
spacenutsHell-Razor: you know some funny chinese game where you have to compare blocks and click them12:00
MaxeyPadis there a way to pick individual packages during the installation12:00
Seveasnethack is good :)12:00
Hell-RazorSeveas: what languages? i do c, c++, java, pearl, and python12:00
desrt_gabrielSeveas; only if you run it under gdb and it segfaults12:00
Skaaadude i love that block game12:00
spacenutstopyli: tetravix kicks ass12:00
desrt_gabrielSeveas; otherwise it's boring12:00
Skaaai have it on my mac12:00
Seveasc, c++, java, perl, php, python and some others...12:00
desrt_gabrieleveryone must install enigma12:00
desrt_gabrielit's in apt12:00
desrt_gabrielit's ridiculously addictive12:00
mattgirvdesrt_gabriel, no, that guide does not work for me12:01
spacenutsSkaaa: I know Mayjong is ust plain gun12:01
Hell-Razorspacenuts, oh i have warcraft 3, world of warcraft, and hl2 running great...the only problem i have is with coutner-strike source...a black screen comes up when i try to play it and then it crashes12:01
spacenuts* fun12:01
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; i'm sorry to hear that.  what sort of card do you have?12:01
mattgirvbasically i have already added fglrx driver under the xorg.conf, (9800 pro my card is)12:01
desrt_gabrieldid you load the fglrx kernel module?12:01
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Hell-RazorSeveas, java is a waste of tiem i think..i rarly do it12:01
=== fusion88 [~aussieboy@203-206-229-138.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Hell-Razordesrt_gabriel, how do i check12:01
SeveasHell-Razor, I have to do that for my work12:01
mattgirvFATAL: Module fglrx not found.12:01
fusion88i need help12:01
desrt_gabrielya.  that'll do  it12:01
fusion88some one pm12:02
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; did you follow all the instructions on that page?12:02
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; it's non-trivial12:02
Seveaswith what fusion8812:02
MaxeyPadis there a way to get 4 channel sound in beep?12:02
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spacenutsHell-Razor: wow you got all those games running? nice job12:02
mattgirvwhat do you mean?12:02
fusion88# sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`12:02
Entitywhat package is needed to play divx with totem?12:02
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; you need to compile the ati kernel module12:02
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; and install it12:02
psihi. hald locks up whenever i plug in my logitech dual action gamepad. does anyone have any idea why?12:02
mattgirvi tried downloading it and manually compiling it12:02
fusion88i need help12:02
Seveasand the problem is fusion88?12:02
mattgirvit was complaining about an error, wait a sec ill tell you what it said12:02
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fusion88pm me12:03
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; you need to have a copy of the kernel sources around in order to build it12:03
Hell-RazorSeveas, heh i am not out of highschool yet..plus i want to do networking for my "job"..right now the place my mom works at just hired an administrater for there server and he went to the same college im going to...they hired him for 125$ an hour12:03
mattgirvit basically said kernel includes at /usr/src/linux/include not found or incomplete12:03
fusion88i have een in here 3 times every one justs ignores me12:03
Seveasthat's good salary :)12:03
Seveasfusion88, I am offering you help12:03
Hell-Razorspacenuts, its called cedega12:03
Seveasif you just state the problem....12:03
mattgirvbut i thought linux-386 is the kernel sources12:03
spacenutsHell-Razor: hmm don't know that12:03
=== desrt_gabriel ignores fusion88
mattgirvi looked at kernel-source-blahbalbhalh and my kernel version isn't there12:04
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Seveasmattgirv, it is linux-source12:04
Hell-Razorspacenuts, do you play any games? its basically "Wine"12:04
Skaaatotally unrelated question: whats the minimum processer and ram reccemended for running a server on? small server.12:04
desrt_gabrielHell-Razor; gdb!12:04
Hell-Razorspacenuts, its basically wine modified for games12:04
mattgirvSeveas, oh.. hehe :P12:04
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; the idea of the ati drivers is that they're half-binary and half-source12:05
Hell-Razordesrt_gabriel, wha?12:05
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; the source parts are enough that, within reason, you can compile a module for any kernel version12:05
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; so if your kernel version isn't 'listed' then you build your own12:06
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mattgirvyeah i got that error when running make in the buildmod folder12:06
kibocan kubuntu livecd install kubuntu to the hd?12:06
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; i've never had to deal with these problems12:07
kiboso I have to install kubuntu from the install cd to install it to the HD12:07
desrt_gabrielmattgirv; gentoo took care of it for me.  when i got my new LCD monitor i switched to using the open source drivers since the binary ones didn't support DVI on my card.  now that i'm in unbuntu i'm just using the free drivers still12:07
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djtanseyanyone here a creative ubuntu installer? i'm trying to get array 6 onto a laptop that has no CD or floppy. i have gotten it to boot using grub for dos. unfortunately it turns out the wireless card i have (lost the ethernet card) isn't automatically supported. suggestions? (the wifi card is a linksys card -- 802.11g)12:07
mattgirvi used gentoo for a while, but i really don't have time for it, installation wise anyway, i just cant afford to spend all day compiling my system :)12:08
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Seveasdjtansey, linksys has no native linux drivers too...12:09
kiboweird why doesnt' kubuntu come with firefox12:09
djtanseySeveas: yeah... i know12:09
djtanseySeveas: guesses?12:09
MaxeyPaddoes anyone know how to get 4 channel audio under ubuntu?12:09
bur[n] erMaxeyPad: ubuntuguide help?12:10
Seveasdjtansey, sorry, not really12:10
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desrt_gabrielmattgirv; use the fine multitasking capabilities of the linux kernel :)12:10
bur[n] erMaxeyPad: nevermind, it's not there12:10
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dabihmm where do i have to go to add to my username rights to edit /var/www ?12:10
bur[n] erdabi: add that user to www12:11
bur[n] erer... hte www group12:11
dabiyah.. where? :)12:11
djtanseyanyone ever done an install from a pcmcia drive? (i have an CF card i can put in my pcmcia adapter)12:11
dabii know how to do it in mdk but not in ubuntu..12:11
MaxeyPadAlready looked, nothing there12:11
Skaaathis is so sweet, im going to have four computers in my room soon12:11
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Skaaa11 in my house total12:11
Seveasdabi, man adduser12:11
dabihmm lol too easy.. :P12:11
bur[n] erdabi: use the gnome "users and groups" thing12:12
=== desrt_gabriel makes a trip to tim hortons
kentSkaaa, what do you need them all tfor?  I have one, and its enough for me :)12:12
MaxeyPadyour energy bill probably sucks skaa :)12:12
dabisrry.. im still noob with ubuntu :(12:12
bur[n] erdabi: run "users-admin"12:12
MaxeyPadI've got like 4 and I almost think its excessive sometimes12:12
dabistarted using linux 1 month ago.. :)12:12
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mattgirvright look, im now trying to make the newest drivers,12:12
mattgirvim running sudo sh make.sh (in the /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod dir) and it says...12:13
mattgirvkernel includes at /usr/src/linux/include not found or incomplete12:13
mattgirvfile: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h12:13
mattgirvnice speed :)12:13
psihald locks up whenever i plug in my logitech dual action gamepad. does anyone have any idea why?12:14
Seveasmattgirv, you did download the right set of kernel headers?12:14
jmobpsi: search the bugzilla12:14
mattgirvwell my kernel is 2.6.10-412:14
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mattgirvi downloaded linux-sources-2.6.1012:14
jmobpsi: for hald and ubuntu, report a bug if you can't find anything12:14
Seveasyou should not download the sources12:14
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duncanmwhere do i find logs to see why something from init.d is not starting properly?12:14
Seveasonly the headers12:14
mattgirverm.. how? :P12:14
kiboits weird there is no torrent for kubuntu12:14
duncanmSamba stopped working12:14
jmobduncanm: /var/log12:15
Seveasapt-get install linux-headers-$VERSION12:15
jmobduncanm: grep -ir 'samba' .12:15
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Seveaskibo, that's because kubuntu is not yet final12:15
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kiboseems to work ok12:15
jmobduncanm: probably something like /var/log/samba or /var/log/smb12:15
mattgirvSeveas, aHHHH downloading now :)12:16
mattgirvi still get the error12:16
dabii added my self to www-data restart x? i dont have rights yet..12:16
mattgirvSetting up linux-headers-2.6.10-4 (2.6.10-25.2) ...12:16
mattgirvhmm, but my kernel is 2.6.10-4 , whats the stuff within the brackets ?12:17
duncanm  params.c:Section() - Empty section name in configuration file.12:17
duncanmah, i figured it out12:18
duncanmi think the new sharing stuff in nautilus is buggy12:18
mattgirvi haven't , this is a wierd problem :(12:18
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jmobdabi: you inherit rights from what your shell had when you initally started everything up12:24
jmobdabi: so if you added yourself to something new, you need to restart in order to get the new privs12:24
jmobdabi: if you start a new shell though, it'll have to the new privs12:24
jmobs/to the/the/12:24
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MonoboyHello, I'm having problems with startx right after install. I get this error when running the startx command:12:27
Monoboy /usr/bin/X11/startx: line 140: xinit: command not found12:28
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=== DarthFrog is no longer marked as away. Gone since 11/03/05 12:49 pm.
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jmobDarthFrog: http://sackheads.org/~bnaylor/spew/away_msgs.html12:31
topyliMonoboy: xinit is in the xbase-clients package12:32
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MonoboyI'm new to Linux, so what does that mean?12:33
MonoboyI installed Ubuntu twice, and after install I'd get to the prompt for username and password, and then it'd just put me in bash.12:34
fusion88i need help12:34
fusion88can some one pm me12:34
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jmobfusion88: What's the problem?12:34
fusion88i need some one good at linux12:34
fusion88jmod can u pm me12:34
jmobfusion88: Why don't you say the problem here so more people can potentially help?12:34
topyliMonoboy: it means you need to have that package installed. try 'sudo apt-get install xbase-clients'12:34
fusion88i have a belkin12:35
fusion88wireless card12:35
fusion88i need help installin it12:35
fusion88i know u cant use12:35
fusion88amtel drivers12:35
fusion88but there really hard to install12:35
fusion88is there a way i can install it easy12:35
fusion88i can us ndiswrapper12:35
fusion88i am confused12:36
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jmobfusion88: buy a new wireless card?12:36
cavediverI'm having problem with archive manager. It won't extract my rar fles. Archive not supported it says.12:37
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jmobcavediver: sudo apt-get install rar12:37
roybattiuscavediver: it doesn't suppport rar12:37
jmobroybattius: yes it does12:37
scorpixis there laptop that 100% compatible with ubuntu?12:37
jmobroybattius: if you install the rar untility it does12:37
cavediverroybattius: it dit, a week ago, then it broke12:37
cavediverjmob: package not availible12:38
roybattiusfileroller seems to be borked in another way too12:38
confreyI have installed ubuntu hoary rc 5.04 on my laptop; hibernation works fine,but I can't use sleep and resume; how can I do it?12:38
cavediverI have unrar installed though12:38
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jmobcavediver: apt-cache search rar?12:38
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jmobfusion88: I dunno, never had experience with that12:38
cavediverjmob: it gives huge amount of hits.12:38
jmobfusion88: google is your friend, if all else fails look for a card that people say is supported and buy it12:39
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preglowhow do i update the nvidia kernel modules for a new kernel?12:39
cavediverdoesn't seem to exist a rar package in my sources12:39
paulproteusfusion88: What are you trying to do?12:39
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kibois kubuntu not stable enough to use?12:39
jmobcavediver: apt-cache search|egrep '^rar.*'12:39
cavediverE: You must give exactly one pattern12:40
jmobcavediver: apt-cache search|grep -E '^rar.*'12:40
jmobcavediver: apt-cache search rar|grep -E '^rar.*'12:40
confreyI have installed ubuntu hoary rc 5.04 on my laptop; hibernation works fine,but I can't use sleep and resume; how can I do it?12:41
jmobcavediver: it's in Debian, maybe you don't have all the repos like multiverse/universe?12:41
cavediverno hit besides rarpd unfortunately12:41
cavediverjmob: i have both.12:41
=== dabi [~dabi@69.Red-83-39-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
cavediverBut then i get errors trying to get oppenoffice2 so maybe something is wrong in my sources.list12:41
jmobcavediver: when's the late time you ran ``apt-get update'' manually?12:42
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cavediverI run Hoary12:42
cavedivercan i post my sources.list somewhere ?12:42
jmobfusion88: Linux isn't exactly a nice place as far as supporting every bit of hardware imaginable12:42
kiboif I install kubuntu now, will I have to format and reinstall to update to the new releases?12:42
jmobcavediver: rafb.net/paste12:42
Ad-Rockcavediver pastebin.com12:43
cavediverkibo: why not intstall kde in ubuntu ?12:43
kibowell what's kubuntu for12:43
cavediverI dont know :)12:43
dabiis there some gui for apache2 conf in ubuntu?12:43
Ad-Rockkibo: well, i think its just for ppl that only want kde in their systems :P12:44
kiboI dont know how to install kde thats why12:44
cavediverjmob: it's posted.12:44
jmobcavediver: where?12:44
MonoboyHmm... I still get the same error after running that command. I think I'm about to give up.12:44
jmobcavediver: what's the link?12:44
ompaulkibo you should really ask that in #kubuntu where the kde heads are all hanging out12:44
mattgirvdammit :( i am SOOO close to installing ati drivers12:44
mattgirvmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.10-4-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.12:44
mattgirvmake: *** [kmod_build]  Error 212:44
ompaulkibo, if only that you would be in the presence of those that use kde more than gnome12:44
mattgirvwhat shall i do? :(12:45
Ad-Rockkibo: sudo apt-get install kde-core12:45
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cavediverjmob: http://rafb.net/paste/results/BmZrDN71.html12:45
cavediverIs it something with that restriced thing in the primary repository ?12:46
jmobcavediver: oh, amd64, that might be why12:46
cavediverHmm, i see...12:46
cavediverI thought all packages availible in i386 was in amd64.....12:47
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jmobDarthFrog: dude, I don't give a crap if you're away, please turn that off12:47
jmobcavediver: no, not entirely12:47
jmobcavediver: I have an amd64 system at home, and that hasn't been the case for me12:48
jmobcavediver: there's still some stuff that won't compile for one reason12:48
jmob(or possibly multiple reasons)12:48
cavediverAhh ok..12:48
mattgirvplease can someone help with this error = make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.10-4-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.12:48
jmobcavediver: you can try compiling it yourself and using checkinstall to install it12:49
cavediverwell.. i will  have a look.12:49
jmobcavediver: or... try looking at the config for archive manager, maybe you can tell it what program to use for rar12:49
cavediverunrar e works in console12:49
cavediverIt's strange that it has worked up until a week ago.12:50
cavediverSuddenly, no rar support...12:50
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jmobcavediver: you could look at the ChangeLog for archive manager12:51
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eb0xThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:52
eb0x  libgnutls10-dev: Depends: libgnutls10 (= 1.0.4-8) but 1.0.4-3ubuntu1 is to be installed12:52
eb0x                   Depends: libgcrypt7-dev (>= 1.1.90-3) but it is not going to be installed12:52
eb0x                   Depends: libopencdk8-dev but it is not going to be installed12:52
eb0xE: Broken packages12:52
eb0xHow do I fix that?12:52
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jmscould anyone help me out? i cant seem to get ubuntu booted properly12:54
jmsor at all for that matter12:54
jmssystem hangs on "starting hotplug subsystem..."12:54
mattgirvplease can someone help with this error = make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.10-4-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.12:56
crimsuneb0x: what package is that for?12:56
jmobmattgirv: sudo apt-get install apt-file12:57
jmobmattgirv: sudo apt-file update12:57
jmobmattgirv: sudo apt-file search /lib/modules/2.6.10-4-386/build12:57
=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-19-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
eb0xsudo apt-get install libgnutls10-dev12:57
eb0xfor libgnutls10-dev12:58
QMarioHello everyone. :D12:58
viper12just keep in mind that the latest hoary updates have BROKEN the restricted modules..  referring to bug 748512:58
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jmobcavediver: apt-listchanges `apt-cache show gaim|grep 'Filename:'|cut -d: -f2|sed 's:\(.*/\)\(.*\):/var/cache/apt/archives/\2:'`12:59
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QMarioHas anyone ever shared a printer over a network before?12:59
crimsuneb0x: right, but what are you trying to do ultimately?12:59
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viper12yes qmario.12:59
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioHow do you do it?12:59
crimsuneb0x: please paste in #flood the output of apt-cache policy libgnutls10-dev12:59
eb0xcrimsun: im trying to compile GAIM 1.1.4 with ssl support so i can connect to the msn servers01:00
viper12depends on the network.  my own is using cups to share an epson between 3 ubuntu boxes.01:00
crimsuneb0x: are you running Hoary?01:00
crimsuneb0x: Hoary already has 1.1.401:00
viper12if you are referring to a windows network, then you need to look at the samba how-tos on the website.01:00
eb0xYes, but I need SSL to connect to MSN.01:00
eb0xMSN 9 now requires SSL01:00
QMarioI'm trying to share between 1 Ubuntu/Windows to  two other Windows computer.01:01
eb0xAnd to put SSL (according to the gaim site)01:01
eb0xyou have to01:01
eb0x$ sudo apt-get remove gaim01:01
eb0x$ sudo apt-get install libgnutls10-dev01:01
eb0x$ ./configure --enable-gnutls=yes01:01
eb0x$ sudo make01:01
eb0x$ sudo make install01:01
viper12then get to the samba howto.  it will walk you through the process.01:01
crimsuneb0x: 1.1.4 in Hoary already has that.01:01
mattgirverm jmob i done that and01:01
socommMSN. :^/01:01
mattgirvthere are no responses01:01
crimsuneb0x: I'm connected to MSN via 1.1.4 as I type.01:01
eb0xwell it doesnt let me connect01:01
QMarioHave you done it before?01:02
eb0xIt tells me that I need SSL01:02
eb0xit comes up with an error and tells me to go to a link01:02
njanI'm connected to MSN with gaim 1.1.0 and it works fine..01:02
viper12qmario, I use an all linux network, so haven't needed to.01:02
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crimsuneb0x: paste the output of apt-cache policy gaim in #flood01:02
jmobmattgirv: really? hrmm01:02
eb0xYa i could connect with 1.0.001:02
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crimsuneb0x: you don't have Hoary main01:03
crimsuneb0x: are you _positive_ you're running Hoary?01:03
jmobmattgirv: what's `uname -a` say?01:03
eb0xi did the update thing last night01:03
eb0xdist-upgrade or something like that01:04
mattgirvLinux darkstar 2.6.10-4-386 #1 Thu Mar 10 03:25:00 GMT 2005 i686 GNU/Linux01:04
=== Sethosayher [Sethosayhe@ool-44c25284.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsuneb0x: but you only have 1.1.4 installed01:04
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crimsuneb0x: err, you _don't_01:04
socomm1.1.4 is the latest01:04
eb0xit says i do01:04
eb0xaccording to the "About" dialog thing01:04
crimsuneb0x: did you compile that yourself?01:05
crimsuneb0x: that's why...01:05
SethosayherCan anyone help me? I have a problem with my internet conncetion in Ubuntu....01:05
eb0xand im trying to go back now01:05
sal002Is there an iptables install problem?01:05
eb0xand do what the directions say01:05
eb0xto get ssl01:05
mattgirvwhat now jmob, any ideas?01:05
crimsuneb0x: the easiest way is to (re)enable hoary/main and install gaim01:05
eb0xhow do i do that01:05
crimsuneb0x: open Synaptic and check the box for hoary main restricted01:06
crimsuneb0x: then click Ok and Reload01:06
eb0xHoary main restricted where01:07
=== n0b0dy [wifi80211b@cm-bnas1-tic-C8B18D65.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
eb0xin the packages listing?01:07
crimsuneb0x: Settings>Repositories01:07
Trickerhow to mount a vfat partition so all users can read all files in it????01:07
jmobmattgirv: dpkg -L |grep linux-headers01:08
crimsunTricker: mount it with -o umask=00001:08
eb0xi dont have that in thre01:08
jmobmattgirv: change -L to -l01:08
mattgirvdpkg-query: --listfiles needs at least one package name argument01:08
crimsuneb0x: are you _positive_ you're running Hoary?01:08
mattgirvii  linux-headers- 2.6.10-25.2    Header files related to Linux kernel version01:08
eb0xi upgraded last night .. yes01:08
crimsuneb0x: dpkg -l libc6|grep ^ii|awk '{ print $3 }'01:09
Trickercrimsun can i pm?01:09
Pineapples10BEES LMAO01:09
crimsuneb0x: you're running Warty01:09
eb0xI followed the instructions on ubuntuguide.org01:09
crimsuneb0x: dpkg doesn't lie. You're running Warty.01:10
eb0xThen the site was wrong i guess01:10
eb0xi dont know01:10
crimsuneb0x: do you want to upgrade to Hoary?01:10
eb0xi believe you01:10
eb0xya i do01:10
viper12ya might wanna hang off on the update........today's update of the 26 kernel stuff borks ati and nvidia as well as restricted modules in general. (bug 7485)01:11
jmobmattgirv: COLUMNS=999 dpkg -l|grep linux-headers|grep ^ii|awk '{print $2}'01:11
viper12the abi stuff was changed.01:11
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hawke_viper12: all ati, or just radeon?01:11
crimsuneb0x: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list01:11
mattgirvlinux-headers-2.6.10-4 (jmob)01:11
n0b0dyhow to use the root account of ubuntu?01:11
hawke_n0b0dy: via 'sudo'01:11
viper12killed ati as well as nvidia over here.........talking with the kernel guys.......they borked something in abi in the update.01:11
eb0xthat didnt do anything01:11
crimsuneb0x: then, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade01:11
n0b0dyI installed ubuntu recently01:12
eb0xokay its downloading stuff01:12
Funraiserhave u heard of PAN ? Newsgroup system to download *files*, this stuff looks promising...01:12
eb0xcrimsun: thank you :)01:12
viper12restricted mods aren't getting loaded properly because of these changes.01:12
crimsuneb0x: np01:12
Ad-Rockhow do i set up my startup applications? like gdesklets, gkrellm etc?01:13
awb4422when doing an apt-get dist-upgrade and I get prompted about what I want to do with the current version of something (in this case, bash.bashrc) should I overwrite?01:13
eb0xcrimsun: will i need to do anything after this stuff finishes downloading?01:13
QMarioWhat's pytha?01:13
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crimsunawb4422: yes, you should - unless you know for a fact that you yourself edited that file01:13
awb4422oh ok, i havent done anything01:13
n0b0dyHannes_ It asks for the password01:13
crimsuneb0x: are you using binary-only ATI or Nvidia drivers?01:13
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n0b0dyHannes_ I used: sudo -u root apt-get update01:14
eb0xI *think* NVidia01:14
eb0xIs there a way to check, so that I can be sure?01:14
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Ad-Rockhow do i set up my startup applications? like gdesklets, gkrellm etc?01:15
crimsuncat /proc/driver/nvidia/version01:15
Ad-Rocklike, i want them loaded at gnome startup01:15
eb0xcat: /proc/driver/nvidia/version: No such file or directory01:15
crimsunAd-Rock: then just save session settings when you log out with those applications still loaded01:16
hezenvidia fixed yet?01:16
crimsunheze: no, not yet01:16
hezeeta? :)01:16
viper12its not nvidia heze.............its a kernel issue.  see: bugzilla 7485 for a workaround to get desktop up.01:16
jmscould someone please tell me howto fix this problem?01:17
Ad-Rockcrimsun: where's that? im on gnome 2.1001:17
hezeviper12, oh i c01:17
viper12gonna be awhile according to the kernel guys.  (recompiling a new one as we speak.)01:17
crimsunAd-Rock: it shows up when you choose log out01:17
Ad-Rockcrimsun: and when it reboot my box my applications will be there?01:18
crimsunAd-Rock: no need to reboot, just save the session and log out01:18
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n0b0dyHannes_ Ready, I got!01:18
hezeviper12, better be rdy when i wake up ;)01:19
n0b0dyHannes_ tks!01:19
viper12heze, lol01:19
Ad-Rockcrimsun: yeah, i know that there's no need to reboot, but when i reboot SOMEDAY my application will be there?01:19
crimsunAd-Rock: as long as it's running when you save session & log out, yes01:19
sal002iptables still broken?01:20
n0b0dyHannes_ But, Has some way to use root account in ubuntu?01:20
Ad-Rockcrimsun: thx01:20
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crimsunsal002: "still broken"01:20
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SethosayherCan anyone help me with my Ubuntu Internet connection?01:21
SethosayherI'm having some problems...01:21
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hezeviper12, argh i got that "workaround" already :P i just watched the most laggy movie ever tho the awesomeness of it compensates.01:21
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Sethosayheri think it connects to the Update servers fine, the Live CD also worked, but when I'm in my Ubuntu Installation, I can't access the internet...01:21
viper12lol heze...well, bettern' nothin' right?01:21
b_i am new to ubuntu how can i fix the resolution from my computer01:22
Trickerhow do u unmount a driver?01:22
hezeviper12, sure is.. it's good to notice even the kernel developers are humans :)01:22
hezetricker, a device driver? man rmmod01:22
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eb0xcrimsun: cat: /proc/driver/nvidia/version: No such file or directory01:22
hezetricker, if it's a kernel module that is01:22
Trickera hdd.01:22
b_if it is 1024 by 768 the icons look double01:22
viper12yep......although that was a nasty surprise for me today.  getting sooo used to flawless updates to the testing machines, that when something finally goes splat, caught me offguard.01:22
LaneyWhat kernel does this latest preview run?01:23
hezeviper12, and i chose the perfect day to go try linux desktop once again (i do it like once a year and always end up having only winxp :P)01:23
hezelaney, 2.6.10-4-k7 here :)01:24
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Laneyright, thanks01:24
viper12well, heze, other than this little boink, hoary has been really stable.  I ditched wintendo completely a few weeks back.01:24
hezeor is there a difference bitween the preview release and umm mine... dunno01:24
Laneyjust wanted to know if it was going to support my sata card01:24
_aledoes ubuntu have any clipboard tool by default?01:24
Laneyno, that's fine. it needs 2.601:24
hezeviper12, my sweet ol' total annihilation kinda requires win32 =(01:24
viper12lol....I was in the same boat regarding eve-online, but the latest cedega runs it fine. :)01:25
=== roka [~roka@h66n2fls32o806.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
preglowhow do i update the nvidia kernel modules for a new kernel?01:25
_alemake modules01:25
rokawhat package is it i need to get the c linux programmers manual?01:25
viper12preglow......warty or hoary?  if hoary and today's update?  then see: bugzilla 7485 first.01:25
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hezepreglow, if it's ubuntu kernel you're having there, just install the corresponding linux-restricted-modules -package01:26
heze(it's in the restricted repo)01:26
preglowhoary and just installed, so i guess i'll have a look at bugzilla01:27
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hezepreglow, better try tomorrow again :)01:28
preglowheh, will01:28
=== Phr0sty [~rick@ip70-187-241-250.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
n0b0dyHow to for configure my network?01:29
drspinIs this a bad thing?01:29
drspinNVRM: not using NVAGP, AGPGART is loaded!!01:29
Phr0styHey, guys - I just updated my kernel, and now xorg wont start (nvidia card and Hoary). Anyone know why?01:29
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hezen0b0dy, first you need some network device. what's your setup?01:30
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hezephr0sty, yes it's broken for the moment, see: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=748501:30
hezethere's a workaround there01:30
crimsuneb0x: that's fine, you aren't using it then01:30
=== QMario [~qmario@adsl-70-241-19-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Phr0styheze: Thanx man!01:31
QMarioHow do I restart cups01:31
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n0b0dyheze its the first time that I am configuring my netword...01:31
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hezeqmario, /etc/init.d/cupsys restart01:31
ad-rockany good ftp client for gnome?01:31
n0b0dyheze ubuntu no have a tool to configure networks?01:31
hezead-rock, try gftp01:31
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n0b0dyheze like etherconf01:32
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hezen0b0dy, i've never seen etherconf but yeah the basic setup has something in X01:32
ad-rockheze: thx man01:32
n0b0dyheze in X?01:32
farruinnn0b0dy: computer>system>network or something like that01:32
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hezen0b0dy, u running graphical desktop there?01:32
n0b0dyheze yeah.01:33
n0b0dyheze gnome.01:33
hezen0b0dy, does farruinn's advice work for you?01:33
bryanhow hard would it be to port a small mac osx program to linux?01:33
hezebryan, i can tell i couldn't do it :)01:33
n0b0dyheze farruinn's!?01:34
QMarioHow do I know if my printer is shared?01:34
heze< farruinn> n0b0dy: computer>system>network or something like that01:34
farruinnbryan: what's the program?01:34
QMarioIs there a hand on the printer or something?01:34
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QMarioHow do I know if my printer is shared?01:35
=== chimaera [~chimaera@p54889F71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
QMarioIs there a hand on the printer or something?01:35
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ratanaanyone free to explain how to use apt to me?01:36
hezeratana, what's the problem?01:36
blizahi accidentally deleted the system tray in gnome anyone know how to go about getting in back?01:36
crimsunblizah: add it via second-click on the menu bar01:36
farruinnblizah: right click the panel and select "add to panel"01:36
bryanit's called statfoo, but it doesn't look like the source is available01:36
=== projectmayhem [~chatzilla@pcp03632443pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
projectmayhemhey all01:37
ratanai want to get mplayer for my ubuntu 5.x01:37
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blizahyou guys know what the name of it is?01:37
chimaerai can't install hoary preview for my cd drive isn't found. i have a sata hdd and, of course, a pata cd drive. i found some reports about it in the forum, but no solutions..01:37
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bochwhats the default root password?01:37
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hezeboch, it's not set at all.01:37
farruinnboch: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:38
n0b0dyheze how to change my language (gnome)?01:38
hezen0b0dy, language as in keymap? or menu language or both? : 01:38
bochoh, i didnt know that01:38
blizahfarruinn or crimsun: you guys know what the name of it would be..cant seem to find it01:38
farruinnboch: it's to protect yourself from yourself =)01:38
n0b0dyheze both01:39
farruinnblizah: sorry, not at my ubuntu destkop atm01:39
rokawhat package do i have to download to get the manpages for c programming?01:39
crimsunroka: manpages-dev01:39
projectmayhemhey how do i uninstall limewire?01:40
hezen0b0dy, i think you need to set the locale somehow01:40
rokacrimsun, ty alot01:40
bochfarruinn lol, tomorrow i blow up this linux disto? to install slackware01:40
chlundeHmm, will Hoary have USB stick installation media?01:40
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ad-rockhttp://powbow.webhop.net/images/gnome.png --- rate my new Gnome 2.10 desktop :D01:41
hezead-rock, too much idle cpu :P01:42
=== wHisKy` [vampyre@m58.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hezead-rock, aptitude install distributed-net ;)01:42
farruinnboch: if you read that wiki page you'll see that you can set a root password01:42
farruinnboch: a "default" root password on the other hand would be a reason not to use a distro imho01:43
Phr0styheze: That fix does not work...01:43
hezead-rock, groovy colors and nice big icons down there :)01:43
hezephr0sty, what's the error?01:43
=== DragonFly [vampyre@m58.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ad-rockheze: thx :D what's distributed-net?01:44
projectmayhemad-rock where'd you get the background?01:44
Phr0styheze: No screens found01:44
ad-rockprojectmayhem: deviantart.com01:44
projectmayhemthx ad-rock01:44
blizahah system tray = notification area01:44
ad-rockprojectmayhem np01:44
hezead-rock, http://distributed.net/ it's a competition to try to crack md5 or sth :)01:44
hezephr0sty, umm kay, is there some line with sth like FATAL: bla bla?01:45
Phr0styheze: nope01:45
hezephr0sty, something to indicate why it fails? lines with (EE)?01:45
ad-rockheze: ooh one of those "donate your cicles" stuff?01:46
Phr0styheze: yeah - nvidia kernel module - but apt-get says its loaded!01:46
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hezephr0sty, eww, you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from "nvidia" to "nv"01:47
drspinIs there a better way to do this ??  ----->>  http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu#Optimizing_Nvidia_3D_driver01:47
Phr0styheze: already is like that - it just stopped working after the kernel update01:47
=== scorn [~scorn@ool-18bcc988.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
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awb4422i just upgraded to hoary - it seems that nautilus applications:///System "is not a valid location"01:48
scornhey whts the lastest i should download01:48
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awb4422does anyone know where the new System:/// is?01:48
mz2is beagle worth trying?01:49
hezephr0sty, hmm, try rmmod nvidia if it confuses :o i'm harC[Cdly an expert on X =(01:49
hezeoi, mz :)01:49
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helloyoi like ubuntu, but why? whats it do so differently?01:50
ratanaHeee hee ... i know how apt work now01:50
apokryphoshelloyo: what?01:50
hezehelloyo, it's just yet another distribution where things are done a bit differently.01:51
johsoheya peeps... now, I've tried numbers of different guides to install my gfx-card, which is a ATi Mobility Radeon 9700pro 128mb. But nothing seems to really help - but I don't really know how to test it, I just tried to run a screensaver and it is sooo laggy and slow that I assumed something is wrong... Anybody know how to fix this? :/01:51
mdzhelloyo: are you asking us why you like it? ;-)01:52
cwilluPhr0sty:  if it's just dumping you out at a character mode screen, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:52
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haydenhow do i add to a menu under hoary?01:52
mdzjohso: I believe that card requires the proprietary driver in order to have 3D acceleration01:52
johsomdz: how so?01:53
woodwizzleI need help getting a modem on my laptop working01:53
woodwizzleI was able to install the scanmodem script, but I can't really figure out what driver its telling me to try or anything01:53
mdzjohso: I believe it's in the FAQ01:53
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cwillujohso:  ati's site should have a guide;  unfortunately, you're unlikely to find anyone in this channel who can help anymore than that, except maybe if you run into a snag with the kernel01:54
mdzjohso: http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto01:54
johsomdz: I've tried that, but that didn't work out either...01:55
viper12johso, are you using hoary or warty, and if warty, are you using the 386 kernel?01:55
johsoviper12: warty and the 386 kernel...01:56
viper12My laptop wouldn't work either until updating it to 686 kernel and restricted libraries...then the ati drivers became happy. (9200 mobility)01:56
woodwizzleI tried setting up my modem in gnome's network settings but It couldn't configure the modem itself. (i think its because i have no /dev/ppp0 but I do have a /dev/ppp and)01:56
woodwizzleI also tried autodetection with pppconfig but that didn't work either01:57
johsoviper12: so I have to update it to 686 in order to make it work?01:57
viper12what type machine johso ?  laptop, correct?01:57
johsoviper12: yea..01:58
viper12and yeah, the 686 and restricted seemed to let the ati drivers live.01:58
viper12update the 686 and then use the wiki again.  should get you rolling.01:58
johsoviper12: but how do I update to 686? is it difficult?01:58
woodwizzleWindows says its a CXT AC-link modem for Intel01:59
woodwizzleShould I assume CXT is Conexant?01:59
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helloyoi was setting up some keyboard shortuts, and now my "see" key won't work. as in the letter "see"02:00
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johsohelloyo: also happened to me with P, but I just logged out and logged in and everything was fine..02:01
helloyojohso, ok thanks!02:01
Phr0styAnyone know how to fix this new kernel problem with Hoary and a nVidia card?02:01
viper12johso,   the fastest way:   sudo apt-get install linux-68602:01
viper12the other way....go to synaptics and search on "linux-686"02:02
johsobut what does it exactly do?02:02
johsowhat's the difference?02:02
viper12its the optimized kernel for newer processors machines......and its associated modules are more up to date. (general layman's explanation.)02:03
viper12the 386 in general is more for backward compatibility with older hardware.02:03
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johsoso it will not change anything really? I was just worried it might leave some programs out or something...02:04
natecullrunning Hoary Preview live CD02:04
nateculllooks good...02:04
ikamaAnybody using alps touchpad ?02:04
viper12no johso whatever you've got rolling now, ain't gonna get borked after the update.02:04
viper12on WARTY. lol.  god help you if its hoary with TODAY's update.  snicker.02:04
IRCMonkeyi get an error when i try to exit out of the partition table i get an error that says root file system found, how do i correct this?02:05
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tritiumheze, I'm back02:06
johsoviper12: ok, thanks :)02:06
viper12time fer food.  laterz.02:06
natecullI see Hoary Preview has OpenOffice.org 1.1, is 2.0 expected for the gold release?02:06
natecullor will that wait for Bendy?02:07
IRCMonkeyany help with the error?02:07
Phr0styviper12: Is there a fix for todays "update" yet?02:07
crimsunnatecull: Bendy02:07
danielsnatecull: 2.0 is available as well, but 1.0 will be the defalut02:07
woodwizzleAnyone here have any experience with setting up modems in ubuntu?02:07
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tritiumI see there's no new kernel yet...02:08
natecullcool, so I can grab it from universe?02:08
crimsuntritium: it's being worked on02:08
woodwizzleHehe, from the sound of it, maybe I should be happy I don't have internet access for my ubuntu system today =)02:08
tritiumcrimsun, good deal02:08
crimsunnatecull: 1.9.74 is in main -> openoffice.org202:08
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nix000anyone is seing gnome terminal taking for ever to come up ? it just has a blank screen. not sure what is causing it.02:09
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nix000i am on hoary preview02:09
r0bnycnix000: how is preview?02:09
=== nix000 should go back to warty after all
r0bnycnix000: no lol02:09
Phr0styThey should have left the last working kernel up... tsk tsk02:09
nix000r0bnyc, its nice  i was up and running within hours.02:10
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ikamahoary preview rocks!!!!!!!02:10
ad-rockwhat's the difference between hoary preview and upgrading to hoary by apt?02:10
natecullAdd/Remove Programs applet is new, isn't it?02:10
crimsunad-rock: preview is a snapshot of sometime yesterday02:11
r0bnycnix000: I have a big issue here02:11
nix000ikama, did you get the latest updates ? maybe that is whats causing the problem i have.02:11
r0bnyci apt-get install linux-image-686 etc and it screwed up02:11
crimsunad-rock: via apt gives you what's currently in the archive, which is newer02:11
r0bnycnow I cant even boot into ubuntu02:11
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crimsunr0bnyc: known issue02:11
nix000r0bnyc, whats the problem ?02:11
ad-rockcrimsun : oh ic.. well i upgraded via apt02:11
=== agd [~alduncan@82-41-254-189.cable.ubr05.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
r0bnycI'm on Arch right now, let me go on X so I can paste the message02:12
r0bnyccrimsun: is known?02:12
ad-rockand i dont have any complains :D02:12
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agdevening guys/gals02:12
natecullAdd/Remove Programs seems to take forever to populate its tickboxes...02:12
crimsunJKD: on current Hoary, yes02:12
nix000natecull, it looks like all the programs i open take for ever. so far i tried terminal and gconf both took forever02:13
JKDcrimsun: how do I fix it02:13
ikamanix000, yes. It is all up to date02:13
Quest-Masternix000: Try prelinking?02:13
Quest-Masternix000: sudo apt-get install prelink02:13
Quest-Masternix000: prelink -amvf02:14
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hezetritium, sup? :) i'm doing not so well. irssi host network has serious problems, laggy ircing =(02:14
crimsunJKD: wait a few hours, then update && dist-upgrade again02:14
ikamaI think prelinking is only suggestable for ooo02:15
tritiumnot much.  just got back02:15
agdhi guys sorry to ask this in here, My Ubuntu installs gone fine, first time on Linux and before that only had a few months on windows, you couldnt point me to a genralized tutorial on linux as an OS, such as directory structure, system files, ect for total dumbass non technical idoits like myself?02:15
=== R0bNyc [~jkd@pool-162-84-141-54.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JKDcrimsun: thanks02:15
nix000Quest-Master, i cant even get prelink i am getting the maybe missing or broken pakage02:15
=== jaakko [~jaakko@19-76.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ikamabecause I ve recognized there are some probs when there is not a very well conf of prelinking02:15
nix000ikama, what the hell is this prelink stuf02:16
R0bNycTry mounting the proc filesystem: mount -tproc none /proc02:16
R0bNycFailed to create initrd image.02:16
R0bNycdpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.10-4-386 (--configure):02:16
R0bNyc subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 202:16
R0bNycdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postfix-tls:02:16
bwlangagd: sorry - i don't have any suggested reading for your... maybe "running linux" ... go ahead and ask some questions - maybe you'll get good answers here02:16
R0bNyc postfix-tls depends on postfix; however:02:16
R0bNyc  Package postfix is not configured yet.02:16
R0bNyc postfix-tls depends on postfix (= 2.1.5-9ubuntu2); however:02:16
R0bNyc  Package postfix is not configured yet.02:16
R0bNycdpkg: error processing postfix-tls (--configure):02:16
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R0bNycdependency problems - leaving unconfigured02:16
R0bNycErrors were encountered while processing:02:16
R0bNyc postfix02:16
R0bNyc linux-image-2.6.10-4-68602:16
R0bNyc linux-image-68602:16
R0bNyc linux-68602:16
R0bNyc linux-image-2.6.10-4-38602:16
R0bNyc postfix-tls02:17
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R0bNycE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:17
R0bNycsorry for the spam02:17
eyequeueR0bNyc:  STOP02:17
bwlangR0bNyc: stop... put that into pastebin02:17
R0bNycoh yea02:17
mdzR0bNyc: the very first line you pasted is the answer to your question02:17
jaakkohello... i just read about the ubuntu 5.04 preview... i was just wondering that if i install it can i just update 'to the final release' when it is released? sorry i'm a bit drunken...02:17
=== zyaga1 [~zyaga1@nr30-216-196-209-214.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikamaOk, prelinking gives a kind of roadmap for packages. So they are able to start work faster.02:17
mdzlooks like you're trying to install a kernel without /proc mounted02:17
bwlangR0bNyc: no help for you (think soup nazi ;)02:17
mdzjaakko: yes02:18
djstmdz:  how?02:18
agdwell i guess im a bit system shy bwlang, all the package stuff, shell, the dir structure, drivers, and what the hell are these buffers in emacs? lol sorry im just utterly lost on what to do now i have a good linux install done02:18
ikamaIn OO.org there is a increase of 50 % on startup02:18
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zyaga1Erm, I am having a problem when installing Ubuntu, is there someone that might help me with questions I have about it?02:18
mdzdjst: by clicking the upgrade icon in the panel02:18
sihenhello guys02:18
djstmdz:  it's that easy to update the whole distro version? neat!02:18
nix000ikama, i cant even get the prelink package to install. how come this was not installed if it is needed by something like terminal !02:18
jaakkomdz: thanks... :)02:18
usualsihen, and most likely girls02:18
mdzdjst: no02:19
mdzdjst: jaako asked about upgrading from preview to final02:19
sihensorry to be stupid but im new to ubuntu. i have noticed ubuntu doesnt have a /src/linux? where do i edit my kernel for hypertheading02:19
HillTopagd, O'Reilly has some nice books like Linux Pocket Guide. But even better are tons of good tutorials (PDF) at IBM.com02:19
bwlangagd: well  i can tell you about the buffers in emacs... they're just areas for you to open files or type in.02:19
eyequeueagd:  http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/index.html.gz02:19
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mdzto upgrade from warty to hoary, e.g., requires more steps02:19
djstmdz:  ok.. i didn't know there was a difference.. since it's technically two different ubuntu releases02:19
nix000stupid thing was working before i applied the latest updates !02:19
zyaga1Can anyone help me with a problem of Ubuntu?02:19
sihenalso need to add the module for sata hd's as i cant find mine02:19
djstmdz:  so how would i upgrade from hoary to a future final release of ubuntu? possible?02:19
mdzdjst: you would follow the upgrade instructions that we provide02:20
bwlangagd: as far as the dir structure... there is a standard called fhs that you could google on02:20
eyequeuezyaga1:  not unless you are mosr specific02:20
zyaga1I can be.02:20
sihencan anyone possible help me?02:20
mdzto upgrade from Hoary to its successor, you should be able to simply insert the CD02:20
zyaga1When I am installing it, it gets so far, and then seems to freeze up.02:20
mdzsihen: install the "linux-68602:20
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mdzsihen: install the "linux-686-smp" package and reboot02:20
agdty eyeque for the book link, i'll do that bwlang, dont wanna go breaking anything eh lol02:21
bwlangagd: drivers are pretty much built into the kernel - you should not have to worry about drivers02:21
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SeanQHi from FC3.02:21
zyaga1It gets past the detecting and scannig of the cd rom.02:21
SeanQI'd like to say..I'm coming back.02:21
djstmdz:  didn't read any upgrade instructions, sorry. was just curious if it's possible without breaking the system or leave it in a half-upgraded state. thanks02:21
zyaga1And then it gets to the Ubuntu installer part.02:21
eyequeueagd:  no prob02:21
=== SeanQ salutes the 'humanity to others' god in the sky
zyaga1And then it freezes up at the 20% part02:21
mdzdjst: I mean the upgrade instructions that we provide when we make a new release02:21
usualubuntu, the only dist that puts a naked chick on my desktop by default02:21
woodwizzleare there any hoary packages for linexant winmodem drivers?02:21
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sihenmdz, and what should i install for SATA HD's?02:22
mdzusual: it doesn't02:22
bwlangusual: actually - last month kind of embarassed me... this month is a bit more tame.02:22
usualmdz, I know, but damn near02:22
djstmdz:  so you're one of the developers then?02:22
mdzsihen: you don't need to install anything additional for those02:22
agdthe onlt woe ive honestly had bwlang was that my cdburner is a freecomclassic USB and so is my cam, and im lost on finding how to get em working, aside from that the install got most of my hardware picked up first time apart from sound, so god only knows whats in this old compaq deskpro for sound that it isnt supported02:22
mdzdjst: yes02:22
=== projectmayhem [~chatzilla@pcp03632443pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
usualbwlang, the naked blonde?02:22
mdzusual: no, the default desktop in Ubuntu 4.10 is solid brown with the ubuntu logo on it02:22
usualmdz, whats hoary?02:23
djstmdz:  what i'd want is the ability to just upgrade the whole distro from the ubuntu update manager02:23
=== helloyo [~alex@c211-30-78-117.belrs2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mdzusual: it's a sort of abstract starburst thing, with the ubuntu logo on it02:23
bwlangusual: this onth - no humans ... now it's a starburst pattern02:23
usualmdz, oh ok02:23
helloyohow do you edit the menu in hoary?02:23
SeanQWhat was this thing with the naked chick?02:23
woodwizzlehelloyo: You don't02:23
SeanQI heard a lot about it when I was in Warty.02:23
usualohhhh i see it02:23
SeanQI never got it though.02:23
bwlangagd: wierd ass hardware is likely to be trouble.... anything with the name "freecomclassic" would make me run the other way02:23
mdzSeanQ: it's the Ubuntu Monthly Calendar02:24
usualmdz, it looks great02:24
mdzSeanQ: computer->desktop preferences->background02:24
bwlangagd: almost all cameras work  - but you're better off with usb <-> cf reader imho02:24
SeanQmdz, I'm not in Ubuntu but found what I needed.02:24
mdzusual: I will pass on your feedback to the artist02:24
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zyaga1eyequeue: Do you think you could help me with something?02:24
SeanQI'm in Fedora.02:24
sihenmdz, iv tried everything to find my SATA and i just cant find it on ubuntu02:24
usualmdz, please do. I like it.02:24
projectmayhemseanq i just switched from that this week02:24
agdye , bought during my windows phase sadly, and most weird stuff works on it strangley, though poorly lol02:24
eyequeuezyaga1:  depends what02:24
zyaga1eyequeue: on a problem I am having when installing Ubuntu02:25
woodwizzleAaargh. this modem crap is driving me nuts!02:25
mdzdjst: we might do that eventually, but currently it isn't up to the task02:25
tritiumSeanQ, it's not really a calendar, though, just a background image02:25
SeanQprojectmayhem, I switched back to FC3 when realizing archived games on MLB Gameday Audio wouldn't work in mozilla-mplayer in Hoary02:25
SeanQbut when I got to FC3, I realized my Windows partitions wouldn't work..even after NTFS support02:25
SeanQwhich is more important?02:25
jaakkoanybody tested the "very fresh" gnome 2.10?02:25
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SeanQI did in Hoary.02:26
projectmayhemseanq i had the same ntfs problem among others02:26
projectmayhemseanq my java installations were a pain02:26
agdmy major worry is not being able to put back into ubuntu realy as im not a coder and far from technicaly proficient by any means, but kind of feel i owe it as its the first linux thats practicly worked out of the box for me without any real major hassles or leaving important hardware unsuable02:26
djstmdz:  ok. thanks for providing ubuntu anyways, i just switched to it from vidalinux yesterday and i'm pleased :) the plan wasn't to switch though, but i made enough changes on the system to not wanting to reboot to vida anymore02:26
woodwizzlei downloaded an installer from linuxant, put it on a USB drive, copyied it to my laptop and tried to run it. Apparently, its just a script to go online and download the modem drivers. Now I ask you. If I could go online, why would I need modem drivers!!!02:26
sihenmdz, any idea's?02:26
=== bjugis [~bjugis@084202069032.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
bwlangagd: you can contribute by helping others learn... once you know how to do some stuff.02:27
bjugisThe device-mapper has taken over my raid. I realy don't like it to do that. How do I get it to stop bugging me without destroying my raid?02:27
jaakkoultra fast boot process sounds nice02:27
virtualdwhen will debian sarge be released now when ubuntu bought out almost all the koy developers?02:27
zyaga1eyequeue: Should I ask someone else?02:27
SeanQDay before I left for FC3, Gnome 2.10 broke02:27
woodwizzleagd: You could always join the gnome documentation team. Gnome docs are mostly still from 2.802:27
SeanQAnyone have a screenshot of this background ;)02:27
agdoh i didnt know that02:28
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SeanQSee, Linux is great because I can say, wow..I contributed to this.02:29
djtanseydoes anyone know of a way to install linux (hopefully ubuntu) from windows by booting a iso that is on the harddrive already? i have no other connection to the world except wireless networking (and only in windows -- no simple way to get the card to work in linux, let alone in the installer)02:29
SeanQdjtansey, what wireless card?02:29
dabii just installed java runtime and i have the libjavaplugin_oji.so file, where do i have to put it to get java working on firefox?02:29
hezeduh, 3:30 already, i'm off. nite ppl! keep up the good work!02:29
djtanseySeanQ: linksys wpc54g02:30
SeanQcheck it out02:30
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SeanQno need for internet in the installer02:31
SeanQi didn't have it with my netgear ma11102:31
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jaakkois the hoary boot process really ultra-fast? :O02:31
djtanseySeanQ: well -- i have no CDrom. i was going to do a net install (installed grub from windows so i could boot from the netboot image)02:31
sihenroot@Enigma:/dev # sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd02:31
sihenroot@Enigma:/dev # sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdc02:31
sihenroot@Enigma:/dev # sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdd02:31
sihenroot@Enigma:/dev #02:31
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SeanQI don't know, honestly.02:32
SeanQI'll look around02:32
zyaga1Is there anyone that could help me with a problem I am having when installing Ubuntu?02:32
sihencant find my sata drive :(02:32
johsoehm - just installed linux-686, and now Opera doesn't work and some screensavers are gone, and all in all the system seems slower... Help?02:33
djtanseySeanQ: thanks. i just hoped maybe i could create a small partition and put iso data into it, then boot from that partition and install to the other one. then remove the installation partition and resize to fit02:33
haydenwhat can i burn cds and dvds with02:34
SeanQ4:00 left to hoary instal02:34
SeanQhayden, k3b02:34
jaakkohayden: burn:/// ?02:34
TheGorfHow do you tell nautilus to always open directories in a common window?02:35
haydencan nautilus burn iso s>02:35
agddjtansey im no linux expert but maybe using a version of GRUB that handles network booting could help your out called PXE-Grub i think, if you already have ubuntu on another pc ? though i could be totaly off the mark with that02:35
=== Teal`c [~tealc@d57-37-118.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
agdyou can bikeshed me later for giving you duff-persudo advice ;-p02:36
mdzhayden: yes, right-click on the ISO and select "write to CD"02:36
Teal`choary includes gnome 2.10 ?02:36
djtanseyagd: unfortunatelly, i only have a wireless pcmcia card. no ethernet. so i can't use network anything -- since this card has no OSS drives. but thanks! (and keep loving linux! been using it since 1997 and still a devotee!)02:36
=== tuppa [~tuppa@c220-237-30-103.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
agdi'll keep at it ;-p i have no intention of falling back to windows! even if it does cost me multiple reinstalls when i break my system hard with tinkering lol blood, more blood and plenty of tears ;-p02:38
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pablo928In my 30th boot-up an auto disk check occurred with the result that I have .8 % a-syncronous files. Is there a de-frag program or command I can use for Warty?02:38
=== Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
djtanseyagd: good. and ubuntu's great, as is its parent, debian. used debian from 98 until warty came out. just keep embracing the community. they are remarkably helpful and are generally not concieted02:39
haydenok thanks mdz02:39
=== ubuseer [~laoballer@wbar8.sea1-4-4-085-123.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
agdye your spot on with the community thing , as so far ive had no flames heading my way!02:40
djtanseySeanQ: maybe i don't have to have a partition. maybe i could just mount the iso..02:41
sihenmdz, see what i mean, dont know what else to try to get my sata working ;(02:41
djtanseySeanQ: hmm. maybe not. it has to be booted from, not just accessed02:41
PizbitAlrighty now, who can tell me the name of the mouse theme warty uses and perhaps where I might 'acquire' it?:)02:42
haydenmdz, if i use nautilus to burn a cd, what does it use as the volume name02:42
=== Pizbit is using hoary and it kinda dissappeared on him while using another mouse theme.
Pizbithayden: It should ask when you first hit burn.02:43
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PizbitUnless of course it's an ISO or music cd.02:43
agdwell guys thanks for the advice , time to shut down for the night i think, you all take care.02:43
haydeni didnt specify anything on the disc i just burnt it then and it came out as Personal Data, Mar 12 200502:44
PizbitYou know the little window that pops up saying what speed etc it'll burn at?02:45
PizbitIt should have a place to specify the volume name there.02:45
projectmayhemanyone here use limewire?02:45
haydeni must've missed it02:45
haydenhow can i add an item to Applications->Sount & Video?02:46
projectmayhemyou have to do nautilus applications:///Multimedia i think02:46
projectmayhemas root02:46
ad-rockho do i enable transparency in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?02:47
projectmayhem"sudo nautilus applications:///Multimedia" if memory serves me correctly...02:47
Pizbitad-rock: It's *really* unstable if you're using GLX, just so you're forwarned.02:47
projectmayhemthen you right click, and create a launcher02:47
Pizbitad-rock: nvidia card?02:47
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ad-rockPizbit: yeah02:47
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mdzhayden: the volume label is part of the ISO02:47
haydenmdz, i didnt burn an iso02:48
Pizbitad-rock: I'll do a pastebin02:48
mdzhayden: that's what you asked about, and that's what I gave you instructions for...02:48
haydeni was just curious how you would go about doing it02:48
haydeni burnt a data disc02:48
Pizbitad-rock: This is the stuff you need to change to the xorg.conf http://www.pastebin.com/25359402:49
ad-rockPizbit: ok, thx, i just saved my xorg.conf just in case :P02:50
Pizbit*grin* The changes are minor and reversable.02:50
=== hades [~hades@cpe-24-162-131-160.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hadesAny idea why I do not have a /proc/ksyms file?02:51
Teal`cdoes ubuntu support rpm ?02:51
Pizbit"no" I believe is the answer, although you can always go look up alien.02:52
=== Yvonne [~info@kf-sdm-cb01-0602.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mjrTeal`c, it is not its native package format, but you may get by with alien02:52
Teal`ci heard .deb packages dont show up for a lot of stuff, thats why i was wondering02:52
=== mjr has good, but limited, experiences with installing rpms via alien
ad-rockPizbit: done, wish me luck :p02:53
PizbitTeal`c: Heh, debs show up all over the place, they're very common.02:53
PizbitTeal`c: Given how long debian has been around and all.02:54
=== NeoChaosX [~nael@adsl-63-193-193-125.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
woodwizzleI have a thumb drive. It seems to only work in ONE of my usb ports, and even with that port it doesn't work 100% of the time.,02:54
DarthFrogTeal`c: That's true.  But with more and more Debian based distributions such as Ubuntu appearing, there are more and more debs coming, too.02:54
woodwizzlebut if i take it out and put it back in a few times it'll finally work. What the heck!02:54
mjrwoodwizzle, hey, I've been having that too a bit. But sorry, don't know why.02:54
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ad-rockPizbit: ok, now?02:55
NeoChaosXanybody have trouble getting quicktime files to play back properly after upgrading to hoary?02:55
mjralso, that only happens on my desktop box, not the laptop (maybe because the laptop doesn't have usb2)02:55
woodwizzlemjr. Ar first I thought it might be a contact problem, but this laptop is dual boot and it works 100% in windows02:55
woodwizzleHmm. my laptop DOES have usb202:55
Pizbitad-rock: run xcompmgr (In a terminal so you can easily ^c it)02:55
woodwizzleso maybe thats where the problem is02:55
Pizbitad-rock: and then transset .x *click a window*02:55
Pizbitxcompmgr --help for window shadows, fading in/out menus/windows02:56
mjrwoodwizzle, yeah, maybe some problem with the usb2 driver02:56
mjrtrying a newer kernel might help, or might not02:56
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NeoChaosXi hate my luck with proprietary codecs on Linux02:57
ad-rockPizbit it works :D, how do i load xcompmgr at startup?02:57
Pizbitad-rock: Running glxgears was touch and go for me while running xcompmgr though, if it crashed it'd take all of x down with it, fade in/out stuff only killed xcompmgr for me though.02:58
Pizbitad-rock: Add it to session management02:58
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critterThis is the first time I have compiled Wine. Anyone know how long it usally takes ????02:59
haydenis there a program like flashget in linux that u can pause and resume downloads02:59
farruinncritter: that will depend on your processor, how much ram you have, etc03:00
farruinncritter: in my experience compiling times can vary quite a bit03:00
ad-rockPizbit thx so much man :D03:00
critterOK Thanks been almost 1 hr03:00
farruinnhayden: if you love the command line I would suggest curl03:00
Pizbitad-rock: No problems, just if your x server goes CYAS! Blame xcompmgr :)03:01
haydeni'd rather a program with a gui03:01
farruinncritter: let's put it this way, I had to compile some KDE stuff to use Rosegarden (back before Ridell ahd gotten that stuff up in binary) and I left it going for at least a whole day =)03:01
ad-rockPizbit lol ok03:01
haydenbut will take a look at curl03:01
critterOMG Shoot me now03:01
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blizahdo i need the fglxr-driver-dev files?03:12
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djstwhere is the mail checker applet in gnome?03:14
Pizbitdjst: Did you upgrade to hoary?03:15
djstor no, it's a fresh install03:15
PizbitThe mail checker was removed in gnome 2.1003:15
djstwhere can it be found then?03:15
PizbitDue to being insecure and unmaintained etc03:15
djstthe description of gnome-panel still says it includes a mail checker03:16
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djstare there other (better) mail checkers for gnome then?03:16
Ad-RockGnome 2.10 rules, i love it03:16
blizahis fglxr= ati drivers?03:16
djsti find it convenient to see if i have mail without the need to launch thunderbird03:16
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honeblizah, yeah should be03:16
Gentii need help with the download03:17
Gentii used jigdo03:17
blizahany way i could get the newest ones...my cs isnt running quite right03:17
Gentibut it cannot find 55 files03:17
blizahhone i see that the ones in synaptic are real old03:17
Gentiwhere can i find a list of files of hoary?03:17
honeblizah, mmm yeah the warty packages tend to be slightly dated iirc03:18
blizahsynaptic = ver. 2.6.8       newest= 8.something03:18
honeblizah, just fyi I haven't been using ubuntu that long.03:18
mdzGenti: if it cannot find files, that generally means that your .jigdo is too old03:18
honeblizah, so just d/l them off the ati stie then?03:18
Gentibut i just downloaded today03:18
Gentii mean like 4 hours ago03:19
Gentiand i have been dowloading it using broadband03:19
blizahill give that a try03:19
honeblizah, yeah sorry I coudln't be much more help03:20
honeblizah, this is my first computer w/ a radeon in it, and I'm just using hte free drivers (radeon mobility)03:20
PizbitWhere computer is a laptop?03:20
honePizbit, yes03:20
honePizbit, my desktop has a nvidia card03:21
honePizbit, just got my ibm thinkpad x31 today03:21
Gentiis there a page with all the files of ubuntu?03:21
honePizbit, trying to set it up03:21
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Pizbithone: Ahh, I avoid ati as much as possible :)03:21
natecullI have a question re Totem03:21
natecullIs there any way to view what codecs / video formats are currently supported?03:21
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honePizbit, to each their own, I've had major problems with them with drivers in the past03:21
Ad-Rockany good site for downloading themes? (any kind of themes)03:21
natecullI assume that Hoary ships with Theora and nothing else, but there seems to be no way for an end user to verify this03:22
honeAd-Rock, gnome-look.org?03:22
jmscould anyone help me with problem im having booting?03:22
honeAd-Rock, art.gnome.org iirc03:22
Pizbithone: Exactly, where as I've only ever had one problem with the NVIDIA drivers, and they released drivers to fix the problem within days of me discovering the problem :D03:22
natecullsince the first question I have is 'great, I have a video player, now what videos can I download that I can view with this'?03:22
honePizbit, I've had loads of problems w/ nvidia on my debian box03:22
Pizbitnatecull: Read the restricted formats FAQ03:22
honePizbit, XFree br0k3 and stuff03:22
Pizbithone: Odd:)03:22
honePizbit, but I still buy nvidia cards..03:23
natecullI've looked in the Wiki and other than a brief mention that XviD is not supported, it doesn't say what *is* supported03:23
fusion88anyone know much about getting belkin usb wireless card working on ubuntu03:23
jmscould someone tell me howto fix the system hanging at "starting hotplug subsystem" setp on bootup?03:23
Ad-Rockhone: what im really looking for is XCHAT Themes03:23
natecullcan there be a page added to the FAQ somewhere about where to dl demo videos in order to test if Totem is working?03:23
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honeAd-Rock, mmmm sorry03:24
honeAd-Rock, don't know any off the top of my head.03:24
Pizbitnatecull: Personally I'd add the marillat reposity and install totem-xine and w32codecs, but run: gst-register-0.8, it should say list all the stuff gst has.03:24
honeAd-Rock, or ther ewere xchat themes03:24
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PizbitHeh, xchat themes = changing the colours in the preferences.03:24
The-Ghost|afkdoes ubuntu do anything special with the HD?03:25
PizbitAlthough there is a file with those colours in which you can swap with others.03:25
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natecullPizbit: cool, thanks, is gst-register-0.8 documented anywhere?03:25
Ad-Rockhone: thx anyway03:25
The-Ghost|afki'm trying to install windows, because i don't have the time to configure Samba, and need it on net with windows servers by tomorrow, or in other words, about 3 hours...03:25
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Pizbitnatecull: Well, it's just the one way I know of seeing what gst has installed heh03:26
avddIs warty supposed to have /bin/sh -> dash ?03:26
natecullI see it has theora and vorbis and a bunch of other plugins which I don't know what they are - is there some registry online of what each plugin is and does?03:26
Pizbitavdd: No, afaik it just uses bash03:26
natecullhmm, it has matroska also - is that a video codec?03:26
jmsis there anyone that can help me?03:27
tritiumnatecull, see /usr/share/doc/w32codes/formats.txt03:27
PizbitNot extremely common but it's around.03:27
blizahwhich versions of the xwindows drivers do i want:  x.org 6.8, xfree86 4.1   4.2   or 4.3?03:27
tritiumnatecull, that's w32codes, not w32codes, sorry03:27
blizahthis is for an ati vid card03:27
tritiumarg codecs03:27
Pizbittritium: Only if he has w32codecs installed right?:)03:27
tritiumPizbit, yes03:27
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tritiumcan't spell tonight ;)03:27
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natecullBut w32codecs are restricted and not necessarily legal?03:27
PizbitWhich warty/hoary does not by default, hence the restricted media faq to get them:)03:27
blizahanyone? :D03:28
natecullI'm mainly interested in knowing what can a user expect to play on Hoary out of the box without violating any laws03:28
honeblizah, uhh 4.303:28
Pizbitnatecull: It's dodgy ground, more or less everyone I've meet uses the package heh03:28
honeblizah, I htink 4.3 is default03:28
Locutus1234Having problems getting the nvidia drivers installed with hoary. I did the following sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx , sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings, and sudo nvidia-glx-config enable. I rebooted and I do not see the nvidia logo. Am I missing something?03:28
natecullPIzbit: sure, but that doesn't seem to be the official Ubuntu line, at least from reading the wiki.03:28
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blizahhone k tnx03:28
=== wuwei23 waves
wuwei23hey everyone03:28
insidiousheloo all03:28
blizahand "alien <filename>"  converts the rpm to a deb file?03:29
wuwei23does anyone know how to edit the gnome menus under 2.10? nautilus applications:/// doesn't seem to work03:29
natecullAre there repositories of Theora encoded free (Creative Commons or the like) videos anywhere on the net that anyone knows of? If so it'd be neat to have a link to them as an example of what can be done with Hoary right now03:29
honeblizah, maybe some options but right utility03:29
wuwei23ablizah: alien --to-deb <file>.rpm03:29
avddBut the kernel package depends on initrd-tools, which depends on dash03:30
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avddI've seen a few scripts in warty that don't work with dash03:30
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crimsunplease file bugs against those packages, then, avdd03:31
JDahlis openoffice2 going to replace openoffice1 in Hoary?03:31
crimsunJDahl: not in time for Hoary, no.03:31
PizbitAlthough it is in hoary03:31
crimsunyou do realize that release is in about 3 weeks, right? ;-)03:32
wuwei23has anyone else had synaptic disappear when upgrading to hoary?03:32
PizbitWell, the betas:P03:32
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woodwizzleHas anyone here tried openoffice2 yet?03:32
PizbitIt's *much* nicer03:33
honethat it is03:33
woodwizzleIts got some nice feature improvements, but on the whole I was kinda dissapointed03:33
Quest-Masterwuwei23: My Synaptic is still here03:33
Quest-MasterAre the loadup times reduced at all?03:33
woodwizzleit takes sooo looong to load03:33
JDahlPizbit, I think the GUI looks horrible...03:33
wuwei23quest-master: ah...weird. well, danke03:33
=== Pizbit reckons the GUI got improved imensly.
