhcp server (I don't have one) and then the config dialog shows...nothing12:48
nutshell42 nutshell42> and (b) a working graphical network configuration. Here it seems to start both ethernet devices as ipv6,12:48
pussfellerim thinkig you could run thru a room, the folders would be doors, and inside the room are avatars representing files and you could shot em with diff weapns to do different actions12:48
nutshell42                    checks for a dhcp server (I don't have one) and then the config dialog shows...nothing12:48
nutshell42                    checks for a dhcp server (I don't have one) and then the config dialog shows...nothing12:48
nutshell42 nutshell42> and (b) a working graphical network configuration. Here it seems to start both ethernet devices as ipv6,12:48
nutshell42                    checks for a dhcp server (I don't have one) and then the config dialog shows...nothing12:48
hawke_pussfeller: Not a bad idea.12:48
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hawke_pussfeller: would the files fight back, though?12:50
minimecnutshell42: Do you have a firewall running?12:50
attila[ReDegliUnHello. How do I set a view-only password with vncpasswd ????12:50
pussfellerif you had improper permissions maybe12:50
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nutshell42minimec: the network configuration dialog was the first thing I tried after starting ubuntu, so probably no12:51
hawke_pussfeller: http://psdoom.sourceforge.net/12:51
minimecnutshell42: ok12:51
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nutshell42oh and it's not completely broken, I could set the nameserver12:52
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nutshell42only the device configuration seems to be affected12:52
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bumperlanddoes anyone know how to get nvu to run ?12:52
minimecnutshell42: on the live-cd you should get 'root access' with 'su'. Try that.12:53
no0ticbumperland: there's a how-to12:53
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no0ticbumperland: on ubuntu site12:53
nutshell42minimec: the only program running when suddenly I couldn't start any new ones was a root terminal; I used it to ssh to my router for irssi =)12:53
bumperlandi'll take a look12:54
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no0ticbumperland: in synthesis you have to install libstc++12:54
minimecnutshell42: so ssh is denying access...12:54
hawke_crypticreign: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=557612:55
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no0ticbumperland: get tar.gz nvu pack and try launching it, it tells you what it's missing12:55
nutshell42minimec: ?12:55
bumperlandit's installed12:55
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no0ticbumperland: libtsdc++2.10-glibc2.212:56
no0ticbumperland: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.212:56
crypticreignhawke_: haha :)12:58
crypticreignhawke_: thats my exact system,12:58
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hawke_crypticreign: yes, mine too (effectively)12:59
beazis there a low latency patch for the 2.6 kernel?01:00
andrewskianyone use mpd?01:00
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nayfnuHi guys - question about GDM's graphical greeter if anyone has the time01:01
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hawke_nayfnu: ask away01:01
dudhttp://alpha.curbsqueal.com/ comments on my design kthnxbye? :/01:01
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nayfnuJust noticed that it's started displaying the greeter in a virtual resolution of 1600x1200, meaning bits scroll off the edge of the screen - it didn't used to, just started when I switched to the *cuogh* controversial circle of humans one01:02
nayfnuAnd now won't go back01:02
nayfnuI've hacked XF86Config-4 to allow that size of resolution01:02
nayfnuSo that works, but at a very low refresh rate, and it's not ideal01:03
beazHey guys, does anyone know if there is a low latency patch for the 2.6 kernel?01:03
hawke_nayfnu: Remove the higher resolution from the config...01:03
nayfnuCan you force it to be a certain resolution?01:03
hawke_nayfnu: The largest one becomes the virtual resolution, the first one is the resolution it defaults to.01:03
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nayfnuhawke_ - thanks, but previously the first one was 1024x768, also the largest01:04
nayfnuI'll change it back, see if it makes a difference01:04
hawke_nayfnu: Other than that, I don't know.01:04
nayfnuhawke_: no probs, it's a very minor thing anyway - thanks :)01:04
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beazHey guys, does anyone know if there is a low latency patch for the 2.6 kernel?01:05
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nutshell42seems like I'll have to use knoppix after all; that's unfortunate because there are KDE ppl and GNOME ppl and the person for whom I'm gonna install it is definitly of the second kind =/01:05
FR500where can i edit the file associations?01:05
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nayfnuhawke_: Well, it works now :)01:05
PacoBCNanyone tried graveman 0.3.8?01:06
nayfnuA rogue 1200x1024 had snuck into my list, the little scallywag01:06
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PacoBCNthere's a debian package already01:06
hawke_nayfnu: lol01:06
LinuxJonesPacoBCN, have you tried gnomebaker ?01:06
crypticreigngraveman is awesome01:06
nayfnuMuch obliged, sir.  Or, potentially, ma'am01:06
crypticreign3.8 is even better01:06
crypticreigndont have it on my ubuntu system tho01:06
PacoBCNwanted to see the change log01:06
PacoBCNbut the site is broken01:06
=== piratePenguin [~piratepen@dialup492.ts002.bmt.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
aardvarkhas anyone heard of Zabbix ?01:07
piratePenguinwhat program should I use to get online through 56k dialup? I used to use KPPP...01:07
PacoBCNwait, I installed the 0.3.8 version and it has mp3 support!01:07
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beazdoes anyone know if there is a low latency patch for the 2.6 kernel?01:08
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LinuxJonespiratePenguin, gnomeppp01:08
aardvark\leave #ubuntu01:08
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LinuxJonespiratePenguin, sorry gnome-ppp01:08
FR500where can i edit the file associations?01:09
SiRrUsgood evening boys01:09
LinuxJonesFR500, right click the file then open with other app01:10
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FR500LinuxJones no other way? i'd like to see the whole list01:11
tritiumThere needs to be a warning in the topic about hard-freezes with the new 2.6.10-4 kernel01:11
LinuxJonesFR500, not that i know of01:11
piratePenguinLinuxJones: thanks01:11
LinuxJonespiratePenguin, :)01:12
viper12tritium.......two fixes for the kernel panic with 10-4..........add 'noinotify' to grub 10-4 boot command, or boot with 10-301:12
FR500i want to make a script to install beep skins with a double click, any ideas01:12
FR500i was gonna use sh01:12
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viper12and yer right about that.....there's a mention of it in the hoary forums, but it should be stickied and or fixed like asap.01:12
tritiumviper12, yeah.  I did the latter.  Thanks for the other fix.01:12
LinuxJonespiratePenguin, you might be in a catch 22 situation, it doesn't seem to be installed by default for some odd reason.01:12
FR500but i dont know how to get the selected file filename01:13
kingsley_Can scp read stdin?01:13
tritiumdoesn't gamin need inotify?01:13
viper12apparently.........not. lol01:13
viper12it DEFINITELY don't need it in the 10-4 kernel, thats for sure. :D01:13
LinuxJonespiratePenguin, network-admin has some stuff for modems as well01:14
tritiumSo you're using the first fix ;)01:14
piratePenguinLinuxJones: I've downloaded the source and will try compiling it01:14
viper12from what I've been reading, the 'bugzilla guys are goin' nuts over this one atm.  and yeah, i added the noinotify because I picked today to upgrade a warty box to hoary......and didn't HAVE the 10-3 kernell.01:14
viper12and with nvidia, and such already in place, didn't want to recompile by hand.01:15
viper12and the noi bit works just fine.01:15
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tritiumgood deal01:15
viper12yeah, but seems to me to be a temp fix...they need to get the issue resolved.01:15
tritiumof course01:15
viper12of course, if we were talking 'debian' and not ubuntu.......it'd be time to switch distros cause the fix would happen in oh, about a year.  snicker.01:16
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tritiumWell, thanks viper12.  I'm going to get back to work.01:18
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Snipper_hey, anyone know how to do a remote connect?01:24
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PacoBCNwhat do you mean?01:25
dudSnipper_, ssh, vnc, xsession, ftp, http, smb?01:25
PacoBCNvia ssh?01:25
Snipper_i want to connect to his desktop so i can help him set up linux01:25
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Snipper_erm well he has kde and i have gnome01:26
PacoBCNyou want to "see" his desktop?01:26
dstevensHi all im a newbie to Asterisk, problem is, asterisk -vvvc returns Illegal instruction, but there is a pid file in /var/run/01:26
PacoBCNor through his console?01:26
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Snipper_erm yes PacoBCN01:28
Snipper_like on windows01:28
Snipper_he is in gnome now also01:28
PacoBCNthen you need vnc01:28
dstevensOpps sorry wrong tab.01:29
Snipper_PacoBCN ok, i should download vnc01:29
PacoBCNwait, you're in windows?01:29
PacoBCNand he's in Ubuntu?01:29
Snipper_no sorru01:30
Snipper_sorry, im in gnome, and he is in gnome01:30
PacoBCNwell, VNC is suitable anyway :D01:30
Snipper_so i download vnc01:31
PacoBCNyou should already be able to connect01:31
PacoBCNApplications -> Internet -> Server Terminal Client01:32
PacoBCNOr something like this01:32
PacoBCNat least in hoary ;)01:32
Snipper_i dont see that01:32
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Snipper_is there a command i can run or package i can download01:32
goldfish_IT is in warty01:32
Snipper_im on fc301:32
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Underlordwhats a command line tool that i can use to play an ogg vorbis file or wav file through alsa that wont try to make a gui?01:33
andrewskiUnderlord: mpg321, ogg12301:34
PacoBCNSniper, I was pretty sure there was a viewer for vnc even in warty01:34
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Snipper_PacoBCN i run Fedora Core 3 sorry01:37
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Underlordandrewski: ogg123 is complaining that i dont have libFLAC.so.4 and refusing to play (regardless of me never having used a flac in my life and not trying to now), and if i try to install it in synaptic it says that it needs to remove a heap of other stuff, some compleetly unrelated, which i cant remove01:42
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andrewskidoes hoary tarball /dev at shutdown/reboot?01:43
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andrewskiUnderlord: so don't use it. :)01:43
dudhoary uses a dynamic dev structure...01:43
Underlordso what do i use to play my oggs?01:43
andrewskiUnderlord: i have no experience with oggs or flacs, so i can't help you; sorry.01:43
dudUnderlord, xmms has support for both01:44
Underlordyou should, ogg vorbis is a great format01:44
=== Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-65-41-28-147.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Underlordxmms isnt command line01:44
Jet2k5Hello all01:44
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Jet2k5did anyone here use that one link to install java?01:44
hawkeUnderlord: You'll probably have to solve your libflac problem01:44
Jet2k5err this guy had some server01:44
andrewskiUnderlord: probably, but i'd rather not convert my music collection from mp3s....01:44
Jet2k5all you did was apt-get java01:44
hawkeUnderlord: I fixed it here, but I can't remember what I did.01:44
NermalUnderlord, ogg123 ?01:44
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Underlordandrewski, ofcource not, that would be stupid, but try and obtain new music in vorbis and check it out01:45
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Underlordi just tried ogg123, it doesnt work because it depends on libflac.so.4, which i cant install because dependencies with an incompatable version01:45
andrewskiUnderlord: well, as it is now, i don't have to have two different libraries/players floating around... :)01:45
NermalUnderlord, ah01:45
=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Elsidoxcan anyone help me im trying to play a wmv file01:47
UnderlordElsidox, microsoft could01:47
ElsidoxUnderlord, if you know someone in here who works for them tell me01:48
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Underlordi dont01:48
Elsidoxcan anyone help?01:48
andrewskiElsidox: which programs have you already tried?01:49
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Underlordall you need to do (afaik) is get the windows wmv drivers and put them in your w32 codec directory, then use a media application that supports windows codecs01:49
Underlordor you could use something like mplayer which i think has built in support for wmv, but its very buggy01:50
hawkeThe package 'w32codecs' from marillat will do the job as well01:50
hawkeI believe01:50
Elsidoxandrewski, totem and mplayer. Mplayer freezes and totem gives me a no plugin error.01:50
andrewskiElsidox: xine?01:50
Elsidoxandrewski, huh01:50
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andrewskiElsidox: xine is a program.01:50
Elsidoxandrewski, hmmm ill give it a shot. Thanks01:51
Elsidoxandrewski, i installed totem xine. and it works great01:51
Elsidoxandrewski, thx!01:52
andrewskiElsidox: great!01:52
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Elsidoxandrewski, one more thing if you have time?01:53
andrewskiElsidox: ask everyone; i'll help if i can. :P01:53
Elsidoxk =)01:54
Elsidoxim having werid issuses with mp3s. Beep media player plays them fien but it freezes than plays the mp3s after a little while. Rhythmbox wont even play mp3s01:54
andrewskiElsidox: to play them in rhythmbox, you need gstreamer-mad, IIRC.  i'd recommend mpd just hands-down.01:55
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lunitikElsidox: for Rhythmbox... you need to 'apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad' after activating Universe01:55
andrewskiElsidox: and, for the record, i got away from xmms/bmp just as quickly as i could; i've not had good experiences from either.01:55
linuxn00bwhere is /etc/sysconfig/network/ I don't seem to have one :-/01:55
Elsidoxgstreamer0.8-mad is already installed01:56
Elsidoxandrewski, mpd?01:56
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andrewskiElsidox: music player daemon, www.musicpd.org, available in universe. :D01:56
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andrewskiElsidox: specifically, if you use gnome, you'll want to check out gmpc as a frontend... if you get that far. :)01:56
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arzajaclinuxn00b:  /etc/network/interfaces01:57
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lunitikandrewski: why recommend against gstreamer? gstreamer is the future of mutlimedia on Linux right now, but to advance, it needs use01:57
Elsidoxandrewski, ill check it out01:57
Jet2k5hello, lol I'm back again, can someone please tell me an easier way to install java?01:57
Jet2k5that's all I've been able to find, but there is a lot of stuff that you have to leave out01:58
zenroxJet2k5, www.ubuntuguide.org01:58
zenroxlook thare01:58
linuxn00barzajac, cd: /etc/network/interfaces: Not a directory :(01:58
andrewskilunitik: because i prefer mpd.01:58
lunitiklinuxboy: umm... cuz its a file01:58
zenroxJet2k5, its much easer just copy and paste01:58
arzajac/etc/network and interfaces is the config file.  This is debian.01:58
lunitikandrewski: any technical reasoning?01:59
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Jet2k5zenrox: thank you, it has LimeWire which is what I want to install01:59
Jet2k5man Ubuntu is really great, it's the first linux distro to make my ipod work :)01:59
andrewskilunitik: it's nice to have my music playing as a daemon.01:59
Elsidoxanyone know a good p2p app fot linux?01:59
Jet2k5congrats to the developers01:59
linuxn00barzajac, this is what i'm suppose to be looking for ifcfg-br001:59
linuxn00bi'm following this guide http://www.shorewall.net/bridge.html01:59
zenroxJet2k5,  n/p any time01:59
Elsidoxor is there anything like soulseek for linux?01:59
lunitikandrewski: umm... ever heard of flumotion?02:00
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andrewskilunitik: no... what's it?02:00
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lunitikandrewski: gstreamer based media streamer... basically just what you said02:00
andrewskilunitik: hmm...02:00
andrewskii'll have to check it out.02:00
lunitikandrewski: http://www.flumotion.net/02:01
moyogoElsidox: bittorrent or mldonkey02:01
Elsidoxmoyogo, i alread use bittorrent and ill check out mldonkey. Thx02:02
lunitikandrewski: any more technical reasons?02:02
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arzajaclinuxn00b:  Just configure your device for dhcp.  apt-get install etherconf (or dpkg-reconfigure etherconf)02:03
andrewskilunitik: well, it's nice not to need gstreamer, but i have it at present anyway.  (i didn't when i used gentoo.)02:04
lunitikandrewski: gstreamer is the future, get used to it02:04
andrewskilunitik: uh, right.  maybe you could sound less argumentative?02:05
lunitikandrewski: I'm not arguing, I'm stating facts...02:05
andrewskilunitik: oh, ok.02:05
Nermallunitik, an IMHO would go a long way ;)02:05
FeitenDoes anyone know about any god dj programs, for streaming to a shoutcast server. The xmms plugin, does not work for me :s02:05
Nermalicecast ?02:05
lunitikNermal: eh... its not my opinion though, its freedesktop.org's opinion...02:06
Nermallunitik, must be true then02:06
lunitikNermal: I'd say so...02:06
Nermalflying cars are also the future btw02:06
FeitenNermal, is that a dj program?02:06
Nermaldefine "dj program"02:06
FeitenA program i can use to stream music to a shoutcast server Nermal02:06
delltonyhi anyone here use i8kutilies for a dell lappy?02:06
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Nermal_to_ a shoutcast server.. hmm02:07
linuxn00barzajac, I already have internet, but I can't find ifcfg-br0 which is what I need.02:07
lunitikFeiten: icecast or flumotion are nice02:07
Feitenlunitik, ok thanks02:07
lunitikFeiten: icecast = shoutcast server...02:07
lunitikFeiten: you can find it on www.xiph.org02:07
=== Ainvar [~Ainvar@c-24-98-142-57.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ainvarif I wanted to delete the current data from the respositories where would I look02:08
lunitikAinvar: /var/cache/apt02:08
andrewskilunitik: how can i start using flumotion?  is there a frontend or something?02:08
lunitikAinvar: you probably just want 'apt-get clean' though02:09
Ainvarthanks lunitik02:09
lunitikandrewski: yes, there is... no idea what its called though  :/02:09
lunitikandrewski: hold on02:09
andrewskilunitik: ok, i'm taking your word for it that this is worth my time. ;)02:09
Ainvarok now I am even more lost02:10
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AinvarI looked in there and there is a lot of stuff. My issue I am having is when I try and update with apt-get I get some errors updating from a few of the repos. So I want to remove it all and start over02:11
linuxn00bhaha I think I solved my prob hihihi02:11
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goldfish_that is mature02:11
sillytonytherefor Ubuntu sucks02:12
lunitikandrewski: actually... it comes with one... which makes sense, cuz its being financed by Imendio02:12
Br34chVery mature02:12
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Ainvarwhat a tard, he is just angry cause he touches himself at night02:12
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delltonyi see aol has another member :p02:13
andrewskilunitik: what's the executable?02:13
goldfish_sillytony: go home.02:13
goldfish_sillytony: No place for that in here.02:13
Br34chHe has gone home..02:13
sillytony 3oF] @py_j,;k5<WFuQJ9-t+*LO] pAT<z'WHUp=z7w[x102:13
sillytonywhat is that mean02:13
Br34chOh, woah02:13
goldfish_ban him02:13
sillytonysome one sent tha to me02:13
sillytonyI dont know what it means02:13
Nermalsillytony, do be quiet02:13
goldfish_it means you are gay02:13
sillytonyBascule sent it to me02:13
goldfish_sillytony: it is a virus02:13
goldfish_turn off your computer now02:13
Nermalgoldfish_, don't feed him :)02:14
lunitikandrewski: umm... dpkg -L flumotion02:14
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bob2sillytony: are you done?02:14
jba /ignore sillytony02:14
Nermalaye :)02:14
goldfish_The name fits perfectly tony.02:14
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Nermal"twat" would fit even better02:14
Ainvarso in /vat/cache/apt/ what all do I delete to start from scratch in pulling down the updated lists from the repos?02:14
Nermalbut there we go :)02:14
=== noone [~sillytony@wbar1.sea1-4-5-020-127.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Ainvar: er, you don't need to do that02:15
nooneban Bascule not silly Tony02:15
noonehe sent tha thing to me02:15
Ainvarwhen I do an apt-get update I am getting an error02:15
nooneI had to swtich machines02:15
noonethat wierd code02:15
bob2Ainvar: paste it to #flood02:15
nooneI have no idea was it is02:15
noonebut someone here said it was a virus02:15
goldfish_I was joking.02:15
=== aoede [~aoede@d198-53-118-94.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
noonethen what the fuck was it02:15
noonethat was just wierd02:15
bob2do not paste things in here again02:16
httpdssthe latest kernel on hoary is making my pc freeze .. its a gamin prob .. any idea how to solve it ??02:16
lunitikbob2: you're not an op?02:16
bob2I am02:16
aoedeHi!  I was just wondering if someone can tell me how I can find out what version of Alsa I am running02:17
andrewskilunitik: does flumotion only work on streams?02:17
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lunitikbob2: thought so... why isn't he gone yet? he's not going to say anything useful.... at least +q so he can't have any fun...02:17
aoedeI'm using Hoary, 2.6.10 kernel...02:17
bob2httpdss: that came up on the list in the past week or so02:17
lunitikandrewski: yes... its a Streaming Server... Rhythmbox and Totem would be the clients...02:17
Xenguylunitik: just use /ignore -replies02:18
pvhI just installed a DVD burner in my computer and it didn't show up in the "Computer" menu.02:18
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pvhHow can I get Ubuntu to detect it?02:18
andrewskilunitik: so how would i use flumotion to play mp3s?02:18
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lunitikandrewski: why would you use a server to play mp3's?02:18
andrewskilunitik: ah, lol.  i wondered.  mpd does that, so that if i exit X/switch users/etc., my music still plays. :D02:19
noone<lunitik Fine advocate of Freedom of speech you are, your from one of those socialized Eurotrash nations no?02:19
httpdssbob2: this problem occured for the first time today when y did a dist-upgrade ... yesterday i did one too, and nothing happened02:19
TongMasterAnyone know if the hoary team are aware of brokeness in the latest K7 kernel and in firefox?02:19
bob2noone: enough02:19
noonejust saying02:19
jbahttpdss, noinotify to kernel will work around it02:19
httpdssjba: ok, thx02:20
Ainvarbob2, I pasted in #flood like you asked02:20
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Nermalnoone, and you'd be from where ? america?02:20
bob2Ainvar: wow02:20
Ainvarif I do an apt-get update again I dont get that error, but I am not sure what is causing it02:20
bob2Nermal: noone is trolling, please ignore it02:20
Nermalah :)02:20
bob2Ainvar: that's quite an amazing error02:20
lunitiknoone: I do not have the freedom of speech to state my argument?02:21
bob2lunitik: please?02:21
nooneyou do, but your arguement is to limit spech02:21
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bob2noone: stop.02:21
bob2no more warnings.02:21
thoreauputic/ignore noone02:21
=== Nermal feeds everyone
Nermalhmm. .don't think I will upgrade my kernel just yet then :)02:21
Nermalseeing as people are reporting breakage02:21
NermalI wonder why beagle isn't in hoary yet02:22
bob2heh, just don't reboot ;)02:22
Chipzza bit off-topic, but does anyone know of a firefox plugin or extension that can log HTTPS connections?02:22
httpdssits the 10-402:22
Nermalall the deps are, apart from the latest dbus stuff :(02:22
aoede:( no replies to my question...well how about if anyone knows where i can get sound to work on Ubuntu?  I'm using onboard C-Media 9880....02:22
Nermalis it just the K7 kernel ?02:22
bob2Chipzz: tcpdump02:22
Chipzzaoede: modprobe snd_cmipci?02:22
aoedei'll try it. thank you!02:23
Nermalor is it snd-cmipci?02:23
Chipzzbob2: I want the actual http data; tcpdata only gives you the encrypted data02:23
ChipzzI tried ethereal02:23
nooneI am writing a great paper of Freedom of speech bob2, you are helping me, by banning me I win, I am making the arguement, that the So called freesoftware movement, is actaully more like National socialism than a holistic movement for social good, and your blatant censorship proves it, youll just be another notch my statistics02:23
nooneso do it02:23
httpdssnermal: im using 686 2.6.10-4 and have probs ...02:23
nooneprove me right02:23
andrewskilunitik: well, i guess flumotion is not for me; i don't use any streams.02:23
Nermalnoone, oh do be quiet02:23
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aoedeI got a whole bunch of errors --> error inserting ...02:23
Ainvarbob2, so was the jesus christ to what I pasted02:24
Ainvaror was it that it was a lot of pasting?02:24
bob2httpdss: adding the kernel paramter "noinotify" should work around it for now02:24
bob2Ainvar: oh, the error is bizarre02:24
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Ainvarahh ok02:24
Nermalhttpdss, :(02:24
bob2Ainvar: I couldn't even imagine how it could happen02:24
noonethat was effective02:24
AinvarI did do a dist-upgrade from warty to hoary02:24
andrewskibob2: let the folks know in #freenode02:24
pvhYeah, I don't even have a "/dev/dvd"... How can I get Ubuntu to create one?02:24
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bob2noone: please read the troll howto at least02:24
bob2noone: this effort is pretty pathetic02:24
Ainvarpvh, check out the unofficial guide02:24
bob2andrewski: about noone?02:24
Nermalpvh, ln -s /dev/hd<whatever> /dev/dvd ?02:25
Ainvarit has that and a lot of other cool tidbits for ubuntu02:25
andrewskibob2: yeah.02:25
pvhNermal: It isn't some kind of /dev/cdrom1?02:25
bob2andrewski: meh, they don't kline trolls usually02:25
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andrewskibob2: oh.02:25
nooneThat is the great thing, I am not trolling, I have said nothing that was evil remotely vulgar, was it in disagreement with you yes, was it fundementally wrong, NOpe02:25
=== Nermal builds a bridge for noone to sit under
nooneso this is great02:26
Nermalnoone, you are just blathering on about crap.02:26
pvhNermal: Thanks!02:26
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Nermalpvh, usually hdc or hdd02:26
nooneabout that fact that your movement is fruitless, you dont believe in freedom of speech at all02:26
noonewithout that02:26
nooneyou have nothing02:26
NermalI believe in shutting the fuck up02:26
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noonebut a bunch of software that costs nothing02:26
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=== Nermal sighs
thoreauputicsocialistic Eurotrash -- hehe - I'm back in the era of McCarthy suddenly02:27
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Pluklol godwins law again02:27
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Nermaltomboy is nice02:27
aoede*shrugs* he's gone now, and i have to wait another few weeks/months before sound is supported.02:27
Nermalthe icon kind of freaks me out.... tintins head on my toolbar02:27
Ainvarthat guy was a complete wasted result from his parents sexual activity02:27
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lunitikbob2: +q *!sillytony@* instread... else he will just come back with a diff username02:28
bob2oh, I know02:28
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Nermalhttpdss, better ? :)02:29
Ainvarman I can not wait till my dell I8600 gets here02:29
macewanupgraded to hoary - nice ass desktop environment :)02:29
Ainvargonna put ubuntu on that bad boy02:29
Ainvaralong with winxp for gaming02:29
Nermalmacewan, aye.. it's like gentoo. without the compiling :D02:29
macewanor lame ass logo02:30
Nermalnewer gnome too :)02:30
Ainvaryes Ubuntu is very very nice02:30
andrewskiNermal: or extensive available packages... i'm jus' sayin'.02:30
Ainvarmakes me like linux all over again02:30
Pluk.me is currently installing gentoo02:30
aoedeit's awesome! especially when i can't hear anything!  okay, i'm bitter, sorry :(02:30
Nermalandrewski, tbh.. both gentoo and ubuntu have all the packages I want02:30
Ainvarand I think this is the longest I have had linux on a system that I did not constantly reformat to try a diffrent distro02:30
Pluktripple booting wind*kough* ubuntu and gentoo02:30
httpdsskernel problem solved thx ..02:30
darmouis there a gui to add new users or should I just use adduser?02:30
lunitikPluk: won't be done till Friday  \o/02:30
bob2andrewski: hrm? ubuntu has more available packages than gentoo02:30
Nermalaoede, hmm... no kernel module listed for that card ?02:31
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andrewskiNermal: yeah, most of the ones i want, but not all, and i have no idea how to make packages....02:31
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Pluk:D busy with X now02:31
andrewskibob2: oh, well, not all the ones i want. :D02:31
aoedeI don't believe so.  How can I make sure Nermal02:31
Pluki want to make a clean comparison02:31
bob2andrewski: e.g.?02:31
AinvarI remember gentoo02:31
AinvarI love the update system and global flags02:31
Ainvarbut the compiling02:31
andrewskibob2: ncmpc, i just looked for it today.02:31
bob2andrewski: url?02:31
lunitikAinvar: it was the last great hype02:31
stephenbHi Guys, i have a fresh ubintu install, and i must say its really nice :) but i have a problem ... i want to start Synaptic to see what tools are installed, can be updatet.. so i start the tool. but after the password entry synatpic dosnt start :(  ? someone have a reason ?02:31
andrewskibob2: and don't get me wrong, i still have gentoo on my system, but haven't gone back since switching to ubuntu. :)02:32
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lunitikstephenb: you typed your password?02:32
httpdssstephanb: wrong pass ..02:32
Ainvarlunitik, haha yeah it was02:32
macewanhrm, gnome is more responsive02:32
andrewskibob2: http://www.musicpd.org/ncmpc.shtml02:32
Nermalaoede, what are your "bunch of errors" ?02:32
Ainvarthe compiling for days on end even on a highh end system kinda killed it for me and for me *I* did not see a diffrence in speed02:32
stephenblunitik: yes the password for my user ... ubuntu dosent have a root ... form start ... must i set a root pw ?02:33
andrewskibob2: do you know how to make packages for ubuntu?02:33
Plukeven on ubuntu i started compiling more and more apps02:33
aoedeError inserting soundcore (/lib/modules/2.6.10-3-386/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko): Operation not permitted02:33
aoedethat would be one of them =p02:33
Plukso now gonna check gentoo  :)02:33
bob2andrewski: yeah02:33
Nermalaoede, you need to sudo it02:33
lunitikstephenb: wouldn't do much good if you did... Synaptic starts via 'gksudo synaptic'  ;)02:33
aoedeokay, lemme try that.  Thanks Nermal02:33
andrewskibob2: is there a good howto?02:33
Pluki started learning linux with gen too though dual p2-400 ... 48 hours to have kde02:33
NermalPluk, aye... all that pain to end up with something like kde :(02:34
andrewskiPluk: why did you compile on ubuntu?02:34
AinvarPluk,  hehe02:34
bob2andrewski: www.debian.org/devel/, new maintainer's guide02:34
andrewskibob2: ok, thanks.02:34
thoreauputicandrewski: quick and dirty way is to install checkinstall (but that is only to make packages locally that dpkg can uninstall, I guess)02:34
Ainvarwas cool the first few times learning gentoo watching it compile everything with no errors but when that system was not usable for almost 2 weeks getting everything setup on it when I got home from work kinda killed it for me02:34
andrewskibob2: so, in raw numbers, ubuntu has more packages than gentoo?02:34
Plukubuntu doesnt have everything in its repos and some apps are broken02:35
Plukand i like a patched kernel02:35
Plukwith hibernate02:35
AinvarI wish the repos I got from the forums would have the latest gaim02:35
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stephenblunitik: when i try to start it per sudo this come up in the consol : steve-u is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.02:35
error_29has anyone used Libranet?  The free, older version?02:36
Plukhehe what did i knew these days... havent seen gnome ever before02:36
bob2andrewski: yes02:36
lunitikstephenb: ahh... you are using the user you created at install time? cuz if so, thats bad02:36
Plukso kde was kinda the normal thing02:36
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aoedeNermal, I sudoed it, and I got no errors.  However, when I run xmms and alsamixer I still get error messages saying that I don't have a soundcard or02:36
aoedealsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device02:36
Plukeyeopener the 1st time i dated gnome02:36
bob2Pluk: the kernel in ubuntu includes a lot of patches02:36
lunitikstephenb: easily fixed though... boot into rescue mode, and add yourself to /etc/sudoers02:36
thoreauputicstephenb: this is the first (default) user?02:36
Plukbob2, software suspend 202:36
bob2Pluk: what does swsusp 2 offer over swsusp 1?02:36
andrewskiok, i should be going now.  good night all!02:36
bob2andrewski: 'night.02:37
Ainvarnight andrewski02:37
Plukdecent hibernation on my laptop :)02:37
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bob2Pluk: if the hoary kernel doesn't support your system, please file a bug02:37
stephenblunitik: oh i think a have a reason :D i added a new user why the install user / steve /  link at the homedir form my debian install  /home/steve   and ubuntu take the desktops settings form the .. thats why a made i new user calls > steve-u02:37
bob2Pluk: it should do swsusp on all hardware now02:37
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thoreauputicstephenb: visudo to add the user02:38
Nermalaoede, :(02:38
aoedeit's okay Nermal.  Thanks for trying to help me.  It's refreshing after working on finding a solution for 3 days.02:38
Plukhmm then ill start bugfiling then :)02:38
aoedeI'm suspecting that the kernel, or alsa has not come out with a driver to support the sound thing that's on my motherboard yet, so I'll have to wait.02:39
thoreauputicstephenb: also the second user is probably not in a lot of needed groups (audio etc)02:39
bob2Pluk: assuming you mean swsusp, not acpi suspend-to-disk02:39
Pluksuspend to disk yes02:39
stephenbkann i change the login  user at the console ? when i try exit to login at a new user the window close .02:39
stephenbkann = can :)02:39
Nermalaoede, tried booting with pci=noacpi ?02:40
lunitikstephenb: yes02:40
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aoedeNermal: no I haven't.  Can you tell me how to do that?02:40
Pluki always thought swsusp1 couldnt do sspend to disk02:40
lunitikstephenb: but you will still need to log out and back in for changes to take effect in GUI02:40
stephenblunitik: the way is ?  logout not take an effect02:41
lunitikstephenb: ctrl+alt+f1...02:41
Nermalaoede, hit escape and then "e" at the grub boot screen02:41
Nermalgo down to the kernel line and hit e again02:41
Nermaland then add pci=noacpi to the end02:41
Nermalhit enter and then b to boot it02:42
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Nermalright.. bedtime02:42
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stephenblunitik: "autch" i forgot! i try it  at the desktop console ....  thx02:42
bob2Pluk: that's all it does02:42
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Plukah ur right02:44
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JimBunderWhat is a FTP client I can use with ubuntu, please note I'm a linux newbie02:46
stephenblunitik: i go to tty1 and log in at the install user (steve), but when i try visudo, i get an visudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied too!02:46
bob2JimBunder: nautilus (the file manager) can02:46
JimBunderbob2, where do i use that02:47
bob2alt-f2 then type ftp://whatever/02:47
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thoreauputicJimBunder: you can also install gftp with the package manager synaptic02:49
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darmoudoes anyone know the zope port for ubuntu?02:49
pauldaousthey, folks, I have a question about latency and filesystems.........02:49
pauldaoustdarmou: oh boy, that's a good one. sorry, not me... I haven't got into Python yet02:50
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thoreauputicJimBunder: gftp is in the universe repository, which can be enabled in synaptic02:50
JimBunderthanks thoreauputic02:50
thoreauputicnp :)02:51
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pauldaoustokay, here's my question: sometimes my load meter goes sky-high, and everything (even the mouse) freezes up like crazy. This happens most often when I'm running JACK proggies...02:51
pauldaoustI've heard some people say they have problems with JACK and ReiserFS causing latency problems... that sound familiar to anyone?02:51
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SiRrUshello guys02:52
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SiRrUsanyone know if the 2.6.10-4-686 kernel works02:53
Plukit works if you add noinotify to your kernel parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:53
SiRrUswhere do you add that02:54
Plukkernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.10-AMD64 root=/dev/sda7 ro console=tty0 quiet splash noinotify02:55
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SiRrUsok lets try :)02:56
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_jon_so i just upgraded to hoary and the new kernel and xorg broke my nvidia drivers02:57
_jon_anybody familiar with this?02:57
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alka_trashhey all02:58
thoreauputic_jon_: it wasn't xorg - you have a new kernel that needs new drivers to be compatible I think02:58
alka_trashis hoary crapping out today?02:58
alka_trashI mean our the the new updates breaking things02:58
_jon_well i didn't say xorg was the problem, just that it might be involved02:58
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SiRrUsthankyou seems to work great02:59
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_jon_thoreauputic: i tried re-running the nvidia installer, but all i got was an error asking for kernel sources02:59
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thoreauputic_jon_: I would expect your drivers would still work if you boot into the "old" kernal02:59
Jet2k5any one here using an ipod?02:59
httpdsssomeone should add the "noinotify stuff" to the topic03:00
_jon_thoreauputic: i tried that too, no luck, in the apt-get dist-upgrade something screwy happened03:00
SiRrUsyep probably03:00
thoreauputic_jon_: hmm03:00
stephenblunitik: i added the user steve-u now to all groups ( first )! > lugout - login as steve - change groups for steve-u - logout - login as steve - but still the same no sudo... must i reboot for a effect ?03:00
SiRrUswhat does noinotify do03:00
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thoreauputicstephenb: visudo to add user to sudoers file03:01
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stephenbi cant start visudo why steve and steve-u arent in the group sudo :( steve was the user i add by the install03:02
thoreauputicstephenb: how did you alter the users? have you created  a root password?03:03
stephenband the install there was no option to set a root pw thoreauputic03:04
thoreauputicelse how could you add groups and users without sudo?03:04
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thoreauputicstephenb: that's right03:04
thoreauputicre no root user by default03:04
httpdssstephenb: use your default user password on sudo and gksudo ...03:05
uytyugI am having trouble installing azureus, any help?03:05
Quest-Masteruytyug: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/03:05
thoreauputicstephenb: ah I see - su steve first then use sudo03:05
thoreauputicsu is "switch user"03:06
uytyugI already went to the guide, I am a complete newb, just instaled today03:06
thoreauputicit will ask for steve's pass03:06
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stephenbafter i install ubuntu and see that the desktop von steve take the settings from the debian user steve " same homedir" i go to the loginshell and make adduser ... or was it susdo add user *hmm*, but i login as steve and take a look von the user and group settings and steve dont are a user of the group sudo03:06
thoreauputicstephenb: BTW the user shouldn't be in the group sudo anyway03:07
thoreauputicstephenb: visudo doesn't add the user to the "sudo" group but to the "sudoers file"03:07
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_jon_to add to the sudo group you need vigr03:08
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stephenbthoreauputic: thx a lot :) su steve visudo was the right why :)03:08
thoreauputicstephenb: OK - good :)03:08
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uytyugim trying to install azureus, I download the file from their website, then what, the guide just confuses me.03:09
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lotusleafWill Ubuntu work okay on a 133Mhz laptop with a minimalistic WM like Fluxbox?03:10
stephenbthoreauputic: im in visudo now but i cant edit the file ... forgot an option ? like visudo -e ?03:10
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uytyugany help?03:11
thoreauputicstephenb: :(   back out with :q!  then try  sudo -s to get a root shell, then do visudo again03:11
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stephenbhmm at the man page there is no extra edit opton03:11
stephenbthoreauputic: i will try03:11
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biquillolotusleaf, i think yes, but you couldnt get real desktop functionallity :P03:13
apache119help me install azureus!Please!03:13
lotusleafbiquillo: thx it would work ok though in flux or some other minimal wm though right? :>03:14
stephenbthoreauputic: when i try > su -s steve  and than visudo i have no access03:14
apache119I need to download some more Linux distros to try them out03:14
thoreauputicsudo -s03:14
apache119in azureus!03:14
thoreauputicby itself - then steve's password03:14
thoreauputicthen visudo03:14
biquilloyep, i recomend you xfce is lighter and very powerfull03:15
lotusleafbiquillo: thx, I appreciate it. ;)03:15
stephenbah thx, a see now im root :)  btw the debian why is a bit easyier ..... there i can login as a root  :)03:15
lotusleafWas installing Debian stable for a friend.. it's a hassle. ;D03:15
_jon_stephenb: you can in ubuntu as well, if you enable the root account03:16
thoreauputicstephenb: yes, but as you see, sudo -s has the same effect03:16
thoreauputicstephenb: if you *must* have a root user, type sudo passwd root and set your root password03:16
apache119why is it so hard in Lunux to install things/03:16
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Plukwhats hard about sudo apt-get install *03:17
stephenbhmm i still cant edit the file ... somethink a make wrong :(03:17
thoreauputicapache119: only some things :)03:17
apache119im new, I need help installing azureus, what the heck is a package!03:17
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AlohaWolfis there a howto on how to upgrade from warty to hoary?03:17
apache119do I unzip the file I downloaded. is that the package03:18
sulkderhm.. is this known: I just upgraded Hoary and after rebooting into the new kernel (2.6.10-4) the whole system crashed sometime during the jingle playing at gnome start.. then I rebooted into the older kernel, everything works, but the bottom panel had made a trip up snug to the top panel..03:18
