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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Do the package install first.12:00
stuNNedSeeleyUSMC: sudo dpkg -i and sudo network-admin, yes12:00
SeeleyUSMCAnyone know how to format a usb memory stick in ubuntu?12:00
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: then do ifconfig to see if you have an ath0 interface.12:00
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phanterdash: found it?12:00
stuNNedSeeleyUSMC: might want to reload the card if it's pcmcia after dpkg -i before network-admin12:00
confreySeeleyUSMC, cfidisk12:00
sandwitchmkfs.whatever /dev/sda112:00
wartyhey guys, i am using the ubuntu live cd to get pictures onto a dvd of a corrupt windows partition... what program can i use to burn a dvd w/ the live cd?12:00
wartyit doesnt come w/ k3b12:00
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: That was good advice from stuNNed.  Definitely take the card out and put it back in.12:01
sandwitchis there a growisofs ?12:01
SeeleyUSMCconfrey: what would the location of a USB device be?12:01
Coilywasnt there some change in fx 1.0.1 which screwed up the gnome theme?12:01
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: its internal to my laptop though?12:01
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Then "modprobe ath_pci".  The interface will be called ath0.12:01
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Your USB stick will likely be /dev/sda1.   USB stuff is seen as SCSI, thus the sda.12:02
SeeleyUSMCI really appreciate the help I'm getting here everyone.  I'm writing it all down12:02
areknvashi2: i got only left side bar12:03
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confreyDarthFrog, and how can I mount a cf inserted in an adapter on pcmcia?12:03
SeeleyUSMCbbl, going to try this all out12:03
Codyman_i am trying to connect to a wireless network.. every time i set the essid to the right essid then see if its connected it always still says "any"12:03
Coilyhas anyone had luck overwriting their firefox 1.0 install with 1.0.1? copying files is boring =[12:03
nvashi2arek: you might want to get the update12:03
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DarthFrogconfrey: It's probably /dev/sda1, too.12:05
sandwitchI'm gone later and dont forget ..... have phun!12:05
DarthFrogcodyman: How are you setting the SSID?12:05
=== sandwitch is away: weg
areknvashi2: yes but i had to compile sane xsane and backends, hand genrate my locales, compile beep media player ... i will have lfs soon12:05
DarthFrogW00t!  Kubuntu made Slashdot! :-)12:06
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confreyDarthFrog, no, I can't see anything about in messages after inserting it, I don't now what is missing12:06
DarthFrogconfrey: In /var/log/messages?  What does dmesg say?12:06
nvashi2arek: kewl I burn LFS to cd but have yet to try it out12:06
Codyman_DarthFrog: iwconfig wlan0 essid (insert name)12:07
jalal_ubuntuhow to make xmms as a default mp3 player12:07
DarthFrogcodyman: That should work.  What do you get from "iwconfig wlan0" after that?12:07
Codyman_i'll go check12:07
Rene_SWell, If i stick to Gnome only programs already made for Ubuntu the whole menu editing thing will go away hehe12:07
nvashi2arek: wil get a detailed picture of my system that I am putting it on 1st12:07
DXTim a bit confused, array 7 > preview (hoary)12:07
DXTI mean, which on is more updated?12:08
confreyDarthFrog, dmesg and messages are talking anything12:08
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Coilyshould i use the debian sid installer or mozilla's for firefox 1.0.1?12:09
Codyman_DarthFrog: It still says "any" and also it says that encryption is off but i entered the WEP key.. whats the proper way to enter the key (40 bit)12:09
Coilyi mean, if mozilla's works fine why bother12:09
phanterCoily: why not via apt-get ?12:09
DarthFrogcodyman: Bizarre.12:09
Coilyphanter, apparantly i dont have the right repositories because i cant find it12:09
DarthFrogcodyman: use the Ubuntu network tool?12:09
DarthFrogconfrey: Sorry, no idea.12:10
phanterCoily: You are using synaptic?12:10
Coilyphanter, yup12:10
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DarthFrogconfrey: Hang on, I'll try it with mine.  If I can find a CF card around here. :-)12:10
Codyman_DarthFrog: I have (K)ubuntu so i am using kWIFIManager??12:10
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phanterCoily: Settings -> Reposities -> Enable all the reposities and it should be ready to rock12:11
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confreyis it possible to set different background in four workspace?12:11
jbaileylunitik: I have the bug assigned to me to fix xmms and the TLS issue, and a patch onhand from upstream.  After RC I'm going to figure out whether or not the patch can be made sufficiently non-invasive to apply.12:11
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wartyHey guys how can i burn a dvd using the ubuntu live cd?12:12
Coilyphanter, all repositories are enabled =[12:12
Coilyphanter, and ive added everything from ubuntuguide.org12:12
phanterCoily: You are using Hoary?12:12
Coilyphanter, ah no sorry warty12:12
=== Kate [rockhchik3@acc7-ppp193.bri.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
garrutwelcome back :)12:13
Katehow is everyone?12:13
wartyIs there any way to burn a dvd using the ubuntu warty live cd12:13
Kateguess how i wasted $20AUD?12:13
Kateon impulse, i bought fedora core 3 :(12:13
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phanterCoily: sorry, dunno if it is in warty, BUT I cannot believe it is not. If it is not just go to the Ubuntu or Debian website and download the deb files. it can save you a lot of headache!12:14
garrutyou smashed something again?12:14
Katei have a serious shopping problem12:14
DarthFrogconfrey: Sorry, my wife has all the CF disks with her.12:14
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Coilyphanter, alright ill check it out. do you have the name of the firefox installer? i can google it12:14
Katei had a bad experience with FC3... now its come back to haunt me...12:14
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DarthFrogCodyman_: Try it.  I don't think you can use it to set up networking.  You can install knetworkconf and use that, though.  Set it to Debian Sarge.12:15
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phanterCoily: well i have the link if you give me one sec.12:15
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Katethis is bad12:15
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Coilyphanter, thanks12:15
Katemaybe its better that i started on an easier distro... i dont know...12:16
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garrutubuntu is easy, isn't it?12:16
Katei dont know12:16
Kategetting the internet working is hard...12:16
DarthFroggarrut: Pretty easy, yes.12:16
Kateive been trying a month now12:17
DarthFroggarrut: For the most part.12:17
thenukegarrut: pretty easy yes12:17
confreyDarthFrog, :) no matter... can you tell me about multiple background in gnome? is it possible ( as in KDE)?12:17
phanterCoily: Again: you should be abled to find this yourself, bbut download what you think that you will need from this page: http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=firefox&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all12:17
garrutyeah i know, i was talking to kate :)12:17
DarthFrogconfrey: I know next to nothing about Gnome, sorry.12:17
Kateim not used to a command line yet though12:18
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Coilyphanter, ya i found that before. i guess theres no ubuntu package?12:18
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Coilyactually im positive theres a backports firefox 1.0.1 package for warty12:18
phanterCoily: explain me the difference between a Debian and a Ubuntu package...12:18
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Coilythere was a thread about it12:18
DarthFrogKate: The command line is where all the power is.  Conquer the command line and you'll truly be running Linux. :-)12:18
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Coilyphanter,  please do :x12:18
crazneyhi there. does ubuntu have any nice gui tools for setting up samba shares?12:18
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Katei'll get the hang of the command line eventually i hope12:19
Katebut ive been basically a windows user all my life12:19
Rene_Seither that or the command line will hang you12:19
Kateso im used to things not doing what you want them to do...12:19
Coilyok thanks for the help. i wasnt sure if there was a difference12:19
DarthFrogKate: With Ubuntu, you don't *really* need to use the command line.12:19
phanterCoily: there is none. Both are .deb files. Sometimes Debian is not as updates as other distro's but do not worry... everything you download from Debian is stable and secure (that is for shure !!!!)12:19
=== knewt is a command-line type person. ion is my window manager :)
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Katei cant get the internet working on ubuntu though12:20
Coilyhehe ok goo12:20
DarthFrogKate: Why not?12:20
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Katethats what i want to know!12:20
ermoI hear you. That internet never seems to work quite like one wants it to.12:20
Kateno, i cant connect12:20
knewthmm. i wonder what part of the world Thom May is in12:21
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DarthFrogKate: How are you trying to connect?12:21
garrutit's time for broadband Kate12:21
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^thehatsrule^yes it is :P12:21
=== xy77 [~xy77@p5090D117.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Kateim a poor 13 yearold! how am i supposed to afford broadband?12:21
Coilyshould i use the testing or unstable release (in general)?12:21
Rene_SConvince your mom that it will keep you from doing drugs ... Parents are suckers for that12:22
xy77Hi folks. A question concerning powernowd. It makes my mouse go crazy. I want to disable it by default. How to do it?12:22
thenukeCoily: dont bother with testing, they really are Testing packages12:22
xy77I cannot uninstall it, since ubuntu-desktop depends on it (somehow)12:22
Coilythenuke, gotcha12:22
deville_75how do i download using terminal?12:22
Kateshe wont take it seriously, she'll just stick me in counseling12:22
garrutdeville_75: wget12:22
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ermoRene_S, ... then again, broadband has that 'addictive' quality as well..12:23
Rene_SMy line is Mom, its either 40 a month now, or 300 a day for heroin, your choice, then just walk away12:23
knewtCoily: i moved from warty to hoary back at the beginning of march, about the same time pre-release as i did with warty12:23
Gandalfarwhere can I get linux-headers-2.6.10-4-38612:23
deville_75wget wut?12:23
_larryhow can use root on Hoary preview12:23
deville_75just type in the filename after?12:23
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DarthFrog_larry: ubusudo http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:23
garrutif it doesn't work : man wget :)12:23
Coilyknewt, ooh maverick :O12:24
ermoxy77, I read that as 'It makes my _house_ go crazy' - was thinking 'gee, I need one of those!'12:24
confreylarry, sudo -s, insert user password and become root; then set root password with passwd12:24
DarthFrogGandalfar: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories12:24
deville_75oh, i c so wget and the link to the download12:24
xy77Can someone tell me how I can safely disable powernowd? remove all S20powernowd and K20powernowd from /etc/rcX.d ?12:24
Coilyhas anyone got a foolproof (and simple) method for upgrading to firefox 1.0.1?12:24
DarthFrogxy77: That would work. :-) On reboot, they won't be started.12:24
Katei dont like firefox12:24
Kateplease dont hurt me12:24
knewtconfrey: i'd advise keeping root disabled and always using sudo personally12:24
ermoxy77, install rcconf, then use it to disable powernowd12:24
xy77DarthFrog: nothing to worry about on updates or such?12:24
DarthFrogxy77: You can also "/etc/init.d/powernowd stop"12:24
xy77ermo: rcconf, I'll check this one.12:24
ermoxy77, it's a nice curses interface to control the current runlevel12:24
DarthFrogxy77: They are only symlinks.12:25
xy77DarthFrog: must be disabled on boot.12:25
ermoxy77, which does things the 'proper' way12:25
phanterhey I once used this program to draw pictures and this program did generate clean (text) LaTeX code from this picture. Does anybody know how that program is called?12:25
DarthFrogxy77: You only need remove the one starting with S.12:25
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confreyknewt, I prefer to use root account, as in debian and in other distribution;12:25
DarthFrogxy77: S = Start  K = Kill12:25
mjrphanter, xfig?12:25
Coilytryin again:12:25
Coilyhas anyone got a foolproof (and simple) method for upgrading to firefox 1.0.1?12:25
phantermjr: could be.. I'll check it out. Thanks12:26
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xy77ermo: I looked for the proper way, thank you, rcconf is fine.12:26
knewtconfrey: so sudo -s when you need root?12:26
xy77Thanks all for your help.12:26
Katewell im gonna go and put what little energy i have left into destroying the computer so i get my own :)12:26
confreyI have a laptop, cpu is a Sempron 3000+; I can use it (in windows) at 400 MHz too; not in linux : the smallest freq is 800 Mhz; why? there is a way to set cpufrq to 400?12:26
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DarthFrogrcconf is nice & simple. :-)12:27
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confreyknewt, yes, it's the same thing, but some services required a root account (cups admin and swat), so it's necessary - for me- to set the rroot passwd too12:28
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DarthFrogconfrey: No, it's not.  There is a root account already.12:28
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knewtconfrey: you should be able to configure them to not to need a root password12:29
munkiUbuntu doesn't need a root passwd !12:30
munkilearn! :P12:30
confreyknewt, bohh, I don't know very well, no matter; if you can, help me about cpu frq scaling to 400 MHz... :)12:30
ermoxy77, btw, if you're interested in knowing a bit more about the details of booting in a debianized world, you could check out http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-system.en.html#s-boot12:30
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ermoxy77, for extra credit, take a look at the debian policy manual. have a ball ;-^12:31
knewtconfrey: i use the command-line for configuring cups personally anyway12:31
SeeleyUSMCi did the dpkg -i for the restricted modules and after it installed them, nothing new seemed to happen12:32
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Did you do "modprobe ath_pci"?12:32
SeeleyUSMCiwconfig still shows no wireless connections, modprobe auth_pci shows a "FATAL: Module auth_pci not found"12:32
garrutwhat's up with firefox not saving files?12:32
DarthFrogath_pci, not auth_pci.12:33
PacoBCNguys, I have a weird problem12:33
confreyknewt, I amn't so expertise12:33
munkiPacoBCN , tell ?12:33
SeeleyUSMCI guess I wrote down the wrong thing lol12:33
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^thehatsrule^weird is nice12:33
PacoBCNsomehow whenever I try to see an html/php page under my local apache I get the download windows of firefox12:33
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: what should I look for when I type modprobe ath_pci ?12:33
PacoBCNIt doesn't compile nor show anything, just make me download it12:33
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Edit /etc/modules and put a line in there for ath_pci.  That way it'll be autoloaded on boot.12:33
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PacoBCNit was running perfectly yesterday12:34
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: If it works, you should just get the command line back.  "lsmod | less" should show that ath_hal and ath_pci are loaded.  "ifconfig" should show an ath0 interface.12:34
|QuaD-when are the bendy archives going to be made?12:34
munkiPacoBCN : when you enter
munkiyou get the download window ?12:35
|QuaD-not bendy, breezy :)12:35
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DarthFrog|QuaD-: Well, probably shortly after Hoary is released.12:35
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isamthis could be an FAQ : I have Sarge, and liked Ubuntu .. changing the sources.list would do the job ?12:36
William_CainI have a question about the ATI driver.12:36
isamor at least mostly ?12:36
munkihello there William12:36
|QuaD-DarthFrog: ok, has development on it started?12:36
PacoBCNmunki, thanks for the tip. Now it opens at least the html files but not the php12:36
PacoBCNI always used http://localhost/12:36
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: If all that is there, you're a happy camper.  Then you can get on with configuring the networking.12:36
PacoBCNbut doesn't seem to work any longer12:36
SeeleyUSMCAlrighty!  BBL - Going to attempt :)12:36
munkiPacoBCN , that wasn't' a tip it was a question..12:36
DarthFrog|QuaD-: I doubt it since Hoary isn't released yet.12:36
PacoBCNPacoBCN, I know, but it helped :D12:37
knewtPacoBCN: check that /etc/hosts contains an entry mapping to localhost12:37
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munkiPacoBCN : heh.. how would you else open the files on your server ?12:37
William_CainWhen I first installed Ubuntu, not even screensavers got frame rates above 10fps. I then installed the ATI driver, and everything worked fine. I got smooth graphics. However, after a few days, everything went back to the same old slowness...12:37
PacoBCNmunki, http://localhost/12:37
William_CainHas anyone else experienced the same?12:37
munkioh.. PacoBCN check that localhost is mapped to
yyc747does the preview release of hoary have kde 3.4 (kubuntu, of course)?12:38
isamWilliam_Cain: are you still using the ATI driver in X configuration ?12:38
^thehatsrule^did you update xfree?12:38
DarthFrogyyc747: Yes.12:38
PacoBCNmunki, anyway, that's not the problem now, it's that it doesn't want to compile php files12:38
William_CainPerhaps I should have a look.12:38
smoPacoBCN: That behavior's usually apache missing the AddType and/or LoadModule lines in it's config12:38
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PacoBCNsmo, that's what I'm thinking also12:39
yyc747PacoBCN: php files aren't compiled... do you mean "interpret"?12:39
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PacoBCNsmo, but weird, since I didn't touch anything12:39
munkiPacoBCN , It shouldn't compile php files, but open them :) You did install the apache-php5 candidate ?12:39
PacoBCNyyc747, yes, that's what I mean12:39
^thehatsrule^you know where you configure the proxy/socks server in GNOME, is it only for GNOME or is it system-wide?12:39
William_CainUhm, where is the X configuration file located?12:39
isama quicky .. my system was installed as warty, but I moved (by apting, changing sources.list) to debian from it because of lack of proper KDE support.. and now with KDE 3.4, and Xorg I want to get back to Ubuntu12:40
William_CainI just found it as you were typing, hehe.12:40
^thehatsrule^depends on what youre using ;p12:40
isamwill it work if I change back sources.list ?12:40
PacoBCNphp5? no, always used 4 here, didn't know 5 was available12:40
^thehatsrule^lol... ver 5 has been out for a while12:40
PacoBCNok, wait12:40
munki:) installed any php-server ?12:40
PacoBCNseems that some packages got removed12:40
mjr^thehatsrule^, only gnome12:40
William_CainWould not having the folder called XF86Config-4 count as a bad thing?12:40
munkiapache think it's nice, to have php integration installed12:41
^thehatsrule^mjr, so that means i cant use flux?12:41
PacoBCNI'm upgrading tons of files everyday and sometimes it makes changes I didn't allow12:41
munkiPacoBCN : read the screen ? ;)12:41
yyc747hoary has xorg, correct?12:41
^thehatsrule^or is there another way or tool do config it in flux?12:41
William_CainI found it.12:41
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mjr^thehatsrule^, why would it mean that?12:41
garrutit's the computers fault!12:41
^thehatsrule^well er... oh12:42
^thehatsrule^i config it in gnome12:42
^thehatsrule^then i can use flux?12:42
mjr^thehatsrule^, if you're using a browser that supports the gnome configuration options, it doesn't matter what WM you run12:42
=== Roey [~Roey@pcp04370251pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjrand if the browser doesn't, well, you'll just need to set it separately12:42
William_CainOk, the glx module is loaded in the X config file.12:42
Timbois laptop power management (matthew garrett's stuff) in the main kernel yet?12:42
Roeywhat does ubuntu offer over debian?12:42
William_CainDoes that mean that the ATI drivers are loaded?12:42
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Roeymore often releases?12:42
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^thehatsrule^hm alright12:43
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^thehatsrule^i suppose games wouldnt work?12:43
William_CainHmm, it does define fglrx as its driver.12:43
William_CainSo it should work perfectly.12:43
TimboRoey: more up to date, less politics12:43
Timbomore focused12:43
Timbotends to "just work"12:43
PacoBCNI'm working around it...12:43
PacoBCNall thes upgrades...12:43
_phoenix3051_Roey:"more pretty" out of the box12:44
mjr^thehatsrule^, wouldn't work what? with fluxbox? why not?12:44
PacoBCNsometimes I want to reformat everything and install from the latest array12:44
=== zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Timbodefinitely a desktop distro though12:44
Timboand perhaps slightly less flexible than debian12:44
Roey_phoenix3051_:  I see.12:44
Roey_phoenix3051_:  with a better installer hopefully!12:44
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Roey_phoenix3051_:  is it possible to install Ubuntu from its livecd ?12:44
William_CainOk, what else can be the problem, do you think? The ATI driver refuses to work.12:44
William_CainI've even reinstalled it.12:45
_phoenix3051_Roey:much easier installer12:45
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Roey_phoenix3051_:  let me give you an example of what I wnat to do:12:45
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_phoenix3051_Roey:I'm not sure if you can install from the live CD.12:45
Roey_phoenix3051_:  I want to run my four disks as a software raid5, with XFS as the filesystem on /, /boot, /media and /home.  Will I be able to do install this from the LiveCD?12:46
^thehatsrule^mjr, no i mean if i specify socks/proxy server in gnome, then use flux, and play a multiplayer game... like quake3, would it work?12:46
Roey_phoenix3051_:  ok.12:46
=== SillySilly [~will@c-67-164-115-131.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SillySillyhow can i set up su in kubuntu?12:46
garrutRoey: i don't think so12:46
=== Nikopol [~mambo@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosSillySilly: same as ubuntu12:46
LinuxJoneswhat font is xchat using by default, can someone check for me pls ?12:46
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Roeygarrut:  ok.12:46
Nikopolmonospace 912:47
LinuxJonesthat's not the default tho ?12:48
William_CainDoes nobody else have problems with the ATI driver?12:48
SillySillymonospace is the default12:48
NikopolI think so - I haven't touched mine12:48
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SillySillyfont size 912:48
LinuxJonesSillySilly, something is messed up with my fonts then12:48
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garruti don't use ati, but as far as i know the drivers suck12:48
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: ath_pci right?12:48
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Yes.12:49
SeeleyUSMCNothing is outputted when I type that12:49
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: What happened?12:49
William_CainThey refuse to work anymore.12:49
SeeleyUSMCI did add it to /etc/modules though12:49
niamhCan I give a user the ability to halt the machine without entering their password, if I'm using fluxbox rather than gnome? "sudo halt" requires the password.12:49
garrutis the module loaded?12:49
William_CainYes, it is.12:49
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: You typed "modprobe ath_pci" right? What happened?12:50
sysrqniamh: the NOPASSWD option in sudoers12:50
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: nothing.12:50
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William_CainThe drivers worked at first, but after a few days, they just suddenly stopped.12:50
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: You got a command prompt back again with no output?12:50
William_CainNow it's like I didn't have them..12:50
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: Exactly.12:50
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William_CainI didn't do anything special those days either.12:50
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: That's what's supposed to happen.:)12:50
_phoenix3051_William_Cain: have you upgraded the kernel?12:50
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: oh12:50
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Did you do the rest of the stuff?12:51
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I added 'ath_pci' to the /etc/modules and then did if config12:51
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: ifconfig didn't show anything new12:51
SillySillyman, tab completion sucks in ubuntu12:52
garrutWilliam_Cain: which kernel are you running?12:52
William_CainLet me check.12:52
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC:  What about lsmod?12:52
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: forgot to do that...that shows that they are loaded modules right?12:52
Nikopoluname -r12:52
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Right.12:52
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I'll go boot back into linux and try that out and get right back to you12:53
LinuxJonesSillySilly, how you mean ?12:53
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: But if the modules are loaded and you don't have an ath0 interface ...12:53
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: ?12:53
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Run dmesg and see if anything shows up.12:53
SeeleyUSMCwill do12:53
niamhsysrq, I'm not having a lot of luck with it. What should the line be, if not "username     ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: halt" ?12:53
William_CainI'm running
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: You'll probably want to do it as dmesg | less12:54
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: what does that show?12:54
UnbelievableIs KUBUNTU the KDE version of UBUNTU?  I am interested in running KDE instead of GNOME12:54
SillySillyif i were to do sudo synaptic, in other distros i'd be able to do tab completion on synaptic12:54
SillySillybut i cant12:54
_phoenix3051_Unbelieveable: yes12:54
mdzUnbelievable: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with a KDE desktop rather than a GNOME desktop12:54
LinuxJonesSillySilly, it works fine for me12:54
SillySillyUnbelievable, yes it is12:54
mdzUnbelievable: /join #kubuntu12:54
sysrqniamh: user ALL = NOPASSWORD: /path/to/halt12:54
NikopolSillySilly, avoid the sudo12:55
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC:  "Less" will pipe the output to the screen, one screenful at a time.  Use the spacebar or arrow keys to proceed.  dmesg will give a report on the system;it's extremely useful.12:55
NikopolSillySilly, add sudo after doing the tab completion with a 'home'12:55
William_CainShould I upgrade to Hoary?12:55
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William_CainTo test?12:55
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: I might not be here when you get back. Time to walk the dog.12:55
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: gotcha12:55
William_CainOr wouldn't the drivers work better there anyway?12:55
niamhsysrq, ah, a full path required. cheers!12:56
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NikopolSillySilly, but I agree it's a pretty naff work around ;)12:56
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SillySillyit is12:57
NikopolI think it's inevitable with sudo - but I may be wrong12:57
Nikopolit will only autocomplete the first command12:58
Nikopolit then assumes you don't want two commands in a row12:58
Nikopolor somethign to that effect12:58
Nikopolof course you could set up a root account12:58
SillySillyok, got su working12:58
SillySillyi like su better anyway12:58
sysrqor just use sudo -s12:58
Nikopolproblem solved then :)12:59
Nikopolsysrq, didn't know that one - good tip!12:59
SillySillycomcast is upgrading me this week hopefully12:59
SillySillyyeah, tab completion definately sucks01:00
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odie5533What is the best Java IDE and where can I download it?01:02
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dreamwavehi.  well, i've got ubuntu installed.  but it never asked me for a root password.  anyone know what the default it?01:08
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^thehatsrule^root is disabled by default01:08
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^thehatsrule^use 'sudo' to use account01:08
^thehatsrule^i mean priveleges01:09
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DemitriusI am a bit new to linux and I am running hoary right now, and I wanted to get kubuntu01:09
dreamwaveso, how do i go about running apt-get by hand?01:09
Demitriusso I tried sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:09
LinuxJonesdreamwave, as an example sudo -s (enter your user password) will give you a root-like terminal01:09
Demitriusbut it could not find it01:09
^thehatsrule^dreamwave: 'sudo apt-get install file'01:10
apokryphosDemitrius: sudo apt-get update01:10
apokryphosdreamwave: are you sure you're running hoary?01:10
Demitriusits updating01:11
dreamwaveapokryphos, yep.  just installed the preview release.01:11
apokryphosdreamwave: sorry, wrong person!01:11
apokryphosDemitrius: you definitely on hoary?01:11
dreamwavesudo -s did it for me.  thanks for the help.  ah.  okay.01:11
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jncP.S. Hoary preview = my savior for business01:11
jncthank y'all01:12
^thehatsrule^ -s?01:12
apokryphosDemitrius: join #kubuntu01:12
Demitriusit still could not find it01:12
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jnci am confused, how to change the language?01:14
jncthere is 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' but then gdm language is not changed01:14
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regeyawally world run01:16
PacoBCNjust wondering why, while all the gnome menus items are in spanish, the 3 main titles "Applications, Places and System" are in english01:16
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LinuxJonesjnc, do you have to install the language support ?01:16
jncLinuxJones: i do not01:17
jncas a prank, i installed with bulgarian language on a friend's mother's computer01:18
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jncthe friend was freaked out (good!  mission accomplished)01:18
LinuxJonesjnc, heh01:18
jnchis mom was not comfortable with bulgarian, and asked for english01:18
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jncLinuxJones: the friend is a bulgarian guy, into the usa when he was 14-1501:19
=== aspuru got nvidia working thanks to everybody for their helpo
jncso the language is only minor trouble for him01:19
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jnchis mother was not happy with bulgarian text on the computer01:19
manchineanyone here using nicotine as slsk client?01:19
manchineit has several issues in hoary01:20
=== aspuru is now working on the second "saturday project"... my broadcom / ndiswrapper card. Does anybody have experience with it? I can't get it to iwlist scan (find) my router
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LinuxJonesjnc, try dpkg-reconfigure console-data01:21
=== aspuru has followed the FAQ's, etc. and things seem to be kosher (the module is loaded, the driver loads fine, dmesg doesn't report any problems, the network configurator 'activates' it, but when I do iwconfig wlan0, I get no reasonable configuration
jncconsole-data would affect gdm?01:21
jncthat is funny01:21
LinuxJonesjnc, try it01:21
aspuruwlan0     No scan results01:21
jncLinuxJones: i will try to remember that one, thank you01:22
LinuxJonesjnc, ;)01:22
=== holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowhey :)01:22
jncthe target machine i um, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdaaa'd it01:23
jnci was so fustrated01:23
holycowhey i'm not fan of ubuntu, but wanted to give you guy props01:23
holycowwith ubuntu on the rise and announcement of kubuntu  i think you guys are kicking some ass :)01:23
holycowlol finally someone managed to get everyone excited about debian01:23
LinuxJonesholycow, your a kde guy ?01:23
holycownice work people01:23
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holycowno i'm just happy with debian01:24
LinuxJonesholycow, ahh01:24
apokryphosLinuxJones: we're like a plague ;)01:24
LinuxJonesapokryphos, your not a kde guy ??01:24
jncholycow: Ubuntu is seriously easy to use.   i love to tinker around, but Ubuntu ... doesn't need much tinkering01:24
holycowlol and ubuntu users seem to be as rabid as gentoo folks, which i think is a good thing, debian really needed a shot in the arm01:24
LinuxJonesjnc, ;)01:24
jncit works. beautifully.     (provided your hardware kicks ass)01:24
jnci tried it on a few 64mb ram machines.  bad freaking idea.01:25
WWActually, libranet got me started with debian.  But 2.8.1 is old...01:25
holycowjnc not really ... i've had gnome on 64 meg p300's01:25
LinuxJonesWW, I used Libranet for a while01:25
apokryphosLinuxJones: I am :) My kde ranting all the time... ah yes.01:25
jncwith all respect to the KDE people, i like that Ubuntu is GNOME based01:25
holycowit's usable, obviously not speedy like a 3ghz cpu with a nice nvidia card but ... *shrug*01:25
LinuxJonesapokryphos, I won't hold that against you pal :)01:25
mjrwell, running gnome with 64 megs is surely possible, but not very pleasurable :)01:26
WWLinuxJones: I still have it on my laptop, but now my home computer is Ubuntu, and my office computer is sarge.01:26
jncsimply because it is so completely different from Mac or Windows01:26
jnci mean, not reinventing the wheel different01:26
apokryphosLinuxJones: ;)01:26
jncbut the trash is not on the screen, there's no start menu01:26
jncno crap that i am so sick of with windows01:26
=== aspuru also LOVES ubuntu
LinuxJonesWW, I found the compile kernel option in adminmenu usefull, I like not having to bother compiling kernels anymore :P01:26
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jncugh! kernel compile.   those are fun01:27
=== speedy2782 [~benjamin@c-24-22-53-222.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jncyou do 50-60 of those and it's like, "okay, time to menuconfig.  i've got my cup of (drink liquid) and (snack food) ready.  let's go linux!"01:28
LinuxJonesjnc, alot of bs getting things running on Debian a few years ago :)01:28
speedy2782what is your favorite money manager for Ubuntu?01:28
jncLinuxJones: yes!01:28
jncspeedy2782: gnucash = new hottness01:28
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jncthe learning curve is high if you don't know about accounting already01:28
MMondInstant messengers.. I'd like to use them in terminal, any that are offered at the present time?01:28
jncMMond: good question01:29
foreachjnc - but learning gnucash can be done of course01:29
gratuitMMond: I know there is an AIM client made with ncurses01:29
jncforeach: *i'm TRYING*01:29
jncbelieve you me01:29
LinuxJonesMMond, I don't know of any :)01:29
mjrMMond, well, for irc, irssi is good01:29
sysrqMMond: you can use bitlbee with any cli IRC client01:29
foreachjnc - I haven't started - I downloaded it a little bit, and well, I didn't have much luck01:29
jncMMond: i was about to say, maybe not IM but for IRC i am using a combination of 'screen' and irssi01:29
mjrfor jabber, there's imcom, which I happen to think sucks, but it is there :)01:30
jncforeach: if you like, we can find someone who knows and work together01:30
mjrand cabber01:30
foreachjnc - That's real nice of ya. Sure thing.01:30
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=== LinuxJones notes it time for a few drinks
holycowas well, i might add that you guys have proven that debian could do very well with time based releases01:30
gratuitMMond: yeah, the aim client I was thinking of is called naim01:30
holycowyour patched snapshots of debian on a regular interval is brilliant too01:30
markybobwhy does vmware require that it be run as root in ubuntu?  i've never had this problem with any other distro.  how can i allow normal users to run it in ubuntu?01:31
LinuxJonesholycow, by the sounds of it the Debian guys are getting a little worried about folks leaving Debian for more up2date distros01:31
crimsunholycow: to be fair, libranet (and others) have been doing it for some time.01:31
holycowcrimsun, true *nod*01:31
holycowLinuxJones, yeah, well they are comming here01:31
holycowand for good reason01:32
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ZeppWhy do i have to enter certain keys twice before they appear on screen like  key and ^01:32
LinuxJonesholycow, supporting all of those architectures that .02 % of users actually use is a tremendous waste of resources01:32
MMondsorry about the delayed response, but I'm here now. irssi, yes, but other than IRC . . . perhaps AIM, yahoo, msn.. for strict CLI, and naim.. I'll check it out, thanks01:33
holycowLinuxJones, heh, there is the counter argument to that which is, not everyone uses the inferior x86 technology01:33
LinuxJonesholycow, but mob rules :D01:34
holycowlol so true01:34
jncLinuxJones: P.S.  say 'up2date' again and i fwap you with a harmless foam bat01:34
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Zeppalot of people would say bothering with linux is a waste of resources when only like 1% or whatever of people use it01:34
gratuitLinuxJones: then use windows?01:34
LinuxJonesjnc, go ahead and give me a slap :)01:34
crimsunup2date is a great alias for sudo apt-get update01:34
LinuxJonesgratuit, why would I want to do something like that ?01:34
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gratuitLinuxJones: if the mob rules, then clearly it's better01:35
ZeppNo one can answer my wierd keyboard problem?01:35
SeeleyUSMCWell, it turns out that ath_pci and ath_hal are loaded modules...but I don't know what to do now01:36
jncZepp: i didn't catch the question01:36
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LinuxJonesgratuit, x86 is cheap and works well for desktop stuff.01:36
ZeppWhy do i have to enter certain keys twice before they appear on screen like  key and ^01:36
gratuitLinuxJones: in fact I do agree with you though, supporting 11 archs is a little overkill01:36
jncZepp: oh okay01:36
jnci've seen that once before01:36
jncsorry i don't know right away the cause of it01:36
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iapx8088[OT]  is ps a graphical format? I mean I don't see the search key in gnome-postscript01:37
ZeppKubuntu hoary preview :P01:37
mjriapx8088, it's generally not searchable01:37
iapx8088is it a lack of the program or it's impossibile to search a ps01:37
iapx8088mjr I suspected that.01:37
mjrthough in special cases you may be able to get away with grepping the source ;)01:37
iapx8088mjr I see.01:37
JDahliapx8088, in general you cannot search a PS since the text doesnt necessarily appear as strings in the document01:38
iapx8088another thing, did anyone try nerolinux01:38
gratuitiapx8088: well, with text recognition, it's possible to search any graphical format to some extent.... so there might be something out there that can01:38
iapx8088gratuit, I guess I'll simple print and ocr it  to sgml :)01:38
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: are you back yet?01:38
WWiapx8088: Maybe try ps2pdf or some other conversion first.01:39
iapx8088WW I'm trying01:39
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jnci have to ask, why is 'xpdf' used and not 'gpdf' ?01:40
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jncgpdf prints much easier01:40
ikarogpdf its justa gui01:41
SeeleyUSMCstuNNed: are you here?01:41
jncis it!?01:41
WWjnc: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/gpdf/view?searchterm=xpdf01:42
crimsun(yes, it is)01:42
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=== jnc looks
jncwell then, why is it not installed by default i wonder01:42
jncit is in 'restricted'01:42
jnci don't understand01:42
ZeppSo know one knows how to solve my wierd keyboard problem where have to hit button twice. damn01:42
crimsunrestricted doesn't mean it's not installed by default01:42
crimsunremember linux-restricted-modules is installed by default01:42
jnci am new, forgive me01:42
jncand thanks01:42
jnci've been hacking away at linux 8 or 9 years now01:43
jncstill things suprise me when they are blindingly simple01:43
iapx8088hoary is just fine01:43
iapx8088I'm astonished01:43
sysrqjnc: I believe restricted implys restrictive a license01:44
jncsysrq: i thought so01:44
sysrq*a restrictive license01:44
jnchowever, it reads that gpdf lacks features01:44
jncand that is why it was put into restrictive?01:44
jnci don't know01:44
odie5533Why does ubuntu have so many programs running?01:44
mjrgpdf isn't in restricted, it's in universe01:44
jnchardware detection maybe01:44
jncmy mistake01:44
crimsunodie5533: compared with what, openbsd?01:44
jncit is in universe then01:44
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jnceach program has a seperate memory space01:45
jncif one dies, the others are not affected01:45
crimsunodie5533: most of those processes are essential to the function of your gnome/kde/desktop01:45
jncwith windows, it's not really protected01:45
=== LordGrunt [~ziemo@ztpnet-73-136.ztpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
jncone dies, and corrupts a block of memory with your sales report01:45
jncyou're stuck01:45
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, hi01:46
jncubuntu does not have trouble like this01:46
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LordGrunti want to remove nvidia packages from my system completely. but synaptic forces me to uninstall bunch of other things, like linux-386, linux-restricted-modules*** etc01:46
LordGruntcan i ?01:47
kumichoyou mean the drivers for x?01:47
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, you can just not use them01:47
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LordGrunti *need* to *remove* these...01:48
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, can I ask why ?01:48
LordGruntand stupid synaptic wants to remove kernel. argh01:48
kumichoyeah they may conflict01:48
crimsunLordGrunt: linux-386 is a metapackage, it's not _necessary_ to have it01:48
crimsunLordGrunt: same with ubuntu-desktop01:48
LordGruntlemme type it all :)01:48
SeeleyUSMCAnyone feel like trying to tackle the "SeeleyUSMC wireless network challenge"?01:49
LinuxJonesPoor SeeleyUSMC, you have been battling with that the entire day :D01:49
SeeleyUSMCI'll survive...even if I have to do everything in windows i guess.01:50
LordGruntwhen i install external nvidia drivers, which i need, cause these are better, then if an automatic update will happen, it will restore old nvidia packages. then, as i had such situation, everything using Gl, segfaults. so, you see, i need these packs removed01:50
geneo93LinuxJones:  hard to run 64 bit stuf on 32 bit hardware01:50
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=== SeeleyUSMC is actually starting to get irritated...
AnubisInternal GStreamer error: pad problem.  File a bug.01:52
toni^what was the command to mount iso image?01:52
SeeleyUSMCI've been researching ALL day since 0630 and now its 1652!!! GRRR!!!01:52
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LinuxJonesLordGrunt, did you have any probles with hardware after your initial install ?01:52
crimsuntoni^: sudo modprobe loop && sudo mount -o loop some.iso /somemountpoint01:52
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toni^crimsun: ty01:53
LordGruntyeah, couldnt watch movies at all. was like slideshow, no hw accel at all01:53
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, what I am asking is do you need linux-restricted-modules for any of your other hardware ?01:53
codymanhi.. i am tring to uncomment the "restricted" packages located in the (K)ubuntu sources.list and when i uncomment them they result in a 40401:53
AnubisRhythmbox 0.8.801:53
Anubismy rhythmbox is borked01:53
crimsunAnubis: reproducible?01:53
LordGruntLinuxJones: i dont care anymore, they just got removed ;)01:53
Anubissome gstreamer pad problems01:53
Anubiscrimsun, very01:53
Anubisanytime I try to play anything01:54
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, it's fine to remove all of those other packages don't worry about it01:54
foreachcodyman, what command did you run to get those 404's? apt-get update ?01:54
codymanforeach: yes01:54
optikshi. I'm trying to get x running, and I keep getting 'no devices found' error .. I've ran the 'configurer' quite a few times and have had no luck ... my gfx card is a PCI-e nvidia 6600gt .. has anyone got any ideas as to what could be the problem?01:54
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, just change your video driver to vesa in your x config file01:54
codymanforeach: if i uncomment them in the sources.list and run apt-get update i get 404 not found01:54
LinuxJonesLordGrunt, oh yeah and remove the glx entry as well01:55
Anubiscrimsun, Internal GStreamer error: pad problem.  File a bug01:55
crimsunAnubis: does gst-launch-0.8 work? [man gst-launch-0.8, see the example usage at the end of the man page] 01:55
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LordGruntLinuxJones: i will use nvidia drivers, just these from nvidia site.01:55
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pinPointcan i still play my Counter Strike in ubuntu?01:56
LinuxJonespinPoint, I believe so01:56
pinPointwithout much problems?01:56
pinPointwhat apps? cedega?01:57
optikspinPoint: you need wine/winex... I've found tha, personally, it doesn't run as nicely though.01:57
LinuxJonespinPoint, I don't run CS but I'm sure there are 1000 hits on google for it01:57
PuNzIn[K] eEhey does ubuntu work on SATA?01:58
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aspuruI don't get a boot menu in LILO, how do I access it? (I have a second Windows partition in my laptop that I lost when installing ubuntu)01:58
optiksPuNzIn[K] eE: yes01:58
^thehatsrule^pinPoint, it runs fine, i tried cs1.3 long ago, worked just as fine01:58
mjraspuru, ubuntu doesn't use lilo, but grub; you can get a grub menu with esc01:59
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aspuruthanks mjr :)01:59
LinuxJonesPuNzIn[K] eE, I seem to recall there being problems with grub on sata though.01:59
SeeleyUSMCWow, #wireless is a REAL help...its practically dead in there02:00
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thenukemaybe it is not helpdesk02:00
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: would you quickly recap what probs with wireless?02:01
thenukeor maybe it is not 24h helpdesk02:01
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PuNzIn[K] eEim looking for a distro that can work on sata. i tried suse but it cant detect my hard drive. im thinking of getting ubuntu but im not sure if it will work02:01
codymanwhat location would i add to my sources.list file for restricted/marilliat depositories FOR amd64 kubuntu02:01
Katehow is everyone?02:01
crimsunPuNzIn[K] eE: try array-702:01
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^thehatsrule^were fine fine ;p02:02
optiksPuNzIn[K] eE: it's working fine on my sata wd raptor02:02
Katethat good02:02
ephemeralwhy does Hoary not come with GNOME?02:02
Katedoesnt it?02:02
^thehatsrule^it should...02:02
LinuxJonesephemeral, sure it does02:02
mjrcodyman, you might try http://debian.video.free.fr/02:02
codymanephermal: it doesn't come with kde but it definately comes with gnome...02:02
SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: My only connection to the Internet is wireless.  It works on windows which is what I'm using now.  ath_pci and ath_hal are loaded modules, hardware configure shows that I have an Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)...02:03
codymanmjr: thanks02:03
^thehatsrule^suse should work too... never used it tho02:03
PuNzIn[K] eEok. thanks02:03
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geneo93ephemeral:  because you got kubuntu02:03
ephemeralhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-preview-install-amd64.iso    << This came with KDE not GNOME02:03
crimsunPuNzIn[K] eE: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/array-7/02:03
^thehatsrule^O.o interesting02:03
^thehatsrule^maybe kde was only optimized for amd64?02:03
ephemeralit baffles me02:04
Kateat least you guys probably have real modems...02:04
^thehatsrule^what does array cd 7 mean?02:04
Marble2can someone help me? the timing with audio and video is off synch slightly in totem-xine. It's not just one file, it happens on any file I play02:04
^thehatsrule^oh... just 64-bit02:04
apokryphos^thehatsrule^: it's just a snapshot of how the developement is going on ISO.02:04
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: So what happened?02:05
^thehatsrule^Marble2, turn down the quality?02:05
ephemeralso why no GNOME on that ISO?02:05
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Marble2^thehatsrule^: how do I do that?02:05
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: does ,,ifconfig ath0'' return anything?02:05
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: ifconfig didn't show anything else, lsmod showed ath_pci and ath_hal02:06
pinPoint^thehatsrule^: thanks02:06
^thehatsrule^im not sure... havent used totem-xine before...02:06
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SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: there is no ath002:06
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Darn02:06
^thehatsrule^Marble2, is it a dvd?02:06
pinPointcrimsun: hello02:06
Marble2avi file02:06
crimsunpinPoint: hi02:06
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: And didyou see anything relevant in dmesg?02:06
pinPointcrimsun: i played with that nic and it never worked02:06
pinPointthought it got active02:06
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crimsunpinPoint: which nic?02:06
=== aspuru checked: For some reason Lilo 22.6.1 was installed in my system, and it shows no boot menu. I searched the web and I need to run grub-install. Is that safe? is there is a way of having ubuntu do it "automagically" ? (as if it was asking me in a fresh install?)
optikshi. I'm trying to get x running, and I keep getting 'no devices found' error .. I've ran the 'configurer' quite a few times and have had no luck ... my gfx card is a PCI-e nvidia 6600gt .. has anyone got any ideas as to what could be the problem?02:06
pinPointso im heading to best buy to get the G650 Dlink02:06
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I wrote somethings down that I saw in lsmod.  I didn't notice anything in all that dmesg stuff02:07
aspuruoptiks, have you tried using the nv driver first?02:07
Marble2^thehatsrule^: xvid I think02:07
^thehatsrule^optiks, xorg?02:07
aspuruoptiks: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (or something like that?)02:07
^thehatsrule^oh nvm then... hehe02:07
optiks^thehatsrule^: xf8602:07
optiksaspuru: that's correct, I've tried xf86config, too02:08
^thehatsrule^i read something of 6600gt on the forums02:08
optiksshould I try xorg ?02:08
optiksit came with xf86 ... after installing ubuntu-desktop02:08
^thehatsrule^did you edit xf86config-4? thats executed first02:08
danielsoptiks: are you running warty or hoary?02:08
optiksyeah ... there's not that much to edit though. everything looks fine.02:08
danielsoptiks: if you're running warty, then unfortunately that card is unsupported02:08
danielsit was released after warty was02:09
optikscrap !02:09
^thehatsrule^Marble2, i know in windows, you can open a config for any codec... and change the quality02:09
optikscan I patch it somehow?02:09
LinuxJonesoptika, what video driver do you have selected ?02:09
optiksLinuxJones: nv02:09
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LinuxJonesoptika, vesa might work02:09
danielsoptiks: no, unfortunately; you can use vesa as LinuxJones selected, but only if you don't actually care about performance02:09
^thehatsrule^daniels, couldnt he just download a new driver from nvidia.com ?02:09
optiksI'm new to ubuntu ... from what I gather hoary is the sort of 'testing' version, is it fine to run though?02:10
^thehatsrule^(forgive me if that sounds stupid)02:10
daniels^thehatsrule^: well, yeah, but I'm hesitant to recommend that since it often goes wrong02:10
danielsoptiks: yeah, hoary is the release coming up, and array 7 is the current test cd02:10
^thehatsrule^oh? :/ twas fine on my other linux.. guess ubuntu is speshul :P02:10
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crimsunSeeleyUSMC: presuming you're in the socal area?02:10
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: any ideas?  I've been at this for 10+ hours lol02:10
Marble2^thehatsrule^: ugh, I just checked and it happens in any player I use02:11
optiksdaniels: cool. so it's fine to run hoary though? as in it isn't totally development version :P02:11
SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: I live on a Marine Corps base in Twentynine Palms, CA (by Palm Springs)02:11
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: (otherwise you may have needed to pass additional parameters to modprobe ath-pci if you're outside the USA)02:11
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Nothing just at the moment.  I'm cogitating, though.  Can't you smell the burning insulation? :-)02:11
^thehatsrule^Marble2, check the faq of the xvid driver?02:11
^thehatsrule^if not... htne you could manually redo the whole avi02:12
IcedKiwihey DarthFrog, guess what? my 'modem' still doesnt work lol02:12
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: ok, bear with me, please lsmod|grep ^ati_pci02:12
Marble2maybe my codec is out of date02:12
danielsoptiks: seems to work most of the time02:12
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: err, lsmod|grep ^ath_pci02:12
^thehatsrule^you sure your video is in sync?02:12
IcedKiwiits Kate02:12
DarthFrogcrimsun: Both ath_pci and ath_hal are loading02:12
Marble2^thehatsrule^: with what?02:12
^thehatsrule^Marble2, if the video doesnt have that 'flag' rendered with it, on older hardware, video tends to be desynched with the audio02:13
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SeeleyUSMCLet me see if my buddy will be kind enough to let me borrow his laptop again so I can chat and try this at the same time...brb02:13
optiksdaniels: okay. I'll give that a go. pity I found this out after just waiting for the whole apt for desktop ;P02:13
optiksthanks a lot :)02:13
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Marble2^thehatsrule^: I'm not exactly using older hardware02:13
optiksI'll try the nvidia driver first though, there might be some hope left02:13
DarthFrogcrimsun: The driver and firmware are loading but he's not seeing the ath0 interface.02:13
IcedKiwii am :'(02:14
danielsoptiks: heh02:14
danielsoptiks: no worries -- good luck with it02:14
danielsDarthFrog: it's probably just not up02:14
IcedKiwii need fuel. brb02:14
crimsundaniels: my thoughts as well, save ifconfig ath0 doesn't show anything02:14
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pinPointwhats ath?02:15
^thehatsrule^Marble2, maybe... is your video driver installed?02:15
crimsundon't know enough about atheros regarding whether its iface is always athX or if it can be ethX02:15
^thehatsrule^like new version, etc02:15
DarthFrogdaniels, crimsun: well, let's get him to "ifconfig ath0 up" next time. :-)02:15
^thehatsrule^maybe that can help02:15
crimsunDarthFrog: yep, except see what I typed above :-)02:15
danielsath won't start associating with anything until it's up02:15
danielsi've been caught out by that one a fair bit02:16
DarthFrogpinPoint: It's a wireless network interface.  For Atheros based wireless cards.02:16
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crimsundaniels: ah!02:16
DarthFrogcrimsun: Yeah, I know.02:16
^thehatsrule^Marble2, search for the xvid frontend then,if your video driver is fine02:16
DarthFrogdaniels: Well, well, maybe it'll be that simple.02:16
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Marble2^thehatsrule^: I don't know about my video driver...02:16
Marble2I'm using a ATI Radeon 9200.02:17
Marble2I never installed any drivers02:17
^thehatsrule^oh... no video acceleration :/02:18
Marble2^thehatsrule^: It's the same on divx files too02:18
^thehatsrule^tho its hard under linux, so i hear02:18
Marble2video acceleration?02:18
optiksargh. there's no development tools... (gcc, g++, cc, etc)... is there a package that installs all of them, or must they be installed individually? (tedious!)02:18
mjrumm, radeon 9200 does have free accelerated drivers02:19
crimsunoptiks: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:19
^thehatsrule^yes... because you dont have the ati accelerated drivers installed02:19
optikscheerio :D02:19
^thehatsrule^oh... so hes using it mjr?02:19
Marble2where do I get those drivers?02:19
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mjr^thehatsrule^, probably, since it comes out of the box with ubuntu02:19
^thehatsrule^heh then my fault... again ;p02:20
Marble2so uh02:20
Marble2what is wrong?02:20
^thehatsrule^wonder if my radeon 7000 works ?02:20
^thehatsrule^even better, lets find a list!02:20
^thehatsrule^well uh, Marble2, maybe check http://ronald.vslcatena.nl/docs/xvidfaq.html#B8 ?02:21
mjrthenuke, should02:21
mdz3d is supported out of the box on radeon 700002:21
Marble2^thehatsrule^: it's not just xvid files.02:21
IcedKiwii have the opposite problem with my sound02:21
Marble2other ones too02:21
IcedKiwilinux can use it, but windows can't02:21
^thehatsrule^Marble2, well, you could go to each codec config, and degrade each one02:21
^thehatsrule^lol thats weird IcedKiwi02:22
apokryphosWould anyone have any idea why I can't get sound out of all my speakers (only two of 'em)? This is probably the one recurring problem I've had on ubuntu. It mucks up the bass etc.. :(02:22
IcedKiwii know02:22
Marble2what would degrading it do02:22
Marble2would I lose quality?02:22
IcedKiwiwith my 'modem' its a winmodem02:22
Marble2it seems like something else if it's a problem in every type of codec02:22
apokryphosWorked fine on previous distros (Fedora, Mandrake).02:22
IcedKiwii cant get sound with windows, but it works fine with fedora02:22
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IcedKiwidoesnt work with ubuntu02:22
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IcedKiwi*fedora's installation was nice and pretty02:23
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jonohi guys02:23
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^thehatsrule^Marble2... well i set mine to one notch lower... cant tell the difference, cept its smooth02:23
LinuxJoneshi jono02:23
optiksIcedKiwi: they seem to pride themselves on their installer. it is very well made.02:23
jonohi LinuxJones :)02:23
^thehatsrule^mjr, Marble2, For most 3D requirements the system will work, but slowly unless you install the binary driver for your video card. See the BinaryDriverHowto for information on how to install binary drivers for your video card. This is true for at least ATI, NVIDIA, and 3dLabs cards.02:23
^thehatsrule^thats in http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards02:24
Marble2I'll do that02:24
daniels3d labs have a binary driver?02:24
jonoseems like the bugfix packages are coming thick and strong :)02:24
^thehatsrule^so it seems you should download a new version...02:24
^thehatsrule^dunno if 3dlabs does ;p02:24
LinuxJonesjono, every 10 minutes it seems :002:24
jonoLinuxJones, :)02:24
=== jono is dist-upgrading
IcedKiwiits very pretty02:25
usernamedoes ubuntu automatically install updates on a regular periodic basis?02:25
jonohas any more work gone on with the hardware database?02:25
mjr^thehatsrule^, well, that's a bit of an oversimplification02:25
njanusername, no02:25
odie5533How do I download kde for ubuntu02:25
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njanodie5533, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:25
usernamenjan, oh02:25
b_e_n_zodie5533: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?02:25
DarthFrogodie: Use synaptic to install kubuntu-desktop.02:25
odie5533njan, is that the same thing as this Kubuntu thing?02:25
njanusername, you need to use synaptic or apt-get update and apt-get upgrade02:25
mjr(though the binary drivers are probably faster for freely supported radeons too)02:26
crimsunodie5533: yes02:26
LinuxJonesjono, you want to add that IRiver in there don't you :)02:26
njanodie5533, yup. kubuntu == ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop02:26
geneo93odie5533:  sudo apt-get install kde02:26
drspinahhh --- what are my fstab options so that I can read/write to /dev/hda7 ??02:26
jonoLinuxJones, heh :)02:26
njandrspin, what format is /dev/hda7 and do you want it mounted so anyone can read/write to it?02:26
goxyi have trouble with intel 536ep anybody knows solution02:26
odie5533so apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will install this: http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/faq.php, well the KDE part?02:26
ermomjr, could you clarify that?02:26
drspinnjan: ext 2 and yes :)02:27
LinuxJonesjono, can I get a preview of what's up for the next show ?02:27
apokryphosodie5533: see www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/installingkde02:27
DarthFrogodie5533: Yes.02:27
jonoLinuxJones, all going well, an interview with Alan Cox for starters :)02:27
odie5533kk, (typing it in now ;D)02:27
LinuxJonesjono, awesome02:27
jonoLinuxJones, :)02:27
mjrermo, how? The free DRI drivers support 3d acceleration for Radeons up to and including 9250, but ATI's proprietary offering probably is a bit faster (and supports later models).02:27
jonoLinuxJones, you coming to LUGRadio Live?02:28
mjr'course, I use the DRI02:28
ermomjr, me too.02:28
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mdzodie5533: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingKDE02:28
LinuxJonesjono, It's like 5 thousand miles away :P02:28
LinuxJonesjono, maybe not that far02:28
drspinnjan: ext2 and I want anyone to be able to r/w02:28
njandrspin, /dev/hda7       /mountpoint          ext2    umask=0,defaults        0       002:28
usernamewhy would 'synaptic' and 'apt-get' have such cumbersome and non-descriptive names?02:28
DarthFrogmjr: if you can get the blasted thing working!  I fought for half the afternoon to get DRI working with my Radeon 9800 Pro.02:28
jonoLinuxJones, so? heh, we have people coming from california, norway, france and other places :)02:28
drspinnjan: thanks!02:28
njanusername, because that's what the package maintainer has decided the package is called.02:29
jonoLinuxJones, we are also doing paintball the day after :D02:29
mdzodie5533: if you install Ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop, you get GNOME and KDE both.  If you install Kubuntu, you get only KDE.02:29
IcedKiwiwhy cant hardware and software live in perfect harmony?02:29
njanIcedKiwi, because the universe would explode.02:29
ermomjr, how would one test that hypothesis? Or, rather, what programs would be good benchmarks?02:29
ermomjr, you got me curious  :)02:29
LinuxJonesjono, I am starting a little business and cash is tight atm but I would love to go )02:29
njanermo, glxgears?02:29
ermonjan, that's one02:29
usernamenjan, then the 'package maintainer' shouldn't be doing that part of the task.02:29
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mdzermo: the classic test is glxgears02:29
jonoLinuxJones, no probs :)02:29
jonoLinuxJones, what kind of business?02:29
ermomdz, all right.02:29
SeeleyUSMCI'm on my friends laptop now, so fire away with suggestions02:29
mjrglxgears isn't really a good test (though it may be indicative of some differences)02:29
^thehatsrule^glxgears... hmm02:29
IcedKiwinjan, lol02:29
njanusername, tbh, with a system setup with synaptic, the name of the package doesn't matter.02:29
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Do "ifconfigure ath0 up".02:30
njanusername, you can search for what you need, and the package just has a description.02:30
usernamenjan, of course it matters02:30
mjrI'd just see framerates in some 3d games02:30
LinuxJonesjono, I'm going to produce Linux Instructional Videos02:30
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jonoLinuxJones, cool :)02:30
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LinuxJonesjono, the Ubuntu version will be free for download of course :)02:30
goxyi have trouble with intel 536ep02:30
mjrsleep now02:30
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Urk, make that "ifconfig ath0 up" :-)02:30
ermomjr, precisely my thought. I wouldn't know what 3d game to use, though. It'd have to be shareware. Quake 3, perhaps.02:30
njanusername, not really. 95% of the time the package name is the same as the name of the software, and for something like kubuntu-desktop, you either know you need it, ask, or look at the package description.02:30
usernameit needs to be called something akin to what it does.02:30
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njanermo, enemy territory! :)02:30
crimsunDragonFly: (and prepend sudo)02:30
njanermo, free, and fun! :)02:30
jonoLinuxJones, awesome, let me know when its done and I will pimp it on the show :D02:30
crimsunDragonFly: sorry02:30
LinuxJonesjono, i have to bust out my axe and get working on some music02:30
IcedKiwiim yahooing linux modem drivers as we speak02:30
codymani have integrated speakers on my notebook and i also have a usb sound card hooked up.. i want my music to play through the usb card but its playing through the built in speakers... how can i switch it around?02:31
^thehatsrule^hehe njan, thats a great game :P02:31
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LinuxJonesjono, cool02:31
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: auth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device02:31
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: ath0, not auth002:31
njan^thehatsrule^, tell me about it :)02:31
ermonjan, maybe I'll try that. Any other suggestions?02:31
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njanermo, yeah, the tc:elite mod for enemy territory, because it kicks serious ass.02:31
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: same thing02:31
^thehatsrule^njan: i still have it since i downloaded the first test version ;p02:31
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Darn.02:31
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njan^thehatsrule^, have you played tc:elite?02:31
^thehatsrule^just played it earlier02:32
^thehatsrule^in fact02:32
njan^thehatsrule^, like?02:32
usernameif 'synaptic' and 'apt-get' are the functional equivalent of the conventional 'Software Update', then 'Software Update' is the one I'd use when I think I might want to update my software.02:32
ermonjan, I'm more interested in benchmarking different engines. I mean, how else would I get an idea of which driver is the 'best'?02:32
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njanjono, it's a free mod for enemy territory, which is free02:32
njanermo, whichever one lets you have the most fun is the best :p02:32
^thehatsrule^username, create your own aliases02:32
ermonjan, trouble is, I've gamed 3d games on linux.02:32
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jononjan, cool - have you seen clan.lugradio.org? we have a clan of people who play ET regularly :)02:32
ermonjan, 'never gamed' actually02:32
^thehatsrule^its true combat: elite, tce for short02:32
usernamethehatsrule - I can't go round doing that on everyone elses machines though02:32
njanjono, nope, but I'll take a look :)02:33
jononjan, :) cool I know they would welcome you to game with them02:33
usernamethehatsrule - there's little point in balkanising my own installation02:33
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^thehatsrule^sure you can, then just use sh scripts02:33
njanjono, since I started playing tc:elite, though, my et has gone down the drain02:33
^thehatsrule^jono: lugradio?02:33
ZeppDoes anyone know why i have to hit certain keys like  and ^ twice before they will appear on screen02:33
^thehatsrule^is that spanish or somehting? hehe02:33
njanjono, I used to be consistantly in the top 10% of most servers, now I'm about midway, because I've gotten bad (or good) habits from tc:elite02:34
jono^thehatsrule^, it is a rather irreverent Open Source radio show I am with02:34
jono^thehatsrule^, www.lugradio.org02:34
^thehatsrule^lol... the ET radio freaks!02:34
jononjan, shit! :(02:34
njanjono, things really annoy me, like in tc:elite you can fire whilst leaning around corners, and you can't in et. I've been killed loads of times as engineer trying to fire around corners and realising I couldn't02:34
jono^thehatsrule^, huh?02:34
ermonjan, link?02:34
^thehatsrule^engineer - use grenades ;p02:34
usernamethe names of programs of open-source programs is a significant problem that needs attention.02:34
^thehatsrule^lol j/k02:34
njanermo, http://www.truecombat.com/intro.php02:35
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ermonjan, thx02:35
codymannjan: truecombat is great i've been playing it since the quake 3    .45 build days02:35
usernameit would seem that the people in charge of making open source programs are by and large, quite bad at conceiving viable names for the product.02:35
njancodyman, I'm told that tc:elite is quite different from the q3 mod, but I've never played the q3 version :)02:35
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jonoback in a bit...02:36
codymannjan: yeah its different... the graphics are obviously superb in elite and also its freeeee02:36
da_bon_bonhi all02:36
njanusername, you write an oss package, you get to name it :p02:36
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^thehatsrule^cant wait until ET has Urban Terror too!02:36
njancodyman, :)02:36
usernamenjan, then that's a weak spot02:36
njanusername, I don't think so.02:36
Anubiscrimsun, I'm too stupid to use that cmd it seems02:36
njanusername, I can't think of any way in which it's detrimental to anyone.02:36
codymanthehatsrule: yeah how's et ut coming?02:36
Anubisdoes anyones rythmbox work fine?02:36
usernamenjan, well, yes. Almost all the names of open source products are incredibly badly thought out.02:36
Anubiscan mplayer be apt-gotten yet?02:37
gratuitusername: or with the GPL, you can actually go out, rename every program you want to, and distribute it under the different names02:37
^thehatsrule^well, they arent releasing yet... read some progress early this year02:37
njangratuit, :)02:37
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codymanusername: actually enemy territory originally wasn't going to be open source its just that the company making it abandoned it02:37
usernamegratuit, but that really doesn't solve the problem, does it.02:37
njanusername, I don't think the name has much bearing on the package.02:37
usernamenjan, of course it does02:37
^thehatsrule^its really a great game02:37
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njanusername, take apache. Apache is *the* most widely deployed OSS package, probably. In what way does the name 'apache' possibly relate to a web server?02:37
usernamenjan, how do people know what it does otherwise?02:37
njanusername, and in what way is firefox a web browser?02:37
^thehatsrule^codyman, they just abandoned the single player part, so they released it for free02:37
gratuitusername: I'm not sure I see a problem, are there any specific examples?02:38
njanusername, firefox has a *HUGE* number of users02:38
codymanthehatsrule: yeah but who needs single player???  anti-social??02:38
DarthFrognjan: I presume you know the origin of the name Apache?02:38
usernamegratuit, well, the specific examples I've already related are 'synaptic' and 'apt-get'02:38
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^thehatsrule^apache helicopters?02:38
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: What about NdisWrapper?02:38
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IcedKiwiplease dont hurt me for asking this, but why do people use firefox?02:38
njanDarthFrog, nope, which is probably more appropriate in this case, since with relevance to this particular argument, if you know where the name comes from, you necessarily know what the package does :)02:38
=== aquarius [~aquarius@82-37-93-92.cable.ubr04.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
usernamegratuit, compared to the conventional 'Software Update'02:38
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: There's another option.02:38
^thehatsrule^IcedKiwi, i use it for extensive browsing... its fast when its loaded02:39
codymanDarthFrog: figured out ndiswrapper... works great now.. only thing is i have to retype in my WEP key everytime i reboot02:39
njanIcedKiwi, a) free, b) secure(r), c) extensible02:39
gratuitah, synaptic I see, but how is 'advanced packaging tool'-get bad?02:39
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper02:39
IcedKiwii havent used a mozilla product for about a year now02:39
DarthFrogCodyman: Excellent!  Really glad to hear it.02:39
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: thats where I'm at :)02:39
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usernamegratuit, no, it's called 'apt-get', not 'advanced packaging tool-get'02:39
njanIcedKiwi, what do you use for linux web browsing?02:39
aquariusMy machine doesn't seem to be loading the modules in /etc/modules on boot. Is the list of stuff that prints out on startup logged anywhere? (i.e., things that happen from /etc/init.d, not early startup which is available from dmesg.)02:39
gratuitusername, it's an acronym02:39
IcedKiwii had to reinstall windows and i downloaded opera for something different02:39
njanIcedKiwi, opera isn't free. If it were, I'd use it.02:40
usernamegratuit, and who cares how advanced the packaging tool is - it should describe what it does02:40
iapx8088happy you02:40
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IcedKiwiim using it and i didnt pay for it02:40
njanIcedKiwi, for some of us, the philosophy behind a software package is as important as how good it is at what it does :)02:40
gratuitit 'gets' packages02:40
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njanIcedKiwi, that doesn't make it free.02:40
IcedKiwii guess02:40
DarthFrognjan: Well, it started off as the NCSA web server code. It had lots of patches applied to it. It was known as "A patchy web server". ;-)02:40
usernamebut 'Software Update' tells you what it does, normally.02:40
codymanso.. how can i bypass my integrated notebook soundcard and make my usb one work?02:41
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IcedKiwii used to use mozilla but it messed up too much02:41
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crimsunAnubis: come again?02:41
njanDarthFrog, I knew it started out with NCSA, but I didn't know that specifically. That's actually quite funny :)02:41
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gratuitbut now I'm just being difficult, but if every program that did that sort of thing were called Software Update, how would I tell if I was using an rpm, or .deb based distro?02:41
Anubiscrimsun, the cmd to play a music file02:41
IcedKiwithe main things for me are tabbed browsing and uncrashabiltiy02:41
odie5533is there a way to start kde like using the [CTRL]  + [ALT]  + [F1]  then typing something?02:41
DarthFroggratuit: For most folks, it simply shouldn't matter.02:41
odie5533so I still have gnome open here02:41
usernamegratuit, doesn't matter - who cares - if it's that advanced, it sorts it out for you02:41
Anubiscrimsun, is there another app that uses gstreamer for me to check its functionailit02:42
sirukinhow would I apt-get everything I need for web development?02:42
njanodie5533, you can start a second instance of gdm or startx -- :1 if you have kde set to start in .xinitrc02:42
sirukinsuch as, php, apache, mysql, etc02:42
njanodie5533, it'll open on tty8, assuming you're on tty7 now.02:42
usernamegratuit, when I use Software Update, all I need to know is that it's found some updated software (or not) and it gets on and does it. I don't need to know how or why.02:42
odie5533So I type startx --:1 in any the normal terminal here?02:42
njanodie5533, no, in a real terminal.. Ctrl-Alt-F1, logon, do it there.02:43
sirukinI don't neccesarily mean that as much as, <sirukin> Do the universe repositories hold php-hardened, as well as mod_security?02:43
njanodie5533, but only if you have kde set to startup in .xinitrc02:43
odie5533I dont think I do02:43
odie5533I set default as gnome...02:43
njanodie5533, otherwise, you need to start gdm, and I think gdm takes the standard x arguments, but I'm not sure.. sec..02:43
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odie5533any other way to run kde?02:43
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njanodie5533, hmm.. or maybe you can't. I'd just stick it in .xinitrc and startx -- :102:44
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apokryphosodie5533: are you not using kdm?02:44
njanusername, in which case, how would you differentiate between, say, xterm, eterm, gnome-terminal, and kterm?02:44
odie5533I am using gdm02:44
njanusername, terminal emulator 1, terminal emulator 2, terminal emulator 3, terminal emulator 4?02:45
odie5533and I have gdm as default02:45
njanapokryphos, he wants to start kdm in another X session alongside gnome.02:45
usernamenjan, good point. I don't need to. If I need to type something into the terminal, I just need a terminal - not some assortment of different flavours of the same thing.02:45
njanusername, which is why distributions provide, by default, a package for anything the user needs to do, on a standard desktop install.02:45
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gratuitusername: but they arn't the same, some are geared for speed, others for eyecandy, there are many differences between them02:46
njanusername, what you have to understand is, most people who use ubuntu as a desktop replacement OS, have everything they need off the default install. Office packages, IM, e-mail client, browser.02:46
jintxoodie5533, try this, run a plain X server (in a terminal X :1 &) and then export DISPLAY=localhost:1 and startkde from the same terminal02:46
usernamenjan, but that's no different to what I'm used to.02:46
njanusername, if you need something else, you want to pick the package for it. People don't just buy a photo editor because it's a photo editor. They buy photoshop because it's photoshop.. or paintshop pro beacuse it's paintshop pro. You can't just make those choices for them.02:46
^thehatsrule^hey njan, wanna play a few rounds?02:47
njan^thehatsrule^, sure thing02:47
^thehatsrule^tce or et, tis fine02:47
njan^thehatsrule^, tce ;)02:47
njan^thehatsrule^, wherebouts are you?02:47
^thehatsrule^somehow ETF was ok... nothing speshul02:47
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njan^thehatsrule^, sec, lemme see if I can find a good server on the east coast02:47
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usernamenjan, I think you can. I think you can make educated choices for people which gives them a head start. To lay everything out on a table and say 'you choose' when all you've got to go on is an assortment of meaningless names is actually worse than no choice at all.02:47
akkAny installer people around?02:48
^thehatsrule^tho im visiting a coupla places02:48
^thehatsrule^so heres temporary ;p02:48
^thehatsrule^installer ppl?...02:48
njan^thehatsrule^, EU, but my ADSL connection is peered in london, so I get ~ok connections to NY02:48
usernamewhat makes people think that the user would be the most qualified to make a choice, rather than the system's creators?02:49
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akkI'm having trouble with the hoary installer ... wanted to check with someone before filing a bug.02:49
njanusername, that's why synaptic displays things in categories.02:49
gratuitusername: have you tried gnome-app-install?02:49
usernamenjan, that's assuming the user has found their way to 'synaptic' in the first place02:49
usernamegratuit, no, never heard of it02:49
^thehatsrule^njan alright, actually UK servers, i can get 125-150 ping if its good02:49
njanusername, it's quite obvious where/what synaptic is. Especially if they've read the ubuntu documentation02:49
aquariuswhat's /proc/ksyms? Should it exist in a warty system?02:49
usernamenjan, no it's not.02:50
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mdkeOMG http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=85801&_LOC=UK02:50
njanusername, I've just setup my wife, who has no prior experience with linux at all, with ubuntu, and she found it straight away.02:50
gratuitwell, if you're running ubuntu/gnome, it's under system tools, add/Remove Programs02:50
usernamenjan, maybe if they've read the documentation, maybe, but seriously, who's going to read the documentation? What a waste of time.02:50
^thehatsrule^everyone reads docs...02:50
njanbut seriously, who's going to read the documentation? What a waste of time. <= anyone who wants to learn how to use the operating system?02:50
njanthe same people who actually read school textbooks because they actually want to learn to add up, and speak foreign languages..02:51
mdkemmmm internet enabled microwaves...02:51
gratuitusername: it may be more to your liking, so you can at least recommend it to people02:51
usernamenjan, I don't want to learn how to use an operating system. I simply want to use it. I want it to learn how I would use it.02:51
njanyou can't compensate for laziness.02:51
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njanusername, and hoary afaik includes a tray-based update notifier for precisely that reason.02:51
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odie5533I tried X :1 and it froze my comp =/02:51
njanusername, but you can't just make choices for people too lazy to pick one of three IM clients.02:51
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usernameno, it's not laziness (or maybe it is, but get real - people are lazy). It's natural.02:51
^thehatsrule^njan, username, thats why i use trillian on windows ;p02:52
usernamenjan, yes you can - you can make choices for exactly that kind of person. Informed choices.02:52
jintxoodie5533, it worked ok for me (just tried it) I have an nvidia card02:52
gratuithow do I change my gnome default apps for arbtrary file types?02:52
usernamethehatsrule - I wouldn't know - I've never really used Windows yet.02:52
aquariusgratuit: right-click a file of the type and look at Open With.02:52
gratuitaquarius: what if I don't have any files of that type at this time?02:53
usernamemaking choices for people (if you're good at it) is not to be viewed as a restriction - it's an aid.02:53
^thehatsrule^username, well im pretty sure theres something similar to it in linux02:53
aquariusgratuit: don't know. On the other hand, if you don't have any, why do you need to set the association?02:53
njan^thehatsrule^, I can't find any servers at all with players in EU using xqf :/.. sec02:53
^thehatsrule^x query force?02:54
usernamethehatsrule - perhaps, but as I don't know what you're talking about in the first place, I now further won't know what you're referring to in linux either.02:54
=== aquarius wibbles. What's /proc/ksyms? Modutils seems to depend on it existing, and it doesn't on this machine.