woodwizzleQuest-Master: I think they increased03:33
tritiumwuwei23, no, I don't let important software get removed03:33
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wuwei23tritium: there's a way to say 'don't touch synaptic' when doing a dist-upgrade?03:34
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woodwizzleI'm giving Abiword a shot now. It loads very fast. But I still need OOo for powerpoint03:34
JDahlPizbit, by that I mean that it's significantly worse than OO1 - I think it's misconfigured or something.. the fonts are all wrong03:34
holyhackerok im supposed to add two lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list how do i so this03:35
PizbitJDahl: Sounds like something is odd with your system heh, the fonts look fine here.03:35
Gentihelp guys, - cannot download hoary03:35
Pizbitholyhacker: Open the file in a text editor and put them anywhere?03:35
wuwei23JDahl: Are fonts replaced with little boxes with four numbers in them?03:35
Gentiwhhere can i find the files for amd 64?03:35
holyhackerits a ro file03:35
tritiumwuwei23, I always check what apt is going to do before I let it do its thing03:35
Pineapples10im trying to compile something and im getting the error [all recursive]  error 1 anyone have any idea what that could mean?03:35
Pizbitholyhacker: Use sudo03:35
Pizbitholyhacker: Or follow this http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:36
wuwei23tritium: so basically, you've got nothing to show me apart from your own arrogance? thanks for wasting my time03:36
tritiumwuwei23, excuse me?03:36
JDahlPizbit, actually it looks fine.. a few dist-upgrades must've done the trick03:37
wuwei23tritium: i'm kind of tired of asking for assitance and having people reply with "well, *i* just don't make that mistake in the first place"...it's fucking patronising, petty and it wastes my time03:37
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Gentia simple address with the latest files is needed03:37
Pizbitwuwei23: It's calling pinning or something, I'll have a quick look to see what I can find03:37
lookorezhey I installed kubuntu but i dont think it asked for a root pw?? and now I can't su03:37
Pineapples10linux is such an angry operating lol03:37
Pizbitlookorez: sudo03:37
Pineapples10*operating system03:37
tritiumwuwei23, you didn't ask me for help.  you asked a question, and I answered03:37
lookorezwhat about sudo03:38
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wuwei23tritium: no, you editorialised. don't dither and pretend otherwise.03:38
Locutus1234Can anyone please tell me how to get the nvidia drivers working on hoary?03:38
honehow do I make usre keys are binded to the right keycode?03:38
wuwei23Pizbit: the font problem is 'pinning'? Or were you referring to something else?03:38
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Pineapples10im compiling a perl script and im getting the error "[all recursive]  error1" anyone have any idea what that means03:38
blizahis it ok in ubuntu to download the ati drivers and install them in warty?  (not going through synaptic)03:38
JDahlLocutus1234, there's no quick answer to that (other than read the wiki)03:38
tritiumwuwei23, nice talking with you...03:38
wuwei23tritium: can't really say the same03:39
GhostFreemanWhats the terminal command to run a .run file03:39
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JDahlblizah, it's generally better to use the package manager. Otherwise you break automatic updates and configuration03:40
DarthFrogGhostFreeman: sh <filename>03:40
natecullclicking on a torrent link from the theora.org site just froze up my Firefox03:40
JDahlGhostFreeman, sh ./filename03:40
DarthFrogGhostFreeman: sh (filename)03:40
natecullor something. X-Chat is still running but my other windows are now dodgy and menus unresponsive03:40
natecullanyone else getting this kind of effect?03:40
wuwei23Pizbit: ah, it's debian package related...danke, i'm picking through the HOWTO now :)03:40
lookorezarg how do I get to root03:40
natecull(Hoary Preview LiveCD)03:40
lookorezfucking ubuntu installed itself and won't let me be root03:41
void_hi, im having problems with ubuntu on my T42 laptop, namely when i close the lid the screen turns off, but when i reopen the lid the screen stays off and nothing i do seems to turn it back on03:41
JDahlvoid_, try to boot with acpi=off03:41
natecullit's like I can't spawn any new processes or something03:41
tritiumlookorez, root is disabled03:41
nateculllookorez: use sudo03:41
lookorezwtf how do I do anything without root03:41
tritiumlookorez, you're encouraged to use sudo03:41
lookorezsudo how does that work03:41
void_JDahl: ill try03:41
nateculljust prefix every root command with 'sudo'. It'll prompt for your password first time03:42
Pineapples10SUMO LMAO03:42
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blizahjdahl, somebody told me i could edit something to see the list of things in apt-get for hoary update that one thing change somethign back as it was before and i would have the version that was available in hoary but still be in warty03:42
JDahlvoid_, it sounds like your laptop goes into hybernation and doesnt wake up... that's a common problem I think03:42
natecullif you really really need it there's a 'Root Terminal' from the Applications menu03:42
blizahjdahl heard of anything like that?03:42
lookorezim ok with this sudo thing i guess03:42
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bob2or "sudo -s"03:43
Pineapples10jdahl, power management in linux isnt that great03:43
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bob2JDahl: that's not true03:43
natecullthis is definitely weird - reboot time03:43
bob2suspending to disk works on almost all known i386 hardware03:43
bob2suspend to ram is machine dependant, but works on many as well03:43
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Pineapples10im trying to compile a perl script and it stops at the rror "[all reclusive]  error 1"  anyone have any idea?03:44
bob2Pineapples10: that's not the error03:44
bob2paste the whole output to #flood03:44
honehey how do I check03:45
honewhat keycodes03:45
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honeare for certain keys03:46
Pineapples10bob2, what do you mean03:47
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The-Ghost|afkany one that knows ubuntu GOOOOD03:47
bob2hone: the "xev" program might do what youwant03:47
The-Ghost|afkthat i can pm?03:47
JDahlblizah, you can update your sources.list with the hoary repository, and install specific packages from hoary by writing something like "apt-get install xxx:hoary" (I dont remember the details, though, so I may be wrong). maybe read the apt-get man-page?03:48
Pizbit_Argh, for some reason some unstable happened, but anyway03:48
honebob2, that's it03:48
nix000it looks like after my latest upgrades the kernel was changed (hoary preview) and the nvidia module (which was updated) cannot be loaded anymore ttttttow !03:48
The-Ghost|afkthe prog has totaly destroyd one of my hdd's03:48
bob2The-Ghost|afk: just ask your question03:48
nix000i meant nvidia not updated03:48
bob2Pineapples10: I mean "that's not the error"03:48
JDahlblizah, but I wouldnt mix hoary and warty... escpecially since Hoary will be released soon03:48
bob212:44:37           bob2 | paste the whole output to #flood03:48
bob2nix000: perhaps you didn't install the approriate restricted-modules package?03:49
The-Ghost|afkokay i instald ubuntu.... and i realy need to go back to windows for 2 day's03:49
The-Ghost|afkand now i can't f get the hdd back to fat32.03:49
The-Ghost|afki have totaly delete it.03:49
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: did you overwrite anything on it?03:49
nix000bob2, i have linux-restrict 2.6.10-6  in there. not sure which one would be the apropriated !03:49
Pizbit_apt-get pinning and only getting certain packages from a different version of ubuntu(it's debiam, but since ubuntu is debian based it works) www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html03:49
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: like put new data on there?03:49
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The-Ghost|afki change it to ext3 and /root03:50
blizahis hoary pretty stable now?03:50
The-Ghost|afkor was it /03:50
=== _ToNhO_ [~Tonho@200-103-169-130.fozit7003.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
The-Ghost|afki format the hdd to linux format.03:50
bob2Pizbit_: pinning is a bad idea03:50
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: so you installed over it?03:50
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Pizbit_bob2: Someone was asking about it earlier:P03:50
bob2blizah: it's in the final month coming up to release, so I hope so ;)03:50
bob2nix000: what does 'uname -r' print out?03:50
The-Ghost|afkYcros no yes u can say i did.03:50
blizahi guess i cant wait to play counterstrike properly :D03:51
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: well then it's pretty much gone03:51
NeoChaosXoh hell, figures03:51
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=== IRCMonkey [~chatzilla@12-203-143-192.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
The-Ghost|afkwhat do u mean?03:51
NeoChaosXi play my WMVs in MPlayer and I finally get sound again03:51
The-Ghost|afki can still instal linux on it.03:51
nix000bob2, 2.6.10-4-386  ... how the helll03:51
blizahjust outta curiousity anyone play counterstrike 1.6 under warty?03:51
The-Ghost|afkYcros what the f do u mean?03:51
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: hang on, are you trying to restore an old partition?03:51
_ToNhO_O my the Ubuntu is very nice i leve him have all som i want03:51
Pizbit_NeoChaosX: Well, if the sound goes around play around with mplayer -ao help :)03:51
IRCMonkeyany one know how to talk in ##linux03:51
The-Ghost|afki can read it in linux i can read it in bios03:51
The-Ghost|afkall i whan't is to get it to fat3203:52
The-Ghost|afkor ntfs.03:52
NeoChaosXno, i mean if I use totem-xine, there's no sound03:52
bob2IRCMonkey: don't bother03:52
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NeoChaosXif I use MPlayer, then sound works03:52
The-Ghost|afksow i can instal a new version of windows.03:52
Pizbit_Heh, weird03:52
awb4422ive been searching google and the wiki for info on how to get an nvidia card working in hoary... has anyone had any success? I can't find anything definitive03:52
IRCMonkeybob can you help me then?03:52
Pizbit_NeoChaosX: Just use plain ol' xine?:)03:52
bob2The-Ghost|afk: just install it03:52
The-Ghost|afksow i can lan tomorow.03:52
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: yeah, just install it03:52
lookorezits ok to use synaptic with kubuntu right?03:52
The-Ghost|afkwindows can't find hdd.03:52
NeoChaosXtried it before, didn't change a thing03:52
bob2IRCMonkey: have you asked an ubuntu-related question yet?03:52
bob2The-Ghost|afk: then something else is broken03:52
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bob2lookorez: yes03:52
The-Ghost|afklike what?03:52
The-Ghost|afklike my head?03:52
Ycrosthat's a windows issue then03:52
The-Ghost|afkYcros it's not.03:53
IRCMonkeyi don't know what ubuntu is?03:53
NeoChaosXAnd who thought it was a good idea to compile mplayer-custom without the GUI?03:53
bob2IRCMonkey: then why are you in here?03:53
IRCMonkeyi just need help installing linux03:53
The-Ghost|afklinux format the hdd into a other format didn't it?03:53
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bob2IRCMonkey: blah blah blah03:53
thierryhey, When I watch a movie or play a game, the pictures are going faster than the sound (about 2-3 seconds) but it's enough to be annoying... any idea?03:53
NeoChaosXAnd make it the only installable MPlayer package in ubuntu to boot?03:53
IRCMonkeyand I was looking for help to talk on the linux help channel03:53
bob2IRCMonkey: what distribution are you trying to insall?03:53
bob2IRCMonkey: then #peanut or something03:53
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YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: is it the only hard drive in the machine?03:54
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The-Ghost|afkat the moment yes.03:54
_ToNhO_Some on is from brazil?03:54
bob2The-Ghost|afk: it doesn't matter.  just tell windows to nuke the disk.03:54
IRCMonkeyi did...nothing03:54
djstdoes anyone know how to make the sound card accessible by several users at once?03:54
_ToNhO_Some on is from brazil?03:54
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The-Ghost|afknuke it03:54
djstmy girlfriend and i are often logged on at the same time (using gdm and the "new login" feature)03:54
The-Ghost|afki got a prog from hdd manufaktor that is traing to zerro the disk = delet all info..03:54
The-Ghost|afkbut dosn't seam to be working.03:54
bob2IRCMonkey: I'm not sure what you're expecting us to say then03:55
djstcurrently, the second login doesn't get access to the sound card03:55
bob2IRCMonkey: ##linux will be of no use03:55
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YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: then there shouldn't be a problem, you should get a list of partitions in the windows installer, just delete one or all of them and make a new windows partition03:55
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bob2IRCMonkey: you need to find people who actually use "peanut"03:55
bob2DarthFrog: turn that off, please03:55
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bob2djst: yes it does03:55
The-Ghost|afki don't get any list of partitions03:55
_ToNhO_Some on is from brazil?03:55
bob2djst: but the first one blocks the second from accessing it03:55
The-Ghost|afkall i get is no hdd detected.03:55
IRCMonkeyyou could prolly tell me the answer to this03:55
bob2_ToNhO_: er, why?03:55
The-Ghost|afkthe hdd i'm using is the 10Gb from my xbox.03:55
IRCMonkey it's hanging on this error that says RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 003:55
djstbob2:  that's getting technical ;) so how can i solve the problem?03:55
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: did you have a working windows install on it previously?03:56
bob2IRCMonkey: no, you need to ask people who actually use "peanut"03:56
IRCMonkeysounds like a easy problem03:56
bob2IRCMonkey: no, it's not03:56
The-Ghost|afkyes i had a demo of windows 2003 server.03:56
IRCMonkeyok sorry...for bothering you....(I thought linux was a friendly community)03:56
The-Ghost|afkand i can't restor it now becos the hdd was formated in linux.03:56
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_ToNhO_bob2: i have a channel UbuntuBR i am a new user in ubuntu but i like i him so much is better than slackware and debian for me have a good intaface03:56
The-Ghost|afki don't know what to do at the moment?03:57
bob2The-Ghost|afk: then nuke the partitions or something03:57
The-Ghost|afkdidn't work03:57
bob2it sounds like windows is actually even more useless than I remember03:57
The-Ghost|afknot nuking it with windows03:57
Ycroswell if windows isn't detecting the hard drive and linux is, then it's a windows problem03:57
The-Ghost|afkusing a prog from the hdd manufaktor.03:58
Ycrosfiddle with your hardware/bios03:58
bob2djst: you can't, really03:58
Ycroswindows can be picky about stuff03:58
The-Ghost|afksow it seams linux has f it real gooood up :p03:58
Ycrosmake sure the hard drive is primary master, etc.03:58
thierryhey, When I watch a movie or play a game, the pictures are going faster than the sound (about 2-3 seconds) but it's enough to be annoying... any idea?03:58
bob2The-Ghost|afk: this sounds an awful lot like a windows problem03:58
bob2thierry: you don't need to repeat03:58
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: linux doesn't screw hard drives03:58
djstbob2:  really? i thought it was an access right issue or something.. ?03:58
thierrybob2, sorry03:58
JDahlThe-Ghost|afk, I would start a linux installation until I get to partitioning... then create one big primary partition as type ntfs - then try to install windows03:58
The-Ghost|afkit tok mine hard :p03:58
The-Ghost|afkwe did tray to leth linux make a fat32.03:59
The-Ghost|afkbut didn't work03:59
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The-Ghost|afkdon't ask me why.03:59
The-Ghost|afki'm to new to linuz03:59
bob2djst: no, it's not03:59
The-Ghost|afkand going crazy at the moment.03:59
bob2The-Ghost|afk: please try to use " " instead of hitting enter after every word03:59
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The-Ghost|afkyes okay i'm a big spamer sorry.03:59
djstbob2:  please explain! :) will i get the same bad news whoever i ask or are you not 100% sure?04:00
bwlangthierry: i bet you don't have the xv extension running... the other possibility is that you're using a sound daemon like esd or arts... try using alsa instead04:00
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The-Ghost|afksow u have no other ide then nuke it? "i will take it out and shoot it with my shoot gun" :p or format it in linux to ntfs.04:00
thierrybwlang, what is xv and I use alsa04:00
The-Ghost|afkwill tray it or04:00
bob2djst: you need either a different card (emu10k1 aka sblive will work fine) or to kill esd before you logout04:00
The-Ghost|afkbang my head somwher...04:01
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: you could always lan on linux :P04:01
The-Ghost|afki don't have the time04:01
djstbob2:  so the problem is that there are no good drivers for ac97 sound cards?04:01
The-Ghost|afki got to have a file server up in 12 hour's witch has to work with a chipt xbox...04:01
bob2djst: sort of04:01
bwlangthierry: xv is the video extension for X... if you don't use it video is much  more expensive.  to check you'll need to watch the output from mplayer or xine or whatever to see what it's using04:02
bob2djst: aiui it's a card issue the drivers don't work around04:02
The-Ghost|afki know how to do it on windows .. but not on linux.. and i don't got the time.. exams on monday.04:02
bob2The-Ghost|afk: please?  we know you have problems, but afaict they are with windows, not ubuntu.04:02
thierrybwlang, where do I get xv?04:02
djstbob2:  ok.. too bad then. it's not enough big a problem to warrant a new sound card though, so i guess i have to cope with it.04:02
bob2xv isn't something you download04:02
thierrybwlang : apt-get install xv ?04:02
wuwei23does anyone know how to edit menus under gnome 2.10?04:03
bob2is that possible?04:03
wuwei23although going from what i'm seeing on the gnome site, it's not something they seem to encourage :(04:03
djstbob2:  thanks anyway for the info! i guess some things are never easy in linux.04:03
bob2djst: well, it's not really a linux problem04:03
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djstbob2:  but a linux driver problem? since it works in windows i mean04:04
The-Ghost|afkbob2: the prob is that when i instald linux i was realy happy.... as u all are.. but when i trayd to go back i meet the wall.04:04
bob2djst: windows lets two users use the soundcard simultaneously?04:04
lookorezanyone have a repository that has php5 available? its not available in the default repositories04:04
djstbob2:  yes, no problem04:04
bob2lookorez: haha.04:04
bob2lookorez: dotdeb.org.04:05
LinuxJonesNvidia on Hoary is busted again ?04:05
The-Ghost|afkbecouse i can't delet the partition's totaly sow windows can partion my hdd.04:05
bob2djst: both using winamp at the exact same time, playing two different songs etc?04:05
djstbob2:  windows mixes all sound04:05
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bob2LinuxJones: if it was, it would be in the BTS04:05
djstbob2:  yes.04:05
bob2DarthFrog: turn that off04:05
lookorezue to a severe server crash, Dotdeb.org is currently down.04:05
bob2lookorez: oh well04:05
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bob2djst: ok04:05
LinuxJonesbob2, my card is very old and I expect any day it will be unsupported :(04:05
djstbob2:  it actually does, you can login with, say, 5 users and all playing winamp. it would sound good though, unless all users play seashore relaxing sounds04:05
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djstbob2:  that's why i said it was a linux issue04:06
=== The-Ghost|afk is smart :p i might just have don it
YcrosThe-Ghost|afk: the thing is, it's irrelevant what partitions or what's on your hard drive when installing windows, I've installed windows many times04:06
The-Ghost|afkYcros give me 2 min to chekk if this work's04:07
DonLYcros, it just takes over, doesn't it?04:07
honewhen I try ot echo stuff into /proc/acpi/sleep04:07
honeit keeps giving me permission denied04:07
bob2hone: you'd have to do it as root, obviously04:08
The-Ghost|afkif this works i will thele u what i did sow if som other n00b has the same prob u atleast have the noleged about it :)04:08
bob2hone: also, wiki.ubuntu.com/PMTesting04:08
wuwei23okay: gnome 2.10 has *removed* the ability to edit the application menu etc via nautilus applications:///04:08
The-Ghost|afkcruss you'r fingers pls04:08
honebob2, I can't just use sudo?04:08
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bob2hone: sure04:09
nix000bob2, it seems that i have 2 linux-restricted modules {linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-4-386} {linux-restricted-modules-386    2.6.10-6} these came with the default hoary preview.04:09
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bob2nix000: ok!04:09
nix000bob2, not sure if there is anything wrong here.04:10
bob2that's fine04:10
honebob2, still gives me permission denid04:10
honebob2, let me check the wiki04:10
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bob2because you're doing it wrong04:11
bob2sudo -s04:11
bob2echo blah > /blah04:11
nix000bob2, any idea why the nvidia module would not load with FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-386/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko): Invalid module format04:12
bob2tho a few people have reported that04:13
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nix000darn !04:13
tritiumnix000, it's a kernel ABI problem that's being worked on as we speak04:13
Can0beansHoary preview looks great04:13
nix000tritium, so am i better off getting a stock kernel and installing the nvidia modules via the nvidia installer ?04:14
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DonLIs it not also an X-org problem?04:14
nix000tritium, it recompiles the module based on the installed kernel headers i ve seen04:15
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tritiumnix000, I usually don't recommend that approach.04:15
tritiumIf you can wait a bit, they'll have the kernel fixed04:15
power-oni have problem04:15
geneo93ubuntu is awsome but i have a problem gdm has locked me out any help?04:16
power-onsombedoy can helpme?04:16
DonLtritium, I can wait.04:16
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jon1012ctrl-alt-backspace ?04:16
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farruinngeneo93: do you get an error?04:16
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tritiumDonL, cool, hopefully it won't be too long.  :)04:16
farruinnpower-on: go ahead and ask your question04:16
power-onim on dual xeon04:17
nix000anyone know if 2.6.10 will ever be available for warty ? the only reason i came on hoary was because of it.04:17
The-Ghost|afkand no it didn't work04:17
DonLtritium, I've got Warty working so well now, I hate to change04:17
geneo93well at login is it just dont let me go to failsafe or anything04:17
power-oni was searching info por intall kernel-smp on my ubuntu04:17
PizbitDon't suppose anyone knows about getting .ods files to open with OOo and not the handler program for zip files? Because it is a zip file it has the mime-type of a zip, but it should actually be handled by OOo (OpenOffice.org 2.0)04:17
tritiumDonL, might be good to just wait until Hoary released before you change then04:17
power-onbut i cant see nothing fo info,04:18
DonLYup. I have issues with Xorg too.04:18
Coilyim trying to play a svq3 quicktime video, i guess im out of luck?04:18
nix000DonL, i was forced to change because 2.6.8 was so broken on this new laptop i have.04:18
crimsunnix000: no, it won't. Warty (and soon to be Hoary) is stable.04:18
lookorezhow come I don't have a pssword for root console?04:19
DonLI know things will stabilize.04:19
lookorezi'm not supposed to use it?04:19
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DonLlookorez, it's just a different way of doing it. I like it now04:19
geneo93farruinn:  i dunno the exact message but it refers to gdm i came over here to mandrake to maybe fix it from here04:20
power-oni wanna to know how to install kernel-image.x.x.x.x-smp on my ubuntu04:20
jon1012good night everybody :)04:20
nix000DonL, i have warty on my desktop and it rocks04:20
DonLNight jon101204:20
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DonLnix000, I think so too04:20
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farruinngeneo93: my guess: ownership of ~/.ICEauthority is root, just delete the file or change the permissions back to you if that's the case04:20
DonLnix000, the only thing I have to work out now is the printer attached to my wife's XP04:21
DonLI use a router04:21
lookorezi'm fine with not running as root, i'm just curious, i'm not even supposed to know the root password at all?04:21
geneo93i deleted iceauthority from my home dir04:22
nix000the printer setup was very slick last time i used.04:22
DonLThe root password is your password04:22
lookorezwhy doesn't it work then04:22
geneo93but still no go04:22
farruinnthere is no root password04:22
lookorezoh ok04:22
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farruinngeneo93: don't know what to tell you then w/o an error message04:22
lookorezso su is kind of useless then04:22
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DonLlookorez, you have to type "sudo" before the command04:23
lookorezyeah i know04:23
wuwei23ah crap, menu editing is a feature for gnome 2.1204:23
DonLThen it will ask you for a password, and you use your user password04:23
lookorezyep I got that down04:23
wuwei23so 2.8 has it, 2.10 breaks it, and we have to wait another six months to be able to re-use it?04:23
DonLlookorez, then you're root for the time being04:23
farruinnI think 2.12 coincides with hoary+1, whatver that is04:24
geneo93if you want root pswd the do a sudo passwd root04:24
lookorezseems good actually, I was kind of in the habit of always running as root before04:24
farruinnlookorez: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo has some interesting info04:24
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DonLYes. That's a bad thing to get into the habit of doing, lookorez04:24
honemy nautilus won't work04:24
geneo93well there is no login for root04:24
wuwei23farruinn: i'm just kind of agog at breaking basic functionality that was already working04:24
nix000is there a way i can start java apps from nautilus ? they require the jvm and JAVA_HOME to be defined beforehand04:25
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farruinnwuwei23: it's because the entire menu system has changed04:25
honewhen I try to open home04:25
honenothing happens04:25
geneo93damn i need the root dir to fix this04:26
DonLhone, that's weird04:26
farruinngeneo93: chroot?04:26
power-onnobody has dual-xeon ?04:26
wuwei23farruinn: yeah, i can appreciate that, i just wish it had coincided with even a *basic* editor04:26
honeDonL, yeah04:26
honeDonL, when I run nautilus in the cli, it just hangs there04:26
honeDonL, like it's about to do a command04:26
wuwei23farruinn: the gnome line of 'if it doesn't add a menu option, your app is broken' doesn't really help04:26
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nix000power-on, i have dual-32 )amd64)04:27
geneo93i'm in mandrake and have to mt it04:27
power-onnice, nix you can tell o how to install kernel-smp?!04:27
honeanyone have any idea what hte problem could be?04:27
DonLhone, you're running gnome under Ubuntu?04:27
nix000power-on, that was a joke. i meant one single 64 !04:28
honeDonL, yepp04:28
power-onxD okok04:28
nix000power-on, sorry :-)04:28
DonLhone, and it's Warty?04:28
geneo93had to edit fstab04:28
GammaRaydoes anyone here actually think people should not be able to edit the apps menu?04:29
nix000hone, you can start it from the menu ?04:29
honeDonL, yeah04:29
honenix000, no04:29
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honeDonL, uhm, well it's w/ the updated back port stuff04:29
power-onis very dificult meet info for how to install kernel-smp04:29
honeDonL, from the ubuntuguide.org04:29
nix000hone, did you recently did and upgrade ?04:29
tritiumGammaRay, unfortunately, it's not implemented yet04:29
honenix000, ?04:29
DonLIn that case, I don't know. Mine works fine. Click on Computer, then Home04:30
azriel0184hi guys, i noticed my bandwidth usage was through the roof, so i reset my machine, and now i cant login04:30
honenix000, I just installed it today on my thinkpad that came in today04:30
geneo93now all i need is to know which file to edit in gdm04:30
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DonLhone, I think I did all the backport stuff too04:30
nix000hone, i was seing it on hoary. even terminal was not coming up.04:30
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honenix000, yeah I don't have any hoary stuff04:30
farruinngeneo93: your xsessions are in /usr/share/xsessions iirc04:30
DonLI did screw up my system to the point of no return by trying to upgrade to Hoary, though04:31
The-Ghost|afkbob2 or Ycros any more ide's?04:31
DonL...ended up re-installing everthing04:31
azriel0184gdm loads, and i put in my info then gnome starts up and all i get is a blank screen04:31
honeDonL, yeah I haven't tried hoary yet04:31
nix000DonL, i always get a cd install for upgrades04:31
honeDonL, I want something stable that works for my laptop04:32
DonLYour mileage may be better than mind04:32
honeDonL, it's ok04:32
honeDonL, I want something stable04:32
Coilyim getting a "relocation error" when trying to start mplayer, it seems the problem is with libavcodec.so.0 ive tried reinstalling libavcodec0 to no avail, help anyone?04:32
honeDonL, over bleeding edge04:32
honeDonL, I can't wait.04:32
wuwei23GammaRay: that certainly seemed to be the party line on the gnome forums04:32
DonLI've no doubt it will be stable04:32
honeDonL, err wait04:32
azriel0184can anyone help?04:32
farruinnDonL: did you try the preview release install cd?04:32
honeDonL, err can04:32
honeDonL, anyways, point is I'm not on hoary04:32
JDahlazriel0184, try going to a console with ALT-F1, then "ps -ef | grep gnome"... maybe there's a dead gnome-panel process or something that you need to kill04:32
nix000hone, i wish i could keep using warty. i also happen to have a new laptop. and the acpi stuf is totally not working in warty04:32
geneo93farruinn:  all thats there are exe files for kde and gnome04:33
GammaRaytritium, wuwei23: i noticed that.. I'm don't even want to pester about it.. I've just been reading about people who "never edited a menu in their lives" or "wonder why a common grunt would want to worry their pretty little heard w/ organizing their own menu."04:33
DonLhone, not the cd, but an update from the net04:33
power-onthanks, im going04:33
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azriel0184JDahl, nothing04:33
nix000hone, but hoary had one flaw only so far.04:33
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nix000hone, evrything else went sweet04:33
tritiumGammaRay, here's to hoping that they implement it soon...04:33
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Coilyrepeatin: im getting a "relocation error" when trying to start mplayer, it seems the problem is with libavcodec.so.0 ive tried reinstalling libavcodec0 to no avail, help anyone?04:33
honenix000, yeah everything seems ot almost be working w/ acpi04:34
JDahlazriel0184, then look at the logs /var/log/gdm04:34
honenix000, on my x3104:34
honeDonL, hmm? I updated the stuff from ubuntuguide.org04:34
wuwei23GammaRay: i've got a bunch of java apps here, like jEdit, that doen't add their own menu option...plus i usually link a bunch of scripts into a submenu04:34
DonLYeah. Me too04:34
honeDonL, yeah..04:34
honeDonL, maybe I should reboot04:34
farruinnGammaRay: I don't think the intent is to take away menu editing, it just needs to be implemented yet.  Pay attention to who says what on the forums, could just be anyone saying those things04:34
wuwei23GammaRay: I'm just trying to find out if there's any way of editting it at all04:34
DonLhone, maybe04:35
honeDonL, k brb04:35
wuwei23farruinn: it's just a weird thing to break for a whole release04:35
GammaRaywuwei23: supposedly you can edit the menu as root somewhere in /usr04:35
karstenDoes ubuntu have any sort of demand dialer or dial-on-browser-startup feature?04:35
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geneo93Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list!04:35
azriel0184JDahl, nothing other than missing fonts04:36
azriel0184which have been there the whole time04:36
mhykhhHey h\guys04:36
geneo93last line of last log04:36
karstengeneo93: Not a problem.04:37
=== rever [~rich@48.sub-166-180-54.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
geneo93gee i guess i tried it to many times04:37
JDahlazriel0184, when you checked for gnome processes, you didnt kill gdm, did you? (you shouldn't)04:37
reverHi can someone tell me what I need to install to get totem to play mpg files.04:37
farruinnkarsten: make sudo pon a startup item?04:37
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geneo93i was in kde and did a normal reboot04:38
farruinnrever: have you seen http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats?04:38
karstenfarruinn: iface ppp auto will do that.04:38
karstenfarruinn: ...at startup.04:38
azriel0184JDahl ok, i tried with gdm running, and all that is there is gnome-keyring-daemon04:38
reverfarruinn, Nope I am going to go there and read now thanks04:38
farruinnkarsten: ok, so are you trying to do something differently?04:39
GammaRaywuwei23: I tend to dislike the whole concept of an accessories submenu (-; and rather than fight the whole gnome org about I'd rather just delete it w/ a right click04:39
karstenfarruinn: I'm thinking something akin to 'Doze "dial up when launching MSIE".  My best idea is to write a wrapper script:  pon; sensible-browser; poff04:39
JDahlazriel0184, now try "sudo killall gnome-keyring-daemon" without stopping gdm04:39
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karstenfarruinn: PPP session is tied to _browser_ use, not system coming up/down.04:39
geneo93i tell you winxp is a virus thats what i was doing getting a fix exe file for this other guys machine and tried to copy it to floppy04:39
djst*panic* please help.. i tried the hibernate feature when logging of, it just turned off my display and left the computer unusable.. i had to hard reboot and after doing that, the nvidia driver won't load anymore!04:40
farruinnkarsten: hm, make a script: 'pon ; mozila-firefox'?04:40
azriel0184JDahl its gone, but still nothing is happening04:40
geneo93karsten:  why wont kppp work04:40
djsti changed the line containing "nvidia" to just "nv" and X started again, but i can't enable the nvidia driver again.... any ideas please?04:40
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JDahlazriel0184, then I dont know04:40
honeit seems to not work04:40
honewhen I get internet connection04:41
farruinnkarsten: I know that's not desirable, but it's all I can think of04:41
honeand try to search my network04:41
honefor servers04:41
azriel0184it doesnt work if i try with startx either04:41
azriel0184anyone else have any ideas?04:42
karstengeneo93: NFC.04:42
djsti've even tried reinstalling nvidia-kernel-common and nvidia-glx, but the nvidia driver still don't load04:42
karstengeneo93: You're not paying it enough.04:42
karstengeneo93: Run from a terminal.  Look at its error output.04:42
karstenfarruinn: Yeah, that's pretty much it.  A 'poff' at the end as well.04:42
tonydjst maybe try reconfiguring xfree04:42
karstenfarruinn: Anyhow, just trying to see if the idea's totally whack or not.04:43
farruinnkarsten: so something exists for kde that does this?04:43
djsttony: xfree? this is hoary, using xorg... and as i said i did change the xorg.conf back to use the "nv" driver instead of "nvidia", and that starts x...04:43
geneo93yes kppp04:43
djst but the nvidia driver refuses to load after that hibernation04:43
farruinnkarsten: you could make a feature request, but I don't know if that would appropriate for ubuntu's or gnome's...04:44
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karstenfarruinn: NFC.04:45
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karstenfarruinn: I'm mostly curious as to whether this exists already.  A feature to allow the wrapper might be neat.  gconf could probably bogart it somehow.04:46
critterAnyone know why when I "$ wine --help" it starts oponing duplicate windows over and over04:46
geneo93there should be a gppp as well04:47
critterTiles window after window04:47
wuwei23GammaRay: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apc.html04:47
wuwei23GammaRay: looks kinda irritating but at least it's do-able :)04:48
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DonLI'm off, folks. Thanks for the chat04:50
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haydenhow can i check how much ram i have?04:51
critterAny Help with WIne????04:51
farruinnhayden: device manager methinks04:51
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GammaRaywuwei23: does it support per use overrides?04:52
Quest-MasterWow, amazing. This is the most painless printer installation, ever.04:52
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trippehI'm having a funky problem in both 4.10 and hoary, the mouse moves only two times a second while in use.04:53
Quest-MasterTook me less than five minutes. Awesome.04:53
haydenwhere can i find the total amount i have04:53
trippehFC3 has the same issue, Debian unstable/2.6 does not04:53
Quest-Mastertrippeh: It must be a GNOME problem then.04:53
farruinnhayden: there's probably a command but I can't think of it atm, so poke around in /proc04:53
wuwei23GammaRay: unsure04:54
farruinnhayden: or 'appropos memory'04:54
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trippehqust-master: my bets are on XFree or Xorg.04:54
tonyhayden maybe dmesg04:54
trippehQuest-Master even04:54
zyagaDoes anyone know how to get Dual Monitors on Ubuntu04:54
wuwei23GammaRay: but i found a php-gtk based menu editor on the ubuntu forums; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=7caaa43cfbe8d4f97fb2ca86c0791a41&t=16699&highlight=edit+menu04:54
haydenok ill try dmesh04:54
geneo93farruinn:  ok now i remember it says dir mabe full04:54
scorpixi got error when i try to burn an iso file to a cd04:54
Quest-Masterhmm. weird.04:55
farruinngeneo93: huh, I have no idea04:55
Quest-MasterWhy is gedit printing stuff but not AbiWord?04:55
scorpixthe error is: The system is too slow to write the CD at this speed.04:55
trippehand it works fine through vnc, of course :)04:55
Quest-MasterNow, let's see if OpenOffice works04:55
Quest-Masterif it ever loads, that is04:55
haydeni installed another stick of memory in my computer but it is saying i only have 192MB instead of 600+MB04:56
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JDahlwhat language did the ubuntu devs use for the new automatic installer? Python?04:56
trippehhayden: sure the motherboard support 512MB sticks? :)04:56
tonyhayden did ur bios see the new memory?04:57
Quest-Master:\ Weird. Only gEdit is printing.04:57
JDahlThe Update Manager, I mean04:57
zyagaAnyone know to get Dual Monitors on Ubuntu04:57
Quest-MasterJDahl: Which automatic installer? Synaptic?04:57
haydentrippeh, my laptop has 2 slots, one that is easy to get to and one that is hard you have to take heaps of screws and stuff out to get to04:57
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haydenand my laptop already came with the 512MB stick, and i had an extra 256MB stick i was gonna put in04:58
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zyagaAnyone know how?04:58
haydenso i put the 512MB in the hard to get to slot, and the 256MB in the easy slot04:58
haydenbut it is only reading the 256MB stick04:58
JDahlQuest-Master, no, System->Administration->Ubuntu Update Manager04:58
azriel0184hmmm.. damned screwy computer...04:58
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azriel0184a full reboot fixed it...04:59
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haydeni'm not sure if the bios saw it coz the bios screen doesn't stay up for long enough04:59
geneo93farruinn:  but i have 8 gigs left free space in home and none left in root maybe thats the problem but i did a apt-get clean efore i started a new round of updates04:59
tonyhayden usually the bios will tell you it sees a new memory module05:00
farruinngeneo93: aaah... if it says you don't have anymore free space then you probably don't05:00
haydenbut it only stays up for like 2 seconds then tries to boot05:00
haydenanyway i will restart and see what it says05:00
Quest-MasterJDahl: Weird. I don't see it.05:00
=== Quest-Master apt-get upgrades
tonyhayden hit f1 f2 or delete to get to bios and look05:01
JDahlQuest-Master, it's in my fresh Hoary install05:01
zyagaAnyone know how to get Dual Monitors on Ubuntu05:01
Quest-MasterI am on Hoary as well05:01
geneo93well this shouldn't be farruinn i have 4.6 gigs of space for root alone05:02
wuwei23zyaga: warty or hoary?05:02
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wuwei23zyaga: have you checked out the wiki? http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XineramaMultipleMonitors05:04
tonyzyaga maybe http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XineramaMultipleMonitors/contents05:04
wuwei23zyaga: i'm not running dual monitors atm, so i can't help directly05:04
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wuwei23tony: snap :)05:04
tonyhope he caught the link before he left05:05
JDahlQuest-Master, the package is called update-manager, and to answer my own question: it's written in Python05:05
wuwei23tony: i think it was all he wanted05:07
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tonywuwei cool i guess05:07
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reverI put this in for the marillat repositories but it does not seem to be working. deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists unstable main05:12
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crimsunrever: are you using warty or hoary?05:12
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scorpixrever: change it to: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main05:13
revercrimsun, hoary05:13
kapputuwhere is everyone05:14
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GammaRaykapputu: hiding05:15
reverscorpix, That seemed to do it but now I get this error. W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90705:15
oz_is there currently a problem with unraring in nautilus on hoary05:15
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kapputu2.6.10 breaks my wireless config05:15
cafuegoDoes the tooltip text show up for any of you if you include a '%' sign in a name for a button on the panel?05:16
kapputualso my eth0 is not getting configured properly05:16
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scorpixrever: i get it too, but i can download upgrade from it without problems.05:16
scorpixrever: its from the mirror itself i think.05:16
reverscorpix, I am trying to load totem-xine thats why I asked let see if I can thanks05:17
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Absenthdoes anyone know where gtk-gnutella installs when you use the .deb package?05:20
sal002How do I get a file in /etc/init.d to run on startup?05:20
crimsunsal002: man update-rc.d05:21
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GammaRayAbsenth: I would hope to /usr/bin/gtk-gnutella05:21
crimsunAbsenth: are you using hoary?05:21
GammaRaywhat does it matter?05:22
crimsunbecause I uploaded a fixed version several hours ago05:22
AbsenthSorry, I'm on Warty.05:23
GammaRaycrimsun: oic05:23
Absenthno love on /usr/bin GammaRay05:23
AbsenthI've got a gtk-gnutella directory under /usr/share, but nothing that can be executed.05:24
GammaRayAbsenth: use dpkg -L pkg-name05:25
SiRrUsgood evening people05:25
crimsunAbsenth: warty/universe has
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crimsunAbsenth: the executable is /usr/bin/gtk-gnutella05:25
Bandithello SiRrUs05:26
BanditSiRrUs how is hoary treating you05:26
membreyahey SiRrUs :)05:26
SiRrUstreating me great thanks05:27
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Absenthdpkg -L says it's not installed.05:27
SiRrUsmembreya hey whats up??05:27
bl4cks4ilsin unbuntu for ppc05:27
membreyanuffin nuffin..just takin a break from my nap..damn night shift :P05:27
bl4cks4ilshow can i hook up my laptop screen to a monitor05:27
SiRrUs:) just got home myself05:27
crimsunAbsenth: what $architecture?05:28
SiRrUscant wait till this snow and cold leaves05:28
membreyai've seen snow once in my life SiRrUs :)05:28
AbsenthI can't afford one of those new fangled x86-64 machines :)05:28
bl4cks4ilsSiRrus: where from?05:28
bl4cks4ilsi just got home today too05:28
membreyaAbsenth: afford? they're cheap :)05:29
crimsunAbsenth: please paste in #flood the output of: apt-cache policy gtk-gnutella05:29
djtanseyis there any way to get the preview install kernel to create a loopback device?05:30
Absenthcrimsun is that what you were looking for?05:31
crimsunAbsenth: yes. You're running Hoary.05:31
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crimsunAbsenth: update && upgrade05:31
crimsunAbsenth: I uploaded a fixed package about 8 hours ago :-)05:32
Absenthworking on it, thanks05:32
Absenthso when I did the update/upgrade yesterday is that when I moved from the Warty iso I installed to Hoary?05:33
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crimsunAbsenth: if you changed warty->hoary, yes05:34
Absenthassuming I finished with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade that is05:34
AbsenthI admit to being new to debian based linux.  Been using it for about a week.05:34
Absenthbeats the snot out of the FC3 install I have at work.05:35
crimsunit is a nice distro :-)05:35
error_29hoary seems much more stable than warty.05:35
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BurgundaviaAbsenth: no, as you still pointing to the warty sources. You can confirm by locking at your sources.lst in /etc/apt05:36
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AbsenthBurgundavia, what can I put in the sources.lst in order to get what's current?05:36
BurgundaviaAbsenth: warty is current stable hoary is unstable05:37
BurgundaviaAbsenth: if you can live with things sometimes breaking, try out hoary05:37
Absenthdoes anyone acutally use "stable"  :)05:37
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BurgundaviaAbsenth: yes, lots of people05:37
BurgundaviaAbsenth: simple change all refs of warty to hoary in your sources.lst05:37
Absenthas a network admin on a w2k network, I'm pretty used to things breaking,  I'm definatly willing to give hoary a shot...05:37
BurgundaviaAbsenth: and then do a dist-upgrade05:38
laggerzerois there a quick ntfs kernel patch out there?05:38
Burgundavialaggerzero: ?05:38
laggerzeroi'm using hoary and it doesn't have ntfs compiled in the kernel05:38
laggerzeroor so it seems05:38
laggerzerowhen i try to mount it i get an uknown file system error05:38
Burgundavialaggerzero: I just mounted an ntfs last night and it worked fine05:39
laggerzeroi'll try again05:39
Absenthdo I need to edit the "deb cdrom:...." line at the top of the sources.list?05:39
BurgundaviaAbsenth: not really05:39
nomasteryodalaggerzero, check the parition list05:39
nomasteryodawith "fdisk -l"05:39
Burgundaviathat is for people without good internet05:39
Burgundavialaggerzero: you must run fdisk as sudo, otherwise it will fail silently05:39
nomasteryodaBurgundavia, thanks05:40
laggerzeroheh, worked that time05:40
Burgundaviatook me a while to figure that out05:40
Absenthhere goes......05:40
Burgundaviaif you just run it, no output will occur05:40
laggerzeronow to add that ot mtab05:40
error_29Can someone clarify something about Samba for me -- I'm running hoary, I don't have Samba installed,05:41
error_29except for some "common" files05:41
Burgundaviaerror_29: you can connect to a smb machine, but not share anything out05:41
crimsunerror_29: (so your Hoary machine can't act as a Windows file server)05:41
error_29yet, I have no problems reading and writing to my windows partitions05:41
Burgundaviaerror_29: unless you install samba itself05:42
error_29on another computer05:42
blackstarwhat packages do i need to install to use the the './ package.bin'05:42
Absenththe common files are so you can mount smb shares with fstab, as well as manually mount remote smb shares I believe....05:42
Burgundaviablackstar: what are you trying to do?05:42
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blackstarfor some reason i cant use the './' command05:42
crimsunblackstar: it needs to be executable05:42
blackstari am trying to install java_netbeans.bin05:42
blackstaroic so i need to change the chmod rights05:43
error_29ok, noob question here crimsun-- what's the definition of "share anything out" -- i mean, I can transfer files to my other pc on my lan without Samba ...05:43
Burgundavia'./' simply tells it run the executable in the current folder, without looking through your path, nothing for05:43
laggerzeroits been awhile since i've done this. where and how do i add the mount command for the ntfs partition?05:43
laggerzerocan't remember the file05:43
Burgundaviaerror_29: create a share on your machine05:43
blackstarBurgundavia - thanks05:43
Burgundavialaggerzero: you can just mount with sudo mount /dev/blah /mountpoint -t ntfs05:44
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laggerzerothat just temp mounts it05:44
Burgundavialaggerzero: or you can add to fstab05:44
laggerzerothats it05:44
error_29sorry Burgundavia , I'm not being clear-- I'm saying, everything is already sharing!  I don't know what I would gain from Samba.05:44
Absentherror_29 with the common files, from linux you can access shares on a windows machine with full read/write.  You need samba in order to create a share on the linux machine that's avalible from winderz.05:44
skreetOkay I'm following the ATI driver install directions and when I do modprobe fglrx it says "Invalid Module Format"05:44
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Burgundaviaskreet: did you download the drivers or did you compile them yourself?05:45
crimsunskreet: known issue with current Hoary. Kernels are being recompiled.05:45
kapputuwhere does gkt-gnutella get installed?05:45
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skreetcrimsun, Good enough, thanks.05:45
crimsunkapputu: are you running Hoary?05:45
laggerzerothis will take two lines05:45
skreetAny ETA on tht crimsun, or a fix to get me going?05:45
kapputuyes crimsun05:45
=== Absenth has dejavu hearing kapputu's question.
laggerzero# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>05:45
laggerzero/dev/hda1       /mnt/windows    ntfs    ro,auto         0       105:46
crimsunAbsenth: the floor is yours ;-)05:46
Burgundaviakapputu: synaptic will tell you if you right-click on a package a choose properties and then installed files05:46
laggerzerois that right?05:46
kapputuI used apt-get05:46
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kapputuI prefer to use the cmd-line05:46
Burgundaviakapputu: by default, most executable go into /usr/bin05:46
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Burgundaviakapputu: /usr/bin should be part of your path05:46
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kapputuI know05:46
kapputucouldn't find it05:46
Absenthcrimsun, I don't have it working yet, but if you're running hoary, Crimsun just uploaded a fixed version to the universe I believe.  It installs the binary to /usr/bin05:46
error_29ok Absenth -- I see now.05:46
crimsun^^ kapputu05:46
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=== Absenth waits for ubuntu to /upgrade from/to hoary
crimsunkapputu: are you using Hoary?05:47
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kapputuyes crimsun05:48
crimsunkapputu: update && upgrade05:48
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skreetcrimsun, Any idea when I could expect/check on new kernels, or a kernel that *does* work?05:48
error_29Would I need Samba to get ubuntu sharing with another linux installation on the network?05:48
kapputuskreet: 2.6.8 works fine05:48
kapputuI had the same problem as u05:49
crimsunskreet: kernels were building when zul when to sleep, so probably in 2-3 hours?05:49
DarthFrogerror_29: NFS works05:49
viper12evening all.05:49
skreetkapputu, Okay I'll downgrade to 2.6.8 for now05:49
Absentherror_29 I'd use nfs for that, and avoid SMB alltogether for that.05:49
haydeni got me ram working05:49
kapputuerror_29: I thin Nautilus takes care of that05:49
viper12lol........crimsun.....the very question i had.  lol05:49
skreetthanks crimsun + kapputu05:49
Absenthyeah, what he said :)05:49
kapputuerror_29:  u just need to setup the shares - http://ubuntuguide.org05:49
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error_29ok, thanks-- I'm actually amazed at how well ubuntu browses my windows network right out of the box.  and much faster than windows itself05:51
AbsenthI think Insight must have updated my broadband.05:51
kapputuhaving trouble with ftp://nerim.net05:52
Absenthupgrade has been kicking along at 400kB/s05:52
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Absenthso for those of you with x86-64, can you install i386 packages if there isn't a 64 package avalible?05:54
kapputuwhat application reads .chm files?05:54
HmmmmAbsenth, how good is the package availability for amd64 on ubuntu?05:54
crimsunAbsenth: in a 32-bit chroot, yes05:54
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The-Ghost|afkdos ubuntu use lilo?05:55
AbsenthHmmmm I don't have a amd64 yet, that's actually why I asked the question.05:55
crimsunThe-Ghost|afk: grub05:56
AbsenthThe-Ghost|afk I think it's grub.05:56
BurgundaviaThe-Ghost|afk: no, uses grub05:56
Burgundavialilo was dropped by most distros about 3/4 years ago05:56
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kapputucrimsun: having problems with the debian source05:56
DarthFroglilo isn't even installed.05:56
Absenthok, I have to ask, does x-chat have a name autocomplete?, and if so, how do I pull it off?05:56
crimsunkapputu: of?05:56
error_29use tab, Absenth05:57
DarthFrogThough lilo is apt-gettable.05:57
Absentherror_29, fantastic, thanks.05:57
=== geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust6839.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
The-Ghost|afknow i trayd 100000 posibol ways to remove the ext3 from my hdd to install windows for one last time agein05:57
error_29(doesn't work with all names for some reason)05:57
tonywill amarok be  in repos later?05:57
The-Ghost|afkand stil i can't get it to instal05:57
ggeeckoI am trying to apt-get limeire...is it apt-get install limewire05:57
geneo93well here i am in ubuntu05:57
AbsenthI just hope cedega, and my nvidia drivers don't break after the hoary upgrade.05:58
crimsuntony: 1.2.1 is in Hoary05:58
The-Ghost|afkbecouse i can't get hdd back to old partition.05:58
tonycrimsun, ty05:58
JDahlI wish one of the Python devs would start packaging matplotlib...05:58
crimsunAbsenth: they will. It's being repaired.05:58
kapputucrimsun: ftp://nerim.net/debian-marilliat05:58
crimsunJDahl: it's being processed. There are still a bundle of python packages to transition to 2.405:58
Absenthcrimsun, well.... this should be fun...05:59
ggeeckoI am trying to apt-get limewire...is it apt-get install limewire05:59
Hmmmmwhen does the new version of ubuntu come out?05:59
kapputuI actually downloaded it from ubuntuguide.org ggeecko05:59
crimsunHmmmm: April05:59
geneo93karsten:  i have 4.6 gig root partition and no office apps and i run out of disk space thats crazy05:59
crimsunkapputu: what sort of issues?05:59
regeyakubuntu is looking nice...have it installed on my box at home.  still rough around the edges but I expected that. :-)05:59
The-Ghost|afkany of u know of a prog that can partition my hdd back to fat32 or somthing.. that works becouse the system in ubuntu dosn't work05:59
The-Ghost|afkfor this05:59
ggeeckokapputu: thx05:59
SiRrUsggeecko take a look here  www.ubuntuguide.org/#limewire06:00
karstengeneo93: For a current Linux install, I'd start at around 6 GB myself.  'df -h' will show a summary of free space in your partitions.06:00
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BurgundaviaThe-Ghost|afk: parted/gparted will do it06:00
error_29folks, I may be getting an amd64 laptop tomorrow, and i want to put hoary on it; would copying my current gconfig folder to the new installation be a problem?  I'm running hoary on a 32 bit machine now06:00
AbsenthThe-Ghost|afk, goto source forge, and search "dban"06:00
tonylater all06:00
karstengeneo93: 'du -s <dirlist>' will give a summary of usage by directory.  There's also an interactive GUI tool, 'filelight' which shows disk usage.06:00
AbsenthThe-Ghost|afk, it's Deriks boot & nuke.  Kinda the sledgehammer to drive in a walltack aproch, but.06:01
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punkrockguy318How can I install java for hoary?  There are warty guides, but I don't see any hoary ones.06:01
SiRrUspunkrockguy318should work like the warty info06:02
Burgundaviapunkrockguy318: the one on ubuntuguide.org should work for hoary06:02
AbsenthI'd like to point out what I'm sure is obvious to everyone, but the Ubuntu channel is much more helpful then the redhat channel :)06:02
geneo93duh /dev/sde1             4.6G  4.4G  7.0M 100% /06:02
Absenthor maybe it's just much less idle.06:02
membreyaAbsenth: that's cos it's not a bunch of bitter old sys admins :P06:02
geneo93karsten:  but thats crazy i did fine last round with this06:02
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kapputuAbsenth: that's why I'm still going strong with Ubuntu after 8 months06:03
geneo93heck mandrakes a bloat and it has only 5 gigs06:03
Absenthmembreya, I've got 9 redhat 8 machines running a very custom version of LTSP at work.  I can't easily recreate the custom install on a new/diffrent distro.  but the version of NFS on those machines likes to hang pretty frequently.06:04
AbsenthI wouldn't care if NFS died so much, if it weren't for the fact when it locks up on one server it takes out between 10 and 110 users.06:04
SiRrUskapputu 8 months?06:04
chillywillyubuntu rules06:04
kapputuyeah almost06:04
Burgundavia6 months for me06:05
Burgundaviawarty preview I installed06:05
error_29genao93, I may not know what i'm talking about, but have you maybe accumulated a bunch of temporary files relating to uninstalled packages?  I think they tend to pile up... ?06:05
kapputuI think I started in Sept06:05
SiRrUsdamm i thought the first one came out in oct06:05
kapputugot my math wrong06:05
Absenthkapputu, I've been using it since, Saturday.06:05
Absenthso a week,.06:05
Absenthbeen a redhat guy :/ since 506:05
=== chillywilly grabs the hoary preview install iso
error_29ubuntu is infectious06:05
regeyajust decided to give kubuntu a try; not because I'm unhappy with mainline ubuntu, but just not absolutely thrilled with gnome (but it's pretty, isn't that enough?)06:05
chillywillyla la la06:05
SiRrUsyeah it sure is06:05
kapputuerror_29: absolutely, I have it on two of my other machines too06:06
geneo93error_29:  well i did a apt-get clean before i started this round of updates06:06
Absenthanyone try Xandros?06:06
chillywillyoooh, apache 2.1.306:06
DarthFrogAbsenth: I was a beta tester for Xandros 1.006:06
chillywillywonder how much sutff that breaks06:07
AbsenthDarthFrog, I'06:07
error_29regeya, I'm with you-- love the calm look of gnome, hate the (to me) cheesy look of kde, but dammit, some of gnome's choices seem senseless and domineering toward the user.06:07
Hmmmmguys, when do we get gnome 2.10 on ubuntu?06:07
AbsenthDarthFrog, I've got a notebook at work running the public 2.0,  it's "neat" but this is way better.06:07
regeyakde can be made to look less cheesy06:07
regeyabut yeah, I'm with you06:07
SiRrUsHmmmm its here06:07
error_29and gnome seems impoverished in the way of useful applets06:07
DarthFrogAbsenth: Xandros has some really nice features.  It's File Manager is excellent.06:07
kapputuHmmmm: with hoary06:08
regeyathem's fighting worsds around here, error_29, but I'm in agreement. :-)06:08
DarthFrogAbsenth: But on the whole, I agree with you.  I really like Ubuntu.06:08
regeyaremember, error_29, if you're smart enough to use an irc client, your opinion on gnome doesn't count06:08
AbsenthDarthFrog, it's because of Xandros I actually paid the codeweaver guys for Crossover Office.06:08
cwilluregeya:  example?  I'm fairly new to the window managers06:08
=== error_29 mutters "even windows lets you edit a dang menu!"
