
universalhow can i get the corretct weather-URL for my gdesklets?12:00
=== darmou [~darmou@CPE-144-137-5-71.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
error_29Can anyone tell me if there are any hidden configuration files for metacity where I can get more control than through the gconfig settings?12:01
universalhow can i get the corretct weather-URL for my gdesklets?12:01
LinuxJonesuniversal, change the country and closest major city if your not living in 112:01
lokerror_29, search in yours .metacity .gtk and .gtk-212:02
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lok.gconf too12:02
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R0bNychow do I mount another partition ?12:03
[FiDO] does anyone know anything about tv cards12:03
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Xappe[FiDO] , well, i use one for watching tv12:04
dampjamI have the 82801DB intel audio controller, which ubuntu recognized, but for some reason I cannot get any sounds to play.  If I open up the audio monitor I can see the green bars go up with music, but nothing comes out of the speakers, ideas?12:04
lokR0bNyc, in your 7etc/apt/sources.list change the url it's not us.archive.ubuntu.com but archive.ubuntu.com12:04
dampjamPeople on the web who have the same chipset have had no similar problems (at least that have been posted)12:04
error_29hmm, lok, .metacity only has one folder in it, called sessions...12:04
waseemOk Im using gFTP, how do i move all these files into a different directory?12:04
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djpR0bNyc: to mount a floppy device for example = mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy12:05
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apokryphoswaseem: select them and press the "right" button; should transfer them.12:06
Quarupthow can i change what program opens when i click an IP12:06
Quaruptin Kubuntu12:06
error_29and I can't fine .gtk or .gtk-2 either, at least not in home/user...12:06
RiddellQuarupt: click an IP?12:06
universalLinuxJones, i tried, but nothing were detected12:06
waseemapokryphos: the files are already on the server, i just want to organize it a bit into different folders/directories12:06
LinuxJonesuniversal, it worked for me :(12:07
universalLinuxJones, so, for me i shoulc actually type Copenhagen, Denmark...?12:07
QuaruptRiddell, what are you talking about, i mean in KDE how do i change like program defaults12:07
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Quarupti made a type12:08
LinuxJonesuniversal, yeah make sure each is Capitalized12:08
QuaruptI meant MP312:08
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LinuxJonesuniversal, 1 sec lemme try12:08
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waseemyou there apokryphos?12:08
apokryphoswaseem: hmm, I'm sure it's possible, but not as easy. I don't personally use it myself.12:08
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LinuxJonesuniversal, Copenhagen is mostly cloudy 1 degree celcius12:09
apokryphoswaseem: seems odd to me that it doesn't do things the basic copy and pasting way.12:09
Inva|idI am having problems with ubuntu install12:09
=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-19-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
LinuxJonesuniversal, start each name with a capital letter for country and city12:09
apokryphosQuarupt: program defaults? You mean... what a program opens with automatically?12:10
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waseemdoes anyone here know how I can move files into a different directory on gFTP??12:10
universalLinuxJones, yeah, like a big D or a big C12:10
mdkewaseem, drag and drop should work12:10
Inva|idInstallation seems to hang at : | Detecting hardware to find CD-ROM drives | Loading module 'yenta-socket' for 'Cardbus bridge'...12:11
LinuxJonesuniversal, yeah that's what I put in and it updated ok for me12:11
waseemmdke: i tried that already, it doesnt work12:11
Quaruptnevermind apokryphos i got it12:11
mdkewaseem, hang on lemme install it12:11
waseemok thanks12:11
eruinanyone know how to select the default session for gdm?12:11
universalLinuxJones, hmm wierd, but u dont know any kind of direct url?12:11
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eruinafter installing xfce4, it's taken over as default over gnoem12:12
eruinto my annoyance ;)12:12
QuaruptInva|id, use ACPI off12:12
LinuxJonesuniversal, nope12:12
R0bNycwhy are all the http://us.archive.ubuntu.com not working12:12
Inva|idQuarupt: How to do that?12:12
Quarupti think12:12
Quaruptits one of the boot modes12:12
mdkeR0bNyc, they are doing some hardcore uploading, maybe its cranky for that reason12:12
universalLinuxJones, ok, thx anyway12:12
Inva|idok, let me try12:12
R0bNycam I the only one12:12
tjsjust in the partition bit of the ubuntu install, Im wanting to setup software RAID. When I choose 'Configure software RAID' it says that It has to write the partition info to the disks, and that this is irrevokable and I should be satisfied with the partitioning scheme.. I have 2 120g disks I want to setup with raid 1. I thought that I would be partitioning them -after- I made them mirror?12:13
mdkewaseem, what is it you are trying to move, local -> local, remote->remote or local->remote?12:13
LinuxJonesR0bNyc, remove the us part12:13
bearR0bNyc, no - I've been having this problem for hours12:13
Xira-Hi, I installed Ubuntu, and my monitor and card were detected exactly, but when Gnome trys to start, the monitor turns off. Any idea on how to troubleshoot/fix?12:13
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R0bNycbear, same12:13
R0bNycLinuxJones, ill try that12:13
waseemmdke: im just trying to move files that are alreayd on the server12:13
Inva|idCould not find kernel image: acpi=off12:13
tjsthis seems to indicate that I should partition the disks -before- setting up raid?12:13
HrdwrBoBtjs: no, you partition them then mirror the partitions12:14
tjsthat doesnt make any sense12:14
HrdwrBoBtjs: it's a bit strange12:14
bearyour question got an answer - mine seemed to be lost in the shuffle the last couple times :)12:14
LinuxJonesR0bNyc, http://archive.ubuntu.com gives me 600 kb/sec12:14
QuaruptInva|id, look at F1 and find something similar12:14
tjsHrdwrBoB, So I should setup the same partitions on both disks?12:14
mdkewaseem, omg you're right it is crazy, doesn't seem to be a way12:14
eruinLinuxJones: shh!12:14
waseemmdke: haha what the hell...ok does anyone know any good ftp12:14
tjsHrdwrBoB, what about swap?12:15
LinuxJoneseruin, :D12:15
R0bNycthanks LinuxJones that worked12:15
=== bear tries also
StoffBox-SteveR0bNyc, i say you 5mins ago you sould remove the us. and it will be work :P the de. mirros work too12:15
eruinLinuxJones: you evil! :P12:15
mdkewaseem, nautilus probably does it12:15
R0bNycStoffBox-Steve, yes12:15
waseemapt-get install nautilus?12:15
HrdwrBoBtjs: I created two swap partitions and added them both12:15
mdkewaseem, you have it already12:15
eruingftp doesnt work for you waseem ?12:15
tjsthanks :)12:15
mdkewaseem, it is your filemanager probably12:15
StoffBox-Stevei think its a us. server problem or a shutdown12:15
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waseemmdke: what does nautilus do?12:16
bearwoo - worked12:16
eruinwaseem: it's a filemanager12:16
=== bear returns to his FC3 removal project
mdkewaseem, you know when you open your home directory? nautilus is the program that lets you see it12:16
QMarioHow does yahoo messanger work on Ubuntu?12:16
eruinwaseem: if youre running gnome, the "computer" icon on your desktop opens nautilus12:16
goldfishuse gaim12:16
drspinQMario: Gaim12:16
R0bNycQMario, its wack12:16
waseemmdke: well i dont have the files on my computer, but theyre on the server12:16
R0bNycQMario, WIndows beats Linux on Messenger!12:16
QMarioHow would you open the actual program "Yahoo Messanger" and unrar it to Linux?12:17
waseemso i cant organize the files on my desktop then upload them12:17
mdkewaseem, it does remote too. Open it and then click file->connect to server12:17
R0bNycAIm, Msn, Yahoo are better on WIndows so I guess we gotta stick to boring gaim stuff12:17
mdkewaseem, then you can transfer things in file manager windows12:17
mdkewaseem, following me?12:17
waseemya i am12:17
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fgxanyone here upgraded from php4.3.8 to php4.3.10 on warty?12:18
drspinQMario: you wouldn't12:18
drspinQMario: maybe under crossover Office12:18
StoffBox-Stevedrspin, yahoo has a LInux version12:19
eruinfgx: whats your error message?12:19
mdkewaseem, tested and works nicely12:19
drspinStoffBox-Steve: oh they do ?!?12:19
drspinStoffBox-Steve: sorry bout that... didn't know12:19
StoffBox-Stevejap der have one :) but its ******  drspin12:19
waseemmdke: im still trying to work it12:20
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drspinLOL I can imagine12:20
waseemfor some reason its not asking for any passwords...12:20
mdkewaseem, just enter ftp (login) in the top box, then your username. then on the desktop an icon will appear, and it will ask for a password when you double click on it12:20
fgxeruin, no error message, i have still to upgrade but i dont know where i can find 4.3.10 for warty12:20
StoffBox-Steveim using kopete right now .. like it more than Gaim12:21
mdkewaseem, http://mdke.mine.nu/images/nautilus_ftp.png12:21
waseemmdke: all the files are stuck loading12:21
waseemits not doing anything12:21
drspinI like Gaim -- been a user since version 0.6712:21
eruinfgx: oh... nm then.. just lots of people have trouble with foreach after upgrading ;-)12:21
mdkewaseem, hmm it should work12:21
Inva|idQuarupt: 'linux noapic nolapic' seems to be working so far, thanks12:21
mdkewaseem, are you on warty?12:21
Xira-Hi, I installed Ubuntu, and my monitor and card were detected exactly, but when Gnome trys to start, the monitor turns off. Any idea on how to troubleshoot/fix?12:21
waseemmdke: im unsure, my bro set up my computer12:22
fgxeruin, 4.3.8 that is the default php on warty is a buggy php version12:22
fgxeruin, for a safe php server 4.3.10 is required12:22
waseemok for Folder: and Name to use for connectionL12:23
waseemwhat should i type in?12:23
mdkewaseem, leave folder blank, and name can be what you like12:23
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waseemall the files get stuck loading12:23
waseemand i cant double click on the icon on my desktop12:24
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BockBilbowhats the extension of the pgp public signatures files?12:24
waseembockbilpo: are you asking me that?12:25
=== StoffBox-Steve this f***** b****** headache kills me
eyequeueBockBilbo:  extension?12:26
BockBilbowaseem, i asked to anyone hwho knows it12:26
eyequeueBockBilbo:  what do you mean?12:26
BockBilboeyequeue, well i know they have no extension12:26
BockBilboi want to leave my public key in my web server12:26
eyequeueBockBilbo:  filename?12:26
BockBilboso i want to know it it has to be a txt12:26
eyequeueBockBilbo:  foo.asc for --armor files12:26
BockBilbothere we go12:27
eyequeueBockBilbo:  asc being ascii armouring12:27
BockBilboso i just create a text file and name it foo.asc12:27
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waseemmdke: any ideas on what i can do12:27
eyequeueBockBilbo:  gpg --armor --export BockBilbo > bb.asc12:28
andreasWhen navigating to /usr/share/pixmaps/splash the default is not the one named gnome-splash.png hence there must be somewhere to switch between them but where?12:28
eyequeueafter, run 'gpg bb.asc' to be sure you get the results you want12:28
eyequeueBockBilbo:  typically for human readability, i'll do gpg --fingerprint BockBilbo > bb.asc && gpg --armor --export BockBilbo >> bb.asc12:30
BockBilbothank you12:30
eyequeueadds a nice little header, try both to see which you like (--import will ignore the header, if yu're worried)12:30
phesterwhat do you need to get all the neede plugins for fire fox?12:31
tjsI just configured raid1 as / and I get "Ubuntu does not currently support using software RAID for the root filesystem or the /boot partition. A system installed in this way will not boot"12:31
andreasphester: Which ones?12:31
tjsdoes that mean if I create a seperate /boot partition which is not using raid, then I can still use raid for / ?12:32
phesterlike quicktime, flash and shockwave!12:32
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andreasapt-het install mozilla-flash12:33
andreasThat` s if your sources are configured correctly12:33
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phesterok, ith should be12:33
diegoandreas: refer the man to ubuntuguide and he will not return with these questions12:34
phesterbut that just covers flash, dosen't it?12:34
Xira-I have installed Ubuntu 4.10 and everything is configured properly in terms of monitor/video card (9800 pro 256mb and dell 1704fp) but when Gnome starts, the monitor turns off. I looked at the xfree log, but I couldn't see anything wrong, but then again I don't know what I'm looking for12:34
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diegoXira-: have you double-checked the horizontal and vertical sync rates work with your monitor?12:35
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andreasphester: ubuntuguide.org is a fairly easy place to get all the answers12:35
diegoandreas: :)12:36
=== ukilledkenny [~ukilledke@yong-a-043.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
drspinDoes the ubuntu have ISA sound support by default?12:36
andreasdiego: There`s just one problem doing that... Waht about my own problems..? LOL12:36
diegoandreas: hmm?12:36
phesterandreas: ok thx12:36
Xira-diego: I don't know, everything looked fine12:37
andreasdiego: ubuntusuide??12:37
andreasDamn spelling.... It`s the keyboard - I swear!12:37
ukilledkennyi typed in> nautilus applications:///Internet , but the folder cant be found ... help12:37
diegoandreas: suicide is not the option. time to pipe myself to `food`12:37
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Quest-Masterukilledkenny: Are you on Hoary?12:37
Quest-MasterThat's why12:38
andreasHoary is nice12:38
Quest-Masterukilledkenny: Search on ubuntuforums.org on how to change menus12:38
Quest-Masterandreas: Agreed.12:38
Quest-MasterNo problem12:38
andreasQuest: I just have one question..12:38
=== waseem [~waseem@cpe-67-49-36-167.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
waseemwhat is the command to move multiple files at once?12:39
andreasHow the ""#%&% does one change the splashscreen??12:39
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eyequeuewaseem:  mv * elsewhere/12:39
iMeXdiAChi .. i tried to run the xfree86 on a g4 powerbook (titanium) that came with warty .. selected the special resolution the screen has (1280x852) in the config debconf dialog and also used an older xfreeconfig-4 file that used to work with the pb&debian - but still the screen fades to black .. so should/have i to upgrade to hoary to get x11 working in this situation ?.12:41
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ukilledkennyQuest-Master: i typed in sudo gedit /etc/menus/application.menu and the file came up empty12:41
ukilledkennyQuest-Master: its supposed to have several entries12:42
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cowbudjdub: fix your crazy planet.gnome.org so I can read the news!12:43
jdubno way dude12:44
jdubnow look at www.gnome.org12:44
tizenGuys, any of you have gaim disapearing randomly12:44
StoffBox-Steveukilledkenny, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1803412:44
cowbudprotest style12:44
cowbudso why isn't gnomedesktop protesting?12:45
ukilledkennyStoffBox-Steve: i followed the first command but the file application.menus came up blank12:45
StoffBox-Stevetizen, all messenger be try by yourself ... nobody can say what you love/hate .. i like Gaim but using kopete ..12:45
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QMarioHow does SAMBA work?12:46
StoffBox-Steveukilledkenny, by me too ^^12:46
tizenStoffBox-Steve: Yeah, gaim is lovely... But often i come out of the screensaver and it's gone from the taskbar12:47
tizenand there's no log anywhere12:47
ukilledkennyStoffBox-Steve: should i go ahead and start typing stuff up anyway12:47
QMarioCan anyone answer my question?12:47
granconthe installation of ubuntu-desktop bugs on hoary, is it normal ?12:47
StoffBox-SteveQMario, http://www.samba.org/12:47
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-132-093.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
StoffBox-Steveyou can try it .. and say me if it works ;) i search a half day... and going crazy .... i can not get in my brain why der not leave the easy why ... :S12:49
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geppyWhat package provides aoss?12:50
=== StoffBox-Steve time xpenguins
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=== StoffBox-Steve time for xpenguins
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StoffBox-Stevei love it seeing them running around on my dual head system :D12:51
geppyah, alsa-oss12:51
StoffBox-Stevemake a bit happy :D12:51
QMarioCan I use SAMBA, so that a Windows computer can recognize me?12:52
geppyQMario: Yes.12:52
QMarioHow does SAMBA actually work?12:52
QMarioIs there a command to make it work or start running?12:52
StoffBox-Stevesure QMario therefor is samba .. .. read the samba website12:52
StoffBox-Stevethere have a good Dokumentaion12:52
StoffBox-Steveand in the web there are many many howtos about samba12:53
QMarioThe problem is that my Windows computer cannot communicate or recognize my Ubuntu computer.12:53
StoffBox-Steveuse you DHCP ... or when not have you set up Ips rights ?12:53
QMarioWhat are Ips rights?12:54
ukilledkennyStoffBox-Steve: i just want to add an entry onto the Applications>Internet menu... can you tell how12:54
=== tremor [~tremor@d54C39D40.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
fgxagain, i need to upgrade to php4.3.10 on warty. can someone suggest me the better way to do it?12:55
=== diego|food is now known as diego
StoffBox-Stevenormaly at privat network the level C is still a good chose means > IP 192.168.*.* Subnetmask  be sure both are in the same ip group me Ubuntu PC > WinpC
=== GhostFreeman [~ghostfree@c-24-129-74-130.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
StoffBox-Stevenot really ukilledkenny i read the forum post but dont try it,12:56
diegoStoffBox-Steve: i was talking to him earlier. his network works, but he would like to print from his windows box to his printer being hosted on his linux box. the printer already works on the linux box alone, just needs to add samba to the equation12:56
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diegoStoffBox-Steve: 'him' being QMario12:57
StoffBox-Steveok QMario wait a moment :)12:57
StoffBox-Steve :) i think that12:58
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QMarioStoffBox-Steve, are you still there?12:58
StoffBox-Stevesure just looking for an howto about printing ... :) somewhere in my favs there must be one12:59
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diegoStoffBox-Steve: i think the people at gentoo have one but that's probably a bit hands-on01:00
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StoffBox-Steveok i think there is a easy way but maybe not the best .... / thinking about webmin01:00
tw0nkheyas, sorry but could someone please help me? im just after installing ubuntu but i cant seem to get the xserver working, i ran xf86config but i still cant get it to work01:01
tw0nkim using a nvidia geforce 2 mx card01:01
diegotw0nk: describe the problem please01:01
tw0nkright.. well i installed ubuntu,no probs,it downloaded all the updates, then it tried to boot and the screen flickered twice and just went back to the unix like interface01:02
QMarioWill installing WINE solve the problem?01:02
diegotw0nk: ok, did you try looking through the logs01:02
tw0nkso then i tried startx and it gave me so big error01:02
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diegoQMario: you're completely out of your element.01:03
StoffBox-Steveno QMario printing dont need wine01:03
tw0nkyeah i looked through the log and it gives me this error about the graphics card, but i selected nvidia in xf86config and thats the only one there01:03
diegotw0nk: what's the error message?01:03
QMarioIt's worth a try.:)01:04
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diegoQMario: that's like saying chewing on a stick of gum is worth a try...01:04
StoffBox-SteveQMario, diego  i think this can be helpfull ... a small howto for printing with samba01:04
tw0nkeeeep i was scared you were gonna ask that, sorry for being unprepared, im just after logging into windows to come here,right ill restart and check the error, back in a few mins01:04
diegotw0nk: you don't have another computer you can use?01:04
QMarioThank you for all your help everyone.:)01:05
zenwhenAttention Channel: I love linux.01:05
zenwhenthat is all01:05
tw0nknope :( ah well , ok il be back in a sec and il write down the error01:05
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StoffBox-Stevecrap is 01:05am *grrr* have to standup in a few hours ^^01:06
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diegozenwhen: gj dude01:07
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StoffBox-Steveso a last smoke and than its bedtime01:10
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benhso what is this story that people claim ubuntu has working trackpad on latest powerbooks ?01:12
benhif that is true (which I doubt), why isn't the patch posted to linuxppc-dev or lkml ?01:12
danielsbenh: what's broken about it?01:12
danielsbenh: err ... we don't have draglock and shit like that01:12
benhdaniels: it's a USB HID device (not ADB anymore)01:12
danielsbenh: dunno who said that :)01:12
benhdaniels: last I've hard reports, the kernel HID refused to play with it at all01:13
danielsbenh: oh, interesting.  in that case, it's just going to come under /dev/input/mice, isn't it?01:13
[FiDO] does anyone know anything about tvtime01:13
benhdaniels: so it just didn't work _at all_01:13
danielsbenh: oh, OK.  well, we're pulling from -bk in some aspects01:13
tizen[FiDO] : I don't know how to make the audio work01:13
danielsbenh: so if it works upstream, it works for us.  we don't have any custom patches that I know of.01:13
benhok, but I don't think it works upsteam01:13
benhoh well...01:13
[FiDO] me either that's my problem01:14
benhI'll get one of those beasts for playing soon (a co-working ordered one)01:14
ukilledkennycan anyone tell me how i can play mpeg/avi files on hoary01:14
benhso I'll be able to hack & find out how it works01:14
danielsbenh: ah cool01:14
danielsbenh: well, if you need anything to be done for ubuntu, courier it down to me :)01:14
diegoukilledkenny: see http://ubuntuguide.org01:14
ukilledkennywhich is the best player though01:15
ukilledkennyi couldnt get real player to install rite01:15
diegoukilledkenny: that's obviously preference01:15
diegoukilledkenny: give gmplayer or xine a try01:15
ukilledkennydiego: do i have to install any plugins/codecs beforehand01:16
CarlKmplayer plays like all you ever reyalpm01:16
diegoukilledkenny: just go to that url and it'll become apparent01:16
diegoCarlK: did you just say reyalpm?01:17
CarlKyeah, I counlnt' think of a word that began with R01:17
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QMarioHow do I add a printer?01:17
diegoQMario: how do i subtract a printer?01:17
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gillyGood evening01:18
tizendiego: define a printer variable01:18
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QMarioDiego, Computer-printer01:18
diegoQMario: in that case, the answer to your question is simpley Computer+printer01:18
diegoQMario: my point is, you need to ask a more specific question.01:19
QMarioI meant where do I go to add a printer for my network?01:19
CarlKgot to printerstore.com. select a printer, hit "add to cart"01:19
diegoQMario: this link that someone sent you earlier explains that ( http://www.wlug.org.nz/SambaPrinting )01:19
QMarioWhat's with the sarcasm?01:19
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CarlKit is fun01:20
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gillyIs there a queue for questions or is this an open forum?01:21
QMarioAn open forum.01:21
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CarlKwow, that was teh most practicaly ask to ask I have ever seen01:22
gillyI have a question01:22
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=== Win32 [~mitch@dynamic-216-26-211-38.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
diegogilly: clearly the proper way to form a noun from the word 'cool' is 'coolness'...get it right :P01:22
Win32how do you get all win32 devices/codecs on Ubuntu, I'm having troubles01:22
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Win32for I can play some Mpegs and WMvs01:23
diegoWin32: see http://ubuntuguide.org01:23
Win32its just apt-get install w32codecs?01:25
diegoWin32: follow all the steps...01:26
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femvHi people need some help installing ubuntu01:26
r0verfemv: what's your problem ?01:27
diegofemv: continue...01:27
bwlangfemv: who are these people who need help?01:27
diegobwlang: nice.01:27
QMarioYes, on an HP Pavilion.01:27
ukilledkennyim having trouble with the command java -jar /opt/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar , but if i cd into /opt/LimeWire/ and type in java -jar LimeWire.jar it executes... anything odd01:27
Win32diego, it only shows warty, I have hoary01:27
femvme... how much hd space does ubunto needs ?01:28
diegoWin32: i use it on hoary with no problems01:28
Win32diego, the steps just say it for warty01:28
diegoWin32: follow them heh01:28
QMarioWhat is hoary?01:29
diegofemv: a couple gigs for system stuff + user storage01:29
Win32diego, i did, it can't find the package01:29
diegoQMario: hoary is the current development release to come out in early april01:29
QMarioSorry guys, I'm sort of new to all this.01:29
QMarioWith time I'll yet better.01:29
diegoWin32: did you follow all the steps (specially when it comes to adding the repository you need)01:29
bwlangukilledkenny: setup a shell script to do the cd for you... that's not unusual for a java package...01:29
femvmy installation seems to go well , it does restart and start to uncompress some things... 'packages' ... it takes a looot of time until it start giving erros... out of space it seems..01:29
bwlangfemv: depends on what you choose... ubuntu is not really a light weight distro... use debian if you want a small footprint01:29
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femvits a 2 gb partition01:30
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diegoWin32: did you run an apt-get update (Refresh button in Synaptic)?01:30
ukilledkennybwlang. no idea on how to do so01:30
diegofemv: 2gb partition or 2gb drive?01:30
bwlangukilledkenny: you'll have to google for how to write a bash script01:30
Win32diego, but like i said it only shows Warty for respitory01:30
femvdiego , 2 gb partition01:31
diegofemv: mm...try running an `apt-get clean` and then attempt again01:31
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bwlangukilledkenny: essentially it's a file with a list of commands that you want to run01:31
xxenonhoary (universe) has KDE 3.4 RC1 ?01:32
QMarioHow do I edit a configuration file?01:32
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Igotascrewloseanyone here have gdesklets working?01:32
diegoQMario: use a text editor, generally as root01:32
Riddellxxenon: kdelibs only (and it's final not rc)01:32
error_29When I start my (warty) laptop while connected to my lan, boot and log-in is slow but bearable, but when I'm offline, bootup is incredibly slow -- what do need to reconfigure?01:32
femvdiego : it does finish the intallation but it says that it could not install some packages... it does boot up... can i launch gnome ?01:32
diegoWin32: may i /msg you?01:32
ukilledkennybwlang, actually i wrote the command java -jar.yada yada ... as part of the EXEC section, so that i can execute it from a shortcut i made on Applications01:32
xxenonRiddell - ok.01:32
tizenI've never seen anything like this ubuntu server... Sometimes I get 600kB/s other times, 2000 B/s01:32
diegofemv: i'm not sure..01:33
Win32diego, yes01:33
error_29it's like the system is hanging because it's expecting an internet connection that's not there...01:33
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Igotascrewloseno one has gdeskletsinstlled?01:33
Igotascrewlose*gdesklets installed01:33
femvdiego.. how it is usually done01:33
diegofemv: automatically01:33
tw0nkheyas, i just checked the log and x wont start cos of my mouse01:33
diegotw0nk: nice!01:34
tw0nkdiego ??01:34
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error_29Igotascrewlose, I had them installed, liked them, but they seemed to 1. break easily, and 2.use more resources than they were worth01:34
diegotw0nk: sarcasm...i'm trying to express that it sucks your mouse would cause you such troubles01:34
tw0nkhehe sorry!01:34
tw0nki think its cos its a usb mouse01:34
femvdiego.. so i guess it did not install it.... i did the apt thing... how can i have those packages installed... or at least .. try01:35
Igotascrewloseerror_29 well can u help me set them up?01:35
diegotw0nk: did you change any of the mouse settings?01:35
QMarioHow do I open a file using pico, such as the configuration file I was speaking about earlier?01:35
tw0nki set it to auto and then it asks me where the mouse is connected,, i tried it at dev/tty00 and dev/mouse but neither worked,any ideas? its usb but i dunno what the folder for that is01:35
diegofemv: hmm...try `apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`01:35
error_29if i remember, Igotascrewlose , let's see, if you installed them already, the only tricky thing is getting them started...01:35
ukilledkennybwlang, its already part of a script, it looks like... Encoding=UTF-8 Name=LimeWire Comment=p2p client Exec=java -jar /opt/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar Icon=apple-red Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Applications;Network;01:36
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Igotascrewloseyeah i hve it installed01:36
Igotascrewlosejust cant get them running01:36
error_29you need to first, start gdesklets (on the command line, for example), then01:36
ukilledkennybut the EXEC section doesnt work01:36
Igotascrewlosei have started gdesklets01:36
diegoQMario: `sudo pico /your/file.txt`01:36
Igotascrewlosebut the desklets wont load01:37
error_29find the folder and right click on any of the whatchamacallits01:37
femvdiego: did it... got no error... now what01:37
diegofemv: did it install anything?01:37
error_29then right click, and drag it to the desktop01:37
tw0nkdiego any ideas?01:37
error_29sorry, forgot what they're called, not sensors, but the other py files01:37
femvdiegp: it didnt say anything...still it gave no errors01:37
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diegotw0nk: try another mouse...try setting it to /dev/input/mice01:38
error_29Igotascrewlose, it's actually loaded, but you need to start the thing off with that drag to desktop business, it's weird01:38
lamn02I need some help with my windows machine01:38
bwlangukilledkenny: so just put  a "cd /usr/... " on the previous line01:38
QMarioThank you.01:38
QMarioLet me try this...01:38
error_29sorry , I don't have gdesklets installed right now, so I don't remember too well01:38
tw0nkok il just go try mess with it and see if i get any results, theres no way to get ubuntu to autodetect it?01:38
Igotascrewloseits not letting me move the files01:38
lamn02I tried using that LiveCD that is on ubuntulinux.org.. tried to boot with it but it never got to linux..01:39
diegotw0nk: it generally does. /dev/input/mice is where it's at probably01:39
diegolamn02: which livecd? there are several01:39
lamn02tried a safe mode or w/e it was, and it got to the process loading screen, but nothing happened01:39
tw0nkok thanks diego,il try that now01:39
error_29Igotascrewlose, are you right clicking, then (I think) choosing "open with gdesklets"?01:39
diegolamn02: x86....warty?01:39
error_29then you drag the py file01:39
femvdiego.. look what i got now...  dpkg was interrupted you must manually run ' dpkg --configure -a' to correct the pro01:39
diegolamn02: do you know if your hardware works with linux?01:39
diegofemv: do so...make it happy :)01:40
ukilledkennybwlang, will just leaving white space between the two lines be able to distinguish them as separate commands01:40
blizahim having problems making a launch icon to lanch steam through cedega...when i type command: "cedega /path/to/steam/Steam.exe"  i get ERROR: Steam.exe (main exception):  Unable to change directory to /home/stephen/TransGaming_Drive/ProgramFiles/Valve/Steam/           --everything is captilized the right way01:40
lamn02ummm, i read something about nforce but i didnt think tha twould be aproblem01:40
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Igotascrewloseokay i got it on desktop01:40
bwlangukilledkenny: bash is line oriented... so whitespace is not necessary01:40
Igotascrewlosethe .display file01:40
Igotascrewlosei have no .py files01:40
diegoblizah: to you keep your Steam.exe file in /path/to/Steam.exe?01:40
lamn02when i removed the cd because it wasnt working, my windows would begin to load but then the computer would just restart randomly never geting to the OS01:41
StoffBox-Stevehey guys before i go do bed here some funny stuff for you :) .... >> my Xpenguins >> www.bysteve.de/des.png  ( 1.4mb) ...01:41
blizahnow when i run the steam.exe in a terminal and exit the program and the terminal is still up and then i click the launch icon i made...steam works01:41
ukilledkennybwlang, thanx01:41
blizahbut when i exit the terminal i manually did it with it does01:41
blizahdoesnt work..01:41
lamn02tried safemode, and all that.. gets to a347bus.sys esc to stop loading it and then freezes there after01:41
blizahnonono diego that was an example :D01:41
diegolamn02: your windows as in M$ Windows or a gui?01:41
blizah(was lazy)01:41
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femvdiego : it semms its setting up some things :)01:41
lamn02M$ windows01:41
QMarioSteve, what timezone are you in?01:41
lamn02xp pro sp201:41
diegoblizah: try cd'ing into that directory first, then run cedega inside there (i know it's stupid but my friend had same problem)01:42
Igotascrewloseerror_29 i have the .display file on the desktop01:42
error_29sorry Igotascrewlose , I may have the file extension wrong, but if you check all the folders for gdesklets, there should be some readmes in there...01:42
blizahi can cd to the directory01:42
blizahand i can run steam01:42
diegoblizah: maybe you should go to a cedega channel01:42
femvdiego : what does apt-get clean does ?01:42
blizahk :D01:42
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lamn02diego: any idea?01:43
diegofemv: removes .deb files from your hard drive01:43
diegoblizah: #cedega would be a good choice :)01:43
blizahyea i there01:43
bwlangfemv: it removes the files you downloaded from /var/cache/apt...01:43
StoffBox-SteveQMario, german  / berlin its 1.43 now  and i have to standup at 6 ocloak01:43
femvdiego: is it still going to be able to install what it didnt without them ?01:43
diegofemv: heh no01:43
error_29Igotascrewlose, once you drag the right kind of file to the desktop, it'll just look like it should, whatever the applet is, then you configure with the right click menu -- so you should be in a "display" folder, then the applets will be in there01:43
AngryClipwhat is everyones favourite newsreader for ubuntu?01:43
diegofemv: shiit...they're on the cd though01:43
QMarioGood night then. :)01:44
diegolamn02: uh..does it ever attempt to boot into the cd?01:44
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diegoAngryClip: i personally like liferea01:44
QMarioBefore you go, how do I share my printer on the network?01:44
diegoQMario: we've answered that. 3 times now.01:44
lamn02ohy yea,it would giv ethe menu from the cd, but it would never complete load to linux01:44
diegoQMario: go to that url we keep referring you to.01:44
QMarioI am there.01:44
lamn02most of the process werent found and what not being as its from a cd01:45
diegoQMario: follow the instructions...01:45
QMarioI've read the only the Linux instructions.01:45
diegolamn02: uh..did you get any error messages?01:45
lamn02as far as I saw no01:45
femvdiego: is it normal for the instalation to get this long ?01:45
diegolamn02: cool...haha...sounds like your hardware may be unsupported01:46
lamn02regular windows booting would flash the logo as normal and then restart01:46
diegofemv: long?01:46
lamn02ok, so if that is the case why wouldnt it continue running from windows as normal since it has nothing to do with the hdd?01:46
StoffBox-Stevefast i have only good german links for you QMario.. and no time to look around in my eng fav list, sry but hav really go to bed or by boss killing me ;)01:46
femvdiego... it took me a long time01:46
diegolamn02: the cd may boot and your hardware may still be unsupported01:47
diegofemv: to do what?01:47
femvdiego.. install..01:47
lamn02diego: i meant as far as not booting from the cd at all, and trying to boot as normal from the hdd01:47
lamn02it doesnt boot windows at all01:47
diegofemv: installs usually take 30 minutes.. you just deprived the poor thing of hard disk space01:47
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diegolamn02: let me put it this way. the cd will boot as long as your motherboard supports booting from the cd. at any point afterwords, it may fail01:48
femvdiego: yeah i didn't think it was going to take more than 2 gbs01:48
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=== The_Nalf [fabrice@AToulouse-251-1-28-230.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thebartmanhey guys, need a little help getting the wireless PCI card workgin01:48
thebartmanI had it working before I had to reinstall01:48
thebartmanbut now I can't get it...01:48
diegofemv: well the default package selection isn't exactly identical to that of a livecd :)01:49
=== StoffBox-Steve go to bed now .. > my NightPengs ( http://bysteve.de/des.png ) are the bosses for the next hours ;)
lamn02diego, what i am trying to explain to you is this.. I am no longer trying to boot the LiveCD(cd out of the drive) i am trying to boot normally with the windows i haveon the drive01:49
diegofemv: it's not just the operating system, you're getting the OS, gnome, openoffice, firefox, etc..01:49
StoffBox-SteveGood night all01:49
StoffBox-Steve*waves* ;D01:49
diegolamn02: oh..so take the cd out01:49
femvdiego : cant you just select the packages you want  to have installed ?01:49
lamn02its not in the drive?01:49
thebartmancan ubuntu use WAP?01:50
diegofemv: at this point, you can manually install whatever you want01:50
diegofemv: on the warty installer, you couldn't choose which individual packages you wanted, just cli or gui...you've gotten past the cli and a bit into the gui sounds like01:50
lamn02what happens is, windows gives the usual.. didnt start up properly menu, and then when you select normal or safe mode or w/e it begins to do the normal process, and restarts itself01:50
dazedhey i need some help...how come when xmms or xine is going no other sounds can be played...is there a fix?01:51
diegolamn02: that doesn't sound good01:51
diegolamn02: i'm not sure...01:51
diegodazed: configure them to use esd or something, that way they can play nice and use the sound card at once01:51
diegolamn02: sorry, can't help ya01:51
lamn02why would it even play with my drive?01:51
lamn02isnt it not a LiveCD01:51
diegolamn02: i don't think it does play with the drive01:52
lamn02so it should have no adverse effects to drive, like it does now01:52
diegolamn02: are you sure you got the livecd and not the install?01:52
lamn02its the livecd01:52
lamn02pretty sure01:52
thebartmananyone feel like helping me out with wireless.. I know I got it working before and it was easy01:52
dazeddiego: my Gaim is already configured to ESD01:52
dazedand still no change01:52
diegodazed: everything needs to use ESD01:53
diegodazed: that includes xmms01:53
diegothebartman: what's the problem?01:53
lamn02let me try and boot it again, with the cd to make sure of the menu01:53
diegolamn02: k01:53
dazedohhh ok01:53
dazedlet me try and figure that out01:53
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thebartmanwell. i'm a nub to ubuntu.. I installed it before and you guys helped me get it working01:53
thebartmanbut now I need to "start at the beginning" got get my wlan card working01:53
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thebartmanI launched the network tool and tried to install it but it keeps hanging and only seeing eith0 witch is my lan card01:54
dazeddiego: thanks got that to work01:54
diegothebartman: ok, will you message me (privately) the output of a `sudo iwconfig` ?01:54
diegodazed: cool, np01:54
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diegolamn02: that's the livecd01:56
lamn02alright, so i shouldnt be having this problem?01:57
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lamn02would it have anything to do with me having installed a newer version of aspi on my window installation a while back01:57
diegolamn02: heh, you really shouldn't :)01:57
diegolamn02: i wouldn't think so01:57
lamn02well its trying to boot from the cd right now, let me see if there are any errors01:57
Igotascrewlosewow gDesklets suck01:58
Igotascrewlosei have to keep that terminal open01:58
thenukeIgotascrewlose: it does not suck if you dont know how play with it01:58
thenukeIgotascrewlose: gdesklets & puts it in the background01:58
error_29Igotascrewlose, don't judge them till you get better help than i could give you!01:58
Igotascrewlosethenuke can u help me?01:59
wm_eddieHow do I change the emacs font?01:59
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Quaruptwhere do the developers talk?01:59
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wm_eddieand don't say M-x customize because no matter what I do in there things aren't changing!01:59
crimsunQuarupt: ubuntu-devel01:59
thenukeIgotascrewlose: nope :) as far as I dont know what's the matter ;) but I think that one problem was that you did not put gdesklets running like a daemon01:59
=== DoppleGanger [~LordBal@pool-141-153-134-90.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thenukestart it by typing gdesklets &01:59
thenukethen add the desklets without that &02:00
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thenukeif you add them from console?02:00
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lamn02diego: right as it completed the progression screen, it restarted02:00
Igotascrewloseim adding from console02:00
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diegolamn02: are you talking about the livecd or windows now?02:00
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kapputuhow do I setup a lanbrowser on ubuntu02:00
kapputuI need to be able to access other Ubuntu machines02:01
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wm_eddiekapputu: that's a good question, I wonder what nautilus can do.02:01
JordanAUis ubuntu built on sarge or woody?02:02
lamn02right before the progression screen, it said something was unable to load or something to that effect02:02
yoko-omois there a command to search which packages you have installed on your system like an apt-cache?02:02
diegolamn02: i don't think i can provide any more help. sorry02:02
crimsunyoko-omo: dpkg -l   does that.02:02
lamn02noice, alright then02:03
femvdiego.. i read that there is kind of an expert installation mode.. is that right?02:03
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diegofemv: yeah, it gives you a few more options throughout the install but it's pretty much the same once you reboot02:04
diegofemv: isn't there a way you can get more storage space?02:04
yoko-omocrimsun: tanx02:04
femvdiego.. deleting windows je je02:04
diegofemv: why not resize the windows partition?02:05
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DoppleGangercause he really wants to stop taking drugs02:05
DoppleGangerhe eh best of luck02:05
femvi did... but its too small already... im on a 4gb disk02:06
femvim doing a fare 1:102:06
diegofemv: ouch...ouch...ouch...02:06
kapputuhow do I setup shares on a linux machine?02:06
diegofemv: who needs windows? :)02:06
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DoppleGangerkapputu: read samba or nfs docs02:06
jrochullo... I've a question about getting VNC server working on a machine my friend and I are setting up as a local server - we've run apt-get install vncserver, and our process monitor shows Xrealvnc running, but we can't connect... any ideas?02:06
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femvdiego : good question! je je02:07
kapputucan I install KDE using apt-get?02:08
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mikepjroc: Have you tried pinging out?02:08
DoppleGangerkapputu: i don't know can you02:08
jrocwe can ping each other, yes02:08
Riddellkapputu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE02:09
femvis this os worth it ?02:09
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diegofemv: linux?02:09
mikepjroc: How about trace route?02:10
thebartmanhey guys other than disabling ipv6 in firefox.. how can I speed up DNS resolve times.. it's still crazy slow02:10
DoppleGangercall your isp02:10
mikepfemv: Depends if you like rpm more than apt-get.02:11
thebartmanmy other 4-5 boxes, XP, Suse, OSX, are fine.. only Ubunut is crazy slow02:11
diegowell i'm going to leave this channel now that i can02:11
tux_thebartman, are you using DHCP?02:11
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thebartmanand it's getting the DNS servers correctly02:11
tux_switch to static02:11
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tux_i did and it helped02:12
thebartmannever heard of that before02:12
tux_DHCP internally02:12
zenroxthebartman,  disable tpv/6 in firefox02:12
thebartmanI did... didn't you just read my first post02:12
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zenroxthebartman,  looked away02:12
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thebartmanthebartman: hey guys other than disabling ipv6 in firefox.. how can I speed up02:12
zenroxnow i see02:12
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OrangeSlicewhy would you disable ipv6 :p  it's like a window to the future02:12
zenroxthebartman,  you put your rounters ip in the dns list on the ubuntu02:13
tux_yea, with no window until like 3 years out02:13
thebartmanya..to bad nothing uses it besides the fucking scipt kiddies trying to exploit my boxes02:13
arennerI want to try Ubuntu for the first time and I am looking to install the Hoary release.  What media should I download to do this?02:13
OrangeSliceeh, I'm on an ipv6 irc network :o02:13
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OrangeSlicelots of things use it, you just aren't configured to on your end02:13
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r0skHi ppl!02:14
gepp1Anyone know of any good music transcribing programs?02:14
streetbmxdoes anyone know a way to disable animations in gnome? ie. when i minimize a window.02:14
thebartmanlike I said.. the only thing I see trying to use it is people trying to exploit unpatched ipv6 boxes02:14
thebartmanso.. any way. .back to DNS02:14
thebartmanyou say hard code the IP and stuff..02:14
thebartmanok.. but I really don't see how that would help02:14
thebartmanI hope they fix this in some update02:14
thebartmanbtw.. when is the next ver of Ubuntu coming out02:15
femvdiego.. was referring to ubuntu02:15
jrocmikep: I'm not that familiar with traceroute, but I'll try it - thanks02:15
r0skI just finish install Ubuntu on PPC (iBook G4 1.2 and 12"screen), but on first start I see how it starts daemons and then it displays a blank screen. If I press Ctrl+Alt+F2,F3... I not leave blank screen, any tips please?02:15
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goldfishthebartman: next month02:15
thebartmancool.. is there a beta?02:16
thebartmanand will synaptic update an older install to the newer one?02:16
farruinnyes and yse02:16
goldfishthebartman: hoary02:16
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goldfishis the name02:16
JordanAUHey I believe I am finally closing in on a solution to my ndiswrapper solution02:16
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thebartmanoh.. is there a link on the ubuntu site for a bittorrent02:16
r0skno one on ppc?02:16
thebartmanI'm on PPC.. osX..02:17
thebartmanonly way to go02:17
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r0skthebartman, any tip to start ubuntu without X from yaboot line?02:17
JordanAUwhere can i find the necessary kernel headers without using apt-get or synaptic02:17
thebartmannope.. never even considered replacing osX..02:17
JordanAUthe neccessary being all kernel headers i guess02:17
r0skthebartman, something like: load vmlinuz vga=no02:17
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crimsunJordanAU: for ubuntu, you use linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:18
crimsunJordanAU: not kernel-headers-foo, which is what debian uses02:18
mikepjroc: traceroute is a utility that traces a packet from your computer to an Inernet host, showng how many hops the packet requires to reach the host and how long each hop takes.02:18
thebartmanbtw R0sk.. why are ya tring to install Ubuntu on your ibook.. just playing around...02:18
thebartmanI found osX is great and can do all the linux stuff I need it to02:18
jrocthanks mikep - I found the traceroute in the networking applet, and since we're in the same subnet, it's only one hope02:19
r0skthebartman, Im a non_quite mind02:19
Igotascrewloseokay wtf02:19
Igotascrewlosei did the gdesklets& thing02:19
Igotascrewloseand loaded all my gdesklets02:19
JordanAUcrimsun: i downoaded this file <linux-> on my windows boot and was going to tar it, is that wrong?02:19
Igotascrewloseand then02:19
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r0skthebartman, my english is like a hell, u can see :/02:19
Igotascrewloseclosed the terminal02:19
Igotascrewloseand they all shut down02:19
crimsunJordanAU: that's upstream vanilla source02:20
=== Quarupt [~Quarupt@c-67-170-1-214.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thebartmanoh.. you where doing good till the last one.. and ya lost me.. where ya from02:20
crimsunJordanAU: you can just apt-get install linux-source-
JordanAUi really want to but i need to get on the internet first, i am in a catch 2202:20
crimsunJordanAU: what's preventing you from getting online?02:20
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JordanAUi am on wireless, the reason i am trying to get the source is for ndiswrapper02:21
mikepjroc: how about firewalls?02:21
JordanAUi was able to obtain the deb package and install it but apparently i need my kernel source and must link it something before the installation02:21
thebartmanr0sk.. where are you from?02:21
r0skHow can I start without X (gdm) from lilo line?02:22
crimsunJordanAU: well, since you're online now, you'll find the instructions here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper02:22
r0skthebartman, spanish02:22
thebartmancool.. good luck.. I don't know much about the ppc side02:22
crimsunJordanAU: in particular, scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the post entitled "It's not that hard"02:22
jrocmikep: yeah, thought of that, but we don't think there should be any firewall problem, as we're both on the inside of my Linksys 4port router02:23
crimsunJordanAU: you don't have to compile anything02:23
mikepjroc: how about correctly-configured and operational TCP/IP network?02:23
kapputuhow does Ubuntu perform as a server?02:24
JordanAUcrimsun: thank you, i have done that before and it tells me there is no command called ndis wrapper02:24
kapputuhow does Ubuntu perform as a server02:24
thebartmanso how can I configure Ubuntu to work with WAP02:24
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crimsunJordanAU: did you follow the directions?02:24
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thebartmankapputu.. what.. fine I guess.. if you like using a really new distro that's not really that proven in the server environment.. but since you ask I'll assume your not running a data server or anythihng02:25
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usualoooo gnome 2.10 in hoary02:26
jrocmikep: well, I believe so - we're both ubuntu machines, and I can ssh or ftp back and forth...02:26
JordanAUcrimsun: okay i think i installed the source package, not the utils package02:26
chillywillywas 2.10 officially released?02:26
JordanAUdoes that make sense?02:26
usualchillywilly, dunno02:27
mikepjroc: can you telnet to the server port from the client machine?02:27
chillywillyI looked on gnome.org and it did not seem so02:27
jrocmikep: good idea, I'll try that02:27
Xappefeels close though, a whole bunch of 2.10.0 packages popped in today02:27
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chillywillyyea that's why I was looking02:28
danielskapputu: fine -- it has security support, and everything works02:28
usuallol @ gnome.org02:28
usualgo to gnome.org02:28
daniels*.ubuntu.com runs on ubuntu02:28
=== chillywilly notes usual make no sense ;P
usualchillywilly, did you look at the site02:29
chillywillyum, yea that's what I just frellin' said02:29
usualthey changed it to all black02:29
chillywillythey are protesting against software patents02:30
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chillywillygood for them02:30
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JordanAUyou know what, I am going to go to walmart and buy a freaking long cat 5 cable and connect to my router that way, then i will download the necessary package, then i will use my wifi card. That way I can use all of the howtos because my current situation renders them useless.02:31
jrocmikep: no joy telnetting to the port that I *think* was opened up by the vnc server (it could only be 5901 or 6001)02:31
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chillywillywalmart is evil ;)02:31
neomI agree.02:31
JordanAUwalmart is also cheap02:32
ZugotJordanAU, i just resorted to installing windows xp on my laptop and running linux in a vmware session02:32
r0skwhen I start ubuntu, X are up and I get a Blank Screen, with Ctrl+Alt+F1,F2... no console (iBook), any tip???02:32
Zugotit actually worked out well02:32
chillywillyJordanAU: because they exploit poorer countries02:32
schweebanyone here messed with setting up Xen on Ubuntu yet?02:32
JordanAUthey don't exploit them, those people make more money than they would if walmart wasn't there02:32
thebartmanafter using synaptic update, why dosn't firefox update to version 1.0? or 1.0.102:32
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schweebthebartman: because 1.0 isn't in Warty02:33
JordanAUwhat is the politically correct place to go?02:33
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thebartmanhmm.. is there a repository I can add to add it02:33
chillywillysupport local business damnit02:33
knuckswho can help me with my printer problems02:33
schweebthebartman: I think someone set up a repo somewhere, check the wiki02:34
back_eastthebartman: for firefox?02:34
OrangeSlicelocal business here only does windows :o02:34
JordanAUi would love to but there isn't much of any small computer stores in auburn, AL02:34
thebartmanya.. and what's the wiki?02:34
back_eastthebartman: ubuntu-backports02:34
QuaruptIs running a webserver very difficult? is there any like GUI or sript to help configure one?02:34
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Zugoti think the firefox thing is what prompted my to start using hoary02:34
JordanAUplus the only one has a guy that dresses up in a superman costume on the commercials. I just can't support a man that makes an ass of himself like that02:34
knucksHelp w/ printer?02:35
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knuckson Hoary?02:35
knucksI need to get it working..for some reason it wont show up02:35
r0skwhen I start ubuntu, X are up and I get a Blank Screen, with Ctrl+Alt+F1,F2... no console (iBook), any tip???02:35
r0skwhen I start ubuntu, X are up and I get a Blank Screen, with Ctrl+Alt+F1,F2... no console (iBook), any tip???02:35
Quest-MasterQuarupt: It's quite easy actually.02:35
QuaruptQuest-Master, would you be willing to walk me through it in a pm maybe?02:35
chillywillydamn red states ;)02:35
Zugoti need to figure out how to get the cisco vpn client with no cco login02:36
Zugotthis is bananas02:36
helio7I have a friend installing Ubuntu for the first time and he has a 2ndary internal HDD that he wants to put it on (not where Windows lives) He wants to preserve the data, so I told him he needs to partition it first.   Would people recommend he use the Ubuntu Install Disk to manage the partition or use another app to do that prior to installation?02:36
Quaruptchillywilly, are you dissing on the republican party?02:36
Quest-MasterQuarupt: There is a guide on it at ubuntuforums.org.. do you want me to link you?02:36
Quaruptplease do02:36
Zugoti'm going to wear my red shirt teeshirt tomorrow02:36
chillywillycan I get a hell yea?02:36
thebartmanshould I change this setting in firefox "network.dns.ipv4onlydomains"02:36
Zugoter red state tee shirt02:36
libpngr0sk, i think ur gdm, gdmgreeter etc, are not working currectly02:36
thebartmanwould that make firefox use ipv4 on everything02:36
QuaruptScrew kerry id rather follow a war monger then an ambulance chaser02:36
back_eastthebartman: They have newer packages for warty02:37
r0sklibpng, is there any tip to stop before it runs?02:37
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=== OrangeSlice puts on his Vote Bush shirt
Quarupthell yea02:37
Zugotfuck that..02:37
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crimsunfolks, let's keep it on-topic, please.02:37
Zugoti work in dc... i wouldn't vote bush or republican02:37
OrangeSliceactually, the only day I had time to get one of those shirts they were all out :p02:37
Zugoti'm gonna vote ubuntu in 200802:37
=== eyequeue wonders when he wandered into #politics :(
schweebplease no Political talk02:37
=== chillywilly posts his "conservatism makes you stupid essay"
eyequeueschweeb:  agreed02:38
schweebpolitics on IRC can only lead to bad things02:38
femvpeople... which kernel should i install ?02:38
crimsunfemv: warty? hoary? the current one doesn't suit you?02:38
helio7Anyone please recommend a Opensource/free partition manager that's easier to use than the Warty Install disk built-in partioner??02:38
Zugotthe latest hoary linux-686 crashes my vmware session02:38
back_easthelio7: qtparted02:38
eyequeuefemv:  2.6.*   which ubuntu are you running?02:38
QuaruptQuest-Master, did ya find that url for me?02:38
helio7back_east: qtparted is bootable CD or WIN or NIx?02:39
tux_qtparted on the knoppix disk02:39
Quaruptwill i need an ftp server as well?02:39
femvim installing warty, linux-image-386  linux-image-2.6 or linux-38602:39
Quarupttux_, you mean the morphix disk?02:39
crimsunfemv: what cpu do you have?02:39
Zugotlinux-386 is a metapackage... it installs other things02:39
tux_Quarupt, that too02:39
femvits an amd02:39
back_eastQuarupt: you mean the sytem rescue cd02:39
crimsunfemv: linux-image-
QMarioDid anyone miss me?02:39
eyequeuefemv:, but what crimsun said02:40
tux_heck also he ultimatebootcd too02:40
Quaruptlol, no u is the Ultimate CD for rescue02:40
Zugoti've been using linux for 10 years...02:40
Zugotand i would have no idea where to start debugging a kernel02:40
Zugoti find that funny02:40
femvi have linux-image- or just linux-image-2.6-38602:40
Quaruptwhy bother02:40
Quaruptjust install a new one02:40
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ZugotQuarupt, i want to see why its hanging02:40
crimsunfemv: either will work02:41
back_eastNothing in the logs?02:41
=== MagicFab [~chatzilla@modemcable141.50-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Zugotits a bad hang... when it happens, vmware goes south as well, and then i have to reboot02:41
Xappeanyone here uses hoary with an g3 ibook? i want to know if the install/setup is easy and if suspend and such is working...02:41
=== Quarupt is using an AMD64 and wonders if it would be worth is ti switch to the Ubuntu 64 edition
Zugoti have an amd64 laptop02:41
MagicFabhello to all02:41
crimsunfemv: you can always install linux-image- and linux-restricted-modules- after you install02:41
QuaruptZugot, whats hanging?02:41
femvlinux-386 sounds good?02:41
MagicFabI need some help with a printer setup02:41
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crimsunfemv: sure02:41
Zugotquarupt.. boots right at the beginng of the boot02:41
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QMarioI read the Linux portion and I still don't understand how to share the printer over the network.02:41
Zugotbefore it starts the init process02:41
libpngr0sk, same happened to me. i opened with kernel rescue mod,  changed initlevel. then reinstall gdm . it was fixed02:42
Zugoter crashes right as the beginning of the boot02:42
Quest-MasterQuarupt: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3657&highlight=set+development+server02:42
Quaruptya check your atrtup logs?>02:42
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Quaruptthx Quest-Master02:42
MagicFabI want to print to a network printer, can't seem to find what info I need to input in U.02:42
femvIm doing a custom-expert install to save hd space :)02:42
r0sklibpng, how can I open with kernel rescue mod?02:42
Zugoti'm about to install a fresh hoary on another vm... and if i can crash it again02:42
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helio7so tux_ and back_east, this qtparted is much easier to use than the Partitioning tool that is built into the Warty Install CD?02:42
XappeQMario, printer sharing is very easy...you just have to make a couple of changes in your cupsd.conf iirc02:42
libpngyou can select on boot screen02:42
QMarioWhat about Partition Magic 8.0?02:42
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libpngr0sk, you can select on boot screen02:42
Zugoti like pm 8.002:42
tux_helio7, imho02:42
andrewskihelio7: what about gparted?02:43
r0sklibpng, I'd only Linux and old, but old doesn't run02:43
helio7andrewski: I'm asking if qtparted is easier to use than the Warty install partioner for a friend who's trying Linux for the first time today02:43
Xappethe warty install partitioner is very easy imho02:44
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ZugotXappe, I agree02:44
QuaruptQuest-Master, thats for setting up a "development web server"? I just want a plain old webserver to practive my html and post pics and stuff?02:44
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revildabXappe: the only fault i have is the default options. ie: full reformat of hd, that can be very dangerous in the hands of novice users02:44
libpngr0sk, on grub menu, type e (edit) and edit the line like that "kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-2-386 root=/dev/hda9 ro single" than type "b" (boot)02:44
=== manco [~elshadii@cpe-069-134-103-252.carolina.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
r0sklibpng, Im on iBook, yaboot02:45
libpngr0sk, hda9 is mine not urs:) dont forget02:45
QMarioHow do I unrpm files using Ubuntu, so I can upgrade my OpenOffice Software?02:45
Xapperevildab, well, that's even the case of a windows install02:45
mikepjroc: have you specified the address correctly to the viewer?02:45
QuaruptQMario, you mean like convert an RPM to a DEB?02:45
JordanAUWow I come back and I had started a minor political off topic flame war and didn't even know it. Unintentional troll, is that an oxymoron02:46
QMarioSomething similar to that.02:46
Zugotthat reminds me... i need to test openoffice2 out02:46
revildabQMario: just use apt-get install package02:46
QuaruptQMario, use alien with the --to-deb  flag02:46
knuckssomeone help me with my printer?02:46
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QMario"Unrpm" similar to unzip:-D02:46
revildabunless its something only available in an rpm02:46
QuaruptQMario, no he wants to use RPM02:46
QMarioSomewhat of a joke.02:46
andrewskihelio7: ah. :)02:46
femvPeople.. i did install the base system... now will apt-get install ubuntu-desktop install gnome and the graphical stuff ???02:46
QuaruptQMario, use alien if ya want to convert RPM to DEB02:47
QMarioThe OpenOffice upgrade to 2.0, but I'll try your advice.02:47
libpngr0sk, i dont ve any idea about ibook. i ve never seen :(02:47
revildabXappe: yeah i know, but windows was never intended to be dual booted, for a large percentage of linux users, thats the case02:47
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r0sklibpng, ok, thanks!02:47
QuaruptQuest-Master, Ya there?02:47
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usualyay gnome is 2.10 in hoary, i just loaded it up02:47
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Quarupthey usual up for another adventure?02:48
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usualwhats up02:48
thebartmanis there a repository I can add to install fireofx 1.002:48
eyequeueThe_Nalf:  see the wiki for the backports project02:48
Quarupttrying to get a webserver up and running, but i have no clue what im doing, im following a guide02:48
dougcanHi Funny you should mention that, cuz I just added firefox 1.0202:48
usualQuarupt, it's cake02:48
andrewskithebartman: backports, what eyequeue said. ;)02:48
usualwant LAMP?02:48
eyequeuethebartman:  rather02:48
femvPeople.. i did install the base system... now will apt-get install ubuntu-desktop install gnome and the graphical stuff ???02:48
Quaruptcan ya come on and help me?02:49
Quarupti will learn by watching again02:49
Quaruptif ya have time02:49
usualoff router?02:49
usuali have about 20 min should be enough02:49
Quaruptbut this time i need to figure out port forwarding02:49
usualjust for quick02:49
ukilledkennyquestion: how do i get the windows on the panel to stop compressing themselves?02:49
Quaruptmaybe 20 mins wont be enough time02:49
Quaruptwhat time ya gunna be back02:49
usualforward everything from 5000 to 600002:49
usualto your address02:49
eyequeuefemv:  right02:50
revildabQuarupt: http://www.portforward.com/ will give you a step by step guide for your router, if thats what you're looking for02:50
dougcanI have a problem, when I start firefox, i get a gecko window wiht the message "title=&mainwindow.title"02:51
dougcanand no browser02:51
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dougcanany fix for this?  I completly uninstalled firefox and reinstalled it02:52
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eyequeuedougcan:  mv ~/.mozilla ~/.saved  and restart it02:52
QuaruptAnyone know what ports need to be forwarded fo using the remote desktop service in Ubuntu?02:53
eyequeuedougcan:  i'm guessing you have munged files under that tree02:53
mancois there any way I would be able to tell what array I'm using post install?02:53
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dougcanthanks, i'll try that02:54
eyequeuedougcan:  you will of course temporarily lose any settings02:54
QMarioWhat is the command to remove a file locked under root?02:54
eyequeueQMario:  rm02:55
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libpngQMario, sudo rm02:55
QMarioThank you.02:55
=== borgista [~borgista@adsl-69-235-196-113.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioHow do I install all packages under a folder that end in a .rpm file?02:56
borgistaQMario, use alien to convert them02:57
ghostfreeman_what's the terminal command to find out what kernel you're running?02:57
borgistait doesn't always work well though02:57
mancocould someone please tell me the address of the hoary updates?02:57
QMarioCan you convert all at once?02:57
eyequeueQMario:  not advisible to use rpms with ubuntu02:57
farruinnghostfreeman_: uname -r02:57
borgistaeyequeue is right02:57
helio7Does anyone know of a way to get Gthumb to auto-rotate photos based on EXIF info?  Alternately how about a script that uses Jtran to rotate AND strip exif rotate info?02:57
QMarioWhy not?02:57
eyequeueQMario:  why not use the native debs?02:57
QMarioSuch as what?02:57
borgista.rpms are meant for other distrobutions.02:58
borgistause .deb02:58
eyequeueQMario:  because they make erroneous assumptions about your system, such as paths02:58
ghostfreeman_How would I install a new kernel on top of the one I have now?02:58
borgistato install deb: $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb02:58
eyequeueghostfreeman_:  more like "next to"02:58
QMarioThen how do I install the newest version of OpenOffice if it is a .rpm file?02:58
borgistaghostfreeman...what kernel are you trying install?02:58
ghostfreeman_686-smp since I have Hyper threading02:59
ukilledkennyquestion: print screen button not working ... error message: There was an error running "gnome-panel-screenshot":02:59
ukilledkennyFailed to execute child process "gnome-panel-screenshot" (No such file or directory).02:59
eyequeueghostfreeman_:  apt-get install it, typically02:59
borgistaghostfreeman, get the kernel via apt-get or synpatics02:59
ghostfreeman_do I need to reboot system, Gnome?02:59
borgistai use the same kernel.02:59
rricheanyone know of a better IM client then GaIM?   GAIMs notifications are lacking.02:59
borgistaghostfreeman, reboot into the kernel.02:59
eyequeueghostfreeman_:  after installing a new kernel, that's about the one time you'd reboot linux, yes :)02:59
ghostfreeman_as in the whole system, not just Gnome02:59
borgistayes, ghostfreeman03:00
crimsunQuarupt: please keep support questions here, thanks.03:00
ghostfreeman_ok, thanks03:00
crimsunQuarupt: are you using vino?03:00
QuaruptI asked here numerous times03:00
QuaruptI dunno, im just using the app in the menu called remote desktop03:00
rrichehrrm, rephrase.. is there a multi-protocol instant messenger client that supports flashing bars when you receive new messages?  if that window is minimized..03:01
ukilledkennysomeone help... print screen button not working03:01
eruinrriche: gnome-panel doesn't support it03:01
thebartmanoh wow.. this fixed my slow DNS problem03:01
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eruinrriche: gaim does.03:01
borgistaukilledkenny, you need to set that up via GNOME03:02
borgistait's not automatic.03:02
eyequeuerriche:  you could probably run a cli client under screen, and tell it to flash rather than beep?03:02
Quaruptcrimsun, so...?03:02
crimsunQuarupt: that's vino. It begins with a base port # of 5900/tcp03:02
ukilledkennyborgista, how do i set it up03:02
crimsunQuarupt: thus, you must forward at least 590003:02
borgistago to keyboard shortcuts in the menu03:02
eyequeueeruin:  gaim does not here03:02
borgistayou'll see the option there.03:02
Quaruptso whcih ports?03:02
ukilledkennyborgista, thanx03:03
rricheeyequeue: sorry.. speaking a lil over my head.03:03
QMarioWho upgraded their OpenOffice software recently?03:03
rricheeruin: i dont think gaim has that support.. or is it that i use gnome.. which doesnt support that feature?03:03
borgistaI haven't QMario. I'll just wait for the .debs03:03
Quaruptjust that one?03:03
eyequeuerriche:  okay, this is probably not a solution you'd like, but i'll present it, okay?03:03
borgistaIt's often better to wait.03:03
crimsunQuarupt: yes03:03
borgistaBetter stability03:03
QMarioWhen do they come along?03:03
GammaRayQMario: you did?03:03
rricheeyequeue: sure.03:03
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QMarioI tried but they were all in .rpm format.03:03
borgistaYeah, I saw that too QMario.03:04
eyequeuerriche:  a commandline, non-graphical client, running in a terminal under an app called "screen", you could tell screen to flash the screen rather than provide an audible beep03:04
borgistadamn redhat.03:04
ukilledkennyborgista, it shows print beside "Take a screenshot" but the error message is still displayed03:04
QMarioWhat's wrong with RedHat?03:04
eyequeuerriche:  it's about the only way i can think of to really force a flash03:04
rricheeyequeue: oh.. gotcha.. i have used screen before.03:04
borgistaI mean, I hate how their packaging takes precedence.03:04
GammaRayborgista: perhaps you should list all the other distros that use rpm also :-P03:04
borgistai should then03:04
rricheeyequeue: yah.. that will be a last resort.. just dont like missing messages due to poor notification :)03:05
QMarioYahoo Messanger does03:05
dougcaneyequeue, is the folder I need to rename at /usr/lib/mozilla?  I cannot find any ".mozilla"03:05
eyequeuerriche:  i think "everybuddy" might be such a client, though i never used it03:05
Quaruptcrimsun, its only one port?03:05
crimsunQuarupt: vino-server is, yes03:05
borgistaI'm on a mandrake machine using KDE, and it's so annoying. So I'm just generally annoyed. Didn't mean to flame-bait03:05
eyequeuedougcan:  ls -lad ~/.m*03:05
QMarioWhy don't you switch to GNOME?03:06
libpngi ve never seen a slow system than redhat or fedora:)03:06
borgistaThis is not my machine.03:06
Quarupti doubt anyone would know the default address for the http interface on a linksys router?03:06
eyequeuedougcan:  it should be a dot(hidden) directory in your users home directory03:06
QMarioNot me.03:06
ukilledkennyborgista, stil not working03:06
crimsunlet's keep desktop environment wars out, please :-)03:06
QMarioWho had their printer shared on their network?03:06
QMarioI still need help with that problem.03:07
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QMarioSorry Steve.:(03:07
libpngQuarupt, may be or
andrewskiQuarupt: i think it's
eyequeuedougcan:  ls -lad ~/.m* (says to LiSt all files, including dotted hidden ones, in the long format, and directory names-only, in your $HOME, beginning with dot-m)03:08
ukilledkennysomeone, help me take a screenshot with the print screen button03:08
GammaRayborgista: I find ubuntu and mandrake equally annoying sofar03:08
eruineyequeue, rriche: gaim does support the urgent hint. there has been a gnome-bug discussion going on since 2003 about getting support for it in gnome-panel03:08
QMarioIt doesn't work.03:08
libpngQuarupt, or or :)03:08
rricheeruin: ahh.03:08
QMarioPrintScrn is useless.03:08
borgistaukilledkenny, did you try what i told you?03:08
dougcanDuh, i feel stupid, of course I forgot about the hidden files03:08
eyequeueeruin:  ah.  i just went based on personal experience with it :)03:08
ukilledkennygave me an error message03:08
schweebI've not seen a single consumer router that uses the 10.x private network03:09
ukilledkennyThere was an error running "gnome-panel-screenshot":03:09
ukilledkennyFailed to execute child process "gnome-panel-screenshot" (No such file or directory).03:09
dougcanThanks eyequeue, that fixed it firefox is up and running!03:09
eyequeueeruin:  i agree with the bug apparently, it would be valuable here03:09
borgistamaybe you don't have that program.03:09
eyequeuedougcan:  glad to help03:09
eruineyequeue: you're definately not the only one :P03:09
borgistawhich is odd.03:09
=== LordC [~lordc@cpc4-mfld3-4-0-cust215.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
eruinwhat's up with polypaudio?03:09
eruinit uses 10% of my cpu constantly when in use03:09
QMarioCan anyone anwser my inquery?03:09
dougcangotta go back to work, much thanks for your help eyequeue03:10
eyequeueQMario:  the printer one?  if so, i can't sorry, no printer here03:10
eyequeuedougcan:  take care03:10
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ukilledkennyany alternate ways to take screenshots03:10
crimsuneruin: would you describe the "problem" in more detail, please?03:10
eruinanyone else seeing excessive polypaudio cpu use?03:11
eruincrimsun: well, I don't know.. I just see that top reports it using ~10% more or less constantly03:11
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XappeQMario, what do you want to do? share a printer?03:11
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crimsuneruin: barely budges 2% here03:12
carlhow do I redirect md5sum -vc md5sum.txt output to a file?03:12
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libpngeruin, it using 0.7 here03:12
libpngand 1 k ram03:12
crimsunalthough gnome-cd is chewing a less than negligible amt03:12
eyequeuecarl command > output.txt03:12
eruincrimsun: 7976 eruin     15   0  7252 1812 1224 S 12.3  0.4  16:15.51 polypaudio   <-- like that since I got into x and started using rbox03:12
carleyequeue, no good03:12
sprongieugh.  anyone using kde?03:12
carleyequeue,  that works on my FC2 box, but apparently ubuntu installs a md5sum that doesn't send the output to stdout03:13
eyequeuecarl:  how not?  is the output you're trying for perhpas on STDERR rather than STDOUT?03:13
eruincrimsun: any useful way I could debug?03:13
sprongieall my kcontrol applets except ggz and digikam went byebye03:13
eyequeuecarl:  eww, hang on a sec03:13
ukilledkennyanyone know a way a take a screenshot without PrtSC03:13
LinuxJonessprongie, there is a #kubuntu channel03:13
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andrewskiukilledkenny: man import03:13
crimsuneruin: pull stats output from the polypaudio cli03:14
eruinandrewski: way to help :p03:14
sprongiethere's a dead kubuntu channel.  guess i'm hosed there03:14
andrewskieruin: he'll get more info than just giving him the command....03:14
eyequeuecarl:  i'm at a loss, sorry.  you're sure the file contains what -c expects it to?03:14
eruinandrewski: he'll find out how to bind printscreen to import -w root by reading man import?03:15
carleyequeue,  yup - it is the one on the hoary install cd03:15
andrewskieruin: he said "without prtsc"... ??03:15
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eyequeuecarl:  okay, that was the only thing that came to mind here, sorry03:15
eruinandrewski: excuse my yapping :p03:15
carlwoa... the -v did it03:15
carlhmm, maybe not03:16
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ukilledkennyyep without prtsc03:16
Hell-Razorcan somebody help me out with cedega? it crashes whenever i try to laod it03:16
ukilledkennyno manual entry for import anyway03:16
eruincrimsun: how would I do that?03:16
Quaruptim doing port forwarding, for vino, and i was wondering what address do i forward it to? 192.168.???   ?03:16
andrewskiukilledkenny: you have imagemagick installed?03:16
chillywillyman they have so many sweet new shuttle xpc models and even a cool LCD display03:16
Quaruptcrimsun, ?03:16
carlhow do I redirect stderr to stdout, or a file?03:16
helio7oh praises to whoever wrote jpegtran -autorot; my life has just been simplified a hundredfold!!!03:16
ukilledkennyandrewski, no... is it a package on synaptic?03:16
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andrewskiukilledkenny: yes, but you don't need it.  h/o a sec.03:16
Hell-Razorhello7 wtf is jpegt03:17
eyequeuecarl:  md5sum -vc md5sum.txt 2>&1 output.txt  perhaps?03:17
Quaruptya there crimsun ?03:17
libpngQuarupt, try 5900 tcp03:18
andrewskiukilledkenny: well, you could install it, you could use gimp, or you could use that gnome app whose name i just can't remember... :)03:18
Quaruptno i have the port03:18
carleyequeue, there we go.  now tee gets something to chew on03:18
Quarupti dunno what to put in the ip03:18
ukilledkennyandrewski, gnome-panel-screenshot03:18
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helio7Hell-Razor: misspoke its jhead actually and it's a utility to manipulate the EXIF data embedded in digital photographs03:18
QuaruptOh wait03:18
helio7Hell-Razor: http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/03:18
Quaruptduh my IP03:18
Quaruptmy internal ip right?03:18
libpngur ip Quarupt03:18
libpngQuarupt, ya03:18
andrewskiukilledkenny: ah, there it is; is that what you want?03:18
Quarupthow do i find out my internal ip? not my routers ip?03:18
eyequeuecarl:  that's buried under "REDIRECTION" in the very huge "man bash" btw, if you ever need to find it again03:19
libpngQuarupt, ifconfig03:19
helio7Quarupt: ifconfig03:19
ukilledkennythats wat the error message says, it failed to execute03:19
andrewskiukilledkenny: huh?  you don't have it?03:19
ukilledkennyandrewski, so im guessin if i install it, the prtsc button would be fixed03:20
crimsuneruin: start polypaudio (it'll be undaemonized), read help or just use stats03:20
andrewskiukilledkenny: i don't think so; you'd have to bind it to a command.  i don't *think* that's done by default.03:20
ukilledkennyandrewski, im on hoary btw...03:20
andrewskiukilledkenny: hey, me too. :)  good on ya.03:20
carleyequeue, thanks - I have been told about 2>&1 but couldn't remember where the & went03:21
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eyequeuecarl:  np03:21
carleyequeue, does the description of ls > dirlist 2>&1 look right?03:21
andrewskicarl: you can also do "stderrandstdout &> file"03:21
ukilledkennyandrewski, so ill have to install gnome-panel-screenshot03:21
andrewskiukilledkenny: or imagemagick.  those are the only two i know. :)03:22
eruincrimsun: stat didn't give me much info - info gave me a bit more, but you sure that's useful?03:22
eyequeuecarl:  yeah, they're showing a bit of hocus pocus with redircting things in different orders.  the gotcha to keep in mind with bash commandlines is they are parsed from right to left03:22
andrewskiukilledkenny: and imagemagick is a bigger and more robust program, maybe you don't need it.03:22
ukilledkennyandrewski, u said i could use the gimp as well03:22
Quaruptcan someone do me a favor and goto amd tell me if i set up my port forwarding correctly? should see apache page03:22
libpngukilledkenny, whereis gnome-screenshot03:22
andrewskiukilledkenny: yes, there's a menu entry to take a screenshot.03:22
carlah, the R to L is what messed me up03:22
helio7Quarupt: I see a Placeholder page03:22
ukilledkennyandrewski, thanx a bunch03:23
Quarupti guess it worked03:23
andrewskiukilledkenny: sure.03:23
eyequeuecarl:  yeah, it's counterintuitive to english speakers03:23
Hell-Razorcan somebody help me out with cedega? it crashes whenever i try to laod it03:23
libpngQuarupt, i see an Iss6.0 page. P03:23
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Amaranthhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/2005/webcomp/brad-griffith.png is much better then the 1st place winner :/03:25
Amaranththat blue is ugly03:25
eruinwho won?03:25
ukilledkennyandrewski, sorry just cant find menu entry03:25
Quaruptanyone know why CJB.net would call this address invalid? ?03:25
andrewskiukilledkenny: h/o, i'll look.03:25
eruinAmaranth: the one you pasted looks like a blantant mozilla.org ripoff03:26
andrewskiukilledkenny: 2.2?03:26
Amaranthhey, go with what works :P03:26
Amaranthhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/2005/webcomp/ubuntu-concept-expanded.png <--first place03:26
Amaranthi like the colors on the ubuntu one better then the mozilla site03:26
ukilledkennyandrewski, yep03:26
crimsunQuarupt: no idea, but it's certainly valid.03:26
eruinAmaranth: you've gotta be kidding me ;)03:27
Quaruptlol, nevermind there was a space at the end03:27
andrewskiukilledkenny: it used to be in the file menu; i couldn't find it either, but it's in file | acquire | screen shot. :)03:27
eyequeueit even has a reverse dns03:27
ukilledkennyandrewski, awsome03:27
Quaruptis there any good web editors like dreamweaver for linux?03:27
ukilledkennyandrewski, im retarded03:27
andrewskidoes what that lady on the top of the picture is wearing freak anyone else out, or is it me?03:27
Amarantheruin: the mozilla site is too cluttered, too03:27
andrewskiukilledkenny: nonsense.03:28
Quaruptdoesnt openoffice.org have one?03:28
andrewskiAmaranth: is there some sort of site redesign happening?03:28
Hell-Razorcan somebody help me out with cedega? it crashes whenever i try to load it03:28
Amaranthandrewski: I guess so.03:28
crimsunit's not quite dreamweaver, but it suffices for very basic editing03:28
eyequeueandrewski:  the red top?03:28
Hell-Razorcrimsun: gimp?03:28
andrewskieyequeue: yeah. :/03:28
jdubAmaranth: the final result will be a combination of the three03:28
ukilledkennyandrewski, although... it doesnt take an actual screen of the desktop and such03:28
AmaranthAs long as they get rid of that blue in the header on the winner it'll be decent.03:28
crimsunHell-Razor: OOo03:28
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andrewskiukilledkenny: what's it do?03:28
AmaranthAnything is better then what you have now. :P03:29
eyequeueandrewski:  i guess i don't see whatever you do about it03:29
ukilledkennyjust of the gimp window03:29
Hell-Razorcrimsun: OOOo?03:29
crimsunHell-Razor: openoffice03:29
AmaranthI wish I had had steady net access over the last month, I would have entered.03:29
Quaruptjdub, howcome when i type my ip address in an html browser i can see the placeholder page but when i try quarupt.cjb.net i dont?03:29
libpngQuarupt, im using nvu but not good as dreamweaver03:29
ukilledkennyandrewski, no i got it03:29
ukilledkennyandrewski, thanx03:29
Quaruptnvu, ill try it03:29
andrewskieyequeue: well, the top (and the angle) are a bit revealing and let's just say if you look closely, you can see a bit much... especially compouned by the angle again.03:29
andrewskiukilledkenny: ;P03:29
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eyequeueandrewski:  /me fires up zoom, heh03:30
crimsunQuarupt: because  quarupt.cjb.net has address
andrewskieyequeue: just seems a bit unpolished for the main logo picture.  it's worse (larger) on the gdm login screen.03:30
Quaruptthats not the addres i gave it03:30
eyequeueandrewski:  in the various ubuntu-calendar desktop images, she wears less03:30
Quarupti musta did something wrong03:30
jordanaucrimsun, My wireless is now working thank you for your help03:30
crimsunjordanau: np, good to hear03:30
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andrewskieyequeue: hmm. :/03:31
rricheany of you play world of warcraft? runs pretty decent through cedega :)03:31
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eyequeueandrewski:  btw, you do know you can change that gdm login screen, right?  there's a human and another variant on human, one without the trio03:32
Quaruptlibpng, where can i dind this nvu, cant seem to locate with apt-cache03:32
jordanaucrimsun, sorry i drove you nuts earlier, BTW if you are wondering how i did it, i moved my computer into a different room and then connected directly to the router and then followed the instructions you pointed me to03:32
ernstpgetting a lot of these in my terminal:03:32
ernstpfailed to read() from server connection03:32
ernstpend from FAM server connection03:32
phesterany one know a good FTP client with ssl auth?03:32
andrewskieyequeue: no, i know.  i just tried out my options before.  IIRC it doesn't even default to the person one...03:32
ernstpphester, gftp's got most of it03:32
crimsunphester: lftp, too03:32
libpngQuarupt, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/03:32
eyequeueandrewski:  i found a nice space one i use here now, but i use the standard ones on installs i do for others03:33
Quaruptlibpng, are you telling me its not packaged?03:33
Amaranthandrewski: iirc the betas defaulted to it03:33
Amaranthand the gdm login screen had it03:33
andrewskieyequeue: yeah, i just use the default.  ah, Amaranth.03:33
ernstpand no /dev/inotify!03:33
eyequeueandrewski:  and i agree, i didn't use the people one in the install i did for a greatgrandmother :)03:33
rrichehrrm.. might try out enlightment .. anyone use?03:33
libpngyes. i ve downloaded it from extra repositeries03:33
rricheenlightenment rather03:33
andrewskieyequeue: i'm reading about this calendar thing, and i can see perhaps why they would leave something like that in.03:33
andrewskirriche: lots of eyecandy, but not too useful.  have you tried out xfce?03:34
eyequeueandrewski:  she loves the definition of ubuntu and philosophy behind it, but i figured that was too risque for her tastes03:34
andrewskieyequeue: good call. :)03:34
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andrewskirriche: IMO, of course. :)03:34
eyequeueandrewski:  she's not the proverbial HNG heh03:35
rricheandrewski, hrrm.. xfce sounds familiar.. might have tried back in when i mucked with gentoo03:35
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andrewskirriche: www.xfce.org, if you're interested, i'll help you get the deb repository set up.03:35
ukilledkennywhats the command for hardware stats03:35
ernstpyou guys have an /dev/inotify entry on hoary?03:35
rrichesure.. let me check it out the site.. get back to you in a bit03:36
libpngrriche, there is a good how to at ubuntuforums for xfce03:36
eyequeueukilledkenny:  you may want to cat something under the /proc tree03:36
andrewskiukilledkenny: which ones?  cat /proc/* will give you a lot...03:36
rrichertfm is king :)03:36
Schuylerhey. having a bit of pain with the PPC port on a G4 powerbook here.03:36
rrichethx libpng03:36
andrewskiukilledkenny: gnome-system-monitor for something reminiscent of windows.03:36
ukilledkennyandrewski, thanx03:36
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andrewskilibpng: yes, that's true, i forgot about that.03:37
Schuylerhowto links would be welcome. the install crashed, and we got a shell, but I haven't see how to get the networking up.03:37
SchuylerDHCP doesn't appear to work.03:37
andrewskii wish ubuntu's repositories would just merge the 4.2 versions...!03:37
darkpentiumcan anyone see this03:37
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andrewskidarkpentium: i don't see it.03:37
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Hell-Razordarkpentium: nope03:37
eyequeuedarkpentium:  no03:37
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MMondSorry - nub question, what pre-installed bit torrent client does ubuntu come with?03:37
Hell-Razordarkpentium, no problem03:38
libpngwhy cant i see:)03:38
darkpentiumtrying to see if this works03:38
ernstpMMond, "GNOME Bittorrent"03:38
MMondthank you03:38
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ernstpI'd guess it's this thing: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=15403:38
eyequeueMMond:  sudo apt-get install bittorrent03:38
helio7any ideas why the Qtparted app on the "systemrescueCd" would only allow someone to partition their primary HDD and not a 2ndary one?03:39
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eyequeuehelio7:  do you perhaps have to start it with an hdb argument, like with 'fdisk hdb' ?03:40
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QuaruptWhy didnt i have an /opt dir?03:40
rrichelibpng, yah, as per that... when it comes to configuration/installation.. google with +ubuntu usually hits some of the great ubuntu documentation for me :)03:40
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helio7eyequeue: good idea, i'm a fairly new-to-linux user trying to help out a friend who's trying it for the first time03:40
eyequeuehelio7:  i don't know definititely, just a suggestion03:41
libpngQuarupt, i had an by usin mkdir:)03:41
neighborleei'm having trouble running some game devel. library examples and wondering what might be problem...ie: i'm running a example which draws meshs and textures them with GLSL and its yielding this:: GLSL not supported by OpenGL driver..any idea ???03:41
andrewskihelio7: blind leading the blind, eh? :)03:41
helio7andrewski: yah isn't that often how it goes?03:41
andrewskihelio7: no offense, just being funny.  keep asking us questions and we'll help if we can.03:41
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andrewskihelio7: yes, that's true.  i remember that's how it was when i first started with linux.  i wanted to get all my friends to use it. :)03:42
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helio7andrewski: none taken at all (= i'm in a good mood trying to help him out; he tryed the shareware partition magic but apparently it doesn't do Jack03:42
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ukilledkennycan i create a shortcut to my mounted usb hard drive instead of mounting every time i boot03:42
rricheandrewski: xfce looks slick.. somewhat gnome-like.. but it seems like there is more control over your toolbar sizing and placement which intrigues me.. i am liking the toolbar monitoring apps as well.03:42
rrichethe next question would xfce support gaims flashing window feature? :)03:42
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farruinnrriche: have you seen gaim-guifications?03:43
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back_eastukilledkenny: just add it to your fstab03:43
rrichefarruinn, no sirr03:43
andrewskirriche: i dunno; i don't use gaim.03:43
back_eastukilledkenny: and it will stay in your "computer" folder03:43
phantomdataUm... how do you modify your X settings?  My modifications to "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" don't seem to take effect; and running the suggested routine starts configuring the whole thing from square one.03:44
ukilledkennyback_east, nice, how do i add it to fstab03:44
andrewskiukilledkenny: you could follow the syntax of other entries or read the manpage...03:44
andrewskiukilledkenny: i dunno about the path info etc.03:44
back_eastukilledkenny: add a line like this to /etc/fstab03:45
back_east/dev/sda1        /media/usb_disk    auto rw,user,noauto  0       003:45
f00f_bugmy sound went out, and someone here suggested telling xmms to use esound, and that worked, but now its messing up again.. if i put it on alsa, it looks like its gonna play, but stays at 0:00, esound gives a blocked soundcard error, and oss goes really fast (without sound -- sortof like using the diskwriter plug) any suggestions? :(03:45
andrewskiukilledkenny: but back_east does. ^^^ :)03:45
ukilledkennythat should work03:45
back_eastukilledkenny: Yeah03:45
crimsunf00f_bug: pgrep esd; pgrep polypaudio; lsof /dev/dsp*; lsof /dev/snd/*03:46
back_eastukilledkenny: Just hack it around to fit you're situation03:46
f00f_bugcrimsun: no results03:46
crimsunf00f_bug: for _any_ of those 4 commands?03:47
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rrichehey.. if you plan on doing alot of root tasks.. is it unwise to "sudo su"?03:47
f00f_bugcrimsun: not one03:47
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OsMasterFlex<---Problem Here03:47
crimsunrriche: it's preferable to use sudo <command>03:47
OsMasterFlexanybody know how to get the Home and End keys to actually go to the end and beginning in Terminal?03:47
andrewskihow do i type that french 'c' thing?03:47
ukilledkennyback_east what would i put under <type> vfat?03:47
ernstpanyone else has problems with fam/gamin/inotify?03:47
crimsunf00f_bug: are you running hoary?03:48
back_eastukilledkenny: what is it formatted as?03:48
f00f_bugcrimsun: yeah03:48
crimsunf00f_bug: is it updated?03:48
rrichecrimsun: well, as long as you dont go running anything stupid.. i am talking a session of about 5 commands.. then exit :)  sudo gets anyone to prepend to everything all the time :)03:48
ukilledkennyback_east, i formatted it on windows03:48
bob2OsMasterFlex: on mac os ox?03:48
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f00f_bugcrimsun: yes03:48
back_eastukilledkenny: as ntfs or fat32?03:48
rrichei can understand if sudo su in a terminal and leave it there.03:48
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ukilledkennyback_east, not too sure03:49
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back_eastukilledkenny: I don't know if Ubuntu can write to ntfs disks03:49
crimsunrriche: it makes more sense to use sudo -s03:49
ukilledkennyback_east , ahh that sucks03:49
kapputuI installed apache using apt03:49
back_eastukilledkenny: but if it's FAT32 then you're all set03:50
kapputuI can't find apachectl script03:50
kapputuhow do I start apache03:50
rrichecrimsun: oh sweet. thx.03:50
crimsunf00f_bug: System>Preferences>Sound03:50
kapputuis there a FAQ on setting up apache in ubuntu?03:50
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crimsunkapputu: sudo /etc/init.d/apache start03:50
crimsunkapputu: etc.03:50
OsMasterFlexBob2: Any Ideas??03:50
ukilledkennyback_east , how do i check what kind of file system it is, i have it mounted ...03:50
crimsunkapputu: see /usr/share/doc/apache*/03:50
bob2OsMasterFlex: this isn't an OS X help channel03:51
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ellsanyone familiar with qparted03:51
back_eastukilledkenny: is it mounted?03:51
ukilledkennyback_east, yeh03:51
back_eastukilledkenny: the mount command03:51
plex0r_dazed is a idiot03:51
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ellsanyone familiar with qparted03:51
crimsunf00f_bug: make sure the "Enable sound server startup" option in the General tab is checked03:52
f00f_bugcrimsun: it is03:52
OsMasterFlexbob2: I have an Ubuntu Machine03:52
kapputuso why don't I see the default index page that you get in other distros03:52
back_eastells: fairly.  What's the question.03:52
f00f_bugcrimsun: is this for esd?03:52
crimsunf00f_bug: System>Preferences>Multimedia Systems Selector>Audio>Default Sink>ESD>Test03:52
Quarupthow to mount a drd-r?03:52
ellsback_east, I can open it but it wont let me resize03:52
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back_eastells: what's the format of the partition you are trying to resize?03:53
OsMasterFlexIn Terminal, does anybody know how to make the Home and End Keys, go to the beginning and end?03:54
crimsunf00f_bug: what are the results?03:54
OsMasterFlexcurrently they are just typing H and F03:54
bob2OsMasterFlex: why do you keep saying "terminal" then?03:54
rrichefarruinn, thx man.. guifications is just what i needed03:54
bob2OsMasterFlex: do you mean "gnome-terminal"?03:54
ellsback_east, the windows side03:54
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OsMasterFlexas in "root terminal"03:54
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f00f_bugcrimsun: its not making any noises03:54
ellsback_east, also, it wont let me do any linux partitions either03:54
OsMasterFlexApplications>System Tools>Terminal03:55
crimsunf00f_bug: does it give you an error?03:55
f00f_bugcrimsun: no03:55
libpngells starting it with sudo?03:55
crimsunf00f_bug: execute polypaudio in a gnome-terminal03:55
OsMasterFlexbob2:  Applications>System Tools>Terminal03:55
back_eastells: and does it give you an error message?03:55
ellsnaw, from the interface03:55
ellsnope, the resize part is just not highlighted03:56
f00f_bugcrimsun: alrigh03:56
crimsunf00f_bug: then Test again03:56
back_eastells: is that hoary or warty?03:57
ellsback_east: hoary03:57
back_eastells: oh03:57
ukilledkennyback_east, ntfs it says rw beside it though03:57
back_eastukilledkenny: and you can read and write to it?03:57
f00f_bugcrimsun: no sound, no error. this things had me frustrated all day03:57
ukilledkennyback_east read yes, ive been trying to write03:57
crimsunf00f_bug: cat /proc/asound/modules03:58
back_eastukilledkenny: and it complains about permissions?03:58
ukilledkennyback_east, but ill need a shortcut first03:58
f00f_bugcrimsun: 0 snd_intel8x003:58
Quaruptwhats the easiest way to set-up an ftp server?03:58
ellsback_east, do you think I need to set the permissions in fstab03:58
back_eastells: I don't know if I'll be able to help you with that.03:58
ggeecko_is there a way i can test the security of my box03:58
Quaruptsomething with a gui would be nice03:58
ukilledkennyback_east, no, ill need to create a shortcut folder for the hard-drive then try to transfer some files03:59
back_eastells: on warty when you try to start it as a normal user it says it can't find any disks.03:59
Hell-Razorcan anybody here help me please? im looking to install steam under cedega 4.2.1 but it keeps on crashing ==> http://rafb.net/paste/results/Xz0Yit28.html03:59
crimsunHell-Razor: best to ask in #cedega03:59
Quarupttry #transgaming03:59
Hell-Razorcrimsun: did03:59
crimsunf00f_bug: lsmod|grep ^i81003:59
ellsback_east, I cant believe it wont let me resize the partitions03:59
Hell-RazorQuarupt, tried03:59
back_eastukilledkenny: Yeah, just make a folder in /media03:59
back_eastukilledkenny: That matches the fstab entry04:00
libpngf00f_bug, do u have another module snd_intel8x0m ?04:00
ukilledkennyback_east, and mount there?04:00
f00f_bugcrimsun: no output04:00
back_eastukilledkenny: yes04:00
Quaruptcrimsun, can ya help me setup an ftp server?04:00
f00f_buglibpng: yes04:00
ukilledkennyback_east ill try it04:00
back_eastells: Have you checked the ubuntu forums?04:00
libpngf00f_bug, block it. if u dont use ur modem04:01
crimsunf00f_bug: dpkg -l alsa-base|grep ^ii|awk '{ print $3 }'04:01
f00f_bugcrimsun: 1.0.8-4ubuntu104:01
f00f_buglibpng: block it? im not familiar with that term04:01
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projectmayhemhey everyone04:02
crimsunf00f_bug: lsmod|grep ^snd_intel8x0m04:02
ggeecko_is there a way i can i upgrade to hoary with apt-get04:02
projectmayhemI want to switch over from Fedora, i'm currently using GRUB to dual boot Fedora 3/windows04:02
f00f_bugcrimsun: snd_intel8x0m          17220  004:02
libpngf00f_bug, put "snd_intel8x0m" in /etc/hotplug/blacklist04:02
f00f_buglibpng: sure thing04:03
crimsunf00f_bug: echo "snd-intel8x0m" | sudo tee -a /etc/hotplug/blacklist04:03
projectmayhemsee now that is just not very nice04:03
plex0ri know you eric.04:03
f00f_bugcrimsun: done04:03
projectmayhemwill i have to reinstall grub?04:03
Quaruptanyone knoa a good ftpd with a gui or config script?04:03
back_eastells: If you select a partition the resize option stays disabled?04:03
crimsunf00f_bug: pkill polypaudio04:04
plex0ryes eric?04:04
ellsback_east, yes04:04
projectmayhemhow you know my name?04:04
plex0risn't that ironic?04:04
QMarioCan anyone help me with my printing problem?04:04
back_eastells: is the partition in question mounted?04:04
projectmayhemno... its just creepy04:04
f00f_bugcrimsun: ok04:04
crimsunf00f_bug: then: sudo modprobe -r snd_intel8x0m snd_intel8x004:04
Quaruptcrimsun, can ya help me setup ftpd please?04:04
ellsthey should be04:04
Quaruptor maybe gimme a link to a howto04:05
back_eastells: no, they shouldn't be04:05
f00f_bugFATAL: Module snd_intel8x0 is in use.04:05
crimsunQuarupt: I'm not familiar w/ gui configs. I've used $EDITOR /etc/vsftpd.conf, etc.04:05
f00f_bugcrimson: FATAL: Module snd_intel8x0 is in use.04:05
projectmayhemok, my question is: will I be able to use my existing grub bootloader or will ubuntu install a new one?04:05
delltonyis there a reason why ubuntu desktop is keyed for removale when trying to remove gnome bittorrent? isn't it apt-get remove bittorrent?04:05
crimsunf00f_bug: ok, perhaps the easiest method is simply to reboot.04:05
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plex0rjust write over it?04:05
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f00f_bugcrimsun: ok brb04:06
Quaruptcrimsun, is there even a GUI config for ftpd?04:06
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back_eastells: Try unmounting the partitions and running qtparted again.04:06
ellsback_east, the windows one, just checked is mounted so I can view in linux04:06
plex0ryou can prob use existing.04:06
ellsback_east, okay04:06
back_eastells: that's the problem04:06
ellswill check04:06
ellsI tried the unmount command and it says command not found, what gives04:07
back_eastells: umount04:07
