
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Preview Released http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/ | Feedback please: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewComments
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Fri Mar 18 04:20:54 2005
=== dudley [~dudley@ip70-179-213-96.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
SuperL4gb-_-d: I'm thinking much the same thing.06:28
SuperL4gI'm at about 15% right now06:28
SuperL4g10hrs. 41mins to go06:29
=== anders_ [~anders@cD9088A1D.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #kubuntu
anders_hi, I'm having trouble installing kde. Getting: kde: Depends: kdeaddons but it is not going to be installed06:43
anders_E: Broken packages06:43
anders_anybody know how to fix that06:44
anders_kdeaddons: Depends: konq-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-1ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages06:45
anders_The following packages have unmet dependencies: konq-plugins: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.3.2) but it is not going to be installed Depends: konqueror (>= 4:3.3.2) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libkonq4 (>= 4:3.3.2) but it is not going to be installed Depends: ark but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages06:47
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mdzb-_-d: please use bittorrent07:01
SuperL4gmdz: do you know where the Kubuntu images can be had on BT right now?07:05
Quinn_StormSuperL4g: unless you need the livecd, you can try installing ubuntu and then installing the kubuntu-desktop package07:06
=== BamaJank [Br_mSToNeA@] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-dbittorrent did not work07:07
b-_-di will get the iso and host on a faster server07:07
BamaJankAlright, I want to check out kubuntu, what is the best method? I have 4.10 ubuntu on a cd, should I install that and just grab the KDE files or download the install CD for Kubuntu?07:08
mdzSuperL4g: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/preview/07:08
mdzBamaJank: if you install Ubuntu 4.10, you will need to upgrade to the development release anyway in order to install the Kubuntu desktop07:09
mdzBamaJank: so it is probably simpler to download a new ISO07:09
BamaJankThanks mdz, will do07:09
=== kbitty [~elite@] has joined #kubuntu
=== SuperL4g [~colbyirc@SuperLag.developer.gentoo] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-di will post a amd64 and ix86 iso in about 10 hours07:13
b-_-d SuperL4g what you at now?07:14
b-_-d21% here :(07:15
mdzSuperL4g: did you receive the URL I sent you, where the .torrents are available?07:15
mdzthey are in the same directory as the isos; we always publish torrents at the same time07:15
b-_-dtorrents did not work07:15
mdzb-_-d: if they did not work for you, the problem is on your end (I am using them right now)07:16
SuperL4gmdz: yes sir, and unfortunately, no one wants or is going after the PPC .iso at the moment :)07:16
BamaJankTorrents are working for me07:16
b-_-di have access to two fast servers07:16
b-_-dhttp and ftp will work for everyone07:16
mdzyes, but they will also take 10 hours07:17
mdzbittorrent not only saves bandwidth on the server side, it'll get you the file faster07:17
b-_-dmdz not at 200+ and 300+ k07:17
kbittydid ne one like my ss?07:17
b-_-d16.9k is no good07:18
b-_-di have tons of bandwith to use07:19
BamaJankGive me some...I have low bandwidth.. :(07:19
=== SuperL4g [~colbyirc@SuperLag.developer.gentoo] has joined #kubuntu
BamaJank25k is pegging me LMAO07:20
=== kbitty [~elite@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
SuperL4gmdz: yeah, no one wants the PPC one like I do, at this point :)07:20
mdzSuperL4g: I'm seeding it, zero peers07:20
SuperL4gmdz: you have it already?07:21
mdzI built it07:21
b-_-dcan site that host kubuntu isos use the kubuntu logo?07:21
BamaJankGood way to get it ;-)07:22
mdzI have a seed running with all 6 images; currently ~75kb/sec on -live-powerpc.iso, 0kb on -install-powerpc.iso07:22
b-_-di think i will also offer a isos in parts  07:23
mdzb-_-d: I don't see why not, as long as you are offering the official images07:23
SuperL4gmdz: I wonder why I can't see it...?07:23
b-_-dmdz i want to be shure07:23
b-_-dwe do not want issues later07:24
=== cam [~cam@ppp44-235.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
mdzSuperL4g: I suppose I could be hitting the limit on the number of peers07:25
mdzhmm, no, that limit is per torrent07:25
=== cam [~cam@ppp44-235.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
mdzevery other torrent is active, and I've served 3.6GB worth of the powerpc install iso previously, so I think it's OK on this end07:26
b-_-di do not see a point of contact on the site07:26
b-_-di will just not use the logo :(07:26
mdzthat's fine too07:26
mdzwe don't use the logo on the official download page either07:26
b-_-di want to i just do not want to get hit later07:27
mdzI've told you that it's fine, but I don't think it's important07:28
b-_-dis it ok to host other distros in same dir07:29
BROKEN_LADDERwho are ops in #ubuntu?07:29
BROKEN_LADDERi'm banned, and the person who banned me won't reply or tell me why he did it.07:29
b-_-di have some gentoo isos in the dir i want to put kubuntu in07:30
=== Roey [~ubuntu@pcp04370251pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Roeywhat in the blue FUCK07:31
mdzkubuntu, like ubuntu, is free software07:31
Roeymdz: I reboot to try out Kubuntu,07:31
RoeyI see that it detected my raid array07:32
Roeyso I mount /dev/md5 (/home)07:32
Roeylook around (not writing anything)07:32
Roeyumount it, and reboot07:32
b-_-dRoey great i also run scsi07:32
mdzscsi and raid are orthogonal07:32
Roeyupon rebooting, I see that md5 and md6 have been jumbled up;07:32
Roeythat is,07:32
b-_-dmy 39160 and 2940u2w worked07:33
Roey /dev/hde1 and /dev/hdg1 are now on /dev/md5, where before they were on /dev/md107:33
b-_-dRoey want scsi card?07:33
RoeyI want to know what kubuntu did that jumbled up the ordering of the drives.07:33
b-_-dthat is ide07:33
Roeybecause now I can't load /home.07:34
Roeylong story, I have two sata hard drives with a 2.6.7 kernel07:34
Roey /dev/hdg and /dev/hde07:34
Roeyand they're in a software raid1 array.07:34
b-_-dRoey fix by hand from live cd in chroot07:34
RoeyI want to fix it so that /dev/md1 consists of /dev/hd{e,g}1 07:35
Roeyand that /dev/md5 consist of /dev/hd{e,g}507:35
Roeyand that /dev/md6 consists of /dev/hd{e,g}607:35
Roeylike that.07:35
Roeyb-_-d: how?07:35
Roeyb-_-d: I don't know what got messed up.07:35
SuperL4gOkay... some investigation tells me that Luxi Sans is part of the ttf-freefont package.  But apt-get install tells me the newest version is already installed.  If that is the case, why do I not see Luxi Sans in any list of fonts anywhere?07:35
b-_-dmount the drive and do trile and error07:36
b-_-di only use real raid 07:36
b-_-dbut i am not knocking software raid07:37
mdzSuperL4g: that font is not part of ttf-freefont07:37
SuperL4gmdz: do you know what package it comes in?07:38
mdzSuperL4g: I have never heard of it07:38
b-_-dcopy the fonts from a win box07:38
SuperL4gKDE 3.1 - 3.3 has had it07:38
b-_-dwhey work well in xorg07:38
Roeyfuck meeeeee07:38
SuperL4gthey're non-free07:40
Roeymount: /dev/md5: can't read superblock07:40
Roeywhat the fuck07:40
Roeyhow can I tell if my data is still there???07:40
Roeyroot@ubuntu:/mnt# mount -t xfs /dev/md5 /mnt/md507:41
Roeymount: /dev/md5: can't read superblock07:41
Roeyroot@ubuntu:/mnt# mount -t xfs /dev/sda5 /mnt/md507:41
Roeymount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /mnt/md5 busy07:41
b-_-dwhere can i find a package list07:42
b-_-dread under "Package Management"07:44
b-_-dperson coding missed the word all07:45
b-_-dThere are literally thousands of applications written for KDE, Kubuntu cannot install of them and it is unlikely that you would want it to.07:45
=== SuperL4g [~colbyirc@SuperLag.developer.gentoo] has joined #kubuntu
=== Blaqeagle [~mikeman@220-245-91-169-nsw.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
=== Blaqeagle is now known as blaq
=== slick [~kvirc@fixed-203-87-17-217.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
slickhi all, does anyone know if azureus can be used under kubuntu?07:54
slicki have installed jre and the gtk version of azureus, it starts fine but just doesnt load, no errors or anything07:55
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=== Clintology [~Clint@nr30-69-61-185-210.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== psoulocybe [~psoulocyb@adsl-065-007-128-249.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERwhat is the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade08:26
psoulocybehi guys08:26
psoulocybei'm trying to setup a static ip08:26
psoulocybei can't find it in kcontrol08:27
psoulocybeany ideas?08:27
dilemaBROKEN_LADDER, versioning?08:27
BROKEN_LADDERwhat do you mean?08:27
dilemadist-upgrade would upgrade the entire OS and the version(base)08:27
dilemawhile upgrade would simply upgrade all of that but keep the old version file08:27
psoulocybeanyone know how to do the network settings?08:28
dilemaBROKEN_LADDER, yes the /etc/release or whatever your distro uses08:28
BROKEN_LADDERyou mean like ipchains?08:28
psoulocybeno, i just want my local ipaddress to be static08:28
dilemapsoulocybe, that'd be the net file08:28
psoulocybewhere is that?08:29
dilemawhere you set the static ip08:29
dilemaand dhcp/dns08:29
psoulocybei'm a little lost w/ the new kde08:29
dilemaon ubuntu not really sure(funny you ask I was looking for it earlier)08:29
psoulocybei can't find it anywhere08:29
