
error_29excellent, mlambie- thank you!12:00
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nu2ubuntushould I report the problem with my non-ejecting drive to bugzilla?12:00
thoreauputicnu2ubuntu: sounds like it :(12:00
nu2ubuntuok, thanks!12:01
subliminakithoreauputic: i'm using hoary12:01
ShadowRageermo: will ubuntu work on a 166 mhz compaq with 84 mb of ram?12:01
thoreauputicsubliminaki: ah, then I can't help: sorry12:01
subliminakibut is not the same on gnome?12:01
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thoreauputicsubliminaki: I believe they are working on it, if it's any consolation12:02
mlambieummm... since when did ubuntu support sparc?12:02
subliminakiok :)12:02
thoreauputicmlambie: ?12:02
mlambielisted as an architecture12:02
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thoreauputicmlambie: indeed -  interesting12:03
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thoreauputicmlambie: you might ask on the developers mailing list12:04
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potsedhi 8] 12:06
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potsedi am trying to install php4 but get the following errors php4: Depends: libmm13 but it is not installable        Depends: apache-common (>= 1.3.31) but it is not installable, i have apache-common2 installed.12:08
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potsedi a a noob at this so plz help..thx12:08
ewhittenevenin :)12:08
snoop_ewhitten: evenin12:10
Eno_i have onboard sound (snd-cmipci) but i want to use my audigy (snd-emu10k1). i have this in my /etc/modutils/aliases "alias snd-card-0 snd_emu10k1", "options snd_emu10k1 index=0", "alias snd-card-1 snd_cmipci", and "options snd_cmipci index=1", but alsamixer still reports cmipci and  i have no sound...12:10
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ub99how can i install an ubuntu base with XFCE ?12:11
iGNHey, ubuntu-people.12:11
iGNHow do I get rid of that problem with kacpid running wild? Can I turn it off when I boot? I already reniced the process to 19.12:12
iGN(Everything else rocks, tho, thanks a bunch.)12:12
bob2isn't that a kernel thread?12:12
thoreauputicShadowRage: from the Ubuntu PPC CD sleeve: PPC ubuntu runs on G3, G4, G5 minimum RAM 32MB, absolute minimum hard disk space for minimal install 350MB12:12
iGNHm, I think it might be.12:12
snoop_ub99: i suppose you can install ubuntu, then use apt-get to get xfce and use it..12:12
bob2the only way to get rid of it then is to not load the acpi modules12:12
iGNIt constantly hogs 98.9% CPU.12:13
iGNIs there a simple way of not loading ACPI-modules at boot-time?12:13
iGNI'm used to LILO, see. :)12:13
ub99snoop_, but i dont want gnome and other standard applications.. as i dont have much harddisk space..12:13
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dazedthoreauputic: how can i update to Hoary from warty?12:13
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snoop_ub99: hmm..if you have enough space, initially install then get rid of it....otherwise...12:14
thoreauputicdazed: change all instances of "warty" to "hoary" in /etc/apt/sources.list , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:15
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dazedokie doke12:15
snoop_ub99: yea..cant really think of anything else....anyone else have any ideas?12:15
detIs it possible to have a IA32 chroot under AMD64 ubuntu?12:15
mjrdet, yes12:15
ShadowRagethoreauputic: I have 176 mb of ram12:16
mjrI have one12:16
mjr(the chroot is actually debian sid, for various reasons)12:16
Eno_how can i get it to not load snd-cmipci, and using my emu10k1 instead?12:16
thoreauputicShadowRage: OK, well, I just thought that info from the CD cover might be useful12:16
ShadowRagethoreauputic: how well would t play with anything older than a g3?12:16
error_29man, firefox loads so slowly now I'm thinking of installing mozilla12:16
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ShadowRagewould it*12:16
ShadowRage604 PPC cpu12:17
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thoreauputicShadowRage: sorry. I have no idea (I have an iBook G4 )12:17
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viper12slowly error_29 ?12:17
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ShadowRagethoreauputic: how much space does ubuntu take up on the HDD?12:18
ShadowRageand does it come with xfce 4.2?12:18
jesuelmmm i love my university internet connection lol :)12:18
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error_29hmm, weird.  from the panel icon, firefox takes forever.  From terminal, it's instant.12:18
thoreauputicShadowRage: default install about 1.7 Gig , and no, not by default12:18
=== ShadowRage is on a pathetic 56k connection ._.
wasabi_zenrox, put the HD in, boot with the live cd, fix it up, then boot it.12:18
jesuelShadowRage: heh  :)12:18
dazedthoreauputic: some repositories return errors such as cant be found is there a direct copy and past i could snag?12:19
wasabi_zenwhen, , put the HD in, boot with the live cd, fix it up, then boot it.12:19
viper12ShadowRage,  I installed xfce 4.2 though and it works just fine.12:19
error_29funny how ubuntu seems to have assigned the command "mozilla" to firefox, also12:19
thoreauputicdazed: I'm on warty12:19
dazedoh lol12:19
zenwhenwasabi_, you mean chroot into the install form the livecd?12:19
zenwhenI hadnt thought of that.12:19
error_29xfce 4.2 is pretty cool.12:20
=== ShadowRage just continues fucking with debianpcc
zenwhenI use it on my lpatop12:20
Eno_how can i change my primary sound card?12:20
=== ShadowRage wants to make a linux distro
viper12I still prefer gnome, but xfce is light fast and easy on the eyes.12:20
zenwhenWhen I get around to using my laptop12:20
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saifhello every112:21
snoop_saif: hello12:21
error_29I'm having trouble distinguishing my gnome problems from my nautilus problems and my metacity problems.  So, I think I'll just hope for improvements in general12:21
saifi am having some problem connecting to ubuntu, i enter my user name and password then i get this error message saying that gdm could not write to my authorization file!12:22
detmjr, I can't have a Hoary chroot?12:23
thoreauputicsaif: just a guess - you ran a graphical app as root and your ~/.ICEauthority file is now root:root instead of saif:saif12:23
saifit says either the disk is full or my  home directory could not be opened! what i do?! any ideas?12:23
mjrdet, of course you can12:24
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saifthoreauputic: well, the last i remember is i was installing apache2, but anyways, let's consider ur are right, what is the solution to this/??12:24
heeroanyone know how, run a service in the boot of ubuntu?12:25
mjrI just wanted a sid install to play with for other reasons12:25
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thoreauputicsaif: from a terminal, run ls -l ~/.ICEauthority   If the file, as I suspect, is owned by root, delete it and try logging in again12:25
heeroanyone know how, run a service in the boot of ubuntu??12:25
thoreauputicheero: look at the manual for update-rc.d12:26
saifthoreauputic: -rw-r--r-x saif saif :(12:27
saifthoreauputic: delete it anyways?12:27
detmjr, ahh, ok12:27
thoreauputicsaif: it should be just rw for the owner (you in this case)12:28
thoreauputictry deleting it, yeah12:28
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thoreauputicsaif: mine is     -rw-------    1 peter    peter12:29
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thoreauputicsaif: but I don't know if that will help (odd permissions, though)12:29
ermo*grr* what's the point in having a bugzilla if it doesn't work?!?12:29
viper12well it does live up to its name that way huh?  heh heh. :D12:30
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ShadowRageONOES IT'S BUGZILLA *cue giant insect*12:30
thoreauputicviper12: catch 22, trying to report a bugzilla bug on a non-working bugzilla ;)12:31
saifthoreauputic: yippi yey!! it worked! thanx alot man!12:31
viper12thoreauputic:  lmao.12:31
thoreauputicsaif: you're welcome :)12:31
viper12there's gotta be a movie script in there somewhere.  ;)12:31
ermovincent, it's just, well, I just wasted 30 minutes trying to do the 'noble' thing. And then I'm not allowed to enter a bug because the 'package' field is broken *but required*12:31
ermoviper12, sorry12:32
ermoI'm emailing it instead.12:32
viper12lmao........why do people call me vincent sometimes?  yer not the first.........looks around confusticated.  ;)12:32
thoreauputicermo: post it on the user's list :)12:32
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quarupthowcome when i type vncviewer into the prompt and a box pops up i type in the ip and press enter, and nothing happens?12:32
thoreauputicviper12: automatic tab completion ?12:32
ermoviper12, because tab-completion calls up vincent #1, viper12 #212:32
ermothoreauputic, is there any way I can post it there without subscribing? (I absolutely loathe mailing-lists - hail gmane)12:33
quaruptis there a vnc viewer in the menus somewhere?12:33
viper12applications>intenet> terminal server client12:35
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viper12pick your poison from there.12:35
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thoreauputicermo: I think it's possible - check the lists page at lists.ubuntu.com (that url is from memory)12:36
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quarupthrm, i put the ip and nothing happened, it wants login and p[ass, but there is no login just a password12:37
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ermothoreauputic, Sorry. Just needed to vent some steam. I'll look into it.12:37
Xappehmm, i'm on an ibook and have to modify the keymap so that I can use the apple keys as <alt gr>. they seems to be unmapped with my swedish configuration. how do I change this?12:37
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ub99pls help12:38
thoreauputicub99: with what?12:39
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ub99thoreauputic, my netboot install doesnt work..12:40
dazedhey does anyone know how to make the keys on my keyboard control the volume?12:40
crypticreignwhat the heck happened to the mark as read in evolution12:40
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ub99thoreauputic, it cant connect to the deb mirrors..12:40
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thoreauputicub99: umm..  deb mirrors?12:41
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ub99thoreauputic, yeah those in sources.list12:41
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nerkHi, anyone know if there is a grapical theme builder app for gnome themes?12:41
quaruptis there some way to get someone's ip while your talking to em in msn?12:42
ub99thoreauputic, i m trying to install as described in http://www.wrigley.me.uk/wp/?p=7112:42
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nerkhttp://packages.debian.org/stable/x11/sawfish-themer <-- Yah, something like that but for gnome12:43
thoreauputicub99: I don't know about netboot installs, and I've never seen that howto before, sorry12:44
frankensteinheelo all12:44
frankensteinhello *12:44
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thoreauputicub99: maybe you could mail the author with good error messages and an explanation of how you tried to do it12:45
ub99i ve done as described ...12:45
frankensteinI am looking for a quick simple distro for a file server I have a sw based raid5 with lvm2 on top of this the machine I am moving it into is a 233mhz with 512mb ram can ubunto fit this bill I have been googling and it keeps coming up12:45
ub99thoreauputic, do only end-user meet here? i mean no developper at all here?12:46
mlambieub99: you'll see canonical people here occasionally.12:46
frankensteinI had this raid in my desktop running gentoo but now am wanting too move it to this other machine and do not want to spend a week getting gentoo up if you know what I mean12:46
thoreauputicub99: I notice the blog has a comments field - use that And yes, some developers are here at various times12:46
orospakrhi!  I can't enable DMA on my k8t800 motherbord's PATA ports with ubuntu-amd64.  (hdparm -d1 returns operation not permitted)12:46
snoop_frankenstein: hmm..well i believe it was made more for desktops, but if you cut the fat...yeah maybe12:47
snoop_frankenstein: gentoo's good  for that kinda stuff.......how's about slack?12:47
ub99There should be a real netinstall pkg / howto out there!12:48
ub99i mean an official one12:48
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frankensteinsnoop_, I was looking at slack but kept seeing ubunto come up in my google journeys and thought I would explore abit :)12:48
thoreauputicub99: write to the users list or file a bug12:48
snoop_frankenstein: yeah..ubuntu is a really good distro12:49
jpainehow can I get a kernel like in the live cd? can I use fb to get good resolution console text???12:49
ub99ok thx thoreauputic i just try out QEMU netinstall maybe it works with it..12:49
ub99cu all12:49
snoop_frankenstein: but for servers i would say gentoo, slack or some gui light distro...12:49
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=== ermo wonders how snoop_ managed to leave out debian
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frankensteinit is more geared at the desktop though I gues a straight slack or debian would be aok I was kinda looking for something designed to do this outta the box with a 15 minute or less install samba nfs capabilities and still all the lovely features of sw raid and LVM :)12:50
snoop_of course...12:50
frankensteinlormalinux seems close12:50
snoop_how could i not mention the mother of all distros...12:51
ermosnoop_, =] 12:51
frankensteinI am d/l ubuntu though I'll give it a shot it looks good12:51
snoop_frankenstein: googling around...netbsd is rcommended too, though i am more of a linux person...12:52
frankensteinyeah me too :)12:52
nerkahh.. glade is what ppl use to make gnome themes?12:52
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frankensteinthanks snoop_ I am off on my hunt for quick and dirty fileserver setup lol probably wind up using slack or deb just gonna have too flip a coin I guess12:53
snoop_frankenstein: no prob at all12:53
robtaylornerk: glade is a user unterface builder12:53
snoop_frankenstein: yeah..the hardest part: choosing ..12:53
frankensteinalways is ;)12:54
robtaylortheres a choice? ;P)12:54
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InfinitusI'm just installing ubuntu right now on my laptop12:55
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travail101do any of you ubuntuers use Gnomemeeting?12:57
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InfinitusI don't know yet. I'm just installing ubuntu for the first time.12:57
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travail101I really should try Ubuntu sometime... maybe I'll order those free CDs this week12:58
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thenuketravail101: you will get it a bit more faster if you download it by yourself12:59
thenuketravail101: but if you do order it, do ask for like 5-10cd's or whatever12:59
thenukeand then give them to your friends12:59
thenukethere is the install AND live cd's01:00
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thenukeso anyone can try it01:00
thenukewithout installing it over windows and so on01:00
travail101I know a lot about Ubuntu already01:00
thenukethen you might know also that you really should help your friends to get over windows also ;D01:00
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travail101and I have the current liveCD... I don't use it though because it doesn't have my wireless drivers... otherwise I would, it's nicer looking/feeling than Knoppix01:00
thenukewell it is most certain that you are better of having both. windows and linux01:01
thenukelinux for games and such, and linux for else01:01
travail101oh yes, I know that, I always try to get my friend on Linux01:01
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thenukeoh, windows for games and linux for anything else :)01:01
tjsis there any way to get evolution 2.2 in ubuntu?01:01
tjsIm running latest hoary and only have 2.1.501:01
travail101or some UNIX variant01:01
gasullhello all01:01
travail101tjs.... i know of one way ;)01:02
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tjstravail101, compile it from source?01:02
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error_29windows for all the open source stuff or other excellent non-microsoft freeware that you haven't had time to find substitutes for in linux...01:02
mjrubuntu hoary x86 for games and stuff, ubuntu warty amd64 for serious business ;)01:03
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mjroh, and the latter also for multimedia :)01:03
travail101thenuke, well I don't play games anymore, except silly trivial games like... samegame and majhongg, so the only thing I used windows for was webcam, but now there's Qnext so here goes "rm -rf C:\WINDOWS" ;)01:03
gasullwhen I use ubuntu, i loose my internet connection in a few minutes.  it doesn't happen with windows.  any ideas?01:03
travail101tjs yep01:03
saifhello every1, i just installed the apache2-doc but how do i access installed documentations?!?01:03
snoop_mjr: i havent had a 64 yet, any advantages?01:03
HrdwrBoBtravail101: I play games, and I haven't used windows in years ;)01:03
thenuketravail101: good for you :)01:03
travail101tjs, or try to install portage (from Gentoo)01:03
gasullsaif try "locate apache" at the linux prompt01:04
marcin_anttjs: apt-get update - I got evo 2.2 since yesterday01:04
tjsOh btw I just rolled out ubuntu warty exclusivly on 30k worth of servers in our datacenter, the whole thing was smooth and idealic01:04
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travail101it's nice to be able to simply kill the x server if something gets out of control and then restart it rather than press any key to reboot after getting the blue screen01:04
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tjsmarcin_ant .. what archive are you using?01:05
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snoop_yea...if only i could convince people to let me keep ubuntu or any linux on a computer for more than two days....01:05
gasulldoes anybody know, where to check why i loose my internet connection whe i use ubuntu?01:05
mjrsnoop_, in practice not much, except more horsepower (mainly due to the other architectural improvements, not the bitness per se)01:05
travail101tjs, do you have an Athlon XP?01:06
mike_douglasgasull: dmesg might have something01:06
tjstravail101, no01:06
error_29Can anybody explain this phenomenon to me:  I close the lid of my laptop, and get a black, frozen screen with a blinking cursor.  Totally locked.01:06
tjsI have a pentium M class, why?01:06
mike_douglaserror_29: CTRL-ALT-F701:06
snoop_mjr: better for games, but not much for regular apps? :)01:06
mike_douglasthe window switched away from the current xsession01:06
mike_douglashappens all the time for me01:06
error_29mike_douglas, that does what?  unlocks the screen?01:07
error_29or logs me in again?01:07
travail101tjs, I have binary packages for all the programs I've emerged on my system, but they are -march athlon-xp... so they wouldn't do you any good...01:07
tjsah, dist_upgrade got it :)01:07
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mike_douglasit returns the monitor to the current X11 (graphical) session01:07
error_29I mean, is this a bug or a feature?  I'd like to have the thing hibernate or at least go to sleep when closing the lid01:08
mjrsnoop_, well, I would use the 64-bit side for gaming too, but nwn requires 3d acceleration, and the DRI drivers don't support 32-bit clients on 64-bit kernels yet ;/01:08
mike_douglaserror_29: bug :)01:08
travail101error_29, AFAIK hibernation, and sleeping are still fairly uneasy to set up... I would also like those features though01:09
schweebisn't evolution release tied with GNOME release?01:09
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snoop_mjr: yea..that sucks....oh well...01:10
error_29worst problem with ubuntu on my laptop so far; doesn't pay to carry it around, because of loooong bootup, especially when not connected to my lan (almost three minutes) and completely insane battery readings and power drain01:10
mike_douglaserror_29: Ctrl-C on the network connecting part of the boot will skip that part and save lots of time01:10
travail101Novell's website is very bulky...01:11
HiddenWolfhow do I select a new icon theme?01:11
error_29cool, thanks mike_douglas-- but I've got to say, so far WinXp wins hands down on the boot-up part of the deal01:11
jdubHiddenWolf: theme dialogue, click details01:11
schweebif anyone sees tjs again01:11
mike_douglaserror_29: give the Ubuntu Hoary Preview release a try when it comes out (today?). That fixed support for one of my laptops.01:11
schweebtell him that evo 2.2 is essentially already in Hoary01:11
thoreauputicerror_29: if you don't need maximum brightness, dimming the display makes a big difference in power consumption01:12
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marcin_anttjs: just hoary01:13
travail101error_29, turn off the lan scripts for bootup or figure out how to make it broadcast for DHCP in the background... this will solve that little problem01:13
error_29yes, of course thoreauputic ! that I know.  goes for windows too.  But i can't even tell how much juice i've got left.  completely inconsistent readings.01:13
darkon_hi i need some help with bt878 based TV tuner card and horray01:13
HankGood day ubuntites01:13
error_29Thanks travail, thor, mike_douglas  et al... I know I have a lot of homework to do on configuring things so startup isn't so annoying.01:13
darkon_as i can see from the dmesg outpoot the card is recognised, but in tvtime it just wont find any channel01:14
travail101error_29, and secondly... may be uncomfortable at first, but you can always try configureing and building your own kernel and leave out all unecessary junk =D01:14
HankAnyone had anyluck setting up a wireless network with windows serving?01:14
darkon_and lsmod list all the required modules loaded01:14
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mike_douglastravail101: thats a good way to scare him away ;)01:14
|Arioch|Could someone please tell me where the config file is for dhttpd?01:15
travail101speaking of having it broadcast for DHCP in the background... does anyone here know I how to do that, I'd still like to know myself01:15
maggican anyone tell me how I add a DEBIAN repository in ubuntu?01:15
Hankmaggi, use the dpkg command.01:15
thoreauputicmaggi: preferably, you don't01:15
error_29heh heh travail101 , that's what i was thinking.  as soon as i get over my basic incompetence, I'll be customizing the hell out of debian or whatever!01:15
travail101mike_douglas, well... as long as he doesn't delete the good kernel, it's just "playing" right, it should be fun!01:16
Hanksay; sudo dpkg -i name_of_package.deb01:16
detthat is not adding a repository01:16
jpainehow the heck are you supposed to set a root password for ubuntu?01:16
detto add a repository you must edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:16
thoreauputicHank: I don't think that's what he wants to do :)01:16
maggiI know how to use the sudo dpkg etc.01:16
travail101error_29, check out Gentoo ;)01:16
Hankoh, my bad01:16
snoop_easiest would be to add it in synaptic...01:16
detjpaine, apparently, you dont; You use sudo exclusively01:16
error_29i was afraid you'd say that, travail101 ...;)01:16
Hankdid you check the ubuntuguide.org01:16
mike_douglastravail101: heh, I still remember my first kernel, good times :)01:17
maggidet: If I remember correctly I had to do something extra and not just add a repository01:17
thoreauputicjpaine: you don't need to, but if you must: sudo passwd root01:17
travail101mike_douglas, lol, I don't remember the first, it's all blended together with the following 20 ;)01:17
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mike_douglasyou remember it when you put your filesystem as a module01:17
error_29truth is, so far ubuntu's the only thing i can even install on this presario laptop.  nothing else (nothing debian based anyway) gets all the way through install.  so bravo ubuntu!01:17
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jpaineyes I do I cant do anything without a root password, and what if I dont want to use sudo? ubuntu doesnt provide a normal option of root superuser?01:18
travail101mike_douglas, lol01:18
thoreauputicjpaine: you can get a root shell with sudo -s01:18
mike_douglaserror_29: try checking www.linux-laptop.net, great for configuring laptops (especially ACPI)01:19
snoop_or in the applications thing you can get a root shell01:19
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thoreauputicjpaine: and I told you above how you can create a root password/user01:19
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jpainethats crazy, getting root access with a password for a normal login01:19
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thoreauputicjpaine: this has been discussed at length and arguments can be made on both sides01:20
zerovertexanyone use vino? I've seen screenshot with a check box for encryption, but the version that comes with ubuntu doesn't have that. what's the deal? (link to screenshot:http://www.gnome.org/~markmc/vino-preferences-screenshot.png)01:20
error_29Thanks for the link, merv griffin, er sorry, mike_douglas !  looks like a great page01:20
mike_douglaserror_29: ouch01:21
travail101if you can get a root shell with sudo01:21
detjpaine, Do you think that a root password is neccesarily more secure?01:21
travail101then you should be able to set a root password with sudo... right?01:21
thoreauputicjpaine: sudo can be disabled if you so wish, using visudo01:21
error_29sorry mike_douglas , your nick just made me nostalgic01:21
jpaineyes I think having 2 levels is more secure01:21
jpainehaving a normal user01:21
jpaineand having root01:21
mike_douglaserror_29: atleast it's better than michael_douglas :P01:22
critterAny Help with Wine??01:22
thoreauputicjpaine: only the first user is in /etc/sudoers by default - other users would have to be added as normal01:22
InfinitusI'm installing ubuntu on my brothers laptop.01:22
InfinitusHow do I set up ethernet access through the usb port?01:22
Infinitusmy brother has a usb to ethernet connector01:23
error_29hey, don't knock a guy who goes home to Catherine Zeta Jones, dude01:23
jpainebut it is more likley someone if any getting your user password first sence that is used most often01:23
detjpaine, Why would you want to have an additional password?01:23
jpainethen they would have to get the root which is different01:23
critterI installed IE6 and other programs . BUt how the Hell do I find the program to start them ??01:23
dizzieEvening all :)01:23
detjpaine, The password verifies identity.01:23
travail101jpaine, just make a normaol account and call you sudo account admin or something =P01:23
mjrjpaine, remove yourself from sudoers and add a root pw if you really want01:24
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mjrbut it's not that much more insecure, it's more a matter of taste01:24
mjrbasically, if your user account is compromised, the attacker can likely snoop you typing your root passwd when you use su root the next time anyway01:24
travail101jpaine, yeah do what mjr says... it's not like Ubuntu forbids having a root pw01:24
mike_douglaspersonally, I'd rather have one potentially hackable accounts than two01:24
jpaineis there any way to enable framebuffers in the default kernel used on warty01:24
mike_douglasjpaine: you need to set the vga parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:25
jpaineso its enabled by default?01:25
critterAnyone Know How I start the programs installed with WIne?01:25
error_29critter, I gave up trying to figure wine out.  good luck.  I don't think the wine folks really want mortals using it.01:26
mike_douglasjpaine: it was for me, all I had to do was tell the kernel to use it01:26
travail101critter, 'wine foo'01:26
critterCant find the path to the exe files01:26
mjrerror_29, well, they do, but it _is_ still a developers-only release :)01:26
thenukeerror_29: they want ppl to read manuals? :D01:26
critterError Know what you mean01:26
mjrI'm sure they'll release a 1.0 one of these years01:27
jpaineand btw how do I fix when x starts my mouse works fine....but I still have a sepret X in the middle01:27
error_29I can read a manual thenuke, thank you very much.01:27
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travail101critter, you need to setup you wine config, or at least read some wine documentation, I don't remember the default directory tree for wine, but I'd imagine it's something like ~/.wine/Program Files/foo01:27
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crittertravai what is Wine foo01:28
travail101wine is wine01:28
travail101foo is whateverprogramyouwanttoload01:28
thenukeerror_29: that's good then :)01:28
error_29the question is whether one can realistically expect it to be worth the effort, when they seem to put little effort on helping folks with at least the basic steps after downloading the program01:28
thoreauputiccritter: foo is a universal place marker ;)01:28
travail101if you want to run notepad.exe foo=notepad.exe01:28
travail101foo is whatever you want it to be01:29
critterAhh makes sence now01:29
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snoop_foo is good but food is better...01:29
eb0xDo I have to do anything to make Ubuntu launch .deb files?01:29
mike_douglaswell I'm off to play KOTOR2, cya01:29
thoreauputicsnoop_: unless the food is fubar ;-)01:29
eb0xeverytime i try to double click one it said the application cant be launched ;/01:29
error_29foobar2000 is, also, the name of a whatever windows mp3 player.  There's a good reason to try wine right there01:29
snoop_of course :)01:30
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jpaineso anyone know how to fix the X in the middle when gnome starts up and it stays there while the normal mouse works fine?01:30
error_29ah, critter, I could be wrong, but I think you may have to change permissions on the program files to launch them01:30
eb0xAnyone know?01:31
thoreauputiceb0x: I think you need to read widely on the ubuntulinux.org site, and read the links in the channel topic :)01:31
error_29I meant wonderful, not whatever, mp3 player... doh!01:31
thoreauputiceb0x: you don't "launch" a .deb01:31
critterIll be Dammed It worked .. Thanks Guys01:31
eb0xThen what do I do?01:32
travail101critter, as in wine worked?01:32
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=== error_29 has weird visions of debutants being launched
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critterYes wine01:32
thoreauputiceb0x: do you understand what a .deb is?01:32
usualwas the default theme for human changed to clearlooks?01:32
usualor am i buggin01:32
travail101critter, what did you run ?01:32
jdubusual: yes.01:32
usualjdub, ahh, then it all makes so much sense now haha01:32
usualjdub, great engine01:32
eb0xNo I do not.. I'm new to Linux, and everytime I try to get help, people make it *very* difficult for me to get what I need done.01:32
critterBut trying to get Kazaa to work01:32
thoreauputiceb0x: it's a package that needs to be installed01:32
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usualquarupt, sup man01:33
jpainedoes ubuntu have a forums system on the site?01:33
jdubjpaine: ubuntuforums.org01:33
critterI ran wine config already just needed to fing the correct dir01:33
thoreauputiceb0x: we try to help, but it can be difficult unless you are willing to read a bit01:33
travail101critter, there's better things than Kazaa01:33
error_29see, I spent a long time on the wine site, and somehow I missed all this foo stuff. This channel is wonderful01:33
critterTravai Like what . Lime wire sucks I know01:34
travail101critter, native linux apps01:34
travail101critter, the giFT project, and giftui with the fasttrack plugin01:34
critterHmm will sure give it a whirl01:34
travail101critter, and while you're at it, you might as well install the Gnutella, OpenFT, and Ares plugins as well01:34
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critterWhat are they01:35
djpdoes anyone here know if there is a .deb file for the gens or generator emulators?01:35
thoreauputiceb0x: so as I suggested, the links in the channel topic are a good starting point01:35
eb0xWell gee, Thanks for the help there bud. Next time someone needs help, I'll be sure to refer them here!01:35
eb0xThat way they can waste their time, just as I have done.01:36
basculeerror_29: http://frankscorner.org has a lot of good specific app instructions for wine01:36
travail101critter, I don't use Ubuntu so I don't know what they do and don't have in the package database, but they should have giFT and at least a few of the network plugins, if they don't have FastTrack it's really easy to compile I'll help you do that... by the way, FastTrack is the same network kazaa uses, so esentially you get kazaa plus 3 other networks01:36
thoreauputiceb0x: the problem is your question makes assumptions -01:36
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critterYea Thats where I found kazaa01:36
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thoreauputiceb0x: for instance, you should use the package manager to install01:37
error_29thanks bascule! Yo eb0x, in case you haven't noticed, I'm as much of a noob as you, and I take advantage of folks' kindness and patience, but you know what, I'm not enough of a dickhead to sabotage myself by assuming that I won't get help from busy people just because I need to do some homework01:38
thoreauputiceb0x: of course, if you prefer to be obnoxious, *nobody* will even try to help01:38
travail101critter, and if giFT doesn't suit your fancy there is also mldonkey, but it's under heavy development, and IMHO is not as stable as giFT yet... but it supports the same networks minus OpenFT and plus 3 or 4 more, like Gnutella2, and eDonkey's stuff01:38
snoop_eb0x: aye, vinegar gets you no flies, but honey does....01:39
error_2990 percent of the stuff on here is over my head, the other ten percent doesn't sink in because I'm dense, but I just log every conversation, and know that there's stuff to be learned.  And I'm grateful01:39
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critterDID a Search Cant find fast track yet dtill looking01:39
travail101critter, well... search for gift or giftd and we'll compile the FastTrack plugin from the source code ;)01:40
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eb0xFine, How do i install a .deb package?01:40
DAC1138has anyone apt-get gnome 2.10 yet?01:41
snoop_error_29: same here, but i still learn something new everyday....01:41
thoreauputiceb0x: first, can you tell us what you are trying to install? there are easier ways...01:41
basculeopenFT I think it's called01:41
thoreauputiceb0x: usually one does not install directly from .deb, but rather using the synaptic package manager01:42
critterInstalling giftd now01:42
eb0xI'm trying to install Kaffeine, but I found out that I have to have KDE for that.. which I don't have01:42
eb0xI also tried installing Xine and MPlayer01:43
thoreauputiceb0x: once this manager is set up, it becomes very easy to install most things01:43
eb0xHow do i get that manager?01:43
thoreauputiceb0x: have you looked at http://ubuntuguide.org?01:43
travail101critter, what version, just out of curiosity?01:43
critterOk got giftd package installed01:43
critter1 sec01:43
eb0xno i didnt even know the site existed01:44
jdubeb0x: the reason why you're not getting the answer you want is because you're asking the wrong question, in a way :-) run synaptic in your administration menu, and browse the available software you can install01:44
thoreauputiceb0x: it's in there: computer >> system config ..package manager01:44
EfaistOsdo u know how to stop an upload with  proftpd?01:44
critterver 0.11.6-201:44
jdubeb0x: if there are things you can't find, you might need to enable the (unsupported) universe repository01:44
SiRrUshello jdub any news on the pre-release01:44
usualgnome 2.10 is sweet01:44
jdubSiRrUs: coming.01:44
jdubSiRrUs: it's been delayed until tomorrow.01:45
travail101usual, what's new?01:45
eb0xah i just found it01:45
eb0xlemme look through there01:45
error_29eb0x, that site is very good, well-organized reading.  It'll save you a lot of aggravation01:45
SiRrUsah ok thanks01:45
snoop_usual: how's the memory usage?01:45
usualtravail101, see the release notes01:45
travail101usual, cuz 2.8 hasn't been wooing me like i'd like it too01:45
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thoreauputiceb0x: jdub is one of the developers, BTW - who is taking the time to answer you01:45
usualtoo much trouble?01:45
travail101i wanted a users perspective01:45
usualsnoop_, everything seems snappy01:45
thoreauputiceb0x: in case you were concerned about helpfulness...01:45
travail101release notes are machine like01:45
usualtravail101, no, they have a whats new with pictures and shit01:46
snoop_usual: sweet, cant wait to get my hands on it01:46
critterGoing to find setup now brb01:46
usualsnoop_, upgrade to hoary01:46
travail101of course, if they say anything about patching memory holes, IO'm all for it01:46
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mlambiejdub: i saw in an interview back in sept. with osnews you said that there wasn't planned support for sparc, but it looks like that's changed. was it always planned, but just never urgent?01:46
error_29whew, thoreauputic , glad you told us.  Um, have I said thank you to the ubuntu developers yet? er, no I haven't.  Well, thanks jdub!01:46
snoop_usual: i would, but my parents (i'm young) wanted their windows machine, i would be at college anyway..so i have to wait for the summer....01:47
usualsnoop_, :)01:47
thoreauputiceb0x: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto   << tells you about the package manager01:47
jdubmlambie: it's not supported, but there's a community build on sparc.ubuntu.com01:47
mlambieahh, thanks for the URL01:47
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jdubit's a bit out of date, because fabio was on his honeymoon :)01:47
snoop_usual: yea...waiting for the summer really sucks.....me and a friend are going to make a pirate movie too!01:48
mlambieyeah i saw on the forums he was away when a buildd machine went down...01:48
snoop_pirates are cool!01:48
mlambieninjas are better01:48
snoop_true...wizards too!!01:48
mlambieninjas with axes beat pirates with lasers01:48
error_29highwaymen are the best01:48
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error_29Stand and deliver!01:49
snoop_wizards with ninja powers...01:49
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snoop_i shall slay all with my fists of doom! :)01:49
mlambieninjas, pirates... http://www.realultimatepower.net/ very funny01:49
travail101automake, and gcc, and all that good stuff is all easily accessable on Ubuntu right?01:50
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HankCans someone please send me an unaltered copy of their /etc/network/interfaces ??\01:50
snoop_or this....http://people.howstuffworks.com/ninja.htm01:50
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critterTravil gift package installed what next?01:51
quaruptwow an actual op01:51
sime_The ubuntu array disks, they are basically snapshots of the next release ?01:51
quarupttheres never ops in here01:51
jdubsime_: yes01:51
jdubquarupt: we only switch on ops if we need them01:52
quaruptman AMD64 is broke01:52
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quaruptoh i see01:52
sime_jdub, live cd's or install disks ?01:52
jdubsime_: both01:52
quarupthey jdub can ya help me get fglrx work'n?01:52
jdubbetter to ask your question to the channel01:52
jdubbecause there might be ati users around01:53
jdubwho will more usefully be able to help01:53
travail101critter, you have to set up the gift daemon... just a sec01:53
quaruptOh i have01:53
quarupti million times01:53
jdubor point you to the wiki, etc.01:53
travail101are there any giFT users in here?01:53
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quarupti followed what wiki said to the t01:53
jpainewell nothing beats gentoo linux....but Im glad I at least tryed Ubuntu and will still recommend it to others01:53
travail101critter, I imagine this part is at least the same all all distrobutions01:53
travail101critter, open a console, and type gift-setup01:53
error_29is gentoo based on debian, or something else/01:53
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travail101error_29, it's based on the linux kernel ;)01:54
quaruptjpaine, in my opinion, id rather use windows than use gentoo, its for people who are lazy01:54
jpainegentoo lazy?01:54
jpaineubuntu you cant define a damn thing in the base install01:54
error_29ah, yes, travail101.  I think i see why you choose that nick -- ;-)01:54
quaruptyou have to build everything yourself, but01:54
mlambieoff to work01:54
error_29er " chose"01:54
critterOk haVE THIS NOW "/main/setup [0] "01:55
snoop_ninjas dont go to work...01:55
quaruptall gentoo users just scripts to build everything01:55
travail101gentoo does do everything for you01:55
travail101so yeah it is for lazy people01:55
travail101that have time to wait for a program to install01:55
jpaineany ubuntu isnt?01:55
travail101but then again01:55
jpaineno editing configs to begin with?01:55
travail101I've learned a lot about linux by using Gentoo01:55
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jpaineubuntu is more auto the a fedora install01:55
eb0xcan i use KDE on ubuntu?01:56
error_29j'ai pas besoin de plus de travail, moi.01:56
Riddelleb0x: please do  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE01:56
travail101jpaine, in that sense, yes ubuntu really does everything for you... gentoo still let's/make's you edit configs01:56
error_29I'm lazy as hell!01:56
thoreauputicjpaine: the aim of ubuntu is to make everything "just work" as far as possible01:56
jdubeb0x: the kubuntu project is maintaining kde in ubuntu for their releases01:56
quaruptis there a GATOS packaged for Ubuntu AMD6401:56
jdubeb0x: www.ubuntu.com/wiki/Kubuntu01:56
travail101and if you want a program that isn't in portage you either have to install another package management system, like apt-get, or RPM and set that up, or compile by hand01:56
crittertravai I have this now "/main/setup [0] "01:56
jpainetravail101: like any other distro01:57
thoreauputiceb0x: to use KDE apps, enable the universe repository in synaptic .. settings .. repositories01:57
travail101jpaine, exactly haha01:57
Riddellwhat's the easiest way to set up raid 5 on some spare disks under ubuntu?01:57
Riddellthoreauputic: kde is in main01:57
thoreauputicRiddell: in warty?01:57
travail101Gentoo just makes the grunt work easy, but the system is still uber configurable01:57
travail101and you still have to configure a good deal of stuff01:58
error_29eb0x, i found some kde apps work great within gnome.  The kicker, and a great snapshot tool, cool toy things...01:58
critter"/main/hosts_allow [LOCAL] "01:58
jdubRiddell: mdadm01:58
eb0xsynaptic package manager > settings > repositories?01:58
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error_29and Konqueror beats nautilus in my book01:58
travail101critter, ok the first question is just to see if you READ, type any number but 0 and press enter01:58
jdubRiddell: i guess you don't mean from install?01:58
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Riddelljdub: nope, install did raid 1 for me, now I need to read up on how to do the other disks01:59
travail101critter, most things the default will be fine for...01:59
travail101critter, that is one of them01:59
amagood news is that my wireless connection works, the bad news is that this gnome 2.10 live cd will not detect that i am using nvidia and configure my x server accordingly01:59
jdubRiddell: ok, mdadm is the right answer then :)01:59
thoreauputicRiddell: eb0x is using warty - k3b etc , according to apt-cache policy, is in universe01:59
jdubRiddell: it's pretty easy, and there are good docs on the web01:59
Riddellthoreauputic: good point01:59
amaand another bad news and show stopper is that i dont have any editors that i can find on my ubuntu based live cd :/01:59
eb0x<thoreauputic> Riddell: eb0x is using warty - k3b etc , according to apt-cache policy, is in universe01:59
eb0xHow'd you know? ;o01:59
error_29travail101, you may have convinced me to put this laptop through more torture, and try gentoo...01:59
ben0nedist-upgrade hoary screw my ubuntu02:00
thoreauputiceb0x: I did a ctcp version on you, and saw which kernel you are running02:00
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eb0xOh lol02:00
HankAnyone got any wireless networking tips. My cards hav e an "excellent" connection with oneanother yet I can'02:00
Hankyet I cant browse02:00
thoreauputiceb0x: we have ways! *grin*02:00
travail101error_29, =D only if you have time, but it is a lot of fun, and the Gentoo chanel on this very same FreeNode, is always full, and the Gentoo documentation is excellent... but yeah... time... only if you have time02:00
ben0neHank, DNS02:00
ben0neHank, set your dns on /etc/resolv.conf02:01
BurgundaviaHank: do you have an ip?02:01
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eb0xlol im installing 80 packages =x02:01
HankMy windows server has automatically assigned an Ip to the windows wirelss card but Im not sure about my linux wireless card02:01
Hankben0ne, I'll try that02:02
quaruptHank us DHCP, thats what both Windows and Linux use02:02
thoreauputiceb0x: you see how easy it can be? just hit reload, choose the package, install...02:02
error_29well, to tell you the truth, I think it's the time i'm spending that's actually the draw... weird, but i have a friend who's the same way, we're in over our heads, keep breaking stuff, and keep looking for more stuff to mess with. there are worse pastimes!02:02
snoop_what are some good wireless cards that work well with linux?02:02
eb0xwoops i forgot about the .deb files i downloaded02:02
Burgundaviasnoop_: I would recommend that you google the name and linux02:02
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eb0xdo i have to put them somewhere in order to install them? or will this automagically detect them02:03
amaindeed Burgundavia02:03
Burgundaviasnoop_: Some chipsets work and some don't02:03
amaso can anyone help me?02:03
Burgundaviaama: What do you need help with?02:03
amaim a long time kde user and wanted to try gnome 2.10, so i fetched the ubuntu based live cd02:03
travail101error_29, that's how I am... when I get my linux all setup and working i get bored, and have to find new programs, or new versions to install and tinker with02:03
jdubama: what's the problem?02:03
snoop_Burgundavia: aye..shouda though of that :002:03
amayour hardware auto detector script logic fails when it loads intel drivers instead of my preferred and in use nvidia drivers02:03
Burgundaviajdub: nice work on the new theme02:04
amaand i do not see a text editor anywhere on this live cd02:04
amaatleast its not in my path02:04
jdubama: gedit is there02:04
travail101critter, how's it coming?02:04
jdubama: accessories > text editor02:04
jdubama: also vim02:04
jdubama: and nano02:04
jdubunless luis has removed them all from the gnome version02:04
jdubbut he wouldn't have removed gedit02:04
amai dont see it :/02:04
amanot even vim02:05
BronchoI try to run xterm to my box through ssh and it gives me this xterm Xt error: Can't open display... How do i fix this?02:05
critterOk Got 1 question02:05
error_29 the only problem for me travail101 , is i find myself wanting to accumulate more hardware to try out with this stuff too, and that's gonna bust my bank...02:05
amathats the bad thing, i cant re-edit my xorg.conf to use nvidia drivers02:05
amabecause there is no console editor :/02:05
jdubama: nano?02:06
amano nano either :/02:06
critterWHat do you thoink a good badwith downstream should be they have 0 for default02:06
HankMm, should I be able to ping my windows netowrk card if they have a signal between them?02:06
error_29I think xterm is in there ama02:06
=== jdub can't entirely believe that luis would remove them all
travail101error_29, I don't have that problem fortunately ;)02:06
jduberror_29: that's a terminal, not an editor02:06
error_29oops, xterm is what ama's looking for, right-- doh!02:06
amai dont see nano pico or vim or even emacs02:06
travail101critter, I'd leave it at the default... why limit your download speed?02:06
dizzieAnyone running Gnome 2.10 ?02:06
ben0neHank, sure02:07
quaruptAnyone in here have any luck getting FGLRX working?02:07
jdubama: this, um, surprises me somewhat.02:07
jdubama: perhaps try the ubuntu livecd02:07
Burgundaviaquarupt: res02:07
Burgundaviaquarupt: make that yes02:07
error_29thanks jdub, I knew it as i typed it, but alas02:07
amawell this is the ubuntu livecd02:07
amaatleast it says ubuntu02:07
quaruptBurgundavia,  ya im having res problems02:07
amaall over it, but i did get it off gnome.orgs site02:07
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quaruptBurgundavia, i install the driver restart my x session and i get stuck in 800x60002:07
jdubama: yes, that's the gnome-modified version02:07
Burgundaviaquarupt: ouch02:08
jdubama: cdimage.ubuntu.com for a hoary test cd02:08
travail101hey, how can I ssh into someone else computer... easily?02:08
travail101does ubuntu have all those tools?02:08
Hankmmm, it says "Network is unreachable" when I ping its IP address02:08
jdubama: luis is not around to ask if he did change this02:08
travail101by default? or do they need to be installed02:08
critterTravail done "Wrote /root/.giFT/ui/ui.conf.02:08
critter2 module(s) successfully processed."02:08
jdubtravail101: openssh-client is installed by default02:08
ben0neHank, what ifconfig says ?02:08
quaruptBurgundavia, i have no clue where to start, all the displays are marked in my Xorg.conf02:08
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Burgundaviaquarupt: I have no idea where to start. flgrx is buggy02:09
travail101jdub, will a client allow incoming connections?02:09
jdubtravail101: no02:09
travail101jdub, I need to connect to an ubuntu user...02:09
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travail101what do they need to install?02:09
jdubtravail101: if you want to run an ssh server, install openssh-server02:09
Hankit lists the details of 'lo' and 'wlan0'02:09
dizzieAny last words before i "toast" my Gentoo install and install Ubuntu on my server? :)02:10
amabut my wireless network is working, i am quite impressed02:10
Burgundaviais there addy listed for wlan?02:10
Hankbye gentooo02:10
amadefinately did not expect that :)02:10
ben0neHank, yeah, i know that02:10
dizzielol Hank :)02:10
BurgundaviaHank: if there is no addy, type sudo dhclient wlan002:10
ben0neHank, any ip ?02:10
Hankyes, thers an HWaddr and an inet6 addr02:10
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travail101critter, now you need to... oh boy... umm... gcc automake... so on... maybe i can compile the plugins for you02:11
Hankno, no IP02:11
BurgundaviaHank should look like this -- inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
BurgundaviaHank: do the dhclient thing I just mentioned02:11
usualpeace gentoo02:11
critterSounds Like an oh boy to me alright02:11
BurgundaviaHank: it has found your card, but something is borked in the hotplugging. I had this too02:12
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travail101critter, let me try and make some binaries for you and then I'll DCC them to you over IRQ02:12
TwigmanHi everyone...02:12
HankAhh yes, there are error displays when the hotplug services load02:12
dizzieI like Ubuntu, it even managed to get my dodgy tvcard working :)02:12
quaruptANYONE, know why when i switch to the flgrx driver, i get stuck in 800x600?02:12
critterok brb02:12
HankDHCLIENT is fruitlessly trying DHCPDISCOVER02:13
HankNo DHCP offers recieved02:13
travail101critter, but if you want to learn how to compile stuff on you own system you can ask the ubuntu folk how to set up gcc and automake and all that fun stuff02:13
TwigmanDoes anyone know how to use network play in gnibbles? (2.10)02:13
BurgundaviaHank: then you have an issue with your access point02:13
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BurgundaviaHank: can you test this card in another machine, another distro, another os?02:14
HankIts not set up as an access point but rather an ad-hoc dealeo02:14
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HankIt works in windows :)02:14
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BurgundaviaHank: it is possible what windows is doing in adhoc mode is setting an ip based on what the other card is telling the world it is02:15
BurgundaviaHank: Try setting an IP and then seeing if you can connect02:15
HankoKAY, is there a way I can stop it doing that? How did you solve your hotplugging prob?02:16
Burgundaviahank system-->admin-->networking for the gui mode02:16
HankOKay, I'll try set one.02:16
ben0nehotplug blacklist02:16
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BurgundaviaI reconfigured hotplug to do all network stuff02:16
Burgundaviahowever that was warty02:16
BurgundaviaI haven't been able to test it in hoary02:17
critterTrava Id at least like to get this giftd done first :-)02:17
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yoko-omoanyone here using hoary having a problem with firefox crashing?02:17
Twigmanyoko-omo, nope ...02:18
travail101critter, lol, well look for giftui in synaptics02:18
Twigmanyoko-omo, though I mainly use epiphany..02:18
yoko-omonot familiar with epiphany02:18
travail101critter, giftd is just a daemon, but no GUI02:18
snoop_night everyone...02:18
Twigmanyoko-omo, are you using the latest update of firefox?02:18
travail101critter, it does all the work, but it's not easy to use without a GUI02:19
HankIm still on warty02:19
TwigmanHank, Hoary rocks :)02:19
travail101critter, what kind of computer do you have? processor?02:19
Twigman(just fyi..)02:19
critterHmm not sure what synaptics02:19
Hankwhat does the hotplug command do?02:19
Hankburg, IP address approach didn'02:19
travail101critter, well whatever program you use to install packages, use that to find a gift front-end02:19
Hankt work02:19
BurgundaviaHank: was just a shot02:20
critter256 mb mem 1ghz pro02:20
BronchoIm trying to connect to my ssh server and when I run xterm it says this "X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown) what am I doing wrong?02:20
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travail101critter, actually just the brand and type of CPU is all i need... as in AMD Athlon/ Athlon XP, Intel Pentium 3/402:21
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Bog_anyone here from the security team?02:22
travail101any ubuntu devs, or gurus know what CFLAGS and CHOST settings are used in Ubuntu?02:22
thoreauputicBroncho: you are using ssh -X ? ( X forwarding) ? are you trying to run xterm on theserver?02:22
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BronchoIm trying to run xterm from a windows box at school through putty02:22
critterFound GiftUi will that do???02:22
Hankhey Iburg, I did the hotplug command and no the dhclient command found an address, yay!02:22
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crittergifTui is a graphical user interface to the giFT filesharing system.02:23
critterIts features are: multiple "browse user" and search tabs, network02:23
critterstatus, control uploads/downloads02:23
thoreauputicBroncho: so you have X forwarding enabled on the server, right?02:23
quaruptok, so if i wanna reconfigure xorg whats the command again?02:23
thoreauputicquarupt: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:23
quaruptdpkg--reconfigure ?????02:23
Bronchothoreauputic:I believe so it says its on in the sshd config02:23
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travail101critter, that's the one, get it while it's hot!02:24
thoreauputicBroncho: but you don't have an X server on your windows box?02:24
travail101critter, and processor type? do you know?02:24
BronchoI beleive I do02:24
travail101critter, athlon?02:24
TwigmanSo anyone here have any idea why gnibbles had the 'host local game' greyed out when I try and run a network game? (Hoary, gnibbles 2.10)02:24
thoreauputicBroncho: you have cygwin or something?02:25
critterAlso gonna get Gnuttela plugin installed02:25
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critterYes athlon02:25
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thoreauputicBroncho: you might need vnc02:25
travail101critter, install any gift plugin available02:25
amanot bad02:25
Bronchothoreauputic:well im trying to connect to my ubuntu box through putty and I do have vnc02:25
amausing onboard video02:25
reverHi I am trying to do an make menuconfig but I need ncurses-devel installed what package will install this?02:25
thoreauputicBroncho: to run graphical apps from the linux box02:25
HanknBurg, no luck yet but certainly progress, thanks for all your help02:25
Bronchothoreauputic:well tahts what im trying to do02:26
thoreauputicBroncho: so you are tunneling vnc with ssh?02:26
zenroxrever,  use snyaptic and search for ncurses02:26
zenroxit will be listed02:26
travail101Athlons are i686 right?02:26
zenroxtravail101,  no02:26
amanah they are i68602:26
Bronchothoreauputic: not sure if Im configured to tunnel vnc02:27
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amaatleast the newer ones are02:27
zenroxk7 or sonde thing02:27
travail101no the pre XP02:27
travail101k7 is a trademark02:27
travail101it's either i586 or i68602:27
travail101k6's are i58502:27
thoreauputicBroncho: I'm no expert but it sounds like the win box isn't configured to run x apps properly from the linux machine02:27
travail101ok nevermind I found it02:27
travail101it is indeed 68602:27
Bronchohmmmm ok02:28
amapfft i like gnome a lot02:28
thoreauputicBroncho: xterm being a basic example02:28
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critterI d/l i386 ubunta02:28
amanot bad, not bad at all02:28
TwigmanBroncho, from your ssh session try echo $DISPLAY to make sure forwarding is setup..02:28
BronchoIve seen this done by others on these boxes with nothing installed and only putty running so IM sure I avhe everything I need so it has to be the box at home02:28
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critterOk got all the plugins and the gui installed02:29
thoreauputicBroncho: possible02:29
Bronchosaid nothing02:29
BronchoI must not have it forwarded02:29
TwigmanYeah.. sounds like it's not forwarded..02:29
Bronchohow do I forward ssh02:30
TwigmanThere should be an option in your putty config.. hang on.. I've got it on another machine..02:30
quaruptcan anyone elses goto this page02:30
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TwigmanBroncho: in the connection dialog, under connection | ssh | tunnels, make sure enable X11 forwarding is ticked..02:31
usualanyone seen packages for vnc2swf ?02:31
amawhat does gnomes webbrowser use for rendering?02:32
veristeadok... so i am attempting to compile Kismet, what package can i find libncurses02:32
veristeador libcurses?02:32
Twigmanama, firefoxes gecko02:32
BronchoTwigman: it was ticked :(02:32
TwigmanBroncho, hmmm..02:32
travail101critter, how many plugins did they have available, and what versions?02:32
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quaruptthe wiki page says fglrx drivers are only availible for hoary, well im in hoary, and i dont see em?02:32
travail101critter, I just compiled the FastTrack plugins, but I still need to figure out which files to give you, and where you need to put them on your system02:32
TwigmanMake sure you have an X server running on your machine and that the location in the 'X display location' field is set correctly..02:33
travail101any ubuntu giFT users in here?02:33
jdubquarupt: start with... apt-cache search fglrx02:33
amawhat backend does totem use?02:33