gratuitaquarius: for the future02:54
^thehatsrule^20:51| <njan> username, but you can't just make choices for people too lazy to pick one of three IM clients.02:54
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^thehatsrule^referring to that02:54
usernameah - im clients. I see.02:54
aquariusgratuit: I think it's in gconf somewhere, but I wouldn't swear to it.02:54
mdkeusername, you the guy from #gentoo?02:54
^thehatsrule^njan: want to to find one?02:54
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usernamemdke - yes02:54
usernamemdke, but I'm not as smart here as I seem there02:55
^thehatsrule^mdke.user ? O.o02:55
mdkeinventive huh02:55
odie5533when I do X :102:55
^thehatsrule^sounds like mandrake... heh02:55
odie5533it takes me to a gray screen02:55
odie5533with an X for a mouse02:55
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mdke^thehatsrule^, yeah i've had that before02:55
usernamemdke, here I take on the persona of one who has just come to linux, not as is the reality, one who has been running linux for 5 years02:55
mdkethey are my initials02:55
mdkeusername, how come?02:56
aquariusHurm. So, /etc/init.d/modutils depends on /proc/ksyms, but /proc/ksyms is deprecated and not in 2.6 kernels. Is this a bug, or has it been fixed in hoary?02:56
Marble2I get this error when I go to system -> prefs -> screen res: "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to display size are not avalible"02:56
Marble2how do I fix this? I want to change my screen res02:56
jintxoodie5533, so then use ctrl-alt fX to go back to the original terminal you ran X from and export DISPLAY=localhost:1, that should make you able to run x progrmas on the X server you just ran02:56
usernamemdke, because I got fed up with gentoo - it occurred to me that I've become totally unproductive and all my time is spent making the bloody computer work instead of it allowing me to do my own work.02:56
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crimsunaquarius: both warty and hoary {will} ship with a 2.6 kernel02:57
SeeleyUSMCI have an Atheros AR5212 802.11abg card internal to my Sony VAIO laptop, running Ubuntu Linux (Hoarty Preview) on the 2.6.10-4 kernel with ndsiwrapper ver. 0.12+1.0rc2-1 and I can't get a connection to the Internet.  What do I need to do?02:57
mdkeusername, but howcome the new persona here?02:57
LinuxJonesusername, your in the right place then :)02:57
=== SeeleyUSMC sobs in the corner
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andrewskiwhere do i set the configuration for hdparm?02:57
aquariuscrimsun: yep. So does /etc/init.d/modutils requiring /proc/ksyms, which isn't in 2.6 kernels, count as a bug?02:57
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, have you thrown holy water on it?02:57
LinuxJonesPoor SeeleyUSMC :(02:57
JDahlI thought Ubuntu didnt use a root account, but when I installed Hoary preview a root account was created...02:57
SeeleyUSMCmdke: I'm about to lol02:58
mdkeandrewski, /etc/hdparm.conf02:58
usernamemdke, because I'm not convinced that open source and linux is actually beneficial, while it simultaneously becomes more secular and caters for it's own creators rather than real people.02:58
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, no seriously02:58
andrewskimdke: aw, duh. :P02:58
crimsunaquarius: it requires /proc/ksyms? It doesn't do so on my Warty or Hoary boxes.02:58
LinuxJonesusername, how can you say that ?02:58
LinuxJonesusername, that's just Gentoo beating you down02:58
usernameLinuxJones, easy - I open up my ibook and type it. See.02:58
mdkegentoo caters for a certain userbase02:59
mdkei don't think its that hard to make work anyway02:59
mdkei'm a pretty rubbish linux user02:59
usernamegentoo caters for people obsessed with speed stripes - it exists for all the wrong reasons.02:59
aquariuscrimsun: line 9 in my /etc/init.d/modutils: [ -f /proc/ksyms ]  || exit 002:59
LinuxJonesusername, Gentoo is not a desktop Operating System !!02:59
mdkeusername, no way02:59
Marble2I get this error when I go to system -> prefs -> screen res: "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to display size are not avalible" How do I fix this, I want to change my screen res :(02:59
mdkeusername, its about control, not minor speed increases02:59
usernamebut linux itself is blatantly showing itself to be incapable of learning the big lessons.03:00
crimsunaquarius: no, it's not a bug, why?03:00
mdkeusername, well that's as maybe03:00
crimsunaquarius: what if you had to boot a 2.4 kernel on that box?03:00
mdkebut you are making unrelated statements03:00
mdkebut then it is 2 am03:00
usernamealso true03:00
aquariuscrimsun: ok, but that means that modules listed in /etc/modules don't get loaded if you boot a 2.6 kernel.03:00
usernameNews24 again!03:00
crimsunMarble2: use ctrl+alt+- or ctrl+alt++03:01
crimsunaquarius: they do get loaded.03:01
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SeeleyUSMCHey, if I have the same chipset as another vendor, does it matter or not?03:01
mdkeaquarius, ?? sure they do03:01
crimsunthe machine I'm sshed into is testament to that, heh03:01
Marble2crimsun: when?03:01
aquariuscrimsun: what loads them? I'm puzzled.03:01
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, no, you need the driver for the chipset03:01
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, some are tricky tho ;(03:01
GammaRayusername: why should free software be the whipping boy to people don't see the same values in the same freedoms? why should freedom cater to anyone but those who see the value in it?03:01
crimsunMarble2: if you're trying to change resolutions, use ctrl+alt++ or ctrl+alt+-03:02
LinuxJonesusername, I think you have to re-install Windows to get regain your appreciation of Linux03:02
Marble2it doesn't work03:02
aquariuscrimsun: I have apm in /etc/modules, and it's not loaded when the machine boots. "modprobe apm" works fine when I do it myself, though.03:02
crimsunMarble2: which graphics driver?03:02
usernameLinuxJones, I've never used windows03:02
Marble2uh... X03:02
LinuxJonesusername, install it then :)03:02
SeeleyUSMCmdke: but the chipset is the same, only different vendor03:02
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, yeah03:02
usernameLinuxJones, no, I don't think it'd get on well with this iBook03:02
crimsunMarble2: X Window System requires a graphics device driver, which does your machine use?03:03
mdkesomeone with an atheros help SeeleyUSMC !!!03:03
Marble2i have no clue03:03
Marble2how do I check03:03
crimsunMarble2: are you using Warty or Hoary?03:03
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, ok i'll try then03:03
Marble2I just used the http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto guide to get my audo and video syncing and I had to mess with xorg.conf and now it doesnt work03:03
jintxoodie5533, come to think of it it0s kinda cool to have xfce on one X server and gnome on the other03:03
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, what do these commands tell you:03:03
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, "ifconfig"03:03
crimsunMarble2: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf |tail -103:04
SeeleyUSMCmdke: eth0 and lo03:04
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usernameanyway - got to go to sleep. More trolling another time, eh?03:04
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, i take it eth0 isn't your wifi card?03:04
Marble2    Driver          "fglrx"03:04
crimsunMarble2: so you're using the binary-only ATI driver03:05
Marble2I guess03:05
crimsunMarble2: what resolution currently?03:05
Marble21024x1080 or something03:05
=== johnnybezak [~johnnybez@203-206-80-210.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Marble2default ubuntu res03:05
SeeleyUSMCmdke: no.  There is a standard NIC in the laptop as well03:05
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, ok03:05
Marble2I like it, but I can't run a high refresh rate at this res03:05
mdkeSeeleyUSMC, ok i can't help you then, you need someone familiar with the atheros driver03:06
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: just to check, is the wireless adapter enabled in bios?03:06
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SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: how do you check that?03:06
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: check in bios to see if it's enabled03:06
crimsun(when you boot)03:06
mdkei'm out too03:06
=== pinPoint pops the new nic box
mdkegd night03:06
pinPointshould i plug it while booting03:06
SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: I'll check in a sec03:06
asdqweHi guys... Im having a bit of a problem with something.. Im trying get my wireless config going, although when i list iwconfig and ifconfig, I have eth1 listed for both the ethernet card and wireless card... is this unusual?03:07
=== fisch_ [~fisch@chello084114177169.3.15.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunaquarius: look in /etc/init.d/module-init-tools03:08
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fisch_hello i have a problem... after actualisation of hoary the mousepointer doesnt move03:09
Marble2crimsun: any ideas?03:09
fisch_(sorry for my bad english...)03:09
crimsunMarble2: please post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto http://pastebin.ca03:09
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aquariuscrimsun: no such file. hm. apt-get --reinstall install module-init-tools hasn't recreated it, either. How can I get it back? It's in dpg --listfiles module-init-tools.03:10
Marble2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/777503:11
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crimsunaquarius: unpack the deb using dpkg-deb, then copy it over manually03:11
Diablo-D3hey people03:11
fisch_can someone help me?03:11
Diablo-D3Im trying to install ubuntu on a machine that only has ... get this... 32 megs of memory03:11
Diablo-D3and its a laptop03:12
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pinPointhey have a DWL G650 Hotplugged and booted. how do I start it up?03:13
asdqweDiablo-D3: Wouldnt DamnSmallLinux be a better idea for a machine spec like that?03:13
johnnybezakDiablo-D3: are you masochistic :P03:13
pinPointa wireless nic03:13
Diablo-D3asdqwe: isnt DSL only a livecd distro?03:13
asdqwecan anyone point me to a good tutoria/howto on ubuntu wireless config??03:14
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asdqweDiablo: Nah, DSL can be installed onto your hdd.. go check out their site, its got a howto on it http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/03:14
aquariuscrimsun: that should be OK. Cheers for the help.03:14
madstophello.  #kubuntu has been taken over by esperanto speakers.  So here I am.03:14
crimsunaquarius: np03:14
pinPointasdqwe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=945403:14
Diablo-D3asdqwe: Im installing this for a newbie03:15
Marble2crimsun: see anything wrong with it?03:15
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pinPointhow do i bring up my new card thats hotplugged03:15
pinPointwireless nic?03:15
Diablo-D3asdqwe: once I get it installed, I should be fine03:15
gratuitwhere is esperanto actually spoken?03:15
Diablo-D3garrut: nowhere03:15
Diablo-D3garrut: its a manufactured language03:16
asdqwethanks pinpoint, although, i dont think I need to use the NDis wrapper.. its detected my card (prism I), im having probs getting the iwconfig stuff down03:16
crimsunMarble2: you have some agp warnings03:16
crimsunMarble2: please post the output of lsmod03:16
danielsDiablo-D3: i believe small-memory installs are currently broken.03:16
madstopgratuit, , it's what folks used to learn before Klingon was invented.03:16
pinPointi have a card thats supposed to be detected...03:16
pinPointjust dont know how to start it up now since i just got it03:17
Marble2crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/777603:17
Diablo-D3daniels =/03:17
Diablo-D3and yes, it does say entering low memory mode03:17
crimsunDiablo-D3: you could do the manual method that I used with the Warty preview: as soon as the partitioning udebs have been unpacked, switch to a busybox shell on alt+F2 and create a swap partition, then mount it03:17
asdqweppoint: I have an ethernet nic and 802.11b card... and it seems that both are listed under eth1 in iw/ifconfig... is that a problem???03:17
Diablo-D3crimsun: it doesnt even get that far03:17
Diablo-D3I think loading pcmcia stuff screws the pooch03:18
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Diablo-D3wait wait03:18
Diablo-D3it seems to have booted this time03:18
DigitalStaticAnyone had any success with upgrading from Warty to Hoary using apt-get?03:18
=== WW [~wweckesse@cpe-24-59-199-217.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WWHello, world.03:18
crimsunDigitalStatic: yes, I try it every couple days03:18
Diablo-D3I wish this thing had a network card though03:18
WWAny subversion gurus out there?03:19
Diablo-D3okay, this thing freaks out on lvmcfg-utils03:19
Diablo-D3it keeps telling me its entering low memory mode03:19
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DigitalStaticcrimsun: Thanks for the info, Hoary stable enough for day to day use?03:20
Diablo-D3and then tries to unpack/load/whatever that package03:20
crimsunDigitalStatic: yes03:20
Diablo-D3and tells me its entering low memory mode.... and tries to... and tells me... </infiniteloop>03:20
DigitalStaticcrimsun:  XFree to Xorg part of the upgrade cause any issues?  I am worried about that with my ATI card03:20
Diablo-D3DigitalStatic: it should improve performance03:20
crimsunDiablo-D3: I'm fairly certain by that point the partitioning udeb(s) have been unpacked, but I haven't tried it since the Warty preview03:21
Diablo-D3crimsun: hrm03:21
Diablo-D3crimsun: does ubuntu have a partition editor?03:21
danielsDigitalStatic: it's fine03:21
maxcheeogra: can you have a look at this bug? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=786003:21
Diablo-D3crimsun: because I need to repartition the drive03:21
danielsDigitalStatic: i've been using xorg daily on numerous ati cards for months now03:21
Diablo-D3I use xorg on my ati card as well03:21
Marble2crimsun: anything?03:22
Diablo-D3ubuntu's xorg, infact03:22
Diablo-D3(which runs great on debian sid)03:22
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crimsunMarble2: read what I said regarding the agp warnings03:22
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DigitalStaticShould I uninstall the ATI drivers before I apt-get dist-upgrade?   would I be better off burning the Hoary CD and just installing from scratch?03:22
crimsunDigitalStatic: they'll upgrade just fine03:22
Diablo-D3DigitalStatic: r200 or r300?03:22
WWI would like to set up a subversion repository on a computer running debain sarge, with version 1.1 of svn.  The version of svn on warty is 1.0.6.  Are they compatible?03:23
DigitalStaticDiablo-D3 r300 i think, Radeon 9800 Pro03:23
andrilhello all again03:23
WWs/debain/debian/  (but you knew that)03:23
Marble2crimsun: I know I have some... I pasted the link to the output of lsmod03:23
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andrilDoes anyone know how to share a folder over the network?03:23
Diablo-D3DigitalStatic: I dont know if the ati binary drivers work with xorg03:23
maxcheeAre there any MOTU who is willing to look at this bug? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=786003:24
Diablo-D3Im lucky enough not to need them03:24
=== Diablo-D3 does some pondering
Diablo-D3crimsun: no partitioning tools are installed03:24
crimsunmaxchee: couple secs.03:24
andrilBasically I want to make a folder in Ubuntu visable via my network03:24
DigitalStaticThanks for the feedback folks03:25
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crimsunMarble2: what's using nvidia_agp?03:26
pinPointmy nic is Atheros based03:26
pinPointfrom D-link03:26
Marble2I dunno.. nothing. I don't have a nividia graphics card...03:26
pinPointanyone please tell me the necessary steps to starti it up03:27
gratuitpinPoint: there are instructions on the ndiswrapper website I think03:27
=== Diablo-D3 bangs head on desk
crimsunMarble2: nforce-based motherboard, perhaps?03:28
pinPointi still have to use ndiswrapper???03:28
Marble2yes in fact03:28
Marble2i moved nivia.ko out of /etc/X1103:28
Marble2would that mess up the resolution settings?03:28
gratuitpinPoint: there is a module out there I think, but I'm not sure how mature it is03:28
Marble2andril: samba03:28
Diablo-D3is kubuntu a seperate distro?03:28
andrilI installed samba03:29
gratuitpinPoint: someone has writen a native driver03:29
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gratuitpinPoint: but I don't know how far along it is, I use ndiswrapper, and it works quite well03:29
pinPointwith a dlink gratuit03:29
gratuityeah, I forget the exact model number, but it is atheros based03:30
crimsunDiablo-D3: yes03:30
crimsunDiablo-D3: it just uses the same base as Ubuntu03:30
pinPointthe card is listed in lsmod03:31
pinPointthere must be a way to get it up03:31
crimsunmaxchee: uname -m03:31
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pinPointwhere and how?03:31
mdzpinPoint: the madwifi drivers are installed by default, and work out of the box with my card03:32
mdzpinPoint: what model do you have?03:32
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mdzDiablo-D3: yes and no; kubuntu and ubuntu share many packages, developers, infrastructure, and a community03:33
pinPointi have hoary, does it run gnome by default03:33
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pinPointcause is see a nice wifi manager for kde03:33
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pinPointor does GNOME have a wireless lan manager?03:35
SeeleyUSMCDoes anyone use an Atheros wirless card?03:35
LinuxJonespinPoint, network-admin is about it03:36
pinPointSeeleyUSMC: i have it here03:36
pinPointtrying to get it up03:36
SeeleyUSMCpinPoint: if you get it working let me know03:36
SeeleyUSMCI've been at it for 12 hours today along03:36
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pinPointha, i played with my builtin DELL for 3 days03:37
pinPointfirst with mandarake03:37
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pinPointthen ubuntu, decided to keep ubuntu and get a new nic03:38
pinPointso here i am once again in battle03:38
=== underlord [~underlord@c211-30-117-126.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Marble2crimsun: still here?03:40
underlordim having problems with usb in hoary03:40
crimsunMarble2: yes, try blacklisting nvidia_agp: echo "nvidia-agp" | sudo tee -a /etc/hotplug/blacklist03:40
crimsunMarble2: now reboot03:40
Marble2now what03:40
underlordi have a box with a mothervoard with onbuilt vt82 usb 1.1 chipsets, and i have a pci usb 2.0 card (nec chipsets), now when i use ubuntu with this configuration my system has suddenly stopped recognising anything plugged in to the vt82 chipsets, why could this be?03:41
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Marble2crimsun: still get the error :(03:43
crimsunMarble2: please paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf onto pastebin03:43
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akkCool, if I select reiserfs for / during the hoary install, it tries to format that partition then bombs out with "Filesystem has incompatible feature enabled"03:46
medwards_Anyone using hoary on a G4 PowerBook?03:46
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crimsunMarble2: that's your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?03:47
crimsunMarble2: can you switch modes with the "radeon" driver instead of "fglrx"?03:48
Marble2uh, how?03:48
Marble2i'm confused03:49
crimsunMarble2: change fglrx to radeon and restart gdm03:49
pinPointdont this wireless nics like keys and ssid hidden?03:49
marcin_anthi all03:50
Marble2still get the error03:50
marcin_antcould someone tell me what software I need (for backend) to use evolution-webcal?03:50
crimsunMarble2: please paste the log file03:50
crimsun(onto pastebin)03:51
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Marble2what log file?03:51
marcin_antI really don't understand how it works and there is no help for webcal integration03:51
=== pinPoint reboots, freaking card!
crimsunMarble2: you're still using fglrx, not radeon03:52
Marble2how do I restart gdm? I did /etc/init,d/gdm restart03:52
crimsunMarble2: first of all, did you edit the correct file? (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)03:52
crimsunMarble2: second of all, did you change the correct Driver setting?03:52
=== FlyNavy [~flynavy@cable-68-114-115-219.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Marble2you mean like the origional?03:53
crimsunMarble2: (yes, it's sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart)03:53
FlyNavyHello all03:53
Marble2yes, from ATI to fglrx03:53
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Marble2to see if I could stop my video and audio being out of synch03:53
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XiraHi huys, I've tried installing Ubuntu, but it didn't work with my LCD. (Dell 1704FP which it detects) - I tried manually editing the X conf, but everything was set right (res, hsync etc) but whenever I would boot into X/Gnome the monitor would turn off03:56
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Marble2crimsun: that fixed it03:56
Marble2thanks a ton :)03:57
=== pinPoint FUDGE YEAH!
pinPointmy nic works!!!!03:57
paulproteusXira: Remove modelines.03:57
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=== pinPoint runs around the room
paulproteusRemove hsync, vsync.03:57
paulproteusScrub your config clean of everything it's configured about the monitor, and then let X detect the info at runtime.03:58
=== pinPoint attempts a hidden ssid and key
Xirapaulproteus, what's that?03:58
=== danix [~daniela@BHE043026.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
XiraOkay, I guess I can try that.03:59
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paulproteusFeel free to comment it out rather than deleting it. :)03:59
Beirdoanyone here able to tell me why an install of mysql-server needs exim to be installed? :)04:00
holycowdoes anyone what a safe mode on debian/ubuntu might be?04:01
pinPointcrimsun: why wont my card work with a router set on ssid broadcast off04:01
foreachholycow, isn't it the failsafe* ?04:01
holycowforeach, what do you us it for?04:01
holycowi've never heard of that before04:01
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XiraThe thing is paulproteus , I now have Fedora Core 3 installed and everything working nicely, so I don't know if I should risk it all and try Ubuntu. :-\04:01
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foreachI don't know about debian (it's been a while), but I know on my copy of ubuntu, i have a failsafe gnome and a failsafe terminal04:02
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holycowforeach, they are identical, just fyi04:02
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holycowlol :) sorry gotta bug ya04:02
Marble2grrr... the audio and video are still out of sync :(04:02
smoBeirdo: It'd appear to depend on mailx, which requires mail-transport-agent .. of which exim is the default.  What it wants mailx for, I couldn't tell you04:02
holycowfailsafe terminal?04:02
Mguel721can anyone help me ... I am trying to mount a zip drive?04:02
foreachholycow, hey, we're all here to learn (even the 'veterans', they just won't admit it)04:02
holycowlol wtf is that? whats itused for?04:02
maxcheedoes hoary have boot splash enabled?04:02
Beirdosmo: ahh, I missed the mailx in the list :)04:02
holycowforeach, hehehe :)04:02
foreachholycow, seems to be to boot into gnome w/o running startup scripts04:03
smoor rather, mailx requires "exim4 | mail-transport-agent", so if nothing's providing mta, it'll ask for exim404:03
holycowoh, i presume similar for failsafe terminal too?04:03
Beirdosounds like someone has extra dependencies that seem to be senseless at first glance04:03
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foreachholycow, indeed04:03
BeirdoI can understand mailx needing a mail server :)04:03
holycowforeach, what are they used for?04:04
bet0xHi all04:04
bet0xsuccessfull upgrade to kubuntu :D04:04
bet0xFrom warty04:04
crimsunbet0x: excellent.04:04
bet0x41mins downloading packages04:04
Mguel721Can anyone tell me how to mount a zip drive?04:04
bet0xbut works like the hell04:04
bet0xani know here are the spanish language?04:04
BeirdoOK.  I guess I should decide on an MTA then04:04
calcgrr gnome still gets confused with ubuntu automounting behavior04:04
bet0xbut i see all in english04:05
calci can't make nautilus eject a disk04:05
calcer cdrom disk04:05
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crimsuncalc: it worked better with earlier versions of inotify, agreed04:05
calcmount doesn't show it mounted either04:05
calcbut the drive is locked04:06
Marble2crimsun: do you know why the audio is out of synch with the video on anything I play? That's what I was trying to fix that caused the resolution problem04:06
calcah nm i see the issue04:06
calcthe user doesn't have rights to eject from userspace or something like that04:06
=== calc tests it some more
bet0xa question04:07
crimsunMarble2: possibly due to the sound daemon. Which application are you using to play videos?04:07
pinPointmy card works for one minute and it stops after i go static04:07
Marble2I tried totem-xine and vlc04:07
bet0xbut with a NON-ROOT user the firefox dont run04:07
Marble2using esd as sound04:07
Marble2the audio is a couple seconds late... I think it's the video card04:07
Marble2ATI Radeon 920004:07
bet0xi debug in console put "firefox" and make a while04:07
bet0xwith this text04:07
crimsunMarble2: have you tried mplayer with -ao alsa (you'll need to kill esd/polypaudio)04:07
bet0x*** loading the extensions datasource04:07
bet0x*** loading the extensions datasource04:07
bet0x*** loading the extensions datasource04:07
bet0x*** loading the extensions datasource04:07
calcah i see part of it, gnome mounts the volume on double click of the icon but then doesn't realize its mounted so you can't unmount it04:08
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NetGeekevening all04:09
pinPointnetwork admin hangs everytime I do DeActivate of wlan004:09
Mguel721Anyone know how to mount a zip drive???04:09
pinPointthis is fudging crazy04:09
pinPointfudge! there goes the laptop04:10
=== ucblockhead [~ucblockhe@dsl081-071-156.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinPointlock up04:10
=== ahijah [~jbsmith@adsl-68-125-109-164.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinPointits starting to look worse than windows04:11
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pinPointits really jacked up04:11
=== Mguel721 [~miguel721@ca-santaanahead-cuda1-c2a-27.anhmca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu []
ahijahcan someone help me with some driver problems?04:11
NetGeekfinally got xcompset working stable04:11
pinPointi just spent 60 bucks on this thing and it doesnt work fully04:11
=== calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-4-246.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
calccrimsun: guess what just happened? ;)04:12
ahijahhas anyone tried and got a linksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter to work yet?04:12
calccrimsun: i tried to eject the disc a second time via the gnome ui and it completely hung the box04:13
NetGeekanyone using ipw2200 and hoary?04:13
calcNetGeek: i do sometimes with an intel 2915abg card04:14
NetGeekcalc: you having driver or firmware crashing problems04:14
=== ahijah goes and cries in a corner
crimsuncalc: awesome04:14
calcthe driver in hoary just plain won't do anything at all for me04:14
calcit doesn't work for amd64 afaict04:14
calcthe one on the sf.net site works though04:14
=== pinPoint perhaps i reformat again it might work
pinPointfrom install without problems04:15
=== gaulois_ [~gaulois@i528C141B.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
NetGeekcalc: you use the firmware that comes with hoary04:15
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calcNetGeek: yes with the upgraded driver off ipw2200.sf.net04:15
^thehatsrule^ahijah... wlan?04:15
ahijahi cant compile it04:15
^thehatsrule^use generic?04:15
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ahijah<<< dumb04:16
NetGeekcalc: thanks04:16
^thehatsrule^ivenever used wireless04:16
ahijahi have wlan but i dont know what to do with it04:16
pinPointthere goes my card again04:16
pinPointits working04:16
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^thehatsrule^are you under a router or something?04:17
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ahijahi have a 2wire dsl router04:17
^thehatsrule^hm... dhcp enabled?04:17
ahijahit's not that.. the computer wont recognize the network adapter04:18
ahijahin need drivers04:18
^thehatsrule^oh... then i have no idea04:18
^thehatsrule^forums mebbe?04:18
=== ahijah huffs
ahijahi looked around.. and all i found was wlan that said it would do it... but i'm guessing it's for RH9 or something cuz i cant install it04:19
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brad_how can i rename a bunch of file with find?  i have a bunch of files that need renaming.  example:  whatever.a.b needs to be renamed to whatever.a04:21
GammaRaybrad_: -exec04:22
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ahijahthe file i got was called linux_wlan_ng_0114_pre1.tar.gz04:22
GammaRayIE find / -exec rename a b "{}" \;04:22
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platypushow do i get kubuntu-desktop ?04:23
crimsunplatypus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:23
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brad_GammaRay, the extensions are what need to be renamed.  will that work with an expression like *.a.b?04:23
platypuscrimsun, but when i do apt-cache search kubuntu-desktop it turns out empty04:23
platypuscrimsun, issit i am missing some entry in my repos ?04:24
=== ahijah is overwhelmed with frustration...
GammaRaybrad_: see man rename... it replaces the first a it finds w/ b in each file04:24
brad_ok.  thanks :)04:25
GammaRaybrad_: there are better ways but they involve sed04:25
platypusroot@platypus:/home/platypus # apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:25
platypusReading Package Lists... Done04:25
platypusBuilding Dependency Tree... Done04:25
platypusE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop04:25
regeyame is seething with boredom04:25
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pinPointdoes ifup wlan0 run DHCP? cause my card is static04:25
pinPointset to static ^^^04:25
regeyathe things that happen when you leave a '/' out04:25
crimsunplatypus: are you running Warty?04:25
ax75where can i find a list of the packages included in ubuntu 5.04?04:26
platypuscrimsun, i installed from the free disck04:26
platypuscrimsun, is that warty ?04:26
crimsunplatypus: sudo sed 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list04:27
crimsunax75: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/hoary/04:27
pinPointsomeone please tell me i didnt buy this card for nothing04:28
ahijahso i'm guessing that my quarry is a lost cause?04:28
odie5533Anyone know how to run gnome and kde?04:28
pinPointseems im going throught the same #(&$# as the other cards04:28
eyequeueshould there be a /etc/ubuntu_version file?04:28
geneo93 crimsun i think you worked at a linux heel desk before04:28
=== IcedKiwi [rockchik33@acc8-ppp236.bri.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
GammaRayodie5533: the login screen should have a choice if you hit the sessions button04:29
IcedKiwihey ppls04:29
SeeleyUSMCDoes anyone know anything about USB Flash cards?04:29
SeeleyUSMCI need to format one so I don't end up burning CDs all the time04:29
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GammaRaySeeleyUSMC: they usually come w/ fat32 in them04:29
IcedKiwithey are good04:29
^thehatsrule^compact flash?04:30
odie5533GammaRay, I want to login to both04:30
odie5533with the ctrl alt FX keys04:30
IcedKiwiwe use them at school all the time, if im thinking of the same thing as you04:30
SeeleyUSMCGammaRay: It lost its format somehow04:30
GammaRayodie5533: try running gdmflexiserver04:30
platypuscrimsun, any pain in the update process ?04:30
SeeleyUSMCGammaRay: DOS says its raw04:30
SeeleyUSMCI tried to re-format as FAT in windows so I could transfer between windows and linux04:31
GammaRaySeeleyUSMC: try mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 but make sure that's thee right device04:31
SeeleyUSMCGammaRay: one more problem, how do I find out where my USB card is at?04:31
SeeleyUSMCI have 3 USB ports on my laptop and don't knw where to look04:31
^thehatsrule^lol guess04:31
=== pinPoint reformatting: hoping install will pickup card
^thehatsrule^choose the middle - its scd2 !04:32
^thehatsrule^or w/e it is in ubuntu...04:32
^thehatsrule^#2 is middle usually04:32
ahijahquestion.... i have my adapter pluged into my pci usb hub.... would that be a problem in finding it?04:33
IcedKiwiit doesnt matter what port, as long as it works04:33
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IcedKiwiunless your using particular specifications04:33
crimsunplatypus: you need to then, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:34
crimsunplatypus: the dist-upgrade worked flawlessly for me04:34
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odie5533I am setting the sound driver for a program, it wants a /dev/something, what do I set it to?04:34
floresgis there a great difference between mandrake 10.2 and ubuntu hoary?04:34
^thehatsrule^/dev/dsp ?04:34
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Xenguyfloresg: rpm vs. deb...04:35
Xenguyfloresg: kde vs. gnome04:35
geneo93floresg:  yes hoary has kde 3.404:35
GammaRayXenguy: kde? how do you figure?04:35
odie5533It isnt liking it04:35
XenguyGammaRay: MDK was KDE by default IIRC; Ubu is GNOME by default04:36
GammaRaymandrake supports kde and gnome about the same in my opinion04:36
XenguyGammaRay: I don't use it, I just know that when MDK was originally released, it focused on KDE04:36
GammaRaymdk used to be "redhat w/ kde" but no longer04:36
geneo93mandrake give you more install options04:37
ax75actually KDE is supporteed much more in MDK04:37
=== IcedKiwi [rockchik33@acc8-ppp236.bri.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
GammaRayax75: how so?04:37
IcedKiwik im back04:37
^thehatsrule^bleh, both have its uses04:37
ax75well in MDK, the GNOME is a lookalike of KDE but doesn't do what the KDE desktop does04:37
ax75they only make it look the same as KDE, but doesn't even work04:38
regeyadistributions should leave the desktops alone, really.04:38
IcedKiwiwhat is the difference between GNOME and KDE?04:38
regeyamdk butchers gnome, redhat butchers kde.  it shouldn't be necessary.04:38
JDigitalGNOME is better04:38
GammaRayhuh? I never thought they were trying to make it look like kde.. and the unified theme they use looks like neigther04:38
regeyait's a matter of opinion.  personally, when I use GNOME, I think it looks nice but it feels a bit like MacOS 8.04:39
odie5533is there any other /dev/ for audio besides dsp?04:39
IcedKiwiive only got GNOME so i cant really comment04:39
IcedKiwithere are worse things on this planet than a MacOS04:39
regeyawhen some people use KDE, they feel overwhelmed by (admittedly) bad design and (admittedly) way too many features just right there in your face.04:40
GammaRayregeya: I just don't agree that mdk butchers gnome04:40
jduboh dudes04:40
IcedKiwipersonally, i want to try MacOSX04:40
jdublet's not do the gnome v. kde thing here04:40
regeyapersonally I prefer KDE, but not everyone does; oh, whatever, just let me use my KDE desktop in peace. :-)04:40
IcedKiwiim gonna go get a cup of tea...04:40
gratuitgive me twm or give me death!04:40
regeyaIcedKiwi: there are things that GNOME gets right that Apple doesn't.  It's nice, but most people see the eye candy and think it'll be just balls.04:40
ax75hehe twm04:41
GammaRayI think we can all agree on that!04:41
Xenguygratuit: hah04:41
ahijahok i found the adapter in the device manager... not haw do i install a driver for it? device manager doesnt have any comands for that04:41
mdzahijah: what is the make/model of the device?04:42
=== UdeS-ppc [~UdeS-ppc@modemcable059.168-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
GammaRayI liek certain things about kde but I always am pissed when I run into a wall trying to make it work like xfce or gnome04:42
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ahijahlinksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter04:42
floresgso, if i use mandrake w/ kde and kubuntu, there will essentially be little to no difference04:43
maxcheedoes anyone know how to get nautilus and gnome desktop to auto refresh?04:43
maxcheegnome has the same annoying bug as win2k04:43
IcedKiwiim back04:43
GammaRayfloresg: it's mainly focus04:43
IcedKiwimy electric jug overflowed, so now im gonna have to get a new one...04:43
geneo93floresg:  i told you the diff mandrake is locked at kde 3.3.2 and hoary is kde 3.404:44
GammaRayfloresg: mandrake seems to focus on all desktops and as much software as possible.. while ubuntu focuses on gtk and gnome04:44
=== ahijah whistles jepordy theme
GammaRayatleast that's my opinion04:44
UdeS-ppcHi all!  What do I need to type to reconfigure my xfree86?04:44
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IcedKiwihow do u get that yellow thing behind your text?04:45
=== Planar [~alucard@cpc3-cove3-5-0-cust169.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
GammaRaydpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 I think04:45
maxcheeGammaRay: KDE is supposed to be windows like and while I don't agree with its ways of making everything under the sun configuration, it actually works well (unlike gnome, which always leaves quite a bit to be desired)04:45
geneo93mandrake pretty much sucks anymore04:45
UdeS-ppcGammaRay, thanks I'll try that:)04:45
ax75i'm gonna move from fedora to ubuntu...04:45
ax75had enough of fedora04:45
IcedKiwiwhy would you want to make something look like windows is what im thinking...04:45
jdubdudes, the gnome v. kde discussion is best had elsewhere thanks04:46
JDigitalgnome is awesome04:46
IcedKiwieach to her/his own...04:46
JDigitallots of people whose names are like jd*04:46
maxcheegnome v. kde is lame. I am just hoping that they would share the same drawing library, audio sink etc., so that we have less libraries and dependancies to maintain04:47
UdeS-ppcGammaRay: it tells me package 'xserver-xfree86' is not installed and no info is available04:47
GammaRaymaxchee: I perfer smooth operation and configuration to "a mess" and I'm not that convinced that gnome really is that unconfigurable04:47
ax75if kde and gnome unified to become one, then it'll be the ultimate desktop solution04:47
crimsunUdeS-ppc: Hoary?04:47
IcedKiwimy ex's initials were DJ04:47
floresgif i were to use ubuntu (w/ gnome), could i install kde type programs, like kdevelop, and kwrite, and still use gnome?04:47
crimsunUdeS-ppc: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:47
maxcheeGammaRay: they problem is not with configuration. Gnome doesn't even have proper menu editing and Dnd04:47
UdeS-ppcI killed the X11 session since I had bad graphics04:47
jdubmaxchee: elsewhere please04:48
GammaRayUdeS-ppc: well the name may be wrong.. try dpkg -l | grep -i xfree04:48
IcedKiwiis there anything out there thats different? something we havent seen before, and there isnt any equivelent of?04:48
GammaRaymaxchee: that's certainly something to complain about04:48
GammaRaymaxchee: but I'm glad they atleast are taking their time and doing it right04:49
UdeS-ppccrimsun, that is correct, thank you for the info!04:49
geneo93IcedKiwi:  yeah BeOS04:49
PacoBCNNautilus upgrade...04:50
geneo93goto bebit.com for sample04:50
PacoBCNI'd like to know what's new/fixed04:50
geneo93bebits.com sorry04:50
GammaRayIcedKiwi: I know.. tiffani amber thiessen04:50
IcedKiwiGammaRay- who?04:51
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@ip68-111-124-240.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntunone here eh ??04:51
akkWhat kernel does hoary use?  The installer kinda munched my /boot, and I'm trying to reconstruct menu.lst.04:51
GammaRayIcedKiwi: her --> http://www.angelfire.com/va2/Octavian/Tiffani_Amber_Thiessen.jpg04:51
ubuntuill be damned this werks!!!!04:52
mlambieHas anyone used ubuntu with SunRay thin clients?04:52
IcedKiwiwho is she?04:52
PacoBCNugly girl04:52
mlambieIcedKiwi: she used to be on Baywatch04:52
PacoBCNher face is wider than Arnold04:52
=== GammaRay slaps PacoBCN around a bit
IcedKiwiim too young to remember that04:53
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IcedKiwianyway, its not like i'd go out of my way to look at other females...04:53
ubuntulive cd ,,,,just burned it,,,,downloaded iso last night04:53
PacoBCNI see nicer girls by the street everyday04:53
ahijahi have a Linksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter.. device manager finds it but doesn't know what it is... it's labled at unknown usb device... i think i have drivers for it but i dont know how to install them..04:53
IcedKiwiideas for clothes, maybe, but im straight04:54
GammaRayPacoBCN: like the hookers eh?04:54
PacoBCNGammaRay, nop, just like Barcelona ;)04:54
akkubuntu: could you do me a favor, tell me what kernel uname -a says it has?04:54
odie5533Does anyone here know how to run KDE and Gnome on Ubuntu with the CTRL ALT F1 Keys?04:54
mlambiemlambie@stormshadow:~$ uname -r04:54
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PacoBCNwhere even an ugly guy like me can have a model as gfriend04:54
akkThanks, mlambie04:54
mlambiethat's hoary btw04:55
ubuntulemmie see if i can find the damn shell04:55
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
akkHmm, I guess it must not have written its kernel to /boot.  The newest I have there is 2.6.10-4-38604:55
maxcheewill ubuntu ever include reiserfs4?04:56
ubuntu2.6.10 kernel !!!04:56
mrevelleI'm having trouble installing the package python-serial on a fresh install of the hoary preview.  I'm new to synaptic/apt-get but I added the Ubuntu repositories and the package, python-serial, still isn't showing up in a search.  I know that's the name of the package because of a google search04:56
ahijahi have a Linksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter.. device manager finds it but doesn't know what it is... it's labled at unknown usb device... i think i have drivers for it but i dont know how to install them..04:56
GammaRayIcedKiwi: well maybe they will jog your memory http://www.boreme.com/bm/MAY03/a/t_dh/info_pic1.jpg04:56
PacoBCNbtw, I see many applets that aren't really useful added in the default installation while some other, really great like net speed are not included04:56
IcedKiwihas anyone got a spare (real) modem they'd like to get rid of? or any other hardware for that matter04:57
ubunturun as root and run updatedb04:57
crimsunmrevelle: apt-cache policy python-serial04:57
akkThe hoary installer gets really unhappy trying to deal with a /boot partition that's been previously written to by FC3.04:57
IcedKiwiwhat year did baywatch finish?04:57
=== mlambie just installed python-serial
GammaRayIcedKiwi: it certainly burned my eye out04:57
crimsunmlambie: yeah, just doesn't have universe refreshed.04:57
NeoChaosXhey, does anyone who uses VLC have video corruption with some WMVs?04:57
maxcheeNeoChaosX: are your files corrupt?04:58
NeoChaosXnope, the file plays fine in other players04:58
GammaRayIcedKiwi: 2001 it seems04:58
maxcheeNeoChaosX: mplayer?04:58
GammaRayIcedKiwi: http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-115/04:58
NeoChaosXyeah, it plays fine in mplayer04:58
NeoChaosXit'll play in totem-xine but iwth some serious audio sync problems04:58
mrevellecrimsun, thanks.. says installed: none and candidate: none04:58
crimsunmrevelle: please uncomment/add the universe repository, then refresh04:59
NeoChaosXVLC is the only player I've found that doesn't have audio sync troubles with all my files04:59
NeoChaosXi dunno where in VLC to go to fix the corruption04:59
IcedKiwii wasnt even conceived when it started on air05:00
maxcheeNeoChaosX: their bugzilla05:00
maxcheeNeoChaosX: and submit the file05:00
NeoChaosXI see, I'll try that05:00
IcedKiwiand i was only 10 years only when it finished05:00
mrevellecrimsun, thanks05:00
crimsunmrevelle: np05:00
=== sabmoc yawns
sabmocevening ubunters05:01
SeeleyUSMCErm, how do I see if my computer is detecting the USB drive?05:01
maxcheeNeoChaosX: http://bugzilla.videolan.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/index.cgi05:01
ahijahi have a Linksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter.. device manager finds it but doesn't know what it is... it's labled at unknown usb device... i think i have drivers for it but i dont know how to install them..05:01
crimsunsabmoc: pong05:02
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GammaRayIcedKiwi: you sure make me feel old.. which is pretty strange for 21...05:02
IcedKiwiwhat os are you using Seeley05:02
SeeleyUSMCahijah: I'm having trouble with USB and also my wireless NIC too I hear you brother05:02
IcedKiwiwell i am 13, GammaRay, i tend to have that effect on people05:02
SeeleyUSMCIcedKiwi: I have ubuntu hoary and windows xp05:02
sabmoccrimsun, ping ? sup05:02
=== WW [~wweckesse@cpe-24-59-199-217.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
IcedKiwiwhat are you using when you are trying to use the usb device?05:03
crimsunsabmoc: nada.  You pinged earlier?05:03
=== SeeleyUSMC is starving
ahijahi'm 17!!!05:03
SeeleyUSMCIcedKiwi: Nothing.  I don't know what do do to access it05:03
SeeleyUSMCIcedKiwi: its in raw format and windows won't let me format it05:03
SeeleyUSMCfigured i might be able to in linux05:03
=== odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-164-243-14.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sabmoccrimsun, did I? hmm.. dont remember why05:03
SeeleyUSMCbrb, I NEED something to eat05:03
IcedKiwican u put a html doc on it?05:03
sabmoccrimsun, has girl been back today?05:04
crimsunsabmoc: "girl"?05:04
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=== perhe [~perheh@v059a.studby.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu
ZeppI just installed kubuntu and i keep getting sound error saying can't find /dev/dsp so no sound.05:04
IcedKiwiis anyone here into programming?05:05
ZeppAnyone else had similar issues?05:05
crimsunZepp: cat /proc/asound/modules05:05
ZeppIcedKiwi, I enjoy it, but I am only learning05:05
WWIcedKiwi: A bit...05:05
GammaRayIcedKiwi: I got my arm stuck in it a few times05:05
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maxcheeIcedKiwi: yes, and unfortuantely, my fav. lang. is java05:05
sabmoccrimsun, they was spamming the irc channel yesterday with profanity, uses several different names, but its always the same address girl@
GammaRaymaxchee: buhahahaha!05:05
crimsunsabmoc: oh, no idea.  Sorry.05:05
IcedKiwii want to learn, but i dont know what langague to start in05:05
maxcheeGammaRay: Freaky...05:06
sabmoccrimsun, np, no news is good news05:06
crimsunIcedKiwi: I'd say that depends on what types of problems you'd like to resolve.05:06
GammaRayC and bash here...05:06
WWIcedKiwi: python is nice.05:06
=== maxchee called an exorcist
sabmocAny Canadians here today?05:06
maxcheesabmoc: me05:06
Zeppcrimsun, there is no asound in /proc05:06
IcedKiwii downloaded the python thing off the website, but it doesnt support my processor05:06
sabmocwhere abouts maxchee ?05:06
GammaRayCanadians? where? get 'em!05:06
crimsunZepp: what sound card?05:07
sabmocGammaRay, bring it! haha05:07
WWIcedKiwi: "the python thing"?05:07
IcedKiwicrimsun: i just want to learn the theory, and get my brain working...05:07
Zeppcrimsun, some old like sound blaster awe 64 i think :/05:07
=== maxchee digging a hole to hide himself
crimsunIcedKiwi: Try Python or Java05:07
ZeppIcedKiwi, ya i heard python is nice and easy to learn. java i haven't found bad either, but some people dont like it05:07
=== odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-164-243-14.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IcedKiwiWW: the installer thing for the compiler, i think05:08
akkPython is nice, definitely.05:08
sabmocmaxchee, Im tring to round up interest in a canadian portal for ubuntu, focus on promoting ubuntu in the community. Any interest at all in that for you?05:08
crimsunZepp: please ensure it is an awe64.  Please paste the output from lspnp onto http://pastebin.ca05:08
maxcheesabmoc: Great!05:08
GammaRayIcedKiwi: well you are probably already running the most used language for every day tasks.. the bash shell.05:08
WWIcedKiwi: One nice thing about python is you can run python, and experiment with commands.05:08
Zeppcrimsun, ok ill double check hehe one sec05:08
sabmocmaxchee, mind if I ask what timezone your in?05:08
maxcheesabmoc: eastern05:08
IcedKiwii read on a few sites they say that java is a pain in the bum and should be learnt like 4th or 5th05:08
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maxcheeIcedKiwi: depends05:09
pinPointif Ubuntu's main focus is gtk and gnome then why is kde wireless lan manager not ported in gnome as well? isnt wireless and emerging technology ubuntu should be focusing on05:09
IcedKiwiwhen i was like 7 or 8 i experimented with BASIC, but at that age i wasnt very interested05:09
maxcheeIcedKiwi: Java will prove to be a good challenge when you are trying to optimize swing apps05:09
sabmocmaxchee, ok, im pacific. Im going to put a page up on the wiki tonight if your still around I'll send you the link and if your still interested, uh.. I dunno! haha.05:09
GammaRaypinPoint: there are new wireless tools being shipped w/ gnome 2.1005:09
IcedKiwii cant do a thing with bash05:09
WWIcedKiwi: You are running ubuntu, right?  What "installer thing for the compiler" would you need for python?05:09
IcedKiwii cant use the internet on ubuntu05:10
IcedKiwior fc3, for that matter05:10
maxcheeIcedKiwi: Java is never very fast. What is sun doing?05:10
geneo93python twisted ans nevow is all you need05:10
maxcheeIcedKiwi: other than Java, try objective C05:10
Zeppcrimsun, what is pastebin.ca?05:10
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WWIcedKiwi: Ah, I see.  What are you running on?05:10
IcedKiwiobjective c?05:10
crimsunZepp: it's a web site.05:10
pinPointwhat about porting drivers for wireless nics that vendors release to the linux community05:10
IcedKiwixp home05:10
johnnybezakdo you guys have any idea why i cant have two programs using alsa simultaneously05:10
Zeppcrimsun, obviously. for? and lspnp isn't a command?05:10
maxcheeIcedKiwi: of couse, you would want to use a Mac or install GnuStep05:10
crimsunjohnnybezak: depends on your sound card.05:11
IcedKiwii wish i had a mac....05:11
johnnybezakcrimsun: its rediculous05:11
johnnybezakIcedWiki: i do ;)05:11
maxcheeIcedKiwi: Objective C is Mac OSX's native language05:11
crimsunjohnnybezak: your card is called "rediculous"?05:11
johnnybezakcrimsun: it might as well be :P05:11
maxcheeIcedKiwi: and apple uses the GCC for Objective C05:11
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IcedKiwiwhat is the difference between C, C++ and Objective C?05:11
GammaRaypinPoint: well bash programming can be very simple like: sleep 30 && rm file05:12
crimsunjohnnybezak: there was a strict design choice not to push stream multiplexing as a natively-enabled assumption05:12
GammaRayIcedKiwi: bash programming can be very simple like: sleep 30 && rm file05:12
maxcheeIcedKiwi: in the mean time (before you go out and buy a mac mini/ibook/imac/powermac/powerbook), you can use GnuStep libraries05:12
GammaRaypopey: wrong person...05:12
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johnnybezakcrimsun: how come?05:12
GammaRayoh gawd05:12
=== GammaRay dies
crimsunjohnnybezak: not all hardware can support it05:12
IcedKiwignu step libraries?05:12
pinPointGammaRay: i was gonna say... what in the name05:12
crimsunjohnnybezak: for instance, yours.05:12
johnnybezakcrimsun: hm ok05:12
maxcheeIcedKiwi: Yes05:12
IcedKiwiyou guys are all confusing me05:12
crimsunjohnnybezak: so...which sound card?05:13
johnnybezakits like powermac tumbler or something05:13
maxcheeIcedKiwi: Objective C is basically C++ done right05:13
johnnybezakcrimsun: just the one that came with the mac05:13
crimsunjohnnybezak: then try the plug:dmix virtual device05:13
WWIcedKiwi: The more I think about it, the more sense python makes... try to get it to work!05:13
=== maxchee ducks from angry mobs of C++ fans and Oc fans
crimsunjohnnybezak: kill esd/polypaudio first, of course05:13
johnnybezakcrimsun: try the what?05:13
WWIcedKiwi: And if anyone says you should learn Perl first, run away.05:13
SeeleyUSMCIcedKiwi: Device Manager shows that I have the USB mass storage Interface plugged in but I don't know how to use it/ format it05:14
maxcheeIcedKiwi: pythong is great for dynamic lang05:14
IcedKiwithey teach that at my very microsoft-loving school05:14
GammaRayIcedKiwi: or another example: for each_file in *.mp3; do rename "new order" "New Order" "$each_file"; done05:14
crimsunjohnnybezak: open xmms, choose the alsa output plugin, type "plug:dmix" in the device box05:14
IcedKiwia trained monkey could screw up the network05:14
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GammaRayIcedKiwi: it's very useful on a daily basis imho05:14
crimsunjohnnybezak: anyhow, why are you messing with this? doesn't esd/polypaudio work on your powermac?05:14
maxcheeIcedKiwi: VB is probably the eaisest for typed language05:15
maxcheeIcedKiwi: although VB.net is not much easier than java05:15
johnnybezakcrimsun: yeah it does my sound works fine, just if i have gaim playing sounds and rhythmbox one takes the sound card over and no other program can use it05:15
SeeleyUSMCAny idea why the music player won't play my MP3's on my windows partitions?05:15
Zeppcrimsun, when i do a lspci | grep -i audio. nothing even comes up05:15
crimsunZepp: not lspci, ls_pnp_05:15
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maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: gstreamer-mad installed?05:16
Zeppcrimsun, ok I will try it. thought would show up with lspci05:16
Zeppcrimsun, hang on05:16
crimsunZepp: not if it's an awe64, which is isa.05:16
IcedKiwiyour all making me more confused...05:16
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: this is all default stuff.  i can't even access the net wit it yet05:16
DonLme too IcedKiwi05:16
johnnybezakIcedKiwi: its a linux irc channel what do you expect :)05:16
Zeppcrimsun, ya i just opened side panel and was like ahh what the hell this thing looks to be isa. not even pci. bah05:16
Zeppstupid old hardware05:17
IcedKiwihow do u get that yellow thing?05:17
maxcheeIcedKiwi: VB, Java, C, C++, Python are probably the most common ones used05:17
SeeleyUSMCDevice Manager shows that I have the USB mass storage Interface plugged in but I don't know how to use it/ format it05:17
ahijahi have a Linksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter.. device manager finds it but doesn't know what it is... it's labled at unknown usb device... i think i have drivers for it but i dont know how to install them..05:17
maxcheeSeeley: how come?05:17
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crimsunSeeleyUSMC: /dev/sda is the device.  The partition will be /dev/sda1 if you've formatted it.05:17
IcedKiwiis C++ just a better version of C or something?05:17
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: because my atheros isn't working out of the box as promised05:17
akkIt's a superset of C but it ends up being pretty different05:18
maxcheeIcedKiwi: A more complicated and OOP-enabled version of c05:18
GammaRayc++ has built in OOP... which is a plus or a minus based on your opinion05:18
johnnybezakc++ is object oriented c isnt it05:18
maxcheeIcedKiwi: Although not strictly a superset of c05:18
IcedKiwithe definition of object oriented please? anyone?05:18
crimsunC++ doesn't force you to use the OOP paradigm at all.05:18
SeeleyUSMChow do I format the USB drive?05:18
jnoonis it possible to disable ipv6 COMPLETELY at install time with a boot command line option?  during install it doesnt detect my DHCP the first time, which I know from experience leads to a very slow connection after install05:18
GammaRayIcedKiwi: it's very hard to define05:18
DonLI'd dearly love to know all this stuff.05:18
maxcheeIcedKiwi: you are not dealing with functions, you deal with objects05:18
Zeppcrimsun, lspnp or ls_pnp_ aren't commands :/05:19
=== WW recalls hearing that Ruby is also an excellent language, perhaps even nicer than python.