psoulocybeand no one on my other linux channels has any idea either08:29
psoulocybei figured someone on #kubuntu would know :)08:30
dilemaon gentoo its /etc/conf.d/net08:31
dilemalet me look08:31
dilemaa bit harder08:31
Clintologydilema: he's saying.  like in ubuntu you go to System > Administration > Network Settings08:31
dilemaClintology, which is the same as modifing the net file08:32
dilemabut on a more perm basis08:32
Clintologywho wants to edit a file to change their IP though? :)08:32
dilemaif he's looking for the GUI frotnend in KDE08:32
dilemaI don't know08:32
psoulocybeyeah...  i don't08:32
psoulocybein the last kde it was in kcontrol08:33
psoulocybebut now it's not here08:33
Clintologydilema: yes,  that was his question :)08:33
dilemasorry 08:33
psoulocybeif there is a command line way, i'm cool with that08:33
dilemapsoulocybe, there is08:33
=== dilema looks to see where those ubuntu people stashed it
psoulocybei love my router, but god i wish it gave ip addresses based on mac address... it made it so much easier08:34
dilemanot wireless?08:34
psoulocybeit's wireless08:34
psoulocybebut my computer isn't wireless08:34
dilemaaight gimme a minute to find this puppy08:35
dilemawhere the hell is it08:38
psoulocybei'm trying it in /etc/network/interfaces08:38
psoulocybei figure i can specify address, netmask, and gateway... and i should be cool08:39
dilema        " netmask"08:39
dilemawhere = your ip addy08:39
psoulocybei have to specify my dns too don't i?08:39
dilemaone sec08:40
psoulocybei'm going to have to call my provider08:40
dilemana ya shouldn't08:40
dilema        "default gw"08:40
psoulocybei remember having to when i had my dsk setup08:40
dilemathats your router addy08:40
psoulocybei'll try using
dilemacheck your router08:41
dilemait should have your dns08:41
psoulocybegood idea08:41
dilemaactualy ya don't need DNS08:41
Quinn_Stormsome routers have a (caching/proxy) dns server built in...so yeah try pointing dns at your router and see if that works08:41
dilemajust your netmask/static ip addy/router gateway08:42
dilemapsoulocybe, ya my net file doens't have dns enttries08:42
dilemaand it's set up for statip ip08:42
dilema(on my gentoo box)08:42
psoulocybehmm... when i save interfaces, do i have to restart anything to get changes to take effect?08:42
dilemaso just modify/add what I pasted and ya should be good08:42
dilemarestart net08:43
dilema /etc/init.d/net restart08:43
psoulocybethat didn't work08:43
dilemathe run ifconfig08:43
dilema /etc/init.d/networking restart?08:43
=== Imrahil [~Imrahil@c68.185.170.245.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== psoulocybe [~psoulocyb@adsl-065-007-128-249.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
psoulocybehmmm... definatly need dns servers for my isp09:01
psoulocybedon't know why... but i do09:01
psoulocybehad to reboot to get changes to interfaces too09:02
psoulocybethat was weird09:02
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psoulocybe/etc/init.d/networking restart didnt' do it09:02
=== dilema_ [~dilema@ip68-11-49-227.no.no.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
dilema_i dunno what the dns looks like09:03
dilema_wwell how to input dns09:03
psoulocybeyeah.. i'll google it09:03
=== ztonzy [~ztonzy@c-7146e055.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
=== mpathy [~markus@reverse-82-141-58-106.dialin.kamp-dsl.de] has joined #kubuntu
ztonzyamu, morning09:17
=== psoulocybe [~psoulocyb@adsl-065-007-128-249.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
psoulocybei found out something not to try... and possibly a bug w/ kubuntu09:34
psoulocybeknetworkconf is the module you can apt-get for kconsole09:34
psoulocybedo not do it09:34
psoulocybeit's not compatible w/ hoary it seems... as it threw a number of bugs for me09:35
=== da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu
=== marshall_ [~marshall@c-24-20-185-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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=== dreamwave [~dreamwave@69-163-64-118.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Beuno [~bueno@98-143-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
Beunohey, Im using ubuntu, and Im trying to get kubuntu installed10:01
Beunocan anyone give me a hand?10:01
=== dreamwave [~dreamwave@69-163-64-118.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== mpathy [~markus@reverse-82-141-58-106.dialin.kamp-dsl.de] has joined #kubuntu
ztonzyBeuno, http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/faq.php10:04
ztonzyor :  "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"10:04
BeunoI did that10:04
BeunoI get this:10:04
Beunokubuntu-desktop: Depends: python-gnome2 but it is not going to be installed10:04
Beuno                   Depends: python-imaging-sane but it is not going to be instal10:04
ztonzyinstall those first maybe ?10:05
Beunowell, I do get an error when trying to install those10:06
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~BROKEN@h-67-101-103-94.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
ztonzyBeuno, then I dont know :(10:07
Beunook, Ill keep on digging, thanks10:07
ztonzyBeuno, maybe do backup and install Kubuntu from scratch ?10:07
=== Beuno [~bueno@98-143-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"]
ztonzyI did that10:07
=== memcmeme [~noone@wbar1.sea1-4-5-020-127.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
memcmemegreetings friends10:09
=== lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu
lexNLhiya guys10:33
lexNLI've installed the kubuntu beta.10:33
lexNLnow, when I open "storage media" and click on a drive10:33
lexNLI get an error!10:33
ztonzylexNL, install pmount10:33
lexNLpmount? with kynaptic i assume?10:34
ztonzy"apt-get install pmount"10:34
haggaimaybe we should add that workaround page to the topic10:34
ztonzyor in konsole (terminal)10:34
ztonzyhaggai, I wonder if it is a workaround rather than a plain miss10:34
lexNLoh yeah, not sure where to put this, but on a normal install, with K3B, I had to install cdrdao manually10:34
haggaiztonzy: I don't get you.  I mean workaround as in working around a known problem10:35
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:haggai] : Preview Released http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/ | Feedback please: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewComments | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewKnownProblems
ztonzyhaggai, I had same problems before...after browsing and goggling I first did modprobe usb-storage and then edited my fstab, then amu told me to install 'pmount' instead (I think it was he who told me to do that)10:36
ztonzyI dont know everything, it is just a hunch10:37
haggaiztonzy: but if kubuntu had installed pmount by default, there would be no problem, right?10:37
ztonzyhaggai, true10:37
=== danny666 [~danny@xdsl-213-196-211-64.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu
lexNLztonzy: I've installed pmount... I should reboot, or ...?10:38
ztonzydont know if you need to "modprobe pmount"10:38
ztonzybut I would try the storage media first10:39
ztonzyI also wished this would work as default Ubuntu (with Gnome) that the drives(media) loads on desktop by auto...as on the Gnome desktop (I used Ubuntu before)10:40
lexNLztonzy: yeah, I was impressed with that too.10:40
lexNLbut I'm more a kde guy so...10:41
ztonzylexNL, same here10:42
haggaiztonzy: bring it up on the mailing list (about icons on the desktop) and we'll see what the concensus is.  I quite like the icons too10:42
haggaiyou guys do know it can be turned on in control centre, right?10:42
lexNLztonzy: the media:// still complains about fstab orso. the modprobe pmount gives an "pmount not found" error 10:42
ztonzyhaggai, oops :)10:42
ztonzylexNL, aah...maybe a reboot is at hand then10:43
lexNLhehehe :) ok... Will try that. Should I put pmount in some modules config file orso? to make sure that it loads?10:43
haggaiI don't think it is a module10:43
ztonzyhaggai, thanks...sorry :)10:44
ztonzyI think pmount has to do with hal-stuff...but I dunno10:44
haggaithat's right10:44
haggaithe user needs to be a member of the 'plugdev' group10:44
=== ztonzy is not fully linux guru yet...long yet to go
lexNLhaggai: is that so by default, or should I do some user-group magic?10:45
haggailexNL: should be by default.  'id <your-username>' to check10:45
lexNLyep, it is.10:46
lexNLI'll be going for a reboot. back in a sec.10:46
=== lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
haggaiback later10:46
=== lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu
lexNLztonzy: nope, no succes10:50
lexNLstill get fstab error10:50
ztonzyI have lines in fstab, but I commented them out10:55
lexNLyeah... i guess the idea is that pmount /dev/hda2 mounts it automatically in /media orso... but it doesn't seem like media:// actually uses pmount10:56
lexNLbecause it still gives errors about /etc/fstab10:56
ztonzyusb-sticks here get loaded as /dev/sda1  or sdb1/10:58
lexNLi could try a usb-stick, but my normal harddisk partition won't even work yet :)10:58
lexNLwell, besides the / dir obviously10:59
lexNL(and it does work when I mount manually as well)10:59
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
ztonzyfunny, suddenly I got loads of media loaded (harddisks)10:59
lexNLmedia:// does recognize my memory stick.11:00
lexNLand it actually mounts it as well11:00
=== lexNL impressed
lexNLnow the partitions11:00
lexNLnope, still nothing there.11:00
ztonzylexNL, yepp, that is what we wanted for you11:00
lexNLbut the memorystick works!11:00
=== lexNL happy to see my memorystick work that easy.
