=== wil- [wil@S0106000000031337.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad [01:29] bradb: ping === benno [~benno@nofx.disy.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #launchpad [05:25] hello ppl, i just tried to register an account but I get redirected to http://notready.ubuntu.com/ [05:25] when I goto the link in my email [05:27] benno: Yeah, register on www.ubuntu.com, it's the same account. [05:27] Known problem :( [05:28] okies === carlos_ [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad === ddaa [~ddaa@deep-thought.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad === salgado [~salgado@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #launchpad === SteveA_ [~steve@] has joined #launchpad === ssssssssssssss [~sssssssss@] has joined #launchpad [02:03] hi [02:05] hello "s"*14 [02:05] hehehe [02:05] :) === AoP [~sebastian@p5495B237.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad [03:06] Hi everyone [03:06] I could use some help with joining launchpad [03:07] When I try to follow the link from the "Launchpad Account Creation Instructions" mail, I'm always told that this place is not yet ready [03:08] Morning brad [03:09] erm, bah; not here :-) [03:09] AoP: If you have an ubuntulinux.org wiki account then the launchpad login should be the same [03:09] Thanks Kinnison, I'll try that [03:11] Yep, works, I had to log in at the wiki and change the password first; Thanks again! === SteveA_ [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #launchpad === ThomasWaldmann [~twaldmann@host51.thinkmo.de] has joined #launchpad [08:47] moin :) [08:48] i wanted to try rosetta, but when following the link of the registration email, it tells me it isnt ready? [08:50] sorry about that [08:50] we're fixing that problem. do you have an account on the ubuntulinux.org site? [08:50] you can use the same username (that is, email address) and password for rosetta [08:53] now yes. :) ok, it worked. thanks. [08:53] i wanted to take a look at it because we currently do the moinmoin wiki engine translations on the wiki. [08:53] great [08:54] so I just wanted to compare how you do it. [08:56] ah, nice gui. ours is a lot simpler ehrm low level :) [08:57] http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinI18n/fr [08:57] it would be great if you can tell the rosetta developers about ideas and observations and criticisms you have [09:00] wow, that's a long wiki page :-) [09:05] ThomasWaldmann: feel free to send us mails with suggestions/questions to rosetta-users@ubuntu.com (and subscribe to the mailing list if you want) [09:07] SteveA: hehe :) [09:08] it's just the complete po file, filtered and checked slightly by some py code [09:08] carlos: are you involved with rosetta? [09:09] carlos is one of the developers of rosetta [09:09] yep [09:13] ah, great. what i missed first when using it, is a bottom "next 10 msgs" link. [09:14] the whole bar could just be duplicated down there [09:16] ThomasWaldmann: yeah, we have that request already and will be added with other changes we are preparing to the translation form [09:18] ThomasWaldmann: you can see our bug database with feature requests at https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/products/rosetta === ThomasWaldmann contributed some tsclient german messages for trying it :) [09:23] :-) [09:25] is there some "just for playing" rosetta somewhere, without login? [09:27] no, we only have available that one === bradb [~bradb@modemcable206.155-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad