[12:00] Slackman, the only problem is that I have get my father to learn linux if he want's go get the ibook back (i hope I can keep it for a long time, but you never know..) === Jesterace [~jester@jesterace.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] thoreauputic_: makes sense, stupid question, sorry === orospakr [~orospakr@CPE0004762b7051-CM001225701f0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] Slackman, but I felt more comfortable with Hoary on it since my pc is running that too [12:01] is there anyway to scp a set of dirs from one pc to another? im using scp * -r user@machine:path and it returns 'folder name' is not a regular file [12:01] IrcUsr: I believe you can set up a swap area on your hard drive ( haven't tried it myself) [12:01] Xappe: you could get KDE and make it look like OSX..i have seen someone do an EXACT replica visually of OSX with kde === EsK [~comcast11@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === azar [~nbarney@] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] when a version upgrade comes about, do you select just one "component" and all the software goes up to the new version, or do the changes filter through gradually? [12:02] spades, try lftp -u username sftp:// [12:02] spades: if you like to sync look for unison, it uses ssh proto for traffic enc === rotatorCuffen [rzr@c-8957e253.103-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] spades, then you can use the mirror command [12:02] which linux kernel is ubunti built on? [12:02] Xappe: aside from a few things i don't think hoary is that far off OSX in terms of "dumb user" being able to do everything [12:03] rotatorCuffen: depends which version, and how up to date [12:03] Slackman, i don't like KDE, but I think i'll be the one using this ibook most of the time...my parets have other computers to play with === monteiro [~monteiro@] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] thoreauputic_ warty-release-install-i386.iso === schlurchz [~njet@p54BCA885.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] === marcus__ [~marcus@] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] how i put my monitor with 75 hertz ? [12:04] 4.10 [12:04] Hello.. How do I unload the boot loader from my system? [12:04] rotatorCuffen: warty uses the 2.6.8 kernel series [12:04] The_Nalf thx [12:04] thoreauputic_ [12:04] rotatorCuffen: type uname -r to see [12:04] ok [12:04] Slackman, and I have to travel 300 km to return it ;) [12:05] ok, i got it with nfs [12:05] Hello.. How do I unload the GRUB bootloader from my system? [12:05] but, i mount it, and i cant acces with a user diferent of root [12:05] here it's currently , but there's a -5 as well [12:05] heh 300k is a long way to get a lappy :) [12:05] or a 686 version for that matter ... [12:06] hm [12:06] flash in mozilla [12:06] Flash sucks. Your better without it. [12:06] Natham: is the user uid the same on both machines? [12:06] wait === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] Natham: if the user uid is different, you won't be able to do better than read access === nicedreams [~nicedream@ip68-2-79-215.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] but i even cant read [12:08] Natham: probably your /etc/fstab is wrong [12:08] I reformated and installed hoary preview and now gnome is acting up. I can't launch quake3 or ETF and I can't play any type of sound file. I installed fluxbox and I can do everything just fine. Anyone having the same issues or have a fix? [12:08] ok [12:08] is the same uid [12:08] 1000 [12:08] in both machines [12:08] Natham: example line from here: alterego:/home /mnt/alterego nfs noauto,users,rw,hard,intr 0 0 [12:09] Natham: ^^^ [12:09] ok [12:09] Slackware, do you know how I get the ibook to turn off rather than suspend to disk when the battery level is critical? [12:09] *Slackman [12:09] alterego is my laptop, this is my desktop (the /etc/fstab is from here) === rhystic [~eric@CPE0004e2855e6d-CM0011ae90e354.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] oh yea...and when in gnome, I can't download anything using firefox [12:10] anyone know about when official hoary release will be ? [12:10] thoreauputic_, i used the line in fstab and nothing happens === Guybrush|Numb [~franz@host78-184.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] April 6 I believe (Hoary) [12:11] i cant read the unit [12:11] screw it...i'll just reisntall ubuntu hoary === elm [~elm@n30.fundeste.rct-sc.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] Natham: NFS can be tricky - is portmap running? [12:11] on both machines [12:12] portmapper [12:12] thoreauputic_, ok [12:12] thoreauputic_, thx === kiwnix [~egarcia@4.red-82-158-88.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu === [FiDO] [~paul@PMccl5133.ResNet.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] ok [12:13] in the server, my user cant acces the directry === dabi [~dabi@69.Red-83-39-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === nicedreams [~nicedream@ip68-2-79-215.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:14] is there any tool to edit partitions on ubuntu (with gui) [12:15] gparted [12:15] dabi: gparted; qtparted [12:15] ok i got it === azar [~nbarney@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === aurax [aurax@bzq-218-41-142.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === evilbutters [~evilbutte@nc-71-1-216-153.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] is hoary stable enough ? [12:16] I need to know how to start Bittornado [12:16] n8 all [12:16] emn.. i cant remove webmin-proftpd [12:16] I installed it through the Package Manager [12:16] aurax: for what? *grin* [12:17] desktops [12:17] Is it possible to uninstall the GRUB bootloader? === popeye [~popeye@] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] warty was stable enough for desktops === PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-252-71.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] i wonder if i can install for my costumers hoary [12:17] when the seahorse-agent window appears it doesn't pop up above evolution. Can I make it always on top? [12:17] aurax: it goes "stable" in april [12:18] OMG [12:18] gparted [12:18] ups [12:18] fk.. [12:19] ? [12:19] Natham: edit /etc/default/portmap [12:19] aurax, I find it a mixed bag..but 'overall' yes IMO....so far mainly firefox seems to be on buggy side and when it 'went' it took gnome panel with it and i had to ctrl-alt-backspace and eventually found myself rebooting ( hard reboot) to fix it [12:19] thoreauputic_, i made it [12:19] thanx [12:19] cant copy from synaptic terminal.. oh anyway.. i cant uninstall the fking webmin-proftpd [12:20] can anyone tell me how to start Bittorent that came with Ubuntu [12:20] will ubuntu hoary work well with intel's 915G chipsets too [12:20] ? [12:20] Warty Editio [12:20] evilbutters: one came with it? === dabi [~dabi@69.Red-83-39-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] BitTorunado and Bittorent === lewiz [~lewiz@xeon.compsoc.man.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] thats whats in the Package manager [12:20] oh... just do btdownloadgui ;) [12:21] btdownloadgui blah.torrent [12:21] or save yourself some headache with that app and get azureus instead === usual [~colin@cpe-24-194-197-159.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] i have webmin-proftpd as an broken package and cant uninstall it with synaptic.. what can i do? [12:21] Erm. What is required to install Ubuntu? I did a PXE install to my laptop but it didn't start installing the packages as normal on reboot. Will apt-get ubuntu-desktop do the trick? [12:21] dabi: why can't you uninstall it? [12:22] E: webmin-proftpd: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2 [12:23] bur[n] er: /etc/webmin/update.conf: No such file or directory dpkg: error while cleaning up: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 Errors were encountered while processing: webmin-proftpd [12:24] dabi: u could force it [12:24] dpkg --force-help [12:24] how? [12:24] hmm im uninstalling it on synaptic.. how can i uninstall it from terminal? [12:25] Qn: How do I install tomboy on ubuntu? (I have installed mono) [12:25] dabi, sudo apt-get remove packagename === _toerli [~toerli@cl-1157.ham-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu === _toerli is now known as toerli === carrarro [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] hello World! === nebo [~nebo@pD9516732.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] I need some advice [12:27] oh no [12:27] I am trying to switch to Linux and I just finished downloading this UBUNTU version [12:28] I love it! === Otheos [~Otheos@ool-44c401ad.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] yeah it's pretty good huh? [12:28] the only problem is that I don't know how to configure my wireless card... [12:28] hello all [12:28] do you know how to get it to work? === Quarupt [~quar@c-67-183-254-78.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:28] hello [12:28] i have to force uninstall webmin-proftpd from terminal, what command do i have to use? === unkwn [~unkwn@HSE-Kitchener-ppp3508368.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] Howcome I had to do a dist-updrade? [12:29] I need some help, I'm hoping some one knows the answer [12:29] carrarro: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WiFiHowto [12:29] thank you! [12:29] np === Amaranth [~travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] I built a box to run ubuntu on, I put a Highpoint RocketRaid 1640 card in it...got 4 200GB drives i want to put in a raid 5 container.... [12:30] dabi: try: sudo dpkg -r --force webmin-proftpd [12:30] dpkg: unknown force/refuse option `webmin-proftpd' [12:30] dabi: try: sudo dpkg -r --force-all webmin-proftpd [12:31] dpkg: error while cleaning up: [12:31] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 [12:31] Errors were encountered while processing: [12:31] webmin-proftpd [12:31] damn.. [12:31] hey Ice, thank you again... I have to go now. I'll see what I can do later with the wi-fi stuff === Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [12:32] don't suppose anyone else has a rocketraid card???? === popeye [~popeye@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:35] MUAH hehe i xiited on that fking webmin thing.. i made the damn bugging file my self and worked.. :P hhehe [12:35] wheee [12:36] icebalm, may I ask you for some help... === r3z [~Uhm@adsl-065-007-146-053.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === fleebailey66 is now known as fleebailey33 [12:36] Is 2.4.10 a fairly new kernel? [12:36] Otheos: shoot [12:37] Quarupt: no, it's ancient [12:37] Quarupt: 2.4.11 is latest [12:37] Quarupt: 2.6.11 I mean [12:37] I havea highpoint rocketraid controller i'm trying to use.... [12:37] icebalm: hmm 2.6.10? [12:37] 2.6.10-4 [12:37] Quarupt: 2.4 is bloody old [12:37] yeah [12:37] is there a problem with the warty repo's? [12:37] I meant 2.6.10-4 [12:37] Quarupt: yes, typo :) [12:38] a edonkey client for ubuntu? [12:38] I guess..... [12:38] hi could someone tell me how to change language settings in hoary? === DXT is now known as Architect [12:38] when installing is doesn't see the volume it see sthe physical drives... [12:38] 2.6.10 is in the "sweet spot" I think, new enough to work well, old enough to have most binary drivers (ati/nvidia) work out of the tgz === Architect is now known as is_teh_win [12:38] marcin_ant: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales [12:38] Otheos: hrmm, software raid [12:39] hardware.. [12:39] trying at least [12:39] not if it sees the drives [12:39] 4 SATA RAID 5 controller [12:39] maybe I missed a step [12:39] hardware raid never gives drive info to the OS, only the volume [12:39] icebalm, you have any luck with ATI drivers? [12:39] Quarupt: yep [12:39] thoreauputic_: I did [12:40] thoreauputic_: and nothing - gnome still in english.... === trans_err [~trans_err@hc65272d8.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] thoreauputic_: lang packages installed too of course === axn [~axn@] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] marcin_ant: heh - was about to suggest that ;) [12:41] thoreauputic_: yeah I know... but what now? [12:41] I have no idea, sorry [12:41] :( [12:41] Otheos: either there's no driver for it in linux, it's not being loaded, or some other thing with lvm, I don't know, I don't use raid [12:42] hmmm... [12:42] actually, I just realized my screw up.. === Paralla1 [~pbl@82.red-213-231-87.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] marcin_ant: unless you try a dpkg-reconfigure on your language pack, I guess [12:42] thoreauputic_: I'll try to reinstall lang packages [12:42] I had to upgrade the bios on the controller and to test I just put together JBOD not a RAID 5 [12:42] thoreauputic_: ok [12:42] how can I remove the speaker beep from hoary? === xiam [~xiam@] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] Quarupt: the fglrx binaries in ubuntu are old, I did I silly hack [12:43] how can I remove the speaker beep from hoary like when I press TAB key on the console? === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] heh i want to remove it too.. :P === FLeiXiuS [~Nick@pcp0011094024pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] console or gnome-terminal? [12:44] Paralla1, dabi I think there is something on ubuntuguide.org about that [12:44] everywhere [12:44] gnome terminal === jimmer_ [~jimmer@pool-68-161-51-182.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === trans__err [~trans_err@hc6527295.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] hello all. [12:45] never mind.. ill cut the speaker cable.. ;) === KING^^^ [~king@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:45] dabi: just unplug it :P === altava [~altava@] has joined #ubuntu === axn [~axn@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [12:46] Paralla1: in gnome-terminal edit profile and turn off the "bell" === psh1 [~paul@ACD571ED.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === francofait [~francofai@adsl-128-64.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] just installed hoary and it seems pretty nice so far. just one question... how do I get rid off all the GNOME junk and come up with a nice, clean X11 only install that supports hot swap etc. so that I can install GNUstep as my default desktop environment? [12:47] hey all. is there a way of starting graphic apps on my X session from a terminal (ctrl+alt+F1 command line)? [12:47] psh1: I believe not [12:47] <[FiDO] > does anyone know of a program like daemon tools for linux [12:47] psh1: not without starting X [12:47] psh1, DISPLAY=:0 program [12:47] <[FiDO] > so you can mount image files [12:47] assuming you have an X server running at :0 [12:48] [FiDO] , just use the loopback [12:48] why to use gnustep? [12:48] mjr, ok cool. so is that an argument (with --) or just placed after any command? [12:48] I don't get it === r3z [~Uhm@adsl-065-007-146-053.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:48] <[FiDO] > just use the loopback what do you mean [12:48] PacoBCN, because I prefer it to GNOME. simple ;) [12:48] mjr, oh i see how it works :) [12:48] PacoBCN: I guess he likes gnustep... [12:48] psh1, that's sh syntax for "set DISPLAY environment variable for this program to :0" [12:49] you can of course also set it beforehand [12:49] I understood that [12:49] <[FiDO] > jimmer can you give me an example [12:49] [FiDO] , mount /file.iso /mntpoint -o loop [12:49] jimmer_: why Ubuntu then? you must have known it was a GNOME distro? [12:49] Hmm... where is the default keyboard layout set? I can change it per-user with System->Preferences but how can I change it for the whole system? [12:49] <[FiDO] > that's wicked I get ya [12:49] mjr, thanks for that. === ys76_Richard [~holle@u6-52.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] thoreauputic_, coz I thought I'd try a new distro. Then heard the GNOME was at 2.10 and hoary was outthere with 2.10 support. Now I;ve tried it for a few days and I find it annoying. Maybe I should just go with stock Debian and setup the rest by hand. === NeoChaosX [~nael@adsl-67-115-135-128.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] thoreauputic_, been running SuSE for like forever, but don;t ike the new Novell reality. === Valdez [~s@c-8c8c71d5.431-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] There once was this site where you could order a free chart over the whole OSI model. But now I can't find it through google or anything. Anyone that knows what im talking about? :) [12:52] jimmer_: yes, i was thinking debian sarge or sid might be a better way to go [12:52] Valdez: yeah I have one, it was from hp if memory serves [12:52] for you I mean [12:52] or lucent [12:52] or something [12:52] thoreauputic_, actually i was thinking to go with linux from scratch, but can't be bothered to be compiling for a whole day ;) [12:53] thoreauputic_, also considered gentoo, but same reason not to do it. [12:53] jimmer_: heheh - stick with debian :) [12:53] jimmer_: much quicker [12:54] thoreauputic_, on the otherhand as I;ve been running a linux of some sort or another since kernel 1.0.8 and the SLS floppy distro, I suppose I should be rolling my own... but I;m just a little tired of all the compiling and fixing and stuff. [12:54] i have a question...my nautilus only picks up the local shared files when i goto network:/// but when my laptop is on windows it picks up the laptop but when its on ubu they cant find eachother [12:55] jimmer_: BTW what's your beef with Novell? ( just curious...) [12:55] <[FiDO] > jimmer: the image file I'm trying to play is actually a movie is there a way to mount it so it will play [12:55] <[FiDO] > its a dvd .img file === Reformed [~ben@ben.transact.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] Anyone notice problems with the industrial theme in hoary? [12:56] thoreauputic_: found bug === pr1mate [~chi@] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] thoreauputic_: in /etc/environment I had === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] It doesn't seem to display in my theme window. I've dpkg --purge'd it and reinstalled with no luck. [12:56] thoreauputic_: LANGUAGE="en_PL:en....... === anders_ [~anders@cD9088A1D.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] does any1 use wine in ubuntu (sry, UbU newbie) [12:57] Does Ubuntu have support for scanners [12:57] thoreauputic_, well, for one i don't like the new corporate attitude. Also don;t like the fact that the dirsto get's more and more 'Enterprise'. Enterprise computing is boring on the desktop. Just run Orifice and a calender thing. [12:57] is there anybody else who's enabled a mixer device to get software mixing, but notice that SDL games are now out of sync? [12:57] odie5533, yes. [12:57] thoreauputic_: ok now after relogin I have polish interface.... [12:57] How do I add one? [12:57] odie5533, check out xsane === xamdm [~xamdm@pD9E2DEF4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] thoreauputic_: it was "fresh" installation so definetly hoary bug [12:58] Ah, thankyou === keyhack [~keyhack@dva96.resnet.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] marcin_ant: have you reported it? [12:58] thoreauputic_: not yet === signal [~signal@24-193-134-114.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] Ok, I'm looking for a new distro, thinking ubuntu or kubuntu might be it. I take it ubuntu is much like debian in that it's basically raw linux (unlike debian it's actually kept updated), w/o a lot of spiffy add on bell and whistle crap, and little to no branding? [12:59] LeeJunFan: ubuntu has lots of bells and whistles, however they're standards based bells and generall issue whistles [12:59] it also has some nice artwork :) [12:59] LeeJunFan: if you want constant updates you need to track the development version [12:59] icebalm: in digital form ? Don't suppose you know where one would be able to acquire one. [01:00] i need to use an exe (wine) how to, and is it as simple as adding a server to synaptic?? [01:00] Valdez: no I have the actual poster, just, not here [01:00] thoreauputic_, I do webdev and design. I like to run a specific set of tools and apps. All of which i like to install to my specs. and taste. The modern distro's seem to be all about looking like MS Windows, not only wrt to UI and Look n Feel, but also wrt to mindset. Stoopid users and an overworked departmental sysadmin. Bleh. I like to be boss on my box. [01:00] chillywilly: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-calendar ! :) [01:00] Valdez: was looking for it, don't see it [01:01] HrdwrBoB: well what I don't want is the kind of things mdk is doing to automate stuff in their own way instead of using standard available methods and helping to improve the community. [01:01] icebalm: thanks anyway :) [01:01] is there a way to use gentoo packages? I know alien will let me use redhat ones... [01:01] thoreauputic_: I dunno if I have that installed or not but I like this new default Human theme wallpaper [01:01] thoreauputic_, the drive for 'World Domination' seems to have moved the whole Linux world to forget about the Power User. [01:01] signal: yeah, download and compile the source [01:01] jimmer_: I like to run fluxbox partly for those reasons - it allows me to configure my own stuff [01:01] thoreauputic_: looks bubbly and stuff [01:01] thoreauputic_: not so sure I need daily updates :) but something that's more up to date than debian sure helps. [01:02] thoreauputic_, I;ve been running windowmaker since I switched from afterstep... in 1996 or so ;) [01:02] jimmer_: but when on this channel I run gnome to be able to answer ui questions better [01:02] thoreauputic_, maybe it was 1997/8 but it's been a while in any case ;) [01:02] flux ownz my heart [01:02] but gnome has my desktop :\ [01:03] jimmer_: ah - a veteran then ;) [01:03] Where can I get WMV codecs? [01:03] thoreauputic_, popped my Unix cherry in 1992 on a large SunOS installation ;) [01:03] keyhack: w32codecs need 3rd party repository... see ubuntuguide.org === Valdez [~s@c-8c8c71d5.431-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu [] [01:03] keyhack: microsoft [01:03] keyhack: see the restricted formats page on the ubuntulinux.org wiki [01:04] keyhack: add the marillat repositories, then 'sudo apt-get install w32codecs' [01:04] or ubuntuguide as bur[n] er suggests === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fleebailey33 [~andy@c-67-163-138-215.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] but do realize that those are unfree (and thus Evil(TM)) [01:05] well, anybody else have my SDL audio sync problem? === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] NeoChaosX: no, I have my SDL audio sync problem, you have yours === tombs [~newbee@i62070.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] hi [01:07] icebalm: very funny. :P [01:07] NeoChaosX: did you lose it? are you looking to get it back? === lukewarm [~lukewarm@riggs.mgtn.dsl2.labyrinth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] NeoChaosX: lots of problems come in and out of here man, there's no way we can keep track of them, you should be more careful [01:07] I know === j^ [~j@gw.bootlab.org] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] I'll need to pay attention next time [01:08] Anyone know how to enable my scanner? [01:08] hi there everybody, how do change OSS to ALSA as master sound driver on Vaio laptop? [01:08] run gstreamer-properties [01:08] then select alsa [01:08] odie5533, see http://www.sane-project.org/ for help (firstly, to check if it's supported at all) [01:08] odie5533, the software should be available as ubuntu packages, but see there for docs and support info [01:09] altava: although ESD > ALSA if you want sound mixing [01:09] >NeoChaos I've remove gstreamer, use xine-ui instead.. [01:10] thoreauputic_, are you a ubuntu developer? [01:10] altava: ....you removed the gstreamer package? How is that possible? [01:11] Or do you mean just totem-gstreamer? [01:11] apt-get remove totem-gstreamer ; install xine-ui (universe) [01:11] Oh === Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] altava: No, you just removed the gstreamer version of Totem [01:11] Is there anything I can do if it is not supported? === quarupt [~quar@c-67-183-254-78.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:11] gstreamer-properties is a completely different program [01:11] ok ;) [01:12] jimmer_: no, just an ordinary luser ;) [01:12] luser [01:12] lmao [01:12] Anyone know why Firefox refuses to let me save/open a JPG file? This was working before I upgraded [01:12] Havent heard that in a while [01:12] Hello fellow netlanders [01:13] I mean MPG, not JPG === edlang [~edlang@protein.anu.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] daniels: hey, are you busy at the moment? [01:14] How do I enable my scanner I think I need to mount it [01:14] It is support by SANE [01:14] thoreauputic_, any developer type bods around here? I have one or two 'issues' that I'd like to discuss, rather than simply file bug reports about. [01:14] odie5533, you don't mount scanners [01:14] NeoChaosX: real soundcards have no need for esd [01:14] How do I use it then? === delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] (however, I don't have experience with setting them up) [01:15] jimmer_, try #Ubuntu-devel [01:15] quarupt, thnx. [01:15] np [01:15] apparently we're not good enough for jimmer_ [01:15] icebalm: From my conversations and experience, ALSA sounds really scratchy when doing sound mixing [01:15] >NeoChaos No luck with gstreamer-properties, in fact, sound is Ok with OSS but with a very low level... [01:16] Huh [01:16] NeoChaosX: real soundcards don't need software to do mixing [01:16] Tried alsactrl without success... [01:16] You weren't able to select the ALSA driver in the program? [01:16] icebalm: I have on-board sound. I have no choice. :( [01:16] icebalm, wow... chill dude. But if you really must know... ;) [01:16] NeoChaosX: you can choose to replace it [01:17] Yeah.. Alsa selected = no changes :( [01:17] iceaxe18, any soundcard needs "software" to even function [01:17] laptop === thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic [01:17] quarupt: any hardware needs software to function [01:17] by the power of greyskull, someone confirm for me that daniels's email address is daniels@fooishbar.org === CoffeeMan [~tobi@DSL-138-227-rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] anyone know if it is possible to import your bookmarks from firefox in windows to firefox in ubuntu? === mario__ [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] yes [01:17] edlang: that is correct [01:17] iceaxe18, exactly [01:17] in winders, export yo bookmarks to bookmarks.html [01:17] then in linux [01:17] import that file === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-155-210-97.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] sic|: it's jus an html file [01:18] hi === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-155-210-97.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [01:18] from spain [01:18] quarupt: however, it's like using a trident video card these days [01:18] I exported the bookmarks to bookmarks.html but when I got import it there are no selections to even browse to look for it === lobezno [~xveganx@] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] jimmer_: I'm just yanking your chain heh [01:18] edlang: daniel@fooishbar.org [01:18] edlang: what's up? [01:19] if I erase libgstreamer apt remove many other packages like gnome-panel [01:19] why? [01:19] i think this distro is really goo [01:19] d [01:19] icebalm, of course you were ;) [01:19] but i founded a problem with it === BiteMeBill [~antiM$@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] it's about battery management [01:19] sic|: just copy the file across and put it in the .mozilla/firefox/default or wherever it lives [01:21] thoreauputic, tried that...didn't work...brb [01:21] if I erase libgstreamer apt remove many other packages like gnome-panel === Otheos [~Otheos@ool-44c401ad.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] daniels: saw your blog dude :) don't you love all this online FS stuff :) [01:22] lobezno: welcome to the world of dependancies [01:22] icebalm, and where is the dependancie? === LiNuX_SP4 [~sdfdsf@] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] MacPlusG3: yeah, it's awesome [01:23] lobezno: the packages apt would remove depend on the package you're trying to remove [01:23] daniels: oath. i really wish my desktop was LVM.... i wonder if there's a neat way to convert it.... [01:24] MacPlusG3: i dunno. i just thought making /home lvm from the start couldn't hurt :) [01:24] daniels: i had enough trouble getting debian and raid to behave together (about 15months ago now though) === ferris [~ferris@c-67-164-111-65.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] daniels: i think you've got the original XFS design team to thank for the near-instant online growfs though [01:25] is there a file-sharing program that i can access kazaa with? or is there a program like kazaa for ubuntu? [01:25] MacPlusG3: yeah, that was awesome [01:25] it just happened === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] daniels: the algorithm is *really* simple too. you write the few blocks needed for an allocation group, then just add the allocation group to the FS and start allocating space there. === mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] daniels: the algorithm for shrinking is a lot nastier. hence it's NYI :) [01:27] MacPlusG3: yeah, I figured that was something to do with it :) [01:28] Ubuntu is now supported by LinuxQuestions.org. [01:28] http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/t301683.html [01:28] daniels: there's been a bunch of perf tweaks go in recently for XFS too. so newer kernels should rock even more :) === ubuntu [~ubuntu@pc-24-52-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] DarthFrog, 'Support' sucks. people need to learn to read manpages and FAQ's ;) [01:29] jimmer_: That doesn't work for everyone. Choice is good. [01:29] daniels: and the stack bashers are getting fixed up.... although in some areas it's pretty tricky it seems. just is the case with large codebases :( [01:30] hey how can i make gkrellm start with the start of gnome? [01:30] what would a cool domain name be [01:30] dazed|: It's in the configuration of gkrellm. [01:30] daniels, whatever my issues were with X being laggy are gone [01:30] DarthFrog, well to be honest, now that i've been living in the US for two weeks, I'm beginning to understand how 'Support' became a marketable commodity. [01:30] under the general menu?? i thought it was but i cant seem to find it? [01:31] jimmer_: There is no shortage of folks who either won't or can't think for themselves. === Eddie063 [~epistroph@pcp02451987pcs.nstnig01.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === farruinn|work is now known as farruinn === foreach can't wait till hoary is released officially [01:32] darthfrog: i cant seem to find where its at? [01:32] dazed|: just leave it open and save your gnome session when you log out [01:32] DarthFrog, so i've discovered. Back in EUrope we have our fair share of walking lobotomies, but I've been really impressed by the sheer numbers here in NYC ;) [01:32] dazed|: I'm not on my Ubuntu computer right now, sorry I can't look it up. [01:32] ahh smart thinking thoreauputic [01:32] its ok === yoko-omo [~aluser@c68.190.161.195.eau.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === lord-olsen [~lord-olse@pc-24-52-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === jimmer_ thinks it's time to get back to setting up his Linux reality. [01:33] jimmer_: There's likely no greater fraction of them there (I'm in Burnaby, BC) than back home. But the sheer # of people there means the absolute # will be higher. :-) === Marble2 [~Marble@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Eddie063 [~epistroph@pcp02451987pcs.nstnig01.ct.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:34] DarthFrog: maybe they're more vocal in NYC ;-) [01:34] thoreauputic, fixed...I was putting the bookmarks.html in the wrong dir [01:34] hey. does anybody know how to get debian packages in ubuntu's synaptic ? [01:34] DarthFrog, thoreauputic: all very true ;) [01:34] sic|: ah, yes, that would make it hard to find ;-) [01:35] thoreauputic: From what I noticed when I visited NYC in the 80's, everything is more vocal or noisier in NYC. :-) [01:35] DarthFrog: exactly :) [01:35] thoreauputic, well I was looking in the actual mozilla-firefox locations instead of in my home...derrrr! [01:35] xero1: that's not a recommended activity... [01:35] sic|: heh ;-) [01:35] xero1: I think if you search ubuntulinux.org for "breaking my ubuntu" you might turn something up [01:35] thoreauputic, DarthFrog: it's also more expensive than anywere else in the US ;) [01:36] jimmer_, thas why they call it the apple? [01:36] jimmer_: And you will find the summer unbearably humid. [01:36] *thats [01:36] edlang: ah, just got your mail [01:36] :-( [01:36] DarthFrog, ah I'm making my escape at the end of May ;) [01:36] MacPlusG3: heh, ah well. sweet. [01:36] anyone know if there is a way to make just gnome-terminal not use anti-aliasing? [01:36] usual: cool [01:37] farruinn, that's a good question actually, and I don't know [01:37] I think it would make my terminal look better... [01:37] farruinn: then where do u suggest i get programs from? the ubuntu library doesnt look nearly as sophisticated as debians === wanama [~andrea@host65-177.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] hi to all! === popeye [~popeye@] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] farruinn, have you considered selecting a larger fontsize and/or using it in bold... [01:38] xero1: sophisticated I dont know what you mean by that, but enable universe and multiverse if you're not finding what you're looking for [01:38] i'm a new ubuntu lover.... [01:38] hey!!! i'm expecting a warm a sweet wlcome!!! [01:38] farruinn: oh... ok that might be my problem then :-P. how do i do that? [01:38] jimmer_: that's a possibility but I'd rather just have un anti-aliased fonts [01:39] farruinn, each to his own ;) [01:39] xero1: take a look at www.ubuntuguide.org, iirc they have instructions for that there [01:39] failing that searching www.ubuntulinux.org will guarantee something === Dulath [~Dully@dyn-122-171.wou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] jimmer_: thanks for the thought =) [01:39] Howdy [01:40] farruinn: thank you === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu === rizla [~rizla@adsl-129-145.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] I'm out of here, nice talking to y'all ;) [01:40] Quick question: How long does/should it take approximately to rewrite the Live-CD when you shutdown with a 32 speed recorder? === thoreauputic falls over in the rush to welcome wanama === Cayu [cayu_1000@113-14-169.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu === jimmer_ [~jimmer@pool-68-161-51-182.ny325.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === quarupt is now known as Luser === trans_err [~erik@hc6527295.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Cayu [cayu_1000@113-14-169.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has left #ubuntu [] === Luser is now known as Quarupted === dilema [dilema@ip68-11-49-227.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu === josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] hello folks [01:42] Hello ;-) [01:42] hello rizla [01:43] Anyone? [01:43] can someone help me whit some little problems? [01:43] rizla just ask [01:43] i use mozilla firefox 1.0.. [01:43] Dulath: I never timed it [01:43] daniels: replied, bug reported [01:44] Dulath: why do you need to know? [01:44] rizla just ask the question [01:44] I'm about to engage myself in trying to get some gentoo users modified version of the tv-out branch of GATOS for ati- tvout support... before i do this, can anyone think of anything dumb i might have left out of my xorg.conf that might help me get the stupid thing to work just using atitvout? [01:44] Because it seems to be taking an inordinately long time. [01:44] edlang: rad, ta [01:44] Dulath: like how long? hours? [01:45] 10 minutes. [01:45] *engage myself in trying to get said version to compile, -just to clarify [01:45] i have to set the browser so that when i click with the middle button, it open the link in a new tab [01:45] (i'm sorry for my english :-) [01:45] rizla it should automatically do that [01:45] Dulath: you sure it's running at 32x ? === dphase [~dphase@68-185-134-95.midtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Pretty sure. [01:46] no, it doesn't [01:46] Dulath: check the burner setup, if you're using one and not nautilus [01:46] rizla make sure your mouse is working properly, right drivers, et al [01:46] brb [01:46] don't know what speed nautilus would use === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-132-013.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Well, I have two burners hooked up. === mdblitz1 [~gary@pool-70-22-65-47.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] my mouse works properly, the scroll works === hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] but when i press it, nothing happen === CompotatoJ [~Compotato@cpe-24-25-220-75.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] rizla: how are you using it? Are you trying to drag stuff around on the panel? [01:48] (unlocked items of course) === thoreauputic_ [~debianarc@wolax7-096.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === farruinn is assuming rizla is talking about the middle mouse button [01:49] alright then... this is going to be one of them "learning experiences" === StoffBox-Steve [~steve@pD95F3B10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic [01:50] my question for today :) >> Is there a Console Command to open the CDRom drive ? [01:50] 'eject' [01:50] eject /dev/hd* [01:50] hmm so simple :D === The_Nalf [fabrice@AToulouse-251-1-24-76.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === trans_err [~trans_err@hc65272bb.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] and a command to close it ? [01:51] the mouse works correctly but the middle button isn't detected... [01:51] rizla: which mouse? [01:51] (pherhaps) [01:51] logitec, scroll [01:51] logitech what? [01:51] i don't know [01:51] StoffBox-Steve, eject -t === shmoolik [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu === pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] great thx mjr :D [01:52] rizla: perhaps you should figure that out === wongy [~wongy@ppp237-155.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] sorry, i don't understand [01:52] ANyone know a good tutorial for shell scripting something fairly updated? === goldfish_ [~goldfish@carbon.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] Quarupted, it is _really_ simple, you don't even need a tutorial [01:53] I'm looking for a "free disk space" applet for my panel. Anyone know of one? [01:53] Just google linux shell script tutorial [01:53] CompotatoJ, what ya mean? [01:54] i have trust me found millions of em [01:54] The system monitor has one, look at the resources tab [01:54] hey i have an ubuntu laptop and pc both on the same network but when i goto network:/// in nautilus it only picks up their own networks and not the others what do i need to do??? [01:54] Quarupted, Ok, well then, you should be fine. :D === rizla [~rizla@adsl-129-145.37-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:54] Quarupted: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html << but it's 5 years old (I don't think bash changes much) [01:55] dazed|: I think they'll only show up if you enable filesharing [01:55] Quarupted: Unless you really need to use BASH scripting, I'd recommend you learn a different language instead. [01:56] Hi all! I'm looking at moving my laptop from Debian Testing to the next Ubuntu release. I'm having trouble finding a package listing to see what versions will change if I do. Can anyone help? [01:56] Quarupted: Bash scripts, to make a long story short, suck. :) [01:56] y i can't c movies on totem .... ( he load the movie file but i only hear sound !!! i don't c picture ) [01:56] farruinn: they both have shared folders enabled ... and it picks up the shared folders of the computer thats sharing them but not the others [01:56] farruinn: yay i got it. thanks again! [01:56] Quarupted: The only advantage they have is that they are bone-easy for simple things. [01:56] Quarupted: The "Ubuntu way" is Python, which is new and sexy and full of cool toys. [01:56] pvh: A bit of script writing can only help one's linux knowledge... [01:56] how can i get cosecks ? [01:57] thoreauputic: True enough, but better to learn something generally applicable, I figure. [01:57] dazed, are they using the same name for the workgroup? [01:57] pvh: or both :) [01:57] anyone know how to auto-complete a word with open office? [01:58] or where I can find that in the menus? [01:58] thoreauputic: Heh, yeah. You aren't a real programmer unless you know a dozen languages reasonably well, right? [01:58] ferris: im pretty sure they are both on workgroup [01:58] it picks up windows networks fine [01:58] but not linux networks [01:58] dazed|: Do you have anything shared? Is that shared thing browsable? [01:59] pvh: yes [01:59] on both computers [01:59] pvh: I'm not a programmer, so i won't comment - my biggest effort so far is a glorified kitchentimer in bash with an Xdialog GUI ;) [01:59] thoreauputic: Not a bad start. [02:00] I recon I have intimate knowledge of 5-10 languages, and familiarity with about 20 others :o [02:00] pvh: It's goodfor timing pizza ;) [02:00] the first thing you need to do is set the network workgroups to the same name [02:00] thoreauputic: My stove is new enough that the clock hasn't broken in it yet. [02:00] ferris: they are [02:00] dazed|: Can you browse them by IP? [02:00] i havent tried pvh [02:00] let me boot up in ubuntu on laptop real quick and ill tell you] [02:01] pvh: haha - I reinvented the wheel ;) But it was a good exercise, and my stove has no timer :) === j-rock [~joe@c68.187.89.125.eau.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] thoreauputic: You gotta build a few wheels before you start building racecars. There was this guy who rebuilt some wheel or other who turned out pretty famous. [02:01] Shell is power, learn it before any other language [02:02] altava: PySH [02:02] ferris: on the ubuntu on laptop is hoary and it wont let me 'enable windows networking' there is no option so the laptop has no workgroup [02:02] dazed|: "apt-get install smbd samba" [02:02] dazed|: See the ubuntuguide for more details. === mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-9-81.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] altava: that wasn't a troll ( you needed to leave the tags out ) ;-) [02:02] Can do almost averything with shell... [02:03] Can do almost anything with Visual Basic, too [02:03] pvh: ahh thats what i forgot...thought i got everything i needed u just reminded me i have it on my pc but not the lap [02:03] dazed|: Glad to help. [02:03] the knoppix hard drive installer by Fabian Franz is a shell script... [02:03] an OS that restricts your abilities thourough CLI would be pretty useless IMHO [02:03] sorta like win xp :o === mjr just generated some LaTeX tables today from raw data with a quick sh script [02:03] dud: PySH [02:03] ...but boy, was it _ugly_ :) [02:03] dud: It's a really cool idea. [02:04] Typical Ubuntu PB: USB keys, Win$ part. : OK with shell work.. [02:04] dud: Instead of dragging programming into your shell, it drags your shell into programming. === Paralla1 [~pbl@82.red-213-231-87.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] hmmk [02:04] pvh no luck in finding smbd samba === Jesterrace [~jesterace@blk-222-247-95.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] i dunno... for all the good and fantastic stuff about python, i still cant reason with the syntax [02:05] hi, my sound is working fine with xmms, but on doom3 it becomes very distorted and with artifacts, how can i fix that? [02:05] it reminds me of something like locomotive basic on the amstrad cpc [02:06] dud: What do you prefer? === WW [wweckesser@horseshoe.colgate.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] for scripting I usually resort to perl, tcl... possibly php for web applications [02:07] dazed|: Uh... "sudo apt-get install smbd samba" doesn't work? Are your repositories not there? [02:07] but I mainly use perl nowadays === Krause [~Krause@ool-18be389a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] dud: I also mainly use perl. === Quest-Master doesn't like Perl much [02:07] heya guys :) [02:07] no there there [02:07] it doesnt find anything [02:08] dud: But I have to admit, the Perl way of doing OO is heinous. [02:08] I almost only use Python and PHP nowadays. [02:08] their* there [02:08] pvh, true... but I have high hopes for perl6 in terms of OO [02:08] no such package as smbd AFAIK [02:08] dazed|: they're there [02:08] samba yes [02:08] Okay, i dug around a bit more and found a link to an unofficial package search page (http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/) pretty useful [02:08] lol [02:08] smbfs perhaps? [02:08] dud: Yeah, me too. Or I was. I've given up hope. [02:09] smbfs is there [02:09] My sound is working fine with xmms, but on doom3 it becomes very distorted and with artifacts, how can i fix that? [02:09] dazed|: My typo. [02:09] anyone here use gnome-pilot-conduits and evolution in Hoary? [02:09] i have a quick question :) i installed Ubuntu on a labtop, with /etc in its own logical partition, and when it loads it cant find the inittab file (which is in /etc) any way around it besids not making /etc its own mount point? [02:09] Warning - your system does not have an ftp user, and thus anonymous FTP is probably not configured. [02:09] dazed|: The ubuntuguide will explain how to do it. [02:09] ohh ok lol i thought i was going crazy :/ === gaatmx [~gaatmx@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] About samba: apt-get install smb-client ... About network : /etc/samba/smb.conf WORKGROUP=win_namr ;) [02:09] pvh, well... it doesnt matter too much for me to be honest. as long as I'm able to deliver solutions that works well for customers :) [02:09] Krause, putting /etc on its own filesystem is a bad idea [02:09] I'm trying to compile a gentoo package of the ATI.2 driver, and its the path to X.Org's tree... can anyone explain what the heck is going on here? [02:10] I'll use any frikkin language that suites the task really [02:10] ahh ok, point taken then :) [02:10] dud: Yeah, it just doesn't scale well. [02:10] it works when i dont do that :D === bigcx2 [~bigcx2@pa-208-17-68-114.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jesterace [~jesterace@jesterace.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] thanks :) ill set it up without doin that now, soon as this new Hoary install cd which i just saw was released in preview finishes burning :) [02:11] Krause, /etc contains fstab, which is the file the boot process looks up for checking which partitions to mount and how to mount them [02:11] away afk [02:11] does someone here knows from were i can get w32codecs*.deb ? [02:11] and of course, it cant read a partition without having mounted it === p0ke [~p0ke@ppp-69-215-66-229.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] yea i kinda thought that was the problem, but then how does /boot know what partition / is on? [02:12] what's the /srv dir for? [02:12] cause ive made /boot and / seperate before and it worked fine === WW [wweckesser@horseshoe.colgate.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [02:12] the boot process knows thourgh the bootloader where root is [02:12] through [02:12] ahhhh [02:12] Krause: man grub.. [02:12] so as long as etc is in root it is set [02:12] yeah === technomajian [~travis@dynamic-cable-176-13.169.12.osage.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] in my Network Settings i cannot select 'enable windows networking' there is no option? === orko [~dean@blah.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu [02:14] I have to say... ubuntu doesnt quite have the excellent windows shares integration of eg. xandros and mepis yet ;/ === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu === sean_ [~sean@ip68-5-32-179.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] dazed: I repeat : /etc/samba/smb.conf do Workroup=same_name_that_your_win$'s one [02:14] oh before i go (thanks again guys :) ) is 500mb too small for a /tmp partition? its a 10 gig HD and i dont wanna allocate too much if its not needed [02:14] Krause, do you intend to have this computer very public and accessible? [02:14] no [02:14] prone to hacking? [02:15] do you still need to append="mem=2048MB" for 2.6 kernels? (server has 2GB, but only sees 1) [02:15] Krause, do a /boot ,/ and a /home and swap === trans_err [~trans_err@hc6527228.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] if so there is really no need for so many partitions [02:15] naa, but i still like seperating the /tmp just incase :) [02:15] atlava: i cant find where it says "Workgroup" in that file...or should i add it if so where? [02:15] Krause: do you burn CDs ? If so, you will need to redefine the /tmp dir for your burner [02:15] why do you like seperating it [02:15] Krause, no need to [02:15] there really is no need [02:15] ahh [02:15] Krause, you might consider mounting /tmp as tmpfs (and using a single fs for all the rest ;) === apj [~aphirak_j@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] plus swap [02:16] wait i found it [02:16] for some reason when i was learning linux little over a year ago, most guides and info stressed making multiple partitions [02:16] and its set on workgroup [02:16] so i guess it is a bad habit i got === redissexy [~redissexy@201009180007.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] Krause, only onee needed ar / , and a swap and ,/home [02:16] dazed: line 27 in "global settings"... [02:16] My sound is working fine with xmms, but on doom3 it becomes very distorted and with artifacts, does anyone know whats wrong? [02:16] any bonus to having /boot in its own? [02:17] Krause: no, not any more [02:17] nope [02:17] what was the bonus, i rember reading it in the past, but been so long i forgot [02:17] Krause: used to be with the 1024 cyclinder BIOS limit [02:17] ahhh [02:17] *cylinder === justdave [~dave@] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] where do i blacklist modules? [02:17] /etc/hotplugs/blacklist [02:17] /etc/hotplug/blacklist [02:18] is it because they both have the same server names...could that be why??? [02:18] Sorry hotplug.. [02:18] dazed: change it [02:18] hmm, so if i just do / and /home and swap, should i place the swap at the beginning before / ? (usually i put it after /boot, for drive read speed) [02:18] altava: how do i change it never had to before? [02:19] Krause, dont matter [02:19] Krause: I really don't think it matters [02:19] dazed: /etc/hostname [02:19] dazed|: hostname [02:19] ahh ok :) [02:19] does anyone know of a qt theme that uses the current gtk theme to do it's drawing, i.e. make all kde apps look like gtk apps? I know there is a gtk theme that looks like kde..... [02:19] Krause, mine is in the middle and no slow does [02:19] ohhh ok [02:19] downs === hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu === thully [~thully@208.sub-166-155-119.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] Krause: a lot of these recommendations are from a time when hardware was a lot less forgiving and powerful [02:20] thoreaputic: once i change the host name do ihave to restart x cuz nothing is launching now [02:20] Nobody's care bout my sound prob...: ALSA vs OSS ? [02:20] yep and thay stuck around [02:21] I use ALSA mostly, altava [02:21] dazed|: yes [02:21] Except when playing MIDI === cowbud [~Jamius@] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] ahh ok then thanks :) seems i got allot of oldschool habits i need to shake outta my head :) === jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] dazed|: in fact you have to log out [02:21] Wanna fired oss how do I ?.. [02:22] when i try to install wine it says that It can't be authenticated !!! How do I install it then ??? [02:22] Paralla1, irnore that error [02:22] zenrox: but how do I do it then ? [02:22] err ignore [02:23] let it install any way [02:23] OSS = low level sound ; alsa was Ok, gstreamer-properties don't work... [02:23] my hostname has been changed successfully i have checked it but when i bring up network:/// its still showing the old hostname [02:23] do i ahve to un/reshare my folders? [02:23] apt-get install wine [02:23] It gives me the error and good bye [02:23] Paralla1: if that's apt-get it just means you are getting the package from an outside repository [02:23] Can anyone direct me to a DVD burning troubleshooter? [02:23] dazed:/etc/init.d/networking restart [02:23] Paralla1, just do a sudo apt-get install wine [02:24] thats what I'm doing [02:24] Paralla1, then try snyaptic [02:24] ok got it now, thanxs [02:24] n/p === Quarupt [~quar@c-67-183-254-78.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [02:26] sup Quarupt [02:26] NM === Dekkard [~righone@adsl-68-74-11-250.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] still not bringing up the shared folders...ohhhh welll [02:27] testing the AMD64-Live image [02:27] k [02:27] Quarupt, what would a cool domain name be [02:27] usual: "ACoolDomainName.com" [02:27] lol, Mine is Quarupted [02:27] lol [02:27] I dunno [02:27] k [02:27] usual: "notquiteusual.com" [02:28] ahh [02:28] My problem : OSS work but at very low level , Alsa was fine but disapeared under OSS after a new instal. Avance logic AC 97 snd card + intel82801. (Don't know bout snd settings..) [02:28] usual, nottheusualwebpage.org [02:28] usual: "UnusuallyUsual" [02:28] totallyirrelevant.org [02:28] "betyoudneverguessthisone.net" [02:28] cool [02:28] thanks guys [02:28] don't wanna go off topic too long [02:28] that'll be $9.95 for my marketing services [02:29] had some issues with a dick op in debian before [02:29] lol [02:29] pvh, bill me :) [02:29] usual: ubuntu is a nice distribution [02:29] yes it is [02:29] pvh: gee, you're cheap *grin* [02:29] thoreauputic: That was my bill for about five seconds of time. [02:29] good mix of cli and gui [02:29] has anyone replaced metacity with something and still managed to keep a "human" theme === technomajian offers technical services in exchange for pecan pie. That'll be 1 pie, usual. [02:29] pvh: hehe [02:29] ..thinking of sneaking an ubuntu install onto my mums old hp desktop..but she has no broadband..updating woudl be a bear... [02:30] 1 slice he [02:30] whats Metacity? [02:30] A theme? [02:30] the window manager in gnome [02:30] metacity is the file browser [02:30] oops window manager === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk === conner [~conner@c-24-19-196-187.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Quinn_Storm [~root@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] the heir of sawfish i think [02:31] quick question, trying to set up KDE on ubuntu, but there is some kind of problem with the konq-plugins package...the version provided is older than the general kde install, and conflicts with kdelibs and such. any thoughts? === raptor9k [~raptor9k@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] Quinn_Storm, just use kubuntu-desktop [02:32] Dekkard: One work around for lowbandwidth would be to burn the necessary updates to a CD from time to time and take them over to your Dear Old Mum [02:32] Quarupt: thank you muchly [02:32] Quarupt: that's kde3.4 right? [02:32] not a bad idea pvh === pvh tips his hat [02:33] Quinn_Storm, yessir === sean_ [~sean@ip68-5-32-179.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] maybe lod them onto a thumb drive... [02:33] Dekkard: Even better [02:33] Quarupt: thanks, aptgetting right now. saw kde3.4 on /. today and couldn't wait to try it out, heh [02:33] hmmm [02:33] pvh, is that an evil hat coloured red? :o [02:33] Quinn_Storm, Yea I have been running it for a few feeks now, its beautiful [02:34] dud: Not for several years now [02:34] pvh, I hope not hehe :P [02:34] Quarupt: I'm glad for ubuntu b/c debian core still isn't ready to move up to xorg, heh [02:34] your face would be white then.... === kenvandine [~ken@cpe-069-133-144-145.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] SID is using Xorg [02:35] sid viscious? [02:35] :) [02:35] Quarupt: it wasn't the last time I apt-get updated to the current sid (a few moments ago)...maybe I need to look into the packages more deeply [02:35] Quarupt: sid doesn't have xorg. [02:35] Oh maybe i did that myself === freex [~freex@] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] my bad [02:36] heh, Sid most definitely uses XFree86 :-) [02:36] hello to all [02:36] Quarupt: probably, heh, I thought about that but I'd rather use ubuntu than wait for it to compile [02:36] has anyone used the agnula/demudi distro for recording btw? [02:36] i've just installed warty in my PC, and when i click on synapse nothing comes out? [02:37] this isnt really the place to ask(TM), but I'll ask anyway as it is debian based hehe ;o === Paralla1 [~pbl@82.red-213-231-87.user.auna.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:37] dud: never heard of those...what are they? [02:37] Debian doesnt even have a package for Xorg? you have to compile it? [02:37] Quinn_Storm, specialized audio distros === xiam [~xiam@] has left #ubuntu ["http://xiam.gorila.com.mx"] [02:37] Quarupt: yep, no xorg package that I know of outside of ubuntu on debian-based...maybe someone else knows something I don't? [02:37] dud: I see, cool [02:37] tending to low latency and stability basically for audio professionals === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust7027.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] I do want to say though that outside of debian-based, I've never seen a linux/*nix distro where there were (i386) binary packages for /everything/ and where 99.999% or so of packages "just work" [02:39] oh, quick question, I usually pick gdm, but what's everyone's favorite between gdm/kdm? [02:39] Quinn_Storm, its the power of apt :) [02:39] crimsun: are you busy === conner [~conner@c-24-19-196-187.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:40] geneo93: sorting some packages, but otherwise not terribly so. What's up? === underlord [~underlord@c211-30-117-126.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] I rather like xdm, the old-school user that I am [02:40] dud: apt and a lot of people working to make sure the whole thing works, heh, including those in ubuntu and the debian team themselves...lol, xdm is nice but it isn't pretty, heh [02:40] i've just installed warty in my PC, and when i click on synapse nothing comes out? === DoppelGanger [~LordAngel@pool-68-162-58-71.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] I'm rather fond of xdm, too. [02:41] thruth be told, I use gdm on my ubuntu though [02:41] just for ease and showing off to my mates :P === ollie [~orutherfu@pool-70-17-65-68.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] I think I'll stick with gdm myself...though eventually I'll have to try kdm [02:41] well i was using dun for ubuntu and i now hooked up lan it says its connected but i cant get any response but here in mandrake its fine [02:41] unsupported xorg packages for debian sid>> http://incubator.vislab.usyd.edu.au/roller/page/Steve/20040909 [02:41] freex, try writing eject on the command line if you want something to come out of your pc :O [02:42] any ideas crimsun [02:42] thoreauputic: I think that repository is gone actually [02:42] geneo93: "dun"? [02:42] dial up [02:42] crimsun: dial-up networking, probably [02:42] it's a windows term [02:42] Quinn_Storm: ah, someone should tell the dpkg bot in #debian :) [02:42] one gotta love debian... the seldom time that a new release happens, its the biggest thing on the net [02:43] because its so darn rare hehe [02:43] For 15 minutes, anyway. === aya [~aya@national-2-82-66-184-192.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] dud: lol, yeah, when sarge finally goes gold debian torrents will complete in moments === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] I remember when woody replaced potatoe... talk about buzz hehe :D [02:43] back then slashdot just went crazy hehe [02:43] Wonder how long it will take to get etch out after sarge. [02:44] 3 years I'd recon.... [02:44] Well it depends on wether they really do drop official support for extra architectures [02:44] Does anyone knows about a good webcam for ubuntu? No settings required.. [02:44] but they have talked about limiting the supported archs to speed up the release time..... [02:44] altava, most webcams are supported now [02:45] Quinn_Storm: Right. Fewer official architectures should mean a shorter devel cycle, one hopes. [02:45] philips toucam:(( === sandino [~sandino@ool-18bcc988.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] yay! ugly keramik default gone in favor of plastik! (just got it up and running) [02:45] Sid=unstable & Sarge=testing??? [02:45] then again... debian IS debian [02:45] funny thing comes up in network-sdmin though says mshome.net instead of mshome and when i change it the box evaporats === nebo [~nebo@p5481EF76.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] gaatmx: Yes. [02:45] gaatmx: Sid will always be unstable. :-) [02:45] Quinn_Storm: that's a good decision [02:45] geneo93: can you resolve your fully-qualified hostname? === Quarupt [~quar@c-67-183-254-78.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [02:46] thoreauputic: KDE 3.4 is nice and shiny [02:46] i was using dhcp [02:46] DarthFrog.- Therefore, SID IS more "edge-bleeding"?? [02:46] keramik looked like a refugee design from a 70s commune [02:46] Quinn_Storm: any specific shiny bit you like? === Nox [~secret@27-74.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] it says ubuntu [02:46] Riddell: not sure yet, -just- installed it, heh, but its -pretty-! [02:46] gaatmx: Well, when you're on the cutting edge, you might bleed! :-) [02:46] kde just has too much buttons and .... well, stuff === DarthFrog likes keramik. :-) === Riddell has spent all day removing buttons and stuff from kubuntu [02:47] does ubuntu have a menu entry for running the file manager as root? [02:47] kde does a lot more though === DarthFrog likes buttons and stuff. === quinn [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] I havent still encountered an unsolvable problem using gnome [02:48] what package would i find the libgnutls.so.10 file in? [02:48] double negative :o [02:48] geneo93: ok, I'll rephrase: can you resolve the ip address assigned to your primary network interface (usually eth0)? [02:48] Riddell: ?? chmod -ao name_of_prog === quinn is now known as Quinn_Storm === conner [~conner@c-24-19-196-187.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] libgnutls10: /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.10 [02:48] ^^ raptor9k [02:48] i'll see bbiab crimsun === dazed||lap [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] i'm receiving an error when NetworkManagerInfo tries to start, says the file is missing [02:49] altava: that's not what I'm asking, I'm asking if by default ubuntu has a menu entry to run nautilus as super user [02:49] Riddell: Are you removing capabilities from KDE or just re-organising their presentation? === hazmat [~hazmat@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:49] DarthFrog: just reorganising things, menus and panel etc [02:50] I don't believe it has that menu entry Riddell [02:50] Riddell: Phew! [02:50] dud: cool, thanks [02:50] at least not hoary as far as I can see === mhz [~mhz@pc-76-108-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] Riddell: no, Ubuntu doesn't have such a menu option [02:50] and I consider the idea vaguely evil [02:51] drasko ?? [02:51] how can I watch divx with gstreamer? [02:51] but then again, I've just had two quite massively huge glasses of wine :/ [02:52] how do i get usb headset/headphones to work in ubuntu? [02:52] the system sees them [02:52] i see them in the volume control [02:52] lobezno:apt-get install w32codecs or something like that (need marillat) [02:52] but not sure how to switch the audio from the main speakers to the headphones [02:52] dud: thanks for that very useful answer, does it have a service already? === wasabi_ [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] crimsun, thanks that seems to have fixed it [02:52] altava, but with xine I can see divx [02:53] mdz: Vaguely evil? Hmm. Why? [02:53] freex, hmm? does what have a service? [02:53] What should I use for frequency scaling on a laptop (ppc)? [02:53] I want it to scale down when it's on battery automaticayll [02:53] dud: writing eject [02:53] DarthFrog: because I can't think of a use case for it, and it's a dangerous thing to expose in the desktop [02:53] writing eject ejects your cdrom [02:53] How do I use enlightenment under gnome? [02:53] unless its busy that is [02:54] lobezno:xine only here;) but I've heard bout smthing for gstreamer... === d27654 [~d2346@adsl-68-94-76-14.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust7027.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] dud: hehehe good one. === apj [~aphirak_j@] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] crimsun: seems to work now got a [02:55] I'm the good one in the good, the bad and the ubly [02:55] ugly [02:55] dud: but am talking about synapse not my cdrom [02:55] geneo93: ah, you're NATed [02:55] havent you notice that? [02:55] "good one" [02:55] yup i'm in ubuntu [02:55] geneo93: 0.255? Are you sure that's not your brodcast address? [02:55] freex, synaptic? try loading it from a terminal to catch any quit error messages [02:56] thats in the ifconfig [02:56] s/broadcast/brodcast/ [02:56] dud: how will i do that? [02:56] geneo93: ok, and you're having problems with...? [02:56] <<< new in ubuntu and in linux [02:57] not terribly normal for a NAT router to deliver out a 0.255 adress.... [02:57] When burning the Live CD, I don't want to close/finalize the CD, right? [02:57] freex: Welcome to the Light Side of The Force. :-) [02:57] freex, click on the Applications on the top of your screen, then System Tools, and Terminal === marcus__ [~marcus@] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] Hello.. How do I open up the Universal list for packages through apt-get? [02:57] What's the preferred method of diddling with services in Ubuntu? Just edit the file? I'm a redhat "chkconfig" convert. :) [02:57] crimsun: scanner epson 1250 prefection photo [02:58] okay, how will i invoke synapse from there? [02:58] then just write synaptic freex [02:58] use plustek module === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] synaptic not synapse [02:58] geneo93: I'm not one for scanners, apologies. [02:58] okay thanks dud [02:58] Anyone? [02:58] and sane only find my capture card [02:59] Dulath, both would work... whatever lifts your skirt === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-133-137.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] crimsun: thats ok [02:59] How can it rewrite to a closed CD-R? [02:59] Lifts your skirt??? LOL! [02:59] you cant rewrite unless its a cd-rw not cd-r [02:59] Dulath: You can't. [02:59] Oh, that's helpful to know. [02:59] as in ReWrite [02:59] I suppose I could have figured that out myself [02:59] Hello.. How do I open up the Universal list for packages through apt-get? [03:00] Or.. How may I access jigdo within Ubuntu? [03:00] well crap, it uses inetd instead of xinetd by default? === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-21-139.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] heh, the questions never stops in #ubuntu for sure :o === marrrrkkk [~chatzilla@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] marcus__, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories === Natham [~natham@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === technomajian is still downloading Ubuntu for the first time to try it out, so all he can ask is "Mom, are we there yet? Mom, are we there yet? Mom?" [03:01] how can i install ubuntu from but starting the pc from a Dos floppy? [03:02] marrrrkkk, start your pc from a linux boot floppy or a linux cdrom [03:02] the pc does not boot from cd [03:02] and the image on ubuntu cd gave me an error === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] marrrrkkk: from windows, writing a boot floppy for a linux install involves using the rawrite program [03:04] yes i did that [03:04] marrrrkkk: does the f12 key give you boot options [03:04] http://fun.drno.de/flash/howto_turn_windows_into_linux.swf [03:05] no when i start it it give me an error === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [03:06] somone told me a bout a utility linld to start up the kernel - but i do not know how to use it [03:07] marrrrkkk: how old is that thing [03:07] neom: heh - funny but hardly accurate :) [03:07] so how stable in the new evo, anyone? [03:07] pentium one 1.8gb [03:08] how much ram [03:08] 64 [03:08] not enough for gui [03:08] not enough for gnome you mean [03:09] i'm sure he can run like fluxbox or something [03:09] not enough for much of anything really todays world [03:09] i want tu install a basic system === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] it would be a nice router/firewall === phlog [~phlog@24-205-238-48.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] smoothwall or the like [03:10] just for browsing and connecting to an windows 2000 internet gateway === sean_ [~sean@ip68-5-32-179.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] hehe i'm connected to an xp box atm getting sp2 === Ad|Astra [~deadsy@ool-44c44e58.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] geneo93, i would go for shorewall [03:11] not mine thank god [03:11] hehe [03:11] marrrrkkk, not to be evil and promote other distributions here... but you might want to consider something like slackware? [03:12] ubuntu is very stream-lined towards modern computers... [03:12] Xappe: smoothwall has lots of nice features [03:12] which version of slackware? [03:12] marrrrkkk, the newest I'd suppose [03:12] marrrrkkk: you could try damn small linux on that thing [03:13] somone else suggeted me vector linux [03:13] all my windows disapear insted of dropping into the panel,what did I do? [03:13] ok [03:13] vector linux is mainly for asian users [03:13] Did they build the kernel without items like the ham radio packet radio, etc? [03:13] anyone? [03:13] dsl is 50 mb [03:13] dud: where did you get that idea? Vecor is Canadian! [03:14] *vector [03:14] Vector is Slack based (nice distro) [03:14] opps fixed it [03:14] i am stuptid [03:14] geneo93, well, shorewall is total rock 'n' roll [03:14] ;) [03:14] hehe maybe they have asians in canada [03:14] and I cant spell === mindwarp [~mindwarp@cpe-69-133-89-168.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] Sorry thoreauputic, I was thinking turbo linux :o [03:15] dunno why hhe [03:15] heh* [03:15] How do I check the size of a directory and all the files and subdirs in it? [03:15] dud: ah i see [03:15] du -H [03:15] or du -h [03:15] conectiva is spanish [03:17] Fackamato: if it's a big directory I'd redirect the output to a file [03:17] thanks [03:17] Fackamato: du -h > directoryinfo or something [03:17] well, time for me to hit the crib :) [03:18] cheers people [03:18] nn dud [03:18] see you dud :) === allio [Alex@] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] I wish gnome's nautilus had that, rightclick a dir, properties, and get the size info ;( === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] Fackamato: Edit > Preferences > Display === miketech [~mike@port-212-202-57-26.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] Hi [03:20] we are currently testing the hoary live cd [03:20] now we wanna restart the networking devices, but we don't have root access, because we don't know the password :) [03:20] what is the root password for the hoary live cd? [03:20] miketech: you have a mouse in your pocket [03:20] sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [03:21] ah ok [03:21] is the 5.04 preview unstable or sofe to use? [03:21] safe [03:21] I use it and I'm happy with it [03:21] I use it, love it [03:21] ok thanks [03:21] it's certainly safe, but Hoary has been updated quite a bit since its release [03:21] I use it, loev it [03:21] here too [03:21] miip: Don't put it on a production server. It's a great desktop, though. [03:22] miip: just sacrifice your first-born and you should be fine ;-) === miketech [~mike@port-212-202-57-26.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:25] thoreauputic: I can't find "directory size" there === alakdan [~alakdan@saidi-gwy01.meridiantelekoms.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] Fackamato: just realised the "size" option for directories in Nautilus just tells you the number of files in the directory - pretty useless === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu === deville_75 [~platinum_@] has joined #ubuntu === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] ping drasko ?? [03:26] thoreauputic: :> [03:26] Fackamato: it does show file sizes though - just select the top option as "size" [03:26] hi i need help with the sound on my computer === stephen- [~stephen@stephen-supporter.debugger.dragonflycms] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] deville_75: shoot. [03:26] hey, deville_75 [03:26] my sound isnt working, and i dont kno how to install drivers [03:26] deville_75: what sound card? [03:26] did you try your sound as root? === stephen- was just going to ask the same question as deville_75 [03:27] well im not sure, i went to device manager but its old so it doesnt have a name === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:27] sound as root? [03:27] deville_75: do you know if it's ISA or PCI? [03:27] most likely PCI [03:27] Mine's pci, sound blaster.. something or other, any idea where I can get drivers? [03:28] deville_75: paste the output of ,,lspci -v'' onto http://pastebin.ca [03:28] deville_75: basically, I am starting with very usual problems, like user has no permission for sound === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1m-26.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] ok [03:28] stephen-: _which_ soundblaster pci card? === tofu [~dfd@c-24-131-55-49.mw.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu === elmaya [elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] crimsun, I really don't know, I always used some 3rd party drivers on windows because I didn't know what kind [03:29] deville_75: if sound works when you are logged as root, then your card is ok and you only gotta let user access sound group [03:29] crimsun, It's a sound blaster audigy or something, I don't know the model [03:29] hell i got an old vibra 16 that works === dilema [dilema@ip68-11-49-227.no.no.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:29] I'm trying to install java....can anyone help me? [03:29] oh [03:29] stephen-: please follow the same instructions I gave deville_75 [03:29] how do i do that? === jonmasters [jcm@dmesg.printk.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] crimsun, I'm on it :) === ferris [~ferris@c-67-164-111-65.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Capt.] [03:29] pablo928: goto www.ubuntuguide.org [03:29] crimsun: ive pasted it, do i jus press enter? [03:29] pablo928: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [03:29] they have an amazing walk through for java [03:29] deville_75: are you talking to me? [03:30] ya [03:30] mhz:how do i do that, [03:30] dazed: I've tried that, but I'm still having problems [03:30] deville_75: ah, ok :) [03:30] hehe [03:30] wpablo928:hat kind of problems [03:31] pablo928: what kind of problems* [03:31] deville_75: first, in a terminal, log in as usual... and then write: groups [03:31] whoever just posted to pastebin.ca: you need to paste the output of that command, not just the command :-) [03:31] crimsun: ya know my java dir has jre 1.5 instead of j2re 1.5 [03:31] crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/7601 [03:31] deville_75: if the output says audio, cdrom, etc... === sic| [~sic@cpe-66-68-76-29.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] im new to Linux, howdo i log in Terminal [03:32] deville_75: ah... good point [03:32] I pasted all the commands from the guide and when I get to cd browse_to _your _download _folder sit says no such file === LifeEscalade [~LifeEscal@69-172-81-60.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === FAST [~gyro_@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] hey every1 [03:32] deville_75: are you using Gnome? [03:32] stephen-: you actually have 2 cards: your onboard Intel AC97 and the Audigy [03:32] ya [03:32] crimsun, Yeah I know; I want to use the audigy obviously [03:32] pablo928: 'brows_to_your_download_folder' is just an example you actually have to put the folder where you downloaded it to not those words [03:32] deville_75: then there's gotta be an icon that looks like a black screen of a monitor [03:33] stephen-: cat /proc/asound/modules [03:33] its in applications, it says root terminal, thers also terminal [03:33] which one? [03:33] terminal [03:33] pablo928: say you download to your desktop it would look like 'cd /home//Desktop' [03:33] crimsun, Can I paste those two lines in here? [03:33] I tried cd home and still no such file === stephen- hasn't had a chance to read channel rules yet [03:34] hey all [03:34] help please [03:34] stephen-: sure [03:34] deville_75: if you use root terminal, means that you become the super user and therefore you MUST know what you do and the password for his log [03:34] pablo928: try cd /home [03:34] crimsun 0 snd_intel8x0 1 snd_emu10k1 [03:34] Im new to linux and i was wondering if anyone could help me out a little bit with the commands and how I install programs [03:34] ya i kno the password, ive been in it before [03:34] Thanks dazed, I'll try that. [03:34] deville_75: instead, Terminal means you access as the user currently logged [03:35] ok...so i should use the current one? [03:35] better [03:35] ok === Butters|XGH|Snip [~nate@pcp991756pcs.nchrls01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] pablo928: but make sure u change to the directory where u downloaded java to or else it wont work [03:35] anyone ever use a raid card with ubuntu... [03:35] then wut [03:35] deville_75: once in terminal, you 'll see something like $ [03:35] yup [03:35] Ok heres a good question.....How do I downgrade my 7167 nvidia drivers to the 6629 ?? [03:35] deville_75: you don't ever really *need8 to use the root terminal ( I don't) [03:36] oh [03:36] after that $ just write the word (or command) group [03:36] stephen-: ok, so what I advise you do is tell alsa that you prefer all other sound cards over the onboard Intel AC97 [03:36] after that $ just write the word (or command) groups [03:36] ok [03:36] stephen-: are you on Hoary? [03:36] it says command not foun [03:36] found* [03:36] deville_75: groups ?? [03:36] ther [03:36] crimsun, no, not the preview release one.. the other, I haven't had a chance to download the iso's yet [03:36] does anyone here know how to install programs onto linux? [03:37] I've got it now dazed thanks alot. [03:37] ubuntuguide is a bit out of date? apt-get install acroread (and acroread-plugin) no workie [03:37] deville_75: hmmmmmm strange very is [03:37] stephen-: warty? [03:37] Ok heres a good question.....How do I downgrade my 7167 nvidia drivers to the 6629 ?? [03:37] Anybody? [03:37] crimsun, yes thats it. [03:37] pablo928: try synaptic [03:37] whats the trick to make xine or any other player see my dvd burner/player? [03:37] Butters|XGH|Snip: erm, how did you end up with 1.0-7167? [03:37] pablo928: you find it from the menus === pablo928 [~paul@az-yuma-cuda1m-26.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:37] crimsun, lol I installed and patched them [03:37] LifeEscalade: no, not one of the 372 people here knows ;) [03:37] stephen-: hmm, there's a different approach for Warty === mauro [~mauro@] has joined #ubuntu === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:38] stephen-: type this in a terminal: echo "snd-emu10k1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules [03:38] crimsun, snd-emu10k1 [03:39] thoreauputic: Oh, I think one or two of us might have a glimmering. :-) [03:39] is sbm.bin the boot image for the booting diskette? [03:39] LifeEscalade: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto [03:39] stephen-: excellent. Now when you next reboot, your Audigy will be the first card (card0) [03:39] thank you thoreauputic [03:39] DarthFrog: ;-) [03:39] I think I'm screwed [03:39] crimsun, Thanks! :) bbiab [03:39] Butters|XGH|Snip: Then relax and enjoy it! [03:40] DarthFrog, But I have to have Nvidia 3D to enjoy it ;P [03:40] yeah dont fight it you might get hurt [03:41] nobody knows how to downgrade nvidia drivers? [03:41] Butters|XGH|Snip: I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a while. [03:41] Butters|XGH|Snip: if you have nvidias installer you can remove driver [03:41] Butters|XGH|Snip, why not stick with 7176 driver [03:42] lol the driver keeps crashing on me I guess [03:42] how so [03:42] it completely locks up my 2.6.11 kernel [03:42] have you modprobe that driver [03:43] I get the nvidia splash and everything when I boot [03:43] might try downgrading you kernel [03:43] wait oh damn.... I guess I do need to modprobe it huh? [03:43] I thought a reboot would do that too though [03:44] how do i make a booting diskette for launching the installation of ubuntu? [03:44] Butters|XGH|Snip, as long as nvidia is added to /etc/modules [03:44] does anyone know if I can play counter strike on ubuntu? [03:44] LifeEscalade: err of course [03:44] and if so, how would I go about installing it? [03:44] zenrox, yeah its in there already [03:44] LifeEscalade: using Cedega or Wine, yes [03:44] get cedega [03:44] then google a howto [03:45] LMAO I've been playing CS all night [03:45] lol till my nvidia drivers crashed on me [03:45] I take it cedega is a win emu? [03:45] its not an emu [03:45] X.x [03:45] lol Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator [03:45] ) [03:45] Butters|XGH|Snip, i jsut rebotted when thay quit worken [03:45] for me === regeya [~shane@sdn-ap-011ilchicP0297.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] ah so your screwed to huh? [03:45] no [03:46] i jsut reboot and thay work [03:46] but cedega is not free. it's like $20 a month [03:46] LMAO not $20 [03:46] you can get a free version, cvscedega though [03:46] $5/mo [03:46] try $5...its $15 to sign up but that pays for 3 months worth of updates [03:46] oops [03:46] :D [03:46] Xappe, dude torrent that biznatch [03:46] is wine free? === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax7-096.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === pushfeller [~yootis@adsl-68-251-187-34.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === Xirdneh [~eusoj@] has joined #ubuntu === navreet [~navreet@12-221-91-155.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === jamesh [~james@203-59-82-98.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === toffy [~bjorn@] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] crimsun: is that codeweavers wine [03:46] wine is free [03:46] Wine is free but its not as good as Cedega/Point2Play [03:46] what do i need to fix this error 'ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.' [03:46] geneo93: no, transgaming's winex/cedega [03:47] also: once installed you can keep using it, but you get no updates [03:47] I play Source on Cedega [03:47] dazed_, enable your nvidia driver [03:47] I normally get about 80fps [03:47] well my pc isnt good enough for source... my pc is soo old it doesnt have an agp 4x port [03:47] on Source [03:47] lol on 1.6 I get about 200fps [03:47] -_- [03:47] whare do you get the source to CS [03:48] lol hell glxgears outputted 15,000 for me [03:48] oh how i wish [03:48] Butters|XGH|Snip: what graphics card do you have? [03:48] Geforce 6800 GT OC [03:48] nice [03:48] give me that ;P === ChrisC_ [~chatzilla@user-1121pkr.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] Source is a new edition of Counterstrike [03:48] lol my friend hooked me up...only broke me $300 [03:48] source is counter-strike based on the source engine (the engine that HL2 uses) [03:48] he works at BestBuy ;D [03:48] no source is a 3d engine [03:48] err i must be tired or something [03:49] sorry if this is a FAQ but I couldn't find anything ... so, I'll bite: what's SABDFL stand for? [03:49] zenrox, So you think a reboot will fix it? [03:49] Well, all I want to know is the in's and out's of using a linux system [03:49] son of a bitch, dig fucking longer ?;P [03:49] zenrox: how do i enable my nvidia driver...and/or get my nvidia driver [03:49] do i dl standard windows nvidia drivers? [03:50] My guess is South African B____ D____ Fearless Leader [03:50] Mark Shuttleworth [03:50] gives dazed_ genius award [03:50] kain: that I know [03:50] really dunno what that means [03:50] dazed_, read www.ubuntuguide.org for nvidia driver install [03:50] ok I'm rebooting again...hope it fixes it [03:50] thanks DoppleGanger...cant all be such a wizz as you ^- [03:50] South African Born D____ Fearless Leader === dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] btw what is a doppleganger...a human overlay after one goes back in time? [03:51] dazed_: google [03:51] lol [03:52] if you clone yourself twice, the clones are doppelgngers ;) [03:52] ohoh, I can buy a 300 GB Maxtor for something like $130 [03:52] ahhh ok === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] a "dont ask any questions" deal [03:53] *don't [03:53] hi folks [03:53] i got my headphones sorted out [03:53] but why [03:53] mmm these headphones rock [03:53] I stepped on mine. they're totally broken [03:53] B.D. = Benevolent Dictator [03:54] when im installing it giving me the error cannot open root device [03:54] note that a doppleganger basically refers to something that looks (or behaves) exactly the same as something else, but in reality may be something different [03:54] S.A. = Secret Acronym :) [03:54] eth1 connects to my neighbor's hub again I'm gonna shoot it === rever [~rich@124.sub-70-216-157.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] Secret Acronym Best Disguised From Lusers ! === IkoN [~ikon@adsl-64-219-29-244.dsl.crchtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] ChrisC_: South African Boss D -- Fearless Leader ? [03:55] why is it that when i run the update manager i have to use the normal user password instead of root's ? [03:56] Hi I am trying to install msttcorefonts. I added mutliverse and did sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts. It gives me this.... [03:56] ChrisC_: I like yours better :) [03:56] if i use root's password i get a "wrong" pass error [03:56] Package msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package. [03:56] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [03:56] is only available from another source [03:56] E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate [03:56] South African Boss Determined to Force Linux ! [03:56] IkoN: because that is the way sudo acts, check your /etc/sudoers file you'll see your name in there :) [03:56] This is fun :) [03:56] IkoN, casue thare ant spost to be a root [03:56] ChrisC_: What's the URL? [03:56] hrm, but sudo passwd root allowed me to the change the pass, cant i make a 'root' ? [03:57] IkoN: You probably did. [03:57] i dont want to run an account with full admin rights [03:57] wtf, esp be on IRC with it.. [03:57] thats ghetto security [03:57] IkoN: the apps use gksudo, front end for sudo [03:57] DarthFrog: there was an email annoucement today by Jeff Waugh regarding the naming of Ubuntu 5.10, and he kept referring to SABDFL === XbruceX [~bruce@ool-182d394a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] IkoN, what's the difference...they could get your root pass as easily as your sudo pass [03:58] ChrisC_: Have you seen that email on any of the news sites? [03:58] IkoN: you aren't running as root except for the command prefixed with "sudo" [03:58] if you're paranoid === Deimos- [1000@adsl-209-30-243-155.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] problem: Xine disappears when telling it to play a dvd, any suggestions? [03:59] if you dont use secure password's they can get (not saying any box isnt hackable) but using an account with admin rights is like saying.. 'hey heres my box, IP, and main account.. HACK ME PLEASE' [03:59] DarthFrog: hmmm, no, and no google hits either ... [03:59] another problem: firefox dies when telling it to browse... [03:59] IkoN: youhaven't understood how sudo works [03:59] IkoN: it doesn't have admin rights unless you enter a password, just like 'su -' to root. [03:59] i understand how it works.. [03:59] su - account here [03:59] ChrisC_: Nothing on www.ubuntu.com [04:00] account here being root [04:00] then a password is needed === MoonWitch [user@d51A4D64A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] but still, i shouldnt have access (as a normal user) to be able to run things such as an update manager [04:00] IkoN: either way you need a password, actually sudo is more secure than su to root [04:00] ChrisC_, just look at the team leader of ubuntu's desktop team: Gill Bates. [04:00] and have the time it asks for MY password to run things "as root" === IkoN cougsh *some security* [04:01] IkoN: you *can't* run it unless you enter the password, if you don't like it, take your name out of the /etc/sudoers file and create a normal root account. [04:01] IkoN: only the first user has sudo rights by default - others have to be added with visudo [04:01] coughs even. [04:01] problem: Xine disappears when telling it to play a dvd, any suggestions? === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] IkoN, you might benefit from reading: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [04:02] my name isnt in that file [04:02] User privilege specification [04:02] root ALL=(ALL) ALL [04:02] # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges === Lemonzest [~Lemonzest@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL [04:02] issue : USB Wireless network adapter won't work (netgear ma111) [04:02] and i removed myself from that group after i made another account. === hou5ton [~hou5ton@n14-99-152-206.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] how does one modify the install to use specific controller drivers? [04:03] ran it in console and got like 12 crashes [04:03] libdvdnav errors === EsK [~comcast11@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] is it possible to add more reps === MoonWitch [user@d51A4D64A.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [04:04] sic|, might help to apt-get install libdvdcss [04:04] zenrox, thanks...I appreciate the help..will do [04:04] hey i have a question [04:04] sic|, also read www.ubuntuguide.org [04:05] i downloaded all the files i needed to instal wine, applied it and what do i have to do to get it to work?? === Butters|XGH|Snip [~nate@pcp991756pcs.nchrls01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] LifeEscalade, wine file.exe [04:05] zenrox, well I'm screwed worse than I thought [04:05] hmm, drinking beer and doing laundry...this *is* life [04:05] where would i find it?? [04:05] Butters|XGH|Snip, reinstall the drivers [04:05] lol [04:05] bash: /usr/bin/acroread: Permission denied ... lame [04:05] use evince [04:06] zenrox, well doesn't look like libdvdcss is available through apt-get...going to go read the guide..tried searching the wiki to no avail..thanks [04:06] nah I didn't get a splash screen this time but I got an error from X [04:06] ChrisC_: Did that email come on the Ubuntu Annouce list? === error_29 [~b@24-90-94-112.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] Butters|XGH|Snip, ya reinstall the drivers [04:06] something about /etc/X11R6/libfb.a or somethings === Dromio [~jakes@cpe-24-175-80-196.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] cool another person from houston :) [04:06] DarthFrog: yup, sent Thu, 17 Mar 2005 03:26:10 +1100 [04:06] Hi [04:06] skj you need to add multi universe repository [04:06] Yup [04:06] do the math :) [04:07] LifeEscalade, just like i told you on how to run it [04:07] LifeEscalade, in a terminal [04:07] zenrox, aight ... lol can I install the 6629 drivers?? Will it over write the 7167 ones if I do that? [04:07] KDE 3.4 has been released, officially. === error_29 [~b@24-90-94-112.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] Butters|XGH|Snip, use the 7176 binary installer === Plnt [~someone@goodspeed.vscht.cz] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] ha! looking at the email's header's, the announce list is hosted on africaninspace.com [04:07] yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! [04:07] http://lwn.net/Articles/127921/ [04:07] lol you can keep kde [04:07] could someone help me install ubuntu? === bradb [~bradb@modemcable022.154-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] I always had problems with kde [04:08] Finally got hoary64 running :) === RocDoc [~Larry@] has joined #ubuntu === Turbo_ [~Turbo@cable-213-132-149-141.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] Otheos, what's the problem? [04:08] zenrox, so your saying don't patch it? [04:08] is kubuntu installable? [04:08] I'm trying to install using a raid controller... [04:08] I'm clueless as to how to use the drivers. [04:09] ok, never used raid [04:09] IkoN: Yes. I'm running it. [04:09] if I install ubuntu on a system that has lilo, and keep lilo instead of grub, should that cause Xserv to have problems? [04:09] Anyone know of a good desktop calendar program? My wife loved Rainlender on XP, she needs a suitable replacement. [04:09] IkoN: yes [04:09] IkoN: kubuntu-desktop IIRC [04:09] Butters|XGH|Snip, its just every time you update ubuntu you got to reinstall the drivers [04:09] hey folks, does anyone inhere have ubuntu running on an imac G3 ? [04:09] alos, lilo uses framebuffer [04:09] zenrox, oh well that sucks [04:09] how do I tell the install to load the drivers.. === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] IkoN: Or go to the Kubuntu channel and get the URL for the ISO. [04:09] Turbo_, no, but ibook g3 [04:09] Butters|XGH|Snip, yep [04:09] zenrox, ok so I shouldn't patch the drivers this time? [04:09] Xappe: not good enough ;) [04:10] Butters|XGH|Snip, just run the installer [04:10] rgr === msh_ is away; sleep/school/work [04:10] like you did before [04:10] be back in a few === neighborlee [~neighborl@d2-251.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] its possible to get KDE for ubuntu right [04:10] noone with an imac G3 ? [04:10] EsK, yes [04:10] alright [04:11] its called kubuntu === unifi [~unifi@68-174-114-59.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] whats kubuntu? [04:12] EsK: if you want kde just do apt-get install kde [04:12] kde ubuntu === GammaRay_ is now known as GammaRay [04:12] alright [04:12] ubuntu with out gnome [04:12] geneo93: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [04:12] yep DarthFrog is right [04:12] i got this message [04:12] ares@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install kde [04:12] my gnome wont work any more so i'm stuck with kde for now [04:12] Password: [04:12] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. === Otheos [~Otheos@ool-44c401ad.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] === GammaRay is now known as GammaRay_ [04:13] esk run that [04:13] when i do that i get logged out === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] DarthFrog: that dont remove gnome [04:13] esk do it now === Butters|XGH|Snip [~nate@pcp991756pcs.nchrls01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] zenrox, ok man I got it done again [04:13] geneo93: Und zo? [04:13] I went with the stock nvidia driver...I didn't patch it this time either [04:14] esk run it like sudo dpkg --configure -a [04:14] and it has oo also with emacs yuk [04:14] Butters|XGH|Snip, so it works now [04:14] zenrox, if I don't add the patches I only get about 12,000fps in glxgears [04:14] geneo93: Just because someone prefers KDE (yes, please) doesn't mean that Gnome needs to be removed. :-) [04:14] Butters|XGH|Snip, sound about right [04:14] DarthFrog: i just used kde [04:14] zenrox, lol if I patch it I get 15,000 [04:14] geneo93: And that removed Gnome? Boo, hiss! [04:15] Butters|XGH|Snip, quit patchen it it breaks it === omaru [~Bacteria@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] no [04:15] lol I noticed [04:15] lol === mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu === Turbo_ [~Turbo@cable-213-132-149-141.upc.chello.be] has left #ubuntu [] === GammaRay_ is now known as GammaRay [04:15] zenrox, last question...did they fix the max memory amount on the 7167 driver? The 6629 only used 42megs...I have a 256meg card [04:15] i didn't say it did but i dont have use for oo and emacs [04:16] geneo93: so uninstall them [04:16] Butters|XGH|Snip, read the changelog on nvidias site [04:16] yeah I did but I didn't see it mentioned ....unless I just overlooked it [04:16] Butters|XGH|Snip, i have a fx5200 pci 128mbs and it uses all of it [04:17] thoreauputic: i did first thing before updating [04:17] hey zenrox i type wine file.exe into the terminal and it comes back wine: cannot find 'file.exe' [04:17] Butters|XGH|Snip, even with the 6629 [04:17] gnome is a beauty: http://www.deltaconnect.se/~jon/Screenshot3.png [04:17] duh === EsK [~comcast11@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === tux_ [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] LifeEscalade, wine /the/location/of/the/file/you/want/to/run.exe [04:18] LifeEscalade: you need wine(nameof file).exe [04:18] ah === allio is now known as allio`afk [04:18] does anyone know about using nvclock i need to ask a question or 2? [04:19] dazed dont use it unless you know wtf your doing [04:19] Xappe: Nice desktop! [04:20] well i knew what i was doing on windows but i was also walked through with the app [04:20] alright something is wrong with my repositories [04:20] DarthFrog, yes, i'm quite satisfied :) === danboid [~d@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] hi! [04:21] Is KDE 3.4 FINAL in hoary (kubuntu) already? [04:21] danboid: It's being worked upon. === JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2u1-63.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === FR500 [~andres@] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] danboid: #kubuntu [04:21] danboid: it was just released today [04:21] hello [04:22] danboid: It's being Ubuntu-fied. :-) [04:22] amaranth: just tried that channel, no response === madstop [~damstop@24-90-94-112.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] what are the settings in grub to enable hibernation? === mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] alright i got a message when i ran synaptic package manager, saying "Could not download all repository indexes" [04:22] hey zenrox, i tried to get flashfxp to install onto my desktop but i get Access fiolation at address 401bbddb. write of address 0020007e [04:22] what can I do to fix that [04:23] i used grubconf to add a bootsplash image and now hibernation doesn't work [04:23] EsK: keep doing it [04:23] LifeEscalade, some stuff wont install on linux like that [04:23] Going off what I've been seeing so far, it won't be long then 'til 3.4 final gets approved. Next couple of days you think? [04:23] The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences. [04:23] do you know of any ftp programs that will?? [04:23] hello [04:23] danboid: did you happen to read the /topic in #kubuntu ? [04:23] i g2g [04:23] LifeEscalade, none [04:23] ill come back tommorow [04:23] for help [04:23] LifeEscalade, use gftp === Pyckle [~jdill@CPE-69-76-43-162.wi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] LifeEscalade, what do you need? [04:24] EsK: do it a few times more [04:24] i need to get to my xbox to get all of my cs files [04:24] anyone here haves a laptop and hoary? [04:24] and i can only access them with an ftp server [04:24] need help to reenable hibernation [04:24] EsK, it will eventuly get it === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] okay [04:24] LifeEscalade, just use gftp [04:24] it also said could not lock file [04:24] k [04:24] or wait [04:24] LifeEscalade, try ftp in a terminal [04:24] thoreauputic: they might've meant the rc1, which was still labelled 3.4.0, was in, not final [04:24] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [04:24] E: Unable to lock the list directory [04:24] is there a way to change the background color of TTY? [04:25] and the font [04:25] esk run that command in sudo in the terminal [04:25] i did [04:25] esk reboot or apt-get -f install [04:25] and it logs me out [04:25] so i just put in [04:25] apt-get -f install [04:25] esk with a sudo first [04:25] sudo [04:25] yes [04:26] i kno [04:26] yep [04:26] i still get that same damn message [04:26] dpkg was interrupted [04:26] reboot then [04:26] yep [04:26] hmmmm, i'm being ignored today :( [04:26] hello..how can i get wlanctl-ng [04:26] still, i always reboot and it still says the same exact d*** thing === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] now that ive downloaded gftp, how do i install and run it?? === slava_ [~slava@c-67-169-38-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] LifeEscalade, do you have synaptic? [04:27] yea [04:28] ok [04:28] synaptic = your friend [04:28] find it there and install it [04:28] LifeEscalade: have you looked inn your menu? [04:28] nevermind [04:28] LifeEscalade, try sudo apt-get install gftp === spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] LifeEscalade: if you installed it with synaptic, it's already installed and probably in the internet menu [04:30] thanx for the help, i just got it installed with synaptic [04:30] thoreauputic, can your computer hibernate succefully? [04:31] mine can hibernate successfully if stop mysql and unload nonfree linuxant driver modules [04:31] stuNNed, hoary? === adamh [~adamh@modemcable051.139-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] yep [04:31] hoary [04:31] FR500: I haven't tried it - this one is up 24/7 [04:31] can u send me your menu.lst (grub config file) [04:31] thoreauputic, thanks anyway [04:32] FR500: and my bios acpi support is worse at best, even not that great in windows [04:32] Hrm. Should I switch to Ubuntu on my main desktop? It's scary.... === EsK [~comcast11@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] stuNNed, it worked fine earlier, i messed up with grubconf and now it doesnt work === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@dial-148-240-24-246.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] adamh: what's scaring you about ubuntu? [04:32] stuNNed, so if you send that file for me, i probably can fix it [04:33] thoreauputic, i'm scared because unbound doesnt work :p === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] *Gunbound [04:33] thoreauputic: Oh, well, I absolutely adore it... but my desktop machine is my lifeblood. I've got all my data on it and I think I'm going to forget to back some up :) === kaskote [~nelson@host149.201-252-10.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu === coolspot [~dave@sloppy.cxw.utoledo.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] adamh: I see - a big leap of faith :) [04:33] Does Evolution 2.2 play nice with Courier-IMAP? :) [04:33] adamh, install in a separate partition and migrate your data prograssively [04:33] thoreauputic: exactly :) === jvaquino [~jvaquino@dsl027-190-035.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] okay this is FUCKING pissing me off, i reboot and i still get message when i apt-get and i cant use synaptic [04:34] FR500: it's well commented actually, set the settings like you want then run update-grub, make sure you don't have anything like acpi=off in your kernel line or any other part of the menu.lst [04:34] better yet, adamh, add a hard drive and install there [04:34] FR500: Hrm, maybe, maybe... [04:34] rick james in chapelle yes! [04:34] hello [04:34] EsK: ok [04:34] EsK: what message......... [04:34] Heh. I prefer just the one :) [04:34] adamh, or make an image with norton ghost, it will only take some dvds i guess [04:35] help with ldap? [04:35] FR500: lol, 120 gig? Yeah, "some" :P [04:35] stuNNed, let me see, if i can't fix it ill bother u again [04:35] Could not download all repository indexes [04:35] The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences. [04:35] and this one [04:35] iles you needed [04:35] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [04:35] hi, i'm geting some carrier error in a network card... but can't fount wath is that?.. some can help me ? [04:35] anyone install plone with ldap on ubuntu? === benkorkor [~benkorkor@adsl-63-205-198-194.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@dial-148-240-24-246.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] EsK, dpkg isn't done installing from another time.. run that command and it'll finish [04:36] EsK: maybe the repo is temporarily down - can you ping the URL ? [04:36] need some help with OOO, can anyone help? [04:36] Okay, well. I think I'm fed up of jhbuilding all of GNOME whenever I want to hack at stuff. Are there any other GNOME devs here who've made the switch? [04:36] i dont know how [04:36] and when i run that command i get logged out and shyt [04:36] thought i'd give it a try === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] anyone? [04:36] adamh: maybe ask in #ubuntu-devel === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@dial-148-240-24-246.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] thoreauputic: Good idea, thanks :) [04:37] stuNNed, it's supposed to have a line on where to hibernate somewhere [04:37] *sympathizes with Esk because he's been getting lots of similar messages and has no clue... === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] im a newbie at ubuntu, im used to fedora [04:38] EsK: look in /etc/apt/sources.list for the URL , then do ` ping ` === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] FR500: grep acpi=off /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:39] EsK: apt-get -f install dont give you any thing [04:39] ooo is withholding a file that i need to access. i don't want to kill the process because i would lose my file since ooo doesn't autosave by default. [04:39] anyone: ever install plone with ldap auth on ubuntu? had it working in other distros, but problems now....guess i should check in plone nodes... [04:39] nope same message talking about running the command [04:39] stuNNed, doesnt have the line [04:39] stuNNed, no output === jvaquino [~jvaquino@dsl027-190-035.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu [] === kaskote [~nelson@host149.201-252-10.telecom.net.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === orospakr [~orospakr@CPE0004762b7051-CM001225701f0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] EsK: what was the last thing you install [04:41] i dont know [04:41] how do i check [04:41] is it possible === allio`afk is now known as allio [04:41] look at apt log [04:41] ok === dreamwave [~dreamwave@69-163-64-118.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] its in /etc/apt right [04:43] no var/log [04:43] ohh === johane_ [~johan@h179n6c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] maybe install log === iMac [~owl@as5300-s07-031.cnt.entelchile.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] alguien que hable espaol [04:45] ? [04:45] does open office create a temp file of the file i'm working on? [04:45] iMac, i do [04:45] mmmm [04:45] I === dies_irae [~enso@c-24-3-127-200.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tolstoy_ [~tolstoy@c-67-171-195-50.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] FR500, i do [04:45] iMac, hola [04:46] do you speak spanish [04:46] si [04:46] ok [04:46] hablemos tonces... [04:46] iMac, ok [04:46] iMac, de que? [04:46] Linux? === geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust7027.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] ok [04:46] en k plataformas te encuentras [04:47] okay i dont know, and im looking at the aptitude log, cuz it was the closet to apt log, and i dont know which one was the last [04:47] x86 [04:47] PPC [04:47] mmmm ubuntu? [04:47] cool [04:47] si [04:47] hace rato === Yomic [~Yomi-kun@ip70-178-179-66.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] mmmm mi equippo [04:47] lo hizo revivir [04:47] tengo iMac G3 [04:48] lo dejo como pentium 4 [04:48] si es super buen os [04:48] EsK: find /*apt* [04:48] hey de que parte eres [04:48] Ecuador [04:48] chile [04:48] ahh [04:48] hey sabes algo de c [04:49] Is python already installed in WW-Ubuntu? If not can somebody help me get started? [04:49] iMac, hace rato que no he programado [04:49] Yomic: /usr/bin/python [04:49] mmm te acuerdas sobre las librerias de color [04:49] :)) [04:49] Thanks [04:50] iMac, nop [04:50] aparte de la conio.h [04:50] mmmm [04:50] ok [04:50] ah eso [04:50] algo [04:50] i quit for the night, im gonna go lay down === Dromio [~jakes@cpe-24-175-80-196.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:51] Is it the latest version (2.4?) [04:51] PPC [04:51] ? === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] Dang, it [04:52] it's 2.3 :/ === shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120ifu.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] what use PPC === Lathiat [~lathiat@sweep.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu === Lathiat [~lathiat@sweep.bur.st] has left #ubuntu [] [04:53] Yomic: ask in #ubuntu-devel what the version is in Hoary [04:53] could I please speak with someone who has successfully installed a dvd burner and can also watch dvds on it...someone with a little time to help...I am not sure but I think my fstab is wrong amongst other things...doing this in pm would be nice [04:53] I'm on Warty. === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-233-217.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] greetings all [04:54] Yomic: hoary has 2.4 [04:54] sic|: I've got a DVD burner. I can watch DVDs (just "apt-get install totem-xine") and burn CDs, but I've never tried burning DVDs. [04:54] I imagine it would Just Work... === PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-252-71.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] just installed ubuntu, and I didnt get asked for a root password during the install. what is the default, or how do I set that up [04:55] sudo passwd [04:55] sabmoc, this is the default [04:55] sabmoc: type. sudo passwd root [04:55] thanks x3 [04:55] odd default [04:55] sabmoc: can i ask u question? [04:55] sabmoc, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root/view?searchterm=root === raghu [~raghu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] hmm, that worked not well at all [04:57] what program use burn CD Linux Ubuntu? [04:57] kain, thanks, thats the stuff! [04:58] sabmoc, np [04:58] great default [04:58] sabmoc: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [04:58] thoreauputic: :) [04:58] iMac, program many burn CD linux exists... maybe k3b or gnome-baker? [04:59] iMac, if you are in gnome put a blank cd and nautilus should appear to burn a cd, otherwise use something like k3b [04:59] btw I still can't find gnome-baker in ubuntu repos [04:59] kain, ... i ma use PPC [05:00] kain: because they aren't there :) === Kirsch [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] thoreauputic, I see :) [05:00] what about neroLinux === kenvandine is now known as ken_Zzzz [05:00] gcombust is my fav [05:00] sabmoc, haven't tried it yet, there's a review k3b vs nerolinux somewhere [05:00] NeroLinux, brought to you by the Nero burning Rom company [05:00] kain: gnomebaker >> http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/ === boomstickz [~boomstick@] has joined #ubuntu === FLeiXiuS [~Nick@pcp0011094024pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] http://www.flexbeta.net/main/articles.php?action=show&id=86 [05:01] here we go [05:01] hey guys, got a really good stumper for ya, i have a Dell Inspiron 6000 on my desk, we're trying to install Ubuntu, now the CD-Rom gets detected in warty (4.1) but not the HD (the HD is SATA, haven't looked up the specifics yet) but Hoary doesn't (the Preview Release out now) but Array 6 has problems booting up (detected both), any ideas? [05:01] thanks thoreauputic === pcybill [~billy@194-155.207-68.eufaula.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] sabmoc: why bother with nero when linux has good, free-as-in-freedom CD burning apps? [05:01] kain: yes, it wasnt too fair to nero i think, this is like version 0.01 of nero linux, and they were expecting a HIG, GTK2 app, which it wanst. meh, I have no doubt its a decent app. === orospakr [~orospakr@CPE0004762b7051-CM001225701f0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] I agree, still wonder why it's still gtk1 [05:02] sabmoc: Well, there already *are* HIG, GTK2 burning apps out there. [05:02] graveman, gnomebaker [05:02] Why pay money for something when you can get better for free? [05:02] (REAL freedom) [05:02] and that's right adamh [05:03] adamh, its just good to see companies start maken programs of linux [05:03] thoreauputic: because competition is good, because I like it when non-free companys recognize linux as a real platform worth supporting. === zerovertex [~zeroverte@cable-68-190-26-239.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] But I bet it'll still be profitable to Ahead Software. They know all the stuff we know, they know what's wrong with their software, but they've analyzed and decided it'll make money [05:04] sabmoc: I agree it's good to see the wind changing: but I doubt that the nerolinux app is any better [05:04] this is good for average user that thinks "I have nero on windows, linux does have it blablabla stuff" [05:04] sabmoc: I'm not opposed to commercial linux apps [05:04] How do I update python to version 2.4? [05:04] Gnome would not be as good if kde never existed to compete with (imho) competition is good. Recognition is also good. [05:05] commercial linux apps are ok, as long as I have a free alternative [05:05] Yomic: update to hoary [05:05] and by free I mean Free [05:05] icebalm: well said === benkorkor [~benkorkor@adsl-63-205-198-194.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] geneo93: When are they distributing the CDs? [05:05] what's the default install path for openoffice in hoary preview? [05:06] It *is* good in that windows users are familiar with the brand [05:06] Yomic: dunno april or may [05:06] Why the delay? Bug testing? [05:06] if I'm not wrong they have a schedule: a release every 6 months or so [05:07] well yeah its just beta now but really stable [05:07] Yomic: it's a pretty big operation distributing the CDs [05:07] Eh, I guess I'll wait; just in case. === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-88-104.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] i case of what you die [05:08] Yomic: if they ship CDs in April, i guess we'd get them by June :) [05:08] hehe [05:08] In case of last minute patches. [05:08] They can be a hassel [05:08] took 3 weeks for mine [05:08] Same here. === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] what's the default install path for openoffice in hoary preview? anyone? [05:08] Yomic: if you visit #ubuntu-devel, you'll see they are flat out getting hoary ready [05:09] Yomic: your connected to the internet all new stuff needs patches and so on [05:09] True. [05:10] geez just update now and you'll have lees later [05:10] benkorkor: I'd expect the executable to be in /usr/bin === yadayada [~yadayada@user-0c90gqo.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] I just don't want to be bothered to download another OS and burn it; unless they have an update function or something :P [05:10] benkorkor: type `which openoffice` to check === BiteMeBill [~antiM$@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] Yomic: apt-get dist-upgrade [05:10] :D [05:10] benkorkor, are u trying to install oo from repos or by hand? [05:10] Woot. [05:11] Yomic: updting in debian style distros is trivial [05:11] Yomic: just change to repositories in synaptic to hoary === madstop [~damstop@24-90-94-112.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] is there any repository I could use (like sid in real debian) to stay on the devel release? [05:11] if the Acrhive Manger wont open a rar, and either will ark, Ark says unrar isnt in my PATH? [05:12] Quarupt: apt-get install unrar [05:12] Quarupt: apt-get install unrar [05:12] smurf [05:12] mm [05:12] I installed unrar, but Archive Manager still can't open .rar files [05:12] Quinn_Storm: its not stable [05:12] wow, keyboard layout in gnome 2.10 is sweeeet... [05:12] I hope someone can help. No matter what I do, I can't get Realplayer installed in hoary, amd64 [05:13] Quarupt: enable multiverse and install unrar-nonfree [05:13] Realplayer < * [05:13] I followed instructions on ubuntuguide.org to no avail [05:13] kain: unrar (file) [05:13] Quarupt: known issue [05:13] geneo93, thanks for pointing me out this :P [05:13] actually isn't unrar free? I thought rar was the non-free one === delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] Realplayer seemed to install correctly, I logged out and in , it appears in menus, won't open, won't work in firefox [05:13] apt-cache search says unrar-nonfree [05:13] rebooting won't help (tried this before) [05:14] thoreauputic, could only find package unrar not unrar-free [05:14] ii unrar 0.0.1-1 Unarchiver for .rar files [05:14] I have this [05:14] ahh gnome just crashed ;( [05:14] :o [05:14] Quarupt: it's in multiverse [05:14] kain: that's the path to the executable [05:14] I have unrar, and in a terminal unrar works (I can unpack archives), but the "archiver" doesn't recognize .rar-files, what to do? [05:15] Yomic, I don't know what that means [05:15] Fackamato, same issue [05:15] Quarupt: enable multiverse and install unrar-nonfree [05:15] kain: am specifically looking for the foler where it autosaves files === liberie [~liberie@liberie.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] i just told you there is no package by that name [05:15] kain: *folder [05:15] I have universe and Multiverse [05:15] I allways have had them [05:15] benkorkor, as far I know it autosaves files in the same dir where they are.. I can be wrong [05:15] Quarupt: yes there is - i just found it [05:15] i installed unrar but it doesnt work [05:15] :o <--- emoticon of suprise (that GNOME crashed) [05:16] Quarupt: It's in the multiverse. I just looked. Version 3.4.3-1 [05:16] unless hoary has removed it [05:16] thoreauputic: it's still there. [05:16] multiverse.. dunno about this before === speel [~speel@24-90-224-86.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-233-217.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:16] So in the reposetories, I just change all the wartys to hoarys, right? [05:16] kain: non-free packages [05:16] ok, will look into it, thanks [05:16] does unrar-nonfree replace unrar if i allready had it installed? [05:17] thoreauputic: i'm using unrar non-free :/ [05:17] Quarupt: It looks like you need to uninstall unrar Dependencies shows a conflict with unrar.. But also says that it replaces it. [05:17] i have two versions of unrar [05:18] some people on the mailing list found the "non-free" worked for them - I don't know more than that [05:18] I never need it, so.... [05:18] well, let's find this out [05:19] ok the little cant do rar3.0 format === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] thats the 1.0xxxxx version [05:20] unrar-nonfree just installed and it still not works with archive manager [05:20] can't open archive [05:20] ii unrar-nonfree 3.4.3-1 Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version) [05:20] i think you need to do it in terminal [05:20] that's not a problem === stuNNed_ is now known as stuNNed [05:20] works for me [05:21] just wondering how to integrate it with archive manager [05:21] not a real issue for myself [05:21] i dont think you can [05:21] kain: the autosave/backup folder is hidden in "home." thx. [05:21] Does anyone have Realplayer working in hoary? [05:21] benkorkor, np [05:22] madstop, personally I don't use it, but there is some instructions on the wiki [05:22] have you alredy checked? [05:22] what's better spdif out or optical out? [05:22] what do i need to get xmms to play mp3 streams???? [05:22] in hoary === regeya [~shane@sdn-ap-011ilchicP0297.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] I've googled, and I've only seen complaints about the problem, but no answers yet, just conflicting advice [05:23] madstop, let me see === moominski [~moominski@cpc3-belc1-6-0-cust66.blfs.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] zerovertex: gstreamer0.8-mad , probably [05:23] I'll keep looking, and experiment. Thanks. [05:23] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [05:24] hey im new can any1 help me out [05:24] madstop and zerovertex, both for mp3 and realplayer [05:24] moominski: not unless you ask a question :) [05:25] just installed ubuntu and need a little help if ya can plz [05:25] thank you kain. That's the page whose instructions I followed, to no avail [05:25] moominski: be specific [05:25] madstop, try installing xmms-mad or consider using rhythmbox [05:26] from researching wikis, it appears there may be a conflict that prevents Realplayer from showing, even if it's running. A hoary issue only I think. I'll check my settings and report back [05:26] hey does anyone know how to get windows media player movies to play in something like mplayer, xine or totem? [05:26] well i aint got a clue hw to install my nvidia drivers or anything for that matter sorry but in new to this and i really wanna learn it [05:26] kain, I'm talking about internet radio here, requiring realplayer. But thanks [05:26] sorry madstop, I meant zerovertex [05:26] sorry [05:26] I'm not mad, don't stop, it's all good, kain! [05:26] ehe [05:27] moominski: www.ubuntuguide.org [05:27] let me check my system monitor... [05:27] moominski: get the kernel headers for your kernel version, then download the nvidia drivers off the nvidia site and install them === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] boomstickz, get totem based on xine-libs and install w32codecs adding the marillat repos in ubuntu === BiteMeBill [~antiM$@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] dude im such a noob i need some1 to hold my hand sry for brin a pain [05:27] boomstickz, there's a good walthrough in documentation === jack|h [bouncer@osu.cloaked] has joined #ubuntu === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] is there a way i can make ubuntu use hardware mixing instead of esd? [05:28] alright thanks [05:28] moominski: no you don't - read the excellent guide I gave you a link to [05:29] moominski: it will walk you through everything you need to know [05:29] ahhh sweet as dude thanks a million === qnr [~terry@qnr.sourcemage] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] moominski: just start at the top and work your way down to what you need to know its a very helpful guide it almost hold your hand for you :) [05:31] all right, tried opening realplay in terminal [05:31] got this : === Wolven [~ion@c5100A7C5.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] (realplay.bin:2360): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib [05:32] and [05:32] anyone know how to install libdvdcss2 apt-get didn't find it and its not in synaptic [05:32] (realplay.bin:2360): Gdk-WARNING **: can not set locale modifiers [05:32] sic|, probably you must add universe repository [05:32] Hi, bye - just wondering if someone was here :) [05:32] and a helluva lot more stuff like that === qnr [~terry@qnr.sourcemage] has left #ubuntu ["hippity-hop"] [05:32] nice 1 seems to be very confusing at the moment but im gonna stick with it [05:32] sic|: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats === gilliesd [~gilliesd@bh02i525f01.au.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] madstop, I find a thread on ubuntuforums, but there ain't a solution [05:33] "I have recently installed Ubuntu Hoary on an AMD x86_64 machine and am having exactly the same problem as gratefulfrog, with the same error message." [05:33] Who was trying to use unrar-nonfree and couldn't? [05:34] exactly, kain. I can't believe it. I'm lost without bbc radio 4, dammit. Back to windows till I can resolve this. Or back to warty. [05:34] BiteMeBill, the problem was that it doesn't integrate with archive manager [05:34] unrar or unrar-nonfree [05:34] madstop, this is sad [05:34] kain: just used it on a rar and it worked fine. [05:35] BiteMeBill, maybe I will try some other archive [05:35] I'm amazed I haven't seen this issue raised on this channel before, I've been reading everything here about hoary === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp484971pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] madstop, are you sure that you can't listen bbc with rhythmbox? [05:35] kain; $ unrar e [05:35] BiteMeBill, yes, the 'issue' is that archive manager when opening .rar files says that he cannot handle the format [05:36] madstop: a while ago, the Beeb were running trials on ogg streaming, but they stopped :/ Crazy people... [05:36] I don't know kain, I can try opening the url in there, but I think I need the firefox realplay plugin... hmmm === bl4cks4ils [~mike@ool-44c06c66.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] kain: has he tried to run it in terminal or is he trying to run it in a gui? [05:37] just thought of something-- maybe I can try copying the realplayer folders from warty on my other computer to this one... [05:37] BiteMeBill, for me that's not a problem unrar a file in a terminal, I don't need to, just wondering why archive manager doesn't handle rar files properly even if unrar or unrar-nonfree is installed [05:37] ark do it [05:37] hey, how can i get my external monitor working on my pwoerbook? i've heard some talk about m3mirror. [05:37] kain: Oh ok. === WebMaven_ [~webmaven@ip68-104-53-190.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] think that might work...? === tyler [~tyler@CPE-144-132-240-25.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] madstop: the only other possibility is trying helix player [05:38] that's what the realplay app is based on [05:38] kain, some of the rars out thare are compressed with a newer ver of it and arnt backward compitable [05:38] where do i actually type commands?? [05:38] Thought the person having questions about it screen name started with a q or something like that. [05:39] zenrox, yes, I figured it out [05:39] lol [05:39] thanks thoreauputic , kain. I will, but this strikes me as impracticable, since, unfortunately many radio sites force realplay based applets on us === ia1 [~yella@h00a0cc665eeb.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu === ia1 is now known as ian__ [05:39] moominski: in the terminal - right click the desktop and choose it, or look in the menu under system tools [05:39] madstop: boycot them then [05:40] Anyone know why I cant see items i've downloaded o my desktop? [05:40] Does anyone here know how to add fonts to Hoary? [05:40] tyler, if you use firefox 1.0.1 on hoary, this is a know issue [05:40] I'm gonna look for the bug reports on this. hey, monopolies suck, but realplay compatibility should be a done deal with any distro. Ubuntu has to fix this. [05:41] The help docs are wrong, or at least, don't work. [05:41] Tyler -- I have the same problem! been driving me nuts [05:41] you can only find those items with file search [05:42] WebMaven_: in gnome, you can just dump ttf fonts in ~/.fonts [05:42] Damn, they had it licked in warthog [05:42] as far as I know === jesus_de1ached [~jesus@150.123-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] I downloaded a cool prog to solve the menu editing problem [05:42] Someone on here gave it to me atually [05:42] In updating to hoary I encountered two 404 errors: [05:42] Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu/dists/hoary-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [05:42] Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu/dists/hoary-backports/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [05:42] thoreauputic, the docs say to use Nautilus to go to fonts:/// [05:42] http://upl.silentwhisper.net/uplfolders/upload7/_busting2.gif [05:42] Yomic, you dont need thoes any more [05:42] Okay :) [05:43] WebMaven_: well, i'm just telling you what worked for me on warty [05:43] Fackamato, lol === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] thoreauputic, but when I do, I can't paste the new fonts I copied from a CD. [05:43] Hmm. [05:43] WebMaven_: your mileage may vary, but it's worth a try [05:43] Are they really going to be ready with a stable release by April? === Hayden [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] so ./fonts in my home folder? [05:43] madstop, yep [05:44] WebMaven_, yep [05:44] WebMaven_: you should be able to write to .fonts in your home directory === moominski_ [~moominski@cpc3-belc1-6-0-cust66.blfs.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] actualy ~/.fonts [05:44] zenrox: correct [05:44] Is cable enough bandwidth to run a like 30 user ircd? [05:44] Quarupt, dont know [05:45] or maybe my ISP would get pissed [05:45] Quarupt, isp will kill you [05:45] how can i check what version of linux i have, the kernel etc from command line? [05:45] Hayden: uname -a [05:45] Hayden, uname -r [05:45] Hayden: kernel: uname -r [05:45] or auname -a [05:45] bah uname -a [05:46] bolth work the same [05:46] ok thanks [05:46] -a gives other information as well [05:46] Hayden: for release version, cat /etc/issue [05:46] ok thanks [05:47] thoreauputic, apparently, the attempts I made to paste into fonts:/// actually worked, but they went into ~./fonts. Wierd behaviour. [05:48] Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Development Branch \n \l [05:48] thoreauputic, thanks. [05:48] Where should I to find information on upgrading my Linux partition without deleting my current one? [05:48] Yomic: you have to fix broken first [05:49] WebMaven_: it's just a GUI way of doing the same thing === thebluecow [~josh@c-24-22-233-62.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] x.org 6.8.2-5 in repos [05:50] kain: -5? odd, I just upgraded to -4 from repos like two hours ago [05:50] me too [05:50] :D === johann [~johann@h000f66d1cc38.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu === Yomic [~Yomi-kun@ip70-178-179-66.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === egon_spengler [1000@wbar2.chi1-4-13-004-019.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] WebMaven_: BTW, if you put your dots and slashes in the wrong order as above, things will get confusing very fast *grin* [05:51] wow, enormous upgrade just hit repos [05:51] about 46 megs [05:51] for me [05:51] Quinn_Storm: they just finished syncing [05:51] hope they get the rest of kde fixed so I can install the kde package without the kde-addons glitch [05:52] Yomic: Well, you could make a copy of your Ubuntu partition and then upgrade the copy. [05:52] Does anyone happen to know why my login screen is displayed in with a virtual resolution, where it uses a bigger res than the actual screen size? [05:52] Im trying to add an applet and I have to according to the docs right-click and select add applet but the only thing I can see is add to panel? === WW [~wweckesse@cpe-24-59-199-217.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] Make a copy where? To a CD? [05:52] Hello, world. [05:52] johann, add to panel -> select applet [05:52] Hola. [05:53] Yomic: No, to a new partition. [05:53] Does anyone know if there are plans to fix menu editing in hoary before the final release? === f00f [~f00f@adsl-69-226-111-18.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] kain, I figured that I should find it there...but its not in the list...Im trying to install the gtkwifi [05:54] johann: click add to panel >> choose from the dialogue [05:54] DarthFrog: he has a hung package and cabt do anything [05:54] johann, I don't have it either [05:54] johann: you click on the + [05:54] Yomic: Ah, you have to fix the hung package first. Making a copy won't help you. === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] thoreauputic, what do you mean by +, where? === moominski [~moominski@cpc3-belc1-6-0-cust66.blfs.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] johann: are you using hoary? [05:55] how do i creat a launcher [05:56] thoreauputic, no..warty [05:56] well, time to restart X === omniscient [~omni@d211-31-80-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] ok, update regarding Realplayer situation: the problem may only affect hoary amd64. Hoary on i386, no problem [05:56] moominski: right click the desktop, choose create launcher [05:56] Good thing I have an extra computer [05:57] johann: I'm using warty, and clicking on "add to panel" brings up a list of applets [05:57] I have a support question regarding the Gimp and printing. I can print to file and then print with the lp command, but when I try to print directly to the printer in Gimp, I get no output. === sic| [~sic@cpe-66-68-76-29.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] I can run the 32 bit version of hoary without a problem on amd64, right? [05:57] the Gimp appears to run this command: lp -s -dPSC-1210 -oraw [05:57] thoreauputic, yes :) that I agree on, mine does that also...the applet that I want to display just isint there...altough I installed it [05:58] johann: the "add to panel" icon is a + on mine [05:58] madstop: Yes, you should be able to. [05:58] johann: ah, I see :) [05:58] xorg 6.8.2-5 updates nv driver [05:58] johann: which applet? [05:58] too bad I have i915 :( === Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [05:59] I've got an old matrox...I hope they come out with acceleration for the translucency stuff in the mga driver someday === boomstickz [~boomstick@] has joined #ubuntu === CompotatoJ [~Compotato@cpe-24-25-220-75.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jesus- [~jesus_@150.123-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] I made downgrade this thing, just for the freakin' realplayer. Maybe the helix player nightly builds will work some magic... [05:59] thoreauputic, gtkwifi.....and I can run it gtk run-in-window...and it works fine...I just want the applet to work as well :) [05:59] Quinn_Storm: dont hold your breath [05:59] as johann request, there is a gnome applet to monitor wifi status? [05:59] "I may" I meant [05:59] anyone have a thinkpad t23? [05:59] Anyone here use cedega? Im having audio issues. The onlyw ay i can get sound to work is if I disable it in gnome first. [06:00] Next problem: I can't get an external screen to work on this laptop. [06:00] nevermind. if I just change the printer command to "lp" it works [06:00] When I push the dual screen button, all I get is garbage on one or more of the screens. [06:00] johann: I would add a custom launcher with the command in it, I guess ( "custom application launcher") [06:01] thoreauputic, ok..I'll try that [06:01] to set it right, I need to do ctrl-alt-F1 (which gets me a terminal on both) and then ctrl-alt-f7 (which then gives me a GUI back on the laptop). === DakPowers [~jesse@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] in case it matters, the external monitor is an LCD. [06:03] I just installed Ubuntu... And I love it. [06:03] how can install a plugin for firefox to play video files INSIDE the page instead of opening a player??? [06:03] WebMaven_: hoary or warty [06:03] So, does anyone have any idea how I can get an external monitor to work? [06:03] Hoary. [06:04] xorgconfig [06:04] DakPowers: right on! [06:04] i terminal on lcd [06:04] does that need to be sudo'd? [06:04] no [06:05] Now to get ndiswrapper working... [06:05] DakPowers, I got that working yesterday. [06:06] geneo93, OK, I guess I'll have to make note of all my hardware. [06:07] is ACPI compiled into the default kernel? [06:07] WebMaven_: just look at the xorgconfig file in ect [06:07] is there an ifolder deb? [06:07] OK, thanks. [06:07] Did you? [06:08] On Warty, WebMaven_? [06:08] Or Hoary? === DakPowers is a Linux newbie [06:08] This is my second distro and I'm liking it a lot better [06:08] DakPowers: what was your first? [06:08] Mandrake 10 [06:08] I just like this because it gives me a challenge [06:08] next problem: I added two extra launchers to the top panel, (one for 'Internet' and one for 'System Tools'), but the appropriate icons don't show up, just the Gnome foot icon. [06:09] DakPowers: a challenge? [06:09] DakPowers, on Hoary. [06:09] Well, not a challenge... But I work as a PC tech and I know as much about Windows as I'll ever need to... This is something different to learn === madstop places 32bit hoary laptop directly behind gorgeous 64bit widescreen hoary laptop to pretend that realplayer audio is coming from new machine... [06:10] lol [06:10] lol [06:10] DakPowers, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper [06:10] DakPowers: not hard to learn how crappy windows is [06:10] how come when i try to view a media file in firefox it opens it up in an external player...??? [06:11] wots the difference betweenwarty warthog and Hoary Hedgehog?? [06:11] Funny names [06:11] hoary is lots better [06:11] lol [06:11] moominski, they are different versions of Ubuntu, Hoary is the latest version in preview release (beta) [06:11] Is it? What's different? I just installed Warty [06:11] moominski: hoary is the newest version of ubuntu...its only a preview [06:11] so i shud switch [06:12] ?? [06:12] moominski: get a feel for ubuntu first before u switch to a beta version [06:12] Good advice. [06:12] DakPowers, the one thing that page doesn't say, is that you need to point ndiswrapper at a *.inf file, but the other files still need to be in the same directory as the *.inf file. [06:12] ok np dude [06:12] DakPowers: open synaptic and update your repositories to hoary [06:12] dazed_: i found hoary was easier to use than warty [06:12] Morning all :) [06:12] No one has any advice for the launcher icons, huh? [06:13] Synaptic... Synaptic... Synaptic... [06:13] WebMaven_: check the properties and make sure there not hidden [06:13] Hayden: i find it no different it matters of ease...but this is moominski's first hours of ubuntu (even linux i believe) so i think he should stick with warty before he runs into problems on hoary [06:13] gnome in hoary seems a lot more stable; the menus make more sense, better all around. 32 bits version anyway. Amd64 hoary has me teed off, though it's fast! [06:13] WebMaven_: jsut click the empty icon box on the launcher dialog, and choose one you like... [06:13] dazed_: yep [06:14] geneo93, there is no access to properties for these launchers. === motuline [~motu@dsl-083-102-036-27.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #Ubuntu [06:14] so who wants to help me now!!! lol... [06:14] WebMaven_: or right click next to where you put thenm on another icon and move ot [06:14] WebMaven_: you choose icons from the "creation" dialogue === ian__ [~yella@h00a0cc665eeb.ne.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:15] i installed the multimedia plugin for firefox..and it still opens external media players when a web page has media to display how can i get to open inpage ??? [06:15] This may be the dumbest question ever, but is there a console or command line to type in? [06:15] right clicking on them only give the following: Help, Remove from Panel, Move, Lock to Panel [06:15] mine were stuck behind the gnome foot [06:15] DakPowers: right click the desktop, choose terminal [06:15] thoreauputic, WebMaven_ , the fact is, gnome's icon handling is not the most convenient. Often icons chosen in dialogs turn out to be different, older and ugly [06:15] WebMaven_: move it then [06:15] DakPowers: gnome termianl is in the menu as well === WW [~wweckesse@cpe-24-59-199-217.twcny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:15] thoreauputic, it does not work for creating launchers from Application groups. [06:16] application groups?? [06:16] geneo93, I'm unsure what you're suggesting. [06:16] What? It won't accept my root password... Did I ever set one in installation? [06:16] so anyone know about opening multimedia inpage? [06:16] thoreauputic, here is what I did: [06:17] WebMaven_: OK I get it [06:17] DakPowers: you don't set a root password when installing Ubuntu [06:17] right click on panel, select 'Add to Panel' [06:17] WebMaven_: move a few other icons and see if your apear [06:17] click on 'Application Launcher' [06:17] DakPowers: you use the 'sudo' command e.g. sudo apt-get update [06:17] click on 'Forward' button [06:17] then it will ask your your user password [06:18] click on the 'Internet' app group icon. [06:18] click on 'Add' === Fitzz [~dsfds@nj-69-34-63-210.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] I set a root password when I installed my system...su works but gksu / kdesu don't work (I always laugh at kdesu btw, "k that is", I think (japanese-ish)) [06:18] how come whenever i try to goto a site with media to be displayed it opens an external player someone please help me fix!? [06:18] This creates a launcher that is a dropdown of all 'Internet' apps. [06:19] I must have updated already. [06:19] WebMaven_: yep i follow [06:19] But, it does not use the 'Internet' icon, just a 'foot' icn. [06:19] I don't suppose there's any chance in hell the developers would add realplayer to the distro, at least to universe, configured already for use with firefox? [06:19] WebMaven_: hmm... annoying === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] I know it's proprietary, but it requires no license fees, should be standard equipment [06:19] anyone!?? please!? [06:19] In Warty this did have the extra step for specifying the icon etc. but not in Hoary. [06:20] madstop, no, only free software in the base distribution. [06:20] Ok, I'm gonna start trying this :-/ [06:20] maybe properties can change it [06:20] I am trying to use hoary preview live cd to run on a laptop with an integrated intel graphics card, but it boots up to a blank screen, is this a known bug? === shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120ifu.dsl.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:21] "as in free speech" I assume, WebMaven? === billy` [~billy@c-24-6-58-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] WebMaven_: I get the impression the Gnome developers really don't want us to change their stuff ( maybe a bit paranoid, but... hey) [06:21] Madkiss, yep. === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-134-172.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === billy` is now known as billy-420 [06:21] thoreauputic, what do you mean? [06:21] this is going to sound weird.. [06:21] Fitzz, I have i915 graphic card based on intel 855GM, no problem here [06:21] I'm using hoary btw, not live cds [06:21] I am using the live cd [06:22] WebMaven_: gnome has become less and less configurable with each new release [06:22] everything goes fine [06:22] heh, hitting the tabkey, right WebMaven_ ... Madkiss? I like it [06:22] did you have same hardware? [06:22] then it tries going into gdm and goes blank [06:22] I am not sure what intel chip it is [06:22] its not my laptop [06:22] The resolution of my screen goes back to a really bad default every time I login to GNOME. Do I need to set it globaly as root or ...something? [06:22] Downloading ndiswrapper packages now... [06:23] Fitzz: maybe you can change some things when it starts booting [06:23] I cant get to a console [06:23] the screen just goes blank [06:23] madstop, yeah. Hmm, older versions of XChat whould ask which you meant. [06:23] and I cant do anything [06:23] boot params [06:23] hit f1 at boot [06:23] yea [06:23] I did that [06:23] o; [06:24] what should I set the parms to? [06:24] I turned off acpi [06:24] and did the vga=771 thing === jason [~jason@] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] gnome, kde, Republicans, Democrats... what a world, what choices [06:24] thoreauputic, are you an Ubuntu developer? [06:24] WebMaven_: no [06:24] vesa try that [06:24] anyone else notice broken xorg [06:24] how can I set taht? [06:24] jason: how do you mean broken? [06:24] mine works :) [06:24] just type it in [06:25] If I had the brains and patience, I'd use black/flux/widowmaker/unlightenment whatever [06:25] I just updated and it crashes [06:25] linux vesa [06:25] thoreauputic, OK. Have you confirmed the bug on your machine? [06:25] just type "live vesa [06:25] ? [06:25] can't you install ubuntu without Xserver installed? [06:25] WebMaven_: on warty? I haven't tried it yet - hang on [06:25] Hayden, yes, pass 'server' param at install time [06:25] ok [06:25] thats all I need to do to set it to default to vesa driver? [06:26] WebMaven_: I'm not on hoary [06:26] is there a way I can set the res at boot? [06:26] kain: and from there you can install fluxbox or anything else [06:26] Can someone on Hoary verify a Gnome bug for me? [06:26] can you scan [06:26] Hayden, sure, with apt you can do whatever you want [06:26] thoreauputic, is that by choice, or just so you can help the new warty users more easily? [06:26] WebMaven_, tell me [06:27] WebMaven_: on warty, as you say, the icon is the correct one [06:27] kain these are the steps: [06:27] Fitzz: do a scan === jack|h [bouncer@osu.cloaked] has left #ubuntu [] [06:27] right click on panel, select 'Add to Panel' [06:27] (btw, thoreauputic , we've talked before, with me as error_29) [06:27] how do I scan? [06:27] click on 'Application Launcher' [06:27] hm, how can I turn off the auto updatedb [06:27] it runs updatedb sometimes [06:27] I don't want it to do that :P [06:27] click on 'Forward' button [06:27] Is there no way to access Windows files? [06:27] just type it in [06:27] click on the 'Internet' app group icon. [06:27] ohh [06:27] haha [06:27] alright [06:27] click on 'Add' [06:27] sorry, I dont know boot parms [06:27] DakPowers, read www.ubuntuguide.org [06:27] madstop: I run warty because I'm on dialup, basically -also it's working well for me, so why change :) [06:28] and my crontabs are empty [06:28] This creates a launcher that is a dropdown of all 'Internet' apps. [06:28] WebMaven_, yes [06:28] But, it does not use the 'Internet' icon, just a 'foot' icon. [06:28] thanks for the help [06:28] yes, you're right [06:28] I will go play with the laptop now [06:28] dialup! === jeorb [~chatzilla@CPE-65-29-181-76.wi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] Thanks [06:28] kain, thank you for verifying the bug. [06:28] Fackamato: it normaly runs updatedb in the middle of the night... [06:28] we should pass a hat and get you cable [06:29] f1 f2 f3 Fitzz give you parms [06:29] WebMaven_, np. [06:29] madstop: dsl soon, I hope :) === infidel [~ecc@70-59-101-142.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] man, some of these screensavers are cpu intensive! overkill. === Administrator [~Administr@24-193-134-114.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] i am upgrading my dsl to 1.5/386k [06:30] i just installed ubuntu onto an older laptop and i have distortion at the bottom of my screen, anyone know what could cause this? [06:30] madstop: why the nick change? Hiding ? *grin* [06:31] WebMaven_, please confirm a bug for me [06:31] nope, thoreauputic, but I had, or tried to have, xchat running on two laptops at once, and my router or something wouldn't let me log in, [06:31] infidel, wate for the updates and that will be fixed === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] so I was trying everything... [06:32] server errors, thought maybe the name error29 was a jinx === Borg^Queen [~Borg^Quee@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === geneo91 [~geneo93@1Cust2802.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] Gnome: right click on the panel -> add -> hardware monitor... crash [06:32] thoreauputic: perhaps, it just ran now (06:30), I'd like to disable that :> [06:32] Hello people [06:32] damn dun === invictus [~invictus@so817.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] zenrox, how do i update anyway? === timothy [~timothy@220-253-39-172.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === moominski [~moominski@cpc3-belc1-6-0-cust66.blfs.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] any1 no how i boot into windows [06:33] infidel, sudo apt-get update [06:33] Fackamato: it runs as a daily cron job, as root I guess [06:34] infidel, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [06:34] moominski: Do you have grub or another boot loader installed? [06:34] zenrox, thanks [06:34] grub [06:34] Is windows listed as a boot option? [06:34] no it just boots into ubuntu [06:35] moominski: did you say yes when installing ubu to adding grub to ur master boot record... [06:35] You need to add it to the list. [06:35] hehe [06:35] im not sure [06:35] madstop: do you have secondary nicks in your xchat servers dialogue? like madstop_ or error_29_ with an underscore or similar? [06:35] good by windows [06:35] i dont no im a noob at this [06:35] moominski: you did partition out a portion for windows and a portion for ubuntu before you installed correct? === jari [~none@cs.teli.stadia.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] uh oh [06:36] i let it partition itself [06:36] oops [06:36] well...then i think you erased your windows drive [06:36] oh boy [06:36] lol omg [06:36] bye bye windows... [06:36] Chow windows, [06:36] is it possible unmount media in Hoary/GNOME 2.10? There is only eject .. [06:36] Adios, [06:36] i love it [06:37] is there no way to get back [06:37] moominski: i did the same thing aswell but worst thing about it ...i did partition out my windows [06:37] jari: should unmount automatically I think, when you eject [06:37] moominski, nope [06:37] moominski: you need to reinstall windows and then ubu, making sure you don't erase windows [06:37] moominski: it completely formatted your hard drive and erased everythign and fresh installed ubuntu === sig [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] moominski: you just took the big leap into linux [06:37] is there anyway to install windows after linux? [06:37] omg i had so much [06:37] or does it have to be before? [06:38] dazed_, before [06:38] thoreauputic: yes it does, but I want to leave media inside but unmount it. [06:38] so theres NO WAY whatsover? lol [06:38] You have to install windows BEFORE you install lunix [06:38] nope [06:38] zenrox: please don't give people wrong advice [06:38] for the love of god someone explain to me how /etc/X11/X works... i'm trying to get the tvout on a dell inspiron 8000 to work, a feat that few are having success with and those that do seem to be documenting it poorly. Apparently having a modified xorg.conf that replaces all DRIVER "ati" to "vesa" allows you to use the atitvout program to switch between screens, but the only way i've found to get this to work is to run X -xf86config - [06:38] depth 24 -auth /var/gdm/:1.Xauth vt8 &, which gives me what a grey screen with a window in the middle and a cursor in the shape of an X in tvout, which is better than nothing... can anyone tell me if there are options i can tweak to get this to work? [06:38] tell me im not the only 1 that has did thi [06:38] whoa [06:38] oops, sorry about the nick [06:38] damn thats a downer...im too wrapped up in my ubu to customized to start over...so new hd specifically windows here i come [06:38] dazed_: Do you have a free partition to install windows? === britt_radiofree [~Britt@12-222-213-139.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] Administrator: for the love of God don't flood the channel ! [06:39] what folder do I drop stuff in for gnome-user-share? [06:39] i didn't realize i hadn't changed it on this comp yet [06:39] Agrajag: i could make one [06:39] sorry === error_29 [~b@24-90-94-112.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] dazed_: then do it, and install windows on that, and then reinstall grub from a livecd [06:39] windows can be installed after linux, just be sure you have a first primary partition === Wilcox [~Brett@c-24-0-155-122.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] sometimes windows rewrite mbr, so you must rerun grub or lilo [06:39] agrajag: thats what i was thinking could be done [06:39] Hello [06:39] How is everyone??? [06:40] ill do that this summer [06:40] lol === Kirsch [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] anyone? [06:40] i dont need windows ...plus i got a laptop with nix and dows [06:40] if he installed windows on another drive, it will not rewrite the BR on the linux drive/ [06:40] so im good [06:40] Hello Wilcox q [06:40] Borg^Queen: your right [06:40] kain-- you mean that first primary should be reserved for windows? or linux needs to be in there? === visor [~gustavo@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] but you could choose which drive to boot from [06:41] error_29, I mean that windows install itself in the first primary partition === Administrator [~Administr@24-193-134-114.nyc.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:41] dazed_: let me guess, games? [06:41] weird it just broke my xorg.conf [06:41] Borg^Queen: you got it [06:41] Addict lol [06:41] lol [06:41] windows asks where you want it [06:41] i have tones of native linux games === signal [~signal@24-193-134-114.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] I thought winxp gave you a choice of partition to install to... [06:41] geno91: what do you mean? [06:41] take a small drive and install it, run a completely separate drive for Windows. [06:41] geneo91, yes, but as far as I know he wants a primary partition [06:42] zenrox: Descent? [06:42] just the mbr would get wiped so you need to reinstall grub is all [06:42] yeah [06:42] Borg^Queen, nope [06:42] nwn gold + hotu [06:43] If you install win on a sep drive, the mbr on the nix drive will remain untouched. You can then manually add the win drive as a boot option. === error_29 is glad he kept windows on new laptop, so he can listen to radio, grumbles... [06:43] nwn? [06:43] kain: it would be the primary for windows === efc [~eddie@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] kain: no matter where it is on the drive [06:43] Borg^Queen, never winter nights [06:43] Borg^Queen: if they are 2 completely seperate drives then you have to choose which drive to boot from and they would be completely sepearte mbr's [06:44] forget me if I'm wrong, but can you install windows on an extended partition? [06:44] im just amazed and amazed [06:44] amazed and fscking amazed [06:44] Aye but if you tell grub where it is, it will include it. man grub [06:44] sabmoc: at what? [06:44] Borg^Queen: can grub really do that? [06:44] i did not know [06:44] kain: windows can see only one primary [06:44] dazed_ ubuntu guide [06:44] kain: yes you can but with a lot of problems [06:44] its own [06:45] and that's the point, sorry for my english but I can't do any better to explain [06:45] kain: you're doing fine [06:45] thanks [06:45] :) [06:45] how come when i installed ubuntu it didn't ask me for a root password but when i try to su - it won't let me [06:45] dazed_ its like everything I've ever wanted, now if only it had some instructions for my wife ;) kekeke === ShredWheat [~Pete@c-24-130-182-217.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] dazed_: http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/Kernel-Build-HOWTO/en/x594.html [06:46] kain: i have some big drives here with 4 primaries on them [06:46] infidel, read www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki and search for sudo [06:46] Does wine have an ESD sound driver? [06:46] infidel: because you don't use su, you use sudo with your user password [06:46] dazed_: http://desktops.linux.com/howtos/Multiboot-with-GRUB.shtml [06:47] infidel: man sudo in terminal [06:47] ok thnks === jari [~none@cs.teli.stadia.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [06:47] Borq^Queen: the amazing things that can be done with grub make it ultimately incredibly easy to dual boot the WRONG way lol :) [06:47] infidel: you didn't read the screen that explains this in the installer, did you? [06:47] I was very impressed with ubuntu's website. It's message [06:48] dazed i have 7 oses on this box [06:48] dazed_: you said a mouth full [06:48] geneo91: you crazy man [06:48] no i just do a lot of testing [06:48] hehe [06:48] What have you tested? [06:49] geno91: i know you listed em all the other day :) === pepsi is now known as down-with- [06:49] just about every major linux distro there is [06:49] list them again [06:49] lol whoa [06:49] My goodness. And which do you like best? === down-with- [~pepsi@72-254-21-139.client.stsn.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:50] well i added a new cooker version of mandrake 10.2 yesterday === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-21-139.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] join #c [06:50] er [06:50] geneo91, have thay got there act together yet === raydogg [~raydogg@12-220-121-241.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] some of the kde3.4 stuff is backported to kde 3.3.2 [06:51] geneo91: what do you think of Mandrake? === aspuru [~aspuru@adsl-68-121-166-181.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] its not as good as it used to be [06:51] Does nvidia work again in hoary preview? (I just updated a bunch of packages!) [06:51] How come when i right click on a mp3, it crashes the window I was viewing the mp3 with [06:51] but other files don't cause this === zerokarmaleft [~echo@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] aspuru, should [06:51] thanks zenrox [06:52] raydogg: you need decoder === farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-13-153.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] geneo91: not as good as it used to be? [06:54] Borg^Queen: yeah used to be cutting edge but to many slackers working there now [06:54] geneo91, I installed xmms and it plays them fine if i drag them from the window [06:54] wish me luck! rebooting [06:54] :) [06:54] i am trying to change the file associationg [06:54] -g === ShredWheat [~Pete@c-24-130-182-217.we.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] sorry for a lame question but google seems to be failing me -- where can I find a package list for ubuntu universe? (i'm contemplating switiching from gentoo) [06:54] slackers as in the OS or slackers as in layabouts? [06:55] raydogg: maybe you need to choose mine types for it [06:55] jeorb: good question [06:55] or tell it what player to use a default [06:55] Hey folks, I just finished modifying the default beep-media-player skin to match the Human Theme: http://www2.potsdam.edu/sprang31/HumanSkin.png and HumanSkin.tar.gz [06:55] jeorb: do a google for ubuntu packages, check the first hit [06:56] farruinn: do jpg please [06:56] one sec === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea-4-12-028-223.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] farruin: wow, I was so close (was searching for "ubuntu universe packages") thanks! [06:56] jeorb: no problem =) [06:56] geneo91, mine types ? [06:57] mp3 [06:57] geneo91: why jpgs? === WebMaven_ [~webmaven@ip68-104-53-190.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] i used to using so many oses i get confused [06:58] Borg^Queen: low bandwidth here [06:58] lol [06:58] Ah ok [06:58] geneo91, what file are the file associations stored in, maybe i can change it manually ? [06:58] ok, HumanSkin.jpg is there now [06:58] raydogg: what gui are you using? [06:58] gnome? [06:58] rats [06:58] why ? [06:58] 28800 and getting sp2 for a custommers box [06:59] geneo91: heh, the png is actually smaller... === GammaRay [~GammaRay@adsl-68-122-126-241.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === jason [~jason@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] KDE, you have imediate control over file assiociation [06:59] I dont' really like kde that much [06:59] i used to use it [06:59] GASP! === Borg^Queen passes out [06:59] farruinn: how'd you manage that [06:59] i dont' think its as mature as gnome [06:59] geneo91: just went with gimp defaults.... === MaxeyPad [~maxeypad@12-222-201-62.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:59] Have you used it? [07:00] yeah [07:00] ahh thats why [07:00] I used to use it exclusively [07:00] Aye, I use both current versions. [07:00] I wish adobe would port photoshop to linux [07:00] Gnome and KDE. [07:00] Yuck [07:00] thats one app that i think there will never be a oss equivalent [07:00] raydogg: why? [07:01] The gimp is getting there [07:01] because i deal with alot of psds [07:01] and gimp doesn't open them correctly [07:01] In some ways it's better [07:01] gimp is going to be better than photoshop one day [07:01] becasue of the file format? pfft [07:01] maybe one day... [07:01] Not yet [07:01] well, pfft all you want [07:01] but i have no choice [07:01] i have to keep windows/photoshop around [07:01] raydogg: you can't open psd files? [07:01] or vmware/windows/photoshop [07:01] yeah, gimp opens them [07:01] but not correctly [07:02] photoshop works well in wine (if your already used to photoshop it beats learning the gimp interface) [07:02] Odd I've never had a problem [07:02] Wine makes windows apps look like poop [07:02] and it is buggy [07:02] well that's different from "thats one app that i think there will never be a oss equivalent" [07:02] gimp will only get better if more peopple use it [07:02] GammaRay, maybe I was being a little overdramatic :-) [07:02] lol === dsr [~fboyer@HSE-Toronto-ppp3487336.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] can you export documents from the gimp in psd? [07:02] raydogg: is that gimp 2.2 you have [07:02] yeah [07:02] Hayden: I don't think so === GammaRay tries to think of a win app he would like to see ported [07:03] yes and no -- you lose some transparency in the layers and layer effects are lost [07:03] ok [07:03] GammaRay, surely internet explorer [07:03] rofl [07:03] Well, how about FlashFXP :-) [07:03] GammaRay: Descent [07:03] tell the ppl at gimp .org [07:03] geneo91, I'm sure they'll listen to me tons [07:03] kain: that's just mean === Copons [~Manuel@cable200-116-209-2.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] GoLive is pretty good.. dunno about that new editor that uses the mozilla toolkit [07:04] raydogg: they listen to everyone [07:04] Hi i was wondering, how can burn a vcd? [07:04] GammaRay: NuView? [07:04] that's the one... [07:04] Copons: K3b [07:04] GammaRay: it bites [07:05] Mozilla's is better [07:05] raydogg: look at there bug list for that and see if their aware of the problem [07:05] Borg^Queen: huh? [07:05] Its bad [07:05] I would like to see dc++ in linux.. dcgui-qt is not so good [07:05] Borg^Queen: woah I thought you said "mozilla is better" [07:05] I did. [07:05] (the browser) [07:06] The editor in mozilla is better than the revamped nuview editor [07:06] Copons: you can also use dvdstyler to do it. [07:06] nvu is a long way from being done so don't pick on it too much yet ;) === DakPowers [~jesse@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] Oh my gosh! So close! [07:06] Or kavi2vcd [07:07] jeorb: ok ok [07:07] Borg^Queen, can it burns vcd with a ,avi file? [07:07] geneo91: the screenshot I made is 31K, the .tar.gz is 37K [07:07] I've got my ndiswrapper installed, the driver installed... Is there some sort of a wireless tool that you can use to configure stuff? [07:07] copilot: nope, you need to convert them to vcd format. Get avidemux2 for that. [07:07] farruinn: i'll look [07:07] Make sure you have ALL it's deps === xoxoxo [~xoxoxo@YahooBB219206220072.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk [07:08] farruinn: that skin will work with xmms also??????? [07:08] geneo91: I just thought it was interesting that the whole thing is only slightly larger than the screenshot [07:08] geneo91: it should [07:08] I haven't tried it [07:08] hello. anybody pls tell me how can i update for security fixes in ubuntu (only security fixes, not other updates)? [07:09] yeah i think so to a regular winamp 1 skin === visor [~gustavo@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] xoxoxo: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ [07:09] or 2 sorry [07:09] xoxoxo: just comment out all the lines except the security ones in /etc/apt/sources.list [07:09] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/ [07:09] geneo91: this is the first time I've ever done anything like this [07:09] Is there a tool in Ubuntu that lets you choose which wlan to connect to and what not? [07:09] or even used gimp tbh... [07:10] how the fuck does bittorrent work anyway [07:10] files have random chunks of other files in them [07:10] farruinn: looks good i have a BeOS skin i use most of the time [07:10] except [07:10] when it finishes [07:10] everything's right. [07:10] bittorrent down ocremix, play one file, you hear chunks from like 10 files [07:10] Blue, you're downloading chunks from other people... And uploading chunks TO other people [07:10] geneo91: yeah, I don't know if I'll actually be using it much, I have a nice one that matches my enlightenment theme [07:11] when the torrent's done, the files are correct [07:11] Yep [07:11] DakPowers: Into hundreds or thousands of files at once [07:11] but I thought there should be a brown skin to match human, I couldn't find any [07:11] DakPowers: it's not like it makes 1 big file [07:11] hey people im not trying to troll but how do you see the default (clearlooks) theme in ubuntu, do you like it? [07:11] bluefoxicy, I know, I'm just sayin', that's how it works [07:11] it makes like, 01_-_Mario2.mp3 02_-_Sonic3.mp3 03_-_Mario.mp3 and 01_-_Mario2.mp3 will have chunks of the other two until the torrent finishes [07:11] farruinn: i have kde here with pipe cross so i dont think it would match to well [07:11] what the hell does it do === raptor9k [~raptor9k@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] reorganize everything crossfile at the end [07:12] geneo91: lol, probably not [07:12] Borg^Queen: i cannot find any help on my question at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/ ? [07:12] for like 900 hours [07:12] farruinn: my daughters fav colors [07:12] xoxoxo, assuming you have Warty, you need these 2 lines in /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted [07:12] deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted [07:12] DakPowers: I could see it downloading chunks of file X into file X, Y into Y, Z into Z; but not X Y and Z into X and Z Y and X into Y and so on [07:12] anyone here successfully running NetworkManager in Hoary? Having some trouble getting the NetworkManagerInfo working [07:13] xoxoxo: just comment out all the lines except the security ones in /etc/apt/sources.list [07:13] DakPowers: extrude for 1000 files and grab random sets of 5-10 to associate with random files [07:13] tritium: yes, then ? [07:13] Borg^Queen: that is not the good solution, rite? [07:13] xoxoxo: just disable anything that doesn't say security in the repositories window in synaptic [07:13] xoxoxo, update and upgrade as usual [07:14] raptor9k: use network-admin in terminal [07:14] xoxoxo: everyone is giving you the instructions you need. Filter out the rest of us and read what they are telling you carefully. [07:14] is here a way to start an x terminal using a different configuration file than you did for the one that you get when you boot? [07:14] DakPowers: It works werid, I wanna know htf it manages to do that without filesystem damage or massive restructuring at the end [07:14] comments out lines, then upgrade? i expect there are some command line option, so i dont need to touch source.list all the time [07:14] i'm trying now and it seems to not be loading a window manager [07:14] xoxoxo, you only edit sources.list once [07:14] Borg^Queen: i see the answers, but i think there are better way. [07:15] signal: a window manager or a display manager? [07:15] xoxoxo: it would seem they have a great deal of experience with Ubu, I would take their advice. [07:15] tritium: not so [07:15] geneo91: I know its there but I was really hoping to get NetworkManager working... [07:15] geneo91, ? [07:15] tritium: then after updating, i must modify the sources.list again (to back to normal)? then everytime i need to upgrade for security fixes, i must again modify sources.list??? too bad i guess. [07:15] xoxoxo: at worst, it will do until you find a better way. [07:16] xoxoxo, no, you'll always want security updates, won't you? [07:16] i meant that is a solution, but that doesnt scale [07:16] tritium: i've done mine 3-4 times now [07:16] geneo91, why? [07:16] tritium: but what if i need to install a new software? [07:16] why because things change everyday [07:16] geneo91, not repositories [07:17] raptor9k: what kinda network trouble you having im having some myself? [07:17] Borg^Queen: ok i see, but i wonder if there is another way. [07:17] yes some do [07:17] geneo91, not official ones [07:17] xoxoxo: There maybe, and in time we will find it. [07:17] farriunn: a guess a display manager, i'm getting a grey screen with an X cursor [07:17] ok, anyway i appreciate your helps. thanks [07:17] well i use some others aswell man!!!!!!!!!! [07:17] xoxoxo: save a copy of the original file as a reference [07:17] can anyone help me with my network trouble...i have 2 ubuntu systems (laptop-hoary, pc-warty) each system can pick up their own systems shared folders but not the other systems shared folders....anyone have any ideas!?!?!?!?!? [07:17] geneo91, what I said is correct for official repos [07:18] signal: did this happen randomly or did you just install? [07:18] well I'm mostly having trouble getting the applet NetworkManagerInfo to work correctly. The network stuff is fine, I just want an easier way to manage wireless networks [07:18] oh raptor9k ok [07:18] geneo91, don't correct me if you have a special case that's an exception [07:18] tritium: what if he wants the other updates next week [07:19] anyone have any ideas for me? [07:19] i set up NetworkManager according the the wiki entry on the ubuntu site using the ubuntu packages but I can't get the applet to show up in the notification box === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-134-172.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:19] case closed [07:19] geneo91, he asked for "only security fixes" [07:20] but you said you only do it once [07:20] raptor9k: the _applet_ would just sit on the panel wouldn't it? The notification area is its own applet... [07:20] dazed_:is this with samba or something else? [07:20] that's right [07:20] farruin: When I boot theres no problem... i'm trying to be able to have different terminals have different properties so i can do things like watch dvds and enable 3d support === agentdunken [~ubuntu@ip68-228-231-86.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] hi [07:20] geneo91, you don't have to be editing your sources.list all the time [07:20] jeorb: i believe its with samba [07:20] thats what i have installed [07:20] well the aplet should show up inside the notification area aplet hehe [07:20] i do [07:20] hi is there a way to install gnoppix onto your hd? [07:20] signal: ah, I see. You're using gdm flexiserver? [07:20] i just want to do some file sharing between the 2 computers [07:20] geneo91, then you're an exception to the rule [07:21] raptor9k: I see =) (I dont have a laptop) [07:21] is there any way to install gnoppix onto your hd? [07:21] tritium: i use some rpms as well [07:21] is there any way to install gnoppix ontoy uor hd [07:21] I think that's how it goes. Its the part of the bar down by the clock where battery status and stuff is shwon [07:21] agentdunken: you'll need the install cd [07:21] shown* [07:21] where do you get the install cd [07:22] agentdunken: www.ubuntulinux.org [07:22] dazed_:what did you do so far to set it up? [07:22] any ideas jeorb? [07:22] farruin: umm...no, but it sounds like I should be. isn't there some way to just pass startx or X a .conf file to read? [07:22] ok [07:22] ok well... [07:22] it's rearranging shit while it goes [07:22] so what the hell [07:22] bt-insert-sort or something [07:22] thx [07:22] well i need sleep [07:22] nite all [07:22] signal: if all you want to do is have different sessions open (gnome, fluxbox, xfce, etc) flexiserver will work [07:22] jeorb: i have my pc set up comfortably i believe ( i installed samba smbfs and samba client and i can browse windows networks (when there is one)) [07:23] signal: at least that's the extent I've used it for [07:23] geneo91: night [07:23] jeorb: i installed the same packages on the laptop and its just not bringing up the other systems shared folders in the 'network:///' [07:23] signal: iirc you have Applications>System Tools>New Login with the default install... === al3x [~al3x@] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] dazed_: did you happen to give them the same network name? [07:24] jeorb: i did at first...but then i changed it, but wierd thing is...the old network name (which is same as pc) is still being brought up on the laptop [07:24] Well people. My question is. I'm starting a lug for noobs in my area. Would ubu, be a good starting point for them? [07:24] anyone notice that gdm-restart doesn't work...for some reason the - isn't recognized as a printable character :/ [07:24] daded [07:24] tritium: btw i use plf for somethings [07:25] raptor9k: try /etc/init.d/gdm restart [07:25] geneo91, and? [07:25] hmm [07:25] ok [07:25] dazed_: i had that happen once too...lemme think back... [07:25] Borg^Queen: when someone wants to try linux for the first time I hand them an ubuntu cd [07:25] ok [07:26] jeorb: preciate it :) [07:26] farruinn: thanks. [07:26] My next question. I deal with churchs that have NO net connection. When I need to give them updates, I do it via CDs. How hard would it be to do that with ubu? === goodoldunclemike [~mike@pcp0010440419pcs.frtprk01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu === ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] tritium: what is up mike [07:27] ells, Hey Steve === kmanTFM_ [~kman@p5.pub.ro] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] jeorb: if it helps the window title is a lil strange to me it says 'initial-laptop on initial-laptop' sounds like its on its own server if i could get it on a general server? [07:28] tritium: my computer is working.I went ahead and upgraded and am using rhythmbox [07:28] ells, how do you like it? [07:28] ? i just installed ubuntu 4.10...and during install i did not see anywhere where it asked me to create a root password..so how do i install stuff now..where i need root access [07:28] goodoldunclemike, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [07:29] whats the command to run a .pl (python) script? [07:29] tritium: not bad mike, kind of reminds me of iTunes [07:29] ok thanks [07:29] dazed_: open a root terminal, type everything between the quotes "mount -t smbfs //COMPUTERNAME/SHARENAME" changing COMPUTERNAME and SHARENAME as needed -- this will tell us if samba is configured and working [07:29] ells, that's the idea === HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] tritium: that is good, I use iTunes [07:30] will eventually go to that for my iPod [07:30] Anyone execute a python script? [07:30] Quarupt: python script.pl [07:30] Quarupt, .pl is perl, not python [07:30] moin [07:30] oop [07:30] ells, does the iPod support in rhythmbox work for you? [07:30] jeorb: it gave me an error hold on let me bring up xchat on the laptop [07:30] oh my bad [07:31] Quarupt: if it *is* python just 'python name.py' :D [07:31] tritium: havent tried yet, if you hold on I will let you know real quick [07:31] dazed_: i realized i cut down my example too far :P [07:31] okay but its perl [07:31] i know === sn0wman [~sn0wman@pix245-010.pix.wmich.edu] has joined #ubuntu === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-30-146.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] ells, ok. I don't have an iPod, so I have no idea... [07:31] dazed_: 'mkdir /mnt/smb' [07:31] ... add /mountfolder [07:31] so how to execute a perl script? [07:31] tritium: we shall see real quick [07:31] jeorb: it gave me an smbfs error though === dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] dazed_: exactly [07:32] Quarupt, take a wild guess [07:32] dazed_: what was the error? [07:32] perl file.pl? [07:32] jeorb: im loading up xchat on the laptop so i can paste it one sec === raptor9k [~raptor9k@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] ok [07:33] lol [07:33] restarted the machine and the applet is there now === dazed__ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-210.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === sn0wman [~sn0wman@pix245-010.pix.wmich.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [07:33] jeorb: this is the error '16957: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) [07:33] SMB connection failed [07:33] Quarupt: I *think* you can ./file.pl [07:34] dazed_: then your samba is setup to require a password and possibly a user [07:34] how do i change that...i installed only basic packages and didnt configure anything [07:35] brb testing wireless [07:35] dazed_:lemme see if I can find the gnomish way to do it (i'm a kde user) [07:35] alright thanks jeorb [07:35] tritium: will have too look into it, I have mp4 on my ipod, so i think I will need additional codecs [07:36] this script wants to know the location of my GCC program, how do i find it? [07:36] also when i try to mount my laptops shared folder onto my pc it gives me a failed to connect error [07:36] ells, cool. I'll be curious to know your results [07:36] actually it gives me same error [07:36] tritium: will let you know === DakPowers [~jgarrett@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] ells, cool, thanks === rattboi [~rattboi@c-24-22-178-137.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] Can someone please tell me where GCC is kept by default? [07:38] Quarupt: whereis gcc [07:38] Quarupt: it's not installed by default, you'll need build-essential === saad [~saad@zeff.docisland.org] has joined #ubuntu === LordGrunt [~ziemo@ztpnet-73-136.ztpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] hi [07:39] hi [07:39] can someone help me either figure out how to do hardware sound mixing or use the ALSA software mixer as default, so I can have more than one app using sound? [07:39] is it possible to hav esupermount with latest kernel on hoary? === kaouete_ [kkwet@vol75-8-82-233-236-81.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] dazed_:I'm having trouble finding info on configuring samba from Gnome. You might want to try from the command line. [07:39] Ayeeee... I can't boot up Ubuntu. It stops on clock synchronization for 2 minutes or more [07:40] What is the location of the directory of C header files that match my running [07:40] kernel? [07:40] thats fine what do i need to do??? [07:40] jeorb: thats fine what do i need to do???** [07:40] dazed_: http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=19967 [07:40] DakPowers, press ctrl+C === kaouete_ is now known as kaouete [07:40] DakPowers, do you have ethernet on? [07:40] Seriously? That's all I'm missing? Geez... lol [07:40] Quarupt: need to download it forst [07:40] Yes, but still nothing === andreiz [~andrei@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] LordGrunt, I think i have Kernel Headers [07:41] So Ctrl+C will skip that step? [07:41] it'll kill the script, so yeah [07:41] Quarupt: /usr/src/? [07:41] hello. how do i find out the dependencies of a binary ? i need that in order to create a config file (Depends section) for a deb package [07:41] Awesome... brb, hopefully :-/ [07:41] Thanks, by the way [07:41] might be ctrl+x [07:41] but I think it's ctrl+c [07:41] Alright, I'll give it a try. Thanks, rattboi [07:42] hmm, about the supermount again, pls? === adamh [~adam@modemcable051.139-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] dazed_: I think I found something even better -- try installing gnosamba, it looks perfect [07:42] isn't supermount a Mandrake thing? === technomajian [~travis@dynamic-cable-176-13.169.12.osage.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] mdk only? [07:42] I've got two sound cards on my system (nvidia's built-in one and my emu10k1). The speakers are plugged into the second, and so I get no sound. How do I select an alternate sound card? [07:43] jeorb: ill give it a shot...is it in apt-get? [07:43] jeorb, do you like Homestarrunner? [07:43] rattboi: you think there is anyway to get such feature in ubuntu? [07:43] LordGrunt, what is your problem exactly? [07:43] dazed_:i believe so, there is a debian package for it [07:43] most of my mounts already automount [07:43] Wow, folks, you got another happy ubuntu user. lol, this is awesome. === xoxoxo [~xoxoxo@YahooBB219206220072.bbtec.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:44] rattboi: cd's wont mount automatically, neither they unmount [07:44] jeorb: could u direct me to the debian package cuz im not seeing it in my apt-cache [07:44] LordGrunt, are you running warty? [07:44] hoary === kaouete_ [kkwet@vol75-8-82-233-236-81.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] LordGrunt, strange [07:44] it's working here [07:45] do you have in fstab a line for cd? [07:45] please help. how do i find out the dependencies of a binary ? i need that in order to create a config file (Depends section) for a deb package.. [07:45] rattboi: cause it wasnt present when just installed [07:45] needed to add it myself [07:45] Can anyone please tell me in which dir are the kernel headers stored? [07:45] Got a couple of questions to throw into the fray, though. I'd like to get rid of OpenOffice -- want to install 1.1.4 -- but in order to remove the package using Synaptic, it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop as well. How do I get around that? Do I need to get around that? [07:45] Quarupt: /usr/src [07:46] technomajian: You remove ubuntu-desktop [07:46] you have to make a symlink to /usr/src/linux yourself [07:46] technomajian: ubuntu-desktop doesn't actually have any files. It's just a bunch of dependencies. [07:46] Oh, oh, okay. Thanks. [07:46] technomajian: ubuntu-desktop is preety useless ;) [07:46] technomajian: Unfortunately, when you dist-upgrade you may miss out on nice stuff. For example, when I switched from Warty to Hoary I missed out on Gamin and things got quite broken :) [07:47] I'm a little gunshy in that regard ever since I removed a Mandrake package and hosed my system. lol. [07:47] Ick. [07:47] Quarupt: /usr/src/linux-headers-xxxxx [07:47] jeorb: i found the package...should i install gnosamba on both systems??? [07:47] Quarupt: You've gotta have the linux-headers-xxxx package installed first :) [07:47] it is [07:48] So, nobody here has had problems with multiple sound cards? [07:48] If I uninstalled it for now, and then upgraded to Hoary later, and at that point reinstalled ubuntu-desktop, would it require me to reinstall the old OpenOffice as well? [07:48] technomajian: Yes. [07:48] Okay. === schasi [~schasi@pD95E2849.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] this script is asking for my C header files thta match my running kernel? [07:48] Nuts. Guess I've got a decision to make. hmm ... [07:48] technomajian: What *I* ended up doing for a while was just typing in "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", typing "N" when it asked me, and then apt-get installing the ones from the list which I found important. === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] Quarupt: The script ought to be able to find them automatically. But they're in /usr/src/linux-headers-xxxx... where xxxx is "type ls to find out" :) [07:49] hrm all thats there is a dir called RPM [07:50] Quarupt, did you install the headers already? [07:50] Ah, okay. What's the rationale for the ubuntu-desktop package in the first place, then? Not trying to be lippy, just sort of curious about it. [07:50] technomajian: it's an easy way to make sure all of the "necessary" packages are installed by default [07:50] rattboi: k, i have noticed that cd spins a bit when inserted. then, spins a bit more when entering /media/ but /media/cdrom doesnt contain anything [07:50] Ah, okay. [07:50] technomajian: Erm... kinda hard to explain. It's like saying "What's the rationale for the 'gnome' package" :) [07:50] Heh, good point. === sean_ [~sean@ip68-5-32-179.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] tritium, I guess not, my problem is that i am running a 386 kernel but im using a AMD64 proc, so i should still get the headers that match my kernel right? === eyequeue [~eyequeue@eyequeue.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] Thanks for the answers, folks. As I said, I am EXTREMELY impressed with this distro!! [07:52] technomajian: I think everybody who uses it is :) [07:52] Quarupt, yes. Get linux-headers-`uname -r` === adamh just installed it on his desktop a couple of hours ago :) [07:52] okay cool [07:53] <_4strO> yo === adamh gives up on his soundcard problem and blacklists the nvidia sound driver in /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d. Icky workaround :( [07:53] yep, except some minor thins... === technomajian has it running on a Toshiba laptop. Took him 15 minutes to get his wlan card working. Took him 4 hours to do it in SuSE. [07:54] jeorb: tons of dependencies for that package hehe [07:54] technomajian: Heh, mine worked as soon as I installed :P [07:54] ...and then it died. MEH. === adamh hates defective hardware :( [07:54] Ah well, sweepytime === tritium celebrates with technomajian [07:54] so, anyone could know why my automount is not working? [07:55] Well, from a little Googling, I've discovered that my card has historically been a little pain in the butt. Linksys WPC11 v.4. === pastyhermit [~rvirani@S0106000d88f49a55.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] if I run Hoary === raptor9k_ [~raptor9k@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] it will update until Hoary becomes stable right? [07:55] sudo apt-get install gdk-imlib1 && sudo apt-get install libart2 && sudo apt-get install libdb2 && sudo apt-get install libgnome32 && sudo apt-get install libgnomesupport0 && sudo apt-get install libgnomeui32 && sudo apt-get install xlib6g [07:56] pastyhermit, yes [07:56] so if I keep updating hoary when it comes stable I will have the exact same isntall? [07:56] pastyhermit, yes === godsmoke [~godsmoke@66-108-159-216.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === tolstoy_ [~tolstoy@c-67-171-195-50.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:57] sweet [07:57] Hoary + XFCE here we come :D [07:57] http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/gnosamba [07:57] mm when the new NVIDIA card comes I will get composite too :D === DakPowers [~jesse@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] I'm having wlan trouble now... But I've got further than I ever have before, sooo [07:59] later dudes [07:59] oh one more question === MyNameIsChris [~Christoph@CWPP-p-144-134-229-157.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] if I want a pretty bare-bones install I should just do a "server" install and upgrade and install stuff from there right? [07:59] sure, just make sure you get an xserver [07:59] xserver? [08:00] Whats that :P === jasoncohen [~jason@dhcp-129-64-143-106.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] if you get xfce it should probably pull in what you need [08:00] farruinn: yeah I figured as much [08:00] this guy on mandrdake is insisting that ubuntu has no root user. I think he is an idiot and doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. can someone clear up the situation? [08:00] dazed_: sorry I kinda disappeared, real life called me away...i'll be gone for the rest of the night...good luck! [08:00] alright, later dudes [08:00] on #mandrake [08:00] on #mythtv-users [08:01] my mistake [08:01] #mythtv-users, correct [08:01] jeorb: thanks for the help have a good one [08:01] And I said its disabled by default [08:01] jasoncohen: that confused me too for a bit, but I eventually figured it out ... lol [08:01] heh [08:01] so, what's the answer? === jeorb [~chatzilla@CPE-65-29-181-76.wi.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["back] [08:01] So anyone can confirm me or jason? [08:01] clearly the "first account" has system rights [08:01] as root would [08:01] Well, I just RTFM and all was a-okay. ;-) [08:01] and as such it seems it is root with a different name [08:02] but technomajian is the the root account disabled by default or not? [08:02] jasoncohen, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [08:02] how could it be disabled? Some account must have root privileges- call it whatever you want [08:02] It is disabled by default, and you have to sudo everything. However, enabling it is trivial if you really want to. [08:03] technomajian: so you can't login as root directly, you have to sudo to get root privileges? [08:03] Alright... I've read the support documents, Installed ndiswrapper, got the right driver going, LED on the wireless card is on, just now I can't connect to my wlan... Am I doing something wrong? [08:04] Out of the box, yes, that is what I've found. But again, if you want to be able to log in as root, you can set it up to do that by doing a sudo passwd root, and assigning root a password. [08:04] What card do you have, DakPowers? [08:04] Dell Truemobile 1300 [08:05] Eek, okay. Well, hmm ... did you run modprobe ndiswrapper? [08:05] I receive signal and everything, I just can't connect to anything [08:05] Yes [08:05] Oh, okay. I take it you've got the ESSID set up and all? [08:05] Yeah, but it still won't connect :-/ [08:06] Okay, did you check your default gateway? I had that problem with my card. === pastyhermit [~rvirani@S0106000d88f49a55.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] what tool says no root in ubuntu [08:06] Here's the newbie question... Is the MAC address the same in Linux as it is in Windows? [08:06] pastyhermit: the majority of the developers [08:06] lol [08:06] Theoretically, yes. The MAC address should never change. [08:06] why then can I type 'sudo passwd' [08:06] 'sudo' is generally a better idea [08:06] then su [08:06] Because I have my router set up only to send to my MAC addresses [08:06] why do so many people complain about not having root? [08:06] lol [08:07] pastyhermit: you're free to do whatever you like [08:07] that's the way linux works : [08:07] :) [08:07] so there is a root user [08:07] :D [08:07] make one [08:07] of course there is [08:07] so ... [08:07] however we recommend you don't use it per se [08:07] only via sudo [08:07] why do 'developers say there is none [08:07] which is the way the ubuntu tools work [08:07] sudo -s [08:07] developers implies they have intellegence [08:07] DakPowers, brb. gonna look at something. [08:07] Alrighty, I appreciate it [08:07] because it's a lot easier than explaining the entire concept to someone who does not understand [08:08] HrdwrBoB: this is true :D [08:08] if you know enough to know there's a root account, go for your life, do what you want [08:08] just say 'Administration or System Password' === davix [~lama@85-65-147-83.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] there's no need for a seperate password [08:08] :D [08:08] using sudo you simply use your password [08:08] well for some there is :D === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] those that want to do it that way are welcome to [08:09] sweet :D [08:09] as a sysadmin I find sudo is very useful in logging what goes on by whom and when [08:09] even things I've done [08:09] I guess for the desktops let the users do whayt they want [08:10] DakPowers, you might want to get one of these more serious gurus to tell you what command line ditty to use to check to see what your system thinks the MAC address is. I'm not very good with the command line thing. The MAC address shouldn't change, but I've seen it happen on ethernet cards before, so it may be possible with a wlan too. [08:10] from a laypersons POV, sudo is generally a better idea [08:10] because there is only one password [08:10] and from a desktop distro pov [08:11] DakPowers, can you talk to the router? [08:11] Let me see. [08:12] Yes, I can, while I'm plugged in [08:12] Should I try while unplugged? [08:12] Try using your wlan card. [08:13] If I discon, you'll know why... brb [08:13] k. === gilliesd [~gilliesd@bh02i525f01.au.ibm.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:13] Nothing. [08:13] :-/ [08:13] hmm. k, looking. === ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === al3x is now known as |al3x\ === niran [~niran@lucianus.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] Massage the BEAST [08:15] oops === |al3x\ is now known as |al3x| [08:15] Well, I'm out on a limb here because I'm only been using Ubuntu for a couple of hours, but if you've got your ESSID and WEP key info right ... I don't know. It's not the problem I thought it was if you can't talk to the router. [08:15] bbl [08:16] lol [08:16] Darn === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-3-33.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] Don't feel bad, I had a hell of a time getting my system set up the first time I tried. [08:17] Perhaps you could tweak something on the router side of things? [08:17] Yeah, I've been trying for 2 days now over 2 distros === max [~max@] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] another problem, my mplayer plays avi's almost like slideshow, this is not normal thing, i used to plays tons of movies on my prev system, mdk [08:19] all with great performance [08:19] Here's the thing, though... I'll connect to the router and look at the active users. Plug in the card, and a MAC address shows up. So the card/computer are acknowledging each other, but just not talking to each other. [08:22] Yeah, hawke, I feel that way at times too. [08:22] Try pinging your router. === ia1 [~yella@h00a0cc665eeb.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] Remember, I'm just kind of a high-tier newbie myself. Way I see it, you poke enough screws with the screwdriver, something'll go squeak. === BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] lol [08:24] Nothing when I ping it :-/ === krischan [~krischan@p54B85AB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === jnoon [~jnoon@RHB-48-155.sonoma.edu] has joined #ubuntu === turf [~turf@] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] Okay, I'm all out of ideas, I think. Maybe someone else can jump in? I honestly don't know from here ... :-( [08:26] anyone know how to disable beep on the whole system? ie. not just in terminal, and not just in firefox, but just remove the thing completely? [08:26] I so appreciate the help, though :) [08:27] You're welcome. I wish I could have done more. === idleo [~david@82-69-92-65.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] anyone tried f1 2002 in cedega? === billy-420 [~billy@c-24-6-58-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Corvus [~Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] jnoon: have you looked at the Sound preferences? You can disable "sounds for events" === mhandl [~mhandl@d154-20-130-69.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] farruinn, thanks. looks like it worked! would there be any benefit to ... dont know how to explain this correctly... to disable it at the startup level, so it isnt even loaded at boot, so it couldnt function no matter what options were checked? [08:36] I don't think there would be a benefit... [08:36] Well, all, I need to get to bed. See you folks later. Again, thanks for your help! === knoppix [~knoppix@c-24-17-167-100.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === billy-420 [~billy@c-24-6-58-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] anybody have time for a hardware question? === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] just replaced my mobo [08:37] and now i can't boot into X [08:37] what mainboard did you have before, and which one are you using now? [08:37] but i was able to boot into knoppix just fine [08:37] ECS KT600A now [08:37] the BusID has probably changed for your graphics card [08:38] oh ok [08:38] so how do i workaround? [08:38] change something in XF86Config-4? [08:38] I'd back up your XF86Config-4 or xorg.conf first then run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' [08:39] or just search for "busid" in your X config and compare with lspci [08:39] save yoruself some time [08:39] there's a better solution [08:39] where could i edit my eth0, can't find its path /etc/sysconfig? [08:39] thanks! [08:40] hm, what I have in my xorg.conf and what lspci return is different [08:41] looks like one is hex and the other decimal, is that true for everyone or just macs? === yoko-omo [~aluser@c68.190.161.195.eau.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-48.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] http://www.linuxmagazine.com/content/view/45/115/ === inner [~innerworl@] has joined #ubuntu === subterrific [~jason@subterrific.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Ubuntu was on Slashdot today === inner [~innerworl@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === medwards_ [~chatzilla@adsl-64-175-14-61.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === sonojacker [~Sono@] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] Hello friends. Does anyone know about an acpi problem at recent hoary updates? === danikata [~d@] has joined #ubuntu === deucehaus [~deucehaus@adsl-64-171-116-169.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === krischan [~krischan@p54B85C39.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Synaptic said this: Searching for splash image... none found, skipping... [08:48] don't worry, that's grub [08:48] is there some official splash image for Ubuntu? [08:48] ah [08:48] ok [08:48] I don't think so [08:48] but you can apt-get a package [08:48] Quarupt, you never got back to me about linux-headers [08:49] I'll just leave things the way they are. === wm_eddie goes back to homework. [08:49] try apt-get install grub-splashimages [08:50] tritium, hello. Do you know something about kernel bugs at version 2.6.10-5? [08:50] can anyone explain to me why www.milwaukeebrewers.com crashes mozilla firefox in hoary? [08:50] sonojacker, no, the last problems were in 2.6.10-4 (build 26) that I'm aware of === idleo [~david@82-69-92-65.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] yoko-omo: It diesn't crash mine [08:51] Has anyone started to look at unionfs for the livecd? [08:51] :/ [08:51] greeat [08:51] I see tritium.... is just that after today's upgrades, I don't have acpi support [08:51] well, now i wonder just how I fucked it up [08:52] kernel's log shows successful acpi loading === calvin [~calvin@c-24-17-167-100.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] sonojacker, hmm, that's the first I've heard of any problems with it. Sorry. [08:52] hey, so whoever had the tip about my busid changing with my mobo replacement was right [08:52] did the trick [08:54] on to bigger and better things...my monitor resolution resets everytime i reboot. has been happening ever since i bought my nifty new 17" LCD. [08:54] it defaults back to 1024x768 [08:54] instead of 1280x1024 === tritium pokes Quarupt [08:54] no biggie, but kind of a pain [08:55] OK. Thx tritium. I will try to find out what happened. Its a pitty, since mine is a laptop... [08:55] sonojacker, yes, I'm sorry that happened to you [08:55] r u a kernel developer tritium? [08:56] for ubuntu i mean [08:56] calvin: [08:56] mantainer === kmanTFM [~kman@p5.pub.ro] has joined #ubuntu === csj [~ubunewbie@218-164-172-217.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] sonojacker, no, not even close :) === jesse_ [~jesse@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] hehe ok [08:57] YES. === efc [~eddie@dialup-] has left #ubuntu [] [08:57] calvin: about the resolution, could you upload your X configuration somewhere [08:57] I had never meet a kernel mantainer... they are mytic hah [08:57] mythic [08:57] hello, I have apt-get install ubuntu-artwork and I use the clearlooks gtk theme, but how com I dont have the progressbar appear? [08:57] sonojacker, I just like to see people have a good ubuntu experience, that's all === jesse_ is now known as DakPowers [08:57] that's so kind tritium! A real FLOSS attitude. congrats. [08:58] sonojacker, :) [08:58] and I have check that the gconf seetiong "/desktop/gnome/interface/enable_animations" is true [08:58] just noticed something in my XF86Config file [08:58] How do I choose which gtk theme to use? [08:58] s/seetiong/setting [08:58] let me see if this fixes it... [08:59] sonojacker, but now it's bed time. Take care! See you around... === kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:00] ... [09:00] this is annoying [09:00] I don't understand why firefox is crashing === IrcUsr [~IrcUsr@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] is there anyone in here who knows how to get ISO8859-1 folder/file names in SMB mounted shares to look as supposed? [09:01] see ya tritium good luck === Hayden [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Jelm [~Dacmxs@cm125.sigma212.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] people, does anyone have via chipsets in here? [09:02] sonojacker, yes [09:02] i have codepage=850 and iocharset=iso8859-1 in my fstab, but i still says "invalid encoding" for all iso8859-1 specifics [09:03] do you work in Hoary deFrysk? [09:03] in hoary yup [09:03] did you applied today's updates deFrysk? [09:03] yes === deFrysk is a good boy ;p [09:04] deFrysk, and everything all rite right? === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] sonojacker, no glitches here === hawke [~hawke@hawkesnest.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] I see... I have a problem with ACPI and my K8 scaling. [09:05] koffee [09:05] does ubuntu play encrypted DVDs out of the box? [09:05] Anyone here ever tried generating a LiveCD from scratch (i. e., not starting from a previous LiveCD)? [09:06] Anyone with scaling frequency scaling problems after today's updates? Sad things like the GNOME Frequency app showing nothing? === SiliconViper [~siliconvi@d205-250-111-241.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] No IrcUsr [09:06] anyone know the name of that app that lets you display in a browser the web traffic sniffed? [09:06] sonojacker: i don't see decss plugin in packages either, will i just have to do it manually? [09:07] Google for Christian Marillat's packages for Debian IrcUsr [09:07] apt-get the libcss stuff at his profane repositories IrcUsr [09:08] (profane and necessary to impress your girlfriend and migrate her computer to linux) [09:09] (btw, that was not sexist, just a real life story) [09:09] sonojacker: how'd you impress her? === snowgod [adam@bastion.cmh.jtl.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] After going through remastering Kanotix and Knoppix CDs, I would sure rather have a reproducible process that starts with debootstrap or the equivalent. === aeolist [~aeolist@ppp076.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] argh [09:10] hi, does anybody know how i can turn off the automount in ubuntu? [09:11] with a mix of GNOME simpleness, Muine, Tomboy, totem-xine showing a DVD and... presenting all this with tenderness heh === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] sorry guys for talking about off topics [09:12] aeolist: try removing "user" in /etc/fstab === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] sonojacker: nicely done. should get her involved in the scene. needs more women. [09:13] it's not like that fackamato [09:13] i am trying to partition my usb hard disk [09:14] and it can't finish, because ubuntu mounts the first partition, before the format of the second partition is completed [09:15] totally agree ia1 === ia1 is now known as ian__ [09:15] hi all [09:16] sonojacker: with gnome being all sexy-easy I think the time has come. we're getting artist folk already (eg. http://actsofvolition.com) === NeoCicak [~NeoCicak@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] hello [09:16] i have a usb bluetooth adapter... [09:17] how do i know if it works in ubuntu?? [09:18] true ian_, that's the plateau for a cultural something. Ubuntu people pushed the concept even farther. [09:18] can someone recommend a cheap videocard that will do dvds and mpeg/avi out of the box? 3d doesn't matter, but i'd also like dvi [09:19] helloooo [09:19] anyone can answer my question? [09:19] jesus man, be patient [09:19] if it works in linux it works in ubuntu [09:19] try searching some general linux forums === YankDownUnder [~stephen@d211-29-172-239.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] in general, linux supports 99% of hardware that's more than a month old === YankDownUnder [~stephen@d211-29-172-239.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["High] === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:22] NeoCicak: i don't have one === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] NeoCicak: so i can't say from personal experience [09:23] NeoCicak: but since no one else appears to know either, mi'll tell you what i would do in that situation [09:23] NeoCicak: i would d/l the live cd, and see if my hardware worked with that first, before i did an install to disk [09:24] Hey VIA chipset people. I found the VIA chipset thingy: agpgart: Unsupported Via chipset (device id: 3188), you might want to try agp_try_unsupported=1. [09:24] good thinking eyequeue [09:24] that's part of my kernel's log [09:25] i already have ubuntu installed :) [09:25] heh, okay [09:25] why worry then [09:25] bluetooth has existed for more than 2-3 years [09:25] right? === doko__ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-044-184.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] poke around in google with your model, + linux, and see what driver it uses [09:26] then for "foo" you want to do a "modprobe foo" and it should work [09:27] from the commandline, as root, so "sudo modprobe foo" in a terminal as your user account === Han1 [~hns@d8149.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] So, VIA chipsets are not part of the kernel, but that does not matter at all. [09:28] At least this VIA chipset. Nothing to worry about. [09:28] dont worry, just panic === omniscient [~omni@d211-31-80-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] aeolist: lol, 42 === Han1 [~hns@d8149.upc-d.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [09:32] haha === DakPowers [~jesse@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] the only panic should take me because of VIA!! not because of a kernel problem I mean. === kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] guys where can i edit my lan? [09:34] i cant find the path of my eth [09:35] turf look at /etc/network/interfaces [09:36] eyequeue:got it thanks! [09:37] np === toromei [MyIdent@164.sub-166-155-184.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] hello === aspro [~geoff@dsl-203-113-242-207.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] i was wondering if someone could help me with my little problem... === alakdan [~alakdan@saidi-gwy01.meridiantelekoms.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] i installed ubuntu, and now my computer is stuck in an infinite reboot loop :S [09:39] how come? [09:40] how far does it get before looping? [09:40] no idea... it said it was going to reboot and complete the install, but... === lionel_ [~lionel@10.21.96-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] hmm, something obviously got messed === mario8723 [~micmur@ool-44c36d11.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] if it was me, i'd start over and see if it happened the next time [09:41] but it's possible the kernel has some problem with your hardware [09:41] ram, drives, raid, and then lists hardware info and says something but it resets too fast for me to read it [09:41] though i would think it would have happened with the installer kernel too [09:42] 'stage 1.5' is the last bit of text that shows up === Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] poor grub installation? [09:43] okay, that sounds like grub [09:43] yeah [09:43] yeah, it does say grus [09:43] er, grub [09:43] GRand Unified Bootloader btw [09:43] it said that i should install it to the mbr, but that appears to be not such a good thing in this case [09:43] if i were you, i would use my vast windows experience: format/reinstall [09:44] lol [09:44] well, i was trying to dual boot [09:44] lol, that's what i'd do too, but i wouldn't call it the same, heheh [09:44] well [09:44] in order to dual boot [09:45] first install windows [09:45] then ubuntu (and do let it use the mbr) [09:45] don't erase your ms partition [09:45] does it mater that im running off of a raid sontroller? [09:45] grub automatically detects windows [09:45] but do erase the ubuntu and swap partitions [09:45] yeah, xp is already installed === IrcUsr [~IrcUsr@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] raid [09:45] and then make a grub boot disk through ubuntu, in case windows decides to clean your mbr [09:46] that is not the best of ways, but it works [09:46] yeah, there's a strong possibility that is the cause [09:46] and it's easy [09:46] though i know nothing about raid to help you === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] ive never had trouble with it before, but maybe ubuntu doesnt have the proper driver for the controller [09:46] woah [09:46] the composite extension is NICE === oris_wolfbane [~oris@host81-156-188-50.