lexNLthe thing still does not work with /dev/hda6 for example, my big data partition.11:02
ztonzylexNL, is usb-storage  loaded when you do 'lsmod' ?11:02
ztonzyusb_storage  I mean11:02
lexNLyep, part of the scsi_mod thing11:02
lexNLand ide_core11:02
lexNLand as itself11:03
ztonzymine is also loaded by itselg11:03
ztonzywhat mainboard type ?11:03
lexNLyep, looked over it, but it is here as well.11:03
lexNLmainboard as in motherboard? An asus amd64 mobo.11:03
ztonzyoh, better than mine...got a Asus kt60011:03
lexNLk8v se here.11:04
lexNLnot sure if it is any better - or any good at all - but it seems to work11:04
ztonzyI had Huge problems with my former mobo...a Shuttle with nforce2 ultra...network and filesystem error...11:06
lexNL(ok, I'll edit the fstab, probably the easiest way out.)11:06
ztonzysold it and bought this little more than a week ago11:06
lexNLI actually had a asus k8n (i think it was) that only worked a day with my amd64, then it never booted up again.11:07
lexNLanother asus k8n mobo also didn't work.11:07
lexNLok, that is better.11:14
lexNLnow, I've always have to chown alex.alex my /mnt/hda2 directory, before I can write to it when the partition is mounted.11:15
lexNLis there a nicer way to do that?11:15
lexNLoh, have to go offline. Thanks for your help ztonzy!11:18
=== lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
ztonzyhmm bye! :D11:18
ztonzytoo late...11:19
=== DavidH86 [~ask@12-223-132-65.client.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-8-234.client.stsn.net] has joined #kubuntu
pepsihowdy hi11:28
=== Bubbling_Zombie [~zombie@dD577A092.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu
pepsii installed kubuntu11:28
pepsiand now my fonts are all borked in gnome..11:28
pepsino antialiasing11:29
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=== buz [~buz@217-162-131-144.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu
buzhow can i figure out what color depth my system runs on? color gradients (like on the login page) seem very rough...11:54
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ztonzyapokryphos, hey12:56
apokryphosmornin' :)12:56
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snk00sjhello, i am trying to get my nforce2 sound working on kde3.412:58
snk00sjanyone ever did that before ? :p12:58
ztonzysnk00sj, sorry no...I throwed my crappy nforce2 ;) - seriously...there was an error on it...now KT600 :)12:58
snk00sji saw alot of people on google trying to get it running, but no succes stories 12:59
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ztonzysnk00sj, sorry about that01:00
snk00sjits not your fault01:01
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snk00sjheh, its working01:05
snk00sjwhat did i do ? i just plugged out my usb headset and rebooted :)01:05
ztonzysorry for being offtopic...but have anyone tried "Skype"  successfully?01:07
snk00sjon win i did :)01:08
ztonzyand with linux, I saw Skype-compliant headsets yesterday01:08
ztonzygot curious01:08
_P_i used  skype 01:08
_P_on debian  some  time  ago 01:08
snk00sjwhat windowmanagers are you guys using ?01:08
_P_on kubuntu  not  yet01:08
snk00sji need something leet, with alot of transparancy & easy configgin :)01:08
Beinerisnk00sj: kwin01:09
ztonzysnk00sj, kde 3.4 of course :p01:09
ztonzy_P_, and it worked well ?01:09
_P_yes 01:10
ztonzyanyone know what webcam works best with linux?01:11
ztonzyand is there any kde based similar tool as gnome-meeting ?01:12
_P_ztonzy:  gnomemeeting  is  the  one  and the  best01:13
apokryphosztonzy: not as advanced, I don't think.01:13
apokryphosztonzy: I have a Logitech, and that works reasonably when I can take the dust off it.01:13
ztonzy_P_, ah ok01:13
apokryphosGoogle might help01:13
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ztonzyapokryphos, hehe...what model ?01:13
ztonzyapokryphos, true01:13
apokryphoswill have to see if I can find the box; actual webcam only says "Logitech"01:14
ztonzyI borrowed a kodak ez200 a while, but I dont have it no more...it was tricky but I managed to get drivers going, but bad quality...but in windows superb and one of the better cams around (using CCD instead of CMOS)01:15
apokryphosI doubt I'll find the box, but it's old enough for them to not seem to sell it anymore on: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/productlist/US/EN,crid=220301:16
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ztonzyapokryphos, hmm which one of them ??01:18
apokryphos(but here it is: http://tinyurl.com/6n4t9)01:18
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apokryphosztonzy: none of those; they don't seem to sell it *there*. I imagine the newer ones will likely work... might be better checking google though)01:18
apokryphoshoschbert: hi :)01:18
ztonzyapokryphos, old model01:18
ztonzyI was thinkinf of a Creative model01:18
hoschbertthe menufont in firefox for example is very very small ... how can i change it without changing the screenresolution plz?01:19
detachedcan you tell me how to activate the root account on kubuntu?01:19
hoschberttried everything with fonts and menus in "lost and found"01:19
hoschbertsudo passwd root01:19
apokryphosPyre: tell detached ubusudo01:19
Pyredetached: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:19
apokryphoshoschbert: you want the gtk2-engines-gtk-qt package01:20
detachedPyre: thanks !01:20
detachedbut do you recommend activating it ?01:20
ztonzyapokryphos, "Creative Webcam NX Pro"  my idea 01:20
detachedor it's better with sudo?01:20
apokryphosdetached: no need01:20
detachedapokryphos: oke01:21
hoschbertk, i try this, thx01:21
apokryphosztonzy: looks very nice :)01:21
ztonzyapokryphos, and a nice price in a e-shop over here01:21
ztonzyfairely compared to other stores01:22
apokryphoshoschbert: with that package you can alter gtk fonts from kcontrol01:23
noharhas anyone managed to make the "window shortcut" kwin feature work ?01:24
apokryphosnohar: to press Win as a shortcut?01:25
noharright clic on a window title01:25
noharand see window shortcut menu entry01:25
noharin advanced menu01:25
noharthis thingy used to work01:26
nohar(and is life changing imho)01:26
apokryphosworks fine here01:26
noharyou activate the windows with the shortcut ?01:26
noharrha :/01:27
apokryphoswhat's happening? Is it not letting you select something as a shortcut?01:27
noharthe keypress does nothing01:27
apokryphosnohar: does it imply that it has applied the shortcut? As in, does the apply shortcut window disappear?01:27
noharno it's supposed to activate it only01:28
nohari found the problem01:28
noharit's more anoying01:28
noharit's not working with every shortcut :/01:28
noharshift-f1 does not work for instance01:29
noharwith kde 3.3 i used to have F1 bound to a konsole no modifier01:29
apokryphosno, I really do think it's meant to only activate it. What else is it meant to do?01:29
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nohar"no, I really do think it's meant to only activate it." We agree on that01:30
noharand that is not working if you chose the shortcut Shift-F101:30
nohartry it :)01:30
apokryphosF1 is likely taken up by something else in your system tray01:30
apokryphosit works with Shift-F101:31
apokryphosthough that doesn't necessarily mean it'll work for you01:31
apokryphosTry applying something obscure, like... Win-U01:31
noharwierd then01:31
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noharthat works01:31
ztonzyanyone using wacom with Kubuntu ? and if...how did you do to get it work easy... ?01:32
noharthat's what i told you, it's not working with every shortcut01:32
noharfor an obscure reason01:32
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apokryphosNot obscure reason :). The shortcut is already applied elsewhere.01:33
netdurhey, I'm on hoary, if I installed kubuntu, will KDE app get it place at Gnome menu?01:33
apokryphosI don't recall if the problem with adding things to menus was fixed in Gnome...01:35
yuxel`hi, i've a problem when updating from sid01:35
yuxel`1- i cannot see any item on kmenu as ->
yuxel`2- an error occured on settings:/ on kde01:35
yuxel`3- i cannot see anything o kcontrol01:35
yuxel`4- cant see anything on applications:/ on kde01:36
noharan awful lot of key shortcut are impossible to set01:36
nohareven some not used anywhere01:36
netdurI don't want KDE add it's apps to Gnome menu, I want it stay clean01:36
noharthere's a real problem :/01:36
apokryphosnohar: if they're used in kcontrol, then you likely can't apply 'em.01:37
teprrrhmm, is there somewhere a list of available packages?01:37
teprrrsomething like packages.debian.org but for ubuntu..01:37
apokryphosteprrr: archive.ubuntu.com01:37
noharapokryphos: windows-anything does not work01:37
nohartried 'j' 'u' 'a'01:37
apokryphosnohar: but you just said a second ago that it did. :)01:38
noharapokryphos: yes but i didn't try this particular one01:38
apokryphosteprrr: I don't think it's searchable yet, though.01:38
nohari tried alt-a01:38
noharwhich works01:38
nohari assumed the same for win-u w/o trying01:38
nohari was wrong01:38
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apokryphosMost of the ones I'm trying are working... how about Win-X01:38
noharplus in the title windows01:39
noharinstead of { key shortcut }01:39
noharthere is {}01:39
apokryphosYup, because no shortcut is applied, likely.01:39
apokryphosKeep trying a few keys; I'm sure some will pop-up.01:40
nohari know some work01:40
noharapokryphos: in kcontrol/khotkeys it works01:42
nohari'm pretty sure it's a bug01:43
noharnot anoying to me cause it works in khotkeys01:43
apokryphosI'm not having any problem here, so I don't really know.01:43
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apokryphosyuxel`: have you seen some of the articles on the site? Sid -> hoary isn't really supported, but you might find something of value there.01:45
apokryphosthere have been a few success stories01:46
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no0ticI have installed Ubuntu hoary preview, there are problems apt-getting kubuntu-desktop metapackage?01:47
apokryphosno0tic: what's the problem?01:47
no0ticapokryphos: sorry, are there problems? :)01:48
apokryphosno0tic: see /topic01:48
no0ticapokryphos: ;) 01:48
apokryphosRunning very smoothly here.01:48
no0ticapokryphos: installing kubuntu-desktop onto a preinstalled ubuntu system will I get both kde & gnome running fine?01:49
apokryphosThat's right; you will.01:49
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no0ticapokryphos: very cool :)01:50
no0ticapokryphos: thanks01:50
apokryphosnp :)01:50
amiroffhey guys, everyday more and more people here, great!01:50
apokryphosyup 8). Haven't seen it hit 60 before...01:51
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no0ticare there arguments between kubuntu developers & ubuntu's?01:51
no0ticapokryphos: 61 ;)01:51
apokryphosno0tic: kubuntu devs are ubuntu devs. :)01:52
sangria1I have a problem. Users can't login except in failsafe mode. Use kdm01:52
no0ticapokryphos: so it's only a different default installation, eventually01:53
sangria1any idea?01:53
apokryphosno0tic: precisely. Terminology is a little confusing (because, say, there is no gubuntu, but this is clarified on the wiki, pretty much).01:54
no0ticapokryphos: great, thanks for your willingness01:55
apokryphosnp :)01:55
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apokryphossangria1: have you tried adding a new user? 01:56
apokryphoscurrent permissions might be mucked up...01:56
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snk00sjdoes anyone know the name of the packages i need for the x included ?01:59
