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SimiraKamion: ping?03:34
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HostingGeektooo many meetings07:51
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=== enrico walks in and hangs the coat on the side
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=== froud wakes up from dead sleep
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=== jeffsch walks in, trips over shoelace
froudnhla lets do this thing11:08
froudenrico: you lead11:08
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=== drasko [~drasko@kds8-085.ptt.yu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
enricoare we all there?11:09
froudwhat's first topic enrico 11:10
=== enrico pulls up the wiki page
draskohi all... 11:10
=== ogra waves from the bleachers
=== enrico coughs
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
enricoGood morning/afternoon/evening/night, ladies and gentlemen11:11
enricoWelcome to the third Ubuntu Docteam Meeting11:12
=== froud nods in the direction of Burgundavia
=== ari__ [~ari@GKMCXXVIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
enricoI'm loosely leading the session, and I'll post minutes to the mailing list and in the wiki11:12
enricoWe have three main topics in the agenda:11:13
enrico1) Clarification of recent events11:13
enrico2) Releasing Hoary11:13
enrico3) Post Hoary11:13
trickiei posted the first topic on the wiki, because i was not understanding what was going on very recentyl in regards to the team11:14
enricoWe can start with the first one, just quickly I'd say: we seem to have reached harmony, and I don't want to shake it too much :)11:14
froudbasically Burgundavia and I kissed and made up11:14
trickielove is in the air...11:15
Burgundaviawell I am single11:15
trickieha ha ha11:15
=== enrico hugs Burgundavia
enricoI have a personal take on the event, though11:15
froudhowever as general we need some guidelines to contributions at various dev stages11:15
froudprose are not code11:16
enricofroud: yes.  We've been needing some freeze, or half-freeze, for quite a while11:16
jeffschphases like: planning, writing, editing, release?11:16
froudjeffsch: yes11:16
froudwe have used @status in the docs11:17
froudif people want I can change them11:17
=== enrico likes the idea
enricoI mean, the idea of phases11:17
enricoI'd just remove the "planning" phase11:17
froudnormally we use outline, first draft, second draft, camera ready11:17
enricoIt seems to me like the analogue of the "work in progess" icon on webpages11:17
enricoSometimes it helps to make it so that either a work starts, or it isn't there.  "planning" phases tend to sit there forever11:18
froudoutlining is a plan11:18
enricofroud: ah, ok11:18
froudsee it as a skeleton11:18
trickiethats how i see it11:18
froudfrom outline we can derive status docs11:19
froudand allocate work between us11:19
froudafter each decides on a section we prepare first draft11:19
froudthen we switch sections as we go to second draft11:20
froudeach checks and edits the other11:20
froudafter second draft we do technical review11:20
froudat which point major edit should be limited to11:20
froudtechnical error, punctuation, spelling grammar11:21
enricoYou need a tightly coupled team to for the switching sections part to be successful11:21
trickiei agree, using those phases and limiting edits in certian phases will certainly increase our productivity11:22
jeffschbig changes near a release are not good: one thing gets fixed, and two get broken. it is normal for that to happen11:22
froudenrico: what do you suggest11:22
enricoBut I think the limiting edits to "technical error, punctuation, spelling grammar" is a good step11:22
enricoI mean, a step to make at some point11:23
trickieif someone sees something they would like to change (majorly) but it is already in final draft, then they should line it up for the next release11:23
froudyes, in each release the docs should go through the same phases11:23
froudover the course of several releases11:23
enricoFrom what froud said, I'd keep at least the freeze-like phase, and apply it to the QuickGuide now11:23
froudquality and quanity is built11:23
froudover time and provided that the whole OS does not change, stability is created11:24
enricofroud: yes.  I'm curious to see what the QuickGuide will have become by Grumpy or Perky11:24