Absenthusing it at work (which is all win2k save my 9 LTSP servers)06:08
regeyabut error_29 all you have to do is fire up a terminal twiddle your big toes and fart out your ear06:09
DarthFrogAbsenth: CrossOver Office is a very nice enhancement of Wine.  And they host/support the Wine project.06:09
error_29lol, regeya06:09
AbsenthDarthFrog, it allows me to easily run Lotus notes, Ms office 2k, and Clientele.  and I didn't have to pull my hair out, or go more grey to get them working.06:10
BurgundaviaAbsenth: more specific codeweavers(crossover makers) pay the lead wine dev06:10
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kapputuDarthFrog: is CrossOver Office open source?06:10
DarthFrogAbsenth: Yeah, that's it's major claim to fame.  Easily and seamlessly run many Windows apps on Linux.06:10
Burgundaviakapputu: no06:10
DarthFrogkapputu: No.  It's commercial.06:10
Burgundaviakapputu: but it based off the foss Wine project06:11
DarthFrogkapputu: But Wine is definitely open source.06:11
BurgundaviaKaloz: www.winehq.org06:11
kapputuyeah tried out wine yesterday06:11
kapputugot firefox working06:11
kapputunot IE06:11
DarthFrogkapputu: CrossOver Office is nothing more than a frontend to Wine.06:11
cwilluopen source is not exclusive of commercial  :p06:11
cwilluproprietary was the word you were looking for :)06:11
AbsenthAt least their license doesn't suck.06:11
nomasteryodaDarthFrog, well not in performance06:11
error_29kapputu, you're using wine for firefox???06:11
kapputuerror_29: yeah I'm kinda dumb06:12
chillywillyfreak :)06:12
Absenththe personal version of crossover office says I can install it on as many pc's as I like, however I am the only authorized user of the software.06:12
cwilluerror_29:  it's a wonderful way to test it out, seeing as you already know how the thing should behave :)06:12
kapputudoes Ubuntu come with firefox? :-p06:12
chillywillythis iso needs to hurry up :)06:12
Hmmmmkapputu ya it does06:12
kapputuHmmmm: hmmm06:12
Hmmmmfirefox has been broswer of choice from day one for ubuntu06:13
viyyerI have this USB modem ..UM9100-U .. I ave not success with google06:13
DarthFrognomasteryoda: performance isn't really the issue, though.  If all you need is one or two Windows apps, Xover OFfice allows you to have your cake and eat it, too. :-)06:13
kapputudamn din't know that !06:13
AbsenthI'm using co office at home for internet exploder and that's about it.06:13
error_29no, i wasn't ridiculing you-- it does seem clever. And i can think of a dozen open source projects ported to windows that might be easier to run with wine, than hunting down packages for06:13
AbsenthI have transgaming for Swg and wow.06:13
awb4422hoary has been awesome so far to me, minus the nvidia gotchas..read a few things about how devs are working on it, but other than that..06:13
nomasteryodai can install macromedia dreamweaver mx on crossover.. wine chokes on it06:13
kapputuerror_29: I was testing out wine06:13
cwillunomasteryoda, really depends on the exact version you install06:14
nomasteryodawhen you pay that kind of money for an app, you want it to work... esp. after dumping windows06:14
kapputuhaven't felt the need for it but I'm thinking of switching back to Ubuntu on my desktop too06:14
Burgundaviaawb4422: but the key thing is the devs *are* working on it06:14
karstengeneo93: Arguing with your filesystem about how much free disk you've got is sort of pointless.06:14
awb4422true, and im happy about that06:14
kapputuI currently use Windoze on that06:14
blizahis it possible to execute two commands in one window?06:14
kapputukarsten: arguing with ur filesystem?? lol06:14
error_29Wine defeats me, but i know it's not intended for lopowerusers like me...06:14
awb4422obviously, they wouldn't release it for final if nvidia drivers weren't working lol.. hardly anyone would use it06:14
chillywillycommand1; command206:14
blizahone icon06:14
cwilluanybody know if the windows command processor (i.e., cmd) works under wine?06:15
awb4422i can still use it on my laptop, but its 640x480..quite interesting06:15
blizahchillywilly i mean in one launch icon06:15
cwillu+ net commands and the like06:15
karstengeneo93: Anyway, google "linux partitioning" if you want my view on things.06:15
awb4422cwillu - why would you want that?06:15
chillywillyblizah: write a wrapper script06:15
Absenthso is it difficult to install XCFE on ubuntu hoary?  I don't suppose there's a .deb for it :)06:15
cwilluI develop a web management system for nt4 / activedirectory domains06:15
cwillui.e., that _runs_ on either nt4, 2k or xp06:15
error_29I had xcfe running well on warty before, don't know about hoary06:15
crimsunAbsenth: 4.0.6 is in universe06:15
cwillumostly java based, but it relies on the command processor06:16
blizahchillywilly no idea how to do that :D06:16
Absenthcrimsun, that's perfect, especially since I just enabled the universe :)06:16
cwilluI'd love to make it linux compatible as well :)06:16
crimsunAbsenth: 4.2+ will be in Bendy06:16
chillywillymake a file with those lines in it06:16
chillywillycall it from the launcher06:16
cwilluchilly, not talking to me are you?06:16
chillywillychmod 755 file06:17
Absenthnot that I have anyde idea what, when, or where a bendy is :)06:17
cwilluokay, you're not, good :)06:17
kapputuI'm trying to get the movie The Ring06:17
chillywillycwillu: no06:17
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blizahchillywilly what should i call the file?06:17
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chillywillyprobably whatever-you-want.sh :)06:17
blizahheh k06:18
chillywillyor you can leave the .sh off too...your choice06:18
Hell-Razordoes anybody know what the ati-drivers are called in apt-get?06:18
chillywillythis isn't windoze afterall ;)06:18
chillywillyyou just need the execute bit(s) set06:18
AbsenthHell-Razor, no, but I know you can get them through synaptic06:19
kapputuoh for a min I read it as excuse bit set chillywilly06:19
cwilluor razor :p06:19
chillywillyalthough you can also do 'sh file.sh' (yes, I like to confuse people)06:19
Hell-Razori ahve the fglrx drivers06:19
Hell-Razorbut i think those are a bit different06:19
cwilluare you looking for the proprietary drivers?06:20
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skreetAnyone know how to get the shadows on gnome windows like the screener for Clearlooks06:20
Hell-Razorcwillu, chillywilly, im looking for the ati-release drivers06:20
chillywillyyay, 1 min left until new preview install iso06:20
AbsenthHell-Razor, those are the ones I installed on the slow puter.  I think I get a whopping 1700fps in glxgears (probibly not running right)06:20
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Hell-RazorAbsenth, now they run about 6000 for me...glxgears06:20
Absenthsince a radeon 9550 se should do a bit better then 170006:20
cwilluoh well... to bed with me06:21
chillywillytime to burn the iso06:21
Absenthnice, glxgears give me a segfault :)  guess I should wait for dist-upgrade to finish06:21
laggerzerowill the kernel source used to make hoary ever be made available?06:21
crimsunlaggerzero: it's always available. linux-source-2.6.1006:22
Hell-Razoris it possible to upgrade now to the hoary?06:22
laggerzeroits patched06:22
laggerzeronot the regular one06:22
AbsenthHell-Razor, I'm in the process of upgrading to Hoary06:22
laggerzeroit has debian patches in it06:22
laggerzeroi've looked at the 2.9 and the debian 2.906:22
laggerzerothere are differences06:22
Hell-RazorAbsenth: kickass...wanna help me out?06:22
error_29speaking of iso's  -- can anyone tell me a work-around for this problem:  although my laptop setup is set to boot from cd, Grub won't let it do that -- i can't find anything in the Grub menu options to switch to cd boot06:23
crimsunlaggerzero: what are you looking for, vanilla or ubuntu?06:23
Absenthas a week long user of Ubuntu, sure :)06:23
crimsunlaggerzero: linux-tree-2.6.1006:23
laggerzerogave it a weird name06:23
crimsunthat's not weird06:23
chillywillyI'm tired06:23
Hell-RazorAbsenth: where do i get the dl from06:23
AbsenthHell-Razor, change every instance of warty to hoary in /etc/apt/sources.list06:24
haydenis there a program for linux like netstumbler for windows?06:24
chillywillywonder if Ubuntu is easy to install even when sleep deprived06:24
Absenththen update / upgrade / dist-upgrade06:24
crimsunprismstumbler - Wireless network sniffer  <-- ?06:24
laggerzerohoary has to be installed in expert mode06:24
chillywillythat shall be the ultimate test!06:24
laggerzeroit won't ask for root passwards otherwise06:24
crimsunhayden: apt-cache search wireless sniffer06:25
haydenok thakns06:25
chillywillypasswords?!? We don't need no stinking passwords :)06:25
kapputuchillywilly: u installing the new hoary preview?06:25
Absenthlaggerzero, well then, it's possible I completely hosed up my computer jsut now :)06:25
chillywillyyea, "just because"06:25
error_29help!  how do i boot from a cd?  It wasn't a problem before Grub took over.06:25
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laggerzerosynaptic used my user password and accepted it06:25
skreetHow can I apt-get OLDER kernel images/headers/restricted-modules?06:25
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viyyerubuntu sucks bigtime man.. !! no kppp  at all.. no gui dialer atall06:25
crimsunskreet: pass the version to aptitude or apt-get06:26
laggerzerobut i couldn't install anything except through that06:26
laggerzerocoulldn't modify files06:26
AbsenthI dunno, the exact command I used was06:26
laggerzerojust boot off of the cd and type expert06:26
skreetcrimsun, so just do apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.8-686 ?06:26
Absenthsudo apt-get dist-upgrade (and then fed it the sudo password)06:26
crimsunskreet: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.8-686=someversion06:27
kapputuviyyer: sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp or download the .deb06:27
kapputu http://linux.org.by/debian/pool/main/g/gnome-ppp/06:27
kapputuThen, dpkg -i gnome-ppp_*something*.deb.06:27
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laggerzeroI do love hoary though.06:28
Absenthalright, I asume I have to reboot to make the dist-upgrade take effect.  anything I should know in case I blew up the world?06:28
laggerzeroespecially since it uses xorg and a new kernel06:28
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crimsunAbsenth: it's not advisable to reboot yet06:28
laggerzeroand the latest packages are available06:28
Absenthcrimsun, alright I'll bite, what do I still need to do?06:28
crimsunAbsenth: that is, if you're using the binary-only ATI or Nvidia driver06:28
geneo93well here i am resizing partitions for ubuntu hope this works06:28
AbsenthI got the nvidia driver through synaptic06:29
Absenthwhichever one that is.06:29
laggerzerothat one works06:29
laggerzerojust open up the console and type in nvidia-glx enable06:29
viyyerkapputu, are you sure.. it wouldn't break the package tree.. I don't want to come to and try install something and get stuck :(06:29
laggerzeroas root06:29
crimsunAbsenth: it's currently broken with the latest kernel in Hoary, hence why I would delay rebooting06:29
kapputuu won't get stuck06:29
Hell-Razorcrimsun: can you help me out also..i am at apt-upgrade06:29
laggerzeroi scratched my head on that one for a few mins06:29
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crimsunHell-Razor: what issue?06:30
geneo93apt-get dist-upgrade06:30
Hell-Razorcrimsun, no issue...just waiting to see what to do next =)06:30
laggerzeromy bad.06:30
da_bon_bonhi all06:30
crimsunHell-Razor: "next?" after what?06:30
laggerzeroits nvidia-glx-config enable06:30
laggerzeroas root06:30
sal002I get this error with iptables:  unable to make backup link of `./lib/iptables/libip6t_hbh.so' before installing new version: Too many links06:30
da_bon_bondoes openoffice.org2 depend in /any/ way on openoffice.org ?06:30
Hell-Razorcrimsun, apt-get upgrade06:30
laggerzerogotta reboot06:30
crimsunda_bon_bon: no06:31
crimsunHell-Razor: upgrade? from warty or from hoary?06:31
Hell-Razorcrimsun, from warty06:31
Absenthcrimsun so I can go in, edit my xconfig, change the nvidia back to nv, and a reboot will be fine, correct?06:31
kapputuI thought hoary came with openoffice.org206:31
Hell-Razorcrimsun, from warty to hoary06:32
crimsunHell-Razor: you needed a dist-upgrade06:32
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Hell-Razorcrimsun, do that next?06:32
da_bon_boncrimsun: ok, becoz i use ooo2 completely, and am thinking of removing the 1.3 version06:32
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crimsunHell-Razor: well, you were supposed to do that in place of upgrade, but sure06:32
Hell-Razorcrimsun, oopd06:32
kapputucrimsun: any advantages with openoffice.org206:32
Hell-Razorcrimsun, oops06:32
crimsunHell-Razor: you didn't do anything wrong06:33
Hell-Razorcrimsun, i figured sense you just said oh sure06:33
delltonycan someone help me in resolving this issue after reading a bug report it was stated to unload the alsa driver with the /etc/init.d/alsa force-unload then do a modprobe snd_intel8x0  i do this and get the following errors http://www.pastebin.com/25363506:33
crimsunda_bon_bon: keep in mind ubuntu-desktop still depends on OO.o 1.106:33
Hell-Razorhow would you upgrade kernels in ubuntu...does it auto-update?06:33
da_bon_bonoh god! ubuntu rocks!!!!06:34
crimsunkapputu: I'm sorry, I can't say from experience. You might want to check the feature list on openoffice.org06:34
Absenthcrimsun besides the driver "nvidia" line in the new xorg.conf file, do I need to remember to change anything else?06:34
zenroxi got my pc to boot off a 128mbs SD memory card06:34
crimsunAbsenth: comment out Load "dri" and Load "GLcore", and make sure Load "glx" is uncommented06:35
Absenthalso, where should I watch for a fix of the accelerated nvidia drivers in hoary06:35
Hell-Razorthats fucking pathedic06:35
kapputuwhere can I download good themes?06:35
crimsunAbsenth: on the other hand, you might want to leave it "nv" right now06:35
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AbsenthI actually need to change it BACK to nv.06:35
crimsundelltony: sec06:35
Absenthcurrently I've got the accelerated drivers loaded "nvidia"06:35
delltonyok thanks06:36
Absenthwhich is it that's broken?  nv, or nvidia06:36
crimsunAbsenth: right, because the new kernel has an ABI break06:36
error_29zenrox, wow...06:36
crimsunAbsenth: neither. It's the kernel.06:36
crimsunHell-Razor: just use Synaptic to install a new kernel06:36
Absenthso I can leave it alone, and pray I don't have some form of forced reboot, Ie powerfailure prior to a fix?06:37
Hell-Razorcrimsun, alright i did apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade06:37
crimsundelltony: are you running Hoary?06:37
Hell-Razorcrimsun, what else do i need to do06:37
AbsenthHell-Razor, your machine must be wicked fast.  those three took my little box about 40 min.06:37
crimsundelltony: those errors are due to the same ABI breakage that's affecting Nvidia and ATI binary-only users06:37
Hell-RazorAbsenth: what kind of machine are you running?06:38
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wuwei23kapputu: http://art.gnome.org/06:38
Absenth2400+ with a gig of ddr.06:38
crimsunHell-Razor: depends whether you use the binary-only Nvidia or ATI driver06:38
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Absenthalthough the universe stuff might have added a bunch of time to that.06:38
Hell-RazorAbsenth: im running amd64 3700+ oced to 3.3 pc4400ddr2 ram06:38
laggerzerook i've got a problem now06:38
laggerzerothe nvidia drivers won't load06:38
AbsenthHell-Razor, that might qualify as wicked fast.  :)06:38
Hell-RazorAbsenth: but im using 32bit because 64bit is horrible in linux06:39
Hell-RazorAbsenth: ...so far06:39
laggerzeroHell-Razor, its not that bad06:39
laggerzeroit depends on the distro06:39
Hell-Razori am using ubuntu till gentoo gets better 64bit06:39
delltonyyes i'm running hoary06:39
Hell-Razorthen its back to gentoo06:39
Absenthso where do I watch for an nVidia kernel fix?06:39
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laggerzeroAbsenth, i'm with you06:39
da_bon_bonanyone tried nerolinux ?06:39
laggerzeroit won't load06:39
Hell-Razorcrimsun, im running ati-drivers06:39
laggerzeroso i might have to compile it myself06:39
laggerzerowhich is why i need to get the kernel souce06:40
delltonyand i'm running the ati drivers from their site. thats the only way i could get open gl to actually work correctly06:40
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piIs anybody else in hoary able to get proper xinerama functionality?06:40
da_bon_bonHell-Razor: ubuntu is much better than gentoo06:40
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Absenthshrug, if my 3d doesn't work I have more excuse for not playing games tomorow, and doing things that are productive.06:40
delltonythe framerate with the ubuntu one is only 300 where with their drivers its 400006:40
Absenthlike wash and wax my car in the snow.06:40
Hell-Razorda_bon_bon: are you stupid? gentoo is by far the best distro out there,...that is if yuio dont have a shit computer06:40
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AbsenthI'd argue with both of you, but it wouldn't change either of your minds :)06:41
crimsunHell-Razor: then you'll want to stick with your current setup for a few more hours til the main kernel guys upload the new kernel06:41
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laggerzeroi'm gonna have to get the drives manually06:41
crimsunbtw, let's keep distro wars outside #ubuntu please06:41
laggerzeroand install them06:41
AbsenthGentoo is cool because portage is almost ports.06:41
tizenHow can I connect to a remote x server through linux?06:41
Hell-Razorda_bon_bon: in gentoo i can compile glibc in just shy if 15minutes...so my compile time is easy...i can get a stage 1 tarball setup on my computer and gentoo running in just under 5 hours06:41
AbsenthUbuntu is so far the linux distro that pisses me off the least.06:42
laggerzeroapt is god imo. so is portage06:42
da_bon_bonAbsenth: here!06:42
Hell-Razorcrimsun, shit...i already upgraded a bunch06:42
laggerzerobut gentoo is too much of a bitch to install06:42
Hell-Razorcrimsun, well everything06:42
delltonytizen, ssh?06:42
crimsunHell-Razor: no, that's fine. Just don't reboot yet.06:42
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, not really....06:42
laggerzerojust takes along time Hell-Razor06:42
laggerzeroif you do stage 106:42
Hell-Razorcrimsun, what do i need to do in a couple of hours? what commands?06:42
wuwei23Absenth: that's how I feel about ubuntu :)06:42
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, like i said before...just as long as you dont have a shit computer06:43
crimsunHell-Razor: update && dist-upgrade06:43
Absenthwuwei23, if it weren't for how bad software support is, I'd probibly be running OpenBSD everywhere.06:43
wuwei23Absenth: i'm directing my angst over the loss of menu editing at gnome 2.10 though :)06:43
laggerzeroi might have to format again06:43
helloyohow do i get that automatic cd burning window that comes up to come up when it didn't work automatically?06:43
laggerzeroget this install right06:43
da_bon_bonlaggerzero: apt-get install linux-treeXXX06:43
Hell-RazorAbsenth, i agree...fedora core i totalyl hate, gentoo is kind of a pain because of the install...but thats easy06:43
Absenthwuwei23, heh, get SCFE06:43
laggerzeroi installed way to many apps at once06:43
wuwei23absenth: have you tried OpenDarwin? it was the nicest bsd install :)06:43
Absenthwuwei23, heh, get XCFE06:43
laggerzeroi know da_bon_bon06:43
laggerzeroi'm doing it now06:43
wuwei23absenth: i know, i know :)06:43
Hell-Razorcrimsun: i think im goign to run that tomorrow monring when i get up so i can be sure everything is up06:44
laggerzeroi tried to update gnome and install kde at the same time06:44
wuwei23Absenth: i just like the gnome look/feel :)06:44
AbsenthopenDarwin,  Hmm.....   admit I've never heard of it, however I've got openBSD, and Darwin on my powermac :)06:44
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delltonycrimsun, i updated the bug report on bugzilla so maybe some one can get a grasp of whats going on here thanks for your help06:44
laggerzeroand install a bunch of other apps with it06:44
Hell-Razorlaggerzero: in ubuntu or gentoo?06:44
domroni just managed to boot linux using knoppix + w32grub, since my laptop's floppy & cdrom is dead and i only have winxp working .. i'm wondering whether i can start installing debian now somehow ?06:44
Absenthobsd running in virtual pc :)06:44
laggerzerohaven't used gentoo in a year06:44
helloyohow do i get that burning window to pop up?06:44
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, your missing out =)06:44
da_bon_bonHell-Razor: ok, i dont wanna start any distro war06:44
tizendelltony: -X doesn't work it seems06:45
laggerzeroi know. i need a dedicated system ot run gentoo though06:45
laggerzerono dual booting06:45
tizenI use XWin32 in windows06:45
Hell-Razorda_bon_bon, cause you know how good gentoo is06:45
wuwei23Absenth: Darwin is basically BSD, OpenDarwin is the OS offshoot of it...kinda like a slightly more groomed OpenBSD :)06:45
da_bon_bonHell-Razor: ur net and comp are too good so that u can run geentoo. not same here06:45
delltonytizen, i have always used openssh-server on the host06:45
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, yea the reason why i came to ubuntu mainly is becaue i didnt want to reinstall gentoo for a 32bit system...so im using this as a temp for about the next 6-8 months06:45
delltonyand then ssh in06:45
laggerzerogentoo is a great OS. You'll learn everything you want to know about linux06:46
tizendelltony: i'm trying to figure it out06:46
laggerzeroi haven't used 64bit gentoo before06:46
Absenthwuwei23, more groomed openbsd eh?  nice.  now as long as they can keep the nearly 8 years is it, with 1 remote root, in the default install, I'll give it a go :)06:46
laggerzerois the 64bit debian any good?06:46
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delltonyjust install openssh-server on the host with apt-get install openssh-server06:46
delltonythen on the client type ssh yourusername@hostname06:46
Absenthlaggerzero, if you're looking for fun debian like things to play with, check out Progeny06:46
tizendelltony: Yeah, I'm not root overthere, it's my university account06:47
Hell-Razorda_bon_bon, laggerzero, my computer-programming teacher said this about gentoo as in relation to c++....gentoo as in c++ will let you shoot yourself in the foot, reload the pistol, and shoot yourself in the otherfoot, all this wile your house is burning down06:47
tizenI just wanna connect to it06:47
Absenthlaggerzero, I only know Progeny exists because they are local, and half the local lug works there.06:47
delltonyin that cause more than likely you would use putty06:47
delltonycase even06:47
delltonyat least thats how it was at my university06:47
Absenthdelltony, putty is the bomb.06:47
Hell-Razorputty is a nice program06:47
delltonyyeah i like putty06:48
Absenthand it runs on EVERYTHING06:48
laggerzeroAbsenth, does it use xorg?06:48
laggerzerowhat kernel?06:48
Hell-Razorheh almost everything06:48
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Hell-Razorwell ladies thanks for your help...im going to go watch some tv06:48
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tizendelltony: I can connect to the GUI through putty?06:48
delltonyoh your wanting to use the apps from their server?06:48
Absenthlaggerzero, depends on which way you decide to go with progeny.  their claim to fame is "compartmentalized linux"  you choose what core packages you want, and they deal with the dependency hell.06:49
Hell-Razortizen, i think you can just as long as you set up X for sharing...or just use winvnc06:49
delltonyyou would have to export the display06:49
Absenthlaggerzero, in all reality it's a LSB 2.0 compatible debian sarge offshoot.06:49
delltonyi have done that thru cygwin to a linux box but never linux to linux06:49
delltonywhat i did with cygwin was ssh into the box06:49
delltonyand type export DISPLAY=:006:49
laggerzeromeh, i've gotta get some sleep. I'll reinstall ubuntu in the morning06:49
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delltonyand then load the application and it would display to the client06:50
Absenthlaggerzero, Sleep is a totally inapporpriate substitute for Caffeine.06:50
laggerzeroi've got BAWLS in the garage06:50
Absenthhowever sleep does affect one's spelling.06:50
laggerzeroif you don't know what BAWLS are06:50
Absenthheh Bawls....  in the wicked cool blue glass bottles06:50
AbsenthI just drink coffee......  Lots of it.....06:51
wuwei23caffiene is a pale substitute for amphetamines :)06:51
wuwei23which are, funnily enough, even worse for your spelling06:51
Absenthfor my birthday this last november, my father in law got me a Melita 45 cup coffee Urn.06:51
laggerzeronight all06:51
AbsenthI just got my new naming scheme for the house.....  *cheers*06:52
Absentheverything was named after spices,  (ie oregano, garlic, ginger)  I'm going to change them all to be Coffee maker brands :)06:52
Absenththis box has to be mrcoffee.....06:52
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lookorezhow do I do multiple lines in crontab06:53
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crimsunuse \ to mark line continuation06:54
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haydenanyone know a gui download manager that i can pause and resume dlaods06:55
AbsenthCrimsun, so since I'm dedicated to hoary now, where should I check in the AM for news regarding the kernel problem?06:55
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azriel0184is there a way to run tar so that it removes the files that it compresses?06:55
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crimsunAbsenth: the ubuntu-user mailing list archive, in here, and so on06:57
Absenthok, so I guess that means in here, as I'm not on the mailing list.06:57
geneo93karsten:  this is crazy i cant belive this thing has used all that space heres mdk root   /dev/hdb1             7.5G 1019M  6.2G  15% /mnt/mdkrt206:57
karstengeneo93: ...and?06:58
AbsenthI was hoping there might be a news page I could hit up......  the fix will be an update / upgrade / dist-upgrade?06:58
crimsunAbsenth: update && dist-upgrade06:58
geneo93karsten:  something is being reported wrong got to be06:58
crimsungeneo93: huh? what's wrong? Less than 1 GB used.06:59
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karstengeneo93: Got any open, but deleted files?06:59
geneo93thats mandrake06:59
Absenthanyone a transgaming user>?07:00
karstengeneo93: lsof and du are your friends.  I'm busy with other stuff, RTFM or ask the channel.07:00
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geneo93this is ubuntu /dev/sde1             4.6G  4.4G  6.8M 100% /07:00
crimsungeneo93: what all did you install?07:00
=== Absenth chuckles at karsten's comments
geneo93well this is hoary07:01
geneo93all i have extra is kde and no OO or any thing07:02
crimsungeneo93: OO.o 1.1 is installed by default...07:02
geneo93no its not anymore07:02
crimsungeneo93: and KDE takes up quite a bit, too07:02
geneo93well you seen mandrake root it has kde full and gnome also07:03
piDoes anybody know how i can get xorg to replace XFree in hoary?  I have done the dist upgrade, and it seems to have worked for everything but xorg07:03
da_bon_bonif i use gparted to copy my ubuntu partition from /dev/hda2 to /dev/hdc1 will i have any config problems after i change my fstab in hdc1 ?07:03
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azriel0184how do i remount a fs as readonly?07:03
crimsunazriel0184: -o remount-ro07:04
wuwei23pi: have you done apt-get dist-upgrade?07:04
piwuwei: yes, everything else seems to have upgraded properly07:04
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pii'm running gnome 2.1007:04
pibut still XFree07:04
crimsunpi: and xserver-xorg?07:04
picrimsun: yep, it's installed07:04
wuwei23pi: hrm, weird07:05
geneo93crimsun:  do you have kde installed07:05
da_bon_bonpi: apt-get remove xserver-ffree8607:05
da_bon_bonpi: apt-get remove xserver-free8607:05
crimsungeneo93: yes, but I don't have a clean hoary system07:05
pida_bon_bon: i was considering that, but will xorg slide in its place?  it seems like there should be some sort of additional configuration07:06
piit doesn't seem natural that removing xfree will configure xorg07:06
da_bon_bonpi: it will slide all right :)07:06
geneo93ah well i have about 140mb in cache from apt is all07:06
da_bon_bonpi: do it from a console07:06
da_bon_bonpi: and then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:06
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pialrighty, i'll give it a shot...thanks07:07
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da_bon_bonpi: np07:07
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geneo93crimsun:  seems like i had this problem with apt in mandrake awhile back it just blows things up and nothings really there07:10
knucksso whos been successful with getting their ipod workingon linux?07:10
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haydendoes anyone here use kismet?07:12
mercurushayden: I have, in the past07:12
Absenthhayden I've used Kismac on the iBook, but not kismet.07:12
mercurusbut not under Ubuntu07:12
haydeni have a problem, i just installed it and it says this when i try to run it07:13
haydenNOTICE: Disabling channel hopping, no enabled sources are able to change channel.07:13
haydenSource 0 (ciscosource): Enabling monitor mode for cisco source interface eth0 channel 6...07:13
haydenFATAL: Unable to open cisco control file '/proc/driver/aironet/eth0/Config' 2:No such file or directory07:13
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mercurushave you edited kismet.conf for your device, module etc ?07:13
haydenwhere would i find that file07:14
Absenthalright I'm going to take a break,  hopefully the dev types will come up with a solution to the kernel / graphics problem by the morning :)07:14
Absenthlater all, and thanks for the help.07:14
mercurusnot sure ... I'd imagine /etc/kismet/kismet.conf ... but it could be anywhere ... depending on the package maintainer07:14
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crimsunhayden: try tab-completion ;-)07:14
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helio7hey all; i'm trying to figure out if there's a way to pass data in the buffer (Cntrl+C a gpg email file from web-based email service) through a commandline argument in the bash shell, like "gpg --decrypt easy-buffer-pseudonym"  can anyone help?  I'm not sure of what syntax to use in google to even start this query07:16
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helloyoare segmentation faults exlusively due to RAM? because i just replaced my last faulty one07:19
crimsunhelloyo: not necessarily07:19
crimsunhelloyo: are they random?07:19
helio7does anyone ever run command-line on things in "Control-C Memory?" is this not called the buffer?07:19
mercuruswhat actually segfaulted ?07:19
NobleArcfor some reason, when I rebooted, X stopped loading.  the nvidia module claims it that there are screens, but none are usable.   And, my keymap is all screwed up.  I`m using the module `nv` right now, but it`s making my screen go all weird. o_O  Any ideas (that was suppoesd to be a question mark)  I can fix the keymap later, but I need nvidia to work. o_o07:20
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helloyocrimsun, well everything has been running fine, i ran a memory test 2 days ago, and its only been with one program07:20
crimsunhelio7: "control c memory"?07:20
helloyocrimsun, and its always at the same point07:20
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crimsunhelio7: like the buffer into which you select something?07:20
helio7crimsun: what in windows is called the "clipboard" i.e. you select something and hit Cntrl C yeah07:20
NobleArcI`ve not done anything to change X`s settings, either.. so I`ve no idea why it doesn`t workk.07:20
mercuruscrimsun: yes, which program ?07:21
crimsunmercurus: (you probably mean helio7)07:21
mercuruscrimsun: I do :)07:21
mercurushelio7: yes, WHICH program ?07:21
helio7mercurus: out of my gmail i'm trying to copy a gpg text section07:21
helio7mercurus: to pass through the gpg --decrypt command07:22
mercurusbah, sorry I'm not functioning well today ...07:22
mercurusthat was actually meant for helloyo07:22
mercurushelloyo: yes, WHICH program ?07:22
helloyomercurus, gtk-gnutella07:22
mercurusand at what point does it segfault ?07:22
helloyomercurus, when i double click on a file to downlaod07:23
mercurusare you using the standard Ubuntu package ? did you compile it yourself ?07:23
helloyomercurus, no, its from debian-marillat07:23
mercurushave you tried running it through gdb07:23
helio7so crimsun is there a default way to manipulate data in the buffer into which you select something or no easy answer?07:23
helloyomercurus, no, i've never done that07:23
mercurushelloyo: have you checked to see if there are any known issues with the version currently in debian-marrilat ?07:23
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mercurusif there are, it is worth emailing the maintainer to politely request an updated package be built07:24
helloyomercurus, its a pretty ugly program, so i wouldn't mind using something else, its more i was scared that my ram could be stuffed07:24
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mercurusotherwise, grab the latest sources and build it yourself ...07:24
Rotundokay.  To do a netboot Ubuntu, I'd have to build a custom kernel, right?07:24
Rotundbecause NFS is a module and not built-in07:25
crimsunhelio7: there's probably finagling with xcutsel or xclipboard07:25
helio7crimsun: ok thankyou07:25
crimsunhelio7: yes, there are methods - KDE uses them, certainly, to monitor for URLs - but I don't know offhand07:26
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helloyoso theres no easy way to edit the menu anymore?07:26
crimsunhelloyo: .desktop07:27
ewijayaHi guys, what's the kernel version for Ubuntu 4.10?07:27
demhaanyone here using xcompmgr ?!07:27
haydenwould kismet work with a wireless card i got working with ndiswrapper?07:27
ewijayaI see ..what do you mean by +custom?07:27
crimsunhayden: sure07:27
crimsunewijaya: see the Ubuntu patches in linux-source-
=== demha needs to roll a J after seeing Xorg's composite extension in action
ewijayaI am new to Ubuntu..I planning to use it with my Laptop Dell510007:28
crimsunewijaya: try the Hoary Preview07:28
ewijayais there be a problem hear before?07:28
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knuckshow do i  give rights to my regular user on a certain directory?07:29
knucksactually, a mounted drive07:29
demhaknucks, need to use -o uid=UID07:29
knuckswhats uid=uid?07:30
crimsunor pass it a umask parameter07:30
demhaknucks, where UID is the user ID number in /etc/passwd07:30
knucksso like..07:30
demhaknucks, mount -o uid=number /dev/blah /mnt/blah07:30
knuckso ok07:30
knuckswhat if my username is knucks07:30
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crimsunuid can also be the actual username07:30
knucksand lets say pass is..12307:30
knuckso o07:30
demhacrimsun, thanks didn't know that :)07:31
knucksmount -o knucks=123 /dev/blah /mnt/blah ?07:31
demha_anyone_ here using composite at all ?07:31
haydencrimsun, in the kismet readme it says :  Q: Will Kismet work with Linuxant or NDISwrapper drivers?07:31
hayden    A: No.  These wrappers use the Windows drivers, which don't support rfmon.07:31
hayden       Until there are native drivers with rfmon support, Kismet won't work07:31
hayden       with these cards.07:31
demhaknucks, mount -o uid=123 /dev/blah /mnt/blah ?07:32
demhaknucks, or mount -o uid=knucks /dev/blah /mnt/blah ?07:32
crimsunhayden: ok, the readme is more current than I am.07:32
knuckswhy is there both a /dev/blah AND a /mnt/blah?07:32
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viyyerhey vIkSiT07:32
crimsunknucks: you have to mount the former onto the latter07:32
demhaknucks, that's the mount command ; you mount a DEVICE on a DIR07:32
dhonnim back07:33
knucksim trying to mount an ipod07:33
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demhaknucks, man mount07:33
knucksits on /dev/sda207:33
demhaknucks, man mount07:33
viyyerhas anyone succeeded in install a USB modem ?07:33
vIkSiThey viyyer07:33
vIkSiTviyyer, get to #l-i07:34
vIkSiTviyyer, around?07:34
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knucksanyone here successfully get thier ipod working?07:35
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viyyervIkSiT, yeah.. I am at #li07:36
knuckshow do i delete a dir07:37
jasonknucks: rm -rf /path/name_of_dir07:39
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azriel0184root@matthew-linux:/home/matthew # mount /pub -o remount-ro07:42
azriel0184mount: /dev/sda4 already mounted or /pub busy07:42
knuckshow do i make my /media/GRANT DOBSO point to /media/ipod ?07:42
azriel0184it is mounted07:42
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delltonyalright going on a bug i filed with alsa on bugzilla i did as recommened of /etc/init.d/alsa force-unload well considering the modprobe snd_intel8x0 doesn't work due to another bug how can i reload the modules that i uninstalled?07:42
azriel0184is there a way around that without umounting it?07:42
jasonknucks: man ln07:43
knucksis it just07:43
knucksln /media/GRANT\DOBSO /media/ipod ?07:43
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jasonln -s07:44
geneo93i'm gone cyas07:45
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knucksjason: i dont think that worked07:46
knucksthat put the folder in /media/ipoid07:46
jasonwhere do you want it?07:46
knucksi want /media/GRANT DOBSO to point to /media/ipod07:46
knucksi want a prog to think that grant dobso is really ipod07:47
jasonln -s /media/GRANT* /media/ipod07:47
knucksno that did the same thing07:48
knucksunless its supposed to put a folder in the other folder07:48
jason/media/ipod would now be a symbolic link to media/GRANt07:49
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knucksjason: well im looking at it..and it adds a symbolic link..but the link is on the grant folder IN ipod07:49
dhonnanyone: is ther a native port of firefox on gnome?07:49
knucksso the grantfolder has the symbolic link07:49
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jasonim not sure what you mean07:51
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knucksit doesnt seem to be working07:51
knucksit makes a copy of grant and throws it into ipod and the symbolic link is on the grant folder in ipod07:51
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jasonit makes no copy when you cd /media/ipod you really cd into GRANT07:52
jasonhence symbolic07:52
jasonnot sure what you are trying to do07:53
knucksmy ipod mounts to /media/GRANT\ DOBSO07:54
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knucksi created /media/ipod07:54
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meister_there is missing a splash screen .. where can i get it? (bootsplash or grubsplash..)07:54
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knucksi need an symbolic link on /media/ipod so that gtkpod thinks that GRANT\DOBSO is on /media/ipod07:54
steve_has anyone had any issues with the latest hoary upgrades07:54
mike_douglassteve_: broke ABI compat for me07:55
jasonso the opposite?07:55
mike_douglasI had to recompile ndiswrapper and force nvidia to load07:55
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steve_mike_douglas, as soon as I installed the latest updates07:56
meister_steve_ while updating grub a splash is searched but not found..07:56
knucksi need /media/ipod to be a symbolic link to /media/Grant\ Dobso07:56
steve_mike_douglas, my compute would not boot into x1107:56
steve_I had to reinstall and go back to warty07:56
steve_I have an nvidia card07:56
mike_douglassteve_: nvidia card?07:56
steve_mike_douglas, yeah07:56
mike_douglasyou have to load the nvidia module with: modprobe -f nvidia07:57
demhaanyone here who's got a good nvidia gfx card then you should look into using xorg's composite extensions, v v v v v nice eye candy07:57
jasonln -s source destination07:57
jasonman ln07:57
steve_mike_douglas, actually do nvidia-glx-config enable07:57
knucksill try it07:57
jasonim not sure whats happening07:57
steve_mike_douglas, I am not fooling around with hoary until they fix the latest f__k up with it07:58
GammaRaydemha: tell me one thing... is the nautilus rubber band chop free even when selecting accross the whole desktop?07:58
meister_my hoary is broken now..07:58
steve_meister, I know the deal07:58
steve_meister, I think the X11 in it is broken07:58
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demhaGammaRay, rubber band ? chop free ?07:58
mike_douglasI heard that getupdates has to modified to work better with Ubuntu. Anyone have any info on that?07:59
GammaRaydemha: that tinted thing you use to select icons07:59
demhaGammaRay, it's fine when i select the whole desktop07:59
meister_steven_ no i have broken it while playing around with DirectFB07:59
steve_mike_douglas, when I did the updates, X11 seemed to be the part that is messed up in it07:59
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steve_meister, I do beleive the latest X11 config file is broken07:59
knucksjason, its not working08:00
knucksits not making ipod the symbolic link08:00
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mike_douglassteve_: so the nvidia module loads correctly?08:00
delltonycan someone tell me how the heck to get my sound back i did the /etc/init.d/alsa force-unload going by what was told for me to do by a bug i submitted on bugzilla but the modprobe snd_intel8x0 didn't work so i need to get my sound back with the alsa modules that i unloaded. how do i do this thanks08:00
steve_mike_douglas in warty08:00
meister_steve_, no i ve installed yesterday (experimental netinstall..) and all worked fine.. i dont kno about that preview..08:00
mike_douglassteve_: I mean in hoary08:00
steve_mike_douglas in hoary initially until you do the updates08:00
demhaGammaRay, did it do that on ur machine ?08:00
steve_meister, it worked until the updates are done in it08:01
steve_meister, I am sure it is the x11 config file08:01
mike_douglassteve_: so warty is not working either?08:02
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steve_mike_douglas, naw warty works fine08:02
mike_douglassteve_: then it's the kernel issue08:02
steve_mike_douglas, I went to hoary cause of netapplet08:02
meister_steve_, i didnt notive anything...08:02
GammaRaydemha: it's studdered on anything I'ved used it on08:02
steve_mike_douglas, I suppose it could be08:03
mike_douglasX11 can't start without a proper nvidia module08:03
steve_mike_douglas, You are probably right08:03
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demhaGammaRay, you need to put some extra options in the device section of ur xorg08:03
mike_douglassteve_: it happened to me just two hours ago08:03
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steve_mike_douglas, me too again08:03
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lookorezanyone want to help me set up rails on my machine?08:04
steve_mike_douglas, I am not messing with hoary until they fix it08:04
demhaGammaRay, need to enable "RenderAccel" and "AllowGLXWithComposite"08:04
demhain Device section08:04
_d4vidhi all08:04
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knuckshow do i create a dir08:09
knuckshow do i create a dir08:09
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azriel0184knucks, mkdir dirname08:10
knucksahh ok08:10
Xirdnehhi there, i try to rip a cd with grimp to mp3 but theres no sound in the ripped files, also tryed ogg... any ideas? :s08:10
azriel0184Xirdneh, i use soundjuicer and it works beautifully08:11
Xirdnehazriel0184, ok let me try it :D08:11
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azriel0184i havnt tried with mp3, i use ogg08:12
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Xirdnehazriel0184, do you know how to improve the rippers speed?, is really slow!, it say like 200 minutes! damn08:13
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azriel0184maybe your cd drive? it ussually takes me < 30mins/cd08:14
Xirdnehazriel0184, mmm dont think so is a brand new lap, CD+DVD rw 8X08:15
Xirdnehdouble layer08:15
netmonkhello! i play mp3 with xmms in ubuntu but when try Rhythmbox it tells me that I don't have a plugin to play mp3 files. can anyone please help me with that?08:15
azriel0184maybe the driver doesnt fully support it then?08:15
dhonnwhy is epiphany faster than firefox?08:15
azriel0184netmonk, rythbox != xmms, you probably need a seperate plugin for it.08:15
Zotnixnetmonk, gst-register-0.8 in command line.08:16
ZotnixLog out and log back in.08:16
Xirdnehazriel0184, how can i know for shure taht?08:16
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ZotnixMake sure you have the plugins installed.08:16
azriel0184if its the driver you would probably get slow read speeds on any cd in any app, as for testing it, no idea08:16
bryanwhat's the diff between metacity and gtk2?08:17
dhonnmetacity renders the window frame08:17
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Zotnixbryan, apples and oranges. :)08:17
bryangtk does the controls?08:17
Xirdnehazriel0184, ok thnx, it was slow in grimp also, but a little faster, anyway let me get in to it08:17
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dhonnyou can use xfcewm instead of metacity08:18
bryani just went crazy downloading stuff from customize.org and gnome-look :D08:18
johnwlI usually do that too08:18
dhonnbut it wont be gnome integrated lol08:18
GammaRaydhonn: it's called xfwm408:18
dhonni forgot08:18
bryani like how you can mix the window boarder and controls08:18
bryanvery cool08:18
dhonnkillall metacity && xfwm408:18
johnwlstrange thing is other than ubuntu-calendar I haven't tweaked my look and feel since installing Ubuntu08:19
GammaRayxfwm4 actually does work w/ the session manager08:19
bryand3a theme and icons are sexy08:19
dhonnthe gnome workspace switcher doesnt work though08:19
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netmonkZotnix, it tells me "Loaded 139 plugins with 276 features." but when i start Rhythmbox it still sais the same08:20
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dhonni wrote a few metacity themes that are on gnome look08:20
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crimsunnetmonk: dpkg -l gstreamer0.8-mad|grep ^ii08:20
Zotnixnetmonk, did you log out and back in?08:20
Zotnixnetmonk, and do that first08:20
netmonkok, just a sec08:21
dhonni made a metacity patch to make window resizing fast08:21
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eb0xI just upgraded from warty to hoary08:22
eb0xand when i try to open firefox08:22
eb0xit comes up with some error08:22
mike_douglaseb0x: what error?08:22
eb0xor soemthing, im not sure.08:22
netmonkZotnix, it's still the same...08:22
eb0xwhen i try to open it08:22
dhonnFile not found08:23
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eb0xthe window is titled Gecko then inside the window is title="&mainWindow.title;"----------------^08:23
mike_douglaseb0x: close all open firefox windows and try again08:23
eb0xI dont have any open08:23
eb0xAh nevermind08:24
eb0xThere it went finally08:24
Zotnixnetmonk, do you have gststreamer0.8-mad installed?08:24
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bryannothing would play in rhythmbox untill i did apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins08:24
speedy2782I am installing a wireless network card using the ndiswrapper and am running into an issue with hardware not be present after loading the .inf file. Any ideas?08:25
johnwlthe unofficial starter guide is a great resource for getting all your media stuff setup08:25
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netmonkZotnix, no08:25
bryanseems like everyone is having problems with their wireless cards08:26
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azriel0184infact the starter guide says to dump rythmbox. my sentiments exactly08:26
netmonki'm installing it now, Zotnix08:26
azriel0184i have my wireless card disabled at the moment.08:26
Zotnixazriel0184, it's... okay. Not the best but it's a start.08:26
speedy2782why is that?08:26
netmonkZotnix, yes! it works now08:27
netmonkZotnix, thank you very much!08:27
azriel0184no wireless network yet. so no need for it to be enabled and it mucks up the whole comp when it is enabled.08:27
Xirdnehazriel0184, any idea why when I ripped a song froma CD with sound juicer to an ogg file it just sound very bad??08:27
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Zotnixnetmonk, welcome.08:27
speedy2782There doesn't seem to be too much help in here does there?08:28
azriel0184Xirdneh, no. what sort of system are you trying to rip it on?08:28
androsThere's plenty of help, speedy.08:28
azriel0184speedy2782, not for wireless lans, no.08:29
speedy2782what does sudo do when I put it infront of a command08:29
Xirdnehspeedy2782, mybe because its not there, check in to it, i have installed mine wireless card with some truble but not hardware present08:29
azriel0184speedy2782, runs the command as root08:29
androsIt executes it as root, speedy.08:29
speedy2782should that make a difference in this problem08:29
Xirdnehazriel0184, what you mean???, is from a music CD to an ogg file08:29
bryanvery well could08:29
bzbbI get clicks and pops in playback from juk using arts08:29
azriel0184no, what sort of computer is it?08:30
speedy2782I am using a dell inspiron 100008:30
Xirdnehazriel0184, Del Instipron 8600, warty...08:30
azriel0184which is :/ what processor/memory?08:30
speedy27822.2 celeron, 256mb08:31
azriel0184speedy2782, im talking to Xirdneh08:31
Xirdnehazriel0184, sorry is Pentium M 1.4 512 Ram08:31
bzbbif I have it output to gstreamer, the problem goes away, except it can't play my ogg vorbis files08:31
azriel0184sorry, i havnt setup my wireless card, i have no idea how to help you08:31
azriel0184Xirdneh, hmmm... might be having troubles playing it back?08:31
azriel0184i dont know08:31
Xirdnehmmm... let me watch in to forums, thanx any way...08:32
azriel0184im on a 2.6GHz AMD, 128MB ram, and i dont have any troubles...08:32
azriel0184err 256MB ram... :P08:32
Xirdnehspeedy2782, what wireless card you use?08:33
androsbzbb, have you installed gstreamer0.8-vorbis?08:34
Burgundaviaazriel0184: i was wondering how that 128 was working for you08:36
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azriel0184Burgundavia, heh :)08:36
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azriel0184you could run ubuntu on 128, but you wouldnt use gnome.08:36
jkdI have a question about Ubuntu 5.04 Preview08:37
jkdHOw many PReviews are going to be released?08:37
Burgundaviaazriel0184: I have run gnome on 64 and it works fine08:37
Burgundaviajkd: 108:37
=== azriel0184 shrugs
azriel0184well maybe you could though08:37
Burgundaviajkd: this is it before the final, I think08:37
azriel0184although my computer grumbles occasionly even with 25608:37
BurgundaviaI have 1gig dual channel08:38
Burgundaviathat works great08:38
jkdBurgundavia: thanks so I can get this install it and just keep upgrading right?08:38
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azriel0184heh... i wish...08:38
Burgundaviajkd: my current machine is a warty preview that I have just kept upgrading08:38
Burgundaviajkd: found it pretty painless08:38
azriel0184i might be "borrowing" an extra 256MB stick from another machine though...08:39
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Burgundaviathe devs work hard at making it that way08:39
jkdwarty preview that must how long ?08:39
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Burgundavia6 months ago08:39
azriel0184Burgundavia, same here08:39
jkdbut its not warty preview anymore :)08:39
Burgundavianow it is hoary preview08:39
Burgundavialatest crack of the day08:39
jkdjust wondering because I broke my last ubuntu, it was the last Array I Think its 6 or 4 forgot08:39
jkdBurgundavia: cool I'll get Hoary Preview :)08:40
jkdwell burn it08:40
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Burgundaviajkd: I would just wait, they will fix it and the miracle of apt-get will get it08:40
jkdthanks ttyl08:40
jkdBurgundavia: ah08:40
jkdtoo late now =\08:40
steve_can someone tell me the sources for marillet08:41
jkdsteve_: the sources screw up for me dunno why08:41
steve_jkd really08:41
jkdyes twice08:41
steve_Burgundavia: what are all the marillat sources08:42
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Burgundaviathe full line would be deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main08:42
jkdBurgundavia: i think it would bebest to direct him to the site with the sources08:42
steve_Burgundavia: the format ist not right in it somewhere. i got an error when i did the upate08:43
speedy2782I am in need of help with ndiswrapper08:44
speedy2782anyone in here know much08:44
steve_Burgundavia: it worked08:44
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Burgundaviayou should get an error about gpg stuff08:44
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zeppelinI'm trying to find a MUD client, tried Tiny Fugue, Kmud, and GNOME Mud, none of them would configure.  Does anyone know of a MUD client that works with Ubuntu?08:45
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androsYeah, the marillat repository isn't signed.08:45
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crimsunandros: actually it is.08:45
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speedy2782After I install .inf files my laptop still does not think that the hardware is present08:46
speedy2782I also can't configure the eth0 in network tools because my root password is incorrect08:47
speedy2782what can I do about that08:47
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azriel0184speedy2782, use sudo to run root commands08:47
azriel0184or sudo -s -H08:47
Akirai got my dialup router working08:47
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speedy2782when I open network tools, and click configure on the eth0...it prompts password. I enter my password and it says it is incorrect08:48
speedy2782what do I do about that08:48
ompaulspeedy2782, that password is your own password08:49
azriel0184speedy2782, do you have an ubuntu live cd?08:49
ompaulohh there is that08:49
speedy2782no live cd, and I do use my own password08:49
azriel0184you can hack ur passwd file08:49
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azriel0184but not if you dont have a bootable cd08:49
speedy2782The thing I am curious about is why my password is incorrect08:49
speedy2782it is the same password I login with and everything08:49
azriel0184yes, it should be, unless you activated and changed the root password (not recommended)08:50
speedy2782I didn't change any password. I installed this today08:50
azriel0184try running sudo network-admin in a console08:51
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speedy2782how can I add wlan0 to my iwconfig08:54
robzulahIs anyone familiar with Tiny Fugue?08:55
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azriel0184hi Myrtti08:59
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Myrttirecent upgrading broke my nvidia drivers and x failed to load. I managed to fix the problem manually by changing "nvidia" to "nv" in xorg.conf, but I'm wondering is this a common problem and if and when is it going to be fixed, if so?09:00
Myrttior is the problem located in kernel somewhere09:00
MyrttiI feel such a nerd speaking technobabble09:00
MyrttiI need nailpolish and my cross-stich books09:01
azriel0184i use nvidea as well, and no problems recently09:01
Myrttiwarty or hoary?09:01
azriel0184but i use xfree86 on hoary09:01
Myrttithat explains it09:01
fabbioneit is something really weird going on in the kernel09:01
fabbioneit's not xfree/xorg problem09:02
fabbionei can load nvidia on one machine with no problems09:02
fabbioneother people can't09:02
fabbionewith same kernel and same nvidia module09:02
Myrttifabbione: so I'm not alone? that I figured must be the reason, since before problems occurred, I just updated kernel and such09:02
fabbione<- one of the kernel maintainer09:02
Myrtti/me pats fabbione on the shoulders09:03
MyrttiI'm sure it's not your fault :->09:03
azriel0184Myrtti, stop sucking up ;)09:04
danielsfabbione: oh, so it's not a straight-out abi change?09:04
fabbionedaniels: no09:04
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fabbionedaniels: i have -4 686 and i can load nvidia09:04
fabbionesomebody else can't09:04
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=== Amaranth cries
fabbionei have never seen this kind of ABI breakage before09:04
Amaranthrv100 is still buggy :/09:04
Myrttifabbione: dmesg will tell me which kind of kernel I'm running, n'est pas?09:05
viper12ahhh...just the guy I was hoping would be around.  abi goes boom eh?09:05
danielsAmaranth: in what way?09:05
danielsfabbione: weird09:05
tobiasi can't load nvidia with horay, xorg 686-smp09:05
Amaranthdaniels: Remember the bzflag thing?09:05
viper12zul is the one that asked me to put the work around for nvidia in 7485 btw.09:05
Amaranthdaniels: With t_vertex or whatever.09:05
MyrttiI'm running 2.6.10-4-38609:05
Myrttihoary, xorg09:06
Myrttinvidia not working09:06
dhonnhow do i install nvidia drivers 6111 for hoary09:06
azriel0184im  using 2.6.10-4-k7 with hoary and xfree and nvidia work fine09:06
dhonn6629 crashes when it inits the lcd desplay, works fine on a crt09:07
Myrttion top of that, my Internet connection is teh suck at the momenthttp://stats.lanwan.fi/ficix/sumelisa.cgi09:07
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Hell-Razor hrm...its telling me to run apt=get update to fix something but its not fixing it09:07
tobiasazriel0184: which driver version?09:08
azriel0184how can i check?09:08
tobiaslook into synaptic09:09
dhonnhow do i install nvidia 6111 drivers on 2.6.10-4-686?09:09
bryanATI is only supporting 2D for my onboard graphics right now, I'm pissed09:09
crimsun9100 igp?09:09
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crimsunyeah, I remember referencing the ati page :-)09:09
danielsAmaranth: yeah09:09
fabbionenvidia should die09:10
fabbionewith their binary crap09:10
crimsunyeah, the fun is that they just released a new version yesterday09:10
bryani mean, i could play hl2 on windows @ 40FPS and now i can't even get 5fps on a 3D screensaver09:10
Myrttimyrtti@nanook:~ $ dmesg | grep nv09:11
Myrttinvidia: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module09:11
Amaranthdaniels: It's still bugged. :/ I thought you said you'd put the patch in for Ubuntu.09:11
danielsAmaranth: yeah, I did09:11
fabbioneMyrtti: please read what i wrote above09:11
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Myrttifabbione: they should die with their binary crap. I start to feel same09:11
dhonnhttp://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46676  <- has the best patches for 662909:12
fabbionesince when the topic is locked?09:12
Myrttisince you don't have ops09:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:fabbione] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Hoary preview is released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | nvidia is broken in hoary with kernel 2.6.10-26
Amaranthdaniels: It's still messed up unless I turn textures off.09:12
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crimsunI believe it affects fglrx, too09:13
viper12uh, its more than nvidia......that update killed my netgear ath0 stuff as well........... (restricted modules perhaps?)09:13
crimsunthere's also an alsa bug report on it09:13
Myrttioh well. Since I can't play Tuxracer and the Internet connection is teh SUCK, I can go and do the dishes09:13
Xirdnehazriel0184, last question, i fixed the problem the only thing is that now sound juicer is between 1. something and 2.0X is that good?, or just ok?09:13
viper12and waxed 3d for the ati on the ol' laptop as well.09:13
azriel0184you mean the read  speed on your cd drive? 2x is almost snals pace...09:14
azriel0184i ussually get about 16x09:14
dhonnmy lcd was messed up this morning cause ubuntu didnt set the right refresh rate.  it had fussy horizontal lines for about 2 hours after i put the refresh rate at 60hz09:14
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tobiasso nvidia is broken in hoary is a known bug, any tips to fix it?09:15
viper12crimsun, has the diagnosis changed since I was on earlier regarding borked restricted modules?09:15
Xirdnehazriel0184, really?, wooo is too slow well at least i dont get the .7x speed, lol, is the speed that sound juicer displays, cuz i can see DVds with no problem and listen to miusic09:15
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dhonntobias check the patches on nv forums?09:15
crimsuntobias: revert to previous linux-image and l-r-m09:15
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fabbionetobias: downgrade the kernel09:16
viper12tobias, until they update the update, the only fix for nvidia is to change xorg.conf to the 'nv' driver line. (replacing "nvidia".09:16
fabbioneno need to downgrade l-r-m09:16
crimsunfabbione: ok09:16
Coilydoes firestarter log events associated with my wan ip (as well as lan)?09:16
fabbionebut i need to do some stuff this morning09:16
fabbioneand i won't be able to work on it before a few hours09:16
dhonni loaded ubuntu and nvidia with the fc3 kernel.  works great lol09:17
crimsunCoily: if it has rules to, yes09:17
tobiasviper12: thats what I already made. ok, will wait for a new kernel09:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by ChanServ
Coilycrimsun, how would i edit these rules09:18
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:fabbione] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Hoary preview is released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | nvidia is broken in hoary with kernel 2.6.10-26 (possibly more)
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crimsunCoily: check the readme for firestarter09:18
viper12nods to tobias.....that's what I'm doing.  at least the display for 2d functions this way.09:18
viper12and fabbione, in the kernel chat earlier, lamont, zul  were thinking that the bonk was ABI killing 'restricted modules' as its definitely "more" than just nvidia. (paraphrasing here.)09:19
crimsuncould someone experiencing the module breakage in 2.6.10-26 run sudo depmod -ae and paste a _very_ short snippet in #flood, please?09:20
viper12just attempted that crimsun........no output.09:20
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crimsunviper12: so "struct_module" is the only error-related info in dmesg when you attempt to modprobe?09:21
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viper12of course no output could be the typists stupid fingers misbehavin.  just sec.09:22
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danielsAmaranth: weird09:25
danielsAmaranth: could you please report a bug with your full Xorg.0.log at https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?09:26
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ompaulrv100 is still not doing what I expect?09:27
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viper12crimsun, how much of the modules.dep do you want?09:27
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crimsunviper12: hmm, for now, just the nvidia-related stuff09:29
crimsunthere has to be a common denominator09:30
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Amaranthdaniels: Quick question: Would UseFBDev affect anything?09:32
danielsAmaranth: shouldn't do09:32
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viper12the modules.dep file only shows 2 lines for nvidia related stuff.09:33
sss_lrhi all09:33
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viper12/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-686/kernel/drivers/char/agp/nvidia-agp.ko: /lib/modules/2.6.10-4-686/kernel/drivers/char/agp09:34
viper12and thats it.09:34
defnophey I have a little problem :(. I got a latitude d810 yesterday, downloaded ubuntu 5.04 preview live CD. I boot up everything works until ubuntu tries to find the cdrom and h doesn't find a driver :(09:35
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marcin_antheh someone fucked menus in hoary09:35
marcin_antI got every entry doubled in every "applications" menu09:36
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ompaulwhy is it that the preview is not available on torrent?09:37
Amaranthdaniels: I have no idea what you say for this bug report. :/09:37
defnopdoes anyone have a idea what i can do ? :-)09:38
danielsAmaranth: tell them that it hangs when you use glxgears, include /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /etc/xorg.conf, and the output of LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo09:38
danielsAmaranth: add daniel@freedesktop.org to the CC list if you like09:39
Amaranthdaniels: It doesn't hang when I use glxgears09:39
Amaranthbzflag is unplayable09:39
danielsah, tell them where it hangs, sorry09:39
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danielsalso add 'airlied' to the CC list09:39
viper12crimsun, is that what you were looking for?09:41
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blizah"AOL has posted new terms of service for AIM, that include the right for AOL to use anything and everything you send through AIM in any way they see fit, without informing you"09:41
blizahthats fucked09:41
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viper12it ain't America on Ludes fer nothing blizah09:42
Agrajaguse gaim encryption09:42
blizahyea i do...09:42
Agrajagthe you don't have a problem09:42
blizahbut my friends dont..09:42
Amaranthdaniels: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=270809:42
Agrajagthen make them09:42
Agrajagtell them about this09:42
crimsunviper12: forgive me for being dense, but where did you paste them?09:42
blizahyea def. will09:42
blizahcan gaim encryption be loaded on deadaim?09:43
viper12just up a few lines................sorry.......wasn't much there.09:43
blizaha lot of my friends use deadaim09:43
viper12points above a bit.09:43
Agrajaguh, no09:43
Amaranthblizah: Refuse to talk on AIM with them.09:43
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Agrajagtalk to them on IRC09:43
crimsunviper12: oh, I see. Actually I was referring to output from dmesg when you attempt to modprobe nvidia09:43
Agrajagset up your own IRC server09:43
viper12of course, I may be looking at something different than what you wanted....but depmod -ae writes to the modules.dep file.........so just did a find on the nvidia keywords.09:43
blizah(wishes they knew how to use irc)09:43
blizahtime to stop using aim :)09:44
Akirahmm, anyone know anything about playing .ogm files?09:44
crimsunviper12: sorry if I was unclear09:44
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crimsunAkira: try mplayer09:44
AgrajagAkira: they should play just fine in xine or mplayer or vlc or whatever09:44
Akirai am using Mplayer09:44
Akirano luck09:44
Akirait gives me a no stream error09:44
viper12tis okay crimsun.........command modprobe nvidia gives a fatal.....copying now.09:45
viper12FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-686/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko): Invalid module format09:45
viper12that's it.09:45
Akiraill try xine09:45
crimsunviper12: nothing else in dmesg or tail /var/log/syslog?09:45
mike_douglasCould I have one medium range (1.2Ghz, 256mb ram, 10/100 eth. card) server provide DHCP, Ipmasq and TFTP for 30 clients with acceptable performance?09:45
viper12jes sec crimsun.09:45
crimsunI have what Myrtti pasted, but that's kinda slim09:46
pc03is there a way to integrate xine in firefox?09:46
Akiraagain no luck, wait now its playing09:46
Akirai hate xine09:46
Akiranice its not dubbed09:47
androspc03: Try gxine09:47
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viper12crimsun,  here is the syslog entry:09:47
viper12Mar 12 01:46:48 localhost kernel: nvidia: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module09:47
mike_douglasviper12: modprobe -f nvidia09:48
viper12jes sec.09:48
mike_douglasABI is broken in the latest hoary kernel09:48
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mike_douglassomeone should add this to the title, it's come up recently in the last little while09:48
mike_douglasor atleast until a fix is submitted09:49
viper12understood........now why did you want the modprobe -f nvidia mike_douglas09:49
mike_douglasit forces the kernel to accept the nvidia module09:50
crimsunmike_douglas: it's uncertain whether it's pure ABI or something unrelated09:50
viper12okay...but I'm not trying to 'work-around' the problem.  was giving input so that these guys working the kernel issues had some data.09:50
crimsunrebooting to test09:51
Akirahey anyone used freesco before?09:51
pc03thanks andros09:51
viper12its not just nvidia that's having problems.  ati has lost 3d capability.  the atheros chip (at least on the netgear wg311 wifi here is also bonked mike_douglas09:51
mike_douglascrimsun: happens with the ndiswrapper module too, until I rebuilt it09:51
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viper12afk brb09:52
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azriel0184viper12, i have an atheros chipset wirless card and its mucked up as well09:53
mike_douglaswhich is why I have to think it's an ABI issue09:53
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pc03will we see a preferred software list in hoary? i mean so that newbies dont have to ask what to install for mp3, video etc09:54
pc03community knowledge also is sharing what works best (in general).. or not?09:55
mike_douglaspc03: preferred software list?09:56
viper12and nods to azriel018409:56
azriel0184i have a dlink swl-g52009:56
viper12bless you az, you have more courage than I. (personal hatred for anything d-link. ;)  )09:57
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pc03mike_douglas: yes, programs that we know work out of the box09:57
azriel0184i wanted to get a linsys one, but iv been waiting for a month for it, so i just got this one instead09:57
mike_douglasI thought that was what the packages actually included on the CD were for :P09:58
viper12mike_douglas,  earlier in the afternoon (MST), the guys in the kernel chat were positive it was ABI modules problem.09:58
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viper12as its hitting the restricted modules.09:58
pc03ubuntu comes w/o mp3 and video and many people ask what to use, where to start.. could not we recommend some programs for mp3, for video, for ....09:58
mike_douglaspc03: no, mp3 is patented09:58
mike_douglasUbuntu provides great Ogg Vorbis support though09:59
mike_douglasviper12: man did I have a surprise when I rebooted :P09:59
viper12how so mike?09:59
pc03mike_douglas: thats all ok and understood, but WHO uses ogg anyway.. everything is mp3, mpg..10:00
viper12the fix is to get the gstreamer.mad file and a few restricted libraries which allow the ubuntu apps to use dvd/mpe and all that.10:00
azriel0184pc03, me?10:00
mike_douglasI have 20GB in Ogg Vorbis10:00
viper12lots of people use ogg as its the better format.10:00
viper12of course betamax was the better format too....................... ;)10:00
pc03azriel0184: dont you have limitations getting audio and video from OTHER people10:00
androsI have a lot of my collection in ogg vorbis.10:01
azriel0184no, i use mp3 as well, but i rip all my cds into ogg10:01
pc03viper12: that is a bit what i mean10:01
mike_douglasviper12: video and wifi not working (I didn't have a spare CAT-5 cable). Luckily I had ndiswrapper sources lying around to rebuild.10:01
viper12pc03, it is REALLY simple to get the restricted modules from synaptic to get all the normal stuff working though.  The ubuntu site has great how-to's on how to get all of that stuff.10:01
pc03it might be better, more open, no licensing problems, but people want mp3, mpeg players10:01
mike_douglaspc03: look what happened with gif, no way should ubuntu open itself up for another one of those10:02
viper12yep mike....that was my lil' "surprise" after updating hoary this afternoon. lol10:02
pc03i understand that it cant be included in ubuntu out of the box, but could not we offer some easy newbie sollution10:02
viper12its THERE pc03....ubuntu's website. (howto sections.)10:02
mike_douglaspc03: only way to ever break the MP3 stronghold is to push alernatives10:03
pc03i know where to get it, bt can you ask a newbie to get down into reading howtos after ubuntu installation?10:03
viper12anyone installing a linux system isn't exactly gonna be a complete 'noob' anyway...and if they are, they'll be hitting the website of the distro they choose for help.10:03
viper12OR.........they can shell out $$$ for xandros and have that out of box.10:04
azriel0184viper12, if they are smart anyway....10:04
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mike_douglaspc03: Ubuntu's philosophy states that their first goal is to create a Free and open source operating system, not convert Windows users10:05
pc03my point is, within the limitations that do exist, is not there an easier way?10:05
viper12az, do you know ANY noob installing linux? seriously?  a real 'noob' gets one of US to do it for em'........and WE read the howtos.........er......well some of us.  ;)10:05
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defnopdoes anybody have a few minutes to help me with the cdrom problem of my dell d810 ?10:05
pc03viper12: you might have a point here..10:05
azriel0184viper12, lol10:06
viper12pc03, the 'easier way' is usually full of spyware/adware/viruses.................and thats why 95% of the desktop users in the woild......use wintendo.10:06
mike_douglasdefnop: speak and ye shall be heard10:06
azriel0184viper12, you mean a noob pays one of us to install it for them dont you? ;)10:06
pc03mike_douglas: hm.. but sometimes i see that we make our lives so dificult unnecessarily10:07
viper12one could only wish az.  one could hope. but its always a relative and how do you charge grandma for installation?  ;)10:07
defnopI downloaded ubuntu 5.04 preview live CD. I boot up everything works until ubuntu tries to find the cdrom and h doesn't find a driver :(10:07
azriel0184hehe.... true. but friends dont come under that kind of 'protection' do they? ;)10:08
viper12pc03, as LONG as mp3, dvd and a few other file types have patents, restrictions an such, a distro HAS to stay away from the (default) to avoid litigation from you know hwo.10:08
mike_douglasdefnop: reburn it at a lower speed10:08
mike_douglaspc03: talk to the US/EU government, not us10:08
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defnopit was @ 4 speed :)10:08
mike_douglass/EU/Banana Republic10:09
defnopbut al burn it @ 1x :)10:09
viper12def.......I usually do cd burns at 1 or 2.  (I've seen the probs that you're having at higher speeds.  annoying, but true.10:09
viper12most of the time it boils down to crappy cds.10:09
azriel0184viper12, i ussually burn at 16x and iv never had troubles... but i get good quality cds :)10:10
mike_douglasit really depends on the burner10:10
defnopokay :) thx   i was a bit woried i because a asked the same question here 10 minutes ago :)10:10
viper12lol.........the buck-o-chunk is what I usually grab.......and burn a 2x.  heh heh10:10
viper12now for DVD burns.........I bite the bullet and verbatim, TDK and always just cd -r's.10:11
azriel0184i get the big spindles of cds as well10:11
viper12and whatever ya do.........if someone offers you 80,000 blank Phillips dvds of ANY variety...........run like a mo-fo. absolute junk.10:12
azriel0184hehe viper1210:12
mike_douglasviper12: if only you had told me yesterday :(10:12
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defnopuhm my dad's pc works just fine with that cd ( burned @ 4x ) :) anyway thx for the info i'm gonna burn it @ 1x10:12
viper12mike.........get receipt, get car.........return and exchange. ;)10:12
viper12if the cd is working on another pc okay.......tis possible you need to clean the cd that's havin' issues. (dust on the read head?)10:13
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mike_douglasdefnop: hmm, could you give us the percise error then?10:14
atp1234Hello, I am using Ubuntu for first time. I have Ubuntu Version 4.10 (intel x86 edition). I am installing it on a Toshiba M30X Laptop. although, while installing it hangs on 98% of cardmanager service10:14
defnopuhm i just got the laptop :)10:14
pc03mike_douglas: do you smoke? nicotine is REALLY bad for your optical drives (and for u 8-)10:14
atp1234Can anyone tell me what should I do to get around this problem?10:14
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mike_douglaspc03: no, thats a unique reason :P10:15
defnopwel he boots fine, i select the language, and so on and then ubuntu is searching for the right cd driver but he doesn't find any10:15
mike_douglas"Won't somebody think of the disc read errors?"10:15
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viper12atp1234,  when you start the installation, are you just hitting enter and letting it run 'default'??? or are you using one of the boot settings for different machines?10:15
atp1234just hittng enter, I do no specify any boot time parameters10:16
viper12okay........you need to go through the parameters.  some machines have issues with the default 'load'.10:17
viper12trying to remember off the top of my head, but acpi is one issue that can cause that type of laptop to have probs.10:17
atp1234viper12, I have suspicion, it is pcmcia. But I do need pcmcia right?10:18
mike_douglasatp1234: "I found that the 0x800-0x8ff IO port range being probed by the pcmcia support was causing the machine to hang."10:18
atp1234Oh, so I should try with acpi off?10:18
viper12zactly atp.10:18
mike_douglasthats from a diary of a guy with your laptop10:18
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viper12another thing is to check in the ubuntu forums and search for your laptop's brand/model........you may find some good info about the install.10:19
atp1234mike_douglas, thanks for the info, how do I block this memory range while installing itself?10:19
atp1234viper12, I will do that :)10:19
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mike_douglasatp1234: it's defined in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts, you should probably just disable PCMCIA for the install, and we can help you get it working later10:22
atp1234mike_douglas. Oh I thought for laptop pcmcia service is must even while installing10:23
viper12nope....unless you're using the pcmcia services for something.10:23
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atp1234mike_douglas, viper12, thank you for help. I am logging off to try it immediately.10:23
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mike_douglasbah, stupid PCMCIA10:24
viper12stupid PCMCIA........with certain STUPID laptops ya mean.  ;)  heh heh..........default install on my compaq was problem free. heh heh10:25
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Xirdnehhi there, I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 with all the Nvidia drivers installed correctly... but when i close the lid the system just froze up!, i have done some googleing but found nothing that can help me, any ideas?10:26
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mike_douglasXirdneh: ctrl-alt-F710:26
viper12sounds like a suspend problem.10:26
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Xirdnehmike_douglas, nothing happens, does this should just fix the problem?10:27
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amiroffHello, how can we users provide some feedback about Hoary ? I had some experiences and I'd liekt o share them with devs10:27
mike_douglassometimes the screen goes to a terminal10:27
mike_douglasguess not it your case though10:27
viper12what happens with ctrl-alt-f1?  do you get a terminal?10:27
viper12does the inspiron set the 'suspend' features in bios?  If so, you might look there to change that setting. (just wingin' it here.)10:29
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mike_douglaswell I'm gonna call it a night (or a morning?)10:29
Xirdnehviper12, yes i go to terminal, how can i chek the bios configuration without rebooting?10:29
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helloyohow do i delete all my evolution home files? .evolution doesn't work10:30
scizzohelloyo: ummm?10:30
mike_douglasXirdneh: and ctrl-alt-F7 isn't getting you back to your GUI? Never heard of closing the laptop killing X :P10:30
viper12usually........that's the way to check Xirdneh...........starting the laptop up........go into bios and check settings.  however.........if you can get a terminal with ct-alt-f1, do a ct-alt-f7 and see if it comes back up10:30
amiroffHow do I install ttfcorefonts on Hoary ? I cannot find them in Universe repo ..10:30
scizzohelloyo: you mean everything?10:30
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scizzohelloyo: the mailboxes and so on is listed in ~/evolution10:31
Xirdnehyes i just done it, i think the problem is not the screen going in to blank or something, the problem is that ubuntu doesnt know what to do when the lid is closed....10:31
rubenvthis might be stupid10:31
scizzoI am not sure if this will help10:31
helloyoscizzo, yep, everything, all my calendars, everything10:31
rubenvbut does anybody know what the terminal server client applet does?10:32
crimsunamiroff: that's because they're in multiverse: msttcorefonts10:32
viper12so Xirdneh by doing the f7 bit, ubuntu came back?10:32
scizzobut that is one way to do look at how others have done to get a Dell Inspiron 8600 working with Linux10:32
Xirdnehyes viper12, with no problem :p10:32
rubenvproblem with i8600?10:32
scizzohelloyo: then you should look at ~/evolution10:32
rubenvi have an i860010:32
rubenv2 even10:32
rubenvmy sister has one too10:32
helloyoscizzo, i've deleted my whole .evolution folder, but there is no evolution one10:33
scizzorubenv: Xirdneh has the problems with it10:33
scizzorubenv: closing lid makes it freeze10:33
scizzohelloyo: .evolution?10:33
Xirdnehyeap... dont know what to do :s10:33
Xirdnehyes rubenv warty10:33
viper12its not actually 'freezing' scizzo............its just not coming back up until going to another terminal, and then back.10:33
scizzohelloyo: I said ~/evolution without a dot10:33
rubenvadd nolapic to the kopt line in the grub conf10:33
rubenvor upgrade to hoary10:33
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helloyoscizzo, yeah, i've realised, but i doesn't exist10:33
rubenvit's a bug with dell bioses10:33
goldfishi8600 RULES!10:34
amiroffcrimsun, I see, can I turn on multiverse repos with synaptic?10:34
rubenvthere's a bug about it somewhere, I reported it :-)10:34
crimsunamiroff: yes10:34
viper12smoke time. afk a few.10:34
md-awayscizzo: ~/evolution - wasn't that only for the 1.* series?10:34
Dreamer3ok, how is hoary?10:34
scizzomd-away: maybe... :PO10:34
Xirdnehso with the nolapic it will work fine?10:34
amiroffcrimsun, I cannot see any multiverse repos, only universe there :(10:35
=== scizzo is not that updated anymore
scizzomd-away: sorry10:35
amiroffcrimsun, maybe you could paste the needed line here for hoary please..10:35
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scizzohelloyo: what happens when you start it again?10:35
crimsunamiroff: just add "multiverse" to the end of the line containing "universe" if you can't find it10:35
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crimsunDreamer3: bored, eh? Want fun & excitement(TM)?10:36
helloyoscizzo, everything is the same as before10:36
Dreamer3crimsun: i dunno :)10:36
amiroffcrimsun, will try now, thanks a lot!10:36
crimsunamiroff: np10:36
scizzomd-away: that explains a lot for me now...hehe...thanks10:36
scizzohelloyo: you do exit the program before deleting the archives right?10:37
helloyoscizzo, yeah, i do this stuff occasionally, thats why i'm confused by this10:37
scizzohelloyo: then I guesss I have no idea... :P10:37
scizzohelloyo: sorry10:37
scizzotime to test hoary on a server for once10:38
helloyoscizzo, thanks anyway10:38
viper12back.......was just thinking.....for all the issues I've seen with linux.......its still a breeze compared to my days installing os/2 2.1 on laptops.  heh heh10:38
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njs12345Rhythmbox hangs when I try to play music, and emits a popping noise10:40
njs12345anyone know how to fix this?10:40
viper12njs..what type of music?10:40
viper12and are you on the 4.10 warty 'release' or the hoary preview?10:40
njs12345I only have mp3 and flac, and it hangs on both of them10:40
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viper12you need to get the gstreamer.mad files.10:40
viper12(restricted repository10:40
md-awaynjs12345: this might be a polypaudio issue. Install esound10:41
crimsunnjs12345: do any other sound applications function normally?10:41
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njs12345yup, gst-launch works perfectly10:41
crimsunwith...mp3? flac?10:41
njs12345and gst-launch would pretty much emulate how rhythmbox plays the music, right? because rhythmbox uses gstreamer10:42
scizzonice...seems that nautilus-burner does not register that there is a empty disk in the CDrom10:42
crimsunare you using spider with gst-launch?10:42
njs12345no.. how can I do that?10:42
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ICUwhat is the preffered gnome2 tool to tag mp3s?10:42
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crimsunnjs12345: instead of specifying a decoder on the gst-launch pipeline, just use spider10:42
crimsunnjs12345: see gst-launch0.810:42
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njs12345so something like10:43
njs12345gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location="Nirvana - 01 - You Know You're Right.mp3" ! spider ! esdsink10:43
crimsunnjs12345: yep10:43
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njs12345doesn't work with mp3s10:44
crimsunok, and flacs?10:44
njs12345works fine with them10:44
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bwbhey what is required for mp3 playback in kde?10:44
crimsundpkg -l gstreamer0.8-mad|grep ^ii10:44
bwbie kde equivilant of gstreamer0.8-mad10:44
viper12lol........didn't I say that up there? :/10:44
njs12345ii  gstreamer0.8-m 0.8.8-0ubuntu1 MAD MPEG audio decoder plugin for GStreamer10:45
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devazionHowdy, since the nvidia package is broken ;) Should the regular install from nvidia.com be used to get it working or just stick around and wait for new package that aint broken? :)10:45
crimsunnjs12345: does mpg321 work?10:45
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viper12devaz, the problem isn't JUST nvidia.  there's more to it. (kernel updates from today are borked.)10:46
guerby_awaydevazion, BTW is it xfree or xorg that will ship with hoary?10:46
md-awaybwb: KDE uses gstreamer now (or atleast amarok does)10:46
crimsunbwb: using what KDE app?10:46
kaoueteit does not use, but it can use it10:47
guerby_awayviper12, ok thanks10:47
njs12345crimsun: I don't think I have it installed10:47
bwbmd-away: ahh10:47
bwbcrimsun: juk10:47
crimsunnjs12345: sudo apt-get install mpg32110:47
devazionviper12: ough that sounds bad :) so devs are working on new kernel relase right? :)10:47
viper12as we speak devazion10:47
bwbtho wow it looks like amarok has improved quite a bit10:47
viper12or....hopefully as we speak. heh heh10:47
devazionviper12: thanks a lot for the information! :)10:47
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amiroffCan someone tell my how to turn Compositing Manager on please?10:48
njs12345crimsun: yup, works..10:48
md-awayamiroff: killall xcompmgr10:49
md-awayoh turn on :P10:49
crimsunnjs12345: so yours is a gstreamer issue10:49
md-awaylook for a howto at http://ubuntu.com/wiki/10:49