jdubama: gstreamer or xine02:33
travail101critter, can you maybe send me one of the plugins packages?02:33
Twigmanama: you can install either totem-gstreamer or totem-xine02:33
amawhich one do you prefer, or which one is better?02:34
veristeaddepends on the hardware02:34
critter2 versions gnutella  openft
quaruptjdub, i did just the regular ones are there02:34
Twigmanama: I haven't tried totem in a while.. I know xine works well02:34
veristeadi prefer xine for a ppc platform02:34
dizziegxine is nice02:34
veristeadgstreamer works as will02:34
amahow about xine with gtk+02:34
amathat any good?02:34
dizzieama, gxine02:34
critterI have no idea where the packages are stored02:35
dizzieI use it, i like it, it does the job :)02:35
TwigmanBroncho: make sure that 'X11Forwarding' is enabled in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on your server02:35
crittergimmie asec02:35
TwigmanBroncho: Restart sshd if it was not enabled..02:35
travail101critter, do you know where it installed them to?02:35
amais it possible to preview music by putting your mouse over an icon in nautalis02:35
travail101critter, do you have a console open?02:35
thoreauputicama, yes02:36
=== mjr happily uses totem-xine, until totem-gstreamer matures enough
thoreauputicama, install sox02:36
quaruptjdub, i did apt-cache search, on he normal fglrx comes up02:36
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travail101type 'ls /usr/lib/giFT/lib'02:36
thoreauputicama, then hovering the mouse over mp3 and wav files should produce sound02:36
critterok sec02:37
Twigmanama: also, make sure you install gstreamer-mad02:37
Twigman(if it is not illegal for you to do so...)02:37
veristeadi am having trouble compiling kismet02:37
scorpix_how can i change the default font in mozilla browser?02:37
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thoreauputicTwigman: good point - gstreamer0.8-mad in fact I believe02:37
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Twigmanthoreauputic: aah.. yes..02:38
travail101critter, or just verify if /usr/lib/giFT and /usr/share/giFT exist, if not... try /usr/local/lib/giFT and /usr/local/share/giFT02:38
veristeadin preferences scorpix_02:38
critter No such file or directory02:38
travail101critter, none of them?02:39
thoreauputicfor some unfathomable reason, I get sound "preview" with mp3 but not with ogg....02:39
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Twigmanthoreauputic: just stating the obvious.. but make sure you have gstreamer0.8-vorbis installed..02:41
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thoreauputicTwigman: hmm -- checking :)02:41
travail101anyone know where gift and gift network plugins are installed on Ubuntu?02:41
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critterno usr/local/lib .... there is usr/lib/GiFt Nothing in the folder02:42
jdubquarupt: there are a bunch of packages there, including both the x driver and the kernel drivers (restricted-modules)02:42
jdubquarupt: the wiki is pretty clear on how this works02:42
thoreauputicTwigman: I do, indeed, have it installed... and the gstreamer plugins as well02:42
travail101critter, is there also a /usr/share/giFT?02:42
quaruptthen im confused, the wiki doesnt say anything about those packages02:42
critter/usr/local/share/giFT but nothing in the folder02:42
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quaruptjust the fglrx ones02:43
quaruptso i need the restricted ones as well?02:43
travail101critter... you have a /usr/local/share/giFT and  /usr/lib/giFT then?02:43
quaruptnot just the xorg-driver-fglrx02:43
jdubyou've almost certainly got those already02:43
Twigmanthoreauputic: well that's me out of ideas hehe02:43
critter/usr/share/giFT  and a /usr/share/giFTui02:44
thoreauputicTwigman: it's no big deal - I was just surprised that the most "politically correct" format is the one that is silent (plays fine with xmms, beep or rhythmbox, of course)02:45
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critter/usr/share/giFT/gnutella .. Nothing in the folderr02:45
travail101critter, ok, so I think it's standard, just a second I'm sompiling all four network plugins for you, the gnutella and openft ones in Ubuntu are a little old =P02:45
Twigmanthoreauputic: yeah .. slightly strange..02:45
Twigmanok everyone, I'm outta here... should be working..02:45
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robertjooh new theme02:46
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critterI have /usr/share/giFT/OpenFT  and /usr/share/giFT/ui02:46
jdub^ new theme02:47
critterMan theres allot to learn02:48
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travail101critter, , ok /usr/share/giFT/OpenFT and Gnutella are both for the OpenFT and Gnutella plugins respectively, that's where you're going to put the stuff I send you later02:48
critterOk gotchya02:48
schweebjdub: is there a cursor theme included too, or are you reverting to the default X black cursors02:48
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travail101critter, well... this is just a short coming of package maintanence priorities on different distros, and it's easier when you have a build environment, automake does the installing for you02:49
jdubschweeb: cursor theme included in Human, but not on by default yet02:49
schweebah, cool02:49
critterI found Gnutella.conf  do you want that file02:50
travail101critter, no no, don't worry about any of that, just a sec, I'm gonna pack these up and send them to you02:51
travail101critter, those .conf files are automatically made by gift-setup btw you never need to touch them02:51
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critterGot it02:52
sime_how is hibernate meant to work on a livecd, or shouldn't that really be there02:52
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schweebit's possible it could work in a livecd, I suppose02:54
travail101critter, I'm behind a firewall so I'm not sure if I can DCC these to you... did you get a request for a file from me?02:54
schweebif you have somewhere to store the s2d data02:54
travail101critter, I don't think it's gonna work... do you have an email address I can send them to? or maybe the program Qnext?02:54
Xirdnehhi there, is there anyway that Gaim can give me an advice when someone sends me a msg???, let it be not sound either pop up the window?...02:55
travail101yes or no?02:55
travail101it's not working either way though is it...02:55
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critterI accepted twice02:55
travail101ok... email then02:55
travail101or IM02:55
critternothing happening02:55
travail101I'm behind a router... I need to route some ports for xchat or something to be able to send files02:56
travail101IM, or email?02:57
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veristeadso why isn't libpcap-0.8.3 available for Ubuntu yet?02:59
veristeadseemingly kismet won't compile with out it02:59
veristeadit says "configure error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for libpcap-0.8.3"02:59
HankHey all, anyone familiar with setting up wireless. My cards are talking but I can't get on the net03:00
veristeadand i cnt find that package file03:00
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veristeadis your router set up?03:00
veristeadis there signal?03:00
InfinitusI just installed ubuntu on my brothers laptop.03:01
Infinitusbut i have a few questions.03:01
travail101does sudo not log you into a root account?03:02
veristeadis it plugged in yet infinitus?03:02
Hankyeah there is signal03:02
travail101is it just to send a single command?03:02
veristeadthat might be why it is not working03:02
InfinitusI can't get the screen resolution higher than 640x480 and I can't figure out how to set up ethernet networking via the usb port and a usb to ethernet jack.03:02
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travail101crazyness, i can see how that would get annoying03:02
veristeadHank: are you sure your router is not blocking any ports03:02
veristeadsuch as 8003:02
veristeadtry another protocol like ssh03:02
veristeador telnet03:02
veristeador IRC03:02
HankCan anyone tell me in which file a wireless devices ip address is set.03:02
veristeadwell IRC is where you are now03:02
veristeadwhich device?03:03
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veristeadcard or router?03:03
thoreauputictravail101: normally sudo is for one command - you can get a root shell with sudo -s03:03
Hankits an adhoc card usb wirelss (windows) to pci (linux)03:03
travail101thoreauputic, thanx03:03
thoreauputicno worries :)03:03
maximausHey all, I figured out how to get those Turboprint Drivers for free if anybody has an "unsupported" printer. :D03:04
HankMm, okay, I'll try irc03:04
veristeadHank also try an IM program03:06
quaruptso jdub, your saying cause im on an AMD64 i need the restricted packages along with the gflrx drivers?03:06
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Hankno luck with irc. Its wierd, when I do ifconfig, it lists the ip address as 00:40:f4:ac:f1:7603:07
jdubquarupt: as on every platform.03:07
Hanksorry whats an IM program?03:07
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thoreauputicHank: gaim ?03:07
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quaruptjdub, why doesnt wiki mention this?03:07
jdubit's the same for every arch dude03:08
Hankahh right03:08
HankNo, GHAIM cant connect to host either03:08
quaruptjdub, i belive ya but the thing im reading on ubuntuguide.org doesnt mention this03:09
Hankcould some one in a private chat send me the output of their ifconfig just to see what I sould expect03:09
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ubuntuin gnome how would i access my windows drive, graphically?03:12
jdubquarupt: there are plenty of people in the channel who can help you, not just me03:12
thoreauputicHank: not sure, but that could be your ipv6 address you're seeing03:12
quaruptyour the only one who told me to get that package, if ya dont know just tell me ill look elsewhere03:12
jdubquarupt: please listen to me03:13
ograquarupt, did you miss this on the wiki ? Note: requires linux-reNote: requires linux-restricted modules >=
jdubquarupt: you need the l-r-m package for your kernel (probably already installed) and the xorg fglrx package03:13
jdubquarupt: if in doubt, install linux-686 or linux-k7 as appropriate for your machine03:13
Hankaye aye aye, I give up for the day03:13
jdubquarupt: there are lots of people who can help you here, just ask the channel, not a single person03:14
quaruptthere is no linux-AMD6403:14
jdubquarupt: and explain what you've done, etc.03:14
quaruptjdub i have asked the entire channel, its okay you dont understand, ill just ask others03:14
jdubquarupt: dude, apt-cache search linux amd6403:14
ograquarupt, linux-amd64-generic, linux-amd64-k803:14
ubuntuhow do i access or create a hard drive meta icon file for my windows partiton in gnome?03:15
jdubquarupt: i do know, you're just not helping yourself03:15
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quaruptnevermind you dont understand my question03:15
jdubi know exactly what your question is03:15
jdubi showing you how to solve it yourself03:15
jdubinstead of spoon feeding you03:15
quaruptno your not lol03:16
quaruptyour making it difficult, just stop plz i am getting help from someone else03:16
ubuntuubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fdisk /dev/hda03:16
ubuntuUnable to open /dev/hda03:16
jdubif you don't listen, then sure, it won't help03:16
ubuntuon the live cd?03:16
crimsunjdub: happy thoughts. pants.03:16
ubuntuis this normal?03:16
quarupti have listened03:16
thoreauputicquarupt: hah - I think jdub has a pretty  thorough grasp of the facts, friend03:16
jdubquarupt: apt-cache search linux amd6403:16
quaruptim sure he does03:16
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jdubquarupt: explain what you're doing03:16
jdubquarupt: so people can help03:16
quaruptI TOLD you i allready have that03:17
jdubso what happened?03:17
quaruptnevermind i got it just stop please for the 5th time03:17
jdubwhat did you see?03:17
quaruptdont worry03:17
quarupti got it03:17
Quest-MasterWhat the heck?03:18
Quest-MasterSomething weird just happened03:18
thoreauputicubuntu, try sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda for example03:18
Quest-MasterMy CD drive just screeched03:18
Quest-MasterAnd now it's going "thump thump thump thump.. thump thump.."03:18
thoreauputicQuest-Master: imminent failure, sounds like...03:20
ubuntugot it03:20
reverHi can someone tell me what  I might be missing. I rebuilt my kernel and now on boot I get this Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)03:20
ubuntuhow do i get gnome to recognize i have a windows partiton so i can browse it03:20
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ubunturever did you compile your filesystem in your kernel and not as a module?03:21
ubuntuand did you specific your root filesystem correctly in your configuration file03:21
reverubuntu, Yep I am using reiserfs and it is compiled in along with ext303:21
Win32i justupdated gnome, now I cannot chnage my screen res from 640 x 480, it doesnt change under the screen res under system03:21
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Win32i justupdated gnome, now I cannot chnage my screen res from 640 x 480, it doesnt change under the screen res under system03:24
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thoreauputicWin32:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  (if this is hoary)03:25
Quest-MasterFinally, Gnome 2.1003:25
Win32yes it is03:25
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mrothbring on the 2.11 unstable branch! ;-)03:26
Tux-RoxHoary is coming along quite nicely, but I'm curious to know if Beagle is gonna make it into Hoary. Anyone know?03:27
ubuntucan anyone tell me how to create a windows device icon to represent my windows partiton so i can browse it03:27
ubuntuby clicking on it, from the desktop03:28
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crimsunTux-Rox: more than likely, no.03:28
jordanauokay i just screwed something up, i just accidentally removed my rhythmbox icon from my top gnome panel, how do i get it back?03:29
Fluff^when was the new array released?03:29
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crimsunFluff^: March 303:30
Fluff^aha, ok03:30
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thoreauputicubuntu, if there's an icon for it in "places" just drag it to the desktop03:30
jordanauubuntu, is the icon already there and you want to change it or do you want the icon to appear03:31
PacoBCNwhat the hell! The Ubuntu art doesn't include naked girls anymore!03:31
thoreauputicubuntu, from nautilus03:31
ubuntui want the icon to appear03:31
reverubuntu, Well not sure what is going on but I took the config file from my working kernel and used it with only removing a video drive and still get this error03:31
ubuntulike in kde, i would create a new device icon, which would represent the device03:31
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dmoyneWho can tell me how to get numlock on at boot ? ; thanks03:31
quarupthow can i check what driver X is using w/o checking Xorg.conf?03:31
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HrdwrBoBdmoyne:bios setting03:32
thoreauputicubuntu, when it's mounted, it should just appear03:32
sophiefhow you torrent on ubuntu ?03:32
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ubuntutheres gnome torrent03:32
RiddellPacoBCN: apt-get install ubuntu-calendar03:32
ubuntuand theres the default bittorrent client sophief03:32
sophiefwhere ?03:32
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ubuntubtdownloadcurses.py is what i use03:32
sophiefcan not see nowhere03:33
ubuntuits not graphical, its command line03:33
ubuntubut im on my ubuntu livecd and there is a graphical torrent program03:33
Tux-Roxcrimson, that's too bad. Of course Novell threw it into SuSe 9.3.....03:33
sophiefthe links are nowhere to be found03:33
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ubuntucalled gnome bittorrent03:33
jordanauokay i just screwed something up, i just accidentally removed my rhythmbox icon from my top gnome panel, how do i get it back?03:33
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Tux-Roxcrimsun, hopefully installing it won't be too much trouble.03:34
sophiefjordanau ?03:34
jordanausophief, yes?03:34
sophiefright clik on da control panel03:34
thoreauputicjordanau: do you mean the icon that appears when rhythmbox runs, or a launcher?03:34
jordanauthe icon that appears03:34
jordanaui have looked all through the add to panel menu03:35
thoreauputicjordanau: right click, add notification area03:35
Fluff^how is KDE and Gnome different?03:35
NekohayoHey all, I got apt.cerkinfo.be in my hoary repositories, is it normal that it gives me GPG errors (that there is no public key on this one) ?03:35
ubuntudifferent languages primarily KDE is based off of qt and kdelibs, primarily which is based off of c++03:35
jordanauoh thanls03:35
ubuntugnome primarily uses gtk+ which is c03:35
Fluff^aha, ok03:36
Fluff^coolt :P03:36
crimsunTux-Rox: note the relationship between Novell, Mono, and SUSE.03:36
PacoBCNhi guys, I posted this in the forums but let's see if any of you can help me. Whenever I try to burn a data DVD I can never fill it with 4.7 GB but around 3.5. However it is possible with WIndows.03:36
thoreauputicjordanau: not exactly intuitive, eh? I had tha same problem :)03:36
ubuntuis anyone with the gnome livecd able to mount files as a user?03:36
sophiefPacoBCN try with k3b03:37
sophiefand do not talk about windows in here you punk03:38
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Nekohayois it okay to upgrade linux-headers or will it mess up xorg & nvidia-glx?03:38
PacoBCNsophief, I prefer not to install any kde lib, and I don't think it's a matter of switching to k3b03:38
PacoBCNboth nautilus burn and graveman can't handle 4.7 Gb03:38
mrothhas anyone gotten sunbird going?  I'm curious to try it out03:39
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sophiefwell , i just burn my first cd with nautilus03:39
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PacoBCNcds are ok03:39
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PacoBCNI'm taking about DVDs03:39
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detIs there some way to get the Debian menus back on the gnome menu?03:40
NekohayoPacoBCN, maybe that got something to do with the kernel?03:40
sophiefPacoBCN just dont burn dvds03:40
jdubdet: install menu-xdg03:40
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Nekohayosophief, easy to say...03:40
quaruptjdub, im using fglrx!! YAY03:40
thoreauputicsophief: that's really helpful :/03:40
detjdub, Already installed03:40
sophieflinux is kinda limited03:41
Nekohayosophief, all is possible03:41
PacoBCNNekohayo, I have no clue, it's pretty weird.03:41
jdub_det: killall gnome-panel03:41
sophiefubuntu as well03:41
quaruptbut my opengl screensaver still run like crap03:41
thoreauputicsophief: this from the person calling people punks for mentioning windows?03:41
NekohayoPacoBCN, you say you asked in the forums?03:41
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sophiefi did not mention it ha03:41
PacoBCNsophief, you're here for helping or just being stupid?03:41
Hell-Razorhey guys i cannot figure out how to change the resolution of my screen. Any ideas? i edited my xorg.conf file but that didnt do it03:42
detjdub, I mean, it has been installed since installation03:42
reverI did a search on synaptic for the kernel-headers-2.6.8-1-386 but there are none how can I get these03:42
sophiefthere are other working systems03:42
NekohayoHell-Razor, there's a gnome utility03:42
Hell-RazorNekohayo: i use fluxbox03:42
detjdub_, Maybe the fact that I upgraded to Gnome 2.10 is significant?03:42
jdub_det: not sure then, it should appear if you're running hoary03:42
sophiefPacoBCN both03:42
NekohayoHell-Razor, oh well I dont know ^_^03:42
reverThey only have 2.6.7-1-38603:42
jdub_det: shoudn't be03:42
PacoBCNNekohayo, I asked 10 mins ago so it's normal noone replied yet :D03:42
jdub_it may have broken during our massive gnome upgrades; not sure why though03:42
PacoBCNsophief, well, you're better being stupid than helping if you ask me03:43
NekohayoPacoBCN, please point me to the thread so I can watch it, I have a dvd burner, it should be of my concern too :)03:43
Hell-RazorNekohayo: wtf i dont use xorg...i use xf8603:43
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NekohayoHell-Razor, xD that explains it no?03:43
quaruptis 160FPS under glx gears good or not?03:43
Hell-RazorNekohayo: heh yea that explains a lot03:43
Hell-Razorquarupt: hell no...i get like 800003:43
PacoBCNNeko, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1899403:43
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mrothquarupt: depends on your video card03:43
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sophiefPacoBCN I know that k3b looks like the enemy but it's the tool i used to burn dvds03:44
quaruptradeon 9600 all in wonder03:44
Nekohayois anyone using apt.cerkinfo.be as a repository?03:44
PacoBCNNeko, I'm running hoary, btw03:44
mroththat sounds perhaps a little low for a radeon 9600 to me03:44
quaruptya it is03:44
quaruptbut im using fglrx???03:44
NekohayoPacoBCN, I'm on hoary too.03:44
quaruptat least my conf says i am03:44
quaruptbut i dunno how to be sure03:45
jdubquarupt: read the output of glxinfo | grep renderer03:45
quarupthow can i be sure what driver my x is using?03:45
thoreauputicsophief: don't be childish - just because someone prefers gtk apps doesn't mean he's prejudiced against KDE03:45
PacoBCNsophief, k3b doesn't look like the enemy but if there's something I like of Ubuntu is its effor in supporting gnome so I won't try kde apps. In addition, I don't think it depends on the app you're using.03:45
quaruptjdub, OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect03:46
ograPacoBCN: you can burn up to 3.5G ?03:46
PacoBCNogra, around 3.503:46
PacoBCNthe fact is that I can never fill the dvds03:46
PacoBCNwhile I can do it in windows03:46
jdubquarupt: that means you don't have fglrx enabled acceleration03:46
PacoBCNthe same amount, same files03:46
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ograPacoBCN: do you have enough diskspace for the image available ?03:46
jdubquarupt: so you've probably not updated your xorg.conf03:46
quaruptjdub, how can i enable it?03:46
sophiefPacoBCN please no windows03:46
sophiefI did suffer from that03:46
jdubquarupt: i bet you there's a readme file in the package, or more documentation on the wiki03:46
PacoBCNOgra, in theory I do03:47
jdubquarupt: and i'm pretty sure there's a script to do it all for you, in that package03:47
pschulzI have lost sound on a machine with a VIA base motherboard.03:47
jdub(there is in the nvidia driver package)03:47
thoreauputicsophief: for god's sake - he's merely pointing out that it is possible03:47
quaruptjdub,  when i cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf it says its using fglrx driver?03:47
PacoBCNIs there a way to specify where the image will be created?03:47
ograPacoBCN: could you explain this theory ? :)03:47
jdubquarupt: so you need to look at log output and so on to determine if it is or not03:47
pschulzAny suggestions? Application seen to work OK (including mixer)03:47
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PacoBCNOgra, means I didn't check if I have exactly that amount :D03:47
quarupti did everything wiki and the docs said, reconfigure the x server and restart x03:47
ograPacoBCN: graveman offers to select the tmp dir03:48
pschulzbut no sound come out. (It used to.. )03:48
PacoBCNOgra, probably the main partition didn't, true03:48
quaruptwhich logs? and why would my xorg.conf say im usin it?03:48
pschulzxmms plays.03:48
travail101anyone else want my gift network plugins package for i686 machines while it's hot off the press? (all the latest versions already compiled for your convenience)03:48
PacoBCNOgra, I'll try with that, thx03:48
socommIs gnome 2.10 in hoary's repo yet.03:48
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ograPacoBCN: graveman uses /tmp by default03:48
PacoBCNI assume it's mandatory to create the image before, right?03:48
socommBy GNOME 2.10 I mean the whole things. I've downloaded applets and stuff this morning.03:48
ograPacoBCN: its done on the fly03:48
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ograPacoBCN: but you need the space indeed ;)03:49
pschulz0000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)03:49
pschulz0000:00:11.5 Class 0401: 1106:3059 (rev 50)03:49
PacoBCNnot very handy03:49
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sophiefPacoBCN did you try gnome 2.10 ?03:49
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PacoBCNsophief, yes, this is what I'm running03:49
quaruptjdub, i have read everything, im clueless what to try now, im pretty sure xorg loaded the correct driver, cause thast what the conf says, is there something i need to enable or something?03:49
ograPacoBCN: i didnt write graveman, i only package it, but you can report a enhacement bug at the author ;)03:50
PacoBCNOgra, hehe, I'm pretty happy with it, actually03:50
NekohayoPacoBCN, what does it do with nautilus-burn, does it say the media doesn't have enough space?03:50
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PacoBCNNeko, yes, but I'll try specifying another tmp dir03:51
PacoBCNprobably it was a stupid problem03:51
jdubquarupt: you can't be sure that xorg loaded the correct driver by looking at the configuration file03:51
NekohayoPacoBCN, let me know then. Because I have the same issue now :)03:51
jdubquarupt: you need to look at the xorg output in /var/log/X11/03:51
quaruptok i will03:51
pschulzlsmod output looks OK as well. (lots of snd modules present)03:51
jdubquarupt: remember, i'm not the only person here who can help you03:51
PacoBCNproblem is that I have blank dvds in my room and don't want to wake up my gfriend now :D03:51
quaruptjdub, but your the only one who is03:51
PacoBCNNeko, you can't burn DVDs up to 4.7?03:52
bryan4.7gb dvd's only hold like 4.503:52
PacoBCNyou know, I'm running Ubuntu in a laptop with WIndows and Ubuntu OSs and drive space is an issue03:52
sophiefPacoBCN really how can I upgrade ?03:53
PacoBCNupgrade to what?03:53
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NekohayoPacoBCN, I just tried with a 4.0gb file03:53
Nekohayoas I replied in the post03:53
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nerkanyone know how to disable twinview on the fly?03:54
PacoBCNNekohayo, thanks, what was the error you got?03:54
sophiefPacoBCN to 2.1003:54
PacoBCNnerk, I wish I knew how to enable it! :D03:54
nerkPacoBCN: nvidia?03:54
PacoBCNsophief, I just upgraded the whole system03:54
PacoBCNnerk, yes03:54
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sophiefPacoBCN hoary ?03:55
nerkPacoBCN: you need to install the nvidia driver instead of the nv one03:55
PacoBCNsophief, yes03:55
nerkthen modprobe nvidia03:55
PacoBCNNerk, I already have nvidia acceleration03:55
nerkthen in XF86Config file.. use nvidia03:55
thoreauputicsophief: if you are running hoary,  just do a dist-upgrade03:55
nerkcould be the restricted-modules then03:55
PacoBCNNerk, I have to say I didn't try yet with xorg03:55
NekohayoPacoBCN, don't remember exactly, do you need the exact sentence? It just said that the media didn't have enough space03:55
nerki had an issue with that03:55
sophiefthoreauputic ,03:56
blah09does anyone know of a wysiwig html editor?03:56
PacoBCNNekohayo, I was too lazy to write it down too :D03:56
nerki know there is a gui nvidia app that apparently has a checkbox for twinview03:56
NekohayoPacoBCN, want me to make a screenshot? XD03:56
PacoBCNnerk, really?03:56
PacoBCNhehe, please, Neko!03:56
Xappeblah09, NVU03:56
thoreauputicblah09: either mozilla composer, or nvu03:57
PacoBCNyou nice boy03:57
nerkPacoBCN: apt-get install nvidia-settings03:57
Nekohayohmm, is it safe to update my linux-headers (they're available for update in apt-get) or will it break xorg and the nvidia drivers? *goes off to take the screenshot*03:57
NetwrkMonkeyis anyone able to get the comcast.net homepage to load correctly when logged into it in firefox with the flash player installed?03:57
nerkPacoBCN: also apt-get install nvidia-glx-config03:57
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PacoBCNnerk, I have them all installed03:57
nerkPacoBCN: so you also downloaded the nvidia driver from the nvidia site and followed the instructions?03:57
PacoBCNnerk, sorry, probably I didn't make myself clear, I didn't try yet :D03:58
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegonerk: Why not used the prebaked one in Ubuntu?03:58
nerkyah... if all that then.. i recommend making sure you have the proper restricted-modules package for you kernel installed.. maybe even a re-install of that.. i think i had to when i dist-upgrade to hoary03:58
mrothNekohayo: the headers just sit in /usr/src so i woudlnt worry about it03:58
PacoBCNbut, indeed, it would be cool to have a gui app to change it on the fly!03:58
nerkcufuego: cuz it sucks ass03:58
cafuegonerk: How so? it works fine.03:59
nerkit doesnt support the many things the nvidia cards have to offer03:59
nerkcafuego: you dont twinview obviously03:59
=== bretzel [~felix@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegonerk: The source is avialble as package too, you can bake a driver by hand with your own kernel, without having crap installed that's not in the package system.03:59
cafuegonerk: No, I use  amatrox for xinerama.03:59
=== `helix [~helix@wbar12.sea1-] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego peers at `helix
=== geppy [~geppy@c-67-162-233-164.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`helixhow to prevent the upgrading of the kernel image while doing dist-upgrade04:00
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906a0a6.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego`helix: Put the package on hold before you upgrade.04:01
geppyWhere can I find definitive answers about the legality of the available .wmv/.avi/.mov/.mp3/.aac etc decoders and encoders?04:01
ogra`helix: lock the version ?04:01
HrdwrBoB`helix: http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html04:01
PacoBCNthere are only 3 issues I have to solve to be totally happy about Ubuntu04:01
nerkPacoBCN: http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/nvoption/04:01
PacoBCNtwinview, flumotion and dvd recording :D04:02
PacoBCNnerk, thanks, I'm opening now04:02
nerktha's just something else04:02
nerknot related to the other issues you are having04:02
nerkthis is the app i saw with a checkbox for twinview :)04:02
thoreauputicHrdwrBoB: kind of using a sledge-hammer to kill a gnat in this case I think ;)04:02
HrdwrBoBtwinview is fairly easy04:02
nerkit is04:02
PacoBCNNerk, NVOPTION looks great!04:02
HrdwrBoBthoreauputic: heh yeah04:02
bretzelHi there, Question: Why my Gnome-session/xwindow just quit and restarted by itself ? ( I was AFK )04:03
veristeadso can someone help me here with the compilation of Kismet04:03
HrdwrBoBveristead: you can just apt-get install kismet04:03
PacoBCNNerk, I'm just wondering if it would work well with xorg as well, since I see only xf86 references04:03
bretzelI see no traces of what happened in (~/.xsession-errors, xorg.0.log... etc)04:03
geppyAny lawyers in here? =)04:03
veristeadoh... well i have the source04:03
Nekohayomroth, thanks04:04
NekohayoPacoBCN, I uploaded the shot, take a look and tell me if that's the same thing04:04
thoreauputicgeppy: yeah, the place is packed with lawyers - bush lawyers ;)04:04
geppythoreauputic: haha =)04:05
=== regeya_ [~shane@sdn-ap-010ilchicP0105.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== geppy wants a good source on codec legality
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PacoBCNNeko, I see it's wide 152px only04:05
thoreauputicgeppy: expect a profound and long silence04:05
PacoBCNcan't read :S04:05
=== regeya_ wants a good source of legal codecs
veristeadwell that was so much easier04:06
veristeadthan compiling + installing from source04:06
regeya_and not just Free codecs--not everyone sees the wisdom in using Free codecs (sadly)04:06
NekohayoPacoBCN, it's a thumbnail, you have to click it no?04:06
HrdwrBoBregeya_: mos tof the legal problems are distributing them, not using them04:06
veristeadi've been looking for the right tool for like an hour now, and it was there in the repositories04:06
qwmi'm finally installing ubuntu.04:06
HrdwrBoBveristead: :)04:06
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-182-114.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
stuNNedHrdwrBoB: what do we have like 1 month before Hoary stable is out?04:07
PacoBCNNeko, it drives me to the thumb again04:07
Nekohayouh, weird04:07
=== R0bNyc anyone here uses GNomad2 ?
thoreauputicveristead: apt-cche search is our friend :)04:07
sophiefthoreauputic is it possible to get gnome2.10 with the warty ?04:07
HrdwrBoBstuNNed: bit more but yeah04:07
thoreauputicsophief: anything is possible04:07
=== geppy is under the impression that the only legal non-wine method for .wmv codecs is Linspire or some other distro with an even worse name
PacoBCNNeko, what's the url of the full image?04:08
thoreauputicsophief: some things are nore difficult however04:08
regeya_HrdwrBoB, that doesn't change my stance at all--I still want a good source of legal codecs04:08
sophiefthoreauputic ?04:08
=== cyklus [~none@adsl-68-122-71-25.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
NekohayoPacoBCN, just put it into the post04:08
geppyregeya_: Use WINE, download the Windows versions =(04:08
geppyregeya_:  Or go buy Linspire.04:08
veristeadnow is it jst "kismet" or is it .kismet04:08
veristeadto launch the app04:08
cyklusWhere do I get the Hoary preview CD's??04:08
sophiefthoreauputic u so sofisticated04:08
geppyIf Linspire was GNOME, I'd run it.04:08
HrdwrBoBgeppy: the way wmv is used is with win libraries anyway04:08
thoreauputicsophief: you can get the source code and compile it, for example04:09
cyklusaccording to the WIKI they should be under download but arnt04:09
error_29in regard to legal distribution of codecs, I'm really puzzled as to why my hoary upgrade apparently installed mp3 codecs, when I didn't choose them.  from universe, i presume.04:09
HrdwrBoBregeya_: your question is not clear04:09
error_29Not that I'm complaining...04:09
=== Martok [~det@pcp01327764pcs.chrstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBerror_29: if you have universe enabled, it can install mp3 codecs04:09
geppyHrdwrBoB: I'm aware of that, but if you use WINE, then you're actually downloading the legal files, and reading the EULA's... if you use the native implementation, there's no possible way to be legal about it04:09
HrdwrBoBerror_29: mp3 codecs are not *shipped* with it04:09
veristeadwell it's kismet04:09
thoreauputicsophief: thanks for the compliment, by the way04:09
regeya_the legality of wine is questionable; I've had some things that really like to have genuine MS DLLs, and since I don't dual-boot, am I violating the EULA?  I dunno.04:10
cyklusanyone know where I can get the preview cd's??04:10
regeya_HrdwrBoB, wasn't aware that I was asking a question.04:10
=== Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
marshallhi guys... i've been trying to get my wireless network set up now for a few days.  i finally got ndiswrapper installed with my driver.  i'm at the point where on the top toolbar my wireless says 100% signal BUT I have no throughput.  when i do a iwlist wlan0 scan  i get no scan results. a any ideas?04:10
`helixbut there is no preference file under /et/apt04:10
HrdwrBoBregeya_: you have not agreed to a EULA04:10
error_29I know it can install them hrdwrBob, i just don't understand why it _did_ install them, why i didn't choose them.  i just smartupgraded over the basic warty.04:10
HrdwrBoBhowever you are infringing copyright04:10
PacoBCNNeko, now I see it04:11
veristeadbut it says "FATAL: Unable to set up pidfile /var/run/kismet_server.pid, couldn't open for writing: Permission Denied.04:11
thoreauputic`helix: you can mark a package to be "held" in synaptic04:11
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veristeadand then i tried sudo kismet04:11
PacoBCNthe first one drove to the thumb04:11
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HrdwrBoBveristead: sudo kismet04:11
regeya_okay, HrdwrBoB, you can let it drop now; I am.  never asked a question, just lamented the lack of legal, legally-distributable codecs for some of the formats that the slavering hordes use.04:11
PacoBCNand yes, Neko, same error04:11
`helixso there is no way to do it from command line04:11
regeya_that's the fault of content providers, I know04:11
sophiefthoreauputic that's another mad doctor ride to compil04:11
PacoBCNhow much space do you have in your main partition?04:11
NekohayoPacoBCN, good then :P let's see if they got an idea as to why04:12
cafuego`helix: echo "hold kernel-image-2.6.xx-foo" | dpkg --set-selections04:12
veristeadand got FATAL: Unable to open cisco control file '/proc/driver/aironet/eth0/Config' 2:No such file or directory"04:12
PacoBCNhow much FREE space, I mean04:12
thoreauputicsophief: did I say it was easy?04:12
veristeadHrdwrBoB i did that04:12
veristeadand got the above message04:12
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sophiefthoreauputic no you didn't04:12
veristeadi am on a PPC system04:12
ogra`helix: sudo synaptic ;-P04:12
geppyIf gstreamer wasn't anal about licensing, someone could license proprietary gstreamer plugins for these codecs, and all would be good04:12
cyklusIs ubuntu hoary preview available yet?04:12
regeya_truth be told, HrdwrBoB, I can play just about anything that I can on a Windows machien from my Ubuntu box...not that I"m supposed to be able to, and definitely the case on DVDs04:12
Burgundaviacyklus: tomorrow04:13
thoreauputicsophief: indeed04:13
veristeadand i believe the Card is using Orinocco04:13
veristeador something like that04:13
cafuegocyklus: You can dist-upgrade now and just run it. it's not hard.04:13
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
veristeadanyone able to help me04:13
Burgundaviabut the offical release is tomorrow04:13
Burgundaviaveristead: what is the issue?04:13
sophiefthoreauputic please would you mind...04:13
cykluscafuego: im reinstalling my computer... so i wanted to get the install cd04:13
veristeadBurgundavia: i installed Kismet and then used sudo kismet04:13
veristeadbut i got the following message04:13
cykluscafuego: the cd's should have been out 2 days ago according to the release schedule04:14
veristeadFATAL: Unable to open cisco control file '/proc/driver/aironet/eth0/Config' 2:No such file or directory"04:14
sophiefthoreauputic hey you from australia ? haha04:14
Plukhi all04:14
veristeadand i dnt know whay04:14
=== Taadow [~sticks@pool-68-162-127-168.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MartokWhat's up with my Belkin WIFI card not working under ndiswrapper under Ubuntu?04:14
veristeadI JST DON'T KNOW04:14
error_29I think something unlicensed slipped under the wire somehow with hoary-- honestly, I didn't seek the mp3 support; gstreamer just seemed to upgrade itself to mp304:14
marshallanyone have any words of wisdom for me regarding wireless?04:14
Burgundaviaveristead: have you googled for an answer?04:14
Riddelljdub: any idea what the opposite of mkraid is (to destroy a raid)?04:14
MartokHey Taadow.04:14
thoreauputicsophief: this is cause for mirth?04:14
veristeadyea i did04:14
ogra`helix: actually i think you can use aptitude in a similar way and lock your version there04:14
=== brian__ [~brian@c-67-181-6-88.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`helixogra: how would i lock it04:15
sophiefthoreauputic didn't mean it04:15
brian__Hi all :)04:15
brian__this new version of xchat sure is puuuurdy04:15
ogra`helix: dunno, i dont unse aptitude, but i know there is an option04:15
jdubRiddell: just reformat the disks and turn change the volume type if you made it autodetect04:15
jdubRiddell: also, don't use mkraid, use mdadm04:15
sophiefthoreauputic do you think u can help me with azureus04:15
thoreauputicsophief: no, sorry, I know nothing about azureus04:16
cafuegocyklus: Yeah, well, "based on debian" means that you can have a delay of up to 2 years on releases <heh>04:16
error_29Is all this wireless setup pain that so many people go through specific to ubuntu, or debian, or linux in general?04:16
marshallerror_29: i dont know but it's the bane of my existence right now and no one seems to have "the answer"04:17
ogra`helix: why do you want to hold back the kernel btw ?04:17
cafuegoerror_29: Apart from the shit windoze-only wific ard I had a while back, wifi has always worked fine on Linux for me.04:17
=== Levander [~cponder@user-11fas0e.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicerror_29: linux in general, I'd say04:17
`helixogra: it always messes up my sound04:17
Nekohayobrian__, what, what, a new xchat ?04:17
`helixand the default works great04:17
error_29marshall, from what i can gather, it's just hit or miss with the hardware04:17
Nekohayobrian__, that is NOT ugly?04:17
ogra`helix: gah, thats bad04:17
veristeadi got lots of matches04:17
MartokI'm only going to buy hardware that's tested compatible with Linux from now on. Can anybody point me to a nice hardware compatibility list?04:17
LevanderDoes anybody know if the new MySQL query browser is in the ubuntu repositories?04:17
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veristeadnone seemed to  prove helpful04:17
bryanwhat's it called?04:18
error_29I've decided not to get a wireless router, seeing the ordeal other people go through.04:18
marshallerror: no it's more than that.  you just have to really know what you're doing to get shit working in linux :)04:18
cafuegoMartok: The kernel source. if it's in there, it's supported.04:18
cykluscafuego: lol.. well I guess the best for now is the array 6 iso? and then just apt upgrade...04:18
Plukwith native drivers wireless is easy04:18
thoreauputicerror_29: not really "hit or miss" - it depends mostly on manufacturers releasing specs so that drivers can be written04:18
Plukdunno bout ndiswrapper though04:18
MartokDo I actually have to read the C source code?04:18
Levanderbryan: it's called, MySQL query browser http://www.mysql.com/products/04:18
cafuegondiswrapper is satan.04:18
cafuegoit's slow, eats CPU like mad and won't work on amd64 ;-)04:18
error_29yeah, thoreauputic -- i gather from googling that linksys, for example, is fairly well documented.  Friend of mine had his working right out of the box with ubuntu.04:19
Riddelljdub: cool, sorted04:19
ogracafuego: it does... for broadcom chipets04:19
ograsets ven04:19
HillTopHow do I set fstab so I can mount USB memory as rw and user?  I tried   /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto rw,auto,user,sync 0 0   and only root can mount/read/write it. :/04:19
ograeven even04:20
cafuegoogra: 32bit kernel or 64?04:20
NekohayoMartok, linuxcompatible.org ? (could anyone confirm this, I'm not sure if this isn't a bit outdated)04:20
ogracafuego: 64bit kernel and 64bit win driver04:20
cafuegoerror_29: Any _real_ prism2 or prism54 should work fine.04:20
ogracafuego: latest ndiswrapper does that04:20
cafuegoogra: Ah see, the trick is the 64bit win driver :-)04:20
PacoBCNHillTop, I think this is correct: users,owner,rw,umask=000 0 004:20
Plukany atheros chipset should work too04:20
ograPluk: on amd64 ?04:21
Martoknekoayo: Looks pretty good so far.04:21
cafuegoerror_29: I have a stack of 11Mbit orinocos and they're all fine, linked into a DLink DSL/WiFI router/modem.04:21
geppyAre there any good LGPL gstreamer video players out there?04:21
veristeadso the kismet config file is normally in /usr/local/etc04:21
veristeadbut that directory does not exist04:21
Plukhmm dunno bout that ogra04:21
veristeadso i dnt know where the kismet.conf file went04:21
cafuegoI would however not hold my breath on stuff like kismet working via ndsiwrapper'ed drivers.04:21
=== JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2u1-63.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ogracafuego: its a matter of luck :)04:22
error_29all righty then, I stand corrected:  wireless isn't hell (and anyway, i haven't tried it yet).  It's just purgatory...04:22
cafuegoogra: Either that or just buying decent hardware ;-)04:22
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thoreauputicerror_29: heh04:22
sophiefthoreauputic sure you don't ?04:22
=== ubuntu2u [~ubuntu2u@host-253.ken-66-244-224.norcomcable.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tizenmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz04:22
tizenstepping        : 704:22
tizencpu MHz         : 997.38704:22
thoreauputicsophief: don't what?04:22
cafuegoerror_29: wireless is heaven, as you'll find out when you don't need to leave bed anymore for internet, and won't trip over cat5 anymore...04:23
tizenwhy is that wrong?04:23
cafuegotizen: "Intel"04:23
ogracafuego: sometimes you dont have the choice....i wouldnt give up my amd64 laptop just because i cant get a nice onboard wlan card for it04:23
ubuntu2uwhen i try to watch a movie on the internet ut says i need the application or extension wmplayer2 is this windows media player? and is there an alternative i can use?04:23
thoreauputictizen: laptop?04:23
tizencafuego: Nah, but the cpu MHz is changing oddly04:23
Nekohayocafuego, that's before the neighbors start eating your bandwidth ;)04:23
cafuegotizen: Yes, that's normal.04:23
error_29cafuego, you're right, i'm sure, especially considering I've got a lemon of a laptop with a loose ethernet jack that makes life hell04:24
tizencafuego: how so?04:24
cafuegotizen: cpufreq is doing that, making it run slow when it's idle.04:24
tizenit's hardly idle though04:24
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
tizencpu usage is 68%04:24
cafuegotizen: 68% is not busy04:24
Nekohayocafuego, speaking of which, you do use wireless with a pcmcia card on ubuntu? which brand and model is it?04:24
error_29so, i guess i'll go for a wireless router-- or would it make more sense to add some wireless thingy to my current netgear router?04:25
cafuegotizen: it'll jump back to full speed when it gos to 100%04:25
tizencafuego: I just recat'd /proc/cpuinfo and it's at 200004:25
tizenis this a new 2.6.x thing?04:25
tizeni'd never used it before ubuntu04:25
cafuegotizen: it can flip a couple of times a second if it has to...04:25
HillTopPacoBCN, Oh that is so much better, thank you!!04:25
cafuegoMy laptop and amd64 desktop do it too.04:25
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marshallhehe oh man, i think it really just hit me, gotta go back to windows.  i officially give up04:25
marshallgood luck guys04:26
=== CodyC [~crawford@24-155-97-70.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoWell, the desktop always sits on 1GHz and only jumps to 1.8 when I start firefox.04:26
veristeadok... so i installed Kismet, but i cnt find the kismet.conf file, which normally by default is in /usr/local/etc/ but the directory doesn't exist04:26
veristeadso obviously it ain't in there04:26
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PacoBCNHillTop, great!04:26
veristeadso where did it go04:26
veristeadfind ain't finding it04:26
cafuegoveristead: apt-get install kismet, $EDITOR /etc/kismet/kismet.conf04:26
ubuntu2uso can anyone help me?04:26
ubuntu2ui try to watch a video on the internet and it says i need wmplayer/204:27
ubuntu2uwhat do i install to fix this?04:27
PacoBCNubuntu2u, probably it depends on the format you're trying to see04:27
PacoBCNwhat file is it?04:27
cafuegoubuntu2u: mplayer and w32codecs or somesuch should do the trick.04:27
PacoBCNhowever, I still can't see them all04:27
sophiefthoreauputic how about java04:28
thoreauputicmarshall: persevere - "You have nothing to lose but your chains!" (well, your mind as well... but hey.. ;-)04:28
PacoBCNfor instance, I can just hear this with VLC: mms://vmedia.tin.it/LA7-180K04:28
PacoBCNbut can't see it04:28
PacoBCNmplayer doesn't even play the sound04:28
thoreauputicsophief: nah - know nothing about java either04:28
ggeeckois there a big difference between warty and hoary04:28
ubuntu2ucafuego: what do i type in the gnome terminal to get this?04:28
veristeadcafuego, couldn't find package04:28
sophiefthoreauputic are you australian 4 sure ?04:28
Nekohayoggeecko, yeah, xorg XD04:29
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PacoBCNUbuntu2u, you can read the instructions on the forum04:29
thoreauputicsophief: in fact the field of subjects on which I'm pitifully ignorant stretches as far as the eye can see...04:29
thoreauputicsophief: no, I'm a citizen of Lower Slobovia04:29
error_29in which case, Thereauputic, I hope you're not in the Outback04:29
HillTopPacoBCN, I'm having trouble now with the second USB which I set up with   /dev/sdb1 /mnt/removable2 auto users,owner,rw,umask=000 0 0    I have been consulting http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and http://ubuntuguide.org/04:30
error_29or kansas04:30
thoreauputicerror_29: pinned between mountans and sea04:30
=== hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicsophief: as you see, I can't even type....04:30
PacoBCNhilltop, they should be the same04:31
sophiefthoreauputic oh04:31
PacoBCNHilltop, what's the error?04:31
ubuntu2upacocbn: can you please just tell me what the program is called?04:31
sophiefthoreauputic i got it04:31
PacoBCNubuntu2u, mplayer04:31
PacoBCNbut you won't find it in default repos04:31
sophiefthoreauputic this channel really sucks04:31
ggeeckoNekohayo: I am upgrading as we speak04:31
HillTopThe second one doesn't show up on the desktop, sudo mount command shows it mounted and busy.04:31
thoreauputicsophief: if you believe that, you'll believe anything04:32
PacoBCNHilltop, but can you access it from the terminal?04:32
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PacoBCNHillTop, because one thing is mounting it and another issue is that gnome will display it :D04:32
ggeeckoNekohayo: which one are you using04:32
Nekohayoggeecko, good luck. The tricky part really is xorg I think04:32
PacoBCNHilltop, brows /mnt/ and /media/ to see if you can find them04:33
HillTopPacoBCN, hold on -- it opened a window into the second one behind another application.  It is there!! Sorry.  It is OK!!04:33
Nekohayoggeecko, I'm running hoary since march, but I had someone help me with my nvidia driver when I upgraded.. maybe you won't have any problems04:33
PacoBCNHilltop, good04:33
veristeadfucking a04:33
veristeadUbuntu needs to look at libpcap-0.8.3 which is the most recent04:34
veristeadreleased last week04:34
error_29ok, hoary is running stable for me, suspiciously so given my cluelessness; I wonder what i should try to break first...04:34
HillTopPacoBCN, Is there a general way to set this up so my six USB ports will all work nicely, even for plugin camera etc.??04:34
jdubveristead: hoary's frozen, dude. unless it fixes significant bugs, doesn't introduce any (unlikely) and isn't incompatible with something, we won't update to it.04:35
=== bmwest [~bmwest@c-24-10-176-255.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PacoBCNHillTop, well, if yuo set them up correctly in fstab they should all work04:35
veristeadi am using Warty04:36
PacoBCNHillTop, are they memory sticks?04:36
=== dash [washort@adsl-159-172-112.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
PacoBCNHillTop, in theory just by hotpluging them they should all work04:36
thoreauputicveristead: which was frozen in October, I believe04:36
PacoBCNHillTop, at least in hoary04:36
sophiefthoreauputic i got it i got azuuuuuuuuu04:36
sophiefthoreauputic i got it i got azuuuuuuuuu04:37
thoreauputicsophief: congratulations04:37
HillTopPacoBCN, I assume it means a /mnt file for each and a fstab line for each?   I have two sticks now - 256MB and 512MB (Warty) but I might plug them into any port. Right?  So you think I need only one fstab line?04:37
SiRrUsgood evening fellows04:37
PacoBCNHillTop, you're right04:37
PacoBCNSirrus, hi there04:38
HillTopPacoBCN, OK, I'll try it with just one line. :)04:38
PacoBCNHillTop :)04:39
PacoBCNHillTop one line for drive, I mean!04:39
error_29jeez, open office takes way too long to load!  i guess i'll get abiword or sumpin'04:39
Nekohayoerror_29, how much time04:39
stuNNedjdub: dudeolios, so Hoary is froze?04:40
Nekohayoerror_29, I just loaded it in 15 seconds04:40
=== rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdubstuNNed: has been for a while04:40
rattboimy grub is screwed up now, and only XP will boot04:40
jdubstuNNed: various degrees of freeze, of course04:40
rattboican I use the live cd to mount my root partition, and run grub from there?04:40
stuNNedjdub: ah, ok thanks04:40
SiRrUsjust like me :)04:40
stuNNedjdub: considering updating my laptop to Hoary over the weekened04:40
PacoBCNstuNNed, good idea04:41
jdubdo it man04:41
jdubpreview is out tomorrow04:41
jdubthat means EVERYONE will be doing it04:41
=== Tuxadermist [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jdubso upgrade now04:41
jdubbeat the rush04:41
=== stuNNed busts out laptop then
PacoBCNpreview of what?04:41
HillTopPacoBCN, Nope. I shut down the windows and then mount -a.  Only one opened up that I can see.  Oh, one line per drive, so if I expect 4 I need 4 lines??04:41
rattboiI don't remember how to install GRUB again04:41
NekohayoPacoBCN, hoary I think04:41
dashrattboi: you should be able to, yes04:41
bob2PacoBCN: er, ubuntu?04:41
dashrattboi: edit /boot/menu.lst, run grub-install04:42
SiRrUsjdub what will be different in the preview vs array 5 or 604:42
jdubPacoBCN: hoary04:42
Plukrattboi, yes you can, just mount your root and chroot it then run grub04:42
rattboigrub-install, huh?04:42
jdubSiRrUs: not a huge amount. bugfixes. new theme.04:42
=== KaOz [KaOz@200-42-68-143.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
PacoBCNHilltop, yes04:42
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SiRrUsnice thanks04:42
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-182-114.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
PacoBCNwell, it aren't the different arrays previews of hoary?04:42
rattboiwhat does the chroot  do?04:42
rattboiI don't understand that part04:42
PacoBCNor at least the last array?04:42
=== error_29 [~bb@24-90-94-112.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Plukchroot : change root04:43
Nekohayohmm, that's why they have been updating kde so much lately! ^^04:43
jdubPacoBCN: the array releases are test releases, yes04:43
jdubPacoBCN: but we have a special release called the preview04:43
Plukit makes you change your working environment04:43
jdubPacoBCN: at the same time gnome final comes out04:43
error_29Hekohayo, about 13 seconds for me, after running it a few times.04:43
jdubPacoBCN: it's a special "dudes, let's get testing!" release04:43
veristeadwtf??? i am trying to compile + install libpcap-0.8.3 and i got it compiled, but now i need to type (according to the docs on the webpage) "make &&" and then type "make install"04:43
PacoBCNjdub, so the upgrade tomorrow will take a bit longer, then04:43
veristeadand then make && gives me this >04:44
veristeadand looks like it is waiting for me to type something04:44
Nekohayoveristead, that's ONE command04:44
Nekohayoveristead, && = AND do04:44
dashveristead: hmm. are you sure you wouldn't rather do "apt-get install libpcap0.8-dev" instead?04:44
Nekohayoveristead, so you could do: make, then sudo make install04:44
PacoBCNIs there a list of the main issues achieved with tomorrow's preview?04:44
=== bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nekohayoyeah I'd like to see this04:44
=== khc [~khc@adsl-69-104-6-255.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bwlangsomething seems a little funny about my wireless config... i'm pretty new to ubuntu - are there some features that would periodically interfere with wpa supplicant?04:45
veristeadwell i do 'make' and it says "make: yacc: Command not found, <newline> make: *** [grammar.c]  Error 12704:45
Nekohayobwlang, phones?04:46
detDoes anyone here use Hoary and AMD64 with Nvidia X drivers and has all the latest packages?04:46
=== maximaus [~max@user-37kacql.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
PacoBCNBTW, I just wish someone makes installing gaim-vv easier04:46
veristeaddash it wasn't found04:46
dashdet: No. It is just you.04:46
dashveristead: you are using warty?04:46
bwlangNekohayo: well i don't think those would cause wpasupplicant to stop enforcing the list of accepted access points...04:46
khcAfter I do a dist-upgrade, rhythmbox would freeze upon start. Its version is 0.8.8-4ubuntu204:46
detdash, nvidia-settings segfaults on me and I am left with ugly UT2k4 :(04:47
Nekohayobwlang, heh :P did you benchmark this with a windows machine too?04:47
khcLast output from rhythmbox -d04:47
khc[0x80e9e60]  [rb_statusbar_sync_state]  rb-statusbar.c:515 (19:46:52): syncing state04:47
bwlangNekohayo: i seem to fall off of my network sometimes - this never happened pre-ubuntu.  (i don't have windows - but this did not happen under debian)04:47
veristeadyea dash04:47
dashveristead: Hm04:47
Pluki use amd64 with hoary and nvidia, but i use a homebrewed kernel04:47
detdash, so, you jumped on the bandwagon as well?04:47
dashdet: it's the coolest party in town04:47
Nekohayobwlang, sorry I don't know :)04:47
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veristeadfound it dash04:48
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bwlangNekohayo: thanks anyway... i guess you don't see anything like that? i guessing that there is some other automatic network configurator thats messing me up04:48
dashveristead: ;-)04:48
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detPluk, Do you have the latest packages?04:49
Nekohayobwlang, maybe :P and I'm not seeing anything like that since I didn't put linux on my laptop yet. I'm still waiting for "it" to become better04:49
veristeadi also seem to have some issues with a backend script when i try to open Network and Users and Groups04:49
veristeadin the Gnome interface04:49
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bwlangNekohayo: uh - it? - seems to work pretty well for me in general.04:49
veristeadit says Backend Script error04:50
Plukdet i can update just fine if thats what you mean04:50
=== wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
veristeadif anyone can help me, when i launch network settings utility in Warty, it asks for admin passwrd twice so i give it the passwrd and then it says "The Configuration could not be loaded: There was an error running the backend script"04:51
HillTopPacoBCN, Thank you for your help. Only still a problem. The second one doesn't show up anywhere - I get    mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist   /dev/sdb1 disappeared from directory  /dev04:51
veristeadthe only option is close04:51
veristeadthis also happens under Time and Date04:52
detPluk, does nvidia-settings segfault for you?04:52
=== Kirsch [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
veristeadand Users and Groups04:52
Kirschhey guys, can we upgrade to Gnome 2.10?04:52
Nekohayobwlang, well that's about the "laptop integration"... it's really near, but maybe not ready (or I'm not very aware of it..).. I mean, I wish I could swap networks just by plugging different pcmcia cards like I am used to with win XP.. besides, I have experienced something weird once with fedora core 2, the cpu would start pumping up at 100% without a reason.. I guess this may have been fixed since, and gnome's network tool seems much better to s04:52
Nekohayowap networks.. I'm concerned by having multiple pcmcia cards (and my linksys wireless 11mbits one wasn't supported last time).. yeah that's about it :)04:52
veristeadany ideas anyone?04:52
bob2Kirsch: er?  you already have it, or something very much like it.04:52
Kirschbob2: i know i have 2.8.3...04:52
bob2Kirsch: you're using warty?04:52
Kirscherr, 2.8.104:53
=== jesuel [~sjgerman@adsl-69-104-53-252.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2if you really want it, upgrade to hoary04:53