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stephenbthoreauputic: ... have it :)03:19
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BrianAnthonydoes anyone in here use Cedega to play on Steam?03:19
thoreauputicapache119: it depends entirely on what you have downloaded and what its format is (for instance, source or binary, tar.gz or .zip etc)03:19
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sulkdBrianAnthony, O_o I'd rather eat razorblade spiced apples than use Steam, let alone on my beautiful Linux system..03:20
BrianAnthonysulkd: Steam is directly derived form hell, I know. but I love Counter-Strike03:20
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apache119this is what happens when I try to install azureus03:21
apache119this is what happens when I try to install azureus03:21
apache119john@ubuntu:~ $ sudo apt-get install [john/desktop/azureus] 03:21
apache119Reading Package Lists... Done03:21
apache119Building Dependency Tree... Done03:21
apache119E: Regex compilation error - Invalid regular expression03:21
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BrianAnthonywhaaat is that03:21
thoreauputicapache119: umm - that's not how apt works03:21
BrianAnthonyis that possible03:21
Plukhow about sudo apt-get install azureus03:22
Plukor did you download azureus.deb or something?03:22
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thoreauputicI doubt that azureus is in the repos03:22
apache119it says, couldnt find package azureus03:22
BrianAnthonyapache119: no more drugs03:22
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thoreauputicazureus requires java, does it not?03:22
cocolapache119, http://ubuntuguide.org03:23
apache119I think03:23
BrianAnthonyDo you have your universal sourcxes uncommented?03:23
thoreauputicapache119: go and read  ubuntuguide.org03:23
SCottinOKhow can you install java?03:23
apache119it confuses me!03:23
BrianAnthonybecause you'll probably have to do that to get java2-common, I think03:23
apache119I dont know what the heck is the package in my azureus folder!03:23
apache119where is it03:23
thoreauputicapache119: of course, at the moment - it will become easier as you persevere03:23
mike_douglasI'm trying to setup a 32-bit chroot on my 64-bit machine, but when I try to run a program with cedega I get a "can't exec" error03:24
thoreauputicapache119: for a start, you are missing vital components needed *before* you install it03:24
apache119I dont even know how to install anything03:24
sulkdBrianAnthony, tough luck :/ I remember original CS working nicely on Linux03:24
apache119I probably should go back to Mac OS X, but I want to learn Linux03:25
thoreauputicapache119: <cocol> apache119, http://ubuntuguide.org03:25
BrianAnthonySupposedly the newest version of Cedega handles it quite nicely03:25
Plukmike_douglas, looks like IA32 emulation wasnt compiled in the kernel03:25
thoreauputicapache119: you need to read the link cocol and I suggested03:25
BrianAnthonybut I have a mozilla plugin error03:25
sulkdBrianAnthony, if you get an account for cedega I'm sure they have tutorials03:25
biquilloanyone knows if nerim repositories works?03:25
apache119I already have but thanks03:25
Plukmike_douglas, or ia32-libs isnt installed03:26
sulkdBrianAnthony, but, they said they supported doom3 nicely, but when I tried it last (december) it wasn't working03:26
thoreauputicapache119: also read the FAQ on ubuntulinux,org and any other info you can find there03:26
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pagefaulthehe use the doom3 binary for linux03:26
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Joan-Baezi have installed ubuntu, but i dont have gcc and cant compile apps .. what can i do ? thanks03:26
thoreauputicJoan-Baez: hi. Bring your guitar with you ? ;)03:26
thoreauputicJoan-Baez: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:27
Joan-Baezthoreauputic why in ubuntu all must do with sudo ? ps: thanks a lot03:27
thoreauputicJoan-Baez: no default root user: substitute sudo and your user password03:28
mike_douglasPluk, ia32-libs is installed, and I can run other 32-bit programs. It's only the cd that is giving me trouble03:28
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Joan-Baezhow can i say03:28
Joan-Baezto apt-get03:28
Joan-Baezto answer always yes ?03:28
TwiggyAnybody else on hoary who's nautilus got royally borked with the latest update?03:28
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thoreauputicJoan-Baez: not always a good move...03:29
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Joan-Baezin this case03:30
Joan-Baezit is .. can you help me ? =)03:30
bretzelre-hi :-)03:30
xyzzy_Where do I read about making sound work? I have an SB Live.03:31
bretzelTwiggy: What happened to your Nautilus ???03:31
sulkdpagefault, they hadn't released that version back then :] 03:31
Twiggybretzel:  Locks up everything03:31
pagefaultsulkd, ahh :)03:31
Twiggybretzel:  Gnome freezes as nautilus loads, Xfce froze when I tried to start naut, so did fluxbox03:32
XenguyJoan-Baez: man apt-get03:32
Twiggybretzel:  So I'm pretty sure naut is the problem ;oD03:32
Pluki think gam_server but thats a wild guess03:32
thor|coffeeJoan-Baez: use the -y flag03:32
stephenbthor|coffee: how to i save the file in vi, i have no plan form vi :|03:33
Xenguystephenb: :w03:33
Xenguystephenb: to write and quit -> ZZ03:33
bretzelmmm.. I use Hoary array-5  installation and apart from some other fixes I asked for , nautilus seems working graet without no probs... ( I would want to know which version )03:33
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stephenbthx Xenguy i try save-file :!q  ... but no effect :( try :w :D03:33
Joan-Baezbut i have installed gcc but now he report me failure because many library arent in ubuntu.. how can i emerge a Heavyfuelessential apt package for working with fuel ubuntu capability ?03:34
stephenbthx Xenguy :)03:34
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Xenguystephenb: yw.  (If you do -> :q! <- it quits without saving your changes!)03:34
findmeHave all gentoo users migrated to ubuntu yet?03:34
sulkdfindme, eek I hope not.. let the trolls stay in trollville03:35
thoreauputicJoan-Baez: heh - I didn't understand most of that: enable universe in your /etc/apt/sources.list and use the build-dep option with apt-get03:35
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Joan-Baezthoreauputic thanks i will enable the all universe03:36
AndyFitzfindme,   i dont think so . IME gentoo users have almost opposite needs than ubuntu users :P  such as ubuntu users arent suckers for punishment :)03:36
thoreauputicJoan-Baez: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html03:36
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Pluklol whats with this geentoo <> ubuntu bashing03:36
stephenbyohooo :) it works thx to thoreauputic and Xenguy03:36
Pluklooks like a windows<>unix troll03:36
thoreauputicJoan-Baez: many many options with apt-get03:36
thoreauputicstephenb: :-)03:37
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stephenbnow its time for coffee :)03:37
AndyFitzhey i use gentoo sometimes im alowed to poke fun at me03:37
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sulkdPluk, no bashing.. I just want `those people' to cross the tracks :P03:37
aghdfquiestion for all you ex-dedian people: do you miss anything?03:37
Plukinstalling gentoo now just got into xfce :D finally03:37
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ark3_How do I tell whether the os is trying to use my SBLive or the motherboard audio?03:38
thoreauputicex-debian? I'm both Ubuntu and Debian here :)03:38
Plukgentoo>debian>ubuntu is my path03:38
Pluknow looking at gentoo again :P03:38
thoreauputicPluk: slackware next!  *grin*03:39
sulkdPluk, now now :] 03:39
Plukdualbooting though cuz ubuntu works just fine03:39
sulkdPluk, I'm sure you're not all bad.. you haven't talked about how more "intimate" gentoo users are with their software yet03:39
StoffBox-Steve_Cat this time nothing aghdf.... but i love ubuntu why ! 1: the kernel 2.6* not crash my CPU like at debian 2: the x-server its from the begining top :D 1280x1024 at startup .. not 800x600 like debian :)=03:39
Pluki think i will get kicked and banned if i tell how intimate i am with my software03:40
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Plukbut being on ubuntu or gentoo makes no diff in that :)03:40
DAC1138wow, ubuntu is #1 on distrowatch03:40
sulkdPluk, lol :] 03:40
DAC1138up form #3 yesterday03:40
sulkdthat's funny, cause last I checked Ubuntu didn't have its own distro category on counter.li.org03:41
thoreauputicDAC1138: this too will pass ;)03:41
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sulkdDAC1138, hrm? it's #5 according to mine eyes03:42
StoffBox-Steve_Ci try to install gentoo stage 1  O3 -- today but the console crash and 3hours of compile --- that was args craps .....  Pluk03:42
Plukhehe stage 1 here03:42
thoreauputicsulkd: the monthly figures have us a t #1 :)03:42
Plukand it didnt booted...03:42
StoffBox-Steve_Cso out for a coffee ---03:43
thoreauputicsulkd: not that it matters03:43
Pluki screwed up grub.conf thank god03:43
ark3_So, umm, anyone? How do I make sound "go" on my SB Live?03:43
cocolubuntu is #503:43
cocolat distrowatch03:43
thoreauputicark3_: modprobe sb  ?03:43
Plukits #1 on last month03:43
ark3_thoreauputic: Okay... sudo modprobe emu10k1 seems to work, as in there's no error. What next?03:45
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thoreauputicput it in /etc/modules  (assuming you hear cacophony when you do `cat /dev/urandom /dev/dsp`03:45
ark3_thoreauputic: /dev/dsp: No such device03:46
thoreauputicark3_: hoary?03:47
ark3_thoreauputic: Nor does hitting play in the "Sound Preferences" seem to do anything.03:47
ark3_thoreauputic: Warty.03:47
thoreauputicI'm on warty  and cat /dev/urandom /dev/dsp makes the expected whit noise...03:48
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ark3_thoreauputic: I trust you mean cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp, right?03:48
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StoffBox-Steve :( no coffeemilk :(03:49
thoreauputicark3_: either should work03:49
ark3_thoreauputic: If I don't put the redirect arrow in there, it just cats /dev/urandom to the screen, which is not fun...03:50
AlohaWolfthoreauputic, thats quite a soothing noise03:50
thoreauputicark3_: maybe play with alsamixer and see if it's muted?03:50
thoreauputicark3_: Ctrl-C to stop it03:50
thoreauputicctrl-L to clear the screen03:50
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ark3_thoreauputic: Hmm... Alsamixer is showing me the capture card... How do I tell it what device to use?03:51
StoffBox-Stevethe Nvidia driver are @ Universe right ?03:51
thoreauputicark3_: but I take your point ;)03:51
thoreauputicark3_: hmmm - in debian I would run alsaconf - but it's deprecated in Ubuntu :(03:52
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ark3_thoreauputic: What's the difference between emu10k1 (which I just modprobe'd) and snd_emu10k1 (which was already there)?03:52
thoreauputicark3_: someone else might have some ideas03:52
thoreauputicark3_: oss vs. alsa I think (but that's an educated guess, frankly - I don't know much about sound)03:53
ark3_Why is this so difficult? :(03:54
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thoreauputicthe alsa drivers all start with snd_ IIRC03:54
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hypa7ianeed some help with a hoary install... gnome is crashing on login. is this a known issue? if not, where in logs should i start looking?03:56
ark3_So a cat /dev/sndstat reveals that my SBLive is card 1... That gives me some clue.03:56
BrianAnthonydoes anyone know where the default firefox install directory is?03:58
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BrianAnthonyor where I would find the plugins03:58
StoffBox-Stevehmm need i Nvidia-glx ? or better what are there doing with Xfree ?03:58
hypa7iaBrianAnthony: if you install them as user, they are somewhere in /home/$you/.mozilla or .mozilla-firefox i think... where $you is your username03:59
neonlightningi know i should probly look on some of those links at the top but how do i go about installing jre there is a bin and rpm i've heard there were rpm to deb converters but haven't found one03:59
hypa7ianeonlightning: look in the guide, it's like 3 commands :-)03:59
neonlightningi figured i had to be that dence03:59
hypa7ianah :-)03:59
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hypa7iathere is an rpm->deb converter, it's called alien04:00
hypa7iabut you don't need it in this case04:00
thoreauputicBrianAnthony: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins I think04:00
BrianAnthonythoreauputic: that's what I'm looking for =)04:00
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hypa7iaBrianAnthony: not if you installed them as a user tho04:02
thoreauputichypa7ia: re: gnome crash in hoary - it appears you are not alone04:02
=== hypa7ia gets to be a console cowboy for a while then :-/
ark3_So I turned up all the volume knobs on alsamixer; still no sound.04:03
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thoreauputichypa7ia:  sed awk groff  - as the console caveman says ;)04:03
ark3_Music Player freezes for a while, and then eventually says that it could not open resource for writing.04:04
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hypa7ialol thoreauputic04:04
thoreauputicark3_: is your user in the audio group?04:04
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ark3_thoreauputic: Hmm. groups?04:05
ark3_thoreauputic: Yup, it is.04:05
thoreauputicark3_: type `id` or `groups`04:05
mebaran151whenever I try to have totem play a file in /tmp04:06
mebaran151it complains it cant write to the resource04:06
mebaran151anyway to fix this problem04:06
mebaran151or is this one of those bugs I am going to have to code out04:06
hypa7iathoreauputic: any ideas on fixes, or where to look?04:06
ark3_What sort of files does totem play?04:06
mebaran151I dlled an mp3 of teddy roosevelt speaking04:06
ark3_Ah, thanks.04:06
mebaran151and it wont open it04:07
neonlightningummmm hypa7ia, can i pm you something maby you can help me04:07
thoreauputichypa7ia: hmm - grep through the user mailoing list - it's been discussed if I remember correctly04:07
StoffBox-SteveCtrl - alt - Backspace restart Xfree or only restart desktop ?04:07
mebaran151do I have to reboot to clear tmp04:08
mebaran151just curious04:08
thoreauputicStoffBox-Steve: both04:08
thoreauputicStoffBox-Steve: if you have gdm running that is04:08
StoffBox-Steveok thx thoreauputic :) you are a great help :)04:08
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hypa7iathoreauputic: will do so from work tomorrow.  thanks for the help :-)))04:09
hypa7iaactually one more q04:10
StoffBox-Steveah thats totally fine :D nvidia works sound works :) 2.6* works ... now im happy :)04:10
hypa7iais this an "every recent install is doing this" kinda thing, or a machine-specific one?04:10
Chipzzhmmm ok04:10
ChipzzI want to start a second X-server from X04:10
ark3_StoffBox-Steve: Did you happen to do anything specific to get sound to work?04:10
Chipzzwhen running X :1, it says: user not authorized04:11
Chipzzbut when running the same command from the console, it does work04:11
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Chipzzand no, I do NOT want to use Xnest04:11
thoreauputichypa7ia: there seem to be universal problems - I think some are related to the most recent kernel04:11
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ChipzzI know what Xnest does and it is not what I want04:11
thoreauputic2.6.10-4 ?04:11
hypa7iaperhaps i will wait before installing to my other box then :-/04:12
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StoffBox-Steveno ark3_ i just restart my Xfree :) i never have a problem with my sound ( onboard AC97 Cmedia Virtual 6Channel ) :) on all system its works fine without doing somethink :)04:13
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hypa7iathoreauputic: that's the one04:13
thoreauputicChipzz: you are up against the MIT magic cookie - have you tried the gdmflexiserver thing? Gives you a new login on a different tty04:13
bob2Chipzz: run it from a terminal04:13
thoreauputicif that's what you want04:14
Chipzzthoreauputic: I have unset XAUTHORITY04:14
thoreauputicChipzz: OK - you know about it :) Sorry04:14
ark3_StoffBox-Steve: Okay... Thanks anyway. I'd hoped for similar results with a normal card like an SBLive, but apparently something doesn't like me...04:14
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StoffBox-Stevehmm how can i tell Nvidia that there is more than 1 CRT monitor  ? update the Xfree86Config or ?04:14
Chipzzbob2: not possible, it's started from within a script and that script runs from inside X04:14
bob2that script sounds broken04:14
bob2or you need to edit /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config or whatever it is04:14
Chipzzbob2: what I'm trying to do is start citrix ICA client on a second X-server when a user clicks on a shortcut04:15
hypa7iawhich text-mode browser is it that has tabs and stuff?04:15
ark3_elinks does, as does links204:16
Chipzzbob2: I have everything working except for the starting of the X-server04:16
bob213:14:55           bob2 | or you need to edit /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config or whatever it is04:17
hypa7ialinks2! that was the one04:17
Chipzzcurrently it works, including switching to the other X-server04:17
hypa7iathanks ark3_ :-)04:17
Chipzzonly thing to get running is the starting of the 2nd X-server04:17
ark3_hypa7ia: Yup. :)04:17
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Chipzzbob2: aha, exactly what I needed - thx :)04:18
BTererhow can i disable the automatic configuration of dns servers04:19
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ark3_hypa7ia: Actually, judging by the screenshots, I think I'm wrong and it's just elinks.04:20
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bob2waiting a whole 2 minutes04:20
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awstotthow do you enable the root account?04:21
ark3_awstott: Give it a password: sudo passwd root04:22
awstotta friend is trying to install ubuntu and wants the root account.... he did a sudo something else and typed the wrong password... now it says access denied everytime he tries04:23
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bob2that was silly, and a reason why having a root account is bad04:23
ark3_awstott: So you're saying that if he types "sudo ls" it asks for a password and always says access denied?04:24
awstotthe's grouchy now.....04:25
thoreauputicawstott: heh - he can only blame himself, really04:25
ark3_So lsmod lists a bunch of modules; most of them are not in /etc/modules. How does the system decide what modules to load on boot?04:25
awstottI havn't had any probs with ubuntu04:26
awstottneither has one of my other classmates04:26
andrewskiwhere can i get id3info?04:26
awstottonly problem I have is installing it on my laptop :(04:26
bob2ark3_: hotplug does it04:26
awstottit hangs during install04:26
mebaran151ark3_, hotplug04:26
mebaran151also some of the initrd scipts load some modules04:26
mebaran151modules also are loaded by dependency04:26
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ark3_Interesting. I recall that hotplug gets a few fatal errors modprobing stuff on startup. Is that normal?04:27
mebaran151ark3_, does your system work04:27
neonlightningwhat is the default root passwd or is that what awstott is asking about?04:27
mebaran151sometimes hotplug finds something you dont really have04:27
mebaran151it can get tricked04:27
thoreauputicneonlightning: there isn't one04:27
mebaran151not to hard to actually04:27
ark3_mebaran151: Well, it boots... But sound doesn't seem to work. SBLive on Warty.04:27
mebaran151alot of people have that problem04:27
mebaran151I installed from array four04:27
mebaran151and had the same problem04:28
mebaran151it looks like a messed up library problem04:28
mebaran151what modules have you loaded04:28
mebaran151if worst comes to worst04:28
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mebaran151and you have bandwidth to spare04:28
ark3_mebaran151: Well, a whole bunch...04:28
mebaran151dll a copy of like array 3 or 204:28
mebaran151ark3_, tell me what has snd in fromt of it04:28
mlambiecan anyone explain why I can't "sudo echo 600000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed" but I can if I "sudo su"?04:28
mebaran151like snd_emu10k104:29
ark3_mebaran151: Something like lsmod | fgrep snd ?04:29
andrewskihow do i tell which package provides a specific file?04:29
ark3_mebaran151: Where do I paste?04:29
mlambiealso, when i echo as root it changes the filesize to 0 from 409604:29
mebaran151or just do a human search04:29
mebaran151I wonder if /join #flood works04:29
thoreauputicandrewski: install apt-file - or if the file is already installed, dpkg -S04:29
mebaran151paste it in #flood04:29
mebaran151the modules load04:30
mebaran151like I said04:30
mebaran151I talked with a couple of the devs04:31
mebaran151had the same problem04:31
mebaran151they told me the easiest thing to do04:31
andrewskithoreauputic: thanks.04:31
thoreauputicandrewski: apt-cache show apt-file for a rundown on it04:31
mebaran151woudl be to backup whatever you have04:31
awstottafter my laptop scans for a cdrom it freeezes up04:31
mebaran151what does your mixer show04:31
ark3_(which would be nothing, since I just installed...)04:31
mebaran151and just like usually an earlier install04:31
ark3_alsamixer -c 1 gives me the SBLive.04:31
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mebaran151before you do as it is a pain in the ass04:31
mebaran151but like just check your levels04:32
mebaran151I had the same problem04:32
mebaran151I think it is a bug in how the initial folders are set up04:32
mebaran151or something like that04:32
mebaran151ALSA might get thrown wrong04:32
ark3_I turned all of them all the way up and made sure they're all not muted. Didn't seem to help.04:32
mebaran151you got the same problem04:32
mebaran151some device in the install gets messed up04:33
mebaran151they said04:33
ark3_Though I'm not sure why it's card 1... The tv tuner is card 0 for some reason.04:33
mebaran151I AM SUCH AN IDIOT04:33
ark3_(that's the bt_87x)04:33
mebaran151it must have been routing to my on board sound04:33
mebaran151do this04:33
FAST*** BMP >= 0.9.7rc2 not installed - please install first ***04:33
FASTwhere is this package?04:33
mebaran151can you temporarily like disable that04:33
ark3_Yeah, I've got onboard sound too...04:33
mebaran151I thought I turned it off04:34
mebaran151but it just might not be routing right04:34
ark3_Well cat /dev/sndstat doesn't list the onboard sound, so I prolly have that disabled correctly.04:34
mebaran151but I think it might just be doing some weird routing04:34
mebaran151jsut do a reinstall04:34
mebaran151from like Array 304:34
mebaran151and then apt-get upgrade04:35
ark3_Okay. So what's array 3?04:35
mebaran151what did you install from04:35
ark3_I downloaded the Warty install CD.04:36
ark3_All Warty here.04:36
mebaran151oh it is a Warty thing04:36
mebaran151you willing to live on the wild side04:36
mebaran151Warty never worked for me04:36
mebaran151I need Xorg for my vid card04:36
ark3_Heh. I thought the point of going from Sid to Warty was stability or something... Whatever, yeah, why not. Let's give Hoary a spin.04:36
awstotthoary is the bomb04:37
mebaran151I am running on AMD6404:37
mebaran151and my install is like ice04:37
mebaran151smooth and slick04:37
ark3_Okay, so releases, then hoary, then array 3?04:37
mebaran151try 5 first04:37
mebaran151I was assuming you were on 304:38
mebaran151try five first04:38
mebaran151the latest04:38
mebaran151less hassle04:38
ark3_Ah... Someone was complaining about Gnome not working in 5?04:38
mebaran151you dont have to dll a couple hundred megs of updates04:38
mebaran151somebody made an error04:38
mebaran151try array three then04:38
mebaran151it worked for me04:38
mebaran1514 was borked sound04:38
ark3_thoreauputic: Do you remember something about Gnome choking in array 5?04:38
mebaran1513 was a nice little devil04:38
thoreauputicark3_: something about kernel 2.6.10-4 and inotify IIRC04:39
thoreauputicark3_: but that's just from reading the mailing list a few hours ago04:39
ark3_So what do you think? 3 or 5 for me?04:40
bzbbhow hard is it going from a working warty install to a hoary install?04:40
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ark3_mebaran151: Yeah, for that matter, do I really need to reinstall? Or is a dist-upgrade good enough?04:40
bob2bzbb: not very, but things may break04:40
thoreauputicbzbb: basically you just chage all instances of "warty" to "hoary" in /etc/apt/sources.list and do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:41
bzbbwell, as long as I don't get filesystem corruption, I don't care too much04:41
bzbband filesystem corruption is more annoying than crital04:42
AlohaWolfI upgraded.. it seems to be working great04:42
bzbbI'm guessing that a reboot is required?04:42
bob2bzbb: no04:42
bob2filesystem corruption won't happen, but things might not run, etc04:42
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bzbbno new kernel version?04:42
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ark3_It seems mebaran151 has disappeared...?04:43
bob2but you don't *have* to reboot04:43
bzbbok, I think I'm going to go for it04:43
bzbbwarty is too boring04:44
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bzbbhow about my wart-backports repository?04:46
kfishexternal powerbook display works in hoary? super sexy04:47
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Chipzzok, so now I can start teh 2nd X-server, but now I don't have authority on it04:47
crypticreignlatest hoary updates, gnome feeezes on start04:47
Chipzz*kicks X*04:47
FASTwhere is the "bmp" package?  trying to install audioscrobbler stuff04:47
FASTconfigure: WARNING: *** BMP >= 0.9.7rc2 not installed - please install first ***04:48
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crypticreignhm i think its 2.6.10-404:49
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thoreauputiccrypticreign: it appears so, yes04:49
ixus_123Hi, just a quicky, how do I start ubuntu in text mode?04:50
crypticreignthoreauputic: :)04:50
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ixus_123edit etc/initab?04:50
qlo-xaelI'm having a problem with my PATH variable, i've edited it in /etc/profile and it works fine in console, but in X, it doesnt work04:51
qlo-xaelanyone know if X uses a different profile type file ?04:51
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bzbb694 megs of downloads04:52
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ark3_FAST: You may find a file called config.log or something like that. That file should show you what test configure ran before choking on the BMP thing.04:52
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stuNNedbzbb: of what?04:52
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stuNNedarray 5?04:52
gpledanyone having trouble with cdrecord?04:53
bzbbwhat is array 5?04:53
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thoreauputicqlo-xael: try putting a line :  source /etc/profile in .bash_profile , or edit your pathe in there04:53
stuNNedbzbb: latest release of hoary unstable04:53
ark3_Oh well, I'm giving up for now. Later folks, and thanks much to everyone who tried to help.04:53
qlo-xaelthoreauputic, putting the PATH= def wouldnt work in .bashrc because that only really applies to the terminal right?04:54
FeitenMy clock is disapearing somethimes :s Whats wrong?04:54
bzbbI just changed all my sources from warty to hoary and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:54
thoreauputicqlo-xael: the path seems to be defined in .bash_profile here - just looked04:54
thoreauputicqlo-xael: but .bashrc gets included in that file anyway04:55
thoreauputicif it exists04:55
qlo-xaelhmm, yeah i've got PATH=~/bin:"{$PATH}" in mine04:55
qlo-xaelso that means the path set in profile should already be included right?04:56
thoreauputicwhich profile do you mean?04:56
thoreauputicI don't think so, unless you say `source /etc/profile`04:56
gpledhaving trouble with cdrecord. is their another application i can use from synaptic?04:57
gpledwant to burn an iso04:57
qlo-xaelthoreauputic, would the very first line be a good place for that?04:57
thoreauputicgpled: right click in nautilus on the iso, choose burn04:57
thoreauputicqlo-xael: I doubt that it matters much - try it and see04:58
thoreauputicqlo-xael: the last line would still get read I guess04:58
lordanhmm.. thoreauputic, doesn't nautilus-cd-burn use cdrecord?04:58
lordanor am I mistake?04:59
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thoreauputiclordan: I guess so - but it appears to work04:59
lordanargh.. mistakeN!04:59
thoreauputiclordan: else install gnomebaker - that works too04:59
lordanok, problem solved, then :-)04:59
crypticreignhmm i upgrade to haory, now the wonderful mouse curcurs are gone to plane old X ones05:00
thoreauputichttp://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/  << for gnomebaker debs05:00
gpledthoreauputic: how do i get synaptic to stop asking for my cd?  dont have it with me.05:00
lordangpled, remove the cd from your sources.list05:01
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thoreauputicgpled: comment it out in /etc/apt/sources.list and  sudo apt-get update05:01
lordanyou can comment it out05:01
thoreauputiclordan: great minds ? ;-)05:01
thoreauputicor fools never differ *grin*05:02
lordansounds more like it ;-)05:02
thoreauputicyeah ;)05:02
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gpledthanks! got rid of the cd request :)05:04
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CarlK is there a log of what I have reciently apt-get installed?05:06
qlo-xaelthoreauputic, after i made that change, it shoudnt take effect until i restart X i suppose?05:06
thoreauputicqlo-xael: logout-login - but remember that non-login  shells look at .bashrc, not .bash_profile05:07
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gpledthoreauputic: thanks for the nautilus tip. seems to be working05:08
thoreauputicqlo-xael: so that source line might need to be in both - I haven't really looked in depth05:08
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thoreauputicgpled: gnomebaker is nice too - you might want to look at the URL I posted above05:09
SanduHow to switch keyboard language on login screen? Can't login into new Ubuntu!05:09
thoreauputicboot to failsafe mode, and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales , I'd say05:10
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thoreauputicgnomebaker debs: >>     http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/05:11
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thoreauputictime to go - later all05:12
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Teal`cis there a ubuntu livecd ?05:12
SiRrUssee you05:12
SanduI tried to run "dpkg-reconfigure locales" in recovery mode and selected russian and english (en-us utf-8) but after reboot i still can't change language.05:12
bob2of course05:12
Teal`cwhat version of gnome does it load ?05:12
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FR500i can't take screenshots. I mean, i press print Screen and nothing happens, no save file or clipboard content, is something wrong?05:14
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CarlK"print" <> clipboard05:14
lordanfr500 a few days ago I had a *long* delay05:14
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mebaran151how good is gnomebaker05:15
FR500it's great05:15
lordanlike 5-10 minutes before the dialog appeared05:15
FR500oh ok05:15
FR500gnomebaker rules, except for vbr mp3s05:15
lordanbut it seems ok now (lemme check again)05:15
CarlKis prtscrn sposed to grab the screen?05:15
lordanscreen shot works well05:16
FR500not for me05:16
lordancan you try to run it from a terminal05:16
lordanso that you can see if there are any messages?05:17
SanduWhich keys are to switch languages in fresh installed Ubuntu by default? How to switch keyboard language on login screen? Can't login into new Ubuntu! I tried to run "dpkg-reconfigure locales" in recovery mode and selected russian and english (en-us utf-8) locales but after reboot i still can't change language.05:17
lordanthe app is called gnome-screenshot05:17
FR500ok lemme try05:17
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KuroiShidear lord.  I just came off a gentoo binge.  good to be back to ubuntu05:18
FR500hmmm, command not found05:18
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lordankuroishi, how is gentoo these days05:18
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lordanfr500, you must be missing some package..05:18
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KuroiShilordan, meh, same as always i guess.  But the number of clueless zealots is increasing exponentially.05:20
dashwell yes05:20
dashbecause the population of the world is increasing exponentially05:20
dashstands to reason!05:20
FR500there is no gnome screenshot package or anything on synaptic05:20
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lordanKuroiShi, tends to be a problem since Gentoo gave itself a reputation05:20
dashspeaking of clueless zealots, is anyone having difficulty with today's kernel packages?05:21
lordanof being a distro for "hardcore" ppl05:21
dashhee hee gentoo05:21
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dashin particular, 2.6.10-4-686, with fglrx05:21
FR500hmmmm gnome-panel-screenshot for me05:21
FR500and it works05:21
lordandash, yepp05:21
FR500but how do i make the key to work05:21
KuroiShianywho, i'm not accustomed to this whole not having a script to handle init scripts thing.  How to i do this?05:21
dashlordan: Okay, glad to know it isn't just me.05:21
dashlordan: has a bug been filed?05:22
error_29FR500, screenshot is available from the "Computer" menu, or you can add it to a panel05:22
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error_29oops, sorry FR50005:22
lordandash, been discussed in ubuntuforums05:22
lordanit's a kernel/gamin issue05:22
dashlordan: cool, i will read05:22
KuroiShihaha, better not reboot then cause i just installed that kernel and fglrx05:22
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dashKuroiShi: well, that's why i didn't remove -3 :D05:23
dashbecause i was not sure yet05:23
lordanKuroiShi, I think you're looking for update-rc.d05:23
lordanman it05:23
FR500error_29: isn't there a way to map it to print screen?05:23
lordanok, gotta head off.. need a few minutes of sleep b4 work05:24
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dashaha! noinotify.05:24
KuroiShithanks a lot lordan, pleasent dreams05:24
rockerHey IO need help is anyone out there?05:24
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sigrocker: whats up?05:25
error_29I imagine so, FR500, but I don't know how.  Personally i prefer the kde screenshot app myself05:25
rockerI'm a newbie to Ubunto and need help05:25
delltonyanyone know if the bug in hoary on deleting recently used has been fixed yet?05:25
sigrocker: well ask dude05:25
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rockerwhat can I do to get my nivdia card working on here?05:26
sigdelltony: trying to get rid of your recently viewed porn movies???? lol05:26
SiRrUsFR500 did you get the key working05:26
delltonyof course man05:26
error_29rocker, I'm a newbie to linux in any form.  I think they need a new distro just for us called Nubuntu05:26
delltonyporns the way of the future05:26
FR500no SiRrus05:26
sigrocker: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver05:26
rockerI'm used to mandrake05:27
sigrocker: this guide is your best buddy05:27
error_29Mandrake almost killed my self-esteem several years ago.05:27
rockerok I hate this dang intel onboard card05:27
SiRrUsFR500 try system/preferences/keyboard shortcut05:27
error_29They said it was easy; I easily trashed a hard drive.  Hated their install05:27
error_29rocker, set X-chat to automatically log everything, you'll have an encyclopedia of info on this stuff in no time05:28
FR500there is the shortcut, and it's working but it doesnt launch the app05:28
rockerI only started with Mandrake 10.0 cause windows got boring05:28
SiRrUsFR500 strange it doesnt work for you mine is good05:29
error_29I tried Mandrake 7, I'm sure it's improved!05:29
SanduWhat keyboard shortcut is to switch languages in login screen with fresh installed Ubuntu by default? Tried Ctrl+Shift, Alt+Shift, Shift+shift... but it does not works. Can't input my login!05:30
error_29Sandu, try Alt-Alt05:30
FR500it's a bit screwed05:30
FR500gotta format this rig anyway05:30
SiRrUsFR500 you using warty or hoary05:30
error_29Sandu, I'm finding the alternate keyboard layouts to, frankly, suck in linux so far.05:31
error_29Don't flame me, but I miss Microsoft keyboard IMEs05:31
regeyathe mystery trip05:31
SiRrUsi see05:31
SiRrUsregeya your back05:31
=== KuroiShi gets out the flamethrower
regeyaI find that it sucks that we can't do objective-c++ until at least gcc4, which means that gnustep can't take over the world yet05:32
error_29"US English with dead keys" sucks05:32
regeyaSiRrUs: what's on my back?  Get it off!  GET IT OFF!!!05:32
error_29The keys are way toooo dead.  Who needs an accent mark on an "s"?05:33
stuNNederror_29: what is IME?05:33
error_29"input method editor" stuNNed.05:33
KuroiShiregeya, your terrible pun has made my day05:33
dashregeya: gnustep needs major corporate backing /and/ some decent UI designers before it can take over the world05:33
error_29Hell, in windows 3.1 it was easier to type with accented characters than on this thing05:34
dashgnustep was awesome back in the day but i think gnome has all the good parts from it now05:34
regeyadash:  indeed, who cares if the API can wipe the floor with the mishmash known as GNOME, it needs to be prettier!05:34
dashregeya: meh05:34
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regeyaGNOME is pretty these days, which makes it superior.05:35
dashregeya: so what's gnustep got05:35
error_29It could be prettier, if it stopped lying to me about the icons!05:35
regeyaso what's the good parts that gnome's got05:35
error_29I choose a pretty icon, and it gives me a crappy old icon05:35
dashregeya: 1) widespread acceptance 2) lots of apps and libraries05:35
regeyaanything I mention, you'll just 'oh but gnome's sorta got that'05:35
regeyaand then I'll be an idiot by default, in your eyes.05:36
regeyaoh, well.05:36
regeyadash:  that makes windows better than all this.  let's run off to the store and get our copies of xp professional. ;-)05:36
dashregeya: erm05:36
dashwhat? no it doesn't05:36
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regeyathe thing that's great about gnome is that it's got widespread acceptance, and lots of apps and libraries!05:36
regeyawindows has gnome beat in that department, though.05:36
dashregeya: it is /a/ thing05:36
dashregeya: yes, it is an advantage windows has05:37
error_29Here's something, ironically, in Windows favor:  a lot of great open source stuff written for windows or ported to it that is simply easy for noobs like me to istall and use05:37
dbjhwindows is an waful operating system05:37
dashregeya: so, we've talked about the advantages of gnome and the advantages of windows05:37
dashregeya: what are the advantages of gnustep?05:37
regeyadash:  I find objective-c to be easier to understand, and quite frankly, the RAD tools I've used beat anything I've seen in the world of free software and open source.05:37
dashregeya: easier to understand than what?05:37
regeyadash: unfortunately, the support for it just isn't there, an dthe organization isn't there05:38
regeyagnome wins because there's a group of whip-crackers willing to do what it takes to get stuff done.05:38
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Chipzzregeya: expect more gnome apps to come05:39
error_29regeya, tell the whip crackers to crack the whip on the desktop so it doesn't crash every time I change wallpaper05:39
Chipzzthe next release of acrobat reader will be GTK+ based05:39
regeyaerror_29: heh05:39
=== dash pokes regeya
KuroiShigod damnit, isn't there a gui tool to configure daemons? where the hell is it?05:40
regeyaChipzz: I happen to know there's a *step version of Acrobat Reader, just not gnustep.  I use Cocoa Acrobat all the time. :-/05:40
regeyaor maybe it's carbon.05:40
regeyathat'd change things.05:40
awstottKuroiShi try webmin?05:40
error_29or at least have gnome stop throwing TWO error messages at me every time it does that05:40
Chipzzand with the "migration" of traditional UNICes from CDE to GNOME, you can expect even more apps to migrate I think05:40
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Adrenaljust got new monitor05:40
dashregeya: btw: Turtledove fan? :)05:40
Adrenalhow do i make ubuntu reconize this one?05:40
KuroiShiawstott, overkill for something i KNOW is in gnome05:40
error_29But man I love ubuntu and Gnome lets me just enjoy my computer again05:40
regeyadash:  indeed!05:41
dashregeya: so... objc is easier to understand than what?05:41
Adrenallike, the res and stuff is still off the old one?05:41
regeyaI greet you superior sir05:41
awstottlol... just tossing suggestion out..... i'm fairly new to actually using linux..... I have had a box for a couple of years but pretty much just installed it and thats about it05:41
regeyadash: I guess I'm an idiot. :-}  beyond basics I find g++ to be ghastly and incomprehensible, though it's been a while since I've done any coding.  I've been doing some objc lately and love it...so far. ;-)05:41
dashregeya: i think objc is easier to understand than some things, but i didn't understand what you were comparing it to :)05:41
dashregeya: oh, well, yeah, there's no reason to use C++, like, ever05:42
error_29folks, I need an opinion-- I want to try installing minix on a 486 laptop, 4 megs memory05:42
Chipzzregeya: the thing with g++ is learning to read (and understand) the error messages05:42
dashregeya: python's even easier than objc, even for cocoa apps :)05:42
error_29just to use to learn basics, and gmacs and stuff05:42
KuroiShiawstott, yeah, webmin is great, I use it on my server.  But kinda silly to put it on a desktop only to configure services.05:42
regeyaChipzz: I actually meant c++ :-}05:42
regeyapython is awesome05:42
error_29any one use minix?05:42
Chipzzregeya: yeah I agree - C++ syntax is one big mess05:43
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Chipzzone big powerfull mess, but a big mess nevertheless05:43
regeyaI work with zope on an in-house project; I realize it's not the most pythonic thing out there, but I like it.05:43
dashregeya: zope is pretty handy when it's used for what it's designed for :)05:43
error_29Python and Ruby both look appealing to me, if I ever get the discipline to try to learn some programming05:43
Chipzzand python rules big time :)05:43
hypa7iaerror_29: i do05:43
hypa7iaonce in a while05:44
Chipzzerror_29: python is almost as easy as VB ;)05:44
hypa7iaon my powebook 170 :-)05:44
error_29hypa7ia, use minix?05:44
dashpython and ruby are a lot alike, but python has more useful libraries IME05:44
hypa7iai learned C on it05:44
hypa7ia2 years ago05:44
hypa7iabut now python is more my thing05:44
=== hypa7ia <3's python
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KuroiShihypa7ia, do you have a howto or something?  i have some old powerbooks that i want to nixify05:45
bur[n] erhypa7ia: know how to use pygtk stuff?05:45
Chipzzhypa7ia: I agree python is a very nice language, for applications05:45
KuroiShibut i don't have time to hack it out myself05:45
Chipzzbut for libraries you still want c05:45
error_29I would love to get my old toshiba laptop with 4 megs ram running with something05:45
regeyadash:  really, I'm impressed that GNUstep has achieved a number of their goals.  It's nice to see a group of APIs that are fairly consistent.  Also I'm biased 'coz I work with Macs all the time so I definitely had an interest in cocoa development. :-}  I have trouble grokking gnome development, even rad05:45
regeyadont get me wrong!  gnome has become amazingly usable and consistent!05:46
dashregeya: i'm presenting something of a strawman argument myself, i never write gui apps ;)05:46
StoffBox-Stev1@all have someone a reason why the Nvidia driver only find one monitor ?05:46
hypa7iaKuroiShi: it's mad easy.... minix runs as a program on os 705:46
regeyadash:  I've only done so just toying around ;-)05:46
error_29I'm jonesing for a mac mini.  Not sure why05:46
dashregeya: but looking at the state of things now, i'm not sure the advantages gnustep has anymore05:46
dasherror_29: it is TINY and CUTE05:46
hypa7iaerror_29: you want FreeDos for that toshiba05:46
hypa7iabur[n] er: not yet, sorry :-/05:47