trickieI am not sure how smoothly the switching sections bit will be either... but it will only be easier as participation grows11:24
froudyes, Quick Guide is the platform to build on11:25
enrico.oO(I guess people will have noticed that I'm a shameless fan of the quickguide)11:25
froudtrickie: the switching happens on nodes11:25
froudsome nodes move faster than others11:25
froudbasically the @status shows the stage a node is at11:26
trickieyes agreed on that, whether every node gets to go through the whole process or not is what i meant11:26
froudso status="first-draft"11:26
froudthe main problem I see is the interaction with the technical review11:26
froudit's not such a problem with quick guide11:27
froudbut for user and admin guides it will be11:27
=== enrico thinks
froudwe need devs to do the technical reviews11:27
trickieyes, we will have to probably include developers11:27
froudand to save them time11:27
froudwe have to give specific reference to what they should check11:27
Burgundaviaa dev read over might be a good thing at certain point11:28
enricoI like the idea, but I'm still wondering if it applies to the more caotic nature of our project11:28
Burgundaviacatch things like the sudo error11:28
enricoI was however liking the idea of phases11:28
froudBurgundavia: yes :-)11:28
enricoHow about:11:28
trickieyes i found dev feedback for the release notes was good, but because i asked for general review and comments it came in over a few weeks11:28
enrico1) "Wiki mode": everyone adds contents everywhere, even comments11:28
enrico2) "Style mode": people pull the contents of a section together in a nicely readable way, giving them a narration and a consistent meaning and style11:29
enrico3) "Review mode": as froud was saying11:29
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091a4a.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ogra offers dholbach a place at the bleachers
froudI was thinking devs do svn up we give them xpath11:30
trickiegreat idea11:30
froudthey check the node and add <!--comments--> or make direct edit11:30
enricouh, and of course:11:30
enrico4) Ready for release11:30
froudthey make patch11:31
enricoBeing a Debian Developer, I sometimes forget that there are releases :-)11:31
Mithrandirenrico :)11:31
trickiea patch would be good, because if they have content they would like to see, or a change to existing content, they don't usually have time to phrase it as the rest of the doc11:31
froudthere are also more devs that writers11:32
=== enrico thinks it's safe to declare that the first main point "clarification of recent events" has been fully covered :)
froudpatches are easier to control11:32
enricosecond point is: Releasing Hoary11:33
Burgundaviahave we had a dev do a technical check of the docs?11:33
enricocan we safely conclude that the QuickGuide is in "review" phase as defined above by froud ?11:33
trickieenrico, have you heard anything about whether the .pot file i sent you for the quickguide was asustiable for the translators?11:34
enrico"edit should be limited to technical error, punctuation, spelling grammar"11:34
=== froud wonders how we get devs to do checks
=== froud wonders how we notify devs
enricotrickie: good question.  I'm checking ubuntu-translators11:34
ografroud, we are watching you11:34
BurgundaviaI was about to say that11:35
=== froud tilts head to oneside
trickiefroud, maybe we should ask em?11:35
trickieha ha ha11:35
froudyou think they can see but not hear?11:35
trickiedunno, never can tell with those devs11:35
=== froud pinches ogra for signs of life
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enricotrickie: I sent the potfile you gave me to Carlos Pereillo, but I still haven't heard back11:36
froudogra: how can we notify devs in an orderly manner11:36
enricoHello Liz!11:36
mdzJeff Waugh (jdub) is already starting to review the docs11:36
trickieenrico, no probs!11:36
Mithrandirfroud: bribery with beer always works.11:36
Lizhi enrico11:36
Lizmorning all11:36
mdzbut he probably needs some prodding11:36
ografroud: you can drop by in #ubuntu-motu and call for help11:36
trickiemdz, ok, i'll warm up the taser11:37
Lizjeff lives on caffeine11:37
froudogra: and are the devs ok with the process outlined above?11:37
froudI mean svn co, xpath etc11:37
draskofroud, how to know that?11:37