njs12345the thing I don't understand is why it doesn't play mp3s correctly..10:49
crimsunnjs12345: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gstreamer0.8-mad10:49
amiroffmd-away, is that link for me?10:50
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njs12345crimsun: gst-register-0.8 seems to let spider work with mp3s :)10:51
njs12345and plus it makes rhythmbox work10:51
crimsunnjs12345: good.10:51
bwbcrap when did amarok become so good?10:51
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md-awayamiroff: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5520 - might help you10:52
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amiroffmd-away, great, but searching xcompmgr, composite, manager returns zero results in documentation :(10:53
md-awayamiroff: ya, sorry thought they had a howto about it. That last link will help you though10:54
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amiroffmd-away, yes it did, thanks. seemslike xcompmgr is still very buggy10:54
scizzohmmm...why can't I burn anything now10:54
njs12345amiroff: off course it is, it's pre-beta software ;)10:54
scizzoummm...something seems to be really wrong with nautilus-burner10:56
amiroffscizzo, I just burned an iso, installed hoary  mins. ago10:57
amiroffscizzo, nautilus burner worked fine here10:57
scizzoamiroff: I am trying to right click and "Write to disc" and all it tells me is to put a blank disk in10:57
scizzoamiroff: even though I have tried 3 different blank CDs10:58
md-awaybwb: wow, amarok does look quite nice :P I might have to give Kubuntu a try10:58
amiroffscizzo, really strange, what does a shortcut on desktop say for CDrom?10:58
pc03someone see this http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/10:58
amiroffmd-away, really, amarok is nice10:58
viper12amarok should work in gnome with a few kde libs as well. (it isn't dependent on the entire kde system to work.)10:58
scizzoCD-ROM Disc10:59
scizzoType: mapp10:59
scizzoContents: nothing10:59
scizzoLocation: on the desktop10:59
scizzoVolume: unknown10:59
scizzoFree space: unknown10:59
scizzoModified: unknown10:59
amiroffscizzo, when I inserted a blank CD here, it said something like Blank CD10:59
viper12is the disc in upside down?  ---having done that a few times.10:59
scizzoviper12: no11:00
amiroffmaybe CD burner does not get recognized?11:00
viper12better to ask than not. :D11:00
azriel0184viper12, how did yyou do that? :/11:00
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viper12buck-o-chunk discs look almost the same on both sides.11:00
azriel0184scizzo, apt-get install nautilus-burner11:00
azriel0184viper12, so write on one side?11:00
topyliscizzo: i had that once. the problem then was that hal (the user) had been suddenly removed from a couple of groups11:01
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elephantumhi! is it possible to upgrade warty to hoary with "hoary live cd preview" ?11:01
scizzoazriel0184: newest version of that11:01
md-awayelephantum: not to my knowledge11:01
bwbmd-away: yah I am11:01
scizzotopyli: hmmm...might need to check that11:01
md-awayjust change the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list from warty to hoary and update11:02
bwbmd-away: btw changing fonts and enabling anti-aliasing made kde look 10000x better11:02
bwbmd-away: as good as font rendering and sorta general appearance for the most part11:02
bwb(err as good as gnome*)11:02
elephantummd-away: that's a lot of traffic. but thanks11:02
md-awaybwb: that was always my biggest gripe about KDE was huge fonts and widgets11:02
scizzotopyli: should the user be a part of the group hal?11:02
amiroffmd-away, try enabling top menu ala Macos, way usable11:02
viper12bedtime.  g'nite all. have fun. :)11:03
bwbcan't type tonight 8)11:03
bwbmd-away: yah nimbus sans at 10 looks great11:03
topyliscizzo: no, iirc. but hal needs to be in certain groups to be able to use the devices11:03
topyliscizzo: i'm looking for the bug in bugzilla11:03
bwbstill other things that look crowded (menus/toolbars).. but i think that'll improve11:03
bwband qt is quit fast11:03
scizzotopyli: its part of the group cdrom11:04
scizzotopyli: etc11:04
scizzotopyli: plugdev and so on11:04
topyliscizzo yeah you might have a different problem11:05
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timingHello, im trying to do apt-get install gnome. then it sais: The following packages have unmet dependencies: gnome: Depens: gnome-desktop-environment (= 62ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed E: broken packages11:06
timingwhen i try to apt-get gnome-desktop-environment i get the same about nautilus-media11:07
topyliscizzo: bug #3986. hal was not in groups cdrom, floppy, plugdev11:07
timingwhen i apt-get nautilus-media i get the message about libnautilus2-2. it's possible to apt-get the lib but then when i apt-get nautilis-media i need nautilus, wich will REMOVE libnautilus2-2 and so on11:08
timingwhat should i do to get gnome runnig?11:08
topyliscizzo: obviously you have some other problem11:08
bryanwhy wasn't gnome installed when you installed ubuntu11:08
togsHey, I can't get my Ubuntu server box on the net. I'm using PPPoE with a straight ADSL modem, no routing or firewall built in. I've done the pppoeconf, still no good. Any ideas?11:09
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timingbryan: it was, but i wanted to test some xorg things wich deleted some gnome things now i want gnome back11:09
scizzotopyli: maybe not...11:09
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Seveastiming, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:09
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timingSeveas: ah nice! it looks good , thanx11:10
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timingde deb line about the cdrom in sources.list is it important11:11
Seveasnot really11:11
Seveasunless you want to save every bit of bandwidth11:11
mdblitz1I would just like to say how amazed I am with ubuntu. I'm quite new to linux and found that mandrake was the only version I could get working. To my surprize not only did ubuntu install very easy, but I actually like it more then mandrake,:)11:11
njs12345mdblitz1: :)11:11
Seveasmdblitz1, you're not the first/only one who has that experience :)11:12
njs12345I was fairly knowledgeable about linux when I came to ubuntu11:12
njs12345I came from gentoo.. gentoo's compile times and slowness for getting GNOME in were annonying me11:12
njs12345and I'm glad I switched.. gnome 2.10 in one day in hoary ;)11:12
Seveasgentoo sucks for normal users11:13
mdblitz1yea, I really like the new gnome11:13
bryanmuahah, gentoo compile times11:13
bryantakes like 3 hours just to compile firefox11:13
timinghmm the installation process of ubuntu is just like the debian's it's just ubuntu installs the desktop automatically11:13
Seveasbryan, try compiling KDE :)11:13
Seveastiming, indeed11:14
SeveasUbuntu uses the debian-installer11:14
timingwhere can i submit a bug?11:14
timingyep :D11:14
Seveastiming, bugzilla.ubuntu.com11:14
Seveasbut first check if it isn't filed already11:14
njs12345timing: if it's a bug with the installer, then the ubuntu devs will push it upstream :)11:14
Seveasnjs12345, they always try to solve it11:15
Seveasand push a patch upstream...11:15
timingwell i installed the powerepc on a macmini, with Xfree86 it runs the x-window-system ON the framebuffer device, wich is not working11:15
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timinguhh powerpc version11:15
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bryani'd think that the ppc version is pretty low on the totem pole11:16
timinghe too bad11:16
togsHey, I can't get my Ubuntu server box on the net. I'm using PPPoE with a straight ADSL modem11:17
bryanget a router :D11:17
togsNot an option :(11:17
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wm_eddietogs: what's the problem.11:18
timingare there any ubuntu developers here? i don't mind to know who a dev is, but im just curious11:18
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shadeofgreyhey guys11:18
togsGot a bit better info at this link: http://techdiscussions.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=244211:18
shadeofgreyhow do i use apt-get to update my installation of  open office?11:18
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njs12345shadeofgrey: to what? oo.o 2?11:19
shadeofgreythe full beta for 2.0 is out and id like to start using it asap11:19
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togsalso getting another error related to the pppoe that im typing to notepad11:19
njs12345are you using hoary, or warty?11:19
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mdkewhere is the right place to manually download packages for warty? I'm looking for libatm1 on archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main but I can't find it!!11:19
murfhi! how can i search for package in ubuntu (i would like to use command line utility than aptitude or dselect)11:19
njs12345shafdeofgrey: I don't know whether it's in hoary yet..11:20
mdkemurf, apt-cache search packagename11:20
njs12345you might want to use grep as well11:20
njs12345something like11:20
murfmdke: thank you!11:20
mdkemurf, or use synaptic, search11:20
njs12345apt-cache search package | grep package11:20
murfmdke: synaptic is only gui frontend, right?>11:20
Seveasmdke, it is in main11:20
shadeofgreycant i just do apt-get update openoffice?11:20
mdkeSeveas, i know, but i can't find it to download11:20
firdelwhats the big difference between hoary and warty ? :/11:20
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Seveasin /pool/main/l/linux-atm11:21
bryansearching in synaptic is a lot easier then apt-cache search11:21
njs12345firdel: Hoary contains lots of new fun stuff but isn't quite stable11:21
wm_eddietogs: Have you tried pppoeconf?11:21
togsyeah, i'm getting an error when i do pon, then plog, which i'm typing up, one sec11:21
jkshadeofgrey: no, because it's not stable yet. openoffice.org 2.0 is called openoffice.org2 in hoary, so apt-get install openoffice.org2 should work11:21
ZotnixI am very much loving GNOME 2.1011:22
njs12345jk: I don't think it's in hoary yet11:22
ZotnixThe gaim/samba/nautilus integration is... very... very... nice.11:22
topylishadeofgrey: the ooo beta in hoary is not the very latest. search for pavel janik's debian packages of the latest builds11:22
shadeofgreyi have another question11:23
mdkeSeveas, genius. thanks i was looking under liba/11:23
jknjs12345: it is11:23
shadeofgreywhy does the ubuntu installer not ask for a root password?11:23
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mdkeSeveas, no change you can tell me the version for warty?11:23
shadeofgreyi had to go into users and groups to set it AFTER the insta;;11:24
jintxoshadeofgrey, because the root account is disabled by default11:24
mdkeor anyone else who uses warty maybe can help me?11:24
shadeofgreythats dumb as hell11:24
shadeofgreywhy would you want the root account disabled?11:24
njs12345jk: I meant the OOo 2.0 beta, I just updated and dist-upgraded and it's not updating OOo2, and if I look at my current version it's still one of them milestone builds11:24
mdkeshadeofgrey, we use sudo for gaining root access11:24
Zotnixshadeofgrey, they say it is more secure.11:24
topylishadeofgrey: so that no-one would run their boxen as root?11:24
jknjs12345: ah yes in that way you're right :)11:24
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mdkeshadeofgrey, i have it disabled and am happily administrating the system11:24
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njs12345also, it means one less password to remember ;) so I'm all for it11:25
jintxoshadeofgrey, if you prefer to have it, just set the password for it and all set :-)11:25
mdblitz1I don't even know how to enable it and I can gain access to root functions :)11:25
timingshadeofgrey: lol, when i left i saw your name, do you know the band incubus? they got a song called "shade of green". Just so you know :P11:25
mdkenow please I just need a little bit of help. I wanna know what the versions of libatm1, ppp, and speedtouch are in WARTY. if someone could quickly help me out, I would really appreciate it11:25
shadeofgreytiming:  you wouldnt believe how many people say that to me on a daily basis11:26
mdblitz1is warty the new version?11:26
njs12345mdke: libatm1 - 2.4.1-1611:26
njs12345mdke: ppp - 2.4.2+2004042811:26
mdkenjs12345, thanks. warty right?11:26
njs12345no, I'm running hoary, sorry11:26
shadeofgreyokay -im confused...  my versiuon of openoffice is the 1.9 milestone, but apt-get wont install 2 -- it says its already running 2.. and i know its not because 2 has the really pretty splash screen.  the one i have is ugly as all  hell11:27
InitMassany idea why firefox refuse to open while xmms is paused but can open when it's playing or stopped? must be some kind of strange bug. i didn't think that firefox was sound dependant11:27
mdkenjs12345, yes me too. i need the versions for warty11:27
mdkecome on people someone help me out!11:27
njs12345shadeofgrey: OOo2 beta is not in hoary yet11:27
mdkeyeah it is11:27
mdkei use it11:27
topylishadeofgrey: i think these are the freshest oo.o debs you will find: ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/Beta/11:27
njs12345the beta isn't, definitely not11:27
jkmdke: libatm1 2.4.1-15, ppp 2.4.2+20040428-2ubuntu6, speedtouch 1.2-t20040511-311:27
njs12345the milestone builds are though11:27
mdkejk, genius11:27
mdkeoh i c11:27
shadeofgreyokay thats fine ill just wait11:27
shadeofgreybut i still need a lot of help with fonts11:28
njs12345=) it'll probably only be like a day11:28
Albackerhttp://albacker.spymac.net/eni.txt <<what's wrong there ?11:28
mdkejk, warty right?11:28
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jkmdke: yup11:28
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shadeofgreymy fav. text editor has a very compressed list of fonts -- but i have over 900 new ones in my ~/.fonts/ directory - and my fav text editor wont see any of them11:29
mdkejk, thanks again11:29
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danielsshadeofgrey: it's probably not using fontconfig/xft/freetype11:29
njs12345Albacker: try dpkg instead of dpk11:29
danielsshadeofgrey: and is instead just using crappy server-side fonts11:29
shadeofgreydo any of you here use editpad pro and happen to know how to fix this VERY annoying problem?11:29
shadeofgreydaniels:  so what should i do?11:29
shadeofgreywhere are all the server side fonts stored?11:30
danielsshadeofgrey: they're all stored under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts (IIRC)11:30
danielsgoogle for 'x11 fonts mkfontscale howto'11:30
shadeofgreyif i copy all my fonts to that directory it should wirk?11:30
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danielsit's a little more involved than that -- try the google search I suggested (I'd walk you through it myself, but am dropping offline in a second)11:31
Albackerhttp://albacker.spymac.net <after removing the old version, and trying to install the newer one > I get this.11:31
Xiaomorning, can anyone help me with hotplug problem?11:32
mdkewe can try11:32
Xiaothanks ;)11:32
Albackerhttp://albacker.spymac.net/error_fb.txt ***11:32
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Albackercan anyone help me on that ?11:33
Xiaoi had - ubuntu 4.10: kernel 2.6.5, hotplug 0.0.20040329-1, i've rebuilt kernel from sources and now i have kernel 2.6.11 and hotplug stop working11:34
Xiaoi've googled for this problem and found nothing11:35
Xiaowhat can i do to make hotplug work again?11:36
mdkein what way stopped working?11:36
Xiaowhen i had default kernel hotplug behaviour was: i'm inserting flash to usb and gnome opens its contents in nautilus, now gnome stop doing this ;)11:37
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mdkeXiao, maybe hotplug is working11:38
mdkebut you haven't got the modules for your kernel11:38
XiaoAlbacker, i think it's trying to tell you to upgrade menu package?11:38
AlbackerXiao, what should I do ? where can I get the new, menu package ?11:39
Albackeror apt-get ?11:39
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bryanapt-cache search menu|grep 2.1.1911:40
Albackerbryan, it gives nothing11:40
Xiaomdke, i have usb-storage module. also when i plug-in flash card i got this lines in /var/log/messages: (see private)11:41
KrestenHi everybody! I've got a problem with my fresh ubuntu install... I try to connect to the Internet through a router, but doesn't seem to be able to get a connection up and running. Can anybody help me?11:42
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mdkeXiao, looks like the modules are loading fine11:43
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mdkeXiao, it is a complicated process that leads to the disk automounting in gnome11:43
A-L-P-H-Ahow do I boot into command line mode only? (not load X before starting)?  Trying to reconfig X, so I cna have multiple monitors.11:44
mdkeA-L-P-H-A, remove the gdm init process from your default runlevel11:44
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A-L-P-H-Amdke under /etc/inid.d?11:44
rolyhi all11:44
mdkeA-L-P-H-A, noooo11:45
XiaoAlbacker, there's no menu 2.1.19 in warty repository so you should find repository where menu 2.1.19 is11:45
A-L-P-H-Amdblitz1, I'm a newb, sorry.11:45
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Albackerok Xiao.11:45
mdkeA-L-P-H-A, just under /etc/rc2.d. Just rename it to something like ~S13gdm11:45
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rolywhat does the topic mean by "nvidia is broke with kernel 2.6.10-26"11:46
mdkeit is11:46
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mdkeit doesn't load apparently11:46
rolynvidia chipsets?11:46
rolydisplay drivers?11:46
rolygraphics cards?11:46
rolyall of the above?11:46
mdke3d display i presume11:47
mdkenot sure tho11:47
rolyi'm having problems installing any form of linux11:47
lokI've try to install jre 1.5 for amd64 on a hoary, I ve installed the rpm by alien but java can't start there's nothing in my /usr/java/lang where it search for somes files. any idea?11:47
mdkeroly, don't use hoary11:47
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rolycan anyone give me some 1 on 1 help?11:48
djproly: what is/are the problem(s)?11:50
rolyi'm attepting to duel install ubuntu onto my system11:50
rolyand now i can't get my windows to boot11:50
rolyi'm running warty live fine right now11:50
rolybut both warty install and hoary install refuse to work properly11:51
djproly: warty would be the way to go if i was you11:51
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rolycommon problem #1: the DHCP does not automaticly configure, and even after i manualy input all the correct numbers, the eth0 card refuses to stay active11:52
rolythat is, if i can manage a clean install11:52
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apokryphosroly: odd point: did you try retrying the DHCP automatic configuration? It always fails for me the first time.11:53
rolyi retried it a few times actually, yes.. but it never worked11:53
djproly: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/installation-i38611:53
rolything that bugs me is that when i installed hoary, the dhcp went fine11:53
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Albackerchecking for X... no11:54
Albackerconfigure: error: Fluxbox requires the X Window System libraries and headers.11:54
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Xiaoroly, maybe your network card is not supported by default kernel11:54
murfcan I search only installed packages by command line utility ? (apt-cache search searchs the whole repos)11:54
draskohello everybody11:54
XiaoAlbacker, you need xlibs-dev package11:55
rolyit's a rel tek.. i'm not sure about that though, b/c it works fine with the live cd11:55
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rolyfrom the install guide: "That is followed by installing a kernel, then by copying the remainder of the packages on the CD to your hard disk so that you no longer need the CD"11:56
apokryphosmurf: I tend to always use dpkg -l | grep packagename11:56
rolylast time i ran the warty install, i got the following error:11:56
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thoreauputicAlbacker: x-window-system-dev from memory11:56
roly"Unable to install the selected kernel :Linux 386"11:56
djproly: sorry sohlud have asked before posting that link, what processor do you have?11:57
Albackerthoreauputic ?11:57
rolyp4 1.711:57
rolyyes i've got the correct iso ;)11:57
thoreauputicAlbacker: sorry I was late - fro fluxbox compile I installed that package, I think11:57
murfapokryphos: it is sufficient, thx11:58
XiaoAlbacker, install xlibs-dev package and i'll find X in configure ;)11:58
apokryphosmurf: you can also use apt-cache with a grep to do it.11:58
Xiaoi'll == it'll11:58
apokryphosmurf: dpkg is better though, since it gives more info.11:58
Albackerok , that's what Im doing11:58
roly^ is what i am attempting to install11:58
murfapokryphos: but it is displayed all packages, not only installed (apt-cache search)11:58
murfapokryphos: i need search in installed only11:58
djproly: sure. have you tried burning another .iso, just in case that one has corrupted in some way?11:59
apokryphosmurf: with the additional option... apt-cache pkgnames | grep packagename11:59
Xiaoroly, try to chack md5sum of your iso11:59
Xiaochack == check11:59
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djpXiao: good call!12:00
rolythe first one i burned installed completly, and let me log into my computer, but wouldn't load a desktop.. i burned another iso, verified the data, and started over12:00
djpXiao: the caffeine is only now, slowly beginning to kick in...!12:00
rolyi'm fairly confident in the integrety of my media12:00
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rolyi've gone through 6 cdr's.. 2 warty installs, 2 warty live cds, and 2 hoary installs12:01
rolythe second of all sets were data-verified12:01
thoreauputicAlbacker: which version of fluxbox are you compiling? (just curious)12:01
murfapokryphos: yea it works too12:01
rolyand the only luck i'm having is with the live cds12:01
murfapokryphos: thanks12:02
apokryphosmurf: man pages ;-)12:02
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Xiaoroly, maybe something wrong with partitioning?12:02
djproly: have you tried partitioning your hard drive, ready for a dual install, before using the wart install CD?12:03
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shadeofgreyokay guys i need help with fonts still12:03
murfapokryphos: i'm a bit lazy ;-)12:03
shadeofgreyi did the search that other guy suggested12:03
shadeofgreyand found the howto --12:03
shadeofgreybut in the last step it says to make changes to a file called12:03
rolythe very first time i started installing any sort of linux software, my friend had me using partition magic to set up some partitions.. but now i can't get back into windows to use partition magic12:03
Albackerthoreauputic : i wanted to get the 0.9.11 .deb file but I needed a newer menu file. so I tried gettin 0.9.10 but it wasnt there. so I'm compiling 0.9.1012:04
shadeofgrey/etc/X11/XF86Config-4/   and i dont have a file on my system with that name anywhere12:04
thoreauputicAlbacker: I have a deb of 0.9.12 made with checkinstall, on warty, if you're interested12:04
draskoHow to became Ubuntit - active member?12:04
shadeofgreyany suggestions?12:05
Albackerthoreuputic, maybe that needs a menu file like 0.9.11 ?12:05
shadeofgrey....whats really frustrating is that every other direction worked12:05
rolymy windows install is on my secondary master drive.. i'm not touching that one with linux.  i want my root system installed on my primary master (6gb) and my /home installed on my pri. slave (80gb)12:05
rolydoes that make sense?12:05
djproly: try using QTParted under Linux.12:05
Xiaoshadeofgrey, can you describe your ptoblem shortly cause i've missed the beginning12:05
draskoIt is sed on the wiki to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, and sen it to Benjamin Malko Hill, but how is this done exactly?12:05
thoreauputicAlbacker: it seems to install a default menu using fluxbox-generate-menu or whatever12:05
rolydjp: can i do this with a live cd?12:06
shadeofgreyxiao:  okay.  i installed 900 ttf files from my windows part into my  ~/.fonts/ folder12:06
shadeofgreyand openoffice sees them fine12:06
djproly: yes.12:06
shadeofgreybut all my other text editors seem to be braindead about it and cant see them12:06
djproly: i normally use knoppix's live cd for such purposes...12:06
thoreauputicAlbacker: I can dcc it to you if you'd like to try it12:06
shadeofgreyso i was told to search google for the following:12:06
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shadeofgreyHOWTO - Adding TrueType fonts to MEPIS12:07
shadeofgreywhich i followed all the directions on that page12:07
balabanglmez gzlerim sevmezsem eer12:07
Xiaoi'll try to explain it for you in private12:07
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rolywell this ubuntu live cd will have to due for now.. i don't have access to a burner at this hour12:07
djpis anybody here familiar with setting up their own wiki?12:07
djproly: give it a try...12:08
rolydo i need the .deb file?12:08
rolyis that an installer?12:08
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Albackerthoreauputic, if you want you can give me the url. I'll try that.12:11
Albackerthoreauputic, doesn it need imlib2 ?12:11
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Albackerdoes *12:12
thoreauputicAlbacker: no, I just have it on my hard drive ( the deb)12:12
djpno wiki geeks here today? ;)12:12
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thoreauputicAlbacker: dcc would take a few minutes (I'm on dialup here)12:12
js_is there a package which contains the helvetica font?12:12
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Albackerthoreauputic , ok. I'm dial up too :D12:13
rolywhy would anyone want any other font than Comic Sans MS12:13
rolyWORST. FONT. EVER.12:13
topylijs_: helvetica shold be in the basic xfonts packages12:13
js_topyli: yeah, thanks12:13
_ReDRuM_heh i like comic sans12:14
js_i like advertisments with comic sans12:14
thoreauputicAlbacker: Ok connected12:14
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Nathamhow can i reconfigure the xserver using the instaler tool, after ubuntu has been already installed?12:15
Nathamsorry for my english12:15
thoreauputicwhoa - upload is SLOW12:15
Albacker0.6kbps :S12:15
Albackernever seen smth like this12:15
thoreauputicnormally upload is about 3k12:15
Albackerdont you have ftp over there ?12:15
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Albackerso you can upload it on web12:16
thoreauputicnot an ftp server, no12:16
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rolyjs_ i like ads with comic sans ms because they instantly tell me "don't waste your money on this crap!"12:16
thoreauputicoh I see12:16
js_roly: exactly :)12:16
Albackershould I exit it /12:16
thoreauputicAlbacker: yes I could put it on my site for you I guess12:16
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Albackerok thanks than :D12:16
thoreauputicAlbacker: OK I'll try uploading to my site12:17
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rolykind of like people who wear their collars up.. it's like they are taking the time to let me know "hey, i'm a huge lamer, stay away at all costs!".. saves me a lot of trouble12:17
firdelim experiencing some wierd system crashes... my system hangs unprovoked.. when i reboot, it stalls at "loading hotplug subsystem", then i have to boot 2 or 3 times, before i can enter ubuntu again. anyone got the same probs, or had ? im deperate12:17
Albackerthanks thoreauputic ;)12:17
phosphorgreeni had similar problems firdel12:18
phosphorgreeni had to unplug all my usb devices before i booted12:18
firdelmy friend tells me its my USB devices..12:18
phosphorgreenand one by one reconnected them12:18
phosphorgreeni found out the suspect to be an Ipod12:18
firdelwell, i tried, i even disabled all USB in bios, but that didnt help. all i got is my MS usb mouse, and a hp printer. they are all unplugged...12:19
js_topyli: hm, i cant choose it anywhere for gtk2 apps.. helvetica that is12:19
firdelbut why does it stall when booting the subsystem. is that where the usb drivers are loaded ?12:19
firdelhotplug subsystem12:19
phosphorgreenthere may be a fault with your hardware then?12:19
thoreauputicAlbacker: uploading now @ 3k :)  eta abot 2min12:19
firdelsigh... i hope not12:20
firdelthe problem started 3 days ago, and has gotten worse.. more crashed, harder to boot12:20
phosphorgreenhave you tried to upgrade your system (ie from warty to hoary), I believe that the system undergoes a big change12:20
Albackerthoreauputic : great, thanks. I've uploaded things at a slower spped :D12:20
firdelphosphorgreen, did that help ?12:20
phosphorgreendid it help me?12:21
phosphorgreenI don't know - im in the process of upgrading to hoary this moment12:21
phosphorgreeni don't have any major problems with warty though. Just the ipod12:21
phosphorgreenbecause it drew too much power from the usb system12:21
firdelis that possible to do without a complete reinstall? i have no cd-burner12:21
topylijs_: so it seems. they list only truetype fonts :(12:22
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phosphorgreenFirdel, yes12:22
firdelsounds sweet12:22
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topylijs_: helvetica is a lousy screen font anyway, not scalable12:22
phosphorgreenjust change all the items in /etc/apt/sources.list12:22
firdelsince im a complete lunixn00b, it kinda scares me though12:22
js_topyli: i knowits not, but i like the looks of it :)12:22
phosphorgreento say hoary instead of warty12:22
js_topyli: the other fonts need to be antialiased to be good12:22
firdelsounds easy12:22
js_and since i run over xdmcp, antialiasing just slows things down12:22
phosphorgreenthere is nothing to be worried about, they are mainly completely sync'ed12:22
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phosphorgreenit's about ~600mb download12:23
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firdeland then perform a system update ?12:23
topylijs_: of course if you're lucky, your resolution and dpi are such that helvetica doesn't need to be scaled. then it looks just fine12:23
thoreauputicAlbacker: http://interlink.webhop.org/fluxbox-0.9.12_0.9.12-1_i386.deb12:23
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AlbackerThanks ! : thoreauputic12:23
js_topyli: yeah, thats what im used to.. perhaps i need to add the helvetica family to fontconfig or such+12:24
thoreauputicAlbacker: weird filename, checkinstall did that for some reason...12:24
magnonanyone know what's happened to rhythmbox? it's insanely slow, chugs the cpu when you do something with the gui, and crossfading isn't quick anymore12:24
scizzohmmm....I could burn the iso with cdrecord after all: cdrecord -v -dev=ATAPI:0,0 image.iso12:24
scizzoso now I have a ubuntu hoary server up and running12:24
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thoreauputicAlbacker: link is OK? firefox pops up a dialogue for it here...12:25
firdelphosphorgreen, i changed em all. do i perform an apg-get update command now ?12:26
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Albackerthoreauputic, I use wget.12:26
thoreauputicthat should be fine then12:26
confreyhi everybody12:26
firdeloh shit he left me12:27
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draskoHow to became Ubuntit - active member?12:27
thoreauputicfirdel: sudo apt-get update will never hurt12:27
draskoIt is sed on the wiki to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, and sen it to Benjamin Malko Hill, but how is this done exactly?12:27
sdfafaI would like to know about free cds! Who?12:27
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sdfafaI would like to know about free cds! Who can to help me?12:28
shadeofgreyhow do i restart x again?12:28
scizzosdfafa: free cds?12:28
firdelW: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com hoarty-security/ restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoarty- security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)12:28
firdeldont look good to me12:28
scizzofirdel: hoarty?12:28
firdeloh shit12:29
scizzofirdel: last time I liked it was called hoary... :)12:29
firdelsilly me12:29
phosphorgreenscizzo: ctrl + alt +f1 ; log in at prompt ; sudo to root ; /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:29
sdfafascizzo, ...that CD's Ubuntu12:29
thoreauputicsdfafa: http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/12:30
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Methiasi dont friggin believe it12:31
thoreauputicsdfafa: got it?12:31
Methiasit STILL DOESNT WORK12:31
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firdelthoreauputic, the update took 20 secs.. from warty to hoary12:32
firdelFetched 4970kB in 35s (139kB/s)12:32
firdelReading Package Lists... Done12:32
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firdelthat cant be12:32
scizzophosphorgreen: ?12:32
phosphorgreenfirdel: for a complete instruction to upgrading to hoary, go to www.ubuntulinux.org and type search: upgrade to hoary12:32
phosphorgreenthe first result is the one I think12:32
thoreauputicfirdel: that just updated your sources :)12:32
scizzophosphorgreen: I was not asking anything12:32
^jacog'morning :)12:32
^jacoyawwnn :)12:32
sdfafathoreauputic, I live in Brazil.. and.. Are these grace cds?12:32
scizzosdfafa: what about them?12:32
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thoreauputicfirdel: you need to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:33
phosphorgreen(i would try, but my mozilla is pooched until restart)12:33
^jacoi've downloaded the gnome2.10 live cd and wow!12:33
^jacoi was surprised12:33
thoreauputicsdfafa: where you live doesn't matter12:33
^jacoit's a live distro ubuntu based:)12:33
phosphorgreenfirdel: read the web site it will tell you exactly how to do it12:33
thoreauputicsdfafa: the CDs are free of cost (gratis)12:33
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scizzo^jaco: you mean the hoary live CD?12:33
^jacono scizzo12:34
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^jacognome 2.10 live cd12:34
sdfafathoreauputic, Hehehe.. Do you know portuguese?12:34
scizzohmmm...didn't know that gnome was doing live CDs12:34
thoreauputicsdfafa: no, just french ;)12:34
^jacoscizzo go on www.gnome.org and download it12:34
scizzo^jaco: I am ok...I am using the ubuntu stuff.. :)12:35
phosphorgreenshadeofgrey: ctrl + alt +f1 ; log in at prompt ; sudo to root ; /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:35
thoreauputicsdfafa: gratis - gratuit - whatever :)12:35
firdelphosphorgreen, this is the right artikle, just so i dont shoot myself in the foot12:35
firdelno ?12:35
phosphorgreensorry firdel i cant be sure as i dont have a web browser atm12:35
^jacoat this time ubuntu hoary is the most advanced distro of the world12:35
phosphorgreenthe upgrade to hoary has pulled it12:35
sdfafathoreauputic, How many time do they send me?12:35
phosphorgreenif it says stuff like 'upgrading using apt-get' and 'upgrading using synaptic' then it's the one12:36
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^jacoscizzo i use ubuntu, i was only surprised of this stuff that the gnome live cd is ubuntu12:36
thoreauputicsdfafa: READ the info on the site12:36
shadeofgreydoes anybody here use Editpad Pro forlinux?12:36
phosphorgreenvim is the only true editor12:37
sdfafaDoes anybody know anyone a good RSS Reader?12:37
apokryphossdfafa: akregator12:37
^jacosdfafa Thunderbird of course12:37
sdfafa^jaco, I didn't like!12:38
sdfafaapokryphos, Is it good?12:38
^jacoargh :(12:38
apokryphossdfafa: very much so, yes. It can be intergrated with Kontact, too.12:38
firdelgoing for a apt-get dist-upgrade12:38
sdfafa^jaco, but i like it!12:38
sdfafa^jaco, i use12:38
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sdfafaapokryphos, I'm using Straw.. but it's very very low....12:39
apokryphossdfafa: it's worth giving akregator a try, certainly. Never had any complaints about speed with it.12:39
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sdfafaapokryphos, what's your distro?12:41
apokryphossdfafa: well, Ubuntu, naturally. :P12:42
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sdfafaapokryphos, so... The importance is to be Linux.. hehehe12:42
apokryphossdfafa: perhaps; but this is the #ubuntu channel. :)12:43
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sdfafaperhaps not12:43
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kaycan i make akregator download all articles of a feed?12:45
kayI have a filtering at work, would like my notebook to download in home net, to read there12:45
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dizzieMorning all :)12:56
dizzieNot a lot, except swearing over ubuntu install :)12:57
spenserdizzie:  same hear.12:58
dizzieWell its running, but i need ntfs support :()12:58
spenseri'm getting ready to scrap it and go back to slackware.12:58
dizzieI'm just not in the mood for a kernel update atm :)12:59
dizzieUgh, why slackware?12:59
spenseri can't get it to even install. it's like there is a cd error but there isn't12:59
spenserdizzie:  slackware is far superior01:00
defnophey i reburned my ubuntu live cd at @2 speed still the same problem "No Common CD-ROM drive was detected" :(01:00
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apokryphosspenser: you're using "superior" as if it were an objective quality; it isn't, not with regard to Linux distributions.01:00
dizzieSuperior in what way?01:00
spenserapokryphos:  that's your opinion ;)01:01
apokryphosspenser: it is my opinion that "superior" is not an objective quality? No, it's not.01:01
dizzieIsnt it a personal taste tbh.01:01
apokryphosspenser: as in, it is not merely my opinion.01:01
thoreauputicspenser: I think *your* statement was an opinion :)01:01
dizzieI had used OpenBSD for years01:01
dizzieCant find a more secure OS i think :)01:02
spenserthere is a reason slackware is the oldest active distro.01:02
thoreauputicspenser: yes, that it started sooner... *g*01:02
apokryphosspenser: Argumentum ad antiquitatem01:02
dizzieUhm, FreeBSD is from 1979 i think (as in BSD4.4)01:02
thoreauputicapokryphos: hehe01:03
apokryphosspenser: that's a logical fallacy in argumentation, just in case you didn't know.01:03
spenserdizzie:  um, freebsd isn't a linux distro.01:04
dizzieyou only said distro :p01:05
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dizzie[12:58]  spenser there is a reason slackware is the oldest active distro.01:06
dizzieDidnt say "linux distro" :p01:06
apokryphosspenser: I do believe he said OpenBSD, not FreeBSD, too.01:06
thoreauputicguys, distro wars >> #ubuntu-offtopic01:06
spenseri halfway expected those kinds of arguments from a chan of a beginner distro.01:07
spenseryou guys can calm down now.01:07
Seveasspenser, stop trolling...01:07
apokryphosspenser: "those kind of arguments"? You mean logically consistent ones?01:07
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dizzieI'm calm, i got my coffee :)01:07
mattgirvmm coffee :)01:08
error_29context is everything.  I happen to think it an "objective" fact that linux is superior to windows, but without context, the statement is meaningless01:08
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dizziemattgirv :)01:08
apokryphosHerb Tea :P01:08
error_29because for many things windows is superior to linux01:08
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error_29in different contexts01:08
Seveasindeed error_2901:08
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Xermake[3] : *** [drivers/char/drm/gamma_drv.o]  Error 101:08
Xermake[2] : *** [drivers/char/drm]  Error 201:08
Xermake[1] : *** [drivers/char]  Error 201:08
Xermake: *** [drivers]  Error 201:08
dizzieapokryphos :)01:09
Xercan anyone tell me how to fix it ? [ im compleing kernel] 01:09
mattgirvi dont like tea :'(01:09
SeveasXer, not if you're not showing the actual error01:09
mattgirvcompared to coffee it is just so weak01:09
dizzieMe neither01:09
dizzieTea is for girls :o01:09
Seveasand compiling a kernel is not for beginners, is there a good reason why you want to compile it yourself?01:09
Xerim drinking  tea01:09
apokryphoshehe :D01:09
queuetueTea is for people with functioning taste buds. :)01:09
dizzieNo :)01:10
apokryphosTea is for... me.01:10
Xer<<<--- i have functioning taste buds. :)01:10
SeveasHerbal tea is good01:10
Seveasor Fruit tea01:10
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error_29"Tea is for girls" is a good enough reason to keep plenty of tea around, and to know how to brew it.01:10
apokryphossure is. Got several packs of different ones. A new adventure every day.01:10
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apokryphoserror_29: nail on the head ;-)01:10
Seveastwining selections is the best fruit tea01:10
Seveascomamille, honey & vanilla tea is my favourite :)01:11
XerIn file included from drivers/char/drm/gamma_drv.c:42:01:11
Xerdrivers/char/drm/gamma_context.h: In function `gamma_context_switch_complete':01:11
Xerdrivers/char/drm/gamma_context.h:193: error: structure has no member named `next_buffer'01:11
Xerdrivers/char/drm/gamma_context.h:193: error: structure has no member named `next_buffer'01:11
Xeri think that is my problem01:11
error_29(but tea with milk, that's for weirdos!)01:11
Xeri drink tea with milk01:11
Xerand red tea01:11
Xerand green tea01:11
queuetueGreen tea (with jasmine, please) and roibos... There are lots of great teas.  Well made Earl Grey is  actually stronger than most coffees, IMHO01:11
apokryphosWith traditional tea, milk is necessary; herbal teas... eek.01:11
Xerand fruit trs01:11
Xerand fruit tea01:11
SeveasXer, why are you compiling your own kernel?01:11
Xerand all tea's01:11
Seveasand do you use ubuntu sources or sources from kernel.org?01:11
Xerafter i think yesterday01:11
Xerbacking to kerel 2.4 for makeing my live cd is shit01:12
Xerand if i back to 2.4 i need kde01:12
mattgirvi hate peppermint tea01:12
Xeri like gnome more then kde01:12
scizzoXer: have you ever compiled a kernel before?01:12
dizzieIs there a stable 2.6.11 from ubuntu ?, my 2.6.10-4 doesnt have NTFS support :(01:12
Seveasxer, you make no sense01:12
Xerammmmmmmmmmmmmm if unpacking kernel file called complie then yes ;)01:12
apokryphosdizzie: nope, not yet I don't think.01:12
mattgirvdizzie, do you have an ati card?01:12
Seveaswhy cant you use 2.4 and gnome..?01:13
error_29Chamomile is great, though technically I guess it's not really tea01:13
Xeri dont know i think gnome cant work on 2.401:13
Seveasxer, thats nonsense01:13
Xeri only know kde support 2.401:13
mattgirvof course it can01:13
dizzieThe "testing" Hoary had NTFS support with 2.6.10-*01:13
thoreauputicdizzie: all kernels have ntfs support for reading - write support is . erm,,, experimental01:13
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Xer[ i never complited kernel in hole my life]  <<<-- the answer01:13
Seveasxer, then dont01:13
Xeri will01:14
mattgirvXer: www.gentoo.org tbh01:14
Seveasinstall an ubuntu 2.4 kernel01:14
mattgirvmess around with that01:14
mattgirvyou will learn a lot01:14
apokryphosAnyone know if there's more info on nvidia being broken in latest kernel release?01:14
Xeri will give it a try :)01:14
Seveasapokryphos, have you installed the latest restricte-modules?01:14
no0ticgnome 2.10 lost "application:///" path, what replaced it?01:14
apokryphosSeveas: there are new ones? Nope.01:14
Seveasno0tic, nothing01:14
error_29I used to use kde kicker in gnome, but this "upgraded" version I'm trying in hoary is massively broken.  Pity.01:14
Xergentoo ?01:14
Xerwhat is this? [x] ?01:15
Seveasgentoo is another linux distribution01:15
Seveasfor people with way too much time01:15
mattgirvwhewww... Nero for Linux01:15
Xerlinux distro01:15
mattgirvI really didn't see that one coming :D01:15
Xergood i dont have alots of times and i have to make my own livecd before the exams end01:15
no0ticSeveas: are there other path like "burn:///" or similar?01:15
Xer<<-- i think gnome is good for me :D01:15
thoreauputicmattgirv: nero for linux? Link? sounds weird....01:16
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Xergentoo its look like kde and gnome and others x's ?01:16
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Seveasno0tic, i don't know, I still run Warty. I just know that the new gnome uses the freedesktop.org system ehich has no applications:///01:16
thoreauputicmattgirv: thanks01:16
apokryphosSeveas: anywhere I should be looking for more info on this?01:16
mattgirvit is disappointingly, GTK1.x but still pretty cool :)01:16
dizziewho needs nero when we have k3b :)01:16
Seveasapokryphos, try apt-get update (or the reload button in synaptic)01:16
Xergentoo its look like kde and gnome and others x's ?01:16
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thoreauputicdizzie: my thoughts exactly01:16
Seveasxer, you are so clueles...01:17
mattgirvWell i guess if you really dont want kdelibs, or if you have problems with K3B01:17
dizzienero kicks a**, let alone nero tbh :)01:17
apokryphosSeveas: Don't want to do really do a dist-upgrade if the latest kernel has nvidia problems.01:17
Seveasxer, please read some about what X is, what the kernel is and what gnome and kde are01:17
no0ticSeveas: thanks01:17
dizzieto be fair, i installed ubuntu on all 4 pc's i own, including my server :)01:18
dizziejust annoys me that i cant read ntfs disks :o01:18
Seveasapokryphos, I have heard that the problems have gone away already01:18
mattgirvanyway, i think nero for linux is cool, there obviously is some demand for it or it wouldnt of just popped out of nowhere01:18
mattgirvdizzie, tell me about it :( i need my music :'(01:18
Seveasapokryphos, but i am not sure, I don't run hoary myself01:18
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dizziemattgirv, http://www.shoutcast.com/ :)01:19
apokryphosSeveas: /topic hasn't updated yet, so I presume that they're still there, but I could be wrong.01:19
Xergento isnt like kde01:19
Xerits linux distro01:19
Xerand haveing its own kernel !01:19
apokryphosyes :)01:19
Xer[and with x too] 01:19
error_29dizzie, I've had no problem reading ntfs disks in warty and hoary01:19
mattgirvdizzie: Lol but my music is on the same machine as linux01:19
Xeri need only the x server or whats ever01:19
mlambiemy atheros wireless card has stopped working since I upgraded my hoary distribution - has anyoneelse seen this today?01:20
mattgirvso i cant stream it unless i am in windows, and that means i am not in linux anymore :p01:20
dizzieerror, i got the iso from /topic, older iso (the development branch (array-6) can read ntfs))01:20
mattgirvbrb :)01:20
Xercan anyone tell me a good window manger?01:20
Xer[thats supporting 2.4] 01:21
dizzieGnome :)01:21
Xergnome dont support 2.401:21
SeveasXer, stop talking crap01:21
Seveasgnome does01:21
Xeri wont01:21
=== Xer remmber the ban
Xerok i will stop01:21
Xappegnome's a DE not a WM01:21
dizzieBefore Gnome i used FluxBox/OpenBox/Blackbox01:21
error_29er, gnome is a window manager?  I thought metacity, actually was the window manager for gnome01:22
Xeri was think it window manger [wm]  ;001:22
SeveasXappe, don't confuse Xer any more than he already is ;))01:22
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Xerim not confuse01:22
Xeri know whats im doing01:22
phwHi folks01:22
thoreauputicXer: you have much to learn01:22
Xeri need lib for 2.601:22
error_29but hell I'm very confused with the whole "desktop manager" vs "window manager" business01:22
dizzieHi phw :)01:22
Seveaserror_29, metacity can be used for that01:22
Xerand its will finsh01:22
phwHas anyone a bluetooth headset running with ubuntu linux01:22
Xerbut im too lame for them01:22
Seveasand actually is used in Ubuntu01:22
Xerfor that*01:22
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phwI have found the bluetooth headset with Bluetooth Manager, but i need an audio driver to use it01:23
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phwis there something already available for ubuntu?01:23
phw(Bluetooth Manager == gnome-bluetooth-manager)01:23
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phwthe only thing i fouund was this project: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~jp/snd-bluez-sco/01:23
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Xeri have one question01:26
Xerwhat's the differnt betwen de and wm ?01:27
Xerlike i see its use freex libs :S01:27
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error_29Is Grub really the only game in town for boot managers?  Grub hates me.01:29
_alelilo is one also01:29
error_29well, yes, but lilo hated me too, and does anyone really use lilo anymore?01:30
thoreauputicerror_29: sure they do01:30
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thoreauputicerror_29: it works fine, BTW01:30
thoreauputicusually ... *grinr*01:31
kenterror_29, why does grub hate you? It can be the case that your just unfriendly to it, and dont pay attention to its needs ;)01:31
Seveaserror_29, why does grub hate you?01:31
Seveaskent, you stole my line :p01:31
kentSeveas, i was first ;)01:31
=== error_29 mourns death of BeOs, the operating system to preserve newbie's sanity
error_29looks like I stirred up a mound of grub lovers...01:32
Seveasnot neccessarily01:32
kenterror_29, im no grub-lover, i just use it.  It have no fealings for it.01:32
Seveasi'm just curious01:32
kenterror_29, but it should work, it has always done that for me, and for a lot of other people as well (thats why it is used)01:33
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error_29folks, I said it hates me, not that it hates you.  Windows works for a lot of people to, that doesn't mean alternatives to it aren't a good thing01:33
Aronhey guys, I'm in deep trouble01:34
error_29And I think it's a shame that grub/lilo seem to be a duopoly in this area01:34
kenterror_29, and I asked why it hates you, but you did not say why :(01:34
AronI need to resize my Windows partition to fill some free space I made and nothing seems to want to let me01:34
Aroncan I do it from linux?01:34
SeveasAron, I shouldn't do that if i were you01:34
Xerwich one is better Xfce4 or icewm?01:35
thoreauputicerror_29: Nice intro to GRUB here: >> http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/334005101:35
error_29if I knew why anyone hated me, kent, my love life would leave me no time to give a damn about computers! ;-)01:35
AronSeveas: Then what am I supposed to use?01:35
SeveasAron, I suggest partition magic under windows01:35
AronSeveas: I don't have that kind of money01:35
Seveasbut that's either expensive or illegal...01:35
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kentXer, xfce4 has a bit more features i think, i would go with that one01:35
error_29My nick was given me by GRUB, which greets me with that phrase when i try to boot windows01:36
Xerthanks kent01:36
firdelwhen i update from warty to hoary, am i not supposed to remove the warty files, or is that done automatically ?01:36
Seveaslol error_2901:36
Xerxfce 14 mB only :D01:36
Seveastried rootnoverify?01:36
Xernice to download it :>01:36
HiddenWolfXer: you're looking for Xfce4, not xfce01:36
az[a] zel_ubuntuonce you've configured your sources, is updating to hoary from warty just "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" ? or is there some "gotcha's" I need to know :)01:36
Seveasand are you sure you try to boot the goof partition?01:36
kentfirdel, there is a page on the ubuntu homepage for that thing.  (it says what you need to do if you upgrade right now).01:36
Xeri know01:36
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Xeri didnt write for the 401:36
thoreauputicfirdel: done automatically01:37
firdelok kent, ill look into it01:37
Xerand thanks to show me you was reading whats i write and u didnt answer me01:37
trukulohave you seen fresh news? Nero for linux avalaible01:37
kentfirdel, i think it was something with gamin, or something like that.  Its not much you need to do.01:37
=== Xer is removeing hiddenwolf from x-mas gift list
thoreauputictrukulo: the wind is changing....01:37
trukulothoreauputic, it seems to, yes01:37
AronSo does anyone have a way to resize an NTFS partition?01:37
XerGoooooooooooooooD bye Alllllllllll01:38
firdelscrew NTFS ;)01:38
AronI just want to expand it to fill the free space on my drive, and I can't make another partition since I have 4 primaries atm01:38
Aronand let's see you run Guild Wars on Cedega...not gonna happen especially with an ATI video card01:38
thoreauputicfirdel: to clear the apt cache after upgrading, you can do `apt-get clean`01:38
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error_29The only gotcha, az[a] zel_ubuntu , is be careful not to have any backports as sources, in my experience -- just "normal" ubuntu repos01:38
error_29I upgraded a virginal warty, no problem01:39
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firdelthoreauputic, ok! so al i need to do is reboot, and enjoy my new release ? :)01:39
thoreauputic"virginal warty" is a nice turn of phrase :)01:39
mattgirvdamn i wish i could get ati working01:39
error_29but my promiscuously backported warty was just murdered by the upgrade01:39
mattgirvanyone on the 2.6.10-4 kernel and got ati drivers installed + working01:39
az[a] zel_ubuntuerror_29, ok01:40
thoreauputicfirdel: even rebooting isn't strictly necessary, but basically yes01:40
error_29there are warts that keep one a virgin, and warts that remind one one should have stayed a virgin.01:40
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firdeli gotta see if this resolved my "starting hotplug subsys" problem01:40
error_29pure as the driven hoar-frost01:40
mlambiemy atheros wireless card has stopped working since I upgraded my hoary distribution - has anyone else seen this today?01:40
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Xappetrukulo, nero for linux? where can I read about that?01:41
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johsomattgirv, I was told to install 686, but that didn't really help. now I can't start some programs and my Wireless connection is gone..01:41
trukuloXappe, http://www.nero.com/en/NeroLINUX.html01:42
mattgirvlots of comments about it there too01:42
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mattgirvit seems that everyone is pissed off about it being on linux now, yet these same people moan constantly about linux not having enough commercial support01:42
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Tomcat_I think it's a good thing.01:43
Tomcat_People can moan all they want. :P01:43
mattgirvyeah i think its great tbh.01:43
mattgirvi was excited when i saw it :P01:43
BauhnI need help with partitions, if you think you can help me, please query me..01:44
thoreauputicIt's a symptom: maybe there will be more to follow from others now01:44
ompaulBauhn, what help do you need?01:44
SeveasBauhn, please state the problem first01:44
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az[a] zel_ubuntuamd64 packages are being kept in sync with the x86 version aren't they ?01:45
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Seveasaz[a] zel_ubuntu, as much as possible01:45
az[a] zel_ubuntumy mirror seems to have a package list, but I must have made some mistake01:45
BauhnSeveas ompaul >> When i'm trying to install it i only have 1 partition on 40gb, and ubuntu wants to format it.. and i cant do that becuase i have to much i want to keep01:45
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SeveasBauhn, then you muat first resize that partition01:46
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mlambiejohso: what chipset is your wireless? mind stopped working when I dist-upgraded Hoary today.01:46
BauhnSeveas how do i do that?01:46
mlambiemind == mine01:46
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SeveasBauhn, i suppose there is windows on that 40GB partition?01:46
BauhnSeveas yes..01:47
johsomlambie, ipw2200...01:47
mlambiejohso: OK, mines atheros, with madwifi driver01:47
djstanyone here experienced with the nvidia drivers and stuff like that?01:47
mlambieinterestingly, there's another kernel update now.01:47
Echylohello, what do I all need to connect with a windows pc except Samba?01:47
mlambieI'll see if this fixes things01:47
=== error_29 thanks Bauhn for raising this question, because he's buying a laptop later today that will need repartitioning and reinstall of windows
SeveasEchylo, define "connect"01:48
Seveasjust grab files?01:48
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djstsince yesterday, i can no longer use the nvidia kernel driver... it stopped working after i tried the hibernate feature :(01:48
djstchanging xorg.conf to use the nv driver fixes the problem, but that driver is sloow...01:48
Echylojust with 2 ethernet cards01:48
SeveasEchylo, than samba stuff is enough01:49
Echylook :)01:49
johsoProblem is that I can't use some of my programs, and the system seems all in all slower - so I don't really know what to do...01:50
error_29Bauhn, I don't know enough to help you with resizing, but I can say it's dangerous, so if you can backup your windows stuff on a network, or to an external drive or something... ?01:50
Seveasmsg echylo libsmbclient smblient smbfs samba-common01:50
mattgirvHey how do I get XFCE 4.201:50
az[a] zel_ubuntuonly 454MB to upgrad to hoary? wow, small :) I just updated my friends mandrake 10.0 vanilla install, and it was 1024MB01:50
mattgirvI can only seem to get XFCE 4 from the ubuntu repos. :(01:51
Bauhnerror_29 ohfuck.. is it really dangerous even if i just make another partition on ~3gb?01:51
mattgirvaz[a] zel_ubuntu, it isn't that small seeing as the iso is only 500 odd mb :)01:51
az[a] zel_ubuntuheh01:52
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error_29Bauhn, don't let me panic you, I'm clueless.  I just know that I try to avoid resizing partitions with important data on them.01:52
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thoreauputicBauhn: problem with XP is even a defrag leaves cruft that won't move , so resizing can be tricky on ntfs01:53
error_29And Bauhn, you're gonna want more than 3 gigs for ubuntu01:53
Seveasthoreauputic, Partition magic can handle that01:54
Bauhnthoreauputic but if i run defrag before it should be pretty safe?01:54
thoreauputicyes, 3 gig is a pretty tight squeeze after a base install of 1.7G01:54
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error_29I've found, Seveas, that linux installers sometimes take issue with partitions as set up by partition magic, but I'm out of date on this stuff01:55
thoreauputicSeveas: yes, I know - if he can afford Partition MAgic ;)01:55
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Seveaserror_29, never had that problem with recent PQmagic01:55
criscroshi all01:55
Seveasthoreauputic, that's the only problem: it's either expensive or illegal01:55
error_29I don't suppose say, QTparted as used by SimplyMepis or other live CDs could do it?01:55
thoreauputicSeveas: yeah01:56
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criscroscan anyone help me?01:56
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Seveascriscros, depends on the problem01:56
Bauhni dont want to ruin anything on this drive.. if i do, i'm screwed ;P01:56
thoreauputiccriscros: no, sorry, you're beyond help (j/k)01:56
Seveaslol thoreauputic :p01:57
criscrosyesterday i've installed with the .sh in the forum mplayer01:57
chrissturmhey guys! is there an app available in ubuntu that automatically corrects id3 tags of mp3s?01:57
St3althcAthello, I'm having some problems with GRUB on my Athlon 64 based system. GRUB simply hangs up and I need Linux for University works! :\ Can someone help me? Thanks. More details on pvt!01:57
criscrosbut today at the boot of the machine doesnt work audio01:57
error_29well, Bauhn, in that case, you've got to back it up, regardless of whether you're going to install another OS or not01:57
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Seveascriscros, why some weird shellscript, if you can simply install it from a repository???01:57
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St3althcAthello, I'm having some problems with GRUB on my Athlon 64 based system. GRUB simply hangs up and I need Linux for University works! :\ Can someone help me? Thanks. More details on pvt!01:58
thoreauputicBauhn: another solution is to get a second-hand hard drive and put Ubuntu on that01:58
Bauhnthoreauputic sounds like a good idea ;P01:58
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criscrosi dont know..im just a newbie, but the audio now is f*cked off.01:58
St3althcAtby the way, I tried to install Ubunto 5.04 preview01:58
thoreauputicBauhn: just remember Windows likes to be the master drive ;)01:59
Seveascriscros, since we don'y know the script, there probably isn't too much we can do01:59
djstcriscros:  what's the problem?01:59
Seveaswhere is this script located?01:59
Bauhnthoreauputic ok, i'kk remember that01:59
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Bauhnthanks for the help everyone01:59
criscrosSeveas, the script is here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9850&page=5&pp=1001:59
criscrosdjst,  now my ubuntu linux doesnt play any sounds02:00
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thoreauputicBauhn: windows thinks it is alone in the universe, and is blind to Linux :)02:00
St3althcAtcan someone help me please?02:00
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johsoSt3althcAt, sorry...02:01
thoreauputicSt3althcAt: hard to say - our psychic powers are strained at the moment02:01
St3althcAtok ok...02:01
az[a] zel_ubuntuhmm, my CPU is running at 1GHz instead of 2.2GHz for some reason.. power saving ?02:01
az[a] zel_ubuntuI didn't think my motherboard even supported that02:01
St3althcAti've searched forums where ppl as the same problem, and no one can answer02:01
error_29good luck Bauhn, the second drive option is the best, but you should have windows install cd handy, just in case you have problems dual booting, so you can use the "fixmbr" option in windows repair.  That saved me a couple of times.02:01
SiRrUsSt3althcAt are you sure your cd is good02:02
thoreauputicSt3althcAt: just ask - don't ask to ask02:02
sal002Is there a bug report for the iptables bug?02:02
mattgirvwhere is libxml-2.0.pc or whatever ( im trying to install XFCE 4.2)02:02
Bauhnerror_29 chkdsk have saved me many times to ;P02:03
=== Bauhn <3 bluescreens
FallenHitokirimattgirv: you need some files from hoary to install XFCE4.2 from osworks02:03
St3althcAtwell yeah CD is good, Ubuntu installs ok, in the end computer restars. when it boots up, it appears on the screen "Grub 1.xx Setup" or whatever and in the other line it show "Grub Loading". The computer hangs out. I have Athlon 64 3200+, Motherboard ASUS A8V Deluxe02:03
mattgirvyeah... -dev files they are :)02:03
mattgirvive found them :D02:03
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St3althcAtsorry if my english is not the best ;P02:04
error_29thoreauputic, stop bashing windows in front of the kids.  All the great little open source apps ported to windows that I have sucking the WinXp teat get confused by such comments, and start fretting that they were adopted... ;)02:04
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St3althcAtwhen I try other distros that use LILO, LILO hangs up too!02:05
thoreauputicerror_29: by a wicked stepmother? *grin*02:05
St3althcAtwell the problem is that :P02:06
sal002Anyone else have problems installing latest iptables in warty?02:06
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mattgirvYAY YAY XFCE 4.2 YAY YAY02:06
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error_29I like windowsXp.  There, I said.  And i'm glad!02:07
thoreauputicSt3althcAt: maybe you have some odd BIOS settings?02:07
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criscrosso can anyone help me? i'm being stupid :|02:08
thoreauputicerror_29: I weep for your lack of taste...02:08
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St3althcAtI flashed the bios yesterday for the last final release, the only settings that are differente from the defaults is the ACPI 2.0 that is now enabled, Cool & Quiet now enabled and I've disabled integrated SATA Bootrom (my disc is ATA), Raid and Lan, because I don't use it02:09
thoreauputicaz[a] zel_ubuntu: I think you'll find that will rise if you do something cpu intensive (compiling for example)02:09
St3althcAtthe rest is on default02:09
error_29I didn't have to jump through hoops for an up to date version of firefox in windows xp, thoreauputic ...!02:09
az[a] zel_ubuntuthoreauputic, yeah I just found that :) cool, I wanted to know how to turn that on in my normal distro (mandrake), but seemed to hard to setup.. but it just works in ubuntu and I never even noticed, heh02:10
thoreauputicerror_29: that's funny, I didn't either... I just typed ./firefox-installer, I seem to recall ;)02:10
az[a] zel_ubuntuthoreauputic, but lets say I do want to run flat out all the time, is there a way to do that?02:10
error_29or office 2000, or to get video lan client working well, etc.  Windows for me is just the nasty landlord.  The tenants are pretty cool02:11
thoreauputicaz[a] zel_ubuntu: probably. but I don't know what you'd edit to achieve it02:11
St3althcAtdo anyone know how to solve my problem! :P02:11
error_29yeah thoreauputic , that command just instantly pops into the brain of a new user02:11
thoreauputicerror_29: The instructions are on the site, I believe02:12
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error_29oops, I meant open office 2, not office 2000 !02:12
error_29thoreauputic, stop please.  The only point I was trying to make is that people are better evangelists when they don't cut down folks prior environment or experience02:13
thoreauputicerror_29: I understand your point - I'm just being a stubborn Linux zealot ;)02:13
thoreauputicerror_29: I'm not being serious at all02:13
error_29yes, I know, but the zealotry doesn't serve linux, 'cause for many of us, multiple os's are simply a fact of life02:13
mattgirvIs XFCE4.2 an improvement over XFCE4?02:13
mattgirvIt certainly looks fairly different.02:13
St3althcAtwell, I'll stay here for a while waiting for an answer while I study a little :P02:14
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thoreauputicerror_29: *sigh* - I agree with you: I guess IRC isn't a good medium for facetious humour02:14
mattgirvits fine thoreauputic02:14
mattgirvyou just have to have.... *sarcasm* linux sucks *sarcasm*02:15
mattgirvor whatever :P02:15
SiRrUsSt3althcAt I did a search in the ubuntu forums and found this take a look www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9071&highlight=grub+hangs+athlon+6402:15
error_29and, thoreauputic , i'm really really grateful to people who have troubled themselves to port stuff to windows.  As I'm grateful to you for helping out us noobs.02:15
thoreauputicerror_29: sure, I remember you were thanking me the other day - i appreciate it. I'm not always in top form, I'm afraid :/02:16
error_29hah hah, sorry thoreauputic !  I'm not really that humorless; I'm just anxious about02:16
error_29my coming ordeal in setting up a dual boot on a new laptop.02:16
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St3althcAtSiRrUs Thanks! :D02:16
SiRrUsany time02:17
_ToNhO_Some one Brazilian here?02:17
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St3althcAtbut I'm Portuguese Tonho :P02:17
johsooh well, I think I'll just reinstall my warty here, think I've screwed it to much up ;)02:17
thoreauputicerror_29: backups are the most important thing - I stuffed up my first dual-boot attempt, but it wasn't a disaster because I had my important things on floppy (yeah, it was a while ago...)02:17
_ToNhO_St3althcAt: ohh cool you know more brazilians here or use the Ubuntu/02:18
St3althcAtnope, first time on the channel02:18
error_29floppy!  (thoreauputic, I have a feeling you may think windows is still windows 3.1 -- --grin-- --har har-- grin--- big smiley...!02:19
_ToNhO_St3althcAt: i have a channel UbuntuBR do you want join?02:19
thoreauputic_ToNhO_, St3althcAt, there's a #ubuntu-pt (but not many people)02:19
error_29thoreauputic, I backup everything to gmail now!02:19
thoreauputicerror_29: well, this was win98 SE, actually, so not quite *that* old ;)02:20
_ToNhO_thoreauputic: thaks is better than my channel02:20
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St3althcAtok I'll go there :P02:20
mattgirvwhat wm's / de's do you all use?02:20
thoreauputicmattgirv: most would be using metacity+gnome (ubuntu default)02:21
thoreauputicmattgirv: I also use fluxbox02:21
error_29johso, a screwed up warty is an awful thing, but a virginal warty upgraded to hoary is pretty cool.  For some reason, i couldn't get a hoary install working from disk, but upgrading warty has been sweet02:21
mattgirvah ok02:21
mattgirvi used to use amiwm :P02:21
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_ToNhO_Ubuntu have many people02:22
St3althcAtSiRrUs, the problem is that LILO won't work too! :(02:22
thoreauputicmattgirv: you can use anything you wish, really - but GDM is a bit unintuitive to set up for multiple WMs02:22
_ToNhO_GDM Owns02:23
mattgirvbetter than... xdm :p02:23
SiRrUsSt3althcAt read the link i pasted for you that was mentioned by a couple of people, not sure if anyone found a great solution tho02:23
thoreauputic_ToNhO_: hmm... i disagree02:23
thoreauputicKDm is easier to use02:23
az[a] zel_ubuntumattgirv, KDE normally, but I'm pretty impressed with Gnome 2.10 and ubuntu.. thinking of switching..02:23
_ToNhO_mattgirv: ohh he is but kdm me too is ugly02:23
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_ToNhO_I prefer GDM is more beatiful than KDM02:24
az[a] zel_ubuntuKDE seems faster, but gnome feels more polished02:24
thoreauputic_ToNhO_: gdm can look pretty - but try setting it up for more than 2 window manager options02:24
mattgirvI always found KDE to be slower02:24
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_ToNhO_I dont like KDE is much winuser02:24
error_29I agree ToNho, but I dislike metacity, and I love kde's browser and applets and kicker02:24
thoreauputicmattgirv: KDE is much quicker than it used to be02:25
error_29it doesn't have to be, ToNho02:25
mattgirvwell last version i used was... 3.202:25
mattgirvi really didnt enjoy it, the worst thing is that fecking control panel that hasnt been updated since KDE 1.x :P02:25
MyKq3i have just installed Ubuntu but for some resone he don't load my X server ... ( its hoary )02:25
az[a] zel_ubuntuafter getting an Apple laptop and OS X, I started becoming dissapointed with KDE (on my x86 desktop)02:25
MyKq3can someone help me .... do u know whats the problem ?02:26
_ToNhO_ohh my Distribution Linux have the base with GTK02:26
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St3althcAtwell, I'm gonna study and I'll try to do what they suggest on the link later02:26
mattgirvMyKq3, care to elaborate a bit?02:26
St3althcAtthanks for the help! :D02:26
thoreauputicaz[a] zel_ubuntu: well, GNOME is in many ways more "apple like"02:26
error_29What I hate about kde is that it seems like -- Everything-- has to be themed to death, little popup info windows with the full border title bar business, annoying overkill02:26
mattgirvBye St3althcAt02:26
az[a] zel_ubuntuthoreauputic, yeah, which is why I've become a bit more interested in gnome02:26
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mattgirvI think GNOME is just more polished full stop,02:27
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knuckswho has had luck setting up an ipod on linux and can really help?02:27
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MyKq3i wish i could... i just don't know whats the problem02:27
thoreauputicerror_29: if you dig deep enough, a lot of KDE stuff can be turned off - but I like fluxbox :)02:27
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Aronokay, that did NOT go well02:27
error_29it's more polished, but there's less to polish.  little things.  Screenshot app, mixer etc02:27
AronGrub is now giving me Error 15 and I can't even boot my system. I installed another boot manager so I could install, now I need to rescue it.02:28
xavwhen should hoary be released ? in one or two months?02:28
thoreauputicI find it's harder to customise a lot of things in gnome....02:28
AronI'm in Windows right now, I need to back up the data on my Home partition02:28
error_29I LOVED using kicker in gnome, but it's busted now.  I think "kubuntu" has harmed it somehow...02:28
MyKq3mattgirv,  all i have done was to dl the image from the site and install it... i have P3 with nVIdia 32M02:28
az[a] zel_ubuntuI don't like the "take screenshot..." option in the menu.. I mean, how often do people take screenshots? it should be a separate app, or a hot key combo02:28
mattgirvI thought Hoary was going to be released this month02:28
thoreauputicxav: mid April02:28
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xavthoreauputic: k02:28
criscrosanyone can help me with an audio problem please? :(02:28
_ToNhO_Guys i love this Ubuntu my second day in him and have all, all drivers function and have goooood velox and Stability02:29
error_29you see, folks, you see??  I'm not the only person Grub hates!02:29
xavso I should use warty right now ?02:29
mattgirvMyKq3, did you download Warty or Hoary?02:29
MyKq3hoary mattgirv02:29
mattgirvTry Warty02:29
AronCan anyone point me to a way to get into Ubuntu so I can back up my data?02:29
mattgirvSee if that works for you02:29
f0scohi, guys02:29
mattgirvWarty is the current stable version02:29
xavthere is no way to downgrade hoary?02:29
_ToNhO_f0sco: hi brazilian02:29
mattgirvxav: Hmm02:30
error_29As a newbie learning ubuntu, and trying to help a friend by email who was also installing it, i found the screenshot app a godsend02:30
az[a] zel_ubuntuhmm I thought hoary would be in a couple of weeks, max... the live cd seemed pretty stable02:30
f0sco_ToNhO_: happens to be im not Brazilian :)02:30
knuckshow do i give 777 rights to my user object 'knucks' on a mounted drive?02:30
error_29but kde's is vastly better.02:30
thoreauputicxav: it's possible, but difficult and messy02:30
MyKq3mattgirv,  i have installed it 4 mounth ago it worked fine ...02:30
mattgirvMaybe add Warty repos. and just replace EVERYTHING02:30
_ToNhO_f0sco: fosco is a word in brazil =D02:30
mattgirvMyKq3, stick with Warty then in all honesty,02:30
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thoreauputicmattgirv: not a good idea...02:30
MyKq3okay mattgirv  thanks...02:30
mattgirvthoreauputic, didnt say it would be as simple as that02:31
f0sco_ToNhO_: omg, what is the meaning of that word?02:31
mattgirvMyKq3, no problem.02:31
_ToNhO_knucks: i prefer 666 is the Debian =D02:31
MyKq3is there any way to uninstall the GRUB ...02:31
AronI really need to get my stuff back...02:31
Riddellerror_29: unlikely that kubuntu has broken it but kicker has been changed internally a lot for KDE 3.402:31
xavI have to download a warty install cd then02:31
Riddellerror_29: in what way is it now broken?02:31
mattgirvMyKq3, why do you want to uninstall GRUB?02:31
knucksis anyone using an ipod w/ ubuntu?02:31
ewhittenknucks:  yup02:31
knucksewhitten: care to share how u set it up?02:31
MyKq3cuse i want to remove Ubuntu till hoary will get out02:31
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_ToNhO_f0sco: is ahh umm i don't know some to speak in english02:31
knucksit was working for me, but now i cant seem to get songs on it02:32
zhukov_nedd some help :P02:32
error_29Riddell, I say broken, meaning for the way i want to use it, which perhaps was nuts to begin with--02:32
MyKq3.... os i don't need the GRUB ....02:32
mattgirvHmm, I take it you have it dual boot with Windows?02:32
error_29maybe this is a feature others want, but i think it's nuts02:32
ewhittenknucks:  what are you using to see your songs?02:32
mattgirvMyKq3, boot from a Windows boot floppy or whatever02:32
error_29to have fully themed, and buggy pop up windows over the buttons02:32
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mattgirvand type fixmbr02:32
ewhittenis the ipod mounting alright?02:32
mattgirvthat should work02:32
error_29that do nothing but tell you what the window is for02:32
f0scook, one Q: how come Nautilus doesn't show metadata of mp3's? Is it a normal behavior?02:33
knucksewhitten..it opens up02:33
error_29a normal mouseover could do that02:33
zhukov_Trying to configure a bootsplash, but the site with the tut is down...I've installed the kernel patch, and all is good, but then i must add some lines to grub, and i dont know exactly how to add them in the conf file...anyone can help please?02:33
knucksseems to work02:33
Riddellerror_29: the tooltips rule, everyone likes them02:33
knucksit mounts as /media/GRANT DOBSO02:33
just_Someone now if the nvidia driver problem with kernel-2.6.10 has been fixed ?02:33
haapamikhoary-amd64 and blackbox wm is very fast ... just testing ubuntu02:33
xavand if I install warty, what will happen when hoary is released?02:33
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thoreauputicerror_29: you sound like a good candidate for fluxbox: you can set a key combo to toggle "window decorations" ;-)02:33
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ewhittenknucks:  right.   have you tried using rhythmbox?02:34
_ToNhO_just, i think so02:34
error_29Riddell, you mean these popups, with a title bar and everything?  Why??? wasteful, unnecessary.02:34
az[a] zel_ubuntuermm apt just downloaded a package called "bicyclerepair".. heh.. nfi what that is02:34
ewhittenknucks:  i'm sort of guessing here, as it "just worked" for me. :)02:34
error_29well, there's no accounting for taste, but it's that kind of design that makes me prefer gnome02:34
xavjust_: I don't think so, madwifi is still borken. there is know update about linux-image or linux-restricted-module02:34
HAL_9000Do anyone know some Open Source FTP library?02:34
xavjust_: and its still in topic so02:34
knucksoh i see :/02:34
error_29even though kde is much better in other ways02:34
thoreauputicaz[a] zel_ubuntu:  apt-cache show bicyclerepair :)02:34
erwin_this is just a test02:35
just_xav: oops sorry :)02:35
az[a] zel_ubuntuwow it's a python refactoring tool... would never have guessed02:35
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just_and compiling nvidia-kernel-source does not work for me with 2.6.1102:36
agabuscould someone help me get rhythmbox working with mp3's. please not i already have totem running fine with mp3s02:36
xavjust_: you may need some patch02:36
error_29I don't have a problem with window decorations; I have a problem with the way kde themes every damn element!02:36
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xavagabus: which problem?02:36
thoreauputicaz[a] zel_ubuntu: hehe - I saw an acronym page that said JAVA stands for "Just Another Vague Acronym" so $deity knows what bicyclerepair comes from ;)02:36
agabusxav - well when i open an mp3 file with rhythmbox, it doesn't do anything at all02:37
f0scosome, please enlighten me: dose nautilus show mp3 ID3 tag info in file properties?02:37
thoreauputicagabus: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad02:37
error_29for example, awesome thing in ubuntu gnome:  the calandar app, the way that pops up, without being fully themed.  Quick, works, undistracting.  Nice!02:37
xavagabus: all mp3 and only mp3? ogg work fine?02:38
agabusthoreauputic - yeh i'm quite certain thats the file i installed to get totem playing mp3s02:38
xavagabus: check it02:38
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agabusk i just gotta wait for it to finish updating (1 minute to go)02:38
error_29hah hah, I've wondered through several installs what the hell bicycle-repair was!  I figured maybe it was some obscure emacs file or something...02:38
scandiumjust_, what version? new drivers were released yesterday02:39
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just_scandium:  1.0.6629-0ubuntu02:39
knuckshow do i open /etc/fstab?02:39
tOpi^cd /etc/fstab02:40
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mattgirvknucks... "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"02:40
thoreauputicknucks: sudo gedit /etc/fstab02:40
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Digishi, I have a little problem with starting firefox, in console it says: relocation error: /usr/lib/libgconf-2.so.4: undefined symbol: CORBA_exception_init02:40
mattgirvoi thoreauputic !02:40
scandiumjust_, ah ok...nvidia released 7167 yesterday, perhaps you have more luck with those02:40
flevourhi all02:40
thoreauputicmattgirv: I won ;)02:40
just_scandium: I suppose thaht they aren't yet packaged ?02:41
mattgirvmattgirv knucks... "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"02:41
mattgirvthoreauputic knucks: sudo gedit /etc/fsta02:41
knucksyeh thanks02:41
mattgirvi won02:41
thoreauputicmattgirv: ah - lag02:41
thoreauputichere it's the opposite order :)02:41
flevouri am having problems with xmms: if i select alsa plugin xmms plays the song but doesnt output any sound if i select oss plugin it freezes. gnome can produce sound output02:41
mattgirvlets just say.. draw :D02:41
f0sco can anyone, please, check if on your systems Nautilus shows mp3 file ID3 info in properties?02:41
thoreauputicmattgirv: OK :)02:42
Xappeflevour, choose the esd sound output02:42
mattgirvthoreauputic, you might be able to help Aron02:42
Digisf0sco no02:42
f0scoDigis: thanx02:42
mattgirvhe is having trouble with his bootloader02:42
thoreauputicmattgirv: hmm... I'm not a bootloader expert I'm afraid02:43
f0sconow the question is how to solve this issue, do I need to instaal something - then what?02:43
mattgirvheh you are better than me02:43
mattgirvim a noob :P02:43
thoreauputicespecially not GRUB02:43
agabusok people, yes i do have gstreamer0.8-mad installed02:43
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xavagabus: launch it with rhythmbox -d in console. and try to open ur mp302:44
knuckswhat di u type in to see all my drives, mountded and all02:44
_ToNhO_today is dai of 56k =(02:44
flevourXappe, great :p02:44
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agabuswhat does -d do?02:45
xavknucks: mount df ?02:45
f0scoknucks: at consoele mount02:45
_ToNhO_going do lag in brasnet02:45
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mattgirvHas anyone seen the Mplayer site02:45
agabusok.. i seems to be playing the files now?02:45
mattgirvBastard authorities02:45
supertedwhere can i view the status of my langauges installer .po file?02:45
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thoreauputicmattgirv: it's mostly a political statement - you can still access the site02:46
mattgirvyeah i know02:46
just_FYI nvidia drivers works for me, with the latest kernel package: "linux-image-2.6.10-4-amd64-k8 / 2.6.10-27"02:46
fabbioneyes that is supposed to fix it02:47
agabusok so i've worked out that rhythmbox isn't playing mp3's when i try to play them from smb02:47
jdubmattgirv: have you called your local representative?02:48
xavwhat r u doing it from smb anyway? no place on ur hard drive?02:48
jdubmattgirv: go for it, you need to let them know why patents are hurting us02:48
xavwell topic should be edited then02:48
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mattgirvlol yeah02:49
flevourXappe, thanks for the fast hint, i have tried all different combos for alsa and oss and lfet apart the esound one :p02:49
agabusxav - i store my mp3 collection on my server, not my local disc. why does linux have such problems with smb?02:49
mattgirvhey is it possible to uninstall openoffice1 (i have oo2 installed) safely.. it said something like ubuntu-blahblah relies on it :/ :(02:49
xavyou didn't say there was no problem without rhythmbox?02:49
AronCan anybody help me out? I need to back up my Home partition because Ubuntu won't boot and I need to format :(02:49
xavagabus: rhythmbox is like ubuntu, not really bug free :)02:50
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agabusxav - yeh, smb browsing with linux i've found has many problems02:50
Xappeflevour, hehe, well...the other way is to kill your sound daemon02:50
kentAron, why wont it boot?02:50
agabusthe new ubuntu preview is the first time i've even been able to actually browse my server by going into 'network servers'02:50
just_thank you xav and scandium02:50
jdubmattgirv: ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackaa02:50
mattgirvok so it is safe to remove openoffice?02:51
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xavagabus: ha :)02:51
jdubmattgirv: yes02:51
agabusxav - but that's most likely a gnome fix anyways with the new gnome 2.1002:51
xavagabus: well its right that samba is not easy to configure02:51
az[a] zel_ubuntuwho else is running AMD64 version of Ubuntu? I'm thinking if I move to ubuntu permanently, I might run 32bit ver instead (so I can easily get firefox plugins, etc)02:51
xavagabus: it worked for me in previous version too, but maybe its better in 2.1002:52
mattgirvyay 100mb of space now02:52
xavagabus: which os is your server running?02:52
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agabusxav - yeh, the pretty much 1 reason from stopping me from converting to ubuntu/gnome is that i can't browse my windows shares on other computers in my lan properly02:52
error_29Hmm, I've had no problems browsing my lan, backing up files to and from windows partitions, without Samba02:52
agabusmy server in running w2k02:52
hezeahh, new kernel. coolness.02:52
xavyou use ubuntu for desktop and w2k for server ? its quite strange02:53
error_29When I did install Samba before, then I had problems02:53
hezei do the other way around =)02:53
mattgirvdoes anyone have an ati card here? if so can you tell me the easiest way to install my drivers... i have had a lot of problems doing so the last day or two :(02:53
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hezemattgirv, what kernel are you running?02:53
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agabusyeh well my dad doesn't want to put linux on it for some reason. i think he believes linux isn't ready for a server yet the dumbass02:54
mattgirvthe default hoary one i think02:54
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xavmattgirv: update now02:54
hezemattgirv, somebody had problems with the 386 version, try 68602:54
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xavit was broken02:54
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mattgirvwell in updates, its got another kernel there but its 38602:54
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mattgirvshall i just download the 686 kernel02:55
mattgirv(or K7 even seeing as i have amd)02:55
knucksim having trouble getting my ipod to work02:55
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knucksi get an error in gtkpod02:55
error_29agabus, do a screenshot of ubuntu, set it as wallpaper on your dad's machine, hide all icons, and hide the taskbar02:55
error_29er, maybe you shouldn't really do that../02:55
geewzhell OH02:55
xavmattgirv: I think its better to use k7 or i686 than i38602:55
mattgirvor even better, boot the pc from a linux live cd02:55
mattgirvxav, ok mate :)02:56
agabuserror_29 - or maybe i should wipe windows and install ubuntu and see what he says then02:56
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hezeagabus, why would you wanna do that? :)02:56
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error_29please don't.  We don't want to see the two of you on Judge Judy02:56
xavagabus: good idea02:56
mattgirv2.6.11-1-k7 be ok?02:56
GFXstyLERhi there02:56
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xavmattgirv: is there restriced-module for it ?02:56
mdblitz1you know that she pays all the fines for the person that loses?02:57
xavmattgirv: I would wait for 2.6.11 to be linked by linux metapackage02:57
=== geewz is having amzing trouble setting PATH on his .bash_profile: it wont work!!!