error_29Yes, hypa7ia, I think you're right!05:47
hypa7iafreedos rocks :-)_05:47
error_29and oops05:47
hypa7iaso good for old games05:47
error_29how did that happen??05:47
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delltonycool fixed recent-documents just killed gnome-panel and it cleared it and set a chmod +600 to ~/.recent-used and it disables the menu :)05:47
error_29sorry, I hit the tab key too hard or something05:48
KuroiShihypa7ia, badass.  I'll have to actually find one of those lappys now05:48
KuroiShii just realized though, i don't have anyway of getting the binary TO the laptop =/05:49
hypa7ialol KuroiShi... i believe you want to be googling macminix... i'd send you a link but i'm stuck being a console cowgirl tonight05:49
hypa7iaKuroiShi: floppy disks05:49
hypa7iaminix is like 600K05:49
KuroiShii don't own a floppy drive05:49
hypa7iaDL it at school / work / library :-)05:49
hypa7iapssh excuses :-p05:49
error_29I think I could run minix over dos...05:50
hypa7iaerror_29: i think that;s correct05:50
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hypa7iait's so nice on oldschool macs tho05:50
error_29hmmm, doorstop no longer!05:51
error_29I loved that laptop05:51
KuroiShidon't those floppys have some weird FS?05:51
hypa7iaKuroiShi: most macs can read FAT05:52
hypa7iaerror_29: isn't that a great feeling :-)05:52
KuroiShioh, cool.05:52
KuroiShitime to go hunt down a powerbook05:52
Dr_willisCP/M  :)05:52
KuroiShii think i have a 140 and 2 160s05:52
regeyaindeed macos of the last few years can read fat05:52
error_29hypa7ia, it sure is!05:52
hypa7iaeven if they can't, you can load HFS software onto anything else05:52
regeyadon't know about 7, but definitely 8+05:53
KuroiShiokay, they are HFS.05:53
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KuroiShiI wasn't sure if the older stuff used something other than hfs05:53
hypa7iaerror_29: my friend just fix0red my sweet little powerbook 2400c... i am just overjoyed05:53
KuroiShii'm not a mac guy05:53
hypa7iawhat a beeeoootiful little machine05:53
KuroiShias soon as tiger comes out i'm snatching a minimac =D05:53
hypa7iaregeya: there's an extension for 705:53
error_29I've always had mac envy05:53
regeyawelcome to a constant state of madness, KuroiShi05:53
hypa7iai was on OS X for >2 years05:54
regeyaremember, Macs are easy to deal with.05:54
Dr_willisive looked hard at the macs.. and even have an imacdv.. and soorry.. just not that impressed. :(05:54
regeyakeep reminding yourself of that fact05:54
hypa7iai shit you not, i switched fulltime to linux (pc laptop) because of ubu05:54
hypa7iabut macs are sweet05:54
Dr_willisregeya,  im sure some would beg to differ on the easy part. :P05:54
error_29Does anyone know if the Mac WiFi works with linux?05:54
qlo-xaelI'm having a problem with my PATH definitions, I entered the pathnames in /etc/profile and in ~/.bashrc, and it works in console and gnome-terminal, but it doesnt work in straight X, anybody have any idea what to do?05:55
hypa7iai am gonna try and convince my family to get one... would make them bug me less :-)05:55
Dr_willisThe easier they make stuff.. the harder it seems to be to FIX things when they do break.05:55
hypa7iaerror_29: the extreme does not05:55
hypa7iaDr_willis: not on OS X... xertainly not.05:55
regeyaforget that open firmware is based on forth.  forget that the complexity of os x makes linux look like a playskool toy.  just remember that os x has a lickable interface.05:55
Dr_willishypa7ia,  some how the step kids managed to mess up the imac.. actually i THINK it was the cable-company software...05:55
regeyaDr_willis: sarcasm05:55
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qlo-xaelDoes X use a different PATH definition?05:55
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Dr_willisthis was on OS-X even. :P05:55
Dr_willisthe imacdv is now running Ubuntu :P05:56
hypa7iaDr_willis: which version of x? <10.3 kinda blew05:56
Dr_willisI think this was 10.3 - just bouight it like 6 mo ago.05:56
error_29Friends I have who are complete non-techies achieve a kind of bliss of actually feeling in some kind of creative control of their macs05:56
regeya10.2 wasn't bad.  at least finder looked like it was an aqua app05:56
Dr_willissort of a waste to put in an old imac like that.. but its just the kids web-surfing box.05:56
Dr_willisI never really felt in controll of the OS-X :P seemed i was always fighting it to work how i wanted it to.. but you get that mentality from useing linux  and 100 different window managers.05:57
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KuroiShianyone know if the ubuntu livecd kernel has hfs support?05:58
error_29exactly, Dr_willis05:58
Dr_willisand jumping from 3 or 4 different OS's in a single day gets you confused at times.05:58
helio7does anyone know a small app to resize a batch of jpeg files to a smaller size (for uploading to a gallery)?05:58
error_29my tab key is completely fucked! anyone else seeing my output?  my keybindings are messed up or something05:58
hypa7iaKuroiShi: it should05:58
hypa7iaerror_29: looks normal here05:58
Amarantherror_29: Nope, can't see you at all.05:58
Dr_willishelio7,  Hmm.. i knwo  KDE has a "make image galley" feature that ive used a great deal.05:59
qlo-xaelI'm having a problem with my PATH definitions, I entered the pathnames in /etc/profile and in ~/.bashrc, and it works in console and gnome-terminal, but it doesnt work in straight X, anybody have any idea what to do?05:59
Dr_willis'straight X' ?05:59
KuroiShithen it's off to the basement and then to my parents PC, provided i can find a floppy...05:59
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Syslockcan any 1 help me!06:00
qlo-xaelDr_willis, as in non-terminal, run application type execution06:00
KuroiShiSyslock, most likely06:00
KuroiShiwhat's the problem?06:00
Syslockhi any way am from cgile06:01
Syslockam trying to instaall ubuntu on a machine and i got an error  tahat06:01
Dr_willisqlo-xael,  hmm.. could be that the run application is not loading the .bashrc or .bash_profile (or perhaops its running one but not the other)06:01
=== Dr_willis checks
qlo-xaelin my .bash_profile, nothing is uncommented06:02
qlo-xaelthere is no path setting06:02
Syslocksaid the md5sum has faildes06:03
Syslockon ./dists/warty...../Packages06:03
Dr_willis# If not running interactively, don't do anything06:04
Dr_willis[ -z "$PS1" ]  && return06:04
Dr_willisLooke like that tells it to STOP there. :P06:04
Dr_williswhich May be the case when useing that run app menu item.. But you want the path for the 'run application' to be set.06:04
Dr_willisso this may not be the issue06:05
hypa7iai'm off to bed.  good luck with the minix adventures, error_29 :-)06:05
Syslockno one06:06
qlo-xaeli have an idea06:06
qlo-xaela link06:06
Syslockalguien ESPAOL06:06
qlo-xaelin a path thats already listed06:06
qlo-xaelthat seems to make sense06:07
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jevidlquick question, if I drag and drop wav files into the built in gnome cd burning with nautilus, will automatically make an audio cd?06:07
Amaranthnautilus only does data cds06:08
jevidlhow do I do it then?06:08
Amaranththe best linux app for burning cds right now is k3b06:08
Dr_willisqlo-xael,  not sure. :P .bashrc is ran at different times then say .bash_profile also.06:08
SiRrUsjevidl graveman works very good also06:08
dbjhwhere do you get k3b06:08
Dr_willisfor example 'xterm -l' runs .bashrc xterm -ls runs .bash_profile06:08
jevidlSiRrUs: hmm, ok. I will just copy them over to my other machine quick06:08
Amaranthdbjh: sudo apt-get install k3b06:08
AmaranthIf you're using warty read the howto in the wiki or you might have some issues.06:09
qlo-xaelDr_willis, thanks anyway friend06:09
Dr_willisqlo-xael,  i got no idea how gnome sets ITs path. its possible its useing some setting thasts in the 'Gconf' stuff06:09
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jevidlAmaranth: thanks06:11
regeyathey've cut the hardline.  you'll have to find another exit.06:11
jevidlSiRrUs: you too, thanks06:11
regeyayikes, my irc client froze.06:11
qlo-xaelhmm i'll look there, Dr_willis06:12
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Dr_willisqlo-xael,  but i dident see it just now when i looked :P06:12
dbjhthank you Amaranth06:12
Dr_willistrying to make the 'run application' menu item run a shell that does "echo $PATH" :P06:12
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Dr_willisi forget the command that pauses a shell till you hit Enter.06:13
qlo-xaeli think if i just put a link in /usr/local to the java command and place the java directory in /usr/local i've seen it work that way before06:13
qlo-xaeli think06:13
Dr_willisqlo-xael,  or make a batch file/script :p06:14
Dr_willisHmm gnome help docs are less then helpfull in this area. searched for 'run' and it mentions the Runing of Scripts.. but it dosent have that item uin the menus like it said it should..06:16
=== twisted_steel [~hollec@pool-129-44-10-204.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisOutdated docs? I rember a 'run script' item on older versions of gnome06:16
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da_bon_bonHEL!PP! update-manager cant download any files from archive.ubuntu.com06:18
Dr_willisserver may be down06:18
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da_bon_bonDr_willis: no ... look at the error06:19
da_bon_bonErr http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main python-gtk2 2.5.4-0ubuntu206:19
da_bon_bon  Bad header line06:19
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Dr_williscould be the webserver part is down. I just pinged it. so its up. Hmm06:19
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hypa7iajust wanted to let ppl know about the solution to the weird gnome-freezing issue for the moment:06:20
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Yomega_KillerHow does it freezes ?06:21
hypa7iaadding noinotify to the kernel line in grub fixores et06:21
hypa7iaerr it06:21
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Yomega_Killer? strange ?06:21
hypa7iaYomega_Killer: it just freezes dead on install / update to 2.6.10-406:22
da_bon_bonwhats inotify, bte ?06:22
da_bon_bonbtyw ?06:22
da_bon_bonhypa7ia: i am experiencing it too.06:22
Yomega_KillerI use this opt and it doesn't freeze06:22
hypa7iaYomega_Killer: what are you running?06:22
hypa7iada_bon_bon: add noinotify (we're replacing inotify with dnotify apparently) to the kernel line in grub06:23
Yomega_KillerWarty 4.1006:23
da_bon_bonhypa7ia: added.06:23
ironwolf2.6.10-4 on hoary kills me too.06:23
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hypa7iaironwolf: give the fix a try06:24
hypa7iai just logged into gnome on my fresh ubu install <3 <306:24
TetrisMasterUbuntu couldnt locate my wireless card...it only located my (unused) eth0 LAN 10/100 card....how can i fix this?06:24
hypa7iaafter a month away, i missed it06:24
hypa7iaTetrisMaster: what kind of card?06:24
ironwolfhypa7ia: what fix?06:24
TetrisMasterDLink B06:24
hypa7iaironwolf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16681&page=3&pp=1006:25
=== StoffBox-Stev1 [~steve-u@pD9532CAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hypa7iaadd noinotify to your kernel line in grub06:25
TetrisMastera D-link wireless DWL-52006:25
Dr_willisive had such issues with wireless under Linux and windows.. i just ran the *$*$(@ wires! and was done with it.06:26
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Se7hi cant ear sound from movies06:27
da_bon_bonhypa7ia: fucking kernel crashed again, but not before i could add "noinotify"06:27
Dr_willisi even got network cables going behind the couch in the living room. :P06:27
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da_bon_bonso now, lets see06:27
hypa7iagood luck da_bon_bon06:27
TetrisMasteri really ned the wireless though...its an old 18oo's home...cannot mess with wall, and only where internet is located...totally away from me :)06:27
hypa7iaTetrisMaster: know what chipset by any chance? lsusb might reveal it06:27
bborkkhawke: Hi again.  I figured out part of the problem thanks to something you mentioned.06:27
cg0defthis is probably an easy question but how do you add 32bit repos to hoary 64?06:27
SiRrUsda_bon_bon should work now06:27
Dr_willisTetrisMaster,  i ran the cat-5 in the heater ducts. :P06:27
hypa7iabrilliant Dr_willis06:28
TetrisMasterhmm i dunno06:28
Se7hcan anyone help me here?06:28
TetrisMasterits just a PCI06:28
StoffBox-Stev1can someone tell me a unpack tool for -.rar .zip that can handle multi-archives and rar 3 ?06:29
bborkkSe7h: Yes, but you've just used up one question.06:29
Dr_willisi think that unrar can handle multi-rars06:29
Dr_willisnot sure about rar306:29
Se7hit can06:29
TetrisMasterDr willis: where could i find the chipset?06:30
StoffBox-Stev1i download it form the website but dont know how to install :S cant find it in the readmes06:30
da_bon_bonSiRrUs, hypa7ia: whats the problem with the new kernel ?06:30
Se7hoh no06:30
Se7hit cant06:30
da_bon_bonhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/e6dA0D46.html - someone pelase help - its urgent...06:30
Dr_willisi just used 'apt-get install unrar' :P i think06:30
dbjhcan anyone tell me how to install real one player in ubuntu06:30
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hypa7iaStoffBox-Stev1: you want to look here: http://ubuntuguide.org06:31
Dr_willisdbjh,  i think thats in the "guide"06:31
Se7hStoffBox-Stev1 unrar-nonfree06:31
da_bon_bonDr_willis: apt-get install rar it is06:31
hypa7iada_bon_bon: tried apt-get update?06:31
da_bon_bonhypa7ia: yes.06:31
Dr_willisi think thers rar. and unrar.. :P time to an 'apt-cache search rar'06:31
bob2you may need unrar-nonfree06:32
pussfellerwhat plays m4a's06:32
bob2but in the long-term it's better to find warez kiddies who have clue about compression and use rzip or such06:32
da_bon_bonpussfeller: xine, mplayer06:32
hypa7iaStoffBox-Stev1: for installing stuff, you might also like Synaptic, it's in one of the menus at the top left06:32
Se7hdam i cant figure why my movies dont make a sound06:32
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Dr_willisbob2,  not sure there are many that have a clue about it. :P06:32
StoffBox-Stev1but ... why i try > sudo apt-get install rar ... it cant find a package that calls rar06:32
pussfellerwhat are they, da_bon_bon? windows. apple?06:32
StoffBox-Stev1why = when06:32
bob2StoffBox-Stev1: yes, the package is not called 'rar'06:33
bob2StoffBox-Stev1: it's called 'unrar'06:33
bborkkIs there an updated version of the wxpython2.4 package that has been modified for multi-version installations of wxPython?06:33
StoffBox-Stev1http://ubuntuguide.org <<< there it called rar06:33
da_bon_bonpussfeller: what are what ?06:33
StoffBox-Stev1unrar the same ...06:33
hypa7iaStoffBox-Stev1: you probably just need that06:33
StoffBox-Stev1nothing to find06:34
da_bon_bonpussfeller: xine and mplayer play everything06:34
bob2StoffBox-Stev1: you need to read that page again and enable universe.06:34
da_bon_bonwheres the overall xine config kept ?06:34
StoffBox-Stev1i know i need it .. wenn i try to unpack the files .. the error come up > unpack command not found06:34
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pussfellerda_bon_bon, what are m4a's, i mean where do they come from and why are people using them06:34
StoffBox-Stev1universe is enable :(06:35
SiRrUsM4A is a file extension used to represent the popular new international audio standard called MPEG 4 Audio. M4A is the new replacement for the older MP3 audio06:35
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SiRrUsamazing what google will do for you06:35
da_bon_bonpussfeller: http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=M4A06:36
da_bon_bonhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/e6dA0D46.html - someone pelase help - its urgent...06:38
da_bon_bon also, everytime i try to dist-upgrade, it says some packages cudnt be authenticated, do u wanna continue ?06:39
bzbblets say I wanted to download automaticaly a range of files from a website, where the url is  $string(sequence number).jpg?06:39
SiRrUsda_bon_bon i just say yeppers06:40
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da_bon_bonSiRrUs: then it gives me the errors i pasted in the rafb link06:40
SiRrUsthats strange i dont get the errors06:41
AcidWolfanyone know how to change the domain name in Ubuntu06:41
AcidWolfroot@acidwolf: <------- the acidwolf bit06:41
stuNNedAcidWolf: `echo whatever > /etc/hostname`06:42
da_bon_bonAcidWolf: echo WHATUWANT > /etc/hostname06:43
AcidWolfty very much06:43
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da_bon_bonah, so no one has any idea about the fucking apt errors ?06:45
AcidWolfit didnt work06:46
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stuNNedAcidWolf: how'd you test?06:47
AcidWolfi did the command06:47
AcidWolfthen killed the terminal06:47
AcidWolfthen opened it again06:47
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da_bon_bonAcidWolf: u need to restart once06:47
bborkkI think I found an intermittent bug with Firefox that causes a system freeze.06:50
da_bon_bonam i alive ? someone please reply..06:50
bborkkda_bon_bon: yes.06:50
bborkkThe bug occurs when saving a webpage immediately after searching for and finding text.06:51
AcidWolftrue or false , Yaboot puts Grub to shame06:54
AcidWolfand lilo for that matter06:54
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monkey89I installed qc-usb-source and unpacked the tarball it gave me in /usr/src... is there a special debian way of compiling it?06:55
monkey89there's a subdir debian06:55
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AmaranthBrianAnthony: You use Ubuntu?06:55
BrianAnthonyAmaranth: yeah =D you're the one who told me about it06:56
BrianAnthonyit's sexi06:56
Amaranthoh yeah...06:56
BrianAnthonyI got cedega06:56
BrianAnthonyand CS is installing06:56
da_bon_bonBrianAnthony: bittorrent ? :P06:57
BrianAnthonyda_bon_bon: it was worth 15$ and not dealing with the bs =P06:57
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da_bon_bonBrianAnthony: ah, ok..07:00
da_bon_bonwin runs CS fine too07:00
subterrificpolypaudio is so cool07:00
AmaranthBrianAnthony: Using hoary?07:01
ms988Hello, everybody. Not very familiar with Linux, and having trouble setting up a printer. Is there anyone that can help?07:01
subterrifici've got it broadcasting sound to 3 different machines, all the audio is perfectly in sync07:01
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itgaAmaranth: Im trying07:01
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ms988Heh, no one, really?07:02
Amaranthms988: I don't have a printer, sorry.07:03
ms988Thanks anyway :)07:03
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mpqI need help with my laptop07:04
mpqthe touchpad doesn't work right07:04
BrianAnthonyAmaranth: nah, I messed up and got warty instead =/07:05
AmaranthBrianAnthony: You have broadband, right?07:05
BrianAnthonyIs it easy to upgrade without having to lose what I have set up already07:05
AmaranthSimple fix then.07:05
Amaranthedit your /etc/apt/source.list file and replace warty with hoary07:05
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Amaranthoh, and enable universe while you're in there07:05
BrianAnthonyit already is enabled =)07:06
Amaranththen apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, just like debian07:06
BrianAnthonyI'm not gonna loase cedega er anything, am I?07:06
Amaranthi don't see why you would07:07
zombicswhat the name of the module of nvidia CK85 sound card?07:07
da_bon_bonwhere does xine store its global config file ?07:07
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Amaranthda_bon_bon: I'd guess somewhere in /usr/etc/07:08
AmaranthIs there a xine dir in there?07:08
mpqmy mouse doesn't work right07:08
mpqI need help with it07:08
woodywartyHi Amaranth how are you ?07:08
Amaranthmpq: Sorry, I dunno.07:08
da_bon_bonAmaranth: no /usr/etc07:08
Amaranthmpq: Did you try googling for the solution?07:08
mpqI don't know the problem07:08
mpqI have no idea why it isn't working right07:09
=== Amaranth should really be on an Ubuntu (or even some flavor of linux) machine when trying to help
mpqI wouldn't know what to search for07:09
AmaranthI'm going from memory here.07:09
Amaranthmpq: What kind of mouse is it?07:09
mpqa laptop touchpad07:09
Amaranthwhat kind of laptop?07:09
woodywartyCan somebody help me figure out why my Ubuntu PC is running so slow07:09
mpqit has an on/off button that turns off the touchpad for when you're typing or using an external mouse07:10
mpqbut it doesn't turn off in linux07:10
Amaranthyou want it to turn off?07:10
mpqthe button doesn't turn it off07:10
Amarantherr, does the external one work when you hook it up?07:10
=== Amaranth fails to see an urgent problem
mpqthe indicator light on the touchpad goes on and off when I press the button but nothing happens07:11
AmaranthI dunno, your laptop sounds dodgy.07:11
Amaranthmost turn off the pad when you hook up a mouse automatically07:11
Amaranthwhat kind of laptop?07:11
=== Aegir [~richard@d220-236-74-22.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mpqit's an HP07:11
Amaranthwoodywarty: How fast is your computer?07:11
Amaranthmpq: What model?07:11
mpqpavilion ze490007:12
woodywartyIt's 450 MHz only07:12
Amaranthwoodywarty: It's going to be slow then. If you really need speed use XFCE or something instead of GNOME.07:12
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Amaranthmpq: I can't find anything on Google, sorry.07:14
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rubixXxwhat up07:16
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AcidWolfok tht worked07:29
AcidWolfi changed the host name07:29
AcidWolfbut now when i log in i get an error07:29
AcidWolfsomething to do with /etc/hosts07:29
AcidWolfso i guess something is looking for the old hostname07:29
woodywartyWhat's the difference between Linux and FreeBSD07:29
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Amaranthlmao, trolling07:30
OrangeSlicebsd is, uh, unix o_O07:30
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_jon_hey can anybody help with installing nvidia drivers, i'm running hoary07:30
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UbuntuBotnvidia is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto07:30
AcidWolfchanged the hostname with echo sweatshop >/etc/hostname07:31
_jon_Amaranth: thanks, i'll take a look07:31
AcidWolfnow when i log in a little screen jumps up and tells me that there is something wrong in /etc/hosts07:31
woodywartyDoes somebody know the channel for FreeBSD ?07:33
AcidWolfyour seriously asking that question07:33
_jon_woodywarty: #freebsd, then try #noob as well07:34
da_bon_bonwoodywarty: #freebsd07:34
AcidWolfyeah good idea07:34
woodywarty#freebsd does not work07:34
da_bon_bonwoodywarty: will u change ur nick to woodyhoary when its released ?07:34
_jon_Amaranth: i read the page, but can't find the linux-restricted modules for the current kernel in hoart07:35
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woodywartyWell I will07:35
=== AcidWolf kills himself laughing
OrangeSliceyou forgot singlequotes and -e >;007:35
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AcidWolfcan anyone help me with my hostname issue07:36
bj_I'll ask when  veryone is awake07:37
_jon_bj_: it helps to actually as a question07:38
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BiteMeBillwoodywarty: http://www.unixguide.net/freebsd/faq/02.06.shtml07:39
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woodywartyThanks BiteMeBill07:42
BiteMeBillwoodywarty: your welcome07:42
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da_bon_bonis kde 3.4 in the repos ?07:44
OrangeSlice"apt-cache search kde"07:45
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KuroiShihypa7ia, still around?07:45
bzbbwhere is the best place to ask a stupidly simple c programming question07:45
da_bon_bonOrangeSlice: no! openoffice.org and openoffice.org2 were two diff. packages. so i am assuming that kde3.4 have some other name07:45
da_bon_bonbzbb: /join #bzbb-c07:46
OrangeSlicehence the search07:46
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da_bon_bonOrangeSlice: search ownt show package version. and search gives /hundreds/ of results07:46
OrangeSlicepipe it through grep ^^07:47
bzbbda_bon_bon, done07:47
da_bon_bonbzbb: well, u created the channel. so just wish to yourself that someone who has time to waste joins it and u ask him.. :D ;)07:47
bzbbhah hah hah07:47
da_bon_bonOrangeSlice: grep what ?07:48
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OrangeSliceapt-cache search kde | grep "K Desktop Environment"07:49
OrangeSlice6 results07:49
OrangeSlicethat should do it07:49
OrangeSliceyou can apt-cache info <package> to view specific information, including what version(s) are in the repository07:49
OrangeSliceer, not info... hell, what was it07:50
OrangeSliceapt-cache show <package>07:50
BiteMeBillapt-get -q <package>   ?07:50
BiteMeBillguess -q is for a different distro.07:52
=== itga_ Format Windows Woary
=== Amaranth stares
OrangeSlicewhoa, unicode07:53
OrangeSliceI haven't gotten that working in xchat yet :(07:54
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OrangeSliceguess I fixed his problem :p07:55
bzbbI just tried to build a 5 line c program and I get http://rafb.net/paste/results/Kq10JP21.html07:55
=== itga_ is now known as itga
bzbbin hoary07:55
=== Teal`c smokes some weed
AmaranthTeal`c: ...07:56
bzbbI suck07:56
KuroiShipass it over here Teal`c07:56
=== Teal`c passes the joint to Kuro
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ellsI have a question concerning Gtk07:59
ellsanyone home07:59
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OrangeSlicesome of us were around a few minutes ago08:00
=== _jon_ is home but doubts he can help
ellsI have a question concerning Gtk08:00
OrangeSliceYou said that already08:00
=== Wolven [~ion@c5100A7C5.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
KuroiShiask your question and then we'll decide if we're around or not.  We're Schrodingers support channel.08:00
AmaranthOoh, I know what the question is!08:00
ellswell, do you thing you can help08:00
=== Amaranth is psychic
ellsthis is what comes up08:01
Amaranthells: Not unless you ask.08:01
ellsAmaranth, hi how r u doing08:01
zenroxhello ells08:01
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ellszenrox, what is up08:01
zenroxnot much08:01
=== Amaranth hides from the spelling horrors
ellsI am getting an error when I try to install dvdrip from source08:01
zenroxells why not get off the repos08:01
ellsi tried, but it wont let me08:02
_jon_Amaranth: wht u mean? IRC != AIM08:02
zenroxlets diganose that errors its easer to fix08:02
ellszenrox, yes08:02
ellszenrox, do you want to see them08:03
zenrox dvdrip: Depends: transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) but it is not going to be installed08:03
zenrox <--it does this right08:03
ellsyeap, that is what i get08:03
OrangeSliceI thought it was a Gtk question08:04
_jon_you need to add the marillat mirror08:04
ellscan you give it to me, thought i already had it08:04
zenroxells you can get it off of thw wiki08:05
ellszenrox, here is what i have for marillat, deb ftp://FTP.Nerim.Net/debian-marillat/ unstable main08:05
OrangeSliceohh capitals08:05
zenroxells ya thats it08:05
zenrox you need all of them08:06
ellsit wont let me get dvdrip with this08:06
ellshow many marillat sources are there08:06
zenroxunstable stable and testing08:06
zenroxall same url and deb08:06
GammaRayin a makefile.. how do you tell it to not show a command, only the output?08:06
ellszenrox, do you have the exact url so I can get the sources08:07
zenroxells that wont help any way08:07
ellszenrox, thanks08:07
zenroxjust casue i get that error and i have thoes allready08:07
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Teal`canybody know how i stop nautilus from respawning in gnome ?08:08
AmaranthSo it's "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main"?08:08
Teal`ci just want the thing to die but it keeps loading back up.. i looked around gconf-editor but couldnt find much08:08
zenroxyes Amaranth08:09
AmaranthTeal`c: Um, nautilus handles drawing the desktop.08:09
Teal`cya.. i'm fine with it not drawing it08:09
dbjhhow can see a file from windows media player in ubuntu?08:10
Amaranth+learn marillat is Put "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main" (without quotes) in your sources.list.08:10
Teal`c<-k6-3 400, 384 megs ram...  just not enough horseys to keep extra stuff like nautilus going08:10
AmaranthTeal`c: Use Xfce then.08:11
OrangeSliceor fluxbox08:11
_jon_anybody else having a problem with gnome causing the system to crash while loading08:11
OrangeSliceuh... no08:11
zenroxells the one on the resporty is broke its missing packages if (i think ) your using hoary08:12
=== _jon_ forgets to add that this is on hoary
OrangeSlicemmm stable :p08:12
zenroxhoay has not broke me yet08:12
OrangeSliceactually, I'm kind of half-running hoary.08:12
OrangeSlicebunch of libs are installed from it, including gtk+08:12
itga_where can I get Hoary?08:13
OrangeSlicebut the system core and gnome are still from warty, and I don't feel comfortable upgrading to hoary until it's stable, since this is my main (and only) pc08:13
_jon_itga_: in your /etc/apt/sources.list change warty to hoary08:13
ellszenrox, i am using warty08:13
OrangeSliceand I have gigs upon gigs of things I can't afford to lose :p08:13
_jon_and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade08:13
ellsI added the other marillat source and it still did not work08:13
itga__jon_: Thx, It's like Debian08:14
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varsisweird, i've been searching for the paramater to pass the Warty installer to use a 2.4 kernel and I just can't find it, it's not lin24, linux24, linux2.4, lin2.4... was it taken out and only 2.6 usable?08:33
Hannes_varsis: only 2.608:35
varsisweird, thought i passed a 2.4 option one time. Ahwell, thanks08:35
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BrianAnthonyhow would I do a full dist. upgrade?08:49
BrianAnthonyI changed my sources.list from warty to hoary08:49
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BrianAnthonyand I ran a apt-get dist-upgrade08:50
BrianAnthonybut it didn't do anything moajor08:50
BrianAnthonymajor, even08:50
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VjazBrianAnthony: apt-get update first08:53
BrianAnthonywill that upgrade the kernel and shit like that?08:54
VjazBrianAnthony: no, apt-get update will just update your apt-get database08:54
BrianAnthonyI know hoary is (supposed to be?) running 2.6.10, if I remember right08:54
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VjazBrianAnthony: after the update, run dist-upgrade08:54
BrianAnthonyI did run update08:54
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BrianAnthonyI'm really tired, sorry08:55
BrianAnthonyI know it doens't upgrade anything08:55
BrianAnthonyI ran it afer I edited my sources.list, yes.08:55
BrianAnthonyI should have included that.08:55
BrianAnthonyafter I ran both commands it only upgrade python and a little part of X08:55
BrianAnthonyor something08:55
BrianAnthonyit was an X drivers specs, I believe08:56
Vjazdid it say it was _not_ upgrading some packages?08:56
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Vjazand also, was the python version 2.4?08:57
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saphi, anyone know how i stop 'declare -x SHELL="/bin/sh"' appearing each time I open a new shell?09:00
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nayfnuOh my WORD setting up dri shouldn't be as easy as this :)09:20
Ribsnayfnu: ex Gentoo user?09:21
nayfnuRibs: ex slackware ;)09:21
=== dbjh [~dbjh@24-90-47-224.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nayfnuAnd Mandrake as well - that was a nightmare too09:21
RibsI find Mandrake to be pretty easy09:21
dbjhwhat happens when you have audio and it stops working09:22
nayfnuI was all set for a nice struggle with configs and kernel rebuilds09:22
nayfnuNow I'll have to do some work09:22
dbjhcan anybody help me09:22
nayfnuWhat's up dbjh?09:23
dbjhmy audio was working and suddenly stopped09:23
nayfnuOK - what were you doing when it stopped?09:25
dbjhi was updating from the commnad prompt09:25
=== Amaranth [Amaranth@ACA20203.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
nayfnuWhat were you updating?09:26
dbjhthe common commands sudo apt-get update09:27
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shock<dbjh>  r u running hpary?09:27
shockthe probably polyaudio got u too09:28
dbjhi am running totem09:28
shockthen i dont know - check if your modules are loaded09:28
=== kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-75.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
kakaltohow can I stop an application?09:29
kakaltoI have an app currently streaming music to a file09:29
shockkillall nameofapplication :P09:29
kakaltoand I don't want to damage the file09:29
shockoh dunno then09:29
membreyakakalto: if you killall it then it will hurt it :)09:29
kakaltomembreya, I guessed by the 'kill' part :P09:30
kakaltoit's under the terminal09:30
kakaltoso if I push ctrl+C09:30
kakaltowould it damage the files09:30
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nicheahi there - can anyone tell me how to remove kernel modules in ubuntu in such a way that they're not reloaded on reboot?09:31
kakaltoisn't that in the file /etc/hotplug/blacklist09:31
kakaltojust add on the end of the file which modules you don't want to load on startup09:31
Amaranthremove them from /etc/modules09:31
kakaltoor that09:31
nicheawell - they're not in /etc/modules09:32
nicheaso blacklisting is evtl. the way to go, since modprobe -r doesn't preserve the unloading09:32
kakaltoadd them to /etc/hotplug/blacklist, reboot, and tell us if it worked, yeah?09:32
shockif he stilll can :P09:33
nicheawell there are 2 computers over here ;-) evtl=eventually..09:33
kakaltolucky you, having 2 comps.... I only have 3 in this room09:34
bjugisblacklist didn't work for me =/09:34
kakaltoworked for me09:34
=== klemmm [clement@paul-sud.asso.ups-tlse.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bjugisI had to recompile the kernel.09:34
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bjugisI tried it on a module called hpt366. So I added "hpt366" in the blacklist file. Isn't it the right way to do it ?09:36
=== JonasNZ [~jbergler@2001:470:1f00:767:0:0:0:5] has joined #ubuntu
nicheabjugis: that's the way i'm trying to now...09:37
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bjugisThen we will see =)09:38
nicheadidn't work for me as well :(09:39
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=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-130-168-138.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
nicheaare we doing something wrong here?09:39
mebaran151anyone know how to logout of a gnome-session by cli09:40
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151I would like to know the logout command09:40
mebaran151that gnome-executes when you tell it to logout09:40
mebaran151(use for goodnight xmms)09:40
klemmmyou can do "killall xmms"  then :)09:41
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mebaran151I could09:41
mebaran151but I want it to logout09:41
mebaran151I mean the little timer09:41
mebaran151that XMMS has09:41
mebaran151afer like 20 mins09:41
mebaran151I just want it to logoff09:41
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elianyone in here using hoary hedgehog?09:42
elidaar zijn eimand?09:43
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mebaran151I am on Hoary09:44
membreyaeli: yup using hoary09:44
shockme too09:44
mebaran151so nobody knows how to make my system lgout out to gdm09:44
mebaran151just by command09:44
eliare you guys using wireless?09:44
mebaran151nothing like logout gnome or something09:44
shocknot me09:44
membreyaeli: I was yes09:44
membreyabut I hate wireless09:44
mebaran151my dell worked09:44
mebaran151after I beat it a couple times09:44
shockprobably something like a parameter to gnome-session?09:44
mebaran151I thought that09:45
membreyai even had an acx1111 card :P09:45
elii have an engenious wlan card. trouble working recognizing09:45
membreyaeli: what does dmesg say?09:45
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-108-151.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
elii try iwconfig and it says no wlan card noted09:45
elilet me try it again09:45
elione moment09:45
elino wireless extension it says09:46
elii tried ndis wrapper, but i have found out it is not readily available for 64 bit systems09:46
mebaran151oh 64 bit systems09:46
mebaran151good luck09:46
mebaran151the real problem is I think09:46
mebaran151that the hardware manufactures09:47
mebaran151havent written a 64 bit driver09:47
mebaran151I feel ya09:47
mebaran151I have an Opteron rig09:47
=== Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu
shockhey mebrane151 - take a peek @ "man gnome-session-save"09:47
shock--kill should do what u want there09:47
elii hope something is done about it soon :(09:47
beezlydang it09:47
beezlywhy can't I have a job where it's impossible to work from home09:48
mebaran151they ported the wrapper09:48
beezlyit makes snow days so much less fun09:48
elithey ported the wrapper for 64 bit?09:48
mebaran151it is just the hardware manufacturers need to write drivers for 64 bit windows09:48
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mebaran151I think ndiswrapper will now compile09:48
elithats what i thought09:48
mebaran151and attach to all the 64 bit drivers09:48
elinice. ok one step closer09:48
mebaran151Windows users have the same problem09:48
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mebaran151I ran WinXP 64 Beta09:48
mebaran151no drivers09:49
elii bet09:49
mebaran151not even for my ethernet09:49
elidid win 64 run faster?09:49
mebaran151Linux covers my ethernet09:49
eliwhoa? really09:49
mebaran151Win 64 sort of doesnt work09:49
elithat must be a nightmare09:49
mebaran151yeah it was09:49
elii thought it wouldnt09:49
mebaran151Win 64 is a mess09:49
elii heard that they had a terrible time with the dual core ibm systems09:49
mebaran151they tried some win32 in a Win64, environment09:49
mebaran151it needs a little bit of work09:49
elii would think so09:49
mebaran151Linux does a damn good job09:49
mebaran151like 100 times better really09:49
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mebaran151if I felt like it09:50
elii know :) i am impressed with ubuntu09:50
elii think the same09:50
mebaran151I can have a 32 bit chroot running in an hour09:50
mebaran151and run all the 32 bit apps I want transparently09:50
mebaran151that aint never happening on windows09:50
elii bet09:50
elii still got to try out chroot09:50
mebaran151the beta was free09:50
mebaran151but I couldnt get anything to run09:50
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mebaran151Solataire crashed09:50
elii would imagine09:50
mebaran151I mean come on MS09:50
mebaran151you got to make the definitive computer program run09:51
eliwow.. thats bad09:51
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mebaran151I woudl have thought they woudl have ported it09:51
mebaran151speed might have been faster09:51
mebaran151but I really didnt have anything to test it with09:51
mebaran151I ended up trying to make cygwin work09:51
elithats true, well i got to run off (duty calls) thanks for the tips09:51
mebaran151compiled for 64 bit09:51
mebaran151see you eli09:51
mebaran151good luck09:51
elisee you09:52
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dbjhi want to delete a database in ubuntu does anybody know?10:19
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rubixXxhow do i stop a service10:22
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scizzorubixXx: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/10:24
scizzorubixXx: try to find your answer there first10:24
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scizzorubixXx: if you just want it to stop for now...just do: sudo /etc/init.d/<service> stop10:25
scizzorubixXx: but you should look at the guide10:25
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shockhey guys - is there any good gtk-based editor for tex ?10:35
shocklike texshop under mac?10:35
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felescan you help me?10:49
felesmy problem is: dparm -d1 /dev/hda10:50
feles setting using_dma to 1 (on)10:50
feles HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted10:50
feles using_dma    =  0 (off)10:50
Gagatanfeles: are you doing this as root?10:50
felesroot@ubuntu:/home/feles # hdparm -d1 /dev/hda10:50
feles setting using_dma to 1 (on)10:50
feles HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted10:50
feles using_dma    =  0 (off)10:50
felesroot@ubuntu:/home/feles #10:50
felesi have no idea10:51
pisukefeles, try hdparm -i /dev/hda to see the capabilities of your drive10:51
felesroot@ubuntu:/home/feles # hdparm -i /dev/hda10:52
feles Model=Maxtor 6Y120L0, FwRev=YAR41BW0, SerialNo=Y34EWY1E10:52
feles Config={ Fixed }10:52
feles RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=5710:52
feles BuffType=DualPortCache, BuffSize=2048kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off10:52
feles CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=24012172810:52
feles IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}10:52
feles PIO modes:  pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio410:52
feles DMA modes:  mdma0 mdma1 mdma210:52
feles UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 *udma5 udma610:52
feles AdvancedPM=yes: disabled (255) WriteCache=enabled10:52
feles Drive conforms to: (null):10:52
feles * signifies the current active mode10:52
felesroot@ubuntu:/home/feles #10:52
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monoxideon the topic of harddrives, one of mine wont mount properly from /etc/fstab10:53
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nemesis_rebirthhi here10:53
felesi have same problem on other drives10:54
cowbudmonoxide: care to be more specific IE error you get and what the fstab entry looks like?10:54
monoxidethe error is something along the lines of that it is not a valid block device.10:54
pisukefeles, the drive seems capable. maybe the controller it's not well supported10:55
cowbudmonoxide: yah you probably have it point to /dev/hda instead of say /dev/hda110:55
pisukefeles, try the horay live cd10:55
monoxidethe fstab line is: /dev/sda4       /pub            ext2    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       110:55
feleshmm, i have asus P4C800 deluxe mainboard, with intel875 chip10:55
cowbudmonoxide: and you are sure that is a valid ext2 FS ?10:55
monoxideit only happens at boot time. i can go into single user mode and execute `mount -a` and it works fine10:56
monoxideit is an ext2 fs, as to if it is valid, mount -a works fine and mounts it. is there some way i can check if it is valid?10:56
cowbudhrmm sounds like a module issue..i.e. the module needed isn't loaded before the mounts which sounds insane for ext2..10:56
cowbudif mount -a mounts it it is valid..10:56
cowbudto be redundant redundant10:56
monoxideits on a sata drive if that makes a difference10:56
cowbudthere is your issue10:57
cowbudthe module for sata isn't loaded before it tries to mount it10:57
monoxidei added the sata module to /etc/modules when i was on warty, before i updated to hoary10:57
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monoxideand the sata entry is still there10:57
pisukefeles, google about linux kernel support for i87510:58
cowbudyah that won't make a diff it goes through mounting drives before the modules are loaded..10:58
cowbudyou would either need to have it in your initrd image or compile it in to the kernel..10:58
monoxideso how would i fix it? it worked perfect on warty...10:58
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cowbudwell submit a bug and tell them that maybe they changed a way they make the images in hoary if you fix it though you will have to refix it everytime you update a kernel..10:59
felesi hear that, the PIIX in kernel isn't works good in module11:00
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cowbudmonoxide: are you using a specific platform kernel? e.g. 686 or Athlon blah..11:00
pisukefeles, I have no problem here with my centrino i85511:00
monoxide386 kernel i think11:01
monoxidebut im on an athalon11:01
pisukemaybe i875 is too new11:01
pisuketry the horay live cd11:01
felesyes, but fedora core that works11:01
pisukeand see if there it has support11:01
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monoxideyea, im running the i386 kernel. i am on an amd athalon machine though.11:01
cowbudmonoxide: well you could try a different kernel and maybe the sata module is included in the initrd..11:01