ografroud: i think so, but you guys must keep in mind tha time is getting shorter for us as well with the nearig release time11:38
frouddrasko: how to know what?11:38
froudogra: that's why we giv eyou xpath11:38
froudyou get just the nodes you must check11:38
froudnot the whole doc11:38
enricotricky thing is, the more we approach release, the more we need reviews from the devels11:38
=== ogra never used xpath, has to look into it
enricothe more we approach release, the more we have to do without the devels11:39
enricofroud: what for, xpath?11:39
froudxpath makes a query11:39
draskofroud, nevermind... I was wondering about devs. But ogra has been explanatory11:39
froudin xml11:39
enricothe good news is that if we write something wrong, we can always blame the devels who didn't check11:39
Burgundaviawe probably only need one dev checkover, at the beginning of stage 311:39
enrico(redirecting blame is an ancient italian art :)11:40
Burgundaviaafter that, there is not supposed to be any new stuff going in11:40
=== Burgundavia looks around, whistles, turns red
ograenrico: its german too :)11:40
draskoenrico, gree11:40
trickieit would be nice to have something on the web, that wraps the current doc previews, and allows the devs to leave comments there?? comments??11:40
trickiethen they don't have to svn co11:41
enricoBurgundavia: just say that you were short of sleep :)11:41
trickiedunno just a spur of the moment thought11:41
BurgundaviaI am always short of sleep11:41
enricotrickie: oh, it'd be nice11:41
froudogra: example. please check11:41
froud/book[1] /chapter[3] /sect1[5] /sect2[2] /sect3[1]  - id="qg-openoffice-ooow" status="complete"quickguide.xmlfile:/home/sean/projects/ubuntu/trunk/quickguide/quickguide.xml1728:011:41
froud/book[1] /chapter[3] /sect1[5] /sect2[2] /sect3[2]  - id="qg-openoffice-oooc" status="complete"quickguide.xmlfile:/home/sean/projects/ubuntu/trunk/quickguide/quickguide.xml1737:011:41
froud/book[1] /chapter[3] /sect1[5] /sect2[2] /sect3[3]  - id="qg-openoffice-oooi" status="complete"quickguide.xmlfile:/home/sean/projects/ubuntu/trunk/quickguide/quickguide.xml1746:011:41
enricobut there's no really good framework for annotating webpages afaik11:41
enricoeveryone would like that, though11:41
trickieenrico, ok no prob11:42
Burgundaviawhat about just a post to ubuntu-doc?11:42
enricofroud: it's not trivial to generate those xpaths11:42
froudwell it is. just //sect311:42
trickieenrico, it could be done by script based on status11:42
froudand you get the above11:42
enricofroud: what do you mean with //sect3?11:43
froudxpath starts with //11:43
trickieenrico, that gets all sect3's11:43
froudyou want all sect311:43
dholbachfroud: not always11:43
enricoAh, ok, sure11:43
dholbachfroud: you can also start with / - it depends11:43
froudyou can also make it specific to a section //sect3[2] 11:44
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froudwill only show11:44
enricofroud: ah, ok, you didn't get me11:44
dholbachtrickie: for the script you could use   xmllint --path11:44
froudwe already use xmllint in the validation11:44
trickiewell when we generate the status reports for each doc, we can also generate the xpaths for all sections marked with a certain status11:44
enricoI mean, I know xpath: what I meant is that there's no trivial methods to make them (say, clicking to some text and getting the xpath query to it)11:44
dholbach(although i'm not aware of what you're trying to do=11:45
enricoand there's no easy way to open up the document and jump to a given xpath11:45
trickiedholbach, thanks, exactly what i was thinking11:45
froudI think treebeard does that11:45
froudbut it is java and I know how you love java11:45
enricoit's not in apt-cache search, so it doesn't exist :)11:46
froudthen you must suffer :-011:46
enricoHowever, the problem here is to point a specific section to the devels11:46
ograenrico: it does only mean that nobody pointed MOTU at it yet ;)11:46
ogratreebeard ^11:47
enricoogra: well, right.  I've no familiar with that MOTU device, but it seems powerful11:47
trickiei reckon generating the xpaths when we build status reports is fine for now11:47
ograenrico: the Masters of the Universe ;)11:47
enricotrickie: how do the devels get the text from the xpath, then?11:47
froudxpath returns the nodes and the values11:47
enricofroud: right, but that's not the best format for reading11:48
enricoAren't there, say, HTML anchors?11:48
