
lunitikinphlict: has a tray applet that displays song title etc... and you can change songs via right click on that... there is also a "Mini Mode" (I think its called) that is very minimalistic...12:00
andrewskiohgood: ok.  you don't need nvidia-dev for those...12:00
mazzabrok, I'll ask again.12:00
inphlictsounds great12:00
xeroxthoreauputic: hm, it says installed, but I didn't even see it compiling. The only installed things seems to be the docs.12:00
ohgoodandrewski,  ok, well, it does require 3d, does it not ?12:00
mazzabrI can't rear any sound here. I tried to set volume using alsamixer, but still no sound.12:00
ohgoodandrewski, also, games, etc, i "just want 3d"12:00
keffowhere the hell do i get my sidepanel in nautilus? ;P12:00
xeroxthoreauputic: maybe it's because the "non-standard-GNU" way to build? make.sh instead of configure&make?12:01
andrewskiohgood: yes, but you don't need the development files for those. :)12:01
thoreauputicxerox: did you get the quaetions from checkinstall?12:01
KurtKocaineehh, nevermind, I'll ask again later tonight.12:01
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mazzabrsound works ok on windows.12:01
xeroxthoreauputic: I did12:01
andrewskiohgood: you have multiverse repository added?12:01
ohgoodandrew, well, iv'e installed nvidia-glx, and it errs at vidia-glx-config enable12:01
odysseusi cant get gftp installed becaue of dependency error messages. i followed starter guide 4.10. what can i do ?12:01
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HiddenWolfIs there a good tool to monitor the state of s.m.a.r.t harddrives?12:01
ohgoodandrewski, multiverse ? i have no idea12:01
inphlictHow do I remove xmms from panel now, i uninstalled it but it didn't remove it12:01
andrewskiohgood: ok, h/o a sec.12:01
thoreauputicxerox: hmm - I've only used it with the standard ./configure; make ; checkinstall  mantra12:01
munkiinphlict : right-click -> remove ?12:02
inphlictno such option12:02
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ohgoodandrewski, i have everything allowable in sources.list, i haven't found more repos anywhere else12:02
andrewskiinphlict: you need to update the menu.12:02
inphlicthow do I do that?12:02
andrewskiohgood: well, is multiverse in there?12:02
xeroxfarruinn: is it that difficult to debianize some sources?12:02
munkiinphlict: from the menu, or from the panel ?12:02
xeroxthoreauputic: what can I do?12:02
inphlictfrom the foot panel12:03
ohgoodandrewski, i see no mention of multiverse12:03
andrewskiohgood: ok.12:03
inphlictunder sound & audio12:03
inphlictsorry sounds & video12:03
inphlictI'm using horay btw12:03
farruinnxerox: it'd probably be more difficult to debianize the cvs source than to just get the source package from debian12:03
ohgoodandrew, hmm, so warty and hoary are releases then ?12:03
thoreauputicxerox: did you do the first two steps ( configure, make) before checkinstall?12:03
keffoanyone knows where my sidepanel in nautilus wnet?12:03
andrewskiohgood: ubuntuguide.org has a nice and quick howto on the subject.  yes, they are.12:03
inphlictany idea?12:03
andrewskiohgood: i'd hit up that howto quickly if i were you.  post back when you're done.12:04
ohgoodandrewski, ty sir.12:04
Rochakeffo, nautilus in gnome 2.[6-10]  uses spatial mode by default12:04
xeroxthoreauputic: there are not configure & make steps. But if you mean "build the package" I can try.12:04
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andrewskiohgood: i'll help you when you come back; i don't mean to dismiss you. ;P12:04
TuxadermistYour Fired would work too12:04
thoreauputicxerox: checkinstall just puts the bits in the right places after you compile12:04
gangalinowhat can I do about this? -usb 3-1: control timeout on ep0in12:04
thoreauputicxerox: man checkinstall to see12:05
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ohgoodandrewski, a good slap in the right direction is all i require :) Normally12:05
xeroxthoreauputic: ok, let me try building it.12:05
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garruthas anyone had any problems with X crashing when running vmware?12:05
andrewskiohgood: IIRC, there's some good nvidia stuff thereon too.12:05
majortooli can't get my laptop touchpad to work and i have psaux as a synaptic touchpad listed in my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ... is there anything else i have to do?12:06
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goodoldunclemike? When mounting vfat..can i use the same commands as redhat12:07
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majortoolmount -t vfat source destination12:08
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ohgoodandrewski, mmm, ok , new sources are listed, but still no kernel headers to be found for 2.6.10.x12:09
goodoldunclemikeok thanks12:09
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andrewskiohgood: i repeat: why do you need kernel headers?12:09
goodoldunclemike1 more?....can kde be installed12:09
ohgoodandrewski, nvidia stuffs ?12:09
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onEnterFrameYay! Ubuntu is such a great distro, I look forward to horay! Anyways, here comes another problem: I installed ubuntu using my external dvd/cdr hooked up in one of the USB ports.. anyways, I can't access the CD while I'm on the GUI, anyone knows what's up?12:10
thoreauputicohgood: I repeat  *linux-headers* in ubuntu12:10
keffotbh, how do i get my sidepanel in nautilus?12:10
majortoolgoodoldunclemike, i just installed ubuntu today and i don't know much about debian but i think its something like apt-get install kde12:10
neighborleedoes ubuntu use nptl ?12:10
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ohgoodthoreauputic, sorry, i'm used to saying kernel12:10
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andrewskiohgood: install nvidia-kernel-command and nvidia-glx.  then you have only to properly configure your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and you're all set.12:10
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thoreauputicohgood: but *search* for linux-headers12:10
ohgoodandrewski, i have it installed, and i've set xorg.conf to 'nvidia' but it's a no-go12:11
ohgoodthoreauputic, done, no such 2.6.10's found12:11
neighborleeohgood, did you run: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable ?12:11
goodoldunclemikeok thanks....12:11
ohgoodneighborlee, yes, it fails, it wants XFREE8612:11
blizahdoes ubuntu have the abilty to see my SATA RAID windows hard drives?12:11
farruinngoodoldunclemike: did you install hoary or warty?12:11
andrewskiohgood: all i'm saying is that i have nvidia/x.org with no linux-headers installed....12:11
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andrewskiGLX too. :)12:12
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majortooli can't get my laptop touchpad to work and i have psaux as a synaptic touchpad listed in my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ... is there anything else i have to do?, bout to roll my own kernel12:12
thoreauputicohgood: weird - they must have chaged the name *yet again*12:12
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kyci was wondering if i can install a hardcopy of ubuntu with the liveCD?12:12
onEnterFrameso anyone know what's up?12:12
ohgoodandrewski, oh, not saying ya don't - - ;) just saying it refuses here, and wants xf86 <shrug>12:12
inphlictwhat do I need to do so I can play mp3s?12:12
neighborleeohgood, odd mine works fine and i'm using hoary ;-)12:12
thoreauputickyc: short answer : no12:12
blizahanyone know this answer?12:13
kycthoreauputic ynot? it works with knoppix12:13
inphlictI get an error about not having a plugin in Rhythmbox12:13
ohgoodneighborlee, i'll message the 3 line flood to you if i may ?12:13
neighborleeohgood, sure12:13
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onEnterFrameYeah I'm wondering if I can access the CD one way or the other12:13
thoreauputickyc: because knoppix has an installer script12:13
inphlictDoes anyone know?12:13
kycso i'll have to download both versions? livecd and hardcopy?12:13
goodoldunclemikewhat is there a difference in the 212:13
kyci want the livecd to test it out12:13
neighborleeinphlict, your playing a non supported format12:13
ohgoodare missing from your system. Please be sure that your xserver package is12:14
ohgoodinstalled correctly.12:14
inphlictthere must be a way12:14
inphlictto play mp3s with it12:14
farruinngoodoldunclemike: hoary is the development release.  You'll have to enable universe to install kde in warty.12:14
inphlicthow would I do it?12:14
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onEnterFramewhat about me? Why is the CD not working here? Even the installation CD isn't12:14
ohgoodshoot, i'm not used to xchat, sorry if i flooded folks12:14
thoreauputicinphlict: if you sudo apt-get install gsreamer0.8-mad , you can play them with rhythmbox (music player)12:14
andrewskiohgood: and that i've never run nvidia-glx-config :P12:14
andrewskiohgood: are you sure you have xorg.conf set up to load GLX?12:14
onEnterFrame"Unable to mount the selected volume"12:14
inphlictthnx i'll try that12:14
blizahanyone? (is it possible to get my ubuntu to see my windows discs that are SATA RAID12:14
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ohgoodandrewski, yes12:15
kycwtf do you recommend warty or hoary? is hoary stable enough?12:15
goodoldunclemikehoary is better then12:15
albertois here any ubuntu ppc maintainer?12:15
inphlictI get E: Couldn't find package gsreamer0.8-mad12:15
kycsorry by wtf i meant btw...12:15
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onEnterFramelol guys anyone knows the answer?12:15
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keffoHm, anyone do have this bug.. when you should do 'open with' you cant box the radiobox?12:15
thoreauputicinphlict: enable universe in synaptic >> settings >> repositories (in fact tick all the boxes there)12:16
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inphlictthere is no settings there12:16
thoreauputicinphlict: and do please read http://ubuntuguide.org and http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats12:17
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farruinnalberto: I don't think there is any one person in charge of ppc12:17
thoreauputicinphlict: yes there are settings ther12:17
inphlicti see it now sorry I'm a complete noob12:17
albertofarruinn: I dont understand that phrase12:17
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aeolisthi all12:17
andrewskiohgood: i'd take a look then at your xorg log...12:17
thoreauputicinphlict: that's OK - just tick all the boxes12:18
farruinnalberto: I'm assuming you mean a maintainer for the ppc installer or something?12:18
thoreauputicinphlict: you might need to highlight the entries12:18
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inphlict1 see 4 boxes12:18
kycis hoarty stable enough that it'd work well as a development platform?12:18
inphlictShow disbaled software sources12:19
inphlictAutomatically check for software updates12:19
inphlictam I in the right section?12:19
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farruinnkyc: probably, you can always just install the preview release and not do upgrades12:19
inphlictI'm using horay12:19
andrewany one know a good site to add to my apt sourses12:19
kyci program using SDL and OpenGL12:19
aeolisthow can i reconfigure my network settings with dpkg-reconfigure12:19
kycfarruinn, why would i not do upgrades? aren't they supposed to be stability patches?12:19
thoreauputicinphlict: the other way is to edit /etc/apt/sources.list12:19
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inphlictI see12:20
farruinnkyc: heh, not in a development release12:20
albertowhy you assume that?12:20
thoreauputicinphlict: just read the guides I gave you above12:20
albertoah, because #macosx12:20
thoreauputicinphlict: ubuntuguide.org is very good12:20
Sauvagethi, upgraded to ubuntu. whenever i try to startx with x.org it says "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module!" it should be installed. any idea why this is happening?12:20
blizahcan i get ubuntu to see my windows disc's that are on a SATA RAID?  (my ubuntu (warty) is on an ide drive)12:20
farruinnkyc: upgrades probably cause the most instability. I think you could just do security upgrades though12:20
inphlicti'll try :o12:21
albertothen you know my problem?12:21
farruinnalberto: I caught the tail end of the conversation12:21
kycfarruinn ok thanks, then perhaps i should just use warty for now. i can always upgrade to hoarty when it's finalized12:21
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kycare there any major advantages to using x.org and the latest gnome?12:22
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kyci'm running an inspiron 1150 if that helps12:22
thoreauputicinphlict: IRC is not the quickest way to learn - people have divided attentions - reading is better to begin getting the idea12:22
thoreauputicinphlict: also search/browse the ubuntulinux site12:23
desrtkyc; no real user-noticeable positives to using xorg unless you use composite (which you probably don't want to)12:23
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desrtthe newest gnome has some new functionality and bug fixes, though12:23
oclvat this point, i'm about ready to reboot, remove the harddrive that matters, and allow shells. i'm giving up on nvidia-glx12:24
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blizahanyone know this answer..ive been looking and am having trouble12:24
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thoreauputicinphlict: don't forget to hit the reload button after updating your repositories12:24
kycdesrt, is composite just a desktop toy more or less?12:24
farruinnblizah: have you posted to the mailing list or forums?12:24
inphlictoky doky12:25
thoreauputickyc: more or less, yeah12:25
inphlictit says I need to delete tree12:25
blizahfarruinn not as of yet..guess thats the next step :D12:25
garruti turned it on yesterday and to my surprise didn't even turn it off again, it works great12:25
thoreauputicinphlict: lurk here and you'll gradually pick up some clues, as well12:26
dazed||lap83 updates for hoary today :/12:26
xeroxthoreauputic: it installed only doc again.12:26
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thoreauputicxerox: :(12:27
ohgoodis anyone using hoary with nvidia 3d, and if so , could you point me to the HOWTO you used ?12:27
inphlictI plant too12:27
garrutworks fin with me12:27
andrewskiohgood: could you join #paste and paste your xorg.conf?12:27
garruti just read the readme12:27
ohgoodandrewski: sure12:27
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xeroxthoreauputic: maybe I should try the deb-src thing now, do you know how to do it?12:28
knuckswas the problem w/ the nvidia drivers fixed?12:28
knucksif so, link to information?12:28
thoreauputicxerox: I don't know - if you're using cvs you might need to read about debian packaging (I'm just a user, not a dev or an advanced debian person)12:28
knuckson hoary12:28
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kycok so i'll install warty. i'll be maybe to update to hoary at a later time just by using the update manager right?12:28
kycmaybe=able, bad typing today :P12:28
xeroxthoreauputic: debian unstable hasn't cvs HEAD, just a more recent version than ubuntu's one. Do you know how can I grab it?12:29
desrtkyc; more or less12:29
desrtkyc; it gives alpha transparancy12:29
neighborleeknucks, what kind of problem are you having..I use hoary but see no issues right now12:29
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thoreauputicxerox: someone in #ubuntu-devel might be able to point you in the right direction12:29
kycdesrt: there's that more or less again, o wow you take awhile to respond haha.12:29
knucksneighborlee: there were problems with the nvidia driver..no screens were found12:29
neighborleeknucks, geF4TI4200 with current nvidia-glx12:29
xeroxthoreauputic: thank you very much.12:29
neighborleeknucks, odd12:29
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desrtkyc; i'm multitasking12:29
knucksright now ive been in gnome safe-mode the past 5days because of it12:29
inphlictI can play mp3s with totem12:29
knucksi cannot load in normal12:29
neighborleeknucks, hmm after fresh install ?12:29
inphlictbut I can't with anything else12:30
kycso the update manager will take care of release updates?12:30
knucksi just get windows but no interface ("Applications, Places, System, icons, etc.)12:30
neighborleekyc, yes12:30
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kyccool thanks a lot, hoping to really get into this distro12:30
neighborleekyc, ;-)12:30
MobyTurboohgood, I'm not using Hoary, I'm using Warty, but I remember having problems with my TNT2 and the next-to-most-recent two nvidia drivers. I'd recommend downloading the latest nvidia driver package and installing it outside of the package system until it is sorted out.12:31
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MobyTurboohgood, www.nvidia.com/linux12:31
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thoreauputicinphlict: have you added your mp3 s to the music library ? ( right click folder in the file manager, add to music..) They should play with the music player (rhythmbox)12:31
inphlictyeah it wont let me add them12:32
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inphlictit says there is a plugin error12:33
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ohgoodbah i'll just rm -rf / and start over tomorrow this is pointless.12:33
ohgoodMobyTurbo: ok, you won the 'last try'   then i'm blatting it12:33
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neighborleeohgood, aaaaac12:33
inphlictI get. "There is no plugin installed to handle a MP3 file."12:34
neighborleeohgood, make sure you grab kernel headers > symlink it to /usr/src/linux and then run the nvidia file and change that /etc/x11 file12:34
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MobyTurboohgood, yes, you'll need the proper kernel headers to install nvidia's installer. Also you'll need to exit X.12:35
alberto how can I eject cd in osx12:35
albertowithout icon12:35
thoreauputicinphlict: sudo apt-get install gstreamer-plugins12:35
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inphlictI'll try it thnx12:36
inphlictproblem with sources12:36
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inphlictsudo apt-get install gstreamer-plugins12:36
inphlictE: Malformed line 24 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)12:36
inphlictE: The list of sources could not be read.12:36
inphlicthow do I edit the file manually or check the error12:36
andrewskiohgood: there's no data in your xorg.conf... are you pasting it correctly?12:37
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Nermal*pie of rage*12:37
farruinninphlict: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list will allow you to edit it manually12:37
blablablekwhz does the cd always spin up, even when idle in ubuntu live 5.0412:38
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ohgoodi'll pastebin it12:38
ohgoodneighborlee: i can't get headers for 2.6.10, they aren't available12:38
neighborleewould a OP please PM me for a sec..nothing wrong I just need to ask something ;-))12:38
ohgoodyes, i know about nvidia and kernel headers12:38
ohgoodapt doesn't find any12:38
ohgoodhttp://www.pastebin.com/259361     my xorg.conf12:38
ohgoodandrewski: http://www.pastebin.com/259361 should be it12:38
neighborleeohgood, yes they are ;-)12:39
neighborleeohgood, check again ;-=)12:39
andrewskiohgood: Load    "GLcore" in Section "Module"12:39
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garrutohgood: driver should be nvidia...12:39
andrewskineighborlee: i don't think ohgood was talking to you. :P12:39
neighborleeandrewski, bah I was just trying to help...take it away ole master12:39
ohgoodthis is the current USABLE xorg.conf, with nvidia it just fails to load X12:40
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ohgoodif i load glx and nvidia, xorg putzes out12:40
andrewskiohgood: well, you're not loading GL, i'm jus' sayin'.12:40
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ohgoodandrewski: if it do, it fails12:40
plex0rhey i need help...i accidentally changed my screen resoloution to WAY to big...how can i change it in the complete terminal screen?12:40
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andrewskiohgood: yes, but i'm just trying to help you get it working. :P12:40
plex0rwhats the command line to edit my x config?12:41
ohgoodandrewski: i cannot run nvidia-glx-config enable      as it wants XF8612:41
andrewskiohgood: you don't need to.  please understand that.12:41
neighborleeplex0r, what are you trying to do12:42
garrutohgood, it's pretty much the same as mine, except for some twinview options i use12:42
pvhplex0r: You can probably use Ctrl-Alt-+/-12:42
ohgoodandrewski: well, i have no 3d, glxgears fails, and i can't load X with nvidia stuffs.. . so12:42
garrutwhich version do you use?12:42
andrewskiohgood: well, you're not loading GL.  do you understand me?12:42
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plex0rpvh- that doesnt work12:42
ohgoodandrewski: when i do load gl, X will _not_ start12:42
plex0rneighborlee: i need to change my screen res back down to normal...but i cant get on the gui cuz its too oversized12:43
andrewskiohgood: but why don't you add it and paste the error so we could debug???12:43
garrutohgood, which version drivers do you use?12:43
ohgoodandrewski: sigh, ok12:43
ohgoodgarrut: 611112:43
neighborleeplex0r,Ctrl-Alt-F1 and edit manually if need be12:43
plex0ryeah...how do i edit manually12:43
garruttry 716712:43
plex0rwhats the command neighborlee12:43
garrutthose work fine with me12:43
andrewskigarrut: there are reported problems with those in ubuntu....12:44
ohgoodgarrut: don't they require kernel headers though ?12:44
tritiumohgood, I recommend you stick with what's available in ubuntu, not 716712:44
neighborleeplex0r, i'm going to PM you12:44
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
burbujamako_ eyy i see you again ;)12:44
=== ooteiadoor [~ooteiadoo@201009180007.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskiohgood: yes, there's a reason 7167 is not in the repositories yet. :)12:44
=== Rain` [~Rain@c-24-118-236-45.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== aeolist has a question
garrutwell seeing these don't work for ohgood...12:45
garrutwhy don't try newer ones12:45
andrewskigarrut: yes, but why?  we don't have an error.12:45
garrutno problems here12:45
ohgood6111 is what the HOWTO suggested, i complied, it refuses kernel headers...12:45
tritiumgarrut, because the version number is not likely to be the problem, and so he can keep his software under package management12:45
=== mfraase [~chatzilla@216-250-183-65.static.iphouse.net] has joined #ubuntu
aeolistthe kernel that ships with ubuntu is totally generic, but runs 100% of times... does anybody know where i can get the .config file from?12:45
tritiumohgood, oh, you compiled your own?  Why?12:46
inphlict/etc/apt/sources.list where can I find the default file?12:46
tritiumaeolist, /boot12:46
andrewskitritium: no, he 'complied'... with the HOWTO12:46
inphlictI messed mine up I think12:46
tritiumandrewski, okay...12:46
ohgoodtritium: no. this is a default install, <2 hours old12:46
HrdwrBoBaeolist: it's entirely modular, and you can just install the 686 kernel package12:46
andrewskiif i understand correctly... :)12:46
=== toerli [~toerli@cl-1157.ham-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumohgood, good12:46
Rain`im a bit confused, how do I delete/copy files as root in the file browser (so I dont get permission denied all the time), and not having to use terminal12:46
andrewskiohgood: oh, good. :P12:46
farruinninphlict: you're using hoary?12:46
andrewskiohgood: so, ready for the additions?12:46
tritiumohgood, there was a recent bug with xorg that changed "DefaultDepth" to "1".  Can you check that you don't have this problem?12:46
mfraasegreetings... I need help with a faulty cursor display with hoary (this is my first linux install, so be gentle)12:47
=== Butters|XGH|Snip [~nate@pcp991756pcs.nchrls01.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
inphlictI am using it12:47
andrewskitritium: http://www.pastebin.com/25936112:47
tritiumandrewski, thanks12:47
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farruinninphlict: I'll /msg you mine12:47
ohgoodtritium: default is '1'12:47
tritiumohgood, change it to 2412:47
andrewskiohgood: it looks to be 24 in your paste... ???12:48
=== _CarlosH_ [~carlos@cable200-58-217-223.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
ohgoodoh , i see, my mistake12:48
andrewskiohgood: so, can you make some changes to your xorg.conf?12:48
ohgoodandrewski: what would you like ?12:48
_CarlosH_what is ubuntu?12:48
andrewskiohgood: Load    "GLcore" in Section "Module"12:48
=== goodoldunclemike [~mike@pcp0010440419pcs.frtprk01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
andrewski_CarlosH_: ubuntulinux.org12:49
ohgoodandrewski: anything else ?12:49
andrewskiohgood: yup.12:49
mfraaseagain, can anyone help me with a faulty cursor display with hoary?12:49
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andrewskiohgood: under the first Section "Device", switch nv to nvidia.12:49
crbSite error12:50
crbThis site encountered an error trying to fulfill your request. The errors were:12:50
crbError Type12:50
crb    Fault12:50
keffoplease help, http://www.pastebin.com/25936312:50
crbtrying to sign up on the ubuntu website12:50
_CarlosH_andrewski thanks12:50
tritiumandrewski, he doesn't want to load GLcore12:50
ohgoodandrewski: done12:50
goodoldunclemike? does hoary have the root disable like warty does12:50
andrewskitritium: why not?12:50
farruinngoodoldunclemike: yes12:50
tritiumandrewski, /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.gz12:50
[Rain] how do I open a terminal window at the location im at in the file browser12:50
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ohgoodandrewski: shall i post the errors somewhere now ?12:50
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andrewskiohgood: h/o a sec.12:50
wombleWhat's the Ubuntu equivalent of packages.debian.org ?12:50
goodoldunclemikek thanks12:50
tritiumandrewski, Load "glx", don't load "GLcore" or "dri"12:51
farruinnwomble: first hit on a google search for "ubuntu packages"12:51
andrewskitritium: oh, no kidding.  why the heck does GL work for me then? :P12:51
speelwhat if you have glcore and dri and everything is fine?12:52
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farruinncrb: yup that one :)12:52
andrewskiohgood: so yeah, just switch the driver then.12:52
tritiumandrewski, well, glx is supposed to load GLcore12:52
andrewskispeel: yeah, really. :)12:52
=== dej [~dej@ip24-250-192-6.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HillTopI'm trying to install Web Authoring System (Nvu) using http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#nvu  and step 4: Download nvu-0.70-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2 wokred but the file showed up as nvu-0.70-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2.tar  !! What of the extra .tar?? The next command fails. sudo tar jxvf nvu-0.70-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2 -C /opt/12:52
ohgoodandrewski: done12:52
andrewskiohgood: you catch all that?12:52
lunitikwomble: currently isn't an official one.. although there is 'http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/'12:52
andrewskiohgood: ok, first paste your updated xorg.conf please, so we can see it.12:52
=== lunitik doesn't really get why thats not on the main site yet... but yeah
=== dej [~dej@ip24-250-192-6.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sander__Will Hoary's default kernel be 2.6.10 or 2.6.11?12:53
mfraaseI installed hoary preview and the cursor works but appears as a ~64x64 block that looks like TV static. Can anyone help me install basic cursors?12:54
keffoplease help, http://www.pastebin.com/25936312:54
ohgoodandrewski: ok- http://www.pastebin.com/25937012:54
andrewskikeffo: i didn't understand that. :)12:54
lunitikkeffo: apt-get install fontconfig on its own and see what it says.12:55
thoreauputic_HillTop: what happens if you rename the file by simply removing the trailing .tar?12:55
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andrewskiohgood: no, tritium said that you need to take out the GLcore line (sorry) and the dri line too.12:55
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andrewskiohgood: does that make sense?12:55
ohgoodandrewski: sure12:55
keffolunitik, exactly the same12:55
andrewskiohgood: yeah, sorry about the confusion.12:55
lunitikthoreauputic: linux could care less that the file is appended with a .tar12:55
HillTopthoreauputic, I guess I could try that.12:55
lunitikkeffo: libfontconfig1?12:56
thoreauputic_lunitik: good point12:56
ohgoodandrewski: i'm adding im' sure ;)12:56
andrewskiohgood: ok, paste when you're done. :)12:56
keffolunitik, same same12:56
ohgoodandrewski: http://www.pastebin.com/25937112:56
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
HillTopthoreauputic, OK, unpacked a ton of stuff, :)   Thanks12:57
lunitikHillTop: what does it say when it fails?12:57
garrutthat should do it ohgood12:57
andrewskiohgood: ok, now try starting X.  let me know if it fails.12:57
ohgoodaight, brb12:57
lunitikkeffo: you're sure? doesn't make sense.12:57
keffoim sure12:57
thoreauputic_HillTop: lunitik is right though - the problem was you were trying to unpack it with a file name it didn't recognise because it didn't exist12:58
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lunitikactually... never mind... libfontconfig1 depends fontconfig  :/12:58
HillTopthoreauputic, The error was no such file. Now it has unpacked.  Thanks  :)12:58
thoreauputic_HillTop: yes, looking at the command you used - it didn't refer to any "existing" file12:59
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farruinnHillTop: tab completion is lovely: just start typing the name of the file, hit tab and it will fill in the rest01:00
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ohgoodheh, now, even with the default (original xorg.conf) it fails. neat.01:01
lunitikfarruinn, HillTop: enless the string matches several possibilities... in which case, hit tab again, and review to see how many more chars must be typed...01:01
andrewskiohgood: when loading the nvidia driver?01:01
marcin_anthi all01:01
lunitik(hitting tab again lists all files that match current string)01:02
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marcin_antcould someone tell me how to browse my own samba shares with nautilus?01:02
HillTopthoreauputic, But now the rest of the script is broken. But s/.60/.70/  fixed it. Looks like it is installed -- already bugging me about how I like it. :)01:02
lunitikmarcin_ant: easier said than done... gnome-vfs smb support sucks01:02
tsume_oh the iso is so huge :(01:03
mfraaseCould someone please tell me how to install a basic cursor set in hoary?01:03
lunitikmfraase: apt-get install gcursor is as good a start as any01:03
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HillToplunitik, thanks. I didn't think about upgrades and new versions, so the script was not upto date.01:03
=== DoppelGanger [~LordAngel@pool-68-162-58-71.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ohgoodwell, unless someone wants those xorg.conf's, i'll just rm -rf / and start over tomorrow.01:03
mfraaselunitik: got it, installed it, it's asking for source directories (I'm a newbie in case that's already not obvious)01:03
marcin_antlunitik: thanks ;) I just thougt so... :(01:04
=== lunitik chuckles @ multiplayer notepad
error_29How do I change color depth?  all I can find in the menus is screen resolution.01:04
thoreauputicHillTop: tab completion takes care of name changes for you, generally01:04
MobyTurboohgood, rather than rm -rf / and reinstalling like Windows, simply change ubuntu to use the "nv" driver until you get the 3D driver worked out.01:04
ohgoodMobyTurbo: it doesn't load X.01:05
lunitikmfraase: dpkg -L gcursors ... look for things stating /usr/share/somethingtodowithacursor01:05
lunitikogra: *poke*01:05
bdrmfraase: create a directory called .icons in your home directory then extract the cursor theme into it. Make a sub directory called default inside the .icons directory and put the index.theme file from the cursor theme in there01:05
=== StoffBox-Steve [~steve@pD9E5747A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
MobyTurboohgood, even the 2D driver?01:05
lunitikogra: gcursor help needed if you're not busy  :)01:05
ohgoodMobyTurbo: i cp'd the original xorg.conf back and it won't load x.01:05
ogralunitik, nope01:05
ogralunitik, whatsup01:05
lunitikogra: *points at mfraase*01:05
marcin_antlunitik: so what is the best way to _browse_ windows shares in ubuntu?01:06
MobyTurboohgood, you're sure it uses the nv driver?01:06
[Rain] I cant get "gksudo nautilus" to come up in tree mode, but just "nautilus" does come up in tree mode, whats goin on?01:06
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lunitikmarcin_ant: I usually use firefox ... smb://servername/ ... when it decided to work... else smbmount01:06
lunitikogra: lunitik: got it, installed it, it's asking for source directories (I'm a newbie in case that's already not obvious)01:06
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ogramfraase, just drag and drop the tar.gz you have on the gcursor win01:07
=== razzmatazz [n-0a000101@81-7-86-131.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
ohgoodMobyTurbo: the default xorg.conf is set to 'nv', yes. no, the ddriver isn't installed correctly, i'll assume since the HOWTO's instructions failed, also, kernel-rouces for 2.6.10.x aren't available in apt.01:07
lunitikogra: ignore me... I thought you were having trouble finding what he needed  :)01:07
ogramfraase, (the tar.gz with the cursor theme you downloaded anywhere)01:07
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HillTopthoreauputic, I guess I don't know what I'm doing :)    I'm stuck on step 6:  File Browser: Office01:08
HillTopFile Menu -> Create Launcher01:08
ogramfraase, or if you are fine with what is there, just select the theme you like01:08
MobyTurboohgood, rm -rf / isn't likely to make things progress quicker.01:08
armandoHy everyone! Im a new Ubuntu user :)01:08
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marcin_antlunitik: ok I didn't know that ffox supports smb but then what is the name of my own serwer?01:08
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marcin_antlunitik: smb:///localhost doesn't work01:08
armandoNeed some help though configuring a broadcom wireless network card on a laptop.01:08
ohgoodMobyTurbo: if you know of a sources.list that includes 2.6.10 headers, i'll bite, otherwise...01:08
ogramfraase, note that you need to log out and in again to make it active01:08
thoreauputicHillTop: are you using hoary?01:09
lunitikmarcin_ant: haha... well... you can use 'smb://localhost/' or 'smb://ipaddr/'01:09
mfraaseogra, lunitik, I got it to work by copying the *.theme file to ~/.icons/default/ so long as that doesn't screw anything else up, I'm satisfied. But this is a bug in the preview distribution01:09
bdrarmando: what's the problem with it?01:09
andrewskiohgood: you don't need headers!01:09
MobyTurboohgood, unfortunately I'm running warty, I value stability, so I can't give you much x.org advice.01:09
DakkoIf I upgrade from Warty to Hoary, will I have to re-configure ndiswrapper and its drivers/configuration?01:09
ohgoodandrewski: it's starting to look like it does.01:09
lunitikmfraase: you're telling the right person then... he's the maintainer  :)01:09
armandobdr: its not detecting it as a wireless card.  Its under the device list at the bottom but says its unknown.01:09
thoreauputicHillTop:  cat /etc/issue to see if you have warty or hoary01:09
HillTopthoreauputic, Warty. And I found a window under other stuff: named Office with what I needed next.  So onward....  :)01:09
=== andrewski runs glxgears and says no to ohgood.
ohgoodandrewski: fair enough.01:10
ogramfraase, its the same that gcursor does pon drag n drop....01:10
bdrarmando: is that using ndiswrapper and the windows driver? That's all I know how to do...01:10
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andrewskiohgood: i've only said it a handful of times....01:10
MobyTurboohgood, you only need headers if you're installing the nvidia.com driver.01:10
ogramfraase, so you made it right then ;)01:10
ohgoodandrewski: i've heard you.01:10
armandobdr: ok, im on a major learning curve.  Ive heard of that but how do I install/use ndiswrapper?01:10
lunitikmarcin_ant: I didn't say smb:///localhost01:11
ogramfraase, i'll look at it, if there is really a bug, thanks for reporting :)01:11
MobyTurboohgood, what chipset does your card have?01:11
thoreauputicHillTop: I personally think putting an HTML editor under "Office" is a little odd, but what would I know ? ;-)01:11
lunitikmarcin_ant: two '/''s01:11
marcin_antlunitik: ok ok but smb://localhost/ failed too01:11
mfraaseogra, lunitik: thanks for the help... ogra: it worked fine with warty but broken with two hoary installs on two different Sony laptops01:11
bdrarmando: Probably best to google for the wireless card's chipset first to see if it has native Linux support01:12
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ohgoodMobyTurbo: gforce 2 MX or so01:12
armandobdr: no good what i found out on the wiki? I believe it doesnt from the wireless cards supported list.01:12
lunitikmarcin_ant: IP?01:12
jogarigai just installed ubuntu, but i need some other packages. How can i get them with apt-get?01:12
marcin_antlunitik: firewall.... propably....01:13
ohgoodMobyTurbo: this is the howto i followed. it fails at 'nvidia-glx-config enable' http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto01:13
MobyTurboohgood, TNT and MX cards had some problems with the previous two versions of nvidia's drivers. Try the latest from nvidia.com if you can get headers or source.01:13
lunitikjogariga: apt-cache search what_you're_looking_for ... apt-get install what_you_want01:13
mfraaseogra: basic hoary preview install results in what looks like a 64x64 pixel block that looks like television static for a cursor. It tracks properly, and the upper left corner works, but it's painful. (thanks again)01:13
ohgoodMobyTurbo: lol- i can't get the headers though!01:13
ogramfraase, you mean gcursor ? or the theme itself ? the latter is a known bug01:13
MobyTurboohgood, that assumes of course that the nvidia driver in Hoary is not the buggy one. I don't know if it is.01:13
bdrarmando: if it doesn't, apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils and follow the instructions here : http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/Installation01:13
jogarigalunitik: it says that it doesn't find it01:13
thoreauputicjogariga: you'll probably want to enable the universe repository as well01:13
lunitikjogariga: what are you looking for?01:14
MobyTurboohgood, can you get the source? The source is the same as the headers, except more other stuff. :-)01:14
ohgoodMobyTurbo: it's 6111. i'm using 6629 (gentoo) now, with no errors.01:14
jogarigalunitik: ethereal01:14
mfraaseogra: No, I installed gcursor to try to resolve the problem but it turned out I was too stupid to use it.01:14
ogramfraase, ah, that sounds more like a X server issue, you could try to set the HWCursor option in your xorg.conf01:14
andrewskiohgood: do you have linux-restricted modules installed?01:14
ohgoodMobyTurbo: did you see the howto i posted ?01:14
lunitikjogariga: in /etc/apt/sources.list ... uncomment the universe line... then apt-get install ethereal01:14
armandobdr: thanx :) I will try that :)01:15
mfraaseogra: it's working with the manually copied *.theme file so I don't want to upset the applecart.01:15
jogarigalunitik: thanks01:15
MobyTurboohgood, I've seen that howto and use it myself, but I'm on Warty so my versions are different than yours.01:15
ohgoodandrewski: i have no idea, i ddin't install anything myself.01:15
lunitikjogariga: gah... prior to apt-get install ... apt-get update01:15
HillTopthoreauputic, OpenOffice has an editor, so I guess it is there to compete head to head.   But I can't get Nvu to launch - past the make profile. Oh well.01:15
andrewskiohgood: well, i think you may have to.  that's necessary for nvidia to run.  (i'm reading that howto you posted, but didn't think to mention that before.)01:15
ogramfraase, ok, but it rather sounds like a HWCursor issue :)01:15
blizahanyone familiar with dmraid?01:16
ogramfraase, but if it works now, leave it  ;)01:16
andrewskiohgood: on the other hand, you could still post the error you're getting when X won't load.  that would help debug this much faster. :P01:16
[Rain] will it be possible to upgrade from the hoary preview release to the hoary final release?01:16
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ohgoodandrewski: let me mount ubuntu's / ...01:16
andrewskiohgood: ok.01:16
HillTopthoreauputic, I gotta restart GNOME.  brb01:16
nathan2ok, i accidentally grabbed the livecd my friend had instead of the installer for hoary....is there a way to dump it on the hard drive?01:16
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bdr[Rain] : yes. I upgraded from warty preview -> final fine01:16
lunitik[Rain] : yes... with a simple 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade'01:16
thoreauputicHillTop: try launching it from a terminal to see any errors01:16
[Rain] ok cool, cuz I didnt want to put too much effort into my preview if that wasnt the case01:17
thoreauputicHillTop: if it's in /opt you might need the full path01:17
nathan2i remember knoppix made it easy to install on the hard drive...01:17
=== lunitik loves his 'alias apt-get='sudo apt-get'' line... he fucks up so much less :)
=== andrewski loves using root.
lunitik[Rain] : second apt-get should be sudo apt-get again01:17
HillTopthoreauputic, It starts with the make profile thingy window - it is confuusing, I made a directory to put it in but then nothing.  brb01:18
MobyTurboohgood, I remember on Debian sid I had to get nivida.com's drivers, and the bug list for nvidia.com's latest says it fixed bugs with older GPUs, such as TNT2 and GF MX that had previously had problems.01:18
andrewskiohgood: what the heck is that parse error on line 1?01:18
ohgoodandrewski: got me01:18
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andrewskiohgood: what's on line 1 in your file?01:19
jogarigalunitik: yes it worked thanks01:19
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Fackamatokeffo: spamma probs01:19
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jogarigalunitik: can i upgrade firefox to 1.0.1 with apt-get?01:19
ohgoodandrewski: you mean xorg.conf or... ?01:20
lunitikjogariga: if you're using hoary... yes01:20
andrewskiohgood: yes, xorg.conf.  what's the first line?01:20
DoppelGanger# hehe01:20
ohgoodandrewski: refresh, ~oclv/misc/xorg.conf01:20
lunitikohgood: why is that there?01:21
=== lunitik is dum
andrewskiohgood: hmm, i have no idea what that means, but that's the error causing it not to load.01:21
lunitikas proven... grr... dumb01:21
DakkoIf I upgrade from Warty to Hoary, will I have to re-configure ndiswrapper and its drivers/configuration?01:21
andrewskiohgood: that's the default xorg.conf?01:21
ohgoodandrewski: yes01:21
andrewskiohgood: strange.01:21
Quest-MasterDakko: Most likely not.. I can't confirm though01:21
ohgoodlunitik: why is what / where ?01:22
DakkoThat's been the most excruciating experience of Linux so far :) Don't want to do it again soon :)01:22
jogarigalunitik: how do i do it?01:22
lunitikohgood: never mind01:22
bdrDakko:Probably nothing more than an ndiswrapper -e, ndiswrapper -i. You probably should install ndiswrapper 1.1 anyway, it's got loads of bugfixes apparently01:22
nathan2can anyone tell me how to install hoary on my hard drive with a hoary livecd?  or if it's even possible?01:22
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andrewskiohgood: i'd join #xorg and ask about that.  once you get X working default, that howto should be fine for setting up nvidia/glx, but you shouldn't need to run nvidia-glx. :)01:23
lunitikjogariga: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox for individual... apt-get update && apt-get upgrade for everything else too01:23
andrewskiohgood: i actually have to go now; good luck!01:23
ohgoodandrewski: aye. me too01:23
=== HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskiohgood: l8r01:23
ohgoodthanks for the effoert andrewski01:23
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runedudehow do I close X with gdm again?01:25
madstopMy question is the reverse of jogariga's -- what's the best way, in hoary, to replace the upgraded(and buggy) firefox with firefox 1.0?01:25
HillTopthoreauputic, OK this Nvu is going to take some thinking to get going. It is all just the profile thing. :(01:25
runedudeit's like in /etc/gdm or something01:25
runedudeI forgot :|01:25
thoreauputicHillTop: I wonder if it's a version problem - mine installed without issues01:26
keffohm /etc/init.d/gdm stop / start01:26
blizahYAYAYAYAYA you can get ubuntu to see your SATA RAID windows device01:26
blizahsry bout that01:26
marcin_antlunitik: ok - I got it now - my firewall was blocking01:26
marcin_antlunitik: but another problem01:26
runedudethanks keffo01:26
bdrmadstop: I just downloaded the installer from mozilla.org and put it in /usr/local/firefox. Works great, and the font rendering is far better than the ubuntu version01:26
marcin_antlunitik: I can see shared folder but cannot browse it at all01:26
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thoreauputicHillTop: mine is version 0.8001:27
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marcin_antlunitik: maybe you know what to do with this problem?01:27
HillTopthoreauputic, It is installed and launches. I got the icon and all. I just don't know what to put for profile. I say make one and none gets made.  I have version 0.7001:27
madstopThanks bdr!  the ubuntu version is pulling a vanishing act on my downloads, and I don't trust it...01:27
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HillTopthoreauputic, I have used Nvu on a livecxd and like it, but I can't even get to a help screen. :(   I have a visitor, so will be off line for about a hour or so.  Thanks01:28
raveneyeHi, does anyone knows if there's a problem with sound preview in Hoary?01:29
thoreauputicHillTop: do you have firefox or mozilla open? try closing them01:29
bdrmadstop: the ubuntu version makes Slashdot look seriously ugly, too. even worse than normal01:29
thoreauputicHillTop: OK01:29
bdrraveneye: I have never,ever,ever been able to make sound preview work on any GNOME distro.01:29
blizahhow would i get a program dmraid to load on startup and set up the drive mounting (that dmraid detects) on startup?01:30
blizahive made a bash file do it...01:30
raveneyebdr, it *was* working in warty...01:30
bdrgrr, latest fontconfig hoary upgrade won't install01:30
bdrraveneye: Really? How did you make it work?01:31
raveneyeworked out of the box01:31
raveneyebdr, got sox installed?01:31
bdrraveneye: I must be cursed I guess. Stuff always seems to break around me.01:31
raveneyecheck if you got sox01:31
bdr"sox is already the newest version."01:32
thoreauputicbdr: for sound preview of mp3 and wav, install sox01:32
thoreauputicoops sorry01:32
raveneyethoreauputic, i have. doesnt work01:32
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raveneyein warty when you hovered over a *mp301:33
GFXstyLERhas already someone got 3d for ati radeon mobility 9600 to work?01:33
raveneyeyou got a subthread sox working that did the trick01:33
GFXstyLERi know that 3d works for ati 9800 cards etc, but i want to know if it works for radeon mobility 9600 too01:33
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thoreauputicraveneye: I have warty - preview works on mp3 and wav, but not ogg for some inscrutable reason01:34
raveneyenow i get a "zombie" nautilus sub thread01:34
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Butters|XGH|SnipIs there anyway to fix my sound??  I updated yesterday and now it sounds all fake...I can't tell where people are in CS now because I can hear everything all over the map01:34
raveneyethoreauputic, lucky you01:35
Butters|XGH|SnipI wasn't doing that till I updated01:35
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salgadoI've just built the at76c503a-source package, using make-kpkg modules_image but am getting a "version magic ' 686 gcc-3.3' should be ' preempt K7 gcc-3.3'" when trying to load the module. what can I do to build the module with the correct version magic?01:35
=== LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== madstop is ready to throw a laptop out a window and hope it lands on a hoary old garden gnome and kills it.
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=== madstop 's X server is about to become his ex server.
=== GFXstyLER is laughing his a$$ off
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kycwoo i'm running hoary right now, runs and looks great01:38
kycso smooth and fast01:38
=== madstop tries not to resent the fact that warty hates him, gnome hates him, ubuntu hates him and penguins think his head is an ice-floe in an outhouse.
kyccan i assume the install version of hoarty runs the same as the livecd?01:39
GFXstyLERi would use it immediately but i need 3d because iam a 3d app developer ... damn why i got a notebook with ati graphics card :/01:39
armandook, downloading the drivers now with help from bdr :)01:39
farruinnis anyone else having trouble logging into the ubuntu wiki?01:39
GFXstyLERkyc: yes it should nearly be the same01:39
bdrkyc: apparently not if your name is madstop01:39
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armandobdr: got ndiswrapper installed and found the drivers needed for the card I have with the PCI id.01:40
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kycgfxstyler: i'm running ati and am also a graphics developer. works fine on my laptop01:40
madstopI meant to say hoary, not warty.01:40
Errejowhat's the easiest way to uninstall something that I installed using apt-get ?01:40
farruinnErrejo: apt-get remove01:40
GFXstyLERkyc: you got ati radeon mobility 9600 ? w00t!?01:40
thoreauputicErrejo: sudo apt-get remove <package>01:40
bdrarmando: it's working ok - you're typing over wireless?01:40
Errejothanks farruinn !01:40
GFXstyLERErrejo: apt-get remove blabla ?01:40
kycgfxstyler: think so, i have an inspiron 115001:41
Errejoguess I should have figured that one myself :D01:41
thoreauputicGFXstyLER: the blabla package should never be removed! *g*01:41
armandobdr: not yet. Have it pluged in.01:41
armandobdr: but was able to follow the instructions from ndiswrapper.  Now downloading the drivers.01:42
=== GFXstyLER is now known as gfxstyler
madstopkyc, 64bit hoary is extremely fast.  Installs fast too.01:42
farruinnThis is weird, I've reset my password twice for the wiki but it still won't let me sign in01:42
armandobdr: but once I download em and open the file, do I need to make apermanent directory for it or can I expand it on the desktop and then delete?01:42
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bdrarmando: you can just put it in a temp directory: "ndiswrapper -i" on the driver .inf file will copy it to /etc/ndiswrapper automatically for you01:43
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gfxstylerkyc: r u sure that u got an ati ? i cannot find anything on the net about it :)01:44
kycmadstop: well i only have x86 :P01:44
kycgfxstyler: i'm sure it's an ati, look up dell inspiron 115001:44
armandobdr: ok thanx :)01:44
kycgfxstyler: i haven't tried any 3d with it yet, looking for it now. wonder if it has bzflag preinstalled01:45
gfxstylerkyc: try blender01:45
gfxstylerif it runs slow as hell, u dont got 3d :D01:45
kycgfxstyler: good point :) is the blender install easy for linux?01:45
madstophoary's running great (though with annoying quirks) on my amd64, but it managed to break my other, older laptop.  Back to warty for that machine01:45
HrdwrBoBare the standard tests01:46
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gfxstylerkyc: apt-get install blender or something like this (i did a search for blender in synaptic and got it)01:46
kycglxgears runs smooth as pie01:46
kycsmoother in fact :P01:46
gfxstylerkyc: how many fps?01:46
kycgfxstyler: doesn't say but it rotates like one of those paper windmills (but really fast, like those toy things)01:47
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madstopWhat does "FATAL: Module We're a laptop" mean?01:47
bdrkyc: it will give the FPS in the terminal window you typed glxgears in01:48
kyco wait it does say, i forgot to look at the console window: min 500 fps, max 2000 fps01:48
gfxstylerkyc: it even does without 3d acceleration :)01:48
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kycwell do you know of any better benchmarks? other than installing blender, i'm lazy hehe01:48
gfxstylerkyc: thats not that fast, my other computer with nvidia gets 6000-8000 :D but the hell with it, im downloading hoary now01:48
ssamooo distrowatch says array cd 7 is out01:48
gfxstylerkyc: the best benchmark for me: tuxracer *lol*01:49
kycgfxstyler: hehe well it's not installed01:49
gfxstylerkyc: if fglrxinfo does not show up with "mesa" then everything is alright01:50
=== crschmidt [~crschmidt@dsl.allan.mv.com] has joined #ubuntu
crschmidtI accidentally blew away the firefox theme that comes with ubuntu01:50
crschmidtis it on the website anywhere?01:50
kycgfxstyler: is that a command? fglrxinfo commant not found01:50
thenukeit is in the repositories01:50
armandobdr: how do I check the system log?01:50
thenukeis used to install software in to ubuntu01:51
gfxstylerkyc: if u install the ati fglrx drivers then u have this command01:51
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gfxstylerkyc: i found out that if u have hoary and install the ati fglrx driver everything runs much smoother (user interfaces, etc)01:51
kycgfxstyler: no i just loaded up the cd a few minutes ago. do i find it thorugh apt-get?01:51
gfxstylerkyc: yes but i have to tell u that if u do anything wrong with that u can trash your x-server (and thats bad), i trashed mine for 5 times already *lol*01:52
armandoCan anyone tell me where I can see the system log?01:52
gfxstylerarmando: do you mean dmesg ?01:53
bdrarmando: tail -n X /var/log/syslog, where X is the number of lines you want to see01:53
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armandogfxstyler: yup thats what I need :)01:53
kycgfxstyler: http://www.bafsoft.com/hosted/grandmachina/projects/chronoDoll.0.1.1.zip01:55
kycgfxstyler: that's my openGL physics demo, it runs fine for me01:55
sic|anyone know of an app that will look at two directories and compare the contents and give you a report...like dircmp command?01:56
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gfxstylerkyc: i guess u have 3d then :D runs fine for me too01:56
kycgfxstyler: hehe cool, are you on windows right now? you ran my app pretty quickly01:57
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gfxstylerkyc: yes iam... very funny to kick these little boys around *lol*01:57
kycgfxstyler: hehe it's weird in ubuntu my demo feels and looks a lot better than on windows :P01:58
madstopI can't understand why the screenshot applet keeps trying to force me to save to the desktop, or in "file system"  Damned stupid design.01:58
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gfxstylermadstop: i can't understand why i cannot do a screenshot with [print]  at all01:59
LinuxJonesgfxstyler, PrintScrn doesn't work for you ?02:00
ollieis anyone using a sound blaster audigy 2 with hoary?  I've seen people both saying it works and others saying not.02:00
josueis there a light email client? evolution, and thunderbird take too much ram.02:00
olliewould like to know before I go buy one ;-)02:00
ssammadstop, is that the new save file dialog`02:00
gfxstylerLinuxJones: if i press the [print]  button on my keyboard it does not do anything if you meant that02:00
josueAlso, that can be minimized to a tray icon.02:00
ssamyou should be able to fold down a traditional view02:00
madstopyeah, that would be nice.   Kde has a great screenshot applet; don't know if that works with [print]  either though02:00
kycone thing though, fonts don't look as smooth in linux, do i need to turn on smoothing in the options?02:00
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LinuxJonesgfxstyler, maybe you don't have the correct keyboard selected ?02:01
madstopyes, ssam, the save file dialog-- it's a pain in the neck!  useless02:01
gfxstylerkyc: u can set font smoothing in the options somewhere02:01
ssamkyc you should be able to turn it on02:01
ssamin the fonts control panel02:01
kycssam i see it thanks02:01
gfxstylerkyc: i have subpixel highlighting activated for lcd, looks DAMN good02:01
ssamin the save box, click browser other folders02:02
kycgfxstyler: holy crap, it does look good02:02
sic|so no one knows of a dircmp type app?02:02
ssamkyc :-)02:02
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ssamif you put drop shadows on its almost as cool as mac os x02:03
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gfxstylerssam: but they only work with nvidia cards02:03
farruinnsic|: midnight commander maybe if I understand you right02:03
majortoolwhats the name of the init config file?02:03
farruinnsic|: the package is mc02:03
ssammine work on an ati radeon 9000 64mb, with the open souce driver02:03
sic|farruinn, I cp'ed a dir and got some i/o errors and wanted to compare to see what is missing02:04
gfxstylerssam: but the performance should be low02:04
sic|farruinn, drive is going bad...  :(02:04
madstopI'm about fed up with gnome.  may go to kde, visual overkill and all.  It's just better thought out than gnome.02:04
blizahhrm i havent done anything to ubuntu..but my sound has stopped working02:04
gfxstylermadstop: for kde u may have a look at "kubuntu"02:04
blizahor at least my headphones..02:04
farruinnsic|: oh, the quick way to do that is 'ls /original/directory > original ; ls /new/direcotory > new ; diff original new'02:05
gfxstylermadstop: or try xfce 4.2 (i like it more than gnome, kde or anything else)02:05
madstopdamn, I just realized though, I think I may have killed xorg on my other laptop with kubuntu, though.  Anyway, that was the last thing I installed before it went kerplooey...02:05
zeffhas anyone else's mouse slowed to a crawl since upgrading X on warty?02:05
sic|farruinn, probelm is it is 108Gb worth of files02:05
gfxstylerblizah: what ubuntu do u use? hoary?02:05
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gfxstylerblizah: i had this problem only on hoary (polypaudio sucks!)02:06
madstopYes, gfxstyler, xfce 4.2 is excellent!  Nice design02:06
farruinnsic|: hm, well maybe 'ls /dirA | wc -l' and compare that to 'ls /dirB | wc -l'02:06
riddleyI'm using the AMD64 port of Hoary and my fonts are completely nuts with QT apps... any pointers?02:06
farruinnsic|: that will tell you the number of lines of output from ls in both cases, if it's the same you're fine02:07
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mdkesomeone has changed my password at ubuntulinux.org. How can this be?02:07
farruinnmdke: is it telling you to reset your password as well?02:07
pcybillmdke: same here as well02:07
mdkefarruinn, it is suggesting it yes02:07
mdkewe have the worst website of any distro02:08
farruinnmust be something up with the server02:08
pcybillagree with farruinn02:08
mdkeyeah guess so02:08
ssamno, try an get any info out of the yellowdog linux site02:08
gfxstylermdke: i like the ubuntu website :) fast and simple02:08
mdkegfxstyler, but it doesn't work02:08
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gfxstylermdke: well i didnt know that, sorry02:09
mdkegfxstyler, you frequently get "page not found" after logging in on the wiki, and there are caching problems too02:09
majortooldoes anyone know the name of the init config file02:09
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Nobuyuki`hoy ubuntu people02:10
mdkehi Nobuyuki`02:10
chapter3hey all, i'm trying to install the mplayerplug-in, and it says it requires the mozilla-devel package, but i can't find that package to install02:10
pcybillhoy Nobuyuki02:10
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Nobuyuki`first time trying a linux distro since I was a kid, actually installing it now on a 10 year old computer02:11
mdkeNobuyuki`, cool02:11
usualfontconfig broken in hoary?02:11
farruinnNobuyuki`: _10_ years old?02:11
=== thierry [~t@modemcable237.142-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Nobuyuki`farruinn:  that is correct02:11
Nobuyuki`if I remember right the CD drive I took out of it (busted servo on the caddy) said manufactured feb 199502:12
mdkeyou're gonna put ubuntu on it?02:12
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mdkecrazy but cool02:12
Nobuyuki`yeah, well I'm trying02:12
gfxstylermdke: lol02:12
Nobuyuki`the only kink I have on it right now is that it didn't detect the ISA NIC02:12
Nobuyuki`and I came in here wondering:  does ubuntu support ISA at all?02:12
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kycbtw to automount my partitions i can just edit the startup script right?02:13
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thoreauputicNobuyuki`: IIRC there's a package called isapnp or isapnp-tools02:13
pcybilleveryone is googling right now Nobuyuki be just a sec lol02:13
Nobuyuki`I googled it up and although I found a few forum posts on the 'net there was no conclusive answer which is why I'm asking you guys02:13
mjg59What do you mean by support ISA?02:13
gfxstylerkyc: u could write them to the fstab02:13
chapter3hey all, i'm trying to install the mplayerplug-in, and it says it requires the mozilla-devel package, but i can't find that package to install02:13
gfxstylerchapter: do a look for mozilla in synaptic02:14
Nobuyuki`thoreauputic:  I'm on that page right now.  I'm wondering if the tools will help me!  There's a tool specifically for the exact card I'm using so I'm excited and crossing my fingers02:14
mjg59There's no hardware autodetection for ISA, but should be for PNP cards02:14
thoreauputicNobuyuki`: apt-cache search says the package is "isapnptools"02:14
usualfontconfig broken in hoary?02:14
kycomfg....ubuntu is a godsend, it works with my wacom tablet!!!02:14
thierryI think my ubuntu is not working with the UTF-8 charset... how can I check that and maybe fix it02:14
thoreauputicNobuyuki`: whether it helps you I don't know...02:15
mdkethierry, dpkg-reconfigure locales02:15
mdkethierry, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales02:15
Nobuyuki`mjg59:  thanks for that info.  once the OS loads up I'll attempt to install the tools for ISA NIC's, and I'll tell you guys how it turns out (or if I get stuck) XD02:15
mjg59With 2.6 kernels, you shouldn't use isapnptools02:15
mjg59The kernel will set the cards up automatically02:15
armando_ANybody know a good WiFi SSID locator for ubuntu?02:15
thoreauputicmjg59: ah, interesting02:16
Nobuyuki`well, the installer didn't detect the ISA NIC so I'm wondering if I should try those tools anyway02:16
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Nobuyuki`here's the page I came up with:  http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/hoary/net/nictools-nopci02:16
gfxstylerkyc: thats nice to hear since i thought about getting a wacom tablet in the future too02:16
=== kerframil [~kerin@host81-129-155-247.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
kycgfxstyler: yep :) there's no pressure sensitivity right now but i might be able to conifgure gimp for that. it's not too important anyway02:17
pinPointhow good is ubuntu02:17
=== [Rain] [~Rain@c-24-118-236-45.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
pinPointis it recent and supports most hardware02:17
pinPointlike my Dell laptop wireless nic02:17
[Rain] blah hoary has locked up 3 times for me today02:17
gfxstylerhow much time would it take to install & configure ubuntu completely? i only have 1 day02:17
kycpinpoint: yep, it's supporting my wacom tablet when knoppix, fedora, and mandrake failed to do so02:18
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gfxstylerpinPoint: good is relative02:18
housetierthierry you can "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" and select as many locales as you want, then make one the default02:18
kycbbl, thanks for the help guys02:18
pinPointkyc: sounds promising since mdk is whining over my nic02:18
gfxstylerpinPoint: for myself ubuntu is the best distro ever02:18
usualwill fontconfig being broken break anything else?02:18
=== armando_ is now known as armando
mdkewebsite is back dudes02:18
madstopis it my imagination, or is the universe repository kind of outdated for a lot of apps?02:18
neighborleeanyone here good with chanserv commands..I really could use help identifying as a contact on a channel ( yes its my own channel)...thx anyone ;-)))02:18
ollieperhaps a silly question, but if I install or remove a sound card, should hoary pick it up and do the right thing? or do I need to configure it?02:19
armandoanyone able to help me to set up wifi radar in ubuntu, please? :)02:19
gfxstylermadstop: the universe repository has no support thats why02:19
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madstopreason I ask gsxstyler, is because only an older version of xfce is in there.02:20
PacoBCN109 updates right now, and this morning other 9002:20
housetierthierry as for xchat use "/charset utf-8" for now, and also have a look at this: http://xchat.org/encoding/02:20
gfxstylermadstop: yes you have to get it somewhere else02:20
riddleywhat's the package that asks you if you have an LCD or a normal monitor (for font rendering)02:20
gfxstylermadstop: need a link?02:20
madstopyes please gfxstyler02:20
ssamriddley, try the font control panel in gnome02:20
[Rain] what is the different between synaptic update manager and ubuntu update manager?02:20
PacoBCNwhy so many updates today?02:21
madstopI used the older xfce briefly with warty, and I liked it.  But I ended up trashing that install.02:21
mdkePacoBCN, because the devs are flair :)02:21
gfxstylermadstop: http://www.os-cillation.com/article.php?sid=3602:21
thoreauputicPacoBCN: I think array 7 is out02:21
madstopThanks gfxstyler !02:21
riddleyssam: that's not what I mean...02:21
DarthFrogPacoBCN: Getting cloes to release time and the developers are active. :-)02:21
PacoBCNI just wish I had more computers to install Ubuntu agaun02:21
mdkePacoBCN, steal them!02:22
ssamyou should break into people house in the night and install it02:22
riddleyI'm using the AMD64 port of Hoary and my fonts are completely nuts with QT apps... any pointers?02:22
gfxstylerPacoBGN: i for myself really like updates :D its like getting candy02:22
mdkessam, wicked id02:22
PacoBCNmdke, all the ones I have are stolen02:22
ssamgasp, its true, irc is full of criminals02:23
mdkei read that somewhere...02:23
PacoBCNgfxstyler, yes, for me it's like "well, I don't know what, but it will work better"02:23
[Rain] what is the different between synaptic update manager and ubuntu update manager?02:23
gfxstylerPacoBGN: lol02:23
ssam[rain]  not much02:23
ssamthey should both do the same thing02:23
[Rain] they should just merge them into one update tool then02:24
PacoBCNmany updates but still I get killed in Enemy Territory :D02:24
mdke[Rain] , one has greater flexibility02:24
ssamthe update tool just does updates02:24
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mdkegotta love the add/remove programs tool02:24
GammaRaydoes the shipped kernel in warty have ufs2 support?02:24
ssamits very easy to use and you cant bork your system with it02:24
mdkeone in the eye for windows users, to find out that it is actually possible to ADD programs with that tool02:24
madstopis "ubuntu update manager" the thing that shows an icon in the notification area?  That's pretty cool.  I like.02:25
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=== armando sighs.