xavtake linux-686 or k702:57
agabusthe reason he doesn't want to put linux as the server is because he thinks we won't be able to setup the print server like it is on windows. and since we play music from the server sometimes with friends around he thinks we won't be able to do that02:57
MyKq3mattgirv,  :) whats up again ... my windows startup disk didn't recognized the : fixmbr: coomand02:58
MyKq3.... mattgirv  any othere ideal :)02:58
mattgirvoh i thought you were using xp02:58
hezeagabus, well it's definitely not as easy with samba as it is with windows for a guy that's used to win02:58
mattgirvyou do that from the recovery console02:58
krestenI've got a problem with Ubuntu and my internet connection. Can any body help me?02:58
xavagabus: linux is a powerful server, I don't see the problem. it'll work fine if its well configured. just check that ur printer is well supported02:58
mattgirvsomeone else will have to verify this but i think its like... format /mbr02:58
mattgirvon say... a 98 boot floppy or whatever02:59
MyKq3mattgirv,  i m useing Xp02:59
error_29kresten, you'll need to be more specific02:59
hezexav, for example, i can't mount my smb shares on my ubuntu for _some_ reason that i can't figure out. winxp can mount that same share.02:59
mattgirvwell boot from the xp cd02:59
agabusxav - yeh i know, i'll prove it to him soneday soon enough. but for now im goin to bed02:59
mattgirvwhen it says you can use recovry console, do that, and then type fixmbr there02:59
error_29recovery console, "fixmbr"02:59
mattgirvok xav i am downloading this kernel.. it will install it fine yes?02:59
mattgirvMyKq3, no problem :)02:59
xavmattgirv: hope so03:00
XappeMyKq3, fdisk /mbr03:00
mattgirvxav, shit so do i :)03:00
mattgirvXappe, nah he says he is using XP03:00
mattgirvso its best to use the recovery console - then fixmbr03:00
xavheze: I had some troubles too03:00
hezexav, got an easy solution? :)03:00
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Xappemattgirv, ok, but if the xp cd does not work, he could use a dos floppy03:00
xavnot really03:00
mattgirvXappe, yeah :)03:01
xavheze: did u try linneighborhood or something like that ? :)03:01
mattgirvright xav it has installed do i just reboot now03:01
krestenerror_29: Well, my problem is, that i can connect to the other computers in my network, through my router. But not to the internet... The other computers (windows machines) works fine though...03:01
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xavmattgirv: yep :)03:01
hezexav, umm nope. smb:// works in nautilus fine but mount -t smbfs wont mount the shares, kernel says some weird error for that03:01
mattgirvright if im not back within 5 minutes... i want the room silent followed by everyone typing ":'("03:01
mattgirvok brb03:02
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xavheze: try googling the error if you didnt already do it03:02
Xappemattgirv, I think mdk has a nice "restore the windows mbr"-function on their install cd too03:02
hezexav, actually i didn't i just wanna complain since things don't work out of the box :)03:02
error_29kresten, warty or hoary?  I've found that sometimes with hoary I have to reboot to get the internet connection going; I'm using a router too03:03
flevourXappe, now that xmms works, I'd like to get rhytmbox to work too. It doesnt recognize the mp3 format03:03
error_29sorry, kresten, i don't know what to tell you, hopefully someone here may have some ideas03:03
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hezekresten, are you using DHCP on your local network?03:04
krestenheze: yep!03:04
flevourXappe, i have read around that i'd need gstramer-mp3 but i cant apt-get it03:04
mattgirvok right i got to find a good guide to follow for installing the latest drivers from ati03:04
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Xappeflevour, try gstreamer-mad03:04
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hezekresten, do you have a default gw route in your routing table?03:04
mattgirvxav can you recommend a guide to follow for the latest ATI drivers?03:05
flevourXappe, its to the newset version too.03:05
raydoggI don't know if others have had any problems, but after a while, gnome has to be restarted ( control + alt + backspace ) because performance is very terrible... any fixes or causes or workarounds for this ?03:05
xavmattgirv: I don't know for ubuntu03:05
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Xappeflevour, gstreamer0.8-mad03:05
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flevourXappe, uhm, getting it03:06
Xappeflevour, and libmad003:06
krestenheze: Don't really know...?!?! how do I check? (I've had linux running for 2 days now. so I'm pretty new to this world.)03:06
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hezekresten, wait some 3 minutes my irc is totally lagged while i download :P03:07
XerKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)03:07
flevourXappe, great. hail to audio-xappe!03:07
=== ChaperonNoir [~edmond@modemcable108.40-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Xerhow i can fix this?03:07
krestenheze: OK.03:07
scandiumkresten, netstat -r03:07
ChaperonNoirSup everyone03:07
Xappeflevour, well ;)03:07
Xercould anyone answerone or guid me plz?03:08
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ChaperonNoirIm running hoary with kde 3.4, i have no sound03:08
krestenscandium, what do I look for?03:08
Xercan u tell me how to get it work with me03:08
Xerand wich files i need to download03:08
scandiumkresten, column "router" and the row "default"03:08
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raydoggdon't u get kbuntu or something of that nature for the kde version ?03:08
ChaperonNoir*cought* *cought* APT-get install kde03:08
scandiumshould be the ip address of your router03:09
=== ChaperonNoir I have no sound on my linux , can someone help me ?
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Xerinstall driver03:09
error_29pre-kubuntu kde worked fine with ubuntu03:09
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XerKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)03:09
XerKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)03:09
XerKernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)03:09
toniWhat is the best gui for apache2? I have now webmin installed, but i want one that is only for apache, or has more apache settings03:09
Xerhow could i fix this03:09
mdblitz1sounds bad...03:10
scandiumkresten, oh sorry, with english locale it's called "gateway" and not "router"03:10
krestenscandium, There's no router collumn, but there's a Gateway collumn in whitch is has my rout.... Yea03:10
scizzotoni: gui? *shrug*03:10
sal002hmm..apt-get is seg faulting...that looks bad03:10
scandiumkresten, sorry ;)03:10
scizzosal002: what does it say?03:10
krestenscandium, no problem03:10
krestenWhat do I do then?03:11
toniprogram to edit configuration?03:11
vince`Xer: wrong root-partition setting in grub maybe? /boot/grub/grub.conf03:11
sal002scisso: Segmentation fault03:11
scizzotoni: use the text editor...03:11
sal002Not much info - on any apt-get install03:11
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scizzosal002: GAH! the whole info please03:11
mdblitz1whats a good ftp browser for linux? or should I just stick with the console version?03:11
scandiumkresten, ok, maybe it's DNS then03:11
mattgirvi have installed the drivers... and changed the driver from ati > fglrx but its still running mesa GL03:11
Xeri dont have grub.conf :S03:11
scizzosal002: that is like walking to the docter and say "I hurt..."...yes..but what hurts? when do you hurt?03:11
krestenScandium, what about it?03:12
sal002scisso: apt-get install gaim03:12
toniscizzo, i want to edit it from gui ;) i have webmin now.. i just hate editing it from text file...03:12
mattgirvmdblitz1, gftp?03:12
sal002The following NEW packages will be installed:03:12
sal002  evolution-data-server gaim libao2 libgtkspell0 libperl5.8 libsoup2.2-703:12
sal002  libstartup-notification003:12
sal002Segmentation fault03:12
vince`Xer: ah sorry, it's called menu.lst actually in ubuntu03:12
Xercan anyone answer me plz?03:12
sal002That is the whole info03:12
mdblitz1got me? I'll try03:12
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thoreauputicmdblitz1: gftp03:12
Xerim in ubuntu :S03:12
scizzosal002: and after Segmentation fault?03:12
Xerand i have the file menu.conf03:12
mdblitz1guess I need to install it first :P03:12
Xeri mean .lst03:12
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scandiumkresten, well, if gateway info is correct and you can connect to boxes on your lan but not surf the web, maybe it doesn't lookup host names correctly...try to ping an IP address, if that works, try a hostname03:13
scizzosal002: have you changed the sources.list file? have you looked so that apt-get update is going through the links correct?03:13
mattgirvmdblitz1, yeah :) you have to install but i quite like gftp03:13
Xeri will past my menu.lst here03:13
XeritleUbuntu, kernel
Xerkernel/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hdb2 ro quiet splash03:13
vince`Xer: try "update-grub" as root03:13
XertitleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.903:13
Xerkernel/boot/vmlinuz  root=/dev/hdb2 ro quiet splash03:13
XerSearching for splash image... none found, skipping...03:13
XerFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz03:13
scizzosal002: try to use apt-get -f install03:13
XerFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz.old03:13
XerFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.903:13
sal002shell prompt03:13
sal002No, I have not changed it, and apt-get update functions correctly03:13
thoreauputicXer: you were warned about pasting yesterday !!03:13
XerFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-
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XerUpdating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done03:14
Xerthanks :)03:14
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scizzosal002: try to run apt-get -f install03:14
Xersorry , im trying my best to dont use [enter]  ;)03:14
krestenscandium, I've tried pinging but no luck... (only my local computers...)03:14
sal002scisso: same error..nothing more03:14
scizzosal002: not apt-get -f install <application> just apt-get -f install03:14
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thoreauputicXer: have you learnt nothing?03:14
sal002eading Package Lists... Done03:14
sal002Building Dependency Tree... Done03:14
sal002Segmentation fault03:14
thoreauputicXer: obviously not...03:14
mattgirvI have managed to install my ATI drivers, and changed xorg.conf from "ati" to "fglrx" but my FPS still sucks, and it is still using MesaGL03:14
Xertime to quit03:14
=== Xer hearing mumy is calling me
scizzosal002: sounds like something is really broken03:15
Xerrest to test kernel :D03:15
scizzosal002: can you put the sources.list online?03:15
sal002scisso: Yeah...I'll try rebooting.  Last thing I did was install cvs.03:15
=== scizzo needs to fetch a pizza now
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Xappemattgirv, and you have the restricted modules package?03:15
sal002Let me just reboot and see what (if anything) that does.03:16
mattgirvXappe, yes.03:16
mattgirvThe drivers had no errors when installing this time03:16
xavdid anyone try xantos ?03:16
Xappemattgirv, and the right modules are loaded?03:17
thoreauputicxav: do you mean Xandros?03:17
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krestenscandium: Could it be that I just have a lousy router?03:17
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hezekresten, do "ip route show". does it show a line with default gw bla bla?03:18
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mattgirvbrb one sec03:18
krestenscandium, It doesn't say "gw", but the other things...03:19
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hezetry to "ping x.y.z.w" where x.y.z.w is the ip address of the default thingie03:20
krestenscandium, will do...03:21
scandiumkresten, it's heze talking to you now, not me ;)03:21
xavthoreauputic: omg yes03:21
krestenscandium, sorry bout that...03:21
hezescandium, shh i don't wanna see yellow lines ;)03:21
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navreethi, can anyone help me boot ubuntu?03:22
sal002scisso: Reboot fixed it...now to figure out my iptables upgrade problem03:22
krestenheze, It "pings fine"03:22
hezenavreet, what seems to be the problem03:22
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hezekresten, try to do: "traceroute"03:22
xavthoreauputic: you tried it?03:22
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hezekresten, how "far" it goes w/o printing *   *   * ?03:22
firdelwheres the file i edit to change to servers the apt-get command uses ?03:23
deFryskI noticed there is a kubunti section03:23
Lourensheze: make that tracepath instead of traceroute03:23
navreetI have a SATA drive, and I have ubuntu on /dev/sda2, but I can't seem to boot off of it, when I pass the line root=/dev/sda2 through grub, the screen says it can't find /dev/sda2...03:23
deFryskis that a " kde " ubuntu ?03:23
hezelourens, why?03:23
navreetI am guessing the kernel sees it differently than I do03:23
Lourensfirdel: /etc/apt/sources.list03:23
navreeti didn't install grub on ubuntu install because I already had it03:23
Lourenstraceroute doesn't exist on my Ubuntu...not sure about yours but...03:23
hezemy ubuntu locks up so i can't check :P03:24
hezechanged to 2.6.11 and now nv locks up X =(03:24
krestenheze, it doesn't reconize "traceroute"...03:24
deFryskanyone know of kubuntu ?03:24
hezekresten, change it to "tracepath ..."03:24
deFryskis it worth testing ?03:24
navreetheze, it's so sad that I've experience LOTS of linux/X lockups and only 1 XP lock.  linux stability seems to be a myth03:25
thoreauputicxav: sorry, was afk - no I haven't used Xandros03:25
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xavnavreet: on some box only03:25
AndyRafternoon all03:25
xavnavreet: with some hardware03:25
hezenavreet, it's more about how much experience you have with the environment.03:25
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Lourensyeah, like anything with proprietary drivers...03:25
krestenheze, Well it just goes "no reply" after having pinged itself...03:26
navreetxav, I have good hardware, nvidia cards, turtle beach santacruz soundcard, etc.03:26
=== punkrockguy318 [~lukas@pcp02403054pcs.brdgtn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xavnavreet: mobo?03:26
hezekresten, it seems like a problem with your router or a problem with the firewall on your ubuntu (did you set any?)03:26
navreetxav, Asus sk8v03:26
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RiddelldeFrysk: I know of kubuntu03:26
thoreauputicnavreet: linux (the kernel) and the underlying system are stable, but X apps can cause lockups03:26
xavnavreet: and u have a lot of crash with all distrib ?03:26
navreetxav, Via chipset03:26
Lourensheze: linux should just work though, it shouldn't require experience to get it to work...03:26
hezetranceconscious, don't scream you scare us away ;)03:26
krestenheze, nope haven't tampered with any firewall settings...03:27
navreetxav, not LOTS but I wouldn't call them "rare"03:27
hezelourens, well try putting yer mother to install winxp on a clean puter :P03:27
deFrysknavreet kt400 ? asrock ?03:27
tranceconsciousI've managed to make my modem work. but i have a problem03:27
Lourenswell, via chipsets are usually okay...I'd blame the nvidia stuff03:27
hezekresten, what router do you have?03:27
navreetthoreauputic, yeah... I think that's what happening, but I have no idea what's the cause :(03:27
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deFrysknvidia is not good on 2.6.11 kernels03:27
punkrockguy318How can I use the nvidia-glx 6111 driver in hoary?  The nvidia-glx driver supplied does not work with my card, due to a bug in the driver.  When I run the patched nvidia-glx installer for 6111, it will compile fine but won't load the module.  How can I load the 6111 nvidia-glx driver in hoary?03:27
navreetdeFrysk, ?? http://usa.asus.com/products/mb/socket940/sk8v/overview.HTM03:27
xavdeFrysk: it works well here03:27
krestenheze, an amitech.03:27
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navreetdeFrysk, I am running 2.6.9-ck3, i believe03:28
hezekresten, is it like a dsl router or...?03:28
krestenheze, danish company...03:28
tranceconsciousit won't dial, and I think it's because I need to disable the "wait for dial tone before dialing". how do i do that????03:28
deFryskxav 6111 version does not take on my 2.6.1103:28
thoreauputicnavreet: drop to a console if you can ( ctrl-alt-F2 for instance) and run `top`  to see if something is hoogging resources, then kill it03:28
deFryskso I have to use a 2.6.10 kernel03:28
navreetxav, I've experience lockups under debian and gentoo03:28
Lourensoh, by the way, the reason I came here was to ask how I add an entry in the Applications menu03:28
LourensI'd like a "Development" folder03:28
krestenheze, yep. connected to the internet with a pppoe connection.03:29
navreetthoreauputic, usually it's a very hard lock, keyboard doesn't respond, etc.03:29
navreetthoreauputic, can't even ssh03:29
deFrysknavreet, with nvidia ?03:29
thoreauputicnavreet: can you ssh in from the network?03:29
hezekresten, what's the ubuntu's ip address? (ip addr show)03:29
thoreauputicah sorry03:29
navreetdeFrysk, yeah03:29
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deFrysktnt 32 mev vid card navreet ?03:29
tranceconscious I need to disable the "wait for dial tone before dialing" on my modem. how do i do that????03:29
tranceconscious I need to disable the "wait for dial tone before dialing" on my modem. how do i do that????03:29
navreetdeFrysk, Geforce 5700 Ultra03:29
tranceconscious I need to disable the "wait for dial tone before dialing" on my modem. how do i do that????03:29
deFrysknavreet, that one should work fine afaIk03:30
thoreauputictranceconscious: don't repeat, please03:30
johns^tranceconscious: once is enough03:30
Lourensno idea tranceconscious...never used a phone modem on Linux...03:30
krestenheze, and where du I look?03:30
navreetdeFrysk, I had a Geforce 2 GTS before too03:30
xavnavreet: you have no idea what could cause hardlock ? can it lock with nv driver too ?03:30
navreetxav, dunno... it's not frequent these days (built a new system last year, the older one had a buggy northbridge)03:31
deFryskdri turned off glx turned on in xorg.conf03:31
navreetdeFrysk, yep03:31
hezekresten, is it public or private address, are you doing NAT on the router.. search for your network interface (probably eth0) and find a line with: "inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yy ..."03:31
navreetxav, dunno about the nv driver.. I do graphics programming, so it'd be REALLY annoying to switch back and forth03:31
hezexav, i just got locked with the nv driver03:32
deFrysknavreet, get the 6.111 might work fine03:32
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krestenheze, It's
navreetdeFrysk, I am running 662903:32
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xavheze: because of it?03:32
hezekresten, hmm, are you absolutely sure you're running dhcp client on ubuntu? :)03:32
xavnavreet: I see03:33
punkrockguy318deFrysk, you can't get the 6.111 in hoary...03:33
deFryskpunkrockguy318, is it still in warty ?03:33
punkrockguy318deFrysk, yes03:33
hezexav, well it hung right after login. i saw a half loaded desktop. this happened right after i rebooted to 2.6.11 from 2.6.1003:33
deFryskpunkrockguy318, then use the one in warty03:33
navreetalright so can anyone help me boot ubuntu? I can't seem to pass the right options onto my grub command, (the root is located on /dev/sda2, but the kernel can't find root on /dev/sda2)03:33
firdeli need a little help mounting a hd. its not in my computer yet, but its gonna be the PrimSlave. its allready formated, so only the mounting will be neccesary03:34
punkrockguy318deFrysk, how can you do that?  you need to recompile it for the right kernel...03:34
krestenheze, pretty sure. It got the right ip-address, and all...03:34
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pnghi all03:34
hezekresten, what's the ip address of the default route (ip route show)?03:34
deFryskpunkrockguy318, tru03:34
hezehi png, seen any jpg?03:34
deFryskdidnt think of that03:34
punkrockguy318deFrysk, see this is my problem... (scroll up)03:34
pnghe is at home03:34
deFryskpunkrockguy318, apt-get source -b perhaps ?03:35
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deFryskfor recompiling03:35
hezexav, ahh it's only X that locks up, ping runs fine even after the lock up.03:35
punkrockguy318how would I do that?03:35
punkrockguy318deFrysk ^03:35
deFryskpunkrockguy318, add the warty repo incuding sources03:36
Lourenshmm, installing Glade actually seems to have given me a "Programming" menu entry under Applications...except it took a while to show up03:36
deFryskapt-get source -b nvidia-kernel03:36
deFryskand apt-get source - b nvidia-glx03:36
deFryskuse fakeroot03:36
deFryskthen dpkg -i blah03:37
navreetcan anyone help me boot ubuntu? I can't seem to pass the right options onto my grub command, (the root is located on /dev/sda2, but the kernel can't find root on /dev/sda2)03:38
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krestenheze, src default via
Lourensnavreet: you said you are passing root=/dev/sda2 in grub03:38
hezenavreet, kernel lacks the driver for your root's filesystem?03:38
Sianishia all03:38
Lourensbut can grub find the kernel image?03:38
Lourenswhat heze said is the other possible problem03:38
deFryskLourens, is correctly added in grub.conf yes03:38
Lourensthe question is, does the kernel get loaded?03:38
deFryskis = if03:39
navreetheze, no, I doubt it... I've booted it before (just don't remember how)03:39
Sianiscan some1 speak hungaryan?03:39
navreetLourens, deFrysk how can I solve this problem step by step?03:39
hezesianis, i can do finnish, would that be good enough? :)03:40
Lourensgrub uses numbers to find disks...something like (0,1) for hda203:40
Sianisheze i don't speak that :)03:40
navreetLourens, but the parameters like root= are usually like /dev/hda203:40
krestenheze, how do I set up an pppoe connection directly from my ubuntu machine? Is is the same as ppp?03:40
navreetor /dev/sda203:40
Lourenswe'd have to figure out what the proper numbers for /dev/sda1 is03:40
hezekresten, no it's pppoe ;)03:40
Lourensyes, but those are parameters to the kernel03:40
Lourenswhat happens at boot is that first grub gets started03:40
Lourensit allows you to select an OS03:41
hezekresten, i've no experience with pppoe but basically your router has done the pppoe connection and the computer behind it shouldn't need to worry about that.03:41
Sianiskresen, buy a router and all probleme is goint to the hell :)03:41
Lourensif it's Linux, grub will then get the kernel from the specified disk and partition, and start the kernel03:41
hezesianis, he has a router.03:41
Lourensthat's the (0,0) option03:41
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navreetLourens, I think I can find the kernel... it even tab complete in grub03:41
Lourensthen the kernel will try and find its filesystem root, which is passed to it via root=/dev/bla03:41
navreetLourens, but I think the new kernel doesn't find the right partition03:41
Sianisso configure tham with a brosver03:41
navreetLourens, right, and that last step fails03:42
krestensianis, I am behind a router, and my windos machines have no problem of connecting to the internet, the only problem is my ubuntu machine...03:42
navreethi usual03:42
Sianisbut you don't need configure ppoe with the ubuntu03:42
=== Slaven [~gatubarn@h165n4fls31o1041.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
navreetLourens, any suggestion on the last step?03:43
SlavenAnyone else here experiencing problems with ZSNES?03:43
Sianisyou need configure the local network03:43
Lourensother than root=...not really03:43
Lourenswhat is the exact error message that you're getting?03:43
Slavenslow graphics and sound delays03:43
Sianiscan you ping the router with ubuntu?03:43
krestenSianis, true, but thy won't it work then... :(03:43
hezesianis, he can ping the router and has the right entry in his routing table etc03:43
Lourensheze: does he have the router IP set as the default gateway?03:44
Slavengraphics works fine in OGL mode, but sound is still behind03:44
hezelourens, yes03:44
hezehe uses dhcp03:44
navreetLourens, I'll brb, will give you the exact err message03:44
hezenavreet, lemme guess: VFS: unable to mount root partition =)03:44
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Sianishow broswer you try?03:44
krestenSianis, firefox03:45
olyhi, can some one tell me if beagle will work with reiserfs and fat32 partitions ?03:45
hezeumm yeah good idea. try to open with a browser on your ubuntu puter03:45
Sianisi have not more idea03:45
krestenheze, to look at the configuration, right?03:46
hezekresten, to test whether you can reach the configuration03:46
krestenheze, no problem, there... It's only when i leave the house... so to speak.03:46
Sianishave you some firewall on the ubuntu?03:47
krestensianis, i haven't configured any...03:47
olyno one tried beagle with anythin but ext3 ? i just wanted to know before i add the extra tag to fstab, and find out its ext3 specific03:47
hezeit doesn't have any by default does it?03:47
Lourenswell, if the packets reach the router, then the problem is not with Ubuntu I'd sy03:47
Sianisuninstall or close all firewall03:47
Sianiscause maybe they blocked the trafic03:47
hezelourens, it's weird that the windows' can get thru..03:48
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krestenSianis, How do I do that?03:48
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hezekresten, you could check the output of "iptables -vL" to see if there are any firewall rules.03:48
Lourenswell, if the windows machine is on a different IP, and the router is deny-except-for that IP...03:48
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hezelourens, yeah but why would it be like that :>03:48
Lourensdefault settings for wlan?03:49
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Lourensto keep the neighbours off of it, and only your own IP on?03:49
Lourensjust guessing...03:49
hezegood guess03:49
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hezebut since he's using dhcp, if it was wlan he wouldn't even get the IP03:49
Sianisheze can you try brosvw withe a buntu LIVE cd?03:50
Lourenshmm, good point03:50
Sianiskresten no heze sorry :)03:50
=== Aron [~Aron@host97.mch12.resonet.uottawa.ca] has joined #ubuntu
hezelourens, atleast not in a sane environment :) of course any configuration is possible03:50
krestenHaven't got a live CD...03:50
Aronok, I'm back up, but for some reason I can't find the wiki page that tells me how to put Windows back into the GRUB menu03:50
hezekresten, can you run windows on the ubuntu puter and reach internet that way?03:51
Sianisso uninstall all firewall03:51
=== mattgirv now has full 3D acceleration ..... \o/
Sianisex: Guarddog03:51
hezemattgirv, lucky you :) i've a freezing X :)03:51
krestenheze, No, it's windows-free, but i've been able to earlier...03:51
mattgirvwhat are everyones fps on glxgears?03:51
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hezemattgirv, how big a window? ;)03:52
mattgirvnormal size...03:52
mattgirvim getting 4500 is that good or bad?03:52
hezeit's something like insane 10000 with normal size03:52
hezedepends on your hardware :)03:52
krestenbtw, my firewall's policy seems to be accept...03:52
AronCan anyone point me to the Wiki page for configuring GRUB to boot to Win XP? I can't seem to bloody well find it, I'm searching and searching :(03:52
mattgirvi have an ATI tho :( 9800 pro03:52
Sianismattgirv -> glxinfo03:52
krestenWhat ever that means03:53
mattgirvii get like 8000 when its minimised03:53
Lourensa shiny 156 :)03:53
hezekresten, sounds fine03:53
Sianisand if you see YES near the direct rendering you got 3d accelation03:53
thoreauputicmattgirv: sounds pretty good for ati on linux03:53
mattgirvSianis, I know I have 3d Acceleration.. just wondered if my FPS was good.03:53
xavmattgirv: minimised ?03:53
Sianisso it's an good program03:53
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Sianiswith big fps :P03:54
hezekresten, you really should check the router's configuration at this point.03:54
mattgirvxav, minimise the glxgears window :P03:54
krestenheze, for what?03:54
hezekresten, for any and everything :)03:54
AronI seem to be getting ignored...@_@...all I need is to find where to get GRUB configured to boot back to Windoze...03:54
hezekresten, access control lists maybe?03:54
AronI've been searching the wiki for 20 minutes@_@03:54
xavmattgirv: whats the use ? first glxgears sux, if besides its minimised03:54
hezearon, try using the search ;)03:54
=== gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aronheze: I did use the search03:54
Aronhence the word "search"03:55
mattgirvxav, have you read anything else i wrote.....03:55
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gillesIs the Wifi Airport card recognized by ubuntu on macintosh ?03:55
xavmattgirv: yes03:55
hezewb navreet03:56
mattgirvi was merely pointing out my fps doubled when i minimised the window03:56
mattgirvnot that it was entirely relevant03:56
LourensAron: maybe this helps: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromKnoppixHowto03:56
mdblitz1Aron, http://wolfheart.ro/linux/grub.shtml03:56
Lourensthere's an example /boot/grub/menu.lst there03:56
navreetLourens, I got the error message, it was: VFS: cannot open root device "sda2" or unknown-block(0,0)03:56
mdblitz1google is kind of search, try that next time03:56
navreetPlease append a correct "root=" boot option03:56
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usualI don't like that gnome took away the ability to edit the menu03:57
Lourensah, so it's definitely the kernel then03:57
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xavmattgirv: now that u see its totally irrelevant, don't post glxgears score anymore :) just fire quake 3, et, ut2k4 whatever and see how it's.03:58
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
hezexav, it's not totally irrelevant.03:58
xavheze: it's03:59
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mattgirvxav, erm... i was merely asking if 4500fps was an average score for an ATI card, i dont think you should give me the third degree because of that, and i really don't see why i cant post anything i want, seeing as its a public irc channel03:59
=== ivo [~ivo@cc201144-a.hnglo1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
hezexav, you can easily check whether things are fine or not with it. no need to launch q3. it's bad for benchmarking, yes.03:59
ivohello everybody03:59
xavheze: mattgirv I'm bored to see glxgears score. it makes ppl thinking it means something. that's all04:00
ivoCan't u use ascii WEP in on a linux wlan connection?04:00
xavif you want to keep thinking wrong, u are free to do it04:00
xavheze: yes whether things work04:00
ivoEverywhere I look it's hex encrypting!!04:00
mattgirvxav, so your bored of it? well don't even comment on it then, and thinking i am wrong? why am i wrong.04:00
hezexav, there, it's not _totally_ useless.04:00
ivoCan't u use ascii WEP in on a linux wlan connection?04:00
mattgirvi fail to see your pointless argument.04:00
ivoEverywhere I look it's hex encrypting!!04:00
spenserivo:  hex isn't encryption04:00
spenserthat's like talking in spanish and saying that it's encrypted english04:01
navreetLourens, any ideas?04:01
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thoreauputicmattgirv, xav, chill - it isn't worth arguing over it04:01
mdblitz1WEP is the encryption04:01
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ivoyes I know04:01
vixusHey, how do I add fonts to GNOME?04:01
vixusnew fonts that is.04:01
ivoI spelled it out uncorrectly04:01
mdblitz1the key is usually in a hex format04:01
mattgirvi know it isn't hence why i am slightly annoyed that i am being told that i am wrong for posting it :/04:01
usualvixus, copy them into .fonts04:02
vixusin my home directory?04:02
ivobut can linux also use WEP ascii?04:02
thoreauputicmattgirv: as I said, your 3d sounds fine04:02
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Lourensnavreet: i'm googling for sata linux boot problems....there seem to be a few but I haven't found any solutions yet04:02
usualvixus, yes04:02
xavmattgirv: I'm not saying that for you only04:02
hezemattgirv, he's bored with comparing the high scores with it. the one where you minimize it for double fps. it's really meaningless.04:02
vixususual: I don't have a .font folder, should I create it?04:02
ivobut can linux also use WEP ascii?04:02
thoreauputicxav: drop it, please, it's tedious04:02
mdblitz1go to System menu > Administration > Networking04:02
navreetLourens, I'll try to do the same... hmm, I thought it might've been an easy fix since I _have_ been in ubuntu once.04:03
ivoor only WEP hex?04:03
usualvixus, yes .fonts04:03
mdblitz1click on your wireless card and then properties, enter you key there04:03
mdblitz1doesn't say hex or ascii just says key04:03
ivoyes, and standart it's hex WEP04:04
ivolook, my router has problems with WEP hex, so I want to use WEP ascii, so does anyone now if I can, and if so, how?04:05
mdblitz1ivo, http://lists.linux-wlan.com/pipermail/linux-wlan-user/2002-July/006903.html04:05
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Seveasivo: you can04:05
Seveasiwconfig wlan0 key s:your_key_string04:05
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Lourensnavreet: is it a Promise chipset? http://kerneltrap.org/node/480804:08
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ivo_and in /network/interfaces (wireless_key s:mykey??04:08
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mattgirvare there any iconsets that have icons for EVERYTHING :p04:09
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jasonHi, I turned of the login splash and change my theme but a blank screen of ugly ubuntu chocolate comes up right as gnome starts. Anyone know how to get rid of it?04:10
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wezzer-did you just change runlevel or how did you disable login splash?04:10
usernamewhat are the kernel packages called?04:11
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navreetLourens, I am ubuntu :)04:11
=== [Spooky] [spookan_78@h206n1c1o1032.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu
jasonwezzer-: under system\admin\login04:11
navreetLourens, I forgot that I had this problem before... and I just reinstalled, and put another grub installation on /dev/sda2, and then did a "chainloader" option04:11
xavusername: linux-image ?04:11
usernamexav, ah. Thanks04:12
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wezzer-jason: ok04:12
[Spooky] hello is the "Hoary preview" buggy as hell ? :)04:12
navreetnow I have to remember to edit my master grub config so that I remember what I did04:12
wezzer-I got rid of login splash by uninstalling some part04:12
wezzer-but I can't recall it's name :/04:12
mdblitz1[Spooky] , I haven't had a problem yet04:12
jasonok I'll seach for ubuntu with apt04:13
[Spooky] mdblitz1 ok04:13
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Lourensnavreet: so the problem seems to be that grub can't boot off a partition of a sata disk unless it is in the MBR of that disk?04:14
navreetLourens, no04:14
navreetLourens, I installed grub on a partition of that disk04:14
ivo__Saveas, my connection was gone so What was the last thing you sad??04:14
=== AlfaWolph [~alfawolph@cpe-024-024-098-083.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasonwezzer-: ubuntu-artwork?04:14
navreetso the grub in the MBR loads up another grub in a partion, which boots ubuntu04:15
StoffBox-Stevehi guys, have a prob with nvidia.. i installed Nvidia-Settings | nvidia-glx | nvidia-kernel-common ; type nvidia-glx-config enable but when i type "sudo modprobe nvidia" this comes up ... "FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-386/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko): Invalid module format" the nvidia.ko is in the modules folder, but when i start xoeg with "nvidia" it cant find the driver ! *grrr* any help ?04:15
wezzerjason: sorry, can't remember...04:15
wezzertry asking someone from here or at the forums04:15
navreetStoffBox-Steve, you might want to try #nvidia04:15
hezestoffbox-steve, read https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=748504:16
Lourensnavreet: aha, okay04:16
jasononly problem I really having right now with it :)04:16
Lourenswell, learnt something again :)04:16
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LourensI seem to have magically obtained the menu entry I wanted, so I'm off to play with glade04:17
StoffBox-Stevenavreet, heze, i think i mean its work fine yesterday .. but i reinstalled ubuntu today and now this *grr* i go and check the bugzilla04:17
Lourensbye everyone04:17
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mdblitz1ivo_, http://lists.samba.org/archive/wireless/2003-June/002597.html04:17
hezestoffbox-steve, actually the bug is marked fixed even i still can't get it to work :(04:17
mdblitz1has ascii instructions04:17
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hezestoffbox-steve, nevermind it works, for some reason i just had to manually "modprobe nvidia" with the 2.6.11-kernel, try updating your kernel.04:19
navreetStoffBox-Steve, so just get a newer version?04:19
StoffBox-Steveheze, i just see it now in the topic .. *grrr* ok i dont need it really @ this point ...04:19
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navreetUbuntu doesn't have gkrellm? or gkrellm2?04:19
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navreetor gallery?04:19
StoffBox-Stevenavreet, i installed 4.10 1 hour ago and upgrade to hoary after finish install04:20
hezestoffbox-steve, which kernel are you running?04:20
hezeno i wont ;)04:20
WillCookewhere do you go to ask for software to be included with Ubuntu?04:20
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StoffBox-Steveheze, 2.6.10-4-38604:21
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wjesus_axlhey guys.. i'm back04:21
navreetis Hoary > Warty?04:21
djgHi, I've got wireless almost working on my laptop, but all networks appear to be out of range, even when I hold the laptop next to a transmitting router.  Any ideas?04:21
hezestoffbox-steve, upgrade to 2.6.11?04:21
_d4vidUbuntu 5.04-preview is released (GNOME 2.10 included)! Downloads are available at http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/. Test it NOW!04:21
wjesus_axlI can't still solve my problem with my wifi connection04:21
StoffBox-Stevehoary :D04:21
hezenavreet, > as in with size? =)04:22
jasonim scared to update hoary until it becomes stable, everything seems to work04:22
mdblitz1wjesus_axl, whats wrong?04:22
navreetheze, as in version number04:22
navreetheze, or a later release date04:22
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StoffBox-Stevei hope that help :D as i say just upgrade a few min ago04:22
jasonwjesus_axl: what is the wifi prob04:22
hezenavreet, warty is stabe, hoary is development version afaik04:22
navreetheze, ah04:22
HoodsterHi all04:22
wjesus_axlhey jason...04:22
wjesus_axlI already set up the interfaces..04:22
wjesus_axlI'm working with a dhcp...04:22
vixusAnyone here play FS2004?04:22
navreetheze, so warty=stable04:23
HoodsterI was wondiering if someone can help me with a usb webcam problem04:23
wezzer-vixus: I do04:23
StoffBox-Steveheze, i have no 2.6.11 in my list :(04:23
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wjesus_axland I alredy typed which my Essid is04:23
navreetheze, err warty=stable like warty=woody04:23
jasonwjesus_axl: what kind of card04:23
StoffBox-Steveits is in testing ? heze04:23
vixuswezzer-: Cool. Member of a VA?04:23
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SiRrUsnavreet some would say hoary is more stable then warty :)04:23
wezzer-vixus: nope, I like to fly my own routes :)04:23
wjesus_axland even though it solve an IP number04:23
=== ompaul mumbles something about rugby next weekend in a mutley voice
wezzer-vixus: but I was on Virtual Finnair long time ago04:23
socklermy computer was running fine until i restarted it today and now it doesnt boot properly04:23
wjesus_axlgiven from the router04:23
navreetis it just me or does ubuntu not have really popular packages like gkrellm and gallery04:24
wjesus_axland I can't ping any computer04:24
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jasonwjesus_axl:  i do it manually04:24
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HoodsterCan someone help me with a video4linux/gnomemeeting ququiestion?04:24
StoffBox-Steveheze, found it :) search for kernel 2.6.11 .. but have to look for linux 2.6.11 :D04:24
thoreauputicnavreet: gkrellm is easily available04:24
hezestoffbox-steve, oh yeah :) i use aptitude.04:24
socklerwhen i start it up it can sortof see the BIOS loading, but the characters are all scrambled, and then once the bootload is supposed to come up, the screen is filled with weird characters04:24
wjesus_axlwhat do you mean with manually04:24
socklercan anyone help?04:24
wjesus_axldoing it statically instead of DHCP04:25
navreetthoreauputic, sudo apt-cache search gkrellm shows nothing :(04:25
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SiRrUsnavreet and gallery is available through synaptic04:25
wjesus_axlI do have an IP number04:25
thoreauputicnavreet: it's in universe04:25
mdblitz1sockler, I found a problem like this a while back..04:25
jasonwjesus_axl:  iwconfig eth1 mode managed, iwconfig eth1 essid essid, dhclient eth104:25
reonhi people!04:25
navreetthoreauputic, universe?04:25
mdblitz1try taking out a stick of your RAM, believe it or not, a bad stick of RAM can cause this to happen04:25
jasonwjesus_axl: what kind of card?04:25
SiRrUsnavreet update your repos04:26
thoreauputicnavreet: yes, you need to enable that repository04:26
reonhowzit thoreaputic!04:26
socklermdblitz1: do you think it could be the onboard video acting up?04:26
jasonwjesus_axl: I had a hell of a time with my prism 2.504:26
HoodsterI am trying to get a firewire webcam working and I need to install ffmpeg, but it won't04:26
hezenavreet, http://ubuntuguide.org has nice tricks :)04:26
djgHi all, my wireless card is incorrectly reporting all wireless APs as being out of range or having zero strength.  Any known solutions?04:26
navreetso much for "it just works" philsophy04:26
HoodsterStrangely, ffmpeg in warty requires a hoary library. What's up with that?04:26
reondjg, whats your problem I have wireless LAN experience04:27
thoreauputicnavreet: either edit /etc/apt/sources.list or use synaptic >> settings >> repositories04:27
mdblitz1sockler: I'd try the ram first04:27
hezenavreet, who said that and where? :)04:27
socklerok thanks :-)04:27
navreetheze, isn't that supposed to be ubuntu's philosophy04:27
djgreon: I can see 4 APs, but all have zero strength.04:27
thoreauputicnavreet: universe consists of "unsupported' packages04:27
hezenavreet, i don't believe that's possible with any linux distribution. not yet. maybe in a couple of years.04:28
SiRrUsnavreet there are many things that are not included due to licensing issues04:28
vixuswezzer-: know of any places to get good airliners for fre?04:28
vixuswezzer-: *free04:28
navreetSiRrUs, ?? it's in debian04:28
djgreon: I have also placed my laptop in close proximity to an AP and got nothing.04:28
jasonwjesus_axl:it just works except for most wireless cards and sound quits working as they dink with the kernel every other day04:28
SiRrUsnavreet yep in the universe repo04:28
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mdblitz1djg: have you tried using the card in a differen't computer?04:28
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reondjg, stupid question but does the wireless work from Windows etc ?04:28
thoreauputicnavreet: it's in ubuntu as well - just a matter of uncommenting a few lines04:28
krestenheze, I've gone over the configuratin for my router, but had no luck finding anything...04:29
djgreon: Yes, it worked.04:29
djgAhhh, might be UI...04:29
hezekresten, i'm really running out of ideas here. =(04:29
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djgiwlist eth0 gives 'RSSI' of ~ -80 dBm04:29
reondjg, ok then it would be save to assume that there is nothing wrong with the network but you got a client problem on ubuntu04:30
navreetthoreauputic, gotcha, I read the note in sources.list04:30
mdblitz1djg: is the card turning on when linux boots?04:30
djgIs that bad?04:30
djgmdblitz1: It must be, because it scans the networks.04:30
krestenheze, It's quite OK.04:30
wjesus_axlI solve an IP number04:30
djgreon: Yes, that's what I'd assume.04:30
wjesus_axlbut I can't ping from any other computer to mine..04:30
wjesus_axlneither from mine to any other04:31
thoreauputicnavreet: if you want the *bad non-free* stuff, add "multiverse"  *grin*04:31
reondjg, this is where my experience stops. I have not yet setup wireless on linux, will soon though. Lots of expereice with win2k,XP,CE04:31
navreetthoreauputic, gkrellm is still nowehere to be found :(04:31
=== djg nods
navreetthoreauputic, what's in there? any popular packages I might recognize?04:31
mdblitz1wjesus_axl: is it putting you on the same subnet as the other computers and giving you a matching ip?04:32
farruinnnavreet: don't forget to apt-get update04:32
reondjg, have you done a update&ugrade lately04:32
thoreauputicnavreet: you *did* do sudo apt-get update, didn't you ?04:32
navreetfarruinn, I hit refresh in synaptic04:32
jasonwjesus_axl: It is possible it is a driver issue is why I asked what kind of wireless card it is.04:32
djgreon: Sure, did one yesterday, doin one now. :)04:32
socklermdblitz1: taking out the ram worked, thanks alot04:32
mdblitz1sockler: glad I could help04:32
farruinnnavreet: double check your sources.list then, it's in there04:32
=== iSuperman [~rob@ppp154-176.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
SiRrUsdont think gkrellm is in the repos04:33
wjesus_axlsorry I didn't read it04:33
wjesus_axlan Atheros04:33
navreetfarruinn, yep :)04:33
navreetfarruinn, it's fine... still no gkrellm04:33
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navreetfarruinn, do you see gkrellm?04:33
thoreauputicnavreet: recheck your sources list - gkrellm is definitely available - i have it running here04:33
reondjg, the fact that you can see the APs is good. What wireless card do you have ?04:33
wjesus_axlan aR521104:33
jasondid you unplug the ethernet?04:33
djgreon: Centrino04:33
usualI see a shit load of gkrellm when I search for it in hoary04:33
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farruinnnavreet: yeah, apt-cache search gkrellm shows a bunch of stuff04:33
wjesus_axlyeah it's unplugged04:33
navreetthoreauputic, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe04:33
jasontry this04:34
navreetdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe04:34
wjesus_axli Ifdowned at first04:34
reondjg, centrino ? got a website. No who the manufacturer of the chipset is ?04:34
djgreon: Intel04:34
djgreon: It's a processor with bundled wireless04:34
=== StoffBox-Steve [~steve@pD9E57C87.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
reondjg, do you have the chipset part/model details ?04:34
_d4vidplay Silbermond - Symphonie.mp304:34
wjesus_axlI can't even ping my gateway04:35
thoreauputicnavreet:  $ apt-cache search gkrellm | wc -l04:35
mdblitz1wjesus_axl: do you have a regular ethernet card as well?04:35
thoreauputicnavreet: on warty04:35
jasonifconfig wlan0 down, iwconfig wlan0 managed, iwconfig essid (your_id), dhclient wlan0, ping (ip_of_router)04:35
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farruinnnavreet: I don't have a trailing / for the uri04:35
gillesDoes the Airport Extreme card work on ubuntu ?04:35
wjesus_axlI don't use wlan0 .. I use an ath004:35
StoffBox-Steve*grrrrrr* ok guys that suck :( .. i update to 2.6.11 on hoary but when i start - login , after the "loginsplash" is done and the desktop shows up my USB keyboard and Mouse are dead :(04:35
thoreauputicgilles: no04:36
djgreon: It uses ipw2200, and that's about as much as I know. :P04:36
jasonsure you would changre that04:36
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jasonare you using wep?04:36
reondjg, hang on got some google results04:36
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gillesthoreauputic: is there a way to have the wifi on a mac g4 laptop04:37
navreetfarruinn, I didn't put it there, it came with the install04:37
reondjg, -   http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/04:37
wjesus_axldo you know how to get my AP MAC address04:37
thoreauputicgilles: not that I know of - maybe an external dongle?04:37
wjesus_axlNop I'm Note04:37
djgreon: I have the relevant kernel module installed.04:38
navreetfarruinn, that didn't make a difference :(04:38
djgreon: I can scan the networks, I just can't see the signal strength.04:38
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jasonI think iwconfig will show the AP mac after connected, or it is on the bottom of the AP04:38
BockBilbohello again04:38
farruinnnavreet: do you have an amd64 or something?04:38
wjesus_axlI know my ap MAC adress... but I want my laptop to know it..04:38
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navreetthoreauputic, 1 package shows up when I search from gkrellm (and it's some theme) when i comment/uncomment universe04:38
keffoyay, a big channel :>: >04:38
navreetfarruinn, yes04:39
keffoHi, I'm having some issues compiling the ATi fglrx driver for xorg. I'm using Ubuntu Hoary, more info @ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=92008#post92008 . Any ideas?04:39
wjesus_axlI may be connected to another AP ... and because of the ESSID I can't get connected to my network04:39
farruinnnavreet: that would be why04:39
AbsenthGood Morning.04:39
navreetfarruinn, ??04:39
jasondo you know your essid?04:39
farruinnnavreet: there's no binary package for your architecture04:39
mdblitz1djg: heres some info on ipw220, http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/04:39
wjesus_axlI'm on04:39
jasonbetter mywireless than linksys04:39
navreetfarruinn, great... how many packages are in this state?04:39
Absenthkeffo: do you know if they got the kernel/nvidia problem fixed for hoary?04:39
thoreauputicnavreet: for what it's worth, i had some issues when I first installed and it turned out I had stupidly made a minor editing error in my sources.list04:39
wjesus_axlI have a DLINK04:39
ompaulAbsenth, good morning to you too04:39
farruinnnavreet: do this: 'sudo apt-get build-dep gkrellm; sudo apt-get source -b gkrellm'04:40
keffoAbsenth: what problem?04:40
jasonI have on of those pieces of crap too04:40
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farruinnthoreauputic: check http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/, there's no binary package for him04:40
thoreauputicfarruinn: OK, I see04:40
wjesus_axlso you think my IP is the problem.. because I have the laptop working on windows..04:41
StoffBox-Stevesomeone an idea why my USB mouse and Keyboard dosnt work with 2.6.11 ?04:41
Absenthkeffo: last night (around midnight eastern) I upgraded, and Crimsun, and a few other people were saying not to reboot yet, as there was some problem with a kernel abi or something.04:41
wjesus_axlmy AP04:41
farruinnnavreet: that will give you a deb you can install - 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb'04:41
thoreauputicfarruinn: I didn't realise until he said he was running amd6404:41
jasonwjesus_axl: dhclient will fail if it cant grab an ip04:41
jasonafter it grabs an ip you should be able to ping it04:42
vixusInkscape problem, when I make an object insensitive, how do I make it sensitive again>04:42
farruinnnavreet: in hoary there are very few packages with no binary package available04:42
jasonthen if dns is working you should be able to ping yahoo04:42
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wjesus_axlok I'll change my interface then04:42
navreetfarruinn, should I upgrade?04:42
farruinnnavreet: that's up to you04:42
reondjg, can you connect though ?04:42
wjesus_axlI have this one..04:42
jasonhow did you set it up?04:42
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keffoAbsenth: hm ok04:42
navreetfarruinn, can I see your sources.list?04:42
farruinnnavreet: if you just want gkrellm don't upgrade, install it from source like I showed you04:43
wjesus_axlI went to /etc/network/interfaces04:43
jasoncomment all that crap out04:43
navreetfarruinn, it's more complicated than that... I have to install other packages do be able to build it04:43
wjesus_axlit's done..04:43
navreetfarruinn, I'd like to try to upgrade to hoary04:43
wjesus_axlI only have... auto ath004:43
jasonthen restart and try the cammands04:43
farruinnnavreet: apt-get build-dep installs the build dependencies04:43
jasoncomment that out too04:43
ReeFeRhello all04:43
wjesus_axliface ath0 inet dchp04:43
farruinnnavreet: if you want to try hoary just change all instances of warty to hoary in your sources.list04:44
wjesus_axlthen wireless_essid RED204:44
ReeFeRwhat site can I go to for gome themes?04:44
djgreon: I already have the ipw2200 module installed.04:44
farruinnReeFeR: gnome-look.org04:44
djgReeFeR: gnome-look.org is quite good04:44
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jasonget put a big # before everything then reboot04:44
ReeFeRalso whats the file called I need to install from SMP?04:44
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djgart.gnome.org too, IIRC04:44
navreetfarruinn, what about the cdrom source?04:44
deFryskapt-get is04:44
navreetfarruinn, delete it?04:44
ReeFeRthanks guys04:44
deFryskis = it04:44
gerardoutdjg: je04:44
farruinnnavreet: yeah04:44
jasonthen we will try doing it without ubuntus help04:44
farruinnnavreet: or comment it out if you want04:44
keffoAbsenth: hm, do you got ATi-card?04:45
reondjg, http://jaeger.morpheus.net/linux/d600/   reports that the signal strenght info is not available with NdisWrapper, using Ndis Wrapper ?04:45
wjesus_axlthere's something at the beginning like auto lo iface lo inet loopback04:45
jasonleave it04:45
djgreon: No, ipw220004:45
Absenthkeffo, I have a Radeon 9550 in the other puter, but this one (recently dist-upgraded) has a fx 5900 ultra04:45
deFryskif anyone is interested in kde on hoary here is my screenshot http://www.geocities.com/johanvrt/kde3.4.png04:45
djgreon: Perhaps it just isn't available with ipw2200 either.04:46
jasonwhat is your essid/04:46
djgAnyone here got working wireless?04:46
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djgI'd like to compare scan 'fields'04:46
mdblitz1djg: I do04:46
jasonopen a root terminal04:46
vixusAnyone? *o*04:46
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mdblitz1djg: check out this page, http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/04:46
djgmdblitz1: Can you pm with the output of iwlist <interface> scan?04:46
ReeFeRdjg, whats the file called i need to apt-get for SMP?04:46
djgmdblitz1: I already have that driver.04:46
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navreetfarruinn, great... dist-upgrading now.  should take 30 mins... time for shower04:46
djgReeFeR: kernel-image?04:47
AbsenthAnyone have suggestions on what I should do, or check after a dist-upgrade before rebooting?04:47
keffoAbsenth: so this bug is just about NVIDIA?04:47
keffoanyone knows how to sovle this? :< http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=92008#post9200804:47
keffobuhuhu ;<04:47
Absenthkeffo from what it sounded like, it was affecting both nvidia, and ati.  but he never did give me a url.  I'm just going to go for it, and reboot unless someone has a suggestion on what I should do before hand.04:47
djgmdblitz1: I compiled the latest release of ipw2200 (including firmware).04:47
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djgmdblitz1: Thanks. :)04:48
keffoAbsenth: ok, so when you know more.. tell me04:48
ReeFeRdjg, its something like linux-318-smp or something04:48
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mdblitz1dlg: no problem04:48
keffoim right here and im pissed off.. tired etc04:48
keffothank you04:48
jasonwjesus_axl: I would also try unplugging the AP for 30 secs too before you try04:48
reondjg, do you have wireless tools installed ?04:48
AbsenthBRB, I suppose if this computer blows up, I'll brb on the other one.....04:48
djgmdblitz1: Is Signal level on the same line?04:48
djgmdblitz1: Or one its own?04:49
djgreon: Yup04:49
StoffBox-Stevehmm its there a bug in the 2.6.11 that breaks USB support after login ?04:49
jasonwjesus_axl:gnomes wireless configuration tool sucks04:49
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wjesus_axlok it's done04:49
reondjg, i give up, sorry cant be of more help.04:49
wjesus_axlit doesn't recognize the AP04:49
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wjesus_axlso what's next?04:50
keffoAbsynthe: keep me informed04:50
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djgreon: No worries.  Thanks for your time.04:50
AbsyntheSo far so good.04:50
jasonthen in the root terminal put in : iwconfig ath0 mode managed && iwconfig ath0 essid (your_id) && dhclient ath004:50
ReeFeRcan someone help me out with this file name please, its linux-3**-SMP or something, I need the file name to apt for SMP04:50
djgReeFeR: uname -r04:51
BlissexReeFeR: 'apt-cache search ....'04:51
GetHi! I've problem with quick cam express, when I start som app it says: /dev/video: No such file or directory04:51
Absynthekeffo well, as far as I can tell, if there was a problem last night, there isn't now.04:51
jasonthen do iwconfig to see if it is connected04:51
Absynthealthough I did just do an update dist-upgrade before rebooting this morning.04:51
reonQuestion, where can I get the windoze mm codecs & install procedure ?04:51
AbsyntheSWG still appears like it's going to launch in Cedega.  that's a good sign.04:52
kapputuneed help with partitioning04:52
wjesus_axlbut I can't still ping my gateway04:52
jasonit should tell you stats about connection, where it is connected to, and the strength of connection04:52
jasonis it even connected?04:53
wjesus_axlI put iwconfig04:53
jasonmessage me the output of iwconfig04:53
wjesus_axlI got ath0 IEEE 80211.B04:53
=== ompaul just burnt the pre release CD - seconds before I did I wrote what it was on the disk - the drive ejected and the marker had evaporated :-/
wjesus_axlMOde managed04:53
wjesus_axlfrequency 2.4Ghz04:53
wjesus_axlmy ap mac04:54
wjesus_axlbit rate04:54
wjesus_axltxpowe 50dbm04:54
wjesus_axlsensitiviy 0/304:54
djgReeFeR: Try sudo apt-get install kernel-image-`uname -r`-smp04:54
jasonLink Quality=34/70  Signal level=-56 dBm  Noise level=-91 dBm04:54
jasonnothing like that?04:54
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jasonor Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:11:95:19:DD:5004:55
djgjason: In terms of Signal level, is a lower number better than a higher (e.g. is -80 better than -10 dBm)?04:55
wjesus_axllink quality 39/94 signal level = -56dbm noise level -95 dbm04:55
reondjg, what version of driver do you have ?04:55
wjesus_axlrx invalid nwid:143 Rx invalid crypt: 004:55
wjesus_axlrx invalid frag 004:55
djgreon: That latest driver and firmware04:55
kappututoo bad when I try to manually edit the partition tables only hda shows up04:55
wjesus_axltx ecessive retries 9 invalid misc 0 missed beacon 004:55
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wjesus_axlyeah the managed mode04:56
reonjust saw that 1.01 is suposed to fix signal strenght repoting issues04:56
wjesus_axlthe frequency and the mac04:56
kapputudoes the live cd have a partition manager??04:56
jasonis it connected to the access point04:56
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kapputuhelp please04:56
wjesus_axlyeah theres a status sign on the tool bar04:56
ReeFeRroot@GotFukt:~ # sudo apt-get install kernel-image-`uname -r`-smp04:56
ReeFeRE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:56
ReeFeRE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:56
ReeFeRdjg, the SMP is for hyperthreading :)04:56
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djgReeFeR: Close synaptic04:57
SeveasReeFeR, are you running synaptic too?04:57
kapputuhelp !!!04:57
djgSeveas: :)04:57
keffowhat did you do to sovle it04:57
jasonis that the ip?04:57
ReeFeRye just installed, busy doing like 170 updates04:57
djgReeFeR: You'll have to wait until it finishes then.04:58
ReeFeRok  ta04:58
SeveasReeFeR, you can't run synaptic and apt-get at the same time04:58
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wjesus_axlmy gateway04:58
jasonyou should be able to ping the gateway after that04:58
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vixusIs there a character map for linux? ^^04:59
wjesus_axlno I'm not04:59
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wjesus_axlhost unreacheable04:59
andrewskivixus: gnome-character-map04:59
vixusI want the proper copyright character, rather than (c)04:59
jasonif not i think it is something with the drivers04:59
vixusoh, thanks04:59
andrewskiis there anyone who can help me with an error while starting synaptic via sudo?04:59
jasontype dmesg and see if there are errors04:59
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wjesus_axlI ndiswrapped it04:59
Seveasvixus, there is a character applet for gnome04:59
wjesus_axlfrom I windows driver I had04:59
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andrewskithe error is: "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root:05:00
andrewski Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."05:00
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wjesus_axlfrom a xxxx.inf05:00
reonQuestion, where can I get the windoze mm codecs & install procedure ?05:00
Seveasandrewski, use gksudo05:00
ReeFeRdjg, how hard is it to setup a bluetooth adapter on ubuntu?05:00
jasondo dmesg and at the bottom are there any messages pertaining to the wireless05:00
andrewskiSeveas: i am.05:00
vixusReeFeR: I've done it.05:01
andrewskiSeveas: i meant that if i su to root and run it, there's no problem.05:01
kapputuis there a good open source partition manager for windows?05:01
ReeFeRvixus, hard?05:01
vixusAre you telling me there is no (c) symbol?!!05:01
vixusReeFeR, nope.05:01
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keffoFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-k7/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko): Invalid module format05:01
Seveasvixus, there is05:01
keffowhile make.sh05:01
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Seveasjust use the character applet05:01
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andrewskiSeveas: i think vixus already is.05:02
vixusReeFeR, as long as you have the latest kernel... shouldn't be a problem. You are talking about a USB dongle right?05:02
jasoni have no clue what is going on except that it is getting an ip and cant ping,05:02
andrewskijason: have you configured a gateway?05:02
ReeFeRvixus, would you be ableto help with it? yip USB dongle05:02
vixusReeFeR, sure.05:02
andrewskijason: and dns?05:02
wjesus_axlath0 PCI INTERRUPT 0000:00:1005:02
jasonandrewski: I'm fine05:02
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keffoSorry, for re-typing.. its just. important :<< Hi, I'm having some issues compiling the ATi fglrx driver for xorg. I'm using Ubuntu Hoary, more info @ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=92008#post92008 . Any ideas?05:02
andrewskijason: ok, sorry for jumping in.05:02
jasontrying to help wjesus_axl05:02
ReeFeRvixus, Linux GotFukt 2.6.10-4-386 #1 Wed Mar 2 06:11:58 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux05:02
socklerhow come i cant my nVidia card to work?05:02
wjesus_axlATH0 11A RATES ATH0 11B RATES05:02
socklerits plugged in and microsoft doesnt recognize it05:03
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socklerand im not even going to start with ubunt05:03
wjesus_axlATH0: no IPv6 roters present05:03
wjesus_axlthat's the last line05:03
jasonok looks fine05:03
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St3althcAthey guys05:04
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St3althcAtUbuntu is working! :D05:04
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St3althcAtbut have another problem :P05:04
jasoncat /etc/resolv.conf05:04
thynisanybody have any luck installin MOL in Hoary05:04
jasonis the dns right05:04
memerhas anyone tested ubuntu on mac vs. unbuntu on a similarly powered wintel  -- does it run faster on the mac?05:04
kapputuis there a good open source partition manager for windows?05:05
jasonwjesus_axl: I never set up the wrappers05:05
usualLinus switched over to ppc05:05
St3althcAti want to configure my speedtouch modem for ADSL and when I do ./configure it says I don't have gcc or whatever. I'm noob on this, so... if you could help! :D05:05
jasontry putting nameserver at the top05:05
jasonthen try to ping it05:06
ompaulSt3althcAt, have you edited /etc/apt/sources.list ? [I doubt that the answer will be yes] 05:06
memerusual: yeah, i know. but i wonder if there arny performance gains? anybody?05:06
vixuswhat are the bluetooth tools? (apt-get)05:06
wjesus_axlnot working05:06
usualmemer, I can't afford mac hardware heh05:06
djgReeFeR: Re: Bluetooth, I don't know.  Never done it.05:07
St3althcAtompaul, I didn't :P05:07
jasonotherwise im pretty much out of ideas except for that ndiswrapper isnt working right05:07
memerusual: i was actually thinking i might get an old G3 or G4 laptop and pour linux on it. but i want to know if it would run faster than comparable (for that time) windows box05:07
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thynismemer: I can tell you05:07
St3althcAtompaul should I edit that file?05:08
reonmemer, had the same idea.05:08
thynisthat in my opinion it does run a little faster05:08
wjesus_axlhow do I know that it isn't working properly?05:08
memerthynis: do tell05:08
reonthynis, what is it comparable to ?05:08
wjesus_axlor at least that it is ...05:08
thynisI put ubuntu on my wife's lapton and I have it on my ibook05:08
jasonwell you should be able to ping the IP that gave you an IP05:08
ompaulSt3althcAt, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list    <--- {dont stick your tounge out at someone helping it is purile :)} if you care to run the command that I have pointed to at the start of this you can remove the # symbol at the start of lines that start with deb then you can run the command ; apt-get update05:08
thynisshe has a hp 2.6ghz 512 mb of ram05:08
reonthynis, which one is that ?05:08
memerthynis: i take ti your wife's laptop was wintel? about the same pwr as the mac?05:09
thynisand I have an iBook 1 gig 640 megs of ram05:09
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wjesus_axlone thing... how do I see my gateway05:09
St3althcAtmmm ok... gonna put that on my USB pen and boot into linux :P05:09
wjesus_axlon my computer05:09
thynisactually more power05:09
jasontype route05:09
thynisher's has more power05:09
thyniswhich is what makes it so funny05:09
wjesus_axlgateway *05:09
jasonsecond line05:10
ompaulSt3althcAt, then you can run a command --> apt-get install gcc  <-- that will install gcc for you05:10
skeffheya guys, I just wondered; Ubuntu has the ability to automatically mount stuff if I plug in a memory card reader, or a cdrom, and so on... supermounting right?  But when I plug in my memory card reader, a device sda1 gets created on the system, is Ubuntu able to mount any device that it somehow detects actvity on?  How?05:10
jasonlooks fine05:10
memerthynis: rats. that's what i was afeared of05:10
jasonI dont get it05:10
thynisi mean don't get me wrong it runs quick on her computer05:10
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memerthynis: same brand of linux, too?05:10
St3althcAtompaul thks :) and sorry for sticking the tongue05:10
thynisyeah I put ubuntu on both05:10
memerthynis: but what?05:11
dmadoes live cd auto mount my partitions?05:11
wjesus_axlbut it took like 5 seconds to show up05:11
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thynisit just runs a lot faster on my iBook05:11
jasondoesnt matter afaik05:11
xocerbuenas tardes05:11
memerooooh! i got it backwards.. i thot you were saying ti ran faster on the lesser powered wintel laptop?05:11
jasonare you using winXP drivers?05:11
thynisno no05:12
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wjesus_axlyeah i am05:12
jasoni heard ndis likes those05:12
xocer..... jejeje05:12
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reonthynis, is it faster than windoze though ?05:12
memerok, so it runs faster on the ibook, but i guess the thing is that your ibook has more ram05:12
Rafael_Kafkagood afternoon to all05:12
xocerRafael_Kafka, buenas tardes ;)05:12
thynisyeah but her processor is double mine05:12
jasoneverything seems fine, I would now be questioning the gateway configuration, the hardware, or the drivers05:13
Rafael_KafkaWhat boot command can i use in ubnutu cd for the cd give me option to use /dev/hdc5 for ubuntu?05:13
thynisreon: are you asking if it's faster then windoze05:13