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] what happens with xorg DRI modules between kernel upgrades? [09:47] toromei: if no one has a more concrete solution, i'd do a search for raid at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ [09:47] it's hardware raid right? [09:48] is there a way for me to repair the mbr with the install cd? [09:48] yes [09:48] then [09:48] you can press f1 f2 etc [09:48] in the first installation thingy [09:48] let me see if it mentions raid === psf [~psf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] you are in luck, i am was just about to install ubuntu on the second pc === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] eyequeue: what is the equivalent command of service network restart in ubuntu? [09:49] nope [09:49] nothing there [09:49] is there anything in debian that is _not_ in ubuntu? [09:49] turf: since i odn't know that command, i'm not sure. what should it accomplish? [09:50] turf: oh nm, i got it in context of what you asked before: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [09:50] IrcUsr: yes and no [09:50] does anybode know if there is a solution to te "no damage extension" bug when using ati drivers with xcompmgr? [09:51] IrcUsr: official ubuntu comtains less, but if you add extra repositories your probably about the same [09:51] eyequeue: i edit interface and want to make that change work [09:51] eyequeue: OK, so the base OS is much the same with the desktop bolted on? [09:51] turf: for eth0? [09:51] eyequeue: yes === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-158-168.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === jkp [~admin@83-216-151-225.jamiek787.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] turf: i would just do this: sudo ifdown eth0 (which will probably say it wasn't up) then sudo ifup eth0 [09:52] hello all - [09:52] do any of you have experience using SVN or a VCS to manage a whole OS distro? [09:52] IrcUsr: with specific exceptions of course, yes, ubuntu is based on debian, so very similar in many ways [09:53] Im having trouble with the 5.04 preview, after my first update and restart X.org will not restart. [09:53] i found some stuff on raid, but as im a linux newbie, its rather obtuse for me [09:53] what kind of trouble sabmoc? [09:53] eyequeue: got it, another question where do i edit gateway i'll be using? [09:53] if so, i would love to hear how its done - what kind of things i need to look into , how permissions are handled by the repo for example [09:53] and many other questions [09:53] aeolist: the X.org server will not run after I restart it. [09:54] turf: the gw setting in ifconfig? you can add "gateway" line in the eth0 stanza of that file, iirc === mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] what error message does it return? === Bubbling_Zombie [~zombie@dD577A092.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] turf: type "man 5 interfaces" to get the exact syntax [09:54] aeolist: it claims not to be able to find GLcore or something like that. [09:55] eyequeue:ok === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] aeolist: Im on an athalon thunderbird with an nvidia geforce card === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@p54A1FD50.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] yeah [09:55] xm [09:56] Damn xcompmgr and Nvidia really dont work well together switching workspaces ;) === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === danikata [~d@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] aeolist: do you think it would help if I try to install the nvidia drivers? so far I have just been using the nv driver and it has been borking on me. [09:57] xm xm [09:57] xm? [09:58] you should try to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [09:58] ah [09:58] xm =hm = thinking (i do dat from time to time) [09:58] heh [09:58] sec === jkp [~admin@83-216-151-225.jamiek787.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === martink [~martin@pD9EB3B07.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] how can i make device mapper setup raid devices for boot? [09:59] another weird thing, when I restart and X.org bunks up, it flashs a few times and then an ncurses display pops up asking if i want to see the errors, but even the ncurses display is really messed up. [09:59] or...i probably cant, because itd have to boot off of that drive... === Dakko [~jesse@ip70-179-213-202.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] lots of weird characters all over the place === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] sabmoc, what have you done? === ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] sabmoc: I am using the nvidia drivers, and it really dont work well with rdesktop windows. But unless you use a lot of rdesktop connections, i think its a good idea to use it instead of the nv driver. [10:00] O_o === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] the funny part is, earlier today, the first time I installed, it worked fine [10:01] sabmoc: It screwed up the xorg.conf file. Set defaultdepth to 24 instead of 1 [10:01] it did the same for me with todays update. [10:01] kalis: excelent [10:01] kalis: thats actually good news [10:01] yeah, that should do the trick === foreach [~foreach@user-0ccslt6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] kalis: did you install the nvidia driver just with something like `sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings; sudo nvidia-glx-config enable;` ? === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] whats the best way to install them? [10:04] on the command line it would have looked something like that ;) i used synaptic and ubuntu-upate for it. And then added nvidia to /etc/modules and nvidia in xorg.conf === allio [Alex@] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] ok, ill try it with synaptic === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === partecs [~partecs@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] sabmoc: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/Official_nVidia/view?searchterm=nvidia [10:06] thats a good thing to know also... === ssam [~chatzilla@dsl-80-41-113-245.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] hmm === netpuppy [~mark@] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] ok, if this doesnt work I think i'll reinstall and try that === tigger|nl is now known as tigger|nl_ === schasi [~schasi@pD95E2849.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] I wish people would put dates on there wiki shit, I really have no idea when that was written. [10:08] or by whom [10:08] Jup would be cool [10:09] who(?) === tigger|nl_ is now known as tigger|nl === Sav [~sav@ce02816-kristd-abk.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] whom was right [10:11] thanks [10:12] uh, in my synaptic summary it shows three packages will be unchanged, linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 ubuntu-desktop ..are those important, or could they be realated to xorg being unhappy? [10:12] I take it those are the kernel image and modules. === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu === kanga [~claddagh@rndf-146-16-165.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] hello [10:14] need help please [10:14] whats wrong kanga? [10:14] ask away kanga [10:15] where is the xorg config file located and what is it called, Im only used to xfree86 still [10:15] ive got cd live tried to load from cd boots into dos like A:/ [10:15] then what do u do ? [10:15] sabmoc : /etc/X11/xorg.conf [10:16] dwa_: thank you === ian__ [~yella@h00a0cc665eeb.ne.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:16] that makes a lot of sence [10:16] kanga is this your first try with linux? [10:16] yep [10:17] wow [10:17] welcome to the club :) [10:17] i tjought it would boot straight from cd [10:17] and tahnk you [10:17] It should normally [10:18] can i get step by step instructions somewhere? === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu === boomstickz [~boomstick@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] how do i put the bootloader on a floppy? [10:18] dev/? [10:18] ps i dont have a floppy [10:18] there is a howto === kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] kanga: I thought the live cd's are only ment to live in memory, it sounds like you are trying to install something. Are you trying to install with a live cd? [10:19] where is that please === MyNameIsChris [~Christoph@CWPP-p-144-134-229-68.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] was told to change boot device to cd and then start pc and linux would but fron there [10:20] i meant [10:20] boot === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] toromei: there is a how to for that === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] kanga, it should boot after you make a couple of choices [10:20] For some reason Ubuntu has difficulty getting audio of a cd, cdparanoia. For example, cdparanoia creates a terrible wav even at 1X. My drive has worked fine in other distros [10:20] what's your problem exactly? [10:20] Everyone knows what I meant to type === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === iRob [~rob@ppp66-190.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Multiple output errors in cd paranoia resulting in lousy rips. DVD audio is also awful as if playback === [Rain] [~Rain@c-24-118-236-45.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] ive got cd live tried to load from cd boots into dos like A:/ [10:22] then what do i do [10:22] i'm getting 7700KB/sec FTP download speeds from a direct connected FTP machine running a full-duplex gigabit ethernet both ends. Does this seem right speed or are there some things I should be tweaking? [10:23] iRob: sounds good to me [10:23] <[Rain] > im confused why my wireless usb adapter works with ndiswrapper even though ndiswrapper -l says "hardware not present" [10:23] sabmoc: really? cool... [10:24] aeolist: === Kennyjb402 [~Kennyjb40@] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] morning [10:24] iRob: yeah well 7mb/ps is pretty fast I think [10:24] i dont know.. [10:25] yes kanga [10:25] <[Rain] > network speed is limited by the speed of the harddrive/cpu [10:25] d/l and burnt to cdrw is that possibly the problem? [10:25] no [10:25] look [10:25] no kanga [10:25] you dl and burn the live thinkgy [10:25] go to bios, first boot device = cdrom [10:25] yes as iso with nero [10:25] ok did that [10:25] restart the puter with the live cd in [10:26] ubuntu will ask a couple of things [10:26] and ta-da [10:26] did that and booted to dos [10:26] candera-dos and the A:/ [10:26] kanga: what he is trying to say... maybe the disk is not booting because your computer BIOS is not set up properly. === DeadZed [~DeadZed@80-235-35-36-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] has worked wit couple of reformats [10:27] kanga: check your computer BIOS and make sure that CDROM is the first boot, understand? [10:27] yes ive got that [10:28] it boots into dos from there [10:28] what command I use for checking part size and space left ?? [10:28] loike this A;/ [10:28] no, this is linux, there is not dos. [10:28] kanga: make sure that you don't have a floppy inside also [10:28] dont have a floppy drive === topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] kanga: can you show me the link where you found the live cd from? === topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === DJ_Mirage [djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] show me the webpage [10:29] what command I use for checking part size and space left ?? [10:29] i think www,ubuntulinux.org [10:29] mirror in ireland heanet [10:29] DeadZed: df -h [10:30] :) [10:30] nice [10:30] but which file, maybe you downloaded the wrong arch [10:31] file is called warty-release-live-i386.iso [10:31] sabmoc did you know that off of your head or you looked it up [10:31] hmm [10:31] DeadZed: I remember that one [10:31] sabmoc: is that the right one? === jamin_l [~insaneone@S010600e029839d80.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] deadzed, it's really common [10:32] kanga: almost, one moment [10:32] hey guys [10:32] <[Rain] > take the cd out of your computer, and kick it across the room, then you booted it [10:32] aeolist where id\s that how to [10:32] oops is [10:32] kanga: are you trying to install linux, or do you just want to use a live disk to see what it looks like? [10:32] use live disc please [10:33] i'm getting random system freezes with Hoary. Posted /var/log/syslog to http://members.shaw.ca/c_nikkel/syslog.txt if anyone can assist [10:33] kanga: then I think you are out of luck. [10:33] why swabmoc? [10:33] sabmoc [10:33] jamin_l I've noticed A LOT of bugs in Hoary :( [10:33] kanga: you have the correct disk, and all you should have to do is put in cdrom, and boot and BOOM, linux. [10:34] DeadZed, what problems have you encountered? [10:34] uhhh [10:34] kanga: perhaps the disk image is corrupt. have you tried to download the file again and burn a new disk? [10:34] could the burning have gone wrong i can see all the files on the disc via windows [10:34] kanga: that is good, if you can see the files that means you burned it properly. === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] so back to bios settings the [10:35] jamin_l: ummm...how does the harddrive feel_ [10:35] ? [10:35] feel? [10:35] ill ate all boot devices to cd then [10:35] jamin_l Totem, Synaptic crash, hotplug makes ubuntu freeze, ubuntu freezes with no reason etc [10:35] kanga: yes, double check your bios, cdrom must be the first boot device. [10:35] can it also be 2 and 3 [10:35] DeadZed: Totem and Synaptic? === acidmaxd [~acidmax@] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] kanga: and if that does not work then make a new disk [10:35] jamin_l other than that ubuntu seems to be on the right track :) [10:35] hey, anyone have any idea why kdesu and gksu don't work under ubuntu (hoary, up-to-date)? I can su without troubles, but kdesu and gksu never accept my root password. [10:35] DeadZed: I have no problem with them here [10:36] dunno then [10:36] I had [10:36] Synaptic didnt work at all .. been using apt-get [10:36] scizzo, I'm not sure what you mean by: "how does the harddrive feel" [10:36] kanga: no, cdrom should be #1, and harddrive should be #2, nothing else matters. [10:36] it feels sexy [10:36] <[Rain] > i hope hoary is more friendly with detecting/drivers for my hardware [10:36] Mar 16 14:48:38 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hda, sector 1173752 [10:37] Mar 16 14:48:38 localhost kernel: hda: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } [10:37] <[Rain] > put cd rom and nothing else, just for testing sake [10:37] Mar 16 14:48:38 localhost kernel: hda: command error: error=0x54 [10:37] Mar 16 14:48:38 localhost kernel: ide: failed opcode was 100 [10:37] etc [10:37] doesn't seem happy enough [10:37] thanks for your help guys see u later [10:37] well when we installed it we gave it coordinates for Heads, sectors, cylinders [10:37] bye kanga hope you figure it out [10:37] cheers [10:37] i know that's 16,63,158816 === kanga [~claddagh@rndf-146-16-165.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [10:38] jamin_l: hmmm [10:38] now who is going to help me fix my problem :( [10:38] any thoughts on my gksu/kdesu problem? [10:38] we have this as a double-boot machine with Windows [10:38] jamin_l: eek...you resized the disk? [10:39] jamin_l: partition I mean? === debiz [~david@80-28-25-134.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] only with the Ubuntu install [10:39] when it asks to partition space === rem [~rem@adsl-253-189-zh2.tiscali.ch] has joined #ubuntu === DeadZed [~DeadZed@80-235-35-36-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu === tuppa [~tuppa@c220-237-30-103.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] jamin_l: I mean did you take space from a partition that already has a filesystem? [10:41] no [10:41] ok [10:41] just askin [10:41] :) [10:41] i did a full install at the beginning [10:41] set aside space for Windows [10:41] is it still necessary to place nvidia on the /etc/modules file? [10:41] then left the remaining space for Ubuntu and all the partitions it likes [10:42] jamin_l: partitions are a waste, just make 3 partitions, / /swap and my personal favorite /backup [10:42] Has anyone tried Win4Lin on Ubuntu (or Debian generally) , ... what does it entail to install it? How big is it ? does it run fine? [10:42] sabmoc, yes that's what i meant [10:42] sabmoc: why not 4 ? /home also? [10:42] i believe ours is /, /swap, /home [10:43] scizzo: whats the point? just use /backup === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] anyone heard anything about why kdesu and gksu and such don't work? su works fine... [10:43] sabmoc: just format the / and /swap and home will still be ther [10:43] that way you can have as much in your home dir as you want, fill the whole disk with mp3 and movies in your home dir. [10:43] scizzo: use /backup when you format / [10:43] <[Rain] > how well does ubuntu perform without a swap? [10:43] other xorg upgrade on hoary [10:43] 6.8.2-5.1 [10:43] sabmoc: no thanks...I want to restrict the use of /home a little [10:44] [Rain] , I think it requires /swap [10:44] at least a 500MB that is [10:44] scizzo: well it works for me, i just compress stuff, put in on /backup then reformat root and all is well. [10:44] <[Rain] > in the ubuntu installer it says a swap is optional [10:44] scizzo: im only on a single user system so I dont need to do that [10:44] I think you usually need/want a /swap === psai_ [psai@hat.sein.zimmer.im.dunklem.k3ller.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] jamin_l: if you have 2gb or more of ram you dont need swap [10:45] scizzo, any other ideas with the random system freezes? [10:45] jamin_l: but then again, it all depends what you do with it. If its a maya workstation then yeah, you need swap. haha [10:45] jamin_l: sorry....I am not sure... [10:46] jamin_l: is this a workstation or laptop === mako [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] left a message on ubuntuforums too so hopefully i'll get something there.... and it's a desktop... [10:46] jamin_l: new or old? [10:47] relatively new, but not bleeding edge === slept [~sebi@ACB5DA4D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] sabmoc what were you telling earlier .. that it's possible to re-install linux without touching /home ? [10:47] Athlon XP 1800+, 1.5GHz [10:47] jamin_l: have you tried disabling apci ? [10:47] got 768MB RAM [10:47] what is APCI & how is it disabled [10:47] DeadZed: yes, thats a strategy some find very useful [10:48] I thought all Os-s overwrite everything if you do re-install [10:48] I used to use modconf wit debian, is there something similar in ubunt ? [10:48] DeadZed: not really [10:48] DeadZed: depends on how you set things up === jnoon [~jnoon@RHB-48-155.sonoma.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] slept: i think modconf is the same on all distros, I could be wrong [10:49] Some linuxes give option to keep /home I think but not all [10:49] DeadZed: for example sabmoc copies the /home/user to /backup and compress it to that dir....copies it back into place when new install is done [10:49] can't find it with apt :-( [10:49] DeadZed: as for me...I create a 4 gig partition that is /home and have it as a seperate partition all the time... [10:49] can someone tell me how to start a gdesklet or whatever these things are? i downloaded it, ran the Install_...bin, but I dont know what im supposed to do from here. probably a real dumb question [10:49] jamin_l: I cant remember the boot parameter, but its something like `linux apci=false` === selinium_ [~chatzilla@82-34-235-60.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] sabmoc, are you meaning ACPI? or APCI? [10:50] slept: I think its possible named something like kernel-utils, not sure [10:50] DeadZed: when install tells you what you want to do with the partitions just tell it to leave the /home partition alone and do the rest [10:50] some give that option yes [10:50] jamin_l: yes power control, sorry got the abreviation wrong :( [10:50] DeadZed: you can do it with most systems [10:50] does ubuntu haev option of not touching /home [10:50] DeadZed: yes [10:50] HELP! i just installed the 3D Desktop via Symantic, and now my system wont boot. [10:50] :) [10:50] DeadZed: only if you make /home a partition === ncp [~ncp@gaylord.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] ehh [10:51] its not a separate part [10:51] ok thanks for the info guys... [10:51] DeadZed: then it wont work [10:51] hey, anyone have any idea why kdesu and gksu don't work under ubuntu (hoary, up-to-date)? I can su without troubles, but kdesu and gksu never accept my root password. [10:51] i'm gonna head to bed... almost 2 am here [10:51] Quinn_Storm, because ubuntu doesn't have a root user [10:51] I think Xandros give you oprtion of not touching /home when you reinstall [10:51] DeadZed: if it is part of / then no it won't leave it alone [10:51] Quinn_Storm, you want gkduso [10:51] Quinn_Storm, *gksudo [10:51] njan: mine -does- have a root user [10:51] DeadZed: like I said before creating a partition will help with that [10:52] njan: I can su without trouble, entering my root password and such [10:52] DeadZed: that is because it is its own partition [10:52] Quinn_Storm, then you've got a hacked ubuntu which people in here won't be able to adequately support for you, because it's not a standard ubuntu system :) [10:52] /dev/hda4 6,5G 2,2G 4,0G 35% /home [10:52] Quinn_Storm: no idea, sorry. ubuntu uses sudo more frequently than su so maybe it has something to do with that. [10:52] for example [10:52] njan: I did no hacking, just installed from the hoary cd [10:52] <[Rain] > im going to try the hoary preview with no swap, and monitor the usage of it === kzm [~ketil@sefirot.ii.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] sabmoc: I've gone over the docs, and root is unlocked and such, and I can't find anything in /etc/pam.d that seems wrong... [10:53] Quinn_Storm Whats the difference between su, sudo and all those others [10:53] DeadZed: sudo lets you run something as root by entering your password, su lets you switch user to root by entering the root password...essentially. it is more complicated than that but that's a basic overview [10:53] Quinn_Storm: well I just installed ubuntu today so Im really clueless when it comes to the distro quirks, but maybe kde just hasnt got the bugs worked out yet, I think they just started adding it a little while ago. [10:54] i could be wrong, but I think ubuntu was gnome only until only a few weeks ago === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] sabmoc: unfortunately its not a kde bug, gksu doesn't work either [10:54] yeah.. [10:55] DeadZed: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ch3.en.html#s3.2 [10:55] DeadZed: that is actually a good explanation of how to use partition tables [10:55] Quinn_Storm: tried entering your user password into kdesu? [10:56] Quinn_Storm: have you tried just using `su`? [10:56] DeadZed: you can restrict access with sudo also.... [10:56] Quinn_Storm: What do you need it for ? You can use a xterm and then start things with sudo. === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === grunde [~grunde@pat-gw.osl.fast.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] Can anyone help, i just installed 3D desktop via Synaptic and now my PC wont boot fully, saying cannot start X. Is there a way I can just uninstall 3D desktop? [10:57] hey there guys, whats the easiest way to find out what port a webpage is being served on ? [10:57] I can get a command prompt. [10:57] Riddell: yes I have, doesn't work [10:57] slept: kcontrol modules that want to run as root, for example [10:57] Quinn_Storm: but you can log in with root? thats strange [10:57] DeadZed: if you have a person login in to the system you can tell that person to have sudo rights instead of giving a root password to do some of the stuff on the machine...for example you brother or something wants to run apt-get update or something...then you can tell sudo that $user has right to apt-get update but nothing else [10:58] besides I'm not in /etc/sudoers anyway (again I stress I didn't do anything strange to this install, just installed from the hoary CD) === blackstar [~blackstar@] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] sabmoc: yes I can log in with root, and su to root === pitti [~pitti@dialin-145-254-190-096.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~pitti@dialin-145-254-190-096.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Have] [11:00] Quinn_Storm: so.. you can `su` to root, you can open an app with `sudo` but you cant open an app with `gksu` when you give the root password. Does it give any errors? [11:01] sabmoc: I can't open anything with `sudo` b/c I'm not in /etc/sudoers [11:01] guh? === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-37-88.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] sabmoc: I'm not in sudoers, I can't sudo...and apparently its a kde problem...either that or they fixed gksu when I wasn't looking...last time I tried it it wouldn't work, but it works now, just tried it to make sure [11:02] Quinn_Storm: visudo [11:02] hey there guys, whats the easiest way to find out what port a webpage is being served on ? [11:02] scizzo: I don't -WANT- to be in my /etc/sudoers, I want to use su [11:03] Quinn_Storm: your not supposed to in sudoers, only root is. [11:04] sabmoc: point is, sudo doesn't work for any regular user on this system and thats the way I want it [11:04] or can say secure webpages ONLY be served from port 443? [11:04] membreya: i thought secure pages are supposed to port 81 === scizzo does not understand what is wrong with sudo? [11:04] I don't get it why people are complaining about it... [11:05] 81/443 [11:05] ms standard for https AFAIK is 443 [11:05] Quinn_Storm: ok, here is how sudo works, if you know this you can slap me. `sudo gedit` [11:05] THEN [11:05] you enter the USERS password, NOT root [11:06] am i going to be slaped? [11:06] <[Rain] > there is no root account alltogether correct? [11:06] there is root [11:06] sabmoc: he seems to know how sudo work...he wants to use su === Quinn_Storm slaps sabmoc === MorphDK [~raakilde@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] ouch :) [11:06] sabmoc: changing everything to su instead of sudo [11:06] well it was the only thing i could think of [11:07] how do I get framebuffer? i'm running Kubuntu [11:07] still I don't understand why people are complaining about sudo [11:07] sabmoc: for example the page I wanted to find out info on ...WAS on port 443 :) [11:07] stupid sudo!! [11:07] if people would put some time to learn how sudo works....then maybe you would understand why it is good [11:08] membreya: google for ports and find whats supposed to be on port 443 [11:08] sudo is good, sudo is lovely === djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-49-189.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] scizzo: I know how sudo works, and in my situation its bad, its easier for someone to crack my user password than my root password, and I want my user password to only compromise my user [11:08] no root passwords to hack [11:08] Quinn_Storm: If you need root, maybe sudo passwd will help? o_O === sabmoc wants to have sudo's baby === sabmoc hopes it is a boy === sabmoc is tired [11:08] Tomcat_: my root account is already enabled, gksu and su work, kdesu doesn't [11:08] sabmoc: http://grc.com/port_443.htm :) [11:09] Quinn_Storm: if they are well in the system....then they will have access anyway...trust me [11:09] add on top, no stupid user logs in in GDM and fucks the whole system by installing everything there [11:09] I've done it a million times [11:09] and wondered why my stuff didn't work [11:09] everthing everywhere? surely you exaggerate! [11:10] Hi all , i have just installed 3D Desktop on Ubuntu via Synaptic. Now my PC fails during boot with failed to start X. Is there a way i can uninstall 3D desktop and get my machine working again? :) [11:10] you people are so distracting, i have work to do [11:10] nobody told me that logging in as root in GDM and installing stuff there was a bad thing [11:10] when doing a command from a terminal, such as wget..how would I capture it's output ? [11:10] my SO told me to RTFM [11:10] \o/ men are excellent tech helps [11:11] ... not === ompaul [~ompaul@213-202-177-69.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] Myrtti: so pretty much you did a sudo passwd root ? === MorphDK [~raakilde@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [11:11] you learnt didn't you Myrtti ? [11:11] membreya: only at the third time [11:11] Myrtti: logged in as root and started to use root as a normal user? [11:11] oh yay, another 50Mb of updates :D [11:11] sudo apt-get remove 3ddesktop [11:11] Myrtti: Are you just here to slag of men? [11:11] no, I just installed stuff there [11:11] ok, im going to reboot, if I dont come back it means that my system is screwed and none of you are any help and i hate you all.. if I come back please ignore this comment. [11:11] and tried to use as normal user === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] sabmoc, okay [11:12] sabmoc: LOL [11:12] selinium_ : boot single user mode (without x) [11:12] selinium_: no. === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-158-168.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:12] slept: Ok, how? (newbie) :) [11:12] slept: instead of that... tell ubuntu users to boot into 'rescue mode' ;) [11:12] I'm sure there are good men who can do customer service and good men that don't answer to every idiotic question by RTFM [11:12] this channel is a good example [11:12] selinium_: when the boot prompt asks... hit ESC... choose 'rescue' === kain is away: prot [11:12] Myrtti: I do internet banking support :P [11:13] membreya, ahh yeah but, the internet is broken and it is all your fault [11:13] slept: ps, there is a huge difference between single user... and not having X start... [11:13] lunitik: I can boot in rescue mode, but this just brings me to a prompt. Being pretty new to linux and without a nice gui i'm lost. What do i do? [11:14] but if every customer care person treats customers as idiots and not worth their most precious time and help, then they need their attitudes fixed and start to think of better career planning === jesus_de1ached is now known as jesus__ [11:14] selinium_: I wasn't following along... what are you trying to do? [11:14] Myrtti: saying RTFM is actually giving a decent amount of respect... it assumes you are capable of understanding... [11:15] lunitik: i have just installed 3D Desktop on Ubuntu via Synaptic. Now my PC fails during boot with failed to start X. Is there a way i can uninstall 3D desktop and get my machine working again? :) [11:15] lunitik: ..it's teaching them to find the answer :) [11:15] Myrtti: I guide people through such things because I don't think they will grasp a manual [11:15] selinum_ : log in and then sudo apt-get remove 3D... === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] selinium_: boot into rescue mode? and apt-get remove 3d.. ? [11:16] selinium_: bah... go to rescue mode... dpkg -P 3ddesktop ... restart [11:16] lunitik: I've noticed that most helps, manpages and guides are written in such a way, that about half of the stuff is too hard to understand [11:16] ha jan [11:16] munki: remove doesn't get rid of everything... leaves things a mess [11:16] when doing a command from a terminal, such as wget..how would I capture it's output ? [11:16] especially, if written in non-native language [11:16] selinium_: and If you really wan't to use Linux, then your really got to know your bash === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-183-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] i win [11:17] woOt! === lunitik ignores sabmoc statement [11:17] lunitik: haha === rubenv [~lambda1@kotnet-148.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu === boris [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] membreya: you can | it into other programs or > it into a file [11:17] lunitik : it removes those packages you have got with apt-get, and also the user folders [11:17] now that I have conquered ubuntu, i must go conquer my bed. goodnight folks. [11:17] munki: I do need to get a book, but I also have a missed deadline! l promise to get some practise in after that! [11:18] and the most frustrating part is that you get a RTFM to a simple question, like "how do you install software to this Linux system" and the person surely knows the answer and knows the answer is simple, just answers RTFM === sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-183-14.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:18] munki: it gets rid of no config files etc though... apt-get remove --purge would even be better... [11:18] munki: and I do not believe it removes user files... but I can't be asked to go check [11:18] selinium_: Ya ya :) it's your own problem, just an advice from me [11:18] lunitik: it does here.. so .. no problem [11:19] munki: garentee it doesn't... but whatever [11:19] is there a document containing the differences to debian ? [11:19] munki: go install kde... run it... remove it... ls ~/.kde [11:19] membreya, some programs where you get high volume output and you want to capture it at the same time can be run as follows: sudo tcpdump -l | tee > some logfile [11:20] lunitik: no i won't .. why are you hangin' on me.. Was just helping the poor guy [11:20] membreya, meant to say run and see output at the same time [11:20] lunitik: get off my shoulder [11:20] munki: I have only just discovered linux, I wish i had discovered it 10 years ago, now i have wasted all that time learning windows junk! [11:20] munki: because I dislike incorrect answers... because I get harped about them enough to not let it slide for others. [11:21] lunitik: it's not an incorrect answer, it will get him to boot again [11:21] selinium_: you really don't wish you found it 10 years ago though... 10 years ago... you'd never have gotten it installed... and we were stuck with TWM [11:21] selinium_, you can repent at the alter of gnu :) [11:21] ompaul: I tried doing a > to a file name and it gave me a 0 byte file :| [11:22] lunitik: not even that far [11:22] ompaul : lol ! ^^ === jesus__ is now known as jesus_detached [11:22] munki && lunitik: No worries, I will 'dpkg -P 3ddesktop' i can let you know what is left if you want? [11:22] selinium_: 3ddesktop adds things to your home? [11:22] selinium_ don't have to.. dpkg -P removes the most.. [11:22] lunitik: If i had founf it 10 years ago, i would be pretty good a bash by now! [11:23] I managed to f**k everything up just two years ago, with the lack of decent hardware detection and the impossibility of configuring X on some distros [11:23] does this channel have bots (apt), or do the bots belog to the server [11:23] slept: no.. the ops don't like them I think [11:23] lunitik: sorry 'sudo dpkg ...' yes? [11:23] slept: ChanServ belongs to the server.. === jacques_ [~jacques@a81-14-180-165.net-htp.de] has joined #Ubuntu [11:23] selinium_: doesn't matter... rescue mode is root only [11:24] lunitik: of course === selinium_ flails his own back [11:24] hey guys, how is the hoary beta doing? is an update a good idea at this stage? [11:24] selinium_: seems like somewhat of a security flaw to me... local exploits are way too easy in Ubuntu without a grub password. [11:24] what are ops ? === boris is now known as ctr- [11:24] slept: people in charge [11:24] People who have the power. [11:24] array cd 7 should have been out yesterday [11:25] if something is holding it back then an upgrade is not a good idea [11:25] ssam: that would explain the 100Mb+ of updates I've had in the last 2 days :) === flawd [~flawd@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] they might be waiting for something critical to be fixed [11:26] membreya: eh... array cd's are just daily's that happen to come out the day the schedule says there is supposed to be an array [11:26] but then software is rarely on thime [11:26] lunitik && munki : Hopefully I will be back in 5. Wish me luck! Otherwise I'll be back in 10 (It takes about that long for windows to boot!) and thank you for all your help! [11:26] english lunitik :P [11:26] np :) good luck.. [11:26] they say array cds should be free of show stoppers [11:26] membreya: pretty sure it was? [11:27] paraphrasing here lunitik but ...array cd's are released as a daily update the day that the schedule states a new array is due? [11:27] membreya: basically, there is nothing special that goes into an Array CD ... they are just Daily snapshots that happen to fall on a day that an array is due [11:27] Hi. I'm contemplating switching to Ubuntu. Some questions: 1) Is it possible to upgrade the system when a new ubuntu version is released over the net or do I have to download the isos? 2) Is there or will there be i686 optimation? [11:27] membreya: yes [11:27] membreya, programname options | tee foolog <<< that works sorry I think I left my brain in bed [11:28] flawd: 1) yes, can be upgraded on net without isos [11:28] flawd: yes there is already i686 opts..and you can dist-upgrade it to upgrade to a new release :) === Martijn [~martijn92@kjew.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] looking for something like modconf or modconf itself or is there a reason for not having modconf in ubuntu ? [11:28] but for example if there was a bad kernel, then i think they would hold back the array cd for a day or two to fix it, more people test arrays than nightlies [11:28] membreya, Is this somehting that will be continually grow? [11:29] medwards_, I mean is it a future goal to provide much more i686 optimated packages? [11:29] flawd: just replace warthy with hoary in /etc/apt/sources.list [11:29] membreya: so... http://archive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily/ <-- these are better to download, provided the report.html doesn't say something is b0rked on your arch... [11:29] membreya, I meant you and not medwards_ sorry [11:29] slept, ty [11:29] Myrtti, ty === blight [~blight@rrba-146-104-220.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] flawd: np [11:29] does an upgrade complete without messing anything up? who's tried it? [11:29] ompaul..still no good..bugger it, I will just drag and select all the text and copy it by hand :P [11:29] jacques_: yes [11:29] jacques_: _o/ [11:30] Myrtti: cuteness [11:30] jacques_: worked fine [11:30] what about shadows in x.org in combination with nvidia-opengl ? [11:30] every named release is a stable, frozen state of certain software development stage [11:30] jacques_: mouse shadows? [11:30] jacques_: there is a doc on the forums that tells how to enable that... [11:30] upgrading is just upgrading [11:30] no, the xorg org window shadows.. [11:30] sure there can be problems, but usually no [11:30] membreya: no... stuff with composite [11:31] exactly [11:31] especially since the official release of hoary as stable is so close by. [11:31] Would it be correct to describe Ubuntu as an "out of the box" desktop version of Debian? Isn't it the equivalent of let's say Mandrake but with the stability and structure of Debian? [11:31] Myrtti: ...and then it's grumpy :D [11:31] quick look in the dev forum, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20412 , could that not hold back an array [11:31] membreya, what program are you using? [11:31] ompaul: wget [11:31] membreya: I actually think I'll freeze my upgrading until 2 mnths before grumpy release [11:32] let the software mature a bit more [11:32] flawd: its basically Sid with bug fixes and xorg... [11:32] is the bootprocess faster in hoary ? should be i guess [11:32] awwww where's your spirit of adventure Myrtti ? [11:32] jacques_: yes... there was work on that ... === flawd nods to lunitik === lupusBE [~lupus@dD5E03F5F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] there are shadow instructions in the wiki search for dropshadows [11:33] membreya: I'm looking in to the future and foresee that after hoary release I have better things to do than beta testing [11:33] flawd: actually... Sid doesn't have Gnome 2.10 yet either.. [11:33] lunitik, Do you think the i696 optimized debs will grow? Do you know if this is a goal of Ubuntu? [11:33] flawd: or the 'update-notification' and 'update-manager' packages [11:33] lunitik, icewm here heh [11:33] need to save juice [11:33] flawd: if you can't find a package..compile it yourself... === jjesse [~jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] flawd: right now... its just libc-686 that is providing binary optimizations [11:34] tho that seems impossible with flash / realplayer on amd64 >:( [11:34] membreya, It is possible to compile all packs from a -src deb? === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] flawd: if the hardware is coming more used, then optimized packets are more on demand and so the amount of them too === joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp215.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] flawd, just download the src debs and rebuild them [11:34] very easy [11:34] as always, it's only about the demand [11:34] flawd: sure... they are provided just like in Debian... via deb-src listings in sources.list === omniscient [~omni@d211-31-80-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] I am asking as the choice is between arch and ubuntu as it is now [11:35] lunitik, it was ages ago I tried debian so I did not recall [11:35] apt-get source [11:35] spacey, that is neat. [11:35] to download it i think [11:35] flawd: Ubuntu has a better packaging policy... any joe shmoe can build a package and upload for arch... often things are broken [11:35] yeah I liked apt when I used it === gilbs72 [~Gilbert@] has joined #ubuntu === matlads [~matlads@] has joined #ubuntu === cocol [~internet@a18159.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] flawd: not even related to what I meant, but ok === allio_ [Alex@] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] I actually switched to libranet before turning to mandrake out of laziness. I never wanted to abandon Debian really as Im a GNU/FSF minded person === matlads [~matlads@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:37] membreya, what is the command you are issuing? [11:37] flawd: there are actually steps involved in being certified to maintain a package in Debian... for arch, nothing... [11:37] ompaul: wget :P [11:37] Ubuntu seems to give me a good desktop while still being in Debian world... I think I'm going to try it [11:37] flawd: that is an excellent reason [11:37] wget what? [11:37] lunitik, :) [11:37] flawd: I highly recommend downloading the ubuntu-calendar package :D [11:38] fake the url ifyou have to [11:38] I use Ubuntu for the very same reason [11:38] membreya: where are the dudes? [11:38] membreya, is it a sortof "whats happening in ubuntu world" thingie? [11:38] me want dude pictures [11:38] heh [11:38] or just a calendar [11:38] ompaul: wget https://www.anz.com/wholesale/bankmain.asp?AFFID=01025 -d | tee test [11:38] just a wallpaper [11:38] flawd: its umm... nude people [11:38] Myrtti, nod [11:38] with chicks [11:38] is it possible to install kdm3.4? [11:38] lunitik, I've heard it's called PORN [11:38] :) [11:39] cocol: yes... its in hoary. [11:39] I want dudes, or chocolate [11:39] Myrtti: there's a pic with dudes....there's 2 in fact! [11:39] :-o [11:39] membreya, okay I have to eat - breakfast is served I will look at it when I get back [11:39] ok tks [11:39] thank you guys [11:39] k k ompaul :) [11:39] you've been most friendly and helpfull === flawd tips hat [11:39] flawd: nah... its like artistic and stuff... they go out of there way to ensure it doesn't turn any one on :( [11:39] flawd: helpful is what the ubuntu community is :) === ups [~ups@] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] yeah, one another good reason to use Ubuntu [11:40] the community *is* helpful [11:40] lunitik, umm.. yeah... All the movies and pics containing "nude people" I watch is umm...artistic and tasty. *crosses fingers* === lunitik notes he hates it when there is smoke coming from his ash tray and he can't figure out what butt is responsible :( === _axel [~axel@25.Red-213-98-216.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === kev0r [~kev0r@adsl-68-255-78-111.dsl.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:41] lunitik: that's why you have to empty them once in a while :) [11:41] mmm smokes :D [11:41] lunitik: try a glass jar with lid and put water in it the halfway [11:41] membreya: ohh... I knew that :P [11:41] <_axel> nvidia no longer broken? [11:41] that's what my mom does [11:41] of I go [11:41] again thanks [11:41] a little hole in the middle to drop the butts in [11:41] flawd: good luck :) [11:41] thank you [11:41] i use one of the ashtrays with the pushy down things that seals in the butts :) [11:41] on the lid [11:41] I will no doubt be back later [11:41] _axel : last night it worked [11:42] membreya: such technical terminology :) [11:42] shudup :P [11:42] <_axel> slept: with ubuntu packages? === lunitik didn't see the : there for a sec... that sounded wrong [11:42] Myrtti: ubuntu calendar january & october :) [11:42] got dudes === membreya scrubs his eyes clean [11:43] I'll write that down === kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] 'slept with ubuntu packages' == bad mental images === ups [~ups@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:43] the backlog would lose it by the time I get home [11:43] membreya, is that package new? [11:43] omniscient: ubuntu calendar? considering it has calendars back in october :P [11:43] Myrtti: naw ...worst case, I will send you the .deb :) [11:44] E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-calender [11:44] :( [11:44] omniscient: no... that was the result of that dude bitching that the old wallpapers was unprofessional :/ [11:44] s/was/were [11:44] omniscient: spell is right :P calendar [11:44] ah i see :) [11:44] _axel: yes. did you install nvidia glx, and all that things ? If it doesn't work it's easy to compile things yourself ( in debian it was) [11:44] <_axel> yeah, i compiled them myself [11:44] membreya: that would be fine too :-> === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] <_axel> but i was wondering if now it'll work with stock ubuntu packages [11:45] _axel: does it work ? [11:45] what kernel _axel ? [11:45] <_axel> 2.6.10-4 [11:45] btw for anyone who cares I figured it out, the kubuntu team patched kdesu to use sudo...I enabled sudo for my user, tried that...sudo and kdesu "work" but kdesu doesn't work where I needed it to, that is it won't launch kcontrol applets ("administrator mode" button) [11:45] _axel: should be working with that yes [11:45] <_axel> yes it IS working [11:45] <_axel> ;) [11:45] <_axel> but what im asking is, is everything fixed in 2.6.10-5? [11:46] _axel: worked this morning [11:46] the reserved binaries just don't work in 2.6.11-1 AFAIK [11:46] <_axel> i mean will i be able to apt-get nvidia-bla and forget about it? or will i have to recompile nvidia-kernel-source from sid again [11:46] ok so what does this calandar thing do :| [11:46] omniscient: it's just a new wallpaper each month [11:46] Myrtti: ...show some respect "sexy calendars" ..except oct and jan :| [11:46] Quinn_Storm: you can run the kcmshell parts individually via kdesu to get around that temporarily... [11:46] do i have to set the wallpaper though? my current one hasnt change [11:46] d [11:47] omniscient: yes [11:47] omniscient: you may need to browse to /usr/share/backgrounds [11:47] lunitik: what I'll do for now is just run kcontrol as root if I need it [11:47] membreya: he just needs to right click the desktop and choose "Change Background" [11:47] lunitik: mine didn't automatically populate :| [11:47] cool [11:47] nudiness [11:48] nude is always good i guess [11:48] membreya: it should have [11:48] lol [11:48] when applied to the right situation [11:48] lunitik: i know, it did on my previous install before i fried it :| [11:48] I actually have one wallpaper that has a nude woman [11:48] i have multiple [11:48] though my SO started to whine about it [11:48] so? [11:48] Myrtti: ..something you're not telling us ? :P [11:48] significant other [11:48] omniscient: [11:48] ah [11:48] "why can you keep a nude woman on your wallpaper, but whine about if I have one?" :-P [11:48] I said mine is art [11:48] your is sex [11:49] lol [11:49] art...sex...same diff === flawd [~flawd@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu === linuxboy [~anon@] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] lemme search that pic for you... [11:49] flawd: that was quick [11:49] wb flawd :P [11:49] woohoo Myrtti :D [11:49] I forgot a q; is there a dvd image of Ubuntu or only cd? [11:49] heh [11:49] flawd: yes [11:49] flawd: ...burn it to a dvd? :P [11:49] thank you for the wb [11:50] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/weekly-dvd/ [11:50] I'll just stay here while downloading [11:50] thanks [11:50] flawd: ^^ [11:50] (I'll install on the other pc first) [11:50] flawd: you tend to find there's a group of regulars here :) [11:50] membreya, run this >> more bankmain.asp\?AFFID\=01025 [11:50] I have a feeling you'll have one more soon === phanter [~chatzilla@g159205.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] ompaul: im tired, gimme the exact syntax [11:51] http://www.jesperjacobsson.com is me [11:51] flawd: will glad to have ya :) [11:51] hmmm what's the diff between the cd and the dvd? :| extra packages? a hell of a lot more [11:51] or just iso size? :P [11:51] back to the downloading and reading about ubuntu [11:51] bbl [11:51] ty === lunitik forgot a 'be' in there someplace [11:51] hello there. I installed ubuntu this week and I am impressed. Good distro (and love the part that it is derived from Debian) === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] membreya, I ran what you showed me last - the wget command line with url and tee and I then typed that more command [11:52] aaah :) [11:52] membreya: DVD contains all of main... CD contains basically what ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-base depend on [11:52] more bankmain.asp\?AFFID\=01025 [11:52] danke ompaul [11:52] thanks lunitik :) [11:52] anyway, I would like to use xmms, but when I try to play a mp3 with it it just crashes. Anybody knows why it crashes and what to do about it? [11:52] membreya, your command line is foobarred :) [11:52] bite me ompaul :P I'm an ms dude..takes me a while to learn [11:52] phanter: apt-get install xmms-mad [11:52] after 5 years away from linux, I was surprised I remembered ls [11:53] panther: start it in a terminal, then you can see error messages [11:53] lunitik: I already did, but that does not solve it... :( [11:53] phanter: you restarted XMMS since? [11:53] membreya, then i'm suprised i still know "dir" === blight wonders where I might find a svn package for ubuntu? [11:53] phanter: nvidia drivers by chance? [11:53] spacey: dir works in linux :P [11:53] blight: check out baz ... [11:53] membreya, well i aint using it ;p [11:54] nope ati drivers === j^ [~j@gw.bootlab.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] phanter: when you run from console, does it output anything? [11:54] why does gnome-dev depend on libdb3-dev and not on libdb4.2-dev? [11:54] membreya: I think I've shown this picture a million times [11:54] yes I did restart it and the console does not give me any error messages :( [11:54] blight: baz (bazaar) is a svn implementation being developed by Canonical/Ubuntu :) [11:54] hm === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] make it 1,000,001 Myrtti :) [11:55] I have to tell you before I show you the url, that I love red roses. [11:55] that way its not possible to install gnome-dev and libapr0-dev [11:55] see http://irssi.org/themes/roses.png [11:55] Myrtti: you have a significant other...you don't need roses :P [11:55] now, the picture [11:55] aaaargh! [11:55] http://www.photoimpactonline.com/photos.htm [11:55] heh, apparently the repository is still busy syncing, just ran an apt-get update and dist-upgrade and it showed a bunch of updates to kde [11:55] my eyes! === k40z [~k40zmotic@] has joined #ubuntu === Faithful [~Faithful@202-6-145-116.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] Myrtti: ...bella...you're console is all screwed up..the characters aren't even right! [11:56] oh how can your SO complain about that pic :| [11:56] membreya: that shot was made on XP [11:56] I am starting out... should I get hoary or warty? [11:56] Faithful: wait until after april 6 (or 8) and get hoary final [11:56] membreya: I thought about that too === freefall [~along@] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] blight: ps... its handy to know the tools that are at your disposal... a simply 'apt-cache search svn' would have returned many packages... including 'subversion' [11:57] membreya: can't wait... installing now [11:57] membreya: but is that art, or porn? [11:57] or erotica? [11:57] Myrtti: very much art...and very much cool :) [11:57] indeed [11:57] blight: but yeah... bazaar is supposedly a lot more sane... [11:57] lunitik: yeah thanks :-) [11:57] so hoary is just about there? === drasko [~drasko@ic-07.etf.bg.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] It takes a while to realize she's naked [11:57] phanter, have you got the correct sound output module selected? [11:57] lunitik: I search for svn using synaptic [11:57] Faithful: next month [11:57] It will be upgradeable I gather === membreya goes back with galeon to zoom in on the pic [11:58] Faithful, I've been running hoary for weekjs, and *zero* complaints. [11:58] Faithful: it already is [11:58] lunitik: all I got was libsvn :-) doh I see subversion there now [11:58] It's still testing / not stable === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] the soundcard is working so I think so... [11:58] phanter, if not xmms might crash [11:58] blight: subversion-tools seems useful too... but seriously... check out bazaar [11:58] next month it will be stable [11:58] phanter, well you still might not [11:58] lunitik: will do just found out about it [11:59] phanter, go into the settings for xmss and change to output sound module [11:59] anybody help?My ubuntu hoary has no sound when i play games [11:59] if you use alsa select that, if oss select that [11:59] etc [11:59] freefall: sound works otherwise? [11:59] freefall: is the game using esd? [11:59] i am not sure about that [11:59] i don't get sound in my games, but I'm using the nvsound module :) [11:59] bbl got to do stuff [11:59] flawd: oke... which one will I need. I use esd. [12:00] phanter, I dont know if there is a xmms-esd deb [12:00] what is the most conveneint way of installing hoary ... Is there a net install disk? [12:00] membreya, I suggest you look at this > wget -o log https://www.anz.com/wholesale/bankmain.asp?AFFID=01025 < this outputs a file (a) log and a file which is the last part of the url in this case (b) bankmain.asp?AFFID=01025 you can use the command less bankmain.asp?AFFID=01025 or more bankmain.asp?AFFID=01025 cat bankmain.asp?AFFID=01025 | more {or less} :) and see in case (a) what happened (b) what data you actually sucked [12:00] if there is then install that [12:00] ouch ompaul [12:00] panther: eSound [12:00] because esd is most likely blocking the soudcard for xmms [12:00] membreya, break it up it is lots of little things [12:00] so you need to tell xmms to either use esd for output or kill esd when using xmms [12:00] heh [12:00] membreya, it is not hard it just looks it [12:00] bbl as said hope this gives you a pointer === qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@d463c125.datahighways.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] HEY that was the trick, thank you guys ! [12:01] np [12:01] (m/v?) [12:01] glad to be able to help on my first day here [12:01] ompaul: ... I understand it ..thankyou :) === flawd is now known as flawd-afk [12:02] you'll fit in flawd ..just give a smart ass comment once in a while :P [12:02] ;) [12:02] membreya, grand, and a happy paddy's day whats left of it [12:02] has anyone tried reiserfs 4 ? === ompaul runs away from slept [12:02] so what problem may it be? === ompaul cowers in a corner and quivers [12:03] now now ompaul [12:03] it's not there to get you [12:03] membreya, I believe "smart ass" should be "smartass" (how about that? lol) [12:03] have a cookie [12:03] slept: I'm only running 3.6..sorry :( [12:03] thanks Myrtti [12:03] slept: linus says its not stable... so I'm not using it [12:03] dar, rdiff-backup, partition image or all three? any advice as to a decent back-up solution for a standalone pc running ubuntu highly appreciated... === membreya smacks flawd-afk ...how about THAT! [12:03] Linus <3 [12:03] ouch. perfect [12:03] Is it possible to start some programs (like gaim and skype) together with Gnome (after login)? [12:03] slept, I've tried reiser4 [12:03] just doing as you said sir [12:04] slept, I tried it, it broke, I fixed it, it broke again, wash and repeat, I reformatted with ext3 :) [12:04] now look you guys, I've tried to get off the keyboard for an hour now [12:04] Myrtti: aren't you breaking it ? === foreach [~foreach@user-0ccslt6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] lunitik: can you tell me what problem it may be [12:04] phanter: yes... start them and log out with 'save current session' or use the session tool... [12:04] nope [12:04] njan: ..why not just use reiserfs 3.6? [12:04] so I gather hoary is in the last stages of dev before release? [12:04] Faithful: yes [12:04] freefall: the game probably isn't using ESD like I said./ [12:04] Faithful: yes [12:04] membreya: njan reiserfs ick [12:04] reiser fs a little over a year ago lost me 10 gigs of newly restored data - so I had to build the box from scratch and have stayed away from it since [12:05] lunitik:so just disable esd? [12:05] ompaul: that'll do it [12:05] membreya, after reiserfs4 broke that many times I didn't want to any more.. [12:05] ompaul: yup [12:05] lunitik, it did [12:05] freefall: that would work... but is easier said than done.. (esd respawns cuz it hates you) [12:05] what's your beef with reiser Faithful ? [12:05] lunitik: what is the sessiontool (cannot find it with google)? [12:06] <_axel> gnome-session-properties [12:06] I came from debian yesterday and I was kind of surpriesed of all that nu stuff reiser4 gnome2.10 ... [12:06] membreya: It's like driving a Ferari without using sythetic oil [12:06] well, on the other hand, it was snowing really heavily a moment ago, so I could say I was waiting for a better weather [12:06] lunitik:any tips or some internet urls? [12:06] phanter: Computer > Preferences > Sessions === LQljh [~Mtqbl@adsluser-3529.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] phanter: or System > Preferences > Session [12:06] phanter: but I'm gonna guess you're using warty.. [12:07] from what I read Faithful ...it's good for how I use it (40gb of music vids) :P === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] i understand it's not so good on small files [12:07] lunitik: I am using Hoary hedgehog [12:07] well that hoary update seemed to fix xorg [12:07] the first update killed x [12:07] phanter: ok... then the system line [12:07] phanter: or System > Preferences > Session [12:07] I found it (man I should learn how to read :>) [12:08] is anyone here using ratpoison? [12:08] jsgotangco: hahahhahahahahhaha [12:08] hell no [12:08] errr [12:08] poster on the mailing list I see jsgotangco :) === Er_eR [Laug926@welax15-b213.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] yes [12:09] ratpoison is perhaps the most outdated wm I have ever seen [12:09] jsgotangco: had the same problem but a dpkg-reconfigure did the trick to fix it [12:09] lunitik: it works..i use it in my slack box [12:09] i don't understand people's need to change wm's :| [12:09] well.. [12:09] i like gnome 2.10 though [12:09] membreya: other than metacity sucks? [12:09] i just want ratpoison running as well [12:10] i hate the fact that gnome 2.10 doesn't let you edit menu items easily [12:10] howdi happy unbuntu guru's..... i'm an amateur to the world of linux and need some basic advice............. [12:10] true [12:10] just ask Er_eR :) === vince` [~vince@80-219-106-51.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] membreya: I mean, it does its job I guess... but not the worlds most featureful wm... [12:10] lunitik: but then you have the metacars..and the metapeople....ooo i can't wait till they discover metaspacetravel [12:10] lol [12:11] membreya: umm.... metacity is the name of gnome's wm... [12:11] [12:11] i know lunitik :) [12:11] well i'm going home first its like 7pm already ill catch you guys later [12:11] I was being facetious [12:11] so....that's the end end sarcasm tag? === username [~ian@adsl-2-solo-173-245.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] i've got the latest version on cd and cant even install it... i have an IBM and dont know how to get it to boot from cd... [12:11] its good to have xorg running again *grin* [12:11] pathetic i know... [12:11] I've just installed k3b but it doesn't show up. [12:11] check your bios Er_eR [12:12] looked through it... [12:12] no option to boot from cd... [12:12] membreya: so....that's the end end sarcasm tag? [12:12] its crazy [12:12] username: tried doing it from the terminal? [12:12] can i use xp DOS [12:12] membreya, no [12:12] ??? [12:12] Quinn_Storm: nope..just the close sarcasm tag [12:12] membreya: that would be [12:12] Isn't 18 months security support on a given release a little short? [12:12] Er_eR, you sure your CDrom is corectly installed? [12:12] membreya: is close end sarcasm [12:13] ya! [12:13] Quinn_Storm: ...my bad..haven't coded html in about 7 years :P [12:13] I'm rusty [12:13] Er_eR, no you cant use XP Dos [12:13] Er_eR: how did you install XP ? from bootdisk ? [12:13] Er_eR: I find it hard to believe you have XP on a machine that can't boot from CD... [12:13] is it possiblwe to run windows and linux one the one system?> === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] yes [12:13] Er_eR: yes [12:13] Quinn_Storm, that would be the end of an element called 'end', with a non-valid extra bit of text wedged in there that reads 'sarcasm'. [12:14] Er_eR: yes indeed..just make sure you partition enough space [12:14] omg username ..scary :P [12:14] username: yeah...which makes no sense [12:14] [12:14] leave me alone you guys :P [12:14] deFrysk: clever [12:14] [12:14] like 30 gig ... but how do i select the OS of choice when i switch on? [12:15] membreya: html is easy ... even you could understand it :P [12:15] and it can't be an attribute, because all attributes must have values, and those values must be quoted, and anyway, there wouldn't be an attribute or value in the closing tag of an element. [12:15] Er_eR: grub..the bootloader will install and it gives you the option of os's [12:15] lunitik: ...harsh [12:15] jdub, is it bendy or breezy!? [12:15] membreya: and I was being sarcastic about that being clever === membreya pulls the knife from his back [12:15] Er_eR, do you know anyone who uses Linux? [12:15] membreya: haha... kidding :P [12:15] html is easy === ompaul throws a bucket of salt into the wound :) [12:15] Myrtti: I just said that... [12:15] I taught it to ten years old kids last year [12:16] (says bendy on UbuntuDownUnder page) [12:16] no... all windows corporatised freaks === membreya declares open season on himself [12:16] *valid* XHTML [12:16] even === selinium_ [~chatzilla@82-34-235-60.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] mlh: wiki is outdated [12:16] is it possible to run one OS within the other? [12:16] Er_eR: yes [12:16] Er_eR: there are several methods [12:16] Er_eR: yes, vmware or something similar [12:17] are these options built within ubuntu?> [12:17] Er_eR: no [12:17] does anyone else have problems with vmware crashing in hoary? [12:17] okay, I've just typed k3b from the terminal. Several oceans of warnings streamed by, then it started. Then it said I have to use k3b setup (which is normal for the first time), but it won't accept my password. === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jlinares [~jlinares@193.Red-83-37-44.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] username: why are you using k3b? [12:17] is ubuntu a better from of linux....? [12:17] form [12:18] munki && lunitik: Still no joy, I think it may have something to do with me tinkering last night actually. with the XF86Config-4 file. how do i re-install the x free stuff? [12:18] Er_eR: stupid question [12:18] lunitik, I'm burning a dvd of stuff [12:18] so yes??? [12:18] Er_eR: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SmartBootManagerHowto [12:18] lunitik, that's what it does. It burns cds and dvds [12:18] username: gnome's tools can't do it? [12:18] lunitik, I've no idea [12:18] username: just drag them to the window that pops up... [12:18] is it the best?? [12:19] Er_eR: stupid question again [12:19] lunitik, a window hasn't popped up [12:19] am i on or off track....? [12:19] k3b is a KDE based applilcation, and thus it can't be expected to work perfectly on Gnome. [12:19] Er_eR: You are going to get a yes from this forum aren't you! [12:19] lunitik: ..no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid comments by me [12:19] i'm so himbo to this world.... [12:19] even more so if KDE isn't fully installed [12:19] selinium_: this is a forum? [12:20] so k3b won't ever show up in the menus? [12:20] Myrtti: ..I've run k3b..with a crap load of errors..but it worked :P [12:20] membreya: "is Ubuntu the best Linux" being asked in #ubuntu isn't a stupid question? ;) [12:20] if biest permits... === selinium_ hangs his head in shame [12:20] ok lunitik ....time for me to get nasty [12:20] hi all [12:20] bias [12:20] username: log out and back in... if its not there... then no... [12:21] is any Skype user here? [12:21] lunitik, ok [12:21] "lunitik's mum to lunitik's dad: shouldn't you wear a condom" ..now THAT was a stupid question [12:21] username: although I thought they were using the same backend for menu's in gnome and kde [12:21] and one she should have followed her gut feeling on :P [12:21] Er_eR, well none of us here would be biased towards ubuntu :) [12:21] thanks for the point mem... [12:21] Er_eR: if you want an objective view try #linux but we think Ubuntu is the best! [12:21] marcin_ant: yep [12:21] marcin_ant, I use it [12:22] I followed instructions on ubuntuguide and installed from package on skype.com but it doesn't work [12:22] membreya: haha... damn dude... wouldn't be the worst advice ever though... [12:22] no sound === diego [~diego@pc-200-74-4-20.benedictinos.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] doesn't connect [12:22] selinium_: and it is fully usable on your desktop? [12:22] hello... someone knows where can i get drivers for my hp deskjet printer? or my creative webcam [12:23] I'm not sure of ubuntu being the the best it still has to prove it's powers to me, but for now I Really like it [12:23] diego cups is great for hd [12:23] diego: google.com/linux [12:23] sorry hp [12:23] thnks [12:23] awwww I love tux [12:23] such a cute animal [12:24] diego: as for webcam... just plug it in... [12:24] but it doesn't work === e-spy [~metod@tech.spijon.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] marcin_ant: It works fine for me? [12:24] diego: gah... then fire up gthumb and 'file > import photos' ... shouldn't need to load any drivers === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] Greetings, people of #ubuntu! [12:25] marcin_ant: Try to reinstall it through synaptic === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] I upgraded my hoary system and alsa broke. Now things that attempt alsa hang. [12:25] But some other kind of sound -- the one that the desktop uses to make beautiful boops and wheeps -- still works. [12:25] zooko: /etc/init.d/alsa restart [12:26] lunitik: can you tell me what package i need to re install to get the X thingy working again? [12:26] ok thks bte [12:26] grub... is this on the ubuntu cd...? [12:26] lunitik: thanks for the suggestion -- I'll try that. [12:26] selinium_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === StoffBox-Steve [~steve@pD95F3B10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] Er_eR: yes [12:26] hmmm apart from ipchains..what's a recommended firewall? :P [12:26] I have another problem that has been around since i went from warty to hoary -- my mouse cursor crawls around the screen even when I'm not moving the mouse. [12:27] Er_eR: stop asking silly questions [12:27] ompaul, selinium_ : you use gnome or kde? [12:27] cool... thanks [12:27] play nice lunitik [12:27] marcin_ant: gnome [12:27] Hoary preview is released! <<< Final out? :D [12:27] after alsa restart it still hangs. [12:27] understand... i'm lookin' in from the outside... [12:27] selinium_: hoary? [12:27] marcin_ant: indeed [12:28] Er_eR: no excuse for not reading docs... [12:28] its another language... [12:28] strace says it hangs after [12:29] ioctl(3, 0x40045532, 0xbfffef64) = 0 [12:29] open("/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p", O_RDWR [12:29] Er_eR: what language? === Lightboy [~jon@203-219-27-63-bri-ts4-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] selinium_: I think he's being figurative === zooko studies the list of sound kernel modules. [12:29] unsure.. [12:29] Hm. I remember warty had this problem with discover loading the wrong kernel module for my cmipci sound card... [12:29] wow lunitik ..a word with more than one syllable... I'm so proud :P === zooko googles for that. [12:30] lunitik: Hmm... how to make yourself look dumb in one easy move! Doh! [12:30] membreya: 4 of em even 8-) [12:31] selinium_: heh... its cool... its hard to notice such things through text :P [12:31] selinium_: ..don't lower yourself to lunitik's level, he'll win every time :P === SlackShrike [~kurumin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] I can't drag and drop files from samba shares into the xmms playlist, for other files it works great. Any idea ? [12:31] lunitik: So you use the dpkg rather than apt-get. I assume that is because the discussion had earlier with munki? [12:31] slept: XMMS doesn't support dnd [12:31] selinium_: for local files... umm, yeah === cocol [~internet@a18159.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] hi [12:32] hi [12:32] how i make a root passwd? [12:32] luntik: I use dit for more than a year that way - so what happend the last night ? [12:32] lunitik: Thanks for your help. back in a mo on ubuntu hopefully! === optika [russell@shell.rucus.ru.