mdkewindows -> control panel -> add/remove programs >.<02:25
armandoAnyone able to help me with my wireless card? It doesnt seem to link up to any network :(02:25
mdkewhat type?02:25
GammaRayand if it did... would the ufs "sub partitions" be seen as extended partitions? or what?02:25
gfxstylerarmando: mine doesnt too .. its like its dead and gets no signal02:26
armandogfxstyler: yup :(02:26
mdkethere he goes02:26
mdkearmando, what type card?02:26
[Rain] too me an entire day to get my wireless usb adapter to work02:26
PacoBCNI went to have dinner tonight and I realized that half of the people sittin in my table (6) are Ubuntu users :D02:26
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mdkei took 2 weeks on a usb adsl modem once02:26
kerframilusual: I'm having that problem too02:26
armandoits a broadcom laptop wireless card.02:27
mdkePacoBCN, cool02:27
mdkearmando, do you know the chipset?02:27
PacoBCNmdke, yes, and I didn't count my gfriend who uses my laptop :D02:27
mdkearmando, lspci02:27
mdkePacoBCN, you obviously go to geek dinner parties02:27
usualkerframil, I'm sure it's no big deal and will be fixed fast, but I am curious if I should logout of X, does fontconfig have any bindings to x?02:27
=== ggeecko [~ggeecko@adsl-214-28-45.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ssammy girlfriend runs ubuntu02:27
armandomdke: Yup, located a bunch of drivers for it and loaded wdiswrapper.02:27
mdkeusual, kerframil, known problem i believe02:27
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kerframilmdke: no doubt02:27
ssam(the ultimate geek brag)02:27
kerframilusual: it shouldn'02:27
GFXstyLERdamn windows02:28
kerframilusual: sorry02:28
=== GFXstyLER is now known as gfxstyler
cefarmando: what sort of networks? I've not been able to get mine to connect to anything encrypted, or anything in the 802.11a range yet02:28
[Rain] ssam, I think the fact that you have a girlfriend is more impressive02:28
armandomdke: Yes, it is encrypted.02:28
kerframilusual: I daresay it's a bug in the post-install script but I'm not intimately familiar with Debian's package system yet - hard to say02:28
PacoBCNmdke, at all, just normal people02:28
mdkearmando, with ndis shouldn't be a problem02:28
armandocef: It is encrypted.02:28
mdkePacoBCN, i want your friends02:28
ssamno, the fact that she still lets me mess with her laptop02:28
PacoBCNmdke, but I recommended Ubuntu since it was warty beta02:28
bluefoxicyanyone know how to make an opencd?02:28
armandomdke: what if its an encrypted network? how do I know its looking for a network in the first place?02:29
riddleyany ubuntu devs in here?02:29
cefarmando: yeah.. I'm not sure what to suggest there. in the same boat02:29
mdkeriddley, they have their own channel02:29
mdkethey are special02:29
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LinuxJonesriddley, #ubuntu-devel02:29
gfxstylerthey are aliens02:29
madstopman, every time hoary updates, I hold my breath -- seem to be getting more and more error messages02:29
cefarmando: actually, scratch that, I've got an atheros chipset, not broadcom02:29
mdkegfxstyler, aliens who are a force for good tho ;)02:29
PacoBCNI saw many updates of "hal" lately02:29
ssammark shutleworth is from space02:29
armandocef: ok :)02:29
cefarmando: but same symptoms02:30
gfxstylermdke: yes u are right hehe02:30
kerframilusual: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=781502:30
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pcybillssam: that would explain a great many things =)02:30
thoreauputicmdke: from a small planet near alpha-centauri ?02:30
gfxstylermadstop: everytime i updated it ran better than before02:30
Nobuyuki`so far, running on the seat of my pants.... not sure whether or not this 2gb hd will be enough room for the packages and swap XD02:30
mdkethoreauputic, :)02:30
mdkeNobuyuki`, heh02:30
mdkeNobuyuki`, how much ram?02:31
ssamwho needs swap?02:31
mdkehe does02:31
ssamoh, you need swap02:31
farruinnit let you run the installer?02:31
=== mdke points
=== chesshire [~chesshire@d150-225-46.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
madstopis there some reason why ubuntu doesn't want me to save to my home folder????  I'm getting tired of dragging stuff off the desktop!02:31
Nobuyuki`yeah right now it's extracting the packages on the first bootup02:31
farruinnNobuyuki`: warty or hoary?02:31
mdkemadstop, yes that is annoying, i'm sure there is a solution02:31
gfxstylermadstop: you have to set this in the firefox settings02:31
mdkeoh yeah in firefox sure02:32
ssamits the new save box in gnome02:32
gfxstylermadstop: extras/settings/downloads02:32
ssamits a pain02:32
mdkessam, heh02:32
armandotook of security02:32
armandosee if that lets me connect.02:33
cefNobuyuki`: well it should be.. when I installed ubuntu on my machine (and while it was installing) I was checking the disk free in the spare terminal, and it never seemed to go over 1.7 GB02:33
madstopgfxstyler, actually I'm still referring to screenshots, not firefox.  Firefox I can handle (and that's a bug that will get fixed) The save file dialog in gnome though, just cludgy and annoying02:33
ssami am sure gnome will start making a one button mouse soon02:33
mdkearmando, were you following a howto or something?02:33
armandomdke: for ndiswrapper yes.02:33
mdkemadstop, yeah screenshots default to desktop too :(02:33
armandomdke: but after that im not sure what to do aside from downloading the radar to locate the server.02:33
PacoBCNbe careful, there are dependenc problems in last updates02:33
cefNobuyuki`: but then again, df most likely doesn't show up programs using temp space02:34
gfxstylermadstop: oh, didnt know this, i wiped out ubuntu a week ago ... but now i wipe out windows in a few minutes hehe02:34
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ssammadstop can you click browse for other folders, in the save box02:34
madstoplike many dialogs in gnome; everything seems designed to waste as much of the user's time as possible.  Adding or moving applets on the panels, likewise inefficient02:34
armandomdke: but thats going to have its own set of problems considering I have absolutely no idea what Im doing.02:34
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thoreauputicssam: haha - yeah and a dialogue that pops up and says "You seem to be trying to configure GNOME - this is not a Good Idea (tm)"02:34
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mdkemadstop, i agree. Also once you save a screenshot to home, it doesn't remember your settings02:34
mdkearmando, are there no native drivers for your card?02:35
madstopExactly, mdke.02:35
ssamand "you want to edit menus, eh. dont"02:35
mdkessam, that is not intentional i believe ;)02:35
mdkemadstop, lets browse in gconf02:35
ssami know, i love gnome02:36
=== usual [~colin@cpe-24-194-197-159.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicinstall imagemagick and do ' import -window root `02:36
ssamand i love its mac os classic feel02:36
=== ssam is mac junky
armandomdke: i think so, but used the first one that supported the pci id that I found.02:36
madstopheh, gconfig, yeah, that's user friendly to browse through!  That damn thing is one of the reasons I take a lot of screenshots!02:36
cefediting menus tends to break on major version updates.. which should only happen when moving from release to release.. since hoary is still not final, this can technically happen every second day02:36
mdkemadstop, just trying to work around...02:37
riddleywhat's the kde equivalent of gnome-control-center ?02:37
=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
cefprice you pay for running bleeding edge02:37
mdkecef, ?02:37
mdkecef, what is?02:37
cefmdke: editing menus vanishing02:37
madstopsorry mdke, I thought you were comparing the usability, not suggesting a way to change defaults!  my bad02:37
cefmdke: edited even02:37
mdkecef, no it isn't, that is not planned for the 2.10 release02:37
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mdkecef, editing menus is permanently off the menu until 2.1202:38
cefmdke: ahh ok.. well, that'02:38
ssamsomeone in the forums (punkass?) has made a python menu adder02:38
mdketell him to post it in the relevant bug and maybe they'll get it in intime for hoary02:38
cefmdke: ahh ok.. well, that's just my opinion anyway.. based on the way it happens in other dists too02:38
thoreauputicI suggest all error messages should be identical, and read "Havoc doesn't want you messing with GNOME" *grin*02:39
madstopmdke, I know there's a way to better control screenshots via the terminal, but I forgot the commands02:39
ssamand in theory you can now have a generic menu editor for all desktops02:39
cefmdke: and I don't just mean in gnome, kde does it like that too02:39
mdkecef, i agree that in development systems things can go wrong. But this isn't an example ;) and they were complaining about some features in gnome, rather than bugs ;)02:39
mdkebut all in all it is pretty good let's face it02:39
cefmdke: I currently triple-boot this machine.. ubuntu, debian, XP (spit!)02:40
mdkehow come?02:40
=== JDigital [~jdigital@host81-156-30-0.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
PacoBCNweird problems upgrading Hoary:02:41
PacoBCNE: fontconfig:  el subproceso post-installation script devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 1002:41
PacoBCNE: libfontconfig1:  problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar02:41
PacoBCNE: xbase-clients:  problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar02:41
PacoBCNE: x-window-system-core:  problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar02:41
PacoBCNE: xterm:  problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar02:41
mdkePacoBCN, yes02:41
PacoBCNmdke, did it happen to you too?02:41
PacoBCNNow I'm affraid of restarting X02:41
mdkehaven't tried yet02:41
JDigitalhow do i shot web02:41
mdkePacoBCN, heh02:41
usualshot web?02:41
mdkePacoBCN, this is a good time to go to bed and update in the morning02:42
PacoBCNkill the internet?02:42
madstopyeah, I'm seeing a lot of those messages too, though no en el idioma de Cervantes...02:42
cefmdke: had to tell ubuntu's grub to use the debian kernel images via the symlinks (/vmlinuz et al), so that kernel upgrades on debian don't require so much work, and of course removing grub from debian so it doesn't overwrite the boot setup02:42
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PacoBCNmdke, probably you're right but I wanted to kill some nazis with Enemy Territory02:42
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mdkePacoBCN, hmm02:42
cefmdke: XP? cos of work.. debian, cos I do stuff in debian that I'm not sure ubuntu is ready for yet.. and anyway, it's good to look at how the other side works02:42
cefmdke: which is why in debian I'm using primarily using KDE.. *grin*02:43
mdkeah i c02:43
mdkewell you could test kubuntu on the other partition02:43
madstopA lot of awesome open source apps are available in Windows these days.  It's for them that I keep using it.02:43
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armandothink I found it!02:44
cefmdke: true.. mebbe in the future.. currently, I'02:44
JDigitalhahah, ##1111111111 is sure filling up02:44
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cefmdke: true.. mebbe in the future.. currently, I'll stick with this setup02:44
mdkemy problem with windows is that i've lost my system restore cds and its getting harder and harder to install illegal versions02:44
thoreauputicmadstop: open source apps available for Win and not Linux ? Such as?02:44
jacquesi get a segmentation fault on all multimedia apps. any suggestions?02:45
mdkeillegal makes me feel dirty02:45
GFXstyLER_mdke: illegal is dirty02:45
cefmdke: well this is on a toshiba, so I got XP Pro installed on it by default02:45
cefthoreauputic: OpenOffice?02:45
mdkegfxstyler, yeah you're right02:45
madstopnot - easily, for me - available in ubuntu, thoreauputic .  I'm too dumb for wine, not every developer, believe it or not, is working in *nix.02:45
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cefthoreauputic: oh woops.. missed the'not'02:45
thoreauputiccef: :)02:46
mdkemadstop, ;)02:46
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madstopKeynote (tranglos software), WxWikiserver, BSPlayer (freeware, not open),02:46
madstopFoobar2000 (linux audio players are a joke compared to that)02:46
cefthoreauputic: I need XP for work.. tends to be hard to support or develop applications for windows in non-windows environments02:47
thoreauputicmadstop: I'm just curious as to which open source apps are availab;e only for windows...02:47
spiraloidhas anyone had any difficulty using a custom xfce install after upgrading to hoary preview? will I need to compile/install again?02:47
madstopI just listed some02:47
thoreauputiccef: sure02:47
Nobuyuki`thoreauputic:  check /vb/ section of planet source code ;D02:47
thoreauputicah - vb - i see :)02:48
kerframilthoreauputic: there are a few here and there, CDex springs to mind (which is rather good as it goes)02:48
cefthoreauputic: I'm actually going to try running XP under some sort of emulator.. I've already set up XP to support different hardware profiles, so that if I run it under some sort of virtual machine, I won't screw up the drivers when I run it natively02:48
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madstopI held off trying linux for quite a while, because hey, open office runs fine in windows, you can even get gimp in windows02:48
Nobuyuki`I do my programming almost exclusively in vb cause it's easy and fast to get what I want done... however if there were such a basic variant that worked well on all modern OS's I'd jump on it02:48
nvashi2what are the best gnome based wed design tools -graphics creators/editors/viewers, html/php/xml/java editors [wysiwyg optional, prefer to code] 02:48
armandoOk, found some new drivers for the wireless card to see if thats it. How can I uninstall the current ones from ndiswapper and install the new ones?02:48
gfxstyler_basic? nah i go for c++ :D02:49
cefNobuyuki`: well VB is going away anyway.. you'll need to use vb.net at least02:49
Nobuyuki`cpp takes too long for me to do anything with it... I have this problem with being lazy and having a short attention span02:49
Nobuyuki`also, I hate vb.net02:49
LinuxJonesNobuyuki`, there is always Python02:49
cefNobuyuki`: looked at delphi/kylix?02:49
Nobuyuki`no user deserves to download a 24mb runtime file you didn't tell them about beforehand to use your '60kb' .NET app02:49
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madstopand, forgetting the obvious superiority of the basic linux operating system to windows, the fact is in many ways WinXp is a much less aggravating desktop manager than gnome.02:50
Nobuyuki`I looked at delphi, it looks nice but the syntax is pretty old02:50
madstopat least when tweaked with non-microsoft products02:50
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Nobuyuki`right now my eye's on a thing called PureBasic, which recompiles to ASM on the platforms available to it (currently:  Windows, Linux, AmigaOS)02:50
spiraloidthat's why i use xfce :)02:50
cefNobuyuki`: interesting02:50
neighborleeNobuyuki: hmmmm nice02:51
Nobuyuki`problem is it's not free02:51
cefNobuyuki`: doh!02:51
Nobuyuki`still cheaper than VB was XD02:51
Nobuyuki`like, 39 bucks02:51
cefok.. time for lunch, bbk02:51
cef$39 isn't too bad.. USD I'm guessing02:51
neighborleeNobuyuki`: be nice if they ever port blitz3d to linux...02:51
Nobuyuki`blitz pisses me off for a number of reasons02:52
Nobuyuki`I used to be a beta tester before the first windows version of blitz was released02:52
Nobuyuki`the one most nagging thing about blitz is that its community is unfriendly02:53
Nobuyuki`a lot of people are out to make a profit on their crap and so therefore if you want some tools to make your life easier programming the thing you either get a response of "be grateful for what sibly [the main programmer]  gives you" or "buy my tool"02:53
=== Suvroc is now known as Corvus
farruinnis there a way to change the "default" gtk+ theme so I don't have to run gnome-settings-daemon in other windowmanagers?02:53
=== gfxstyler is getting something to drink
farruinnI don't understand why,but I run gnome-settings-daemon & from a terminal but when I close the terminal it kills the daemon02:54
Nobuyuki`dudes.  this thing's taking forever to unpack02:54
thoreauputicI listened to an interview with Mark Shuttleworth on lugradio - I like his attitude to the community, and his emphasis on excellence rather than profit as his goal02:55
farruinnI think a .deb is just a .tar.gz...02:55
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
thoreauputicfarruinn: you killed the parent process?02:55
spiraloidwhat does it mean when apt reports that a package is being 'held back'?02:55
madstopUh, what's the name of that program you use to change convert other distro's packages to .deb ?02:56
thoreauputicspiraloid: it means it needs a new package as a dependency that it can't find, usually02:56
mdkethoreauputic, presumably he would want to make some money out of the project?02:56
thoreauputicmadstop: alien02:56
madstopah, that's it, thanks thoreauputic02:57
farruinnthoreauputic: shouldn't the & make it run in the background though?02:57
spiraloidstrange.. i'm just going through an apt -s dist-upgrade, and it reports x-window-system-core as one of those (the other is ntfstools).. will that be a problem?02:57
inphlictI'm having trouble with getting mplayer, I have no sound with it02:57
spiraloidI'm preparing to upgrade to hoary preview02:57
inphlictAnyone know any fixes02:57
thoreauputicmdke: yes, but not necessarily right away (he's filthy rich anyway ;) )02:57
inphlictI have hoary preview02:57
LinuxJonesfarruinn, that should be make & :)02:57
mdkethoreauputic, link pls?02:57
mdketo radio cast02:57
gfxstylerhnphlict: i may know why02:57
inphlicttell me pls :)02:57
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thoreauputicmdke: for lugradio?02:58
thoreauputicmdke: hang on a tic02:58
gfxstylerinphlict: in gnome system monitor is there a process called "polypaudio" running?02:58
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mdkethoreauputic, i'll find it hopefully02:58
gfxstylerinphlict: i had that process too, after i killed the polypaudio process i had my sound back :)02:58
HillTopthoreauputicI'm back. :)    I start Nvu and the choose user profile window comes up. I can't get beyond it. I made a profile for myself but Start Nvu seems to do nothing.02:58
inphlictgfxstyler: No02:59
JDigitalHappy 1111111111 everyone!02:59
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inphlictNothing like that is running02:59
gfxstylerinphlict: oh then im sorry for that02:59
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madstopdependency problems... fontconfig is not configured yet... blah blah blah.02:59
mdkethoreauputic, found it02:59
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=== farruinn [~nathan@cpe-69-201-13-153.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
inphlictI read something about system hijacking sound when it first turns on02:59
^thehatsrule^whoa... lotsa ppl here02:59
HillTopthoreauputicIn fact when I try it again the profile I made is gone.02:59
inphlictI get an error about sound being used in mplayer02:59
^thehatsrule^i have a question, in the ubuntu installation, can you select which to install?03:00
thenukeinphlict: :( so you system must be hijacked then?03:00
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: how is that meant?03:00
pcybillHillTop: run this command and try again to run.  sudo chown -R username .nvu03:00
inphlictI have no idea I'm a noob03:00
thoreauputicmdke: episode 703:00
^thehatsrule^or does it install everything on the cd at once?03:00
inphlictbut thats what I read from the forum :(03:00
^thehatsrule^i mean like packages :P03:00
thenukeinphlict: well, I wonder why you don thave sound :)03:01
crbyou can do a base only install with 'server' at the boot prompt03:01
thenukewhat are you trying to play?03:01
crband then apt-get the stuff you want03:01
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: no not really03:01
HillToppcybill -- where username is my user?03:01
thenukedo you have codecs for what ever media you are trying to play03:01
mdkethoreauputic, cool thanks03:01
farruinn^thehatsrule^: I think if you do custom it will put you into aptitude at the end03:01
mdkethoreauputic, that looks like it has loads of awesome stuff03:01
^thehatsrule^oh, so its too much of a hassle to do i guess?03:01
mdkethoreauputic, also an interview on kubuntu03:01
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: you would have to install in expert mode, there you can select if you want additional packages installed or not03:02
farruinn^thehatsrule^: you're probably better off installing everything then apt-get removing what you don't want as you use the system03:02
^thehatsrule^whoa, thenuke you use ubuntu? :P03:02
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thenuke^thehatsrule^: atm, no03:02
thoreauputicmdke: yeah, it's interesting - if you can follow the htread with all of them talking over each other *grin*03:02
^thehatsrule^ah... so it would be expert on boot03:02
mdkethoreauputic, really...03:02
mdkethoreauputic, i will listen with interest03:02
thenuke^thehatsrule^: why do you ask thing like that03:03
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: but you want to have an x-server, right? so i would say that you better install everything and remove the stuff you dont like later03:03
thoreauputicmdke: yeah, the guys who run the show like to talk all at once - but the Shuttleworth interview is good03:03
^thehatsrule^cause, i dont have much space left, after partitioning03:03
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: how much space is that?03:04
goxyhow make intel 536ep work on ubuntu03:04
Butters|XGH|SnipIs there anyway to get file-roller to unrar .rar files?03:04
Riddellmdke: what's this about an interview on kubuntu?03:04
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: i guess that should be enough, but not sure03:04
madstopI could have sworn that gnome in warty used to remember where I would put my windows; in hoary, terminal always opens where I don't want it...03:04
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JDigitalHow do I run quake on lunix03:05
JDigitaland Malice03:05
mdkeRiddell, thoreauputic showed me lugradio, they have an interview on kubuntu03:05
^thehatsrule^and also what i think is weird... is that ubuntu is giving out free cds?!03:05
JDigitalbecause I just found that I have original copies of both03:05
Riddellmdke: with whom?03:05
madstophell, even windows manages to remember where I want my windows...03:05
goxyi make intel536.ko module insert it make links to dev.modem but modem not works any sugestions03:05
mdkeRiddell, with jeff waugh03:05
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pe7erhappy 11111111111111 *03:06
Riddellmdke: right03:06
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thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: not weird, clever - the user base is buiding fast03:06
gfxstyleryes and i like it hehe03:07
^thehatsrule^i just may order a cd just because of having it :/03:07
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^thehatsrule^lol... they need a phone number?03:07
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: why dont you share the cds?03:07
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: the idea is to order a few and give them to friends03:07
^thehatsrule^oh i see..03:08
Butters|XGH|SnipIs there anyway to get file-roller to unrar .rar files?   Anybody ????03:08
^thehatsrule^is the phone # neccessary?03:08
DarthFrog^thehatsrule^: You do know that Mark Shuttleworth, the driving force behind Ubuntu, got $500 million from Verisign, for the sale of Thawte Consulting?  This is how he chooses to spend it.   That, and going up in the space shuttle. :-)03:08
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: probably not03:08
^thehatsrule^well.. ill install it on school systems haha03:08
Butters|XGH|SnipI want a gui based unrar program... I can do it on the terminal now03:09
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^thehatsrule^if it works how i like it03:09
^thehatsrule^use a file manager Butters|XGH|Snip?03:09
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^thehatsrule^add a custom command, like unrar -x %f i assume?03:09
[Rain] ok so wow, that was the 4th time hoary has locked up today03:09
Butters|XGH|Snip^thehatsrule^, hmm I can add commands to file-roller?03:09
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: the problem is specific to rar - unrar03:10
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^thehatsrule^ive never used file-roller hehe03:10
thoreauputicButters|XGH|Snip: you can add scripts to Nautilus03:10
gfxstyleris ubuntu able to unrar password secured files?03:10
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^thehatsrule^why dont you use like emelfm?03:10
madstopDoes anyone know if there's any kind of *nix emulator that one can run in a window in WindowsXp?03:11
^thehatsrule^wait, did you get the one at www.rarlabs.com or is this one different?03:11
Butters|XGH|SnipI'd rather just use what I already have really....theres gotta be a simple way to do it03:11
=== gfxstyler is burning the new array7 cd now
madstopjust for learning *nix commands, etc03:11
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: probably because it's gtk 1.2 and looks kind of odd (nice file manager though)03:11
[Rain] madstop: qemu03:11
^thehatsrule^well theres a gtk2 version of emelfm as well03:11
thoreauputicmadstop: cygwin03:11
Butters|XGH|Sniplol qemu....took me a while to get running03:11
[Rain] yea its sorta slow but it works well03:12
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gfxstylerif i cannot get ubuntu hoary up and running within 1 day my girlfriend will kick the hell outta me :/03:12
^thehatsrule^vmware is your best bet :)03:12
Butters|XGH|Snipyeah can ubuntu use the accelerator thing they have out?03:12
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: ah Ok - didn't know that - thanks03:12
Butters|XGH|Snipvmware costs to much... qemu = free03:12
^thehatsrule^well, vmware beta 5 is free right now03:12
Butters|XGH|Sniplol right now03:12
^thehatsrule^its been for a while03:13
^thehatsrule^so dunno03:13
madstopgoogling qemu; thanks [Rain] .  thoreauputic , I tried cygwin before; kind of resource heavy, and I'm not looking for a gui, just a terminal, with an editor maybe03:13
MobyTurboof course, you could be like me and be microsoft-free so you don't need to worry about running things in vmware.03:13
^thehatsrule^cygwin is developed by redhat... its fine for a terminal and editor03:13
Butters|XGH|SnipQEMU -    http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/index.html03:13
Butters|XGH|Snip[Rain] , does the accelerator work on ubuntu?03:14
MobyTurbo^thehatsrule^, vi and emacs have regular Windows versions too.03:14
madstopok, I'll check into QEMU, and cygwin -- I do remember I loved cygwin's download system, very easy03:15
HillToppcybill-- thank you.03:15
^thehatsrule^lol, well madstop wants it :P03:15
MobyTurbo^thehatsrule^, I used to use gvim when running Windows.03:15
Butters|XGH|SnipQemu was pretty simple...I just figured out I'm a major dumbass when it comes to very easy things03:15
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Butters|XGH|SnipI can't figure out stuff that doesn't make me think03:16
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reverCan someone help  me I installed Call of Duty and when I try to start it. i get that I don't have opengl loaded. How can I load this?03:16
goxyi make intel536.ko module insert it make links to dev.modem but modem not works any sugestions03:16
gfxstyleranyone got a ov511 cam working on ubuntu ?03:16
thoreauputicButters|XGH|Snip: I fail anything labeled "child-proof"  ;-)03:17
goxyi make intel536.ko module insert it make links to dev.modem but modem not works any sugestions03:17
Butters|XGH|SnipCOD won't run without Cedega/Point2Play03:17
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^thehatsrule^why not?03:17
Butters|XGH|Snipoh and 3D drivers03:17
reverI have cedega installed03:17
Butters|XGH|Snipwhat version?03:17
^thehatsrule^isnt it quake3 based?03:17
gfxstylerisnt COD quake3 engine?03:17
MobyTurborever, what kind of video card do you have?03:17
thoreauputicgoxy: /dev/modem probably doesn't exist - you might need a symlink from /dev/ttyS0 or similar03:18
gfxstylerlol i cannot get 3d to run on my notebook with ubuntu anyways03:18
reverMobyTurbo, 6600GT I did the recomplile instuctions on the forum to get nvidia driver buit03:18
Butters|XGH|Snipif COD is on the Q3 engine they've modified the hell out of it...because Q3 looks nothing like COD at all...COD is smooth03:18
^thehatsrule^q3 is smooth03:18
MobyTurborever, do you get the nvidia logo and is glxgears fast?03:18
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, I have a 6800 GT and I had that problem03:18
gfxstylerno u can recognize q3 when you play COD03:18
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crbUpdate: Kickstart works well in Hoary preview, but the %packages section seems to not work.03:19
crbAnyone know if it's meant to?03:19
^thehatsrule^its like mohaa03:19
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, don't rcompile the drivers with any of the patches03:19
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thoreauputicgoxy: like  sudo ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem03:19
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madstopthanks for the info on emulators folks.  I'm one of these weirdos who learns best with a tv on for background noise, and my Windows box is my tv :)03:19
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reverButters|XGH|Snip, I followed the instructions on Ubuntus website. thread 1282303:19
Butters|XGH|Snipoh so your using the 662903:20
MobyTurbomadstop, you can use a TV tuner card in Linux too. tvtime+libdscaler is the way I prefer.03:20
reverMobyTurbo, Yeap glxgears flies for me.03:20
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, what speed you getting on glx?03:20
gfxstyleris there some equalizer for ubuntu ?03:20
MobyTurborever, I don't know then - I've never messed with cedega.03:20
Gatowho can help me????03:20
gfxstylerlike on windows i can use soundman.exe03:20
Butters|XGH|Sniplol ask your question03:20
^thehatsrule^kmix alsamix gfxstyler?03:20
Butters|XGH|SnipI play all my games on Point2Play/Cedega03:20
crbgfxstyler: theres one on the panel, else try alsamixer ?03:20
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MobyTurbogfxstyler, ceck out the context menu for the volume control in the upper right03:21
madstopMobyTurbo, I was under the impression that ATI all-in-wonder cards were not usable in linux...03:21
gfxstyleryes thats volume control but no equalizer lol03:21
MobyTurbomadstop, I have a Happauge card.03:21
^thehatsrule^it is usable03:21
madstopand like a moron, I keep buying ATI03:21
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, how many fps you getting with glxgears?03:21
gfxstylerati + linux = sucks! screw it! i hate ati i wish i would never bought that crap!03:22
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Butters|XGH|SnipLOL I said that when I bought my 960003:22
Butters|XGH|Sniplook where I am no....lol.... 6800 GT OC03:22
reverButters|XGH|Snip, Well I was able to run it now it gives and error about glx03:22
MobyTurbomadstop, the lowest price Happauge tv card is $50, and it works well in Linux - better with tvtime+libdscaler than the windows software that comes with  it!03:22
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madstopnext project for Mr Shuttleworth:  buy ATI!03:22
reverI am going to reboot.03:23
gfxstylermy nvidia works without any troubles ... lol but ati .. omg03:23
=== thoreauputic considers writing a script to filter out all occurrences of LOL/lol on IRC...
DarthFrogmadstop: Much cheaper just to buy a enw Nvidia card. :-)03:23
Gatoi have a problem, when to switch on the computer show that : modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting pciehp(/lib/modules/ Operation not permitted03:23
Gatomodprobe: FATAL: Error inserting shpchp(/lib/modules/ Operation not permitted03:23
Butters|XGH|SnipI got my 6800 GT OC for $30003:23
Gatowhat is this????03:23
Butters|XGH|Snipnew in the box too03:23
LinuxJonesGato, you can ignore those03:23
Butters|XGH|SnipPCI X ???03:23
gfxstylerthe problem is that i cannot change my ati card because i would have to buy a new notebook03:24
MobyTurbothere are cheap nvidia cards too.03:24
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MobyTurbogfxstyler, bummer03:24
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^thehatsrule^ived tried ati with linux long ago...03:24
^thehatsrule^on my 8mb card03:24
^thehatsrule^worked tho... dri with 3d sort-of worked03:25
^thehatsrule^much slower... for some reason03:25
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Fackamatoxine doesn't show my subtitles03:25
Fackamatomplayer does, but screws the picture03:25
Fackamatokaffeine doesn't help, and totem sucks03:25
zerovertex... i wish there were a ubuntuguide.org for ppc.03:25
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madstopI was amazed years ago to actually get the ati video tuner working in BeOs, with somebody's patch.  amazing.  ugly, but worked.03:25
zerovertexhalf of that stuff works for ppc... the other half... don't03:26
goxyi make it its a link to node /dev/536ep03:26
madstopFackamoto, that's why some genius needs to port Bsplayer from windows to linux03:26
goxythis way works on fedora03:26
goxyand mdk03:26
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goxybut for ubuntu not03:27
goxyi cant see what is diference03:27
MobyTurboold ATI Rage Pro 128 cards probably had the best 2D Linux acceleration ever, but of course nowadays videocard makers concentrate on 3D accel.03:27
tjswhere is the package msttcorefonts? I have deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main universe restricted   as my source03:27
=== gfxstyler is going to install hoary on another computer now
tjsbut I cant find it03:27
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kapputufuck windows03:28
gfxstyleri hope grub does not make any troubles because of the mbr, then i neither have linux nor windows03:28
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LinuxJonestjs, add multiverse03:28
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tjsLinuxJones, cheers :)03:28
_caseis anyone else having issues with eterm on an ibook ?03:28
tjskapputu, dont cut your knob fucking windows dude03:29
tjsall that glass..03:29
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kappututjs that was an order to u03:29
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regeyasettle down!03:29
reverButters|XGH|Snip, I get 7200 give or take 10003:29
kapputuread carefully03:29
^thehatsrule^oh crap03:29
^thehatsrule^theres already another version comoing out in april?03:30
madstopLinuxers should really get over the childish "fuck windows" stuff.  It gets old.03:30
GatoLinuxJones, i have other problem: when I see a movie and try listen music in xmms. the xmms send the message : "pleace check that: your sound card is configured properly, you have the correct output plugin selected and no other program is blocking the soundcard03:30
gfxstyleryes hoary is coming out in april03:30
^thehatsrule^windows sitll will always have its uses :P03:30
kapputumadstop: I just had a stupid problem with windows and I said that in frustration03:30
goxyright now this modem works on fedora core 303:30
regeyaindeed madstop03:30
neighborlee^thehatsrule^: damn if I know what they are03:30
^thehatsrule^dang... i just dont know if i should order like 3 cds now03:30
farruinnGato: make sure you're using esd for output03:30
neighborlee^thehatsrule^: heh03:30
farruinnGato: or Esound as xmms calls it03:30
LinuxJonesGato, your probably using OSS and not alsa03:30
goxybut in ubuntu it doesnt03:30
madstopwell, kapputu, if you'd said, fuck Gates, I'd have agreed with you03:30
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goxywhat to so03:30
Gatoi use alsa03:30
regeyathere are uses for windows...fortunately I don't have any need for it03:30
neighborleeregeya: the few I have im trying to RID myself of LOL03:31
^thehatsrule^i like oss03:31
LinuxJonesGato, ok run gstreamer-properties and select alsa as the output sink device03:31
gfxstyler^thehatsrule^: you can update anytime to it via apt-get dist-upgrade , so u dont have to set up a new system then03:31
madstop(except when Gates has his "cure diseases in the 3rd world" hat on... ;-)03:31
kapputumadstop: a mad , gay rapist wouldn't touch him03:31
regeyaI won't say Gates is all bad.  When's the last time Linus or RMS gave a few bil to charity?03:31
kh4nhhi guys, what's diffrent between GUI and graphical frontend03:31
^thehatsrule^yes, but some places where im at dont get good inet03:31
neighborleeregeya: the nasty hurdle atm is msaccess which I started using years ago for invoicing business needs and now I must find way out LOL03:31
HrdwrBoBregeya: when was the last time they had 10 billion ;)03:31
LinuxJonesGato, make that default sink "Output"03:31
gfxstylerkh4nh: there is no03:31
kapputuregeya: when was the last time that Linux had a BSOD03:32
_casejesus christ03:32
_casewhat is this03:32
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madstopif Gates hadn't had this asinine concept of "intellectual property (read: steal what was free, dumb it down, and lock it up) he could have achieved incredible things03:32
thoreauputicregeya: they might have - you just didn't hear because they don't trumpet it to the world with a PR megaphone03:32
kapputu_case: even though u meant hire, ire is just fine in this ase03:32
_caseshut up about what platform is better than the next, it's like a pissing contest, it gets so old03:32
inphlict_Hey can someone help me with mplayer pls03:32
regeyakapputu: I've had a kernel-panic since the last time I saw a BSOD.  it's a sore subject. ;-)03:32
kh4nhi just install mlDonkey and mlDonkey-gui, after that i couldn't fire up mlDonkey-gui03:33
_casekapputu, no i ment ire03:33
regeyakapputu: in case you hadn't noticed, v2.6 is the development kernel03:33
inphlict_I have no sound and I get audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy03:33
Fackamatomplayer, xine, totem03:33
kapputu_case: ire for hire?03:33
Fackamatowhat other media players are there03:33
inphlict_any idea?03:33
_casekapputu, stop trolling you mediocre little guybrush03:33
LinuxJonesGato, run gstreamer-properties and select alsa from the dropdown box03:33
madstopdifferent platforms do different stuff, and sometimes if you throw out the sucky platform, you're throwing out the ingenius workarounds too.03:33
gfxstylercaffeine or something like that too03:33
kapputu_case: you need a lil humor in life03:34
regeya_case: /ignore works well03:34
armandoCan anyone help me get my wireless card working? I cant seem to make it find the hub :(03:34
_casekapputu, i have lots.03:34
regeya_case: my calculator is better than yours03:34
farruinnlet's all remember this is an ubuntu support channel pleaes03:34
madstopGod bless open office, Gimp and others for saying, hey, you use Windows, ok, you can get some cool open stuff too03:34
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kapputuarmando: what card is it?03:34
inphlict_Does anyone know why I have no sound in mplayer03:35
inphlict_I'm a complete noob03:35
thoreauputicguys, go to #ubuntu-offtopic for flamewars03:35
armandokapputu: Broadcom card on a compaq presario 2500 series laptop.03:35
_caseaaah sweet silence03:35
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gfxstylersee u guys in ~40-60 minutes :D , bye03:35
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inphlict_audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy03:35
inphlict_is the error I get when I open a file03:35
inphlict_video looks good and runs fine but no sound ;(03:36
LinuxJonesGato, ok hit alt+F2 then start typing gstreamer-properties (it will auto-complete)03:36
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Fackamatovlc works but the subtitles look like shit03:36
armandokapputu: got ndiswrapper to locate the card with the drivers I downloaded. It just wont locate any servers :(03:36
Fackamatolike 320x200 resolution when i'm fullscreen03:36
Fackamatoarmando: dns03:37
inphlict_I tried using ALSA already03:37
inphlict_no help03:37
Gatoand what more???03:37
farruinninphlict_: you need to tell it to use Esound or esd03:37
armandokapputu: thanx, I'll check it out now :)03:38
inphlict_Yes ESD doesn't worth either :(03:38
inphlict_I tried all of them03:38
pinPointcan this program be found for ubuntu03:38
inphlict_only ESD works for sound on system03:38
inphlict_everything else doesn't03:38
LinuxJonesGato, the dropdown box that appears in the Output section what does it say ?03:38
inphlict_but I still can't get sound in mplayer03:38
inphlict_I have sound everywhere else03:38
thoreauputicpinPoint: yes03:38
inphlict_including the other player on my system03:38
madstopyes, pinPoint, but I'm not sure which repository03:38
kh4nhanyone using mldonkey-gui,03:38
farruinnpinPoint: vlc is in universe03:39
inphlict_I tried searching for the error and found some stuff but I can't get anything out of it03:39
farruinnkh4nh: dpkg -L mldonkey-gui | grep bin will tell you the commands it installs03:39
inphlict_any ideas?03:39
madstoppinPoint, there's some kind of gnome front end for it too, but I think the original video lan gui is better03:39
Gatooutput alsa03:40
reverButters|XGH|Snip, How do I load drivers from nvidia website.03:40
madstop(and by the way thoreauputic -- videolan runs much better in windows! ;-)03:40
kh4nhfarruinn: got it, thanks03:41
reverButters|XGH|Snip, This is the kenrel I am running that I compiled... 2.6.10-6600gt-203:41
LinuxJonesGato, did you select alsa or was it there already ?03:41
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thoreauputicmadstop: heh - I have it in mac OS-X (runs well)03:42
=== thoreauputic gives madstop the Penguin Award for Windows Advocacy ;)
Gatoi selected now03:43
Gatoi have reboot???03:43
inphlict_I GOT SOUND IN MPLAYER? How can I make permenate. I did "killall esd"03:43
inphlict_any ideas?03:43
LinuxJonesGato, nope click the test button right below03:44
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, All you do is download the drivers depending on your Processor type03:44
LinuxJonesGato, if sound works your all set up03:44
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, for me it was simple you download the file... sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7167-pkg1.run03:44
reverI downloaded the nvidia driver from nvidia site. When I try an run it it fails03:45
pipelineButters|XGH|Snip, rever: NEVER use the nvidia installer.03:45
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Butters|XGH|Snippipeline, why would you never use it?03:45
pipelineButters|XGH|Snip, rever: It'll cut your /usr filesystem to spaghetti as it craps proprietary GL libs everywhere.   It will make your life hell later.03:45
Butters|XGH|Snippipeline, I don't have any problems at all with it03:46
kapputuis there like an extension in Firefox that would allow me to switch between windows with a single key?03:46
kapputubetween tabs rather03:46
Butters|XGH|Snippipeline, I've been doing it this way for a while too03:46
=== mindframe [~mindframe@ip24-254-49-115.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GatoError al construir pipeline de prueba para 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture'03:46
madstopheh, that's right thoreauputic , I keep forgetting you're ac-dc mac/linux :-)03:46
mindframedoes ubuntu maintain its own set of packages for apt?03:46
reverOk I have another issue trying to play AA I get no sound. This is the error: open /dev/[sound/] dsp: Device or resource busy03:46
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mindframeAmaranth: where can i get a list or a search utility?03:47
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, what kind of card is it?03:47
inphlict_rever I have the same problem :(03:47
inphlict_I get it in mplayer03:47
reverMan never ran into so many issues on my other linux box. I guess debian is much different03:47
farruinnmindframe: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ is good03:47
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, I had that problem with my Audigy03:47
mindframefarruinn: thx03:47
inphlict_how do u fix this problem guys?03:47
farruinnmindframe: it's not "official" but seems to stay up to date03:47
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Amaranthmindframe: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/03:47
inphlict_I did killall esd03:47
=== madstop reminds thoreauputic he's not defending windows, he's just suggesting that linux users should set themselves higher goals than hey, we're better than those guys who suck
reverButters|XGH|Snip, It is an onboard ASUS Nvidia03:48
inphlict_and it worked but u need to do it all the time03:48
zenwhenmy audigy is a wonderful wonderful piece of hardware... in linux03:48
thoreauputicmadstop: well, I run mac-on-linux mostly - I can run videolan and windows media in it ( I like the irony of running wmp on mac, in linux ;-)  )03:48
GatolinuxJones, that says  Error al construir pipeline de prueba para 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture'03:48
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, thats funny...my onboard VIA AC97 did the same thing......I bought a CT4760 off Ebay for $503:48
billy-420is there a cd ripper that will let me choose the bitrate at which it burns?03:48
Arrogancehas anyone else noticed a problem with Firefox saving files when you've configured it to ask you every time?03:48
Butters|XGH|Sniprever, works like a champ the first time around on everything and it was dirt cheap....sounds better than my Audigy too03:49
reverinphlict, That worked killall esd03:49
kapputumadstop: that was a good statement, shows that you don't have to bash someone to prove you are strong03:49
reverButters|XGH|Snip, the killall esd works. That is odd03:49
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madstopnow, thoreauputic , that's way way way more windows-loving than I could handle -- jesus, windows media??  me, I use ogg etc... ;-)03:49
LinuxJonesGato, then your not using alsa modules for sound03:49
Butters|XGH|SnipAight guys I gotta get....I gotta work tomorrow03:49
pipelineButters|XGH|Snip: You don't have to listen to me, nevertheless, I strongly suggest you use the nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev packages from Debian Unstable03:49
inphlict_someone just hacked cnn.com and put a pic of bush and a monkey03:50
=== Gato [~Gatooo@199-37-50.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
=== sander__ [~sander@pool-141-157-201-139.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
reverButters|XGH|Snip, Thanks for all the help03:50
inphlict_joking :D03:50
thoreauputicmadstop: I have nothing against windows as such ( apart from its appalling security record) - I *do* object to the company that distributes it, on moral grounds mainly03:50
kappututhe firefox channel is empty03:50
Butters|XGH|Snippipeline, thats a good idea....because I have a Geforce 6800 GT and those drivers don't have much support for such a new card...thats why I use the ones from Nvidia's site03:50
=== usual [Colin@cpe-69-204-174-53.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sander__Is anyone using OpenOffice.org 2 here? If so is the spell checker working?03:51
=== karaffb [~karaffb@12-217-207-57.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicmadstop: as it happens, I use ogg mostly too - I only use windows media if nothing else is available03:51
mindframeis hoary considered "testing" or "unstable" at the moment?03:51
reverOk so I got AA to work video and sound. Cannot get CoD to work but that isn't most likely cvscedge issue03:51
=== tierra [~tierra@c-24-10-173-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pipelineButters|XGH|Snip: I have no idea what you're talking about.  nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev are the same version as the one's on nvidia's site.  And it's fine to compile the kernel module yourself.  Just don't allow it to install it's own GL libs.03:51
pipelinemindframe: Try "experimental"03:51
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farruinnmindframe: development release is usually what it's called03:51
=== skora [~skora@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
madstopI agree thoreauputic -- I just don't like being cast as "the guy in Gate's corner" when all I'm doing is defending the work that developer's have put into making windows more bearable.  And thank you, kapputu ;-).  I'll drop it; gotta be boring for others!03:52
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=== jba [~jba@c211-30-145-155.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
kapputumadstop: I think you misunderstood me03:53
jbahey guys, is there a way to stop grub's autobuilding menu.lst from adding the savedefault attribute to all the linux options03:54
GatolinxJones, that says Error al construir pipeline de prueba para 'ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture'03:54
jbai'm trying to get my system to simply boot to windows all the time03:54
reverSee you all tomorrow03:54
madstopno kapputu, I meant thank you, as in thank you03:54
LinuxJonesGato, go back into gstreamer-properties and set back to what was there before. Probably esd or oss03:54
pipelineGato: You don't have the right plugins for gstreamer installed.03:55
kapputumadstop: gotcha03:55
thoreauputicjba, allthe time?03:55
kapputumadstop: now help me03:55
Gato i don't now???03:55
madstophelp you how, kapputu?03:55
Gatoi don't know??03:55
madstopI'm the most helpless person on here03:55
majortoolanyone know where i can find documentation on changing the xdm?03:56
Gatohow can know????03:56
=== thoreauputic comforts madstop in his helplessness...
LinuxJonesgato, select esd and then test if it doesn't work select oss03:56
regeyaGato seems to be lost03:56
mindframedoes ubuntu install default with kde or gnome?  will i be able to negate either of those and choose fluxbox?03:56
LinuxJonesmajortool, dpkg-reconfigure xdm03:57
kappututhoreauputic: good to see u again03:57
thoreauputicGato likes question marks ... a lot03:57
Gatolook, i do the test03:57
majortoolLinuxJones, that will allow me to install an ?dm of my own choosing03:57
kappututhoreauputic: help with firefox?03:57
regeyayou do the test gato...you do the test03:57
madstopkapputu, what did you need help with?03:57
Gatoworking but not i listen the sound03:57
LinuxJonesmajortool, it should list all display managers and let you select which one to use03:57
thoreauputickapputu: I wasn't aware I'd been away?03:57
regeyagato, is anyone available to translate for you?  I'm not joking or making fun of you03:58
majortoolLinuxJones, awesome03:58
pipelinemindframe: Ubuntu will always install gnome.  The releases are synchronized to gnome.  Gnome makes up the only supported desktop.  It's a gnome distribution.03:58
Gatoi am chilien03:58
kappututhoreauputic: you werent, I was03:58
Gatonot english03:58
LinuxJonesmajortool, I know it used to work for kdm and gdm so I am assuming it will work with xdm :)03:58
Gatounderstand me03:58
LinuxJonesGato, so your sound is back ?03:58
thoreauputickapputu: ah, I see :)03:58
=== [Rain] [~Rain@c-24-118-236-45.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
majortoolLinuxJones, i just want to be able to switch to windowmanager ... any advice?03:59
=== thoreauputic is now known as thor|afk
madstopthat's kind of discouraging to hear, pipeline, though I guess I realized that already03:59
farruinnthor|afk: this interview with Jess waugh is hilarious03:59
kapputumajortool: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:59
Gatoi am seeying a movie03:59
kappututhor|afk: where is that interview?03:59
majortoolkapputu, i want window maker not kde03:59
[Rain] wow no my downloads wont start in firefox, the problems never end04:00
kapputuno experience with that04:00
=== geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust6357.an2.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnkapputu: just google for lugradio04:00
thor|afksorry guys - afk means away from keyboard - back soon04:00
LinuxJonesmajortool, man gnome-wm04:00
mindframepipeline: i guess ill try it out.  ive never used gnome.  is it bloated and lame like kde?04:00
pipelinemindframe: It's less bloated and about equally lame.  It's at least less pathetic than fluxbox.04:00
geneo93anyone know the cut off date for hoary04:00
madstop[Rain] , I think this version of firefox is buggy.  I just installed mozilla and epiphany.  Firefox is trying my patience04:01
mindframepipeline: heh thx04:01
LinuxJonesmajortool, you want to run windowmaker ?04:01
Quest-MasterEpiphany is pretty awesome now. Galeon as well.04:01
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[Rain] unbuntu is driving me freakin nuts04:01
LinuxJonesmajortool, sorry I didn't understand. If you have it already installed you can select it from the session option in the gdm login screen04:02
pipelineI don't understand why people are so shocked to find out that a gnome-centric distribution is *gasp* gnome-centric.04:02
majortoolLinuxJones, it doesn't list it there04:02
geneo93[Rain] :  you use beos before04:02
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[Rain] no i havent used beos04:02
majortoolLinuxJones, i checked through the gdm config ... there's nothing about sessions that i can find that is not gnome specific04:02
madstopnot shocked, it's a complement to ubuntu -- it deserves a better desktop04:03
majortoolLinuxJones, how do i get a better package list?04:03
mindframepipeline: i wasnt shocked because i didnt know it was a gnome-centric distro04:03
=== regeya is using kubuntu and is shocked to learn that it's not gnome-centric
LinuxJonesmajortool, it should add it when you install wm04:03
pipelineregeya: As Kubuntu is not Ubuntu, that's kind of a bizarre thing to say.04:03
pipelineregeya: Never mind, I misread.04:04
=== nikarul [~link@c24.241.233.246.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
regeyakubuntu is indeed ubuntu, and it is not.04:04
usualis kubuntu using 3.4?04:04
madstopI'm looking forward to other distros stealing like mad from ubuntu; it's raised the bar04:04
majortoolLinuxJones, let me check again ill be back in a bit04:04
pipelineIt should be in the topic.  "Ubuntu is not Debian.  Gnome is the supported desktop, but you can install other things"04:04
=== maximaus [~max@user-37kacmg.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
geneo93usual:  yes04:04
pipelinemadstop: Ubuntu is a fork of Debian.  Where do you think all the packages came from?04:04
usualis anyone using kubuntu?04:04
regeyaagreed pipeline, that's the beauty of it.04:04
pipelinemadstop: Even the installer is from Debian.04:04
madstoppipeline, what are you complaining about?04:04
regeyaI guess I'm not "anyone"04:04
=== regeya winks
pipelinemadstop: It has in no way raised the bar.04:05
Riddellusual: kubuntu won't exist for another half an hour or so04:05
madstopI know it's based on Debian.  So what?04:05
usualRiddell, ?04:05
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=== regeya is confused
Riddellusual: it's top secret and unannounced so far04:05
thor|afkpipeline: stop it - it's pointless and negative04:05
maximaususual, nothing's stopping you from apt-getting KDE.04:05
=== Guilmon is now known as tsume
nikarulusual:  I just installed kubuntu.  So far I like it.04:05
regeyaI'm using a top secret distro?04:05
madstoppipeline, ubuntu has gotten the best press I've ever seen for a linux distro04:05
=== thor|afk is now known as thoreauputic
Riddell              <item type="label">04:05
Riddell                <normal color="#000000" font="Sans 12"/>04:05
Riddell                <prelight color="#666666" font="Sans 12"/>04:05
Riddell                <active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 12"/>04:05
Riddell                <pos y="50%" anchor="w"/>04:05
Riddell                <!-- Stock label for: _Session -->04:05
Riddell                <stock type="session"/>04:05
regeyaubuntu deserves good press04:05
Riddell              </item>04:05
Riddellerr, that was stupid of me04:05
pipelinemadstop: Their marketing is indeed second to none.  Redhat was never interested in the kind of media push Canonical has put in place.04:06
[Rain] html files wont even open in firefox now, wtf04:06
maximausWhat's the difference between kubuntu and just regular ubuntu w/ KDE added?04:06
usualRiddell, I am downloading the kubuntu liveCD from daily-current04:06
Riddellappologies, that's what happens after working 36 solid hours on kubuntu04:06
usualmaximaus, not sure04:06
pipelinemaximaus: Kubuntu releases will hopefully be synced to KDE instead of Gnome.04:06
LinuxJonesmaximaus, nothing04:06
usualRiddell, are you a kubuntu dev member?04:06
Riddellmaximaus: nothing much, a kubuntu-default-settings package tidies some things up04:06
Riddellusual: yes04:06
regeyaI don't know that there is one, maximaus, but it starts out kde-centric and has very very little in the way of gnome stuff04:06
maximausI've got KDE installed here, though I don't use it--seems just dandy though.04:07
regeyait's different04:07
maximausWill hotplug be sorted within KDE then?04:07
usualI will try the live CD before I install anything04:07
Riddellmaximaus: you mean HAL?  yes that works04:07
stuNNedis wvdial deprecated?04:07
usualstuNNed, modems are depreciated04:07
maximauscool! I have friends that are KDE fans, they'll be happy. :)04:07
=== regeya glares at usual
LinuxJonesnight all04:07
usualregeya, i know i know04:07
geneo93usual:  live cd is morphix04:08
usualgeneo93, still??04:08
Riddellmaximaus: "friends" eh, sure sure04:08
thoreauputicgeneo93: not the hoary latest ones04:08
maximausI'm more of a Blackbox user, but logging into KDE is fun every now and then.04:08
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geneo93thoreauputic:  whats it using knoppix04:08
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madstopme, I just want to arrange a "transporter accident" for gnome and kde, and come out with the best of them both.04:09
usuali heard 3.4 increased speed over 50%04:09
mindframemaximaus: i find kde to be way too much like windows.  i like fluxbox myself04:09
maximausmadstop: agreed04:09
thoreauputicgeneo93: no, I think it's being done by Ubuntu devs04:09
=== aeruder [~andy@ip68-102-201-46.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
madstopI used to love using the kicker in gnome; but the current kicker, I couldn't get to work as well in gnome04:09
maximausmindframe: yeah I agree, but there's a few KDE apps that I really like and sometimes I use them under KDE so that they may frolic in their original habitat. :P04:09
aeruderanyone else got lots of problems with Xorg 6.8.2 and BadMatch errors?04:10
maximausmadstop: what do you like better about kicker vs. gnome-panel?04:10
aerudergnustep doesn't run at all... and macromedia flash plugin hoses firefox (with a BadMatch error)04:10
madstopkde is way ahead of gnome in a lot of little applets04:10
madstopmaximaus, for one thing, kicker doesn't "eat the space" -- if you hide it, other windows can use that space04:11
aeruderall kinds of apps have BadMatch errors... really not sure what is going on04:11
madstophiding gnome panels is pointless04:11
mindframemaximaus: just curious... what apps are those?04:11
madstopbetter applets, the mixer that fits in kicker, muuuuuch better than gnome mixer04:12
maximausI'm a secret kaudioextracter user04:12
[Rain] where can I edit my path variables in ubuntu?04:12
Centy.bashrc ?04:12
madstopthe screenshot applet in kde, fantastic.  the one in gnome is lame04:12
thoreauputicmadstop: making hideable panels on the vertical doesn't eat space in gnome - I have one here04:12
regeyakaudiocreator > *04:12
madstoptrue, thoreauputic , but they're ugly.04:13
thoreauputicagreed re screenshot applet04:13
[Rain] I tried finding it, and even searched for bashrc and it came up with nothing04:13
maximausregeya: that's the one. :P04:13
thoreauputicmadstop: mine is transparent :)04:13
madstopand anyway, adding stuff to the panels is a pain, and the applets just aren't as good as kde's04:13
maximausmine is made of silk so fine it looks transparent.04:13
pinPointis ubuntu created by rich ppl or something? :)04:13
madstopthoreauputic, you can see the icons sticking out-- what the hell, who cares?04:13
geneo93kde need manager though so you can assign keys for aphlets04:13
=== Wass| [~Wass@modemcable179.194-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
maximauspinPoint: Mark Shuttleworth certainly has some bucks.04:14
stuNNedusual: whatever, not everybody can afford/want/can have broadband04:14
madstopthoreauputic, the transparency point reminds me of an annoyance with gnome:  some panel elements stick out like sore thumbs04:14
usualwho wouldn't want it04:14
Wass|Hi, does ubuntu contain gnome 2.10 now ?04:14
thoreauputicmadstop: I like fluxbox , anyway, so there, too :P04:14
=== maximaus is a 56Ker
madstopand can't be made transparent, and many icons don't work with it04:14
thoreauputicmadstop: all of these things are true, indeed04:15
madstopanyway, in warty, I was using a (very small) version of kicker as an extra panel in gnome, and it was awesome04:15
Centy[Rain] : Try "ls -la ~ | less"04:15
thoreauputicmadstop: try that in windows!!  heheh04:15
Haydenis it possible to access a windows partition from linux04:16
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madstopuggg. thoreauputic ...04:16
thoreauputicHayden: yes04:16
Haydenor to change a partition to a filesystem which cna be read by both04:16
regeyac'mon guys04:16
maximausI'm currently using fbpanel under Blackbox--it's a very efficient setup. :D04:16
Haydenthoreauputic: is it very hard to do?04:16
stuNNedmaximaus: do you use wvdial? i'm having better luck with setting up the connection in network-admin...04:16
geneo93Hayden:  yes04:16
usualoh cool, the NYS DMV site says ubuntu is avalible as a custom plate04:16
usuali wonder if I should04:16
madstopyes Hayden --good instructions here:  www.ubuntuguide.org04:16
maximausstuNNed: I used pppconfig04:16
=== unkwn [~unkwn@HSE-Kitchener-ppp3508368.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Haydenok thanks guys04:16
thoreauputicHayden: no, you just need a line in /etc/fstab04:16
CentyHayden: FAT32 (vfat) is the only common read/write format to both windows and Linux.04:16
regeyamy monitor is doing something very odd04:17
pipelineCenty, Hayden: untrue04:17
thoreauputicregeya: TECHNOLOGY sucks!!04:17
jsgotangcouse a yellow pad!04:17
maximausstuNNed: then I just told the "modem-lights" applet to "pon provider" etc...04:17
pipelineCenty, Hayden: Both linux and windows are perfectly able to read/write ext2 and ext3.04:17
madstopso's your keyboard regeya...04:17
Centyok - FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 and limited support for NTFS.04:17
stuNNedmaximaus: wvdial's modem options were making the modem hang up randomly04:17
=== regeya tells his monitor, "degauss thyself" and lo, the monitor *was* degaussed.