GammaRayIcedKiwi: a beginning programmer has no intrest in it for sure05:19
crimsunZepp: lspnp is the command.05:19
johnnybezakDonL: do a computer course then :)05:19
crimsunZepp: dpkg -l pcmcia-cs|grep ^ii05:19
IcedKiwilike things that like work seperate but can work together or something?05:19
maxcheeIcedKiwi: my java book claim that OOP is also good for beginners05:19
crimsunIcedKiwi: do you ever get hungry?05:19
DonLYeah, johnnybezak , I'd love to do that too, but there are things in the way of doing that.05:19
maxcheeIcedKiwi: at least polymorphism is cool05:19
IcedKiwii had lunch an hour ago05:19
Zeppcrimsun, lspnp wasn't there. ill try other thing05:19
GammaRaymaxchee: well they are full of crap (-;05:20
calca beginner should be learning x86 assembly not OOP ;)05:20
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akkmaxchee: C++ is a fairly complex language; I wouldn't want to start a beginning programmer on it.05:20
crimsunIcedKiwi: did you think of eating a meal, or did you think of walking to the store then buying a sandwich then opening the wrapper then ...?05:20
johnnybezakDonL: then just buy some books :)05:20
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IcedKiwii made some 2 minute noodles05:20
maxcheeakk: that's why beginner programmers use java05:20
SeeleyUSMChow do I format the USB drive? Anyone?05:20
maxcheeakk: everything is built in a lib05:21
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: what filesystem would you like to use?05:21
DonLjohnnybezak, the word buy is a problem right now05:21
maxcheeakk: and it's more academic than .Net05:21
crimsunIcedKiwi: but did you think of it as a meal and/or a snack?05:21
GammaRayoop is just a strange abstracted (and unproven) way of looking at programming05:21
SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: fat so i can switch between linux and windows05:21
Zeppcrimsun, no packages pcmcia-cs found05:21
IcedKiwibut i have like snacks in between meals05:21
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akkmaxchee: Java's simpler and cleaner, for teaching programming, though something like python or js would be simpler still.05:21
johnnybezakDonL: well looks like the internet is all youve got left there is probably some wiki textbook05:21
IcedKiwimetabolism issues05:21
maxcheeakk: that's true05:21
DonLjohnnybezak, I'm investigating that right now05:22
crimsunIcedKiwi: see? you used OOP already.05:22
=== ahijah asks "Question.... does UBUNTU have any real USB support whatsoever?????"
maxcheeakk: typeless languages removes the problem of choosing the right type05:22
crimsunIcedKiwi: the object is the "meal"05:22
akkmaxchee: Yes, I wish there was something like a typed python.  That would be perfect.05:22
jnoonis it possible to disable ipv6 COMPLETELY at install time with a boot command line option?  during install it doesnt detect my DHCP the first time, which I know from experience leads to a very slow connection after install05:22
crimsunIcedKiwi: your "meal" is composed of "2 minute noodles"05:22
calcahijah: er yea i use a usb key/mou every day on ubuntu05:22
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maxcheeGammaRay: most people find that book to be very useful05:23
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nicedreamsanyone know if the ubuntu team knows about the performance and sound problems with preview 1 and is there a fix for now?05:23
IcedKiwiok.... and the connection between a high-sodium 'food' and a computer is what?05:23
maxcheeakk: that would improve performance. But python is never meant for a truly performance apps05:23
=== ahijah asks "Question.... if you can use USB devices... how do you install the drivers for one"
crimsunnicedreams: "performance and sound problems with preview 1"?05:23
akkmaxchee: People who use it for big apps seem to say it's pretty fast.  But I've never worked on a big python app myself.05:23
crimsunahijah: you don't (usually) need to install drivers. What usb device?05:24
crimsunnicedreams: describe?05:24
akkmaxchee: I expect it's probably faster than java ...05:24
GammaRaymaxchee: well I'm sure they burn most of their brain cells just understanding OOP instead of learning how to program. two seperate things.05:24
WWahijah: I have a printer, a scanner, and an external hard drive connected with USB.  So at least there is *some* USB support. :)05:24
calcahijah: you don't they are already available if they are available period05:24
nicedreamsother people have said they are experiencing the same thing05:24
ahijahi have a Linksys WUSB11 usb 802.11b wireless network adapter.. device manager finds it but doesn't know what it is... it's labled at unknown usb device... i think i have drivers for it but i dont know how to install them..05:24
nicedreamsin gnome, it says can not play audio device05:24
nicedreamsi install fluxbox and sound plays fine05:24
maxcheeakk: I would never understand why python is faster than java. Sun puts too much craps in the JRE?05:24
crimsunahijah: you don't need to install any drivers.05:24
IcedKiwiis it advisable to get a cheap 2nd hand computer (like a pentium 3 or something) to practice on?05:24
nicedreamsanything i do in gnome just doesn't seem to work right...and the performance has dropped05:24
crimsunnicedreams: in gnome, did you enable the sound server?05:24
GammaRaynicedreams: odd maybe esd is getting in the way somehow05:24
nicedreamsi install the new nvidia drivers...played some games...rebooted and now it lags so bad05:24
Zeppcrimsun, no packages pcmcia-cs found?05:25
nicedreamsi can hear the intro and exit sounds05:25
akkmaxchee: Yes, too much overhead in the JVM.05:25
nicedreamsbut once inside...sound does not work05:25
maxcheeakk: I believe both have memory management. So garbage collector is slow is not the proper argument05:25
ahijahthen why cant i use my device?05:25
crimsunnicedreams: log into gnome, please05:25
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nicedreamsi'm in it with my other machine05:25
crimsunahijah: is your network interface up and running?05:25
crimsunnicedreams: pgrep esd ; pgrep polypaudio05:25
WWIcedKiwi: Does the Ubuntu LiveCD work on your computer?  If so, you could use that to start experimenting with python.05:25
ahijahno.. ubuntu says the my device is unknown05:25
DonLnicedreams, did you edit your etc/X11 file?05:25
maxcheeakk: but hopefully, with VM caching, Java will eventually be faster than python05:26
Ely__ok.. first of all I have to say I installed ubuntu hoarty coming from debian and I must say I am IMPRESSED... this thing has probably given me the best default installation out of any distro I have ever used05:26
nicedreamsDonL: just the nvidia stuff i edited05:26
nicedreamsDonL: the opengl was running fast05:26
akkmaxchee: Maybe, if sun stops adding stuff to it every few months.05:26
IcedKiwioh, ive got the os- either fc3 or ubuntu05:26
nicedreamsDonL: and now it's sloooooow05:26
IcedKiwii just cant use the internet05:26
mrevelletrying to install g++...  selecting the package called g++ says it'll go with gcc 3.3, any reason I shouldn't choose the other package that mentions g++-3.4?05:26
crimsunEly__: that was the intention.05:26
DonLnicedreams, if you don't edit the file to use the new driver, I think when you reboot, it will go back to nv05:26
nicedreamscrimsun: i get 692705:26
IcedKiwiand the python 'thingy' wont work under windows05:26
Ely__mrevelle, try installing "build-essentials"05:27
maxcheeakk: wait for GCJ, it should be able to improve the situation05:27
crimsunmrevelle: instead, install build-essential05:27
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nicedreamsDonL: it's still nvidia05:27
mrevelleEly__, thanks05:27
nicedreamsDonL: the xorg.conf looks fine05:27
nicedreamsDonL: glx gears has slown waaaaaaaaaaay down05:27
maxcheeakk: compiled java programs should be able to run with efficiency close to that of C++05:27
crimsunmrevelle: then if you want g++ 3.4, install g++-3.405:27
DonLok. I had some problems before, and that's what I learned to do05:27
crimsunnicedreams: for which?05:27
WWIcedKiwi: OK, use python in ubuntu.  You don't need the internet while you are programming (although it can be nice when you want to google or get some help).05:27
mrevellecrimsun, great, thanks05:27
SeeleyUSMCfdisk /dev/sda will let me think I can change the format to FAT32 then says I can't write to /dev/sda05:28
maxcheeakk: and it just offers a really nice way to built write-once, compile-anywhere programs05:28
nicedreamscrimsun: i ran both and it returned that...i'll do it separate then05:28
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IcedKiwii like to save a bunch of html files to a disk and run it off there05:28
Ely__man.. I'm running xorg with xcompmgr and shadows.. it runs pretty nice .. but only works with the DRI ati drivers .. anyone got it to work with the official ATI drivers?05:28
Ely__this is on a laptop mobility 9600pro05:28
nicedreamscrimsun: I get 6927 for esd and polyaudio just goes to the next line05:28
akkAnyone know what this means?  Booting from the installer cd: isolinux: DIsk error 10, AX=4280, drive EF05:28
IcedKiwiso where do i type it into?05:28
crimsunnicedreams: ok. Are your sound applications configured to use esd?05:28
akkThis disc was working earlier today, but now it won't boot.05:28
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linux_galoreEly__: official ATi drivers have lots of render options missing05:29
nicedreamscrimsun: i don't know...this is just a default install of preview 105:29
nicedreamscrimsun: i get the same problem at a workstation at work i installed it fresh on05:29
Zeppcrimsun, no idea?05:29
maxcheeseeleyusmc: tried ndiswrapper?05:29
crimsunnicedreams: for instance, does Rhythmbox work?05:29
SeeleyUSMCWhy can't I format my USB flash drive???05:29
crimsunZepp: sec, busy with too many things05:29
linux_galoreEly__: one of the reasons I only use nvidia with Linux05:29
Ely__linux_galore, it's funny how ATI calls the themselves the leader in the gfx indsutry.. as much as I love their hardware *cry*05:29
Zeppcrimsun, ok, sorry I will wait. just drop me msg/query when you free05:29
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SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: I was told to use madwifi because its made for atheros and i read a bit and it has my exact chipset05:29
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crimsunZepp: you are using hoary, correct?05:29
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Zeppcrimsun, ya the kubuntu hoary preview05:30
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Ely__linux_galore, the nvidia options for my laptop were pathetic performers in 3d05:30
SeeleyUSMCbut i want to move the files with my usb so i don't have to reboot and burn and reboot all the time and waste cds05:30
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: and it didn't work?05:30
nicedreamscrimsun: nope...  and i installed xmms to try that and it doesn't work...  So I install fluxbox and everything works fine05:30
jnoonis it possible to remove all ipv6 functionality upon install?05:30
crimsunZepp: ok, and it's an awe64?05:30
nicedreamscrimsun: same with the pc at work with the fresh install of preview 105:30
crimsunnicedreams: which output is xmms using?05:30
Zeppcrimsun, ya i am pretty sure05:30
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: I don't have it on there yet.05:30
optiksafternoon. I downloaded hoary-amd64 and it's kubuntu ... is that abnormal? or has it changed for some reason?05:30
perheIm trying to fix my wlan and when attempting to compile some stuff from ipw2200.sf.net I get "/lib/modules/ No such file or directory.  Stop." .. what can I do to fix this ?05:30
nicedreamscrimsun: was on oss and didn't work and put it on alsa and it doesn't work05:31
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: i need tomove the files from this laptop (buddies) to mine via my USB flash card but its raw and windows won't format it and i can't firgure out how in linux05:31
crimsunZepp: do this: sudo modprobe snd-sbawe isapnp=005:31
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crimsunnicedreams: now switch it to esd05:31
Zeppcrimsun, ok. one moment05:31
nicedreamscrimsun: usually i don't have an issue with ubuntu, but ever since I put preview 1 on from scratch...it's been screwy05:31
Ely__perhe, read the installation docs.. that means you need a sym link called build to your kernel source05:31
IcedKiwiwith my flash key, you didnt have to format it05:31
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IcedKiwiyou just stuck the files straight on05:31
SeeleyUSMCIcedKiwi: its lost its format somehow  and i need to reformat it05:32
nicedreamscrimsun: hmmm...works now05:32
nicedreamscrimsun: why is that?  I have it on alsa in fluxbox and it works though05:32
crimsunperhe: do you have a live Internet connection on that computer?05:32
IcedKiwihave you emailed the manufacturer05:32
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: tried plugging it into your computer?05:32
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: yes05:32
crimsunnicedreams: fluxbox does not use a sound daemon; gnome does05:32
perhecrimsun, yes, using it right now05:32
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: does it mount?05:32
crimsunperhe: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)05:32
SeeleyUSMCwindows detects it and all then says it needs to be formatted and brings up the formatting window then says it cant format05:32
linux_galoreEly__: yeah I have a buddy who has cedega (Ive got a copy too) we did some tests with some windows games, and his ATi card wouldnt render some high end render effects ie water, shadows,mist  but my fx5900 card worked fine....bit of research and we found ATi drivers dont have 64 bit render support but nvidia does in Linux05:32
nicedreamscrimsun: why did it used to work in alsa?  did they change something in preview 1?05:32
perhecrimsun, thx, will do!05:32
SeeleyUSMClinux doesnt do anything05:33
crimsunperhe: ipw2200 should work by default05:33
SeeleyUSMCit says its there in the device manager but i don't know how to access it05:33
SeeleyUSMCcrimsun: my atheros AR212 is supposed to work right out of the box too.. but look where i am05:33
crimsunSeeleyUSMC: did you ever see if it's enabled in bios?05:34
perhecrimsun, I'm having trouble at least .. can't activate my card05:34
WWIcedKiwi: By the way, Ubuntu comes with a Python book: /usr/share/doc/diveintopython/html/index.html05:34
Ely__lifeless, that's really sad to hear.. considering how their firegl line of cards are used on *nix boxes for CGI05:34
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: hav you tired mounting on linux?05:34
IcedKiwioh ok05:34
SeeleyUSMCI'm not sure how maxchee05:34
IcedKiwihow do u run a live cd?05:34
crimsunnicedreams: polypaudio was reverted to esd.05:34
perhecrimsun, I got that stuff compiled now at least, so I will continue will the install doc from the project site and see how it goes05:34
Zeppcrimsun, did that....05:35
linux_galorecedega = allows you to play windows games on Linux with next to no loss in fps speed05:35
crimsunnicedreams: polypaudio was configured to release the audio device after idle; esd wasn't by default05:35
Ely__perhe, I'm using the 2200 stuff that come with ubuntu outof the box and it works flawlessly05:35
nicedreamscrimsun: thx for the help...i'll try and fix my performance problem05:35
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: actually, try this program: http://www.universalsmartdrive.net/standard/downloads.htm05:35
=== ahijah yawns
WWIcedKiwi: Assuming your computer is set up to boot from the CD, you just put the Live CD in the drive and reboot.05:35
Ely__oops.. forgot to mention I'm using hoary beta05:35
GammaRayIcedKiwi: burn the disk and make sure your bios boots from the cd before the disk05:35
crimsunZepp: returned straight to prompt?05:35
Marble2How can I route windows from certain apps to a specific instance in gnome (you know, the 4 things in the bottom right corner? What's it called anyway)05:35
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: linux is supposed to mount the flash drive automatically (by plugging it in)05:35
Zeppcrimsun, yes05:35
linux_galoreIm downloading Kubuntu 5.0405:35
IcedKiwii always have it setup to do that05:36
IcedKiwiwhat is kubuntu?05:36
crimsunZepp: now log out and back into kde05:36
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: the links to the MSI's don't go anywhere05:36
Ely__ubuntu with KDE05:36
perheEly__, well I have no idea .. all I know is that my card won't activate .. perhaps this is not the problem then05:36
Zeppcrimsun, alright one moment05:36
linux_galoreonly getting 125k/s on the download........:-(05:36
calccrimsun: the ipw2200 drives in ubuntu kernel are pretty old05:36
Ely__perhe, ever gotten it to work in linux before??05:36
crimsuncalc: k05:36
IcedKiwii can only install one linux at a time, and today i got fc3, so naturally i installed it05:36
calccrimsun: i know for certain they don't work on amd64, but they should work on what the cards come in... centrinos ;)05:36
perheEly__, no, it's all rather new05:36
Ely__perhe, make sure the card is "on" before trying to get a lease or such05:37
Ely__perhe, what laptop?05:37
linux_galorefc3 is sooo broken.....I threw it in the bin05:37
perheEly__, gl155705:37
DonLme too, linux_galore05:37
IcedKiwii bought it for $20 AUD from the NewsAgent. I have an impulse-buying problem05:37
calcon amd64 it failed to even upload the firmware with the old driver (iirc)05:37
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IcedKiwiif i wasnt saving for a new cpu, i would have walked out with a lot more05:38
GammaRaylinux_galore: it took a couple of installs to get it working here.. the installer even crashed cuz it ran out of space05:38
Ely__perhe, is there an indicator light for your wireless showing that it's active?? on some laptops the card is not active by default in linux .. you might have to make changes in bios or turnit on manually using the switch05:38
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: Linux Format DVD version magazine has SuSE 9.2 bootable DVd version on the cover AU$2405:38
Ely__perhe, if that's all setup and dandy then we can look at the driver problem05:38
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IcedKiwii dont have a dvd drive :'(05:39
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: fully installable too05:39
njanI have 3, and I don't regularly use any of them :p05:39
perheEly__, there's a light here which will be on if the wireless is active .. but right now Im just trying to activate the card05:39
IcedKiwicare to send me one?05:39
perheEly__, If I try to activate it, then it deactivates itself autoamticly05:39
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: get a JVC DVDrom from interbyte for AUD$3505:40
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njanIcedKiwi, wouldn't be much use; all bar one are laptop dvd drives, and I can't give the one away, because it's technically not mine :p05:40
IcedKiwioh ok05:40
GammaRayis it even legal to duplicate suse cds?05:40
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DonLThanks for the chat folks. I'm off now to watch a movie05:40
njanGammaRay, probably not.05:40
=== GammaRay shudders over the thought
IcedKiwii only have $2105:40
calcGammaRay: once novell bought them they distribute the dvd at least online05:40
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: there up near thornleigh05:40
calcnot sure about cds05:40
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njanGammaRay, apart from the ftpinstall CD..05:40
IcedKiwiand its probably going on a real modem05:40
IcedKiwii just generally need a new computer05:41
MMondI am terribly lost -- trying to get LAMP going on, but having major troubles. First I installed mysql, apache, and php.. everything worked perfectly. Then I saw there was apache 2 available.. uninstalled everything, and reinstalled php, mysql, and apache2 . . . now I have apache2 working.. but the php doesn't work . . . :s . . . can anyone at least give a mere hint on where to begin tackling this problem05:41
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: live in Sydney I have a spare external05:41
=== Redwraith111 [~brian@S0106004005c36f0c.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Redwraith111Hey all05:41
IcedKiwiive had the same one, with no upgrades since 200205:41
IcedKiwiits wasnt even great, then05:41
IcedKiwii live in Brisbane05:41
GammaRayif you make me buy it that's fine.. but to have a non free license onm parts of it is just too much05:41
Redwraith111How can I get mp3's working on hoary?05:41
Redwraith111I have tried.. I cant get it05:41
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: Im in brisbane come wed05:42
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: partition magic under windows05:42
MMondRedwraith111: xmms? :s05:42
SeeleyUSMCAnyone?  I've been looking for USB and wireless help all day and been running in circles05:42
calcthey have a 67MB cd image and 3.3GB dvd image on their ftp site05:42
crimsunRedwraith111: enable the universe repo and sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad05:42
IcedKiwiim at school on wednesday05:42
Redwraith111i installed xmms05:42
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: fdisk/parted/qtparted under linux if the disk mounts05:42
Redwraith111now i broke it05:42
Redwraith111it froze on me when i tried to play an mp305:42
crimsunRedwraith111: change the output plugin to use esound05:42
Redwraith111i restarted x05:42
Redwraith111and now it wont work at all05:42
IcedKiwimaths exam that im probably gonna get a c on05:42
linux_galoregoto visit my parents just south of brisbane05:42
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: does your drive mount in gnome by simply plugging it in to your machine05:43
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linux_galoreIcedKiwi: yeah near there......forgot the suburb05:43
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: no05:43
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: they just moved into a new house in dec05:43
IcedKiwii live on the west-ish side05:43
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: own a copy of partition magic?05:43
Redwraith111that package doesnt exist05:43
IcedKiwibut my grandparents and and uncle live in the redlands05:44
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: nope but I'm sure i can "find someone who has it"05:44
IcedKiwii used to05:44
maxcheeSeeleyUSMC: have looked up your drive's manufacture's website (they might have special utilities)05:44
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MMondCan anyone help me? Or should I maybe repeat all of that again? :x05:44
SeeleyUSMCmaxchee: they don't have support downloads for it05:44
Redwraith111how can i unbreak xmms05:44
crimsunRedwraith111: restart xmms05:44
Ely__Redwraith111, use beep-media-player !!! I'm a self proclaimed promoter of that player05:44
Redwraith111I got xmms installed05:45
GammaRayRedwraith111: oh please05:45
Redwraith111now it wont open again05:45
crimsunRedwraith111: does xmms crash when you open it?05:45
Redwraith111it doesnt open anymore05:45
Ely__modern times call for a modern media player! down with gtk 1.x05:45
Redwraith111at all05:45
GammaRayEly__: oh please..05:45
IcedKiwibrb- im getting thirsty05:45
GammaRayRedwraith111: that was meant for Ely__05:45
Redwraith111i can run it from console05:45
crimsunRedwraith111: ok. Now go to preferences -> plugins -> output05:45
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crimsunRedwraith111: change it to esound05:46
GammaRayRedwraith111: the path is probably wrong in a the launcher05:46
Redwraith111esound or alsa05:46
Redwraith111my sndcard is alsa05:46
crimsunRedwraith111: esound.05:46
Redwraith111doesnt work05:46
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Redwraith111it says: make sure yada yada05:46
crimsunRedwraith111: is esd or polypaudio running?05:46
GammaRayEly__: try gtk2 sometime on my computer.. no fun05:47
Redwraith111whats that05:47
Ely__GammaRay, how fast?05:47
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: victoria point05:47
crimsunRedwraith111: open a Terminal and type: pgrep esd05:47
tsumeI installed ubuntu hoary05:47
GammaRayEly__: K6-2 266 w/ 128MB ram..05:47
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tsumeand.. sshd only starts on ::105:47
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tsumewhich is tcp505:47
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tsumeam I missing something?05:47
Ely__GammaRay, that would explain it.. but I don't blame that on GTK2 .. there is a cost for eyecandy05:47
crimsuntsume: it's both ipv4 and ipv605:47
dampjamI really messed up xorg.  Is there an easy way to run through the xorg configurator that I did when I first installed hoary?05:48
Ely__hence why we want faster computers05:48
tsumecrimsun: it only started on ::105:48
tsumecrimsun: I looked05:48
virtuald::1 == ipv6 localhost05:48
tsumevirtuald: I'm aware05:48
virtualdtsume: check the config05:48
Redwraith111thast the output i got 2512105:48
crimsuntsume: openssh-server listens on ipv4 and ipv605:48
tsumecrimsun: I know!05:48
MMondAre there any conflictions with apache2 and php4 and ubuntu? o.005:48
tsumecrimsun: its not listening on ipv4 however!05:48
crimsuntsume: tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN05:49
IcedKiwik im back05:49
crimsuntsume: ^^ doesn't appear at all?05:49
Redwraith111what else could be blocking the soundcard?05:49
JDahlMMond, I use it without problems05:49
tsumetcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN05:49
maxcheedampjam: X-configuration05:49
maxcheedampjam: xorgcfg05:49
tsumeonly ipv6, not ipv405:49
tsumeI need ipv405:50
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: they live at victoria point05:50
crimsuntsume: then it's working just fine ... and listening on both ipv4 and ipv605:50
Redwraith111could my sblive drivers not be installed?05:50
IcedKiwii used to live there!05:50
crimsuntsume: it _is_ listening on ipv405:50
ahijahI have Ubuntu Version 4.10... has there been a kernal update recently?05:50
Ely__anyone knows how I can get codecs for totem?? the default installation of totem doesn't seem to be able to play divx files05:50
tsumecrimsun: I don't think so05:50
MMondJDahl: Any chance you can spare a sec to view my problem? -->  -- trying to get LAMP going on, but having major troubles. First I installed mysql, apache, and php.. everything worked perfectly. Then I saw there was apache 2 available.. uninstalled everything, and reinstalled php, mysql, and apache2 . . . now I have apache2 working.. but the php doesn't work . . . :s05:50
Ely__I search apt universe sources and no luck05:50
crimsuntsume: I _know_ so.05:50
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: I used to live at Jamboree Heights when i was there05:50
tsumecrimsun: it means its listening on tcp6 only05:50
IcedKiwiI live near Indooroopilly05:51
tsumecrimsun: and if it doesn't, then that means linux's netstat is broken05:51
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Redwraith111will a restart help at all?05:51
tsumecrimsun: I can telnet to the ipv6, not ipv405:51
Zeppcrimsun, seems to be sound in kde now. you how can i have module load at boot always now? or will it05:51
SiRrUsgood evening gentlemen05:51
crimsuntsume: sshd listens on all interfaces by default05:51
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: lol my mum used to drag me around the shopping center at indoorpilly.......used to be nice and new back then05:51
tsumecrimsun: by default yes05:51
crimsunZepp: echo snd-sbawe | sudo tee -a /etc/modules05:51
atekhow come when i try to install a plugin for mozilla i get that i couldnt get to E:?05:51
tsumecrimsun: then this means something is messing up with this "default" system05:51
IcedKiwii go there at least twice a week05:51
=== ahijah asks "whats the lates version of ubuntu out?"
JDahlMMond, maybe you forgot to install libapache2-mod-php4? that's a typical mistake05:52
IcedKiwiits got everything but a competent computer shop05:52
crimsuntsume: ,,telnet localhost 22'' does what?05:52
maxcheedampjam: this is probably safer: apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg05:52
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: they still have the big water feature in the middle or did they dump that05:52
maxcheedampjam: this is probably safer: apt-get --reinstall install xorg-common05:52
SiRrUsahijah check the topic ;)05:52
tsumecrimsun: hangs05:52
IcedKiwinot at indro05:52
tsumeand I see why :)05:52
IcedKiwithey have one at carindale though05:52
odie5533Does anyone know how to run gnome and kde at the same time?05:52
JDahlMMond, there shouldn't be anything to it... just install apache2 and libapache2-mod-php4 and you're set to go05:52
tsumethere is no ipv4 address assigned to localhost by install default05:53
linux_galoreIcedKiwi: must have removed it05:53
tsumetheres something wrong here05:53
crimsuntsume: there absolutely are, or several things will break horridly05:53
maxcheedoes anyone who the relationship between xrender, dri and openfl?05:53
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tsumecrimsun: theres something really wrong here05:53
crimsuntsume: something happened on _your_ install05:53
maxcheesorry, opengl05:53
tsumecrimsun: I know its localhost05:53
tsumecrimsun: sshd is getting confused I think05:53
linux_galoremaxchee: here all different05:53
Redwraith111anyone have any ideas on the sound?05:53
IcedKiwiwhat does it mean when there is a yellow background to someones text?05:53
crimsuntsume: what does the following do: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart05:54
MMondI was hoping it would had been that easy.. almost Windows style - checking off a few things on Synaptic and I'm good to go.. with apache it was pretty simply, but there seem to be a lot more troubles now that I've installed a few more mods.. I'm getting nasty port errors and whatnot - and I haven't even touched anything everything is at defauly-- or should be..05:54
maxcheelinux_galore: what does xrender do then?05:54
optiksafternoon. I downloaded hoary-amd64 and it's kubuntu ... is that abnormal? or has it changed to kde for some reason?05:54
atekhow come when i try to install a plugin for mozilla i get that i couldnt get to E:?05:54
crimsunRedwraith111: what error did you get with xmms (esd output)?05:54
Redwraith111the one about the resourse being busy05:54
crimsunRedwraith111: with esound?05:54
Redwraith111and in terminal i get the error :05:54
tsumecrimsun: still hangs ;)05:54
MMondsimple* default*05:54
atekhow come when i try to install a plugin for mozilla i get that i couldnt get to E:?05:54
tsumeI'm curious why sshd doesn't want to listen on 127.1 2205:54
Redwraith111nothing.. but it says device busy05:55
linux_galoremaxchee: opengl is in direct competition to Direct X  dri is a low level render option think hardware and xrender is a software render option05:55
Redwraith111Coudnt open audio05:55
tsumeit does in fact listen on
Redwraith111check that your sound card is installed properly etc05:55
IcedKiwiwhats that number?05:55
maxcheelinux_galore: so xrender pairs up with dri and mesa pairs up with native open driver?05:55
crimsunRedwraith111: what was the output of ''pgrep esd,, ?05:55
JDahlMMond, I've never had problems... but I havent had both apache1.3 and apache2 installed on the same time. The "no-brainer" solution could be to purge everything related to apache and start over with only apache2.005:55
crimsuntsume: please paste me the output of ,,ip a'' (sanitise if you're paranoid)05:56
linux_galoremaxchee: well dri is often not activated with some drivers its built in.....mesa is just another lib05:56
crimsun(in private or in #flood)05:56
tsumecrimsun: minute, let me ask another question05:56
tsumeis sshd installed by default?05:56
crimsunyou need to install openssh-server.05:57
tsumecrimsun: I don't remember the install menu05:57
tsumecrimsun: oh05:57
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Zeppcrimsun, any idea why sometimes sound will play or not play sorta. or will like cut out. kinda like something else is using the audio device or takes it over :/05:57
tsumecrimsun: my friend was installing ubuntu, hence the questions I couldn't answer05:57
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IcedKiwiHey DarthFrog05:57
DarthFroghi IcedKiwi05:57
IcedKiwidid you get some sleep?05:57
micmurHey all05:57
IcedKiwior food05:57
Redwraith111that is the output of pgrep esd05:57
crimsunZepp: I need much more information, for instance any errors displayed regarding sound and which applications...05:57
DarthFrogIcedKiwi: Just came back from dinner out. :-)05:57
linux_galoreyeah need openssh-server and port 22 open to get a remote host login to the localhost05:57
DarthFrogIcedKiwi: It's 9 pm here.05:57
IcedKiwihow was it?05:57
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IcedKiwiits 3pm here05:58
linux_galoreSun Mar 20 16:02:23 EST 200505:58
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Zeppcrimsun, no errors. and just kaffeine. was trying to just play some wav grabbed off net to test. sometimes it seems like it would play and others it played but nothing came out :/05:58
crimsunRedwraith111: ok, good.  Now please do this in a Terminal: cat /proc/asound/modules05:58
MMondJDahl: What I have been doing is a complete removal of everything related to anything of this sort.. proxy settings, apache, php, etc., and doing a complete fresh install.. but I think I might had missed something .. apache2 is currently working, but when I try to go to a php file.. I get the stupid "save dialog" . . . I can't figure out what else it could be..05:58
micmurAnybody familar with alsa?05:58
crimsunmicmur: what's up?05:58
tsumeubuntu is nice05:58
maxcheewill gnome & gtk support dnd in its filechooser widget in a future version?05:58
micmurJust the man I was looking for05:58
tsumeeverything works :05:58
Redwraith1110 snd_intel8x005:58
Redwraith1111 snd_emu10k105:58
micmurHow are you doing?05:59
crimsunmicmur: not bad, being bombarded. Yourself?05:59
linux_galorelol Ubuntu servers seem to be getting hammered right now05:59
micmurPretty good thanks05:59
crimsunRedwraith111: lsmod|grep ^snd_intel8x0m05:59
JDahlMMond, just removing with either "apt-get remove" or synaptic wont help... you need dpkg --purge to remove all debconf information from the apt database05:59
maxcheeI expect to be able to drag a file from the filechooser to the trash applet05:59
micmurcrimsun: Here's the problem05:59
maxcheeor the desktop05:59
maxcheeor any folders05:59
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MMondJDahl: I am a total nub at this -- where exactly do I place the php files? :s05:59
micmurcrimsun: I have sound but when I boot the sound is severely distorted. Also happens when I use mplayer05:59
linux_galoreack another 2 hours for Kubuntu06:00
MMondI am a total nub to linux/ubuntu/apache/php/mysql . . . :x06:00
micmurcrimsun: In mplayer, I can't change sound output to esd either...and xmms only works with OSS06:00
Redwraith111im using the sndblaster though..06:00
crimsunmicmur: even with mplayer -ao esd ?06:00
JDahlMMond, the php files go the same places as html files (e.g., ~www-data on a fresh install)06:00
micmurmplayer doesn't have that option06:00
goxyhey i have intel 536ep modem and this not work help me06:01
crimsunRedwraith111: apparently alsa's primary device is the onboard ac97 in your situation, not the sblive.06:01
micmurcrimsun: I only have mpegp, oss, null, or pcm as options in mplayer06:01
crimsunRedwraith111: what was the output of that command I gave you?06:01
=== IcedKiwi-im [rockchik33@acc2-ppp188.for.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
IcedKiwi-imone thing i've noticed about irc is that you dont as many weirdos giving you links for porn sites06:01
crimsunRedwraith111: are you using warty or hoary?06:01
linux_galore<-- has SB Live works fine06:01
Redwraith111i got the sndblaser to work by changing the alsa setting to the sndblaser instead of default06:02
IcedKiwi-imits IcedKiwi, but i got disconnected and had to get a new name...06:02
Redwraith111my onboard doesnt seem to want to work and it was default06:02
Redwraith111how can i get x or gnome to make a sound and see if it works?06:02
MMond(e.g., ~www-data on a fresh install) <-- Could you please elaborate that? /06:02
crimsunRedwraith111: echo "options snd-intel8x0 index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base06:02
holycowIcedKiwi, sure, you just the fat fucks masquarading as 12 year old girls06:02
micmurcrimsun:I go to play a quicktime file from apple.com and get video but very distorted and choppy sound06:02
holycow40 year old fat fucks even06:02
crimsunRedwraith111: type that entire command into the Terminal06:02
IcedKiwi-imim actually1306:02
Redwraith111i did06:02
JDahlMMond, or ~/public_html might be saner for testing since you dont need admin privs06:02
Redwraith111options snd-intel8x0 index=-206:03
Redwraith111is output06:03
crimsunRedwraith111: good, now reboot.06:03
Redwraith111x or the entire comp?06:03
crimsunRedwraith111: reboot.06:03
Redwraith111then come back or should sound work everywhere?06:03
crimsunRedwraith111: well I'd appreciate it if you let me know either way06:04
Redwraith111then i have another question to ask yo06:04
Redwraith111about gaim switchboard errors06:04
Redwraith111i was runing debian two days ago06:04
Redwraith111and got them06:04
Redwraith111with firestarter running06:04
MMondJDahl:, this seems to be the address for the local server, what would be the absolute path for the files, within my harddrive?06:04
Redwraith111now ubuntu is doing it too06:04
JDahlMMond, the files you see when you type "http://localhost" in firefox are stored in ~www-data... but you should test stuff in ~/public_html06:04
Redwraith111and there is no firewall06:04
linux_galore?? @ switchboard06:04
crimsunRedwraith111: ok, let's tackle the sound first.06:04
Redwraith111nvm.. they only go when u arent connected enough06:05
Redwraith111see you on the flip06:05
linux_galore<-- on gaim06:05
crimsunmicmur: what happens if you use alsa directly with mplayer?06:05
Redwraith111i dont use sudo because i set up the root account and just su06:05
IcedKiwi-imneway, linux_galore, u said u have a spare external modem?06:05
micmurcrimsun:how would I do that?06:05
JDahlMMond, of course you need to create ~/public_html and make it readable for all06:05
linux_galoreIcedKiwi yeah gathering dust06:05
ZeppHow can i use xmms with the kde sound system. kde just takes over the sound device and nothing else can play until its idle time hits and it lets go :/06:05
IcedKiwi-imcare to post it to me?06:06
linux_galoreIcedKiwi pffft06:06
linux_galorebugger that06:06
IcedKiwi-imfine then....06:06
crimsunmicmur: mplayer -ao alsa <some file>06:07
JDahlMMond, I should also mention that if you use ~/public_html, then the correct url would http://localhost/~username06:07
MMondMmm, simply plain off - what files from synaptic would I need to get LAMP going on?06:07
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Redwraith111thanks crimsun06:07
Redwraith111it works like a charm06:07
IcedKiwi-imwb, redwraith06:07
micmurcrimsun:I'll try that now...06:07
Redwraith111lets see if it works in xmms06:07
Redwraith111with the esound06:07
wpikuanyone know why a new ubunty hoary install would fail on "Stopping tasks: ===" which is during the kernel/initrd load06:07
aspuruHow come I can't get totem or wxvlc or tuxracer to use the sound?06:08
Redwraith111im really interested in learning what that DID06:08
wpikuubuntu even06:08
aspurualthough gnome uses the sound?06:08
Redwraith111like i saw the command but im really knew06:08
aspuru(same or similar problem)06:08
JDahlMMond, maybe first find a simple php test script, and make sure it works? It shouldnt be hard06:08
crimsunRedwraith111: you don't need esound in xmms06:08
crimsunRedwraith111: you can set it to oss or alsa06:08
pinPointhow do you close dselect06:08
pinPointthe ones that are 'floating'06:08
wpikuthis is amd64 too06:08
Redwraith111but what did that all "gibberish" mean06:08
Redwraith111like i cant do that by myself lol if i reinstall06:08
crimsunpinPoint: scroll down to quit and press enter06:08
Redwraith111thanks alot06:09
Redwraith111im gonna try to get my printer working06:09
Redwraith111i got it working in deb so...06:09
Redwraith111lets see06:09
pinPointcrimsun: can there be ones that are... in memory06:09
crimsunRedwraith111: that last command told alsa to choose any other command over your onboard.06:09
Redwraith111ill bb in 5 min06:09
pinPointaspuru: you got wxvlc working06:09
crimsunRedwraith111: rather, any other sound card over...06:09
MMondJDahl: Well as far as testing.. I'm simply having this put in: . . . it gives me a dialog saying "save this file," so obviously at this - php is not properly installed . . . but what would be the absolute path within my harddrive at the files?06:09
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Ubuntu Hoary preview is released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | Kubuntu Hoary preview is also released! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/preview/
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mdz at Fri Mar 18 04:20:36 2005
(micmur/#ubuntu) crimsun: Playing alsa.06:09
(micmur/#ubuntu) File not found: 'alsa'06:09
(micmur/#ubuntu) Failed to open alsa06:09
(MMond/#ubuntu) And I'm just asking the absoulte path merely out of curiousity - I can't do anything now it seems, but I would like to know :s06:10
Redwraith111wow that was insanely easy06:10
Redwraith111i didnt even have to install cups or anything@06:10
crimsunmicmur: no, you need a file06:10
crimsunmicmur: mplayer -ao alsa foo.mp306:10
linux_galoreZepp: you can use kmplayer  just kde front end to mplayer that way it sync's with artsd fine06:10
Redwraith111YES YES06:10
crimsunmicmur: like that.06:10
Redwraith111thanks all06:11
crimsunRedwraith111: np06:11
Redwraith111how can i share it with a windows PC?06:11
micmurThat's what I did...06:11
Zepplinux_galore, what about xmms?06:11
aspurupinpoint with no audio yes06:11
crimsunRedwraith111: windows pc should be able to access files on your ubuntu computer?06:11
micmurcrimsun: sudo mplayer --ao alsa /home/micmur/Music//home/micmur/Desktop/Music/u2 - how to dismantle an atomic bomb/01.u2-vertigo-rns.mp306:11
linux_galoreZepp: kde has juk  its like itunes on steroids06:11
Redwraith111i dunno.. did smb set up?06:11
crimsunmicmur: no need for sudo06:11
micmurcrimsun: that's what I typed in06:11
Zepplinux_galore, bro/family sorta used to winamp. dont know if can get them to convert haha06:11
crimsunmicmur: just -ao, not --ao06:11
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Ubuntu Hoary preview is released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | Kubuntu Hoary preview is also released! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/preview/
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mdz at Fri Mar 18 04:20:36 2005
(Redwraith111/#ubuntu) but they have to have a user account on here dont htey?06:12
(micmur/#ubuntu) crimsun: no go06:12
(Redwraith111/#ubuntu) just set it up exactly as that one (name and password?)06:12
(micmur/#ubuntu) crimsun:Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set 1024): Permission denied06:12
(micmur/#ubuntu) Try adding "echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq" to your system startup scripts.06:12
(linux_galore/#ubuntu) Zepp: well juk has an advanced play list editor plus it can build a database for all the songs and make it searchable and even hook into online databases for cd covers and artist info for the song06:12
(micmur/#ubuntu) amongst other things06:12
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crimsunmicmur: that's not a fatal error for mplayer06:13
micmurcrimsun:It's telling me that it's Playing -.06:13
micmurReading from stdin...06:13
IcedKiwi-imi need a hobby... the internet is getting boring...06:13
micmurcrimsun:but I'm getting nothing...mplayer didn't even popup06:13
linux_galoremicmur: run player at root first  is  sudo gmplayer06:13
linux_galorebet it works06:14
crimsunmicmur: I think you're using the wrong syntax06:14
ellsanyone know why when I try to print, the printer pauses and wont print06:14
micmurcrimsun:ok, now mplayer opens06:14
MMondJDahl: Mm, given up helping? o.0 Please say so if you have :x06:14
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Redwraith111icedkiwi... can you help me get my linux printer shared with windows? if your bored06:15
Redwraith111im serious :)06:16
IcedKiwi-imim not smart enought to do that06:16
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Redwraith111Well crimsun when your done I would appreciate your expertise06:16
ellsanyone know why when I try to print, the printer pauses and wont print06:16
Redwraith111Plus I like worship you now06:16
micmursudo gmplayer -ao alsa some file doesn't work. It open but still distorted sound (playing at 2x speed)06:16
IcedKiwi-imwouldnt you need file compatibility, but for a printer? or something06:16
linux_galoremicmur: trick I have with mplayer is to first run it as root then I go  sudo cp  /root/./mplayer*  /home/user_name   then sudo chown -R user_name  /home/user_name/./mplayer06:17
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Redwraith111lol guys.. here we go again06:17
Redwraith111yesterday i spent 2 hours setting up my ati drivers on deb06:17
crimsunlinux_galore: whoa, no need for all that.06:17
Redwraith111will i have to do what i did here?06:17
crimsunRedwraith111: using fglrx?06:18
Zepplinux_galore, ya I will see.06:18
JDahlMMond, I was answering a few emails... from what you describe it seems that php is not installed06:18
crimsunRedwraith111: much simpler.  Read the relevant section of http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto06:18
linux_galorecrimsun: thats not all of it then I had to copy the /etc/mplayer/codecs  file to /home/user_name/codecs.conf06:18
Redwraith111printing was a HELL of alot easier too06:18
=== IcedKiwi-im is now known as IcedKiwi
MMondJDahl: Seems so . . . plain off, what files are needed to get php on apache?06:18
IcedKiwiive spent about 10 or so hours trying to find the right thingy to make my winmodem work in Linux06:18
ZeppI think this computer needs a faster cpu haha or more ram, or both06:19
crimsunlinux_galore: not sure why you're even messing with all that.06:19
Zeppkde is a bit heavy on it. but oh well06:19
linux_galorecrimsun: then it all worked fine........plays anything as a user06:19
crimsunmicmur: please close all instances of mplayer06:19
linux_galorecrimsun: because mplayer wont built the ./mplayer stuff properly as a user06:19
IcedKiwiand nothing to show for it, either06:19
linux_galorebuilt = setup06:20
Redwraith111can i use xf86config to allow my comp to use higher res's?06:20
JDahlMMond, first please create ~/public_html and store an html file there... then use "http://localhost/~username/file.html" as the url in firefox.. that way at least you know where to store files. Otherwise type "cd ~www-data" like I mentioned06:20
crimsunmicmur: now do this: pkill esd ; pkill polypaudio ; mplayer -ao alsa ~/Desktop/Music/"u2 - how to dismantle an atomic bomb/01.u2-vertigo-rns.mp3"06:21
JDahlMMond, as for php, you just need to write "sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4"06:21
linux_galorecrap Im dont to 56k/s on this Kubuntu download06:21
crimsunmicmur: and really, you should stop pirating music ;)06:21
jnoonis it possible to remove all ipv6 functionality upon install?06:22
aspuruhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SoundProblemsHoary <--- micmur, this just solved my problems with totem :)06:22
Redwraith111guys... i have xorg!06:22
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bob2jnoon: if you think it's a problem, please just follow up to the bug06:22
Redwraith111i was gonna install the warty ones06:22
ellsanyone know why when I try to print, the printer pauses and wont print06:22
micmurcrimsun:Who said I pirated it?:)06:23
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Redwraith111im so dense sometimes06:23
Redwraith111ill see you later06:23
Ely__is there some good way to add a recycle bin to ubunto desktop?? short of using gconf editor06:23
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Ely__I find it kind of annoying that there is no icon for it06:23
Ely__or the option to turn it on rather06:23
crimsunmicmur: the filename.06:23
IcedKiwibut theres one in the lower righthand corner of the screen06:23
MMond-> root@tosh:/var/www # ls apache2-default  docbook-dsssl06:23
MMondAnd just a sec, I'll place the html file there06:23
Ely__IcedKiwi, I mean a real desktop icon06:23
MMondroot@tosh:/var/www # ls <-> apache2-default  docbook-dsssl06:24
jnoonbob2, not sure what you mean.  on install it trying to automatic detect DHCP settings and fails, but if i run it again it figures them out.  problem is is i get that "kind" of connection for the rest of the time onward06:24
micmurcrimsun:I typed it in like you put, but I'm still getting errors06:24
IcedKiwiwoudnt 'create launcher' or somthing along those lines be able to do it?06:25
crimsunmicmur: paste me in private the errors06:25
bob2jnoon: why do you think that has anything to do with ipv6?06:25
ellsanyone know why when I try to print, the printer pauses and wont print06:25
=== crimsun cleans up http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SoundProblemsHoary (many, many errors)
Ely__IcedKiwi, I tried no luck yet06:26
jnoonbob2, well, that was my best guess after reading all around, and eliminating other things it could be.  doesnt mean im 100% right, just my best guess06:26
Ely__IcedKiwi, I'm just amazed how ubuntu went against Gnome HIG without adding an undo feature for this06:26
mellinuxMan, fellas, I just found an old 10GB hard drive and now I'm dual-booting Ubuntu. This baby HAULS! I love it!06:26
micmuraspuru:thanks for the link06:26
mellinux..it beats the pants off of winXP.06:26
micmurmellinux:Welcome to the party!06:27
ellsI am dumping xp next week06:27
ellstotally ubuntu06:27
mellinuxI'm trying to figure out sound.06:27
micmurells:I'm this close to dumping xp06:27
IcedKiwithe only thing winXP beats the pants off is just about every other windows ive used...06:27
ellsmicmur, I just am fed up with it06:27
mellinuxI got GAIM to go "brrrrrrring" every time I get a message, but I can't seem to play CD's.06:27
MMondDear God . . . "Can't open file to write," that's what it says when I try to say save it in /var/www, what possible wrong could had caused this now?06:28
micmurells:You're preaching to the choir brother06:28
ellsmicmur, all the popups and with sp2, it cannot connect with wep enabled06:28
ellsmicmur, totally ridiculous06:28
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ellsmicmur, I will keep a small parition on my laptop for xp to do dvd burns, pda, and my ipod06:29
crimsunmicmur: that error's simple: the file doesn't exist.06:29
mellinuxIs there any way to make X-Chat use the PC's speakers, not the internal beeper, when I get a message or it highlights?06:29
Ely__ells, to do DVD burns?? and ipod??06:29
micmurells:only reason I still have xp is due to some web-design files i have for a client06:29
Ely__ells, can't both of those be done in linux?06:29
ellsEly_ yeap06:29
IcedKiwiat least your modems work....06:29
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JDahlMMond, you likely dont have write permissions to /var/www...06:29
mellinuxwinXP is good to keep for the things that are for the masses06:29
ellsEly_ I cannot do total copies yet06:29
mellinux.. like the iPod06:29
mellinux, which i have.06:29
micmurcrimsun:just wanted to make sure I'm not reading things incorrectly-which is the norm for me at this point, lol06:29
ellsEly_ dont know how to compress to put on 4.706:29
mellinuxAnd I'm going to use winXP for my iPod until I figure out how to use Ubuntu with it.06:30
Ely__ells, I'm sure I have seen a couple of apps that do that automatically06:30
MMondUbuntu is extremely confusing to me.. how can I do this? Should I just save the file in desktop, and move it to there from root term?06:30
ellsmicmur,  just bought a 120 gig drive from tiger direct for 40 bucks06:30
ellsEly_ can you pass one on to me06:30
micmurwhat kind?06:30
ellsmicmur: good bargain, maxtor06:30
DarthFrogells: Refurb?06:30
ellsonly 540006:30
Ely__MMond, that's why they should make turning on desktop icons really easy06:30
ellsDarthFrog,  naw new06:30
ellsmicmur, I believe it is ide06:31
micmuri have a 120GB Maxtor sata in here06:31
ellsmicmur: I came across it the other night06:31
=== sabmoc searches for beer
ellsDarthFrog, could not pass it up06:31
micmurcrimsun:you going to be around tonight?06:31
crimsunmicmur: for a bit longer, yes.06:31
DarthFrogells:  Holy smokes.  I just checked tigerdirect.ca.  They have the same drive for CDN$49.97.06:31
micmurcool, gotta go for a bit06:31
ellsDarthFrog, this will give me 150 gig of space06:31
omniscientwhere are the .deb files kept that apt downloads?06:32
ellsDarthFrog, see06:32
micmurcrimsun:as always, thanks for the help!06:32
DarthFrogells: I have a 200 gigger and a 120 gigger. Not short of space. :-)06:32
=== darkx is now known as dark
ellsDarthFrog, read the fine print, you will have to send in one rebate i think06:32
ellsDarthFrog, I only have a 30 on this desktop06:32
ellsDarthFrog, it is setup so I can access ssh from school06:33
mellinuxI'm overwhelmed at how fast this sucker is. Ubuntu flied on my old Pentium II laptop with ~180MB of RAM, but with a Athlon XP 2800+ and a gig of Mushkin RAM, this baby HAULS! Yesssss.06:33
helio1There are two packages in the Hoary update (libfaad2-0 and libxvidcore4) from the netim repositories that return the GPG error: "NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907 (tailed)"  Should I accept them regardless or edit my repositories?06:33
DarthFrogells: That's very convenient.06:33
ellsDarthFrog, I goto college and dont want to drag all my files around06:33
ellsDarthFrog, just makes life easier06:33
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ellsDarthFrog, even my kids are converts. They want Xp of this machine06:34
DarthFrogells: Yeah, it is after rebate.  CDN$69.97 before rebate.06:34
MMondNow ..  . what is the command to move file from one place to another..  /home/user/Desktop/text.html to /var/www . . .06:34
ellsDarthFrog,  still not bad06:34
Ely__anyone knows a package equivilant to "mscorefonts" in debian?06:34
darkmv orig new06:34
IcedKiwixp is a suped up 9806:34
IcedKiwibut slightly more stable :D06:35
MMondmv /home/user/Desktop/test.html /var/www/ -- would that work, omniscient?06:35
sabmocDarthFrog, https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/CanadianTeam06:35
Ely__I need the arial font from that package06:35
MMondI hope you really are omniscient :D06:35
MMondThanks you06:35
=== dark is now known as darkx
omniscientMM2_, i am.06:35
calcIcedKiwi: hmm i thought it was os2 -> nt -> 2000 -> xp06:35
ellshelio1, dont worry bout those ids06:35
helio1ells: so just DL them anyway?06:35
IcedKiwigood point06:35
MMondWell, I suppose that could be accounted for a physical error - not a mental err!06:35
ellshelio1, my partner says that like not registered or something06:35
calc98 was win 1/2/3 -> 95 -> 98 -> ME -> dumpster06:36
sabmocany Canadians interested in joining the Canadian Ubuntu team?06:36
DarthFrogsabmoc: Looks interesting.06:36
JDahlMMond, what's wrong with my suggestion about storing things in your homedir under /home/username/public_html? that way you can mess around all you want messing ruining anything... also, with danger of sounding condescending: be a bit careful what you're doing with web and ftp servers if you dont know what you're doing06:36
helio1ells: thanks! and cool about your kids preferring Ubuntu over xp06:36
sabmocDarthFrog, glad you think so06:36
ellshelio1, my son is pissed at all the pop ups06:36
ellshelio1, he is cool now that thru codeweavers i got macromedia to work and quicktime06:37
IcedKiwi98 is good for one thing- making jokes that end in Gates dying06:37
calclike southpark movie :)06:37
IcedKiwiand just about every other human being very happy for a while06:37
helio1ells: hmm what do you mean got macromedia to work? which app?06:37
Ely__anyone successfuly played divx files or video files in general with totem?06:38
ellshelio1, I have got codeweavers, ,it works over wine06:38
IcedKiwiuntil they remember certain 'politicians' are still alive...06:38
helio1Ely__: yes i have06:38
Ely__or do I need any special files added from some special repository?06:38
ellshelio1, not en exact science though06:38
MMondJDahl: I think I missed that(while you repeated so many time, sorry), storing it there.. I'll give it a shot right now, including creating the folder public_html.. and oh, I have (finally) through root term, moved the file to /var/www06:38
calcthe bluescreen when he was showing off 98 at ces was great :)06:38
pinPointhelio1: xvid, bin files too?06:38
omniscienthow would i go about backing up my packages and package database, am going to reinstall ubuntu but dont want to have to download all those packages again..06:38
Ely__helio1, totem doesn't seem to play standard divx files.. can't find codec06:38
IcedKiwiis wine a windows simulator?06:38
omniscientplanning on backing up to a dvd or 206:38
helio1pinPoint: i haven't tried xvid yet06:38
calcEly__: totem-xine will play them06:38
IcedKiwiis it expensive?06:38
ellsIcedKiwi,more like an emulator06:38
pinPointhelio1: bin?06:39
ellswine is free06:39
DarthFrogIcedKiwi: No.  It's an implementation of the Win API in Linux.06:39
omniscientEly__, vlc06:39
Ely__calc, thank you!06:39
ellsDarthFrog, ,thanks06:39
helio1Ely__: yes, I think I converted to Totem-Xine early on06:39
IcedKiwidoes Linux automatically come with it?06:39
Ely__omniscient, I want totem for the thumbnailer06:39
calcEly__: you just need to add universe to your sources.list and then install that instead of totem-gstreamer06:39
ellsIcedKiwi, yes06:39
omniscientah ok06:39
ellswell if apt-get06:39
ellsIcedKiwi, ,make sure you get winesetuptk as well06:39
DarthFrogIcedKiwi: It will be apt-gettable if not installed.  Crossover is a commercial implementation of Wine.06:39
IcedKiwii only have a winmodem but it still doesnt work06:40
helio1pinPoint: I nope; haven't tried bin yet; just divx, quicktime, avi stuff so far... some wmv too06:40
Ely__sorry if this is a dumb question.. but is there a way to "su" in ubuntu?06:40
calcsudo su -06:40
DarthFrogEly__: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:40
Ely__sorry... I am used to oldschool distros06:40
DarthFrogEly__: If you assign a password to root, it'll work like you're used to.06:41
IcedKiwihehe, i just killed another split end...06:41
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pinPointwhere can i get vlc06:42
crimsunpinPoint: in universe06:43
IcedKiwiits so quiet06:44
crimsunthe calm after the storm06:44
IcedKiwias it early morning in the states?06:45
pinPointcrimsun: universe?06:45
pinPointwhats that?06:45
DarthFrogIcedKiwi: It'll be 12:45 AM on the east coast.06:45
ellsIcedKiwi, it is about 1045 at night06:46
IcedKiwiis that the side with LA or the side with New York?06:46
DarthFrogIcedKiwi: 9:45 pm here on the wet coast.06:46
DarthFrogNew York.06:46
=== odie5533 [~odie5533@c-67-164-243-14.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
omniscientwhere are the .deb files kept that apt downloads?06:46
odie5533anyone know a good way to delete all the kubuntu things if you install via terminal?06:46
=== pastyhermit [~rvirani@S0106000d88f49a55.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarthFrogomniscient: /var/cache/apt/archives06:47
pastyhermitDoes ubuntu have a good MP3 Ripper06:47
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pastyhermitI tried the CD ripper but it doesnt do the trick06:47
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DarthFrogpastyhermit: grip and lame make a good combo.06:47
pastyhermitsupports all the useless formats in the world06:47
linux_galorepastyhermit: I use grip06:47
pastyhermitgrip eh06:47
pastyhermitk cool06:47
pastyhermitapt-get install grip06:47
linux_galoregrip is easy06:47
ellsanyone know of a good way to rip a dvd, compress it and copy it back to a playable format for a home dvd player06:47
devmnkyis there anyway to get kernel 2.6.10.x on ubuntu ? or is 2.6.8.x the latest one?06:47
pastyhermitdevmnky, compile yourself :D06:48
devmnkyis there a wiki for it /06:48
DarthFrogdevmnky: Hoary has 2.6.1006:48
linux_galoreells: k3b can rip to divx06:48
bob2devmnky: er? 2.6.10 is the default on hoary.06:48
MMondJDahl: I had put html files in both /home/user/public_html/ and /var/www/; test1.html and test2.html, I'm getting 404 for both . . . :x06:48
DarthFrogbob2: He's running warty.06:48
devmnkyi'm using warty tho06:48
MMondThe requested URL /test2.html was not found on this server. <--> Apache/2.0.50 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 8006:48
linux_galoreells: from a dvd06:48
bob2devmnky: was the latest kernel when warty froze.06:48
ellslinux_galore,  thought they only did data dvds06:48
linux_galoreells: nope06:49
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devmnkyso can i install 2.6.10 on warty ?06:49
ellsreally, since when06:49
linux_galoreells: been doing that for 3 months06:49
pastyhermitdevmnky, depends how good you are06:49
=== pastyhermit is running hoary with KDE 3.4
ellslinux_galore will check, be right back06:49
pastyhermitKDE 3.4 is faster than gnome06:49
JDahlMMond, so if the file is in /home/username/public_html/test1.html, you should use the url: "http://localhost/~username/test1.html"06:49
sabmoclinux_galore, hey dude06:49
linux_galorehai sabmoc06:50
pastyhermitInitializing CPU#006:50
pastyhermitCPU: After generic identify, caps: 0387f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000006:50
pastyhermitCPU: After vendor identify, caps: 0387f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000006:50
pastyhermitCPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K06:50
pastyhermitCPU serial number disabled.06:50
pastyhermitCPU: After all inits, caps: 0383f9ff 00000000 00000000 00000040 00000000 0000000006:50
pastyhermitCPU: Intel Pentium III (Katmai) stepping 0206:50
pastyhermitACPI: CPU0 (power states: C1[C1]  C2[C2] )06:50
pastyhermitACPI: Processor [CPU0]  (supports 8 throttling states)06:50
DarthFrogdevmnky: Simpler to change all your repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list from warty to hoary and do a total upgrade.  "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"06:50
pastyhermitI didnt mean for that much to come out06:50
pastyhermitplease dont kick me :D06:50
bob2please don't do that06:50
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pastyhermitsorry bob206:50
MMMondsorry, I got disconnected.. <MMond> JDahl: I had put html files in both /home/user/public_html/ and /var/www/; test1.html and test2.html, I'm getting 404 for both . . . :x <MMond> The requested URL /test2.html was not found on this server. <--> Apache/2.0.50 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 --- anything you had said?06:50
devmnkypastyhermit, i'm a linux newb06:50
devmnkybut i follow instruction well ;)06:50
JDahlMMond, so if the file is in /home/username/public_html/test1.html, you should use the url: "http://localhost/~username/test1.html"06:50
pastyhermitdevmnky, then you will have to wait till the packages come out06:50
=== MMMond tickles the linux newb
pastyhermitdevmnky, otherwise you will be up the creek without a boat!06:50
MMMondJDahl: Got it, thanks06:51
zenroxdevmnky,  read www.ubuntuguide.org06:51
IcedKiwiim a linux newb06:51
devmnkyi read that, but that doesnt tell me how to compile my kernel06:51
zenroxdevmnky,  and www.ubuntuforums.org and www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki06:51
IcedKiwii need a driver for my modem06:51
omniscientif i reinstall ubuntu, then copy all my packages back to /var/cache/apt/archives06:52
DarthFrogdevmnky: It's not a job for a newbie.06:52
omniscientthen run apt-get update, then dist-upgrade06:52
omniscientwill it recognise the files already in the archive?06:52
omniscientfrom previous install?06:52
pastyhermitprodigy ownz06:53
devmnkyDarthFrog, i've compiled my kernel before with gentoo06:53
DarthFrogdevmnky: I suggest that you don't do it till you've been around linux for a while.06:53
DarthFrogdevmnky: Ah, I see. :-)  Sorry.06:53
ellsLinux_galore, can you walk me thru it, I dont see it in there06:53
devmnkys'ok, but i'm still a newb06:53
devmnkyok, well short of compiling my kernel06:53
devmnkyis there anyway of changing the kernel's config without a re-compile ?06:53
devmnkycuz i need to enable some drivers that hotplug doesnt recognize06:54
MMMondJDahl: Yes, the file is at /home/khan/public_html/test.html . . . and currently: http://localhost/user/test1.html --- I'm getting 404 :c06:54
devmnkybut it has kernel support06:54
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JDahlMMMond, http://localhost/~user/test1.html06:54
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pinPointwhat vlc should i install06:54
IcedKiwiwb odie06:54
arekcompiling a kernel is nothing difficult06:54
pinPointso many choices06:55
ellsDarthFrog, ,I was told that K3b can rip a dvd to Divx. do you know if this is true, and if so how to doit06:55
MMMondThe requested URL /~user/test1.html was not found on this server. <---> Apache/2.0.50 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 8006:55
IcedKiwii miss my old 486...06:55
pinPointwxWindows fronted for VLC?06:55
JDahlMMMond, sorry - http://localhost/~khan/test1.html06:55
DarthFrogells: k3b is a burning program, not a ripping program.  You want dvdrip to do DVD --> DivX.06:55
MMMondThe requested URL /~khan/test1.html was not found on this server.06:55
MMMondApache/2.0.50 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 8006:55
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ellsDarthFrog, I want to be able to rip a dvd,  copy it and play it on my home player06:56
IcedKiwii loved that old thing... *starts speaking the langague of flying plums*06:56