pisukefeles, what kernel?11:02
feles2.6.9 and 2.6.1011:02
monoxidehow would i change the kernel?11:02
cowbudmonoxide: apt-get install a different one then when you reboot choose the newly installed kernel..11:02
pisukefeles, warty runs 2.6.811:02
Neil3monoxide, sudo apt-get install linux-k711:02
feleshmm, i try the hoary11:02
cowbudmonoxide: like if you wanted to try say the AMD optimized image apt-get install linux-k7 as Neil3 just said :)11:03
monoxideso, will that then have both installed? or will it replace the 386 kernel?11:03
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Neil3i have a question about that, can i find info about exactly what is optimised for amd in that kernel?11:03
Neil3monoxide, yeah its alongside your current kernel11:04
monoxidedo i need to add the k7 kernel to grub?11:04
cowbudmonoxide: nope apt will do it..11:04
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Neil3nope it gets added for you11:04
cowbudhaha the race for answers11:04
Neil3keyboard's a smokin11:04
monoxideim on dialup so theres really no rush... its gonna take the next 30 mins to download... :P11:05
monoxideor rather 1:30...11:05
monoxidethen another 1:30 of updates...11:05
cowbudhaha :) yah tasty dial up11:06
monoxidepackages etc are shared between the kernels arent they?11:06
felesok, thanks, i try the hoary11:06
rubixXxmonoxide): what up ninja11:06
rubixXxmonoxide): i see u switched from mandrake to ubuntu as well?11:06
rexiboyhello all11:06
monoxidehmmmm? i was never using mandrake? i have mandrake 9 though11:07
monoxidenever used it though11:07
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Neil3Linux neilnix #1 Sat Feb 12 01:54:50 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:07
rexiboyquick question: how do i get the "memory" back to term? so it remember what i type b 4?11:07
cowbudmonoxide: when you say packages if you mean programs like X and firefox etc then yes...11:08
cowbudthose are Linux applications that run on the linux kernel11:08
monoxideyou got me mixed up with someone else rubixXx ;)11:08
rexiboyi forgot... :(11:09
monoxidecool :)11:09
monoxidejust out of interest.... the 386 and 686 kernels run on amd, but does the k7 kernel run on pentium?11:10
rexiboyso i take it no one knows the answer...11:10
rexiboymonoxide, why would you want to do that?11:10
rexiboyit would probably run but not optimized11:11
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tgaI'd expect it to run, just maybe slower11:11
fscanybody playing around with xserver's xglx server?11:11
monoxidei wouldnt, i was just wondering.11:11
rexiboyfsc, ?11:11
Neil3well those chips are all x86 architechture11:12
Neil3with enhancements here and there11:12
rexiboywith different instructions11:12
monoxidesometimes my thinking is not always the smartest ideas ever11:12
rexiboymonoxide, just get it out, you never know when you hit a good one! :)11:13
fscrexiboy, http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fXgl11:13
rexiboyfsc, checking...11:13
monoxideso, theoretically it would work, you would just never do it? :P11:13
=== monoxide feels ever so slightly smarter
rexiboymonoxide, yes11:14
Neil3fsc, so thats a way of making x use opengl for everything?11:14
monoxidehmmmm... the k7 kernel is larger than the 386 kernel...11:15
fscNeil3, yes, pretty much from what i understand.  i can't get it to work from a console though11:15
Neil3looks like something to watch11:15
rexiboyfsc, what's the idea? a panther like?11:15
rexiboywhat about resources?11:15
Neil3thats sweet11:18
rexiboypanther is coming to linux :)11:18
rexiboytry DR17 it is beautiful from what i see...11:19
fscyeah, was thinking about E17 cvs, but wanted to try this because it fits in with the existing gnome desktop11:19
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fsci've compiled everything. i just can't get it to run unless i'm already in an existing gnome-session and then it's slow11:21
scizzoanyone else that has problems to get into X in hoary?11:21
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scizzoGDM is fine.....logging in....then Crash...and nothing works anymore...I can't even go Ctrl+Alt+F1 to do a trace11:22
monoxideonly when i had an incorrect config, but that was my fault11:22
rexiboyscizzo, when you get the gdm log into a fail safe comand line, do apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade, it might help11:23
monoxidewould changeing my kernel possibly fix the problems iv been having with my sound on linux?11:24
rexiboymonoxide, did you have a look on the forums? are you comfertable playing with kernel now?11:25
scizzorexiboy: been there done that11:25
scizzorexiboy: I have tried but it seems to be something weird with the log now11:25
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scizzorexiboy: it says that the usb stuff is weird11:25
monoxideas long as its just with apt ;)11:26
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monoxidei havent checked the forum because alot of my bandwidth has been taken up with updates.... :/11:26
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rexiboyscizzo, mmm was it working b 4? to what point? did you install anything?11:27
=== rexiboy got to go to the airport...
rexiboysee ya11:28
scizzoyupp....its the usb stuff that is the problem11:30
scizzobug report after lunch11:30
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Cube-nessgrr.. all the kernels with inotify panic when the hotplug stuff tries to init11:32
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jesperHi.. a collegue of mine have just installed Ubuntu.. but grub failed to boot the XP installation afterwards..11:34
jesperAny quick fixes?11:34
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fscjesper, sounds like he has to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:37
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jesperfsc, any recommendations on how?11:41
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monoxidesudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:41
monoxidedont ask me what to add though11:41
lupusBEI need a good sgml editor11:41
lupusBEdoes anyone know one?11:42
Papsenany bluetooth experts here? I don't get Nautilus to open the "bluetooth:///". I do not have "send via bluetooth" in the right-click menu either. I am using Hoary.11:42
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jesperOk, vil fdisk /mbr from windows-rescue bring back his XP installation?11:42
stvnjesper: it will make ubuntu unaccasible11:44
PapsenI've apt-geted anything in the ubuntu repositories that has to do with bluetooth and gnome-vfs11:44
jesperstvn, that doesn't matter at the moment. Ubuntu didn't configure X proper either, and he's not geeky enough to do that by himself.11:45
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monoxideok, can someone please explain to me why IDE and SCSI support is compiled into the kernel but SATA support is not?11:46
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stvnjesper: then it'll restore the windows bootloader yees11:47
membreyamonoxide: SATA is from scsi :)11:47
jesperstvn, thanks..11:47
monoxidemembreya, then why the hell is SATA called IDE150? and why does SATA not work standard? does explain the whole /dev/sda thing though...11:48
membreyamonoxide: nforce chipset?11:49
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monoxidemine is a via chipset11:50
membreyacan't help with that one then :P11:50
membreyawhat's your dmesg |grep ide say?11:50
monoxidewhat about it?11:51
membreyawhere is it calling it ide150?11:52
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monoxideATA150 sorry...11:53
monoxideand ide is ata100...11:53
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membreyawhy can't people write decent cd burning software for the amd64 arch11:56
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monoxidethere is decent linux cd burning software?11:57
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membreyagnomebaker :)11:58
membreyawell it's better than cdrecord11:58
membreyaand nautilus11:58
monoxidei dont know. i do my cd burning on windows11:59
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membreyalo Nermal  :)12:00
monoxidealong with music, since i cant get the sound on this box working properly...12:00
Nermallo membreya :)12:00
membreyaonly thing I do in windows is transcode divx and xvid to mpeg and burn to DVD12:00
membreyaand that's only cos I havent worked on it yet in linux12:00
membreyabut apparently its crap12:00
membreyaafter Lost has finished I wont need it tho12:01
monoxidehave you thought of doing that in wine on linux?12:02
membreyaonly been using it for about 2 weeks12:03
membreyalast 48 hours12:03
Papsenarghh.. why don't I get bluetooth support into nautilus. I have installed everything in every howto I can find12:03
membreya4 1/2 hours sleep12:03
NermalPapsen, gnome-vfs should give you bluetooth:///12:04
PapsenNermal: it doesn't. do I have to do anything to enable it?12:05
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auraxim running ubuntu warty and i was wondering if there is some kind of application that can make image backup from my hd so i could reload it automaticlly some how later on12:06
Papsennermal: is there a package named just gnome-vfs? I have install gnome-vfs-extfs, gnome-vfs-extras and the libgnomevfs-packages I could find.12:07
monoxidePapsen, reset your machine?12:07
Papsenmonoxide: have been struggling with this for some days. have reset it a lot of times. :)12:07
membreyahmmmm gnomebaker is looking for libvorbis.pc12:08
pybe-lappyaurax: dd if=/dev/hdx of=myhdimage12:08
membreyaanyone know where i can get /libvorbis-devel12:08
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monoxidejust wondering...12:08
Papsenwell.. will try resetting once more. have installed some different versions of some packages.12:09
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auraxpybe-lappy, is it possible to make another partition so i could reload the image if the os get messed up?12:09
pybe-lappyaurax: i guess, never tried. do some googleing if its ok to do someone will have written about it12:09
kroonAnyone know a way to change which ports gnome-bittorrent uses ?12:10
monoxideapt-get is giving me the message: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!12:11
monoxideis this serious?12:11
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jesperIs it possible to do a "fdisk /mbr" from linux?12:20
Nermalhmm.. sortof12:21
Nermalthere is a tool I can't remember the name of or you could use dd :|12:21
Papsen*sigh* Why don't this bluetooth:///-thing work on my 'puter?12:21
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NermalPapsen, try gnome-vfs-extras12:24
Papsennermal: already tried that.12:24
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membreyahurrah for linux12:29
membreyacompiling your own programs kicks a$$ :)12:29
membreyajust compiled gnomebaker12:29
Xappei just recompiled mplayer with alsa support12:29
membreyathat a good thing? :)12:30
mmullermembreya, graveman is better !12:31
mmullerokay who can help with missing kernel-modules ? in hoary12:31
mmullertrying to install the latest greatest savage drivers, but the install script complains about missing headers12:32
membreyaso get the haders mmuller12:32
membreyasudo apt-get install <kernel-headers>12:33
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|QuaD-are we looking at an eta for beagle and/or dashboard?12:33
mmullerdone that but the script says they aint there membreya12:35
membreyammuller: then you need to edit your repos12:35
membreyaor you've downloaded them >?12:35
membreyaerm...exactly what does graveman do that gnomebaker doesnt?12:36
allanfinally i find a almost perfect linux distribution, and it is so buggy that i can't use it. i upgraded from warty because nautilus stopped working. and now, with hoary, gnome freezes completely each time i log in. and i mean completely, my machine freezes so that i have to poweroff12:36
membreyaallan: what kernel?12:36
mmulleri have them downloaded but others mention that there are probs with symlinks to them12:36
membreyaso fix your syms mmuller12:36
membreyaallan: there's been a problem with the latest release of the kernel in hoary12:36
allanmembreya, 2.6.1012:37
scizzoallan: using anything like a USB mouse or something?12:37
allanscizzo, synaptics touch pad12:37
mmullermem, how ?!12:37
scizzoallan: no mouse?12:37
scizzoallan: I mean a USB thingy?12:37
membreyaallan: go to a console and do a cat /proc/version12:37
scizzoallan: anything with USB?12:38
membreyawhat version is it there?12:38
|QuaD-allan: odd, i haven't really encountered any bugs12:38
membreyammuller: delete the old syms and do an ln -s12:38
allanscizzo, i dont have any usb devices connected now12:38
mmullermembreya, huh ?12:38
allanmembreya, uhm.. i would have to restart to check. but i know i am using the 2.6.1012:38
membreyago to a console12:38
scizzowell I could login when I removed everything that has to do with USB from my laptop12:38
scizzorestarted the machine12:39
scizzoand then I could login12:39
membreyaapplications > system tools > terminal12:39
scizzowhen the USB stuff was connected everything froze12:39
membreyathen do a cat /proc/versions12:39
membreyathen do a cat /proc/version12:39
allanmembreya, ok, i would have to restart in linux to do it. but what is it that i should discover while catting /proc/version do you mean ?12:40
allanhmm, on google i found someone who solved a problem with gnome freezing by chmod -x /usr/lib/gamin/gam_server12:41
membreyaLinux version 2.6.10-3-amd64-generic  <--- I'm thinking yours will be 2.6.10-412:41
blah09morning, anyone else have problems with the latest kernel?12:41
membreyathere you go guys :)12:41
membreyablah09: which problem ? :P12:41
membreyagnome locking?12:41
blah09yep, was just gonna click on the link =)12:41
blah09so im not the only one..12:41
membreyanope :D12:42
=== kroon [~jacob@c83-249-198-140.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
blah092.6.11-1 it also locks12:42
membreyamost people are throwing themselves back to -3 for a while12:42
blah09me too12:42
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dtyge1hi all. For god's sake, I cannot install apache-php4-mysql in ubuntu! Please, some help...12:43
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membreyai had no problems...but ive had 4 hours sleep in the last 2 nights...i cbf getting nvidia working12:43
dtyge1I've been trying it for one week, without success!12:43
snowblinkmembreya: just looking at that thread. Aren't the previous versions of the kernel just a grub selection away?12:44
membreyaguess i never got to gnome then :P12:44
membreyasnowblink: yup :) unless people removed it :P12:44
blah09just apt-get it again, cant you?12:44
dtyge1blah09: are talking to me?12:45
membreyajust apt-get the image12:45
membreyatho ive discovered in my 2 weeks in linux..when you upgade your kernel dont immediately delete your old one :P12:45
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=== snowblink would like to thank all you brave Hoary souls for making it safe come April. :)
blah09lol =)12:47
auraxis rescue disk is the right phrase for what i asked u earlier ?12:47
membreyasnowblink: other fix seems to be -noinotify in grub12:47
blah09hm i might try the noinotify tag12:47
membreyawho needs hotpluggable blah09 :P12:48
auraxwho can help me with something, i want to create a cd/partition of the system image with some kind of multi-boot (if possible) to re-load the system if its crashing12:49
pybe-lappyaurax: yep12:50
auraxoh cool12:50
dtyge1Well, Ubuntu just doesn't want to be a local server for web testing? There is no way to install apache-php-mysql? Nobody has this experience?12:51
pybe-lappyaurax: there are a bunch of rescue tools about12:51
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pybe-lappyaurax: most come in the format of a live cd etc12:52
pybe-lappyaurax: one such "cloning" tool I have seen id g4u12:52
pybe-lappyaurax: iirc its on the UBCD12:52
membreyatook me friggin ages to figure out what IIRC means >:( lol12:53
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pybe-lappyaurax: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/12:53
aurax:) thx12:54
pybe-lappymembreya: http://www.acronymfinder.com/12:55
duddtyge1, you can use any of the pre-setup LAMP solutions if you just want a local testbed12:55
pybe-lappyaurax: np12:55
membreyalol pybe-lappy ....what fun is that? :)12:55
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dudI'd really recommend http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html as a very easy solution dtyge112:56
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dudjust be aware that its very insecure by default, so it shouldnt be on a public network12:57
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Alessiofor report spam with evolution? Should i install spamassasins?12:57
Nermalor just use thunderbird01:00
Nermalas it's faster, less bloated, and actually works01:00
=== membreya hugs his thunderbird
membreyahmmm when you compile your own program, how do you then remove it ?01:02
Nermalmake uninstall sometimes works01:03
sylttyusing checkinstall compiled programs can be remove like any other deb package01:03
Nermalshowertime :)01:03
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membreyadoes graveman use cdrecord just like gnomebaker does?01:04
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Joan-Baezi am tryng to install a psybnc on ubuntu but dont work :(01:11
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membreyawhat program do people use to burn DVDs?01:14
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zombicshow do i update my grub?(i modifided my menu.lst)01:18
sylttygrub is updated after you modify menu.lst01:20
|QuaD-i am trying to make a cover page in OOwriter.... how do i make it so it won't number the first page (or start numbering at 0, and not display on first page)01:20
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pepopoGood evening all01:23
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pepopoQuestion Please: I've added cd burner to box with ubuntu installed, How do i get Ubuntu to recognise burner01:24
=== jacquesmerde [~michael@220-253-58-63.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
pepopoQuestion Please: I've added cd burner to box with ubuntu installed, How do i get Ubuntu to recognise burner?01:27
jacquesmerdeare any of the people who were helping me with my non-polypaudio sound problem a few days ago here?01:28
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albeertoanyone awake!!!01:31
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jacquesmerdehey, i got a newbie question: can you tell me how to get, how to get to sesame street?01:35
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dudjacquesmerde, sesame street?01:44
dudisnt that a tv show??01:44
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KING^^^hello all01:45
KING^^^please help me with this : my music plays too fast01:45
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KING^^^nobody can help me ?01:46
jacquesmerdeumm...stop doing amphetamines?01:46
FeitenKING^^^, Yes.01:46
Joan-Baezwhen i compile something i have all this errors :01:47
FeitenTryed changed output plugin? I use alsa-.01:47
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KING^^^yes Feiten01:47
Joan-Baezsrc/p_global.h:953: warning: conflicting types for built-in function `log'01:47
Joan-Baezgcc -I./src/ -I. -c -O -DHAVE_CONFIG -DBIGENDIAN -DIPV6  -DNOSYSTIME  src/p_crypt.c -o src/p_crypt.o01:47
jacquesmerdealsa is fine, its probably the thrash metal thats a bit out of your favoured tempo01:47
Joan-Baezwhat mean?01:47
dudFeiten, fat boy ;o01:47
FeitenThats me dud01:47
FeitenKING^^^, thaht worked for me.01:47
FeitenI'm the fatboy around here01:48
Joan-Baezwhats mean ..........??????????????????????????????????'''01:48
Joan-Baezthis shit ubuntu01:48
KING^^^for me it's not working , it runs too fast either way01:48
FeitenKING^^^, tryed all outplugs?01:49
Joan-BaezThu Feb 24 13:48:25 :Can't create listening sock on host * port 31337 (bind)01:49
Joan-Baezwhat is wrong in this shit ubuntu01:49
dudJoan-Baez, already in use?01:49
KING^^^yes Feiten01:50
dudJoan-Baez, 99% of the time with any linux error, the cause can be traced back to the user01:50
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Joan-Baezin ubuntu is all cause shit developers.01:50
FeitenKING^^^, iam new in ubuntu. So i dont know mutch more, but i just changed plugin..01:50
dudJoan-Baez, use something else then01:50
KING^^^for me doesn't work01:51
KING^^^so ... somebody please help me, one who knows01:51
Joan-Baezyes i gonna use something else. this african niger , they have nothing to do all the day long and write this shit distro.01:51
KING^^^my music runs too fast01:51
jacquesmerdehow come upgrade && dist-upgrade && upgrade && dist-upgrade etc... will keep installing/upgrading packages at each command? shouldnt it reach equilibrium when all the sub-sub-...-sub-sub-dependencies are up to date?01:51
njanJoan-Baez, you haven't given anyojne here any idea what you're compiling and what you're trying to do.. then you blame ubuntu devs for something which looks suspiciously like a problem with whatever it is you're doing (not ubuntu) and insult people.. probably not the best way to go about getting help :)01:51
membreyawhat program do people use to burn DVDs?01:52
SiRrUsJoan-Baez take you crap and move along01:52
dudsomeone permban Joan-Baez for racial remarks please?01:52
dudany ops around?01:52
SiRrUsgline more like it01:52
dudeven better01:52
Joan-Baezdud someone can bann Joan-Baez ?  .. like a baby. wtf.01:52
mjrmembreya, I just use growisofs on command line01:52
njanJoan-Baez, if I were +o, you would've been banned already.01:52
mjrmembreya, some would use nautilus :)01:52
Joan-Baeznjan if there are no africans developer i will have also a very better day today.01:53
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membreyamjr: doesnt that use cdrecord?01:53
jacquesmerdeJoan-Baez, if i were you mama....01:53
Joan-Baezjacquesmerde ...01:54
jacquesmerdei swear trollin' used to be a LOT more subtle in my day....where HAS the artform gone...01:55
=== Papsen [~rolfas@topof.ronningveien.net] has joined #ubuntu
Joan-Baezi will only run a psybnc on ubuntu01:55
Joan-BaezONLY THAT01:55
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Joan-Baezbut .. no, ubuntu will me give 328823283 problems for a shitty one second operation.01:56
afonitin the comand line, how do you cd to another hard drive?01:56
SiRrUswell time to ignore01:56
njanafonit, you have another hard drive in your ubuntu system you use for data/another OS?01:56
Joan-Baezafonit read rtfm and change distro.01:56
blah09membreya, try gnomebaker01:56
jacquesmerdeafonit, mount it01:56
jacquesmerdeman mount01:56
membreyaJoan-Baez: if you don't like it ..or if you are not quite intelligent enough to figure it out / google it ..or you can't be polite...01:56
njanafonit, you'll have to make sure it's mounted01:56
Papsenargh.. after "apt-get upgrade" just now nautilus is completely dead. Where can I find log information from nautilus?01:56
afonitthen I can cd through the /mnt?01:56
membreyablah09: got gnomebaker..but it uses cdrecord and cdrecord doesnt support DVD in its raw format01:57
njanafonit, if you selected it in the installer, you'll have it mounted already. If you don't, you'll need to find out what the designation for it is (/dev/hda1, /dev/hdb1, etc) and add a line to /etc/fstab for it01:57
Joan-Baezafonit ubuntu is developer by africans that are at least able to ride a elephant. but really know nothing about pc .01:57
blah09oh =/01:57
afonitnijan,joan-baez, thank you01:57
SiRrUsgood morning membreya01:57
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Joan-Baezafonit no problem =)01:57
membreyaaloha SiRrUs :)01:57
njannice to see you, Geert :)01:57
njan/dev/hdaX       /media/store          auto    umask=0,auto,defaults   0       001:57
njansomething like that, afonit01:57
afonitthanks njan01:58
membreyai don't have a /dev/hdax!!! :*(01:58
Joan-Baezalso : mount /dev/elephant /mnt/congo01:58
njanafonit, where /dev/hdaX is the partition you want to mount. If you stick that in /etc/fstab with the right information, ubuntu'll mount it as /media/store (assuming /media/store exists) always, at startup, with umask=0 (== all users can read and write to it)01:58
jacquesmerdei dont mean to sound racist like Baez over here, but are some of the ubuntu developers really african? i just assumed they put african people on their promo gear and stuff just to look more diverse and hip than they actually are?01:59
blah09ubuntu comes from south africa, yes.01:59
dudmatt is a south african I think01:59
dudbut as with any major open source project, its world-wide01:59
jacquesmerdean afirkaan?01:59
Joan-Baezjacquesmerde ubuntu is developed in afrikan.01:59
membreyaJoan-Baez: ..please if you're going to be insulting at least do it correctly02:00
Joan-Baezubuntu = lol sounds like ZULU!02:00
membreyait's afrikaan02:00
njanJoan-Baez, cut it out please.02:00
membreyaJoan-Baez: ubuntu is an african word02:00
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jacquesmerdeyeah, its one thing to be racist and bigoted, but learn to spell for godssake man, have you no self-respect?02:00
membreyabut if you learnt how to use a web browser I guess you would know that02:00
Joan-Baezi donno, i have in deny all african hosts02:01
Joan-Baezso i dont think.. can learn that02:01
membreyaobviously you have all english sites blocked as well02:01
membreyaall your base are belong to us!@02:02
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Xappedon't feed the monkeys and they'll go away02:02
membreyaXappe: you're no fun :(02:02
Joan-BaezXappe yeah monkeys leave in afrika!02:02
Joan-BaezUHgu hgguhg ubuntu02:02
jacquesmerdeis it just me, or is it a sad tren, that when i see companies promoted with afrikaan names and people, etc...i assume its just another whitebread american country going for a we-are-the-world advertising niche?02:02
SiRrUsXappe very good advice02:02
da_bon_bonhi all02:02
Xappemembreya, what? I was referring to Joan-Baez02:03
njanXappe, well said :)02:03
Joan-BaezSiRrUs uhuhg this channel sounds like the new-york central zoo02:03
njanbbiab for some lunch02:03
Papsenis there a way to install all nautilus-related packages?02:03
blah09njan, good idea, me too02:03
SiRrUsJust put the guy on ignore and he goes away02:03
membreyajacquesmerde: would you prefer to call it "super strong monster truck world wrestling champion linux" ???02:03
membreyaJoan-Baez: it smells like a zoo in here as well since you came in02:03
MadkissI presume he would prefer "super strong monster truck world wrestling champion superbowl navy linux"02:04
membreyahehehe Madkiss :P02:04
CardinalSinUbuntu is part finianced by Mark Shuttleworth, who is an African, and there are African people working on it at all levels, of all races.02:04
MadkissWhatsoever. Joan-Baez, it looks like you would better be off with getting outta here.02:04
SiRrUsdamm after all the insults the guy is messaging me02:04
blah09SiRrUs, good idea02:04
Joan-BaezShuttleWorth a really ZULU02:04
jacquesmerdemembreya, only if the company has nothing to do with afrikaan than its marketing campaign, then yeah02:04
Joan-Baezunicvilized gay.02:04
=== peglax [~peglax@pD4B9E0A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Joan-Baezhe prefer elephant and monkey ...else woman.02:05
membreyakeyboard broken Joan-Baez or just too young and short to reach the keys properly?02:05
Joan-Baezshort and young02:05
mhyhmm. to get vaguely back on topic, has anyone had problems with the hoary upgrade today; X11 login freezes at the Nautilus stage for me for some reason02:05
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membreyawhere's a script-kiddie when you want one02:06
Joan-Baezmhy the reason is to search in afrika02:06
blah09its a problem with the new kernel02:06
Xappemhy, are you using the .4 kernel?02:06
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mhyblah09: ah, I'll downgrade; thanks02:06
mhysorry - was that in the faq02:06
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Papsenahh.. it was python-nautilus that broke my nautilus02:06
SiRrUsnope mine has been behaving had trouble for a few mins with the new kernel but all is good now02:06
jacquesmerdehow come upgrade && dist-upgrade && upgrade && dist-upgrade etc... will keep installing/upgrading packages at each command? shouldnt it reach equilibrium when all the sub-sub-...-sub-sub-dependencies are up to date?02:06
blah09on the forums somewhere, membreya linked to it earlier02:06
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: u r absolutely right02:07
=== arvykaye [~arvykaye@68-116-110-240.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
arvykayelooking at it right now02:07
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon: how so?02:08
arvykayewhat's this noi etc stuff?02:08
da_bon_bonadd noinotify to grub kernel opts02:08
arvykayeI actually need to try that since I'm experiencing the freeze02:08
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: it will reach equyilibrium at a certain point02:08
arvykayein /boot?02:08
dudI don't think upgrade and dist-upgrade is compatible...02:08
membreyaarvykaye: it's a hotplug hardware detector02:09
dudupgrade will hold back some packages and install some other, but dist will remove others and stuff02:09
arvykayeeek.  I think I need some hand holing, lol02:09
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: dud is right02:09
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arvykayeokay so in /etc/hotplug?02:10
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...so is this an equilibrium i should be going for? or should i only run dist-upgrade once?02:10
=== nanomad [~nanomad@d83-176-30-152.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
SiRrUsbrrrrrr its cold here this morning02:10
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: what do u want to do ?02:10
membreyaarvykaye: no you edit your grub02:10
jacquesmerdehave a standard uptodate ubuntu system at my fingertips02:10
membreyagotta go to bed02:10
membreyanight guys :)02:11
=== membreya waves
arvykayeso, /boot/grub/whatfile?02:11
jacquesmerdeproblem is i seemed to have to run TWO dist-upgrades (separated by an upgrade) from warty to get array502:11
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: do apt-get -y update && apt-get -y --force-yes dist-upgrade02:11
SiRrUsjacquesmerde i have been updating && dist-upgrading daily02:11
dudjacquesmerde, I recommend using upgrade on systems which has a lot of activity, and dist-upgrade on more stable feature-freeze systems02:11
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msemtdHi, I'm a first time user of ubuntu (and of IRC over GAIM - I never knew it could do this!) and I'm having some mouse chaos -- pointer leaps all over screen and randomly presses buttons but sometimes behaves. I get quite a lot of this in /var/log/messages: "Feb 24 13:06:22 localhost kernel: psmouse.c: Wheel Mouse at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 2 bytes away". Any ideas?02:12
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: write those lines to a text file, save it as update.sh , chmod +x it, then cp the file to /etc/cron.hourly02:12
membreyaarvykaye: edit your /boot/grub/menu.list and put kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash noinotify02:12
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: no, to upgrade to hoary, just change the sources.list and do update & dist-upgrade02:13
jacquesmerdethe otherthing is i always seem to have to do a apt-get -f install to get aptitude and synaptic back after a few dist-upgrades02:13
mhyhmm. still freezing with -3, I'll try the ionotify thing02:13
=== BrianAnthony [~brian@130-20.26-24.se.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon just the one dist-upgrade hasnt been enough to get up to date hoary (though i havent added those two switches you mentioned02:13
BrianAnthonyhow do I get the 2.6.10 kernel image from apt-get02:13
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BrianAnthonyDon't I need to  change my sources to woody02:14
arvykayemembreya: heh, it's hda3 on my system (dual boot).  THANKS!!!! =)02:14
BrianAnthonyI mean02:14
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: it has to be. however, after updsating to hoary for the first time.. do apt-get remove xserver-xfree86 && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:14
dudafaik, only hoary has 2.6.10 yes02:14
BrianAnthonyI changed my aources.list for hoary02:14
membreyaarvykaye: good luck with that02:14
membreyaand now ...goodnight!02:14
BrianAnthonybut it didn't find it02:14
jacquesmerdexf86 is on warty? i thought it was xorg....02:15
dudBrianAnthony, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:15
membreyaBrianAnthony: did you do a sudo apt-get update first?02:15
SiRrUsBrianAnthony aptitude install "the kernel image you want"02:15
membreyait needs to update its repo lists02:15
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: warty has xf86. hoary has xorg02:15
BrianAnthonyI've run apt get update02:15
=== neonlightning [~neonlight@S01060000e8894b42.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jacquesmerdeahhh, i guess i should just dload the latest array cd....and just do upgrades, but no dist-upgrades?02:16
BrianAnthonyand apt-get dist-upgrade02:16
BrianAnthonyit only uploaded a shitload of python stuff and an xf86 drivers specs thing or another02:16
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: no... to update any apt-based system u need to dist-upgrade02:16
neonlightningsudo passwd root just asks me for a passwd and then nomatter what i put in other than just enter it says sorry02:16
SiRrUsBrianAnthony so your trying to upgrade your kernel>02:16
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: upgrade doesnt change the system packages02:17
dudBrianAnthony, install linux-image-2.6.10-4-{arch}-{cpu}02:17
BrianAnthonyI can only find up to 2.4.902:17
SiRrUsdid you see what i typed02:17
dudreplace the stuff in {}02:17
BrianAnthonyI thought it was kernel02:17
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...i dont understand why i'd need a dist-upgrade on a hoary array5?02:17
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: i told you. upgrade doesnt change system packages like hal..02:17
dudBrianAnthony, took a while before I managed to learn all the names of the different packages as well :)02:17
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...since this seems to be the only thing about ubuntu that i cant get my head around...is there a nice fm i can rtfm?02:18
dudeven now I only remember like 5% of all I suppose hehe02:18
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: whats fm ? rtfm ?02:18
SiRrUsBrianAnthony and then add the noinotify in the menu.lst02:18
BrianAnthonydud: uhm. I'm sort of a n00b. if I'm on an athlon XP system I want k7 right?02:18
dudBrianAnthony, apt-cache search <name> is good :)02:18
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon.....but i thought if i had array5 i wouldnt NEED to change system packages...02:18
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nixmandud:  i am still confused about kernel-image, hernel-headers , linux-image etc ..02:18
dudBrianAnthony, k8 I believe02:18
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: system packages are /updated/ from time to time02:19
dudif you do apt-cache show <name of package> you can read lots of clever info BrianAnthony02:19
BrianAnthonydud: I used apt-cache search, but I was searching with only like kernel or something02:19
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jacquesmerdeso is it a common myth that the only time you need to use dist-upgrade is to go from warty to hoary? otherwise the system packages are supposed to stay exactly the same, unless they change release names...02:19
dudjacquesmerde, but you'd only really *need* the security repository02:19
duddist-upgrade is just a smarter upgrade02:19
nixmandud:  but apt-cahe only reads whats *already* installed right ?02:19
dudnixman, nope, it reads your local packages cache02:20
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: yes, its a very wrong myth. on hoary, i suggest u use the graphical update-manager02:20
dudeg, ever package thats available02:20
jacquesmerdeso then an upgrade && dist-upgrade && upgrade && dist-upgrade ..etc...from warty WOULDN'T be a bad thing?02:20
BrianAnthonyinstall linux-image-2.6.10-4-{arch}-{cpu}02:20
nixmandud: does that mean even if the packge is not installed ?02:20
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: it would. upgrade and dist-upgrade are mutually incompatible02:20
blah09BrianAnthony, .10-4 has some issues with gnome02:20
dudjacquesmerde, its not recommended... its not a very tested way of doing things heh02:20
dudnixman, yes... all available packages02:20
BrianAnthonyblah09: doesn't ubuntu iunstall gnome by default?02:21
nixmandud:  thanks dude !02:21
blah09but with the new kernel gnome hangs after login02:21
da_bon_bonBrianAnthony: ofocurse it does02:21
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon....cool....i'll stop using aptitude then...when you mean the graphical update-manager, do you mean synaptic? or that wierd thing that sits in the top right corner when there are "updates"?02:21
bjugisblah09: in all cases ?02:21
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: update-manager is based on synaptic - but it gets only updates02:21
BrianAnthonymy box is locking up for no reason02:21
blah09well you could try it =)02:21
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: yes, that weird thing that sits on top02:21
BrianAnthonyI was hoping upgrading the kernel would help02:21
blah09what kernel?02:21
bjugisIt works for me =)02:21
dudeven though its for debian... I strongly recommend everyone to read http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html for getting upto speed on this whole apt thing02:22
dudexcellent document :)02:22
BrianAnthonydud: I'm familiar with apt02:22
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BrianAnthonybut I never know the package names02:22
blah09bjugis, youre lucky then ;)02:22
dudwas speaking generally here...02:22
da_bon_bonBrianAnthony: dud recomended to everybody, not only you. :P02:22
blah09did you use the noinotify parameter?02:22
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon, so that "weird thing" will do ALL my updates, upgrades, dist-upgrades for me and keep me up to date? because when that thing has said no updates, a dist-upgrade has added/upgraded packages...02:22
bjugisThat must be the first time ;)02:22
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BrianAnthonyda_bon_bon: but I'm special02:23
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bjugisblah09: Doesn't know what you are talking about so I guess not ;)02:23
neonlightningcan someone help me set a root passwd because when i try it just asks me for the root passwd and since i just installed there shouldn't be a root passwd02:23
nanomadare there any known issues with gnome?02:23
dudBrianAnthony, you're an individual, just like everybody else :>02:23
dudneonlightning, try getting used to sudo'ing stuff rather02:24
KING^^^please help me someone , my music runs too fast02:24
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: yes, that utility is not foolproof. use the terminal.. u need to do a dist-upgrade every time u wish to update completely.02:24
dudbut you can set it with 'sudo passwd root' if you really want to02:24
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: write those lines to a text file, save it as update.sh , chmod +x it, then cp the file to /etc/cron.hourly02:24
neonlightningnope i can't02:24
BrianAnthonyKING^^^: did you get the chipmunks cd02:24
bjugisblah09: What is noinotify parameters ?02:24
KING^^^what's that BrianAnthony02:24
neonlightningbecause when i try it just asks me for the root passwd and since i just installed there shouldn't be a root passwd02:24
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: apt-get update && apt-get --force-yes dist-upgrade are the lines02:24
BrianAnthonyKING^^^: =/02:24
BrianAnthonyKING^^^: I allways think people are from america02:25
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jacquesmerdeso if i have that dist-upgrade line, an upgrade line is redundant?02:25
KING^^^ok BrianAnthony  :)02:25
SiRrUsneonlightning the password it should be referring to is the one you set for your user02:25
KING^^^but i'm not from america02:25
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: right. and an upgrade line is dangerous02:25
dudneonlightning, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:25
blah09bjugis, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16681&page=3&pp=1002:25
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...now i'm getting this....why is it dangerous?02:25
KING^^^so ... please someone help me to fix my music , it runs too fast02:25
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: upgrade might remove some package dist-upgrade installed02:26
dudKING^^^, its a tricky task unless you give us something more to go on02:26
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KING^^^what more dud ?02:26
dudperhaps one of the mailinglist or the forums are better places for rathe complex isuess02:26
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jacquesmerdeahhh....hence my having to do a apt-get -f install to get synaptic and aptitude working again? it took libapt or something from me02:26
KING^^^when i play music with xmms it runs too fast02:27
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: right.02:27
tritiumHello jacquesmerde!02:27
jacquesmerdehey tritium02:27
da_bon_bontritium: hi02:27
tritiumand da_bon_bon02:27
tritiumWhat's up guys?02:27
dudtritium, you know anything about sound running too fast?02:27
SiRrUsand SiRrUs ????02:27
dudI'm sorta blank on this one hehe :(02:27
tritiumHey there dud, not off the top of my head...sorry.02:27
dudtritium, good good, and yourself?02:27
jacquesmerdei dont get that chmod +x then copying it bit da_bon_bon02:28
tritiumdud, did you see if you need to specify any settings with module parameters?02:28
da_bon_bontritium: i am explaining jacquesmerde, plz correct me if i am wrong - apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade .. isnt it wrong ?02:28
tritiumDoing fine, thanks.02:28
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: that will do it automatically - every hour02:28
dudtritium, KING^^^ has the issue, not me you see02:28
da_bon_bonubuntu ever gonna have a "enterprize edition" ??02:29
Ribsda_bon_bon: no02:29
dudits rather desktop targeted isn't it?02:29
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon  it sounds like what you are saying is that if you ever plan to do a dist-uipgrade on your computer, you should NEVER do an upgrade02:29
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: right.02:29
BeTasomeone knows what software part of ubuntu is in charge of cpu frequency scalling on PPC ?02:30
da_bon_boncan anyone explain why we need to add noinotify to the 2.6.10-4-XX kernels ?02:30
tritiumda_bon_bon, wrong to do?  No, but upgrade is safer to avoid packages being removed.02:30
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...so i do a "vi update.sh" in my home directory. add said lines. do a "sudo chown +x update.sh" then whats this copying bit?02:30
dudthe differences between dist-upgrade and upgrade could be discussed endlessly hehe02:30
dudmostly its very dependent on the system and the variables of your system02:31
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: you move it to the /etc/cron.hourly dir. so that it gets done hourly02:31
BeTais that totally manage from kernel space ?02:31
dudchose one that works for you, and stick to it02:31
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jacquesmerdethis stuff should be in the wiki somewhere...seems to he hardest thing to get ones head around from the end-user point of view02:31
dudcan we all agree on that? hehe02:31
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da_bon_bonwill shipit ship hoary DVDs ?02:31
tritiumBeTa, powernowd, I believe.02:32
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SiRrUsdud agreed02:32
evarlastdud: nope, because some jerk will try to force their views of "the best way" on others, to no end!02:32
tritiumjacquesmerde, there is an apt-howto02:32
jacquesmerdeoh, cron.hourly is a directory. i get it now. sorry about that da_bon_bon02:32
dudevarlast, always ignore you know...02:32
jacquesmerdetritum: does it cover me current misapprehensions?02:32
BeTatritium: let's take a look02:32