Centyext2/3 on windows isn't "native" to the OS.04:17
pipelineCenty: I don't know whether you heard me, but Windows can read and write ext2 and ext3 just fine.04:17
usualminicom is what I used to use back int he day to test modems04:17
pipelineCenty: Technically, as windows NT is a microkernel, NO filesystem is "native" to the OS.04:18
maximausstuNNed: do you have "call-waiting"04:18
madstopI've had no problems reading writing anything to and from windows04:18
pipelineCenty: Let's not spread disinformation, eh? FAT32 is not a good filesystem and not a legitimate choice for sharing with windows.04:18
unkwni just did a apt-get upgrade and it faulted saying fontconfig couldn't be configured because libfontconfig1 wasn't configured and then that libfontconfig1 wasn't configured because fontconfig wasn't installed/configured04:18
usualRiddell, are the kubuntu kde packages pulled from sid or are they not associated with debian at all?04:19
Haydenmadstop, Centy: atm i have 2 partitions both used for windows, both formated in the NTFS. do i have to change either of the file systems to access them in ubuntu?04:19
geneo93unkwn:  apt-get -f install04:19
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Centypipeline: why not?  Yes it's a sucky FS, but if it's just used to transfer files (as opposed to long term storage) is it worth starting a holy war about?04:19
Riddellusual: we make them based on the debian ones04:19
Riddelleveryone ready?04:19
madstopNo, Hayden.04:19
=== ShredWheat [~Pete@c-24-130-182-217.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
pipelineCenty: Waste of hard drive space.04:20
usualRiddell, ok, for some reason I didn't think debian was up to 3.404:20
unkwngeneo93:  same error, already tried04:20
pipelineHayden: Linux can -read- NTFS just fine04:20
Riddellusual: it's not :)04:20
usualDRUM ROLL04:20
thoreauputicpipeline: do try to be *slightly* less abrasive04:20
CentyHayden: you can read your NTFS partitions in Linux without a problem.  Writing to them can be problematic.04:20
Riddellta da!04:20
Haydenpipeline: i'd like to write to the partition also04:20
regeyapipeline:  fat32 is the mp3 of filesystems.  yeah, it sucks, but it's damn near ubiquitous and supported by damn near everything.  chill.04:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mdz] by ChanServ
pipelineHayden: That is technically possible, but not very practical.04:20
ShredWheatWhere can I set environment variables so they are used in all programs (not just launched from terminal) ?04:20
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:mdz] : Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Ubuntu Hoary preview is released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | Kubuntu Hoary preview is also released! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/preview/
usualRiddell, nice site :)04:20
madstopBut Hayden, I think you may need to be cautious about writing to them... I never let linux try to write anything to a windows system partition, anyway04:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mdz] by ChanServ
pipelineregeya: I do not like your analogy.  FAT32 is more like the layer 1 reference encoder of filesystems.  MP3 actually doesn't suck very much at all at reasonable bitrates.04:20
maximauspipeline: then why does my XP install not "see" my linux install? I can read it just fine using "explore2fs" btw.04:21
madstopbut others know more about this than I04:21
HrdwrBoBthe reasons for not using mp3 are not technical04:21
HrdwrBoBthey are legal04:21
=== spiraloid [~spiraloid@S0106002078cf224b.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnunkwn: did taht work? Someone had a solution on ubuntu-users04:21
pipelinemaximaus: You need to install either EXT2IFS (free, works on NT4/5/5.1) or Paragon ext2 (30$, all versions of NT IIRC)04:21
HrdwrBoB(primarily I mean)04:21
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usualRiddell, Thank you04:21
unkwnnope, didn't work04:21
CentyHrdwrBoB: roll on ogg04:21
mdzHrdwrBoB: entirely04:21
regeyaRiddell, excellent site04:22
Haydenok installing linux again04:22
madstopI think there might be a setting somewhere in windows administration where you can "unhide" non -windows partitions04:22
maximauspipeline: by NT you include XP right?04:22
pipelinemaximaus: EXT2IFS is OK, but has no write support and certain functions don't work. (For instance, 16 bit apps can't read off the ext2 filesystem)04:22
regeyapipeline, whether you like my analogy or not, the rest is dead-on right.04:22
pipelinemaximaus: XP is NT 5.1, a point release against 2000.04:22
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HrdwrBoBmdz: well yeah, if it weren't for the legality ogg would not exist04:22
pipelineregeya: FAT32 is categorically unacceptable to me.04:22
HrdwrBoBpipeline: that's unfortunate04:22
pipelineHrdwrBoB: I would be careful before buying into OGG patent claims.04:22
regeyapipeline, find me a filesystem other than fat32 that's used in windows, linux, os x, cameras, etc.04:22
HrdwrBoBpipeline: buying into who's in the what now?04:22
Centypipeline, I made the comment about ogg04:23
madstopI use ntfs for windows system, fat32 for sharing.  No problems.  And anyway, I do most of my sharing through my lan, anyway04:23
unkwnfarruinn:  link to the solution?04:23
farruinnunkwn: see if this helps: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2065904:23
HrdwrBoBmp3 is patented and the patent is enforced04:23
pipelineregeya: Cameras use vFAT and FAT12 almost exclusively.  Their filesystem needs are very different from that of a PC.04:23
pipelineregeya: And in answer to your question, I would have to say UFS.04:23
SysFailspeaking of mp3....anybody find that mp3 addon for K3B????04:23
SysFaili cant burn cds for my car04:23
pipelineHrdwrBoB, Centy: Ogg's claims of being patent-free are dubious at best.04:23
CentyFAT12 on a camera?  I think you mean FAT1604:24
pipelineCenty: Who needs more than 16M in a filesystem? ;)04:24
CentyMy 8Mpix camera for one :P04:24
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maximausSysFail: isn't the package called k3b-mp3?04:24
HrdwrBoBpipeline: yes, but so far no-one's been sued for using or distributing it04:25
regeyavorbis isn't patent-free04:25
kapputuwhich is a better p2p client? Limewire or gnutella?04:25
SysFailyes it is...but it isnt in synaptic04:25
SysFaili checked04:25
SysFailand i cant find the deb for it04:25
CentyAny FAT?? system on flash RAM is B-A-D...it has a bad tendancy to hammer the same "sectors" all the time leading to early failure.04:25
maximausI can burn mp3's just fine with k3b here, but damned if I can remember why. :P04:25
spiraloidkapputu, i prefer limewire04:25
SysFailcause you added some package04:25
SysFailbut I dont know which04:26
SysFaili finally burned it with graveman04:26
SysFailworked great04:26
maximausmaybe it just needs mpg123 or something that simple?04:26
usualburning kubuntu to a cd-rw is slower than a debian stable release04:26
unkwnfarruinn:  worked perfectly, thanks!04:26
SysFailhmmm maybe it needs lame04:26
farruinnunkwn: cool =)04:26
SysFailjust thought of that04:26
farruinnunkwn: for some reason I didn't have the problem, so I'm glad it worked04:27
farruinnusual: yeah, but ubuntu is only one disc..04:27
madstopso are there ANY non-patent encumbered high quality lossy formats?04:27
usualfabbione, yeah, i am just mad that my cd-rw disc is 4x04:27
HrdwrBoBmadstop: use ogg.04:27
SysFailubuntu rules man...i have installed nothing less than 20 other distros04:27
madstopI thought people here just said ogg (vorbis) WAS patent-encoumbered04:28
dizziewhy is fontconfig broken :( ... I cant upgrade my system, and --fix-broken doesnt work04:28
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regeyait is, but people ignore that04:28
unkwndizzie:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2065904:28
regeyabut it's not okay to ignore mp3's patent encumberment04:28
madstopso I guess the answer to my question is no...04:28
regeyadespite the fact that fraunhofer(sp?) has said they won't chase down free software people...eh04:28
regeyaI don't care either way04:29
regeyaI don't see anyone suing me for using either one04:29
regeyaand the only suits I see are for people trading several metric tons of tunes, not for using mp304:29
bluefoxicywtf is the program04:29
bluefoxicyit lets you04:29
pipelineCenty: Modern flash cards handle that problem nicely.  Hence the using a primitive filesystem in order to not defeat the algorithms built into the card.04:29
bluefoxicyyou know04:29
bluefoxicyset up UI stuff for gtk?04:29
bluefoxicyg. . .something. . .04:29
pipelinekapputu: Limewire and gnutella are both very nice and connect to the same network.04:30
madstopSomeone should just work out a scheme to put a little surcharge on all hardware to pay off all license holders for media codecs etc and be done with it04:30
Centypipeline: news to me.  Ever done low-level analysis of flash cards with FAT file systems?  I have.04:30
pipelinemadstop: Heh, beginning textbooks in multimedia compression are riddled with patent-encumbered algorithms.  It would almost be impossible to come up with something better than run-length encoding that isn't patent-encumbered in some way.04:30
kapputugnutella crashed well04:30
pipelineCenty: I have not, but it's a bullet point on some packaging.04:30
dizzielol ok, good old hacking :)04:30
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Centypipeline: OK - you keep believing everything you read on packaging :P heheh :)04:31
pipelineCenty: Heh, flash memories aren't my field :P04:31
CentyMine either - it's called a 4th year thesis :P04:32
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madstopten cents on every blank cdr, ten bucks on every recorder, or every hard drive -give it to the patent holders, and let everybody use it all04:32
CentyIt was wrapped up in a broader look at a lot of removable media and storage systems, file systems etc.04:32
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thoreauputicFact: Both Xiph.Org and AOL have conducted or commissioned patent searches by qualified patent attorneys who have determined that Ogg Vorbis is not infringing on any patents.04:34
CentyBeat me to it thoreauputic :P04:35
stuNNedmaximaus-gone: yes04:36
thoreauputictook one google search and less than a minute ;)04:36
stuNNedmaximaus-gone: sorry got disc04:36
madstopfu**ing firefox crashed on me just because a page was looking for shockwave...04:36
calcgood reason not to use that proprietary ad serving pos04:37
thoreauputicmadstop: back to lynx then ;P04:37
kapputuyeah it's all text anyway04:38
=== johnf [~johnf@H136.C194.tor.velocet.net] has joined #ubuntu
dizzie4:39am, coffee anyone? :)04:38
thoreauputici quite like dillo for searching the web ( it's fast and light)04:39
madstopthoreauputic, you're an ogg duck04:39
dysangeliumhow do i setup modpython to work with apache204:39
thoreauputicogg duck?04:39
Centythoreauputic: I was digging around the vorbis site.... <shrug>04:39
=== johnf is now known as johnf1911
thoreauputicI'm badly lagged here...04:39
johnf1911anyone else having probles with grip + vorbis in whoary?04:40
johnf1911grip can rip when I'm not encoding, but once i encode to vorbis it stops ripping04:40
spiraloidnice setting?04:41
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johnf1911spiraloid: an interesting idea, let me check04:42
madstopthoreauputic, odd duck.. ;-)04:42
madstoptried to be punny04:42
thoreauputicmadstop: this coming from you? (kidding)04:43
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thoreauputicbut yes, I am indeed an odd duck ;-)04:43
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madstopthoreauputic, you would love foobar200004:44
kainhi, anoyone has trouble with the latest fontconfig upgrade in hoary?04:44
farruinnjohnf1911: I believe there's a setting for that04:44
johnf1911006: Could not read any data from drive04:44
kaindpkg exits with a status code: 1004:44
farruinnkain: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20659 seems to be helping people...04:44
kainok, thanks04:44
madstopyes, kain, upgrades keep throwing up errors regarding fontconfig.   I have no clue.04:44
johnf1911farruinn: i have this same problem on sid as well04:45
kainhey madstop :)04:45
johnf1911and on two different machines04:45
kainlet's try the hack04:45
madstopwhat's the font config supposed to do?  It keeps telling me it's not configured; my fonts look great, for linux anyway04:46
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thoreauputicmadstop: hmm - windows only? not interested if so ( running windows gives me high blood pressure and fits)04:46
farruinnheh, I'm so useless on windows, I can never find what I'm looking for04:47
kainthe hack worked out04:47
CentyWindows has a bad habit of giving my firewall a headache....04:47
madstopI'm hoping you know some genius hacker who can port foobar2000 to linux; linux deserves better media players04:47
=== maximaus-gone is now known as maximaus
SysFailkaffeine is nice04:48
farruinnjohnf1911: make sure that under Config>Rip>options you don't have "Delay encoding until disc is ripped" set04:48
thoreauputicmadstop: what do you think of amarok? Looks pretty good to me04:48
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dizzieSysFail: as in coffee? :) ... :D04:48
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madstopgoogle foobar2000, thoreauputic .04:48
P229madstop, SysFail: forget the media players, what's needed is a decent soundserver04:48
johnf1911farruinn: you misunderstand me, the ripp bar says 0% and never advances, eventually it spits out 006: Could not read any data from drive in the term that started grip04:48
SysFailas in media player04:49
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SysFaili use it for everything04:49
geneo93farruinn:  dont you have to set up dirs for grip04:49
dampjamIt's trying to upgrade hoary but messed up on fontconfig, now a bunch of dependencies are failing04:49
dampjamhow do I force it to remove / reinstall fontconfig?04:49
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DavidH86 so there is no default root password then why does using no password not work04:49
madstopyes, P229, you're right04:49
thoreauputicmadstop: I did - then I noticed it seems to be for windows04:49
johnf1911geneo93: if your talking for input and output it creates dirs necessary to fufil paths04:49
Quest-MasterDavidH86: Use your main user's password04:49
P229DavidH86: it's probably set to some random string04:49
johnf1911s/input/wav s/output/encoded files/04:49
maximoosestuNNed, I was off for a sec. on the modem thing, sometimes having call waiting can lock your modem if someone tries to call you when you're online.04:49
madstopthoreauputic, you're a broken record!04:50
P229DavidH86: ubuntu is designed so that you should never use root, only sudo04:50
geneo93johnf1911:  haven't used it for a long time04:50
spiraloidif you need a root shell, use sudo -s -H04:50
=== fire is now known as ghostdad
kainsome hours ago on hoary there were an xorg upgrade, 6.8.2-5.1, after restarting X it tells me that the depth is incorrect (plus another little error), I switched my depth to 24 again and all is fine, have you experienced similar issues?04:50
DavidH86dang it04:50
DavidH86i like to screw tings up in root04:51
DavidH86and what do you mean sudo04:51
P229DavidH86: man sudo will say it best04:51
spiraloidthe program sudo04:51
dizziekain: tried a xorg -configure ?04:51
ghostdadIm running hoary and can not get either the free rar or the unfree unrar to work.  Is anyone else having these issues?04:51
madstopkain, i don't even know how to set the color depth on this thing; can't understand why that isn't in the menu along with resolution04:51
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thoreauputicmadstop: I'm a brok...I'm a brok... I'm <click.> broke04:51
dampjamHow can I fix fontconfig?04:51
kaindizzie, no, just to be curious, I entered my xorg.conf and reverted 24 depth04:51
dizzieahh ok04:51
mdzwow, the kubuntu preview isn't on distrowatch yet04:52
kaindampjam, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2065904:52
mdzthey're lagging tonight ;-)04:52
DavidH86well that is kinda nice04:52
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madstopthoreauputic, floppies, dial-up, windows 3.1, 78 rpm records, get with the new century, dude! ; )04:52
Llamabutcherhas anyone used ndiswrapper to get a wireless card working in ubuntu?04:52
P229mdz: distrowatch lags quite frequently04:52
mdzP229: they have been amazingly fast at processing our announcements in the past04:52
thoreauputicmadstop: hey, I'm a Quaker - what do you expect?04:53
dizziekain, i tried a "overkill" 1892x1440x24 :O ... will not advice that :)04:53
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spiraloidquakers rule04:53
=== Riddell rules
P229mdz: "in the past" ;)04:53
DavidH86no sshd04:53
madstopWallpaper looks like crap on my desktop; fonts look great04:53
inphlictCan someone address my problem04:53
inphlictread it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2066704:53
mdzP229: including last week's preview release of Ubuntu ;-)04:53
ghostdadAre there any known issues with unrar in hoary.  All of my archives fail to decompress from the command line as well as in file roller?04:53
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Riddellthoreauputic: you're a Quaker?04:54
gfxstylerhey, im back04:54
SysFailso use rar04:54
madstophey gfxstyler , how'd the install go?04:54
honethoreauputic: quaker meaning, play quake or pa quake style?04:54
ghostdadIve installed rar however I get a command not found.04:54
thoreauputicRiddell: well, i'm a Quaker attender, to be accurate04:54
P229mdz: /me shrugs04:54
geneo93ghostdad:  why are you using rar to begin with04:54
gfxstylermadstop: flawless, but a little longer then expected, i thought i first upgrade the kernel etc before coming back to #ubuntu04:54
Riddellthoreauputic: cool, which meeting?04:54
dizzieQW rocks my world :)04:54
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=== f1shhead ponders linux + x on 4 meg of ram for use as a vnc terminal
madstopQuaker, ah, that's why thoreauputic is such a Friend (er, get it?  never mind)04:55
ghostdadgeneo93 Ive also had issues with unrar04:55
dizzief1shhead: its doable04:55
SysFailworked fine for me04:55
johnf1911madstop: there getting weaker04:55
thoreauputichone: the quakers originated in England, and local quakers are more aligned with London meeting etc04:55
honethoreauputic: yeah I know04:55
gfxstylernow have to copy 33gb backups ... thats gonna take a while :)04:55
inphlictWhich quakers are u talking about?04:55
thoreauputicRiddell: Kiama  (Australia)04:55
inphlictpeople who play quake or non religious peeps04:56
spiraloidneither :P04:56
DavidH86nto true04:56
Riddellthoreauputic: do you know any of Sarah Davies, Pete Wild or other Pete?04:56
dizzieinphlict: so? :)04:56
madstopjohnf1911, sorry??04:56
DavidH86i knbow some die hard religious people that play quake04:56
inphlictso what?04:56
thoreauputicno, although Sarah Davies rings a bell04:56
inphlictdizzie: so?04:56
johnf1911madstop: the punnage; s/there/they're/04:56
madstopRichard Nixon was a Quaker, he fragged a couple whole countries04:57
dizzieinphlict: reply to your quakecomment :)04:57
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Riddellthoreauputic: ah well, that's all the quakers I know in australia, pleased to meet you anyway (I'm from Edinburgh meeting mostly)04:57
thoreauputicmadstop: he was nominally a quaker, yes04:57
inphlictwhich comment04:57
Riddellmadstop: we excommunicated him04:57
inphlicton the forum or here?04:57
dysangeliumcan someone help me out?04:57
thoreauputicRiddell: greetings, Friend :)04:57
dizzieinphlict: .... people who play quake04:57
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inphlictI play quake04:58
madstopThere's a meeting house near me.  Thinking of dropping in sometime04:58
dizziesame :)04:58
dizziehence i answered "so ? :)"04:58
inphlictI played it for a loooonnnnggg time04:58
thoreauputicRiddell: you can't really be excommunicated from the Society of Friends ;)04:58
inphlictsince original quake test04:58
=== kain still plays ut '99
dizzieI played since uhm when it was released, and i still play :)04:58
madstopThere have got to be more churches etc per square inch in my neighborhood than just about anywhere in the US04:59
dysangeliumhow do i setup modpython to work with apache2? (both have been apt-geted already)04:59
inphlictacctually I started with wolf3d04:59
=== dizzie hugs cedega
dizzieahh i started with wolf on a 386 :)04:59
kaini915 is too bad supported to using cedega04:59
madstopI'm a lapsed Unitarian, myself04:59
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kain2538 frames in 5.0 seconds = 507.600 FPS04:59
thoreauputicmadstop: is it possible to be a "lapsed" unitarian ? ;)05:00
madstopin my case.05:00
dizziekain, i cant get nwn or daoc to work with cedega, but there is no way i gonna have dualboot just for playing games :)05:00
kaindizzie, nwn has a linux client05:01
madstopdanged Universalists messed it up!  Pagans! ;-)05:01
dizzieQuake is fine :)05:01
=== f1shhead ponders just using win95b instead of linux since it's only to drive a vnc terminal, nothing else
andrewskihow can i link the hdc to cdrom so that it stays on boot?05:01
dizziekain, which works with both expansions too ?05:01
inphlictI still have quake, quake2 & quake3 on my windows xp boot installed05:01
thoreauputicmadstop: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!05:01
inphlicthave u guys heard of quake 2 evolved?05:01
dizzieinphlict: do you play QW by any chance?05:02
madstopWe've got them around here too...05:02
kaindizzie, I really dunno, I have nwn original with no expansion, installed, tested and it worked out fine (after a superpatch for ati cards :P)05:02
kainI bet there are linux clients out for nwn expansions05:02
inphlictnot anymore but I used to play qw & tf05:02
inphlictI just have quake installed05:02
madstopThey're handling security at JFK, thoreauputic05:02
inphlictI'm acctually from quake3world.com/forums05:02
jsgotangcohas anyone configured bluetooth with hoary05:02
dizziekain: will check, and inphlict: :(05:02
thoreauputicrofl !05:02
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pinPointim installing ubuntu on mi lappy now... :)05:03
pinPointfirst time!05:03
madstopI tried Cube the other day, in windows.  Seems cool.  I'm not a gamer though05:03
inphlictis cube that game engine?05:03
DavidH86no one anwers my quesiton05:04
DavidH86does ubuntu come installed with sshd05:04
inphlictcheck this http://www.quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=229905:04
dizzieQ3 is nice, i get 180fps :)05:04
HrdwrBoBDavidH86: no05:04
inphlictunreal 3 screens05:04
zenroxDavidH86,  no05:04
inphlictI get 50005:04
HrdwrBoBDavidH86: it comes with ssh, sshd is not installed by default05:04
madstopyou can apparently edit Cube while you play it.05:04
HrdwrBoBit is however on the CD05:04
DavidH86thats all i neded05:04
gfxstylerunreal 3 engine rocks with that parralax or offset bumpmapping :)05:04
pinPointim suprised its on 533MB05:04
pinPointthats it. no more05:05
thoreauputicmadstop: http://www.jumpstation.ca/recroom/comedy/python/spanish.html05:05
inphlictmy blog I deal a lot of games05:05
P229DavidH86: generally, Ubuntu won't have server daemons... since it's a desktop oriented distro05:05
ChrifferI knew if I sat around long enough I would see an answer to the fontconfig issue, good work05:05
madstopI've got enough python on this computer, thank you thoreauputic -- <gr>05:05
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chillywillypython rules05:06
madstopFawlty Towers, thoreauputic !05:06
thoreauputicmadstop: heh - I have Monty Python Live at Drury Lane in .ogg (of course...)05:06
thoreauputicmadstop: I know nothing...I'm from Barcelona05:06
zenrox"Idont like spam"05:06
dizziespam, isnt that ham in a can ? :)05:07
kaininphlict, I checked out the link, but those screenshot aren't from unreal 3, there is a technology that takes his name05:07
andrewskidid y'all know the programming language Python was named after a certain British comedy troupe?05:07
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madstopjust remember not to say anything about the war.  I mentioned it once, but I think they didn't notice...05:07
thoreauputicdizzie: I thought it was something to do with Vikings??05:07
dizziethoreauputic: What vikings? :)05:08
madstopJohn Cleese was the funniest bastard alive.05:08
inphlictkain: my bad05:08
madstopWell, he's still alive, actually05:08
andrewskimadstop: was?05:08
CentyJohn Cleese is still alive and kicking05:08
regeyano longer funny ,sorry05:08
regeyathere *was* a memo...05:09
DavidH86one more question where on that disc is sshd05:09
andrewskiregeya: did you get that memo?05:09
andrewskiregeya: (i'm quoting office space, btw.)05:09
zenroxDavidH86, enable univers repo05:09
thoreauputicDavidH86: sudo apt-get install ssh05:09
=== DarthFrog [~rob@S010600036df5148f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Llamabutcherhas anyone used ndiswrapper to get a wireless laptop card work in ubuntu?05:10
=== regeya gets his tps reports ready
zenroxDavidH86,  read www.ubuntuguide.org to keep newbie questions to a min05:10
madstopalright, gotta boot to windows now, cause I need to look at a shock-infected web site, for work05:10
dizziegood luck :)05:10
andrewskihey regeya, what's happening?  listen, i'm gonna need you to redo those tps reports.  see, we're now putting another cover on them....05:10
thoreauputicmadstop: hope you get better05:11
dizziewindows is a shock :)05:11
DavidH86says it couldnt find packages for sshd05:11
regeyatoo much coffee for me this week...can feel the effects05:11
andrewskiDavidH86: you can ask all the questions you want here, but we may refer you to ubuntuguide.org. ;)05:11
madstop(I'm holding out for svg to take over from shockwave)05:11
thoreauputicDavidH86: ssh05:11
dizzieDavidH86: apt-get install ssh05:11
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regeyafeeling depressed, edgy, and now a headache is coming on...must boost seratonin level somehow...hm.05:12
thoreauputicregeya: ice cream is full of serotonin ;)05:12
andrewskianyone know their way around udev?05:12
dizzieGive icecream !05:12
regeyashoot, I forgot to pick up some guiness on the way home!05:13
regeyaand it's st. pat's day and everything :-/05:13
andrewskicp /usr/local/icecream /home/andrewski05:13
dizziecat /dev/icecream >> dizzie05:13
thoreauputicdpkg-reconfigure waistline05:14
andrewskithoreauputic: lol05:14
Centy"C|N>K" was the daddy of them all :P05:14
andrewskiCenty: what's that?05:14
dizzieI like this, fully installed and upgraded system = 334MB in use ;)05:14
andrewskidizzie: 334MB HD space?05:15
dizzienewly installed server :)05:15
CentyC=coffee, N=nose, K=keyboard05:15
andrewskiah, server.  i.e. no X, etc?05:15
dizzieHoary ofc :)05:15
andrewskiCenty: ah, lol.05:15
inphlictIs it possible to run photoshop in linux?05:16
dizzieandrewski: nope, now i just need sshd+proftpd+apache2+php5+mysql+psybnc :)05:16
gfxstylerwith wine05:16
andrewskiinphlict: why not use gimp?05:16
inphlictis wine free?05:16
=== HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gfxstyleryes its free05:16
regeyaor if you're using a mac, with mol05:16
inphlictI'm very good with photoshop05:16
gfxstylerbut i suggest gimp05:16
inphlictI'm not used to gimp05:17
gfxstylerit does not take long, i switched from photoshop too05:17
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dizziegimp can use photoshop plugins :)05:17
andrewskiinphlict: it's very similar and much easier to use in linux.  wine can be a pain.05:17
dizzieI love gimp :o05:17
Centygimp (unfortunately) doesn05:17
inphlictI know everything there is to know about photoshop05:17
gfxstylerbut another problem: why isnt my sound working (only esd works)05:17
Centydoesn't support cradle-to-grave colour managment05:17
inphlictphotoshop 5.005:17
inphlictand I dont think I can make the switch05:17
inphlictso used to it05:18
regeyaooh, a moldy oldy05:18
inphlictI cant even switch to CS05:18
inphlictbecause I'm so used to it05:18
regeyaI'm refusing to go 7->cs05:18
andrewskiinphlict: you could use older versions of gimp?05:18
HrdwrBoBphotoshop on windows is very different05:18
regeyainphlict: http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=ps5505:18
HrdwrBoBphotoshop on mac is not all that different to GIMP05:18
dizziei was devoted to photoshop cs, but i hated windows so much... linux is nice and gimp vs photoshop is just a matter of time05:18
farruinnHrdwrBoB: I agree05:18
regeyaI beg your pardon HrdwrBoB05:18
farruinnwith the windows part05:19
inphlictThis is what I do with photoshop http://phase0.host-dot.com05:19
HrdwrBoBregeya: yes?05:19
inphlictand this is mostly photoshop http://www.phase0.info05:20
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dizziebleh no php5 in ubuntu :(05:20
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regeyaWait..I haven't used CS hardly any at all...so I may be saying something stupid when I say "GIMP will be like Mac Photoshop when the Adobe people smoke enough crack to think putting Colors->Levels under "Layer" is a good idea"05:21
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biatcheat this point -- would you use hoary preview 7 or warty still?05:22
sl64is there a way to create a ubuntu boot disk in ubuntu?05:22
regeyause Mac Photoshop (7) all the time, and I find gimp and photoshop to be fairly dissimilar05:22
andrewskibiatche: i've been using hoary for a few months.05:22
HrdwrBoBregeya: yes, however the overall UI is not entirely dissimilar05:22
gfxstylertotem sound seems to work too05:22
HrdwrBoBwindows photoshop has a hideous MDI05:22
gfxstylerdamn xmms05:23
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regeyaadobe could take the gimp approach and go for the no-mdi model05:23
=== brad [~brad@adsl-64-168-148-158.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sl64Does anyone know if there is a way to make a boot diskette in ubuntu?05:23
inphlictlol just found my old windows pic05:24
regeyato be fair, I use gimp all the time and find it to be great for a lot of things05:24
braddo people know the update to fontconfig is broken?05:24
andrewskiregeya: doesn't gimp have MDI?05:24
gfxstylerwtf is that ?? i hate xmms -.-05:24
inphlictwho are u talking to?05:24
bradanyone who will listen...05:24
andrewskigfxstyler: inphlict's screenshot?  that was windows....05:24
inphlictI said it was windows05:25
andrewskiwho's everyone talking to?! ^_^05:25
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gfxstylerandrewski: iam talking to myself :D05:25
dizziebrad, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9815705:25
andrewski0_o rather.05:25
sl64did anyone see my question? :(05:25
andrewskisl64: no idea.05:25
regeyaand it rawks, btw05:25
HillTopIs ubuntu thinking of using UnionFS in Hoary so the livecd can has persistent memory on the USB drive? See http://www.onlamp.com/pub/wlg/6654 about KNOPPIX 3.8.05:25
sl64ill post again05:25
bradthanks dizzie!05:25
bradmuch appreciated05:25
andrewskisl64: i have no idea as to your question.05:26
sl64i just need to know if there is a way I can make a boot diskette for ubuntu05:26
sl64my boot loader is acting real gay05:26
regeyadoes it remodel your house for you?05:26
thoreauputicsl64: the command is ` mkboot`  IIRC05:26
regeyaif so send it my wayu05:26
regeyaif it also cooks, bonus points05:26
andrewskipoor taste05:27
thoreauputicsl64: from the man page:  mkboot - makes a bootdisk05:27
sl64cool, thanks :D05:27
sl64also, i have one more thing to ask05:27
sl64i was really stupid and I installed grub onto my hda2 partition (my xp one)... and now, i can't boot to xp because it loops the boot loaders05:27
sl64can I just restore the MBR and that will go away? or is it on the partition itself?05:28
thoreauputicthe mbr is never on a partition05:29
Quest-Mastersl64: You can restore the MBR05:29
Quest-MasterOr, well GRUB at least05:29
sl64where does grub install itself if you selected it to be on /dev/hda2?05:29
sl64mbr or the actual partiton?05:29
Centysl64, the boot sector05:29
dizzieyay let alone gentoo, my server is running ubuntu now :)05:30
bradthanks folks, fixed fontconfig, by the way ubuntu rocks, really appreciate the hard work everyone does, goodnight!05:30
sl64so how would I remove it from the boot sector?05:30
dizzienn brad :)05:30
Quest-Mastersl64: Are you trying to go back to Windows?05:30
Centysl64: oops - I meant the parition05:30
sl64yeah to take my crap off and move it to ubuntu.. and i can't mount my ntfs drive05:30
thoreauputicsl64: you don't need to, if you reinstall grub on the MBR05:30
sl64i have it on both 0_o05:31
=== dizzie does a ritual gentoo cd bashing
CentyBoot sector is easy - just boot the WinXP installer to rescue mode and run through it from there.05:31
Quest-MasterGo to the Windows XP Recovery console05:31
sl64i don't have the xp disk, all I have is a recovery partition05:31
Quest-MasterType in fixmbr and fixboot05:31
Quest-Mastersl64: There might be a recovery console in there.05:31
sl64can't get to it :(05:31
sl64i tried05:31
sl64it won't boot to the recovery console because that bootloader is blocking it05:31
CentyYou should be able to D/L a recover console boot disk from somewhere....05:31
=== gfxstyler is testing wlan, brb
sl64i hope so05:31
sl64any suggestions where?05:31
Quest-MasterYou can, actually.05:31
Quest-Mastersl64: Can you boot into Windows?05:32
thoreauputicsl64: you can even install grub on a floppy05:32
biatcheis latest hoary considered desktop stable / production use?05:32
thoreauputicsl64: it can find your root/boot sectors05:32
P229sl64: unless you have some way of booting from the recovery partition or booting from some disk that came with your computer, your windows installation is toast05:32
thoreauputicbiatche: no05:33
dizziebiatche: both imo05:33
Nobuyuki`woot, the thing finally uncompressed05:33
Nobuyuki`booted right into a black screen05:33
thoreauputicdizzie: no way05:33
thoreauputicdizzie: production? current hoary?05:33
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dizziethoreauputic: well :)05:33
sl64maybe i can corrupt grub.conf and it won't display the boot loader?05:33
sl64maybe i can disable it somehow so it boots straight thru?05:33
P229sl64: uh, no05:34
P229sl64: do you remember if you installed the bootloader onto the MBR or the first sector of your boot partition?05:34
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sl64at first i installed it on the MBR..05:34
sl64the 2nd time I installed it to my xp partition (really dumb)05:35
thoreauputicsl64: use a live CD to get at your stuff- much easier05:35
P229sl64: quite :)05:35
sl64ill try fdisk /mbr05:35
sl64will that do anything?05:35
WhiteRabbitreformat the mbr it will05:36
geneo93yes then you'll be hung in nowhere land05:36
thoreauputicsl64: not unless you have a DOS floppy with the right stuff on it05:36
WhiteRabbitmake sure to have a media to install something back onto the mbr & know what your doin before hand though05:36
biatchegrrr.... how long will i have to wait for hoary final :/05:36
sl64what do I need to restore the mbr?05:36
thoreauputicbiatche: April 605:37
biatchei have three options now... to install gentoo (what i usually use), hoary, or centos05:37
sl64i have fdisk05:37
WhiteRabbitgoogle bootdisk top link05:37
geneo93s164 bootdisk.com05:37
geneo936-7 floppys for xp05:37
WhiteRabbitwin98 = 105:38
sl64Windows XP Fresh Install Bootdisk?05:38
WhiteRabbitsl64, do you happen to own a copy of win98?05:38
sl64yeh on a cd05:38
gfxstylerhow can i install .ttf fonts in ubuntu?05:38
WhiteRabbitsl64, grab the win98 boot disk then05:38
sl64i have it05:38
sl64well, here is what happened05:39
thoreauputicgfxstyler: dump them in ~/.fonts05:39
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sl64i have a windows xp boot disk05:39
WhiteRabbitread up on reinstalling grub05:39
sl64but it does nothing... heres why:05:39
gfxstylerthoreauputic: thx05:39
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WhiteRabbitsl64, a floppy boot disk.05:39
sl64my recovery partition made a virtual drive or something, so whenever it looks for c: it goes to this virtual drive.. and when my xp boot disk is looking for system files (hal.dll, etc..) it cant find em05:39
WhiteRabbitsl64, be careful you scare me!05:40
P229if the windows bootloader is overwritten, he's not going to be able to ever boot back into that windows installation05:40
WhiteRabbitsl64, mybe you should read up on reinstalling grub before blasting any mbrs away.05:40
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sl64will reinstalling grub get rid of that 2nd bootloader though?05:40
P229sl64: no05:40
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sl64ok then..05:41
sl64any way to directly edit the boot sector in dos?05:41
sl64or repair it or something?05:41
P229sl64: theoretically, yes05:41
P229sl64: practically, no05:41
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thoreauputicsl64: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/334005105:42
geneo93s164 if you installed grub there first time there is nothing left to repair05:42
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P229sl64: please list all your partitions and what's on them05:42
thoreauputicsl64: that article tells you how to manipulate the mbr and install grub05:42
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geneo93thoreauputic:  he installed grub to ntfs partition though05:43
P229and the MBR05:44
dizzieHrm work in 2 hrs and 20 min. Guess sleep isnt an option :()05:44
geneo93double you chances of never booting windows again05:44
P229sl64: get a Linux livecd and backup any documents, etc., from your windows installation, because I'm just about 100% certain you won't be able to ever boot that windows installation again05:45
gfxstylerif someone wants me to never boot windows again please ask god for 3d support @ ati radeon mobility 960005:45
sl64i can't really access my windows partiton from a boot disk because that virtual drive is in the way05:45
CentyTell it to ATi, not god.05:46
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gilbs72hello. need help. how do i log on as 'root' (graphical)?  need to change folder permissions for users.  ..don't wanna bother everyone with newbie questions.  a good link will do.  advanced thanks!05:46
odie5533Is Ubuntu slow for anyone?05:46
gfxstylerCenty: yes u are right05:46
odie5533Ubuntu is slower than windows and SuSe for me =/05:46
regeyaodie5533: for 486 users.05:46
=== P229 finds it very strange that Centy used capitalization for ATi but not for God
pinPointi just pulled my lappy power supply cable05:46
odie5533I have a 2.6gHz AMD05:46
pinPointwhile installing05:46
=== regeya finds everything strange
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CentyP229, you read into things too much :P05:47
geneo93God dont exist man05:47
sl64and P229:   hda1 has my recovery partition (FAT32), hda2 has my wxp installation w/ grub (NTFS), hda3 has my linux root, hda4 is a extended vfat (automatically made), and hda5 is my swap05:47
P229sl64: Knoppix will let you mount your NTFS partitions and read data from them05:47
regeyaATi means more to kids than Jesus05:47
sl64one sec, ill check that05:47
P229Centy: :-D05:47
=== gfxstyler finds it strange that you find things like that strange that no other would need to find strange because that would be really ...strange :D
sl64i tried mounting them, but no luck (hopefully when I try again it will work)05:47
DarthFrogI find gfxstyler strange.05:48
WhiteRabbitregeya, some us still belive that the one is above all logic05:48
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sl64it always returned "wrong fs type, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, or too many mounted devices"05:48
regeyaWhiteRabbit: I was paraphrasing John Lennon, but I happen to agree05:48
geneo93WhiteRabbit:  i he did why all the bs05:48
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Centysl64: mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /mnt/<FOO>05:48
geneo93i* if05:49
Centysl64: where <FOO> is a mount point (ie, empty directory)05:49
odie5533I installed windows XP after installing Ubuntu, and now when I load grub, it won't load ubuntu, any ideas?05:49
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sl64mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2,05:49
sl64       or too many mounted file systems05:49
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P229sl64: if you're lucky, there will be a boot information on /dev/hda1 (your recovery partition). use fdisk to toggle the boot flag on, then reboot05:49
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, the greater the struggle the greater the cause. :)05:49
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geneo93WhiteRabbit:  thats bs05:50
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netsniperanyone know how to delete all the files created in the last 20 minutes05:50
Rene_Scarefully ?05:50
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Xenguynetsniper: find + xargs rm05:50
pinPointthats a lousy answer05:50
netsniperi tried --> for i in `find . -ctime -20`; do rm $i; done05:51
netsniperXenguy, ahh thanks man05:51
netsniperi have seen xargs vefore but never used it05:51
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, Life is a tragedy for those who feel, And a comedy for those who think.05:51
netsniperit is lousy?05:51
Xenguynetsniper: just an idea, you'll need to read man pages and debug :-)05:51
netsniperpinPoint, whats lous?05:51
pinPointnetsniper: no Rene_S answer05:52
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netsniperoh ok lol05:52
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, Im sorry you feel that way.05:52
Rene_SIts humour, get off my back05:52
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geneo93why WhiteRabbit05:52
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geneo93i'm fine with it05:52
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sl64im going to go and see if i can still access my windows xp partition05:53
sl64with a boot disk05:53
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sl64or if there is that virtual drive in the way still05:53
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, thats all that matters is what you think now even though 10 years from now you willl go wtf was I thinking on a decade scale. as know one has the exact thought process for more than a 10 year span at any giving time.05:54
geneo93hehe he has no more windows05:54
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=== gfxstyler is installing xfce 4.2 now
=== sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-167-84.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
sabmocany way to install an rpm in ubuntu?05:55
geneo93WhiteRabbit:  i'm 57 yrs old and dont expect to live another 10 yrs05:55
Xenguysabmoc: Try to avoid that (is there a specific app you want?)05:55
geneo93sabmoc:  alien05:55
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thoreauputicsabmoc: sudo apt-get install alien ;  alien <rpm>05:55
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, so your are but a leaf on the river of life & already you think you see the water fall ahead you say, you say.05:55
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Xenguygeneo93: are you ill, or just pessimistic? :-)05:55
sabmocthanks for alien05:56
P229nihilistic, I'm thinking05:56
geneo93well i have major problems05:56
technomajianGreetings, all.05:56
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gfxstylerhey technomajian05:56
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Xenguygeneo93: most problems are workable (thankfully things chance :-)05:57
geneo93Xenguy:  lots of things going wrong05:57
geneo93mind going south for one05:57
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WhiteRabbitgeneo93, Things are only as bad as the beholders mind precives them.05:58
geneo93arteries pluged for 205:58
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, the mind can kill with sickness so there forth the mind can heal sickness.05:58
Xenguygeneo93: that sucks :-(  Sure yer not just psyching yourself out?05:58
geneo93WhiteRabbit:  you sure wouldn't want what i have to endur05:59
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Xenguygeneo93: for the arteries - *red* wine (seriously)05:59
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geneo93Xenguy:  no its not that at all docs opinion05:59
P229mmm... red wine05:59
sabmocim very afraid05:59
sabmoc71 packages need to be updated :(06:00
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, I promiss you what ever it is someone else has had it way worse than you.06:00
thoreauputicsabmoc: sounds normal...06:00
crimsunsabmoc: sudo apt-get install apt-listbugs apt-listchanges06:00
Xenguygeneo93: doctors need to be taken with a large grain of salt (in most cases)06:00
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geneo93WhiteRabbit:  yeah someone burried06:00
WhiteRabbitgeneo93, being burried is a joy & time for a family party at your parting. :)06:00
XenguyWhiteRabbit: I agree that the body will try to heal itself whenever possible06:01
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thoreauputicXenguy: nah, large grains of salt are bad for blood pressure ;)06:01
sabmoccrimsun: thank you06:01
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Xenguythoreauputic: heh06:01
R0bNycI thought PReview was going to be the last ubuntu, but now we have again Array 706:01
kangamorning sabmov you there?06:01
sabmockanga: hi06:01
crimsunR0bNyc: arrays are milestones06:01
sabmockanga: how is the install?06:01
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WhiteRabbitgeneo93, those who are earthed are without pain in the sense you feel & see it.06:02
crimsunR0bNyc: meaning all milestones lead to a release06:02
kangasabmoc: hi i got it right had to reburn the cd as an iso it worked when i tried it06:02
R0bNyccrimsun: oh06:02
R0bNycso if I havent gotten it should I get preview or array 7 now06:02
geneo93crimsun:  do you know the cut off point for hoary or date06:02
crimsunR0bNyc: array 706:02
R0bNychopefully milestones comes with the nice ubuntu wallpaper06:02
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crimsungeneo93: RC is 30 March06:02
sabmockanga: cool06:02
kangathanks for the help;)06:03
geneo93cool thanks crimsun06:03
sabmocno problem, so what do you think?06:03
onEnterFrameHey guys - anyone knows why external CD drives don't work on ubuntu after using it to install ubuntu itself?06:03
crimsunwhat sort of external cdrom?06:03
kangawell i still need to do a lot of learning i already use firefox06:03
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onEnterFrameUSB CD-ROM06:03
onEnterFrameit detects it as CD-ROM 106:04
gardionanyon know how to get quicktime to work in firefox?06:04
onEnterFrameit shows me a message about "unable to mount drive"06:04
technomajianWhen I try to use Synaptic, I'm getting an error from the libtool install saying that there's no C compiler.  I know there is, I just built mplayer with it.  :-/06:04
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technomajianwha?  that's ood.06:05
technomajianIt was installed.06:05
R0bNycso Kubuntu is a seperate distro from Ubuntu now?06:05
Hmmmmhey guys06:05
onEnterFrameI looked up ubuntuforums, and some other fella posted the same message . . .but it doesn't detect any CD06:05
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Hmmmmcan someone suggest some good repositories for ubuntu?06:05
Hmmmmim on warty06:05
lunitikR0bNyc: not really... I forget the terminology we are using though...06:05
[Rain] ack sorry folks, im going back to windows until hoary final comes out, my computer froze 5 times and my wireless internet crapped out 6 times (only to be fixed by 2 restarts each time), not to mention the endless configuring I have to do06:05
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sabmoccrimsun: can you give me a quick example of using apt-listbugs? Why does man never come with examples?06:06
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crimsunR0bNyc: yes, it is (always has been afaik)06:06
onEnterFrameso, any idea why the CD isn't working?06:06
crimsunsabmoc: both apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges are invoked when you apt-get {dist-}upgrade06:07
R0bNycnot interested in it lol bigger than 650mb06:07
sl64ok, well... it seems that on my xp partition it is ready to boot into recovery console... is there any way i can jump-start the recovery console on from dos?06:07
R0bNycI'll just kde when I install ubuntu anyways, so that means if IM on kde I'll have togo to kubuntu for support on kde?06:07
crimsunsabmoc: immediately prior to unpacking and setting up updated packages, both will run06:07
sabmoccrimsun: synaptic?06:08
crimsunsabmoc: try it with apt-get06:08
=== sabmoc is trying to be modern and hip
Hmmmmsabmoc, any idea when gnome 2.10 will be apt-gettable on warty? or do we have to wait for hoary?06:08
honeHmmmm: probably hoary06:08
honeHmmmm: it's coming out april 606:08
crimsunHmmmm: warty will not receive package updates unless they're security errata06:08
sabmocHmmmm: yep, what crimsun said. Hoary has gnome2.10 already and its nice.06:09
FackamatoHmmmm: no reason to use warty when there's hoary :>06:09
sabmocFackamato: enless daily upgrades scare the bejebus out of you.06:09
geneo93Fackamato:  get used to it06:10
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thoreauputicFackamato: warty works quite nicely for me, thank you - I'll upgrade when my CDs arrive ;-)06:11
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sabmoccrimsun: is dist-upgrade for upgrading from say.. warty to hoary, and just upgrade for regular use, or what is the deal?06:11
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Fackamatogeneo93: ?06:11
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Hmmmmso if i use hoary beta i get gnome 2.10?06:11
geneo93linux is moving at a real fast pace now06:11
crimsunsabmoc: it's useful whenever dependencies need to be resolved by adding new or removing old packages06:11
Hmmmmim moving to amd 6406:12
sabmocthoreauputic: your lucky, i wish I could use warty. but my usb printer/scanner/thing didnt like warty. Hoary is excelent, but I hate upgrading.. :P06:12
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Hmmmmso i think i'll do a fresh install of hoary n april 7th06:12
sl64what makes a boot diskette boot? is it the boot.ini file?06:12
crimsunsabmoc: have a little faith in your distro. ;-P06:12
sabmoccrimsun: haha06:12
HmmmmFackamato, know of any good irc channels for linux security?06:12
pestis ape 7th the release???06:12
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FackamatoHmmmm: #security ? :P06:12
thoreauputicsabmoc: now if I could just get my old parallel port Canon scanner working ... *sigh*06:12
Fackamatolinux is as secure as can be when you have no daemons06:13
HmmmmFackamato, thanks06:13
EkSoNwhere mount /deb ubunti live hoary?06:13
EkSoNwhere mount /deb ubuntu live hoary?06:13
Fackamatoeven better, run iptables and block every incoming and outcoming traffic except port 80 outwards06:13
lunitikFackamato: outcoming huh?  :P06:13
sappharii have been trying to get my linux connected to the internet, i have tried things,  and nothing is working,  should i try again,  or reinstall ubuntu?06:13
crimsunsapphari: wired ethernet or wireless?06:14
Fackamatolunitik: i'm tired p:06:14
sabmocthoreauputic: those can be pretty tricky sometimes :) but usb is where the cool stuff is happening if you can afford a new printer06:14
onEnterFrameha my messages always gets ignored here06:14
pestanyone got cd burning to work on a laptop w/ combo drive???06:14
crimsunonEnterFrame: just be patient, please06:14
sapphariethernet etho i think06:14
Fackamatosapphari: huh? give us some info, we can't guess what you have tried nor what error you get nor what setup you'rte using06:14
thoreauputicsabmoc: I intend to get a new scanner - my printer works fine though06:14
sabmocpest what do you mean combo drive?06:14
jsgotangcodvd/cd writer06:15
sappharii have tried sudo pppoeconf06:15
Fackamatopppoeconf, aha, so you're connecting your computer directly to your adsl modem which is using pppoe06:15
sappharii guess06:16
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sappharii am new to all this06:16
sappharivery new06:16
Fackamatoto use linux06:16
Fackamatoyou really have to know06:16
geneo93sapphari:  hve you tried network-admin06:16
Fackamatowhere the cables go from, and to06:16
sabmocthoreauputic: I have an epson cx6400, printer/scanner with a usb flash card slot, all three work out of the box with hoary. Its nice to just pop the flash card from my camera into the printer and have an icon pop up on the desktop :) very sexy.06:16
pestsapphari... do mii-tool and see what it says06:16
thoreauputicsabmoc: sounds cool, indeed :)06:17
sappharithat is the thing,  ihave to reboot to linux to try things06:17
sappharicause the other pc crashed06:17
sappharii hate windows06:17
crimsunonEnterFrame: if you've already booted into Linux, please lsmod|grep ^sd_mod06:17
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sappharii had this one networked through the other pc06:17
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gfxstylersee u guys06:18
pestthen i dont think you should be using pppoe06:18
pestsapp... why arent you using a router???06:18
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sappharii basically need to write down what i need to do06:18
sappharii was06:18
Fackamatodon't I reconnect fast?06:18
pestthen dont use pppoe06:19
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sappharibut i am not connected to the router now06:19
pestuse mii-tool to check for connection, then use dhclient to get an address and the rest should be history06:20
pestwhat are you connected to???06:20
rempresenta-hoi-hoi, I have a question about tarballs06:20
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pesttar -cvf06:20
sappharistraight connection now06:20
peststraight to what>??06:20
sappharito dial up06:20
rempresentpest  are you talking to me06:21
Myrttitar -zcvf package-in-need-of-unpacking.tar.gz06:21
sappharii use the router when i am connected to the other pc06:21
sappharii don't know what else to do06:21
sapphariif the other pc is crashed06:22
pestwhat is your layout?06:22
rempresentyeah, i untarred the package, but when i go to do a ./configure, my terminal says that there is no such directory06:22
pestfrom the www in06:22
sappharii told you i was very new06:23
Myrttirempresent: you are in the directory you unpacked?06:23
Myrttibefore you try ./configure?06:23
Myrttiwhat are you trying to configure?06:23
Myrttior install06:23
rempresentstill gives me that error06:23
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rempresenti am trying to azureus to work, and mozilla thunderbird06:24
geneo93ok maybe there not a config file06:24
Myrttirempresent: using warty?06:24
MyrttiI figured, since thunderbird is available in apt in hoary06:25
Myrttinot sure about azureus06:25
pestsapp.... what is your network setup from the internet in?06:25
rempresentyeah, they only offer bittorrnado, i haven't messed with that much06:25
geneo93azaureus has a jar file to start it06:25
pestyour network blueprint06:25
Fackamatowhy use source06:25
rempresentdo i need to get java dependencies for that to work06:25
Fackamatoapt is there for a reason06:25
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rempresentaparently apt can't find either thunderbird or azureus06:26
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Myrttiazureus isn't in hoary either06:26
Myrttirempresent: not in warty, no, not thunderbird06:26
Myrttibut in hoary it is06:26
rempresentalright... that tells me wha06:26
crimsuncan't be due to Java issues, but there's a faint glimmer wrt jvm-dependent packages06:27
rempresentam i out of luck or do i need to compile source06:27
geneo93i have azureus in heree but not from src06:27
Myrttithat if you would move up to the hoary which is due to be stable in a month, you'd get thunderbird with apt06:27
sabmocdoes xorg support those sexy mouse pointers like xfree86?06:27
crimsunsabmoc: yes06:27
rempresentok, i am fine with the gnome desktop, but it is slow, is kubuntu an good option?06:28
sabmoccrimsun: it is setup the same way?06:28
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Myrttirempresent: do not fix what isn't broken06:28
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crimsunsabmoc: different environments offer differing methods, but essentially, yes06:29
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sabmocrempresent: I've always found kde slower than gnome, but maybe thats just my biased subconscious favouritism when it comes to gnome.06:30
rempresentgot it06:30
rempresenti am out, for the night, peace06:30
geneo93crimsun:  i asked you about java yesterday did you find out if thats a sun problem or ubuntu06:30
crimsungeneo93: err, refresh my memory please06:31
geneo93well in the java dir it has jre1.5 instead of j2re1.506:32
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crimsungeneo93: that's not even an issue; just adjust your $PATH and symlinks accordingly06:32
=== sabmoc has a morbid fear of upgrading anything on his system except artwork.
geneo93k well i followed al the things so maybe i didn't notice to after06:33
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crimsungeneo93: does ,,java -version'' work correctly, though?06:36
geneo93wonder how much google spent on the st. pattys day art06:36
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geneo93gij (GNU libgcj) version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)06:37
HillTopAnyone else have trouble with this link   http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/software/0,2000061733,39185092,00.htm      It blows away Firefox in Warty -- repeats anytime I click to it. But I can save the web page to hard disc and it read/edits in Nvu without trouble.06:37
DavidH86so can anyone tell me why it is that i can run a program if i set it as a exec   but if i dotn then it say permission denied06:37
DarthFrogHillTop: Loads fine.06:37
DarthFrogHillTop: In Hoary, that is.06:37
MyrttiDavidH86: that's what it's supposed to do06:38
JeezisHillTop: loads fine on Hoary06:38
DavidH86its the unreal tournament 2k4 server06:38
HillTopThanks DarthFrog.   But what about Warty anyone?  I just burned a new Hoary live CD :)   But Warty is on the hard disk. :/  Guess I'll read the article in Nvu. Sure nice to have more than one browser!06:39
MyrttiDavidH86: executable is a permission. You need to give the programs you want to run certain permissions06:39
DavidH86but ti starts then liek stops06:39
DavidH86so i dont know why06:39
crimsungeneo93: ok, so do you have the sun jre in your $PATH?06:39
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DarthFrogHillTop: It's very easy to upgrade an installed system from Warty to Hoary.06:40
Myrttimmmmm chocolate06:40
DarthFrogHillTop: But you probably know that. :-)06:40
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pestanyone got cd burning to work on a laptop w/ combo drive???06:40
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Jeezispest: yeah06:40
Jeezispest: works fine on my sager 9860-s using hoary06:41
pesti cant get it to work, getting it to play DVDs was a pain too06:41
Jeezispest: hmmm, havent tried playing dvds yet, but it burned cds fine06:41
pestit plays DVDs now, but has never burnt cd's06:41
Jeezispest: does it give you any errors?06:42
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pesti tried gcombust, k3b, gnome-baker06:42
HillTopThanks DarthFrog.   I'm checking out Warty -- learning. And in April I'll upgrade.  I read that upgrades to Hoary while in preview might be risky.  I did do an total refresh of the system today, so it up to date Warty.  Why would Firefox Hoary be better than current Warty Firefox?06:42
sevas_26hello crew06:42
pestsomething about it being the wrong size06:42
Jeezispest: hmmm06:42
pestillegal mode06:42
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pesterror 25506:43
DarthFrogHillTop: Different support libraries, perhaps.  And upgrading to Hoary is almost risk-free. :-)06:43
boredHow can I get MPlayer to work with eSound ??06:43
sevas_26guy's  I wanna install ubuntu ontop my old suse , but I don't want to change my /home06:44
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sevas_26there's some way to do that ???06:44
pestsecvas, did you partition as a seperate /home06:44
DarthFrogHillTop: Mind you, it's very much my impression that Ubuntu is a truly excellent Linux distribution, good for newbies and experts alike.  I've been running Linux since 1993 and feel right at home in Ubuntu.06:44
MyrttiHillTop: because hoary firefox is 1.0.1 and warty firefox is 0.9.306:44
DavidH86grr why does the exec start   then stops and goes back to command promp06:44
Jeezispest: whats the make and model of your machine?06:44
sevas_26[pest]  no06:44
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pestenpower 74006:45
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HillTopDarthFrog.  If I update to Hoary, will the extra programs I installed: Nvu, Acrobat Reader, etc. be OK or will their library connections be broken? :/    Oh!! Thanks Myrtti, that would explain that. :)06:45
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sabmoccrimsun: Wow, no breakage; apt-listbugs is very reasuring, thanks again.06:46
DarthFrogHillTop: They'll be fine.06:46
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boredHow can I get MPlayer to work with eSound ??06:46
markybobanyone know of an openoffice.org 2.0 beta repository for ubuntu?06:46
sabmocmarkybob: I think its in multiverse06:46
crimsunbored: mpalyer -ao esd06:46
crimsunbored: mplayer^06:46
markybobsabmoc, can you point me to where i can read about that?  i'm a debian user, just trying out ubuntu06:47
MyrttiHillTop: don't know about that06:47
boredthanks crimsun, how can I do this in gmplayer if I cant see ESD in the config ?06:47
DarthFrogmarkybob: It's in universe.  openoffice.org206:47
crimsunmarkybob: 1.9.76 is in hoary/main06:47
spredajoin #slug06:47
markyboboh ok.  thanks.06:47
deFryskmarkybob, its somewjere :D06:48
DarthFrogcrimsun: The beta for OO.o 2 is in main?  Wow.06:48
sevas_26[pest]  are u there ??06:48
pestenpower 74006:48
sabmocmarkybob: I just read moments ago on ubuntu wiki about feature planning for hoary and it listed Ooo2 as pending in multiverse, more than that I cant tell you.06:48
sabmocyeah, what crimsun said.. kekeke06:49
pestsevas, if you did'nt partition your home seperately, you may be in for a hard life lesson06:49
gardionanybody got sound to work with mplayer?06:49
sevas_26[pest]  there is some way to keep  ?home06:49
=== thor|cornershop is now known as thoreauputic
gardionI can see pictures but not sound.06:49
pinPointthis os looks nice06:49
=== pinPoint likes the sounds
boredgardion same question here, cant get esd in it :@06:49
gardionI wanted to add mplayer so I could watch quicktime06:50
raghuany one has manual to refer about NAS06:50
pestanybody<gardion> anybody got sound to work with mplayer?..........turn off the sound system, and only use one a/v prog at a time06:50
crimsungardion: you turned _off_ the sound system?06:50
pestsevas, you could always build a fileserver to pull everything onto and back from06:51
boredcrimsun it works thank u!06:51
crimsunbored: np06:51
gardionhow do you turn off the sound?06:51
pesthang on.......06:51
crimsungardion: oh, sorry, I misread pest's response.06:51
sevas_26[pest]  u mind,  ftp server06:52
crimsungardion: did you try mplayer -ao esd ?06:52
boredgardion system > pref > sound > disable06:52
pestdesktop preferences>>sound06:52
gardionlet me try that.  mplayer -ao esd first06:52
pestsevas, yup, i got one just for shizzle like this06:53
sevas_26or make a new partition n back it up,  right ??06:53
pestyou certainly could if ya got space06:53
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sevas_26yeah, I have  enough06:54
sevas_26[pest]  manpart ??06:54
pestlearn it live it love it06:54
sevas_26fdisk , no ??06:54
pestits all about pref's06:55
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sevas_26I newby :/06:55
pestthen use qtparted06:55
thoreauputicsevas_26: why are the nicks you address showing as [nick]  ? Makes it look like you are quoting someone.. ?06:55
sevas_26taking notes06:55
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siimohi can i FTP install ubuntu ?06:56
pestsevas, get linux complete by sybex books06:56
pinPointits very hairy... erh hoary06:56
siimoor even a 100MB netinstall iso like debian?06:57
siimoi dont need more than half the stuff on the full iso06:57
crimsunsiimo: then do a minimal install in expert mode from the iso.06:57
sevas_26[pest]  sybex ?06:57
pestits dated, but it'll teach you all that there is to know for $19.9906:57
Jeezissiimo: get the full iso and do expert install06:57
Jeezischoose the packages you want06:57
pestyea, sybex books06:57
siimocrimsun, i remember seeing a 4 or 5 MB boot.iso before06:57
siimonot exist anymore?06:57
edlanghang on. are you guys somewhat arguing about an irc script?06:58
sevas_26ok, thanks for the info06:58
pestamazon for $2.47 US06:58
gardionI still can't hear sound with mplayer after turning the sound off.06:58
gardionwhat multimedia framework should gstreamer be using?06:58
pestcongrats on dumping suse by the way, she can be an evil bitch with all those deps06:59
sevas_26[pest]  is  driving me crazy somethimes06:59
MyrttiI remember back when I first tried Linux06:59
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MyrttiRed Hat 8 or 706:59
Myrttidependency hell06:59
Myrttimmmm more chocolate07:00
crimsungardion: if you turned off the sound system, then just use mplayer -ao alsa07:00
deFryskMyrtti, never had probs with rh707:00
sevas_26try ubuntu frst in a old  P3 500Mz n' rock's07:00
sevas_26now  I want ubuntu  in this one07:00
crimsunsiimo: I don't see one at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-7/07:00
pestgardion, try www.ubuntuguide.org has a walkthrough on getting sound issues worked out07:00
MyrttideFrysk: I had newbie problems, that I admit07:01
deFryskMyrtti, ok ;)07:01
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Myrttibut I remember what it was like trying to search for such and such software07:01
pinPointhello, how can I install my wireless nic07:01
Myrtticould've been 607:01
JeezispinPoint: ndiswrapper07:02
deFryskMyrtti, in my early days i had a hard time to let go of the m$ way thinking07:02
pest>>>DUMB QUESTION OF THE NIGHT<<<  can you iqc on multiple servers at once, not just channels??? never used irc before...07:02
Myrttipest: yes07:02
Jeezispest: yup07:02
thoreauputicMyrtti: then trying to understand all the different architectures, and which version etc - I remember too :)07:02
Myrttior wait07:02
sevas_26defrisk   :-P07:02
Myrttipest: depends fully on your client :-)07:02
pesti wonder what is going on then07:02
Jeezispest: well, what client are you using07:02
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Jeezislol, Myrtti07:03
thoreauputicpest: make a new server tab07:03
sevas_26I leaving >> thank u guy's again 4 all the info07:03
pestit cut me offa colug when i came here07:03
MyrttiJeezis: it's not that far away when mIRC could connect only to one server at the time07:03
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deFryskI think at first we all had 'how do i install winamp.exe ?' feelings07:03
sevas_26thank u [pest] 07:03
MyrttiI think I used it then07:03
pestno worries, sevas07:03
pestwhere you at by the way, sevas07:04
=== sevas_26 is back
MyrttiAberdeen, even07:04
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pinPointJeezis: oh boi, i was afraid of that. i was just fighting the whole day with mdk10.107:04
sevas_26close enough07:05
pinPointi switched now im back again07:05
JeezispinPoint: yeah, i used mdk 10.0 & 10.1, i think you'll like a debian based distro a lot better07:05
pestpin... you think your fighting, try getting kismet to jive w/ an intel 210007:05
sevas_26aberdeen , maryland07:05
pinPointwhats that07:05
pestsevas, fun...kerrycountry07:06
pinPointJeezis: does that mean it will be easier07:06
pestkismet and intel 2100 dont like eachother07:06
thoreauputicsevas_26: hah - here I was imagining you in Scotland !07:06
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pinPointbecause on mdk i could not get wlan0 to up07:06
Jeezisneither do ati x800 mobile and x07:06
pinPointit was installed though07:06
sevas_26no fun, just cool winter07:06
Jeezisthey dont like each other at all07:06
pesti wish that bastard would have been more like edwards07:07
Myrttiyou know what I just realized07:07
MyrttiI have to reinstall the whole shebang today or tomorrow07:07
pestor 1280x800 lcd's from noname in korea07:07
MyrttiI'm getting a new CPU and mobo07:07
deFryskmy updatewatch insists on seeing two (more) updates , its beginning to act like rhd's up2date hehe07:07
JeezisMyrtti, i was just laughing earlier b/c we were saying the same things07:08
Jeezisat the same time07:08
MyrttiJeezis: sync :-)07:08
pestive got my dang X11config file burnt to cd cause i know damn well that nothing else works07:08
sevas_26gotta sleep,  bye07:08
Myrttino, but seriously, I love my irssi over mIRC07:09
MyrttiI can't understand what kept me on mIRC for such a long time07:09
geneo91crimsun:  everything is in order for java07:09
crimsungeneo91: ok07:09
pestwho needs java07:09
crimsunI do, for one. :-)07:10
geneo91azureus does07:10
geneo91pest:  must be one of those beos users07:10
Jeezisright now i have to use default settings for xorg, gnome wouldnt even recognise that i had an ati card07:10
pesti need not your java crapplet07:10
haydentheres alot of updates after installing from the preview release disc07:11
Jeezisluckily kde 3.4 does, i just need to get fgxlr to recognise it07:11
crimsuneh, Java has its uses.07:11
MyrttiI'd need it, I need to rehearse java coding07:11
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lunitikhayden: well... it is about 3 days old...07:11
Myrttithough I loaned my Java book to a friend of mine07:11
Jeeziscrimsun, yes it does07:11
crimsunit, like any computer programming language, is not a catch-all07:11
Jeezisits nice to have the security of running on a virtual machine tho07:12
haydenlunitik, 3 days and 175MB of updates :)07:12
crimsunIf I were to discard, I'd leave my students in a fairly bad position to interview for industry positions.07:12
lunitikhayden: busy bunch  :P07:12
crimsundiscard Java, rather07:12
pesti only diss java cause its a royal bitch on linux07:12
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Jeezispest: thats why you need to dual-boot ;)07:13
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pestand i F'ing hate programming'07:13
pinPointhow come I cant do su on my terminals07:13
pinPointthis is different07:13
Jeezisits us lazy peoples way of resolving certain issues07:13
pestdual boot, hell no!07:13
crimsunpinPoint: you need to set a root password...07:13
pinPointand the setup never asked me for a root pass07:13
schasipest: Why is java such a bitch?07:13
crimsunpinPoint: first, have you ensured that sudo and gksudo are inadequate?07:13
thoreauputicpinPoint: use  sudo <command> with your user pass07:14
JeezispinPoint: sudo root passwd <password>07:14
Myrttipest: some of us are masochistic enough to consider it a future career07:14
Myrttiprogramming, I mean07:14
pestwindows dosent touch my network, it the principal of it all, (and i like to be one of those uppity linux purists)07:14
Myrttithough this EU software patent issue gives that future plan a ugly looking vertex07:14
Jeezispest: hehehe, i just have winblows for gaming07:15
schasipest: There have just been some windws-sent-packets that went into your network07:15
crimsunpest: so you use completely open hardware, from the bios upward?07:15
MyrttiJeezis: I actually play games more on Linux than I ever did in Windows07:15
pestoh, and fuck the EU07:15
pest(by the way)07:15
JeezisMyrtti: yes, i just havent gotten my 3d to work yet07:16
schasiJeezis: sudo ROOT passwd <password> ?07:16
crimsunlanguage, please. Remember the CoC.07:16
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schasiwhats the root for? i did it without it07:16
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pestok sorry, fudge the goddarned EU!07:16
Jeezisschasi: i couldnt remember if you needed it or not07:16
schasior changed it, sudo passwd root07:16
sic|anyone know of a really good mixer that will kick ass for things like TeamSpeak?07:16
pinPointJeezis: thats so complicated07:16
pinPointall i did was07:16
pinPointthat all07:17
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crimsunsic|: please be more precise regarding "mixer"07:17
pinPointgot that habit from my bsd box07:17
pestyea 3d sucks if ya got funky hardware07:17
JeezispinPoint: you use linux! why make anything simple! ;)07:17
pestfo reel07:17
pinPointall that typing07:17
sic|crimsun: sound card mixer...  ex. alsa, OSS07:17
pinPointman, i dont commute that far07:17
pesti only hate java causi i suck at proggramming07:18
Jeezispest: i have an ati x800 pro mobility...and i also have to make alsa like my sound card07:18
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sic|crimsun: can't get TeamSpeak to work right...people can barely hear me07:18
crimsunsic|: Are you referring to a gui mixer control, like the Volume Control or alsamixergui?07:18
micmurHey crimsun07:18
pestalsa here, with an ati radeon mobility 9600 1280x80007:18
sic|crimsun: yes07:19
crimsunsic|: and the ALSA mixer option in Volume Control isn't cutting it?07:19
pinPointJeezis: tell me, i dont have to install a new kernel do I?07:19
pinPointfor ndiswrapper07:19
crimsunJeezis: which sound card?07:19
pestanyone from denver???07:19
sic|crimsun: nope...people can barely hear me and I have it turned all the way up07:19
Jeeziscrimsun: realtek07:19
crimsunJeezis: could you be more precise? realtek only describes the ac97, not the actual controller07:20
JeezispinPoint: i wouldnt think so, they have a repository for it i believe07:20
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Jeeziscrimsun: sure just a sec07:20
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micmurAny reason why, when I installed Array 7, I would be getting errors in sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg07:20
micmurfontconfig file?07:20
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Sion_Barzhadi have downloaded a .wmv file, It plays the audio, but no visual. How do I get it too work. I can see an image of the clip on the file Thumbnail07:21
crimsunmicmur: there's a thread on u-u about it :-)07:21
pinSthis line here07:21
pinSln -s /usr/src/linux-<kernel-version> /lib/modules/VERSION/build07:21
farruinnmicmur: this is while installing array 7?07:21
MyrttiSion_Barzhad: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:21
Jeeziscrimsun: realtek hd audio with 5.1 sound07:21
Sion_BarzhadI can run other wmvs07:21
Sion_Barzhadjust not his one07:21
crimsunpinS: _bad_ idea.  Instead, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:21
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Sion_Barzhadi alreayd have the codecs07:21
pinSthats on the ndiswrapper manual07:22
micmurI just installed the linux-686 image and I'm getting that as an error07:22
pinSwhats that stuff you typed07:22
crimsunpinS: do not manually create the symlink, use the appropriate linux-headers-foo package07:22
pinSsudo apt-get install linux*??07:22
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pinSgosh!! that looks close to programming07:23
crimsunpinS: no, what I typed above: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:23
pinSit doesnt get simpler than that huh07:23
pinSthat right there looks like a function itself07:23
Myrttithat was quite constructive07:23
MyrttiI might say07:24
Jeezisthat it was07:24
crimsunyes, he waited a whole 3 minutes.07:24
crimsunthank goodness for patience, eh?07:24
thoreauputicwow, a 2 minute patience fuse...07:24
pinSits good compared to a grenade ;)07:24
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pestlet microsoft have him!07:24
sic|well, linux in any distro is FAR from ready for the end user...so people get really frustrated...doesn't excuse his behavior though07:24
MyrttiI prolly shouldn't have tried to help him at all07:24
Jeezisoh well, now he will never be able to play his poor wmv file07:24
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Myrttimaybe he would've had better fuse then07:24
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pest(wmv is pretty much just for porno anyways)...07:25
sabmoccrimsun: apt-listbugs also works with synaptic, but you have to toggle the "terminal view" or it will sit there and wait for you to hit enter to continue with installation.07:25
Jeezispest: exactly ;)07:25
crimsunJeezis: please be more specific, preferrably the line from lspci -v07:26
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pestand it sucks that mosta the time they dont work!!!07:26
geneo91the way i figure i have the rest of my life to figure this out07:26
mdzmicmur: bug #7819, just recently fixed07:26
MyrttiI actually might need wmv support to look at a news recording at a Finnish television station07:26
pinScrimsun, so that gets it and installs what exactly07:26
lithiumfoxalot of stuff uses wmv streaming other then porn07:27
micmurLooking at the u-u forum07:27
Myrttithey sent us email that they are doing a piece on our website and the stuff it informs about07:27
pinSwhy dont i need to create link07:27
micmurProblems solved07:27
lithiumfoxi think real has more porn usage07:27
micmurThanks crimsun07:27
sabmocMyrtti: *cough, porn, cough*07:27
pestI'm getting to the point that im planning on using only FREE-FREE software, and thatll have to include codecs07:27
Myrttisabmoc: quite the opposite, I might say07:27
sabmocMyrtti: only joking :)07:27
micmurcrimsun: When you have a few, lemme know07:27
Myrttisabmoc: I know07:27
crimsunpinS: installing that package installs the necessary files and creates the proper symlink07:28
pinSSetting up linux-headers-2.6.10-4-386 (2.6.10-25.2) ...07:28
pinSErrors were encountered while processing:07:28
Jeeziscrimsun: sorry, i'm in windoze now...downloading half life 207:28
crimsunpinS: you should be using 2.6.10-5-foo07:28
MyrttiI'm just having a bad morning and I'm trying to get it back on the right tracks with tiny little easter eggs07:28
Jeezisi mean...>_>07:28
Myrttichocolate mmmmm07:28
pinSi just installed this for the first time tonight07:29
pinSi have no idea of what you speak off07:29
crimsunpinS: there're many fixes for the kernel that are in an updated kernel package07:29
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zenroxand pinS  whats your cpu07:29
zenrox386 bprobly ant needed07:29
crimsunsic|: have you tried manually adjusting the necessary sliders in alsamixer (running in a Terminal)?07:30
zenroxpinS, get the linux-2.6.10-5-686 kernel07:30
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zenroxstay away from the 38607:30
siimohi does warty use udev ?07:30
crimsunsiimo: yes07:30
pinSzenrox, i typed this sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:31
pinSand it did its thing07:31
siimoso i can actually dist-upgradr to hoary without too much problems if i just do a expert base install of warty07:31
zenroxpinS,  do a sudo apt-get install linux-68607:31
gardionany of you had trouble with the cd player?07:31
crimsunsiimo: certainly07:31
haydenhow can i check how much free space i have on my drives?07:31
gardionwith the cd player playing cds.07:31
crimsunhayden: df -h07:31
haydenthanks agian07:31
crimsunhayden: or the GNOME System Monitor07:32
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pinSyou guys dont mind helping me do you?07:32
zenroxpinS,  nope07:32
pinSim alittle lost on the new OS07:32
MyrttipinS: that's what we're here to do07:32
pinSok :)07:32
Myrttiand get some help in our problems, if they exist07:32
zenroxwe came for help but stayed for frendships07:33
thoreauputicpinS: this is a help channel :)07:33
pinSSetting up linux-restricted-modules-686 (2.6.10-7) ...07:33
pinSSetting up linux-686 (2.6.10-7) ...07:33
pinSErrors were encountered while processing:07:33
MyrttiI sometimes feel like the token woman or mascot, because I really don't think I can help people that much07:33
zenroxpinS,  open snyaptic07:33
siimopersonally id install my own kernel07:33
zenroxand do a search for linux07:34
thoreauputicMyrtti: I think you underestimate yourself07:34
crimsunMyrtti: just help when you can, and that's sufficient.07:34
Myrttithoreauputic: it keeps me not feeling superiour and giving those RTFM answers07:34
pinSwrong password!07:35
zenroxi love RTFMing07:35
zenroxpinS,  type in you user pass07:35
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pinSi typed the root one07:35
pinSthats what it wants07:35
zenroxuser pass07:35
pinSdont? o_O07:35
zenroxdont type the root07:35
Myrttisynaptic tries to launch it self as sudo synaptic07:36
zenroxit is gksudo front end to sudo07:36
Myrttiand needs your password for it07:36
pinSok synaptic is up07:36
zenroxjust like that Myrtti07:36
pinSi did search on linux07:36
pinSthere's a list07:36
haydenwhy is Music Player installed by default instead of xmms?07:36
zenroxand look for linux-image-2.6.10-5-68607:37
crimsunhayden: because Rhythmbox integrates with GNOME well.07:37
zenroxalso get the restrested modules of the same kernel  number07:37
haydendo i need to install something extra to play mp3s with it?07:37
crimsunhayden: gstreamer0.8-mad from universe07:37
haydenok thanks07:37
crimsunhayden: please see http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats07:38
pinSzenrox, just one of them07:38
pinSthe other is SMP07:38
MyrttiI think I'll put a replaces-line on my irssi with wuo/RF07:38
zenroxpins you sont need smp07:38
Myrttior wRF07:39
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Myrttiyeah, that would be better acronym for it...07:39
Quinn_Stormhey, is there any way to clear up the authentication errors with marrilat?07:39
pinSmark for removal or reinstallation?07:39
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zenroxpins get the restrected modules  too07:39
MyrttiQuinn_Storm: just ignore them07:39
Quinn_StormMyrtti: okay, just wondering if there was a better answer07:39
MyrttiQuinn_Storm: could be, but prolly not worth the hassle07:39
crimsunQuinn_Storm: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary07:40
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: thanks07:40
pinSzenrox, should i remove 38607:40
pinSmark it up07:40
crimsunI don't even remember when I wrote those instructions07:40
zenroxpinS, whate till your in the 686 one first07:40
crimsuncouple months ago?07:40
zenroxpinS,  you cant remover the one your using07:40
pinSgot modules-68607:41
zenroxthat will work07:41
thoreauputicMyrtti: you're in good form today - must be the chocolate ! :)07:41
Quinn_Stormokay now all I need to do is find the key for the blackdown releases, heh07:41
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crimsunQuinn_Storm: look at the error and simply retrieve the ascii-armoured key manually then import, or ... Lotsa ways. :-)07:42
pinSits done?07:42
Myrttithoreauputic: yes, but I feel sad for those kids that come here on Sunday, I've eaten their candies07:42
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: found a site on it07:42
pinSi didnt see it do anything07:42
pinSi clicked apply, it wanted to download then poof07:43
thoreauputicMyrtti: haha - oh dear! Taking candy from children! tut tut ;)07:43
pestim audi like a saudi07:43
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: there we go, that fixed it, the instructions are actually on the blackdown site ^-^07:43
Quinn_StormI like the auth system, just wish it were more integrated.  its a great addition to apt though07:43
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crimsunQuinn_Storm: it _is_ integrated :-)07:44
crimsunQuinn_Storm: notice how all the repos for which you got auth errors are external and unsupported :-)07:44
Myrttithoreauputic: Finnish tradition of dressing up as easter witch, coming with willow twigs that are in bloom and with colourful paper glued in to them. They whisk the air in front of you, "hexing" good will, health and good crops for next year07:44
pinSzenrox, i think they're installed already07:44
Myrttithoreauputic: and get candies, boiled eggs or money as a reward07:44
pinSit didnt even download them07:44
Myrttikind of Halloween trick-or-treating07:44
thoreauputicMyrtti: sounds a good tradition :)07:45
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MyrttiI guess I'll have to go and buy more candy...07:45
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geneo91pinS:  maybe its in apt cache07:45
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: it may be integrated into ubuntu but not into apt quite tightly enough07:45
Myrttithough I assume not that many kids end up here07:45
thoreauputicMyrtti: you'll show us pictures of the wich outfit, I hope?07:46
pinSE: mozilla-firefox-gnome-support:  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured07:46
pinSE: yelp:  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured07:46
MyrttiI actually might have old pictures07:46
pinSzenrox, done07:46
crimsunQuinn_Storm: I think you misunderstand: the authentication is part of apt itself.07:46
zenroxpinS,  reboot in to newer kernel07:47
thoreauputicpinS: do you have universe enabled?07:47
crimsunQuinn_Storm: that's one of the biggest advantages of the 0.6 branch of apt07:47
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: no I do understand, what I am saying is that the instructions for adding repositories & keys should be more clear thats all (and thats on the people who make apt not ubuntu or anything)07:47
pinSlol, i dont know, what is it?07:47
pinShow do i boot into the newer kernel?07:47
thoreauputicpinS: go to synaptic >> settings >> repositories , and tick all the boxes07:48
Myrttireboot the whole machine07:48
crimsunQuinn_Storm: well, I certainly agree that it's worth of addition to README.Debian if not already present, but the act of adding keys for external, _un_supported repositories should be manual07:48
zenroxpinS,  reboot pc  it will load newer kernel automatickly07:48
pinSthoreauputic, tick all boxes?07:49
pinSnothing there except for a list07:49
pinSnot checkboxes07:49
thoreauputicpinS: that was for enabling universe :)07:49
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: oh of course it should be manual, but the method should be made clear, perhaps in the error message, like "the repository couldn't be authenticated.  If you're sure its correct, here's how to get and add its key"07:49
pinSunder settings button you mean?07:49
thoreauputicpinS: yes - might be different in hoary07:50
crimsunQuinn_Storm: I feel that's more the job of a README entry; please see the deity mailing list and/or the apt BTS entries on bugs.debian.org/apt07:50
crimsunQuinn_Storm: filter for "experimental"07:50
pinSthoreauputic, the sources and binaries?07:50
thoreauputicpinS: settings >> repositories07:50
Quinn_Stormcrimsun: I'll look into that07:50
thoreauputicpinS: yes, the sources can be useful when you know a bit more07:51
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thoreauputicpinS: the binaries are enough for most things though07:51
pinSbrb rebooting07:52
pinPointhere we go07:53
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pinSok so now what07:55
pinSndiswrapper thing07:55
sic|does anyone here use TeamSpeak and if so how did you get the headset working in ubuntu?07:56
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pinSzenrox, so that link was made07:56
pinSln -s /usr/src/linux-<kernel-version> /lib/modules/VERSION/build07:56
crimsunsic|: did you answer my earliest question?07:56
sic|crimsun, I haven't tried it in a terminal07:57
sic|crimsun don't know how07:57
thoreauputicpinS: BTW - don't forget to hit the reload button in synaptic to update universe07:57
pinSi rebooted already07:57
pinSouch it found so many errors07:58
thoreauputicpinS: rebooting won't update your repositories :)07:58
pinSi already did before reboot07:58
topyliwoke up this morning and X was dead07:58
thoreauputicpinS: OK then07:58
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topylishould i start a-fixin' or go back to bed07:59
crimsunsic|: use the left and right arrows to move between sliders; use 'm' to unmute; use the up and down arrows to adjust the slider levels; use the space bar to select; use F3/F4 to toggle between playback/capture views07:59
micmurcrimsun: you still here?07:59
pinSbed sounds more delicious07:59
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micmurI need help when you can give it07:59
topylipinS: better than fiddling with X? you're weird :)07:59
crimsunmicmur: shoot.07:59
micmurWell, I put the Soundblaster Live 24-bit card08:00
micmurAnd I'm trying to follow the instructions on the Alsa page08:00
micmurBut I think I'm lost08:00
pinSmake[1] : Entering directory `/home/arinda/downloads/ndiswrapper-1.1/driver'08:00
pinSCan't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build;08:00
crimsunmicmur: what have you done so far?08:00
pinSi still need to link this stuff08:01
micmurcd /usr/src08:01
micmur        mkdir alsa08:01
micmur        cd alsa08:01
pinSi did all that stuff for nothing08:01
crimsunmicmur: /join #alsa08:01
crimsunmicmur: I'll walk you through it08:01
micmurAnd I've downloaded the alsa-driver-1.0.8.tar.bz2 file08:01
sic|crimsun: problem is I don't know what command to invoke the command line mixer08:02
crimsunsic|: ,,alsamixer''08:02
topyliaccording to the log, X can't find mga_hal module. has this been broken in yesterdays upgrades or something?08:02
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crimsuntopyli: ensure that the matrox module exists in the correct X11 dir08:03
topylicrimsun: hmm. where should it be?08:04
Quinn_Stormtopyli: as I have a matrox card, I know that mga_hal is part of the matrox closed-source driver, and it shouldn't be there normally unless you've installed this driver08:04
Quinn_Stormtopyli: so its normal for x not to find it08:04
pinShey, ahh look at my errros http://rafb.net/paste/results/juOeqY93.html08:04
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crimsuntopyli: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/ if I remember correctly08:04
topyliQuinn_Storm: i haven't. i haven't needed the proprietary drivers for  quite some time08:04
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crimsuntopyli: or ../drivers/08:05
Quinn_Stormtopyli: okay then, mga_hal should not be there, and it should show the no mga_hall error, just as mine does08:05
topyliQuinn_Storm: mga_hal is not there, i don't even want it08:06
thoreauputicpinS: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:06
topylicrimsun: not there08:06
Quinn_Stormtopyli: exactly.08:06
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Myrttithoreauputic: http://velhottaret.net/~myrtti/easter.html08:06
crimsuntopyli: and shouldn't be unless you installed it08:06
Quinn_Stormtopyli: you don't need to worry about the error saying it isn't there08:06
thoreauputicpinS: it can't find a compiler - (gcc)08:07
thoreauputicMyrtti: looking now :)08:07
topyliQuinn_Storm: but X refuses to start. there must be another reason then08:07
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sic|crimsun: no different...and I need sleep...gnite and thanks for the help08:07
crimsunpinS: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:07
crimsunsic|: np08:07
Quinn_Stormtopyli: yeah, not sure what the reason is but it isn't mga_hal08:07
crimsunsic|: check back tomorrow afternoon/evening08:07
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net01i just install ubuntu... why i cant read from floppy ?08:08
sic|crimsun, ok thanks....makes me cringe that windows uses this sound card more effectively...nite08:08
pinSmore errors08:08
net01can any 1 help ?08:08
topyliQuinn_Storm: crimsun: there's another error. given depth (1) not supported by this driver. hmm. 1 is not quite the depth i'm after :)08:08
pinSi think something to do with mirrors08:08
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thoreauputicMyrtti: ah - nice: but boy, looks cold for Easter :)08:09
crimsuntopyli: looks like you need to check your X Window System conffile08:09
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Quinn_Stormtopyli: check your file, look for DefaultDepth, make sure it says 24 (assuming you want full truecolor)08:09
maven_does someone on?08:09
crimsunnet01: lsmod|grep ^floppy08:09
Myrttithoreauputic: spring comes in May Day in here, you should've seen the snowing yesterday08:09
maven_i want to upgrade my ubuntu,but the site is too slow,does some site on china?08:10
thoreauputicMyrtti: yeah, Finland... of course. Here it only ever snows in the mountains08:10
pinSfirefox is really causing some nasty errors all over08:10
topyliQuinn_Storm: i'll check. could the upgrades change the file? there's no backup08:10
Quinn_Stormtopyli: not sure, they shouldn't have changed it08:10
topylii need a smoke08:10
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maven_topyli:i like smoke too08:11
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crimsunmaven_: try us.archive.ubuntu.com, then08:11
maven_topyli:which brand ?08:11
maven_thanks for crimsun08:11
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topylimaven_: roll-your-owns. pall mall mostly08:12
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pinS*** WARNING:  Kernel is compiled with 4K stack size option (CONFIG_4KSTACKS); many Windows drivers will not work with this option enabled. Disable CONFIG_4KSTACKS option, recompile and install kernel08:12
pinSwhat!!!???? o_O08:12
crimsunmaven_: bu shei08:13
net01tried the lsmod|grep ^floppy ... it said floppy       54996  008:13
net01but still can't read08:13
Myrttiaaahhh, I should do my Cisco module quiz today08:13
crimsunnet01: is the floppy diskette inserted and mounted?08:13
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net01when i try to mount ... it said unable to mount ... detail : could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified08:15
topyliQuinn_Storm: default depth is indeed 1. very strange. let's see08:15
Quinn_Stormtopyli: well, change it to 24, that should fix it up for you...that is very strange indeed08:16
crimsunmaven_: (no need to thank me)08:16
pinSmodprobe ndiswrapper08:17
pinSFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid module format08:17
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topyliQuinn_Storm: it works! thanks. i'd count that as a bug08:17
crimsunpinS: dpkg -l linux-image-$(uname -r)|grep ^ii|awk '{ print $3 }'08:17
memcmememegreetings Ubuntu users08:17
memcmememeI have an announcement to make08:17
Quinn_Stormtopyli: yeah, I didn't hit it myself but that sounds like a bug08:17
pinSyoure joking right08:17
net01the floppy i try to read created with windows08:17
crimsunpinS: paste the output from that command.08:17
thoreauputicpinS: copy paste it :)08:17
Quinn_StormpinS: actually that command looks valid to me08:18
memcmememeseriously though, I am a longtime windows user who is fed up08:18
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memcmememewill ubuntu be able to replace xp08:18
crimsunnet01: on Hoary?08:18
memcmememeI cannot stand having this bastard crash whenever I bloody get online from a wi fi spot08:18
topyliQuinn_Storm: i downgraded x first thing. let me upgrade again and see if it changes the file again08:18
maven_does someone use oracle on ubuntu08:18
Quinn_Stormtopyli: ok08:19
net01warty warthog08:19
DarthFrogmemcmememe: Be able to replace XP?  Depends upon what you want it to do.08:19
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thoreauputicmemcmememe: probably depends on whether your wifi is well supported in linux08:19
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memcmememeI want to be able to do word processing, edit text documents, basic xul development, and play my music, and surf the web and irc08:19
crimsunnet01: sudo mount /dev/fd008:19
memcmememethats it08:19
pinScrimsun, i know this is funny but xchat wont copy08:20
DarthFrogmemcmememe: Welcome home. :-)08:20
Myrttimemcmememe: can be done, but is fully dependable on what thoreauputic said08:20
crimsunpinS: highlight and select with the primary button, then paste with the middle08:20
net01it said : mount: you must specify the filesystem type ... how to specify filesystem ?08:20
pinSnot going08:20
topyliQuinn_Storm: experiment failed. now it didn't update xorg.conf because "file has been customized", ie. i just edited it :)08:21
memcmememeI am downloading it now08:21
memcmememeon my other box08:21
Quinn_Stormtopyli: heh, well at least your X should work08:21
thoreauputicmemcmememe: do you know your hardware well? check it for compatibility08:21
memcmememewhere is the list?08:22
net01i tried : sudo mount /dev/fd008:22
memcmememeIts a sempron 2800 plus with an asus board08:22
net01it said : mount: you must specify the filesystem type ... how to specify filesystem ?08:22
maven_topyli : roll-your-owns08:22
thoreauputicnet01: try  mount -t vfat /dev/fd008:22
memcmememepretty basic configuration08:22
topyliQuinn_Storm: gdm won't work though. "initscript failed" :(08:22
Quinn_Stormtopyli: that sucks...try reinstalling gdm...dpkg --purge --force-all gdm and then apt-get install gdm08:23
thoreauputicmemcmememe: and the wifi card?08:23
memcmememenot puting it on the notebook yet08:23
memcmememeI always test os's on this old sempron08:23
pinSQuinn_Storm, 2.6.10-2808:24
crimsunpinS: and you're getting an invalid format error? what does dmesg|tail tell you?08:24
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crimsunnet01: -t vfat08:24
pinSndiswrapper: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.08:25
pinSndiswrapper: version magic '2.6.10-4 SMP preempt PENTIUM4 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3' should be '2.6.10-5-686 preempt 686 gcc-3.3'08:25
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haydenhow can i install gcursors (to get the ubuntu cursors back)08:26
topyliQuinn_Storm: that worked, thanks again. this morning is not so bad after all :)08:26
thoreauputichayden: sudo apt-get install gcursors08:26
Quinn_Stormtopyli: hehe, yeah, well it wasn't a big deal to me, glad I could help08:26
crimsunpinS: huh?  uname -r, please08:26
topyliQuinn_Storm: quitting irssi, i'll be back from flashy $X_APPLICATION08:27
memcmememeI heard about a program called KDE can you run that in Ubuntu?08:27
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crimsunmemcmememe: Kubuntu08:27
DarthFrogmemcmememe: I'm running it right now.08:27
maven_bu shei????08:27
DarthFrogmemcmememe: KDE isn't a program as such, it's a desktop environment.08:27
thoreauputicmemcmememe: it's a desktop environment08:27
crimsunmaven_: (loosely, no need to thank me)08:27
memcmememewhere can I find Kubuntu?08:28
^KrOmE^Does kubuntu look as clean as the gnome release?08:28
haydenthoreauputic, cant find cursors, i've done apt-get update and have universe sources listed08:28
DarthFrog^KrOmE^: Only you can judge that.  I like KDE.08:28
maven_crimsun: where are you from?08:28
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crimsunmaven_: USA.08:28
DarthFrogmemcmememe: install the kde-desktop.08:28
Quinn_Storm^KrOmE^: I have to agree with DarthFrog on that one...I liek kde and the kubuntu art seems quite nice08:28
thoreauputichayden: what does apt-cache search gcursors say?08:28
^KrOmE^Darth, I prefer KDE, but have left Ubuntu as standard08:28
topyliahh. eye candy08:28
thoreauputichayden: on hoary, right?08:29
^KrOmE^Have they cleaned it up, removed all the superfluous crud?08:29
memcmememeto do that do I download kde08:29
net01tried -t vfat ... it's open usage help...08:29
geneo93crimsun:  where abouts08:29
memcmememeor can I use ubuntu to get it08:29
DarthFrog^KrOmE^: KDE 3.4 is really, really nice.08:29
memcmememeI am confused08:29
Quinn_Stormtopyli: hehe, welcome back to the graphical world, fellow matrox user.  btw, is your composite/translucency as slow as mine? (I turned it off, too slow to use)08:29
crimsungeneo93: NC.08:29
memcmememeI heard there was a technology called application getter ro something08:29
geneo93ahh cool ohio here08:29
thoreauputicmemcmememe: you use the package manager (synaptic)08:29
crimsunnet01: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt08:29
topyliQuinn_Storm: i have never thought about composite. is it enabled on hoary xorg by default?08:29
DarthFrogmemcmememe: Install Ubuntu.  The default desktop environment there is Gnome.  Try it for a while before thinking about KDE.  You might find you prefer Gnome.08:30
crimsunmaven_: Chinese-American08:30
Quinn_Stormtopyli: I think you may have to enable it seperately...I don't remember, lol, I started with slackware so I'm always mucking with the config files...so I don't know if I added that or not08:30
RiddellKubuntu screenshots http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=286&slide=108:30
geneo93crimsun:  i'm just a mutt08:30
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crimsunman, I was just going to pull up Riddell's link08:30
pinSwhenever you're ready, uname -r returned 2.6.10-5-68608:30
thoreauputicmemcmememe: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto08:31
DarthFrogmemcmememe: Have a look at the Kubuntu screenshots.  That's KDE on Ubuntu.08:31
topyliQuinn_Storm: i never thought matrox users would go for translucency. aren't we supposed to be boring people? =)08:31
crimsunpinS: apparently your ndiswrapper kernel module was compiled against another set of kernel headers08:31
Quinn_Stormtopyli: lol, well I'm just a using-what-I-have person08:31
maven_so glad to meet you08:31
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crimsunpinS: and that set doesn't match what you're running08:31
crimsunmaven_: same08:32
geneo93DarthFrog:  have you had problems with kong crashing systen when browsing local files08:32
pinSso now what08:32
pinSman man man!08:32
maven_have your back to chinese recently?08:32
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DarthFroggeneo93: Nope. But I haven't done much of that.  I tend to spend most of my time at the command line for that kind of stuff.08:32
crimsunmaven_: no. Hopefully within 10 years.08:33
geneo93DarthFrog:  i have some other systems mounted08:33
net01ok got it ... emm ... how to unmout it ?08:33
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maven_crimsun_:I c,welcome you back08:34
crimsunnet01: sudo umount /mnt08:34
DarthFroggeneo93: Should make no difference.08:34
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geneo93net01:  umount08:34
maven_welcome u back08:34
DarthFroggeneo93: Why do you think it matters?08:34
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gerardohey guy08:35
pinSso im screwed for now08:35
gerardowhat is the password of root?08:35
geneo93i dunno i have lots of files to copy over from them08:35
DarthFroggerardo: There isn't one and you don't need one.08:35
crimsunpinS: ls /usr/src|grep $(uname -r)08:35
geneo93DarthFrog:  i have 4 diff distros on here08:36
pinScrimsun, nothing happened08:36
gerardoDarthFrog, what?08:36
gerardoi was installed ubuntu system08:36
thoreauputicgerardo: use `sudo <yourcommandhere>` and your user passwd08:36
DarthFroggerardo: The first user for whom you made an account has sudo rights, using that password.08:36
gerardoso, in ubuntu root it's not usualy?08:37
thoreauputicgerardo: sudo is used instead08:37
crimsunpinS: no wonder it's failing then.  The correct kernel headers are not installed.08:37
crimsunpinS: you have a working Internet connection, correct?08:37
pinSim on it right now ;)08:37
crimsunpinS: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:37
net01thank ... u'all been great help .... gonna see what this baby can do ...08:37
thoreauputiccrimsun: I think he installed headers before upgrading the kernel08:38
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crimsunthoreauputic: ah...08:38
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maven_crimsun_:what's your job?08:38
memcmemememy monitor has windows drivers08:38
crimsunmaven_: I'm a professor08:38
memcmememewill I be able to configure it in Linux08:38
memcmememeif its not running at 85hz it get really bitchy08:38
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thoreauputicmemcmememe: most likely it will be configured automatically08:39
geneo93thoreauputic:  not if its home built08:39
pinScrimsun, http://rafb.net/paste/results/SyAIsM14.html08:39
pinSvery nasty08:39
DyGyTyLgreetings fellow ubuntu users..:D08:40
maven_good job08:40
thoreauputicgeneo93: home-built monitor? are you serious?08:40
maven_which university08:40
crimsunpinS: please put your /etc/apt/sources.list onto rafb.net08:40
crimsunmaven_: ncat.edu08:40
Quinn_Stormmy monitor is a bargain bin reject that doesn't do above 1024x768@60...but it only cost me $30+shipping08:40
geneo93j/k thoreauputic08:40
maven_i want to study on USA08:40
thoreauputicgeneo93: :)08:40
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pinScrimsun, http://rafb.net/paste/results/EDPHl413.html08:41
geneo93thoreauputic:  i was thinking back in the day of heath kits08:41
gardionanyone know why the media frameworks is esd instead of something like alsa?08:41
gardionat least alsa doesn't seem to work as well for me.08:42
geneo93thoreauputic:  i'm an old timer08:42
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crimsunpinS: comment out lines 9 and 10, then sudo apt-get update08:42
thoreauputicgeneo93: heh - well then he could config everything with patch cords and use punch cards to program his box ;-)08:42
gerardoi don't can't logging with root?08:42
crimsungerardo: use your normal account08:42
maven_crimsun_:I want to study for you08:43
geneo93tabulator cards you speak of08:43
thoreauputicgerardo: sudo -s08:43
pinScrimsun, done08:43
thoreauputicgerardo: with your user password08:43
pinSrun that install again?08:43
haydenanyone know of a mac like dock (object dock in windows)?08:43
gerardook, but is imposible logging with user thoreauputic ?08:43
crimsunpinS: sure.08:44
gerardowith root*08:44
geneo93wonder what punches it would take for sudo08:44
pinS0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.08:44
thoreauputicgerardo: you should *not* ever log in to gnome as root08:44
DarthFroggerardo: www.ubuntuguide.org08:44
maven_deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe multiverse08:44
crimsunpinS: good. now, ls /usr/src|grep $(uname -r)08:44
maven_deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse08:44
maven_that's enough08:44
maven_what's your name mean?08:45
crimsunpinS: ok. and, dpkg -l linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)|grep ^ii|awk '{ print $3} '08:46
pinSyou write this yourself08:46
pinSthats scary08:46
crimsunit won't be long before you will be doing similarly08:46
thoreauputicthat's another update needed08:47
crimsunpinS: modinfo ndiswrapper|grep ^vermagic08:47
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pinSvermagic:       2.6.10-4 SMP preempt PENTIUM4 4KSTACKS gcc-3.308:47
crimsunpinS: did you compile ndiswrapper from source yourself?08:48
pinSyeah, just did make and make install thats it08:48
crimsunpinS: ack, that's what did it08:48
pinSgot the code of sourceforge08:48
crimsunpinS: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:49
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haydenhow can i tell if 3d games will work with the video drivers installed by ubuntu?08:51
DarthFrogBy trying them?08:51
pinSdone. :)08:51
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DarthFrogOr running "glxinfo | less" and seeing if Direct Rendering is enabled.08:51
memcmememeis anyone here from outside NA?08:52
geneo93whats NA08:52
DarthFrogNorth America.  :-)08:52
crimsunpinS: now, modinfo ndiswrapper|grep ^vermagic08:52
thoreauputichayden: if you run `glxgears` in a terminal, you'll get some idea of your fps ( but that's just a test)08:52
geneo93well ofcourse silly08:53
thoreauputicmemcmememe: lots of us08:53
DyGyTyLsemi-new to ubuntu in general, but was wondering if these files in /etc/apt are part of the 5.04 release? in 4.10 i used to only have my sources.list in there..i presume these extra files are for the new ubuntu update manager software?08:53
mjrhayden, sounds like software rendering, but see that glxinfo08:53
haydenit said direct rendering was enabled?08:53
crimsunDyGyTyL: the new apt version (from 0.6 branch) has authentication of packages08:53
geneo93wow thats slow08:53
DarthFroghayden: What video card?08:54
thoreauputicmemcmememe: the US is just an insignificant little country plonked between asia and europe  ;-)08:54
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crimsunDyGyTyL: yes, those extra conffiles are part of apt08:54
pinSvermagic:       2.6.10-4 SMP preempt PENTIUM4 4KSTACKS gcc-3.308:54
haydenati radeon 320m igp08:54
pinSSMP means?08:54
DyGyTyLoh that explains the word "trust" in there, thanks..:D08:54
haydenintegrated, uses some ram for vram08:54
DarthFroghayden: Don't know that card but 145 fps is dog-slow.08:54
crimsunpinS: hmph, it didn't reinstall the correct ndiswrapper, so you'll have to compile it from ndiswrapper-source; sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-source08:54
DarthFrogpinS: Symmetric Multi-Processing08:55
omniscienti get 180fps on my laptop08:55
geneo93pinS:  more than one proc08:55
haydenDarthFrog, it is integrated graphics08:55
mjrbasically anything newer than radeon 9250 from ATI needs proprietary drivers for 3d08:55
mjr(thanks, ati)08:55
Quinn_StormI get ~400 on my ancient matrox g450 so...08:55
DarthFroghayden: You won't be happy playing 3D games.08:55
haydeni know08:55
pinSi have one proc08:55
pinSits my lappy08:56
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crimsunpinS: then please read /usr/share/doc/ndiswrapper-source/README.Debian08:56
haydenwon't be playing games like ut2k408:56
DarthFroghayden: Frozen Bubble is a great game, though.  Very addictive.08:56
Myrttivery addictive08:56
Myrttiand tuxracer08:56
DyGyTyLi got this cedega that supposedly runs games even world of warcraft, but it wouldn't work with my mtg apprentice..haven't tested anything else yet08:57
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geneo934903 frames in 5.0 seconds = 980.600 FPS08:57
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memcmememeI am in the USA right now actually08:57
geneo93so am i08:57
memcmememebut I am in the most liberal city in the country so sometimes I feel more like I am in Denmark than the USA08:58
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thoreauputicmemcmememe: of course, the French *know* that the centre of the known universe is Paris ;)08:58
memcmememewhere are you DyGyTyL08:58
mjrWoW actually runs in the free Wine too nowadays (at least patched; I don't know if the relevant pbuffer patches made it into the main tree yet, but I think so)08:58
Rattboimemcmememe, I got friends in Portland08:58
DyGyTyLjust north of you in seattle, the sea's in your IP were throwing me off i guess:P08:58
RattboiI lived there when I was 308:59
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memcmememeI use Verizon08:59
memcmememeand their big hub is Seattle for the entire west coast08:59
memcmememeI got SEA even when I was in Sacremento08:59
cowbudmemcmememe: yah so liberal 36 passed08:59
memcmememeNot in Portland it didn't08:59
memcmememethats because I live in a Red neck state08:59
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memcmememebut Portland voted tremendiously against it09:00
memcmememehi Matt_09:00
matt_How do you uninstall umbunto09:00
DyGyTyLwhy would u wanna do that :(09:00
topylimatt_: install cd, boot, press enter a few times09:00
DarthFrogmatt_: cd / && rm -rf *09:00
memcmememe<cowbud> 36 was a tragedy, an apalling tragedy.  But hey, atleast we can elect a governor :)09:00
matt_It wont let me have sound09:01
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MyrttiDarthFrog: you should be spanked for that answer09:01
memcmememein less than 3 tries that is :)09:01
topyliDarthFrog: that's not funny09:01
Myrttido death09:01
pinScrimsun, i used "module-assistant auto-install ndiswrapper09:01
pinSthats it?09:01
pinSim done09:01
matt_itr wont boot from the cd09:01
=== DarthFrog hangs his head in shame, grinning mischeviously.