crimsunit's 'umount' not 'unmount'04:07
ellsforgive me, I am tupid04:07
back_eastells: no, just not as experienced.04:07
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kapputuis there a tutorial on setting up dyndns04:08
ellsback_east, true04:08
libpngme too ells , i did an "alias unmount umount" :)04:08
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ellsback_east, check this outroot@steveslaptop:/media/windows # umount /media/windows04:08
ellsumount: /media/windows: device is busy04:08
ellsumount: /media/windows: device is busy04:08
f00f_bugcrimsun: thanks it works again :] 04:08
crimsunells: you're currently inside the mountpoint you're trying to unmount04:09
back_eastells: do you have a file from that disk open?04:09
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_quintontry a lazy umount04:09
_quintonumount -l (Mountpoint)04:09
back_eastells: crimsun got it04:09
ellsagain, good to go04:09
crimsunf00f_bug: good.04:09
back_east_quinton: Thanks for the tip.  That always bugs me.04:10
_quintonit stops nautilus from reaing it, just still ties up the loos ends04:10
ellsback_east, I went back into to resize the partition and still the same04:10
ellsback_east, still not able to click on the icon to resize it04:10
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back_eastells: did you start qtparted up fresh?04:11
Xappeanyone familiar with osx?04:11
back_eastXappe: what's up?04:11
Crazy_Diamonddali iko prica na mom jeziku04:11
ellsback_east, yeap, the only icons able to click are delete, format, and set active04:11
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back_eastells: well I don't know what to tell you.04:13
QuaruptCrazy_Diamond, Polska?04:13
Xappeback_east, i'm a total osx newb and i want to get rid of osx and installing ubuntu instead, BUT I need to copy some files to cd first. I tried but it resulted in a hfs cd that I can't mount in linux or windows...how do I burn files as a normal iso9660 that every os should be able to read?04:13
deeznutzhey all - need some help with ndiswrapper if anyone can assist04:14
macewangnome2.10 is available in hoary04:14
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libpngupdate time04:14
deeznutzwhen i do dpkg -i <pkg name>.deb, where does the source get installed?04:16
back_eastells: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php04:16
back_eastells: is that in the hoary repos?04:16
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back_eastells: it might be worth a shot.04:17
ellsback_east, qtparted, yes04:17
marioback_east, yes04:17
mariogparted - partition editor for GNOME04:17
back_eastmario: thanks04:17
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ellsback_east: I am getting gparted now04:18
QMarioWhy doesn't my Windows XP Professional SP2 see my printer attached to my Linux computer?04:18
back_eastells: It's worth a shot04:18
ellsback_east: true04:18
_quintonenable it with Samba04:18
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_quintonI really don't know how...04:18
_quintonbut look up some docs on Ubuntu04:18
_quintonon Samba04:18
borgistaQMario, go to www.ubuntuguide.org04:18
_quintonActually, I would hook up the printer to your windows machine, and print in linux using samba04:19
_quintonthen, neither one has a problem04:19
libpngdeeznutz, u can use dpkg-query -L <paackagename>04:19
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XappeQMario, i've tried to tell you that you should look into cups printer sharing...it quite easy and I think there's a guide on the ubuntu wiki somewhere04:19
back_eastXappe: is it all just files?04:19
back_eastXappe: because you can run into trouble with Mac files if you put it on just an iso9660 fs04:20
Xappeback_east, yes...some pictures from my dads digital camera and such (the computer belongs to him, but I think i'll try ubuntu out since noone knows the admin of the osx installed04:21
ellsback_east: still wont let me resize it. I must be missing some tool04:21
back_eastells: ntfsresize?04:21
ellsback_east: will check04:21
helio7So with the Warty installer, there is a way to re-Partition a HDD even if it currently has an NTFS partition that's using the WHole space?  I'm trying to help a friend install linux, but I've never done a partition myself04:21
back_eastXappe: The Mac OS X installation disk has a utility that will let you reset the password.04:22
deeznutzOK, now when I am using "make" I get "Can't find kernel sources in lib/modules/; give the path to kernel sources with LSRC=<path> argument to make" .... help??04:22
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R0bNycmy ubuntu has crashed so many times04:22
borgistayou serious?04:22
_quintonthat's odd04:22
borgistaMine has never crashed.04:22
QuaruptMAN!! I have tried everything to get limewire to startup from a damn icon or launcher, and it just wont happen04:22
ellsback_east: I did aptget and it did not have ntfsresize04:22
tritiumdeeznutz, you need linux-headers that match your kernel version04:22
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back_eastXappe: And you should be able to mount hfs formatted cds04:22
_quintonno offense, but you must be doing something wrong04:22
Xappeback_east, well, the disk is 300 km away04:22
borgistaQuarupt...how did you install it?04:22
Quaruptwith a deb04:23
borgistahow'd you do that?04:23
back_eastells: try an apt-cache search ntfs04:23
Xappeback_east, i've tried every way now I think04:23
Quaruptit launches fine from a terminal04:23
R0bNyci go outside come back04:23
R0bNycn i see my stuff in a black screen04:23
ellsback_east: okay04:23
=== slipstream [~user@ppp83-237-210-210.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
borgistawhy didn't you just install with the .bin from the site?04:23
Quarupti typed in dpkg -i Limewirepro.deb ???04:23
borgistaoh, you bought it?04:23
borgistaDo you have Java configured?04:24
Quaruptthere is no bin for the pro version04:24
borgistaIt depends on java.04:24
Quaruptjava is configured fine, like i said it works fine, i just have to start it from a terminal04:24
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2u1-63.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quaruptits in my $PATH04:24
_quintonyour global path is set wrong04:24
ukilledkennyback_east, you were right, ntfs is a read-only system04:24
Quaruptno its set fine04:24
_quintonGnome searches a different path when it execs commands04:24
_quintonoh ok04:25
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SeanQHey, how are you all?04:25
Quaruptyou can read my /etc/profile yourself04:25
Xappeback_east, and osx 10.1.x seems to be a slow beast that does not run so many apps nowadays04:25
_quintonno need04:25
borgistaso you time "limewire" in your terminal, and it launches?04:25
Quaruptborgista, yes04:25
back_eastXappe: amen to that04:25
Quaruptbut if i try to use the menu or a laucher it wont start04:25
borgistai have the same problemwith Azureus04:25
Quaruptlike x is reading a diff profile or something04:26
back_eastXappe: Well I could've sworn I've mounted hfs cds04:26
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SeanQIs there any way I can pry an inbed windows media [could be mms]  server stream out of a browser inwod?04:26
Quarupti wanna try a different java dependent program and see if it does the same thing04:26
_quintonmaybe it's your CLASSPATH04:26
_quintoncheck that04:26
Quarupti dunno what a classpath is04:26
borgistai think you need to configure your .bashrc04:26
_quintonit's the path that Java searches to find classes04:27
Xappeheck, I thought I was lucky when I realized it had a cdrw, but I guess I just have to learn setting up a ftp server on this ubuntu machine instead04:27
_quintonjava might be startting fine, but can't find limewire04:27
Quaruptif it was my bash.bashrc i think that it wouldnt work in the terminal04:28
back_eastUse sftp04:28
borgistaQuarupt, I suggest you follow these directions: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#jre04:28
Quaruptborgista, i have followed them, how do ya think i installed java04:28
borgistaok, ok.04:28
back_eastXappe: just install the openssh-server on the ubuntu machine and use sftp04:28
back_eastXappe: same syntax and a lot easier to set up04:29
borgistamaybe the filename is "LimeWire" not "limewire"?04:29
Quarupttried that04:29
back_eastDoes OS X have mkisofs?04:29
back_eastXappe: and cdrecord?04:30
borgistaback_east...wrong room?04:30
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back_eastborgista: nope, forgot my prefix04:30
back_eastXappe: Does OS X have mkisofs?04:30
Xappeback_east, well, when I mount the cd in osx I get two icons on the desktop, why is that?04:30
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Xappeback_east, i don't know04:31
borgistai meant, you're asking in the wrong room, maybe?04:31
back_eastXappe: There's two tracks04:31
Xappehmm, shouldn't be04:31
Xappeborgista, no, not really. my issue is quite ubuntu related :)04:31
borgistabut you're asking whether osx has mkisofs.04:32
QuaruptI want to be able to connect to my Ubuntu box from work, but i cannot install any 3rd party apps like vnc viewer? and suggestions?04:32
back_eastborgista: No, I asked that04:32
back_eastborgista: :-)04:32
johnnybezakQuarupt: ssh04:33
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borgistathis is what i get for multi-tasking.04:33
borgistagetting all mixed up04:33
borgistaNote to self: Don't talk in IRC room while watching Family Guy.04:33
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macewanQuarupt: are you using the latest LimeWire?04:33
johnnybezakQuarupt: or you could burn knoppix, boot it up, install vnc then reboot and use it04:33
back_eastells: any luck?04:33
ellsback_east: good to go my man04:34
QMarioDoes Photoshop 2.0 work on Ubuntu?04:34
ellsI installed some tools and reboot04:34
Quaruptmacewan, si04:34
back_eastells: Ha04:34
ellsthumbs up04:34
back_eastells: you win.04:34
borgistaNo QMario...not without emulation.04:34
ellsback_east,you were all over it04:34
_quintonno, the "photoshop" of linux is GIMP04:34
borgistaUse the GIMP.04:34
borgistaGreat for Image-editing04:34
macewanQuarupt: thats yes?04:34
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Quaruptjohnnybezak, knoppix is 3rd party, the whole point si to be able to bring my work up quickly when my boss comes by04:34
_quintonI'm not into photo editing, but it's a descent app04:34
Quaruptmacewan, yes04:34
Xappeback_east, when I mount the cd as hfsplus I can see two folders that it when I try to access them is no folders04:35
back_eastells: Glad to help.04:35
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macewanQuarupt: 4.6.004:35
ellsback_east: thanks04:35
ellsback_east: any knowledge of internal sd card readers04:35
Quaruptmacewan, i will check for you04:35
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Xappeback_east, Desktop DB and Desktop DF04:36
back_eastXappe: Those are normal04:36
Xappeback_east, bu no files04:36
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Quaruptmacewan, 4.8.0 Pro04:36
macewanYou paid?04:36
back_eastXappe: but unhelpful04:36
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back_eastells: Sorry04:36
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macewanQuarupt: Where is it available?04:37
Quaruptmacewan, on my hdd04:37
back_eastells: still trying to get mine to work on my laptop.;04:37
macewanQuarupt: Where is it available online?04:37
Quaruptyou want the deb?04:37
ellsback_east: that adn I installed netapplet to find networks and it did not work: what kind of laptop04:37
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Quaruptheh, im not sure it is04:37
macewanQuarupt: Is it supposed to be a licensed copy?04:37
back_eastells: Asus M6N04:37
Quaruptbut i can drop it on my webserver if ya want it04:37
ellsI have a toshiba04:37
Quaruptmacewan, no, just dont register it04:38
macewanQuarupt: I don't understand. Is it available from their site?04:38
Xappeback_east, i'm starting to think that the problem is due to a two track cd (iso and hfs maybe?)04:38
ellsback_east: any info on netapplet04:38
Quaruptmacewan, yes for 19.9904:38
back_eastells: You know about http://www.linux-laptop.net/ and http://www.tuxmobil.org/04:38
Quaruptnot the deb04:39
Quarupti created the deb04:39
Quaruptfrom an rpm source04:39
ellsback_east: will check it out, also netapplet is installed, but wont work04:39
Quaruptit works smoothly04:39
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Xappeback_east, I can't "mount" it with hmount either04:39
blizahpossible to get my ubuntu install seeing my SATA RAID 1 windows drives?04:39
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borgista yes, blizah. get ntfs support for your kernel.04:40
blizahthat an apt-get thing?04:40
borgistause synaptic04:40
borgistaand search04:40
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borgistait'd be easier04:40
ellsanyone know about netapplet04:40
borgistai dont know the exact package04:40
borgistaand then mount the drive.04:40
geppyI'm getting lots of dropped frames playing DVDs (in Ogle, Totem, or GXine).  I'm wondering what I should do;  my computer is more than fast enough for DVD playback.04:40
borgistaconfigure the video geppy.04:41
borgistamake it play more fps.04:41
blizahborgista, what should i search for in synaptic?04:41
borgistantfs support04:41
ellsanyone know about netapplet04:41
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back_eastXappe: I'm trying with the OS 9 install disk04:42
ellsback_east, what are you putting OS 9 on04:43
back_eastells: Nothing, it's just an hfs CD I'm using to test hfs mounting04:43
ellsback_east: cool, do you have any info on netapplet04:44
nanaemIs the game Enemy Territory working good under Ubuntu?04:44
back_eastells: What do you want to know?04:44
ellsback_east: I installed it and I cannot get it to come up and work04:44
back_eastXappe: I think that sftp might be your quickest solution.04:45
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bluefoxicyhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/caaUvh34.html  Does anyone think this fantasy tool w ould be worthwhile?04:45
Quest-Masternanaem: Yes, check under Software Support -> Gaming on Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntuforums.org04:45
ellsback_east: are you using it04:45
Xappeback_east, probably. is that just included in ssh? not so familiar with admininistrating over networks04:46
abaddon80I just recently installed Warty, and I enabled the root user.  I'm noticing my auth.log is getting filled with lines like this:  Mar  7 22:42:54 localhost su[4357] : + ??? root:abaddon  Mar  7 22:42:54 localhost su[4357] : (pam_unix) session opened for user abaddon by (uid=0)04:46
back_eastells: no, I use the network monitor applet04:46
abaddon80is that normal?04:46
back_eastXappe: yeah, it's a part of ssh04:46
ellsI tried that before: twice, and it locks up everytime and wont let me find networs04:46
ellsforces me to reinstall everytime04:47
Xappethen I just need to learn how to do it :)04:47
back_eastXappe: installing the openssh-server package will install it and start it up04:47
back_eastXappe: it's just like ftp after that04:47
back_eastXappe: sftp [username] @[hostname] 04:47
geppyborgista: Where do I do that?  I've looked in the options for totem, Ogle, and gxine, not finding any FPS options.04:48
back_eastells: is that the gnome-netstatus-applet?04:48
_quintoncheck your DVD libraries04:48
back_eastells: or what package is that?04:48
_quintonmaybe you should update cthem04:49
_quintonjust check anything in Synaptic having to do with DVDs04:49
geppy_quinton: I'm up to date with everything for Ubuntu Hoary/latest marillat04:49
ellsit is actuall called netapplet04:49
ellsback_east: that is installed too, still no dice chicago04:50
ellsback_east: I would have thought there would be a gui for using the netapplet04:51
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back_eastells: oh that's the new one04:52
JDahlI just installed Hoary on a machine... the new automatic updater is neat!04:52
back_eastells: that shows the wireless networks04:52
back_eastells: right?04:52
=== Dull404 [~afoeifjoa@c213-89-223-12.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
ellsI went and ./netapplet and nothing04:53
ellsit hangs there04:53
Dull404doesnt 'universal' support dependencies?04:53
nomasteryodahey people... if you need an Excellent wireless card for Linux.. and ubuntu.. compUSA has ATT6700g for $1004:53
nomasteryodaatheros chipset04:53
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nomasteryodalights work too04:53
ellsnomasteryoda, where can I get one, online or store04:54
nomasteryodabut at store too i think04:54
nomasteryodai got 204:54
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tritiumDull404, what do you mean?04:55
ellsback_east: check this out root@steveslaptop:/usr/lib/netapplet # ls04:55
ellsroot@steveslaptop:/usr/lib/netapplet # ./netapplet04:55
ellsroot@steveslaptop:/usr/lib/netapplet #04:55
back_eastIt's a panel applet04:55
ellsback_east: I dont see it nowhere04:56
Dull404tritium, i installed VLC. and it had 10 libs. Then i removed VLC, but the libs weren't deleted....04:56
Dull404tritium, using synaptic04:56
phesterany body in to c++?04:56
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back_eastells: You should be able to add it to the panel using the "Add to panel" menu04:56
ellsback_east: will try04:56
back_eastells: it isn't in there?04:56
Dull404tritium, maybe this is just a "universal" problem.. i dont know04:56
ellsback_east: nope04:56
tritiumDull404, oh, you mean "universe"?04:56
back_eastells: weird04:57
Dull404tritium, yeah.. "universe" ;)04:57
ellsback_east: how can I add to panel04:57
tritiumDull404, no, it's not a problem.  You don't always want a package's dependencies to be removed, especially when other packages also depend on that dependency.04:57
ellsback_east: found it04:57
back_eastells: ok04:57
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tritiumtritium, I don't use synaptic, but it can remove orphans04:57
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tritiumDull404, that was for you ;)04:58
ZugotZugot, how are you?04:58
tritiumDull404, so does aptitude, apparently04:58
Dull404tritium, i know, but since i installed VLC, and then 10 seconds later wanted to remove it, the deps were still there04:58
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tritiumDull404, and finally, deborphan04:58
tritiumDull404, that's correct04:58
tritiumthat's proper behavior04:58
tritiumas I said, it doesn't remove dependencies04:59
Dull404tritium, :S weird.. i dont want deps/libs that i dont need.... that reminds me of windows :S04:59
tritiumDull404, then use deborphan, or remove the orphans with aptitude or synaptic04:59
ellsback_east: added it and nothing05:00
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Dull404tritium, oh, so its a synaptic bug?05:00
tritiumDull404, it's to avoid removing packages that __other__ packages depend on also05:00
tritiumDull404, not a bug.  It's proper behavior05:00
back_eastells: is your wireless card in?05:00
Xappeback_east, when I try: 'sftp>put Pictures/ Pictures/' I get the error: "Can't get handle: Failure"05:00
Dull404tritium, apt-get remove vlc ... will it remove deps also?05:00
tritiumDull404, no.  It's not supposed to, as i've said.05:00
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ellsyeap, that is what i am using,but I have to put in the location when I change networks05:01
SiRrUswow several updates tonight05:01
tritiumDull404, that will remove vlc, as asked05:01
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ellsback_east: yeap, that is what i am using,but I have to put in the location when I change networks05:01
tritiumDull404, I pointed out what to do to remove orphans already05:01
back_eastXappe: you'll need to either zip up the folders or move the files with a wildcard (put *.jpg)05:01
Dull404tritium, sorry im confused... so deborphan?05:02
yoko-omoI like how hoary has like 60 revision a night05:02
yoko-omoit makes me feel like my computer is doing something05:02
yoko-omoconstantly evolving05:02
Xappeback_east, no way I can upload the whole direcory tree?05:02
tritiumDull404, yes, you can look at deborphan, but I know that synaptic can search for and remove orphans05:02
tritiumso does aptitude05:02
back_eastWell, you can just zip up the tree and then move the archive05:02
tritiumso _can_ aptitude, that is05:03
Xappeback_east, ok05:03
back_eastells: I really need to get hoary05:03
lunitikyoko-omo: I don't even notice... god bless cron.05:03
yoko-omolunitik: cron?05:03
ellsback_east: that is what I am running05:03
Dull404tritium, ok so in a way, synaptic sucks.. and aptitude will do the job?05:03
yoko-omoI use the ubuntu update manager05:04
lunitikAlthough, logs come in handy when using cron to upgrade in hoary.05:04
tritiumDull404, no, not at all05:04
lunitikyoko-omo: man cron05:04
tritiumDull404, you're misunderstanding.  There's nothing wrong with that behavior.05:04
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tritiumDull404, if A and B depend on C, and you remove A, you don't want C removed also, because B depends on it.05:05
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tritiumDull404, so apt-get remove does _not_ remove dependencies05:05
yoko-omoeach minute05:05
back_eastells: What wireless card do you have?05:05
yoko-omoI dunno if I need it to work that much05:05
ellsit is an internal atheros05:06
back_eastells: Does that support scanning?05:06
Dull404tritium, i understand dependencies, but all libs that came with VLC should not be needed by anything else05:06
ellsI am sure it does05:06
tritiumDull404, doesn't matter, that's the behavior05:06
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tritiumDull404, if you want to, remove the orphans05:07
Quarupt8==D  ( o )   anyone know what that means?05:07
Quaruptsomeone keeps sending it to me?05:07
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Quarupt8 is equal to d multiplied by o ?05:07
Dull404tritium, whats an orphan? im used to pacman, it will remove deps if they are not in use by anything else05:07
Hell-Razordoes anybody here have hte new cedega?05:07
windows-farhanquestion. does #ubuntu05:07
tritiumDull404, what's pacman?05:07
windows-farhanhave support for the blind yet/05:08
windows-farhanwith speakup screenreader or no...05:08
Anubis91 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.05:08
Dull404tritium, a package manager for ArchLinux ..05:08
windows-farhani'm currently using debian with speakup support enabled...05:08
tritiumDull404, those libs that vlc depended on, that nothing else depends on, but remain on your system are examplkes of orphans.05:08
Anubisfor Hoary05:08
Hell-Razorlinux for the blind? never heard of it05:08
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windows-farhanif you search on the ulinux website you'll find things..05:08
tritiumDull404, sorry, never heard of it05:08
back_eastells: Well I'm all out of ideas05:09
Dull404tritium, ah now i see. but how do i remove orphans then? automaticly...05:09
windows-farhanmy deb box is a 233 mhz with 32 mb of ram lol05:09
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windows-farhanit sucks05:09
Hell-Razorthat thing is pathedic05:09
tritiumDull404, look into deborphan05:09
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windows-farhani only need the text bash anyway05:09
Quaruptanyone know a good howto on howto set up an ftpd?05:09
back_eastells: My card won't scan, so it can't use netapplet anyway05:09
windows-farhanso it files05:09
Dull404tritium, deborphan is an app?05:09
ellsback_east, appreciate it, will try to fix05:09
windows-farhani just want to install u05:09
infornographyCan I use the ubuntu live CD to reinstall grub?05:09
windows-farhani wana05:09
tritiumDull404, yes05:09
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windows-farhanbut i'm not sure if speakup is in it yet05:10
windows-farhanfor debian i had to download a special iso05:10
windows-farhanand it was floofy and bad3me and was as big as a kitchen sing05:10
Dull404tritium, can it be set up to be run automaticly when i use synaptic/apt-get/aptitude ?05:10
windows-farhanwhats apt-titude?05:11
nomasteryodawow, check this out ... http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/index-en.html - click the TouchGraph Google link at the top... cool way to  see what people are looking for05:11
tritiumDull404, I don't know.  You'll have to read the docs.  I imagine so.05:11
windows-farhanyah if you go to linux-speakup.org you'll find info05:11
windows-farhanwell if you guys don't no anything. i'm out piece..05:11
back_eastells: good luck05:11
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Dull404tritium, ok thanks05:11
tritiumDull404, sure.  Sorry I can't tell you more.05:12
back_eastNight everyone (queue discussion of time in various zones).05:12
tritiumAnd I agree that automatic orphan removal would be cool.05:12
SiRrUsthere fixed :)05:13
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=== FX|Laptop [~FX@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
FX|Laptopwhat would be the command in a terminal be to see what version of gnome you have?05:14
FX|Laptop<poke> <poke> anyone alive?05:15
geppydpkg -l | grep gnome05:15
geppycan you not just use the about box?05:15
nanaemjust installed the game Enemy Territory. can't get any sounds. /dev/dsp: Input/output error, Could not mmap /dev/dsp. i'm kinda new to linux, so if anyone have an idea of getting this to work, please tell me in a very newbish way how to solve it, hehe.05:16
geppynanaem: killall esd05:16
blizahdoes ubuntu come w/ support for SATA RAID, and if not can i apt-get anything to support it?05:16
geppynanaem: The problem is that the esd sound server is taking up your sound device.05:16
FX|Laptopgeppy I could I just want to see for sure if its gnome 2.10 thats in the hoary repos.05:16
nanaemk, i'll try it. thx05:17
bluefoxicyhttp://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel/5210  There, badgered the list about it.05:17
tritiumDull404, in synaptic, see the "Status" section for "Installed (local or obsolete)" and "Not installed (residual config)"05:17
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Quaruptwine spawned a window and i killed the parent, but it left a window open? how to kill it?05:18
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tritiumQuarupt, if you can't kill it using the kill command and its variants, try xkill05:19
lunitikQuarupt: ps -e  <-- see if you see what is being annoying... then 'pkill -9 that'05:19
FX|Laptopgeppy, thanks for the command.05:19
geppyFX|Laptop: No problem.05:19
ellstritium: I think that the gnome applet is built into the network connection manage in the applet05:19
geppyQuarupt: killall -9 wine05:19
=== FX|Laptop writes it down. :)
geppyQuarupt: killall -9 wineserver05:19
lunitikQuarupt: -9 is basically 'DIE DEAD YOU PEACE OF SHIT' *nods* ... its like you're a god, I love it  :)05:19
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geppyerm, sorry for being redundant, wasn't looking at the latest ones05:20
Xappeohoh, my first sftp upload istaking place right now05:20
tritiumells, say again?05:20
geppyOn the other hand, nothing can kill grip when it dies.05:20
ellstritium: I think that the gnome applet is built into the network connection manage in the applet05:22
ellstritium: for seeing wireless networks05:22
ellstritium: there is a drop menu when you go in05:22
tritiumells, I don't know.  I don't use it.  I tried netapplet instead05:23
yoko-omoin hoary, I installed the nvidia-glx drivers05:23
yoko-omohow do I change resolution?05:23
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ellstritium: thanks05:23
lunitikyoko-omo: depends how good your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is...05:23
tritiumells, was there a question?05:23
=== thr1ce [User@] has joined #ubuntu
yoko-omolunitik: pardon?05:24
lunitikyoko-omo: if its decent... you can go to Computer > Preferences > Screen Resolution05:24
lunitikelse you have to edit that file05:24
=== XposerX [~bruce@ool-182d394a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
blizahdoes ubuntu come w/ support for SATA RAID, and if not can i apt-get anything to support it?05:25
yoko-omolunitik: in hoary?05:25
yoko-omothere is no XF86 in hoary05:25
tritiumyoko-omo, it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf in Hoary05:25
lunitikyoko-omo: gah... kinda, cept /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:25
lunitikyoko-omo: else, yes... exactly the same.05:25
=== aethyr [~aethyr@] has joined #ubuntu
yoko-omodo I modify the modes then ?05:26
lunitikyoko-omo: yes... follow the format already there...05:26
tritiumyoko-omo, you should first attempd "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:26
lunitikyoko-omo: ie... just add the new resolution to the beggining of the list of modes05:27
QMarioWhat is an equivalent program to Adobe Photoshop in Ubuntu?05:27
tritiumBefore trying to hand-edit the file05:27
rricheoh man.. this is sick.. comeon windows.. let's see you let me run World of Warcraft in one workspace and swap to the other with no interruption and use firefox or chat or anything else :)05:27
=== stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu
lunitiktritium: wouldn't help enless you have him 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' and set to 'low'...05:27
lunitiktritium: simply wouldn't ask.05:27
=== VR^ [VR@154-111.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumlunitik, it's always the safe first attempt05:27
QMarioDoes anyone know?05:27
tritiumlunitik, he can use -plow if necessary05:28
Quaruptgrrr, anyone know what to do when wine needs the Install shield to install sometjing?05:28
lunitikQuarupt: kick it and cry lots05:28
tritiumQuarupt, winetools05:28
=== bskahan [~bskahan@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
yoko-omoif I knew what any of this meant05:28
yoko-omoI tried to switch to hoary before and everything crashed :(05:29
bskahananyone know if daniels x40 acpi packages are relevant in hoary?05:29
Quarupttritium, you know package name?05:29
lunitikyoko-omo: no need to understand right now... just add the new resolution to your xorg.conf05:29
lunitikyoko-omo: if your HSync and VSync don't like it though, then you can worry about what tritium is saying...05:29
=== Crazy_Diamond [sdfsdf@CPE000cf190b8e0-CM014080218964.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikelse its just overkill05:30
stuNNedSiRrUs: ping05:30
tritiumQuarupt, it's not yet in universe, so get it from: http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb05:30
yoko-omoto all of them?05:30
stuNNedSiRrUs: still slowiness in hoary with xorg?05:30
tritiumstuNNed, since when?05:30
lunitikyoko-omo: no point... see where it says "Default Depth"  "24"?05:30
SiRrUsnope the updates tonight seem to have fixed the issue05:30
stuNNedSiRrUs: aha!05:30
lunitikyoko-omo: it will use that first... so just add it to that one05:30
=== stuNNed updates xorg :D
SiRrUstritium since about Tuesday05:31
tritiumSiRrUs, hmm, didn't experience that here05:31
thr1cewhat version of xorg is it up to?05:32
=== mumak [~jml@ppp111-55.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikyoko-omo: in fact, you can remove that... and also, remove any resolutions listed you don't want... this way it forces it to do what you told it to do   :)05:32
SiRrUsyeah must be nice :) i just took i think 90 uodates and all seems fine prior to them cpu usage was around 35% steady05:32
lunitikyoko-omo: that = all depths but 2405:32
SiRrUsnow back down to 1-3%05:32
QMarioDoes Adobe work with WINE?05:32
Amaranthwait, adobe what?05:32
SiRrUsyeah but all is good now05:32
Quaruptcan anyone go here and tell me from that info what apt line would look like http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb05:32
yoko-omook, but how do I switch it now?05:33
yoko-omoI added it to the 2405:33
yoko-omobut I don't see where I can switch it05:33
tritiumQuarupt, it's right there on the page05:33
lunitikyoko-omo: restart X05:33
thr1cerestart x05:33
=== mumak [~jml@ppp111-55.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumQuarupt, it even has a screenshot from synaptic05:33
Quaruptno it gives the two fields05:33
thr1cewhat version of x.org does hoary use ?05:33
Quaruptmy synaptic doesnt look like that when ya click add you have to click custom, then it asks for an APT line05:34
tritiumQuarupt, look again05:34
crimsunthr1ce: 6.8.205:34
yoko-omook, so I have to log off?05:34
Quaruptwhy is my APT different05:34
thr1cecrimsun, and that JUST got updated to 6.8.2?05:34
lunitikQuarupt: try ''deb http://wine.souceforge.net/apt binary ./'05:34
Quarupti mean my Synaptic05:34
tritiumQuarupt, also, look near the bottom05:34
crimsunthr1ce: ~5 days ago05:34
=== thr1ce is debated between keeping his slackware install, or switching to ubuntu
lunitikQuarupt: gah... it says 'deb http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/ binary/'05:35
lunitikQuarupt: what I said should work also though.05:35
Quaruptit did thx05:35
SiRrUsthr1ce Ubuntu all the way ;)05:35
thr1ceSiRrUs, any convincing reasons?  slackware is so fast and stable...05:35
lunitikthr1ce: slack sucks... but Ubuntu uses GNOME... I thought Slack users hated GNOME?05:36
thr1celunitik, if you can in any way tell me why "slack sucks"05:36
Quaruptbut howcome my synaptic doesnt look the same, it did in warty, when adding a custom repository it had 3 fields, but in Hoary it just says enter APT line?05:36
tritiumQuarupt, you didn't read the to the bottom of the page?05:36
regeyaswitched to using xfce4...switched back to using mozilla and mozilla mail...I'm much happier. :-D05:36
lunitikthr1ce: Its like LFS, only without the control.05:36
SiRrUslunitik I didnt think it sucked actually I liked it alot. But Ubuntu is hmmmm "Ubuntu"05:36
thr1celunitik, then you have NEVER used slack if you think it lacks control05:36
crimsunthr1ce: the first packaging revision of 6.8.2 actually took place on/prior to Feb 12th05:36
regeyaslack does not suck.  I firmly believe that the complexity of debian-style systems makes something like apt not only nice but a necessity05:36
thr1ceslack uses excellent package management- ls /var/log/packages; lol05:37
lunitikthr1ce: compared to LFS? hah...05:37
Quarupttritium, i fully understand that is has an APT line at the bottom, im asking why my synaptic is different from the screenshot05:37
thr1celunitik, I have more control over my system than you do on ubuntu, actually05:37
=== yoko-omo [~aluser@c68.190.161.195.eau.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
regeyathis "fine-grained" business gets a little silly at times.  how many people, for instance, would install konqueror without wanting any more of kde than was the bare necessity to run konq...*shrug*05:37
=== maximaus [~max@user-37kac71.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
thr1celunitik, you let apt do everything for you; I know EXACTLY what's going on with my system05:38
tritiumQuarupt, I ask because you asked for the line to put in your sources.list05:38
lunitikthr1ce: Slack is for people with too much time on there hands... just like Gentoo is for people with too many clock cycles to waste05:38
regeyawow, that comment speaks of complete ignorance of how slack works.05:38
regeyaand another.05:38
thr1celunitik, slackware installs in less than 20 minutes05:38
yoko-omothanks lunitik05:38
Quarupttritium, yea because my Synaptic asks for an APT line instead of having the 3 fields like it used to05:38
lunitikthr1ce: and its useful in less than a year *g*05:38
regeyaotoh, systems like ubuntu set up a happy set of defaults so that when something goes wrong, the user has no f-in clue how to fix it.05:38
thr1celunitik, please stop unless you speak from experience05:39
thr1celunitik, it is obvious you have never touched a slackware system05:39
tritiumQuarupt, the second-to-last section describes it textually05:39
regeyaif we're b.s.ing, I thought I'd throw something out that someone would identify with ;-)05:39
lunitikthr1ce: nothing works in Slack after first install. There is no hardware detection... there is no 'value added' features... it is basically LFS05:39
crimsunlet's try and keep the distro-snuffing out of the channel, thanks.05:39
SiRrUsok guys stop the bashing  both Distros are very good05:39
tritiumQuarupt, maybe that's an older version of synaptic, or the version in debian, or something.  Forget the screenshots05:39
Quaruptwell i used to have the 3 fields05:40
thr1celunitik, tell me specifically waht didn't work05:40
thr1celunitik, you mean that you had to do things specifically for your system ?05:40
regeyalunitik, you're a sad person.05:40
Quaruptand was wondering why it changed cause the 3 fields are easier for us newbs05:40
tritiumQuarupt, I never use synaptic, so I wouldn't remember.05:40
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thr1ceI mean...I am looking for info; not a simple "slackware sucks" from someone that was either to incomprehensive, or lacks total experience05:40
=== jesus_de1ached [~jesus@137.67-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumQuarupt, but opening it up now, I see you can set the visible columns in the preferences05:41
lunitikthr1ce: pretty much anything... sound, mouse wheel, cam, mic... any peripherals really... floppy... cdrom... everything needed to be hand configured05:41
crimsunthr1ce: let's keep it on-topic, please.05:41
=== jesus- [~jesus_@137.67-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
thr1ceto say that the OLDEST linux distro "doesnt' work" is truely pushing it05:41
crimsunlunitik: you, too, thanks.05:41
regeyalunitik, iirc, recent versions of slack do indeed have hardware detection...at least, the last time I installed slack I found that those things worked.05:41
QuaruptGRR it still says it needs windows install shield!!!!05:41
tritiumslack worked just fine, even back in 199305:41
thr1cecrimsun, sorry...probably getting into it :)05:41
=== FAST [~gyro_@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumQuarupt, did you actually run winetools yet?05:42
Quaruptmaybe i need to reconfigure wine or something?05:42
Quarupti used synaptic to install it?05:42
=== woodwizzle [~chatzilla@user-0c6t0t8.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Quaruptoh i need to run it?05:42
lunitikcrimsun: gah... you're no fun  :(05:42
tritiumQuarupt, yes, of course ;)05:42
woodwizzleIs Hoary still going to be ext3?05:42
lunitikwoodwizzle: yes05:42
regeyalunitik, your comments seem to indicate an ignorance of slack-related matters or an attempt to gather flames.  since I didn't use slack for long the last time I did an install, I can't comment of the former theory.05:42
lunitikwoodwizzle: by default.05:42
thr1celunitik, for your info, all hardware is detected fine; sound you set up through alsa, mouse wheel through a simple conf. file (to specifiy mouse to work perfect for your systym)05:42
lunitikregeya: thr1ce: I believe we were asked to drop it?05:43
woodwizzlelunitik: Ah, so if I set up the partitions and filesystems myslef I could use reiserfs?05:43
SiRrUshello guys05:43
thr1cei'm not trying to start a flame war at all; I think ubuntu is developming very smoothly; thus my curiosity05:43
lunitikwoodwizzle: yes...05:43
SiRrUslet it go05:43
Quaruptdo i need to run the base setup?05:43
tritiumQuarupt, they apparently didn't check off the same columns to be visible that you're used to seeing.05:43
tritiumQuarupt, yes, it tells you what to do05:43
Quaruptok, in winetools i dont see install shield?05:43
regeyaif we want to talk about ease of upgrade, then heh, slack fails it.  but it's great for things like server installations and other systems that you probably won't touch often.  and that's all I'll say about that.05:44
=== regeya drops it
thr1ceregeya, a simple rsync and upgradepkg *.tgz :)05:44
=== sticks [~sticks@pool-68-162-126-240.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
woodwizzleI'm installing the latest beta hoary CD right now. I've never tried Ubuntu before.05:44
thr1ceand yes, we hate gnome -_-05:44
thr1cei would use flux on ubuntu, but it hasn't been updated for a few releases :(05:44
=== Dull404 [~afoeifjoa@c213-89-223-12.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"]
_quintonhow do you configure GNOME to use other window managers?05:45
regeyathr1ce, a hate of gnome is a healthy hate, really...but I shouldn't admit that here :-}  the ubuntu devs must be patient indeed05:45
_quinton I tried changing it in GConf, but it didn't work05:45
lunitikthr1ce: I'm thinking maybe Ubuntu isn't the distro for you... grap a debian-installer netinst image, and install from that.05:45
thr1cewell, I like gnome alot; it's just extremely bloated; when I run fluxbox, i have 50 processes running05:45
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tritiumregeya, patient about what?05:45
thr1ceand gnome is what, near 70?05:46
woodwizzle_quinton, every WM is a little different with the way you get it to work with gnome. What wm are you trying to use?05:46
_quintonhow do you configure gnome for other window managers? like fluxbox?05:46
lunitikthr1ce: same thing, you may want to add an Ubuntu archive though to use Xorg.05:46
regeya_quinton, essentially if you have a compliant windomanager, open the session manager and a terminal; remove metacity from the list of items in the session, fire up another windowmanager from a terminal, make sure your wm of choice is set to auto-respawn, and you're golden.05:46
Quarupttritium, everything i try fails?05:46
thr1celunitik, yes, but the fluxbox package is out of date05:46
lunitik_quinton: just killall oldwm ; newwm05:46
crimsunexcellent, blackbox 0.70 is finally out.05:46
woodwizzleyou can also try switchdesk. That works with opebox i'm pretty sure05:46
thr1celunitik, but yes, I would use x.org in a heart beat05:46
tritiumQuarupt, such as?05:47
regeyalunitik, but if your oldwm is set to respawn...05:47
woodwizzleWhat does blackbox have over openbox?05:47
QuaruptDCOM98, Install shield05:47
thr1cewoodwizzle, based on the same code, they just work a little different05:47
Quaruptisnt there a way to see a like fake desktop?05:47
lunitikthr1ce: same in Ubuntu as Debian... 0.9.9 is in Sid and Hoary  :/05:47
thr1celunitik, yes; and HUGE improvements were made in 0.9.1205:47
lunitikregeya: it won't if newwm is ran...05:48
maximauscrimsum, just compiled the new bb. It's certainly speedy. Cant find a pager to go with it though (graphical)05:48
crimsunclamoring for 0.9.12, eh?05:48
lunitikthr1ce: cool, then compile it yourself?05:48
thr1cexwmconfig will change WM's05:48
regeyalunitik, I suppose I was incredibly unlucky when I tried that method, then.05:48
woodwizzleI wish the bb devs would switch to openbox then and keep it alive =)05:48
thr1celunitik, but this apt-get system is supposed to help me get away from that... -_-05:48
crimsunI can look into updating fluxbox in universe if there's significant interest.05:49
=== regeya grins
lunitikthr1ce: not really... use debhelper and friends  :/05:49
lunitikthr1ce: so long as dpkg knows about it... you're safe to do whatever you want.05:49
maximausthr1ce, some things are so easy to compile that .. well.. why not? LOL05:49
tritiumuse cdbs!05:49
Quarupttritium, keeps saying wine has terminated with a failure of 1 or something?05:49
thr1cei guess learning on a non-user friendly distro has plagued my visiosn05:50
tritiumQuarupt, I don't know what would be causing that, except perhaps http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/02/17/1318212&tid=125&tid=109&tid=10605:50
lunitikthr1ce: hell... even if dpkg doesn't know... /usr/local is ignored.. dump stuff you compile there...05:50
lunitikthr1ce: Debian is supposedly non-user friendly... Ubuntu is just Debian with a starting point.05:51
Quaruptokay i got it05:51
Quaruptbut now it says its not supported in win9805:51
thr1celunitik, no...ubuntu is very user-friendly05:51
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Quaruptis there a way to make it think its 2k?05:51
regeyagoing back to tritium: when I was a happy gentoo user, it seemed like it was 1000x easier to break gnome than it was to break kde...seemed like you needed to keep up on gnome development just to make sure you had all the right deps...I dunno, maybe it's a heckuva lot easier than I think it is to put together a stable gnome desktop. :-/05:51
lunitikthr1ce: like I said... its Debian with a starting point!05:51
=== maximaus has a huge cocktail party in /usr/local and dpkg is sleeping in the next room.
thr1celunitik, yeah...i've never used a debian system :(05:52
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lunitikthr1ce: if you have Ubuntu installed... then you have.05:52
crimsundoes anyone use fluxbox 0.9.12 w/ imlib2 support enabled?05:52
thr1celunitik, just a liveCD05:52
regeyathr1ce, aw, go ahead, give it a shot. :->05:52
lunitikthr1ce: oh... then yeah... you haven't played with dpkg and apt... so it doesn't count.05:52
Quarupttritium, is wine only works for 98 progams? cause this program needs 2k or higher05:52
thr1celunitik, a little bit; not dpkg05:52
ukilledkennycan anyone condense the lines : cd /opt/LimeWire/ and java -jar LimeWire.jar ...into one line05:53
crimsunjava -jar /opt/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar05:53
ukilledkennydoesnt work for some reason05:53
lunitikthr1ce: dpkg has some nice little tricks  :)   as does apt... like 'apt-get moo', a personal favorate  :)05:53
tritiumQuarupt, no05:53
bluefoxicy<Psyda> it says ./dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages failed the MD5 checksum05:53
tritiumQuarupt, change your settings05:53
crimsunmaybe the current dir needs writable privileges?05:53
Quarupttritium, how? in the config the highest ot goes is 98 i thought05:54
thr1celunitik, apt seems very nice and simple; is it efficient?  like, leaving behind useless files, etc.?05:54
ukilledkennycrimsun, its actually part of a shell script the executable section when i click on the LimeWire icon05:54
=== helloyo [~alex@c211-30-78-117.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikthr1ce: depends how kind the maintainer was  :)   apt just does what its told  :005:54
crimsunthr1ce: there's always deborphan05:55
Quaruptoh that just look and feel05:55
tritiumQuarupt, edit .wine/config05:55
lunitikthr1ce: for the most part, the pre and post install scripts in the .deb will clean up everything nicely  :)05:55
helloyois there a way to get ubuntu to tell my powersupply to shut down? some distros seem to do this05:55
thr1celunitik, I figured as much05:55
Quarupttritium, what line?05:55
crimsunhelloyo: you need working apm/acpi support in-kernel05:55
helloyocrimsun, is this something that 4.10 doesn't have?05:56
tritiumQuarupt, the "Windows" = line05:56
lunitikthr1ce: a .deb is basically a .tar.gz with a few fancy scripts for easy transition between versions (the part that slack doesn't have really)05:56
Quaruptwhats the string for 2k?05:56
crimsunhelloyo: the kernel version in warty (4.10) didn't support acpi for my particular motherboard05:56
tritiumQuarupt, it's in the file.05:56
Quaruptand i cant find that file is it somewhere in my home?05:56
thr1celunitik, actually, slack has a very efficient upgrade command that works wonders05:57
helloyocrimsun, well i'll give 2.6.7 ago (meaning to get a 686 one anyway)05:57
pe7erhi... i have a stange problem - when i do a ping to somewhere as a user i get this error: "ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted". (sudo ping... works) i did of course google but those answers seemed very specific, i didn't mess with those settings! ubuntu is warty plus backports plus some more, but nothing 'system-critical'. i did apt-get dhcp, wondershaper and stuff because i wanted to route all network traffic through it once, but ha05:57
pe7erve removed it since. any ideas?05:57
lunitikthr1ce: I have talked to people that haven't reinstalled for over 5 years, but have kept the newest versions of everything... the true reason Debian is so popular imo... Slack, Fedora... you must reinstall for new versions to not break things usually...05:57
thr1celunitik, wrong; slack is one of the most upgradable available, actually05:58
=== deeznut1 [~KFritzs@cpe-069-133-045-124.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikthr1ce: as easy as 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?05:58
thr1celunitik, people having desktop uptimes of up to 100 days (the most i've seen is 460) while runnign the latest isn't unreasonable05:58
deeznut1anyone here successfully using a Netgear MA111 USB wireless NIC?  please /msg me!!05:58
lunitikthr1ce: I am disappointed when my uptime is below 100 days.05:59
Quarupttritium, i found /.wine/conf  but that looks like the registry??05:59
thr1celunitik, rsync to a mirror (like your update from apt-get); then upgradepkg *.tgz (your dist-upgrade)05:59
lunitikthr1ce: I've seen over 1000, but I'm not sure how useful that machine was... something tells me it wasn't doing much.05:59
tritiumQuarupt, good, glad you found it05:59
helloyoi can never get uptimes that high, i'm not good enough to fix some problems that rebooting fixes05:59
deeznut1does Warty natively support reading FAT 32 drive volumes?06:00
pe7erdeeznut1: yes06:00
crimsundeeznut1: yes06:00
lunitikthr1ce: and that will translate changes to config mechanisms (like the change from exim 3 to 4) etc?06:00
regeyaokeydoke...wonder if I have some evil extension installed for firefox...mozilla starts faster than firefox. :-/06:00
pe7ercrimsun: :)06:00
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deeznut1pe7er:  why does /dev/hda show up with a red X on the icon?06:00
helloyoi use firefox heaps, but to me it doesn't seem that great compared to some others06:00
thr1celunitik, yep; it searches for the installed package, removes it, removes useless files, and installs a fresh copy, all in one command06:01
tritiumhelloyo, heaps?  is that an extension?06:01
regeyayeah, helloyo; it looks better, it's a browser and only a browser...have I missed something?06:01
lunitikthr1ce: no... I said *translates* config files... ie, adapts old config files to new layout etc... so you don't have to start over with configuration06:01
pe7erdeeznut1: i don't know, but you might find out if you enter 'mount' in the shell -- maybe its mounted read only?06:02
helloyoregeya, well it crashes quite a lot (not as much in ubuntu, but it did just segfault), and it can get slow06:02
Quarupttritium, thats the filr? the fake registry?06:02
thr1celunitik, oh, yes!  definitely; that will upgrade your package; config files are kept in the ~/.xxx folder, which is left untouched06:02
regeyait's just a bit disturbing that mozilla seems to have made great strides in the last year or so, but it's definitely not the media darling that firefox is06:02
tritiumQuarupt, it's the ~/.wine/config file06:02
regeyawhich is weird since firefox was supposed to be the dev branch to improve mozilla :-}06:03
QMarioBye everyone, thank you for the help!!!:-D06:03
=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-19-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #Ubuntu []
tritiumgood night06:06
tritiumQuarupt, good luck, and good night.06:06
pe7erhm, no ideas about "ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted" error? i'd ignore it if somebody would tell me it isnt interferring with my p2p connectivity...06:08
pe7er(it's past 6am over here and i crave for some sleep)06:09
=== VR^ [VR@154-111.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ukilledkennyquestion: how do add an entry of a newly installed package onto Applications>Internet06:11
ukilledkennyon hoary06:11
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=== OC_ZzZZZzZ wonders if PPC will get any backport luvin?