dudjacquesmerde, I posted the official debian apt howto some minutes ago02:33
dudit covers more than you'd ever want to know lol02:33
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: always happy to help02:33
jacquesmerdeso everyone agress with you, one should do constant dist-upgrades and no upgrades?02:33
tritiumjacquesmerde, you can apt-get install apt-howto (can even choose in the language of your choice)02:33
tritiumjacquesmerde, no02:34
BeTatritium: is that possible that frequency scalling might be the reason of random low level crashes A?02:34
dudas we just said... try both and pick the one that works best on *your* system jacquesmerde02:34
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon, doesnt that "weird thing in the corner" just effectively perform upgrades, which would interfere with the dist-upgrades in cron?02:34
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: it wont interfere. if u want, use only the update-manager02:34
tritiumBeTa, I guess it could be.02:35
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: if cron is running, it will lock apt & dpkg, so update-manager cant use it02:35
jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...in what way is your cron idea better?02:35
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: its automatic. though i still prefer update-manager - helps me unselect updates i dont want02:35
jacquesmerdeis update manager merely performing apt-get update's?02:36
BeTatritium: that's strange, my PB crashes totally (no ping, no X, no console...) w/o any error since the first time I've installed a GNU/Linux on it (not under OSX)02:36
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jacquesmerdeis update manager merely performing apt-get upgrades02:36
tritiumBeTa, I suspect you have a larger problem then.02:37
jacquesmerdethen it would miss the upgrading i need which i can only get by constant dist-upgrading...02:37
BeTaI've suspected Tc but I've scalled minimum limit to -10c w/o any difference02:37
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: update-manabger is a synaptic based frontend to apt-get dist-upgrade02:37
BeTaI've suspected presence/absence of battery (and it doesn't seem to be the problem)02:38
universaldoes somebody know about Cedega?02:38
BeTaand I've also suspected cpu frequency scalling...02:38
SiRrUstritium should there me a new array out today?02:38
BeTabut am I the only one expecting those problems ?02:38
tritiumjacquesmerde, you have to be careful with dist-upgrade.  When package dependencies aren't met at the time of dist-upgrade, packages can be removed.02:38
tritiumSiRrUs, I haven't heard, actually.  But I'm behing on the mailing list reading...02:39
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jacquesmerdeda_bon_bon...then update-manager is all i need to stay completely up to date? and any other way is just beyond me?02:39
SiRrUstritium thanks i think i remember reading wed were the day02:39
jacquesmerdetritium, so by the same reasoning i have to be careful with update manager?02:39
tritiumjacquesmerde, I'm not sure if it does dist-upgrade or just upgrade.  I don't use it.02:40
blah09look at topic02:40
blah09array 5 =)02:40
blah09or is array 6 due soon?02:40
SiRrUsblah09 yep that changed a couple days ago array 5 came out last wed02:40
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: i still use command line.02:40
tritiumI think he means 602:40
SiRrUsyep i do :)02:40
blah09wow, moving fast02:40
jacquesmerdewith update and dist-upgrade, no upgrades. and with the -y and --forces-yes switches?02:41
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tritiumjacquesmerde, what does that?02:41
tanek_Hi, back after a few weeks now, and can't get sound working (had trouble with it before too), no plugin seem to work with xmms and I've got no system sound. Only tried playing .mp3 though, as I don't have any other files atm :S. I've got xmms-mad and it worked with that last time. Any ideas?02:41
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde: you dont need to type y at the prompt "do u want to continue"02:41
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tritiumI don't believe the update-manager does that jacquesmerde.  That's so risky.02:42
xiximkopphas anybody of you used mkinitrd in last time? mine seems to be broken or something02:42
jacquesmerdei'm not trying to be risky, i just get very confused about what the normal,official,  unrisky, ungeeky, newbie way of keeping ubuntu up to date is...02:43
tritiumMy update-manager notifiction icon goes away with every "upgrade".  It doesn't matter if I don't "dist-upgrade".  I think update-manager does upgrades.02:43
xiximkoppi get no error message or something it just doesnt create an initrd...02:45
LinuxJonestanek_, install gstreamer0.8-mad02:45
tanek_LinuxJones, been there, done that :D02:45
jacquesmerdeso tritium, running update-manager AND dist-upgrade regularly is dangerous?02:45
tritiumtanek_, might be the switch from esd to polypaudio02:45
da_bon_bonanyone got festival running on hoary ?02:46
tritiumjacquesmerde, dist-upgrade in general must be done with care02:46
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tritiumjacquesmerde, I _only_ do it when something is held back after an upgrade02:46
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dudhmm, never knew being a dmoz.org editor were so fun heh02:46
tritiumjacquesmerde, and even then, only after I check out the situation02:46
dudnice with power >:)02:46
jacquesmerdebut doing constant upgrades isnt dangerous?02:47
tritiumjacquesmerde, no, it's not02:47
tanek_tritium, what do you mean?02:47
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tritiumtanek_, lots of people have had trouble with no sound on Hoary because of the new audio server called polypaudio02:47
jacquesmerdeunless i ever plan to do a dist-upgrade of course....so as soon as you install your system you have to decide between keeping it up to date with upgrades or dist-upgrades...02:47
tritiumjacquesmerde, no, not really02:48
tanek_but im on warty :S02:48
neonlightningwhere is the locale file mine is seeming to be set incorrectly02:48
LinuxJonesjacquesmerde, you only dist-upgrade when you move from one branch to the other like warty to hoary. you don't use it all the time02:48
jacquesmerdei think i'm too much of a newbie to run ubuntu. i just cant get my head around it02:48
tritiumtanek_, hmm, then you definitely have a different problem02:48
jacquesmerdeLinuxJones, i've just been told thats a myth02:49
tritiumjacquesmerde, just stick with upgrades for the most part02:49
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jacquesmerdetritium, da_bon_bon was telling me quite the opposite02:49
LinuxJonesjacquesmerde, if it were a myth there would be no apt-get (update)02:49
tritiumjacquesmerde, constant dist-upgrades are not wise02:49
jacquesmerdehow do you figure that, LinuxJones?02:50
tanek_i think so too... just can't remember what I did last time. i do know that my default sound device is my usb-webcam also... and dont remember how to change02:50
da_bon_bonjacquesmerde, tritium: sorry dudes, i might have been wrong...02:50
jacquesmerdetritum, so whats the recommended daily dosage?02:50
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jacquesmerdei dont want to OD one DU's...02:50
tritiumjacquesmerde, upgrade02:50
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neonlightningum can soemone tell me how i go about setting locale settings02:50
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da_bon_bontritium: when installing some stuff, how do i get apt to isntall the "Recomended packages" too ?02:51
tritiumneonlightning, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales02:51
jazzkahow can I know which  version of a certain program will be used in the next stable release?02:51
LinuxJonesjacquesmerde, well according to what you've said you were told that you should only use dist-upgrade02:51
jacquesmerdeyeah, but with update...02:51
da_bon_bonLinuxJones: right. i told him that.02:51
tritiumda_bon_bon, probably by setting a preference02:52
tritiumda_bon_bon, look at the apt_preferences man page02:52
BTereris there a way to disable the auto-configuration of dns servers in resolv.conf02:52
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tritiumda_bon_bon, I've never tried that, so I can't say for sure.02:52
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martin___Hi guys02:53
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tritiumXappe, is your polypaudio behaving now without the #define MAX_CONNECTIONS 1002:53
da_bon_bontritium: ok, thanks02:53
da_bon_bonbye all02:53
tritiumsee you02:53
da_bon_bontritium: later02:53
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martinjh99Is there an option to install KDE after installing Ubuntu?02:54
xxhi all, has anyone started a cyrillic installation?02:54
KING^^^marcin_ant: sudo apt-get install kde02:55
KING^^^martinjh99: sudo apt-get install kde02:55
KING^^^sorry marcin_ant02:55
tanek_how do I change default sound device to hw:2,1?02:55
martinjh99No worries King...  Is it as easy as that? ;)02:55
LinuxJonesmartinjh99, yeah add the universe repository first tho >> www.ubuntuguide.org02:55
KING^^^yes martinjh9902:56
martinjh99What version of KDE is it by the way?02:58
jacquesmerdewhat do all you guys think about ubuntuguide.org? i've heard a lot of mixed sentiments...02:59
neonlightningits helped me its just left out little things here and there that should be known before hand anyway03:00
martinjh99Looking at it now - Not having used Ubuntu before that would make a good reference03:00
martinjh99for installing things apart from the standard install.03:00
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neonlightningi know this is a stupid question but how do i set read write accesses on a file is it chmod?03:02
Ribsman chmod :>03:02
martinjh99Yup - eg chmod +x script makes it executable.03:02
dudchmod 755 <file>03:02
tritiumjacquesmerde, you might find chapters 2 and 6 helpful: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/reference.en.html03:02
dudor +x yeah03:03
HaohmarunewbieQ: I want the latest version of ubuntu install iso, which one do I need 'array-?' or 'current'?03:03
neonlightningi'm just trying to set my sources.list to write accessable03:03
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evarlastchmod u+rwx,g+rx,o-rwx file03:03
evarlastneonlightning: edit it as root.03:03
tanek_edit it through synaptic?03:04
SiRrUsHaohmaru I believe 5 is the current one03:04
tanek_if youre only adding/removing repositories03:04
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trigx300ciao a tutti03:04
Xappe+me is playing around with audacity, a cheap computer mic and his fender03:04
trigx300hello to all03:05
HaohmaruSiRrUs: I have the 'hoary' 5.04 LIVE iso (got it to see if ubuntu would work on my notebook, it does, so now I want to install it ofcoz ;))03:05
debootstrap_proghello, would anyone be willing to anwser a probably very noobish question?03:05
SiRrUsHaohmaru cool so get array 503:05
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HaohmaruSiRrUs: okay, thanks!03:05
trigx300can anyone help me config my video settings with out loging in to ubuntu03:05
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Haohmarups. the 'current' is not the latest version then?03:06
FeiglingProblem installing Ubuntu here :(03:06
tritiumXappe, did you see the update to polypaudio?03:06
SiRrUsHaohmaru the currect is 5 so its the latest03:06
michel_v_I've been following the howto to install beagle from CVS, but today when I refreshed my copy from CVS, it's started telling me it couldn't set extended attributes03:06
michel_v_anyone knows if beagle's cvs is horked?03:07
Haohmaruthanks, I'll fire up a download and get burning ;)03:07
trigx300can anyone help me?03:07
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FeiglingBase system installation error03:08
FeiglingThe debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1)03:08
FeiglingCheck /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for the details.03:08
Feigling<go back> <continue>03:08
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trigx300can someone help me?03:10
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martinjh99Feigling> The only thing I can think of is that the ISO was incorrectly downloaded for some reason and is corrupt.  Hence the errors your getting now.  Not an expert though.03:10
LinuxJonestrigx300, just ask ;)03:10
johns_trigx300: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8603:10
FeiglingMartin, it's a cd-rom I got from a computer store :P03:10
Feiglingit's as official as any linux system gets ;)03:11
trigx300how do i get shell with out loging in03:11
martinjh99Feigling> Ahhh Hardware problems??03:11
neonlightningon the guide it says to edit the sources file and then use apt-get but i did that and it says that there are refrences to xmms but there are no install canadates03:11
Feiglinghmmm, no03:11
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neonlightningany help?03:11
tritiumtrigx300, Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get the first virtual console03:11
FeiglingI have an old installation on my HDD which is causing errors.... but I just formatted.03:12
trigx300the video on the box i have to do this to is so messed up i can see anything03:12
johns_as tritium said, ctrl-alt-f103:12
trigx300should i do this right after grub is done?03:12
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SiRrUsneonlightning update && upgrade03:13
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djk1Quick question: Is there any way to reinstall everything? I'm running hoary, and some stuff got slightly broken. I'm trying to fix it but it's moaning about dependencies, and the reason for that is that libnautilus2-2 is unavailable.03:13
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djk1so I can't reinstall gnome.03:13
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FeiglingI'll just use the WinXP cd to format.03:15
Xappetritium, yes...but I still have the same problems I think...03:15
tritiumXappe, oh...it's working for me.03:15
djk1can anyone try to install libnautilus2-203:16
djk1apparently it's broken..03:16
Feiglingdoes anyone have a light?03:17
Xappetritium, it probably is my nforce2 onboard sound card03:17
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=== martinjh99 hands Feigling a lighter/1
Feiglingthank you :)03:19
tritiumXappe, possbile.  I actually have no errors in /var/log/messages now.03:19
djk1so, I can't install gnome because of libnautilus2-2 not being available.03:19
djk1is there any way around that?03:19
SiRrUsdjk1 doesnt appear to be03:20
tubezeroonethreedjk1, best bet would be to wait a little, if it is a problem, and new package will hit the archives soon03:21
tritiumdjk1, it's available in Warty main according to my system.03:21
djk1I'm running hoary but I'll go get it03:21
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LinuxJonesdjk1, I don't even have that package installed just remove it03:23
djk1it is removed03:23
djk1that's the thing03:23
djk1when I try to install 'gnome'03:23
djk1it says it can't install that because gnome-desktop-environment isn't installed03:23
LinuxJonesdjk1, I upgraded the other day and it's not install on my system03:23
djk1when I try to install THAT package, it claims nautilus-media is not installed03:23
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djk1and when I try to install nautilus-media it complains about libnautilus2-203:24
LinuxJonesdjk1, can you try to install ubuntu-desktop03:24
djk1I'll give it a shot03:24
tubezeroonethreedjk1:  sounds like you are trying to install a meta package.  what happens if you just find "nautilus" and install that03:24
djk1ok ubuntu-desktop is installing again03:25
djk1hopefully this will fix it LinuxJones, thanks.03:25
djk1tubezeroonethree, that doesn't install libnautilus2-203:25
djk1tried already03:25
LinuxJonesdjk1, it will be fine :)03:25
djk1I hope so! :)03:25
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arun_how do i set vim have :sy on by default03:26
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schasiadd set syntax on in the /etc/vimrc if i am not mistaken03:27
chapter3hey all03:27
chapter3"From the Foot Menu choose Panel->Add to Panel->Status Dock"  what would be the equivalent for "status dock" in horay's gnome?03:28
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karimFailed to load image file-manager03:29
karimI got this error03:29
karimI don't have the gnome icons03:29
karimwhich package should I reinstall ?03:30
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seb128karim: warty or hoary ? i386/amd64/ppc ? what icon ?03:30
karimhoary ppc03:30
neonlightninganyone got xmms installed?03:30
karimseb128, upgraded from a debian sid03:30
evarlastneonlightning: I have xmms installed03:31
karimI got this icons problem on debian sid also03:31
LinuxJoneskarim, I have same problem with on of my icons as well03:31
tritiumseb128, I'm very pleased with the latest yelp update.  XML errors are gone when viewing html docs03:31
neonlightningcan you help me install i tried apt-get install xmms and it says no canadates for install03:31
LinuxJoneskarim, even tho it is installed03:31
chapter3"From the Foot Menu choose Panel->Add to Panel->Status Dock"  what would be the equivalent for "status dock" in horay's gnome?03:31
seb128tritium: nice03:31
evarlastneonlightning: wow, nope, I'm clueless on that one.03:32
evarlastneonlightning: maybe you need to enable universe?03:32
seb128karim: sudo rm -f /usr/share/icons/*/icon-theme.cache ?03:32
karimFailed to load image file-manager03:32
karim Details: Icon not found03:32
neonlightningi'm used to using mandrake so i can just use rpms03:32
tritiumyelp is a nice way to read Dive Into Python :)03:32
karimseb128, I try03:32
evarlastneonlightning: enable universe?03:33
evarlastneonlightning: I'm also coming from mdk background03:33
arun_"syntax on" in the vimrc file worked03:33
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neonlightningi've added the stuff the guide tells me to but i've also done apt-get dist-update so that could be part of the problem03:33
karimseb128, wow merci it resolved the problem :)03:34
djk1why can't I remove evolution without removing ubuntu-desktop03:34
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seb128karim: de rien :)03:34
michel_v_because ubuntu-desktop is a collection of packages03:34
karimLinuxJones, as seb128 suggested, rm -f /usr/share/icons/*/icon-theme.cache resolved my problem03:34
housetierdjk1 ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package03:34
michel_v_it's a package that depends on all these packages03:34
pisukedjk1, cause evo is part of gnome03:34
pisukesince gnome 2.903:35
djk1I see03:35
djk1ok, well going to test gnome.03:35
djk1thanks for your help03:35
roammwhy is ubuntu shit03:35
michel_v_pisuke: since 2.8 actually :)03:35
LinuxJoneskarim, ok thanks03:36
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djk1well, it works.03:36
djk1but a lot of stuff doesn't03:36
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djk1like when I go to 'System' > 'Administration' > and choose anything in that menu03:37
djk1it never appears03:37
djk1well, synaptic + ubuntu update manager don't03:37
djk1device manager seems to03:37
djk1networking doesn't03:38
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roammdoes ubuntu use apt-get03:40
roammso its basically debian with xwindows?03:40
roammmade easy for plebs03:40
tritiumyou could sort of think of it that way03:40
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tritiumroamm, what problems are you having?03:41
roammjust wanna know if i should bother trying it03:41
tritiumOh, I figured you were having problems from your first question.03:42
roammplenty of debian box's with guis, no point playing with it if it isnt different in some way :P03:42
roammi was just being an idiot03:42
roammas u do :P03:42
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tritiumroamm, imho it's quite an improvement over standard debian03:43
michel_v_it is quite different03:43
djk1any ideas why some of the menu items don't work in 'System'?03:43
michel_v_installation is easier, the hardware recognition and configuration is excellent03:44
djk1they used to03:44
roammcan anyone give me more information? devel style changes? anything that sets the system itself apart03:44
roammie. the differences in gentoo and debian03:44
roammi dont expect it to be that different03:44
roammas it is based on debian03:44
roammbut u get my drift :P03:44
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roammsarge has brilliant hardware recognition :P03:45
evarlastroamm: its all just linux.03:45
roammbut then sarge owns my laptop03:45
tritiumroamm, try a LiveCD and check it out for yourself :)03:45
roammbecause discover has a spack03:45
roammframebuffer issue03:45
roammevarlast: [taps nose] 03:45
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Alessiocan I say that www.ubuntuitalia.org is online?03:49
Skidhi, whats the difference between universe and mutliverse?03:49
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Alessiothe italian ubuntu community :D03:49
tritiumSkid, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view03:50
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BeTasomeone here runs a ubuntu on a powerbook alu ?03:55
=== SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
universalhow goes03:57
SiRrUsgoes great but I will get better03:57
SiRrUsand you ?03:57
universalvery good.. thanks03:57
SiRrUswe are a very polite bunch in here ;)03:58
universalOk.. that sounds good03:58
djk1any ideas why some menu items don't work?03:59
djk1in System > Administration03:59
djk1networking doesn't work, neither do synaptic or ubuntu update manager03:59
djk1you have a solution, universal?03:59
Goshawkto me work03:59
Goshawkthey work to my computer04:00
Goshawki'm now in networking section04:00
escozthey work here too. Which version of ubuntu are you using?04:00
SiRrUsdjk1 work in mine also04:00
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Banditas well mine04:00
djk1using Hoary04:00
Goshawkme too hoary04:00
Goshawkhoary at i38604:01
djk1same here04:01
djk1I wonder what is making them not work04:01
universallol, me 204:01
Goshawkupgraded this morning (11 new packages)04:01
djk1yeah I'm running the latest04:01
djk1what exactly do those menu items run?04:02
djk1is there any way of manipulating the 'shortcut'04:02
djk1or whatever04:02
SiRrUsdjk1 when was the last time you updated04:02
djk1I stay up to date04:02
escozi'm also running that version, with today's updates, and everything works just fine04:02
Goshawkah a litte question, in synaptic i see the debian swirl instead of the ubuntu logo to the packages04:02
Goshawkis it normal?04:02
djk1Goshawk, me too04:02
SiRrUsdid they ever work for you04:02
djk1yes SiRrUs04:03
SiRrUsdjk1 when did they stop04:03
djk1I think it was a few days ago04:03
djk1I thought it'd get fixed04:03
Goshawkare they going to be fixed?04:03
djk1so I just waited for another update04:03
escozgoshawk, you mean on the about screen?04:03
djk1when I go to networking04:03
djk1on the bottom toolbar 'starting networking' or something appears04:03
djk1the icon turns to the watch04:03
djk1waits around 5 seconds04:04
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djk1then nothing..04:04
Goshawkescoz, no i see any package with the debian swirl (all the packages that were with the ubuntu logo)04:04
Goshawknear the name04:04
Goshawkin synaptic04:04
djk1synaptic + ubuntu update just don't do anything04:04
universalsry, im using Warty, but nevermind04:04
Goshawkthere is a little label04:04
Goshawkin which there is that logo04:04
SiRrUsuniversal warty is good stable and solid04:04
escozme too! :)04:04
djk1is there any way to nuke this installation and reinstall to the latest hoary version?04:04
djk1without formatting or anything04:05
escozthe debian logo appears here too..04:05
Goshawkescoz, yep... it should be a synaptic bug04:05
SiRrUsno debian logo here04:05
SiRrUsthere was a couple days ago not anymore04:05
GoshawkSiRrUs, hoary on i386?04:06
escozgoshawk, I remember those icons were ubuntu icons a few days ago...04:06
Goshawkescoz, more that a week for me04:06
SiRrUsGoshawk i386 is just your kernel info04:06
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Goshawki386 is my architecture (each package is compilaed in different arch)04:07
djk1is there an easier way to do a complete reinstall of the latest hoary version, without formatting?04:07
GoshawkSiRrUs, it is needed to locate a malfunction04:07
SiRrUsGoshawk yep but it doesnt cause the debian swirls04:07
Skidwhats gtk ?04:08
GoshawkSiRrUs, sometimes a package for an arch has not the same behaviur for all the archs04:08
SiRrUsGoshawk cool04:08
acidwolfwhats the command to search the apt-get cache04:09
GoshawkSiRrUs, excuse my bad English...04:09
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Goshawksudo apt-get cache search "package"04:09
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Goshawkops sorry04:09
Goshawknot that04:09
pinsapodo you know if is there documentation about installation of ubuntu on laptop aopen 1556J?04:09
AcidWolfty Goshawk04:09
Confiskeuswhich linux is the real one?04:09
Goshawksudo apt-cache search "package"04:10
Goshawkacidmaxd, excuse me...04:10
SiRrUsGoshawk np with the language but I had the Debian swirls as well and I am i68604:10
acidmaxdGoshawk: yes?04:10
Confiskeusso far i get linuxes but they all seem to have problem with soundcard04:10
SiRrUsthey were removed with a dist-upgrade04:10
LinuxJonesConfiskeus, what kind of soundcard do you have ?04:10
djk1I just went to System - About04:11
djk1welcome to warty warthog04:11
Confiskeus1688 and 186804:11
GoshawkSiRrUs, i386 is for every i38x04:11
pinsaposupport about laptops?04:11
SiRrUsyep it is :)04:11
Confiskeusso which linux is the original?04:11
GoshawkSiRrUs, excuse every ix8604:12
Confiskeusthe finished version04:12
Goshawka bug that is in the x86 version can be not in i64 or ppc04:12
djk1so is there any way to nuke this install and start from a fresh version of hoary? without formatting if possible.04:12
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Goshawkdjk1, i don't know... try just removing the packages04:13
Goshawkand then reinstall it04:13
djk1I have tried that04:13
Goshawk(i'm a ubuntu guru but it seems the best way)04:13
Goshawkdjk1, even gnome?04:13
djk1yes :)04:14
Confiskeusit possible to install windows drivers in linux?04:14
fscConfiskeus, yes. ndiswrapper04:14
GoshawkConfiskeus, do you  know what's linux?04:14
Goshawkdjk1, ok gonna see the menu files to see what's the error..04:14
Confiskeusit says that it can use windows drivers04:15
Confiskeuswhy do they not work then?04:15
LinuxJonesConfiskeus, paste the output of lspci to pastebin.ca04:15
bborkkI found a bug that causes a complete system freeze.  Involves Firefox.  Anyone want to try to replicate it?  I'm running Hoary on a Thinkpad laptop.04:16
Goshawkbborkk, you can query me04:16
bborkkOkay, open up Firefox, go to any webpage.04:17
Sionidei'll try it04:17
Sionidenot running hoary though04:17
bborkkHit the '/' key to start a text search.04:17
bborkkType in some text to search for... make sure it is something on the page.04:18
Goshawkand then?04:18
bborkkWhile the text is highlighted and the search bar is still visible, hit Ctrl-s to save the webpage.04:18
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Sionidefirefox, which version you got?04:18
bborkkI have the latest Hoary version.04:19
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SiRrUsbbork and then04:19
Goshawkit is saved04:19
Goshawkno problems here04:19
djk1or here04:19
SiRrUsor here04:19
bborkkIt seems sporadic, but more often than not completely freezes my machine.04:19
Goshawkubuntu web page saved correctly04:19
bborkkOkay, let's all try the same webpage.  Load up slashdot.org.04:20
Goshawkbborkk, btw, thanks i learned that with "/" i can open the search box quickly04:20
bborkkSearch for 'Mozilla' and save.04:20
bborkkGoshawk: It's a good one.04:20
SiRrUsbborkk you are not using the new kernel are you?04:21
Goshawkbborkk, done with slashdot... nothing04:21
Goshawkall is ok here04:21
SionideGoshawk, why not just use Find As You Type?04:21
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roammis warty the latest ubuntu release/04:22
GoshawkSionide, i don't understand04:22
SiRrUshmmm he must have hung again04:22
pregoroamm, warty is the latest stable ubuntu release04:22
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roammis there an unstable release?04:22
SiRrUsroamm yes  Hoary is the next or in develp stages04:22
pregoroamm, there is however hoary which is that04:22
SionideGoshawk it's in the firefox options, if you just start typing the word, it starts searching for it straight away, no need for any shortcut keys or anything...04:22
roammok, the mirrors dont seem to have it.04:22
SiRrUsroamm check the channel topis :)04:23
SiRrUstopic even04:23
GoshawkSionide, understood04:23
Sionidevery useful04:23
GoshawkSionide, gonna see this feature04:23
roammSiRrUs: i should do that more often eh04:23
SiRrUsyeah i should as well04:23
SiRrUshey roamm are you canadian?04:24
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roammno Australian04:24
pregoIs Xorg 6.8.2 to be included in hoary any soon?04:24
SiRrUsah i see04:24
SionideGoshawk, it's under Preferences -> Advanced -> Accessibility -> "Begin finding when you begind typing"04:24
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Sionidegot it?04:24
bborkkWell, I froze up again.04:24
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bborkkAnyone else?04:25
SiRrUsbborkk are you using the new kernel04:25
GoshawkSionide, got and applied04:25
roammdoes ubuntu have a bugzilla? or bug tracking database? or -devel channel on irc?04:25
bborkkSiRrUs: I'm using the most up-to-date Hoary.04:25
VRockerermmm can someone help me? i've installed ubuntu on hdc1 but need to put it on hda1 but grud wont load it obviously. how do i change it?04:25
bborkk686 kernel04:25
SiRrUsbborkk  uptodate seems to differ from person to person04:25
Goshawkok... gonna study... thanks to all guys.. see us04:26
SiRrUsdid you apply the fix to your kernel04:26
bborkkuname -a => Linux mono-pole 2.6.10-4-686 #1 Tue Feb 22 23:26:31 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux04:26
bborkkSiRrUs: Patch?04:26
SiRrUskernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-4-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash noinotify04:26
VRockeranyone know how to change the boot partition in grub?04:27
SiRrUsnoinotify must be added04:27
bborkkWhat's noinotify?04:27
SiRrUsso it looks like that04:27
Skidif you've used apt-get install linux-686 to install an updated kernel, is there anyway I can get to the make menuconfig part of the kernel config part to enable some more options?04:27
bborkkinterrupt notify04:27
SiRrUswithout it you will probably be hanging in many other places as well04:27
bborkkI hang during shutdown as well.04:27
bborkkSomething about interrupts and gam and whatnot.04:28
SiRrUsyep just add like i pasted04:28
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pregoI've some questions about my ubgrading to hoary... 1st: hotplug is marked as obsolete. If I remove the package, the thing hotplugged will be automagically configured as now?04:28
SiRrUsand then reboot04:28
bborkkI guess this is a known problem and being worked on?04:28
SiRrUsyep its known04:28
bborkkOkay, I'll try it out.  Thanks for the tip.04:29
bborkkI'll report back shortly.04:30
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brain_vquick question, how to install po files?04:31
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bborkkSiRrUs: That seems to have fixed it.  Thanks!04:35
SiRrUsyour welcome04:35
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djk1going to reformat this POS :)04:38
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emanuelezhello 04:43
emanuelezwhat gtk based cd burners are available?04:44
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SiRrUsemanuelez graveman works pretty good04:45
pregoheh, had somehow some packages that synaptic considered better than hoary's ??04:45
pregoSiRrUs, how do you import a session for multisession CDs in graveman?04:46
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thoreauputicemanuelez: http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/   has gnomebaker which is also good04:47
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GoshawkSiRrUs, what about problems doing a audio cd (by mp3s) in graveman?04:50
Goshawkdo i need to install a lib?04:50
SiRrUsGoshawk i have not experienced any problems04:51
Anubiswow kde installs without a hitch04:51
Anubisbut it does not seem to have kcontrol on the menu04:51
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AnubisI still can't play divx movies04:51
Anubisand I thought I had the codecs installed04:52
AnubisI dont have mplayer installed04:52
Anubisbut should not need it for divx04:52
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LaurenceRoweno matter what I do with my fstab it always mounts my windows partition with only root access. I am using hoary. any ideas?04:56
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spaceyLaurenceRowe, add extra paramters04:57
spaceyuid=1000 or gid=100004:57
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BrianAnthonyIs there no way to enjoy gaming on Linux with an ATI card?04:59
pregoLaurenceRowe, do you add also noauto at options in fstab?04:59
emanuelezBrianAnthony: ati drivers are available now04:59
BrianAnthonyfglrx isn't that great04:59
BrianAnthonyI ran counter-strike at goddamn 10fps max05:00
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LaurenceRowefrom mount I have /dev/hda5 on /mnt type vfat (rw,uid=1000,gid=1000) so it seems to pick up the options, but not use them05:00
emanuelezBrianAnthony: latest ati drivers?05:00
BrianAnthonyIt's a 9550 with 256mb of ram05:00
BrianAnthonyIt's the latest fglrx driver05:00
emanuelezBrianAnthony: dunno... i have a 9600 but i never use it for playing05:00
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thoreauputicLaurenceRowe: try adding umask=00005:01
BrianAnthonyEverything  for normal usage is nice and crisp05:01
BrianAnthonyit's shit for gaming05:01
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emanuelezBrianAnthony: play nethack then :P05:01
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njanBrianAnthony, linux loves my GeForce 4200 :)05:02
BrianAnthonyI know I know05:02
BrianAnthonynvidia is good wtih Linux05:02
LaurenceRoweI not have rw,noauto,users,umask=000,uid=1000,gid=1000 but still no joy05:02
BrianAnthonybut Valve recomends ATI for Half-Life 2, so I got an ATI card, and now I'm being done in the ass by tux05:02
=== emanuelez goes back to nethack :)
crypticreignhmm i upgrade to haory, now the wonderful mouse cursours are gone to plane old X ones05:03
emanuelezcrypticreign: same here...05:03
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crypticreignand ugly grren and red circle yes no dialog boxes05:04
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emanuelezmy hoary box is pretty broken lately... nautilus freezes, or it's the new kernel... dunno... anyway now i'm using xfce and burning eduknoppix to write my essay05:05
thoreauputicBrianAnthony: what are the permissions on the mountpoint  directory ?05:05
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hawke_emanuelez: It's probably the new kernel05:05
thoreauputicoops sorry - for LaurenceRowe ^^^05:05
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BrianAnthonySomething also keeps locking up my computer, I don't know why...05:08
BrianAnthonyIt hapened after I installed Cedega, but I don't want to blame it05:08
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crypticreigni dont think its cedega05:09
crypticreignunless cedega has a daemon that runs on startup05:09
BrianAnthonyI don't think it is either05:09
BrianAnthonyI don't think it does05:09
SiRrUsBrianAnthony when did it start happening05:09
BrianAnthonyI'm pretty sure it doesn't05:09
BrianAnthonya couple days ago05:10
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crypticreignno, when does it happen when you use your system :^)05:10
SiRrUsBrianAnthony it maybe a kernel problem which one are you using05:10
BrianAnthonyit does it completely randomly05:12
thoreauputicLaurenceRowe: I notice my fstab has  ` exec` in the line for winXP as well - might be worth a try05:12
LaurenceRoweWhat's the difference between linux-image and kernel-image05:12
BrianAnthonylike it happeneed during start up this morning, it happened right after gnome loaded the day before, and at other random times throughout the past couple of days05:12
thoreauputicLaurenceRowe: none, AFAIK05:12
thoreauputicLaurenceRowe: just different terminology05:13
AcidWolfany idea if Javav runs on Ubuntu PPC05:13
BrianAnthonydo you think upgrading to 2.6.11 would help?05:13
uid_zer0hey, is anyone going to build new language-packs or not?05:14
SiRrUsBrianAnthony try 2.6.10-3-68605:14
Anubiswhen did kde become faster than gnome?05:14
SiRrUsAnubis it hasnt, has it?05:15
BrianAnthonySiRrUs: I don't see that linux image05:15
YankDownUnderKDE faster than Gnome? Egads - they're both dogs...05:15
Anubisfor you not?05:15
karimI got a problem with a alsa on ubuntu ppc05:16
crypticreignkde is such crap :_)05:16
karimit doesn't load the modules and config de sound card05:16
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YankDownUnderKDE and Gnome are both bloated - XFce at least is fast05:17
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BrianAnthonySiRrUs: I only see 2.6.1105:17
BrianAnthonyAmaranth: =D05:17
crypticreignXFce is fantastic05:17
SiRrUsBrianAnthony linux-image-2.6.10-3-686 i just checked05:17
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YankDownUnderXFce since 199705:18
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BrianAnthonyE: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.10-3-68605:18
crypticreigni love gnome, always have.. just wish they hadnt dumbed it down over the years05:18
ellstritium: what is up05:18
crypticreignive been a gnome user since 199605:18
tritiumells, hey there05:18
YankDownUnderGnome 1.4.6 was prolly the best one ever05:18
ellstritium: I got a question05:18
SiRrUsBrianAnthony are your sources up todate05:18
BrianAnthonyI just updated them last night to hoary05:19
tritiumells, ok05:19
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ellstritium: I am trying to do an apt-get on dvdrip05:19
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SiRrUshoary comes with 2.6.10 kernel05:19
ells I keep getting an error while doing it05:19
crypticreignYankDownUnder: i use Enlightenment on my home desktop (its no Ubuntu tho)05:19
BrianAnthonySiRrUs: I'm using warty05:19
tritiumells, okay.  That's in multiverse.05:19
SiRrUsBrianAnthony I just updated them last night to hoary05:20
ellscan you give me the url,05:20
YankDownUndercrypticreign: E17 is almost out....you CAN compile from CVS if you're game for it...05:20
ellsI will check to see if I have that one listed05:20
crypticreignyes i know :) havent tried it yet05:20
BrianAnthonySiRrUs: I updates my sources.list to hoary05:20
BrianAnthonyand apt-get update05:20
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BrianAnthonyapt-get dist-upgrade05:20
tritiumells, url for what?05:20
ellsfor multiverse05:20
YankDownUndercrypticreign: mate of mine at work is running E17- he's a mate of Rasterman....look GREAT....looks so dang cool...and is more than usable...05:20
crypticreignYankDownUnder: yeah I have a bunch of friends that are running it05:21
tritiumells, are you using Warty?05:21
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SiRrUsdont know what your problem is then sorry05:21
YankDownUndercrypticreign: Trying to get all the CVS downloaded to local so I can give it a go...been three days05:21
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tritiumells,  deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse05:22
crypticreignYankDownUnder: good luck :^)05:22
ellstritium: thanks05:22
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ellstritium: I keep getting the this error The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:23
ells  dvdrip: Depends: transcode (>= 2:0.6.14) but it is not going to be installed05:23
ellsE: Broken packages05:23
tritiumells, transcode is only on ftp.nerim.net05:24
ellssorry, can you give me that one as well05:24
tritiumIt's best to check there05:25
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scorpixwhat's the different between universe and mutlivers in the repositories?05:27
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crypticreigni had no idea about the array cd releases05:28
crypticreigncool :)05:28
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js_is there a nifty default tool that allows me to set up my modem?05:28
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trigx300im trying to change the h an v sync on my monitor without editing all the other xserver xfree86 settings05:29
trigx300can anyone help me05:29
Dr_willishmm.. xvidtune may help.. but the question is WHY are you trying to do it this way?05:29
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-23.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
knewtsince hoary is only about 1.5 months away now i think it's about time to upgrade. is apt-get dist-upgrade a better choice than mark-all-upgradeable in aptitude?05:29
tritiumells, I'll be back after lunch...05:29
=== beny [~beny@nantes-1-62-147-42-181.dial.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
viper12changing your sources to 'hoary' and the apt-get dist is the better way ta' go imho.05:30
viper12trig, willis asked you 'why'.05:31
crypticreigntrigx300: sup05:31
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viper12knewt, its the recommended way via the hoary forums as well.05:31
trigx300oh cuz the sync vals ar rong05:32
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Dr_willistrigx300,  but why the "without editing all the other xserver xfree86 settings"05:32
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trigx300im installin ubuntu on another pc05:32
trigx300cuz it messes things up05:33
Dr_willisto get a working X config. I often cheat. :P and boot up a Knoppix. or Morphix live cd.. and copy ITS config file over.05:33
trigx300i mean i dont know all the other settings05:33
viper12trig....if ALL you want to do is change the values to one thing........copy the conf file and change JUST those settings.  then copy the file and use it wherever.05:33
Dr_willistrigx300,  you seem to be trying to do stuff the hard way for some reason.05:33
apokryphosGetting xorg isn't that hard on Ubuntu at all if you know what to do; the configuration is easy, too; simple command.05:33
trigx300and the way they arenow is fine05:33
knewtviper12: how much will not having ubuntu-base or ubuntu-desktop installed affect things?05:34
apokryphosknewt: You won't have ubuntu, I believe ;-)05:34
viper12knewt.........yer running ubuntu without ubuntu???? lol05:34
trigx300i tried editing with xserver xfree68 but i messed up even more05:35
apokryphostrigx300: What are you trying to do?05:35
viper12trig........just use a TEXT editor to change the values you want changed.05:35
trigx300basicly everything but the h and v sync on my monitor is good05:35
trigx300so i need to change only those05:35
Dr_willisand what are you going to change those TO?05:35
viper12trig is either on another plane of existance or not reading.05:36
Dr_williswhere did yiou get the right values from?05:36
trigx30031.5-35.5 and 50-10005:36
viper12knewt, you running a command line only setup with ubuntu?05:36
knewtviper12: those 2 items are dependency-only things. i have /most/ of their dependencies in still, but removed a few bits05:36
trigx300it worked on mandrake05:36
trigx300so they must be ok05:37
apokryphostrigx300: Does doing a reconfigure of x not help?05:37
viper12knewt, running the apt-dist after changing the sources.list should work just fine.05:37
Dr_willisif the config file worked on mandrake.. you should be able to copy that working config file over.05:37
trigx300no cuz i have to edit all the others05:37
viper12Just be careful with the 10-4 kernel though.  It has huge problems with gam_serv (or at least it did yesterday.05:37
knewtviper12: for instance, i wanted exim not postfix, and you have to remove ubuntu-base to do that, since ubuntu-base depends on postfix, and postfix conflicts with exim05:37
apokryphostrigx300: Not exactly; run a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8605:37
trigx300i dont have mandrake anymore05:38
apokryphos(on Ubuntu)05:38
=== Dr_willis forgets what is the command to reconfigure the X server on ubuntu...