snk00sjincludes ?01:59
snk00sjxorg-devel is not it01:59
teprrrapokryphos, okay, thanks01:59
apokryphossnk00sj: x dev packages? libx11-dev I think it is02:00
snk00sjahh yes !02:01
snk00sjtnx man !02:01
apokryphosno worries :)02:01
snk00sjkinda new at this :)02:01
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sangria1apokryphos: I have02:06
sangria1let me try again02:06
snk00sjchecking for libz...configure: error: not found02:08
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snk00sjPossibly configure picks up an outdated version installed by XFree86. Remove it from your system.02:08
apokryphossomeone had this problem yesterday; looking back on the log, I think installing zlib1g and zlib1g-dev worked02:11
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apokryphosheh, same.02:12
sangria1same problem even after creating new user02:13
sangria1root can normally login, but not the users02:14
detachedwhen i try to install yahoo messenger i get some dependency errors >>> Package libgdk-pixbuf2 is not installed. Package libglib1.2 is not installed. Package libgtk1.2 is not installed. Package libssl0.9.6 is not installed. >>> how can i get the packages ?02:14
apokryphossangria1: I don't really know.. I'd recommend trying in #ubuntu02:15
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detachedwhen i try to install yahoo messenger i get some dependency errors >>> Package libgdk-pixbuf2 is not installed. Package libglib1.2 is not installed. Package libgtk1.2 is not installed. Package libssl0.9.6 is not installed. >>> how can i get the packages ?02:17
apokryphosdetached: does apt not have them?02:17
apokryphosdetached: though, why not use kopete?02:17
detachedoke apokryphos  i'll try kopete02:18
snk00sjtell me something guys, i am kinda new at linux02:18
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snk00sjif i post compile errors here, everyone can tell me wich package i need02:18
snk00sjhow do i find out myself wich package i need for wich error ?02:19
apokryphossnk00sj: several ways. A lot of the time the package will be in apt; Google helps a *lot* sometimes (ideally, people should consult it before the channel); synaptic search for "provided packages", too.02:21
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snk00sjso you copy paste the error in google, if that doesn't really give you help ?02:21
snk00sjconfigure: WARNING: libjpeg not found disable JPEG support02:22
apokryphosI have many times, yes.02:22
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snk00sjchecking for Qt...configure: error : QT (>= Qt 3.1) headers & libs not found02:22
snk00sjapokryphos i am doing this all the time, and i see people reacting to forum threads02:22
snk00sj"you need this and that package"02:22
snk00sjand then i try em all, and reconfigure02:22
apokryphossnk00sj: the first one I'm sure you can guess02:23
snk00sjbut there must be an easier way to debug the packages i need02:23
apokryphossnk00sj: there's a lot about the second on google02:23
snk00sjapt-get install libjpeg02:23
apokryphosProbably do apt-cache search <packagename> to find out the exact name02:24
apokryphosIt's not always that you necessarily need a package; sometimes a variable isn't defined etc.02:24
apokryphosin #kde: <sangria1> I am getting a weird problem on my SimplyMEPIS distro. 02:27
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snk00sjthanks for the help apo02:32
snk00sjhelped me alot, if i do a apt-cache search i look for all packages matching the name02:32
snk00sjis there a way to view wich are installed and wich not ?02:32
snk00sjlocate ?02:33
apokryphosThere's two ways02:33
apokryphosdpkg -l | grep <packagename>02:33
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=== apokryphos looking for the exact other
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apokryphosapt-cache pkgnames | grep <packagename> -- that's to see what's installed02:34
apokryphosI'd recommend you using Synaptic, however. That'll be clearer/easier.02:34
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snk00sjok i'll try that02:37
almanyone have any good suggestion for a firewall?  Something with a GUI would be good02:43
snk00sji tried installing some new themes for my kde3.402:51
snk00sjeverything configured fine, make & make isntall worked fine02:51
snk00sjbut i cannot see em in the theme manager, anyone an idea how i can trace this thingie ?02:51
apokryphosdid you specify the prefix on the configure?02:55
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\shguys, anyone working on the qinx style for kde?03:43
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teprrrhmm, shouldn't kubuntu run kpersonalizer when starting kde first time after installation?04:42
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Telepteprrr: in the "ubuntu" spirit I'd guess not.04:43
Telepthe whole point is to have good defaults, not have to personalize immediately04:43
teprrrwell, umm, at least the fonts sucks.. :P04:44
teprrrand I think antialiasing could be turned on as default too :P04:44
Teleptrue, don't know why it isn't04:45
Riddellteprrr: that's on my todo list04:49
RiddellTelep: because I havn't had time to investigate how04:49
teprrrhmm, I would suggest syncing the selection and qt's clipboard as default too04:49
Riddellteprrr: hell no04:49
teprrrum, why?04:49
Riddellthat is the number 1 source for beastie reports to trolltech04:49
TelepRiddell: ok04:49
teprrrI think most regular users will get confused when they cannot paste what they've copied04:50
Riddellusers will get confused when they control-C copy then end up pasting what the mouse has just selected04:50
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teprrrumh, well, most of the time I see people complaining about why the clipboard doesn't work right.. :P04:54
teprrrmaybe disabling the whole selection would be a choice, but not very good one...04:54
BamaJankanyone know if the links for the "CD"s up at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/preview/ are actually DVDs?04:55
TelepBamaJank: they're cd's04:57
\shin what package are the x includes?04:57
BamaJankWhy is it reporting 1,018mb to put on a CD?04:57
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TelepBamaJank: reporting where? Looking at the full list of files at the bottom of the page, 637M is the largest I can see04:58
teprrrthe menu looks pretty slick though :p04:59
teprrrnice one04:59
BamaJankI am in Windows and Nero reports to burn the ISO requires 1,018mb04:59
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\shwhat packages i have to install for kde development? 05:00
TelepBamaJank: sounds weird, sorry I can't help with that... which one did you download?05:00
BamaJankThe torrent for ix86 Telep05:00
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BamaJankI will figure it out, but for a moment I wondered if some were DVDs, I even returned to the link to double check05:01
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Quinn_Stormquestion...the kubuntu kdenetwork package...was it built without mdnsresponder/dnssd/zeroconf support?  if so, are there any plans to change that?  according to kde's website, the apple mDNSresponder that's necessary for it is now under the BSD license so its compatible with the DFSG...(and it compiles/installs cleanly with little/no effort on my kubuntu system at least)05:12
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\shwhat is the best way to get an updated kde-devel package if you installed kubuntu-desktop?05:20
Quinn_Storm\sh: kde-devel 3.4 isn't in the ubuntu/kubuntu repositories yet05:20
\shQuinn_Storm, so theres no way to develop for 3.4?05:21
\shright now?05:21
b-_-djust ran md5 sum I the amd64 livecd05:21
Quinn_Storm\sh: you'd have to get & compile 3.4 yourself from kde sources as far as I know...I think they are working on fixing that though...it'll partly depend on when debian sid gets the packages too...b/c if they get them then it will be trivial for the ubuntu devs to add them05:22
b-_-dgetting the i386 livecd05:22
\shQuinn_Storm, so kdelibs4 is what?05:22
Quinn_Storm\sh: huh? kdelibs4 is the current kdelibs package (in hoary its 3.4 right now)05:22
b-_-damd64 livecd will be posted on a fast server today05:23
\shok..this i need :)05:23
\shQuinn_Storm, is kubuntu not based on the main packages?05:23
Quinn_Storm\sh: note that in typical debian parlance, the kdelibs4 is just the binaries, if you want the headers and stuff you need kdelibs4-dev.  and no, kubuntu is, at least as far as I know, newer than the current debian sid packages05:24
Beineri\sh: what's wrong with kdelivs4-dev?05:24
\shBeineri, nothing, i need the dev packages05:24
\shfor 3.405:24
Beineri\sh: install them :-)05:24
\shBeineri, so kdelibs4-dev ;)05:25
Quinn_Storm\sh: kdelibs4-dev is 3.4 right now so you can use it05:25
\shi need my qinx theme for kde ;)05:25
Beineri\sh: and kdebase-dev05:25
Quinn_Storm\sh: qinx came with my kubuntu-desktop...or is it a special qinx?05:25
\shQuinn_Storm, i don't have any qinx here, and i installed on hoary the kubuntu desktop05:26
Quinn_Storm\sh: oh, install kdeartwork05:26
Quinn_Storm\sh: its not in kubuntu-desktop by default05:26
\shQuinn_Storm, hmmm..qinx is not default in kde05:27
Quinn_Storm\sh: its in the kdeartwork package, I promise, I didn't compile from source and I am using hoary myself05:27
BeineriQuinn_Storm: what do you do if you cannot fulfill your promise?05:28
Quinn_Storm\sh: specifically I think its in the kdeartwork-style sub-package, but if you install kdeartwork that'll include it05:28
Quinn_Stormoh hell -.-05:29
Quinn_Stormignore everything I said05:29
Quinn_StormI must have been brain-dead05:29
Quinn_StormI am so sorry05:29
\shQuinn_Storm, ??05:29
Quinn_Storm\sh: I thought I had it...let me look up a repository with it for you05:30
Quinn_Storm\sh: I had a moment of stupidity.  this looks like it has a package if 1.2-2 is okay with you. http://debian.neo.pl/ - the sources.list line would be deb http://debian.neo.pl/wfmh unstable main contrib non-free05:32
Quinn_Storm\sh: I should learn to check before I speak...I trusted my memory and was remembering wrong, it doesn't come with kdeartwork...I'm sorry05:33
\shQuinn_Storm, well...no problem, i know this :)05:33
\shQuinn_Storm, 1.3 is out :) btw :) u r the maintainer?05:34
Quinn_Storm\sh: no I'm not unfortunately, or I'd have 1.3 up there, heh05:34
teprrrhmm, there's no kdetv for kubuntu?05:34
Quinn_Storm\sh: I do like qinx though and know why you want it, heh05:34
\shQuinn_Storm, for the laptop its the best, imho05:35
Quinn_Storm\sh: its nice for a low-powered system too05:35
\shQuinn_Storm, well..finally i'm a ubuntu user for now 2 hours ;) and to recreate your fav. workplace it's quite hard...for my ~x86 gentoo it was easy to do :)05:36
Beineriteprrr: add to https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuSuggestedPackages :-)05:36
Quinn_Storm\sh: well at least you're not afraid of compiling stuff, hehe.  I hate waiting for stuff to compile, that's why I'm a (k)ubunu user myself...debian seems to be the best base for a linux distro out there right now, and the k/ubuntu teams are doing great work on top of it05:37
teprrrBeineri, oh. thanks :)05:37
\shQuinn_Storm, well...I like debian for servers in datacenters, but I'm running a serverfarm only with gentoo servers05:37
\shQuinn_Storm, and I was searching for an easy to setup laptop solution :)05:38
Quinn_Storm\sh: my experience has been that debian is quite nice for a desktop thanks to the magic of apt (and the behind-the-scenes work all the maintainers do to make sure just about every single package "just works")05:39