Kirschuhm... i'm using 4.104:53
Kirschis that warty?04:53
bob2that's warty04:53
veristeadhow buggy is Hoary?04:54
veristeadis it buggy?04:54
Kirschthat was gonna be my next question04:54
veristeadand is it easier to use than Warty04:54
bwlangNekohayo; i think you could certainly get your network to switch automaticallly if you want to physically swap cards... but it's not like windows - you'll have to setup some scripts to do it for you (i prefer it that way... what if you don't like the way windows does it?)  wpasupplicant is a great little program for figuring out which network to associate to.04:54
schweebit's not really buggy04:54
dashhoary has given me less trouble than any linux distribution i have ever used04:54
schweebhoary is frozen right now04:54
schweebtomorrow is preview release04:54
Nekohayobwlang, thanks I'll google it :)04:54
veristeadand also will i need to clean install, meaning lose everything from Warty04:54
detdash, How long have you been using Hoary? :-)04:54
PacoBCNHillTop, did you check first fdisk -l ?04:54
error_29hoary seems a hell of a lot less buggy than warty did on this laptop04:54
schweebafter preview release, pretty much only bugfixes are going into hoary04:55
veristeadand what type of wm is it, and what type of CDE04:55
dashno, upgrading is ridiculously easy04:55
bwlangNekohayo: it's mostly use for wpa stuff - but i just use it to figure out which networks to associate with.04:55
veristeadso... where can i get hoary?04:55
dashdet: a month? :)04:55
veristeadand for how much?04:55
Kirschdash: i'm using warty, if i download hoary, it upgrades seemlessly?04:55
dashKirsch: yep04:55
Kirschi love ubuntu :-)04:55
jesuelschweeb: im running hoary right now. I can upgrade to the preview release tomorrow then right?04:55
dashjust change your apt settings to get packages from hoary instead of warty04:55
SiRrUsveristead $175.00/mnt04:55
SiRrUsjust kidding04:55
veristeadno shit04:55
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-4357361a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
veristeadm$ isn't even that money hungry04:56
schweebjesuel: you're already essentially running the preview release04:56
HillTopPacoBCN, It is not in that list.  It has been deleted (?)   How to get it back?04:56
bob2veristead: www.ubuntu.com04:56
jesuelschweeb: I figured that much :)04:56
SiRrUsveristead if you cant wait till tomorrow take a look at the channel topic04:56
dashdet: anyway, installing it on this thinkpad laptop was really easy04:56
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bob2note that hoary isn't actually out yet04:56
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error_29kirsch, it's easy through synaptic, if you haven't altered warty too much already04:56
dashdet: even when i decided to do insane stuff04:56
dashdet: like put my root filesystem on LVM04:56
jesuelschweeb: I hope restricted modules are in for 2.6.11 *crosses fingers*04:56
=== wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
schweebthere should only be a few more pkg changes between now and tomorrow04:56
bob2jesuel: remember that 2.6.11 isn't supported at all04:56
dashbob2: "out" is such a subjective thing04:57
Kirscherror_29: ?04:57
schweebjesuel: I think the supported kernel will be 2.6.10... not 100% sure though04:57
Kirschdash: where's the CD image? how do I get hoary?04:57
error_29i totally crushed one warty install by upgrading to hoary; i think it was the backported crap that screwed me up04:57
ZotnixI enabled compositing and now my computer runs as slow as Mac OS X04:57
dashKirsch: if you have warty installed, you don't need a cd image04:57
veristeadbob2: when is it officially released04:57
dashZotnix: awesome!04:57
bob2yes, using backports is a terrible idea04:57
ZotnixIt looks pretty though.04:57
bob2and will break hoary upgrades04:57
dashveristead: april04:58
error_29on another partition, clean virginal warty, the hoary upgrade was beautiful04:58
ZotnixThough gnome-panel doesn't quite like it.04:58
bob2veristead: april04:58
Nekohayobwlang, yeay it looks like the card is now supported with linux-wlan.org :)!04:58
veristeadZotnix: what do you mean as slow as OS X??04:58
veristeadOS X on what04:58
bwlangi just did a debian testing -> hoary update - some minor kinks - but worked fine.. i suspect warty-> hoary will be similaly easy04:58
veristeada 233?04:58
dashKirsch: just change your apt settings, either in synaptic or by editing sources.list manually04:58
Kirschdash: to?04:58
veristeadcuz i have it running pretty fast on my 50004:58
HillTopdash, I want to thank you for helping me the other day. I'm getting Warty install up here. When it is finished, I can upgrade to Hoary - no reinstall??04:58
veristeadand one my 1.2504:58
dashKirsch: to hoary instead of warty :)04:58
veristeadand my 1.4204:58
PacoBCNHillTop, try pluging it again04:58
detdash, Ahh, I have never had to deal with exotic/difficult hardware04:58
schweebjesuel: yea, the linux-image-686 pkg is pointing to 2.6.10 currently... so 2.6.10 is probably the "official" kernel04:58
dashHillTop: Yep, that is what I did04:58
veristeadand my 1.3304:58
veristeadand my 43304:58
detdash, Would Debian have issue with root filesystem on LVM?04:58
Zotnixveristead, OS X on a Mac Mini04:58
HillTopdash, wow.04:58
Zotnixwithout the upgrade :)04:59
Plukdet it segfaults here too04:59
Kirschwow thats cool!04:59
detPluk, argh04:59
dashHillTop: I ran the warty install and just changed the apt settings to hoary and have been running that ever since04:59
veristeadZotnix: it isn't much different than running it on an emac04:59
veristeadsame thing04:59
dashdet: debian's installer didn't do LVM, last i checked04:59
veristeadif not faster04:59
veristeadmaybe the RAM was at bare minimum04:59
detdash, have you tried the sarge netinst cds?04:59
ZotnixI had an old G3 that ran Mac OS X05:00
veristeadi would suggest 256, 384, 512 or higher05:00
detdash, they are radically different from Potato installers05:00
ZotnixWas reeeally bad.. 333 MHz :shudders:05:00
veristeadhow did the G3 do?05:00
dashdet: yes, a while ago05:00
veristeadwell my 433 runs it pretty damn nicely05:00
ZotnixIt was usable as long as I didn't multitask.05:00
veristeadi upgraded RAM though05:00
dashdet: Building a Xen kernel that would boot from lvm root was like pulling teeth though05:00
ZotnixIE Run Safari / iChat and console caused a problem.05:00
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veristeadZotnix well make sure you have lot's of RAM that should help05:00
detdash, what is a Xen kernel?05:01
veristeaddnt use 128 or lower05:01
veristeadi used 64 once05:01
schweebdash: you run xen with ubuntu in dom0?05:01
dashdet: linux kernel that runs under the xen hypervisor05:01
veristeadand wow that was slow05:01
veristead128 was barely enough05:01
stuNNedwhat is recommend for firewall in ubuntu?05:01
dashschweeb: Occasionally05:01
veristeadand 256 is nice for basic stuff,05:01
ZotnixYeah. Well, I'm done with Macs now05:01
detdash, Oh, that's right, I googled it the other day05:01
veristeadbut i have 1GB in my emac05:01
ZotnixI don't think I'll use OS X again if I can help it.05:01
veristeadand towers05:01
bob2stuNNed: none05:01
schweebdash: hoary?05:01
detdash, What advantages do you personally gain by using it?05:01
PlukstuNNed,  i believe firestarter is nice if you think you need a firewall05:01
veristeadmy laptops have one 128 and one 51205:01
dashdet: unlimited power05:02
=== Kirsch_ [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kirsch_dash: do a smartupgrade in synaptic?05:02
veristeadZotnix never say never05:02
veristeadthey are pretty cool05:02
Plukalthough you could try writing your own firewall :)05:02
HillTopPacoBCN, I unpluged it and ... it calls it sdc1 now. And is working now. I don't know is fstab doesn't care what I called out in the second line or if the second line is unnessessary. Thanks.05:02
dashdet: i am working on a demo for pycon05:02
Zotnixveristead, eh, I don't like OS X05:02
ZotnixOr Macs, really.05:02
=== det ponders how that could relate to Xen :-)
veristeadwhy not?05:03
veristeadjst out of curiosity05:03
schweebdash: quick question... what special things did you have to do to get it running?  I'm a) making a page on the ubuntu wiki about Xen, and b) possibly packaging Xen05:03
PacoBCNHillTop, glad to had helped you05:03
error_29mac mini is tempting though, if it were a little cheaper, had more ram...05:03
dashschweeb: <3 <3 <3 <305:03
veristeadCHEAPER THAN $500?05:03
HillTopPacoBCN, :)05:03
=== plagerism [~plagerism@CPE00606771c662-CM013419900473.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
veristeadthat is pretty damn cheap05:03
dashcomputers should come free in cereal boxes05:03
schweebdash: so, either share your experiences now, or post them to the wiki05:03
Zotnixdash, that's asking too much too much from Apple05:03
schweebdash: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XenVirtualMachine05:03
error_29yes. for the specs.05:03
veristeadand you can add RAM your self05:03
plagerismwhat do I have to change to be able to print to my cups print server from firefox??05:04
dashschweeb: I made it harder than I had to05:04
Zotnixveristead, Mac OS X doesn't feel right to me. I can't really explain it. It had a few nuisances that I didn't enjpy either.05:04
veristeadyou can add mostly anything yourself05:04
dashschweeb: I had to hand-craft an initrd05:04
travail101openssh server right?05:04
travail101or openssh-server?05:04
error_29pardon me, for that money you can get a hell of a pc.  Just not as quiet a machine05:04
regeyaimagine if apple made a logic board that worked in atx cases05:04
schweebdash: yea, that's what I figured...05:04
regeyawithout modification05:04
regeyaI'd have more respect for apple then05:04
veristeadZotnix: i dnt have many at all... i did on the base install, but after installing X1105:04
veristeadit worked great for everything05:04
veristeadi could run KDE in the background05:05
dashschweeb: Part of this was because I needed LVM in the initrd05:05
error_29you can add ram yourself if you're good with a putty knife and brutality05:05
veristeadand compile mostly any linux app05:05
veristeador UNIX app05:05
dashschweeb: Part of it was because I was trying to incorporate some ubuntu patches I think05:05
regeyastick the mac hardware in a mid-grade case, slap an apple sticker on it, sell it for $500 or less.  I'd be happy.05:05
veristeadit was pretty sexy05:05
ZotnixI think if I got a Mac I'd run Linux on it solely.05:05
schweebdash: I'd be the happiest person ever if you documented at least some of your steps on there... or emailed them to me... or put them on a webpage...05:05
dashschweeb: I can't even remember them now05:05
regeyadamn steve jobs05:05
schweebI haven't yet invested a ton of time, but I'd prefer not to duplicate too much of other people's work05:06
dashschweeb: I'll probably do it again soon though, and will take more detailed notes :)05:06
schweebdash: boo05:06
schweebdash: yay05:06
veristeadwtf... kismet error.... "make: ***[libpcap-0.8.3/libcap.a]  error 205:06
veristeadi wish it were more specific05:06
dashschweeb: I think it's just going to suck until Xen goes into the mainline kernel05:06
veristeadwtf is an error 2 suppose to mean05:06
schweebdash: in that case, mind emailing your initrd and kernel (0 and U) config to chris@schweeb.org05:06
dashveristead: it means "compiling things is hard, especially if you do not use dpkg-buildpackage"05:06
dashschweeb: i can probably do that :)05:07
schweebdash: I heard something about 2.6.11 + Xen05:07
veristeaddash: i got lost what you mean?05:07
veristeadall i did was exactly wat they asked for05:07
veristeadand i got it compiled05:07
veristeadand i typed "make05:07
veristeadand now i get that error05:07
veristeadi am only one step away from having it installed05:08
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detPluk, I can run nvidia-settings from my ia32 chroot just fine, however05:08
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schweebdash: and if you're interested, you could become involved in the packaging effort... looking for a few good people05:09
=== wdh_ [~KlaasVaag@82-197-205-254.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
dashschweeb: i am writing some control/automation software for xen05:10
dashschweeb: once i have it working, i will be very interested in debian packages05:10
schweebOpen Source?05:10
schweebah good05:10
dashyou bet05:10
dashpython, naturally ;)05:10
geppy|awaygstreamer sucks05:10
geppy|awayeat it05:10
schweebwell, lost my help with development :p05:10
schweebpython's in my list of languages not to clutter my brain with05:11
veristeadi am about to give up05:11
veristeadDAMN IT05:11
schweebit's cluttered with C/C#/Perl/PHP right now05:11
thoreauputicveristead: if it's erroring out of "make", it isn't compiled05:11
detschweeb, what is not among your list? :)05:11
dashschweeb: there's nothing better for this kind of work05:11
veristeadit told me it was05:11
schweebdash: see last statement05:11
schweeber det05:11
schweebdash: yea, I suppose so, since you can hook directly into their python control stuff05:12
veristeadi'll try compiling again05:12
veristeadand then run make again05:12
veristeadi hate the fact it tells me i dnt have something05:13
veristeadjst download it, and install it05:13
veristeaddnt tell me05:13
SiRrUsveristead have you installed the essentials for compiling?05:13
veristeadthat way i can leave it work05:13
veristeadSiRrus yes05:13
dashschweeb: i wish05:13
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thoreauputicveristead: you need apt-get build-dep and dpkg-buildpackage05:13
dashschweeb: their python control stuff is a tangled mess, i tried very hard to hook into it but it's not worth the effort05:13
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jesueluhg python05:14
eruinanyone know archive.ubuntu.com mirrors?05:14
veristeadok... "configuration complete. Run 'make dep' to generate dependencies, and 'make' followed by 'make install' to compile and install"05:14
veristeadis what i get now05:14
dashjesuel: you know you love it!05:14
JDahlveristead, what package are you compiling?05:14
jesuel*throws a rock @ his work's python dev machines*05:14
jesueldash: die plz05:14
schweebdash: may I ask why it's so suited to Xen, then?05:14
chillywillypython rocks05:14
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jesuelI just spend like 11 hours deep into code05:15
veristeadand it keeps giving me the same error mesage upon make05:15
jesuelim TIRED :)05:15
chillywillygo python!05:15
veristeadthoreauputic: why do i need that?05:15
thoreauputicveristead: so why would you expect repeating the procedure to fix it?05:15
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dashschweeb: http://twistedmatrix.com/05:15
SiRrUsveristead why didnt you just get it with synaptic05:16
veristeadcuz i am insane05:16
jesueldash: @#$%@#$^05:16
veristeadi tried05:16
veristeadbut the file is missing the whole conf file05:16
veristeadi cnt configure anything05:16
thoreauputicveristead: because it installs your deps automatially and makes a deb package for you?05:16
veristeador i cnt find that file05:16
JDahlveristead, there's a kismet package in hoary... why dont you use that one? Otherwise maybe try apt-get build-dep kismet05:16
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dashchillywilly: mod_python makes me sad. on the inside.05:17
veristeadwell look at it this way i installed kismet via synaptic05:17
veristeadand then a i ran it05:17
veristeadand got a fuckingerror message05:17
chillywillymod_python is groovy05:17
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JDahl... so you thought by compiling it yourself the error would disappear?05:17
thoreauputicveristead: were there docs? Did you read them?05:17
veristeadand i cnt enter the conf file cuz it says that the directory (which should be the one it is in by default doesn't exist)05:17
veristeadyea i read the docs05:18
veristeadand it tells me to cd /usr/local/etc/.05:18
veristeadand pico kismet.conf05:18
veristeadbut the directory nor file exist05:18
veristeadeven though i jst installed it successfully downloaded it from synaptic05:18
thoreauputicveristead: few packages would use /usr/local  - that would be used for things you build yourself05:18
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veristeadso where is the conf file05:19
veristeadif it isn't there05:19
JDahlveristead, somehow it seems like a waste of everybodys time that you're messing with the source (not even the ubuntu source) when there's a prebuild package05:19
veristeadcuz i cnt find it elsewhere05:19
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veristeadJDah1: i tried the prebuild package05:19
veristeadand i cnt find a neccessary file05:20
veristeadi need05:20
veristeadso i was gonna try to get it from the source05:20
DAC1138im looking for the kernel headers again for the kernel, i cant find it anywhere on synaptic or tmhe apt syste05:20
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DAC1138did they remove it or something? update it for ubuntu hoary?05:21
thoreauputicDAC1138: linux-headers05:21
veristeadFATAL: Unable to open cisco control file '/proc/driver/aironet/eth0/Config' 2:No such file or directory"05:21
veristeadis the message i got when trying to run Kismet05:21
veristeadfrom the prebuilt package on synaptic05:21
dashveristead: what kind of wifi card do you have05:21
veristeadan Apple Airport 802.11b05:22
dashwell, there's the problem05:22
dashkismet is looking for config for an aironet, not an airport05:22
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veristeaddash my point05:22
veristeadi know05:22
veristeadbut i cnt configure that05:22
veristeadwithout the conf file05:22
veristeadand i cnt seemingly find that05:22
eruinDAC1138: yeah, long ago05:23
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DAC1138eruin, thats why im not finding it. dang, i need them05:23
dashveristead: did you try looking in /etc/kismet? :)05:23
QMarioHow do I upgrade Ubuntu to the 4.10 version?05:23
JDahlvirestead, try to install the ubuntu package and type dpkg -L kismet to list all files in package05:24
dashveristead: did you try reading the kismet docs? :)05:24
veristeadhld on one sec05:24
veristeadi jst realized something05:24
thoreauputicQMario: 4.10 is warty - you don't upgrade to it05:24
veristeadDAMN IT05:24
veristeadfound the conf05:24
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veristeadnow what am i suppose to edit to make it run off my airport card05:24
thoreauputicQMario: perhaps you mean 5.04 (Hoary)05:24
veristeadwhat should i change it to05:24
dashveristead: try "man kismet.conf"05:25
QMarioHow do I get that?05:25
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DAC1138so how do i get the kernel headers now that they removed them?05:25
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thoreauputicQMario: I take it you are running Warty now?05:25
JDahlDAC1138, they're not removed... they're called linux-headers as thoreauputic pointed out05:25
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DAC1138JDahl, synaptic isnt showing anything for linux-headers05:26
QMarioHow do I obtain Hoary?05:27
thoreauputicQMario: well, you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list , change all instances of "warty" to "hoary", then run sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:27
JDahlDAC1138, apt-cache search linux-headers05:27
qwmis /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 the configuration file for X that Ubuntu uses?05:27
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thoreauputicQMario: or you can download the CD and do an install from that05:27
BiteMeBillqwm: Yes05:27
DAC1138JDahl, i get nothing05:28
veristeadi'm gonna go to bed for now05:28
veristeadi am tired05:28
qwmBiteMeBill: thanks.05:28
veristeadso good night05:28
veristeadi will figure this out later05:28
QMarioDo you also mean Hoary Hedgehog too?05:28
dashqwm: hoary uses xorg05:28
thoreauputicQMario: same thing - hoary for short05:28
JDahlDAC1138, then you probably need universe05:29
DAC1138whats that?05:29
schweebheaders aren't in universe05:29
DAC1138i had them before a few months ago without universe, they were simply named "linux-headers-"05:29
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hardkasehow do i grab\nt myself root ?05:30
JDahlDAC1138, then either you're misspelling it, or you have a very unique installation05:30
schweebyes, they are names linux-headers`uname -r`05:30
thoreauputicDAC1138: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto05:30
hardkasegrant myself root, was what i meant to say05:31
QMarioHold on ....:-/05:32
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DAC1138i got it. my apt-sources is screwed up05:32
thoreauputicDAC1138: unless your sources are totally stuffed, `apt-cache search linux-headers` should return a *lot* of results05:33
DAC1138how woul di go about obtaining the default apt-sources list again?05:33
thoreauputicah, beat me to it :)05:33
hardkasesudo command05:33
DAC1138mine kinda got deleted. the file is there, but i guess im not as good at vi as i thought i was05:33
QMarioThank You, thoreauputic :)05:33
thoreauputicQMario: you're welcome :)05:33
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QMariothoreauputic, Do you program?05:34
ionshow stable is Hoary at this point?05:34
thoreauputicQMario: no, unless you count trivial bash scripts ;-)05:34
JDahlDAC1138, maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt?05:34
thoreauputicapt-setup ?05:34
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qwmhmm, gnome is running really slow, despite the system having 0.01 load.05:35
thoreauputicI assme apt-setup works to get sources in ubuntu the same as in debian? Haven't needed to run it so can someone confirm that?05:36
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thoreauputicbah  s/assme/assume05:37
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IRCMonkeyeverytime i try to install, it gets to 8% and looks like it cannot find BSDUTIL, redownloading is impossible can someone please help?05:37
JDahlDAC1138, thoreauputic, it could also be that running base-config gives you a fresh sources.list... on Debian I think you can configure apt sources with it05:38
dashschweeb: sent05:38
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DAC1138got it05:39
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thoreauputicDAC1138: what did you do?05:40
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DAC1138thoreauputic, i had to get a sources list i found on google05:40
schweebdash: thx man05:40
thoreauputicwhatever works... :)05:41
IRCMonkeyeverytime i try to install, it gets to 8% and looks like it cannot find BSDUTIL, redownloading is impossible can someone please help?05:41
thoreauputicIRCMonkey: first step: is your disc OK? md5sum correct?05:41
bob2IRCMonkey: check your iso, first05:42
IRCMonkeyi dont have my iso its on another computer, but i have my cd05:42
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bob2then you need to check that05:43
bob2that should be an obvious first step05:43
Xappeugh, Mplayer takes forever to compile on my g3 ibook05:43
IRCMonkeyi checked it when i burnt it but couldnt md5sum05:43
bob2then there you go05:44
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BronchoIm new to linux, how do I make user/pass to login to webmin?05:47
IRCMonkeymd5sum checks out so what now05:47
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SiRrUsok later guys time for bed05:48
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aethyranyone know how to disable the console beep?05:49
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lersineUh, there's got to be a volume knob on your speakers somewhere.05:52
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aethyrlersine, the console beep05:52
aethyr(system speaker)05:52
lersineIt was a joke.05:52
|QuaD-any news on a beagle and/or dashboard package?05:53
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BronchoIm new to linux, how do I make user/pass to login to webmin?05:53
dashBroncho: hmm, what are you using webmin for?05:53
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freewoodyHi all05:54
Bronchotrying out the little addons for it05:54
freewoodyCan somebody help me why my Ubuntu can't access my LAN05:54
|QuaD-freewoody: whats the problem05:54
Bronchoit came pre installed and I can get to login jsut cant login05:54
thoreauputicaethyr: in gnome-terminal, you can disable it by editing your profile, and unticking the "bell" in the general options05:55
freewoodyWell I can't browse my local area network these days using Gnome-vfs05:55
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freewoodyDo I have to setup Samba in order to browse my Windows LAN ?05:56
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|QuaD-freemoody: yup05:56
freewoodyWell I have installed Samba too05:57
aethyrthoreauputic, I found this: http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_NoBeep05:57
Bronchoso no help on webmin?05:57
|QuaD-freemoody:www.ubuntuguide.com should have some info05:57
freewoodyWell I did go through that site but I really don't seem to get it all05:58
|QuaD-freewoody: what dont you get05:58
freewoodyWell It was working all right a week ago05:59
thoreauputicaethyr: aha - even better! Turns it off globally :)05:59
freewoodyI just did some upgrades and it's not working anymore05:59
|QuaD-freewoody:  ?05:59
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freewoodyWell how do I get samba support06:01
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freewoodyI get the Error smb:// is not a valid location06:01
detHow can I tell what version of gcc the AMD64 branch is compile with?06:01
yusufghi, does ubuntu offer updates related to features for its packages within a release or are only security updates releases06:01
thoreauputicfreewoody: tried #samba ?06:02
thoreauputicyusufg: the latter06:02
Bronchoanyone know how I can be able to login to webmin?06:02
freewoodySo what's wrong with Gnome-Vfs06:02
freewoodyUse your root's password06:02
thoreauputicyusufg: for constant updates, use the development branch (currently hoary)06:03
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freewoodyBut there's a problem using Gnome-Vfs with Hoary06:05
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freewoodyI have not been able to browse my Windows LAN since I upgrade to Hoary from Warty06:05
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MyNameIsChrisHello everybody!06:06
lersineyo, chris.06:06
MyNameIsChrisMy gcc command is gcc-3.4 but make files look for gcc, how could I set it up so gcc just runs gcc-3.406:06
MyNameIsChrisHi lersine06:06
MyNameIsChrisI have done it before06:06
freewoodySo does somebody have a clue to what this means:  smb:// is not a valid location in Nautilus ?06:06
stuNNedjdub: when did the new theme make it in, it's awesome, not showing up here on pc but showing up on laptop just upgraded :D06:06
lersineThis is, like, a help channel, huh?06:07
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MyNameIsChrisI thought it was06:07
thoreauputiclersine: tries to be, yeah :)06:07
lersineWell, all I really came here to do is lurk, and comment on what a great distro this is.06:07
BronchoI thoguht it was too but I been asking the same question all day with no help06:07
zorba64it can be a help channel...06:08
foszaefreewoody, where are you getting that address from?06:08
yusufgthoreauputic: so are upgrades between versions supported06:08
freewoodyFrom my Windows LAN06:08
thoreauputicBroncho: maybe no-one knew the answer (it happens)06:08
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thoreauputicyusufg: yes06:08
foszaeit's just very unusual for a local network06:08
yusufglet's assume I start using Ubuntu at hoary, at some point can I upgrade the distro to the next revision06:08
MyNameIsChrisOh, nice, my 5.1 channel sound works now. I am afraid to reboot because it hasn't before06:08
yusufgand get the feature enhancements06:08
thoreauputicyusufg: yes06:08
foszaenormally you'd expect 192.168.0.* or 192.168.1.*06:08
freewoodyWell it was fine in Warty but not in Hoary06:08
AgrajagBroncho: You need a root password06:09
foszaedo you have some sort of server ruinning there?06:09
Agrajagset it with "sudo passwd root"06:09
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freewoodyWell I have been using 192.168.55.x for the past 3 years06:09
AgrajagI'm amazed if nobody else knew that06:09
BronchoAgrajag I was tald not to do that06:09
AgrajagI mean I don't even use webmin06:09
MyNameIsChrisLet's say Chris wanted to "make xconfig" but wanted to replace all "gcc" with "gcc-3.4"06:10
gabaugsince updating hoary a couple days ago, my system freezes for a tiny amount of time pretty often (like every 20 seconds or so) -- noticable when I move the mouse (stops moving), am typing(characters are lost) or am playing music (it skips)06:10
AgrajagBroncho: it's not a good idea, but it's the only way to use webmin.06:10
Agrajagso whoeevr told you that is wrong, in this case.06:10
foszaeand your samba is set up to the right domain or workgroup?  that'd be the next likely problem06:10
Bronchook so wahts the point of having it if its not a good idea06:10
AgrajagBroncho: because you need to use it to log into webmin06:10
Agrajagwebmin needs a root password06:11
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Agrajaghowever, for most people, doing most things, sudo is better06:11
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thoreauputicBroncho: you could probably achieve the same effect by running `sudo webmin`06:11
Bronchoso tahts the only way? because I was told the same thing with something else and I found a way around that06:11
Agrajagthoreauputic: uh06:12
Agrajagwebmin is a service that lets you log in to a remote machine and administer it through an http interface06:12
Agrajagpersonally I'd rather do it myself, with ssh, but some people prefer point-and-click06:12
crimsunMyNameIsChris: then "Chris" would change "gcc" to read "gcc-3.4" on lines 204 and 321 of Makefile06:13
Agrajagrunning it with sudo would make no difference, it would still ask for a root password.06:13
MyNameIsChriscrimsun: Thanks, but there is no easier way?06:13
AgrajagBroncho: what "something else" was this?06:13
crimsunMyNameIsChris: the smart way, though, is to use MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-3.4" make-kpkg ...06:13
thoreauputicAgrajag: ah, I see06:13
thoreauputicAgrajag: thanks06:13
bluefoxicyso I have a logitech wingman gamepad06:14
bluefoxicyshould it work?06:14
Agrajagbluefoxicy: yes06:14
bluefoxicyand is tere a damn thing that would use it?06:14
BronchoAgrajag: at this point I cant rememebr, Im dead tired thanks for the help06:14
crimsunMyNameIsChris: see make-kpkg(1)06:14
MyNameIsChriscrimsun: Thanks friend06:14
stuNNedrock on new theme06:15
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crimsunyeah, the new theme is excellent, jdub++06:16
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jdubcredit goes to Richard Stellingwerff and Daniel Borgmann for clearlooks06:17
jduband Cliff Chen for the background06:17
jdubCliff's doing some rad stuff for us06:17
jdubmore coming :-)06:17
crimsungreat! :-)06:17
jduband the Human icon theme is Andy Fitzsimon's creation06:17
jdubbut not finished yet06:17
jdubso not on by default :)06:17
jdub(colours, coverage, etc)06:18
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dashoh man, i gotta login again, then06:18
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dashbut i have so many windows open! oh well06:18
dashhas anyone else seen gnome-terminal crash when it's loaded by gnome-session?06:18
dashlike, every time?06:18
MyNameIsChriscrimsun: Sorry to be a pain, what advice did you give earlier earlier?06:18
thoreauputicjdub: he of the Etiquette theme? From Brisbane?06:19
crimsunMyNameIsChris: the smart way, though, is to use MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-3.4" make-kpkg ...06:19
jdubthoreauputic: yes06:19
crimsunMyNameIsChris: see make-kpkg(1)06:19
thoreauputicjdub: ah - so svg icons etc?06:19
jdubswitch to the Human icon theme now for a preview06:19
MyNameIsChriscrimsun: Yes, I am unfamiliar with make-kpkg06:19
MyNameIsChrisAnd such a man page does not exist06:19
crimsunMyNameIsChris: sudo aptitude install kernel-package06:20
dashMyNameIsChris: it's in 'kernel-package'06:20
schweebMyNameIsChris: you have to install kernel-package06:20
MyNameIsChrisWhat is wrong with standard make?06:20
schweebmake-kpkg makes a .deb for you06:20
crimsunnothing's "wrong" with it per se.06:20
schweeband an initrd06:20
crimsunit's just more efficient in many cases to use the packaging infrastructure06:21
MyNameIsChrisSets up Grub and everything?06:21
thoreauputicjdub: I have the gdm etiquette themw here - I think it's excellent06:21
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=== MyNameIsChris is downloading kernel-package
MyNameIsChrisWill it work with standard sources? Or only Ubuntu-patched ones06:23
bob2normal ones work fine06:23
MyNameIsChrisI still get "gcc: command not found"06:26
crimsuninstall build-essential06:26
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MyNameIsChrisBut I have all the tools, they just can't be seen06:27
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foszaeokay so i've got a machine that i can install to perfectly, but when i boot up, it stalls as it checks the hotplug subsystem.  dead stalls06:29
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freewoodyHow do I disable hotplug at startup and not get all those error messages06:31
freewoodyIf I disable the service, errors get shown at startup06:32
bob2MyNameIsChris: "can't be seen"?  are you sure you have build-essential installed?06:32
bob2freewoody: er, why?06:32
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MyNameIsChrisbob2: I have everything in the prerequisites. I have not installed build-essential06:33
aethyrok, I'm on a brand new array 6 install, and I'm apt-get upgrading for the first time, and I get this error:06:33
aethyrUnpacking replacement language-pack-en-base .. . dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-en-base_20050308_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/share/locale-langpack/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/gnome-panel-2.0.mo', which is also in package language-pack-en06:34
aethyrany ideas?06:34
MyNameIsChrisbob2: Now I do06:34
bob2MyNameIsChris: then 'which gcc' prints what?06:34
MyNameIsChrisbob2: gcc works now, it was unknown before. I thought build-essentials was a download06:35
=== MyNameIsChris slaps self in face
MyNameIsChrisgcc: unknown command, gcc-3.4 would work. Now gcc works06:36
foszaeso freewoody are you getting past the kernel and into the gui?06:36
R0bNycANyone here using gaIM, i dont get to receive or send files, it never works06:36
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bob2MyNameIsChris: yes, so you didn't have build-essential's prerequisites installed, you had some other packages which it doesn't care about06:37
bob2like gcc-3.406:37
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KurinReally? I haven't had any problems sending files with gAIM06:37
MyNameIsChrisThat's correct06:37
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R0bNycKurin, couldn't be my router cuz it works fine in windows06:37
MyNameIsChrisIs there an X-based make-kpkg?06:37
bob2MyNameIsChris: er06:37
bob2MyNameIsChris: you know all that package does is produce a .deb of your kernel, right?06:37
MyNameIsChrisSo I still xconfig?06:38
MyNameIsChrisWell good06:38
KurinR0bNyc, I'm not using a router, so... :)06:38
R0bNycKurin, lol :)06:38
Kurinhave you made any changes, or is it from a fresh install?06:38
Kurinor rather 'untouched'06:38
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MyNameIsChrisHmm, it seems I don't have ncurses, gtk or qt installed06:40
bob2MyNameIsChris: libncurses5-dev06:40
MyNameIsChrisI imagined ubuntu would come with gtk+ for some reason06:41
bob2it does06:42
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: yes, but not the -dev packages for compiling06:42
bob2but not the developer packages06:42
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MyNameIsChrisThankyou everyone for the help and patience06:42
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: as a general rule, if you are missing something in a build, it's likely a -dev package06:42
quaruptThe latest updates changed the console program launched by root terminal button wtf?06:43
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sionwhich distro is ubuntu based on?06:43
bob2sion: Debian, of course.06:44
sionnice =)06:44
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: other tools worth a look are using "apt-get build-dep" and 'dpkg-buildpackage"06:44
Burgundaviasion: to be more specific, debian sid. It is synced to said after every stable release06:44
MyNameIsChristhoreauputic: What do they do?06:44
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: most of this is covered in detail in the Debian apt-howto06:45
thoreauputicyou can install that too06:45
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KurinI'm quite new to Ubuntu and linux all together.. but I've got an easy question. When you upgrade a package (let's use the new Firefox release for example) do you install the newest version, or remove the old first?06:45
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MyNameIsChrisWhere does ubuntu stick it stock kernel config file so I can use that as a starting point06:45
thoreauputicMyNameIsChris: sudo apt-get install apt-howto06:46
Kurinquite a few packages I'd like to update, but I don't want old versions hanging around :)06:46
GregoryDalien is my friend06:46
bob2MyNameIsChris: /boot/06:46
bob2MyNameIsChris: why are you buliding a new kernel to begin with?06:47
bob2Kurin: when the new version enters ubuntu, it replaces the old one06:47
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Kurinbob2: ah, thanks :)06:48
thoreauputicKurin: you don't need to remove the old one - if you want to remove old packages in the package cache, you can do apt-get autoclean06:48
thoreauputicKurin: or apt-get clean to remove the lot06:49
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ubuntuhey when is Hoary out?06:50
ubuntuI am running the livecd06:50
Pluksomewhere in april06:50
MyNameIsChrisbob2: I was going to examine the bloatedness of my current one and determine if I am going to build my own06:50
bob2MyNameIsChris: no, there's no point at all06:50
MyNameIsChrisSorry if you were expecting a real reason06:50
jdub^ not "somewhere" :)06:50
Plukwell acutally it is somewhere in april :P06:51
Kurinthoreauputic: I knew about apt get to clean things out, but I was curious about adding packages that weren't in the repository06:51
ubuntureally, this livecd is AWESOME!06:51
Kurinespecially GNOME and Firefox's latest releases06:51
jdubKurin: hoary has them06:51
MyNameIsChrisSo, the stock is fine. Downloaded images are usually very bloated06:51
Kurinjdub: I'm trying to stick with warty until hoary is final, just a goal of mine ;)06:52
jdubMyNameIsChris: "bloated" doesn't mean anything06:52
Plukbtw is there any difference between an upgraded warty system and a fresh hoary install when hoary is final?06:52
jdubKurin: then there's no point upgrading stuff on it06:52
jdubKurin: if you want to stick with warty06:52
Overdrive_5000Hi people can someone help me I just installed ubuntu but when it goes to start up I get a message saying "I cannot start xserver xfree86 may need to configured' or something along those lines and then it says it will disable until the problem is corrected. So any ideas ?06:52
Kurinjdub: why's that?06:52
dashparticularly since kernels are modularized five ways from sunday now06:52
jdubKurin: warty is warty, as it is, and is supported.06:53
jdubKurin: if you muck with it, you're not running warty anymore06:53
Plukwell i mean warty converted to hoary06:53
Kurinjdub: hah, I see06:53
dashOverdrive_5000: what kind of video card do you have?06:53
MyNameIsChrisjdub: Really, because when I was using Fedora people never shut up about the bloated state of my kernel06:53
jdubyou'll have problems upgrading, etc., etc.06:53
Overdrive_5000geforce 6800LE06:53
jdubMyNameIsChris: "bloated" means nothing06:53
Anubishow can I get rid of this Debian menu?06:53
jdubPluk: minor things06:53
dashAnubis: remove the 'menu' package06:53
MyNameIsChrisjdub: So I shall not rebuild06:53
jdubAnubis: on hoary? remove menu-xdg06:53
HrdwrBoBMyNameIsChris: because they didn't know what they were talking about06:53
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dashoh, ok06:54
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dashanubis: what jdub said :)06:54
jdubPluk: an upgrade won't migrate you to utf8 - see the wiki for an upgrade guide06:54
Plukah ok those things i can do myself06:54
MyNameIsChrisWell, I am going to go now. Thanks everyone06:54
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marklewisI just booted up the new Gnome 2.10 live cd.  This is my first experience with Ubuntu, and it has auto-detected both soundcards in my system, but has decided to play all sounds with the wrong one.  How do I change the default sound card?06:55
Plukalthough ISO-8859-15 is working ok for me06:55
ubuntuI guess I will use this lice disc till april 6th06:55
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NobleArcUbuntu does the same thing for me, marklewis, but for some reason, it chose the right one, heh.06:56
yusufgmarklewis: where did you get the Gnome 2.10 liveCD06:56
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Kurinjdub: I'll give hoary a second thought. I'm a little uneasy about removing warty since my data is on warty's partition and I don't have reliable backup yet06:56
marklewisyusufg: Off the torrent06:57
thoreauputicjdub, bob2 or whoever knows - am i right in thinking that those who signed up for warty CDs will also by default receive hoary CDs on release? (or within 10 weeks thereof) ?06:57
Myrttimorning all06:57
NobleArcIf I plug in my webcam, it becomes the default OSS device, and it tries to play sound through it. :006:57
Plukmornin Myrtti06:57
quaruptman, i know i can get better than 2000FPS with this card GGGGRRRRR06:58
jdubthoreauputic: only a few, and only for this release (by default).06:58
quaruptjdub why did the last update change the default console program06:58
quaruptit sucks06:58
thoreauputicjdub: only a few meaning a few people, or a few CDs ?06:58
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Myrttiso, how was the night at the salt mines06:58
jdubquarupt: you might want to explain what you mean06:58
marklewisI thought that this "multimedia systems selector" would help, but it only lets me choose between OSS, ESD and ALSA.06:58
jdubthoreauputic: few cds06:58
jdubthoreauputic: you can always add more06:58
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jdubmarklewis: that's one of the things we don't handle very well yet06:59
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NobleArcmy onboard sound card is disabled in the BIOS, but Ubuntu /still/ finds it, marklewis. o_O06:59
quaruptjdub, after i installed the last updates, my console is now yellow and doesnt have a menu bar??06:59
marklewisNobleArc: Same here.  Turned off in the BIOS.06:59
thoreauputicjdub: OK - fair enough: :) I only need a few (my 15 have all gone to good homes ;)06:59
jdubquarupt: console? do you mean gnome terminal?06:59
KurinI had a problem with ubuntu finding my SB Live card at first, but all is well now07:00
NobleArcOSS claims to control my 'Sigmatel blah blah blah', but if I change the volume on the mixer, it controls my Sound Blaster Live. :007:00
jdubNobleArc: excellent hardware detection, take no prisoners! ;)07:00
NobleArcso, it all works for me. ^^07:00
yusufgjdub: I am new to Debian/Ubuntu, is there going to be a documented way to upgrade from warty/hoary and from hoary/next version07:00
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QMarioBye guys, and thank you for your help!:)07:00
jdubmarklewis: the way to do it is edit /etc/modules and load the two sound card modules in the order you want them07:00
Kurinthen again I just switched to my shuttle with onboard only ;)07:00
NobleArcThere's not one thing Ubuntu can't detect properly, other than my webcam, but I never use it, so, I just unplugged it.07:00
jdubyusufg: already documented on the wiki07:00
da_bon_bonhi all07:01
jdubmarklewis: we're hoping to improve this for our next release07:01
thoreauputicquarupt: that's *completely* configurable with a few clicks07:01
k3LsOhi everyone07:01
da_bon_bonhow do i do a plane jane text only install of ubuntufrom the warty Cds ?07:01
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Kurinyusufg: I was just going to ask that07:01
k3LsOneed help on installing vmware4.507:01
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jdubda_bon_bon: boot the warty install cd with 'custom'07:01
Overdrive_5000Hi people can someone help me I just installed ubuntu but when it goes to start up I get a message saying "I cannot start xserver xfree86 may need to configured' or something along those lines and then it says it will disable until the problem is corrected. So any ideas ? video card is a Geforce 6800LE07:01
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da_bon_bonhi all07:03
da_bon_bonhow do i do a plane jane text only install of ubuntu usingwarty Cds ?07:03
da_bon_bonhow do i do a plane jane text only install of ubuntu using warty Cds ?07:03
yusufgKurin: I am trying to search the upgrade info on the wiki07:04
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: I believe you can opt for "expert" install to have control over the process07:05
Myrttinothing new, I see :->07:05
Kurinyusufg: I'm looking around as well. I'd like to smoothly upgrade rather than mess with a reinstall07:05
da_bon_bonyusufg, Kurin: change the repos and do a dist-upgrade07:05
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: thanks, will check it out07:05
Kurinda_bon_bon: oooh, I remember hearing that. Thanks for refreshing my memory. ^_^07:06
Kurinjust change the warty to hoary, yes?07:06
bob2da_bon_bon: it's easier to just remove stuff07:06
k3LsOanyone tried installing vmware4.5 ??07:06
da_bon_bonk3LsO: yes. its running gr807:06
bob2k3LsO: vmware presumably gives you support when you give them money07:06
da_bon_bonbob2: ok, then after complete install, how do i remove complete gnome and X ?07:07
k3LsOok....to be frank i aint paying for it07:07
da_bon_bonk3LsO: whats the problem ?07:07
Pluki had problems with vmware4.5 and kernel 2.6.1007:07
k3LsO/usr/bin/vmware: line 84: /etc/vmware/locations: No such file or directory07:07
k3LsOldd: /bin/vmware: No such file or directory07:07
k3LsO/usr/bin/vmware: line 189: /bin/vmware: No such file or directory07:07
k3LsO/usr/bin/vmware: line 189: exec: /bin/vmware: cannot execute: No such file or directory07:07
Plukvmware 5 beta works ok though07:07
da_bon_bonPluk: 4.5 works ok too07:07
thoreauputick3LsO: you are *slightly* off-topic, I'd suggest07:08
k3LsOthoreauputic, i dont get it ?07:08
thoreauputick3LsO: /topic  ?07:08
bob2a) you're using warez07:08
bob2b) you ignored the obviousness of the error07:09
bob2c) you flooded the channel in an annoying manner07:09
Plukah ok must be a thingy here then da_bon_bon but 5 works great here so im not going back :)07:09
da_bon_bonPluk: u have a fully paid version of beta 5 ?07:09
Plukbeta 5 is free07:09
da_bon_bonk3LsO: u r using warez ?07:09
Myrttimy god I hate gnome panels07:09
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da_bon_bonMyrtti: why ?07:10
Plukbut i 5 is out ill let my boss buy it.. last time he bought vmware the windows version for me :D07:10
da_bon_bonPluk: where do i get 5-beta ?07:11
Pluklemme look brb07:11
MyrttiI want compact panels, now I need two of them to get everything I want07:11
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root___hi all07:12
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Myrttiif only the goddamn launchers wouldn't scale when panel size is having adjusted to bigger07:12
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da_bon_bonMyrtti: use kde ?07:12
MyrttiI feel a sudden urge to install kde07:12
Myrttida_bon_bon: indeed, but I'm wondering what I might be missing then from Gnome07:13
Tech^salvagerWhy should I try Ubuntu over SuSE 9.3?07:14
Plukda_bon_bon, http://www.vmware.com/products/desktop/ws5_beta.html07:14
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Plukdown is a link for downloading the beta07:14
da_bon_bonPluk: thanks07:14
dashTech^salvager: Better logo.07:14
Tech^salvageruh huh07:14
Kurinhe's got you there07:15
NobleArcUbuntu is Debian.. but SHINY.07:15
Tech^salvagercause I think the logo looks like crap07:15
NobleArcand Debian rocks.07:15
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Kurinis SUSE RPM based?07:15
NobleArcYeah, it is.07:15
da_bon_bonKurin: yes07:16
Kurinwell there's your answer then07:16
KurinI had nothing but problems chasing dependancies on Fendora X_x07:16
thoreauputicTech^salvager: because it will give you endless opportunities to tell us why SUSE is superior?07:16
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BROKEN_LADDERis there any way to set grub to run in a higher resolution?07:17
BROKEN_LADDERso it looks look like lilo.07:17
NobleArcthere should be. :007:18
quaruptokay, so all of the sudden nothing appears in my bar in gnome?07:18
NobleArcand if there is, someone let me know.07:18
membreyayes BROKEN_LADDER07:18
BROKEN_LADDERoh boy.07:18
BROKEN_LADDERhow sir?07:18
quaruptman, i was really starting to like this distro, but this is a huge bug07:18
membreyawhat res? :)07:18
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BROKEN_LADDERquarupt:  i've never had anything like that man.07:18
KurinI haven't either07:18
BROKEN_LADDERubuntu rocks.  you're just having some weird experience.07:18
NobleArcNor I.07:18
quaruptUnless theres an easy fic im going back to KDE07:18
NobleArcew.. KDE.07:19
andrewskihow can i make sure xscreensaver is running when X starts for every user?07:19
BROKEN_LADDERthere has got to be an easy fix.07:19
BROKEN_LADDERdon't go back to kde man!07:19
Kurinthough I am a little annoyed by not being able to power down :(07:19
bob2quarupt: did you just update?07:19
bob2Kurin: how old is the machine?07:19
neomquarupt - Have you tried kubuntu?07:19
quaruptand one package wouldnt install07:19
membreyaBROKEN_LADDER: http://www.mepis.org/node/2992?PHPSESSID=c2338345ba67cf5e8b4f24687b683a9a07:19
andrewskiquarupt: did you try restarting?07:19
Kurinjust bought it uh.. a month ago07:19
BROKEN_LADDERandrewski:  change their settings.07:19
NobleArcbob2 is a question-answering master. :007:19
quaruptI also just switched X drivers07:19
haydenwhy does ubuntu take so long to boot up?07:19
andrewskiBROKEN_LADDER: there's no way to set that globally?07:19
quaruptyes i have restarted X07:19
BROKEN_LADDERandrewski:  not that i know of. perhaps.  i'm no expert.07:19
membreyahayden: define "long"07:19
NobleArc..it does, hayden?07:19
bob2quarupt: then you may need to restart gnome07:19
Kurinbob2: I followed someone's instructions online to "correctly upgrade nvidia drivers the debian way" or something07:19
bob2ok then07:19
andrewskimembreya: yeah, really. :)07:20
Kurinended up compiling a custom kernel and all that07:20
quaruptyou mean restart gdm?07:20
bob2Kurin: god07:20
haydenmembreya, it sits at 'starting hotplug subsystem' and 'starting network interfaces07:20
hayden for ages07:20
Kurinafter I did everything ran great, except no powerdown07:20
bob2Kurin: shoot whoever told you to do something so silly07:20
andrewskihayden: it takes a while to load a default kernel and its modules.07:20
BROKEN_LADDERandrewski:  you could just create the settings file and cp it to /home/*/settings_directory_blah/07:20
quarupti have restarted my X session twice allready07:20
haydenwinxp loads alot faster07:20
membreyamy system is fully booted in 50 seconds07:20
bob2quarupt: ok.  you're using hoary?07:20
Kurinyeah, it was a pain, but it was my second week using linux, and I wanted to know07:20
BROKEN_LADDERhayden:  disable unneeded services.07:20
andrewskihayden: if you don't need it, you could disable hotplug.07:20
Kurinwould I ever do it again? NO. ;)07:20
quarupti just changed to fglrx07:20
firdelmine crashes at hotplug 3outa 4 times :(07:20
haydenandrewski, what does hotplug do?07:20
BROKEN_LADDERimo, ubuntu should start services, like sshd, _after_ x boots up.07:20
membreyamy winxp (once all the software is installed) takes about 70 - 80 secs07:20
bob2BROKEN_LADDER: why?07:21
Tech^salvagerhow do I have to install nVvidia drivers in ubuntu?07:21
BROKEN_LADDERso that it boots faster!!07:21
bob2so it looks like it boots faster?07:21
quaruptbob2 this sucks07:21
BROKEN_LADDERfor the love of god.07:21
bob2Tech^salvager: please read the FAQ07:21
BROKEN_LADDERso it actually DOES boot faster!07:21
BROKEN_LADDERso you can start using it.07:21
GregoryDswitched my dad to ubuntu tonight after showing him the warty livecd... makes his p-3 1 Ghz sing... he was using windows millenium and considering a switch to XP07:21
bob2Tech^salvager: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:21
andrewskihayden: it starts drivers for any devices loaded after you boot up.07:21
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quaruptso im going back to KDE now07:21
haydenhmm ok07:21
andrewskihayden: (e.g. USB sticks, external drives)07:21
neomquarupt - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu07:21
membreyaBROKEN_LADDER: but the definition of boot is from the POST screen until everything is loaded, including x07:21
jordanauwow that font hinting makes a big difference07:21
quaruptunless i can fix it in like 5 minutes07:21
BROKEN_LADDERthat's stupid.07:21
rricheHi, can someone tell me what packages i need for rhythmbox to support mp3 and mpeg?07:21
Tech^salvagerno way07:21
membreyaso if you load those services in x it will still take time07:21
haydenandrewski, so what if you want to use a usb stick after u reboot?07:21
BROKEN_LADDERif i can boot up my machine and start working on it, i have no problem waiting a few minutes while services start.07:22
andrewskirriche: gstreamer-mad, or something like that.07:22
quaruptneow i know07:22
BROKEN_LADDERmembreya:  but who cares?!07:22
andrewskihayden: um, hotplug takes care of that.  otherwise IIRC you have to load the driver manually.07:22
membreyaBROKEN_LADDER: but if you're saying "it will boot faster" ..that's incorrect07:22
BROKEN_LADDERmembreya:  no one on a desktop need worry if it takes a few minutes to start sshd.07:22
membreyait will just get to X quicker07:22
BROKEN_LADDERso you can start using your system.07:22
bob2BROKEN_LADDER: membreya this seems kinda off-topic07:22
bob2and heated07:22
bob2so, thanks07:22
membreyasorry bob2 :(07:22
BROKEN_LADDERmembreya:  no it's not incorrect.  don't be so anal.07:22
rricheyah.. i have gstreamer-mad07:23
bob2rriche: no, you want gstreamer0.8-mad07:23
GregoryDhow much of a performance increase can I realistically expect to gain by switching from the 386 kernel to the k7 kernel (I'm running an athon 3000+)?07:23
bob2as the wiki page says07:23
bob2GregoryD: not noticable07:23
andrewskirriche: there's another mpeg gstreamer-* package07:23
rrichebob2: thx07:23
haydenthere is a k7 kernel?07:23
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
root___cool summer07:23
andrewskidoes anyone know if the xscreensaver daemon starts up automatically in gnome/07:23
BROKEN_LADDERwhy would anyone want to sit there, unable to log in and start surfing, checking email, etc. so he can watch his sshd and sendmail daemons start up?07:23
quaruptonce i minimize something ITS GONE FOREVER07:23
rrichebob2: which goes to show i need to read the wiki more often :)07:23
andrewskiquarupt: have you reset your configuration?07:24
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bob2BROKEN_LADDER: please?07:24
quaruptwhats another way to restore a window without the bar?07:24
bob2quarupt: alt-tab07:24
quaruptandrewski, i dun think so, and my terminal has a yellow BG now07:24
Kurinquarupt: add the window selector07:24
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andrewskiquarupt: making oblique comments about your problem only sounds like whining over IRC.  i'm jus' sayin'. :)07:24
firdelquarupt, slap ypur monitor07:24
andrewskiquarupt: you can ask your question multiple times though.  i am. :P07:25
firdelspank it07:25
membreyaooo gtk2-engines-clearlooks is coming down in synaptic,...07:25
=== membreya wonders what this is :)
rrichehrrm, rhythmbox reports -> There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg07:25
quaruptall i did was change to fglrx as an x driver07:25
andrewskifirdel: hmm, now my monitor is flickering, buzzing, and sparking.... :/07:25
BROKEN_LADDERi got my site done tonight.  http://brokenladder.com/  wacha think fellers?07:25
quaruptlemme try different res07:25
GregoryDthose geniuses who maintain the fedora core 3 Mame binary did a bangup job with forgetting to enable half the freaking joypad types when they compiled it... alien did me no good after all ;)07:25
firdelmine2 :/07:25
andrewskiquarupt: i don't really think that's gonna help.07:25
firdelget xine!07:25
BROKEN_LADDERwhere are the grub settings files?07:26
andrewskiquarupt: if your other apps are working, i'd say it's a configuration problem.07:26
membreyaBROKEN_LADDER: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:26
quaruptbut i didnt change anything sept my x driver07:26
Myrttino voi paskan paska sentn07:26
andrewskiquarupt: well, you could try changing it back; it's always good to eliminate a variable. :)07:26
rricheahh.. oops .. need the gstreamer0.8 mpeg stuff too.07:27
Myrttianyone else tried to install kde?07:27
deFryskI did07:27
andrewskirriche: i said it. :)07:27
deFryskgood stuff07:27
MyrttiI've got unmet dependencies that I can't figure out07:27
quaruptdid ya try apt-get -f install07:28
deFryskMyrtti, try kde3.407:28
BROKEN_LADDERmembreya:  i don't see where in that file i can configure framebuffer res.07:28
deFryskthat one works07:28
Myrttinot yet07:28
BROKEN_LADDERquarupt:  have you considered using fluxbox?  it's sweet.07:29
membreyaBROKEN_LADDER: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-3-amd64-generic root=/dev/sda3 ro console=tty0 quiet splash vga=792 <-- you need to put it after your kernel07:29
deFryskMyrtti, kde3.3x is broken07:29
BROKEN_LADDERthanks dude.07:29
Chipzzok stupid question07:29
ChipzzI got a v4l2 driver which I'm not sure supports udev07:29
andrewskiChipzz: no such thing :)07:29
NobleArcif you replace your debian sources.list with an ubuntu one, and apt-get dist-upgrade, would it break everything?07:29
Chipzzhow do I make /dev/video07:29
MyrttideFrysk: I don't mind trying as long as I've still got the *****07:29
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andrewskiChipzz: you can just make a symlink to the device.07:29
Myrttithis might take a loooong loong time...07:30
andrewskiChipzz: cd /dev; ln -s blah video07:30
Chipzzhmmm ok so I gotta figure out the device name07:30
Chipzzmakes sense07:30
deFryskMyrtti, I have both on my desktop now07:30
Chipzzonly thing; I don't know the device name :P07:30
deFryskMyrtti, it does not interfere with superior gnome ;p07:30
quaruptBROKEN_LADDER,  flux is to light weight for me, i need nice menus and bars07:30
andrewskiChipzz: yeah, you do. :)  and then you can figure out for the both of us how to get it to stay after boot. :)07:30
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andrewskiquarupt: xfce?07:30
deFryskdesktop = box07:30
Plukxfce 4.3 is nice07:31
MyrttideFrysk: that's why I'm willing to try07:31
andrewskiPluk: i was going to say. :)07:31
deFryskMyrtti, good luck07:31
MyrttiI rilly rilly start to hate gnome07:31
andrewskiMyrtti: xfce? ;)07:31
deFryskMyrtti, I expect the next ubunt will have 2 versions , kde and gnome07:31
NobleArcIf you replace a Debian Sid sources.list with a Hoary one, and apt-get dist-upgrade, will it transform into Ubuntu, or just break everything?07:31
Plukmaybe we should start xubuntu :D07:31
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Echylonoble I think it will break everything07:32
