=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelTeam | kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/kernel-debian--pre26--2.6.10 | anything else t-bone needs to get off his chest | cows don't like to do DST === Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by T-Bone at Fri Mar 4 13:06:53 2005 === #ubuntu-kernel [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots, please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [07:38] anybody alive? === fabbione sighs [08:21] guy the enable-inotify patch is kinda of horrible [08:21] it would have been enough to modify the inotify-*-optional patch [08:22] instead of adding a 3rd one on top === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:17] YAYAYAAYYA [10:17] inotify doesn't crash anymore! [10:17] it will be in 2.6.10-26 and no ABI change :P [10:18] FUCK NO [10:18] it crashed on the second removal === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === abelli_ [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:04] hmmmm === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [~chuck@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:53] hey [02:58] hey zul [02:58] hey fabbione how is it going? [02:58] good and bad [02:58] oh? [02:58] i merged inotify 0.20 from 2.6.11-3 into 2.6.10 [02:59] and? [02:59] and i managed to unplug my usb device without crashing the kernel once [02:59] it dies the second time [02:59] lol [02:59] i think we should take out rml [02:59] now i am cleaning up the patch mess from inotify-*-optional and enable-inotify [02:59] so that there is one good patch [02:59] and that's it [02:59] good [03:00] and leave inotify disabled by default [03:00] ill have to see the patch once its done so i know what to do next time if this pops up again [03:00] well it's pretty simple [03:00] did you get the inode error when compiling? [03:00] see the original inotify patch [03:01] it changes the dnotify entries in fsnotify entries [03:01] zul: no but that's becaused i used a more recent patch and the error is easily fixable [03:01] yeah [03:01] parse the calls to fsnotify to see what are the inotify_ calls [03:01] that leads to 5 functions [03:02] inotify_inode_queue_event [03:02] inotify_dentry_parent_queue_event [03:02] inotify_inode_is_dead [03:02] inotify_super_block_umount [03:02] inotify_get_cookie [03:02] so basically inside inotify.c in these 5 functs [03:02] you add the check [03:02] if (!inotify) [03:02] return; [03:02] ah ok [03:03] so no need to push my inotify stuff to you in the next patchset from me [03:03] nope [03:03] i am going to commit it to baz in a few minutes [03:03] i only need to do a test build [03:03] and see if it works as expected [03:04] btw when do you want my stuff by [03:05] asap? [03:06] sure [03:06] i can put them up when i get home tonight am at work right now [03:06] ok [03:06] we are not going to upload today [03:07] preview release is still ongoing [03:07] yeah thats what i thought [03:08] alsa is messing some people up when they upgrade because of the alsa driver for their winmodem [03:08] i know... [03:08] atleast [03:08] i heard [03:16] heh its the kamion kult [03:26] zul: the question is, does alsa provide a working modem then?? [03:26] lamont: i think i dont have a modem havent had one in the past 10 years :) [03:27] ah sure you do... it's just not plugged into a phone line... any semi-modern laptop will do... :-) [03:27] if i had a phone line...i just have a cell phone [03:27] ah,opk === lamont can accept that. :-) [03:28] i like making things dificult for you lamont :) === lamont throws things [03:29] there are serial cables for cell phones [03:29] fabbione: if you can tell me how to make the DKU-5 work with linux and my nokia phone, I will buy you _3_ beers [03:30] (no linux driver last I knew) [03:31] i have an ericsson phone that has an internal modem [03:32] i just plug the serial cable and do ATZ [03:32] DKU-5 is a usb cable [03:32] and vendor id isn't recognized. [03:32] OTOH, the last time