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] cocol: sudo passwd root [12:32] cocol: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [12:32] ok many thanks [12:33] stop saying RTFM lunitik [12:33] Myrtti talked to us about that :P [12:33] membreya: do not state how to make a root password... its not a supported thing... [12:33] membreya: point them at the wiki, or don't say anything. === membreya holds out his arm to lunitik ...bite me :P [12:33] membreya: giving a good url is different === lunitik chews membreya's arm off [12:34] just saying use the google or rtfm or man sudo isn't nice [12:34] wouldn't it be "man passwd" ? === selinium_ chuckles as he leaves. [12:34] membreya: what ever === wdh [~KlaasVaag@82-197-198-113.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu === gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ken_Zzzz is now known as kenvandine [12:35] i wonder when the equal opportunity freaks are going to come in and demand that "man" be renamed to "person" :| [12:35] membreya: pretty sure most realize 'man' is short for 'manual'... and we have it covered anyways... 'info' [12:35] hi all, I've just attempted a warty -> hoary upgrade (using the preview CD as the only source), and "apt-get dist-upgrade" died after a while with "Input/Output" errors. I'm using XFS, and xfs_check says that the filesystem is still OK. Any suggestions? [12:35] is anyone using an ubuntu samba client ? === username [~ian@adsl-2-solo-173-245.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] optika: never seen that... sorry [12:36] nope. looks like k3b doesn't show up in menus. [12:36] slept, I use smbfs [12:36] nn === allio_ is now known as allio_`afk [12:36] take it cool guys === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] seveas : does it work can you play audio files ? [12:37] optika: crc errors on the cd? [12:38] slept, yes [12:38] k3b setup is still rejecting my (correct) password. How can this be? [12:38] lunitik: ..again I was being facetious [12:38] membreya: the CD checks out fine with the "verify CD" option when I boot from it. Lemme check the md5sum quickly... === test [~test@CPE-147-10-32-86.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] slept, when I use smbmout it works like a charm [12:38] username: which password are you entering? [12:38] Burgundavia, my root password [12:39] I've checked faq and website, but can't see this. I installed ubuntu and it didn't ask for a root password. when I booted up I didn't know the password. so I booted in single mode, set new password, now loaded up fine. However... [12:39] username, use your own password === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [12:39] username: is uses sudo, so use yours [12:39] s/is/it [12:39] Seveas, same password [12:39] username, ok [12:39] username, do you use su or sudo? [12:39] when I use the updater program icon thingy on my gnome desktop, the password I enter for root it doesn't accept. [12:39] Seveas, neither [12:39] test: type your user passwd === bdr [~bdr@benroe.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] test, you need your own password for that [12:40] test, in Ubuntu everything is sudo [12:40] you do not need a root account [12:40] that sounds really insecure... [12:40] test, no [12:40] I think I do need a root account - k3bsetup is asking me for the root account's password [12:40] it's as secure as having a root account [12:41] username, run k3bsetup via sudo [12:41] Seveas, ok [12:41] I don't understand this :) [12:41] see im having a similar problem [12:41] test: it's not... external people would need to know what users have root privs... whereas they can just aim john at root on the box if root is activated [12:41] test, go to the ubuntu wiki and find the RootSudo page [12:41] test: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [12:42] lunitik, that's a very old url [12:42] Seveas: it works :/ [12:42] www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [12:42] sudo sudo -s su su - s and su - wont accept my password at all [12:42] nothing's happening [12:42] At any rate, this update program doesn't work with my password or the root one. The error is: Failed to run /usr/bin/update-manager as user root: [12:42] Child terminated with 1 status [12:42] Seveas: redirects to that :/ [12:42] Seveas: but is less typing... [12:42] Lightboy, if you type sudo -s and type your password, you should get a shell === WildRabbit [~WildRabbi@adsl7-69.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] Seveas: sudo -i [12:43] or try sudo su - [12:43] I just type "sudo k3bsetup" into the 'Run Application' menu? [12:43] nothing appears to be happening when I do that [12:43] username, if you do that, you need gksudo [12:43] sudo is for command line [12:43] membreya: [12:43] russell@zaebos:~$ md5sum /dev/hda [12:43] error processing /dev/hda: failed in buffer_read(fd): mdfile: Input/output error [12:43] username : use xterm and then sudo ... [12:44] xterm? [12:44] yeah [12:44] membreya: looks like bum CD :-/ thanks for jogging my brain :) [12:44] all i want to do is add some repo's to my sources.list [12:44] gnome-terminal you mean, not xterm :) [12:44] np :) [12:44] a text-mode-terminal for x [12:44] Lightboy: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list and throw them in there... [12:45] I just typed "xterm sudo k3bsetup" into the 'Run Application' menu and nothing happened [12:45] marcin_ant, gnome - sorry in a meeting there for a min or 4 [12:45] slept: should recommend gnome-terminal :/ === rizla [~rizla@adsl-200-134.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] username, you type in: gnome-terminal [12:45] and in the terminal you type sudo k3bsetup === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === wland [~wland@catv-d5deb8c1.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] ah, this is getting too complicated. [12:45] hi [12:45] I'll do it on the other machine [12:46] lunitik, don't recommend vi, but gksudo gedit :) === InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-162-127.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] Seveas: true === kanga [~claddagh@rndf-146-16-165.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] Hm. I'm confounded. The sound kernel mods look right, as far as I can tell, and the Ubuntu desktop makes pretty boops and beeps, but if I do anything that tries to play through alsa, that thing locks up. [12:46] i tried emacs and vi and gedit [12:46] Where can I find the list of things I should not recommend ? [12:47] vim is nice, very nice even, but not too good for newbies :) === lunitik has seen n00b's try to navigate vi... its rather humorous === ompaul remembers a static ip I had years ago - vivivi-ppp.somedomain :) [12:47] it still wont accept my password [12:47] hang on, that last combination of programming worked. [12:47] zooko: maybe you are using oss === klashniv [~klashniv@] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] Lightboy: type YOUR password... not roots :/ [12:47] quick question - apt-get install what will install kde? I tried just kde, no luck. [12:47] Well, I guess I'll do a dist-upgrade. [12:47] slept: creating a root account, things that can confuse newbies, non-standard programs if there is a standard alternative :) [12:47] It seems like "dist-upgrade" suggests new packages twice a day. [12:47] Now I've got k3bsetup, but for some stupid reason it drops off the bottom of the screen - there's no reason for it to be so big, there isn't enough information on the window to warrant that. [12:48] Is this because Hoary is being rapidly patches in preparation for its release? [12:48] test: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop I think === bdr [~bdr@benroe.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] zooko, yes [12:48] i am typing my password.. there is no other user on my comp.. so my password is the only one [12:48] zooko, dist-upgrade for warty gives about 1 package per week :) [12:48] have got the live cs at last [12:48] cd [12:48] thanks [12:48] nero burnt it wriong [12:48] as a result, there's no possible way of clicking any 'ok' button I presume must be there, below the bottom edge of the monitor. [12:48] Seveas: you should upgrade. [12:49] lunitik, why??? [12:49] burn as iso [12:49] username: you can move it by holding down alt while clicking on the window [12:49] ok [12:49] seveas: I don't understand why they want to create one ? If I thing that I need to be root I just sudo su [12:49] hoary is for testing, my machine is a production machine... === Xappe [~jon@regulus3.student.UU.SE] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] lsmod does tell me about some "oss" modules... [12:49] Quinn_Storm, no, it's not able to move up any further than it already is. [12:49] slept, that's the correct way, but so many people never heard of sudo [12:49] Quinn_Storm, I get errors like package not installable, etc. [12:49] Seveas: no Xfree86... new gnome, and more importantly gtk+ with auto complete as you type... better menu's... [12:49] username: if you click on the middle of the window while holding alt you can move the window [12:50] that's why sudo should always be recommended first [12:50] anyway, going to try some stuff. might be back later === klashniv [~klashniv@] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [12:50] Quinn_Storm, the middle? really? [12:50] Seveas: also, if you upgrade you can help me debug the audio configuration! ;-) [12:50] username: yeah, its a great underused linux feature [12:50] lunitik, plus the instabilities of a dev. system [12:50] Seveas: although "better menu's" refers to layout, not functionality (can't edit them) [12:50] Quinn_Storm, no - it doesn't move up any further than it already is. [12:50] username: strange, I can move all my windows off the top of the screen if I want [12:50] lunitic: i am typing my password.. there is no other user on my comp.. so my password is the only one === saad [~saad@zeff.docisland.org] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] Quinn_Storm, I can't === test [~test@CPE-147-10-32-86.vic.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:51] username: well I don't know what to say [12:51] Seveas: gah... I've seen two "instabilities" with hoary... neither rendered system useless... just caused me to want to hit things [12:51] lunitik: lol [12:51] Quinn_Storm, it jitters side to side as I try, but as it's already at the top (and falling off the bottom) it doesn't move any further up. [12:51] lunitik, that's good for you, but if I had been hit by the inotify bug or others, i would have lost hours of wirk time [12:51] this is my main work machine [12:51] username: very strange. never seen that happen before [12:51] lightboy: capslock ??? [12:52] username: metacity won't let you move the title bar off the top of the screen. If you alt+middle click on a window, you can resize it to fit on the screen === graungaard [~graungaar@port708.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] This is an appalling example of braindead user interface design. The window has only a few items of information, and yet it seems to be defaulted to taller than a screen, for no reason whatsoever, and offer no way of resizing (not that I should require resizing it - it should be the correct size in the first place). [12:52] why would he be using k3b under metacity? [12:52] can i have a console as background on my desktop? [12:53] slept: nup password is typed exactly right [12:53] Quinn_Storm: I tried to point him in the direction of Nautilus' tools... but he seemed to ignore me *shrug* [12:53] graungaard: not that I know of... wish there was a gdesklet for that :( [12:53] bdr, aha - that helps - I alt-middle-clicked toward the bottom end and moved up, and it indeed has reduced the height. Still a bad default. === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] ok, thx anyway :( [12:54] All this faffing about just to press an 'ok' button. Ridiculous. [12:54] lunitik: I see...well I'm a kde person myself so I understand using k3b but...using it under gnome is just kinda...well it hurts my brain [12:54] graungaard: he just wanted to burn files to a DVD... would be easy to just use Nautilus... but nooo === Fisch1917 [~kvirc@chello084114177169.3.15.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] ...or gnomebaker :) [12:54] nautilus burner always produced coasters for me, don't know why [12:54] graveman! [12:54] Quinn_Storm: haha... same here kinda... minus the kde person part :P [12:54] there's no dvd burning tools in gnome [12:55] membreya: bah... why install more tools when the ones you have do what you want? [12:55] Zotnix: graveman + amd64 [12:55] I have to run graveman in root (or any cd burning app) in root to burn. [12:55] username: nautilus will do it... === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] lunitik, I see no such program as 'nautilus'. [12:56] don't tell me ..there's a 64 bit package now ..wooo :) [12:56] username: the file manager :/ [12:56] lol === zeedo [~zeedo@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === lunitik hates calling nautilus a file manager... [12:56] Dunno membreya [12:56] I use a i686 processor. [12:56] Zotnix: ..there IS ...woohoo :) [12:56] arch [12:56] membreya, awesome [12:56] But its better than saying "the desktop shell" and getting wierd ass looks :( [12:56] pleb Zotnix :P [12:56] lunitik, the file manager? where's that? I see no program called 'the file manager' either. [12:57] lunitik, the 'search for files'? [12:57] pleb means? (I forgot.. I've seen it before) [12:57] username: nautilus is the program which draws all the desktop icons and directory windows [12:57] username: Applications > System Tools > File Browser [12:57] lunitik: ..my main gripe with gnome is it's "clean up by name" damn it it's sorting! === mman [~martin@r3ag7.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] hi all [12:57] lunitik, there's no 'File Browser' under 'system tools' [12:58] username: I dunno where it is in warty :/ [12:58] anyone willing to help me with hoary remastering? [12:58] applications > system tools > file browser [12:58] lunitik, then I've no idea what you're talking about, [12:58] username: shitty [12:58] lunitik, ? [12:58] membreya: I said that... [12:59] lunitik: isn't it confusing that nautilus is set to not draw any desktop icons in warty? Makes finding the file browser kind of tricky for new users [12:59] mman: define 'hoary remastering'. [12:59] that's where it is then lunitik [12:59] mman: create new iso ? [12:59] well, anyway. There were no dvd burning tools, and the only one I've heard of in linux is k3b. [12:59] bdr: its not set that way... its set to not have home, start here, and trash on the destoo [12:59] desktop [12:59] bdr: easy to get them back [12:59] lunitik: need to add some .debs to filesystem.cloop (this I could do), need to add another user and place some files on their desktops [01:00] username: from a terminal type nautilus burn:/// [01:00] lunitik: ah, must have remembered it wrong. [01:00] membreya, why does everything seem to still have to run from a terminal? === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:00] mman: ahh... LiveCD stuff should go to mdz ... but I don't think he is around :( [01:01] username: cos we're not in windows? [01:01] bdr: everything put into ~/Desktop goes onto the desktop... [01:01] membreya, I've never been in windows. [01:01] username: if you REALLY want to be pedantic...create a launcher for it to make you feel better [01:01] membreya, I'm not sure what windows has to do with this conversation. [01:01] username: no matter what, thats how Windows programs run too... its how all programs are ran... you're just used to having a pretty interface hiding that from you [01:02] username: are you being particularly difficult or is this how you are naturally? [01:02] lunitik: not good, anyway, I've successfully remastered several old morphixes, but it seems that hoary is quite different, maybe some pointers to where the `ubuntu` user comes from will help me... [01:02] membreya, no, what would make me feel better would be seeing the icon for it. [01:02] membreya, I'd ask the same of you. [01:02] membreya, you're antagonistic and prone to irrelevance [01:02] I'm sorry..giving you helpful tips is being difficult..I shall cessate [01:02] membreya, do that. === do3cc [~pge@pD9500E22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] ok i mananged to get into the file but it still wont let me change and save it [01:04] mman, the hoary liveCD is a casper system, you can find more info about it on the ubuntu wiki [01:04] hey, this isn't #debian, no need to be so defensive guys === PgL|Chacal`wrk [~kikoo@socks.epitech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] Lightboy: because you don't have perms... gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [01:04] yooo [01:04] Lightboy: running it as sudo / [01:04] Seveas: Ah, never heard about casper, but going to check... === t0mmY- [~tommy@219.62-97-197.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] this 'nautilus' program doesn't seem to have any options regarding what type of dvd I want to burn. === do3cc [~pge@pD9500E22.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:05] username: because it will figure it out based on files being burned. [01:05] yeah i tried sudo and su [01:06] lunitik, really? [01:06] username: has in my experience (regular files, iso, and audio have all worked) [01:06] it wont accept my password so i tried a few other things === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] so it knows that I'm about to burn a dvd video [01:06] hrm, next question, I can't seem to get DMA going on my CD-ROM drive -- this was the case with Warty and I just lived with it. It makes it impossible to write CDs. I'm not even sure where to start diagnosis :-/ [01:06] i also went into System>administration>users and groups and changed it there [01:06] just to make sure [01:06] but it didnt help [01:07] optika: do a sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/ (cdrom name) [01:07] membreya: it doesn't like that :( === ys76_Richard [~holle@u6-52.dsl.vianetworks.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [01:07] Lightboy: 1. open terminal 2. sudo nano /etc... (your user passwd) [01:07] username: it knows after you click "write image" :/ [01:07] root@zaebos:~# hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda [01:07] /dev/hda: [01:07] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [01:07] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [01:07] using_dma = 0 (off) === NetwrkMonkey [~Monkey@netwrkmonkey.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] aaah optika ..same boat as me :) you have SATA harddrives? [01:08] no #flood ? [01:08] membreya: yeah, is there some sort of conflict in kernelspace with the two? [01:08] slept: sure, but no one uses it :/ [01:08] optika: ...check on the archives for the mailing list :) [01:08] maining in march / feb [01:08] ah, cool, ta. [01:08] slept: most here make you click on a pastebin link or just flood here :/ [01:09] Seveas: Thanx, found the info I need in a wiki [01:09] membreya: can you give me the executive summary? "Is there a way to fix it"? [01:09] maining = mainly...too tired [01:09] optika: ..mixed results [01:09] ah, k :) Will read up and try out then :) === optika starts to suspect dodgy hardware ... second dud CD [01:09] lunitik, ok. Usually there's a load of technical things it has to do, rearranging and making folders with special names, etc. === Hayden [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] I personally can't but that's because I'm as dumb as a door bell === optika offs to meetings [01:10] thanks for the help membreya :) [01:10] username: with relation to what exactly? [01:10] lunitik: he's referring to taking an mpeg2 video and creating a DVD ...something which AFAIK nautilus does not handle.. I know the tool to do it ..but since I'm not helpful [01:11] lunitik, no idea. It's just that whenever one burns a dvd video, there's more to it than simply putting the files on a dvd. The burning software has to do something special with regards to where it all goes, otherwise the dvd player won't see them. [01:11] has anyone got a version of xemacs working in metacity? The version in hoary still has the infinite-loop resize bug... === BleSS [~johanson@121.Red-80-39-188.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~pitti@dialin-145-254-190-096.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host109-109.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] doesn't matter - I'm using k3b, which works. [01:12] membreya, username: it worked for me, and my DVD player is old and rather picky... [01:12] how can i know if a script has been called by other or does it has been executed from command line directly? [01:12] membreya: and you stated your solution... graveman... :/ [01:13] Huh-oh. In the attempt to fix my "things hang when trying to use sound" problem, I installed libsdl1.2debian-alsa to replace libsdl1.2debian-oss. [01:13] But in the installation process, it HANGS. :-( [01:13] bdr: I use xemacs in hoary with whatever the default desktop thingie is. === raz0 [~morten@0x503ea77b.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] Darn. Now my synaptic is hung, trying to install libsdl1.2debian-alsa. :-( :-( [01:14] zooko: whenever i maximise it, it just gets stuck in an infinite loop using 100% cpu [01:14] lunitik: no, I was just talking about graveman and how when I first started with ubuntu (about 5 weeks ago) a 64bit port didn't exist [01:14] EErrr. Maybe it wasn't hung? [01:14] lunitik, no, I've found that out the hard way in the past. All the 'VIDEO--' and 'VTS--' files won't work as a dvd video if you just stick them on a dvd and burn it as is. [01:14] I clicked the "close" button and it closed the terminal thingie and now it says that everything worked. [01:15] So I guess I just thought it hung because it stopped without writing a "I finished happily" message. Oops. [01:15] bdr..what infinate loop thing? [01:15] zooko, activity / time = new stuff per unit of time and is as long as $piece of string :) === sirukin [~bryan@polar151x98.polarnet.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] bdr: I'm doing this IRC chat through xemacs. :-) [01:15] hmm [01:16] ompaul: I have no idea what you are talking about! [01:16] hey.. how do i get ntfs support goin [01:16] memb : it just sits there redrawing the *scratch* tab constantly and doesn't respond to clicking on close. I can type in it [01:16] zooko, it can take time for stuff to happen [01:16] bdr: 21.4.17. I *think* I'm using the normal version not the gnome version. === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] I'm using the nomule version. [01:16] zooko: in metacity? [01:16] like.. i know on fedora i just used an rpm then changed my mtab and fstab files [01:16] bdr: I dunno. What's metacity? :-) [01:16] bdr: I just installed it ..loaded it, unloaded it ..works fine [01:16] running hoary preview now [01:16] nice === LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] bdr: you using hoary? cuz everyone that is saying its working is... [01:17] Alas, changing the libsdl from oss to alsa didn't fix my bug. === mman [~martin@r3ag7.chello.upc.cz] has left #ubuntu [] [01:17] there we go. K3b has burned it. Job done. [01:17] bdr: sudo apt-get install xemacs21 [01:17] using hoary [01:18] "xemacs21 is already the newest version." [01:18] hmmm, worked for me :| [01:18] zooko: metacity is the window manager [01:18] membreya: even maximised? [01:18] metacity is the name of a process running on my system, soi it must be the wm I'm using here. [01:19] ok so DON'T run it maximased..my eyes hurt [01:19] lightboy: its a kernel module, writing is still not recomended you can modprobe it and then mount the partition [01:19] my xemacs is currently maximized. [01:19] brb === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] [01:19] maximised even [01:19] gah! === motuline [~motu@dsl-083-102-036-27.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #Ubuntu [01:20] writing it?? === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] yeah no i dont need to write to this partition i just need to read from it === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] bdr: i just switched to xemacs21-nomule, and I got the same bug you have. [01:22] So I switched back to xemacs21-gnome-nomule, and now I'm happily using xemacs to IRC again. [01:22] So, can anyone help me make my sound work? === nubbe [~fsdhufsd@] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] I just googled and it's a known bug, but they can't decide whose fault it is [01:23] zooko:thanks, will go install xemacs-gnome [01:23] bdr: try "sudo debfoster xemacs21-nomule- xemacs21-gnome-nomule" === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] sigh. I guess I'll dist-upgrade, reboot, and then give up and do something else with my time. === Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1d-6.pit.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:24] updating hoary with the update manager [01:24] nice addition [01:25] hoary is looking to be a *really* good release [01:25] lightboy : modprobe /lib/modules/"your kernel( use uname -r if you don't know))"/kernel/fs/ntfs/ntfs.ko and then mount -t ntfs if that works you can [01:25] I agree [01:25] http://johanvrt.tomaatnet.nl/mygnome2.10.png aint it fun ;) === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] any way to find the port that a transparent proxy is running on ? === BleSS [~johanson@121.Red-80-39-188.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Vinque.org] [01:26] Nvidia drivers are still broken in Hoary :( [01:26] LinuxJones: 7167 working fine here - what's the prob? [01:27] hm? [01:27] what's broken about htem [01:27] I havent even gotten round to that yet [01:27] bdr, I upgraded to the latest K7 kernel yesterday and nvidia are broken I had to go back to 2.6.10-4-k7 [01:28] #define "broken" [01:28] LinuxJones: if you're running 2.6.11 you need to download and run the nvidia drivers [01:28] uname -a: Linux arthurdent 2.6.10-5-k7 #1 [01:28] bdr, mmmm [01:28] I just installed linux-headers and ran the 7167 installer === gilbs72 [~Gilbert@] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] dammit, now they're borken. glx is gone. I had five glxgears windows running ten minutes ago [01:30] bdr, what happens when Ubuntu release their drivers and you upgrade ? === alex [~alex@] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] bdr, if they update the kernel you have to do it all over again === tombs [~newbee@i62070.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] bdr : compile your own nvidia-kernel it's not hard to do [01:31] ineed to compile the battery status. do i have to compile the hole kernel === e-motion [~svn@p5488CF5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] LJ: I know, I'm used to that by now. [01:32] slept: this is with a self-compiled NVIDIA driver [01:32] will go and fix it [01:34] So is Hoary frozen as of right now ? === no0tic [~no0tic@host125-143.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-54-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] hi! === bdr [~bdr@benroe.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] is the frequency scaling system changed in the latest hoary kernel release? (/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0 is empty now) [01:36] fixed. "GLX is not supported with the Composite extension". Composite just isn't supported more like [01:37] it didnt find the ntfs module [01:37] the module speedstep-centrino dosnt get load with the new kernel [01:38] === pitti [~pitti@dialin-145-254-190-096.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Have] [01:38] does anyone know how to convert a string to an int in c [01:39] if i may ask that in here :) [01:39] write (int) stringname [01:39] Hayden, strtol [01:39] slept: it didnt find the ntfs module [01:40] mjr, i thought so: i found this on a website... what does base mean long strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base); [01:40] Hayden, it means, well, the base in which the number is to be interpreted [01:40] you probably want base 10 [01:40] ok thats what i thought too :) [01:41] => also powernow isn't supported in the new kernel === selinium_ [~quirc@] has joined #ubuntu === ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu === chii [chii@chii.utility.freenode] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] Lightboy: what kernel do you use [01:42] Lightboy : just modprobe ntfs [01:42] mjr, im noob to c, how do i declare a long int? [01:43] good morning [01:43] Lightboy: or insmod with full path === guiguilinux [~guiguilin@d83-177-156-212.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] slept: i modprobed it [01:43] lunitix, still no joy. have you got any ideas on how to sort this? [01:43] Lightboy : now just mount the partition [01:43] Hayden, "long" or "long int" [01:44] slept: 2.6.10-4-amd64-generic on the amd64 latest release candidate === fallow [~fallow@dvd6.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] ok thanks === Dr_Acemaster [~dr_ace@washdc3-ar8-4-62-073-051.washdc3.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] hello :) === Dr_Acemaster is now known as Dr_Ace_Work [01:44] slept: jon@lightboy:~$ modprobe ntfs [01:44] FATAL: Error inserting ntfs (/lib/modules/2.6.10-4-amd64-generic/kernel/fs/ntfs/ntfs.ko): Operation not permitted [01:44] hayden: I found this tutorial quite useful back when I was learning: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.html [01:45] lightboy: sudo ... [01:45] no0tic: I'm using an amd64 desktop, and powernowd is working fine for me ..my 2.2GHz CPU is almost constantly at 1GHz === fallow [~fallow@dvd6.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu [] [01:45] slept: sudo doesnt work from before still [01:45] membreya: I'm using a k7 cpu [01:45] membreya: on the 2.6.10-5 kernel === fallow [~fallow@dvd6.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] I'm using 2.6.11-1-amd64-k8 [01:46] no0tic: what does dmesg say ? [01:46] membreya have you been using that one for long? [01:47] erm, about 3 or 4 days SiRrUs [01:47] lightboy: are you in /etc/sudoers, if not use visudo . You can't change kernel things without sudo or su === foreach [~foreach@user-0ccslt6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] I lie SiRrUs ...been running this build since the 11th :) [01:48] what build is that [01:48] hi all [01:48] membreya and its working ok for you [01:48] membreya: Access to /proc/cpufreq is deprecated and will be removed from (new) 2.6. kernels soon after 2005-01-01 [01:48] SiRrUs: it's working jim dandy :) only thing I had to do differently was to compile nvidia [01:49] and I compiled nforce :D [01:49] nice === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] da_bon_bon hello [01:49] can anyone help? cant start ubuntu. cannot start x server. how can i sort this out? also i am chatting thru my p900 phon. it takes a long while 2 reply [01:49] SiRrUs: hiya [01:50] selinium_: whats the error message ? [01:50] selinium_: p900 can irc ? [01:50] selinium_, can not start ubuntu? error? === flawd-afk is now known as flawd === ulas2 [~ulas@ant-a5-02-asy17.ant-ro-01.superonline.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] the p900 - the one *without* a keyboard. I admire your patience [01:50] hey [01:50] no0tic: do you have powernowd installed? [01:50] p900 irc = Quirc [01:50] how do i update to hoary using apt-get update? [01:50] membreya: until kernel update it was working... [01:51] i mean without using synaptic [01:51] i made the changes to sources.list and ready to go.... [01:51] ulas2, apt-get dist-upgrade === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] apt-get update first [01:51] deFrysk, you are the man... [01:51] no0tic: do a sudo apt-get install powernowd [01:51] thankx === fallow [~fallow@dvd6.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu [] [01:51] membreya: it is installed... [01:51] brb [01:52] ulas2: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace warthy with hoary [01:52] hey, is there some rescue cd that has gparted on it ? [01:52] selinium_, but you get to console? if that's the case you could use irssi for irc til' you solve the x problem [01:52] brb [01:52] da_bon_bon : knoppix [01:52] no0tic: do a dmesg |grep proc ...does it mention powernow in there? [01:53] peachy, downloading nvidia drivers from nvidia.com now === Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-7167/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7167-pkg1.run [01:53] membreya: no [01:53] da_bon_bon> the error jut says that . i could read the log but i dont know how to in terminal === smurfix [~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] selinium : less /var/log/Xorg.0.log should give you the X error [01:53] no0tic: lsmod |grep power ...anything about powernow? [01:54] I don't suppose anyone here has successfully compiled the linux-wlan-ng drivers in ubuntu? [01:54] membreya: no === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] selinium_, you might want to connect to this irc server through an irc client like bitchx or ircii from terminal on your computer so you dont have to chat with the phone. apt-get bitchx [01:55] or something === selinium_ [~james@82-34-235-60.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === kenvandine [~ken@66-194-221-254.gen.twtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] Xappe: thanxs for the irssi thing! [01:57] selinium: bit easier that way === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] selinium_, :) thought it was easier than phone [01:57] heh [01:57] selinium_, no problem. irssi is all good :) === lowndes05 [~lowndes05@] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] I got a p910 it still takes me forecver to type on it [01:57] Indeed, but at least I konw i can do it now, both ways! [01:57] Xappe, oh you gave that tip too [01:58] bdr: well, luck y. i got a nokia 3410 :) [01:58] ne1 tried to compile the Java 5 source on an iBook running the latest preview ? [01:59] membreya: ideas? [01:59] selinium: you know that you can have two console windows open: one in IRC and one at the console prompt [01:59] selinium: just use ctrl-alt-F1 and ctrl-alt-f2 to switch between them [01:59] trying to find something no0tic ..and powernowd is definately installed? you don't have cpufreqd? [01:59] Anyway, has any body got any ideas on how i can get Xserver to work? I must admit i did tinker with it last night. And also install 3ddesktop then all stopped working [01:59] membreya: sure :) [02:00] bdr: cheers for that one! [02:00] selinium: we'd need some error messages to go by in order to help you ;) [02:00] selinium_, so what windowmanager are you running? [02:00] selinium_, does it work to fire up kde for instance with "kde" rather than "startx"? [02:00] or gnome === smurfix [~smurf@run.smurf.noris.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] (heh Im helping and I have never even tried ubuntu yet lol) === macewan [~macewan@ip68-101-19-222.nc.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] selinium_, have you tried a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on hoary) [02:01] flawd: that wont work [02:01] da_bon_bon, fireing up "kde" works here even if I have another default wm [02:01] on mandrake === lordsporkton [lordsporkt@adsl-69-108-108-246.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] thought it might be a wm issue [02:01] Right, first things first, I have only been using linux for a month, Ubuntu is my first install. [02:01] since he tinkered with it last night with the 3d wm [02:01] flawd: if X server isnt running and u say "startkde" it will give an error - no running x server [02:01] not tried kde yet, didn't konw how [02:02] da_bon_bon, oh ok. [02:02] selinium_, what exactly did you do last noght? ;) === membreya_ [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] brbphone [02:02] selinium: just start xinit in a terminal , it will give you an error message [02:02] wb membreya [02:03] danke :) [02:04] freaked out ..rebooted ..my harddrive was thrashing..to the point of getting to the grub menu took about 15 seconds :| [02:04] how do i print a long int using printf in c? === membreya_ is now known as membreya === Jesterace [~jesterace@blk-222-247-95.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] no0tic: ..I can't anything definitive :( [02:04] membreya: thanks anyway [02:04] maybe ask daniels if he's around :) [02:05] Jack? === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === eduard [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] back, right, tinkered with the config file a la ubuntuguide.org. it didn't cause any problems. Then this morning i installed 3ddesktop, that it when the problems started. [02:05] If i shutdown firewall with firestarter.. why I cant send any files with xchat.. I cant send them when firewall is on neither when firewall is off [02:06] i still say you don't have powernowd installed :P === alejandro [~alejandro@2.Red-81-32-93.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] Also how do i page up in irssi? [02:06] motuline: are you on a network or are you connected directly to the net? [02:06] so, any rescue cd thats got a partiton editor ? === touch [~touch@] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] network.. well.. im connected to the hub and hub is connected to internet === graungaard [~graungaar@port708.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] selinium_: I remember installing 3ddesktop in Warty and not having any trouble with it === Wolven [~ion@c5100A7C5.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] selinium_: page up [02:08] selinium_:possibly a coincidence. if you type "xinit" at the console, what error do you get? === Safari_Al [~tr@ppp248-98.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] jason: cheers, i just worked that out! :) [02:08] :) [02:08] bdr: one moment... [02:09] Hm. So hoary has buffer overflows in libxpm and xlibs that have already been fixed in warty? === shmoolik [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] zooko; really? I guess the devs have a lot of work at the moment [02:10] motuline: is it a hub / switch / router? [02:10] I'm not sure I understand the security advisories. [02:10] hub [02:10] oh well [02:10] send worked in other distros when i turned off firewall [02:10] Fatl io error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server (:0.0) after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining [02:10] hrm === jesus_detached is now known as jesus__ [02:10] how are you stopping firestarter? [02:10] motuline, why not just open the right ports? [02:10] bdr: Fatal io error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server (:0.0) after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining [02:11] oh, send you say === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] selinum_ : are you root / using sudo ? [02:12] where i can download the kernel of the live-cd ? [02:12] selinium_: anything before that? if you look at the log: "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log" are there any more errors? [02:12] slept, at the moments [02:12] Xappe: what port xchat uses? [02:12] selinum_ : start xinit as normal user === graungaard [~graungaar@port708.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:13] slept i am using sudo [02:13] motuline, that I don't know === graungaard [~graungaar@port708.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] I don't neither [02:13] selinum_ : so don't use it just xinit [02:13] motuline: grep irc /etc/services === graungaard [~graungaar@port708.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] bdr: How do i look at the log? from the command line? [02:14] add rule with firestarter? [02:14] motuline, think you can set the send port yourself in the settings [02:14] motuline: says 194 on my system [02:14] selinium_: yes, just type "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log" at the command line and you will get the log file up and can use the cursor keys to navigate it [02:15] selinium_ : less /var/log ... [02:15] bdr slept: cheers, i am learnign sooo much today! [02:15] to slow [02:15] :) === dies_irae [~enso@c-24-3-127-200.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] add rule and then i put 194 port to it? [02:16] i use shorewall so I don't know how to do it in Firestarter === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] but in shorewall it's something like: ALLOW fw net tcp port [02:17] now i found where i can put port === kent [~kent@c83-249-58-15.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] wtf is "performant" [02:18] Hm. By the time I apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade ; reboot then there are new packages available so I have to do it all over again. [02:18] selinium_ : are you useing xfree or xorg ? [02:18] good morning Burgundavia [02:18] Sadly, none of them have yet fixed my "hang on attempt to play sound through alsa" problem. [02:18] SiRrUs: hello === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] oops, wrong chan [02:18] :) [02:18] slept: I hae no idea! [02:18] where can I file a bug for linux-image? [02:18] slept: oops, you're right, selinium_ is probably running warty. I forgot === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] bdr: nope, i'm on hoary [02:19] selinium_: oh, ok === Insom [~chatzilla@as8-m83.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] So what does the desktopguithingie use to make its beeps and boops? [02:20] Because those sounds are working, but xmms, mplayer, aplay all hang. [02:20] I got an athlon 1095 Mhz. Is this "k6" or "k7" or what? [02:20] zooko set your xmms to use esd [02:20] zooko: I think it uses esd [02:20] yea esd is what I use [02:20] It's frustrating, because alsa was working until I upgraded hoary yesterday. [02:21] esd has such a high latency [02:21] can anyone verify a bug for me? [02:21] It's too bad there's no feature to downgrade all packages to where they were 24 hours ago. [02:21] selinium : cat /etc/apt/sources.list , what can you see warty or hoary ? [02:21] bdr slept: there are a few errors, firstly wanrings that the framebuffers do'nt exist. open/dev/fb0-7: No such file or directory [02:21] I guess I should file a bug. [02:21] zooko [02:21] zooko: alsa will still be working, it's just that esd locks the device for its own use [02:21] you can file a bug or do as several of us have suggested [02:21] selinium_: I think you can ignore the fb errors [02:22] bdr slept: NV(0) failed to open framebuffer. Screens found but none have usable config [02:22] flawd: k7 I believe [02:22] in a gnome terminal the command: sudo apt-cache search (string) | less [02:23] breaks xterm [02:23] bdr: so upgrading hoary yesterday caused esd to start locking the device? [02:23] Because this was all working yesterday. [02:23] selinium_: you're using an nvidia card? did you install the nvidia drivers? [02:23] membreya, how can I tell for sure? [02:23] Thanks for the idea -- I'll try stopping esd and then see what happens. [02:23] selinium_ : # cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.custom [02:23] # md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 >/var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum [02:23] # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [02:23] So, why are there so many different sound systems? arts/esd/polypaudio/alsa/oss. That's a lot. [02:23] bdr slept: should i try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and use the nvidia drivers instead of NV driver, which hoary chose for me. It all worked before this morning on NV === zooko tries to figure out how to stop esd. [02:24] selinium_: good idea [02:24] selinium_, you upgraded to the 2.6.10-5 kernel with Nvidia ? [02:24] zooko: possibly it replaced the config file. If you install libesd-alsa0 you can make esd use alsa and then get dmix working [02:24] slept: will do, sorry, i dont touch te so by the time i look back at te screen.... :) [02:24] flawd: k7 is athlon :) [02:24] bdr: interesting! I'll try that, thanks. [02:25] ok === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] oops, it's nearly half one. I should really be working. bye [02:25] bye! [02:25] thanks for the help. === jjesse [~jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:26] Xappe: I try to send something to you.. [02:26] k? [02:27] can anyone recommend a WYSIWYG HTML editor? === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === nug [~kheldar@haybaler.sackheads.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Nope, after installing libesd-alsa0 I still have the problem of aplay locking up when I try to play a .au file. :-( === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lemonzest [~Lemonzest@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === malte` [~malte@host26-170.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === andrew [~andrew@pell-01-0176.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] hello === mercurus [~mercurus@pipp-p-144-138-229-7.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] oh, and I forgot to list jack in the list of competing/interoperating/whatever audio systems. [02:30] what are people's experiences with amaya? [02:30] slept bdr: I get a permission denied when i try to md5sum [02:30] hey when installing gphoto i get this [02:30] Library requirements (libgphoto2 >= 2.1.2) not met [02:30] can ubuntus repos be used to install kde 3.4 on any other debian based distro /? [02:30] andrew: so install libgphoto2 [02:30] yah [02:30] i got the gcc to complie it [02:31] but it cant find the libary or something [02:31] on the site for it they if it happens do this [02:31] alice@host:~$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig [02:31] alice@host:~$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH [02:31] Okay, I configured xmms to use esound and now I'm happy. [02:31] Thanks, bdr. [02:31] did it but nothing happend [02:32] da-bon i have kde 3.4 on ubuntu it works nicely [02:32] are you still about slept? [02:32] selinium_: less /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is the description you need, you have to do these things with sudo [02:32] cheers slept! [02:33] cheers all === Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] slept: it sayds no such file or directory! [02:35] can anyone tell me when can i expect the next ubuntu relese? [02:35] slept: i was here earlier and ran the dpkg-reconfigure from root. Have i caused porblems? [02:36] next monuth [02:36] early next monuth === e-spy [~metod@tech.spijon.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] my motherboards inbuildt soundcard sucks so I'm digging through my old pci soundcards (good to collect old pc trash!). Which is best of these?: Soundblaster awe 64, Soundblaster 16 model ct2960 or Soundblaster (sbv16s) model ct2800? I would think awe 64 right? [02:37] openssh 4.0 === jon1012 [~jon@AMontsouris-151-1-15-69.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] flawd: probly the awe 64 i would guess [02:38] yeah [02:38] how can i find out what keycode a certain button is generating in xwin? === rcliii [~rcliii@c-24-10-179-112.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] know about xev for mice actions but... === xamdm [~xamdm@pD95EB722.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Alessio [~Alessio@host239-111.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === DarkGable [~DarkGable@68-234-217-9.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === zerovertex [~zeroverte@cable-68-190-26-239.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] Anybody know of a good in-depth tutorial explaining the interaction of dbus+hal+hotplug/discover ?? === EsK [~comcast11@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] do yall ever sleep [02:45] selinium: no . you can reconfigure as often as you want, you just have to get things right === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-5-45.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] EsK, How do you like Ubuntu so far ?? === mako_ [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] oops firefox crashed [02:46] its alright, i had a major problem with dpkg last night, but i dont know if its gonna work yet so let me update all this shyt and ill get back with you :) [02:47] EsK, stick with apt or synaptic front ends [02:47] hmm [02:47] no i kno, when i use apt-get, i get the message, dpkg was interrupted [02:47] i get this error when complialing gphoto [02:48] hello LinuxJones [02:48] Library requirements (libgphoto2 >= 2.1.1) not met [02:48] and it gives me a command to use and when i use that command it logs me off [02:48] Jesterace, hi pal :) === omniwork [~tristan@mail.brandlogic.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:48] LinuxJones, how goes it today? === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-133-137.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === JoeyPeters [~joey@cp293874-a.landg1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host109-109.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Jesterace, not too bad a day, a few days off of work so I am relaxing a bit [02:49] EsK, what's the command ? [02:49] dpkg --configure -a [02:49] Hello, I have a problem, the "Add or remove applications" program hangs when I load it :( [02:49] LinuxJones, that's good, i'm relaxing as well while I put up a server [02:49] EsK, try apt-get -f install [02:49] Is there a terminal alternative? [02:49] Jesterace, webserver ? [02:49] yeah [02:50] i still get the same message, dpkg was interrupted [02:50] JoeyPeters, you mean synaptic ? [02:50] EsK, try apt-get clean [02:50] I'm not sure, I've just installed the preview === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] alright i did so, whats next? [02:51] ah, synaptic works, thanks [02:51] esk : apt-get --fix-missing [02:51] JoeyPeters, ok there is a gui front end called synaptic which you can use to add/remove/update your software. [02:52] JoeyPeters, hit alt + F2 then type synaptic (enter your user password) [02:52] Nice. [02:52] JoeyPeters, you'll want to hit the reload button to update the packages list on the repos [02:53] alright, it showed me a list of commands and options [02:53] Does it install so swiftly? === selinium_ [~selinium_@82-34-235-60.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] JoeyPeters, yes [02:53] I just downloaded gcc in a second and installed, this can't be right. [02:53] JoeyPeters, do you have a high speed internet connection ? [02:54] Yes. === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] Sweet. [02:54] JoeyPeters, if you want to compile something you will need to search & install build-essential [02:54] JoeyPeters, using gcc that is === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] Okay, thanks for the help. [02:55] slept: I back on ubuntu! [02:55] JoeyPeters, if your just starting with Ubuntu I would have a look @ www.ubuntuguide.org [02:55] I've used other linux distros [02:56] slept: thanks for all your help! [02:56] any of 'em based on debian? [02:56] JoeyPeters, Ubuntu has some unique ways of doing things, that are different form say Redhat or Mandrake [02:56] Oh, okay [02:56] anyone know if you can connect the cdrom to the aux1 connector on a soundblaster card? the cable I have have a plug that only fits to the aux1 connector. the cdin connector has a plug that looks like the one that needs to be connected to the cdrom [02:57] flawd, yes [02:57] you can === ac^ [~jere@a81-197-43-2.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] good [02:57] make sure to unmute it in alsamixer [02:57] yeah [02:57] hello [02:57] selinium: everything works fine? [02:58] okay, linuxjones, i used that apt-get clean, and im sure it cleaned but im not sure what the apt-get --fix-missing command does, is it supposed to show something other than commands and options? === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === SlackShrike [~kurumin@] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] === m0rphx [~m0rphx@p213.54.152.31.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] hello i need somehelp please [02:59] im loading live cd === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] Greetings, people of #ubuntu! [02:59] kanga, whats the problem [02:59] slept: seems to, i switched off framebuffering in the config and used the nvidia setting instead of NV [02:59] umph. Back from the cittee === pushfeller [~yootis@adsl-68-251-187-34.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:00] it gives me an optio about coumns and rows and a number [03:00] what option do i use? === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] columns and rows [03:00] Dear #ubuntu: my mouse cursor is crawling all around the screen. [03:00] haha [03:00] This makes it hard to use the mouse, because I have to keep dragging it back into place just before I click on a button. [03:01] dear zooko: get that cat away from your computer! [03:01] EsK, it tries to fix any problems that may confuse the dpkg [03:01] I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times. === zooko smiles. [03:01] I just uninstalled gpm, but that didn't fix it. [03:01] damnit. i forgot it was an ISA card [03:01] grr [03:01] esk: are you with me === mirco [~mirco@p54B25729.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] clean your mouse [03:01] It's an optical mouse. [03:02] i can see it [03:02] And the cursor crawls all the way across the screen over a period of 10 minutes or so. [03:02] oh, that's right, you never have to clean the optical ones === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === zooko looks at the bottom of his mouse. [03:02] Ohhh. [03:03] When I move it off of the bright white paper onto the wood desktop, it stops crawling. [03:03] :-) [03:03] i used 7 and the font was big do i go smaller number or larger number or let it scan? [03:03] hmm [03:03] hello folks [03:04] rizla, hi [03:04] well it still gives me that message when i try to do anything with apt-get or synaptic [03:04] can somebody help me with installing my printer? [03:04] zooko, sounds logical.. optical mice do not like white paper :) === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] at least most of them [03:04] Darn it. Now it is doing it again. Hm. [03:04] Maybe it is because of the desk shaking when I type. === zooko tries moving the keyboard off the desk temporarily. [03:05] rizla, what kind of printer do you have ? [03:05] how annoying. [03:05] no isa slot [03:05] hah [03:05] epson stylus c46 [03:05] figures [03:06] rizla, install cupsys-driver-gimpprint [03:06] rizla, do you know how to do that ? [03:06] can i find it with apt-get? [03:06] rizla, yeah [03:07] No, moving the kdb off the desk didn't fix it. Maybe it's a hardware problem in the optical mouse. === pussfeller [~yootis@adsl-68-251-187-34.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] ok, i'll try. and then? [03:07] badar [03:07] if im not able to get synaptic or apt-get to work, im prolly just gonna re-install ubuntu [03:07] woops [03:07] rizla, yeah === flawd is now known as flawd-afk [03:07] rizla, it might be in the universe repo if you can't find it in main === moritz__ [~moritz@pD9575263.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] no, i've just correctly installed it [03:09] esk : dselect update [03:09] but nothing has changed.. [03:09] EsK, apt-get -f install [03:09] try that [03:09] doesnt work [03:09] EsK, whats the prob ? [03:09] missed the conf [03:09] ersation [03:09] rizla, close the printers config and reload it [03:10] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [03:10] i run the command and get logged off [03:11] LinuxJones, my printer doesn't compare in the list f model when i'm selecting the driver.. === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] LinuxJones, wait just a moment.. it's working!!!! [03:12] atta boy [03:12] LinuxJones, great!thanks a lot! [03:12] rizla, sometimes you can use the closest print driver to the actual printer that you have === DragonFly [vampyre@m58.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] i've updated some software and installed nvidia drivers but i couldn't find a way to force a higher refresh rate :/ any help for a newbie? :) [03:12] rizla, no problem :) [03:13] LinuxJones, i think i'll call you many times in future :-). thanks again. bye [03:14] is there any way to tell the ICP port and standard port for a transparent proxy (I want to piggy back on my ISP's proxy with my squid) [03:14] rizla, bye === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] if I save a file in the desktop it doesn't appear on it, I have to open the desktop directory via nautilus, and, as it reread he directory, the file shows up on Desktop too [03:14] alright im re-installing ubuntu, ill be back in like, 25 min === LinkTop [~shadow@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] no0tic, yeah I have noticed that as well === LinkTop [~shadow@] has joined #ubuntu === tremor [~tremor@d51A52A5A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] LinuxJones: there's something we can do? [03:16] no0tic: when you save a file, have you tried pressing CTRL+R? [03:16] membreya: no [03:16] no0tic, are you running Hoary ? [03:16] no0tic, that is a "feature" ;) it has to do with the fact that the stock hoary kernel lacks inotify support which is needed by gamin for reading the filesystem for changed files. [03:16] medwards_: I'll try [03:16] LinuxJones: yes === Xappe [~jon@regulus3.student.UU.SE] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] thanks for the fyi kalis :) [03:17] kalis: what a cool feature! :) [03:17] they couldn't fix the inotify bug so they just disabled it by default? [03:18] naah! Really annoying ;) i have one more annoyance! I cant open files on my SMBFS shares with iso8859-1 specific names... also a feature ;) [03:18] kalis: I noticed inotify was removed some days ago, it produced problems with hotplug, if I remember... [03:18] membreya, inotify keeps crashing gam-server i think. [03:18] kalis: ..that was the bug :) === miweit00 [~opera@p54A18129.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] any Swedes in here (or iso8859-1 compliant human being ;) ? [03:19] that's the one no0tic :) caused everyone that kept up to date with their updates headaches for a few days [03:19] Afternoon all :) [03:19] morning dizzie (1.20am here) === xem [~void@CPE-147-10-17-70.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] kalis, i use 8859-15, will that do :) === action099 [~adzz@ALyon-209-2-3-13.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] membreya, 15:20 here in lil Denmark :) [03:20] dizzie, might do! Do you have any smbfs shares mounted? [03:20] give back our princess dizzie :P [03:20] hi, any german here? I have problems installing ubuntu. [03:20] dizzie 16:20here in sa [03:21] dizzie, i cant get my damn smbfs shares to display ??? at all. [03:21] Never used it, so not much help :( [03:21] does anyone know how to make bluefish actually use spaces for tabs? [03:22] the setting in edit->preferences doesn't seem to do anythingh [03:22] how do you tell the iso standard used? :| === kotatsu [~kotatsu@] has joined #ubuntu === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] hi kotatsu [03:23] membreya, in fstab? for me (Swedish) codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 === kotatsu waves. === AnguS [Hal9000@vpn196.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] me got my live cd to work nero burnit wrong must tell it to burn as iso [03:23] aaah, mine doesn't have codepage or iocharset :| [03:24] going home to try it leaving work now [03:24] it _should_ help out, but not for my w2k fileserver with lots of folders and files with strange names. [03:24] how can i set a "root-Filesystem" on the installation? [03:24] hi there [03:24] i currently have a debian 3.1 sarge system... is it possible to 'upgrade' to ubuntu 5.0 hoary? [03:25] I wouldnt try that [03:25] AnguS: only way to find out is to try it [03:25] AnguS: no guarantees on a system that doesn't crash afterwards ;) === skora [~skora@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] theoretically, I suppose it "should" work [03:26] happy St Patricks Dau === kanga gives out Pints OF guinness [03:27] good choice. [03:27] blah [03:27] i don't trust black beer [03:27] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/upgrade-sarge [03:27] nice :) [03:27] btw, when i try to type in the cmd: sudo cd /acertaindir [03:27] im off then to get a real pint [03:27] Share! [03:27] cheers all thanks for the help!! [03:27] :o [03:27] it says that cd: command not found [03:27] skora, you can't sudo cd === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] [03:28] :O [03:28] if you WANT, do a sudo -s [03:28] k === kanga [~claddagh@rndf-146-16-165.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [03:28] i have to copy a tar to a rooted dir. [03:28] [configuring shorewall] [03:29] sudo cp /destdir ? [03:29] i prefer my method dizzie :P === spades [~Lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] i do : su - [03:29] i already copied the file there, then i have to untar it. [03:29] ;) [03:30] im just following the directions of the how-to on the forums.. === skora shrugs [03:30] dizzie: wouldn't su require you to have root? === telemaco [~telemaco@218.Red-83-33-185.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] yip, i did a sudo passwd root, as i like to login as root from time to time [03:30] But thats me ;) [03:30] shhh dizzie ...don't publish it :P [03:31] hm, i just do i sudo su, so root works without passwd ;-) === dizzie hangs his head in shame [03:31] linux 20,000,000 ways to do the same thing :| [03:31] The thing i like about linux [03:31] ;o [03:31] allright ! got it set up [03:32] dizzie: why don't you just use sudo su ??? [03:32] slept: if you're doing that, why not just do a sudo -s ? [03:33] or as I prefer, sudo -s -H [03:33] membreya, ;-) [03:33] I ve just tried to install fglrx drivers on a x86_64 architecture by apt-get.... the driver is on 32bits it's normal ? now my kernel haven't the powernow and none of the other reinstalled generic kernel enable it why? [03:33] and of course the driver can't works === RNbh [~WArVJH@] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] slept, same reason for why i keep my DocumentRoot in /usr/www ... because i can :) [03:35] Old FreeBSD habbit i recon :) === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.54.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] I think there's a package that ubuntu is neglecting...that or I don't know how to find it in apt-get [03:36] wxpython [03:37] http://www.realistanew.com/menueditor.png :D === Amaranth shows off [03:37] wxwidgets is a joke and a half [03:37] skora: apt-cache search wxpython, but you prolly new that already [03:37] s/new/knew [03:38] Nice one Amaranth ;) [03:38] skora, you coded that in mono ? === telemaco [~telemaco@218.Red-83-33-185.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] skora, sorry that was for someone else [03:38] LinuxJones: I think you meant me and no. I just like the editor. [03:38] It's Python. [03:39] only catch is the save button doesn't actually do anything yet :P [03:39] Is that a new one ? === jesus__ is now known as jesus_detached [03:39] new one? [03:39] Amaranth: very nice menu editor :) gnome 2.10 needed one :D [03:39] ahha...i needed pythoncard and im getting now. thank you myrtti [03:40] skora: np :-) [03:40] you shouldn't need pythoncard, just libwxgtk2.5.3-python [03:40] Amaranth: ...fix the save button and I'll done 0.000001 cents :P [03:40] that's in hoary, dunno the version in warty [03:40] i'd liked to use higher refresh rates than the system provides by default but i can't seem to find a way to force better rates, any useful links or something? [03:40] membreya: Yeah, I can't make it align anywhere but in the center. [03:41] ac^: It detects what you monitor and video card can handle automatically so it should have what you need. [03:41] it does not :/ [03:41] ac^: warty or hoary? [03:41] warty [03:41] libwxgtk was automatically included anyways w/ pythoncard, as a dependency...ahh the bliss of apt-get === BiteMeBill [~antiM$@oh-67-77-123-4.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] heh, i haven't used xfree86 in so long i forgot the name of the config file === skora has left RPM hell [03:42] /etc/X11/XF86Config-4? [03:42] if that exists you need to edit it [03:42] silly warty....hoary at least automatically links the files :P === KudDa [KudDa@] has joined #ubuntu === ogra [~ogra@p5089D4F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === gangalino [~cwa2@HSE-London-ppp195275.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === vince` [~vince@80-219-106-51.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] hmm.. not working or i'm just too noob for this [03:46] Amaranth, what's the command to run it ? [03:46] ac^: give it time noobness goes away. [03:46] LinuxJones: Nothing, you don't have it. [03:46] LinuxJones: I'm writing it. === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] i managed to find this http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl [03:47] Amaranth, heh will it be ready by the end of the day :) [03:47] i have a question about the synaptic manager...there's some packages that have an updated version, though 'woody' is tacked on at the end, which i know is for debian. [03:47] LinuxJones: If you enjoy filing bug reports. [03:47] Amaranth, :D [03:48] Amaranth, looks great man [03:48] is it a big deal if i use those versions. [03:48] in updates ? [03:48] end of the day is 8 hours away i should be able to make the save button work by then :P === bdale [~bdale@tc1100.gag.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] one of them, i.e. libasound2, current version is ubuntu, though it asks to install a woody. [03:48] hehe. [03:50] if i do upgrade my sarge to hoary, is there a way to find out if i have any package leftovers which were not upgraded to hoary bcause they are newer in sarge? [03:50] in case of security issues it would suck if i had such packages on my system [03:50] which are not upgraded anymore... [03:50] you did what? [03:50] AnguS: hoary has mostly newer stuff than sarge [03:50] i'd suggest not trying to upgrade from sarge to hoary if you can't answer that [03:51] yeah, thats going from debian to ubuntu [03:51] 2 diff. distros ? [03:51] anyone able to record data DVDs w/ Warty? [03:52] I'm trying to sort thru the dvdrwtools mess [03:52] k3b? [03:52] does it have the dvdrwtools installed and setup for use? [03:53] I'm in the process of trying to download k3b now [03:53] apt-get install k3b === encKe` [~encKe`@ppp-65-67-227-161.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] gangalino, graveman or gnomebaker is very good === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] Burgundavia: ok, i will now upgrade my pc, and if there are no problems i'll go on with my server :D [03:54] im bad [03:54] back* [03:54] i'm sick and tired of debians slowness in development, debian makes me feel old === Super400 [~scell@] has joined #ubuntu === Quazion [~quazion@pcrepairman.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] maybe you should use debian unstable? [03:55] AnguS, they are talking about dropping a bunch of architectures and concentrating on a few [03:55] which ones are they thinkin about dropping? === IrcUsr [~IrcUsr@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] LinuxJones: I'm having problems getting gnomebaker confiugred for dvd-burning though [03:55] has anyone here been through a major version upgrade? [03:55] i386+? [03:55] i386? gh [03:56] nice :D [03:56] ;) === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] LinuxJones: I supposedly have to install dvdrwtools ? [03:56] well, wish me luck ;) [03:56] hi all [03:56] see you later i hope hehe [03:56] all but x86, amd64, ppc, and ia64, iirc [03:56] sweet [03:56] "dropping" is the wrong word [03:56] ubuntu convert here :) so far , so good [03:57] whats the right word then [03:57] EsK, the ones that only a few are using as an example >> http://err.no/personal/blog/tech/Debian/2005-03-04-18-13_ftp.se_download_numbers.html [03:57] they're just making it not a requirement to build on those archs before getting into unstable/testing/whatever [03:57] gangalino, yeah you need that jsut install graveman [03:57] and not holding up releases because of problems with those archs [03:57] gangalino, it should install them as a dependency (I believe) [03:57] okay so they're keeping the x86's? === blueturtle [~8fef0199@ns.lost-in-cyberspace.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] need help ... my ubuntu installation stuck on something bout ISO-8859-1 ... any idea? === melter [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] duh, that's the most use platform :P [03:58] and this is debian talk, not ubuntu [03:58] oh, i didnt know... === Danten [~Danten@h228n7c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu [03:58] What's the word on getting G 2.10 up and running on hoary === echnaton [~eren@p508906A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] Super400: Err, it's been in hoary since the day it released [03:59] i want KDE, and it isnt on the ubuntu guide [03:59] EsK, there is kubuntu [03:59] i think thats the reason my apt-get n stuff was messing up [03:59] kubuntu either already has KDE 3.4 or has a RC of it [03:59] cuz i tried to get that [03:59] EsK, kde3.4 is in hoary repo === sunny_k1119 [~sunny@] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] omg...I just saw the default screensaver for the first time [04:00] no default [04:00] it's random [04:00] Oh [04:00] Amaranth, I have kde4.3 on it [04:00] Well it's the cow jumping up and down... Hilarious [04:00] 3.4 [04:00] im going to need to get the universal repo, where is it again, like /etc/apt or something [04:00] sorry [04:01] hi i compiled my kernel yesterday! but now i get following error: "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) === Amaranth laughs [04:01] why did you compile your own kernel? [04:01] fun === slept is now known as duener [04:01] btw, what firewall do you gues suggest for a beginner? [04:01] HARDWARE firewall [04:01] ^^ [04:01] what he said [04:02] HARDWARE firewall === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] i need to fart [04:02] lol === kiwnix [~egarcia@] has joined #ubuntu === Laney [~laish@81-179-225-65.