topyliDarthFrog: one day you'll type that into the wrong terminal, and poetic justice will prevail :)09:01
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crimsunpinS: if it works, yes. I apologise, but I need to get going since I have class in a few hours.09:01
DarthFrogtopyli: Been there, done that. :-)09:01
pinSthank you for your help09:02
pinSmuch appreciated09:02
MyrttiDarthFrog: then you should know better09:02
cowbudmemcmememe: hah ;)09:02
matt_so how can i reformat an entire drive09:02
crimsunpinS: np, g'luck.09:02
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matt_with umbuntu09:02
DarthFrogMyrtti: he asked how to uninstall Ubuntu. That will most definitely uninstall Ubuntu.09:02
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topylimatt_: you'll have to fix the boot sequence in the bios. it's probably set to boot from the hard disk first09:02
thoreauputicDarthFrog: I've seen people innocently follow advice like that - it was rather horrible09:02
MyrttiDarthFrog: sure, in a wrong way09:02
matt_This bios blows tho09:03
topylimatt_: arrgh. you're UNinstalling? sorry09:03
matt_its an abm from 199109:03
thoreauputicmatt_: 1991 ? You have a passion for archaeology?09:03
DarthFrogthoreauputic: Hey, will it not uninstall Ubuntu?  Wasn't that his goal?09:03
topylimatt_: will you be installing windows in stead? you can do it all in the windows installer09:03
memcmememeI took 6 hours of ARCH my Freshman year09:04
matt_it was 50 bucks09:04
matt_so how do i wipe m entire system driver09:04
pinSmodprobe ndiswrapper09:04
pinSFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted09:04
MyrttiDarthFrog: there is a way of doing things the _right_ way and the _wrong_ way09:04
thoreauputicDarthFrog: of course - but other people sometimes typ stuff to see what it does, and *poof*09:04
matt_i wanna keep umbuntu09:04
matt_i just want to reformat09:04
MyrttiUbuntu's supposed to be the humane Linux distro, so we're supposed to give the _humane_, _right_ answers09:04
Amaranthhey, any hoary users need a menu editor? :)09:05
topylimatt_: then just reinstall. but why would you reinstall? you'll end up with the same system :)09:05
=== Amaranth spams http://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/menueditor.png
topylimatt_: try and fix the current installation instead09:05
DyGyTyLi'm having trouble with 5.04 and thinking of going back to 4.10 :\09:05
DarthFrogthoreauputic: Umm, that would be a rather foolish thing to do, when the question was "How do I uninstall Ubuntu?".  If they blindly followed my suggestion, well, they shouldn't be surprised that they don't have an Ubuntu installation anymore.09:05
matt_i want to reformat the whole drive and it wont boot from cd09:06
optikaDyGyTyL: downgrading isn't a whole load of fun09:06
DarthFrogmatt_: You want to blow away everything on that drive?09:06
thoreauputicDarthFrog: hmm - well you just broke one of the oldest IRC taboos in existence, anyway09:06
DarthFrogthoreauputic: What taboo is that?09:06
topyliAmaranth: that's pretty. does it work too?09:06
Myrttigiving newbies lame advice09:06
DyGyTyLi was wondering if anyone else had issues with the new ubuntu upgrade manager and running apt-get updates/upgrades somehow my packages got nerfed09:07
DarthFrogmatt_: How many partitions are on that drive?09:07
Amaranthtopyli: It can edit current entries and add new ones. I don't have deleting working yet.09:07
MyrttiDyGyTyL: can happen if you use upgrade instead of dist-upgrade09:07
DarthFrogMyrtti: I suppose I was guilty of that. :-)09:07
memcmememeanyone here from the PacNW?09:07
DarthFrogmatt_: And what do you want to do with that drive afterwards?09:07
memcmememePM me if you are09:07
DarthFrogmemcmememe: I'm in BC.09:08
Amaranthtopyli: Not bad for 2 days of coding, eh?09:08
topyliAmaranth: are you aware of the competition? there's another editor too, you should join forces09:08
matt_make it 2 partitions and have an xp/umbutu dual boot setup09:08
Amaranthtopyli: you mean the one in GNOME CVS?09:08
memcmememe<DarthFrog Victoria area or Vancouver?09:08
MyrttiDarthFrog: in a channel full of newbies, one should try to keep the lame advice as their own knowledge. Newbies tend to try every advice given, so lame ones can cause serious amount of troubles09:09
topyliAmaranth: no, i found it on the ubuntu forums. somebody's unofficial python experiment09:09
Myrttiand bork their systems BAR09:09
matt_Its the umbuntu help channel k thx09:09
Amaranthtopyli: Oh, I saw that. It doesn't work.09:09
thoreauputicMyrtti: well put09:09
DarthFrogmatt_: Use cfdisk to delete the Ubuntu partition and create a partition for XP, reboot, install XP in the new partition, then install Ubuntu.09:09
DarthFrogmemcmememe: Vancouver.09:09
Amaranthtopyli: Mine started as an extension of that one, actually. Then I more or less rewrote it completely.09:09
matt_how do i use cfdisk09:09
topyliAmaranth: ok. i haven't tried it. you have a .deb so i'm going to try it :)09:10
memcmememei was up there last week dude, I love Vancouver but I hate air canada Jazz09:10
DarthFrogmatt_: Run it from a command line session.09:10
matt_Could you tell me the syntax please09:10
Amaranthafter you install it it'll show up in the system tools menu (if you logout and back in) or you can run menu-editor from a terminal09:10
matt_And will ubuntu let me delete the partition its running on09:11
DarthFrogmatt_: the syntax is "cfdisk <drive>"09:11
Amaranthtopyli: you need to use gksudo or sudo to be able to edit the global menus, just running menu-editor will only edit your local ones09:11
matt_Whats the name of the system drive09:11
DarthFrogmatt_: the syntax is "cfdisk (drive)"09:11
ficusplanetAmaranth, You can just run "killall gnome-panel" to reload the menus.09:11
DarthFrogBloody kopete not letting me use angle brackets.09:11
Amaranthficusplanet: Yeah, that's what I do.09:11
DarthFrogmatt_: Once cfdisk is running, you'll be able to figure it out.09:12
matt_great thanks09:12
Quinn_Stormficusplanet, Amaranth : actually killall -SIGUSR1 works better, makes gnome-panel reload without dying09:12
matt_ill probably be back09:12
DarthFrogmatt_: Beware though, cfdisk is very powerfull.09:12
Amaranthficusplanet: Well, with the force quit panel button. But it makes GAIM quit and makes the rhythmbox notification area icon not work.09:12
ficusplanetAmaranth, Oh, never noticed that.  I don't use Gaim or rhythmbox.09:13
=== [Chameleon] [~Paul@000f660c9c52.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== DarthFrog suggests that any newbies here forget they ever heard about "cd / && rm -rf". :-) If you were to actually do that, as root, you would delete every file on your system. If you were to do it as a non-privileged user (which you should be running as!), nothing would happen.
Myrttiand mentioning that command is everytime as bad as possible09:14
topyliAmaranth: on starting menu-editor, not a single error in the terminal. something's not right ;)09:14
Myrttiyou should forget it too, DarthFrog, atleast on this channel09:14
Amaranthtopyli: I supress errors. :)09:15
thoreauputicMyrtti: he was trying to redeem himself :) I guess he gets points for effort ;)09:15
DarthFrogMyrtti: knowledge is good.09:15
=== pinPoint sleep, later
[Chameleon] I just booted the Ubuntu Gnome 2.10 LiveCD and the screensaver is password protected.09:15
optikaargh. kernel package won't install properly because it can't configure the package properly. It says that it can't detect what SCSI module I'm using. Where do I go from here (trying to install linux-image-2.6.10-5-386)09:16
=== [Chameleon] tried "password", "ubuntu" and one or two others to no avail.
Myrttithoreauputic: yes, but repeating it just makes newbies remember that all the better ;-)09:16
[Chameleon] anybody know what the screensaver password is on the Ubuntu Gnome 2.10 LiveCD??09:16
Quinn_Storm[Chameleon] : this may be dumb of me, but have you tried a blank password?09:16
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thoreauputicDarthFrog: I agree that knowledge is good - maybe IRC isn't a very good medium for transmitting that kind of knowledge09:16
DarthFrogthoreauputic: I rather gather that you and Myrtti are in agreement with that.09:17
thoreauputicDarthFrog: if you were looking over someone's shoulder, maybe09:17
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matt_So what command line do I type that at?09:18
thoreauputicDarthFrog: OK - we'll drop it now that you've been flamed thoroughly ;-)09:18
[Chameleon] Quinn_Storm: yes, I did09:18
Quinn_Storm[Chameleon] : sorry then, I can't help09:18
DarthFrogmatt_: You have to be in a root shell.09:18
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Amaranthtopyli: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2070509:18
DarthFrogmatt_: It's a system administration task, so you have to be root to do it.09:18
matt_How do I access the root shell09:18
Amaranth[Chameleon] : ubuntu09:18
topyliAmaranth: my menu entry didn't show up in the menu. perhaps only in the next session?09:18
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=== DarthFrog douses his smoldering underpants.
[Chameleon] Amaranth: as I said, I tried that.09:18
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Amaranthtopyli: Same as all the other menu entries, you need to restart the panel.09:19
=== thoreauputic hands DarthFrog some lotion and ice
DarthFrogmatt_: One of the menu options should be to run a root terminal.09:19
matt_And when I type cfdisk <disk> what do I put for <disk> cause ive tried c: and #c and astuff09:19
Amaranthtopyli: It's a bitch, I know. Nothing I can do about it.09:19
geneo93[Chameleon] :  have you tried the reset button09:19
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[Chameleon] geneo93: LOL... well, no... I was hoping to avoid that.09:20
DarthFrogmatt_: You know you don't even have to do that.  Just install XP, let it blow away the current partition and let it make its partition of the size you want.  But install XP before Linux.09:20
jsgotangconow this is fullscreen09:20
=== jsgotangco now using ratpoision
matt_i cant install xps09:20
jsgotangcoit feels unnatural09:20
matt_umbuntu wont let it run09:20
[Chameleon] geneo93: anyway, MEPIS is downloading very quickly, so I'll probably just try that if I have to reboot. I'm trying to recover my Pastor's laptop HD data before he sends it back to Dell for repair.09:20
matt_just tell me how to cfdisk the system drive09:20
DarthFrogmatt_: Can't you boot from CD?09:20
geneo93[Chameleon] :  just make sure you set the screensaver to a safe level after09:20
matt_thats the problem09:21
DarthFrogmatt_: then how were you going to install XP?09:21
matt_it wont even reinstall umbumtu from the cd09:21
[Chameleon] geneo93: I'll probably just burn MEPIS over this CD-RW.09:21
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matt_cause it reads the cd09:21
memcmememeI am leaving now to install ubuntu09:21
matt_but it doesnt autorun it09:21
memcmememeI will be back on shortly09:21
memcmememeI hope09:21
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memcmememewish me luck09:21
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optikahi all, when trying to install a new kernel package, configuring it fails because mkinitrd "Cannot determine SCSI module". Any suggestions?09:22
thoreauputicmemcmememe: welcome to the world of open source :)09:22
optikaI have a SATA system, so there is some scsi-esque stuff going on.09:22
thoreauputicmemcmememe: good luck!09:22
memcmememedisk inserted09:22
memcmememegood bye09:22
DarthFrogmatt_: Well, I don't understand why you can't boot XP from CD.  And I'm a bit concerned that if you do manage to blow away your Ubuntu partition that you will have a useless computer if you can't boot from CD.09:23
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DarthFrogmatt_: using cfdisk won't remove grub from the MBR and will still try to boot Ubuntu.  But Ubuntu won't be there anymore.09:24
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geneo93DarthFrog:  cant he put an entry in for cdrom in grub09:25
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DarthFroggeneo93: If the CD is in the drive, it should boot before grub runs.  If it doesn't, well, why not?09:26
DyGyTyLeither bios settings or his master boot record i would think09:26
Quinn_Stormmbr wouldn't mess up cd boot09:26
geneo93well its safer that way just in case09:26
DarthFroggeneo93: And what would the entry be in /boot/grub/menu.lst?09:27
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geneo93mine would be hdc09:27
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geneo93oh that lilo i use09:28
DarthFrogyeah, that's the drive.  Now, what's the root & kernel options?09:28
raphaDarthFrog: you can boot Windows, also XP, from CD. Just takes a little work, but it's possible.09:28
Quinn_Stormshouldn't take any work if its a real non-pirated copy :-P09:28
DyGyTyLi know when there was a time back around debian 2.0 when i was afraid and wanted to go back to windows debian was still in control of bootup until i did a fdisk /MBR before i could get anywhere09:28
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DarthFrographa: But that's the point.  He couldn't boot from CD, for some reason.  Yet, he managed to install Ubunutu, presumably from CD.09:28
raphaQuinn_Storm: DarthFrog: Oh sorry then, I thought you were talking about a Windows live CD09:29
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raphaBut in that case it may very well have been through a GRUB menu. And you can also start Linux installations from within DOS or Windows.09:30
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MannemarakHi all09:30
DarthFrographa: True.  But he wanted to blow away his Ubuntu installation, taking up the whole disk, then re-install XP and Ubuntu.09:30
DarthFrographa: So he could have just booted from the XP CD and done his partitioning there.09:31
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Amaranthtopyli: So, what do you think?09:31
DarthFrographa: Except he said he couldn't boot from CD.09:31
topyliAmaranth: so far i think there's no LyX entry in my menu :(09:32
Myrttioh the time... soon my Cisco class starts...09:32
raphaDarthFrog: I agree only in part. XP can't create partitions of type 82 or 83. But then, you can change the types lateron.09:32
Myrttipain and misery awaits09:32
topyliwhich is what i made, first as root, then tried again as topyli09:32
raphaDarthFrog: And what did he do now?09:32
geneo93how could you install xp on a vintage 1991 ibm box anyway09:32
Amaranthtopyli: Did you restart gnome-panel? (kill it)09:32
Quinn_Stormtopyli: pkill -10 gnome-panel09:33
DarthFrographa: If he can install XP first, the installation of Ubuntu in the unpartitioned space later on will fix all problems.09:33
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topyliAmaranth: yes. i also started another X session to see if it would show there but no09:33
DarthFrographa: He's off to try cfdisk to blow away his Ubuntu partition.09:33
Amaranthtopyli: You named it LyX?09:33
raphaWell, shouldn't have a problem there :)09:33
topyliAmaranth: it shows in the menu editor it self. yes, LyX09:33
Amaranthtopyli: Can you email /usr/share/applications/lyx.desktop to alleykat@gmail.com ?09:33
DarthFrographa: if he can figure out how to get a root terminal. :-)09:34
asafhow can i play APE file in ubuntu (hoary)??09:34
topyliAmaranth: let me find it09:34
raphageneo93: Did they tell you about `sudo su` yet?09:34
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geneo93rapha:  i dont use it09:35
=== johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-166-237-193.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
raphaWhy not?09:35
geneo93used to su09:35
johnnybezakhey guys general question relating to x: is x fast enough over a lan (with ethernet) to run fps games?09:36
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topyliAmaranth: one lyx.desktop coming up!09:36
DarthFrogjohnnybezak: No.09:36
raphaGot GigaBit ethernet, johnnybezak?09:36
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johnnybezakrapha: don't know09:37
DarthFrogNot even with gig ethernet.09:37
raphageneo93: Stop. You can't ask for help and then not accept the help offerings because you're not "used to using that".09:37
=== Memcmeme [~adin@wbar1.sea1-4-5-020-127.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MemcmemeI am installing Ubuntu09:37
johnnybezakDarthFrog: ok cool thanks man09:37
MemcmemeI am nmy other system now09:37
gabbHey guys, can I tell ubuntu to install XFCE instead if Gnome during install ?09:37
DarthFrogjohnnybezak: If you had it, you'd know.09:37
MemcmemeI am confused though09:37
Memcmemeis this OS legal?09:37
raphajohnnybezak: Well, if you don't know you probably have megabit ethernet, not gigabit.09:37
johnnybezakDarthFrog: k09:37
Memcmemeit didn't have a copyright notice of any kind09:37
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raphaDoom I might work.09:38
topyliMemcmeme: lol. it's free, you can do what you want09:38
thoreauputicMemcmeme: hehe - this is open source, dude09:38
DarthFrographa: But Doom 1 isn't a 3d game. :-)09:38
raphaAlthough I doubt it, because that still needs 25 pictures a second.09:38
MemcmemeIs it legal?09:38
DarthFrogTho' it is a FPS.09:38
thoreauputicMemcmeme: free as in speech09:38
raphaDarthFrog: How is Doom 1 not a 3D game?09:38
MemcmemeI am not judging anyone, I just want to know that I am not breaking the law using it09:38
geneo93thoreauputic:  that depends where you live09:38
topyliMemcmeme: as far as it is legal to write code and give your own code for other people to use and develop09:39
gabbNo, you are not Memcmeme. You should read up on GPL and alike licenses used.09:39
thoreauputicMemcmeme: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html09:39
kalisMemcmeme, you are probably breaking murphys law using it ;)09:39
DarthFrogIs it?  I forgot.  I though Quake was the first one in that genre.  Hmm, no, Wolfie was 3d.09:39
MemcmemeOK sweet09:39
raphaMemcmeme: Well, the standard Ubuntu installation is most definately legal.09:39
thoreauputicgeneo93: OK - point taken :)09:39
Memcmemeits installing hella quick09:39
gabbSoooo guys: how to specifiy XFCE as my WM instead of gnome during install ??09:39
gabbI don't want the bloated gnome at all.09:39
DarthFrographa: You could probably do Doom1 over ethernet.09:39
raphaMemcmeme: But you can get some software from third-party repositories that is at best controversial. And that's why they didn't include it.09:39
johnnybezakgabb: why not wait for the install to finish09:40
topyliDarthFrog: wolfenstein was even called wofenstine 3d09:40
thoreauputicMemcmeme: read that link to gnu.org :)09:40
johnnybezakgabb: then you don't have to use it09:40
johnnybezakgabb: if it takes up too much hdd09:40
raphaDarthFrog: would be fun to set up some fat boxen that serves some ten copies of it to a couple of thin clients :)09:40
jsgotangcognome isnt THAT bloated09:40
johnnybezakgabb: then remove it once you've finsihed install09:40
DarthFroggabb: Do  a server install, then add XfCE in afterwards.09:40
Amaranthtopyli: Did you send it?09:40
raphajsgotangco: What makes you think Gnome was bloated at all?09:40
gabbAh, that's it - thanks DarthFrog.09:40
Memcmemeso my gloss of this so far is that the idea here is to have a system that is created by a community thats only restriction is that you cannot restrict use?09:40
DarthFrographa: with todays hardware acceleration, it would be ... fast. :-)09:41
jsgotangcoI wasn't the one who said it was bloated09:41
geneo93hey you guys remember when SCO wanted money for us to use linux09:41
topyliAmaranth: doesn't show in your inbox?09:41
raphajsgotangco: Oh, my apologies then.09:41
Amaranthtopyli: nope. alleykat@gmail.com, right?09:41
jsgotangcogabb I don't want the bloated gnome at all.09:41
raphageneo93: SCO? Who's that? Never heard of 'em...09:41
DarthFrogMemcmeme: Have you read the Ubuntu manifesto?09:41
jsgotangcoi'll bbl09:41
thoreauputicMemcmeme: if you redistribute, you must do it under the GPL license - which ensures evryone can use it freely09:42
topyliAmaranth: yes. sent 08:36 UTC09:42
geneo93SCO is the one who owns unix09:42
DarthFrogMemcmeme: Go to http://www.ubuntu.com and please do read it.09:42
thoreauputicMemcmeme: also known as "copyleft"09:42
gabbSCO owns nothing.09:42
raphaOwns Unix, how sweet.09:42
Amaranthtopyli: try sending it to amaranth@phphacking.com09:42
Amaranthtopyli: gmail is funny sometimes09:42
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topyliAmaranth: the day before yesterday a gmail user got my mail after 6 hours or so09:43
mjrgeneo93, SCO has the Unix business, it's contested if it owns the OS itself, btw :)09:43
topylihold on, i'll send it to phphacking09:43
DarthFrogthoreauputic: True, but Ubuntu is about so much more than the GPL.  It is truly beautiful.09:43
Amaranthyeah, i won't be up then :P09:43
DyGyTyLi noticed to become an ubuntu member..either registration is down or..ubuntu rejects gmail accounts09:43
thoreauputicDarthFrog: of course - Im just firing off a few summaries :)09:43
kalishaha... blender and nvidia driver dont get along to well ;)09:43
geneo93yes i know it clains to own it but others say diff09:43
topyliAmaranth: ok let's see what happens now09:44
Memcmemeits philosophy is certainly different than Microsofts09:44
Memcmemeor even apples09:44
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=== Amaranth twiddles his thumbs
Amaranthgot it09:44
thoreauputicMemcmeme:  ubuntu = humanity to others (approximate translation)09:44
topyliAmaranth: that's snappier :)09:44
Memcmemeyeah I read that09:45
DarthFrogMemcmeme: And the fact that Ubuntu itself is superlative, is a rather nice icing.09:45
MemcmemeI like this OS09:45
Memcmemebased on principle09:45
Memcmemei am looking forward to the installation completing09:45
thoreauputicMemcmeme: exactly :)09:45
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geneo93Memcmeme:  human09:45
MemcmemeOK my system just finished installing09:46
Memcmemedoes it have an IRC client09:46
Memcmemei want switch to that system09:46
DyGyTyLxchat by default09:46
Memcmemebe back guys :)09:46
geneo93thoreauputic:  i've been using mandrake for 5 yrs and this is a relief09:46
thoreauputicgoldfish_: heh - irssi is a bit steep for a complete newb :)09:47
DarthFrographa: Would that be the Galway GRAAAH's?  Or the Alsation branch? :-)09:47
topyligeneo93: i guess i got away from mandrake soon enough, because i have good memories. recently the users complain more than before09:47
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thoreauputicgeneo93: yeah, I used mandrake for a while - it's OK09:47
geneo93topyli:  they lost all their good cevelopers09:48
JuippisMandrake was my second distro I tried :)09:48
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memcmemeit works09:48
thoreauputicI tried 10.1 just to see what it was like - uninstalled it a day later09:48
topyligeneo93: iirc they used to have a good gnome team09:49
geneo93yeah when they went into bankruptsy09:49
thoreauputicmemcmeme: welcome back!09:49
memcmemeI am confused, I have onboard sound, I have to install drivers for it to work, but I have sound now09:49
memcmemehow is that possible?09:49
geneo93thoreauputic:  i have a copy of cooker on here09:49
Juippisthoreauputic: yes, in my opinion 9.2 is the best09:49
gabbALSA/OSS drivers09:49
gabbWork with almost every soundcard or sound chip.09:50
thoreauputicmemcmeme: the drivers are installed from kernel modules09:50
memcmemethat is impressive indeed09:50
memcmemeI have an office application09:50
memcmemeI didn't install one09:50
thoreauputicmemcmeme: if they are there for your hardware, they "just work"09:50
gabbYea, OOe.09:50
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: oh yes... *big grin*09:50
memcmemethis is like Christmas09:50
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: yay!!09:51
gabbYour suprise tells me you've been a windows user till now.09:51
DyGyTyLnice to know another has been converted to ubuntu:D09:51
topylimemcmeme: just go to work. everything should be there and Just Work :)09:51
gabbWait till you find the update-manager who'll serve you the latest updates for the entire system (for free).09:51
memcmemeI tried something called apt-get install synaptic09:52
memcmemeand it seems to be working09:52
DyGyTyLshould be installed already..09:52
thoreauputicmemcmeme: when you configure your package manager, you will have *thousands* of programs to choose from09:52
thoreauputicthat's synaptic09:52
memcmemehow do I get to synaptic09:52
memcmemeits not installed09:52
memcmemethat is09:52
memcmemebut I don't know where it is09:52
Hmmmmmemcmeme, have u configured apt-get09:52
geneo93yeah it is09:52
memcmemehow do I do that?09:52
thoreauputiccomputer >> system config >> package manager09:53
topylimemcmeme: system - administration - synaptic in the menu09:53
DyGyTyLsystems\administration on the title bar, should see synaptics09:53
Hmmmmmemcmeme, do a "whereis apt-get"09:53
geneo93dont mess with it yet09:53
thoreauputicuse the GUI at first09:53
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topylimemcmeme: sorry, you have a different menu from mine09:53
DyGyTyLyou running 4.10 still topyli?09:53
topyliDyGyTyL: no, but i think memcmeme is09:54
memcmemeit says I have 3165 packages to choose from09:54
thoreauputicmemcmeme: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto09:54
geneo93mem you have to add some repositories yet09:54
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you should add the "universe" repositories under settings > repositories09:55
memcmemehow do I add them09:55
memcmemeit just a click away09:55
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memcmemeGod that was easy09:55
Amaranthtopyli: odd, i can't make it show up either09:55
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you can select them (tick the boxes)09:55
thoreauputicmemcmeme: now reload09:56
topyliAmaranth: yeah. yet the file looks ok09:56
memcmemedoing so09:56
geneo93then click on mark all updates09:56
thoreauputicyou sshould then see about 13 000 packages or more09:56
memcmemeHOLY Sh!T09:56
memcmemeit says 14478 packages09:56
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Amaranthi know why09:57
thoreauputichaha - it's fune seeing someone discover Ubuntu :)09:57
memcmemeI tried Linux a long while back09:57
memcmemeand I hated it09:57
memcmemeit was a pain in the but09:57
memcmemebut this is great09:57
thoreauputicmemcmeme: all free in both senses of the word09:57
memcmemethe one I tried was called Mepiss or something09:57
memcmemeand it kept crashing09:57
=== topyli awaits Amaranth's secret
geneo93thoreauputic:  i would like to see the expression on his face09:57
thoreauputicgeneo93: indeed09:58
goldfish_hey guys, just wanting to try out xfce, just searched synaptic, and i see xfce and xfce4, which one should i choose?09:58
memcmemeI can't get over the fact that my monitor just works09:58
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memcmemeagain on windows09:58
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geneo93memcmeme:  you have warty or hoary09:58
memcmemeit came out all screwy until I installed the drivers09:58
acorbiHi all: anyone knows why packages semantic and eieio are *newer* in warty than in hoary?09:59
geneo93cool you love it09:59
memcmemeits donwlaoding a LOT of stuff09:59
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memcmemeis it like doing a total update of all of the packages?09:59
memcmemeon my system?09:59
goldfish_farruinn: thanks09:59
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topylimemcmeme: hoary isn't quite ready yet. there are lots of updates every day now10:00
djphi everynoe10:00
Amaranthmaybe i don't know why10:00
djpand everyone!10:00
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you will need a few "non-free" packages for sound etc, probably for mp3 and such: non-free doesn't mean they cost money of course...10:00
geneo93memcmeme:  its going to update some each day so you have to keep doing the update for awhile10:00
memcmemehow do I get those nonfree packages?10:00
memcmemeshould I tick multiverse?10:01
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memcmemewill do when it finishes downloading the other stuff10:01
thoreauputicmemcmeme: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:01
Micksaif I attempt to run a prog that needs my password (sudo I presume) and I get the password wrong and it doesn't let me re-type, pretending I've already typed the (wrong) password, how do I fix that?10:01
djpmemcmeme: check out http://ubuntuguide.org for easy to follow advice on setting up ubuntu10:01
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memcmemesorry to bother you with all of these questions :(10:02
thoreauputicmemcmeme: that's why we're here :)10:02
Amaranthtopyli: Got it. :)10:02
topylimemcmeme: when we get tired of newbies, we just go away for a while :)10:02
Amaranthtopyli: I need to make one more change then I'm going to upload a new deb.10:02
memcmemeI like the desktop colors they are very earthy10:03
memcmemethey remind me of Zambia10:03
Micksaah, I see10:03
gabbHeh, this is not MSDN - you're more than welcome asking questions. We just advice you to read solutions (articles and documents) that describe your problem better than we can.10:03
topyliAmaranth: great. the editor does look good, keep a-hacking' :)10:03
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: be aware that hoary is still in development - things can break. it will become the official release in April10:05
memcmemeIT HAS AIM!10:05
memcmemeonly it doesn't have those damn adds10:05
thoreauputicyup, and msn and jabber and ...10:05
Amaranthtopyli: new deb and source uploaded10:05
Quinn_Stormmemcmeme: well its gaim, but gaim is better ^-^10:05
memcmemeI would say so, I like it better already, no popups10:06
memcmemeno bloody video apearing without my asking in the corner of th box10:06
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Amaranthtopyli: the lyx entry won't show up in the editor anymore either, you'll need to delete it and create a new one10:06
=== topyli goes to fetch Amaranth's package
DyGyTyLgaim rocks, i noticed things before..where it tells you if someone has you blocked or if they dont have you on their list..hehe10:06
memcmemethis is peaceful10:06
memcmemeI can already feel my stress level decreasing10:06
topyliAmaranth: ok. i'll remove it by hand first10:06
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: heh- I haven't seen a popup for over a year, as far as I can remember10:06
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djpi want to install the following package from source, http://www.ghostwhitecrab.com/generator/. what packages need to be installed on my system in order to do this? When I try to compile the source I receive the message, no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH.10:07
xigletwhat's the difference between array7 and preview? does array7 have gnome 2.10?10:07
goldfish_djp: get a c compiler10:07
gabbYou'll need GCC or CC.10:07
DyGyTyLubuntu doesnt have gcc or cc by default10:07
goldfish_djp: apt-get install gcc10:07
gabbBut GCC is in base iirc.10:07
geneo93thoreauputic:  i quit using windows in 1999 when se came out10:07
Quinn_Stormubuntu doesn't install dev stuff by default10:07
memcmemethis xchat program is great10:07
djpgoldfish_: cheers10:08
memcmemeits so much nicer than chatzilla10:08
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goldfish_i prefer my terminal based irc clients :)10:08
zenroxmemcmeme,  wait till you find the scripts10:08
Amaranthdjp: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:08
gabbgcc is installed per default in hoary, at least for me. Maybe it's missing libc-dev and alike.10:08
thoreauputicno sudo apt-get install build-essential to get all compiling stuff10:08
thoreauputicAmaranth: :)10:08
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djpAmaranth: what is the build-essential package?10:09
Amaranthdjp: Just what it sounds like, the essentials for building things from source.10:09
thoreauputicdjp: it's a "meta-package" that installs the tools10:09
Amaranthtopyli: I _just_ got your email in gmail. :P10:09
DyGyTyLi've been boggling back and forth trying to fix these broken packages..it happened sometime either apt-get updating/upgrading before ubuntu's new update manager..(i tend to stay away from synaptics so it wasnt that). but i've been unable to fix em and was wondering if anyone else had trouble with em, lsb, lsb-cxx, lsb-graphics, python2.3-glade2, python-gtk2 :/ i don't really depend on python all that much10:10
memcmemewill I have to restard when my update finishes?10:10
DyGyTyLwow spam sry:P10:10
thoreauputicmemcmeme: no10:10
kalismemcmeme, nope! No reboots necessary here! It's not windows or OSX!10:10
memcmemethen i will stay on10:10
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you don't have to - but the kernel will be newer10:11
zenroxmemcmeme,  only reboot when a kerl is being updated10:11
thoreauputicmemcmeme: the new kernel would kick in on next reboot10:11
memcmemeis it possible to get nvidia drivers with apt?10:11
optikamemcmeme: yes10:11
memcmemebecuase it looks like I can install UT2K4 on linux10:11
thoreauputicmemcmeme: rebooting is rarely necessary or desirable in linux10:11
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djpAmaranth: thanks10:12
Amaranthtopyli: working now? :)10:12
zenroxmemcmeme, read www.ubuntuguide.org for nvida drivers10:12
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kalisi think it is very odd that OSX cant load for example LDAP auth into the kernel without a reboot... it's a FreeBSD kernel under the hood for crying out loud!10:12
guotieso many people ,hahah10:12
guotieare there chinese ?10:12
thoreauputicguotie: probably10:12
topyliAmaranth: hold on. i tried to clean up real good first10:12
Quinn_Stormkalis: actually its mach, not freebsd, the userland is bsd-ish but the kernel is nothing like bsd10:13
Amaranthtopyli: o_O10:13
AmaranthAfter I get a few more people using this and add delete support I'm going to talk to the motu about getting it included.10:13
AmaranthProbably today or tomorrow.10:13
memcmemethis is just nice :)10:13
kalisQuinn_Storm, hmm! isnt the darwin kernel is a derative from FreeBSD kernel?10:14
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natxohi all10:14
Amaranthtoday meaning after i wake up today :P10:14
Quinn_Stormkalis: not that I know of no10:14
topyliAmaranth: you just put lyx on my menu. works nice. thanks! just what we need10:14
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optikaFreeBSD and mach derivative.10:14
zenroxAmaranth,  what program10:14
guotiei have just update10:14
memcmemethere is a thingy in the corner that lets my switch desktops10:14
Quinn_Stormthe userland is FreeBSD derivative, not the kernel10:14
flawdwhen hoary stable is released, there wont be any problems upgrading my hoary preview to it right?10:14
Amaranthzenrox: http://www.realistanew.com/2005/03/18/gnome-menu-editor/10:15
zenroxgoine to get it now10:15
guotiethe preview version can do10:15
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you can have more than 4 if you wish10:15
Quinn_Stormflawd: I don't see why there would be10:15
gabbHeh - you'll spend some time now memcmeme finding nice features that are common for linux/bsd users, but new to a former windows user. :)10:15
flawdQuinn_Storm, Thought there might be a different "tree" or something. Something that differs10:16
thoreauputicmemcmeme: the win world has no idea what it's missing out on ;)10:16
gabbYou can also drag&drop windows from desktop to another desktop by pulling it to the edges.10:16
Quinn_Stormflawd: not with a debian-based distro10:16
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micmurHi all10:16
flawdI think the preview is quite buggy but also quite stable for a preview release.10:16
kalisStupid apple, they say on their site that the tiger kernel is based on mach and freebsd. ;)10:16
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micmurAnybody here install mplayer and the mozilla plugins on your system?10:17
geneo93thoreauputic:  you must be a democrate also10:17
Amaranthkalis: And that's bad why?10:17
DyGyTyLflawd: agreed...10:17
deFryskmicmur, yes10:17
kalisAmaranth, if the kernel aint based on freebsd, why should they say it?10:17
Amaranthit is10:17
micmurI get picture but no sound when I go to Quicktime trailers...10:17
thoreauputicgeneo93: no, I'm a kind of soft hearted anarchist ;-)10:17
micmurDo I have to do something?10:17
gabbThe internals/core are mach.10:17
flawdbtw, how can I edit the program menues in gnome?10:18
deFryskmicmur, never tried it with qtime10:18
johnnybezakflawd: apparently you can't with 2.1010:18
deFryskmicmur, can I have a link ?10:18
Amaranthflawd: http://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/menueditor_0.1-1_i386.deb <--install that10:18
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flawdjohnnybezak, umm, that is truly weird if so10:18
Amaranthflawd: If you're using hoary.10:18
memcmemeyou will never take my ubuntu from me alive!10:18
flawdI am10:18
kalisjohnnybezak, you can, with a little XML file hacking you can alter the menu files.10:18
thoreauputicmemcmeme: haha :D10:18
geneo93memcmeme:  its frree for life10:19
johnnybezakkalis: ok some text file? i just read there was no menu editor10:19
memcmemeI'd pay10:19
micmurPicture is great10:19
flawdAmaranth, is that something that will be included in hoary soon?10:19
micmurJust no sound right now10:19
micmurNo idea what to do10:19
Amaranthflawd: I hope so.10:19
deFryskmicmur, loading10:19
geneo93memcmeme:  you can donate10:19
thoreauputicmemcmeme: and you will never *need * to reinstall again, if you stay up to date with upgrades :)10:19
flawdAmaranth, is it safe to install "out of ubuntu"-debs?10:19
deFryskmicmur, works fine here10:19
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Amaranthflawd: Yeah, I made that.10:19
memcmemeI am glad I have broadband though10:20
deFryskmicmur, are you in gnome ?10:20
micmurI just went through the whole how-to on the forums and now I can't hear10:20
memcmemethis would be monsteriously horrible on dialup10:20
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memcmemethis update would have take weeks10:20
flawdAmaranth, well hmm... ok. thanks10:20
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: I'm surviving on dialup :)10:20
deFryskmicmur, are you in hoary ?10:20
topyliflawd: i just tried it and it works10:20
geneo93memcmeme:  days here10:20
ubuntui just under kubuntu ...10:21
memcmeme15 minutes here10:21
thoreauputicmemcmeme: on dialup the stable branch is a better alternative10:21
flawdtopyli, nice10:21
memcmemeI would imagine10:21
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ubuntui would like to know if theres a way to save  the config on a usb key for a live cd use ?10:21
deFryskmicmur, set the soundoutput to esd in /etc/mplayerplug-in.conf10:21
topyliubuntu: is kubuntu kde "humanized"?10:21
geneo93thoreauputic:  i live on the edge10:21
deFryskmicmur, like ao=esd10:21
micmurGoing now10:21
thoreauputicgeneo93: by all means, if you like to :)10:22
ubuntuso for the config save ?10:22
geneo93i have alot of patience i guess10:22
johnnybezakubutnu: what config do you want to save10:22
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DyGyTyLi've had trouble with my debs list in 5.04 i want to paste this maybe someone can pinpoint what actually went wrong. this is one of many debs that went haywire on a 5.04 update10:23
DyGyTyLW: GPG error: http://security.debian.org sarge/updates Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F1D53D8C4F368D5D10:23
thoreauputicgeneo93: I just finished an 83 MB security update on Warty10:23
thoreauputicgeneo93: that's big enough for me...10:23
geneo93thoreauputic:  all my files are backed up on more than one drive so it no biggy10:23
topyliDyGyTyL: why the sarge updates?10:24
natxoDyGyTyL i have the same error but with nerim.net repo10:24
memcmemeI am going to try to install the Nvidia drivers following that little guide10:24
thoreauputicDyGyTyL: why are you using debian repos?10:24
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ubuntuevery livecd have a tool to save config ...and retrieve it when rebooting the live cd10:24
DyGyTyLmy friend gave me his sources.list which has like an assload of sources10:24
geneo93612 upgraded, 21 newly installed, 4 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:25
geneo93Need to get 297MB/415MB of archives.10:25
marcin_antthoreauputic: this is because upgrade system is stupid - I really don't understand why I need to reinstall whole package while only few files changed10:25
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thoreauputicDyGyTyL: this is a *very* bad move...10:25
DyGyTyLworked fine in 4.10, ..:\10:25
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topyliDyGyTyL: throw it away :)10:25
marcin_antthoreauputic: in this way you have to download 83MB10:25
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micmurdeFrysk: Did it and still no sound10:25
marcin_antthoreauputic: while you propably could 10% of it10:25
thoreauputicmarcin_ant: yes, an rsync syatem would be nicer10:25
micmurvo=x11,# To specify default video driver (see -vo help for10:26
micmur# list)10:26
micmurao=esd,# To specify default audio driver (see -ao help for10:26
micmur# list)10:26
topyliDyGyTyL: first, hoary is more in sync with unstable than sarge. second, you'll end up with a bastard hybrid debian/ubuntu system that will surely break10:26
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deFryskmicmur, did u use the packages as stated in the wiki pages for restrikted formats for hoary ?10:26
ubuntuso o can't see any tool for the config save ..10:26
micmurI just followed these instructions...http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94&page=4&pp=10&highlight=install+mplayer10:27
DyGyTyLgood thing i backed up my old sources.list, just hope it's not too late10:27
geneo93DyGyTyL:  apt-get clean10:28
deFryskmicmur,  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats read about the needed packages and repos for hoeary to get the correct packages10:28
deFryskhoary that is10:29
memcmemeI want to test out my nvidia drivers10:29
memcmemeis there a quick OpenGL app I can get?10:29
natxomemcmeme glxgears10:29
DyGyTyLis an apt-get dist-upgrade the same thing as using the 5.04  ubuntu update manager?10:29
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deFryskmicmur, your seem at first glance needed for warty10:29
natxoor try neverball, tuxracer...10:29
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geneo93well guys gnite10:31
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thoreauputicnite geneo9310:31
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DyGyTyLl8r geneo10:31
memcmemewhats a good dvd codex for linux?10:31
jamin_lQuick question if I may... if I apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, will it add all of the KDE apps to my Gnome Applications menu?10:32
=== gabb has to install WinXP on a laptop right and can't stand the "You need to reboot now" messages anymore. God, how I DID NOT missed Windows ...
deFryskjamin_l, big part of it for sure10:33
gabbmemcmeme, install VLC (VideoLAN Client), it has all the codecs you need shipped with it iirc.10:33
topylijamin_l: i doubt it10:33
deFrysktopyli, dont doubt it10:33
topyliheh, ok then10:33
kalisI might be quite stupid! But how do i get folders to appear in the "Places" menu?10:33
Rattboikalis:I don't think you do10:33
Rattboioh, maybe you do10:34
jamin_lHmmm... I'd rather not have that happen.  It did that installing the vanilla KDE packages from Universe, and aside from broken packages causing trouble, that led me to uninstall the whole thing.10:34
kalisThats what i thought, im not stupid after all ;)10:34
thoreauputickalis: if they are in /etc/fstab, they should appear10:34
thoreauputickalis: ah sorry - misunderstood you10:34
jamin_lkalis... this is probably not the official way, but if you're in an "open File" dialog and you drag a folder to the side, it'll appear there and in the Places menu10:34
memcmemeI am downlaoding them10:35
Rattboithe gnome menus seem to be really screwy atm, I assume mostly because of Freedesktop spec stuff10:35
memcmemehow do I get kubuntu?10:35
Rattboimemcmeme, download it :P10:35
thoreauputicmemcmeme: did you read the restricted formats page I linked ?10:35
DyGyTyLon ubuntu 4.10, ...i nabbed bits and pieces of kde to implement some parts of xandros into my ubuntu it didn't merge gnome + kde..but if u only snatched a few parts of kde then tried to boot in kde u might be in trouble:p10:35
thoreauputicmemcmeme: I believe you can add kde by installing kubuntu-desktop10:36
kalisjamin_l, Cool! That solves the mystery! I now have everything i need in the "places" menu!10:36
jamin_lkalis, glad Icould help10:36
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natxokalis: in a gtkfileselector you can "add favourites" and then you can see them in "places"10:36
memcmemewhere the heck did VLC go?10:37
memcmemeI installed it10:37
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topylimemcmeme: it probably won't show up in the menu10:37
Rattboimemcmeme, like I said, gnome menus are kinda funny atm, sometimes I need to restart gnome to get stuff to show up10:37
thoreauputicmemcmeme: try typing `vlc` ina terminal10:37
Rattboiwhat thoreauputic said10:37
Rattboiwas so nice when you could do "applications:///" in nautilus10:38
memcmemego it10:38
memcmemegot it10:38
memcmemehow do I link that command to the menu?10:38
Alessiosorry who can i ask for add a forum to this page http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/forums/document_view ??10:38
thoreauputicmemcmeme:  to put it in the background, you can start apps with for example,  vlc &10:38
Rattboiis Kubuntu KDE + Gnome, or just KDE?10:38
Rattboimemcmeme, it's probably already there10:38
natxomemcmeme go to the file propierties menu, and browse "open with"10:38
thoreauputicthe & allows you to keep using the terminal10:38
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Rattboijust need to restart gnome10:39
xigletwhat is the difference between hoary array7 and preview?10:39
johnnybezakRattboi: why can't you type applications:/// now?10:39
thoreauputicjohnnybezak: gnome menu editing is broken atm10:39
micmurdeFrysk:Changed ao to esd and still no sound10:39
thoreauputicin hoary10:39
topyliAlessio: you want to add a language?10:39
memcmemeI will do that when kubuntu is done downlaoding10:40
dabihmm when i try to uninstall webmin from synaptic during the uninstall sript it just closes it self.. and wont remove, what command removes it in console?10:40
memcmemeI will be back in like ten or fifteen minutes guys10:40
micmurdeFrysk: Even went to the wikipage10:40
Rattboijohnnybezak, it seems that gnome menu editing got removed when they standardized to freedesktop menu spec10:40
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you can make a laucher (short cut ico)10:40
Rattboiseems like it'd be smarter to make sure it's fully working before implementing it, but whatever10:40
DyGyTyLapt-get remove webmin ?10:40
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DM_Radohi everyone10:40
thoreauputicAmaranth has written a menu-editor10:41
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dabidpkg: error processing webmin (--remove):10:41
dabi Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should10:41
dabi reinstall it before attempting a removal.10:41
dabiErrors were encountered while processing:10:41
dabi webmin10:41
dabiE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:41
natxodabi dpkg --purge webmin && apt-get install webmin10:41
=== Amaranth is writing a menu editor
thoreauputicdabi: next time, use #flood or apastebin, please10:41
Amaranthdamn python-xdg10:41
DM_Radoi have an acer travelmate 730 series, i cannot install ubuntu10:41
Amaranthcurrent version works, next version will work better10:42
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dabidamn wont work..10:42
DM_Radois this normal?10:43
flawdDM_Rado, what is the error?10:43
thoreauputicwell, eating time... later all10:43
natxodabi dpkg --purge webmin10:43
flawdlater thoreauputic10:43
natxoand then, try to re-instal10:43
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dabinaxto: error processing webmin (--purge)10:44
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natxowhat error?10:44
DyGyTyLhmm, maybe dpkg -P webmin then apt-get install webmin10:44
dabiPackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should10:44
dabi reinstall it before attempting a removal.10:44
micmurAnybody else know how to configure sound in mplayer so I can play Quicktime trailers?10:44
MyNameIsChrisWill apt-get install php4 work with a custom build of apache?10:44
natxodpkg --purge --force-all webmin10:44
dabinaxto: dpkg: error while cleaning up:10:45
dabi subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12610:45
natxoshit, you need to edit postinst script10:45
natxoedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/webmin.postinst10:46
natxoand add "exit 0" after #!/bin/sh10:46
=== gabb smells a hack ;)
=== natxo smells dirty postinst script
natxoits the only way, really?10:47
=== lok smells that a return 0 isn't a hack or a dirty add-on to a script
DM_Radoi have an acer travelmate 730 series, i cannot install ubuntu, can some one help10:48
dabihm.. where do i add exit 0?10:48
dabitheres exit 0 at end of the file..10:48
natxodabi before #!/bin/sh10:48
natxo2nd line10:48
MyNameIsChrisDM_Rado, what is the problem?10:48
natxodabi, try to dpkg --purge again10:48
DM_Radothere are alot of errors  when installing10:49
dabisame error :S10:49
Alessiotopyli, yes italian10:49
dabifking webmin.. only get me problems..10:49
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natxodabi, move the postinst file to /tmp and create new with only:10:49
natxoexit 010:49
lokhave you try to force install a older version then remove it?10:50
Alessiotopyli, italian forum is up yet, i want ask a link..10:50
DM_Radofailed configuring network10:50
dabinatxo: so that the file contains only #! /bin/sh and exit 010:50
dabiSTILL the same prob..10:51
natxochmod +x the file10:51
flawdheh. the update thingie says there are 2 updates but when trying to update it says there is nothing to update10:51
dabimn done..10:51
deFryskflawd, same here10:52
natxowhat happened?10:53
dabisame error..10:53
flawddeFrysk, oh well. some de-sync or something10:53
flawdnothing majorly disturbing10:53
natxopaste again the error10:53
dabi(Reading database ... 98850 files and directories currently installed.)10:54
dabiRemoving webmin ...10:54
dabiStopping Webmin server in /home/toni/Desktop/webmin-1.180.tar_FILES/webmin-1.180/etc/webmin/stop: line 4: kill: (6789) - No such process10:54
dabiinvoke-rc.d: initscript webmin, action "stop" failed.10:54
dabidpkg: error processing webmin (--purge):10:54
dabi subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 110:54
dabiErrors were encountered while processing:10:54
dabi webmin10:54
natxoand with --force-all ?10:55
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ShaquileDo you have any idea where I can find Kubuntu?10:56
topyliAlessio: i'm not sure who's responsible for the web pages. jdub probably10:58
ShaquiledeFrysk: Thanks!10:58
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DyGyTyLdabi: did you install webmin from apt?11:00
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memcmemeI can't get it to play DVD11:00
topyliAmaranth: actually, the menu entries seem to get updated every time i click save in the editor. haven't killed gnome-panel yet11:00
kalisis there anyone else than me that finds Evolution a bit annoying with all its evolution-data-server, exchange-that and exchange-this? ;)11:00
memcmemeI need something called libdvdcss11:00
Amaranthtopyli: really?!?11:00
memcmemebut I can't apt it11:00
topyliAmaranth: yeah, i don't know what's wrong :)11:01
deFryskmemcmeme, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:01
Myrttimemcmeme: wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats11:01
MyrttideFrysk: sync \o/11:01
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topyliAmaranth: it works instantly11:01
Amaranthnot here11:01
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topyliwhen i add entries as root11:01
Amaranthit'll show up right away in the editor11:01
mattbhi, is there a way to make the gnome Music Player use ALSA rather than ESD?11:01
Amaranthbut not in the panel11:01
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Amaranthoh, now it works :)11:02
Amaranthi forgot to give the first entry a category11:02
memcmemei read it11:02
memcmemeit says libdvdcss211:02
memcmemeI can't apt it11:03
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topyliAmaranth: your editor must be seriously buggy. gnome-menus don't work like they used to =)11:03
membreyawooo another 25Mb of updates today...that makes about 150Mb in the last 3 days :P11:03
dwa_sounds like fun if you're on a 56k line :)11:03
membreyadwa_: cable :)11:04
topyliAmaranth: one thing it needs is to go to /usr/share/pixmaps for icons11:04
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dwa_hehe i'm on a 3mbit line here11:04
dwa_but back in the day... ;)11:04
deFryskmemcmeme, you need the marrilat repo11:04
membreyatoo slow for my liking dwa_ :P adsl even beats that :P11:04
natxodwa_ can you borrow me some mbits? :P11:04
natxoi only have 512kbits11:04
deFryskmemcmeme, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:04
dwa_this is a adsl line membreya11:04
dwa_natxo i'd be glad to11:05
membreyaok ok ..."full" adsl beats it :P11:05
dwa_when are you going to pick it up?11:05
memcmemeit doesn't say how to get the marrilat repo11:05
dwa_true true :)11:05
membreyacan't wait till adsl2 hits the market :)11:05
dwa_me 211:05
flawd512kbps works11:05
dwa_it's going to be rolled out this year here in the netherlands11:05
membreyasweeeeet :)11:05
MyNameIsChrisHmm, php4 has apache as a dependency but where does it put it, more importantly. apachectl11:05
membreyaflawd: 512kbps ...works for email :)11:05
deFryskmemcmeme, yust this time : deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main11:06
flawdor wait I think my isp upgraded it11:06
natxotime to have some food11:06
flawdI download at max 200-230 KB / sec11:06
flawdthat must be more than 512 kbps11:06
membreyathats much faster than 512 flawd lol :P11:06
petemcthats nearly 2 meg11:06
dwa_i'm doing 350 kB / s11:06
membreya512 = 60kB/s or so11:06
flawdwell I wont complain!11:07
tanek_bit/8 = byte :P11:07
membreyaI only download at about 1.5Mb/s :(11:07
tanek_let people do their own maths :P11:07
flawdpoor you medwards_11:07
memcmemehow do I point synaptic at it?11:07
membreyatanek_: don't forget start/stop packets..so it = 10 :)11:07
deFryskmemcmeme, just add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list11:08
memcmemeI am brand new11:08
memcmemeI have no idea what that is11:08
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membreyathen again ..according to harddrive manufacturers..1gb = 1000 Mb :|11:08
deFryskmemcmeme, know how to use nano ?11:08
tanek_use gedit11:09
flawdlol yeah I checked the ISP's site out and they upgraded to 2 mbps11:09
deFrysktanek_, yah11:09
DyGyTyLmemcmeme has to be root to edit their sources.list, dont think they have established root yet11:09
deFryskmemcmeme, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:09
memcmemeI am in synaptic11:09
deFryskmemcmeme, and add the line11:09
memcmemeand I clicked on repository11:10
membreyajust me or is AUC painfully slow ?11:10
memcmemeand it says apt line11:10
tanek_gaaah, why oh why can't i get cedega to play warcraft 3, says no cd... 4.3 does have the fix for this copy-protection :(11:10
memcmemewhat the apt line for marrilet11:10
deFryskmemcmeme, close synaptic for now and do as I told please11:10
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deFryskadd the marrilat line with gedit11:10
deFryskmemcmeme,  then save and close gedit11:11
deFryskmemcmeme, apt-get update11:11
memcmemegot it11:11
deFryskas sudo of course11:11
flawdtanek_, no cd when install?11:12
deFrysktham sudo apt-get install <blah>11:12
tanek_flawd: w00t?11:12
flawdtanek_, does cedega complain about no cd at install or running game?11:12
tanek_running game11:12
memcmemethank god11:12
flawdtanek_, I guess a no-cd crack would work11:12
tanek_not when i want to go on battle.net11:12
flawdbut backup the original exe11:13
flawdhow annoying11:13
deFryskmemcmeme, </end-godmode>11:13
DyGyTyLwhat flag(s) do you use when you run warcraft with cedega?11:13
flawdgood luck11:13
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tanek_DyGyTyL: none11:13
memcmemeit worked11:13
memcmemethis is a good codec11:13
flawdthrow in a -monitor-cd-eject or whatever for the sake of it lol11:14
dizzieWhats new in array-7 Worth upgrading? o_O11:14
deFryskmemcmeme, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/index.en.html11:14
NeO[Stage] does so can tell me where to ask a question about GNU time ?11:14
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DM_Radowhen onstalling the base system, i get a debootstrap error 'Couldn't retrieve iproute' what is going on?11:16
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edulixwhen I suspend my laptop, after I restart it, only see a lot of vertical bars, and a small square of vertical bars that I can move with my mouse11:18
edulixit's an inspiron BTW11:18
edulixah and hibernate works nicely11:19
flawdtried to install kernel-image-2.6-k7 but it says it is not installable11:19
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NealZheimerif someody have an clue about why this ( http://authors.aspalliance.com/aylar/ViewPasteCode.aspx?PasteCodeID=3980 ) doesn't give the wanted result, I'll be thankfull11:21
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flawdwhy can i not install it?11:22
kentNealZheimer, it does not work for me either. the manual says "time -f" should work, but it does not. Time sees it as a program to run :(11:22
NealZheimerit's too bad...11:23
kentNealZheimer, it seems that time  has a bug with arguments in Hoary. Every argument is treated as a program to run :(11:23
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kentNealZheimer, i added a bug about it to bugzilla.11:25
JustOneItHi! ;)11:25
NealZheimerok :)11:25
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JustOneItis it possible to reinstall mplayer from sources?11:26
NealZheimerso I'll have to parse the standard output by myself... :)11:26
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dwa_what do you mean JustOneIt ?11:27
odysseydoes anyone know if tables created in openoffice and saved to a microsoft word format are correctly displayed when opended in microsoft word?11:27
edulixhey it's softsusp2 what hoary uses ?11:27
NealZheimerodyssey : make one up and I'll tell you...11:27
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dwa_JustOneIt : do you currently have a .deb installed?11:28
memcmemethis is so nice11:28
dabiWhat os should i pick in the install of webmin? Debian?11:28
gabbIs there a wiki or howto entry about switching from gnome to xfce ?11:29
runedudehi everyone. Just installed cpanel via the layer1 install, and I was wondering, what's next? I tried to login to port 2082, and it says somethings not found like /frontend/default/index.html11:29
runedudeand dabi yes, debian as a choice for the webmin install works for me >:)11:29
dabirunedude: ver?11:29
runedudedabi: if you got the latest ubuntu, its the latest debian stuff too11:30
runedude3.1 ?11:30
runedudeor 3.0 ?11:30
dabiok ty11:30
JustOneItdwa_: dunno... :( i'm just a newbie in ubuntu11:30
flawdthe gnome panel resources applet says 89% of memory is used with 58% cache. Can I somehow free that ram without rebooting or something11:30
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runedudeflawd: x takes alot of memory usage, so well, the only way to stop it, and x is /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:31
dwa_JustOneIt you can follow the howto on ubuntuforums.org11:31
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odysseyNealZheimer, thanks, but i had better not risk it on this report im writing will experiment some other time11:31
NealZheimeras U wish11:31
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DazedHow can I set up a dual boot with Ubuntu11:32
flawdrunedude, well it got that eaten up when I installed packs with synaptic11:32
runedudeDazed: install the bootloader? hehe11:32
dwa_JustOneIt : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9850&highlight=mplayer+howto11:32
runedudeflawd: make sure all synaptic processes are out :: ps aux | grep synaptic11:32
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DazedIve got xp installed now, and i have an empty 5 gig partition on another drive for ubuntu, but i want to be able to choose between operting systems at the startup11:33
runedudeDazed: you could do eh, your bios settings11:33
dwa_if you install ubuntu, it will automatically dual boot11:33
DazedEh this bios is shit11:33
dwa_just make sure not to delete your windows partition11:33
DazedAre you sure it wont just take over and hold xp hostage?11:33
flawdno pid11:34
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dwa_no Dazed11:34
runedudeflawd: hm, try to do ps aux and see anything that is memory hogging11:34
Dazedk im gonna try it now11:34
runedudelike 1+%11:34
dwa_and if it does, you can come back here and kick our asses :)11:34
dwa_2 late :)11:34
runedudei wish it did take over xp stuff :P That'd teach them for using ms11:35
flawdjust small thingies taking like <5% each11:36
membreyaanyone here running galeon?11:36
dwa_no, why?11:36
dwa_i thought galeon was already dead11:36
membreyano way11:36
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membreyabut mine keeps locking my PC ..at least I think it does, it seems to be the culprit11:37
flawdbtw I installed k3b and konqueror and I had to install other kde thingies it depended on, now kjournald, khelper, kacpid, khubd etc etc is running. i dont need that running11:37
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runedudekill -9 those processes11:37
runedudeif they dont stop, just restart x11:37
flawdrunedude, yeah but how can I disable them from starting?11:37
deFryskflawd, try graveman in stead of k3b11:37
flawdI just want them fired up whenever I use the kdeap that needs them11:37
dwa_or, if you've got a valid nero at home, try nerolinux11:38
dwa_haven't tried it yet11:38
dwa_is it any good?11:38
deFryskdwa_, no way11:38
flawdyeah Ill just uninstall the kdecrap11:38
deFryskits crap11:38
dwa_gtk 1 :)11:38
deFryskdwa_, no re write11:39
dwa_i mean why the hell did they use gtk 1?11:39
deFryskdwa_, its free11:39
runedudeflawd: best thing to do, is to remove them or something I guess11:39
dwa_so is gtk 211:39
dwa_gnome 2.* is using gtk 2.*11:39
dwa_and not 111:39
runedudecya later guys11:40
deFryskmaybe they use debian stable ;)11:40
dwa_i've never seen graveman before11:41
dwa_looks promising11:41
flawdyeah I am about to runedude11:41
deFryskdwa_, yup and qt free11:41
thoreauputicgtk1 is lgpl - so it's easier for commercial closed source apps11:41
deFryskthoreauputic, i see11:42
dwa_ah OK11:42
thoreauputicflawd: be careful - some of those K's refer to the kernel11:42
dwa_kjournald is not kde related :)11:42
flawdyeah I noticed11:43
flawdklogd for instance11:43
thoreauputic kacpid11:43
thoreauputicacpi daemon11:43
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dwa_i've tried the e17 cvs build yesterday11:44
dwa_1 word: WOW11:44
dwa_hi tirno11:44
tirnoI'm on a laptop11:44
dwa_me 211:44
tirnoacer travelmate thingy11:44
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dwa_compaq evo11:44
tirnoI'm trying to configure the mouse11:44
dwa_the mouse or the touchpad?11:44
flawdbtw anyone know how to try the xorg dropshadow thing?11:44
tirnotouchpad really11:44
dwa_what's your problem then?11:45
tirnoThere's almost nothing in computer->desktop prefernces -> mouse11:46
kaliswhat does: "E: console-data:  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 111:46
kalis" mean when i get it in synaptic? its a bit cryptic ;)11:46
dwa_flawd : you have to enable composite in your xorg.conf11:46
tirnoIn particular, I'd like to activate a middle button11:46
dwa_on your touchpad?11:46
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tirnoIt has a left/button11:46
dwa_mm.. mine was enabled by default11:46
shmoolikdoes any one here knows were i can find w32codecs*.deb?11:46
tirnoand a joystick thingy in the middle11:47
gabbNo one in here changed from gnome to XFCE ?11:47
tirnoI want one of the directions of the joystick thingy to act as middle button11:47
dwa_can't help you there11:47
dwa_i'm sorry11:47
tirnoa bunch of things in my touchpad were activated by default. Like tap-to-click and the scrolling on the right-hand side of the touchpad11:48
tirnoDo I have to find a driver11:48
deFryskshmoolik,  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:48
tirnoor is it already there, hidden somewhere?11:48
dwa_the driver is already installed11:48
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dwa_a synaptic touchpad i think11:48
shmoolikdeFrysk,  checking it now thanks11:48
dwa_there is a config utility i think11:48
dwa_tirno : what happens if you press the right-hand corner of your touchpad?11:49
dwa_that's my middle mouse button11:49
shmoolikdeFrysk,  yeah i gone though this page befor ... it didn't helped me much =\11:49
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runedudehi, im back, got another question. when I try to su, it says invalid password, but I know this is the right password.. whats up? :|11:50
tirnoit's my right button11:50
dwa_tirno : try this: apt-get install qsynaptics11:50
deFryskshmoolik, add : deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main  to your sources.list11:50
thoreauputicshmoolik: if you ebable the repositories there, you will be able to get w32codecs11:50
dwa_i mean the upper right hand corner11:50
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tirnocouldn't find package11:50
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tirnoupper-right corner is good11:51
psik0how i can get all back to warty without reinstalling ?11:51
shmoolikthoreauputic,  i have ebable the repositories as they sagested .....11:51
gabbIs there something wrong with sudo under Ubuntu? All the sudo-linked apps can't authenticate it seems. Saying wrong password, which is impossible.11:51
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tirnobut there must be a config file for this somewhere?11:51
shmoolikdeFrysk,  i m afrade to add this source ....  r u sure it safe ?11:52
runedudeanyone know why when I try to su, it says invalid password, but I know this is the right password.. whats up? :|11:52
thoreauputicpsik0: with much breakage, cursing and probable lack of success11:52
kalisMy apt error is due to the fact that console-data seems to be broken. Anyone else has that problem?11:52
dwa_tirno what apt repositories do you have enabled?11:52
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gabbIf you find the reason, tell me runedude. I'm on the same problem atm. :/11:53
runedude:| ok11:53
thoreauputicrunedude: use sudo11:53
runedudethoreauputic: i want a root login tho11:53
shmoolikhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo did some one tryed it ?11:53
psik0thoreauputic my sources.list file is only with warty, but i can get back my system from hoary11:53
membreyaello thoreauputic :)11:53
thoreauputicsudo -s11:53
runedudenot just a program running as root11:53
dwa_tirno maybe you can try if ksynaptics is available to you11:53
thoreauputicmembreya: hi ther :)11:54
flawddwa_, ok xorg log now says composite is enabled. I still have no dtopshadow11:54
thoreauputichehe *there11:54
dwa_flawd you have to install xcompmgr11:54
gabbthoreauputic, sudo as well as su don't work here. Is this a known problem with a default install ?11:54
dwa_and transset11:54
psik0runedude you can login as root editing /etc/passwd11:54
thoreauputicgabb: sudo should work with your first user's password11:54
flawddwa_, xorg log also says glx doesnt work with composite. does this mean I wont be able to use opengl games and screensavers? glxgears doesnt work now11:55
flawdok dwa11:55
thoreauputicpsik0: that's not the right way to enable root11:55
shmoolikflawd,  try this page http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Xorg_X11_and_Tranparency#Enabling_shadows_and_real_transparency11:55
dwa_i'm not sure flawd haven't tried that yet11:55
membreyathoreauputic: I have to stop using galeon :'(((11:55
dwa_composite sucks on my laptop11:55
gabbDamn, you're right thoreauputic. This is weird .. ain't sudo expecting the root pw usually ?11:55
thoreauputicgabb: of course not :)11:55
gabbOr is the first account automatically added to wheel/staff/adm ?11:55
tirnodwa_: nm, gotta go11:55
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psik0thoreauputic what is ?11:56
thoreauputicgabb: no wheel group as such in linux11:56
thoreauputicpsik0: sudo passwd root11:56
gabbAh right, that's a bsd-only thing.11:56
gabbNevermind them, I probably just confused systems. Thanks thoreauputic.11:56
psik0dont wanna be a sudoer ...11:56
farruinngabb: in hoary the first user is added to the admin group with has sudo powers11:56
thoreauputicmembreya: what 's the galeon problem?11:56
membreyathoreauputic: It's causing hard locks of my system :(11:56
gabbThat's what I meant farruinn - just bad wording on my end.11:57
psik0thoreauputic but that enables root really?11:57
thoreauputicpsik0: you werne't paying attention - I just told you how to create a root account11:57
farruinngabb: just fyi, warty doesn't do it that way11:57
flawdok i have dropshadow effect working which is cool to have tried, but boy is it slow on my geforce 4 mx 440 lol11:58
flawdnot usable11:58
thoreauputicpsik0: but in fact it's completely pointless, since you can get a root shell any time by typing sudo -s11:58
gabbWell, realizing that hoarty has no xfce4.2 backports I should have chosen warty I guess farruinn.11:58
dwa_flawd : welcome to my world :)11:58
psik0dont you have problems with hoary ?11:59
dwa_it's slow as hell on my ati 900011:59
psik0i have no sound since i updated11:59
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farruinndwa_: what are you complaining about, I have a rage 128 ;)11:59
dwa_hehe :)11:59
thoreauputicmembreya: it's only a galeon thing?11:59
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dwa_i've got a radeon 9500 in my desktop pc and it's slow there too12:00
dwa_but hey, ati sucks ass in linux12:00
membreyamembreya: yup, either running it in the background or using it directly...it's either that or imwheel ...gotta reboot to full test, but I don't get any locks using firefox (as much as I hate it!)12:01
membreyabrb will reboot to test the imwheel theory12:01
dwa_why do you hate firefox membreya ?12:01
membreyadwa_: cos it has nothing on galeon :)12:01
Quinn_Stormbtw what's imwheel?12:01
membreyaQuinn_Storm: imwheel allows me to use the buttons on the side of my mouse12:01
membreya(for forward and back when browsing)12:02
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Quinn_Stormmembreya: I see, cool...I want to get one of the original intellimouse explorers before they shrunk them...I liked those, nice big hefty mice, heh12:02
flawdI tried to send an email to ATI to ask them to make better drivers but they did not provide any easy way to contact them on their site12:02
dwa_lol @ flawd12:02
flawdI did however write to intel and asked them to support the FSF freebios thing12:02
flawddwa_, what?12:02
dwa_your mail to ati: it's pointless12:03
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dwa_the linux community is begging for better drivers for years now12:03
flawddwa_, of course one email is pointless12:03
crschmid1Every 6 hours, my hoary machine gives up its DHCP lease and gets a new one, with a different IP.12:03
flawddwa_, the sum of all pointless emails makes a point12:03
JeanJeandoes anyone now wich is the fastest linux: gentoo or hoary ?12:03
crschmid1I have /etc/newtork/interfaces set to be static12:03
crschmid1JeanJean: gentoo sucks, regardless of whether it's faster12:03
dwa_gentoo doesn't suck12:04
thoreauputicJeanJean: Vector Linux :P12:04
dwa_it's great12:04
JeanJeani'm sickof compiling things12:04
gabbIs the xorg dropshadow that power/cpu-consuming? I have a FireGL T2 in my laptop, would it suffice?12:04
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MyrttiJeanJean: gentoo is faster, but only because of that constat compiling12:04
crschmid1dwa_: "Gentoo sucks" is obviously a personal opinion. After using it for 18 months, it is my personal opinion that it does suck.12:04
Quinn_Stormgabb: it depends more on what the drivers for the card are like12:04
Myrttisure it's configured to fit your needs12:04
Myrttibut configuring is hard12:04
flawddwa_, I think that as a part of the linux community, any linux user can contribute by sending such emails. They don't care about one email but if everyone does it they will care12:04
dwa_i hope so flawd12:05
Quinn_Stormflawd: yep, thats the power of an unruly mob, hehe ^-^12:05
dwa_i agree crschmid1 : personally i think gentoo is great12:05
flawdintel said they would pass it on for review but they never gave a reply other than that heh12:05
dwa_i learned a lot about linux using gentoo12:05
thoreauputicMyrtti: I saw a test done in Australia where a gentoo guru and a slack guru both set up identical boxen - guess what was faster?12:05
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flawdi dont care for a response I just made my point12:05
Myrttithoreauputic: prolly slack12:05
flawdanother linux user who sent it in12:05
Myrttisince you're asking12:05
flawdall I can do and I did it12:05
thoreauputicMyrtti: you guessed correctly :)12:06
MyrttiI'm a genious, I knew that :->12:06
flawdQuinn_Storm, heh. yeah *hands out the hayforks*12:06
shmoolikokay i must say that this guide  done the job of the codecs problem with out adding unstable debz ( "http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingCodecsToTotemHowTo" )12:06
johnnybezakthank crap firefox has an update12:06
thoreauputicMyrtti: so did we all ;-)12:06
johnnybezaklast version was unstable alicious12:06
Quinn_StormI haven't exactly had speed problems on my (k)ubuntu install so12:06
flawd(is that an english word? hayfork? tried a direct translation)12:06
crschmid1Why does my machine release its IP every 6 hours and fetch a new one, even though it's set to be static?12:06
Quinn_StormI think you want pitchfork12:06
Quinn_Stormbut I get what you mean12:06
flawdgood enough12:06
JeanJeanthoreaupu: what about vector vs ubuntu ?12:07
thoreauputiccrschmid1: talk to your ISP12:07
dwa_count me in flawd12:07
thoreauputicJeanJean: don't know12:07
=== flawd hands out some testosterone boosting pills also
kalisOooh! Im so happy, they are buying pizza for everybody at work today ;)12:07
thoreauputicJeanJean: does it really matter so much?12:07
kqjcrschmid1, why you run dhcp if it's static ? stop it ? (if it's a daemon like suse, i don't have a ubuntu installed right now)12:07
JeanJeanI just want i new system12:08
flawdyay kalis12:08
=== Quinn_Storm passes on those....doesn't exactly want any extra testosterone in her body
JeanJeanstable and fast OS12:08
dwa_kalis ...12:08
kqji eat pizza every day ...12:08
MyrttiQuinn_Storm: _o/ \o_12:08
thoreauputicJeanJean: the differences are minuscule and insignificant12:08
flawdQuinn_Storm, heh. you could grow a sexy beard to summer12:08
JeanJeanand not to compiling stuff12:08
Myrttime too12:08
topylikalis: probably means you'll all be sacked this afternoon :)12:08
JeanJeanok thx12:08
=== Quinn_Storm meeps!
