[12:04] that was my personal test [12:04] i changed ppp_register_channel to return a long instead of an int [12:04] yes [12:04] ah ok [12:05] i also did another test where i added ppp_do_stuff, exported it, and the build warned me about it (but didn't fail) [08:28] morning [10:52] moo [10:53] hey Mith [10:53] Mithrandir: you have amd64 handy, right? [10:54] about 5m away, yes. [10:54] Mithrandir: mind to test mplayer on it? [10:54] i manage to build it yesterday for amd64 [10:55] but i can't test it here [10:55] sure; URL? [10:56] it's in the archive [10:56] multiverse [10:57] checking now [10:57] any particular format or just $random_video? [10:57] whatever [10:57] i am not sure about codecs and stuff [10:57] just try to play something [10:57] for me it's enought it doesn't crash [10:59] it depends on livavcodec2 which doesn't seem to be available [10:59] (or, do you want me to test mplayer-amd64 or mplayer?) [11:02] it depends on it? [11:02] how can it depends on it if just uses dh_shlib at build [11:03] sorry, I forgot to run update first [11:04] downloading now, ETA 6-ish minutes [11:04] eheh ok [11:04] no rush [12:52] Waa. === mjg59 has to figure out why the IDE bus doesn't resume on the 6220 === Seveas [dennis@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:47] fabbione: Ok, mii-diag kills the machine in the same way [02:49] b44.c hasn't really been touched in months === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:19] hmmm [03:19] no idea really [03:25] mjg59: 7502 <- that's all your :-) [03:35] fabbione: He's running an ancient kernel. Tell him to upgrade. [03:35] Oh, no, hang on [03:36] Get him to try the latest 2.6.10 and get the dmesg from that [03:36] morning [03:38] zul! [03:38] hey fabbione whats up? [03:38] not much [03:38] merging more security bits [03:38] i have an endless pile to merge from debian [03:38] yah.. [03:39] i have the feeling that one of this security thing is breaking the ABI [03:39] it's just taking too long to compile [03:39] = ccache is invalidated [03:40] are you going to be using dilingers abi stuff? [03:40] zul: yes. [03:40] i need to rebuild a -27 to be able to test it [03:40] but there is no hurry [03:40] good good [03:40] we can't upload the kernel as is before the 16th [03:41] i still cannot commit one of the patches [03:43] ok...brb i have to reboot [03:43] i need to get sex... iwnbb === crimsun falls over laughing === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:46] thats good no abi brekage [03:47] fabbione: so you are heading out? [03:47] pretty soon yes [03:48] friends are coming for afternoon coffee/cake [03:48] k...because i need breakfast since i just got up [03:48] cool [03:48] ehhe [03:48] i will be back tomorrow [03:48] also wife is coming back later this afternoon [03:48] ok have fun then [03:48] where did she go? [03:48] and i am afraid she expects me to spend time with her [03:48] to her sister [03:48] lol [03:48] for the weekend [03:49] it was her niece bd [03:49] ah i see...i was at my parents in law last night so i wasnt around much [03:49] oh nice. [03:49] well have a good time! [03:49] parents in law = teh sux! [03:49] not mine [03:49] they are usually worst than an ABI breakage [03:50] my mother in law takes me to hockey games [03:50] at least you can fix the ABI [03:50] ah that's rad [03:50] and my father in law is learning about linux at least [03:50] everytime i go to my in laws is a race for who eat more and they start speaking danish all the time [03:50] so i get bored to death [03:50] hmmm...maybe i should give him a live cd [03:51] maybe you should ubuntify him [03:51] heh...mine do that but its french [03:51] i should [03:51] Ah! [03:52] The mii ioctl works if the interface is up, but hangs the machine if it's down. [03:52] hmmmm [03:52] i need to pee [03:52] mjg59: that should be easy to isolate.. i think [03:53] anyway i am off [03:54] c ya fabbione [03:55] im off to run some errands and get breakfast [04:01] Actually, it works as long as the interface has been brought up at least once [04:01] Hm. [04:01] lol [04:01] If it's never been brought up, it hangs. [04:01] This ought to be easy enough, then... [04:02] i think going to blacklist some acpi bioses today when i get back [04:03] later === mjg59 sorts the b44 issue [05:42] Rosetta bugs ("A system error occurred") go where? [05:43] EWRONGCHANNEL [05:55] not this channel [10:46] smurfix: #rosetta, or malone === dilinger laughs [10:52] at least you can fix the ABI