trigx300thats what i did when i messed up05:38
apokryphosDr_willis: The one just above ;)05:38
Dr_willisbackup your existing config. and rerun the config tool05:38
apokryphostrigx300: And? Are you on Hoary?05:39
ellstritium: I tried those sources and it messed up my firestarter. i had to go back. additionally, it still gave me that error05:39
Dr_willisapokryphos,  heh where i missed it? :p05:39
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ellstritium: can you recommend another dvd rip program05:39
apokryphosDr_willis: it backs it up for you ;). Just above:  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8605:39
trigx300no whats the other again?05:39
Dr_willisthats it.. dpkg-reconfigure :P i can never rember that command.05:39
apokryphostrigx300: warty?05:39
apokryphostrigx300: Try going for Hoary, then you can get xorg, which is what Mandrake uses, I believe.05:40
knewtviper12: i certainly don't run most of gnome. i still use gnome-terminal for one window, but for everything else it's xterm, and i use gdm, but i don't use any other bit of gnome at all. still have a lot of it installed though as i'm lazy05:40
=== FLeiXiuS [~Nick@pcp0011094024pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisi was thinking the x.org config file was identical to the xfree one. except for the name. :P05:40
Dr_willissame 'format' i mean.05:40
apokryphosDr_willis: That I don't know. I know that the x config file is backed up, however, on a reconfigure.05:41
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Dr_willisapokryphos,  Yea - I tend to keep backups of all them as sort of a 'history' whenever i make changes.05:41
viper12knewt.....my guess here is that you'd be just fine with the upgrade via apt-get..........and if worse came to worse and those pieces DID install....just uninstall em after the upgrade.05:41
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
trigx300ok ill think ill just try the config again untill i get it right :)05:42
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Fleebailey33i need help lowering the resolution from the keyboard. its and older moniter. so boot up it looks fine. but on main screen it just gets all white.05:42
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spiralouah... I managed to solve the two new problems I had with recent ubuntu updates.. Maybe I should update the bugzillas to tell about my fix... :-)05:43
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apokryphosspiral: Might be a good idea, yes.05:43
Fleebailey33so anyone know how to lower then screen resolution from the keyboard?05:44
spiralapokryphos: yeah, I'll do so :-)05:44
apokryphosFleebailey33: you mean a shortcut?05:44
viper12Flee, you talking about editing the .conf file to only select lower rez?05:44
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viper12or some kinda' hotkey to lower rez?05:45
Fleebailey33i cant see anything on the moniter05:45
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Fleebailey33except white05:45
Joan-Baezhi =) i need help installing a psybnc .. can some one help me plz?  =)05:45
apokryphosI'm quite sure there isn't one; certainly not by default.05:45
Fleebailey33a hot key would be ideal05:45
evarlastctrl-alt-numpadminus <-lower res hotkey05:45
apokryphosFleebailey33: Only other way I cant hink of changing your resolution with command line is either editing the X config file, or reconfiguring x.05:46
viper12lmao.........sorry..........just read Joan's post..........Joan Baez wants to help install a psychic..........lmao......had to double take on that. :D05:46
apokryphosthe latter is probably easier.05:46
Fleebailey33ok. i cant even get command line.05:46
evarlastctrl-alt- plus and minux  < - change resolutions05:46
=== Fleebailey33 goes and tries
evarlastctrl-alt-F1-7 <- change virtual terminals05:47
apokryphosFleebailey33: You can, but it'll resort in killing X. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1/F2...05:47
Joan-Baezcan some one help me ?05:47
Fleebailey33it workwed05:47
Fleebailey33thanks very much05:47
apokryphosThat way is far more convenient. Good going.05:47
viper12Joan.......not familiar with the ap.05:47
SiRrUsJoan-Baez your back whats up05:47
Joan-BaezSiRrUs hi , sorry for my behaviour ..05:48
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njanJoan-Baez, I suggest you go to ask the guys that wrote it and ask them, they'll be the most likely to be able to help you.05:48
Fleebailey33now im turning this into a home made tivo. but im figuring just making a full blown media center05:48
Fleebailey33any ideas?05:48
Joan-Baeznjan oki!05:48
evarlastFleebailey33: yes, go buy a tivo, or microsoft media center 2005 system.05:49
Joan-Baezmy psy dont work on ubuntu , look Here is the strace: http://paste.getlinuxhelp.org/845 and looks that some thing kill my psy, here is the netstat : http://paste.getlinuxhelp.org/846, and here the compile info: http://paste.getlinuxhelp.org/847, why dont work:( ??05:49
Fleebailey33but we dont have a home phone05:49
Fleebailey33and myth tv sounds like more fun05:49
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evarlastFleebailey33: sounds liek you have the answers to teh qeustions you just asked.05:50
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Joan-Baeznjan can you help me now pls ?05:50
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Fleebailey33i guess. i just need a video capture card though right?05:51
Dr_willisFleebailey33,  check out that "knoppmyth" (knoppix-MythTV) its sort of a specilized install just for making a MythTV box.05:51
SiRrUsupdates just keep showing up today05:51
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Dr_willis#mythTV guys sort of reccomended a haupage PVR-350 to me the other day.05:52
evarlastJoan-Baez: it looks like it builds and runs.  What is the problem?05:52
Joan-Baezthe problem is this:05:52
Joan-BaezThu Feb 24 14:52:30 :Can't create listening sock on host * port 52553 (bind)05:53
Joan-BaezThu Feb 24 14:52:30 :SEGMENT VIOLATION - Crashing05:53
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knewtwhat's the reason behind this?   The following packages have been kept back:  libpt-plugins-alsa libpt-plugins-v4l x-window-system-core05:54
=== JanC [~JanC@dD577042B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthknewt: Was that on upgrade or dist-upgrade?05:54
Joan-Baezevarlast can you help me?05:55
Amaranthknewt: Those have missing packages or would need to remove other things to install.05:55
evarlastJoan-Baez: Joan-Baez google can help you :)05:55
=== Quazion [~quazion@bsm-c-5628.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Joan-Baezevarlast i think .. no05:56
evarlastpsyBNC is evil cracker tool05:56
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Joan-Baezim a evil girl!05:57
=== bascule [~kenny@user-7474.lns1-c9.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
knewtok, time to accept the dist-upgrade upgrade i think. 536 megs to download; will take a while :)05:57
evarlastJoan-Baez: lol, beware context.  are you naughty too?  lol.05:58
SiRrUsJoan-Baez yeah some of us saw that earlier05:58
knewt871 upgrade, 113 new, 9 remove, 3 no-upgrade. 139MB extra disk space to be used afterwards *g*05:58
Joan-BaezSiRrUs :05:58
=== BrianAnthony [~brian@130-20.26-24.se.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SiRrUsso run along and play with google05:59
BrianAnthonyokay SiRrUs that didn't do jack-shit =/05:59
Joan-BaezSiRrUs i try www.google.afrika but dont work.05:59
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Joan-Baezoh its only slow, now have load me the page, the background is not white.. its black.. ohhh06:00
=== Dr_willis just uses the google box at the top right of firefox. :P
olinghow do i file a bug? this bugzilla is a horrible usability mess... sucks big time!06:00
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=== Jack__ [~jack@UBR-cpe-117.nat-pool.nsad.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu
Nafallobaah, firefox search on google if I type in the query in the addressfield ;-)06:01
olingbugzilla: " You must choose a component to file this bug in. If necessary, just guess. "06:01
njanJoan-Baez SiRrUs i try www.google.afrika but dont work. <= I thought you said you'd stopped?06:01
Joan-Baeznjan i thought you say "explain that i will try to help you"06:02
spadesanyone know of any good gtk based apps to handle bluetooth file transfers?06:02
njanJoan-Baez, I told you that several hours ago. Since then I've suggested that you go and ask the people who wrote the BNC.06:02
Joan-Baezi have no problem to run psybnc on slack, mdk, fedora, gentoo06:03
Joan-Baezwhy only the dark ubuntu will give me problem?06:03
Joan-Baezeh why ? why ? why ?06:03
SiRrUsJoan-Baez there are not many here that will assist you now after your racial slurs so maybe you should move along06:03
olinghow can i file a bug? bugzilla always gives me: "You must choose a component to file this bug in. If necessary, just guess." what is it talking about? component???06:04
Dr_willisi would have to guess.. Security 'settings' under ubuntu are more secure and not letting it run.06:04
Joan-BaezSiRrUs www.froogle.afrika  , maibe you can find a zulu mask.06:04
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aplsinmy mouse cursor became fucked up when i used azureus, is there any way to fix it without restarting X?06:07
aplsini tried to start xkill because i know that will change the cursor, but it says "unable to grab cursor".:(06:08
olingokay... then i'm writting no bug report...06:08
YankDownUnderGads - I used to listen to Joan Baez......06:08
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olinghere bug report to irc channel: maybe someone read this: puredata 0.38.0 segfaults, please upgrade to the version from debian unstable... thanks..06:08
SiRrUsYankDownUnder so did I :)06:09
aplsinanyone? :(06:09
aplsini really dont want to restart x :)06:10
YankDownUnderSiRrUs: That pegs our age mate06:10
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SiRrUsyeah was thinking that about yours :)06:11
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marcosaccept stupid people with stupid questions?06:11
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YankDownUndermarcos: hola guten tag06:11
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YankDownUnderThere is no such thing as a stupid question06:12
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tarzeausay i maintain a debian package, but i don't want to support users who have ubuntu. where do i forward bug reports about packages in ubuntu that i accidently get?06:12
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tarzeausearching for the package in question at ubuntu search field didn't bring anything up06:13
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marcoswell just installed ubuntu and have some problems with sound volume...it has only on and off..nomatter how i pull the thing there..nothing happens....no sound volume control06:13
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marcoscan u give me a hint06:13
YankDownUndermarcos: What kinda sound card ya gots and what is the driver that is loading?06:14
ficusplanetSo, I've noticed that hoary supposedly supports suspend and this powermanagement-interface package popping, but I can't figure out how to actually get my laptop to suspend.  Can anyone point me in the right direction.06:14
marcossoundcard is onboard...a nvidia i guess Epox8RDA3i and sound driver...well OS put the sound driver on it's own06:15
YankDownUndermarcos: Have you checked in the module configuration files in the /etc dir for what sound card/driver is loading?06:16
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Dr_willisInteresting - Just noticed that the Ubuntu Live cd has a 'boot from usb device' - anyone actually done this? how would you setup/install TO a external usb drive?06:17
Dr_willisfriend at work wants to do such a thing06:17
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marcoslet's say in working on linux i'm a bit better than ur shoe..i can turn on the computer and i can click the mouse's buttons...could u please be more specific?06:17
marcoswhat file should i look for in /etc?06:18
YankDownUndermarcos: If you look, you will find a few files for module configuration: Open a term and su to root, then cd /etc, then ls -ld *modul*06:19
ori have a problem in the install: in the part of "install base system" i get an error about mising files06:19
spadesDr_willis: damn small linux and feather linux can boot from 128 meg flash drive, damn small can do from 64 meg06:19
YankDownUndermarcos: Look through those files - you will find something relating to your sound card....06:19
Dr_willisspades,  but how do you install them TO the usb stick anyway?06:19
Dr_willisspades,  seen thse 5 GB hockypuck usb drives  for like $100  now. :P that has potential.06:20
spadesDr_willis: damn small can do it from their live cd, but both have instructions on their respective sites.  damnsmalllinux.org  check the msg board under usb, and http://featherlinux.berlios.de/usb-instructions.htm06:20
ori have a problem in the install: in the part of "install base system" i get an error about mising files06:21
Dr_willisGuy at work wants a USB external drive just for Linux. that he wants to boot off of. of course hes a total beginner.. so i gave him a few live cd's Just burnt a live ubuntu cd for him. testing it out and saw that option06:21
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Dr_willisDoes Ubuntu's installers have the feature where theyc an install to a usb drive?   he needs more then a "mini" linux install.06:22
spadesDr_willis: check on the live cd, it might have the option to install it to the usb drive06:22
kahaEver since I did an update/upgrade yesterday evening (Hoary), my X locks up while loading the desktop. Any idea what might be horked?06:22
YankDownUnderkaha: What about doing a clean install....eh?06:22
ori have a problem in the install: in the part of "install base system" i get an error about mising files06:23
=== SiRrUs is in a terrible state wishes to buy a new pc but cant decide what to buy
=== mf_ [~mf@AClermont-Ferrand-251-1-52-164.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Ubuntu
mf_hi everybody06:23
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SiRrUskaha what kernel you using06:23
BrianAnthonySiRrUs: works -)06:23
mf_could you explain me where can i specify a default runlevel ?06:23
SiRrUsBrianAnthony perfect06:23
SiRrUsenjoy it06:24
mf_at boot, my OS climb up to runlevel206:24
kahaYankDownUnder: was fine til then. SiRrUs: not sure, but I think the kernel image was one of the things upgraded yesterday06:24
mf_howcould i specify runlevel" ?06:24
thoreauputicmf_: /etc/inittab06:24
SiRrUslet me look06:24
mf_thanks :)06:24
SiRrUsyou need to add a line to your menu.lst in grub06:25
kahaI do?06:25
Dr_willisspades,  yea - checking now.. teting out the 'copy media to ram' now. :P nice to have 3 gb ram06:25
kahaSo it's been loading the wrong image?06:26
SiRrUskernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-4-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash noinotify06:26
SiRrUsthat line needs to look like that06:26
mf_who here know eagle-usb drivers pack ?06:26
SiRrUsar at least the noinotify needs to be added06:26
mf_i got a pb with eagle-sub06:26
Dr_willisheh - featherlinux is 126 mb zipped... i may need a bigger memmory stick :P06:27
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kahaSiRrUs: will do, thanks.  :)06:27
mf_eagle-sub script works, but a step is missing :06:28
SiRrUshello Mr. Jones06:28
spadesDr_willis: damn small is 50 megs06:28
mf_DSP loading doesnt happen06:28
SiRrUskaha your welcome06:28
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mf_i must manually run eaglectrl -d and startadsl06:28
linuxJonesany idea on when the Gnome freezing bug, will be resolved ?06:28
SiRrUslinuxJones have not heard and your talking about the noinotify problem right?06:29
linuxJonesSiRrUs, yeah gnome freezing after an update this am06:29
bluefoxicyok I can't make mythtv work06:29
bluefoxicySession management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed06:29
bluefoxicyThere are no channel sources defined, did you run the setup program?06:29
SiRrUshave you fixed the problem yourself for now?06:29
=== bluefoxicy doesn't have a pvr card
linuxJonesI am in xfce06:30
bluefoxicypolyvinyl whatsitcalled?06:30
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SiRrUswell adding noinotify will allow the freeze to stop06:30
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linuxJoneslet me check06:32
mf_hey , i want use synaptic from gnome environement , but when i write the su password, the window drop me and tell me "authentification rejected state1"06:32
mf_i can use it from terminal anyway , yeah , but from Xenv , its preferable06:33
mf_any idea ?06:33
thoreauputicmf_: use your user password (it uses gksudo not gksu)06:33
mf_okay :)06:33
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mf_you make me better =06:34
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mf_could you tell me if synaptic verifiy dependance ?06:34
mf_i ask you because , few minutes ago, i installed xmms06:34
mf_but when i ran it, an inconsistence happen06:35
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mf_so, i need to find this lib , and install it06:35
mf_i did, and its works now06:35
mf_so, i presume a small forgot happen here ;D06:35
mf_for all say, im actually preparing a box for my mother06:36
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mf_she need a good works computer06:36
thoreauputicmf_: your sources list is probably incomplete. Enable universe in synaptic06:36
mf_i did ;D06:36
mf_i can install it so i enabled the good dep ;D06:36
thoreauputiclibmikmod2 is probably the lib you needed06:36
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mf_anyway, its not really grave06:37
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mf_but , i was chockedd because few month ago, i tried debian, and i tought it was impressive06:37
mf_apt-get is huge06:37
SiRrUsLinuxJones work ?06:37
thoreauputicmf_: c'est pas grave = it's not serious ;)06:37
LinuxJonesSiRrUs, yeah thanks :)06:37
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SiRrUsyour welcome06:37
mf_gravemy ;D06:37
restrexwho have compiled beagle on hoary?06:38
mf_what hoary ?06:38
restrexthe actually hoary xDD06:38
mf_huh ?06:38
mf_sarge ? :D06:38
thoreauputicmf_: this isn't Debian06:38
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mf_yeah i know06:39
SiRrUsmf_ coming version Ubuntu06:39
mf_instable so ... :p06:39
tritiummmh, back from lunch am I.  good it was06:39
mf_okay i need explain06:39
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mf_i got a tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)06:39
basculetritium: *chuckle* You little green person you06:39
mf_but i dont see any call to it in /etc/fstab06:39
tritiumbascule, :)06:39
mf_who this ram disk is called ?06:40
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Dr_willislol - the 128mb feather linux. isent fitting on my 128mb flash drive06:40
restrexwell.. I'm having problems doing the 'classic' configure: configure: error: Library requirements (gtk-sharp glade-sharp gecko-sharp = 0.6 gnome-sharp dbus-sharp >= 0.23.1 gconf-sharp gmime-sharp >= 2.1.11)06:40
eikkewhats the script thats executed at first reboot called? I need to run it once more, or have some other way to autoconfigure X06:40
restrexcompilng beagle....06:40
eikkerestrex: in #dashboard there are ubuntu and beagle users06:40
restrexeikke ok at gimp irc server?06:41
restrexI'm gonna go there now tnx06:41
eikkerestrex: yes gimpnet06:41
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thoreauputiceikke: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  ( or xserver-xorg  for hoary)06:42
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eikkethoreauputic: then it wants me to configure everything manually06:42
eikkebut that other thing did it automagically ;)06:42
trigx300it worked06:42
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TarkusWhat is the difference between linux and windows??06:43
hawke_Tarkus: Nothing.06:43
nanomadis the new kernel still broken06:43
thoreauputichaha - where to start?06:43
knewteikke: base-config06:43
hawke_What's the difference between bitchx and linux?06:43
nanomadTarkus: freedom....06:43
eikkeknewt: seems to be that one, thanks :)06:44
thoreauputicTarkus: one is an operating system; the other is a strategy for maximising profit06:44
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evarlastTarkus: about 2 billion users06:45
Dr_willisaha! - silly gnome deleted the files off my usb drive... into the trash - that was still on the usb drive. :P06:45
Dr_willissilly .hidden files.06:45
basculescatters them everywhere06:45
Dr_willisif they had a trash icon on the drive.. i would of seen that sooner. :P06:45
Tarkusis it possible for me to run linux and windows at same time??06:45
Dr_willisTarkus,  with linux all things are possible..06:46
Dr_willisbut may not be excactly HOW you want to do that task.06:46
basculeon same drive yes, using vmware yes, with a partitioning CPU mainframe yes, else no06:46
=== njan [~james@62-249-201-66.adsl.entanet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
evarlastnor as easy as you wish it were.06:47
Dr_willisor specific applications with wine/cedega or other tricks.06:47
nanomadTarkus, with linux you CAN learn something...06:47
njanThis is an odd one..06:47
njanI just dist-upgraded and rebooted and all of a sudden the alsa sound quality on my system is absolutely dreadful06:47
njansame kernel, same apps, same settings for alsa.. but absolutely abominable sound quality.. to the point of being unlistenable to, it's that broken up and distorted..06:47
trigx300im trying to access my win partition but its reed only. does anyone know how i can change this?06:48
Tarkusis linux more expensive than windows??06:48
trigx300its fat3206:48
nanomadnjan, strange, i'm listening to the music right now and sound is perfect....06:48
nanomadTarkus, are u joking??????06:48
thoreauputicTarkus: err.. no06:48
eikkeknewt: X config has not been updated :s06:48
njannanomad, I'm guessing this is something specific to do with alsa. Iw ouldn't be surprised if hoary on another machine were fine :/06:48
Dr_willisubuntu is free. :p06:48
basculetrigx300: change the umask to 006:48
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basculeubuntuguide.org has detailed information06:49
Tarkuscause iv paid a lot of money for all my windows software, would i be able to use it on linux??06:49
js_is anybody here using a winmodem?06:49
nanomadnjan, have u tried reconfiguring it?06:49
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Dr_willisjs_,  thers's 1000 variations of winmodems out.06:49
trigx300linuhow do i do that?06:49
thoreauputicTarkus: mostly not, without much fiddling about anyway06:49
Dr_willisjs_,  some can work.. some cant in linux.06:49
nanomadTarkus, not all the software, but u can find a lot more programs for free for linux06:49
Dr_willisdepends on the exact type/brand/chipset.06:49
thoreauputicTarkus: just as win apps won't run on a Mac06:50
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js_Dr_willis: i think i found that there is support for this modem.. the question is does ubuntu have such drivers includeD?06:50
njannanomad, dpkg-reconfigure isn't terribly helpful on that count06:50
njannanomad, what version of alsa-base and alsa-utils do you have?06:50
Dr_willisjs_, check the topic and that userguide. its very well written and proberly covers it06:51
Tarkuswhat are the disadvantages when using linux instead of windows??06:51
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nanomadnjan, wait a moment, i'll check06:51
njanTarkus, windows applications don't run under linux unless they're ported or you use wine/crossover office/winex/etc06:51
njanTarkus, that's really the only significant drawback.06:51
thoreauputicTarkus: you need to read and learn more: whether that's a disadvantage depends on your attitude to it I guess06:52
stistihow get my trash on nautilus desktop ???06:52
stistiand my home folder / HDD /06:52
kahaTarkus: mainly games, although many Windows games run fine under wine/winex06:52
Tarkusok, well i dont play games06:52
scorpixwhere can i get support for ubuntu in the servers?06:53
thoreauputicTarkus: Linux gives you complete control over everything in a way that windows can't06:53
Tarkusim more into web proggraming and scripting languages06:53
Tarkushow so?06:53
thoreauputicTarkus: everything is open: you can lookat source code etc06:53
kahaTarkus: Linux lets you "get under the hood", and Windows doesn't.06:53
Tarkussweet, so i can basicaly edit the whole system??06:54
thoreauputicTarkus: yep06:54
kahaTotal Freedom.  :)06:54
Dr_willishmm. My 128mb flash drive - has 116 mb free.. :P that Feather Linux need 121mb. *sigh*06:54
Dr_willisheh heh06:54
TarkusThats pretty sick, is it possible for me to choose at startup to run in Linux or in Windows??06:54
thoreauputicTarkus: if you are so inclined, you can even build your own linux (linux from Scratch)06:54
thoreauputicTarkus: dual boot? Sure06:55
kahaTarkus: yes. Or any other OS06:55
evarlastyou could even rename it to tarkusix, and make your own OS.06:55
nanomadnjan, alsa-base:106:55
SiRrUsstisti applications/systemtools/configuration editor/apps/nautilus/desktop/  change false to true06:55
kahaGive it a Mac looking GUI, and call it "Aquatarkus"06:56
=== evarlast registers evarix.com and releases rebranded ubuntu as evarix with rebranded linux kernel as evarix. LOL.