kqjno other kind of food-seller near my workplace :(12:08
thoreauputicJeanJean: if you want fast, use lean and mean apps12:08
crschmid1thoreauputic: The lease is coming from the router, which sends 7 day leases, and the other debian box behind the router doesn't have the same problem.12:08
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flawdtopyli, hah12:09
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flawdwb membreya12:09
crschmid1thoreauputic: besides which, if /etc/network/interfaces is set to be static, why the hell is it asking for a DHCP lease anyway?12:09
topylipessimism rules12:09
thoreauputiccrschmid1: I see12:09
rizlahello folks12:09
rizlaanybody can help me?12:09
flawdI want one of those dispair calendars12:09
kalistopyli, yeah probably ;) we are going on a holliday cruise also this weekend ;) so i think we are pretty safe12:09
motulinewhy ubuntu freezes when I run 3d apps..12:09
crschmid1kqj: There's nothing running in ps -AH that says dhcp12:09
flawdrizla, state the problem please12:09
motulineI can run them about 10minutes and then my computer freezes12:10
topylikalis: sounds pretty bad ;)12:10
crschmid1ah, dhclient12:10
rizlai have a .ppt file, it's 71 pagg long..12:10
kalistopyli, hehe!12:10
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kqjcrschmid1, wait, i boot my test machine with ubuntu (mine is hoary,  yours ?)12:10
crschmid1kqj: got it12:10
rizlai'd like to print 3-4 pagg per pag12:10
crschmid1kqj: good thought, no idea why I didn't think of that before12:10
rizla(im sorry for my english..12:10
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rizlaI hope you understand me..12:10
flawdrizla, you want 3-4 copies of the total 71 page document?12:11
dwa_rizla no problem, we've got a lot of non-natives here12:11
Quinn_Stormno, rizla wants to print 3-4 pages of the document per physical page12:11
flawdnon-natives heh12:11
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rizlaQuinn_Storm,  You're right12:11
flawdscaled down so 3-4 pages fits on one printed out page?12:11
kqjrizla, print passing trough kdeprint (if you're using cups), it shows you all the options in a nice gui12:12
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crschmidtalright. hopefully that will fix the issues.12:12
rizlai use gnome. is it the same?12:12
kqjinstall kdeprint, it worked for me12:12
dwa_why don't you use epiphany crschmidt ?12:13
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rizlaok, i'll try. tanx a lot12:13
xigletwhat is the difference between ubuntu hoary array-7 and hoary preview?12:13
kqjthe in the "print command" of your apps set kdeprint (basically this is the idea, it will nedd some tweaking)12:13
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thoreauputicxiglet: array 7 is the more recent12:14
rizlaok. thank you kgj12:14
crschmidtdwa_: wtf is epiphany?12:15
thoreauputicepiphany-browser ?12:15
johnnybezakthe gnome browser12:15
crschmidtDoes it have support for Firefox extensions?12:15
dwa_it's based on firefox12:15
dwa_but with better gnome integration12:15
crschmidtYou didn't answer my questoin :)12:16
Quinn_Stormno it doesn't12:16
crschmidtTHe last time I tried epiphany, it didn't support extensions.12:16
Quinn_Stormit still doesn't12:16
thoreauputicdwa_: it's less configurable than firefox, though12:16
crschmidtSince I have 3 I wrote myself and a dozen others I use daily, I have no desire for firefox12:16
crschmidtPlus, why would I switch from Firefox anyway?12:16
crschmidtAnd I don't use gnome.12:16
kqjmh, so it's based on firefox, with better gnome integration and no firefox integration ! ;)12:16
thoreauputicdwa_: i think you have your answer... ;-)12:17
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dwa_hehe :)12:17
dwa_so why are you using galeon then?12:17
crschmidt... I'm not?12:17
crschmidtI think you got me confused with someone else or something.12:17
thoreauputicdwa_: cut it out :)12:17
johnnybezaki used epiphany recently cos firefox was being a prick12:17
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crschmidtI use Firefox in evilwm12:17
thoreauputicdwa_: membreya was using galeon12:18
DyGyTyLyou use evilwm?! i didn't know there were others out there :D12:18
crschmidtDyGyTyL: yep12:18
dwa_oooooh sorry crschmidt12:18
DyGyTyLyou rock:P12:18
crschmidtDyGyTyL: my ex roomate introduced me to it12:18
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crschmidtDyGyTyL: he wrote the window snapping code for it12:18
DyGyTyLwow, sweet..i've been using that for eons as far back as i can remember12:18
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thoreauputicmembreya: wb :)12:19
membreyasorry guys, had to figure out my imwheelrc file to work with firefox :)12:19
flawdwhy is the gnome notes always ontop of the other windows?12:20
membreyaand it appears...galeon is the culprit :(12:20
membreyadanke thoreauputic :)12:20
=== crschmidt has no scrollwheel
topyliam i dreaming or is hoary gnome becoming more unstable? gnome-terminal and evolution at least are crashing more than appropriate12:20
crschmidtor even a second button12:20
membreyawith galeon, it tended to be when I clicked a link or scrolled down :|12:20
crschmidtjust one giant clear button12:20
thoreauputicmembreya: pas de quoi, monsieur12:20
crschmidt(my normal wireless mouse batteries died, so I'm using the optical apple mouse i nabbed from my mac mini)12:21
topyliflawd: in 2.10 that's what they do12:21
flawdtopyli, that sucks12:21
membreyayou called me WHAT thoreauputic ?!12:21
topyliflawd: i guess, if you don't want it that way :)12:22
farruinncrschmidt: you know that f12 and f11 are mapped to buttons 2 and 3, right?12:22
thoreauputicmembreya: hehe - babelfish  <<12:22
flawdI think generally 2.10 is worse than earlier versions this far12:22
membreyathoreauputic: babelfish = "not what"12:22
membreyaflawd: no problems here12:22
flawdtopyli, I want the option to have them eithr on top or not, not that someone decides that its best that the eventual notes I want shall always cover my current application so I can not see some important thing on it12:23
crschmidtfarruinn: they don't seem to be in gnome-terminal12:23
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thoreauputicmembreya: it's a french way of saying "think nothing of it" when thanked ( danke in german, yes?)12:23
Lightboyhey is there a way of updating my kernel just using apt?12:24
topyliflawd: they probably think you want to hide them or show them. that's why there's an extra item in the notes applet menu12:24
membreyathoreauputic: yes indeed :)12:24
thoreauputicLightboy: apt-cache search linux-image12:24
thoreauputicLightboy: choose one for your cpu type12:25
topyliflawd: or they want everyone to migrate to tomboy :)12:25
flawdtopyli, umm what extra menuitem? there is no "Hide notes" or something here12:25
membreyaomg thoreauputic ..I've FINALLY found a etymological answer to the phrase mollydooker!12:26
shmoolikokay i get this error when i aptget update GPG error: ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90712:26
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shmoolikshould i b worryed?12:26
dwa_no shmoolik12:26
thoreauputicmembreya: do tell :)12:26
topyliflawd: left click the applet. there's "new note" and "hide/show"12:26
dwa_it's OK12:26
dwa_but you can get rid of it12:26
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shmoolikdwa_,  okay thanks12:26
Lightboythoreauputic: will this download a whole image12:26
shmoolikhow can i rid of it ?12:26
gabbIs there a way to make apt ignore the missing public key for the os-works.com site (XFCE4.2) ?12:27
topyliancient craft12:27
Lightboycoz i hav just put on hoary hedge hog like 2 days ago12:27
flawdleftclicking menues always feels odd to me12:27
dwa_shmoolik : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary12:27
thoreauputicLightboy: when you apt-get the appropriate one, it will install a new kernel for you12:27
flawdfor applets and things12:27
topyliflawd: speaking of tomboy, installing it will take 41.9 M of disk space on my box. hmm.12:28
shmoolikdwa_,  thanks12:28
membreyahttp://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-mol2.htm <-- next time someone calls me mollydooker, I'm going to smack them one12:28
spaceyanyone with amd64 here?12:28
membreyaspacey: yup12:28
flawdtopyli, never heard of it12:28
flawdis it a notes app on steroids?12:28
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topyliflawd: yeah, wiki steroids12:28
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spaceyis it correct that the openoffice.org2 packages are broken?12:28
thoreauputicmembreya: looking now12:28
spaceyfor amd6412:28
membreyayep spacey12:28
flawdtopyli, need to check it out12:28
topyliflawd: jdub called it the "ultimate sticky wiki" :)12:29
membreyait won't let you install the -core for OO.o212:29
topylinever was very stable here12:29
spaceyalso tomboy isn't available for amd64 it seems12:29
flawdfor 40 megs it has to ROCK12:29
flawdor i'll sue heh12:29
Lightboyso do i just go apt-get linux-image-2.6.11-1-amd64-generic12:29
spaceymembreya, yeah12:29
topylispacey: might be a mono problem12:29
topylimore generally12:29
spaceytopyli, ah yes, mono didn't work for amd64 i remember12:30
spaceysomeone said that12:30
membreyaLightboy: get amd64-k812:30
flawdoh well bbl. have a nice day all12:30
membreyacya flawd :)12:30
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dwa_ciao flawd-afk12:30
Lightboyso not generic then12:30
thoreauputicmembreya: haha - a bit homphobic, are we ;-)12:31
thoreauputicre: mollydooker12:31
Lightboymembreya: i get the following error when i type in apt-get linux-image-2.6.11-1-amd68-k812:32
topyliflawd-afk: tomboy is probably 100K but you need mono which is big12:32
Lightboye:invalid operation linux-image02.6.11-1-amd64-k812:32
thoreauputicLightboy: apt-get install *12:32
kqjapt-get install ?12:32
thoreauputicLightboy: and amd68 ??12:33
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membreyayou lookin at me funny thoreauputic ?! >:(12:33
thoreauputicLightboy: I assume it's atypo12:33
scandiumdoes anybody know if bittorrent downloads bit by bit or what it can get? e.g. can I start a download with bittorrent and finish it with wget?12:33
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membreyathoreauputic: I work at a call centre.... :|12:33
membreyascandium: it gets what it can12:33
=== thoreauputic caresses mambreya suggestively
scandiumtrying to download array7 via bt but it's awfully slow :)12:33
membreyayou can tell it to get the first bits first IF it can12:33
krestenHi there! I can't apply iconschemes downloaded from gnome-look.org... Can anybody help me?12:34
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ermomy nautilus has started 'hanging' as soon as it touches my $home (nfs) it just starts allocating memory12:34
StoffBox-Stevesomeone here i have a prob with a USB harddrive12:34
thoreauputickresten: dump them in ~/.icons12:34
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flawd-afktopyli, launching tomboy the cursor is just blinking for 2 min then it exits saying "all done ciao!" and nothing appears in the notification area12:35
flawd-afkgreat app *sarcasm*12:35
StoffBox-Stevei see the harddrive, and can access the data but i cant write new stuff od the disk :( someone an idea why ?12:35
=== thoreauputic puts on a nonchalent air and looks away whistling
flawd-afkwell worth the 40 megs :)12:35
topyliflawd-afk: it's an applet12:35
kqjStoffBox-Steve, maybe is mounted readonly12:35
flawd-afktopyli, man tomboy said launching tomboy with no options would put it in notification area12:36
thoreauputichmm s/nonchalent/nonchalant12:36
StoffBox-Steveis was auotmatic mouten ... who to i change that kqj ?12:36
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=== membreya sasheys towards thoreauputic
sakaryahi all..12:36
topyliflawd-afk: ah. well, i just load the applet and it sits there12:36
topylias long as it doesn't crash12:36
kqj<StoffBox-Steve> ... I don't know ;P I never let stuff automounts itself...12:36
kqjtry unmount and manually mount it12:37
flawd-afktopyli, well, perhaps a restart of gnome will let me add it to panel12:37
topyliflawd-afk: just kill the panel and let it respawn12:37
ermowould anyone know why (or help me find out) why my nautilus has suddenly gone berserk, gobbing up tons of VM while being utterly unresponsive?12:37
flawd-afkwtf am I doing? I need to do real life stuff12:37
flawd-afkbbl lol12:37
virtualdhow do i restart polypaudio after it crashed without restarting gnome?12:37
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kqj<StoffBox-Steve> cat /etc/mtab to see how is mounted12:37
Rattboiaoss polypaudio ?12:38
Rattboidepends on how you're doing stuff12:38
Rattboicould just be "polypaudio" at terminal will work12:38
=== topyli looks for "real life" in gnome-dictionary
crimsunpolypaudio has alsa sources and sinks12:38
crimsunit's futile to wrap the daemon with aoss12:38
StoffBox-Steveusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) << @ hqj is that the usbdrive ... i access it over media:/sda112:39
virtualdRattboi: will it works but it insists on running in the foreground12:40
crimsunvirtuald: that was a change adopted fairly recently before polypaudio was reverted to esd for the release12:40
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chickenmanhey every one12:41
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crimsunvirtuald: it should be enough to open a terminal emulator and execute ,,polypaudio'' in it12:41
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thoreauputicheh - the man himself just paid a visit to #kubuntu :)12:42
thoreauputica quick one, to be sure...12:42
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keffohm, gnome uses 'metacity' as standard rigth?12:44
keffois there any good app for adding those themes12:44
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keffoor most likley good to use the 'theme' in system-tag12:44
StoffBox-Steveok how to mount the usb drive with wirte access ?12:44
thoreauputickeffo: you can just drag and drop themes onto the theme dialogue12:44
keffothats good to hear12:45
keffobut whats the main difference between metacity and GTK?12:45
keffocurrently im surinf at www.gnome-look.org12:45
thoreauputickeffo: it *usually* works ;-)12:45
keffobrb, poop12:45
shmoolikdoes some one knows if there is any package for adobe acrobat 7 ?12:46
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Myrttishmoolik: why do you need especially Adobe Acrobat?12:46
Myrtticause there really is not that much need for it12:46
crimsunshmoolik: yes, there exists acroread, but I highly recommend evince as an alternative.12:47
shmoolikMyrtti,  yeah i tryed the othere pdf reads... and they not as good as12:47
chickenmanacrobat = slow and rubbish12:47
shmoolikyeah i really liked evince but it allways get stuck on my machine i don't know y  =\12:48
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thoreauputicchickenman: that was my experience with acroread too - the new one may be quicker I believe12:48
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kaouetewhen installing a hoary, what package is crating the xorg.conf ? xserver-xorg ? (i want to be sure :)12:49
shmoolikthoreauputic,  yeah it is!!!12:49
chickenmanacroread is great :)12:49
membreyawell ..system just locked with firefox as well :\ ..going to try not using squid :| ...this is annoying it's not a hard lock per se..but once it freezes, it takes about 2 minutes to draw one line from irc12:49
thoreauputicshmoolik: the old one used to go to 100% cpu and slow my box to a crawl, so I ditched it (this is a couple of years ago though)12:50
StoffBox-Stevehow to i change the access mode of mount drive ?12:50
keffothoreauputic, check www.gnome-look.org, whats the difference between metacity and gtk1/2 ?12:50
keffowhats best to use. mh12:50
keffoi dunno?12:50
thoreauputickeffo: metacity is the window manager12:50
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thoreauputickeffo: gtk is the widget set12:50
shmoolikthoreauputic,  i m sorry for ya man =\ but that is the case with me when i m trying to lunch evince12:51
thoreauputicmetacity themes are for window frames etc12:51
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=== chickenman eats a banana :P
no0tichi membreya12:51
membreyanope, still got a lockup :|12:52
membreyahi no0tic :)12:52
membreyahow goes the k7?12:52
shmoolikthoreauputic,  i read about it an finly i thought that i have found the altimant PDF reader ther is =\12:52
no0ticmembreya: I filed a bug for the scaling problem12:52
shmooliki still do .... but not  on my machine12:52
no0ticmembreya: and someone else added the same problem for k8 arch12:52
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UglyPHello ladies and gents. I have a quick question here, regarding apt-get and the synaptic package manager. I have glib 2.4.7 installed, and currently there is no update available in the repository. When ever i run the config it finishes, but it dosen't update my glib, as its still recognised as 2.4.7. Does anyone know anything about this and how I can get around? Any help would be appreciated! :D12:52
no0ticmembreya: there's a work-around though12:52
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thoreauputicUglyP: you have some special need for glib newer than 2.4.7 ?12:54
crimsunI'm not sure I understand what UglyP is asking.12:54
UglyP(Im a newbie so bear with me!) I want to run gdesklets, but apparently I have to upgrade a whole lot of libraries to run the newest version :(12:54
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crimsunUglyP: try the Array-7 Hoary milestone12:55
membreyai keep locking up going to a particular site12:55
UglyPwhats that? (sorry but ive only been using linux a few days)12:55
=== thoreauputic has trouble understanding the attraction of gdesklets
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crimsunUglyP: Hoary is the next stable release of Ubuntu - out in a few weeks12:55
thoreauputicbut then, I like fluxbox so...12:55
crimsunenjoying 0.9.11?12:56
UglyPCan I upgrade to that using APT?12:56
ChipzzUglyP: are you trying to compile gdesklets?12:56
thoreauputiccrimsun: I have 0.9.12 :)12:56
crimsunUglyP: absolutely :)12:56
crimsunthoreauputic: heh, it's not even packaged for Sid yet12:56
kaoueteChipzz: why dont you just do apt-get install gdeskelts ?12:56
crimsunrather, not in pool12:56
Chipzzkaouete: I'm not trying to install gdesklets12:56
thoreauputiccrimsun: I compiled it and did a deb with checkinstall :)12:56
UglyPyeah..and failing miserably.12:57
Chipzzkaouete: UglyP is12:57
kaoueteChipzz: right :)12:57
kaoueteforget me ^^12:57
crimsunthoreauputic: uupdate(1) would have been better =)12:57
UglyPkaouete: I have done that, but gdesklets wouldnt run!12:57
kaoueteUglyP: why dont you just install gdesklets with apt ?12:57
UglyPsee above :D12:57
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kaouetehhhm, how can it be possible ?12:57
thoreauputiccrimsun: uupdate(1) ?12:57
crimsunthoreauputic: yes, part of the 'devscripts' package.12:58
thoreauputicah !12:58
=== thoreauputic looks for devscripts in apt-cache
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Elsidoxis there a way to edit the menus in gnome?12:59
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crimsunElsidox: in Warty, yes. in Hoary, no, not currently.12:59
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Elsidoxcrimsun, damnit. Whys that? =)01:00
crimsunElsidox: various upstream decisions01:00
thoreauputiccrimsun: devscripts looks a bit intimidating for a non-programmer ;)01:00
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crimsunthoreauputic: well, use whatever works for you, of course :-)01:00
memcmemehow do you run a binary shell script?01:00
thoreauputiccrimsun: :)01:00
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memcmemethat is the file name01:01
Elsidoxcrimsun, I dont know what you mean by upstream decisions but thanks for your time. :)01:01
crimsunmemcmeme: sh ut2004-lnx-demo3334.run01:01
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thoreauputicElsidox: it's out of their hands - gnome decisions I guess01:01
crimsunElsidox: developers decided that the functionality was worth removing01:01
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membreyaok this is driving me crazy!01:02
thoreauputiccrimsun: wish I'd been a fly on the wall at *that* meeting :/01:02
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memcmemethis is screwed up01:03
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thoreauputicmembreya: any bug reports for galeon on amd64?01:03
memcmemeit says no such file or directory01:03
memcmemeand I am looking at the bugger on my desktop01:04
membreyathoreauputic: it seems to be both firefox and galeon freezing...stopping squid makes no difference01:04
thoreauputicmemcmeme: try sh <nameoffile>01:04
memcmemethats what I have been doing01:04
thoreauputicmemcmeme: from the directory01:04
membreyathe only thing I can find is that after 3 or 4 of these freezes, my harddrive runs incredibly slow until it gets back into gdm (ie grub takes about 5 seconds to even load the menu)01:04
thoreauputiccd Desktop ?01:04
thoreauputicmemcmeme: ^^01:05
ermocrimsun, come again: menu-editing was *removed*?01:05
memcmemeit won't let me cd /desktop01:05
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membreyathoreauputic: I have top running in the background now to see if anything is stealing the CPU01:05
thoreauputicmemcmeme: capital D01:05
memcmeme/home/kevin # cd /desktop01:05
memcmemebash: cd: /desktop: No such file or directory01:05
memcmemeroot@T1000:/home/kevin #01:05
crimsunermo: Hoary.01:05
membreyamemcmeme: it's cd Desktop ...case sensitive01:05
membreyaneeds to be a capital D01:05
thoreauputicmemcmeme: *nix is case sensitive01:05
memcmemeno good01:06
ermocrimsun, ... but ... huh?!? (I'm on hoary atm)01:06
memcmemestill says no such file or directory01:06
chickenmancd /root/Desktop ?01:06
Myrttils -la01:06
thoreauputicmemcmeme: what does pwd say ?01:06
crimsunermo: I'm referring to applications:///01:06
thoreauputicmemcmeme: type  pwd01:06
membreyamemcmeme: ...if you can't even use cd, I think you're going to get lost very quickly01:06
thoreauputicand tell us the output01:06
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thoreauputicmembreya: he's absolutely new01:07
memcmemeI am using the bloody thing01:07
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memcmemeI navigated from /01:07
memcmemeto home01:07
ermocrimsun, so, I won't be able to customize my menu anymore?01:07
StoffBox-Steveok guys plz help .... i have a USb-drive on /media/sdb1 - /dev/sdb1/ .... but i can only read it... how to i change the access so i can write data to the usb drive ?01:07
memcmemethen from home it wotn let me enter anything else01:07
memcmemels shows that it exists01:07
ermocrimsun, or is there another way?01:07
memcmemebut the damn thing says it does't when I type cd /Desktop01:07
ermocrimsun, (hope you don't mind me asking)01:07
membreyamemcmeme: no / on the Desktop01:07
crimsunermo: you can use .desktop files01:08
membreyafrom the home directory it's just cd Desktop01:08
thoreauputicmemcmeme: cd /home/username01:08
thoreauputicmemcmeme: /home belongs to root01:08
memcmemeok that worked01:08
memcmemewhy no / for desktop?01:08
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you want *your* home dir01:08
UglyPwhat are your thoughts on hoary? is it worth upgrading to before it becomes a stable release?01:09
membreyamemcmeme: because /Desktop would imply that it's in the root filesystem01:09
crimsunUglyP: in my experience, yes01:09
memcmemeoh ok01:09
thoreauputicmemcmeme: when you are in the dir , you just type the name of the dir01:09
chickenmancd /    then cd /home/Desktop01:09
MyrttiUglyP: quite usable at this stage already01:09
UglyPim about to take the plunge, just doing some research first!01:09
Myrttichickenman: whhaaaa01:09
ermocrimsun, ah ok. Now it makes sense.01:09
memcmemethank you :)01:09
thoreauputicmemcmeme: in your home dir,  /Desktop would be a subdirectory01:10
Myrttithoreauputic: Desktop/01:10
mjt./Desktop ;)01:10
thoreauputicMyrtti: oops - yes01:10
StoffBox-Stevenoone can help me ? ... arg the guys behind me ... there kill me ..... .01:10
memcmemewell its installing now :)01:10
thoreauputicMyrtti: your genius is showing again ;-)01:11
keffothoreauputic, what do you mean with widgit?01:11
thoreauputicor my stupidity, or both....01:11
thoreauputickeffo: umm- the pretty bits in the windows ;-)01:11
keffooh ok01:11
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Myrttithoreauputic: no, my nitpicking skills01:12
thoreauputicMyrtti: important for an aspiring programmer :)01:13
Myrttiyes, I think so too :->01:13
thoreauputicMyrtti: you debugged my error ;-)01:13
chickenmanC++ = pwn :P01:13
shmoolikcan some one help to configure my printer?01:14
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=== thoreauputic runs screaming at the mention of "printer"
shmooliki can't print the test page =\01:14
chickenmanshmoolik / whats your printer ?01:15
shmoolikHP DeskJet 815C01:15
shmooliki have cofigured all that on the printer wizzard01:15
chickenmanopen printing on the system config menu01:15
chickenmanall of it you sure you entered it all right ?01:16
matt_I have win xp installed on my system drive, and ubuntu installed on the slave, but the slave cant see the master and vice versa, and i want to partition the larger disk with a media drive that both OS's can see01:16
shmoolikchickenman,  done01:16
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shmoolikchickenman,  yeah01:16
chickenmanok hang on01:16
matt_Is that possible01:16
shmoolikexapt from the usb port01:16
chickenmanis your printer on there ?01:16
Burgundaviakeffo: you got the fix for libfontconfig1 yet?01:17
keffothoreauputic, whats the dir for GDM-styles?01:17
keffoBurgundavia, nope01:17
keffostill same errors etc01:17
shmoolikchickenman,  yeah *01:17
chickenmanyou using USB to plug it in ?01:17
keffoguess ill have to wait for next update01:17
shmoolikyeah double checked01:17
chickenmanUSB not good with linux01:17
farruinnkeffo: when was the last time you updated?01:18
farruinnkeffo: I think a fix has been uploaded01:18
crimsun[certain usb devices?] 01:18
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keffooh ok01:18
keffofarruinn, u had the asme problem?01:18
shmoolik=\ but all my thingys r connected throgh USB01:18
thoreauputickeffo: type `locate gdm | grep -i themes01:18
keffothank you01:18
farruinnkeffo: no, but I *just* upgraded01:18
matt_can anyone help me?01:18
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chickenmanmmmm well i won't know what to do i don't plug in my printer with USB01:19
keffolooks like there are some update01:19
Burgundaviakeffo: update your machine now01:19
keffoim doing it01:19
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matt_I have win xp installed on my system drive, and ubuntu installed on the slave, but the slave cant see the master and vice versa, and i want to partition the larger disk with a media drive that both OS's can see01:19
topyliwhat was the esd.conf hack to make it play nicely with non-esd games?01:19
farruinnmatt_: winxp won't mount the ubuntu drive (there may be some freeware that allows you to)01:19
farruinnmatt_: you can mount the windows drive though01:20
farruinnin ubuntu01:20
keffohm, im curious if this works.01:20
topylimatt_: use fat3201:20
keffoim listening to the sound of a digging HDD, trying to guess.. is it working or not01:20
matt_I cant partition the ubuntu drie and format it as like.. ntfs?01:20
keffoBurgundavia, wanna bet some moneys? ;p01:20
Myrttimatt_: not with XP01:20
keffoAND ubuntu did it again, this fucking rocks to be honest.01:21
keffobugfixes just a couple of hours later01:21
keffoworks fine now01:21
topylimatt_: no, make a different partition, format it fat32 and both systems can use it01:21
keffothanks for telling me to be patient01:21
farruinnmatt_: linux can only read from ntfs, no write01:21
matt_Can i make it on the ubuntu drive?01:21
matt_XCause its the larger one01:21
shmoolikchickenman,  okay thanks man01:21
keffohm, i dont need postfix as long as im not running any mailserver or so?01:21
matt_it wouldnt let me install to a partition01:21
thoreauputickeffo: you need it for local stuff01:22
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matt_it wanted the whole drive01:22
keffothere should be a list of everything unecessary ;p01:22
Haydenwhat rocks01:23
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farruinnkeffo: heh, that's why they made the ubuntu-desktop package01:23
keffoubuntu etc01:23
UglyPAnybody else wanna help me with something else haha. I have changed the instances of "warty" to hoary" in the sources list of APT, but am recieving the following error: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] /dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CDs01:23
UglyPFailed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] /dists/unstable/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CDs01:23
UglyPReading Package Lists... Done01:23
UglyPW: Couldn't stat source package list cdrom://Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020) unstable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%204.10%20%5fWarty%20Warthog%5f%20-%20Preview%20i386%20Binary-1%20(20041020)_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)01:23
thoreauputicHayden: the speed of fixes01:23
UglyPW: Couldn't stat source package list cdrom://Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020) unstable/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%204.10%20%5fWarty%20Warthog%5f%20-%20Preview%20i386%20Binary-1%20(20041020)_dists_unstable_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)01:23
UglyPW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems01:23
UglyPE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.01:23
Haydenahh ok01:23
UglyPp.s sorry for the flood :(01:23
keffoyou shouldnt use CD ;P01:23
membreyaUglyP: ...#flood next time01:23
UglyPsorry guys01:23
thoreauputicUglyP: #flood or a pastebin01:23
Haydenban him !!! :)01:23
membreyaburn the witch!01:24
memcmemewhats going on?01:24
thoreauputicNobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!01:24
matt_Can i make the fat 32 partition on the ubuntu drive? and can xp use it too?01:24
memcmeme**looks aroudn confused**01:24
UglyPI suppose its something to do with the deb cdrom: line at the top of the sources list (how astute of me) but i still dont know what to to do haha.01:25
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: you aren't meant to paste in the channel like that :)01:25
thoreauputicmemcmeme: hence the humour and warnings to UglyP01:25
memcmemewhere do you past?01:25
matt_Can i make the fat 32 partition on the ubuntu drive? and can xp use it too?01:25
djpanyone know hwy i am getting messages when apt-get update tries to upgrade libslp1?01:25
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membreyamemcmeme: you paste in #flood01:25
thoreauputicmemcmeme: in #flood or a pastebin URL01:26
membreyaso you tell people to look in #flood01:26
Myrttidjp: what kind of messages01:26
membreyathoreauputic: ...complete newy remember..let's not get into pastebin :)01:26
keffoBurgundavia, hm, i installed unrar-nonfree to open newer .rar-archives.. whats the easiest way to get my system to recognize to open .rar files with unrar01:26
djpmessage is debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog01:26
thoreauputicmembreya: right :)01:26
matt_Can i make the fat 32 partition on the ubuntu drive? and can xp use it too?01:26
djpdebconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)01:26
UglyPdo u want me to paste it into flood now? would appreciate the help :D01:26
djpdebconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)01:27
membreyaUglyP: you have a 30minute help ban :P01:27
UglyPOh poo.01:27
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djpthat is basically the main bulk of the message01:27
thoreauputicUglyP: and a pair of burning underpants01:27
UglyPWHO TOLD YOU?!01:27
farruinndjp: you might try 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf'01:27
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farruinndjp: choose something other than "dialog"01:28
qballis it correct that the latest hoary kernel (686) doesnt have inotify?01:28
thoreauputicqball: yes01:28
djpfarruinn: what is it best to choose?01:28
membreyaqball: ..they couldn't fix the problem with gam-serv so they just disabled it by default :P01:28
thoreauputicqball: it caused untold havoc ;)01:28
membreyayou can still compile it yourself though01:28
farruinndjp: I can't remember what the options are specifically, ncurses/text or something like that01:29
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qballI am lazy01:29
qballdon't want to compile myself.01:29
membreyatoo bad, so sad then qball :)01:29
qballcan't it be a module?01:29
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da_bon_bonmembreya: what does qball want ?01:30
farruinnqball: you don't give matches to children do you?01:30
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qballfarruinn: why not? the might wanna light a candle01:30
Myrttida_bon_bon: inotify01:31
membreyada_bon_bon: ..he wants inotify to come as a default again with the kernel01:31
djpfarruinn: the choices on offer to me are Dialog, Readline, Gnome, KDE, Editor and Noninteractive01:31
thoreauputicqball: only with adult supervision ;-)01:31
farruinndjp: readline then01:31
membreya...I suppose so he can laugh at the 90% of the people that were getting lockups01:31
farruinndjp: that should be the safest01:31
djpfarruinn: thanks. what has that actually done/cured?01:31
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da_bon_bonmembreya: whats the use ? it crashes my system01:31
membreyada_bon_bon: ..that's the point of disabling it :P01:32
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: so we were trying to explain...01:32
da_bon_bonqball: then why do u wanna enable it ?01:32
farruinndjp: it's the interface debconf uses when it's configuring packages.  Readline shouldn't cause problems because it's just text01:32
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: I assume he needs it01:32
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chickenmanchickenman.zapto.org :P01:33
memcmemeI still cannot get over these sound drivers!01:33
crimsunbad? good?01:33
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matt_Can i make the fat 32 partition on the ubuntu drive? and can xp use it too?01:33
farruinnmatt_: yes but it will require reinstalling ubuntu01:34
memcmemeAmazing, I had to install a bunch of MB drivers then the audio drivers on windows, with a Fu<ing reboot between each section using Windows01:34
membreyamatt_: yes, but you will need to go to drive manager in XP to enable access to it (ie allocate a drive letter in windows)01:34
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memcmemeand these generic drivers work as well as the complex ones01:34
djpfarruinn: it is now asking me what priority I should set, critical high, medium or low. which is the best to choose?01:34
djpfarruinn: it has defaulted to high01:34
farruinndjp: medium is fine but it's your preference really01:34
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chickenmancritical ;)01:35
djpfarruinn: ok01:35
farruinnthat'd just be a pain :)01:35
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matt_okay last time i tried to install ubuntu on a partition it said there was no root file system spexcified or something and the only thing that made it install was the guided partition of the whole disk... what do i do to kewep the partitions01:36
thor|caffeine-inmemcmeme: actually some open source drivers are*better*01:36
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thor|caffeine-inmemcmeme: highly motivated coders01:36
Myrttihifi purists01:37
=== membreya is happy with his ac97 sound card :P
thor|caffeine-inMyrtti: yes, a lot of the audio coders would be hi-fi types, I'm sure01:37
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memcmemewhat does one do with a .bin file?01:38
thor|caffeine-inMyrtti: scratching their itch :)01:38
=== qball is not happy with his sound card.
qballstupid non hw-mixing laptop cards01:38
thor|caffeine-inmemcmeme: what is the file?01:38
membreyagot a nice set of logitech speakers...and I bought my gf a set of altec lansing speakers (I don't see the point of having a 5.1 speaker set on a PC when my room is 17ft long :P)01:38
thor|caffeine-inmemcmeme: did you read the instructions? ;-)01:39
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thor|caffeine-inmemcmeme: first you make it executable01:39
cosimoHi! ;)01:39
matt_okay last time i tried to install ubuntu on a partition it said there was no root file system spexcified or something and the only thing that made it install was the guided partition of the whole disk... what do i do to kewep the partitions01:39
shmoolikhow can i know through which USB my printer is connected?01:39
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thor|caffeine-inmemcmeme: chmod +x <filename>      (use tab complete on the name)01:40
qballshmoolik: why do you need to know01:40
shmooliki want to connect my printer01:40
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shmoolikand Ubuntu printer wizrad ask me that ...01:41
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chickenmanget a printer that don't use USB01:41
djpfarruinn: just noticed that when an update is being reported using apt-get it always has to fall back to teletype. Readline has this message debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty. How do i set it to Teletype? is that the Editor choice?01:41
qballhmmm I uses gnome-cups-manager never had problems.01:41
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shmoolikHEHE chickenman  its nor pasable ... i need to print to day =\01:41
thoreauputicmemcmeme: to run it from the directory, type  ./<filename>01:41
qballisnt it /deb/usb/lp0 or something.. or /dev/usblp001:42
thoreauputicdot slash01:42
matt_Okay. Let me make it a YES OR NO question. Is it possible to partition the drive Ubuntu is on without blowing it away?01:42
membreyamatt_: yes it is01:42
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johnnybezakhey guys i want a terminal to load and show a greeting then stay there, when i type gnome-terminal -e welcomescript it just loads then dissapears how do i make it stay there?01:42
shmoolikqball,  i don't  know .... i m not that good on linux =\01:42
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memcmemethe instruction popped up in a different window when I clicked on them01:42
chickenmanshmoolik / can you plug you printer in any other way ?01:42
memcmemeso I did not see them01:42
shmoolikchickenman,  no01:42
matt_Ok. How?01:42
farruinndjp: are  you running it from a normal terminal?01:43
membreyamatt_: did you allocate free space for it before you tried to install ?01:43
qballshmoolik: doesnt the wizard give a hint?01:43
matt_I did try to install to a partition01:43
matt_but it said no root file system01:43
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shmoolikqball,  no =\01:44
membreyamatt_: you're not listening to my question :P01:44
shmooliki can only pick one from 1201:44
edulixhi !01:44
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you're aware firefox will open links in a tab if you middle click them, right ?01:44
qballaaah how are they called01:44
djpfarruinn: i receive that message in the report that i get in my mbox. i am using an automatic update as recommended here http://ubuntuguide.org/#autoupdate01:44
matt_Can you rephrase the question?01:44
qballUSB printer 101:44
shmoolikUSB Printer #num01:44
edulixis it needed to fsck my filesystems eevery boot ?01:44
qballjust take the first one01:44
shmooliki have01:45
farruinndjp: oooh... in that case I would choose "noninteractive"01:45
qballthat should work.01:45
shmoolikand it does not even print mt the test page =\ qball01:45
membreyamatt_: before you installed linux (ubuntu), in windows did you use something like partition magic to allocate some free space by resizing your existing partitions?01:45
thoreauputicedulix: no01:45
djpfarruinn: ok, thanks01:45
qballshmoolik: does dmesg report anything?01:45
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memcmemethere is not a realplayer folder on my desktop01:45
memcmemethat I cannot move or get rid of01:46
matt_Yes.  I did. But Ubuntu blew that partition away01:46
matt_because it said it had no root file system and oculd not install01:46
membreyamembreya: sudo rm -rf Desktop/<folder name>01:46
shmoolikqball,  wait a sec ... now i can c on USB Printer 1 (deskjet )01:46
matt_so I gave it the whole drive01:46
thoreauputicmemcmeme: oh - you installed directly from desktop?01:46
membreyahmmm nfi then matt :| mine has always worked fine01:46
matt_I have 2 physical drives01:46
Myrttithat's true, btw. The partition thingie is quite hard to use01:46
chickenmanchickenman.zapto.org :P01:47
memcmemehow do I move it01:47
shmoolikqball,  how can i c the dmesg ?01:47
MyrttiI managed to bork up my partitions serveral times01:47
thoreauputicmemcmeme: hmm - for future referene, it's better to download to a dir in your home directory01:47
membreyamemcmeme: : sudo rm -rf Desktop/<folder name> (if you want to delete it)01:47
qballshmoolik: type dmesg01:47
chickenmanmemcmeme / login as root01:47
edulixthoreauputic: I've seen that checkfs.sh fsck my filesystems every boot. should/can I disable it ?01:47
membreyashmoolik: dmesg? :)01:47
thoreauputicmembreya: it contains a binary I'd say01:47
memcmemeI tried that01:47
memcmemeit wont let me01:47
matt_Does that no answer the question?01:48
thoreauputicedulix: that's very odd01:48
chickenmanmemcmeme / theres a way that lets you login as root but i've fogot it01:48
shmoolikthe only thingy about a USB is this massage usbcore: registered new driver usblp01:48
qballshmoolik: what does lpq say01:48
memcmemeI have a root terminal open01:48
membreyachickenman / memcmeme : sudo -s01:48
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shmoolikDeskJet-815C is ready and printing01:49
shmoolikRank    Owner   Job     File(s)                         Total Size01:49
shmoolikactive  shmooli 20      Test Page                       153600 bytes01:49
Madibahello iners01:49
membreyaif you are logged in as root..you are god and nothing will stop you removing a directory...you can even remove ALL your files01:49
shmoolikDAMN sorry aboout this flood*01:49
matt_Do you think you could simply direct me to a useful website for partitioning ubuntu's drive?01:49
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qballsmurfslay: hmmm so cups thinks it printing.01:49
Madiba] any south africans in here01:49
shmoolikmatt_,  http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs01:49
shmoolikmatt_,  GL01:50
qballwhat does http://localhost:631/printers/01:50
qballsay (first go to the printer01:50
memcmemegot rid of it01:50
edulixthoreauputic: it fsck only when doesn't exist /fastboot right ?01:50
thoreauputicmemcmeme: your realplay probably won't play now01:50
Madibacan any one give a newbie some advice please01:50
shmoolik"Printer not connected; will retry in 30 seconds..."....01:50
thoreauputicmemcmeme: that folder contained the binary01:50
qballshmoolik: hmmm it thinks that not printer is connected.01:51
shmoolikqball,  DAMN ... then it is a USB problem01:51
memcmemethats fine01:51
memcmemeI will re download it01:51
chickenmanshmoolik / go buy a printer without USB ;)01:51
memcmemeHow do I tell the Mozilla download manager not to point at the desktop?01:51
qballmaybe other people have more exp. with usb printer problems.. it alway's "just worked" for me.01:51
membreyamemcmeme: http://ubuntuguide.org/#realplayer01:51
memcmemeI went to preferennces download01:51
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shmoolikqball,  on Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp5  <==01:52
thoreauputicmemcmeme: you're using mozilla or firefox?01:52
chickenmani got mozilla01:52
matt_What is GL?01:52
shmoolikthen its on the fifth USB does not it?01:52
chickenmanhang on01:52
thoreauputicmemcmeme: I'll have to look01:52
matt_This is multimedia codecs01:52
qballsmurfslay: change that to 0 .01:53
thoreauputicchickenman: you can find the pref for him?01:53
chickenmanshmoolik / edit-pref then01:53
qballbecause it just be wrong..  btw..  If I open gnome-cups-manager and do add printer it autodetects my printer.01:53
qballit just might be wrong.01:53
Madibaany help in here01:53
chickenmanoooops not that01:54
qballsorry smurfslay  ment shmoolik01:54
thoreauputicMadiba: just ask01:54
Madibaok ta01:54
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shmoolikqball,  haha01:55
shmoolikit works!!!01:55
memcmemewell I solved part of the problem of real player01:55
Madibai can only run live cd in safe mode if i run ubuntu or ubuntu expert mode it loads and then i just get a black screen why?01:55
qballstupid autocomplete.. it should do what I want, not what I type.01:55
shmooliki have updated Ubuntu !!! and it works01:55
memcmemeI found it in the reps01:55
shmoolikWOW what a beauty !!01:55
qballanybody here with laptop + ati vid card + ati drivers and stanby01:56
farruinnshmoolik: congrats :) hoary?01:56
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matt_DUDE this isn't partitioning software01:56
shmoolikDAMN every thingy else work too!!!01:56
qballtranceConscious had alot to ask/tell01:56
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shmoolikthanks ppl for all  your help !!! really01:57
Myrttishmoolik: that's what we're here for01:57
Madibai can only run live cd in safe mode if i run ubuntu or ubuntu expert mode it loads and then i just get a black screen why?01:58
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thoreauputicMadiba: possibly your vid card isn't recognised?01:58
deFryskMadiba, cuz yur not an expurt ;p01:59
shmoolik=\ I just hop that one day i can help and not need to get help :D01:59
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thoreauputicshmoolik: you will :)01:59
thoreauputicshmoolik: everything you learn can be passed on02:00
Madibayeah could be it asks me about configuring the vid card02:00
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chickenmani've been using linux for 4 days :D02:01
Madibathoreauptic ive got geforc4 mx02:01
Myrttishmoolik: stay on the channel, you're now our expert on that problem02:01
qballhmmm I should be working on gtodo02:01
affHey is it possible to install ubuntu (hoary) onto a raid0 system=02:01
memcmemeany thoughts on how to make Mozilla send townloads to anywhere but the desktop?02:01
Myrttiif someone else comes in with the same problem, you know what to do02:01
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deFryskchickenman, so still looking at the light at the end of the tunnel ;)02:01
chickenmanmemcmeme / use firefox02:01
johnnybezakmemcmeme: i think thats in prefs02:01
Madibathoreauptic:any ideas02:01
thoreauputicMadiba: sorry, I know little about vid cards - maybe someone else will know02:01
Madibathanks anyway02:02
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SiRrUsgood morning people02:02
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matt_Ok. Let me ask this then. How do I install to a partition?02:02
Madibaok peeps see u later02:02
thoreauputicmemcmeme: if you can wait a minute I'll fire up mozilla and look02:02
Bandityo SiRrUs02:02
johnnybezakhave any of you guys used mythtv?02:02
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chickenmanmemcmeme / i didn't see any think in the prefs for you to set where the downloads are saved02:03
deFryskits in the prfs I'm sure02:03
deFryskin the downloads section02:03
Asycasanyone got this problem b4: i tried starting the installation with the hoary cd, but everytime i try to boot the installation, the comp always says 'loading the kernel..... ok' or something and then just reboots =/02:03
chickenmani look it's not there02:03
deFryskhowever I no longer use mozilla , just firefox02:04
MyrttiAsycas: burn another CD02:04
deFryskmozilla is a closed chapter02:04
Myrttithe one you're using might be broken02:04
Myrttierror in data transmit etc02:04
Asycasi already tried installing with the save CD on another comp - it worked beautifully...02:04
Asycas*same cd02:04
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deFryskAsycas, if you hava another player on the cd , try the other one02:04
Burgundaviakeffo: why use utf8 because it can handle non-latin chars easier02:05
deFryskcdrom player02:05
Myrttianother CD-ROM drive02:05
Asycasoh i don't...02:05
deFryskapologies for my mickey mouse lingo02:05
johnnybezakany of you guys know where i can get some nice fonts? (free ones :P)02:06
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chickenmanjohnnybezak / use apt-get02:06
thoreauputicmemcmeme: I get a dialog that has a file chooser02:06
deFryskjohnnybezak, http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/02:06
thoreauputicmemcmeme: in which I can choose which dir to download to02:07
thoreauputicwhen I click on the download link02:07
Asycasany ideas on the installtion cd thing? i've got a compaq presario pc from hp, if that's any help...02:07
johnnybezakdeFrysk: thanks02:07
mastertetHI, I install Hoary yesterday and I like it a lot. During the install, I created a /store partition. I can't right in it, someone knows what I should write in /etc/fstab to be able of writting in this partition?02:08
njanunder options02:08
njanthat'll mount it so regular users can access it02:08
mastertetok, it work with ext302:08
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njan/dev/hda57      /store          ext3    umask=0,defaults        0       002:08
njansomething like that, mastertet02:08
njanwhere /dev/hda57 is whatever your partition is02:09
njanbut it will mean that anyone else logged onto your system can read/write that partition too02:09
memcmemeis there a way of playing MS Media formats on linux?02:09
flawd-afkanyone who uses cedega and has got cd switching to work?02:09
deFryskmemcmeme, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:10
thoreauputicmemcmeme: that's covered in the howto on http://ubuntuguide.org02:10
Gaarutomemcmeme, yes, download w32codecs02:10
thoreauputicor the link deFrysk says, as well02:10
flawd-afkit wont find the cd02:10
Asycasanyone got this problem b4: i tried starting the installation with the hoary cd, but everytime i try to boot the installation, the comp always says 'loading the kernel..... ok' or something and then just reboots =/02:10
flawd-afksecond cd02:10
flawd-afki am using -monitor-cdrom-eject02:11
thoreauputicmemcmeme: did you sort the mozilla download issue?02:11
memcmemei switched to firefox02:11
kqj<Asycas> probably something wrong with modules/drivers, for example ny distro blocks there after having changed graphic card02:11
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: OK, not a bad plan :)02:11
memcmemeok I found the codecs02:11
Asycaskqj: does warty work then?02:11
memcmemewhich player do they work with?02:11
mertashey all :)02:11
Gaarutomemcmeme, all !02:12
edulixis it possible to use hibernate as a complete replacement for halt/boot/reboot ? I'd like to be able to say: halt, and it haltes ith saving. boot, and it boots last saved "session" etc02:12
deFryskmemcmeme, mplayer an xine02:12
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thoreauputicmemcmeme: if you add the repos in those howtos, you can use synaptic to install02:12
kqjmaybe, (fedora installed on the pc i was speaking of)02:12
edulixwhat I basically want is to boot everytime with the same hibernated session02:12
memcmemeI am installing it now02:12
Asycaskqj: you mean fedora had that problem?02:12
edulixnot every time with a different one that besides must be saved and takes time :P02:12
memcmemeI don't have mplayer02:13
memcmemewill it work with kafiene?02:13
Gaarutodo you have xine ?02:13
Gaarutoinstall it (xine-ui)02:13
edulixmemcmeme: I use kaffeine to play wmv9 etc02:13
kqjno, i mean something goes wrong with the linux kernel itself, so it just hangs (in my case probably nvidia drivers, don't exactly now)02:13
deFrysknot sure what engine kaffeine uses02:13
edulix(in kubuntu)02:13
Gaarutoit a graeat player02:13
thoreauputicmemcmeme: kaffeine is a KDE app - you might ask the guys in #kubuntu about it02:14
memcmemewell here is the ting02:14
deFryskis there a #kubuntu ?02:14
memcmemeI can't find a pure xine02:14
deFryskwow !02:14
memcmemethere are like 30 different xines02:14
deFryskthat  'l weed the kde peeps out here ;p02:14
Gaarutotype xine-ui02:14
thoreauputicmemcmeme: gxine is the gnome interface02:14
Gaarutosudo apt-get xine-ui02:14
Asycaskqj: but mine reboots =/ like it never tried loading anything02:15
memcmemeI clicked on that02:15
memcmemebut don't I need the player02:15
memcmemenot just the ui?02:15
Gaarutobut you must have the repository in sources.list02:15
thoreauputicGaaruto: we've covered that02:15
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memcmemeI have the reps02:15
=== mastertet [~mastertet@poste174-103.crchul.ulaval.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kqjAsycas: mh, rebooting is strange, i must admit02:15
memcmemeI found xine ui02:15
mastertetumask=0 doesn't work for ext3: EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "umask=0"02:16
deFryskAsycas, does the bios allow installing other osses ?02:16
Asycaskqj: it's frustrating.... it works on another laptop i tried installing on though02:16
thoreauputicmastertet: you don't need it for ext302:16
memcmemekickass, xine looks great :)02:16
memcmemewill it plug into firefox and mozilla?02:17
johnnybezakfirefox is about as stable as mental asylum atm02:17
Asycaskqj: i tried installing debian before, but then gave up because there was a problem with loadking xwindows. the os got installed, though, and i could run programs, etc02:17
mastertetthoreauputic, what should I put in option so regular user can access my /store partition?02:17
Gaarutothe best way it to install mozilla-mplayer pluggin02:17
Gaarutojust the plugin02:18
deFryskAsycas, get a more recent version of hoary burned and try again I would say :|02:18
Myrttijohnnybezak: :-o02:18
Asycaslol i just finished my hoary download today... but i'll check, cause i got it off bittorrent02:18
kqjAsycas: with xwindows you mean X ? the graphic server ?02:18
MyrttiI've not yet had it crashing even once02:19
thoreauputicmastertet: make it owned by a group, add users to the group02:19
deFryskAsycas, darn :S02:19
johnnybezakits soooo bad02:19
johnnybezakwhen i open a new tab02:19
johnnybezakcpu goes through the roof02:19
johnnybezakthen sometimes it just locks up02:19
Asycasumm yes - i was pretty i used the correct driver - i810, but SOMEHOW it could find any screens or something like that02:19
chickenmancan some one tell me how to install shockwave on firefox ??02:19
memcmemetype in shockwave in synaptic02:20
Asycasmaybe i should custom build my pcs instead of getting them from thos control freak pc manufacturers... >.<02:20
kqjAsycas: haven't you another graphic card to try the install ?02:20
Asycasi'd have to buy one ^^'02:20
flawd-afkanyone using cedega?02:20
thoreauputicmastertet: eg add a group called 'share", and add users to that group02:20
kqj(yes anyway compaq pcs usually quite sucks)02:20
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Asycasi'd call them 'idiot-proof' pcs - plug it in, yay it works!! but that's not good for pple like us who like to do other advanced stuff to them02:21
Myagycan anyone please tell me how can i set up a default route for a VPN tunnel ?( i want to route internet through a pptp tunnel )02:21
mastertetthoreauputic, is there an admin tool to do this in Ubuntu?02:22
=== Seveas [~Seveas@ow147.science.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasGood afternoon everyone02:23
thoreauputicmastertet: system config >> users and groups02:23
Asycaslol after seeing the nice brown ubuntu gui on another comp i installed on, windows gui looks yucky =P02:23
Seveaslol Asycas :)02:23
Asycasi feel childish on the xp gui ;)02:24
thoreauputicmastertet: you can then change properties on the directory by using the right click context menu02:24
SeveasThe XP gui is somewhat childish02:24
qballAsycas: teletubby land02:24
thoreauputicmastertet: on the dir itself02:24
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AsycasRIGHT :)02:24
deFryskchilish = retarded02:24
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deFrysk<Seveas> The XP gui is retarded02:25
Asycasmicrosoft tries to pamper you into believing windows is SAFE (note the oxymoron)02:25
deFryskthats better :)02:25
memcmemesweet it can play quicktime as well :)02:25
NormDhrm...I'm not sure I'd call it "teletubby" land...more like "Land Of The Raging Spyware"...: )02:25
membreyahrm ...top is saying swap is 0k total ...and doing a mount says there's no swap partition :|02:26
Asycaslol =P02:26
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thoreauputicNormD: Little Billy's Playground02:26
membreyaany ideas thoreauputic ?02:26
thoreauputicmembreya: umm - what does swapon -a do?02:27
chickenmani can't find any shockwave in the synaptic package manager :(02:27
Asycashehe... although they say windows is for beginners, i'd rather recommend linux for beginners, then at least if they mess up and download a virus, they won't get infected so easily02:27
Asycaswindows lulls you into a 'false sense of security'02:27
membreyamembreya@diab:~$ sudo swapon -a02:27
membreyaswapon: /dev/sda6: Device or resource busy02:27
SeveasAsycas: a system is as secure as it's weakest linl02:27
deFryskwindows lulls you into a 'false sense of sanity'02:27
membreyasda6 is a reiserfs partition02:27
Seveasin windows, the weakest link is a number of bugs, in linux it is the user02:28
chickenmanhelp please !!02:28
Asycaslol  that's kinda correct02:28
Seveasso for stupid users, maybe winxp is better :)02:28
membreyamaybe that's why I'm getting lockups :) my memory free says 12Mb :|02:28
thoreauputicmembreya: do you have gkrellm or a monitoring gui you can look at?02:28
=== ohgood [~oclv@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Asycasbut if you're not root in linux, there's only so much damage u can do...02:28
Seveastrue, Asycas02:28
NormDI would never have thought of any distro a couple years ago for 'beginners'...but now I'm considering either Ubuntu or Mepis for my 80+year-old aunt...02:28
Seveasbut someone who owns a computer wants to be root to :)02:29
membreyalike system monitor thoreauputic ?02:29
mastertetthoreauputic, I can't change permission since I'm root own the dir...02:29
thoreauputicmembreya: i don't think linux swap should be a file system as such - it shiold be type 8202:29
Asycashmm... i'd never let anyone who goes around using root all the time OWN a computer02:29
Seveasthoreauputic: you're right02:29
Seveasthe swap must have no filesystem02:29
chickenmancan some one help me i need shockwave on firefox or mozilla ?02:29
ohgoodWould anyone like to point me to the 'official' Documentation for installation of nvidia drivers for hoary ?02:30
membreyashould I use sda3 (my rootfs) as my swap as well ?02:30
SeveasAsycas: good point02:30
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thoreauputicmastertet: time for the command line and sudo then: look at the chmod and chown commands02:30
Seveasand that's why i love sudo :)02:30
AsycasYES =D02:30
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chickenmancan some one help me i need shockwave on firefox or mozilla ?02:30
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Asycaswell, since i don't think my problem can be solved anytime soon... i'll log off and play with my other ubuntu system now02:31
Asycassee ya02:31
petemcadd a marillat source and install flashplugin02:31
mastertetthoreauputic, got it, sudo nautilus --no-desktop :)02:31
PacoBCNnice to see last night's upgrade isue was solved02:31
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Seveaschickenman: maybe flashplayer-mozilla can handle shockwave too, but i'm not sure02:31
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deFryskand read02:32
Seveaschickenman: but you need to add a marillat repository for that one02:32
larsrohdinhow can i see what desktop resolution im using?02:32
deFrysksystem prefs sceenresolution02:32
scandiumlarsrohdin, "xdpyinfo | grep dimensions" should work02:32
farruinnlarsrohdin: System>Preferences>Screen resolution02:32
chickenmanna i got flashplayer installed still can't get shockwave \ marillat repository ??02:32
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larsrohdinscandium, worked. Thanks!02:33
membreyalooking at my dmesg, I have the error message of Unable to find swap-space signature02:33
ohgoodwhat does ubuntu use for screen resolution/adjustment ?02:33
thoreauputicmembreya: mkswap is the command to make a swap partition I think02:33
deFryskmkswap /dev/hdax02:34
deFryskthen swapon /dev/hdax02:34
deFryskI think02:34
thoreauputicdeFrysk: looks right02:35
deFryskold gentoo way hehe02:35
membreyathoreauputic: was just doing that ..am RTFM'ing :)02:35
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membreyadeFrysk: SATA ..it's dev/sdax :P02:35
thoreauputicmembreya: you notice I didn't have to tell you to do that ;-)02:35
deFryskmembreya, sdax it is hehe02:35
thoreauputicmembreya: a refreshing change ;)02:36
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membreyashould I need to reboot to activate the swap space?02:37
ohgoodmembreya, you typed 'swapon', it's on02:37
deFryskmembreya, swapon /dev/sdblah02:37
thoreauputicmembreya: no, just swapon02:37
ohgoodmembreya, check with 'free'         if it's done02:38
LinuxJonesI see the regulars are here AS USUAL !!02:38
membreyamembreya@diab:~$ sudo swapon /dev/sda602:38
membreyaswapon: /dev/sda6: Device or resource busy02:38
Myrttias usual02:38
Myrttillo LinuxJones02:38
membreyamaybe because it's the partition I store squid on ?02:38
thoreauputicLinuxJones: that's the definition, isn't it?02:38
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membreyalol thoreauputic :)02:38
ohgoodmembreya use mount , see if it's already mounted02:38
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LinuxJonesmaybe you guys just never leave :)02:39
Myrttino, we keep screen irssi on all the time02:39
farruinnLinuxJones: I haven't left since the last time you were on :)02:39
Myrttilive on coke and pizza02:39
farruinnMyrtti: aye02:39
LinuxJonesfarruinn, good man yourself :)02:39
NormDthoreauputic: sadly, I suspect we're in a refreshing lull now...while linuxes are close to "just working" goodness, and a bit before the hordes fleeing MS arrive...02:39
Myrttinever sleep02:39
thoreauputicLinuxJones: sleep is overrated ;)02:39
Gaarutolol Myrtti02:39
membreyaohgood: it's mounted as my /media/downloads directory02:39
MyrttiI'm too much a nerd to not know this stuff :-)02:40
thoreauputicNormD: you clearly weren't here yesterday ;-)02:40
ohgoodmembreya, this is something you want to check _befor_ killing a filesystem ;)02:40
kqjmembreya, you can't have a file system partition used as swap, nor the contrary, you must create a partition to be used as swap02:40
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, my old PC is too loud, to sleep with it on02:40
membreyaohgood: I've used the same partition before when I had it as a fat3202:40
=== membreya goes to fdisk -l
membreyaI have a feeling my fstab is outdated :P02:41
NormDthoreauputic: *laugh* how true...I was still fighting with my wireless card in ubuntu 5.01 and mepis...: )02:41
MyrttiLinuxJones: some of us have shell accounts on servers that reside perhaps in another city even :-)02:41
thoreauputicLinuxJones: heheh - i keep forgetting the xmms alarm is set for 7AM :)02:41
ohgoodmembreya, doesn't matter what it's been used as.02:41
membreyaaaaah /dev/sda5 not 6 :P02:41
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ohgoodmembreya, use fdisk -l             for re-familiarization with partitions02:41
membreyaohgood: :P02:41
membreyawoohooo! :D02:42
membreyafixed :)02:42
thoreauputicohgood: he's way ahead of you ;-)02:42
=== membreya edits his fstab
ohgoodwhat's with all the ':P" ? try to heelp someone.... mmm02:42
deFryskohgood, ;p02:42
membreyai like my tongue sticking out :|02:42
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thoreauputicohgood: he has a warped sense of humour - pay no attention ;-)02:42
membreyaif I could, I would do a ALT+0222 :)02:42
membreyanarcissistic bugger thoreauputic :P02:43
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Gaarutohi gilbs7202:43
Seveashello :D02:43
thoreauputicmembreya: I have a serious character disorder - that's why we understand each other :P02:44
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SeveasWelcome to the real world, it suck, you're gonna love it :)02:44
gilbs72<-- newbie  :)02:44
gilbs72hello everyone02:44
Gaarutolol Seveas02:44
membreyaouch .. I'm down to 6Mb of phsyical memory left .. I think I need to get another 512 :P thankfully with my swap though, I now have 256Mb available :)02:44
Seveas(c) Courteney Cox Arquette as Monica Geller in Friends :)02:44
gilbs72pardon the slow response. still trying to figure things out02:44
Gaarutowhere is it taken ?02:44
thoreauputicgilbs72: welcome, O traveller to the gates of HAdes!02:44
membreyathoreauputic: I prefer to think of linux as pergatory02:45
membreyapurgatory even02:45
membreyadamn ...4 hours sleep a night :()02:45
Seveasthat's a lot02:45
thoreauputicmembreya: I'm not a lapsed Catholic so I don't have a pergatory :P02:45
Gaarutoah yes ! Friends !!!02:46
NormD"gates of hades" ?  huh?  I thought Linux was the Promised Land! /parts to join #BillGatesNeverLandRanch...02:46
StarScreemmembreya: so whats heavan then...?02:46
gilbs72thanks for the welcome... will lurk in the shadows and see what new things i pick up02:46
thoreauputichmm..membreya's lousy spelling is rubbing off on me...02:46
thoreauputicgilbs72: beware - everything is very hot down here...02:46
membreyaheaven is linux fully configured and running everything how you want it to the point that you never need to configure anything ever again...the holy grail if you will02:46
=== Seveas has bought a 30-dvd box with all friends seasons last month
Seveasit's sooo much fun :)02:47
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pregoHow do I force nautilus to "recompute" a thumbnail for a pdf file?02:47
thoreauputicmembreya: what is your....favourite colour?02:47
membreyasome might say windows is heaven, they do say after all ..ignorance is bliss02:47
membreyathoreauputic: purple :D02:47
Seveasmembreya: windows is only blue sky02:47
Seveaslinux is heaven :)02:47
NormDmembreya:  never happen.  there's always security patching, and occasional gnome/kde eyecandy updates...02:48
haydeni've got a problem with firefox, when i try to dload something i push save but then the file doesnt download02:48
thoreauputicmembreya: 'tis folly to be wise....02:48
membreyaNormD: hence why I said, holy grail :)02:48
thoreauputichayden: bug in hoary firefox02:48
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haydenno way of fixing it easily?02:48
Seveashayden: bug is known, check the bugzilla to see if there are workarounds02:48
oclvHmm, how does one adjust Xorg stuffs in ubunutu ? Does it have a way of resizing/relocating screens ?02:49
haydenis there a download manager with a gui i can install02:49
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Seveasyes there is02:49
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Seveasbut i forgot the name :S02:49
farruinnfirefox downloads work for me...02:50
thoreauputichayden: yes, e.g. downloader for X02:50
ohgoodi'll assume it's a gnome-tool of some type02:50
Gaarutono ?02:50
thoreauputichayden: don't know the package name02:50
pregohayden, d4x would do. gwget2 probably also02:50
pregothoreauputic, is d4x, as Gaaruto says02:50
Seveashayden: try prozilla02:50
haydenhmm ok02:50
thoreauputicprego: yup, thanks02:51
Seveasit's not gui though...02:51
pregoSeveas, with no gui, wget is quite fine02:51
Seveaswget rocks :)02:52
Myrttiwget kicks ass02:52
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ohgoodno clues to screen adjustment with hoary ?02:52
flawd-afkis quakeforge available for ubuntu?02:52
Seveasohgood: sure, system -> preferences -> screen resolution (oslt)02:52
=== thoreauputic listens to the chorus of heavenly praise to wget
membreyahad another lockup :|02:52
Gaarutowget power *02:52
=== membreya loves wget
Seveasflawd-afk: i do not see it in synaptic...02:53
ohgoodSeveas: i'm looking for a way to resize and reposition..02:53
thoreauputicwhat about curl ?02:53
=== thoreauputic runs
Seveasah ok02:53
farruinnthoreauputic: I use curl02:53
flawd-afkSeveas, me neither02:53
Seveasohgood: edit your X config manually02:53
membreyaisn't that a winter olympic sport thoreauputic ?02:53
membreyaoh wait, that's curling02:53
flawd-afkIm so frustrated with cedega right now02:53
ohgoodSeveas: t adjust position ? :|02:53
flawd-afkit worked fine on mandrake02:53
flawd-afkon ubuntu it wont find the second cd02:54
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thoreauputicmembreya: yeah, with penguins shoving rocks along the ice ;)02:54
Seveasflawd-afk: run alien on the mandrake tgz and see if that works02:54
membreyacrack-attack time!02:54
flawd-afkill try that thanks02:54
=== ohgood really doesn't know how to offset positions with xorg.conf, never had to befor..