DarthFrogells: Does your home player play DivX?06:57
MMMondGot it06:57
omniscientaw fuck why wont my dvd burner be recognised by k3b :(06:57
MMMondIt's working06:57
ellsDarthFrog, DVDRip is cool,but it rips into vobs. Not sure about the home player06:57
MMMondNow - should I try a php file..06:57
MMMondJust for heck of it06:57
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JDahlMMMond, that's odd... I have to leave, though. I cant remember if userdirs are enabled by default in apache. Maybe someone else can help you there06:57
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DarthFrogells: dvdrip combines with transcode to make the DivX.06:57
ellsDarthFrog, can you walk me thru the process06:58
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DarthFrogells: Sorry, I don't do that. No experience.06:58
blahrusanyone having issues with hoary apt mirrors?06:58
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MMMondNow . . . who's gonna help me?! Come on . . . someone with php/apache/linux/LAMP knowledge.. step right up06:58
DarthFrogells: I'm sure that dvdrip would have tutorials.06:58
ellsDarthFrog, I have dealt with dvdrip before, but it would not encode to divx for me06:59
DarthFrogMMMond: Depends. :-)06:59
ChickenMasterhey guys just wondering how do i boot without X-server so i can install the nvidia drivers for my MX44006:59
DarthFrogells: No, it hands the job off to transcode.06:59
DarthFrogChickenMaster: in a root console, type "init 1"06:59
DarthFrogChickenMaster: When finished, type "init 2".07:00
ChickenMasterthat all?07:00
ellsDarthFrog, well I need to check it again, cause it would not encode07:00
DarthFrogells: I'm sure the documentation will cover what you want to do.07:01
ellsDarthFrog,  it should really, but the doc. is really vague07:01
ellsDarthFrog, checked all over the internet07:01
DarthFrogells: you could always boot into Windows and use dvdshrink.07:02
ellsDarthFrog: no offense, that would defeat the purpose, trying to get off windows, ,kind of like going cold turker07:03
=== |Gunther| [~stuff@edtntnt10-port-171.dial.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarthFrogells: Oh, I understand ferpectly.07:03
|Gunther|Hi I have a question guys07:03
AndrosShoot, Gunther07:03
ellsDarthFrog, right now I am in dvdrip and it wont encode the video. it wants to rip it first07:03
|Gunther|Ilost my Ubuntu user password, how can I get into the system again and regain the control I once had?07:03
DarthFrogells: Let it.07:04
MMMondDarthFrog: You're on. Alright . . . so uhh, I wanted to get LAMP working.. did so, at one point.. had installed Apache 1.3, php4, mysql . . . and everything seemed to work great together . . . then I saw apache2 was available . . . did a complete removal of everything, and installed everything again.. apache2, php4, mysql . . . now apache2 works, but not php . . . where to begin?07:04
DarthFrogells: read the documentation about transcoding.07:04
AndrosHmm...Methinks your screwed there, Gunther.07:04
|Gunther|k thanks07:04
MMMondAnd oh, I'm also a LAMP/linux/ubuntu/php/mysql nub . . . this should make your night07:04
ellsDarthFrog, I checked, I have the most current transcode07:04
DarthFrogMMMond: You're beyond me there.  I've not touched Apache 2 yet.  Seen no reason to.07:04
DarthFrogells: Yeah, but it should tell you how to set up dvdrip to do the trancoding to MPEG-4 automatically.07:05
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brunellusanybody running fluxbox?07:05
MMMondDarthFrog: Thank you anyways for the mere attempt (really) :D07:05
ellsDarthFrog, nope, I am suprised anyone has got this to work right, not very good doc07:06
DarthFrogMMMond: I've not gone to Apache 2 yet for exactly the problems you're having. Apache 1.3 works plenty good enough.07:06
=== SeeleyUSMC [~chatzilla@ca-29palms-cmts2a-57.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarthFrogUh oh, hide the cheese, SeeleyUSMC's here. :-)07:07
crimsunBrunellus: on another machine, yes.  Why?07:07
MMMondDarthFrog: Suppose I install apache1.3.. and do leave apache2 as is - will this linger problems? Or shall I just do it?07:07
anders_ells: I usually use: 1. dvdbackup (rip dvd to harddisk), 2. "wine dvdshrink"(make it fit single layer dvd), 3. k3b(put video_ts files in dvd-video project, burn)07:07
Brunellusjust curious.  if I apt-get fluxbox, will it be added to the GDM session-types menu automatically, too?07:07
DarthFrogMMMond: Once again, I have no experience.07:08
ellsanders_ cool will try that but when I did before it did not see my dvd burner07:08
DarthFrogMMMond: But if it were me, I'd stick to Apache 1.3. :-)07:08
crimsunBrunellus: yes.  Just choose fluxbox in the Session menu of GDM.07:08
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anders_ells: oh, I run "gksudo k3b"07:08
|Gunther|I have ubuntu, but i would like to selct it on GRUB, what parameters should be in place in the grub.conf?07:08
DarthFroganders_: dvdshrink runs well under wine?07:08
ellsanders, ,nice07:09
omniscientcan i dynamically load the scsi emulation in linux ?07:09
Brunelluscrimsun:  will I be able to run nautilus under fluxbox under the default, as well?07:09
MMMondDarthFrog: For what inducement? Quiet honestly . . . the mere reason I had gone to apache2 was . . . well, because the number '2' was higher than the number '1.3,' and higher numbers are usually more dependable in today's world07:09
omniscientor do i HAVE to recompile kernel?07:09
=== cam [~cam@ppp44-235.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
camwhats the gnome update menu's command?07:09
anders_DarthFrog: not well, only reads harddisk and not really stable07:09
ellsanders, this process should work for me,  will try07:09
cammy menu's just disapeared07:09
DarthFrogMMMond: I know that attitude all too well. :-)07:09
jnoonwhat would cause dns resolution to fail or take a long time (long than normal)?07:09
ellsanders, you can play these on your home player07:10
camand they are back07:10
crimsunBrunellus: yep07:10
anders_ells: yes, no problem07:10
Brunellusawesome.  apt-get time!07:10
omniscientcan i dynamically load the scsi emulation in linux ?07:10
Quinn_StormMMMond: consider apache2 a new product, apache1.3 is the more stable right now07:10
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ellsanders_ did you say dvdbackup? not dvdrip07:10
crimsunomniscient: for your atapi cd/dvd-rom? no. It's done at boot-time.07:10
MMMondQuinn_Storm: Now there's a statement that talks to me . . . thank you, will do!07:11
anders_ells: yes dvdbackup07:11
omniscientok. well i must just not have it then, do i have to compile it into the kernel? or should the module already be installed?07:11
Quinn_StormMMMond: apache2 is like a development branch while 1.x is the stable branch07:11
arekMMMond: in fact for php apache 1.3 is better07:11
ellsanders_ is this a program07:11
anders_ells: yes, apt-get install dvdbackup07:12
MMMondarek: Eh? o.0 Sounds odd, for at least php5, I would imagine . . . however, I know little of this . . . if you say so, I suppose you must be right07:12
ellsanders_ cool, doing it now07:12
arekMMMond: some php modules will not be safe with apache207:12
Quinn_StormMMMond: its that apache2 is almost a totally new project, its based on apache code but a lot of the core is rewritten07:13
arekyou must understand that apache2 was rewritten to better work under windows07:13
devmnkythx for your help07:13
|Gunther|is 4.10 the latest version?07:14
crimsun5.04 will be out in April07:14
|Gunther|is there mp3 capability here>07:14
|Gunther|I mean on the disc07:14
|Gunther|maybe there a ubuntufaq.org i'll look into that instead nvm ty anyway07:15
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MMMondQuinn_Storm: Makes sense . . . but my logic had merely lanced into the concept that the modern stuff will meet and go out to other modern stuff . . . apache2 to php5; apache1.4 to php5, but as you seem to be saying.. it isn't . . . I don't know.. just a bit strange07:16
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mellinuxHey guys, how on earth do I update Firefox to v1.0?07:16
zenrox|Gunther|, www.ubuntuguide.org07:16
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DarthFrog|Gunther|: Search that URL for restricted formats.07:17
omniscientcan someone help me with enabling this scsi emulation? tried reading some webpages but they seem to be all very old07:17
|Gunther|ty zenrox07:17
LinuxJonesnight all :)07:18
|Gunther|I have a question07:18
|Gunther|when i install mplayer, well see I already downloaded the codecs in .rpm format, could I just use the ones out of that?07:19
zenrox|Gunther|, read the adding repostories on that page07:20
zenroxand read dont use rpms07:20
DarthFrog|Gunther|: You could try.  Use "alien" to convert the rpm to a deb, first.07:20
=== Antioch` [Antioch@ip68-4-72-110.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
MMMondarek: Would you  happen to know? if having apache2 installed at the same time as having apache1.3 . . . cause any conflictions? The guy who was helping me, JDahl . . . said he had both installed, and had them working correctly07:20
|Gunther|I mean the contents of the rpm, there are codecs in them, could I just place them in the right directory?07:20
zenrox|Gunther|,  u cant red deps of the files you want07:20
HrdwrBoBMMMond: no they don't conflict .. as long as you run them on other ports etc07:21
areki use debian not ubuntu, on debian it work ok07:21
DarthFrogMMMond: No, there should be no conflicts.  And you can run them both at the same time, on different ports.07:21
MMMondBut he's a h4x0r, he must had gone upon extra measures to balance everything . . . I've only recently started using Linux, I'm used to clicking "yes" and "next," and synaptic has been the easiest things so far . . . "check" and "apple"07:21
Antioch`Whats Kubuntu?07:21
pastyhermitUbuntu with KDE :D07:21
Antioch`Coulda guessed, lol07:21
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|Gunther|I have Fedora, i used mplayer on that, i could open them rpm files that are codecs and just place them in the codecs folder for ubuntu right? its safe?07:22
Antioch`What deps do ppl use with Ubuntu?07:22
crimsunmakes more sense to enable the marillat repo and install w32codecs, |Gunther|07:22
crimsun|Gunther|: see http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats07:22
MMMondDarthFrog: Different ports... will I have to put that manually? Or will synaptic do that for me? :x07:23
zenroxya its also how on the gudie one too |Gunther|07:23
DarthFrogMMMond: For what you're talking about, it's all done by hand.07:23
omniscientthis is so frustrating :(07:23
crimsunomniscient: what is?07:23
zenroxomniscient,  just rember its better than windows07:23
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brunellusit works!07:23
Brunellusit's pretty brutally stripped-down, but it works.07:24
omniscienti try to, but windows burns dvds without be getting a headache07:24
IcedKiwianyone know where to get drivers for a winmodem?07:24
DarthFrogBrunellus: good stuff07:24
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IcedKiwiand how to install it?07:24
Antioch`Is there a release schedule anywhere?07:24
MMMondzenrox: but they can always go by ignorence.. since it is bliss, afterall . . . die happy :] 07:24
arekyou can have them ran on standard 80 port on  different using vhosts07:24
Brunellusnow all I have to do is work out how to tweak it.07:24
zenroxMMMond,  agree07:24
DarthFrogAntioch`:  Yes.   on www.ubuntu.com somewhere.07:24
omniscienti want my dvd burner to work, simply put.. ive looked at all these sites saying i need to enable scsi emulation, so i tried that, now i just find a site that says with linux 2.6 you dont need scsi emulation07:24
MMMondDarthFrog: :( . . . I'll do it, I've come this far (although by clicking "yes" and "next") . . . but I wanna get to know php.. I'll do it!07:24
MMMondBut not today. Today is my day.07:25
crimsunAntioch`: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule07:25
zenroxAntioch`,  www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki07:25
omniscientso im goin rounf in circles and still dont have dvd burner working OR scsi emulation enabled.. all i've achieved is a headache07:25
omniscientand it's frustrating >:|07:25
Antioch`crimsun, zenrox, DarthFrog thanks07:25
zenroxAntioch`,  we aim to please07:25
MMMondDiablo-D3: welcome backj07:26
omniscientzenrox, can you aim in this direction for a sec? please?07:26
MMMondJesus christ . . . I am something beyond a serf . . .07:26
Antioch`zenrox, Im looking into Ubuntu -- have used gentoo for some time, but Im growing tired of waiting for all the compiles07:26
MMMondCan't even deliberately make a typo ..  .07:26
ells can anyone walk me thru using dvdbackup07:26
ellsgot it, just dont know how to use it07:26
Diablo-D3I dont think I can get ubuntu to work on this smallbox.07:26
DarthFrogells: google for it.07:27
zenroxAntioch`,  that was my bigest prob with gentoo07:27
IcedKiwithe driver can work on FC3 or Ubuntu!07:27
=== Diablo-D3 wonders if debian old installer will work
ellsDarthFrog, yeah, just hoping I might get lucky and someone in here would know how to us eit07:27
zenroxomniscient,  so whats going on07:27
crimsunDiablo-D3: you can use Woody netinstall and dist-upgrade over07:27
Antioch`zenrox, what apt repositories do you use?07:27
Diablo-D3crimsun: yup, I could07:28
zenroxAntioch`,  marlette07:28
zenroxand the universe07:28
Diablo-D3crimsun: Im just trying to get a sane linux onto the box07:28
Diablo-D3crimsun: doesnt have to be ubuntu07:28
crimsunDiablo-D3: tried netboot? http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-11-26.2137127791/view?searchterm=netboot07:28
omniscienti want my dvd burner to work, simply put.. ive looked at all these sites saying i need to enable scsi emulation, so i tried that, now i just find a site that says with linux 2.6 you dont need scsi emulation07:28
omniscientso im goin rounf in circles and still dont have dvd burner working OR scsi emulation enabled.. all i've achieved is a headache07:28
omniscientand it's frustrating >:|07:28
Diablo-D3crimsun: no network card07:28
Diablo-D3crimsun: which pisses me off07:28
zenroxomniscient,  i dont know but crimsun  might07:29
camany news about ati+composite?07:29
Diablo-D3I'd swipe the network card from my laptop... except... my laptop has no network card. Its onboard.07:29
IcedKiwihow many of you guys are male?07:29
arekomniscient: no need for emulation07:29
zenroxas i dont have a dvd burnner07:29
DarthFrogomniscient: What device node is your burner?07:29
SeeleyUSMCYay, I can use my flash card now :)07:29
Diablo-D3crimsun: it should not be this hard to install linux.07:29
ellsSeeleyUSMC, where ya from07:29
omniscientarek: well, k3b doesnt detect it, neither does xcdroast07:30
HrdwrBoBomniscient: you don't want SCSI emulation07:30
IcedKiwiinstalling linux is easy- why do people complain?07:30
Diablo-D3crimsun: I cant even get at the hd without opening it up. I could put the hd in my laptop, and then install linux, but noooOOOOooo.07:30
omniscienti am able to view dvds with it, i just cant burn them07:30
ellsSeeleyUSMC, I have a partner who is Harvey Seeley out in Cali07:30
IcedKiwiand im not exactly a seasoned linux user, either07:30
SeeleyUSMCells: Born next to Seattle, WA live in 29 Palms, CA <-- Marine Corps Base07:30
Diablo-D3omniscient: if you run 2.6, you dont want scsi emulation07:30
|Gunther|I had a tough time installing Ubuntu,07:30
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Diablo-D3omniscient: if you run 2.4, upgrade to 2.607:30
ellsSeeleyUSMC, my partner is a retired army MSG07:30
omniscienti run 2.607:30
omniscientand it doesnt work07:31
|Gunther|I had to install it 5 times in 2 and a half hours07:31
IcedKiwithe only thing i had any sort of problem with was partitioning07:31
omniscientwell maybe it does, but i cant figure out why not07:31
ellsSeeleyUSMC, he is in San Diego07:31
IcedKiwiit took me half an hour to figure out07:31
IcedKiwibut that was it07:31
Diablo-D3for the record, I use an ide burner in debian sid with 2.6, and k3b works fine for me07:31
Ely__I use gnomebaker07:31
Ely__good stuff07:31
omniscientyeah ive used this burner in debian before, to burn cds, but never used it to burn a dvd07:31
Diablo-D3k3b > *07:31
omniscientbut now k3b just says i have no devices07:32
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omniscientand its right here i can see and touch it, it's there.. believe me07:32
Diablo-D3omniscient: do you have the dvd-cdrecord-whateveritis package installed?07:32
|Gunther|thing I HATED about Ubuntu installer was that it always tryed to installed its boot record to hda1, which was NOT where it was needed, so i eventually unhooked all my drives and installed it like that07:32
Ely__I disagree with k3b > *07:32
=== zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
pussfelleri keep getting can't find kubuntu-desktop07:32
Diablo-D3|Gunther|: hah07:32
Ely__gnomebaker at version .3 has a more consistent interface than k3b07:32
omniscientDiablo-D3, i dont have anything in my db only cdrecord and cdrecord-doc07:32
Diablo-D3Ely__: too bad. k3b > *.07:32
Diablo-D3omniscient: lemme go look07:33
omniscientok thanks07:33
IcedKiwiim looking forward to the new (stable) version coming out07:33
|Gunther|5 full installs later I finally overcame it. then went on to loose my password, now I am going to install ubuntu again07:33
IcedKiwihow many weeks to go?07:33
virtuald|Gunther|: you don't have to reinstall07:33
MMMondMy keyboard (laptop..) does have this key: ~ . . . and I will have to make use of it rather a lot . . . what can I do here? some quick solutions?07:34
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeeleyUSMCDid someone have the link for ubuntu and madwifi?07:34
|Gunther|k, please tell me how to get a one way encrypted password back and i'll be greatful there07:34
SeeleyUSMCI lost it07:34
IcedKiwiim aiming to have a job by then, so i can get some new hardware, that works under linux07:34
Diablo-D3omniscient: Im thinking dvd+rw-tools07:34
virtuald|Gunther|: you don't, you change it07:34
|Gunther|virtuald: I'm listening...07:34
MMMondMy keyboard (laptop..) doesn't have this key: ~ . . . and I will have to make use of it rather a lot . . . what can I do here? some quick solutions? <--07:34
Diablo-D3omniscient: which may or may not be in ubuntu07:34
virtuald|Gunther|: boot to single user mode07:34
virtualdand do passwd user07:35
omniscientdvd+rw-tools is already the newest version.07:35
omniscient0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:35
|Gunther|how? I am at the login screen and then i see where I should type in username and passwrd.07:35
mdzSeeleyUSMC: what link?  madwifi is part of Ubuntu and installed by default07:35
|Gunther|what is singe user mode?07:35
Diablo-D3omniscient: meh =/07:35
Diablo-D3omniscient: try running k3b as root07:35
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omniscienti did that too07:35
omniscient1st thing i did07:35
omniscientno luck07:35
Diablo-D3omniscient: thats usually the cat...a... feh.07:35
DarthFrogmdz: Installed by default?  It's in linux-restricted-modules.07:36
mdzDarthFrog: correct07:36
SeeleyUSMCmdz: I think I have to install it07:36
Diablo-D3omniscient: did you try kicking it really hard?07:36
virtuald|Gunther|: when you get to grub, press escape or something to get to the menu, and chose recovery mode07:36
|Gunther|where dio I find Single user mode?07:36
omniscientdan@shit:/var/cache/apt $ ls -l /dev/hdc07:36
omniscientbrw-rw----  1 root cdrom 22, 0 2005-03-20 15:43 /dev/hdc07:36
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: It's ath_pci.07:36
|Gunther|kk tyvm07:36
omniscientis that the correct permissions Diablo-D3 ?07:36
omniscientfor a dvd burner?07:36
=== |Gunther| taking notes
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Diablo-D3omniscient: those permissions dont even matter if you're root.07:36
mdzath_pci is loaded automatically when a supported device is detected07:36
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: ath_pci is madwifi?07:37
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: yes.07:37
Diablo-D3omniscient: root is... uh... omniscient. Heh.07:37
|Gunther|so go into recovery mode, and type this exactlly?"passwd user"07:37
omniscientme :D07:37
Diablo-D3I officially hate the 4.10 install cds, btw07:38
DarthFrogomniscient: I'm glad to hear that.  What's making you happy?07:38
mdzDiablo-D3: ?07:38
omniscientjust random emoticon07:38
virtuald|Gunther|: yes. if after the boot it asks for root password, reboot again and in the menu press e to edit the kernel line, and add init=/bin/bash at the end07:38
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Diablo-D3mdz: cant get them to work on a box with only 32 megs of memory07:39
mdzDiablo-D3: and so you _hate_ it?07:39
DarthFrogmdz: SeeleyUSMC has an Atheros based mini-PCI card.  Ath_pci loads fine, but he doesn't get an ath0 network interface.07:39
Diablo-D3mdz: it goes into low memory mode and then just craps out07:39
AkiraCan anyone help me with a non linux computer problem...07:39
Diablo-D3mdz: Yes. Very much so.07:39
mdzthat seems a bit extreme07:39
mdzDarthFrog: that's odd; are you sure ath0 isn't there?07:40
Diablo-D3mdz: well, I have to go track down another distro I dont hate.07:40
razermanhas anyone got wine to run ona amd64 ? by building from source ?07:40
SeeleyUSMCmdz: I'll type up whatever you want me to show you07:40
Diablo-D3razerman: er, that probably doesnt work07:40
SeeleyUSMCifconfig, iwconfig, whatever07:40
Diablo-D3razerman: you probably cant find amd64 binaries for your windows programs anyhoew07:40
IcedKiwiim back07:41
=== |Gunther| finished taking notes
DarthFrogmdz: Very odd. If he does "ifconfig ath0 up" he gets "no such interface".07:41
|Gunther|k ty virtual d07:41
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mdzDarthFrog: check dmesg07:41
Diablo-D3So, Hrm.07:41
Diablo-D3Hrm Hrm Hrm.07:41
Akiraath? what kind of connection is that?07:42
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Diablo-D3this works,doesnt it?07:42
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razermanDiablo-D3: i get a strange error when compiling the source. i cant find a fix on google though07:42
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: can you post the output of the dmesg command to pastbin.com?07:42
Diablo-D3razerman: then Dont Do That (tm)07:42
Diablo-D3razerman: or just file a bug on the wine bug tracker07:42
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: now that I have my USB working, yes07:43
DarthFrogmdz: he said he saw nothing relevant in dmesg but I've not looked at his output.07:43
|Gunther|will it be 100 percent working if i use alien to convert my mplayer rpm's and then install? just a question...07:43
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ellsthis might be a funny question, I know that my dvd player is under media/cdrom0, but is that what I will use to use dvdbackup07:43
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: dmesg > out.txt  will capture the output to a file called out.txt.07:43
ellsI tried to use dvdbackup -M -i/dev/dvd -o/my/dvd/backup/dir/07:44
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: k07:44
mdzDarthFrog: you said ath_pci loads fine...you mean that it automatically loads, or he loads it manually?07:44
Akirai think you use the dev/hdb or whatever07:44
Diablo-D3So, guys07:44
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Diablo-D3that url I pasted07:44
Diablo-D3does that method work?07:44
DarthFrogmdz: manually and in /etc/modules.07:44
Akira/dev/hdb or whatever your cdrom is07:44
Ely__ells, check your /etc/fstab for what device name is used to mount07:44
Diablo-D3because I bet I can get the woody iso to work07:44
mdzDarthFrog: if it isn't loaded automatically, it doesn't support his card; there should never be a need to load it manually07:44
ellsEly_ cool man07:44
DarthFrogmdz: I'm coming to the opinion that he has an unsupported chipset.07:45
mdzDarthFrog: if it isn't supported by ath_pci, it's unlikely that it's an Atheros chipset at all07:45
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: What chipset is it?07:45
mdzSeeleyUSMC: what is the exact make and model of the card?07:46
|Gunther|will it be 100 percent working if i use alien to convert my mplayer rpm's and then install?07:46
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: You can use the "lspci -v | less" command to find out.07:46
Ely__I don't think we are 100% if earth will survive to see tomorrow07:46
Ely__is there anything that's 100%? :)07:46
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virtuald|Gunther|: you would have to try to know07:47
|Gunther|idk, with u guys's philosophical questions...07:47
virtualdbut why not get debs?07:47
mdz|Gunther|: I wouldn't recommend it; use the mplayer which is packaged for Ubuntu instead07:47
YggGood morning, everyone.07:47
|Gunther|I am dial upper as that I will take a long time in doing this07:47
YggHave a problem with Ubunutu and wireless, if anyone here can help.07:47
Akirapower to the dialupers07:47
|Gunther|for the ubuntu distro? there is a mplayer package? or are you talking about a regular .deb file mdz07:48
mdz|Gunther|: yes, yes and yes07:48
SeeleyUSMChttp://www.pastebin.com/260499 <-- dmesg07:49
mdzath%d: unable to attach hardware; HAL status 1307:49
mdzthat's the relevant bit07:49
YggAnyone ran into a problem where Ubuntu loses WiFi connection after a few hours of regular work? ifconfig and iwlist show everything in order - AP seems to be associated, key is set, everything is fine - but nothing gets through. All pings get a 'destination unreachable'.07:50
mdzSeeleyUSMC:  a web search for that message should find you all sorts of answers07:50
ellsEly_ever use dvdbackup07:50
Amaranthanyone on hoary wanna test the latest version of my menu editor? :)07:50
MMMondI'm not on Hoary, sorry.07:51
MMMondHoary and sorry rymes . . . that's no good..07:51
|Gunther|is it possible to have a working virus using wine without specifically running it... I mean wine comes with a virtual registy and everything, will a windows virus hurt anything that is linux?07:52
bob2|Gunther|: don't run random crap from people and you'll be fine07:52
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: did you want the lspci as well?07:52
Akirai saw an article on running viruses in windows07:53
Akiraon slashdot07:53
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC:  Only for specific identification of your chipset.07:53
MMMond|Gunther|: mere question is interesting.. I'd be interested in finding out the answer - now, are you asking merely out of curiosity yourself or have you actually to come to this?07:53
|Gunther|its curiosity07:53
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|Gunther|just thought it up now07:54
Diablo-D3expert mode on the installer cd might work right07:54
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DarthFrogHmm, HAL level 13 error might mean your card isn't supported. :-(07:54
Diablo-D3or not07:55
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: You have an Atheros AR5212 chip.07:55
ellsanyone ever use dvdbackup07:55
slickanyone have any experience installing azureus under kde desktop on ubuntu07:56
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: why does it say only root can use it?07:56
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Why does what say that?07:56
slicki have installed the gtk version and jre no probs, it loads but there is no splash and the program just doesnt start. Im confused because there are no errors or anything like that, it seems to start up fine07:56
SeeleyUSMC    Capabilities: <available only to root>07:57
Diablo-D3it says you can only see caps as root07:57
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: You'll have give more info.  What capabilities?07:59
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: you can either continue to use your USB wireless NIC or go the ndiswrapper route.07:59
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: its says that for the atheros08:00
Akiraslick : try loading from the terminal?08:00
slickyes i have done08:00
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I don't have a usb wireless08:00
SeeleyUSMCi have a usb wireless flash stick08:00
SeeleyUSMCthats how i can paste08:00
slickmike@columbo:~$ /apps/azureus/azureus08:00
slickStarting Azureus...08:00
slickJava exec found in PATH. Verifying...08:00
slickSuitable java version found [java = 1.5.0_02] 08:00
slickConfiguring environment...08:00
slickLoading Azureus:08:00
slickjava -Xms16m -Xmx128m -cp "/apps/azureus/Azureus2.jar:/apps/azureus/swt-gtk.jar:/apps/azureus/swt.jar:/apps/azureus/swt-mozilla.jar" -Djava.library.path="/apps/azureus" -Dazureus.install.path="/apps/azureus" org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main ''08:00
Diablo-D3hahah wtf08:01
slickit starts fine08:01
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Ah.  Well, it's ndiswrapper for you. :-)08:01
Akiraugh, why is there so many updaes08:01
Diablo-D3its funny seeing a download go 40k/sec on dialup08:01
slickbut just doesnt load the program, no splash or anything:/08:01
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper08:01
slickim using kubuntu, maybe it hasnt installed something the gui needs?08:02
jnci have a question about Hoary08:02
Akirawow 40 k08:02
Akirawhat must be lying08:02
jnci'm using SATA optical dvd burner drive, with Hoary Hedgehog amd64 preview08:02
walskiis there a release date for full blown horay yeat?08:02
jncit worked to burn an ISO once, and then?  bus error08:03
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jncso i cannot use it again without reboot08:03
jncwould any developer be interested in working with me to resolve?08:03
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walskijnc, have u logged a bug first?08:04
Tobias4847does anybody have some experience with booting from a USB Pendrive?08:04
jncwalski: i'm not sure if i should!08:05
jncit sounds like a kernel issue08:05
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: There is one other thing we could try.  It would be quite involved, doing something called a CVS checkout, compiling madwifi with the absolute up-to-the-minute drivers (which is what CVS should be), then installing them.08:05
jnci.e. SATA ATAPI is *very* new08:05
walskijnc, nods08:05
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I'm down08:06
Diablo-D3sata cdrom drives? wtf?08:06
Diablo-D3there is such a thing?08:06
jnchey pat08:06
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: OK, no problem.  Have fun. :-)08:06
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I heard that ndsiwrapper sucked from some people08:06
jnci've got SATA hard disk 80gb, and plextor 712SA08:06
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I mean I'm down with that idea as in okay :)08:06
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Not having wireless networking sucks more, doesn't it? :-)08:06
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: damn straight08:06
jncno troubles with the hard disk and ubuntu, that portion works well!08:07
=== Diablo-D3 goes back to the quest of putting linux on this portable Z80
Diablo-D3it weighs like 80 pounds08:07
Diablo-D3if this is supposed to be called a laptop... Im going to set the hostname as "nutcracker"08:07
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: OK, go to madwifi.sourceforge.net and follow the instructions for CVS retrieval.08:08
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ellstritium: mike what is up man08:09
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I got the .tar.bZ2 file for the current one earlier today08:09
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC:  "tar jxvf (filename.tar.bz2" will extract it.  Be in a working directory first.08:09
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: k08:10
mantasi upgraded kernel to 2.6.10-5-686, and when i'm starting each instance of terminal emulator i get this:08:10
mantasCouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console08:10
mantasget_console_fd: Invalid argument08:10
tritiumhey ells08:10
SeeleyUSMCmy fiance just called.  She was at some fundraiser with Microsoft (her brother works there) and she met Edgar Martinez08:11
ellstritium: I got good news, I got bad news08:11
SeeleyUSMCDiablo-D3: Mariners baseball08:11
Diablo-D3I dont watch baseball08:11
ellstritium: I crashed my desktop, so I am reinstalling, but without windows on it08:12
SeeleyUSMCNeither do I , I just know who he is lol08:12
Diablo-D3SeeleyUSMC: /whois me08:12
tritiumells, how did you do that?08:12
Diablo-D3SeeleyUSMC: then visit http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Amicrosoft.com+%22Patrick+McFarland%22&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial08:12
ellstritium: not quite sure. I was playing around with some installs08:12
tritiumells, installs?08:12
ellstritium: yeah, dvdbackup08:13
ellstritium: and  few others08:13
ellstritium: lucky me08:13
ellstritium: hey do you have any experience with dvd backup08:13
tritiumells, no, I don't have a dvd burner08:13
ellstritium: i am backing up some files, just dont know how long it takes08:14
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ellstritium: what ya do today08:14
ellstritium: I finished up a test today08:14
ellstritium: I can do it, but which file do I need to clear out for ssh for my "new desktop"08:15
tritiumells, ~/.ssh/known_hosts08:16
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: I'm going to bed.  Let's pick it up again tomorrow.08:20
Madeye is there anyway to wget all .tar.gz files in www.blah.com/dir/ ?08:21
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: sure thing08:21
DarthFrogMadeye: wget -r08:21
DarthFrogOr maybe it's wget -R.   "man wget"08:21
mantascan someone explain why i get warning when starting every xterm08:21
mantasCouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console08:21
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psoulocybehi guys08:22
psoulocybeanyone know the kubuntu?08:22
quaruptMy client wont let me msg08:22
psoulocybei'm trying to set my ip address to static08:22
psoulocybeand i can't find it in kcontrol08:22
psoulocybewhere do they have it now?08:22
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: If you decide to have a go at it yourself, be sure to uninstall (use synaptic) the linux-restricted-modules package you installed earlier.08:22
quaruptMy client wont let me msg08:23
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: will do08:27
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: what time will you be on tomorrow? its 11:27pm here08:27
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|Gunther|I am trying to mount a partition that is fat 32, i tried telling the mount command it was vfs, then I was told that there is no vfs support... what is going on?? I D K what to do here guys08:31
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|Gunther|something about not being built into the kernel08:32
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sandwitchfat 32 is vfat08:32
|Gunther|yes I know that08:32
sandwitchso mount /dev/whatever -t vfat /mount/point08:32
|Gunther|Ubuntu lacks support for the filesystem i noticed how do I get support for it is a question08:33
sandwitchmodprobe vfat08:33
|Gunther|tried that...08:33
sandwitchso there is no vfat strange ..... (im not an ubunu user) should be08:34
|Gunther|I know...08:34
|Gunther|maybe there is a deb package for it, but I keep coming up with something that has to do with gnome08:35
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sandwitchnah should be in the kernel08:36
tritiumthere is a vfat module08:37
|Gunther|it wont work for me in the 4.10 release if there is08:37
sandwitch|Gunther|, look in /lib/modules/kernelname/kernel/fs/ there should be an vfat08:38
sandwitchare you root when you modprobe ?08:38
|Gunther|I tried it explicitly stated that the kernel is not familiar with vfat08:38
|Gunther|I know it is fat32...?08:38
tritiummodinfo vfat returns nothing?08:38
tritiumwhich kernel?08:38
|Gunther|whatever the original 4.10 runs08:39
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|Gunther|I hav to reboot into that system to do any changes08:39
tritiumcan you please run "uname -r"?08:39
tritiumoh, I see08:39
|Gunther|I need a modem driver to get online with that 208:39
|Gunther|I will check if there is a vfat file there sanwitch08:42
|Gunther|if there is it must mean I have the vfs compatibility okay08:42
sabmocomg, i need sleep08:43
sandwitchyep and dont forget to `sudo modprobe`08:43
|Gunther|k thanks08:44
sabmocyep, and dont forsleep to sleep `sleepo sleeprobe`08:44
sandwitchfirst <insert clean teeth> :P08:45
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Don't know. Check the channel, see if I'm active.08:46
|Gunther|is ubuntu otherwise known as turbolinux>08:49
bob2|Gunther|: um, no08:50
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spaceyand vfat works08:50
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spaceyone of the few things that i'm am sure of atm08:51
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|Gunther|k, I doubt that08:52
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spaceysay what you want:D08:54
NighTHi'm trying to do a sw raid1 in ubuntu... and i want that it boot in raid too08:55
NighTHim using grub08:55
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NighTHim following some documentation http://xtronics.com/reference/SATA-RAID-debian-for-2.6.html08:56
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NighTHbut when i reboot to boot in the second drive.. it dont work08:56
NighTHsomebody tried it before?08:58
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linux_galorehmm not burning Kubuntu live CD09:11
Zanzgot a question on kernel sources09:11
Zanzfor warty09:11
linux_galoredecided to paint the kitchen while waiting for the kubuntu download heh heh09:11
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Zanzwhere do i get them?09:12
pablo928linux_galore: must have dial-up?09:12
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waseemhey how do i stop a command from executing?09:13
linux_galorepablo928: no I have 1.5mb/s download the server was only giving me 53k/s09:13
Zanzcontrol c i think09:13
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waseemzanz: thanks that worked09:13
waseemhow do i find a file named bittorrent?09:13
waseemfind ~/bittorrent doesnt seem to be working09:13
HrdwrBoBfind -name bittorrent09:13
Zanziisn't there a gui search?09:13
pablo928linux_galore:I understand all too well!09:13
HrdwrBoBor find|grep bittorrent09:14
sabmocmaxchee ping? re:CanadianLoCo09:14
linux_galorepablo928:  3hours to download so i said ok maight just paint the kitchen09:14
waseemwaseem@waseem:~$ find -name bittorrent09:14
waseemwaseem@waseem:~$ find|grep bittorrent09:14
pablo928linux_galore: Are you down-loading warty or hoary?09:14
waseemthe problem is it doesnt do anything09:14
waseemit just goes to the next command line09:14
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Zanzare you looking for a torrent file for a download?09:15
Zanzthen it's (something).torrent09:15
Ely__anyone here uses ATI with hardware acceleration with hoarty?09:15
Zanzshould be09:15
sabmocnight folks09:15
linux_galorels *.torr09:15
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waseemzanz: i havent downloaded the file yet, i want to open up bittorrent to do that09:16
linux_galorewaseem:   ls  *.torr09:16
Zanzyeah, the torrent is will end in .torrent, click on that it'll open up bittorrent to start downloading the big file09:16
waseemlinux_galore: what should my directory be09:16
linux_galorewaseem: dont know.....you downloaded the file not me09:16
waseemlinux_galore: i didnt download any file09:17
Zanzis there a way to search all directories?09:17
waseemim trying to open up bittorrent09:17
linux_galorewaseem: check the program that downloaded the file should show you were it put it09:17
Zanzoh, you odn't open up bittorrent first, you download a .torrent file first09:17
linux_galorewaseem: well then what are you looking for09:17
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waseemoh ok09:17
Zanzit's sort of a guide file for the bigger download09:17
waseemwhere is a good site with .torrent files?09:17
linux_galorewaseem:  usually you just click on the torrent link on the web page and the browser powers up your default torrent app09:18
Zanzi know suprnova got shut down09:18
linux_galorewasabi:   use google09:18
linux_galorewasabi:  www.bitreactor.com  is still up09:19
waseemhaha ok thanks09:19
waseemive actually never tried wasabi in my life09:19
linux_galorewaseem: there are web sites dedicated to set media formats so i usually just google for  what I want09:19
waseemwell any site could have torrents09:20
waseemi just thought maybe some of you guys would know a good site with torrents of quality09:20
dizzieMorning all :)09:21
linux_galoreaaaaaaaaaargh its the Microsft advert.......... we see Fiona......etc09:21
Zanzwere not all software pirates09:21
linux_galore.........must  find remote..........must find remote before I go mad09:22
pablo928linux_galore: thought you were painting?09:22
linux_galoreno download is finnished09:22
linux_galorealso Ive finnshed painting the kitchen09:23
pablo928linux_galore; how long did it take you?09:23
linux_galore3 hours09:23
pablo928linux_galore: You didn't down-load as a .torrent file?09:24
linux_galore pablo928no direct of the server09:24
pablo928linux_galore: Are you loading it to another box? Or the one you're using now?09:25
linux_galoreslashdot nicely posted a link to the server I was on when I was 10% into the download it went from 180k to 56k in 20 min lol09:26
linux_galorepablo928: the on Im on09:26
pablo928linux_galore: Thank slashdot.09:26
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pablo928linux_galore: You on warty now?09:27
linux_galorethere I was going .....ooh cool 40 min and Im finnished.........than I saw the rss slashdot post on kubuntu and kde 3.4 and watched the bandwidht go down09:27
=== Diablo-D3 should attempt kubuntu
linux_galorepablo928: no right now Im on CCuX09:28
linux_galoregot Ubuntu on my iBook09:28
linux_galoreis using Gaim v1.2 http://gaim.sf.net on CCux Linux 2.6.11smp09:29
=== Daehlie [~daehlie@dhcp-199-75.housing.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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Daehliei am wondering what the default setting of the root password is in ubuntu, there was no part in the install for the root password09:30
linux_galorewant to watch an iBook go from slow/hanging heap of crap to ...zooooooooooooooom  swap to Linux09:30
pablo928linux_galore: 'cause I up-graded to hoary today and now I can't find my synaptic manager, Oh well, still have apt-get.09:30
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linux_galorepablo928: might not be there09:30
linux_galorepablo928:  apt-get install synaptic09:31
waseemok i have a .torrent downloaded09:31
waseemdo i just double click on it now?09:31
pablo928linux_galore: Maybe not. Hey, I have a P-2 300 MHz running warty!09:31
onkarshindeDaehlie: do you mean, "Why there is no default root account?"09:31
linux_galorewaseem: yes09:31
Daehlieonkarshinde: yes, i guess that is what I am asking09:32
waseemlinux_galore: the problem is it never connects to any of my peers09:32
linux_galorewaseem: aaah bet you have the bittorent port closed on the firewall09:32
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Daehlieonkarshinde: can I just create a root account from my user account09:33
waseemok well ill go check that up09:33
waseemthanks linux_galore09:33
onkarshindeThe policy is like this way. The first user you create (while installation) has root powers (only through sudo command). You may want to open Root Terminal from System Tools for carrying out actions that require root previliges.09:33
eyequeueDaehlie:  http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo09:33
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eyequeueDaehlie:  root is niot advised, see the url09:34
linux_galoreDaehlie: for a desktop root accounts open a whole single point security problem09:34
linux_galorein fact some distro's dont even have sudo or any reference to root09:35
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ghitadoese anyone got problems with the icon themes?09:38
stuNNedghita: which ones?09:39
onkarshindeHas anyone notices that there is no way to configure nautilus to open folder in same window. I tried editing configuration using gconf. It didn't work.09:41
mpathyapropos, who knows some good ones, who are really complete?09:41
jdubonkarshinde: hold shift when opening a folder09:43
onkarshindejdub: that is okay. But there should be permanent configuration. It used to be there in FC109:44
jdubno, that's a different thing; the browser mode09:45
jdubyou can switch to the browser mode permanently09:45
onkarshindejdub: how do I do that?09:46
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jdubclick on the "always open in browser windows" setting09:47
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onkarshindejdub: and where is that setting?09:48
jdubin the file management dialogue dude09:49
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onkarshindejdub: thanks very much09:50
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=== wland hi all
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Imrahilusing the livecd. went into hibernate mode. asking for password for ubuntu. shouldn't it just be ubuntu?09:52
pepsiwhat happens if you just hit enter?09:53
Imrahilsays denied09:53
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marshall_is there any real difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?  Isn't kde just a package for ubuntu?09:54
onkarshindemarshall_: No ubuntu just contains GNOME09:55
Agrajagonkarshinde: no it doesn't09:55
deFryskkubuntu = -gnome ,. +kde09:55
AgrajagKDE is in universe.09:55
onkarshindeAgrajag: I am talking about default packages that get installed by the cd.09:56
cefat the base, it's no different.. just kde instead of gnome.. but remember that the base itself isn't that big09:56
sn0wmanif i install kubuntu, will kdm replace gdm?09:56
bob2KDE is in supported in hoary09:56
bob2sn0wman: kubuntu uses kdm by default09:56
deFrysksn0wman, you get to choose when kdm is being installed09:56
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djpmorning has broken...09:57
deFryskbut shutdownfuncions work better with kdm when using kde09:57
pablo928En que parte de Baja se encuentra usted?\09:57
djpany one use dar here?09:57
ghitadoese anyone got problems with the icon themes d3a?09:58
pablo928En que parte de Baja se encuentra usted?09:58
bob2pablo928: #ubuntu-es09:58
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pablo928bob2:I'm trying to IM and doesn't seem to be working.09:59
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bob2ok, but this is an english language channel10:00
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pablo928bob2:I know, but SIS swas trying to go to SISSSSSSMS.10:01
djphave just performed a complete system backup using dar. it appears to have worked, although nine files have not been backed up due to permission being denied. all nine files are located in the same directory, /sys/bus/pci/drivers. anyone got any ideas?10:01
bob2I don't know what that means10:01
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Beunohey, Im having a dependencies problem when installing kubuntu10:04
Beunocan anyone give me a hand=10:04
Daehliei am wondering how to install gtk themes in ubuntu10:04
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pablo928Beuno: You can;t get them through apt_get?10:06
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Beunopablo: no, Im having some sort of dependencies problem10:06
Beunowith python packages10:07
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memcmemegreetings friends10:08
pablo928Beuno:Do you have gnome installed or is this a fresh install?10:08
BeunoI already have gnome installed10:08
pablo928Beuno:You say you have dependency problems. What are you getting?10:09
memcmemeGnome is a swell WM10:09
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BeunoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:10
Beuno  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: python-gnome2 but it is not going to be installed10:10
Beuno                   Depends: python-imaging-sane but it is not going to be instal                                led10:10
Beuno                   Depends: python-newt but it is not going to be installed10:10
Beuno                   Depends: python-pyorbit but it is not going to be installed10:10
memcmeme#flood is your friend Beuno :)10:11
memcmemeno problem10:11
BeunoIll be good10:11
memcmemeits really quite fine, I do it all the time10:11
neomIn Canada we have what is known as family and children services, it's a government program that proves counseling and foster homes and whatnot to kids who have issues at home. It's free. Anyone know the American equivalent?10:11
pablo928Beuno:When I installed KDE I used the synaptic package manager, no dependency problems.10:12
Beunoyou had warty10:12
memcmemeneom  yeah, its called the county department of health and human services10:12
Beunoor hoarty?10:12
memcmemeif you live in a poor state10:12
memcmemeyour screwed10:12
memcmemeif you live in a rich state10:12
memcmemeits great10:12
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Beunome too10:13
Beunothats wierd10:13
BeunoI installed ubuntu today10:14
Beunotraded it in for fedora10:14
Beunoand Im loving it10:14
hippyhuffinpaintanyone get firefox woking on kubuntu 5.04?10:14
hippyhuffinpainthow did you do it10:14
memcmemeapt-get install firefox10:14
memcmemeit needs updating10:14
hippyhuffinpaintokay i did that10:14
pablo928Beuno:Ubuntu Is my first attempt at Linux.10:14
BeunoIve been all over the place10:14
memcmemehmmm.... then i don't know what is wrong10:15
onkarshindeBeuno: Me too. Recently shifted from FC1 to Ubuntu10:15
hippyhuffinpaintafter i attempted installing 1.0.210:15
BeunoIve had a couple of debian before10:15
memcmemepablo928 you can to the right place :)10:15
Beunoits really the best distro10:15
memcmemealthough if you have Broadband I would reccomend10:15
Beunojust a pain in the ass for some things10:15
pablo928Beuno:I never owned a computer until about a year ago>10:15
Beunowhich apperently got "fixed" with ubuntu10:15
onkarshindeBeuno: Specifically fro GNOME lovers10:15
hippyhuffinpaintmozilla-firefox starts to load a browser then it closes10:16
Beunowell, they got kubuntu out there, si10:16
memcmemei reccomend trying both to be honest, try ubuntu and kubuntu10:16
memcmemeI have both on this machine10:16
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Beunothats what Im aiming at10:16
BeunoIm a KDE lover myself10:16
memcmemejust do apt-get install kubuntu desktop from your normal ubuntu intallan10:16
hippyhuffinpainti just started using kubuntu today10:16
memcmemeand you will have KDE desktop tricked out for ubuntu10:16
memcmemeit kicks ass10:16
hippyhuffinpaintfrom mandrake 10.110:16
BeunoI got kde 3.2 on it10:16
Beunojust want 3.4 now10:17
hippyhuffinpaintthats what i had on mandrake10:17
onkarshindehippyhuffinpaint: How is your experience with kubnutu and KDE 3.4?10:17
hippyhuffinpainti got 3.410:17
hippyhuffinpaintits been so far so good, well except for not getting mozila-firefox working10:18
Beunogot it working10:18
Beunoapt is downloading!!!10:18
onkarshindeI would like to recommend Ubuntu to my friend. But he is KDE lover. Any plus/minus for KUbuntu?10:18
hippyhuffinpainti had it working10:18
pepsimemcmeme, will it break gnome to install it?10:18
hippyhuffinpaintthe 1.0.210:18
hippyhuffinpaintbut that dont work now10:18
memcmemenot at all10:18
pepsiwhich one will be default?10:18
pepsiand how would i pick?10:18
memcmemejust make sure you leave choose GDM when you get asked between GDM and KDM10:18
memcmemeinitially it will still default to Gnome10:19
memcmemebut you can tell it which on to default to10:19
memcmemefor example I have mine default to KDE10:19
memcmemebut GDM is a LOT better than KDM10:19
_Demian_how do I install a rpm package10:19
memcmemeI don't know that you can10:19
memcmemejust get the tarball version of it10:19
memcmemeor check your apt repositories10:19
memcmemego into synaptic10:20
deFryskmemcmeme, kdm works better with kde10:20
memcmemethen make sure you have universe and multiverse selected10:20
onkarshinde_Demian_: I don't think you can install rpm on a Debain based distro10:20
Beunorpm is on redhat10:20
Beunowe got .deb's here10:20
deFryskmemcmeme, gdm better with gnome10:20
pepsi_Demian_, ive never used it, but man alien10:20
Beunoor even better, apt-get!10:20
memcmemedeFrysk yes, but if you like being able to log into the WM as root GDM makes the process of configuring both of them more painless10:20
memcmemeand I have found that they both work quite well10:20
memcmemeits a matter of preference :)10:20
hippyhuffinpaintanyone know what i could do to make a program quit crashing10:21
pepsidont run it10:21
memcmemeits always worth checking for a later version10:21
hippyhuffinpaintwhat if i installed a later version then installed the older version?10:22
memcmemeI don't know in that case10:22
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memcmemeI am relatively new to this all myself10:22
Beunoanyone had kde 3.2 installed10:23
Beunoand installed kubuntu?10:23
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Beunocause Im doing that as we speak10:23
Beunojust curious on what will happen10:23
hippyhuffinpainti just did that10:23
hippyhuffinpaintmandrake 10.1 to kubuntu 5.0410:24
walskiin k3b now in hoary - how to you enable k3b mp3 support10:24
Beunoit updates the 3.2 version without any problems?10:24
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hippyhuffinpainti dunno for sure i get errors10:24
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memcmemethe error message should tell you what the missing component is10:24
Beunowalski:  I use xmms10:24
hippyhuffinpaintclosing outta apps i get bombed with crashes10:24
memcmemeor go into synaptic and type k3b10:24
memcmemespecify description10:24
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memcmemeand you will get all the packages associated with it10:25
hippyhuffinpaintwho me?10:25
walskimemcmeme, ive installed it10:25
memcmemeI know10:25
memcmemebut if you do that10:25
memcmemeand specify to search description and name10:25
memcmemeyou will see all of the other packages that are associated with it10:25
memcmemeincluding plugins10:25
pablo928memcmeme: I up-graded to hoary today nd now can't find the synaptic package manager.10:26
memcmemeapt-get install synaptic10:26
Beunopablo: try apt-get then10:26
memcmemethen type synaptic in your root terminal10:26
memcmemeand it will magically appear10:26
walskik thanks 4 that memcmeme10:26
memcmememake sure you go into repositories10:26
memcmemeand check universe and multiverse10:26
memcmemeso you have the best of the best packages10:27
djpanyone use dar here?10:27
walskiill have more of a look in repositories10:27
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pablo928memcmeme:Hey it worked. I've got the synaptic package manager again. Thanks.10:28
hippyhuffinpaintroot@trainwreks:~# apt-get install firefox10:28
hippyhuffinpaintReading Package Lists... Done10:28
hippyhuffinpaintBuilding Dependency Tree... Done10:28
hippyhuffinpaintE: Couldn't find package firefox10:28
hippyhuffinpaintroot@trainwreks:~# apt-get install mozilla-firefox10:29
hippyhuffinpaintReading Package Lists... Done10:29
hippyhuffinpaintBuilding Dependency Tree... Done10:29
hippyhuffinpaintmozilla-firefox is already the newest version.10:29
hippyhuffinpaint0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 50 not upgraded.10:29
scandiumthere you go10:29
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hippyhuffinpaintdoesn't work10:30
scandiumwhat happens if you type "firefox" in console?10:30
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scandiumor click the blue ball in the top panel10:31
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hippyhuffinpaintalex@trainwreks:~$ firefox10:31
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hippyhuffinpaintstarts to load10:32
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hippyhuffinpaintdoesnt open10:32
Diablo-D3sarge iso done downloading10:32
Diablo-D3hopefully that can install10:33
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memcmemeno problem :)10:33
Diablo-D3and then I can install ubuntu from that10:33
ghitahello!Whay can't I see for example for a jar file the gnome-mime-application-x-jar icon?10:33
hippyhuffinpainthow do i remove apps10:33
Diablo-D3hippyhuffinpaint: apt-get remove10:33
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hippyhuffinpaintdiablo-d3 thanks, but what if i didn't install it with apt-get install10:35
Diablo-D3hippyhuffinpaint: how else would you install things?10:35
hippyhuffinpainti unpacked the tarball for mozilla firefox 1.02 and installed that10:36
Diablo-D3rtfm then10:36
hippyhuffinpaintwhats that mean?10:36
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Diablo-D3rtfd while you're at it10:37
Diablo-D3and if that doesnt help, www.fuckinggoogleit.com10:37
toni^hippyhuffinpaint: there should be uninstall script where you installed it10:37
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=== Diablo-D3 should script that sequence for xchat
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MyrttiDiablo-D3: do you know what etymology lies behind Ubuntu's name?10:39
Myrttijust asking out of curiosity10:39
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Diablo-D3Myrtti: check the faq for that10:40
sabmoc|zombiehrmmmmmrmmmm.. braaainzzz....10:40
Myrttibecause I doubt *you* have read that part of Ubuntu's rtfd, since your attitude towards newbies is so hostile10:40
pablo928Diablo-D3:I just followed your link, Pretty good!10:40
Diablo-D3Myrtti: ahh, in that case, do you know the etymology that lies behind my name? ;)10:40
sabmoc|zombieMyrtti, who's being hostil to noobs? thats my job and I'll be damned is someone is gonna spork me out of it!10:41
MyrttiDiablo-D3: saint who's said to be the guardian of Irish?10:41
Diablo-D3yeah--wait, no!10:41
Diablo-D3I eat people! For breakfast! Humans taste like chicken!10:42
omniscientanyone found the easter egg on that site10:42
Myrttino but really. I just dislike the attitude of giving RTFM or UTFG as the sole answer10:42
Myrttibut do continue whatever you were doing10:42
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Diablo-D3I _was_ attempting to ubuntufy a laptop10:43
Diablo-D3the kind of laptop that running DOS is it's speed10:43
MyrttiI'll continue being "The Ubuntu using Finnish nerdette-whiner-bitch"10:43
Myrtticarry on10:43
Diablo-D3seeing as the install cd wont work on it...10:44
sabmoc|zombiehrrmmmrmm.. brainzzss..10:44
hippyhuffinpainti dunno if there is an uninstall scrpt would it be named xpicleanup?  its my mozilla-firefox directory.10:44
Diablo-D3Ill attempt to use debian install (which works on everything, including toasters) and then ubuntufy the debian install10:44
Diablo-D3hippyhuffinpaint: no10:44
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MyrttiDiablo-D3: have you tried pure Ubuntu install on that machine yet?10:45
Diablo-D3Myrtti: pure as in whats off the 4.10 install cd?10:45
Diablo-D3Myrtti: thats what I tried already10:45
joshmachineanyone here have any success with the cisco vpn client on hoary?  The module loads fine, but when I try to use it the kernel emits some sort of stack dump (with the apparent root problem "Badness in local_bh_enable at kernel/softirq.c:140")  this worked fine on debian sarge.10:45
MyrttiDiablo-D3: or the hoary preview install CDs10:45
Diablo-D3apparently low memory mode is completely borked on those cds10:46
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MyrttiI'm not sure if we talk about the same thing10:46
NetCommwwhere are guys based?10:46
NetCommim just woundering how long my cd will take..10:46
Myrttiversion numbering has always made my head dizzy10:46
NetCommim in australia10:46
Diablo-D3Myrtti: we dont, 4.10 is warty10:46
Diablo-D3atleast, I think its warty. Its whatever is stable atm10:46
MyrttiI'd try hoary CD's before trying with Debian installer10:47
=== Diablo-D3 beats ubuntu and debian both for using version numbers
Myrttibut that's just me10:47
Diablo-D3heh, Im on dialup, Myrtti10:47
Diablo-D3unless you plan on same day fedexing me a hoary install cd.... =P10:47
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NetCommanyone want to have a stap at my question?10:47
sabmoc|zombiea stap? sure i'll stap it10:48
Ribsnothing like a good stapping10:48
Diablo-D3stap! stap! stappity stap!10:48
sabmoc|zombiehmm.. staping goodness.. *gurgle*10:48
NetCommhardly funny10:48
=== Diablo-D3 . o O ( wrong crowd for that reference )
sabmoc|zombieI dunno, three comments seem to say otherwise. :)10:49
sabmoc|zombieNetComm, whats the question?10:49
MyrttiNetComm: I just didn't understand your question10:49
Myrttiyou could try to rephraze it10:49
NetCommwhere are the developers of ubuntu based?10:49
Myrttiall over the world10:50
Diablo-D3NetComm: on planet earth10:50
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NetCommand who long with my copy take to be shipped to australia?10:50
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pablo928Diablo-D3:I installed 4.10 0n a old PC chips mother board with a P12 300 Mhz processor. It just didn't recognize my on-board video,  sound or nic. (10:50
NetCommok where are the cd's shipped from?10:50
sabmoc|zombieNetComm, I think canonical is based in south africa10:50
Diablo-D3pablo928: how much memory?10:50
Diablo-D3NetComm: because it came from sweeden10:50
jdubNetComm: when did you order the cd?10:50
Diablo-D3heh, atleast, my stack of ubuntu cds came from sweeden10:51
Funraiserthere is nero for linux now :http://www.dvd-recordable.org/Article1913.phtml10:51
NetCommjust now10:51
NetCommim in australia..10:51
jdubNetComm: then you won't get it until after hoary is released.10:51
Diablo-D3Funraiser: yeah, that was on slashdot like last month10:51
MyrttiFunraiser: available to those who have registered and paid for Windows version10:51
Diablo-D3yay its jdub10:51
jdubNetComm: if you're in sydney, you can get some warty CDs from me10:51
Diablo-D3jdub: say something funny10:51
sabmoc|zombieNetComm, the Ubuntu helijet should be in your backyard momentarily, please wait.10:51
NetCommjdub im in tasmania10:51
Myrttiwhich suck ***, but on the other hand, I don't have burning ROM drive10:52
pablo928Diablo-D3: 228 MB ram10:52
Diablo-D3pablo928: thats why.10:52
Myrttiso I couldn't care less10:52
Diablo-D3pablo928: this laptop only has 3210:52
Funraiserlike "who" has a registred version of Nero...10:52
sabmoc|zombieI need a good staping!!10:52
jdubNetComm: ok. the shipit pages do say that current CD orders are for hoary, and will be shipped after its release.10:52
Diablo-D3pablo928: which triggers low memory mode, which causes it to explode10:52
MyrttiFunraiser: that one too :->10:52
sabmoc|zombieFunraiser, everyone who buys a cd-burner actually.10:52
Funraiserdidn't think about that10:53
Diablo-D3am I the only one here who thinks kubuntu should merge with ubuntu?10:53
NetCommwell that wasnt so hard was it, jesus christ10:53
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Diablo-D3I dont think I even own a copy of nero10:53
jdubDiablo-D3: you are. because you don't realise that they are one and the same.10:53
sabmoc|zombieFunraiser, I have an oem cd of nero sitting on my desk with cd-key10:53
Funraisergonna get my version of NeroLinux10:53
Diablo-D3both of my cd burners came with nero, and I tossed the disks out10:53
RibsDiablo-D3: Buy OEM, it's cheaper :>10:54
Diablo-D3jdub: but they are being marketed as seperate distros?10:54
Diablo-D3Ribs: these were oem10:54
jdubDiablo-D3: to a certain extent, yes10:54
Diablo-D3I never buy retail box stuff10:54
Diablo-D3jdub: I dont see the point in that10:54
Ribsand it came with software?10:54
Ribsohh errr10:54
Diablo-D3yeah, it came with nero10:55
jdubDiablo-D3: that's okay.10:55
word_virusOEM keys don't work with NeroLinux.  You have to buy the box. :-(10:55
Funraisernero was the only app i had to go back to window$, now i'm free10:55
Diablo-D3infact, my most recent one didnt even come with screws or cables10:55
Diablo-D3but it came with a nero disc10:55
Diablo-D3go figure10:55
pablo928Diablo-D3:Nero want you to upgrade.10:56
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toni^whos so sick to BUY cd burner for linux?...10:56
memcmemeI do have a serious question though10:56
Diablo-D3pablo928: nero can kiss my shiney metal ass10:56
Diablo-D3k3b > *10:56
memcmemewhat is better about nero over k3b?10:56
memcmemeI have not read of any real advange10:56
memcmemeshit I can't spell advantage10:57
Diablo-D3k3b is the best cd burner software in existance10:57
Myrttitoni^: software or hardware? I'm sure lots of people have CD burners...10:57
memcmemeHere here!10:57
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, eeww, just eww10:57
Diablo-D3okay, fine, you gnome kiddies can use your k3b clone10:57
toni^Myrtti: emn... talking about nero ;)10:57
=== jebus [~jebus@203-217-92-243.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jebusok i have a obvious and dumb question10:57
Myrttiwell, I got the impression that one cannot buy it, the linux version10:58
FunraiserK3b doesn't convert mp3 to avi directly10:58
Funraiserwhen burning an audio cd10:58
Diablo-D3Funraiser: er... what?10:58
memcmemeyou can't10:58
memcmemeyou have to buy the windows version10:58
Diablo-D3Funraiser: you mean mp3 to pcm directly?10:58
jebusdoes ubuntu support rpm files10:58
memcmemeand when you register it10:58
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Myrttithat it's available without payment to those who have already bought the Windows version10:58
Myrttior registered it10:58
Myrttito be more precise10:58
memcmemethey will let you download the linux version10:58
=== Echylo is away: Zever, Gezever!
