=== spiv [~andrew@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #launchpad === spiv [~andrew@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #launchpad === mcr_ [~mcr@62-151-41-51.yaonline.ya.com] has joined #launchpad [01:27] Is there anyone alive here? === asgeirf [~asgeir@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has joined #launchpad === mcr_ [~mcr@62-151-41-51.yaonline.ya.com] has left #launchpad [] === asgeirf [~asgeir@] has joined #launchpad === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad [06:40] anybody here to answer questions about rosetta? === stub [~stub@dsl-] has left #launchpad [] === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad === jblack [~jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #launchpad === jblack [~jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has left #launchpad [] === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #launchpad [09:58] uhm, why is bug 163 different to task 163 ?!? === carlos [~carlos@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad === carlos_ [~carlos@host217-37-231-29.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #launchpad === carlos_ [~carlos@host217-37-231-20.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad === ddaa [~ddaa@deep-thought.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad === salgado [~salgado@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #launchpad [01:51] Kinnison: ping [01:51] daf: ping [01:53] abelli: pong [01:53] abelli: pong [01:54] daf: do you remember when... that thing on translation? [01:55] hmm, I think so [01:55] Kinnison: can you re tell me that arm motherboards manufacturer's website? [01:55] daf: :)= [01:56] daf: what should we do? [01:56] abelli: http://www.simtec.co.uk/ [01:56] Kinnison: have i ever told u i love u :) [01:58] abelli: not before now; no [01:58] :) [02:01] abelli: you know, I really don't know [02:03] abelli: it's been a while since I read your mail, and now is a really busy time for me [02:04] and I'm not really sure what you need from me [02:04] daf: mmm.. right.. [02:05] im not even sure what should i expect from you... [02:05] i was just following sabdfl's "directives". [02:06] have a good time with you code :) [02:06] ciao [02:07] ciao === abelli_ [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #launchpad === bradb [~bradb@modemcable065.154-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #launchpad === ddaa [~ddaa@nemesis.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad === ddaa [~ddaa@nemesis.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad === ddaa [~ddaa@joe.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad === fimp_ [~fimp@0x5358cc64.aaanxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #launchpad [09:03] hi [09:04] does anyone know anything about this? https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/188 [09:06] The entire purpose of rosetta is kind of destroyed when you cannot export the po-files anymore :-/ === fimp [~fimp@0x5358cc64.aaanxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #launchpad === carlos [~carlos@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #launchpad === chlunde [~chlunde@nemi.ping.uio.no] has joined #launchpad [11:31] Is there a problem with launchpad/registration? I'm not getting an email. [11:33] chlunde: Use your www.ubuntu.com account, it's the same account. [11:43] spiv: Thanks, creating an account there worked. [11:52] "A system error occured" === chlunde tried to translate baazar.