thr1ceright click06:11
da_bon_bonhi all06:11
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da_bon_bonukilledkenny: whats the prob. ?06:12
ukilledkennythr1ce, no adding options06:13
ukilledkennyquestion: how do add an entry of a newly installed package onto Applications>Internet06:13
OC_ZzZZZzZor fn+f12 if you are on an ibook ;)06:13
thr1ceukilledkenny, right click, i'm tellin ya06:13
da_bon_bonukilledkenny: hoary or warty ?06:13
crimsunukilledkenny: is it not in the Debian menu either?06:13
ukilledkennyim not sure abt the debian menu06:13
da_bon_bonukilledkenny: thr1ce is wrong. have a look at "/usr/share/applications"06:13
crimsunyou can't edit the menu in hoary.06:14
crimsunyou can in warty.06:14
thr1ceum...it should be a gnome related thing; why would the version change matter?06:14
crimsun(yes, you can use .desktop files in hoary)06:14
crimsunthr1ce: because that logic was ripped out of the source.06:14
ukilledkennyi created a LimeWire.desktop file06:14
ukilledkennysimilar to the others06:14
ukilledkennybut it isnt executing06:14
da_bon_bonhey, when are we gettin acroread 7 ?06:15
SiRrUsgood night guys06:15
thr1ceoh my06:15
thr1cesorry...I had assumed nothing had changed since 2.6.106:15
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da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: how the fuck did u get hindi ? i want it too!!!06:16
BROKEN_LADDERit's not hindi per se06:16
da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: ok, its not funny. stop.06:16
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da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: first one /was/ hindi06:17
da_bon_boni must know, i am an india :)06:17
ukilledkennyda_bon_bon, im having trouble with the script can you help me out06:17
GhostFreemanLinux kicks ass06:18
BROKEN_LADDERno it wasn't hindi06:18
da_bon_bonukilledkenny: i can try, but i am no expert.. paste the script on pastebin06:18
BROKEN_LADDERit was another indian language with some similar characters.06:18
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da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: marathi06:18
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da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: devanagari is a script, not a language. that script is used in hindi as well as marathi! :P06:19
ukilledkennyda_bon_bon this is what it looks like...Encoding=UTF-8 Name=LimeWire Comment=P2P Client Exec=cd ~/opt/LimeWire/java -jar LimeWire.jar Icon=gaim.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;Network; StartupNotify=true06:20
ukilledkennythe problem is with Exec06:20
ukilledkennyi used two lines06:20
ukilledkennybut it doesnt work if i condense it to one06:20
ukilledkennyill write that out clearly06:21
da_bon_bonukilledkenny: NO!06:21
zenroxukilledkenny,  did jay read www.ubuntuguide.org/#limewire06:21
da_bon_bonukilledkenny: join #flood06:21
thr1cewho is op in here?06:21
da_bon_bonthr1ce: no one.06:21
da_bon_bonthr1ce: as in, no one has taken the op status. i am assuming bob2 is the op in here06:22
thr1cewell, mdz is for sure06:22
da_bon_bonthr1ce: right06:22
zenroxand a coupple others06:22
da_bon_bonthr1ce: the person who can set the topic is almost always an op06:22
zenroxwe bow to the all mighty ubuntu gods06:23
thr1ceda_bon_bon, they can't without it06:23
da_bon_bonthr1ce: right06:23
thr1cehm...anyone have an ATI card ?06:23
da_bon_bonzenrox: no need to06:23
thr1ce(3d accel)06:23
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zenroxthr1ce,  look in the www.ubuntuforums.org for ati driver install06:24
zenroxthares a good howto06:24
thr1cezenrox, just curious about the 2.6.11 kernel specifically06:24
coronerits under the wiki i think actually06:24
thr1cei knwo how...just wondering if it works06:24
zenroxthr1ce,  try it and find out06:24
da_bon_bonukilledkenny: in exec, put in "java -jar /home/XXX/opet/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar"06:24
factotumerr... whats the command to see what version of xorg im running?06:25
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thr1cezenrox, i'm using 2.4.29, actually...06:25
JerubI got bored and wrote a usage meter script for telstra bigpond users ;)06:25
zenroxthr1ce,  i know it works in 2.6.1006:25
thr1cezenrox, without a patch?06:25
zenroxthr1ce,  tho i run a nvidia card06:25
da_bon_bonthr1ce: 2.6.11 rocks! but u need to add "noinotify" in GRUB and u will not be able to use the ati nvidia drivers as htere are no restriced-modules06:25
zenroxthares precompiled drivers06:26
thr1cei would be using lilo06:26
zenroxbut with 2.6.10 thay should work06:26
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da_bon_bonthr1ce: lilo, and 2.4 both so old! why use them >?06:27
thr1celilo is not old...06:27
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thr1ceand 2.4.29 is solid as a rock06:27
factotumi have lilo and 2.4 on my slack server06:27
thr1ceand actually updated06:27
da_bon_bonthr1ce: lilo is no flexible. grub is way better06:27
da_bon_bonthr1ce: 2.6 is the norm06:27
thr1ce2.6 is still unstable in many people's eyes06:27
da_bon_bonthr1ce: says who ?06:28
zenroxnot any more06:28
thr1cepre 2.6.10 was06:28
thr1ce2.6.10 seems to be good06:28
zenrox3 days here in 2.6.1006:28
zenroxand my warty server 8 days with 2.6.806:28
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thr1ceand 2.4.29 is not old06:29
=== HardKase mutters something about mIRC
HardKaseim installing ubuntu06:29
zenroxthr1ce,  point is 2.6.X is stable now06:29
thr1cezenrox, that's waht I was wondering :)06:29
HardKaseim putting it on my laptop. but after the inital "press enter to boot" screen, the menu options dont appear.06:29
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HardKasewhat could be causing this ?06:30
DampjamI LOVE UBUNTU!  Hoary is so sweet and cuddly!06:30
zenroxDampjam,  kewl06:30
HardKasenope. still nothing :/06:31
da_bon_bonDampjam: so do mst of the people here :)06:31
thr1ceanyone try out an ipod shuffle in linux yet?06:31
HardKasemaybe ill have more luck with fendora core06:32
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Dampjamhardkast: no!  do not go to the evil side06:32
HardKaseits not installing06:32
HardKasetheres little else i can do06:33
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schweebwhat's your problem, HardKase ?06:33
Dampjamhardkase: give hoary a shot if you want, it worked beautifully on my laptop06:33
HardKasei put the cd in the drive. i boot my laptop.06:33
schweebHoary is not for the faint of heart06:33
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HardKasethe ubuntu screen appears.06:33
HardKasei press enter06:33
jdubschweeb: (we're a day away from Preview release.)06:33
HardKaseafter that, a black screen, with a blue line going down in towards the right hand side06:34
DampjamI have not had any major problems with hoary, are there large known bugs?  The only major issue I"ve had is sound06:34
schweebjdub: yea, but still ;)06:34
Dampjamthe Alsa guys have no ideas, Volume Monitor even shows the bars, no music comes out of the speakers though06:34
HardKasewhy would that happen ?06:34
schweebHardKase: try linux vga=771 <enter> rather than just <enter>06:35
schweebor what was the other option... framebuffer=off or something06:35
HardKaseoh. i can type ?06:35
HardKasethat worked06:36
HardKasethats schweeb06:36
pe7eraw. one last question before i fall asleep: how can i change the screen resolution in a text console? i mean like from 80x25 to 80x40 and all those nifty vesa goodies i used back in 1995?06:36
schweebno  prob06:36
thr1ceedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:36
schweebthr1ce: he's talking about on the console06:36
HardKaseim very much a linux newbie. so i hope you can tolerate my questions.06:36
pe7er^ ^ hoary. .... x11 for text consoles?06:37
schweebpe7er: append vga=771 onto the end of your kernel as well (I don't know any other modes by heart)06:37
schweebbut vga=xxx specifies the video mode... in hex I believe06:37
pe7ernp. i just want to know the linux substite for 'mode' :)06:38
HardKaseis there like a newbie guide to linux online somewhere ? a faq i can walk through ?06:38
pe7eri have some old oak vga manual... i guess i can look my favourite mode right there and pray it doesn't break my nvidia :)06:38
factotumHardKase: google for RUTE06:38
Pluki use :  video=vesafb:1400x1050-16@60 for the framebuffer thingy06:38
HardKaserute ?06:38
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factotumits the first find, online book, a good read06:39
dampjamdamn wireless06:39
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HardKasedamn. thats 44 chapters06:39
R0bNyc2.6.11 kernel doesnt work right for me06:39
pe7eraw. framebuffer. i might not get my ping fixed but i'll get framebuffer console graphics. future looks promising now, finally something i can look forward to. good night06:39
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Myrttimorning all06:40
thr1ceR0bNyc, compiled yourself?06:40
R0bNycthr1ce, nope06:40
HardKaseso, http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/index.html.gz <-- this is relvant to Ubuntu ?06:40
thr1ceR0bNyc, what doesn't work?06:41
factotumyour running linux arent you?06:41
factotumbut yes, it is06:41
R0bNycthr1ce, I got 2.6.10-i686 image and it works fine, but 2.6.11-i686 or k7 dont work after ubuntu logs in it just seems to freeze06:41
HardKase<-- dumbass newbie, trying something new06:42
factotumwe are all at some point06:42
thr1ceR0bNyc, do you have ati drivers installed...?06:42
MyrttiI had that same problem06:42
MyrttiR0bNyc: have you already tried apt-get upgrade?06:42
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R0bNycthr1ce, errr i dunno i think so06:42
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mike_douglasI just may have experienced the weirdest opengl bug :P06:45
mike_douglasall my games (UT2k4, KOTOR2) run at a super-speed06:45
mike_douglaslike 10x faster than they should normally run06:46
da_bon_bonisnt that great, mike_douglas06:46
mike_douglasnot faster as in graphics, faster as in the actual game06:46
mike_douglaslike it was fast-forwarded06:46
thr1cedoes KOTR2 run native?06:46
mike_douglasthrough Cedega06:46
dampjamAll the music players, xmms, mplayer, show the music playing, volume monitor, sees the bars go up and down, but nothing comes out of the speakers, I've followed the alsa troublehooting page, any ideas?06:46
thr1cerun alsamixer06:47
thr1cesee if you're muted06:47
dampjamdone and done, as root and user (in alsa troubleshooting guide)06:47
factotumdampjam: are your media players running from alsa and not oss?06:47
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zenroxdampjam,  or esd06:48
dampjamI am using alsa06:48
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dampjamI checked all the configs, and did the ubuntu test sounds in gnome06:48
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dampjamIt's a sony laptop that has volume buttons on the side, is that just suppossed to call the OS, or could that be some sort of hardware control thing that ubuntu doesn't know how to handle?06:50
mike_douglasbah, I'm going to give the game one more try, hopefully it'll of slown down by now06:51
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jordanauis there a shortcut key to open a terminal window?07:00
da_bon_bonjordanau: set for yuorself in "system-prefs.-keyboradrd shortcuts"07:02
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Quaruptanyone ever got dreamweaver installed through wine lemme know plz07:06
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BiteMeBillAnyone else getting pop ups with firefox?07:07
=== punkass [~punkass@S0106000423578661.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dashanyone running a dual head setup that's willing to help me figure out some bits of mine? :)07:08
punkassi am on a nvidia 5900xt07:08
Jerubdash: I run two identical 19" lcds dual head with no worries.07:09
punkassdash: what do ya need to know?07:09
dashMostly i am wondering how to set different wallpaper for the different heads ;D07:09
punkassi am running a 17" lcd and a 17" crt without problems too07:09
punkasssomething i havent done07:09
Jerubdash: the gimp.07:09
dashJerub: That is a sad answer and it hurts me inside07:10
punkassi would think the easyest thing would be to take to wallpapers you like and stick them together using gimo07:10
dashyeah well07:10
regeyaI think you could do it with linux07:10
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Jerubdash: or! use this: http://www.pixelfreak.com/v3/img/poster.png07:10
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dashif i wanted easy, i would have stuck with console07:10
dashregeya: supar lunix!07:10
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jordanauis there a open new terminal shortcut key07:11
Jerub(that is actually my background, its the coolest background ever)07:11
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regeyaI decided to google this interesting problem, dash, but my browser seems more interested in miss march07:13
punkassis there a simple way to get 32bit firefox running on 64bit without all the chroot stuff...just using the lib32 libraries?07:13
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Gillisadickregeya - i like the sound of your browser07:14
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Quaruptpunkass, what does that question have to do with Ubuntu?07:14
HardKaseim too lazy to fix that07:14
punkassQuarupt: i am running ubuntu 64bit07:14
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punkasswould not have asked here if i wasn't07:15
Quaruptoh i thought you said windows 64 edition my bad07:15
punkassheh eww..nope07:15
Quaruptthats why im using the 32 bit version cause i didnt wanna deal with all that, runs fine on my AMD Athlon 6407:16
punkassyeah but i noticed a big diff in performance running the 64bit version07:17
da_bon_bonhey, all hoary users, how is gnome 2.10 ?07:17
punkassthe only thing i am really missing is flash07:17
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Quaruptda_bon_bon, Flawless as far as i can tell so far07:18
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punkassda_bon_bon: yes..its working fine for me07:18
jsgotangcoill go hoary when it comes07:18
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Quaruptjust go now07:19
Quaruptits fine07:19
dotrighow  installl my frimware07:19
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Quarupthasnt broke on me yet07:19
blizahdoes ubuntu come w/ support for SATA RAID, and if not can i apt-get anything to support it?07:19
NateDogghas anyone here had sucess in running ubuntu linux in a Microsoft Virtual PC window?07:19
delltonyanyone have an idea why my router would have port 20 to 21 enabled on tcp and udp and then i have proftpd running and netstat says port 21 is listening and then i do nmap on the router and it says the port is open BUT I CAN'T CONNECT to my ftp server07:19
blizahcause im having trouble seeing my windows filesystem (which is on a raid)07:19
Jerubblizah: software RAID can be configured during the installation process, don't know about SATA.07:19
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Quaruptpunkass, Yea, but doesnt it suck trying to find all the 64bit apps? and libs?07:20
dotrigany know how i install my frimware07:20
punkassblizah: i installed hoary on a sata device (not raid tho) only have one drive right now and it worked fine07:20
punkassQuarupt: only thing i have missed so far is Flash07:20
da_bon_bonQuarupt, punkass: updating to it now :)07:20
QuaruptI am trying to wine/dreamweaver right now07:21
NateDogghas anyone here had sucess in running ubuntu linux in a Microsoft Virtual PC window?07:21
blizahany ideas how i would go about getting ubuntu to see my windows?07:21
blizahwihch is on a SATA RAID07:21
eyequeueNateDogg:  not supported, yadda yadda, but i think somoene said it doesn't work because it doesn't get enough direct access to the hardware07:21
Quaruptman, it doesnt wanna work07:21
HardKaseStarting Ubuntu...07:21
QuaruptI need my Dreamweaver07:21
eyequeueNateDogg:  just hearsay, no personal experience07:21
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Quaruptpunkass, maybe i will get vmware and give the 64bit a try07:21
thr1cewhen did 2.10 come out?07:22
punkassNateDogg: VMware runs ubuntu fine on XP07:22
Myrttiso, is there a way of getting certain software to startup at gnome login?07:22
NateDoggok.. i got it to boot.. however the display was all messed up.. and i dont know enough about ubuntu to work it out.... I would suspect it's a driver issue.07:22
jsgotangcoubuntu with OOo 2 should be great07:22
thr1ceOOo2 should be awhile, no?07:22
QuaruptNateDogg, its not an issue of knowing Ubuntu, its an issue of knowing X07:23
jsgotangcoyeah :(07:23
NateDoggpunkass>> i have a VMware GSX server key.. just no GSX server... i need to get it off my mate07:23
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jsgotangcobut it'll be worth the wait i hope07:23
dotrigwhy will not my hotplug install frimware harddrive07:23
punkassNateDogg: I think you can just get VMware workstation beta of there site07:23
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punkassdogrig: what are you trying to do?07:24
Quaruptanyone know an easy way to setup an IRCD?07:25
punkassMyrtti: you can set it in the menu07:25
dotrigstart my frimware harddrive'07:25
Myrttipunkass: really? and I thought I had looked thru everything07:25
dotrigin fc3 was he aldrey there07:25
punkassone sec let me look...you running hoary or warty?07:25
Echylohow does gnome transparancy works?07:25
NateDoggpunkass>> i would probably consider it if i wasnt on dialup again... Ill reinstall in a virutal PC... and perhaps ask for some help in the X server config... is the an equilivant to "safe mode" or a command setup tool that i can run during boot??07:25
punkassNateDogg: well normally when X fails it drops you to a prompt07:26
punkassMyrtti: under preferences there shouuld be Sessions07:26
NateDoggit's not "failing" it's just to crap to look at you cant really see what the hell is going on...07:26
punkassMyrtti: and a tab that says Startup Programs07:27
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waseemhow do i check my permission nodes?07:27
waseemI was having a problem with software and the faq says to07:28
waseemA: Check nodes permissions (/dev/ttySx)., can anyone here help em with the process?07:28
punkassNateDogg: ok they try a Ctrl-Alt-F4 , that should take you to a prompt where you can log in and edit X files etc07:28
eyequeuewaseem:  ls -l07:28
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Myrttiwell, what do you know07:28
eyequeuewaseem:  ls -l /dev/ttySx07:28
punkassMyrtti: :)07:28
waseemls: /dev/ttySx: No such file or directory07:28
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punkasswaseem: x is supposted to be a number07:28
eyequeuewaseem:  ls -l /dev/ttyS*, x is probably not literal07:28
NateDoggpunkass>> ill give that i try07:29
thr1cels -l /dev | grep tty07:29
waseemeyequeue: so should i just put an asterisk?07:29
NateDoggpunkass> im reinstalling Ubuntu again now07:29
thr1cels -l /dev/* | grep -i tty07:29
eyequeuewacko_-:  sure, if you know know if it's 0 1 2 etc07:29
waseemthrice: is that for me?07:29
eyequeuewaseem:  ^^07:29
punkassNateDogg: is it doing it on install or on boot up after install?07:29
thr1cefind your tty07:30
waseemthere a tons of them, which one should be my tty?07:30
NateDoggpunkass>> after install... i would say it's an X server issue...07:30
punkassah ok07:30
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waseemeyequeue: what do i do?07:32
NateDoggpunkass:: coping files now.. shoudlnt take too long...07:32
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waseemthrice: do you have any ideas on what i can do?07:35
dotrighow i install scons.deb etc?07:36
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delltonyanyone here use proftpd and don't mind helping me get it working?07:36
dotrigwhen i aldrrey have a deb file07:36
punkassdotrig: if you just want to install that deb, do: sudo dpkg -i scons.deb07:36
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HardKasestill installing07:37
HardKasehasn't blown up yet07:37
eyequeuewaseem:  what is the device?07:37
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waseemTI 89 Titanium, im connecting it through a USB port07:38
eyequeuewaseem:  ls -l /dev/modem, if it is your modem, for example, and see which tty it points to07:38
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waseemshould my calculator be connected at all times?07:39
waseemls: /dev/modem: No such file or directory07:39
eyequeueno idea, but i would guess no07:39
haydenhi people07:39
waseemeyequeue: nothing was detected07:40
punkasswaseem: is there linux drivers for your calculator?07:40
waseempunkass: i did not set up any07:40
eyequeuewaseem:  you don't want a modem there, you want something usb, but i don't know what.  modem was just an example07:41
punkasswell when you run it on windows did you have to install drivers?07:41
haydendoes anyone know how to make an icon appear on the desktop when i mount an smb share?07:41
dazedwassup all07:41
waseempunkass: i use the TI connect software and it automatically detects the hardware07:41
punkasshayden: its a setting in Gconf07:42
QuaruptCan anyone help me setup a fileserver?07:42
waseemother than that, i dont do anything to detect the calculator07:42
punkassyes but there is no TI connect for linux?07:42
waseemim using tilp07:42
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punkassah ok07:43
waseemand its giving me an error message, and on the faq it told me to check the node permission07:43
waseemA: Check nodes permissions (/dev/ttySx).07:43
HardKaseding! installation complete!07:43
haydenpunkass, what and where is gconf? (mind my noobness)07:43
eyequeuewaseem:  fwiw, /dev/ttyS0 is a serial port07:43
HardKasepretty login screen07:43
dashdazed: whoa hey! i am not the only ubuntu user in birmingham07:43
dashdazed: hi07:44
HardKaseim in07:44
HardKasenow what do i do ...07:44
waseemeyequeue: so what do i do?07:44
eyequeuewaseem:  i don't know, just wanted to give you that background, in case it later proves helpful07:44
HardKasequick question07:45
HardKasehow do i use the gui ?07:45
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punkasshayden: System Tools > Config Editor > apps > nautilus > desktop > check volumes_visible07:45
HardKaseits a foot in the corner07:45
HardKasebut nothing i click on seems to work07:45
HardKaseoh wait07:45
HardKaseit doesn't seem to detect my laptop tap07:45
HardKasemy bad07:45
waseemeyequeue: oh ok, well do you know how i can check the nodes permissions, or set up the driver or anything to have the software detect my calc?07:45
punkassls -al /dev/ttyS007:45
punkasswill show you the permissions07:45
waseemcrw-rw----  1 root dialout 4, 64 2005-03-07 06:20 /dev/ttyS007:46
woodwizzlewow I must say, my first impression with hoary is amazing!07:46
dazeddash: hey...im actually in jacksonville07:46
eyequeuewaseem:  i don't have the info to help you preceisely, but if you wanted the perms for ttyS0, ls -l /dev/ttyS007:46
punkasswaseem: are you running tilp as root?07:46
dashdazed: hah. the last guy i talked to with a bhm.bellsouth.net address was in gadsden :)07:47
waseempunkass: no07:47
punkasstry that...might be worth a shot07:47
punkasssudo tilp07:47
woodwizzleso far everything works outta the box, or with just a few upgrades in the beautiful synaptic package manager07:47
dazedhahah what u doing out in bham u in school>07:47
punkassor whatever the command is07:47
dashdazed: no07:47
dashdazed: i am just living here ;)07:47
punkasswoodwizzle: yeah its pretty slick eh07:47
dazeddash: ahhh ... thats cool i got some friends at birmingham southern is why i ask07:48
=== dash nods
delltonyanyone here use proftpd and don't mind helping me get it working? for some reason its listening on port 21 and the ports are forwarded but i can't connect :(07:48
HardKaseok. this is on a laptop. is there a application i can use to check current battery charge ?07:48
woodwizzlepunkass: pretty much convinced me to drop just about every other distro I've tried07:48
dashproftpd is a great tool for letting complete strangers fill up your hard drive07:48
punkasswoodwizzle: yeah i felt the same way07:48
punkassHardKase: there should be an applet you can add for it07:48
haydenpunkass, volumes_visible was checked and they still don't show up :?07:49
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delltonyapt-get install battery-stats07:49
punkasshayden: hmmm are you sure they are mounted?07:49
punkasshoary or warty?07:49
punkassnot sure then07:50
haydenhmm ok07:50
haydenis there a special way u need to mount them or should they just work07:50
waseempunkass: it wont show me the same files that i want to transfer07:50
QuaruptPLZ, there must be an easy way to set up a file server07:50
haydenQuarupt, what do u mean file server?07:50
punkasswaseem: but running as root got you farther?07:51
punkassQuarupt: cant you just apt-get proftpd or wsftp or something07:51
Quaruptyea i have one07:51
Quaruptbut no clue howto set it up07:51
HardKaseoh cool. it already has open office installed07:52
Hell-Razoranybody here have the new cedega?07:52
HardKasethats good. cause i know sweet fuck ALL about installing proggies on linux07:52
waseempunkass: no07:52
Quaruptwhich ftp is the easiest to configure for a newb?07:52
punkassQuarupt: well i think apt usually sets most of it up for you and starts it running07:52
haydenQuarupt, http://www.siliconvalleyccie.com/linux-hn/ftp-server.htm#_Toc9280879207:52
punkassnot sure..ftp is evil and weak :)07:52
woodwizzledoes hoary have inotify?07:52
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Echyloif I would type sudo apt-get distupgrade && shutdown now would it shutdown after upgrading?07:53
Jerubshutdown would be run as the current user.07:53
Echylosudo -s07:54
JerubI would type:07:54
Jerubsudo su07:54
Jerubapt-get dist-upgrade && shutdown07:54
punkasswoodwizzle: from the forums: "- Let's remove the bit about inotify, since it is quite likely that we will07:54
punkassbe disabling it per default in Hoary due to stability issues"07:54
thr1cechange it to sudo shutdown -h now07:54
dazedyeah i always wondered whats the easiest way to upgrade distro07:54
Hell-Razoranybody here have the new cedega?07:54
Echylosudo -s07:54
Echyloapt-get dist-upgrade && shutdown -h now07:54
woodwizzlepunkass: Ah, bummer. I still havn't gotten to try the new beagle yet07:54
Jeruboh, 'halt'07:55
punkasswoodwizzle: but at least it says: "by default" so hopefully we can add it later07:55
HardKaseyay! i changed the time.07:55
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woodwizzlehmm, yelp keeps crashing on me. I wonder if this is a hoary problem or a gnome 2.9 problem07:55
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Echy|Schoolhopes it shutdown07:56
Echy|Schoolor my mom will be mad07:56
punkasswoodwizzle: i thought the lastest beagle didnt rely on inotify anymore?07:56
dazedso apt-get dist-upgrade is how to upgrade ubuntu?07:57
woodwizzlepunkass: no, but its not really all that impressive without it.07:57
thr1ceapt-get update first07:57
punkassah i see07:57
thr1ceupdate will update the list and compare with what you've got07:57
Echy|Schooldazed, first you have to change every entry in /etc/apt/sources.list warty => hoary07:57
Echy|Schoolthen apt-get update07:57
Echy|Schoolthen dist-upgrade07:58
dazedis hoary better than warty?07:58
Hell-Razoranybody here have the new cedega?07:58
waseemticables:     node /dev/tiser0: does not exists07:58
waseemhow do i create that/07:58
thr1cehow well does hoary get rid of xfree86 and replace with xorg?07:58
bwlangdazed: better if you want to be on the bleeding edge... otherwise not better07:58
blizahhow do you change your resolution in ubuntu?07:58
punkassHell-Razor: i am guessing that since no one answered, probably not ;)07:59
thr1ceblizah, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:59
Hell-Razorpunkass: figures07:59
bwlangthr1ce: i didn't try an upgrade... but xorg works better for me that xfree86 (dynamic clocks support)07:59
thr1ceand restart X07:59
HardKaseyeah! i made MAry_Jones.letter07:59
HardKasei am a 1337 h4x0r now07:59
thr1cebwlang, yes, i love x.org07:59
dazedso will it pay to get hoary or keep warty?07:59
thr1cejust curious how well the upgrade works07:59
waseemhere is the error: node /dev/tiser0: does not exists, how can i create that node?07:59
bwlangblizah: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or XF86Config.conf07:59
punkassthr1ce: the upgrade is pretty smooth, I had no problems07:59
bwlangdazed: keep warty until hoary is released08:00
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thr1cewell...how efficient, i suppose is a better word08:00
thr1ceautomated updating scares me (i'm a slackware user remember....)08:00
Jerubthr1ce: oh.08:00
blizahbwland, i have no xorg.cfg file in x1108:01
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Jerubthr1ce: okay, put it this way, I've been doing automated upgrades with debian for 4 years. I very seldom had any problems at all.08:01
punkasshehe..well i dunno..i changed my sources file, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, said yes to a pile of new files...waited..rebooted and i had a new hoary system08:01
thr1ceor xfree86.conf for warty08:01
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blizahah k08:01
Jerubthr1ce: and I've not had any with doing dist-upgrade on ubuntu.08:01
punkassxorg.conf is what you get in hoary08:01
thr1ceblizah, ls -l /etc/X11/* | grep x*.conf08:02
thr1ceshould find it08:02
thr1ceunless i'm newb08:02
=== thr1ce is on winxp, with his slack box 500 miles north at college
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punkasswaseem, if i had to guess its looking on a serial port but should be looking on a usb port08:04
blizahstephen@linux:/etc/X11 $ ls -l /etc/X11/* | grep x*.conf08:04
blizah-rw-------    1 root     root          771 2005-03-03 15:22 /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config08:04
blizah-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1711 2004-11-17 08:27 config08:04
blizah-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         7621 2004-11-17 08:27 README.config08:04
blizahstephen@linux:/etc/X11 $08:04
waseemwhen the uhci_hcd module detects a connect on USB, how do i bind that to a readable device node08:04
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blizahim not seeing either xorg nor xfree8608:05
punkassblizah: try  X*.conf at the end08:05
thr1cerun updatedb08:05
thr1ceas root08:05
punkassit should be XF86config-4 if you are on warty08:05
blizahah ok08:05
blizahgot that one :D08:05
crimsunwaseem: you need to do that manually?08:06
waseemcrimsun, i guess, its not doing it automatically08:06
punkassah crimsun is a smart guy...he knows the answers to all ;)08:06
Hell-Razorhey guys how would i install a .deb package?08:06
thr1ceman...if I had confirmation that ATI 3d drivers worked with 2.6.11, i'd switch instantly08:06
punkassHell-Razor: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb08:06
loolHell-Razor: dpkg -i08:06
Hell-Razorlool, punkass, ty08:07
loolHell-Razor: most Debian packages are distributed via APT repositories, that you can configure in your /etc/apt/sources.list though08:07
Hell-Razorlool, is point2play?08:08
loolno idea08:08
Hell-Razordidnt think so08:08
thr1cethat's a commercial product08:08
thr1ceyou have to pay for that08:08
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thr1cewith cedega08:08
Hell-Razoryea, pay...alright08:08
StoffBox-Stevep2p is non-free, there is no package in any respo08:08
thr1ceHell-Razor, wanna bet?08:09
Burgundaviathr1ce: they do08:09
thr1cei know08:09
thr1cei thought he didnt' believe me08:09
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punkassi thought you could get cedega from cvs and build it yourself?08:10
StoffBox-Stevecedega yes but for p2p you need an account :)08:11
blizahis the first resolution setting in that stream of resolution types the one im on?08:11
bob2punkass: yes, but if you make it easy for other people to do that, transgaming will beat you up08:12
StoffBox-Steveso bye all, have to work now.08:12
punkassbob2: hehe i bet08:12
blizahany of you guys play counterstrike under cedega?08:12
punkassblizah: you should see Depth set (usually) to 16 or 24 then the list of resolutions below that number is where your at08:13
NateDoggpunkass:: the Crtl-Alt-F4 worked to take me to the prompt....08:13
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punkassNateDogg: i am waiting for a ..but08:14
NateDoggpunkass:: LMAO... what is the Xserver config command?08:14
punkassyou on hoary or warty?08:15
NateDoggi have noidea08:15
punkassdid you download the cd?08:15
NateDoggthis is my first exposure to Ubundu08:15
NateDoggno... it came on PC authority08:15
punkassok its probably warty then08:16
NateDoggsee i cant even spell it correct08:16
punkass/etc/X11/XF86config-4 is the file you want08:16
NateDoggfound the file... do i try to run it? or edit it?08:17
punkassits just a text file so edit it08:17
NateDoggopened with vim08:17
_4strOgedit would be easyer08:18
punkasshe has no desktop :)08:18
_4strOexcept if u are familary with vim08:18
_4strOha :p08:18
_4strOsorry :p08:18
NateDoggnot overly familiar.. unless there is a better console editor that come with08:18
punkassi think there is nano...but i have never used it08:19
_4strOor editor08:19
punkasshehe editor is nano08:20
NateDoggeverything in the file looks correct to me... any ideas on what to be looking for... it's detected the video card S3 trio 32/6408:20
_4strONateDogg> apt-get install xserver-xorg08:20
_4strOif its possible08:20
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NateDogghow big is xorg?08:21
punkasswhat is it doing again?08:21
punkassbig if you are on dialup, you will cry08:21
NateDoggid better start crying then...08:21
crimsun65 MB at least08:21
punkasswhat was your comp doing wrong again?08:21
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waseemagh why does linux always have to have problems??08:22
waseemi just want to connect a stupid calculator to my computer08:22
jeff_hey guys. how can i compile a microsoft visual c++ program under linux08:22
punkassbecause no companies make good or any drivers for linux08:22
NateDoggthe screen in the virutal PC when X starts goes screwed... all out of shape looks like crap interlacing basicaly unreadable08:22
=== helloyo [~alex@c211-30-78-117.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
_4strOso try dpkg-reconfigure xf86 ...08:22
_4strOnever remember the exact name :/08:22
calamariis there a good program to delete duplicate files from a directory?  I'm coverting windoiws icons and there are tons of duplicates08:22
crimsunjeff_: use g++ to compile the source code08:22
helloyohas anyone here installed the OOo beta?08:22
punkasswhat is the driver set to?08:23
punkasshelloyo, yes...its very nice08:23
helloyopunkass, just wondering, since its rpm will alien work?08:23
crimsunhelloyo: are you running hoary?08:23
punkassoh hoary reps have it already08:23
helloyocrimsun, nope, warty08:23
_4strONateDogg> i don't know08:23
_4strOlook on the virtual machine doc08:24
punkassNateDogg: what is the driver set to?08:24
NateDogg_4strO:: HA.. there is nothing about that... int eh doc08:24
HardKasewhoever told me to google rute. i love you. i love the information in that.08:24
NateDoggin the config file it showed the S3 tri 32/64... and that is what virtual PC emulates08:24
HardKasetakes almost as long as xp to boot :/08:25
jeff_crimsun: there are a few .c files08:25
jeff_and some headers08:25
jeff_how can i get them all to compile08:25
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NateDoggpunkass:: if you run MSN messenger i could application share the virutal PC window with you.08:25
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crimsunjeff_: is there a Makefile?08:26
punkassNateDogg..there is a full howto on ubuntus site for virtualPC08:26
crimsunjeff_: then you'll have to use gcc08:26
MyrttiI just tried bitlbee08:26
HardKaseok] 08:26
helloyois anyone here running OOo beta under warty?08:26
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HardKasehow do i get ubuntu to play divx's, xvids, mp3s, and dvds ?08:26
jeff_right, but how do i compile them all into one executibal. like i said the instrustions say load the project file for microsoft visual stuido08:27
helloyoHardKase, www.ubuntuguide.org, and install totem-xine08:27
HardKaseis that a directory ?08:27
NateDoggpunkass:: really i couldnt find that before.. ill have a look at it now08:27
crimsunjeff_: if the source code wasn't designed to be portable, then you're going to have to modify it as necessary08:27
punkassheh no prob..i actually found it through google :)08:27
HardKaseill charge my lappy and look at it later08:27
_4strOubuntu-calendar-march <-- how can i use it ?08:27
HardKasei can mkdir and ls like a pro now08:27
HardKasei can cp and mv too08:28
punkassyou are 133t08:28
crimsunjeff_: one rudimentary method is to compile each .c separately, then link them all together into one executable along with any referenced libraries08:28
HardKaseits not as forigen as it originally looks08:28
HardKasei can pick up one or two similarities with dos, and that makes me comfortable08:28
jeff_this is going to be quite the task08:28
punkassNateDogg: looks like step #6 should fix you up.08:29
_4strOubuntu-calendar-march plz08:29
_4strOubuntu-calendar-march <-- how can i use it plz ?08:29
Myrttijust put the wallpaper on your desktop08:29
crimsun_4strO: secondary-click on the desktop, choose Change Desktop Background, and select the March background08:29
Myrttithat's it :->08:30
_4strOtoo easy :p08:30
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_4strOi was try calendar in terminal :p08:30
Hell-Razorso far ubuntu is the shit08:30
Hell-Razori kind of miss gentoo though08:31
Myrttiwhat's stopping you then08:31
Myrttiif Ubuntu is teh shit, why whine. Switch to gentoo.08:31
Hell-Razorwanted to try a diff distro08:32
punkasshehe..i went though the install a couple o times and that was enough for me..back to my happy apt-get08:32
delltonywhat is a really simple ftpserver for ubuntu?08:32
Hell-Razorpunkass, the gentoo install? i got it on my first try, although it took me about 4 days08:32
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helloyocan i apt-get into warty?08:32
Hell-Razorwhats the difference between the warty and harty install?08:32
punkasshoary is what is coming out in april08:33
Myrttiwarty and hoary, you mean?08:33
punkassits development right now so its not as stable (tho it is most of the time)08:33
Hell-Razorooh yes08:33
Hell-Razorwhat is the difference?08:33
crimsunit's fairly stable - preview release is Wednesday (tomorrow)08:33
punkasswhoa really? cool08:34
delltonyxfree and xorg08:34
delltonythats the big difference08:34
punkassjust install array6 on amd64..worked like a charm08:34
Hell-Razorpunkass, i use amd64 also08:34
punkassand the new gnome08:34
Myrttiwarty is stable. It's freezed, like Debians stable08:34
=== Hell-Razor giggles
Myrttihoary is the current development version, which will be replaced by ... when it's freezen08:35
crimsun(replaced by Hoary+1)08:35
MyrttiI think it already has a name, I just can't remember it08:35
Hell-Razorhoray ++ you mean08:35
punkassgrumpy or something?08:36
Agrajaggrumpy groundhog08:36
Myrttiprolly yes08:36
punkassHell-Razor: here is a list of hoary goals: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals08:36
Agrajagthey're gonna run out of hogs pretty soon08:36
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azriel0184where do you guys come up with these names?08:36
calamarithanks "fdupes" for deleting all those duplicate files :)08:37
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bradgAgrajag, After grumpy is perky penguin.08:37
=== Hell-Razor is thinkin the same bloody thing
NateDoggpunkass:: worked... thanks for that.. dont know why i couldnt find it my self... tried google and the ubuntu website08:38
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punkassNateDogg: good stuff...no worries08:38
delltonycan someone tell me what a good ftp server to use with ubuntu is please?08:38
crimsundelltony: vsftpd08:39
Myrttiwhat about Debian potato, or Debian woody, or Debian sarge08:39
Myrttithose names suck too08:39
delltonyaww thats the name of it i was trying to think of it couldn't remember thanks08:39
crimsuntoy story characters' names "suck"?08:39
Myrtticrimsun: the same as Ubuntus names08:39
punkassdelltony: there is wu-ftpd or proftpd too08:39
Myrttidoes it really matter?08:39
crimsunMyrtti: nope08:40
Myrttiwhat's the difference08:40
delltonywell proftdp didn't like me08:40
Myrttinext issue08:40
delltonyi couldn't get it to let me in08:40
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punkasswell vsftpd sounds pretty good as far as ftp goes08:40
delltonywell is there a config file for it somewhere08:40
delltonyso i can setup the dir?08:41
crimsundelltony: proftpd won't by default. It forces you to read the documntation.08:41
delltonycrimsun, thanks for that ;)08:41
delltonyi did read the manual08:41
delltonyand i set up the config08:41
crimsundelltony: I meant the READMEs in /usr/share/doc/proftpd/08:41
punkasscrimsun: do you know the stats on openoffice beta/2.0 for 64bit in ubuntu?08:41
crimsunpunkass: I'm afraid I don't, sorry08:41
punkassi noticed there are a few files there08:41
punkassok thanks08:42
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delltonywell i used the sample anonymous config on its wiki page08:42
delltonyit listens but i can't seem to login08:42
Hell-Razordelltony, lol it listens but i cant login08:43
Hell-Razorthats kinf od funny08:43
Hell-Razorkind of08:43
delltonywell the port is listening08:43
delltonybut i can't login to it08:43
delltonydon't see where that is funny but ok08:44
Hell-Razorwell im just really tired08:44
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Hell-Razorhow do i get xmms to paly an mp308:46
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crimsunHell-Razor: choose an mp3 for xmms to play. Make sure the output plugin is set to esound.08:47
Hell-Razorit wont even add it to the list08:47
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jjpmr52can someone help me08:49
Myrttinot if you don't tell what the problem is08:49
jjpmr52when i write i can't seee what i'm writing in X chat08:49
jjpmr52but i can read after that i've done enter08:50
johnnybezakjjmpr52: its probably a colours issue08:50
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andreasG` morning08:51
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Hell-Razorhowcome apt-get doesnt have xmms-mp308:52
Hell-Razorcause thats what im missing08:52
MyrttiHell-Razor: because mp3 is a closed format08:53
Myrttiadd a debian repository, then search08:53
Myrttiyou'll prolly find it then08:53
Hell-Razorhow do i add a debian repo08:53
Myrttinano /etc/apt/sources.list08:53
andreasopen a term08:53
crimsunwhy would you need that?08:54
andreassudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:54
MyrttiI'm off to shower08:54
Myrtti\o/ andreas!08:54
andreasIn the bottem insert this: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main08:54
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andreassave and go to term08:55
andreassudo apt-get update08:55
punkassapt-get install xmms-mad08:55
punkassshould already be in ubuntu08:55
andreassudo apt-get install xmms08:55
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punkassbut you have to enable 'universe' in the repository list08:55
andreasxmms isn`t in hoary08:55
punkassi dont think he is in hoary08:56
crimsunum, xmms is in main08:56
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Hell-Razorno i dont have hoary08:56
crimsunboth warty and hoary08:56
Hell-Razorand i already have xmms08:56
Hell-Razorjust not the mp3 plugin08:56
punkassHell-Razor: you just need xmms-mad08:57
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crimsunHell-Razor: sure you do: dpkg -L xmms|grep mpg08:57
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Hell-Razorthat mad did it08:58
Hell-Razorty guys08:58
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soleblazehow do you edit the applications menu under gnome 2.9?08:59
crimsun2.9? You don't.08:59
crimsunYou can add .desktop files, however.08:59
punkassto here /usr/share/applications08:59
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GhostFreemanHow do you change the default display font in Firefox?08:59
soleblazeerr, who thought of that idea09:00
soleblazeare you going to be able to in 2.10?09:00
punkasscrimsun: is there something being added to hoary before the release for that?09:00
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crimsunpunkass: no09:00
punkasshmm might have to warm up my python skills and create something :)09:01
crimsungo for it09:01
punkassskills...who am i kidding lol09:01
andreasWell... huys and dolls09:01
andreasguys that was09:01
soleblazecrimsun: you know why they changed it so you can't edit it?09:01
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andreasCan anyone help me change the splash screen?09:02
punkasstho i have already created a glade interface for it...but thats the easy part09:02
Quaruptwhat are some of the ftp packages ?09:04
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punkassthast what you need09:04
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crimsunsoleblaze: it's probably more fruitful to search the history of the gnome-menus module09:04
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Quaruptpunkass, Will is set itself up? how to create accounts, and tell it what directories?09:05
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punkassQuarupt: sorry never set it up before09:08
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Quaruptlol great09:08
andreaswhat are you talking about?09:09
punkassi do everything through sftp09:09
Quarupthow do i use it?09:09
punkassits part of ssh09:09
Quarupti just wanna set up an account i can use from work09:10
punkassso you just log in with your regular user name etc09:10
Quaruptso i have personal file storage there09:10
punkassthen you have access to all your files in your home directory etc09:10
punkassand its waaay more secure than ftp09:10
Quaruptyea but ya have to do all that wget and uploading can be difficult09:13
Quaruptoh i know the problem, i cant use telnet or a ssh client at work09:13
Quaruptjust http09:13
Quaruptthis is why i wanted to use ftp09:13
punkasshow come? do they block ports?09:14
QuaruptNo, just againts the rules09:14
Quaruptand my boss is constatly over my shoulder09:14
Quaruptits a shared workstation09:14
punkasswell then vsftp would be good...09:14
QuaruptHow can i setup an account?09:15
punkassi understand the no telnet rule but ssh is pretty secure09:15
punkassi dunno...apt-get it then read the docs09:15
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onkarshindeWhen is next release scheduled?09:16
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Quaruptmaybe theres a way to set up a vnc server so i can use the java applet online to connect to my comp at work09:17
gmaI can't find tomboy packages for warty, but I used to have 'em. Has the getsweeea repo dropped 'em?09:17
onkarshindecrimsun: thanks.09:18
punkassyeah but how do you transfer your files across?09:18
Quaruptgood question09:18
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Quaruptmaybe there is a web client for shh somewhere09:18
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TTilusQuarupt: can't install nothing on your "remote" computer (at work)?09:19
punkassQuarupt: i just install vsftp, and with out doing anything i can goto ftp://localhost and its there09:20
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Quaruptpunkass, mine hangs on beginning ftp transaction09:21
TTilusQuarupt: if you can get vnc connection, do you _need_ to transfer files09:23
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loolwhat's the simplest way of getting the gnome-desktop-environment in Ubuntu?  tasksel?09:24
viper12lool........???ubuntu uses the gnome desktop by default.09:25
loolviper12: I've just dchroot'ed a new environment, so only the base pacakges are installed09:26
viper12use apt then.09:26
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loolI'd like to go to the point where I have a "standard hoary", but I've no clue where the default list of packages is09:26
virtualdget ubuntu-desktop09:26
loolviper12: sure, on gnome-desktop-environment?09:26
punkassapt-get install ubut....what he said :)09:26
loolah ubuntu-desktop09:26
viper12i was referring to the method of "getting" not the actual package. lol09:27
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Hell-Razorhowcome i cannot install transcode guys?09:27
Hell-RazorThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:27
Hell-Razor  transcode: Depends: libdvdread2 but it is not installable09:27
Hell-Razor             Depends: libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) but it is not installable09:27
Hell-Razordoes make any sense09:27
viper12just dinking around with xfce right now.........pretty sweet lil' gui for older boxes imho09:27
loolHell-Razor: where did you get transcode?09:27
Hell-Razorlool: apt-get install transcode09:27
loolHell-Razor: W: Unable to locate package transcode09:28
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viper12i think he was askin' which repos you needed to add to sources.09:28
loolHell-Razor: get the videolan repo09:28
Hell-Razorwhich one is that09:28
Hell-Razori just isntalled ubuntu last night09:28
punkassQuarupt: ok so i made a couple changes to the conf file now i have no anon login and use my username and password to login09:29
Quaruptwhcih one?09:29
Quaruptcan ya login via browser?09:30
punkassi just logged in via gftp..let me try browser09:30
Hell-Razor  transcode: Depends: libdvdread2 but it is not installable09:30
Hell-Razor             Depends: libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) but it is not installable09:31
Hell-RazorE: Broken packages09:31
loolHell-Razor: again, where did you get trasncode? from Marillat's repo?09:31
punkassQuarupt: yup firefox asks for username and password09:31
Hell-Razorimn trying to09:31
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Hell-Razori dont have it09:31
Hell-Razorlool, im trying to apt-get it...i do not have it yet09:31
loolHell-Razor: yeah, but you're trying to get it from Marillat's repository?09:32
Myrttidid you do that sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ?09:32
Hell-Razorlool, i believe09:32
loolHell-Razor: 'cause I strongly recommend you avoid using it09:32
Hell-Razorlool, whys that09:32
loolit's completely messed up, and unofficial09:32
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Hell-Razori need to get growisofs09:33
Quaruptpunkass, ok im gunna install it from synaptic, and edit the conf, or try anyways09:34
punkassok..well it worked for me09:34
crimsunpunkass: pong09:35
Quaruptwheres the conf?09:35
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punkasscrimsun: i just noticed that sudo touch afile makes the owner root and the group staff...is the staff part something new to hoary?09:35
crimsunnot that I know of. What's pwd?09:36
Quaruptpunkass, wheres the conf?09:36
punkasswell i did a sudo touch in the home dir and it made it group staff09:37
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punkassbut if i do a sudo touch in my own home dir then it makes it root:root09:37
HardKasemy default ubuntu install has the totem movie player09:37
punkassQuarupt: /etc/vsftpd.conf09:37
Quarupthow do i rehash it?09:38
Hell-Razordoes anybody here know what growisofs comes from? what package?09:38
punkasscrimsun: well i did a sudo touch in the home dir and it made it root:staff09:38
punkasscrimsun: but if i do a sudo touch in my own home dir then it makes it root:root09:39
crimsunHell-Razor: dvd+rw-tools09:39
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joh_is there any way in a debian system to see which package a file comes from?09:40
Hell-Razorcrimsun: i have that installed but yet i do now have a groisofs09:40
crimsunjoh_: dpkg -S, dlocate, apt-file, ...09:40
joh_crimsun, hehe, OK :*)09:40
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crimsunpunkass: that makes sense:09:41
crimsunpunkass: ls -l /09:41
crimsundrwxrwsr-x   13 root staff  4096 Mar  7 05:31 home09:41
punkasshaha sorry...you are right..must be gettin sleepy09:41
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Quaruptpunkass, is it setup be default as a dameon?09:43
punkassyes i believe so09:43
Quaruptso its allready running? is it port 20 or 21?09:43
punkassin your browser just goto ftp://localhost09:44
QuaruptI know but i need to setup port forwarding on my router09:45
Quaruptso what port?09:45
punkassit says right in the config file09:45
Hell-Razordoes anybody here use dvd backup09:45
Quaruptso its 20 okay09:46
Quaruptand it didnt ask for a log on when i used my browser to connect?09:46
punkassQuarupt: its port 2109:46
Quaruptoh ok09:46
Quaruptwhy didnt it want a logon when i connected?09:47
punkassi guess that port in the config is not the listening port09:47
Quaruptand i cant go anywhere lol09:47
punkassbecause by default it is set for no local and only anonymous access09:48
punkassset this: anonymous_enable=NO09:48
Quaruptthe conf says comment this out to allow anon access?09:48
punkassand this: local_enable=YES09:48
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punkassthen you will have no anon access and it will ask you for username and password09:49
punkassand dont forget to do: /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart09:49
Quarupti made the changes09:49
punkassafter the changes09:49
Quaruptthats what i meant when i asked howto rehash09:49
Quaruptgrr, it still doesnt come up with a login prompt?09:50
Quaruptwanna take a look at my conf09:50
Quaruptill paste it in #flood09:50
punkasswell those are the only two lines i edited ...i left all the rest default09:51
Quaruptare ya there09:51
Quaruptim gunna paste09:51
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punkasswell i just said that those two lines are the only lines i changed09:52
punkassjoin #flood09:52
Quaruptplease just look for me09:54
punkassQuarupt: haha yours asked me for a login09:54
punkassso its working09:54
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punkassi just went there with firefox09:54
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punkass530 Login incorrect...:)09:55
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HardKasestill gotta fix that09:56
Quaruptthen why dont i get a login when i try?09:56
HardKasei have the basic commands under control09:56
Quaruptya same with me09:56
QuaruptI think firefox is trying to login anon09:56
Quaruptmust be somewhere to change it in prefs09:56
HardKaseis there some way of copying files from a windows machine to a linux machine ?09:56
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fab31hi ! :)09:57
punkassQuarupt: yeah maybe..but it seems to be working09:57
HardKasei suppose i could set up an ftp accross the network or something09:57
GNAMhi, i'm newbie of gcc09:57
GNAMhow can I configure search path?09:57
GNAMfor libraries09:57
punkassHardKase: you could just make a share on the windows machine09:57
GNAMis there a configuration file?09:57
punkassand Ubuntu should be able to see it09:57
fab31GNAM: -L <path> for libs, -I <path> for includes09:58
fab31GNAM: no config file, it's a compiler =)09:58
GNAMok thanks09:58
GNAMi need a .bat file ;)09:58
fab31you can use09:58
fab31CFLAGS and LDFLAGS09:58
fab31export CFLAGS=-I/some/path09:58
HardKasepunkass - i have a share on the windows machine09:59
fab31or LDFLAS=-L...09:59
HardKaseie .. the one im talking to you on now09:59
Quaruptpunkass, ok i used different browser got a prompt, and then it sais could not open dir?09:59
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Quaruptcould not enter folder?09:59
fab31how can I get it working ? I want to install the debian package "gaphor"09:59
fab31Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4-0ubuntu6 is to be installed09:59
fab31how can I force it ?10:00
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punkassQuarupt: i dunno..ya got me..if you make a temp user i can try from my end..but other than that i am not sure10:00
punkassHardKase: then ubuntu should be able to see it10:00
punkassHardKasd: under Network Servers i believe10:01
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fab31Quarupt: apt-get -f install gapho10:01
fab31do the same10:01
Quaruptwhat is gapho?10:02
Quarupti dun want a client10:02
Quarupti need to do a web browser10:02
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Quaruptcause im setting it up to use it from work10:02
punkassfab31: i got the same error..running the latest hoary release10:03
HardKasehow do i install SMB support ?10:03
esherwhats the ubuntu mp3 plugin to play mp3 ?10:03
fab31punkass: no workaround ?10:04
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punkassesher: gstreamer0.8-mad10:04
Quaruptman, can it be this hard to setup ftp10:05
punkassQuarupt, if you make a temp user i will try to login10:06
Quaruptoh ya i did10:06
punkassfab31: sorry not that i know of10:06
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HardKasei need SMB support installed in order to run this on a windows network, is that correct ?10:06
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punkassHardKase: only if you want to share files on the linux machine i believe10:07
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punkassi have a fresh install of hoary here and i can see my windows machine10:07
HardKasepunkass - ok. so i should be able to see the windows machine fine ?10:07
HardKaseok. where do i get SMB ?10:08
HardKasei take it it doesn't Stand for Super Mario Brothers.10:08
HardKaseill bbiab10:09
HardKasewhats a good linux irc client ?10:09
fab31HardKase: irssi10:09
fab31HardKase: or xchat maybe10:09
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punkassHardKase: the main files are samba, smbfs, samba-client10:11
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esherare there any mplayer package ready for ubuntu ?10:17
punkassesher: i believe there is but use synaptic search for anything you are curious about10:18
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hyphen-howdy folks10:19
xxenonis root login disabled by default ?10:19
hyphen-ive got a question for you guys10:19
xxenonhow to get rid of thaz ?10:19
hyphen-not sure if you can10:19
hyphen-just use sudo10:19
hyphen-itll act as root10:19
xxenonI need to login in console10:20
punkassand if you want root for a full terminal just do sudo -s10:20
punkassthen you will be root till you close the terminal10:20
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hyphen-can anyone show me how to mount an undetected usb hd?10:20