\shQuinn_Storm, and this wasn't like this when I had debian on my desktop...so i switched from debian to gentoo 3 years ago05:39
\shand now my laptop runs with ubuntu :)05:40
\shusability debian ;)05:40
Quinn_Storm\sh: ahh, well with debian these days, especially ubuntu/kubuntu, debian seems quite nice...I've only been using debian for like a year or so now...started with ubuntu/kubuntu like a month ago...I've tried a few others (even freebsd), but I like debian-based best.  I started linux with slackware many years ago now05:41
\shQuinn_Storm, hehe...1993 :)05:41
\shsuse slackware ;) 05:41
teprrrhmm, kdesdk seems to be still kde 3.3.2 insetad of 3.4 :P05:42
teprrrlike kde-i18n's too05:42
Quinn_Storm\sh: I could never get suse to install right...I had a short experience with redhat but I didn't like it much...tried out gentoo but got fed up with waiting for stuff (even on an athlon 1.2ghz/512MB ram)05:42
Quinn_Storm\sh: there isn't a kdesdk4 pkg yet05:42
Quinn_Stormteprrr: yeah they haven't packaged all of kde3.4 yet it only just came out05:42
\shQuinn_Storm, oh, but it was logical ;)05:42
\shQuinn_Storm, well...I was employed at redhat and at this time there wasn't any fedora at all...so the distri was nice...but now05:43
Quinn_Storm\sh: I just didn't like the setup much...and I tend to agree with the DFSG, being a bit of a Freedom nut myself so I don't mind debian...(though I have to admit I do use some non-Free packages)05:44
Quinn_StormI think we all install the flashplayer05:44
Quinn_Stormif nothing else for homestarrunner.com05:44
\shhmm..i should stop now with working on the computer and should watch constantine05:45
teprrrQuinn_Storm, yes I know it just came out :P05:45
Quinn_Stormlol...I've heard that was a good movie...haven't seen it yet05:45
\shQuinn_Storm, i don't know..i will check it out...if the svcd implementation is working in totem ;)05:46
Quinn_Storm\sh: heh, it probably is...if not try some other players (kaffeine, mplayer, etc.) ... you may have to install stuff from an extra repository05:47
\shbut i must say, the locale configuration in ubuntu is really nice :)05:47
\shmplayer is not working, i tried it with a normal mpg movie05:47
\shbut i have to check what it is05:47
Quinn_Stormdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main - install mplayer-whatever from there05:47
\shwill check it later...right now i have to relax...i'm feeling like getting a flu05:48
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teprrrhmm, is there easy way to use 8859-1(5) instead of utf8?05:54
ggilbertoh I love the latest kde build. Prompts you to turn off things like the slow keys gestures :)06:01
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ztonzyRiddell, do you know anything about exporting to image gallery from Tools menu in Konqueror ?  something than have been taken out or needs to be added extra to KDE ?06:02
Beineriztonzy: kdeaddons 3.4 is not yet packaged06:02
ztonzyBeineri, hmmm  ok06:02
Beineriztonzy: you could install kdeaddons 3.3.2 though06:02
Riddellztonzy: it's in kdeaddons konq-plugins (which has not been upgraded to 3.4 and has file conflicts)06:04
ztonzyRiddell, hm ok...the kdaddons doesnt seems to want to be installed either06:05
=== AMIGrAve [~AMIGrAve@212-178.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu
AMIGrAvedoes the ksayit app has aloready packaged ?06:09
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RiddellAMIGrAve: kmouth?06:10
BeineriAMIGrAve: not 3.4 at least06:10
Beineriand wasn't in kdeaccessibility 3.3 it seems06:11
teprrrksayit is in 3.406:12
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AMIGrAveRiddell: Beineri : thanks06:14
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Roeyhaggai:  hi! you're here too??06:19
Roeyhow do I clear my MBR?06:20
amiroffRoey: under windows or linux?06:21
bugaRoey: if you want a standard boot record, use install-mbr from the mbr package06:22
amiroffRoey: and fixmbr does that under windows06:22
RoeyI have two Raptor disks in a raid1 array.  I want to install Ubuntu on one disk, and on bootup I don't want the mbr from the other disk to get in the way of booting06:23
Roeyto ubuntu06:23
Roeyin other words, I don't want this disk to be bootable.06:23
bugaif you can choose first disk in the BIOS, you are lucky. otherwise install-mbr has a --drive parameter06:27
Telepmit se hpj?06:31
Telepwrong channel :D06:32
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amiroffguys, how to set KDE_NO_IPV6=true permanetly on KDE?06:46
AMIGrAveanyone here using firefox on their gmail account ? When I save files using Download link for attachements in gmail the file is actually not saved !? very strange. Wile selecting an image on any website using save image as will work I know it sounds very odd.06:49
bugaamiroff: it's not the kde way, but you can use /etc/environment file06:50
amiroffbuga: thanks I already got and answer: export KDE_NO_IPV6=106:51
amiroff~/.kde/env/noipv6.sh. Create it and add "export KDE_NO_IPV6=1" there06:51
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b-_-dthe live cd is crashing here07:01
b-_-dis it loading the nvidia driver?07:01
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Glin|Joli just installed kubuntu07:10
Glin|Joli am trying to make changes to my kde menu but none of my changes are saved07:10
Glin|Joli am using the command kmenuedit07:10
Glin|Jolany ideas?07:10
amiroffguys, what is the most popular irc app for KDE ?07:16
Glin|Joli use xchat07:17
manchineamiroff: konversation07:18
amiroffmanchine: yes, currently using it, seems ok07:18
manchinexchat is too much gtk (that is to say, DULL,)07:18
Glin|Jolmanchine: heh true07:18
amiroffGlin|Jol: we're making a KDE distro to ditribute to our friends so, all apps must be qt based ..07:19
Glin|Jolyeah qt i would go konversation07:19
manchineamiroff: wise choice. ppl of refined eyecandy taste ;)07:20
manchinei'd never install ubuntu without this new K prefix07:20
manchineone thing that keeps on puzzling me... does ubuntu bundles any genearalk admin GUI tools?07:22
manchineotherwise, i see it as debian made a bit more easy07:22
amiroffmanchine: well, that is the deal for kde devs isn't it?07:23
amiroffmanchine: I never had latest kde so early on debian before07:23
amiroffmanchine: so I am all for kubuntu/ubuntu, and I love other desktops too07:23
manchineamiroff: neither do i07:24
manchinebut that was not my question07:24
manchineanything in the ubuntu world similar to mandrake control center or redhat's config tools?07:24
amiroffmanchine: I don't think so07:25
manchinei can do most things regardless od distro, but i'm wondering about newbies07:26
amiroffmanchine: for example there are gnome system tools and other gtk tools on ubuntu07:26
amirofflike network config, and app installing07:26
amiroffbut for now, no qt counterparts afaik07:26
=== manchine dives in apt-cache search
psnamiroff: kynaptic for app install07:27
amiroffpsn: well, that is under heavy development for now, but it works07:27
manchinei still prefer the prompt07:29
manchinethough i am much more a GUIk than a geek07:29
amiroffanyways, I think kubuntu/ubuntu duo will lead the linux distros in future07:30
manchinethat is not the war to Win07:31
manchinei became atheist about distros07:31
manchinespecialy subdistros07:31
manchineand subsubdistros07:31
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manchinethere are basicaly 3 ways of packing up a linux kernel and the gnu tools: slackware, debian and rpm-based 07:32
billytwowillyHI, I'm hoping someone knows how to fix this. I'm trying to set kaffiene as the player of choice for avi files, but the settings won't save. Whenever I close the file associations app they revert to broken.07:33
manchineohh yes, a 4th one07:33
manchinethe masochist07:33
manchinesrc based07:34
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billytwowillythis file associations thing is really frustrating me... I've run into this bug every once in a while since the2.x kde's07:36
wjesusaxlhey guys I have some problems trying to install kubuntu-desktop07:36
Glin|Jolwhats your problem07:38
wjesusaxlI have so many unmet depencies07:38
Glin|Joldid you install from the cd?07:38
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wjesusaxlNop 07:40
wjesusaxlapt-get install07:40
wjesusaxlI got it from hoary repository07:40
billytwowillyIf you have universe and metaverse (multiverse?) as repositories then you shouldn't have unmet dependencies..07:41
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Glin|Jolbillytwowilly: as far as your problems are concerned, how are you setting the file associationsd07:41
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wjesusaxltake a look07:43
billytwowillyGlin|Jol, Both right click, open with, save settings and in kcontrol07:44
Glin|Jolhrmm mine is set to kaffeine by default07:45
Glin|Joland you do have kaffeine installed correct?07:45
wjesusaxlwhat coul be the problem?07:46
billytwowillyIt's strange. Because it set to kaffeine to open file for a bit but kdeinit said it couldn't run kaffeine.07:46
billytwowillyNow it has miraculously decided to go with totem as the movie player of choice..07:46
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wjesusaxlwhere can I get the KDE package?07:48
billytwowillynow it's stuck on totem... and adding kaffeine07:48
billytwowillywjesusaxl, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:48
billytwowillyThat will set you up nicely.07:48
Glin|Jolwhat happens when you remove totem07:49
wjesusaxlthere are so many unmet dependencies07:49
billytwowillyI'm trying that now.07:49
billytwowillyI removed totem and added kaffeine and now there are no setting for x-msvideo and avi07:50
wjesusaxlit shows that to this computer... I tried before on another computer by installing kde-core07:50
wjesusaxland it worked07:50
wjesusaxlbut none of them are working right now07:50
billytwowillywjesusaxl, You don't have your /etc/apt/sources.list file setup properly, almost gaurenteed.07:50
wjesusaxlcheck it out yourself07:51
wjesusaxlI think it's ok07:51
billytwowillyno it's not.07:51
billytwowillyIt's wrong.07:51
wjesusaxlis it?07:52
billytwowillygo read the wiki on how to set it up so that you have hoary sources and you have universe and metaverse (might be multiverse)07:52
Glin|Jolits multiverse07:52
wjesusaxlit's multiverse07:52
billytwowillythe kdde in warty is horribly broken.07:52
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billytwowillyI'll give you a quick starter hint though;) wherever it says warty in there it should say hoary and you have the universe repository commented out.07:53
billytwowillymaybe that last deb on the end is ok. Can you have main, universe multiverse on the same source?07:54
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billytwowillyanyway, you need to comment out the first entry at the very least I think.07:55
roeywhat's kubuntu's default root password07:56
roeyI try the instructions at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root07:56
billytwowillythere is no root password.07:56
roeybut there apparently is a password set.07:57
billytwowillytry your user password maybe?07:57
roeytried that, didn't work.07:57
bugaroey: where do you want to use that password?07:58
roeyfor root.07:58
billytwowillydoes sudo work?07:58
roeyit asks for root password.07:58
billytwowillyno idea then, sorry.07:58
wjesusaxlI'll edit my sources.list07:58
roeyok, thanks anyway.07:58
roeyalso, I have this setup:08:00
roeyit's so fucking weird, why did ubuntu do this:08:00
roeymd1 : active raid1 dm-3[1]  dm-2[0] 08:00
roey      39061952 blocks [2/2]  [UU] 08:00