froudthey can see it in the xml11:48
froudthey should hav ethe xml src right11:48
enricoLike, making an HTML anchored link from the status page to the corresponding point in the real document?11:48
froudenrico: xml is sans presentation11:48
froudxpath takes you to the spot11:49
enricoWell, if the devels are happy with xpath queries, then I'm fine11:49
=== jeffsch thinks the devels are born with that kind of knowledge that allows them to deal with xpath
enricohowever, I fear it'd end up that they'd have to figure out how to get the text out of that, and would slip reviewing lower in their overful TODO-list11:49
trickiewel we could also generate the HTML links in the status report11:50
enricoat least, that's what my instinct tells me to do when I have my devel hat on :(11:50
=== froud points anyone who does not know XPath to http://www.zvon.org/xxl/XPathTutorial/General/examples.html
enricoRight.  To pull that all together11:50
enricoI'd say: ask the devels for review11:50
enricoif you find some who want xpath, give them xpath11:51
enricoelse, give them "street directions": "go to the title "Fooish bar", turn right, follow the path until the big tree, then go down a section and it's after the third comma: you can't be wrong"11:51
enricoIt all boils down to negotiating the preferred way with the other endpoint of the conversation11:52
ograyeah, with gps navigation :)11:52
Burgundaviaand I say any sort of dev feedback is good feedback11:52
enricodepending on who this other endpoint is every time11:52
Mithrandirenrico: I'm not following the doc stuff closely, but are all docs in XML files?11:52
enricoMithrandir: yes11:53
froudthose in svn are11:53
enricoMithrandir: DocBook XML11:53
ograMithrandir: yelp compatibility :)11:53
enricoSo, we have a QuickGuide to submit to the devels for review.  jdub's on it already, but he should be pinged11:53
Mithrandirenrico: ok.  DocBook just makes me want to stab myself with a spoon or something.11:53
enricopeople, meet Mithrandir 11:53
=== Mithrandir ducks and hides
=== froud hands Mithrandir a spoon
enricoMithrandir is more of a Kernel guy than a documentation guy :)11:54
=== froud hands Mithrandir a spade
Mithrandirenrico: I don't do kernel stuff.  toolchain and low-level stuff is fine, though.11:54
enricoOk, he's a GCC hacker11:54
=== Mithrandir puts the spoon and spade into his toolbox.
froudMithrandir: you will do just fine then11:54
MithrandirI guess so. (:11:55
enricoRusty said he became a kernel hacker because he couldn't understand what gcc hackers were talking about11:55
froudb'sides you dont have to do the docbook stuff, just check the text :-)11:55
Mithrandirgcc is simple.11:55
enricoMithrandir: right.  I can't even read to the end of the manpage :)11:55
enricowell, I can, but not everyday11:55
Mithrandirfroud: most of my stuff doesn't really have any docs per se, it's porting work, but I guess I'll manage.11:55
Mithrandirenrico: the source is easier to understand.11:55
Burgundaviaback to releasing hoary11:56
enricoBurgundavia: yes11:56
Burgundaviaso we need a dev to check our stuff11:56
Burgundaviawhat else?11:56
enricojdub's on it, so we're fine (provided we ping him)11:56
froudthe xref problem11:56
Burgundaviaah yes11:56
froudcan one of the devs please fix this in yelp11:57
Burgundavianow that 2.10 is out, can that be fixed for 2.10.1?11:57
enricomdz: that is Yelp needing fixing11:57
Burgundaviadoc team is yelping at you mdz11:57
enricoIs there a way to open a bugzilla item on ubuntu linked to that bugzilla item on Gnome?11:58
Burgundaviaif that can't be fixed, where do we go from there?11:58
Burgundaviaenrico: you can just list it in the bug comments11:58
enricoBurgundavia: ok11:58
Burgundaviaseb128 does that11:58
enricoWe can report that as a bug for Yelp, then give it to seb11:58
enricohowever, that report is not that easy to understand11:59
Burgundaviaa screenshot and code might be helpful11:59
BurgundaviaI will do that11:59
enricoBurgundavia: that's great"11:59
enricoBurgundavia: that's great!11:59
froudthe scrollkeeper/omf problem12:00
froudhow to get ubuntu in top level of yelp12:00
enricojdub was trying to figure it out12:00
enricohowever (guess?) we need to ping him :)12:01
froudIf those tow bugs can be closed then the docs are good for go after tech review12:01

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