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mgedminwhat's holding up https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1753 (ugly X cursors)?10:21
HardKasepunkass - your right. i cant get my laptop onto the internet via my router. but i can see the other windows machines. i couldn't do that when i had xp on that machine. lol10:21
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mgedminoops, I meant https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=617210:22
HardKasepunkass - any suggestions for getting my linux machine to connect via the router ?10:24
punkasswireless or wired?10:25
HardKasethe network is working, and the gateway is set10:25
HardKasesame network as the other machines10:25
HardKasei can see them10:25
HardKaseits just not going online10:25
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hyphen-have you edited your resolv.conf?10:25
HardKaseresolv.conf ?10:25
HardKasewhats ifconfig ?10:26
HardKasewqhats resolv.conf ?10:26
hyphen-run sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf10:26
punkassits a command that will tell you your ip10:26
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HardKasei specified my ip10:26
punkassah ok10:26
HardKaseto one on the networks range10:26
raghuHardKase: try pinging to some near by machine10:26
punkassdid you set your gateway as the ip of the router10:26
HardKaseraghu - its on the network. i can acess the other machines, and copy files accross10:27
HardKasei just cant get onto the net via the router.10:27
raghuHardKase: ok10:27
HardKasepunkass - indeed i did10:27
raghuHardKase: try pinging to gaterway can you ping?10:27
punkassdo: cat /etc/resolv.conf10:27
HardKaseill try that and brb10:28
HardKaseill tryin pinging it too10:28
hyphen-anyone wanna help me mount a usb device?10:30
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raghuhyphen-: try dmesg|less to check weather it is beendetected10:30
punkasssudo mount /dev/sda1 /the/mount/path10:30
punkassand what raghu said10:31
hyphen-let me try that10:31
hyphen-yeah, it's being detected10:31
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hyphen- /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0:10:32
hyphen-Attached scsi disk sda at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 010:32
hyphen-USB Mass Storage device found at 510:32
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hyphen-and what should the mount path be?10:32
punkasswhatever you want10:32
punkassyou can make a directory in your home dir if you like10:32
punkassor use /mnt/newdir10:33
punkassor whatever10:33
pregoI cannot make firefox or epiphany show antialiased fonts everywhere unless I select "use these fonts always". For instance, slahsdot news header is not antialiades (while the news body is OK).10:33
prego(I'm using hoary)10:33
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hyphen-it says the file system isn't supported by the kernel10:34
pregoHoewever that setting is not fine since sans sites show serif-like :-((10:34
hyphen-but it was working fine last night10:34
hyphen-i tried all file systems, but it's a fat3210:34
pregohyphen-, check it has not partitions10:35
punkassyou tried mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mount/pint10:35
hyphen-oh, lemme try that.10:35
hyphen-prego: i had trouble checking it in windows as well10:36
pregohyphen-, does it mount as punkass says?10:36
hyphen-no :/10:36
hyphen-just tried10:36
hyphen-just gives me a help list of the mount command10:37
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pregohyphen-, that is not correct. check the syntax... try either of these two lines:10:39
pregomount /dev/sda1 /mnt/pint10:39
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pregomount /dev/sda /mnt/pint10:39
prego(assumming, /mnt/pint is the already created mount directory)10:39
punkasshmm that -t vfat should have worked10:39
hyphen-yeah, it says that i need to specify filetype10:40
hyphen-but when i add the -t vfat it gives me the list10:40
pregopunkass, filesystem should have been detected10:40
hyphen-and when i use another fs type it says the kernel doesnt support it10:40
xxenonI added universe to get KDE, but KDE does not appear in GDM, any clue ?10:40
punkassyes is should , but sometimes it doesnt10:40
hyphen-yeah, i used this exact same usb drive last night10:40
hyphen-i dont know what happened10:41
punkasscould have been like my wife and put it though the washing machine ;)10:41
hyphen-i have some serious projects on there that i CANT lose10:41
punkasslucky for me it still worked10:41
MyNameIsChrisI have given up and need help, I just replaced my 2ch speakers with 5.1ch on my ICH5R machine running Warty. How do I set them up?10:42
GNAMhow can i made a tilde character on linux? altgr+ ?10:42
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pregohyphen-, what about trying on another machine?10:43
punkassshift + `10:43
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hyphen-prego: i've tried booting from winxp, didnt mount, and other winxp boxes as well10:43
hyphen-it detects it, but doesn't assign it a letter10:43
hardkase_i got my linux box on irc!10:43
hardkase_it was dns settings10:43
pregoGNAM, (in my keyboard, altgr+4)10:43
hyphen-i checked the disk properties in winxp and it said "unallocated" under it10:44
GNAMuhm, i must config keyboard better10:44
hyphen-but when i was using a shareware disc recovery tool it found all my files and folders10:44
punkasshyphen: that is bad i believe :010:44
hyphen-how can i fix it? :(10:44
punkasswell what happened with the recovery tool?10:45
hyphen-it's shareware, they tried to charge me like $100 dollars10:45
GNAM@[[] ] }}``~~~~~10:45
GNAMwow found.10:45
pregoGNAM, lol10:45
hyphen-but i'm trying to go all alternate routes, i don't want to blow money out of my ass for something i can fix myself...if possible10:45
punkassah i see10:46
hyphen-what's it mean when the disk contents is unallocated?10:46
pregohyphen-, I agree, but I can't help you any further :-(((10:46
hyphen-poo, well thanks for trying man10:46
punkassyeah its sounds like the partition table or something is hosed on the drive10:46
pepsido you remember exactly how the partitions were setup?10:46
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pregohyphen-, it means probably that it cannot find a filesystem as much as linux can't also10:46
hyphen-it was just one large partition10:46
hyphen-fat32 partition10:47
punkassand i dont know any freeware data recovery tools10:47
pepsiso put it back10:47
pepsijust dont format10:47
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hyphen-put what back?10:47
punkassgetdataback is a good one but its shareware too10:47
pepsithe partition table10:47
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hyphen-how would i put the partition table back without having to repartition the drive?10:47
punkasstho i know there is 'fixed' versions of it floating around the web10:47
hyphen-maybe i oughtta check some xdcc bots10:47
pepsiyou can repartition to your hearts content and nothing will happen10:48
pepsitill you intialize one of the partitions10:48
hyphen-so wait, i use a partition app to partition the drive, but don't partition the drive?10:48
hyphen-i'm lost =/10:48
MyNameIsChris'/. is fsked again10:48
pepsipartition != initialize10:48
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hyphen-can someone recommend good partition software that i can get through apt?10:49
pepsiwhats wrong with fdisk10:49
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hyphen-dont like the interface too much :P10:49
punkassgparted is gtk gui10:50
hyphen-ah, ak10:50
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hyphen-brb folks10:51
hardkase_punkass - thank you. i think i may finally have enough of a grasp of this linux thing to actually make it work :)10:52
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punkasshardkase_: no problem..glad yer havin fun10:53
ntollhi, PHP5 is going to be in hoary?10:53
hardkase_im installing acrobat reader! im practicall 1337 now10:53
punkassntoll: so far i only see php4 in hoary..10:54
punkasshardkase_: there is a new acrobat reader beta 7 out..its pretty nice..a lot nicer than 5.510:55
punkasshopefully adobe will release the full version soon10:55
Jerubacrobat 6 works fine in wine10:58
JerubI used to use it instead of the dodgy native version10:58
punkassyeah but the navtive 7 is pretty nice10:58
Jerubpunkass: but it doesn't run on linux does it?10:58
punkasswell adobe release a beta of 7 which was native to linux10:59
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punkassbut the full release hasnt come out yet10:59
punkassi got to try it and it was pretty slick10:59
cezar[] hi guys, does ubuntu live cd have X and gaim on it ?10:59
punkasspretty much the same as the windows 7 version11:00
cezar[] or is there a contents list ?11:00
punkasscezar[] : yes it does have both11:00
Amaranthhow do i change my gdm theme?11:00
Amaranthi have the one i want in /usr/share/gdm/themes already11:00
Amaranthi just can't find the tool that lets me change that anymore in hoary11:01
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punkassSystem > Prefs > Theme11:01
Amaranthyeah, i don't see anything about gdm in there11:02
pregopunkass, is that beta of acrobat 7 avaiable anywhere?11:02
Amaranthi thought that's where it'd be too11:02
hyphenokay, so how do i go about putting the partition info back into my hd?11:02
punkassi tried looking for it and could not find it anywhere...i mean its the internet so it must be out there somewhere ;)11:03
AmaranthSystem > Administration > Login Screen Setup11:03
pregopunkass, is it still motif based?11:03
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punkassits not near as ugly as 5 from what i remember11:03
djpcan anybody here tell me how you read the email messages that are reported at the command line, for example after you apt-get? i sometimes get a message saying i have new mail in /var/mail/username or something along those lines.11:03
pregodjp, you can us the "mail" command or configure evolution to read local mail11:04
djpprego: thanks11:04
pregodjp, mail command has a hard interface (at least at the beginning) so I would recommend you to configure evolution11:05
punkassyes mail is a little raw11:05
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pregoit is OK for advanced user (quick and so on), but for normal user ....11:06
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djpprego: how would you configure evolution to read local mail?11:07
Quaruptanyone know why all the sudden my inetd is listening on my ftp port?11:07
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pregodjp, do you have evo already configured for extern mail?11:08
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djpprego: yes11:10
pregodjp, OK, then just edit mail preferences and add another account, (edit->preferences-> mail accounts->Add)11:11
pregodjp, and for that account, choose at "recieving email" Server Type->Local delivery11:12
pregodjp, you'll see that "configuration path" becomes /var/mail/user_name11:13
pregodjp, use sendmail for sending mail or even none for this account11:13
pregodjp, that should be enough.11:13
pregodjp, you may also create filter so the incomming email for this account is stored at a given floder11:14
djpprego: thanks. i will give that a go now...11:14
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punkassprego: is there a way to have evolution do seperate inboxs for each account sorta like thunderbird?11:14
pregopunkass, yes, using filters11:15
punkassah i see11:15
pregopunkass, however the default is not to do that11:15
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punkassyeah...i want to try evo but i am so used to TB that i found it awkward11:16
djpprego: what should i enter for my email address?11:16
pregodjp, nothing unless you want to send email ;-) by now just user_name@localhost11:16
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djpprego: the reason i ask is that i cannot progress any further until that section is filled in. i will use the username@localhost for now then, right?11:17
pregodjp, that is fine11:17
pregodjp, you are right11:17
Treskewlhello, anyone got some time to help me?11:17
djpprego: thanks11:18
pregoTreskewl, no one, Just ask and pray11:18
pregodjp, np11:18
Treskewlprego, lol11:18
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pregoTreskewl, I have asked once and answared another one. However my question was lost in the hyperspace :-P/;-)11:19
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=== punkass seconds that motion
Treskewlok, here goes. Anyone know what this means: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(3,1)11:20
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pregoTreskewl, wow11:20
Treskewlprego, lol, I came home from work and rebooted my server and got that.. :/11:21
pregoTreskewl, which filesystem were you using?11:21
pregoTreskewl, also, try a live CD and see if you can mount the partition manually11:23
Treskewlprego, i tried a live cd, and i tried to get into it but i dont know entirely what to do11:24
Amaranthoh man, the animated progress bar in clearlooks 0.4 looks fantastic11:24
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pregoAmaranth, not everyone likes it, but I agree11:25
punkassi think it is subtle enough not to offend to many people11:25
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VladDracdoes anyone if it's possible to disable tapping on a laptops touchpad? (Without any specific native drivers)11:26
VladDracand are there any good wireless tools for ubuntu for network selection?11:26
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punkassthere is netapplet and someone else has just release one into the forums...i have yet to try it but it sounds pretty good11:27
zeedoVladDrac: the tappign can be controlled in the X config file11:27
pregoTreskewl, just, for instance, with the CDlive, mkdir /mnt/hda1; mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda111:27
VladDraczeedo do you happen to know which option?11:28
pregoTreskewl, sorry, you can browse the hard disk??11:28
punkassValdDrac: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18466&highlight=wireless11:29
VladDrac(kwifimanager isn't an option I just found out)11:29
Treskewlprego, i just worked out how to do it and mounted the drive. I have full access now. Any ideas where to start?11:30
VladDracah, gtk+python, what more could I want :)11:30
punkasshehe..well that link has only been posted a couple o days so it may be buggy..but probably worth a shot11:30
pregoTreskewl, probably I'm wrong but it looks like the grub configuration is wrong so the machine wont start11:30
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pregoTreskewl, I suggest you check the [---] /boot/grub/menu.lst from the mounted drive11:31
punkass|zzzznite all11:32
gsuveganyone use vncserver ? i cant start it under hoary11:32
djpprego: thanks for the help. working like a charm!11:32
pregoTreskewl, however you may probably need to do more advanced things like chrooting (and here I cannot help you since I don't know really how it works)11:33
pregodjp, ;-))11:33
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hardkase_im having some trouble with totem11:33
punkass|zzzzgsuveg: something like vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 2411:33
hardkase_it failed to create a gstreamer play object11:33
hardkase_ updated all that11:33
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punkass|zzzzhardkase_: try gst-register-0.811:35
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hardkase_gst register 0.8 ?11:36
hardkase_how do i run that >11:36
hardkase_im basically copying commands outta the newbie guide :)11:37
punkass|zzzzsudo gst-register-0.811:37
punkass|zzzzor sorry no sudo11:37
punkass|zzzzjust: gst-register-0.811:37
hardkase_thanks man11:37
hardkase_is it possible to mount virtual drives >11:38
punkass|zzzzwell when you create a virtual drive it is usually mounted i believe11:38
hardkase_uhh. i mean virtual cd drives11:38
hardkase_and that didn't work11:39
punkass|zzzzwell i am not sure on both of those questions11:39
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punkass|zzzzit is 2:30am here..and i am very sleeepy11:39
VladDrac'tpconfig' sounds like something interesting to disable tapping..11:39
punkass|zzzzi think you might be able to mount an iso image...(maybe)11:39
hardkase_ahh well11:40
Quaruptits 230 am here and i have had 2 oxycotins and im still stayn up11:40
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pregohardhase_, to mount an iso image: sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/destiny11:40
hardkase_well. its notquite working yet11:41
hardkase_ill work on it some more tommorrow11:41
pregohardkase_, provided the /mnt/desitny exists11:41
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hardkase_prego, ill look into it11:41
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hardkase_thanks for that11:41
Quaruptis vmware free?11:41
jesuelVmware is a commercial product11:42
jesueland a not cheap one at that.11:42
Quaruptdo they have a trial or something?11:42
jesuelI believe there is.11:42
jesuelOr at least there was.11:42
coronermy applications menu seems to crash alot, i havent installed any new programs since last reboot either. when i say crash i mean, the applications menu will expand but accessories, games etc wont open to show the files within? any idea why this happens?11:42
pregoQuarupt, Vmware is an excellent quality commercial product, thought11:42
jesuelprego, aye it is good11:43
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pregocoroner, perhaps something failed at config when last update11:43
coronerit was working fine up until about 2 mins ago11:44
Quaruptwhich vmware product do i need to run ubuntu64 from Ubuntu?11:44
pregocoroner, there is an dpkg option to config all unconfigured packages11:44
soulhackHow (if) do I enable ubuntu to play MP3's?11:44
jesuelQuarupt, What are you trying to do anyhow?11:44
coronerokay prego ill have a look for that cheers11:44
pregoQuarupt, you have a 64bit CPU, don't you?11:45
pregocoroner, also you may try if that happens with any other user11:45
jesuelI have a 64bit cpu as well. I run hoary x86_64 for most stuff, but I have a few applications chroot'ed into a 32bit environment11:45
Quaruptjesper, sounds like its complicated to do11:46
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Quaruptwhere can i get this Hoary x86_64 iso?11:46
pregoQuarupt, listen to jesuel. Eventhough vmware is good, the resulting performance is about 50% of the machine possibilities....11:46
jesuelQuarupt, uh, array-6 has a 64bit iso11:46
Quaruptwhat is array 6?11:47
jesuelprego, vmware is actually very fast11:47
jesuelprego, but im cheap :)11:47
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chantryhow can I enable automatically dma on my cdrom at boot ? I have to launch /etc/init.d/hdparm after each reboot11:47
jesuelarray-6 is the hoary testing canidate that was released a few days ago11:47
pregojesuel, I was sure that the performance was about a 50%11:47
Quaruptok so where can i dl the ISO?11:47
jesuelQuarupt, Array 6 is released! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-6/11:48
jesuelwhat cpu do you have?11:48
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QuaruptAMD athlon 64 320011:48
Quarupti think11:48
Quaruptthe one thats backwards compatible for 3211:48
jesuelprego, shrug. I can tell. My cpu never goes above the 800mhz step in powernowd, even when im running gnome ;p11:48
hardkase_The Athlon 64 is backwards compatible11:49
chantryhey can anyone help ?11:49
hardkase_i think my fingers broken. hurts like fuck whenever i move it11:49
BurgundaviaAll hoary users, can you click on the evolution icon on the taskbar and see if it spits up an error11:49
Quaruptjesuel, iso should i grab?11:49
chantrynobody have dma troubles ? I've problem on my 2 laptops, so there is something wrong I guess11:49
jesuelQuarupt, It *IS* backwards  compatible. IE, you can run 64bit applications. Although you might want to download the i386 version. It runs a little better in my opinion and then if you require a 64 bit application you can chroot that.11:50
chantryBurgundavia, it works here11:50
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pregoBurgundavia, also works for me11:50
Quaruptjesuel, i am running the i386 right now11:50
Quaruptthe whole point is that i wanna try the 64bit one11:51
jesuelthen download it :)11:51
jesueleverything *should* work.11:51
Quaruptis it a bitch not having 32bit stuff11:51
chantrywhere can I find some help please?11:51
soulhackhow do i enable linux to play my MP3? :)11:51
jesuelYou can have 32bit stuff, its just a pain to run it11:51
pregoQuarupt, there is also the liveCD for 64bit....11:51
StoffBox-Stevegi guys i have a question, how can i see application/x-ms-dos-executable in plaintext, what editor i need ?11:51
pregosoulhack, install gstreamer-mda11:51
jesuelprego, aye11:51
HardKasethe damn laptop just died11:52
soulhackwhere can i find all those things?11:52
jesuelsoulhack,  sudo apt-get install gstreamer-mad11:52
=== HardKase casts sudden death on hardkase_
pregooh, sorry it is gstreamer-mad, yes11:52
soulhackthat was silly easy11:52
QuaruptMan, i love the internet today, when i first started using it, downloading a 560MB iso in under 15 mins was UNHEARD of11:52
jesuelsoulhack, thats how it is.11:52
jesuelQuarupt, heh, yeah i downloaded the iso for ubuntu quick too11:53
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jesuelcourse I have about ~30 mbit/sec download speed11:53
soulhackhey, someone gave me a link to a site yesterday- there were a lot of umm.. code-snippets, how-to get that working11:53
HardKaseQuarupt - i remember when the internet was unheard of11:53
Quaruptdamn wish i had a blank so i could actually burn it11:53
soulhackofc i lost the link11:53
HardKasehopping from bbs to bbs11:53
HardKaseon my 260011:53
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pregoQuarupt, jesuel you are very bad guys, my connection is much slower ;-P11:53
Quaruptno way i can mount the ISo and install like that is there?11:53
jesuelHardKase, dude I started with bbs's on  a 300baud modem11:53
monsunhi everyone, server related question: any chance of php4-mysql and similar being supported in hoary? it's in universe at the moment, but i'd like to put hoary on a web server that i'm setting up soon, and i'd really like to stay clear of universe if at all possible...11:53
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jesuelQuarupt, you could, but its suggested to just burn it :)11:54
Quaruptaww i dropped down to 400K11:54
HardKasehttp://www.ubuntuguide.org/ <-- soulback11:54
Burgundaviaprego, chantry: thanks11:54
Quaruptlol complaining about 400k, never thought id see the day11:54
jesuelprego, what kinda connect on?11:54
HardKaseany advice when i comes to running media on a linux machine ?11:55
Quaruptthast like 1 Mbit11:55
pregojesuel, 54Kbyte/sec at max11:55
jesuelprego, mine = 30mbit down / 5mbit up w/ a /29 ip netblock11:55
jesuelprego, ew11:55
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Quarupti guess i could use this CDRW, but its my ultimate boot disk with INSERT!11:56
pregojesuel, I don't understand how you can donwload an iso in 15 minutes, then11:56
monsunanother thing, is tomorrow's preview release likely to be much different, if at all, from the latest daily images? anyone know? please?11:56
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tuppahow come this usb keydrive won't be detected at all11:56
tuppamust be amd64 :\11:56
Burgundaviamonsun: not really11:56
tuppaworks perfectly fine under hoary in x8611:57
Burgundaviamonsun: the point is that people can update and stay the same11:57
jesuelprego, try  downloading the iso in 3 minutes :)11:57
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jesuelprego, thats how long it took me11:57
monsunburgundavia: thanks -- would i be better off with latest daily or array 6 if i want to install now and upgrade to final when it's released?11:57
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tuppaapparently the usb ports headers on this mobo is different to the ones at the back...11:58
djpprego: what would you consider a minimum system spec to run ubuntu?11:59
Quaruptso what are pros/cons of running Ubuntu AMD64 version over i386 version?11:59
Quaruptwill every app i install have to be made for 64bit os?11:59
QuaruptI dont think there is a limeiwre 64bit12:00
jesuelill bbiab, configuring j2se + azureus12:00
jesuelQuarupt, yes. To run natively you will have to have 64bit applications throughout12:00
jesuelIt /Would/ be nice for that to happen. But it will be a while for that.12:01
=== StoffBox-Steve lool someone read this > http://os.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/25/1430222&from=rss ? its real fun :D
virtualdwhat about the 64bit kernel+32bit apps compatibility in the cpu? isn't it implemented in linux?12:01
Burgundaviamonsun: my box is a warty preview box that is currently running the latest hoary, so I would install when you want to and let dpkg intelligently do its thing12:01
soulhackDo i need a specific player to play mp3?12:02
bob2soulhack: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:02
lokvirtuald, amd64 hardware is compatible with 32bits apps12:02
tuppalibraries are an issue12:02
virtualdB] 12:02
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loksome programme like flash player, wine ...etc can't handle 6412:03
jesuellok, exactly12:03
monsunquarupt: you will get somewhat better performance with the amd64 build, since it's compiled to take advantage of all that your cpu has to offer... and i haven't found any packages missing for my amd64 installation so far...12:03
pregoI've lost fam functionality with my hoary upgrade... do I have to install fam? because seems not to be a hoary package12:03
Burgundaviaprego: fam is replaced by gamin12:03
monsunBurgundavia: many thanks12:03
virtualdwell, 64bit libs should always be in {,/usr,/usr/local}/lib6412:03
Burgundaviaprego: reinstall ubuntu-desktop12:03
lokand refuse to run in 32 bits mode because of a detection architecture etc ...12:03
pregoBurgundavia, thanks12:03
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Quaruptmonsun, but i will have to find a 64bit version of everything i want to install, so if i want to use limewire, im screwed since they dont have a 64bit build yet?12:04
lokand you have to make somethings like chroot an 32bits system for make it runs12:04
Quaruptlok, i dont know what that means?12:04
bob2virtuald: no12:04
bob2virtuald: it depends on the system12:05
lokin fact one technique is to put on a partition a 32 bits system minimal wich can runs 32bits apps12:05
bob2Quarupt: almost everything you could want is in the and64 port already12:05
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pregoBurgundavia, what about ubuntu-kdesktop?12:05
lokthe amd64 proc can runs on a 32bits so it's not a big deal12:05
Quaruptbob2 what about 3rd party stuff, like i said limewire, a must have for me12:05
bob2Quarupt: limewire is written in java12:06
bob2it doesn't care12:06
Quaruptoh okay12:06
monsunQuarupt: limewire isn't in universe?12:06
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Quaruptmonsun, no12:06
bob2you just need a JRE, which presumably exists12:06
Burgundaviaprego: do you use kde?12:06
Quaruptbut i have the only existing deb for the pro version12:06
Roccohow can i grab files on a windows-pc where a username and password is needed? does the windows-pc have to add me as user?12:06
Quaruptcause i made it12:06
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BurgundaviaRocco: try entering garbage first12:07
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bob2monsun: it can't go in universe, it Depends on a non-free JRE12:07
bob2last I chewcked12:07
Quaruptit does12:07
RoccoBurgundavia: where?12:07
lokRocco, you want to grab files by network or the windows is in the same pc that your linux?12:07
BurgundaviaRocco: for the username and password, try entering anything12:07
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Quaruptso you think the 64bit version will be noticably faster?12:08
BurgundaviaRocco: if that doesn't work, try admin and the password12:08
Roccoburgundavia i wont be asekd.... it only says that he cant access the windows-pc, which is in the sam netwrk12:08
bozzzhi im a new ubuntu user12:08
=== xiaoyu [~xiaoyu@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Quarupt: you mean the amd64 version.  probably not.12:08
Quaruptwelcome bozzz12:08
Burgundaviabozzz: welcome12:08
bob2Quarupt: tho in benchmarks lots of things are usefully quicker, like gcc.12:08
Quaruptbob2, why not?12:08
Roccobozzz: hey!12:09
azriel0184whats a good app in ubuntu to record sound from a microphone?12:09
xiaoyuI have this error msg when updating the lists with synaptics : W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:09
xiaoyuwhat does it mean, what should i do ?12:09
Quaruptso its not worth switching unless im a programmer?12:09
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monsunQuarupt: probably somewhat faster, at least. what you could try to do is set up a 32-bit environment inside your 64-bit installation.12:09
BurgundaviaRocco: try the command line client - smbclient //WINDOWSPC/SHARE12:09
monsunQuarupt: https://alioth.debian.org/docman/view.php/30192/21/debian-amd64-howto.html#id274246 explains how, but it's a bit technical...12:10
Quaruptmonsun, how, why?12:10
soulhackI have a digital camera, when i plug it in to the computer via USB- nothing happens. Is there something i need to enable?12:10
bob2Quarupt: meh12:10
helloyowhy do i get segmentation faults? and how do i fix them other then rebooting?12:10
Burgundaviasoulhack: can you dump your dmesg output to #flood?12:10
bob2Quarupt: depends what you want to do.  if you actually care about non-free stuff, then you're probably better off staying.12:10
RoccoBurgundavia: at the moment the windows-pc is not on line12:10
Burgundaviahelloyo: what are you getting seg faults in12:10
bob2helloyo: how would a reboot fix that?12:10
soulhacki hav eno clue what that means. I installed linux yesterday and i know nothing of it atm :)12:10
monsunQuarupt: that one was for debian,  http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu#Building_a_clean_32bit_chroot_with_debbootstrap seems to be about ubuntu12:11
helloyobob2, it always seems to...12:11
BurgundaviaRocco: In order to access the share you will need to have it on12:11
bob2xiaoyu: run update again12:11
monsunQuarupt: also see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2740&highlight=chroot12:11
helloyoBurgundavia, this time its apt-get12:11
bob2helloyo: sounds like you have bad ram12:11
Roccoburgundavia sure ;)12:11
helloyobob2, might be right on that... a few of my downloads have had bad checksums12:11
BurgundaviaRocco: are you trying to mount something for a dual boot machine?12:11
VladDracgtkwifi rocks! thanks for the tip12:11
Burgundaviasoulhack: are you running warty or hoary?12:11
Quaruptso if i figure out this chroot stuff i will be able to run i386 stuff in the AMD64 version?12:11
azriel0184whats a good app in ubuntu to record sound from a microphone?12:11
monsunQuarupt: exactly12:12
Burgundaviasoulhack: applications-->run application type in gnome-terminal12:12
RoccoBurgundavia: no, the windows-machine has "given free" some files, which i want to see and load onto my pc12:12
xiaoyubob2: okay, it works now12:12
Quaruptazriel0184, sound recorder?12:12
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soulhackBurgundavia, alright, and then?12:12
BurgundaviaRocco: ok, give the commandline client a shot, and see if that works. smb browsing under nautilus is sometimes borked12:12
Quaruptfor now i will do a dual boot i386/amd64 and test it out12:12
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Burgundaviasoulhack: type dmesg12:12
azriel0184Quarupt, hmmm... why not? :P12:13
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Roccoburgundavia a shot?12:13
soulhackBurgundavia, what did that do?12:13
azriel0184is there any way i can record to mp3?12:13
BurgundaviaRocco: try to use the cli version to test to see if you can get to the machine12:13
=== VladDrac prefers 'abcde' for ogg / mp3 encoding
Quaruptcause i did spend a large amount of money on this proc, i would like to see what its capable of, if i can get fast build speeds out of it, that would be nice12:13
VladDracabcde = cli, if you want a gui, use grip12:13
Burgundaviasoulhack: actually do this dmegs > camera.txt12:13
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RoccoBurgundavia: so "smbclient //windowspcname/dir/" will show me the files, right?12:14
Burgundaviasoulhack: then go applications-->accesories-->text editor and open that file12:14
xiaoyuAlso I have problems when installing ubuntu-desktop, problem with xorg something, the package is broken, why ?12:14
BurgundaviaRocco: it should, if it doesn't try -u and add a username and it should prompt for the password12:14
soulhackBurgundavia, it looks like my computer is crap. "APIC error on CPU0: 60(60)"12:14
soulhackit's all ove rthe place.12:14
Quaruptxiaoyu, the package isnt broken, you prolly didnt config it correctly12:15
RoccoBurgundavia: how does a network works? why do i need samba for windows-networks? is it a protokoll? can i also build up a pure linux-network with samba? what is the advantage?12:15
Burgundaviasoulhack: is your machine a laptop12:16
soulhackBurgundavia, no it is not.12:16
monsunbut does anyone know if any work is on the way to move php4-mysql and the like to main? it's a pretty vital package for many web servers12:16
QuaruptDo you think the install will happen faster with the AMD64 version, faster than the i386 version?12:16
monsunand http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/teams/server isn't very informative :)12:16
djpcan anybody advise me on a minimum spec pc that ubuntu would run on?12:16
BurgundaviaRocco: samba is for accessing ServerMessageBlock systems, a windows protocol for passing files between systems12:16
BurgundaviaRocco: that is what windows shares talk to each other12:16
pregoWow, I've managed to download acrobat 7 beta, and it needs 100Mb of disk space :-((. Good news is that it uses GTK for widgets ;-)12:17
Quaruptdjp it would run on a comodore 64 if it had the right kernel12:17
bob2Quarupt: not noticably12:17
Burgundaviadjp: ~600Mhz will run it12:17
Burgundaviadjp: that is well12:17
bob2djp: depends if you mean "Ubuntu" or "GNOME Desktop"12:17
RoccoBurgundavia: and what does linux use?12:17
Quaruptless than that12:17
Quarupti have seen it on a 38612:17
bob2djp: for the ubuntu base system, 300MB, 48MB of ram, 48612:17
djpbob2: sure. gnome desktop12:17
BurgundaviaRocco: A variety of systems. The most common is NFS or Network File System12:17
bob2djp: gnome needs something like a 400Mhz machine with 64mb of ram to not be too iritating12:18
bob2it will be annoying, tho12:18
Roccoburgundavia ok thanks very much!12:18
Quaruptim working on getting Ubuntu on my TI-8912:18
bob2xiaoyu: you're using hoary?12:18
Burgundaviasoulhack: Can you plug in the camera/turn it on and then do the dmesg thing12:18
Burgundaviasoulhack: the last lines of the file should be what I need to see12:18
BurgundaviaQuarupt: you are so l33t12:19
djpbob2: hmmm, so a 233mhz with 64mb ram would chug along well slow right?12:19
bob2djp: with gnome? yeah.12:19
QuaruptBurgundavia, why ya say that? being sarcastic?12:19
bob2djp: you can use a light window manager instead, if you prefer.12:19
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djpbob2: cheers, thought as much...12:19
Burgundaviadjp: if you have an older machine, check out xfce12:19
Quaruptor flux12:19
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monsungotta run, thanks for the help!12:20
pregoQuarupt, looser, I am an hp48 man ;-P12:20
azriel0184sound recorder froze when i pressed the stop button...12:20
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Quaruptprego, whats that mean?12:20
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BurgundaviaQuarupt: so, I was joking about your comment about the calc12:21
RoccoBurgundavia: one more question please ;) .... how can i serve files and printers (with ubuntu)12:22
bob2djp: or give gnome a try, maybe it's not so bad12:22
pregoQuarupt, there is always a flamewar between TI-89 and HP-48/HP-49 calcs ;-)12:22
Quarupttheres no contest12:22
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danielsthe latter wins hands down12:23
BurgundaviaRocco: that is going beyond what I can tell you easily. Google samba file and printer sharing. There are some good docs out there12:23
RoccoBurgundavia: thanks very much! cu12:23
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=== azriel0184 uses TI-83+. but only because that is what my school requires us to use
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azriel0184Quarupt, sound recorder froze when i pressed the stop button...12:24
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Quaruptthat sux12:24
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azriel0184it keeps freezing too... anyone can help?12:25
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Quaruptthere needs to be a color screen TI-8912:27
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jesuelgrr i cannot figure out how to add a new menu entry to gnome12:34
Burgundaviajesuel: there is no easy way12:35
Burgundaviajesuel: no anything about .desktop files?12:35
Burgundaviajesper: s/no/know12:36
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jesuelnope not really12:36
Burgundaviajesuel: there is no menu editor for gnome now. All the data is stored in .desktop files in /usr/share/applications12:37
Burgundaviaone file per app12:37
jesueloh fun12:37
jesuelguesss i get to learn ;p12:37
BurgundaviaI would suggest you open your favourite text editor as root, then just open an existing file and edit and resave it as YOURAPP.desktop12:38
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bob2in warty there is12:38
gustav_you can go to applications:/// in nautilus12:38
Burgundaviagustav_: no you can't12:38
jesuelBurgundavia, Got it, and I see how to do it now. EASY12:39
jesuelgustav_, in hoary thats broken12:39
Burgundaviagustav_: that has been disabled12:39
Burgundaviano broken, removed12:39
gustav_ok I'm using warty12:39
Quaruptalmost ready to install the AMD64 Ubuntu12:39
Quaruptis there a way i can install it from here, and stay on this Ubuntu12:39
jesuelhmm, azureus not working ..12:40
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Quaruptwell wish me luck, ill be back in AMD64 hoefully12:44
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pregoQuarupt, good luck12:45
pregoI'm going to restart my ubnutu, since I did not have ubuntu-destkop installed because a weird ugprade process from warty....12:46
haydenhow can i find if my wireless pcmcia card is supported in linux12:47
Burgundaviahayden: google the name of the card and linux12:48
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Burgundaviahayden: and then dig12:48
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Burgundaviahayden: you can also try the live-cd which will not touch your harddrive12:48
Xirdnehhi there, anyone know how to correct this... everytime i close the screen of my laptop the system freeze! :S, dont know what to do, Ubuntu warty, Nvidia all drivers installed correctly :p12:48
haydeni've already install ubuntu (warty)12:48
psai_is there a changelog available for gnome 2.10.012:48
Burgundaviahayden: then just stick it in and try12:49
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asc__since ubuntu is based upon debian, can i use debian repositories - or do i need to use ubuntu specific repositories?12:50
haydenBurgundavia, why12:50
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Burgundaviaasc__: better to use ubuntu ones, but I have tried debian ones and they *might* work12:51
jesuelBurgundavia, Thank you for that12:51
Burgundaviahayden: well the easiest way to see if something works is to try it12:51
jesuelBurgundavia, now i got all my new applications installed and menu entries created :)12:51
asc__burg: cheers :) thanks for that advice12:51
jesuelNow if i can figure out whats going on with azureus and it not working ill be happy with that application12:52
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error_29Xirdneh, I hope somebody has an answer -- because I was having the same problem with my laptop...12:55
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BurgundaviaXirdneh, error_29: I would try updating to hoary, and the issue may go away. Hoary becomes stable early april12:56
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BockBilbocan anyone tell me how to dissable the x server?12:58
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fuocoanyone knows what cflags/ldflags are used to compile ubuntu and ubuntu packages?01:00
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m1ltonin the synaptic thing there are some kde stuff. isit posible to make kde work on ubuntu01:03
Riddellm1lton: of course http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE01:03
m1ltonthanks :)01:04
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djgHi, I ran the Ubuntu install and it detected my ethernet NIC, and also my centrino wireless processor, which is great.  However, I don't seem to be able to access eth0 (wireless) to bring it up and down.  How can I 'register' eth0?01:06
lupusBEwhere is the gnome-system-monitor cvs01:07
lupusBEit is not gnome.org it seems01:07
djgsudo ifconfig eth0 gives "eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found"01:08
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djgsudo gnome-nettool01:09
djgWrong window.  Sorry.01:09
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error_29Does anybody know if and how I can change the main "Applications _ Computer" menu that's installed by default with warty to the (older or newer??) "Applications _ Actions" menu that other distros use?01:10
error_29the way ubuntu divides stuff between Apps/computer makes little sense to me, and I'm tired of futzing with that damn menu applet01:11
no0ticwouldn't it be nice if nautilus-burner had more features?01:11
no0ticsomething like, burning audio-cds, leave the session open etc...01:13
mjr_yes_ please, it would01:13
mjrI've already pleaded for multi-session support01:14
mjraudio-cds they can leave for rhythmbox for all I care, but really, a cd burner with no multi-session?01:14
mjrthat's just weak01:14
no0ticmjr: I agree01:14
mjrsee bug http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=120384 for pleading on the subject01:15
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=== quarupt is now running native AMD64
quaruptYa know ya wanna touch me01:17
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quaruptseems pretty snappy01:19
quaruptI might just have to convert01:19
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quaruptIts all BAm01:20
djgAnyone know how to add a network interface?01:20
quaruptit only took like 23 minutes to install01:20
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quaruptHow can i mount my other Ubuntu Partition>01:23
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quaruptdo i need to add different repositories for AMD64?01:26
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=== error_29 silently congratulates quarupt, and hopes his machine doesn't erupt in flames, because error29 is thinking of buying an Amd64 himself...
quaruptman this is o fast01:34
quaruptit must compile at twice the speed01:34
quaruptBut now i have to transfer all my old files and reconfigure everything01:34
=== error_29 is looking forward to destroying his "too fast for a noob like you" computer at twice the speed!
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quaruptisnt there an easy way to mount up my other ubuntu pasrtions without using the terminal?01:36
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quarupti remember using something in the GUI to do it01:37
quarupti didnt have to define any fs types or anything01:37
haydendoes anyone know how to make icons appear on the desktop when u mount an smb share?01:38
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quarupthowto mount /dev/hda4?01:40
no0tichayden: try drag-n-drop01:40
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da_bon_bonhi all01:44
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quaruptI love this AMD6401:45
quaruptits so bloody fast01:45
schasiWhich one do you havE?01:45
Nermalquarupt, mount /dev/hda4 /<mountpoint> ?01:46
quaruptits the one with the dual 512 L2 cache01:46
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quaruptNermal, i got it thx01:46
quarupti just used fstab after all01:46
schasidual 512L2 cache? why dual?01:46
schasiAnd which ones have that feature?01:47
quaruptdidnt mean to type dual01:47
quaruptnone of them01:47
schasiThought for a moment...01:47
schasi"woa wtf did i miss?"01:47
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quaruptbut it does have double the registers01:47
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kriberganyone getting " Error of failed request:  GLXBadLargeRequest" before?01:48
quaruptim trying to umount a partition and its saying its busy?01:50
quaruptim not viewing its contents or anything?01:51
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da_bon_bonhey, why is hoary slowing down? nowadays we dont get much updates! :(01:51
quarupthow can i see whats tying up this partition so i can umunt it?01:52
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Funraiserk3b doesn't converts the mp3 format directly on an audio cd?01:53
da_bon_bonquarupt: umount -l PARTITI01:53
Funraiser when I try and burn mp3 format it seems to burn ok but it wont play on anything but a computer01:54
Funraiserwith k3b01:54
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da_bon_bonFunraiser: quite right. it doesnt convert mp3 to acd format01:55
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quaruptholy crap Oxycontin is close to herion in its chemical composistion01:56
quaruptno wonder i am wanting more01:56
Funraiserwhat app does on linux?01:56
quaruptdoctors will give ya anything nowadays01:57
haydenhow can i find if this (http://www.umart.com.au/pro/products_listnew.phtml?id=10&id2=2&&bid=2&sid=8008) wifi card will work on linux?01:57
Funraiserdo can i use to convert mp3 first?01:57
da_bon_bonquarupt: DONOT blame doctors!01:57
suchohi, is there a way to install xfce 4.2 on warty?  the oscillation repository don't work for me, it says the dependencies are unsatisfied, maybe because xfce package has different minor version from others there...01:57
da_bon_bonsucho: it might be in uni/multi verse01:57
quarupthow can i clean up my lilo? it has old stuff in it01:58
Funraiserwhat app can i use to convert the mp3 first, before burning it with k3b01:58
da_bon_bonquarupt: use GRUB01:58
da_bon_bonFunraiser: !google01:58
suchoda_bon_bon: 4.2 isn't, only 4.1.9901:58
quaruptwhatever one hoary uses01:58
da_bon_bonquarupt: hoary uses GRUB01:58
quaruptwell how can i clean it up so it doesnt show old OS's i have deleted01:58
Funraisersomebody knows an app to convert mp3?01:59
quaruptFunraiser, we just told you to google it01:59
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larsrohdinany news about the official release of hoary?01:59
andreas_Funraiser: convert to or from?01:59
da_bon_bonquarupt: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:59
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SiRrUslarsrohdin April02:00
da_bon_bonFunraiser: cant u search on google!02:00
Funraiserno want to search here, u don't like that??02:00
SiRrUsFunraiser appears no one has the answer for you so google will be quicker02:01
da_bon_bonFunraiser: right. dont expecty spoon feeding always :P02:01
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Funraiserba_bon...fuck you..02:02
larsrohdinSiRrUs, ok nice...thanks dude!02:02
Fator_Deebut if no one knows how to help you, google is the best way02:02
SiRrUsFunraiser that really isnt needed here02:02
da_bon_bonFunraiser: fuck you! what will that help! ? most ppl agree that people need to search, not always expect answers to simple questions.02:03
da_bon_bonthose in my favour, raise your right hanbd ;)02:03
SiRrUslarsrohdin yw02:03
da_bon_bonFator_Dee: :)02:04
remihello everybody i am a french ubuntuman02:04
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larsrohdinSiRrUs, yw?02:05
SiRrUslarsrohdin yw = your welcome02:06
larsrohdinSiRrUs, oh...=) never heard that before=)02:06
rightclickerneed some assistance, using an Acer Travelmate 230 Laptop - Ubuntu - Im getting X Server error, tried looking for answers in the internet, but im a Newbie.02:06
SiRrUslarsrohdin yeah well this is a very polite channel :)02:07
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quaruptoops forgot to copy /root before i delted old partition damn it02:08
quaruptthere goes all mah music02:09
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queuetueIs there anything odd about apache2 under ubuntu that would prevent FollowSymLinks from working?02:10
SiRrUswell time for a coffee02:11
quaruptanyone know why an ftp would give an error of "bad IP connecting'?02:12
Fator_Deecoffee == good02:12
larsrohdinSiRrUs, yeah coffee does sound good=)02:12
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rightclickerneed some assistance, using an Acer Travelmate 230 Laptop - Using Ubuntu - Im getting X Server error and i can view the output details or somthing, im a Newbie.02:14
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quaruptwhy wont my FTP work, im entering valid user names and passwords?02:16
SiRrUsrightclicker what is your error02:16
rightclickeri just did an install02:17
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rightclickeri just did an install - upon boot i recieve an error relation to XFree86 - I cannont view much else just all text based.02:18
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da_bon_bonrightclicker: warty / hoary ?02:18
rightclickerwarty release02:18
quaruptSiRrUs, can ya help me with some ftpd stuff?02:18
SiRrUsquarupt what are you using02:20
membreyaoh...only 30mb of updates today02:20
=== membreya pities the fools with hoary and dial up
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SiRrUsmembreya why are we so much out of sync ? did you get your updates last night02:20
membreyaerm yup ...but it was only about 10 mb02:21
membreyaremembering that we're half a world apart SiRrUs :)02:21
SiRrUsmembreya yeah last nights updates fixed the lag I was experiencing02:22
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membreyawhat lag? :|02:22
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rightclicker"I cannont start X Server (your Grpahical interface). It is likely that is it not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem02:22
quarupt SiRrUs vsftpd02:22
jesuelWell here goes nothing, trying to install world of warcraft on this box :)02:23
membreyagl jesuel :P02:24
quaruptthe probleam is SiRrUs i have created a new user for my ftp, i try to login, and it says login incorrect?02:24
membreyadamn people and WoW02:24
jesuel*fingers crossed*02:24
SiRrUsquarupt not sure02:24
jesuelWell I only play q3 / cs:source / wow02:24
Amaranthhow do you edit menus in hoary?02:24
quarupti cant even login as the user I am logged into ubuntu right now02:24
Fator_DeeI have a friend who got wow a while ago, haven't seen him in a while :-)02:25
quaruptSiRrUs, wanna see my conf?02:25
da_bon_bonAmaranth: have a look at "/usr/share/applications"02:25
jesuelFator_Dee,  lol yah02:25
Amaranthoh yeah02:25
=== Amaranth knew that once P
Amarantherr, :P02:25
membreyalol Fator_Dee, that's my point :P02:25
membreyahmmm if squid updates...do I need to restart the daemon? :P02:26
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jesuelSo far, this linux (ubuntu) installation on this laptop has been completely painless. Im quite surprised. Everything has worked with a minimum of fussing.02:26
SiRrUsquarupt getting ready for work so I cant but I am sure its something to do with the info you set up for the new user02:26
quaruptSiRrUs, no user can connect?02:26
membreyaquarupt: just use anon login :P02:26
quaruptmembreya, yea right, anon login is disabled02:26
membreyaquarupt: there's your problem :P02:27
ondrejhello there...  recently switched to hoary and I have strange problem with GNOME.  New windows don't pop-up, but are created in background and appear only in task bar.  (dunno if this behaviour is same on newly created account)02:27
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quaruptmembreya, no its disbaled for a reason, cause im not stupid02:28
aleitneranybody else has problems with smbfs in ubuntu?02:28
quaruptmembreya, its a personal FTP for my use only why on earth would i enable anon login?02:28
haydenaleitner, i had a bit when i was on hoary02:28
membreyanot me aleitner ...what's up?02:28
aleitnerhayden: yeah, i am on hoary.02:28
membreyaquarupt: so you don't have any problems? :P02:28
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quaruptmembreya, I do i cant login as a user02:29
aleitnermembreya: after a while whenever i try to save a file using emacs (on a smbfs mounted filesystem) emacs crashes. i have to kill it and unmount/mount the fs to get it all working again02:29
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membreyahrm :|02:29
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membreyanfi on that one02:29
quaruptkeeps saying the login is incorrect???02:29
quarupti knwo its not02:30
membreyapolite version aleitner is "no further information" or "no flippin idea"02:30
aleitnermembreya: ahh, thanks (;02:30
aleitnerhayden: did you have the same prob?02:31
membreyahmmm anyone here running squid?02:31
haydena couple days after i upgraded to hoary02:31
haydenno smb shares would mount02:31
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aleitnerhayden: ok thats even worse...02:31
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haydenwhats happening to you02:31
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aleitnerhayden: after a while emacs freezes when trying to save a file. the first few saves work, but then i have to remount the fs and kill emacs to get back to normal02:32
quaruptWTF, it keeps saying login incorrect, but i know its not, i just created the user02:32
aleitnerhayden: have you filed a bugreport at the time?02:32
bestadvocatedo you think mono will work when hoary is release?02:33
haydeni no nothing of linux, but it seems like the smb share could be timing out?02:33
Nermalquarupt, capslock :)02:33
haydenaleitner, no i didn't02:33
quarupti wish02:33
Nermalwhy use ftp ?02:33
quaruptmust be something wrong in the config02:33
Nermalsftp / scp ?02:33
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quaruptNermal, we went through this remeber? its the only way i can access box from work and transfer files02:34
aleitnerhayden: hmm, good idea. will check. it does work on a regular debian box however02:34
quarupthow hard can it be to setup ftp02:36
membreyashould squid be run as user "nobody" ?02:36
tritiumquarupt, did you get winetools setup last night?02:36
haydendo ppl think hoary is stable enough to change to yet?02:36
quarupttritium, i gave up02:36
tritiumquarupt, why?02:37
tritiumquarupt, you didn't reply, so I figured you were off working on it02:37
quarupttritium, i got it installed but couldnt get the install shield to install, i have reinstalled my system anyways, now im native AMD6402:37
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quarupttritium, wanna help me with my current prob setting up my ftpd?02:38
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tritiumquarupt, I can try for a little while, but I don't have it setup02:38
quarupttritium, but your famillar with ftp servers?02:38
tritiumquarupt, no, not in particular.  What's the problem02:39
Caesar_091hello :)02:39
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quaruptim not thinking right, i have been taking oxycodone like candy all night02:39
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tritiumquarupt, why?02:40
quarupttritium, well i installed the ftpd and configured the conf, but when i try to connect with any user, it says login incorrect?02:40
quarupti have tried creating new users02:40
quaruptwhy what?02:40
tritiumquarupt, why are you taking that stuff?02:40
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quaruptMy doctor gave it to me02:41
quaruptfor my back02:41
quaruptanyways thats off topic02:41
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tritiumquarupt, did you read the docs in /usr/share/doc/<packagename> ?02:42
quarupttritium, what ya think about the ftp prob?02:42
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quarupta guy was helping me earlier and he set it up the same way and it was working fine its a simple server02:42
tritiumquarupt, how is it configured?  dpkg-reconfigure?  hand-edit of a config file?02:42
quarupttritium,  can i pm?02:42
tritiumquarupt, ok02:43
haydenhow do i add anonymous access to my ftpd server?02:43
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quarupthayden, what ftpd are ya running?02:45
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StoffBox-Stevehi someone here using Ps7 under CrossOver office ?02:46
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gillesi can't read audio cds with ubuntu, but the sound works, what should i do ?02:49
gillesi use hoary02:49
Seveasdefine "can't read"02:49
Seveasyour media player doesn't recognize them?02:50
Seveasor does the CD do nothing at all?02:50
danny666i just installed the new kopete02:50
Seveasor something else...02:50
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gillestotem doesn't recognize them02:50
danny666and cant go into status invisible02:51
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Seveaswhat does totem say if you go to the menu and sleect movie -> play disc02:52
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haydenquarupt, do u know how to setup anonymous login for ftpd?02:55
haydenor any websites about it02:55
Seveashayden, that depends on the ftp server02:55
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gilleshow to read dvds on ubuntu ?02:56
Seveashayden, you installed the "ftpd" package?02:57
Burgundaviagilles: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:57
Seveasgilles, go to computer -> disks or play them02:57
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Burgundaviagilles: if you have the necessary codecs, they will autoplay02:58
gillesi have w32 codecs, but it still doesn't work02:58
Burgundaviagilles: need libdvdcss202:58
rightclickerDoes anyone have any solutions to solving "I cannont start X Server (your Grpahical interface). It is likely that is it not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem" Running Ubuntu - Acer Travel Mate 230. Please Help. im stuck02:59
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Burgundaviarightclicker: fresh install?02:59
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rightclickerjust did it02:59