kaha*old ELP freak*06:56
nanomadnjan, alsa-base:1.0.8-4ubuntu106:56
Tarkusawesome, cause i really wanna try linux, but just incase i prefer windows would it be possible for me to switch back to windows without having to reinstall the whole OS and lose my files??06:56
thoreauputickaha: or a WinXp  GUI and call it ToyLix ;)06:56
nanomadnjan, alsa-util:1.0.8-1ubuntu106:57
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DelgulTarkus: You make a dual boot machine...it happens automagically if you have windows installed06:57
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Neil3Tarkus, you can try the live cd!06:57
nanomadTarkus, if u want u can try a live cd06:57
joeblow1234Does anyone know which command I have to issue to get the Gnome CD/DVD Creator to come up, it isnt on its own06:57
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TarkusNeil3: live cd?06:57
bluefoxicyyou know what06:57
nanomadNeil3, u are too fast06:58
Neil3live cd06:58
thoreauputicTarkus: takes a while to learn Linux - give it a good shot: at first everything will seem different06:58
bluefoxicyI have a way to quickly aceclerate cleanup of the system and remove tons of stuff06:58
bluefoxicydeborphan -an | grep perl06:58
Neil3its a cd you put in your machine and it boots into a complete linux system and loads itself into ram06:58
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Neil3you dont need a hard disk to try it06:58
Neil3lets you mess around06:58
bluefoxicyI've removed like 150 megs of perl packages already that were installed for programs I've removed but still stay installed06:58
Neil3and once you reboot, you're back to windows or whatever os you have06:59
TarkusNeil3: how do i get one?06:59
bluefoxicylivecds are awesome06:59
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trigx300anyone know somthin about freevo06:59
joeblow1234I think the command was like gnome-cd-creator but i can't find that on my system06:59
kahaTarkus: download the iso and burn a disc06:59
eikkedoes *someone* know the name of that "first boot configuration" script?07:00
joeblow1234ah....found it.... nautilus-cd-burner07:00
Tarkusok, thanks alot :)07:00
Neil3no problem, enjot07:00
kahaeikke: you mean /boot/grub/menu.lst?07:00
eikkekaha: no, XF86Config-4 :)07:01
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Tarkusis it frence??07:01
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Neil3should be in english07:02
nanomadno, english (but it is multilanguage too)07:02
netmonkcan anyone please point me to a good guide about skype and linux(ubuntu)? I connect ok, but have no sound...07:02
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max300dose anyone know how to use an emulator forps2?????=07:03
trigx300halllo max07:04
Tarkuswhat do i download to get a live cd?07:04
max300david go fuck urself07:04
trigx300hey none of that in here07:05
Neil3depends on your cpu07:05
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trigx300this isnt that kind of chat07:05
max300dose anyone know how to use a ps2 emu.07:05
Neil3those filthy italians!!!07:05
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max300im italian07:05
nanomadme too...07:06
nanomadwe aren't all the same07:06
Neil3max300 is enforcing a bad stereotype :(07:06
nanomadmax300, go to #ubuntu-it07:06
trigx300I agree07:06
nanomadNeil3, i see....07:06
max300can u repete that in english07:06
trigx300i think ill go upstairs and kick his ass07:06
nanomadvai nel canale #ubuntu-it07:06
max300ci sono gia andato07:07
trigx300write /join #ubuntu.it07:07
trigx300i mean write /join #ubuntu-it07:08
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nanomadhe already went there...07:08
max300k im here+07:10
nanomadme too07:10
max300wat do i doo07:10
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nanomadchat in the OTHER channel. parla in #ubuntu-it07:11
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thoreauputictrigx300,max300,  duplication is all very well, but it's a bit transparent, isn't it?07:12
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d33pwhat happened with the fglrx-driver package that is in http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto? how can I install the ati drivers into my ubuntu know?07:14
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nandiany one knows the "unable to find ubuntu via gethostname() error in sudo07:15
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thoreauputicnandi: you've changed your hostname, right?07:15
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thoreauputichmm - quick visit !07:16
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DeusHow supprotive is ubuntu with wlan cards07:16
d33pwhy in ubuntuguide.org there is help for nvidia drivers but not for ati? :(07:16
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PacoBCNubuntuguide isn't official07:17
thoreauputicd33p: ask the author07:17
relDeus, as supportive as ndiswrapper and others are I guess07:17
PacoBCNhowever you will find help about ATI cards in the forum07:17
PacoBCNeven some howto07:17
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d33pPacoBCN, thanks going to search the forum07:17
PacoBCNd33p ;)07:18
d33pthoreauputic, no prob, just wondering07:18
thoreauputicd33p: :)07:18
PacoBCNhey, people, I have a question07:18
DeusWhere can i change the startup to logon with kde07:18
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PacoBCNdo you know about any way to deal with monkey's audio files? Ape and cue?07:18
d33pPacoBCN, ubuntuforums.org you meant?07:19
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PacoBCNd33p, yes07:19
d33pPacoBCN, ok thanks07:19
trigx300Thoreaputic- duplication?07:19
PacoBCNd33p: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3567&highlight=howto+ati07:19
trigx300what do you mean?07:20
njanhmm. How would I find out what the previous version of alsa-base to this one was in order to reverT?07:21
=== njan has been spoilt with gentoo-portage.com :/
njannm, got it :)07:22
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d33pPacoBCN, it mentions the wiki page that says to install flgx-driver but my apt-cache doesn't found suck package nor none similar07:23
d33pPacoBCN, eres de barcelona?07:23
PacoBCNd33p, as es07:24
d33pPacoBCN, yo soy un canario viviendo en madrid =)07:24
PacoBCNd33p, encantado, y suerte con Ubuntu, que es un placer de distro ;)07:25
d33pPacoBCN, llevo meses con ella pero hoy he empezado a aprender a programar opengl y claro... ahora si necesito el driver de ati07:25
d33pcreo que llevo desde octubre del a?o pasado07:25
Tarkusif i am using windows XP proffesional, Pentium4, 2.8GHz, 500MB RAM, 80GB HDD, geForce MX 4000. What should i download to burn onto a cd to make a Live CD??07:26
PacoBCNas es07:26
PacoBCNpero algunos lo tenamos antes07:26
PacoBCNtenamos la testing07:26
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nanomadHave u got a cd burner?07:26
d33pPacoBCN, afortunado ;)07:26
nanomadso, assuming u have nero.....07:26
PacoBCNno, me enter por casualidad justo cuando quera probar una distro nueva07:27
Tarkuswhat should i download tho?07:27
d33pPacoBCN, que casualidad, me alegro, es muy buena...07:27
d33pPacoBCN, tienes una tarjeta ati?07:27
nanomadjust try to download the iso....07:27
nanomadand then burn it07:27
nanomadsimple ....07:27
Tarkuslol, i dont know where it is07:27
nanomadok, i will post the link then. wait a minut07:27
Tarkusok thank you nanomad07:28
d33pPacoBCN, tal vez no tengo las fuentes necesarias para tener ese paquete... me pegas tu apt-sources en un privado?07:28
PacoBCNno, una nvidia07:28
PacoBCNestoy en hoary, yo07:28
d33pPacoBCN, creo que tambien07:28
nanomadTarkus,  Are u from Canada (so i can choose the best mirror...)?07:28
Tarkusi am in Canada/Quebec/montreal07:29
PacoBCNescribe "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"07:29
d33pPacoBCN, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main universe multiverse07:29
d33pPacoBCN, hoary si07:29
siggletTarkus: you do any goose or duck hunting up there?07:29
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nanomadok here is the link:07:30
PacoBCNok, te las pego07:30
d33pPacoBCN, ok gracias07:30
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ubuntudaveHi all - can anyone help with apt-get problem?07:31
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siggletubuntud00d: ask07:31
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ubuntudavegetting 'broken pipe' and 'error code (1)' with apache stuff07:32
siggletor fresh install of apache stuff?07:32
ubuntudaveinstalling apache07:32
ubuntudavefollowing guide at ubuntuguide.org07:32
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ubuntudavefresh but was adding php apache when problem occured07:33
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ubuntudaveis there a way to rollback all apach/php installs and rety?07:34
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siggletapt-get --purge remove packagename07:35
siggletthat will remove even the config files ubuntud00d07:35
ubuntudaveokay going to give that a go now - thanks sigglet07:35
neighborleeanyone yet why gftp isn't installable anymore and if a fix is in order ? ;-))07:35
neighborlee-know- why ..;-))07:36
siggletneighborlee: what do you mean isn't installable anymore07:36
siggletI still have it07:36
neighborleeit will not install in synaptic07:36
siggletjust upgraded it 2 days ago as a matter of fact07:36
siggletwhat version?07:36
neighborleeI get errors about wrong vesrions of programs07:36
siggletsig@idaho:~ $ gftp -v07:36
siggletgFTP 2.0.1707:36
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siggletneighborlee: you can try this: apt-get --purge remove gftp07:37
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siggletand then: apt-get install gftp07:37
neighborleesigglet, ok07:37
siggletneighborlee: you using hoary?07:37
eikkehow to tell apt-get I'm not on hdc but on hdb now, which makes it error out when trtying to generate an initrd?07:37
neighborleesigglet, nope07:37
neighborleealthough i'm aware its borked in hoary..seems what borked it there borks in everywhere ;(07:38
siggletneighborlee: well try the: apt-get --purge remvoe gftp     then: apt-get install gftp07:38
neighborleek here goes07:38
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ubuntudavesigglet, 'E: Command line option 'p' [from -purge]  is not known.07:38
neighborleesigglet, no luck same errors07:38
neighborleeshould I pm you or paste here or in #flood or...07:39
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siggletapt-get --purge remove gftp07:39
neighborleesigglet, yes thats what I used07:39
neighborleemade no difference07:39
siggletlet me see the output from your cmd line07:39
neighborleehere ?07:39
siggletin #linuxdojo would be fine07:40
thor|afkapt-get remove --purge07:40
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=== Kallicat looks around
Kallicatanyone know about setting up hotsync for a Palm?07:43
ubuntudaveif i run apt-get i get told "You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:07:43
ubuntudaveThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:43
ubuntudave  apache-common: Depends: apache-utils (>= 1.3.33-3)07:43
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kingsleyWhat's the proper way to disable xscreensaver?07:44
ubuntudavebut if i do that i get the error: " trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/htpasswd', which is also in package apache2-utilsdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)07:45
ubuntudaveErrors were encountered while processing:07:45
ubuntudave /var/cache/apt/archives/apache-utils_1.3.33-3_i386.deb"07:45
ubuntudavedoes anyone have any ideas?07:45
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Confiskeuswhat is the ununtu clan?07:45
Zindarubuntudave: try to remove apache2-utils... then retry07:48
ubuntudaveZindar, trying that as we speak - i seem to be ending up in 'dependency' cycles and unable to remove anything =/07:49
Tarkuscan u minimize the windows you have open in linux?07:49
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Zindartarkus: of course07:50
nandi2 questions07:50
ubuntudave"The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:50
ubuntudave  apache-common: Depends: apache-utils (>= 1.3.33-3)07:50
ubuntudave  apache2-common: Depends: apache2-utils (= 2.0.53-4ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed"07:50
nandisudo error in warty07:50
nandi"unable to find ubuntu via gethostname()07:50
Zindarubuntudave: remove apache-common, apache-utils....07:50
Zindarfor starter07:50
Zindarnandi: check your /etc/hosts... do you have "ubuntu" in there?07:51
ubuntudaveZindar, apache-common remove fails: "The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:51
ubuntudave  libapache-mod-php4: Depends: apache-common (>= 1.3.33) but it is not going to be installed"07:51
nandiif yes then what07:51
Zindarnandi: type "host ubuntu"07:51
Zindarubuntudave: well.. do you want apache1 or 2? if 2, then remove everything that depends on apache-common07:52
nandiZindar: can i login in cli instead of gui07:52
ubuntudaveZindar, i'd go for 2 - but it seems impossible to remove the dependencies =/07:52
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Zindarnandi: sure.. what's that has to do with anything07:52
Zindarubuntudave: no.. it's doable... are you using apt-get remove?07:53
ubuntudaveyeah - 'sudo apt-get --purge remove X'07:53
nandiZindar: I am a old slack user hence the cli questiom07:53
Zindarubuntudave: if your dependencies are really messed up, sometimes it helps running "dpkg -r"... if it's "-r".. this so07:53
Zindarnandi: sure.. go ahead07:53
blah09i have a question for the xfce users present =)07:53
ubuntudaveokay thx will play about a bit more07:54
nandiZindar: how do i do it07:54
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nandiZindar: instead of directly going to gnome let it go to cli07:55
Zindarnandi: rm /etc/rc2.d/*gdm07:55
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ubuntudavehey Zindar thanks - seems to have removed everything now07:58
Zindardave: good :)07:59
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xbaezi'm a new user of ubuntu :)08:01
Kallicatsame here... can't get my palm to sync after following the howto :)08:02
SiRrUsKallicat same here08:03
SiRrUsI know it will work cause it does through mandrake08:03
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Kallicat*nods* what kinda palm for you? mine's a zire 3108:04
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SiRrUszire 7208:05
SiRrUsjust got it had you model previous08:05
Kallicat*nods* yeah, they're good little toys08:06
Kallicatgetting the palm up under linux is the last critical thing before I can go all linux08:06
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SiRrUsLike I said I know its possible I had it working with mandrake using jpilot08:07
KallicatI tried a dmesg | less to see if any of the error messages looked relevant, but none of 'em rang a bell08:08
Kallicatnot even to my two full time sysadmin buddies08:08
SiRrUsbut there got to be a way08:08
Kallicatdid you find the right device id for yours?08:08
Kallicathrm, that might be your probelm08:10
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Tarkusdo i just burn the file "warty-release-live-i386.iso" onto a cd to make the live cd??08:10
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thor|afkTarkus: make sure you burn it as a raw image08:11
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thor|afkTarkus: else you'll just get an iso file08:11
thor|afkTarkus: I'm not familiar with nero08:12
Tarkusim using roxio08:12
thor|afkbut there's an option to burn as an image08:12
Tarkusroxio easy cd creator 5 platinum08:12
Tarkusok ill find it08:12
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Zindartarkus: usually "burn image"...08:12
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qokehi.. ive read the faq re: getting Ubuntu running on MS Virtual PC, however, this reqs editing the XF86 config file08:13
qokeis there any way to get the Ubuntu LIVE working under virtual PC ?08:13
qoke(since the config file is static in the iso)08:14
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comfrey_workanyone aware of firefox crashing issues?08:14
comfrey_workwith warty?08:14
thoreauputiccomfrey_work: I haven't had firefox probems, no08:15
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comfrey_workinteresting, i have 2 users on a multi-user system expereiancing crashes08:15
=== mgedmin radiates happyness directed towards ubuntu and gnome developers
binksdpkg --force-overwrite fglrx_6_8_0-8.10.19-1.i386.deb08:15
binksdpkg: need an action option08:15
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binkscan someone help me plz08:15
thoreauputiccomfrey_work: you might want to install the binary from mozilla.org for 1.0 , if you're comfortable with that08:16
binkshi all so rude of me again08:16
comfrey_workthoreauputic, good idea08:16
comfrey_worki may give that a whirl08:16
qokesorry to ask again, but it there anyway to force X to load with 32bpp instead of 24bpp using Ubuntu LIVE ?08:16
thoreauputiccomfrey_work: works well here08:16
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binkshas anyone an idea why i get the error with the dpkg cmd08:19
binksdpkg --force-overwrite fglrx_6_8_0-8.10.19-1.i386.deb08:19
binksdpkg: need an action option08:19
qokedpkg -i --force-overwrite fglrx_6_8_0-8.10.19-1.i386.deb08:19
Zindaroh.. do you come from the rpm world?08:20
Zindaryou NEVER force anything in debian/ubuntu08:20
Zindarthat's a big no no08:20
qokeunless the source pkg is corrupted somehow.. in which case you've got more important things to worry about :)08:20
binksim just trying a tutorial from the forums to get the latest ati driers on08:20
qokebinks: try add that -i i suggested above, that should help08:21
Zindarbad tutorial.. where did you find it?08:21
Zindarbut you need the -i .. true08:21
binksso use the i but not the force overwrite bit08:21
ZindarI use the default ati-drivers... works fine for me08:21
qokeuse both08:21
binksno 3d08:21
qokedpkg -i --force-overwrite fglrx_6_8_0-8.10.19-1.i386.deb08:21
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qokea nice pkg *should* install without the force-overwrite.. but if the tut says you need it, put it in... (As Zindar explained, force-overwrite is _bad_ (tm) )08:22
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ograbinks: is there any reason not to use the ubuntu fglrx driver ?08:23
Kallicathrm, it looks like pilot-link package might have the necessary device code info for a zire series palm08:23
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Kallicatdunno that it'd solve my problem tho08:23
xtractohello, could someone help me mounting an external HD08:23
xtractoi have already everything done, i can mount it with root08:23
binksyes when i run tuxracer for me little boy the graphics are ll wrong08:23
xtractobut cant see it in user mode08:23
xtractoim mounting it in /mnt/disc directory08:23
qokextracto: you cant mount it as another user, or you cant access it ?08:23
hawke_Kallicat: There's nothing special about the zire08:24
xtractothe directory is 77708:24
xtractoI can mount it with any user08:24
xtractobut can NOT access it08:24
xtractoonly with root08:24
xtractoi trid editing fstab08:24
qoketry unmount, chmod 0777 /mnt/disc, mount /mnt/disc; chmod 0777 /mnt/disc08:24
xtractoand adding user option08:24
ograbinks: hmm, so you try to install a 6.8.0 driver in hoary xorg 6.8.1 ? and expect that to work more proper then the tested drivers ?08:24
xtractonope, "you have no permissions to view contents"08:25
binksstill in warty m8 not hoary08:25
=== ogra has problems to follow that logic....
binksdpkg: error processing fglrx_6_8_0-8.10.19-1.i386.deb (--install):08:25
binks cannot access archive: No such file or directory08:25
binksErrors were encountered while processing:08:25
binks fglrx_6_8_0-8.10.19-1.i386.deb08:25
ograwith xorg ?08:25
xtractothe directory /mnt/disc is 777 when unmonted08:25
qokeand when mounted ?08:25
xtractobut when mounted is dr-x08:25
=== Kallicat [~chatzilla@pcp05402812pcs.hershy01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qokeremove the user option, and chmod 0777 /mnt/disc when its mounted08:26
xtractoshould I put any option??08:26
xtractodefaults, rw or somethng else??08:26
xtractoits a ntffs08:26
neighborleehey guys if anyone goes to install gftp..'gftp' alone wont work it gives dependency issues..you must use 'gftp-common' instead <<<...( sigglet )08:26
qokeumm, probably defaults, rw (i assume NTFS module still reqs. an explicit RW)08:27
tarzeauwhere do i forward bug reports about packages in ubuntu that i accidently get?08:27
neighborleebtw..why do some installed apps not show up in menus?..is it the app maintainers goof or what....? ;-))08:27
thoreauputicneighborlee: yes, and a dist-upgrade in warty wants to remove gftp08:27
ogratarzeau: youre a DD ?08:28
xtractoi tried 'chmod 777 disc'08:28
tarzeauogra: no i haven't said that08:28
xtractoread-only file system08:28
Kallicathawke: since my zire doesn't sync, it's kind of a problem for me...08:28
thoreauputicneighborlee: only the ubuntu supported ones show up, I think08:28
neighborleethoreauputic, odd08:28
ogratarzeau: so what kind of bugreports do you get ?08:28
neighborleethoreauputic, ahhh08:28
tarzeauogra: for a debian package. i'm a debian maintainer08:28
qoketry mount -oremount,rw /mnt/disc08:28
SiRrUsKallicat if your still here I just did any time apt-update there are updates for gnome pilot08:28
thoreauputicneighborlee: stuff from universe etc seems not to in general08:28
qokethen try chmod08:28
xtractolol ok thnks08:29
ogratarzeau: oh, so i should have asked for DM then ;)08:29
neighborleethoreauputic, even before I upgraded gftp wouldn't install right08:29
ogratarzeau, which package ?08:29
tarzeauogra: cenon08:29
xtractolol no luck.. I can see the contents with root08:30
ogratarzeau: hmm, cant find it in ubuntu....08:30
thoreauputicneighborlee: I think someone has messed with the deps in some od way - only noticed it yesterday08:30
xtractoisnt it something in /dev/sda1???08:30
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Kallicatsirrus: ok, I'll check apt to see if gnome-pilot updates fix me08:30
neighborleethoreauputic, I think so too yes08:30
hawke_Kallicat: Any program that handles pilots should handle the zire08:30
crypticreignopen office doesnt want to open any documents08:30
crypticreignit freezes up08:30
tarzeauogra: don't ask me. the guy tells me he has ubuntu, and he has a problem. i have no idea what version, where from he gots the stuff08:30
scorpixhow can i change the time to the local time ?08:30
xtractojust a thing, this disc has 3 partitions, and they are all ntfs08:30
binksok if i upgrade to hoary will it install latest ati drivers08:30
qokextracto: not that im aware.. it may be the NTFS module..08:30
SiRrUshawke_ we have unfortunately not been able to make ours work08:30
xtractowhen i connected the disk, it recognizes 2 of them, and open sda4 and sda508:31
hawke_SiRrUs: What model?08:31
qokemaybe try mount --bind /mnt/disc /mnt/disc2 (create disc2 drist and set perms)08:31
SiRrUsz 7208:31
xtractook ill try08:31
Kallicathawke: zire 31 here08:31
xtractoall my music is in that partition08:31
SiRrUsoops zire 7208:31
xtractoi want to listen to music!!08:31
hawke_SiRrUs: Hmm, I have a '7108:31
ogratarzeau: currently the appropriate way is to forward them to the ubuntu-users list currently, until our bugtracker is ready.... you can also drop in to #ubuntu-motu , we care for the universe packages...but anyway its a bit strange...08:31
qokeuse disc3 then08:31
qokeor whatever08:31
hawke_SiRrUs: the only quirk is needing to tell apps to use ttyUSB1 rather than ttyUSB008:32
SiRrUshawke_ yours is working with ubuntu?08:32
hawke_SiRrUs: Yup08:32
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Kallicatwell, mine is set to ttyUSB1, and I followed the zire 31 howto, and it still doesn't work *g*08:33
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hawke_Kallicat: well, I can't speak for a 31..08:33
tarzeauogra: i can send to ubuntu-users without subscribing? what's the address if so?08:33
hawke_or a 72 really.08:33
SiRrUsI think i will try with this upgrade08:33
qokeumm question.. is Hoary meant to prompt for a root password to set ?08:33
SiRrUsthe 31 71 and 72 should all be very similar08:33
SiRrUsi know the 31 and 72 are08:34
ogratarzeau, <ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com>08:34
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Kallicatyeah, but for the 31 you have to set a device ID and do some other stuff to config files08:34
SiRrUshawke_ are you using jpilot?08:34
ogratarzeau, you csan send without subscription, but will get a message that your mail needs listmaster approval08:34
hawke_SiRrUs: No, I've used kpilot and pilot-manager08:34
SiRrUshawke_ kpilot so your running kde on your Ubuntu08:35
xtractommmm ...08:35
xtractono, this doesnt works...08:35
tarzeauogra: that's fine. sent08:35
Allican anyone give me some advice how to start an own script at startup?08:35
_thomas__Im having a problem starting gnome. When i log in - the panels are drawn but then the system locks solid. no icons or menus, no cursor movement and i cant switch to a terminal. Ifi log into XFCE it works fine for about 30 seconds then i get the same problem. I think it may be a problem with one of the gtk libraries - any idea how i could track it down - which logs to view?08:36
hawke_SiRrUs: Not at the moment, no...but I have, and got it working there.08:36
xtractowhat is the problem with this?? i disconnect and connect the usb drive again...08:36
SiRrUsah ok08:36
xtracto2 of the 3 partitions show08:36
hawke__thomas__: What kernel?08:36
xtractobut no luck with my music08:36
ogratarzeau, also we have a whishlist for packages.... if you want to handle the bug, tell the user to add it to UniverseCandidates in the wiki....if your package is included, the MOTU team will cae for ubuntu bugs08:36
_thomas__latest hoary08:36
hawke__thomas__: Try adding 'noinotify' to your kernel command line in grub08:37
hawke__thomas__: Or switch back to kernel 2.6.10-308:37
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tarzeauogra: is motu an african word for bugfixer ?08:37
hawke__thomas__: if you're using 2.6.10-4 that is.08:37
_thomas__ah yea - i did remember reading that it was a bit buggy - if it works, how can i help find the problem?08:37
ogratarzeau: its the abbreviation of: masters of the universe :)08:38
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hawke__thomas__: I think the problem is known08:38
xtractolol, now that i see, i have not sound also...08:38
ogratarzeau: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU08:38
_thomas__hawke_: ok - ill go try08:38
hawke__thomas__: Yup, good luck08:38
binksdo i just chage the warty bits to hoary in sources.list to upgrade08:39
SiRrUsbinks yes08:39
xtractodoes anyone know of another good distro based on debian??08:39
crypticreigncan anyone get openoffice to work?08:39
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binksthen what do i do apt-get upgrade08:39
SiRrUsapt-get update08:39
neighborleeI did  my smart upgrade and now when I click links in firefox to download something I'm getting a weird small window instead of the download dialogue box...whats causing and does anyone know of a fix ?LOL08:40
binksfingers crossed08:40
thoreauputicbinks: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:40
hawke_xtracto: mepis08:40
hawke_crypticreign: Works fine here last I checked.08:40
xtractook thnks08:40
binksi have a fresh install so al should be ok lol08:40
xtractoI was using Mandrake08:40
xtractobut i wanted to try a distro based on debian08:40
neighborleenm for now i'm just going to apt ephiphany08:41
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xtractoI am in a HP pavilion laptop08:41
xtractoso I think lots of distros wont work...08:41
hawke_xtracto: Mepis has a nice livecd with an installer, it's based around Debian and KDE.08:41
hawke_xtracto: But the live CD will let you try it and make sure it works on your hardware08:41
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xtractoi tried that with ubuntu but i thnk livecd is just a morphix based cd no?08:42
xtractoand anyway it wont boot up =oP08:43
thoreauputicxtracto: yes - i tried the live CD and it had major issues, but Warty installed fine08:44
xtractowell ppl, im back to Win, to download/burn/try Mepis08:44
xtractohappy hacking!08:44
hawke_xtracto: good luck08:44
xtractou2 ... DC08:44
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marcin_antI got a question about ppp connections08:49
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marcin_antI need to create ppp connection that will start on system boot08:49
marcin_anthow to do this?08:50
gstrummerI am trying to play some songs, but when I play them totem says cannot open file X08:50
hawke_marcin_ant: I can't remember, been a long time since I used PPP.  Unless you mean PPPoE08:51
gstrummerfailed to open; erason unknown08:51
gstrummerit actually pops up twice08:51
gstrummerany ideas?08:51
thoreauputicmarcin_ant: just a guess, but if you used pppconfig to set it up, just ading the commans "pon" at the end of /etc/init,d/bootmisc.sh should work08:51
hawke_Does gnome pilot have any user interface, other than preferences?08:51
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crypticreignhawke_: it works as good on hoary as it did on warty  - it startsup but thats it08:51
thoreauputicmarcin_ant: haven't tried it, but it's worth a go08:51
marcin_anthawke: unfortunately not PPPoE I need this for GPRS connection08:51
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hawke_marcin_ant: OK, can't help you then. :-)08:52
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marcin_anthawke: this connection is unlimited (time and bandwith) so it works simmilar to pppoe08:52
morchuboohawke_: the noinotify option worked.. Thanks08:52
thoreauputicmarcin_ant: try my suggestion: set up with pppconfig then add pon to that script08:52
hawke_morchuboo: Awesome.08:53
marcin_anthawke: but technically it is not pppoe08:53
marcin_antthoreauputic: ok thanks08:53
hawke_morchuboo: Should be fixed in the next (Ubuntu) kernel release.08:53
marcin_antthoreauputic: and another thing maybe you know how to make this connection to reconnect everytime it's broken?08:53
morchuboohawke_: Thanks08:53
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thoreauputicmarcin_ant: not really - but you could write a little script to do it when the ppp0 interface goes down, I suppose08:54
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thoreauputicor ppp1 or whatever you have08:54
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Snipper_hey anyone be able to help me with a usb problem08:57
marcin_antthoreauputic: ok trying... I'll write script and add it to cron maybe...08:58
marcin_antthoreauputic: thx08:58
AcidWolfis there something else i can use for email besides evolution cause its not working :(08:58
AcidWolfits being difficuilt08:58
thoreauputicmarcin_ant: I think it would need to be set to run when/if the ppp daemon ies08:58
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hawke_AcidWolf: Mozilla?08:59
thoreauputicAcidWolf: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird08:59
AcidWolfhmmm Mozilla eh08:59
AcidWolftell me more of this Mozilla08:59
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hawke_AcidWolf: either mozilla-firefox or mozilla-mailnews08:59
AcidWolfi have FireFox09:00
AcidWolfits webbrowser09:00
relanything to burn dvd's with, except for k3b?09:00
AcidWolfor so i thought09:00
thoreauputicAcidWolf: it is09:00
thoreauputicrel: gnomebaker09:00
morchubooSnipper_: noone can help if you dont ask - tell us what's up and we will help if we can09:00
thoreauputicrel: http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/   for ubuntu packages09:01
ClasI need help with install, I would like to do a network install09:01
ClasIs that possible09:01
AcidWolfthoreauputic how does firefox or thunder bird solve my issue09:01
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thoreauputicthunderbird is a mail client09:02
relthoreauputic, ok, ty. hope they have x64 packages09:02
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thoreauputicrel: that I xdoubt :(09:02
thoreauputicI doubt09:02
relthoreauputic, :(09:02
relthoreauputic, then nothing left to install k3b and its clan of deps09:03
thoreauputicAcidWolf: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird09:03
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thoreauputicrel: or get the source and compile it09:03
AcidWolfyes i did that09:03
AcidWolfits installing09:03
AcidWolfthank you :)09:03
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hawke_rel: How about grave...something09:03
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hawke_Is that any good?09:04
=== AcidWolf sends thoreauputic a gift basket and a case of red bull
thoreauputicAcidWolf: thank you :)09:04
relhawke, seen that, installed it. but version 0.3.8 sups dvd. and in repo onlt 0.3.609:04
AcidWolfoh wow look @ that 4am09:04
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pignuHello, just got one question, How do I change X resolution?.. I did run xf86config, but it didnt update the resolution, :/09:04
AcidWolfaaah to hell with it09:04
AcidWolfill just pull an all nighter09:04
hawke_rel: Ah, OK09:04
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=== AcidWolf <----- moving to the USA gotta get used to the unusual hours
ulissehi all09:05
stuNNedpignu: you really shouldn't need to run that09:05
CountDownHey hawke_, bborkk here.  I figured out the wxPython problem.09:05
FHacktorhow to hear music with flash in mozilla? i have the mozilla plugin in my system but i can't hear any music i think i need to install some codecs can someone help me plz?09:05
relthoreauputic, wget source and then ./configure etc? or deb-src?09:05
pignuwell, im down on a very low resolution, and from the gui, I can't change it to higher09:05
hawke_CountDown: Oh?  What was it?09:05
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ulisseI'm having troubles with hoary, booting with the latest kernel gnome hangs after a while...09:06
hawke_FHacktor: Kill esound and/or polypaudio09:06
ulisseis it a known issue?09:06
Kokeypignu, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8609:06
CountDownhawke_: Turns out my PYTHONPATH variable wasn't set and wxPython2.4 didn't know how to deal with multiple installs of wxPython without it.09:06
hawke_ulisse: Yes.09:06
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HexadecimalHello, Solarwinds.09:06
hawke_ulisse: Add "noinotify" to your kernel commandline in grub09:06
morchubooulisse: add noinotify to your kernel options09:06
pignuthx, ^_^09:06
morchuboohawke_,  :P09:07
HexadecimalWho can help me install a nic driver?09:07
hawke_morchuboo: :-)09:07
SolarwindsI would like to change the login splash, Need help...09:07
hawke_morchuboo: beat you by a smidgen09:07
Kokeyhawke, what that do?09:07
morchuboohawke: lol09:07
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CountDownKokey: What does what do?09:07
hawke_CountDown: Ah, that makes sense I suppose.  Fun fun.09:07
hawke_Kokey: Turns off inotify...09:07
CountDownhawke_: More fun than I was looking for, but at least everything works now.09:07
reldoes inotify clash with gamin?09:08
CountDownhawke_: inotify is some sort of interrupt handler or something?09:08
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ulissehawke_, morchuboo : done, thanks. Now I'm ready for the next problem...09:08
CountDownrel: I think so.  I had problems with gamin before I added noinotify.09:08
hawke_rel: In kernel 2.6.10-4, there's something wrong...*shrug*09:08
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relCountDown, it traces fs changes on idone level09:08
hawke_CountDown: I think it's some sort of mechanism where the kernel notifies a process when a file changes.09:09
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CountDownThat makes sense.09:09
ulisseI can get nomore USB mass devices auto mounted, or better: they mount, but don't show in Computer:// or desktop09:09
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hawke_CountDown: So you got picard to work?09:09
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reli know there is a patch for gamin to work with latetst inotify version09:09
CountDownhawke_: What is picard?  You mentioned that yesterday.09:10
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morchubooulisse: thats a known problem - being worked on09:10
ulisseok, I'll wait09:10
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hawke_CountDown: Oh, n/m then...I figured that's what you were trying to use since you agreed when I mentioned it yesterday.  It's the next-gen musicbrainz tagger application.09:10
ulisseit is nice to know that I'm not alone :-)09:10
hawke_CountDown: It's the only thing I've seen that depends on wxpython2.5.309:11
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CountDownhawke_: Oh, right.  No, I just knew that it was wxPython-based.09:11
CountDownhawke_: My code depends on wxpython2.5.3.  :)09:11
ulissemorchuboo, is it the same issue for cdrom and dvd devices?09:11
hawke_CountDown: Gotcha.  What code is that? :-)09:11
CountDownhawke_: I'm writing a couple of things.  One is a featureful low-level serial port terminal.09:12
morchubooulisse: yep its a gamin problem09:12
morchubooulisse: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=406609:12
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CountDownhawke_: Another is an interface for monitoring and controlling wireless sensor networks.09:12
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morchubooulisse: and https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=517609:12
ulissemorchuboo, thanks a lot, now I'll stop annoyng you...09:13
hawke_CountDown: cool09:13
CountDownhawke_: Well, hopefully it will be when I'm finished.  :)09:14
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morchubooulisse: np - its what we are all in here for - help out when we can09:14
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DrArcHeHhow would i prevent partitions to be autodetected with the livecd?09:15
DrArcHeHor disable a specific harddisk?09:15
DrArcHeHcan't find any option09:15
morchubooDrArcHeH: unmount it afterwards?09:15
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thoreauputicDrArcHeH: what are you trying to do?09:15
DrArcHeHwell, one of my harddrives is damaged09:16
ulissemorchuboo, I know, but I should learn to search bugzilla before coming here :-)09:16
DrArcHeHand it makes the partition autodetection hang09:16
neighborleemy desktop background is working..I just added a new jpg via add wallpaper but it wont show up...known issue ?09:16
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DrArcHeHmorchuboo: so i can't even get to my shell09:17
Vilijoif I wand to install windows apps and games, I need to install VMware or Qemu? VMware being commercial and Qemu being slow and non-compatible with some software and not easy to install?09:17
ulisseAnother thing: yesterday a boot-up disk check failed reporting about "7.3 % non contiguou", what should I do?09:17
Amaranthhow is qemu non-compatible?09:17
thoreauputicneighborlee: just dragging an image onto the dialogue should work09:18
Amaranthand qemu has this accelerator thing that just got released that makes it "near-native"09:18
VilijoAmaranth oh it is as compatible as vmware is09:18
morchubooDrArcHeH: oh i see09:18
neighborleethoreauputic, nope09:19
balubai've this problem with gnome-panel segfaulting in a loop, which arose out of nowhere. i tried moving all gnome hidden dirs and wiping out /tmp/ but nothing changed09:19
VilijoAmaranth is qemu hard to install? how much do I need to read manuals and how much I can go on with on-screen guide?09:19
thoreauputicneighborlee: :(09:19
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morchubooVilijo: Im running Cedega for games - costs 15 for 3 months but thats all you have to pay. It runs World of Warcraft just fine :)09:19
belchdaoes anyone suceeded with using the prism54g on ubuntu?09:20
neighborleethoreauputic, very odd.its always worked before in warty..hmmmmmm09:20
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thoreauputicneighborlee: the background is part of nauilus (desktop)09:20
neighborleethoreauputic, not sure why that would cause it not to work as usual but...09:20
Vilijowell, I would rather try qemu if it can run those 2 games I need to play. virtual pool 3 and Pro evolution soccer 4.09:20
AmaranthVilijo: Neither one of them support hardware accelerated graphics.09:21
AmaranthVilijo: DirectX will use software rendering.09:21
balubaah-ha to session registered for gnome-panel09:21
thoreauputicneighborlee: hmm - maybe try killall nautilus && nautilus to see if it regenerates?09:21
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smckayAnyone have troubles loading gnome after upgrading to linux-2.6.10-4?09:22
neighborleethoreauputic, very odd..k thx that worked...weirdddd09:22
Vilijooh, so pes4 wouldn't work probably09:22
CountDownsmckay: Nope.09:22
neighborleethoreauputic, first time i've seen the background act like that09:22
thoreauputicneighborlee: bug in nautilus I'd say09:22
neighborleeyup indeed09:22
neighborleenautilus really can be a pig LOL09:22
thoreauputicindeed - i use the rox filer mostly09:22
neighborleeits nice but I prefer I think 'gentoo' file manager...really kewl and so fast to load09:23
neighborleebut nautilus has some nice features yes09:23
neighborleeah yeah...rox...09:23
neighborleeI gotta try that sometime09:23
smckayStrange, I upgraded, rebooted, then logged in.  Gnome locks starting the panel.  Went back to 2.6.10-3 no problems.  Even reinstalled, upgraded to hoary, same thing.09:23
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smckayBut 2.6.10-3 works09:23
hawke_smckay: add "noinotify" to the kernel commandline parameters09:23
thoreauputicneighborlee: very configurable, has thumbnails, quite quick09:23
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neighborleethoreauputic, hmm thumbnails huh09:24
neighborleethoreauputic, I def. must try it LOL09:24
thoreauputicneighborlee: it also doesn't pollute my desktop with unwanted windows ;)09:25
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neighborleethoreauputic, LOL yeah09:25
neighborleeyeah I dont like that at all either09:25
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smckayhawke_: thx I'll try that09:27
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davixwhy does my sshd block after a few days?09:28
thoreauputicdavix: it gets tired? <j/k>09:28
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davixyeah, prob.09:29
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smckayThx hawke_ that worked09:30
hawke-afksmckay: hawkesome09:30
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smckayAnyone running fluxbox?  Is fluxbox-gerenate-menu not included?09:31
thoreauputicsmckay: which version?09:33
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thoreauputicsmckay: I have a recent one that includes it (0.9.12)09:33
thoreauputicsmckay: the one in the ubuntu repositories is quite old09:33
smckaythoreauputic: ah, I'm running 0.9.9-109:34
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smckayDid you compile the 0.9.12 version yourself?09:34
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thoreauputicok - that's pretty recent09:34
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AndyRhi all09:34
thoreauputicsmckay: yes I compiled it09:34
AndyRcan anyone help me with a zip drive in hoary?09:35
thoreauputicsmckay: I have a checkinstall deb of it here somewhere if you're interested in trying that: compiled on warty09:35
smckayThere's a .deb on http://logicvortex.net/debian/fluxbox/ for 0.9.11, I'll try that.09:35
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alumikAndyR: a parallel zip drive?09:36
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AndyRno atapi ide09:37
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AndyRi have it mounting and unmounting ok09:37
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AndyRbut eject in gnome-volume-manager doesnt work09:38
sjoerdAndyR: gnome-volume-manager doesn't eject09:38
alumikAndyR: any error message?09:38
AndyRas it points to /dev/hdd409:38
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SiRrUsgood afternoon guys09:38
alumikAndyR: I see... you can't eject a partition09:39
Banditand a great afternoon to you as well SiRrUs09:39
alumikAndyR: i'm not sure, but the problem can be in udev09:40
Banditdont mind the rest they never say hi to anyone :)09:40
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thoreauputicHi Bandit ;-)09:40
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Tomcat_Can anybody explain why xfce is in universe, but is an Ubuntu package?09:42
davixwhats xfce?09:43
alumiknot supported but modified by ubuntu developers09:43
thoreauputicdavix: window manager/desktop09:43
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robertj^alumik: not all universe packages are modified by the developers09:44
steven__ /msg nickserv link ThePainter ThePainter66609:44
thoreauputicbrought to you by the Masters of the Universe09:44
robertj^universe packages can be autobuilt from Debian even if there are no mods09:44
robertj^if it's in Debian, and it builds, it will almost always find its way into universe09:44
thoreauputicsteven__: time to change your password ;)09:44
robertj^plus there is other stuff in universe that is exclusive to Ubuntu (mostly newer stuff that just hasn't found its way upstream yet)09:45
robertj^I think ;)09:45
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thoreauputicsteven__: ah, no I see... oops09:46
ThePainterthor Hi Im new to this Ive just worked it out, I was steven.09:47
=== rt can't figure out why xawtv doesn't work properly.