roeymd0 : active raid1 dm-1[1]  dm-0[0] 08:00
roey      96256 blocks [2/2]  [UU] 08:00
roeyyet md2 is:08:00
roeymd2 : active raid1 sda6[0]  sdb6[1] 08:00
roey      33447232 blocks [2/2]  [UU] 08:00
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JasperMhi ;)08:07
NamShubIm about to install kubuntu on my machine but before I go I just wanted to make sure... is it 100% compatible with debian (unstable) repositories?08:09
=== jfields [jfields@cpe-24-162-88-178.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
jfieldshey.... does kubuntu have built in (right after install) support of viewing quicktime and realmedia, etc.... on the net from say places like apple.com/trailers08:10
JasperMjfields : no...see ubuntu wiki on restricted formats 08:10
jfieldswhy??? mepis does08:10
JasperMjfields : I beleive it has something to do with laws in the US....just browse the net for w32codecs and kaffeine will play quicktime and realmedia08:11
jfieldsone more thing i want to ask..... when i install can i set up a user/password system like everyother distro... so that when i type in su.... it prompts for password08:12
JasperMjfields : mepis has w32codecs installed by default and kubuntu hasn08:12
jfieldsand the mplayer-mozilla plugin...08:13
NamShubJasperM: that was half my question. It is possible to simply add a (standard debian) rep. to the sources.list and then apt-get it? Is ubuntu stable/testing/unstable/mix of them?08:13
jfieldswill kaffeine work seemlessly?08:13
psoulocybe_go to www.ubuntuguide.org08:13
psoulocybe_that tells you how to get most plugins08:13
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psoulocybemost things that worked for warty, work for hoary08:13
JasperMNamShub : ubuntu is a snapshot of debian unstable, most of the debian unstable repositories work (line merrilat)08:14
jfieldswell ok... that's not too much trouble.... i just wanna know if when i "su" to do something it will ask for the root password instead of just letting anyone get on and use kynaptic/synaptic and fook things up08:14
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NamShubJasperM: ok thanks.08:15
NamShubGonna reboot and install now :)08:15
encKe`git r done08:15
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b-_-dwhere do i post bux fixes08:16
b-_-dwhere do i post bug* fixes08:16
jfieldswelll whatever.... 08:16
jfieldssome support you guys have08:17
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=== JasperM was just about to tell jfields about sudo and groups ;((
b-_-do well08:18
b-_-dthe live cd has many issues with its start scripts08:18
b-_-dnever turn glx on if you do not have the nvidia driver08:19
b-_-di will crash the system08:19
b-_-dit* will crash the system08:19
b-_-ddri is not a smart option08:19
b-_-dthe boot controll is broken08:20
b-_-dlive-extert acpi-off will not work08:20
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b-_-dcd will load drivers for hardware not found08:21
b-_-dcpu scaling is not smart08:22
JasperManother bug : kUser only works from the command line (sudo kuser) and not from the menu08:22
b-_-dlocked three of eight test boxes08:23
b-_-di can fix the xorg bugs08:23
b-_-dbut i need a place to send my patch08:23
thoreauputicb-_-d: umm - http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com08:25
b-_-ddo not use a mem= line on any nvidia card in xorg.conf08:25
b-_-dwill do :)08:25
=== edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-dJasperM is that all you found?08:26
bugab-_-d: send patches to bugzilla ( https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ )08:26
b-_-dalso chmod o+rw /dev/dsp08:27
bugab-_-d: why?08:27
bugaaudio group membership is enough08:28
b-_-dif you add a user the user in not auto added the the grupe audio in /etc/grupe08:28
b-_-da bad fix i know08:28
b-_-dbut it works for now08:28
JasperMb-_-d : I run Kunbuntu from harddisk (installed Ubuntu long ago and upgraded to Kubuntu)...less buggy08:28
b-_-dthat is not a good fix08:29
b-_-dwe need to fix Kunbuntu 08:29
b-_-dcan i get a .config for the kernel08:31
bugab-_-d: ls /boot/config*08:32
b-_-dkernel-2.6.10-1.770_FC3 is a very stable kernel it powers my gentoo boxes08:33
b-_-dgentoo kernel is not very good at all08:33
b-_-dcan i some how copy the system off a livecd and chroot to work on it?08:35
b-_-di want to test in real hardware not vmware08:36
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bugab-_-d: I don't know a good way, but fdisk->mkfs->copy-with-tar->vi fstab->grub-install may work. you said that you are using gentoo, so this should not be a problem for you :))08:43
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tackatKDE 3.4 rocks :)08:45
=== |QuaD- likes kde3.4
|QuaD-b-_-d: what is wrong with the regular install of kubuntu?08:46
b-_-d|QuaD have not tried yet working with live cd image08:47
sn0wmanif i install kubuntu-desktop, will kdm replace gdm?08:47
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-33-55.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-dsn0wman just edit /etc/rc.d08:48
bugasn0wman: /etc/X11/default-display-manager contains the actually used display manager08:51
bugasn0wman: according to http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/documentation.php#d0e123 apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will display a debconf window, where you can choose08:53
sn0wmanoh, ok08:53
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apokryphosb-_-d: that doesn't seem to exist for me, here.08:55
b-_-dok cd /08:55
b-_-dtar -cvjf etc.tar.bz2 etc/08:56
b-_-dthat will make a small fike called etc.tar.bz2 in /08:56
b-_-dmail it to me08:57
apokryphosb-_-d: it's alright... don't really have the problem; just out of interest there.08:57
b-_-dit would also give me a better idea of how Kubuntu works08:58
b-_-di am only testing the live cd08:58
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b-_-dwill the real install ask whre to put stuff09:00
b-_-dor do i need to tar /09:00
apokryphosb-_-d: it won't ask; you don't select packages, neither.09:01
apokryphosyou can specify which partition is / though, of course.09:01
b-_-dyou don't select packages?09:02
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apokryphosb-_-d: to install; nope. You can always just install/delete anything after.09:02
apokryphosit takes a matter of minutes09:02
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LeeJunFanI think I have found liberation from Mandrake :)09:03
apokryphosb-_-d: how are you finding the liveCD there?09:03
apokryphosLeeJunFan: cool :)09:03
b-_-ddo i do not get the select what is used swap /boot /usr /home etc. etc...09:03
LeeJunFanapokryphos: yepper, just have to learn apt now.09:03
apokryphosb-_-d: you sure can09:04
apokryphosLeeJunFan: it's trivial to learn, and I find it superior to Mdk's urpmi, easily.09:04
LeeJunFanlearn better that is.09:04
b-_-dapokryphos downdoaled it so i could give kubuntu a try but found many bugs09:04
LeeJunFanapokryphos: so far I'm really impressed - especially by apt's speed compared to rpms'.09:04
apokryphosb-_-d: might be worth compiling a bug-report. What type of bugs? Critical?09:05
b-_-dapokryphos if the live cd is short lived no need09:06
apokryphosYeah, but it would help them improve it. ;)09:06
b-_-di am ging to tar sda to sdb then unplug sdb so it can not be accessed than install to disk09:07
b-_-dgoing* to09:07
Glin|Jolhow would i go about making gtk less ugly heh09:07
apokryphosGlin|Jol: you can "force apply" your kde style onto your gtk stuff09:08
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Glin|Jolapokryphos: how would i go about doing that?09:08
apokryphosGlin|Jol: you can also specify the fonts you want to use in it from kcontrol09:08
AMIGrAvesince my last update I can't add Applications for file types handling. The action is simply ignored and I get this error output when starting the filemanager in a console :   ASSERT: "m_pService" in /build/buildd/kdelibs-3.4.0/kio/kfile/kopenwith.cpp (802)    and also this line :   ASSERT: "service" in /build/buildd/kdebase-3.4.0/kcontrol/filetypes/kservicelistwidget.cpp (247)09:08
Glin|Jolapokryphos: the fonts are fine09:08
b-_-dGlin|Jol  most apps can be build with out gtk support 09:08
Glin|Jolits more like xchat, firefox etc09:08
=== Imrahil [~Imrahil@c68.185.170.245.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Glin|Jolthe scroll bars look horrible, as do the buttons09:08
b-_-drebuild the app and run from $HOME09:09
Glin|Jolb-_-d: you mean configure from source?09:09
b-_-dya 09:09
b-_-dxchat is a small build 09:09
Glin|Joldunno if i want to go through all that trouble heh09:09
Glin|Jolyeah i know09:09
b-_-dfirefox is in the middle09:09
Glin|Joli just try to not compile since then i wont be able to update via apt-get update etc.09:10
apokryphosGlin|Jol: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt09:10
apokryphosGlin|Jol: that's the package you want09:10
b-_-dwhen a ran debian i build xfree and mp3 encoders by hand09:10
ImrahilI have a question regarding kubuntu networking. All of the ubuntu docs refer to using gnome network settings to configure networking. I am not familiar with how debian networking scripts work, can anyone give me a pointer?09:11
=== Monkeyhead [~Affenkopf@muedsl-82-207-249-057.citykom.de] has joined #kubuntu
Glin|Jolapokryphos: thanks a lot, that was exactly what i was looking for09:11
b-_-dfor the rest of the sysrtem there is no real point09:11
Glin|Jolanyways brb09:11
=== Monkeyhead [~Affenkopf@muedsl-82-207-249-057.citykom.de] has left #kubuntu []
apokryphosImrahil: there is knetworkconf09:12
=== Glin|Jol [~bobo@66-108-244-133.nyc.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Glin|Jolapokryphos: after i downloaded and installed that package, is there anything else i need to take care of?09:13
b-_-dGlin|Jol did the install get your host and domain name correct?09:13
Glin|Jolb-_-d: yeah09:13
apokryphosGlin|Jol: kcontrol > Appearance & Themes > GTK Styles and Fonts09:14
=== Imrahil [~Imrahil@c68.185.170.245.mad.wi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu []
b-_-domost of the crap most be live cd issues only09:14
b-_-do most of the crap most be live cd issues only09:14
Glin|Jolapokryphos: woo you are a lifesaver09:14
=== edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosb-_-d: I had issues with the liveCD that I never had on the real thing09:15
apokryphosMonitor detection/x setup & Network configuration, specifically.09:15
=== thor|away is now known as thoreauputic
b-_-dya 09:16
=== Glin|Jol [~bobo@66-108-244-133.nyc.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-dand auto turning all hardware on in a high end box is not smart09:17
b-_-dyou will sometimes run out of IRQs09:17
Glin|Joli had that problem with mandrake09:18
Glin|Jolthats why i made the switch to kumbutnu09:18
b-_-di have more stuff than IRQs but i just turn stuff i do not use off09:19
=== NamShub [~mathieu@dsl-145-82.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu
NamShubHello :)09:21
b-_-dcom1 com2 printer port 1394 sencers ide1 acpi floppy all off here09:21
NamShubalmost flawless install :)09:21
b-_-dhello NamShub 09:21
b-_-dlspci ?09:21
b-_-dwhat happen?09:22
b-_-dsmall issue or ooooooooo noooooooo09:22
NamShubsmall issues09:22
NamShubdidnt add existing gentoo to grub, lost network on first boot09:22
NamShubthats it :)09:23
=== GNAM [~auauuuaua@host47-241.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
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=== geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust3478.an4.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu
geneo93i need some help with latest updates for hoary09:25
=== Beuno [~bueno@98-143-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
Beunohey, I just installed kubuntu over ubuntu, and now Im stuck on 640x480, any ideas?09:30
|QuaD-Beuno: did you look at the x.org logs?09:30
Beunono, where are they?09:30
|QuaD-in /var/logs09:31
apokryphosBeuno: if resize and rotate kde program doesn't allow you to, you have to edit your xorg.conf09:31
Beunook, Im looking at the log09:32
Beunowhere the xorg.conf file?09:32
apokryphos /etc/X1109:32
|QuaD-Beuno: /etc/X1109:32
Beunook, changed some stuff09:34
BeunoI just log out and log back in?09:34
|QuaD-ctrl shift backspace restarts it09:34
=== Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu
Beunodoesnt seem to do anything09:35
|QuaD-in X09:35
=== NamShub [~mathieu@dsl-145-82.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu
NamShubseems I lose my net connection after a few minutes09:41
NamShubI dont even know how to bring it back09:41
NamShubany clues?09:42
NamShub(please help me before I lose it again, heh)09:43
=== roey [~roey@pcp04370251pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
roeyI've sort of gotten around the issue of kubuntu having an unknown root pw  by booting off the livecd, chrooting, and running passwd roo.09:44
roeythanks to anyone who helped earlier09:45
apokryphosNamShub: it's worth asking in #ubuntu. Probably some ifup/ifdown eth0 stuff...09:45
roeywhy can't I use hdparm to turn on DMA on my SATA drives???09:46
NamShubapokryphos: ok thanks09:46
=== Beuno [~bueno@98-143-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
Beunohey, just wanted to let you know I got it to work09:47
Beunojust ran dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:48
apokryphoscool :)09:48
Beunotnx for the help!09:48
b-_-dhdparm support for SATA and SCSI sucks09:50
roeyb-_-d: er09:50
roeyb-_-d: in that.. it doesn't exist?09:50
b-_-droey well that is not fully true09:51
b-_-dhdparm -t and hdparm -T work09:51
b-_-dbut they are poor benchmarks anyway09:52
roeySadEagle: b-_-d:  what the hell is up with jeff garzick, eh?09:53
b-_-dno idea09:53
roeyhe maintains it.09:53
b-_-dNamShub what hardware09:53
b-_-dyou using?09:54
b-_-di just want a cool debian like system where the apps are not older than i am09:55
encKe`does Ubuntu support a pretty good range of pci wireless cards?09:56
encKe`like Motorola?09:56
apokryphosb-_-d: app support is really very good. You can check out what's in.. archive.ubuntu.com. 09:56
bugaargh, a friend of mine says the konqi-based graphic on http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/konqi.png is like a benzene ring.  yes, she is a chemist. :)09:56
b-_-dwhere is the package list? i need bogofilter spam filter09:58
apokryphosbuga: I don't see how :P. Beneze ring: http://www.bartleby.com/61/imagepages/A4benzen.html09:58
apokryphosb-_-d: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/09:59
Blissexb-_-d: you should be using 'aptitude' or 'synaptic' that managed the package lists for you.09:59
apokryphosBlissex: he's not using kubuntu10:00
apokryphosnot sure if you can view them on the liveCD though10:00
b-_-djust did a backup 10:00
=== NamShub [~mathieu@dsl-145-82.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-ddownloading install iso now10:01
=== MindZEye [~mindzeye@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-di can not post the amd64 live cd it has too many bugs10:01
apokryphosb-_-d: Quote mdz: the torrent I hope ;-)10:01
Blissexb-_-d: however, Debian has 'bogofilter' (I use that) so you can be fairly confident of having it in some form under KUbuntu10:02
Blissexb-_-d: if you want an'amd64' LiveCD, consider also a ''cousin'' of Ubuntu called Kanotix.10:02
bugaapokryphos: I also don't see, but I can't convince her10:02
b-_-dBlissex ok cool i get 500+ emails each day so that is a big deal to me10:03
apokryphosbuga: those chemists; typical. ;)10:03
apokryphosb-_-d: youch10:03
b-_-dok looking10:04
Blissexb-_-d: I get almost no SPAM now, after switching my email address scheme to a particularly geeky one.10:04
bugaBlissex: ubuntu also has bogofilter in the universe repository10:04
Blissexbuga: not surprising...10:04
apokryphosgmail spam system works pretty great, which is a big plus.10:04
Blissexbuga: I tend to use mixed Debian/[K] Ubuntu source lists, if one knows what they are doing it works well...10:05
=== dave_ [~bobo@66-108-244-133.nyc.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
bugab-_-d: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ - this is like http://packages.debian.org/10:06
apokryphosBlissex: are you using kubuntu kde on another distro? A friend of mine has Mepis; contemplating whether should suggest that he use ubu repos to give it a go.10:06
apokryphosb-_-d: Ahh, wasn't aware there was a searchable part for it. Cool.10:07
=== dave_ is now known as Glin|Jol
apokryphosBeineri: the link is above, if you haven't come across it yet. :)10:07
Blissexapokryphos: not yet, because so far Debian's KDE packages have been mostly OK. Not quite fully switched to KUbuntu :-)10:07
Beineriapokryphos: package browser? have it bookmarked yesterday :-)10:08
LeeJunFanwhat's the general replacement for gkrellm these days?10:08
apokryphoscool; news to me.10:08
b-_-danyone have a working amd64 install10:09
LeeJunFanb-_-d: mine's working.10:09
b-_-di want to know befor i try amd64 + scsi10:09
apokryphosb-_-d: I believe amu -- one of the devs -- has an amd6410:09
LeeJunFanb-_-d: don't have scsi though.10:09
=== azuzak [~azuzak@201009179220.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-dya all scsi here10:10
b-_-dwell ide cdroms10:10
LeeJunFanb-_-d: laptop here.10:11
b-_-di hate downloading10:12
pepsii hate you downloading to10:12
b-_-di only get no more than 30k from the Kubuntu site10:13
apokryphosTorrent is better10:13
Riddellb-_-d: use a mirror or bittorrent10:13
b-_-dothers i can get 200k and 300k10:13
b-_-dwhere is the mirror list10:14
b-_-dand how do i get on the mirror list10:14
LeeJunFananyone know why right clicking kmenu and trying to open menu editor doesn't work but running kmenuedit works ok?10:14
b-_-di can serve images10:14
=== NamShubWin [~hey@dsl-145-82.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu
NamShubWinhi again10:14
b-_-dwb NamShubWin 10:14
=== robin_ [~robin@debian.demon.nl] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-dbittorrent 0.0kb :)10:17
apokryphosmight take some time to warm up ;) 10:18
b-_-dok i will check it's spark plugs10:18
|QuaD-b-_-d: i get 10 mbit when dling from torrent, like 2 mbit when downloading from mirrors10:19
=== sander__ [~sander@ool-18b9caea.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
b-_-d10 mbit man10:20
apokryphosdepending on your torrent program and/or router/modem setup, you might need to have port forwarding sorted.10:20
b-_-dthat is bad10:20
|QuaD-10 mbit is bad?10:20
apokryphos(as in good :P)10:20
|QuaD-yeah, i am sad that in 2 months i lose it10:20
b-_-do 10 mbit not to k10:20
|QuaD-i actually have 2 10mbit lines, so 20 mbit total :) but i lose it in may10:21
b-_-d0.0k here10:21
apokryphosnice; why losing it?10:21
b-_-dkilling torrent10:21
b-_-dya i am on a school line also10:22
apokryphosif you have a router, you're likely not listening to the torrent port10:22
|QuaD-b-_-d: i2?10:22
apokryphosour school has a nice 10mbit, but reasonably useless, as it's at school.10:22
=== apokryphos eagerly awaits university speed
b-_-di get ablout 4000k10:23
|QuaD-ahh, i am at uni10:23
|QuaD-b-_-d: what schooL?10:23
|QuaD-apsu? as in penn state?10:23
apokryphosI get about 496k (exactly) :P10:23
|QuaD-never heard of it10:24
b-_-dwhat port is torrent using?10:26
b-_-dthe IT students here are evil10:26
b-_-di have my firewalls locked down10:26
NamShubWinthis is disappointing :(10:26
apokryphosb-_-d: I think it depends on what prog you're using (it might not). On Azureus it's 688110:27
|QuaD-apokryphos: thats standard10:27
apokryphoscool; it is alterable, of course, from most programs I'd imagine.10:27
b-_-dNamShubWin what is disappointing?10:27
|QuaD-apokryphos: have you tried bittornado? i find it much better then azeurus, no bloat10:28
NamShubWinthat networking mess10:28
NamShubWineverything in the install went smooth10:28
NamShubWinthis is the first distro that get my wireless card automatically, etc...10:28
apokryphos|QuaD-: heard about it, never tried. Hmm, in the repos; downloading.10:28
NamShubWinbut losing the network after ~5 minutes and no way (no clue) to get it back, is disappointing10:29
apokryphosqtorrent is nice, but a little too simple.10:29
b-_-di can not find a mirror list10:29
b-_-dand the grammer on the site is a mess10:29
b-_-dis the webmaster non us?10:30
apokryphos|QuaD-: is the executable named something different?10:30
b-_-dya it is10:30
=== LeeJunFan [~junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosunknown host btcomple...10:31
b-_-dor btdownloadheadless.py10:32
apokryphosdenied again10:32
|QuaD-apokryphos: there are a few executables, i mainly use btlaunchmanycurses10:33
b-_-d|QuaD- that torrent command did yiu use?10:34
b-_-dyou* use10:34
=== P229 [~P229@pool-138-88-147-61.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
|QuaD-b-_-d: why is kubuntu.org.uk bad grammer, seems fine to me... your grammer seems worse10:34
b-_-dwb P229 10:34
P229I like kubuntu's rendition of ubuntu's threesome, heh10:35
b-_-d|QuaD- i just suck at typing my papers are fine10:35
|QuaD-but where is the bad grammer on kubuntu's site?10:35
apokryphos|QuaD-: who said that?10:35
|QuaD-16:29 < b-_-d> and the grammer on the site is a mess10:36
P229|QuaD-: I didn't see any grammer on the site10:36
=== apokryphos chuckles: *grammar. :)
|QuaD-P229: the writing seemed fine for me too, but i want to know where b-_-d found mistakes10:37
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@cpc3-oxfd1-3-1-cust28.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
|QuaD-if he is so critical10:37
b-_-dbrb reading10:37
apokryphosI'm sure I could find something :D10:37
|QuaD-apokryphos: haha, yeah, just like on every site out there10:37
=== Roey [~Roey@pcp04370251pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Roeyis konq-plugins  3.4  in hoary?10:37
apokryphos|QuaD-: I am a bit of a pedant/stickler.10:37
P229|QuaD-, yeah, unless it's *really* bad, it's probably nothing to get hung up over10:38
=== |QuaD- is an engineer, eng for short, ie english no good
Roey|QuaD-:  hey, whassup (engineer here too)10:38
apokryphosRoey: nope10:38
Roeyapokryphos:  ok, that explains why it says that it's for 3.3.2 only.10:39
Roeyapokryphos:  will it be made?10:39
Roeyapokryphos:  make'd for hoary, doyou nkow?10:39
apokryphosRoey: you could suggest it on the wiki and/or mailing list.10:39
Roeyit's...er... part of kde 10:39
Roeybeing able to archive web pages or change html settings quickly...10:39
Roeybasically everything under the Tools/ menu10:40
apokryphosErm, no. Konq-plugins is an extra package -- extra plugins.10:40
=== P229 is now known as P229|away
apokryphossee help:/konq-plugins in konqueror10:41
Roeykde-extras is installed yet I don't see anything under Tools10:41
Roeyone sec I willc ehck this10:41
=== ubuntu is now known as AndyTurl
Roey"The requested help file could not be found. Check that you have installed the documentation."10:42
apokryphosYeah.. you'd have to install it. It is a kde package, but it's not core kde or even main kde -- it's part of kdeaddons10:43
=== NamShub [~wasted@dsl-145-82.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosok, kdeaddons might actually be main kde stuff... :)10:43