rightclickerits veryy annoyying03:00
Burgundaviarightclicker: http://utenti.quipo.it/claudioscordino/debian.html03:00
Burgundaviathat is debian, but should work for ubuntu03:00
Burgundaviajust remember that hoary uses xorg03:01
rightclickerwow. thanks03:01
magnondoes anyone know how to use the gstreamer-jack plugin with the jack server?03:01
magnonI can't seem to get it working03:02
Burgundaviagoogle is your friend03:02
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magnonyou can't just use jackbin anymore apparently03:02
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magnonand google is embarrasingly silent on the subject03:02
Burgundaviamagnon: try over at #gstreamer, they might be help you03:02
magnonthey're pretty silent too :)03:02
bretzelHi there, Question: Why does it takes 5 minutes to connect/mount a NFS point on my ubuntu server ?03:03
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StoffBox-Stevehmm, gimp can to slices or ? i cant found the funktions *grrr*03:03
Philuk86can anyone tell me where the best place is to report broken php package dependancies03:03
BurgundaviaPhiluk86: bugzilla03:04
Burgundaviaphantomdata: provided it is not universe stuff03:04
BurgundaviaPhiluk86: see above comment03:04
dopezNvxhnpo is a spambot?03:04
bretzelPhiluk86:Me using XAMPP for linux ...with PHP5, MYSQL 4.1 etc ....03:04
eruinmsn dead?03:05
bretzelany knows about NFS ?03:05
eruinanyone got access to a windows msn client ?03:05
Seveasbretzel, because you network is crappy?03:05
Philuk86well phpdomxl wont install, neither will the php db library03:05
Seveasplease give some more info :)03:05
bretzelSeveas: ???03:05
Philuk86eruin: msn is fine03:05
StoffBox-Steveeruin, my Folks is online on MSN .. so MSn cant be dead :)03:06
Seveasbretzel, do the nfs client and server both run ubuntu? does it work with other distros? is accessing the filesystem after mounting also slow03:06
eruinStoffBox-Steve: could you try reconnecting? :P03:06
eruinI just lost ability to connect via gaim :/03:06
bretzelSeveas: Yop both are ubuntu, one server ( minimal ) and this one the client.03:07
StoffBox-Steverecon done :P03:07
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Seveasand is it just the mounting?03:07
Seveasdo you have other services running?03:07
Seveaswhat do your logs say?03:07
bretzelSeveas:  Yes it is just the nfs mounting... HTTP;sshd and co works fine tho03:08
Seveasdo you get any clue by looking at client/server logs?03:08
Seveasis accessing the data slow too?03:08
eruinI can't connect to msn.com either... ohwell.. my host sucks today I guess03:09
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StoffBox-Stevesomeone use gimp here ?03:09
SeveasStoffBox-Steve, sometimes...03:09
Philuk86bretzel: have you got GD and XML support on your LAMP setup?03:09
bretzelSeveas: i will take a look. (good idea - I thought this problem was common and generaly known ... I am AFK for the next 5 min. will be back with infos that I can't understand ...03:10
Seveasgood luck bretzel03:10
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StoffBox-Stevegimp support slices  Seveas, or ? i cant find the function .. and i need this... on Photoshop this ***** popup Saving for web dosent come up03:10
SeveasStoffBox-Steve, I have no idea, sorry03:11
eruinlovely. an x restart03:11
StoffBox-Steveok, no prob, thx anyway :D03:11
scizzoStoffBox-Steve: what do you want to do?03:11
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StoffBox-Stevei have a webdesign .. and need to cut them, do use the grafics for the web, normaly i work with Photoshop but the "saving for web" dialogs dosent come up .. so i have to slices the image in gimp03:13
onnodoes anybody know how you write a CD .iso in Ubuntu warty?03:13
olivier_novice aimerait installer amule03:13
eruinStoffBox-Steve: I've found the gimp to be horribly lacking in areas such as that03:14
eruinonno: cdrecord file.iso ?03:14
StoffBox-StevePhotoshop is better on many think .. ok  i work the last 3 years with PS .. maybe thats the reason why gimp is *argfoobar* for me :D03:15
olivier_novice comment installer firevall03:15
onnois that all eruin?03:15
bretzelPhiluk86:go see http://www.apachefriends.org  (clikck little english because the site is dutch def lang.)03:15
eruinbaaayh. xcompmgr makes my xchat go all weird.. lines ontop of eachother, etc03:16
bretzelPhiluk86:  Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, Freetype, libjpeg, libpng, gdbm, zlib, expat, ming, Sablotron, libxml2, Webalizer, pdf class, ncurses, mod_perl, FreeTDS, gettext, IMAP C-Client, OpenLDAP (client lib), eAccelerator, mcrypt, mhash, SQLite, cURL, ZZIPlib, libxslt, phpSQLiteAdmin03:17
bretzelsorry for the flood03:17
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bretzelSeveas: first suspcious line: nfs warning: mount version older than kernel ...03:24
haydenwhats a cd burning program i can use03:25
membreyahayden: gnomebaker03:25
membreyaor k3b03:25
bretzelSeveas: other lines I think related: portmap: server localhost not responding, timed out03:25
bretzelMar  8 09:01:28 felix kernel: RPC: failed to contact portmap (errno -5).03:25
haydenill try gnomebaker03:26
bretzelbut localhost... I doubt...03:26
haydenmembreya, how do i install it03:26
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bretzelThe two mount point are ... mouted... after 5 minutes tho ... ?? Now I look on the server side logs ...03:27
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membreyahayden: http://gnomebaker.sourceforge.net/03:31
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ChaosZ3ROHow do I open the battery monitor in xfce? It opens automatically in gnome.03:33
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haydenok thanks03:35
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membreyaguess what guys???03:42
haydenlol what03:42
membreyagnome volume control no longer seg faults :D03:43
membreyagotta love updates :)03:43
haydeni got my wifi card working with ndiswrapper, yay03:43
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membreyahmm mine didnt need ndis :)03:43
membreyabut i hate wireless :P03:44
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haydeni can now use linux at uni instead of friggin winxp03:44
membreyalol :)03:44
haydenrestart brb03:44
membreyaaaah another aussie i see hayden03:44
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haydenwhere in aus are you membreya03:50
membreyamelbourne :)03:50
membreyayou ?03:50
membreyaqld :P03:50
membreyaobviously :P03:51
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gfxstylersince upgrading to hoary my system is terribly slow, can someone here help me with this problem?03:57
haydennear brisbane03:57
haydenmembreya, i'm quite happy that my wifi is working now03:58
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haydeni am on a tpg laptop (www.tpg.com.au/online) and i have heard on forums like whirlpool that the wifi card doesn't work under linux03:58
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paulproteushayden: Your wifi does work, right?04:01
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vipermanhow can i change in firefox..the color of menu items? like FILE, EDIT, VIEW, GO.....becuase i set dark theme with black background ant white fonts...and i see nothing in firefox....04:02
vipermanshould i have modify firefox theme?04:02
haydenits a draytek vigor560 pcmcia card paulproteus04:02
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sproingiehm i just installed a boatload of packages with aptitude and some didnt install right.  how do i go back and try to install them again?04:03
sproingieaptitude doesnt respond if i just hit + next to the package marked "u"04:03
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gfxstylerafter upgrading to hoary my system is terribly slow, can someone here help me with this problem?04:04
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sproingiegfxstyler: what app in particular is slow?04:06
gfxstylersproingie: all apps04:07
cg_just upgrade to hoary, but now dont have sound04:07
gfxstylerbut firefox and nautilus the most04:07
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Burgundaviacg_: run system --> prefs --> multimedia and make sure that esd is selected04:08
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sproingie<snarky>well nautilus is working as designed</snarky>  ... as for firefox, is it browsing speed, loading time?04:08
sproingieseriously i dont know nautilus enough.  ff some04:08
gfxstylersproingie: no its just the gui interface of all programs04:09
pybesproingie: i thought that was down to some ipv6 settings in ubuntu not firefox....04:09
sproingiex prob maybe?  what's your DISPLAY set to?04:09
gfxstylersproingie: you mean resolution? i set it to 1280x80004:09
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sproingieno, open a term, echo $DISPLAY04:10
erik_Hi all, Am I missing a package if 'nautilus applications:///' is not working ? Using up2date hoary04:10
Amaranthno, that just doesn't work anymore04:10
libpngerik_, no04:10
haydencan anyone suggest a good looking icon theme for gnome?04:10
gfxstylersproingie: the result is :0,004:10
=== Guinea [~andrew@p508F2AD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sproingiehayden: i think someone ported crystal SVG04:11
gfxstylerhayden: i really like gartoon04:11
libpnghayden, d3a icons:)04:11
GuineaHi there!04:11
haydeni just installed d3a04:11
haydeni'll check gartoon out and crystal svg04:11
sproingiegfxstyler: well that's right.  not sure.  run top, is anything sucking up CPU?04:11
GuineaI've got two hard disks and wonder, how I can mount the second one... Can you help me?04:11
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cg_Burgundavia : alsa was select just changed to ESD but no sound anyway04:12
Amaranthhayden: http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/327/04:12
gfxstylersproingie: no only sometimes i have 20% load without reason04:12
haydenthanks for the link Amaranth04:12
Burgundaviacg_: esd is the default04:12
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Amarantherik_: see /usr/share/applications and http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/ for how those work, if you care04:12
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sproingiegfxstyler: there's always a reason.  top should show a process eating cpu.  could be a kernel thing, but even that should show up04:13
gfxstylersproingie: do i have to install my graphic cards drivers? because i have an ati, i cannot get it to run right04:14
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erik_libpng: So it's still disabled or not finished or whatever , I was wondering if it was my false ... Than I (we) have to wait04:14
sproingiegfxstyler: i've used both ati drivers, they work fine.  havent tried 3d of course04:14
sproingiegfxstyler: what kind of ati?04:15
gfxstylersproingie: top says its xorg thats taking 20% cpu load sometimes04:15
[m0rph] what program is run when you click "share this folder"?04:15
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gfxstylerradeon 9600 mobility04:15
sproingiegfxstyler: ooh those could be trouble.  which driver you using right now?04:15
cg_Default Sink and Defaul Source are both with ESD04:15
gfxstylersproingie: i use the standart ubuntu driver right now04:16
sproingiegfxstyler: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg/conf04:16
sproingiegfxstyler: should see a line that says Driver "ati", right?04:16
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gfxstylerkeyboard, mouse, synaptics and ati04:17
erik_Amaranth: I already know that but it is so circumstantial .. Then I'll press ALT+F2 furthermore and wait for gnome Version ?.?? ;-)04:17
Amarantherik_: err...04:17
sproingiegfxstyler: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx04:18
gfxstyleri will try to install the new ati driver, hope that will solve the problems04:18
sproingiegfxstyler: then edit xorg.conf and change "ati" to "fglrx"04:18
Amarantherik_: How is opening /usr/share/applications any different from applications:///?04:18
GarySavedI went to the ubuntu home page, and went to log in.  FireFox complained that it was unable to verify their identity.  Should I worry about this?04:18
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gfxstylersproingie: thanks :)04:18
AmaranthGarySaved: No, they use a self-signed cert.04:18
sproingiegfxstyler: i dont claim that won't make the problem *worse*, but it's pretty snappy for me (radeon 9800)04:18
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AmaranthFirefox is complaining about that.04:18
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[m0rph] why don't they let thawte sign it? ;)04:18
gfxstylersprongie: i dont think it can get more worse than it is right now *g*04:19
pregoWhich are the benefits of an AMD64?04:19
sproingieprego: zoom zoom04:20
GarySavedAmaranth, How do I know that when FireFox is saying it is not sure if I am giving my password to a hijacker?04:20
maswanprego: as compared to?04:20
sproingieprego: they run a lot cooler too04:20
AmaranthGarySaved: When something like that shows up.04:20
sproingieheats up my room less, fan noise is lower04:20
maswanprego: i386 as an architecture, or amd athlon64s, or?04:20
AmaranthGarySaved: But in this case you are ok.04:20
vidar_Has anybody here had problems with the volume control not working? i have sound, but cant control the volume. I have a Realtek AC97 onboard 5.1 card.04:20
gfxstylervidar: i have this onboard card in my other pc too, no problems with it04:21
pregomaswan, In my company we want a new machine, for numerical computation and postprocessing... so has the AMD64 any benefits over i386 for such tasks?04:21
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=== Amaranth would rather have a dual-core Pentium M running on a faster fsb then 133Mhz and actually using less power then a single-core Pentium M from today
sproingieprego: you want to do numerics, you probably want a powerpc actually04:21
=== Amaranth waits for early 2006 and hopes it isn't all marketing
vidar_gfxstyler: are you using ESD or alsa on that one?04:22
erik_Amaranth: In /usr/share/applications I can't edit the Categories ... or am I missing something04:22
Amarantherik_: That's why I gave you the link to the spec.04:22
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gfxstylervidar_: ubuntu uses ESD and all other apps use alsa i guess04:22
pregosproingie, that would be a hard change...04:22
GarySavedAmaranth, O.K.  Makes me nervous.  I assume someone knows about it and is going to fix it before the release?04:22
maswanprego: Yes. First, the amd64 isa allows to use more than 2-4 gigs of ram, if that is needed. Secondly, the AMD Opteron series is rather good at number crunching04:22
sproingieprego: otherwise an opteron is for you.  xeon with EMT64 will also do, but boy i could grill a steak on my dual xeon box04:23
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AmaranthGNOME reads data from inside the XML files in there to figure out what category to place it in. There are more categories then GNOME has so it lumps several of them together.04:23
AmaranthLike Network and WebBrowser both going into Internet in GNOME04:23
pregomaswan, i386 cannot handle more than 2Gb  of ram?04:23
maswanprego: of course, an intel xeon would probably work too, they run a bit hotter though, but what will get you best performance/currency depends on the specifics of your applications and what deals you can get with price04:23
sproingieprego: no, it can.  however, 64 bit means you can fit a long long in a register.  zoomzoom04:24
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vidar_gfxstyler: i get the "Failed to construct test pipeline" when i test the alsa04:24
pregosproingie, but in my case precission is not an issue...04:24
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nikolaiwow, i just installed kde 3.404:24
sproingiei suppose SSE2 has those 64 bit registers too, but not general purpose04:24
maswanprego: no, that's where the 32-bit adressing hits the limit. there are tricks to use more, but those come at a performance penalty.04:24
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nikolaiwith plastik its pretty goodlooking}}}04:24
gfxstylervidar_: what ubuntu version are you using?04:24
pregomaswan, that is a good point that enlightens me ;-)04:25
sproingieprego: do you have source for your numerical app?04:25
gfxstylervidar_: i used warty04:25
vidar_gfxstyler: hoary04:25
nikolaiim using hoarz04:25
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erik_Amaranth: I have read it, but when you  quickly want to reorgnize your menu items it's not a very friendly way :-)04:25
pregosproingie, it is company built-in code...04:25
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pregosproingie, so I have total access04:25
sproingieprego: if you can recompile it yourself, i recommend a xeon and intel's compiler.  otherwise you'll find an opteron is generally *slightly* faster04:25
sproingieprego: and you'll find a PPC pretty much screams on numerics04:25
theinehi, has anybody set up the Java Media Framework on his/her Ubuntu box?04:25
Amarantherik_: I'm sure there is a tool for it, I just can't remember where to find it.04:26
erik_Amaranth: Do you know when menu editing will be again part of standard gnome04:26
Guineaich muss mal eben neustarten04:26
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erik_Amaranth: A tool ... I have to google right now04:26
Amarantherik_: From applications:/// like it used to be? Never, I hope.04:26
cg_hi, any body here to help04:26
nikolaihey, can someone tell me how to configure dropshadows from within kde???04:27
pregosproingie, when compiling in AMD64, float still means 8*4 bits and so on?04:27
nikolaiif one can at all...04:27
AmaranthThe structure isn't hierarchial (sp?) anymore. One shortcut can go into more then one category.04:27
sproingieprego: i never recall what a single precision float is.  a double is 54 bits IIRC, so it gets stuffed into a 64 bit FP register04:27
Amaranthnikolai: Sounds like xcompmgr magic.04:28
=== ChaosZ3RO [~ChaosZ3RO@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
pregosproingie, I see... btw a single precision float in i386 is half a double, so fits into 32 bit AFAIK04:28
pregosproingie, and powerpc, are them 64bit?04:28
nikolaibut i thought kcontrol could somehow do it too....on a gui level...thats the real reason I installed kde actually04:28
sproingieprego: most FP optimizations use double anyway, so you really lose nothing from using double04:29
sproingieprego: unless you're really constrained for space, i guess04:29
cg_cant figure out how to have sound from a audigy2 ZS!!!04:29
nikolaioh well, if thats the case, im switching back to gnome04:29
nikolaifor now04:29
nikolaihave a nice day, everyone!!!04:29
pregosproingie, not really, just wondering "to do the jump" or not...04:30
nikolailong live ubuntu04:30
sproingienikolai: i'm happy w/ kde, but it's in a state of big brokenness on hoary with the switch to 3.4.  should settle in a few days04:30
erik_Amaranth: I have now preference for that. But it should be the best if you can directly drag&drop and add/remove categories and  entries04:30
sproingiebut hey i speak to shadows04:30
Amaranthsproingie: hehe04:30
pregosproingie, and, if I setup a AMD64 with 64bit OS (ubuntu, SuSE or whatever), will it run 32bit compiled apps or should I recompile everything?04:31
sproingieprego: i think you'll find there's almost no jump.  i'm happily running on amd64 and it feels identical04:31
Amarantherik_: Well, DnD might not be the best idea but being able to add and remove categories and entries would be nice.04:31
sproingieprego: i'm told a few apps here and there won't port, but otherwise it's the same04:31
pregosproingie, but binnaries?04:31
AmaranthYou could create a new category and tell GNOME what fd.o menu categories should go in it.04:32
sproingieprego: 32 bit compat is turned on, so it'll run any 32 bit linux binary04:32
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pregosproingie, so you may have a mixture of 32bit and 64bit apps?04:32
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pregosproingie, sorry for so much questions... just trying to make my mind into...04:33
sproingieprego: no, i imagine it's all 64 bit for me.  but if i got a 32 bit app, it would run fine04:33
erik_Amaranth: Yes that'S the most horrible thing right now, if I would be a C Guru I'll would have done this already ... ;-)04:33
sproingieprego: only 32 bit stuff that doesnt run in compatibility is device drivers, since those arent separate processes04:33
AmaranthIf I wasn't sure something already existed I'd think about working on a nice PyGTK GUI for editting /usr/share/applications, at least.04:34
m0rphxwhat do you guys get when you select multiple folders in nautilus and view the properties?04:34
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pregosproingie, maswan thanks for your help ;-))04:34
Amaranthm0rphx: Basic, Emblems, and Permissions tabs04:34
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sproingieAmaranth: what's /usr/share/applications do?  I see a smattering of apps in it, but it seems to have little relation to anything on my desktop04:35
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m0rphxAmaranth: oh sorry, I forgot: do you get the right size for all the folders together?04:35
Amaranthafaik it's correct04:35
jordanauWhen I do a smart upgrade in synaptic, it marks a version of the linux kernel I am no longer using, how do i make it look for a different kernel?04:36
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m0rphxit changes for me, the one time it shows the size of all folders, the other time just one folder04:36
Amaranthsproingie: They are XML documents that gnome-menus uses to determine what the put in the Applications menu and under what category.04:36
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haydeni found a nice icon theme i like called Glossed, but on the bottom panel in the bottom left there is a red x where the show desktop icon should be04:36
jordanauit wants to upgrade 386 and i am running 68604:36
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cg_hoary not working with audigy2 ? nobody nows?04:37
sproingieAmaranth: hm they dont look like xml to me.  i just did a cat /usr/share/applications/emacs21.desktop and it looked like ini file format04:37
sproingiei.e. looked just like a kde desktop shortcut04:37
sproingie'course i'm running kde ... guess they both drop them in the same place04:37
Amaranthoh, my bad04:37
Amaranththere are INI04:37
AmaranthYeah, the whole point is that KDE and GNOME share them.04:38
pregosproingie, one more question, are there Nvidia drivers for AMD64??04:38
sproingieprego: yep, i believe so04:38
pregosproingie, (posprocessing uses OpenGL intensively)04:38
sproingieprego: ooh you probably dont want an ati in there then04:38
sproingieive heard nothing but venom about ati's 3d drivers on linux04:39
pregosproingie, long time ago we switched to nvidia and never looked back again04:41
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sproingieoh yeah i just remembered one thing that doesnt work on amd6404:41
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quaruptcan you upload to an ftp using a web browser?04:43
sproingiequarupt: usually, yes.  drag and drop04:43
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quarupthas anyone in here ever used the real vnc java applet from a web browser to connect to there box via vino?04:46
pregosproingie, I don't care Flash at all. However, acroread would be interesting it run. Does it?04:46
Smeveni am using ubuntu on am64 and i am trying to get cool and quiet running04:46
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Smeveni tried to load the powernow module and is gives a psb bios error on dmesg04:47
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pregoquarupt, shouldn't be a problem04:48
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sproingieprego: should, long as you have binary compatibility in the kernel (all vendor kernels do)04:49
quaruptprego, well i didnt know if it was feature of just realvnc or vino as well04:49
lokSmeven, try to use cpufreq-selector04:50
sproingieprego: flash doesnt work because it's a library.  can't link 32 bit libraries into 64 bit apps04:50
lokbut it's strange that powernowd is not running04:50
quaruptprego, cause i cant seem to get it working, then again, i dont have the firefox java plugin installed yet eitther, cant remeber how04:50
Smevenlok: i tried04:51
lokyou use the amd64 ubuntu not the i386 one ?04:52
sproingiebah, latest download version of acroread from adobe is still 5.x04:52
sproingiestatic bloatif linking and all04:52
sproingieanyone know where to get the 7.0 linux beta?04:52
lokbecause the x86_64 generic kernel enable the powernow04:52
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Smevenlok: right04:52
quaruptprego, all i get when i try to connect is RFB 003.00704:52
Smevenlok: i have the gnome cpufreq applet in the panel04:53
Smeveni have the amd64 live cd (sent straight from ubuntu)04:53
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Smevenand my machine is running at only 800Mhz04:53
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mdke_laptopanyone home who understands how the MoinMoin code of the wiki works?04:54
quaruptprego, so can ya help?04:54
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lokit's semms to me that's a probleme with cpufreq then because when I use it I can't uperclock to 180004:54
lokI launch powernowd04:54
Smevenpowernow-k8: Found 1 AMD Athlon 64 / Opteron processors (version 1.00.09b)04:54
Smevenpowernow-k8: BIOS error - no PSB04:54
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lokyour bios does not support the powernow04:55
pregoquarupt, all I can say is that I've used vino with other machine vncvieiwer... and I didn't have a problem eventhough vncviewer I used is quite old (at a RH7.3 machine)04:55
Smevenlok: it says it does in the bios.04:55
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quaruptprego, no im trying to use the java applet via a browser to connect, it uses something different i think04:56
pregoquarupt, I tried java applet long time ago and didn't require anything special as far as I recall...04:56
pregoquarupt, except of java, obviously04:57
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pregoquarupt, however it was slower compared to standalone vncviewer04:57
quaruptwell it says ya have to connect to a different port based on your display, i dunno im having trouble understanding it04:57
quarupttake a look04:58
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pregoquarupt, you are right, it doesn't work05:01
pregoquarupt, probably vino does not offer the java applet05:01
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quaruptthast what i asked in the beginning, and you said it should be fine lol05:01
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-83-250-251.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
quaruptguess ill have to install the actual vnc server05:02
pregoquarupt, You are right again, I'm sorry05:02
quaruptdamn, and of course they dont have one for AMD64 linux05:02
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pregoquarupt, "normal" vncserver should be enough05:02
pregoquarupt, vncserver is not at ubuntu packages?05:03
quarupti cant run its for x8605:03
quaruptid have to chroot it05:03
tritiumdoes evolution-exchange-storage not crash repeatedly for anybody?05:04
Plukvncserver is in universe05:04
pregoquarupt, btw, I'm getting same message for vncserver05:04
=== HeinrchWulfli [~Silon_Wel@80-218-1-18.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
quaruptprego, ok thx05:05
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quarupti even setup port forwardinf05:05
pregoquarupt, perhaps there is some configuration option for that05:05
VladDracdoes anyone know a nice (iPhoto-like, but less sucky) photo view app for gnome?05:05
pregoVladDrac, gthumb for me05:05
VladDracprego: does that allow you to make albums, rotate, etc?05:06
pregoVladDrac, yes05:06
VladDracok I'll look at it - tx05:06
pregoVladDrac, and also does nice interpolation at large zoomings05:06
HeinrchWulflii just downloaded mini.iso of Array 6 and started to install/boot from HD.. it goes well... till software choosing cames.. i get an error about archive mirror! i tried already daily array6 5 and so on.. what am i doing wrong?05:06
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quaruptprego, but where, i could never find a conf for vino05:08
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GNAMwhat's qmake?05:09
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fuocoanyone knows what CFLAGS and LDFLAGS ubuntu is using for gnome and other packages?05:09
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GNAMazz qt stuff05:09
huamihi! how to add a script that will be executed during system start-up ?05:10
VladDraccool, gphoto looks nice05:10
pregoquarupt, I don't know if vino depends on vncserver; if such, probably it is matter of vncserver configuration...05:11
quaruptya prolly05:11
=== Echylo [~Echylo@78.9-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
GNAMhow can i find a file on linux? a think like "dir \nomefile /s"05:11
EchyloI think I fucked up my installation05:11
schweebGNAM: find / -name "file"05:12
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schweebGNAM: or for case insensitive search, use -iname rather than -name05:12
pregoquarupt, nope, vino seems to be independent from vncserver05:12
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eugi83ciao a tutti05:14
eugi83chi mi aiuta05:14
mdke_laptopeugi83, #ubuntu-it05:14
mdke_laptopio cmq05:14
GNAMauauu figo ubuntu-it05:15
Smeveni heard that gnome 2.10 is in ubuntu05:15
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Smevendo i need to run hoary?05:15
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Hannes_Smeven: yes05:16
Hannes_updating 109 pkgs :P05:16
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Fator_Deebtw, when I upgrade my system to hoary, can I expect it to be a painless project, or should I prepare for the worst?05:17
ICUhmm i tried to use libpam-ssh with gdm and changed the /etc/pam.d/gdm file as suggested in README.Debian but it doesn't work. any hints what i could have done wrong?05:17
Fator_DeeI mean, can it fuck up my system?05:17
mdke_laptopFator_Dee, it will probably not be pain-free05:17
schasiFator_Dee: There is always a chance, but it shouldnt.05:17
mdke_laptopFator_Dee, best to wait until it is stable05:17
membreyaSmeven: gnome 2.10 was just released in ubuntu in the last few days :)05:18
schasiBut there are things that are not working yet in hoary, which is why it is not stable ;-) you should prepare for _that_05:18
Smeventhats awesome :)05:18
Fator_DeeI'll wait for it to be stable, and shouldn't that be until next month?05:18
schasiYes and best wait until it is stable05:18
membreyayup next month Fator_Dee05:18
quaruptYes I am running gnome 2.10 and didnt even realize it05:18
schasiFator_Dee: Why would you update?05:18
Smeveni have been hacking on gnome-terminal the last day or so05:18
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Fator_Deeschasi: new versions of programs mostly05:19
membreyabout time we got a stable release of gnome :)05:19
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quarupttouch me where it smells funny05:20
EchyloFator_Dee, i'm fucking up my system right now05:20
Echyloupdating to hoary05:21
Echylosorry :)05:21
Fator_DeeEchylo: (^_^)_b05:21
membreyayou're only just installing it now Echylo ?05:21
Echylorebuilding the dabatse05:21
Echylorebuilding the database05:21
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906a0a6.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
schasiFator_Dee: You could do backups and try it out ;-)05:22
quaruptis there a limewire> for AMD64?05:22
schasiAnd is your installation _that_ important?05:22
membreyawell then welcome to the future Echylo :)05:22
=== djp upgrade to hoary and is now back with warty!
quarupti didnt think it would matter since its based on java05:22
Echylowell I think I'm stuck in the past with one leg05:22
Fator_Deeschasi: maybe not :-p, i'd go crazy if I'd have to reinstall or something05:22
=== djp upgraded even!
andrewskiso my computer's sporadically making this scratchy noise that coincides with the cursor blinking, the mouse moving, me typing, etc.  has anyone else experienced this?05:22
snowblinkandrewski: HDD?05:23
djpas soon as hoary is ready for an official release, I'm there!05:23
Fator_DeeI mean, I want to actually use my computer to do something, not just try and tweak/conf/etc it05:23
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quaruptWTF this deb wont install cause of arch mismatch, anyone know how to force dpkg to install something?05:23
schasiFator_Dee: Tell me you _do_ backups05:24
andrewskisnowblink: no, i can run hdparm tests and it's fine.05:24
=== djp has spent enough time chasing fedora core new releases to realise that ubuntu is for me and a stable system ideal...
schasiWell Fator_Dee it could even break _then_ somehow. Nothing is impossible05:24
Fator_Deewell, I bought a 100 dvd+r's a while ago, so yes :-)05:24
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membreyaquarupt: let me see if I can install limewire :)05:25
Echylonot that hard ^05:25
Echyloeven I can handle that05:25
quaruptnot on AMD64 ya cant05:25
Echyloall hope this update comes to a good end05:26
quaruptits just cause its a deb i generated witb alien while i was still on i386 all i have to do is generate a new deb from the bin on the AMD64 machine05:26
snowblink*sigh* if only window focus could follow my eyes...05:26
=== gert [~gert@jbc52.vub.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu
djpEchylo: my upgrade from wart to hoary was as smooth as jamelia's bottom...05:27
gerthi im on an amd64 and i would like to compile wine05:27
Echylowell then my system uses another bottom05:27
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=== djp adds that he has never felt jamelia's bottom though... :(
quaruptthen you need to get back on x8605:27
gertbut it gives an error on ./configure05:27
Echylowhich one gert05:28
Echyloand btw05:28
gertgcc unable to compile executables05:28
Echyloals je toch nederlands spreekt, en blijkbaar op de VUB zit :P kan je naar #ubuntu-nl05:28
gertchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:28
NecroNeoany1 knows how to get my laptop into suspended mode when I close the lid?05:28
gertEchylo bedankt :-)05:28
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Echylomedebelgen helpen elkaar eh05:28
Echyloit's updated05:29
Echylolet's reboot05:29
Echylohope I see y'all back :P05:29
membreyagl Echylo :)05:29
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gertcan anyone help me?05:30
invitroHas anyone managed to get gamin working properly (like fam did)?05:30
invitroI want my desktop to get updated when I download files to it.05:30
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gertanyone compiled wine on amd 64?05:32
quaruptget, there is no wine for AMD64 yet05:33
quaruptyou will have to read about CHROOT05:33
gertcompile from source must be pssible05:33
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quaruptand do it natice x8605:33
gertor isnt that possible either?05:33
gerti know there are no binary packages for it05:33
schasigert: wine has x86specific parts in it05:35
quaruptIm pissed that someone told me if i switched to AMD64 that i would be able to run limeire just fine cause its java based, WELL BS cause whe ya try to install it it says error: acrh mismatch no AMD64 support05:35
schasiThats why it cant be simply recompile05:35
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schasigert: Same with ppc, there is no wine for mac05:35
quaruptread about AMD64 chroot x86 project05:36
gertok, ill see05:36
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schasican amd64 do "on-the-fly-32bit-emulation2?05:36
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schasiSo that you can mix 32 and 32*2 bit programmes?05:36
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VladDracI wonder if I can hack some logic into wlan/wireless selection...05:37
=== jinty_ [~jinty@102.Red-83-35-222.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
VladDraci.e. use wlan if available, else default to wireless05:37
quaruptgreat so with AMD64 ya get DOUBLE the registers and HALF the apps05:38
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soulhacki've got a problem, when I start my computer and most of the modules (?) have loaded i get this message: Modprobe: FATAL ERROR Inserting Hw_Random, pciehp, shpchp.05:39
soulhackIt's just below "loading Hotplug module" or something.05:40
quarupttype dmesg05:40
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@44.Red-81-44-205.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
membreyaquarupt: I'm running limewire on AMD6405:40
quaruptnot pro05:40
membreyanot pro05:40
quarupti know05:40
membreyaunless you can give me a d/l link :)05:40
soulhackquarupt, me? and then?05:40
quarupti have the deb, yont do ya no good if yur on AMD64 ubuntu05:41
R0bNyclimewire s**ks05:41
quaruptyea right05:42
R0bNycgkt-gnutella , mldonkey and apollon are good05:42
membreyaR0bNyc: I prefer azureus :)05:42
membreyaespecially for my tv eps :)05:42
soulhackcan anyone help me?05:42
Montaghphex seemed better if you had to use java05:42
quaruptyou have no cue what your talking about05:42
membreyajust finished getting Dead Like Me series 105:42
R0bNycmembreya, and what bittorrent sites you use05:42
quaruptwhatever ones arent shut sown by the MPAA this week05:42
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quaruptcrap i gotta goto work05:43
quarupti havent even slept05:43
R0bNycmembreya, where do you d/l from05:43
quaruptdamn the man05:43
hedulaptop, warty, graphic card, second monitor howto ?????????????????05:43
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membreyaR0bNyc: http://btefnet.net/, http://www.novatina.com/05:44
quarupthedu type exactlu what ya just did into wii05:45
R0bNycmembreya, thanks let me take a lok05:45
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heduquarupt sorry????05:46
heduneed help to get an external monitor working on my laptop running warty XFree05:48
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Fator_DeeI have these on my dmesg: "acpi: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_unregister_performance" and "acpi: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_register_performance", what do they mean and should I try to do something?05:52
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gerthas anyone gotten quake2 working?05:52
gertLoadLibrary("ref_softx.so") failed: No such file or directory05:53
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gertthis is what i get05:53
gertgoogle return little05:53
R0bNycmembreya, whats your favorite player05:53
GNAMwhat's the meaning of "segmentation fault" by a program? meaning is tha's a shit program?05:53
Montaghits busted05:53
membreyafor the vids R0bNyc ? I just use mplayer :)05:54
membreyaGNAM: seg fault means the program is crashing05:54
R0bNycmembreya, I cant find mplayer =05:54
soulhackwhere can i find a tutorial on hotplugging? ubuntu dont seem to find my digital camera when i plug it in.05:55
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soulhackand where do i upgrade to Hoary?05:55
membreyaR0bNyc: have you updated your repos? and are you running hoary or warty?05:55
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larsrohdinis there any messenger in linux that is fully compatible with msn messenger? i mean with webcams and stuff?05:56
R0bNycmembreya, hoary array 605:56
membreyathen edit your repos :)05:56
R0bNyclarsrohdin, no linux lacks messengaging stuff unlike windows05:56
R0bNycmembreya, edit to what05:56
membreyalarsrohdin: you could try gaim-vv..but good luck :\05:57
dmalleryhi on a supermicro 370de6 mobo (2x p3 1k) at the reboot in install it gets to "starting hotplug subsystem" hits the disk a few times and hangs.  have tried acpi=off and apm=off.. no joy.05:57
R0bNycoh you mean add multiverse05:57
membreyaR0bNyc: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories05:57
larsrohdinmembreya, ok... thats too bad, i want to see the people i talk to.05:57
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membreyalarsrohdin: the other option is to use gnomemeeting05:57
membreyabut that uses netmeeting protocol05:58
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jrm4hey, speaking of iming, does gaim support multiple instances? like i want my yahoos in one window and aimer's in another?05:59
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R0bNycmembreya, whats that warty-backports main universe thing, i copied the debian-marillat since all the rest are warty05:59
michelpanyone know if they are going to mail out free hoarys like they did wartys?05:59
membreyaR0bNyc: you just need to change the warty to hoary05:59
R0bNycwhats the backports for06:00
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dmalleryhi  could someone help me with a warty install hang?06:01
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soulhackhow do i enable sounds in ubuntu?06:04
soulhacksuch great question.06:04
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soulhackdo you know how i can enable sounds? :)06:05
soulhackor how to download codecs for that matter.06:05
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-83-250-251.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dmalleryhi  could someone help me with a warty install hang?06:06
Smevenis 2.10 that good?06:08
Smevendoes it seem faster and nicer to my ram?06:08
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Smevenor the opposite :)06:08
=== Danten [~Danten@h222n8c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu
membreyaSmeven: im just happy to be running a stable gnome now :P06:09
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Smeveni develop though, it makes it easier not having to use a build script or compile a lot from source06:09
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dmalleryhi...  could someone please help me with a warty install hang?06:11
Smevenmore info perhaps06:11
Philuk86dmallery: just ask your question, il help if i can06:11
dmalleryhi on a supermicro 370de6 mobo (2x p3 1k) at the reboot in install it gets to "starting hotplug subsystem" hits the disk a few times and hangs.  have tried acpi=off and apm=off.. no joy.06:11
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Smevenis there an option to turn off hotplug?06:12
dmalleryalso have repeated the install to that point.06:12
pregoGNAM, segmentation fault means that the program has tried to access a wrong segment of memory. Probably because of an error in the program.06:12
dmalleryare those boot options in a man page somewhere??06:13
Seveasdmallery, acpi=noapic and acpi=force don't work either?06:13
=== phester [~phester@h157n2fls32o827.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fator_Deehave you waited long enough? I mean the starting hotplug thingy takes a while on my system?06:13
eruinmaaaan why does polypaudio have to constantly use 10-13% of my cpu ?06:13
dmalleryi will go try them now... thanks!06:13
dmalleryhave waited half hour...06:13
Fator_Deeoh :-|06:13
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Fator_Deemaybe that counts as "long enough"06:14
Echylohoary is running fine now!06:14
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membreyawell done Echylo :)06:14
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Echyloonly my xmms hangs06:15
Echylowhen I try to play06:15
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wasabi__hmm, does warty's mkinitrd support lvm and evms?06:16
paulproteusEchylo: First of all, use Beep Media Player instead of XMMS.06:16
paulproteusIt's Just Better.06:16
paulproteusSecond, you need to configure XMMS to use the esound output plugin.06:16
paulproteusYou can do that by going into the preferences screen in XMMS and selecting esound rather than OSS; OSS is the default, and will not work on an Ubuntu system.06:16
wasabi__why does it feel wrong to use hotplug and udev on a server06:17
wasabi__yet, i know every other OS does it this way06:17
Echyloand it works!06:17
blizahechylo. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9406:17
siggletwasabi__: what do you mean feels wrong?06:17
siggletudev is a wonderful thing06:17
wasabi__sigglet, it just feels wrong to use any sort of automatic hardware detection on a server.06:17
wasabi__It's always been a Linux admin thing to manage that manually.06:17
siggletwasabi__: why? when it saves you from manually doing it06:17
sigglettime management06:17
membreyapaulproteus: OSS works fine for me in XMMS06:17
wasabi__because it Might Break06:17
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siggletthere is no difference other than having to waste your time to modprobe06:18
siggletwasabi__: why would it break?06:18
soulhackhow do i turn on the sound support soundcore module?06:18
wasabi__sigglet, good question06:18
blizahoh is hoary out? :D06:18
blizahstable version?06:18
membreyablizah: next month06:18
blizahoh :(06:18
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paulproteusmembreya: It will work on a few sound cards, like Sound Blaster Live.06:19
paulproteusBut for most it won't.06:19
membreyapaulproteus: just using nforce3 onboard (ac97)06:19
paulproteusmembreya: Interesting.06:20
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-197.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
paulproteusIt's a driver quality issue, usually.06:20
=== Echylo gives party!
Echylofree beer06:20
membreyayou even old enough to drink Echylo ? :P06:20
EchyloI don't drink alco06:20
Echylonever :)06:20
membreya:| freak06:20
Echylopersonal experiences06:21
Echylonot that06:21
Echylojust experiences06:21
membreyaim banned from drinking :(06:22
=== poxymox let turn some pott @>>>> :-)
membreyalol poxy06:22
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membreyaoo my sata drive is udma6 in ubuntu :P06:23
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Fator_DeeEchylo: I can handle your share of beer :-p06:24
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=== Echy|Shower gives everything to Fator_Dee
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membreyagive me...I've been almost 2 months without a drink!06:25
=== Echy|Shower gives another crate of beer to membreya
Echy|Showerlast time I updated to hoary06:26
Echy|Showerthere was an automatic update symbol06:26
Echy|Showerin system...06:26
membreyastill there Echy|Shower :)06:26
Echy|Showernot here06:26
Echy|Showerchecked every meny06:26
membreyaSystem > Administration > Ubuntu Update Manager06:27
Echy|Showernot here06:27
Echy|Showertold you06:27
membreyagot synaptic installed? :P06:27
membreyado you have usr/bin/update-manager06:28
hawke_Echy|Shower: run update-notifier06:28
Echy|Showerit didn't even installed xorg06:28
Echy|Showerhow does he dare06:29
soulhackwhere can i find my kernel?06:29
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linuxboysoulhack: /boot06:30
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hawke_soulhack: In your RAM chips06:31
soulhacki want to do this:06:31
soulhackYou must turn on the sound support soundcore module. This is in the kernel. Look in the sound drivers directory and it should be the first option.06:31
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hawke_soulhack: 'modprobe soundcore'06:31
soulhacki am still lost, i dont know how to 'edit my kernel'06:32
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=== Wiseguy [~weezer@pD952A911.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wiseguytotally offtopic question (just need native english speakers"06:35
Wiseguyon http://creativecommons.org/06:35
Wiseguyshouldnt the headline read "Creative Commons is a nonprofit ORGANIZATION that offers a flexible copyright for creative work."06:35
soulhacki use a creativecommons licence (also off topic)06:35
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Fator_DeeWiseguy: weel of course06:36
Wiseguyok, maybe I should send them a mail06:36
andrewskiWiseguy: yes, but there is much license for verbing words.  (e.g.)06:36
timingis it normal the powerpc version for ubuntu doesn't have a graphical installer?06:36
GarySavedA friend of mine installed Warty, and has a dialup ISP.  Where does he go to connect?06:37
andrewskitiming: graphical?06:37
timingyeah with graphics06:37
soulhackreally, how do i edit my kernel to enable the soundcore?06:37
timingi don't mind though06:37
soulhacki cant find this anywhere06:37
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andrewskiGarySaved: there are programs with ppp in the name; i think that's it, but i'm not sure.06:37
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andrewskitiming: when i installed warty (i386), it didn't have graphics06:38
neighborleeany opengl pros in here atm as I could use help with errors i'm getting running some opengl examples ;(06:38
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airoxafter upgrading to ubuntu, should i restart ?06:38
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GarySavedandrewski, Thanks06:38
mgedminuh oh, random gnome file dialogs freeze until I kill gam_server06:38
andrewskiairox: upgrading to hoary?06:38
timingandrewski: you had to setup x.org yourself?06:38
airoxandrewski: sorry, that's what i ment :O)06:38
andrewskitiming: well, no.06:38
andrewskiairox: you don't need to restart, but you won't be using the updated kernel until then.06:38
timingandrewski: oke, cool. BTW why is it called warty?06:38
andrewskitiming: [shrugs] 06:39
timingah too bad06:39
airoxoke, rebooting then :)06:39
andrewskiairox: i would at least restart X so you're using X.org/updated GDM/updated Gnome, GTK, etc. :)06:39
andrewskitiming: are you making out ok?06:39
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timingandrewski: yeah! just trying ubuntu on my macmini, got it on my laptop and server for two years06:40
timingdebian that is06:40
Wiseguyok, thanks06:40
=== gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskitiming: so you're not stuck or anything?06:40
neighborleeis hoary stable enough ( I know thats subjective but <G>) to consider upgrading ?06:40
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timingandrewski: why do i receive an away message in a /query from you? very anoying06:41
timingandrewski: yeah it's gonna be allright :D06:41
malte`i got to work Hibernate on an Acer TravelMate 212TX :)06:41
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neighborleereason asking is last time I tried it from CD install I had trouble with cd automounting06:41
andrewskitiming: i just went away to get some food, but i came back.06:41
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gillesI have the following error msg when try to listen to a radio: There were no decoders found to handle the stream in file "file:///tmp/mandarin_0930-1030-20k.asx", you might need to install the corresponding plugins. How and what plugins to install ?06:41
timingyeah, /query away messages do suck, sinds we are not in a query06:41
andrewskitiming: but if you were trying to reach me while i was away, it would let you know i wasn't here.06:42
timingandrewski: well there we have /away for06:42
timingandrewski: and i recieve it on every message i send to you06:42
andrewskitiming: still?06:42
timingandrewski: i understand you are away06:42
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timingyeah, i recieve it every message06:43
timingandrewski: test06:44
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timingandrewski: test06:45
soulhackcan anyone help me?06:45
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larsrohdinhi, i have a really old macintosh... its a powerbook 230, it has only floppy, no cd... what linux can i use on it? or can i even use linux on it?06:45
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timingdoes ubuntu for powerpc come with xfree86 or x.org?06:47
larsrohdinwarty comes with xfree86...06:47
andrewskitiming: i think that's a warty v. hoary question.06:47
timinglarsrohdin: you can run linux on everything !06:47
larsrohdinbut if its different for ppc i dont know06:47
timingwarty is stable? and hoary is unstable?06:47
timinglike woody and sarge in debian06:47
larsrohdintiming, thats what i thought=) but which linux-dist?06:47
andrewskitiming: technically, but many (including i) are using hoary with no/few problems.06:48
timinghmm okay06:48
timingx.org is much cooler06:48
larsrohdintiming, i had problems with hoary...06:48
timingi want alpha channels!06:48
timinglarsrohdin: how many memory does the 230 have?06:48
andrewskilarsrohdin: i've found that only few distros support booting from floppy, but smartbootmanager (if you can get it to work) helps.  i could never get it working.06:48
EchyloI have x.org installed now what is so special about it?06:48
larsrohdinlike 8mb i guess06:48
andrewskitiming: then you'll need x.org :)06:49
timingdebian woody got bootflops!06:49
andrewskiEchylo: well, it's free; xfree changed their license which is what caused the fork.06:49
Echylonow the cool part?06:49
timinglarsrohdin: you could try an old version of debian, those are small06:49
andrewskiEchylo: but recent versions (6.8 and up) have true transparency.06:49
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andrewskiEchylo: "compositing manager" it's called.06:49
timingEchylo: it does alpha blending, so you can have really transparant windows06:50
larsrohdintiming, ok... but if i download it on this comp. is the disc readable on the mac?06:50
Echylook tell me about the transparant? how you manage that?06:50
timinglarsrohdin: dunno, never tried linux on a mac with floppys06:50
andrewskiEchylo: look at x.org's website.06:50
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andrewskiEchylo: i don't use it, but there are good howtos out there.06:50
timingI need to do the dishes!06:50
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timingandrewski: script test06:50
andrewskiEchylo: probably one on ubuntuforums.org06:50
larsrohdintiming, but in general, can a mac read a linuxdisc?06:50
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timinglarsrohdin: yeah06:51
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timingdrat, x-windows is not working on my macmini06:53
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timingandrewski: test06:54
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airoxthe upgrade worked :)06:55
andrewskiairox: yay.06:55
airoxBut the gnome menu doesn't show my own added shortcuts06:56
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airoxIs the previous config available ?06:56
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Echylook no howto for alpha channel on forums :P06:57
mrproperI'm on Horay right now and pluged my thumb drive into the USB slot.  However, it wasn't mounted anywhere.  I thought this was supposed to happen automaticaly.06:57
andrewskimrproper: is hotplug running?06:58
andrewskiEchylo: you want how to on compositing, x.org transparency...06:58
timingthanx, bye06:58
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andrewskiEchylo: something like that.  alpha channels wouldn't give you quite what you wanted.06:58
mrproperandrewski, When I run hotplug status, the process locks06:59
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Echylohmm ok06:59
andrewskimrproper: hmm, not good.06:59
andrewskimrproper: you're up-to-date?06:59
mrproperandrewski, Let me se3e.06:59
mrproperandrewski, It's always possible I need to reboot.07:00
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andrewskimrproper: doubtful, but possible.07:00
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mrproperandrewski, There's a new version of HAL for me.  Should I reboot once I get it?07:01
Echyloseems like it's not worth it got it gets slow anyway07:01
andrewskimrproper: yes, probably.  meaning: i don't know how to reload it.07:02
mrproperandrewski, It maybe an init script.07:02
mrproperandrewski, and no, hotplug doesn't seem to be running07:02
andrewskimrproper: your guess is as good as mine. :)07:02
andrewskimrproper: ah!07:02
andrewskimrproper: regardless of updating, you need to be running hotplug.07:02
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mrproperandrewski, I'm surprised it wasn't started.07:02
andrewskimrproper: try dpkg-reconfigure hotplug07:03
mrproperandrewski, I can't do anything with the hotplug scripts.07:03
andrewskimrproper: it's installed?07:03
mrproperYes it is.07:03
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andrewskimrproper: hmm, maybe upgrade hal and reboot.  then we'll try again.  (i'll be here.)07:05
andrewskimrproper: and make sure you're using a current kernel?07:05
mrproperandrewski, Yeah.  Nothing was selected for the pkg-configure on hotplug07:05
mrproperandrewski, 2.6.8-1-538607:05
andrewskimrproper: maybe upgrade that too; perhaps it has better hotplug support (since hotplug is a bit new)07:06
mrproperandrewski, Upgrade what?07:06
airoxI was used to do this: nautilus applications:///Internet to edit and add the shortcuts in that menu. In hoary it doesn't seem to work anymore. Anybody know how to add / edit shortcuts ?07:06
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mrproperandrewski, Okay, I'll be back in a few.07:06
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andrewskimrproper: upgrade kernel, hal, hotplug if you can, then reboot into the newer kernel.07:07
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vince_gnome 2.6 had a "run script"-context menu in nautilus. can i reenable that?07:15
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mrproperhot plug isn't running.07:21
airox/etc/init.d/hotplug start ? :)07:21
mrproperkbreit@kblinux:~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug start07:21
mrproper * Starting hotplug subsystem...07:21
mrproperOh, now it started07:22
mrproperTook a reboot.07:22
sic|workgreetings.  I did this to get to runlevel 3- telinit 3 > /etc/init.d/gdm stop    now when I boot up it boots up to a command prompt instead of gdm...how do I get it set to boot to the login screen?07:22
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mrproperVERY cool.07:22
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andrewskimrproper: so now it's working?07:22
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mrproperandrewski, Yes it is.  I need to get hotplug to start by default though :/07:23
andrewskimrproper: now, you have to add hotplug to boot. :)07:23
andrewskimrproper: man update-rc.d IIRC07:23
=== neighborlee [~neighborl@d2-251.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrproperandrewski, I hate debian's init scripts :/07:23
=== Smeven [~steven@kaam0.misawa.attmil.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskimrproper: me too.07:24
=== andrewski came from gentoo.