memcmemejust stupid if you ask me10:58
=== underlord [~underlord@c211-30-117-126.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Diablo-D3yeah, do they think they can compete with k3b?10:59
memcmemeI would never buy Nero, I like K3B UI better too10:59
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=== Diablo-D3 <3 keb
Diablo-D3er, argh10:59
=== Diablo-D3 somehow translated 31337 speak to normal speak on the fly
underlordon boot ubuntu outputs a bunch of errors reading my disk, but still boots ok, i suspect i might have some bad blocks or something, how can i force a check?10:59
FunraiserDiablo-D3 i mean mp3 to the format for an audio cd10:59
Myrttimemcmeme: on the other hand, the windows version is bundeled on almost every CD burner, so if they have (don't know if they do) a way of registering it online outside of the windows software, then it would be a piece of cake getting the linux version too11:00
Diablo-D3Funraiser: that would be pcm11:00
pablo928memcmeme; Is k3b available thru ap-get?11:00
Myrttipablo928: yes11:00
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Diablo-D3apt-get install k3b11:00
Funraiserok, one might think that it's a required feature...11:00
Diablo-D3recent version already installed blah blah blah11:00
jebusdoes ubuntu support rpm files11:00
memcmemethatst he stupid thing11:00
Diablo-D3jebus: no, use alien11:01
memcmemeyou have to have windows to register the damn windows version11:01
=== SeeleyUSMC [~SeeeleyUS@ca-29palms-cmts2a-57.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeeleyUSMCWho's alive?11:01
sabmoc|zombiehhmmrm.. brainzzzz11:01
Diablo-D3memcmeme: ... that makes no sense11:01
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omniscientMyrtti, you cant use that one to register11:01
Diablo-D3thats like how microsoft does it11:01
omniscientits oem aint it11:01
Myrttiomniscient: well that sucks11:02
omniscientthey only work witht hat burner11:02
omniscientfrom my experiance11:02
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memcmemepablo928 if you don't have a certain driver11:02
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Diablo-D3<billg> we dont sell you software, you sell us your soul11:02
memcmemeit will tell you to install it11:02
Diablo-D3<billg> whahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhahah *cough*11:02
memcmemepablo928 dont panic if that happens, just copy and past the driver name into synaptic11:02
memcmemeand you will find it :)11:02
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089E0D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Diablo-D3btw, yes, oem copies are locked to the specific cd burner11:02
memcmemethat is11:02
MyrttiI don't know if I should be happy or not, but I have no other way of physically get my stuff out of my computer than my USB memory stick11:03
Diablo-D3Myrtti: ph33r.11:03
Myrttiwhich, BTW, I haven't checked if it works with my current hardware11:03
Diablo-D3it could be worse, though11:03
Myrttiit could11:03
Diablo-D3you could cram DSL onto your usb key11:03
Myrttisay what?11:03
Diablo-D3damn small linux11:03
memcmemeDSL is cute11:04
memcmemebut honestly11:04
Myrttiyeah well, a friend of mine keeps Firefox on his USB stick11:04
memcmemeunless you have ancient hardware there is no bloody point11:04
Diablo-D3memcmeme: no no no man11:04
Myrtticause the schools stuck on Netscape 4.7 and IE11:04
sabmoc|zombieMyrtti, i bet that impresses all the girls at work.11:04
Diablo-D3its like installing linux on your keychain11:04
Myrttisabmoc|zombie: I keep my firefox on my network shared drive11:04
memcmemeits cute11:04
memcmemeI said that11:04
Myrtticause I have the same prob at my school11:04
Diablo-D3linux on my keychain, netbsd on my toaster, windows in the trashcan...11:05
memcmemewhat schools are these Hschools or Universities?11:05
memcmemeand are you teachers or students?11:05
MyrttiIf it wouldn't work from the network drive, I'd be forced to do the same11:05
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000d615542e2.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Myrttimemcmeme: Tampere Polytechnic is where I study, my friend studies at Tampere Technical University11:05
MyrttiUniversity of Technology11:06
Diablo-D3I was wondering why it was so bright in my room11:06
Diablo-D3the sun came up11:06
MyrttiBut the USB stick was quite handy after we moved on January11:07
memcmemewhere the heck is that?  Florida?11:07
Myrttididn't have DSL yet, so I used sneakernet11:07
SeeleyUSMCheh. sun doesn't come up for a while here. its 2:07am11:07
Myrttimemcmeme: Finland11:07
pablo928memcmeme: You're right. When I went to start k3b tells me I need some executables. I'll work on that later.11:07
Diablo-D3though its not quite up yet11:07
Diablo-D3its getting there though11:07
jebuspitch black here11:07
MyrttiI'm off, have to fry some fish11:07
memcmemepablo928 it will take like 10 seconds,  apt-get install name of exe11:07
memcmemethat way you wont forget :)11:07
Diablo-D3that reminds me11:07
memcmemeyeah I am in Oregon11:08
Diablo-D3Im supposed to be burning cd11:08
=== aeolist [~aeolist@ppp127.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Daehlieyay for oregon11:08
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Diablo-D3Id rather be in washington11:08
matthewhi can anyone tell me how to download a flash plug in that will install by itself after i download it?11:09
sabmoc|zombieanyone from Canada?11:09
Daehliewashington just _WISHES_ it was oregon11:09
matthewi don't know how to program and I am a new user11:09
pablo928Diablo-D3:Where are you? I have 3:09 A.M here.11:09
memcmemeoh this is great www.linuxsucks.org  its an anti-linux forum that has been taken over by Linux lovers LOL, classic11:09
Diablo-D3Sun Mar 20 05:10:01 EST 200511:10
Diablo-D3pablo928: maine as I said before11:10
memcmemeDaehlie Seattle area?  Or Central or Eastern?11:10
sabmoc|zombiematthew, Im not a programmer either, dont sweat it. You're still aloud to be an idiot and obnoxious, infact, its highly encouraged :D11:10
matthewty but i love the program11:10
djpany dar users here?11:10
memcmemenothing wrong with being a complete moron, so long as your relatively civil :)11:10
DaehlieI am originally from Bend, Oregon, I am in Salt Lake City UT attending college at the University of Utah11:10
matthewty 2, so how bout the flash plug in11:11
memcmemeI fly through Salt lake all of the time11:11
memcmemeon my way to orlando11:11
Diablo-D3apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree?11:11
memcmemeI would try synaptic11:11
Daehliemy major is computer science11:12
memcmemesearch description keyword flash11:12
matthewok how do i use synaptic11:12
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matthewok ill try it11:12
Daehliesurprise surprise11:12
memcmemeDaehlie sweet11:12
memcmemeI am a Expiremental Psych major, focussing on Comparative psych,11:12
matthewok my synaptic doesnt find it on my system11:12
memcmemehere is what you want to do11:13
Funraiseri assume deb packages work on ubuntu, right?11:13
Diablo-D3Funraiser: yes11:13
sabmoc|zombiematthew, you probably need to install the universe repository11:13
Funraiserdpkg -i etc..11:13
Diablo-D3and lots of ubuntu packages work on deb11:13
sabmoc|zombieFunraiser, yup11:13
=== Diablo-D3 uses xorg on deb sid
sabmoc|zombiematthew, http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#extrarepositories11:14
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Diablo-D3I need a new rewritable cd11:14
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, meow11:14
Diablo-D3it maxes out at 12x11:14
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aeolisthi, i am having trouble compiling the kernel: http://www.pastebin.com/26052311:15
sabmoc|zombiehey did anyone hear about the version of a live-cd someone came out with, its a cd-rw you load the OS just like regular, but then you can create files and before you reboot it will write it to the cd so next time you pop it in, files are intact. So Cool.11:15
cefthe >= 16x cd-rw's use a different burn mechanism11:15
Diablo-D3sabmoc|zombie: yup11:16
Diablo-D3cef: so?11:16
Diablo-D3cef: my cd burner can do it11:16
cefDiablo-D3: so you can't burn them at less than 16x.. just something to keep in mind11:16
jdubsabmoc|zombie: fairly likely we'll do a similar thing for breezy11:16
sabmoc|zombieJDub fantastic11:17
Diablo-D3cef: that isnt exactly it11:17
Diablo-D3cef: I cant burn _faster_ than 12x with this cd11:17
Diablo-D3software locks me out from doing so11:17
Diablo-D3its a 52x48x52 drive, btw11:17
cefDiablo-D3: that may be because the burner won't write to a non-high speed cdrw11:18
cefat greater than 12x (next step up is 16x)11:18
Diablo-D3cef: no, it will only write to what the cd says it is11:18
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Diablo-D3Ive had it do it on a batch of cdrs too11:19
Diablo-D3maxed out at 32x11:19
cefDiablo-D3: yep11:19
miraknautilus is a catastrophe11:19
Diablo-D3naut does suck =/11:19
=== _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-42-58.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
miraknautilus is the worst part og gnome11:19
mirakit always crashes11:19
Diablo-D3why cant gnome just clone konq11:19
mirakfor whatever reason11:20
cefDiablo-D3: just saying if/when you get a 16x cd-rw, you will only be able to write to it in your burner at 16x or better. any less, and it "will not work"11:20
mirakI like gnome desktop, but nautilus is not good11:20
Diablo-D3cef: but.... why would I?11:20
Diablo-D3I can play quake3 and burn at 52x with no underuns11:20
mirakI am thinking in usong konqueror instead of nautilus even inside of gnome11:20
cefDiablo-D3: eg: using the disk to transfer from work to home and back again? esp if the other burner doesn't do greater than 12x11:21
Diablo-D3cef: I'd probably be the head of the IT department11:21
Diablo-D3so I'd just order myself a new drive11:21
jdubmirak: where you see nautilus crashes, please click the 'report to developers' button in the crash dialogue11:22
cefDiablo-D3: fair enuff.. just pointing it out11:22
pablo928Good night all.11:22
Diablo-D3and I'd get rid of all the windows and redhat machines too11:22
Diablo-D3and get rid of my boss too11:22
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Diablo-D3Im thinking... load elevator with tons of stuff I ordered just so its right under the break limit for the cable...11:23
Diablo-D3and then shove my boss in there11:23
mirakjdub: it crashes so many times I can't even tell what is the common behavior that produce a bug11:25
mirakit crashes for whatever reason11:25
mirakI can't tell why11:25
cefDiablo-D3: you need to be a little more devious.. but you're getting there *grin*11:25
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Diablo-D3cef: come on, thats classic bofh11:25
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, you're either smoking too much dope or not enough, im not sure which.11:25
Diablo-D3and if he survives, I can snmp manage his wheelchair11:26
cefDiablo-D3: actually classic bofh would be putting the load on the roof so the elevator looks emtry, and just letting the boss walk in there without a shove *grin*11:26
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Diablo-D3cef: hrm11:26
pepsii installed kubuntu11:26
Diablo-D3but then I couldnt have the obvious lead up11:27
pepsii looked at kde11:27
pepsithen i came back to gnome11:27
pepsiand my fonts are all borked11:27
pepsiantialiasing doesnt work11:27
Diablo-D3cef: I wouldnt have to literally shove him in there11:27
cefDiablo-D3: heh11:27
Diablo-D3I could order like 100000000000000000000000 blank cds11:27
sabmoc|zombiepepsi, you have to turn it on again (i think)11:27
Diablo-D3or 2 ibm mainframes11:27
pepsisabmoc|zombie, i tried11:27
jdubmirak: that's fine; whenever it happens, click on the report to developers button. that sends a backtrace.11:27
pepsiit doesnt want to budge11:27
Diablo-D3and say it was an ordering glitch, but the ups guy needs his permission to send the stuff back11:27
cef2? sheesh half of one should be enough11:27
Diablo-D3and the ups guy is on the ground floor11:27
sabmoc|zombiepepsi, hmm.. most unfortunate. :(11:28
jdubpepsi: there are some defaults issues, it seems. chat to #kubuntu.11:28
Diablo-D3cef: they arent that big anymore11:28
Diablo-D3havent you seen the commercials/11:28
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jdubmirak: it's doubly useful if you install nautilus-dbg11:28
Diablo-D3they're just tall racks now that are just missing the HAL eye11:28
sabmoc|zombieis pan a good news reader?11:28
jdubmirak: that provides more information for the backtrace11:29
cefDiablo-D3: true.. but why spend the money on a new system? *grin*11:29
Diablo-D3sabmoc|zombie: try kmail and thunderbird11:29
sabmoc|zombieI feel like reading some news.11:29
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, eww11:29
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jdubmirak: if nautilus crashes that regularly for you, then perhaps you use it very differently to most other people, so providing that feedback will help greatly11:29
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, have you tried pan?11:29
Diablo-D3cef: true, that might cut into my budget11:29
Diablo-D3cef: which I must avoid at all costs11:29
mirakok I will try that jdub11:30
SeeleyUSMCI think I'll just stay up all night/morning...to early to go to bed now.  its 2:3011:30
hippyhuffinpaintwow its 4:30 here and im just thinking about bed11:30
Diablo-D3cef: though, I _do_ have the secret nude photos of my boss's boss with his secretary....11:31
sabmoc|zombieIm surprised how little seems to crash on Ubuntu, I wonder if it is just a sign of software maturity, or package mantainer skill, or both.11:31
garrutit's 11:30 here and i just got out of bed :)11:31
sabmoc|zombiegarrut, am or pm?11:31
cefDiablo-D3: heh.. they must come in handy11:31
=== Diablo-D3 hasnt read bofh for years
sabmoc|zombiegarrut, pfft11:31
Diablo-D3I should go read the archive again11:31
sabmoc|zombiegarrut, rookie11:31
jdubguys, off-topic discussion elsewhere please11:32
cefDiablo-D3: the new stuff isn't too bad.. he's churning out a new story almost once a week11:32
mirakI have a question about sources kernel. When I install kernell tree, I got /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10/  . Now the kernel is 2.6.10-5 . How can I know what version are the sources ? are the sources exactly the one of 2.6.10-5 ? I don't get how it works11:32
sabmoc|zombiegarrut, now if it was 11pm and your just getting out of bed, thats a  much more interesting story.11:32
Diablo-D3hahahaha goddamnit!11:32
Diablo-D3I downloaded the wrong iso11:32
Diablo-D3this is the debian new installer one11:32
=== thesill [theseal@c-8caee253.17-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Diablo-D3which looks quite familiar11:33
Diablo-D3*cough*ubuntu's installer*cough*11:33
thesillhello my ubuntu friends......11:33
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memcmemehello thesill?11:33
Diablo-D3lets see if it works11:33
thesillIs ther any known issues w the wartu torrent???11:33
thesillhello memcmeme11:33
sabmoc|zombiethesill, hi11:34
Diablo-D3oh please oh please oh please oh please work >_<11:34
sabmoc|zombiehrmmmphfff.. braAAINZZ!!!11:34
sabmoc|zombiemunch munch munch11:34
thesillohh, sorry the hoary,11:34
jbm__anyone here know how i can install the clisp-dev package onto warty? I see its available in hoary universe but im not interested in upgrading distro for this.11:34
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thesillI have downloaded the Hoary relaesa from bittorent protocoll, and my installation stops "corrupt ubuntu keyring"11:35
ulissehi channel11:35
Diablo-D3that failed11:35
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, so it is not available in the warty universe? only hoary11:35
Diablo-D3apparently they dont put ppp on debian discs anymore11:35
sabmoc|zombieulisse, hello11:35
Diablo-D3er, I mean the small ones11:35
ulisseanyone runs hoary wit a Radeon Mobility 9600?11:36
jbm__sabmoc|zombie, not that i can find, have searched with synaptic and its not there11:36
Diablo-D3this box has a 4.3 gig hd11:37
=== [TuLiPe] [~[TuLiPe] @dyn-83-157-114-37.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ahijahcan someone wlk me through whats on this page in later today? ( http://at76c503a.berlios.de/ )11:37
jbm__can i temporarily switch my respositories to hoary to install a package then switch back to warty without upgrading distro you think?11:38
Rattboiwhich package?11:38
=== SeeleyUSMC [~chatzilla@ca-29palms-cmts2a-57.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, have you tried downloading the clisp.debs and just manually installing them?11:38
Rattboiit might be safer to just compile it11:38
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, the debs from hoary11:38
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jbm__sabmoc|zombie, yes i have the source for the package and all aswell, but there is many dependancies and i dont want to do them all one by one like that if it can be helped11:39
=== niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-219-85.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thesillohoy, sailors.... any known issues w the hoary bittorent, burning iso w nero??11:39
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, hmm.. thats unfortunate :(11:39
thesillI do not seem to get through installation...11:39
sabmoc|zombiethesill, nope11:40
sabmoc|zombiethesill, have you tried burning again at a lower speed, or perhaps redownloading the iso?11:40
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jbm__maybe it time to hoary up then i guess, my only concern is xorg screweing up my dual monitor configuration which is nice now in xfree... think it will work?11:40
thesillsabmoc|zombie: bummer... i have tried to reload the iso and am burnig x8 again, its the slowest my burner can, letss e what results i get11:40
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optikajbm__: I'm doing dual-head on an nvidia card under hoary no prob ;)11:41
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, I heard someone talking about how happy they were there dual monitor setup worked, just earlier today. but who knows, but have a little faith.. ubuntu is pretty uber.11:41
garrutme too11:41
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jbm__ya i wish i had nvidia, but this ATI stuff was such a hassle to get running in every distro i have tried... oh well its the weekend i guess ill give it a try. thanks!11:42
=== vixus [~vixus@82-41-122-60.cable.ubr01.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ahijahexcept when it comes to wireless usb network adapters11:42
ahijahcan't get mine working11:42
vixusHello... how do I install a scanner on Ubuntu? (It has been detected in device manager)11:43
=== Dosnowin [Dosnowin@AVelizy-152-1-64-238.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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Fl-i-nThey all11:44
ahijahdevice manager sux... it only tells you that something is there.. you cant atchually manage your devices with it11:44
DosnowinIs there someone oline to help me ?11:44
Fl-i-nTHow are you all doing this fine morning?11:44
Dosnowinfine thank U11:44
Fl-i-nTDosnowin, good good11:44
DosnowinI have a Problem using 5.04 X6411:44
ahijahdevice manager sux... it only tells you that something is there.. you cant atchually manage your devices with it11:45
=== pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-9-172.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu
memcmemeis there a limewire DEB?11:45
Fl-i-nTRTFM is really really diffecult :(11:45
DosnowinIt tells me " Fail to initialize HAL"11:45
ahijahif i knew how to write kernels i would fix it but i can't grrrrrr11:45
Dosnowinthe LIVECD 64 Doesn t11:45
memcmemeor can someone reccomend a really good p2p11:45
memcmemethat is not amule11:45
memcmemeI hate amule11:45
sabmoc|zombiememcmeme, dont need one, just download the bin from limewire.com11:45
ahijahbittorrent is a good p2p11:46
memcmemewhere isthat?11:46
memcmemeI did not see that11:46
sandwitchmatrox cart Dosnowin ?11:46
memcmemeI only saw a rpm11:46
SeeleyUSMCmemcmeme: I read up on limewire for ubuntu somewhere11:46
Dosnowinmatrox cart ?11:46
Diablo-D3limewire sucks11:46
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Diablo-D3there are better gnutella clients out there11:46
Dosnowini Have an ATI M 1011:46
sandwitchyour graphics cart11:46
sabmoc|zombieoh right! um.. you can use alient to turn the rpm to a deb, thats what I did and it works fine11:46
memcmemeDiablo-D3 pray tell11:46
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sandwitchok sorry dunno then11:46
=== SeeleyUSMC acts like he didn't hear limewire get dissed
memcmemeI am all ears Diablo-D311:46
Diablo-D3gtk-gnutella ;)11:47
ahijahdevice manager sux... it only tells you that something is there.. you cant atchually manage your devices with it11:47
Dosnowinthnaks anyway11:47
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SeeleyUSMCahijah: lol11:47
DosnowinSomeone know this problem ?11:47
sabmoc|zombiewhat is emule? I've heard people rave about it.11:47
DosnowinLIVECD 64 OK - INSTALL 64 - Fail to initialize Hal so no USB support11:47
sandwitchacpi mabe ?11:48
sandwitchdid you start with acpi on or off ?11:49
jdubahijah: it doesn't suck, it's just misnamed.11:49
_d4vidhi all11:49
Fl-i-nT_d4vid, hi11:50
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buzhow can i figure out what color depth my display uses? color gradients seem awfully bad...11:51
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Dosnowinsandswitch how can i know, i ran the installation without changing anything11:51
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sandwitchthere are boot-options when you start the install cd i guess11:52
memcmemeI don't like that one at all11:52
memcmemedoes anyone know where I can find the Limewire.bin11:52
memcmemeI doesn't seem to be on the limewire page anymore :(11:52
sabmoc|zombiemembreya, why dont you just convert the most recent rpm to a deb with alien?11:53
Diablo-D3limewire is full of spyware anyhow11:53
garrutanyone here use valknut?11:53
DosnowinIsnt it curious LiveCD run perfectly instead InstallCD Fail to initalize HAL11:53
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, what makes you say that?11:53
thesillsame problem again..... DeBootstrap error: Couldn't retreive ubuntu keyring.... second download, third CD-R.11:54
Diablo-D3sabmoc|zombie: its recognized as spyware now11:54
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sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, its opensource, thats sad if its true.11:54
DosnowinEverything work exept USB support11:54
FunraiserOMG installing nerolinux was so easy :-)11:54
sabmoc|zombieDiablo-D3, recognized by who?11:54
jbm__whats plugged into your USB?11:54
Diablo-D3all the major spyware lists11:55
sabmoc|zombieFunraiser, cool :)11:55
cefDosnowin: that's because the install and livecd's aren't built at the same time, or using the same mechanism11:55
vixusCan anyone help me install my scanner?11:55
DosnowinUSB KEY11:55
Dosnowinor Hard Disk11:55
DosnowinNone is functionnal11:55
Dosnowinso what can i do cef ?11:55
Diablo-D3night all11:56
Dosnowingood night11:56
vixusIs there no xine for hoary?!!11:56
memcmemedoes anyone know where I can find the debian friendly Limewire?11:56
vixusoh, gxine. =D11:57
jbm__memcmeme, http://ubuntuguide.org/#limewire11:57
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
vixusCan anyone help me install my scanner?11:57
thesillplease help me.... I have the same problem again w my install. DeBootstrap error: Couldn't retreive ubuntu keyring....  and this is my second download,  and third third CD-R.11:57
Rattboivixus: no11:57
Rattboij/k, but I can't help myself11:57
vixusI can't scan in my nice sexay art then =(11:58
cefthesill: can you do an md5sum on your cd image?11:58
thesillcef: I think so...11:59
cefthesill: which image did you download?11:59
vixusDamn, apparently my scanner is unsupported by SANE. :(12:00
thesillcef: hoary-preview-install-i386.iso12:00
cefahh the preview.. there is a newer image around.. Array7..12:00
vixusThat sucks. Ah well.12:01
thesillcef: ok, any tips on how I can get my hands on that?12:01
vixusHow do I install DVD support on hoary?12:01
DosnowinCef So what can i do for my problem ?12:01
vixuslibdvdcss2 is not there.12:01
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sabmoc|zombievixus, yes it is12:01
Fl-i-nTWho here is reading or has read the howtos.linux.com.......12:01
cefDosnowin: no idea, sorry12:01
thesillcef: I am burning x8, its the slowest my burner can do i nero...12:01
SeeleyUSMCYeah I can't watch a movie on ubuntu12:02
sabmoc|zombievixus, you need to install the universe repository in your apt sources.list12:02
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sabmoc|zombieI tell people this about 10 million times a day.12:02
vixussabmoc|zombie: I think I have... let me see.12:02
jbm__vixus, http://ubuntuguide.org/#dvdplayback12:02
memcmemeI really need a user friendly P2P any suggestions?12:02
vixussabmoc|zombie, I have universe already...12:02
sabmoc|zombievixus, what about multiverse12:03
vixussabmoc|zombie: Hmm, I don't think so.12:03
cefthesill: http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/releases/5.04/array-7/12:03
sabmoc|zombiejoin me on #flood ill show you what you need.12:03
memcmemejbm__ Thanks :)12:03
DosnowinThank you cef12:03
jbm__memcmeme, ;)12:04
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sabmoc|zombievixus, here just follow this http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#pan12:04
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ahijahi'm dumb.. how do i use modprobe atml?12:04
zzyberi had big troubles yesterday and i really need help. Suddenly i got bad sectors in my reiserfs partition and my ubuntu didnt boot. I tried everything but nothing worked, at last i did a reinstall and for some reason it worked, strange when non of utils badblock, reiserfsck did work. Now i want to check if my disk is in shape to have as primary and i need some tool to do a blockscan and i prefer to se it live like in windows scandisk, wha12:04
zzybert can i do?12:04
thesillcef: my previous iso checksum 0f04de0a00e922cda2e6c49c37eceb7f  , and the array-7 on its way down....12:06
=== mongrelic [~chatzilla@10001134230.0000007348.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Fl-i-nTWhy does apt.get not work for me?12:06
Funraisersomething weird happen to my media playerS: I used to have realplayer, totem, xmms and xine all working perfectly. Then I installed VLCplayer and suddenly none of my players work except xine...(?)12:06
Fl-i-nTor am i spelling it wrong?12:06
Fl-i-nToh its apt-get silly meh lol12:07
=== TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
DosnowinIs There anyway to install he LiveCD on my harddisk ?12:07
vixusDo I need to have hoary-security multiverse in my repos list?12:07
Fl-i-nTDosnowin, i dont think that is possible12:07
cefthesill: that's the correct md5sum.. hrm12:08
thesillcef: I just relized that....12:09
Funraisersomebody knows what could be the problem with all of my media players not working? (except xine)12:09
Fl-i-nTOk when  i did apt-get update in normal terminal it said Unable to lock the list directory does this mean i have to do apt-get commands in root?12:09
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mongrelichey I have a problem with my router/firewall/adsl modem. I can't seem to update. I've been searching for firewall rules but nothing works.12:09
optikaFl-i-nT: yes, you'll need to do almost any apt-get commands as root12:09
thesillcef.... burning in x8, could it be the problem?12:09
jbm__Funraiser, have you installed the necessary codecs to play your files?12:09
Fl-i-nToptika, thankx12:09
optikaFl-i-nT: anything that needs to modify "the system" needs to be done as root.12:09
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thesillcef: is there any bootdisc/netinstall availeble?12:10
cefthesill: don't think so.. perhaps it's just the burner12:10
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, do you have the dvd playback codec installed?12:10
thesillcef: spanking new DVDx16 duallayer12:10
cefthesill: not that I'm aware of12:10
Funraiserjbm__ everything worked fine before i installed a new player called VLC12:10
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, oh nevermind, forgot your on warty12:10
sebastianmay someone help me with ubuntu?12:10
jbm__sabmoc|zombie, yes12:10
Fl-i-nToptika, thankx ill keep that in the back of my head hehe thanks it worked12:10
jbm__let you know in 2 mins if it works in hoary ;)12:10
sebastianI cannot load the daemon powernowd and my latop became really noisy12:11
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, did you get it from deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ ?12:11
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Fl-i-nToptika, if i wanted to update a certain package would it be apt-get upgrade mozila-firefox12:11
SeeleyUSMCanyone know why a usb flash card that automounted earlier won't auto mount after a restart?12:11
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sebastianI got it with hoary12:12
Funraiserjbm__ i had realplayer, xmms, totem and xine all working perfectly, then i installed a new player called VLC and then none of my players work except xine...12:12
optikaFl-i-nT: I think so, yes. I don't use apt-get to update stuff, I use synaptic or aptitude.12:12
jbm__sabmoc|zombie, yes thats the repository i got it from i believe12:12
sabmoc|zombiejbm__, it works, im just wondering if there is a hoary source, I installed it from the warty source and it worked. But I didnt realize at the time I was use the warty pkgs12:12
sebastiandoes someone has the same problem?12:12
Fl-i-nToptika, what do i have to do in synapic i used it yesterday to get universe but apart from that i am null12:13
Funraiserjbm__ they seem to read the file, but not sound is heard12:13
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Fl-i-nToptika, let me have a go then if i get nowhere ill ask you is that alright?12:13
cef'apt-get install package' will install the latest version of a package, unless that latest version is installed12:13
optikaFl-i-nT: I don't have synaptic in front of me, so I can't give you exact instructions, but there is a list of upgradeable packages under the "custom filters" option12:13
optikaFl-i-nT: you just need to right click on it and choose the "upgrade" option12:13
jbm__Funraiser, sorry i dont know anything about VLC12:13
cefFl-i-nT: and to update the list of packages, use 'apt-get update'12:14
optikaFl-i-nT: or press <ctrl>f (or use the menus) to find a specific package12:14
vixusI'm trying to follow the ubuntuguide for creating a symlink to /dev/dvd... but the line I need to find isn't there.12:14
vixusBUS="ide", KERNEL="hd[a-z] ", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/cdsymlinks.sh %k", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}" <-- not in udev.rules12:14
Fl-i-nTcef, and optika thankx ill give it a go12:14
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Funraiserjbm__ thx anyway12:16
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Fl-i-nToptika, ok i went to settings>filters>Upgradable <--- out of a list so now?12:17
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jbm__sabmoc|zombie, i dont believe there is any difference between libdvdcss2 for either version of ubuntu, I can find no other place to get it other than nerim.net for either12:17
sandwitchFunraiser, vlc you said ?12:18
optikaFl-i-nT: as I said, just right click on the packages you want to upgrade, and choose the upgrade option from the menu.12:18
sandwitchFunraiser, you have the alsa plugin installed ?12:18
tuppadaniels: ping12:18
sandwitchFunraiser, and why not use gstreamer ?12:18
Funraiserdunno, where can i check this again?12:18
memcmemeHow do you delete a file on the command line, what is the arguement?12:19
Fl-i-nToptika, hehe sorry i didnt realize i have the latest version so the option to upgrade wasnt there but yeah thanks anyway now i know how to do it for the future12:19
Funraiserxine works fine, it's just that realplayer, xmms, totem stopped working since i installed VLC12:19
sandwitchFunraiser, dpkg -l \* | grep vlc-plugin-alsa12:19
sandwitchFunraiser, oe sounds more like driver12:20
jbm__Funraiser, when you installed vlc did you also install the esd plugin: apt-get install vlc-plugin-esd12:20
sandwitchmaybe alsa is gone12:20
Funraisersandwitch but see xine works fine12:20
memcmemeanythoughts I need to delete something12:21
danielstuppa: pong12:21
thesillcef: the array-7 iso down and w cortrect checksum.. I will give it a try w another burner.12:21
jbm__Funraiser, this thread discussed installing VLC maybe it can help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2058812:21
sandwitchand which soundriver does xine uses ?12:21
cefthesill: good luck12:21
Funraiseri don't want VLC i would just like to have realplayer xmms and totem to work back...:-(12:21
thesillcaf: also, whats the diffrences between those two, the "array-7" and the hoary on the ubuntu fist page?12:22
Funraisersandwitch how can i check that?12:22
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sandwitcheuh think in the xine settings dialog Funraiser12:22
ahijahi'm trying to patch a file but it says my patch input is garbage.. what does that mean?12:23
=== Hayden [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pointwoodhi, what program can I use to batch resize a lot of pics?12:23
sandwitchFunraiser, you could also reinstall xmms and obsere what happends12:23
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Haydenhow can i tell if my dialup modem has been recognised by ubuntu? (i am in windows atm)12:23
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thesillcef: going offline now, the ubuntu machin will be my gateway/router/dhcp server, thanks for the help.12:24
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ahijahi'm using ( gzip -cd (place my file is) | patch -p112:24
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ahijahi'm trying to patch a file but it says my patch input is garbage.. what does that mean?12:25
ahijahi'm using ( gzip -cd (place my file is) | patch -p112:25
Funraisersandwitch u are french?12:25
tuppadaniels: has your thinkpad x40 PM packages been merged into main acpi packages?12:25
Fl-i-nTDoes anyone here use firebird?12:25
danielstuppa: yeah12:25
sandwitchFunraiser, no dutch :)12:25
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tuppadaniels: ahhh, that explains why you've removed it ;)12:26
=== ahijah feels ignored
ahijahok now i know i'm being ignored12:27
sandwitchFunraiser, but i think that's you easy guess reinstall xmms so all dependencies come in place12:27
=== kild [~fran@20.Red-80-26-73.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jintxoahijah, if your patch is a single file gzipped, you should probably zcat file.gz  | patch -p1 instead of gzip -c12:27
sandwitchahijah, gzip -cd patchXX.gz | patch -p0 .bz2 and stop crying :P12:28
ahijahi'll try12:28
Funraiserdo i have to uninstall it first?12:28
sandwitchFunraiser, nope12:28
Funraiserk i'll try12:28
sandwitchgood luck12:28
sandwitchahijah, sorry forget about the .bz2 part :)12:29
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ahijahno luck with changing the p#12:30
Funraisersandwitch do i need to reboot?12:30
sandwitchnope Funraiser12:30
Funraiseri mean after reinstallation12:30
sandwitchwhereis your source ahijah12:30
sandwitchFunraiser, nope12:30
sandwitchhow can you patch a file on cd ?12:30
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sandwitcha cd is read only :)12:31
ahijahno the patch is on the cd.. the file i'm patching is the kernal12:31
Funraisernope doensn't work, it says another program is probably blocking the sound card12:31
Funraiseri bet it's VLC12:31
sandwitchput the patch next to the toplevel kernel source12:32
sandwitchthen use -p012:32
sandwitchif you put it in the toplevel dir you use -p112:32
sandwitchapt-get remove --purge vlc12:32
Fl-i-nTIs anybody here successful with Gdesklets?12:33
sandwitchand its gone :012:33
sandwitchgotta go later ladies and gents12:33
=== sandwitch is away: gone
Fl-i-nTsandwitch, bye bye12:34
FunraiserFl-i-n-T i'm not so far12:34
ahijahok not it's dont saying stuff about garbage... not it says the file isn't a gzip file12:35
Fl-i-nTFl-i-nT have you got the requirements?12:35
ahijahany "not" i type change to now lol12:36
=== jnoreiko [~jnoreiko@ACD80478.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
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jnoreikohi. stupid question.... but how do I use gnome without a mouse? got it booted on an ancient pentium but the mouse won't work12:37
ahijahuse the keyboard maybe12:37
ahijahlol just messing12:38
jnoreikoyeah... but a starting point would be good, ie how do I access the menus?12:38
ahijahctrl button12:38
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ahijahany luck12:39
jbm__jnoreiko, cntr-alt + F2 will take you to a terminal screen and there you can do everything you need untill you geta mouse12:39
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jbm__jnoreiko, cntr-alt + F7 will breing you back to gnome b.t.w.12:40
=== ahijah hides in the noob corner
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Fl-i-nTFunriaser, have you got th requirments for Gdesklets?12:40
=== ahijah gets out the redhat coloring book
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mercurushmm ... I've got a seg fault on openoffice in Warty ... anyone able to assist ?12:43
jdubjnoreiko: alt-f112:43
jdubjnoreiko: that'll pop down the applications menu12:43
jnoreikothanks. I'm in a terminal screen now, and it soooo slow it'll take me a while to get back to the desktop12:44
mercuruswhile it was working last night, today it is segfaulting on startup12:44
jnoreikopentium 133 BTW12:44
mercuruspossible changes include: ODBC-related packages (which I've now purged), nVidia binary drivers and configuration for my SB Audigy2 Value ...12:45
=== SeeleyUSMC [~SeeeleyUS@ca-29palms-cmts2a-57.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
jintxomercurus, no idea what it could be, but when a program segfaults on me for no apparentreason I usually run "strace -o /tmp/strace.out <application_name>" and then take a look at the strace.out file (towards the end) to see what was going on when it was sent a sig 1112:45
mercurusjintxo: I've tried running it through gdb (completely unexpertly) using the instructions from the openoffice(1) manpage12:46
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mongrelichello again. I've been trying to use either apt-get and synaptic to update, but my external router/modem/firewall just doesn't let me do it. does any one know the port forwarding rules to use in this case?12:46
jintxothe gdb output could be a bit too cryptic, never really used it myself, run it under strace, it might tell you exactly why its segfaulting, it might not, but it's definitely worth a look12:46
mercurusjintxo: aye, just looking for the binary name12:47
ogramongrelic, both use http12:47
ogramongrelic, so if youre able to see websites, its not caused by your router12:47
mongrelichummm, so what is it?12:48
mongrelicI'm really puzzled12:48
=== spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== ahijah tried to patch file ( #gzip -cd /home/ubuntu/desktop/patch-atmel_reset.gz | patch -p(0-9) and i get the responce that it's not a gzip file...