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:204:75ff:feed:da66] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] hey, an IPv6 user [04:02] Amaranth: I just installed the latest hoary preview ... will it include 2.10 ? [04:02] EsK: /etc/apt/sources.list [04:03] no money for a hw one atm [04:03] i thought IPv6 had problems in it or osmehting [04:03] Super400: Yeah, it has 2.10 afaik. [04:03] thats what i heard === StoffBox-Steve [~steve@pD9E5747A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] ac^: use an old system and install a firewall disro. [04:03] EsK: Chicken and egg problem. Servers won't support IPv6 unless clients need it and clients won't support it unless servers require it. [04:03] is there an download server for ubuntu deb files? [04:04] yeah i knew there was something, i just didnt know which [04:04] you can go to http://archive.ubuntu.com [04:04] what's the syntax for apt to resolve dependencies? === superted [~superted@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:04] i'd like my 1280x1024 resolution back instead of the fugly 1024x768 [04:04] gangalino, it does it automatically [04:05] not me [04:05] EsK, did you upgrade to hoary? [04:05] yessum [04:05] gangalino, your trying to install a sigle .deb that you downloaded [04:05] I tried a dpkg -i actually [04:05] hmm ubuntuguide.org is out of date :( >> how to install Multimedia Plug-in for Mozilla Firefox (Non-Pentium 4)? << when i edit the "mozpluggerrc" the file has a new layout :( can someone say me > need the file and edit ? or can i leave it as it is [04:05] yeah stoff, it doesnt work [04:05] gangalino: that don't resolve dependencies, that's what apt does [04:05] yes, found graveman.deb on freshmeat === pagefault_ [~pagefault@] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] OK, so where do I find the apt package for graveman? [04:06] gangalino: graveman should be in your repo's [04:06] edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and scroll down in it untill you find screen modes and put "1280x1024" before "1024x768", you'll have to sudo to have permission to edit it [04:06] gangalino, dpkg doesn't do dependency checking for .debs you download (what package are you trying to install?) [04:06] gangalino: sudo apt-get install graveman [04:06] alrighty then [04:06] I was wondering if anyone knew how to restart vino-server from remote, it seems to have crashed on me and I have no way to restart it [04:06] Reading Package Lists... Done [04:06] Building Dependency Tree... Done [04:06] E: Couldn't find package graveman [04:06] gangalino, are you on warty? [04:06] I have universe, 6 or 7 repos [04:07] yes, WARty === grilly [~grilly@c-dc8ce253.010-307-7570701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] don't think warty repos has graveman === wanama [~andrea@host234-140.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] gangalino, apt-get update first [04:07] is there a backport? [04:07] where can i find nice ubuntu wallpaper? === marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] echnaton: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-calendar :D === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] So, um, how do I print? === StarScreem [~am@] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] hi [04:08] zooko: File->Print in most apps... [04:08] I just plugged in my new laser printer. lpr says lpr: error - no default destination available. [04:09] zooko: cups? [04:09] I ran the postscript viewer and loaded a .ps and chose file->print and it said something like "couldn't run the print command"!. [04:09] echnaton, apt-cache search ubuntu-calendar with the month, e.g. ubuntu-calendar-march i mean [04:09] I ran "cups" and it said "command not found". [04:09] zooko: hoary? [04:09] Amarath: I made it! And where are the wallpaper? [04:09] I googled "ubuntu print". [04:09] Yes, hoary. === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] zooko: System->Administration->Printing === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] add your printer in there [04:09] Thanks! [04:09] I got desktop with 3 nic's eth0 - internet, eth1 - lan with routing configured and I bought wireless nic - wlan0 for desktop to enable internet on my laptop... === mina_linux_Tux [~dev_mfahm@] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] could someone help me and tell how to configure wlan0 [04:10] hi to all guys!!! [04:10] a little question [04:10] can one wireless card talk directly to another one? [04:10] i thought you needed a wireless router [04:10] that it could behave as access point for my laptop? [04:10] graveman is already the newest version. [04:10] You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: [04:10] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [04:10] does anyone have a working configuration with evolution/gmail account? [04:10] hello may i ask what is the default root password for the ubuntu live CD [04:10] how to set a root pwd ? [04:11] sudo..? === minigamer [~martinlov@cpc2-stev3-3-1-cust196.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] is there any way to totally remove ipv6 on ubuntu ? [04:11] Amaranth: it was a question to me? [04:11] echnaton: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [04:11] i'v tryied a lot of ways but i cant' get the pop server working [04:11] greetings people === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === back_east [~jesse@cpuinternal.mkl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] marcin_ant: yeah, i don't think you can do that [04:11] membreya, you can prevent it from loading the ipv6 module [04:11] Amaranth: I'm sure I can [04:11] hello may i ask what is the default root password for the ubuntu live CD [04:11] the smtp goes well.... [04:11] but not the pop [04:11] LinuxJones: just blacklist it ? [04:11] marcin_ant: They why are you here asking about it? :P [04:11] does anyone know about the ppc live cd? [04:11] how do you add items to the menu ? [04:11] So system->Administration->Printing opens a window with an icon of a printer named "New Printer". [04:11] When I try to "add a printer" I get an error msg: [04:12] Amaranth: because I got simmilar configuration working on windows [04:12] mina_linux_Tux, there is no pure root. but the password you need on ubuntu live is: ubuntu === Amaranth 's brain shuts down [04:12] I used to be able to right click to add an item to the menu, but now that option doesn't exist [04:12] please someone give me an answer [04:12] Failed to run-- '--' 'gnome-cups-add': Child terminated with 1 status [04:12] membreya, no [04:12] Xappe: is there a way to saving work on the live CD ? [04:12] wanama: when never answers nobody knows [04:12] the only thread i'v found is this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6850.html [04:12] ..it [04:13] membreya, I am looking for the file you have to modify [04:13] mina_linux_Tux, how do you mean? like documents? [04:13] Amaranth: I configured wlan0 with static IP - and configured dhcp3 server [04:13] wanama: with your gmail, have you the pop server to be on a secure connection (so it uses port 995) [04:13] Maybe [04:13] i should remove this printer that's already here... [04:13] can anyone help with the PowerPC hoary preview live CD? [04:13] yes i've done [04:13] minigamer: nope, never used it [04:13] minigamer: whats up? [04:13] No, I can't remove it. Hm. [04:13] does someone tell me HOW I have downloaded a 32 bit driver for a 86_64 ????? [04:14] the configuration is well done [04:14] Amaranth: so I thought that it should be "visible" for my laptop as available network - but it isn't [04:14] minigamer, what's the problem? [04:14] i've wrote pop.gmail.com:995 [04:14] marcin_ant: I've never hooked two computers together without a router/hub so I can't help you. [04:14] and alway secure connection [04:14] Amaranth: ok, but... [04:14] lok: ATI doesn't have an AMD64 driver available yet? [04:14] Xappe: i mean write a sheel script how can i save it on the Live Cd , can i save it on my normal Disks .. ? [04:14] Amaranth: you configured clients on wireless lan - right? [04:15] no [04:15] ive been testing the various array alpha releases and found that the PPC live cd defaults to 640*480 which cannot be changed, and I wanted to know if this has been fixed in the preview release? [04:15] anyone has a working configuration with gmail/evolution? [04:15] Amaranth, yes and this is why I ask what does 32bit driver can be downloaded by apt-get [04:15] i hate evolution, use thunderbird [04:15] membreya, I think it's /etc/modprobe.d/aliases ....change >> net-pf-10 ipv6 to net-pf-10 off # ipv6 [04:15] i'm using hoary 5.04 preview [04:15] i had a friend bring a windows xp laptop over once that worked with the router my dsl provider gave me [04:15] thats about it === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] Xappe: what is the directories that i can use under root to save work in it ? [04:15] hey i have a problem here [04:15] lok: file a bug === robodex [~SLing@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] Amaranth: ehhh ok - thanks [04:16] hey.... small question, is the hoary PR based on GNOME 2.10? [04:16] mina_linux_Tux, don't know how that works. I do know that with Knoppix you can use a part of your hdd for saving data and settings...but I don't know how to accompish that... === tlg [~tlg@ciaco.adsl.perceval.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] i would use evolution instead....just to know if this is a known bug... [04:16] :) [04:16] i think its the ATI board in the mac mini [04:16] robodex: I'm 99% sure it is. [04:16] tlg: ! [04:16] Amaranth: I'll switch to windows again and'll try to understand why it works there [04:16] any ideas anyone? [04:16] Xappe: what does that means (sucks rocks rules and pwnage) [04:16] Amaranth: :) === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] minigamer: it doesn't default to 640 on mine [04:17] thanks. I'm installing it currently, but I was just curious. cya [04:17] Hm. Any other suggestions about configuring my new laser printer? [04:17] minigamer: i'm 1024 [04:17] Maybe I'll dist-uprade and reboot. :-) [04:17] strange... [04:17] mina_linux_Tux, well... [04:17] is that the livecd? [04:17] alright, i re-installed ubuntu about 10 min ago, and i was updating my computer, using the lil thing in my system tray (the one that says u have so-in-so new updates, and when that was done, it logged me out, and i put in my login info, and it didnt load gnome, it just stayed a brown screen, so now, im not able to log into gnome and im in the failsafe terminal === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu === tlg [~tlg@ciaco.adsl.perceval.be] has left #ubuntu [] [04:18] EsK: how did you update it === aeolist [~aeolist@ppp213.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu === mmtb [~marcin@dvs212.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] the lil thing does only upgrade [04:18] yeah [04:18] not dist-upgrade === TetuJe- [~tetuje@130.Red-83-40-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] so there might be unmet dependencies === suifur [~suifur@suifur.linuxfordummies] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] Xappe: so .. ? any ideas about what i'm aksing about ? [04:18] well i need something because i hate the failsafe terminal [04:18] No, no new packages available for upgrade. [04:18] which might result in the behaviour you're having atm [04:19] sigh [04:19] not upgrade [04:19] updates [04:19] or stuff on my comp [04:19] mina_linux_Tux, nope... [04:19] EsK: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade === mmtb [~marcin@dvs212.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === endzyme [~endzyme@67-20-145-172.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] hold on [04:19] hey anyone around [04:19] no [04:19] ok [04:19] doe anyone know ... what does that means (sucks rocks rules and pwnage) pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee :) ? [04:19] :-) [04:20] so why arnt there half as many packages in ubuntu repositories as debians? [04:20] can anyone know answer me please [04:20] what are you asking mina? === zooko hopelessly tries rebooting as a way to get his new laser printer configured. [04:20] endzyme: because they haven't been transformed to fit Ubuntu yet === uzul [~sergey@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] ? === minigamer [~martinlov@cpc2-stev3-3-1-cust196.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:20] meaning [04:20] anyone with my same gmail evolution/gmail problem? [04:21] some debian packages might work straight out-of-box in Ubuntu [04:21] but not all [04:21] so they need to be readjusted === membreya_ [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] that's why there isn't as much packages [04:21] and besides, some of the stuff is ... well.. [04:21] on the ubuntu site they say that the packages are almost identical and they hold many of the,m [04:21] how can I phrase this nicely... [04:21] but i cant even find VLC or some kind of real player === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] that's because of restricted formats [04:22] wanama: What's the question? [04:22] the real player thhh... [04:22] proprietary stuff? [04:22] yeah [04:22] yeah thats what i thought [04:22] :-? [04:22] so you need to fix your repositrories [04:22] sorry, I'm getting dizzy [04:22] ? [04:23] adding deb sources? [04:23] hold on, maybe someone else acn help you wihle I put my head between my knees [04:23] wanama: I'm using gmail with evolution with no problems [04:23] just me, or has preferences and administration swapped places in the system menu of gnome ? === zul [~chuck@] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] you sick? [04:23] membreya_: it has [04:23] membreya_: read the changelog, maybe? :) [04:23] endzyme: bad salad [04:23] I regret that hamburger already [04:23] or did at the restaurant [04:23] change...what now ? :P [04:23] delicious [04:23] Since Myrtti is dying can anyone else help me with my package problem [04:23] if I have my /home on a separate partition, and when I install ubuntu mount it as /home and then create a user like foo and have a /home/foo allready, will ubuntu overwrire /home/foo when creating the new user? [04:24] that sounded odd === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] alright what was that command [04:24] membreya_: zless /usr/share/doc/gnome-panel/changelog.Debian.gz [04:24] you told me to put [04:24] membreya_: help him with universe/multiverse thing === Hal9002 [seba@vpn027.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] dist-upgrade === Hal9002 is now known as AnguS [04:24] haha === Chipzz enlightens membreya_ about the virtues of documentation :) === wland re all [04:25] E: Not locked [04:25] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [04:25] E: Unable to lock the list directory [04:25] fujck this im going back to fedora [04:25] my sarge is fucked up, dist-ugprade didnt work very well [04:25] later [04:25] Can i use Ubuntu live CD to save my work .. i'm mean can i save and after rebooting it still remaining .. ? [04:25] well i gots to get going soon so anyone have any feedback on the package issue [04:25] ok, no more dizzy [04:25] lol [04:26] will ubuntu overwrite users in /home when I install and make a user that allready has a homedir in /home? [04:26] if you format === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] also it probably will have an issue if you try to create the same user [04:26] endzyme, and otherwise not? I have my home dir on a separate parition and want to mount it. but I need to recreate the user [04:26] If I install enlightenment.. How can I use it? [04:26] flawd-afk: you have an option to keep existing data on a partition during the install === moondust [~moondust@fia122-118-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === rizla [~rizla@adsl-200-134.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === burbuja [~c8155cf2@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] just cp it somewhere else with a rescue disk [04:27] then mv it back [04:27] yeah I guess I have to [04:27] safest way [04:27] endzyme: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [04:27] Has anyone here installed a printer on Hoary? [04:27] ty Myrtti [04:27] g2g pce === zul [~chuck@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === garrut_ [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] zooko: I think I'm getting the same problem as you.. CUPS server could not be contacted. [04:29] Maybe my printer isn't supported? But it is a funny error message for that -- child exited with status 1. [04:29] 6328 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd -F === Super400 [~scell@] has left #ubuntu [] === rob [~rob@net222.mercyhurst.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] zooko: I normally get the child 1 error when I give a bad sudo password. === garrut [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] damn === echnaton [~eren@p508906A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:30] Okay, so the first time I try add-printer and give my password, it does nothing, and then on all subsequent times it gives me that error. [04:30] anyone got a solution for thi issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6850.html [04:30] Is there an apt autocompletion for zsh ? [04:30] Until I restart the cupsd, in which case the next time I do it it does nothing, and then every time after that it gives me that error. [04:30] i'm still trying bt no success [04:30] AnguS: it is one of the Bad Ideas to switch form Debian to Ubuntu just with apt-get dist-upgrade [04:30] I got Ubuntu on my laptop frot he first time ever! woohoo === jamin [~jamin@cust-] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] gmail/evolution with hoary preview [04:31] Myrtti: well, it says so on the ubuntu faq pages [04:31] I wonder who has written it there [04:31] Myrtti: how would you upgrade === back_east [~jesse@cpuinternal.mkl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:31] Hm. If I do "sudo gnome-cups-add" on the cmdline, then it prints out ** (gnome-cups-add:7798): WARNING **: failed request with status 1030 [04:31] but then it opens a printer add wizard! [04:31] *sigh* ..stupid cpan and stupid perl..not letting me install a module >:( [04:32] download iso, leave /home intact when partitioning and clean slate install [04:32] Is there somewhere I should be rporting this? === uzul [~sergey@] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] but that's just me [04:32] i can't afford that work on the server :P === Sepheebear [~SepheeBea@24-193-111-253.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] :-/ [04:33] but, it doesnt have kde, dnome, x and shit, so perhpas i won't have much problems === wezzer [~antti@a80-186-42-221.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] my pc now has hehe [04:33] i just wanted to test the upgrade =) [04:33] Okay, now i've added a printer, but the ps viewer still says /./... okay, now the ps viewer has crashed. [04:33] what a nice idea :D === zooko sighs. [04:33] zooko: I just ran the sudo gnome-cups-add and got the printer connnection gui === nvashi2 [~insidious@cable-66-168-251-5.mgy.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] yo dudes anyone have a laptop here with ubuntu installed> [04:34] ? === uzul [~sergey@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] BiteMeBill: same here. [04:34] Cause I have a trackpad mouse that I would like to adjust when it clicks [04:35] but now the postscript viewer says "Unable to print: ". [04:35] then when i quit the app it crashes. === Exposure` [~exposure@] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] hi [04:35] then the gnome bug buddy asks me a bunch of questions whose answers i do not know, so i quit it and don't bother to send a bug report, so this bug will not get fixed. === zooko is become grumpy. [04:35] zooko: trying to print a test page. [04:35] Oh well. lpr works. :-) [04:36] i'm new to ubuntu, the default hoary glibc contains NPTL doesn't it? [04:36] So much for this newfangled point-and-drool stuff. [04:36] zooko why not just tell them you have no idea [04:36] ok i'm at a point where even apt-get -f install gives errors and doesn't work... what can i try now to fix this? [04:36] rob: it was a selectbox type thing. Ihad to choose one of three apps that is a post script viewer, to report a bug against that app. [04:36] but i don't know which of the three was the one i was using. [04:36] Exposure`: For i386, amd64 and ia64, yes. For ppc, no. [04:37] and it irritates me that bugbuddy asked me to spend my time figuring it out instead of figuring it out itself. [04:37] jbailey: ok thought so. I need glibc without NPTL [04:37] zooko: grrr.. For some reason it's telling me that my printer is stopped. [04:37] IPTables::IPv4 won't compile on my PC .. I have a script that automatically imports a set of firewall instructions to ipchains using peerguardian block lists (blocks the people that want to hurt p2p) :( [04:37] zooko: they should have a "no-clue-newb" box :-) [04:37] is there an easy way to do that without breaking all binaries? [04:37] I guess I'll learn how to print every-other-page with lpr... [04:37] Exposure`: Why? [04:38] jbailey: cause i need to run a program which doesn't work with nptl glibc [04:38] vidalinux is not as cool as hoary. === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] and i don't have the source of that specific program === sirukin [~bryan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] I AM FUCKING GREAT [04:38] :p [04:39] i think i might've fixed it [04:39] Exposure`: LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 will do the trick you need, but I'd expect that hack to go away after Hoary and Sarge release - it's very much worth the effort to fix the broken program. [04:39] weren't you going back to Fedora EsK ? === zooko [~user@blk-222-185-250.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Thanks] [04:39] rad [04:39] i tried once more and i might've fixed it [04:39] zooko: This is strange. I'm using an HP Laserjet 5 network printer and it won't let me use the hp jetdirect but cups did connect to the printer. [04:40] jbailey: ah thanks.. The program in question is commercial so they have to fix it on their own, i got a copy from school. === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] i had to run rescue mode and run the command dpkg --configure -a === gilles [~gilles@mic92-9-82-236-193-197.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Exposure`: Ugh, is it errno madness? === IRCMonkey_ [~chatzilla@ah00071.in.ipex.cz] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] Exposure`: Do poke them, though. It's not only going to be Ubuntu/Debian giving them grief. Many other distros are starting to care less about linuxthreads stuff now. [04:41] should i post my question about IPTables::IPv4 in the amd64 forum? [04:41] is this still the image that should be used for testing? rsync -azv --include="*/" --include="*.bz2" --exclude="*" rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6 /home/carl/linux/kernel [04:41] Is there a way to turn all filenames in a directory to lowercase? [04:41] anyone has a gmail account working with evolution on hoary preview? [04:41] HiddenWolf - what fs type? [04:41] jbailey: according to a teacher i spoke to today there is a newer version but school isn't allowed to pass that one on to its students === hansi_ [tu6m9raiah@p0lden.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] jbailey: but LD_ASSUME_KERNEL works like a charm, thanks a lot mate :) [04:42] nope but i have to set it up today wanama (my roommate needs help doing tit [04:42] hey [04:42] Exposure`: np. === hansi_ is now known as Hansiman [04:42] carlk: xfs === foreach [~foreach@user-0ccslt6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] HiddenWolf - rats. if it was one of the MS ones, there are mount options that mess with case [04:43] HiddenWolf, but hang on, I think I have a one line script too === fagun [~fagun@line-2690.dsl.kpo.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Goshawk_ [~Goshawk@host109-109.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] HiddenWolf - this UPPER's them, I thin you can figure out how to flip it [04:44] for file in *; do mv "$file" "${file}.temp.smallcaps"; mv "${file}.temp.smallcaps" "$(echo "$file" | tr a-z A-Z)"; done [04:44] carlk: thanks [04:45] it does it in 2 steps, because on the dumb MS ones that don't respect case, it errors if you do: mv X x === sirukin [~bryan@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:45] if i want kubuntu, do i just go to terminal and put in sudo apt-get install kubuntu? === hard_i [~hardi@rapla.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:45] rob: let me know if u have success....i can get the smtp working but not the pop .... === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host109-109.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] comes back with soem dumb error, so I do: mv X X.temp.small; mv X.temp.small x [04:46] there is instructions for gmail pop on the gmail site === Kew [~xcv@] has joined #ubuntu === Kew [~xcv@] has left #ubuntu [] === gilbs72 [~Gilbert@] has joined #ubuntu === sn0w [~sn0w@] has joined #ubuntu === dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === arturaz [~genius@adsl-81-7-122-133.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === kiwnix [~egarcia@2001:800:40:260c:0:0:1255:2] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] hi. i just installed hoary and i can't boot it up. grub loads stage 1.5 then spews error 18 === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === telemaco [~telemaco@163.Red-81-37-26.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === asaf [~asaf@bzq-218-233-187.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] how can i play APE file in ubuntu (hoary)?? === IrcUsr [~IrcUsr@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Hannes___ [~Hannes@dna250-146.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] does the upgrade from "warty" to "hoary" work well? did anyone have any problems? === SteveA_ [~steve@] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] arturaz - anythng odd about your config? [04:54] problem: checking bzlib.h usability... no [04:54] checking bzlib.h presence... no [04:54] checking for bzlib.h... no [04:54] configure: error: bzlib headers not found. install bzlib devel package [04:54] IrcUsr - I hear it goes smooth [04:55] CarlK, nop. just i noticed that fedora's grub worked well, and debian's not :) [04:55] IrcUsr, it goes smooth for me i've done it a few times the only thing that goes on is usually have to reconfigure your X settings since it switches from Xfree to Xorg [04:55] will there be a live-cd? :) === Potn [~potnhbug@ip136-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] Jesterace: that's good, i have a very non-standard X config anyway so i would expect that, the main reason why i'm considering changing to ubuntu is for the 6 monthly releases [04:55] arturaz, so one IDE, ext2 or3, menu in /boot/grub/grub.conf (i think that is hoary's default) [04:56] gilbs72 - will? I think there is (or must have missed something) [04:56] there is a live-cd [04:56] I use it at school === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] ok thanks... will try it out [04:57] how do i get this pack: configure: error: bzlib headers not found. install bzlib devel package.. === sirukin [~bryan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] what is the memory footprint of a plain desktop in x86? === lobezno [~xveganx@] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] $ ls /usr/X11R6/lib/libXx* [04:59] /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86dga.so.1 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86misc.so.1 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86vm.so.1 [04:59] /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86dga.so.1.0 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86misc.so.1.1 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86vm.so.1.0 [04:59] why there s not libXxf86vm.so ? [04:59] hmm, is this annoying "desktop does not refresh" a gnome bug or an ubuntu bug? [05:00] there should be that file like a link to /usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86vm.so.1.0 [05:00] Xappe, if I'd have to guess, an X.org bug, possibly with your spesific video driver [05:00] and maybe the reason cause I cant compile xserver [05:02] mjr, hmm. not a gnome 2.10.0 bug then? [05:02] Xappe, that's of course possible, but my a priori guess would be otherwise === sophief [~sophie@15.173.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Laney [~laish@81-179-225-65.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] mjr, i have that bug (i have fglrx), and a friend has the same bug with a nvidia card... [05:03] nvidia sucks === jullinux [~Miranda@113-209.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] I have driver problems with my radeon card [05:04] not that I've tried a lot of things...I just started using linux a few days ago [05:04] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! [05:04] are such errors normal? [05:04] in apt-get [05:04] problem: doing this command: sudo ./configure --enable-debug=full, and error is: onfigure: error: bzlib headers not found. install bzlib devel package, any idea? [05:04] Hansiman which one you got ? === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] 9700 [05:05] oh [05:06] Hansiman got 9000 and 9200, they work perfectly [05:06] pretty much everything 3d laggs [05:06] I can't play tuxracer :p [05:06] Xappe, ok, so now it's beginning to sound like a gnome bug. But I don't have it :) [05:07] Hansiman: yeah, I've had much better luck with nvidia cards/drivers === goli [~goli@] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] ^^ but I don't have the money anyway to get a new card :p === harvest [~ubuntu@p54AE4D54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] hey ppl [05:07] Hansiman see on ati homepage [05:08] Hansiman, 9700 doesn't have a free 3d driver, so you'd have to install ati's proprietary driver to get 3d working [05:08] I did....I wasn't sure which xfree version I had [05:08] hello harvest === gjungle [~gjungle@] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] anyone knows if i can install ubuntu from the Gnome 2.10 live cd? === reon [~reon@ndn-165-151-03.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] mjr, i did not have it before (and I never save files on the desktop anyway), but when my friend told me about it I tested to save a screenshot and it wont even appear in nautilus if I don't do a reload in the desktop folder === maximaus [~max@user-37kac1f.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] Hansiman http://www.ati.com/products/catalyst/linux.html [05:10] harvest sorry no clue === [koji] [~koji@adsl-66-142-135-93.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] how do I find out which XFree86 version I have? [05:12] Xappe, well, I recommend reporting it to either ubuntu's or gnome's bugzilla [05:12] with spesifics on triggerinbg === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Usiu [~Usiu@ursus.spray.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] Why gimp doesnt work, python-nautilus cause segfault ?? === maximau1 [~max@user-37kacl7.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] Hansiman http://www.ati.com/products/catalyst/linux.html === Usiu [~Usiu@ursus.spray.net.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === hoschi [~hoschi@p548316BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu === monteiro [~monteiro@] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [05:15] Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed! [05:15] I get that when I try to run xmms after apt-get'ing it === hoschi [~hoschi@p548316BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [05:15] anybody know how in installing the fglrx package, I ve lost the powernow on all kernel that I install with apt-get ? [05:15] sirukin : install the package libmikmod [05:16] mjr, seems to be a gamin bug === apokryphos [~apokrypho@] has joined #ubuntu === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] monteiro, thanks [05:16] sirukin : np [05:17] how do I install the driver from an .rpm package? === kremer [~kremer@CPE-65-29-12-151.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] problem: doing this command: sudo ./configure --enable-debug=full, and error is: configure: error: bzlib headers not found. install bzlib devel package, any idea? where do i get dzlib dev ? === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-23-52.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] fagun, apt-get install dzlib-dev ? === philauge [~philauge@p54A326CC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] how i put my sound blaster audigy working with 5.1 , anyone knows ? [05:18] bzlib-dev [05:18] hi [05:18] no pack finded :/ === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === TaFi [~ZLfXfjg@adsluser-3529.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] is there any sort of remote login package installed by default on warty? I installed a box and left it just sitting figuring I'd finish what I need to remotely, and now I'm at work with no physical access to the box and it has no ssh! ack! === charles_ [~charles@pcp881207pcs.murdoc01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] Hansiman use a rpm distro [05:20] kremer: none by default [05:20] Hansiman or find a *.deb packages [05:20] drat. thanks jason [05:21] how do I change the X resolution in Ubuntu. I selected wrong at install [05:22] xorgconfig [05:22] sudo xorgconfig === joserp [~joserp@173.Red-83-38-125.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] flawd-afk : you've that option on gnome === joserp [~joserp@173.Red-83-38-125.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:23] fwiw, alien can convert and install .rpm packages to .deb on ubuntu. [05:23] no I can only select 1024x768 [05:23] and what is the root password? I never got to chose one === maximau1 is now known as maximaus [05:23] lol [05:23] flawd-afk there is no root password [05:23] use sudo [05:23] flawd-afk : you can edit xorg.conf or make xorgconfig in root :) [05:23] no rootpasword? [05:24] and the pword you gave flawd-afk === hawke_ [~hawke@] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] I didnt give a root password. there was no such dialof [05:24] dialog [05:24] flawd-afk does this user have a pword???????? [05:25] I only got to enter ONE user and that was a regular user [05:25] that user has a password of course [05:25] and as I have said there is no root pword use sudo [05:25] flawd-afk perfect [05:25] SiRrUs, so how do I login as root? I cant? [05:25] flawd-afk: and that user is capable of sudoing [05:25] k3b doesn't seem to support burning mp3 as music (in hoary) [05:26] flawd-afk use sudo [05:26] any idea which component i need to install? [05:26] to "login as root" you would log in as your normal user and use "sudo su -" === Karno [~det@pcp01327764pcs.chrstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] or better, "sudo -i" [05:26] ok [05:26] ty [05:26] Hey, I heard you can quick boot Hoary, is this true folks? [05:26] This seems abit weird === maximaus [~max@user-37kacl7.dialup.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:27] why not have it like normal with a root user with a password? why is the rootpassword the userpassword? [05:27] Karno: Define "quick boot"... === flawd-afk is confused [05:27] flawd-afk: I believe it's just an added security precaution [05:27] flawd-afk: That's not the root password. [05:27] flawd-afk: The idea is to reduce the number of password, for one thing. [05:27] ah maybe cause peole mess stuff up more as rot [05:27] hawke_: I dunno, I just heard you could "quick boot". I suppose it means to boot Ubuntu quicker. === miweit00 [~opera@p54A18129.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] That's all I heard. [05:27] flawd-afk: also, "sudo" logs its actions. [05:28] rot -> root [05:28] so will everything get messedup if I change the rootpassword with passwd? [05:28] flawd-afk: Nope. === nubbe [~fsdhufsd@c-a52970d5.031-17-67626713.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] Because I dont like root having same pass as the user === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] well it really won't matter [05:29] you will not be logging in as root [05:29] now it feels like it should [05:29] yeah well I was abit freaked when I couldnt su to root. [05:29] All Yahoo! Services to Support Mozilla Firefox [05:29] Wednesday March 16th, 2005 [05:29] sweet [05:29] its fixed and all is good now === miweit00 [~michael@p54A18129.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] :) === maximaus [~max@user-37kac9q.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] Anybody have the Hoary preview yet? [05:32] It's awesome. [05:32] :) yep last week [05:32] SiRrUs: Isn't it awesome? [05:32] yeah i like it [05:33] everything seems to work as well :) [05:33] How many Windows users does it take to screw in a light bulb? [05:33] not really [05:34] EsK ? [05:34] when i got the universal repo's. all hell broke out [05:34] One, but it takes him 50 tries. [05:34] :) [05:34] Yeah, I'd rather just use the repo's that come with it. [05:34] EsK mine were ok [05:34] None of that testing stuff for me this time. [05:34] got all the errors, and i did exactly what they did to get them, now i get these "failed" messages n shit [05:35] W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) [05:35] W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) [05:35] EsK that kinda sucks must be soemthing that is entered wrong === kqj [~kqj@62-101-126-233.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] thats what i get when i start synaptic [05:36] Nobody laughed at my Windows user joke. [05:36] lol [05:36] thats cute [05:36] EsK have you reloaded [05:36] yeah and it gives me a new message [05:36] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [05:36] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [05:36] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/main/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found [05:36] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found [05:36] Whoa [05:37] you probably shouldnt be pasting that in here [05:37] oh well === arturaz [~genius@adsl-81-7-123-231.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] and why not just # that one out === jullinux [~Miranda@113-209.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [05:38] idk, i just did what he ubuntu guide told me to do === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@210006144037.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] The one for Warty? [05:38] i have hoary [05:38] There's a guide for Hoary now? [05:38] :) but the guide you read was for warty [05:38] hell idk [05:39] how do I install my geoforce card? [05:39] I did apt-get install nvidia* to see packs [05:39] get the binaries from nvidia.com [05:39] wgy not just go into synaptic repositories and update them there [05:39] ok [05:39] flawd-afk: Goto ubuntuguide.org [05:39] it tells you how to improve the performance on the card too. === eruin [~eruin@eruin.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] i need a coke [05:40] brb [05:40] EsK why not just go into synaptic repositories and update them there [05:40] That's a good idea. [05:40] thats what i get from synaptic === hawke_ [~hawke@] has joined #ubuntu === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === billy-420 [~billy@c-24-6-58-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@wsip-70-184-7-22.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] thanks [05:42] I notice that the games I used to play on Windows don't run at a playable level on Linux. [05:42] it's weird. [05:42] Karno, are you using wine or cedga [05:43] zenrox: Now, they've been ported to Linux. [05:43] what games ? [05:43] you have a nvidia card [05:43] Unreal 2k4 and, Enemy Territory [05:43] Yeah, Nvidia. === oris_wolfbane [~oris@host81-157-133-224.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] have you installed the driver [05:44] Yeah === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] hmm thoes games run fine for me === darut [~darut@host-ip82-199.crowley.pl] has joined #ubuntu === charles_ [~charles@pcp881207pcs.murdoc01.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:44] and my card = fx5200 pci 128mbs [05:44] It's very strange. [05:45] Enemy Territory runs, but no sound. And I can't join a game. [05:45] anyone wanna donate me some more RAM [05:45] And Unreal 2k4 runs very slowly. [05:45] zenrox same as mine [05:45] i run different games, but they also play smooth with nvidia on linux === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@210006144037.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] SiRrUs, you using the 7176 driver [05:45] esk i got a 128mb sodimm === uzul [~sergey@] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] <--pc2100 i believe [05:46] zenrox same card as yours was what i was saying [05:46] pci preformance is fixed in the 7176 driver [05:46] wait [05:46] is it pc2100? === TetuJe- [~tetuje@130.Red-83-40-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] sodimm is laptop ram [05:46] esk its the speed of the ram [05:46] fack [05:46] i dont need laptop RAM === darut [~darut@host-ip82-199.crowley.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:46] i want a gig, but i only have 768 [05:47] why do they make ram specs so confuzling [05:47] what's confusing about ram [05:47] anyway 640k is enough for anyone [05:47] 16x64 [05:47] lol [05:47] ;) === freddie [~Freddie@82-168-37-189-bbxl.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu === mirco [~mirco@p54B25421.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] 2.5 gigahertz processor with 768 megs of ram is good right? [05:47] ya === freddie is now known as fredje [05:47] 16 million, 64 bit density, 128 megs [05:47] i am 2.0ghz 516mbs [05:48] EsK: depends on the processor. [05:48] the pc100s and ddr and 144pin vs 200 pin, sodimm dimm etc [05:48] 1.2Ghz 512MB of PC100 RAM [05:48] EsK: I bet I have a 1.8GHz that'll double or more that [05:48] I'm 1.1GHz with 196MBs [05:48] idk [05:48] how do i check === bluefoxicy is sitting on an amd64 here >:) [05:48] i'm old school [05:48] :P [05:48] Karno, that be why your games are slow you dont have enuf ram [05:48] Old school is the true school man. [05:48] zenrox: But they work fine on Windows. [05:49] theoes games = ram hogs in linux [05:49] G4 1ghz and 768 here === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] the only game i play would probably work on a p120 so i have more then enough power [05:49] I'd think Windows would slow the games down, and Linux would speed them up. === Bigtoe [fwuser@fctg.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] Karno: it's definitely ram [05:49] this is mine RAM Usage: 118/1036M [05:49] SysInfo: uname: Linux 2.6.10-5-686 CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.00GHz 2000.295 MHz Bogomips: 3964.92 Mem: 265/504M [||||||||||] Diskspace: 74.25G Free: 25.46G Procs: 88 Uptime: 1 day 17 hrs 38 mins 34 secs Load: 1.53 1.76 1.63 Screen: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1) Screen Resolution: 1600x1200 (24 bpp) eth0: In: 1.52G Out: 151.18M [05:49] then i am done [05:49] bluefoxicy: But they work fine on Windows, I don't get it. [05:49] and supertux is smooooooth [05:49] eek === brrrt [~brt@mail.effet.info] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] Karno: I haven't looked into the architectural differences [05:50] hmmm [05:50] # [05:50] nautilus applications:///System [05:50] zenrox: how did you do that? [05:50] Amaranth, its a script [05:50] says no such dir [05:50] for xchat [05:50] lemme have that script [05:50] or w/e [05:50] zenrox: yeah, like moo for mIRC [05:50] I'm going to just start playing MUDs again. [05:50] ya but with out the dll [05:50] Karno: you want at least 256 absolute bare minimum for usability, 512 is the minimum for comfort though. [05:50] this one is ok to [05:50] bluefoxicy: With games? [05:50] ( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 5.04 - hoary Kernel: 2.6.10-5-686, GNU/Linux | Xorg: 6.8.2 | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.4.1 [05:51] like, I could run winxp on a 333mhz celeron with 256M of ram and load openoffice. It'd crank a bit but it'd be fine. 512 and it'd go easy, no problems [05:51] Karno: no, just computing in general [05:51] i want that script zenrox [05:51] bluefoxicy: I'm comfortable with 128MBs man. [05:51] is it st. patty's day today? === spectrum [~martin@cl-lnx-sprinc-srch.blue4.cz] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] I just found more RAM in another computer and slapped it in. [05:51] it has be the same kind of ram, or w/e doesnt it [05:51] Karno: you should try and get a bit more ;) 256 should help [05:52] its sad i realize that its st. patrick's day just cuz i went to google lol [05:52] EsK: same pinout, lowest speed is used [05:52] nautilus applications:///System < no such dir? [05:52] I don't need all that RAM! Haha. [05:52] is ubuntu.com down again? [05:52] hmmm [05:52] bluefoxicy, no [05:52] ubuntulinux.com [05:52] www.ubuntulinux.org [05:53] lol [05:53] Amaranth, accept [05:53] Anybody else watching DS9 right now? [05:53] i wish [05:53] zenrox: can't [05:53] why not [05:53] zenrox: I don't want it that bad anyway [05:53] lol [05:53] oh [05:53] because i don't even see a DCC here === mameluke [~bo@84-72-11-242.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] Amaranth, you can get it from xchat.org too [05:54] meh [05:54] and the script does work with iirc [05:54] -p [05:54] esk yes === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] how come they only have mysql 4.0.* on the repository instead of 4.1.* [05:54] idk === spectrum [~martin@cl-lnx-sprinc-srch.blue4.cz] has left #ubuntu ["Mizim,] [05:55] how do i put it in [05:55] how do I edit the gnome-menu? [05:55] flawd-afk...i get the same error of missing directory on Hoary but not on warty...what are u on? [05:56] Hoary [05:56] :P [05:56] flawd-afk dont think you can if your using gnome 2.10 [05:56] i think its a hoary thing then... [05:56] esk click window then scripts and then find that script and click open [05:56] ok [05:56] then to run it you trpe /sys -p [05:56] type even [05:56] hello all ! [05:57] Hello [05:57] i kno that [05:57] like how do i put it all in here === Guest267575 [nandi@] has joined #ubuntu === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] SysInfo: uname: Linux 2.6.10-4-386 CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.50GHz 2486.640 MHz Bogomips: 4931.58 Mem: 595/757M [||||||||||] Diskspace: 35.17G Free: 31.65G Procs: 78 Uptime: 1 hr 20 mins 47 secs Load: 0.02 0.14 0.16 Screen: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) Screen Resolution: 1024x768 (24 bpp) eth0: In: 117.42M Out: 3.39M [05:57] could anyone tell me what graphics card i need to use tv-out and monitor at the same time ?? [05:58] brrrt, nvidia cards [05:58] because my nvidia geforce is switsching to blach when i activate tv-out === dazed||lap [~dazed@host-208-60-229-48.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] i mean black# [05:58] EsK, why not use linux-686 kernel [05:58] i couldnt find it [05:58] insted of the 386 [05:59] EsK, do a sudo apt-get install linux-686 [05:59] zxy: my monitor gets black when i activate my tv-out [05:59] zenrox: my monitor gets black when i activate my tv-out === HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] brrrt, check out #nvidia [05:59] ah [05:59] thay will help you [05:59] EsK 2.6.10-5-686 seems to be pretty good [05:59] wait wait wait [05:59] zenrox: thx! [05:59] brrrt, n/p [06:00] hey wahts the easiest way to check your ram...i have forgotten how much i have? [06:00] whcih display manger should i use, im installing kubuntu [06:00] gdm or kdm [06:00] dazed||lap, open system montor [06:00] kdm [06:00] esk: kubuntu installs kde === Chester [~warty@cm-212-89-31-194.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] and ubuntu installs gnome [06:00] dazed||lap top will show you === zzyber [~andreb@h70n1c1o1022.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] well its asking me which default display manager to use [06:01] esk kdm === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] okay ty [06:01] kde display manger === boris [~boris@82-32-97-21.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] didnt know [06:01] gdm= gnome display manger [06:01] hello! how do i update all the packages installed from 4.10 to the current packages? [06:01] apt-get [06:01] hola [06:01] or like [06:01] synaptic [06:01] hi [06:01] somethign [06:01] where can i read more about release 5.04? [06:02] i have a big problem [06:02] boris, sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [06:02] where is the file lilo.conf?? [06:02] Chester, in /boot [06:02] in /etc [06:02] Chester, ubuntu uses grub [06:02] how do I install a driver I downloaded from ati.com that's in an rpm package? [06:03] cant [06:03] Hansiman, use alien [06:03] wrong window [06:03] Hansiman, read the wiki page on restricted formats === ben0ne [~ben0ne@200141097137.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] get fakeroot and alien [06:03] i am usin a livecd [06:03] and how do I open alien? === bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-144647.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] Chester, a cd is read only ;) === cswanson [~cswanson@blk-224-208-237.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] good luck installing something on a cd === cswanson is now known as IRCsloth [06:04] Hansiman: in a shell type: alien yourdriver.rpm === PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-252-71.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] Hansiman: if you dont have alien installed type: apt-get install alien [06:04] anyone here using KDE in Ubuntu? [06:04] brrrt, hes on a live cd [06:05] but i want save my system of a mistake [06:05] IRCsloth, I used it with kdm [06:05] rebuilded a lilo [06:05] works fine === IRCsloth finds gnome slow on his P4 2.4 with 1GB ram [06:05] IRCsloth, kde is no faster === sapphire [~saph@hlfx32-16.ns.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S PU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND [06:05] 26252 bluefox 25 0 6264 4984 856 R 39.8 0.6 6:10.65 gam_server [06:05] 7675 bluefox 25 0 19452 8888 6384 S 39.2 1.1 71:45.15 gnome-settings- [06:05] yeah [06:06] ok, alien created a .deb thingy...what do I do with it? [06:06] constantly, nonstop [06:06] i find gnome quite fast on a athlon 1.4ghz [06:06] why is this crap eating 100% of my CPU [06:06] Hansiman, dpkg -i blah.deb [06:06] as sudo [06:06] hi folks [06:06] what server speak spanish? === wanama [~andrea@host234-140.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:06] #esubuntu [06:06] brrrt: gnome is ok, it annoys me that it uses so much ram though [06:06] ?? [06:06] XFCE here I come :-) [06:07] IRCsloth: if u have a decent bit of ram...itshouldnt even matter [06:07] IRCsloth, much ram ? [06:07] IRCsloth, linux handels ram differently that wein [06:07] it's locked by another process [06:07] its not like its a hog [06:07] win [06:07] IRCsloth: fluxbox uses less ram i think [06:07] fluxbox is the ultimate [06:07] lol [06:07] linux uses ram to keep the speed up [06:07] IRCsloth: i have "only" ~700MB RAm [06:07] windows has no ram policy whatsoever [06:07] fluxbox does use next to nothing [06:08] linux = fill ram up then use swap /\ win = fill swap up then ram [06:08] i only have 512 on the laptop it runs fine [06:08] and im on gnome [06:08] zenrox, way to keep thins slow [06:08] things [06:08] that .deb thing is locked by another process...how do I unlock it? [06:08] yes linux kernels memory managment is "AAA" [06:08] i got 1.24 on the pc and i run fluxbox [06:08] yeah, gnome runs ok but I'm a picky whore... I want things to fly [06:08] :-) [06:08] Hansiman, shut down synaptic [06:08] ok i have cedega and wc3 cd what now? :D [06:08] how come they only have mysql 4.0.* on the repository instead of 4.1.* [06:08] i have a question about getting connect tothe internet, one of my computers crashed and now i can only use windows, i have to write down what instrustions someone can give me, please help if youcan [06:08] deFrysk, but i dont even touch my swap witch is 1/2 of my 516mbs of ram === prego [~prego@115.Red-81-33-17.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] IRCsloth if ur really picky about ram usage fluxbox is the way to go i love it and it uses hardly nothing [06:09] zenrox, that is very good [06:09] sapphire: pppeconf ? [06:09] well...it almost worked [06:09] yeah, fluxbox is a PITA though :-) [06:09] now I got an error [06:09] PITA? [06:09] Gnome/Ubuntu bug reported: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97574#post97574 [06:09] anyone else? [06:09] Pain in the ass [06:09] Pain in the Ass === burbuja [~c8155cf2@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] ahhh [06:09] :-) [06:10] tss :/ [06:10] yeah...but once u get it configged its the easiest thing to use [06:10] true [06:10] "dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)" === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] even when i was on windows i was running a blackbox shell for windows..so i was used to the hassles of fluxbox so when i got on it on linux it was next to nothing to get set up :) [06:11] anyway, I guess I have some work ahead of me :-) [06:11] i got kubuntu successfully installed:) [06:11] good job esk :)! [06:11] EsK: using what? [06:11] EsK, good for you [06:11] Weird: my firefox and mozilla and epiphany and galeon at Hoary did display the "ubuntu" default page (/usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home) with crappy fonts despite my effors on defining bitstream-vera fonts for everything. Then I install msttcorefonts and it displays smoothly now; eventhoug I have not been able to find a font type specification in the document. === pepperpot [~pepper@CPE0004e2987e23-CM014080211876.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] we torno dopo [06:11] what do you mean riddell [06:12] EsK: how did you install it? [06:12] Riddell, iso [06:12] synaptic [06:12] kdm or gdm [06:12] of course [06:12] EsK: ok [06:12] where can i read more about whats new in release 5.04? [06:12] zzyber, its not officially out yet [06:12] Hansiman: have you checked out : http://www.rage3d.com/content/articles/atilinuxhowto/ [06:12] time to check hoary updates [06:12] zzyber take a look at the channel topic [06:12] zzyber, you can read that at about april 6 === telemaco [~telemaco@163.Red-81-37-26.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:13] you will have to exit X in order to install videocard drivers, aik === kama [~kama@37.214.39-62.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] hello [06:14] any fluxbox user know what theme this is : http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/zoom.php?shots/ikaro_fluxbox2.jpg === Burn` [~Burnout@215.114-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === sapphire [~saph@hlfx32-16.ns.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [06:14] deFrysk, but there is a preview release now, there must be some "whats new" information also ............or doesnt it? [06:14] zzyber, true [06:15] SiRrUs, yes im downloading it but i want to read about it [06:15] IRCsloth: checkout: http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/themes.php [06:15] zzyber, topic [06:15] thanks brrrt [06:15] :) as I said topic === robodex [~SLing@] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] hey... I'm having a problem with the Hoary preview... whenever I try ctrl+alt+backspace (to restart X) it doesn't reload [06:16] zzyber, and what SiRrUs said [06:16] robodex, gdm , gnome ? [06:16] robodex did you install the preview freshor update to it? [06:16] robodex: maybe its deaktivated in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [06:17] whose good with network problems in here?? espescially between two ubuntu systems??? [06:17] this is a fresh install from the PR CD, and I installed all updated (although it did the same thing before updating) [06:17] robodex: # Uncomment this to disable the server abort sequence [06:17] # This allows clients to receive this key event. [06:17] # Option "DontZap" [06:17] # [06:17] deFrysk, yes the topic i telling that a preview release at releases.ubuntu.com/hoary but where is there some information about the release? === _heXer_ [~paul@p54BCEEA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] zzyber, as I said ... === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] that'll make it so it'll restart the x server? [06:17] wait till about april 6 [06:18] robodex: is this line is uncommented... [06:18] lemme check [06:18] anyone good with network situations in here? [06:18] Is there any good ftp-server with a good gui? [06:19] robodex: to restart you need to: /etc/init.d/gdm restart if gdm is your display manager === numb [~numb@] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] DontZap isn't even in my xorg.conf... [06:19] brrrt: in warty I was able to just do ctrl+alt+backspace, though === ompaul [~ompaul@213-202-149-41.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] robodex: then ctrl-alt-bs should work :( [06:19] what's the packet with the mp3 decoder? [06:19] zzyber the topic says www.ubuntulinux.org I think there is a link there that will explain more [06:19] robodex: you mean that ctrl+alt+backspace does nothing, or it stops X and it doesn't start againA? [06:20] s/againA/again/ [06:20] it stops x and won't start again === foreach [~foreach@user-0ccslt6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] robodex: ok, there is a bug open about that [06:20] my X only restarts occasionally [06:20] ah, so the only solution atm is not to do that? [06:20] robodex: well, most of the time (and for most users) it works, but sometimes it doesn't restart [06:20] robodex: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7753 [06:20] numb, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [06:20] SiRrUs, yes a link to the download but i found some information at http://lwn.net/Articles/127141/ [06:21] robodex: you can add yourself to the CC list for the bug, and add any information you might have which could help us diagnose the problem [06:21] k, I will do that [06:21] deFrysk, tnx [06:22] how do i update my radeon9800 drivers? [06:22] query please :) [06:22] hmm. apparantly it doesn't do it from kdm [06:22] fagun: check out: http://www.rage3d.com/content/articles/atilinuxhowto/ [06:22] no gui ftp-servers then? [06:23] robodex, use kdm on kde and gdm on gnome [06:24] how do I know which of 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 I need of the XFree version? [06:24] I checked that check.sh thing, but it never said anything else than 4.X [06:24] Hansiman: ubuntu 4.10 (warty) uses xfree86 4.3.0 === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] ok [06:25] alright, im trying to change my resolution to 1280x1024, and im editing my xorg.conf, and where am i supposed to put "1280x1024" at, there are like 5 places where u could put it [06:25] but that rage3d site only made me more confused on installing the driver [06:25] EsK, what color depth are you going to run it at? [06:26] i add it to all 5 just for good measures [06:26] brb [06:26] it says the defualt depth is 24 [06:26] what depth should i run it as [06:26] 24 [06:26] alright [06:26] 24 [06:26] probably [06:27] if not sure use 16 [06:27] alright [06:27] and make a backup of the original [06:27] just in case [06:27] deFrysk, that would be the hole hawg mentality :) [06:28] when can I/we/blah expect the xchat 2.4.2 version to be available? [06:28] that is unless someone cares to offer me a repository that has it [06:28] ompaul, translate to dutch please ;p [06:28] http://www.team.net/mjb/hawg.html [06:28] Who needs xchat anyway?! [06:28] deFrysk, that was for you :) [06:29] deFrysk, and in English as well === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] sirukin, get the rpm, alien it and install it [06:30] hi all [06:30] Myrtti, the answer to "Who needs xchat anyway" == !"irssifan" === robodex [~aaron@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] ompaul: BS :-> [06:31] mmm [06:31] hmm. now for a really silly question. how do I enable shadows and such in gnome? ;) [06:31] A smaller tool is dangerous too, but for a completely different reason: it tries to do what you tell it to, and fails in some way that is unpredictable and almost always undesirable. [06:31] HERE HERE! [06:31] can anyone explain to me a litte closer on how to install the Radeon9700 driver? [06:31] I've only used linux for a few days, so I don't know much about it === EsK [~ares@c-24-1-196-123.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] sweet [06:32] how can i see what version of ubuntu im running? [06:33] about === dazed||lap [~dazed@host-208-60-229-48.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] can anyone help me config my network between to ubu systems? [06:34] is there anyway to change the defualt font for kde [06:34] EsK, > cat /etc/issue < that does the trick [06:34] what are you talking about === SteveA [~steve@office.pov.lt] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] EsK, that was for zzyber :( [06:35] ompaul, okey thx [06:35] oh, i was jw cuz u had the EsK thing before it [06:35] anyone hep me set up network? [06:35] dazed||lap: what kind of help do you need? [06:35] pretty hard to help if I don't know even can I help === haribo [~haribo@pD9E1B21C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] well...i have 2 ubu systems (laptop-hoary, and PC - warty) and they cant seem to find eachother they find their own shared folders but not eachothers [06:36] any way to change the default font for kde? [06:36] Aloha [06:36] EsK, kcontrol [06:36] appearance and themes [06:36] they are on the same work group and seperate hostnames...and the PC can pick up the laptops shared folders when laptop boots in windows [06:36] fonts [06:36] dazed||lap: how are you sharing the files [06:36] samba [06:36] wrong answer [06:36] there is a better way of doing it === [koji] [~koji@adsl-66-142-135-93.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] what do u suggest? === Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0448.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] again, how do I enable shadows and such in gnome? [06:37] ok, is there some reason that ubuntu's sed doesn't support -i? === Dreamer3 sighs. [06:37] ompaul, im running Development Branch "Hoary Hedgehog". Is that the same as the 5.04 preview release? [06:38] Dreamer3: er, my install seems to support it. [06:38] optika: warty? [06:38] Dreamer3: hrm, maybe not ... I'm halfway through an upgrade :) [06:38] optika: i see [06:38] this is really annoying [06:38] dazed||lap: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba/ [06:38] zzyber, hoary has developed beyond that point [06:39] i don't know a faster way to change a bunch of files [06:39] zzyber, have you kept up to date with updates? [06:39] dazed||lap: "You don't need Samba to share directories between two Linux computers. You can use NFS." [06:39] ompaul, yes [06:39] Does anyone have a Radeon card with working 3D acceleration and mplayer working? [06:39] zzyber, then I would figure you at that point and beyond it [06:39] Myrtti: ok ill check out that link...i only did what was told on ubuntuguide.org thanks [06:39] Dreamer3: for f in * ; do sed ... < "$f" > mooooo ; mv mooooo "$f" ; done [06:39] dazed||lap: np [06:40] Dreamer3: *shrug* [06:40] dazed||lap: HIH [06:40] is amazing! [06:40] 'cause since I got my 3d acceleration working, mplayer lags or does not go fullscreen... [06:40] have u seen them live? [06:40] zzyber, when you track development models they do that - (change that is) [06:40] ompaul, probably hmm, i was hoping for a new "fresh" release with openoffice 2.0 [06:41] zzyber, I have not done that to any of the boxes I deal with === jlinares [~jlinares@193.Red-83-37-44.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === saad_ [~saad@zeff.docisland.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Myrtti: on that link it doesnt say how to use NFS lol..just that you can use it any ideas? [06:42] zzyber, I will do it now and when done as long as it works I will tell you what I did === manu_ [~manu@mutualite-2-82-67-65-75.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ompaul is now known as ompaulAFK [06:43] optika: thanks, i didn't use it as is, but a variation... perfect [06:43] optika: you don't have to < into sed because it takes the filename as a parameter, though what you typed might not hurt [06:43] ah, right. === ompaulAFK is now known as ompaul === Brent [~fp@callisto.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] zzyber, the box I will do that on is in use - should be free in 15/20 mins [06:45] none, but search will help you, nevertheless. I've never needed nfs, our home LAN has always consisted on atleast one Windows based machine [06:46] i think i need nfs-common cuz when i goto shared folder properties it only has the option of sharing 'smb' [06:46] i added the universe to have the pkgs from debian ... but what version of debian pkg i have ? woody, sarge or sid ? [06:46] EfaistOs: say what? === whaq_ [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] i need gtkpod which is in version 0.88 in unstable of debian ... [06:46] universe to have the packages from debian? [06:46] Dreamer3: what version of sed is it that you have? This is intriguing me :) [06:47] optika: i dunno, one sec [06:47] back [06:47] Myrtti, i added universe in my sources.list === whaq [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] to have access to debian pkg ... [06:47] can anyone explain to me a litte closer on how to install the Radeon9700 driver? [06:47] ok, that's a new way of doing it [06:47] are there gui dvdripper available in hoary [06:47] Myrtti, so ? [06:48] no, nothing [06:49] can someone buy me a better video card [06:49] google for Open Graphics === numb [~numb@] has joined #ubuntu === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] where can i get w32codecs.deb ? [06:52] deFrysk, i've tried that, but when i'm trying to install it, it says that it's missing libmad0 and libid3tag [06:52] monteiro, add the repos marlette @ www.ubuntuguide.org [06:52] monteiro: marillat [06:52] monteiro, ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ [06:53] numb, dig you get the universe repo ? [06:53] just like thay said [06:53] ompaul , hawke_ , zenrox : when i put the repository it says wrong keys :( [06:53] monteiro, ignore that [06:53] monteiro, at least thats what i do [06:53] and i can't install them, i've download them but i can't install, i do ./configure , and when i'm gona do "make" it appears an error === AngryClip [~Clipster@jriley1984.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] numb did you read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats properly ? [06:54] numb, got all the dev packages for that program === mmtb [~marcin@dvs212.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === neighborlee [~neighborl@d2-251.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === zirbolc [~allan@cn-sfo1-pix-natout.cnet.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] tritium: hiya [06:55] zenrox : ok, yks :) [06:55] hi da_bon_bon [06:56] anyone else seeing spotty X crashes in hoary...i've seen it with firefox ( although now much less since I use firefox from mozilla's site) and now just last night with xchat running. I realize this is 'hoary' but wanted to make sure it wasn't me somewhow and my hardware ( doubt it as XP does not seem to display this behavior) [06:57] neighborlee, its hoary devel it will be fixed soon [06:57] deFrysk, wrt patents have you seen this > http://www.kde.ie/patents/briefing < === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu === YmTlNBL [WeRqc@] has joined #ubuntu === ompaul wonders if there is a #ubuntu-europe :) === myk [~myk@pool-70-19-174-57.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [06:59] does anybody in here use fceultra for NES emulation? === jmob [~jmob@cat.eece.unm.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Alessio [~Alessio@host239-111.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === KudDa [~net01@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] zenrox, ok thx I def. .suspected as much...np I just wanted to be sure ;-)) [07:00] zenrox, i'm happy to be part of the development cycle ;-)) [07:00] lol [07:00] muahaha-ahah [07:00] need help ... just install ubuntu ... but my mouse don't work === ddaa [~ddaa@deep-thought.xlii.org] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] KudDa, what kind of mouse [07:00] serial [07:01] how to configure mouse port? [07:01] ompaul, unfortunately we have a bunch of dodo' s in the E.P. [07:01] KudDa, I wonder if its a weird non supported one as typically ubuntu has great HD recongition...that or somehow it just didn't grab it right during install...try to reconfig maybe at: system > prefs> mouse ? [07:02] HD/HW === ddaa [~ddaa@deep-thought.xlii.org] has left #ubuntu [] [07:03] i tried, the only thing i can configure is clicking option === tizen [alain@ADent8215.ResNet.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu === Hannes___ is now known as hannes_ === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] deFrysk, given that they can read English just point them to it say that the Irish are educating their MEPs and you would not like them to do something that would have them so ashamed they could not look a software developer in the face again ... [07:04] KudDa, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or xserver-xfree86 === Hansiman [tu6m9raiah@p0lden.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:04] manualy type in the port the mouse is at [07:04] deFrysk, or sysadmin etc [07:06] ompaul, read this ? http://swpat.ffii.org/ [07:06] deFrysk, for the last couple of years [07:07] its time to start a patent office I guess :s [07:07] i have to go , see ya === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === scotth_springbre [~scotth@] has joined #ubuntu === malte [~fom@h117n2fls32o874.