schweebupdate-rc.d isn't that tough to learn...07:24
andrewskischweeb: but it's not very intuitive.07:25
mrproperI like making a symlink by myself and that's it.07:25
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Smevenhow do i disable sudo?07:25
schweebcheck the wiki07:25
schweebif you really want to do so07:26
mrproper System startup links for /etc/init.d/hotplug already exist.07:26
schweebdo you know how the runlevel system works, mrproper?07:26
mrproperschweeb, Yes I do.07:26
mrproperI see it in init.d, but nowhere else. The man page says the script must exist in init.d before uptdate-rc.d is run though.07:27
andrewskimrproper: you can just add hotplug to your runlevel then...07:27
mrproperandrewski, With a simple sym link then?07:27
schweebis this on ubuntu, mrproper ?07:27
mrproperschweeb, Yeah07:27
schweebupdate-rc.d hotplug defaults07:27
schweebtry that07:27
mrproperalready did07:28
mrproperThats the error I get07:28
andrewskimrproper: man update-rc.d07:28
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mrproper*Kevin glares at debian*07:28
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mrproperandrewski, Yeah, what about it?07:28
schweebpaste the error plz07:28
andrewskimrproper: that will tell you how; i don't really know myself.07:28
mrproper System startup links for /etc/init.d/hotplug already exist.07:28
schweebalright, is hotplug in /etc/rcS.d ?07:29
schweebI have it as /etc/rcS.d/S40hotplug07:30
mrproperschweeb, yes it is07:30
reperireI install Ubuntu on one partition on my hard drive and it was working fine and I was able to boot into and everything. I then install Windows XP on another partition on my hard-drive and it appears that it has overwritten the master boot record since when I start my computer it launches straight into Windows without giving me the option of booting into Ubuntu. What should I do?07:30
airoxIs there a way to add a submenu to gnome ?07:30
airox(the menu of gnome that is)07:30
schweebreperire: you can use knoppix or something to reinstall grub to the MBR07:30
reperirecool, ta07:30
reperireKnoppix works on Windows, yes?07:31
jnk(even ubuntu's live cd I think)07:31
schweebwell, you can use just about any install CD even07:31
jesus-what cdburn app comes with ubuntu?07:31
schweebbut knoppix is a bit easier07:31
jnkknoppix is a linux distribution you can boot from cd, windows is not involved07:31
airoxor floppy ? :)07:31
reperireoh ok07:31
jnkJerub, cdrecord (command-line), nautilus07:31
Echylowindows isn't involved with linux at all jnk :P07:31
schweebairox: heh, people still use those?07:31
jnkjesus-  I meant07:31
Echyloexcept wine07:31
reperireso there is no app i can run in windows that will reinstall grub to the MBR?07:31
airoxschweeb: yep.07:31
jnkEchylo, :)07:32
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the_1hello everyone!07:32
airoxhi the_107:32
the_1how are you today?07:32
schweebreperire: you can do it with your regular ubuntu CD, but I don't have the directions necessary to tell you how (nor the time)07:32
airoxWell fine the_1, how about you ?07:32
the_1well...everything's fine, just one minor problem...07:32
schweebreperire: basically, boot the CD, go to VT2, mount your hard drive, chroot to it, run grub-install, reboot07:32
lizdeikaomg i think he's the_107:33
xadasDoes ubuntu hw manager work? I want to send some data but I'm waiting while the hardware data gets prepared about 5 minutes and nothing :-(.07:33
shockis there any app under windoze that can do anything to anything?07:33
airoxshock: I guess you should rephrase that ...07:33
the_1can't figure how to add gdesklets to autostart with ubuntu at logon..07:33
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sic|workgreetings.  I did this to get to runlevel 3- telinit 3 > /etc/init.d/gdm stop    now when I boot up it boots up to a command prompt instead of gdm...how do I get it set to boot to the login screen?07:33
lizdeikatry preferences->sessions07:33
jnksic|work, resinstall gdm07:34
the_1ok...will have a look at that, tnx m807:34
jnksic|work, you have overwritten the gdm starting script07:34
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the_1btw, what is the command to start it minimized to the tray?07:35
mrproperschweeb, So what do I do with the S40hotplug file?07:35
sic|workjnk: that won't screw up any of my settings?07:35
jnksic|work, well I don't think so07:36
jnkyou "reinstall" when you upgrade anyway, and settings should be kept07:36
schweebmrproper: nothing, reboot...07:36
schweebmrproper: it'll start on next reboot07:36
mrproperschweeb, Oh okay.  Thanks07:36
the_1lizdeika: thanks, I think that will do the trick!07:36
sic|workjnk: ok, I will give it a try, thanks07:37
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nanaemhi... does ubuntu have any partition mangare prog? what's the name of it?07:41
jnknanaem, fdisk, parted, and qtparted for a GUI07:41
nanaemthx alot07:42
hawke_nanaem: gparted, in addition to jnk's list07:42
jnkyeah gparted is available!07:42
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neighborleenvidia drivers working ok with xorg/hoary ??07:45
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jesus-I selected a 699mb .iso in nautilus but when I want to burn it it keeps telling me to insert a blank cd while there IS a blank cd in the tray07:48
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Solatisi would like to know... i really /really/ want to upgrade my boost libraries on my ubuntu system due to added functionality... however, i'm still using warty - is it either possible to only upgrade libboost to hoary's revision, or is it advicable to upgrade my entire system to hoary ?07:50
jnkjesus-, when you insert the CD, does nautilus cd-burner come up automatically07:50
PotajiToi've done that Solatis, i mena upgrading only what i need07:51
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PotajiToi upgraded xorg and gnome and i have no problems07:51
SolatisPotajiTo: ok - did you compile it from source yourself /07:51
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Solatisbecause i wouldn't want to interfere (sp?) with apt for package management07:51
PotajiToi did it from apt07:52
jnkSolatis, the right way to do that is through apt pinning ... but you know hoary is due soon07:52
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airoxSo gnome can't handle cascaded menu's ?07:52
jesus-jnk:  yes it does07:52
PotajiToit update what it needed07:52
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Solatisjnk: i know - but it's about string processing (type classification) added to boost libraries, and I really can't wait 3 - 4 weeks for that :)07:52
dampjam_I have seen a ton of hoary updates in the past 72 hours, is this in preparation for the preview release coming up?07:52
Solatisah you know what07:53
Solatisi'll upgrade my system to hoary07:53
Solatisit's a desktop anyway07:53
jnkairox, weird I'm sure there used to be a possibility of editing gnome menus by right-clicking in them but now I try and there is no option for that... certainly they can be edited manually in gconf or something but that's not handy07:53
Solatisany pointers to where i can find more info on how to properly upgrade ?07:53
jnkSolatis, 2 secs07:53
PotajiToapt-dist upgrade07:54
PotajiToor update07:54
PotajiTocant remember07:54
airoxjnk: In warty there was some editing with those menu's, it's gone in hoary :(07:54
mrsis there a channel for unix newbies please ?07:54
airoxIt was a gnome 'fault'07:54
SolatisPotajiTo: yeah yeah, but i asumme i also have to edit /etc/apt/source.list07:54
SolatisPotajiTo: is there anything else i need to edit ?07:54
goldfishmrs: What's up?07:54
PotajiToyeah, change where it says warty to hoary07:54
goldfishoh right07:54
PotajiToand do that command07:55
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SolatisPotajiTo: and that's all ?07:55
Solatisschweeb: ta07:55
jnkSolatis, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html   http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html   http://www.argon.org/~roderick/apt-pinning.html07:55
PotajiTotha'ts what i've done in other box07:55
RuffianSoldierhey bob2 are you ar0und?07:55
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schweebjnk: that's for pinning, not for a simple dist-upgrade...07:56
PotajiToworked nice, just that, no changing X's configs and that things07:56
Solatisjnk: thanks, i'll follow schweeb's link07:56
jnkairox, file a bug in bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org07:56
drspinwhere can I find a list of all the sound modules that ship with ubuntu"07:56
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schweebyou use pinning when you're going to mix apt sources and revisions07:56
jesus-jnk:  the window comes up, but dragging an .iso inthere isn't the way to go, right? So i just right click the iso and select "burn to disc", but it keeps telling me to insert a blank cd of 700mb (and there's on in it)07:56
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schweebSolatis: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary07:57
schweebthat too07:57
virtualdwhen/where is polypaudio started?07:57
jnkjesus-, are you using warty or hoary?07:57
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jesus-jnk:  hoary07:57
RuffianSoldierUbuntu is 1337!07:58
jnkjesus-, and have you already successfully burned a disc in this confiugration?07:58
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jesus-no jnk07:58
jesus-first try07:58
jnkjesus-, then we'll try with cdrecord07:58
jnkjesus-, your cdrom drive is /dev/hdc ?07:58
jesus-okelidokeli, i'll read the man07:58
virtualdjesus uses ubuntu B] ] 07:58
jnkjesus-, ok so good luck and don't forget to use sudo when you invoke cdrecord07:59
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dampjam_I'm using hoary and I cannot get sound to work at all.  Hoary correctly identified the chipset but no sound comes out, any ideas?08:00
andrewskidampjam_: muted?08:00
dampjam_andrewski: I went through the entire alsa troubleshooting tutorial, volume is up and the Volume Monitor shows sound is coming out, I just don't hear anything08:01
siggletturn the volume up?08:01
andrewskidampjam_: have you tried multiple file types?08:01
dampjam_Awesome!  I got it08:02
dampjam_It's taken 3 ays08:02
dampjam_I had to turn the external amplifier off in alsamixer08:02
dampjam_aparrently my laptop does not support it when it's on08:02
Madeyehey, how to watch all incoming connections to my box? tail -f /var/log/messages/08:03
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jesus-cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg0'. Cannot open SCSI driver.08:04
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tckhaving problems playing a .avi file08:06
tckits encdoed with div-x08:06
Ribsyou can play divx on Linux08:06
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Ribson x86 machines, anyway08:06
tcktried totem, vlc, xine, xmms08:06
Smevenwhat memory debugger is available on ubuntu that works on amd64?08:06
[FiDO] I have a question08:06
larryany idea where to get ip for aol?08:06
Smevensomething similar to valgrind?08:06
Ribstck: you probabily need codecs08:06
[FiDO] how do you change gnome so it doesn't open multiple windows08:07
goldfishlarry: You on dsl?08:07
larryno 56k08:07
tckRibs, i downloaded http://www.divx.com/divx/linux/ theres08:07
[FiDO] I just want each window to open within itself08:07
tckinstalled codes to /usr/local/lib/ etc..08:07
goldfish[FiDO] : ubuntuguide.org08:07
Fator_Dee[FiDO] : nautilus -> edit -> preferences -> behaviour -> always open in browser window08:07
goldfish[FiDO] : It's near the end08:07
goldfishor that :)08:07
[FiDO] ok thanks08:08
goldfishlarry: you just want to get your own ip?08:08
neighborleedoes anyone know is hoary stable enough by now for day to day and is the cd automounting working as expected ?08:08
dampjam_I've been using hoary for about a week now, no complaints08:08
Fator_Deeneighborlee: better to wait for stable08:08
larrymy 56k best data runs slow it has a serial connection, is that the reason08:08
[FiDO] wow that was simple I feel like an idiot for asking08:08
[FiDO] thanks08:08
neighborleeFator_Dee, yeah I wondered...prob. true08:09
dampjam_My laptop has volume buttons on the side, is there anything that would make those work?08:09
tck[FiDO] , you can be an idiot for 5 mins or an idiot for life if you dont ask :)08:09
Smevenwhat memory debugger is available on ubuntu that works on amd64 that is similar to valgrind?08:09
neighborleeFator_Dee, i'm having some truly odd opengl errors and I thought going to xorg might resolve them but...08:09
crypticreignanyone have a compaw a1500 printer installed with ubuntu?08:10
tckSmeven, Electric Fence08:10
tckand gcov08:10
crypticreigncompaw a150008:10
andrewskineighborlee: i think upgrading is a good idea; it's mostly stable IME08:11
jnkdampjam_, launch "xev" and watch if something occurs when you press them08:11
neighborleeandrewski, worth a shot08:12
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tckcrypticreign, try apt-get install cupsys-driver-gimpprint08:12
tckit has lots of 3rd drivers etc..08:12
crypticreigntck: sweet, thanks08:13
jnkdampjam_, what's your laptop?08:13
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dampjam_it's a vaio tr5ap08:15
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drspinehere can I find the drivers for my ess sound card?08:16
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JDigitalhelp me guys my sound recorder won't record sound08:17
drspinJDigital: unmute the microphone and turn on the boost08:17
JDigitalit will, however, willingly eat 100% CPU then crash08:17
JDigitalnow I can hear sound08:18
jnkdampjam_, it's not the "jog dial" that you're talking about?08:18
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dampjam_no, there are + and - buttons right next to the lcd screen08:18
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jnkdrspin, what's your sound card, and why don't you want alsa?08:19
JDigitaldrspin: Okay, now I can hear it, but it won't replay the sound in Sound Recorder.08:19
drspinjnk: ESS 1868 is my sound card... and after the upgrade to Hoary -- sound won't work08:19
JDigitalwhen I try it does nothing, then I try again, and it crashes08:19
drspinJDigital: hoary or warty?08:20
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drspinJDigital: what soundcard?08:20
KingArthurHey everyone, I've got a Dell Inspiron 8600 with WiFi.  I have tried dabbling in Linux before about 5 yrs ago, and didn't like the results.  I hear this is a fairly striaght foreward install, but I want to know, does it support WiFi chipsets, ATI graphics, and how well does it work with NTFS?08:20
JDigital"Ensonic AudioPCI" it seems08:21
drspinKingArthur: NTFS is READ ONLY!08:21
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dampjam_drspin: it isn't if you run ntfsfix after each use ;)08:21
JDigitalKingArthur: It's far better than it was. NTFS is read only. Modern graphics cards/chipsets are well supported. I think it supports wifi but I've never used it08:21
KingArthurthat's what I thoguht.  I was planning on converting one of my partitions to Fat3208:21
drspinKingArthur: There is a driver that supports writing if you don't change the filesize...08:21
jnkdampjam_, you can try the rsjog package anyway maybe it handles that too08:21
drspindampjam_: after each file you edit you have to run that ?08:22
vijubyou can use captive ntfs for wire support08:22
andrewskiKingArthur: it does support wifi, as much as any linux distro.  is your card supported in linux?08:22
dampjam_drspin: after you umount ntfs, you can run ntfsfix08:22
drspinhmmm --08:22
dampjam_drspin: but you have to run it before booting windows or as the documentation puts in "you'll be sorry"08:22
jnkKingArthur, I've a latitude D600 and wifi works out of the box08:22
drspinwhat is the driver for my ESS1868 soundcard?08:22
KingArthurnot sure if my card is supported.  I'll find out which one it is.  It's one of the Centrino chipsets.08:22
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jnkchip ipw2200 (intel). Friends of mine have ipw2100 and it works too08:22
andrewskiKingArthur: there's a good website whose link i forget that shows all supported cards....08:23
jnkKingArthur, if it's centrino it's probably one of those08:23
drspinCentrino works with NDISwrapper I believe08:23
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KingArthurIntel(R) PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3A Mini PCI Adapter is what I have08:23
jnkgood so ipw2100 for you08:23
jnkshould work out of the box08:24
JDigitalHey guys, what can I use with Linux to record myself with such as a microphone08:24
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jnkJDigital, gnome-sound-recorder08:24
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JDigitalthat program is horribly unstable and stuffs08:25
Fator_Deeand audacity, but it does a lot more08:25
KingArthurgood.  I'll be dual booting from a XP partition, so I'll be able to go back if it doesn't work, but I wanted to know befoer hand.  if it didn't support it, I'd still not use Linux.  I've seen screen shots for others with variations, and love the way they look.  I only use my computer for webbased applications and chatting.  Just a little gaming, so I can go back to the other boot for that.08:25
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JDigitaloh now it works08:26
KingArthurso, why is this variation of Linux so small in filesize compared to Mandrake?08:26
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KingArthurseveral other linux flavors are three iso's, so I was curious what this one ommitted08:27
Cube-nesshmm.. whas the deal with this.. did an update of hoary and now my nvidia card gets overridden by vesafb.. the nvidia module still loads, and the xorg.conf is still set to nvidia too..08:27
Fator_DeeKingArthur: mandrake offers a lot more applications on the cd's08:28
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andrewskiKingArthur: you have to add online repositories to get that amount of apps on ubuntu.08:29
Fator_Deelike ubuntu only has gnome, mandrake cd's have kde and gnome08:29
andrewskiKingArthur: e.g. kde is not on the cds, while mandrake has both ^^08:29
andrewskilike Fator_Dee said first. :P08:29
Fator_Deemultiply that with x number of applications, and it will take up space08:29
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KingArthurnow, what exactly is gnome and Kde?08:30
Fator_Deewindow managers08:30
KingArthuruser interfaces?08:30
andrewskiKingArthur: desktop environments, technically.08:30
Graeme_Lemminghi people, can anyone inform me of a good ide for kava development08:30
andrewskiGraeme_Lemming: i've heard azureus is good for development, but i don't know about kava in specific.08:30
andrewski*java :)08:30
Cube-nessGraeme_Lemming, um.. eclipse?08:31
Graeme_Lemmingyou got a url08:31
andrewskiGraeme_Lemming: www.google.com :)08:31
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Graeme_Lemminggood old google08:32
andrewskiGraeme_Lemming: indeed.08:32
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KingArthurwell, everyone.  I guess I'll be on later after getting this thing downloaded, and hope it workes correctly....I hope I will be able to boot from my external USB CD/RW drive since my internal one crapped out on me08:32
kayalieclipse.org -- hard huh?08:32
Graeme_Lemminglol.. i already googled it08:33
=== GFXstyLER [~GFXstyLER@xdsli024.osnanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
GFXstyLERi solved the problem that hoary is so slow on my pc :)08:33
KingArthuroh, speaking of which, what kind of support does linux have for external USB drives...both flash and cd/rw08:34
andrewskiKingArthur: i'm pretty sure, but maybe someone else knows for sure.08:34
goldfishwell my usb hard-drive worked fine08:35
Cube-nessKingArthur, very good08:35
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goldfishplug and play for that08:35
GFXstyLERanyone here got the logitech eyetoy usb cam to work with ubuntu?08:35
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andrewskiKingArthur: as for booting from it, i think that's up to your BIOS08:35
KingArthurI figured as much with that.08:35
andrewskiKingArthur: but let's hope. ;)08:35
KingArthurwell, I'm out.  be on later when it's time to try to install things.  lol.08:35
andrewskigood luck!08:35
KingArthurthanks everyone08:35
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Albackeranyone here uses beatrix ?08:36
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GFXstyLERwhats beatrix?08:36
Albackerits, a distro.08:37
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StoneXhi, interessiere mich gerade dafr ubuntu und wollte deshalb noch einige fragen, htte jemand von euch bissl zeit dafr brich?08:38
StoneX*fragen fragen08:38
GFXstyLERstoneX was frn zeichensatz hast du o.O08:38
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StoneXum ehrlich zu sein hab ich keine ahnung, wo knnte ich nachschauen?08:39
GFXstyLERdas weiss ich auch nich *lol*08:39
StoneXhaettet ihr bissl zeit fuer mich brig?08:40
GFXstyLERStoneX: hab wohl zeit aber weiss nich ob ich dir helfen kann ... bin selber noch nich so lang linuxuser08:40
andrewskiStoneX: hast du zeit fuer mein schlechte deutsch? :)08:40
StoneXdu benutz aber schon ubuntu?08:41
GFXstyLERich? jo08:41
StoneXsicher, darf ich aber fragen was deine muttersprache ist08:41
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andrewskiStoneX: ich benutze ubuntu und wahrscheinlich dir helfen kann, aber meine muttersprache ist englisch.08:41
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StoneXdie erste frage war eigentlich auf GFXstyLER bezogen08:42
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jeff_can anyone recommend a good console based usenet reader08:43
andrewskiStoneX: frag mich wenn du mein hilfe willst. :)08:43
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lupejeff_ slrn08:43
andrewskijeff_: maybe one of the CLI mailreaders?  mutt, pine, etc?08:43
GFXstyLERStoneX: meine muttersprache? niederlndisch aber seit 10 jahren auch deutsch08:43
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vince^the "scripts" menu in nautilus only shows python-scripts from ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts, but no bash scripts.. anyone seen this problem before?08:44
jeff_thanks guys08:44
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gfxstylerjeff_: sorry but i dont know08:45
Cube-nessi dont get it.. for a while, my laptop (ATI gfx) was having vesafb override the ati settings, now it doesnt do it anymore and my desktop (nvidia) does..wtf?08:45
StoneXwie kann man ubuntu eigentlich administrieren, gibt es ein kontrollzentrumartiges hilfsmittel oder muss man alles von hand konfigurieren08:46
GarySavedI was looking thru the packages in base, and I see there is a seperate entry for linux-image-k7 and linux-image-2.6.10-4-k7.  Is the first one generic, and installs the second, as the most up-to-date?  I.E. both have to be checked?08:47
gfxstylerStoneX: du findest unter Computer/Systemsteuerung konfigurationstools, du musst eigendlich nichts bis fast nichts bzw. sehr wenig von hand machen08:47
andrewskiStoneX: fuer etwa programmen gibt es hilfsmittel aber nicht fuer alle.08:47
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StoneXhast du erfahrung mit den konfigurationstools? ich benutze zurzeit suse und damit yast und bin zutiefst verrgert ber yast08:48
Fator_DeeGarySaved: check the package description08:48
gfxstylerStoneX: ich hasse yast :)08:49
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andrewskiStoneX: synaptic ist (wie?) yast aber mit weniger probleme. :)08:49
andrewskiStoneX: debs sind besser als RPMs.08:49
pezai'have a problem ---08:49
gfxstylerStoneX: es gibt eine live-cd von ubuntu, damit kannst du ubuntu von cd starten und dir das angucken ohne das du deine festplatte auch nur berhrt, d.h. wenn du neustartest und die cd rausnimmst is wieder alles beim alten08:49
andrewskiStoneX: ich denke...08:49
pezathe kernel source in ubuntu ...08:50
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peza/usr/local/src ???08:50
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pezaqualcuno che parla italiano ????08:50
andrewskigfxstyler: ich bin froh, dass ich nicht die nure, dass deutsch spricht bin.  (ich hoffe, dass ich das richtig sagte.)08:50
StoneXhast du erfahrung mit sympatic?08:50
GarySavedThere is a linux-image-2.6.11-1-k7 in universe.  After I install it, would I remove both of the former?08:50
gfxstylerpeza: you have to install the kernel sources, which then can be found at /usr/src08:51
pezaok but where is the path of kernel sources ...08:51
gfxstylerandrewski: your german isnt so bad at all :)08:51
marten_hello, if i try to start an application that uses /dev/dsp it says" /dev/dsp: No such device  Could not toggle. ".08:51
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andrewskiStoneX: ja, seit ich ubuntu benutzt habe.08:51
marten_does anyone how to fix this?08:52
pezatanks ....08:52
andrewskigfxstyler: "rusty", wie man das auf deutsch sagt.08:52
jordanaudo i need  virus scan program with ubuntu? If so what do you recommend?08:52
=== feclare [~feclare@174.Red-217-127-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
StoneXist es gut? hat es schon viele probleme gemacht?08:52
andrewskiStoneX: keine grosse probleme, keine "dependency" probleme :)08:52
marten_in xmms i use the alsa plugin, and thats going well08:52
gfxstylerjordanau: no, viruses and linux are not common and you dont need a virus scanner08:52
andrewskiStoneX: ich habe mandrake vor benutzt und darin viele probleme hatte.08:52
jordanaugfxstyler, thanks08:53
StoneXwar es schwer von mandrake auf ubuntu umzusteigen?08:53
bryansprechen sie English!08:53
gfxstylerStoneX: synaptic lst abhngigkeiten von selbst und ist sehr einfach zu bedienen08:53
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gfxstylerStoneX: mandrake benutzt standartmig KDE, deswegen ist es "anders" als ubuntu, habe es vorher auch benutzt, aber schwer war es nicht, eher leichter08:54
andrewskiStoneX: es gab uengefaehr 6 monaten waehrend ich gentoo benutzte08:54
StoneXdas ist gut zu hren, allerdings bezog sich meine frage eher auf die konfiguration als auf die packetverwaltung08:54
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StoneXandrewski: war also schwer von mandrake auf ubuntu umzusteigen?08:54
andrewskiStoneX: konfiguration ist meistigs leicht in ubuntu.08:54
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StoneXkann man die normalen debian packete, also deb, benutzen?08:55
snowblinkGarySaved: You can, but I'd leave them unless you really need the space08:55
gfxstylerStoneX: ja kann man08:55
andrewskiStoneX: nein, ich denke nicht.  ein paar dinge sind nicht automatisch, die in mandrake sind, aber du kannst viel hilfe bekommen.08:55
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gfxstylerStoneX: aber es wird offiziell nicht empfohlen08:55
gfxstylerStoneX: ich benutze sie aber auch ohne probleme08:56
andrewskiStoneX: ich benutze etwa debian packete mit keinen problemen.08:56
StoneXwas wird offiziel empfohlen?08:56
gfxstylerStoneX: das man die ubuntu pakete benutzt (Synaptic, apt)08:56
andrewskiStoneX: nur packete von ubuntu gegeben08:56
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StoneXhaben die packete besondere namen?08:57
andrewskigfxstyler: aber man kann unoffiziell packete addieren08:57
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gfxstylerandrewski: yes, you can add universe and multiverse08:57
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feclarecan someone help me with a tv card?08:58
StoneXkennt jemand linux+?08:58
feclareor at least, to know if its tuner is sopported?08:58
andrewskiStoneX: in synaptic gibt es ein icon.  und sie kommen nur wenn du ein website addieren, also du wirst wissen, wenn du nonoffiziell packete addieren.08:58
bryanfeclare, is it ATI?08:58
andrewskiStoneX: linux+?  nicht ich08:58
feclareit's an avermedia cardbus08:59
StoneXlinux+dvd? eine linuxzeitung08:59
feclareit works fine for AV input08:59
gfxstylerStoneX: hab auf ubuntuusers.de gelesen das darin jetzt eine ubuntu cd sein soll oder so08:59
feclarebut I cant use the tuner for tv09:00
mikepis this the english forum?09:00
StoneXdas habe ich auch gelesen nur frage ich mich ob es bei diesem preis sinnvoll ist das zu kaufen09:00
snowblinkmikep: yes09:00
andrewskies ist schoen, mein deutsch zu ueben, aber wie schreibt das auf der maschine?09:01
gfxstylerStoneX: die cds kann man sich umsonst zuschicken lassen oder man ld sich kostenlos das .iso file runter und brennt es auf cd, dann hat man es auch09:01
mikepsnowblink: oh, i thought i was in the german forum.09:01
snowblinkandrewski, Stonex, gfxstyler: #ubuntu-de09:01
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gfxstylersnowblink: i just wanted to help him, sorry09:01
StoneXsorry my fault, i will go over there09:02
queuetueIs there a warty install torrent out there?09:02
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andrewskisnowblink: sorry, didn't even know about #ubuntu-de ;)09:02
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StoneXi didn t as well, sorry09:02
Fator_Deegah, I said that after the first line of german gibberish :-p09:02
hileno problem with german, just ... well, then I should switch to finnish as well09:03
stephen_hi everybody09:03
Fator_Deehile: jeps, vastapainoksi suomea :-)09:04
hileand if everyone speaks their native language the channel is just a mess09:04
hilejoo otetaas vhn vaihteeksi ;)09:04
hileso, not ;)09:04
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Fator_Deeyep, maybe not :-)09:04
selinium_HI all, Any one runnnig apache here? I have used synaptic to get curl but it is not available. I have just changed from a windows environment. Any help here or do i need to be in apache?09:05
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bryanisn't curl a PHP/pear extension09:05
selinium_bryan: yep but you need to it on the server.. Sorry libcurl, same same different.09:06
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hilebryan: no dependency to php really, apt-cache search curl09:06
hilethere are perl and python bindings as well, and the library itself is C09:07
scotthI'm having a problem with my ubuntu hoary ppc install where it panics when it tries to mount /dev/hda4 on / it complains that /dev/hda4 doesn't exist, yet it does and I can mount it from the ubuntu live cd... anyone have any thoughts on why that would be09:07
selinium_What i mean is just because i used synaptic to get curl, i dont konw what it has done with it. Hasit installed it? or has it unpacked it somewhere? Like I said I am v new at Ubuntu and linux in general09:07
Fator_Deeselinium_: synaptic installs automagically09:08
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bryango back into synaptic09:08
hileit's just the C-library, i think.. what did you really get09:08
bryanselect the package09:08
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bryanlook in the package properties09:08
bryanit'll tell you where it installed everything09:08
tckdivx .avi on ubuntu09:08
hileoops, curl is the cli client09:08
tckjust cant get it playing09:09
hileif you want the php-stuff, it's probably php4-curl and then configure apache normally09:09
snowblinkscotth: what is the exact error?09:09
scotthsnowblink, I'm in the live cd right now, let me reboot right fast and Ill give you the exact error09:10
selinium_Yes i have got both. but then i need to configure apache? That is all i really needed to know. I didn't want to mess up anything if it had already configured itself.09:10
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GarySavedThere is a 2.6.11 version kernel in universe.  Are they usually safe to use?09:11
hileit most likely already is configured, never use php4-curl so can't know09:11
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selinium_cheer hile the the pointers09:11
virtualdyou should look through the apache config files in /etc/apache09:12
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quar|workwhy is ssh sooo slow?09:12
quar|workhow can i tell ehich end all my lag is on?09:13
Solatisbecause your connection i sooo slow09:13
Fator_Deequar|work: someone is hogging up your line?09:13
hileselinium_: see docs in /usr/share/doc/php4-curl/ and /usr/share/doc/libapache2-mod-php4 (if you use apache2)09:13
selinium_hile: you star!09:13
quar|workhow can i tell if its my works con or my homes con?09:13
virtualdtry sshing to another box09:14
Solatisquar|work: try to upload something big to a connection you know is fast09:14
hileselinium_: just tested installing php4-curl, seems it configures itself to /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini automatically09:14
morphhhhhello! i.m having a problem, i cant install grub, im having problems with it ...09:14
hileand now I'll remove it, I have no use for php4-curl ;)09:14
selinium_Aargh: that was what i was worried about!09:14
morphhhhgrub-install doenst work ...09:14
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hileselinium_: it just includes the php4-curl automatically to config, which makes sense: if you install it, you most likely want to use it as well...09:15
orospakris there a meta-package that defines which packages are installed during a default ubuntu install?09:16
hileonly line I saw ther was extension=curl.so09:16
whiprushjdub / Mako: Can you guys point me in the general direction of some download stats or something similar? I'm working on a lug presentation and would like a best guess on the amount of downloads.09:16
selinium_That was what i figured. I dont understand why it hasn't configured. I assume you just did a phpinfo on it?09:16
queuetueIs there any way to remotely ssh-upgrade a FC3 box to ubuntu?09:16
Solatiswhen upgrading to hoary09:16
hilenope I didn't, but did you run apache2ctl restart09:17
Solatisi should pay attention to updating the config files neh ?09:17
Solatisor will it do a lot of stuff automatically ?09:17
selinium_hile; That was what i figured. I dont understand why it hasn't configured. I assume you just did a phpinfo on it?09:17
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hileno, and as I said, did you refresh apache?09:17
tritiumit's funny how many packages evolution upgrades orphan09:18
vince_anyone hab problems with amule on hoary?09:18
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cavediverIs Gnome 2.10 released ?09:18
bryantomorrow, no?09:18
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Solatiscavediver: well, i know the release parties are tomorrow09:18
cavediverAlright. My gnome seems to be 2.10 now :)09:19
morphhhhthis is the error i get while running grub-install09:19
morphhhh/sbin/grub-install: line 479: /dev/null: Permission denied09:19
morphhhhThe file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.09:19
Solatiscavediver: well perhaps you're using a release candidate ?09:19
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marten_hello, if i try to start an application that uses /dev/dsp it says" /dev/dsp: No such device  Could not toggle. ".09:19
marten_does anyone how to fix this?09:19
marten_in xmms i use the alsa plugin, and thats going well09:19
airoxAnybody knows how to get the hibernate function off a toshiba laptop working with the help of the toshiba utilities ???09:19
cavediverSolatis: I don't know. It doesn't tell.09:20
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Solatiscavediver: try #gnome to see where you can verify that09:20
Solatisi'm sure they know09:20
vince_wow, "upgrade-system" removes tons of orphans..09:20
cavediverI'm there right now. They seem to be asleep :)09:20
andrewskivince_: where'd you get that program?09:20
andrewskiis it installed by default?09:21
airoxIs there a command to get the toshiba laptop to hibernate ??09:21
morphhhhanyone can help me with grub_09:22
selinium_hile: sorry, yes I refreshed apache09:22
vince_not sure if it's default.. i know it from other debian installations. handy tool09:22
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airoxIs there a way to enable APM on a laptop ?09:22
airox(So nu acpi)09:22
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hileselinium_: well, my phpinfo has 'CURL Information libcurl/7.12.3 OpenSSL/0.9.7e zlib/1.2.2 libidn/0.5.209:23
hileCURL Information libcurl/7.12.3 OpenSSL/0.9.7e zlib/1.2.2 libidn/0.5.209:23
tritiumairox, yes, there is09:23
tritiummorphhhh, are you using sudo when you try that?09:23
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morphhhhim using a live a cd09:25
morphhhhand as root09:25
airoxOr can I suspend my laptop with acpi ??09:25
tritiumairox, you can in Hoary09:25
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tritiummorphhhh, I've not tried it from a LiveCD09:25
airoxhow ?09:25
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tritiumacpi-support has to be installed, for one thing09:25
airoxthere is acpi support in the kernel09:26
tritiumacpi-support is a package09:26
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airoxI have it :)09:26
scotthsnowblink, sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but it was a problem with me removing a custom kernel and it not updating the symlinks... so all is good now09:26
tritiumairox, great!09:27
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Solatison some 'upgrade to hoary' howto, it tells me to deinstall all xfree86 packages... this is 'xfree86-common' and 'xfree86-driver-synaptics', right ?09:27
airoxI guess I found some wiki about acpi and suspend-to-ram :)09:27
snowblinkscotth: ah so you can mount okay now?09:28
farruinnSolatis: really that shouldn't be necessary, but I think some people have had to do that09:29
tckhas anyone gotten mplayer working on warty (x86)09:29
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andrewskiairox: where's the link to that?09:29
Solatisfarruinn: hmmm okay, I *do* know that under Gentoo, xorg was unstable with me... so i don't /have/ to upgrade to xorg ?09:29
jon1012hi :)09:29
jon1012(someone knows how to fix compilation errors like "[...]  undefined reference to `__vprintf_chk@GLIBC_2.3.4' ?")09:30
scotthsnowblink, yeah, it couldn't find the initrd and so it didn't have the proper fs drivers09:30
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farruinnSolatis: that might be possible, but I haven't upgraded, so I don't know exactly what you'd have to do.09:30
snowblinkscotth: yup. Cool.09:31
farruinnSolatis: I would try using Ubuntu's xorg first though unless you know for sure that there is something about xorg in general that is keeping you from using it09:31
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farruinnjon1012: sounds like you need libglib2.3-dev or something, but in warty there is only 2.009:33
Solatisfarruinn: well, crashing every 20 minutes kinda keeps me from using it09:33
farruinnSolatis: what I'm saying though is that Gentoo's xorg and Ubuntu's xorg may be different09:33
Solatisand yes, i've sent numerous bug report sand stacktraces to xorg, they're aware of the problem and verified it09:33
Solatisno it's not the distribution09:33
farruinnok, that's all I was wondering about =)09:33
Solatislol wow09:34
Solatisjust rebooted my workstation09:34
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[eDu] hello09:34
farruinnin that case, I would start by removing ubuntu-desktop as that will depend on xorg stuff I believe09:34
Solatisyou know09:34
Solatismaybe it even has upgraded to xorg09:34
Solatissince it has lost my xfree config file, it seems09:34
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Solatisat least it isn't using it09:35
farruinnyou'll find out in 20 minutes, won't you ;)09:35
sic|workanyone know of a gui-beautiful MP3/OGG player?09:35
sic|workperhaps gui-tastic09:35
bryanwhat's wrong with xmms?09:36
gfxstylersicwork: xmms09:36
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sic|workperhaps I am missing something...running xmms yields nothing09:36
OrangeSlicexmms doesn't do multibyte charsets, that's what :p09:37
selinium_hile: Got it! for some reason. The first restart didn't get it. Thanks for your help!09:37
gfxstylerif you take the right skins its looking fantastic too09:37
Solatisfarruinn: :D09:37
=== Broncho [~kevin@adsl-64-218-242-63.dsl.mdldtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sic|workI installed xmms through synaptic09:37
Bronchohi Im trying to login to cups but cant because there is no root. Is there a quick way around this?09:37
[eDu] sic|work: rhythymbox?09:37
hileselinium_: good ;)09:37
[eDu] sic|work: rhythmbox, i mean09:37
sic|workalong with mp3 plugin09:37
sic|workand it doesn't work09:37
paracelsoconnect ubuntu to wxp printer09:38
sic|worktry to open an MP3 with it and it just sits there...nothing happens...nothing opens...nothing at all09:38
gfxstylersicwork: do you mean rythmbox?09:38
noirePlaying: The Cure - One Hundred Years [Rock/1982]  Pornography | http://mp3.rin.ru  [0:42/6:39 (11%)]  [128Kbps] 09:38
sic|workgfx: No, XMMS09:38
hilesic|work: wrong output plugin in xmms?09:38
[eDu] sic|work: are you using the correct output?09:39
noirehee hee... sorry all09:39
gfxstylersicwork: maybe change output plugin in the xmms settings?09:39
hileit's waiting for the audio device to be free from your desktop esound or something09:39
sic|workhile: I can't even get to the point...xmms never loads09:39
bryantry the esound output09:39
sic|workhile: I grepped for xmms and found nothing09:39
farruinnsic|work: run xmms from the terminal09:39
airoxandrewski: well.. it's not working over here :(09:39
bryanapt-get install xmms09:39
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andrewskiairox: hmm, well, shoot. :)09:40
airoxandrewski: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SuspendHowto09:40
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andrewskiairox: you're on hoary now, right?09:40
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airoxandrewski: yep09:41
bryanis there a sample sources file to get the newest, latest stuff for hoary?09:41
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AndyRlo all09:41
airoxI guess I need to use apm instead of acpi ?09:42
airoxCause if that's true I can add some information to the wiki about it.09:42
sic|workit works now...thanks guys09:42
makowhiprush: i don't have the doanlod stats.. i can tell you about pressed cds09:42
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gfxstylerbryan: open the /etc/apt/sources.list and change "warty" into "hoary"09:43
gfxstylerthen you get the latest hoary stuff09:43
bryani installed from a horay cd09:44
andrewskiairox: did you see the first line at the top about hoary?09:44
gfxstylerbryan: then your sources.list should be fine and you should get the latest hoary stuff09:44
farruinnbryan: make sure that the online repositories are uncommented...09:44
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bryanno direct client :/09:44
bryanty gfxstyler , farruinn09:44
gfxstylerbryan: if you are looking for more packages, try adding the universe and multiverse repository09:44
airoxwell ... no :(09:45
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Solatisif /etc/X11/X points to /usr/bin/X11/Xorg, I'm running xorg, neh ?09:45
johhmm, how do I force a logged-in user to log out? the user is not running any applications, but is still listed in `who'.09:45
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airoxandrewski: Should I restart acpi or reboot ?09:45
gfxstylerbryan: if you give me your email adress i'll send you my sources.list09:45
airoxacpi-support that is ..09:45
andrewskiairox: follow that link and read the hoary howto, that's what you should do. :)09:46
andrewskiairox: "NOTE: Suspend support is included in the Hoary release. Hoary users should see HoaryPM"09:46
whiprushmako: that'd be a good guess09:46
andrewskiairox: good luck, i have to go now.09:46
andrewskiairox: but thanks for the link.09:46
Solatiswtf... i've installed hoary, and now i'm able to fsck'ing *hybernate* my computer ? what is this evil world, Windows XP ? :)09:47
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andrewskiSolatis: you don't have to, it's disabled by default?09:47
andrewskiSolatis: but, frankly, i think it's better to have choices than not, eh?09:47
Solatisyes i'm kidding09:47
Solatisi'm just amazed09:47
andrewskii know. :P09:47
airoxandrewski: Yeah i overread that part. No problem for the link, thanks for your info!09:48
andrewskiairox: sure!  l8r09:48
morphhhhi cant install grub on my machine, i had it running but it messed up now i get an error < /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly >..09:48
cgHi,  help is needed with hoary and audigy not giving sound09:48
kerskineI've got a coffee-house/wifi/dhcp issue - can anyone help?09:48
makowhiprush: we've printed up somewhere in teh order of a million. a bit less i think09:48
kerskinerunning warty and latest dhcp-client09:49
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[FiDO] cg: I had the same problem yesterday09:50
[FiDO] just open your gnome-alsamixer09:50
cgFIDO:  is it fixed now?09:51
[FiDO] and uncheck the box Audigy analog/digital input jack09:51
[FiDO] output jack rather09:51
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[FiDO] for some reason mine was trying to use digital output09:51
[FiDO] do you have a audigy 209:52
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cgFIDO: yes09:52
[FiDO] same as me that's probably the problem09:52
cgcan you explain better please?09:52
yaaaranybody know why my synaptic won't open? I run it, it asks for the root password, and when I put it in it waits a bit and comes back with this error:    "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root: Child terminated with 1 status"09:52
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Nakahhi, I have a problem with wpa_supplicant and open wep keys09:53
[FiDO] do you have the gnome-alsamixer installed09:53
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[FiDO] you should have it I think09:53
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cgFIDO: going to check , dont know09:53
[FiDO] just go to run application and type gnome-alsamixer09:53
[FiDO] if it works ya have it09:54
PotajiTohow do i unistall something installed from source?09:54
snowblinkPotajiTo: travel back in time, and use checkinstall09:54
snowblinkyaaar: have you tried your password?09:54
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HiddenWolfare there any hdd recovery tools for xfs drives?09:55
cgFIDO: i think it is not installed because it gives an error09:55
yaaarsnowblink: oh.....right. i forget about all this sudo crap ubuntu does. btw....that's really jank.09:55
yaaarbut thanks...i'll bet that does it09:55
[FiDO] what error09:55
Nakahcan someone help me please ?09:56
cgthis :Cannot display location 'file://gnome-alsamixer09:56
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[FiDO] yep that's what it means just install it from synaptic09:56
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[FiDO] assuming you've set up all the repositories09:56
projectmayhemhey everyone, i have a question... is ubuntu xorg or xfree86?09:57
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[FiDO] xorg09:57
snowblinkprojectmayhem: xorg in hoary, xfree in warty09:57
projectmayhemsnowblink what version of xfree?09:57
gfxstyler4.3 i guess09:57
shockprojectmayhem - seen tyler somewhere? ;)09:58
[FiDO] I'm losing my mind I can't get the damn sound working for my tv capture card09:58
projectmayhemshock yep :-D great movie09:58
snowblinkprojectmayhem: According to apt 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6ubuntu2509:59
projectmayhemis there anything to autoinstall rpms in ubuntu like in fedora?09:59
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projectmayhemthx snowblink09:59
cgFIDO:  ok, now it is installed, what should i do now?09:59
[FiDO] try running it09:59
bryanyou can alien file.rpm09:59
bryanthen dpkg -i file.deb09:59
[FiDO] then uncheck the analog/digital output box if its checked09:59
[FiDO] it took me forever to figure out that that was all that was wrong09:59
snowblinkprojectmayhem: apt-get upgrade10:00
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cgjust "External Amplifier" is checked10:00
[FiDO] jas10:00
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projectmayhemok... this is gonna sound sad... i just swtiched from fedora... whats the syntax to enable superuser??10:01
Fator_Deeuse sudo10:01
[FiDO] sorry other way around make sure it is checked10:01
farruinnprojectmayhem: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo10:01
[FiDO] lol10:01
bryansudo -s -H if you don't feel like doing it every 5 seconds10:01
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projectmayhemthat's actually a really nice feature...10:02
R0bNycanyone here using xfce4.2 ?10:02
R0bNycit has so much prbos10:02
gfxstylerR0bNyc: i am using it10:02
[FiDO] cg: did that fix it10:02
R0bNycgfxstyler, I'm getting these probs10:03
cgFIDO: thanks man know i have sound10:03
R0bNycand these updates that come up in gnome and they never go away so I had to take off xfce and remove the sources so it would stop10:03
[FiDO] np10:03
tckanyone get an div-x .avi playing with warty (x86) ?10:03
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gfxstylerR0bNyc: what updates are that? i have a systemload-plugin update that will never go away if i dont disable the xfce sources, but i dont think its a big prob :)10:04
geppyWhen will the Hoary task bar be fixed?10:04
Solatisfor xorg... should i use module 'nv' instead of 'nvidia' ? if i use 'nvidia', it seems to crash upon loading (dark screen, nothing appearing, no crash, no logs, no nvidia logo)10:04
R0bNycgfxstyler, yea that10:04
poxymoxtck: With mplayer no Prob10:04
tckpoxymox, it never installs10:04
R0bNycXFce4.2 use to be much better at first10:04
tckmplayer-586 gives deps problems :/10:04
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gfxstylerR0bNyc: yes i had that too, i simply disabled the xfce sources10:04
poxymoxYou found it in the Universe and multiverse repository10:05
tckpoxymox, aye10:05
tckshould i compile from source ?10:05
R0bNycgfxstyler, ah10:05
Fator_Deeit's hard to uninstall if you compile it from source10:05
poxymoxI try it but give up (to many dependensies i must install)10:05
Fator_Deebtw, is there a howto for that?10:05
gfxstylerR0bNyc: what i dont get is why it stays there forever, i already have the systemload plugin installed10:06
[FiDO] has anyone managed to get sound working for their tv card10:06
poxymoxBut than i get an nicesource.list with multi- and universe an it rocks already10:06
Fator_Deeor can I just delete everything that I find with "locate mplayer" :-p10:06
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[FiDO] I've tried everything with no luck10:06
Fator_Dee[FiDO] : I have, didn't have to do nothing though :-p10:07
projectmayhemthe debian package wouldn't install.. broken pipe or something...10:07
Fator_Deejust install and fire up tvtime10:07
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[FiDO] that's what I'm using10:07
InitMasshow do i unrar a .rar file?10:07
[FiDO] I'm using a wintv card10:07
R0bNycgfxstyler, same10:07
geppyInitMass:  unrar foo.rar10:07
poxymoxmake uninstall?10:07
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geppyInitMass: get 'unrar' from multiverse, or something like that10:07
sihenhello all10:08
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Fator_Deejesus has left the building10:08
sihencan someone possible help me out, just installed ubuntu but it didnt ask me for a root passwd?10:08
InitMassgeppy, never heard about multiverse10:08
[FiDO] hmm my best guess as to why its not working is its trying to use the sound capture from my webcam10:08
Fator_Deesihen: 21:34:17 < A-Master> Mutta jos on hl m=65kg ja lautta m=165kg ja pituus 4,4m. Kaveri liikkuu tasaisella nopeudella laidasta laitaan lautalla. Paljonko10:08
gfxstylersihen: you dont need it, you have sudo10:08
Fator_Deemessed p with paste :-p10:08
geppyInitMass:  Nevermind, it's just universe.10:08
sihenlet me try10:08
Goshawksihen, right10:08
gfxstylersihen: if you still want root accsess, type in "sudo passwd root"10:08
sihengfxstyler, doesnt seem to work as i didnt set a root passwd?10:09
InitMassgeppy, now i remember that multiverse thing. could you give me a link to a multiverse repository plrease?10:09
cgI also have problems with TVtime and my ATI AIW10:10
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projectmayhemcg did you get the driver installed? that's what i'm trying to do...10:10
gfxstylersihen: no passwd is not the password, its a command10:10
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geppyInitMass: '10:10
sihenok its sorted10:10
bryani finally just got the new ati drivers to work, now i'm cruising in 1280x102410:10
sihenthanks gfxstyler10:10
gfxstylersihen: np10:10
projectmayhembryan can you help me out?10:10
geppyInitMass: 'unrar' is in universe, but here's how to install multiverse: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-20.3414506543/10:10
sihenfirst time using this distro :)10:10
cgwhat driver?10:10
[FiDO] wow cg we seem to be having the same problems dont we10:10
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Solatisthe new synaptic looks slick!10:10
InitMassgeppy, thanx10:11
geppyInitMass: No problem.10:11
cgFIDO: you also10:11
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[FiDO] must be related to the audigy 2 cause that's what we have in common10:11
cgFIDO: do have ATI AIW?10:11
[FiDO] no10:11
sihengfxstyler, also never used apt-get before, how would i install or search for amsn for example10:11
Solatisi'm wondering10:11
Solatisif some crucial part of a library is missing10:12
Solatisin hoary10:12
[FiDO] I have a seperate card10:12
gfxstylersihen: apt-get install amsn10:12
Solatiswhere should i report it ? :)10:12
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R0bNyci'm trying to get the mplayer-plugins for the browser anyone knows10:12
gfxstylersihen: but you can look at Synaptic, there is a search function and a package list, thats much more comfortable10:12
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cgmy problem is I can not change the video source10:12
[FiDO] oh nevermind then10:12
farruinnSolatis: if it's a bug, bugzilla.ubuntu.com10:13
sihenE: Couldn't find package amsn10:13
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Solatisfarruinn: mwoah... it's more that the package 'boost' is split up in sublibraries (threads, sockets, etc) ... one (recently added) part, which /should/ be in the latest version (strings), isn't there10:13
siheni need to find the config option in x to change keyboard setup10:14
gfxstylersihen: have you edited your sources.list to support the universe and multiverse repository?10:14
sihenfound it10:14
sihengfxstyler,  how?10:14
bryansihen, have you looked @ www.ubuntuguide.org yet?10:15
farruinnSolatis: hrm, don't know what boost is, have you tried 'apt-cache search boost'?10:15
Solatisyes ofcourse10:15
Solatisit isn't there :)10:15
Solatisah well i'll just submit a bugzilla report10:15
Solatisand see what trails that leads10:15
farruinnSolatis: either that or report it to the developer mailing list10:15
Solatisok thanks10:15
sihenfarruinn, just installed 2 mins ago10:16
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gfxstylersihen: "sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list" and then uncomment the universe repositories10:17
tizenhey guys, you know where i can define preferred applications for all filetypes? Like mp3's played by xmms?10:17
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geppytizen:  In Nautilus, right-click and go to 'Properties'.10:18
olywhats the force eject cd command ?10:18
geppyoly: eject10:18
geppyoly:  eject /media/cdrom10:18
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olydoes not work10:18
geppytizen: Go to "Open With" on the Permissions menu.10:18
tizengeppy:  Thank you very much10:18
geppytizen:  No problem.10:18
dsoftthere is any chance of getting "normal" debian througth ubuntu cd install?10:19
geppyoly:  Works fine for me.  You're probably using the drive, if that doesn't work.10:19
Echylodoes it sounds logic to anyone that you talk more with your girlfriend after you broke yp10:19
geppyEchylo: Yes.10:19
Jerubdsoft: you could just install ubuntu, then put in the debian sources.list10:19
olyyeah, thats what it says10:19
olybut i am not10:19
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dsoftinstall, chaging the source.list to debian, and apt-get upgrade world?10:19
Jerubdsoft: then dist-upgrade and hope nothing breaks too bad.10:19
sihengfxstyler,  ta. last question why when i try run synaptic or the updater and i put in the root passwd it tells me its incorrect?10:19
geppyoly:  If it says that you are, then you are. =)10:19
olyi need away to force it10:19
Echylonot really a ubuntu question10:19
tizensecond question... Sometimes when I'm using gaim, I click around the outside of the window and it changes to the size modifying cursor, but then i'm stuck and it won't take any commands... I can move the cursor around but i can't alt+tab or anything... Suggestions? Usually I just ctrl+alt+bksp but something must be more elegant10:20
Echylobut I'm in the middle of that problem now10:20
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geppyoly:  Perhaps you ran something from a terminal where you were in /media/cdrom0, or something?10:20
olywell i dont knwo whats using it, and i just want to change cd10:20
geppyoly:  There is a 'force' option.10:20
back_eastEchylo: I bet I could top you.  What's her number?10:20
farruinnoly: you neeed to unmount the device first...10:20
Jeruboly: you can find out what's using it using lsof10:20
geppyoly:  Change CDs... are you installing a multi-CD program through WINE?10:20
gfxstylersihen: try to type in the user password, maybe that helps10:20
olyyeah i am using wine10:20
geppyoly:  Jerub is right;  use 'lsof /dev/cdrom/*10:20
geppyoly:  You'll either need a second CD-ROM drive, or Cedega.10:20
geppyoly: Sorry.10:21
Jerublsof /media/cdrom10:21
Jerubwhereever you've mounted it.10:21
plex0rhow can i get linkysys wireless b to work with ubuntu10:21
geppyJerub: oops, my bad10:21
gfxstylersihen: but normally you have to type in the root/sudo password10:21
Echyloback_east Iwont/tell.you.so.10:21
Jerubanother option with wine is to mount the cd images loopback.10:21
olyokay ta10:21
back_eastEchylo: It was worth a shot.10:21
olyit cuz i was in the path on terminal10:21
olyhow annoying :p10:21
Jerubdd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/myuser/cdimage-1.iso10:21
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EchyloI ain't gonna talk about my personal life, just a question10:21
geppyoly:  =)10:21
Jerubmount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/myuser/cdimage-1.iso /media/cdrom-110:22
geppyJerub:  If he's installing something with WINE, odds are that it's a copy-protected CD, and dd will choke and die on that.10:22
sihengfxstyler,  thanks for all the help10:22
olyi wish it would just eject regardless when i press the cd button10:22
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gfxstylersihen: no problem :)10:22
poScaevening.. some1 know what to do with this little problem http://euroloser.dk/apt-error ?10:22
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geppyoly:  That's a good way to get a BSOD in Windows.10:22
geppyoly:  There's a reason that you can't do that.10:22
olyyeah, but its anoying :p10:23
sihengfxstyler,  does ubuntu mount my other hd's auto?10:23
geppyoly:  Less annoying than a complete system crash, I should think. =)10:23
olywell it coudl just kill the app thats using the cd drive10:23
gfxstylersihen: i dont know, if you open nautilus you should see if they are mounted or not10:23
geppysihen:  It depends on whether or not you installed them with the installer.  You can check /etc/fstab to see if they are auto-mounted on boot.10:23
Fator_Deeoly: that could crash the system too :-p10:23
gfxstylersihen: but i guess yes10:23
geppyoly:  heh =)10:23
Jeruboly: its really really really complicated.10:23
sihenroot@Enigma:~ # apt-get install amsn10:24
sihenE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:24
sihenE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:24
Jerubsihen: sudo apt-get install imsn10:24
Jeruber whateever. use sudo10:24
farruinnsihen: close synaptic10:24
gfxstylersihen: do you have synaptics open?10:24
Jeruboh,you're logged in as root. nevermind.10:24
sihenok its working10:24
sihenta ta10:24
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queuetueWhenI run a "cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -msinfo", I get a bout a bushel and a half of nastiness about lack of DVD support, suggesting I buy a professional package, and complaining about kernel 2.5.  What gives?10:25
airoxNice, I got suspend to ram working. But hibernation doesn't want to work yet. But I did set the /etc/default/acpi-support to yes :(10:25
bryandoes anyone know why they took that beautiful blue ximen window skin out of horay?10:26
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gfxstylerbryan: why dont you add it if you like it so much ? :)10:26
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bryancan't find it10:27
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gfxstylerbryan: did you look at http://www.gnome-look.org ?10:28
back_eastairox: Did you try swsusp or the kernel suspend to disk?10:28
bryannope, thanks for the link though!10:28
airoxback_east: I have a toshiba that supports hibernation.10:28
gfxstylerbryan: np10:28
back_eastairox: in the BIOS?10:29
airoxback_east: But I guess I forget to set the hibernation lba :/10:29
back_eastairox: Oh10:29
airoxback_east: There was some line that I had to add a 'kopt' section to grub10:29
airoxShould it have a # at the beginning of the line ?10:29
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back_eastairox: Yes10:30
airoxSounds weird, mostly it's used as commmenting out :/10:30
back_eastairox: kopts are added to each kernel listing when you run "grub-install"10:30
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back_eastairox: Yeah, it breaks all kinds of conventions10:31
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seacydHi! The latest hoary update had brought the weather report gnome applet to release 2.10. There is a night feature installed which though does not take into account if this city still has daylight. Can this be changed?10:31
airoxupdate-grub would install grub to the lba would it ?10:32
airoxdamnit, never mind10:33
mcphailqueuetue: Linus and the cdrecord author have indulged in a little mutual flaming over time. Not helpful.10:33
airoxi ran update-grub the previous time :/10:33
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back_eastairox: That's the one I meant10:34
airoxback_east: Yeah, it did add a line with kopt, but I forget to add suspend=/dev/hda4 :/10:34
back_eastairox: yeah, update grub installs a new MBR10:34
geppyWhere can I learn QT?  I'm looking to port a KDE app to GTK.10:35
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Chipzzgeppy: wrong channel10:36
geppyChipzz:  Righto, thanks.10:36
Chipzzgeppy: EXTREMELY wrong channel10:36
geppyChipzz:  haha, yeah. =)10:36
Chipzzubuntu almost only has gtk+/gnome apps10:36
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HiddenWolfChipzz: there is kubuntu :)10:37
mcphailgeppy: http://www.trolltech.com/10:38
geppymcphail: Danke!10:38
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=== geppy is looking at Kubuntu screenies.