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jeetsenHi folks!02:55
haydenhow do i dload a file with curl02:55
farruinnhayden: curl url -o file02:55
farruinniirc, it's been a while02:56
shmoolikfor some resone i can't print with Evince02:56
Seveaswget url02:56
shmoolikhow can i check y .. ?02:56
=== thoreauputic decides memcmeme has either died and gone to Linux heaven, or is having second thoughts about the sanity of the channel
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ohgoodBAH! xvidtune to the rescue02:58
Seveaskacpid locks up my system02:58
pregoSeveas, sometimes, wget --passive url02:59
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haydenim trying to dload a file, but the address for it isnt straight forward it is ->http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/files.php?func=gd_downloadfile&gd_filename=starterbar-desklet-0.31.2.tar.bz2&gd_fileid=57703:00
haydenwould that url work with wget?03:00
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pregohayden, probably not, not sure though03:01
ohgoodthat's the index.html matey03:01
scandiumhayden, if it doesn't work because of ? etc. use " " around the whole url03:01
Tomcat_wget is good for most things...03:01
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Tomcat_Yeah scandium... the shell might take some stuff.03:01
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pregohayden, you might use epiphany, also03:01
esherhow to update to preview if i use 5.04 develop ?03:02
farruinnmaybe the firefox bug is x86 specific because I can certainly download on ppc...03:02
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farruinnesher: you are using the preview release =)03:02
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M_Fatihhi al.. i'm a gentoo user, i want to use ubuntu. i have questions, how can i contorl & add/remove my initscripts, how can i change runlevels this scripts..03:02
ohgoodhayden: works fine here, cp directly to your address bar in FF03:02
eshera ok, nice :)03:02
pregohayden, besides, it has worked for me with wget; wget "url you pasted"03:02
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haydenyep me too03:02
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LinHi all!03:02
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LinWhich package I have install  to allow Rhythmbox play mp3 files?03:03
farruinnM_Fatih: ubuntu doesn't really do the runlevel thing. IIRC runlevels 2-6 or something are identical03:03
farruinnLin: gstreamer0.8-mad from universe03:03
membreyatired of crack-attack now :)03:04
farruinnM_Fatih: I'll admit though, I know virtually nothing about runlevels03:04
farruinnprobably because I've always used some form of Debian ;)03:04
M_Fatihwhat do i do? use a gtk based runlevel tool?03:04
WZotLin: You should check this: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs :)03:04
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keffoLin, use xmms instead.. thats my opinion03:05
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thoreauputicM_Fatih: what do you want to do? debian runlevels are different03:05
LinSecond: I found a bug in S.O discovery in installation, my windows was found 2 times, giving a warning when trying to install lilo (normal users will be scared) . Grub didn't works very well anyway, it didn't erase my previos lilo version giving LI 9999999 error.03:05
LinWZot,  thank you, I will read.03:05
farruinnLin, keffo: beep-media-player is a nice gtk2 player based on xmms , you might like it03:05
Gaarutokeffo, i prefere amarok (but it need kdelib...)03:05
keffoohgood, ill check03:05
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M_Fatihthoreauputic, how? can you post a link for debian's runlevel management?03:06
Linkeffo, I'm just testing a plain user installation. Trying do deploy ubuntu in some companies.03:06
Linfabbione, there is in repositories?03:06
thoreauputicM_Fatih: just say what you are trying to do - runlevels may not be the answer at all03:06
farruinnLin: you have to have universe enabled, check out the ubuntuguide.org03:06
Linfabbione, ok.. universe is on..03:06
Linsorry.. farruinn  :-D03:07
fabbioneLin ?03:07
fabbioneah ok03:07
M_Fatihhmm. i want to add a initscript to runlevel 503:07
M_Fatihhow can i do it? or disable03:07
thoreauputicM_Fatih: manipulation of runlevels is hardly ever needed in debian03:07
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Linadd should be done with update-rc.d program03:07
WZotLin: ubuntuguide.org has a lot of information on what you need to get your system to be a multimedia computer :) Also tells you how to get stuff like Java etc working.03:07
thoreauputicM_Fatih: read about update-rc,d03:07
M_Fatihhah. i want to this... :)03:08
thoreauputicM_Fatih: scripts are in /etc/init.d03:08
LinM_Fatih, then.. do it! :-D03:08
M_Fatihi know03:08
thoreauputicM_Fatih: update-rc,d is easy to use03:08
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LinSomeone know about those errors above?03:08
M_Fatihok. i need this.. in gentoo i do it with rc-update..03:09
Lin(I'm using hoary testing installation)03:09
thoreauputicM_Fatih: similar, probably (I don't know gentoo)03:09
=== ohgood perks up
LinThere is another problem. After dpkg-reconfigure locales, and add my locales, when gnome started it says pt_BR locales didn't exist, rolling back to defaults POSIX/C.03:10
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thoreauputicLin, you have your languge pack installed?03:10
Linthoreauputic, only en-us..03:11
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Linthoreauputic, this is a new ubuntu package isn't it?03:11
thoreauputicLin, well, how will pt_BR show up if it isn't installed ?03:11
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thoreauputicLin, in hoary I believe, yes03:12
mdkedoes anyone know of an easy document which will help me set up procmail for use with evolution?03:12
Linthere is no language to pt_br03:12
mdkei don't know the first thing about email03:12
farruinnmdke: why do you need to use procmail with evolution?03:12
Linthere is only pt.. hmmm03:12
LinI will try03:12
mdkefarruinn, i am considering the possibility of subscribing to the wiki and there are a lot of emails coming in03:13
scizzomdke: if you use evolution you can do filters in the application03:13
mdkescizzo, yeah i do that currently03:13
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mdkescizzo, someone gave me a script for making stats out of the wiki subscription emails, and he said that I should use procmail03:13
LinAnother think, hoady didn't intall nvidia-glx drivers, but my video card is a nvidia driver, is this right?03:13
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scizzoLin: nvidia drivers are non-free03:14
scizzoLin: you need to install from universe... or something simular03:14
Linscizzo, ok, same policy as debian?03:14
scizzoLin: the Wiki has most answers....03:14
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Linscizzo, I will stop to ask and read right now. Thank you for all help!03:15
thoreauputicLin,  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto03:15
scizzoLin: might be good to check the wiki out anyway03:15
Linthoreauputic, It's already running, I just want to know why this is isn't installed by default! :-D03:15
mdkescizzo, do you have any suggestions for me, as I said I don't understand much about email03:16
memcmemeThese Nvidia drivers are outsanding03:16
memcmemeI am getting a better framerate in UT2k4 on the same hardware03:16
Linmemcmeme,  UT2k4 runs better in linux..03:16
thoreauputicmemcmeme: why weird?03:17
memcmemeyou would think with Direct 3d XP would have an advante but it doesn't03:17
shmoolikDAMN I love my UbuntuLinux http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4566/screenshot1cd.jpg03:17
shmoolikall though i can't print ps with it :)03:17
scizzomdke: read others that has setup procmail...the problem you have is that you might need to setup smtp, fetchmail and procmail03:18
LinUbuntu team made changes in synaptic? Cause it is amazing!03:18
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M_Fatihi love console apps, can you suggest package to install for my ubuntu?.. (ubuntu spesific tools)03:18
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mdkescizzo, :( sounds difficult03:18
scizzomdke: _but_ maybe evolution can filter all mails through procmail03:18
LinAnother tip, put pppoe support in instalattion :-) adsl user will love it.03:18
pregoshmoolik, why can't you print ps with it??03:18
kickrocksi just got 10 ubuntu install / live cd's in the mail03:18
kickrocksbill never did that03:18
scizzomdke: what I don't understand is that if you are only using evolution...then why can't you use the system they have for filters?03:18
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shmoolikprego,  i don't know03:19
thoreauputicM_Fatih: mostly similar to debian tools - apt-get, dpkg etc03:19
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shmooliknow i neeed to study i will find out latter03:19
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pregoshmoolik, did you try directly from command line? (lpr file.ps) or (lpr -Pprinter_name file.ps) ?03:19
shmoolikno .... i think i will try now03:19
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mdkescizzo, perhaps the problem is my lack of understanding how these systems work03:20
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scizzomdke: what exactly do you want to do?03:20
electricwheelsGood Morning all03:20
scizzomdke: maybe that would help a lot...03:20
thoreauputicshmoolik: awww! cute kitten! :D03:20
mdkescizzo, ok03:20
dwa_good morning electricwheels03:20
dwa_although it's 3pm here03:21
membreyathoreauputic: .. i have bad news for you buddy03:21
shmoolikbash: plr: command not found03:21
shmoolikprego,  look up03:21
smckayAnyone have info on running a Microtek scanner under Ubuntu?  Ive seen mention of a microtek kernel driver, but haven't found it.03:21
mdkescizzo, i access my email in a webinterface when at school, and with evolution at home, and I don't leave them on the remote server. I want to subscribe to the wiki, but I know that I will get hundreds of emails at a time, and really the only thing that interests me is to use the scripts that I have been given which can make stats out of the emails which arrive03:21
pregoshmoolik, lpr03:22
shmoolikdamn it works03:22
Myrttisubscribe to wiki?03:22
membreyathoreauputic: that kitten is from winxp :P03:22
electricwheelsI have a problem and I was wondering if anyone can help me?  I have installed Ubuntu with windows xp  and I can't get the bootloader to start windows.  It starts ubuntu no problem but with windows I get and error unknown operating system.03:22
shmoolikyeah my bad :))03:22
thoreauputicmembreya: oh?03:22
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shmoolikdamn man thanks!!!!!!03:22
pregoshmoolik, :-))03:22
mastertetWhen I plug my usbdisk, I get 2 popup windows (usbdisk and usbdisk-1). Only usbdisk-1 contains data. How can I solve this issue?03:22
thoreauputicmembreya: haha - I don't care - it's still cute :)03:22
ohgoodelectricwheels: your grub.conf is pointing to the wrong place. or other things03:22
dwa_is windows xp in your grub menu.lst electricwheels ?03:22
M_Fatihthanks all, i like ubuntu, i change my linux distro.. :) gentoo to ubuntu..03:22
mdkeM_Fatih, :)03:23
scizzomdke: ???????03:23
scizzomdke: stats out of e-mail?03:23
thoreauputicM_Fatih: welcome :)03:23
mastertetM_Fatih, me too, gentoo to ubuntu :)03:23
ohgoodanyone have a HOWTO for freevo installation ?03:23
scizzomdke: what stats?03:23
flawd-afktrying to compile quakeforge. says /lib/cpp fails sanity check03:23
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electricwheelswhen ubuntu installed itself is found windows and setup the loader and I haven't changed anything.03:23
mdkescizzo, the wiki subscriptions tell you who is doing what to which pages, and it makes stats out of that03:23
=== thoreauputic thinks Ubuntu is becoming a recovery clinic for gentoobies *g*
mdkeand vice versa03:24
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ohgoodelectricwheels: paste your grub.conf to pastebin03:24
ohgoodmenu.lst, whatever03:24
electricwheelshow do I go about that.03:24
scizzomdke: okej...look...what you can do is to filter them out into different folders if that is what you are looking for...03:24
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ohgoodelectricwheels: highlight it, and cp it to pastebin.com03:24
scizzomdke: if not...then I don't know what you are talking about and how you are actually thinking about all this03:25
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electricwheelswhere will i find the grub.conf03:25
mdkescizzo, ok don't worry03:25
ohgoodelectricwheels: in /boot/grub/03:25
scizzoelectricwheels: /boot/grub/03:25
mdkescizzo, sorry if I wasn't able to be clear03:25
electricwheelsthere is no grub.conf in the /boot/grub03:27
ohgoodmenu.lst then03:27
NetwrkMonkeymmm hmmm03:27
thoreauputicelectricwheels: menu.lst03:27
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dwa_who wants some coffee?03:28
electricwheelsthat is there03:28
optikahi all, perhaps someone will be able to help me (again). Just upgraded Warty -> Hoary, and I'm getting the following error dialogue when starting gnome-theme-manager:03:28
optika"The default theme schemas could not be found on your system.  This means that you probably don't have metacity installed, or that your gconf is configured incorrectly."03:28
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thoreauputicdwa_: yes, please :)03:28
membreyawow....just ran mutt...funky :P03:28
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optikaany suggestions? I've tried forcing a reinstall of gnome-themes, capplets, capplets-data and more.03:28
mdkeoh btw, does anyone use pop3 access with gmail? is it working ok?03:28
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thoreauputicmembreya: look at the man page under Bugs ;)03:29
membreyamdke: working fine for me03:29
dwa_thoreauputic : are you in holland?03:29
mdkemembreya, cool thanks03:29
membreyalol thoreauputic :P03:29
thoreauputicdwa_: New Holland - Australia - does that count ? *grin*03:29
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electricwheelscan give me the syntax for what it is that you want me to do with menu.lst and pastebin.com03:29
dwa_hehe.. :)03:30
membreyamdke: just sent myself a test email to gmail and it worked fine03:30
farruinnoptika: metacity is installed?03:30
ohgoodAnyone know a way to force installation of freevo, and it's deps ?03:30
mastertetSomeone knows how to solve the usbstick bug in hoary?03:30
optikafarruinn: indeed03:30
membreyausing thunderbird to get my 4 email accounts (one is local mail so it doesn't count :P)03:30
optikafarruinn: I've tried reinstalling it too03:30
farruinnoptika: then nuke your ~/.gconf03:30
mdkemembreya, ty03:30
optikaerk, k.03:30
=== optika tries
=== optika likes his .gconf :(
sunboyI'm using Kubuntu 5.04 LiveCD. At bootup it assigning an IP via DHCP (but this network uses static IPs). I was wondering where I could configure my network settings (IP, gateway, nameserver, etc)03:31
membreyaoptika: mv it to a different file name and see if it works03:31
ohgoodoptika: so just rename it for a trial03:31
membreyarather than nuking it :)03:31
optikarussell@zaebos ~ $ mv .gconf dot-gconf03:31
optika :) Umm, it does the same thing :(03:31
thoreauputicoptika: you logged out and in, right?03:32
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thoreauputicnot in that time...03:32
optikathoreauputic: I just killall'd gconfd-203:32
membreyarussell...zaebos...what sort of system / user names are those? :|03:32
LinDownloading 262 megs :-/ will lasts 2 hours :-(03:32
amiroffcan someone please advine a program to record what I listen to ?03:32
membreyaLin: 262..2 hours..ouch :(03:32
dwa_lin: about 10 mins. here :)03:32
thoreauputicoptika: OK :)03:32
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Lindwa_, can I borrow your net bandwith? ;-)03:33
ohgoodamiroff: do you mean streaming media ?03:33
optikamembreya: zaebos is a prince of hell, so named because my machine ended up getting the same IP address as a machine that used to be called lucifer (my machine naming scheme is "starts with z")03:33
optikamembreya: and russell is my name ;)03:33
dwa_sure Lin , just come here, bring your laptop03:33
thoreauputicheh - 262MB would take me nearly a day !03:33
dwa_and i'll give you a cup of coffee03:33
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Lindwa_, sure! where you live?03:33
dwa_the netherlands03:33
electricwheelsI'm sorry I have to take off right now.. I'll be back a little later bye for now and thank you for trying to help me.03:34
Lindwa_, Wow! Coffe! I will go right now!03:34
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membreyamachine...naming scheme :| when I had my p4 laptop .. i just called it diab-laptop ...guess I'm unimaginative03:34
dwa_were do you live Lin ?03:34
DexterFI consider switching distros, and tho I had debian in mind there's a bunch of nonos with debian.03:34
Lindwa_, near of you.. Brazil03:34
dwa_we'll come to brazil then :)03:35
membreyajust across antarctica :)03:35
amiroffohgood: yes, I'd like to record radios, while listening to them03:35
garrutdwa_ can i come too?03:35
dwa_sure garrut03:35
ohgoodamiroff: streamripper03:35
dwa_where do you live?03:35
DexterFso - is ubuntu just debian with some extra tools, can I just install debian packages on it, does it have the same dep tracking? or is it different altogether?03:35
Lindwa_, Coming to brazil, please contact me!03:35
garruti'm sitting next to you03:35
Lindwa_, I live in Rio de Janeiro03:35
thoreauputicamiroff: streamripper03:35
dwa_ok garrut03:35
dwa_let's get some coffee03:35
thoreauputicohgood: oops sorry ;)03:35
garrutgood idea03:35
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Lindwa_, are you coming to brazil?03:35
ohgoodthoreauputic: np (:03:36
Lindwa_, really?03:36
amiroffthoreauputic: already tried that, does not play simultaneously03:36
dwa_maybe some other day :)03:36
dwa_no Lin, the bank won't let me03:36
Lindwa_, ok! :-D03:36
farruinnoptika: oh, make sure you have gtk2-engines-clealooks installed maybe03:36
thoreauputicamiroff: it does - with streamtuner03:36
farruinnoptika: did you do a dist-upgrade?03:36
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thoreauputicamiroff: you can start it from streamtuner03:36
ohgoodamiroff: bandwidth is a crippling thing, for streaming media and ripping03:36
Lindwa_, here is hot! Very hot.. o my god.. I will die.. It's too hot. I can't live out of servers room! ;-D03:36
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dwa_hehe Lin03:37
dwa_it's pretty cold out here03:37
amiroffthoreauputic: now getting streamtuner :)03:37
thoreauputicamiroff: streamtuner is nice for shoutcast especially03:37
amiroffohgood: under windows, I just play winamp and record from What You Hear specified as input with Creative sound recorder03:38
Linback to the work! :-D dwa_ I can just imagine.. But I prefer cold than hot.03:38
thoreauputicamiroff: it has an index to the yellow pages03:38
ohgoodamiroff: sorry, don't remember many wincrap-apps. streamripper will do what you desire though.03:38
dwa_Lin me 2 :)03:38
thoreauputicohgood: streamripper is a nice app03:38
nmoorewill there be any ill effects if I remove some services from runlevels that are not used?03:38
amiroffohgood: I hope so :) thanks03:39
amiroffthoreauputic: getting excited already03:39
nmoorewhat i mean is services that i don't use from runlevels03:39
ohgoodaye thoreauputic, the tuner was an epiphany point for me too03:39
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optikafarruinn: yes, I did a dist-upgrade, but the CD I did it from was very broken :( so things are quite inconsistent :(03:40
optikafarruinn: seems clearlooks is installed03:40
farruinnwhat about ubuntu-desktop?03:41
optikait's installed and at latest version03:42
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goxyanybody help me make intel 536ep03:42
memcmemeHey guys, whats a good Linux P2P client that is Apt- get able?03:43
munkiwhat app. can I unrar rar (3.0 ver) files with ?03:43
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munkiunrar can't !03:43
ohgoodmunki: rar e filename.rar03:43
membreyamemcmeme: sudo apt-get install amule03:43
thoreauputicmunki: try unrar-nonfree from multiverse03:43
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farruinnoptika: have you installed any themes manually?03:44
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haydenhow can i make keyboard shortcut to windows+d that shows the desktop?03:44
memcmemewhat category will that apear under in the menu?03:44
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kotatsuhayden: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts03:47
kounavi_le_kokhello, i have recently installed ubuntu hoary on  my powerbook G4 (15",1G, alu), and though everything seems to work just fine, the sound is rather distorted and at a very low volume. Have you got any ideas about how to solve that or where to ask?03:47
kotatsuhayden: by default ctrl + alt + d shows the desktop03:47
haydenok thanks, ill just use that03:48
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kbittywhere is some great themes for ubuntu suse?03:49
amiroffthoreauputic: I just tried streamtuner but it uses xmms for playing, thus double bandwidth when recording :(03:49
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kbittylike there is for suse and other distrobutions03:49
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haydenkbitty: check www.gnome-look.org or www.kde-look.org03:49
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HavoKhi there03:50
thoreauputicamiroff: how much quality do you need? I'm on dialup and I rip and listen, but on lower quality streams03:50
flawd-afkanyone that uses cedega?03:50
thoreauputicamiroff: I guess it depends how picky you are about sound03:50
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amiroffthoreauputic: well, at least 96 kbs, it works great if I close xmms, but with  xmms also playing, no way, I have adsl 256k03:51
thoreauputicamiroff: yes, I guess abot 64k would be the limit for you03:52
amiroffthoreauputic: well, at least I've found a great app, it records directly to mp3 which I like very much03:52
thoreauputicamiroff: it also labels the mp3s , which is nice03:53
amiroffthoreauputic: thanks for your advice :) I really apreciate it03:53
thoreauputicamiroff: no worries :)03:53
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optikafarruinn: I've installed some manually, yes03:54
thoreauputicamiroff: BTW I found even whenthe playback goes, the ripping still seems to work OK03:54
amiroffthoreauputic: doesn't it depend on the bandwidth?03:55
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optikafarruinn: argh, I managed to nuke my old .gconf after all :-/03:55
thoreauputicamiroff: I assume the ripping takes precedence, in other words03:55
farruinnaplsin: it's possible those are causing problems...03:55
farruinnaplsin: sorry :(03:55
farruinnoop optika ^^^03:55
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thoreauputicamiroff: I got worried when it started to rebuffer on xmms, but the ripped track sounded fine03:55
optikahrm, which is evolution's nice new imap code? "IMAP" or "IMAP4rev1" ?03:55
amiroffthoreauputic: hey , I cannot believe it, it even records to different song  files! WOW!!!!!!03:56
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DarkGableare the howto doc on the website up to date... i've just install ubuntu... and i dont wanna have to do it again, because of out-dated doc  ??03:56
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robodexis it normal to have 15-20 updates to hoary a day?03:56
haydenrobodex, yea about that03:56
amiroffthoreauputic: I was so fed up cutting the 1 hour sets by hand on windows!!! this one really rules!03:56
kotatsuoptika: rev103:56
robodexrofl just making sure03:56
optikakotatsu: ta03:56
robodexI've got 32 updates today, after installing 200 yesterday...03:56
haydenrobodex, i installed hoary from the preview release iso, and i had to dload 175MB of updates03:57
kotatsurobodex: I have 129 updates and 5 new packages I'm installing atm =) it's been like this throughout hoary03:57
robodexjust making sure03:57
kotatsusurprisingly, my machine breaks less now than when I was using Debian sid03:57
robodexI'm just glad hoary has an update manager now03:57
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robodexhmm. now for a really good question. is evolution better than thunderbird as an email client?03:58
amiroffthoreauputic: I owe you some beer on a vacation to Istanbul man!03:58
kalisHmm! I cant add my CD repo again. "Another synaptic is running03:58
kalisThere is another synaptic running in interactive mode. Please close it first. "03:58
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kotatsurobodex: better in what way? it's a personal preference03:58
kalisand i have no other synaptic process running.03:58
kotatsurobodex: I prefer evo, I know people who prefer thunderbird03:58
flawd<amiroff> thoreauputic: I owe you some beer on a vacation to Istanbul man!03:58
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kotatsurobodex: I even ran balsa for a while... between thunderbird and balsa I'd use balsa, but I like evo more than either03:59
robodexwell I've never used evo so I uninstalled it, but I've used thunderbird on windoze since it was 0.103:59
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kotatsurobodex: evo is a PIM, thunderbird is just a mail reader03:59
robodexone thing I've found that's bad on thunderbird is the fact that if you get a LOT of spam it gets confused and filters stuff that isn't spam03:59
gfxstylerhi there03:59
robodexbut skips stuff that is03:59
=== dabi [~dabi@69.Red-83-39-119.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
gfxstylercan i install kde without any ... troubles ?03:59
kotatsurobodex: you have to train the filter - make sure you mark stuff as "not spam"03:59
Gaarutohi gfxstyler04:00
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Gaarutoyou can04:00
gfxstylerthanks :)04:00
niciqydoes Ubuntu comes with gcc?04:00
kotatsurobodex I don't get much spam but I know one person who uses both evo and thunderbird and *much* prefers thunderbird's spam filter04:00
gfxstylerwould be bad if i trash my ubuntu one day before holidays04:00
kotatsuniciqy: if you install it04:00
farruinnniciqy: of course :) sudo apt-get install build-essential will get  you going04:00
dabihmm i overclocked my cpu from 2800 to 3000 mhz and added more voltage and my ubuntu stop working... i restored it and now works fine.. w.t.h? i have goot cooler on it and should be fine..04:01
goxyanybody help me make work intel 536ep04:01
robodexkotatsu: I get well over 400 spams a day, so even with marking stuff as not spam I still get alot of stuff I shouldn't be getting04:01
kotatsudabi: that's overclocking for you04:01
thoreauputic_amiroff: sorry, cut off by ISP04:01
=== thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic
amiroffthoreauputic: np :)04:02
niciqywoohoo install now!!04:02
amiroffflawd: thanks :)04:02
dabikotatsu: ? well.. "overclocking" i only changed the bios settings..04:02
kotatsudabi: and?04:02
kotatsudabi: the whole point of running cpus at their recommended speed is stability04:02
thoreauputicamiroff: did you try a 64k stream?04:02
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HavoKi'm trying to use amarok with mysql, so i'm creating a database for it. But I can't log on because I don't know the password,, any idea/suggestion?04:02
gfxstylerand can i remove all gnome apps from ubuntu and swap them with kde apps ?04:02
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kotatsudabi: if you can squeeze a few extra MHz out great, but it's not unexpected that it makes your system unstable04:03
Lingfxstyler, ubuntu is build over gnome. You can install kde and run it anyway04:03
farruinngfxstyler: sounds like you could have used the kubuntu preview cd that just came out04:03
LinI really prefer Gnome interface04:04
LinKde has good applications, but the worse interface.04:04
gfxstylerfarruinn: yes i was somehow stupid :D04:04
farruinngfxstyler: not that, the timing was just bad :)04:05
niciqyis there a way to set my $PATH to the java folder instead of exporting PATH everytime i open a new terminal?? I tried adding the PATH into .bash_profile but it doesnt work!!04:05
gfxstylerfarruinn: i guess i keep gnome and kde both04:05
kotatsuniciqy: did you install java using java-package?04:05
niciqykotatsu: yes04:05
robodexarg... how can I import the gpg keys for the debian unstable rep?04:06
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amiroffthoreauputic: I am currently recording 128k stream without a hitch04:06
amiroffthoreauputic: and later adding all completed songs to my playlist, that is all I wanted04:06
kotatsuniciqy: it should just work - typing "java" at a prompt doesn't run it?04:06
thoreauputicamiroff: cool04:06
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kotatsuniciqy: or are you talking about an additional folder you want in your classpath?04:07
niciqykotatsu: no, i need to set the PATH to the folder i installed it to04:07
alex__how can i compile a kernel just like ubuntus standard kernel. the only change i have to do it patching the kernel with one patch. i need the same modules04:07
kotatsu$ type java04:07
kotatsujava is /usr/bin/java04:07
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gfxstylershould i install the ubuntu kde or install the official kde from their website ?04:08
amiroffthoreauputic: I thought it would record as one file and I would get the songs I don't want, that's why I wanted to be able to listen at the same time04:08
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kotatsuniciqy: unless you did something odd to your alternatives you should have a java symlink sitting in /usr/bin04:08
kbittyhow do i make python daemon mode/04:08
niciqykotatsu: its not in /usr/bin04:08
amiroffthoreauputic: but since it rips records to many songs, no problem :))04:09
brrrthello, i need help for downloading ubuntu with bittorrent on a debian woody machine (in the shell)04:09
thoreauputicamiroff: ah I see - but it's smart and finds the files and labels them!04:09
kotatsudpkg -l | grep sun - that reports that the j2sdk is installed?04:09
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niciqykotatsu: how do I add the folder into my classpath then?04:09
thoreauputicamiroff: all done by the cli streamripper - nice, isn't it?04:09
kotatsuor set $CLASSPATH04:10
kotatsunote that if you add it to ~/.bash_profile that's only for login shells... add it to ~/.bashrc if you want it everywhere (.bashrc is sourced by .bash_profile by default)04:11
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gfxstylersee you later04:11
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niciqykotatsu: I will try04:11
amiroffthoreauputic: well, I must say, this is one of my killer linux apps now !04:11
thoreauputicamiroff: yes, mine too :)04:12
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niciqykotatsu: yes, its workING!!!!!04:15
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kotatsuniciqy: cool04:16
electricwheelsGood morning again.04:16
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ohgoodhmm, had to upgrade first, but now apparently nvidia-patch works fine.. wonder if that was the only problem.04:16
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electricwheelsI'm back to see what I can get accomplished with my grub problem I still can't get grub to load my windows xp and when I had to leave I was being told to cp /boot/grub/menu.lst to pastebin.com can we please continue from there.04:18
ohgoodelectricwheels: did you past it somewhere ?04:18
electricwheelsno I haven't done that04:18
suifurany of you guys have any experience in setting up a WG511 Netgear wireless card (prism54 chipset)? I've never set up wireless on linux in my life, and I'm terrible w/ it in Windows. I'm doing it in Ubuntu and the card was detected but I can't seem to get it to assign itself its own dhcp and when I set it static i still get nothing as far as a connection. I've taken off WEP/WPA for now to see if I can even just get the laptop to connect but still no04:18
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ohgoodelectricwheels: paste it to pastebin, then we can help04:19
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bretzelHi there :-) -- mmm reading here about nvidia but I logged late, is there a fix for that kernel in the ubuntu preview ?04:19
electricwheelsso I go to a terminal and do the command cp menu.lst pastebin.com ?04:19
membreyasuifur: set your SSID?04:19
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ohgoodelectricwheels: no.04:19
suifurmembreya: yup, the network has been working with another laptop already and now I want to add this one04:20
dirk_arhg what a bad distro04:20
ohgoodelectricwheels: cp /boot/grub/menu.lst ~/                 then open it with a text editor, and cp the contents to pastebin04:20
suifurdirk_: we don't need any trolls here04:20
dwa_why dirk_ ?04:20
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=== ohgood ignores the idiot...
yongjianok, has anybody have problem on they display resolution after upgrade from yesterday? Mine was on 1600x1200 and now, it can only up to 1280x1024. This is really pissing me off04:20
yongjianPlease help04:20
dirk_no I know, but  loggin in is know a trouble04:20
dirk_know = now04:21
kotatsuyongjian: using hoary or warty?04:21
dirk_pfff hoary i think04:21
nmooreyongjian: there's a tool in gnome for resolution, or you might need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:21
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thoreauputicdirk_:  cat /etc/issue04:21
yongjianI did04:21
kotatsuyongjian: can you provide a link to your Xorg log and config file?04:21
yongjianUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Development Branch \n \l04:21
dirk_? thoreauputic04:22
=== msh_ is away; work :<
yongjianya, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2042504:22
membreyadirk_: /cat /proc/version :P04:22
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thoreauputicdirk_: that command will say whether you have warty or hoary04:22
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yongjianI posted on ubuntu forum but nobody seems to know anything04:22
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dirk_inux version 2.6.10-4-386 (buildd@mcmurdo) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8 ubuntu2)) #1 Thu Mar 10 03:25:00 GMT 200504:23
yongjianLinux version 2.6.10-4-386 (buildd@mcmurdo) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8ubuntu2)) #1 Sat Mar 12 11:09:25 GMT 200504:23
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garrutis 1600x1200 in your x.org yongjian?04:23
thoreauputicmembreya: who's the sadist now?04:23
dirk_the only thing i like is x.orhg04:23
thoreauputicdirk_: well, then install linspire04:24
kotatsuyongjian: the xorg.conf file you posted to that thread only goes up to 1280x102404:24
dirk_nope, too much resources04:24
yongjianhaha...well I like ubuntu so I will try to fix it04:24
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ohgoodwb electricwheels04:24
dwa_what is it you don't like then dirk_ ?04:24
M_Fatih1600x1200.. huh.. :)04:24
thoreauputicdirk_: we're getting the impression you're low on resources, indeed04:24
yongjianyou should see that virtual size 1600x120004:25
ohgoodthoreauputic: lol - again :)04:25
dirk_not impressed of loggin in as root, when you're a user04:25
ohgoodelectricwheels: got it pasted somewhere ?04:25
kotatsudirk_: whatcha mean? sudo?04:25
thoreauputicdirk_: you should *never* login as root  - you should use sudo or sudo -s04:26
ohgooddirk_: i thought it was odd there was no root passwd setup during install, it's not hard to fix though ;)04:26
dirk_yeah or loggin in Konsole as root04:26
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Jesteracehas anyone built e17 on ubuntu?04:26
dirk_loggin in as root is stupid04:26
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thoreauputicdirk_: really done your homework, haven't you?04:26
dirk_not with ubuntu04:26
dwa_Jesterace i did04:26
dwa_i used .debs04:27
thoreauputicdirk_: obviously read the FAQ and all the install screens...04:27
dirk_that's the reason i going back to sid04:27
ohgooddirk_: what's wrong with logging in as root?04:27
suifurmembreya: http://pastebin.ca/7700  <--- there's what that section of my /etc/network/interfaces looks like04:27
yongjian               Modes           "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"04:27
electricwheelsI have it save in file in my home folder04:27
yongjianThis setting is in the xorg.conf file04:27
kotatsuyongjian: that's different from your xorg file from the thread you linked04:27
ohgoodelectricwheels: ok, open it with an editor, or your filer, and paste the contents to pastbin.com04:27
yongjianthat is the Xorg.0.log file04:27
=== thoreauputic just *loves* people who criticise from a position of abysmal ignorance
membreyasuifur: any particular reason you have the channel #'d out?04:28
=== ohgood high fives thoreauputic
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suifurmembreya: no not really04:28
membreyathoreauputic: but thats the basis of all religion :P04:28
membreyasuifur: uncomment it and make sure it's set to the correct channel04:28
thoreauputicmembreya: not mine :)04:28
dirk_the prob is that it not handles like debian04:28
suifurmembreya: ok, it's done, gonna try and start it04:28
membreyaworshiping yourself does not count as a religion thoreauputic04:29
kotatsudirk_: so? just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad04:29
thoreauputicdirk_: then install debian, idiot04:29
kotatsudirk_: enable root if you need it (took me 2 seconds)04:29
SandBenderhas anyone had crash issues when using hoary with the linuxant drivers?04:29
dirk_for you maybe04:29
ohgoodelectricwheels: maybe you're having trouble, here's a sample of mine: http://www.pastebin.com/259697   notice the examples of wincrap boot titles04:29
Jesteraceman i love bluecurve04:29
kotatsudirk_: ubuntu is debian, just configured for normal people to use out of the box04:29
SandBenderdriverwrapper rather04:29
kotatsudirk_: you can always change settings later04:29
Jesteracehehe my ubuntu almost looks like fedora heh04:30
membreyawant a real headache dirk_ ...try gentoo04:30
ohgoodJesterace: lol, the kernel, or what ? hmm04:30
deFryskJesterace, geez04:30
suifurmembreya: still nothing04:30
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Jesteraceohgood, naw i have the bluecurve metacity theme :P04:30
membreyaheathen Jesterace04:30
deFryskJesterace,  now make it boot as slow as fedora04:30
membreyasuifur: how are you bringing the interface up and down ?04:30
kotatsudirk_: so what are you trying to change, exactly? just want to have the root account active? or login to gnome as root? what?04:30
thoreauputicmembreya: your comment on my religion - umm - I will take as light hearted...04:30
ohgoodJesterace: gui sstuffs don't count, i can make my gentoo 'look like' wincrap Longhorn if i wish ;)04:30
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membreyathoreauputic: it was very much light hearted and I intended no offence :)04:31
suifurwell i was using the network-admin tool, and I have also been trying ifup eth0 and ifdown eth004:31
conneryongjian: are those modes listed in the "Depth" section that corresponds to the depth you're using?04:31
thoreauputicmembreya: OK no worries :)04:31
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ohgoodelectricwheels: that help any ?04:31
vaijr2002hi ho everyone04:32
vaijr2002quick question04:32
ohgoodslow answer ;)04:32
Jesteracehehe and i could make xp look like gnome if i wanted to :P04:32
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thoreauputicohgood: haha04:32
fr500hello, i'm doing a script to restore something from the previous day, how do i get yesterday's date?04:32
vaijr2002to mount a partition....i make the directory, and then mount it, then edit fstab to make sure its there?04:32
ohgoodJesterace: but that's no fun, and less productive ;)04:32
electricwheelsI'm not sure as to how I'm supposed to paste my file to pastebin.com that part I'm confused about.04:32
kotatsufr500: $ man date04:32
alex__how can i compile a kernel just like ubuntus standard kernel. the only change i have to do it patching the kernel with one patch. i need the same modules04:32
membreyasuifur: what does dmesg say?04:33
ohgoodvaijr2002: don't go editing fstab while it's mounted, thought we coverd this ;)04:33
kotatsufr500: I'm not sure on the exact syntax you're looking for though... you can format it in a lot of different ways04:33
Jesteracejust got a crap load of ubuntu discs in the mail04:33
dirk_is sudo really safe?04:33
Echylo192 updates04:33
ohgoodelectricwheels: don't worry, just look at mine:  http://www.pastebin.com/25969704:33
Echyloare they getting crazy :p04:33
membreyabeen off the net for a while Echylo ? :)04:33
vaijr2002so make the dir like mkdir /mnt       /windows?04:33
membreyaEchylo: array7 :)04:33
Echyloow :)04:34
ohgoodvaijr2002: i like to mount stuffs to /mnt/      so i always know where they are... and they're farther from /04:34
Echyloyea been off 2 days04:34
Jesteracei have like 5 official ubuntu x86 discs :P04:34
CarlK_is the rsync server having trouble?04:34
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yongjianok the last two posts are mine. I've got my Xorg.0.log file and xorg.conf file all there. Here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=98577#post9857704:34
vaijr2002so that was right04:34
suifurmembreya: it says "eth0: mgmt tx queue is still full" over and over04:34
robodexanyone know how to get compositing working in xfce? I compiled it with the compositor, but it's not working, even with compositing enabled in my xorg.conf04:34
fr500kotatsu, i have this command: cat /tmp/filename_$(date +%m-%d-%Y)04:34
CarlK_I am not getting any responce with $ rsync -avP cdimage.ubuntulinux.org::cdimage/daily-live/current/hoary-live-i386.iso ./hoary-live-i386.iso04:34
vaijr2002mkdir /mnt /windows04:34
robodex(I'm running hoary)04:34
niciqyI am using virtual PC to run my Ubuntu, is there anyway to mount one of my NTFS to Ubuntu so I can share file between windows and linux?04:34
fr500kotatsu, i need yesterday's date instead04:34
ohgoodvaijr2002: no04:34
ohgoodvaijr2002: you aren't thinking in full paths04:34
ohgoodvaijr2002: if you mkdir /mnt/         it will err04:35
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Mitariohi everyone04:35
ohgoodvaijr2002: you HAVE TO use FULL PATHS when making dir's... ie     mkdir /mnt/whatever04:35
dirk_hallo Mitario04:35
Mitariois it possible to install ubuntu on an external usb-ide disk?04:35
dirk_als het boot van usb wel04:35
vaijr2002so mkdir /mnt/windows?04:35
selinium_thoreauputic: hi there again! wht is the -s flag for in the sudo thang?04:35
ohgoodvaijr2002: now you're getting it04:36
Mitariodirk_ engels ;-)04:36
vaijr2002then mount the partition to that dir04:36
ohgoodvaijr2002: i you choose04:36
dirk_yeah what ever04:36
Mitarioi have a q-tech usb-ide thingy, but the installer did not recognize it04:36
Mitariowhat modules do i need to load?04:36
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vaijr2002like mount /dev/hdb /mnt/windows?04:36
dirk_tried debian?04:36
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ohgoodvaijr2002: NO!04:37
kotatsuyongjian: your refresh and sync values look low... my home panel runs at 60/8104:37
Mitariodirk_ for what?04:37
yongjianconner: that's actually the problem. The mode is starting from 1600x1200 but I can only get that size which bigger than my screen04:37
gfxstylerall apps look weird with kde, why is this ?04:37
ohgoodvaijr2002: you have to start understanding PARTITIONS nad MOUNTPOINTS04:37
kotatsuyongjian: try commenting out the "horizsync" and "vertrefresh" lines and restarting X04:37
ohgoodvaijr2002: mounting a device to a partition is your misconceptiong04:37
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yongjiankotatsu: well that's dpkg-reconfigure figured out04:37
kotatsuyongjian: comment 'em out =)04:37
yongjianTried, it gives me 640x48004:37
kotatsuyongjian: oh04:38
Tuxicityniciqy, u can read NTFS in Linux, but you cant write to it04:38
kotatsuwell then raise the upper limits04:38
ohgoodvaijr2002: we've been over this for 2 weeks, either start taking notes (GET A NOTEBOOK) or giveup :)04:38
vaijr2002ok so its mount /hdb /mnt/windows?04:38
kotatsuyongjian: probably on your horizsync04:38
thoreauputicselinium_: sorry, afk04:38
yongjiankotatsu: what size of your monitor?04:38
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vaijr2002grrr why cant i just say mount /hdb /mnt/windows04:38
ohgoodvaijr2002: i've told you, more than needed.. now start taking notes.04:38
membreyasuifur: you speak german ? :)04:39
yongjianI was able to go to 1600x1200. I have 2001FP04:39
LinuxJonesgfxstyler, maybe your fonts need adjusting or a new theme maybe ?04:39
CarlK_you can write to ntfs with captive-ntfs, just not wiht the linux-ntfs code04:39
thoreauputicselinium_: the -s flag in sudo gives you a root shell with your usual environment, path etc04:39
niciqyTuxicity: so it impossible to share file between windows and linux??04:39
Xappevaijr2002, /devhdb04:39
electricwheelsin your example it has rootnoverify and In mine it just has root04:39
Xappevaijr2002, /dev/hdb04:39
electricwheelsdoes that make a difference04:39
ohgoodelectricwheels: yes, it should04:39
kotatsuyongjian: yes, try raising your horizsync to see if it lets you get that res back04:39
Tuxicityniciqy, no sorry, CarlK_ is right, you can use Captive-NTFS04:39
thoreauputicniciqy: you can share files04:39
robodexanyone know how to get compositing working in xfce? I compiled it with the compositor, but it's not working, even with compositing enabled in my xorg.conf04:40
ohgoodelectricwheels: you need to make sure it's pointing to the correct partition, also.04:40
yongjianok, then what should I put in?04:40
optikaTuxicity, niciqy: the other way to do it (since you're using vmware) is to share the folder out on your windows box, and connect to it using the linux virtual machine.04:40
ohgoodvaijr2002: where is your notebook ?04:40
electricwheelsas far as I know it is hd0,004:40
yongjiankotatsu: Like what you have?04:40
vaijr2002is there a partitiion manager in ubuntu04:40
vaijr2002i dont kow04:40
ohgoodelectricwheels: that would be harddrive 0, partition 104:40
yongjian60-81, do you think that would do? I can try that04:40
ohgoodvaijr2002: where is your notebook ?04:41
kotatsuyongjian: actually here's the problem: (WW) (1600x1200,DELL 2001FP) mode clock 160.833MHz exceeds DDC maximum 160MHz04:41
electricwheelsI'll give you the error that I get when I try to start windows from the loader04:41
ohgoodvaijr2002: you have a learning problem. write things down to help you.04:41
vaijr2002ok got one open04:41
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vaijr2002i am04:41
kotatsujust try upping your horizsync limit to like 90 or something04:41
kotatsuthen restart X04:41
kotatsunot sure if that'll make a difference, I'm not a display guru04:41
vaijr2002so i mkdir /mnt /windows ?04:41
selinium_thoreauputic: cheers fot that!04:41
niciqyoptika: sorry i didnt get it. Linux is in the virtual PC, windows is what I am using. I got no idea how to share04:41
ohgoodvaijr2002: mount /dev/hda* /mnt/DATA           with * being hte partition number, and /mnt/DATA the mount opint you've createed already04:41
kotatsubut that line I pasted above is your problem04:41
_Demian_vaijr2002, http://ubuntuguide.org/#qtparted04:42
ohgoodvaijr2002: this is the end of the mount lesson.04:42
HcEHow can I change desktops with the wheel on my mouse in Gnome?04:42
HcEshould I set something up?04:42
yongjiankotatsu: ok but I will give it a try.04:42
kotatsuI don't know if upping the horizsync increases your video card frequency04:42
thoreauputicHcE: you can't04:42
electricwheelsroot  (hd0,0)     filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7  savedefault   makeactive   chainloader +104:42
optikaniciqy: first, you need to make sure that networking between the virtual pc and the windows install is working04:42
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optikaniciqy: then, share out the folder from your windows box as you normally would04:42
HcEthoreauputic: ah, so broken... :( I was giving a shot converting from Openbox04:42
optikaniciqy: then, connect to it from the linux virtual pc.04:42
ohgoodelectricwheels: as root, do: fdisk -l           and see if you are pointing to the correct partition04:42
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garrutHcE, just hold your mousepointer over the workspace switcher and scroll04:42
yongjiankotatsu, I will try that and will be right back04:43
thoreauputicHcE: i wish you could too - I use it in fluxbox04:43
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Xappehmm, why do I get "NOT AUTHENTICATED" in synaptic when trying to do a regular dist-upgrade? haven't happened since december at least...04:43
niciqyoptika: and how do I connect from linux?04:43
ohgoodelectricwheels: so you want your xp partition, that is /dev/hda1, right ?04:43
thoreauputicgarrut: doesn't seem to work on warty ?04:43
vaijr2002ok gonna go read a bit04:43
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optikaniciqy: as you would connect to any normal smb share.04:43
vaijr2002ohgood ya gonna stick with ubuntu?04:43
garrutoh, i've got hoary, it works here04:43
optikaniciqy: Umm, you probably need to install samba.04:43
ohgoodvaijr2002: till i get the hang of things, then tar up root, and get back to work04:44
kotatsuniciqy: install smbfs and mount it, or browse to smb://(computer) in samba04:44
vaijr2002so ya going back to gentoo?04:44
[FiDO] can anyone help me with a dvd problem with hoary04:44
thoreauputicgarrut: ah, good to know for when I upgrade04:44
electricwheelsthat is what is being told to me from the fdisk -l my windows boot partition is hda104:44
ohgoodvaijr2002: i never left gentoo, suse, or debian04:44
vaijr2002lol ok04:44
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vaijr2002so i can use .deb packages with ubuntu?04:44
ohgoodelectricwheels: ok, so i'll message you a typical setup...04:45
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[FiDO] i can play dvds but for some reason they run choppy04:45
electricwheelsok thankls04:45
[FiDO] I think I have all the necessary packages installed04:45
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niciqykotatsu: and where i get smbfs??04:45
HcEgarrut: my mouse wheel dosn't work like that there, maybe I need to set an option somewhere?04:45
LinuxJones[FiDO] , maybe DMA is not set on your DVD/CD drive ?04:45
kotatsu$ apt-get install smbfs04:45
[FiDO] how do I fix that04:45
ohgoodelectricwheels: that should be all you need04:45
thoreauputicvaijr2002: just use ubuntu debs - else things can break04:46
kotatsu[FiDO] : does sudo hdparm /dev/(cdrom drive) report DMA as on?04:46
vaijr2002brb gonna go mess up my partition table lol04:46
[FiDO] I'll try that thanks04:46
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kotatsuyongjian: any luck?04:46
electricwheelsthanks I'll give that try and see what happens and get back to you and let you know ... thanks ever so much for the help//04:46
ohgoodvaijr2002: you're going to cockup if you start with parted04:46
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thoreauputicHcE: are you using hoary?04:46
LinuxJones[FiDO] , you can check by running sudo hdparm /dev/hdx (replace x with the device pointed to in ls -al /dev/cdrom)04:46
ohgoodvaijr2002: use your notes, mount stuffs normally. it's _easy_04:47
yongjiankotatsu, I changed to 90 and no luck. still the same04:47
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kotatsuyongjian: is your monitor supposed to run at 60 or 75 hz?04:47
yongjiankotatsu: now i am thinking if the xorg is having problem04:47
HcEthoreauputic: Warty04:47
Smiler_anyone know where the #evolution channel is hosted?04:47
thoreauputicHcE: garrut is on hoary04:47
thoreauputicHcE: sounds like a new thing04:47
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yongjianI am not sure, I could not find TECH spec for the DELL 2001FP for the official support refresh rate04:48
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kotatsuyongjian: many panels are supposed to run at 60, you might lower your vertical refresh04:48
yongjianI just did dpkg-reconfigure and it detected for me04:48
sabmocI would like to write a quick how-to for changing the default mouse cursor for xorg/ubuntu how can I find out if the wiki already has one, or if not, where should I put it?04:48
niciqykotatsu: okie i installed it, then??04:48
kotatsuor try disabling DDC (Option "NoDDC" "true")04:48
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kotatsuniciqy: just mount it as normal using the mount command: $ mount -t smbfs //computer/share /path/to/mount/dir04:49
yongjiankotatsu: where should add that Option?04:49
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DyGyTyLthere is one already..been reading through xorg docs all morning and still haven't been able to find my prob:P04:49
kotatsuyongjian: under your device section04:49
yongjianok, let me try04:49
wnaLinuxdoes anyone in here know how to change the default window manager from gdm to fvwm04:49
ohgoodwnaLinux: gdm is the login manager04:50
thoreauputicwnaLinux: the window manager is metacity, actually04:50
ohgoodwnaLinux: you can change WM's from gdm, if you like04:50
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yongjiankotatsu: ok I just added. I will restart X again and see how that works and then see if we have to adjust the vertical refresh04:50
wnaLinuxso how do I change it from metacity to fvwm04:50
LinuxJones[FiDO] , it's not set by default probably because your cdrom device is not recognized before hdparm settings are applied04:50
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thoreauputicohgood: he might want to change the underlying wm for gnome?04:51
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ohgoodwnaLinux: if you want to use fvwm exclusively, (no gnome) then just login to fvwm, from gdm04:51
yongjiankotatsu: It is just weird, it was working before... :((04:51
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ohgoodthoreauputic: agreed, unspecified04:51
thoreauputicwnaLinux: you want it under gnome?04:51
inphlictI installed mplayer using this guide04:51
inphlicthow can i remove mplayer?04:51
ohgoodwnaLinux: disreguard my post04:51
LinuxJones[FiDO] , :)04:51
deFryskapt-get remove mplayer04:51
Jesteraceheh grumpygroundhog04:52
Jesteraceany of that work yet? :P04:52
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Echyloare the ubuntu servers slow?04:52
wnaLinuxso how do I change it from metacity to fvwm04:52
wnaLinuxunder gnome04:52
deFryskEchylo, not realy no04:52
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inphlictdeFrysk: that doesn't remove it04:52
LinuxJonesHi Jesterace04:52
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thoreauputicwnaLinux: not sure how that's done - possibly gnome-session-properties04:52
inphlictit says the package is not insatlled04:52
Jesteracelo LinuxJones04:52
Jesteraceheh i got tons of ubuntu pressed cds in the mail today :P04:53
deFryskapt-get remove mplayer-<arch>04:53
inphlictI followed the guide so it did some custom crap04:53
thoreauputicwnaLinux: but that's a guess, frankly04:53
inphlictI get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'"04:53
inphlictwith the command u gave me04:53
deFryskinphlict, geez you compiled it04:54
inphlictyes I did04:54
ohgoodwhy ?04:54
inphlicti'm a noob04:54
kotatsuyongjian: not sure what else to tell you =\ hopefully someone will respond to your post with the answer04:54
inphlictI wanted to try it04:54
deFrysknoobs dont compile04:54
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inphlictI followed that guide and compiled it04:54
kotatsuyongjian: display settings are really hard to troubleshoot without being in front of the screen, sometimes04:54
inphlicthow can I remove it?04:54
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wnaLinuxso uhh you dont know how to do it?04:55
inphlictnope :(04:55
thoreauputicinphlict: there is sometimes a "make uninstall" script in the build directory04:55
inphlictI'm very new to linux04:55
inphlictlet me check04:55
thoreauputicwnaLinux: I don't, no - someone does for sure - have you googled ?04:55
deFryskinphlict, go to the folders where you installed it from and do make uninstall blah04:56
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deFryskinphlict, and hope for the best04:56
inphlicthow do I do make uninstall?04:56
inphlictand why hope for the best?04:56
deFrysksudo make uninstall04:56
deFryskinphlict, success is not guaranteed04:57
thoreauputicinphlict: because such a script is not always included04:57
ellsanyone know the difference between hoary ubuntu and kubuntu hoary, just curious04:57
ohgoodhmm, hoary mplayer howto's anyone ?04:57
malte`ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses kde04:57
deFryskohgood wikipages restricted formats04:57
thoreauputicells: kubuntu has kde as a base04:57
ellsmalte' thanks04:57
ellsthoreauputic, thanks04:57
Tuxicityells, explained kubuntu.org.uk FAQ04:57
ohgooddeFrysk: come again ?04:57
[FiDO] LinuxJones: I changed the hdparm.conf file to enable dma04:57
ellsTuxicity, thanks04:57
ellshas anyone ever had to use the debian irc line04:58
[FiDO] that should make it so it will be automatically enabled at boot right04:58
ellsthose folks are like ultra rude04:58
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inphlictI get make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.04:58
LinuxJones[FiDO] , ok you should be fine now :)04:58
malte`they go like "RTFM" every time04:58
niciqydoes Ubuntu has gvim?04:58
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thoreauputicells: heh - thay have a reputation ;)04:58
[FiDO] thanks dude04:58
LinuxJones[FiDO] , :)04:58
Seveasniciqy, gtkvim04:58
ellsthoreauputic, I almost had to curse one jerk off out04:59
ohgooddeFrysk: oh, ty sir, missed that link at first04:59
ellsI have debian on my desktop and ubuntu on my laptop04:59
Seveasniciqy, apt-get install vim-gtk :)04:59
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yongjiankotatsu: YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!04:59
thoreauputicells: good place to lurk, but don't mention ubuntu04:59
deFryskyongjian, no i am ;p04:59
LinuxJonesells, stay in #ubuntu a better class of people reside here :)04:59
yongjianIt is the DDC stuff that caused this problem04:59
thoreauputicells: some of them are very knowledgable04:59
ellsthoreauputic, tell me bout it, i mention that I have ubuntu on my laptop and that my wireless would not work on debian and they freaked out05:00
yongjianwell, whoever figured might be the "DDC" issue is rock05:00
ellsI agree that ubuntu are better folks05:00
kotatsuyongjian: it's working now?05:00
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thoreauputicells: but some of them are...er..immature05:00
yongjiankotatsu: YES. It is back to 1600x120005:00
yongjianThe DDC is the killer05:00
deFryskells its the irc way of talking05:00
Seveasells, is your wireless working already?05:00
robodexanyone know how to get compositing working in xfce? I compiled it with the compositor, but it's not working, even with compositing enabled in my xorg.conf05:00
kotatsuyongjian: awesome hehe, I've had problems with DDC myself in the past, although they seem to have gone away now05:00
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thoreauputicells: well, stick with #ubuntu05:00
deFryskells, get used to it05:00
ellsthoreauputic, I agree, one guy is from Australia and has to be like 12 years old05:00
ellsdeFrysk, should not have to05:01
yongjiankotatsu: This is a bug05:01
ellsdeFrysk, we are trying to spread linux05:01
thoreauputicells: heh - i'm from Australia too :)05:01
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CarlK_can someone try the rsync command for "Or, for live CD" on https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GettingUbuntu - I am getting errors05:01
LinuxJonesells, there are alot of good people there but a few elitist man-page-memorizing-zobies with big egos will let you know how great they are :)05:01
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niciqy Seveas: apt-get install vim-gtk :) == error05:01
ellsthoreauputic, nothing personal, he was just immature05:01
thoreauputicells: I know :)05:01
ellsLinuxJones, I agree05:01
Seveasniciqy, don't copy the smily05:01
deFryskells, agree but we are also volunteers here and sometimes need to blow off some irc steam05:01
Seveasapt-get install vim-gtk05:01
robodextoo many updates aaaaaa! I just updated and already I have 9 more packages to update05:01
yongjianI got a while to confim it is the DDC issue cause I commented out something else but later I figured out that is the issue05:01
ellsLinuxJones, One guy was rude and said he was trying to help05:01
ellsLinuxJones, I told him, really, how so05:02
yongjiankotatsu: Thank you so much for helping!05:02
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kotatsuyongjian: you're welcome, glad it's working for ya now05:02
yongjianIt is much better now...05:02
ellsdeFrysk, ,agreed, but this is a community of friends, or it should be05:02
thoreauputicells: forget #debian, we all know what it's like: it makes an amusing spectator blood sport05:02
LinuxJonesells, I stopped going into that channel like 2 years ago because of that foolishness05:02
kotatsuthoreauputic: want to hold hands and skip, friend?05:03
ellsthoreauputic: I agree, if ubuntu would work on my desktop it would be onhere05:03
inphlictI did it!05:03
deFryskells, again its irc culture05:03
LinuxJonesells, what's wrong ?05:03
ellsthoreauputic: something to do with the framebuffer05:03
niciqy Seveas: no such package. its change to vim-gnome vim05:03
ellsLinuxJones, locks up at begin install05:03
ellsLinuxJones, Sis chipset05:03
ellson board video,  yaknow05:03
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thoreauputickotatsu: I'm not really thehand holding type - more the tree hugging type ;-)05:03
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=== ohgood gets confused with apt/synaptic stuffs for installing something as simple as mplayer... shakes head
ellsthoreaputic, good call05:04
kotatsubah, suck05:04
kotatsuthat's no fun05:04
larsrohdinim using gdm... how can i change the picture too my account?05:04
LinuxJonesells, it just freezes ?05:04
ellsLinuxJones, yeap05:04
ellsLinuxJones, hopefully, hoary will take instead05:04
ellsLinuxJones,  doesnt make sense05:04
LinuxJonesells, can you change to another virtual terminal or it's a hard freeze ?05:04
optikafarruinn: er, just in case you care, reinstalling libgnome did the trick wrt those gnome-theme problems :)05:04
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monteiroanyone knows how i download the characters that is missing on my characters map ?05:05
ellsLinuxJones, not sure totally what ya mean, but it locks up tighter than a drum05:05
kotatsuI thought mplayer was in ubuntu already... mplayer-custom or something05:05
inphlictwhats the command to del files from terminal05:05
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ellsLinuxJones, no cursor nothing05:05
Seveaskotatsu, it's in the marillat repos05:05
optikainphlict: rm05:05
apokryphosinphlict: man rm05:05
LinuxJonesells, so if you do ctrl+alt+F3 it won't change to a new terminal ?05:05
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ellsLinuxJones, honestly did not try that05:05
ellsLinuxJones, I can see the screen that asks which language05:06
niciqykotatsu: still cant get the Samba thing to work05:06
ellsLinuxJones, bu that is it05:06
ellsLinuxJones, maybe I will try it again today05:06
ellsLinuxJones, is hoary good enough now to do a fresh install with it05:06
LinuxJonesells, sometimes a bad cd burn can do that can yo check the md5sum of your downloaded .iso file against the md5sum of the .iso on the ftp server ?05:07
ellsLinuxJones,  this is a real ubuntu cd, from them05:07
LinuxJonesells, ahhh05:07
inphlicthow do I get out of the man rm thing with out closing the terminal?05:07
goldfish_inphlict: q05:07
ellsLinuxJones: sorry, do you think hoary is good enough to do a fresh install,ya think05:07
LinuxJonesells, you weren't messing about with your bios settings by any chance. I installed Ubuntu on my nephew's computer and after resetting the system bios it installed just fine05:08
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ellsLinuxJones,  not me personally, but it is freshly built05:08
ellsLinuxJones,I built it just for linux05:08
ellsLinuxJones, as a semi-file server05:08
ells120 gig05:08
LinuxJonesells, If it is a new mobo I would check for a bios update. Maybe there were some probles that needed addressing.05:09
vaijr2002weeeeeeeeeeeeee i did it. mounted my two win partitions and didnt goof up my fstab woot woot05:09
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ellsLinuxJones: maybe I will try to install hoary directly instead of warty05:09
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oclvis there a known issue with xmms and hoary i've missed somewhere ?05:09
LinuxJonesells, new things are being fixed all the time :)05:10
Xappeoclv, what's the problem?05:10
ellsLinuxJones, I agree05:10
thoreauputicells: hoary goes "stable"  in a few weeks anyway05:10
oclvXappe: lib errors, can't find/use stuffs for xmms05:10
ellsLinuxJones, I really like ubuntu05:10
ellsthoreauputic, cool05:10
ellsthoreauputic, ubuntu for life05:10
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LinuxJonesells, is it a 64 bit system you built ?05:10
Xappeoclv, hmm...never heard of that. my xmms is fine05:10
ellsthoreauputic, very nice and user friendly05:10
ellsLinuxJones, unfortunately not, but it is amd05:10
LinuxJonesoclv, libmikmod it can't find ??05:11
oclvXappe: ok, how did you isntall it ?05:11
ellsLinuxJones, ,the Cebron?05:11
thoreauputicells: yes, it fixed my sound problems automagicaly :)05:11
Xappeoclv, apt-get install xmms05:11
ellsthoreauputic: nice05:11
LinuxJonesells, I wouldn't run anything but AMD on a pc :)05:11
ellsthoreauputic: using ubuntu, my wireless worked out the box on my laptop05:11
oclvXappe: apt says i hve the latest05:11
ellsLinuxJones, agree05:11
niciqykotatsu: i got an error: error connecting (operation already in progress)05:12
ellsLinuxJones, my laptop though is a 17 in toshiba05:12
Jesteracei should put the ubuntu live cd in my gf's laptop and see what happens05:12
Xappeoclv, weird05:12
LinuxJonesoclv, apt-get update && apt-get install libmikmod205:12
ellsLinuxJones, Intel 3.0 gig05:12
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thoreauputicoclv: try sudo apt-get install libmikmod205:12
LinuxJonesells, 17" laptop *drools*05:12
oclvLinuxJones: where might i have found this nugget ?05:12
ellsLinuxJones, it was from the pops for college05:13
LinuxJonesoclv, it's in one of the apt- repositories05:13
oclv (same error btw)05:13
ellsLinuxJones, I am an old student05:13
thoreauputicLinuxJones: ah sorry - didn't see your answer05:13
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LinuxJonesells, I am old AND dim-whitted :)05:13
EsKSysInfo: uname: Linux 2.6.10-4-386 Mem: 485/757M [||||||||||]  Diskspace: 35.17G Free: 31.20G Procs: 104 Uptime: 20 hrs 34 mins 41 secs Load: 0.94 0.45 0.35  Screen: Intel Corp. 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) Screen Resolution: 1280x1024 (24 bpp) eth0: In: 69.81M Out: 2.99M05:13
ellsLinuxJones, I am in the army, bout to grad. on 28th05:13
oclvi don't suppose there is some other hidden thing i need for xmms ?05:14
LinuxJonesells, great05:14
ellsLinuxJones, I am out in Colorado05:14
ellsLinuxJones, thanks05:14
Xappeoclv, shouldn't be05:14
thoreauputicEsK: erm - what was the sysinfo in aid of?05:14
Xappeoclv, have you tried beep media player?05:14
ellsLinuxJones, I will have a BS in bs, naw, jk,  I will have BS in Project Man.05:14
niciqywhy is samba giving me time out error?05:15
EsKhad to make my entrance05:15
LinuxJonesells, the only place in the state I want to visit is Colorado Too much John Denver on the radio as a kid I guess :D05:15
oclvXappe: hehe, beep hasn't cut the mustard in some time, or i would just get it. :(05:15
kotatsuniciqy: when you try to mount it or browse to it?05:15
ellsLinuxJones, nice place05:15
_Demian_does anyone know where to get a good c compiler?05:15