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: buenas!05:13
memerthynis: hmmmmmmmm.... cool. you've been the first one who could even approach answering the Q for me. thanks.05:13
thynisnp :) glad to be some help05:13
memer(i'll scroll up to read the specs again)05:13
wjesus_axlI set it up for using it on windows.. I never got any problem05:13
reonyes, is linux faster than windoze on the HP & you MAc ?05:13
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Rafael_Kafkaxocer: doyou know how can i do?05:14
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xoceryes i know05:14
thynisalso just to let you know my bestfriend just bought a macmini and put ubuntu on it and it blows my computer away05:14
jasonthere are no linux drivers for the card?05:14
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Rafael_Kafkathe ubuntu cd just give me the option to format my hd's or use the free space05:14
wjesus_axlI saw there was madwifi05:14
thynisreon: it's a lot faster then windows unreal faster lol05:14
xocerwait a minute05:14
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wjesus_axlwich is built for atheros05:14
Rafael_Kafkai need install in hdc505:14
jasoni would readup and give em a shot05:14
thynisreon: she didn't like it at first, but then after she had her computer up for about 2 weeks with no crashes05:14
wjesus_axlbut I could never find any proper dirver05:14
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: thank you05:14
thynisshe was pretty excited05:15
niccwjesus_axl: ?05:15
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jasonill try to find a link05:15
thynisand she can't get over how if you click on something it opens lol and you don't have to wait05:15
wjesus_axla link to what?05:15
demhaanyone here using nvidia/xorg composite ?05:15
reonthynis. good news. How does it compare to OS X on the mac speedwise. Maybe I can convert my brother, lol05:15
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jasonmadwifi howto05:15
memerthynis: how are the mac mini specs compared to yours?05:16
demhaanyone with an nvidia card i recommend to try out composite ( a whole side of linux that's too pretty)05:16
thynisreon: hmmmm... I will say that it is faster then OS X... I hate to say that cause I love os x... but it's the truth05:16
thynisreon: and I have to say that it is the most stable operating system I've ever ran05:16
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thynisall opinions of course05:16
reonthynis, I'll start preaching to my brother then !05:16
memerreon: i've already read numerous reviews that say linux is faster than os x on the same hardware05:16
xocerRafael_Kafka, how many HD have you?05:16
thynisI love having ununtu and OS X on my ibook05:17
thynisdefinitly best of both worlds :)05:17
jason"I haven't tried the compile-from-cvs method on Hoary yet. I took the easy route and installed the linux-restricted-modules package which contains the madwifi drivers."05:17
thynisif I could just get maconlinux installed I would be the happiest man alive05:17
wjesus_axlubuntu has madwifi05:17
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reonthynis, memer, I have bee running Hoary since Monday. Had some issues at first but beginning to love it. I only boot into Win for Skype.05:18
memerthynis: was ubuntu easy to load on your mac, or did it require a lot of fairly expertish tweaking to keep both OSs on there05:18
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: i have two hd'05:18
memerisn't there skype for linux?05:18
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thynisreon: I use os x to much05:18
Absynthememer yes.05:18
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thynismemer: nope.. easy easy easy install05:19
Absynthememer on their front page you can downloade it.05:19
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: i nee install ubnutu in hdc505:19
thynismemer: you just put the cd in and let it go to town05:19
xocerRafael_Kafka, and where do you want to install ubuntu?05:19
Rafael_Kafkaxocer:  in hdc505:19
thynismemer: the only thing bad is partitioning05:19
thynisand it wasn't hard... I just had to back up my macosx side05:20
reonmemer, yes but it does not work properly for amd64, there is a fix at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16143&page=3  but i'm having hassles. I'm the last sod to post in that thread05:20
memeraw, after trying 20+ distros, i'm comfortable enough with partitioning (that is, if i'm using one OS for the whole drive).05:20
jasonwjesus_axl: sorry I wasnt more help I know nothing about ndiswrapper and your problem has me stumped, if there is a linux driver I would try it05:20
xocerand can't you do it in hdc5?05:20
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: but the ubuntu cd just give me the option to use free space or apagar o hd05:20
memerreon: oh, is that right?05:20
thynismemer: then you will have no problem at all05:20
memerthynis; have you tried skype on your mac?05:20
memerubuntu mac05:20
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: the ubuntu cd dont give me the otpion to use hdc505:20
reonyes, have a look at the thread. you can also run it under linux32 emulation. I dont want that, I have a 64bit cpu and want to use it. Maybe i'm just doing something wrong05:21
Rafael_Kafkaxocer:  a friend said to me that using a boot command this otpion would give to me05:21
thynismemer: I guarentee you that you will be in shock when it's installed and up and running in like 20-25 minutes :)05:21
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: but he don't know how boot option05:21
memerreon: ok, you're way beyond me. sounds cool tho05:21
EntityHello, when I try to modprobe ath_pci I get the following : FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath_pci.ko): Invalid module format ... someone has an idea?05:21
xocerRafael_Kafka, que no se ingles coo, me quieres decir que solo te deja elegir discos y no te deja pillar una particion para la instalacin?05:22
Entity(I'm trying to use madwifi)05:22
wjesus_axlMy laptop doesn't recognize05:22
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: si, si,05:22
wjesus_axlthe command cvs05:22
Absyntheis there an apt-get for java support?05:22
memerthynis: you're giving me goose bumps. might be able to have my cake and eat it too05:22
reonmemer, trust me i'm not. thisis a steep learning curve for me :) I'm like a fish out of water here05:22
Rafael_Kafkaxocer: o cd no me deixa instalar no hdc505:22
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LinuxJonesEntity, sounds like the module might be corrupted05:23
memerthynis: ok, but how low do you think it safe to go on a mac ram-wise? on wintel, you dare not go below 128 if you want to have anything remotely resembling a responsive system. can i cheat on a mac box?05:24
memerreon: join the club ;-)05:24
djpEntity: Check out http://ubuntuguide.org/#modprobefatalerror05:24
LinuxJonesEntity, are you able to install another kernel (via another ethernet card) ?05:24
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reonmemer, looks like membership is free, lol. Thynis has left the house05:24
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EntityLinuxJones, no05:25
memerreon: yeah, rats. just missed him. shit.05:25
Entitydjp, ok let me check05:25
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reonmemer, you installed win codecs yet ?05:25
LinuxJonesEntity, yikes...is it possible to temporarily put another nic in that machine or is it a laptop or something ?05:25
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EntityLinuxJones, it's an Apple powerbook G405:26
sophie_hi ebody05:26
memerreon: nope.  i haven't actually messed with my linux box in months now what with a move and laziness. i jammed libranet on there and it took care of everything. (you've got to try that amazing Adminmenu thing)05:26
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reonmemer, tell me more ?05:27
memerreon: juuust gettnig back into it again.05:27
haapamikhoary amd64 ... network breaks every few hours, messages & syslog tells nothing, only thing i can tell that dhclient3 process have vanished05:27
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LinuxJonesEntity, you can probably just download the the kernel .deb file using the machine your on now and burn it to cd ?05:27
haapamikifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 does not help05:27
jack|hSo i've gotten ubuntu up and running but the only application that seems to be able to play sound is gnome.  Everything else either hangs or is silent.05:27
jack|hany suggestions?05:27
reonhaapamik, done a update & upgrade ?05:27
EntityLinuxJones, I'm not installing a new kernel05:27
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haapamikreon: yes05:27
memerreon: well, it's basically debian but with their own installer and a kind of control area that you can use to set up sound, install java, flash, fix your resolution, wash your dishes...05:27
EntityLinuxJones, my system is up to date05:27
oly_eeek, help any way i can end totem it has frozenand taken the rest of my gui out05:28
EntityLinuxJones, I'm trying to use madwifi ;)05:28
oly_i can get to a commadn line using ctrl + alt + f105:28
reonmemer, sounds like something for me ? got a link to a guide ?05:28
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LinuxJonesEntity, what I am saying is that the kernel module that your using, is probably corrupted or not compiled correctly. If you try another kernel it might solve the problem.05:28
oly_is there anything i can do to kill that specific app ?05:28
memerreon: www.libranet.com05:28
sophie_memer hi05:29
oly_is there a shortcut key to force quit ?05:29
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oly_anyone got any suggestions i dont really want to reboot05:29
LinuxJonesEntity, what's the module name your trying to load again ?05:29
memersophie: heya05:29
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sophie_memer i'll need some help05:29
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oly_yeah but i will loose stuff i am workin on05:30
zenroxon in x05:30
reonmemer, thanks, I'll check it out now. is it a straight forward install on ubuntu ?05:30
oly_i just want to end totem05:30
zenroxonly in x05:30
haapamikwhat bootscript runs dhclient3 ???05:30
memersophie: i doubt i'll be able to help, but i'll try...05:30
sophie_memer i 'd like to read dvds on HOARY05:30
thoreauputicoly_: try typing xkill in a terminal, then zap with your mouse05:30
memerreon: coming05:30
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EntityLinuxJones, I try to load ath_pci, but it then should load ath_hal, wlan, ath_rate05:31
sophie_memer any suggestion about repositories ?05:31
oly_hum, thoreauputic xkill says cant get display05:31
thoreauputicoly_: the cursor changes to a sort of gun-sight ;)05:31
EntityLinuxJones, same error for all modules05:31
wjesus_axlhey jason05:31
wjesus_axlI'm installin the restricted modules05:31
oly_is that perhaps because ctrl + alt + f1 is seperate to f7 ?05:31
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wjesus_axlfrom hoary05:31
thoreauputicoly_: in X, not console05:31
oly_x gui has frozen05:31
shevegenhi, question, when i use "apt-get install build-essential", will it need to download remote files? am asking cuz i want to install on PCs without internet connection05:32
oly_hence the prob :p05:32
wjesus_axlI guess I need to get rid of the old drivers because the madwifi has some drivers for atheros05:32
thoreauputicoly_: then try  kilall totem05:32
memersophie: i knew this would be quick ;-)  i'm way out of my depth on that. reon: i'm sorry to tell you that adminmenu is part of the distro. honestly, i'm much more a neophyte than you05:32
thoreauputickillall sorry05:32
zenroxoly then if x froze alt_ctrl+backspace is all you can do05:32
oly_thxs a lot The-Ghost|afk05:32
oly_thxs a lot thoreauputic05:33
oly_that worked perfectly05:33
thoreauputicoly_: Ok05:33
thoreauputicuh -huh05:33
oly_ended totem, and the gui works again yay05:33
kapputuguys I screwed up my partitions in my desktop05:33
kapputuI need to reinstall Ubuntu now05:33
dmoynehello ! ; if I want to install debian packages from "http://packages.debian.org/testing" what should I add as a new source in synaptic : "URI=http://packages.debian.org/testing" ; what else ? ; thanks.05:33
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kapputuwhen I try to do that, I only see hda05:33
kapputubut I do have a ext3 partition05:33
Entitydjp, so I added the tree lines at the end, what's next?05:34
navreethi, just dist-upgraded to hoary... when Xorg started (instead of XFree86), it maxed out my resolution to 1024x768... my native resolution is 1280x1024, how can I fix it?05:34
djpEntity: reboot05:35
Entitydjp, WARNING: Error inserting ath_hal (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath_hal/ath_hal.ko): Invalid module format05:35
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Entitydjp, damn, Windows style right? ;)05:35
kapputuEntity: they are trying to fix that05:35
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kapputuI went back to 2.6.805:35
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reonsophie, do you want to play movies ?05:36
Entitykapputu, ok let's reboot that ppc notebook05:36
djpEntity: that link only works if you are getting the message at boot when hotplugs load, it may not be relevant to your problem...05:36
piHas anybody in hoary using gnome gotten xinerama to work properly?05:37
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kapputuhow's Ranish Partition Manager05:39
craigaawhen mounting a CD-ROM with nautilus in browse mode, and the tree sidebar enabled, a cd-rom device appears in the tree pane. How do I get this to happen with mounted hard drives?05:40
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Absyntheholy crap.....  Insight did upgrade my cable modem.05:42
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navreethi, Xorg is not detecting my max resolution, how can I fix this?!05:42
AbsyntheI'm in the process of dist-upgrade on this pc, and the otherone just benchmarked 3025 down....05:42
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sophie_memer i 'd like to play dvd on hoary05:42
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PacoBCNsophie, seen the howtos?05:43
Absynthesophie_, I did a google search for +ubuntu +mplayer and came up with a solution.05:43
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Entitydjp, kapputu , same errors :WARNING: Error inserting ath_hal (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath_hal/ath_hal.ko): Invalid module format WARNING: Error inserting wlan (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/net80211/wlan.ko): Invalid module format WARNING: Error inserting ath_rate_onoe (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath_rate/onoe/ath_rate_onoe.ko): Invalid module format FA05:43
EntityTAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath_pci.ko): Invalid module format05:43
Absynthefound an article on turning ubuntu into a multimedia powerhouse or something like that.05:43
memerabsynthe: phew05:44
Absynthememer ?05:44
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memerabsynthe: whut the?05:44
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memerabsynthe: i thot you were just about to give sophie the goods. then she signs off?05:44
Quest-Masternavreet: sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg -- I believe05:45
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Loevborganyone have a clue why playing encrypted dvds with totem/xine/... is painfully slow? (on a fast machine)05:45
AbsyntheI suppose I can do the googlesearch again, and actually get the URL :)05:45
memeri was feelin guilty cuz i had no answers05:45
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kapputunavreet: if u are using a laptop, install xorg-driver-synaptics as well05:45
memerohhh, i see. she prolly thot you were bein a smartass05:45
bleb_I have dist-upgraded to hoary in march, but it looks like my nvidia driver is always breaking (have to reinstall it again, and right now no matter what I do I can't run GL programs), and my boot process is really slow (2 minutes on a P4 2.6hz with 1gb of ram!). Do anyone think doing a fresh install of hoary may solve some things?05:45
navreetQuest-Master, thanks.. this tool is great! :)... but this is a bug, it should've worked out of the box. oh well05:46
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Absynthewow a google search of: +ubuntu +mplayer = the first and second article will get you sorted out.05:46
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raphaHi all!05:46
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memerso anybody else here with experience putting ubuntu on mac?05:46
gfxstyleri formatted my mp3 player with linux and now it cannot read any files anymore05:46
gfxstylerhow can i fix that?05:47
memerabsynthe: i hope she saw that05:47
AbsyntheI'm sure she didn't...05:47
memerwattayagonna do?05:47
Entitydjp, Kapputu, I need to put the module names in the blacklist file? or the module name shown in the FAQ?05:48
Absynthewhile I like to help when I can, I still subscribe to the RTFM, and FGI philosiphies.05:48
Absynthethat's it, no more SAT words before my first pot of coffee is gone.05:48
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sproingieAbsynthe: FGI?05:48
Absyntheflarking google it.05:48
thr1cefucking google it?05:48
sproingieah, JFGI05:48
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MaDsKiLLz_Laptopjust gotta say, hoary is very nice05:48
sproingiei dont recognize it without the J05:48
MaDsKiLLz_Laptopprops to the ubuntu team05:48
Absyntheanyone here ever spend a lot of time working on a redhat, or Forsakencore distro?05:49
sproingiejfgi doesnt work for very recent breakage of course.  need a good search front end for bug databases05:49
LoevborgI another thing: is it possible to duplicate a video dvd using k3b?05:49
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thr1cenot copywritten DVD05:50
kapputuanyone help with Partition Managers??05:50
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kapputuI screwed up my Windows partitions and now I cannot install Ubuntu05:50
sproingieAbsynthe: i partly admin a RHEL box at work.  but  dont actually touch the redhat side of things much, i use openpkg on it05:50
Loevborgthr1ce, what do you mean?05:50
thr1cea movie DVD?05:50
Absynthei'd like to credit the Ubuntu team for coming up with a way to upgrade the entire operating system in two command lines, vs.....  "up2date"05:50
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sproingieAbsynthe: thank debian for that05:50
=== thr1ce hates all automated updating
Loevborgthr1ce, yes.05:50
Absynthesproingie, is it just me, or is up2date a royal pain in the ass.05:50
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thr1ceupgradepkg works fine ^_^05:51
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reonAbsynthe, just wish they would do a nice idiot proof admin utility05:51
sproingieAbsynthe: for me it isn't, because they had the lack of sense to install RHEL without provisioning credits05:51
sproingieAbsynthe: so i can't even use it.  ergo i use openpkg to install stuff05:51
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sproingiegod forbid there's *ever* a security hole that needs patching.  ah well it's just a lab machine, firewalled like hell05:52
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Absynthemy workstation at work is on fc3 of some revision or another....  If it wasn't going to take me so long to get all the windows software working correctly, I'd format it, and load ubuntu on it.05:52
sproingiethe quasi-production suse9 box OTOH, has been like buttah05:52
sproingiei highly recommend suse9 over rhel unless you know exactly what you need rhel specifically for05:53
Entitykapputu, you went back to what kernel?05:53
sproingiee.g. oracle is easier to get support for with rhel05:53
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sproingie'course for everything else i recommend debian, and now i'm an ubuntu convert :)05:54
caffas am i05:54
djpEntity: the module name05:54
sproingiethought the name was silly, but it kinda grows on ya05:54
sproingieit's fun to say "ubuntu"05:54
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Entitydjp, but will I be able to use that module after that?05:54
Absynthewhen upgrading from warty to hoary, it asks several times if I want to keep an old file, or install a new one.  what's the recomended method, on what's basically a base install?05:54
caffapt-get is new to me but heh itll do05:54
piAbsynthe: if you haven't really edited the config files, take the new ones05:55
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Absynthepi thanks05:55
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sproingieia32-libs is still broken BTW...  how would i file a bug on it?05:56
sproingiei've never actually filed a debian bug before05:56
sproingieand if it's a debian thing and not ubuntu specifically, does it get passed upstream?05:57
navreethi, when I upgraded to hoary, my sound stopped working :(05:57
roamDoes anybody have a pointer do an isdn howto for hoary?05:57
kapputucan you switch b/w KDE and GNOME in Ubuntu?05:57
sproingiekapputu: yep.  apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:57
kapputuI tried the live CD and it's cool05:57
sproingieor just apt-get install kde if you prefer to cherry pick05:58
kapputulots of eyecandy05:58
pinavreet: Open a terminal and run 'alsamixer', does that identify your sound card correctly?05:58
navreetpi, yes05:58
navreetpi, it also has all the volumes set correctly, and nothing is muted05:58
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thr1cewhat are you tryi9ng to play music in?05:58
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navreetpi, also, xmms crashes... I am using aplay05:59
pinavreet: what window manager?05:59
navreetpi, gnome05:59
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pinavreet: does xmms crash when you try to play, or on load?05:59
navreetpi, on load06:00
St3althcAtback to annoy u! :)06:00
sproingieis there a commandline proggie to file a bug on a package?06:00
sproingielike apt-bug?06:00
navreetlibmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:00
navreetInconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed!06:00
St3althcAtwell I've sucessfuly installed gcc and the speedtouch drivers06:00
pinavreet: have you tried a different kernel?06:00
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navreetpi, just rebooted with .1006:00
St3althcAtbut I use the command copy speedtouch....zip to /etc/speedtouch/ and i get the error: bash: copy:, something like that06:01
navreetpi, ::sigh:: this seems to be so buggy06:01
St3althcAtbut I use the command copy speedtouch....zip to /etc/speedtouch/ and i get the error: bash: copy: command not found, something like that06:01
LinuxJonesnavreet, you need to install libmikmod06:01
pinavreet: could you check that the appropriate modules are loaded?06:01
navreetLinuxJones, shouldn't apt do that for me?06:02
LinuxJonesnavreet, for some reason it's not listed as a dependency you need libmikmod206:02
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St3althcAtcan anyone help me? :)06:02
navreetLinuxJones, should I file a bug report? (it works now btw)06:02
LinuxJonesnavreet, it's been that way for a while. Sure file a bug ;)06:03
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St3althcAtlol is my question that "noobish"?06:04
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St3althcAtOH YEAH!06:04
LinuxJonesSt3althcAt, :)06:04
St3althcAtremember now06:04
djpanyone know how to get to the login screen when your monitor does not support resolutions higher than 800x600? all i get at present is a black scree and the monitor light starts to flash...06:04
sproingieSt3althcAt: if no one knows, you get silence.  it's irc etiquette to not spam a channel with "dunno" responses06:04
St3althcAtgonna try, want to get internet workin on linux06:05
farruinndjp: sounds like you need to fix your XF86Config-406:05
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djgdjp: CTRL+ALT+F1 will get you the first terminal.06:05
piHas anybody in hoary using gnome gotten xinerama to work properly?06:05
sproingieor in this case, no one listened.  yes, there is no "copy" command.  sigh06:05
farruinndjp: make sure your horizontal and vertical refresh rates aren't out of range06:05
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djgreon: Got it working (finally).06:05
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nanomadi've a question: whenever i try to start tvtime (in a terminal) it complains about YUY2 extension, and suggest to use gatos drivers. I'd like to use my fglrx. is there a way to fix all?06:06
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Rafael_Kafkaif i chooae use free space in ubuntu installation what happen?06:06
farruinnsproingie: what? doesn't he want cp?06:07
Rafael_Kafkai need install in hdc506:07
piRafael_Kafka: that's just using space from an unpartitioned part of the disk06:07
bleb_Hi, I've dist-upgraded to hoary in march, but it looks like my nvidia driver is always breaking (and right now no matter what I do I can't run GL programs), and my boot process is really slow (2 minutes on a P4 2.6hz with 1gb of ram!). Do anyone think doing a fresh install of hoary may solve some things?06:07
farruinnRafael_Kafka: you can have the free space automatically partitioned06:07
thr1cebleb_, /topic06:07
sproingiefarruinn: yah but he got impatient and left.  oh well06:07
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: but i need install in hdc506:07
reonbleb_ When is the las time you did a update/upgrade ?06:08
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sproingiemethinks if one doesn't know the cp command, they should stick to gui06:08
djpdjg: yeah thanks guys i was just doing that... how do i go about altering the XFSConfig-4 file?06:08
farruinnRafael_Kafka: I don't understand what th eproblem is...06:08
critterCan anyone Recommend couple really good sites to d/l apps ??06:08
farruinncritter: use synaptic, it's built in06:08
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: the problem is that ubuntu give me free ptions06:08
sproingiecritter: enable multiverse and universe.  thousands of apps right there06:08
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: format one of my hd's06:08
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Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: or use free space06:09
djtanseythis is non-ubuntu specific (but necessary for an ubuntu install). i need a small linux image that can be loaded into memory from grub (vmlinuz/initrd.gz pair). i need it to split a windows fat32 partition i have (so i can mount a ubuntu install CD image as a loopback device) and then i need an ubuntu install cd that has support for the module loop. help?06:09
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: but i need use hdc506:09
thoreauputiccritter: much easier to use the package manager, synaptic06:09
critterIve enabled all the sites in the list06:09
Marble2is there any good programs in linux for mass editing id3 tags?06:09
thoreauputiccritter: then you have over 13 000 apps to choose from...06:10
farruinnRafael_Kafka: and hdc5 isn't one of the options, is that what you're saying?06:10
sproingiedjtansey: i recommend splitting the partition first before anything else.  google for "system rescue cd" and use qtparted06:10
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: yes06:10
farruinnRafael_Kafka: btw, hdc is *usually* the cdrom...06:10
Rotundhas anyone here done diskless ubuntu?06:10
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: in my pc is the second hd06:10
djtanseysproingie: yeah -- but i have no CDrom... so it has to be a rescue CD i can boot the image from grub (which i have working alongside windows)06:10
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Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: cdrom is hdd in my pc06:10
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mattgirvIs there a better GUI for VLC, some sort of frontend, because I am really not getting on with the VLC interface.06:11
critterWas really looking for a good gui virus scanner .. None in the packages that I could see..06:11
djtanseysproingie: i will be wiping windows when i do hte install. old laptop -- i have nothing. and ubuntu doesn't support my stupid wifi card so  ican't install from the network06:11
farruinnRafael_Kafka: oh, select to do "advanced" or "manual" partition06:11
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: i select06:11
reonbleb_ ?06:11
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: and then they just give me the 3 option06:12
sproingiedjtansey: i didn't know grub could boot an iso image copied to a partition... there's a weird trick in bsd installers to do that, but i dont know anything more about it06:12
nanomadcritter: virus scanner?06:12
thoreauputiccritter: why do you need a virus scanner?06:12
farruinncritter: you're using LINUX, that's anti-virus in and of itself06:12
farruinn(or at least that's how I look at it)06:12
critterDoesnt everyone?06:12
thoreauputiccritter: are you admin on a windows network or something?06:12
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Marble2How do I get all my windows fonts onto ubuntu?06:13
critterReally . Im very new to linux06:13
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farruinncritter: the only possible reason you would want to use anti-virus software would be to protect your friends06:13
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farruinncritter: there are virtually no viruses for linux06:13
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: a friend talk me about an boot option for ubuntu give me more partions options06:13
thoreauputiccritter: viruses just aren't an issue in linux06:13
sproingiecritter: "gui virus scanner" for what, gui viruses?  you can google for linux antivirus and get half a dozen hits, some have webby front ends06:13
djtanseysproingie: it can't. it can boot ubuntu's installer (vmlinuz/initrd.gz) from the partition and then the installer can loopback an ISO. but grub can load a virtual floppy image -- trying to find one with parted that is only one disk06:13
Marble2I'm at corefonts.sf.net but Ubuntu doesn't use rpms does it?06:13
critterI do have to other windows system connected to this one06:13
sproingiethoreauputic: not against linux, but it's nice to have an AV for a mail spool06:13
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: but i don't know and he don't know what command06:13
skoraMarble2, no it doesnt06:13
skorait uses DEBs06:13
farruinnRafael_Kafka: hrm, it should be on the same screen that you're looking at now...06:14
thoreauputicsproingie: that's why I asked if he had a windows network06:14
farruinnRafael_Kafka: or maybe you need to select the "repartion harddrive" first and that will allow you to do it manually06:14
farruinnRafael_Kafka: so you can select hdc06:14
Marble2they don06:14
critterI did a google search found nothing that worked06:14
Marble2they don't offer a deb06:14
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: do you know this boot option for ubuntu cd give me the option for format hdc5?06:14
Marble2So how do I get some windows fonts here?06:14
sproingiedjtansey: i suspect you'll need multiple steps.  if you have hardware access, it might be better to steal another machine's cdrom and drop it in06:14
farruinnRafael_Kafka: I don't think you need a boot option06:14
trey_Marble2: apt-get install msttcorefonts06:15
thoreauputicsproingie: I guess if you run your own mail server ...06:15
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: i can't fomat all hdc, i just can't format hdc506:15
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Marble2thanks trey06:15
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sproingiei find probably 95% of viruses can be stopped by filtering on attachment content-type  and extensions06:15
farruinnRafael_Kafka: did you select "format harddrive" and hit return?06:15
farruinner, enter06:15
djtanseysproingie: it's a laptop, and i don't have a usb CDROM. or a pcmcia ethernet card. i pretty much am forced to install it from the harddrive06:15
trey_Marble2: any others... just throw them in /usr/share/fonts06:15
sridany phone recording software for linux?06:16
sproingiei wouldn't sell that as a safe antivirus, but it will keep your spool size down06:16
mattgirvsrid, Kphonerec06:16
critterSO how does Linux Stop email virus???06:16
sridmattgirv, i have only gnome installed :-(06:16
Quest-Mastercritter: E-mail viruses are designed to kill Windows systems06:16
djtanseysproingie: maybe i could just mirror some linux distribution that is already laid-out (doesn't require an installer) and then work from there.06:16
Quest-Mastercritter: And Linux is not Windows :)06:16
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farruinncritter: does your ubuntu box act as a mail server for your other computers?06:16
thoreauputiccritter: it doesn't need to - 99.99% of viruses only run on windows06:16
Marble2trey_: Where did it install those fonts I just got to?06:16
farruinncritter: if it doesn't don't worry about it06:17
sproingiedjtansey: hm, no cd and no net.  challenging ...  how are you going to transfer the iso image over?06:17
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critterNo it doesnt06:17
sridmattgirv, no such software06:17
sridmattgirv, you dahs06:17
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trey_Marble2: see for yourself... 'dpkg -L msttcorefonts'06:17
sproingiedjtansey: built-in ethernet or just some winmodem?06:17
JDahlcritter, how is linux vulnerable to email viruses?06:17
andrewskiis it possible to read SACDs in linux?  i'm not sure if my drive's not supported, or if it's the driver.06:17
trey_Marble2: should be /usr/share/fonts though  :/06:17
mattgirvsorry srid :P did sound linuxey tho huh? :P06:18
thoreauputiccritter: welcome to a well-designed OS ;)06:18
Rafael_Kafkafarruinn: i cant formart all hdc06:18
sproingieJDahl: technically someone could mail a script, tho linux puts up some barriers there.  mostly it's the fact that they eat up space06:18
andrewskii guess i should say "the cd portion of sacds"06:18
critterJdahl No clue new to Linux06:18
farruinnRafael_Kafka: I just burnt the hoary preview release cd, I'm going to install that now, I'll let you know what I do when I'm back06:18
djtanseysproingie: ancient (1998?) ultralight. one usb. audio in/out. pcmcia. nothing else.06:18
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thoreauputiccritter: well, there's one thing less to worry about for you :)06:19
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critterThore I did not know that . Thanks for the learning exp.. LOL06:19
sproingiedjtansey: i'm curious how you'll get the iso image onto it then.  anyway, you can get ntfsresize on a floppy, then format the new partition as fat in windows06:19
thoreauputiccritter: hehe.... you're welcome :-)06:20
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critterI guess I'll go and setup my email on here06:20
critterIve held off doing it till I had a scanner installed06:21
JDahlsproingie, I remember receiving one those linux email viruses as a joke.. In the bottom if the email it said "please forward this email to people in your address book, save attachemnt "xxx.sh" to disk then log in as root and type sh ./xxx.sh"06:21
sproingiedjtansey: i suspect you'll need a full-blown partition editor.  google for parted floppy,  or partman floppy06:21
djtanseysproingie: this is the plan -- split the partition. make a 550mb one. put the ISO of ubuntu (hopefully) onto that partition. configure grub to use that ISO's vmlinuz/initrd.gz pair and then mount the iso as a loopback device from a shell in the installer. then it will install from the ISO. then i wipe the ISO and merge it back into the / partition06:21
Quest-MasterDoes the mplayer in Hoary work perfectly fine?06:21
mattgirvworks for me06:21
Marble2does anyone know what font firefox uses by default in windows?06:22
Rafael_Kafkahow can i run   debootstrap_0.2.45?i did install but don't hnow how to run, in old bootstrap i did use this command : DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` ./debootstrap --arch i386 warty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu warty06:22
thr1cemplayer is no more06:22
Marble2I want to use that, but i'm not sure what it is06:22
djtanseysproingie: trying. parted has one. but when i booted from it, it seemed to indicate i needed another floppy. researching that.06:22
Quest-Masterthr1ce: why?06:22
andrewskiare there any screensavers/desktop backgrounds that react to playing music?  i remember using something like that in winamp in windows.06:22
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mattgirvthr1ce, what are you talking about.06:22
sproingiedjtansey: yah it's probably a multi-floppy thing.  you just stick the other floppy in and hit a key06:22
mattgirvit is still 100% alive06:22
thr1cego to their homepage06:22
thoreauputicthr1ce: yes it is - the site message is just a political statement06:22
critterxmms is the only player that works on mine06:22
mattgirvyeah... that doesn't mean mplayer doesn't exist anymore06:22
djtanseysproingie: i have no floppy drive :) -- i'm using virtual floppies from images on windows through grub06:22
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thr1ceThis site has been shut down because of numerous patent violations in MPlayer. The other free software multimedia players are next.06:23
thr1cethat is not a political statement06:23
mattgirver.. link at the bottom06:23
thoreauputicthr1ce: the site is stil accessible06:23
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mattgirvand mplayer is also in the hoary repos.06:23
thoreauputicthr1ce: you didn't read far enough06:23
mattgirvafaik ...06:23
sproingiedjtansey: no floppy, no cdrom, no network.  you have yourself a real big challenge06:23
cocolsudo apt-get install mplayer-nogui mozilla-mplayer mplayer-fonts06:23
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djtanseysproingie: yeah -- but i have network when in windows (the linksys i use card isn't supported in linux)06:24
sproingiedjtansey: i hesitate to ask how you're going to install anything on linux06:24
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neighborleewhy does installing 'nvidia-glx' create the /lib/tls DIR ?..I had to mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.bak to get some of my opengl  game devel library examples to work right...??? ( the escape key was  not functioning but hanging instead the app from exiting)06:24
sproingiedjtansey: you sure?  most linksys hardware is decently supported.  it's probably a dec/intel tulip driver.  use a 2.6 kernel, should work fine06:24
mattgirvdjtansey, just mess around with VMware or something tbh.06:24
andrewskiis there anything we americans can do about the software patent situation?06:24
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JDahlandrewski, no06:24
Rafael_Kafkahow can i run   debootstrap_0.2.45?i did install but don't hnow how to run, in old bootstrap i did use this command : DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` debootstrap --arch i386 warty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu warty06:25
andrewskiJDahl: :(06:25
sproingieandrewski: oddly, microsoft is pushing for patent reform06:25
Quest-Masterdjtansey: You can use ndiswrapper with Linksys06:25
djtanseysproingie: i am going to get the thing to work with ndiswrapper once i have ubuntu installed. it's a 802.11g linksys card that google says isn't supported.06:25
andrewskisproingie: hmm, interesting.  have a link to a story?06:25
thoreauputicandrewski: support the civil disobedience that will follow if the parliament passes the directive06:25
djtanseyQuest-Master: i intend to. but i can't use it for the install.06:25
sproingieandrewski: it's all over google news06:25
mattgirvdjtansey, just mess around with VMware or something tbh.06:25
sproingieandrewski: news.google.com, search for microsoft patent reform06:25
andrewskisproingie: ok, thanks.06:25
djtanseymattgirv: what is tbh? and how would vmware help?06:25
Quest-MasterHow can I fully remove a program I've compiled?06:26
sproingieMS is a latecomer to the patent war, they stand to lose a lot if it keeps up06:26
andrewskiwhy does mplayer need xmms?  what the crap?!06:26
mattgirvvmware is a virtual machine, so you run linux or whatever os from within windows.06:26
sproingiei just thought they'd tough it out for a decade and build up the portfolio.  who knew06:26
mattgirvyou can even create a network bridge so you can use your windows connection06:26
mattgirvtbh = to be honest06:26
thoreauputicQuest-Master: there's sometimes a "make uninstall" script06:26
djtanseymattgirv: i want windows gone. this is an old laptop i picked up from some discarding it. i am a linux zealot -- i'll be happy when windows is dropped. and the thing is from 1998 or so. 300 mhz. 4gb harddrive. it doesn't have space or speed for both06:27
thoreauputicQuest-Master: use checkinstall to make a deb next time06:27
spenserubuntu has issues with vmware though06:27
tolstoy_is the problem with the nvidia drivers solved for the most recent Hoary kernel?06:27
lunitiksproingie: why is it strange? they get sued more than anyone else... its good for them if its harder for others to sue them!06:27
djtanseymattgirv: tbh -- now i get it. thanks.06:27
andrewskitolstoy_: no problems here.06:27
Rafael_Kafkahow can i run   debootstrap_0.2.45?i did install but don't hnow how to run, in old bootstrap i did use this command : DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` ./debootstrap --arch i386 warty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu warty06:27
Quest-Masterthoreauputic: Ok06:27
lunitiksproingie: they lost over 2 billion last year in 2 lawsuits (sun and novell) ...06:27
mattgirvdjtansey, if you aren't going to have an internet connection, and you don't have a floppy or a cdrom it really is pointless....06:27
mattgirvsorry but windows is a much more viable option :P06:27
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tolstoy_andrewski, okay.  yesterday, i was getting "invalid module format" for nvidia.ko.06:28
lunitikmattgirv: then use it?06:28
mattgirvlunitik, ?06:28
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andrewskitolstoy_: dunno.06:28
sridduh! no ubuntu package for linux-kernel-2.4?06:28
Rafael_Kafkaplease help me how can i run   debootstrap_0.2.45?i did install but don't hnow how to run, in old bootstrap i did use this command : DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` ./debootstrap --arch i386 warty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu warty06:28
djtanseymattgirv: i will get the interent to work eventually. you can get my wireless card to work with ndiswrapper.06:28
lunitikmattgirv: eh... didn't see statement prior...06:28
thoreauputicQuest-Master: checkinstall is a nice little app - and you can apt-get install it of course06:28
helio7hey is anyone aware of a printer utility (hp932C) that would let me a) check ink level and b) clean the cartridges?  in 3 months I haven't been forced to boot to Windows, but needing clean photo-printout may be the catch...06:29
JDahlQuest-Master, as a rule of thumb, if you're just experimenting then dont install as root, rather install somewhere in your home directory,,, then removing it in a harmless way is just a matter of deleting the directories06:29
spenseri have 3 different wireless pcmcia cards and they all work flawlessly with linux.06:29
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lunitikspenser: wanna send one this way?  :P06:29
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NeoCicakquestion: how do i make it so that module opl3sa2 is loaded automatically everytime i boot my computer, and also, that the command "ln -sf /dev/mixer1 /dev/mixer" is executed on every boot06:30
lunitikNeoCicak: put it in /etc/modules06:30
thoreauputichelio7: no button on the printer to clean the cartridges?06:30
andrewskilunitik: i just tried to send you mine, but it doesn't seem like your wireless card is accepting connections. :P06:30
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spenserlunitik:  i use them all ;)06:30
NeoCicakwhat about the command? (ln -sf) ?06:30
helio7thoreauputic: not that would be nice06:30
spenserlunitik:  2 support rfmon mode easy and the other one takes a little work, but i need all of them for my notebooks.  you can pick one up cheap though.06:31
thoreauputicNeoCicak: try appending it to the script /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh06:31
mattgirvhaha printers.. i used an Amiga (A500) and an old Star printer for my last college assignment06:31
navreethi, I was going to file a bugreport and found a similar bug (https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=6328) can anyone tell me what "needs merge" in the Status Whiteboard means??06:32
NeoCicaki'll try to boot now..06:32
navreetit seems like they found the solution, but haven't updated the repositories?06:32
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lunitikspenser: eh... I was kidding... wireless seems like a pain in the butt though... always takes a while here, so I just use wired atm06:32
spenserlunitik:  wireless is easy as hell.06:33
andrewskiand hell's pretty easy.06:33
Rafael_Kafkaaione can help me how can i install bootstrap?06:33
spenserlunitik:  i have 2 notebooks that i can take with me and pick up a wireless signal just about anywhere.06:33
lunitikspenser: except when card isn't actually supported...06:33
lunitikspenser: I really don't care though, just made a comment  :/06:33
lunitikRafael_Kafka: apt-get install debootstrap  :/06:34
spenserlunitik:  why would you get a card thats not supported?06:34
lunitikRafael_Kafka: It should be installed already...06:34
lunitikspenser: dude... leave it alone.06:34
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: i did his but now i need run bootstrap06:34
lunitikRafael_Kafka: read the docs?06:34
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: how can i run   debootstrap_0.2.45?i did install but don't hnow how to run, in old bootstrap i did use this command : DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=`pwd` ./debootstrap --arch i386 warty /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu warty06:34
spenserlunitik:  dude, why bring it up?06:34
sproingiedude, it's a dell06:35
sproingieoh way06:35
djpok, i am about to try and edit my XF86Config-4 file. what changes do i need to make in order to support an older monitor that cannot go any higher than 800x600?06:35
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: yes, i am searching in google06:35
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Rafael_Kafkalunitik: but i did not find06:35
mattgirv*fight* *fight* *fight* *fight*06:35
sproingiedjp: delete all the resolutions in the conf file that refer to higher resolutions06:35
lunitikRafael_Kafka: man debootstrap ... and /usr/share/doc/debootstrap06:35
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: so i just need the command to run06:35
Marble2how come every time I try to install the new gaim 1.1.4, I get this error running make06:35
Marble2greg@Greg:~/gaim-1.1.4 $ make06:35
Marble2make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:35
Rafael_Kafkai seu ,did not work06:35
critterThis is my burning question.When I Install I package,I can't always find it. Windows you can always find it 99% of the time in Program Files. Where dows Linux put them by Defaut???06:36
Marble2critter: /usr/bin06:36
lunitikMarble2: 1.1.4 is in the archive... why not use that?06:36
critterTY TY TY TY06:36
sproingiecritter: similar situation, under the "foot" or the K menu06:36
djpsproingie: ok, thanks06:36
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: mi sheel in knoppix did say no entry for bootstrap06:36
sproingiei wish gnome or kde had a similar trick as windows of hilighting new apps06:37
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: i try the bootstrap of how to but did not work, so i download the new bootstrap06:37
lunitikcritter: 'dpkg -L pkg' will tell you where it put things.06:37
thoreauputicMarble2: also sounds like you didn't run ./configure?06:37
sproingiebetter would be to have a whole extra "new apps" menu, with an option of "clear new apps" you can click manually06:37
critterThat would be nice for newbies :)06:37
lunitiksproingie: that would be annoying!06:38
bryanhow do you edit menus in gnome 2.10?06:38
critterWIll try it06:38
sproingielunitik: why?  in kde, you can edit the menu and just not show it06:38
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: i just need the command of this bootstrap debootstrap_0.2.4506:38
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sproingiei suppose the menu would have to point out where the new apps were in the main menu06:38
sproingieotherwise it's pointless06:38
lunitiksproingie: I don't use KDE though, GNOME 2.10 has no menu editor06:38
piHas anybody in hoary had trouble with the trash not wanting to empty?06:38
sproingielunitik: stby06:38
lunitiksproingie: what?06:39
sproingielunitik: Sucks To Be You.  sorry, the menu editor thing was one of those things that turned me into a partisan06:39
thunkeeis there a program to configure xorg btw which program does the installer use to configure resolution/refresh?06:39
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thoreauputiccritter: to find an app, try typing ` which <nameofapp> `06:39
sproingiethat and the gratuitous reversal of "yes" and "no" buttons06:39
bryanthunkee:  if you've got a ATI, you can do fglrxconfig06:39
lunitiksproingie: kind of a stupid reason to switch... but hey, KDE folks like bloat, maybe your proposal will go over well with them?06:40
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: first i try install ubuntu with the cd in hdc506:40
thoreauputiccritter: without the quotes, of course, in a terminal06:40
critterCool Thanks06:40
thunkeebryan: it's a nvidia mx40006:40
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Rafael_Kafkalunitik: but he just give me the option of format hd or use free space06:40
sproingiei can live with spatial nautilus, i can live with the file picker, i cannot deal with abruptly changing the order of "yes" and "no"06:40
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Rafael_Kafkalunitik: so i find this how to for install with debbootstrap06:41
thoreauputiccritter: and you can usually start an app by typing it's name e,g,  gaim ,  or  firefox etc06:41
laggerzeroa good ol format always fixes things06:41
Rafael_Kafkalunitik: but old bootstrap don't work so i download the new06:41
lunitiksproingie: no reason to live with spatial, just change it back; file picker is basically same now as kde's; I think there is a gconf option to change them back  :/06:42
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laggerzeroI've got to admit, ubuntu is probably the best ditro out there based off of debian06:42
sproingielunitik: probably why i can live with it.  frankly all i do is run text-oriented apps all day anyway, i could do it in twm for all it matters06:42
mattgirvJust loaded NeroLINUX and it says I should enable DMA acceleration for my drive.... ehm, how do I do that? :p06:42
jonttu_comIs there a channel for Finnish people who want to translate ubuntu?06:42
thoreauputiclunitik: I tend to side with those who think spatial is a brain-damaged idea06:42
laggerzerowhy not use k3b?06:43
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lunitikthoreauputic: cool... just don't use spatial?06:43
mattgirvSorry but I don't really feel like debating over which application is best, etc....06:43
mattgirvI wanted to give NeroLINUX a try.06:43
speedy2782I am in need of a little assistance using ndiswrapper.06:43
sproingiei like the idea of spatial, and the whole idea of paying attention to consistency of layout over time06:43
thoreauputicmattgirv: if it isn't already, do  sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc (if hdc is your burner)06:44
laggerzerook, was just making a suggestion06:44
lunitikmattgirv: its gtk1.2, so not going on this box.06:44
sproingieit just doesnt ring my bell.  is there a gconf option to switch the order of dialog buttons back?06:44
mattgirvhdc is indeed my burner :)06:44
lunitikgtk1.2 is *UGLY*06:44
mattgirvlunitik, funnily enough NeroLINUX isn't ugly, regardless of it using GTK1.x06:44
thoreauputiclunitik: I don't - but I get sick of explaining how to disable it on this channel06:44
laggerzerothere are still apps out there using gtk 1.x that are mainstream?06:44
sproingiemattgirv: hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc06:45
sproingiemattgirv: put that in a boot script so it runs every time you boot06:45
speedy2782does anyone in here know much about setting up a wireless card?06:45
laggerzeroi know a little06:45
Marble2sorry I'm back06:45
laggerzeroi'm about to set up mine06:45
mattgirvif i do it once, does it not stay permenantly then?06:45
speedy2782would you be willing to give a little assistance06:45
Marble2lunitik: the archive shows me 1.0 only?06:45
laggerzeroif you have your windows drivers, use ndiswrapper06:45
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Marble2thoreauputic: i ran ./configure06:45
navreetis there multiverse for AMD64?06:45
speedy2782I have been using ndiswrapper06:45
laggerzeroi'm about to install it myself06:45
sproingiemattgirv: no, it is not permanent06:45
speedy2782but after I load the .inf the hardware is still NOT present06:46
speedy2782is there anything I need to do to the pcmcia slot06:46
thoreauputicMarble2: it would be more sensible to just apt-get install gaim, you know06:46
sproingiemany distros have a hdparm bootup script.  ubuntu does not for whatever reason06:46
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laggerzeronot sure, mine is an internal card06:46
laggerzerodid you do a -m aswell?06:46
Marble2gaim is already the newest version.06:46
Marble20 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:46
Marble2when I run it it shows 1.006:47
laggerzeronidiswrapper -m installs the module06:47
thoreauputicMarble2: OK - you're on warty, I guess06:47
speedy2782I have done just about everything. modprobe ndsiwrapper, sudo modprobe, sudo ndiswrapper -m06:47
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speedy2782you name it, I have tried it06:47
Marble2I was thinking about upgrading to hoary... but it's still in beta06:47
Marble2and I'm new to linux, I don't want to mess anything up06:47
thoreauputicMarble2: any particular burning reason you need to upgrade?06:48
thoreauputicgaim I mean06:48
Marble2I just like to keep it up to date06:48
mattgirvsproingie, where is my boot script :P06:48
sproingiespeaking of hdparm, i have a SATA drive, does hdparm make any difference on it?06:48
laggerzeroanything when you do iwconfig?06:48
Marble2should I just upgrade to hoary?06:48
speedy2782eth0 and lo06:48
speedy2782no wlan006:48
thoreauputicMarble2: if gaim works for you, why upgrade it?06:48
laggerzeroyeah its not seeing it06:48
laggerzerowhat about ndiswrapper -l06:48
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Marble2I dunno, that's what someone said last time I needed help upgrading. I just like to keep my software current06:49
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speedy2782net8180 Hardware NOT present06:49
thoreauputicMarble2: well, dist-upgrade to hoary then06:49
=== Norgus [~Norgus@client-82-12-243-37.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
thierryWhere can I get the xv module for ubuntu?06:49
sproingiemattgirv: you need a script in /etc/init.d and a link to it in the runlevel dir, i think it's /etc/rc3.d06:49
laggerzeroits saying that its not there:/06:49
mattgirvlol nm i will just run it manually on each boot06:49
speedy2782i have a question about the ndiswrapper.06:49
speedy2782do I need to have something done to my kernel to make it work properly06:50
laggerzeroi'm no expert on it. I'm still learning06:50
sproingiemattgirv: it's complicated as all hell, not made much easier by this orthodox sysvinit that ubuntu uses06:50
laggerzeroi don't think so06:50
mdblitz1just have the source available06:50
speedy2782on their site it says something about haveing the source06:50
speedy2782how do I make sure I have that?06:50
laggerzerothat might be the case06:50
Norgusexcuse me, my friend is installing ubantu and it won't detect his dialup modem06:50
laggerzeroinstall kernel-tree 2.6.1006:50
=== sproingie likes init scripts that have an rc.local script to toss hand-edited startups into
Marble2thoreauputic: apt-get dist-upgrade hoary06:50
mdblitz1open synaptic and search for your version number06:50
thoreauputicmattgirv: just adding the command at the end of /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh should do it fine06:51
navreetarg, I just installed mplayer, and it told me that /usr/bin/gmplayer was installed, but I can't find it?!?!06:51
mdblitz1if source is green its installed otherwise, you'll need to install it06:51
speedy2782cannot do that06:51
Quest-MasterHow can I "rm" a directory?06:51
speedy2782no such file or directory06:51
navreetQuest-Master, rmdir or rm -fr06:51
mdblitz1rm -rf directory06:51
mattgirvnavreet you should be able to run just by typing "gmplayer" in Run or a terminal06:51
Quest-Masternavreet: Type in gmplayer06:51
thoreauputicMarble2: no, you need to change all instances of "warty" to "hoary" in /etc/apt/sources.list06:51
Marble2Quest-Master: rm -rf File/Dir-goes-here06:51
carbonatei have a problem : since the last hoary upgrade (yesterday, kernel 2.6.10), i have a kernel panic : "pivot_root error, /dev/console : no such file". Is there a solution ?06:51
AndyRdid others find the nvidia xserver broke with latest kernel?06:51
navreet$ gmplayer06:51
navreetbash: gmplayer: command not found06:51
mattgirvtry just mplayer06:52
navreetAndyR, no? i am running both right now06:52
Quest-MasterOpen up your /etc/ld.so.conf06:52
navreetmattgirv, tried that first06:52
deci have problem with mplayer on amd64... it's not available06:52
mattgirvdid you install from apt-get06:52
Quest-MasterAnd add /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/bin in it06:52
=== sproingie hms, init supposedly sets a RUNLEVEL environment variable, but this doesn't appear to be true
Norgussorry, does anyone have advice on getting a dialup modem to detect and work?06:52
laggerzeroit took my driver06:52
laggerzeroand i've got a signal06:52
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laggerzeroso its not ubuntu06:52
Marble2thoreauputic: done06:52
Marble2now what06:52
laggerzeroi don't have the sources installed either06:52
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sproingiemust only do so for immediate children06:53
thoreauputicMarble2:  sudo apt-get update     then   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:53
Marble2ok thanks06:53
navreetnavreet@Lightwave:~ $ sudo dpkg -S mplayer |grep bin [newline]  mplayer-amd64: /usr/bin/gmplayer [newline]  navreet@Lightwave:~ $ /usr/bin/gmplayer06:53
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carbonatei see that it's a common problem, but seems unsolved06:53
Marble2btw, that problem with vlc you were sorta helping me with got fixed06:53
Marble2i think that was you anyway06:53
navreetbash: /usr/bin/gmplayer: No such file or directory06:53
thoreauputicMarble2: i hope you don't have any backports installed?06:53
Marble2I don't even know what a backport is... so i guess not06:54
thoreauputicMarble2: OK  ;-)06:54
=== MYOB [~myob@213-202-141-107.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
djpok, last problem i have is with sound. the soundcard is an ess audiodrive06:54
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MYOBis there a simple reason for why there isn't a trash can icon on the desktop?06:55
sproingieess audiodrive, blast from the past06:55
navreetMYOB, some of them like it clean... it's easy to fix though06:55
laggerzeroI love that hoary has all the latest packages06:55
decyou can add trash icon to panel06:55
thoreauputicMYOB: because it's on the panel?06:55
djpsproingie: for sure. trying to get ubuntu running on my boys pc06:55
laggerzerobut the installer is fubared. doesn't ask you for the root pw unless you do expert setup06:55
thoreauputiclaggerzero: that's intentional06:55
lunitiklaggerzero: thats because Ubuntu uses sudo...06:56
MYOBis it?06:56
laggerzerooh well06:56
MYOBBecause I must have removed it then...06:56
carbonatenobody for my problem ?06:56
laggerzeroi'm used to root06:56
laggerzerowhats the difference?06:56
djpsproingie: so far so good, managed with help here to alter the XF86Config-4 file and ubuntu is now up and running but no sound...06:56
sproingiedjp: i know it works in linux, but it was like 8 years ago for me, so what i would remember wouldn't help much nowadays06:56
thoreauputiclaggerzero: reading the docs can be enlightening ... ;-)06:56
thierryI've got problems with my video/sound synchronisation. Can anyone help me? Someone told me yesterday that it was caused because the xv module wasn't running. Where can I get this module? help me please06:56
laggerzerortfm :/06:56
=== laggerzero kicks self
ompaulthoreauputic, what are docs?06:56
MYOBnever mind, added it back again...06:56
=== ompaul runs
=== DazeD||laptop [~DazeD@adsl-223-39-165.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
laggerzeroman sudo06:57
thoreauputicompaul: haha06:57
DazeD||laptophey all whats the easiest partition manager for windows?06:57
DazeD||laptopi need to partition before i install06:57
reoncarbonate, fresh install with a cd ?06:57
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sproingielunitik: aha, that's why my install experience was so different.  i used expert.  expert also doesn't add the first user to sudoers06:57
Quest-MasterWhy do I keep on getting broken package errors when trying to install mplayer through apt on hoary? :(06:57
reonpartition magic is easy06:58
laggerzeroi don't even get mplayer on my apt repositories06:58
DazeD||laptopthanks reon06:58
thoreauputicQuest-Master: missing repositories06:58
ompaulQuest-Master, first do apt-get update then try to get it06:58
laggerzerowhat repos have mplayer?06:58
reonbut not free06:58
thunkeehoe do i configure my monitor to get more than 60hz?06:58
Quest-MasterI have universe, multiverse, and nerim..06:58
shushi2005Where is the Linux source directory located?06:58
laggerzeroor do i have to compile it myself06:58
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ompaulQuest-Master, try apt-get -f update06:58
reonthunkee, edit the xorg.conf file06:59
DazeD||laptopQuest-Master: goto www.ubuntuguide.org and goto whre it says how to upgrade to warty and copy and paste the sources06:59
sproingieshushi2005: usually under /usr/src.  you need to install a linux-source package to get it06:59
DazeD||laptopsoometimes its a lil mistyping06:59
Quest-MasterDazeD||laptop: I've already done that.06:59
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=== ompaul heads off to do some house fixing biab
shushi2005sproingie, I am trying to install linux-wlan-ng,06:59
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sproingiewhich reminds me, where the freakin hell is linux-source for 2.6.11?06:59
sproingieit's odd having a binary package for it and no source package07:00
laggerzerobut it won't work on debain07:00
laggerzerounless you patch it07:00
DazeD||laptophave u updated ur sources or tried search using apt-cache ?07:00
decthunkee: also try system-> preferences -> screen resolution. I'm running 1280x1024 @ 85Hz07:00
mattgirvlmao i just found a site called tuxwarez07:00
spaceysproingie, ofcourse there is a source package07:00
sproingielaggerzero: but that's the whole point of the source packages07:00
spaceysproingie, you should search better07:00
Quest-MasterDazeD||laptop: yes.07:00
laggerzeroyou have to have the debian one though. they are different07:00
reonthunkee, get your monitors specs hoz&Vet refresh rates, resolutoins and add them to /etc/X11/xorg.conf file07:00
spaceysproingie, search for kernel-source07:01
Quest-MasterThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:01
Quest-Master  mplayer-686: Depends: mplayer-586 but it is not going to be installed07:01
DazeD||laptopso who here runs a wireless card on ubuntu?07:01
Quest-MasterAnd when I try to install mplayer-58607:01
laggerzeroi do07:01
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Quest-Master  mplayer-586: Depends: libarts (>= 4:2.2.2-1) but it is not installable or07:01
Quest-Master                        libarts-alsa (>= 4:2.2.2-1) but it is not installable07:01
Quest-Master               Depends: libdvdread2 but it is not installable07:01
Quest-Master               Depends: libvorbis0 (>= 1.0rc3-1) but it is not installable07:01
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Quest-MasterSorry about the slight flood~07:01
sproingiespacey: i know how to search for it.  the latest source package is for 2.6.9 for me.  what does it show for you?07:01
laggerzerodo a search for kernel-tree07:01
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laggerzerothats the ubuntu hoary source07:02
sproingiekernel-tree now?07:02
reonDazeD, you just missed the wireless card discussion07:02
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navreetQuest-Master, you're using multiverse, right?07:02
spaceysproingie, yes your right. i only have up to 2.6.907:02
Quest-Masternavreet: multiverse and universe, yes07:02
Absenthdist-upgrade did in fact break X on the puter with a radeon. :)07:02
JDahlanyone here using matplotlib for python? I've never had problems with it before until yesterday when I installed Hoary and the newest version of matplotlib... It seems to be broken in several ways07:02
sproingiespacey: argh, kernel-source, linux-source, kernel-tree ... what is the naming convention changing to?07:02
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sproingiei'm not even sure what kernel-tree actually is07:02
spaceysproingie, yeah its annoying07:02
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spaceyseems like a meta package07:03
mattgirvis limewire pro worth buying?07:03
mattgirvor does it suck :p07:03
linuxn00bhey guys, I seem to have a small problem I no longer have a desktop switcher on the bottem right anymore :-( I tired to add it by right clicking and still nothing :(07:03
sproingiemattgirv: limewire == spyware.  not on linux, but regardless, do you want to give them your money?07:03
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mattgirvwell i am only going to be using it on linux anyway07:03
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navreethow are cdroms addressed under ubuntu?07:04
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linuxn00bnavreet, /dev/cdrom07:04
sproingiemattgirv: they're scum ... besides, mldonkey is a much better client, if a little harder to configure07:04
thoreauputiclinuxn00b: workspace switcher07:04
RochaWill Mono 1.1.4 be available in the final release?07:04
DazeD||laptopu do quest-master ??07:04
thoreauputiclinuxn00b: in the right-click menu07:04
DazeD||laptopwhat card are u using07:05
linuxn00bthoreauputic, I tried adding that but still nothing :(07:05
thunkeedec, reon: i've done a xorgconfig and this killed my complete x it wont start again ... a smart config prog would be fine ;)07:05
thoreauputiclinuxn00b: hmm :/07:05
spaceysproingie, yay, linux-source-2.6.1107:05
spaceybut you already found it07:05
linuxn00bthoreauputic, I was up all night tyring to fix It I even googled around and found tnothing07:05
linuxn00band I cant reinstall :/07:05
laggerzeroi have a broardcom wireless card07:06
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Xerhow to patch kernel?07:06
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thoreauputiclinuxn00b: do other applets appear, or is it only this one that doesn't?07:06
Xerpatch -pl ?07:06
linuxn00bnothing, it I don't have a swither at all I can't even see it :/07:07
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sproingiespacey: indeed, it's there now.  and there was much rejoicing07:07
=== sproingie yay
Xerhow to patch?07:07
arnaudpatch -p107:07
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linuxn00boops wrong screen haha07:07
spaceysproingie, :)07:07
thoreauputiclinuxn00b: has your panel disappeared?07:07
linuxn00bno I still gont the one on top and bottem07:07
Xerhow to patch?07:07
reonthunkee, what di you do ? I assume you still have console07:07
thoreauputiclinuxn00b: odd indeed07:07
PhythonAnyone know which package gstreamer's faad plugin is in?07:07
Xerhow to patch?07:07
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Xerhow to patch?07:07
thunkeereon: dunno how to dcc chat in xchat ... normal query? ... xserver/xdm restarts several times and then ncurses error messages that it wont start07:07
sproingieXer: SHUT UP07:08
Xerhow to patch?07:08
thoreauputicXer: go away07:08
Xerhow to patch?07:08
arnaudXerI I answered you so, read !07:08
=== sproingie | [Ignore] Added Xer!* to your ignore list.