geppyAgh, there's a reason I don't use that stuff.10:39
geppybryan:  http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=271&slide=0110:39
tcksorry 'bout this paste10:39
tckbut mplayer is driving me mad10:40
geppytck:  Use PasteBin10:40
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geppybryan:  Agreed.10:40
JStrikeconfigure seems to think that I don't have gcc 3.2 or above. Is this an issue with Ubuntu's configure or with the apps configure script?10:40
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bryando you know you have gcc installed?10:41
geppyJStrike: Have you installed 'build-essential'?10:41
back_eastbryan: if "which gcc" gives you a path10:41
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snoop_eh...does anyone use wireless intenet? got problems with that here.....10:42
plex0rgah i dont think i cang et online on my ubuntu systtem10:42
JStrikegeppy : No. Will install it. Thanks10:42
geppyJStrike: No problem.10:42
JStrikeI had just install gcc 4.010:42
error_29hello all.  I've decided to take the plunge and upgrade warty to hoary -- just don't want to wait till April! -- and I'm not clear about some things10:43
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error_29Should I remove backports, multiverse, etc from synaptic before upgrading to the hoary versions of my packages?10:44
error_29I'm worried about conflicts10:44
error_29and clueless...10:44
snoop_anyone have any trouble installing ndiswrapper? giving me errors ..10:44
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gfxstylersnoop_; i have it installed, works without probs10:45
farruinnerror_29: backports yes, multiverse I don't know about10:45
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farruinnerror_29: some people have had problems upgrading with backports installed10:46
snoop_gives me this error :10:46
snoop_make -C driver install10:46
snoop_make[1] : Entering directory `/home/anoop/ndiswrapper-1.1/driver'10:46
snoop_Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/;10:46
snoop_  give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make10:46
snoop_make[1] : *** [prereq_check]  Error 110:46
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snoop_make[1] : Leaving directory `/home/anoop/ndiswrapper-1.1/driver'10:46
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snoop_make: *** [install]  Error 210:46
plex0rhow am i supposed to set up wireless network card, when i cant get on the internet on the nix system?10:46
aeolisthello ubuntuers10:47
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error_29thanks farruinn --10:47
aeolistis there a jigdo file for the weekly dvd?10:47
gfxstylersnoop_; did you install the kernel sources?10:47
gfxstylersnoop_: search for linux-source in synaptic10:47
snoop_i am new at this..how would i go about doing that?10:47
plex0rno one knows..10:47
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snoop_is there a specific repository? cause it says nothing when i search for it10:48
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Symbiotjohnni bruger ikke gummistvler10:49
yaaardoes ubuntu not make use of the full debian apt library? in particular, I'm looking for a package for asterisk....my asterisk howto suggests debian as a distro with excellent support, and i've got this ubuntu box that was just sort of lying around......but apt-cache search asterisk doesn't turn anything up?10:49
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andreasRdgrd med flde10:49
Xappehmm, i'm planning to install Hoary on my ibook, what do you recommend; upgrade from clean warty install or a Hoary snapshot (array 6 or so)?10:49
andreasHejsa! du har et lille problem emd dit charset s pas p de ikke bliver sure p dig...10:50
error_29snoop, it's in there10:50
aeolistxappe: hoary snapshot10:50
Xappei've always experienced easy upgrades on x86 pc:s10:50
farruinnyaaar: universe is enabled?10:50
=== Aurel_ [~Aurelien@AToulouse-251-1-60-109.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
error_29search  "linux-source" -- search "description and name"10:50
andreasHvad er det for nogle alger du lider under?10:50
yaaarfarruinn: my sources file looks the same as that suggested at ubuntuguide.org10:50
snoop_okay i think i am downloading the source now..10:50
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=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-49-189.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnyaaar: you could add a deb-src line for sid and do it that I suppose10:51
error_29I'm an idiot snoop, 'cause i don't know which repositories you've got --anyway, mine has it marked as "supported" by ubuntu10:51
Xappeaeolist, why?10:51
Symbiotdet er vist mest penselalger...10:51
Symbiottror jeg10:51
aeolistxappe: easier, safer, quicker10:52
snoop_alright...i just put in the main and unuverse and i got the sources..10:52
andreasHi guys... I`m having trouble persuading Symbiot that Ubuntu really is better than XP. Would anyone like to help me in this task?10:52
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yaaarfarruinn: will that interfere with my existing sources? Like, if they have different versions of the same packages? And does it cause any problems to mix in normal debian packages in ubuntu?10:52
aeolistxappe: ppl have had probs changing xfree86 for xorg etc... why go into all that trouble?10:52
djpdoes anyone know if there is a working app to create vcd/svcds with ubuntu yet?10:52
andreasHmm... Tager dvrg sugemaller ikke dem?10:52
=== wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Symbiotved jeg ikke10:52
Xappeaeolist, because i have my pile of warty cd:s right here on my desk10:53
Symbiotjeg ved at SAE gr..10:53
andreasDet er jeg alts ret sikker p10:53
=== cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@p548CAF7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Symbiots dem skal jeg have fingre i10:53
brentonI'm a linux newbie, how do I change my monitor type10:53
snoop_error_29: i believe the source has successfully installed10:53
andreas*s* Jeg skal ogs have sparket kresten til staden for  at kbe en hndfuld til mig10:53
gfxstylerandreas & symbiot: i had to stop talking german, so you now stop talking ..whatever language you use :)10:53
aeolistxappe: that's not a good excuse :)10:53
Symbiotn, jeg vil i seng..... snork godt...10:53
error_29not to be difficult, andreas, but better at what?  It's apples and oranges, as far as I'm concerned.  So far xp is a hell of a lot better at booting up fast, not draining my battery, and not running my cpu at full throttle for no reason10:53
andreasgfx: please?10:53
andreasPretty please?10:53
error_29but in general, I do think ubuntu is better10:54
orospakrWhat is the ID of the key that signed the packages in hoary? I don't want to see the "cannot very packages" message from apt.10:54
gfxstylerandreas: what? i dont understand what you mean,sorry10:54
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aeolistxappe: whatever you do remember to install a cpu - specific kernel10:54
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Xappeaeolist, of course10:54
snoop_error_29: after the install, i tried to install it again...still gave me the same error10:54
andreasgfx: Can` t we just have a conversation? A quick one? We`ll dump the silly letter () if they`re bothering you10:55
djpanyone know of an app to create vcd/svcd's under ubuntu?10:55
gfxstylersnoop_: you have to install the sources of the kernel you use at the moment10:55
geppy|awaydjp: k3B10:55
=== lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
gfxstylerandreas: not that you are bothering me, but maybe others have problems, because they told me to stop speaking german too. so feel free to continue :)10:56
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error_29All I want to know is what the hell "snork godt" means, or if you made it up!  Snork godt!10:57
andreasgfx: I`m actually a bit hurt that you cannot recognize the language. We are neighbours you know..*lol*10:57
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djpgeppy|away: what i am looking for is a program that will allow me to convert .mov, .avi files into mpeg2 files. k3b would allow me to burn the final .cue/.bin files, but i can do that with cdrecord anyway.10:57
snoop_gfxstyler: silly querstion but how do i know? i installed the 386 install disk last night..10:57
geppy|awaygjp: transcode10:57
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andreaserror: LOL "Snork godt" means sweat dreams.10:58
Xappewe should hold the danish people short, or they will take over the whole channel :) (hehe, yes, i'm a swede)10:58
gfxstylerandreas: sorry for hurting you, i simply dont know10:58
djpgeppy|away: yeah, i know, had that working wonderfully using the tovid script under fc3 but transcode is bust in ubuntu at present10:58
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gfxstylersnoop_: i guess you use the 2.6.8 kernel10:59
andreasHehe! Xappe: At least we can hold our booze ;-)10:59
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Xappeandreas, ahahaha...no you can't. i've seen you at the roskilde festival ;)10:59
geppy|awaydjp:  Compile from source? I don't know what to say.10:59
snoop_gfxstyler: i downloaded the source10:59
andreasXappe: Weren`t you passed out?? LOL10:59
Xappeandreas, :)10:59
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gfxstylersnoop_: why dont you install ndiswrapper out of synaptic? its available as package there11:00
error_29thanks for the translation, Andreas.  "Snork" is sweet?11:00
andreascomhem.se - another Swede?11:00
andreaserror: "Snork" is "dream". To be frank it means "snorring"11:00
error_29that's about the least onomatopoeic word I've ever heard... ;)11:00
=== ben [~ben@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnis there a way to convince apt that package A doesn't need to depend on package B? (because the developers are silly and A actually needs C)?11:01
Xappeandreas, comhem = telia cable11:01
snoop_wow...cant believe i didnt try synaptic and using the mainrepositories...it is installed now..11:01
djpgeppy|away: no probs. i think it is apparant that i will have to wait for a later ubuntu release and then give my vcd/svcd creation urges a feed! love ubuntu too much to change just because of that one issue11:01
error_29I wonder if English "snore" could be derived from something like "snork" !11:01
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andreasBoth of you guys: I see11:01
geppy|awayfarruinn:  Get the source and change the dependencies? =P11:01
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geppy|awaydjp:  Yeah, same here. =)11:01
gfxstylerfarruinn: maybe you can use --force or something like that?11:01
error_29oops, sorry andreas, I'm not reading well here11:02
snoop_gfxstyler: what do i have to do now to get my linksys card going?11:02
andreaserror: I think it works the other way around11:02
error_29you did say snoring..11:02
windows-farhani saw in the package lists that ubuntu has speakup support..for the blind is this true?11:02
andreasWell.... Let`s get down to business11:02
gfxstylersnoop_: if you have installed ndiswrapper, you have to get the windows drivers for your card11:02
snoop_gfxstyler: got them on a cd..11:02
andreasWhat`s all this about a "Kubuntu" distro? It kinda destroys Ubuntus role on the market11:03
windows-farhanwait. ndswaper. i've hurd of that11:03
windows-farhanor something\] 11:03
windows-farhanyah i hurd about the new kde thingy11:03
=== ben [~ben@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
gfxstylersnoop_: if you have them, open a console, go to the directory and then use "ndiswrapper -i yourinifile.ini". the yourinifile.ini is the ini file of your card drivers11:03
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farruinngeppy|away: yeah... too bad I don't know how11:03
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Riddellandreas: it's top secret, if you've heard about it we will have to kill you (or bribe you, one or the other)11:03
snoop_gfxstyler: alright will try now...11:03
windows-farhanwait. can anyone tell me if speakup support is in the ubuntu iso?11:04
andreasriddell: I prefer taking the bribe11:04
error_29andreas, I like the idea of ubuntuizing kde, but i don't think they should call it "kubuntu"11:04
windows-farhani have debian currently on this box11:04
snoop_gfxstyler: got one called wlan.ini...11:04
andreaserror: What is tyhere to gain by doing it?11:04
error_29what I really wish is for some genius to somehow merge gnome and kde, just the best parts, and get rid of the crap11:05
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=== boxemall [~boxemall@pD9525D10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
error_29I like the kde kicker a lot better than the gnome panels, and I prefer konqueror to nautilus11:05
andreasHmm... I would hate to see Hoary ship with KDE as default11:05
boxemallhi folks!11:05
error_29but kde as it stands is overkill11:06
geppy|awayfarruinn: 'sudo apt-get source foo'11:06
[DRWN] Atheistknoq is very nice11:06
[DRWN] Atheistkonq11:06
geppy|awayfarruinn: Then just edit the debian/control file11:06
boxemallgot one problem! just installed warty array 6 and got no sound with terratex dmx 6 fire (was no problem under suse so far)11:06
windows-farhanhoary and wordy whats the differents?11:06
mcphailk3b would be lovely in GTK clothing11:06
gfxstylersnoop_: then you have to open a terminal/console, go to the drivers directory and use "ndiswrapper -i wlan.ini", then watch if its installed with "ndiswrapper -l" and if its present, use "ndiswrapper -m" to make an wlan0 alias to your card. if you have made the alias, you can config your card with "iwconfig" (e.g. iwconfig wlan0 - to get a list of the commands use iwconfig --help)11:06
andreasfarhan: auto update and other nifty features11:06
dazedhey can =anyone help me with burning a cd?11:06
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error_29I agree andreas, shouldn't be a default, but a nicely configured ubuntu styled, stripped down version of kde as an option would be cool11:07
windows-farhandoes horry have support for the blind yet?11:07
geppy|awaymcphail:  That's what I'm looking at. =/11:07
Xappedazed, what's your problem?11:07
Tomcat_[23:05:53]  [error_29]  what I really wish is for some genius to somehow merge gnome and kde, just the best parts, and get rid of the crap <--- xfce? /me ducks :D11:07
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boxemalldoes anyone here know how to fix my sound problem?11:07
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andreaserror: I disagree. Gnome ber alles!11:07
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gfxstylerTomcat_: xfce rocks11:07
farruinngeppy|away: ok, do I need to run debian/rules build again or can I just run debian/rules binary?11:07
mcphailgeppy|away: You planning on using the C++ wrappers for GTK? Or rewriting in C?11:07
Fator_Deehey, what was the thingy in kde called from where you could browse directories like "start menu -> apps ->" ? and is there a similar thingy for gnome?11:08
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Tomcat_gfxstyler: Yeah, it's good. :)11:08
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Fator_Deesorry, but I can't explain it properly :-\11:08
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geppy|awayfarruinn: You should just need to run 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' from the main dir11:08
Fator_Deeand directories as in from the hard drive11:08
geppy|awaymcphail:  Not sure, I've never used QT before, so this would be a learning experience if I got off of the ground11:08
=== ben [~ben@69-172-23-123.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
geppy|awayFator_Dee: Konqueror?11:09
farruinngeppy|away: I've already built the source once, I'm wondering if I can skip the build step... (I don't see why not)11:09
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error_29Fator_Dee, I think you mean the kde "quick browser"11:09
Fator_Deeerror_29: yes11:09
Fator_Deethats it11:09
geppy|awayfarruinn: I don't know, try it. =)11:09
error_29I hate the current gnome menus.11:09
farruinngeppy|away: ok, that's all I needed :)11:09
Fator_Deeis there similar one for gnome?11:09
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boxemallanyone knows how to fix sound problem on warty?11:09
=== Loevborg [~loevborg@d37-55.dip.isp-service.de] has joined #ubuntu
PakalIs possible to use Expos on Ubuntu hoarty?11:09
=== omirix [~omirix@adsl-11-54-238.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
omirixhttp://awib.ablenet.org:6928 - DJ Omirix broadcasting or Ablenet - THANKYOU11:10
snoop_ i did "ndiswrapper -l it said :    Installed ndis drivers:11:10
gfxstylerboxemall: what for sound problems?11:10
snoop_wlan.ini        hardware NOT present11:10
Fator_DeeI mean, thats the only thing I miss from kde11:10
WillCookeany mplayer / mencoder experts in?11:10
dazedi dunno how to even start to burn a cd11:10
gfxstylersnoop_: then its the wrong .ini file or your hardware is not supported11:10
andreasfator: Do you mean something like "Run"?11:10
boxemallgfxstyler: just installed (finished a few secs ago, so it's a fresh system) warty array 611:10
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Fator_Deeandreas: quick browser, like error_29 said11:11
snoop_gfxstyler: how about the autorun.inf ?11:11
Xappedazed, install a decent cd burning app first. I use graveman on Hoary...11:11
boxemallgfxstyler: my soundcard (terratec dmx 6fire) does not work11:11
=== oly [~oly@host81-157-160-74.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailomirix: stop spamming the channels11:11
andreasFator: Epipahny?11:11
gfxstylersnoop_: no thats a totally wrong file :)11:11
dazedim on warty...11:11
dazeddo they have graveman?11:11
error_29Well, Fator_Dee, I installed kde just so i could use the kicker, which includes that quick browser, in gnome.  I never log into kde itself.  Wasting a lot os space like this, but it works11:11
snoop_gfxstyler: ok...dound it ...11:11
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snoop_* found..11:11
Xappedazed, hmm, search for it with synaptic11:12
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gfxstylersnoop_: if "ndiswrapper -l" returns a "hardware present" , dont forget to do "ndiswrapper -m"11:12
farruinngeppy: it worked, thanks!11:12
Fator_Deeerror_29: well, I don't want to waste my space so :-/11:12
andreasWe really should have a hoary and a warty channel11:12
=== farruinn needs to improve his dpkg skills+knowledge
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-83-250-251.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
R0bNycanyone has gnomad211:13
R0bNycit doesnt work for me11:13
error_29there are some very cool little applets in kde though11:13
geppyfarruinn: Glad to hear it! =)11:13
dazedXappe: is it called graveman?11:13
dazedNO FIND11:13
geppygraveman is practically useless11:13
geppypretty, though11:13
Xappegeppy, why useless?11:13
dazedgeppy whats a good burning app11:14
XappeI like it11:14
andreasdazed: k3b11:14
geppyXappe:  It lacks the features of KDE that I need, like audio/video/dvd11:14
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geppydazed: K3B, like andreas said =)11:14
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Xappegeppy, mine has mp3 and ogg --> audio cd support11:14
Xappeand I don't need to burn dvd:s11:15
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geppyXappe:  Well, I mostly only burn DVDs =)11:15
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gfxstylersee you guys :)11:15
socommI wonder what gfxstyler is doing.11:15
=== CorvusZz [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu
dazedwell im just trying to burn some cds11:15
=== gino4466 [gino@pcp0010508594pcs.riogrd01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazedno dvd burner yet11:15
Xappegeppy, hard to do that if don't have a dvd burner11:15
socommdazed: cdrecord.11:15
djpi use cdrecord to do my burning11:15
=== erik_ is now known as Xbe
geppyXappe:  understood. =)11:16
andreasNow it`s my turn to ask11:16
socommIf I'm not mistaken cdrecord is also compatible with DVD burners.11:16
andreasWhere do Is et the default splash screen in Hoary?11:16
andreasI set11:16
Xappeandreas, gnome splash?11:16
socommandreas: gconf11:17
socommandreas: gconf-editor11:17
XbeI'm trying to read files from a windows share11:17
=== CorvusZz is now known as Corvus
andreassocom: So i save the damn thing somewhere and edit gconf?11:17
JStrikeWhat provides xerces-c? It doesn't seem to be libxerces23. Is it libxerces23-dev?11:17
Xbebut it wont't work11:17
XbeGnome doesn't ask for a password11:17
socommJStrike: libxerces-dev11:17
Xbewat can i do?11:17
socommXbe: Pray.11:18
=== Albacker [~eni@as5300.atnet.com.al] has joined #ubuntu
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XbeCome on! I'm new here :-)11:18
socommandreas: Point gconf-editor to your splash screen.11:18
XbeSurely somebody can help me11:18
andreasXbe: Did you set one while installing?11:18
andreassocom: Will try.. Thanks!11:18
socommandreas: Good luck.11:19
Xbeandreas: how do you mean?11:19
snoop_anyone, hardware problem too...i have a linksys wireless card in the computer and the devide manager picks it up, BUT it is not given a name line eth0 or anything....any ideas?11:19
XbeI just need to connect to a win2000 server11:19
Xappei've never installed linux on a ppc before. anything that I need to bare in mind?11:19
=== wdh_ [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnXappe: what model?11:20
AnubisI was wonder why all the updates11:20
Albackerguys, I've just installed beatrix. a debian-like distro. but I cant get my modem working. I've configured the /etc/ppp/peers files and the /etc/ configs like wvdial.conf. but when i do wvdial ppp0. it sais that no dial phone, even thought I can connect to the internet using WinXP. any idea about this ?11:20
=== danny666 [~danny@xdsl-213-196-212-86.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
Anubisthne i thought11:20
Xappefarruinn, ibook g311:20
Anubishas Gnome gone final?11:20
Anubis2.10 right?11:20
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farruinnXappe: as long as it doesn't have airport extreme (which I don't think those came with) you should be golden11:20
tizendammit... i just crashed OpenOffice by asking for help11:21
socommAlbacker: You're in the wrong channel.11:21
kentAlbacker, there is no irc channel for Beatrix? most of the time its better to ask the ones who has responsibel for it,11:21
Xappefarruinn, no airport at all I think. i've never used it, I can't stand osx 10.1.4 that's now installed and will be erased11:21
=== farruinn vomits
Albackersocomm, kent, I asked here because beatrix, and ubuntu are very similar with each other. anyway thank you.11:22
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Thanateremesiswhat are more new? hoary or warty ?11:22
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Xappefarruinn, is it easy to revert to osx if I need to (the ibook is leased by my fathers company)11:22
socommAlbacker: Try #debian.11:22
kentThanateremesis, Hoary  - but is the unstable branch. Soon to be stable..11:22
=== walter [~walter@adsl-068-212-091-037.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
geppyI think that I should probably reboot.  After a week's worth of Hoary upgrades, my computer is starting to do funny things11:23
=== Kokey [~ubunturer@dsl-200-78-65-251.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
Thanateremesisand warty are "minimalment stable" ?11:23
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geppyLike with the new volume manager, I'm getting two different kinds of icons for mounted CDs/DVDs11:23
ThanateremesisSID from debian are "very stable", runs all good,11:23
Thanateremesisthe warty runs good ?11:23
Thanateremesisin equivalence..11:23
tizenThanateremesis: I've been running hoary for the last week or so, only a couple minor bugs so far11:23
kentThanateremesis, Is not SID the unstable branch of Debian?11:24
tizensimilar to when i used Debian Unstable11:24
dampjamwhat bugs are in hoary?11:24
dazedhey all im trying to mount a windows folder to transfer some files and i get an error i never seen before11:24
Xbedazed: same problem here11:24
socommdampjam: bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org11:24
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Thanateremesisyes kent, SID are the unestable branch... and are good works...11:24
XbeI keep getting a login failure11:24
Thanateremesisok, hoary are a unstable "runs good" Im use..11:25
farruinnXappe: as long as you have the install discs, yes, quite easy11:25
Thanateremesisis for use the XORG packages from the ubuntu11:25
dampjamthanateremesis: runs well11:25
socommThanateremesis: Not on warty.11:25
Xappefarruinn, just erase partitions and install?11:25
dazed19214: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)11:25
farruinnXappe: yup, if the 10.1 installer is anything like 10.2 it should be easy11:26
socommThanateremesis: Xorg was brought into after hoary.11:26
snoop_everybody: got a wireless card that is in the computer but is not being given a name(like eth0) but it is detected in the device manager... Any ideas ??11:26
pestilencehas anyone installed vim-gtk in warty successfully?  i get broken dependencies.11:26
dampjamdamn here is a bug, I go to buzilla.ubuntulinux.org, and when I press accept permanently firefox crashes11:26
pestilencevim-gtk: Depends: vim (= 1:6.3-025+1ubuntu2) but 1:6.3-025+1ubuntu2.2 is to be installed11:26
Xbesnoop_: type of portable?11:26
error_29folks, I'm doing a "smart upgrade" in synaptic, from warty to hoary, and I noticed that synaptic itself is marked for removal-- is there a different app in hoary that functions the same way?11:27
snoop_i got a linksys wireless card (wmp54g) Broadcom..11:27
socommsnoop_: What's the problem?11:27
mcphailpestilence: no such problems here11:28
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Xappefarruinn, fair enough :) I'm sure my father will find ubuntu more easy to use than osx when i've managed to get it all set up (and that should not be a big problem, have used Hoary for over four months now)11:28
socommI don't think wirless cards will be picked up as eth0 :^/11:28
mdzsocomm: they are when there is a driver for them11:28
mdzunfortunately the broadcom doesn't fall into that category11:28
pestilencemcphail: i think i have screwed up my system by having hoary and warty repositories in my sources.list11:28
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mcphailpestilence: sounds like it11:28
mdzsnoop_: I think ndiswrapper is the only option for that device11:28
XbeI need Nautilus to ask for windows share password. How can I force Nautilus to do this?11:28
WillCookeI thought wireless cards presented themselves as wnic0 instead of eth011:28
socommInteresting. I'll keep that in mind, if ever I buy a wireless card.11:28
pestilencebut i have hoary pinned to 50, and i really don't think i have much of anything installed from it11:29
snoop_Xbe: it is in the computer and IS detected by the device manager, but it is not given a name and when i use ndiswrapper, it says hardware not detected...11:29
windows-farhanshould i try to install it and install haury?11:29
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snoop_mdz: i was trying to use it when it says hardware not found..11:29
windows-farhanmdz the new haury has the speakup support right?11:29
Xbesnoop_: I had the same problem and it turned out to be a irq conflict11:29
mdzwindows-farhan: no, not as such11:30
snoop_Xbe: irq??11:30
WillCookesnoop, how many ".inf" files are there included with the driver.  I had three with a linksys card, and only one of the worked, and it wasn't the one I thought it would be11:30
socommCan't one use festival. :^/11:30
windows-farhanthen why do i see the curnel in the package list? ...11:30
windows-farhani see the speakup 2.4 currnel11:30
=== Scognito [~utdut@host27-141.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Scognitohi all11:30
socommgino4466: It's hoary not "huary".11:30
Scognitowhere i can get mono repository for ubuntu?11:31
gino4466.....i know11:31
windows-farhanif i probly wanted to install it ith speakup its either linux speakupsynth=txprt or something11:31
jkhurray? :)11:31
windows-farhanor is it speakup speakup_synth=txprt11:31
windows-farhani don'tno11:31
gino4466*points at windows-farhan* he started it11:31
=== gino4466 cries
snoop_WillCooke: I have tried to use the setup.ini , wlan.ini, and bcmwlf.inf.......none of them work...cause it says hardware not detected..11:31
JStrikeScognito : There are old versions in universe or multiverse11:31
windows-farhanit was in the universe11:32
Scognitowhy don't getsweaaa works anymore?11:32
WillCookesnoop, Hmm - looking at that list I would have expected it to be bcmwlf.inf11:32
windows-farhani just wanted to install speakup11:32
WillCookesnoop, sorry, what card is it?11:32
windows-farhanwith ubuntu11:32
snoop_wmp54g linksys card (broadcom)11:32
JStrikeI would really love a daily build of mono and relevant apps for Ubuntu11:32
JStrikeWould make life so much easier11:32
windows-farhanso i guss i'm wasty bandwith11:33
windows-farhani guess i'm wastying bandwithlol11:33
socommJStrike: Why don't you start said project?11:33
ScognitoJStrike, cannot install muine anymore11:33
WillCookesnoop, can you do a "lspci" and tell me the number at the end that corresponds to your card (hex number in the format xxxx:xxxx)11:33
JStrikesocomm : Dont know anything about debian or .debs11:34
snoop_here it is :0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX Host bridge (rev 03)11:34
snoop_0000:00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX AGP bridge (rev 03)11:34
snoop_0000:00:07.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)11:34
snoop_0000:00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)11:34
snoop_0000:00:07.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)11:34
snoop_0000:00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)11:34
snoop_0000:00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Yamaha Corporation YMF-724F [DS-1 Audio Controller]  (rev 03)11:34
snoop_0000:00:0e.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000 AGP 8x]  (rev c1)11:34
Scognitoah ok removing getsweaaa it works11:34
snoop_0000:00:0e.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394): nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 00b0 (rev c1)11:34
snoop_0000:00:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Linksys NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)11:34
snoop_0000:00:10.0 Communication controller: Conexant HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (rev 08)11:34
snoop_0000:00:11.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94306 802.11g (rev 03)11:34
snoop_whoops : its that last one there..11:34
socommJStrike: No better time then the present to learn.11:34
gino4466dear god help us all11:34
windows-farhanso yeh i tryed to downloaded that new thing with gnome thing that that guy put up11:34
socommsnoop_: Don't paste more than 4 lines.11:35
WillCookesorry, 'lspci -n' - just show the one for your wireless card11:35
JStrikesocomm : And building all the stuff takes quite a few hours on my pc, which wont really do11:35
snoop_socomm: sorry...wont happen again..11:35
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socommJStrike: You could have it build over night. :^/11:35
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WillCookesnoop, sorry, 'lspci -n' - just show the one for your wireless card11:35
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JStrikesocomm : And uploading via 56k modem is also a problem :-)11:36
gino4466JStrike: i feel for you11:36
socommJStrike: Excuses, excuses.11:36
snoop_willlcooke, 0000:00:11.0 Class 0280: 14e4:4320 (rev 03)11:36
snoop_i think thats it anyways...came up with a bunch of stuff..11:37
gino4466brb, you ossholes11:37
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tizenYou guys think gino's having sound problems?11:38
danny666is there anybody who has nvu running on ubuntu11:38
WillCookesnoop, OK, well the good news is that it does work with ndiswrapper.  Are you using this driver > ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/network/WMP54GS_20040423.exe11:38
knucksanyone else have problems ripping a CD in k3b?11:38
WillCookedanny666, Yup11:38
danny666was there any problems installing it?11:39
Xappedanny666, yes11:39
snoop_willcooke, i was using the cd that came with it...11:39
Xappedanny666, but i've yet to use it :)11:39
danny666i want to install it on my system to try if i can throw away dreamweaver11:40
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WillCookedanny666, No, it works fine.11:40
Xappedanny666, there's an installation guide on the wiki I think11:40
knuckshelp me11:40
WillCookesnoop, OK, I think you *have* to use the one from that link.  I'm guessing that .exe is actually a zip.  Download and try and unzip it11:41
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mdke_laptopquick question. I edited /etc/hdparm.conf yesterday and I used the template for a non-devfs system, as instructed by some people in the chan. This works fine if I restart hdparm after booting, but not at the boot stage, as it can't find the device (/dev/hdc). What should I do? I could 1) change the hdparm settings (I'm not sure how to do this) or 2) get the hdparm service to start later in the boot process. Any suggestions welcome!! thanks11:41
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danny666is there a way somebody can do a prot for apt11:42
danny666sorry port11:42
WillCookedanny666, I think I downloaded the "linspire" one11:42
kentwhat program should i use to play .swf files in Ubuntu  (Hoary)?11:42
mdke_laptopkent, firefox should do it11:42
WillCookekent, mplayer or the flash plugin for firefox11:42
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snoop_willcooke, it says exe file, want me to rename to zip and try and unzip?11:43
geppyrun KDE =/11:43
danny666never heard of that11:43
kentWillCooke, are you sure mplayer should do it? I have mplayer and the w32codecs, but it wont play it :(11:43
WillCookekent, Hmm, works for me.11:43
geppydanny666:  Linspire runs KDE11:43
WillCookesnoop, no need to rename, just try unzip <filename.exe>11:43
geppyWillCooke: I think it might need access to them at compile time11:43
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dstevenshi all, im running a laptop sony pcg-z1rmp  uname-a "Linux ghost 2.6.10-4-386 #1 Wed Mar 2 06:11:58 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linu" Should i really be running a 686 kernel ? is there one with ubuntu.11:43
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WillCookegeppy, Ahh, could be, I compiled from source.  (major P I T A)11:44
geppyWillCooke:  Yeah.11:44
geppyDoes 2.6.11 work for anybody here?  I tried booting to it, but it hung when I got to my desktop.11:44
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WillCookedanny666, http://cvs.nvu.com/download/nvu-0.81-pc-linux2.6.10-gnu.tar.bz211:44
snoop_willcooke, alright, got it..11:44
=== gino4466 [gino@pcp0010508594pcs.riogrd01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WillCookesnoop, sweet, how many .inf files there?11:44
=== gino4466 sighs
=== knucks [~chatzilla@pcp01189996pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kentWillCooke, when i run mplayer from gnome terminal, it writes about xmms before it exits.  That seems very strange to me..  I started mplayer, not xmms, and why should mplayer use xmms, i have never heard of that before.. :(11:45
knuckscome on guys. PLEASE. I havent been able to get it working11:45
knucksIm ripping a cd right now and its takin FOREVER11:45
knucksgoing at likr .04x11:45
makohey folks.. anyone want to help me test the new shipit before the preview announcement tomorrow?11:45
mcphaildstevens: The 686 kernel is very good. Much better performance on my laptop.11:45
geppyknucks: Ripping a CD is pretty intensive.11:45
Xappedstevens, you can use apt-get to get a -686 kernel11:45
WillCookekent, Odd!11:45
snoop_willcooke, two inf files.11:45
knucksgeppy: seriously?11:45
WillCookesnoop, ok, one called autorun.inf?11:45
makoif you create a new test account, tell me when you're done so i can delete it11:46
geppyknucks: Yes, seriously.11:46
knucksits never taken this long on winxp11:46
knucksnot even CLOSE to this11:46
geppyknucks: What're you using?11:46
Fator_Deeknucks: and depends what kind of quality you are going to get11:46
geppyknucks:  Then use WinXP.11:46
snoop_willcooke, yup11:46
knucksi tried the one that came w/ ubuntu..11:46
WillCookesnoop, ok ignore that one11:46
knucksbut that was slow11:46
knucksso itried k3b11:46
knucksand its still really slow..11:46
geppyknucks:  Give grip a shot.11:46
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snoop_willcooke, ok11:46
danny666willCooke: thx11:46
knucksand its not in mp3 format11:46
holy_cowhey guys11:46
Fator_Deegrip is good11:46
geppyknucks:  Yes.11:46
HcEknucks: dma error or something? bad CD? copy-protected "CD"11:46
kentWillCooke, but it works in the epiphany browser. :)11:46
geppyknucks:  Perhaps you need to enable DMA on your drives.11:46
holy_cowi installed gnome cups manager ... would anyone know how to give a user access to it so they can add printers or delete print jobs?11:46
Alinuxgip is the best.11:46
dstevens*, cheers will check apt out11:47
holy_cowroot can manage print jobs fine, but when users are prompted for a root pass it doesn't accept it.  ideally no pass would be require11:47
Alinuxgrip I mean :D11:47
knucksHow do i enable DMA?11:47
geppyIs it 'hdaparm -ld /dev/hdx' to enable DMA?11:47
holy_cowany ideas?11:47
knucksor check if it is or now11:47
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geppyknucks:  run 'hdparm' on your cd-rom11:47
WillCookesnoop, Right, hold on........11:47
HcEknucks: hdparm -d <device>11:47
knucks<device> ?11:47
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gillesWhy kernels in Ubuntu don't take into account high resolution and large screen ?11:47
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holy_cowgilles, what does a kernel haveto do with monitor resolution?11:48
windows-farhanwhats up with the ubuntu package list?11:48
WillCookesnoop, Right, the machine I was using with the wireless card is in bits at the moment, so all the following is from memory, correct commands as needed.....11:48
windows-farhani see a screenreader in the haurry package list11:48
snoop_willcooke, ok thats cool..11:48
geppywindows-farhan: First:  Don't say "question"; thats _why_ people are here. Second:  Be specific.11:48
knuckswhat do i put for <device> ?11:48
WillCookesnoop, sudo ndis-wrapper -i <the other inf file.inf>11:49
geppyknucks:  /dev/hdx, where x is the device identifier.11:49
WillCookesnoop, brb11:49
windows-farhani saw a speakup package in the universe package list its a kurrnel. ...11:49
=== granted [~bibi@abo-111-151-68.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
TomArayaIf I go from Warty to Hoary with that effect my NDISwrapper?11:49
windows-farhana linux kurnel11:49
knuckshow do i check?11:49
knucksI know that hdc is my hd..11:49
geppyknucks:  read /etc/fstab, and see what hdx is mapped to /media/cdrom11:49
windows-farhanand i was wondering if i could boot in to it11:49
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geppywindows-farhan:  Install it, and boot into it.11:49
WillCooketomaraya, shouldn't do11:50
windows-farhanno i ment at boot11:50
WillCookesnoop, ok back.  Did that work?11:50
geppywindows-farhan:  What?11:50
knucksdpoesnt wanna work..11:50
windows-farhanif i typed linux speakup_synth=keyword or speakup speakup_synth=keyword11:50
geppywindows-farhan:  When else would you boot into something?11:50
TomArayaWillCooke, when I upgraded my Kernel I had to reinstall NDISwrapper, I was wondering if Warty <-> Hoary would have same impact.11:50
windows-farhanin boot11:50
windows-farhanat the cd boot prompt11:50
windows-farhani want to install with speech11:50
TomArayaWill I still be able to boot into Warty via grub?11:50
geppywindows-farhan:  Why not just download kernel-image-2.4.27-speakup and boot that?11:50
windows-farhanand i see the kurnel ..11:50
knucksgeppy what do i type in terminal to find it out?11:50
geppywindows-farhan:  First off, it's11:50
windows-farhanbut is it in the cd by defalt?11:51
dstevensaptgetting linux-image-2.6.10-4-686 reboot back soon X11:51
windows-farhanor no11:51
snoop_it said its already installed (from the other set that i used i guess)..11:51
WillCooketomaraya, If you use *stock* kernel's all the goodies should already be there.11:51
geppywindows-farhan:  "kernel";  please don't deliberately mispell things;  it's confusing, and annoying as hell11:51
windows-farhanis it in the cd?11:51
WillCooketomaraya, But I don't know for certain11:51
geppyknucks:  gedit /etc/fstab11:51
geppyknucks: you can read which line has /media/cdrom on it11:51
windows-farhanbut is the speaup 2.4 in the cd by default11:51
WillCookesnoop, still with us?11:51
windows-farhani need that to install ubuntu11:51
windows-farhanthats why i was wondering11:51
TomArayaWillCooke, well, I'll check it out.11:52
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knucksok its hdd11:52
WillCookesnoop, sorry missed your comment.11:52
knucksnow what11:52
snoop_willcooke, said its already installed (from the other batch i used i guess)11:52
geppyknucks:  alright, run this: 'sudo hdparm -d /dev/hdd'11:52
windows-farhancause i don't want to waste  cd11:52
TomArayaWillCooke, I'm mainly upgrading just because my Gaim isn't changing my name and I can't get Mplayer to work.11:52
snoop_willcooke, no prob11:52
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knucksits off11:52
WillCookesnoop, is the ndis-wrapper module loaded?11:52
geppyTomAraya:  Try running '/name newname'?11:52
knucks=0 (0ff)11:52
knucks= 011:52
snoop_willcooke, yea i installed it...11:52
WillCookesnoop, if so, sudo rmmod ndis-wrapper (is it with a '-'?)11:53
snoop_willcooke, no i dont think there is a '-'11:53
geppyknucks: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd11:53
WillCookesnoop, ok sorry11:53
TomArayageppy, it reflects on my end but others don't see it.11:53
WillCookesnoop, sudo ndiswrapper -l11:53
windows-farhangeppy is the speakup 2.4 included on the wordy or haury cds? so i can boot in to it in the install?11:53
geppyTomAraya: Are you talking about IRC, or something else?11:53
WillCookesnoop, what's it say?11:53
TomArayageppy, Gaim.11:53
gillesholy_cow: the kernel runs the system, isn't it ? But during the running process it displays a lot of informations in a resolution that is not adapted to large screen that can also accept a better resolution11:53
knucksgeppy: thansk11:53
knucksso should i try grip?11:53
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geppyTomAraya:  If you're aliasing yourself, only you will see it;  if you're typing '/name whatever', it should be universal11:53
knuckscan i get it on synaptic?11:53
TomAraya2geppy, I've always used /nick in IRC.11:54
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geppyTomAraya2: Alright, cool11:54
holy_cowgilles, close but no banana, xserver runs the display11:54
windows-farhanshould i burn this or not11:54
geppywindows-farhan:  No.11:54
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-3-211-180.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
holy_cowgilles, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 or reconfigure your x11 config file in /etc/X1111:54
windows-farhanso your saying not one of the ubuntu isos has speakup built in to it...11:54
drspinwhy do I only get sound from one channel??11:54
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geppywindows-farhan: Yes, that's what I said.11:54
drspinonly the left side works11:54
kentHas any one reported a bug against Hoary about files downloaded to Desktop is not shown directly? They only show up if i open Desktop as a folder from the Places menu and hit refresh from the menu :(11:54
snoop_tried to remove and it gave me some messg, i tried ndiswrapper -l ,and it gave this: bcmwl5  hardware NOT present11:55
snoop_setup.ini       hardware NOT present11:55
WillCookesoh - I've been trying to work out why this other machine won't boot from CD for about 5 mins now, it turns out I'd forgotten to bu the cd in.  Ooops11:55
windows-farhani wonder why its in the package list then...11:55
snoop_ lan.ini  hardware NOT present11:55
geppywindows-farhan:  Why not just install Hoary, and then install the speakup package?11:55
drspinkent: I believe this is fixed in Hoary11:55
knucksgeppy: its going at .2 now11:55
geppywindows-farhan:  'tisn't exactly difficult11:55
windows-farhani can't install haory with out speakup11:55
windows-farhani'm blind here...11:55
geppyknucks: make sure that you aren't running all kinds of other stuff11:55
windows-farhanthats why i asked in the first place. lol11:55
AlinuxHi people, ATI Mobility Radeon X600 - is it works with new Ubuntu Hoary? Thank you for answer.11:55
|M0rph|hello! i'm having troube installing the grub boot loader using the woary live cd, i need help ..11:55
WillCookesnoop, OK.  (do me a favour, if you're talking to me put "WillCooke, " at the start, then I can see your comments easily11:55
windows-farhani got a debian enabled iso  speakup thing...11:55
windows-farhanand it talks...11:55
Xappekent, oh it's a bug? i thought it was a way to piss off osx users once and for all :)11:56
geppywindows-farhan:  Understood;   I hadn't thought of not being able to install.11:56
snoop_willcooke, alright11:56
windows-farhanand i was wondering about that whole package list universe thing...11:56
windows-farhanso  yeh11:56
WillCookesnoop, sudo ndiswrapper -e lan.ini11:56
AlinuxHi people, ATI Mobility Radeon X600 - is it works with new Ubuntu Hoary? Thank you for answer.11:56
Alinuxsorry fo repeating.11:56
windows-farhanit wouldn't be hard to include it in speakup though its just patches...11:56
geppywindows-farhan:  it's possible to build your own CD, but it's kind of a pain in the ass11:56
gillesholy_cow: I use xorg with hoary... the resolution has no problem once the desktop in ran, but from the start to the desktop, the system loading process has a bad resolution11:56
geppywindows-farhan: As far as I know, speakup is for 2.4;  Ubuntu uses 2.611:56
windows-farhanits in  the package list though...11:56
TomArayaHow do I go about installing Hoary from Warty, just go to the website and download an ISO?11:57
snoop_willcooke, says lan.ini is not installed...11:57
windows-farhani don't get it i mean you could have a choice. right?11:57
holy_cowgilles, that has nothing to do with the kernel11:57
geppywindows-farhan: Right, but it's for 2.411:57
snoop_willcooke, the other one?11:57
geppywindows-farhan:  I'm confused.11:57
windows-farhandebian gave me a choice11:57
geppywindows-farhan: Perhaps you could have someone help you to install it?11:57
schasiTomAraya: You only have to change the sources.list11:57
holy_cowgilles, i forget where the settings for that are, but its got to do with framebuffer ... you can adjust that11:57
windows-farhanman i booted in to debian  install with speakup 2.4.  i had 3 ones...11:57
=== LTk [~Lt@dynamic-216-26-211-38.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
holy_cowi hope that gives you enough to google11:57
geppywindows-farhan:  After finishing the install, it'd be simple enough to install speakup11:57
WillCookesnoop, yeah, basically "sudo -e <whatever> until there's none loaded ( you can check by sudo ndiswrapper -l)11:57
=== dstevens [~dstevens@cpc2-ches1-5-0-cust142.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LTkmy ubuntu wobn't start up11:57
windows-farhan3 of them. .6 2.4 speakup and 2.4 regular11:57
LTkwhen I log in11:57
snoop_willcooke, will do11:57
LTkthe screen stays the caramel colour11:58
=== andreas [~andreas@0x5358c7d7.kjnxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dazedk3b says unable to decode audio tracks11:58
windows-farhanmaybe i should just stick to debian but i would really like that nice xautoconfig11:58
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
windows-farhanx autoconfig11:58
knucksstill really slow11:58
andreasCan anyone please help me with gconf-editor?11:58
|M0rph|my grub boot loader stopped working after i created a new partition in windows. i've removed it and i'm trying to install it from ubuntu live cd ...11:58
schasiTomAraya: Did you search the web for ist?11:58
snoop_willcooke, aalright done..11:58
TomArayaschasi, 'ist'?11:59
schasiTomAraya: it11:59
windows-farhani tryed to download that gnome enabled speaking live cd but the torrent or trakcer is broken...11:59
LTkmy ubuntu wont work. I have used it for a week, but all of the sudden it doesnt log in. I type in user and password then it stays on the sign on screen (caramel colour default) and doesn't load, what an I do?11:59
schasiLTk: Try to log in via konsole11:59
schasiAnd look for errormessages11:59
TomArayaSchasi: I was doing a search at ubuntuforums.org for 'hoary upgrade' and couldn't find anything. I'll keep looking to find out.11:59
LTkschasi, how do i do that11:59
andreasLTK: LiveCD11:59
=== StoffBox-Steve [~steve@pD95F3AC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
schasipress alt, ctrl and F1 at the same time11:59
LTkschasi, there are no error messagses12:00

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