Haydenhow can i tell if my dialup modem has been recognised by ubuntu? (i am in windows atm)12:48
=== Snarfy [~Snarfy@62-177-147-34.static.bbeyond.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mongrelicI had previous FC3 problems of the same sort. but before I had the router I had a speedtouch 330 and everything was ok with synaptic12:49
=== teleyinex [~teleyinex@81-172-46-176.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu
=== ahijah tried to patch file ( #gzip -cd /home/ubuntu/desktop/patch-atmel_reset.gz | patch -p(0-9) and i get the responce that it's not a gzip file... whats going on?
tuxhello. How can I activate the cups administration by web? That is, I want to add printers, configure them, ... by web: http://localhost:63112:50
jintxoahijah, so is it a gzip file? run "file <filename>" on it...12:50
teleyinexim in hoary and im seeing problems with dbus-1 and gnome2.1012:50
teleyinexi have to restart dbus once i have booted up12:50
teleyinexare there any known bug?12:50
=== SirFred [~mteira@72.Red-81-35-59.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-34-41.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ahijahit says it's an executable text file12:51
SirFredJust a curiosity about the mouse cursor theme in ubuntu.12:51
mercurusjintxo: well, I confess I don't find strace any less confusing that gdb :P BUT ... the last large block of errors was nvidia related ...12:51
mercurusI'll sort that particular mess out I think ...12:51
SirFredSome time ago, my hoary losed the white cursors and never went back again. Is this premeditated or just a bug?12:51
jintxoahijah, so it's not a gzip file.. you can't uncompress it with gzip then, take a look at it (with vi or cat) if it loks like a patch file, try using it without gzipping it first12:52
SirFredPerhaps I'm missing some package to install?12:52
mercurusSirFred: have you tried to reset the cursor images from the Computer -> Desktop Preferences menus ?12:52
=== WillCooke [~will@host81-157-201-142.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
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jintxoahijah, like patch -p# < filename.whatever12:52
SirFredNo, I didn't even know that menu.12:53
=== loaded [~root@adsl-67-124-203-8.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
loadedhello all12:53
mercurusSirFred: have a look in there, I don't know if there was a shift from white-pngs to black-pngs for mouse cursors ...12:53
loadedneed help with installing tar.gz's if anyone can help me12:53
jintxomercurus, maybe openoffice depends on glx and everything being OK? can you run, for example, glxgears?12:53
=== llama32 [zak@069.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
llama32how much disk space approcimately does it take to install ubuntu?12:54
mercurusjintxo: bingo. Segfault !12:54
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SirFredmercurus: I'm not able to find that menu (I've an spanish localized ubuntu). What's the english exact name?12:54
=== Fl-i-nT [~Fl-i-nT@jppearce.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
llama32i tried on about a 1.7gb partition and it ran out of space...12:54
apokryphosllama32: it all depends on how much you're looking to install12:54
jintxomercurus, that's your problem. Are you using the drivers in ubuntu or downloaded yourself from nvidia.com?12:54
mercurusmental note to self: don't install nVidia binaries and then install the nvidia-glx package.12:54
SirFredmercurus: Mouse preferences didn't have any reference to cursors.12:55
mercurusSirFred: aye, do a search for pointer.png or similar ...12:55
apokryphosllama32: I think around 2gb is the minimum for the root partition.12:55
biji've installed a fresh array 7 release of hoary... i'm new to ubuntu... i've used kanotix before.... how is the root mode handled in ubuntu... when i write down "su" and then enter my normal password i cannot go into the rootshell12:55
jintxomercurus, exactly, that happened to me in the past, the nvidia-glx package put a startup script in /etc/init.d and it was messing up my GLX setup, took me a while to figure out :-p12:55
bijwhat am i doing wrong???12:55
mercurusSirFred: if it did change, it would have been part of a gnome-themes update or similar12:55
loadedneed to install mplayer... anyone have any feedback on the install/operation?12:55
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teleyinexno one has my problem?12:55
SirFredmercurus: Those cursors were part of a gnome theme, I remember.12:56
apokryphosloaded: did you follow the instructions as suggested on the site?12:56
jintxobij, if you want a root shell run "sudo su"12:56
SirFredmercurus: But they went away some time ago. They never come back, afaik12:56
mercurusjinxto: aye, I'll uninstall the nVidia sourced binary and re-install nvidia-glx12:56
loadedapokryphos i don't understand what they mean, and cannot run anything unless under root login.  is this normal?12:56
apokryphosloaded: no12:57
bijoki i'll test it12:57
jintxobij, by default root has no password and can't log in, everything is handled via "sudo" unless you set a password for root, then you can log in12:57
=== Spooky [~Spooky@cpc4-mapp4-5-0-cust30.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosloaded: on what who means?12:57
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mercurusback in a bit :)12:57
=== Spooks [~Spooky@cpc4-mapp4-5-0-cust30.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Spooks salutes
loadedwhat the website instructions for mplayer mean, i can tar filename.tar.gz but don't know where to go from there...12:58
=== thesill [theseal@c-9baee253.17-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosloaded: you shouldn't *ever* have to use root in Ubuntu. That's the whole point of sudo.12:58
=== Spooks stands at ease
loadedi'm used to .exe files and haven't quite found the equivelant.12:58
bijjintxo, how do i set the password?12:58
thesillcef: got pass that problem now, thanks .... *foood*12:59
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apokryphosloaded: that's now what you have to do here... it's even simpler. You can use apt. Are you familiar with it?12:59
=== Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-34-41.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
loadedi know apt-get update and that's about it. ! Sorry01:00
jintxobij, don't do it unless youreally want to, but anyway, if you do, just run "sudo passwd root". the usual is just to use sudo for everything01:00
=== Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosloaded: no worries; hold on, I'll query and explain01:00
loadedthank you01:00
bijjintxo, do you think that this is not necessary...?01:00
=== _Demian_ [~aggie@ip545100ac.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
_Demian_can anyone help me with this http://www.pastebin.com/26054301:01
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=== username [~ian@adsl-2-solo-173-245.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
loadedIs sudo just a temporary root?01:01
jintxobij I don't have my root account enabled, no need to, you can do as you please but I would leave it disabled unless I had a good reason01:02
usernameI'm going through the 'Music Player' application. In the 'radio stations' list, pretty much none of them work at all.01:02
=== DragoraN [~dragoran@] has joined #ubuntu
Fl-i-nTAnyone got STATERBAR for gdesklets?01:02
DragoraNhow to exclude some packages from apt when doing upgrade.. ?01:02
Fl-i-nTSelect one by one01:03
DragoraNiam doing apt-get dist-upgrade01:03
usernamesome of them seem to be not available, others seem to be available but say "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg."01:03
usernameSo basically, the radio in music player simply doesn't work.01:03
bijjintxo, ok i'll leave it as it is.... another question about the ubuntu console: if i write "apt-get install" and press the  <TAB>Button... no proposals are given... in kanotix it listet me all the possibilities... how can i change this?01:03
apokryphosPyre: tell loaded ubusudo01:04
Pyreloaded: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:04
jintxobij, no idea. I just use apt-cache search to find out what I want to install, and then use apt-get install when I know what I want01:04
bijok i'll find the solution... if i got it should i let you know?01:05
jintxome? no, not really :-p thanks though01:05
loadedthank you apokryphos...01:05
bijjintxo, ok and i thank you for your help...01:05
loadedso you can use apt- to download more than just updates?01:06
apokryphosbij: I'd be interested in knowing the "solution" if you find it. :)01:06
apokryphosloaded: of course. Just enable the repositories in your sources.list01:06
apokryphosloaded: the disabled ones are "commented out" with a #01:06
bijapokryphos, i knew how to do this... it's been a while but i had that problem before...01:06
=== Mugshot [~tim@82-40-188-6.cable.ubr03.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
loadedsorry apokryphos, i'm really new.... where do i find sources.list?01:07
apokryphosloaded: /etc/apt01:07
=== ahijah asks what cvs is
apokryphosahijah: Google :)01:08
ahijahvery funny01:08
apokryphosahijah: I'm serious. :) Cvs is a way of allowing developers to all work on the same code.01:09
ahijahcurrent version system01:09
_Demian_anyone interested in a mind braker?01:09
loadedi see home, desktop, filesystem and network but no etc/apt01:09
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apokryphosloaded: the "/" is important01:10
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-131-012.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosloaded: in terminal type "cd /etc/apt" then "ls"01:10
loadedfound it01:10
=== bij is now known as _BIJ_
SpooksSeems like the "coolkid" thing to do, so...01:11
=== Spooks is now known as _Spooks_
Myrtti_Demian_: thanks for the reminder, I need to get my nvidia drivers01:11
_Demian_Myrtti, np but can you help me out?01:12
loadedokay, typed ls, it says01:12
loadedapt.conf.d sources.list01:12
Myrtti_Demian_: not really, sorry01:12
loaded(username)@ubuntu: /etc/apt #01:12
_Demian_Myrtti, too bad :)01:13
_Demian_Myrtti, thnx anyway01:13
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Myrtti_Demian_: though I must wonder about those MHz's01:13
=== _Spooks_ is now known as Spooks
_Demian_Myrtti, I'm beond wondering01:14
Myrtti_Demian_: show me your xorg.conf at pastebin01:14
_Demian_Myrtti, I'm at agitated01:14
=== Chand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-10-225.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== reon [~reon@ndn-165-132-39.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
SpooksAnyone know if there's a minimum refresh rate I can set?01:14
usernameAm I right in ascertaining that 'Music Player' doesn't actually play mp3s either?01:15
_Demian_Myrtti, http://www.pastebin.com/26054601:15
Spookshey Chand01:16
reonSpooks, that depends on your monitor if that is what you are talking about01:16
Myrttiusername: not if you don't get the needed extras01:16
Chandhow can I enable inotify on latest hoary kernels01:16
jintxousername, it plays mp3s, you just have to have the right gstreamer-plugins installed01:16
=== motuline [~motu@dsl-083-102-036-27.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #Ubuntu
SpooksYeah reon01:16
=== schasi [~schasi@p54A23F2D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
usernameMyrtti, that's a bit stupid then. Why can't it do useful things by default? What does it actually do then?01:16
motulineFailed to run /usr/sbin/firestarter as user root: Childd terminated with 1 status01:16
SpooksWith windows I could use 1024x768 res, but only when I used 43Hz interlaced01:16
motulinewhy is that?01:16
reonSpooks, you need to get the specs for your monitor and maybe edit the xorg.conf file01:17
SpooksI was just wondering if there's an equivalent01:17
reonSpooks, what monitor do you have ?01:18
danielsMyrtti: unfortunately, we cannot distribute MP3 support by default -- it is illegal and would get us sued into oblivion01:18
SpooksAn old Samatron01:18
Myrttidaniels: really?!!!?! yes, I know.01:18
reonhey daniels is here, howzit01:19
Myrttimmmm chocolate easter eggs01:19
reonSpooks, they have webiste or you have a manual ?01:19
SpooksNeither, afaik01:19
Myrtti_Demian_: sorry, I have no idea how to help you01:19
_Demian_Myrtti, cool thnx for the effort anyway01:20
SpooksImma google-ate it01:20
reonSpooks, hmm you are gonna have to play around, what were the max settings it worked at in windows ?01:20
usernamebloody hell - it doesn't even play any of my iTunes music either. What a load of useless toss.01:20
=== xamdm [~xamdm@pD9E2DD69.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spooksmax settings in windows were 1024x768 at 43Hz Interlaced01:20
danielsMyrtti: er, was pointed at the right person, sorry01:20
danielsusername: see above01:21
SpooksOr 800x600 at 75Hz01:21
danielsreon: not bad thanks; you?01:21
=== sander [~sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
usernameyou can drag and drop anything you like to 'Music player' - it ignores everything. It seems to have no use whatsoever.01:21
SpooksPS. I know I need a new monitor.01:21
Spooks :D01:21
_Demian_username, try xmms01:21
_Demian_username, you can drag and drop anything you want in there01:21
reongood, can see you are confused ;) pm'ed you a while back about nvidia support, username mips01:22
usernameso it works then?01:22
Myrttiusername: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:22
_Demian_username, as long as it is music :)01:22
reonSpooks, that is probably a good idea, they are dirt cheap these days01:22
=== jintxo likes beep-media-player, xmms, with gtk2
apokryphosdaniels: would you have any idea why I would only get sound-output from two speakers rather than all?01:22
usernameif it plays my iTunes music, I'm happy. If it plays mp3 too, that's a bonus01:22
SpooksTrue true01:22
apokryphosdaniels: thought Linux might not like 'em, but seemed to work reasonably well on other distros.01:23
SpooksI was just interested to see if it was possible01:23
usernamexmms needs installing does it?01:23
_Demian_username, just use synaptic01:23
Myrttiusername: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:23
=== vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu
usernameforget it01:23
zzyberi had big troubles yesterday and i really need help. Suddenly i got bad sectors in my reiserfs partition and my ubuntu didnt boot. I tried everything but nothing worked, at last i did a reinstall and for some reason it worked, strange when non of utils badblock, reiserfsck did work. Now i want to check if my disk is in shape to have as primary and i need some tool to do a blockscan and i prefer to se it live like in windows scandisk, wha01:23
zzybert can i do?01:23
_Demian_username, and then use find xmms01:23
usernameno, I'll use my ibook01:23
_Demian_also an option01:24
usernameyou know, that computer that has software that works01:24
=== rubenv [~lambda1@83-134-131-125.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosusername: you can also use amaroK, which I definitely recommend.01:24
DragoraNplease help01:25
SpooksSomeone has his pants in a twist01:25
Spooksor her01:25
danielsapokryphos: no, sorry01:25
reon%%$%,  The Application "gnome-volume-manager" has quit unexpectedly.01:25
DragoraNi get this error: http://www.pastebin.com/26054701:25
apokryphosdaniels: ok, thanks anyhow.01:25
=== tombs [~newbee@i62070.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
tombshi ppl01:26
SpooksOoh. What's the filepath to xorg.conf please? I'm still getting used to the filesystem01:26
SnarfyDragoraN,  did you try apt-get -f install ?01:26
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DragoraNSnarfy: yes.. prints the same01:26
=== azad [~azad@pD9EBA6B4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dtudosiehi all01:26
MyrttiSpooks: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:26
Spookskk, ty01:27
dtudosieanydoby experienced crashes in openoffice 2 when opening the help ?01:27
jintxozzyber, there's a program called "badblocks" but I don't know if you can run it on a reiser filesystem...01:27
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SpooksIt's not there. I take it that means I haven't got a certain something installed?01:28
apokryphosSpooks: are you on warty?01:28
DragoraNSnarfy: : can u help me?01:28
apokryphosSpooks: then it's /etc/X11/XF86Config-401:28
apokryphosnot xorg.. you've got xfree.01:29
SnarfyDragoraN,  looking, hold on01:29
SpooksExcuse my poor windows orientated mind01:29
DragoraNSnarfy: thx..01:29
=== stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
reonhow can I check my gfx card performance ?01:29
apokryphosSpooks: hehe. No problem. :D01:30
Spooks :>01:30
SnarfyDragoraN,  i don't use kde but is it an option to remove kdebase-data and after that apt-get install kmail ?01:30
=== kosmos [~13@rulerbude.wh-hauff.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu
jintxoreon, fast chek is to sun glxgears from a terminal and see what fps you get01:31
azadi think i've got an old "sources.list".. because always when i look for something using apt-cache search, i only find old versions.. it seems01:31
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zzyberjintxo, i can use it with reiserfsck and -B but im looking for other solution if there is one?01:31
DragoraNSnarfy: iam doing apt-get dist-upgrade...01:31
azadi could paste the list to anyone, who wants to help me, too, it isn't too long01:32
reonjintxo, sun glxgears  ?01:32
apokryphosazad: are you on Warty?01:32
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jintxozzyber, sorry man ,that's way above me :-p01:32
jintxoreon, "run" not "sun", heh01:32
azadapokryphos: to be honest i just don't know01:32
apokryphosazad: what does cat /etc/issue give?01:33
SmokingFireok I just had to do modprobe bttv card=X to get my tvcard recognized correctly. But will it be still there after I reboot the machine?01:33
=== az[a] zel [~damien@ppp129-160.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
azadyah, warty warthog01:33
apokryphosazad: then all your packages are going to be dated. Hoary has all the new apps.01:33
=== rapha [~rapha@p54A0A9D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
azadhow can i change that?01:33
reonjintxo,  3321 frames in 5.0 seconds = 664.200 FPS01:33
Fl-i-nTYESSS finally i got the MAC OS enviroment i wanted oh this is a beuti beui i i i tfuuull01:33
apokryphosPyre: tell azad ubuhoary01:33
Pyreazad: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary01:33
SnarfyDragoraN,  remove kmail (save data) finisch the dist-upgrade and then try to install kmail again01:33
reoni take it that is very slow01:34
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az[a] zelhmm I installed kubuntu-desktop, but I'm a little dissapointed :( KDE is still my main DE (on Mandrake).. but GNOME appears to be most of my attraction to ubuntu, and KDE just didn't have that.. it just felt cluttered and ugly, and i've never felt that way about KDE before01:34
=== sipstar [~sipstar@h133n1fls35o828.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
DragoraNSnarfy: i dont use kmail..01:34
azadthanks a lot apokryphos, hope i'll handle it01:34
ruffjust installed ubuntu 5.0401:34
ruffi am trying to get into root01:34
apokryphosaz[a] zel: sorry to hear that. ;-)01:34
ruffi tired sudo passwd root01:34
reon3321 frames in 5.0 seconds = 664.200 FPS  How do I improve the performance ???01:35
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SnarfyDragoraN,  Unpacking replacement kmail ??01:35
Fl-i-nTruff, isnt it just sudo?01:35
apokryphosruff: Ubuntu uses sudo, not root.01:35
ruffbut then it askes for a password01:35
DragoraNSnarfy: apt-get remove kmail > http://www.pastebin.com/26055101:35
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apokryphosPyre: tell ruff ubusudo01:35
Pyreruff: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:35
Fl-i-nTruff, that would be the password that you have to login as admin01:35
apokryphosazad: let us know if you have any problems. :)01:35
SmokingFireruff: I think the first password is the su user password and then it will ask for a unix password and a repeat of that unix password.01:36
detacheddo you know any program that will show me all partitions on my hdd even if they aren't mounted ? (tiny one if possible)01:36
ruffah i see01:36
rufflet me try that01:36
SmokingFireruff: The unix passwords are the root passwords.01:36
Dave2|LaptopIs there anything special you have to do to get OpenGL working on a SiS chip, other than to just specify it on install?01:36
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
detachedkosmos: i need a visual program ...01:36
ruffyes your right01:36
ruffthank you01:36
kosmosdetached, why?01:37
ruffi was thiking, sudo passwd root...and then set you password01:37
ruffanyway all sorted out01:37
kosmosis qparted "visiual" enough?01:37
detachedkosmos:  i've got no reason01:37
SmokingFirecan anyone tell me if modprode [some device driver]  is saved after a reboot.01:37
=== netdur [~adel@adsl-186-34-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
RibsSmokingFire: no, it's not01:38
Ribsyou'll either have to modprobe it again, or add it to autoload01:38
Fl-i-nTOk this happens to me very often why is it on Music player it sometimes jsut freezes01:38
SmokingFireRibs: How can I save it?01:38
Fl-i-nTAnybody knwo why or if it happens to them?01:38
RibsSmokingFire: /etc/autoload.d or something01:38
SmokingFireetc/modules.conf or something?01:38
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RibsI don't have a ubuntu box to hand01:38
SnarfyDragoraN,  sorry, no idea ..... apt-get clean, apt-get update and then apt-get -f install01:38
Ribsyou'll have to root around for it01:38
netdurhey, if I "apt-get install kde" will kde add it's apps to Gnome menu?01:38
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az[a] zelnetdur, yes, unfortunately01:38
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SnarfyDragoraN,  not much else i can tell you, maybe someone else has some ideas01:39
az[a] zelnetdur, now my gnome is cluttered with KDE crap even though I just wanted to try out KDE 3.401:39
SmokingFireFl-i-nT: what music player?01:39
visorhi people how you doing? :)01:39
azadwow, seems to work :) just edited those "warty" things in the sources.list and now i'm on upgrading01:39
netduraz[a] zel, I will not install it then, thank you01:39
CarlK_can someone try the rsync listed on https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GettingUbuntu - I have been getting the error for about a week: http://phpfi.com/5494801:39
Fl-i-nTSmokingFire, just Applications>Multmedia>Music Player01:40
caffinateddoes anyone know if there were any significant changes to ndiswrapper in hoary?  it worked great in warty, but it doesn't seem to work now.01:40
SmokingFireooh I think thats Rythmnbox Fl-i-nT01:40
jintxoSmokingFire, you could always put "bttv" in your /etc/modules to get it to load on boot. if you need to pass card=X to the module on load then you will have to create edit a file in /etc/modutils with "options bttv card=x" and run "update-modules"01:40
=== az[a] zel wonders if ndiswrapper concept could be extended to handle winmodem drivers
SmokingFireFl-i-nT: but no it doesn't happen to me, what kind of files are you playing?01:41
=== lupusBE [~lupus@dD5E03E9A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
caffinatedaz[a] zel: probably.  assuming they don't *cough* break01:41
Fl-i-nTJust a 20 song playlist01:41
Fl-i-nTi have to force quit it jsut freezes01:41
=== Fleebailey33 [~andy@c-67-163-138-215.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SmokingFirejintxo: The thing the bttv driver is loaded however the wrong one.01:41
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caffinatedFl-i-nT: i had that problem too.  i finally got rid of it and put xmms back in.01:42
jintxoSmokingFire, so what you need is to pass it the card=X option?01:42
SmokingFirejintxo: yes01:42
SmokingFireso modutils?01:42
Fl-i-nTcaffinated, so how do i get rid of it or what exactly did you do?01:42
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caffinatedFl-i-nT: got rid of it, as in, uninstalled it.01:42
jintxoSmokingFire, you could edit one of the files in /etc/modutils and then run "update-modules" to get that config saved into modules.conf01:42
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madelhi there01:43
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Fl-i-nTcaffinated, oh ok ill do this01:43
iLL_Awaygood evening all01:43
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madelhow do I do something like  seting vga=792, I don' t understand how to do that in grub, i did it in lilo01:43
caffinatedFl-i-nT: it's not really a solution to fixing it, but xmms is nicer anyway imho01:43
jintxoSmokingFire, better than editing an existing one, better to create a new one so the one you edit doesn't get overwritten with an apt-get update01:43
=== Albacker [~User@as5300.atnet.com.al] has joined #ubuntu
SmokingFirejintxo: let me see whats in /etc01:44
crimsunmadel: add it to the boot line when the computer boots (press 'e'), or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and append it to the end of the # kopts=  line01:44
crimsunmadel: with the latter choice, you'll have to run ,,sudo update-grub'' afterward01:44
kosmosmadel, just pu it in zhe kernel line, vga=0x318 for 1200x... for example01:44
Fl-i-nTcaffinated, well there must be something wrong with that rythmbox programmes because it did it since i have installed Warty yesterday o.O01:45
madelcrimsun, sudo echo "vga=792"   >> /boot/grub/menu.lst; sudo update-grub  ??01:45
caffinatedFl-i-nT: yes, i couldn't find a solution to it either01:45
crimsunmadel: you have to actually edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:45
SmokingFirejintxo: So shouldn't I be using /etc/modprobe.d? And how/what do I name the file?01:46
crimsunmadel: you can't just append it to the file01:46
MyrttiI try to install nvidia-glx, but none exists.01:46
kosmosmadel, you have tu put it in the right line01:46
SmokingFireMyrtti: what do you mean?01:46
caffinatedMyrtti: it's there, but the official drivers direct from nvidia are better01:46
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visoranyone knows where to grab an xchat-systray deb for ubuntu?01:46
MyrttiSmokingFire: I've searched apt, none exists01:46
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crimsunMyrtti: sure they exist01:47
SmokingFireMyrtti: you searched for nvdia with synaptic?01:47
crimsunMyrtti: you just can't install them unless you have nvidia-kernel installed.01:47
Myrttiwell tell me where, cause not in my lists they are01:47
iLLf8dthis the general question channel for ubuntu? I've got some feature/debian vs ubuntu difference questions01:47
crimsunMyrtti: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx01:47
Fl-i-nTOk does anyone here have gdesklets?01:47
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SmokingFireFl-i-nT: I tried it once but it was to much for me.01:48
jintxoSmokingFire, just call it "bttv" for example. make sure to run the update-modules part to save it to modules.conf01:48
Fl-i-nTSmokingFire, what do you mean?01:48
SmokingFirejintxo: just bttv or bttv.conf?01:48
iLLf8dis there an ubuntu noob channel somewhere?01:49
jintxo /etc/modutils/bttv01:49
MyrttiiLLf8d: this is it01:49
Fl-i-nTiLLf8d, it here01:49
SmokingFireFl-i-nT: Its eyecandy but I personally found out it just clutters the desktop with useless information, that I can find out using an applet or two-three mouseclicks.01:49
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SmokingFireiLLf8d: you're talking in it.01:50
iLLf8dI'm running debian atm I got a few questions about ubuntus enhancements vs standard gnome/kde canned install. What enhancements are added to the environs (mimetypes, fileassociations etc?)01:50
SmokingFirejintxo: thanks01:50
BurgundaviaiLLf8d: generally, an attempt is made at chosing a bestofbreed program, rather than several programs01:50
BurgundaviaiLLf8d: ubuntu also follows gnome very closely01:50
jintxogood luck :-) after you're done take a look at /etc/modules.conf see if your option line is in there, then bttv should always load with that option if it's there01:50
Fl-i-nTSmokingFire, nah i aint gonna use the Desktop eyecandy i jsut need a thing called Starterbar which is the dock from MAC OS once i have that my Ubuntu will be finally converted to a MAC01:50
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BurgundaviaiLLf8d: in fact, we have totem in since warty01:51
iLLf8dBurgundavia: ah uhm does it give you the ability to tweak the best of breeds to another app and still maintain mimeish type stuffs and the like01:51
BurgundaviaiLLf8d: you can install other apps yes01:51
iLLf8dso its not like a fancy ubuntu plugger its an application suite01:52
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iLLf8dI keep losing my ?'s key must be on its way out01:52
Fl-i-nTDoes anyone here have a MAC OS enviroment like the theeme or anything like that?01:52
BurgundaviaiLLf8d: ubuntu has very little in custom stuff. There is a big pressure, and a good one, to push everything good that we do upstream01:53
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BurgundaviaiLLf8d: Mark Shuttleworth, in a lug radio interview, called in the distro upstreams will love01:53
BurgundaviaiLLf8d: in addition, most of debian in is universe if it is not already in main01:54
iLLf8danyone considering an fbuntu?01:54
iLLf8dfluxbox that is =P01:54
nasdaq7what is lug?01:55
iLLf8dlinux users gourp01:55
iLLf8dgroup even01:55
sionidelinux user group indeed01:55
sionidei think im out of hard disk space :s01:55
=== nazareno [~nazareno@201009179220.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
iLLf8dits an excuse to get together and show off your laptops and portable mp3 players and routers01:55
iLLf8dusually theres a bit of diablo involved too01:56
iLLf8dunder cedega/winex01:56
SmokingFireiLLf8d: I always thought that ubuntu was the first debian based distro using only gnome, besides some other things.01:56
Haydenhow can i tell if my dialup modem has been recognised by ubuntu? (i am in windows atm)01:56
caffinatedwell, since nobody seems to know about this ndiswrapper issue...could someone do me a huge favour and tell me which version of the ndiswrapper-utils package comes with worty?  I think i'm going to try to move back to an earlier version.01:57
iLLf8dSmokingFire: I like gnome but the wm is missing a few features I like (tho not all do)01:57
iLLf8dI could run a mix and I run mostly gnomish apps01:57
iLLf8donly kde stuffs I goof with are k3b at times (otherwise I use gcombust)01:58
SmokingFireiLLf8d: I like plain GUI's I have tried skinning programs on windows for example but after a week or so, they get boring.01:58
crimsuncaffinated: use the form: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/01:58
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jintxoanybody had any luck creating VCDs under ubuntu? I been trying with kavi2svcd, no luck so far :-/01:58
caffinatedcrimsun: thanks, i'll have a look01:59
iLLf8dSmokingFire: actually my ideal environ would be a karmaba/gdesklet with nothign else (other then behind the scenes wm)01:59
=== oclv [~oclv@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
oclvwhat package do i need for xmms ability to play shoutcast streams ?01:59
iLLf8doclv: should do it outta the can02:00
SmokingFirePersonally, I think flashy things are neat like the new stuff in osx (genie effect etc.) but from experience I know that they will be in the way after the "ooh and aah" fase has passed.02:00
iLLf8doclv: to stream them you need xmms-liveice (/me is guessing cause i'm not overly ubuntu savvy)02:01
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SmokingFireoclv: well in rythmnbox you need the mp3 package.02:01
crimsunoclv: you can play them out of the box, as iLLf8d said.02:01
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oclvno, i can't. i'm gettting errors with synaptic and apt, saying apt is already runnning, also.02:02
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iLLf8doclv: ps ax | grep apt see if its running still02:02
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apokryphosoclv: what's the error message?02:03
iLLf8doclv: what about synaptic02:03
oclvwell, synaptic's working again now. :|02:04
iLLf8doclv don't forget pkill is your friend02:04
oclvi know how to kill processes ;)02:04
Fl-i-nTYO at the bottom of my firefox there is red writing whihc says " ^    class="t "02:05
Fl-i-nTwhat does this mean?02:05
sionidehrm my synaptic keeps crashing when it's trying to update open office.. :/02:05
sionidebbl tho, lunch time02:05
iLLf8doclv: no offense some ppls dunno and I dunno you (often ppls don't know about the sig15 either)02:05
oclvaye (:02:05
=== Spooks raises hand
oclvhmm, ok, now xmms thinks libmikmod isn't available- ?02:06
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caffinatedhm, still no good.  starting to think it's got to be a problem with the kernel module itself :/02:07
iLLf8doclv: sometimes its a plugin (or used to be)02:07
caffinatedthis is going to be a fun night02:07
Fl-i-nTSniff Sniff i have a wierd firefox its got red writing at the bottom and that shouldnt be there sniff sniff02:07
=== apokryphos hi-5s Spooks
=== iLLf8d hands caffinated another vanilla ice blended
Fl-i-nTat the bottom it says| ^class="t |whats does these means?02:09
iLLf8dFl-i-nT: sounds like its pissed02:09
Fl-i-nTiLLf8d, what do you mean?02:10
oclvbah! i'll assume: apt-get install xmms         is usually all that's needed _just_ to start xmms ?02:10
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snk00sjchecking for libz...configure: error: not found / Possibly configure picks up an outdated version installed by XFree86. Remove it from your system.02:10
snk00sjanyone ?02:10
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crimsunsnk00sj: you need zlib1g-dev02:11
snk00sjtnx lemme try that02:11
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BanditCrimsun do you know anyone that can fix this problem.......>>>>>Lhlqokbn Free Porn videos in children! Do you want see? Then click here =>  http://actiongirls.tr.cx02:13
snk00sjok i got on further again :)02:13
apokryphosoclv: I don't recall, because I installed amaroK, but I think you might need the extra mp3 support pack02:13
oclvapokryphos: just to start xmms ?02:13
crimsunBandit: huh?02:13
apokryphosoclv: oh, nope.02:13
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iLLf8dapokryphos: uhm debs should suck all that stuff down shouldn't they? (does ubuntu change that?)02:14
Banditcrimsun do you know a channel op or better to renove that guy02:14
crimsunBandit: what guy?02:14
apokryphosiLLf8d: suck what?02:14
motulineKind of weird.. My fglrx drivers work only if Identifier is Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) SG86C202 instead of ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 XT (RV350 AR)02:14
crimsunBandit: ask in #freenode02:14
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Banditok thanks'02:14
Fl-i-nTcrimsun, ThEse guy Lhlqokbn has quit ()02:15
mirakI have a problem with my mp3 walkman with UMS. when I mount it once it's ok, I can read write on it, but if I unmount and mount it again I can't write after some time02:15
BanditLhlqokbn has quit ()02:15
iLLf8dapokryphos: I mean installing a package should  suck down its needed dependencies02:15
CarlK_what is the command that will run something every X seconds?02:15
mirakor not at all. For exemple here, I was able to write 3 files then nautilus says it's only read write02:15
CarlK_not cron, but someting like sleep, wait...02:15
oclvCarlK_: you want a cron tab/02:15
Fl-i-nTBandit go to #freenode and tell them to block him02:15
oclvoh, nm02:15
apokryphosiLLf8d: if it can, of course, yes.02:16
CarlK_oclv - watch!  thats it02:16
crimsunCarlK_: watch02:16
CarlK_right - thanks02:16
BanditFl-i-nT yep i understood crimsun02:16
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crimsunuh oh, an Asheviller?02:17
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miraknautilus says I don't have the rights, but the permissions are good02:20
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hennais there a way to get rid of all the X packages in ubuntu?02:20
snk00sjinstall it with server mode in the beginning i guess ?02:21
hennanever even saw that option02:21
kentsnk00sj, did you solve the problem with only root being able to read your ntfs?02:21
danielssudo apt-get install xserver-xorg- xserver-xfree86- libxau6- libx11-6-02:21
crimsun^ henna, except remove instead of install02:21
Fl-i-nTOk i got xmms from Sunaptic now do i have to install it or anything like that?02:22
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crimsunFl-i-nT: it's already installed if you got it via Synaptic02:22
BanditFl-i-nT synaptic installs it for you02:22
Fl-i-nTcrimsun, i cant find it in multimedia ill try summoning it02:23
Fl-i-nTaha worked now to locate it02:23
BanditFl-i-nT logging out and then back out should put it in your menu02:24
Fl-i-nTBandit, thankx ill try that02:24
crimsunFl-i-nT: no need02:24
crimsunFl-i-nT: just ,,pkill gnome-panel''02:24
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crimsunFl-i-nT: it will restart, and you'll see it02:24
crimsun(unless you're using kde?)02:24
caffinatedthey should add a refresh button for the menu.  nobody this desktop is truly aimed at is going to know to do that ;)02:25
Fl-i-nTcrimsun, ok i am abit uneducated on linux what do i do with this ,,pkill gnome-panel'' <--- is that to put in a terminal?02:25
crimsuncaffinated: that's because it's automatic02:25
crimsuncaffinated: the menu entries are reread automatically02:25
caffinatedcrimsun: i've had it not work a whole lot of time02:25
crimsuncaffinated: did you file a bug? :)02:26
caffinatedcrimsun: it's possible i suppose.  if i can recreate the conditions i'll let you know02:26
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Fl-i-nTcrimsun, yey it worked thanks02:26
membreyahey everybody02:27
crimsunFl-i-nT: np02:27
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Albackerwhere can I get the ubuntu-install Cd ?02:27
=== Fl-i-nT is happy
SpooksFrom about 8 inches away from my left hand02:28
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membreyahehe Spooks02:28
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madelhi there...02:28
Fl-i-nTcrimsun, do you know of a problem with firefox where red writing at the bottom of it appears saying class="t ???02:28
Albackerwhere can I download that ?02:28
madelI installed hoary, but it does not have a loading imange like the liveCD.....  how can I fix that?02:29
apokryphosAlbacker: /topic02:29
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SpooksOoh cool02:31
SpooksI might donate my other 9 Ubuntu CDs to freelinuxcd.org02:32
caffinatedwhelp, time to reboot and see if this old kernel explodes in my face :D02:33
madelI installed hoary, but it does not have a loading imange like the liveCD.....  how can I fix that?02:33
kosmosthats not trivial02:33
=== nic__ [~chantry@AFontenayssB-151-1-24-7.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kosmosmaybe the splash become standart in the release version02:34
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madelkosmos, thanks02:34
El_Nikohi, does anybody know how to chnage the resolution of gdm?02:34
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bob2madel: you don't need to keep asking the same thing over and over02:35
kosmosbut you can, searchfunction in the official forum helps02:35
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walskibob2, back to work are you?02:35
=== Spooks gets annoyed trying to get his sound to work
nic__I should have reinstalled hoary directly. I waste 10 hours on warty for nothing :p So I reinstalled hoary and everything is working fine, rhythmbox and muine included02:36
bob2#ubuntu is highly not related to work02:36
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madelother question, I cannot set my printer... in system->administration->printers, I want to set my printer, but it only shows me USB ports, not the paralel ports, how can I configure that?02:36
kosmosSpooks, your're not alone out there :p02:36
bob2nic__: please do file bugs02:36
nic__bu this reminds me a bit windows. when everything is borken, reinstall and it'll be fine02:36
bob2except it's completely unlike windows02:36
nic__bob2, what do you mean? file bugs for what?02:36
SpooksI bet I'm not02:36
bob2in that it's actually fixable02:36
zenwhenin every way02:36
bob2yes, troll me harder, zenwhen02:37
nic__bob2, yes the difference is that ubuntu was a quite fresh install, only one week old02:37
walskimmmm grrr cdrecord :|02:37
bob2nic__: something being broken = bug02:37
nic__bob2, I just said it wasnt anymore02:37
walskimakes baby jesus cry02:37
bob2nic__: if things broken during the upgrade, they need to be fixed.02:37
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apokryphosnic__: it's really not like that in Linux. Upgrades are perfectly fine; I do them once/twice a week.02:38
Fl-i-nTis there any eyecandy channels on this server?02:38
nic__bob2, I've the same install as before02:38
=== Dr_Willis stares at Fl-i-nT
bob2nic__: except something broke before02:38
zenwhenI think he means flashy X stuff02:38
bob2nic__: upgrades should be flawless, anything less is a bug02:38
=== Fl-i-nT stares back
apokryphosFl-i-nT: general icandy?02:39
nic__bob2, I dont think they fixed my troubles during the last night02:39
bob2nic__: lord02:39
apokryphosFl-i-nT: not really; you should be able to discuss that sort of stuff in your desktop-environment channel02:39
Fl-i-nTapokryphos, yeah02:39
bob2nic__: if something didn't work during the upgrade, it's a bug in the upgrade02:39
bob2nic__: please report it so it can be fixed02:39
nic__bob2, which upgrade are you talking about?02:40
SpooksARGH! Die ESS, die die DIE!02:40
Fl-i-nTapokryphos, which one is the  one for gnome?02:40
apokryphosFl-i-nT: #gnome02:40
Fl-i-nTthought so02:40
nic__bob2, maybe I wasnt clear02:40
zenwhenhttp://gnome-look.org has a lot of stuff like that02:40
nic__bob2, what did u understand?02:40
bob2don't file bugs02:41
bob2I'm sure whatever problem you had will be magically fixed by the bug fairies02:41
apokryphosFl-i-nT: though, irc.gimp.org #gnome is more active, IIRC.02:41
Fl-i-nTapokryphos, thankx02:41
_BIJ_apokryphos, hi i've found out how to activate console-completion in a normal debian version... but sowehow it does not work with ubuntu...02:42
apokryphos_BIJ_: link?02:42
_BIJ_but it's in german...02:43
_BIJ_you can't understand what is written there?02:43
=== tck [~tck@213-202-172-196.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
nic__bob2, as you just saw, I cant explain clear enough to file bug reports. And anyway these bugs were very strange. I did a reinstall, I know have exactly the same setup as before (same version of the bugged programs) but now it works.02:44
tckhttp://amsn.sourceforge.net/ wtf ??02:44
apokryphos_BIJ_: nah, but it's fun to look at anyhow. ;)02:44
membreyatck: omg02:44
Ribstck: mplayer's homepage has a similar coverpage02:45
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_BIJ_apokryphos, you understood what to do?02:46
apokryphos_BIJ_: nope02:46
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madelWhy can' t I find the /dev/lp*  files?02:47
_BIJ_they say that you have to change 2 config files.... one in the etc and the other in the useres home directory...02:47
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tckwhere are they openssl libraries kept02:47
madstopGood morning all.  Here's the weirdest bug I've seen so far, but it's kind of cool:02:47
o`Bikshi. i ha ve a probleme with vsftpd : run two copies of vsftpd for IPv4 and IPv602:47
tckanytime i try to compile and need openssl, it never finds them02:47
madstopI'm on kubuntu now, but I was running gnome this morning, and02:48
ruffi got the root password sort02:48
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nic__Ribs, tck wtf is that?02:48
ruffi do su, and login as root02:48
madstopnow, in kubuntu, xchat is showing my gnome svg wallpaper with transparency, instead of kde desktop02:48
ruffbut if i go to systems, and try to change come configureation02:48
apokryphosruff: you should ideally just us sudo02:48
ruffit askes for password02:48
ruffit's from the menu though02:48
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rufflike the start menu02:48
ruffand it askes for password02:49
ruffi enter it02:49
madstopI like it, but it's weird.  Anybody know how that may have happened?02:49
ruffbut it fails02:49
ruffi don't get it02:49
ruffi already setup the root password02:49
Fl-i-nTruff that is normal its the same password as your root one02:49
zubuntHello. I need help with ubuntu and accessing my printer, that is connected to a debian pc.02:49
apokryphosruff: you perhaps need to use your user password. Please don't flood the channel. :)02:49
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ruffoh ok02:49
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apokryphosruff: the whole idea of sudo is to *not* have to use su -- a separate root account.02:50
_BIJ_apokryphos, i got it... it works...02:50
mijndertHi. I now run the Ubuntu Live CD. I am really happy with it, and I want to install it. Should I wait to the final release next month or can I install the preview and upgrade later oid?02:50
ruffyea but i am just used to the other systems02:50
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zubuntIs there any documentation about the ubuntu printing system?02:50
apokryphos_BIJ_: am jealous ;)02:50
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jdubmijndert: you can install the preview and upgrade02:50
ruffapokryphos: the userpassword worked. But it's strange how it askes for root password02:50
Rattboizubunt: it's CUPS02:50
Fl-i-nTruff what to mandrake that is?02:50
apokryphosruff: yeah, don't worry, that's still on the TODO.02:51
mijndertjdub: are there any risks to that?02:51
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jdubmijndert: no02:51
gambithey all. where can i get a midnight commander for ubuntu?02:51
_BIJ_apokryphos, haha :) make a copy of the bash.bashrc in the /etc folder02:51
mijndertOk, thank you very much :)02:51
Rattboigambit: sudo apt-get install mc02:51
jdubgambit: mc is in universe02:51
apokryphos_BIJ_: done02:51
_BIJ_apokryphos, ok now delete the old bash.bashrc02:52
_BIJ_apokryphos, enter "touch bash.bashrc"02:52
Dr_Willismc  - is so handy :P02:52
ruffapokryphos: no i been using, red hat, fedora, slackware, libranet...and ubuntu. I am still pretty new though02:52
zubuntRattboi: But how thos the gnomeprinting stuff work. I cannnot access my printer with this tools, and I don't want to do the configuration of cups with emacs. IMHO this is not the appropiate way in ubuntu, there must be a more userfriendly way.02:52
_BIJ_and then insert into it the following lines:02:52
_BIJ_# System-wide .bashrc file for interactive bash(1) shells.02:52
_BIJ_shopt -s checkwinsize02:52
_BIJ_# enable bash completion in interactive shells02:52
_BIJ_if [ "$PS1" -a -f /etc/bash_completion ] ; then02:52
_BIJ_. /etc/bash_completion02:52
apokryphosruff: no?02:52
Dr_Willisi thought the "gnome printing gui" tool - was just another frontend for the CUPS printing.02:53
ruffapokryphos: It's all good. Thanks for the help02:53
vaijr2002hi everyone02:53
_BIJ_apokryphos, then you got to exit the console and log in again... on my computer it works...02:53
vaijr2002i had a link to another wiki page for ubunto but cant find it02:53
Dr_Willisand cups commands were replacements for the system common printing commands.. so just the standard print features of emacs should work as well.02:53
vaijr2002it had everything on it.... like how to mount hd's and stuff02:53
vaijr2002can anyone help02:53
vaijr2002hi Willis02:53
Dr_WillisHay vaijr200202:53
=== madstop signs off to see if gnome is still stalking his kubuntu desktop
vaijr2002was a white page02:54
ruffvaijr2002: www.ubuntuguide.org ?02:54
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apokryphos_BIJ_: sweet! That did it. :)02:54
vaijr2002thanks ruff thats it02:54
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_BIJ_good :)02:54
ruffvaijr2002: no worries02:54
vaijr2002now all i need to do is figure out mysql02:55
vaijr2002gah i am soo lost there02:55
apokryphos_BIJ_: this should seriously be implemented; might suggest it.02:55
vaijr2002i need to setup admin acct and get it to work with this program i am installing02:55
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madelwhat players can I install from the ubuntu oficial?  totem does not play my XviD movie02:55
_BIJ_yes in my opinion this should be changed02:55
_BIJ_apokryphos, where can i post this proposal?02:55
crimsunmadel: http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats02:55
nic__madel, I think you can't read anything02:56
apokryphos_BIJ_: I recommend suggesting it on #ubuntu-devel02:56
_BIJ_oki i'll try now...02:56
ruffAh i forgot to ask the main question02:56
ol4lis it possible to get the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy fortunes in ubuntu? i cant find anything02:56
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jonohi all02:56
vaijr2002hi jono02:57
ruffIsn't Ubuntu 5.04 suppose to have KDE as default?02:57
jonoheya vaijr2002 :)02:57
bob2ruff: er, no02:57
jonorubenv, kubuntu will02:57
claintmaybe kubuntu02:57
bob2ol4l: excerpts from HHGTTG would not be distributable02:57
apokryphosruff: kubuntu hoary 5.04 does02:57
Rattboianyone, does kubuntu have KDE + Gnome?02:57
membreyaruff: only kubuntu02:57
Rattboior just KDE?02:57
membreyadamnit apokryphos02:57
ruffhmmm...must have downloaded the wrong iso02:57
claintjust installed ubuntu, testing it out now.02:57
vaijr2002yes Rattboi02:57
jdubRattboi: both, kubuntu is ubuntu with kde as the default02:58
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jdubRattboi: different install and livecds02:58
vaijr2002both just gotta install kde02:58
apokryphosRattboi: it comes with only kde on the ISO, but Gnome is easily installable.02:58
vaijr2002ok gonna go read some man pages cya all later, take care02:58
ol4lbob2: what?02:58
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claintis the nvidia deal done the regular way? getting the drivers from nvidia.com and installing them?02:58
bob2claint: please read the FAQ02:59
jdubclaint: no, see the wiki. ubuntu provides the nvidia drivers.02:59
apokryphosclaint: easier. :)02:59
bob2claint: or wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:59
claintok, thanks a bunch.02:59
ruffUbuntu should really allow package selection during installation02:59
Dr_Willisnvidia is easy to get going under ubuntu - then about any other disrto ive tried. :P02:59
bob2ruff: why?02:59
membreyaruff: the cd is full enough :P02:59
Dr_Willisruff,  that has its pros and cons also.02:59
caffinatedwoo!  got my wlan working.  in case anyone is having a similar problem, it's a problem with hoary's kernel.  i went back to and it's all good now :D02:59
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membreyai SUPPOSE they could include it on the DVD02:59
madelmy xchat crashed02:59
ruffheh, but then you can choose what to install03:00
caffinatedmadel: sounds like you need irssi ;)03:00
jdubruff: we specifically chose not to -> you have a much better package mangement gui once the system is installed than you could during install03:00
madelwhat was the link someone paste to see xvid in my ubuntu?03:00
madelcaffinated, what is irssi?03:00
crimsunmadel: http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats03:00
membreyairssi = chat client madel03:00
madstopanybody who's got both gnome and kubuntu seen phenomenon?  in kubuntu, xchat is showing my gnome svg wallpaper as a background, instead of my current desktop image with transparency03:00
caffinatedmadel: a text-mode irc client.  very nice, or at least, i think so.03:00
apokryphosMadkiss: command-line based03:01
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apokryphosmadstop: odd; it's fine here...03:01
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madstopI like it, actually.  Just wondering what other surprises may be in store for me.03:01
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Riddellmadstop: sounds like a problem with the transparency in xchat, it's using the gnome background not whatever the X background is03:02
caffinatedhm, think it's time to lock this kernel version in the package manager until this goes stable.  that took waaay too much time to troubleshoot03:02
mijndertI have had problems with Ubuntu 4.10 with my ATi 9200SE (NO SCREENS FOUND). Will this be solved by now?03:02
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membreyamadstop: just use konversation :P03:02
Dr_Williswell xchat is a gtk app . so its proberly reading the wallpaper set with the gtk type tools - make sence to me.03:03
claintwhich package sources address do i need to activate for the nvidia drivers?03:03
membreyamijndert: ati + linux = sucky03:03
apokryphosclaint: did you check the suggested links?03:03
clainti guess i should just read apt-get. i am at the wiki right now.03:03
JDigitalhehe, 404 users03:03
mijndertmembreya, I know. But works fine on Fedora now :) On Ubuntu 4.10 it just said NO SCREENS FOUND.. did not start X at all03:03
JDigitalusers not found03:04
apokryphosPyre: tell claint ubutweaking03:04
Pyreclaint: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371303:04
membreyaPyre: tell apokryphos to stop being lazy03:05
PyreCan't recall any information associated with 'to stop being lazy' apokryphos03:05
claintthat's a good link, thanks.03:05
madstopah, thank you Riddell.  and membreya...  This reminds me, within kubuntu, could I use nautilus to draw the desktop, so I could get those resizable icons (good for picture files) and the icons showing plain text previews (better than sticky notes! ;-)03:05
Banditmijndert you may have to try out hoary to see if it will work03:05
dashnuwhy are the how-tos on a ssl connect :p03:05
JDigitalHey, does anyone know how to run Quake on Linux? I have like an actual original copy of the game and all.03:05
madstop(heh, what I'm really hoping for is knome...)03:05
dashnui have jake running a java implementation of quake03:05
membreyamijndert: why don't you try the hoary livecd?03:06
jalal_ubuntuhi all03:06
membreyajava...quake? :|03:06
mijndertmembreya, I am running it now..03:06
dashnumembreya, i was bored03:06
mijndertmembreya, but I am not sure if it works when I install it03:06
membreyamijndert: is it working now ?03:06
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mijndertmembreya, It is :) good resolution03:07
membreyamijndert: then install hoary :)03:07
mijndertmembreya, OK thanks for the information :)03:07
mijndertGonna backup my home dir, and then install it03:07
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mijndertBye, thanks!03:08
membreyaPyre: tell apokaway to come back03:08
PyreCan't recall any information associated with 'to come back' apokaway03:08
dashnuwhen is xcompmgr and transset gonna hit ubuntu ?03:09
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dashnuany one heard?03:09
apokawaydashnu: it already has03:09
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vaijr2002need some quick help03:09
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vaijr2002why when i try to mount a partition does it say mount point doesnt exhist03:10
vaijr2002when i did it03:10
dashnuwere is it ?03:10
membreyavaijr2002: created the mount point? :)03:10
vaijr2002i did sudo mount /media/windows203:10
Dr_Willis - you did make the 'directory; you are mounting to?  in this case /media/windows203:10
madelI installed avifile-xvid-plugin and I still cant't play xvid movies with totem, anyone has done this?03:10
vaijr2002then did sudo mount /dev/hdd1 media/windows2 -t ntfs -o umask=022203:10
sandwitchforgot a "/" for media ?03:11
vaijr2002oh thats it lol03:11
vaijr2002der stupid me03:11
membreya:| lol vaijr200203:11
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caffinateddashnu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769 try that03:12
caffinatedi just got through doing it myself about 45 minutes ago.  works good.03:12
dashnuthx man03:12
vaijr2002thanks membreya03:12
vaijr2002mysql is next victim lol03:13
membreyaenjoy that one vaijr2002 :P03:13
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dashnuE: Couldn't find package xcompmgr03:13
zenwhenyou aren;t... new t ubuntu are you03:13
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New2ubuntuCan anyone help me install a "java Runtime Environment" Limewire requires it and I can't find it in Apt :(03:13
membreyaNew2ubuntu: www.blackdown.org03:14
munkiAnybody got any experience with ekstern harddrives, in ubuntu (gnome) ?03:14
libpngNew2ubuntu, www.ubuntuguide.org03:14
zenwhenmunki, they have just automounted for me03:14
membreyaPyre: tell New2ubuntu java03:14
PyreCan't recall any information associated with 'java' New2ubuntu03:14
membreyastupid bot03:14
munkiIt should puff up on the desktop, but it doesn't allways do.. It is mounted and all of that, but not on the desktop03:14
Dr_Willismunki,  you mean external usb hard drives?03:15
Madkissapokaway: What?`03:15
munkiDr_Willis , yup03:15
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Dr_Willismunki, was it mounted befor you started up X/logged in?03:16
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Dr_Willismunki,  i think thers some gnome service or simthing that handles that. if you sort of outsmart it. :P it can get confused.03:16
libpngPyre, tell libpng jre03:16
munkiDr_Willis , ya.. it's kinda crappy..03:17
Dr_Willismunki,  i tend to just disable it :P03:17
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munkiDr_Willis , I just turn it off, and then turn it on03:17
Dr_Willisit shoul still be in the 'drives' or whatever location i think03:17
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RochaHello, i'm using ubuntu warty and i'm having some trouble with LaTeX03:18
munkiit is in : /media/usbdisk03:18
munkibut not on the desktop :S03:18
RochaWarning: pdflatex (file cmr10.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for reading03:18
munkiand.. I wan't it on the desktop ! :P03:18
RochaI can't find this font03:18
SpooksDon't wear latex... the fashion police will get you03:18
RochaDo you know what package do I need to install?03:18
Rocha"It can't find..."03:18
vaijr2002my xmms locked up . how do i kill it?03:18
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vaijr2002so is it pkill xmms?03:19
SpooksI should imagine so03:19
Rochaspooks: latex is s text processor03:19
SpooksI know :p03:19
scizzoRocha: Type 103:19
vaijr2002thanks spooks you rock03:19
=== Spooks was just being silly
SpooksCheck me out03:19
RochaSpooks, :)03:19
SpooksGiving advice after only 3 days of linux usage03:20
nasdaq7latex is what my girlfriend wears03:20
scizzoRocha: that should be some sort of standard font if I am not wrong03:20
=== Spooks falls down at the next hurdle
speelok there ali g lol03:20
scizzoRocha: do you have the xfonts packages installed ?03:20
nasdaq7she is a dominatrix03:20
scizzoRocha: dpkg -l |grep xfonts03:21
Rochascizzo, let me check03:21
membreyano updates today...hmmm weird :|03:22
Rochaii  xfonts-100dpi  4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 100 dpi fonts for X03:22
Rochaii  xfonts-75dpi   4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 75 dpi fonts for X03:22
Rochaii  xfonts-base    4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 standard fonts for X03:22
Rochaii  xfonts-scalabl 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 scalable fonts for X03:22
vaijr2002crappers my xmms locks up every time i try to play an mp303:22
Rochascizzo, am i missing some?03:22
Myrttivaijr2002: try to launch it from terminal03:22
vaijr2002hey is mplayer hard to config for ubuntu?03:22
Fackamatoyou don't need to compile it03:23
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Myrttiyou prolly need libmik to get it working03:23
Myrttior nevermind me03:23
bob2vaijr2002: are you using the nvidia binary-only drivers?03:23
vaijr2002if its a tar.gz dont it need compiling?03:23
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caffinatedvaijr2002: i normally go with xine, but either xine or mplayer should be ready to go out of the box03:23
vaijr2002dont know bob03:23
vaijr2002oh ok caffinated03:24
Rochascizzo, if i copy all deb files from apt-get cache from a friend of mine, can i install them with synaptic?03:24
bob2yes, you do03:24
vaijr2002i have an ati vid card bob03:24
edulixI've installed one package via alien. how to uninstall/remove it ?03:24
vaijr2002soundblaster audigy sound card03:24
Haydenhow can i tell if my dialup modem drivers are installed?03:24
Rochascizzo, adding a cdrom to the repositories for example?03:24
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membreyaRocha: just copy the backup .deb files and then from a terminal do a sudo dpkg -a *.deb03:25
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vaijr2002so if i dl the tar.gz of mplayer i have to compile it?03:25
Rochamembreya, that's cool :)03:25
membreyaRocha: the .deb files are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives/03:25
Rochamembreya, i have a 56k connection, and downloading some files take ages03:26
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nasdaq7that is maddening eh rocha?03:26
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vaijr2002anyone a mysql god?03:26
Haydenhow can i tell if my dialup modem drivers are installed?03:26
vaijr2002i need to setup a database, and admin acct03:26
jdubHayden: is it a serial modem?03:26
Haydeni'm on a laptop03:26
Haydenit is built in03:27
jdubok, that means it's not a serial modem03:27
jdubyou need to find out what it is03:27
bob2vaijr2002: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, no need to compile mplayer03:27
vaijr2002oh ok03:27
bob2vaijr2002: it comes with an admin account for free03:27
vaijr2002i thought that everything thats tar.gz had to be compiled, and rpms were precompiled03:28
bob2Hayden: did you install?  if not, then no.03:28
New2ubuntuis there a Java RE in Deb format?03:28
Rochamembreya, i know that :)03:28
vaijr2002you mean mysql bob for the admin acct?03:28
ice_1963xine is better03:28
membreyaNew2ubuntu: not AFAIK03:28
bob2vaijr2002: indeed03:28
membreyaRocha: ..know what? :|03:28
Rochanasdaq7, at college i have a very high speed connection03:28
Haydenjdub, apparently it is a conexant softk5603:28
Spooksrpms are for use with java, yay or nay?03:28
Rochanasdaq7, i'm not used to 56k03:28
vaijr2002ok but where is the configure file for mysql where you can change stuffs in it?03:28
bob2vaijr2002: /etc/mysql/03:29
nasdaq7its crazy03:29
nasdaq7its hell03:29
membreyalol bob2 :P03:29
vaijr2002can i change stuff in there like admin pw and stuffs03:29
bob2vaijr2002: why don't you just look?03:29
vaijr2002this is what i am doing .... i am installing verlihub its a p2p hub/chat i have to setup mysql and make a database for the program03:30
Rochamembreya, that the cache is in that directory03:30
membreyaoh ok Rocha :) you never know what people do and don't know :)03:30
vaijr2002sorry bob kinda a newbie to linux. thought there was a command to open the file and edit it03:30
membreyavaijr2002: there is ...nano :)03:30
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membreyamornin daniels_ :)03:31
vaijr2002is the file in mysql called my.cnf?03:31
bob2vaijr2002: yes03:31
membreyavaijr2002: ...at this point I have to say.. /join #mysql03:31
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vaijr2002where is that dir?03:32
vaijr2002lol membreya03:32
vaijr2002whats the -/ mean?03:32
Dr_Willisis shortcut for your home dir.03:33
Dr_Willisie /home/username03:33
vaijr2002ok thanks willis03:33
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vaijr2002brb config'ing03:33
Rochascizzo, i have installed "freetype1-tools" and "type1inst" but i still don't get the font03:33
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henla464I did a apt-get dist-upgrade to hoary recently, now I try to do a apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but I get message about broken dependencies. I am using amd64. Anyone know if this should work?03:35
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Haydenwhat does apt-get install ubuntu-desktop do?03:36
New2ubuntuI hate Java03:36
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RochaNew2ubuntu, why?03:36
New2ubuntuI hate that so many programs require such a worthless poorly integrated piece of technology03:36
membreyaJRE is easy New2ubuntu03:37
dashnulol New2ubuntu03:37
New2ubuntuSynaptic wont install the bastard03:37
New2ubuntuit keeps saying it needs other files03:37
New2ubuntuso I look up all of the deb repositories03:37
henla464hayden: they recommended doing that on some page.. wait and I will try to find it03:37
New2ubuntuthat are remotely linked to java03:37
RochaNew2ubuntu, java can't be redistributed03:37
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dashnufunny my company makes lots of money on such a " worthless poorly integrated piece of technology"03:37
RochaNew2ubuntu, you must download it from java.sun.com03:37
=== New2Ubuntu2 whistles
csjhello, I am trying to customize the Ubuntu hoary livecd and I remove the original filesystem.cloop, and I use debootstrap to build a new ubuntu in /mnt/ubuntu, and now I want to compress /mnt/ubuntu  become  filesystem.cloop,  I use mkisofs -iso-level 4 -R -U -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad /mnt/ubuntu | nice -5 create_compressed_fs - 65536 > filesystem.cloop03:38
membreyaRocha: you can also get another version called blackdown03:38
thenukeubuntu needs to have that protocol03:38
csjis that a correct way?03:38
Rochamembreya, blackdown doesn't support java 503:38
membreyajava 5 schmava 503:38
henla464hayden: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryUpgradeNotes/view?searchterm=ubuntu-desktop%20hoary03:38
Rochajava 5 kicks java 2 (1.4) ass :P03:38
=== kay_ [~kay@pool-71-98-192-47.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
New2ubuntuMicrosoft does it all the time03:38
=== New2Ubuntu2 is now known as Spooks
_d4vidky all03:39
membreyaNew2ubuntu: you might notice that microsoft had to remove it's java virtual machine Spooks :)03:39
New2ubuntunot that03:39
djpany users of dar here?03:39
New2ubuntuit makes money on a worhtless poorly integrated piece of technology03:39
Rochacan anyone tell me with package as the file cmr10.pfb ?03:39
jalal_ubuntuanyone have a package to install mplayer in ubuntu ? plz03:39
Rochajava is a very good language03:39
Rochavery very good03:40
Rocha(but C# is better)03:40
membreyajalal_ubuntu: only amd64.soz :(03:40
New2ubuntuwell I am downloading Java from Suns website03:40
jalal_ubuntumembreya, where di yu get it ?03:40
New2ubuntuit smells of fish guts03:40
RochaNew2ubuntu, www.ubuntuguide.org (follow the instructions in this website when installing java)03:40
membreyajalal_ubuntu: you running amd64?03:40
dashnuany good beep-media-player ubuntu themes ?03:40
jalal_ubuntumembreya, no03:41
membreyajalal_ubuntu: then it's useless for you :P03:41
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Rochadashnu, beep is evil03:41
dashnuRocha, heh i love it03:41
[koji] help i got no audio on my xine03:41
dashnui hear a lot of people comparing this distro to gentoo were in gods name does that come from ?03:42
Dr_Willisno idea there. :P03:42
membreyadashnu: cos it's linux? :P03:42
=== ben0ne [~ben0ne@200141097137.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisive use dthem both - and  they are radicially different design goals.03:42
membreyagentoo takes too much configuring for my liking :|03:42
dashnui run gentoo just tried ubuntu the other day i like it03:43
dashnui feel a bit more 'free' in gentoo if that makes sense03:43
New2ubuntuok the download file is corrupted03:43
membreyatoo many years of MS makes me want things that "work out of the box"03:43
New2ubuntuand I got it off Suns bloody website03:43
dashnuya i was shocked to see my wireless card work out of the box03:43
zenwhenMine did as well.03:44
=== SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
New2ubuntuthis is why I call it a worthless piece of techology, it can't even hold its integrity on the short trip from San Jose to Seattle03:44
sandwitchcsj, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=71814 or on the knoppix site03:44
dashnubut the kernel has about everthing compiled as a module so why not i guess03:44
Dr_Willisheh - with linux you are 'suprised when your hardwware works' :P03:44
csjsandwitch: ok, thank you, I go to read it :D03:44
ice_1963ms lol that's funny lol03:44
zenwhenIt stopped surprising me a while back.03:44
jalal_ubuntuwhere ca  i get nero for ubuntu ?03:44
zenwhenI havent found much that isn;t supported that i need to or would want to use in my daily computing.03:45
dashnujalal_ubuntu, you have to buy it i think03:45
dashnudont waste your money03:45
Rochacan anyone tell me where can i find the latex font file cmr10.pfb ?03:45
djpjalal_ubuntu: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=985003:45
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membreyaonly thing that annoys me is I can't get full 3d accelaration working without recompiling my kernel (damn agpgart)03:45
jalal_ubuntucab i install a .rpm version ?03:45
djpanyone use dar here?03:45
membreyaamd64 3200+ with a geforce 4000 and I only get 400 fps on glxgears03:45
Dr_Willismembreya,  - hmm. i dident have to do that. :P03:46
dashnui use the kernels agpgart with nvidia03:46
SiRrUsmembreya good morning03:46
dashnuon ubuntu anyways03:46
membreyaello SiRrUs :)03:46
tckis array-7 = preview ?03:46
tckor a later version03:46
Dr_Willisjalal_ubuntu,  the nero homepage has that nero-linux download  i belive.. and it does require a  legal/bought version of the windows nero.03:46
New2ubuntuthat settles it, on monday I am telling advising my mutual fund to dump Sun Microsystems03:46
dashnu47379 frames in 5.0 seconds = 9475.800 FPS03:46
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caffinatedjalal_ubuntu: iirc, there is a package called 'alien' which will allow you to convert RPM to deb03:46
membreyadashnu: what hardware?03:47
zerovertexwhat is a graphical frontend for gphoto2?03:47
dashnuha just crashed xcomp03:47
caffinatedjalal_ubuntu: your milage may vary with that though - i'd use it with caution03:47
dashnuxp3000 nvidia 6800 1 g ram03:47
zerovertexfound it03:47
csjsandwitch: but is this morphix? I want to find a way to make filesystem.cloop for ubuntu livecd but not try Morphix.03:47
membreyadamn you dashnu ...at least I beat you with cpu :P03:47
membreyadashnu: running highmem in your kernel ? :)03:47
dashnuha i do get a bit better perfomance in gentoo03:48
dashnunot this one no03:48
dashnui need to fix that03:48
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membreyawhy not dashnu , you're limiting yourself to 890 mb :P03:48