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === YankDownUnder [~stephen@d211-29-172-239.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === FAST [~gyro_@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === alec [~alec@adsl-61-168-70.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === chris_ [~chris@82-42-99-188.cable.ubr04.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === chris_ [~chris@82-42-99-188.cable.ubr04.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === YankDownUnder [~stephen@d211-29-172-239.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["High] === mastertet [~mastertet@poste174-103.crchul.ulaval.ca] has joined #ubuntu === bestadvocate [~rob@net222.mercyhurst.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fl-i-nT [~flint@jppearce.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] hi all [07:16] hello one [07:16] how to edit xfree86? [07:16] i jsut got the CD's and installed ubuntu *x-mandrake suer* [07:17] i'm working with no mouse here === ikaro is now known as ikarus === mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-9-81.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] KudDa, how do you manage that lol [07:17] KudDa, in a terminal (ctrl-alt-F1 or F2) you will type cd /etc === EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] then you will look type sudo nano XF86Config-4 [07:18] Fl-i-nT, how you like it so far ? === ikarus is now known as ikaro === ompaul reads Fl-i-nT's comment again and figures out that suer is user Doh! === slicslak [~slicslak@S01060050bf73737f.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] ok ... i'll try [07:19] LinuxJones, urm i dont know as i am 14 and new to linux i only stayed on mandrake 10.1 fro like 4 days i am as newbi as you get lol anyway the first thing i realized is that the installation was more textbase than the visual way in mandrake === oris_wolfbane [~oris_wolf@host81-157-133-224.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] KudDa, good luck [07:20] luck == opportunity and preparation [07:21] KudDa, take your time - and back up any file you intend to edit === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] <[-Soultrance-] > somebody save me ! lol [07:21] Hello, if I install hoary preview, when the final version of hoary comes out, will I be able to update just by using apt-get or will I have to reinstall the final version? [07:22] ok [07:22] [-Soultrance-] , from what death by breaking windows? [07:22] <[-Soultrance-] > I installed the nvidia drivers, no problems, but couldn't increase me res like I wanted, so I was told to apt-get xserver-xorg [07:22] <[-Soultrance-] > that was all fine and dandy untill I rebooted, then gnome wouldn't load [07:22] I have a little problem with gtkpod ... i plug my shuffle and when it tries to write some files on /media/Q98 it says that I can't write on it ... how to change that ? [07:22] mastertet, you will just edit the lines in sources.list and you will at one with hoary [07:23] <[-Soultrance-] > I've run md5sum on both my xorg.conf and xf86conf files [07:23] <[-Soultrance-] > and run dpkg-reconfigure on both to no avail [07:23] <[-Soultrance-] > I'm in hoary btw [07:23] gawd I was close [07:23] ompaul: I have to edit source.list even if I install hoary preview? [07:23] <[-Soultrance-] > I was told to find .xinit and edit it to include the full path to gnome-session, but I couldn't find .xinit to edit, lol [07:24] <[-Soultrance-] > nor could I find .xinitrc, which was also suggested === IrcUsr [~IrcUsr@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] mastertet, does your preview file say please edit me whenever they release the final version? [07:24] is there an opportunity to apply changes to xorgconfig during the installation? [07:24] <[-Soultrance-] > if I run startx I get the grey screen and terminal window [07:24] <[-Soultrance-] > but I can't run GDM === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host109-109.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === goxy [~goxy@dial4-62-37.scnet.yu] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] IrcUsr, not that I remember from the last few I did (warty and hoary) [07:25] [-Soultrance-] , did you have a working XF86Config-4 file in Warty ? [07:25] <[-Soultrance-] > yep [07:26] <[-Soultrance-] > when I installed xorg it stopped working, lol [07:26] If I upgrade from Warty to Hoary, will I have to re-install ndiswrapper and its drivers/configuration? [07:26] how can i get the completion for apt make ... with zsh ? [07:26] im stuck with intel 536ep help me [07:26] [-Soultrance-] , make a backup of the xorg.cfg and rename the XF86Config-4 file to the xorg config file [07:26] ompaul: I'm asking cause Ubuntu is presently not installed, I run gentoo at the moment and I'm not in love with the time it takes to compile everything... [07:26] i compile the module intel536.ko [07:26] inser it but === mxpxpod [~bryan@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] modem not works [07:27] <[-Soultrance-] > I think I have modified both since I started jones [07:27] <[-Soultrance-] > like a tool [07:27] mastertet, well apt-get is just so much more "more" [07:27] :) [07:27] [-Soultrance-] , well it's worth a try :) [07:27] mastertet, I actually doubt it [07:27] <[-Soultrance-] > I don't think there are any problems with those files I just don't think if can find gnome when it tried to [07:27] <[-Soultrance-] > *tries [07:28] hey all where the heck do I change my monitor value in xorg.conf ( or elsewhere?) so I can actually get the refresh rate my monitor can actually do.is it a dpkg-reconfig option ? LOL === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp484971pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] Is it true that the boot time is very small in hoary? That is one of the things I dislike with Debian... I have a laptop and I reboot all the time... [07:28] anyone help me to instal intel 536ep [07:28] [-Soultrance-] , sudo killall gdm the /etc/init.d/gdm start [07:28] please [07:29] atm i have only have 60HZ but monitor can do at least 85 in 1280x1024 .... [07:29] [-Soultrance-] , if it works then under session select gnome as the session type [07:29] i'm lossss === maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-151.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] KudDa, not you are not === foreach [~foreach@user-0ccslt6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === machammy [~mrmr@cae168-228-003.sc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] mastertet, much faster yes..;-) [07:29] :) [07:29] KudDa, now tell us why you think that you are :) [07:29] neighborlee: neighborlee just do a sudo dpok-reconfigure xserver-xorg [07:29] <[-Soultrance-] > hmm, okay jones [07:29] <[-Soultrance-] > will give it a shot [07:29] mmmk, when downloading a file with firefox it just doesnt get saved [07:30] it says it does but it does not exist in destination === Niterider [~niterider@] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] whatever destination I chose [07:30] weird [07:30] goxy: have you done modprobe intel536? [07:30] apokryphos, I tried that but I dont recall monitor offerings...hmff I'll try it again ;-) THX [07:30] [-Soultrance-] , if it still fails do as I said earlier and rename XF86Config-4 [07:30] i tried sudo nano XF86Config-4... nothing to edit [07:30] neighborlee: with xorg, they're certainly there. [07:30] KudDa, are you running Hoary ? === JeanJean [~janvanmoe@83-134-70-142.Gent.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] that machine is now ready === ompaul is now known as ompaulAFK [07:31] KudDa, it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf === Xappe [~jon@regulus3.student.UU.SE] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] apokryphos, yeah I somehow missed it apparantly lol === mpq [~tony@c-24-16-234-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] Any problem with Hoary that I should be aware of before installing it? [07:31] @irc usr [07:31] neighborlee: you might have not selected the "Medium" option [07:31] i dono ... got this cd that said version 4.10 x86 ed [07:31] yes i insert modules [07:31] I found a bug with a help file === mjb [~mjb@pD956179D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === wezzer [~antti@a80-186-42-221.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] If you want to install a new version of ubuntu do you really have to install it again or can you do it like gentoo with the portage [07:31] module [07:31] I'm not sure how to explain it [07:32] and make links [07:32] KudDa, do cat /etc/issue it will tell you what version your running. [07:32] what does apt-getting linux-k7 supposed to achieve...more speed or something else? [07:32] goxy: is it displayed in lsmod? [07:32] yes [07:32] Niterider: a CPU specific kernel [07:32] JeanJean: theoratically you could just change the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list from warty to hoary but I heard that would eventualy give some problems [07:32] k [07:32] JeanJean: a new install is certainly 'cleaner' [07:32] ha ok [07:33] and i make node [07:33] i used gentoo before but i'm sick of compiling every thing [07:33] and links [07:33] mjb: whoever said that was.....well, lying [07:33] on my 1.2 doron i did that, doesn't really seem any faster, that's why i was wondering [07:33] JeanJean: same here :) [07:33] ubuntu 4.10 Warty Warthog [07:33] mjb: really, problems? that was the main reason i was going to start using ubuntu, easy upgrade [07:33] but with network-admin [07:33] i gonna install ubuntu hoary write now [07:33] KudDa, you on high speed internet conenction ? [07:33] nothing happens when i try to connect [07:33] mjb: more likely speaking in ignorance. [07:33] 512k [07:33] mjb: an apt upgrade is perfectly fine [07:34] should i have tried the i686 one instead [07:34] KudDa, ok sudo apt-get update && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [07:34] apokryphos: I tried it myself a few months ago and ran into some problems, so I had no reason not to believe it === cao30 [~cao30@] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] masrzeret: is ubuntu faster than gentoo ? [07:34] however it might well be that there has been some cleanup since that time [07:34] mjb: the vast majority of people on here have done it that way. That's a reason. [07:34] mastertet, no === mmtb [~marcin@dvs212.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] mjb: upgrading to a development branch might well have issues, but stable->stable upgrades are totally supported and should be fine [07:35] Kamion: he talked about installing a new version, which would be hoary === fgx [~fgx@host11-124.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] Kamion, I havn't seen you in irc in months :) [07:35] can u write that again ... i can't scrool :P [07:35] jeanJean: I tried Ubuntu warty a few weeks ago, now I'm under gentoo... I don't see any difference!!! I think that the compile everything for more speed thing is overated a lot [07:35] KudDa, sudo apt-get update && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop === mirco [~mirco@p54B239DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] KudDa: heh, why not? [07:35] LinuxJones: haven't had much time for #ubuntu ... [07:35] apokryphos: I'm sorry to have given false information, I wasn't aware that there has been progress in the upgrade process from warty to hoary [07:35] mjb: sure, hoary'll be stable soon though [07:36] or more to the point, would i see better performance by apt-getting the i686 instead?? [07:36] Kamion, I thought you were one of the developers ? [07:36] mjb: and we'd appreciate feedback about upgrade problems so we can fix them [07:36] mjb: there is constant progress; it's in developement :). [07:36] LinuxJones: yup [07:36] LinuxJones: this ain't the development coordination channel though :) [07:36] i can connect to the internet ... but i can't get my mouse to work ... :P ... something wrong with me [07:36] Kamion: I'm using it right now and I can't complain about hoary at all, it's great work [07:36] Kamion, ahhh things are coming along great you guys are doing an awesome job !! === ompaul [~ompaul@213-202-149-41.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] Needless to say ;-) [07:37] Can anyone execute sudo ... with their passwd to mess with the config or only the original user setup throw the installation? [07:37] apokryphos, i'm a tad surpirsed there is no GUI to perform this functionality frankly..oh well you take what ya get sometimes === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dakko is now known as Dakko[work] [07:38] Niterider: you may well not notice huge performance differences with your usage patterns; if not, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you :) [07:38] mastertet: i think i read somewhere the first user is the sudoer [07:38] neighborlee: well, yeah; partly because it's not really needed (it does the job, right?). Though mainly I'd imagine because it's really meant to only be done once... [07:38] mastertet: in warty, only the initial user or anyone you explicitly add to /etc/sudoers [07:38] thanks Kamion [07:38] mastertet: if you installed hoary from scratch or updated sudoers to match the new scheme, anyone in the 'admin' group [07:38] it said my ubuntu is the newest version .... [07:38] mastertet: which is only the initial user by default, so same effect [07:39] ok === dabi [~dabi@69.Red-83-39-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] KudDa, the file naming is case sensitive [07:39] apokryphos, sorry I can't give you the former arguement but the later one is easier to say yes to...still other 'easy to use' distros have this functionality built in..dunno about fedora but I know mdk does..( no flames please I realize mdk is typically targeted at NOOB's but still hmm cant use GParted.. when i strat it first it asks root psw. then it starts loading and closes it self without any warning.. [07:40] KudDa, nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] neighborlee: you disagree with me that a GUI front-end for it is not needed? [07:40] sja [07:40] ops [07:40] hi [07:40] neighborlee: Mandrake isn't too bad; it's just not Ubuntu. :) [07:40] hi guys I have a question [07:41] apokryphos, yes I disagree strongly === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] apokryphos, no excuse LOL [07:41] I am using my desktop now but I am installing ubuntu on my laptop (yep, right now) [07:41] so anyways [07:41] neighborlee: Then it's unsubstantiated. ;-) [07:41] my question is about partitioning [07:41] apokryphos, sorry ubuntu is targeted at ease of use so I can' t buy your arguement sorry === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:41] ok... i'm getting somewhere.... [07:41] kewl! [07:42] ok hang on, am I in the right place to ask questions? [07:42] can anyone help me with a mplayer prob? === DoppleGanger [~LordBal@pool-68-162-58-71.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-252-71.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] the protocol said "imPS/2" [07:42] neighborlee: I didn't know ease-of-use was a bad thing. :P [07:42] onEnterFrame: seems OK [07:42] onEnterFrame, you do need to get the question :) [07:42] how to change to serial port [07:42] KudDa, tab completion works best when using a terminal ie.. nano /etc/X(tab)/XF(tab) will fill in the blanks for you :) [07:42] onEnterFrame, depends === Sav [~sav@ce02816-kristd-abk.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] hehe thanks... i'll go on [07:42] ok...thanks Kamion [07:42] onEnterFrame, just kidding..of course feel free to ask awy ;-0 [07:42] Are there any good "hardening ubuntu" docs out there? Although I'm pretty confident in my firewalls and password policies, I'm always worried that I wouldn't even spot a clever rootkit... [07:42] apokryphos, heh [07:43] Need to get 147MB of archives. [07:43] ohh well === hazmat [~hazmat@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] ok so I decided to format the whole thing - I created 2 partitions, 1 formated (NTFS) and 1 non formatted [07:43] guess not [07:43] security + ubuntu = oxymoron [07:43] can u type that again ... [07:43] and installed windows on the formatted NTFS === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] help me with intel 536ep i compile module insert into kernel make links but system cant see it [07:43] Anyone familiar with evolution ? === HaloGray [~HaloGray@adsl-68-79-13-169.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] help me with intel 536ep i compile module insert into kernel make links but system cant see it [07:43] and I'm currently installing ubuntu on the non formatted one [07:43] go goxy [07:44] so i came to the point where it asks you to configure your partitions [07:44] KudDa, just for your special request: that [07:44] ask again [07:44] queuetue, you can use chkrootkit + aide and run them as a cron job every now and then [07:44] DoppleGanger: I think you mean juxtaposition. Oxymoron would be "secure ubuntu" (by your understanding); oxymoron deals with contrary signification. [07:44] and it only shows my deskdrive (the whole thing, with no partitions specified or shown) [07:44] and I can't do that cause I already have data on the second partition, and obviously setting a new one will delete everything === CaKeY [~Cake@pool-64-223-237-133.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === quinophex [~adam@quino.bcnadsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] more like, configuring a new partition(s) [07:45] goxy: sero ackta gamit [07:45] never without my permission [07:46] I don't have RAID either, so this option is not for me [07:46] this thing dont works [07:46] and the second option, well I'm not sure what it does === zeedo [~zeedo@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === EeYoRe [TiGGeR@] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] i insert module make links make node make connection === mjb is now known as mjb|away [07:46] I need help on Evolution because my dad email is john@cideo.co.uk andm ine is flint@cideo.co.uk but i get his emails and mine how can i get only mine? [07:46] i insert module make links make node make connection and nothing happens [07:47] anyone know when nvidia-kernel-1.0.7167 will be available? [07:47] how do i get icons on my desky? just re-installed [07:47] hey anyone know where I can find my wireless driver on windows? I need to use Ndiswrapper === DJ_Mirage [djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] do you guys think I should reboot and abort the installation, and just try it out once again? [07:47] where does windos store them. [07:47] hello all any south africans in da room? === oris_wolfbane [~oris@host81-157-133-224.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] are you asking me, bestadvocate? I don't quite get your question. === EeYoRe is now known as Madiba [07:48] is it possible to change xscrensaver login screen ? :) === Niterider [~niterider@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:48] just wondering if anyone knows where the installed windows drivers get put. [07:49] dabi: Yes. Search for gdm/kdm themes [07:49] (i just installed on my laptop [07:49] so where are the gurus? :D [07:49] dabi: (depending on which login manager you're using) [07:49] does gdm include xscreensaver? === Dantis [~Danten@h136n2c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu [07:49] gdm [07:49] whoops, didn't notice the "screensaver" part. [07:49] lol === khermans [~khermans@h0004e25522d3.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] dabi: sorry :). I don't know how you would change that, nope. [07:50] heh [07:50] hate orange.. :P tseh.. === gardion [~chatzilla@telos.teloseng.com] has joined #ubuntu === lionel_ [~lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] ahem lol === josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu === CaKeY [~Cake@pool-64-223-237-133.port.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:51] Hrm :*( too bad no one's helping me succeed with my first linux installation [07:51] haha === Ad|Astra [~deadsy@ool-44c44e58.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === yonatan [~yonatan@line105-252.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] i guess i'll just abort it and go back to windows, and figure it out later [07:51] Hello, [07:52] anyone knows what happened to Mplayer? [07:52] onEnterFrame: whatever blows your hair back. [07:52] onEnterFrame: hmm === EfaistOs [~efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] josue: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/ [07:52] onEnterFrame: sounds like a parted bug, but I don't know what would be causing it === Tdeelpcc [~VTNnAPEp@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] onEnterFrame: might be worth you trying a hoary snapshot, if you wouldn't mind; we have a rather newer version of parted there [07:53] can I add a trash icon to the desktop? [07:53] apokryphos, yes, but what exactly did the violated? === pfault [~pagefault@] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] flawd-afk good question === Madiba [TiGGeR@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:54] apokryphos, it did not ask about the monitor [07:54] flawd-afk, when it is on the bottom right hand corner of the screen I do not know === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] <[-Soultrance-] > okay, killall gdm resulted in: no gdm - /etc/init.d/gdm start did nothing [07:54] since gnome 2.10 [07:54] it was in the bottom right hand corner :P [07:54] neighborlee: did you select the "Medium" option out of High/Low/Medium [07:54] i like it there [07:54] <[-Soultrance-] > evem tried apt-get gdm just for the hell of it and it said no such thing [07:54] Kamion, I'll try hoary then.. thanks for your reply.. [07:54] apokryphos, I got no such option === Madiba [TiGGeR@] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] onEnterFrame: sorry I can't give you anything more specific [07:55] apokryphos, only keyboard/video/mouse stuff [07:55] but it does smell of C/H/S problems to me [07:55] <[-Soultrance-] > Now I have no clue what to do, lol [07:55] neighborlee: ok, hold on. [07:55] [-Soultrance-] : syntax is "apt-get install gdm", not "apt-get gdm" [07:55] flawd-afk : read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-09-16.1393795212 [07:55] hello all can i bother a boffin please [07:55] <[-Soultrance-] > ug [07:56] <[-Soultrance-] > duh [07:56] [-Soultrance-] , that would be "sudo apt-get install foo" where the package you want is the value of foo [07:56] <[-Soultrance-] > foo ? === sic|work [~86230204@artemis.drwilco.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] [-Soultrance-] , foo is a random file name [07:56] <[-Soultrance-] > oh okay [07:56] g'day [07:56] gday sic [07:57] Does gdesklets work on ubuntu?!? [07:57] <[-Soultrance-] > hmm, okay, I go back and try again [07:57] Fl-i-nT: yest you must install univers packages === khermans [~khermans@h0004e25522d3.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] neighborlee: after writing all settings to the file... all options from thereon are monitor-related [07:57] is there System Restore in Ubuntu? lol...I want to go back to previous version of xorg since it b0rked my sys [07:57] can i ask for some advice please? [07:58] ha ha [07:58] [-Soultrance-] , hence I can give it a value :), emm "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" can help sometimes === flawd [~jesper@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] bestadvocate, univers what are they? === farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-13-153.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] Fl-i-nT: you must enable universe packages. Its one of those i believe. I had it installed for a week. (it was more annoying than useful) Universe is the Repository in Synaptic [07:58] galaxies [07:59] Madiba, you can always ask === flawd [~jesper@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [07:59] apokryphos, Idont get it then...after it wrote DRI settings it exited on me..am I missing something ? ;( [07:59] FlinT are you running Warty or Hoary? === robertj_ [~robertj@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] bestadvocate, sorry, but i dont understand any of those things you just mentioned [07:59] neighborlee: I don't really have any idea then... are you definitely running xorg? Got all the xorg stuff? [07:59] Anyone that is running Hoary want to update to latest xxerver-xorg package and see if it borks your system? [08:00] Madiba, and you most likely will get an answer unless no person in the channel knows the answer (or simular) [08:00] what was the online sources url again? [08:00] ok, I have this problem at work and at home so I know its not a hardware problem. I get I/O errors copying from a read only NTFS partition to my unbuntu partition. at home I ended up putting the drive on a windows box and xferring the data over the network..all 96Gb blah!...at work I have mounted the windows NTFS partition on my dual boot setup....both home and work I am copying from one dir in my home to another dir in my home. [08:00] apokryphos, unless its a hoary issue..running preview release atm [08:00] both yield the same I/O error [08:00] khermans: I just released Array CD 7 with that xserver-xorg, and it passed the tests we threw at it [08:00] Flint start synaptic. its the "Package manager" in System-Administration [08:00] neighborlee: I very much doubt it; I update about every week or so. === mort [~mort@bb-195-172-53-67.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] Kamion: it screwed my system [08:01] bestadvocate, ok yes done this [08:01] ompaul thank you [08:01] apokryphos, im lost then...weird [08:01] one of the menus should have "repostories" === mxpxpod is now known as mx|gone [08:02] Kamion: it seems thty also just issues a quick fix because the package is 6.8.2-5.1 [08:02] Madiba, well what is your question, just jump right in and ask :) [08:02] the .1 makes me think it was a bug in initial release [08:02] can i set up my internet connection in linux if im only running the live cd and if i can how do i do it? [08:03] Madiba: you have a local LAN? [08:03] bestadvocate, on the left if so it aint there [08:03] khermans: sure, it was a quick patch because -4 and -5 broke the live CD in various ways === DoppleGanger wonders what Madiba means by linux [08:03] khermans: please file a bug with more detail than "it screwed my system" :-) [08:03] na ompaul just a dail up here t home [08:03] khermans: which version broke for you? [08:03] Kamion: it screwed my system badly [08:03] the one with 5.1 [08:03] hows that [08:03] lol @doppel [08:03] Madiba, that depends on how you are connected to the outside world, how do you do that? [08:03] DoppleGanger: same question to you, and please elaborate [08:03] Fl-i-nT: this page describes it better than I do http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [08:03] it was just released within the last 24 hours [08:03] Kamion: tht was a joke [08:04] DoppleGanger, ubuntu? ... [08:04] khermans: so in what way did it break? === apokryphos will be back in a few [08:04] Kamion: xorg is saying no screens found [08:04] have any you found you had problems with sound when upgrading from linux 2.6.8 to linux 2.6.10? I was able to get the sound to finally work but I can't use the mic now. [08:04] it no longer plays pr0n he he === mjb|away is now known as mjb [08:04] ha ha sounds fine to me then khermans [08:04] Kamion: but this is not correct since it worked fine before i updated [08:04] khermans: ok, please file a bug with /var/log/Xorg.0.log or whatever it is [08:05] bestadvocate, thanx ill tell you if i manage lol [08:05] I must be missing something obvious, i do an apt-cache search xvidcap and nothing turns up but googling for Ubuntu xvidcap shows a bunch of packages in repos [08:05] Kamion: ok i will do that, but can you tell me how to revert back in the mean time? [08:05] wine gives no hits in synaptic [08:05] Madiba, okay you can providing you are not running a win modem (even that is possible but would drive a new user around the bend to have to do it every day :)) [08:06] khermans, I looked at ell's xorg.conf last night, and fixed it. Out of curiosity, can you please: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep DefaultDepth [08:06] khermans: reverting is complicated; I'd rather Daniel had incentive to fix it as soon as possible ;) [08:06] configuring X can be tough eheh with a no screen found error [08:06] Fl-i-nT: dont know if I'll still be round, good luck [08:06] bestadvocate, whats is the url for urpmi becuase i guess i need online sources first hey! [08:06] ompaul im using a smartlink modem is that a winmodem [08:06] Fl-i-nT: urpmi [08:06] = mandrake [08:06] can i not install wine with ubuntu? [08:06] tritium: yes, that was the issue [08:07] khermans, was it "1"? [08:07] tritium: the error was in fact DefautlDepth of 1 not valid [08:07] flawd-afk: why install wine when its much better to drink it [08:07] DoppleGanger, i mean to set up online sources [08:07] Fl-i-nT: urpmi? whats that? [08:07] DoppleGanger, seriously. I get no hits on wine when I search on it [08:07] Kamion: is there no System Restore in Ubuntu ;-P [08:07] khermans, okay, I've seen that before. [08:07] anyone know how i can make 'xmodmap -e "pointer = 2 1 3 4 5" persistent after reboot? (my left mouse button died, so i'm using the wheel instead) === Tsuroerusu [~troels@0x535dd8f7.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] khermans, change DefaultDepth to "24" [08:07] in synaptic [08:07] Madiba, you can - but the trouble factor would be very high to do it as something temporary - have you any linux experiance [08:07] flawd-afk: search chateau bordoux === JzE [~JzE@a84-231-56-201.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu === lef [~lef@ti211110a080-6884.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] tritium: well, ok -- i checked my config already but i will look again -- why did this change [08:08] Kamion, I've seen this twice now, where the DefaultDepth somehow gets set to "1" in their xorg.conf [08:08] bestadvocate, oh sorry it was a thing in mandrake where there was online sources and you could download and install a package from the internet by typing urpmi [08:08] yes, it broke recently [08:08] DoppleGanger, right. so is wine available for ubuntu? [08:08] khermans, I don't know. I havent' experienced it personally. [08:08] haven't [08:08] DoppleGanger, so there isnt anything equivelant to urpmi on ubuntu? === melter [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] yes flawd-afk check other repositories [08:09] Fl-i-nT: apt [08:09] tritium: hehe, im so dumb i didnt notice that the first time i checked the config -- i saw that all my settings were fine and overlooked defaultdepth [08:09] DoppleGanger, ok ok go slowly i am new lol [08:09] khermans, try it now [08:09] khermans: I'm fairly sure it was caused by the upgrade to 6.8.2-5, not by 6.8.2-5.1 [08:09] DoppleGanger, how do i set those online sources?: === qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@d463c125.datahighways.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] this is one of the reasons we took -5.1 for Array CD 7 [08:10] Fl-i-nT: it says on that page I sent you [08:10] oh ok [08:10] Madiba, can you get an external serial modem? === Dantis is now known as Danten === KudDa [KudDa@] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] check ubuntu website or ask an ubuntu user === mmtb [~marcin@dvs212.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:10] i'm back [08:10] tritium: yes works fine now thanks man [08:10] still need help [08:10] Fl-i-nT: if you like command line installs then look at the second example. [08:10] Kamion: yes, that's correct [08:10] khermans, sure :) [08:11] Kamion: i went from -5, which broke it, to -5.1 -- which was still borked [08:11] Kamion: so it seems -5 changed my config [08:11] bestadvocate, do i only activate universe or all the others too? [08:11] what would be the next best thing to Totem for playing .avi movies? [08:11] Fl-i-nT, you'll get more packages to choose from if you include multiverse as well [08:11] Fl-i-nT: leave the default ones on. === barryhoyle [TiGGeR@c19-rba-9.dial-up.net] has joined #ubuntu === malte` [~malte@host26-170.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] my XF86Config-4 said that my mouse is at protocol "inPS/2" ... i wanna change to serial port... what i suppose to replace it with ? [08:12] bestadvocate, i only had the CD-ROM as defualt that it === ompaul looks at wireless link jumping up and down like a soccer supporter with their team in the cup final and the team playing like on the edge of the penalty box and getting nowhere [08:12] Seriously though guys, i think it wouldnt be hard to write even a simple script that performs System Restore functions?!? Is there not something that does this already [08:12] sorry ompaul got cut [08:12] khermans: yeah, -5.1 probably didn't fix it up because -5.1 was just a last-minute revert, not anything clever [08:12] bestadvocate, i forgot to mention i only have 56k so does that matter? [08:12] you were saying [08:12] Fl-i-nT: EEEK [08:12] barryhoyle, not a problem [08:13] khermans: you can downgrade, it's just a question of where you get the old packages from ... [08:13] barryhoyle, what did you last see? === csj [~ubunewbie@218-164-168-247.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] and it's actually extremely hard to do right [08:13] winmodem [08:13] bestadvocate, ok i think thats bad hey! [08:13] Kamion: aren't they still in ubuntu source tree? === robodex [~aaron@] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] khermans: they're not referenced by the Packages index files any more [08:13] hey, I'm having a REALLY weird problem when loading xmms... [08:13] *test [08:13] Fl-i-nT: i dont know. Never tried it. [08:13] how do find out if modem is a winmodem? [08:14] Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed! [08:14] my XF86Config-4 said that my mouse is at protocol "imPS/2" ... i wanna change to serial port... what i suppose to replace it with ? [08:14] khermans: they might still happen to be lying around; there's a stay of execution on deletion [08:14] you can with a winmodem - but the trouble factor would be very high to do it as something temporary - have you any linux experiance - can you get a serial modem even as a loaner? [08:14] bestadvocate, so why the EEEK [08:14] barryhoyle, you use google :-) [08:14] Fl-i-nT: I was immagining upgraing a whole cd online via 56k :) [08:14] ok ill look brb [08:15] ord [08:15] robodex: you need both libesd0 and libmikmod2 installed if you're using the binary-only Nvidia driver [08:15] Kamion: you know i love ubuntu, but sometimes i want packages outside of uni/multi even -- and i wish i had access to the Gentoo source tree that would install into Ubuntu and solve dependencies === Xappe [~jon@regulus3.student.UU.SE] has joined #ubuntu === ik5pvx [bofh@host129-52.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] crimsun: thanks, I'll try that [08:15] Flint: gdesklets is only a couple megabites if you restrict the update to that it shouldent take that long. [08:15] i hate having to go outside and resolve things myself... === toerli [~toerli@cl-1157.ham-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] please ... anybody ....? === stealthy [~chatzilla@062016225214.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] my XF86Config-4 said that my mouse is at protocol "imPS/2" ... i wanna change to serial port... what i suppose to replace it with ? [08:16] KudDa: "auto" [08:16] that way you could have ANY package that was out there...virtually [08:16] KudDa, well I would check google after trying "serial" as it might just work out of the box [08:16] k that fixed it === mameluke [~bo@84-72-10-126.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] KudDa, as crimsun said [08:16] now to see if I can get sound working in amarok... [08:16] bestadvocate, hopefully i will get broadband in around a years time lol === amiroff [~amiroff@dsl81-214-21642.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] ok... i'll try auto === jazzorist [~jazzorist@BSN-210-230-5.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jesterace [~jesterace@jesterace.user] has joined #ubuntu === Denisbr [~Jesus@firewall.unerj.rct-sc.br] has joined #Ubuntu [08:19] ompaul this is heavy stuff dont know if i can do this [08:19] bestadvocate, what is the latest version of ubuntu? [08:19] barryhoyle, do you have any friends who use linux? === barryhoyle is now known as Madiba === factotum [~factotum@c71.10.79.24.dul.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] no im a lone soldier here im looking for some linux guys in south africa [08:20] Madiba, that question stands - and it is still valid :) [08:20] Fl-i-nt Hoary is the unreleased latest version Warty is the latest (and only) official version [08:20] no i dont [08:20] so which one do i have lol [08:20] WArty i guess right? === Tsuroerusu [~troels@0x535dd8f7.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [08:21] Fl-i-nT: i would guess warty. === cheeby [~g_cheeby@21.s6-0-28.c7200-3.border.mpls.visi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] Madiba, can you tell me if you can get a serial modem? === LBM [~lbm@messecenteraars.dk] has joined #ubuntu === DarthFrog [~rob@S010600036df5148f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] if I have a CD full of ttf fonts, and want to install them to use in X and GIMP, things like that, do I move them to the /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType dir like it says in my xconfig? [08:21] can anyone tell me what that whole .blah:8080 proxy site is? i wanna read an article that is taking forever :\ [08:21] ompaul i could get one at work ,yes [08:21] factotum: you can just do "nautilus fonts:///" and drag n drop [08:22] hello. I am using the ubuntu LiveCD to check an existing system. are there any disk utilities on the LiveCD? [08:22] Fl-i-nT: simple way to check: what does it say right next to the "Applications" button? [08:22] bestadvocate, and is there any upgrades for warty or the next upgrade is Hoary [08:22] this live CD is pretty impressive. [08:22] bestadvocate, nothing [08:22] if you can borrow one and attach it to the serial port on the back of the machine there is a tool on the system -> administration menu called networking it can detect the modem automagically [08:23] lol @automagically [08:23] cheeby: hoary live or warty live? [08:23] Fl-i-nT: it doesnt say "Computer" === ikarus_ [~ikaro@ikaro.fluxbox.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] i couldn't get hoary to a gui [08:23] will it then install drivers [08:23] Bur[n] er, hoary. [08:23] Has anybody using a mic with ac97 audio and a linux 2.6.10 kernel? [08:23] bestadvocate, well yes it does say that [08:23] i am hoping livecd and install cd merge at some point soon! [08:24] Flint: well you have warty (in hoary it says Places) [08:24] bur[n] er: not enough space, sorry [08:24] bur[n] er: the DVD includes both, though === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [08:24] Madiba, it would be good for that to remove the other modem from the machine to lessen the chances of confusion - in fact if it is not a win modem those commands may just work with it - if they fail go for the serial [08:24] nop... still can't use my mouse... any more ideal [08:24] bestadvocate, is there warty v1.1 v1.2 and so on or it goes Warty hoary and so on === abo [~Miranda@gv-mx-1fe0.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === DarthFrog [~rob@S010600036df5148f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:24] Flint: there are security updates for Warty (i am not sure how many) and Hoary is the next official version of Ubuntu [08:24] ok ill try thanks ompaul where are u ill try see u tomorrow [08:24] Fl-i-nT: no, warty has had security updates, but no point releases as such [08:24] KudDa: warty, I presume/ [08:25] yes === kpdog9 [~jjinc@adsl-68-73-107-181.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] Madiba, the idea is that you do not need drivers - and where would you install the drivers? onto a floppy or burn the settings onto a cdrom - that is a whole new level of pain for a new user [08:25] Flint: what you said seccond, warty hoary then perky penguin whatever === DoppleGanger [~LordBal@pool-68-162-58-71.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === TurboTeddy [~simonb@bls-dhcp443.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] can anyone offer advice on disabling the bells in bash? === mirco [~mirco@p54B242D2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] ompaul.thaks point taken ill see u tomorrow perhaps [08:26] Madiba, well you can give it a shot with your existing modem but I do not hold out much hope [08:26] kpdog9: put 'set bell-style none' in ~/.inputrc === ikarus_ is now known as ikaro [08:26] Flint: hoary isnt due for release for something around a month i guess [08:26] bestadvocate, Kamion thanks [08:26] KudDa, have you restarted X since you put in that new line? [08:26] bestadvocate: there is no need to guess; the release schedule is public, on the wiki [08:26] Madiba, have fun [08:26] thanks Kamion === sig [~sig@] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] thanks all cheers [08:26] tell any south africanbs to look out for Madiba [08:26] bestadvocate, any ideas how big it is to downlaod or will be? === Madiba [TiGGeR@c19-rba-9.dial-up.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:26] Kamion: im too lazy for that thanks though :) [08:27] 6 April [08:27] guys, i guess some of you install some more fonts etc. what packages do you install then? or do you guys change any settings etc.. === DaSkreech [~Me@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] KudDa, ctrl+alt+backspace restarts x [08:27] Fl-i-nT: Not really : you can always cancel the download if its too large === flawd [~jesper@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu === flawd [~jesper@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [08:27] Is there a way to fine tune screen alignment in Ubuntu? [08:27] crap [08:27] I can't watch an avi [08:28] and apt-get does not work for mplayer [08:28] has anyone had any success with getting amarok working? the arts plugin gives me no sound while the gstreamer plugin crashes the program... [08:28] emm I said my wireless was flakey 641B/s 1d 13h49m10s [08:28] But how big are they usually around 1000mb? [08:28] robodex, I was just going to start on that myself [08:28] so april 6th is the day I have to change the name in my repositories ;)? [08:28] DaSkreech: xvidtune is an old and crusty app that should be able to do that ... I'm not sure if it's the sort of thing you're looking for? [08:28] it jumped to 53kbs andn was down in a jiffy [08:28] Possibly I'll look at it [08:28] yup... i restart the whole pc === saad_ [~saad@zeff.docisland.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] Fl-i-nT: warty would max out at 100 megs if I guessed. but could probloby be cut down to like 10 megs [08:29] bestadvocate, well check the website first eh? [08:30] i tried changing the "imPS/2" to "serial" and my X crash [08:30] bestadvocate, WHAT! Geez then i could downlaod it over a weekend lol geez this is much better than mandrake i mean for mandrake 10.0 to 10.1 it was like 1600mb big thing [08:30] Fl-i-nT: same size as any other CD image, pretty much, if you're downloading that [08:30] Kamion - don't mean to sound dumb but .inputrc is nowhere to be found should I just create it? [08:30] bestadvocate: er, no ... === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] Fl-i-nT: CD images are about 600-650MB [08:30] when i change to "auto" i can load x but still can't use my mouse [08:30] kpdog9: yes, create it [08:30] Kamion: i dont really know I havent used warty ever. [08:30] ty === jacques [~jacques@a81-14-180-236.net-htp.de] has joined #Ubuntu [08:31] Kamion: he still has the CD why would he need to upgrade the whole thing? [08:31] AHHHH shit I just realized why my computer was giving me so much grief === ubuntu [~ubuntu@owa.nah.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] bestadvocate: most packages have changed [08:31] KudDa, I think your mouse needs an upgrade === androxxl [~androxxl@BSN-95-201-194.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] do the provided nvidia drivers work in hoary? with x.org? [08:31] I somehow changed all my reps to "warty" back from "hoary" >_ Fl-i-nT: are you talking about upgrading to Hoary? [08:31] bestadvocate: for an upgrade over the net, I'd guesstimate 400MB === cao30 [~cao30@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:31] bestadvocate, yes when it comes out === johso [~opera@port75.ds1-ho.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] 1 thing i don't understand ... when i load live cd, the mouse is ok ... [08:32] depending on how much you have installed [08:32] Fl-i-nT: ok then what Kamion said [08:32] is there an incompatibility with some USB flash drives under Warty? [08:32] 400mb === altava [~altava@] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] ok now I feel like a dumbass, this is probably why I was having so many problems... [08:32] I have two, an 8MB that works well under both Warty and Hoary, and a 512 that only works under Hoary. === blackstar [~blackstar@] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] KudDa, >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SerialMouseHowto [08:33] KudDa, this may help http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/debian/chapter/book/ch06_01.html [08:33] Fl-i-nT: would be more if you net install other applications [08:33] bestadvocate, can i install bit by bit like 50 megs here 25 there another 150 here take it over a 2 weeks on off downlaoding or will that not work [08:33] LinuxJones, that is better than mine :) [08:33] ompaul, :) [08:34] Fl-i-nT: you can use the "just download" option in synaptic and then keep downloading bit by bit. Or install packages one by one by hand rather than hitting the "upgrade" button === motuline [~motu@dsl-083-102-036-27.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #Ubuntu === helio7 [~teacher@] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] hello guys! does anyone know what kde in hoary keeps updating every day? [08:35] Also, what is the simplest way to upgrade from Warty to Hoary? [08:35] amiroff: pardon? [08:35] amiroff: Almost everything! [08:35] LinuxJones, I do not know if you were ever exposed to this on TV " KC Jones" about some guy who 'saved the west' every week - he was a train driver, well confession time every time I see your nick the theme tune comes to mind .... [08:35] ubuntu: apt-get dist-upgrade === ompaul admits to being sad [08:35] bestadvocate, geez have you ever used mandrake before?> [08:35] anyone know the shortcut for switching to different windows 1 thru 4 === motuline [~motu@dsl-083-102-036-27.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #Ubuntu === Littlechand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-24-215.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] as in sad git [08:36] ubuntu, changing the sources.lst and do a dist-upgrade [08:36] amiroff, Hoary is a development version (lots of changes) it will become stable in early april then packages will be frozen for the most part from day-day [08:36] Fl-i-nT: once back in the day of 9.2 [08:36] sorry, mistype, why kde in hoary keeps updating every day? === smckay [~smckay@ip68-102-166-149.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] amiroff: because work is being done on it :) === kyc [~chatzilla@C9-20-249.resnet.ucsc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] amiroff: Because it's still a development version. [08:36] altava, Xappe, thanks. [08:36] Fl-i-nT: it was my prefered distro. till they droped enlightenment [08:36] ubuntu: ;) [08:36] amiroff: The Ubuntu KDE team is very active. [08:36] who was asking about versions of X Chat eariler [08:37] ubuntu, hi, are you using liveCD now? [08:37] DarthFrog: yeah, that is what I did not expect [08:37] optika: I should be able to get that off Synaptic [08:37] Fl-i-nT: then I spent some time Doing whatever Distowatch.com suggested [08:37] hey all; i'm a teacher in a school here trying to get a linux box (ubuntu) to print to a Epson that's usb connected to a Windows XP box sitting next to it. Samba is installed, and I can browse files on the Windows box, but I get the error "Printing: Unable to connect to SAMBA host, will retry in 60 seconds...ERROR: Connection failed with error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED" help please. [08:37] DarthFrog: because kubuntu wiki was so silent [08:37] I'd still like to know why one of my USB drives isn't being automounted under Warty. Seems a silly reason to upgrade. === kresten [~kresten@0x50a43ea1.boanxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === gabbana_ [~gabbana@p508DE704.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] DaSkreech: it should be installed with X [08:38] bestadvocate, kool ok now i have marked gdesklets for install ow what? [08:38] ubuntu: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary === gabbana_ is now known as gabb [08:38] Fl-i-nT: hit apply? [08:38] yay!!!!!!!!! I got sound working in ubuntu using the xine plugin [08:38] bestadvocate, thanks i jsut found out how [08:38] amiroff: it keeps updating because we have many chances to make, see the changelogs or hoary-changes for what's updated [08:38] optika: So it comes with Warty? === lef [~lef@ti211110a080-6884.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] oops you got there before me lol [08:38] DaSkreech: it should, yes. [08:38] Hi everybody! Does any of you guys (or gals) know how to install new desktop themes? [08:38] bestadvocate, do you run gdesklets? [08:38] amiroff: a lot of work has been done on it recently... more sections now. [08:39] Ok Second question does Warty have ntfs support? [08:39] Riddell: where can one see hoary-changes? [08:39] ubuntu, no it is not a silly reason, if the software you use is stable and it does not do something you _need_ then there is a great chance you need to consider a more bleeding edge version [08:39] i'd like to install desktop themes too [08:39] Riddell: ok, thanks for info === hypn0 [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax9-151.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === ben0ne [~ben0ne@200141097137.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] Ok let me ask my Ubuntu--> Windows Printing network/samba question this way: Under HOST: on the printer properties:Connection tab I should put the Windows' name of the computer right? for some reason I'm getting errors [08:40] DarthFrog: lists.ubuntu.com [08:40] bestadvocate, ok i did that then i donwlaoded it then a screen appeared terminal like and it said summit about changing something then it told me to close that window now? [08:40] Fl-i-nT: *shrug* type gdesklets in consul or something? maybe there is a button in Applications for it? [08:40] Riddell: Thanks. [08:40] apokryphos: well, the funny point here is that while other KDE distros don't have 3.4 we, "Gnome" people have it already running here :) [08:40] kresten: blackstar: gnome-look.org download a theme... open desktop preferences -> theme, and drag drop the .tar.gz files you downloaded [08:40] then... reload the "theme" program [08:40] Fl-i-nT: is it done installing? [08:40] and you can select them using "theme details" [08:40] amiroff: ubuntu is no longer just gnome people [08:41] bestadvocate, do you use gdesklets? === TanAdept [~tanadept@rkvn-ip-nas-1-p76.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] Riddell: absolutely, wery glad to hear that [08:41] I guess the question is when are the kubuntu people going to release a version? [08:41] of kde [08:41] amiroff: is there a kubuntu live cd? i'm tempted to try it, but i don't wanna install :) [08:41] Fl-i-nT: did but not anymore [08:41] amiroff: kind of, but like R notes.. it's changing; kubuntu is part of ubuntu. Fedora has rc1 in repos... another distro has full 3.4 too now, I think. Can't recall which. [08:41] Anyone experienced problems with Multiboot using WinXP/OBSD/Ubuntu on one disk ? [08:41] bur[n] er: "reload"? Close then open? [08:41] ompaul, but this should actually be working under Warty as well. Seems like a bug, not a missing feature. [08:41] Riddell: When Hoary is released, will the user have the option to choose either Gnome or KDE while installing? [08:41] gardion: give us a few hours and we'll see [08:41] kresten: yes [08:41] bur[n] er: there is === alexsmith [haunteduni@HauntedUnix.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] How do you edit Gnome's menus? [08:41] and it works? ;) [08:42] alexsmith: /usr/share/applications/ [08:42] bur[n] er: yeas there is, but I just apt-getted kde from Hoary preview === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea-4-12-028-223.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] Thanks, bur[n] er. [08:42] alexsmith: if you figure that out give me a call [08:42] bur[n] er: it should do, yes. You can post problems in #kubuntu if you have any [08:42] bur[n] er: ok, thanks [08:42] any idea why my gdesklets are playing up after upgrading ?? === popey [~popey@dsl-80-46-101-238.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] anyone ever get the NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error message when trying to print to a Windows Networked Printer from Ubuntu??? [08:42] bestadvocate, ok so when i clikced i nthe menu for gdeskelts it seemed like it was opening at the bottom bar but then disappeared === StoneTable [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === amiroff [~amiroff@dsl81-214-21642.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:43] Fl-i-nT: gdesklets should be running in the upper corner next to the volume === amiroff [~amiroff@dsl81-214-21642.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] ubuntu, why not do the obvious and try the usb key with a live edition of hoary and see if it works === sirukin [~bryan@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:43] sure is. but the displays i "need" don't work [08:44] does anyone know how to make desktop icons go away from mounted drives? [08:44] i run sawfish. and now it also can't remember the position of certain desklets [08:44] bestadvocate, well i am blind becuase it iant there [08:44] ubuntu, then see if you can make the fix in warty [08:44] Fl-i-nT: maybe it crashed? === alexsmith [haunteduni@HauntedUnix.student.supporter.pdpc] has left #ubuntu [] [08:44] Does Warty Ship with NTFS read support? [08:45] yes [08:45] bestadvocate, how can i find out if it crashed i tryed opening it agian but nothing happened [08:45] Fl-i-nT: i dont really know. I come from windows, when in doubt-restart- [08:45] Xappe: Was that at me? [08:45] bestadvocate, yeah always restart [08:45] helio7, aren't you supposed to have a driver for your printer in the Linux box ? [08:45] DaSkreech, yep [08:45] helio7: your printer's not share... Right click > share on the win$ box... [08:45] bestadvocate, i am a windows user too lo [08:45] Fl-i-nT: i doubt its going to fix anything here though === spiritz [~spiritz@] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] bestadvocate, that is not the way in GNU/linux ubuntu or the bsd world === Denisbr [~Jesus@firewall.unerj.rct-sc.br] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:46] LinuxJones: Yes I'm pretty sure that driver is up and ready... === dazed_ [~dazed@host-208-60-229-48.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-13-153.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] ompaul, do you have xperience with gdesklets? [08:46] ompaul: i know :) sometimes it works anyway though :)) [08:47] Xappe: Should it auto mount drives that exist then? === dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] Fl-i-nT, not that I know of [08:47] anybot got a segmentation fault with xmms? [08:47] ok LinuxJones I added location to the general tab as smb://pcname and now I got a new error message: DEBUG: 1 %%EndFont does that make any sense to you?? or anyone? [08:47] Fl-i-nT, what does it do [08:47] ompaul, shame [08:47] does anyone know a channel with gdesklets fan club is or summit like it lol === TPC [~tpwch@c-62aee155.810-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] ompaul, the programme or what does it do when i open it? [08:48] helio7: smbclient -L win$_IP [08:48] jacques: sudo apt-get install libmikmod2 [08:48] Fl-i-nT, I am looking on google for info atm back in a mo [08:49] ompaul, o good luck lo [08:49] altava: Connection to win failed [08:49] gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness === kerberus [~kerberus@Toronto-HSE-ppp3702280.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === kerberus [~kerberus@Toronto-HSE-ppp3702280.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:49] helio7: network setting?... [08:49] helio7, have a peek here scroll down to almost the bottomg of the page >> https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba [08:49] libmikmod2 is already installed [08:49] worked fine before updateing ;-) === Dutchy [~NNSCRIPT@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Pyre [~Pyre@] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] ompaul, yep i couldnt of explained it better [08:50] jacques: OK, worth a try ;-) I remembered that was an issue for some people [08:50] Fl-i-nT, I can now say I do not, however I am very interested [08:50] LinuxJones: ok thank you will do got to go pick up my students from lunch will check back when they're gone for the day (= altava ty also; brb [08:50] yeah i had that with warty [08:50] helio7, :) [08:51] xmms says libmikmod.so.2 doesnt exist [08:51] ompaul, it is a very very slick and nice piece of eyecandy but i like it alot === nmoore [~nmoore@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] Fl-i-nT, --> http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/categories.php?func=gd_show_app&gd_app_id=241 <-- will be first I think [08:51] flawd-afk: see above .. sudo apt-get install libmikmod2 [08:51] ompaul, do you know what superkaramba it if so its the same thing [08:52] oh [08:52] sorry about that [08:52] i have a strange problem in my new install, the menus do not contain any entries, i'd like to logout but i can't find a keyboard shortcut. any ideas? [08:52] i didnt know it was just answered [08:52] flawd-afk: :-) [08:53] nmoore, CTRL+ALT+Backspace [08:53] Fl-i-nT, looks like it is trying to be the same thing for kde as gdesktop === SamuelGZ [~usuario@cm214130.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu === SamuelGZ [~usuario@cm214130.red.mundo-r.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [08:53] m-onkey: well, i guess he logged out ... hehe [08:53] :) yeah === SteveA_ [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] yeah superkaramba is for KDE and gdesklets for Gnome they are different but have the similar look lol [08:54] what soundmodule should I use for xmms with gnome? [08:54] smurfix, query when you can.. === SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === erpel [~Philipp@p508A48C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] flawd-afk: I think you mean xmms won't play mp3 - am I right? === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ctr- [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] yep [08:56] ompaul, go here if you want to know more #gdesklets on GIMPnet [08:56] where's the command line tool to change the GUI resolution [08:56] it wants me to check that soundcard isnt blocked. using alsa [08:56] as sound output module === yq [~yq@relay1.ssnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] hi [08:57] Fl-i-nT, ahh sure I can read the faq and get on with my life :-) {being the typical lazy paddy} [08:57] or sysadmin [08:57] esound worked [08:57] i didnt know gnome used esound === meister_ [~meister@217-162-113-171.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] flawd-afk: do you have gstreamer0.8-mad installed? also mpg321 or mpg123 isn't a bad idea [08:57] yq hello [08:57] could someone halp me with DMA for DVD drive? [08:57] thoreauputic, well esound module worked. why does gnome use esound? [08:57] isnt that enlightemnent thingie? [08:57] i cannot turn it on === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@210006144037.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu === gangalino [~cwa2@HSE-London-ppp195275.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] flawd-afk: I don't know, frankly :) [08:58] :) [08:58] ompaul, what do you mean ahh sure I can read the faq and get on with my life [08:58] hdparm -d1 /dev/hda [08:58] /dev/hda: [08:58] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [08:58] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [08:58] using_dma = 0 (off) [08:58] What command line tool do I use to change screen resolution? [08:58] hi [08:58] flawd-afk: yeah, enlightened sound daemon or something [08:58] this is what i get [08:58] kpdog9: the X resolution? [08:59] yq: do you have SATA hard drives? [08:59] yes [08:59] anyone know the apt syntax for dvd+rw-tools? [08:59] optika: yes [08:59] how can i get Xfce 4.2.1 for hoary? [08:59] I know it for mandrake but it doesn't look to be the same [08:59] gangalino: several programs out there... k3b is good. [08:59] Fl-i-nT, I can read what is on the web site (faq) and I don't think I will have any issues with it, so I will continue to live happily in #ubuntu - I tend to only be in one channel maybe two at a time [08:59] optika: 1 sata drive and 1 dma dvd [08:59] yq: I have the same problem, someone told me earlier that there was a discussion about the problem on some Ubuntu mailing list, but I've been unable to find it. [08:59] k3b in hoary won't burn audio-cds from mp3s. is this normal? [08:59] yq , sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hda perhaps ( you need root privileges) [09:00] hey i know about sudo [09:00] :) [09:00] yq: apparently there is a solution out there somewhere, but it might not always work. [09:00] kpdog9: I don't know if this answers your question, but you can edit your X configuration file or just use ctrl+alt+[plus|minus] [09:00] ompaul why dont you give them a try and see lo; [09:00] apokyphos: my k3b installation is complaining about missing dvd+rw-tools [09:00] optika: i'm afraid of something... [09:00] yq, OK - just covering the obvious bases ;) [09:00] so I'm trying to install that pkg [09:00] optika:...its kernel compile options === fagun [~fagun@line-2928.dsl.kpo.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] hello [09:00] how to update my radeon drivers? [09:00] farriunn: I need it from the command line it's set to high in X-Windows [09:00] meister_: just add os-cillation sources, they work good for me here [09:01] ompaul can i PM you? [09:01] optika: CONFIG_IDEDMA_ONLYDISK=y :/ [09:01] Fl-i-nT, you can [09:01] yq: *chuckle* I think it might be ... some friends of mine have managed to get it working right on a Gentoo system with a custom kernel [09:01] therapeutic, np :) [09:01] the question is may you and you may :) [09:01] (on the same hardware as me) [09:01] great [09:01] now that is worth a lol [09:01] compiling kernel :/ [09:02] i'm not very educated in linux === blizah [blaa@12-215-198-79.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === YgeH [~Nbqngi@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] yq: tell you what, if you find the discussion thread that the guy was referring to earlier, I'll read it and compile you a kernel ;) [09:02] kpdog9: then edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or xorg.conf [09:02] amiroff thx [09:03] optika: lol, but thanks anyway [09:03] kpdog9: warty has xfree hoary has xorg [09:03] kpdog9: don't forget it could be a refresh frequency that's out of range === spades [~Lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === AndyR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] farruinn: ahh xorg.conf hmmm why isn't it named XF86Config anymore? [09:03] but this is strange - it would mean that everyone using ubuntu with non-custom kernel would get no dmd for cd-drives :| [09:04] yq: it's a pain in the ass not being able to use CD drive properly :( [09:04] yq: everyone with SATA hard drives and IDE CD drives, I believe. [09:04] optika: yeah, i can't even listen to music when dvd is working [09:04] meister_: np, did you find the sources? [09:04] yq: although, it may only affect a specific chipset ... what chipset you got? [09:04] kpdog9: because xorg and xfree are different xservers =) Warty is the only Ubuntu release that will use xfree [09:04] optika: nForce3 === javier_ [~javier@6.Red-80-38-208.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] anyone else on warty having their autologin spaz out? my autologin goes and nothing but a black screen(color set as bg while autoload stuff goes) is there and nautilus and the other startups dont work, i have to control+alt+backspace to relogin and then it loads. [09:05] farruinn: ahh I see, which one is better, I'm used to xfree never heard of xorg [09:05] spades, im not seeing that here [09:07] on my ibook, how can I make the fans start earlier (like when the hddtemp reaches a certain value or something)? [09:07] good afternoon guys [09:07] kpdog9: xorg is a fork from xfree. I don't know the details but you can read about it at x.org [09:07] bleh, guess i'll disable autologin === JanC [~JanC@dD5E08603.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] farruinn: thanks for all you' [09:08] help === larsrohdin [~larsrohdi@] has joined #ubuntu === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] of course :) [09:09] is there a command to see if im using xfree86 or xorg? === larsrohdin_ [~larsrohdi@] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] X -version === motuline [~motu@dsl-083-102-036-27.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #Ubuntu === schasi [~schasi@pD95E3439.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === mseney [~mseney@70-97-140-21.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] ok, thanks [09:11] upper case X , of course... === maxchee [~maxchee@] has joined #ubuntu === pcybill [~billy@194-155.207-68.eufaula.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] thor|coffee [09:12] haha [09:12] hmmm, so ok, anyone here can help newbie to compile a kernel? :] === thoreauputic is now known as thor|coffee [09:13] After yesterday's hoary upgrade, my screen is now in black and white with dithering. Can anyone help? === rapha [~rapha@p54A09C51.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelCompileHowto/view?searchterm=kernel [09:14] how do you change the computer's name to something else? === joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp215.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === speedy2782 [~benjamin@c-67-168-240-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] wow, wiki topic [09:14] thanx spades [09:14] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelBuildpackageHowto is the one i used [09:15] it gave me [09:15] jacques: http://ubuntuguide.org/ === P3L|C4N0 [~gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] how do you downgrade from hoary to warty [09:15] jacques: see the network preference(/system settings?) tool === inphlict [~inphlict@HSE-Ottawa-ppp163094.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] The instructions on the wiki didn't help.... [09:16] Anyone here? [09:16] can I add a link on my desktop to nautilus that opens a directory? [09:16] hmmm I will need newer, since I upgraded to HOary [09:16] maxchee: you don't. or at least , not without great difficulty [09:16] flawd-afk: use command nautilus:///folder [09:16] I am not sure what I need to do to access my shared folder from a windows computer. I have set a shared folder and I when I try to access it from a windows computer it asks for user///pass. I enter the one to login into my ubuntu and no juice. What am I forgetting. I have samba and fmbfs [09:16] Is there anyway I can import files form my ntsf system to linux? [09:16] spades, yeah but then I wont have the same icon as my homefolder icon [09:17] thor|coffee: then is there at least a way to downgrade xorg [09:17] I have to specify it mannually which sucks [09:17] and, better yet, how do I find the windows shared files on the network [09:17] from ubuntu [09:17] hmmm when I install apache and libapache2-mod-php4, it should configure automatically right ? [09:17] thor|coffee: I believe yesterday's xorg update is the cause of my display problem [09:17] as in, when I restarted my apache2 server, .php files are being offered as download rather than executed as such [09:17] (it's a clean warty install) [09:17] maxchee: I think you can just do sudo apt-get install xserver-xfree86 [09:17] Also when i try to listen to radio using Music Player [09:17] I get "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg." [09:18] thor|coffee: will that work with hoary? [09:18] maxchee: I may be wrong - see what apt says if you try it ;) [09:18] thx === ohgood [~oclv@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === speedy2782 [~benjamin@c-67-168-240-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] any help? with the network issues? === P3L|C4N0 saludos === thor|coffee is now known as thor|afk [09:19] is it possible to boot the install iso as a live with grub parameters ? [09:19] ohgood: nope, don't count on it [09:19] this sucks [09:19] ohgood: you can drop into a shell but you will have no X [09:20] thor|afk: is that all I need? [09:20] I click to add a starter on my gnome desktop and it doesnt appear [09:20] ohgood: the dvd will(does?) contain both live and install === tiM` [~tim@82-44-231-23.cable.ubr11.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] lo [09:20] aight, no biggie, just wondered === kpdog9 [~jjinc@adsl-68-73-107-181.