NobleArcah, that's what I figured.07:32
Myrttiandrewski: mind if I just pour this mug of coffee on my keyboard, it's easier thatn laughing it there07:32
Echylodon't know for sure07:32
jdubPluk: i'm looking for people, if you're serious07:32
Echylobut I think it will not work ;)07:32
Chipzzandrewski: the README from tehy driver doesn't mention the device name :/07:32
andrewskiChipzz: i dunno.07:32
Plukjdub, i would love to help but i lach the brains :)07:32
Echyloje lacht met de hersenen07:33
NobleArcI run Ubuntu, but a friend who has Debian wants xorg and GNOME 2.10, lol.07:33
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andrewskiNobleArc: you can get xorg in hoary.07:33
NobleArcI have it. :D07:33
membreyawow..didn't realise..the ubuntu chocolate wallpaper has changed :D07:33
andrewskimembreya: really?07:33
NobleArcit's ugly, membreya.07:34
_4strOyop yop07:34
membreyayup..it's pretty now :)07:34
membreyabut I still prefer my ubuntu calender :P07:34
NobleArcI like the old one. =\07:34
deFryskubuntu colours are ugly to start with (sorry)07:34
Plukjdub, what tasks need to be done for such a thing?07:34
andrewskithat is nice, though they should really release an SVG also. :)07:34
qwmwhere can i obtain these wallpapers of nude people that the english wikipedia article about ubuntu mentions?07:35
andrewskideFrysk: true.  i was trying to recolor a theme for it and i had my choice of red, yellow, or brown.  blech.07:35
membreyaqvm : ubuntu calender07:35
NobleArcNude?  hardly.07:35
NobleArcThe guy is wearing pants.07:35
jdubPluk: first we need people keen to maintain xfce in univerdse07:35
Echyloall say cheese!07:35
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andrewskijdub Pluk: or you could just add packages from os-works.com :)07:36
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deFryskos-works rules07:36
Plukandrewski, true but it would be nice to have it in universe07:36
BROKEN_LADDERthe high-res grub worked.  yay.07:36
andrewskiPluk: that's what i mean. :)07:36
rattboiok, I'm using a live cd now, and I'd like to fix my grub installation07:36
rattboisomeone said I need to mount my drive, and use chroot to do grub-install07:37
andrewskideFrysk: i just found out that they're a company that produces that stuff.  sheesh, how cool.07:37
membreyaof course it worked BROKEN_LADDER :P07:37
andrewskiok, must get to bed!!!07:37
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rattboiI mounted the drive, and I ran "sudo chroot grub-install"07:38
rattboiand it says I need a device to install to07:38
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rattboido I use /dev/hda ?07:38
mrothhmm.. how do you clear the 'recently opened' list in totem?07:39
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Burgundaviamroth: gconf07:40
qwmNobleArc: what guy? i can only find nude females..07:42
NobleArcit's one of 'em.07:42
BROKEN_LADDERwhenever i try to play music in rhythmbox, it says "cannot open source for writing".  xmms works fine.07:42
NobleArcI'm not in Ubuntu right now.  Busy encoding some stuff in Windows. >.<07:42
BROKEN_LADDERencoding in windows?? wtf07:42
NobleArcI installed all the ubuntu-calendar things from warty.07:42
NobleArcI was too lazy to learn a program for encoding video in *nix. :P07:43
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BROKEN_LADDERNobleArc:  thoggen is super easy.07:43
BROKEN_LADDERand encodes to beautiful ogg theora.07:43
NobleArcAuto Gordian Knot is good enough for now, it's late, I'm tired, and I need to encode an episode of Buffy to watch at school tomorrow. >.<'07:43
NobleArcooh, theora.07:43
mrothBurgundavia: hmm.. in gconf-editor in /apps/totem I dont see a value for it07:43
BROKEN_LADDERokay, everything i have that relies upon gstreamer can't play audio.07:43
BROKEN_LADDERwhat could i have accidentally removed?07:43
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NobleArcEverything I have that relies on gstreamer can't play /anything./07:43
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i reinstall everything necessary for gstreamer?07:43
Burgundaviamroth: nor did I, but I think it is there07:43
NobleArcno video, no audio, no nothin'.07:44
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BROKEN_LADDERNobleArc:  it used to work.  i messed something up.07:44
NobleArcTotem just complains. :007:44
NobleArcWell lucky you, at least it worked ONCE. :P07:44
BROKEN_LADDERNobleArc:  did you apt-get install gstreamer stuff?07:44
NobleArcall the plugins, et al.07:44
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BROKEN_LADDERNobleArc:  have you talked to others about this and tried to solve it?07:46
BROKEN_LADDERit drives me mad.07:46
NobleArcI just use gmplayer. :P07:46
BROKEN_LADDERdo you get that error about not being able to open device for writing?07:46
NobleArceh.. no.07:46
BROKEN_LADDERhmm..what error?07:46
NobleArcI get 'I don't know what's wrong, but I'm not going to work.'07:46
NobleArcit says 'Unable to play file.  Reason unknown.' in Totem.07:47
NobleArceverything else doesn't give me an error, it just.. doesn't work.07:47
BurgundaviaNobleArc: what is the file ext?07:47
BROKEN_LADDERis there an apt-get command that will make sure, when it installs a package, that EVERY dependency is met?07:47
NobleArcmultiple ones.07:47
NobleArcmp3, avi, mpg, ogg.07:47
NobleArcit can't play anything. :P07:47
BROKEN_LADDERyeah mine won't play anything either.07:47
BurgundaviaNobleArc: are you using totem-xine or totem-gstreamer?07:47
BROKEN_LADDERno gstreamer worky for me.07:47
NobleArcoh, I think I tried an .ogm too.07:47
Echylototem is fixed in hoary :p07:48
Burgundaviachange to totme-xine07:48
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NobleArcah, I haven't tried since I upgraded to horay07:48
NobleArcI don't even use totem though, so I don't care. :P07:48
NobleArcI'll add it to my list of things to do, though.07:48
Echylouhu me neither07:48
=== quarupt [~quarupt@c-67-170-1-214.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
quaruptwow kubuntu with KDE3.4 is looking NICE'07:49
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Plukhow can kde look nice? ;P07:49
=== cleverAlf [~knoppix@66-2-58-1-hou-03.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
NobleArcit can't.07:50
Plukjust trolling  here :)07:50
BROKEN_LADDERkde is ugly07:51
qwmit's kugly.07:51
BROKEN_LADDERbwah hah hah07:51
BROKEN_LADDERi like gnome and flux07:51
BROKEN_LADDERflux is beautiful but not feature-rich.  i like my sessioning and such.07:52
Burgundaviawoohoo bug 7400 is all mine!!07:52
qwmanyone who knows the names of the models on ubuntulinux.org and the wallpapers?07:53
Burgundaviaqwm: wrong country07:53
cleverAlfjust a quickie...  i took advantage of the ubuntu offer of free shipping and they sent me almost 2 doz copies..  BUT..  the live CD has NO wvdial, kppp, or any dialer to get on the internet.. WHATS UP?07:53
NobleArcUbuntu Lady #1, Ubuntu Lady #2, and Ubuntu Guy in Pants.07:54
BurgundaviacleverAlf: file a bug07:54
BurgundaviacleverAlf: space is very tight on the livecds07:54
quaruptgreat a new bug07:54
quaruptgaim just turns off07:54
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cleverAlfknoppix has a LOT more so I can't buy into the space thingie.. :-(07:55
=== BROKEN_LADDER runs off to try fluxbox on ubuntu.
caliberfluxbox is what i use07:55
caliberi highly reccomend it07:55
=== cleverAlf uses fluxbox too..
BurgundaviacleverAlf: Does knoppix ship with several languages?07:55
cleverAlfboot with lang=<your language>07:56
topyliis hoary preview released?07:56
detcleverAlf, perhaps there is a pppsetup?07:56
NobleArcHoary Array-6 (RC6?) is released.07:56
caliberI wonder which array im using07:57
NobleArcAs soon as you apt-get dist-upgrade, you're using array 6. :p07:57
topyliNobleArc: is that the same thing? i mean warty preview released the same day as gnome 2.807:57
caliberNobleArc: i haven't :] 07:57
NobleArchm, not sure.  I've not been using Ubuntu for all that long. =\07:57
NobleArcI wasn't using it when Warty was released.07:57
mike_douglastopyli: there was a hardware detection bug and It's been pushed back one day07:57
NobleArcnot for months after, actually.07:57
topyliNobleArc: goddamn newbies ;)07:58
=== cleverAlf wants to know how many are using the live-cd now or have you all installed it..??
topylimike_douglas: ok, thanks07:58
=== topyli waits
NobleArcI've installed it, cleverAlf.  I've got Hoary right now. :007:58
=== Burgundavia installed warty preview and now runs that updated to hoary
NobleArcI have a bunch of Warty LiveCDs though. *points to stack*07:58
gabaugis Ant not available as a packge for Ubuntu?07:58
mike_douglasgabaug: thats java-based, isn't it?07:59
NobleArcew.. java.07:59
topyliNobleArc: i'm interested in the new gnome only. i don't really care what version my grep is :)07:59
quaruptanyone know why none of my mp3 players will play music? but i can hear system sounds?07:59
mike_douglasyou'll probably have to wait for GCJ to build it07:59
NobleArcI've got GNOME 2.10, it rocks.07:59
cleverAlfthanks noblearc..07:59
bryanapt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins07:59
topyliNobleArc: ok, perhaps i'll upgrade this weekend07:59
Burgundaviaquarupt: multimedia-preferences  - run that that and make certain that you are using esound not alsa or oss08:00
crimsunquarupt: dpkg -l gstreamer0.8-mad|grep ^ii08:00
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quarupti got it08:01
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quaruptnext mission Limewire08:01
cleverAlfI don't understand why so many people are ranting and raving about ubuntu..  I've tried almost all the debian based distro and really think mephis is one of the best..  not that ubuntu is bad but it just seems a little 'thin'..  < imho >08:01
steve_anyone familiar with setting up wine08:01
NobleArceh.  I've not used MEPIS.08:01
PlukcleverAlf, what do you mean with thin?08:02
cleverAlfmepis is what really got me interested in debian...08:02
steve_hello, anyone able to help08:02
crimsuncleverAlf: maybe Ubuntu isn't for you - after all, all these distros exist precisely due to differing (not necessarily mutually-exclusive) target audiences.08:02
cleverAlfthin in the apps department...08:02
BROKEN_LADDERyeah..i remember how much i miss gnome in fluxbox.08:02
BurgundaviacleverAlf: talking about why mepis great has another channel, called #ubuntu08:02
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BROKEN_LADDERi like my panel and such.08:02
topylicleverAlf: ubuntu (to me) is just an easier way of running debian unstable ;)08:02
BurgundaviacleverAlf: specific things you don't like, then mention that08:03
BurgundaviacleverAlf: make that #mepis08:03
Plukur right cleverAlf i like it that way though :)08:03
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crimsuncleverAlf: keep in mind that Hoary Universe has ~15,000 binary packages. I don't know your definition of "thin," but that's quite a bit...08:03
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steve_anyone familiar with setting up wine08:03
Burgundaviaif thin means one app that works great instead of 9 installed by default, I'll take thin08:04
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Burgundaviathat is why I left fedora/rh08:04
Pluki really prefer to "unthin" it then "unbloat" it :)08:04
crimsunsteve_: hoary/universe has winesetuptk08:04
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cleverAlfok...  ok...  i just logged in to see why my cd doesn't have ANY dialer at all so I can use ubuntu to access the net..  sorry bout the other comments..08:04
topylicleverAlf: yes, listen to crimsun. ubuntu has just about all the debian unstable packages08:04
steve_crimsum: is there a difference in that and wine08:04
PlukcleverAlf, it doesnt have ppp end pon poff etc. ?08:05
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crimsunsteve_: winesetuptk is a Wine setup tool.08:05
BurgundaviacleverAlf: ok, I can understand that complaint. I don't build the cds so I assume they left it of to get something that they felt was more important on08:05
cleverAlfnope..  nothin... (remember, im talkin bout the livecd..)08:05
steve_okay, when I go to install winesetuptk, it uninstalls wine08:05
topyliwindows runs windows apps better than wine does IMO :)08:05
Echylowhat a statement08:06
Echylowindows would be really bad08:06
crimsunsteve_: are you running warty?08:06
Echyloif it wouldn't run their apps better08:06
Echylotopyli aren't you some1 from #musb ?08:06
Echyloor from www.mandrakeusers.org08:07
topyliEchylo: i don't even know what #musb is :)08:07
Echyloow :)08:07
Echylohmm the nickname was familiar08:07
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Plukah the guy with the friendly intoduction08:07
topyliEchylo: i do hang out on alt.os.linux.mandrake, but there i don't use a nick but my realname08:07
steve_crimsum: should I use the windows partition or setup a new fake one08:08
topyliEchylo: i'm an old mandrake fan :)08:08
Echylook :)08:08
Echylohow do I know that then :s08:08
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topyliEchylo: #gnome-hackers? finnish channels?08:09
steve_anyone know when setting up wine if should use an existing windows parition or make a fake one08:09
Echylocya I'll think about it08:09
dazedhey whats it mean when it says it could not resolve mount point '/mnt'08:09
factotumsteve_, i usually create a fake one08:09
steve_factotum: cool08:10
NobleArcas do I.08:11
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topylisteve_: if you do have a windows partition, you should use the .DLL's that are there. they're bound to be better than what wine provides08:12
steve_topyli: thanks08:12
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topylionly MS knows how they work ;)08:12
airoxinetd isn't needed in ubuntu is it ?08:13
quarupthas made a gnome windows api08:13
steve_topyli, now that wine is setup, I just wine  and then the file right08:13
quarupthow to get vmware free?>08:13
airoxquarupt: not.08:13
crimsunquarupt: the 30-day trial is "free."08:14
topyliairox: inetd is a way for not running each service independently. "necessary" is very relative ;)08:14
topylisteve_: yes08:14
quaruptairox, not what?08:14
airoxWell inetd.conf does not contain any services.08:14
steve_I did that and it did not do anything08:14
airoxI have great experiences without it :)08:14
topyliairox: huh? it's broken then08:14
steve_when I installed winesetuptk it uninstalled wine08:14
topylisteve_: well, wine doesn't always work. what are you trying to run?08:15
airoxI guess I can remove the /etc/rc2.d/S20inetd then08:15
steve_topyli, does winesetuptk have wine in it08:15
topylisteve_: no idea what that is :)08:15
topylisteve_: oh no, you don't have wine installed =)08:16
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steve_winesetup lets you setup wine graphically08:16
steve_okay, when I did have acutal wine installed, it would run the programs but not save them anywhere08:16
topylisteve_: wine is in a package of its own. winesetup is just an addon08:16
steve_okay, when you install wine, it unistalls winesetuptk08:16
DuplexEmotionswhen you two are done, do you think you can help me with an NTFS mounting problem?08:17
topylisteve_: and these are from the same apt repository? buggy08:17
steve_topyli, do you think you can send me your sources08:17
steve_topyli, so I can compare08:17
topylisteve_: anyway, if you really want to fiddle with wine, you should build it for your machine, and tell it where your windows .DLL's are. but i haven't used it for a long time. i bought an old PC and installed win98 on it. much better08:18
airoxDuplexEmotions: Ask :)08:19
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topylisteve_: of course, if you want my sources.list, i'll paste it into #floos08:19
bryanDuplexEmotions:  add something like: /dev/hdb1       /media/windowz ntfs user,umask=0222 0 008:19
topyliheh. #flood08:19
bryanto /etc/fstab08:19
steve_topyli, thanks08:19
bryanthen mount -a08:19
DuplexEmotionsWell, I'm a complete linux n00b (it pains me to admit it), and I've been trying to mount my two NTFS partitions (one is my media drive and one is my windows partition), and whenever I mount it I only have access permission from root08:20
topylisteve_: you're not on #flood :)08:20
DuplexEmotionsI've done that, bryan. I've also fiddled with a bunch of other settings08:20
bryanyou need the umask08:20
DuplexEmotionsbeen running through google trying to get the right settings08:20
DuplexEmotionsI've tried with that umask08:20
DuplexEmotionsno dice08:20
bryanit's read only08:20
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bryanyou can't write/delete08:20
bryanonly read08:21
topylisteve_: join #flood and you'll see what i'm pasting there08:21
steve_topyli sorry, but where is #flood08:21
DuplexEmotionsthat's all I want to do08:21
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DuplexEmotionsbut I have no access permission outside of root08:21
topylisteve_: just type /join #flood08:21
thoreauputicsteve_:  type  /join #flood08:22
thoreauputicoops sorry08:22
bryanuser,umask=0222 0 0 should solve it08:22
thoreauputicslow as always...08:22
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DuplexEmotionsafter editing /etc/fstab and using mount -a, is there anything else I have to do to refresh it?08:22
DuplexEmotionsit's not working, bryan. I've tried it probably five times now08:22
DuplexEmotions/dev/hdd1       /mnt/MediaDrive ntfs    user,umask=0222 0       008:23
quaruptE: /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-en-base_20050308_all.deb:  trying to overwrite `/usr/share/locale-langpack/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/gnome-panel-2.0.mo', which is also in package language-pack-en08:23
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steve_topyli, you are back08:24
bryanwhat does it say for /dev/hdd1 when you just do a 'mount'08:24
iverson444433can someone help me please08:24
topylisorry steve_, i was disconnected abruptly08:24
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iverson444433i have a problem addind a fax printer08:24
steve_topyli, can you paste the rest08:25
dazedhow do i get a tracker for my xine player?? so i can control the position of my movies?08:25
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topylisteve_: i'll try again08:25
DuplexEmotions/dev/hdd1 on /mnt/MediaDrive type ntfs (rw)08:25
rattboihey guys08:25
iverson444433i am using pyla as fax client08:25
rattboiI got my dual boot config going08:25
rattboiand I installed XP second08:25
rattboihad to use a live cd to reinstall grub though08:26
DuplexEmotionswhat's odd is I have the same code in /etc/fstab, but "/dev/hdc1 on /mnt/WindowsPart type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)" in mount for my other NTFS08:26
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: that shouldn't say  rw (ntfs is only supported "read only")08:26
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bryanyeah, should be like: (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=0222)08:27
topylisteve_: i don't know what's wrong, but gaim is not working well. i need a real irc client. :) anyway, i'll put the file on the web and tell you a link08:27
DuplexEmotionsI don't understand how to fix it, though08:27
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dazedthoreauputic: u think u can help me figure out how to get onto a folder on my linux system from my windows system?08:27
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DuplexEmotionsit's really starting to piss me off. I needs my music, though with my luck it'll turn out I have to fix the audio drivers after this08:27
DuplexEmotionsit's a fresh install of Ubuntu08:28
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: my ntfs partition "works" - I can show you the line, for what it's worth08:28
DuplexEmotionsthoreauputic, I don't doubt you. I just don't know why mine isn't.08:28
iverson444433who knows python08:28
topylisteve_: http://siltala.net/sources.list08:28
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: OK this is the line08:28
thoreauputic/dev/hda1       /mnt/winXP      ntfs    noauto,users,exec,ro,uid=peter,gid=peter08:28
thoreauputic 0 008:28
topylisteve_: be careful. not all in that is very stable ;)08:29
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: my user name is peter, obviously ;)08:29
DuplexEmotionslet me try that, only using my user name08:29
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: numbers work too ( here it would be uid=1000 gid=100008:30
DuplexEmotionsI'm still getting "permission denied"08:31
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DuplexEmotionsunless I"m root08:32
DuplexEmotionsin which case it works fine08:32
topylisteve_: ok, now my web server is down. :) should i mail the file to you?08:32
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steve_that is fine08:32
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: hmm - what are the permissions on your mount points? ls -l /media/mountpoint for instance08:32
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iverson444433can someone help me setting a fax printer please ???08:33
crimsunDuplexEmotions: are you passing umask=002 ?08:33
Coilyis there a quick way to disable/enable the screensaver (and its power management) for when i want to watch videos, etc?08:33
crimsunCoily: mplayer does that automatically08:34
DuplexEmotionscrimsun: not right now, tried it earlier08:34
Coilycrimsun, problem is i use xine08:34
topylisteve_: answer my /query so you can give me an address08:34
DuplexEmotionsthoreauputic, give me a second and I'll try to figure it out08:34
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: might be easier to look at properties in nautilus08:35
crimsunCoily: xset dpms off08:35
DuplexEmotionsif that's what you were looking for08:35
crimsunCoily: and its "on" counterpart afterward08:35
DuplexEmotionsI don't know if nautiulus is on here08:35
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: whoa!08:35
Coilycrimsun, excellent, thank you08:35
DuplexEmotionsit's a baby's butt fresh install, and I'm still ironing it out08:36
DuplexEmotionsI take it that's a bad "whoa!"08:36
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: it should be like  rwxr-xr-x08:36
thoreauputicor 755 in numbers08:36
DuplexEmotionsif the numbers are the number next to it, mine says 208:36
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_4`awgo taff ...08:37
DuplexEmotionsso, any ideas on how to fix this?08:37
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: no, the numbers are 4=read 2=write 1=execute  hence 7 is read, write, execute permissions08:38
thoreauputic777 means full rights for everyone08:38
DuplexEmotionsI see08:38
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thoreauputic755 = full for root, read and execute for others 9or read and access for directories)08:39
DuplexEmotionsI just need read for everyone08:39
thoreauputicthe 9 is a typo for (  sorry08:39
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: no, you also need access, which is like "execute"08:40
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: hence 75508:40
DuplexEmotionsany ideas what I can do then?08:40
thoreauputicsudo chmod 755 directoryname08:41
thoreauputicin theory08:41
DuplexEmotionsit did absolutely nothing08:42
DuplexEmotionschmod: changing permissions of `/mnt/WindowsPart': Read-only file system08:42
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: meaning it went to the next line without complaining?08:42
DuplexEmotionsthat's what it spat back08:43
thoreauputicah I see08:43
thoreauputicI don't understand why so many people are having this issue with Ubuntu - most distros seem to handle it :/08:44
DuplexEmotionson the plus side, I realize my sound must be working because I keep hearing IMs08:44
thoreauputicwell, that's a plus I guess08:44
DuplexEmotionsyeah, I just wish I could access my music on my MediaDrive08:45
thoreauputictry my fstab line but adding umask=00208:45
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missmarplegood morning08:45
DuplexEmotionsstill not working08:46
thoreauputicmissmarple: good morning - hope you are as sharp as your namesake today ;-)08:46
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thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: well, I'm running out of ideas, I'm afraid08:46
DuplexEmotionsme too08:46
quaruptshouldnt all users have perms to write to /opt/  ?08:47
DuplexEmotionsI'm tempted to recompile the kernel, but I'm really not sure how to go about that :-P08:47
dazeddoes anyone know how to log into a linux computer via network on a windows computer08:47
missmarplethoreauputic: sure :-D08:47
DuplexEmotionsdazed there's a program to do that, I think it's called putty08:47
missmarplei have a problem here with hotplugging and acpi - can anyone help me ?08:48
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thoreauputicquarupt: /opt is 755 here (read only for users)08:48
dazedduplexemotions: putty for windows?08:48
DuplexEmotionsdazed: yep08:48
thoreauputicquarupt: only root can put programs in opt or /usr/local08:49
thoreauputicquarupt: sorry, read /execute for users, of course08:49
DuplexEmotionsa friend of mine who is now too tired to help me said "sound slike its not reading your fstab when u are a normal user"08:49
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thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: what does  ls -l /etc/fstab say?08:50
DuplexEmotionsto double check that I'm testing this write, Ihave a root terminal open and a regular terminal. I then edit in root and try to open in the non-root08:50
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da_bon_bonhi all08:51
da_bon_bonjust installed xcompmgr08:51
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: what's the output of  ls -l /etc/fstab  ?08:51
da_bon_bonthe problem is, now the  windows cover the panel! what do i do ?08:51
thoreauputicjust saw it - looks normal08:51
DuplexEmotionsthoreauputic, -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          633 2005-03-10 01:45 /etc/fstab08:51
DuplexEmotionsthat's good,  I guess08:52
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thoreauputicyes, at least it's normal :)08:52
DuplexEmotionsgrr, I've been working on this thing since I put on Wishmaster, and I just noticed that it ended like a half hour ago08:53
thoreauputicmissmarple: I suggest you give a more detailed description of the problem :)08:53
da_bon_bonanyone here uses xcompmgr ?08:54
membreyadoes anyone know if there's a windows version of crack-attack?08:54
missmarplethoreauputic: well it's gonna be a longer text maybe - but ok ;-)08:54
DuplexEmotionsalso, it's a little annoying that my back-forward buttons on my MX700 aren't working like I want08:54
DuplexEmotionsbut I can fix that laster08:54
membreyamy girlfriend wants me to install linux JUST so she can play that game08:54
thoreauputicmissmarple: a bit at a time08:54
Myrttimembreya: give her a live cd08:54
membreyaMyrtti: will the live CD have crack attack ? :P08:55
missmarplemy problem: i have hoary on my notbook - when it runs on batteries everything wents fine, but when it runs with power plug, hotplug cannot load the firmware for my wifi card - and i don't know why08:55
da_bon_bonDuplexEmotions: which game ?08:56
Myrttimembreya: have no idea08:56
membreyaand you can't apt-get install from a live cd can you ? :P08:56
DuplexEmotionsThis is no game, kind sir!08:56
DuplexEmotionsalso, I want to figure out how to switch from gnome to KDE. Linux makes my brain hurt, I know Windows too well08:56
da_bon_bonDuplexEmotions: oh sorry, that q. was for membreya08:57
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: heh - one thing at a time, I suggest :)08:57
NobleArcLinux makes my heart sing! :D08:57
da_bon_bonmembreya: which game ? frozen-buble ?08:57
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membreyada_bon_bon: crack-attack08:57
membreyashe has frozen-bubble on her windows08:58
DuplexEmotionsthoreauputic: That lacks the horrific pain of jumping right in08:58
membreyafound it :D08:58
da_bon_bonmembreya: ok. lemme have a lookey08:58
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: heheh08:58
DuplexEmotions"I have a few hours to spare, I'll resize my WinXP partition and dual boot linux! It'll be fun!"08:58
DuplexEmotions13 hours later....08:58
da_bon_bonhey, anyone updated hoary today, notice the artwork updated? what does that do ?08:58
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: new theme ( clearlooks) and background, I hear08:59
membreyada_bon_bon: http://aluminumangel.org/attack/dl_ii_windows.html :)08:59
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: ROCKING! but i already use clearlooks :)08:59
DuplexEmotionsI'm going to reboot and hope this thing fixes itself when it tries to mount on boot08:59
da_bon_bonmembreya: thats a linux game, huh ?09:00
DuplexEmotionsbecause I honestly don't know what else to try.09:00
membreyada_bon_bon: you can install it in linux :)09:00
membreyasudo apt-get install crack-attack09:00
da_bon_bonmembreya: is it in the repos ?09:00
da_bon_bonoh ok09:00
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: well, good luck - linux doesn't usually do that09:00
DuplexEmotionsI can hope09:00
thoreauputicbut you never know...09:00
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: but u need to use the default human theme for that, huh ?09:00
DuplexEmotionsand also sacrifice my roommate to Ares09:00
DuplexEmotionsbrb, barring horrific pain.09:00
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: don't know09:01
missmarplemhh i guess i gonna ask the mailing list09:01
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: ok.09:01
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thoreauputicmissmarple: probably a good idea, since no-one seems to know the answer to your mystery09:02
da_bon_bonmembreya: u played frozen-bubble ? thats one rocking game too!09:02
membreyayup...get's a bit tedious though :)09:02
neomhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/image.php?u=1194&dateline=1110440190 Anyone know if this logo is anything spesific, or just.. an ubuntu logo?09:02
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thoreauputicneom: people joining hands/arms ?09:04
thoreauputicneom: that's the idea, I think09:04
neomNo no no.09:04
neomI mean..09:04
neomThat's the kubuntu logo.09:04
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DuplexEmotionsguess what suddenly decided to start working?09:05
neomhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/image.php?u=1194&dateline=1110440190 Is this gubuntu, or just a random ubuntu logo?09:05
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thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: you're kidding?09:06
thoreauputicneom: are you as confused as I am?09:07
DuplexEmotionsI made it work with my mad rebooting skills09:07
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: so fstab is OK and mount works?09:07
DuplexEmotionsI blame the fact that my power button is a 5 1/4" floppy drive09:07
NobleArcr38007|n', y0'!09:07
neomWell, I'm wondering if ubuntu is going to split into two very distinct groups.09:07
DuplexEmotionsthoreauputic: I can access my files without root access09:08
neomthe gnome people (gubuntu?) and the kde people kubuntu.09:08
FASTi cant install the gftp packages :(09:08
thoreauputicneom: err... I think this is all being done with full cooperation09:08
DuplexEmotionsnow I just need some sort of FTP program09:08
DuplexEmotionsdamn it, my brain is dead09:09
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: you know that nautilus can do basic ftp?09:09
da_bon_bonNobleArc: whats gubuntu ?09:09
DuplexEmotionsdamn you, Acronious, god of acronyms!09:09
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: hahaha09:09
NobleArc*points to neom*09:09
DuplexEmotionsthe problem isn't finding it so much as figuring out how to make it work09:09
da_bon_bonneom: whats gubuntu ?09:09
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: install gstreamer0.8-mad09:09
neomThat's a good question, and I intend to find out!09:10
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: a figment of neom's imagination, I fear09:10
neomHope so.09:10
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: ah, ok :)09:10
DuplexEmotionsI try to wrap my head around the words you say, thoreauputic, but it as if I am trying to stretch my head with a taffy puller only my head is made of something harder than taffy09:11
DuplexEmotionslike bone or PEZ or some such09:11
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: you have the universe repository?09:11
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: heh - I understand, sorry09:11
DuplexEmotionsYou mean the Hitchhiker's Guide?09:11
DuplexEmotionsI'm utterly lost and confused09:11
DuplexEmotionsso I'm guessing maybe09:11
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: that package should help with mp309:11
DuplexEmotionshow do I install it now?09:12
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thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: go to the package manager (synaptic) ( computer >> system config >> synaptic )09:12
DuplexEmotionsIt's the newness of Linux (which I only use on rare occasions and usually on a live CD) coupled with the whole using gnome instead of KDE thing09:13
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thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: yeah, i get it09:13
freewoodyThis Gnome-vfs is driving me nuts09:13
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: found it?09:13
DuplexEmotionsthis package manager looks like neatness in a can09:13
freewoodyCan't somebody help me fix it up09:13
DuplexEmotionsand by can I mean program09:13
DuplexEmotionsi found xmms09:14
DuplexEmotionsbut not the other thing.09:14
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: now go to settings >> repositories and check all options09:14
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thoreauputicyou should see "universe"09:14
GammaRaygolf may be boring but atleast it has gay sex09:14
thoreauputiccheck/tick the box09:14
thoreauputicand all the others, I suggest09:15
DuplexEmotionsno "universe"09:15
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DuplexEmotionsi found that gstreamer thing, btw. just not the -mad edition09:15
da_bon_bonhey whats better - 2.6.10 or 2.6.11 ?09:16
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: no, highlight the entries in the place I pointed you to to see the text09:16
freewoodyCan somebody give me some clues about Samba09:16
thoreauputicin the fields beneath09:16
DuplexEmotionsI can see the text on each item09:16
thoreauputicOK you should see the "universe" entries09:17
thoreauputictick all of the boxes09:17
DuplexEmotionsI still can't find "universe"09:17
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da_bon_bonthoreauputic: right. human theme now uses clearlooks09:18
Fator_Deejust tick 'em dammit :-)09:18
danny_there is a problem updating language pack-de over the update manager09:18
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: *sigh* TICK the boxes09:18
thoreauputicALL of them09:18
DuplexEmotionsyou mean all 7 or 8 dozen boxes?09:18
DuplexEmotionssorry if I sound like a dumbass here09:19
DuplexEmotionsI'm in the package manager09:19
thoreauputicDuplexEmotions: lets do this another way - can I pm you?09:19
DuplexEmotionsunder Sections I have it set to ALL09:19
missmarpledanny: what kind of problem09:19
DuplexEmotionsgo ahead09:19
DuplexEmotionsi shall await your PM with baited breath.09:19
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Zotnixaalib is so awesome09:21
membreyahmmm that clear theme is not too "clear" :\09:22
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saxahi ppl :) good morning !!09:24
missmarplehi saxa09:24
saxacongrats for the gnome-livecd !!!09:24
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saxait works amazingly well09:24
da_bon_bonsaxa: so do many other live cds.09:24
da_bon_bonsaxa: try install cd09:25
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saxahehe ppl I'm slackware from ever :))09:27
danny666hi i am having problems with the language pack de update i can't install it09:27
da_bon_bonsaxa: that explains it!09:27
saxabut I really liked your hardware detection09:27
saxada_bon_bon: heheheheh I know09:27
T_TrainerI think it's 'forever', not 'from ever' :)09:27
da_bon_bonsaxa: but slackware rocks! i love it too09:27
saxaT_Trainer: can it be :))09:28
saxaI have a question about my scanner09:28
saxaI was really pleasantly surprised when I saw it works with ubuntu09:28
saxaI have a HP ScanJet 3300 C09:29
saxawhich driver do you use ??09:29
saxaor it is supported by default in xsane ?09:29
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da_bon_bonok, bye all.09:30
da_bon_bonneed to go study :'(09:30
bryankey command to switch between desktop 1-4?09:32
shocklook in preferences ;)09:33
Fator_Deectrl+alt+arrowsleft&right ?09:33
shockthink the default is something like that09:33
bryanwas thinking it had a <tab> in there somewhere09:33
shock(not using default though)09:33
Fator_Deethough I use ctrl+alt+z&x09:33
shockerm... no - that was window-switching (alt-tab) ?09:33
shockconfigurable to everyones liking09:34
bryanand ctrl+alt+tab switches between desktop/top panel/bottom panel09:34
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bryani love the 4 desktop setup, i can keep gaim/xchat on one, limewire/bittorrent on another09:35
shockYES! they allready included the new gnome-menu !09:35
shock(main menu!)09:35
bryan4 consoles on one, and firefox in the other09:36
shockno need for the applications.... bla stuff09:36
shocki have 6 desktops right now09:36
Fator_Deebryan: yep, it rocks, although sometimes 4 desktops just ain't enuf :-D09:36
NobleArcSounds perfect, bryan.09:36
shockchat on one (irssi/gaim), browser, consoles, mail, stuff(devel),amule09:37
bryanshock, is the gnome menu like windows start menu?09:37
shockermmm *cough*09:37
shockroughly, yes09:38
shockits ... okok... allright! its like that start menu09:38
bryanhard to be original these days09:38
shockhrhr... indeed... even though i think the "start menu" was not invented by ms ;)09:39
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Fator_Deewhat was invented by ms :-|09:39
Fator_Deebut let's not start a flame war09:39
shockbut anyways... there are two versions of this gnome-menu now: menu-bar and main-menu....09:39
shockand finally they fixed the main-menu09:40
bryani want the warty cursors in hoary09:40
bryanhoary defaults suck09:41
quarupti installed realplayer, but still wont play real player stuff in firefox, is there something else i need to install?09:41
Alessiohelp meeee09:41
shock< bryan> i want the warty cursors in hoary --- look in the ubuntu forum - i think there are several howtos09:41
NobleArcRealPlayer wont even work for me, quarupt.09:41
quarupti had it working before i switched to AMD6409:41
shockits basically just getting the cursor theme and putting it into the right place09:41
NobleArcooh, AMD64.09:41
shock(icon theme)09:42
quarupti remebr there was another package i needed to install09:42
quaruptman i wish i could remember09:42
Fator_Deequarupt: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18443 I followed this howto, don't know though if it'll help you :-\09:42
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Alessiothis morning my thesis in sxw09:45
Alessiois empty!!!09:45
Alessiocan you help me??09:45
=== Sionide [~dragon@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Alessioyesterday night i have make a dist-upgrade09:45
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Alessiowhat's changing??09:45
quaruptthats for warty, theres some kinda multimedia package i need to install09:45
Alessioproblem to file system?09:46
Alessiowhat do you think?09:46
maikrohvtHi, i am having problems booting ubuntu..: Loading /install/vmlinuz ...isolinux: Disk error 32, AX=4280, drive 9F09:46
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scizzogood morning people09:47
maikrohvtany ideas ?..09:47
scizzoAlessio: I don't understand your problem really09:47
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Meqif id like to get an uptodate ubuntu desktop, array 6 is the way to go??09:47
Alessiomy thesis.sxw09:47
Alessiothis morning is empty!!09:48
scizzoyea? and???09:48
Alessioi don't know why09:48
Sionidejust like this empty cup of coffee.. :(09:48
saxasee ya09:48
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scizzoSionide: good idea...coffee sounds nice09:48
Alessio100 page of of thesis09:48
Sionideyeah brb..09:48
Alessioi ahev saved it yesterday night09:48
scizzoAlessio: using what application?09:49
maikrohvtHi, i am having problems booting ubuntu..: Loading /install/vmlinuz ...isolinux: Disk error 32, AX=4280, drive 9F09:49
membreyaAlessio: what's the file size?09:49
scizzoAlessio: openoffice2 or something?09:49
Alessiobefor 4-5 MB09:49
Alessiotoday 74045909:49
Alessio1 page empty09:50
Alessiohow can i find last modified? in log there isnt' anything09:50
Alessioutility about resierfs?? for recover??09:50
Alessiodo you know anything??09:51
mdzMeq: the latest daily build is best09:51
Alessioyesterday ia have make a dist-upgrade09:51
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mdzmaikrohvt: if you're using a CD-R, try burning at a lower speed09:51
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=== Jerry wonders: why can i update installed software using Ubuntu. I tried the synnaptic package mannager, but i do not seem to get hold of the latest Firefox for excaample. It stuck with 0.8 and i cannot upgrade to 1.0
scizzoAlessio: I have never had this problem before with openoffice09:53
Meqmdz, ok thanks09:53
scizzoAlessio: could it be that you saved it with a different name?09:53
NobleArcWarty is an older version of Ubuntu, so it doesn't have the most recent packages, Jerry.09:53
mdzNobleArc: Warty has firefox 0.9.3, though09:53
Jerryokay, that i understand, but why can i update the software then?09:53
Jerry@ noblearch09:53
scizzoJerry: look at the backports09:53
mdzJerry: perhaps you need to enable the network repositories; it sounds like you installed from an older snapshot09:54
Jerrywhat backport?09:54
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NobleArcthat was odd.09:54
Alessioscizzo how can find any file save or modified in the last 12 hour?09:54
Jerryi installed using the orriginal Ubuntu disk, ordered on Ubuntu.com09:54
scizzoJerry: http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/09:54
scizzoAlessio: hmmm...using find that would be easy enough09:55
JerryI am now using Gentoo, because i could not get hold of new software releases in Ubuntu :(09:55
mdzJerry: if so, you do not have firefox 0.809:55
Jerrytnx scizzo09:55
Alessiowhat options of find?09:55
Jerryi did have firefox 0.8 in Ubuntu09:55
NobleArc0.8.3 :P09:55
mdzJerry: the official Ubuntu 4.10 discs do not contain firefox 0.809:55
Jerrylol wiseguy09:56
scizzoNobleArc: and no....warty is not that old...it is updated...but if you want to see more updates use the backports09:56
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NobleArcI use hoary, now, heh.09:56
Alessioscizzo what can find? for last hours..09:56
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mdzthere was never a firefox 0.8.309:56
mdzUbuntu 4.10 released with firefox 0.9.309:56
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Jerrydoes Hoary contain the latest software?09:56
scizzomdz: firefox 1.0 is in the backports09:57
GNAMwhere is my firefox bookmarks file ?09:57
Jerryand why can i ubdat ubuntu NOT using this backport :(09:57
mdzscizzo: I know, but I do not recommend using the backports09:57
scizzoGNAM: in your .mozilla/ somewhere09:57
Jerryscizzo, can you axplain me the backport thing?09:57
scizzomdz: well if you want to test then the backports are fine...I use them a lot09:57
mdzJerry: if you want to run the development release, where new software is dropped regularly, it's called "hoary" and you can find documentation in the wiki on how to use it09:57
Jerrytnx mdz09:58
mdzthough it's in stabilization mode right now as we're preparing to release09:58
GNAMok found bookmarks.html09:58
scizzoJerry: you can also get some software from hoary and still use warty normally09:58
scizzoJerry: you can do this with preferences against apt-get09:58
scizzohow well synaptics work with that I am not sure...09:58
shock_oh :( ... /me is sad about bitlbee now.09:58
Jerryit was a major set back, for me finding out i could not just get the software updates i wanted, so i installed Gentoo now. With Gnome ofcourse, Tnx to Ubuntu i really started to like Gnome09:59
topylii'm dying to upgrade one of my boxen to hoary. will it break?09:59
shock_i had hoped it would replace my gaim... now i see i'd need to transfer my contactlist manually (214 accounts)09:59
NobleArcI just upgraded to hoary, and everything is fine.09:59
Jerryi was really =enthausiastic about synnaptic :D pitty Gentoo does not use something like this09:59
Alessiohelp me i'm in  shit sea10:00
=== cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E3C940.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
scizzoAlessio: find /home/username -ctime 1 "*.sxw"10:01
scizzoAlessio: or something like that10:01
JerryScizzo, i ordered the new Ubuntu cd in the shop ;) so maybe later on i will try ubuntu again. It worked great, only i didn understand shit of apt-get. In gentoo o know my way arround :( sorry ;). But Ubuntu is indeed great :D10:01
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roscoI'm about to download ubuntu. Is the normal iso already "french" friendly ?10:01
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scizzoJerry: you can tell apt-get to say...."Get upgrades and so on from this release first....but install software from this release if it does not exists in the other one..."10:02
scizzoJerry: well..sort of10:02
Sionideyou just select French when it asks10:02
=== gjoemmie [~gjoemmie@kotnet-146.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
scizzoJerry: you set priorities10:02
quaruptMan, i need a way to play real video but im on AMD64\10:02
Sionidei think, im not exactly the expert.. :P10:02
JerryI do set priorities ofcourse :)10:02
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Alessioscizzo, the bask says: the paths must be before expression10:03
MithsirHello! My "End"-Key doesn't work, what can I do? (German Keyboard)10:03
gjoemmieHi there, I'm completely new to Ubuntu/Linux and I installed it to my laptop, but now I can't access my windows and I need those files, I read something about a dual boot, but I don't understand how to do it (I speak dutch btw, if that's easier for you) Please help me10:03
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gjoemmieHi there, I'm completely new to Ubuntu/Linux and I installed it to my laptop, but now I can't access my windows and I need those files, I read something about a dual boot, but I don't understand how to do it (I speak dutch btw, if that's easier for you) Please help me10:05
scizzoAlessio: find /home/username -ctime 1 -name "*.sxw"10:05
scizzoAlessio: try that instead10:06
Sionidemmm coffee10:07
gjoemmieI installed UbuntuLinux, but when I reboot my computer, I don't get the option to choose for Windows or Linux (it automatically goes into Linux), how can I fix that?10:08
Sionideyou need a boot manager such as Lilo10:09
gjoemmieand how do I get Lilo?10:09
Sionidehttp://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LILO.html  <-- lilo.10:09
neomIs lilo in the package manager?10:09
gjoemmieI dunno, I don't even know what a package manager is...10:10
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quaruptAnyone know how to get Real/Helix working on an AMD64 ?10:11
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Alessioany tool10:11
Alessiofor recover10:11
topyliAlessio: please elaborate. how is the filesystem in trouble?10:12
neomgjoemmie - It's called synaptic, it's around the menus somewhere.10:12
Sionideneom, i reckon it should be10:12
Sionidegjoemmie, it manages all the programs on your ubuntu install - keeps them all up to date10:13
gjoemmiecan anyone explain in steps what I should do10:13
gjoemmiebecause I don't understand anything of Linux right now10:13
topyliAlessio: and what is the problem exactly?10:13
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Alessiotoffy, ia file .sxw with my thesis saved yestarday, today is empty!10:13
quaruptguess not10:13
neomI'd help you but I'm having a few issues right now and my synaptic is doing things so I can't open it.10:13
Alessioa few bytes ..10:14
MithsirHello! Openoffice says "no suitable windowing system found, exiting." What can I do?10:14
Sionidegjoemmie, i suggest you read this: http://ubuntuguide.org/10:14
topyliAlessio: i can't really help with reiserfs problems, just helping you to state the problem10:14
Alessiotoffy, can you suggest any recovery tool? for find any error?10:14
gjoemmieOwkay tnx, probably I will not understand it either, but I'll try10:14
Sionideit's the guide10:15
topyliAlessio: i always use ext3, don't know much about reiserfs10:15
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sionideit gives you step by step instructions on how to do *loads* of stuff10:15
Sionidethere's other boot managers like grub10:15
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Sionideadd windows entry to grub, thats what you want - do that!10:16
quaruptthat sucks no realplay support for AMD6410:16
gjoemmiek tnx Sionide10:16
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topyliSionide: while ubuntuguile.org is very useful, it also discourages people from actually learning things. it just says "do this" and people won't learn what the hell they are doing10:17
Sionidetrue, in a way10:18
Sionidebut they'll still learn from what they're doing... right?10:18
gjoemmiehmm Sionide, the first thing I should do is add a partition?10:18
=== woodwizzle [~corey@user-0c6t0t8.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
woodwizzleHow do I import my gaim buddy list into evolution?10:18
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linuxboyi see gnome 2.10 has been launched. What does this mean for ubuntu? When will we see it in ubuntu? what versions does warty and hoary have?10:20
topyliwoodwizzle: IIRC, there's a plugin for that for gaim10:20
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thoreauputiclinuxboy: already in hoary10:20
gjoemmieSionide, I don't get it how I should make partitions10:21
quaruptTHERE has to be something for realplayer in AMD6410:21
gjoemmieI opened a Root Terminal10:21
topylilinuxboy: ubuntu always has the latest gnome. warty has 2.8, hoary will have (or has already) 2.1010:21
linuxboythoreauputic: cool! whats in warty?10:21
gjoemmieIs that correct?10:21
gjoemmiebut what should I type there then?10:21
thoreauputiclinuxboy: same old 2.8 I guess :)10:21
quaruptKde is also latest in Kubuntu10:22
xamdmgjoemmie: try installing qtparted, then jou have a gui10:22
woodwizzletopyli: I have that, but I think that just imports my evolution buddies into gaim, not the otherway around.10:22
gjoemmieXAMDM, I don't know how to install something and what a GUI? sorry bout all these stupid questions, but I dont know anything about this10:22
topyliwoodwizzle: could be. i don't actually use it :(10:22
Sionidegjoemmie, im not entirely sure myself - i haven't got dual-boot on my ubuntu install, my comps pure-blood ;)10:22
xamdmghoemmie: just type apt-get install qtparted10:23
xamdmgjoemmie: it looks a bit like partitionmagic10:24
gjoemmieit says: can't find package qtparted10:24
xamdmgjoemmie: warty ore hoary ?10:24
gjoemmieXAMDM, What?10:24
xamdmgjoemmie; which version of ubuntu (warty 4.10) ore hoary 5.??10:25
gjoemmieah, uuhm I'll get the CD10:25
quaruptman AMD64 sux10:25
thoreauputicxamdm: he needs universe10:25
quarupti want realplayer10:25
xamdmthoreauputic: jour right10:25
gjoemmieVersion 4.10 (Intel x86 Edition)10:26
xamdmjust wanted to know which ubuntu, so i can tell him the complete thing10:26
thoreauputicquarupt: will the 32 bit version not run?10:26
shock_i was wrong! BITLBEE ROX! :D - (sorry about the screaming)10:26
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quaruptthoreauputic, no, i think having lib problems10:26
xamdmgjemmie:just a secand10:26
cafuegothoreauputic: That would run fine in a chroot.10:26
topyli"clearly it is the will of Allah that i throw this unix box out of the window. i submit to the will of Allah."10:26
gjoemmiexamdm: do as you like:-) I really appreciate your help10:26
xamdmgjoemmine: type gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in jour root-terminal10:27
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quaruptthoreauputic, any deas?10:27
=== JackD7 [~jackd7@dsl-082-082-140-083.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
xamdmgjommie: search for # deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe in the window10:28
thoreauputicquarupt: not really, sorry10:28
xamdmgjoemmie: then remove the # at the beginning off that line and the next one10:28
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tga  gnome: Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (= 62ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed10:29
tga  kde: Depends: kdeaddons but it is not going to be installed10:29
tgaE: Broken packages10:29
gjoemmiexamdm: Remove the Space 2?10:29
tgahowdy, any idea why hoary is so b0rked today?10:29
xamdmno, the "#"10:29
xamdmin both lines10:29
gjoemmiexamdm: K, I did that10:29
quaruptno sound for mp3's?10:29
Gorthtga: I have the same problem..10:29
xamdmgjoemmie: then save, then close the window run apt-get update, and then apt-get install qtparted10:30
topylitga: thanks for the answer to my question "should i upgrade today?" =)10:30
gjoemmiexamdm, slower plz... sorry again10:31
tgatopyli: the magic 8 ball says.. definitely not10:31
xamdmgjommie: so, jou saved the changes ??10:32
topylitga: actually i was planning on upgrading this weekend. it might be ok then, or maybe not. we'll see10:32
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gjoemmiexamdm: yes and I typed run apt-get update, It did something with percentages, picked up some packages and now it is done10:32
topylitga: i just want gnome 2.10 that's all10:32
tgatopyli: I wanted to give it a try too10:32
xamdmgjommine: ok than run apt-get install qtparted10:32
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quaruptGRR AMD64 need more APPZ feels like im on a ppc arch or sumtin10:34
gjoemmiexamdm: Im trying to accept your invitation, but It doesnt connect...10:34
xamdmgjoemmie: now jou should be able to run qtparted10:34
xamdmgjoemmie: strange, maybe the firewall10:34
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quaruptgjoemmie, you have a router?10:35
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xamdmgjoemmie: sorry for my bad english, im german10:35
xamdmgjoemmie: jes a nother computer with debian and a ipcop as UML10:35
gjoemmiexamdm: I dont understand your last line10:36
topylixamdm: don't apologise, your english is fine. the official language of the internet is bad engllish10:36
gjoemmieand how do I run qtparted?10:36
xamdmgjoemmie: just type qtparted in the root-terminal10:36
gjoemmieCOMMAND NOT FOUND10:36
tgaquarupt: isn't amd64 binary compatible with i386?10:36
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xamdmgjoemmie: jou ran apt-get install qtparted ??10:37
c_hi there, does anyone know how i can i htmlize a man page?10:37
gjoemmieyeah, but there it says that some packages may not be completely installable10:37
xamdmgjoemmie: look in the startmenu under systemtools (dont't know the correct name in english)10:37
xamdmgjoemmie: which ones ??10:38
Fator_Deeapplications -> system tools -> qtparted10:38
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gjoemmieyeah, but there it says that some packages may not be completely installable10:38
gjoemmieoops sorry, Ill look it up again10:38
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xamdmgjoemmine: ok10:38
gjoemmielibqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.2.3-3)10:39
gjoemmiethats the one10:39
BurgundaviaMy google is now set to google.de anybody else got this?10:39
xamdmgjoemmie: maybe jou should ad the following lines to sources.list "deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports warty-backports main universe multiverse restricted" "deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports warty-extras main universe multiverse restricted"10:40
gjoemmiewhat??, where do I do that?10:40
xamdmgjoemmie: strange error10:40
gjoemmiesources.list, where is that?10:40
xamdmanyone else problems with the qt3-mt ??10:40
xamdmgjoemmie: just gedit /etc/apt/sources list :-)10:40
topyliBurgundavia: how is google "set" to anything? if you type http://google.com does it go to google.de?10:41
gjoemmiea new window pops up, but its completely blank10:41
Burgundaviatopyli: sorry, in firefox10:41
gjoemmieone with sources and one with list in te tabtitle10:41
xamdmgjommie: sorry sources.list ;-)10:41
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topyliBurgundavia: so does it go to google.de when you type google.com to the address space?10:42
Burgundaviatopyli: no10:42
gjoemmieyup Im in10:42
Burgundaviatopyli: it just looks on .de when I type something into the search bar in ff. Very odd10:42
xamdmok, paste the two lines i posted above10:42
gjoemmiewith "deb?10:42
gjoemmieand where should I place my cursor?10:43
gjoemmietop, bottom, anywhere, ...?10:43
topyliBurgundavia: i've never thought about it, but it does the same here, goes to google.fi :)10:43
xamdmgjoemmie; just a new line, like any other texteditor10:43
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xamdmsomewhere at the end of the file10:43
gjoemmiek I did it at the end10:44
xamdmand apt-get update10:44
Burgundaviatopyli: but I am not in germany10:44
topyliBurgundavia: well now it's getting strange10:44
Burgundaviatopyli: I am in Canada, and yesterday it went to .co.uk and previously it went to .ca10:44
xamdmBurgundavia: are jou german ??10:44
topyliBurgundavia: well, now it's getting from strange to outright weird :)10:45
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xamdmgjoemmie: does it work ??10:45
gjoemmiexamdm: CRAP, it says the 2 lines I added and then "is not know on line 20 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:45
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xamdmdo jou have email ??, then i can mail you my sources list10:46
usernixelo :D10:47
zenroxgjoemmie,  ermove the""10:47
xamdmgjoemmie: just trying with irc10:47
Burgundaviatopyli: no, I am not localized to german either10:47
Burgundaviatopyli: it is very odd10:48
Burgundaviathere must be a something I accidentaly hit10:48
topyliBurgundavia: that's a bug in firefox, in my opinion. hard to fix, it probably checks some locale setting and makes a decision. personally, i don't want any localization unless everything is localized. it's too confusing to have some apps in finnish and some in englinsh, so i prefer to use US english everywhere10:48
gjoemmieshould I accept sources.list?10:48
gjoemmiezenrox, what ""?10:48
Burgundaviatoo much "itelligent guesswork" on the part of the program10:48
xamdmgjoemmie: just send it via email10:48
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neomAnyone know how to clear the apt cache?10:48
topyliBurgundavia: yeah10:48
thoreauputicneom: apt-get clean10:49
zenroxthe qutotion marcks gjoemmie10:49
thoreauputicneom: wipes all the resident dbs10:49
gjoemmiexamdm: I got your mail10:50
gjoemmiewhat to do with it?10:50
gjoemmiedownload it?10:50
xamdmgjommie, 1st: mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.org 2nd10:51
xamdmgjommie: then download it and tell me where jou saved it10:51
xamdmgjommie: ignore 2nd10:52
gjoemmiemv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.org10:52
gjoemmiethats what I typed10:52
gjoemmiethen it just goes to the next line in the root10:52
xamdmnow download the newone and tell me where jou saved it10:53
gjoemmiedoesnt do anything it seems10:53
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xamdmgjommie: we anly renamed jour old sources.list10:53
gjoemmieit opens automatically, I dont get the box with "Save As"10:53
gjoemmieI get a new tab in Mozilla Firefox10:53
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gjoemmieand there is the text (bout 20 lines) from sources.list10:54
xamdmgfommie: rightclick, save file as ??10:54
gjoemmiedo u use hotmail?10:54
gjoemmieso I click on your attachement10:55
xamdmno, i don't use hotmail10:55
gjoemmiethen it asks me: Download File or Donrt download10:55
gjoemmieshould I right click on Download File?10:55
gjoemmieand save where to?10:55
gjoemmiek did that10:56
xamdmok, now cp /home/yourName/sources.list /etc/apt10:56
gjoemmiecp? or are those just letters?10:57
xamdmcp = copy10:57
sewagemasterdoes anyone use kdvi here?10:57
xamdmits a command10:57
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InitMassdo i get worse sound quality when i use esound instead of alsa as output plugin in xmms?10:57
xamdmgjoemmie: mv fore example is move10:57
gjoemmie"unknown map"10:57
thoreauputicInitMass: your ears are the test10:58
gjoemmiesay, is there the possibility of throwing Linux back from my computer?10:58
gjoemmiebcuz I gotta go soon, but need my computer10:58
InitMassthoreauputic, i mean theoretically10:58
xamdmgjoemmie: jes, but why ??10:58
gjoemmiebcuz I really need to access those files today10:59
xamdmgjommie, windows should be bootable10:59
gjoemmieIll get back to Linux when I can10:59
gjoemmieyeah, BUT HOW10:59
xamdmgjoemmie: there should be a selection menu at startup10:59
gjoemmiesay, Ill just throw Linux off now, use Windows for one day again10:59
thoreauputicInitMass: I don't think theory is relevant when judging sound, but whatever *grin*10:59
gjoemmieand then put it on again when I can11:00
gjoemmieso how do I remove Linux?11:00
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xamdmgjoemmie, is windows still available on jour harddisk ??11:00
InitMassthoreauputic, what is esound by the way? is it some kind of emulation11:00
gjoemmieI dont know,where do I see that?11:00
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thoreauputicInitMass: I know nothing of the theory, but it stands for "enlightened sound daemon" I believe11:01
xamdmgjoemmie: did jou format the whole disk at setup, ore did jou leave windows untuched ??11:01
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gjoemmieI dont know... AH CRAP11:01
xamdmgjoemmie: gedit /etc/fstab so im able to see11:01
gjoemmieI just entered the disk11:02
thoreauputicInitMass: esd for short11:02
Zanzok, are there any tricks to compiling ncurses?11:02
gjoemmiek, I typed it11:02
gjoemmienew window popped up11:02
xamdmgjommie, i know:-), what do we have ther something like hda1 ...11:03
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gjoemmie/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       111:03
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InitMassthoreauputic, do you know how to avoid (don't know the english word) when i get this loud beeeeep when a mic is connected and the sound just goes round. strange description but i hope you understand what i mean11:04
gjoemmieand some other lines like that11:04
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xamdmgjommie, just tell me the rest ..11:04
xamdmore mail me the file11:04
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gjoemmie# /etc/fstab: static file system information.11:04
thoreauputicInitMass: feedback maybe?11:04
Zanzmove the mic away from teh speakers11:04
xamdmno, im eant hda2 ore hdb ...11:04
gjoemmie# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>11:04
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Zanzor mute the mic input in the sound mixer11:05
gjoemmie/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       111:05
gjoemmie/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       011:05
gjoemmie/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       011:05
thoreauputicInitMass: I think keeping the mike away from other electronics helps11:05
xamdmgjommie, nothing else ??11:05
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thoreauputicInitMass: if I understood correctly11:05
gjoemmienope thats it11:06
gjoemmie# /etc/fstab: static file system information.11:06
gjoemmie# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>11:06
gjoemmieproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       011:06
gjoemmie/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       111:06
gjoemmie/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       011:06
gjoemmie/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       011:06
gjoemmiethis is what is in the complete window11:06
xamdmgjommie, so jou formated the complete harddisk at setup11:06
thoreauputicbye bye windows11:06
=== dizzie waves bye :)
thoreauputic'fraid so11:07
gjoemmiesay, I got a friend of mine with the same prob, he suggested something, Ill try that, Ill be back in 5 mins11:07
gjoemmietnx for the help already11:07
xamdmgjommie: :-(, maybe its just not mounted, but it doesn't look like..11:07
xamdmlooks bad ....11:07
InitMassZanz, thoreauputic, ok now i've got my earplugs and can make a test with them more far away11:07
thoreauputicxamdm: judging by his general level of cluefulness, i think he just lost his windows totally11:08
xamdmjust updating to hoary, should i expect any problems ??11:08
Fator_Deewell, sometimes shit just hits the fan11:08
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xamdmthoreauputic: i think so two11:08
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gjoemmieNopes didnt work11:09
InitMassthoreauputic, no it didn't work to move them away. when i increase the volume a bit when i have the mic as far away as the cable goes i still get that beeeeeep11:09
gjoemmieso guys, I lost all my windows or what?11:09
gjoemmiehow did I do that?11:09
xamdmgjoemmie: sorry, but seems like jou have to reinstrall winblows11:09
gjoemmieand I guess there is no solution then?11:09
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xamdmgjommie: no11:10
Fator_Deewell, professionals might be able to save your data11:10
gjoemmieI dont even have a disk for windows11:10
Fator_Deebut that'll cost a LOT11:10
gjoemmieI never installed it11:10
xamdmgjommie: next time try the ubuntu live cd11:10
gjoemmieit just came with the laptop11:10
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xamdmgommie: there should be a recovvery CD11:10
gjoemmietry the live cd now?11:10
YokoZarOk, I just upgraded to Hoary and now X won't start - giving me a no screens error!11:10
gjoemmieah k, so I put the cd in and then I can get back here?11:10
xamdmgjommie:  wont help jou anymore, just want kill jour whole harddisk ;-)11:11
gjoemmiedont understand that last line, sorry11:11
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gjoemmieso I put the live CD in and then what?11:11
xamdmgjommie: there is no other solution you have to reinstall, ore fix ubuntu and forgett winblows11:11
xamdmgjommie: liveCD, is just something for testing, then nothing had been destroyed, its a ubuntu that runs from CD11:12
YokoZarGDM won't start on me because xorg is giving a "no screns found" fatal error, and I'm not sure where to go.  This is after a hoary upgrade.  hmm maybe I should go to devel channel11:12
thoreauputicgjoemmie: do you have backups of any of your data?11:12
shockYokoZar - you probably need to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:12
xamdmgjoemmie: this info is just to late11:12
gjoemmieyeah I know, I did that, it worked, so I thought I just install it11:12
gjoemmieand I dont have backups11:12
gjoemmieso Im bigtime screwes11:13
YokoZarshock: I'll try that, but I think it gave me that same thing when synaptic was upgrading11:13
xamdmgjommie: that sounds bad11:13
gjoemmiek, so I lost everything11:13
xamdmgjommie: everything is gone !!11:13
gjoemmieso how do I switch completely to Ubuntu?11:13
gjoemmieand use that forgood?11:13
Fator_Deedon't use windows11:13
xamdmjou did ;-)11:13
thoreauputicgjoemmie: too late now, but from now on burn discs of your important data11:13
YokoZarThe hell...I didn't have it installed?11:13
shockYokoZar - have you modified you xf86config previously?11:13
shockwell then...11:14
YokoZarshock: No, I found the problem - somehow I managed to not have it installed11:14
gjoemmieyeah, but actually I only had a lot of Movies on my laptop, nothing more important really11:14
xamdmgjommie: cd /home/yourName11:14
shockok then11:14
xamdmgjommie: ls11:14
YokoZarThere must be a missing dependency somewhere, since it let me choose xorg as my default11:14
YokoZarI'll go to #devel11:14
xamdmgjommie: like dir in dos11:14
xamdmgjommie: is there a sources.list ??11:15
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gjoemmiewowow what?11:15
gjoemmieroot terminal?11:15
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xamdmgjommie: replace yourName with jour loginname11:15
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xamdmgjommie: if i had enough money i would visit you, chat is so difficult sometimes ..11:16
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gjoemmieit doesnt do anything when I type cd /home/myname11:16
xamdmgjoemmie, just type ls11:16
thoreauputicgjoemmie: type pwd11:16
gjoemmieroot@10-4-122-185:/home/gjoemmie # ls11:17
gjoemmieamsn_0.94-1_i386.deb             getmsg_files11:17
gjoemmieamsn-0.94-3-linux-installer.bin  getmsg.htm11:17
gjoemmieareslite181.exe                  HydraIRC.exe11:17
gjoemmieBitTorrent-4.0.0-1.noarch.rpm    setupdavid2291.exe11:17
gjoemmiethats when I type ls11:17
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gjoemmieroot@10-4-122-185:/home/gjoemmie # pwd11:17
gjoemmiethats when I type pwd11:17
xamdmgjommie: jou didnt save the mailed sourcesl.list to /home/gjoemmie ??11:18
thoreauputicgjoemmie: well, that just tells you you are in your home dir11:18
gjoemmieI did!!!11:18
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xamdmits not there11:18
xamdmjust do the following11:18
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xamdmgedit /etc/apt/sources.list (its blank)11:18
xamdmthen open the mail and copy paste11:19
gjoemmiek I pasted11:20
gjoemmienow save?11:20
xamdmgjommie: yes11:20
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gjoemmieroot@10-4-122-185:/home/gjoemmie # gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:21
gjoemmie(gedit:4487): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:11:21
gjoemmieAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.11:21
xamdmgjommie: now try apt-get update11:21
gjoemmiethat came when I did the previous step11:21
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gjoemmiek, a lot of percentages lines come now11:22
xamdmdid the window open ??11:22
xamdmok thats good11:22
xamdmthen try apt-get install qtparted ones more11:22
gjoemmieit askes if I want to proceed11:22
gjoemmiedo that?11:22
thoreauputicxamdm: the reason for qtparted has kind of disappeared, has it not?11:23
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xamdmthoreauputic, i don't think so, just installed it jesterday on a notebook11:23
xamdmin hory a had tryed gparted ..11:24
thoreauputichmm - just wondering what he's going to partition or resize, now :)11:24
gjoemmiedoesnt work11:24
thoreauputicbut never mind....11:24
gjoemmiestoppes in the middle11:24
xamdmmaybe ther is a hda6 ore so, ther is a unused extended partition11:24
gjoemmiewell, u know, cant I just throw everything off and start completely over?11:24
gjoemmiebcuz I lost everything allready now, so..11:25
thoreauputicgjoemmie: what for?11:25
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xamdmgjommie: what happens, complete autput please11:25
gjoemmieI allready did it away, sorry Ill do it again11:26
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xamdmgjommie: where are jou from ??11:26
gjoemmieroot@10-4-122-185:/home/gjoemmie # apt-get install11:27
gjoemmiePakketlijsten worden ingelezen... Klaar11:27
gjoemmieBoom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd... Klaar11:27
gjoemmie0 pakketten opgewaardeerd, 0 nieuwe paketten genstalleerd, 0 verwijderen en 3 niet opgewaardeerd.11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://security.ubuntu.com warty-security/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty-security_main_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://backports.ubuntuforums.org warty-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/backports.ubuntuforums.org_backports_dists_warty-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://backports.ubuntuforums.org warty-backports/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/backports.ubuntuforums.org_backports_dists_warty-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://backports.ubuntuforums.org warty-backports/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/backports.ubuntuforums.org_backports_dists_warty-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
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gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst http://backports.ubuntuforums.org warty-backports/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/backports.ubuntuforums.org_backports_dists_warty-backports_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) niet opvragen - stat (2 Onbekend bestand of map)11:27
Seveasgjoemmie, niet soveel pasten!!11:27
gjoemmieW: Kon de status van de bronpakketlijst ht11:27
gjoemmieIm from Belgium, Antwerp11:27
gjoemmiethats why its in dutch too11:27
gjoemmieja, sorry, hij vroeget11:27
gjoemmieSeveas, kan jij me anders niet helpen?11:27
gjoemmiewant ik versta hem niet zo goed11:28
xamdmgjommie: hm i don't understand that, for me that file works fine11:28
Seveasgjoemmie, dutch support is in #ubuntu-nl11:28
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gjoemmiehow do I get there?11:28
Seveastype /join #ubuntunl11:28
Seveastype /join #ubuntu-nl11:28
thoreauputicpossibly copy paste from hotmail introduces extra characters11:28
xamdmi don't understand why he can't save the attachment11:29
gjoemmiesay, xamdm tnx for the help,seveas is gonna try it now in dutch, maybe i just dont understand it correctly11:29
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xamdmhm, just my second day here and i always get the horro ones11:30
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ubernostrumAnybody here have experience with Ubuntu on Thinkpads (specifically Thinkpad G40)? I'd very much like to switch but I want to make sure everything will work first...11:30
thoreauputicxamdm: no-one could have helped that guy - don't feel bad11:30
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xamdmthoreauputic: yesterday i had the same ...11:31
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Smeven_ltCan any of you tell me where i can get mplayer?11:31
xamdmgjommie: back again ??11:31
scizzoubernostrum: IBM machine right?11:31
thoreauputicxamdm: sometimes when you see the first sympoms, it's better to run away ;-)11:31
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ubernostrumscizzo: yeah. Got FC3 on it with no issues, but I'd rather have Ubuntu ;)11:32
xamdmthoreauputic: jour right, but i always hope that i'm able to help11:32
MyNameIsChrisWhy do most of the gtk development libraries come from security.ubuntu.com?11:32
scizzoubernostrum: sure...have you installed ubuntu now?11:32
thoreauputicxamdm: of course :-)11:32
scizzoubernostrum: if not...why not try the live CD and see what happens in dmesg and so on?11:32
scizzoa good way to test things11:32
xamdmthoreauputic: why do thes guys never read before they choose complete harddisk ??11:33
ubernostrumscizzo: I'll probably do that at some point, but I did have one fairly specific question.11:33
Smeven_ltdoes anyone know where i could get some mplayer debs or at least make totem work?11:34
thoreauputicxamdm: I guess they don't understand what an operating system is, so they don't know what a big step they are taking11:34
scizzoubernostrum: that is?11:34
ubernostrumscizzo: everything I've read indicates that lm_sensors will hose a Thinkpad, and that's kept me from being able to install some things that RH builds with dependencies on lm_sensors. Is that a problem I'd be able to avoid on Ubuntu?11:34
xamdmthoreauputic: jeah, your right11:34
thoreauputicSmeven_lt: read http://ubuntuguide.org11:34
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thoreauputicSmeven_lt: all th ethings you need are explained there11:35
kutucapeanyone know how to record on ubuntu?11:35
xamdmkutucape: audacity ??11:35
scizzoubernostrum: well depending on what ubuntu finds it will install the base system and then try to fix the rest I guess11:35
Smeven_ltthoreauputic: thankyou11:35
kutucapexdamdm: i run ices to record voice from microphone and then stream it through icecast server11:36
scizzoubernostrum: lm_sensors was not in the base system when I installed this laptop at least11:36
ubernostrumscizzo: that's what I was wondering about... so many other distros install it by default.11:36
kutucapei run ices: ices -c ices-live.xml and check the icecast server, and find the mount point there11:37
scizzoubernostrum: well its not standard from what I know11:37
=== ubernostrum starts downloading an ISO.
kutucapeit seems that audio streams works but I didn't hear any sound11:37
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=== kutucape confuse ???
kutucapeanyone here ever play with icecast streaming server?11:38
scizzokutucape: yes11:38
scizzoa long time ago11:38
kutucapehow can I record voice from microphone and stream it directly (live) to icecast server?11:39
scizzothat I don't know11:39
scizzomaybe people in #icecast can help you with that?11:39
kutucapeoh, well i will join #icecast for  while, thank you very much11:40
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eazel7hi ppl11:40
scizzoy0 eazel711:40
eazel7when will be released the next ubuntu stable branch?11:41
xamdmnext month ??11:41
OrangeSliceGnome 2.10 :)11:42
Smeven_lti am assuming w32codes is not compatible with amd64?11:42
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pvhMy xscreensaver used to do a separate saver for each monitor. Now it smears it across both... That sucks. How can I fix it?11:54
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scizzoeazel7: april from what I know11:55
eazel7thanks scizzo11:56
scizzoeazel7: you can find that out by looking at the wiki11:56
scizzoArray 6 has been released...11:56
eazel7ok scizzo, thanks11:56
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Smeven_lti just keep getting mplayer not installable because libavcodec2 is not installable12:01
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Smeven_lthow does one go about acquiring libavcodec2 for amd6412:07
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djpSmeven_lt: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=985012:11
InitMasswhich is the best way to get sound out of all 6 of my speakers? i'm using alsa with esd12:11
djpSmeven_lt: Best way I found to get MPlayer up and running under Ubuntu...12:11
djpInitMass: Have you increased the wave suuround volume on your desktop?12:12
Smeven_ltdjp: thansk12:13
Smeven_ltHopefully someday gstreamer will be mature enough to where it wont be required12:13
InitMassdjp, which control is that? i can't find it. but the volume is up in the gnome volume manager anyway12:13
djpInitMass: right click on your volume control...12:14
djpInitMass: click on open volume control...12:14
djpInitMass: scroll through the alsa mixer and increase the wave surrond volume control12:14
djpInitMass: that works for me in getting sound out of my 4.1 system12:15
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InitMassdjp, i still can't find that wave setting. i'm using an external soundcard. but i've got an internal too12:17
Smeven_lttoo bad there arent debs for lxdvdrip12:18
InitMassdjp, if we begin with the tabs. there are two tabs called USB audio class driver (oss mixer) and then two called Intel 82801DB-ICH (alsa mixer)12:18
airoxIs it possible to use 2 soundcards with ubuntu btw ?12:19
InitMassairox, i do12:20
airoxSo use the line-in from one card to stream to the other's output ?12:20
InitMassairox, but i still don't have any 6.1 sound but i guess it's coming...12:20
djpInitMass: check the alsa mixer...12:20
djpInitMass: what is your sound card by the way?12:20
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InitMassdjp, the external is a hercules muse pocket12:22
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InitMassairox, to stream like that doesn't sound like a good idea12:22
airoxWell it is for me :)12:23
airoxI need to have several input's.12:23
nico|mmdz: hi! i'm the one with the ide bug (no ide drives detected). is there anything i can do for you to help you trace this bug?12:23
mdznico|m: you can try the most recent daily build (the preview candidate)12:24
mdznico|m: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ for the live CD12:25
mdzs/daily-live/daily/ for the install CD12:25
nico|mmdz: is this different from the latest kernel image package?12:25
mdznico|m: 2.6.10-25.212:26
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nico|mmdz: i just installed 2.6.10-25.2. does not help.12:26
mdznico|m: which kernel does work for you?12:27
mdznico|m: please open a separate bug about this; it's clearly not the same as #144012:27
InitMassdjp, if i type alsamixer -c 1 then i get No mixer elems found12:28
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nico|mmdz: 2.6.10-25 at least recognized my ide drives. don't know about that worse bug you were talking about (read corruption) as i did not read a cd-rom then.12:29
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Smiler_I have a little problem with evolution (2.2) and exchange on hoary12:31
Smiler_I've read that's there's a few problems with the exchange conenctor but this one's a bit weird12:31
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Smiler_when adding a new exchange account, i put in the owa url and username and hit authenticate12:31
Smiler_everything is fine but the 'forward' button never enables12:32
djpInitMass: sorry, working here, so only ckecking in on the chat room when i can... does alsamixer open from the command line?12:32
mdznico|m: can you try this module?  http://zulinux.homelinux.net/ubuntu/kernel/ata_piix.ko12:32
InitMassdjp, yes. i choosed to do so12:32
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djpInitMass: this is now tricky due to the difference between soundcards. i have an sb live! so thing will be slightly different to you. try looking for wave, surround and pcm options and increase any volume levels that are not increased.12:35
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nico|mmdz:  "unknown module format". "modprobe -f" makes it segfault12:36
mdznico|m: which kernel are you currently running (uname -r)?12:38
InitMassdjp, but first off i have to make alsamixer use the external card and not the internal. when i start alsamixer it uses the internal and if i use alsamixer -c 1 which i think should be the external card i get the message No mixer elems found12:38
nico|mmdz: 2.6.10-4-686-smp12:38
mdznico|m: that module is for -38612:38
nico|mmdz: should i try -386 (non-smp)?12:39
mdznico|m: that's the only way you'll be able to test that module, so yes, please12:39
djpInitMass: ahh, sorry. missed your earlier post. hmm... this is something i have not come across as i only use the one sound card.12:39
GNAMyesterday I made an apt-get update with hoary 6, apt-get stopped with an error installing update of gnome-language, and this broke my gnome: when I log, no gnome bars but blanck screen. I've reinstalled ubuntu. This with Hoary array 612:39
mdzback in >10 minutes12:39
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Nermalany idea when PHP5 will be in hoary ?12:40
InitMassdjp, that step is very important. but hopefully i can take that step soon. unfortunately the people at #alsa are a sleep12:40
djpInitMass: wake 'em up! best of luck. if i get come across an answer or somebody in a similar situation then i will try and help. good luck.12:42
InitMassdjp, thank you12:43
InitMassdjp, have a nice day12:43
nico|mmdz:  brb12:43
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Smiler_anyone got any ideas why i can't add an exchange account in evolution2.2 on hoary?12:44
bur[n] ernope, works for me12:44
Smiler_when i authenticate with OWA the 'forward' button doesn't enable12:45
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bur[n] erSmiler_: don't save your exchange password12:49
bur[n] ertype it manually everytime and it should work12:49
bur[n] erworks for me on 2.2 and 2.0412:50
Smiler_bur[n] er: I'm not currently saving the password12:50
bur[n] erwell crap ;)12:50
bur[n] erthen i dunno12:50
Smiler_np thanx12:50
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deFryskwhen I put path for java in .bash_profile it does not work suggestions anyone?12:55
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bur[n] erdeFrysk: use ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile12:56
Can0BeansIs the preview going to be released today?12:56
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deFryskbur[n] er, k12:57
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InitMassis Ubuntu using ALSA by default?12:59
nico|mmdz: just tried -386. also "unknown module format", but "modprobe -f" makes it recognize my ide harddisk (i also have two cdroms that stay invisible).12:59
GNAMwhat's alsa? :P01:00
jdubInitMass: at the driver level, yes01:00
BiteMeBillAnyone familiar with the security notice that was issued about Ubuntu?01:00
InitMassjdub, so i can be sure that my soundcard use alsa and not oss when i'm using warty?01:01
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Alex1someone can help me with charset's settings?01:01
deFrysk.bashrc did the trick, thanks !01:01
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SeveasBiteMeBill, which notice?01:02
Seveasthere are serveral USN (Ubuntu Security Notices)...01:02
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jdubInitMass: pretty much, yeah01:02
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mdznico|m: ok, in that case, it should be fixed soon after the preview release; we have a fix pending01:02
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BiteMeBillSeveas: about the perl-modules01:03
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Seveasyes I have read that one01:03
Seveasand upgraded my system :)01:03
nico|mmdz: that's nice to hear. about when will that be? and what about the ide cdroms?01:03
BiteMeBillYea I just seen that it was already up and ready to be installed.01:04
InitMassjdub, ok good. but if i get this message No mixer elems found when i type alsamixer -c 1. what should i do about that?01:04
mdznico|m: in the next few days, probably, but it isn't scheduled01:04
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BiteMeBillSeveas: Are you familiar with what they are saying can happen cause of it?01:05
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SeveasI have never experienced the problem if that is what you mean...01:07
nico|mmdz:  ok, thanks again!01:07
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BiteMeBillSeveas: doh!  Never mind I was miss reading one word..  LOL  miss read setuid  Guess what that is what I get for trying to think and read when I first get up.  LOL01:08
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httpdssis there a way to know, a part from trying, to know if an ISP supports eql ??01:10
Seveasand what do you mean by 'support'?01:10
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httpdssload balancing module ..01:11
BiteMeBillhttpdss: just contact them and ask.01:11
Seveasyeah, just ask..01:11
httpdssok .. thx01:11
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hyphenoidhowdy howdy01:22
hyphenoidhey i got a question, pretty simple one01:23
httpdssrhythmbox isnt playing with EsounD, any idea ??01:24
hyphenoideverytime i reboot my comp i have to re-edit my resolv.conf because it doesn't store my nameservers01:24
hyphenoidany reason why?01:24
httpdssconfigure the interfaces01:24
e-spybecouse of resolvd deamon01:25
hyphenoidah, how can i fix it?01:25
hyphenoidsorry, im new to linux01:25
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BeTaI have a i386 desktop on which I can't burn anything (mainly using k3b)...01:28
e-spyResolvconf is a framework for keeping track of the system's information about currently available nameservers. It sets itself up as the intermediary between programs   ?01:28
e-spythat supply nameserver information and programs that use nameserver information. Examples of programs that supply nameserver information are: ifupdown, DHCP clients,   ?01:29
e-spythe PPP daemon and local nameservers. Examples of programs that use this information are: DNS caches, resolver libraries and the programs that use them.                ?01:29
e-spy                                                                                                                                                                        ?01:29
e-spyThis package may require some manual configuration.  Please read the README file for detailed instructions01:29
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BeTathat's strange because on my ppc laptop (ubuntu too) it's running very well, is there any thing to check to be able to burn something as a normal user (root account can burn)01:29
Haasmai have a problem01:29
hyphenoider, i know what resolv.conf is and what nameservers are.  just don't know how to keep it from resetting everytime i reboot01:30
RibsBeTa: permissions. Check /etc/group for a list of them, you may need to add your user to a group for burning to work01:30
e-spyBeTa, check if you are in cdrom group01:30
BeTaI am01:30
Ribsyou'll need to log back in again for them to take affect tho (right out of gdm and in again)01:30
Haasmai want to istall  ubuntu but my computer does not boot from the install cd01:30
BeTaubuntu adm dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner01:30
BeTaI ahave the same things on my laptop than on my desktop01:31
BeTacdrom is writtable for cdrom group01:31
BeTathat's strange01:31
Haasmai have win xp maybe thats the problem01:32
goldfishmaybe its the bios settings01:32
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BeTacheck your bios settings... yep01:32
Haasmano i but it to boot from the cd first then floppy and last hdd01:32
BeTasomeone has an idea about my burning problem ?01:32
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BeTaHaasma: are you sure you've get a good ISO and you've burnt it well ?01:33
Haasmayes i installed ubuntu from it to three other computers01:34
Haasmaand all of them work01:34
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essoxdoes the giftd package have some weird dependencies? i can't get it to install..01:34
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Haasmacould xp be doing something01:34
e-spydoes ubuntu support instal on windows disk and ntfs resize01:35
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Haasmayes it does01:36
Haasmajust creat a partition and format it  with ubuntu01:37
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essoxsomeone managed to install giftd?01:41
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deFryskdoes anyone know how to get mplayer working thru mplayer-plugin ?01:42
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essoxin firefox?01:42
deFryskessox, yes01:42
essoxinstalling the plugin should do it..01:43
essoxtried it already?01:43
Fator_Deehttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18443 this worked for me01:43
deFryskessox I tried mozplugger01:43
deFryskdoes not take01:43
scizzodeFrysk: mplayer-mozilla is working fine for me01:44
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scizzoI think the one provided by mozilla is a big test thingy01:44
deFryskscizzo, is that the plugin ?01:44
scizzodeFrysk: did you follow the instructions to install it?01:44
scizzodeFrysk: there are howtos and they are available in the wiki I think01:45
rweaitI have a basic Gnome configuration question.  Which file do I edit to change the Gnome "Menu Bar" so that "Applications" and "Computer" consume less space on my panel?01:45
deFryskscizzo, I will have a look than befor asking further01:45
djpdoes anybody know if azureus will run if jython is used instead of sun java?01:45
scizzodeFrysk: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:45
scizzodeFrysk: all you need to know is there01:45
deFryskscizzo, thanks01:45
scizzodeFrysk: that works on my laptop and workstation at least01:46
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haydenhi ppls01:47
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haydenwhats the topic tonight?01:47
scizzohayden: ?01:47
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haydenscizzo, ?01:48
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djpdoes anyone here have jython installed?01:48
error_29I second rweait's question-- that menu is called a "custom menu" -- but there seems to be no way to customize it!01:49
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cg__problem here with "ADD TO PANEL" icons that have desapeared01:49
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szazHi, anyone in?01:49
essoxgiftd says it depends on libltdl3 (>= 1.5.2-2), but "dpkg -l | grep libltdl" gives me this here: ii  libguile-ltdl- 1.6.4-4ubuntu1 Guile's patched version of libtool's libltdl01:49
shockim out!01:49
haydeni just upgraded to hoary, and the screen res changed to 1024x768 from 1280x800->but in the screen res menu there is no 1280x800 anyone know how to fix that?01:50
shockim soooon out01:50
essoxso what's the problem? does anyone know?01:50
szaza quick question, is there a way to get an 'Allied Telesyn AT-2000U' network card working in Ubunty?01:50
szazubuntu I meant01:50
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szazdon't appear to be any linux drives for it - wondered if any other drivers might work?01:51
scizzohayden: that sounds like a weird resolution01:51
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scizzoszaz: sounds like a unsupported card in linux in that case01:52
ermoscizzo, widescreen wise it is fine01:52
szazI suspected as much01:52
haydenscizzo, not if it is a widescreen notebook as ermo suggested01:52
scizzoszaz: you need to look at google I guess....if the module is not in the kernel it is hard to know what to do... :(01:52
SiRrUsessox try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:53
scizzohayden: never used widescreen that much01:53
ermoszaz, do you have access to the writing on the largest ICs on your NIC?01:53
szazspent all morning searching - no joy01:53
rweaitermo: what is listed in /etc/X11/XF86Config.conf (or /etc/X11/xorg.conf)?01:53
szazmight have......01:53
szaz no realtec, but RTL8019AS01:54
ermorweait, hayden is the on askin01:54
szazor YCL01:54
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ermoszaz, it's ne2000pci compatible then01:54
Sion_Barzhadhow do you change the gnome foot logo on the applications menu bar01:55
Lemonzestwhats a good gift client for bunty01:55
Lemonzestor p2p?01:55
ermoszaz, so, try ne2000pci and ne200001:55
xamdmszaz: rtl8019as is realtec01:55
scizzoLemonzest: bunty?01:55
scizzoLemonzest: hehe01:55
Sion_BarzhadLemonzest: for ubuntu, its gtk-gnutell01:56
ermorweait, hayden is asking - not me  :)01:56
haydenwhats up rweait ?01:56
szazcheers - I'll give it a go01:56
Sion_BarzhadLemonzest: its not gfx tho01:56
szazwhen I get the damn lid back on this heap of junk......01:56
ermohayden, what does you /etc/X11/ X configuration file say?01:56
essoxSiRrUs: what does xserver-xorg have to do with giftd/libltdl3?01:56
Sion_Barzhadhow do you change the gnome foot logo on the applications menu bar01:56
rweaithayden:  What resolution setting s do you have in /etc/X11/XF86Config.conf (or /etc/X11/xorg.conf)?01:57
jdub__Sion_Barzhad: you have to replace the image on disk; it's in /usr/share/pixmaps01:57
essoxSiRrUs: oh, you meant the other guy :)01:57
SiRrUsessox  oops sorry that was for hayden01:57
xamdmanyone herer testet openoffice.oeg2 ??01:57
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haydenrweait,  Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:58
ermohayden, try adding you widescreen resolution01:58
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rweaithayden: try google-ing your laptop model# with "xf86config.conf" as well.  See if there are any refresh-rate gotchas.01:59
haydenit also says depths 1,8,15,16,2402:00
ermohayden, if it's fairly standard (it sounds like it) the X server should be able to calculate proper timings for your display. If not, try searching for 'modeline' and  '<yourmakeoflaptop>'02:00
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ermorweait, we're echoing here :D02:00
rweaitErmo and rweait have walked in the same shoes. :-)02:00
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ermomost likely, yes02:01
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ermoanyone here use xchat?02:04
thoreauputicermo: lots of people I would imagine :)02:05
ermothoreauputic, well, I'm experiencing something quite odd.02:05
Lemonzestis there a native giFT client, been using KCeasy on win32 so want something like it02:05
Fator_Deehow can I get my irssi to autoload a script?02:06
ermothoreauputic, the main window displays text as white on black. But my topic and my <writehere> fields are grey on white02:06
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Ryannhey google www.otomotivshow.com  :)02:06
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ermothoreauputic, how to fix? (tried in the settings aready)02:06
SiRrUsermo have you changed your color settings?02:07
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thoreauputicermo: you can configure that in settings :)02:07
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BiteMeBillermo: that is all set in Settings -> preferences02:07
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:mdz] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Hoary preview is released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/
andreasDoes anyone know it GNOME 2.10 has hit Ubuntu apt-gets yet?02:07
thoreauputicinput box >> use text box font and colours02:08
ermoBiteMeBill, SiRrUs, thoreauputic: trouble is that foreground is grey and background is black. (and the main window looks fine)02:08
ermoin the settings02:08
Nermalandreas, in hoary it has02:08
thoreauputicermo: play with the colour settings02:08
thoreauputicforeground, background and so on02:09
ermothoreauputic, I am and I have. Nothing is working :( (I'm getting the feeling that my GMilk theme is to blame)02:09
andreasnermal: Please tell me how to update. I am using Hoary but with 2.8 and cannot see in the apt-cache show gnome what version it is02:09
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thoreauputicermo: well, change the theme temporarily and see if that changes things02:10
SiRrUsandreas it should be also part of the preview release02:10
scizzoandreas: apt-cache show gnome-session02:10
thoreauputicandreas: try apt-cache policy gnome02:11
andreassirrus: It didn`t  come with mt smart-update02:11
hyphenoidmaybe someone can answer my question :P  i asked earlier but no one gave me an answer02:11
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hyphenoideverytime i reboot my resolv.conf sets back to default and deletes all the nameservers i added02:11
hyphenoidhow do i get it to stop doing that?02:11
Seveashyphenoid, that is normal :)02:11
ermothoreauputic, It changes. But it shouldn't should it? In all the other themes everything shows up fine. But where lies the bug?02:11
Seveasread the manpage for resolvconf and dhclient302:12
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SiRrUsandreas 2.10 build date march 7th   came with mine02:12
mdzandreas: GNOME 2.10 has been in hoary for a few days now02:12
Fator_Deecould someone help me in an easy task? how do I make a link to a file?02:12
thoreauputicermo: something to work out on a rainy afternoon... *g*02:12
scizzomdz: 2 days if I am not wrong02:12
thoreauputicFator_Dee: a soft link?  ln -s target/file  link/file02:13
SiRrUsscizzo like i said March 7th ;)02:13
Fator_Deethoreauputic: yes, and thank you02:13
scizzoSiRrUs: jupp02:13
mdzscizzo: since Monday, with maybe a couple of packages on Tuesday02:13
andreasHmm.... I wasn`t aware that mine had changed but that could explain my recent problems with nautilus02:13
ermothoreauputic, *grr* how infuriating ;)02:13
andreasHow do i see what version i have?02:13
mdzandreas: System->About GNOME02:13
thoreauputicFator_Dee: the thing to remember is the target comes first (not so intuitive)02:13
SiRrUsandreas   sysytem  about gnome02:13
andreasHaven`t got that.... Could it be About Ubuntu?02:14
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SiRrUsandreas are you using hoary?02:14
Fator_Deethoreauputic: like this : ln -s /usr/share/irssi/scripts/dns.pl dns.pl ?02:14
airoxCan I install OpenGL if my video driver doesn't include it ?02:15
ermoFator_Dee, actually you can use just ln -s /usr/share/irssi/scripts/dns.pl .02:15
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thoreauputicFator_Dee: if you want dns.pl as the link, yes02:15
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Fator_Deeoukeydoukey, tnahks02:15
Burgundaviaandreas: then you have 1. Warty 2. An unupdated Hoary02:16
andreasburg: Fully updated hoary02:17
ermoandreas, from a not-fully-updated mirror, perhaps?02:17
blackfee1every boot i get the error about inserting the floppy module, i can understand cause i dont have a floppy, does anybody know how to correct that?02:17
Burgundaviathen you should have a about gnome02:17
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andreashmm... Please give link to a sources.list that is fully up to date02:18
ermoandreas, pm02:18
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andreasermo: ??02:18
thoreauputicblackfee1: put the floppy module in /etc/hotplug/blacklist02:19
ermoandreas, you are a danish speaker, right?02:20
andreasermo: yes02:20
blackfee1thoreauputic: thanks a lot, but why he wants to load the module?02:20
thoreauputicblackfee1: I don't know, I'm not an operating system ;-)02:20
ermoandreas, I've sent you a personal message - do you see it? (in xchat it should open a02:20
ermoandreas, new tab02:20
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blackfee1thoreauputic: do you know what hw_random is?02:21
andreasOhhh... I`m using irssi02:21
thoreauputicblackfee1: no02:21
goldfishnew window02:21
goldfishu shud see a pink number02:21
goldfishon the bar at the bottom02:21
thoreauputicblackfee1: something to do with /dev/random ? I'm guessing02:21
ermoandreas, I don't remember exactly how, but you can call up a list of windows in irrsii too and switch to the appropriate one02:21
blackfee1thoreauputic: maybe, i'll also put it on the blacklist ;)02:22
andreasermo: Found it02:22
thoreauputicblackfee1: don't get carried away - it might do something useful!02:22
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blackfee1thoreauputic: no, because it could not be loadet02:23
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thoreauputicin that case, why blacklist it?02:23
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eruinlanguage-support-nb: Depends: openoffice.org-l10n-nb but it is not going to be installed Depends: mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nb but it is not going to be installed <--- mozilla-thunderbird-locale depends on thunderbird 0.8 ... I'm guessing this is why I don't have native language support in gnome?02:23
blackfee1thoreauputic: simular error like the floppy on boot02:23
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thoreauputicblackfee1: these errors might just mean the system tries to load them, sees you have no floppy, and therefore doesn't load the module02:25
thoreauputicharmless, in other words02:25
blackfee1thoreauputic: i think so, and so i see no problem when i blacklist it02:26
thoreauputicblackfee1: does "floppy" show in lsmod?02:26
blackfee1thoreauputic: no, hw_random also02:26
thoreauputictrue, should be no problem, in theory...02:27
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blackfee1thoreauputic: so, i found out, hw_random is for hardware random feature of the processor and mine dont has this feature02:28
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ermoblackfee1, actually, I believe the chipset can also be responsible for collecting 'true' random data and make it available via the hw_random module and the corresponding /dev/ entry02:37
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haydenhow do i mount a smb share as to make an icon of the share appear on the desktop?02:40
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scizzohayden: try02:42
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scizzoPlaces -> Connect to Server02:43
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scizzoor do you mean in win_02:43
CspnicocoXauth: error in locking file /home/cspnico/.Xauthority02:43
haydenin hoary02:43
scizzohayden: then try what I said02:43
scizzoCspnico: trying to login with another user?02:43
scizzoCspnico: like root?02:43
scizzodon't do that02:44
scizzoCspnico: use the normal user02:44
Cspnicoand it s when i do startx02:44
haydenthanks for that scizzo worked02:44
scizzoroot is not going to use X02:44
Cspnicowhen i suse normal user too02:44
Cspnicowhen i use normal user too02:44
scizzoexit the root user and try to login again with the normal user02:45
Xappeis it possible to copy whole folder trees with sftp?02:45
scizzoor...look if there is something using X already..like GDM02:45
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scizzoCtrl+Alt+F7 might have a login screen02:45
Cspnicobut X doses'nt work in boot02:45
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jariargh, hoary preview hangs here ...02:45
scizzoXappe: use lftp for that02:46
Banditjari at what point02:46
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scizzoXappe: lftp -u user sftp://host02:46
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nikls /join #ubuntu-fr02:46
scizzoXappe: lftp can handle more connection02:46
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scizzoCspnico: ummm...what is the error during boot then?02:46
BanditYo   jari02:46
jariBandit, boots ok until it starts X/gdm02:46
scizzoCspnico: might be that you have done something weird in xorg.conf or XF86Config-4?02:47
jariBandit, mouse works, but keyboard doesn't answer.02:47
Banditjari i am installing it now02:47
jariBandit, not even Caps Lock02:47
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Banditjari hope I have better luck02:47
scizzoCspnico: what did you change?02:47
Cspnicobut how i can do for that he back to the default config?02:47
haydenhow can i get support for divx/xvid/dvd/real media in xine (hoary)?02:48
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scizzoCspnico: you should go in and change things back or configure it from the beginning...02:48
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scizzoCspnico: look if there is more XF86Config-4 in /etc/X11&02:49
scizzo /etc/X11/02:49
scizzohayden: looked at the restrictedformats in the wiki?02:49
Cspnicoscizzo>i do dpkg reconfigure xserver-xfree86 and i do change but they does nt work02:49
Cspnicoscizzo>how i can remove config?02:49
scizzoCspnico: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8602:50
haydenok thanks02:50
CspnicoCspnico>>it s done02:50
Cspnicoscizzo>it s done02:50
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scizzoumm...you should get options to go through02:50
djphi all02:51
thoreauputicCspnico: if you hand-edited it, it won't change when you dpkg-reconfigure (it respects the changes)02:51
djpis there anybody here who creates their own vcd/svcd's under ubuntu and if so how?02:51
scizzothoreauputic: it does?02:52
scizzothoreauputic: cool02:52
scizzothoreauputic: didn't know that02:52
thoreauputicCspnico: read the message at the top of the file02:52
Cspnicothoreauputic >i konow and i have replace the file by another02:52
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Xappescizzo, ok i'll try that02:53
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thoreauputicCspnico: it *tells* you in the file how to do it, what commands to run - read it carefully02:53
Banditjari ok i am in the second stage collecting files and installing02:53
thoreauputicCspnico: else no amount of substituting will work02:53
djpubuntu and (s)vcd creation?02:54
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thoreauputicquote:  If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated02:54
thoreauputic# again, run the following commands as root:02:54
jariBandit, great. It worked on my other computer just fine. But on AMD64 it hangs :-|02:54
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scizzoXappe: lftp is lovely... :)02:56
Banditwill let you know if the install is done before i need to go to work02:56
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Xappescizzo, just have to learn how to download folders02:58
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danny__Hello everyone03:00
danny__Linux Newbie here03:00
thoreauputicwelcome to linux then :)03:01
scizzoXappe: mirror <foldername>03:01
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danny__Is is very difficult with ubuntu to make some shares?03:02
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danny__I got some help yesterday but am still confused03:03
Xappescizzo ah, so it's that easy :)03:03
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kentIs there some free x86 emulator for linux that I can use to try a new install of Hoary? (I just want to see how it looks..)03:03
joaquinzkent : qemu is fine03:04
djpdoes anybody know if mjpegtools is working under warty?03:04
scizzoXappe: ;)03:04
scizzoXappe: queue mirror <foldername1>03:04
scizzoXappe: that will put it in a queue03:04
scizzoXappe: then use fg to tell things to move to the foreground.. :)03:04
rweaitdanny__: what do you want to share, and to whom (other Linux boxes?)03:04
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kentjoaquinz, thanks. I will try it. :)03:05
joaquinzkent : ok :P03:05
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danny__rweait : I would like to make 15 individual folders with an access .mdb file  it will be no bigger than 500 megs  I will be sharing to win 2k boxes03:06
danny__eweait: 500 megs each03:07
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thoreauputicdanny__: you realise .mdb is not supported by linux apps? (at least, none I know of)03:07
rweaitdanny__: you want to put access files in these fifteen folders?03:07
rweaitThen share them to win2k boxes.03:08
danny__well they will just host it not use it03:08
thoreauputicah, OK03:08
danny__the .mdb file will be used by windows 2000 machines03:08
rweaitdanny__: looks like a job for SAMBA.03:08
thoreauputicdanny__: yup, gotcha03:08
danny__rweait:Yes that is what I was told yesterday03:09
rweaitdanny__: you asked, "Is it hard?"  I wouldn't say "Hard," but probably not a good first project.  There are some tricky spots.03:09
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Lemonzestare there any amd64 guides for bunty? i want to know about all this chroot32 business and running 32bit programs on an amd 6403:10
rweaitDanny__: start by building the directories that you want to share, perhaps as /var/pub/share1, /var/pub/share2 ...03:11
danny__rweait: well I have been told this (linux) is the way to go and I need to get "weaned" off of windows I think I am up to this03:11
rweaitdanny__: once you have the directories built, set the UNIX permissions the way you need them.03:11
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danny__rweait: I have to read on UNIX permissions I do not know what that is03:12
rweaitdanny__: you'll need to get the UNIX sers and the SAMBA users set correctly (they are maintained separately.03:12
danny__rweait: sorry I am brand new to all this second day yesterday I installed the os03:12
rweaitdanny__: You have an exciting and fun learning process in front of you.03:13
danny__rweait:  Well I am stubborn and willing to invest late nights and weekends to get this going03:13
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rweaitdanny__: Mostly, be assured that it _can_ be done.03:14
danny__rweait:  You know I work for a school district and our tech support made some shares for me but they have not worked for a week I follow the procedures to get them fixd but they work for a day03:14
maswanout of curiousity, would you like to start getting warty-hoary upgrade reports soon?03:14
thoreauputicdanny__: on the most basic simple level, permissions are 4=readable 2=writable 1=accessible(folders)/or executable. then the three elements, owner, group, others03:15
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rweaitdanny__: when it breaks, can you still see the shares from the samba server?  "smbclient -L localhost" IIRC?03:16
malte`WOW kickstart compatibility!!!03:16
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danny__rweait: the shares they made me are on windows machines03:16
Lemonzestare there any amd64 guides for bunty? i want to know about all this chroot32 business and running 32bit programs on an amd 6403:17
danny__rweait: they do not believe in Linux here becasue it does not suit their infrasstructure i was told03:17
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rweaitdanny__: how are they breaking?  other win boxes can't see them?03:17
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danny__rweait:  well sometimes I can see them and ty to use them anf get errors such as "path to deep" or "connection has been lost"  but I can see it fine.03:18
ermo^brokdanny__, you could be experiencing a 'master browser' issue03:19
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shad0w1ewhat is the command to install ubuntu kernel header files???03:22
eruinanyone know why I can't turn dma on in ubuntu hoary while I can in gentoo?03:22
danny__ermo^brok, What is that?03:22
eruinie what's needed to do such a thing really?03:22
ermo^brokeruin, apart from 'hdparm'?03:22
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shad0w1eanyone know how to install kernel headers?03:22
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shad0w1eits something to do with dpkg-install build-essential03:23
shad0w1ebut I'm not exactly sure..03:23
djpok, can someone tell me if this is a good idea... apt-get -b source mjpegtools03:23
thoreauputicshad0w1e: look for "linux-headers'  (debian calls them kernel-headers)03:23
eruinermo^brok: that's the only way to _do_ it afaik - but in hoary I get HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device03:23
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thoreauputicshad0w1e: you can simply apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:25
thoreauputicor do apt-cache search linux-headers and find the perfect match for your kernel03:26
joaquinzhave anybody ever got to get work ivman in ubuntu?03:26
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ermo^brokdanny__, on a SMB/CIFS network, the 'master browser' keeps a list of all available shares. Clients query  the master browser for said list of shares. For more in depth coverage, take a look at the samba documentation (http://us4.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/NetworkBrowsing.html#id2549105)03:26
aracatacahi everyone,03:26
benjanetis firefox hanging randomly in hoary ?03:26
joaquinzhave anybody ever got to get work ivman in ubuntu?03:26
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ermo^brokbenjanet, well, I have issues with resolving names03:26
aracatacashort question of a simple mind: how to look for available wlan-networks with the standard ubuntu - installation?03:27
da_bon_bonhi all03:27
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da_bon_bonxcompmgr rocks, clearlooks rocks, and so does the new ubuntu wallaper! :)03:27
benjanetermo^brok, mine hangs after a while :(03:27
shad0w1ethoreauputic: thanks03:27
SiRrUsWell the prerelease installed, looks, and runs great Great work to all the developers  :)03:28
djpcan somebody help me with apt-get commands?03:28
da_bon_bondjp: whats the problem ?03:30
NetwrkMonkeyis it possible to set up an AP in shared mode and use it in ubuntu?03:30
danny__ermo^brok:  But the shares are on a windows share not Samba they have a win2k sevrer and shared some folders the other windows boxes just map a drive to their particualr folder03:31
benjanetda_bon_bon, where can i get that wallpaper ?03:31
djpda_bon_bon: trying to install mjpegtools but keep getting dependency problems. would the command apt-get -b source mjpegtools solve this?03:31
scizzodjp: what dependencies problem and how are you trying to install it?03:32
da_bon_bonbenjanet: apt-get install ubuntu-artwork ubuntu-desktop03:32
da_bon_bonbenjanet: if u r on hoary that is03:32
da_bon_bondjp: wait a sex03:32
aracatacaso again, how to make ubuntu look for wlan-networks?03:32
djpscizzo: using the command apt-get install mjpegtools03:33
da_bon_bondjp: apt-get --build-dep source XXX03:33
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djpscizzo: being told that the package is broken03:33
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da_bon_bonaracataca: asking a question again and again doesnt mean that you will get an instant answer03:33
eruinanyone managed getting dma set on sata drives on abit kv7 boards?03:33
yachey all :)03:33
djpda_bon_bon: will that get mjpegtools working?03:34
danny__well thanks for all you help I do have an exciting task ahead of me03:34
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_aledjp, tias03:34
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da_bon_bondjp: apt-get install mpegtools -- if u dont want to build from source but want binary03:35
aracatacayeah, sorry for that, didnt mean to be rude, i just wonder how to get the answer, maybe you could help me out?  ;)03:35
da_bon_bondjp: apt-get install mpegtools , unless u wanna compile from source03:35
djpda_bon_bon: using the apt-get install mjpegtools just tells me the package is broken03:36
yacis blender somewhere in a repository ? :) <testing UnBuNtU>03:37
ermo^brokeruin, maybe SATA is seen as SCSI devices by the kernel. And you are not allowed to set DMA and such on SCSI devices?03:37
scizzoyac: in universe03:37
ermo^brokeruin, that would also explain the "Inappropriate ioctl for device" message03:38
da_bon_bonaracataca: sorry, i have no idea about wireless networks :( google or search on ubuntuforums.org03:38
aracatacayeah i will, thanks anyway!03:38
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eruinermo^brok: thanks for the hint ;)03:39
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avallarkhi all03:39
ermo^brokeruin, I mean I'm not sure or anything. But it would explain it, wouldn't it?03:40
avallarki get the CD not mounted error when i try installing from the cdrom03:40
thoreauputicdjp: if you want to use apt's build tools the best source of info is probably the Debian apt-howto (which is apt-gettable by the way)03:40
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eruinermo^brok: dmesg: "SCSI device sda" :P03:40
da_bon_bonhey, all, plz check whether www.mapmyindia.com is working in ur guys' firefox03:40
avallarkplz help!03:40
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ermo^brokeruin, *g* ok. That _did_ explain it.03:40
eruinermo^brok: now to prevent that from happening since I really need dma on both that and my cdrw :P03:40
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djpthoreauputic: thanks for the advice03:41
thoreauputicdjp: apt-cache show apt-howto03:41
thoreauputicdjp: mine of information - and yes, building with apt-get build-dep etc is one way to get around dependency issues, as long as the source packages are in the repos03:42
djpthoreauputic: would some of my problems be that i am using warty? the reason i don't like to upgrade to hoary at present is because i find wart a lot more stable apart from the avi to vcd issues that i have.03:42
avallarki get the CD not mounted error when i try installing from the cdrom03:43
avallarkwhat do i do?03:43
ermo^brokeruin, sounds like gentoo uses a kernel patch that allows you to tune SATA drives03:43
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thoreauputicdjp: I don't know - but sometimes a bit of leg work using the source packages can skirt problem issues03:43
Albackerguys, I'm doing apt-get install k3b, because of the slow internet connection I cant get everything today. can I resume the download later ?03:44
djpthoreauputic: thank you03:44
thoreauputicdjp: I don't know about your particular area of interest though03:44
avallarkwhat do i do abt this : i get the CD not mounted error when i try installing from the cdrom03:44
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Albackercan anyone help me ?03:47
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avallarkwhat do i do abt this : i get the CD not mounted error when i try installing from the cdrom03:47
thoreauputicAlbacker: yes, apt will pick up where it left off03:47
haydeni set open with of a video file to gxine, then i try and run the video but it opens up Totem instead any1 know why03:48
thoreauputicAlbacker: you won't have to re-download everything03:48
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da_bon_bonAlbacker: when u wanna pause, just press CTRL-C03:48
avallarki am stuck here :-D03:49
Albackerok thanks03:49
Albackerso I do.03:49
Albackerapt-get install k3b again.03:49
Albackerright ?03:49
da_bon_bonAlbacker: right03:49
Albackerwhat if I type it in another directory ?03:50
Albackerlike wget for ex03:50
thoreauputicAlbacker: yes, whatever is in the cache will not be downloaded again03:50
zeedoAlbacker: dosnt matter where you type it03:50
avallarkAlbacker: silly idiot! apt-get -f install&&apt-get install k3b03:50
avallarknow somebody help me out!03:51
Albackerok thanks03:51
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thoreauputicavallark: now that you've insulted someone?03:51
Albackeravallark, silly idiot, help yourself :P03:51
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avallarkHEY! that was a joke!03:51
Albackermine too :D03:52
da_bon_bonavallark: what u said is wrong03:52
thoreauputicavallark: if you mean to joke, mark your text so there's no misunderstanding: IRC is a bad medium for this03:53
thoreauputicavallark: too easily misinterpreted03:53
invictusjust tried the preview release...god that is nice!03:53
SiRrUsWe  have a winner !!!!03:53
KkoiraOlentocan somebody kindly help me?!!! i've installed ubuntu and everything went well untill the system asked me for login + psswrd... the screen flashes twice and after that the system complaints something about xfree86 versions...03:54
da_bon_boninvictus: whats different ? can u send me a screenshot ?03:54
da_bon_bonKkoiraOlento: warty or hoary ?03:54
haydeni set open with of a video file to gxine, then i try and run the video but it opens up Totem instead any1 know why03:54
KkoiraOlentod_b_b: i think it's warty03:55
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invictusda_bon_bon: its the overall feeling. for me its much more stable than the array 4, and I get not boot errors on default install anymore :)03:55
thoreauputicKkoiraOlento:  cat /etc/issue03:55
da_bon_bonKkoiraOlento: type 3-4 letters of a nick and press TAB for nick auto-completion03:55
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da_bon_bonhey, how do i do a text only (no X, gnome) install of ubuntu using the warty cd-roms ?03:57
haydenhow do i exit from a man (manual) and get back to the console?03:58
da_bon_bonhayden: press "q"03:58
da_bon_bonwithout quotes03:58
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KkoiraOlentod_b_b: it complaints me about the xfree84... that there has occured an error and i should update it somehow... i'm new with linux so it's not clear as water to me.03:59
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da_bon_bonKkoiraOlento: is updating to hoary an option ?03:59
=== avallark is scared
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KkoiraOlentod_b_b: no... i don't have a connection to the internet on my computer04:00
thoreauputicavallark: are you using the warty install CD?04:01
da_bon_bonKkoiraOlento: then try re installing04:01
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SiRrUsinvictus your right its very nice04:01
KkoiraOlentod_b_b: done that for several times04:01
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avallarkthoreauputic: i tried searching at the forums..there is a query ergarding this, but no solutions to it..04:03
thoreauputicavallark: and the installer doesn't recognise your cd-rom ? Or doesn't boot?04:03
thoreauputicavallark: do you have a fast internet connection?04:04
KkoiraOlentod_b_b: thanks for help.... found the problem04:04
da_bon_bonKkoiraOlento: where ? can u gimme d link ?04:05
gilles_Is it possible to have the grub menu, with the OS selection, in 1280x800 ?04:06
da_bon_bongilles_: no it is tect mode04:06
da_bon_bongilles_: actually yes. google for vga in grub04:07
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Myrttiahhh... KDE04:08
KkoiraOlentomyrtti ootko suomesta??04:08
MyrttiKkoiraOlento: yes, I am from Finland. Why are you asking?04:09
KkoiraOlentoihan vaan supportin kannalta04:09
Myrttiand have you realized yet that this is supposed to be general support channel, so preferred language is English? Chat in Finnish at #ubuntu-fi04:10
MyrttiI can't really remember if I'm there anymore, seemed like a dead channel ;-)04:10
KkoiraOlentomyrtti: in case that my english is not good enough... got it04:10
da_bon_bonKkoiraOlento: type 3-4 letters of a nick and press TAB for nick auto-completion04:10
gilles_da_bon_bon: I mean when the os selection menu appear, not once the system runs (for that, it works with vga=791 video=1280x800 add in menu.list)04:11
da_bon_bonhow do i add space to my ubuntu install ? resize partition or somethin else?04:11
da_bon_bongilles_: ok, so for about 3-4 second u want 1280x800 beauty in grub! :P04:12
Fator_Deeda_bon_bon: "\ " I think04:12
invictusI just tried to share something from nautilus, and it seem to work (using samba), but when I try to connect to it I need to insert user/pass, but I dont know what the user/pass is. any ideas?04:12
da_bon_bonFator_Dee: what ?04:12
Fator_Deeif I understood you correctly04:12
Fator_Deeand I think I did not :-p04:12
gilles_da_bon_bon: right. I'm perfectionist.04:12
da_bon_bonFator_Dee: what are u replying to ?04:12
da_bon_bongilles_: :) well, grub developers are not.04:13
gilles_da_bon_bon: ;)04:13
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Fator_Deeumm... not sure anymore myself :-p04:13
Fator_Deeyou asked how to add a space?04:13
Fator_Deeor do you mean as megs :-)04:13
haydenwhen i right click->properties on a file in nautilus the window closes and opens my home directory, anyone know why04:13
Fator_Deeok, forget it04:13
da_bon_bonFator_Dee: megs...04:14
Fator_Deesilly me04:14
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QuazionHi people, i was wondering if there is a way so i can open files from smb shares. Now i keep errors unless i copy the file localy04:17
haydenQuazion, r u using hoary?04:18
Quazionno warty04:18
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haydenhmm ok04:18
Quazionis it fixxed in hoary ?04:18
haydenthere is an easier way to do it04:18
Quazionthen i will wait a month :)04:18
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haydenwhen i right click->properties on a file in nautilus the window closes and opens my home directory, anyone know why04:24
Echylomy ubuntu : http://www.tweaking-gamers.com/forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=41404:24
Echyloisn't he beautiful04:24
haydenwhats under the debian menu>04:24
apokryphoshe? The distro is female, surely. :D04:24
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apokryphosit's very nice however, yes. :)04:25
EchyloI'm male04:25
Echyloand under the debian menu04:25
Echylois alot of crap04:25
EchyloI need to delete04:25
apokryphosEchylo: you are, but your distro [ubuntu]  is surely not :D04:25
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Echyloyour opinion :04:26
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haydenhow come when i use 'Connect to Server' to connect to a windows smb share, i can't use xmms to play mp3 files from it?04:27
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Echylobtw what do I all need to connect with a windows computer?04:27
GetEchylo: what music player is it on the shoot?04:27
apokryphoswinamp :P04:27
Echylossst you04:27
Echyloit's xmms04:27
Echylowith a theme04:28
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apokryphosxmms is nice, but just not enough power. ;-)04:28
Echylocalled "green with envy"04:28
Echyloit plays music04:28
Echyloenough pour moi04:28
apokryphoswhich isn't enough, once you have more.04:28
Echylowhat do I need?04:28
Echyloa monkey who dances on the music?04:29
apokryphosamaroK :P04:29
apokryphosThat would be nice, but probably a little too much to ask for. Could be a feature suggestion.04:29
EchyloI need to male'ize my distro then04:29
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Echylocause mr. apokryphos thinks it's for female04:30
apokryphosnot at all04:30
GetEchylo: k04:30
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apokryphosI said that Ubuntu, the Distribution, is female. She's my baby. ;-)04:30
avallarkthoreauputic: a very fast internet conncetion04:30
Echyloyou are strange :p)04:31
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pseudoJust curious, how often does ubuntu update packages?04:33
pseudoI haven't had an actual update using apt in almost a month.04:33
CountDownAre there any USB<->Serial adapters that work out of the box with Ubuntu (Hoary)?  I found this wiki page http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KeyspanDriverHowto but I'm not willing to recompile my kernel just yet.04:34
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apokryphospseudo: very often04:34
pseudoI just want to know if perhaps something might be broken, or if I'm imagining things.04:34
apokryphospseudo: have you done sudo apt-get update?04:34
thoreauputicpseudo: you are using warty, that's all04:34
HiddenWolfpseudo: ubuntu warty updates things if there is a security risk only04:34
tranceConsciouswhat do I have to do with grub to make it boot a windows installation???04:34
CountDownpseudo: Are there any packages being held back?04:35
tranceConsciouswhat do I have to do with grub to make it boot a windows installation???04:35
thoreauputictranceConscious: please, don't repeat04:35
pseudoI thought I was running hoary.04:35
pseudoLemme check04:35
apokryphosMy screeny, just for fun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=b45e5ea601396b38fbecde52c8fffe91&p=85429#post8542904:35
pseudoI jmkight be high04:35
apokryphospseudo: cat /etc/issue04:35
BiteMeBillThere was a security update for perl-modules so there should be an update there if they haven't done one in the last couple of days.04:35
Hannes_my gnome-panel is broke04:35
thoreauputicpseudo: cat /etc/issue04:35
Hannes_or wnck-applet04:35
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pseudoUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Development Branch04:35
apokryphospseudo: what version of ubuntu-base do you have running?04:36
apokryphosyou can check in synaptic04:36
thoreauputicpseudo: if you haven't had updates, either something is broken or you haven't done a reload/ apt-get update04:36
apokryphosI update around once a week, and you can update more than that and have a few changes.04:37
pseudoapokryphos: what sub catagory is ubuntu-base in?04:38
apokryphosJust search for it...04:38
leveldochi ppl - in what way does this preview differ from the finalized version? Should I upgrade now?04:38
pseudoapokryphos: 0.2504:38
apokryphospseudo: that is quite dated, yes.04:38
apokryphospseudo: close synaptic, and do a sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade04:39
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apokryphos*&& sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:39
apokryphos(0.39 is the latest)04:39
CountDownHas anyone found a better way to use the Keyspan USB-Serial converter than by recompiling the kernel?04:40
apokryphosleveldoc: you mean how does warty differ from hoary? Many ways. It's the latest version (technically "in developement").04:40
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apokryphosleveldoc: it has all the new stuff, basically.04:40
HiddenWolfleveldoc: you can upgrade ow, it's pretty stable, but there are still a lot of bugs to fix, so you'll have to put up with a month of heavy updating if you upgrade now04:40
leveldocapokryphos, no I meant whether the preview version of hoary differs a lot from the finalized version of 5.0404:40
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leveldocHiddenWolf, thanks04:41
apokryphosHiddenWolf: I don't see why; bugs are *very* rare, and it's not compulsory to update.04:41
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apokryphosleveldoc: well, of course; work is constantly being done on it.04:41
ermo^afktranceConscious, have you taken a look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Multiboot-with-GRUB.html04:41
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HiddenWolfapokryphos: there are about 142 release critical bugs that 'have' to be fixed before final hoary.04:41
leveldocapokryphos, so would you recommend it if I updated now?04:41
apokryphosleveldoc: if you've got a decent connection, then sure, why not. When was the last time you updated?04:42
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leveldoctoday. :-)04:42
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apokryphosHiddenWolf: Heh. Nice to know they've shyed away from me.04:42
pseudoapokryphos: yeah, nothing  ... I mean, I'm not a newb or anything like that, just never seen anything like this before, at first I thought, nah, maybe they just release things at a slower rate ...04:42
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queuetueIs there a respitory I could install rerelease versions of beagle and dashboard from?04:43
blackfeethi again04:43
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pseudoapokryphos: Unless Ubuntu has some sort of auto cron job?04:43
apokryphospseudo: nothing, as in, things aren't updating?04:43
queuetue(prerelease, not rerelease)04:43
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blackfeetdoes anybody know why rhythembox lacks mp3?04:43
leveldocblackfeet: I guess patent issues?04:43
pseudo0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:43
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pseudois 2.10 in ubuntu hoary yet?04:43
apokryphosdoes apt-get update do anything/04:43
benjanetpseudo, yes04:44
pseudoyou know, lemme check the cache ...04:44
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leveldocso if I want to upgrade, how would I proceed without downloading any ISO images? Can I upgrade via synaptics?04:44
pseudoyeah, something is broked, I'm going to change repositories, maybe that has something to do with it...04:45
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apokryphosleveldoc: if you have hoary installed, then yes.04:45
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apokryphospseudo: Yeah. Could you pastebin your sources.list file for me?04:45
leveldocapokryphos: thanks. No, I don't (warty). So I need to download the image I guess.04:45
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nix000how on earth can one upgrade to the 2.6.110 kernel on warty whithout going to hoary ? i just tried installing the deb from the hoary repository and it claims initrd tools on warty has to be >= 0.1.75ubuntu204:45
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apokryphosleveldoc: nope, you don't. :) One sec, I'll get you a link.04:46
blackfeetleveldoc: i cant beleave that04:46
fgxleveldoc, you can change your sources.list04:46
leveldoclemme start synaptics...04:46
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olyhi, there i am going to try and install beagle but i would like to know about adding the user_xattr attribute to fstab04:47
yaaarso, i upgraded to hoary last night. now something about php and/or mysql seems broken. specifically, i had cacti working just fine, but now it gives an error "call to undefined function mysql_connect() in blah...."04:47
leveldocok, I have the sources listed here04:47
olydoe the file system matter ?04:47
yaaarwtf? i mean, obviously mysql_connect() should be there...04:47
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olythe example uses ext304:47
Hannes_the new ubuntu-theme is nice :P04:47
olybut all my partitions use resierfs or fat32, so can i still add that attribute safely to those filesystem types ?04:48
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apokryphosleveldoc: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary04:49
leveldocapokryphos: thanks!04:49
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raphaHi all!04:50
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raphaDoes Ubuntu apply any patches to the CS4232 sound driver, respectively: DID it apply any for the Warty but not the Hoary kernel?04:51
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leveldocok, now a refresh, dist-upgrade, and that's it?04:52
pseudothanks guys, apt issue was my own fault, forgot to type "hoary" instead of "warty" in my apt-sources list. *sigh*04:53
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yaaarso, anybody know why i'd suddenly get errors about mysql_connect() being undefined after upgrading warty->hoary?04:53
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ermoblackfeet, I've seen somewhere that you need the gstreamer-mad plugin.04:56
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ermoblackfeet, it may be encumberede by a non-free license.04:56
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jdubno license problems with libmad04:57
jdubjust mp3 patent issues04:57
ermojdub, aight04:57
blackfeetermo: mh, i've already installed it, cause i read it somwhere04:58
blackfeetermo: but it doesn't work04:58
=== lunitik kicks the 2.6.11 -k7 kernel...
lunitikKeeps locking up my system :(04:58
raphajdub: Do you by any chance know if there's a list online somewhere with all kernel patches that Ubuntu applied in Warty?04:59
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GNAMHow can I find "what's new" between Hoary preview and Hoary 6?04:59
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lunitikGNAM: it will just be the updates you have recieved since then..05:00
vidar_Hi. Is there a way to control the volume of the ESD in "Volume control app" ? i cant control the volume in ubuntu05:00
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lunitikvidar_: its supposed to let you there... PCM...05:01
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Ribscheck master volume is high05:01
Telepjust installed from the Kubuntu disc after having a brief adventure with Mepis05:01
Ribsand nothing is muted05:01
vidar_lunitik: that only snap's to full or off.05:01
BurgundaviaGNAM: at this point mostly bug fixes05:01
jdubrapha: in the linux source package? :)05:01
Tux-RoxAnyone here using Hoary with Evolution / MS Exchange connector?05:02
lunitikvidar_: thats strange.05:02
raphajdub: Well, I'd been hoping for just a list, not the actual patches themselves :-D05:02
vidar_Nothing is responding in Alsa mixer or the OSS mixer, nothing is muted05:02
lunitikjdub: congrats on getting 2.10 out the door  :)05:02
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Burgundaviavidar_: if you are running hoary, you should be using esound05:03
jdublunitik: thanks, but shed most of your love on the hackers :-)05:03
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vidar_Burgundavia: i have hoary05:03
Burgundaviavidar_: you might want to try installing esound. It will remove polypaudio. It is going to be removed anyway05:04
vidar_ok.. tnx. i'll try that05:04
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rabbit78_hi there05:06
rabbit78_possibly stupid question: why does applications:/// not work anymore in Gnome2.10/Hoary? Did I miss anything?05:07
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jdubrabbit78_: no, it doesn't work; menu editing was never a supported feature.05:08
Xerhow to link file from bash?05:08
Tux-RoxXer, ln -s /usr/local/RealPlay/realplay /usr/bin/realplay05:08
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Tux-RoxLike that05:08
leveldocok, I'm upgrading, cu later05:08
Xergoood i only need the -s :D05:08
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rabbit78_jdub: no way to edit menus except fiddling in /usr/share/applications?05:09
Burgundaviarabbit78_: yes05:10
jdubrabbit78_: and ~/.local/share/applications/ as per the menu spec05:10
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rabbit78_jdub: ah ok, that should be ok05:10
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dstevenshi all: have sony laptop, bash$ spicctrl it returns  /dev/sonypi: No such file or directory, how should i make this device node?.05:10
fgxXer, you mean a symbolic link?05:11
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nix000anyone tried running stock kernel 2.6.10 on warty ? do i need initrd tools >= 0.1.75ubuntu205:11
djpanybody use mjpegtools?05:11
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nix000or i should say why do i need that ?05:11
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xamdmnix00: why do jou need that ??05:12
haydennite ppls05:12
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dstevenssorry command spicctrl -B with any switch returns error.05:12
nix000xamdm, i tried installing the one on warty and it claimed i needed that05:12
nix000xamdm, i mean hoary !05:13
Nicesheesh this live preview of 5.04 is damn impressive05:13
xamdmnix000: hm, why do jou want to use warty ??05:13
Xercannot find /boot/vmlinuz05:15
Xerwhy i get this?05:15
Xeri make link for the file!05:15
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nix000xamdm, oohh noo .. i am on a new laptop. i will have to redo evrything like xorg,ndiswarapper etc ..05:16
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fgxin order to have a correct uprade from warty to hoary, do i have to install all metapack like ubuntu-desktop before upgrading?05:17
xamdmnix000:  i don't understand jour problem, wih hoary and kernel 2.6.1005:17
fgxcurrently i don't have ubuntu-desktop installed05:18
dstevensright spicctrl say its missing /dev/sonypi so how would create it bash$ mknod /dev/sonypi  major? minor? number help05:18
Xercan anyone answer me plx?05:18
xamdmnix000: i have to go....05:18
Xercan anyone answer me plz?05:18
nix000xamdm, the only thing i am missing now on warty is acpi it seems very broken !05:18
djpmjpegtools anybody?05:18
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mrothdstevens: http://usefulinc.com/edd/notes/UbuntuOnSonyVaioTRSeries05:19
mrothdstevens: short version is you need to modprobe sonypi05:20
Tux-Roxfgx, change the repo info from warty to hoary, update, upgrade and see if it chooses those as requirements.05:20
vidar_Don't remember who i talked to 5 min ago, but i have installed esound, but i still vant control the pcm, it snaps to full or off05:21
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dstevensmroth, cheers i now set the brightness, phew can see again, cheers for the link.05:24
fgxTux-Rox, thx, ill chack05:24
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Xerwhy i get this?05:25
Xercannot find /boot/vmlinuz05:25
Xeri make link for the file!05:25
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Xerand i get that error05:26
deFryskmy mplayerplug-in does not stream because it stops buffering05:26
deFryskideas anyone ?05:26
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vidar_Anyone had problems with the PCM in the volume control app? i can only set it to full or off.05:29
yaaarhey guys, i'm reading an install howto for a webapp and it says I need 'mysql-devel' installed (in addition to mysql and mysql-server) but i don't see that i've got any packages fitting that description.....anybody know what they're talking about?05:29
fgxTux-Rox, it seems it will not install ubuntu-desktop05:29
Tux-Roxfgx, if I recall, I did that after doing the upgrading. I think it wouldn't hurt to do it either way actually.05:30
=== raz0 [~morten@0x503ea7a2.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
raz0What's the root password for the Hoary daily snapshots?05:31
Tux-Roxfgx, regardless, upgrading to hoary is well worth it if you are savvy enough to get out of a tough spot now and again.05:31
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raz0If I try to sudo, it asks me for a password. :/05:33
Tux-Roxraz0, there are no root passwords in Ubuntu since it uses sudo. You can create one if you like.05:33
crypticreignacpid is using 100% cpu.. when i stop that acpid process and restart it (even after waiting 12 hours) it still uses 100%05:33
yaaarhey guys, i find that i need my kernel sources installed on this hoary box. it looks like my choices are 2.6.9, 2.6.8, or some 2.4 kernels....but uname -a shows me currently running a 2.6.10 kernel. what should i do? rebuild one of the earlier kernels from source, or just mismatch my sources with my running kernel?05:33
Tux-Roxraz0, use your user account password.05:34
Xerhow to make link for foldeR?05:34
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raz0Tux-Rox, Ah.. Thanks. :)05:34
Tux-Roxraz0, no problem, enjoy!05:34
yaaarXer; are you asking how to make a symbolic link to another directory, so that cd'ing to that symlink takes you someplace else?05:34
yaaarXer: if so, it's     ln -s <existing directory> <new symlink>05:35
_alelet me ask a stupid question: how do i change system language after installation?05:35
_alecan't find any system configuration things05:35
yaaardoes anyone know if it's ok to have my kernel sources mismatched to the actual running kernel version?05:36
Xeri have folder called linux [linux is the link im trying to make it]  and the folder to link it is /usr/src/linux-headers- , can u tell me how to link them [give me example ] 05:36
Xeryaaar , its ok05:36
Xeri have 4 linux sources ;)05:36
Xernow can u answer me05:36
yaaarXer: yeah, it's like this:      ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers- /usr/src/linux05:37
Xernow i found my mistake05:37
Xeri was doing it like this ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux-headers-
firdelis it possible to play iTunes .m4a files with beep-media-player, or some other player ?05:38
Tux-RoxXer, I use to do that as well. Once you get use to it, it becomes much easier to remember!05:38
Xerok , i added this to my TODO LIST "remmbering ln -s" ;)05:39
Xerwarning: unable to find kernel symbol file at /proc/ksyms05:39
yaaarTux-Rox: yeah, the old sysadmin's saying: "Unix is easy to use, once you memorize a few thousand commands and their attendant options and flags..."05:39
Xeranyone tryed to make livecd for ubuntu?05:39
Tux-RoxXer, you can download it from www.ubuntulinux.com05:40
odeezXer: it already exists05:40
Xeri know05:40
yaaarXer: you mean, like the ones they ship?05:40
Xerim trying to make my own livecd05:40
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odeezXer: then its pretty much the same process as making a knoppix Cd which is well documented05:40
Xer[MyOwnLive cD]  haveing office xp and mIRC and others thinges im useing it05:40
Xersoo now only thinges i need it is to make it ;)05:41
crypticreignXer: using Crossover Office?05:41
Xergeting the config file05:41
Xerand put it for wine05:41
Xerand its free without 30 days05:41
Xergood idea isnt it?05:41
odeezXer: google for docs on creatig a knoppix livecd, but just modify it for ubuntu05:41
Xerwhy i cant use slax script?05:42
odeezXer: you could05:42
Xerknoppix need alots of missing files i cant find it for ubuntu :\05:42
odeezXer: it was a suggestion05:42
Xeri need good one05:42
Xerfor useing it05:42
odeezXer: and the livecd ubuntu distribute is a knoppix derived Cd05:42
yaaarif i'm told i need 'perl-CPAN' is there a package that satisfies that? my apt-cache searching doesn't show much that seems to fit.05:43
Xeri know05:43
Xerthe problem is where i can found all the files for knoppix05:43
Xermy last problem was05:43
Xerwith python for knoppix05:43
=== sproingie . o O ( #knoppix )
Xeror wait thats maybe for ibuild05:43
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yaaarnever mind....i guess if 'perl -MCPAN foo' does what it should, then perl-CPAN is probably installed?05:44
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Xeryaaar , do u  talk to me?05:44
sproingieCPAN comes with perl05:44
yaaaroh, it was to anybody really05:44
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yaaarok....the doc i'm reading (about installing asterisk management portal) tells you to install both perl and perl-CPAN ...but its expected distro isn't ubuntu05:45
sproingiei dont even see a perl-cpan package05:45
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yaaarme neither05:46
Echylowhat is a good gui burner?05:46
Echylobesides k3b05:46
crypticreignEchylo: graveman is excellent05:46
sproingiecpan comes with perl.  it shouldnt need a package05:46
crypticreignEchylo: its in universe i think05:46
crypticreignEchylo: simple but pretty gtk2 interface05:46
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yaaarsproingie: yeah, got that.....i'm using cpan to install a bunch of stuff already05:47
crypticreignhow do i get a kernel with apm support?05:47
Echylosimple honors05:47
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crypticreignacpid is using 100% cpu.. when i stop that acpid process and restart it (even after waiting 12 hours) it still uses 100%05:54
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nix000crypticreign, you are on what ?05:54
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crypticreigncrimsun: hoary, kernel 10-405:55
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crypticreignnix000: hoary, kernel 10-405:55
nix000i am about to compile stock 2.6.10 for warty. i am mulling over just moving to hoary.05:55
kentjdub, I must say that the human theme in Hoary now looks *great* (the human icons are also better than the default icons, except for the wastebascet..).05:56
schasinix000: why 2.6.10?05:56
nix000crypticreign, you have a laptop ? i am just trying to see if we have the same situation here.05:56
jdubkent: heh05:56
jdubkent: cool05:56
jdubkent: yes, trashcan is getting a makeover ;)05:57
nix000schasi, i am on a laptop and i have to put acpi=off to even boot 2.6.8 which sucks !05:57
crypticreignnix000: yes i do05:57
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schasinix000: you are informed that is out?05:57
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nix000schasi, i use the config from hoary ... and i heard a lot of praise for 2.6.1005:58
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schasiWhat to do if you want to have gnomevfs-mount but have no internet access with linux?05:59
nix000schasi, i just need something stable to live my life "hapily after"05:59
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poxymoxHi @ll06:00
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nix000when i heard i could boot warty by putting acpi=off in the options i did not realize it could be damaging to my laptop due to the fan not being monitored !06:01
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djstis it possible to upgrade to hedgehog from a warty release??06:01
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djsti.e. without a complete reinstall, but using synaptic06:01
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djstschasi, how?06:02
schasiIsnt there a faq for this? We have this question quite often here06:02
Alessiodjst, sudo apt-get update && sudp apt-get dist-upgrade06:02
CountDownIs there a plan to replace the world icon used for launching Firefox with the actual Firefox icon?  Why use the world icon in the first place?06:02
Alessiowith hoary repository06:02
schasiAlessio: He wants synaptic06:02
djstapt-get is allright though06:02
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djstAlessio, that didn't work though06:03
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=== Cius [~chatzilla@pcp564276pcs.rthfrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
djsthmm something with the locale06:03
djstthe warty installation asked me about the keyboard layout and i chose swedish06:04
schasiCountDown: Yes, very simple. Find a png picture for firefox06:04
CiusI'm having a problem with something I installed via synaptic, could someone answer a question about permissions for me?06:04
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djstbut later on, it asked me again and it said something like "for French, type fr, Spanish, type es etc."06:04
djstso i guessed "sv" for swedish but the installer doesn't like it06:04
schasiThen leftclick on the logo, choose properties06:05
schasiKlick on the logo and choose the new one06:05
CiusWhen I try to execute the program I installed, it tells me that permission is denied.  The program I'm trying to execute was in the Multiverse, would this have something to do with it?06:05
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CountDownschasi: I know it's possible, but I'm curious as to why it hasn't been done yet.06:05
SeveasCountDown, because the developers are fixing the real bugs first06:06
CountDownCius: shoot.06:06
hawke_Is there any gui for gnome-pilot?06:06
schasiCountDown: I guess you can use another browser then firefox, eg mozilla or the native gnome one06:06
SeveasCius, no probably not06:06
schasiAnd you will have the same logo for the alternative browser06:06
Seveasbut maybe you neet root privileges06:06
SeveasCius, which program is it06:06
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schasiThe just wanted to establish a logo for browsing, not for a certain browser06:06
djstdoes anyone know where the locale is specified in linux? the keyboard layout, not in gnome but in linux (console)06:07
CiusCountdown: I used synaptic to install snes9x, but when I created a launcher and double click it, it tells me that permission is denied. I used synaptic under the root terminal to install it too.06:07
schasiCius: Has nothing to do with it being in universe normally06:07
CountDownCius: Assuming you trust the program not to hork your system, you can try running it from a terminal using sudo.06:08
=== ICU [me@homebase.1cu.de] has joined #ubuntu
CiusI trust it, but how could I get it to run from my launcher?06:08
javioloThe program 'wget' can not be found or executed06:08
javioloPlease configure this script by changing the option06:08
javiolo$fetch_cmd or by installing wget06:08
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-108-174.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
javioloanyone ?06:08
schasidjst: you can specify your locale in the bashrc iirc. And in Debian it is possible to reconfigure it via reconfiguring console-common... maybe im wrong06:08
Seveasjaviolo, hoary/warty, fresh install, upgrade?06:09
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schasijaviolo: Tried to install wget?06:09
CiusI tried putting the sudo command in front of the filepath in my launcher's command line but then it didn't do anything, it didn't even give me the error06:09
=== joony [jony@1-1-3-33a.has.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
djstschasi, when trying to run apt-get, i get the following errors: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.06:09
djstperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:06:09
djst        LANGUAGE = "sv_SV:sv:en_GB:en",06:09
djst        LC_ALL = (unset),06:09
djst        LANG = "en"06:09
djst    are supported and installed on your system.06:09
javioloschasi and seveas its already installed06:09
djstperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").06:09
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory06:09
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory06:09
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory06:09
tizenIs there a way to enable multiple channels of sound or something? I can't open real player till i close xmms even if it's not playing06:09
Seveasjaviolo, what does `which wget` say??06:09
schasidjst: What does your nickname stand for btw?06:10
javiolojaviolo@ubuntu:~ $ sudo nessus-update-plugins06:10
javioloThe program 'wget' can not be found or executed06:10
javioloPlease configure this script by changing the option06:10
javiolo$fetch_cmd or by installing wget06:10
djstschasi, david johan sebastian tenser, my initials06:11
schasiIts hard to write. I do not know if ubuntu uses localeconf, try if it does06:11
Seveasjaviolo, what does 'which wget' say??06:11
Seveasplease answer that06:11
=== delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasok, than edit the nessus-update-plugins script06:12
Seveasreplace 'wget' by '/usr/bin/wget'06:13
djstroot@3k:/etc # locale06:13
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory06:13
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory06:13
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory06:13
djstdon't know why, but that stops apt-get06:13
Seveasdjst, dpkg --reconfigure locale06:13
Seveasdpkg-reconfigure locale06:14
schasiSeveas: dpkg --reconfigure works as well?06:14
Seveasschnasi, no :)06:14
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Seveasdpkg-reconfigure locales06:14
djstroot@3k:/etc # dpkg-reconfigure locale06:14
djstperl: warning: Setting locale failed.06:14
djstperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:06:14
djst        LANGUAGE = "sv_SV:sv:en_GB:en",06:14
djst        LC_ALL = (unset),06:14
djst        LANG = "en"06:14
Seveasthe s is important06:14
djst    are supported and installed on your system.06:14
djstperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").06:15
schasiSeveas: tried that on a machine here. Didnt really work or produce anything good06:15
djstsame there, perl: warning: Setting locale failed.06:15
Seveasdjst, does dpkg-reconfigure continue or not?06:15
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javioloseveas what script do i have to edit?06:15
Seveasthe script called nessus-update-plugins06:15
Seveasjust as the error message says06:16
djstseveas, here's the full output from the command:06:16
djstdpkg-reconfigure locales06:16
djstperl: warning: Setting locale failed.06:16
djstperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:06:16
djst        LANGUAGE = "sv_SV:sv:en_GB:en",06:16
djst        LC_ALL = (unset),06:16
djst        LANG = "en"06:16
djst    are supported and installed on your system.06:16
djstperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").06:16
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory06:16
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory06:16
djstlocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory06:16
djst/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: locales is broken or not fully installed06:16
schasiSeveas: Does ubuntu have localeconf?06:16
schasior fonty?06:16
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djstnot fonty either06:16
djstanother problem: i can install warty, but not hoary06:17
schasiEven not in universe?06:17
schasihow comes?06:17
djstin hoary, it seems to think i have scsi drivers06:17
djstdisks i mean06:17
=== gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
javioloagh how do i edit it06:17
schasiDo you have a scsi controller perhaps?06:17
djstand when formatting the hard drives, it complains about bad sectors and errors06:17
schasiYou could try to pass the installer some no scsi commands06:18
djsti certainly don't have anything related to scsi in my hard drive06:18
Seveasdjst, schasi, ubuntu HAS localeconf06:18
schasiCould be the wrong driver loaded06:18
djstSeveas, ok sorry.06:18
schasiJust guessing wildly here btw06:18
javioloseveas agh how do i edit it06:18
schasithx Seveas i dont use ubu here06:18
djstschasi, it thinks i have scsi disks, but it successfully discovers the partitions and i'm able to choose which partitions to format, but it hangs during formatting06:18
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schasiIs there something like packages.debian.org for ubuntu?06:19
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Seveasjaviolo, sudo gedit `which nessus-update-plugins`06:19
djstwhen formatting the exact same partition in warty ubuntu, it works...06:19
Seveasdon't forget the backticks!06:19
travail101any chance of getting linux-wlan-ng added to the live and install CDs?06:19
tsengschasi: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/06:19
schasiStrange thing06:19
travail101maybe even with sutomatice setup scripts06:19
djstin warty, my disk is called /dev/hda, but in hedgehog it's called /dev/sc0 or something06:19
schasiI would just do a update to hoary then djst06:19
schasithx tseng06:19
Seveastravail101, ask on #ubuntu-devel06:19
=== dazed [~dazed@host-208-60-229-109.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
djstschasi, yes, that's what i watned to try06:20
dazedwho can help me log into a linux system via a windows system?06:20
djstschasi, but as i said, it complains about my locale :(06:20
Seveasdjst, try the latest version of hoary (from this afternoon), that solves the problem06:20
dazedover a lan06:20
travail101dazed, ssh?06:20
djstSeveas, this scsi problem is a known problem in the early test builds?06:20
Seveas(if it is the problem i think it is)06:21
djstSeveas, great! thanks, that's what i wanted to know!06:21
travail101dazed, do you have the openssh-client?06:21
djstSeveas, i'll burn the dcd and try06:21
Seveasdazed, download putty and ssh to your linux machine06:21
djstSeveas, what problem do you think it is then? any link i can read about it?06:21
Seveasif it is an ubuntu machine: first install openssh-server on the ubuntu machine06:21
Seveasdjst, I don't know the details, but there are some builds where scsi disks have odd names06:22
crypticreignuh oh.. just upgraded to kernel 2.6.10-25, the kernel starts to boot and says "/sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console:No such FIle   Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init"06:22
djstSeveas, but the problem is that i'm not having scsi disks at all but the hoary test release i tried thinks i have06:22
mz2eaargh... is there any solution to the nasty bug in nautilus which causes the connect to server thing to not work properly (it complains about there being nothing associated for opening the created vfs volume, and then once you open it up manually it works nicely)06:22
javioloseveas thanks06:23
djstSeveas, and in the warty release, it correctly identified my disk as /dev/hda, not/dev/sc-something06:23
Seveasdjst, same problem06:23
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djstSeveas, great! thanks again then!06:23
=== djst reboots and burns the new release from vidalinux
crypticreignand i cannot boot into rescue mod :'(06:24
crypticreignsame error06:24
Seveascrypticreign, what error?06:24
Burn`I want to use software soundmixing, what is the device to send sound to?06:24
crypticreignSeveas: uh oh.. just upgraded to kernel 2.6.10-25, the kernel starts to boot and says "/sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console:No such FIle   Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init"06:25
Seveasoh sorry, see it already..06:25
javiolodjst how its vidalinux?06:25
djstjaviolo, it's the best distro i've installed so far06:25
Burn`I have an nforce2 chipset, want to use teamspeak and other prog simultanious06:25
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Seveascrypticreign, the revert to your old kernerl :)06:25
javiolodjst better than ubuntu ? :P  Never heard taht06:25
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crypticreignSeveas: how?06:25
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djstjaviolo, here's a review i wrote: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/djst/archives/007427.html06:26
Seveasjust boot your old kernel06:26
crypticreignSeveas: thats the only one i have listed06:26
djstjaviolo, i also reviewed ubuntu, but i didn't like the warty release.... but i want to try hoary too, which is why i'm going to burn the preview release now06:26
Seveashave you deleted the other one already crypticreign?06:26
crypticreignno i havent deleted anything06:26
Seveasthat's really strange06:27
crypticreignhmm its actually listed as 2.6.10-4 under grub06:27
Seveaseven stranger06:27
Seveassounds like some debconf script didn't do its job right06:27
Seveasdo you know how to use the grub commandline?06:28
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
javioloagh, im happy with warty but ill try vidalinux06:29
drspinanyone need a website built?06:29
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deFryskjaviolo, you'll like vidalinux06:29
zenroxdrspin, please??06:29
crypticreignSeveas: somewhat06:30
javiolois there something similiar on vidalinux like synaptic ?06:30
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deFryska gui for portage06:30
Seveascrypticreign, try booting your old kernel via the grub commandline06:30
javioloand works well ?06:30
crypticreignSeveas: ok, with that command?06:30
njs12345when I launch rhythmbox now and try to play my music I just get a popping sound06:30
deFryska full fledged gentoo for the lazy06:30
tsengguys, note the channel is #ubuntu06:31
drspinzenrox: LOL -- is that a yes?06:31
zenroxdrspin,  msgmen06:31
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travail101gentoo =D06:31
zenroxdrspin,  msg me06:31
Seveastry: root(hd0,0)06:31
crypticreignSeveas: its the only kernel listed06:31
deFryskjaviolo, just dont get confused when the install seems to stall its compiling the kernel in that time06:31
travail101just hearing that word makes me smile =P06:31
Seveas(or whatever your root is)06:31
njs12345which is strange, because playing via gst-launch (gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location=27.flac ! flacdev ! esdsink) works fine06:32
Seveaskernel /vmlinuz-2.6.10-2406:32
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tizenhey guys, burning an audio cd with hoary... What do you guys use?06:32
javiolodeFrysk my ubuntu has one week or more ill wait some days :) or install it on another drive06:32
=== Seveas has to go: making foos
crypticreignSeveas: nope06:33
Burn`how can I use esound and teamspeak?06:33
travail101gnome-baker =D06:33
crypticreignSeveas: still panics06:33
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
missmarpleanybody here who has knowledge about hotplugging?06:33
dead|shellyou trying to get usb to work missmarple06:34
missmarpledead|shell: no i have problem with firmware loading to my wifi card06:34
missmarpleits very strange06:34
dead|shellah sorry no wifi here i got wired06:35
missmarplehotplugging cannot load the firmware to the card when my notebook runs on battery, when it runs on powerplug, everythings fine, firmware loads and wifi works06:35
Burn`how can I use esound and teamspeak?06:35
=== avdyk [arnaud@vbstefi118.fapse.ulg.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu
avdykis gdm available in ubuntu 'hoary' on ppc?06:36
lunitikavdyk: uhh... yeah06:36
avdyklunitik: unable to find it :'(06:37
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javiolodeFrysk any live cd for vidalinux ?06:37
deFryskjaviolo, nope06:37
avdyklunitik: I also got bizare conflicts with nautilus-media :'(06:37
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avdykalso, I have to say I'm trying to upgrade hoary in a debian chroot06:38
deFryskjaviolo, its an anaconda installer setting it up , asif you were installing fedora06:38
avdykI mean from debian, I created a chroot to install ubuntu06:38
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dazedare putty and ssh clients available through apt-get06:38
javiolodeFrysk never installed Fedora...06:38
goldfishputty is a windows program dazed06:38
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deFryskjaviolo, also some knowlege of gentoo wil come in handy06:39
goldfishdazed: type ssh from command line06:39
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avdykdazed: you don't need putty, but ssh client and server are available throw apt-get06:39
deFryskfor updating and stuff06:39
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lunitikavdyk: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdm/  <-- powerpc.deb06:39
dazedseveas told me to get it for my linux machine06:39
goldfishdazed: lol06:39
Mad-boyHello everybody06:39
deFryskjaviolo, anaconda is an easy to use graphical installer06:39
dazedi have putty on my windows machine06:39
goldfishdazed: ssh should work from terminal06:39
dazedbut i dunno how to use it06:39
javiolodefrysk dont know anything about gentoo06:39
goldfishit is not a linux program dazed06:39
raphaHey, does somebody know a good command line music player that can play mp3 AND ogg?06:39
deFryskthen go to the vidalinuxwebsite and start reading ;)06:39
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avdyklunitik: thanks, I'll try to install from this06:40
jdubrapha: mplayer can...06:40
goldfishdazed: you should have ssh already on ubuntu06:40
dazedoh ok...well what ssh  client should i get?06:40
=== CiRuS [~CiRuS@pD9EBA56B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
crypticreignanyone else?  just upgraded to kernel 2.6.10-25, the kernel starts to boot and says "/sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console:No such FIle   Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init"06:40
Mad-boydoes ubuntu supports ati radeon 7000 video card?06:40
goldfishdazed: try typing ssh in a terminal06:40
dazedlet me check06:40
njs12345rapha: If you're leet you can use gst-launch ;)06:40
Mad-boybecause i have 60hz display refresh rate06:40
dazedok it returned some stuff goldfish06:40
Mad-boyso my eyes hurt06:40
goldfishyou have it then dazed06:40
=== TFP [~ubuntu@dsl-084-056-172-095.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikrapha: mpg12306:40
goldfishdazed: usage?06:41
dazedok...what do i do with it..this is REALLY new to me...i just got done learning windows networking now im on to linux lol06:41
goldfishoh right06:41
dazedit returned some usage commands06:41
goldfishdazed: What are you ssh'ing to?06:41
=== styx2005 [~styx2005@d212-152-17-169.cust.tele2.ch] has joined #ubuntu
gustav_dazed: ssh login@server06:41
dazedi want to link up to my windows computer06:41
zenroxdazed,  do a ssh user@ip06:42
dazedso i can trade files back and forth06:42
goldfishi see06:42
Mad-boydoes ubuntu supports ati radeon 7000 video card?06:42
missmarplerapha: mp3blaster06:42
lunitikrapha: music123  8)06:42
detMad-boy, You may have to set your monitor refresh rates manually, I had to06:42
Tux-RoxTFP, that's the usual reaction people have...06:42
goldfishdazed: from the linux to windows?06:42
mjrMad-boy, it should06:42
goldfishdazed: or other way around?06:42
detMad-boy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:42
Mad-boyok thx06:42
Mad-boyil try06:42
styx2005i have no startup sound anymore in hoary neither in tuxracer for example. mp3 and movies work with sound.06:42
dazedwell i can get windows files using my linux machine by mounting the folder06:42
njs12345gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location=<myfile> ! {flacdec|vorbisfile} ! {osssink|alsasink|esdsink}06:42
Tux-RoxTFP, goto www.cafepress.com and buy an Ubuntu bumper sticker to tell the whole workld!06:43
dazedbut i want to get linux stuff onto my windows machine06:43
TFPTux-Rox: I will06:43
goldfishdazed: u need to get sshd from apt-get06:43
raphamissmarple: thx!06:43
zenroxdazed,  read www.ubuntuguide.com for samba set up06:43
Burn`how can I use esound and teamspeak?06:43
=== kevin_ [~kevin@dD5E00D67.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Tux-RoxTFP, I've got mine!06:43
dazedok 1 sec06:43
Burn`answer someone06:43
Mad-boyhow many partitions i need to install ubuntu to hdd?06:43
Burn`Mad-boy: 306:43
zenroxdazed,  for a network set up06:43
deFryskMad-boy, 106:43
kevin_hi, i get this XFREE error when i start Ubuntu with GNOME06:43
Mad-boyso 1 or 3?06:44
Burn`Mad-boy: best is 3, can be 106:44
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lunitikdazed: apt-get install openssh-server and get putty for the windows machine.06:44
gustav_Mad-boy: I use 206:44
Burn`with swap and boot separated06:44
Mad-boywhat file system shoul it be?06:44
Tux-RoxMad-boy, I do a /, a /boot and a /home. Don't forget a swap part as well.06:44
deFryskMad-boy, one / one swap (2xram)06:44
njs12345Burn`: actually, you only strictly need 106:44
Xappezenrox, he could use sftp with putty on his win machine perhaps? easier...06:44
Burn`njs12345: without swap?06:44
dazedgoldfish: apt-cache search returned no exact 'sshd' , and zenrox i read the samba guide i can already get windows files onto my linux machine06:44
njs12345swap file06:44
CiRuSfor linux stuff on windows check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd06:44
styx2005i have no startup sound anymore in hoary neither in tuxracer for example. mp3 and movies work with sound.06:44
deFryskif you have plenty ram no swap is needen06:45
kevin_i get: Error activating XKB configuration at starting GNOME, can anyone help me plz?06:45
goldfishdazed: ssh-d06:45
Tux-RoxMad-boy, having a seperate /home means if you install a different distro, you keep your data files.06:45
dazedlunitik: i have putty on my windows dont know how to use it one bit06:45
njs12345deFrysk: If you have a lot of ram a swapfile is a very good idea06:45
Burn`how can I use esound and teamspeak, it doesn't work06:45
=== mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishdazed: or something, search for ssh in synaptic :)06:45
njs12345rather than a swap partition06:45
dazedi hate synaptic06:45
lunitikdazed: uh... its not hard  :/06:45
Tux-RoxMad-boy, Not that after Ubuntu you'd want something else.....06:45
=== StoneX [~ml@pD9EB498A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ggeeckowhere can i find docs on doing a bootsplash06:45
dazedits poo06:45
dazedi like the terminal commands apt-get06:45
StoneXhello guys06:45
deFrysknjan, I once accidentily installed linux without swap , worked fine for normal usage06:45
goldfishdazed: oh right, i think it is ssh-d06:45
njs12345a swapfile is slower than a swap partition, but it doesn't take up any space when you're not using it :)06:46
kevin_i get: Error activating XKB configuration at starting GNOME, can anyone help me plz?06:46
styx2005how can i enable polypsound?06:46
njs12345which is ideal if only swap very occasionally06:46
=== cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@p5081FDCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
chantryI thought ubuntu would be nice for my sister, but I guess I was wrong. Everything is borken, and she doesnt stop complaining. Totem doesnt work, muine doesnt work, rhythmbox doesnt work. Really impressive06:46
StoneXare there some things ubuntu can do which doesn t work on debian?06:46
chantryStoneX, yes it can be borken06:46
deFryskStoneX, xorg06:46
apokryphoskde 3.406:47
deFryska sweet kde i must say06:47
lunitikdeFrysk: with most computers having 512 - 1024 megs of RAM... 2 x RAM is not a good rule anymore anyway.06:47
kevin_Can anyone help me please !?06:47
deFrysklunitik, true06:47
StoneXdonesn t it work on debian?06:47
lunitikdeFrysk: I noticed very little difference... other than some pretty graphics  :;/06:47
zenroxxappe but it be easer to share the /home/user and move thangs back and forth06:47
travail101how do you make the system broadcast for DHCP in the background like most modern liveCD do these days?06:47
kotatsuI run swapless on both machines I own (512 and 1024)... I have yet to run into a problem on either one06:47
StoneXeven if i install it myself?06:47
kevin_i get: Error activating XKB configuration at starting GNOME, can anyone help me plz?06:48
tritiumkotatsu, so you can't suspend to disk on those swapless machines...06:48
chantryany suggestion besides uninstalling this thing ?06:48
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kotatsuthe 512 (laptop) rarely gets above 200 mb "real" usage (-buffers/cache) and the desktop generally doesn't top 30006:48
lunitikdeFrysk: there is a difference between 'not packaged for' and 'not working on'... Xorg works fine on Debian.06:48
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kotatsutritium: nope06:48
dazedgod i love the shared 56k through 3  computers lol06:48
tritiumchantry, did you install Hoary preview or Warty?06:49
styx2005polypsound does not work in my new hoary system.06:49
kotatsulunitik: if you're a masochist06:49
lunitikdeFrysk: Ubuntu *IS* Debian Sid, with a few extra things... like update-manager etc06:49
chantrytritium, hoary, the one just before preview I think06:49
kevin_i get: Error activating XKB configuration at starting GNOME, can anyone help me plz?06:49
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tritiumchantry, you know that's a development release?  If you want things to "just work" maybe stick to stable, such as Warty.06:50
deFrysklunitik, I think ubuntu is better maintained then debian and also much more progressive06:50
chantrylunitik, sid is 1000x more stable than ubuntu as far as I can see06:50
lunitikkotatsu: eh... no... I just used the Ubuntu X debs on Debian  :/06:50
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dazedonce i get openssh-server what do i do now lunitik?06:50
tritiumchantry, nonsense06:50
TFPhow can i look if my ssh-d is running?06:50
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lunitikdeFrysk: negative... hoary is behind sid in most every case.06:50
dazedand goldfish still couldnt find anythign close to ssh-d tried in synaptic too closest thing was ssh-d webmin06:50
lunitikdazed: start it?06:51
goldfishdazed: type in ssh in synaptic06:51
lunitikdazed: read the docs in /usr/share/docs/openssh-server06:51
kotatsulunitik: haven't tried that. I did run Xorg on Debian for a while (before switching to Ubuntu) and it _really_ sucked... apt is there for a reason hehe06:51
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dazedcommand line openssh-server doesnt start it06:51
dazedok lunitik06:51
kotatsulunitik: compiling xorg is generally un-fun06:51
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lunitikkotatsu: eh... I didn't compile it...  :/06:52
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tritiumbehind sid?  no...06:52
lunitiktritium: yes... by about a week in most cases.06:52
lunitikeh... no... like a few days though...06:52
dazedlol goldfish: i must be doing something wrong hahah cuz im seeing nothing of ssh-d06:52
tritiumNot that I've seen06:52
lunitikwe get most packages from sid.06:52
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dazedi found ssh06:53
dazedand im installin that06:53
goldfishdazed: sorry, i am not in linux now, nah u have ssh its openssh -server06:53
chantryI'm alone to have troubles with ubuntu ? I really don't see what I could have done to break everything like that. Its a fresh install06:53
goldfishor something06:53
lunitikdazed: read the docs.06:53
goldfishwait a second06:53
crypticreigncan the install cd be used as a rescue cd?06:53
kotatsuI've found hoary to be at least as up-to-date as sid, usually moreso... GNOME gets in there faster since ubuntu doesn't have to deal with the "Sarge is coming Real Soon(tm)!" crap06:53
panichsorry for interrupting you... I have just one question: do you know if ubuntu support SATA HD?06:53
dazedwell i got openssh -server06:53
dazedi got that06:53
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dazedim reading up on it now06:53
=== Traxtopel [~Traxtopel@ip913547ba.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
lunitikdazed: pay peticular notice to the three services you have to start.06:54
Traxtopelanyone here have knowledge of the bootstrap on ppc06:54
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=== lunitik thinks its funny that Linus switched to a Mac.
travail101lamont, k06:55
kotatsulunitik: why?06:55
lunitikLucky bastard got a Dual G5  :(06:55
lamonttravail101: kinda ot in the other...06:55
=== mjr would use a free dual G5 too
kotatsuI'd switch to mac too =P06:55
lunitikkotatsu: cuz, he started writing Linux for an old 486 PC... I don't know, just funny.06:55
dazedlunitik no such file or directory as /usr/share/docs/openssh-server06:55
lamontwhat I pasted was the complete entry I have for eth0 on my laptop06:55
lunitikkotatsu: I would too, if they donated one to me like they did him06:56
kotatsuI wonder where he got the Mac from06:56
lunitikdazed: umm... there has to be... 'dpkg -L openssh-server | grep doc'06:56
kotatsu<conspiracy theory>maybe IBM is trying to extend their reach even further!</conspiracy theory>06:56
travail101lamont, is /etc/network/interfaces anything like /etc/conf.d/net?06:56
lamonttravail101: that basically tells ifup to run mii-tool eth0 before bringing up the interface.  if grep doesn't find 'link ok', then it'll exit non-zero, and the ifup will fail06:57
lamontuh, prolly06:57
dazedok they were somewhere else...do i want the readme?06:57
chantrynobody is running hoary here?06:57
lunitiktravail101: other than it's used for basically the same thing? no06:57
dazedor overview06:57
kotatsuchantry: I am, why?06:57
goldfishtry both :)06:57
lunitikdazed: you want everything until you learn how to use it.06:57
chantryit isnt broken?06:57
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lamonttravail101: I've used debian, ubuntu, and (under duress and constant cursing at things being in the wrong place) redhat occasionally06:57
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travail101lamont, ever used gentoo?06:58
lamontchantry: I'm runing it...06:58
lamonttravail101: hell no.06:58
lunitiktravail101: no one uses Gentoo06:58
lamontlife is too short to build everything all the time06:58
kotatsuchantry: broken? no, in what way?06:58
travail101i do06:58
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lamontlunitik: they build gentoo, not use it.. :)06:58
chantrykotatsu, all06:58
pseudoAnyone know where I can find documentation on disabling gpg-signing with apt, so I can install "non-ubuntu" packages using apt?06:58
lunitiklamont: exactly.06:58
travail101lamont, --usepkg06:58
dazedim lazy and i got class to goto im just trying to get it to work06:58
dazedthen ill learn it06:58
pseudoor know of a quick way how?06:58
travail101set a package repository in /etc/make.conf06:58
zenroxpseudo,  add the key06:59
kotatsuchantry: going to have to be more specific, heh... if you can boot the kernel, or even get to the grub screen then *something* works =P06:59
lunitiktravail101: go to #gentoo if you want to talk about that waste of time.06:59
crypticreigndoes apt-get work correctly when bootin from cd and using chroot ?06:59
travail101I need to figure out how to do this on Gentoo06:59
goldfishdazed: when u install the openssh-server it just runs06:59
zenroxpseudo,  but i dont know how look on the forums06:59
lunitiktravail101: else shut up06:59
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chantrykotatsu, ho yes, its great06:59
lamonttravail101: never really saw the point..  building things from scratch helps in about 3 applications that I care about, and they already tune for the processors in question.06:59
goldfishdazed: then from windows, use putty to connec to it06:59
lamontlunitik: don't be mean...06:59
travail101lunitik, they never know how to set it up, i asked the Ubuntu devs cause the liveCD has the feature i want, and they sent me to #ubuntu06:59
lunitiklamont: bah... I don't want to hear about Gentoo.06:59
chantrylamont, at least gentoo works06:59
travail101lunitik, i asked in #knoppix and they're all AFK07:00
pseudozenrox: are the keys different for apt than regular pgp?07:00
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lamonttravail101: armed with the info that you want to basically surround the entire interface config effort with 'if mii-tool eth0 | grep -q 'link ok'; then ....; fi', you should be able to get an answer on #gentoo07:00
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scaroohi ppl, does any of you succeed to use his ipod with Rhythmbox ? the ipod librarie stays empty whether the ipod is plugged or not ...07:00
kotatsuchantry: ubuntu warty works wonderfully... hoary is a use-at-your-own-risk thing07:00
zenroxpseudo,  ask them to provied you with a proper key then07:00
lamontchantry: what doesn't work about hoary for you>?07:00
desrthello linux dudes07:00
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desrt2 questions:07:00
kotatsulamont: "everything" heh07:00
cyklusyeah! preview is out :)07:00
desrt1) is there any benifit in waiting until april to install hoary?07:00
travail101lamont, thanx, i'll see if I get any bites on that07:01
chantrylamont, and you don't have to install a lot of useless dep with the USE system. but it's still a waste of time, I agree07:01
desrt2) can i install it without a cdrom drive?07:01
chantrylamont, totem, muine and rhythmbox07:01
=== zenrox braces for the impact of 1000's of new users
crypticreigndoes apt-get work correctly when bootin from cd and using chroot ?07:01
kotatsudesrt: 1) Yes, you get a stable system until April07:01
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lunitikdesrt: no, probably not07:01
kotatsudesrt: 2) yes, if you're running warty already07:01
tseng2) you can netboot also07:01
desrti'm using gentoo right now07:01
desrti have a firewire cdrom drive that linux is OK with but my BIOS doesn't support booting from07:02
lamontchantry: rhythmbox works here...07:02
djpany mjpegtools users here?07:02
lamontmake sure you're pointing at the right sound device07:02
=== lunitik wonders if its possible to ignore messages that contain 'gentoo'?
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desrtlunitik; please stop being a jerk07:02
kotatsudesrt: you can probably do some sort of PXE thing to get it running then, dunno... won't be fun though =D07:02
zenroxdesrt,  then you can make a boot disk floppy and boot from that07:02
goldfishlunitik: use irssi07:02
goldfishand u can do it07:02
lunitikdesrt: its a legit question damnit07:02
desrtis there any way i can download the .iso and loopback mount it (chroot, maybe) and trick it into thinking that i just cd booted?07:03
lunitikgoldfish: eh, I don't really want to use a cli irc client....07:03
desrtzenrox; no floppy drive either :P07:03
kotatsuchantry: all of those apps work for me... what doesn't work about them? they don't load? they don't play?07:03
travail101i have a friend who can't get giftui to work in ubuntu07:03
zenroxdesrt,  got another pc07:03
desrtzenrox; ya.  i do.07:03
zenroxdesrt,  on the network07:03
schasiquite full in here, and quite busy07:03
=== Coily [~mm@216-80-64-162.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishit is schasi07:03
djphas anybody here been able to create a vcd or svcd under ubuntu?07:03
apokryphosschasi: always room for more :P07:03
travail101but thanx to gentoo I could send him the new network plugins compiled for his system, and he can use the not as cool giFToxic for the time being07:04
kotatsudesrt: maybe... anyone know if you can debootstrap from another OS if you install debootstrap? haven't tried it, but I don't know why it wouldn't if you set it up correctly07:04
zenroxdesrt, might be able to boot the box with network boot and boot off the remote drive07:04
dazedhey goldfish: im on putty whats my host name??? and what do i login as...my linux username?07:04
schasiapokryphos: I dont think so, im getting confused with so many ppl07:04
desrti have a gentoo box and a freebsd box07:04
zenroxdesrt, network boot in the bios07:04
goldfishdazed: host name is the ip address07:04
goldfishdazed: yeah, linux user and pass07:05
zenroxdesrt,  google could be your friend too07:05
apokryphosschasi: might take time ;-)07:05
desrt! good call!07:05
desrti'll check that shit out :)07:05
dazedip addr show ...shows me to ips i think that inet is the one i want?07:05
schasiapokryphos: Thats not it, im used to, as i am chatting for some time now. But its too crowded for my liking07:05
goldfishdazed: emmm07:05
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goldfishdazed: u have 2 pc's yeah?07:05
apokryphosschasi: whatever blows your hair back :P07:05
schasiapokryphos: I mean i can cope it but i would like it even more if it werent so crowded07:05
dazedits either inet or brd07:06
dazedi dunno what either of those mean07:06
Coilyevery morning at 6:25 my computer goes active (i believe someone told me it was the slocate command?) anyways after its done i get an email in my spool giving me a warning about a dangling symlink from "Cron Daemon"07:06
dazedi have a laptop and my linux pc07:06
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zenroxschasi,  thare are other channels07:06
goldfishdazed: how many pc's u got?07:06
javioloany vidalinux user07:06
schasizenrox: like?07:06
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Coilyanyone got an idea what i should do?07:06
zenroxschasi, #ubuntuforums07:06
zenroxpretty quiet in thare tho07:06
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goldfishdazed: well, that wont work07:06
goldfishdazed: u cant connect to the ssh server if linux isnt running07:07
dazedwell i have a laptop07:07
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dazedconnected to the pc07:07
dazedand then my roomates pc07:07
dazedmy laptop is windows my pc is linux07:07
dazedim connecting laptop to pc07:07
zenroxschasi,  might not get a response but you can allways bring a friend ;)07:07
sri_desrt: what you probably want is to create another partition and install on that.07:07
goldfishdazed: on the linux one, go to www.whatismyip.org07:07
apokryphosschasi: and #kubuntu and #ubuntu-devel and others, depending on what you're looking for, but yes, this is the general channel.07:07
=== desrt kisses sri
desrtthat's exactly what i was thinking!07:08
dazedok im ine07:08
sri_desrt: heh07:08
javioloany vidalinux user07:08
dazedi figured it out07:08
dazedit shows me my command line07:08
desrtgentoo is definitely going to be sticking around for a while07:08
dazedon my windows pc07:08
dazedlol thats COOL!07:08
sri_desrt: you can do an inline install like that, but I don't remember offhand how to do that.07:08
desrti need to make sure all you ubuntu crazies aren't just hopped up on crack07:08
goldfishdazed: yeah :)07:08
schasiapokryphos: I do not even have ubuntu installed for usage atm07:08
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desrtsri; i'm gonna force jdub to help me :)07:08
sri_desrt: heh.  try.  and feel the hoary love.07:09
travail101lamont, here's what they said in #knoppix... (after a 10-20 minutes of silence) "dhclient eth0 &"07:09
travail101lamont, can you do that for the bootup script?07:09
apokryphosschasi: just checking the irc out? Thinking of installing?07:09
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yaaarguys, I'm suddenly highly confused. I've got a hoary box with apache2 on it, and have just noticed that there is no 'DocumentRoot' line in my config. It goes straight to /var/www ...but adding a DocumentRoot line does not fix it.07:09
cyklusevery cron job mails me when its run... how do you only make it mail you if some fails?07:09
dazedok now when i want a file to copy or what not ...do i use linux commands to put it on my laptop? whats my laptops directory?07:09
schasiapokryphos: Look in ubuntuforums ;-)07:09
schasiapokryphos: I have it installed on 2 machines, buuuuut that is a long story07:10
apokryphoshaven't ventured in there for some time, but sure.07:10
lamonttravail101: having no clue about gentoo, I'd have to point you to #gentoo.07:10
lamontfor ubuntu, what I pasted you from /etc/network/interfaces will do the trick on most cards... Sadly, mii-tool sometimes lies, depending on the card07:10
Coilycould someone help me with this cron daily problem im having?07:10
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travail101lamont, i meant in general... but nevermind, anyway, it sounds like a good lead, I'll ask in gentoo again, i ask this question in different ways like once or twice a week in there... and never an answer07:11
goldfishdazed: ubuntuguide.org07:11
goldfishdazed: ssh section :)07:11
mz2cooool! clearlooks looks soo nice07:12
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phosphorgreenhey every1, is it the ubuntu/debian default to lock out mysql from everything apart from the localhost?07:12
phosphorgreenit's not listening on my ethernet if07:13
desrti might be totally dense here, but where are the hoary preview ISOs?07:13
apokryphosdesrt: /topic07:13
desrtah.  excellent.07:13
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maswanfor those that want a bit of speed, http://caesar.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu-releases/hoary/  ;)07:14
michel_vI wondered, is there a patch for firefox to make it support gnome's icons in the navigation toolbar?07:14
Xappewould you be worried if the hdd temperature of an ibook hdd rised to 52C after copying 14 GB of mp3:s in about 2 h (over a 10MBit network)07:14
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michel_v(I hear there's one applied in hoary?)07:14
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tritiumlamont, where did you post your /etc/network/interfaces?  I'd like to see what you're doing with mii-tool07:15
jon1012wow what happened to gdk loaders in hoary ?07:15
lamonttritium: sorry.  sec07:16
sri_desrt: http://koti.mbnet.fi/~tlehtone/Asennus-howto/apcs03.html as a hint07:16
lamontauto eth007:16
lamontiface eth0 inet dhcp07:16
lamont        pre-up mii-tool eth0 | grep -q 'link ok'07:16
jon1012(none works correctly since last update, 5 minutes ago)07:16
lamontcheap and dirty, but quick.07:16
tritiumlamont, thanks07:16
lamontnote that depending on the NIC, that may or may not work.07:16
lamontif it was reliable, it would be in hoary's installer07:17
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tritiumI appreciate it, lamont :)07:17
djpis mjpegtools not working under warty?07:17
desrtya.  i keep hearing about this debootstrap business07:18
desrti somehow doubt that there is an ebuild for it :)07:18
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desrtholy crap.  there is07:18
schasiof course07:18
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desrtarf.  dpkg is broken07:19
LupiusHow can i play my MP3's ?07:19
desrt../include/parsedump.h:33: error: array type has incomplete element type07:19
Lupiuswhich is the audio player?07:19
apokryphosPyre: tell Lupius uburestricted07:19
PyreLupius: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:19
schweebdesrt: debootstrap isn't meant to be a debian only tool... it's also used to build a debian chroot on other distros07:19
lamontdesrt: builds fine here...07:19
desrtlamont; gcc 4 is much more strict about violations of the C standard07:19
desrtstuff that gcc3 warns about are errors in gcc407:19
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dazedgoldfish: if u still around could u tell me what my 'local' mail box is and why it keeps telling me i have mail in my terminal but my pop3 account has no mail07:20
lamontdesrt: so you should amend your statement to 'dpkg is broken under gcc-4'07:21
hawke_dazed: local mail is in /var/spool/mail/username, run 'mutt' at the command-line to read it07:21
desrti will ammend my statement to 'dpkg is broken under C'07:21
dazedsays /home/dazed/Mail does not exist do i want to create it hawke_?07:22
lamontdesrt: I'll accept 'dpkg violates the C spec', but it generates fine code under gcc-3.307:22
desrtlamont; you're right.07:22
lamontand 'violates the C spec' is considerably different than the 'sky is falling'-type 'broken'07:23
Coilywhats the command to move somethin got the trash?07:23
Coilyack something to07:23
desrtlamont; can we please stop splitting hairs already?07:24
spadesmv whatever ~.Trash07:24
lamontjust didn't want you starting a panic07:24
goldfishdazed: Sorry I was afk, u get that sorted?07:24
lamontsince I read your original post as 'dpkg is broken in hoary'07:24
dazedbut what is the purpose of that mail?07:24
desrtlamont; you're the only one who is panicking :)07:24
lamontwhich it isn't...07:24
dazedto tell u stuff about installed packages?07:24
goldfishdazed: yeah07:26
dazedlol not too bad07:26
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wasabi__So lets pretend I have this friend. Whose name is Joe. And he screwed up and stuck a syntax error in /etc/sudoers and wants to fix it without booting off a live cd.07:27
wasabi__What would he do?07:27
goldfishwasabi__: Hi Joe.07:27
=== Tarkus [~warty@modemcable135.238-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
desrtuse visudo instead of vi next time :)07:27
wasabi__damnit i was afraid of that07:28
wasabi__my mind is sitting here searching for a way to get root.07:28
Tarkushow do i change the thing in the terminal where it says warty@ubuntu: ???07:28
wasabi__without having a root password07:28
hawke_wasabi__: reboot in recovery mode07:28
wasabi__that asks for the root password doesn't it?07:28
desrtsri; for the sarge /mnt/path http://http.us.debian.org/debian07:28
hawke_wasabi__: nope.07:28
desrtsri; what would i put in for hoary?07:28
wasabi__hmmm did at one point07:28
hawke_wasabi__: since there is no root password, it can't07:28
desrti assume s/sarge/hoary/ but what do i put for the url?07:29
wasabi__hawke, yeah, that was my problem that last time. ;007:29
hawke_wasabi__: AFAIK, not in ubuntu07:29
hawke_wasabi__: at any rate, it's worth a shot, eh/07:29
wasabi__so what's hte kernel recovery mode switch07:29
pngsudo su - ; passwd , then u ve got a root password07:29
wasabi__im using yaboot07:29
wasabi__no menu selection07:30
Tarkusdoes anyone know why i have something like "warty@ubuntu:~ $" in the terminal??07:30
hawke_wasabi__: add 'single' to the command-line07:30
goldfishTarkus: it's ur system name07:30
hawke_wasabi__: if that doesn't work, try adding 'init=/bin/bash' to the command-line.07:30
goldfishTarkus: user@system07:30
Tarkusgoldfish, how do i change it?07:30
goldfishTarkus: eh...07:30
goldfishI'll ask :)07:30
hawke_Tarkus: 'sudo base-config'07:30
desrtone can only debootstrap potato, sarge, slink, woody, sid07:33
schasihow unfortunate07:33
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schweebdesrt: you can make scripts to debootstrap warty or hoary07:34
schweebtis not that difficult07:34
desrti'm looking around in /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/07:34
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desrti'm just about ready to install a cdrom drive07:35
_d4vidhi all07:35
jglHow many partitions serious ideal to do with a disc of 60 GB?07:35
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apokryphosjgl: if you intend on only having linux, then three.07:36
desrtok.  slightly more sane question07:36
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desrtdoes the ubuntu install cd have gnu parted on it?07:36
pngjgl, i ve 60gb disk and 11 partitons. this is ideal for me. u can choose ur ideal07:37
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jglpng Can you describe their sizes?07:38
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RazotterHi. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I received my ubuntu disks today, but when I boot off the live disk, all I get after the logo screen is a black screen.07:38
jglthe sizes of 11 partitions?07:38
jglIs it a problem to have many partitions?07:40
jglOr is it an advantage?07:40
png3 gb 10 gb 10gb 4gb 4 gb 512mb 5gb 5gb 3gb 100mb 75mb07:40
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Se7hwhat do i do with a 486 laptop with no hdd?07:40
freewoodyHi all07:41
socommSe7h: LiveCD07:41
MyrttiI'd freak out if I had such partitions07:41
freewoodyHow do I setup a POP3 Server in Ubuntu ?07:41
Se7hsocomm no boot from cd07:41
Myrttithat's pure madness07:41
dazedse7h: send it to me :)07:41
Myrttias always, YMMV07:41
socommSe7h: BootTP07:41
Se7hTP ?07:41
dazedfreewoody: u set up evoloution yet?07:41
pngjgl it is not a problem. ive thre os installed. so its looked liked this:)07:42
freewoodyYes I have07:42
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jgland with only ubuntu?07:43
freewoodyI want to setup my own POP3 Server in my PC which is behind a firewall but has a static class C IP07:43
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dazedlil more complicated07:44
pngjgl 2 partitons is enough for ubuntu one for swap and one for /07:44
dazedi could tell you how to do it if u were windows based but im new to this linux stuff too :(07:44
jglboot, / and swap?07:44
Se7hsocomm oh that07:44
Razotterhas anyone else had the same problem I have?07:44
Se7hno luck, no network on it07:45
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pngjgl, u dont need seperate boot part. if u want u cand do 4 partition, home boot swap and / . u only need 2 for minimum07:45
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yaaardoes anybody know why ubuntu's apache2 config has no DocumentRoot, and adding one doesn't seem to change anything?07:47
jgland if it's a server with ubuntu?07:47
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erikhello call07:47
erikI have a question regarding hotswapping my cdrom drive in my portable07:47
drspinGots me a job :) :)07:47
erikI'm using a Dell Portable with a D-Bay CDrom drive07:48
socommSe7h: FedEx it my way. I'll give you five bucks for it. :^)07:48
erikcan i swap the battery and cdrom drive without booting hoary07:48
pngjgl, it ll ur decide, u can divide whatever u want:) /usr /etc /tmp /boot etc..07:48
socommSe7h: You could always get a PCI ethernet adapter.07:48
Se7hits a laptop07:48
jglok thanks07:49
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erikany idea's about the cdrom drive? Linux won't load my drive...07:50
socommNot pci, a laptop card.07:50
socommI forget the technical term.07:50
Lupiuserrr.... how to remove a non-empty dir trough the console?07:51
Se7hi have 207:51
socommYes, that.07:51
Se7hbut non fits07:51
jglAnyone know a driver for winmodem with kernel 2.6.5?07:51
Fator_DeeLupius: rm -r dirname07:51
Se7hthe pcmcia slots r too old07:51
socommAren't they fairly cheap?07:51
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vijubjgl: What chipset07:52
Se7hrealy sukx07:52
Se7hi have this cute laptop07:52
Se7hand i cant use it07:52
Fator_DeeSe7h: send it to me :-p07:52
vincentMXik heb een eigen chnnel gemaakt in EuropNet (Libranet)07:52
Se7hunless i get a new 2.5 hdd07:52
Se7hFator_Dee naaa :P07:53
socommSe7h: What sort of processor is in there?07:53
vijubjgl: linmodems.technion.ac.il07:53
Se7hdunno if its sx or dc07:53
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jglok thanks07:54
socommHmmm I'd just use it as a Bootp machine.07:54
Se7hi would if it had an ethernet port07:54
Se7hi could boot a small linux distro from fdd07:55
Se7hand play a bit on the network07:55
socommYes, you need some sort of fdd setup. Then have it go over the network and get it's boot image.07:55
socommJust get a card on eBay.07:55
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vijubjgl: http://pctelcompdb.sourceforge.net/display.php07:56
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Se7hbut i guess this is not the "pro" version07:58
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VjazHi. Anyone know if it's possible to make GNOME Terminal use a non-TTF font?08:02
biatcheubuntu The first preview release of Ubuntu Linux 5.04 is now available for download and testing <-- off distrowatch ... does this mean that there will be more than 1 preview?08:02
VjazRegular X fonts... I can see the font I want with xfontsel.08:02
Razotteruh, I wonder if anyone can help me. I got my ubuntu cds in the mail today, and when I boot off the live cd, all I get after the logo is a blank screen. I've never used linux before, so I'm a tad confused.08:03
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JStrikeDoes ubuntu use xorg.conf?08:03
Fator_Deehoary yes08:04
VjazJStrike: In Warty the stable version, no, but in the development version called Hoary, yes.08:04
JStrikehmm...This is strange then. I am unable to change my resolution from 640x480, even though the xorg.conf file has quite a few specified08:04
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VjazJStrike: where in xorg.conf are they specified?08:05
LinuxJonesRazotter, is the ubuntu cd in another computer right now ?08:06
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Razotterunfortunately not.08:06
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JStrikeVjaz : Under the Screen section08:06
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RazotterI tried booting in a number of modes... failsafe and whatnot, but still the same. I tried a different set of disks and still the same. I can only guess its something about my hardware it doesn't like.08:07
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LinuxJonesRazotter, if you hit cdrl+alt+ F2 (I think) it should give some indication on where it's hanging. When you boot into the cd look to the help menu and see for sure where to look for message output08:07
LinuxJonesRazotter, make that ctrl+alt+F208:07
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RazotterAMD 2000+xp, onboard Nvidia graphics card... *shrugs* I've tried just about everything to get it to work, and no luck. Just comes up after the progress bar with a black, blank screen.08:07
MyrttiRazotter: what kind of screen do you have?08:08
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RazotterLG Studioworks 700S08:08
LinuxJonesRazotter, I can't remember off the top of my head where to see the system messages08:08
shuerlimanni today downloaded hoary-preview-live-i386.iso, quite cool08:08
MyrttiTFT. LCD, CRT?08:08
VjazJStrike: JStrike There are several "Display" subsections there... do you have several resolutions in all of them, or at least the one that has the same depth as your default (probably 24)?08:08
shuerlimannbut the screensaver is password protected08:08
RazotterUh, I think CRT08:08
shuerlimannbut I don't know the password:-(08:08
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MyrttiRazotter: big, heavy thing?08:08
Myrttinot flat?08:08
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shuerlimannnot sure if this makes sense for a live CD...08:09
Myrttior perhaps not08:09
JStrikeVjaz: They have "Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"" for all the depths08:09
=== NobleArc [~Freya@h24-207-81-76.cst.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
RazotterThe progress bar and logo display just fine... it just doesn't do anything further.08:09
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Myrttirefresh rates might have something to do with the issue08:09
Razotterfully loads, then blanks out.08:09
VjazJStrike: Ok... that's funny. What are your HorizSync and VertRefresh in the "Monitor" section?08:09
JStrike HorizSync       28-3308:09
JStrike        VertRefresh     43-7208:09
RazotterMyrtti: is there a way I can alter the refresh rate on booting? I know 50 and 60Hz should work.08:10
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netmonkdoes anyone know why sometimes on my desktop appear the icons of the mounuted partitions, and sometimes they don't appear, even though they are monuted?08:11
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Myrtticheck the xorg.conf, and search for HorizSync and VertRefresh08:11
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Razotterokay. thanks. I'll go give it a try.08:11
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png_i do not have HorizSync and VertRefresh:)08:13
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dazedhow do i get a PIM list08:14
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JStrikeOk. Trying something. Got to restart X08:16
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png_netmonk, same happens to me. i wonder if :)08:17
caliber09:14 <Yvebojm> Are you want free unlimited SMS ( Multimedia Message ) ? Then08:18
caliber                click here => www.kontorler.tk08:18
caliberYvebojm IS SPAMMING08:18
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dazedcaliber: lol oh really?08:19
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horay_testergood evening all08:21
caliberCan someone tell me why uname -a says Linux i686, yet I compiled my kernel as ATHLON64 ?08:21
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Gfaulthi all08:21
png_caliber, did u rebooted08:21
caliberpng_ lol yeah08:21
Gfaulthelp me08:21
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horay_testerby the way, I have Athlon M (32bit) which kernel should I install??08:21
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Gfaulthow remove name ubuntu for other name ?08:22
caliberGfault: what the hell are you talking about08:22
png_Gfault, which name08:22
Gfaultpng_: project V08:22
Gfaultpng_: university08:22
Myrttistill no coherency08:22
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Gfaultcafuego: i from brazil08:23
hawke_Gfault: 'sudo base-config' if you mean the system hostname...08:24
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Gfaultcaliber: im  from brazil08:24
png`idLeGfault, no idea08:24
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Gfaultpng`idLe: exist kubuntu based KDE ?08:25
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Gfaultpng`idLe: hawke: it is possible to custom ubuntu live ?08:27
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alex_macgillivraAnyone: (I am using warty) I have noticed that the dbus daemon is not terminating with my gnome session.  Thus, I tend to accumulate "stale" dbus processes which must be killed manually.  Does anyone know of a fix for this problem?08:29
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onedayhey hey all.08:29
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onedayim using the gnome live cd , looks nic08:29
neomI tried to install lipstik last night and it totally scrwed up everything kicker related, haha, actually.. it screwed up lots of things, kcontrol included. Anyway, amu helped me jumped up to 3.4 and it seems to all be working again.08:30
neomHowever, I am missing a lot of the menus that I had on kicker before, such as Systems Tools, Applications, Games, etc etc. Is it possable to get those menus back without manually adding everything as that would be a PITA.08:30
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GfaultThe ubuntu is based in Knoppix ?08:31
hawke_Gfault: no08:31
NobleArcA lot of the time when I try to install stuff through apt in hoary, it complains that the packages cannot be authenticated. (even ubuntu-artwork can't be authenticated.)  In warty, this wasn't a problem.  Should I be concerned, or just install the stuff anyway?08:31
hawke_Gfault: on Debian08:31
hawke_Gfault: Knoppix is also based on debian08:31
Gfaultsorry, The ubuntu-LIVE is based in Knoppix ?08:32
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Gfaultexist ubuntu + KDE ?08:32
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TuxadermistGfault, yes, its called Kubuntu08:32
shuerlimanngfault: ubuntu-LIVE isn't based on Knoppix08:33
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dazedno gfault...knoppix is based on debian as well as ubuntu is based on debian ..the differences is the desktop managers knoppix uses KDM (konqueror or something desktop manager) Ubuntu uses GDM (gnome desktop manager)08:33
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dazedi misunderstood08:33
GfaultTuxadermist: where ?08:33
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shuerlimanngfault: see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu08:34
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GfaultTuxadermist: where kubuntu-Live ?08:34
hawke_dazed: It's "K desktop manager" ... but the dm doesn't matter, that's just the login screen.  you're thinking of the desktop environment (KDE vs. GNOME)08:34
olyhum, is there anyway to import a .adr contact list into evolution ?08:34
shuerlimanngfault: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/08:34
nu2ubuntuI've recently installed ubuntu, and used synaptic to get gsnes9x up and running.  Now I'd like to use an xbox controller with usb adapter to play games and I'm wondering: Does Warty have xbox controller support compiled into its kernel?08:34
Tuxadermistthere :)08:34
GfaultKubunto + KDE cool08:34
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dazedhawke: ur right08:35
dazedmy miswording08:35
hawke_dazed: And the K doesn't stand for anything. :-D08:36
=== NobleArc conciders asking his question again..
dazedthought it did08:36
VladDracthe K stands for Kool, but after a while they realized how lame that was, so now it's just 'K'08:36
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VladDrac(there already was CDE, common desktop environment, back then)08:37
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neomWell now we've established I'm using kubuntu, any suggestions as to my problem?08:37
GfaultHow custom Kubuntu-Live ?08:37
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NobleArcA lot of the time when I try to install stuff through apt in hoary, it complains that the packages cannot be authenticated. (even ubuntu-artwork can't be authenticated.)  In warty, this wasn't a problem.  Should I be concerned, or just install the stuff anyway?08:38
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nu2ubuntuanyone know anything about ubuntu and xbox controller support?08:38
nu2ubuntuI can't find anything online, not even google helped08:39
paulicatnu2ubuntu - does it load a module when you plug it in?08:40
paulicatThe module may be called xpad08:40
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nu2ubuntupaulicat: it didn't do anything when I plugged it in08:40
paulicatcan you try sudo modprobe xpad?08:40
nu2ubuntuI can do that08:41
nu2ubuntu1 sec08:41
Coilyif i wanted to have logs sent from my router, could i use a local smtp server (is there already one set up)?08:41
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nu2ubuntumodprobe xpad didn't do anything in the root console.  It just gave me another prompt08:42
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jazzkahi, I have ubuntu stable installed on my hard drive, but I want to install Ubuntu Hoary into an external usb-hard drive08:43
DazeD||laptophey i have 2 quick questions...i run fluxbox...and i was wondering what the best way to use the nautalis file explorer on fluxbox...?08:43
jazzkais it possible? would grub underestand usb?08:43
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DazeD||laptopand the other question is how do u make it so when u click a folder in nautalis it opens in the same window08:43
NobleArcDazeD||laptop: nautilus --no-desktop08:43
paulicatdo dmesg | grep xpad08:43
NobleArcand I'd like to know the answer to that myself, DazeD||laptop. :P08:44
dazedlol noblearc its a pain isnt it08:44
schweebI think there's a config option for it08:44
schweebdon't know where it's located08:44
nu2ubuntugave me this08:44
NobleArcyou can do it in gconf, that's all I know.08:44
Fator_Deeedit -> preferences ->08:44
schweebgconf is how I know how to do it08:44
moondustCoily: you probably want to set up a syslog server for that08:44
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, you have to fire up gconf-editor08:44
Fator_Deebehaviour ->08:44
nu2ubuntusaid it registered new driver08:45
paulicatCool...so what app you wanna use it in again?08:45
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dazedlinuxjones: im new to linux kinda so like once i fire it up then what lol08:45
_d4vidW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>08:45
_d4vidW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>08:45
_d4vidwhy ?08:45
Coilymoondust, is there a package for that? or is it simpler08:45
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NobleArcI'm having the same problem, _d4vid.  It keeps complaining.08:45
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, it's under apps>>nautilus >> Preferences check "always use browser"08:45
moondustCoily, syslog is standard on any linux installation08:45
moondustjust set it up to accept logs from the network08:46
DazeD||laptopok thanks08:46
_d4vidNobleArc, ok08:46
moondustyou might want to look into setting up syslog-ng if you're going to do a lot of logging08:46
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, I don't run fluxbox so I can't help with the other question ;)08:46
Coilymoondust, thanks08:46
_d4vidubuntu servers hacked ? (packet missing.. changed ?)08:46
DazeD||laptoplol sall good08:47
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DazeD||laptopfor anyone who does run fluxbox do u have problems with loading ur gnome theme when starting flux?08:47
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schweebdazed: you have to start gnome-settings-daemon08:47
DazeD||laptopschweeb: thats giberrissh to me lol08:48
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_d4vid<mvo> mdz: permission to upload quagga (postinst changed permissions) and zsh (tab-completion for makefiles) ?08:48
_d4vid<elmo> shaya: use us.archive.ubuntu.com08:48
_d4vid<shaya> that works08:48
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bdaleshipit.ubuntu.com doesn't have a way to request ia64 cd's yet?08:49
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jbaileybdale: ia64 isn't targetted at hoary, it didn't make the cut.08:49
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bdalejbailey: it's in the preview release08:49
Aapzakhey, I'm being spammed by dcjfna08:49
Tomcat_The Hoary Preview rocks btw. :o08:50
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Tomcat_Congrats for this.08:51
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Aapzakdoes it have gnome 2.1008:51
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BugSlayerhi all08:51
_d4vidNobleArc, use us.archive.ubuntu.com08:51
DazeD||laptopschweeb: how do i start gnome-settings-deabeon08:51
Tomcat_Aapzak: Yes.08:51
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guerbyhi, I'm new to ubuntu/debian, is there an easy way to see the list of packages of the upcoming ubuntu release (with their source version) on the web?08:51
Tomcat_Since today. :D08:51
guerbyI've only played with the live CD yet08:51
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, hit alt + F2 and start typing it should auto-complete for you08:52
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jbaileybdale: I'm going off of Matt's email to ubuntu-devel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=78594&postcount=408:52
BugSlayerhi, installed ubuntu today. Last time i've used Linux (debian testing) i had the same Problem with gnome: when i reboot the icons in the taskbar change their places sometimes even the taskbars08:52
Tomcat_BugSlayer: Tried locking them?08:53
bryananyone else getting spammed about SMS messages?08:53
DazeD||laptopalt+f2 adn start typing what? in what?08:53
DazeD||laptopmy terminal?08:53
Aapzakbryan, yeah, I put him on my ignore list08:53
NobleArcyou're in flux, right DazeD||laptop?  If so, alt f2 does nothing. :P  In GNOME it opens the run menu.08:54
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, you know the run dialog in windows ?08:54
NobleArcif you need a run menu, you can install grun through apt.08:54
DazeD||laptopthats what u meant08:54
bdalejbailey: that sucks, but oh well.  I suggest someone update the text at http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ to reflect this, then.  ia64 appears to be a fully supported arch for hoary, and sparc isn't visible at all.08:54
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, Linux has one too hit alt + F2 and type gnome-settings-daemon08:55
BugSlayer:( mh i love gnome but this problem sucks08:55
jbaileybdale: Thanks, I'll figure out who updates that and get it done.08:55
DazeD||laptopi was on flux whe i hit alt f208:55
bdalejbailey: feel free to have the change be that ia64 *is* supported for hoary, of course.  ;-)08:55
jbaileybdale: *lol*08:55
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, or you can start it in a terminal it doesn't really matter08:56
HiddenWolfbdale: ia64 was put together, but isn't an official build yet; i believe so far no-one has downloaded it. Sparc isn't nearly done yet08:56
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bdaleHiddenWolf: I'm about to download ia64 and take it for a test drive, fwiw08:56
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DazeD||laptopmy run application freezes whenever i loadit?08:57
DazeD||laptopthats never happened before08:57
DazeD||laptopthere it goes08:57
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, did you do a system upgrade since installing Ubuntu ?08:57
HiddenWolfbdale: you might well be the first lucky soul, perhaps the only, perhaps the last. ;)08:57
DazeD||laptoplinuxJones: just finished like 2 days ago08:57
bdaleHiddenWolf: given the interest I heard from the Gelato community, I doubt I'll be the last.08:58
DazeD||laptoponce i type that in the run application should it bring anything up or just save my settings?08:58
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LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, ok, you might want to have a look @ www.ubuntuguide.org08:58
NobleArcas far as I know, gnome-settings-daemon loads your settings..?08:58
HiddenWolfbdale: what are you running ia64 for?08:59
DazeD||laptoplinuxJones: im there all the time08:59
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, no nothing should come up08:59
BugSlayeri'll try08:59
DazeD||laptopok well than let me check if it loads my settings when flux starts08:59
LinuxJonesDazeD||laptop, ok good there is alot of great stuff there for users new to Ubuntu08:59
djpanybody here use mjpegtools, dvd:rip, avidemux etc...?08:59
bdaleHiddenWolf: do you know what my day job is?08:59
Fator_Deedjp: what are you trying to do?09:00
DazeD||laptopstill didnt laod my theme when i started flux but when i goto the control center and click themes it loads my theme immediately without even have to select a theme09:00
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HiddenWolfbdale: I don't know you, no. :)09:01
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bdaleHiddenWolf: ok, just checking to make sure you weren't trolling.  Part of my job is making Linux work well on ia64.09:02
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HiddenWolfbdale: I'm a lot of things, including clueless, but never a troll09:03
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djpFator_Dee: well, i want to be able to create vcd or svcds from avi files etc... i used tovid to do this with fedora core 3 but since moving to ubuntu i have had no end of problems getting the required packages to work! mjpegtools will not install on my warty box here :(09:03
NobleArcHow exactly would I go about installing transcode in Hoary?  It doesn't seem to be in universe.09:03
jesuelbdale: as a volunteer? or get paid to do this.? lol :)09:03
bdaleHiddenWolf: I was one of the folks who initiated the Debian port to ia64.09:04
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bdalejesuel: both at different times09:04
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GfaultHow custom Kubuntu-Live ?09:04
HiddenWolfbdale: is there actually a market for ia64-distro's?09:05
NobleArcI can find a tonne of frontends for transcode (dvdrip, gtranscode, etc) but not transcode itself. o_O09:05
jesuelHiddenWolf: yes09:05
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AapzakHiddenWolf, bdale, is ia64 the same as amd64?09:05
=== HiddenWolf was under the impression ia64 was a dead duck
HiddenWolfaapzak: no09:05
jesuelAapzak: nope09:05
bdaleAapzak: no09:05
Aapzakwhat is ia64 then?09:06
krebisi`m using Ubuntu Live now, its very good ... :)09:06
Tomcat_krebis: Yeah! :D09:06
HiddenWolfaapzak: itanium09:06
Aapzakkrebis, off course it is09:06
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Aapzakreal intel09:06
jesuelblah :)09:06
krebismy hd its problem ...09:06
Aapzakserver stuff probably?09:06
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paulicatAnyone in here notice when you burn a cd with nautilus that auto mount doesn't work anymore??09:07
HiddenWolfjesuel: are there ia64 desktops in existance?09:07
jesuelHiddenWolf: sgi made a few that i remember09:07
Aapzakpaulicat, no, but it could be good practice, so automount does not screw up your burning session09:07
paulicatYea, but thats not proper behaviour, this didn't occur in warty...09:08
Aapzakand no probs while burning either?09:08
jesuelHiddenWolf: I personally was still using a indy at the time, in fact I still do use the indy09:08
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paulicatI burnt my hoary cd in warty09:09
paulicatI guess you'09:09
androxxlhello can anyone tell me what means this hdb: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }09:09
androxxlhdb: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }09:09
Aapzakehhh, did we have an update?09:09
paulicat've never used nautilus to burn an iso??09:09
paulicatAm I the only one who finds this convenient??09:09
paulicatRight click and write to cd...09:10
HrdwrBoBno, it's great09:10
paulicatIt cant get any better than that09:10
mz2how do i reset the library of albums i have in muine?09:10
Aapzakwindows made me affraid of 'handy' things like burning from explorer, I rather use k3b09:10
paulicatHrdwrBoB, does your automount stop after writing a cd in hoary?09:10
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HrdwrBoBpaulicat: to be honest I'm not sure, but I don't think so09:11
paulicatDude, Gnome aint windows, that burning thing they put it XP is the biggest piece o crap...09:11
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paulicatBut gnomes worked quite well up until the utopia stuff..well, the cd's still burn but it screws up something in Utopia...09:12
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queuetueHello - I'm using mpd (music player daemon) under hoary, andI can't figure out what ao_driver am I supposed to use... When mpd with ao_driver="alsa09" is playing, it works fine,  but all other sounds get "lost"...09:13
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krebisi`ve want help contribuit with ubuntu in portuguese ... How collaborates developers ???09:15
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internenetsalut , il y a des francais ici ?09:16
thullyjoin #kanotix09:16
goldfishinternenet: #ubuntu-fr09:17
internenetthanks goldfish :)09:17
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grimborg_i've just installed ubuntu hoary but the kernel it comes with won't let me mount the root partition. it looks like a problem with /dev, because VFS complains about not being able to mount /dev/hda5, which, it says, is block (0,0) (and those are not the real major/minor for /dev/hda5.) is this a known bug? any known solution? thanks!09:20
schweebgrimborg_: are you using the ubuntu kernel and did you use their initrd?09:20
paulicatGrimborg - Maybe a step during your partitioning??09:21
paulicatDid you set the right / partition?09:21
Aapzakboys and girls ... I use warty in my repositories, is there a newer release?09:21
RibsHoary isn't finished yet tho09:21
schweebAapzak: it's a preview release09:21
Ribsso beware09:21
grimborg_schweeb, the installer said nothing about an initrd.. let me check the /boot dir (i'm doing dual boot with another gnu/linux so i didn't allow the ubuntu installer to config its own grub)09:21
Aapzakbut I can dist-upgrade?09:22
paulicatBut for the most part, its pretty stable09:22
moondustif you're familiar with linux (and debian :) then hoary works fine09:22
paulicatYou could...09:22
schweebgrimborg_: which is probably your problem09:22
Aapzakjust like debian, change the repository and upgrade?09:22
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schweebAapzak: yea09:22
moondustyeah, exactly like debian, in fact. funny that, eh?09:22
AapzakI love the Debian way09:22
grimborg_schweeb, yes, it seems you're right. i'm going to try it right now. Thanks a lot and sorry for the silly question :)09:22
|QuaD-is apache's authentication secure?09:22
Burn`how can I install nvidia drivers for my ubuntu hoary system amd64 bit?09:23
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schweebgrimborg_: for future reference09:23
Aapzakdoes it install xorg instead of xfree?09:23
paulicatyea, 6.8.209:23
schweebgrimborg_: whenever you have a root mount problem, the first thing you check is generally the initrd09:23
Aapzakno probs with the change?09:23
Burn`how can I install nvidia drivers for my ubuntu hoary system amd64 bit?09:23
paulicatnone so far...09:23
meuserj|workBurn`, make sure that you have the linux-restricted-modules package for the kernel that you are using09:23
Aapzakthats great!09:23
Aapzaklet's do it!09:23
paulicatbut I didnt do a dist upgrade, i installed from array 5 cd09:23
meuserj|workBurn`, and install nvidia-glx09:24
grimborg_well there it goes :)09:24
Aapzakow, I will dist-upgrade09:24
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Burn`meuserj|work: euhm09:24
Burn`whick linux-restricted?09:24
paulicatIt should be fine as hoary is quite stable right now.l..09:24
schweebdist-upgrading might cause a few problems you'll have to take care of09:24
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AapzakI always ran Debian Unstable, I will be fine with hoary I think?09:24
moondustah, yeah, you'll be just fine09:25
schweebyea, should be fine09:25
Aapzaklemme check the forums09:25
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schweebjust saying, there's a few issues you may need to deal with09:25
schweeblike xfree might still be installed and such09:25
Aapzakah, I've never been a fan of issues :)09:25
HiddenWolfthe day xfree dies. :P09:26
Aapzaknice :D09:26
paulicatis there a hoary channel??09:26
paulicatOk, so Ill ask my question one more time, a little bit more general this time...has anyone burnt a cd using nautilus?09:28
paulicatAnyone willing to test burn a cdrw??09:28
desrthow do i search for pacakges?09:28
VjazOooh. Muine is a nice music player.09:28
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Vjazpaulicat: I've successfully burned an ISO image to a CDRW.09:28
desrtfor example, i want to install quicklounge, so i say 'apt-get install quick-lounge-applet'09:29
desrtand apt gives some confusing message about Package quick-lounge-applet is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:29
paulicatVJaz, did auto mount work after you burnt the cd?09:29
Vjazpaulicat: Hm... I don't remember. I guess.09:29
paulicatAlso, are you using hoary?09:29
Vjazpaulicat: If you mean automounting the CD I burned. I had it open the CD tray and I took it out.09:29
Vjazpaulicat: Hm... I'm on Hoary now... I'm not sure I was when I burned the CD though.09:30
Vjazdesrt: apt-cache search quicklounge09:30
moondustpaulicat: i've burned about 30 or so cds from nautilus under hoary09:30
Aapzakcu guys in a sec, I will dist-upgrade from console ...09:30
paulicatI mean, after the burn is finished, it ejects the cd, you close the cd drawer to load the cd, and in my case, hal/dbus/g-v-m does not mount the cd auto...09:30
biatcheubuntu The first preview release of Ubuntu Linux 5.04 is now available for download and testing <-- off distrowatch ... does this mean that there will be more than 1 preview?09:30
Vjazdesrt: apt-cache is the program for displaying info about packages... there's also "apt-cache show" which is handy for getting details09:31
desrtcool.  thanks.09:31
wobHello all! Can Anyone explain me why there's Ubuntu (for Gnome) + Kubuntu ( KDE) instead of one Ubuntu (e.g 2 CDs or 1 DVD) which asks on installation which Destop should be default? Is this planned for future releases?09:31
paulicatThis worked under warty fine...but its stopped in hoary09:31
Vjazpaulicat: I think it worked, but I'm not 100% sure.09:31
djpany advise on why i cannot install mjpegtools under warty?09:31
Vjazpaulicat: But yeah, I might've been in Warty, so it's not of much help. Sorry.09:31
paulicatLol, no probes09:32
paulicatno probs...09:32
Vjazwob: Kubuntu is not official I think.09:32
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paulicatAnyone willing to burn a small cdrw in hoary?09:32
Riddellwob: what would be the advantage in that?09:32
RiddellVjaz: kubuntu is official09:32
VjazRiddell: ah ok09:32
=== desrt updates to universe (or something?)
Vjazwob: Well I guess if Kubuntu is official, the thing is that it would be confusing to beginners if you had to choose stuff like that in the installation.09:33
wobRiddell: A lot of people like to chose their Desktop environment.09:33
Vjazwob: And a lot of people don't.09:33
bzbbhow do I mount a USB flash device?09:33
Vjazwob: And if you give them an option, it's confusing.09:33
Riddellwob: then you now have that choice to make09:33
paulicatbzbb its supposed to automount it09:33
RiddellVjaz: you don't choose it in the installation09:34
VjazRiddell: I know, that's what wob was asking about.09:34
bzbbI'm using KDE in hoary, BTW09:34
wobso you say users are to stupid to decide what they want? e.g. an expert installation or a standart installation.09:34
VjazRiddell: I think it shouldn't be an option in the installation, which is the current situation. I understand wob was suggesting you should have an option during installation.09:34
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Vjazwob: Well I think it's a stupid idea to make Ubuntu two CD's big just so that the experts who like KDE can get it.09:35
RiddellVjaz: tis' not an option in the installation, it's an option long before you start installation09:35
VjazRiddell: Yes, I know. Are you listening to me at all?09:35
VjazRiddell: wob was suggesting that it should be an option during the installation, and I said it would be confusing if it was so09:35
RiddellVjaz: ah, well in that case you're right :)09:36
thullymaybe it'd be a good idea to have a DVD w/both?09:36
Vjazthully: A lot of people don't have DVD drives.09:36
thullyso, the CDs would also be available09:36
Vjazthully: And besides, nobody really wants both.09:36
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Vjazthully: Well I guess some might, but most want just one or the other.09:37
thullypeople do use KDE stuff on GNOME - k3b, for instance - it's useful to have all of main on 1 CD09:37
Vjazthully: Is K3B in main?09:37
bzbbits not appearing09:37
VjazAh, so it seems.09:38
Amaranthi thought it was going to be in hoary09:38
thullyyes - alone w/rest of KDE09:38
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Vjazah, ok09:38
thullyyou have to enable the apt internet sources - it isn't on the CD09:38
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Slavenback on Gentoo my cam used to be /dev/sda09:40
Vjazthully: I guess that's a point.09:41
Slavenin Ubuntu, I can't find that particular device.09:41
wobUbutu at present semms to me like a Debian personal edition. I like to chose which Programs to install (in addition to a standart desktop). So there are a lot of small tools i easily can install from a Debian 3.1 DVD. But which of cause don't fit on one CD. But with DVD getting cheaper and cheaper disk space can't be an argument.09:42
bryanoh got, i havn't even tried to get my cam working09:42
Vjazthully: although it's still overkill, because most people who do want extra packages from KDE want only one or two of them...09:42
bryanmy brain would explode09:42
SlavenI just got it working :D09:42
Slavenalways worked well.09:42
timsI for one, like Debian Personal Edition (Ubuntu)09:42
Slavenwith Linux.09:42
schweebwob: do you have dialup internet or something?09:43
Slavenbut in Gentoo it needed a reboot before being able to connect to the computer again.09:43
VladDracanyone here used nautilus' cd/dvd creator?09:43
schweebthere are just as many packages in ubuntu's apt archives as debian's09:43
wobschweeb: mostly yes09:43
Vjazthully: And given that those people are usually experts who know what they want anyways and know how to get it.09:43
schweebother applications are just a mouse click/command line away09:43
schasischweeb: depends on how you count09:43
schasiif you take all the archs of debian in account... ;-)09:43
schweebthat would be asinine09:44
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schweebesp seeing as most of the packages are generated for all arches... so they wouldn't be diff pkgs... just the same pkg for diff arches09:44
wobI know that all exists in Ubuntus apt-repositories but there is no DVD Image09:44
blizahi edited a photo in gimp and now gimp starts up and opens the picture i edited every time i login09:44
blizahow do i stop this09:44
desrtwhy isn't bluecurve in universe?09:44
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Vjazthully: If you give three options to "regular" people: 1. Ubuntu (recommended) 2. Kubuntu (use this if you want KDE) 3. Ubuntu+Kubuntu on DVD (gives you choice of either) , I think most regular people who don't know the difference would still get the DVD because it's "better".09:44
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schasiI'd like to get kubuntu09:45
Vjazthully: Which either costs Canonical a lot of money to press CDs, or makes the people waste their bandwidth.09:45
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schasiBecause i dont know that yet09:45
VladDracblizah: find the session management part somewhere in your computer menu09:45
akrabatI thought there was a ubuntu dvd containing all of main?  Had a feeling that it's built once per week09:46
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thullythere is, but it doesn't have KDE09:46
thullyjust GNOME+all non-KDE stuff09:46
akrabatah... yeah that's in universe09:46
thullyno - it's in main09:47
akrabatis it?09:47
blizahvladdrac k found it but still dont see anything dealing w/ gimp09:47
thullycheck it - you have to enable the online apt source to see it09:47
wobCanonical could focus on one Standart version (Gnome Destop). But just Because Canonical would not be able to distribute it cant be an argument against a DVD version.09:47
thullyif you're not running kubuntu09:47
akrabatI believe you  :)09:47
schweebwob: there is in fact a DVD image09:48
schweebalthough, I'm not sure as to its contents09:48
bryanthere are dvds09:48
thullyyes - there are, agreed.  But they don't have all of main09:48
=== hypn0_ [~chatzilla@host81-7-53-53.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
paulicatVladDrac Im using nautilus for cd's09:48
akrabatgnome question: how do you add your own folders to the new "places" menu ?09:48
thullyEven GNOME users have a use for KDE packages - k3b for instance09:48
wobOk, I'm sorry I searched but havent found any DVD-Images yet.09:49
schweeball of main is larger than a single DVD, I'm pretty sure09:49
akrabatI'm really failing at using google today :(09:49
wobbryan: thank you09:49
thullyI don't think Nautilus burns audio CD09:49
bryannp, wob09:49
paulicatno, just data09:49
VjazK3B is clunky.09:50
VjazBut that's just my opinion, I know a lot of people like it and use it even in Gnome.09:50
paulicatakrabat, in the file chooser box, use the add button, it will add the folder in the chooser and in the places menu09:50
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jeramyIt sticks out like a sore thumb, but K3B is the easiest to use09:51
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VladDracpaulicat: burning as well?09:51
Simplondioim argentine09:51
wobbryan: nice DVDs but there's no KDE on them.09:51
Vjazthully: it's only a matter of time before audio suppport is coded in09:51
VladDracpaulicat: it doesn't seem to recognize writable cd's in mine (cdrecord just burns fine)09:51
akrabatpaulicat: thanks, but where's the filechooser box when I have the parent folder of the folder I want to add open as a spatial window?09:51
VladDraccould be a permission problem perhaps?09:52
schweebwob: kde is kubuntu's bag09:52
Simplondiowho are you?09:52
paulicatGraveman does a nice job for audio cd's09:52
thullyIt doesn't do multisession also09:52
schweebwob: I think kubuntu generates their own images09:52
paulicatakrabat, you have to open an app, say gedit, I dont know of any other way to get to the chooser09:52
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Simplondiowhat is software with ubuntu include?09:53
paulicatThe problem Im having is after I write a cd with nautilus, automount does not work anymore until reboot09:53
envelPlease tell me how to make grub to boot windows09:53
akrabatit never crossed my mind to open gedit  :)09:53
envelsorry for my english09:53
paulicatakrabat, lol...it happens ;-)09:53
schweebwelp, looks like there are no DVDs generated of kubuntu09:54
akrabatenvel: edit /boot/grub/menu.list09:54
envelok, i'll take a look09:54
schweebif you want KDE, and a ton of apps... have both the ubuntu DVD and the kubuntu CD09:54
akrabatenvel: look for the line "default  0" and change to "default  saved"09:54
schweebyou can use the CDs as apt archives09:54
envelwhat does it mean?09:54
akrabatenvel: then grub will remember which menu option you choose last time09:55
wobschweeb: I think this whole Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu thing is more confusing than distributing KDE in Ubuntu09:55
paulicatI like it separated so that they can distinguish between the two d/e's09:56
schweebwob: Canonical supports and releases Ubuntu with GNOME, for standardization09:56
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schweebwob: kubuntu is a set of volunteers who maintain KDE for Ubuntu09:57
paulicathey blahrus!09:57
blahrusanyone having issues connecting to the update?09:57
thullyhas anybody noticed that GNOME in the last few versions has started to look a lot like the Classic Mac OS?09:57
blahruspaulicat: hey whats up09:57
paulicatdude, do readcd dev=/dev/cdrom or whatever your rom drive is09:57
blahrusdo I need to sudo?09:57
paulicatdefault readcd goes to /dev/sg*09:57
akrabatthully: in what sense?  single tasking with a common menu at the top ?!09:58
wobschweeb: so KDE wont be in Ubuntu because it would make Support a lot more complicated?09:58
paulicatjust do readcd dev=/dev/cdrom09:58
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queuetueakrabat, No, I think he means monochrome.09:58
Marble2is hoary official, no longer in beta now?09:58
=== bdale notes that his bt fetch of the ia64 live cd is showing upload bw consumed, not just dl, so there *are* other folks interested...
queuetueSorry, quadrachrome.09:58
=== kayali [~kayali@ALamentin-101-1-10-148.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thullyand widgets and CD icons appearing on the desktop, as wellas spatial navigation09:58
schweebwob: well a) having the option for both on one CD is one more question for users to get confused on09:58
danielsbdale: it's probably just lamont inflating the stats09:58
bdaledaniels: heh09:59
thullyI thought I heard somewhere that some former Mac OS engineers worked on part of GNOME09:59
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nictukuHi. Is "ifconfig eth0:1 <ip> netmask <mask> up" really enough to create an alias? It's not pinging from a remote address..09:59
queuetuethully, Ximian were mac UI guys.09:59
queuetueNo, not ximian...09:59
nictukuI mean, aliased ethernet address09:59
queuetueWhich comapny built nautilus?09:59
kayalianyone can point me to some info about Ubuntu's init scripts and how to mannage them? like deciding what to start at boot time, etc... ?09:59
akrabatI still haven't decided if I like spatial or not09:59
queuetueThey were mac guys.09:59
=== raz0 [~morten@0x50a11633.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== bdale pulls out the i386 torrent file so his uplink can feed other arches better...
schweebnictuku: you could use the iproute2 package to make virtual addresses on the same real interface10:00
akrabatnow that they have fixed the "file browser" title bar so that the folder is first, that's become usable too10:00
jeramyAnyone else feel the need for a program that manages startup services?10:00
=== cocol [~internet@c117130.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Simplondiothis distro include serves? who apache or samba10:00
bdalejeramy: you mean vi?10:00
=== bdale ducks
raz0So.. Which packages do I have to apt-get to make mp3 and movie playback work in rhythmbox/totem player in Hoary?10:00
schweebnictuku: ip addr add x.x.x.x dev eth010:01
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jeramybdale, heh.  No, I mean some GUI app that lets you, say, have sshd not start up.  :)10:01
akrabatbdale: you've misspelt vim !10:01
schweebthen to list, ip adr list eth010:01
schweeber addr10:01
envelto akrabaty10:01
kayaliraz0: last time I tried hoary, it was still the only distro I know that can't play mp3 or xvid... left a kinda strange impression to my ibook ;)10:01
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nictukuschweeb: I'll try that one. Thank you very much.10:01
Simplondiothis distro include serves? who apache or samba10:01
akrabatnp envel :)10:01
schweebSimplondio: ya10:01
bdaleakrabat: vim is a 4-letter word10:01
thullyoh yeah,and they also have "Force Quit" which is also what the Mac calls killing an application10:02
schweebSimplondio: it includes apache, samba, and most other regular server services10:02
akrabatthully  :)  is it bad that it's taken some macos design cues ?10:02
raz0kayali, Yeah but I assume you just need to get the right packages. Don't you think?10:02
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Simplondiosorry im not english good10:02
delltonywhats the correct way to use mkisofs please isn't it mkisofs -dvd-video -udf  directoryofvobs>nameof.iso10:02
airoxAnybody got a nice linux replacement for Dreamweaver MX 2004 ?10:03
Simplondiotank yoy very much10:03
airoxI need ftp and php support.10:03
hawke_thully: well, "force quit" is not a bad term...better than "kill", which is the traditional *nix term.10:03
kayaliraz0: gstreamer-mad for mp3 playback (it's in universe) and maybe totem-xine for any video needs. I still find it bizzare that ubuntu can't play anything by default... that must have turn thousands of people off of it already ;)10:03
akrabatincidentally, anyone know how to get gnome to highlight the taskbar "button" for a window that wants to have focus? e.g. make gaim's "urgent" hint do something useful ?10:03
Myrttikayali: it's because divx and mp3 aren't open file formats10:04
Myrttikayali: software patents etc10:04
desrthow do i tell dpkg to *actually* ignore deps?10:04
kayaliMyrtti: I'm talking about xvid. for mp3 I do understand.10:04
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queuetueHow do I check what version of  a package is installed?10:04
akrabatqueuetue: look it up in synaptic ?10:05
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-33-153.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
goldfishdpkg -I ?10:05
akrabathmm.. is uninstalling "ubuntu-desktop" bad?10:05
queuetueakrabat, with apt-get, not synaptic.10:05
Vjazakrabat: No, it's not bad.10:05
apokryphosakrabat: not really10:05
raz0kayali, Yeah, that I would guess. Thanks by the way. :)10:05
DrScottqueuetue: apt-cache policy <package>10:05
=== akrabat uninstalls evolution then
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Vjazakrabat: The only problem is that if the software selection changes, you won't see it.10:06
Vjazakrabat: If they replaced Rhythmbox with Muine in 5.10 for example.10:06
schweebakrabat: it's a virtual package, that brings in all the packages that ubuntu deems to be a base desktop10:06
akrabatvjaz: is that a problem? maybe I'll just keep evolution around10:06
Vjazakrabat: Well not a big problem really.10:06
Vjazakrabat: And you could check from time to time what it would install.10:07
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akrabatvjaz: good idea !10:07
akrabatwonder if I can store saved searches in synaptic...10:07
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Vjazakrabat: That way you'll see what's new, and hand pick that.10:07
=== akrabat waves goodbye to evolution and installs Thunderbird
djpairox: closest thing at present is probably http://www.nvu.com/10:07
lamontbdale: still here?10:08
VjazI actually thought I wanted to use Thunderbird, but then I installed it and decided I don't want it after all. :-/10:08
bdalelamont: sort of10:08
VjazEvolution seems more polished or something.10:08
apokryphosThunderbird is nice, so is Evolution. I quite like kmail though with the kontact intergration.10:08
akrabatI use it on windows - it's easier to sync my rule filters10:08
VjazThere isn't even a notable difference in memory requirements unlike I was expecting.10:08
akrabatthough I haven't actually tried evolution10:09
VjazI checked... Thunderbird actually uses a bit more than Evolution unless I made a mistake.10:09
akrabatmaybe I should have a look10:09
vixusAre there any small programs (gui) that the linux world needs? I want to give something back, and learn some more coding.10:09
akrabatdoes evo have a resonable spam filter ?10:09
VjazI would probably use Sylpheed, but the problem is that it isn't multithreaded, which drives me crazy.10:09
akrabatvixus: a text editor :)10:10
goldfishHow do you check what version of perl you have installed?10:10
=== Aapzak [~Aapzak@dslam27-38-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
vixusakrabat aren't there enough of those?10:10
apokryphosErr... there are plenty of text editors around.10:10
akrabatgoldfish: perl --version10:10
VjazIt means that if my IMAP server is responding slowly, it will look like Sylpheed hangs.10:10
apokryphosand good ones10:10
akrabatvixus yes!10:10
goldfishakrabat: heh10:10
akrabatvixus, it's the typical first project that everyone does10:10
schweeblots of people use Mutt10:10
schweebmutt's a cmd line email viewer10:11
vixusYeah, but... it's kinda boring =|10:11
apokryphosvixus: you could always learn and try to contribute to one of the projects around10:11
Aapzakmutt = kewl10:11
akrabatI've never got on with Mutt10:11
vixusI want to code something from scratch (only something small)10:11
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vixusany utilities the linux world wants (or at least you guys)?10:11
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confreyhi everybody10:11
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Aapzakyeah , nzb leecher10:11
Aapzakvixus: nzbleecher, you know it?10:12
apokryphosvixus: a kde program for torrents and a kde client for the gnutella network :P10:12
Aapzakplease, no KDE :)10:12
vixusbit hard for a starter, no? Also, no kde.10:12
paulicatkde client for gnutella, use apollon and gift10:12
apokryphosas much as poss ;-)10:12
vixusAnything else?10:12
confreyI have a laptop, Amilo A1640; can anybody help me to configure acpi? (sleep, lid and so on)10:12
Aapzaklol, Ubuntu and KDE don't seem a logical combi to me10:12
jesuelvixus: A gnome interface for cisco's vpn client.10:12
=== tuxella [~tuxella@90.211.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxella'lo all10:13
djpapokryphos: for torrents, azureus10:13
Aapzakazureus rocks!10:13
apokryphosYes, I use that now. Still, would be nice to use only kde for everything. :P10:13
Aapzakreally, very little to improve there10:13
Aapzakapokryphos: whats up with the KDE obsession?10:13
jesuelvixus: http://www.csuchico.edu/stcp/vpn4.6/10:14
apokryphosAapzak: it's the kde affect; brainwashed.10:14
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djpaapzak: only pain with azureus is the need for java. that is the only reason java is on my machine... azureus10:14
airoxdjp: Isn't there something nicer that supports php highlighting and autocompletion ? nvu seem stupididly easy :/10:14
apokryphosdjp: no limewire?10:14
Aapzakapokryphos: KDE is nice, but reminds me too much of windows10:14
apokryphosairox: Quanta?10:14
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Aapzakdjp: I know, big drawback10:14
tuxellaas somebody already installer he Hoary preview on a sata HD ?10:15
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apokryphosAapzak: I find it funny that Gnome-ers say that about KDE, and the same happens visa versa. :D10:15
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djpairox: that is as close as it gets as far as i know in terms of wysiwyg10:15
apokryphosBoth guilty of the same vices, I guess.10:15
javioloany vidalinux user?10:15
Aapzakapokryphos: lol10:15
djpairox: bluefish or quanta plus are excellent editors10:15
airoxI don't need wysiwyg ;) I used dreamweaver in 'code' mode.10:15
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airoxI used Dreamweaver mostly because it supported asp highlighting as well.10:15
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akrabatairox: I won't recommend Zend Studio then :)10:16
djpapokryphos: like azureus enough to have java installed just to use it!10:16
airoxZend Studio seems perfect, but people tell me it's slow :/10:16
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akrabatit's snappy for me10:16
apokryphosdjp: it's a very nice program, to be sure.10:17
akrabatexcept when coming back from being minimized for ages10:17
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djpairox: in that case check out vluefish or quanta plus10:17
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=== akrabat tries to motivate himself to find php5 packages
tuxellaplease ?10:18
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airoxdjp: You mean bluefish i guess ?10:18
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akrabatok.. back to my places menu!10:18
apokryphosakrabat: I think you'll have to compile10:18
akrabathow do I remove something from it ?!10:18
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akrabatI'm nearly sure I found them somewhere for my last laptop10:19
djpairox: sure! apologies for the slight of hand. reaching for my hot mug of tea that does that...10:19
airoxThanks djp!10:19
Lemonzestis there a way for qt apps to take the current gtk2 theme? like on fedura/mandrake? its so i can make skype less ugly10:20
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djpdoes anybody know if it is at all possible to install mjpegtools under warty???10:20
paulicatfedora/mandrake have custom themes for both kde and gtk210:21
apokryphospaulicat: did you require anything extra other than apollon and gift from the repos?10:21
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Fator_Deedjp: I have it installed10:21
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djpFator_dee: how? please, please, please tell me!!! it is driving me nuts!!!10:22
akrabatanyone know if the skype debian package works ?10:22
Fator_Deedjp: well, umm, just synaptic'ed it :-p10:22
paulicatapokryphos, nope, everything you need is there10:23
djpFator_Dee: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1910210:23
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apokryphospaulicat: seem to be having the same problem I've had with most other gnutella clients... not connecting. Will try changing the listening ports, might help.10:23
djpFator_Dee: are you running warty or hoary?10:23
Lemonzestpaulicat: do you know if there is the human theme for qt apps?10:24
paulicatApok - yea, make sure your ports are all correct...it does work, I use gnome, so I use giftui, but apollon is really nice for kde10:24
Lemonzestmaybe the bunty devs need to make one?10:24
Fator_Deedjp: warty10:24
paulicatApparantly someone has made a colour scheme..I saw it on ubuntuforums10:24
monitorbeen having a problem with xhost, are there any ubuntu securety odities?10:25
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djpFator_Dee: did you read my forum post? that is the problem i get when i try and apt-get/synaptic etc...10:25
airoxWon't quanta plus install a lot dependencies because it's interface is KDE related ?10:25
akrabatairox: yes10:25
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airoxThen bluefish it will be :)10:26
Fator_Deedjp: reading it, I'm looking at my synaptic right now to get a hang of this situation10:26
djpFator_Dee: thanks for this...10:26
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Fator_Deedjp: don't thank my yet, don't know if I'm able to solve anything10:26
=== looksaus [~looksaus@83-134-129-187.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
kayaliairox: well... quanta is still so much more than bluefish anyway....10:27
looksaushm, I just registered on launchpad to translate via rosetta10:27
looksausat least, I attempted to10:27
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djpFator_Dee: not to worry, taking the time to give it a go deserves some appreciation ;)10:27
airoxkayali: Yes, it seems quanta looks a lot nicer indeed.10:27
looksausI got an email with an URL for registration in it, but that one didn't work10:28
Fator_Deedjp: what version are you trying to install? 1:1.6.2-0.6 would be my guess?10:28
looksaus"sorry, this is not available yet"10:28
djpFator_Dee: does your sources.list look any different? maybe you have some extra repos that i don't?10:28
djpFator_Dee: let me check...10:28
crypticreignanyone else getting this??  fresh install of hoary, the kernel starts to boot and says "/sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console:No such FIle   Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init"10:29
djpFator_Dee: yep, the one you mention is the one that synaptic defaults to10:30
Fator_Deedjp: cause I have 1:1.6.2-sarge0.4 :-\10:30
djpFator_Dee: which version have you installed?10:31
djpFator_Dee: oops, beat me 2 it!10:31
djpFator_Dee: is that working fine for you?10:31
Fator_Deedjp: yes it has10:32
akrabatso.. to install kde, I just apt-get kdebase ?10:32
Fator_Deedjp: you using synaptic?10:32
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apokryphosakrabat: if you want all kde stuff, then apt-get install kde-core10:32
apokryphosakrabat: if you just want quanta, then just install quanta and it'll resolve the dependencies for you.10:33
akrabatno - I want to look at the DE10:33
djpFator_Dee: can do...10:33
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apokryphosakrabat: DE?10:33
akrabatsee what it's like nowadays10:33
akrabatDesktop Environment10:33
Fator_Deedjp: try selecting the mjpegtools package, then go to versions and try installing the warty or sarge version instead of the unstable one10:33
Fator_Deedjp: package -> force package10:33
djpFator_Dee: just need to force the version right? do you know how to do that with apt-get? just interested iz all...10:34
apokryphosakrabat: you want to "look" at it? So you want to install it?10:34
apokryphosakrabat: then go for kde-core10:34
akrabatso kde-core is the one10:34
Fator_Deedjp: don't know how to do it in the commando line10:34
akrabatyou type quicker than me!10:34
apokryphosthat's right10:34
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djpFator_Dee: thanks. i will let you know how i get on. going to give it a shot now...10:35
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djpFator_Dee: sudo apt-get -s -t warty install mjpegtools is the command to do the same with apt-get. just remove the -s to actually install. it appears that it will work by the way! thank you Fator_Dee! if i could i'd buy you a pint!10:39
airoxdjp: You could buy me one instead you know!10:39
Fator_Deedjp: I'll keep THAT in mind :-p~~, (mmmm.. free beer..)10:39
airoxFator_Dee: Share! bitch!10:40
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp484971pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fator_Deebeer mine!10:40
airoxNo way!10:40
=== djp lol
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neomHow many people have updated to hoary?10:42
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emacse1Hi. I have Warty installed, but don't seem to have X acceleration. Not sure what I should do10:43
apokryphosneom: no, there's no real way to know. Vast majority of persons in here seem to have it installed.10:44
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schweebemacse1: what do you mean by X acceleration?10:45
emacse1schweeb: well, none of the GL apps work in hardware, and mplayer can't use any video out except x1110:45
HrdwrBoBemacse1: what video card10:45
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emacse1shoot. hold on (getting lspci)10:46
emacse10000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)10:46
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HrdwrBoByou should get xv on an 84510:47
HrdwrBoBglx no, xv, yes10:47
emacse1k, hold on10:47
emacse1all I get is a blue window10:47
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emacse1it *could* be an mplayer problem but I've never had a problem with it before10:48
timsit's a feature10:48
schweebare you sure you have the codec for that type of video installed?10:48
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emacse1schweeb: well it works with x1110:49
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orpi ppl!10:49
emacse1schweeb: it works with -vo x11 in mplayer10:49
schweebx11? that's about the most generic thing you could say about X windows10:49
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ubuntuhey ho hey ho10:50
schweebemacse1: type 'xdpyinfo|grep XVideo' and check if XVideo is available10:50
orpsome one use a  2.4.26-1-k6 kernel ?10:50
guerbyhi, I'm new to ubuntu/debian, is there an easy way to see the list of packages of the upcoming ubuntu release (with their source version) on the web?10:50
orpi am win alsa problem10:50
schweeborp: I don't think 2.4 kernels are supported in ubuntu at all10:51
emacse1schweeb: the result of that command is:     XVideo10:51
schweebconsidering all the advanced features of 2.6 that ubuntu uses10:51
orpyes they are it came with the reelese10:51
schweebemacse1: hrm, pretty sure that's the extension that XV uses10:51
sh1mmercan someone point me at a howto/wiki for upgrading warty to hoary?10:51
emacse1schweeb: is there another app I can use to test it?10:52
schweeborp: what disk did you install from?10:52
bryanemacse1:  www.ubuntuguide.org10:52
schweebemacse1: umm totem?10:52
HrdwrBoBguerby: there would be somewhere, but I can't think of where offhand10:52
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schweebthere's a guide to XV somewhere... don't remember where though10:52
bryanthat was for sh1mmer10:52
orpthe same i have with 2.6 kernel10:52
bryansh1mmer:  www.ubuntuguide.org10:52
akrabatwho removed the ctrl+H shortcut from nautilus ?!?!?!?10:53
guerbyHrdwrBoB, I browsed the repository and found various Packages.gz, there's a list of package names, but no software version10:53
airoxI did akrabat !10:53
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akrabatmaybe I was the only one who used it :)10:53
sh1mmerthx guys.10:54
bryancoming from windows i need a ctrl+w shortcut10:54
HrdwrBoBguerby: you could put a hoary line in your apt sources.list10:54
bryanglad it atleast works in firefox10:54
HrdwrBoBand then run apt-cache show on packages you're interested it10:54
akrabatclose window?10:54
HrdwrBoBthen remove the entrty or change it back afterwards10:54
akrabatthat work in explorer?10:54
akrabatI never knew that ?!10:54
airoxbryan: Try System -> Preferences -> Short keys (or something similar)10:54
guerbyHrdwrBoB, I've only tested the Live CD yet, I'm trying to find out the versions included in ubuntu of the software I currently use on SuSE 9.210:54
orpuse synaptic to list packages10:55
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HrdwrBoBguerby: tell me what packages you're interested in and I'll tell you what versions they are atm10:55
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orpsome one elp me with alsa on 2.4.26-1-k610:55
bryanthanks airox10:55
HrdwrBoBorp: you should be using 2.610:55
bryanand it works with all the cool media keys on my keyboard too!10:56
orpi cant it crash my pc k610:56
bryani can set stop/play/vol +/-10:56
guerbyHrdwrBoB, there's a lot, out of memory: gnomemeeting, emacs, evolution, firefox, xchat, gaim, mplayer, videolan, xpdf10:56
HrdwrBoBiminj: what do you mean10:56
orpi have 2.6 on my best pc10:56
Xappedamn, I can't get suspend to work10:56
HrdwrBoBguerby: msg me a space seperated list10:56
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airoxXappe: suspend to ram or disk ?10:57
schweeborp: did you dist upgrade from debian or something10:57
orpyes i have10:57
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schweeborp: I'm nearly 100% sure that 2.4 didn't come with warty... and is unsupported10:57
orplook it cames10:57
orpsee on apt10:57
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schweebdist-upgrade from debian is an unsupported route10:58
guerbyHrdwrBoB, I'm surprised it's that hard to get this list, on RPM based distro repo it's usually dead simple to find out :)10:58
orpsee on apt-cache search k610:58
guerbywithout installing first10:58
HrdwrBoBguerby: the main problem with this is there's no paackages.ubuntu.org10:58
orpall app works very well but no sound10:58
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schweeborp: note that the package is in universe10:59
schweebmeaning it was brought in from debian automatically10:59
schweeband is unsupported10:59
guerbyHrdwrBoB, well everything is hosted on ubuntu in the end, so it should be just a matter of knowing where and point a browser there10:59
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orpdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe11:00
guerbyorp, I browsed around from the URL but could not find where are the source packages (I spent 10 minutes on it)11:00
orpi have it11:01
schweebguerby: it's a universe package11:01
orpfrom apt11:01
orpi show you11:01
guerbyschweeb, as I said I don't have ubuntu installed, so no apt11:01
akrabatThe new tab icon in Firefox is terrible on my monitor...11:02
orp guerby: do it "sudo apt-cache search k6"11:03
desrtthis whole kernel installation thing11:03
desrti should probably just ignore it, right?11:03
schweeborp: let me ask you this: have you tried a fresh install from an actual Ubuntu installer disk?  possibly even the new Hoary preview disk?  because if 2.6 crashes for you, you need to report a bug11:03
schweebdesrt: yes11:03
desrtis it safe to edit the grub config by hand?11:04
guerbyI want to find out first if everything I use has an appropriate version before I switch11:04
orpyep it realy crash but only this hardware the otheres are fantastic11:04
bryano_O 22 new updates available11:06
schweebpreview freeze is over ;)11:06
akrabatI do like the way that nautilus opens up a window when I plug in my usbdisk :)11:06
schweebmad rush to fix all the bugs that weren't important enough for preview, but are necessary to fix before release11:06
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desrtakrabat; this doesn't happen for me11:08
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xigletis there a xmms output plugin for gnome sound server?11:08
akrabaton hoardy, desrt?11:08
akrabathoary, even!11:08
^jacohi all11:09
desrtakrabat; installed preview this morning11:09
Agrajaggnome sound server?11:09
Agrajagyou mean ESD?11:09
^jacognome 2.10 is out!11:09
desrtyes.  esd.... as in "killall esd"11:09
xigletI guess, I thought ESD was Enlightenment11:09
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^jacowill be it included with hoary?11:09
VjazAgrajag: actually, in Hoary, they use Polypaudio11:09
schweeb^jaco: of course11:09
xigleti'm using hoary preview11:09
^jaco:) yeppa :)11:09
desrtjaco; the release of hoary is timed to include gnome 2.1011:09
AgrajagVjaz: do they11:09
schweebHoary is developed around the GNOME release cycle11:09
AgrajagI'm using hoary now11:09
VjazAgrajag: Yep.11:09
desrtubuntu's release schedule mirrors gnome's11:09
Agrajagand it's esd11:09
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VjazAgrajag: just see if you have "esd" running11:10
VjazAgrajag: then check if you have "polypaudio" running11:10
akrabatdesrt: maybe I'm lucky...11:10
schweebVjaz: polyp was canned11:10
Agrajag$ ps aux|grep esd11:10
Agrajagzaphod    8803  0.2  0.8   5888  4484 ?        S    01:14   1:46 /usr/bin/esd -nobeeps11:10
Vjazschweeb: oh11:10
schweebVjaz: it wasn't good enough11:10
desrtakrabat; maybe.  trying a new kernel now to find out for sure :)11:10
Aapzakboys and girls, upgrade to hoary went very well11:10
Agrajaganyway, yes there is an xmms output plugin for ESD11:10
Agrajagshould be installed with xmms11:10
bryanas it should11:10
goldfishSorry guys, just wondering where I put new perl modules in ubuntu after i d/l them....11:11
Vjazhm... ah... this is the reason you shouldn't uninstall evolution or openoffice ;-)11:11
Vjazor ubuntu-desktop to be exact11:11
^jacohoary has already openoffice 2.0 preview11:11
hawke_why was polypaudio canned?11:11
^jacoand with gnome 2.1011:11
ionsanywhere I can get a list of the hoary repos for my sources.list as I upgrade from Warty to Haory?11:11
schweebhawke_: too problematic11:11
bryanyeah, when i try to remove evolution, it tries to remove evolution11:11
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^jacoit will be the best distro11:11
bryani mean11:11
schweebit's now slated for next release, prolly11:11
bryantries to remove ubuntu-desktop too11:11
Vjazno, it doesn't seem to change it if I install ubuntu-desktop11:11
xigletAgrajag: strange, cant see it .. and apt-cache search doesn't find anyting eighter11:12
schweebbryan: of course11:12
Vjazschweeb: when did they change it?11:12
schweebummm, 2-3 days ago11:12
bryanwhy of course?11:12
Agrajagxiglet: you don't see "eSound Output Plugin" in the list?11:12
orpi like what i have why install a new11:12
schweebbryan: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage for the ubuntu-desktop base11:12
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Vjazschweeb: ah ok, maybe apt-get update helps for me then... I thought I had done that a while ago though11:12
xigletAgrajag: that's the same? oh ... :-|11:12
orpyes apt-get upgrade11:12
pepsihey.. human is less grey11:13
pepsiand a little bulgier11:13
schweebbryan: brings in all the packages ubuntu deems to be a basic desktop system11:13
hawke_pepsi: and more purple.  I do not like it.11:13
orpalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:13
xigletAgrajag: tnx ... I thought eSound was Enlightenment-stuff ... :)11:13
pepsiits a brown tint11:13
Vjazschweeb: at the moment, it seems like removing polypaudio removes ubuntu-desktop for me11:13
hawke_pepsi: yes...that's how it looks here.11:13
HrdwrBoBxiglet: it started off sort of like that11:13
schweebbryan: when you remove one of the packages ubuntu-desktop requires, ubuntu-desktop's dependencies aren't completely satisfied... so it has to be removed as well11:13
hawke_pepsi: looks like the skin of NCC-1701D11:13
Vjazschweeb: but yes, it seems like after apt-get update ubuntu-desktop is updated again, so maybe it'll work11:14
schweebVjaz: rather than removing polyp, install esd11:14
HrdwrBoBVjaz: yes but esdound provides esound11:14
HrdwrBoBso if you install esd11:14
HrdwrBoBit will update correctly11:14
xiglethoary rocks!11:14
schweebpolyp was designed to be a drop in replacement11:14
Vjazpolyp provides esound?11:14
schweebso it provides esound11:14
Vjazof course11:14
bryanthanks schweeb11:14
hawke_pepsi: star trek the next generation spaceship...grey with a hint of very very very light purple.11:14
Vjazwell this is annoying11:15
Vjazthis is what I've been wondering about11:15
pepsihawke, im not sure how you see it as purple.. its kind of a rosy brown tint... you'll get used to it :P11:15
VjazI mean if I use the development version... I miss that kind of changes11:15
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hawke_pepsi: it could well be my monitor.11:16
VjazJust upgrading doesn't fix that. If it hadn't been brought up, I'd be using polypaudio for quite a while before someone told me.11:16
hawke_pepsi: But I see no hint of brown.11:16
pepsiit for sure adds more color though, which could be distracting i guess11:16
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pepsiseems subtle enough that i can get used to it though11:16
HrdwrBoBVjaz: currently they are updating the packages such that an upgrade would bring in esound11:17
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VjazAh, ok.11:17
VjazThat's good.11:17
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VjazMaybe it's not that bad after all then.11:17
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HrdwrBoByeah, it's a temporary bad situation11:17
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HrdwrBoBwhich is what happens with development :)11:17
VjazHm... regarding that kind of... Is the cursor in Hoary fixed yet?11:17
pepsiVjaz, the ugly watch you mean11:17
VjazOn my system I still get the standard black cursor from X.11:18
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hawke_schweeb: What were the problems with polyp?  I had a problem where I had no sound until I killed it and ran it manually...but after an upgrade of that, it was fine...11:18
Vjazpepsi: Yes, I mean the ugly standard cursors, including the watch.11:18
pepsii like the cursors like that :)11:18
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pepsiexcept the watch11:18
bryanVjaz:  get gcursor11:18
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cocolapt-get install gcursors11:18
schweebhawke_: it had numerous issues... you'd have to ask mdz or jdub or someone11:18
bryanand then search the ubuntu forums11:18
bryanand download the warty cursors11:18
l0wrdhelp!  my sound doenst work.11:18
bryanthey're in a post somewhere11:19
hawke_Vjaz: I like the standard cursors. :-)  Is there any (non-horribly-complicated) way to manually change the cursors?11:19
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Aapzakwas there anyone inhere asking for a KDE client for torrents?11:19
Vjazbryan: well I was just wondering if they had already fixed it and I somehow missed the update for same kind of reasons that I missed the polypaudio->esd change11:19
hawke_Aapzak: qtorrent?11:20
Aapzakthere is qtorrent, a qt 3.0 client11:20
Vjazbryan: I don't mind using the standard cursors11:20
Aapzakthats a yes :)11:20
pepsiR: 239 G: 235 B: 231 is the color of window backgrounds11:20
Vjazhawke_: gcursor is fine I guess11:20
Aapzakkfile-plugins provide a torrent plugin for kfile11:20
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hawke_Vjaz: thx, neat...11:20
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basculewhere is updatedb called from after ubuntu hasn't been booted for a while?11:21
Aapzakapokryphos, was it you, the KDE user?11:21
basculeobviously not cron .. or is it?11:21
hawke_bascule: it is11:21
hawke_bascule: or anacron maybe.11:21
Aapzakpart of daily prob11:21
Aapzakanacron = cron11:21
basculek, I was doing a >4GB dvdburn, a little worrying on the buffer levels11:22
Pointwoodwhat do you guys use to rip CD's? I want to rip a CD to FLAC11:22
hawke_Aapzak: anacron != cron11:22
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Aapzakanacron = a cron daemon,11:22
basculeso in the cron job, if it isn't called there and then it will continue trying every x mins til success?11:22
hawke_Aapzak: nope...anacron is similar, but it runs jobs even if their time was missed.  Fills a different function than cron.11:23
l0wrdhelp:  I dont have any sound, and alsa doesnt have any config tools that i find to specify a sound card.  any help here?11:23
apokryphosAapzak: yup11:23
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Aapzakapokryphos, did you ask for a torrent client?11:23
hawke_bascule: Nope.  It runs only at whatever time.  If it's missed, too bad.11:23
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Xappeairox, ram I guess...when closing lid11:23
apokryphosAapzak: sure11:23
airoxXappe: Which laptop ?11:24
basculehawke_: well it is running now at 22:23 my time11:24
Aapzakqtorrent is a qt client11:24
Xappeairox, ibook g311:24
apokryphosAapzak: Yup, I know of that one. It's alright.11:24
basculeactually it is running amndb11:24
Aapzakok, there is also a plugin for kfile11:24
airoxah, no experiences with it. Tried /etc/acpi/suspend.sh ?11:24
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Xappeairox, what's the difference between suspend to ram and to disk?11:24
HrdwrBoBXappe: one suspends to ram11:24
HrdwrBoBthe other to disk11:25
HrdwrBoBone is a low power mode that can be resumed quickly11:25
airoxWell suspending to ram will have the laptop consume more power than to disk.11:25
HrdwrBoBthe other you can turn off11:25
airoxBut make it faster to resume :)11:25
airoxYou can suspend to disk and even run another operating system if you want.11:25
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hawke_bascule: updatedb happens from cron.daily/slocate11:25
basculeI think I'll remove it11:26
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IRCMonkeysick sad question but how do i use md5checksum11:26
airoxWhy ?11:26
Xappewell, since suspend to ram does not work, I guess it's the same for disk11:26
Aapzakhawke, does that mean it's being run as root?11:26
hawke_bascule: c'mon...don't you use "locate" all the time?11:26
l0wrdhow do i configure ALSA?11:26
airoxXappe: You checked the dir /etc/acpi ?11:26
basculeyes, I also remeber to do it when *I* want .. :)11:26
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eyequeuehawke:  slocate is secure instead11:27
hawke_Aapzak: updatedb?  yes..it has to.11:27
basculehawke_: and during a 4GB DVD burn is *not* when *I* want ;)11:27
hawke_eyequeue: I know what slocate is, thanks.11:27
Xappeairox,  for what?11:27
desrtwhy is ubuntu sucking so hardly for me?11:27
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desrti mean, other people seem to rave about its goodness11:27
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Aapzakhawke, when I AM root and run it, I get messages saying it's a security issue since users now can find files they normally can't11:27
Xappeairox, it suspends, but does not wake up again11:27
eyequeuehawke:  Aapzak used your nick, it was meant for him instead11:27
airoxXappe: Hmm..11:28
l0wrddesrt: what dont you like about it?  I just started using it today.11:28
airoxXappe: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2368.html11:28
Xappei've tried all the suggestions  on the forum and bugzilla, but none seems to work for me11:28
Aapzakeyequeue, I was addressing hawke :)11:28
desrtl0wrd; i've had a hell of a time setting up my printer and my usb storage devices don't work11:28
airoxXappe: ah, damn.11:28
WillCookeHoly Cr*p.  Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but has anyone seen the Mplayer homepage?11:29
Xappeairox, yup11:29
Xappeairox, do you have any experience with pbbuttonsd?11:29
l0wrddesrt: any USB issues are probably because of hotplugging.11:29
l0wrddesrt: are you sure your hot plugging is working?11:29
airoxXappe: nope, i just got suspend working over here with a toshiba laptop.11:29
desrtl0wrd; no.  i'm not :)11:29
AapzakWillCooke, was new to me ...11:30
airoxIt's shit all those suspend things ;)11:30
desrti'd sort of assume that ubuntu takes care of that for me11:30
l0wrddesrt: :) check that out first.  try mounting the pen drive manually.11:30
desrtl0wrd; that works just fine11:30
Xappeairox, mhm, seems like I have to live without it11:30
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IRCMonkeyis there a way to download certain files that are on the disc?11:31
eyequeueWillCooke:  i had not seen it, thanks11:31
desrtoh.  one thing that does not work at all is sound11:31
apokryphosWillCooke: holy crap indeed :P11:31
jesuelAnyone know of a way to make the window list portion of the gnome panel transparent, the gnome panel is already transparent but that part isnt.11:31
desrtalsa loads fine.. i even hear my speakers make a popping noise when the driver is installed11:31
desrtand things think that they are playing11:31
desrtbut no sound comes out of the speakers11:31
desrtso i go into alsamix and turn up every channel that there is.... still nothing11:32
l0wrdare they muted?11:32
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LordCIm having some weird dependacy issue, it is saying I dont have a file - but i do have it, only a later version11:32
LordCDepends: libopenh323-1.13.2 (>=1.13.5) but it is not installable11:32
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LordCand I have Depends: libopenh323-1.15.211:32
l0wrddesrt: i cant get my sound to work either.  cause i cant setup ALSA.11:33
l0wrddesrt: it says i have no sound card selected.11:33
desrtso much for 'just works' :/11:33
l0wrddesrt: haha11:33
l0wrddesrt: brb11:33
jeramyI seem to be having problems with CUPS.  Anyone else?  I just tried installing ubuntu-desktop, and cupsys-driver-gimpprint isn't installing for me (Setting up cupsys-driver-gimpprint (4.2.7-4ubuntu1) ...11:33
jeramyNo Gimp-Print PPD files to update.11:33
jeramy * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd11:33
jeramycupsd: Child exited with status 99!11:33
jeramydpkg: error processing cupsys-driver-gimpprint (--configure):11:33
jeramy subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2)11:33
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desrti wonder if the fact that i imported my home directory from gentoo is causing trouble11:36
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=== desrt unimports it
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=== punkrockguy318 [~lukas@pcp02403054pcs.brdgtn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
punkrockguy318How can I upgrade from warty to the hoary preview?11:40
HrdwrBoBpunkrockguy318: change 'warty' to 'hoary' in synaptic11:40
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punkrockguy318that's all?11:41
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punkrockguy318how safe is the upgrade?  should I run into any problems?11:41
looksauspunkrockguy318, probably not11:41
airox"There are 26 updates available" omg! :o11:41
looksausbackup your home directory11:41
airox68,8M :(11:41
punkrockguy318oh wait, i forgot11:41
looksausthen upgrade the thing11:41
punkrockguy318last time I upgraded to hoary, my nvidia card didn't work.. the new nvidia drivers don't support my card...11:42
punkrockguy318and i couldn't get the 6111 ones to work11:42
bob2looksaus: er11:42
bob2looksaus: nothing is ever going to touch /home11:42
bob2except maybe gnome\s migration scripts11:42
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looksausbob2, it's _always_ nice to have a backup of your /home11:43
akrabathow do I install a source package using apt-get ?11:43
looksausespecially if you want to be able to get back to your old situation very quickly11:43
looksausakrabat, apt-get src11:44
akrabatdoesn't work11:44
akrabatit's apt-get source php5 :)11:44
EinzelgangerHow do you kill gam_server from preventing me from unmount partitions. A "killall gam_server" immediately starts a new proces gam_server blocking me from umounting any partition11:45
looksausakrabat, sorry, I cut down on vowels :)11:45
looksausakrabat, are you going to try and compile the php source package with different options?11:46
akrabatdifferent from what ?11:46
looksausfrom the standard ones :)11:47
akrabatI couldn't find a deb package for php511:47
=== WildRabbit [~WildRabbi@adsl7-69.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
akrabatgoing to try the default set first and see what happens11:47
bob2if there's no binary deb, there's no source package, either11:47
akrabatwill have to be tomorrow now thogh11:47
akrabatthere is a source package at dotdeb.org11:47
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js_is there a graphical tool for handling what i want to start on boot? or do i need to use update-rc.d for everything?11:50
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lewizHi.  I'm wondering if anybody can answer a question about i18n.  I've seen the Wiki entry about different inputs but I wonder if the new preview release allows easy switching between English and Japanese (or Chinese) inputs?11:52
looksausjs_, I'm afraid so, but do listen to the others11:52
looksauslewiz, you mean keyboards? there's the keyboard switcher applet11:53
looksausand about everything in hoary is UTF-8, so that's also a huge leap forward11:53
looksaus(character encoding)11:53
lewizlooksaus: Hmm, I was meaning more along the lines of being able to type in hiragana/katakana or pinyin->character conversion.11:54
looksausI'm sorry, it's quite difficult for me to imagine what you mean there exactly11:55
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looksausI'm from a country with 26 letters and (almost) no accents :)11:55
lewizlooksaus: Okay, I want to be able to write in Chinese characters.  So if I type ``nihao'' it converts that to the two characters.11:56
lewizlooksaus: Heh, I'm from England but I figure it would be real neat to be able to input Japanese :)  I'm struggling to learn a bit.11:56
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=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-19-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
QMarioHello everyone!11:58
QMarioWho's using Hoary?11:58
looksausQMario, me...11:59
hawke_QMario: me11:59
QMarioHow do I share printers over the network?11:59
looksaus(since about 6 weeks...)11:59

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