laggerzeroDazeD||laptop, Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless07:08
Xerhow to patch?07:08
laggerzerothats the one i have07:08
Xeru did?07:08
linuxn00bthoreauputic, yea it is all I remember was I got an error but my friend clicked OK without even reading it :(07:08
thunkeereon: now in runlevel 1 :)07:08
LinuxJonesXer, please stop spamming the channel07:08
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neighborleewhy does the repository only offer linux-source-2.6.10-27 when the default installed kernel is 2.6.10-4-386 ????07:08
sproingiefabbione: you rock07:08
rattboihey, I have a question07:08
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thoreauputicXer: you have the dubious distinction of being the *most* annoying person I've ever seen in #ubuntu07:09
reonthunkee, not that i know what that means but sudo nano /etx/X11/xorg.conf and revert to your original settings07:09
fabbionethoreauputic: too late..07:09
fabbionehe is not here anymore07:09
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rattboiI just installed the nforce drivers from Nvidia's site07:09
thoreauputicfabbione: yeah, heh - thanks07:09
rattboiand I got the ethernet working, but now alsa isn't working w/ the nvsound drivers07:09
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reonfabbione, cant you ban him for like life ?07:09
rattboioss works, but alsa wont07:09
D4Bi have 3com usb bluetooth adapter 3CREB96, can i use it on ubuntu linux (prev.)?07:10
reonthunkee /etc/07:10
decis there any chance mplayer or transcode will work in hoary release?07:10
thoreauputicreon: problem is he comes back under a different id, and blocking his ISP would block nearly his whole country07:11
laggerzeroi've got a quick question07:11
thunkee reon: where do i get the original version of xorg.conf ... actual i just got the modified07:11
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laggerzeroevery time i try to install the cpad touchpad drivers it errors out saying the headers cannot be found07:11
laggerzerowhy is that?07:11
reonthoreaputic, someone should notify his ISP07:11
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sproingiereon: jeez, he didn't DOS the server or anything07:11
reonthunkee, did you back it up before you changed it ? Else, do you remember what you changed ?07:12
=== sproingie hangs out in #perl sometimes, there's like a kickban a minute there
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
regeyaI can imagine07:12
thoreauputicreon: he's merely an annoyance - he hasn't done anything illegal07:12
thunkeereon: no backup sorry ... just done a xorgconfig07:12
chillywillyanyone know if the new OOo 1.9.79 (2.0 beta) release has been packaged yet?07:12
drspinI am trying to enable DMA on my cd device but dmesg|tail keeps telling me it's blacklisted....07:12
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RochaWhen will Mono 1.1.4 packages be available?07:12
sproingiedrspin: means your cdrom doesn't support dma07:13
RochaAny ideas?07:13
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chillywillyI should learn how to make a package...07:13
laggerzerothere is a newer build out chillywilly07:13
reonthoreaputic, sure you can classify him as spam ;)07:13
thunkeereon: is there a way of "reinstall" xorg package? i am not familiar with apt07:13
drspinsproingie: oh but it does -- just not UDMA07:13
laggerzeroi'll get a link for ya07:13
critterDoes ubuntu have a filmanger that you view files in a tree?07:13
chillywillyis that packaged? :)07:13
sproingiereon: he's gone, you can stop fretting. :)07:13
laggerzerorun alien on it07:13
laggerzeroextrac it07:13
chillywillythe new OOo is looking sweeter and sweeter every day I use it man07:13
reonthunkee, send me your xorg.conf file07:13
laggerzeroand do an alien *.rpm07:13
laggerzerothat will converte them to .debs07:13
chillywillylaggerzero: yea that's what I usually do07:13
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chillywillylaggerzero: I even built it from source (takes forever ;) )07:14
reonthunkee, yes there is a way, i just cant remember, let me have a look07:14
thoreauputiccritter: synaptic has a lot of filemanagers - but not all of them are nice eye candy :)07:14
matt_what file manager do you use?07:14
matt_I stopped using nautilus when I started using fluxbox07:15
critterWill Look thanks07:15
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thoreauputicI use rox07:15
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drspinsproingie: hdc: Disabling (U)DMA for SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148C (blacklisted)07:15
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laggerzerochillywilly, yeah the source is over 200MB07:15
laggerzerotakes like 6 horus07:15
drspinsproingie: sudo cat /proc/ide/hdc/settings07:15
drspinsproingle: using_dma               1               0               1               rw07:15
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thoreauputicmatt_: but I still use nautilus for some things07:15
sproingiedrspin: that means either UDMA or DMA.  i suspect it's dma blacklisted for both, stability problems i guess07:15
DazeD||laptoplaggerzero u know if a linksys wireless g card will work on ubuntu07:15
chillywillylaggerzero: it's a lot of code :)07:15
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thoreauputicmatt_: the ssh and ftp functions are useful07:16
drspinsproingie: it's showing that it's using DMA -- just not UDMA I think...07:16
firdelwhen updating from warty to hoary, after the packedges are installed i get promtede if i wanna keep my old setting, or use the updated ones. heres an example07:16
firdelConfiguration file `/etc/udev/scripts/ide-devfs.sh'07:16
firdel ==> File on system created by you or by a script.07:16
laggerzeroi have no idea DazeD||laptop  iuse broadcom07:16
firdeldo i keep the old settings ?07:16
thunkeereon: just found there is no /dev/mouse ... testing this with /dev/psaux07:16
drspinsproingie: I also do notice LOTS of problems related to that CD device -- I'm trying it with unmaskIRQ off to see if that makes a difference07:16
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laggerzeroi'm still learning too. its fun learning new OS's07:17
reonthunkee, how many things did you change ?07:17
chillywillynautilus still needs some work, imho :)07:17
arnaudthunkee: did you try /dev/input/mice ?07:17
DazeD||laptopDoes anyone know if a linksys wireless G card will work on ubuntu...its a nogo on knoppix live???07:17
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sproingiedrspin: you're well past my knowledge level on the subject of cdroms now07:17
laggerzeroyou have to use ndiswrapper to install the drivers07:17
chillywillythe sftp support and smb support could be better :)07:17
thoreauputicchillywilly: I agree :)07:17
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mdblitz1DazeD||laptop: working for me07:17
Quest-MasterDazeD||laptop: It will work with ndiswrapper07:17
mdblitz1just use ndiswrapper07:17
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drspinsproingie: I doubt that -- but I appreciate your thoughts...07:18
laggerzerondiswrapper works great on my broadcom07:18
chillywillyI still think winders XP has a better desktop (unfortunately)07:18
Teal`c_anybody know where i can find specific perl .deb packages ?  i need the perl xml::parser but cant find it anywhere07:18
thunkeereon: sorry for that ... x starts again because of /dev/psaux07:18
xamdmhi, nvidia-drivers broken in hoary after totdays online-update (linux-image-2.6.10-4-686) ??07:18
mdblitz1laggerzero: yup07:18
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DazeD||laptopquest-master do i just get the normal windows drivers and load it up through ndiswrapper07:18
laggerzeroi hate winblows07:18
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reonthunkee, no probs07:18
laggerzeroand microshaft for that matter07:18
SeveasTeal`c_, try to find it in synaptic07:18
mdblitz1DazeD||laptop: yea07:18
Quest-MasterDazeD||laptop: Pull out your Linksys CD07:18
DazeD||laptopok good07:18
neighborleeno one knows about linux-source issue ?? ;(07:19
regeyainteresting; apparently kde's media:/ ioslave can detect devices that have been added, but can't mount them unless they're in /etc/fstab07:19
laggerzerowhat issue?07:19
Quest-MasterDazeD||laptop: Get the .inf file in the drivers folder, and use it with ndiswrapper07:19
DazeD||laptoplol linksys CD is in jacksonville at school while im stuck at home07:19
reonxamdm, hope not havent rebooted yet, lol07:19
chillywillylaggerzero: yea well if you want to take some market share from them you at least have to have a nice consistent desktop07:19
chillywillyGnome is getting there but it still annoys me at times07:19
neighborleelaggerzero: why does the repository only offer linux-source-2.6.10-27 when the default installed kernel is 2.6.10-4-386 ????07:19
Riddellregeya: seems to be the case, bit disapointing that07:19
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Teal`c_I just installed Hoary (first time ubuntu user) .. Nice so far.. but it strange that the root user account is disabled by default..,  because the admin tools in gnome are pretty much useless without it07:19
laggerzerodid you do a search for linux-tree-2.6.10?07:19
neighborleetree ?07:20
mdblitz1neighborlee: use synaptic07:20
xamdmreon: rebootes 2 times reinstalled restricted modules, didn't help07:20
laggerzerothats what the ubuntu one is :/07:20
regeyaindeed, Riddell.  wonder if there's a workaround for that other than adding removable media to /etc/fstab07:20
laggerzerofound that one out last night07:20
timtepython2.3-ldaptor: Depends: python2.3-pyparsing but it is not installable  --  how do I fix this?07:20
speelare the warty packages on freeze??07:20
neighborleemdblitz1, I am and that is the result from searching for 'linux-source'07:20
thunkeeagain is there a smart xorg configuration program to configure card/monitor with card and monitor database like sax?07:20
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Marble2uh im upgrading to hoarhy and I get this07:20
Marble2Configuration file `/etc/udev/scripts/ide-devfs.sh'07:20
reonxadm, no i'm to scared to reboot... ouch07:20
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Marble2should I install the ne one07:20
Marble2or not?07:20
sproingieARGH this is driving me nuts07:20
sproingiedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_0.5ubuntu3_amd64.deb (--unpack):07:20
sproingie error creating symbolic link `./usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory07:20
thoreauputicspeel: warty hasn't changed since October :)07:20
thoreauputicspeel: except for security updates07:21
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laggerzeroi love warty07:21
sproingiecould anyone tell me what that relative path is relative TO so I can force this broken package to install?07:21
xamdmreon: anyone eles problems with the nvidia-drivers ??, now trying the nvidia-installer ...07:21
laggerzeroor hoary07:21
sproingiei can't even find it with strace07:21
neighborleelaggerzero: tree comes back with the same '27' ending which i'm fairly sure is going to give nvidia installer massive headaches07:21
sbassihello, I am looking for the boot messages. in wich log file they r?07:21
speelbah i mean the universe pakages07:21
drspinhow do I edit my kernel parameters?07:21
Marble2what does /etc/udev/scripts/ide-devfs.sh do and should I let hoary install a new one?07:21
laggerzerothe drivers come on the ubuntu repos07:21
mdblitz1neighborlee: search for the headers, that should work the same07:21
laggerzerohave you installed the drivers?07:21
laggerzerothe glx ones?07:21
reonxadm, I'll reboot in 11min after KDE is installed...07:21
xamdmui, there is a new driver from nvidia 716707:22
laggerzerothen just run a nvidia-glx-config enable07:22
thoreauputicspeel: hoary is in feature freeze atm I believe07:22
guimanBeen using Hoarty for a couple of weeks and it installs flawlessly on a Toshiba Tecra 8200... except that there is not suspend/sleep/hybernate support. Is this supported in any of the laptops? Any ideas?07:22
thoreauputicMarble2: accepting defaults is usually the safe way to go07:22
reonthoreaputic, probably because official release is next month ?07:23
speelbah ... i need this one pakage netpanzer 0.8 beacuase the one in the universe repo is out of date =/07:23
regeyaotoh, amarok-xine seems to work fine (gstreamer seems to be b0rked in kubuntu atm)07:23
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thoreauputicreon: yep07:23
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scizzoguiman: pheonix BIOS?07:23
regeyaI'll take non-automounting devices if I can play music in amarok without aRts07:23
laggerzeroit works great on my Compaq presario r300z with an AMD Athlon64 3200+ DTR07:23
Hell-Razorhey guys i am trying to upgrade to hoary, what do i do or what thing do i follow?07:23
neighborleemdblitz1, The headers also show the same '2.6.10-27' stuff which I'm almost positive will cause nvidiai compile to go haywire07:23
laggerzeroall hardware works07:23
=== regeya smiles
neighborleemdblitz1, why dont the match with the default installed kernel ????07:23
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neighborleemdblitz1, the/they07:23
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laggerzeroi'm about to recompile the kernel myself07:23
laggerzeroto get rid of any headaches07:24
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sbassiguiman: I think that is planned for next Ubuntu release07:24
mdblitz1you should be able to search for linux-headers2.6.10-407:24
guimanscizzo: no idea... I am returning to Intel laptops (been using Macs since 1987)07:24
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arnaudscizzo: I have phoenix bios, what's up with them and hibernate ?07:25
guimansbassi: great, thanks.07:25
scizzoarnaud: they are not supported07:25
laggerzerohibernation is still very beta07:25
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scizzoarnaud: Tecra S1 and so on are poorly supported....and the fact is that it has to do with the bios....07:25
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speedy2781how do I get motorola drivers out of an exe file?07:25
chillywillybah, nautilus ftp support stinks too :)07:26
shushi2005I am having trouble installing linux-wlan-ng. I get an error when I specify the linux source directory. Can anyone help?07:26
scizzoguiman: find out if it is a pheonix bios if it is..then I guess you will have to wait for Toshiba to be able and share some secrets about the bios07:26
Hell-Razorhey guys i am trying to upgrade to hoary, can anybody tell me what to do or point be to a how-to?07:26
speelspeedy2781, .exe files are stricktly windows07:26
speedy2781so how would i get motorola drivers without the exe file from their website07:26
laggerzerotry with wine07:26
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arnaudshushi2005: how are you compiling these drivers ?07:27
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speedy2781like fermented grapes?07:27
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guimanscizzo: thanks. I will keep track of this.07:27
laggerzeroits also on the repos07:27
laggerzeroso you can install it through synaptic] 07:27
vpalledont use wine for drivers....07:27
Hell-Razorhey guys i am trying to upgrade to hoary, can anybody tell me what to do or point be to a how-to?07:27
laggerzerofor drivers07:27
thoreauputicchillywilly: it works OK for a simple transfer with drag and drop (that's all I use ftp for with nautilus)07:27
shushi2005arnaud, I got the tarballs from the official website and am following their instructions.07:27
speelspeedy2781, well check first if your motorola products is supported .. google it or check the hcl on linuxquestions.org07:27
laggerzerounless you want to extract them07:27
shushi2005arnaud, so I did make config07:27
scizzoI have one thing that helps to change the light only on my laptop but thats it....the toshiba tools and so on is not working with Tecra S1 for example07:28
laggerzerothats the only reason wine should be used for drivers07:28
reonguiman,  what happens if you close the lid or enter apm -s07:28
speedy2781i need to ndiswrapper the motorola .inf file07:28
speedy2781but I am struggling to find the .inf I need07:28
arnaudshushi2005: ok, I had a similar problem (Still not fixed) sorry07:28
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shushi2005arnaud, darn07:28
arnaudshushi2005: have you got linux-sources installed ?07:29
speeland to who ever is trying to upgrade to hoary just chage the repos that say warty to hoary07:29
speedy2781(bcmw15.inf) is the inf driver i need07:29
guimanreon: the screen goes black, the backlight stays on and when I open it again there is not response (no place to enter a password, no response)07:29
shushi2005arnaud, i just did a default install of hoary07:29
firdelwhen updating from warty to hoary, after the packedges are installed i get promtede if i wanna keep my old setting, or use the updated ones. heres an example07:29
firdel The default action is to keep your current version.07:29
firdel*** cdsymlinks.sh (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N]  ?07:29
arnaudshushi2005: so you first need to get the kernel sources, they are not isntalled by default07:29
guimanreon: I have not tried apm -s07:29
firdeldo i keep my current, or do i go with the update ?07:30
shushi2005arnaud, how do i do that?07:30
thoreauputicfirdel: accept the defaults07:30
scizzofirdel: read everything07:30
speedy2781anyone know where I can find that?07:30
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arnaudshushi2005: in synaptic package manager, look for linux-sources07:30
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shushi2005arnaud, ok07:30
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firdeli did say keep current to the first one thoreauputic :(07:30
reonguiman, dont know if it will work but you can try07:30
scizzofirdel: if you read you will find out that it says that "this is the version from the person doing the package" and it asks you if you want to keep it or what you want to do with it07:30
thoreauputicfirdel: probably will be fine - don't fret07:31
firdelim a bit scared07:31
xamdmhi, got nvidia-drivers workin, just using the new ones from nvidia07:31
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thoreauputicfirdel: :-)07:31
reonguiman, running hoary ?  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryPM07:31
neighborleeis ubuntu working on a decent GUI installer by chance ? ( just curious )07:31
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laggerzerobulding the new openoffice packages now07:31
laggerzerofrom rpms to debs07:31
neighborleeI think they should adopt anaconda frankly07:31
laggerzeroneighborlee, its a text installer07:32
laggerzerobut its easy to use07:32
neighborleelaggerzero, nooooooooo it can't be07:32
firdelthoreauputic, last time i did dist-upgrade, my comp crashed im the middle of installing the packedges.. so i just reinstalled ubuntu, and first thing i did was to update to hoary.. now i hope im crashfree :)=07:32
guimanreon: thanks I will give it a try. And thanks for the url07:32
neighborleelaggerzero, lol07:32
thoreauputicfirdel: they are mostly configuration options - keeping the ones you have should work fine07:32
burgundavia_neighborlee from what I understand anaconda is crap underneath07:32
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neighborleelaggerzero, surely they are working on a GUI intaller07:32
burgundavia_neighborlee, they are working on a gui installer07:32
laggerzeroit uses the debian installer07:32
neighborleeburgundavia_, i've never heard that..you have sources for that assumption ;-))07:32
burgundavia_neighborlee, there are some issues to be solved, as not all video cards are alike07:32
neighborleeburgundavia_, ic..well thats good to hear then07:32
burgundavia_neighborlee, this is from the Mataro sessions where I heard this07:33
neighborleehmm never heard of them07:33
burgundavia_last Ubuntu dev conference07:33
speedy2781Well, since I am tired of fighting with these wireless cards that are unsupported. what card is decent price that would work under ubuntu07:33
neighborleeanyway I just thought standards are good but if it truly has issues well...then I guess what can ya do but make your own07:33
neighborleeburgundavia_, k thx ..checking07:33
burgundavia_speedy2781, dlink 650 pcmicia. I have one that works07:33
speedy2781what is needed to make it work07:33
neighborleeanyone know why nvidia-glx installs '/lib/tls' ???07:34
burgundavia_speedy2781, out of the box, native drivers07:34
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neighborleeit causes some weird glitchy behavior with some of my apps07:34
Marble2how do I view os info07:34
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reonHow do you do remote desktop via a router running NAT ?07:34
burgundavia_speedy2781, just plug it in. You might have to use dhclient to get an address though. That is a network hotpluging issue07:34
thoreauputicMarble2: what sort of info?07:34
mdkehi all. My evolution is taking about 5 minutes to start. updated hoary. Any news?07:34
Marble2like what distro. and stuff07:34
Marble2I just upgraded to hoary07:34
thoreauputiccat /etc/issue07:34
Marble2just want to check07:34
guimanbrb - I am going to try "apm -s"07:35
Marble2Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Development Branch \n \l07:35
NetwrkMonkeymdke what version of evolution07:35
thoreauputicMarble2: congratulations :)07:35
NetwrkMonkeyand do you have spamassassin installed?07:35
speedy2781is it possible to look into an exe file and get what you need out of it?07:35
laggerzeroit depends07:35
laggerzerosome exes are just rars and zips07:35
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laggerzeronot all of them though07:35
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chillywillybah, Gnome keeps wanting to use firefox as an ftp client07:35
error_29aarrfhhgg! why does gedit make the search window so f*&^&ing large!07:35
speedy2781how would I try?07:35
laggerzerotry changing the extention07:36
chillywillywhere can i change that?07:36
mdkeNetwrkMonkey, the current one in hoary07:36
laggerzeroto either zip or rar07:36
laggerzerosome times it works07:36
mdkeNetwrkMonkey, this problem only arrived today07:36
laggerzerosometimes not07:36
sproingieyay, figured out the ia32-libs problem.  strace to the rescue once more07:36
mdkeNetwrkMonkey, gnome-terminal crashes upon start as well07:36
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Marble2okay, now why does cups hate me07:37
sproingiecups hates all humanity07:37
sproingieits not personal07:37
laggerzerocups is evil07:37
firdelwhat ftp server would you people recommend.. i like gui's ;)07:37
thoreauputicfirdel: gftp07:37
mdkeme too gftp07:37
Marble2I'm trying to share a printer on the network so a windows computer can access it07:37
Hell-Razorguys how do i add  Hoary Backports sources.07:37
mdkeor nautilus07:37
speeli use proftpd as a server and gftp for client07:37
thoreauputicoh sorry, server07:37
Marble2every time it asks for a damn user/pass07:37
Marble2i've tried my ubuntu login, the windows login, root, blank, everything07:37
Marble2and I just get access denied07:37
ompaulcups is something that really wants to live with foomatic then it looses its evil streak07:38
JDahlfirdel, proftp is easy to setup, although there's no gui07:38
speedy2781oh, i just fixed that last night07:38
guimanreon: it returns a message saying that there is no support in the kernel for apm (tried -s and -S)07:38
mdkeany idea on why my gnome-terminal and evolution are not starting properly in hoary?07:38
speedy2781the passwrd thing07:38
speelHell-Razor, open up /etc/apt/sources.list and stick  deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu/ warty-backports main universe in there07:38
sproingiefoomatic merely papers over the evil that is cups07:38
firdelJDahl, i like to word easy, not one you get by very often in this community07:38
reonguiman, then it is prob acpi07:38
Marble2speedy2781: how?07:38
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thoreauputicMarble2: are you trying to use the web interface?07:38
speedy2781I am tryting to remember07:38
Hell-Razorspeel, for hoary? im trying to upgrade to hoary07:38
sproingieonly printer systems that never drove me nuts were macos and netware07:38
sproingienetware's was hairy as hell under the surface but it just worked07:39
reonguima, have a look at the ubuntu forums and do a search for toshiba or acpi or apm07:39
ompaulsproingie,  ahh but the paper holds in many cases for $case07:39
farruinnsproingie: do you mean classic mac os, because "under the surface07:39
firdelthoreauputic, im gettin freightening many of theese07:39
firdelSetting up linux-image-2.6.10-4-386 (2.6.10-27) ...07:39
firdelperl: warning: Setting locale failed.07:39
firdelperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:07:39
firdel        LANGUAGE = "en_GB:en_US:en",07:39
regeyaand macos uses cups now, oddly enough07:39
farruinn sproingie os x uses the same system as linux07:39
firdelperl: warning07:39
speelo then open up your sources list and change everything that says warty to hoary07:39
sproingiefarruinn: yes, old system7 macos07:39
Marble2any ideas thoreauputic ? or speedy07:40
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sproingiefirdel: please dont flood07:40
firdelok sproingie, sry!!07:40
laggerzerolast night i tried to install over 700 updates and packages at once. including drivers07:40
laggerzerokilled my install07:40
JDahlfirdel, I use proftp occassionally when technically challenged windows users need to upload large amount of data to my work machine... it's just a matter of apt-get install and your flying...afterwards I just remove it with apt-get remove, and no hazzles07:40
sproingieow.  i dont do 700 with a dist-upgrade07:40
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, lol07:40
guimanreon: thanks07:40
thoreauputicfirdel: wait and see if it works before you panic :)07:40
laggerzerofresh insall of hoary07:40
reonno probs07:40
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, did you sucessfully upgrade to hoary? im trying it right now07:40
laggerzeroand updated gnome and kde and installed everthing i could think of07:41
firdeli have a tendency to panic07:41
laggerzeroit was off the hoary cd07:41
laggerzeroand i just installed and upraded every program i could think of07:41
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, heh i would update through the hoary cd but i dont want to lose all my shit07:41
laggerzeroit was kind of funny07:41
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=== ompaul looks on in an unhappy at an i go 3000 from hp as pre release sees the wireless card (lspci) however the networking tools does not
sproingielaggerzero: well that makes for a nice torture test of apt07:42
speelHell-Razor, i dont think you can with the cd ... just chage your repos07:42
laggerzeroand my net connection and hard drive07:42
firdelJDahl, i would preferre a server i can configure, without reading 20 man pages. besides, i dont wanna install / remove a server everytime i need one07:42
Hell-Razorspeel, i mean reinstall everything07:42
laggerzeromy isp hates me. they see me downloading the same shit over and over07:42
firdellaggerzero, you not alone07:42
ompaullaggerzero, no they love you the caache gets raided often :-)07:43
firdelhey, 20 secs'o'silence07:43
Hell-Razorlaggerzero, my isp dissconnects me about once a week for a day for some odd reason...they claim its for server updates but its bullshit07:43
JDahlfirdel, proftp is probably still your best bet... I just remove the ftp server out of paranoia when I dont need it07:43
Marble2arg, in lftp how do I close it and just go back to command line?07:43
laggerzeroi get the same07:43
PacoBCNHell-Razor, ISPs are the worst...07:44
laggerzeroi have a smoothwall router so i don't have ot use the crappy modem os software07:44
firdelMem:    127104k total,   125304k used,     1800k free,     3524k buffers   shit i need more RAM07:44
thoreauputicMarble2: exit07:44
Hell-RazorPacoBCN, i cant wait till i get to college...t3 line07:44
Marble2oh, thanks07:44
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Marble2so anyone have an idea about my cups problem?07:44
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PacoBCNmy ISP told me I better don't use p2p since it might disconnect me...07:44
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laggerzerocan they do that?07:45
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Hell-RazorPacoBCN, lol thats bullshit07:45
JDahlfirdel, what matters is how much swap you use - not the amount of unused memory07:45
thoreauputicPacoBCN: yeah, all those illegal Linux warez ... heheh07:45
firdeli only got 128 damnit, dont tell me that more then enough :P07:45
laggerzerothere are a few of pirateable warez programs07:45
laggerzeronot much07:45
firdelSwap:   295272k total,    58444k used,   236828k free,    51056k cached07:45
Hell-Razoris it possible to even crack p2p to use an installed version of cedega?07:45
Hell-Razorfirdel, that is not enough....i have 512 ddr2 pc4400 ram07:46
laggerzeroi don't think so07:46
Hell-Razorfirdel, and im looking to buy another stick of 51207:46
speelHell-Razor, do you mean use a cracked version of cedega?07:46
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olyanyone tried nero in linux yet ?07:46
firdelim looking for a 64mb stick under my bed07:46
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firdeli know its inthere... hiding07:46
Hell-Razorspeel, no i mean use a cracked versin on p2p..i have p2p working valid because i have an accoutn but if theres a way fuck it im canceling my accoutn with them07:47
olyi am tempted to give it ago, but not sure if my dvd drive will work properly07:47
critterI installed tkdesk.. The executable file I cant find it. I opened tkdesk in term . But it doesnt open the file browser. Thats what I wanted it for. Any help ??07:47
laggerzeroman i need to get the dvdcss packages07:47
laggerzerogoogle is my friend07:47
critterNot In usr/bin07:47
PacoBCNthe tecnician of my isp told also that he's not sure the router will work with Ubuntu...07:47
olynero always worked well in windows, not sure if the linux version would be dependant on underlying drivers though07:47
thoreauputicHell-Razor: I think cracking is off-topic here07:47
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PacoBCNI told him, listen, the router is connected to Internet even with no computers07:48
PacoBCNand he couldn't understand07:48
firdelPacoBCN, what freking ISP you got? they must be incompetent07:48
PacoBCNfucking moron07:48
thoreauputicPacoBCN: heheh07:48
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speedy2781marbel2 did you figure it out07:48
PacoBCNFirdel, the problem is that 99% of the times the customers will accept what they say07:48
laggerzeroi hate mandrake07:48
critterThis is my main headache with linux. what are the executable extentions And where the hell are they by default07:48
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firdeli know, i worked as ADSL supporter for my countrys largest ISP07:48
StaleFishHello, any Synatic genius here?07:49
PacoBCNbtw, my ISP is Jazztel07:49
firdelpeople are plain stupid07:49
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thoreauputiccritter: executables don't need extensions07:49
ompaulcritter, there are none07:49
laggerzerosh files execute07:49
speelcritter, sh bin usually but some dont even have extensions :P07:49
thoreauputiccritter: and to see what a file is type   file /path/to/file07:49
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laggerzeronot all bins do07:49
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rifficcan someone help me with alsa and hoary?07:49
critterHow do I know what file opens the program that I wnat to opem07:49
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speelcritter,  well what file do you want to open?07:50
rifficI had sound working before an apt-get update, now its not working07:50
thoreauputiccritter:  type  which <command>07:50
rifficmaybe broken kernel?07:50
ompaulahh that is a different matter - try typing the word 'file  filename' and it will tell you something of it07:50
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firdelbrolen pci slot07:50
wezzer-try command alsamixer07:50
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thoreauputiccritter: you just need to think differently07:50
rifficdoesn't work, aplay -l shows no cards found07:50
PacoBCNthe worst part was when they wanted to force me to encrypt my essid07:50
riffictheres a bunch of errors when I boot07:50
PacoBCNI told them I didn't mind in sharing my connection with my neighbors07:51
rifficalsactrl can't start or something like that07:51
PacoBCN"No, you can't share"07:51
laggerzerowhoa libdvdcss has a freshmeat page now] 07:51
critterI looked through synaptic for the path but many paths . Not a clue wich one opens the app07:51
rifficeven though its' still in lspci07:51
firdelcant as in cant, or cant as in your not allowed ?07:51
thoreauputiccritter: to see where executables *might* be, type  echo $PATH07:51
elcucohi, what package (in universe) i need to install in order to play mp3's under totem, i prefear using gstreamer (not xine)07:51
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thoreauputiccritter: I told you: type  `which <commandname>07:52
critterI tried nothing happened07:52
laggerzerothey even have a debian package07:52
speeldude what are you trying to open07:52
thoreauputicfor example07:53
critterThe file manager for tkdesk that I just installed07:53
farruinnelcuco: gstreamer-mad I believe, check at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:53
ompaulcritter, an app is not opened by a file - if you look in /usr/bin you will find a file called gcc if you type file gcc you will get information07:53
speedy2781NEW BREAKTHROUGH07:53
critterNotin /usr/bin07:53
StaleFishAnyone seen where all my packages have gone in Synaptic?07:53
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rifficokay i'm getting this when I /etc/init.d/alsa start:  /etc/init.d/alsa: Warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'alsactl: load_state:1267: No soundcards found...'07:53
thoreauputiccritter: what is the app called?07:53
speedy2781ok, so I ndiswrapper a .inf for a motorolla wifi card and the hardware is present07:53
speedy2781now I don't have any clue what to do07:53
rifficand a bunch of scrolling stuff07:53
speedy2781i modprobe ndiswrapper right?07:54
speedy2781than I ndiswrapper -m07:54
crittertkdesk is the app I installed. I opened it with term07:54
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critterbut the file manager apperently is another question07:54
thoreauputiccritter: type    apropos tkdesk07:54
critterAll I got was a tool bar07:54
SuperL4ghow much disk space does a standard Warty install take?07:54
critter No buttons on it to open file manager07:54
reonriffic,  cat /proc/asound/modules07:55
thoreauputiccritter: are you even reading what I said above?07:55
farruinnSuperL4g: I'm pretty sure that's in the release notes or something07:55
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farruinnSuperL4g: I don't remember off the top of my head07:55
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critterReading typing and trying it outr on term .07:55
thunkeeSuperL4g: 1557708 :)07:55
critter I need a sec thanks07:55
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thoreauputiccritter: apropos will show you where the manual is - also try `man tkdesk`07:56
ompaulcritter, file management is not the same as in another popular desktop - (the mac :)) or some other one. - file association as you think of it is really usually a function of the desktop i.e. gnome in most cases with ubuntu07:56
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farruinnthenuke: be nice :) give him df -H07:56
elcucofarruinn, mad indeed :)07:56
speedy2781ndiswraper help needed07:56
rifficreon: nothing07:56
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rifficit just made a new line07:56
Teal`c_the search function in synaptic is rather unintuitive ...07:56
critterompal I know thats why im trying out tkdesk07:56
reonriffic, ouch07:56
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squallbsranybody having problems accessing releases.ubuntu.com and shipit.ubuntu.com ??  I get DNS not found...07:56
rifficwant me to lsmod | grep snd ?07:57
squallbsrerr, DNS cannot find the address...07:57
reonriffic, ouch, is this a new install or did things go wrong ?07:57
rifficthings went wrong07:57
reonriffic, ok07:57
riffici've been using hoary successfully for a few weeks now07:57
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rifficI rebooted with a new kernel07:57
firdelyippie, it werks <(07:57
thoreauputicsquallbsr: what does `host shipit.ubuntu.com`  say?07:58
reonriffic, if the output is big then dont pste here07:58
thenukefarruinn: but but..07:58
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Frederickanyone brazillian here? I want to set my xterm and term to accept special characters like ? and accents07:58
thoreauputicsquallbsr: in a terminal07:58
firdelis it possible to install nvidia drivers with apt-get, or should i get it with the synaptic manager _07:58
rifficreon: http://www.pastebin.com/25455607:58
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Hell-Razorthoreauputic: yes or no answer would be enough for me07:58
CoutsosCan anybody help me get gDesklets compiled?07:58
rifficits a hercules gtxp, cs46xx07:59
thoreauputicHell-Razor: yes or no to what?07:59
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, nm07:59
farruinnCoutsos: why do you need to compile it?07:59
squallbsrthereauputic: shipit.ubuntu.com has address
squallbsrshipit.ubuntu.com mail is handled by 10 fiordland.ubuntu.com.07:59
thoreauputicsquallbsr: well, looks like DNS knows about it then07:59
ompaulcritter rather than trying to do something the same way as you do elsewhere, pause for a minute and take the following on board, we have great technologies that help you do more with less - and a bit like getting into a european car after driving a japanese one there are some small differences in where things are triggered from but at the end of the day you can do more :)08:00
MyrttiI notice kernels on -27 now08:00
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Myrttiany hope that nvidia will be fixed on it?08:00
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squallbsrthereauputic: firefox is sending me back to my domain (which is what happens when DNS cannot find the site...)  thats off my server, my desktop doesn't have host...  I need to check from theree...08:00
Coutsosfarruinn, I tried getting it from synaptic, but that version doesn't seem to work for me08:00
firdelafter my first hoary reboot i can only view 640*480 ;/08:00
firdelis it possible to install nvidia drivers with apt-get, or should i get it with the synaptic manager _08:00
reonriffic, looks ok, been to http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=TroubleShooting  yet ?08:01
ompaulcritter, I would like to assist you but I do not know what it is you are (a) trying to learn (b) achieve if you can tell me that without reference to the action you think needs to be carried out then I or some of the other helpful people here may have just the solution for you08:01
rifficI found that page on a google08:01
drspincan i set options on my scsi HD and CD drive?08:01
rifficdoesn't really help08:01
thunkeefirdel: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver08:01
firdelthunkee, fanx m808:01
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squallbsranybody running ubuntu as a server?  i.e. -> openldap, smbldap-tools, samba3 (as pdc), netatalk, qmail, etc?08:02
thoreauputicsquallbsr: does your /etc/resolv.conf contain nameservers?08:02
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critterompal I am trying to find a gui that has a dir tree. tkdesk says it has one just cant get it to open08:02
ijuzsquallbsr: ubuntu has a working openldap?08:02
Benjamin_Lis there a way to set the font-size for the nautilus desktop ?08:03
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squallbsrthoreauputic: yes, they have the same name servers as my server...08:03
critter"`man tkdesk' has nothing08:03
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reonriffic, sorry new to this myself, only just sorted my sound out last night. just check out all your conf etc08:03
thoreauputicsquallbsr: OK08:03
ompaulcritter ahh08:03
thunkeecritter: what about filemanager/nautilus treeview?08:03
thoreauputicsquallbsr: is it only firefox? have you tried another browser? i think links is installed by default08:04
critter"` opropos tkdesk" Nothing aprpriate"08:04
Seveasijuz, slapd is in main08:04
thoreauputiccritter: apropos08:04
ompaulcritter, have you looked at nautilus? and if you want to see all the stuff start it with the command 'sudo nautilus'08:04
rifficreon: k, thanks for your help08:04
squallbsrthoreauputic: the website started working again...  odd...08:04
critter" apropos tkdesk08:04
crittertkdesk: nothing appropriate."08:04
thoreauputiccritter: sorry - what about `man tkdesk` ?08:04
rifficit was working before so I'm going to assume it will work again in the future08:04
rifficand this is just temporary brokenness08:05
critterTried nothing happened08:05
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thoreauputiccritter: a package without a man page... that's a bug08:05
ijuzSeveas: debian main or ubuntu? the one in debian is broken beyond repair08:05
rifficI can live with temporary brokenness.. that's why I'm using unstable08:05
lunitikWhats a good OS news site? osnews.com is bothering me - mainly cuz Eugenia is a tool, and I just don't really like Slashdot  :(08:05
critterI'll try again08:05
ompaulcritter, nothing happened when you did what?08:05
thoreauputiccritter: time to use google08:05
Seveasijuz ubuntu main08:05
lunitikSo uhh, something like osnews.com, but without a tool for an editor08:05
squallbsrthoreauputic: my desktop is gentoo (btw)  I'm thinking about putting ubuntu on my server instead of freebsd since I cannot run Xen or VMWare easily on FreeBSD (which is what it is running right now)08:06
reverHi I am trying to mount my fat32 share but I keep getting wrong fs but when I do dmesg | tail. This is the error:08:06
speelwww.linux.org www.lwn.net08:06
rifficlunitik: kerneltrap.org08:06
reverUnable to load NLS charset iso8859-108:06
reverFAT: IO charset iso8859-1 not found08:06
critter"` man tkdesk" notrhing happend08:06
squallbsrrever: what command are you typing?08:06
ijuzSeveas: cool, hopefully really 2.2.2308:06
reverI grep my config and get this CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_IOCHARSET="iso8859-1"08:06
ijuz(openldap 2.1.30 dies often and destroys sometimes the database)08:06
reversquallbsr, I put it in my fstab. But I also have done mount -t vfat /dev/sda5 /mnt/share08:07
ompaulcritter: only type only that between the arrow heads > man tkdesk < and then hit enter08:07
Seveasijuz sorry, it's 2.1.3008:07
Seveasbut maybe hoary has a newer version08:07
Seveasi'm running warty08:07
firdelhow is it i restart X _08:07
squallbsrrever: how does mount respond?  does it try to do it?08:07
squallbsrrever: or say something about the superblock08:07
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crittergot it08:07
critterhave man up08:08
reversquallbsr, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,08:08
rever       missing codepage or other error08:08
ompaulcritter when you type > sudo tkdesk <  you can run it as root and traverse the whole file system08:08
ijuzSeveas: 2.1.30-3 in debian is said to have a bugfix for a segfault, but well, i'm doing now it better on my own, it's beyond cool when 40-50 boxes aren't usable because ldap is dead again08:08
=== caliber [~caliber@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1b3d] has joined #ubuntu
caliberWhat do I need to compile EGGDROP.. I already did a apt-get install tcl8.4 but it still can't find the TCL library and headers08:09
ompaulcritter you need to close the 'intro screen'  {I love apt-get it just does the job :)}08:09
critterI got tkdesk open but all it oped was the tool bar . But no way to open file manager08:09
ompaulcritter, there is a button on the bottom of that which says close ?08:09
reversquallbsr, I tells me to look at dmesg so I do and thas when I see that error08:09
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reversquallbsr, I grep my config and get this CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_IOCHARSET="iso8859-1"08:09
ompaulbehind that there is a file system navigator08:10
ompaulthen you gte all this stuff on the right hand side of your screen and you wonder where it came from :)08:10
critterButton at bottom is to delete files on the tool bar. But the intro I closed 5 min ago08:10
ijuzbtw. the installer of the hoary review has imo a big problem it asks for a device for grub-install (as the install of sarge is doing at the moment), that's nothing for beginners, they first have to figure out that they have in 99,9% of the cases to enter (hd0)08:10
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ompaulcritter ahh I am with yhou now08:11
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squallbsrrever: the CONFIG_FAT_etc charset looks right, you are using a english windows right?08:12
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reversquallbsr, Yeap english verison of windows 200008:12
ompaulcritter - okay what you need to do is something like this right on the picture that has the lamp on it :) the desktop08:12
squallbsrrever: now where to find it, hmm...08:12
caliberWhat do I need to compile EGGDROP.. I already did a apt-get install tcl8.4 but it still can't find the TCL library and headers08:12
zeppelinCan anyone help me in unpacking an RPM file on a PPC with Ubuntu?08:12
ompaulcritter then navigate to wherever you want :)08:12
ijuzzeppelin: dumb people like me are just using mc08:13
ompaulcritter - be warned tools liek that can kill your machine :)08:13
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ompaulcritter like that is what I mean08:13
reversquallbsr, Just to let you know I am using hoary. If that make a difference08:13
zeppelinwhats mc? (count me in the dumb people category, I'm a newb)08:13
ellsanyone in here actually running debian08:13
squallbsrrever: did you google the problem?08:13
critterOmpal got it ty ty ty08:13
calibermidnight commander08:13
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thoreauputiczeppelin: midnight commander (file manager and editor)08:14
ompaulells, go on ask I am running more than one linux at a time :)08:14
reverAm currently searching through some pages. Nothing yet, was hoping someone ran into this08:14
zeppelinand its a package that came with Ubuntu?08:14
ijuzzeppelin: apt-get install mc    ...no idwa if that is in ubuntu08:14
ellsompaul: in debian, I cannot connect to my debian source08:14
thoreauputicnot by default08:14
squallbsrrever: out of curiosity, comment out that line in your config.  which file is it in anyway?08:14
ellsompaul: trying to see if the source is down08:14
ijuzwhat's btw. the ubuntu way to load kernel modules?08:14
zeppelinCant find package "mc"08:15
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critterOmpaul All I need to do is conf now Thanks08:15
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freewartyHi all08:15
freewartyCheers to apt-get ?08:15
MyrttiI don't know if anyone else is interested in this, but as I reported earlier today, I had problems with nvidia driver not working after yesterday about this time upgrading kernel. I updated it just now again, and the problem was solved, it works again. This on hoary, kernel 2.6.10-4-386 (-27).08:15
squallbsrrever: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12238.html08:15
reversquallbsr, That was on my /boot/config-2.6.10-custom1 file08:15
ompaulells, then you tell us what the http is and we can look from where we are08:15
freewartyI heard that 2.7 is out now08:15
gratefulfrogzeppelin: have you tried cpio?08:15
ellsokay, hold one08:15
thoreauputiczeppelin: it's in the universe repository08:15
zeppelinDont even know what cpio is08:16
squallbsrrever: this is a good google search to use for the problem: "Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1" (debian OR ubuntu)08:16
dampjamI'm using hoary and I love this ipod automount thing, but is there a gui way to unmount it, or do I just do that the standard umount way?08:16
ellsompaul: here ya go   deb http://debian.mirrors.pair.com/ testing main08:16
ellsdeb-src http://debian.mirrors.pair.com/ testing main08:16
zeppelinrepositories I can do, just figured that out today =P08:16
reversquallbsr, Maybe I should have looked in Ubuntus owen found this one.  http://www.resellerhostingbox.com/linux-questions/msg6461.html08:16
speelheh i wouldent use debian made packages with ubuntu08:16
squallbsrrover: it sounds like its a problem with kernel modules, I would try to comment out that line since the codepage is most likely in the kernel.08:16
MyrttiI would, if no other means are available08:16
reversquallbsr, Will try an compile as a module instead08:17
drspinwhat's the fastest way to rip a CD?08:17
speelyea i suppose08:17
reversquallbsr, thanks08:17
Teal`c_find the torrent08:17
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gratefulfrogrzeppelin: try this:   > rpm2cpio YourFile.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories08:17
squallbsrrever: what is your fstab?08:17
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thoreauputicdrspin: use sound juicer?08:17
drspinI prefer Grip08:17
drspinbut what plugin?? cdparanoia, cdda2wav??08:17
thoreauputicdrspin: well, install grip then08:18
reversquallbsr, /dev/sda5       /mnt/share      vfat    rw,user,noauto  0       008:18
thoreauputicah I see08:18
ompaulells, not getting a reply there08:18
ompaulells, message me please08:18
reonjust installed KDE and decided I dont like it that much.08:18
drspinyes thank you :)08:18
ellsompaul: it must be down08:18
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ompaulI will then message you my local config for testing08:18
squallbsrrever: I think the webpage you found has good info.  It is something to do with your compiled kernel, did you compile it, or did it come that way?08:19
ijuzMyrtti: there are patches for the nvidia modules to get them working with 2.6.11-rc5 at least, i guess ubunut 2.6.10 has some 2.6.11 stuff, so you need this or pwarts of this patches for the nvidia driver08:19
squallbsrrever: if that is default on the new hoary release, you need to submit a bug report so that it is fixed on the next release08:19
Myrttiijuz: but it works fine now...08:19
reversquallbsr, No I compiled it to get my 6600GT to work08:20
ijuzMyrtti: ok08:20
=== ompaul gives up trying to get ubuntu to talk to an hp i go 3000
ompaulmore to the point to the wireless card08:20
Teal`c_gnome-btdownload is a nice thought but rather useless for serious use08:20
ompaulI'll fix it later08:20
ijuzsquallbsr: where does somebody report bugs?08:20
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ompaulactually its a pack hell I made a mistake08:21
da5idhi @ll08:21
squallbsrrever: oic.  I'm having problems with my FX5200, I get framerates of like 8 from glxgears, it gets slower the longer X stays running...08:21
ompaulahh well l8r ya all08:21
da5idcu ompaul08:21
reversquallbsr, What nvidia driver ar you useing?08:21
squallbsrijuz: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/08:22
ijuzsquallbsr: thanks08:22
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reversquallbsr, BRB just finished compile. Lets see if it worked08:23
=== firdel [~zumo@port331.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ijuzhow do i load kernel modules?08:23
firdelafter installing hoary + nvidia drivers, my max possible screen res is 640*480 !! help needed! >(08:23
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thoreauputicijuz: sudo modprobe <module>08:24
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squallbsrrever: Latest version installed: 1.0.6629-r108:24
firdelim hoaryfied08:24
meuserj|workfirdel, lol08:24
speedy2782I have ndiswrapper problems08:24
blizahwhat version of ati's drivers will hoary come with?08:24
ijuzthoreauputic: so i have to load it again after the reboot, is there a modconf replacement in ubunut?08:24
speedy2782I have installed everything line by line like the directions say, but the drivers are not loading08:24
=== reon [~reon@ndn-165-143-163.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
speedy2782the hardware is present but I can't configure anything08:25
thoreauputicijuz: just put the module in /etc/modules08:25
speedy2782wlan0 won't show up08:25
speedy2782hardware present08:25
StoffBox-Steve*arg* what append to ne new update from hoary ... nvidia is broken .. i cant install KDE .. *ahhh* i need kde for my keyboard but when i try to install it it says that some needed files cant be installed08:25
speedy2782no wlan008:25
firdelis there a way i can force a higher res perhaps >08:25
thoreauputicijuz: on a line at the bottom of the file08:25
thoreauputicijuz: then it should load on boot08:25
speedy2782no wlan008:25
speedy2782using two different cards now, won't work08:26
speedy2782motorola and netgear08:26
firdelthoreauputic, you been my salvation man sofar, gimme sugar baby :)08:26
ijuzthoreauputic: i know, but i thought ubuntu would have some other tool (when they don't install modconf)08:26
thoreauputicfirdel: :)08:26
StoffBox-Stevekde: Depends: kdeaddons but it is not going to be installed <--- someone i idea how to fix that ?08:26
speedy2782are there any other ubuntu channels?08:27
speedy2782or debian chanels08:27
speelspeedy2782, try the forums08:27
firdeli wonder what the average age is inhere08:27
speedy2782I have been all over the forums08:27
squallbsrStoffBox-Steve: get the .deb and install it yourself?08:27
da5idi'm wondering if anyone knows this problem, i'm using hoary, have mplayer, libfaac, w32codecs and all installed, it will play all kinds of video files, even some odd quicktime i have with weird qualcom audio codec, except when I try to play any 256k mp4 file from prelinger archives, i.e. "duck and cover" I have no sound. What's weirder, I have mplayer and older packages running on Mandrake and it will play far less -- exept those weird mp4 prel08:27
da5idinger files, any ideas?08:27
thoreauputicijuz: well, putting a module in /etc/modules isn't too tough, is it ;-)08:27
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StoffBox-Steveseems the only way squallbsr :(08:27
thoreauputicfirdel: probably about 15 ;-)08:28
socketbindhowdy, is it possible to have gnome 2.10 on warty?08:28
socketbindwithout compuling is08:28
socketbindehheh compiling it08:28
socketbindgeez i can't get used to this keyboard :D08:28
squallbsrStoffBox-Steve, apt is a great package manager, try using RH9, where YOU have to figure out the order in which to install all of the bazillion of kde packages in exactly the right order...08:28
=== FAST [~gyro_@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
socketbindany idea? :D i want to stay at warty08:29
drspincan I "hdparm" my scsi HD and CD drive?08:29
socketbindare there available any backports for it?08:29
speedy2782I feel windows getting reinstalled on this laptop08:29
StoffBox-Steveyeah apt is lovey but the new release from hoary look a bit ugly ;)  squallbsr08:30
firdelthoreauputic, i dont wanna spoil you saturday evening, but do you have any recomendations on how to get my res up higher? how bout you get user/pass and fix me up good over ssh ;)08:30
blizahanyone know what fglrx drivers hoary comes with08:30
thoreauputicStoffBox-Steve: I guess they can't please everybody :)08:30
ijuzdrspin: just add your hdparm lines to /etc/init.d/rcS    but you should not have to do anythign for SCSI drives08:30
da5idwhy would you do something like that speedy2782?08:31
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reon"nvidia is broken in hoary with kernel 2.6.10-26 (possibly more)"  Looks fine in 2.6.10-2708:31
squallbsrStoffBox-Steve: there is always something worse out there...08:31
thoreauputicfirdel: heh - have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?08:31
speedy2782because this laptop is worthless without wireless08:31
drspinijuz: but my performance seems to suck...08:31
ijuzthoreauputic: still inconvient, modconf is better08:31
speedy2782might as well keep my desktop08:31
firdelnopes, ill do it right away08:31
thoreauputicfirdel: if you are on hoary...08:31
firdeli am now08:31
firdeli think ;D08:31
thoreauputicijuz: OK whatever you say ... :)08:31
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StoffBox-Stevethoreauputic, i know ... i reinstalled warty today and than upgrade to hoary ... last time i do this ( 2 weeks ago ) all was fine .... looks like i have to wait a bit so KDE and nvidia works again08:32
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ijuzdrspin: how fast is the scsi disk? how much speed to you get?08:32
squallbsrFOR ALL YOU NVIDIA PEOPLE: If you have a via chipset and agpgart in the kernel, you need to google around for using the NvAPG instead of the kernel module.  VIA is known to cause problems with some nvidia cards on some via chipsets...08:32
lunitikijuz: modconf doesn't help at all if you don't know what you need... and takes longer than simply googleing and typing 'modprobe what_good_said"08:32
laggerzerowoot this kernel has cpad modules built in08:32
Teal`c_gnome-btdownload should be removed.. completely.. it a pos , sorry08:32
laggerzeroprobably going to have to reinstall my kernel drivers though08:33
laggerzerofor nvidia08:33
firdelthoreauputic, im asked:  Please enter the video card's bus identifier.08:33
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drspinijuz: I have the controller set to optimum settings I think...08:33
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socketbindsquallbsr: mine works fine with AGPGART is it better to use nvAGP?08:33
lunitikTeal`c_: eh... care to elaborate?08:33
drspinI'm pretty new to this scsi stuff08:33
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thoreauputicfirdel: leave that - not necessary08:33
BrunellusHi there.08:33
Brunellustrying to isntall samba via synaptic08:33
firdelPCI:1:0:0 is default, but im guessing it should be agp something08:33
ijuzlunitik: i mostly don't need google, but ok, i don't care about usability08:33
=== drspin uses AGPGART
=== dstevens [~dstevens@cpc2-ches1-5-0-cust142.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== socketbind uses AGPGART too
lunitikTeal`c_: It worked for me... decent speeds too...08:34
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ijuzdrspin: optimal settings? what should that be?08:34
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Brunellusand I get an error on the install..08:34
Teal`c_lunitik, it doesnt save settings, the file selector doesnt use the one in the latest gnome, command line arguments dont work.... nuf said08:34
squallbsrsocketbind: I had numerous X crashes with my VIA chipset on an old epox MB (Athlon classic), NvAGP was the answer.08:34
Teal`c_cant change ports because of that08:34
drspinagpgart: Found an AGP 2.0 compliant device at 0000:00:00.0.08:34
drspinagpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 4x mode08:34
drspinagpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 4x mode08:34
Teal`c_basically useless for most people08:34
Brunellussynaptic tells me I have dangling symlinks08:34
Brunellusand I don't know what's going on08:34
socketbindsquallbsr: well mine is an ASUS, kt400a chipset, works very nicely08:34
lunitikijuz: if you know what you need... modprobe just makes things take longer... its not a matter of usability, usability would be "plug it in and just work"...08:34
socketbindsquallbsr: just can't get to work the fast writes08:34
drspinijuz: the defaults -- which are the fastest settings...08:35
socketbindsquallbsr: though i have it enabled in the bios, there must be some way to enforce it08:35
ijuzdrspin: so why you are claiming it's slow when it's optimal?08:35
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lunitikijuz: s/modprobe/modconf/08:35
socketbindanyway DOES anybody know gnome 2.10 backports for warty?08:36
ijuzlunitik: yes, for example mandrake installed and configured my tv card :-)08:36
socketbindor must i compile it if I want one08:36
lunitiksocketbind: why would you want to do that? just use hoary  :/08:36
BrunellusI'm trying to install samba08:36
Brunellusand it won't confirm changes/configure samba08:36
lunitikijuz: 'apt-get install tvtime' ... and it will work  :/08:36
socketbindlunitik: well i would stay at a stable release08:36
Brunellusbecause of a "dangling symlink" error08:36
drspinijuz: let's try this  -- just because my hardware is optimally configured does not mean that the software is optimally configured... so could you point me to a good "using scsi in linux" tutorial?08:36
lunitiksocketbind: everything is stable upstream  :/08:36
socketbindlunitik: i need a very stable system08:36
nicc_socketbind: yes stay, its a lot better08:36
squallbsrsocketbind: there is a whole bunch of "Option  blah" available for the nvidia driver - you'll have to google it - since I haven't gotten around to fully setting up mine yet...08:36
lunitiksocketbind: then you don't want a gnome x.x.0 release08:37
nicc_socketbind: and wait for gnome 2.10, there is really no need to hurry08:37
Brunellusis anyone running samba on warty?08:37
squallbsrlunitik: get debian, or stick with warty for stability.  Choose a BSD, and definitely stay AWAY from gentoo.08:37
socketbindokeydokey :D08:37
drspinBrunellus: I use Samba on warty08:37
socketbindsquallbsr: well i've found those08:37
lunitiksquallbsr: what?08:37
squallbsrlunitik: you said you need a very stable system...08:37
Brunellusdrspin:  I'm trying to install samba via synaptic08:37
socketbinddoes i need to put it before or after the alias in modprobe.conf08:38
lunitiksquallbsr: no I didn't.08:38
socketbindsquallbsr: i said i need one :D08:38
Brunellusand the samba package doesn't configure08:38
socketbindsquallbsr: i know that fast writes can make it unstable08:38
drspinBrunellus: why not?08:38
Brunellus"dangling symlinks"08:38
squallbsrlunitik: sorry, I cannot read...08:38
lunitiksquallbsr: learn08:38
ijuzlunitik: no, it loads the tuner module with the wrong options (i don't know what's changed, but apt-get install xawtv is enough on a debian system)08:38
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Brunellus"invoke-rc.d: dangling symlink: /etc/rc2.d/K09samba"08:38
socketbindwell but these options do need to be placed before or after nvidia aliases in modprobe.conf?08:38
drspinBrunellus: can't help you there -- try searching on google "ubuntu dangling symlinks"08:39
socketbindoh modules.conf08:39
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socketbindi have only that08:39
squallbsrlunitik: learn what?  your name was in that line, it was from socketbind to you.08:39
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ijuzdrspin: no, it should really just work08:39
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socketbindwell but these options do need to be placed before or after nvidia aliases in modprobe.conf?08:39
drspinijuz: ok -- thanks :)08:39
da5idanyone experience with aac audio and hoary?08:39
ijuzdrspin: if it's possible to tune something it's fucked, like for example ide08:39
lunitikijuz: *shrug* installing tvtime worked here... xawtv sucks though.08:39
t325dampjam try right clicking on ipod's icon08:39
drspinijuz: heh - but I can tune the shit out of my IDE on this system and more than double my throughput --08:40
jdk15legends in mpg4 anyone?08:40
drspinijuz: on certain drives ;)08:40
laggerzerotime to compile08:40
laggerzeroif this works off of the first boot it will be a miracle08:40
ijuzlunitik: can't cut and waste...  "tuner: TV freq (0.00) out of range (44-958)"08:40
drspinI used xawtv -- it's simple and I like it08:40
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drspinthis was more than a year ago though08:41
speedy2782why would ndiswrapper show hardware as present but not list it as wlan008:41
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laggerzerodo a modprobe ndiswrapper08:42
laggerzeroi bet my wireless won't work after i reinstall the kernel08:42
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laggerzeroleme get those nvidia drivers ready08:42
ijuzlunitik: stop, the xawtv install loaded the module, i'll try to install tvtime again08:42
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laggerzeroi know its not gonna let me back into x08:42
firdelno luck with the screen res thoreauputic :l08:42
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firdeltold X to use 1280*1024@60hz, but the only choice i have is 640*480@60hz08:43
reonfirdel, try editing the xorg.conf file08:43
reoni had a similair problem on array508:44
=== pestilence [~pestilenc@12-210-84-86.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
pestilenceis there a gnome vnc client?08:44
laggerzeroman i missed a bunch on this kernel. i see a lot more fat to trim off08:45
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squallbsrpestilence: you are actually probably looking for a gnome frontend to something like tightvnc or realvnc.  Do a search of such.  As for rdesktop - there is grdesktop (gnome ui for rdesktop)08:46
firdelcome again08:46
scizzopestilence: there is one included in GNOME now08:46
pestilencescizzo: what's it called08:46
laggerzerooh crap now i know what i forgot. all the network crap08:46
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pestilencesquallbsr: i'm looking for vncviewer, gnome version08:47
Funraisersomebody is using PAN here?08:47
pestilencesquallbsr: there is one for kde, just wondering if there was one for gnome08:47
=== BleSS [~johanson@121.Red-80-39-188.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
scizzowait a sec08:47
reonfirdel, did you try and edit the xorg.conf ?08:47
pestilenceand it seems like since there is a frontend for the server there should be one for the viewer08:47
farruinnpestilence: look under applications>interent, I think it's there08:48
firdelwell, im creating one now, i cant find an existing one08:48
Teal`c_anybody wanna get high with me ?08:48
firdeli have to answer 101 questions08:48
pestilencefarruinn: not in hoary, at least i don't see one08:48
laggerzeronow i've got to compile all over :(08:48
ijuzlunitik: somehow the module is loaded when booting with the wrong options08:48
BleSSsomebody with thinkpad laptop can tell me the output of 'cat /proc/bus/input/devices |grep Name'08:48
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scizzoif I am not wrong I used the Terminal Server Client to connect to my computer once with VNC08:49
reonfirdel, no /etx/X11/xorg.conf file ?08:49
scizzoit handles a lot of different protocols from what it seems and using it against VNC shouldn't be a problem08:49
farruinnpestilence: terminal server client08:49
farruinnpestilence: change rdp to vnc08:49
firdelhang on08:50
laggerzerofirdel, are you using warty or hoary?08:50
laggerzerowarty uses xfree8608:50
laggerzeronm then08:50
scizzopestilence: Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client08:50
pestilencefarruinn: that seems like the wrong name...08:50
pestilencei associate terminal server with other things.08:51
farruinnpestilence: if you don't like it file a bug, but that's what you're looking for08:51
farruinnpestilence: _client_08:51
pestilencefarruinn: ok, thanks08:51
firdelreon, found it08:51
scizzopestilence: its not a VNC only client08:51
pestilencescizzo: gotcha08:51
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reonfirdel, i need some info from the file08:51
pestilencei just wouldn't have looked for a vncviewer under "terminal server client"08:51
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blizahcould one of ya see what version of the ati drivers fglrx hoary comes with (im just curiuous so i can see how uptodate they are)08:52
laggerzerohere is a quick question. debian uses different run levels then any other distro. what run level besides 1 is console only?08:52
laggerzeronvidia drivers might not install in single user08:52
will50nsomeone who could help me about ubuntu please!!108:52
reonfirdel, go to Section "Monitor"08:52
firdelIdentifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] "08:52
farruinnlaggerzero: debian/ubuntu doesn't do the runlevel magic08:52
firdelSection "Monitor"08:52
firdelIdentifier"Sony 200ES"08:52
firdelSection "Screen"08:52
firdelIdentifier"Default Screen"08:52
firdelDevice"NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] "08:52
firdelMonitor"Sony 200ES"08:52
firdelSubSection "Display"08:53
laggerzerowill the nvidia drivers install in runlevel 1?08:53
firdelModes"1152x864" "1024x768"08:53
reonfirdel, what are your hor & ver refresh ranges ?08:53
firdelshit sry08:53
firdeli thougt i pasted that in priv08:53
farruinnlaggerzero: install or load?08:53
laggerzeroit won't work while in x08:53
will50ni need wo install more than 2 OS08:53
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will50nwhat boot manager to use?08:53
thoreauputiclaggerzero: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:53
will50nor how configurate08:53
BleSSsomebody with laptop can tell me the output of 'grep Name /proc/bus/input/devices'? I need it to finishing a tools for autoconfiguration in live systems08:54
Funraisernobody's using a grabit-like here?08:54
laggerzerowill do that on next reboot08:54
laggerzerokernel almost done compiling08:54
speedy2782laggerzero, any new ideas on my wifi08:54
reonfirdel, no, under Section "Monitor" you should have HorzSync & VertRefresh08:54
will50nplease send some privates08:54
firdelhang on08:54
laggerzerotry a different driver?08:54
laggerzeronot all drivers work the same08:54
reonfirdel, go to the DCC window08:54
speedy2782I am trying a different wifi card actually08:54
critterIS there any way to get xmms to play wma files08:55
speedy2782this one shows up as present08:55
speedy2782but won't do anything else08:55
speedy2782it won't show up as wlan008:55
laggerzeroit might come up as eth108:55
laggerzerodo an iwconfig08:55
speedy2782nothing new comes up08:55
speedy2782just eth0 and lo08:55
will50nhelp with a boot manager? please some ideas ...08:56
laggerzeroInstalled ndis drivers:08:56
laggerzerobcmwl5a driver present, hardware present08:56
laggerzeroi get that08:56
laggerzerowhen doing ndiswrapper -l08:56
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speedy2782what card to you use08:56
laggerzeroso it sees your card but the driver is not instlled08:56
=== az[a] zel_ubuntu [~damien@ppp38-175.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
laggerzerobroadcomBroadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)08:56
laggerzeroyay my kerenel is done08:57
laggerzeronow time to add it to grub08:57
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speedy2782that is the same driver im using08:57
blizahwould i need a firewall in ubuntu if i planned on having an ftp?08:57
freewartyI have some problems browisng my network from Gnome 2.808:57
az[a] zel_ubuntudoh apt: WARNING: Failed to parse default value `(??????-?,???????)' for schema (/schemas/apps/gnome-terminal/global/active_encodings)08:57
speedy2782would hoary help08:58
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=== firdel is hoaryfied
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firdelhow do i tell what kernel im using ?09:00
laggerzerohere goes nothing09:01
elmayauname -a09:01
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thoreauputicfirdel:  uname -r09:01
thoreauputicfirdel: either - uname -a gives more info09:01
firdelwhat does it mean nvidia is broken with that kernel ?09:02
thoreauputicfirdel: in the immortal phrase - "it doesn't work"09:03
=== LeEspionage [~LordAngel@pool-141-153-134-90.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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cocoldo i have to remove the older kernels?09:03
firdelah shit09:03
LeEspionageoh shit09:03
thoreauputiccocol: no09:03
cocolthankx man!09:04
firdelLinux ubuntu1 2.6.10-4-38609:04
firdelso im not affected09:04
firdel? :)09:04
=== Dorioman [~timothy@CPE-70-92-92-160.new.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
firdeli got the herpies09:04
thoreauputiccocol: in fact having an old one around can be a nice safety net09:04
cocolbut i have some 309:04
thoreauputiccocol: heh - some people have a lot more than that :)09:05
thoreauputiccocol: just leave them be09:05
cocolia relaxed now! :)09:05
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error_29Folks would i be breaking some kind of linux protocol if I filed bug reports on things that I'm fairly sure are intentional, but that drive me nuts?09:09
HillTopI installed Warty which made 300MB swap and the rest /. I have 512MB RAM that according to "top" (consol command) is nearly all in use. Even as hte load increased, swap is zero used. Is it "turned off"??09:09
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ARgherererror_29: your funny09:09
error_29in other words, should I second guess myself if i think my bug is another person's feature?09:09
AnubisHillTop, LOL no09:09
thoreauputicerror_29: haha - no I think you'd be following a well established tradition :)09:09
error_29my funny what?09:09
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error_29I mean, people step on spider's in my house, I get real pissed...09:10
HillTopAnubis, thanks. I have used other distros like pclinuxos where swap was used more or less but never zero.09:10
error_29oops, spiders09:10
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thoreauputicerror_29: how do you think the spiders feel ? *g*09:11
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=== NobleArc [~Freya@h24-207-80-239.cst.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
AnubisHillTop, give it time, it will be used. I have the same amount of memory. After 7days uptime 33% of swap is now in use09:11
NobleArcWhenever I start GNOME -- after GDM loads and everything, but it also happens if I run startx in a terminal -- my computer just.. freezes.  No reason, just.. freezes.  If I run all the programs I usually do through fluxbox though, everything is fine.  Weird.09:11
thoreauputicerror_29: I suspect I'll be a spider in my next incarnation....09:11
tizenHillTop: Could be a difference in the kernel versions too09:11
error_29then thoreauputic , other people's bugs will be your sustenance.09:12
yonatanhi, while installing ubuntu, i accidentally installed grub to a fat32 extended partition. do i need to remove it from there?09:12
thoreauputicerror_29: clever!09:12
thoreauputicerror_29: nice one09:12
=== defnop [~defnop@dD5769D69.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Teal`c_imagine if Wild Bill had the internet09:13
farruinnNobleArc: try running things like gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-panel, and nautilus from fluxbox to see if you can isolate the problem09:13
HillTopAnubis, tizen, thanks.  I think the new Firefox may have its memory leak fixed. Any idea?09:13
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firdelreon, it werks!!09:13
NobleArcm'kay, farruinn.09:13
firdelthx man!09:14
=== laggerzero [~laggerzer@adsl-211-170-83.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
reonfirdel, cool !09:14
firdelyou the man!09:14
laggerzeromust of forgot auditing support09:14
laggerzeroit did nothing09:14
Teal`c_Anubis !09:14
laggerzeroon the up side, the nvidia drivers installed :_09:14
error_29Anubis, good info on swap.  I was wondering why the hell my swap never seemed to get used.09:14
reonfirdel, your max refresh rate is 65Hz at the 1280x1024 resolution, dont go higher than 65 at that res09:15
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laggerzerothe hoary packages seem to get updated very frequently09:15
laggerzeroi like that09:15
NobleArchm, I tried everything I have that loads on startup, farruinn, and it's not crashed. o_O09:16
reonlaggerzero, prob because it is a dev release...09:16
firdeli wont. but i want atleast 75hz, so i stay with the 1152*864@75hz09:16
error_29ok, really dumbass question probably:  I've got two ubuntu installations on this laptop, one broken, both with large swap partitions-- is there any way for different installs to share one swap partition, and how do I do it?09:16
lokI need help to install jre 1.5 on hoarry is somebody here already install it ?09:16
thoreauputiclaggerzero: that will stop rather suddenly in April :)09:16
=== androxxl [~androxxl@BSN-77-91-83.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
NobleArcoh wait, no metacity yet.09:16
reonfirdel, that should be fine09:16
firdelits is, fanx to you09:16
thoreauputicerror_29: sure, swap can be shared09:16
NobleArcbut if I killall fluxbox.. o_o09:16
HillToperror_29, I guess it is good news - swap not used much.  Which error 29 are you?? I see about 22000 hits when I google it. :)09:17
=== hone [~hone@wbar3.chi1-4-41-110-151.chi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
reonfirdel, no probs09:17
thoreauputicerror_29: just do sudo swapon /dev/hd* or sudo swapon -a09:17
error_29how do I do that, thoreauputic -- I kind of expected ubuntu installer to do it for me09:17
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firdeli got more problems, if you like solving probs ;)09:17
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reonfirdel, only been at it for 2 weeks but shoot, if i can help i will09:18
honeI'm still having issues w/ nautilus not opening09:18
thoreauputicerror_29: ah, you probably accepted default partitioning ?09:18
error_29thanks, thoreauputic -- HillTop, error_29 is what Grub calls me every time I boot up.09:18
honeor a window poppin gup rather09:18
=== Kokey [~ubunturer@dsl-200-78-65-251.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
defnophey all, i was here earlier today with a problem concerning my latitude d810, i can boot ubuntu live preview but when ubuntu tries to detect my hard ware after i told ubuntu what keyboard i have and so on... it stops en says he can't find a proper driver for my cdrom :( does anybody got a tip or something cause google and the forum weren't much of a help :(09:19
error_29yeah, I never know wtf I'm doing, thoreauputic --- !09:19
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thoreauputicerror_29: heh - you will, you will  ;)09:19
=== P4c0 [~AnDr3W@54.red-82-158-103.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
lokI need help to install jre 1.5 on hoarry is somebody here have already install it ?09:19
HillToperror_29, Is that a disk write error?09:19
error_29HillTop, it's Grub refusing to boot WinXp09:20
=== demian [~demian@ip545100ac.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
P4c0anyone can tell me a media player to watch DVD???09:20
error_29so, yes, i believe it says something about disk write09:20
honeP4c0, xine09:20
laggerzeroyou need the dvd libraries P4c009:20
thoreauputiclok: read http://ubuntuguide.org09:20
laggerzerogoogle libdvdcss09:20
HillToperror_29, Ohhh, :/09:20
honeP4c0, apt-get install libdvdcss209:20
=== Nobelina [~Freya@h24-207-80-239.cst.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
P4c0ok, thx09:21
=== Nobelina glares at Nobelina
laggerzeroor its on apt09:21
error_29I haven't dealt with it yet, because I'm gonna wipe this drive eventually and start over.09:21
=== Nobelina is now known as NobleArc
NobleArcI blame ubuntu.  It hates me.09:21
laggerzerothat looked a little strange09:21
NobleArcyesterday, for no reason, x just stopped working.. Five hours later, I fixed it.  Then GNOME started freezing.09:22
laggerzeromight be kernel09:22
thoreauputicOMG you killed Nobelina!09:22
NobleArcmaybe. =\09:22
=== mgalvin [~mgalvin@cpe-66-65-221-111.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
honeanyone have problems w/ nautilus here?09:22
NobleArcuh, nautilus is what is causing my GNOME to crash, heh.09:22
bdmHow to you watch DVD's with totem-gstreamer?09:22
laggerzeromine works fine09:23
NobleArcit goes *agagaga* whenever the wallpaper loads. o_o09:23
=== akrabat [~ralle@82-133-69-252.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
laggerzerouse xine09:23
NobleArcand if I run it from a commandline in fluxbox, without --no-desktop, crashy crashy.09:23
error_29xine is wonderful09:23
laggerzeroor mplayer09:23
laggerzeroif you can get it working09:23
bdmgstreamer does not have DVD support?09:23
honelaggerzero, mplayer isn't hard to get working09:23
laggerzeroi know09:23
mgalvinbdm: don't its really sluggish09:23
error_29mplayer hates me.  It has always refused to show its face around me.09:23
laggerzeroi'm just too lazy to install the deps09:23
NobleArcgstreamer doesn't do anything.09:23
honelaggerzero, heh09:24
honelaggerzero, apt-get?09:24
laggerzerostill won't work09:24
=== NobleArc conciders installing KDE. =\
laggerzeroi'm gonna hve to compile it09:24
NobleArcew. I hate KDE.09:24
=== PieD [~pinaraf@ALille-251-1-18-2.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
laggerzero3.4 has made improvements09:24
honeme too09:24
laggerzeromuch more streamlined09:24
laggerzeroi prefer gnome by far though09:24
error_29bdm, see this page for steps to take to get fuller multimedia suppost09:25
PieDsimple question : when will ndiswrapper 1.1 be integrated in ubuntu ?09:25
laggerzero3.4 is worthy of looking at though09:25
laggerzerolot has changed09:25
bdmwill do, thanks09:25
NobleArcno GNOME, I don't like any of the boxes, xfce is too old in Ubuntu, and I don't really like the new version anyway, I wouldn't be caught dead with IceWM, I'm sick of windowmaker, enlightenment scares me..  I guess it's KDE then. =\09:25
PieDit's quite a problem to stay with 1.0rc2 !09:25
BleSSsomebody with apm in laptop can show me (private message) it's output 'cat /proc/apm' i want know about battery09:26
laggerzeroi love the new gnome09:26
laggerzeronew kernel is done09:26
=== ompaul [~ompaul@213-202-168-55.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
error_29yay NobleArc -- you basically summed up my feelings ('cept I kind of like IceWM)  Enlightenment freaks me too, not sure why!09:26
laggerzerothere is always blackbox09:26
NobleArceh, I had bad troubles with IceWM when I first started Linux.  It was too windows-esque.09:26
NobleArcblackbox is one of the boxen.  flux, black and open.09:27
lokI read the ubuntu guide I ve made all it's say to install jre but I need a folder that is needed by the java binaries09:27
NobleArcI'm sick of them.  I used them for months before installing ubuntu, heh.09:27
error_29people always say that about IceWM-- I don't know why... there are scores of well done themes in there09:27
lokso if someone habe a /usr/java/lang09:27
mdblitz1is there anyway to add programs the menu in gnome 2.10?09:27
loktell me09:27
yonatanno opinions as to having mistakenly installed grub to a win32 extended partition?09:27
honelok I just use java package09:27
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laggerzeroinstall on the mbr09:27
honelok, java-package09:28
thoreauputiclok: I don't understand what you mean...09:28
mdblitz1demian: whats wrong?09:28
demiancan anyone tell me where i can find a list of basic commands09:28
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lj__wahts ubuntu?09:28
ompauldemian, if we knew what needed helping we might be able to help09:28
demiancan anyone tell me where i can find a list of basic commands09:28
lokhone, apt-cache don't found java-package09:28
mdblitz1in the terminal09:28
lj__"Whats UBUNTU"09:28
ompaullj__ an operating system, and alternative to some well known ones09:28
=== preglow [thomj@s183a.studby.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu
preglowis the hoary nvidia x module funtioning today?09:29
yonatanlaggerzero: i already re-installed my bootloader. i'm just wondering what to do about the fact that i installed grub to a win32 extended partition. will it harm anything? can i remove it?09:29
mdblitz1it'll give you some commands09:29
lj__"Whats UBUNTU"09:29
mdblitz1what commands are you looking for?09:29
ompauldemian, have a look at http://www.tldp.org09:29
mdblitz1mv = move09:29
mdblitz1cp = copy09:29
NobleArchow exactly would I go about installing kde in ubuntu?  Whenever I try it wants to remove kdelibs4 and everything. o_O!?09:29
mdblitz1rm = delete09:29
lj__is it unix baded? linux?09:29
error_29oh oh09:29
ompaullj_ yes09:29
caliberlj__ linux09:29
laggerzerowhoa. that might kill it09:29
lokthoreauputic, java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object09:29
scizzolj__: www.ubuntulinux.org09:29
=== gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
laggerzerohere is a fun one09:29
lj__k i'l chekc it out09:29
lokit's what I have when I try to launch java09:30
freewartyUnix is 100 + 1 % linux09:30
akrabatNobleArc: try apt-get install kde-core ?09:30
laggerzerolists all modules loaded09:30
laggerzerolspci all hardware09:30
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laggerzeroonly as root though09:30
thoreauputicdemian: http://www.tuxfiles.org/09:30
NobleArcahh, thanks, akrabat.09:30
mdblitz1laggerzero: you know of a way to add to gnome 2.10's meun?09:30
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laggerzeroright click on the panel and add09:30
NobleArcadding to the menu itself? no idea.09:30
error_29I don't think gnome wants anybody messing with their precious menus.09:30
mdblitz1add to the menu itself not the panel09:30
mdblitz1I know how to add to the panel09:31
laggerzeronot sure09:31
NobleArcyou'd have to search for the elusive menu xml file, and edit it by hand.   ANd then of course next time you install anything with apt, your changes would disappear.09:31
thoreauputicerror_29: I get that impression too :/09:31
mdblitz1damn, sure would like to add files to it09:31
defnopoeps :-) sorry that i bother you all with my latitude d810 problem is just read that's a bug09:31
=== hone [~hone@wbar3.chi1-4-41-110-151.chi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
honemy apps seem to be buggy09:31
laggerzerogonna see if this new kernel works09:31
ompauldemian, enjoy09:31
error_29Gnome wants us to kill all kinds of time setting up drawers on the panels instead , and be grateful for the experience09:31
akrabatIs there a keyboard shortcut for "view hidden files" in Nautilus ?09:32
=== jon1012 [~jon@AMontsouris-151-1-24-26.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
scizzoerror_29: seems like you are against gnome?09:32
thullydoes anyone know what the "iPod" option in Rhythmbox can do?  Can it transfer to an iPod or do I need gtkpod for that?09:32
thoreauputicakrabat: ctrl-h09:32
error_29oh please, scizzo.09:32
thully(this is only on hoary)09:32
akrabaterror_29: doesn't work on hoary :(09:32
NobleArcm'kay brb, going to switch to KDE. =\09:32
scizzoerror_29: just a simple question09:33
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demianbefore I go hunting for an answer, maybe you could help09:33
mdblitz1damn, and I liked the new gnone for the most part09:33
P4c0any1 from spain??09:33
demianI need to change the perms for me09:33
demiancause the root account seems to be disabled09:33
demianI can't acces it09:34
scizzodemian: use sudo09:34
thoreauputicP4c0: #ubuntu-es09:34
scizzodemian: sudo -s -H09:34
mdblitz1demian: use sudo09:34
P4c0root is disabled by default09:34
demianscizzo, doesn't work09:34
jon1012demian > sudo ;)09:34
Marble2anyone here use amarok?09:34
demianI know :D09:34
dstevensicewm-lite is very nice09:34
scizzodemian: then when it asks for a password you type the user password09:34
demianbut when I type the pass it doesn't take it09:34
mdblitz1you use your pass09:34
jon1012demian: Demian from Herman Hesse ? ;)09:34
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demianalso ;)09:34
demianthere are more references to me :D09:35
jon1012ok :)09:35
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jon1012(I love this book)09:35
thullyGNOME 2.10 is pretty neat... it seems like it may supplant KDE for me09:35
jon1012thully: sure :)09:35
demianI'm not in the sudoer file09:36
=== NobleArc [~Freya@h24-207-80-239.cst.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
scizzodemian: you are using ubuntu?09:36
jon1012I need some advices on an app... Is there some persons willing to be beta-testers out there ? :)09:36
demianand the pass I made for the root doesn't work :(09:36
NobleArcWell, as soon as KDE reaches 'loading desktop...' it freezes my entire computer as well.  So, no KDE, no GNOME, just fluxbox. -_-09:36
=== kingjere [~robert@adsl-67-64-205-76.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
demianscizzo, yes09:36
jon1012(for and opensource gnome app)09:36
scizzodemian: and you have 1 user only?09:36
demianscizzo, no two09:36
scizzodemian: if you use the other account does it work then with sudo?09:37
demianscizzo, the root account seems to be disabled or something09:37
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error_29ideal system in an ideal world-- gnome and kde get together, kde to handle panels and menus, and applets, gnome for overall look and feel, with a little more control09:37
=== martink [~martin@pD9EB20D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldemian, you need to ask the person who controls the box to use that account to grant you access if they wish to09:37
scizzodemian: it is disabled by default09:37
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=== NobleArc sighs.