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:20] farruinn: the dvd is buggy, it'll install all of the dvd, last I checked. [09:20] ohgood: no, but yu can browse in it: mount -o loop /your.iso /your_rep [09:21] HiddenWolf: still a work in progress apparently, but I'm glad they're working on it =) [09:21] flawd: if you're running hoary, it's a bug in gamin, and it'll only appear once you reload the desktop from a term [09:21] altava: shrug, just wondered if it was dual-purpose, but not specified to prevent confusion.. no biggie [09:21] farruin: they sure are, but for now, you get the entire contents of main on your hdd if you install from dvd [09:22] by the way, reiserfs is supported default, no ? [09:22] I have not reloaded it from a term what I know [09:22] however one does that [09:22] how to disable smileys in Gaim? === ohgood is making room for ubuntu next to gentoo, hopefully this will replace MCE in about 20 minutes [09:23] ow === spiritz [~spiritz@] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [09:23] So does anyone know how I can listen to streams? [09:23] does ubuntu do iptables the same way that debian does? [09:23] I get an error "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg." [09:23] ohgood: why are you running gentoo? [09:23] when I try to play radio [09:23] because i can't find /etc/init.d/iptables [09:23] inplict: enable universe and install gstreamer-mad [09:24] HiddenWolf: i like it. i use suse and gentoo. just about to experiment with ubuntu. [09:24] Sorry to ask but how would I do this and where do I find gstreamer? [09:24] tiM`: install them [09:24] found it.... nevermind [09:25] Fackamato, istall what? [09:25] iptables is installed [09:25] what's wrong with gamin? [09:26] inphlict: www.ubuntuguide.org / check there how to enable extra repostories in synaptic, then search for the package gstreamer-mad, and install it [09:26] chillywilly: in come cases, it won't update correctly [09:26] okay thanks [09:26] HiddenWolf, how does one "reload the desktop from a term" because I have not done that on purpouse [09:26] HiddenWolf, reloading gnome and it should work? [09:26] tiM`: do whereis iptables [09:27] HiddenWolf: I notied if I save something to my desktop or if I connect to a server it will not refresh and show the files nor show me the "volume" [09:27] iptables is in sbin (where i'd expect it to be) [09:27] what's wrong then [09:27] flawd-afk, just logging out, altho there is an easier way [09:27] but in std debian, there is usually a script in /etc/init.d/ that sets up iptables [09:27] ah [09:27] using install/remove/clear [09:28] chillywilly: gamin is buggy, these are known and will hopefully be fixed === lionel_ [~lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] trying to work out if i should be able to do it 'the debian way' [09:28] HiddenWolf: why throw away fam? At least it worked ;P [09:28] or whether I need to do it manually === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] what is that HiddenWolf ? === tux_ [~nomastery@] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] HiddenWolf: it seemed to go away at home when I last did a dist-upgrade [09:29] chillywilly: apperantly not for the majority, gamin seems to have a few advantages === Timbo [tma@82-41-36-184.cable.ubr05.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] flawd-afk; no clue atm [09:29] chillywilly: I haven't followed -devel, I'd have no idea === Snarfy [~Snarfy@62-177-147-34.static.bbeyond.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] is there a file that is executed on boot up other than /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh? [09:29] i want to do something on every boot [09:30] but if i put it in there [09:30] bah, T1s are slow ;) [09:30] then it may get overwritten by an upgrade === chillywilly needs that 6MBit download he has at home === crb [~crb@hermitage.hs.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] Timbo can't you do that with a cronjob [09:30] Timbo, the files in /etc/rcX.d/ are executed at boot [09:31] I'm having trouble finding mention of Ubuntu's security update schedule on the website. [09:31] erpel: uh i could, but that would be silly [09:31] tiM`: hmm ok === AnguS [Hal9000@vpn232.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu === javier_ [~javier@6.Red-80-38-208.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] How long is each release 'supported'? === javier_ [~javier@6.Red-80-38-208.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [09:31] crb, there is no schedule for that, updates are being made available whenever there are updates [09:32] crb, for 18 moths after the release === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu === davidcc6 [~invitado@adsl200-75-71-115.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] crb, and that definitely is mentioned several times [09:32] mako_: hi :D === vaijr2002 [vaijr2002@adsl-68-76-216-59.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] Seveas: I'll keep looking, but it's not where I looked to start with [09:32] vaijr2002: no fair, i'm still burning [09:33] <[-Soultrance-] > okay, lol, new problem. I managed to get GDM working and I can now get to the login screen, but when I log in, it goes through but instead of kicking into GNOME it just stays at a blank black screen. I've left it for a few mins and it just sticks to that. Suggestions? Ideas ? [09:33] mako_: man, do you have problems? [09:33] crb, it is even on the frontpage of ubuntulinux.org! [09:33] I find it on the releases page now I search for '18 months'. :) === mjb [~mjb@pD9561240.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] crb: Ubuntu doesn't follow the m$ policy of the 2nd tuesday for releasing security updates [09:33] Burgundavia: I know, I was asking about the 18 months of support [09:33] crb: on the releases page: third paragraph, first sentence! [09:33] Jumping right into the security pages didn't tell me this. :) [09:33] davidcc6: yes.. my computer is full of water === crb writes 'don't just follow bookmarks' on the board 100 times [09:34] (win 33 [09:34] mako_: omg... he dont survive?? [09:34] (The releases page still refers to 5.10 as Grumpy Groundhog, btw) [09:34] crb, yes more people have complained about that === teejay_ [~teejay@TMore8821.ResNet.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] <[-Soultrance-] > anyone know what I can do ? [09:35] canonical people tend to be busy :) [09:35] I'm havin a weird problem with firefox with hoary it won't download === ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] as soon as I try to download a file the download window just disappears [09:36] it seemed to happen right after I did an update === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] teejay_, and you can't bring it back using tools->downloads or + Y [09:36] ? [09:36] when I do nothing is there [09:37] hmm [09:37] and it isn;t downloaded i presume? === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] no it isn't [09:38] teejay_, please search the bugzilla to see if this bug has been reported, otherwise, please report it [09:39] alright thnx === padraig [~padraig@mckenna1996.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] quiet afternoon it seems === anthony [~anthony@69-172-81-60.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Seveas start making noise [09:43] na thats ok I am happy hoary is performing very well === nmoore [~nmoore@cpc4-broo2-6-0-cust112.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === WouterX [~w@wognum.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === bah [048830696@ACAB3DD9.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] hi [09:45] hello [09:45] hey i was wondering if there was anyway i could burn a cd from ubuntu === xiaoyu [~xiaoyu@m177.net81-65-152.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] anthony yep [09:45] graveman works good [09:45] k ill google it [09:45] did anyone get 3d acceleration for an ATI radeon working in hoary? === aeolist [~aeolist@ppp154.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] anthony what are you using hoary or warty === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === hypn0_ [~chatzilla@host81-7-62-216.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === sick-headache [~erik@] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] hi === keyhack [~keyhack@] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] hello === Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] I need help from a Ubuntu guru! === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] its kinda quiet in here today just ask your question maybe someone can help [09:48] anyone reporting problems with the new xorg packages? [09:48] does anyone know of an online resource that shows up how to hook up an external monitor to your laptop, and use the monitor as a second desktop/display (not display the laptops screen) [09:48] sick-headache, help with curing your headache? [09:49] I have a Amilio A cy26 laptop, but cant make the touchpad work in it === Folletto2 [~Ticoddiri@host114-27.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] guys, Folletto2 reports this and similar errors when starting xorg:Skipping " /usr/X11R6/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_xform.o" No symbols found [09:49] anyone have an idea? === FireEgl [Ariel@Atlantica.Deb1an.Net] has joined #Ubuntu === fonsken [~joeri@d54C32D13.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] mdke: i have a problem with xorg [09:50] WouterX, similar? [09:50] i can't get 3d accelation working [09:50] WouterX, after the recent update? === MaxD [~max@commons10k2.mo24.107.109.21.charter-stl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] mdke my xorg is working ok [09:52] SiRrUs, hmm ok thanks for the feedback === Lemonzest [~Lemonzest@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === thor|afk is now known as thoreauputic [09:52] does anyone have any suggestions for combatting that error? [09:54] reinstall xserver-xorg perhaps, that's the file it belongs to [09:54] er package the file belongs to that is [09:54] mdke, are you sure you are using the correct driver? [09:54] Seveas, its not my system, but he says it was working before the update [09:54] farruinn, yeah maybe will help === lek [~lek@] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] if so, follow farruinns advice: apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg [09:55] mdke: if he has used the nvidia installer... don't :) === Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] mdke, sometimes updates break stuff in a testing version === lek is now known as gen [09:55] Seveas, i am aware of that ;) === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.54.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Seveas, i just wanted to check to see if the problem is caused by a bug or by an error on the users part === mmtb [~marcin@dvg225.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] does anyone know how to get ATI Radeon drivers working properly on hoary [09:57] WouterX, i've seen a guide on it in the wiki [09:58] BinaryDriverHowTo or something similar [09:58] the guide that said: "apt-get install and it should work" ? [09:58] well... it didn't [09:59] WouterX: you'll have to change your driver in your xorg.conf I'm pretty sure [09:59] WouterX, i think it has some more tips [09:59] yes [09:59] make sure you follow all of the directions [09:59] to fglrx or whatever [09:59] i've seen the guide, it only mentioned adjusting xf86config-4 === mz2 [~mz@81-1-75-195.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] that file is empty, since i'm using x.org [10:00] WouterX, you need to do the same in xorg.conf === lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] oh... [10:00] haven't tried that [10:00] WouterX, and the package to install is different too [10:01] i know [10:01] perhaps someone should update the wiki [10:01] farruinn, yeah i'll take a look [10:02] thanks, I have a mac so it's not really applicable to me so I don't really know the details [10:03] is there a change log for array 7? [10:03] mdke,do you mean this guide: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [10:04] WouterX, yes i do === telemaco [~telemaco@] has joined #ubuntu === davidcc6 [~invitado@adsl200-75-71-115.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu === csj [~ubunewbie@218-164-168-101.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] ok [10:07] i changed it === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] wil a restart of xserver do [10:07] +l [10:07] or do i have to reboot === inphlict [~inphlict@HSE-Ottawa-ppp163094.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] just restart xorg I think [10:07] How would I access my ntsf drive [10:08] hello, I want to take a screenshot ,but it said cant find gnome-screenshot, and which package which I install? [10:08] I just want to listen to some music from there [10:08] csj: click system > screenshot === WouterX [~w@wognum.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] csj: install gnome-utils === det [chris@sharkzone.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] inphlict, mont it :) [10:08] I'm a noob [10:08] how do I do this :) [10:09] hehe [10:09] cowbud: ok, I go install now, thank you === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] one sec, i'll PM you some detailed instructions [10:09] Thank you :) [10:09] it worked [10:09] i have 3d acceleration :D [10:09] Can I make xorg upgrades not comepletely overwrite my debconf options (specificly, I have to input my monitor refresh rates every time xorg is upgraded) === djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-49-189.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] WouterX, cool [10:09] WouterX, you didn't need to reboot??? [10:09] someone should add it to the wiki :) [10:09] WouterX, have done already [10:10] nah ubuntu should automatically setup fstabs for other drives [10:10] fstab entries that is.. [10:10] mdke, no; restaring xserver was sufficient === mjb [~mjb@pD9561240.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:10] +t [10:10] det: you could make a backup copy of xorg.conf but if you dpkg-reconfigure debconf I think it will give you some pertinent options [10:10] WouterX, just editing the wiki now [10:11] farruinn, That is what I do each time xorg is upgraded [10:11] from 90 to 1300 fps in glxgears :) === Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] farruinn, the xserver-xorg package overwrites the debconf settings each upgrade [10:11] farruinn, I will file a bug report [10:11] det: are you sure your debconf settings are correct for what you want to do? === flawd-afk [~flawd@c213-89-148-251.cm-upc.chello.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:12] I think there is a settings about overwriting config files, it should ask if you want to keep yours or use the newer one [10:12] WouterX, good news === Xirdneh [~eusoj@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] farruinn, I have no problem with overwriting my debconf generated config file [10:13] farruinn, The problem is that each xserver-xorg upgrade forgets my previous debconf settings [10:13] farruinn, and generates a default config === Corvus [~Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu_ [~fuckme@BSN-77-81-51.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] is there something special i should do to make xmms work? === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@210006144037.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu === acorbi [~acorbi@84-120-226-238.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] are you getting some sort of error? === androxxl [~androxxl@BSN-95-201-194.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] when i try to play an mp3, its hanging... [10:16] fonsken, you need to install an mp3 decoder [10:16] ok, looking forv some advice from the evenig (uk time anyway) ubunutu crowd. what is a recommended way of backing up a standalone pc under ubuntu? [10:16] fonsken: thats because you need libmad [10:17] fonsken, check out the RestrictedFormats wiki === kent [~kent@c83-249-58-15.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] thanks [10:17] djp: there is nothing Ubuntu specific in backups... [10:17] i'll do that [10:17] djp, i haven't tried with ubuntu yet but mondorescue is excellent [10:17] djp, last time i tried under hoary it didn't work, but i am about to try it again === raa1 [~raj@h-64-105-159-118.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] djp: tar is the usual way to back things up. what are you trying to save? everything or just your personal settings? [10:18] i was looking to use day, rdiff-backup and partition image. would this be a good way to go? === breogan [~breogan@cm37123.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu === neighborlee [~neighborl@d2-251.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] personally, I simply rsync my desktop to my laptop and vice versa a couple times a week === vmx [oma@pD9E9A72B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === erpel [~Philipp@p508A48C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [10:20] kotatsu, your home directory? [10:20] i do that :) [10:20] yes [10:20] hi [10:20] really no reason for me to back up anything else, I try to keep everything centralized in $HOME === breogan [~breogan@cm37123.red.mundo-r.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] kotatsu, sys admin? [10:20] kotatsu: looking to use partition image to back up my system partitions, then store them on cd, use dar to to perform scheduled backups and rdiff-backup t6o keep a mirror of my main working directory inbetween schedulded backups. [10:21] djp, not sure about that method. Mondo is very easy tho i have to say. and you can backup to cd, nfs, anything basically [10:21] I even install programs into ~/System/Applications now and symlink them out instead of using opt... that way programs travel with me too [10:21] ah === oclv [~oclv@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] mdke: yah, but I'm talking about my personal machines [10:21] kotatsu, sure but things like /etc? [10:21] man, that was the least painfull linux install in 6 months good job ubuntu folks === xiaoyu [~xiaoyu@m177.net81-65-152.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] too bad i couldn't save my old partitions moving on :) [10:21] mdke: such as? I don't edit much in etc on personal machines === yq [~yq@relay4.ssnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] hi again === yonatan [~yonatan@line105-252.adsl.actcom.co.il] has left #ubuntu [] [10:22] now what is abi file? [10:22] mdke: at work of course I do full backups of servers though [10:22] oclv: And now you'll never need re-install again. === supertux [~supertux@cp69851-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] i'm compiling a kernel now ang i get [10:22] # Check for the previous kernel's abi file; now a requirement for [10:22] # builds! === echnaton [~eren@p508906A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] hi, how easy it will be upgrade from warty to hoary, without breaking anything? will it be as simple as apt-get upgrade ? [10:22] DarthFrog, hehe, i haven't needed a reinstall in some time, i like to try new linuxes often though :) === oclv is now known as ohgood [10:22] iam looking for that pictures as a wallpaper http://www.ubuntulinux.org/login.jpeg [10:23] ohgood: You and me both. === gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === kent [~kent@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] anyone know if there are any plans to add clustering? (openmosix). [10:23] djp: sounds fine to me =) if you've done it on another linux distro it's probably possible on ubuntu [10:23] djp: I haven't used rdiff-backup so I'm not sure what it's all about, but have you looked at rsync? === Corvus [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@transporter.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] rdiff-backup uses rsync. [10:24] There's also rbackup. [10:24] reading the description for it atm... not sure I understand what advantage it offers [10:24] does it preserve diffs like a shadow copy thing would? [10:24] so you can roll back to a point in time? === pirate [~lettuce@rrba-146-82-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] kotatsu: it is a shadow copy thing... === poningru [~Poningru@wbar19.tmp1-] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] currently installing it and playing with it =P [10:26] might switch over to this if it's not a disc space hog [10:26] kotatsu: but not that it only does ''shadow'' snapshots in ''pull'', not ''push'' mode. === mw5300 [~mark@c-67-176-111-190.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] Blissex: elaborate? === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:27] Hello === oneifreak [~michael@S0106000f66911642.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === pirate [~lettuce@rrba-146-82-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === runedude [~runedude@pcp0010864625pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] kotatsu: ahhhh, but I was really thinking of this one instead: http://www.rsnapshot.org/ [10:27] hi everyone, got a question, how can I uninstall X completely? [10:27] runedude: yes. [10:27] I have a build of ubuntu, but I dont want X (it's gonna be a server) [10:27] runedude: just uninstall all the X related packages. === MindZEye [~Monkey@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] oh btw, Blissex , I know you :) [10:28] you helped me get my mouse working on debian? :) === XhyldazhK [~xhyldazhk@] has joined #Ubuntu [10:28] http://rafb.net/paste/results/5nQYxt76.html [10:28] waaah [10:28] does anyone know why http://localhost:631/printers won't take my normal username/passwd ? [10:28] argggg [10:28] Blissex: you're going to have to make me betray rsync =P [10:28] Blissex: is there like a main core x process tho? === kotatsu mourns. [10:28] runedude: perhaps I sort of remember the whining :-) [10:28] i shouldn't have bumped the wersion number of mu kernel :) [10:28] like maybe apt-get remove x ? [10:28] Does anyone know how to get my /etc/init.d/kdm back? I've tried reinstalling kdm, but it isn't reinstalled when I do that. [10:28] or somethign that will remove it all? [10:28] runedude: are your sort of more familiar with 'aptitude'> [10:28] runedude: are your sort of more familiar with 'aptitude'? [10:28] heh [10:29] runedude: or 'synaptic'? [10:29] good idea [10:29] i like apt more :| [10:29] like apt-get cache etc. [10:29] runedude: there are two/three reasons fro using 'aptitude' or s'synaptic; here.. [10:29] hi everyone, I'm wondering if I should install ubuntu now or wait until hoary is released. [10:29] hmm, is there a source list for apt, i just tried apt-get install mplayer, and it returned no results [10:29] yeah [10:29] package lists [10:29] runedude: they do the cache thing too a lot better. [10:29] ok [10:29] Is it easy to upgrade without braking anything [10:29] ill try that, atm, upgrading ram :) === tims [~tims@c-24-21-58-44.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] raal: Install it now, you can easily upgrade when hoary comes out === chickenman [~chickenma@cpc2-lewi5-5-0-cust9.brom.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] ohgood, yeah you need a certain repository is all: ubuntuguide.org will show you [10:30] raa1: you could install warty for the time being then upgrade once hoary is released [10:30] runedude: package lists, by topic, e.g. X, and lists of just installed packages, and the ability to see fboth forward and reverse dependencies. [10:30] hey every one === Sav [~sav@ce02816-kristd-abk.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] no clues as to why my CUPS webgui is rejecting my username/password? http://localhost:631/printers won't let me log in )= [10:30] neighborlee, this is me tipping my hat, quietly :) [10:30] runedude: so you can get the ''umbrella'' X virtual package, see all its dependendencies, and just uninstall all those. === admin0 [~admin0@] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] ohgood, ic that === disposable [disposable@blackhole.sk] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] helio7: It might be disabled. Maybe try the gnome one? === fernando [~fernando@] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] farruinn: will it be as easy as apt-get upgrade? [10:31] raa1: yup =) [10:31] well, dist-upgrade probably === ompaulAFK is now known as ompaul [10:31] why do i have the /.dev directory? what's it for? isn't the /dev enough? [10:32] mw5300: I'm trying to follow the directiosn at the bottom of this page https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba that someone suggested earlier for my problem of not being able to print from an Ubuntu box to a Windows Printer... (classroom computers) [10:32] disposable: never heard of /.dev =) [10:32] disposable: that was asked on ubuntu-devel a while ago, I can't remember the reasoning though... === VR^ [VR@154-111.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] disposable: iirc, you should leave it there for upgrade purposes though === sankito [~ksnyder@] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] farruinn: i'll try to rename it and boot === Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] farruinn: Kewl, thanx...here I go w/ warty === refluxx [~matthew@pool-71-99-106-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === raa1 [~raj@h-64-105-159-118.phlapafg.covad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [10:33] I have an idea [10:33] cdrecord should instead of being like [10:33] "Oh hey fuck the burn failed maybe you should try driveropts=burnfree" [10:34] Driver flags : MMC-3 SWABAUDIO BURNFREE FORCESPEED [10:34] It most obviously knows the drive supports burnfree [10:34] i have ubuntu running on my laptop, and i've had it hooked up to an external monitor for about a week and it's been working fine. i just restarted and now it's not sending a signal to the monitor. any ideas? [10:34] so perhaps like [10:34] any one know how to install wine and geting it setup i keep geting an error about missing packages and i can't find them with the package manager ? [10:34] patch cdrecord [10:34] so that it ALWAYS uses burnfree if it's there unless it's disabled [10:34] helio7: If you go to printer managment in gnome, and the select "samba" it should work. [10:35] any one know how to install wine and geting it setup i keep geting an error about missing packages and i can't find them with the package manager ? help me please! [10:35] anyone know of a respo that has qemu with the accel allready compiled? [10:35] did you add universe to your synaptic package manager? [10:35] sankito, you shoul only plugin the monitor after gdm started [10:35] sankito, at least that's my experience :) === SiliconViper [~siliconvi@d205-250-111-241.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === disposable [disposable@blackhole.sk] has left #ubuntu [] [10:36] yep i added universe and multiverse === oneifreak [~michael@S0106000f66911642.lb.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:36] mw5300: do you think I need to enter all this in the main tab of the printer in the gnome config gui (guest@smb://langston_6/epson) ? [10:36] Blissex: === csj [~ubunewbie@218-164-168-101.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] I tried aptitude [10:36] still can't find the packages i need i need the setup program [10:36] i'm plugging it in now and nothing is happening. i guess i'll restart again and wait until gdm is running [10:37] chickenman, you might try the .deb file from winehq.org [10:37] Blissex: tried aptitude, wouldnt let me remove it tho ? [10:37] it comes with wine-utils [10:37] ok ill go on winehq [10:37] yay-hay :) i'll have this thing freevo'd up in no time :) [10:38] hello, I have install gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg and I use totem-gstreamer to play *.avi file, and I can see video but no audio ,could someone give me some suggestion? [10:38] how do i change the apache2 folder where the html and other files are stored? === sirukin [~bryan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] helio7: i'm not exactly sure, as i am not at my ubuntu box right now, but i think so. === mdblitz1 [~gary@pool-70-22-65-47.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] ok gotta go to a meeting thanks for the support; later all [10:40] im making a theme tune for ubuntu :P [10:40] Blissex: how can I first terminate X, tried killing its process , just boots again [10:41] runedude, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then start to start it back up [10:41] runedude: switch runlevel to runelvel 2 === DXT [linux@CBL217-132-107-37.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] runedude: or stop 'gdm' as zenrox says, but I suspect runlevel 2 is mote right. === inphlict [~inphlict@HSE-Ottawa-ppp163094.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] bolth do the same [10:42] ok === morty [~chatzilla@user-6064.l3.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === markblaine [~mblaine2@roxana-] has joined #ubuntu === netsniper [~netsniper@h0004e25522d3.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] root@deadram:/home/deadram # runlevel 2 [10:43] unknown [10:43] runedude, do the gdm one === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] its easer [10:43] anyone having CPU frequency scaling issues with the new hoary updates? [10:44] aha [10:44] gotcha! [10:44] hi guys, just wondering can u use mozilla thunderbird with ubuntu? [10:44] i mean the ones from the past few days or so [10:44] goldfish_, yes [10:44] cool === mince [mincer@hardcore.in.ua] has left #ubuntu [] [10:44] do i use alien with the .rpm on their site? [10:44] goldfish_: its in synaptic, in universial [10:44] ah right === sankito [~ksnyder@adsl-207-193-21-202.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] cool [10:44] thanks [10:44] goldfish_, sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird [10:44] way easier :) lovely [10:44] I need help installing... all I get is a blue screen after I boot. [10:45] now if I can do that on startup, zenrox [10:45] i don't understand all the way the hard drive is layed out where do all the things i install go ? [10:45] :| [10:45] chickenman, / [10:45] mw5300: nvidia card? === bruce_ [~bruce@229.catv245.lgt01.lan.ch] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] sorry [10:45] mistab :/ [10:45] i am still unable to get my external monitor to work with my laptop, another note.... when my monitor quit working, my sd card reader also quit working [10:45] chickenman, actually, everythig is different -- mostly to /usr/bin [10:45] markblaine: nvidia card? [10:45] runedude, dont know how to do that at start up [10:45] anyone know what the problem could be? [10:45] zenrox: hmm, fstab? [10:45] nvm [10:45] lol [10:45] oh well [10:45] I don't know.. its an older PII laptop [10:46] ill make a command to run that [10:46] and its ok === elcuco [~elcuco@bzq-218-204-95.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] thanks zenrox :D [10:46] mmmm well it's sometimes so hard to fings [10:46] chickenman: mostly in /usr/bin, config files to /etc [10:46] nvidia sucks now -- 6629 doesnt support widescreen laptops and 6111 doesnt support kernels >= 2.6.9!!!! [10:46] hi, my gdm kb layout is not english, how do i change it to english? [10:46] my nvidia works fine ! [10:46] gtg.... [10:46] How can I make the cron.daily/apt job download new upgrades but not install them? [10:47] I have problems with samba... I did like in the hwo to :http://www.elyps.de/guide.html#sharepublicfolderLesen Siewritesecurityshare ... I see the files but can't open them... [10:47] goldfish_, in widescreen? [10:47] And then e-mail me with a list of upgradable packages... [10:47] bruce_, you might need more permissions [10:47] chickenman: to find an executable's location, usually just typing `which nameofexecutable` will give you an answer [10:47] netsniper: 1680 x 1050, 15.4 " widescreen [10:47] goldfish_, but are you using the official nvidia driver? [10:48] goldfish_, nv or nvidia? [10:48] the ones i got from apt-get [10:48] ermm.. [10:48] nvidia [10:48] do this === h88 [~onenterfr@] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] gep -i nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf [10:48] where the c dive on wine i can't find the folder [10:48] grep -i nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf [10:48] netsniper i did chmod 777 [10:49] chickenman, ~/.wine ? [10:49] i'm not using xorg [10:49] anyone know where to configure external monitors for laptops and why mine would just quit working for no reason? [10:49] goldfish_, oh...hehe im on hoary [10:49] i didn't change anything [10:49] ah right [10:49] sorry, im still on warty [10:49] i haven't tried upgrading yet :) [10:49] chickenman: to see hidden "dot files" in the file manager, type ctrl-h [10:50] ahhh well i don't know that thanks === markblaine [~mblaine2@roxana-] has left #ubuntu [] === noobietux [~chatzilla@181.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] bruce_, you check this? http://ubuntuguide.org/#sambaserver === linuxn00b [x@] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] hi i have a problem i entered in consol this command /sbin/init3 and after i restart the comp it gives me this msg:: enter the run level:" what should i do? [10:51] ? [10:51] anyone === acidmaxd [~acidmax@] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] try 3 [10:52] telinit 3 ? [10:52] netsniper that's what i did... [10:52] ahh.. [10:53] thx [10:53] are you running a server yourself or trying to access the files on another machine? [10:53] umm - debian style distros don't use runlevel 3 by default - the default is 2 [10:53] i mean, which platform is running the SMB services === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] thoreauputic, really [10:53] ? [10:53] netsniper: realy [10:53] im trying to access the files on another machine... === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:54] thoreauputic, weird === DragonFly [vampyre@m58.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] type "runlevel" in X and you will see 2 [10:54] bruce_, what is the error? === calamari_ [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] bruce_, try in nautilus "smb:///" [10:54] runlevels 2-5 are configurable [10:54] I have ubuntu on my desktop and try to acces files with my laptop... i see the files but cant open them... no rights... [10:54] got root === DaSkreech [~Me@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:54] anyone know of a respo that has qemu with kqemu compiled? === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_ [10:55] bruce do you have root === djp is about to enjoy a bit of dirty harry! [10:55] i mean, are you accessing the files from a windows machine or the ubuntu machine? [10:55] i better go to bed see you all later [10:55] yes i have root [10:55] nighty nighty all you cheeky ubuntu users, you! === chickenman [~chickenma@cpc2-lewi5-5-0-cust9.brom.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:55] Im accessing from a windows machine... [10:56] ahh.. === MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-85-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu === johane [~johan@h179n6c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === fonsken [~joeri@d54C32D13.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] files are on ubuntu with samba... second machine with windows... see the files but can't open... === IRCsloth [~cswanson@blk-224-208-237.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] strange.... === scullder [~scullder@lns-vlq-30-str-82-254-59-209.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === DavidH86 [~ask@12-223-132-65.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu === Morpeus [~erik@tunnel-43-70.vpn.uib.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] bruce_, you allowd all users read/write with no auth? [10:56] hmmm has anyone had trobule with kubuntu and installing === tullinga [~dfdf@54.80-202-72.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] netsniper: yes... [10:57] i keep getting a complaint about no kernel modules === _mage_ is now known as _mage_work [10:57] DavidH86: there's a #kubuntu, in case you want to ask there [10:57] anyone know of a good RSS reader? [10:57] david do how are you installing are you upgrading [10:57] IRCsloth, you use firefox? [10:57] IRCsloth: liferea [10:58] i am doing a fresh install [10:58] Im trying to install the linux-wlan-ng driver, but I do not understand the following error "Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux] : /usr/src/linux [10:58] Linux source tree /usr/src/linux is incomplete or missing! [10:58] See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current kernel sources. [10:58] Configuration failed [10:58] make: *** [config] Error 1" [10:58] IRCsloth, try Sage [10:58] I don't like the one in Thunderbird or Sage. [10:58] heh [10:58] i think the only kubunut is a live cd [10:58] liferea is OK - similar to straw [10:58] i find the one in thunderbird buggy [10:58] there is a install cd available [10:58] I can't get hdparm to set DMA mode on my ATA/133 device.. Any ideas? it says "Permission denied." === FAST [~gyro_@ip68-4-125-152.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] i looked at straw but it's developement is pretty stale [10:59] any one here install gphoto on ubuntu [10:59] Nox: did you use sudo? [10:59] I'm root. [10:59] bruce_, there must be a permission error with the share [10:59] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [10:59] IRCsloth: did you try lierea ? [10:59] cool, I'll check out liferea [10:59] *liferea [11:00] IRCsloth: it's in the repos [11:00] I found some things about the chipset not being compiled into the kernel (module) online.. Seems like a kernel bug wasn't sure if there was a solution? [11:00] if i did the sudo chomod 777 /home.... have i to restart a kind of service? [11:00] cool, thnx [11:00] bruce_, i would restart samba [11:00] i did several times... === det [chris@sharkzone.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:00] bruce_, but also snoop around in the samba config === jk_ [~jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] snoop??? [11:00] testparm first then restart smb [11:01] any one here compile gphoto before [11:01] anybody with experience about installing the linux-wlan-ng drivers? [11:01] bruce_, yea, see if any options in there yer missing === Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] hi everybody === rafaelf [~rafaelf@] has joined #ubuntu === bob_ [n-0a000101@81-7-86-131.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] May I ask a dumb question ? === tsume_ [~tsume@freebsd0.dcrin3.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] yes [11:03] dang no one is in #kubuntu [11:03] you won't be the first [11:03] or the last [11:03] question, what kernel are you people to? [11:03] stable. and if theres an unstable branch... [11:03] is it posible to install ubuntu with KDE ? [11:03] yep === saad [~saad@zeff.docisland.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] noobietux: called kubuntu, they have a channel, #kubuntu [11:04] <- [11:04] Linux fackamato 2.6.10-5-686-smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 15 15:49:06 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux [11:04] :) [11:04] ist this correct: guest account = nobody [11:04] DavidH86: yes, there are at least 27 in #kubuntu [11:04] goldfish: there is no one in there that is responinding [11:04] lol [11:04] hmm [11:04] I wouldn't know :) [11:04] ah right [11:04] lol [11:04] noobietux: apt-get install kdebase [11:04] lol [11:04] DavidH86: patience, waiting 4 minutes is not long === bob_ is now known as razzmatazz [11:05] lol [11:05] Fackamato: you are running stable? [11:05] why can I see all the files, the details and preview of the files, but can't open them? === martin [~martin@81-223-175-85.fadingerstrasse.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] Fackamato: or did you build your own? === pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] DavidH86: i once waited an hour in a channel before someone answered me ;-) [11:06] hmm [11:06] i dont have that much time lol [11:06] got places to be lol [11:06] thanx man, i am starting to download an hoary iso , hope i'll like it ;) [11:06] *shrug* [11:06] ello, can everybody help me to find out what tuchpad-driver i'm using? === sirukin [~bryan@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:06] a m'a donner envie de jouer Far Cry [11:06] i have the hooray install cd but it wont install :( === nubbe [~fsdhufsd@c-bd2970d5.031-17-67626713.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] oups wrong chan sorry === andy_ [~andy@cpc3-oxfd1-3-1-cust28.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] i'm using a synaptics touchpad and every time i "touch" it with my hand the mouse is moving.. under windows, i can switch the pad off but in ubuntu there's a bug or smthing [11:07] can everybody help me? [11:07] martin: the mouse _should_ move when you touch it fyi [11:08] martin, all 421 of us at once ? ;-) [11:08] hm your lucky, i cant even make my touchpad work === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] no, not the mouse, the touchpad [11:08] thoreauputic: liferea seems to work great, thanks! === m-foxela [~legolas@port-212-202-8-100.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] the mouse pad is _supposed_ to make the pointer move [11:08] what does the command cat do within a directory? === Suvroc [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] any one complie gphoto before? === gregp [~chatzilla@bzq-82-81-255-250.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] IRCsloth: no worries - enjoy ! :) [11:08] Has anyone played with the kickstart support in Hoary? [11:09] sorry, i mean the touchpad IN the laptop and NOT THE mouse with the mousepad [11:09] I am in the process of my first KS install. Looking good. [11:09] <[-Soultrance-] > hey folks, I need a hand. ANy time I do an apt-get update or upgrade I get this: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) [11:09] <[-Soultrance-] > Extracting templates from packages: 87%W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) - on almost everything [11:09] <[-Soultrance-] > ack, fuck, sorry === Burn` [~Burnout@215.114-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Trisixity [~Trisixity@j223053.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] <[-Soultrance-] > any idea why it's giving me these messages and does it really matter? [11:09] How do I check my xorg version? [11:10] <[-Soultrance-] > issue ? [11:10] hey you're all on ubuntu cause I'm new here [11:10] [-Soultrance-] : is your /etc/apt/sources.list correct? [11:10] <[-Soultrance-] > I'm pretty sure it is [11:11] how's ubuntu? you like it [11:11] Fackamato: X -version [11:11] <[-Soultrance-] > I checked it against the one on the ubuntu site and it matches up === Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] Trisixity: no , we all hate it - that's why we're here : to bitch about it ;-) [11:12] now now don't be to sarcastic [11:12] Trisixity: it was a joke :) [11:12] yeah yeah [11:12] notice the ;-) [11:12] I did === martin [~martin@81-223-175-85.fadingerstrasse.xdsl-line.inode.at] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === MaxD [~max@commons10k2.mo24.107.109.21.charter-stl.com] has left #ubuntu [] === MaxD [~max@commons10k2.mo24.107.109.21.charter-stl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] I'm on the live cd now === MaxD [~max@commons10k2.mo24.107.109.21.charter-stl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:13] I'm trying to decide if ubuntu is for me. === Val- [vampyre@m73.net81-66-181.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] Why do you use ubuntu thor? [11:13] Trisixity: seriously, it rocks [11:13] can anyone give me a few answers to a couple questions [11:13] Trisixity: it works ? [11:13] yeah [11:13] what if your stable kernel? === johaBBa [~johaBBa@johabba.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] its easy to set up, except for my #%"!#&E# touchpad [11:13] does it include ipw2200, or at least a deb source? [11:13] Trisixity: I like the philosophy, and it's debian based === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:14] Morpeus: you need to use the synaptics driver for X [11:14] okay [11:14] thoreauputic: thanks [11:14] I'm used to SuSe [11:14] Fackamato: you're welcome [11:14] :> [11:14] :( [11:14] Trisixity: dpkg is a beautiful thing [11:14] tsume_: i have installed it, but it doesnt load [11:14] but I kinda had it with it, had too much problems with YAST [11:14] I mean, the SUSE o/s is good, but YAST2 stinks [11:15] Trisixity: the main thing to learn is apt/synaptic, if you're use to YAST etc === LS [~piespy@adsl-210-173-68.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] what is the current kernel? [11:15] 2.6 [11:15] well I can always compile from source, that's not a problem [11:15] and do you have binaries for wireless tools [11:15] kwifimanager? etc [11:15] and.. [11:15] what version is gnome at in the ubuntu db? [11:16] Trisixity: well, compiling is rarely necessary with debian distros [11:16] i use kde [11:16] okay, it is on SuSe! [11:16] tsume_: in warty, 2.8, in hoary 2.10 === [-Soultrance-1 [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Trisixity: if it is, apt has tools for that too, with dpkg [11:16] #kubuntu-devel === [L] ash [~ppp@ppp-83-7.28-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] farruinn: is hoary workable? [11:17] Okay, I never used a debian based distro, so I just have to find it all out === HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] <[-Soultrance-1> okay, I determined that if there is an error in my sources.list file it is in the Hoary-update section, but I can't see how since i copied it directly from the Ubuntu website [11:17] tsume_: I'm using it atm, I haven't run into any major problems [11:17] farruinn: is it for sombody who likes to take some time for upgrading? [11:17] <[-Soultrance-1> I get this error: ese problems [11:17] <[-Soultrance-1> E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [11:17] <[-Soultrance-1> ggodden@lionel2:~ $ [11:17] <[-Soultrance-1> ggodden@lionel2:~ $ [11:17] In my school I learned to work on Suse, and I always kinda stayed at Suse [11:17] farruinn: I'm a BSD user fyi [11:17] <[-Soultrance-1> shit, sorry again, lol === mak [~chatzilla@adsl-68-78-32-16.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] farruinn: I don't like taking weeks, but just some time [11:17] Trisixity: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html [11:17] tsume_: upgrades don't take long [11:18] tnx thor [11:18] tsume_: and if you go with the current stable release there are virtually no upgrades [11:18] [-Soultrance-1, that cannot be the complete error [11:18] Trisixity: more than you'll ever need to know about apt ;) === Jogariga [Gabriel@adsl-2-185-90.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] hey all, I'm tryign to get vncconfig going on warty and its giving me 'error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'. anyone know what i need? [11:18] farruinn: they do have upgrades for hoary which are easy? === KurtKocaine [~chatzilla@AC9630B4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] tsume_: one command =) [11:18] farruinn: what is your kernel version? [11:18] farruinn: what.. [11:18] farruinn: one command and thats it? [11:18] seb128, it seems to work for me with that version from the archive. Should I set it to fixed in bugzilla? There is no "closed" option, just the "reslove bug, changing resolution to [fixed] " [11:18] I'm currently running 2.6.10 but 2.6.11 is available [11:18] <[-Soultrance-1> sev: thats what it gives me when I do apt-get update [11:19] tsume_: 'sudo apt-get upgrade' [11:19] <[-Soultrance-1> lemme check my terminal again [11:19] hello I'm thinking of installing ubuntu. Which release do you recommend? [11:19] kent: yep, fixed it fine, thanks === hoschi [~hoschi@p548316BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] Jogariga: hoary === [L] ash [~ppp@ppp-83-7.28-151.libero.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [11:19] farruinn: you can get a deb source for the kernel? [11:19] Fackamato: is that 5.06? the preview release? [11:19] Jogariga: Hoary is new & shiny and is in the pre-release stage. Warty is the current stable version. Both are good. [11:19] tsume_: a number of kernels in fact [11:20] tsume_: yes, with apt [11:20] farruinn: I need some distro which likes upgrading, some breakage(not always), which I can rely on for updated software [11:20] thanks [11:20] farruinn: hoary is what I'm looking for? [11:20] tsume_: hoary should be good for you then [11:20] yeah =) [11:20] hmm [11:20] I don't like Mandrake's Cooker.. doesn't run very well *grin*U [11:20] I'm waiting for my cd in the mail :( [11:20] I can't wait === apokryphos [~apokrypho@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] infact it doesn't even get past the .'s for loading the kernel :) [11:21] hey all, I'm tryign to get vncconfig going on warty and its giving me 'error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'. anyone know what i need? [11:21] tsume_: you should track the development releases if you like to upgrade [11:21] tsume_: I've only ever used debian based distros, I can't imagine using anything else [11:21] I ordered a post-packahe of ubuntu like a month ago, I got it today, so I think I', gonna install it on one of my pc's see how it works [11:21] thoreauputic: well I like binaries === tandy [~no@pool-141-150-17-101.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === warty2 [~warty@82-33-171-85.cable.ubr06.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === tullinga [~dfdf@54.80-202-72.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:21] I just don't really like the name.....don't know why [11:21] thoreauputic: and upgrading, but I don't like upgrading.. and source :( [11:21] in dutch, it just doesn't sound right [11:21] tsume_: debs are binary packages [11:21] tsume_: there are more binaries for hoary than warty [11:22] hmm okay :) [11:22] hey folks, I was wondering if there is any way to launch a hard disk install from the Live CD ? [11:22] I'll have to try === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] warty2: sorry, that probably won't ever happen, just not enough space === [PoVal] Dutchy [~Dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] hey guys if ideleted the files in /var/cache/apt is there someway i can fix that so i can run apt update again lol [11:22] because my Toshiba M35-S456 has this Intel 2200G wireless card [11:22] Trisixity: it's Zulu, I think - "Humanity to others" is a rough translation [11:22] yes I got that thor [11:22] and it doesn't work on the distros which have a junk backport system because the wireless/kernel are too old [11:22] tnx for mentioning [11:22] But it just sounds icky === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [11:23] farruinn, is there nothing I can download now and put right onto the harddisk that would do it? [11:23] warty2: you could download the install cd, but you can't install from the livecd [11:23] i have no way of burning another CD you see === |iggy| [~|iggy|@pD9F4CA44.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] you can order one for free [11:23] you can order it warty [11:23] you get it for free [11:23] blimey [11:24] there's not even a shippingcost === sailorwolf [~bruno@dsl-wien1-32-39.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu === |iggy| [~|iggy|@pD9F4CA44.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:24] order a few and share them with your friends [11:24] anyone know the command to reconfigure dhcp? [11:24] got 3 left now ;o) === [PoVal] Dutchy [~Dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] How long does it usually take to ship? [11:24] 4 weeks [11:24] no one can help me with my samba troubles... damn what is it... [11:24] anyone have any suggestions what I can do [11:24] thanks [11:24] 2-3 weeks in my case .. ger [11:25] ipconfig for linux, what is the cmd? [11:25] okey, well I live in Holland [11:25] KurtKocaine: it really depends on where you live and whatnot [11:25] KurtKocaine: can take longer === calamari_ is now known as calamari [11:25] I ordered 10 so I can pass them around at school === Suvroc is now known as Corvus [11:25] is there nothing I can do thats a little quicker, I know debian can be installed from another distro by downloading debootstrap [11:25] don't know where you live Kurt [11:25] nubbe : ifconfig [11:25] aha, thanks [11:25] I live in Vegas [11:25] ok [11:25] warty2: others may have found a way, but I don't now how. Check google maybe [11:25] I really need to install out of a running OS as there is no installer i've come across that can detect my net settings [11:26] why do i see the files but can't open them [11:26] but ubuntu does it perfectly [11:26] In the Unofficial Ubuntu Starter Guide, there is this "backup/restore downloaded repositories cache", What are they doing here? Is this to undo installations? http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#backuprestoredownloadedrepositoriescache === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] warty2: you should try the array cd then and report it if it doesn't work [11:26] hi all [11:27] Hilltop:ahh thanks === ian_brasil [~vern@] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] no wait that wont work [11:27] i deleted the files === oclv [~oclv@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] tandy, It is just a moment of luck I saw that - I had not seen your post. :) So is my guess correct? === jesuel [jmaradin@jesuel.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] Is it true that almost every debian .deb is good for ubuntu too? === EddieX [~eddie@h119n7c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] xerox: generally it will work but there are no guarantees [11:29] Anyway, I'll be back once school is out, later all [11:30] xerox: it's own-risk work. :P [11:30] xerox: you are better off adding a deb-src line for debian in your sources.list and porting it to ubuntu [11:30] farruinn: of course, that means "yes" since there's no guarantee that a debian package will work in debian, or that an ubuntu package will work in Ubuntu. [11:30] hrm, kinda caught a hang at installing nvidia-module.. the faq says it works, but i may have missed something.. === hoschi [~hoschi@p548316BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Cya] [11:30] hawke_: heh, good point, what I was trying to say is that it's not recommended === pussmeller [~OMG@adsl-68-251-187-34.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] farruinn: I know. :-D [11:32] also, i _thought_ it was using Xorg, is it not ? [11:32] farruinn: can you explain to me how to do a .deb out of sources? Or point me to some detailed documentation about it? It would be *very* nice to know. [11:32] xerox: sure, one sec [11:33] farruinn: great. === oclv is now known as ohgood [11:33] xerox: apt-get build-dep ; dpkg-buildpackage ( or just use checkinstall as a quick and dirty way) === xerox checkouts cvs version [11:34] where can i order ubuntu cd's? [11:34] xerox: http://www.nl.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [11:34] looked at the website garrut [11:34] ? === laurik [~opera@] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] never mind, i found it... [11:34] :) === laurik [~opera@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:35] xerox: if you're using a source package from debian it will be apt-get build-dep ; apt-get source -b package [11:35] xerox: you'll probably have to specify the version so that apt will get the source from debian and not ubuntu [11:35] Looks like Azureus is in debian contrib. Anyone try it on ubuntu? [11:35] farruinn: I try with cvs sources. [11:35] yeah [11:36] medwards_, i have run azureus on ubuntu. (with sun java). It works nice [11:37] soon the unix time is 1111111111 :) [11:37] kent: how did you install sun java in ubuntu? [11:37] kent: ooh, how soon? [11:37] kent: sjackman's deb, or the official jar? === Rocha [~hrocha@195-23-167-244.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] Hello [11:37] xerox, I just downloaded the package from suns site. They have an rpm-package and a archive, i used to archive. [11:37] Will mono 1.1.4 be released for hoary? [11:38] xerox: there's a section on java install at htt://ubuntuguide.org [11:38] ok now new strange message: i opend a second samba folder... and i did exactly same config like folder one... but folder one is readable... folder 2 not... [11:38] oops http://ubuntuguide.org === oclv [~oclv@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === oclv is now known as ohgood [11:38] kent: I've had better experiences with recent java-package (make-jpkg) conversion to deb. [11:39] thoreauputic i did like this guide is telling... [11:39] So, just gave up on NVidia module, unless someone has a link to a working howto... :( === aleitner [~aleitner@zux006-051-057.adsl.green.ch] has left #ubuntu [] [11:39] bruce_: sorry that was more for xerox === andrewski [~andrewski@pool-70-16-157-13.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] aha [11:39] ohgood: I believe I got it working [11:39] easy === Tuxadermist [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] ok cu === bruce_ [~bruce@229.catv245.lgt01.lan.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:40] ohgood: what you battling with? [11:40] thoreauputic: do I need to build the sources before dpkg-buildpackage? [11:40] They straighten out the Nvidia driver working ? [11:40] optika, i'd like to use the nvidia patch, and have a nice 1280x1024 resolution.. but it doesn't seem to work. [11:40] ohgood: what kernel are you running [11:41] 2.6.10-4 default [11:41] xerox: no, you use apt-get source, apt-get build-dep o get dependencies [11:41] ohgood: "the nvidia patch"? I'm using the nvidia binary drivers, and it's working v. nicely [11:41] *to [11:41] do you have the 2.6.10-4 headers? === Bruce_Byfield [~Bruce@dhcp701-1-122.dsl.ucc-net.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] Fackamato, well, probly not. [11:41] get them [11:41] xerox: it's all in the apt howto [11:41] (or was before I upgraded to Hoary, and I'll only sit down in front of that machine for the first time since I upgraded tomorrow) === telemaco [~telemaco@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:42] xerox: that link I gave you goes to the apt howto, it's a great resource [11:42] Fackamato, i don't see a 2.6.10 source listed [11:42] xerox: dpkg-buildpackage builds the deb for you [11:42] Hm, why apt-get source ? Is it ok with CVS checkouted version? [11:42] ohgood: headers, not source [11:42] xerox: you don't need to do apt-get source if you're using cvs [11:43] xerox: apt-get source will get source packages from a repository [11:43] Fackamato, ok, no 2.6.10 headers either, it stops at 2.6.7, so far as i can tell === mx|gone is now known as mxpxpod [11:43] Okay, one more thing, INSTALL says it has to be compiled with "sh make.sh" rather than then usual "sh configure; make; make install", is that a problem? === bajone [~bajone@213-140-6-122.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] xerox: those are commands [11:44] sh make.sh runs the bash script make.sh [11:44] sh configure runs the configure script [11:44] those are different files [11:44] hi [11:44] Fackamato: I know, I don't know if dpkg handles this, for compilation. === ohgood wonders where to find kernel-headers for 2.6.10 in ubuntu... [11:44] I have a question [11:45] I am gonna assume last weeks nvidia driver breakage has been corrected ... === sergiolib [~sergio@] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] hello [11:45] where I can find other ubuntu install cd-s? [11:45] ohgood: apt-cache search linux-headers | grep $(uname -r) [11:45] i got a problem [11:45] dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format: No such file or directory [11:45] dpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source package [11:45] :( [11:45] can't install skype [11:45] xerox: is there a debian directory? [11:45] thoreauputic, there are none for 2.6.10 [11:45] xerox: if there isn't you'll have to use checkinstall [11:46] farruinn: there isn't === inphlict [~inphlict@HSE-Ottawa-ppp163094.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] xerox: ok, then that source isn't "debianized", you'll have to apt-get checkinstall and use that [11:46] ohgood: you have all repositories enabled? [11:46] can be done a full ubuntu install, or only a lite 1 cd install? === demostenes [~demostene@245-73-28.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] Can someone help me pls? [11:46] I installed xmms and it doesn't run my mp3s [11:46] thoreauputic, everything from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [11:46] it froze [11:46] I think I'll try the .deb before, thank you all very much for the help. === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has joined #ubuntu === odysseus [~odysseus@ppp-82-135-66-97.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu === [-Soultrance-] [~ggodden@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:47] inphlict, don't use xmms, use rhythmbox [11:47] inphlict: or mpd. :) [11:47] inphlict, install gstreamer-mad from synaptic [11:47] Rocha: that doesn't answer his question === demostenes [~demostene@245-73-28.dial.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu [] [11:47] inphlict: you may be missing libmikmod2 [11:47] music works for the other player I have here [11:47] the default one with ubuntu [11:48] inphlict: did you try running xmms in a terminal to see what output it gives? it might have some useful output. [11:48] farruinn, if he uses rhythmbox, gstreamer-mad will help i think :| [11:48] inphlict: run it from a terminal and see what errors you get [11:48] farruinn, it helped me [11:48] thoreauputic, is there an all-inclusive list somewhere ? [11:48] how do I run it from terminal i'm a noob [11:48] whats the command [11:48] bajone, it's one CD, but it's very carefully selected to give a full desktop environment. You can get additional packages that aren't on CD with synaptic or apt via the net. Even most of a Debian sid snapshot, which is the largest distro there is. === El_XiNo [~John@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] asd [11:48] inphlict: xmms , funnily enough ;) [11:48] xmms [11:48] inphlict: and you can paste the output to #paste [11:48] does nothing [11:48] Okay, it doesn't work, it depends on debian-specific packages. [11:49] when I type xmss I can no output in terminal [11:49] inphlict: what does `which xmms` say ? [11:49] xmms <- [11:49] ;P [11:49] Do you suggest checkinstall? thoreauputic referred at it as "quick and dirty" :( ? [11:49] sorry I wrote it right in the terminal [11:50] anyone have a sources.list for linux-headers-2.6.10-4-386 ? [11:50] xerox: yeah, if you want the cvs version just use that [11:50] /usr/bin/xmms [11:50] xerox: it's easier than debianizing the source yourself [11:50] is what I get with why xmms in terminal [11:50] xerox: works well - makes a deb and installs it [11:50] inphlict: well, does xmms start up when you run it? [11:50] yes it starts [11:50] Okay, let me try. [11:50] when i try to load a mp3 [11:50] and play it [11:50] it freezes and I can't close it [11:50] inphlict: ok, try playing an mp3 and get it to freeze; at that point, there should be some output. [11:50] in fact it's open now and I cannot close it [11:50] hmm, no output? [11:50] nope [11:51] it's just frozen on desktop [11:51] inphlict: ctrl-c in the terminal [11:51] i didn't run it from terminal [11:51] to close it [11:51] inphlict: why not? :) [11:51] doesn't close [11:51] because this was before I came here :) [11:51] I run it from menu [11:51] and it froze [11:51] i came here [11:51] because I cannot close it === apokryphos [~apokrypho@] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] inphlict: go to a terminal and do 'killall xmms' :) [11:52] type xkill in a terminal, and zap it with the mouse, then [11:52] that should get the nasty buggers [11:52] inphlict, run xkill and click on it [11:52] thanks [11:52] farruinn: yeah, that's easier [11:52] killall xmms worked [11:52] so, no one has 2.6.10 headers, or a nice HOWTO for nvidia 3d ? [11:52] will xkill get all the threads? [11:52] okay now what [11:52] farruinn: probably not [11:52] try running xmms from the terminal now inphlict [11:52] no need to run it in a terminal, just type alt-F2 to run xkill or other non-menued X programs === ploosh [~chatzilla@host-157.media.net] has joined #ubuntu === HaRDaWaY [~ubuntu@90.Red-81-44-61.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] hello [11:52] okay [11:52] libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.54.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:52] this is what I get [11:52] when I run it [11:52] MobyTurbo: we're trying to debug [11:52] MobyTurbo: we need output. === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] oh, OK. nm [11:53] the mp3s I try to open are mounted from a ntsf system [11:53] but they work with the default player [11:53] inphlict: sudo apt-get install libmikmod2 [11:53] k 1 sec === SiliconViper [~siliconvi@d205-250-111-241.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] this bug is documented, right? Someone is fixing it? [11:54] farruinn: which bug? [11:54] farruinn: it's a warty bug - it's fixed in hoary I think [11:54] apparently it wants XF86, for nvidia setup, but i'm using Xorg, is there any work around for nvidia kernel patch ? === howard [~chatzilla@CPE-144-137-71-41.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] andrewski: xmms should depend on libmikmod2, apparently it doesn't === mazzabr [~mazzabr@201-1-216-195.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] thoreauputic: I see [11:54] farruinn: ah. === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] ohgood: hoary? [11:54] okay installed all the stuff [11:54] does xmms have a shuffle albums feature? === Suvroc [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] but when I ran it again [11:54] farruinn, do you know if mono 1.1.4 will be included in ubuntu hoary? [11:54] it froze once more [11:54] andrew, let me chcek... === tandy [~no@pool-141-150-17-101.mad.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === jacques [~jacques@a81-14-180-236.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu === mak [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] ow. no sond here [11:55] no error or anything [11:55] Rocha: no idea, sorry :/ [11:55] just froze [11:55] dont'know what is happening === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:55] is there a way to not redraw the contents of a window while dragging it? [11:55] can somebody help me please. [11:55] ohgood: you could just look in /etc/apt/sources.list. [11:55] andrew, well, i just 'cat /etc/debian_version' hell i really don't know what it is === KurtKocaine [~chatzilla@AC9630B4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] andrew, says 3.1, but not hoary or warty or whatever [11:55] is it actually possible to get x.org working with the provided nvidia drivers from hoary? or aren't they ready yet? [11:55] ohgood: whatever your online sources is the one you're using; if you don't know, it's probably warty. [11:56] does anyone know? [11:56] i've already tried to set volume using alsamixer. but it still have nbo sound. [11:56] jacques: i'm running nvidia/xorg. [11:56] I have one more question, is the cd I ordered in the mail a live cd? [11:56] inphlict: did you install libmikmod2? [11:56] andrew, i allowed all the sources, but still wont install kernel headers [11:56] yes I did [11:56] ohgood: cat /etc/issue [11:56] btw in windows it works normaly [11:56] ohgood: are you trying to manually install the latest driver? [11:56] I get no error when I run it in terminal [11:56] but it still freezes [11:56] andrewski: i have to run on the nv driver. can't get it too start otherwise [11:56] thenuke, hoary, then [11:56] only updated today, mind you. [11:56] inphlict: i thought you said "libmikmod.so.2 not found"??? [11:56] what plugin can i install for vieweing vidoe on firefox? [11:56] mak: there is a setting in Configuration Editor [11:56] yes before [11:57] I installed it [11:57] andrew, just following the wiki howto for nvidia, it fails at the vidia-glx-config enable [11:57] just now when u told me to [11:57] inphlict: and it still freezes? === mazzabr [~mazzabr@201-1-216-195.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:57] elcucu: mplayerplug-in [11:57] yes [11:57] does this work in warty? [11:57] and when it does I dont get any error or anything === mazzabr [~mazzabr@201-1-216-195.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] just freezes [11:57] ohgood: hmm, i never used any wiki. [11:57] andrew, how did you install ? [11:57] mak: yeah, open Configuration Editor and browse to apps>metacity>general [11:57] inphlict: well, i dunno then. i don't use xmms because i don't like it. :P [11:57] ohgood: synaptic. [11:58] thnx anyway === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] no answer? :( [11:58] inphlict: but, i might suggest you try another player; there are many with merit over xmms. [11:58] mak: there is a setting for "reduced resources" [11:58] damit hail!! [11:58] inphlict: you should give Rhythmbox a shot... actually very nice. [11:58] alright [11:58] Ubuntu has a mailing list? [11:58] I used checkinstall, "dpkg -L package" should show me what it installed, right? [11:58] i'm having trouble finding this configuration editor, sorry === Shaquile [~Shaquile@h216n2fls34o888.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] Rocha: several, yes. Check the site. [11:58] Hey [11:58] I will try Rhythmbox [11:58] Rocha: lists.ubuntu.com if you'd like to sign up [11:58] thnx [11:58] apokryphos, ok, thx [11:58] andrewski, says it cannot install nvidia-dev [11:59] Were can I see if Ubuntu supports my Aureal Vortex soundcard? [11:59] inphlict: apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad to make it more useful to you however (will allow it to play mp3 files...) [11:59] ohgood: why do you need nvidia-dev? [11:59] andrewski, i would like nice 3d stuffs [11:59] mak: Applications>System menu I think [11:59] ohgood: like what? === Twiggy slaps ohgood [11:59] hey Twiggy [11:59] xerox: try apt-cache policy packagename [11:59] garrut, is it on some ubuntu repository? [11:59] andrew, celestia, others [11:59] i'm running a dualhead setup with nvidia's twinview here, no problems at all [11:59] ok. thanks, found it [12:00] Is the cd you order through the website a live cd? I can't find it anywhere on the website.