apokryphosanyhow, if it's good -- suggest it; sounds like a good idea.10:43
lookorezis there a repository that has rubygems in it?10:45
apokryphosnone of mine do10:48
bugalookorez: you can download sources from http://people.debian.org/~akira/rubygems/ and rebuild it on ubuntu10:52
lookorezi rebuilt it but it doesnt seem to work right 10:53
lookorezkubuntu:~$ gem install rails10:53
lookorez/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:18:in `require__': No such file to load -- zlib (LoadError)10:53
bugado you have libzlib-ruby installed?10:54
lookorezaccording to synaptic I do10:54
lookorezI even reinstalled it and installed anythin that looked like libzlib10:54
bugahmm, but why is it in /usr/local/lib?10:56
lookorezim not sure10:56
Roeyapokryphos:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:10:56
Roey  kdeaddons: Depends: konq-plugins (>= 4:3.3.2-1ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed10:56
RoeyE: Broken packages10:56
apokryphosRoey: yup, noticed.10:56
Roeyapokryphos:  doesn't look like kdeaddons is even built10:56
Roeyyeah :(10:56
Roeyapokryphos:  same thing with kde-devel10:56
Roeyapokryphos:  and pykde10:56
Roeyapokryphos:  (and my apps are in pykde, which is why I need it)10:57
apokryphosRoey: the dev team is very much alive and still active. :) Mailing list/wiki is open for suggestions.10:57
Roeywhere can I suggest this on the wiki10:57
bugalookorez: i've just downloaded the binary package, ran a dpkg -c ..., it should be located in /usr/lib/ruby/...10:57
lookorezwhich binary package10:57
=== Beineri [~Beineri@binner.kde] has joined #kubuntu
bugalookorez: http://people.debian.org/~akira/rubygems/rubygems_0.8.4-0.1_all.deb10:57
lookorezI download that?10:58
bugahow did you installed the rubygems package?10:58
lookorezI think I downloaded rubygems from source10:59
lookorezwhat do I do with that .deb file?10:59
bugaI see. I meaned source as "source debian package", when I said you can download sources from http://people.debian.org/~akira/rubygems/ and rebuild it on ubuntu"11:00
lookorezoh i meant i meant the source code11:00
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-33-55.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosRoey: sorry, you could add it on the second link in /topic11:01
bugayou can install it using "dpkg -i rubygems_0.8.4-0.1_all.deb"11:01
apokryphosRoey: though there is another page, too, which I'll dig up11:01
lookorezok i'll try that11:01
Roeyapokryphos:  thank you very much, btw.11:01
Roeyanyone here running NVidia cards?11:01
Roeysudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"11:02
Roeywhich version of the nvidia commercial drivers does thsi install?11:02
lookorezdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of rubygems:11:02
lookorezshould I just get all those via synaptic?11:02
bugadpkg -I ...deb shows dependencies11:03
apokryphosRoey: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuSuggestedPackages 11:03
bugajust "apt-get install ruby1.8 libtest-unit-ruby1.8 libyaml-ruby1.8 rdoc1.8 libzlib-ruby1.8" before dpkg -i11:04
Roeyapokryphos:  I don't see where I can edit it :(11:06
apokryphosRoey: you'll have to first login11:06
RoeyI see.11:06
Roeyapokryphos:  can you do it for me? I have a bunch of things to get right with this system first11:06
Roey(grub doesn't understand that / is raid1'd, for example)11:06
Roey(asks me for the root password for maintenance every tiem I boot up)11:07
lookorezI still get the ZLIB error :(11:07
Roeycomputers suck.11:07
lookorezweirdly windows setup of rubyonrails is simple as pie11:07
apokryphosRoey: you do badly in presupposing (if you do) that I'm not doing anything :P. But no worry, sure, I'll add it later.11:08
Roeythank you :) : ):) :)11:08
Roey(kdeaddons, kde-devel and kde-bindings, including python-kde3)11:08
apokryphosthe first is a package to add...11:09
apokryphoskde-devel doesn't work because of dependency issues11:09
apokryphossame with PyKDE, which amu said he'll sort11:09
lookorezbuga: why do you think gems can't find zlib even though I installed it?11:10
Roeyheh, kaffeine doesn't work either (can't load a certain kpart;  I suspect it has somethng to do with the BC inconsistency introduced last month into CVS011:11
apokryphosWorks fine here11:11
=== Glin|Jol [~bobo@66-108-244-133.nyc.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Roey.desktop not found in search path.11:12
Roeyinteresting how errors seem to follow me around through different OS installs11:12
bugalookorez: it's working here11:12
lookorezbuga:  how do I like debug it11:12
Roeythey may or may not be problems with my ~11:12
bugalookorez: what's the *exact* error message?11:12
Roeynot sure.11:12
lookorezkubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo gem install rails11:13
lookorez/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:18:in `require__': No such file to load -- zlib (LoadError)11:13
=== AndyTurl_ [~ubuntu@cpc3-oxfd1-3-1-cust28.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
bugalookorez: it tries to use the version you installed before (not the one from the debian package)11:13
lookorezso I should uninstall the previous one?11:14
bugalookorez: sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib/ruby11:14
lookorezkubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo gem install rails11:15
lookorez/usr/local/bin/gem:3:in `require': No such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)11:15
lookorez        from /usr/local/bin/gem:311:15
lookorezshould I reinstall gems now?11:15
bugarm /usr/local/bin/gem11:15
lookorezCould not find RubyGem sources (> 0.0.0)11:16
lookorez        from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:34:in `require_gem'11:16
lookorezi use kbutuntu11:18
bugait's ok11:18
bugame too11:18
=== Beineri guesses many here use Kubuntu ;-)
=== timlinux1 [~timlinux@cpc4-rdng3-4-0-cust59.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== Verwilst wonders about kubuntu
timlinux1has anyone build kdevelop 3.2 against kubuntu installation yet?11:20
lookorezbuga: what do I do now?11:20
bugalookorez: i'm trying to figure out, what is different on your installation...11:21
lookorezwell what does the error msg mean11:23
lookorezit means that it can't find gem installed or something?11:24
lookorezi looked at the code but I don' really know what it means11:25
bugadid you run dpkg -i after the apt-get command again?11:26
lookorezoh nope11:27
lookorezi will try this11:27
bugado it11:27
lookorezok i got a different result11:28
bugait runs "gem install /usr/share/rubygems/1.8/gems/sources-0.0.1.gem" from postinst script (this is called after a successful debian package installation)11:28
lookorezit installed a whole bunch of stuff from rubyforge11:28
lookorezbut it gives an error after stuff is installed: 11:28
lookorez: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:26:in `require': No such file to load -- action_controller (LoadError)11:29
=== maxchee [~maxchee@88-234.dsl.otton1.isp.cyberus.ca] has joined #kubuntu
maxcheedoes anyone here know how to uninstall ubuntu and associated packages?11:31
maxcheeand keep kubuntu11:31
Beinerimaxchee: debfoster ubuntu-base kubuntu-desktop11:32
Beineriyou may want to keep grub, a kernel and synaptic too ;-)11:32
bugalookorez: Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org11:32
bugalookorez: Install required dependency rake? [Yn] 11:33
bugadid you get this question too?11:33
lookorezi installed that yeah11:33
lookorezand a bunch of other stuff, actionrecord etc11:33
lookorezmaybe I don't need actionmailer ?11:34
maxcheealso is there a quick way to minimize all windows?11:34
maxcheelike a show desktop applet11:34
lookorezpress the desktop button?11:34
maxcheeis there one on kubuntu?11:34
apokryphosBeineri: perhaps this is obvious, but why debfoster kubuntu-desktop?11:34
lookorezthere is on mine in the kde task bar11:34
maxcheefound it11:35
Beineriapokryphos: because you want to keep "kubuntu"? :-)11:35
apokryphosBeineri: I might be misunderstanding the usage of debfoster, but won't that weed it out?11:36
Beineriapokryphos: or maxchee11:36
lookorezbuga:  should I directly download stuff from gems.rubyforge.org ?11:36
Beineriapokryphos: if I'm not seriously mistaken know you tell what packages to keep :-)11:36
maxcheeI can't find debfoster11:37
apokryphosmaxchee: apt-get install debfoster11:37
=== mfoxela [~mfoxela@port-212-202-8-100.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
Beinerimaxchee: it's in universe11:38
bugalookorez: it works too but not this is the problem11:38
bugalookorez: i've suceed to simulate the problem, investigating it11:38
apokryphosBeineri: not sure if I understand :P. Syntax seems to be "debfoster [options]  [package1..]  [package2..] .." so kubuntu-desktop is package2 in this case, to be weeded out? 11:39
=== apokryphos hopes he isn't delusional
Beineriapokryphos: read man al?11:40
maxcheeis there a why to reinstall the who distro11:40
Beinerimanual   (increasing count of typos is a good signal to go to sleep ;-)11:40
maxcheethrough apt-get?11:40
=== spektr [~th@M902P018.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosBeineri: yup11:40
maxcheeapokryphhos: 11:41
maxcheeapokryphhos: do you know how to reinstall ubuntu?11:41
maxcheeapokryphhos: using apt-get11:41
apokryphossudo apt-get install ubuntu-base, should do it. 11:42
maxcheeapokryphhos: I mean after you have ubuntu up and running11:42
maxcheeapokryphhos: and wanting to reinstall it11:43
apokryphos(and ubuntu-desktop)11:43
apokryphosYou could by a couple of commands (would involve removing it and re-installing); but other than that -- nope.11:44
bugalookorez: sorry, I can't say what is this error message, it's ruby gem specific. I would ask it on a ruby channel11:45
maxcheeapokryphos: are you sure it's debfoster?11:52
apokryphosmaxchee: do you have the Universe repository enabled?11:53
maxcheeapokryphos: yes11:54
maxcheeapokryphos: it says this in the help text11:54
maxcheeapokryphos: Installs package1, deinstalls package211:54
apokryphosheh, same here.11:54
apokryphosbut how about the man page?11:55
maxcheeapokryphos:  debfoster maintains a list of installed packages that were explicitly requested rather than installed as a depen11:55
maxchee     dency.  Arguments are entirely optional, debfoster can be invoked per se after each run of dpkg and/or aptget.11:55
maxchee     Alternatively you can use debfoster to install and remove packages by specifying the packages on the command line.11:55
maxchee     Packages suffixed with a  are removed while packages without a suffix are installed.11:55
maxchee     If a new package is encountered or if debfoster notices that a package that used to be a dependency is now an11:55
maxchee     orphan, it will ask you what to do with it.  If you decide to keep it, debfoster will just take note and continue.11:55
maxchee     If you decide that this package is not interesting enough it will be removed as soon as debfoster is done asking11:55
maxchee     questions.  If your choises cause other packages to become orphaned more questions will ensue.11:55
apokryphosmaxchee: don't flood the channel. :)11:55
maxcheesorry, it's just part of the man page11:55
apokryphosunder the Synopsis -- does it not imply that the syntax is like what I said above?11:56
maxcheeapokryphs: I think this is what I need: sudo debfoster ubuntu-desktop11:58
apokryphoshehe, I don't quite know. 11:58
apokryphos(btw, you can use TAB for auto-completion of nicks)11:58
maxcheethx, apokryphos.11:59
maxcheeapokryphos, does debfoster purge the packages?12:01

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