I tried was 2.6.8 timeframe... [03:33] hmmm [03:33] i have the usb version too [03:33] and i see the cell phone as a usb-serial [03:34] same story.. minicom -> ATZ === lamont will play with his phone today [03:38] *sigh* why do people have to use cheap kvm switches [03:38] zul: because they're _poor_, of course. [03:39] heh...duh...it was rhetorical [03:41] heh [03:44] http://x3.putfile.com/videos/6608573980.wmv [03:44] AHAHHA [03:44] it's work/wife safe :) === lamont tries to think of something that's not canonical-work safe... [03:46] well if you have some emploies watching your shoulders ;) [03:46] heh [03:50] lol!!! [03:51] fabbione: heh [03:51] but you notice he had it pointed in a safe direction... [03:52] he still managed to hurt himself [03:52] yeah - had on the slide while you pull the trigger is kinda stupid... [03:55] note also that "accidents" like that always involve empty guns [03:55] first rule is: it's always loaded until I see the inside of the chamber [03:55] yeah [03:59] that's like when people ask if a concealed-carry gun is loaded. duh! === jbailey [~jbailey@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:59] hey jbailey [03:59] morning jbailey [03:59] hey jb [04:00] Heya Chuck [04:00] G'morning Lamont, G'd afternoon Fabio. [04:02] T-None: [04:02] debian/ext3-modules-2.6.10-4-itanium-smp-di lib/modules/2.6.10-4-itanium-smp/kernel/fs/mbcache.ko [04:02] debian/ext2-modules-2.6.10-4-itanium-smp-di lib/modules/2.6.10-4-itanium-smp/kernel/fs/mbcache.ko [04:02] some modules are in more than one package [04:02] command exited with status 255 [04:02] make: *** [binary-udebs] Error 2 [04:02] gah? === lamont wonders what an mbcache is [04:02] wth is that module? [04:03] these errors are coming out after we fixed the build system [04:03] i386/amd64 are ok [04:03] ppc is building [04:03] ia64 dies with that error [04:03] at least one of those builds with either ext2 or 3 =y [04:03] it means that eitehr there is an error in kernel-wedge [04:03] or both [04:03] or that module needs to be shared [04:04] lamont: right... [04:05] which one should we compile in? ext2 is my best bet [04:05] lowest common demoniator [04:05] yeah [04:05] ext2 is what's on the livecd, so we know we need it. :0) [04:06] and it's small [04:06] ish [04:06] ok [04:06] but i also rememeber that changing to y has other implications [04:06] hrm.. [04:07] no clue [04:07] i need to figure what [04:07] like updating some d-i/ stuff [04:07] the other alternative is a shared package or something [04:07] yes [04:07] if there is a fs-common something [04:09] anyway that's T-Bone decision [05:01] yay perl is almost done [05:09] crap more changes [05:23] wtf? [05:24] dude.. i am not kidding [05:24] that machine is IDE [05:24] and it has been until yesterday [05:24] nobody here was in my office other than me [05:24] either i updated it in my sleeps [05:24] or something is really WEIRD [05:25] *sigh* could it be hotplug? [05:25] no [05:28] grr...i hate it when something breaks [05:30] read #u-d [05:30] either i misread partitioner [05:30] or it did change [05:30] in the latter case it IS an issue [05:31] ok if that is the case how can we fix it mandrake has libata_enable_atapi [05:31] i need to check again first [05:31] ok [05:47] time for lunch [05:53] yay...i was having a little heartattack [05:54] ok lunch === lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === lamont_r [~lamont@dsl-254-198.dynamic-dsl.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:37] ok what the hell is going on? [06:42] zul: libata_enable_atapi is broken [06:42] fuck.. [06:43] it was ripped straight from mandrake and when we tested it worked [06:47] ok the problem is not the ATAPI [06:47] but the PATA change [06:47] static struct pci_device_id piix_pci_tbl[] = { [06:47] #ifdef ATA_ENABLE_PATA [06:47] { 0x8086, 0x7111, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, piix4_pata }, [06:47] { 0x8086, 0x24db, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_pata }, [06:47] { 0x8086, 0x25a2, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, ich5_pata }, [06:47] #endif [06:47] this means grabbing old IDE controllers and treat them as SATA [06:48] sorry PATA [06:48] oh crap.. [06:48] the fact that a patch is taken directly from Mandrake or Suse or Gentoo means nothing [06:48] if they did apply other patches on top to fix this stuff [06:48] or have older code than us [06:49] so now we have 2 options [06:49] ok im sorry it wont hapen again [06:49] either we kill the PATA and we see how it goes [06:50] or we figure if in newer libata versions it works as it should [06:50] clearly this has very very high priority [06:50] Is this undoing the SATA fix? [06:50] SATA CDrom fix, rather? [06:50] zul: nothing to be sorry.. it could have happen to me [06:50] jbailey: yes [06:50] jbailey: now it's giving I/O corruption on piix chipsets [06:51] Oh. Joy. [06:51] so either we get the fix NOW [06:51] or we revert the change [06:51] rever the change on pata [06:51] In the face of corruption definetly revert. [06:51] zul: let's divide the tasks instead [06:51] But we'll have to reopen the bug with an explanation as to why. [06:51] zul: do you have such chipset somewhere? [06:51] or jbailey ? [06:52] fabbione: no i dont but jbailey does i think [06:52] (it's 12 hours and more than i am here and i need to rest) [06:52] I do, yes. [06:52] jbailey: i urge you to test and see if you can reproduce the problem [06:52] it's enough to boot the live cd [06:52] It's in a data centre three time zones from here. [06:52] the installer will fail [06:52] jbailey: well.. when i ask if you have it.. i mean handy :) [06:53] sabdfl also has hardware to match it. [06:53] yeah but he quite not around [06:53] and i can't ask him to build/test kernels [06:53] what i don't understand is why a kernel upgrade didn't show the problem [06:53] i can build a kernel without the pata enabled [06:54] It's handy in the sense that I can test kernels if we're somewhat confident it won't eat the system, and I can get all sorts of status information about the box. [06:54] why on an upgrade it didn't switch to sda? [06:54] jbailey: the problem seems to affect only cdrom === T-Bone whispers 'hppa.u.c' at lamont... :) [06:54] since i could boot from such machine [06:54] T-Bone: not a good time [06:54] fabbione: WTF is that mbcache crap in the backlog? :P [06:54] T-Bone: not a good time [06:55] oh [06:55] because there is such a thing as a "good time" ? [06:55] jbailey: but i can't ask you to risk on a machine that far [06:55] fabbione: Is it any piix driver or just the ata_piix driver? [06:55] fabbione: The laptop I'm on has piix. [06:56] jbailey: for what i can see is any [06:56] i have 2 machine with piix and both fails [06:56] jbailey: using the livecd is ok [06:56] it won't touch your hd at all [06:56] it will stop much earlier than that === T-Bone is trying to figure out what's going on... [06:57] T-Bone: I/O corruption from cdrom with the new libata changes [06:57] Hmm, I wonder if I have a CD here. [06:57] Ugh, teenagers. Looks like the local school is having a field trip to the local coffee shop. [06:57] (first time I looked around) [06:57] cdrom only *APPARENTLY* [06:57] fabbione: sweet, how comes this made it in? [06:57] jbailey: I was here for one of those too. [06:57] s/this/this shit/ [06:57] T-Bone: the same way people are already complaining about the ppc LED turned on [06:57] well, time to go retrieve my latin scholar [06:57] i see [06:58] fabbione: Is there anything I can test from my running system [06:58] patch -p1 < somefancystuff.diff [06:58] we've been too laxist on the mergein policy [06:58] so who checked in the ppc changes, anyway? [06:58] jbailey: no. you need to boot the livecd [06:58] not me [06:58] part my fault [06:58] i was approx 20000KM or 12000NM from any pc [06:58] but otoh i must blame zul for that one [06:59] NO TIME TO BLAME [06:59] we need a fix [06:59] disable it [06:59] and who can test the fix [06:59] fabbione: Lemme pull down a livecd then. Lesse how good the net connection at this web caf really is. =) [06:59] jbailey: ok. [06:59] revert to pre-25 [06:59] jbailey: to verify: [06:59] boot on the liveCD [06:59] and the installer should fail with "unable to load installer components" or something like that [06:59] check dmesg [07:00] and /proc/partition to verify that your hardware is actually recognized as scsi [07:00] T-Bone: need -25 for kickstart for kamion. Don't think we can revert [07:00] probably checking the PCI id from above should be enough to know if it will happen or not [07:00] and I'm inclined to call this 25.1, since we already have -26 in the works... thoughts? [07:00] lamont_r: how comes we couldn't revert the libpata diff (which is 2 lines btw), since it was working just fine before except for a few users with specific hardware?? [07:01] T-Bone: that's what we need to do. [07:01] few = a lot dude [07:01] piix is quite common intel hw === lamont_r read 'revert to pre-25' to mean 'use -24 on the preview'. which is much different than reverting that patch [07:01] fabbione: hell, your call. If you prefer more supported user with broken implementation... [07:01] lamont_r: yeah sorry i wasn't clear enough [07:01] fabbione: array6 is fine for the livecd, right? [07:02] Or do I need something more recent? [07:02] jbailey: dunno.. it needs to have -25 [07:02] if we need a minute-made fix, the only solution is reverting that patch [07:02] I prefer some unusable implementations to silent data corruption anywhere [07:02] Do you have the URL for a mor recent snapshot handy? [07:02] we wouldn't have enough time to test any other invasive change [07:02] and would introduce potential new bugs that way === lamont_r really must run and fetch the kid - back online in about 40-45 minutes [07:03] lamont_r: same here, hence my comment. Trying to fix both 'support more users' and 'fix data corruption' would go against our safe commit policy [07:04] but that's just my 2 cents [07:07] fabbione: I'm getting 60k per second to cdimage.ubuntu.com 3 hours to download at this rate. =( [07:07] ouch === T-Bone can't help. No x86 hw around [07:16] i have a pentium 3 where i can build a 686 kernel if you want to test [07:20] The question got missed in #u-devel, Is this only for cases where ata-piix intead of piix gets loaded for pure pata systems? === T-Bone needs to run out [07:23] i'll be back in ~30' [07:24] im building a kernel for 686 that disables undef pata again [07:24] zul: that's a no-go alas. We don't have time to rebuild a full set of kernels... === T-Gone runs off anyway [07:25] im only building 686 [07:25] zul: Do you know whether it's only for cases where ata-piix gets loaded instead of piix? [07:26] im not sure [07:26] I've been running that kernel on my laptop for a while with no problem, and I've been using that kernel on a sata system that does a couple emails a second with no problem. [07:27] I'm still sitting at 40k/sec for this livecd download, though. [07:29] My laptop does the cdrom no problem. [07:29] So I'm not sure where he's seeing the issue. [07:30] do a hdparm on the cdrom [07:32] 16 bit, a pile of offs, readahead 256, HDIO_GETGEO failed. [07:34] afk a sec. [07:36] back [07:37] fabbione: is that the same message that jbaileiy got? [07:37] zul: I think thats' pretty normal for hdparm'ing a CDROM. I don't htin it provides the geometry info. [07:37] k [07:38] My guess is that what he's seeing is that the controller is being detected as ata_piix intead of piix. [07:39] It wouldn't affect upgrades because initrd-tools isn't that bright. === abelli [~abelli@host-84-222-39-20.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:40] Is that PCI ID add that you pasted here the only change with that patch? [07:42] no [07:42] it also enables another thing [07:42] fabbione: Is my assumptions right so far? That you're running off of ata_piix instead of running off of piix? [07:43] i need dinner [07:43] bbl [07:44] Mm, lunch sounds like a good idea too. [07:45] I'll finish this first. === lamont_r [~lamont@phantom.