rtit's like the bttv driver isn't working.09:48
SiRrUsThePainter did you change your password09:48
robertj^rt ?09:48
ThePainterI dont know I dont think Ive put a password in ?09:48
robertj^rt: what's up?09:49
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SiRrUssteven__  /msg nickserv link ThePainter ThePainter66609:49
bodhihow can i change the default kernel in grub?09:49
CountDownbodhi: You can edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file.09:49
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ThePainteryes thats what I typed i like it said on the freenode page ?09:50
CountDownbodhi: I think the order of the kernels in that file determines the order grub uses them.  I'm just guessing, though.09:50
ThePainterdont know what Im doing really09:50
thoreauputicThePainter: is your other nick ThePainter666 ?09:51
CountDownbodhi: In particular, I would look into it further before changing anything.09:51
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tjostolfbodhi: at the top of menu.lst there is a line: default09:51
bodhiyes, CountDown, I am checking a grub manual09:52
thoreauputicThePainter: OK I guess you didn't expose your password with that mistake then09:52
bodhireally? ok, wait a minute, tjostolf09:52
tjostolfbodhi: if you type 0 there the top entry boots09:52
ThePainterIt said to type that with two nicknames and it links them but it posted it instead ?09:53
tjostolfbodhi: type 1 and the second entry boots .. so on09:53
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thoreauputicThePainter: you probably had a space before the /09:53
bodhiok, tjostolf, should I do someting like "lilo"?09:53
ThePainterIll try it agian09:54
thoreauputicThePainter: so it went into the channel instead of to nickserv09:54
tjostolfbodhi: no, do nothing more. just reboot09:54
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bodhiok, tjostolf09:55
tjostolfbodhi:  good luck09:55
thoreauputicThePainter: tip - change to the freenode chan before entering /msg nickserv commands in case you accidentally expose your pass09:55
tjostolfbodhi: but of course read info grub09:55
bodhiok, thank you very much09:56
ThePainterI see it worked that time without the space09:57
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sleeperi need a program similar to dreamweaver and other similar to flash mx09:58
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djtanseyhow do you check (from the command line) that all removable devices are unmounted?i'd like to add it to my laptop suspend script09:58
sleeperwhat can i use?09:58
YankDownUndersleeper: NVU09:58
sleeperand to do flash ?09:59
bodhitjostolf, should i count "recovery" entries in menu.lst to set default?09:59
YankDownUndersleeper: NVU09:59
sleeperi can do two things with nvu?09:59
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thoreauputicYankDownUnder: NVU does flash?09:59
tjostolfbodhi: i think so10:00
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bluefoxicymmmm bj. . .10:01
sleeperi dont find it10:01
sleeperwhere can i get it?10:02
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thoreauputicsleeper: read ubuntuguide.org - it tells you how to find and install it10:03
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ThePaintersleeper: You can run Flash MX via Crossover Office, dont know if this helps ?10:04
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sleeper? sry my english is very bad10:05
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SiRrUssleeper np10:05
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thoreauputicsleeper: there's a #ubuntu-es I believe10:06
Cube-nessanybody know anything about inoded enabled kerels causing kernel panic during hotplug startup?10:07
thoreauputicsleeper: 14 people in #ubuntu-es at the moment10:07
sleeperyes but nobody answer10:07
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thoreauputicsleeper: 2 minutes is not long ;)10:08
CountDownCube-ness: It's a problem with 2.6.10-4.  It's being worked on.10:08
thoreauputicsleeper: have you read the links in the topic for that channel?10:08
ubuntudaveCube-ness, check the forum - long thread on it10:08
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sleeperi am reading 1 helper about nvu10:08
sleeperthx a lot10:09
CountDownCube-ness: Add the noinotify option in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:09
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thenukeshould ubuntu work OK if change HD with ubuntu to another machine10:09
DarwinThenuke, no working10:10
thenukeokeyp, but I dont want to believe you and still test it :D10:10
thoreauputicthenuke: very unlikely unless the hardware is the same10:10
ubuntudaveanyone know why i'm getting this error installing php4 for apache2?: "dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/apache-utils_1.3.33-3_i386.deb (--unpack):10:10
ubuntudave trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/htpasswd', which is also in package apache2-utilsdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)"10:10
thenukeI can switch over the nic and display adapter10:10
thenukeand I can switch over the cpu10:11
thenukehumm, let's see, so only the motherboard is changed10:11
ThePainterthenuke: I suppose you would have to have it in the same position ie' slave, master or the partitons nums would change10:11
fc9k|altguys, i'm competely new to linux and am currently installing ubuntu through virtualpc.  is this a bad idea?10:12
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thenukeThePainter: indeed, although that would be easy to fix as I have grub10:12
gstrummerhi everyone, i'm trying to play a wma file, i was told the only way to do it is with mplayer?10:13
gstrummeris that true?10:13
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ironwolfanyone able to get jre1.4.2 working with firefox on hoary? I've linked the libjava...so into /usr/lib/mozilla and enabled java, but can't seem to get it to show any applets.  Advice?10:14
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K00pa-Rul3Xhelp me channel of ubuntu spanis?10:15
K00pa-Rul3Xhelp me channel of ubuntu spanish?10:15
thoreauputicironwolf: why 1.4.2? isn't the latest one 1.5 or so?10:15
thoreauputicK00pa-Rul3X: #ubuntu-es10:15
CountDownK00pa-Rul3X: #ubuntu-es?10:15
BockBilboK00pa-Rul3X, #ubuntu-es10:15
BockBilboK00pa-Rul3X, yes10:16
gstrummerso i guess what i'm trying to do is install mplayer, can i just apt-get install mplayer?10:16
ironwolfthoreauputic: I'll get working whatever will work.  My need is 1.4.2 or better, I tried 1.5.0 didn't work, tried 1.4.2, same results.  I just need it to work.10:17
CountDowngstrummer: You have to add multiverse, I think.10:17
wezzergstrummer: check ubuntuforums.org10:17
wezzer-> howto10:17
wezzerthere is good manual how to install mplayer and codecs10:17
K00pa-Rul3X#it ubuntu-is it is not the ubuntu channel in Spanish10:17
CountDowngstrummer: what wezzer said.10:17
K00pa-Rul3X#ubuntu-es it is not the ubuntu channel in Spanish10:17
thoreauputicironwolf: I used the howto on ubuntuguide.org - works here for 1.510:17
ThePainterfc9: I once installed mandrake on a Vpc but I couldnt get it to access any directories outside of the Vpc.10:17
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gstrummerok, checking the site10:17
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Jet2k5hey any of you guys here currently using cpu throttle?10:18
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ThePainterI followed that tut for MPlayer and half of the list to install had uninstallable dependenies10:18
thoreauputicironwolf: you might need /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox BTW for plugins etc10:19
Cube-nesswell crap.. noinotify didnt work.. still hangs at hotplug.. kernel 2.6.8 was the last kernel that worked for me10:19
ThePainterI find VLC plays just about everything and its only one file to insall. But I havent tried WMA on it cos Ive got non10:19
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ThePainterI tried to upgrade to Hoary today but I last my mouse and keyboard after a reboot and had to pull the plug and reinstall Warty10:20
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Darwini nedd change firefox to 1.0?10:21
error_29Darwin:  the information on this page worked for me:http://desktopos.com/ubuntu-starter-guide/10:23
mz2huh? tomboy seems to distribute its own mono10:23
mz2that's not nice10:23
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mz2the ubuntu binary10:24
mz2or rather, libdbus-cli10:24
thoreauputicerror_29: that looks like just a mirror of http://ubuntuguide.org10:24
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error_29thoreauputic, you're right, if it's the "unofficial" guide10:25
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error_29I got a little over enthusiastic with that page and accidentally backported a lot more stuff than I needed...10:26
ironwolfthoreauputic: so.../usr/lib/mozilla-firefox worked, /usr/lib/mozilla did not.. thanks for that tip.  It's working now with 1.5.010:26
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thoreauputicironwolf: heh - I think java is evil anyway, so I enabled it for mozilla but not firefox (use moz if I need it)\10:27
error_29Can anyone tell me why xterm gave me an error when I tried to chmod Realplayer, but Gnome terminal worked?10:28
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ubuntudavehey guys - is it possible to install php4 for apache2 via package manager? only the php4 dependencies are apache(not2) ?10:28
error_29Am I not supposed to use xterm, what's it for, is it missing features...?10:28
ironwolfthoreauputic: it's part of my job to use this particular applet, and the deal is, if I can get it working with Ubuntu, I don't ever have to boot Windows.  So needless to say, I'm motivated. :)10:29
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thoreauputicerror_29: I doubt that it was a question of xterm vs gnome-terminal - some other weirdness there10:29
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thoreauputicironwolf: ah, yes that's a different thing :) I understand - I have the luxury of not *having* to use it :)10:30
error_29hmm, guess so thoreauputic --10:30
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thoreauputicerror_29: a shell is a shell is a shell (if you follow me)10:31
Darwinwhat is name the pack java? For apt-get10:31
error_29prefer xterm 'cause the gnome thing is sluggish on my system10:31
thoreauputicerror_29: yes it's slow to start and heavier on resources10:31
error_29Maybe my shell is cracked, thoreauputic :-10:32
thoreauputicerror_29: try aterm - even lighter10:32
thenukeDarwin: ubuntu wiki has guide for installing java, so I dont know if it is better to do that way, than apting10:32
error_29thanks thoreauputic10:32
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thoreauputicerror_29: aterm can look cool too, if that's important to you: try aterm -tr -sh 80 -bg back -fg white    for instance10:33
Darwinthank thenuke...i am novate in ubuntu...so is very bad my english10:33
Darwini speak spanish10:33
error_29heh, you read my mind thoreauputic - gnome terminal doesn't stand out from the other windows, problem for me10:33
LinuxJonesDarwin, there is a spanish speaking ubuntu channel as well10:34
thoreauputicerror_29: aterm has lots of options for transparency etc - you can also lose scrollbars by using the +sb switch if you wish (all in the man page, of course)10:35
error_29Darwin, sorry missed the first part of your query:  excellent Spanish guide here: http://guia-ubuntu.org10:36
error_29(it's a translation of the other guide)10:36
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error_29installing aterm now, thoreauputic !  (weird, I thought I already had it...)10:37
Darwinlinuxjones, they participants the channel #ubuntu-es is sleep...(los participantes de ese canal en espaol estan como dormidos)10:37
thoreauputicerror_29: :)10:37
Darwinthank, error 29...i go10:37
error_29Cool! groovy, there it is, thanks thoreauputic10:37
thoreauputicerror_29: no worries, enjoy :)10:38
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error_29Estan dormiendo de ubuntu, Darwin10:38
Darwinyes error 29, the channel #ubuntu-es...no speaking10:39
error_29but I swear to god, xterm was acting like an alien shell10:39
ubuntudavecan anyone help me explain this? :"E: /var/cache/apt/archives/apache-utils_1.3.33-3_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/htpasswd', which is also in package apache2-utils"?10:39
thenukeerror_29: yes yes.. take this red pills twice a day and you wont see alien terminals anymore10:39
error_29Ubuntistas perisozas, Darwin10:39
hawke_UbuntuBot: htpasswd is in both apache-utils and apache2-utils10:40
hawke_ubuntudave:  htpasswd is in both apache-utils and apache2-utils10:40
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ubuntudavehawke, so do i need to do anything about the problem?10:40
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hawke_ubuntudave: pick either apache or apache2 :-)10:41
hawke_ubuntudave: remove whichever of apache2-utils and apache-utils you do not want.10:42
ubuntudavei did, but the php4 install asks for the apache-utils not apache2 =/10:42
error_29I swear to god, xterm was saying "too few arguments" with chmod on a file that worked fine in gnome terminal!10:43
stvnubuntudave: try first installing apache2-utils and then php10:43
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error_29Xterm wanted an argument, I prefered not to argue, aterm it is till it gets argumenative10:43
stvnubuntudave: I had a similar problem when i installed php and apache2 together, php kept asking for apache10:44
thoreauputicerror_29: it's a fiendish plot by the gnome developers to get you locked in to gnome-terminal ;-)10:44
hawke_ubuntudave: I don't even see php depending on apache-utils or apache2-utils10:44
error_29gnome is trying to become windows10:44
error_29no no I didn't mean it!10:44
hawke_error_29: Really?  I think it's closer to Macintosh.  And that's good.10:44
stvnerror_29: as in the lead desktop environment in the world? ;)10:44
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error_29there you are stvn, but earned this time! :-)10:45
ubuntudavehawke, if i try to remove apache-common and leave apache2-common i get told that libapache-mod-php4 and php4 will be removed10:45
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stvnubuntudave: let it remove it, then install php4 again, it'll use libapache2-mod-php410:46
error_29I like the interface, but am I a heretic if I say I like a lot of kde's basic apps a lot better?10:46
KlaasGood evening everybody.10:46
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hawke_ubuntudave: install libapache2-mod-php410:46
jinx_hey guys - how come every time gnome starts (i'm running warty btw) I get a message box saying 'you must run this program as a root user' ?10:46
jinx_it doesn't say which program10:46
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error_29I was happy, naive noob that I am, to realize that I can have the best of both worlds10:46
OrangeSlicealright, problem:  I need gnome-sharp, and it isn't anywhere on the internet.  help me :p10:46
thoreauputicerror_29: shame! shame! burn the heretic!10:46
topylianybody coming to debconf this summer?10:46
error_29kicker kicks in ubuntu10:46
thoreauputicerror_29: I use fluxbox anyway :)10:47
OrangeSlicenot to mention gconf-sharp.  I assumed these would have been installed with gtksharp when I compiled it >;(10:47
Riddellerror_29: not at all, I fully encourage you (so long as you don't start any flame wars :)10:47
stvnOrangeSlice: you mean libgnome-cil ?10:47
OrangeSliceyeah maybe10:47
error_29I like blackbox, what I've seen of it, but this is all still over my head10:47
hawke_error_29: I agree with you on the KDE little-apps end10:47
thoreauputicRiddell: but flame wars are so entertaining!  ;-)10:47
hawke_error_29: In fact, I use kgpg under gnome. :-)10:47
error_29terrific screen shot applet10:47
error_29kicker hides better than gnome panels, which eat the space even when hidden10:48
KlaasI've got a question concerning the ubuntu installer and hdparm, I was under the impression that the 2.6 kernel deprecates hdparm, why are you probed for params during the install?10:48
stvnOrangeSlice: it replaces gnome-sharp, i have it, not sure if it's from hoary universe or mono-alioth10:48
OrangeSliceseems to be in the backports10:48
=== thoreauputic 's only current kde app is kworldclock
thoreauputicI like the map... heh10:49
OrangeSliceand... problem solved10:49
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thoreauputicKlaas: really? I didn't know hdparm was deprecated - seems a useful tool to me10:50
error_29Is it just me, or is gnome using a mishmash of old(ugly) and new(very cool) icons?10:50
topylithoreauputic: so you have kworldclock and 40M of kde libs to go with it? ;)10:50
Klaasthoreauputic: Quite confusing huh! On my pure-debian system I no longer use it, dma and all get set correctly by the kernel.10:51
error_29and the icons as shown in icon choosing dialogs don't always match the ones actually showing up when I choose them10:51
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thoreauputictopyli: hehe... yeah - I tried to install k3b without success, so I still have the libs10:51
error_29hola Darwin, que tal?10:51
Darwinhola error_2910:51
thoreauputictopyli: talk about wasting resources!10:51
Darwinfail firefox :(10:52
error_29hell, thoreauputic, I'll reinstall the whole kaboodle (heh) just to try out the apps10:52
DarwinError: No running window found10:52
Darwinauto selected locale: en-US10:52
DarwinINTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory?10:52
topylithoreauputic: i used to have the libs for k3b but i replaced the lot with gnomebaker :)10:52
thoreauputictopyli: I migrated to gnomebaker instead of k3b too10:52
error_29kaboodle looks great, if not featureful, in gnome10:52
topyliyeah, it's nice10:52
Plukhow is gnomebaker now compared to k3b?10:52
thoreauputicjust haven't bothered to remove the kde libs - and hey, I like the map ;-)10:53
topyliPluk: it's ok functionally, and it's more gnomish10:53
ubuntudavehey hawke php doesn't seem to be being passed from apache to php - i get 'downloads' when viewing php pages - how can i make apache2 load the php4 module?10:53
jontizngon svensk hr10:53
error_29Maps are good.  I stare at the gnome weathermap for whole seconds10:53
topyliPluk: you probably don't want to try and make video cd's or dvd's with it though10:53
Plukubuntudave, you have libapache2-mod-php?10:53
Darwinwhat instaling firefox? fail my ubuntu...10:53
error_29momentico, Darwin...10:54
Plukthen itsmost likely automatically10:54
Plukjust restart apche210:54
thoreauputicerror_29: well, since I don't have a life, little things please me ;-)10:54
ubuntudaveforcing reload now...10:55
Plukelse check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/10:55
Plukphp4.load shoud be there10:55
ubuntudaveokay will do as php still not working10:55
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error_29Necistia leer "Como anadir repositorios extras" o como asi, Darwin10:55
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topylithoreauputic: i always remove unused stuff. what i have installe i also have to update and support, so...10:56
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Darwinerrro_29, intente instalar el java y luego plop ya no abre el firefox10:56
error_29y, si ya tienes Firefox .9 o asi, puede "apt-get update" etc , Darwin10:56
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Sparkleenough with the spanish already :/10:57
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ubuntudavehey Pluk there's no php4.load10:57
error_29Darwin, tiene tu tiempo, yo, tenia muchas problemas con eso (en dos idiomas).  Debes leer, y intenta10:57
PlukUbuntuBot, and in mods-available?10:57
error_29Darwin, mejor10:57
Darwinok...error_29 ya lo estoy bajando con apt-get10:57
error_29Mejor Google el asuntu10:58
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error_29(perdon por mi espanol horrible!)10:58
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ubuntudavePluk, theres php4.load.dpkg-new10:58
toothpickDoes ubuntu have a live cd nvidia install?10:58
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Plukhmm weird10:58
Plukur really sure libapache2-mod-php is installed?10:59
ubuntudaveyup according to package manager10:59
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Plukmaybe reinstall?10:59
ubuntudaveshall u uninstall everything and try fresh?10:59
ubuntudaveokay ;)10:59
Darwini understan you spanish, error_2910:59
error_29Sparkle, if you'd prefer newbies keep asking and not understanding to someone trying to help 'em and move 'em along to their objective, bueno amigo ;-)10:59
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Darwinis good you spanish, error_2911:00
error_29Gracias Darwin.  Is good you English too.:-)11:00
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Sionideerror_29, heh it's just rather annoying because "Si" is on my highlight, as some people call me Si... :P11:02
Sionideas you know, it's also yes for spanish11:02
Sionidei don't really mind!11:02
error_29You know, maybe a raiding party of English speakers should hit the Spanish channels and wake 'em up.  I feel Darwin's pain; hard to find non-English activity sometimes11:02
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error_29Sionide, copacetic man I understand11:02
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Sionidedouble eh?11:02
error_29copacetico Sionido11:03
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andargh. taken11:03
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error_29Really, I was just so enthused to be able to lecture someone to RTFM in a language not my own11:03
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error_29especially since I only started RTFM myself this morning11:04
topyliwhat is rtfm in spanish?11:04
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Sionidei never knew what copacetic meant till now:P11:04
error_29Hm, topyli,  stumping me there11:04
topyliheh, probably depends on what the f stands for11:05
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Darwinerror_29, the information in spanish in very low...is better intro channel in english than is11:05
Sionidejust in case anyone was wondering: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=copacetic11:05
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error_29HBO en espanol usually softens the profanity to a general "malidito" this and "maldito" that11:05
ubuntudavehey Pluk and hawke_ thanks for help - got it working - uninstalled everything then did apache2, libapache2-,php2 - thanks for all the help (ps - apt-get screwed original installation)11:05
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Plukyw ubuntudave11:06
error_29Darwin, ok11:06
_jon_anybody having a problem with gnome crashing while loading on hoary11:06
nubeirohad them on warty sometimes11:06
topyliSionide: "read the copacetic manual" :)11:06
Plukonly gnome?11:07
Plukor the whole system11:07
error_29Low is what I needed, Darwin.  Seguro que tienen mas en la red11:07
_jon_whole system, but i think it's due to gnome11:07
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nubeiro_jon_, solved it rm-ing .Iceauth and .xsession-something11:07
topyliSionide: i was just pondering linguistic questions, don't mind me. thanks for the link anyway :)11:07
thoreauputic_jon_: put noinotify in the kernel line of grub's menu.lst or revert to the previous kernel11:07
_jon_i loaded xfce4 just fine11:07
Plukadd noitnotify to you kernel parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst11:07
=== snarky [rlynch@dsl092-235-011.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jon_hmm i'll try11:08
error_29"copacetic" must be dating me.11:08
snarkyhey all, i can't seem to get hardware acceleration on hoary11:08
thoreauputic_jon_: that's the work around11:08
snarkyi'm using nvidia11:08
snarkyand when i do the nvidia-glx-config enable step i get errors11:08
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snarky(i've installed all the packages for nvidia)11:08
topylierror_29: nice word. i'm going to use it all the time in the near future ;)11:08
error_29Copacetic, man11:09
snarkyany ideas?11:09
error_29or , "man copacetic"11:09
error_29heh heh11:09
topylilinux is very copacetic!11:09
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_jon_will try to reboot into the kernel brb11:10
error_29topyli, yer a quick study, dude11:10
JDigitalguys, I have been having eyestrain since installing ubuntu11:10
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topylisnarky: what sort of errors? not that i'm an nvidia expert11:10
error_29JDigital, is that from enthusiasm, or bad fonts?11:10
JDigitalit might be a coincidence, or it might not11:10
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snarkytopyli: weeeell, it tells me to configure it myself basically11:10
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topyliheh. very helpful isn't it11:11
error_29JDigital, it's cause ubuntu just makes your machine so much more attractive to use11:11
snarkytopyli: and i keep trying to configure it with the dpkg-reconfigure, but it gets me nothing11:11
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error_29you can't tear your eyes away11:11
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JDigitala sight for sore eyes11:11
snarkytopyli: and i tried to just edit the xorg.conf myself and just replace "nv" with "nvidia"11:11
snarkyis there anything else i need to do?11:11
error_29A friend of mine, who's been losing sleep over ubuntu (in a good way)11:11
topylisnarky: i've made all my problems go away a long time ago, by bying matrox cards :)11:11
error_29... said today, I never liked this laptop.  Now I like it.11:12
snarkytopyli: well this is a lappy, i don't have much of a choice11:12
JDigitalI have it in 85Hz/68.7Khz, but I wonder if the 68.7KHz part is the same as I had in windows11:12
hawke_snarky: That's all you should have to do.11:12
snarkyhawke_: the X server crashes when i try to open it11:12
topylisnarky: have you looked at the ubuntu wiki? you probably have11:12
topylithey do have nice looking instructions there11:13
snarkyyeah it tells you to do nvidia-glx-config enable11:13
hawke_snarky: do you have nvidia-glx installed?11:13
JDigitallike what if I run it in fiftysomething KHz11:13
snarkyyep all the nvidia stuff11:13
hawke_snarky: And linux-restricted-modules?11:13
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snarkyyes i do11:14
topylisnarky: sorry, i'm really useless for you now11:14
snarkyit kinda cheesed me off cuz i'm on hoary and using the 2.6.8 kernel (sound doesnt work for me on 2.6.10 yet) and i had to carefully go back to the warty mirrors and get 2.6.8 stuff11:14
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hawke_snarky: What happens when you run "X" at a command line and then hit ctrl-alt-bksp to kill it?11:14
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snarkyi had 3d working on hoary the last time i used it11:15
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_jon_gnome works, but i don't have sound11:15
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snarkyhawke_: that restarts my x server11:15
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hawke_snarky: well, I suppose it crashes anyway...but what's the output say11:15
hawke_snarky: what's in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?11:15
snarkyim on xorg11:15
snarkybut ill get that11:15
hawke_Oh, right11:15
hawke_yes. xorg11:15
_4strOsoir all11:15
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snarkyheres the error11:16
snarkywhich is weird11:16
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snarky(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (NVIDIA X driver not found)11:16
snarkyand i have all the nvidia stuff installed11:16
morchubooDoes anyone know if it is possible to use the creative prodikeys in linux?11:16
Pluksnarky, lsmod |grep nvidia11:17
Darwinerror 29, look INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory?11:17
Plukdoes that list the nvidia module?11:17
snarkynvidia               4821556  011:17
Darwini make apt-ger install --reinstall mozilla-firefox11:17
viper12when you went back to the 2.6.8 kernel, did you compile the nvidia driver modules with it? (I downgraded a bit o' go and without recompiling the module, I lost xs as well.11:17
viper12(for snarky)11:17
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snarkyviper12: i reinstalled all the nvidia stuff, is that all i needed to do?11:18
geppyWhy can you not make up a new genre for GRIP?11:18
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hawke_viper12: You shouldn't have to recompile unless you have a custom-compiled kernel11:18
hawke_geppy: Because they're standardized11:18
geppyhawke: That's dumb.11:18
hawke_geppy: Yes11:18
Pluksnarky, http://www.pastebin.com/ and post your xorg.conf there please11:18
viper12shouldn't hawke.........but I had to d/g and it LOST the nvidia stuff completely until it was recompiled.11:18
geppyhawke:  They don't have "Christian", and they _definitely_ don't have stuff like "Mine"11:18
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hawke_geppy: It's an 8-bit number-to-text mapping.11:19
Darwinwhat recover firefox?11:19
geppyhawke: Oh.11:19
hawke_geppy: Which is also stupid.11:19
hawke_geppy: But then, that's ID3 tags for you. :-/11:19
geppyhawke:  That means that I couldn't change it in the source, I take it.11:19
geppyhawke:  But what about those of us who don't use ID3 tags, but only vorbis comments? =)11:20
hawke_geppy: I know.  Personally I kinda ignore genre totally anyway11:20
_jon_so i have gnome now, but esd can't find /dev/dsp11:20
hawke_geppy: Since it's so vague to begin with11:20
geppyhawke:  But, I mean, could I change it so that it allows me to change it to my own values, as I'm just inserting it as text into my FLAC files anyways? (Vorbis comments, not ID3)11:21
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geppyhawke:  It is a bit vague, but it's handy for organizing, especially because you have control over what genre they're named. ...or you should.11:21
snarkyPluk: http://www.pastebin.com/24598811:21
hawke_geppy: I don't know, really.  I imagine you could.11:23
geppyhawke:  Alright, thanks.11:23
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snarkyPluk: i have a 17inch widescreen lappy monitor so those weird 1440x900 res's works, and with nv in place of nvidia it works good11:23
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balubai've gnome-panel dying while parsing some config file. lookin at .xsessionerrors it states that '%' is not allowed in an entity. but i don't have the faintest idea what it is trying to parse11:24
hawke_geppy: If you do it, I'd be interested in a patch for that. :-)11:24
geppyhawke:  I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I might get around to it eventually. =)11:24
=== Pyrus [Pyrus@dD5E010CC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Pyrushi everyone11:24
Pyrusanyvody still awake?11:25
=== hawke_ snores loudly.
balorIs there a mono development package around somewhere?11:25
PyrusI've got a question about the minimum requirements for ubuntu11:25
snarkyPluk: ah i gotta go man, thanks for the help (i'll just rock no hardware accel for now)11:25
PyrusI've tried debian before and when installing it says that I should have more RAM but it works anyway, I saw that 24Megs is the minimum, anybody can confirm that?11:26
topyliPyrus: linux works with 4M of ram (or so they say). it's gnome that's hungry11:26
PyrusI'm not going to install any interfaces11:26
topyliPyrus: what are you going to do?11:27
Pyrus12 or 16, I should look how much RAM I have11:27
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thoreauputicbalor: try apt-cache search mono | grep dev  ( seems to be some stuff in there)11:27
OrangeSlicethere's also http://www.mono-project.com/downloads/index.html#unstable11:27
Pyrustopyli: put up a server that should be working as a firewall/router, but just that and only with the shell11:28
OrangeSliceor am I thinking the wrong 'development' :P11:28
=== mjr rememberes running X and fvwm on a 486 with 5 megs of ram. Ahh, those were the slow, swapping days.
topyliPyrus: a minimal debian install should work with 12M11:28
Pyrustopyli: so ubuntu too?11:28
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Weinbergi was install ubunto and have une litle asks and i dont know11:28
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Weinbergany hear speak spanish?11:29
Pyrustopyli: trying it out is the only way of finding out I guess?11:29
thoreauputicWeinberg: #ubuntu-es11:29
topyliPyrus: well, woody installs with 12M for sure. perhaps the new installer is more demanding, dunno11:30
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Darwinhola weinber..entra al #ubuntu-es11:30
Pyrusthanks topyli, I'll find out when I install it :p11:30
topyliyeah :)11:31
Pyrusit's just that it's kind of strange that they SAY some minimum but it works with less :p11:31
morchubooPyrus: the minimum is for the default desktop install11:32
Pyrusanyway probably going to use a more up-to-date pc next time and then I've got 256Mb to work with, no more problems :)11:32
Pyrusah ok, thanks morchuboo11:32
topyliPyrus: well they are talking about a full desktop install i guess. also, the installers of redhat and others are quite hungry even if you wouldn't install much11:32
=== Jimi-Jam [~James@143.Red-80-37-244.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntudaveanyone can help with my use of ndiswrapper?11:33
Jimi-Jamanyone has tried to make work ubuntu on a laptop?11:33
thoreauputicJimi-Jam: lots of people :)11:33
Pyrusit seems like ubuntu is really popular allready :)11:34
topyliand some have come back alive to tell about it!11:34
Jimi-JamI have a hp pavillion zv5000 and Im trying to make work a live ubuntu11:34
lordanJimi-Jam, we're doing three laptop install here as I write11:34
Jimi-Jambut it doesn't want11:34
thoreauputicPyrus: topped the monthly chart on distrowatch recently11:34
Pyrusgood luck lordan :p11:34
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Pyrushow old is it exactly then? not more than a couple of months?11:34
Jimi-JamI looked on wiki and it says on my laptop I must put "noapic" option11:35
Jimi-Jambut doesn't want11:35
viper12In fact I'm using a laptop/ubuntu right now typing. :)11:35
thoreauputicPyrus: 4.10 Warty = 2004 10th month11:35
morchubooPyrus: you might find this usefull: http://www.binonabiso.com/en/Ubuntu-miniRAM-HOWTO.html11:35
lordanPyrus, I'm not counting on any problems.. :-)11:35
thoreauputicso Octber11:35
Pyrusthanks again morchuboo :)11:35
topyliJimi-Jam: linux 2.6 and acpi have problems on many laptops11:35
morchubooPyrus: its the miniram howto - about best config for a minimum setup11:35
Pyrusthat will help me a lot11:36
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Jimi-Jamtopyli: but I boot on "ubuntu" option, not on "ubuntu with acpi" option11:36
Pyrusbut still graphic morchuboo?11:36
topyliJimi-Jam: but the live cd and the ubuntu install cd are completely different systems11:36
morchubooPyrus: yep11:36
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Pyrushmm I'm not actually gonna work graphically11:36
Jimi-JamIm speaking about live cd11:36
Pyrusabsolute minimum requirements :)11:37
Jimi-Jamnobody can help me with live cd?11:37
morchubooPyrus: well just do an expert / custom install then11:37
topyliJimi-Jam: yeah, that's morphix basically11:37
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Jimi-JamI don't know morphix11:37
thoreauputicPyrus: the ubuntu installer is the Debian Sarge installer - so any docs on the sarge installer would be relevant11:37
topyliJimi-Jam: me neither :911:37
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morchubooPyrus: gives you just a terminal to log in - no X at all - you can then add what you want - or what your hardware will get away with :P11:37
Pyrusyes morchuboo, that's what I thought, I'm just going to have to try it11:37
Pyrusah sarge, thanks thoreauputic11:38
morchubooPyrus: just remember apt-get update - to update the packages, apt-get install <package> to get and install something AND apt-cache to search for something that ou want to install to find its name11:39
thoreauputicPyrus: http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/11:39
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Tomcat_Is there any project that has tried to do... "X forwarding takeover"? Like "screen" in a terminal, so you can start an X app on one PC, then continue it on another? Anybody know something? :)11:40
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lordanTomcat_, heard about something like that a while ago11:41
lordanjust can't remember the name11:41
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thoreauputicTomcat_: I think freenx can do something like that11:41
Jimi-Jamit tells me: VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknow-block(9,0)11:41
Jimi-JamPlease append a correct "root=" boot option11:41
drgalaxyTomcat_ with XDM you can save your session and log in remotely (I think)11:41
=== _jon_ mutters something about vnc
Guybrush|NumbI'm trying the dist-upgrade to hoary11:42
Jimi-JamKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknow-block(9,0)11:42
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PyrusI'll just put in the cd once I received it from my friend and see what happens :p, it will only take one more week or something like that11:42
Guybrush|Numbbut i get a "x-window-system core" as "kept back"11:42
Jimi-Jamwhat can I do?11:42
Guybrush|Numband it does not seem to install x-org11:42
qokehi, what is the default user/password for the Hoary live cd ? (searched the ubuntu site, and can seem to find it)11:42
Tomcat__jon_: VNC is great, the problem is that VNC doesn't really have the feel of X forwarding :)11:42
thoreauputicTomcat_: maybe look at the No MAchine site (they have client downloads) The server software is proprietary but freenx does the same thing11:42
Guybrush|Numbanyone can help ?11:43
_jon_Tomcat_: true, but it works cross platform nicely11:43
topyliJimi-Jam: your root device will probalby be something like hd0,0 to grub11:43
_jon_Guybrush|Numb: sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core11:43
morchubooGuybrush|Numb: If you manually tell it to install xserver-xorg it should do it. Then you can dist-upgrade it all11:43
topyliJimi-Jam: no it won't. you want the cd since you're running the live cd :)11:44
morchubooGuybrush|Numb: alternatively -f to force may work....11:44
Jimi-Jamwhat is a "root device" ?11:44
_jon_morchuboo: --force-yes might be what you mean11:44
Guybrush|Numbi'm running dist-upgrade with "-d" aka download only, so i didn't do anything irrevocable yet11:44
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Guybrush|Numbshould i install xorg before dist-upgrade ?11:44
topyliJimi-Jam: i'd think it's finding a place to find the system to boot11:44
topyliwhat a sentence11:45
Jimi-Jammy dvdrom reader11:45
Jimi-Jamis hdc11:45
Jimi-Jamwhat is the option root I must put?11:45
topyliso to grub it's probably hd1,011:45
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topylii miss lilo11:46
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thoreauputictopyli: it's still there if you want it ;-)11:46
topyliyeah :)11:47
PyrusI can find the minimum RAM requirement for debian is 12Mb let's hope ubuntu is similar :)11:47
=== bloc76 [~bloc@adsl-69-233-124-254.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bloc76hey guys, I just installed ubuntu for the first time and everything seemed fine, but when gnome starts I just get a black screen11:47
topylithoreauputic: as long as i can boot ok i don't care about the loader. but when a problem arises, believe me, you don't want to read the grub docs :)11:48
Guybrush|NumbPyrus: that is at least optimistic :)11:48
=== Linux-is-sexY [~png@dsl81-215-39313.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
Pyruslol nice choice of words Guybrush|Numb11:48
thoreauputictopyli: yeah, I find grub strange - but maybe it's just habit11:48
topylifor woody 12 ia ok11:48
topyliis ok11:48
qokeplz can someone tell me the default login/password for the hoary live cd ?11:49
=== pagefault [~pagefault@Ottawa-HSE-ppp4062152.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Guybrush|Numbtoply: well, plain console woody without more than a couple of services running :)11:49
topylithoreauputic: years of lilo don't just go away. but it's simpler. why do i need the power of grub just to boot one system? :o11:49
Guybrush|Numbi ran slackware 9 on 8mb... but could not do much :)11:49
Pyrusyes Guybrush|Numb, only console and some minor services11:49
_jon_thoreauputic: when booting it says "i810_audio disabled in this configuration"11:49
topyliGuybrush|Numb: that's the install we're talking about11:50
_jon_but i want my audio :(11:50
thoreauputictopyli: comprehensible howto on grub (well written)  http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/334005111:50
PyrusGuybrush|Numb: dhcp, nat and the other stuff to run a nice router, also a firewall, that's probably it11:50
Guybrush|NumbPyrus: why ubuntu for such a basic system ? it isn't exactly it's best selling point, running on ultra-low end machines11:50
topyliooh well written grub docs!11:50
=== topyli looks immediately
Guybrush|NumbPyrus: go for debian stable11:50
Pyrusto get experience with that distro Guybrush|Numb11:50
Guybrush|Numbat that level, debian and ubuntu are practically the same11:51
Guybrush|Numbbut debian stable is more.... stable :)11:51
PyrusI'm trying out Debian allready, maybe you're right, stay with Debian, ubuntu can't be that different11:51
topyli"Give LILO the Boot and Grab Some GRUB". i like that :)11:51
thoreauputictopyli: Schroder writes useful stuff11:51
bloc76anyone have any ideas about this black screen after install?11:51
Guybrush|Numbbloc76: go to console (alt+f1) and run ps -aux11:51
Guybrush|Numbbloc76: and see which are the last processes spawned11:52
thoreauputictopyli: more of her stuff here: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/article.php/157065111:52
bloc76Guybrush|Numb, ok, what am I looking for then?11:52
bloc76Guybrush|Numb, i have to reboot to try this so I'm trying to get all the details first :)11:52
topylithoreauputic: yes! thanks, i'll save a bookmark for the latter so i can browse her stuff at leisure11:53
Pyrusthx Guybrush|Numb I'll keep ubuntu for the moment this pc is out of date as a desktop and install it on this one (1GHz amd, 256Mb and lots more diskspace :p)11:53
thoreauputictopyli: that rare thing, someone with a clue about linux who can make it comprehensible to mere mortals ;)11:53
Guybrush|Numbyou should take note of the last spawned processes (higher PIDs) excluding the shell you are sitting on (the last couple processes), see which is the last process that GNOME started and that is stuck11:53
topylithoreauputic: oh, that didn't sound right. you know what i mean and what i don't :)11:53
bloc76Guybrush|Numb, k, thanks. I'm sure I'll be back in a couple minutes11:54
Guybrush|NumbPyrus: you welcome, i am convinced that ubuntu excels on the desktop, but good old debian woody is perfect for console and server usage11:54
topylithoreauputic: yes. doesn't seem like "for dummies" stuff still11:54
Pyrusthat's what I thought, but since ubuntu has more udates ... I thought that might be interesting too Guybrush|Numb11:55
thoreauputictopyli: oh no - some of her articles are quite advanced and aimed at sysadmins etc11:55
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Guybrush|Numbi've never seen a free software project with such an helpful community, this is f**king awesome11:55
thoreauputicGuybrush|Numb: ah, it's called Ubuntu for a reason ;-)11:55
morchubooGuybrush|Numb: thats why most of us changed ;)11:56
Guybrush|NumbPyrus: for a firewall, woody is the best, few updates means there are fewer bugs ;-)11:56
topylithoreauputic: looking at the topics, most of it seems to be admin stuff11:56
Pyrusalso true :)11:56
=== Evaso [~yellow@ppp-12-155.24-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
topyliPyrus: i agree with Guybrush|Numb. for such a box, debian stable is the one11:57
Evasohi guys, what about pmount and udf writing in ubuntu?11:57
Evasois this actually working on hoary?11:57
thoreauputicwell time for a shower and a meeting (*groan*)11:57
Guybrush|NumbEvaso: hi! I don't have a clue :)11:57
thoreauputicsee you all later...11:57
topylithoreauputic: bless you11:57
thoreauputictopyli: :)11:57
Pyrusthanks for the help you guys :) I don't know that much about ubuntu yet, apparently it's more of a desktop distro11:57
Guybrush|Numbgood day!11:58
Guybrush|NumbPyrus: u're right, the best one :)11:58
topyliPyrus: yes. it's unstable with support basically  :)11:58
Evasoguybrush: clue?11:58
=== FAST [~ryan@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Guybrush|NumbEvaso: i don't have any idea :-) but it was not polite not to salute you11:59
Evasowhat kernel actually has hoary?11:59
Klaascurrent is 2.2011:59
Guybrush|Numbtopyli: what should i do, first install xorg and then dist-upgrade, or the other way around ?11:59
KlaasJust installed ;-)11:59

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