sandwitchcsj, it  s all about cloop doesnt mind03:48
dashnui no I just installed.. the other day03:48
csjsandwitch: ok, I go ahead read, thank youG^03:48
sandwitchi thought the first ubuntu livecd was made by morphix03:49
membreyadashnu: then again, if we're to believe Bill Gates "no computer will ever need more than 640k memory"03:49
dashnui tried one kernel the ubuntu way but i missed some stuff03:49
dashnuBill Gates is a pimp :p03:49
caffinatedmembreya: that's an urban myth.  he never said that.03:49
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membreyadashnu: but a rich pimp03:49
Dr_Williscaffinated,  and i bet that Al Gore never Invented the Internet either! :P03:49
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caffinatedDr_Willis: well, he didn't ;)03:50
Dr_Willis"Porn - the reason AL Gore Invented the Internet... for Bill CLinton"03:50
Dr_WillisOh wait. i forget  "people are not allowed to say anything mean about democrats, just those $&#&^@^^@ republibians"03:51
madstopfolks, I installed xfce 4 (to use when I want a real fast log-in and less temptation to fiddle with stuff) and I was wondering --03:51
nasdaq7there are millions of porn pics online - bill must have a field day03:51
caffinatedDr_Willis: actually, you can say anything you want about either of them.  american politics isn't something i concern myself with too much03:51
madstopcan I install some of the xfce4 themes in kde, and how do I do that?  I looked in the xfce4 folder, but find nothing marked for themes03:52
dashnunor do I03:52
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Dr_Williscaffinated,   Blasphmy! :P03:52
caffinatedfrom where i sit, it doesn't matter which one you guys vote in, he's going to suck03:52
madstopor are they incompatible?  I'm finding kde a bit theme deprived03:52
Dr_WillisMadkiss,  xfce themes are totally diffrent from kde themes.03:52
dashnui strongly belive I am one little person whos opinions dont mean shit03:52
membreyacaffinated: voting is just a matter of choosing a different class of idiot03:52
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caffinatedmembreya: heh, i think i agree with you there03:53
Dr_Willismadstop,  kde-look.org - has 100000's of themes :P03:53
madstopI was afraid of that Dr_Willis03:53
Dr_Willisof course there may be a lot of default kde extras you can install with apt-get - that you just havent isntalled.03:53
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Dr_WillisI tend to get a nice clean theme an just use that.03:53
madstopThanks, I'll look around.  The iceWM themes are great too... ;-)03:54
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MyrttiI feel like a newbie again03:54
dashnui am sticking with the brown look03:54
dashnui like it :P03:54
=== Brunellus [~luigi@ip68-100-19-156.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisyea - its neat how kde acn use the icewm themes in ways.. but it seems theres 2 kinds of themes... UGLY and 'useable' :P03:54
membreyadashnu: what about clearlooks?03:54
Brunellusany fluxbox users out there?03:54
MyrttiI want to rip my CD's to mp3s, I've looked and I've tried, but I can't get sound juicer to work, nor grip...03:54
membreyaclearlooks + ubuntu calendar :D03:54
stephankThe python2.4-psyco package (universe) seems to be broken? It only contains a doc directory.03:55
dashnuclearlooks ?03:55
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Brunellusmyrtti:  have you read the restricted-formats wikipage yet?03:55
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membreyadashnu: theme..makes everything look nice (but don't believe it ..it's not clear :P)03:55
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MyrttiBrunellus: ask how many times...03:55
haydenhow do i run gdesklets as soon as i login03:55
MyrttiI've lost track03:55
madstopDr_Willis, I like clean too, but I like roll-up buttons, and less crowded buttons generally.  And I'm too lazy to fiddle with the buttons on the installed themes myself... ;-)03:56
BrunellusOk.  that's my first question, always.03:56
dashnuput it in you gnome session thingy03:56
Brunellusanyone in here running fluxbox03:56
haydengnome session thingy?03:56
madstop(most of these themes are not touchpad user friendly)03:56
Burgundaviacan anybody else reproduce this bug for me?03:56
Montaghim on windowmaker03:56
Dr_Willismadstop,  i belive ive seen a few themes that have extra configuration tab. that lets you easially check/add/remove buttons.03:56
Burgundaviago to : http://software.silicon.com/security/0,39024655,39128778,00.htm in firefox03:56
dashnuhayden, in the gnome menu is a thing called session03:56
Burgundaviatell me if you see backtics in the window title03:56
haydenyep i've found it03:56
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dashnuin there is a startup tab03:56
crimsunstephank: sec, lemme look.03:57
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madstopthx Dr_Willis03:57
Dr_Willistake care ya all.03:58
Taraxacumwill i have problems with the install cd if i boot with it and got a wireless keyboard?03:58
haydenhas anyone seen call for help 2.0 ?03:58
Dr_WillisTaraxacum,  no way to tell.. i doubt if there will be any problems.03:58
membreyaooo just realised, I have 50 invites to hand out in gmail :D03:58
Taraxacumso i'll just pray then ;)03:58
Dr_Willismembreya,  lol...03:58
Dr_Willismembreya,  i got my gmail account.. and am allready getting SPAM!03:58
Jesteraceheh i have like 100 gmail invites :p03:58
Dr_Willisand no one has my address03:58
BrunellusI'm running fluxbox, but it's pretty bare;  I'd like to be able to configure the menus03:58
membreyaDr_Willis: I don't get spam in hotmail or gmail03:59
=== Thom_Holwerda [~thom@84-104-100-163.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Brunellusbut the fluxbox-generate_menu command doesn't work03:59
Dr_Willisits all 'message returned/bounced' sort of spam..03:59
httpdssdoes anyone know which is the chipset for the intellinet Wireless LAN PCI Card ??03:59
Taraxacumis the dhclient installed with the install cd?03:59
Dr_Willisbut gmail is now filtering them all to the spam folder..03:59
Taraxacumand lynx?03:59
membreyaDr_Willis: NOONE has your gmail ?03:59
Dr_WillisHotmail = 100+ spam a day03:59
madstopmembreya, someone needs to invent something that lets everyone with 50 invites pool it all into one vast web storage space...03:59
Dr_Willismembreya,  ive had the account for 2 days.. and havent used it.. and now im getting spam there. :P03:59
membreyahrm Dr_Willis :|03:59
membreyahad my account for 2 weeks and no email except the test one I sent myself :(04:00
Dr_Willismembreya,  unless they are a random name generation spam attack.04:00
dashnumadstop, there is a site that does that04:00
madstopdashnu, really?04:00
dashnuyea i will try to find it04:00
Dr_Williswell bbl04:00
tuxhello. I have a parallel printer and a LAN How can I share my printer in the LAN with cups?04:00
membreyabed time for me ..up in 5 hours for work :)04:00
madstopI was joking... that's brilliant.04:01
dashnuone of many i think04:01
madstopgoogle's probably not thrilled (or maybe they love it ;-)04:01
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Taraxacumis the dhclient and lynx installed with the install cd?04:01
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madstophmm, dashnu, that's not exactly what I had in mind.  I meant somehow converting email storage to unrestricted storage.04:02
stephankTaraxacum: IIRC, lynx isn't, but it will try to connect using dhcp during the installation.04:02
New2ubuntuwell Java is officially a pin in the ass to install, but thank god that task is over... May Sun Microsystems rot in its grave forever for not Open Sourcing Java so that decent installers could be written by the community04:02
dashnuxcompmgr is super buggy04:02
dashnuoh i see madstop04:02
Taraxacumyeah but without lynx i can't login to the isp04:03
dashnuyea that would be nice04:03
Taraxacumthat's a part that sucks mostly04:03
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Taraxacumdon't the geeks think about that?04:03
membreyamadstop: why would you need more than 1gb of gmailfs?04:03
stephankTaraxacum: well, that's an odd ISP.04:03
Taraxacumnot really04:03
Taraxacumeveryone has that in sweden04:03
stephankTaraxacum: either way, you should be able to install and get a desktop up. DHCP should connect you to your ISP and you can then just use firefox to login.04:04
madstopy'all are missing the point... I'm talking about gmail users with excess storage pooling it all together, to run free server storage or whatever.  It was just a joke, folks04:04
Taraxacumif i get xwindows to work yes04:04
stephankTaraxacum: It should Just Work. :)04:05
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membreyamadstop: i think that would piss google off severely :P04:05
Taraxacumthat's why i like a backup with lynx to make sure it will make me able to connect04:05
membreyabut yes I see your point :)04:05
madstopyep, membreya!04:05
Myrttidammit dammit dammit04:05
crimsunstephank: there seems to be a packaging error (I've spotted at least one in debian/rules)04:05
crimsunstephank: rebuilding, will let you know what I make of it shortly04:06
Fl-i-nTdoes anyone know how to change the mouse theme in gconf-editor i cant find it the tree any help?04:06
stephankcrimsun: okay, thanks. :)04:06
=== vetlebox [~vetlebox@ti521110a080-0466.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
SiRrUsMyrtti whats broke today :)04:07
membreyaSiRrUs: "linux - what would you like to break today"04:07
dashnuF|-i-nT, put you theme in ~/.icons/default04:07
vetleboxhi, I installed ubuntu today, and I looked for sshd, but couldn` t find it, I thought sshd was common on unix. So does that mean I have to install it? Or just active it or something ?04:07
crimsunvetlebox: openssh-server04:07
dashnualso you name does not Tab complete :( pain in the ass04:07
vetleboxcommand not ofund ? :S04:08
Myrttican't get sound juicer doing mp3s, nor grip -- my SO bought me yesterday a new pair of headphones to replace those he broke by stepping on them -- now I want to test them with my mp3-player, but I can't rip my Elton John CD's :-/04:08
crimsunvetlebox: sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:08
CarlK_get a new SO ;)04:08
membreyavetlebox: ssh04:08
membreyaif you want the client04:08
vetleboxI don` t have apt-config yet.04:08
MyrttiCarlK_: I think I'm too nerdy for most men04:08
crimsunvetlebox: why do you need apt-config?04:09
vetleboxmembreya: I` m looking for the server.04:09
Montaghapt-get install SO04:09
vetleboxcrimsun: Yes04:09
Myrttiif only it were that easy04:09
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crimsunvetlebox: why do you need apt-config?04:09
Myrttibut really, I can't stop wondering what I should do to get that damn sound juicer to work04:09
vetleboxBecause it aint any "sources" in mine that i can download from when im searching04:09
vetleboxIts no ftp`s/http`s added.04:10
sandwitchMyrtti, you have lame or another mp3 encoder installed ?04:10
crimsunvetlebox: did you install from the Internet during the Ubuntu install?04:10
vetleboxYes I did04:10
Myrttisandwitch: bien sur, of course I do04:10
sandwitchok just checking :)04:10
vetleboxWhere is the apt-config? So I can check04:11
MyrttiI wouldn't whine about problems here if I hadn't ;-)04:11
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Myrttibut as I now run gnome-audio-profiles-properties, this goddammit thing has forgotten the mp3-thingy I just made04:11
sandwitchso what's not working the ripping part or the encoding part04:11
crimsunvetlebox: if you installed from the Internet, then sources.list is already configured04:11
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_BIJ_what do i have to install in order to be able to play mp3s with totem?04:12
crimsunstephank: ping, see query please.04:12
vetleboxhmm, then it must have made a fail. Because I don`t have any sources, atleast thats what it tells me. (It cant find a anything)04:12
=== hayden [~hayden@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
vetleboxwhere is the sources.list file? My Locate wont even work :P04:12
zanagahas anyone noticed a problem where syslog stops logging kernel messages?04:13
vetleboxsources could not open database..04:13
stephankTaraxacum: Well, there really doesn't seem to be a lynx or links package on the warty install cd. If the X server doesn't start up you could either hack it's configuration to use the VGA driver or download the lynx package now and somehow copy it over.04:13
zanagafor some reason it appears to happen on my server.04:13
stephankstephank: but most likely, it will Just Work. :)04:13
sandwitchshould be in /etc/apt/sources.list vetlebox04:13
dashnuzanaga, i bet it has something to do with the logrotate04:13
vetleboxIt can`t find slocate.db04:14
=== Codyman [Cole@ip68-4-94-106.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
haydenwhere can i get some gcursor themes?04:14
vetleboxI guess the ubuntu install made a mistake or something.04:14
Codymani went to boot up my comp this morning and after "starting ubuntu" appeared it panic: "Exec 428 chroot not found" "Kernel Panic - Not syncing: Attempted to kill Init!"04:15
=== sandwitch is away: gone
Myrttinow it understood that it would meet a XP install CD ROM if it wouldn't want to work04:15
Myrttiand decided to remember that mp3-profile04:15
vetleboxcrimsun: Can`t you help me find a good sources.list? That would solve all my problems.04:16
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caffinatedvetlebox: did you enable the universe repos?04:16
crimsunvetlebox: your sources.list is fine.04:16
crimsunvetlebox: just sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:16
MyrttiI feel like a winner04:16
lrojashi all04:17
vetleboxoh, thanks, but anyways, how can I fix my locatye.04:17
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vetleboxlocate could not open database var/lib/slocate/slocate.db  No such file or directory04:18
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caffinatedsudo updatedb04:18
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vetleboxcaffinated: Thanks man.04:19
vetleboxcrimsun: Thank for the help.04:19
mirakis there a way to force gnome to mount removable device in async mode ?04:19
lrojassorry to bother you guys with dumb questions but, i just installed hoary hedghog preview, and while following the unnoficial starter guide i did a sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla, got the answer back that no package exist... am i doing something wrong? or was that removed from hoary?04:19
caffinatedlrojas: i was under the impression that you needed to get the plugin from macromedia04:20
dashnui just love the screaming guitar licks in chromium :p04:20
caffinatedi don't think you can get the flash plugin through the repositories04:21
lrojasnot according to this : http://ubuntuguide.org/#flash-mozilla04:21
caffinatedlrojas: well, i just checked mine, and i can't seem to find it04:21
lrojasso, there is a bug in the guide04:21
caffinatedlrojas: actually, try flashplugin-nonfree04:21
\shi have troubles with the pbuilder howto04:21
caffinatedlrojas: i just noticed it04:22
lrojasnope.. failed too04:22
\shi just started sudo pbuilder create --distribution=hoary04:22
caffinatedstrange, i have it04:22
lrojasshould i add the repositories in that guide? perhaps thats whats missing04:22
=== Zugot [~bryan@pcp0010860530pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dashnujust go to a flash site and click to install flash ?04:22
PacoBCNhi guys.04:22
dashnuthat is all i did04:23
vetleboxThanks guys, I`ll come back when I need more help ;)04:23
caffinatedlrojas: check your sources.list to see if you have repositories commented out04:23
PacoBCNI have an application that suddently changed to english language and I want it to be in SPanish04:23
caffinatedthey're not all enabled by default04:23
ice_1963use synaptic04:23
\shand following the guide i could build packeges...so sudo apt-get install source bc ; sudo pbuilder build *.dsc04:23
PacoBCNHow can I do it?04:23
\shand pbuilder is complaining about base.tar.gz04:23
zanagaklogd is to blame04:24
crimsun\sh: did you configure pbuilder?04:24
crimsun\sh: you need to configure ~/.pbuilderrc04:24
\shcrimsun, I followed the guide04:24
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\shcrimsun, documentation for this? in the guide there is only written about the pbuilderrc in /etc(04:25
jazzkais there any program in ubuntu to know wich program are using the network?04:25
jalal_ubuntuhow to get full screen in mplayer ?04:25
crimsunjazzka: ntop, among others.04:25
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crimsunjazzka: I recommend darkstat as a replacement for ntop04:26
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jazzkacrimsun, darkstat is in universe?04:26
FackamatoHow can I reconfigure an installed package?04:26
crimsunjazzka: yes04:26
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crimsun\sh: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PbuilderHowto04:27
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tckim trying to add something to the Internet list under Applications04:28
tcklike, nautilus applications:///Internet04:28
spiralFackamato: dpkg-reconfigure package04:28
tckanyway to do this with HOARY04:28
crimsuntck: not via applications:///, no04:28
tckanyway ?04:29
tckwanna create an icon for an app04:29
crimsunyes, you can create the .desktop file manually04:29
tckdont want to have to type out the command each time04:29
\shcrimsun, thats the one04:29
tckcrimsun, how do i do that?04:30
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crimsuntck: use an editor and look at an example .desktop file04:30
crimsuntck: for instance, look at the one for rhythmbox (aka Music Player)04:30
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lrojasgonna cry04:30
Fackamatospiral: thanks, but how do I reconfigure sendmail :<04:30
FackamatoI want sendmail to use a relay server04:31
tckcrimsun, cool04:31
lrojasi should have installed Warty instead of the stupid preview one04:31
spiraldpkg-reconfigure sendmail ?04:31
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Fackamatodidn't start anythinhg04:31
crimsunlrojas: it's called flashplugin-nonfree.04:31
crimsunlrojas: and it's in multiverse04:31
lrojaswell my apt cant find it...04:32
crimsunlrojas: well have you enabled multiverse?04:32
munkiHow can I convert several .vob files to one xvid ?04:32
lrojascrimsun, are you using 5.04?04:32
lrojasor 4.10?04:32
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crimsunlrojas: ~5.0404:32
lrojasok, how do i enable multiverse?04:33
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spirallrojas: see your /etc/apt/sources.list... and see the faq04:33
crimsunlrojas: either edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually and uncomment the multiverse line, then update && upgrade, or use Synaptic04:33
lordaj76does anyone have tested kaffeine-0.5-1ubuntu1 ?04:34
crimsuns/update && upgrade/update && install flashplayer-nonfree/04:34
lordaj76it doesent start here04:34
ice_1963that's right lol04:34
spirallordaj76: starts for me04:34
\shhmmm...looks like that one error is causing the trouble with pbuilder04:34
lrojashmmm, ok will try that.. asuming multiverse = universe as there is no multiverse in my sources04:34
lordaj76[lordaj76@ubuntu ~] $ kaffeine04:35
lordaj76Main: XInitThreads()04:35
lordaj76[INFO]  If Kaffeine hangs here run 'configure --with-xorg' and recompile/reinstall.04:35
MyrttiI llllloooove Ubuntu04:35
lordaj76and it hangs :)04:35
\shhe can't recognize the cdrom entry in the sources.list04:35
=== chibifs pets Myrtti. "So do I :D "
spirallordaj76: I've got the same message, but this doesn't hang04:35
crimsun\sh: you need to configure the sources.list correctly.04:36
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\shcrimsun, the sources.list was correct, the default cdrom entry was the bug04:36
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no0tic\sh: sudo apt-cdrom add04:36
\shno0tic, i don't have the install media in my cdrom ;)04:36
\shafter installation i'm using only net-sources04:37
crimsun\sh: if the default cdrom entry was the bug, then obviously the sources.list was incorrect :)04:37
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\shcrimsun, no...normal updates etc. are ok.. he couldn't read the packages list04:37
lordaj76spiral: i think i'm going to wait another release04:37
lordaj76dont't know how to solve it04:37
\shcrimsun, but this should be mentioned in the guild04:37
\shguide ;)04:37
crimsun\sh: that's a local issue04:38
no0tic\sh: <\sh> he can't recognize the cdrom entry in the sources.list04:38
\shno0tic, yeah, there is no cdrom media inside, so he can't read the list04:39
\shcrimsun, at least :)04:39
haydenwhats the recommended partition size for /04:39
garrutcan i remove items from my window list?04:39
\shits always the users fault ;)04:39
\shit looks better now04:39
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carthikHi, would anyone know how to disable a firefox theme, or go back to using the default, by editing config files04:40
carthikAss that I am, i installed a OSX theme on my linux firefox, and now firefox wont start up04:40
Brunellusany fluxbox users out there who know about generating menus?04:41
lrojascrimsun, i am getting an error whith the repositories...04:41
lrojashttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found04:41
lrojashttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found04:41
lrojashttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/main/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found04:41
lrojashttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found04:41
chibifsBrunellus - Install the package "menu"04:41
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chibifsOr maybe it was menus04:41
chibifsIt has a script that builds a full debian menu in it.04:42
chibifsupdate-menus or menus-update04:42
Myrttifor the love of God, why does Soundjuicer rip the CD so slowly?04:42
chibifsCan't remember which :P04:42
Myrttithis'll take forever04:42
no0ticlrojas: hoary-updates doesn't exist, it will be created when hoary stable will be released04:42
Brunelluschibifs:  I have "menu" already04:42
Brunellushow do I use that with fluxbox?04:42
chibifsThen run "update-menus" or "menus-update" from a console04:43
Xappehmm, my sound card just stopped working yesterday when I put in another hdd...04:43
Brunellusok, I've just run update-menus04:43
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Brunellusnow what?04:43
chibifsRestart fluxbox.04:43
BrunellusI did the restart from the fluxbox menu04:44
Brunellusand no effect04:44
Brunellussame three items:  xterm, restart, exit04:44
chibifsLemme look really quick. Maybe fluxbox doesn't like it or something o.O;04:44
haydenis there an alarm clock gdesklet out there04:44
chibifsNope. I ran it, my menu is full :/04:45
Brunelluschibifs:  what is your menu location?04:45
Brunellusmenu file location, sorry.04:46
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chibifsDon't remember. Might want to try installing menu-xdg as well, though.04:46
Brunelluschibifs, please run fluxconf04:46
Brunellusand tell me what the Menu file location is04:46
lrojasok, i fixed the sources.list, still get this :04:47
lrojaslrojas@cortana:/etc/apt$ sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree04:47
lrojasReading Package Lists... Done04:47
lrojasBuilding Dependency Tree... Done04:47
lrojasE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree04:47
chibifsDoesn't have one set. D:04:47
thoreauputicthe recent fluxboxes have a script called  fluxbox-generate_menu04:47
=== Brunellus sighs.
deFrysklrojas, universe04:47
lrojasi have it uncomented04:47
Brunellusdammit.  NOTHING.04:47
deFryskor is it multiverse ?04:47
lrojasuniverse in my original sources04:48
deFryskadd multiverse04:48
lrojasdeFrysk, where, how?04:48
deFryskin sources.list04:48
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Brunellusstill nothing.  I can't work out what's happening04:49
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Brunelluschibifs:  how can you *not* have anything set, and have a fully-populated menu?04:50
Brunellusall I get is "xterm" "restart" and "exit"04:50
chibifsDefault? :P04:50
Brunellusif it's so default04:50
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Brunelluswhy isn't it running for *me*?04:50
chibifsLike I said, try installing menu-xdg as well, it's a more recent addition to the menu scripts.04:51
BrunellusI just did.  now what?04:51
Xappehmm, i'm going to install ubuntu on my second hdd instead of the first (as it is now, the first one contains both win and ubuntu). can I choose during ubuntu install to install grub on hd0?04:51
BrunellusI'd be OK editing ~/.fuxbox/menu04:51
ice_1963you can do it in synaptic04:51
lrojasdeFrysk, care to take a look? http://www.onedeveloper.com/sources.list04:51
Brunellusbut when I open it, there's nothing there--it's an empty file04:51
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ice_1963for flash player04:51
thoreauputicBrunellus: which fluxbox version?04:51
haydenhow can i play an mp3 with rhythmbox from the command line04:52
admpellFor me, Ubuntu freezes when I have ACPI on and when I move my mouse04:52
deFrysklrojas, make it deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe multiverse04:52
Brunellusthoreauputic:  uh, the one I apt-getted.04:52
thoreauputicBrunellus: warty or hoary repos?04:52
deFrysklrojas, thats all04:52
Brunelluswarty.  I'm running warty.04:52
deFrysklrojas, and add it also to deb-src if you wish04:53
thoreauputicBrunellus: I can send you an up to date deb I made ( fro warty) if you wish - I think it will solve you menu woes04:53
lrojaskay let me try now04:53
thoreauputicBrunellus: others have used it with success04:53
Brunellusthoreauputic:  what will it do?04:54
thoreauputicBrunellus: it's 0.9.1204:54
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thoreauputicBrunellus: it runs a script called fluxbox-generate_menus04:54
Brunellusthat'll be nice.  according to synaptic, this is..err. 0.1.1404:54
Brunellusyes. that's the script i'm looking for04:54
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thoreauputicBrunellus: yeah, that's ancient04:55
Brunellusall the wikis/howtos refer to it.04:55
thoreauputicOk i'll DCC04:55
Brunellussend the deb.  that'll be nice.04:55
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thoreauputicBrunellus: it'll be slow - Im on dialup04:56
phanterHow can I add a program to the Applications->Accessories menu in gnome?04:56
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Brunellusthoreauputic:  no worries.04:56
Brunellusso when I get it what do I run?04:56
trixisityHey all04:56
Brunellusdeb -i fluxbox-0.9.1204:56
trixisityinstalled ubuntu 1 hour ago04:56
Brunellusno dann04:56
thoreauputicBrunellus: just sudo dpkg -i04:56
Brunellusthat's right.04:56
Brunellusit's been a while since I had to dpkg04:57
haydenhow do i open a mp3 in rhythmbox from a cmd line04:57
thoreauputicBrunellus: just tab complete the name04:57
Brunellushayden:  use xmms :P04:57
nachtwindis there any usable frontent for quota?04:57
haydenthat doesn't open it in rhythmbox04:57
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thoreauputicBrunellus: it installs to /usr/local/bin so it should be in your PATH04:58
Brunellushayden:  I was being only slightly facetious.  I don't use rythmbox04:58
haydeni know04:58
lrojasit worked, thanks all04:58
wezzer-_hayden: and when you open up that mp3-file and wonder why it doesn't play, type sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad in to console04:58
Brunellusthoreauputic: will I have to end the fluxbox session I"m currently in to install this?04:59
haydeni've already installed gstreamer04:59
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thoreauputichayden: if you just want to play one mp3, install mpg321 and run mpg321 <song>04:59
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cuscohi.. could any body help me? I have a datalink cable usb2 to connetc tou a mandrake or a windows machine05:00
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thoreauputicBrunellus: no, just do sudo dpkg -i  - of course it won't run 'til nect time05:00
thoreauputicbah nrext05:01
gollumHow can i change directory for apache. From /var/www/ too something like /home/user/www/05:01
SeeleyUSMCthoreauputic: That will actually let me play my mp3's?05:01
=== thoreauputic gives up
thoreauputicSeeleyUSMC: yes, in a basic way05:01
Xappenoone that can answer my grub question?05:01
Brunellusthoreauputic:  OK.  that was painless!05:02
Brunellusdo I have to logout or can I just restart?05:02
thoreauputicSeeleyUSMC: if you have  a dir full of mp3 s you can even run mpg321 *05:02
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thoreauputicBrunellus: you'll have to restart with a new session05:02
snk00sj-can anyone tell me why my apt-get doesn't find a package fluxbox ?05:02
cuscocould anybody help me whit my usb2 data link cable?05:02
Brunellusonce I start the new session, I run the fluxbox-generate_menu script?05:03
Myrttiwould you happen to know if there are any "promote Ubuntu" buttons?05:03
cuscosnk00sj-: are you searching on universe05:03
thoreauputicBrunellus: and make sure /usr/local is before /usr/bin in your PATH05:03
snk00sj-universe ?05:03
cuscowell yes05:03
BrunellusOK.  thanks.  restart time.05:03
cuscoI don't remember where to set it...05:03
snk00sj-i don't understand what you're asking me :)05:03
thoreauputicBrunellus: I think you'll find the port install ran it already05:03
cuscosnk00sj-: ask them... or hold let me see if I can find05:04
scandiumsnk00sj-, open /etc/apt/sources.list in an editor and uncomment the two lines which end on "universe". to read more about ubuntu  repositories see here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view05:04
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snk00sj-ok thanks05:05
el_cristianoHas anyone got a word for that big fat update for hoary im just downloading (413 packages updated, 16 new)? rc-release probably?05:05
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Brunellusok back.05:05
Brunellusit certainly *looks* better05:05
cuscosnk00sj-: pico /etc/apt/sources.list05:05
BrunellusI ran fluxbox-generate_menu05:06
cuscosnk00sj-: uncoment the two last lines05:06
snk00sj-cusco thats what i'm doing now, with nano :)05:06
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snk00sj-yes, then apt-get update ?05:06
cuscoand to a apt-get update05:06
deFrysksnk00sj-,  good :)05:06
SpooksSo, so far... I didn't have to install anything to get my modem to work/connect (it takes about 30mins with windows). Now my digital camera works without have to install anything too (Takes about 5 mins to get it working with windows)05:06
thoreauputicBrunellus: is your menu populated?05:06
snk00sj-i' learning :)05:06
SpooksI'm in love. <3 Ubuntu05:06
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snk00sj-still nothing05:06
cuscosnk00sj-: me too !05:06
Brunellusthe menu is *not* populated05:06
el_cristianoSpooks: :)05:06
BrunellusI have "xterm" "restart" and "exit"05:06
snk00sj-couldn't find package fluxbox05:07
Spooks*all the typos in what I just typed05:07
BrunellusI know fluxbox is minimalistic, but this is rather too ascetic for my taste05:07
echylohmm question, which OS is the base for mac os and exists for pc too?05:07
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thoreauputicBrunellus: look in ~/.fluxbox/init and see where it thinks the menu is05:07
Xappeechylo, BSD?05:07
snk00sj-ok it were the first two lines :)05:07
cuscosnk00sj-: are you sure?05:07
cuscotype apt-cache search flux05:07
nachtwindNewbie Question: I have an RPM file and i am su and in the right folder, but why wont rpm --install=webmin.rpm run the installation?05:07
thoreauputicBrunellus: there's a global one you might need to copy to ~/,fluxbox05:07
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Xappeechylo, iirc, yes05:08
tckanyone else getting no sound from aMSN05:08
snk00sj-cusco yeah, it were the first two lines :)05:08
thoreauputicBrunellus: or point it at the global one05:08
snk00sj-u using fluxbox also ?05:08
tckstarted to happen recently, then i see a build up of sox commans in the ps list that haven't executed05:08
thoreauputicBrunellus: it definitely makes a menu ( I use it here)05:08
tckfunnily enough they make noise when i log out05:08
Brunellusthoreauputic:  it's pointing to..../etc/menu-methods05:09
Brunelluswhere should it point?05:09
thoreauputicBrunellus: the docs on fluxbox.org are useful05:09
cuscosnk00sj-: no05:09
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thoreauputicBrunellus: init is pinting there? weird05:09
Brunellusthat might have been a carryover from my earlier monkeying around05:09
Brunellusdo I point it at ~/.fluxbox/menu05:09
Xappedoes grub install on the masterdisk as default?05:09
snk00sj-ok it installed :)05:10
Xappeor the same disk as ubuntu?05:10
snk00sj-now need to find out howto load fluxbox instead of kde05:10
thoreauputicBrunellus: have a look at /usr/local/share/fluxbox/menu05:10
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scandiumXappe, the ubuntu guided install lets you choose that...but it's using lilo, I don't know if changing to grub is possible already during install05:11
cuscoI can't get my usb2 datalink cable to connetc to another machine :(05:11
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cuscocan anybody help me?05:11
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Brunellusthoreauputic:  no menue in there05:11
thoreauputicBrunellus: locate fluxbox | grep menu05:11
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Xappescandium, ubuntu has grub by default05:12
Brunellusthoreauputic no dice.05:12
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thoreauputicBrunellus: thet command *must* have generated output05:13
thoreauputicBrunellus: type ` fluxbox -version`05:13
thoreauputicwhat does that say?05:13
Brunellushang on05:14
Brunellusgot it!05:14
Xappescandium, i know that, because i've done several ubuntu installs since late october, but never on a second hdd05:14
Brunellusproblem with the init file05:14
Brunellusthank you superverymuch05:14
tckwhats the link to check known bugs before i write off a new one ?05:14
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thoreauputicBrunellus: this version has some nice stuff like alpha transparency etc05:15
tckah found it05:15
tckim half asleep today :/05:15
=== Taraxacum [Taraxacum@h193n1fls12o257.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Taraxacumi just installed ubuntu but what are the root pass?05:16
mjrTaraxacum, not set; use sudo with your own password05:16
Quinn_StormTaraxacum: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:16
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BrunellusI can tell.05:17
Brunellusthis is actually pretty neat.05:17
Taraxacumand when i can't access the net while i am in there i can read it on a doc from the cd?05:17
thoreauputicBrunellus: the menu is OK now?05:17
Brunellusnext thing is to add some neat stuff to the slit.05:17
Brunellusthe menu is OK.  it's very pretty05:17
Brunellusjust about what I expected05:17
thoreauputiccool :)05:17
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, you have a wireless network card ?05:17
=== Arcane [~frenzedm@adsl-12-19-64.ilm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
scandiumXappe, Array7 hoary from 4 days ago used lilo for me ;)05:18
Arcane'scuse me, but can Ubuntu support a Westell Wireless modem connected through USB? :\05:18
Taraxacumi just need to do dhclient before i can use the net with i do as root you know05:18
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, it shouldn't be too hard getting you on the Internet then :)05:18
mjrArcane, sounds potentially troublesome, but don't know05:18
Brunelluscool, there's even a GUI menu-config tool!05:18
chibifsWell that's a bunch of spoon.05:18
ArcaneIt's really, really bugging me. Knoppix and Mandrake couldn't, and it's the only modem I -have-.05:18
thoreauputicBrunellus: I installed a bunch of devel packages so I could build my own stuff when required05:18
Taraxacumnot really....but i still didn't get an answer to my question, can i read about that sudo in a document on the cd?05:18
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, you should look at network-admin it's a gui for setting up your network05:19
=== chibifs stabs Arcane with a fork.
Quinn_StormBrunellus: what are you looking at? a new version of fluxbox? is it cool?05:19
ArcaneMy spleen. :x05:19
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, use sudo -s (enter your user password) to get a root console05:19
mjrArcane, it only has an usb interface, not ethernet?05:19
thoreauputicQuinn_Storm:  0.9.12  ( i compiled a deb)05:19
Taraxacumthat's it? then i just change pass as usual?05:20
Quinn_Stormthoreauputic: ah, cool, I may have to look at that...though I doubt I'll leave kde for it05:20
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, the root account is locked05:20
Quinn_StormTaraxacum: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:20
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Taraxacumi know, i read there!!!05:20
ArcaneOh, no. It has a Ethernet interface and a Network Card interface. I just don't have anything except a USB port.05:20
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, Ubuntu does things a bit differently than some other distros05:20
thoreauputicQuinn_Storm: hoary has 0.9.11 in the repos, I believe05:20
BrunellusQuinn_Storm:  I'm trying to get as much as I can out of a 4 year old box05:20
Brunellusand while gnome 2.8 was fun05:20
bluefoxicygaim 1.2 is out05:20
Brunellusfluxbox might be a better way to go, since I have fairly limited RAM05:20
mjrArcane, have you actually tried to configure it yourself or just tried if it works straight away?05:20
Taraxacumso can someone answer my question now?05:21
Quinn_StormBrunellus: that makes sense05:21
thoreauputicBrunellus: it is indeed05:21
Quinn_Stormthoreauputic: cool05:21
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cisahi anybody05:21
Arcane... I've tried on Mandrake and Knoppix. I'm trying to find out if it works on Ubuntu so I don't use up another CD for nothing.05:21
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, you will have to install the help I don't know if it's included on the cd itself sorry05:21
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thoreauputicBrunellus: you're more up to date than hoary users on that fluxbox ;-)05:21
Taraxacumwill the damn root account always be locked?05:22
mjrArcane, well, frankly, chances are that if you couldn't get it working on those, you won't get it working on ubuntu either05:22
Quinn_StormTaraxacum: please read the page I linked you to, it explains the root account and locking05:22
thoreauputicTaraxacum: use sudo with your user password05:22
BrunellusI feel supernifty05:22
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, you can unlock it if you want but sudo is the default05:22
Brunelluswarty is stable for me05:22
Taraxacumi know i know but why can't you just answer my question?!05:22
Brunellusand fluxbox is fast.05:22
tckhave a question05:22
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LinuxJonesTaraxacum, what question ?05:23
tcksox isn't playing sounds properly in amsn05:23
Quinn_StormI certainly remember fluxbox being fast from when I had ancient hardware...though nothing is fast with transparency, lol05:23
tckwould i log that as a sox bug or an amsn bug ?05:23
Taraxacumcan i read about that sudo in a document on the cd?05:23
mjrArcane, but I have no way of knowing if that's because it just requires some tricks that you didn't know about or if it's inherently nondoable05:23
thoreauputicQuinn_Storm: you can turn it off :)05:23
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ArcaneI seriously don't know, myself.05:24
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, I said that I don't know if it is on the cd or not, you can have a look at the cd now can't you ?05:24
Quinn_Stormthoreauputic: well obviously, heh, even if not I could always just kill the compmgr05:24
^thehatsrule^flux is great ;p05:24
zerovertexAnyone got Skype? I just set it up under hoary and I need to test and make sure it works.05:24
mjrArcane, try to google around for your modem model and linux05:24
cisais there someone with an atar215 or similar usb adsl modem? i just want to know wether someone else has problems with compiling the drivers on kernel >=2.6.805:24
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thoreauputicQuinn_Storm: it isn't that kind of transparency - just pseudo-transparent menus etc05:25
Taraxacumoh sorry i must have missed that then LinuxJones, just so you know you was the only one helpful to me05:25
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Quinn_Stormthoreauputic: ohhh, ok05:25
Quinn_Stormthoreauputic: that's fine05:25
Brunellusnow for some dockapps05:25
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Xappescandium, hmm, never noticed anything on a switch to lilo05:25
thoreauputicQuinn_Storm: it just has adjustable alpha for menus and window frames, and the taskbar05:26
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Arcane... I've already TRIED googling around like that. It just gets me "Yay, it works perfect with my network card!" etc.05:26
lrojasanybody has iPod working with ubuntu?05:26
jalal_ubuntuhi all gotr a problem when i want to reboot ubuntu it freeze after displaying rebooting05:27
ubuntui cannot install hoary on vmware... it complains about not finding any partitions / harddrives05:27
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LinuxJonesTaraxacum, that's ok I only see an installation guide on the Hoary cd05:27
Quinn_StormKenneth: well have you made sure there are virtual harddrives set up on your vmware virtual machine?05:28
Kennethi just used  the guide as usual05:28
Kennethworks with other distros and with Warty05:28
keffotips of ftp-clients? i mean.. gftp sux, the queue cant be saved etc..05:28
Taraxacumafter i installed i felt like i was left out in the blue, cause i didn't know what to do after it worked, i couldn't connect or anything, don't you think it should be a guide on that too in the cd?05:28
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Doomhammerhi all05:29
malte__is it possible to install ubuntu without getting all ofubuntu-desktop?05:29
Doomhammerhow do I shut down the X-Server?05:29
malte__i want to use it on a server05:29
queuetueHas anyone installed AMP and Asterisk?  Is there  arepository for AMP (Asterisk Management Portal) anywhere?05:30
Doomhammermalte: sounds like you're in the same boat as me :P05:30
thoreauputicmalte__: short answer is "yes"05:30
KennethQuinn_Storm, or do I need to do something special05:30
malte__thoreauputic, long answer involves "how" i suppose :) perhaps the wiki has more info?05:30
thoreauputiceither "expert" or "server" (on hoary)05:30
malte__thoreauputic, yeah, i'm installing hoary05:30
Doomhammerhow do I switch from graphical login to text-based login?05:30
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DoomhammerI'm running Warty05:30
keffotips of ftp-clients? i mean.. gftp sux, the queue cant be saved etc..05:30
jalal_ubuntuplz how to resove the rebooting problem05:30
malte__thoreauputic, that's all there's to it?05:30
Doomhammerkeffo: vsftpd05:31
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LinuxJonesTaraxacum, it is assumed that everyting works correctly after an install. www.ubuntuguide.org is a good place to start for information.05:31
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thoreauputicmalte__: well, you need to have some idea what you're doing, of course :)05:31
Quinn_StormKenneth: I don't think so05:31
Taraxacumdhcp never works allright with loginservers it seems05:31
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keffoDoomhammer, i said client maybe?05:31
Doomhammeroh :P05:31
Doomhammernevermind :D05:32
malte__thoreauputic, i do ;)05:32
lrojasare there any instructions to acces the Appel iPod mini from ubuntu?05:32
malte__thoreauputic, thanks then, i'll go give it a try05:32
wasabiAm I supposed to have /dev/inotify?05:32
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thoreauputicmalte__: I don't ahev a link handy, but a search of the wiki and forums would find something, I'm sure05:32
Taraxacumno matter what distro i tried i had to do everything manually when it comes to dhclient, login to the isp and find the info, but since i couldn't login as root here i couldn't understand what to do05:32
LinuxJonesTaraxacum, if you run network-admin you can set you basic network settings like dhcp05:32
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jancdoes anyone know if hoary preview live CDs have lvm support?05:33
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janc(knoppix hasn't it seems)05:33
Doomhammerin order to have a text-based login, do I need to change the default runlevel?05:34
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Glin|Jolhow would i go about setting up a root user in ubuntu?05:34
Doomhammerglin: type "sudo passwd root"05:34
Doomhammerenter and re-enter the password, and you're all set :)05:34
Glin|Jolbeen a long time since i have used any *nix distro heh05:34
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LinuxJonesDoomhammer, no you can remove the gdm symlink in the runlevel 2 dir05:35
DoomhammerUbuntu is the only one that has root access disabled like that ... that I know of05:35
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queuetueGlin|Jol, Can i ask why you want to be able to log in as root?  sudo doesn't do it for you?05:35
Doomhammerwhere might I find this runlevel 2 dir? /etc/init.d?05:35
indiefusionduring install of latest iso, i get "an error has occured while trying to install the kernel of the target system.  Kernel package: linux-386"05:35
sigsudo -s works fine05:35
Glin|Jolqueuetue: its not that i want to log in as root, its that i want to install packages, edit system configs etc05:35
queuetueGlin|Jol, That's what sudo is for.05:36
sigGlin|Jol: you can do that with sudo -s05:36
Doomhammerindie: did you verify the MD5 sum of the ISO? possibly that package is corrupted, or something05:36
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LinuxJonesDoomhammer, runlevels 2-5 are the same in Debian based distros which differs from Redhat based ones05:36
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queuetuesudo means "do it as the super user"05:36
DoomhammerJones: yea, I was thinking I needed to change it in /etc/inittab, like I did in RH905:36
thoreauputicDoomhammer: to get tty login, you need to disable gdm ( update-rc.d can do that )05:36
Glin|Jolbut when i type "sudo -s apt-get install <package> it asks for a password05:36
queuetueGlin|Jol, So, give it your password. :)05:37
indiefusionDoomhammer, no, i will05:37
thoreauputicDoomhammer: debian distros use runlevel 2 as default05:37
Glin|Jolqueuetue: my regular user password?05:37
sigGlin|Jol: here if you want to disable that:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:37
Doomhammerthoreaputic: is it better to do that, or to remove the symlink in /etc/rc2.d?05:37
queuetueGlin|Jol, *your* pasword.  The password of the current user who is logged in.05:37
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Glin|Jolqueuetue: ahh thanks05:37
Glin|Jolsig: thanks for the link05:37
thoreauputicDoomhammer: using update-rc.d is the "approved" way05:37
SeeleyUSMCDoes anyone know where to find the Windows drivers for an Atheros AR5212 802.11abg ?05:38
Doomhammerah :)05:38
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thoreauputicDoomhammer: it's very simple - the amn page is actually comprehensible ;)05:38
thoreauputiccan't type...05:38
Doomhammerso I'd just do "update-rc.d gdm remove"?05:38
Doomhammerit would appear so, according to the man page05:38
thoreauputicDoomhammer: sounds right to me05:38
jalal_ubuntuplz how to resove the rebooting problem05:38
tmortonHey, how do I use two mice w/ Ubuntu?05:38
Glin|Jolalso, i just installed ubuntu for the first time, this is also my first debian-based distro05:39
sigGlin|Jol: then you need to use sudo05:39
Glin|Jolhow do i add/remove/update the .deb packages and sources on my machine?05:39
sigsudo is for your sake05:39
sigGlin|Jol: using apt or synaptec05:39
Glin|Jolsig: yeah i am fine using sudo as root05:39
Doomhammernow is it wise to remove gdm from the default runlevel while it's running?05:39
sigsynaptec is the gui version05:39
trixisityCan someone help me, what would be the installation path of my browser, would that be /usr/lib/mozilla, or would that be /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox=05:39
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sigcomputer > system configuration > synaptec05:39
Doomhammertrixisity: depends, do you have Mozilla or Firefox?05:39
indiefusionGlin|Jol: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get ugprade05:39
trixisitywell I have firefox05:40
thoreauputicDoomhammer: those scripts run on atart up, so I think it's fine05:40
Glin|Jolindiefusion: thats what i was looking for, thanks05:40
trixisitybut I also have a map that just says mozilla05:40
sigsig@idaho:~ $ which firefox05:40
Glin|Jolsig: is there a way to view a list of currently installed packages?05:40
Doomhammer/etc/firefox, maybe05:40
Doomhammer/usr/bin/firefox would have the script to start it ;)05:40
sigGlin|Jol: yes in synaptec05:40
Glin|Jolsig: k thanks :)05:40
trixisityCause I'm trying to install a flash plugin05:40
thoreauputicDoomhammer: you're not removing gdm, just the script symlinks05:41
Doomhammerok, gdm removed from default runlevel05:41
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Doomhammerthoreaputic: yep, that makes sense05:41
=== Doomhammer reboots his ubuntu box ... - hold on to your butts!
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thoreauputichmm reboot wasn't necessary - telinit 1 would have been enough05:42
Doomhammerbrb, gotta run downstairs and check on it ...05:42
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, I think the symlinks can get re-added if the packages get an upgrade (if you've removed them with update-rc.d)05:43
thoreauputicLinuxJones: ah, didn't know that - how would one avoid that?05:43
toni^is there anywhere a tutorial how to install mysql to work with apache2?05:44
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, I didn't realize either till jdub mentioned it one day05:44
thoreauputicLinuxJones: I know a way in debian, but the file isn't in ubuntu05:44
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thoreauputicthere's a deafault dm file you can change to "false" - don't recall exactly05:45
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tmortonHmm...how do I reboot Xorg?05:45
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LinuxJonesthoreauputic, Ubuntu really needs a service script manager, it would be a good project to work on but I think there are some underlying issues that I don't know about that would have to be dealt with ;P05:45
Myrttiha, funny how fast Thunderbird now loads05:46
Brainacheim looking for some help on how to configure and install a package05:46
MyrttiBrainache: huh?05:46
Brainacheive tried doing what it says on the ubuntu support page05:46
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electricwheelsGood Day All05:46
LinuxJoneselectricwheels, hiya05:46
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Brainacheim a complete newbie at linux05:46
Brainacheplease bear with me05:46
LinuxJonesBrainache, we all were at one time :)05:47
thoreauputicLinuxJones: yes, even the debian types think update-rc.d is not a good way to handle things,apparently05:47
MyrttiBrainache: what are you trying to do? install something?05:47
Brainachei got a tar.bz2 file05:47
mattgirvis there a way to make KDE (QT) apps look more like GTK2 apps when running in Gnome.05:47
artnayMyrtti: since when have you been using ubuntu? I remember you're having some Citrix problems, are they solved now?05:47
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LinuxJonesthoreauputic, yeah05:47
mattgirvI love AmaroK but it looks butt ugly in GNOME :(05:47
Brainacheand i do configure, and i get an error message05:47
tmortonBrainache, What's the error?05:47
Brainachei can cp and paste the error message05:47
Brainacheone sec05:47
thoreauputicBrainache: use the package manager05:47
Myrttiartnay: no, but I went to my schools computer center and they said the problem might exist at their end with the servers05:47
tmortonDo you have gcc installed?05:48
electricwheelsI'm looking to get some help with getting my computer boot windows xp and ubuntu, it boots ubuntu just fine but I can't get it to boot up my windows xp.  If I can't get this resolved I need to know how to properly and cleanly uninstall ubuntu.  Can anyone help me.05:48
Brainacheits not an Apt-get package05:48
thoreauputicBrainache: if you're new, forget compiling for a whle05:48
Myrttiartnay: I've used Ubuntu for... lemme get my calendar... for a month?05:48
Brainachei downloaded it from a website05:48
Brainacheits a livejorunal client05:48
LinuxJonesBrainache, you can use tar xfjv tarball to extract05:48
thoreauputicBrainache: what is it?05:48
tmortonThe error...05:48
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Brainachei extracted it with the GUI extractor05:49
LinuxJonesBrainache, sorry I missed that05:49
MyrttiI'd seriously consider adding Debian repositories to your sources.list for a second, see if that LJ client is there and if so, install it from there05:49
Myrttibut that's just me05:49
thoreauputicBrainache: you would need ( at least) to install build-essential05:49
Glin|Jolsig: it seems that i dont have synaptec installed on my machine, and sudo apt-get install synaptec results in a 'Couldn't find package synaptec' error05:49
BrainacheMyritt: How can i do that?05:49
Brainachethe error message was: checking for gcc... no05:50
Brainachechecking for cc... no05:50
Brainachechecking for cc... no05:50
Brainachechecking for cl... no05:50
Brainacheconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH05:50
thoreauputicMyrtti: not good advice for a newb, methinks05:50
tmortonYup...you don't have GCC installed05:50
LinuxJonesBrainache, what app are you trying to install ?05:50
BrainacheDrivel Livejournal client05:50
thoreauputicBrainache: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:50
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thoreauputicBrainache: you have no usable compiler05:50
LinuxJonesBrainache, are you running hoary or warty ?05:51
LinuxJonesBrainache, it is available as a binary download in the Hoary repository05:51
Brainachethoreauptic: ok05:51
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Brainachehow do i get to the Hoary repository05:51
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thoreauputicBrainache: and drivel is in the repos for warty05:51
LinuxJonesBrainache, try enabling the universe repository it is probably available via synaptic05:51
thoreauputicit is05:51
Brainacheok, thankyou05:52
thoreauputicBrainache: enable universe05:52
moder_hello. I'm trying to run apt-get update but it fails to fetch some of the packages. Should I change the archive address to something else than http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com? I'm running Hoary :)05:52
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Brainachei think i saw something about uncommenting some lines somewhere to enable universe05:53
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Brainacheis that right?05:53
thoreauputicBrainache: /etc/apt/sources.list05:53
LinuxJonesmoder_, get rid of the fi and use archive.ubuntu.com05:53
moder_LinuxJones: ok, I'll try that then :p05:53
Brainachethoreauputic: thankyou05:54
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thoreauputicBrainache: no problem :)05:54
thuxHi, I have a user in Hoary who runs :(){ :|:& };: and then I have to reboot, how I can prevent that, easiest method if somebody care to tell?05:54
Myrttimoder_: indeed, I doubt we Finns yet have Ubuntu mirror05:54
MyrttiI've used the Norwegian one05:54
electricwheelsI'm looking to get some help with getting my computer to boot windows xp and ubuntu, it boots ubuntu just fine but I can't get it to boot up my windows xp.  If I can't get this resolved I need to know how to properly and cleanly uninstall ubuntu.  Can anyone help me ????????05:54
moder_Myrtti: it was there since the install :I05:54
thoreauputicBrainache: you can do it in synaptic in settings >> repostories as well ( might be easier)05:54
Myrttimoder_: the fi-part?05:54
Myrttithat's odd05:54
moder_at least I havent changed that :p05:55
LinuxJonesthux, can you re-phrase that question I don't really understand05:55
electricwheelsI'm running the warty version of ubuntu05:55
Brainachethoreauputic: ah yes.  im more used to the gui way atm05:55
thuxLinuxJones: hostile user runs that fork :(){ :|:& };:05:56
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Brainacheive been using ubuntu for all of about 30 minutes05:56
Doomhammerdoes anyone use Certance's TapeWare software?05:56
DoomhammerI just installed it, and now I need to restore some files from tape backup05:56
moder_ok, it's working now, thanks :)05:56
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njs12345SeeleyUSMC: you here?05:56
thuxLinuxJones: ulimit doesn't seem to help05:56
thoreauputicBrainache:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto05:56
Doomhammerbut it doesn't know I have anything backed up, so is there another piece of software I can use to restore some files?05:56
moder_no, it isn't :P05:56
Brainachethoreauputic: great, thanks05:57
SeeleyUSMCnjs12345: yes I am05:57
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LinuxJonesthux, if someone is runnign commands on your system you've been compromized. Disconnect the computer fromt eh network and do a fresh install changing all passwords and do a system upgrade05:57
njs12345you wanted to know how to use your flash stick on the forums?05:57
thuxLinuxJones: shell server lot of users05:57
SeeleyUSMCnjs12345: I need to post there again.  I got it working last night actually05:57
njs12345ah, I see =)05:57
tmortonWhere can I get the kernel source?05:58
SeeleyUSMCnjs12345: only problem now is this darned wireless Atheros AR5212 abg card that "works out of the box" :)05:58
tmortonfor Ubuntu...05:58
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tmortonI need it to build my WiFi card drivers05:58
Brainacheok, on a whim, i tried running configure now i apt-got the build package05:58
moder_are these packages vital: .../dists/hoary-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz05:58
moder_it gives me 404 not found on those05:59
LinuxJonesthux, who knows what the user has changed on your system. I would backup all of the logfiles (for examination later) maybe you can find out how he got access to your system.05:59
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Brainacheand i got a perl error: checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool05:59
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njs12345is it me, or is "aasink" the coolest video output gstreamer plugin ever?05:59
njs12345I can view the output of my webcam in ascii :D05:59
thoreauputicBrainache: not a good idea - use the apt packages (easier to remove, update etc)05:59
Brainacheok, will do05:59
Myrttiok, one last thing to sort out...05:59
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thoreauputicBrainache: don't compile until you understand what's happening06:00
LinuxJonesthux, installing a file integrity checker like aide and running it as a cron job along with chkrootkit06:00
LinuxJonesthux, would be advisable as well06:00
LinuxJoneshe left :(06:00
Brainacheok, i will stick with packages06:01
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thoreauputicBrainache: there are about 14 000 to choose from if you enable universe - use the search function in synaptic to find things06:01
SeeleyUSMCstuNNed_: you here?06:02
Brainachei've enabled universe06:02
BauhnCan anyone here help me with installing VLC?06:02
thoreauputicBrainache: did you reload?06:02
Brainachedid it from the cl (go me)06:02
Brainachei just did06:02
LinuxJonesBauhn, did you add the universe repository ?06:02
thoreauputiccool :)06:02
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Brainacheyep, found drivel06:02
Brainachethanks so much06:02
Brainachereally helpful06:03
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Burgundaviawhat are 4 default fonts in firefox?06:03
BauhnLinuxJones, how do i do that?06:03
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thoreauputicBrainache: that's what we're here for :)06:03
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moder_LinuxJones: I'm having problems with installing VLC too06:03
LinuxJonesBauhn, let me get you a link 1 sec06:03
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moder_even when I added universe by uncommenting those lines06:03
LinuxJonesBauhn, >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-09-30.535934980106:04
massimilianohello to all, I am Italian and would have need of aid...excuse for my english...06:04
BauhnLinuxJones, thx06:04
LinuxJonesBauhn, :)06:04
LinuxJonesmassimiliano, welcome what's your problem ?06:05
BauhnLinuxJones, and btw, do you know why i can't edit sources.list?06:05
Myrttiare y ou doing it as sudo06:05
bniemczykBauhn: are you putting 'sudo' in front of your edit command?06:05
Myrttior in sudo06:05
bniemczyklike 'sudo vim /etc/sources.list'06:06
thoreauputicBauhn: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:06
LinuxJonesBauhn, you need to sudo to get root priviliges06:06
BauhnLinuxJones, aah *smart*06:06
thoreauputicbniemczyk: I don't think he'd like vim somehow :)06:06
ahijahdunb question... what is the location of the main kernal06:06
deFrysk /boot06:07
LinuxJonesahijah, /boot06:07
thoreauputicahijah: why do you need to know?06:07
massimilianomy problem is with the hoary distribution...cupsys-driver-gimpprint and ubuntu-desktop have problems with the dependencies...06:07
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massimilianoE: cupsys-driver-gimpprint:  il sottoprocesso post-installation script ha restituito un codice di errore 206:08
bniemczykthoreauputic: bah06:08
massimilianoE: ubuntu-desktop:  problemi con le dipendenze - lasciato non configurato06:08
bniemczykeveryone should like vim06:08
Burgundaviamassimiliano: have you updated recently? There was an issue that got resolved06:08
LinuxJonesmassimiliano, if it asks to remove ubuntu-desktop just ignore it, it's only a metapackage06:08
tckhas anyone ever commited a bug report ?06:08
thoreauputicbniemczyk: but not when starting out ;)06:08
Burgundaviatck: yes06:08
ermoCould anyone help me install a .desktop so that it shows up in Applications/Sound & Video (hoary)?06:08
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massimilianoi have update today....06:09
vaijr2002is there an easy way to install mplayer, and the codecs?06:09
LinuxJonesermo, you run warty or hoary ?06:09
bniemczykthoreauputic: bah, i will forever disagree with that statement06:09
jalal_ubuntuhow to erase rewritable cd in console mode06:09
deFryskvaijr2002, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats06:09
ermoLinuxJones, as I indicated: (hoary)06:09
thoreauputicbniemczyk: ed! ed is the edtor! man ed!06:09
massimilianoevery time that I try to install a package gives this error06:09
Xappegah, my internet connection is slow today. trying to download the array 7 cd in 30 kb/s(!)...five hours for a simple cd image... :(06:10
bniemczyked's a bit much06:10
LinuxJonesermo, you are going to have to install a menu editor, it was jsut released yesterday06:10
bniemczykeven for me :/06:10
bniemczykand i'm a masochist06:10
ermoso far, I've checked the spec at freedesktop.org specs and looked in ~/.local/share/applications/ where I've placed my .desktop entry06:10
LinuxJonesermo, let me see if I can find it for you06:10
ermoLinuxJones, really? thanks a bunch m806:10
mamelukeis it possible that there are Problems installing Galeon on Warty?06:10
mamelukeit' doesn't work06:10
BauhnLinuxJones, what should i do when i have installed the universe?06:10
thoreauputicbniemczyk:  http://users.fishinternet.com.au/~peterg/edistheeditor.txt06:10
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ermoLinuxJones, DOH. Lemme doublecheck how it's done in /usr/share/applications (silly me)06:11
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thoreauputicmameluke: that's right - galeon is a problem on warty06:11
LinuxJonesermo, >> http://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/menueditor_0.1-1_i386.deb06:12
mamelukei tried this one "dpkg -i galeon_1.3.20-1ubuntu4_i386.deb" thoreauputic.... thx for the info06:12
mamelukemaybe i must change to Hoary06:12
thoreauputicmameluke: if you need galeon, yes06:12
ZaneHello everyone.  I installed ubuntu yesterday.. got nvidia drivers to work.. now i wanna know how i can get my sound to work.. i have soundblaster 64 audio card06:13
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LinuxJonesermo, download and sudo -s to get to a root console, dpkg -i menueditor_0.1-1_i386.deb and meun-editor to run it .....has to be run by root user06:13
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thoreauputicmameluke: it isn't in the warty repos because it wouldn't build06:13
ermoLinuxJones, is that because it edits the /usr/share/applications directory?06:13
bniemczykthoreauputic: lol06:13
BauhnI'm trying to install VLC, and LinuxJones told me to install the universe.. now i've added them to sources.list.. what should i do now?06:13
mamelukethx, anyway... i dont need it realy thoreauputic, but i just wanted someting else as ff ;)06:13
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scandiumBauhn, sudo apt-get update06:14
thoreauputicbniemczyk: I have that from one of the devs concerned :)06:14
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Bauhnscandium, thx06:14
scandiumBauhn, then apt-cache search vlc and pick the ones you like06:14
thoreauputicbniemczyk: oh - just realised - you looked at the link!06:14
massimilianoCan i delete the two packages that give problems to me? (cupsys-driver-gimpprint and ubuntu-desktop)06:14
Doomhammerhow should I go about restoring some files from tape backup?06:14
thoreauputicbniemczyk: heheh06:14
scandiumBauhn, e.g. "sudo apt-get install vlc", most likely ;)06:15
massimilianowill i have problems?06:15
ftwigtrying to do a make and it says  qpainter.h is missing.  This is part of the Qt library.  I have looked in synaptic and cant see what I have missed.  Any ideas?06:15
LinuxJonesermo, no06:15
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mjrDoomhammer, depends entirely on how you went about writing the data there06:15
Bauhnscandium, ok, i think i'll make this now..06:15
DoomhammerI used Yosemite TapeWare06:15
bniemczykftwig: do you have the -dev or -devel packages installed?06:15
mjrsounds like you want to use Yosemite TapeWare for restoring06:16
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bniemczyki don't remember the name...06:16
Doomhammerbut now, I can't restore it with TapeWare, because this is a fresh install of Ubuntu and TW doesn't know that I have ever backed up anything ...06:16
Doomhammerit doesn't know that I have any media06:16
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ftwigbniemczyk: yes - think so06:16
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ermoLinuxJones, then why do I need root? If it edits ~/.local/share/applications, I shouldn't need root. In fact, it would be detrimental..06:16
mjrwell, find out how it writes the data, 'cause there's no one way of doing it06:16
scandiumftwig, additionally to libqt3-headers you also need libqt3-(mt-)dev06:17
ermoLinuxJones, but thx for the pointer06:17
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LinuxJonesermo, ;)06:17
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Fl-i-nThi all06:18
massimilianoLinuxJones, Can i delete the two packages that give problems to me? (cupsys-driver-gimpprint and ubuntu-desktop)06:18
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Echylohmm how should I create a html playlist of my songs like winamp does,06:18
ftwigbniemczyk: ive got libqt3-mt-dev06:18
ermoLinuxJones, also, the newest version supports non-root editing, it would seem.06:18
indiefusionhow do i edit grub to rid it of unwanted entries?06:18
thoreauputicmassimiliano: ubuntu-desktop can be removed without problems06:18
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thoreauputicmassimiliano: it's a meta-package06:19
ermoLinuxJones, the newest is 0.2-1 (not 0.1-1)06:19
LinuxJonesermo, he must have changed it recently :)06:19
ermo20th of martch, so yeah ;)06:19
CarlK_is there some way to do "screen shots" of the console durring an install?  cuz this is sutpid: http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/e/00008.jpg06:19
ermomarch even06:19
massimilianoand cupsys-driver-gimpprint?06:19
LinuxJonesmassimiliano, do you have an epson printer ?06:19
massimilianoi have a hp06:19
thoreauputicindiefusion: /boot/grub/menu.lst06:19
mirakwhat means footing ?06:19
bniemczykftwig: do you have libqt3-headers ?06:19
indiefusionk, thanks06:20
scandiumftwig, as I told you, you also need libqt3-headers06:20
ftwigbniemczyk: yes, I already had them06:20
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MyrttiI managed to fix my nvidia installation06:21
MyrttiI'm good06:21
LinuxJonesmassimiliano, there might be some drivers that you printer might need in that package gimpprint. You can always re-install if your printer stops working if you remove it06:21
thoreauputicMyrtti: :) congrats !06:21
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Myrttifrom now on, when referring to myself on Linux matters, I'll call myself as Ubuntu Goddess06:21
MyrttiI love me06:21
LinuxJonesMyrtti, you rock !!06:21
Myrttilife is good06:21
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massimilianook thanks a lot...06:21
LinuxJonesmassimiliano, ;)06:22
ftwigbniemczyk: rclock.cpp:22:22: qpainter.h: No such file or directory is what I get06:22
Myrttithis day has been full of good suprises06:22
ermoLinuxJones, bad bad bad Travis Watkins. He hasn't included python docstrings *waves fist at mr. Watkins*06:22
Echylohmm how should I create a html playlist of my songs like winamp does ? anyone ?06:22
Amaranthermo: ?06:22
airoxAm I blind or is cdimages.ubuntu.com running apache 2.1.3 ??06:22
Fl-i-nTgeez i hate this eyecandy stuff06:22
Fl-i-nTbut i want it lol06:23
ArcaneAny suggestions on how to get a USB modem working? >>06:23
Amaranthermo: I didn't do what?06:23
mdzMyrtti: do we need to add a "goddess" tier to the Ubuntu community governance structure? ;-)06:23
Echyloarcane, start with saying wich modem ;)06:23
=== Arcane sigh.