thoreauputicEsK: in some channels, would have been followed by a quick exit :)05:15
vaijr2002now lets see if i can install mplayer lol05:15
EsKoh well05:15
kotatsu_Demian_: $ apt-get install gcc05:15
niciqykotatsu: mount05:15
EsKlots of IPs ;)05:15
_Demian_kotatsu, thnx05:15
thoreauputic_Demian_: no, sudo apt-get install build-essential05:16
kotatsuniciqy: try using nautilus to browse to the share05:16
ellsLinuxJones, did you say you are from Australia05:16
Xappeoclv, that's because mustard doesn't need any cutting. just use a spoon...05:16
LinuxJonesells, Eastern Canada05:16
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thoreauputic_Demian_: you'll need more than gcc05:16
oclvOh well, maybe i'll try hoary again when the _next_ unstable version is released. no more time to play now. good job so far folks, and good luck.05:16
kotatsuniciqy: Places --> Network Servers --> Windows Network05:16
_Demian_it worked05:16
oclvXappe: hehe, agreed.05:16
ellsLinuxJones, ,nice05:16
_Demian_as far as I can tell :)05:16
inphlictHey, can someone please address this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2075605:16
oclvba bye05:16
ellsLinuxJones, cold, most of the year, right05:16
LinuxJonesells, Spring is just around the corner...thank god05:17
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_Demian_thoreauputic, thnx05:17
ellsLinuxJones, yeap05:17
ellsLinuxJones, kind of nice today here05:17
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EsKthey need to update the ubuntu guide05:17
LinuxJonesells, actually we only got about 4 feet of snow all year and rather mild to boot :)05:17
ellsLinuxJones, do you have the exact url do a fresh hoary download05:17
Xappehere we had a nice day, but now it's all snowy :/05:17
ellsLinuxJone, nice05:17
LinuxJonesells, www.archive.ubuntulinux.org05:17
ellsLinuxJones, thanks05:18
ellsLinuxJones, you sure, it didnt come up05:18
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niciqywhere is places???05:18
Xappebut the weather seems quite nice downtown: http://www.uu.se/carpediem/ :)05:18
flawdanyone here who uses cedega and has been able to install a game with more than one cd?05:19
SpOoKySpOoKyanybody who would like to help me?05:19
SpOoKySpOoKyI'm running the live cd05:19
CarlK_SpOoKySpOoKy - yes, type some things05:19
LinuxJonesXappe, where is that Spain ?05:19
LinuxJonesXappe, ahh05:19
niciqykotatsu: what places?05:19
SpOoKySpOoKyI'd like to run with vga 800x600 but the monitor has blinking05:20
SpOoKySpOoKythe leds05:20
SpOoKySpOoKyhow can I set the 800x600 in lower resolution for the live cd05:20
ellsLinuxJones,  found it thanks05:20
EsKi need like, 20 bucks, can anyone donate to the EsK cancer survival center?05:20
LinuxJonesells, great05:20
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ellsLinuxJones, I am gonna try Hoary today05:21
EsKells, great05:21
ellsLinuxJones, on the.........DESKTOP05:21
ellsEsk, I tried ubuntu warty before on it, a nd it locked up05:21
Xappe*damdamdamdam* <-- jaws music05:22
ellsEsk, will try Hoary and see the diff.05:22
ellsEsk, no prob05:22
EsKdont mess up anything or you'd have to reinstall like me05:22
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ellsEsk, ,i have done that enough times05:22
LinuxJonesells, I hope it works for you. If you have the same problem with Hoary I would first reset bios, check again then look for a bios update05:22
ellsLinuxJones: cool05:22
EsKwho runs kubuntu in here05:22
niciqykotatsu: what Places????05:22
goldfish_EsK: try in #kubuntu05:23
ellsLinuxJones: someone told me that Linux doesnt like Sis, not sure if true05:23
EsKi mean05:23
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EsKokay w/e05:23
ellsEsk: why not just go straight ubuntu05:23
thoreauputicells: I have sis onboard05:23
LinuxJonesells, mmm I don't know for sure05:23
EsKi like em both05:23
ellsthoreauputic, really05:23
thoreauputicells: I think as always "it depends"05:23
ellsthoreauputic, works fine?05:23
ellsthoreauputic, okay05:24
kotatsuniciqy: click on your "places" menu at the top of the screen05:24
thoreauputicells: had a lot of sound problems with sis, but ubuntu resolved them05:24
ellsthoreauputic, the board is winfast or something05:24
EsKis there any environments other than kde n gnome on ubuntu05:24
ellsthoreauputic: on board sound05:24
thoreauputicells Asus board here05:24
ellsthoreauputic: winfast K7S05:25
thoreauputicells: my sound is onboard si701205:25
kotatsuEsK: yes, to varying degrees... you can replace your window manager only, or use something like xfce to replace most of your desktop05:25
ellsthoreauputic: okay05:25
ellsthoreauputic: now problems but the video deal05:25
EsKi need to shit05:25
ellsthoreauputic: something bout trying to enable the frame buffer05:25
niciqykotatsu: there is just a panel with Applications and Computer05:25
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siganyone using gmplayer?05:25
vaijr2002weeeee got me email done too woot this is easier than suse or gentoo lol05:25
niciqykotatsu: no "places"05:26
Xappesig, now and then, yes05:26
vaijr2002now the only things i cant do is get this one stupid program working right verlihub05:26
thoreauputicells: you could try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure --plow xserver-xfree86 and say no to the framebuffer05:26
sigXappe: hmm05:26
vaijr2002thanks for the link Xappe05:26
thoreauputicells: might work, worth a try05:27
ellsthoreauputic: that is at the very beginning: it locks up at the screen where it asks the language05:27
Xappevaijr2002, what link?05:27
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ellsthoreauputic: hopefully, Hoary will solve my issues05:27
thoreauputicells: hmm - you can run commands in another tty if you can get to one05:27
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ellsthoreauputic: no movement at all including mouse and or cursor05:28
Xappevaijr2002, hmm, that was not me?05:28
vaijr2002oh ok hehe05:28
ellsthoreauputic: kind of like Fort Knox05:28
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vaijr2002well thanks whom every did lol05:28
thoreauputicells: urghh - bad news :(05:28
vaijr2002really helpfull05:28
vaijr2002i need a smart person though to help me get this program working05:28
vaijr2002its verlihub direct connect hub program05:28
ellsthoreauputic: I am optimistic, I am on it right now, , Debian works on it, hopefully Hoary will05:28
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vaijr2002thats the only thing i cant get working05:29
ellsthoreauputic: warty just doesnt05:29
thoreauputicells: ah, yes that sounds positive05:29
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ellsthoreauputic: even if it doesnt, i am done with the debian irc05:29
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DyGyTyLif an app requires the X Windows System libraries and headers, what pkg would that fall under? :/05:30
goldfishis #debian that bad?05:30
ellsgoldfish: yes05:30
EsKigh back05:30
thoreauputicells: hehe - yes I can understand that: I learnt a lot in there though, so it isn't all bad :)05:30
ellsgoldfish: they are rude05:30
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goldfishah right05:30
warthawgman, ubuntu hoary preview gets a failing grade on the install05:30
goldfishI'm a n00b, luckily i came in here and not there :)05:30
ellsthoreauputic: I could see that05:30
apokryphosgoldfish: ventured in there a couple of times. Asked an apt problem, but they were... let's say: unhappy, that I used Ubuntu ;-). The heat conjured up could be felt miles away05:30
sigwarthawg: why?05:30
LinuxJoneswarthawg, what's wrong ?05:30
ellsgoldfish, yes you are, these guys r friendly and good at what they do05:30
apokryphosI think many are a little sour about such issues05:31
warthawgsig LinuxJones   it offers me one choice for partitioning, wipe everything out and take it over05:31
thoreauputicgoldfish: keep very quiet for a month or so if you  venture into #debian, is my advice05:31
LinuxJoneswarthawg, what ?05:31
sigwarthawg: why not upgrade with apt?05:31
warthawgLinuxJones:  i can't keep existing partitions, they don't appear05:31
LinuxJoneswarthawg, that's not right05:31
goldfishthoreauputic: hehe, think i'll stay out :)05:31
ellsthoreauputic, truly, those guys are not altogether nice folks05:31
warthawgLinuxJones:  you're dmn right it's not :)05:31
ellsgoldfish, they are like sharks05:32
petemcells: you cant tar everyone with the same brush05:32
thoreauputicgoldfish: it's a real pity, because some of them really know their stuff05:32
ellspetemc, ,truly05:32
ellspetemc, have been in there a dozen or so times05:32
LinuxJoneswarthawg, did you look at the help screen F1 I think05:32
ellspetemc, someone is being rude to someone05:32
thoreauputicpetemc: that's true - some people in #debian are excellent05:32
warthawglinuxjones  i'll try F105:32
ellspetemc, there should be some respect amongst the community , ya know05:33
Xappepetemc, you can tar everybody with the right command though :)05:33
petemcells: this is true, but put 700 people together and you'll get that in almost any situation05:33
ellsXappe , that works05:33
LinuxJoneswarthawg, I upgraded from Warty but find it hard to believe you can't keep your partitions...waht kind of hard drive do you have ?05:33
ellspetemc: hardly ever in here05:33
thoreauputicells: I think petemc has done some time in #debian :)05:33
ellsthoreauputic: it is all good,  I just wont go in thre again05:33
warthawgLinuxJones  IBM t40 laptop05:33
EsKdebian is a pain in the ass to install05:33
ellspetemc: all is good,  just have had bad experiences in there05:33
LinuxJoneswarthawg, that an ide drive ?05:34
petemcells: fair enough :)05:34
thoreauputicEsK: not now, with the d-i installer05:34
ellspetemc: what r u running05:34
apokryphoshehe. I just checked now... not a pretty site05:34
petemcubuntu on my laptop, debian on my servers05:34
thoreauputicEsK: the debian installer is the same as the ubuntu installer now, BTW05:34
niciqykotatsu: there is just a panel with Applications and Computer, non "places"!!!05:34
DyGyTyLdselect rocked back in the day..heh, aint got nothin on synaptics now though05:35
ellspetemc: ubuntu on my desktop and debian on my desktop05:35
ellspetemc: switch that05:35
warthawgLinuxJones:  yes, IDE05:35
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EsKnot really05:35
EsKcuz it was diff05:35
ellspetemc; I mean on my laptop ubuntu, and debian on my desktop05:35
EsKwell the one i had05:35
EsKit was alot diff than ubuntu05:35
warthawgthere is a parameter for the thinkpad floppy, but that's the only thing i see05:35
foreachHas anyone in here successfully gone from warty to hoary? I'm still on warty, and wondering if the bugs are going to kill me05:35
thoreauputicEsK: the sarge installer, or woody? (the older one?)05:36
kasperwhats difference between Ubuntu Linux 5.04 : The Hoary Hedgehog Release and 4.10?05:36
ellsforeach, yes, took some work05:36
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thoreauputicforeach: probably most people here are on hoary05:36
goldfishkasper: 5.04 is the new version05:36
ellskasper, have seen better network tools at least fo wireless05:36
foreachells - 'course. Then again, am I better off waiting until the official release? It is right around the corner05:36
UsiuWhy The Fuck I can get Gimp workin on hoary ??05:36
goldfishi'm still on warty05:36
kasperis it worth me upgrading to 4.1005:36
EsKprobably woody, idk, it was alot of stuff on it05:36
goldfishafriad to try to upgrade :)05:36
ellsforeach, if you can live without the tools, probably05:36
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kasperso downgrading it would be05:36
goldfishkasper: emm...05:37
ellsgoldfish, not hard05:37
goldfishkasper: why ? :)05:37
foreachells - tools?05:37
kasperso why does it have 4.10 new version everywhere?05:37
kaspere.g. forum05:37
kaspermain site05:37
ellsforeach, network tools05:37
thoreauputicEsK: the woody installer was , er, challenging at times ;)05:37
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UsiuI need it !!05:37
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goldfishkasper: well, hoary is not been released as stable yet.05:37
ellsforeach, use them on my laptop for wireless05:37
ellsforeach, they are awesome05:37
goldfishkasper: couple of weeks, but most ppl are running it.05:37
kasperso hoary mean not stable05:37
UsiuWHY The Fuck I nautilus with python-nautilus segfaults !!05:37
DyGyTyLnow that i've successfully converted to 5.04 (almost anyway) i can't live without the new utils:P05:37
goldfishkasper: it's close to stable i think05:38
goldfishkasper: due to be released in april05:38
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kasperWarty Warthog 4.10 is stable?05:38
foreachells - heh. I'll do some more reading before I make the switch05:38
goldfishkasper: yep05:38
Xappeapril 6th or something like that05:38
goldfishkasper: 5.04 is close to stable05:38
goldfishalot of ppl in here run it05:38
ellsforeach, ,be my guest, it works pretty good though05:38
thoreauputicUsiu: take ten deep breaths...05:38
kasperwhen i try to add kde in its gui synaptic05:38
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kasperit has errors with adding kde-addons and konq plugin05:39
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vaijr2002when i do a make install do i have to do sudo make install?05:39
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thoreauputicvaijr2002: why are you compiling?05:39
EsKcan someone donate me some CD-Rs05:40
LinuxJonesgood answer05:40
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niciqyseriously need enlightenment on "Places --> Network Servers --> Windows Network"05:40
vaijr2002i have to do sudo right?05:40
ankitmy friend wanna install ubuntu warty on HDD: Maxtor One Touch 160 GB. Connected to USB port on IBM T-40 but the problem is it doesn't show up in the installation [partitioning page] 05:40
LinuxJonesvaijr2002, what are you trying to compile ?05:40
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thoreauputicLinuxJones: there was no comma between why and are ;-)05:40
vaijr2002it was tar.gz i extracted it went to dir, and did ./configure, then did make05:41
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kasperdoes ubuntu update to kde3.3?05:41
kasperand does it run stable?05:41
apokryphoskasper: ubuntu hoary now has 3.405:41
Terrasquehow does ubuntu run with kde?05:42
ankitmy friend wanna install ubuntu warty on HDD: Maxtor One Touch 160 GB. Connected to USB port on IBM T-40 but the problem is it doesn't show up in the installation [partitioning page] 05:42
Rene_Skasper: seems to run quite well05:42
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, me vocabularie good :)05:42
apokryphosTerrasque: what do you mean, "how"?05:42
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goldfishhow well probably05:42
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apokryphosTerrasque: if you mean quality-wise -- it runs very well.05:42
ankitwhat do I do???05:42
thoreauputicLinuxJones: heh :)05:42
kasperfuckin cool05:42
ankitmy friend wanna install ubuntu warty on HDD: Maxtor One Touch 160 GB. Connected to USB port on IBM T-40 but the problem is it doesn't show up in the installation [partitioning page] 05:42
ankit what do I do?05:42
kasperi love kde05:43
kasperi run it on my suse05:43
ankithmmm...cant anyone help me puhleeeze ::my friend wanna install ubuntu warty on HDD: Maxtor One Touch 160 GB. Connected to USB port on IBM T-40 but the problem is it doesn't show up in the installation [partitioning page] 05:43
ankit::what do i do?05:43
kasperi hate gnome05:43
vaijr2002wierd no errors this time hehe05:43
apokryphoskasper: kubuntu users neither of those :)05:43
Terrasqueapokryphos: like, will I lose any functions compared to running gnome? (since gnome is default, I'm assuming that gnome gets more focus)05:43
EsKi kno theres a bug in kde when u get it with fedora05:43
kasperi know but their nice05:43
EsKi dont get the message with gnome05:43
thoreauputickasper: /join #kubuntu :)05:43
apokryphosTerrasque: the kubunut team is making sure that isn't the case.05:43
kasperthanx thoreauputic05:43
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vaijr2002what is the extension of an executable file in linux05:44
Terrasqueapokryphos: kubuntu and ubuntu is just two frontends for the same system?05:44
vaijr2002in win its exe05:44
Terrasquevaijr2002: chmod u+x05:44
Bubbling_Zombiethere's none05:44
thoreauputicvaijr2002: not applicable05:44
Xappevaijr2002, no extensions05:44
apokryphosTerrasque: kind of. See www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/kubuntu05:44
vaijr2002ok well i found where it installed/compiled to05:45
vaijr2002but the icon wont execute05:45
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=== Terrasque is testing latest hoary install now :-) Can't wait till its final
thoreauputicvaijr2002: what's the app? and the command?05:45
vaijr2002its verlihub05:45
vaijr2002and i dont know what ya mean by command05:46
niciqyWhen trying to enable Windows networking to access windows files in05:46
niciqyNetwork settings it tells me I do not have SMB support installed.05:46
niciqyWhat do I do now?05:46
thoreauputicvaijr2002: what command is issued to execute it from a terminal?05:46
Terrasquealthru, met a weird bug in the install part (was in warty too). ethernet card is borked under install (but works perfectly fine if you reboot after the installation is done)05:46
vaijr2002dunno lol05:46
Usiuthoreauputic, Gimp is the most critical software for me!05:46
vaijr2002aint read that far yet lol05:46
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EsKmy gimp locks up on xsane05:47
thoreauputicUsiu: um... that's nice: why are you telling me though?05:47
vaijr2002i figured it out05:47
Terrasquethoreauputic: maybe he wanted you to know05:47
thoreauputicTerrasque: I guess so...05:48
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Terrasqueapokryphos: one quick question. If I do an ubuntu install and apt-gets kde, will there be any big differences between that and kubuntu?05:49
apokryphosTerrasque: join #kubuntu ;-)05:50
LinuxJonesTerrasque, jsut install kubuntu-desktop and once you login to KDE your in kubuntu05:50
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TerrasqueLinuxJones: great :-)05:50
thoreauputichehe - Usiu just vented his spleen about gimp in #ubuntu-motu05:51
LinuxJonesTerrasque, that was easy :)05:51
joskuljhi. I just installed Hoary and I have 2 quite minor questions05:51
apokryphosAlso, as an extra note... if you don't want all the things provided with kubuntu-desktop (it pulls in OpenOffice and a lot more things), then you can just gof or kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings05:52
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LinuxJonesapokryphos, yeah go that route05:52
Terrasqueapokryphos: I'm just trying to figure out how many cd's I'll need ;-)05:52
alecjoskulj, just ask05:52
apokryphosTerrasque: for what?05:52
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Terrasqueapokryphos: for ubuntu/kubuntu. If I can apt-get the difference, I don't need two cd's05:53
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apokryphosTerrasque: that's right. You never need to download more than one ISO in your life with [k] ubuntu05:54
niciqywhere can I get GTK?05:54
joskuljalec: ok: when I mount my usb-stick the desktop icon for it is labelled "SMFS1.0 ---". Can I change this somehow?05:54
LinuxJonesTerrasque, actually you can do a custom install then upgrade to your choice. There are different version for folks who don't have high speed internet connections but want one or the other05:54
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thoreauputicniciqy: apt-cache search gtk | less   (there'll be a lot of stuff)05:54
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CompotatoJHey, how would I go about deleting grub off one hd and installing it on anotherZ05:55
_Demian_how do I Install a priner05:56
_Demian_that is05:56
CarlK_CompotatoJ - install it on the 2nd and forget about the one of the 1st05:56
thoreauputicniciqy: you probably need to be a bit more specific about what part of GTK you actualy want05:56
LinuxJonesCompotatoJ, you can backup the MBR using dd and then add it to your new harddrive and copy all necessary files like the kernel and grub files but it's easier to re-install to the new drive05:57
CompotatoJHow do I install grub inside ubuntu?05:57
LinuxJonesCompotatoJ, it should already be installed unless you installed lilo or something05:58
CompotatoJTyping with Dvorak is really hard! =] 05:58
thoreauputicCompotatoJ: from the man page: grub-install - install GRUB on your drive05:59
CompotatoJLinuxJones, it is, so how do I config it05:59
CompotatoJok thx thoreauputic06:00
alecjoskulj, renaming it doesn't work?06:00
LinuxJonesCompotatoJ, you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:00
thoreauputicCompotatoJ: the most important file is /boot/grub/menu.lst06:00
alecjoskulj, (i don't have a usb stick)06:00
niciqyhow can i enable windows networking?06:00
thoreauputicgrr... lag06:00
LinuxJonesI have to split BB later06:00
CompotatoJoh, but isnnt my /boot on the wrong hdZ06:00
niciqyhow can i enable windows networking? keep having SNB support error06:00
CompotatoJniciqy, its smb06:01
thoreauputicniciqy: you need samba and probably smbfs06:01
niciqyi install smbfs06:01
niciqybut still having the same error06:01
thoreauputicniciqy: and samba?06:02
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CompotatoJwhat is the errZ06:02
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niciqyhow to install samba?06:02
thoreauputicniciqy: samba is the win network server06:02
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thoreauputicsudo apt-get install samba06:02
apokryphosniciqy: I think there's stuff on ubuntuguide.org about it06:02
goldfishther is06:03
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yhonatani need some help06:05
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=== wland hi all
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robodexanyone else having the problem where whenever you press the ' key in firefox the find menu opens?06:05
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yhonatani want to use universe06:05
monteiroanyone knows how i download the characters that is missing on my characters map ?06:05
robodexdoes it as well06:06
robodexerr /06:06
yhonatanbut when i open "synatipc06:06
yhonatani get that message:06:06
yhonatanW: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)06:07
yhonatanwhat i need to do?06:07
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Terrasqueyhonatan: clicked on "Reload" ?06:07
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=== Spooks is so very lost.
thoreauputicyhonatan: that line is wrong06:08
thoreauputicit should have spaces06:08
thoreauputicyou need to re-edit it06:08
yhonatanwhat i need to edit?06:08
deFrysk deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe06:08
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deFrysklike so06:08
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thoreauputicyhonatan: the slash after hoary looks wrong06:09
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thoreauputicyhonatan: should be a space I'd say06:10
thoreauputicyhonatan: check the syntax of your other lines as well06:10
ericb2what is necessary to compile a new kernel from kernel.org on amd64 ? I have a strange scripts/kconfig/mconf: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.3.4' not found (required by scripts/kconfig/mconf)06:10
ericb2 ?06:10
ericb2what is necessary to compile a new kernel from kernel.org on amd64 ?06:11
jbaileyericb2: Looks like someone has handed you a precompiled binary that wants a newer glibc than we have in Hoary.06:11
ericb2sorry... the begining was lost...06:11
jbaileyericb2: You need to build that from source.06:11
ericb2jbailey : hi06:12
ericb2jbailey : so is ther a line to add in /etc/apt/sources.;list ?06:12
ericb2s /ther/there/06:12
jbaileyericb2: No.  There's nothing you can usefully do on a Hoary or Warty system to make that binary run.06:12
jbaileyericb2: You need to ask whoever gave it to you for the source so you can build it yourself.06:12
ericb2jbailey : I ask here ?06:13
=== ericb2 doesn't understand, sorry
jbaileyericb2: Who gave you the thing that gives you that error message?06:14
ericb2jbailey : make menuconfig06:15
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Rattyhi dudes06:15
jbaileyericb2: Sorry, from what program?06:15
jbaileyericb2: Is that something that Ubuntu has in it?06:15
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Rattybit of a newb q, when i set my clock to 12hr mode in gnome, it doesn't show am/pm on the end. how do i go about fixing this?06:16
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ericb2jbailey : I have sources, from kernel.org, because I wanted to build my on kernel06:16
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jbaileyAh.  I don't know anything about building kernels.  But it looks like that package includes a binary and probably shouldn't.06:17
ericb2for now, uname -a give me :06:17
ericb2Linux lou 2.6.10-5-amd64-k8  #1 Tue Mar 15 14:42:38 UTC 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:17
Rattyis there a thing similar to "regional settings" in gnome?06:18
ericb2jbailey:  thank's :-)06:18
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jbaileyericb2: maybe try running 'make clean' first or something.06:19
thoreauputicRatty: strange that it doesn't show AM and PM06:19
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Rattyyeah :/06:19
jbaileyericb2: Sorry I don't have better advice, I don't compile my own kernels.06:19
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Rattykinda annoying06:19
Rattyguess i'll have to get used to 24hr clocks06:19
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HiddenWolfis there some terminal command that gives the kernel version / distro name?06:19
thoreauputicRatty: indeed - I'm on warty and mine shows that OK06:19
Rattywhat is the time format stored?06:20
ericb2jbailey : yes :-)) I was stupid -> make mrproper does it !!06:20
hannes_hannes@ylakone:~ $ uname -a06:20
hannes_Linux ylakone 2.6.10-4-686 #1 Sat Mar 12 11:12:34 GMT 2005 i686 GNU/Linux06:20
apokryphosHiddenWolf: what hannes_ said and cat /etc/version06:20
ericb2:-)  bye !06:20
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Rattywhere is the time format stored? even06:20
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thoreauputicHiddenWolf: and cat /etc/issue06:21
rewopdoes anyone in here use bittorrent?06:21
thoreauputictells you warty/hoary06:21
rewopand hoary?06:21
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apokryphoswhoops, that's it, yes. Eek, getting rusty.06:21
hannes_rewop: yes, azureus06:21
SpooksOk, just downloaded & installed wine... but I can't get it to run, is there something I should do first before it will work?06:21
SpooksOr am I just stupid, kthnx06:21
goldfishrewop: use bitorrent on warty06:22
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hannes_Spooks: you run programs via wine06:22
rewopgoldfish: what do you mean? can't i do it on hoary?06:22
Spookslike, right-click, open with wine?06:22
hannes_so just wine /path/to/program.exer06:22
thoreauputicSpooks: you're just stupid *grin*  - I haven't used wine, but I believe you do `wine foo.exe `06:22
goldfishrewop: yep06:23
goldfishrewop: im just on warty, havent upgraded yet06:23
rewopgoldfish: why?06:23
=== Spooks thinks he understands
goldfishyo ucan06:23
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Ratty:( i guess my clock is screwed06:24
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rewopmy problem is that only Gnome Bittorrent works.. and only sometimes.. i usually uses btlaunchmanycurses06:24
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goldfishrewop: tried azureus?06:24
Rattywelp ta anyway. back to winblows06:24
thoreauputicRatty: try this -  sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart06:24
goldfishback to windows?06:24
hannes_rewop: azureus is good06:24
rewopyeah in warty, but it's slowing down the computer..06:25
goldfishah right06:25
goldfishwhat version of java did u have?06:25
rewopi dont know..06:25
hannes_depends of computer06:25
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goldfishi was told upgrading to java 1.5 stopped that from happening06:25
goldfishbut i never tried06:25
goldfishit's fine for me06:25
rewopof course.. but my computer did.. thats why i used btluanch..06:25
philaugecan anyone help me with libxinerama1 ??06:25
goldfishah right06:26
sabmocanyone know of a good channel for web development on freenode?06:26
rewopnow its allways like "connecting to peers" :(06:26
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rewopbut i can try to install azureus..06:26
rewopwhat receptories should I use?06:27
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goldfishi think u get the .bin from azureus06:27
deFryskreceptories has a cool ring06:27
deFryskto it06:27
goldfishhehe, it does06:27
Echylosomebody knows a cool free game?06:28
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SpooksNetrek is kinda ok, was playing that last night06:29
SpooksPretty basic though06:29
goldfishGNOME TETRIS !!!!06:29
thoreauputicfrozen-bubble :)06:29
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Terrasqueenigma have hours of high-quality fustration06:30
Echylofoobillard rules :p06:30
goldfishit does :)06:30
Echylohmm frustration games06:30
Echylosounds cool06:30
thoreauputicxboard for chess freaks...06:30
goldfishthoreauputic: does it have a learning mode by any chance?06:30
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confreyhi everybody06:31
goldfishsure, i'll check it out anyways06:31
goldfishhi confrey06:31
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thoreauputicgoldfish: I have no idea :) It always beats me but I'm a hopeless chess player ;)06:31
goldfishthoreauputic: hehe06:31
confreyhow can I use my camcorder with firewire? I installed kino, but it seems the camcorder doesn't exist06:31
flawdhow do I download with jigdo?06:32
thoreauputicgoldfish: I'm the one that lacks a learning mode I guess :)06:32
flawdit cant handle jigdo files it says06:32
flawdnever used it06:32
Terrasquethoreauputic: yeah, me too. Once I had a long verbal fight with one on who lost. Both of us claimed he was the one who lost.06:32
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goldfishthoreauputic: haha, i tried to learn before, hard game to master06:32
Terrasqueyou should see the face on the chess judge06:32
EchyloI like the idea of 3D chess06:33
Terrasquemoments like those are truly priceless06:33
thoreauputicgoldfish: I'm just not motivated enough06:33
Echylothree windows, X Y Z06:33
Echylothat's what they call 3D06:33
goldfishI need motivation!06:33
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goldfishEchylo: VECTORS!06:33
Echylothat aint 3D :p06:33
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goldfishu need them for 3d :)06:33
Echyloa X window & Z window & a Y window ;)06:33
Ephemeralwheres the grub.conf located agian?06:33
TerrasqueI want to learn Go.. But never have the patience for learning06:34
goldfishTerrasque: thats a cool game, there are very good online tutorials and networks for playing it06:34
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goldfishi actually found a go board in a cupboard06:34
goldfishafter trying to learn it on the computer06:34
Echylowhat is Go ?06:35
confreyhow can I use my camcorder with firewire? I installed kino, but it seems the camcorder doesn't exist06:35
goldfishEchylo: Hardest game in the world !06:35
Echylocomputer game?06:35
goldfishEchylo: it's a board game06:35
Echyloow :)06:35
Ephemeralhow can i edit the grub conf again?06:35
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Terrasquegoldfish: as I said, I want to learn it.. but I just don't have the patience :-(06:35
goldfishTerrasque: hehe , me too06:35
Echyloits located in /boot/grub/menu.lst06:35
goldfishEchylo: u can play it ono the net06:35
Ephemeralyes but i dont have permision06:35
Terrasquegoldfish: seen hikaru no go? :-D06:36
goldfishEphemeral: sudo nano pathtofile06:36
apokryphosEphemeral: sudo..06:36
goldfishor whatever editor u use06:36
goldfishTerrasque: nope06:36
Terrasquetoo bad06:36
rewopis it possible to edit wmv-files in linux? or just grab the sound from one?06:36
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c|oneI like to install tvtime 0.9.15 in my unbuntu is there a easy way to do that???06:37
Terrasquerewop: mplayer/mencoder?06:37
rewopTerrasque: but can i for example cut a file with those?06:38
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robodexhmmmmmmmmm...... I'm having a REALLY weird problem with my sound06:40
_Demian_can anyone help me with my printer :)06:40
_Demian_I installed the drivers06:40
Nobuyuki`hey guys, how can I get ubuntu to re-detect my monitor?  I want to change the hsync and vsync values but I don't know to what, all I know is that I switched from a crappy monitor to a crappier one and need to redetect the monitor06:40
_Demian_I can't get it to work06:40
robodexeverything's set to minimum volume, and as soon as I put anything up it sets it back to minimum again O_O06:40
c|oneis there a easy way to install software in unbuntu?06:40
robodexc|one: apt? :p06:40
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apokryphosc|one: easiest way you can imagine :)06:41
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DyGyTyLheh, synaptics even easier, especially in the new release of ubuntu06:42
Terrasquec|one: tried synaptic?06:42
goldfishanyone running hoary on a 15.4" widescreen ?06:42
kkathmangood day, could I get some help on how I might install KDE? I just installed ubuntu last night and love it!06:43
Terrasquegoldfish: no, but was planning to do that right after the toaster06:43
goldfishTerrasque: haha06:43
c|oneTerrasque: synaptic??? is that like a prog that does the compilling and installs for u?06:43
unkwnkkathman:  should have installed kubuntu06:43
goldfishwell, i suppose I could have phrased it better :)06:43
deFryskkkathman, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:43
deFryskor something :S06:43
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Terrasquec|one: its a program you click on the programs you want, click apply, and sit back and relax06:44
robodexok that's really silly; GNOME is giving me sound but suddenly amaroK isn't working again06:44
kkathmanahhh ok I will try that thank you06:44
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Terrasque(the relax part is optional, but recommended)06:44
deFryskrobodex, apt-get install gstreamer-amarok06:44
c|oneTerrasque: sounds nice....06:44
deFryskor the other way around06:44
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Echylogod put a smile upon your face06:44
robodexdeFrysk: no, it was working 100% fine ten minutes ago06:44
robodex(using amarok-xine)06:45
jasonanyone notice any downloading problems with firefox? I can only use save as or it doesnt work.06:45
deFryskrobodex, set the engin of amarok to gstreamer in gnome06:45
robodexwell the volume thing was happening in xfce06:45
deFryskand use esd output06:45
deFryskif possible06:45
thoreauputicjason: known issue with hoary's firefox06:45
tullingaanybody know how I can fix this "Linux source tree /usr/src/linux is incomplete or missing!06:46
tullinga    The kernel header files are present, but not  the full source code.06:46
tullinga    See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current kernel sources.06:46
tullingaConfiguration failed06:46
tullingamake: *** [config]  Error 106:46
jasoncool thanks thoreauputic, glad it isnt just me, I can wait :)06:46
sigSee the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current kernel sources.06:46
|QuaD-_are the Bendy Badger repo's up yet?06:47
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jasonthoreauputic: it is pretty easy to forget I am running testing :)06:47
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^thehatsrule^hi... er, id like to ask if the livecd also includes the install cd as well06:48
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Madibaanyone know if incompatability problems with ubuntu live and nvidia geforce4 vid cards06:48
tullingaSorry my application disconnected, anybody knows?06:48
MobyTurbo^thehatsrule^, no06:49
sig<sig> See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current kernel sources.  <-- tullinga it gives you the answer in the error06:49
^thehatsrule^oh, so ill have to get both? :<06:49
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sigthere is the HOWTO06:49
tullingasig, so the problem is the kernel source?06:49
maximausjason, I find the firefox from mozilla.org to be faster than the Ubuntu version.06:49
MobyTurbo^thehatsrule^, only 2 isos, that's still less than most normal distros.06:49
Madibaany south africans in here?06:50
sigtullinga: i'm not sure, check that howto out it pasted to you06:50
jasonmaximaus: cool but if I wanted to keep up with all my packages I would LFS :)06:50
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tullingasig, maybe dumb question. But where is the HOWTO?06:51
sigbeats me dude06:51
tullingasig, I am trying to install linux-wlan-ng. Do you know anything about that?06:51
^thehatsrule^well, yes but everyone has a lazy side ;p06:51
jasontullinga: what wireless card?06:52
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tullingajason, dwl-122, usb stick06:52
^thehatsrule^if i order a few cds, is it only hoary releases in april?06:52
jasontullinga: I got hostap to work dont think it supports usb06:52
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jasontullinga: i think if you download the kernel sources06:53
MobyTurbo^thehatsrule^, right, it's too late to order warty.06:53
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jasonthen use the config from boot, and make && make modules06:53
^thehatsrule^ah well, ill go for the install cd then06:53
jasonyou can build the module06:53
tullingajason, I did download the kernel source. But I dont know enough to compile the stuff or whatevere I need to do06:53
^thehatsrule^nice mirrors tho :)06:54
^thehatsrule^very fast06:54
MobyTurbo^thehatsrule^, don't worry, you'll be happy. :-)06:54
^thehatsrule^wow... its so fast i think ill get the livecd too06:54
^thehatsrule^hehe, i hope i will be :P06:54
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tullingajason, sorry did not get the last thing there06:55
jasonif you copy /boot/config-2.6.10-5-386 /usr/src/linux/.config && cd /usr/src/linux && make && make modules06:55
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jasonyou can build wlan-ng against that06:56
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jasonthat was how I installed hostap06:56
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alecjason, tullinga, you ought to be able to grab the modules as a .deb, no?06:56
jasonI also needed to change the modules dir in the makefile06:57
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jasonalec: the deb modules are for a 2.4 kernel06:57
jasonfor hostap anyway06:57
jasonand orinoco_pci is junk for my card06:58
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tullingaalec, I dont know. considering the ndiswrapper instead, but dont know if that is going to be any easier.06:58
spiralhi back06:58
jasonI think there is a ndis howto somewhere06:59
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goldfishjason: ubuntuforums06:59
tullingajason, yes it is06:59
goldfishor google06:59
goldfishthere was a good link to one in the ubuntuforums06:59
goldfishi got it working from that06:59
jasontullinga: I had troubles with both hostap and wlan-ng07:00
tullingabut I know for sure the wlan-ng supports my usb dwl-122 . and therefore it is maybe best to go for that module???07:00
jasontullinga: the method I stated worked for hostap07:00
philaugecan anyone help me with libxinerama1 ??07:00
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jasonhavent tried it on wlan-ng07:00
jasonwhat sucks is I need to go through the process every time ubuntu updates the kernel07:01
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tullingacould I get away with that using the ndiswrapper_?07:01
pinSi need help with ndiswrapper07:01
pinSi dont think its installed right07:01
sigwhat file is mpeg2encode in?07:02
jasonI never used it, but in theory it should work.07:02
no0ticpinS: why?07:02
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jasonjust read carefully and take your time when going through the steps07:02
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jasonI also manually set up my card each time with iwconfig cause I hate gnome/ubuntus gui network setup tool07:03
=== [FiDO] [~paul@PMccl5133.ResNet.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu
tullingaso the problems with wlan-ng is mainly related to kernel stuff then.07:03
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[FiDO] can someone help me with lirc07:03
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[FiDO] I need to get my tv remote working07:04
jasontullinga: you just need to have compiled the sources to build against07:04
jasonand the config file is in the boot directory07:04
jasonyou dont even need to install the kernel07:04
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tullingajason, i guess. but Im stumbling into so many errors and stuff its easy to give up.07:04
Nobuyuki`crap on a stick... I tried running xorgconfig to try and redetect my monitor, got the X and then a black scren07:05
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ren0Hi I have had to get on the net with the livecd. Iam running hoary on the harddisk...07:05
tullingajason, you mean I dont need the kernel for installing wlan-ng or?07:05
jasonit took me 2 months to make friends with ubuntu for the same reason07:05
jasonwlan-ng is a module07:05
ren0did an apt-get update & apt-get upgrade last night...07:05
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tullingajason, which means?07:06
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jasonso it needs the source code compiled07:06
thoreauputicNobuyuki`: wrong tool -   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:06
jasonit is a driver07:06
ren0Booted this afternoon and no X. Has this happened to anybody else?07:06
jasonbut needs to be compiled against the same config and source code as the kernel07:06
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calamariren0: luckily no, otherwise I'd have to use windows 2003, eew :)07:07
tullingajason, ok. But the problem I get is happening when I do make config for the wlan-ng. during installation I get the error I pasted earlier07:07
Fleebailey33with this will java runtimes come with hoary or a future realese?07:07
Fleebailey33there going to try to open source java07:07
jasonpaste it for me07:07
Nobuyuki`thoreauputic:  THANK YOU, will try it now07:07
thoreauputicNobuyuki`: I hope the other tool hasn't overwritten the xorg.config - if it has, this one won't work, most likely07:08
tullingait says "Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [n] : y07:08
tullingaLinux source directory [/usr/src/linux] :07:08
tullingaLinux source tree /usr/src/linux is incomplete or missing!07:08
tullinga    The kernel header files are present, but not  the full source code."07:08
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thoreauputicNobuyuki`: you might want to move you file before you run it07:09
jasonyou installed the kernel sources???07:09
ren0calamari, I get problems only in hoary. Warty is as sound as a pound.07:09
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calamariren0: glad I'm sticking with Warty then :)07:09
tullingainstalled? dont know :) i did download it and unzip it. it is the /usr/src/linux directory07:10
jasonthen you need to unpack and make a symbolic link to the src07:10
jasonok warty or hoary?07:10
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^thehatsrule^who comes up with these names lol07:10
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ZotnixAnyone else in hoary experiencing gnome-theme-manager using up 100% CPU and not displaying the little previews corrently (I'm getting a ? in them)07:11
marcin_anthi all07:11
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: the amn himself I believe - mark Shuttleworth07:11
thoreauputicbah the man *07:11
^thehatsrule^the man?07:11
^thehatsrule^i suppose hes the founder?07:11
marcin_antI got a question - why ubuntu uses apt-get and not apt-rsync? what's wrong with apt-rsync?07:11
ren0There is probably something really obvious that I missed.07:12
^thehatsrule^whats wrong with apt-get then?07:12
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thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: he's the guy with the money and the founder, yes07:12
tullingajason, the preview version. 5.0407:12
keffowhere do i find a big ubuntu logo? imma write out some stickers.. it should be in good quality and great size07:12
jasonok open a root terminal and type uname -a07:12
jasonwhat does it say?07:12
keffowhere do i find a big ubuntu logo? imma write out some stickers.. it should be in good quality and great size07:13
marcin_ant^thehatsrule^: you need fast internet connection to get upgrades07:13
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marcin_ant^thehatsrule^: especially when you use hoary updates are pretty big07:13
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^thehatsrule^oh i supppose i dont know what rsync is then07:14
gambitppl can someone tell me how to use .deb packages?07:14
^thehatsrule^dpkg -i file07:14
gambitthank u07:14
tullingajason, problem is I am in macos x now. I only have a wireless connection and need to reboot into ubuntu to do that. I have kernel version 2.6.10-407:14
marcin_ant^thehatsrule^: rsync is something that can copy from remote hosts07:14
marcin_ant^thehatsrule^: but it copies only differences between files07:14
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^thehatsrule^im not sure about it, but will check on google :P07:15
^thehatsrule^oh i see07:15
^thehatsrule^like the diff.tar.gz's?07:15
jasonok I would try this and then make config07:15
jasoncp /boot/[2:#ubuntu(+cnt)] 07:15
jason[#ubuntu]  cp /boot/07:15
jasonnot that07:15
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^thehatsrule^then you cannot install rsync if you want to - using apt-get? lol07:15
marcin_ant^thehatsrule^: http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/features.html07:15
thoreauputic^thehatsrule^: of course you can :)07:16
gambitone more question... where can i get gcc compiler?07:16
^thehatsrule^so whats his problem? lol :P07:16
^thehatsrule^isnt gcc already in it?07:16
thoreauputicgambit: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:16
^thehatsrule^its not? :/07:17
jasoncp /boot/config-2.6.10-4-386 /usr/src/linux/.config && cd /usr/src/linux && make && make modules07:17
tullingajason, do that or not that?07:17
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tullingajason , got it07:17
pinSi got ndiswrapper using a command from here last night07:17
jasontry the make config again07:17
pinSwhen i do ndiswrapper -l07:17
pinSit says theres a driver07:17
jasonconfig may be onfig-2.6.10-4-ppc?07:17
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jasonwill take like an 1/2 to 1 hour07:18
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tullingajason, yes it would be ppc. I will try it. back in an hour then :)07:18
jasongood luck07:18
pinSwhenever anyone has time, can you help me install my 802.11g nic07:19
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pinSim not sure whether anything is set write07:20
goodoldunclemike? does ubuntu auto configure a network on install...where i can view it..or do i have to configure it07:20
pinSgoodoldunclemike, i think it does07:20
pinSdid on mine07:20
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arekgoodoldunclemike: it does if you got dhcp on your network07:20
arekyou can edit it by hand otherwise07:21
goodoldunclemikeon my harddrive on this computer i have a 20 partition that i let the 2 windows computers use07:22
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pinSi did make and make install from ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net07:22
pinScan i remove that ndiswrapper and use the one installed by the system07:22
=== Sion_Barzhad [~mitch@dynamic-216-211-53-84.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sion_Barzhadhow do you kill a dir07:22
pinSrm -fr dir07:22
Ribsrm -rf dir07:22
areksane package is to old to speak with my scanner :(07:22
Sion_Barzhadi just needed the know the firsdt to letter07:23
Sion_Barzhadaight rm07:23
arekdebian had no problems ..07:23
[-Soultrance-] hey folks, what file has the list of available resolutions starting from 0 to X where 0 is the default resolution and where is the file ??07:23
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goodoldunclemikewitch is the better one of ubuntu..horty or worty07:24
pinSok anyone want to jump ship my laptop and configure my nic for moi07:24
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jasongoodoldunclemike: ubuntu is testing07:24
Alex1someone can help me?07:24
Alex1ERROR **: file gam_tree.c: line 146 (gam_tree_remove): assertion failed: (g_node_n_children(node->node) == 0)07:24
jasongoodoldunclemike: warty is stable07:25
Alex1i've this msg07:25
Alex1x will be crash?07:25
LinuxJonesAlex1, what are you trying to do ?07:25
LinuxJonesAlex1, when does that appear ?07:25
Alex1i'm writing a .php with gedit07:25
jasongoodoldunclemike: hoary is testing rather07:25
Alex1can i copy shell msg on query?07:26
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pinStesting, and i got it...07:26
billytwowillyanyone else getting really slow updates?07:26
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kotatsubillytwowilly: as in download speed?07:26
=== pinS needs help with ndiswrapper please
Alex1LinuxJones, can i?07:26
kotatsu[-Soultrance-] : I think you're looking for /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:27
Jesteraceman e17 is cool07:27
[-Soultrance-] nope07:27
[-Soultrance-] not those ones, hehje07:27
Nobuyuki`hey, do any of you guys know what to do if dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg refuses to overwrite xorg.conf because it's been "customized" ?  I'm sorry, total linux n00b here07:27
billytwowillykotatsu, yah, download speed07:27
[-Soultrance-] theres one file that lists all your res from 0 to whatever the end number would be07:28
kotatsuNobuyuki`: you could always move the xorg.conf file out of the way07:28
Alex1** ERROR **: file gam_tree.c: line 146 (gam_tree_remove): assertion failed: (g_node_n_children(node->node) == 0)07:28
Alex1failed to read() from server connection07:28
[-Soultrance-] and 0 I beleive has an asterisk and is the default07:28
LinuxJonesNobuyuki`, 1 sec07:28
Alex1someone can help me?07:28
kotatsubillytwowilly: yes, it's kind of slow atm... hoary preview increased the load on their servers a lot (lots of switchers from warty, prolly)07:28
kotatsubillytwowilly: it will probably go back to normal after hoary is released and everyone has their copy07:28
Alex1it gave me this error 3 days ago07:29
arek[-Soultrance-] : yes its xfree.conf and xorg.conf07:29
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Alex1and X was crashed07:29
LinuxJonesNobuyuki`, >> http://pastebin.ca/770707:29
Alex1i reinstall hall07:29
[-Soultrance-] I have xf86config-4 and thats not the file I am refering too07:30
[-Soultrance-] I don't have xorg in07:30
=== gambit is now known as gambit[n00b]
Nobuyuki`thanks LinuxJones, I'm assuming cp = copy07:30
gambit[n00b] where can i get "glib"?07:30
LinuxJonesNobuyuki`, yes07:30
billytwowillykotatsu, are there any plans to have a bunch of mirrors like mandrake et al have?07:30
[-Soultrance-] gambit: try apt-get install glib ?07:31
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Dakkoimo, the download link at the website's server is fast enough07:31
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DakkoFaster (to me) than you'd get with the next card07:31
gambit[n00b] apt-get install glib doesn't work07:31
DakkoEr, mirror07:31
[-Soultrance-] hmm07:31
LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , what do you want that for ?07:31
kotatsubillytwowilly: I don't know. I know debian has a large number of mirrors but I've always used archive.ubuntu.com... pinging it resolves the same IP address each time, so I assume it's not round robin like pool.ntp.org07:31
xeroxDo you know how to change the language of the gaim spellchecker? I don't want it to check for english :(07:31
[-Soultrance-] I'm a n00b to, so I was only guessing :P07:32
kotatsuubuntu is sponsored + community, so I guess they might have reasons for keeping it centralized *shrug*07:32
LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , midnight commander is available for download from the apt repository unless you need to compile your own07:32
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LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , you will have to add the universe repository to get it tho07:33
kotatsuyou can probably rsync your own repository though07:34
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LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , are you runnign hoary ?07:35
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LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , did you install the Warty or Hoary version of Ubuntu07:36
LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , if you type cat /etc/issue in console it will tell you if your not sure07:36
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LinuxJonesgambit[n00b] , go here and use the synaptic directions >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-09-30.5359349801/view?searchterm=synaptic07:38
rubenDoes anyone know where to enable numlock at startup?07:38
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rubenDoes anyone know where to enable numlock at startup?07:40
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da_rootwhat have i to do when i want to start something on startup, means startup automaticly a script!??07:40
Xapperuben, sudo apt-get install numlockx07:41
jmkiruben: my guess would be /etc/console-tools/config07:41
jmkiruben: add LEDS=+num07:41
rubenah thx07:41
vaijr2002can anyone help a min . well hope it only takes a min07:41
jmkiruben: for X, use what Xappe suggested07:41
vaijr2002i am getting this error. i have searched forums but cant fixxie07:41
vaijr2002ERROR 1064 at line 1: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Happy Haven cont.' WHERE 1 and file='config' and var='hub_nam07:42
vaijr2002forgot about pasting in main07:42
rubenhave been looking for a while ant it just wouldn't work :)07:42
knudsen_Hello. Some days ago I installed Ubunto (the new preview), and I installed totem-xine without any problems. Now I have made a freash installation, and if I want to install totem-xine, I have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop. Afterwards totem will not start ... does anybody know what to do?07:42
da_rootdo you use synaptic?07:43
Xappeapt-get totem-xine maybe?07:43
LinuxJonesknudsen_, don't worry about ubuntu-desktop, try running totem-xine from a command line and see what error it pops up with.07:43
jasonwhat is in ubuntu-desktop?07:43
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Xappeah, sorry. I misread07:44
knudsen_LinuxJones: believe it or not: It lacks libnautilus-cdburn.so.0 (or something like that)07:44
da_rootperhaps restart totem with synaptic?!?07:44
knudsen_restart totem?!07:44
kotatsujason: meta package that depends on all the important desktop stuff07:44
LinuxJonesknudsen_, wtf07:44
vaijr2002any ideas with my prob Xappe?07:44
kasperi think ill be deleting suse 9.1 totally now07:44
rubeneum does anyone of you play ET in linux?07:44
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jasonkotatsu: thanks :)07:44
kotatsukasper: in favor of ubuntu?07:44
kasperi feel as if im cheating on my partner dual booting kubuntu and suse07:44
Xappevaijr2002, nope, I have no need to run a dc hub. I just use the clients...07:45
knudsen_LinuxJones: it sounds strange ... especially since nautilus-cdburn IS installed...07:45
Burgawayjason: generally, once you have a stable system, you don't need ubuntu-desktop07:45
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vaijr2002lol ok Xappe07:45
DavidH86kasper:thats funny07:45
kasperkubuntu needs a medal!07:45
LinuxJonesknudsen_, try updatedb as root07:45
da_rootdoes anyone can help me, with automaticly startup a programm at startup!07:45
Burgawayjason: however, until hoary releases, I would keep it07:45
kotatsuyay, another ubuntu convert ^^07:45
Burgawayda_root: session manager07:45
knudsen_LinuxJones: hmmm ... doesn't that just "update" locate?07:45
LinuxJonesknudsen_, that probably won't matter but...07:45
kaspermore  than convert,,, total linux user rewrite!07:45
kasperyou fucking whores07:46
Burgawayda_root: system-->prefs-->sessions07:46
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da_rootand this will also start when i don't start kde?07:46
Burgawayda_root: that is gnome, userspace stuff07:46
kotatsuI'm very much a fan of ubuntu... used debian before warty but it's really nice not to have to worry about keeping track of all the necessary stuff to have a coherent desktop07:46
Burgawayda_root: do you want start a program before you login?07:46
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rubenI also have a prob with ET I can play it fine for about 15 minutes and then the console just shuts down and says there was a segmentation error07:47
da_rootjep before login like nic startup!07:47
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kasperi want to open  up a #ubuntu channel on my ircd07:47
kasperne australian ununtu users here?07:47
_d4vidhi all07:47
vaijr2002ok well gonna go look for some more help ttyl everyone07:47
LinuxJonesknudsen_, fire up synaptic and see if totem-xine has any conflicts besides ubuntu-desktop07:47
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Burgawayda_root: you need to add a script to /etc/init.d with it symlinked to the right runlevel07:47
Burgawaylinuxboy: it doesn07:48
BurgawayLinuxJones: it doesn't07:48
kasperLinuxJones, use kaffein instead of totem for kubuntu07:48
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knudsen_LinuxJones: it has to uinstall totem, totem-gstreamer, and ubuntu-desktop07:48
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keffowhere do i put them splashscreens?07:48
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LinuxJonesknudsen_, I use gxine and avoid totem as it isn't really in great shape yet :)07:49
kotatsuLinuxJones: what's wrong with totem?07:49
SpooksAnyone got an opinion on best HD make?07:49
=== Arpallan|AFK [~none@dsl-200-95-96-124.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
sevas_26hi all07:49
kotatsuLinuxJones: your problems might be with totem-gstreamer, not totem itself07:49
LinuxJoneskotatsu, it's a pain07:50
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keffowhere do i put them splashscreens?07:50
knudsen_LinuxJones: I also thougt of that, but I would like totem to create thumbnails for my video files ...07:50
kotatsuLinuxJones: gstreamer is a kickass idea, but not quite the best backend for media playback yet >_<07:50
ArmandoGreetings! Wanted to know if Ubuntu supports xfree86?07:50
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kotatsuhard to beat gstreamer for media conversion though... was playing with it the other day07:50
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ArmandoAlso does it support DRM (Direct Rendering Manager).07:50
apokryphosArmando: it's the default in Warty07:50
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knudsen_kotatsu: I cannot even play an mpeg-file with totem ...07:50
kotatsuknudsen_: do you have totem-xine installed?07:51
apokryphosArmando: in hoary, it is supported but not the default.07:51
maximausapt-get install totem-xine solves a lot of headaches.07:51
LinuxJoneskotatsu, it's coming along and I will move to it when things get a little more settled down with it07:51
knudsen_kotatsu: If I install totem-xine, totem wont start ...07:51
kotatsuLinuxJones: what's coming along, exactly?07:51
Armandoapokryphos: does the default installation give you hoary?07:51
maximausI like how totem makes installing new codecs a snap. :)07:51
kotatsuLinuxJones: no problem with using gxine, I'm just curious what needs work in totem07:51
kotatsuit's a quick and dirty way to play media using a xine backend07:51
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kotatsuI don't use it for watching dvds and stuff but for media clips I find totem quite easy07:52
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sevas_26guy's, can I install ubuntu ontop suse, whitout erasing /home07:52
apokryphosArmando: Ubuntu Warty is currently the Stable Version. Hoary is technically in developement, but the vast majority of users are using it already. Preview came out recently.07:52
LinuxJoneskotatsu, totem07:52
knudsen_kotatsu: I wonder why it worked when I made an installation some days ago ...07:52
gfxstyleris there a way to make the ubuntu fonts smaller07:52
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Vjaz_sevas_26: there's a good reason to have a separate home partition :-/07:52
gfxstyler(i already tried the fontmanager but it has no effect)07:52
apokryphosArmando: I recommend hoary if you want all the new apps etc. Switching to xfree on hoary is trivial.07:52
kotatsuknudsen_: not sure - try running it on a command line and see if you get error messages07:52
knudsen_kotatsu: believe it or not: It lacks libnautilus-cdburn.so.0 (or something like that)07:52
keffoanyone knows where i change splashscreen?07:53
Armandoapokryphos: Ok, thanx. I'll install the source when I get better at linux. Long time Windows user and not a programer so its gonna take a while :-) But finaly I found that my ATI Radeon 345M Card is 3D Hardware supported.07:53
sevas_26[gfx]  need to make  another partit. n' puto all my /home there ?07:53
farruinngfxstyler: in preferences>fonts you can change the dpi07:53
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Echyloapt-get moo07:53
kotatsuknudsen_: uh... for burning CDs in totem? I don't follow07:53
apokryphosArmando: Switching to Linux was the best computer decision I ever made. :)07:53
farruinngfxstyler: it's 92 by default, you can lower it to make the fonts smaller07:53
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knudsen_kotastsu: I don't understand it either ... it's strange!07:53
mellumHi. Can anybody say something about the completeness of the German translation in 5.04? Would I be better off with 4.10?07:53
gfxstylerfarruinn: yes but somehow since i installed kde they are bigger07:53
knudsen_kotastu: and nautilus-cdburn *is* installed ...07:54
kotatsuknudsen_: if you can get the output from totem I might be able to help you track down the problem07:54
farruinngfxstyler: in gnome or just kde?07:54
gfxstylerin gnome07:54
gfxstylerfarruinn: i have to set the dpi to 80 to make it look like before07:54
apokryphosArmando: if you should need any help, just come and ask in here. :) Takes some time to get used to, but once you do, it's great.07:54
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selphishhow do i get ubuntu warty to load enlightment instead of gnome?07:55
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knudsen_kotatsu: It simply says "cannot find shared library libnautilus-burncd.so.0" (or cdburn, I do not remember)07:55
gfxstylerselphish: in gdm u can select enlightement and if you load it it should ask you to make it default07:55
kotatsuselphish: I think you're looking for /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current in gconf07:55
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LinuxJonesselphish, it should appear un sessions in the GDM login screen07:55
farruinnselphish: what I did was install fluxbox so I could get an understandable xsessions/*.desktop file to convert for e07:55
farruinnselphish: I can /msg you mine if you want07:56
kotatsuknudsen_: does that file exist on your system?07:56
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Armandoapokryphos: Yup :) Installed it last night but couldnt get my wirless card to work.  But since then Ive been working on learning the system so should be able to configure it adequately by the weekend :)07:56
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knudsen_kotatsu: I'll take a look ... to sec07:56
HedleyIt's Frank! From Frank's Factory Flooring!~!~!~!~!07:56
apokryphosArmando: nice :)07:56
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Armandoapokryphos: hehe yup.  Ok, be back later then Bye!07:57
popeyeAnyone knows how to see what modules are possible to install in my kernel07:57
knudsen_kotatsu: The right message is: "totem: error while loading shared libraries: libnautilus-burn.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:57
knudsen_", and the file does not exist ...07:57
LinuxJonespopey, modprobe -l07:57
^thehatsrule^oh, are nvidia drivers included on cd?07:58
gfxstyler@all: is there a way to fake dropshadows in gnome like kde does?07:58
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LinuxJones^thehatsrule^, no07:58
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^thehatsrule^oh dang07:58
apokryphos^thehatsrule^: you can apt for them07:58
LinuxJones^thehatsrule^, it's only a few meg download07:58
amanhi all07:59
^thehatsrule^is it possible to set up while livecd?07:59
^thehatsrule^editing on ramdisk i guess07:59
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kotatsuknudsen_: does /usr/lib/libnautilus-burn.so.0 exist on your system?08:00
Jesteracewow hoary upgrades aplenty08:00
knudsen_kotatsu: there are files called blablabla.1 and blablabla.1.0.0 but not blablabla.008:01
kotatsuknudsen_: using hoary?08:01
knudsen_kotatsu: I am using 5.0408:01
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lorenanyone tried Kubuntu?08:01
DXTanyone knows of a freeware app to convert .ape to .mp3?08:02
apokryphosloren: many people, yes :). If you want, see #kubuntu08:02
lorenawsome :)08:02
kotatsuknudsen_: totem shouldn't be looking for .0 then.... try $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall totem-xine libnautilus-burn108:02
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knudsen_kotatsu: it's still the same. ..08:03
stianhdumb question: what would happen if I change the repos from warty ones to hoary ones08:03
stianhand try to install stuff08:03
kotatsuknudsen_: hmmm, not sure... if you make a symlink of the correct name does it work?08:03
farruinnstianh: you would be running hoary =)08:03
kotatsustianh: probably upgrade you without any problems08:04
Jesteracestianh, well it would likely turn into hoary :P08:04
kotatsustianh: *probably* =P08:04
stianhhehe, neat :)08:04
=== Snecklifter [~Christoph@cpc2-hudd2-6-0-cust44.hudd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
kotatsuI had to fight with the deps a little bit, but I dist-upgraded mid-hoary08:04
Snecklifterwhat version of mysql, php and apache does hoary come with?08:05
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stianhOh what the heck, I'm bored, so if things break I'll have something to do :D08:05
knudsen_kotatsu: It get's even more strange: totem: relocation error: totem: undefined symbol: bacon_cd_selection_new08:05
Po|^20Buenas tardes08:05
Snecklifterbuenos noches08:05
stianhthanks guys08:05
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Po|^20(es ms fcil q el Ubuntu se connecte al IRC q el Windows, para muestra: un botn)08:06
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kotatsuSnecklifter: apache 1.3.33 and 2.0.5308:06
=== pinS likes the glmatrix screen saver
stianhbuenos nachos? :P08:06
pinSthat is just cool08:06
kotatsuSnecklifter: php4.3.1008:06
Snecklifterah cheers kotatsu08:06
kotatsuSnecklifter: mysql 4.0.2308:06
Snecklifterright, thanks muchly08:06
Po|^20Pregunta: estoy en Ubuntua ahora mismo, pero con un problema, no consigo que reproduzca mp3, puede alguien ayudarme ?08:06
Snecklifterneeding 5 and 4.1 of the latter08:07
kotatsuSnecklifter: why the drat? php?08:07
gfxstylermuahahaa ubuntu is just perfect :08:07
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SnecklifterI'm having an awful problem with a LAMP solution I'm working in08:07
Snecklifterbut it uses mysqli08:07
Snecklifterso I really would like to be using php5 and mysql 4.108:08
kotatsuah, so you need the newest versions to fix a bug?08:08
=== kotatsu nods.