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NobleArcI'll be playing Unreal Tournament 2004.. if it still works, that is.09:37
scizzodemian: I am guessing you didn't read the big screen about it being disabled during install?09:37
demianscizzo, I can't get into the root09:38
demianscizzo, I read it :D09:38
demianscizzo, It's broken09:38
ompauldemian, that is how life is - you need to get into the other account - root is not broken09:38
demianI can get into root, but only in revovery momde09:38
scizzoI give up09:38
mdblitz1error_29: what all should I install for kde?09:38
scizzodemian: 1. login to the first account you created..09:39
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scizzodemian: 2. try sudo from that account09:39
thoreauputicdemian: then in recovery mode, use visudo to edit the sudoers file09:39
scizzodemian: using the password you have for the first account you created09:39
demianthnx :)09:39
dstevenssudo sulogin09:39
=== NobleArc [~Freya@h24-207-80-239.cst.dccnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
error_29sorry mdblitzl-- I don't know what to tell you, 'cause i never really used kde itself, just some parts of it in gnome, the kicker for example, and Konqueror, and some editors09:39
NobleArcokay, so now ut2004 gives me a segmentation fault error.  Goodbye everyone, I'm not ever going to use ubuntu, ever again.  ... Ever.   until hoary is released, heh.  Then I'll do a fresh install.09:40
error_29and currently, kde in ubuntu seems to be getting upgraded (but for my purposes, it's been wrecked)09:40
kingjereIs there a way to shorten the timeout value for waiting for DHCP durring the bootup process?09:40
mdblitz1I think I'll just stick with gnome then for now :P09:40
NobleArcmust..kill..everything.. -_-09:40
ompaulNobleArc, just for fun if anything is plugged into the usb ports unplug it to see if the machine boots09:41
error_29mdblitz1, prolly a good idea09:41
=== heatxsink [~jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Teal`c_anybody know how i change the default window size for nautlius ? its way too small right now and i cant find anything in gconf-editor09:41
heatxsinkhello all09:41
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heatxsinki'm trying to mount an ntfs partition09:41
ompaulkingjere, is it the case that the DHCP service is not going to be available on a regular basis or is it rarely ?09:42
heatxsinkI can mount it but only root can touch it09:42
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kingjereIs there a way to shorten the timeout value for waiting for DHCP durring the bootup process?09:42
ompaul ^C kingjere has been known to help09:43
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=== ompaul wonders
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thoreauputickingjere: erm, I think ompaul asked you a question earlier... are you there? Hello?09:43
thoreauputicoh he left...09:44
ompaulthoreauputic, or did a ^C :)09:44
thoreauputicnice guy....09:44
thoreauputicompaul: haha - yes, didn't think of that !09:44
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error_29ompaul, do you know if there's any way to set things up so that the computer automatically skips looking for network connections, if unplugged from the network?  So i don't have to sit there waiting to ^C?09:44
error_29I just don't understand why linux, unlike windows, increases the boot time so drastically when not connected09:45
thoreauputicerror_29: because in linux, not being on the network is heresy ;-)09:46
ompaulerror_29, read up on rc.d - it wants to be on a network it09:46
ompaulerror_29, it is error_1 not to be on the network :)09:46
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
error_29and ompaul, my answer to the question you directed to kingjere is yes, DHCP is often not available09:46
error_29because I want to use my laptop as a laptop!09:46
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firdelis it w32codecs i need to install to watch wmv files ?09:47
thoreauputicfirdel: yes09:47
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firdelapt-get install w32codecs09:47
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myumfhello all09:48
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aquariusIs there a known error with trying to install hoary from CD but using a wireless WEPped network?09:48
BleSSwhere get info about ups in /proc?09:48
niteriderwhat is it i need to install exactly to optimize my install...i remember reading something about installing K7 kernel stuff...do i grab it all or just certain ones09:48
ompaulerror_29, the machine boots by looking up services to start in rc* one of them is the one for dhclient -09:49
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akrabataquarius: gettign a WEP network connection during install doesn't work for me either09:49
ompaulerror_29, you can remove it but if you do how are you going to start a network connection09:49
njs12345niterider: sudo apt-get install linux-k709:49
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aquariusakrabat, ah...is there a bug about it? I can't find one.09:49
ompaulerror_29, will dhclient do for you ?09:49
error_29yeah well that's the catch22 ompaul...09:49
akrabataquarius: it claims that it can't find the  dhcp server...09:50
akrabatno idea09:50
Sir_Peter_MaxwelGreetings Peasants09:50
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aquariusakrabat, yes. I suspect that this is because it's not actually setting the WEP key, since iwconfig in another VC shouws encryption off on that interface.09:50
kingjereIs there a way to shorten the timeout for DHCP on startup?09:50
akrabataquarius: ah!09:50
akrabataquarius: I'm using a 10 digit hexadecimal key btw.09:51
error_29sorry, ompaul, I'm probably still too ignorant about networking and services to absorb much on the subject-- Im just wondering if there's some way maybe to shutdown with instructions for the next boot-up-- "don't look for network on next boot"09:51
aquariusakrabat, but I don't know how to set the WEP key with iwconfig: iwconfig eth1 key <wep key> throws a wobbler about Set Encode not being supported.09:51
ompaulerror_29, go read a little on those subjects and you will know enough to get yourself into and out of trouble09:51
aquariusakrabat, ah, mine's rather longer than that :)09:51
hileompaul: remove auto eth0  from /ec/network/interfaces and bring it up down manually with ifup eth0 and ifdown eth009:52
akrabataquarius: so it's applying web keys in general that's the problem :)09:52
ompaulhile, that would work09:52
aquariusakrabat, I think so...09:52
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hileof course you don't get netorking up in boot if you do that09:52
jeff_hey guys, does horay have a pdf viewer built in09:53
usualxpdf i think09:53
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ompaulhile, would that stop the waiting for these people09:53
hileof course09:53
hileonly that you don't get networking without manually sayingsudo ifup eth009:54
hilewhich is usually just fine with a laptop09:54
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ompaulhile well I get a little annoyed when the lappy does not get a network connection but that is me :)09:55
=== [DI] ender [~ender@byu172593wks.rn.byu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
error_29someone should invent some kind of dummy network thing that would jump in and sort of pose as a network, just to satisfy the system, sort of fool it into thinking it's on a network09:55
[DI] enderall of the sudden my transparancy wont work09:56
hilefor wired connection syou can also modify startup script and check for example with mii-tool if there is link, and only then run dhclient09:56
usual[DI] ender, in what????09:56
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hilebut, I haven't bothered because I use 99% wireless... gprs or wlan09:56
ompaulerror_29,  how long do you think you wait?09:56
[DI] enderusual, gnome09:56
usual[DI] ender, in what????09:56
usualterms? panels?09:56
Albackerhow can I put a update my apt-get install list ? if I get fluxbox i get a very very old version09:56
error_29about 3 minutes, ompaul09:57
[DI] enderusual, panels, x-chat anything that uses it09:57
thoreauputicwindows always told me "a network cable is unplugged", which I found both insulting and hilarious...09:57
[DI] enderterms as well09:57
error_29plus, it's trying to synch the clock to www.ubuntu whatever, half the time09:57
usual[DI] ender, that sucks :(09:57
hileerror_29: that's called loopback network.... required by many programs and always configured in linux09:57
[DI] enderyeah09:57
[DI] enderi think it might be an update i just got09:57
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ompaulerror_29, lo0 is as essential as the kernel (well almost)09:58
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Herbstwindevening all09:58
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error_29also, if I mistakenly bootup with my network cable unplugged, just plugging it in won't get me on line (as with windows), I have to reboot.09:58
hileno way09:58
error_29anyway, thanks for the info guys09:58
HerbstwindI'm new to this channel and got some questions regarding ubuntu and running it on an older laptop09:58
thoreauputicAlbacker: I can send you a recent version if you want one09:59
hilemaybe you should learn to say ifup eth0 or ifdown eth009:59
ompaulerror_29, you can type dhclient and it will work09:59
[DI] enderHerbstwind, im running ubuntu on a 166 laptop09:59
ompaulerror_29, with the sudo in there :)09:59
error_29cool, ompaul! thank you so much09:59
hileompaul: no dhclient manually, ifup takes care of it09:59
Herbstwindwell, its not that old ;) its a hp omnibook 600009:59
StuttergartI just upgraded a Debian box to Ubuntu and now I'm getting messages about not being able to authenticate packages when doing an apt-get.09:59
hileand if you have static config it will Do The Right Thing09:59
[DI] enderHerbstwind, haha okay09:59
StuttergartAny ideas?09:59
Herbstwindi planed to install a multiboot with w2k and ubuntu09:59
[DI] enderdid it not go as planned?10:00
Herbstwindbut i'm not that a skilled linux user, so i wanted to ask first if this is a good decision for me10:00
[DI] enderim running winxp and ubuntu dual boot10:00
Herbstwindcurrently i'm downloading the livecd to learn more about the system10:00
hileand ifup is useful because it does not allow satarting multiple dhclients for example10:00
[DI] enderyeah thats a good idea10:00
[DI] enderi actually like ubuntu much better than windows10:01
[DI] enderi only use windows for work when i need dreamweaver10:01
[DI] enderotherwise im in ubuntu10:01
Herbstwindwindows is a bitch, but it earns my salary ;)10:01
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[DI] enderyeah exactly10:01
kingjerewindows, whats that?10:02
Herbstwindi do work as a programmer for a bank, and unfortunately windows, vb, ms-sql and excel are standards10:02
farruinn[DI] ender: have you tried using wine or something?10:02
error_29heh heh, a friend of mine used a -- whatchamacallit? kvm switch ? to switch between his windows and linux boxes and I was like, ohmygod, that's a fast boot! (i'd never seen a kvm swithch before)10:02
thoreauputicAlbacker: I take it you aren't interested in a new deb of fluxbox 0.9.12 compiled on warty?10:02
[DI] enderfarruinn, yeah man10:02
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[DI] enderfarruinn, i have dw 2004 mx10:02
[DI] enderfarruinn,  isnt supported yet10:03
farruinn[DI] ender: ah10:03
[DI] enderfarruinn, older versions work though10:03
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[DI] enderfarruinn,  sort of10:03
Herbstwindbtw, as my english skills are a bit limited too, is there a german ubuntu channel somewhere?10:03
mdblitz1whats a good program to access a mysql server and make changes?10:03
error_29er, kvm , kdm?10:03
[DI] endermdblitz1, pypmyadmin10:03
mdblitz1error_29: kvm10:03
Rods_Tigerwhat governs whether a mozilla firefox 'profile' is deemed to be 'in use'?10:03
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thoreauputicHerbstwind: there's a #ubuntu-de I think10:03
UdeS    * IRC: #ubuntu-de on irc.freenode.net.10:03
UdeS    * Mailing list: ubuntu-diskussion10:03
UdeS    * Forums: German Ubuntu users forum and Ubuntu-Forum.de10:03
UdeS    * Wiki dokumentation: Die GermanDocumentation wiki Seite10:03
Herbstwindthanks thore10:03
mdblitz1[DI] ender: the person who runs the server doesn't have phpmyadmin running10:04
akrabatmdblitz1, try mysql's query browser10:04
amittpdoes ubuntu linux have any issues while doing smart-upgrade for all packages after installation?10:04
[DI] endermdblitz1, brb10:04
amittpis it wise to do so?10:04
djphow easy is it to install fluxbox under warty? is it just a matter of downloading the .deb file or are there loads of dependencies also needed? the reason i ask is that i want t o put fluxbox on my sons PC, however, he has no interent connection on his box and therefore i will need to download flux on my system and then copy it over by CD to his...10:04
farruinnamittp: I just installed hoary preview and it upgraded fine..10:04
thoreauputicamittp: not usually, no10:04
akrabatRods_Tiger, I think there's  a "lock" file in the profile directory10:04
mdblitz1akrabat: I'm trying but it needs sooo many different packages that aren't installed before it'll compile10:04
Herbstwindi allready love ubuntu, the livecd download has 247KB/s, which makes my E-penis much larger i think...10:04
Rods_Tigerakrabat, aha - thanks10:04
farruinndjp: apt-cache show fluxbox10:05
akrabatmdblitz1, compile? doesn't apt-get work for you ?10:05
akrabatmdblitz1, I'm sure I saw it in synaptic... maybe in universe10:05
farruinndjp: I mean 'apt-cache show fluxbox | grep Depends' will show you what it depends on10:05
djpfaruinn: thanks! you learn something new... ;)10:05
thoreauputicdjp: I can give you a link to my deb of 0.9.12 if you wish10:05
amittpthoreauputic, so just leave them as it?10:05
Rods_Tigerah. How do I build my locate db again?10:06
mdblitz1heh, oh.. I didn't know it was in there10:06
farruinnRods_Tiger: sudo updatedb10:06
djpthoreauputic: please!10:06
amittpRods_Tiger, updatedb10:06
thoreauputicdjp: OK hang on a minute10:06
Rods_TigerI have to actually touch /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db: to create it?10:06
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Rods_Tigeryep, we're in. Off it goes.10:07
thoreauputicdjp: http://interlink.webhop.org/fluxbox-0.9.12_0.9.12-1_i386.deb10:07
[DI] enderahh10:07
[DI] enderfluxbox10:07
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djpthoreauputic: thanks for that...10:08
thoreauputicdjp: compiled on warty and packaged with checkinstall10:08
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[DI] enderwhen is hoary going to be released10:08
mdblitz1akrabat: I didn't see it in there10:08
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thoreauputicdjp: you're welcome :)10:08
Anubiswhats the cmd to start gtk-gnutella?10:08
djpthoreauputic: what does the 'check install' do?10:08
Anubisit installs10:08
Anubisbut gtk-gnutella does not start it10:08
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Anubisand I can't find a cmd for it10:09
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farruinnAnubis: dpkg -L gtk-gnutella | grep bin10:09
thoreauputicdjp: it's a substitute for "make install" that makes a deb and installs it in /usr/local10:09
farruinnAnubis: that should show you all the programs it installed10:09
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AnubisThe ubunuguides LimeWire bin download is old, and Limewire does not seem ot offer a bin or deb just an rpm10:09
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AnubisI took the rpm and used alien to convert it to a deb10:09
Anubisbut that does not install either10:09
thoreauputicdjp: sudo apt-get install checkinstall :)10:10
djpthoreauputic: ok, so a nice and easy install then! i suppose i will need to ckeck out fluxbox dependencies as well though...10:10
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thoreauputicdjp: I think you'll find the deb will just install10:11
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thoreauputicdjp: sudo dpkg -i10:11
thoreauputicdjp: flux has very few dependencies10:11
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ryan450hey gang10:12
ryan450any networking people in here? looking for the command that will let me get an ip address from my router10:12
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ryan450hard wired right now, trying to get my wireless card an ip10:12
djpthoreauputic: ok, great! and then i just need to create the .xsession file in my home folder and insert the following, "gnome-settings-daemon & exec fluxbox"?10:12
thoreauputicdjp: that should work fine, yes10:13
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ryan450ifconfig only brings up the status, I need to know how to give my cards an ip address when they dont auto get one10:13
Hell-Razorguys i just did an apt-get dist-upgrade for upgrading to hoary10:13
Hell-Razorwhat do i need to do next10:13
jintxohey guys, can you recommend a nice music player on ubuntu (nice for me means that it supports id3 tags and auto-updates tha list of songs in your library if it changes, maybe). rythmbox seems too quircky for everyday use and I'm not sure it's reading the id3 tags all of the time10:13
djpthoreauputic: i gather that fluxbox will make ubuntu run a hell of a lot faster on a 233mhz 64mb ram machine right?10:14
Hell-Razordjp yes it will10:14
Hell-RazorUdeS, yes?10:14
thoreauputicdjp: oh, I think so :)10:14
UdeSwhat happened next?10:14
ryan450ifconfig ath0 up gives me the details, but it never gives me an ipaddress.. and yes the card is configured from iwconfig, but its not getting an ip address10:14
Marble2Okay, this is probably a stupid question, but is there a way I can get a program to grab infornmation and display it on my desktop? Like Samurize in windows. I want to show maybe cpu usage, what song is playing in amarok, stuff like that10:14
=== djp lol
Hell-RazorUdeS, i want to know what i do10:14
UdeSto upgarde10:14
Hell-RazorUdeS, yes10:15
djpthoreauputic: thanks for all the advice10:15
thoreauputicdjp: have you managed to install on that machine? sounds quite low-end for ubuntu ?10:15
kentjdub, is there any chanse you might make a the human theme in diffrent colorschemes? like, perhaps a blue, black, etc?10:15
preglowis the hoary nvidia x module funtioning today?10:15
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farruinnkent: I doubt that's going to happen10:16
[DI] enderpreglow, works for me10:16
Hell-Razorhas anybody here upgraded from warty to hoary? i need some questions asnwered before i reboot10:16
djpthoreauputic: yes installed and runs! had to edit the XF86Config-4 file to get a desktop and sound is still not working but it works!10:16
gabaugon Hoary, usb drives et al are no longer automatically recognized when plugged in10:16
[DI] endergabaug, thats not true10:16
farruinnkent: just use the default industrial (warty) or clearlooks (hoary) theme10:16
gabaugon login to Gnome, I get "HAL: failed to initialize"10:16
ryan450any networking guru's in here running off an athero's based wireless card? mind giving me a PM?10:16
gabaug[DI] ender: excuse me?10:16
Hell-Razorhas anybody here upgraded from warty to hoary? i need some questions asnwered before i reboot10:16
[DI] endergabaug, it works for me10:16
thoreauputicdjp: I'm impressed! I have a p200 64MB RAm, but it runs Debian woody+fluxbox10:16
djpthoreauputic: i believe i can solve my sound troubles here though, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems10:16
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gabaug[DI] ender: I can assure you it's broken on my machine ... though probably my own fault10:17
thoreauputicdjp: sounds like you have things under control ;-)10:17
[DI] endergabaug, yeah, it recognizes my usb flash drive and autmounts and displays it in gnome10:17
djpthoreauputic: sound card is an ess audiodrive so i'm hoping that wiki page will help me sort out the dead sound...10:17
netzmeisterhello, does anybody use the ABIT AV8 Mainboard ?10:17
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gabaugI installed CVS dbus at one point, though it's long gone now, but I think it messed up my settings...anybody know how to reset all dbus/hal related configs/files?10:18
gabaugI've tried reinstalling with force overwrites both of them10:18
thoreauputicnetzmeister: no, no-one ever uses it, sorry ;-)10:18
ryan450anybody know how to get an ip address from a wireless card using ifconfig? I got the card configured, but it doesnt look like it wants to grab an ip address, any way i can give it a command to scan/try the DHCP server again?10:18
djpthoreauputic: well fluxbox will be the great salvation if i do get it working! sound is not as important as speed at the moment!10:18
[DI] enderryan450, assuming you actually have correct modules etc for your card, iwconfig is useful10:19
=== djp pops downstairs to grab a brew...
netzmeisterthoreauputic: ???10:19
mdblitz1has anyone been able to install mysql-query-browser?10:19
thoreauputicdjp: the recent fluxboxes like this one have eye-candy like transparency etc for menus - for maximum speed don't use the alpha transparency features10:20
thoreauputicnetzmeister: sorry, I was joking10:20
Hell-Razorgod fucking damnit. Somebody please help me out with upgrading to hoary..I do not want to fuck up my install!10:20
firdelthoreauputic, whats the exact command to get the win32 codecs, i cant get it right10:20
thoreauputicHell-Razor: well, that's a good opening from a PR viewpoint...10:21
gabaugHell-Razor: I upgraded easily10:21
netzmeisterthoreauputic: Oh,k sry i'm german my english is ..... :-(10:21
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, pr?10:21
gabaugHell-Razor: simply change "warty" to "hoary" at all places in your /etc/apt/sources.list10:21
HillTopgabaug, you may have to change fstab. I had to.10:21
Hell-Razorgabaug, is there a how-to on the internet for it? because ive been looking all over, so far no luck10:21
thoreauputicfirdel: I think it's sudo apt-get install w32codecs   - but that's from memory10:21
Hell-Razorgabaug, and isnt xorg suposed to be installed? i do not have it10:21
gabaugHillTop: hmm...you think that might be causing the "HAL: failed to initialize"? or just the lack of automounting?10:22
gabaugHell-Razor: um, I think it's really that easy, just switch warty->hoary....I think xorg will be automatically installed when you upgrade...it's not the default for warty but is for hoary10:22
blizahany programs in apt-get (warty ) that i can use to scan my ports to see which are open?10:23
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error_29Hell-Razor, it was idiot-proof for me using Synaptic, but maybe you have special needs...10:23
Hell-Razorgabaug, yes i did that, but xorg is not installed....what i did was edit the source list, do apt-get upgrade, apt-get update, apt-get dis-upgrade, now xorg is not installed10:23
tizenblizah: nmap10:23
thoreauputicfirdel: you need the nerim repositories I think10:23
blizahtizen thnx you10:23
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tizenblizah: np10:23
Hell-Razorerror_29, well dont be a dick, how did yuo know what to upgrade and where10:24
thoreauputicHell-Razor: what does   X -version say ?10:24
gabaugHell-Razor: well those commands won't do it for you :)10:24
Hell-RazorOS Kernel: Linux version (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.4 (Debian 1:3.3.4-9ubuntu5)) #1 Sat Feb 12 00:19:31 UTC 2005 T10:24
HillTopgabaug, in consol    $ cat /etc/fstab   see: /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto users,owner,rw,umask=000 0 010:24
Hell-Razorgabaug, well wtf do i do then, im clueless10:24
thoreauputicHell-Razor: that isn't the output of X -version10:25
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demianokay that worked....10:25
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, oh oops...lol um10:25
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, i need to nopaste it10:25
usuariohow can i get my "Creative ViBRA16X PnP" running on ubuntu?10:26
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thoreauputicHell-Razor: you need to look where it says something like xfree or whatever - xorg is 6.8 something I think10:26
thoreauputicHell-Razor: don't paste all of it, please10:26
firdelthoreauputic, whats that?10:27
thoreauputicfirdel: sorry?10:27
firdelfirdel: you need the nerim repositories I think10:27
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, it says X Window System Version 6.8.2, and X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.8.210:27
blizahtizen, nmap returned nmap and namap (the front end)    --whats the front end part mean?10:27
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, http://rafb.net/paste/results/2oMP7U62.html10:28
tizenblizah: I dunno, i use nmap alone from commandline10:28
blizaherr nmapfe10:28
thoreauputicfirdel: ah - to get the win codecs - see the restricted fromats page on th ewiki10:28
thoreauputicthe wiki10:28
blizahfront end = gui , maybe?10:28
thoreauputicHell-Razor: OK looking10:28
heatxsinkblizah, long options10:28
tizenblizah: another option for you is 'lsof'10:28
tizensince it's local10:28
tizenyou can run 'lsof -i' from commandline10:28
tizenand it'll show you all ports open10:29
thoreauputicHell-Razor: you have xorg10:29
tizenand what program is using them10:29
thoreauputicHell-Razor: Release 6.8.2 is xorg10:29
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, alright...am i safe for a reboot?10:29
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Hell-Razorthoreauputic, one thing i dont understand...i dont have synaptic anymore10:29
thoreauputicHell-Razor: assuming you want to reboot10:29
Hell-Razorthoreauputic, i want to make sure everything is installed correctly10:30
thoreauputicHell-Razor: I think there's an update app - I'm on warty10:30
thoreauputicHell-Razor: ask what other hoary people have then10:30
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Marble2using lsof, how do i print the results to a file10:31
tizenMarble2: lsof -i >> <file name> ?10:31
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thoreauputicMarble2: lsof > filename.txt10:31
Hell-RazorHey guys, does anybody have synaptic that is running hoary?10:31
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tizenHell-Razor: i do10:31
error_29Hell-Razor, at risk of being called a dick, Synaptic got a major overhaul i believe, in the upgrade to hoary, and probably wants at least a log out till you see the new version.10:31
Hell-Razortizen, hrm i fubared something10:31
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pseudoHey there guys. I've noticed a weird issue where when the default sound "esd?" starts up ... my other stuff like totem-xine and flash will not have sound, I have to turn it off, then back on again for both to play nice, nay ideas on this?10:32
pseudoor how to get them to play with eachother10:32
tizenHell-Razor: try a restart and see if it comes back10:32
Hell-Razortizen, but what if i cannot get my machine back up?10:32
pseudois there a way to pipe the audio fom one device to another?10:32
tizenHell-Razor: I don't know if you have a lot of options.. You deal with that if it happens10:32
=== djp slurps down some freshly brewed tea...
djpahhh, luverly!10:33
tizenHell-Razor: if you've just updated the system, i have a hard time believing it won't come bacl10:33
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tckhave a little issue10:34
tckdesktop sounds were working and since reboot don't work10:34
tckany suggestions ?10:34
tizentck: other sounds working?10:34
tckwell , music file etc.. yes10:35
tcki've tried, 'speaker-test' and 'alsamixer'10:35
tizeni really don't know10:35
tizenanyone else have an idea10:35
tizeni have just started to get to know linux as having a GUI and sound10:36
membreyahooray..new kernel AND nvidia's working :D10:36
ompaultck you could consider checking other values in the alsamixer - things like pcm and so on10:36
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fc9kcan anyone help me?10:37
tckim gonna hire some up and try 'alsactl save'10:37
tckneed reboot10:37
fc9ki have ubuntu running on a p3 system.  i pulled the gfx card earlier and replaced it with a tnt2.  when i turned it on again, X wouldnt start10:37
fc9kany ideas of where to go from here?10:37
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Marble2where is the location of printers in ubuntu?10:38
Myrttiwell, because your x configuration file still thinks you have the old graphics card, reconfiguring it would be the next logical step10:38
LinuxJonesfc9k, set your video driver to vesa in your config file10:38
fc9ksomeone suggested i get nvidia-glx, but when i apt-get it it says its obsolete/missing10:38
fc9k< noob10:38
jack|hpseudo: I'm seeing the same thing.  It keeps saying that Alsa is busy.10:38
geppyIs there a fix for the window list truncation in Hoary?10:38
LinuxJonesfc9k, sudo gedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-410:39
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LinuxJonesfc9k, sorry nano  /etc/X11/XF86Config-410:39
error_29folks, does anyone know how I can get my laptop to boot from cd?  It's set to do so in bios, but10:39
Anubisis unstable for Ubuntu hoary10:39
error_29Grub takes over no matter what10:39
tizenLinuxJones:  or... sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:39
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ompaulMarble2, if you are using gnome if you go into advanced in gnome-control-centre you can poke around with printers10:40
LinuxJonestizen, I am jsut assuming he's on warty10:40
tizenLinuxJones: oh, ok. sorry10:40
error_29is there a way to prevent Grub from starting so  the machine can boot the cd?10:40
munkiargh.. can't get ndiswrapper to find my wlan access point :S10:40
=== dizzie slaps munki
jeff_error_29, you need to set your bios10:40
ompaulerror_29, if you tell the bios that it should boot of the CD then grub should not be activated10:40
JDahlerror_29, you can change boot order in the BIOS..10:40
jeff_to boot form cd first10:40
=== munki kisses dizzie
error_29jeff, ompaul, as i said, I did that.  It's always set that way in the bios10:41
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dizziemunki :)~10:41
error_29but still won't look at cd before grub10:41
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error_29hell, maybe I burned the disk wrong...10:42
error_29anyway, my cdrom seems flaky in general10:42
ompaulerror_29, is it seeking the disk at before you condemn the disk?10:42
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ompaulerror_29, the word at should not be in that last line10:42
error_29ompaul, I'm not sure what you mean... the computer just seems to ignore the disk10:43
ompaulduring boot up does it appear to pause to look at the CD ?10:43
jeff_how do you guys feel about xandros10:43
jeff_desktop os10:43
error_29nope. just ignores it.  It's a hoary install disk, I may have burned it wrong.10:43
thoreauputicjeff_: uninterested :)10:44
ompauljeff_, like wot he said10:44
error_29I'll check with a windows disk, thanks ompaul...10:44
thoreauputicjeff_: that's a bit dismissive - actually it looks pretty slick10:44
jeff_yea it seems to be pretty nice10:44
thoreauputicjeff_: but I would prefer Ubuntu for a number of reasons10:44
jeff_i mean for a linux newbie10:44
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jeff_whys this10:44
RibsIt's personal preference, innit10:44
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thoreauputicjeff_: well, freedom10:45
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RibsXandros use a lot closed-source stuff, dont they?10:45
Ribsgiven the choice, for the newbie (or the very lazy, a la, ME!), I would choose Mandrake10:45
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membreyaif I want to put a script into startup, do I just copy the file to /etc/init.d?10:46
ompauljeff_, it or lindows for a beginner apt is their friend - but to be honest closed source stuff is like closed hardware not something I would advocate10:46
thoreauputicjeff_: Xandros is based on debian, but uses a lot of stuff that I can't look at in source code, or compile10:46
depyHello to anybody :D10:46
JDahlRibs, what things are easier in Mandrake than in Ubuntu? my question is not flamebait - I just dont know much about redhat/mandrake10:46
pseudoanyone else experienced that sound issue, and figured out a fix?10:46
jeff_yea you actually have to buy it to get the full blown version10:46
ompaulRibs, that is just cruel teaching them rpm stuff when they need apt :)10:46
thoreauputicJDahl: probably the GUI config tools are more mature in MAndrake10:47
depyi need help with AMD64 with MSI nVidia nForce 3 motherbord. Who can help me?10:47
pseudoagain: when esd is running non esd sound apps will not, disabling fixes, reenabling, the both play nice togather.10:47
membreyadepy: what's wrong ?10:47
thoreauputicjeff_: if you buy it, you limit what you can do later10:47
depyThanks membreya,  when i try to install cannot detect the network card...10:48
thoreauputicjeff_: I have no objection to the cost, but mandrake or libranet are open source even though they cost money10:48
thoreauputicfor the full set that is...10:48
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jeff_yea i was gonna steal it off bit torrent10:49
JDahlthoreauputic, If new users would just spend 5 minutes reading a FAQ about apt-get and sources.list, this forum would be obsolete... maybe a show intro first time you log on to Ubuntu wouldnt be bad10:49
jeff_ :(10:49
membreyadepy: what version of hoary are you using?10:49
membreyaare you using the onboard network card?10:49
thoreauputicJDahl: yes, I think that would be good too10:49
HillToperror_29,   Have you heard of Smart Boot Manager -- lets you boot from floppy then select drive/partition to boot to  from there. It is native Intel code, not of any OS.10:49
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jeff_how do i incress the resoultion of my xwindows10:50
depyi was instlling the 4.10 version, now i',m downloading the hoary preview. so you think it resolv my problem?10:50
JDahlthoreauputic, they could even make an "apt-get" wallpaper, sort of like a quick reference sheet :P10:50
ompauldepy, it might there is more stuff in there10:50
membreyadepy: try doing a modprobe forcedeth10:50
thoreauputicjeff_: don't go over to the Dark Side, Luke! ;-)10:50
membreyamorning thoreauputic :)10:50
jeff_lol im not i love my unbutu10:51
depyThe netcard isa a nVidia nForce Network Card10:51
cgwhat is the command to see all the information about hardware and the installed kernel version??10:51
jeff_just as a favor for a freind10:51
membreyadepy: read the above :)10:51
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thoreauputicJDahl: they wouldn't - it would have to be synaptic ( that's the idea of "just works")10:51
jeff_but how do i change the resoultion in x windows10:51
membreyacg dmesg :)10:51
thoreauputicmembreya: hi there :)10:51
depycg dmesg10:51
membreyathoreauputic: surprised you didn't answer my totally n00b question10:51
djpJDahl: ...or grab a copy of Linux in a Nutshell from O'Reilly! bought for my bday and a life-saver!10:51
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vidar_Hi there! i have a wierd problem with my wlan. If i boot into kernel 2.6.10-4, the wlan card shows up in device manager, but not in network-admin, but if i boot into it works fine. anyone know what the problem is?10:52
error_29ompaul, thanks for your help.  Windows disk boots alright; i just must have messed up the hoary cd.10:52
thoreauputicmembreya: ? maybe I missed it?10:52
depysotty membraya i'm new to IRC channel :-S10:52
membreyathat's cool depy :)10:52
membreyajust do a modprobe forcedeth depy10:52
JDahldjp, certainly useful to know, but doesnt cover Debian/Ubuntu specifics, does it?10:52
membreyathoreauputic: it was if I have a script that I want to start when I boot, do I put it into /etc/init.d ?10:52
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ompaulerror_29, well now you know it is suspect what are you going to do?10:53
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depyok i try but just to knwo what does the modprob forcedeth?10:53
Tux-RoxIs anyone seeing issues with the update servers for hoary? I'm getting connection speeds as low as <1Kbs and no faster than 10Kbs...10:53
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thoreauputicmembreya: ah - /etc/init.d yes - then use update-rc.d to link it10:53
error_29I'll burn with nero next time, ompaul! :-)10:53
membreyamodprobe depy :) it's loading the module for the network card10:53
membreyata thoreauputic :) and of course chmod +x it :P10:53
thoreauputicmembreya: yes -10:53
ompaulTux-Rox, the bittorrent is missing I guess it is one of the kick backs of being popular10:53
thoreauputicmembreya: hehe -  man update-rc.d10:54
djpJDahl: has a section dedicated to Debian Package Managers10:54
thoreauputicmembreya: rtfm!10:54
membreyabugger thoreauputic was just about to ask :P10:54
ompaulerror_29, or ask someone who runs linux that you know to burn it for you10:54
Tux-Roxompaul, So it's just slow for eveyone right now I assume then. That sucks....10:54
thoreauputicmembreya: I think you can work it out, mate :)10:54
depymembreya: ok i will try the modprobe, bu now i must restard the computer :( ;)10:55
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HillToperror_29,   Have you heard of Smart Boot Manager -- lets you boot from floppy then select drive/partition to boot to  from there. It is native Intel code, not of any OS.10:55
error_29ompaul, I think I have some cd-rom gremlin in this machine anyway; only ubuntu warty install and windows have ever made it through an installation; all other debian based distros flake out half way through10:55
ompaulTux-Rox, I got both live and install eariler today each at 50% of my dsl10:55
ryan450any networking guru's in here? trying to get an ip address for my wireless card with encryption.. I have gotten it to work under knoppix linux by bringing the interface up with ifconfig ath0 up, followed by a pump -i ath0 to get my ip address, when I try pump -i ath0 I get command not found10:55
membreyadepy: you don't need to restart10:55
ompaulerror_29,  maybe it is time to look at the hardware :)10:55
membreyaunless you're not in linux right now :P10:55
=== thoreauputic sends error_29 to Rome to burn with Nero
membreyathoreauputic: sudo update-rc.d food defaults...how hard was that to say :P10:56
=== ompaul fiddles
membreyafood = foo :|10:56
membreyadamn graveyard :|10:56
Marble2How can I add/remove stuff from Applications -> Sound and Video?10:56
error_29HillTop, thanks for the tip -- I may use that for my desktop box; i don't have a floppy drive for this laptop10:56
membreyaspeaking of damn graveyard thoreauputic ..read a good book at work last nite :)10:56
depymembraya: oops, i'm using windows xp now :/10:56
membreyalol well just write down "sudo modprobe forcedeth" depy :)10:56
thoreauputicmembreya: ah, but it's so long since I typed RTFM ! ;P10:56
kentMarble2, go develop a menueditor for Gnome?   We dont have one right now :(10:56
error_29thoreauputic, stop *fiddling* with my burning issues10:56
error_29but yes, please send me to Rome10:57
=== thoreauputic groans at the pun
NmBlePenGuNMarble2: or right clic on the icon you want to remove, then delete10:57
HillToperror_29,   http://btmgr.webframe.org/      == Smart Boot Manager10:57
depyerror_29: are you italian? me tto...10:57
membreyaMarble2: & kent: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7724310:57
ompaulthoreauputic, that was like -99 points on your ubuntu scale but when taken with the fact you said it to membreya well that mitigates it with a +98 :)10:57
membreyaheeeey! no ganging up ompaul :P10:57
thoreauputicompaul: haha10:57
ompaulmembreya, :)10:58
error_29nope depy, I'm not10:58
thoreauputicompaul: membreya and I have an understanding I think ;)10:58
Marble2kent: that sucks10:58
ompaulI know this therefore I think that I got away with thaty10:58
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membreyathoreauputic: ...I would have thought with being up this early all the time that you would have 5 minutes a day to spare for personal grooming :P10:58
error_29You know what would be cool, if I could maybe boot from a usb key or something-- I'll have to google this.  Thanks HillTop, ompaul10:59
ompaulerror_29, enjoy your visit to the land of google10:59
thoreauputicmembreya: well, I'm making a personal microbiological study of what happens if you fail to shower for  a few months ...10:59
membreyadamn you thoreauputic ....don't you know we cannot play god!11:00
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thoreauputicthink of the microbes!11:00
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ompaulhow cultured of you11:00
error_29heh heh, "cultured", very good...11:00
thoreauputicoh dear - the puns are flying today!11:01
membreyathink you're soooo damn punny don't you ompaul11:01
ompaultrez punny in fact :)11:01
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error_29ever notice how dirty laundry smells clean again after about four months piled in a heap?11:01
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=== ompaul wonders if anyone ever followed up `in fact` with `and not in fiction`
ompaulerror_29, no11:02
membreyaerror_29: that's because you become de-sensitised11:02
membreyasp adam..sp11:02
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error_29all right, I'm off to the store to blow my wad on an hp laptop with amd64.  Unless I sober up before I get there.  See you folks11:05
thoreauputicmembreya: no, it's because the cockroaches clean the clothes for you ;)11:05
membreyacockroaches and I had a falling out :( we argued over the scraps of food left around11:06
membreyaewww hp11:06
=== ompaul remembers being chased by a funnel web
membreyabut amd64 :D11:06
membreyafunnel web? in sydney ompaul ?11:07
ompaulI was11:07
ompaulnorth of hornsby south of brooklyn11:07
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ompaulberowera - not the heights or the waters11:07
ompaulnot a red back11:08
Lemonzesthow is 32bit compatabilty in 64bit horey?11:08
Lemonzestany chance of a gui for making a chroot32?11:08
membreyaLemonzest: that depends :)11:08
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membreyaif you compile the program for 64 bit it's fine :P11:09
membreyaotherwise chroot it11:09
membreyadamn you nautilus..noone gave you permission to change my wallpaper!11:09
Lemonzestany guides i can reed for chrooting?11:09
ompaulmembreya, ahh vic - I have only been in nsw and fnq11:09
ompaulsaw a tipan11:10
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membreyaheh...fnq :P11:10
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dampjamAnybody here setup bluetooth on hoary yet?11:10
ompaulmembreya, well I started off in cairns and went north11:10
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tckstill can't get 'desktop sounds' working :(11:10
membreyawoulda been hell on earth for a european ompaul :P11:11
ompaulmembreya, well I am a paddy11:11
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membreyayou lot breed good drinkers :P11:11
Lemonzestgot my amd64 rig built and used the latest daily live, i must say clearlooks is great11:12
ompaulmembreya, and I was drinking a lot of water, one (1.5l) bottle for the top of my head and the other one for inside me11:12
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fc9kwoo i fixed it :_11:12
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ompaulfc9k, enjoy11:13
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membreyahmmm any problems with anyone running 2.6.11?11:15
confreyhi everybody11:15
[Spooky] Hello what is the command too set a su password im blacked out here :/11:15
honesu -s11:16
scizzo[Spooky] : root does not have a password default11:16
honethen passwd11:16
confreycan anybody help me? my laptop sleep, but I don't know how to resume it11:16
honeconfrey, depends on hte laptop, if you're using apm/acpi11:16
scizzo[Spooky] : sudo is being used in ubuntu11:16
[Spooky] i now11:16
[Spooky] *know11:16
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hone[Spooky] , su -s11:16
hone[Spooky] , thne passwd11:16
[Spooky] is is sudo pawwd ?11:16
Lemonzestany guide's for chrooting 32bit apps?11:16
honeif you want t ose tit11:16
[Spooky] aha11:16
confreyhone, acpi; I can sleep it with echo 3 >/proc/acpi/sleep11:17
hone[Spooky] , err sudo -s11:17
ompaul[Spooky] ,  - > sudo su - < - is the command with the -11:17
hone[Spooky] , will log you in as root11:17
hone[Spooky] , I think11:17
confreybut I can't resume after that;11:17
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blizahis it a bad idea to download the newe gaim nad install (in warty)?  will this break the synaptic update and stuff?11:17
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membreyablizah: 1.1.4 should be in your repo's for synaptic11:18
meskesblizah: you would want to apt-pin for that.11:18
meskesIf you want to *bleeding* edge11:18
thoreauputicmembreya: not in warty11:19
membreyadamn warty11:19
membreyawhen will it die11:19
membreyathoreauputic: ....think I should change to 2.6.11...you know of any major problems with that kernel?11:19
zorba64ina nother 12 months11:19
thoreauputicmembreya: very much alive here :)11:19
FAT_Toniwhy you use ubuntu??11:19
confreyand how can I set th cpu frequency? powernow adjust it automatically, from 800 MHz to 1.6 GHz, I'd like to set it to 400 MHz (like in windows) to silent the fan11:20
zorba64cos i like it11:20
thoreauputicmembreya: no, I don't know really - some people have had nvidia issues I think11:20
membreyaconfrey: sudo apt-get install cpufreqd11:20
[Spooky] FAT_Toni: cause its the best OS ?11:20
membreyaand then add the applet confrey11:20
confreymembreya, but I have powernowd yet, can't I use it?11:20
FAT_Toniwhy is it better than debian?11:21
scizzo[Spooky] : s/OS/Distribution/g11:21
meskesFAT_Toni: the politics in debian suck11:21
scizzoFAT_Toni: the question is....have you read and tried it?11:21
membreyaconfrey: cpufreqd allows you to change your frequency11:21
=== membreya sighs
confreyFAT_Toni, ubuntu better than debian, it's only your opinion11:21
ompaul"In Windows you can do everything Microsoft wants you to do; in Unix you can do anything the computer is able to do." <-- a .sig on debian mailing list11:21
thoreauputicFAT_Toni: use Debian if you prefer - I use both11:21
zorba64it wouldn't exist without debian, why does it have to be better or worse, just different11:22
[Spooky] scizzo: sorry... i meant distro :)11:22
fc9ki have firefox, obviously comes with ubuntu11:22
fc9kits only version 0.9.3 or something11:22
meskesHell, I use Debian in my servers and Gentoo and Ubuntu on my desktop11:22
fc9khow do i go about getting the latest version#?11:22
FAT_Tonii am interessted in ubuntu so i think you can tell me why it is better11:23
zorba64fc9k you can try the backports, down load and install it, or dist-upgrade to hoary11:23
scizzoFAT_Toni: if you go to www.ubuntulinux.org and start to read about what is different then maybe you will understand11:23
thoreauputicfc9k: you can either update to the hoary baranch, or get the binary from mozilla.org11:23
ompaulwhere can I get more info on pin?11:23
confreymembreya, I must remove powernow to install cpufreqd; is there another way to set freq?11:23
fc9kis hoary stable now?11:23
thoreauputicompaul: hmm - debian apt-get howto?11:23
scizzoFAT_Toni: the thing is.... _you_ don't know if it is better unless you try it...or am I wrong?11:24
geppyfc9k:  No, Hoary is _not_ stable.11:24
zorba64fc9k pretty much, it is up to a "preview" release11:24
ompaulthoreauputic, arrrrhhhh11:24
thoreauputicompaul: there's a package for that11:24
=== ompaul kicks self
zenwhenit is not "stable" but it is stable11:24
=== rlaggerzeo [~laggerzer@adsl-211-170-83.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
scizzoFAT_Toni: first of all....the releases that Debian does...they are out of control from all I know....ubuntu has a 6 months time for a new release or something like that11:24
rlaggerzeoI've got a major problem11:24
zorba64zenwhen - exactly11:24
rlaggerzeox won't stop for some reason11:24
geppyIt works, but it's not stable.11:24
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geppyrlaggerzeo:  Unless you use the 2.6.11 package =P11:25
zenwhengeppy, it is not oficially stable, but it works damn well11:25
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thoreauputicscizzo: bear in mind Debian has about 12 architectures to update11:25
geppyzenwhen:  Yes, but, then again, you're hanging out on IRC;  you can probably handle/fix breakage.11:25
scizzothoreauputic: I know....11:25
ompaulthoreauputic, --> apt-get install apt-doc apt-howto <-- kinda helps there11:26
zenwhengeppy, while this is true, I have not had to touch a single config file11:26
geppyzenwhen: This is good to hear. =)11:26
scizzothoreauputic: ;)11:26
rlaggerzeoit just says: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a:fbmmx.o no symbols found11:26
rlaggerzeothats all11:27
=== ompaul runs updatedb
rlaggerzeoany suggestions?11:27
rlaggerzeox won't start11:27
rlaggerzeoi'm in bitchx right now11:27
thoreauputicompaul: in Soviet Russia, updatedb runs *you* !11:28
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=== geppy groans
thoreauputicgeppy: sorrry11:28
geppyI'm just kidding. =)11:28
maximausAnybody roughly want to estimate how much of a pain in the tucchus upgrading to Hoary final from Warty via CDR will be (on dial up) I'd rather not have to reinstall all my /usr/local crap. :P ;)11:28
drspinmaximaus: on dial up -- I would just find a friend with a burner and DSL and download the image after it's released and reinstall11:29
geppymaximaus: Too much of a pain. =/11:29
lunitikmaximaus: I'd advise doing it at night... other than that... and ignoring that there is no hoary final yet... not that bad...11:29
thoreauputicmaximaus: on dialup, saintly patience would be required11:29
geppymaximaus: What kind of connection does your local school/library/friend have?11:29
maximausOhmer, I'm going to order a CD LOL11:29
ompaulthoreauputic, hmmm sorry straight over my head I have tried11:29
=== haich [~haich@156.Red-83-40-116.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
rlaggerzeoi'm rebuilding the nvidia kernel11:30
rlaggerzeosee if that helps11:30
thoreauputicompaul: you clearly haven't wasted any time on slashdot :)11:30
maximausSo I'll be upgrading from CD--of course I'll have to grab some updates via dial up of course.11:30
thoreauputicompaul: it's a tired old /. meme11:30
ompaulthoreauputic, okay11:30
maximausJust wondering if the Hoary installer will "see" my Warty install--the same way I've upgraded Mandrake or Fedora.11:30
ompaulthoreauputic, that would make sense11:31
lunitikmaximaus: you really should consider cable... I'm paying less than AOL for 512 down...11:31
Marble2Okay, this is probably a stupid question, but is there a way I can get a program to grab infornmation and display it on my desktop? Like amarok song info, cpu load, etc11:31
thoreauputicompaul: most of them are (tired and old I mean)11:31
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ompaulthoreauputic, haha11:31
maximauslunitik, this always comes up--my local provider sucks, so I'm stuck with dial up atm11:31
lunitikMarble2: gdesklets11:31
geppythoreauputic: http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/klee/misc/slashdot.html11:31
maximausYou have to get a package deal for $100 month with cable tv, etc to get a deal. Oy.11:32
=== laggerzero_ [~laggerzer@adsl-211-170-83.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicgeppy: can't resist... must control... aaargh11:32
ompaulthoreauputic, I spent most of my time reading thereg /secfocus  and various local things11:32
geppythoreauputic: hahaha11:32
laggerzero_i have no idea how the driver corrupted11:32
=== Lemonzest [~Lemonzest@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== laggerzero_ is now known as laggerzero
ompaullaggerzero_, it took a bribe from some bad software company?11:32
laggerzeromight have11:33
laggerzeroreinstalling the nvidia kernel fixed it11:33
thoreauputicompaul: OMG - the jokes are getting worse by the minute!11:33
Lemonzestany guides for 32bit apps on 64bit linux?11:33
drspinany chance of getting an SMP kernel included on the Hoary install CD?11:33
=== Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
thoreauputicLemonzest: from 2 bit companies?11:34
laggerzerosoftware patents are satans spawn11:34
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Lemonzestie stuff like skype11:34
=== St3althcAt [St3althcAt@bl6-20-237.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
membreyawhen nvidia asks for the kernel-source are the headers what it's after?11:35
blizahmeskes what did you say i was to do to install gaim 1.4 over gaim 1.0.011:35
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drspinblizah: hoary or warty?11:35
laggerzerothe kernel source11:35
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St3althcAtgood afternoon11:35
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ompaulthoreauputic, I do find inflicting pain through comedy is pretty evil11:35
meskesblizah: You could apt-pin11:35
blizahwill this break updates if hoary is to come along w/ a newer one?11:35
membreyalaggerzero: in synaptic, doing a search on kernel-source it only goes to 2.6.911:36
St3althcAtproblem: I'm installing my Speedtouch modem and in the middle of the process it says I don't have the libatml. How do I solve this problem?11:36
membreyai need 2.6.1111:36
meskesblizah: it could.11:36
laggerzeroare you in hoary?11:36
laggerzerohoary is 2.6.1011:36
drspinblizah: you can install a backport of 1.0.0 without screwing stuff up... or you could use pinning -- to get it from hoary11:36
BlissexSt3althcAt: you need the ATM libraries...11:36
membreyalaggerzero: hoary can go to 2.6.1111:36
laggerzerodo a search for linux-tree-2.6.1011:37
laggerzeroits not on their yet11:37
BlissexSt3althcAt: if you used a proper '.deb' for the SpeedTouch it would have had the right dependencies...11:37
Amaranthi need to completely disable my pc speaker11:37
laggerzeroit needs to be built for debian11:37
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blizahbut i could uninstall it when time comes for hoary, and have everything working right agian?11:37
thoreauputicgeppy: LMAO @ your /. link!11:37
laggerzerothe regular source won't work11:37
meskesAmaranth: unplug it.11:37
Amaranthmuting it in aumix and the gnome volume control don't do it11:37
BlissexAmaranth: use scissors :-)11:37
geppythoreauputic:  =D11:37
Amaranthit's integrated into the motherboard11:37
Madeyegusy if i'm on VPS how to check how many VPS setuped on the same box?11:37
membreyalaggerzero: linux-tree-2.6.11 is there :)11:37
laggerzeroAmaranth, you have to disable it in the kernel11:37
BlissexAmaranth: however, do a web search for the "visual bell" linux HOWTO...11:37
desrtso guys11:37
desrti installed a new ubuntu kernel11:38
desrtand now my computer doesn't boot11:38
desrtit's a total drag11:38
Amaranthwhat's the module name?11:38
=== Blaubaer [~frodo@dsl-082-082-077-060.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
laggerzeropc speaker11:38
laggerzeroi forget where it is11:38
laggerzeroi'll look11:38
maxi-awaydesrt,  I'm assuming you didn't leave the old kernel in place so you can choose it instead via GRUB?11:38
St3althcAtWhere do I get that libraries and how do I install them?11:38
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Blaubaerone quick question: will there be a way to upgrade to hoary from a existing warty-installation?11:39
desrtmaxi-away; well... i had a backup of gentoo on my drive11:39
desrtso i booted my gentoo kernel11:39
desrti'd sort of like it if the ubuntu one worked11:39
BlissexSt3althcAt: use 'synaptic' for example...11:39
desrtit says something about not being able to open /dev/console11:39
BlissexSt3althcAt: and use the SpeedTouch '.deb'11:39
=== eb0x [~chris@lsanca1-ar18-4-61-019-242.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
blizahdrspin how do i install a "backport" to get to the newest gaim?11:39
desrti should reboot again and see if i can get the exact message11:40
eb0xI am trying to set xchat up to use identd, does Ubuntu come with an identd server already installed?11:40
eb0xIf not, what can I use?11:40
laggerzerofound it11:40
kentBlaubaer, yes. There is documents about that on the ubuntu wiki (check the ubuntu homepage)11:40
laggerzeroits under input devices11:40
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DraalAnyone have a free moment?11:40
laggerzerosort of11:40
Blaubaerkent: thanks, havent found anything about it yet.11:40
geppyWhy don't you just ask your question?11:40
DraalThats mighty chipper of you..11:40
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laggerzeroAmaranth, look under input devices11:41
laggerzeroits at the bottom11:41
geppyAsking to ask a question just decreases the signal to noise ratio.11:41
DraalI have the Debian Net Install CD, but it uses an older version of the kernel that doesn't support the Centrino chipset. So I'm not able to install a clean Debian system through apt-get.11:42
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laggerzerowhat debian?11:42
laggerzerosid sarge or woody?11:42
laggerzerosarge supports the newer kernels11:42
laggerzerojust after the install11:42
kentBlaubaer, its just a matter of changing every warty  word in either synaptic or doing it manually by editing /etc/apt/sources.list.   http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary11:42
laggerzeroinstallit off of apt11:42
DraalBut I can't access apt because it isn't allowing me to access the internet.11:43
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vidar_Hi there! i have a wierd problem with my wlan. If i boot into kernel 2.6.10-4, the wlan card shows up in device manager, but not in network-admin, but if i boot into it works fine. anyone know what the problem is?11:43
DraalSo is there a way to upgrade the kernel in the installer?11:43
DraalI need at least Linux 2.611:43
laggerzeronot sure11:43
jintxodraal, have you ried booting with "linux2.6" at the boot prompt? it's been a long time since I've instaleld debian, but IO seem to recall that option...11:44
laggerzeroto goto #debian11:44
meskesvidar_: you need to have the correct modules loaded for the new kernel?11:44
laggerzerothey might be able to help you11:44
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DraalThere isn't a way to run a Debian install through Ubuntu, is there?11:45
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vidar_meskes: how do i load those? it actualy worked before, but it suddently stopped working after a reboot.11:45
laggerzeroubuntu is based off of debian11:45
laggerzerobut its completely different11:46
laggerzeroxandros is the closest to sarge there is11:46
DraalI know.11:46
DraalNever mind.11:46
lunitiklaggerzero: its really not completely different though...11:46
DraalThank you though.11:46
desrtok.  this is what it says (bear with me.. i'm tying it off of a piece of paper)11:46
meskesvidar_: from the old kernel apt-get install linux-modulesKERNELVERSIONHERE11:46
desrtStarting Ubuntu...11:46
desrtpivot_root: No such file or directory11:46
laggerzeroapplications i mean11:46
desrt/sbin/init: 428: cannot open dev/console: No such file11:46
desrtKernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!11:47
vidar_meskes: ok. i'll try that. tnx11:47
tonii tried to install racer for unutu (prev. ver.) but: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 not found.. where can i find it?11:47
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jamin_i'm trying the powerpc version of ubuntu for the first time, just wondering is it possible to put the iso on an ipod and go from there?11:48
Blissexjamin_: can you boot from the iPod?11:48
jamin_yea thats my question11:48
toniwhere can i find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3?11:49
Blissexjamin_: just use a CD :-)11:50
Rods_TigerI've just done "sudo apt-get update"11:50
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Rods_Tigerand it's just asked me "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"11:50
Rods_Tigerand I typed "no" and it said "bash: no: command not found"11:51
spadesclose synaptic11:51
Rods_Tigeraha. Thanks11:51
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Rods_Tigeryep, that worked fine now.11:51
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thoreauputicthat's one for bash.org11:52
koen_Hi i once saw this site that i could search ubuntu packages on, but i cant find it on the forums11:52
laggerzerobash is way to backed up11:52
thoreauputicactually the logic of that response is rather beautiful ... :)11:54
thoreauputicand it's just asked me "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"11:54
thoreauputic<Rods_Tiger> and I typed "no" and it said "bash: no: command not found"11:54
thoreauputic<spades> close synaptic11:54
laggerzeroyeah it is11:55
laggerzerobut it will be months before it is reviewed11:55
Chipzzthoreauputic: you should type "yes no" :)11:55
Chipzzthoreauputic: that actually works ;)11:55
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thoreauputiclaggerzero: if I were new to computers and the computer asked me that, I would probably type "no" as well11:55
speedy2782So, I just upgraded to hoary, and I need some assistance with getting wifi running11:56
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toniwhere can i find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3?11:56
thoreauputicChipzz: ah , the yes command, of course :)11:56
laggerzerooh this is beautiful11:56
ggeeckoi wanna run a exchange server...what linux program should i use??11:56
laggerzerothe new nvidia drivers work great11:56
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laggerzeroyou can modify them with nvidia-settings11:56
Chipzzlaggerzero: what new nvidia drivers?11:57
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Quest-MasterChipzz: New drivers released today11:57
desrtok.  i think i have to recreate my initrc11:57
laggerzeroget them off of nvidia.com11:57
desrti've added some modules to /etc/initrc/modules11:57
desrtinitrd, rather11:57
desrthow do i go about doing this?11:57
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ompaulggeecko, have a look at asterix it should do that job11:58
speedy2782is anyone in here good at wifi?11:58
=== ompaul prods thoreauputic
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laggerzeroi need a new desktop11:58
=== thoreauputic wonders why he was prodded
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Rob_Linux_NewbI have a question...11:59
=== thoreauputic is getting tired

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