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === lamont_r sits on the "neighbor"'s front porch, leeching bandwidth [08:21] "neighbor" is about 3.5 miles away [08:22] lol [08:22] would that mean anything good for me? :} [08:22] fabbione: from a logistical standpoint, whatever fix we do should probably just happen on mainline, and then we can merge it over to -pre26, and then think about renaming said branch... :0) === T-Bone ducks [08:23] ok im building the linux headers for 2.6.10 with #undef pata [08:23] zul: what are you trying to do? [08:23] im trying to get a test kernel going [08:24] or...trying to help out [08:24] zul: actually, any solution involving a kernel rebuild is mostly ruled out, afaict [08:30] zul: actually it turns out that I just said crap. Forget it :P [08:30] i have a linux-image with pata turned off again if you want to test [08:32] zul: i'd love to. Don't have the hw :P [08:33] zul: Did you revert the whole patch or just the extra PCI ids? [08:33] just the pci ids [08:34] I could test the kernel here just to make sure it doesn't load both anymore. [08:34] -#undef ATA_ENABLE_ATAPI /* define to enable ATAPI support */ [08:34] +#define ATA_ENABLE_ATAPI /* define to enable ATAPI support */ [08:34] #undef ATA_ENABLE_PATA /* define to enable PATA support in some [08:34] * low-level drivers */ [08:35] zul: tel kamion/fabbione what you're doing on #u-devel, seems they're not aware... [08:50] dinner time, bbiab [08:55] i am preparing 25.1 [08:55] ok [09:28] lamont: how are you going to integrate 25.1 into the baz archive? === T-Bone tries to return to the adequate channel [09:32] T-Bone: simple. grab source, apply diff, commit to mainline [09:32] then branch it to -2,6,10-25,1 [09:33] merge to --pre26, and commit there [09:33] woot [09:33] seems so simple :) [10:02] T-Bone: that's why we don't work on the mainline branch... :-) [10:02] alternatively (if we had already checked in -26 on mainline), then it would go in as a patch on the -25 version branch [10:04] ic [10:05] btw. what about the issue that would possibly be solved today? Will it have to be postponed? (just asking, mind you :) [10:07] which issue is that? [10:07] oh. that. nfc [10:07] heh [10:07] i feared such an answer :| [10:07] right ill be back later tonight...going to go play some soccer and ill be in pain later :) [10:08] step 1: preview release ships. step 2: figure out status of everything else, act accordingly [10:08] heh === T-Bone has gone for a 'nobody cares' policy on ia64 [10:08] later [10:08] zul: have fun [10:08] oh i will [10:09] hehe [10:09] T-Bone: nobody (read HP) has cared enough to send me an ia64 yet, so.. ;P [10:09] Mithrandir: heh. Otoh you've got full access to mine... [10:09] T-Bone: true enough. [10:09] Mithrandir: more access would be "physical" at that point :) [10:10] I could use one, it's cold up here in Norway. [10:10] lol [10:11] Mithrandir: btw if you need it right wrt lib32gcc1... I can let it on 24/7 if needed :) [10:11] T-Bone: I'm going home now. If gf is sleepy, I might fix it now so it's ready when preview freeze is over. [10:11] I'll let you know in 30-ish minutes [10:12] perfect [10:12] thx alot :) === calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:56] T-Bone: ok, home, Karianne is already in bed, so I can hack the ia32-libs stuff. [10:56] hehe ok [10:56] hold on, booting the beast [10:57] there it goes. Give it 2' and it'll be all yours :) [10:57] feel free to dist-upgrade if needed [11:02] shouldn't need to [11:03] whatever you want :) === lamont notes that t-bone has turned into the 'willy switch' [11:33] lamont: huh? :) [11:34] I used to have willy walk over and power-cycle my A500 in my cube in 5L. [11:34] hence, willy switch. [11:34] far better than X10. :-)( [11:34] more expensive, too [11:34] lol [11:34] damn you :) [11:45] oh where oh where is fabbione... [11:49] to bed [11:50] not necessarily sleeping, mind you ;) === T-Bone ducks