Snecklifterwell, not sure08:08
kotatsudidn't even know PHP was on version 5 =P08:08
Snecklifteryeah, its not production yet but getting there08:08
kotatsuah, ok08:08
^thehatsrule^Po|^20: puede jugar cualquier cosa ?08:08
Sneckliftereven php coders are starting to call themselves programmers!08:08
kotatsu<-- 0 experience in php!08:09
Snecklifterbecuase its got some basic OO stuff in there08:09
kotatsuI don't really like coding much, actually08:09
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Snecklifterwell ive got about 2/10008:09
Snecklifterbut the learning curve is steep08:09
gfxstyleris there a special reason why "iwconfig wlan0 essid acer" doesnt work?08:09
kotatsuI know enough java to be passable and I can write asp/vbscript if forced08:10
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kotatsubut what I'm really coming to love is shell scripting... it's so easy to do so much quickly compared to programming heh08:10
Snecklifteri'll pretend i didnt hear the latter bit....08:10
popeyehow do i see wich modules are on in the kernel08:10
Snecklifteryeah, shell is good08:10
kotatsuI'd like to get into python as some point08:10
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kotatsubut time is always at a premium08:10
Sneckliftercheck out bashpodder for a good but effective shell script08:10
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Snecklifterand jono bacon at lugradio has done some good experimental stuff with python08:11
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kasperwheres ubuntu kde3 installed?08:11
kotatsuisn't showing up in apt - is there a website for bashpodder?08:11
kasperits not in /opt/kde308:11
Snecklifteryeah, just google it08:11
kotatsuanother neat one is beanshell08:12
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kotatsuplayed with that for a day or two, although I don't really have a use for it beyond curiousity08:12
kotatsulove the logo08:12
Snecklifterthats the one08:12
pinSsudo modprobe ndiswrapper08:12
pinSFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/misc/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory08:12
Po|^20^thehatsrule^:  que si puedo jugar ?08:12
pinS^^ ??08:12
Sneckliftercheck out the show too, really chilled out but good chaps on the mic08:13
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Snecklifterokay, thanks for the quick info on LAMP kotatsu08:13
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Sneckliftergotta run08:14
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^thehatsrule^Po|^20 s, usted hace el sonido instalar y trabaja?08:14
elTigrehelp! my computer fucked up...08:14
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kotatsubye, good luck08:14
^thehatsrule^btw, Po|^20 : http://babelfish.altavista.com08:14
elTigreI can't install a kernel that works -.-08:14
Po|^20para ?08:14
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elTigreI always get this "can't mount root filesystem"08:14
^thehatsrule^Po|^20: xmms?08:15
elTigremy root fs is a reiserfs.... one of my kernel works, 2.6.11-1-i686 ... but when I run gnome-session the computer hangs and I can't install any nvidia driver08:15
elTigreany idea?08:15
tritiumelTigre, 2.6.11 isn't supported yet08:15
^thehatsrule^lol i just use ext308:15
tritiumonly up to 2.6.10 has linux-restricted-modules, which provides nvidia support08:16
elTigreyep but 2.6.10 won't boot08:16
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^thehatsrule^like, whats the advantage of all those new fs? :/08:16
chickenmani am back people !! :D08:16
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tritiumelTigre, why?  What's the problem?08:16
beowuffis there a command to kick a user off a pts? I had ssh tme out and it shows I have 3 pty's open...08:17
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tritiumelTigre, you should try the latest update to 2.6.10.  It should work08:17
kaoueteeven with reiserfs ?08:17
^thehatsrule^is it a process? cant you just kill it then08:17
pinSsudo modprobe ndiswrapper08:17
pinSFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/misc/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory08:17
elTigrewell, I will try and delete all kernels now -.-08:18
elTigreand then try to install something with the ubuntu logo08:18
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elTigrewhich package should I use to install a kernel?08:19
tritiumelTigre, save yourself a working kernel just in case you have problems08:19
tritiumelTigre, linux-image-2.6.1008:20
tritium-<your architecture>08:20
pinSno one here knows about my error with ndiswrapper?08:21
tritiumelTigre, just sudo apt-get install linux-image-686, for example08:22
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mips1pinS, is the file actually there ?08:22
tritiumelTigre, what architecture do you have?08:22
elTigreathlon xp08:23
billytwowillyanyone else running an ati graphics card and getting really funky messed up colors? it was fine until the last update and reboot.08:23
LordGruntheya, anyone else had some performance problems with mplayer?08:23
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Xappebillytwowilly, do not lick the stamps with smileys08:24
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elTigrewell I will try and reboot now....08:24
billytwowillyXappe,  that's actually what it is kind of like;) I'm trying to take a screen shot to show you guys.08:25
arekwhere is the list of things finnished and things still to be done for hoarty?08:25
Xappebillytwowilly, now i'm afraid to reboot08:25
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billytwowillyXappe, wait a minute and I should have a screen up.08:26
farruinneveryone smile08:27
billytwowillyXappe, http://members.shaw.ca/quilley/snapshot1.png08:27
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billytwowillythose gigantic purple circle things are not supposed to be there.. or the graininess of the icons.08:28
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LinuxJonespinS, did you read the howto on the Ubuntu website ?08:28
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pinSthat error pop up08:28
pinSim gonna reformat to start all over08:28
pinSseems like something i screwed up08:29
pinSwill the file be there after the reformat08:29
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Xappebillytwowilly, haha, you fool. that screenshot looks perfectly fine to us, since don't have your graphics problem :)08:30
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odie5533Is ubuntu slow for anyone else?08:30
odie5533It seems slower than windows xp =/08:30
SpooksNot for me08:31
SpooksAnd my system is poo08:31
billytwowillyXappe, that's weird. I looked at it in firefox and it looked weird.08:31
SpooksPoo  I say08:31
odie5533I have 512mb DDR PC2700 and a 2.6gHz08:31
Xappebillytwowilly, but if you take a screenshot with a digital camera :)08:31
billytwowillyXappe, looked the same weird as the desktop08:31
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Xappebillytwowilly, hmm08:32
phxguycan someone help me out with a mounting issue?08:32
odie5533Is there any form filler and password saver like AI Roboform for Linux?08:32
Xappebillytwowilly, how screwed up should it be?08:32
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pinSwhy does ubuntu install 386 files while my lappy is 2.66ghz pentium08:33
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billytwowillytwo pink purple circles with the bottom right corner as the center.08:33
billytwowillyPlus grainy icons.08:33
billytwowillyI'm going to reboot again and pray that the windows solution fixes it;)08:33
LinuxJonesAnybody using Yahoo Mail with Evolution ?08:33
phxguyubuntu is not seeing Windows Drive (hda)08:33
=== pinS bbl, reformat
thenukepinS: because only kernel is compiled for different archtitectures08:33
Xappebillytwowilly, it looks perfectly fine here08:34
billytwowillyok. bbiab08:34
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libpngphxguy, sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda08:35
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phxguydo i do that in a terminal window?08:35
ren0I was able to solve my Xorg problem with hoary by using sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg...08:35
libpngit ll give the partition list08:35
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trekeI've got a question about security updates for universe in ubuntu. The source.list file indicates that no security updates are done to packages in the universe section of ubuntu, while the wiki indicates that the Ubuntu Security Team maintains security updates on the universe repository. Which of these statements is actually accurate?08:35
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ren0..Then I followed the destructions.08:36
=== rvirani [~rvirani@S0106000d88f49a55.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rviraniI have hoary08:36
rviranihow do I install kubuntu-desktop08:36
apokryphosrvirani: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:36
phxguyok libpng it shows it there how do i get it to mount??08:36
rviraniapokryphos,  you wish it was that easy08:36
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thoreauputicsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:36
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LinuxJonesrvirani, have you done apt-get update first ?08:37
apokryphosrvirani: it is. :) Enable the repositories08:37
DarthFrogrvirani: It is that easy.08:37
DarthFrogapokryphos: KDE is in main now.08:37
Loevborgthis is really annoyning - ripping with cdparanoia is painfully slow on by hoary install with a nec dvd writer.08:37
rviranicant find it08:37
rviraniso its not that easy08:37
apokryphosDarthFrog: Good point (which I forgot); though, some packages still in Universe.08:37
LinuxJonesrvirani, apt-get update first08:37
rviraniso where do I get the repositories from?08:37
apokryphosDarthFrog: all stuff necessary for k-desktop is in main though, I think.08:37
XappeLoevborg, have you tried to turn on dma?08:38
libpngphxguy, which partition do u wanna mount ? and what is its type nyfs or fat32 ?08:38
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rviranisame thing08:38
LoevborgXappe, yes, it doesn't chang a thing.08:38
rviraninot working08:38
odysseyLoevborg dma enabled? that might speed things up08:38
apokryphosrvirani: don't worry about that; just apt-get update; then the command above08:38
DarthFrogrvirani: Use synaptic to add repositories.  It will ask you about universe and multiverse.08:38
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rviraniI did08:38
apokryphosrvirani: what's the error message?08:38
LoevborgXappe, it used to be disabled though, which is weird.08:38
rviraniI added all the repos08:38
rviraniE" Couldnt find package kubuntu-desktop08:38
LoevborgXappe, maybe that means that ide controller interaction is bad...08:38
LinuxJonesrvirani, output the /etc/apt/sources.lst file to www.pastebin.ca then post the link here08:38
phxguylinpng; there is only one partitoin on the Disk. I would like to mount the whole thing. It is NTFS.. So i know it will be read only which is fine with me....08:38
XappeLoevborg, i know. I got sluggish dvd playback on my ibook until I turned dma on08:38
thoreauputicrvirani: you reloaded ?08:39
DarthFrogrvirani: Use synaptice to enable the repositories, update package lists and then install kubuntu-desktop.  All from synaptic.  You don't have to use apt-get, synaptic will do it all for you.08:39
phxguyI have Ubuntu installed on a different physical disk (hdb1)08:39
libpngphxguy, paste the output (sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda)08:39
alii got a problem: my fresh hoary install freezes after 2-3hours. i have nvidia drivers08:39
phxguy/dev/hda1   *           1       14592   117210208+   7  HPFS/NTFS08:39
LinuxJonesali, sounds like a hardware problem is you system running hot ?08:40
libpngphxguy, sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs08:40
DarthFrogrvirani: Synaptic has a search function, you can use it to find kubuntu-desktop.08:40
apokryphosrvirani: you commented out the repos you need08:40
Loevborg/dev/hdc: using_dma    =  1 (on)  -- hope that actually means that enabling dma worked.08:40
aliLinuxJones, nope08:40
rviraniI know what synaptic is you tool08:40
libpngphxguy, sudo mount /dev/hda1 -t ntfs /mnt/ntfs -o ro,umask=00008:40
apokryphosrvirani: and you have warty repos there08:40
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rviraniapokryphonaptics, must be a bug, I checked all of them in sy08:40
libpngphxguy, cd /mnt/ntfs && ls -l08:40
rviraniI checked all I saw08:40
NetwrkMonkeyin gnome how do i make keycode 174 turn up the volume and keycode 176 turn it down?08:40
rviranilet me go and manually do it08:41
rviraniIm running hoary08:41
DarthFrogrvirani: You're running Warty.08:41
apokryphosrvirani: hold on, let me send you my repositories.08:41
pinPointim reformating my lappy08:41
apokryphosrvirani: what does cat /etc/issue give?08:41
DarthFrogrvirani: Well, your sources.list say warty.08:41
aliLinuxJones, it worked in warty, but in hoary..it freezes08:41
LinuxJonesrvirani, you should uncomment the line >> deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted    as well08:41
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LinuxJonesali, mmm08:41
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rviraniexec -o cat /etc/issue08:41
rviraniUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Development Branch \n \l08:41
phxguylibpng... Its is mounted.... How do I get it to AutoMount on Startup... I did not see it listed in my fstab08:41
apokryphosrvirani: ok, hold on, I'll send you my sources.list08:42
libpngphxguy, sudo gedit /etc/fstab08:42
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apokryphosrvirani: www.youmortals.com/stuff/ubuntu/sources.list08:42
aliLinuxJones, it happends after 3-2 hours..can i mail you my xlog, and my xconfig so you find if anythunf is wrong08:43
rviraniI uncommented all the hoary stuff08:43
apokryphosrvirani: replace that file with your current onen, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop08:43
phxguyok  libpng i have fstab opened....08:43
rviranidont know why it was commented in the first place08:43
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rviraniperhaps I should submit a bug08:43
libpngphxguy, and add this line "/dev/hda1    /mnt/ntfs   ntfs   users,umask=0,ro   0   0"08:43
apokryphosrvirani: you still have warty stuff there... and other problems. Replace it with the one above and you'll be fine.08:43
rviraniI commented all the warty stuff08:43
pinPointis there a way to have your own sources run at your own server08:43
phxguyok libpng That is done. Should I save it now???08:44
trekelooks like universe does get some kind of security releases08:44
libpngphxguy, sure08:44
LinuxJonesali, it could be a hundred things :(08:44
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phxguykewl. thanks... I have one More.... I have a External Maxtor USB Drive.... Which I would like to add to fstab also08:44
aliLinuxJones, hmmm...08:45
rviraniapokryphos, thanx08:45
arekali search your logs not only xfree logs but others also see what dmesg says08:45
apokryphosrvirani: np :)08:45
pinPointhey its installing kernel linux-38608:45
rviranithey should fix the sources.list in hoary I guess08:45
pinPointwhy why why!!!08:45
pinPointmy system is 68608:45
aliarek, ok08:45
apokryphosrvirani: the sources.list by default are just fine. ;-)08:45
libpngphxguy, when u plugged it look "dmesg | tail" what it says?08:45
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rviraniapokryphos, mine didnt work08:46
LinuxJonespinPoint, covers more ground08:46
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phxguyI already have a folder for it /media/MAXTOR12008:46
rviraninot for kubuntu-desktop08:46
rviranikubuntu says just do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:46
rviranibut it doesnt work by default08:46
pinPointLinuxJones: then i have to get rid of it to install ndiswrapper...08:46
pinPointdouble work for nothing08:46
apokryphosrvirani: it does, if your repositories were alright08:46
libpngphxguy, what is its type ? fat or ntfs ?08:46
Cred_Hi ho. I was wondering if someone here has a USB device called "Wireless PC Lock". A USB key and a keyring that locks computer automaticly if appart more than 2meters.. :)08:47
phxguyit is also NTFS08:47
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Riddellrvirani: what doesn't work?08:47
LinuxJonespinPoint, the 386 kernel is default because it will work with all those intel/amd processors08:47
chickenmanwhere are the files stored after they are compiled with G++ ??08:47
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pinPointso i can keep it and still have ndiswrapper work08:47
pinPointwithout problems08:47
LinuxJonespinPoint, you can always install the 686 kernel image after08:47
pinPointno no too much work08:47
phxguylinpng... when i typed that command I get a bunch of error msgs08:47
chickenmanwhere are the files stored after they are compiled with G++ ??08:47
LinuxJonespinPoint, you don't have high speed Internet ?08:48
pinPointi do08:48
pinPointinstall then boot into it08:48
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pinPointthen uninstall 38608:48
pinPointdouble work08:48
chickenmanwhere are the files stored after they are compiled with G++ ?? please help!!08:48
pinPointit could have just done 68608:48
LinuxJonespinPoint, ok all you have to do is apt-get update && apt-get install linux-image-68608:48
pinPointwith sudo08:48
LinuxJonespinPoint, it takes like 2 minutes :D08:49
thoreauputicpinPoint: you don't have to uninstall a thing08:49
pinPointwill do that08:49
chickenmanwhere are the files stored after they are compiled with G++ ?? Some one help me i don't have all night to wait08:49
LinuxJonespinPoint, it's best to have the 386 as a backup that works incase soemthing get's borked like nvidia drivers08:49
pinPointusing ati08:49
thoreauputicchickenman: then don't wait :)08:50
chickenmani come in here for help and no one helps me !08:50
farruinnchickenman: how did you compile the source?08:50
apokryphoschickenman: your attitude is hardly helping you there08:50
LinuxJoneschickenman, your almost demanding that someone help you :P08:50
chickenmani've been trying for 2 days to get the damn thing to work now i don't know where the files are stored08:51
netmonkchickenman, i would have helped you, but I don't have a clue, may be the ones that can are busy. wait for a whle ;)08:51
DarthFrogLinuxJones: Almost? :-)08:51
aliI have another question, is there any rep for hoary for the non free rar ?08:51
LinuxJoneschickenman, updatedb and locate filename08:51
tritiumchickenman, that doesn't mean you should be rude08:51
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chickenmani am not being rude08:51
thoreauputicali, multiverse08:51
LinuxJoneschickenman, what are you compiling ?08:51
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chickenmanas small C++ program .cpp08:51
apokryphoschickenman: "Some one help me i don't have all night to wait" -- is hardly the friendliest tone.08:51
chickenmanwell i don't have all night08:52
tritiumchickenman, g++ puts the compiled file in the directory you call it from08:52
tritiumchickenman, be polite, or don't get help08:52
XenguyHi - is anyone else getting occasional/regular unsolicited /msg's from some turkey (pun intended) who always just says "Hi" ?08:52
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chickenmanthat would be my desktop but i don't see any think new08:52
thoreauputicchickenman: people here are volunteers08:52
tritiumchickenman, this is rude: <chickenman> well i don't have all night08:52
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LinuxJoneshi pacorro08:53
DarthFrogchickenman: As LinuxJones pointed out, updatedb and locate are the two commands you need.08:53
apokryphoschickenman: what are you installing?08:53
rviraniits going :D08:53
alithoreauputic, could you give me the hole link, (so that i can paset in my source list=08:53
chickenmanlocate ill give it a try08:53
chickenmanand what do compiled .cpp files end up as ?08:53
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pacorrowho know which repository i can find f-spot08:54
thoreauputicali, you just add the word multiverse after universe , with a space08:54
apokryphoschickenman: whereis <packagename> will likely help, too; produce less results than locate...08:54
DarthFrogchickenman: They don't end in anything in particular.08:54
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LinuxJonesapokryphos, I think it's something he has written himself08:54
tritiumchickenman, man g++08:54
LinuxJonesapokryphos, like helloworld08:54
goodoldunclemike? where do I edit Or where can i find doc's on mounting fat3208:54
chickenmani go take a look see if i can find it brb08:55
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aliE: Malformed line 20 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)08:57
aliE: The list of sources could not be read.08:57
aliGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.08:57
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thoreauputicali, Ok you got it wrong :)08:57
thoreauputicali, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats08:57
thoreauputicali, the repositories are listed there08:58
thoreauputicincluding multiverse08:58
alithoreauputic, thanks08:58
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odie5533Is there a good java IDE for linux?08:59
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Loevborgodie5533, eclipse of course!09:00
Bubbling_Zombie& eclipse09:00
odie5533I hated netbeans on windows... =/09:00
odie5533checking eclipse atm09:00
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chickenmani've found it thanks :D09:01
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Den-DensI have a problem running gDesklets on UBUNTU09:03
Den-Densi get this as error /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py:90: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.mainloop is deprecated, use gtk.main instead09:03
Den-Dens  self.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)09:03
Nermalwith what sensor / display ?09:03
Den-Densit gives this error when i just type gdesklets in terminal09:04
Den-Densand i tryed it with multiCPU display09:04
Den-Densi get a small bar but when i try to place it it just gives this error again09:05
Den-Densany ideas09:05
Den-Densi have tryed upgrading phyton but no change09:05
chickenmani got the compiled C++ file but i can't run it what file type do i change it to run in the terminal ?09:05
malte"[warn]  Init: (localhost.localdomain:443) You configured HTTP(80) on the standard HTTPS(443) port!" <- i get this even though i've "SSLEngine on" in my virtual host config, and list the certificate and rsa key file. is there anything else to it?09:06
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aliI have innstallled the non free unrar, but when i right klikk on it and klikk on extract to, then i get the massege archive type not supported ..09:07
MobyTurbochickenman, make sure it's chmod'ed to be executable. (e.g. chmod +x)09:07
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maltehttp://obbel.se/~malte/virt_hos <- this is my virtual host config09:07
Den-Densdoes anyone have an idea of how to fix the prob09:08
DarthFrogmalte: For one thing, you have: SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl.key/obbel.se.csr09:08
DarthFrogThat should be a CRT file, not your CSR.09:08
malteDarthFrog, oh. i'm not sure what the difference is though09:09
maltei followed a guide to generate a cert and a private key09:09
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DarthFrogmalte: One is the Certificate Signing Request that you submit to a signing authority.  The other is the certificate you get back from said signing authority.09:09
malteoh :)09:10
chickenmani just get a load of error lines even though i checked it all a number of times my self is there any other GUI C++ compiler i can use ?09:10
maltei suppose it's possible to generate one's own certificate which isn't signed?09:10
DarthFrogmalte: Yes.09:10
Xappewoo, i'm buying a 300 GB hdd tomorrow, http://www.maxtor.com/portal/site/Maxtor/menuitem.ba88f6d7cf664718376049b291346068/?channelpath=/en_us/Products/ATA%20Hard%20Drives/Desktop/DiamondMax%201009:10
Xappegoing to rebuild my ubuntu system09:11
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MobyTurboXappe, what do you need 300G for, multimedia files?09:11
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malteDarthFrog, ok, i'm googling right now. do you think that's why ssl won't work btw? apache doesn't give any error messages at all09:11
DarthFrogMobyTurbo: What does need have to do with it? :-)09:11
Den-Densok Cu all then i' will try solving it on my own then09:11
chickenmani need a GUI C++ compiler other than G++ any one know where i can get one ?09:11
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LinuxJonesXappe, I am thinking of getting a 128 meg usb key09:11
XappeLinuxJones, :)09:12
Juz_pass-n-thruwhat is the command to remount a hd so you can remount it rw (running the live ubuntu cd to try to rescue an install for a friend09:12
DarthFrogmalte: It might be.  You had better read your log files.  And you must have a Listen 443 statement in there somewhere.09:12
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LinuxJonesJuz_pass-n-thru, remount09:12
DarthFrogmalte: I don't know Apache 2 at all.09:12
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Xappeneed space for both windows gaming, multimedia and cedega/linux gaming09:12
Juz_pass-n-thruthat just made it ro again09:12
phxguylibpng... still there???09:13
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malteDarthFrog, i have a Listen 443 elsewhere though09:13
libpngyes phxguy09:13
malteDarthFrog, ok, thanks anyway09:13
MobyTurboXappe, how good does cedega work?09:13
DarthFrogJuz_pass-n-thru: mount -n  -o remount,rw (drive) (mount point)09:13
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chickenmancan some one help please i need a C++ compiler other than G++09:13
phxguyi have restarted and my Windows Drive mounted ok but09:13
XappeMobyTurbo, can't really tell, cause I have no room for new installs09:13
phxguymy External Drive did not mount09:13
MobyTurbochickenman, what is wrong with g++?09:13
phxguyi got an error during bootup09:14
libpngwhat was it? phxguy09:14
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phxguymount: device special /mnt/sde1 device does not exist09:14
chickenmani compiled an run the file it made in terminal and it gave me a load of errors although the .cpp is fine09:14
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phxguythen when i did that tail command i didn't see it listed as before09:15
tritiumchickenman, the problem is not likely to be g++09:15
DarthFrogchickenman: If it gave you a load of errors, then something is wrong.09:15
chickenmanwell i know C++ and it's only 10 lines of code and i've checked it over and over again09:15
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chickenmanill have one more check :S09:16
DarthFrogAnd it isn't likely to be g++.09:16
tritiumwhy don't you paste the program on pastebin.org and we'll check it out for you09:16
chickenman:|  ehh09:16
libpngphxguy, i think it is using a module. and not loaded at boot. first u must find it. but i dont know which module it is using. ask here. may be someonehelp.09:16
phxguylibpng, So I Unplugged the usb cable and plugged it back in and this time nothing happened09:17
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chickenmanyou don't mind if i paste it on here do you it's only 9 lines ?09:17
phxguyalso my Bluetooth Keybd stopped working... sure its amodule  or library or something09:17
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libpngphxguy, take care at "dmesg | tail" when u unplugging and plugging it. and keep asking here:)09:18
chickenman#include <iostream>09:18
chickenmanusing namespace std;09:18
chickenmanint main()09:18
chickenman  cout<<"hello\n";09:18
chickenman  cin.get();09:18
chickenmansee any think wrong ?09:18
phxguyok will do09:18
Vjazchickenman: you need to return an int value09:18
Vjazchickenman: not that it mostly makes a difference09:18
ompaulreturn 0; is good :)09:19
chickenmanstill it should work?09:19
phxguydoes anyone here know about the maxtor onetouch usb drive???09:19
Nobuyuki`well dudes, I'd like to thank you all with all the linux help, and teaching me how to do simple stuff like reconfigure xorg, thanks to you all I had figured out enough to try and configure my monitor settings manually09:19
Nobuyuki`which I managed to by guessing the hsync and vsync rates from a windows driver09:19
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chickenmanill recompile with the return 0;09:20
Vjazchickenman: how are you compiling it?09:20
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chickenman/usr/bin/i386-linux-g++ /root/Desktop/test.cpp like that09:21
tritiumchickenman, compiles fine09:21
tritiumruns fine09:21
phxguyI am having troubles getting my Ext USB drive to Mount09:21
tritiumchickenman, make sure you have build-essential installed09:21
ompaulchickenman, and now what are you going to do with at that nice cin.get?>09:22
Vjazchickenman: why do you have a path like that for g++?09:22
chickenmanit's in the /bin folder09:22
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tritiumit should be in your $PATH09:22
ompaulchickenman, why are you doing that as root for?09:22
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ompaulignore the for09:22
Jesteracemy pretty desktop09:22
chickenmani do a lot of things as root09:22
=== ompaul shudders
MobyTurbochickenman, you shouldn't run X as root09:23
ompaulchickenman, you will learn09:23
chickenmani know that09:23
ompaulone day09:23
Vjazchickenman: it's probably a good idea to use -o with g++ like: g++ foo.cpp -o foo09:23
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chickenmanwhat do you run it in i use gnome terminal ?09:23
Vjazchickenman: I'm not sure, but isn't the a.out binary format different from elf?09:23
MobyTurbochickenman, if you just don't want to type in passwords visudo sudo to not require them. At least you won't be breaking your system09:23
Juz_pass-n-thruwhere does ubuntu keep it's file that tells the box what window manager to boot, I think the guy has changes this one to kde and now it crashes on him09:23
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phxguyI am having troubles getting my Ext USB drive to Mount. can somebody help me out???09:24
farruinnat least he doesn't use irc as root...09:24
VjazJuz_pass-n-thru: you can change it in the login screen09:24
Jesteracephxguy, it doesn't automount?09:24
MobyTurboVjaz, that's irrelevant, the "a.out" name of the executable is historical.09:24
VjazJuz_pass-n-thru: there's something like "Session" in the bottom of the screen09:24
nmooreonce libdvdcss is installed, is there any more configuration to do?09:24
VjazMobyTurbo: hm, ok09:24
nmoorebefore i can play dvds09:24
phxguyJesterace,  nope it doesn't...dont know why09:24
Jesteraceany particular file system on it?09:25
Jesteracethat's likely why09:25
Jesteracemines fat09:25
chickenmanill try run the new compile09:25
phxguyit Did automount earlier but then I added it to my fstab so it would automount on bootup09:25
Jesteraceperhaps it's something in the fstab file09:25
phxguynow it wont mount Jesterace09:25
phxguyand my bluetooth keyboard isnt working09:26
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Vjazchickenman: btw, what processor does your system have?09:26
chickenmanit get output to /usr/share/man/man1/test.1.gz is that right09:27
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VjazHm, ok.09:27
Juz_pass-n-thruVjaz: there ain't no loggin screen he's fubarred by last update he said09:27
MobyTurbochickenman, "test" is already a program on your system.09:27
chickenmani change name09:27
farruinnJesterace: you need to get yourself a Human themed xmms! ;)09:28
phxguyJesterace, i think i am going to remove it from the fstab file09:28
Vjazfarruinn: wouldn't that look ugly given that the rest of the system is not human?09:28
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odois it just my imagination or are Ubuntu mirrors abit slow?09:29
farruinnVjaz: is that not human gtk? (I haven't used gnome is a while)09:29
Juz_pass-n-thruwhat is the command line editor ubuntu has? there is no vi  no edit  ......09:29
farruinnI guess that is just default clearlooks...09:29
chickenmanodo, unless your on 56k there fast09:29
DarthFrogJuz_pass-n-thru: try nano09:29
Vjazfarruinn: no... human is very simple and brown09:29
phxguywell wish me luck gonna try to restart and see what happens09:30
odochickenman: I'm on 10Mbit line an getting about 200kB/s, way slower than usual09:30
MobyTurboodo, I'm on a 56K line. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you. ;-)09:31
chickenman:O im on 300K and it goes at 35/ks (my normal)09:31
chickenman200kb/s is very fast :O09:31
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MobyTurboat 10MBPS things should go so fast that you get the file before you ask for it. ;)09:32
odochickenman: it is slow compared to "normal"...few weeks back I got 900kB/s+ every time from Ubuntu's download servers...09:33
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chickenmanodo, i would be happy to swap any day ;)09:33
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odochickenman: :)09:34
tsumewhat is the root password to the default system?09:34
chickenmanodo, how much does that cost ?09:34
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farruinntsume: there is none, it's disabled, you use sudo instead09:35
tsumefarruinn: ...09:35
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farruinntsume: see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo, it has all your answers =)09:35
cocolwith userpaswd when aksed09:35
odochickenman: 0 euros/month currently but real price is about 64 euros per month09:35
tsumefarruinn: theres nothing wrong with root, Theo tgold me so ;)09:35
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chickenmani tryed to whereis my program i compiled and it diden't come up with any think ?09:37
GePfuck windows09:37
borgistaumm....ok GeP09:37
tsumethe points they make on that page are moot09:37
MobyTurbochickenman, root's $PATH doesn't include ./ by default09:37
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tsumeroot is a plus09:38
GePfuck mandrake too , viva ubuntu09:38
borgistaok...someone's angry09:38
tsumeif at all09:38
MobyTurbotsume, if I need su to root I just run sudo -s09:38
tsumesudo is a security hazard09:38
chickenman:( i just typed find at / :(09:38
farruinntsume: then don't use sudo09:38
tsumeMobyTurbo: I'll just reenable root09:38
tsumeits more secure09:39
MobyTurbotsume, sudo records to log files every command you run as root. su does not.09:39
tsumeMobyTurbo: send patches09:39
MobyTurbotsume, sudo is widely considered more secure.09:39
tsumeMobyTurbo: by linux people09:40
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MobyTurbotsume, that's funny, BSD has sudo available too.09:40
tsumeMobyTurbo: not by default09:40
mikepGep: It appears you have a limited vocabulary.09:40
MobyTurbotsume, it's the default on OS X09:40
farruinnMobyTurbo: there's no reason to argue over it, everyone has their own choice09:40
tsumeMobyTurbo: MacOSX is bsd based, its not BSD09:41
tsumeit uses the Mach + BSD kernel code09:41
GePmikep yes09:41
tsumeuserlanf is freebsd509:41
farruinnIf the reasons for using sudo on the wiki aren't good enough for him it's not a big deal09:41
MobyTurbotsume, many NetBSD boxes are configured to use sudo with pkgsrc09:41
tsumefbsd5 doesn't have sudo in the userland by default09:41
GePi'm very limited in terms of vocabulary because of my small intelligence09:41
DarthFrogWhat's the big deal about sudo?09:41
=== MobyTurbo shrugs
tsumeI'm tempted to add some comments to the wiki09:42
DarthFrogGeP: You're a bear of very little brain, eh? :-)09:42
Funraisertsume u made ubuntuguide.org?09:42
GePit's because of go, it destroyed all my neurons09:42
tsumestupid users don't need to worry about setting the root password if they aren't going to try remembering it09:42
farruinntsume: as you can see there is a section called "possible issues with this model", you could easily tack something onto that09:43
tsumefarruinn: is there a gui for lilo, or do I need to modify the lilo config file?09:43
tsumefarruinn: I wish there was a gui for everythihng ;)09:44
farruinnI have no idea, I've never used lilo in my life09:44
tsumeI take that back09:44
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farruinnthere's a gui for grub I think...09:44
tsumeI wish there was a User friendly gui just to make simple changes09:44
tsumefarruinn: GRUB wouldn't work with my laptop09:44
farruinnI see09:44
tsumefarruinn: would hang at boot09:44
tsumeand thats it09:44
MobyTurboI kind of like lilo's menuless mode better than grub, it really is invisable then. On the other hand lilo is easier to break (assuming of course both work on your system)09:45
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tsumeMobyTurbo: lilo has a graphical mode09:50
Marble2How do I get my mouse working so I can use mouse3,4, and 5 like in windows?09:50
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DarthFrogMarble2:  Edit /etc/X/xorg.conf and put the following line in:09:51
DarthFrogZAxisMapping "4 5"09:51
MobyTurbotsume, yes, if that's what you want. Since I don't have a windows partition I like the booter to stay out of my face except when I need it.09:52
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Marble2DarthFrog: there is no x folder09:53
DarthFrogMarble2:  It's case sensitive.09:53
Marble2root@Greg:/etc # cd X09:53
Marble2bash: cd: X: No such file or directory09:53
DarthFrogTry X1109:53
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Marble2there is no xorg.conf though09:54
DarthFrogMarble2: Are you running Warty?  If so, it'll be called XFree86-409:54
Marble2no, hoary09:54
stuNNedMarble2: install xserver-xorg09:54
Marble2Err http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main xserver-xorg 6.8.2-209:55
Marble2  404 Not Found09:55
Marble2Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/xserver-xorg_6.8.2-2_i386.deb  404 Not Found09:55
Marble2E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?09:55
DarthFrogMarble2:  Do "apt-get update" first.09:55
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PaO_sk8rWOW 404 cool =)09:56
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MobyTurboMarble2, is there an XF86Config-4 there?09:56
stuNNedPaO_sk8r: 404?09:56
DarthFrogMarble2: And then you might want to consider doing "apt-get dist-upgrade".09:56
Marble2MobyTurbo: yes09:56
Marble2DarthFrog: what would that do?09:56
MobyTurboMarble2, then you're running Warty?09:56
MobyTurboMarble2, Hoary at present has xorg09:57
=== MobyTurbo is running warty
DarthFrogMarble2: That would upgrade your installation to the latest & greatest.  And, perhaps, break something temporarily.09:57
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Marble2I installed xserver-xorg09:57
DarthFrogMarble2: Don't worry about breakage, though.  Just do it. :-)09:57
Marble2there is xorg.conf now09:57
MobyTurboI only run warty though because I'm on dial-up09:57
DarthFrogSo now restart X.09:57
MobyTurbotoo much time to upgrade09:58
DarthFrogMobyTurbo: Where are you located?09:58
MobyTurboBrooklyn, NY09:58
DarthFrogMobyTurbo: Across the continent from me, too bad.  :-)  If you were local, I'd say c'mon over and I'll burn a CD for you.09:59
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MobyTurboI've already used shipit.ubuntu.com to order my Hoary CD when it's released.09:59
DarthFrogMobyTurbo: Unless you want to visit Vancouver, BC.  :-)09:59
Marble2DarthFrog: how do I restart x09:59
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MobyTurboDarthFrog, I have a friend who lives in Canada, central Canada though.09:59
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MobyTurboUbuntu's CD shipping rocks10:00
DarthFrogMarble2: Logout, then hit CTL-ALT-Backspace.10:00
Marble2logout of what10:00
DarthFrogMarble2: Yes.10:00
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DarthFrogOr just hit CTL-ALT-Backspace, which will "reboot" the X server.10:01
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Marble2now what10:02
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clackkineed a little help here..10:04
Marble2DarthFrog: what do I do now10:04
DarthFrogIs it working?10:04
clackkiJust can't remember how to install a deb packet :| need to install gtoaster..10:04
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Marble2I didn't add the line yet...10:05
Marble2Was I supposed to do that before?10:05
DarthFrogMarble2:  Try it.  It probably works now.10:05
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DarthFrogMarble2: Check xorg.conf for "ZAxis Mapping "4 5""10:06
Marble2not found10:06
vaijr2002anyone in here run verlihub?10:07
burbujahellos everyone10:07
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DarthFrogMarble2: In the section Section "InputDevice", there should be a line, Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"10:07
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drspinquick question about USB filesystem support10:07
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markybobthe torrent for hoary preview install amd64 listed in http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/  isnt working.  anyone know of a working torrent?10:08
Marble2DarthFrog: I do have         Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "6 7"10:08
Marble2in there10:08
Marble2do I add that in addition10:08
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DarthFrogMarble2: Ah, I don't know.  I've never had such a fancy mouse. :-)10:09
DarthFrogMarble2: I shouldn't think so.10:09
Marble2It's an MX50010:09
Marble2The buttons don't work the way I want10:09
Marble2you know how in windows when you're browsing the web you can have it so mouse3 brings up the little thing so you can just move your mouse to scroll?10:10
Marble2How do I make mine do that10:10
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Marble2and how do I make mouse 4 and mouse 5 back and forward10:10
DarthFrogNo, I don't know, sorry.10:10
drspincan I resize the NTFS filesystm on my USB?10:10
pinPointok i have the os up10:11
spadesMarble2: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons10:11
farruinndrspin: the second question I can anser: no =)10:11
drspinbummer :(10:11
MobyTurbodrspin, parted can resize NTFS. I don't know how you define safely though.10:11
farruinnor I could answer it...10:11
drspinno data loss10:11
Marble2spades: thanks, will that work for an MX500 though?10:11
drspinno data loss == safe10:11
spadesMarble2: it works for me on my ge generic 5 button mouse10:12
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DarthFrogMobyTurbo: Parted can do NTFS?  I didn't know that.10:12
MobyTurbodrspin, resizing a partition is always risky.10:12
chickenmancan some one tell me where the hell my compiled C++ files go im using /usr/bin/i386-linux-g++ then /root/Desktop/program123.cpp10:12
spadesMarble2: backup the config file toreplace it if it doesnt just incase10:12
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MobyTurboDarthFrog, I believe so. I haven't tried it, as the last time I resized an NTFS partition I did it with partition magic before I knew of parted10:13
trekechickenman:it'll be in a file called a.out in the current directoryi10:13
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runedudehi y'all.10:13
runeduderunedude@deadram:~ $ su10:14
runedudesu: Authentication failure10:14
MobyTurbokotatsu, there's nothing awesome about running X as root. It's a Bad IDea10:14
runedudeWhenever I try to su10:14
runedudeI get that10:14
da_rootwhen i want mount a network drive with fs type smbfs i got the error that the fs type is wrong! what i have to install to use this fstype? i'm sure that the fs type is the right one!10:14
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kotatsuMobyTurbo: I guess my sarcasm was missed =(10:14
MobyTurborunedude, use sudo10:14
runedudeAnd I know I'm typing the pass correctly.10:14
pinPointrunedude: use your default pass10:14
pinPointregular users10:14
farruinnchickenman: I think what you want to do is g++ file.cpp -o programname10:14
MobyTurbokotatsu, SDNWOTN10:14
runedudemy passworrd for "runedude" ?10:14
pinPointor do passwd on Root Terminal to change pass10:14
_Demian_I'm upgrading to hoary10:14
_Demian_should I upgrade bash as well?10:14
kotatsuwow, there's an acronym =P what's it mean?10:14
farruinnchickenman: then you can execute it by running './programname'10:14
runedudei can login to "root" easily, by ssh10:14
da_rootdo i have to install smb?10:14
runedudebut it doesnt like when I ssh10:14
_Demian_it's asking me10:14
kotatsuoh wait10:14
kotatsusarcasm doesn't work over the net10:15
MobyTurbokotatsu, you got it10:15
kotatsudamn I'm good10:15
runedudewhat's the correct usage of sudo?10:15
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trekesudo commandtorun10:15
kotatsuI was hoping my statement was obvious enough to bypass that rule though =D10:15
runedudei dont want to "run a command"10:15
MobyTurboor sudo -s for a shell10:15
DarthFrogrunedude: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo10:15
runedudeI want to login and have a bash shell as root10:15
MobyTurborunedude, sudo -s10:15
farruinnrunedude: have you set a root password?10:15
runedudefarruinn, yes10:15
da_rootcan someone help me?10:16
=== DarthFrog is using TuxCards to keep track of all the useful URLs posted on channel. :-)
runedudeit stopped working, su, as soon as I installed cPanel Layer110:16
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=== farruinn doens't know what that is...
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incsup channel10:16
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DarthFrogfarruinn: http://www.tuxcards.de/10:17
incany have experience with tape drives?10:17
DarthFroginc: Yes10:18
DarthFroginc: Only SCSI drives, though.10:18
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incthis one is an ide, i'm confused if i need to mount it10:18
MobyTurboinc, no, but I remember when tape was the choice method of shipping distros10:18
incif so what file system10:18
farruinnrunedude: is that what you installed, tuxcards? apt-cache show cpanel is something very differenent... :)10:18
DarthFroginc: You don't mount it.10:18
motulineCan anyone tell me why I have no sound in Mplayer.. :o10:19
runedudefarruinn, I did wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/latest and did sh latest and let it run overnight10:19
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runedudeIt installed cPanel, then su wont work.10:19
incthought so... i run tar cvf /dev/hdd /home/  and get this tar: /dev/hdd: Wrote only 8192 of 10240 bytes10:19
runedudebtw, what should "su" be chmodded to? 755?10:19
=== pinPoint jumps around!!!
pinPointgot ndiswrapper working10:20
kotatsuinc: wrong command10:20
motulinesounds work with xine but they wont work with mplayer10:20
inckotatsu: ok10:20
kotatsutar cvf (filename).tar /path/to/files10:20
MobyTurborunedude, it needs to be suid root10:20
inckotatsu: i'm trying to tar to tape not a file10:20
kotatsuhdd is a tape drive? hrm10:20
incthat's what dmesg shows10:21
incfstep calles it /media/cdrom110:21
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incMobyTurbo: so you remember anything from your tape drive days10:23
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chickenmani tryed g++ /root/Desktop/program123.cpp -o prog123 and i search root and desktop but there was no hidden file or other file where should the file go if i compiled it from /root/Desktop ??10:23
MobyTurboinc, I remember seeing Slackware and thinking "that sure looks bloated"10:23
trekea.out in the current direcoty10:23
farruinnchickenman: are you using hoary?10:23
chickenmanno warty :P10:23
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trekeer prog123 in the current directory10:23
Marble2how do I make ubuntu stop opening the stuff I had open before I rebooted/logged out when I log back in10:23
incMobyTurbo, now everything is like 4 cds10:24
motuline[AO OSS]  audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy <- I Don't have any programs on that blocks sound card :o10:24
Marble2motuline: what application are you running?10:24
MobyTurboinc, except Ubuntu. :-)10:24
DarthFrogMarble2: Configure Gnome to not save the current session upon logout.10:24
markybobthe torrent for hoary preview install amd64 listed in http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/  isnt working.  anyone know of a working torrent?10:24
Marble2how do I do that DarthFrog?10:24
farruinnchickenman: 'g++ source.cpp -o prog123 ; ./prog123'10:24
incMarble2: i think that's when you shutdown when it asks you to save the settings10:24
DarthFrogMarble2: I don't know.  I don't run Gnome.10:24
spadesMarble2: uncheck the save session on logout10:24
motulineMarble2: I'm trying to get Mplayer play sounds10:24
chickenmani've serch root and Desktop no hidden file like that10:25
trekethen it isn't building10:25
Marble2motuline: configure it to use esd10:25
Marble2spades: it's not checked10:25
trekeit will be in your current directory if it compiled10:25
trekecheck for compiler errors10:25
chickenmanno errors10:25
Marble2someone told me to do ctrl+alt+backspace at the uh login screen for gnome10:25
Marble2what does that do>10:25
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markybobMarble2, ctrl+alt+backspace shuts X down10:26
trekechickenman: then it will be in your current directory. There really isn't any other place for it to go10:26
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Marble2oh ok10:26
=== chickenman goes and looks again
spadesMarble2: computer>desktop prefs> session10:26
pinPointi just changed my nic to static and it cant ping my other desktop10:26
spadesuncheck it here10:26
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farruinnchickenman: I just built what you posted earlier and it worked fine: 'g++ source.cpp -o prog ; ./prog'10:27
chickenman:| hmmm10:27
Marble2where's this at spades?10:27
Marble2I can't find it10:27
Mitariohi guys10:27
spadesMarble2: go to run application and type gnome-session-properties10:27
Marble2never mind10:28
Mitarioanyone have an idea in which package the macro AC_DEFINE_DIR is located?10:28
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Marble2spades: I don't see a checkbox for that10:28
pinPointim getting No Route to Host10:28
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farruinnMitario: what are you trying to build?10:29
chickenmanso if i compile from /root/Desktop/program123 i will find it in /root/desktop/.<outputname> ?10:29
Mitariofarruinn, gnome-applets10:29
incso anyone got a url with good info on tape drives?10:29
farruinnMitario: sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-applets10:30
spadesMarble2: if it isnt the 3rd checkbox then i dont know where to set it, try a normal logout and dont save the session and see if it defaults it10:30
Mitariofarruinn, good one :-)10:30
trekechickenman: no10:30
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trekeit will be in /oot/desktop10:30
erikanyone who is familiar with the make command10:30
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Marble2still brought my stuff back spades10:31
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chickenmanthis is messing up!10:31
Mitariobah still getting the error, also after installing the build-deps for gnome-applets10:32
spadesMarble2: i dont know then, sorry10:32
chickenmanahhhh i've found an a.out in / :D10:32
zionhola, just installed ubuntu and I need to get the hpoj package (for a usb printer)10:32
Marble2thanks anyway10:33
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zionits in debian, but not ubuntu10:33
farruinnerik: what's up?10:33
farruinnzion: have you checked to make sure it's not a different name?10:33
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trekeif you specified -o, it will use that fileanem and not a.out10:33
drspinwhy can't I view my USB drive except as root?10:33
zionfarruinn: if its a diff name, what would it be?10:33
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chickenmanit's worked thanks a lot treke and farruinn :D10:34
zionfarruinn: all docs on the wiki say 'hpoj' ...10:34
markblaineI keep getting an error with amixer.  It says Invalid Card number.  Can this be fixed?10:34
farruinnzion: it's in the universe repository10:34
zionfarruinn: ok... any docs on how to use that?10:35
thoreauputiczion: it's in universe (warty)10:35
farruinnzion: go to synaptic and make sure all the repositories are enabled10:35
motulineMarble2: I have no esd in mplayers -ao list10:35
farruinnzion: then be sure to hit the reload button if you're in warty10:35
thoreauputiczion: apt-cache policy hpoj10:35
thoreauputic 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages10:35
motulineAvailable audio output drivers:10:35
motuline        mpegpes DVB audio output10:36
motuline        oss     OSS/ioctl audio output10:36
motuline        null    Null audio output10:36
motuline        pcm     RAW PCM/WAVE file writer audio output10:36
motuline        plugin  Plugin audio output10:36
motulinethere is only those drivers10:36
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erikfarruinn: i tried to get my modem to work according a guideline, now i have to "make" source code10:37
Marble2Anyone know how I can make gnome not remember my applications and restart them after a reboot/logout? I am not checking the box when I go to logout10:38
chickenmanerik, you using 56k ?10:38
farruinnMarble2: make sure they're not set in the Session preferences10:38
Marble2I don't see an option in session prefs10:38
erikno, adsl etech v2 usb modem under windows now, i like to step over to ubuntu10:38
Marble2except for startup programs, but that is blank10:38
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chickenmanerik, can it run on ethernet ?10:39
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erikno, i run it now on win98 and internetsharing to my laptop10:39
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chickenmanerik, does it have another port for ethernet on the back ?10:40
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chickenmanerik, to bad USB modem just do not work with linux i've tryed you will need ethernet10:41
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erikyeah, it's just the sport. I found http://accessrunner.sourceforge.net/index.shtml and that should work10:42
eriknow i have to use make. only i don't know how10:42
farruinnerik: you'll need to apt-get install build-essential at the very least10:42
chickenmanyour best bet though is go out and buy an ethernet modem and a nic card if you don't have one10:43
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farruinnlook in the source, there should be files like INSTALL and README, you'll want to read them =)10:43
ellstritium: what is up mike10:43
Marble2can anyone help me with my problem in gnome?10:43
erikchickenman: i know, but i just wanted to give it a try10:43
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ellstritium: got a question. how can i put it in my fstab to automount my usbdrive10:44
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dabiemn.. where can i change root's psw?10:44
CarlK_just did the first half of hoary install from CD, ejected, reboot, it wants the CD, and has some "typos" or something - is there a way I can capture the tty1 console screen from tty2? - otherwise Ihave to do this http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/e/p1010002.jpg - which is just silly10:44
chickenmanthere is a number of ways to get past it but no one has got off there as and programed some think good to run USB modems10:44
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tullingaany reason to why this command "make-kpkg clean " would not work correct on version 5.04 PPC?10:46
Marble2Why is gnome remembering my applications even after I logout/reboot?10:46
ellsanyone know how can i put it in my fstab to automount my usbdrive10:46
chickenmana ethernet modem should cost around 35 and a nic card 510:46
erikyou're right, but anyway i like to know how to use the make10:47
DARKHalf__can someone help me? i installed packages, but cannot see them in my menus10:47
zioncool that universal thing worked... thnx10:47
CarlK_erik- type make and hit enter10:47
chickenmanerik, go download the full ubuntu warty CD (512MB)10:47
chickenmanthats what i did :)10:47
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CarlK_erik - that is how you "use" it.  doesn't mean you have it and all of it's depandancies installed, or how to write make files, which is a different Q10:48
LinuxJonesDARKHalf__, you running warty or hoary ?10:48
ellsanyone know how can i put it in my fstab to automount my usbdrive10:49
erikCarlK_: i tried and it runs but i get CC [M]   /home/erik/usbatm/usbatm.o10:49
erik/bin/sh: line 1: gcc: command not found10:49
erikmake[2] : *** [/home/erik/usbatm/usbatm.o]  Fout 12710:49
erikmake[1] : *** [_module_/home/erik/usbatm]  Fout 210:49
erikmake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-3-k7'10:49
DARKHalf__i'm running warty10:49
farruinnerik: have you installed build-essential?10:49
pinPointi just installed my wireless nic10:49
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dabii have philips mp3 key006, xp detects it as an mass storage, how can i use it on ubuntu?10:49
eriksearching for it10:49
pinPointrebooted an there is nothing in networking anymore10:49
farruinnDARKHalf__: in some cases you need to log out then log back into gnome10:49
LinuxJonesDARKHalf__,  open nautilus and type applications:/// (I think)10:50
farruinnDARKHalf__: in other cases you may have to add the menu item from the applications:/// place10:50
chickenmanpinPoint, eww wireless why diden't you get a plug it one much cheaper10:50
tullingaany reason to why this command "make-kpkg clean " would not work correct on version 5.04 PPC?10:50
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dabihow can i install usb mass storage/mp3? it uses fat1610:51
pinPointnic is active10:51
tullingaI am trying to compile the kernel10:51
pinPointbut it wont dhcp10:51
gfxstyleris there a way to edit the gnome menu ? i want to add gxine10:51
pinPointshit shit shit10:51
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farruinnDARKHalf__: fyi, last time I tried in warty, the launcher wouldn't necessarily show up once you've added it to the right place in applications:///, again a logout-login fixed10:51
pinPointhow do i bring it up10:51
farruinngfxstyler: in hoary?10:52
pinPointifup wlan010:52
gfxstylerfarruinn: yes10:52
pinPointsays its already configured10:52
=== pinPoint screw this, time for work
=== pinPoint bbl
DARKHalf__ok, i'll try relogin10:52
pinPointnothing but false hope10:52
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dabihow can i install usb mass storage/mp3?10:52
farruinngfxstyler: the menu system has changed and as of yet there isn't a way to modify menus from within gnome10:53
gfxstylerdabi: if you plug it in it should be on the destkop (at least its for me) otherwise have a look at /dev/sda10:53
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gfxstylerfarruinn: oh, thats sad, but thanks for the info :)10:53
farruinngfxstyler: some people have made some python/gtk apps that do the job though, use at your own risk of course10:53
LinuxJonesdabi, you will have to load the fat driver I suspect as well10:54
dabigfxstyler: not in desktop and there is no /dev/sda10:54
=== chickenman shouts : Death to windows :P
dabihmm how?10:54
LinuxJonessudo modprobe fat10:54
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gfxstylerdabi: if i plug in my mp3 player or usb stick it appears on the desktop and i can access it via /dev/sda10:54
tritiumells, hey, sorry.  I was away.10:54
dabigfxstyler: rare.. mine doesnts.. did on mdk..10:55
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BigIslandVeganhi everybody11:01
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dabihi mr BigIslandVegan ;)11:02
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munkianybody knows a nice dvd-ripper, that rip's a dvd file to avi or mpg ?11:03
munkimaybe divX or svcd?11:03
LinuxJonesmunki, dvdrip11:03
munkiokay :)11:03
dabimunki: try www.afterdawn.com theres many11:04
munkiWhy didn't I guess that ?11:04
LinuxJonesmunki, I think it's in the mirillat repository11:04
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munkiok thank LinuxJones11:04
=== armando [~armando@dsl-200-95-96-124.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
phxguydoes anyone know how to get my trashcan onto m y desktop?11:04
motulineCan I configure cedega to use esd sounds?11:04
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Marble2oh my god11:05
Marble2how do I just reset all the gnome sessions to default11:05
Marble2like they were on install11:05
armandoAnyone able to tell me how to install hoarty (or whatever its name is?)... total linux newb :)11:05
Marble2I messed something up11:05
Marble2my mouse doesn't work at the splash screen, it's saving my damn applications, ugh11:05
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LinuxJonesarmando, there are problems with Hoary sometimes11:06
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LinuxJonesarmando, best to wait a few weeks till it is released as stable11:06
armandolinuxjones: But I need to install xfree86 to get the drivers I need for my ATI Radeon 345M Mobility card.11:06
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LinuxJonesarmando, ok, I will tell you if you really want11:07
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armandolinuxjones thanx :)11:07
phxguyI would like to have my trashcan on my desktop... can someone help?11:07
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LinuxJonesarmando, in console type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst11:07
Marble2how do I just reset all the gnome sessions to default11:08
Marble2like they were on install?11:08
munkiLinuxJones: got some error, when trying to install transcode for dvdrip11:09
munkiDepends: libdvdread2 but it is not installable11:09
munkiand same for libvorbis011:09
armandolinuxjoines gives me an error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.11:09
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LinuxJonesphxguy, change the line that has warty in it to this >> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe11:10
LinuxJonesphilly, sorry that was for you armando11:10
LinuxJonesgod phxguy :(11:11
phxguywhere do I change that Line @11:11
LinuxJonesphxguy, sorry that was for someone else11:11
phxguyok thought it might be11:11
Marble2how do I reset all the gnome session bs to default, anyone know?11:11
LinuxJonesphxguy, you can add it to the panel ?11:11
armandolinuxjones gives me a blank text file11:11
calaverai'm guessing that if i use the 2.6.11-1-686 kernel (hoary) and i get a lot of "schedulingn while atomic" in the kernel log right before X crashes the system, then i need to compile my own version of the kernel without preempt (at least on the big lock). or am i completely off track on this one?11:11
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BigIslandVegananybody have experience or knowledge regarding with internet access through their bluetooth phone. I can do it when I start up into Mac OS X but I don't know yet how to work with the bluez and utils that I installed via synaptic yesterday11:12
phxguyLinuxJones, right now it is showing in the bottom right corner where the 'windoze systray" would be11:12
phxguybut i would like to have a nice big icon on my desktop11:12
Sander__calavera, I tried the k7 version and I had the same problem. 2.6.10-3 has been very good to me, but I wanted to see if suspend to ram was working.11:12
LinuxJonesarmando, it's case sensitive, do sudo /etc/apt/sour(tab)  {the tab will fill in the blanks}11:13
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calaveraSander__: unfortunately i can not use the ubuntu patched kernel. something in the ide driver does not like my machine11:13
BigIslandVegansorry, "regarding accessing the internet..."11:13
vaijr2002Failed to run /usr/bin/update-manager:11:13
vaijr2002 Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.11:13
vaijr2002what did i dooooooo?11:14
vaijr2002i cant install stuff lol11:14
LinuxJonesvaijr2002, use synaptic that's only for updates11:14
th3cl3aneris there a list of wireless card supported for laptops11:14
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Marble2how do I reset all the gnome session bs to default, anyone know?11:16
calaverais there a binary package for an unpatched 2.6.10 somewhere? i don't particularly feel like rolling my own kernel tonight11:16
LinuxJonesMarble2, you have a bunch of applications opening up when Gnome starts ?11:16
memcmemeWell I have been using Ubuntu for a day, I am life long MS and apple user11:17
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memcmemeand I can honestly say Ubuntu is superior11:17
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LinuxJonesmemcmeme, :)11:17
Terrasquememcmeme: welcome to the club :-)11:17
memcmemeThe Linux version of Celestia is a LOT more advanced than the windows version11:17
phxguyso how do i get an icon onto my desktop of the trash can11:18
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memcmemewell I got to run to class11:19
BigIslandVeganAnybody with Bluetooth experience? :-)11:19
Marble2LinuxJones: yes11:19
Marble2and my mouse won't work at the splash screen11:19
Marble2where i login11:19
phxguyI have a bluetooth keyboard that worked at first but isn't working anymore......11:19
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djstwhat's wrong with the update manager? every day there are like 50 new updates...11:19
djstis that really for real??11:19
Marble2djst: yes11:19
djstwhoa.. i'm glad i'm not on a modem then11:20
_Demian_I've got a problem11:20
BigIslandVeganphxguy, maybe it's one of those things that is in flux while they are coming up with a stable version11:20
_Demian_my resolution is 640x48011:20
_Demian_and that's it11:20
_Demian_I can't change it :(11:20
BigIslandVegani wish to get online through my motorola v600 using bluetooth, since ubuntu doesn't yet support airport extreme11:20
munkif~LinuxJones, you got the source-line for merillat you can paste for me ? :)11:20
phxguymaybe.... but ive tried other distro and it worked fine once i was logged in.... well we will have to wait and see i suppose11:20
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Marble2LinuxJones: the mouse not working at login is the biggest thing though11:21
Marble2do you know how to fix it?11:21
phxguyBigIslandVegan,  let me know how that goes... i have the same phone11:21
armandolinuxjones ok got it :)11:21
BigIslandVeganhmm, certainly, you using ppc or x86?11:22
BigIslandVeganit may not matter, just wondering11:22
_Demian_can anyone advise?11:22
_Demian_this sucks :)11:22
munkiokay, anybody that would be nice to me, paste the merillat-line from the source-list to me11:23
munkiplease :)11:23
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BigIslandVeganwhat service provider?11:23
phxguyso does anyone know how to get the trashcan onto the desktop11:23
armandolinuxjones ok, thats done, now what?11:23
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phxguyLegacy AT&T11:23
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Jesteraceheh my update monitor tells me there is one update availible then it keeps telling me i'm up to date11:23
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=== JDigital [~jdigital@host81-156-30-0.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
djstanyone here good at solving problems with the nvidia driver? i'm having a major problem since about the day i installed ubuntu (hoary preview release)...11:24
BigIslandVeganhmm, you looked into t-mobile? much cheaper11:24
BigIslandVeganfor internet access through the phone11:24
munkiJesterace: run apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade11:24
phxguythier servcice here sucks11:24
LinuxJonesarmando, sudo synaptic11:24
lprofil_try it the manual with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:24
phxguyvery patchy11:24
BigIslandVeganseems to work well on this island11:24
Jesteracesays thing to iinstall11:24
djstmy problem is it just won't start anymore. it worked the first day i installed, then after the package manager had updated packages a couple of hundred times ( ;) ) it just stopped working11:24
phxguybesides i still have time on my contract11:24
LinuxJonesarmando, you have to save the file first11:25
JDigitalHey ssh-experts. Can anyone help me with my problem: Here it is: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16718&page=1&pp=2011:25
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JDigitalIt's some kind of thing that my ssh doesn't work11:25
djstanyway has any clue whatsoever about the nvidia driver not starting?11:25
BigIslandVeganyeah, i waited mine out too, long time11:25
BigIslandVeganwell, actually, i was well into my month to month when i changed11:25
BigIslandVeganover a year i think :-)11:25
djsti'll write a review about ubuntu hoary soon and this is about the only negative part of my install actually11:25
phxguyi still have about 6 mos left11:26
Jesteracedjst, how did you install the drivers?11:26
Jesteraceapt-get ?11:26
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NeoGeo64hi how do i find and change my root password11:26
NeoGeo64i just installed ubuntu 4.1011:26
BigIslandVeganwell, you'll have new options soon :-)11:26
djstJesterace:  i think the nvidia driver was included with the install actually... the thing i did was changing from "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf11:26
LinuxJonesdjst, in Hoary you mean ?11:26
Jesteracesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:27
djstLinuxJones:  yes, in hoary preview.. and the nvidia driver has worked, but only for one day.. after a reboot it just stopped11:27
Jesteracesudo apt-get nvidia-settings11:27
Jesteracesudo nvidia-glx-config enable11:27
NeoGeo64does anyone know11:27
Jesteracethat's what i did to get my nvidia drivers working11:27
LinuxJonesdjst, unless you manually installed the nvidia driver you were probably using the open source nv driver11:27
armandolinuxjones understood11:27
JDigitalchange it back to nv then11:27
NeoGeo64someone please help11:27
LinuxJonesarmando, so you have synaptic up ?11:28
djstJesterace:  can i instruct it not to install it from the cd, but from the net?11:28
JesteraceNeoGeo64, your root password should be the same one as your user password11:28
armandolinuxjones yup, but gave me an error that it couldnt find it.11:28
phxguyso can someone help me please11:28
Jesteracedjst, that's the only place you'll find it11:28
armandolinuxjones gonna see if I enetered the info correctly.11:28
LinuxJonesarmando, ok let's do it this way11:28
armandolinuxjones ok :)11:28
Jesteracethere's two repositories that need enabling usually11:29
mirakdoes someone ever used the calbe select option on the hard drives ?11:29
djstJesterace:  oh.. darn it then.. i'll have to find it on one of my 5 unlabelled cd-rw discs then..11:29
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LinuxJonesarmando, in synaptic click Settings>>Repositories11:29
Terrasquehttp://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/308 | what a lol article11:29
LinuxJonesarmando, that will open a new window11:29
NeoGeo64Jesterace:  It's not.11:29
vaijr2002i am still lost11:29
Jesteracedjst, did you check out http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver11:29
djstLinuxJones:  no, i changed from "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf, and that made the Nvidia splash screen appear and it started to work11:29
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-24-18-111-235.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
JesteraceNeoGeo64, that's wierd11:30
vaijr2002when i try to add remove programs. i get this....11:30
Jesteraceso your sudo doesn't work11:30
NeoGeo64how would i retreve it11:30
djstJesterace:  i'm on it, just trying to find that cd with the driver11:30
JDigitalhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16718&page=1&pp=20 <--- nearly a month and nobody has been able to solves this problem11:30
armandolinuxjones ok, got it up.11:30
vaijr2002Failed to run /usr/bin/gnome-app-install:11:30
vaijr2002 Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.11:30
vaijr2002right after i type my pw11:30
=== haich_ [~haich@65.Red-83-41-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jesteraceit should be in the hoary universe11:30
NeoGeo64Yes, sudo works but su does not.11:30
LinuxJonesdjst, ok I also had problem with the latest 2.6??-5 kernel release + nvidia try installing the 2.6.?-4 kernel it worked for me.11:30
Jesteracemy su doesn't work either11:31
Jesteracei just use sudo11:31
NeoGeo64Where is my XFree config file?  I want to change the default resoulution to 1280x1024.11:31
Jesteraceor you can launch a root terminal11:31
NeoGeo64I miss su :(11:31
JesteraceNeoGeo64, /etc/X11/11:31
LinuxJonesarmando, ok go down to the entries that has a checkbox marked.11:31
NeoGeo64I'll devote more time to fixing su later.11:31
vaijr2002 help help11:31
djstLinuxJones, Jesterace:  so the nvidia driver doesn't work with the latest kernel?11:31
LinuxJonesdjst, for me no :(11:32
vaijr2002Failed to run /usr/bin/gnome-app-install:11:32
vaijr2002vaijr2002  Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.11:32
vaijr2002vaijr2002 right after i type my pw11:32
djstthat would explain stuff...11:32
Jesteracedjst, hrmm11:32
LinuxJonesarmando, look for the entry that looks like >> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe11:32
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Jesteracewhat's the latest kernel?11:32
NeoGeo64Where in the file do I specify my default resolution?11:32
djstJesterace: what's that nvidia-common package?11:32
DarthFrogJesterace: 2.6.1111:32
Jesteracei'm running 2.6.10-5-k711:32
armandolinuxjones ok, its downloading some update files.11:32
Jesteracedjst, not sure11:33
LinuxJonesarmando, change the part that says warty with hoary and click ok11:33
NeoGeo64Where in the XFree86 config file do I specify my default resolution?11:33
LinuxJonesarmando, did you click reload ?11:33
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djstJesterace:  i'll have to reburn the cd again because i overwrote it already :(11:33
xigletI'm getting some dependency problems after installing hoary array-7, did not have theese problems this the preview version. (with i.e the multiverse repository)11:33
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djstJesterace:  why isn't the package available, not even in the world repository?11:33
Jesteracedjst, which ubuntu are you using?11:33
Jesteracewarty or hoary?11:33
djstJesterace:  hoary preview11:33
armandolinux nope, it said that the list had change and if I wanted to update or something of like.11:33
djstJesterace:  and nvidia is there in the repository, and i have the module11:34
Jesteracei'm running hoary and the nvidia driver installed fine11:34
Jesteracedid you run11:34
Jesteracesudo nvidia-glx-config enable11:34
djstJesterace:  it's just that it won't start, it tells me that i don'thave a working screen11:34
Jesteraceand see if that does something11:34
djstJesterace:  yes, i've tried that.. that's what nvidia-glx package told me to do in order to enable glx, but it has nothing to do with using the nvidia driver from what i can tell11:34
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LinuxJonesdjst, I have a 32 meg GF2MX card and it doesn't work on that kernel release, for me anyways.11:35
djstJesterace:  in order to use the nvidia driver, you should just have to change "nv" to "nvidia", which i did.. and which worked... until all of a sudden it stopped working :(11:35
Jesteracewas there a kernel change?11:35
connerdjst: what kernel are you using?11:35
djstLinuxJones:  that's exactly what i have.. almost.. 64 mb i think i have11:35
Jesteracei have a 256mb FX550011:35
Jesteracekind of wasted in linux :P11:35
Jesteraceworks well with windows and games11:36
calaveraSander__: did you try rebuilding the 2.6.11-1 without the preemt on the big kernel lock?11:36
djstconner:  10-5-38611:36
Jesteracemy other box has a 128mb radeon11:36
armandolinuxjones ok it opens a list of repositories but doesnt show any checkboxes.11:36
Sander__calavera, no. I just use the regular binary kernels. I don't build unless I really have to.11:36
djstJesterace:  i just don't get why it stopped working in the first place.. if i never had gotten it to work, i wouldn't feel as frustrated11:36
LinuxJonesdjst, maybe it's card specific, I can tell you that 2.6.10-4-k7 + nvidia work perfectly. You can easily download apt-get install linux-image11:37
Jesteracethen again hoary isn't listed "stable" yet11:37
Jesteracethere will be strange breakages11:37
Jesteracehowever mine was fine untill the update notifier11:37
Jesteracethat won't go away now11:37
djstLinuxJones:  i will try.. i'm surprised it hasn't been downloaded already because I download like 50+ updates every day11:37
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calaveraSander__: yeah. me too. but since neither of the kernels in hoary works for me, i think i have too try this now11:37
Sander__Is your machine a laptop or PC?11:37
LinuxJonesdjst, I mean downgrade your kernel-image so it works with nvidia11:38
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f00fbughmm... is there anyway to upgrade to hoary via apt?11:38
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LinuxJonesarmando, this is killing me :D11:39
xenonitehi, what would you recommend for a windows switcher: ubuntu or kubuntu?11:39
djstLinuxJones:  ah i understand.. although i'm not very excited about downgrading the kernel... :(11:39
armandolinuxjones its ok :) I better leave to catch a plane anyway :)11:39
f00fbugxenonite, kubuntu11:39
armandoBut your help has been most appreciated linuxjones :D11:39
f00fbugapt-get dist-upgrade?11:39
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xenoniteokay, anyone else?11:40
calaveraxenonite: i think it depends on what kind of a user you are setting this up for. i think technically less inclined people might be a little more comfortable with gentoo11:40
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calaveraoops. i mean gnome11:40
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LinuxJonesarmando, sorry I havn't had any beer yet  :P >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes11:40
xenonitehm not any? f00fbug? some1?11:41
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xenonitecalavera: no not gentoo for that user please11:41
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calaveraxenonite: i meant to write gnome.11:41
LinuxJonesdjst, you won't be downgrading just installing the last kernel release, what kernel are you running now (uname -r) ?11:41
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mike998calvera: you nearly had me with that gentoo remark11:42
armandolinuxjones: lol have fun ;)11:42
djstLinuxJones: 10-5-38611:42
LinuxJonesarmando, :)11:42
hawke_xenonite: I'd recommend KDE, so I guess kubuntu.11:42
garret_questions about gpg key. Trying to add source from a debian source, keep getting the key error, any help?11:42
calaveramike998: yeah i don't know where that came from. gentoo is definitely not for technically less inclined users11:43
djstLinuxJones:  but there are newer kernel versions out there.. so your suggestion would still be a downgrade, right?11:43
garret_deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ ../project/experimental main contrib non-free11:43
hawke_xenonite: Though, gnome tends to be simpler, so that might be a plus.11:43
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LinuxJonesdjst, ok sudo -s (password) apt-get update && apt-get install linux-image-2.6.10-5-38611:43
f00fbugi changed all the dists to hoary.. now if this is as good as debian is apt-get dist-upgrade should just work :D11:43
calaveraxenonite: exactly. for your basic every-day tasks gnome is just simpler and less intimidating than kde11:44
xenoniteyes gnome might be simpler, but she is a windows user now...11:44
mike998calvera: yeah, the thought of taking days just to get X up and running scares me11:44
djstJesterace, LinuxJones: you are right both of you.. installing nvidia-glx wants me to insert the cd, and it also wants me to install the old 2.6.10-4 kernel11:44
LinuxJonesdjst, argh sorry make that -411:44
f00fbugKDE is more appealing to a win user imo11:44
Jesteraceit's working fine with my -5  kernel11:44
djstJesterace:  yes, appearantly it doesn't like new kernels11:44
xenonitef00fbug thats what i thought11:45
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Jesteracewith slackware i was able to install the nvidia driver with kernel no issues11:45
hawke_xenonite: Simply the fact that it is different might help though...Some people adjust better when it's a lot different than when it's almost the same but not quite.11:45
calaveramike998: i was a gentoo user once. the compile-times weren't so bad for the most part. but after compiling kde for the umpteenth time i got fed up11:45
djstJesterace:  although i have to try it, and the first step now is burning the cd and then do what the system tells me to.. then boot with the old kernel and make it work, then choose the new kernel and see if it stops working.. if it does, ..well at least i know more about it11:45
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djstoff to burn cd now, wish me good luck :)11:45
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xenonitehawke_ that is a point11:46
LinuxJonesgl :)11:46
=== f00fbug hopes it works
NeoGeo64Help, how do I get the runlevel to 3 so I can install my nvidia drivers?  I tried sudo'ing init 3 but it doesn't do anything.11:46
trekeIs there any good way to predict in what order ubuntu is going to load network devices?11:46
willNeoGeo64: jsut use the drivers from apt-get11:46
xenonitehm but if that user dont want to learn that much to get used to gnome11:47
NeoGeo64That doesn't satisfy me.11:47
NeoGeo64I want to learn.11:47
NeoGeo64but thanks11:47
pipelineThe only thing you'll learn from the nvidia installer is the meaning of pain.11:47
pipelineUse apt-get or don't do it at all.11:47
xenonitekde has a better learning curve i thought11:47
pipelineThe installer thinks you're using redhat and craps all over your /usr filesystem.11:47
NeoGeo64ubuntu sucks.  i cant do anything manually.11:47
NeoGeo64im used to slackware11:47
pipelineThen use gentoo.  No skin off my back.11:47
djsthmm.. have to install k3b which includes 100 mb of required packages.. :( once again, glad i'mnot on a modem :)11:47
willNeoGeo64: its relatively easy to do - just build your own module as described in the install!11:48
NeoGeo64pipeline:  Fine.  I just might.11:48
xenoniteNeoGeo64, swith runlevels via "init <NR>"11:48
willi did it no problems about 4 months ago on warty11:48
NeoGeo64I tried that, but it doesn't do anything.11:48
willtry again!11:48
hawke_xenonite: depends on the user...presumably you know her better than me/us.  My general suggestion would be to go with KDE.11:48
willREAD everything :)11:48
pablo921Is Ubuntu a plug and play OS? When I changed soundcards no sound until I reloaded ubuntu?11:48
NeoGeo64ubuntu reminds of me windows xp starter edition11:49
xenoniteokay thank you11:49
NeoGeo64How do I apt-get the nvidia driver11:49
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f00fbugpablo921, it should detect & load the prorer modules11:49
xenonitei thing i will present her both: a knoppix-kde and a ubuntu-live-cd11:49
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xenoniteand let her choose then11:49
phxguy_did this room die or was it just my connection?11:50
f00fbugxenonite, no11:50
hawke_xenonite: that makes sense to me.11:50
f00fbuga hoary live cd11:50
pipelinephxguy: It's all you, bud.11:50
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phxguy_seems like it11:50
pipelineNeoGeo64: You'll have to use Debian Unstable packages.11:50
f00fbugiirc knoppix still uses 3.311:50
phxguy_So can someone help me here11:50
pablo921Well I've got sound on that box now, but just front channels.11:50
pipelineNeoGeo64: I'd check the wiki if I were you.11:50
f00fbugand 3.4 is better :D11:50
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trekexenonite: Why use knoppix over the kubuntu livecd?11:50
NeoGeo64time to COMPILE xmms from SOURCE11:51
NeoGeo64since ubuntu doesnt come with it11:51
LinuxJonesphxguy, just slowed down I guess11:51
xenonitetreke, i didnt knowe there is one11:51
trekeNeoGeo64: it's in universe11:51
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LinuxJonesNeoGeo64, ubuntu comes with xmms11:51
NeoGeo64xmms: command not found.11:51
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phxguy_think i got moofed or something11:51
xenonitetreke, is kubuntu already sort of mature as in, say suse?11:51
LinuxJonesNeoGeo64, you have to install it dude11:51
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phxguy_i downloaded xmms through synamptic thing11:52
trekeactually it's in main and not universe11:52
xenonitef00fbug, of course hoary ;-)11:52
trekexenonite: Having not used suse, I wouldnt really know11:52
f00fbugxenonite, its not broken ;)11:53
phxguy_So how can I get my trashcan onto my desktop LinuxJones11:53
LinuxJonesphxguy_, you can right click your desktop then add a link to the /home/.trash folder11:53
phxguy_ok now i can fix my nick11:53
xenonitelook, i used yoper linux once, and kde was very annoying there11:53
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xenonitesuse is better with kde11:53
NeoGeo64How do I get a list of packages11:53
f00fbugthats not fair :)11:53
NeoGeo64with apt-get11:53
trekeapt-cache search xmms11:54
bside /part11:54
xenonite(than yoper)11:54
phxguyLinuxJones, when i right click I dont get an option to create a link11:54
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NeoGeo64apt-search xmms returns the locations of a few shared libs11:55
xenonitef00fbug, u use kubuntu?11:55
LinuxJonesphxguy_, create laucher11:55
f00fbugapt-get dist upgrade is gonna install xorg right?11:55
LinuxJonesphxguy_,  under Type click link11:55
xenoniteNeoGeo64, do a apt-cache search xmms11:55
xenonitebut dont forget the sudo11:55
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f00fbugxenonite, nah i use gentoo :) but i did use the live cd11:55
connerphxguy: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#showdesktopicons11:56
f00fbugand it seemed pretty together11:56
NeoGeo64root@box:/home/tony # apt-cache search xmms11:56
NeoGeo64libflac4 - Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library11:56
NeoGeo64liboggflac1 - Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library (ogg)11:56
NeoGeo64libsmpeg0 - SDL MPEG Player Library - shared libraries11:56
JDigitalHey ssh-experts. Can anyone help me with my problem: Here it is: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16718&page=1&pp=2011:56
LinuxJonesphxguy_,  on the command type /home/$USER/.Trash11:56
tsumehoary has the latest softaware, yhes?11:56
xenonitef00fbug, hehe from a gentoo-user's pov anything seems pretty stable ;)11:56
tsumewhere can I get kernel
f00fbugdebian stable should be changed from woody to relic ;)11:57
f00fbugxenonite, lol11:57
phxguythanks LinuxJones and conner11:57
davixhow do i install an rpm on ubuntu?11:57
LinuxJonesconner, that was alot easier :)11:57
thenukedavix: with some tool named alien something11:58
calavera@find calavera11:58
LinuxJonesdavix, alien whatever.rpm11:58
xenonitedavix, use alien11:58
davixtnx dudes11:58
LinuxJonesdavix, then dpkg -i whatever.deb11:59
xenonitehehe pretty fast here11:59
phxguythat worked!!! yeah =)12:00

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