indiefusionthoreauputic, how do i make winxp default? (i'm dual booting(06:23
ArcaneWestell Wirespeed B90-220030-04.06:23
Echyloindiefusion , just plave the whole XP entry above the ubuntu one :P06:24
ermoAmaranth, ah it's you! I was reading through the code to the nice menu-editor you wrote. I just commented on how you'd not written a docstring for your menu library class :D06:24
SeeleyUSMCstuNNed_: you there?06:24
Myrttimdz: naah, I'll settle for just calling myself with that name06:24
indiefusionEchylo, hmm.....i don't have a winxp entry in there06:24
ermoAmaranth, nothing more06:24
airoxindiefusion: Horray!06:24
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Amaranthermo: hehe, it's all pretty self explanatory06:24
Xappeindiefusion, well, add one06:24
Amaranthermo: MenuHandler is anyway06:24
indiefusionit's there when i boot up06:24
indiefusionbut it's not in the file06:25
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indiefusionthe ifle just ends saying "END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST"06:25
Myrttinow I need to find out the correct refresh rates for this screen06:25
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Xappeindiefusion, have you checked before the debian automagic thing06:25
Echylothere should be an entry indie ;)06:25
ermoAmaranth, yeah, it looks pretty too! I've a question though: Is the menu a system-wide xml-file which happens to be sync'ed with the current users' .local/share/applications/foobar.desktop entries?06:25
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indiefusionXappe: lol yeah06:26
Doomhammerhow do I restore with TapeWare XE if I have a fresh install of it?06:26
thoreauputicindiefusion: it's below that - scroll down06:26
ermoAmaranth, (haven't read the whole thing yet)06:26
Doomhammerit doesn't regognize that I have any media ...06:26
SeeleyUSMCath%d: unable to atach hardware; HAL status 13 <-- anyone know what this means?06:26
indiefusionthere are really no more lines after that06:26
thoreauputicindiefusion: you should see comment lines like06:27
MM2_does ext2 has some filesize limits?06:27
Amaranthermo: /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu and ~/.config/menus/applications.menu06:27
thoreauputic This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS06:27
thoreauputic# on /dev/hda106:27
indiefusioni may have deleted it in a freak delete key accident06:27
samo22does anynoe know is this is Mozilla Firefox 1.0.1 bug in Hoary ? I can't download anything .. it won't start it ...06:27
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ermoAmaranth, thanks. I shall promptly dive head first into menu goodness06:27
thoreauputicsamo22: yes, known issue06:28
MM2_darn, that explains why my tarred backups are screwed...06:28
jancsamo22 : try downloading with right click & then save link as06:28
Amaranthermo: don't suppose you know what's wrong with the locales stuff? :)06:28
jancas a workaround06:28
thoreauputicsamo22: try right click, "save as"06:28
samo22janc: ok will try tnx06:28
ggl_6does ubuntu use the same package system as Debian?06:28
JDahlMM2_, I think ext2 has an 8 or 10 GB filesize limit.. not 100% sure though06:28
mamelukehrm... i try to upgrade to hoary with apt... im following the instruktions on the ubuntu-wiki, but it doesn't works06:28
thoreauputicjanc: oops, sorry missed it06:29
Echylowhat's the problem mameluke ?06:29
ArcaneEugh, I'm gonna reboot in Knoppix and try lspci -v06:29
mamelukeEchylo, mom i past in query ok?06:29
MM2_JDahl: looks like limit is 2GB :(06:29
ArcaneTHEN I'll start downloading if it won't work.06:29
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samo22yes tnx its working :)06:30
samo22another question .. does anynoe have good apt sources link for latest sun java ..?06:31
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calcsupposedly if you have LFS support enabled filesize limit is 8TB06:31
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Doomhammer8TB? wow ...06:31
calcthough i think the site i am reading doesn't know how to do math correctly06:31
Doomhammerthat would be a HUGE file :)06:31
calcit said 2^63 is only 8TB06:32
calcits actually ~ 8 exabytes06:32
ermoAmaranth, are you planning, say, dnd capability where one drags a .desktop file onto the main Menu Editor window and it then automatically parses the .desktop entry so that you can insert it in whatever category you want?06:32
vaijr2002why when i type cd /home/user/M<tab> doesnt it see the file thats there?06:33
Xappewhat's the filesize limit for ext3 then?06:33
samo22vair: maybe have root privileges06:33
calchttp://www.linuxhq.com/lnxlists/linux-kernel/lk_9906_01/msg00001.html <- that should shed some light on what the limits are06:33
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AbsenthMorning all06:34
vaijr2002tried that06:34
vaijr2002i am looking at the damn dir06:34
calcbut i think that is still using just 32bit size, not LFS 64bit06:34
Absenthcan someone name an apt package for bit torrents?06:34
vaijr2002lol its /home/vaijr/Mplayer...06:34
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Glin|Joli am trying to mount a windows partition using fstab06:34
_4strOhi all06:34
airoxAbsenth: Checkout http://www.ubuntuguide.org they have a nice howto about azureus06:34
Glin|Jolmy fstab entry is as follows06:34
Absenthairox danke06:35
Glin|Jol/dev/sdb1       /mnt/win_d      ntfs    defaults,ro,user    0       006:35
=== SeeleyUSMC screams in utter pain at Atheros AR5212 abg
SeveasGlin|Jol, let me guess: unable to read from it as a normal user?06:35
Glin|Jolwhen i try to cd into the directory after i have issued the command 'sudo mount /mnt/win_d' it denies me06:35
Glin|JolSeveas, heh yeah06:35
vaijr2002go there glin06:35
calcah the actual limit in kernel is 2TB per file06:35
_4strOhow can i burn multisession Cds with nautilus-burn ??06:35
vaijr2002worked fine for me06:35
SeveasGlin|Jol, change default,ro,user to default,ro,user,fmask=0333,dmask=022206:35
vaijr2002just remember to set it up to auto mount on boot06:36
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SeveasGlin|Jol, after making that change type sudo mount -a and you're done :)06:36
Amaranthermo: maybe06:37
jancanyone can tell me if hoary (preview) live CDs have lvm support?06:37
Amaranthermo: that'd be close to the last thing i'd do though06:37
ermoAmaranth, ack06:37
mjr_4strO, you can't, which sucks06:37
ermoAmaranth, thx for taking the time to answer, btw!06:37
Amaranthermo: I need to get it to work first. :P06:37
AbsenthAirox, is there a way to associate .torrent files with azureus so clicking the link to one automatically starts the application?06:37
Amaranthsee the forums?06:37
_4strOmjr> are u sure ?06:37
_4strOor u try with no success ?06:38
ermoAmaranth, forums? (or weren't you talking to me?)06:38
Glin|JolSeveas, i just removed the defaults,ro,user entry and added umask=022206:38
Amaranthermo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2104806:38
mjr_4strO, yes, I am; I've been wrestling over that issue with the developers on bugzilla for a bit06:38
Glin|JolSeveas, is ther anything wrong with that?06:38
Glin|Joli can cd into the directory just fine now06:38
Amaranthermo: you are using 0.2, right?06:38
ermoAmaranth, yes06:38
_4strOoki thx mjr06:38
goldfish_Amaranth: right click on a torrent, properties, open with >06:38
mamelukehrmmm... hoary doesn't include oo2 beta?06:39
airoxAbsenth: keine probleme :)06:39
goldfish_Amaranth: or something similar06:39
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Amaranthgoldfish_: tell Alinux06:39
SeveasGlin|Jol, you should not remove things, just add the umask/fmask things06:39
goldfish_Amaranth: sorry, mis-tab :)06:39
Amaranthgoldfish_: err, Absenth06:39
Glin|JolSeveas, i added the entry by hand thats the only reason why i removed them heh06:39
goldfish_I hate irssi's bloody random tabbing06:39
jalal_ubuntuhow to change the open office language plz ?06:39
Glin|Jolive never had to add umask=0222 before06:39
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mjr_4strO, see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=120384 if you're interested06:39
SeveasGlin|Jol,: /dev/sdb1 /mnt/win_d ntfs ro,user,fmask=0222,dmask=0333 0 006:40
goldfish_Absenth: right click a torrent, properties, open with06:40
Tybor2hi people.... except ext3 what's the "best" filesystem for a /home partition?06:40
Tybor2reiser jfs or xfs?06:40
Absenthgoldfish_, danke again.06:40
vaijr2002i hate mysql06:40
ermoAmaranth, it *is* annoying that one has to log out, then back in to make the changes 'happen'. There ought to be a hook to 'update' the menu in the current session (which, incidentally, should be called when one presses 'save' in Menu Editor)06:40
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sigmysql is nice06:40
Amaranthermo: I don't think gnome-menus can do that.06:40
vaijr2002i cant configure mysql gettin some mysqld sock error grrrr06:40
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vaijr2002sig do you know alot about mysql06:41
Amaranthermo: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes user overrides work, sometimes they don't. gnome-menus is very weird.06:41
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tckanyone else not getting sounds working in amsn 0.94-1 on hoary06:41
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ermoAmaranth, well, sounds like you thinkt that it's annoying too (it *should* be possible don't you agree?)06:41
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Amaranthermo: It's possible in KDE. :P06:42
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vaijr2002is there a newbie guide to setting up mysql06:42
vaijr2002something really simple06:42
jalal_ubuntuhow to change the open office interface language  plz ?06:42
thoreauputicTybor2: unless you have special needs, it won't make much difference06:42
vaijr2002i need to make a database, and add accts06:42
ermoAmaranth, apparently KDE has the menu thing down tight.06:42
ermoAmaranth, I won't give up my gnome, though.06:42
Amaranthermo: They should, the menu spec is based on the menu system they already had.06:42
mjrjalal_ubuntu, openoffice uses the usual locale settings, but you need to have openoffice.org-l10n-XX packages for your country code installed06:43
mjror well, language code06:43
vaijr2002can someone help me with mysql pleeeease06:43
jalal_ubuntumjr, ok i'll try06:43
ermoAmaranth, ... which also tells me that they engineered it correctly. The goodly gnome-devs have something to catch up to, it would seem. But they're probably plenty busy as it is.06:43
toni^vaijr2002: /join #mysql06:44
vaijr2002been there lol06:44
vaijr2002they keep telling me to go to the site06:44
vaijr2002i am pretty much a newbie to linux, and its all kinda confusing06:44
vaijr2002hoping to get some nice person to walk me through it06:44
vaijr2002i am just trying to install a program that needs mysql and i am kinda lost06:44
^thehatsrule^install mysql?06:45
vaijr2002its installed06:45
vaijr2002but i need to configure it for a program06:45
^thehatsrule^then set up a user/password according to your program06:45
vaijr2002i dont know how06:45
ermovaijr2002, hate to say it, but there's probably no way around reading a bit, although I'm sure the reading you've done so far has only added to the confusion...06:45
vaijr2002true ermo06:45
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vaijr2002i dont lean well by reading06:46
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vaijr2002easier for me to have someone show me or do it, and tell me what they did, or show me06:46
Tybor2thoreauputic, thanks.... I've read that reiser could be much faster than ext3...06:46
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vaijr2002reiserfs is supposed to be awsome06:46
thoreauputicvaijr2002: with that learning style, IRC is probably not helpful06:46
^thehatsrule^Tybor2, for small files, yes06:46
AbsenthHow well does Ubuntu run on a P2 266 with 128mb of ram?06:46
vaijr2002lol thoreauputic06:47
ermovaijr2002, I know the feeling - sorry I can't help, I'm not much of a DBA myself.06:47
^thehatsrule^prolly ok... Absenth06:47
thoreauputicTybor2: for certain specialised tasks, maybe06:47
mjrAbsenth, might be sluggish, but not unbearable06:47
vaijr2002ok me gonna go try #mysql06:47
Absenth^thehatsrule^, think something like slackware or vector linux might be faster?06:47
vaijr2002thanks everyone, take care06:47
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mjrAbsenth, especially good that it has a 3-figure amount of RAM06:47
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^thehatsrule^ramdisk needs 100mb of ram06:47
^thehatsrule^if livecd06:48
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^thehatsrule^but i think hd-install is much much better :P06:48
Absenth^thehatsrule^, I'd be doing a full hard drive install.06:48
mjrAbsenth, still, you might want to consider using xfce4 instead of gnome; it's lighter06:48
mjrAbsenth, but you can try first if gnome is too slow for you06:48
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Absenthmjr that's a good idea.  I don't dislike xfce :)06:48
ermoAbsenth, ... and since it's gtk2, dnd mostly works06:49
thoreauputicme too for fluxbox! :D06:49
AbsenthThe only place I've used fluxbox was Knoppix STD 1.006:49
^thehatsrule^i like the gnome interface in ubuntu tho... somehow06:49
^thehatsrule^heh its very light...06:50
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Absenth^thehatsrule^, I recently adjusted my FC3 install at work to look a lot more like my Ubuntu install.  I like the top/bottom toolbars.  and the organization of applications on the menus are the best I've seen on a default install.06:51
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Absenth^thehatsrule^, Mad Penguin reviewed Hoary, and Xandros 3.0 Deluxe.  I think they're crazy for liking the menu layout on Xandros better.06:52
zenroxi agree06:52
zenroxi like the menu org.... on ubuntu06:52
mellinuxHey fellas, is there a program or option for Ubuntu that'll enable two monitors side by side?06:52
ermomellinux, Xinerama06:53
zenroxmellinux,  yes but you got to do it manuley06:53
mjrmellinux, the X server can do that, but you need to configure it manually06:53
JDahlmellinux, that's pretty standard in all linux distros06:53
mjrdoes it echo here? :)06:53
mellinuxno kidding06:53
mellinuxthat was quite a response, thanks06:53
^thehatsrule^heh well Absenth, i normally use flux for most stuff06:53
mellinuxokay, so Xinerama = X server?06:53
zenroxsuse is the only distro that has a gui tool for it06:53
mjrXinerama is a feature of the X server06:53
zenroxwitch is also a ferture of nvidia drivers06:54
ermomellinux, a 'module' if you will06:54
mellinuxSweet, is the X server in Ubuntu or do I need to download it.06:54
Zaneis there any rpm installer or pacjake manager available with ubuntu06:54
mjr(though Xinerama is not strictly necessary for dual-head, most people probably expect a Xinerama dual head system when they think of dual head)06:54
mjrmellinux, it's the thing you probably already run Gnome on06:54
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ermomellinux, so, it should be there you see06:54
thoreauputicZane:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto06:55
thoreauputicZane: that's what you need :)06:55
lrojashi all06:55
mjrmellinux, see http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Xinerama-HOWTO/06:55
mjrmellinux, substitute /etc/X11/xorg.conf for XF86Config-4 if you're running Hoary06:55
lrojasi have a question, how can i refresh the media automounter in ubuntu?06:55
mellinuxI'm running Warty.06:55
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thoreauputicZane: tha link will tell you how06:55
Zanethanx thoreautic06:56
thoreauputicZane: no worries :)06:56
ermomellinux, I used the ressource mjr pointed to. What video card do you have?06:56
mellinux..but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to installing programs on linux.06:56
zenroxlrojas,  open system montor and end task the nautilus06:56
mellinuxGeForce FX 520006:56
zenroxit will re start06:56
arnaud__does any of you know how to turn off ipv6 lookups ??? (especially in apt)06:56
mellinuxThere's obviously 2 VGA ports on the back.06:56
SeeleyUSMCDoes anyone here use a wireless atheros card?06:56
mjrmellinux, then, if you use nvidia's binary drivers, you might want to use nvidia's twinview feature, which gives you 3d acceleration (which, I believe, doesn't work with plain xinerama on those drivers)06:57
lrojaszenrox, it didnt work...06:57
mjrmellinux, see eg. http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/2001-Jun/att-3012/01-TWINVIEW_README for that06:57
lrojasperhapos if i explain my problem further...06:57
zenroxlrojas,  dont know any orhter way06:57
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zenroxlrojas,  that be a good idea06:58
lrojasi have an iPod, sometimes it gets mounted, sometimes it dont...06:58
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mjrmellinux, or http://alufis35.uv.es/spip/article66.html , or google ;)06:58
mellinuxThanks, mjr.06:58
lrojasbasically i cant figure out why sometimes when i connect the ipod it sends the mount signal06:58
ermomjr, I just found out yesterday that the DRI ati radeon drivers won't go into direct rendering mode when using Xinerama, and thus, won't have 3D accel06:58
lrojasand other times it dont06:58
zenroxlrojas, it probly is getting mounted every time  just not in the same spot06:58
lrojaszenrox, so i was wondering...06:58
=== OculusAquilae [~OculusAqu@p5086D80B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ermomjr, did you watch formula one?06:59
lrojaswell, when it does get mounted i find it at /media/ipod06:59
mjrermo, yah, but X.org has "mergedfb" support for that, which basically does the same thing as twinview on nvidia06:59
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lrojasso, i was wondering what subsystem handles the /media directory06:59
ermomjr, "mergedfb"?06:59
lrojasto see if i can make it mount it06:59
zenroxlrojas,  you can manuly mount it07:00
ermomjr, does that imply running X on the framebuffer?07:00
mjrermo, essentially the same as xinerama, but the frame buffer is arranged to be one big canvas in the video card memory07:00
lrojasis connected to the firewire port07:00
mjrermo, no07:00
zenroxlrojas,  sudo mount -t filesystemhere /dev/location /media/ipod07:00
ermomjr, is it stable yet?07:01
lrojasand how do i find what /dev/ is my ipod?07:01
mjr'course, there are limitations on it; eg. the radeons up to 9250 won't do 3d acceleration on over 2048 pixels (but stuff that stays within those bounds does work)07:01
mjr(even if the total resolution is higher)07:01
mjrermo, yes07:01
zenroxlrojas,  find out when it auto mounts it or plug it in and reboot07:01
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ermomjr, so, you are using mergedfb?07:02
zenroxthen look in the system montor agine07:02
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mjrermo, yes, on hoary07:02
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mjrermo, and I've played long games of nwn on it without problems ;)07:02
ermomjr, *yiippeeeeee*07:03
ermomjr, link?07:03
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dieffelhi all! Anyone who can recommand a good FTP-server with GUI for Ubuntu?07:03
zenroxmjr,  another nwn player here07:03
^thehatsrule^proftpd... is the only one i know of - theres prolly a gui somewhere too07:03
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thoreauputicdieffel: why do you need a GUI for an ftp server??07:04
dieffeli think its the most simple for me right now.07:04
^thehatsrule^guess for adding users?07:04
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^thehatsrule^dunno, maybe he likes the point-click ;p07:05
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dieffelthoreauputic, what can u recommend?07:05
AbsenthWhat's wrong with point and click?07:05
dieffelthats why i uswe ubuntu :)07:05
thoreauputicdieffel: proftpd - but don't know anout the GUI part07:05
mjrermo, don't have a good one; google around. I can send you my config though if you like?07:05
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Absenthdon't get me wrong, the command line is my friend.  but after a half dozen beers, point an click require less brain power.07:05
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SeeleyUSMCAnyone know what the latest stable kernel is?  I need to to do my Madwifi install07:06
thoreauputicAbsenth: hehe - admining a server after 6 beers? *grin*07:06
Absenththoreauputic, what's wrong with that?07:06
=== ^thehatsrule^ pictures him giving full access to everyone ;p
thoreauputicnothing, have fun  :)07:07
ermomjr, sure thing. Perhaps just paste the relevant section in a /query?07:07
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mjrermo, nah, I'll save some of the bother for you ;)07:07
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thoreauputicAbsenth: can we have the IP for your server, so we can play too ?07:07
Absenth^thehatsrule^, I'm a lot more likely to rm -Rf /home/* after 6 beers then to give full access to everyone.07:07
mjrermo, I have multiple configurations there so don't get confused07:07
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mjrthe RadeonM one is for merged framebuffer07:08
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Glin|Joli am currently using kunbuntu07:08
Glin|Joland i am having a real hard time editing my kde meus07:08
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Glin|Joli use kmenuedit but noone of the changes i make are saved07:08
Doomhammerguys, how do I get Ubuntu to recognize my IDE tape drive?07:09
thoreauputicGlin|Jol: /join #kubuntu, I suggest :)07:09
Absenththoreauputic, I could give you an account on this machine if you like.  the chances you could get to it from there however are pretty slim.07:09
mjrermo, here's a somewhat relevant link too: http://gefechtsdienst.de/uman/xorg-alpha.html07:09
bung__anyone know of a neat way to have java 1.4 and 1.5 on the same box?07:09
thoreauputicAbsenth: yeah, i was kidding :)07:09
Absenththoreauputic, this one only allows remote access from one specific host on the external interface.07:09
ermomjr, what's that "Composite" thing? alpha-blending?07:09
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^thehatsrule^bung_, why would you need both?07:09
Glin|Jolthoreauputic: heh thanks07:09
airoxermo: and shadows ;)07:10
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bung__because I trust 1.4, but I need to use 1.5 for some practical :)07:10
mjrermo, oh yeah, that's the composite extension, which isn't just for that, but yeah, you can do stuff like that with it07:10
Doomhammerhow do I get Ubuntu to recognize my IDE tape drive, and have it in /dev so I can mount it?07:10
SeeleyUSMCshould I use the latest stable kernel?07:10
mjrermo, by the way, it's not suggested to be used with 3d accel currently, and is dubbed otherwise unstable too ;)07:10
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mjrI don't really use composite day-to-day, but I like to have it enabled if I want to test something out07:11
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=== ermo gets the feeling that he's in for a treat
thoreauputicbung__: 1.5 seems to work OK here07:11
=== Absenth cheers!
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Absenthfinally....  my office is <20c07:11
Doomhammerhow do I get Ubuntu to recognize my IDE tape drive, and have it in /dev so I can mount it?07:11
LinuxJonesDoomhammer, this might help ?? >> http://www.aplawrence.com/Bofcusm/2043.html07:11
thoreauputicbung__: ah, but I just have the jre07:11
bung__I know it'd probably work07:11
TrixisityHey all, just new on ubuntu now for about 2 hours, how does one deal with rpm's?07:11
bung__but I'd rather have the fallback.07:11
DoomhammerLinuxJones: yes, however, I don't have a /dev/ht007:12
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: Hey :)07:12
thoreauputicTrixisity: one doesn't - ubuntu uses debs07:12
AbsenthTrixisity, I know there's some app that converts rpm07:12
Doomhammeras far as Ubuntu is concerned, I dont' have a tape drive07:12
thoreauputicTrixisity: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto07:12
DarthFrogHi SeeleyUSMC, Good morning.07:12
Trixisityjust compile from scratch then?07:12
AbsenthTrixisity, I know there's some app that converts rpm's to .deb files, however I've yet to find an rpm that didn't have an apt equiv.07:12
thoreauputicTrixisity: read the link above07:12
bung__Absenth: alien, I think it's called07:12
LinuxJonesDoomhammer, you might search google for makedev ide tape drive07:13
SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: according to the madwifi howto, I'm supposed to use the latest kernel, should I get the latest kernel from kernel.org?07:13
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thoreauputicTrixisity: for jave, read http://ubuntuguide.org07:13
=== Absenth reaches for his mouse to launch firefox, and realizes it's turned off and charging... has been for a few hours...
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Your kernel is recent enough.07:13
thoreauputicTrixisity: I meant * java of course07:13
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bung__thoreauputic: I couldn't see anything handy for having both 1.4 and 1.507:14
plagerismFor k3b to handle mp3s what package needs to be installed??07:14
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: so I shouldn't worry about downloading the newest kernel?07:14
bung__gentoo has java-select for this, which is neat.07:14
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thoreauputicbung__: coudn't it be installed in /opt or something?07:14
bung__there are a load of symlinks in /etc/alternatives07:15
AMIGrAveis there a Aoss package in ubuntu ?07:15
bung__but I'm not sure if there's an automagical way to manage them07:15
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thoreauputicbung__: update-alternatives?07:15
AbsenthI don't suppose anyone has a link handy for surround sound on an nForce2 motherboard's onboard sound?07:16
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DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Nope.  You can try getting the latest Ubuntu kernel via synaptic, though.  Make sure you do a Reload first, then search for linux-image.07:16
bung__thoreauputic: never heard of it, ta07:16
Absenthsomething that will hopefully work in cedega07:16
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: k07:16
tckanyone know where to get the w32codecs for hoary ?07:16
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: I just got the latest and greatest madwifi and now Im reading up on it07:16
sal002Anyone have problems with grub in warty after doing as apt-get upgrade?07:16
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: :-)07:17
sal002I get a file not found looking for the -5-pkg-tmp kernel.  Only kernel found is -3 which segfaults07:17
DarthFrogsal002: Nope, its worked every time.07:17
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sal002Hmmm...Is there a way to probe in grub to see what kernels I have installed (look at the filesystem)?07:17
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DarthFrogsal002: look at /boot/grub/menu.lst07:18
sal002DarthFrog: What kernel are you running?07:18
AbsenthWhoever suggested Alien as the tool to convert .RPM to .DEB was right on the money.  It appears to have a problem where it looses dependencies, which leads me to believe Apt or Synaptic is a much better way to go if at all possible.07:18
Glin|Jolhow can i search for a specific package using apt-get07:18
sal002I can't boot into Ubuntu right now07:18
restrexwho knows a howto of the pearpc package at ubuntu?07:18
Glin|Joli am trying to install mplayer07:18
Smeve1error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so <-- i keep getting that error07:18
Glin|Joland apt-get install mplayer says there are no packages07:18
restrexI've seen it at ubuntu hoary.07:18
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sal002apt-cache search mplayer07:18
restrexGlin|Jol you've to compile it.07:18
DarthFrogsal002: 2.6.10-5-k707:18
Glin|Jolrestrex: !!!07:19
restrexGlin|Jol it's easy07:19
Smeve1error while loading shared libraries: libplds4.so <-- i what do i need to do to fix that07:19
sal002Darth: Have you done an apt-get upgrade recently?07:19
AbsenthWooT!  that's the kernel I'm running.07:19
restrexGlin|Jol you have to install some packages =)07:19
restrexand compile it.07:19
arekGlin|Jol: apt-cache search mplayer but there is no :)07:19
Glin|Jolrestrex: yeah i can compile07:19
AbsenthI do think the machine acts a bit snappier now that I'm running the K7 vs the noarch kernel.07:19
Glin|Joljust surprised07:19
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DarthFrogsal002: I'm doing update and dist-upgrade daily.07:19
DarthFrogsal002: Just did one.07:20
restrexGlin|Jol what architecture?07:20
AbsenthGlin|Jol, did you add the universe and multiverse?07:20
Glin|Jolrestrex: i68607:20
sal002Hmmm...why did it update my grub to point to some -tmp-pkg kernel07:20
Glin|JolAbsenth: not that i know of, what is that07:20
restrexinstall it from multiverse07:20
DarthFrogAbsenth: :-)  Well, at least you know that you're running a kernel tailored to your architecture.07:20
sal002Can the install CD boot to a point where I can mount the filesystem?07:20
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AbsenthGlin|Jol, /etc/apt/sources.list add the following07:21
Absenthcoming in a msg07:21
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dolphywhat's the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig/iptables (Fedora) on Ubuntu? Which init.d script will load firewall rules ?07:23
wjesusaxlhey guys ....07:23
wjesusaxlI've got problems switching to KDE from GNOME07:24
wjesusaxlI can't apt-get install kde-core..07:24
malte__what's apt-get say?07:24
DarthFrogdolphy: Good question, don't know the answer.  Do you have a firewall installed?07:24
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DarthFrogwjesusaxl: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:24
dolphyDarthFrog: well i ve a big iptables file from my old fedora installation07:25
dolphyDarthFrog: and i m trying to migrate to ubuntu :)07:25
AbsenthDarthFrog, would that command give you both KDE and Gnome as options from the login window?07:25
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wjesusaxlthere are a lot of unmet dependencies07:25
sal002My /boot/initrd is gone for -507:25
malte__Absenth, yes :)07:25
dolphyDarthFrog: iptables-restore < my_file works...07:25
DarthFrogdolphy: Pull it over and write your own script?  Or load the rules from rc.local?07:25
AbsenthThat's awesome....07:25
sal002Is the live cd the only way I will be able to view my filesystem if I can no longer boot?07:25
DarthFrogAbsenth: It should.07:26
dolphyDarthFrog: ok so there's nothing prepared for that then. I'll handle it myself07:26
DarthFrogdolphy: Urk!  I didn't say that.  I said I didn't know.07:26
dolphyDarthFrog: and for ip forwarding in sysctl ? Do i have to manually edit /etc/init.d/networking ?07:26
wjesusaxlI have so many unmet dependencies07:26
sal002And is there current a problem with iptables?07:26
dolphyDarthFrog: ah sorry :)07:26
sal002Alternatively, has anyone safely done an apt-get dist-upgrade to hoary from warty?07:27
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DarthFrogdolphy: I've seen nothing about IP forwarding.  You might want to google for it.07:27
dolphysal002: i just did07:27
LinuxJonessal002, most everybody07:27
DarthFrogsal002: It's safe.07:27
wjesusaxlcan't install KDE!!! help me out!07:27
LinuxJoneswjesusaxl, what's the problem ?07:27
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dolphyDarthFrog: i'll do. thx07:27
DarthFrogwjesusaxl: Hey bud, I already told you what to do.07:27
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wjesusaxlbut it didn't work07:28
DarthFrogwjesusaxl: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:28
LinuxJoneswjesusaxl, apt-get update && apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:28
wjesusaxlmore unmet dependencies07:28
DarthFrogwjesusaxl: What are you running?07:28
wjesusaxlalready done...07:28
sal002Okay...I'll do that later today...warty is giving me so many problems ;)07:28
DarthFrogwjesusaxl: Warty or Hoary?07:28
wjesusaxlapt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:28
SeeleyUSMCI can't seem to find out what the latest wireless tools version is07:28
LinuxJoneswjesusaxl, what files have unmet dependencies can you post them to www.pastebin.ca ?07:28
SeeleyUSMCanyone know?07:28
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: It's installed.07:28
wjesusaxlwait a sec07:29
sal002Too bad I have to wait until I download the live cd to test it out.07:29
mdzSeeleyUSMC: 27-1ubuntu1 in hoary07:29
DarthFrogsal002: Why?07:29
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SeeleyUSMCDarthFrog: so 27-1 is the latest?07:29
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: They'll do you just fine. :-)  That's not the problem.07:29
dolphyDarthFrog: found it :) /etc/network/options07:30
wjesusaxlthat's when I tried kubuntu-desktop07:30
sal002DarthFrog: I can't boot in.  Grub either gives me "File Not Found" or I get some nasty debugging message with -3 kernel07:31
DarthFrogSeeleyUSMC: Your problem is that your mini-PCI Atheros chip doesn't seem to be  supported by the version of madwifi that you have installed.   I'm not really thinking that compiling from CVS will change that but lets give it a shot.07:31
AbsenthAlright, I've got Ubuntu Hoary on a 2400+, Xandros 3.0 on a 1900+,  what should I install on the P2 266?07:31
LinuxJoneswjesusaxl, yikes07:31
AMIGrAveunder firefox, the file dialog is not the same under debian (don't know if it's due to newer version or a gnome config) How can I use the same file dialog than debian ?07:31
sal002Absenth: Crux07:31
DarthFrogAbsenth: Put Gentoo from Stage One on the P2 266. :-)07:31
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wjesusaxlWhat happened?07:32
LinuxJoneswjesusaxl, can you try to install kdebase kdm and see if it pulls down enough of kde to get your up and running for now ?07:32
DarthFrogsal002:  did you bugger up your menu.lst file?07:32
zenroxwjesusaxl, or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:32
sal002Darth: How do I do that in grub?07:33
mattgirvHey I am running Openbox at the moment, but how can I get it to run certain applications when I start it?07:33
mattgirv(I start it through GDM)07:33
LinuxJoneszenrox, there are unmet dependencies with kubuntu-desktop07:33
Absenthok, Gentoo is out of the question....  Portage is cool, but if I wanted that I'd load openbsd and have real ports :)07:33
zenroxLinuxJones,  like what07:33
LinuxJoneszenrox, >> http://www.pastebin.com/26064507:33
Absenthsal002, what's Crux?07:33
wjesusaxlit's still not working :(07:33
sal002absenth: crux.nu - small distro07:33
zenroxLinuxJones,  thats odd07:34
LinuxJoneszenrox, I'm sure it will get fixed for him within a day or so07:34
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AbsenthI'll be honest, the 266 will likely be used mostly for booting diskless to one of the other two computers via LTSP.07:34
Absenthbut it'd be nice to have an OS on it as well.07:34
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zenroxLinuxJones,  ya it sould be07:35
mattgirvanyone have an idea?07:35
sal002I would do Crux....or be more adventerous and do ReactOS07:35
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sal002Actually, if you don't need Linux - do BeOS07:35
LinuxJoneswjesusaxl, you should join #kubuntu and let them know there are some problems with the desktop package.07:35
DarthFrogsal002: You can have command line editing in grub.  You can tell it at boot time, by editing the command line, what kernel to boot, where it is, what your root device is, etc.  The syntax is identical to what you see in /etc/boot/menu.lst.  You must first figure out what is going wrong (sounds like it doesn't know where your kernel is, should be in /boot) then tell it what to do.07:35
plagerismWhy doesnt K3B support mp3s in Ubunto hoary?? It doesnt even depend on libmad0??07:35
Absenthdownloading crux now, going to look at React in a min or two :)07:35
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sal002DarthFrog: Yep - but I need to know which kernel to boot - and I don't know what is on the system without booting into Linux - which I cannot do.  Catch-2207:36
Absenthsal002, where does one aquire a working iso of beos these days?  I've looked and never come across one.07:36
plagerismIs there any other good burning software that supports mp3s in Hoary??07:36
zenwhenplagerism, yes07:36
Xappeplagerism, graveman and/or gnomebaker07:36
zenwhengraveman is great07:36
sal002Absenth: http://www.bebits.com/app/314807:36
plagerismSo is there actually a reason why K3B doesnt support mp3s in HOary??  Or is that just a mistake??07:37
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DarthFrogsal002: You can boot the live CD and look at the file system.  You can edit menu.lst so that it's correct and grub should then boot your system properly.  Unlike LILO, grub doesn't need anything more to process changes in its config file.07:37
zenwhenK3b supports mp3's on my system07:37
Hannes_can I mount a EXT2 partition from livecd?07:37
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zenwhenwait maybe it doesnt07:37
plagerismokay then perhaps its just the Amd64 port07:37
Absenthsal002, Danke07:37
vordulplagerism - Could it be because of copyright reasons?07:37
zenwhenwho needs it when you can use graveman07:37
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plagerismzenwhen if its good then I wont complain, I just like k3b its a good solid all-in-one07:38
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HillTopThe famous fork bomb was mentioned in the news and Debian was not effected (servives).  http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/308   Do I dare try it on Hoary?07:38
DarthFrogplagerism: Like your nick, MP3 are not free. :-)  You can get MP3 support from the Multiverse repository.07:38
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DarthFrogHillTop: Go for it!  Let us know if you survive. :-)07:39
calcHillTop: someone in the thread about that claimed that debian was effected as well and the author just didn't test it, so try at your own risk ;)07:39
wonderonecan anyone tell me why some upgrades with hoary cause the system to become slow and sluggish? I'm experiencing it now, and have done in the past.07:39
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DarthFrogwonderone: Use top as a diagnostic tool.07:39
elshadiiI'm trying to find a how to that will explain the steps to get a root account in ubuntu can someone help?07:40
calci do know in the past i have taken debian down with a fork bomb but that was several years ago07:40
DarthFrogelshadii: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#setchangeenablerootpassword07:40
elshadiiok thank you!!07:40
wonderoneDarthFrog, which stat should I look at? I dont see any out of control processes07:40
HillTopDarthFrog, Aaak, Actually I'm not in Hoary now (pclinuxos) but I might just try it in the live CD next time it is up.07:40
DarthFrogwonderone: Keep monitoring.  Get to know what's going on, on your system.07:40
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=== wland re
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wonderonehard to find, when i dont know what i'm looking for though.and i've not installed anything new, only upgraded. so i assume it's a broken program or something07:42
mattgirvCan someone help me with the GDM Xsession files, I have Openbox and would like to launch more than Openbox, when choosing that through GDM... I have the Openbox.desktop file open, and there is Exec=openbox, can I add commands to this?07:42
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Dr_Aevilhi guys - I notice that alsaconf seems to be missing from the alsa packages provided by ubuntu in hoary - what do you use in ubuntu to configure alsa? or are you reduced to editing /etc/modlues.conf, /etc/modprobe.conf, I think it's /etc/modprobe.d/* in hoary?07:45
LinuxJonesDr_Aevil, manually editing :(07:45
odie5533Can you change your mouse cursor on Gnome?07:45
Dr_AevilLinuxJones: ah, ok thanks - just wanted to check before I spent any time when there is a nice config tool I just hadn't noticed :)07:46
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Dr_Aevilmy housemate has installed ubuntu and he wants his nice 5.1 surround working - he's trying to get the nforce drivers to work, but it loads the intel ones in preference; I shall go make it load nvsound now :)07:46
SpooksSomeone explain to this newb how I install this updated version of Firefox now I've downloaded it please?07:47
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DarthFrogSpooks: Where did you get it from?07:47
mattgirvSpooks: Are you running Warty then.07:47
SpooksThe official site07:47
SpooksI am, yes07:47
mattgirvBecause if you are I suggest you just add the Backports Repos,07:47
mattgirvThat would probably be the safest bet to get Firefox 107:47
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SpooksThat went straight over my head07:48
DarthFrogmattgirv: Do you have a URL for backports?07:48
odie5533Is it possible to change the cursor on Ubuntu Gnome?07:48
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mattgirvYeah one sec, I will get you a direct link07:48
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zenroxodie5533,  get gcurser07:48
zenroxfor the repos07:49
sal002I'll try out the livecd07:49
indiefusionI'm having trouble getting my Envy24 sound card (driver snd-ice1724) working.  When I modprobe, I get no errors, but Ubuntu will not detect it.  It shows up in lspci07:49
phxguyCan anyone here Help a newbie with installing the nvidia drivers....07:49
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zenroxphxguy,  read www.ubuntuguide.org07:49
DarthFrogSpooks:  What mattgirv means, is don't install the software that you downloaded.  Instead, use the Ubuntu package manager (Synaptic) to get it from the backports repository (read the URL he just posted).  It's best to not put software on your system except through the package mangement system.07:49
punkrockguy318Is there any way I can write a script to change all my GNOME default font sizes?  I want a quick way to change my fonts sizes for when i'm in front of the computer or far away...07:49
mattgirvDarthFrog and Spooks if you check this site out as well : http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ it will tell you everything07:50
phxguyzenrox,  Im there now but for some reason i get an error when i enter the command from the root terminal nautilus applications:///System07:50
encKe`Ubuntu as a server......  any comments?07:50
zenroxthat doent work in hoary07:50
phxguyzenrox, It says :applications:///System is not a valid location.:07:51
mattgirvYeah they got rid of that I think, in Gnome 2.1007:51
zenroxphxguy,  ya thats broke in hoary07:51
DarthFrogmattgirv: Thanks.  I've added it to my list of helpful URLs. :-)07:51
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zenroxphxguy,  but the rest works07:51
phxguyzenrox, Any workarounds???07:51
mattgirvDarthFrog: No probs, in all honesty, I would give the Hoary Preview Release a go, its very stable for me :)07:52
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mattgirv(but it might not be for you, but its definately worth a try anyway :P)07:52
zenroxphxguy,  get the gnome menu editor and add it to the menu manuley07:52
phxguyzenrox, so should I just skip that command and move on???07:52
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zenroxphxguy,  yep07:52
DarthFrogmattgirv: hehe, I've been running it for quite a while.  You and I were both trying to help a newbie.07:52
mattgirvphxguy: A good menu editor is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20705 :)07:53
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zenroxmattgirv,  is right that one works07:53
DarthFrogSpooks: Also have a look at http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories07:53
phxguymattgirv, I tried installing that last night and couldn't get it to install07:54
mattgirvzenrox, yeah I like that one, but you cannot delete entries, still miles better than nothing :D07:54
mattgirvphxguy, you downloaded and then did an "alien -i packagename.i386.deb" ?07:54
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zenroxmattgirv,  agreed07:54
mattgirvhmm strange, worked for me07:55
phxguythats is what I did mattgirv07:55
TrixisityWhat kinda P2P programs do any of you use?07:55
mattgirvwhat went wrong?07:55
phxguyi can try it again....07:55
mattgirvyeah, tell me if it gives any errors07:55
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zenroxTrixisity,  limewire07:55
plagerismgraveman I like, its exactly what I was looking for.  Thank yo07:55
XappeTrixisity, linuxdcpp for direct connect (and sometimes valknut)07:55
mattgirvLimewire Pro here, very nice imo :)07:55
Trixisityhow did you install that on ubuntu zenrox?07:56
mattgirvI have heard, erm I forgot its name lol, but it supports basically ALL the p2p networks, couldnt get it working well though :(07:56
zenroxTrixisity,  www.ubuntuguide.org07:56
mattgirvAnd it had an awful interface.07:56
Xappeoh, I read peer to peer07:56
Trixisitywhere can I find an APT package?07:56
Trixisityyes I've been to that side07:56
plagerismmattgirv edonkey07:56
plagerismit made no sense07:56
zenroxTrixisity, its on that site and how to install it07:56
mattgirvMight of been edonkey,07:56
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Trixisityow missed that tnx alot zenrox07:57
plagerismit was if you are talking about terrible interface, I could never get it to work07:57
encKe`how many chans are you allowed to join on Freenode??07:57
mattgirvplagerism, lol :P07:57
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thoreauputicencKe`: as many as you like , AFAIK07:57
zenroxhello roam07:57
roey[13:56]  <roey> what's kubuntu's default root password07:57
roey[13:56]  <roey> I try the instructions at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root07:57
zenroxerr roey07:57
roey[13:56]  <billytwowilly> there is no root password.07:57
roey[13:57]  <roey> but there apparently is a password set.07:57
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encKe`hmmm....... mine wont get past 407:58
encKe`dont see anyting in xchat to change it07:58
phxguymattgirv, Wierd Seems to install okay that time....07:58
punkrockguy318does a dualdesktop work smoothly with ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop?07:58
alicanHi all07:58
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mattgirvphxguy, lol :)07:59
DarthFrogpunkrockguy318: Yes07:59
punkrockguy318DarthFrog, what DM would be used? gdm? kdm?07:59
DarthFrogpunkrockguy318: Could use either.07:59
DarthFrogpunkrockguy318: You can set it to use the one you want.07:59
Absenthanyone here a Cedega user?07:59
Spooksk, added the lines explained to sources.list, but I can't save. Any ideas?08:00
punkrockguy318Absenth, yes, why?08:00
mattgirvDoes anyone know how I can get Openbox to start pypanel and torsmo when I load it through GDM?08:00
Absenthpunkrockguy318, what file system to you use?08:00
punkrockguy318Absenth, reiserfs08:01
phxguymattgirv, I have another question.... When i throw something in the trash.... it doesn't show up there....08:01
DarthFrogSpooks: Did you do it via sudo?  You have to have root priviliges for that.08:01
phxguymattgirv, but if i goto .Trash it is showing there....08:01
Absenthpunkrockguy318, is there a pretty visable performance gain over ext3?08:01
TilosShould I try Warty or Hoary? (Does Warty have Gnome 2.8?)08:01
punkrockguy318i doubt it08:01
mattgirvphxguy, hmm, I had a sort of problem similar, it was to do with one bin being called something else, like one was called Trash , and the other Trashbin08:01
mattgirvLike it was some sort of redundant feature, I assume it was a bug though :/08:02
alicanhi I just installed Kubuntu .. my 2.eth card is Davicom and uses tulip now. but I want to use dmfe driver . both tulip and dmfe is in lsmod list.. How can I make eth1 use dmfe instead of tulip and remove tulip driver08:02
DarthFrogSpooks: You can also do it via Synaptic.  Settings/Repositories.08:02
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SpooksI tried, it keeps disappearing08:02
XappeTilos, warty: gnome 2.8, Hoary: gnome 2.1008:02
Spooks :\08:02
phxguymattgirv, did you get it fixed??08:02
TilosXappe: Thanks.08:02
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mattgirvWell all it was, was that a Trash Bin had appeared on my desktop, the tray bin was still working fine08:02
DarthFrogalican: If it's a tulip chipset, then the dmfe driver won't work.  dmfe is for the Davcom chipset.08:02
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thoreauputicSpooks: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , save and quit08:03
phxguymattgirv, yeah i went to the configuration editor and check the box to show the desktop... it shows but doesn't update when item are sent there08:03
phxguy....and neither does the one in the bottom panel08:04
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alicandarkling,  I know it works with dmfe and doesnt work with tulip.. I am sure (from other dists.) I just wantto know how can I edit kernel modules and assign drivers to devices08:04
mattgirvHmm that is strange, I am afraid I don't know why that is :(08:04
phxguywell thanks for your help on the nvidia thing.. =)08:05
phxguyIt says i need to restart X... suppose Ill do that now08:05
mattgirvctrl + alt + backspace08:05
mattgirvDoes anyone know how I can get Openbox to start pypanel and torsmo when I load it through GDM?08:05
alicanDarthFrog, I know it works with dmfe and doesnt work with tulip.. I am sure (from other dists.) I just wantto know how can I edit kernel modules and assign drivers to devices08:05
SpooksOh wow. I'm starting to understand this now. I can see how it fits together. Thanks guys08:06
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thoreauputicmattgirv: make a file   ~/.xsession , put the apps you want to start on separate lines with & , the last line just  openbox ( no &)08:07
mattgirvBut won't that exec them apps, regardless of the WM/DE i choose?08:07
thoreauputicmattgirv: then choose system session in gdm08:07
mattgirvI only want them to load with Openbox08:07
YomicWhere do the drivers for USB connected WiFi devices go?08:07
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DarthFrogalican: you would do that in /etc/modules.d. Create a file called whatever you want and add the line "alias eth0 dmfe". Then reboot.08:08
thoreauputicmattgirv: .xsession is only used by the "system sessioN"08:08
thoreauputicor whatever gdm calls it08:08
DarthFrogSpooks: Good stuff!  Have fun & welcome to the Light Side of The Force. :-)08:09
alicanDarthFrog, ok then how can I remove tulip module .. I do not want it to be loaded at boot08:09
DarthFrogalican: /etc/modutils, sorry, not modules.d08:09
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\shstraw : module gtkhtml2 not found08:09
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\shand I can't find a package for python gtkhtml208:09
Spookshehe :p08:09
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DarthFrogalican: Find the module in the lib/modules/ hierarchy and rename it. :-)08:10
thoreauputic\sh: try sudo apt-get install liferea - very similar to straw08:10
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mattgirvThanks so much thoreauputic :)08:11
mattgirvWorked a charm heh.08:11
odie5533Where do people normally put desktop backgrounds/splash screens?08:11
wezzerbackgrounds can be put anywhere08:11
thoreauputicmattgirv: no wories :)08:11
odie5533But is there a standard place to put them?08:11
wezzer-_not really08:11
wezzer-_I have them at /home/antti/photos08:12
ThePfhorI just have a folder ~/Pictures, but the OS doesn't care08:12
\shthoreauputic, well..i hope its just usable like akregator08:12
wezzer-_... where are my other photos also08:12
thoreauputic\sh: I've used both - they both work fine, and look very similar08:12
\shand its not in the tree08:12
suposIs the firefox icons supposed to look the way they do in Hoary? (Is this a bug or a feature?)08:12
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thoreauputic\sh: the tree?08:13
Taraxacumwhat was the page again for the sudo root thing?08:13
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\shthoreauputic, have it08:14
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snk00sj-does ubuntu have nvidia drivers in it ?08:15
snk00sj-trying to manually compile the nvidia drivers, but it's being a pain in my **08:16
Absenthsnk00sj-, yes.  Easiest way to install the accellerated drivers is through synaptic08:16
snk00sj-ah thats good to hear08:16
Trixisitywhile installing Java jre I get this message, ot@Italjet:/home/tristan # sudo chown -R root:root /usr/java/jrel.5.0_01/08:17
Trixisitychown: failed to get attributes of `/usr/java/jrel.5.0_01/':08:17
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Trixisitywhat's that?08:17
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MidnightDevilhi! :)08:18
MidnightDevilhow do i install nvidia using apt-get ?08:19
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^thehatsrule^theres docs08:19
DoppelGangertee hee hee08:19
^thehatsrule^ahem... DoppelGanger from RO?08:20
mdzMidnightDevil: http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto08:20
mdztwo easy steps08:20
=== geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust4279.an3.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
^thehatsrule^yea that one ;p08:20
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geneo93need a little help with update08:21
geneo93keeps hanging on kde stuff08:21
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MidnightDevilthanx mdz08:22
Absenthgeneo93, did you add the universe and multiverse stuff to your sources.list08:22
geneo93oh yes08:22
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alicancan I install nvidia-glx in init5 ??08:23
geneo93i can paste first few lines08:23
odie5533How do I create a link to a folder?08:23
Absenthodie5533, ln -s source dest08:24
geneo93allready did the -ff install08:24
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geneo93and the dpkg -- reconfig08:24
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geneo93You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.08:25
geneo93The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:25
geneo93  kaddressbook: Depends: libkcal2a (>= 4:3.4.0) but it is not installed08:25
Absenthodie5533, also you can right click, and "make link"08:25
YomicCan someone help me manually configure a USB connected WiFi device?08:25
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zenwhenwhat model08:25
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DarthFrogYomic: Perhaps.  Is it detected?08:26
YomicYes, but it is unknown08:26
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Yomic(And more than likely not supported.08:26
DarthFrogYomic: Does it get a network interface?  what does ifconfig tell you?08:26
Absenthgeneo93, I'm sure someone here can help, unfortunatly I'm not that someone.08:26
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Glin|Jolanyone here know how to get mplayer to not have the window border at the top when playig movies?08:26
punkrockguy318does ubuntu support wireless mice and keyboards? how easy would the installation of one be?08:26
YomicBut I have the drivers; I don't know where they go though.08:27
Glin|Jolthis is not the gui version08:27
DarthFrogYomic: What are the drivers?08:27
YomicI have no connection with that PC.08:27
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jkpunkrockguy318: mostly 'just works [tm] '08:27
YomicDifferent .CAB and .bin files08:27
punkrockguy318jk, awesome, so i just plug them in and i'm good to go?08:27
jkpunkrockguy318: yup08:27
DarthFrogYomic: Those are Windows files.08:27
YomicI know.08:28
YomicI only have access to the Windows drivers.08:28
DarthFrogYomic: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper08:28
Absenthpunkrockguy318, I'm running a wireless Logitech MX1000, it worked for basic wheel mouse functionality outta the gate.08:28
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Absenthpunkrockguy318, I configured the forward and back keys with (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons)08:28
YomicYes, I have an .inf file.08:29
punkrockguy318that's great!08:29
Absenthpunkrockguy318, and for multimedia keys on the keyboard (ie vol, mute, etc) I found a howto somewhere, it was super simple.08:29
punkrockguy318ubuntulinux has the nicest hardware detection i've seen in any distro08:29
Absenthpunkrockguy318, I'll see if I can find that for you as well.08:29
punkrockguy318Absenth, yeah, i set them up on my friends machine.. it's just in system->preference->keyboard shortcuts08:29
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Absenthpunkrockguy318, that's the one :)08:30
YomicCrap, I don't have internet connection so I cannot download the ndiswrapper >_<08:30
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Absenthpunkrockguy318, the only key that doesn't work on my mouse is the task switching button, which is useless as hell anyway :)08:30
sal002Do I need the initrd to boot?08:30
Absenthpunkrockguy318, oh, and the right/left wheel movement.08:30
DarthFrogYomic: It might be already installed.08:31
punkrockguy318Absenth, did that work oob?08:31
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YomicI hope.08:31
YomicI'm on Warty, fresh from the CD08:31
Absenthpunkrockguy318, doesn't work at all right now.  oob was up down, right, left click, and mvoement.08:31
Absenthpunkrockguy318, the link I posted, got my browser forward and backward working.08:31
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rwabel_I still have problems with locales with special characters. whenever I'm in X mode (gnome, kde, xfce etc) special characters are displayed wrong (invalid encoding). anyone has an idea?08:32
Absenthpunkrockguy318, the rest of the functions of my mouse I didn't use in winderz anyway so it's not a huge loss.08:32
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zenroxho do i get this line to match up for whare that is in ubuntu  if ( -e "${procloc}/sys/dev/sensors" && file_executable("sensors") == 1) {08:33
tsumeAbsenth: what is winderz?08:33
tckanyone got xmms working with hoary ?08:33
zenroxcasue that dont exist08:33
tsumetck: works fine08:33
zenroxand i do have sensors and gkrellm displays them08:33
tcktsume, no matter what i try, wont work, any suggestions08:33
tsumetck: if you installed gnome, you most likely are using esd, download xmms-esd08:33
Absenthtsume, Winderz aka most operating systems out of redmond WA08:33
tcki think im using alsa08:34
tsumeAbsenth: I don't understand child talk08:34
tckhmm i'll check08:34
DarthFrogtsume: Windows.08:34
tsumeAbsenth: please use correct words08:34
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tsumeDarthFrog: ohh, Windows.08:34
tsumeAbsenth: why didn't you say so?08:34
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DarthFrogtsume: Absenth was using slang.  Self-invented slang. :-)08:34
Absenthtsume, I'm a redneck. I did say so.08:34
bassmanbonsoir  tous08:34
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DarthFrogbassman: Bon matin.08:35
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TilosIs there something akin to http://www.gentoo-portage.com for Ubuntu?08:35
tizenbonne apres-midi08:35
bassmanj'aurais voulu un renseignement sur ubuntu08:35
bassmanje ne sais pas comment crer mon mdp root08:35
larsrohdinHi, if I download a certain program, how do i know which command to use to start it?08:35
DarthFrogbassman: Nous parlons anglais ici.08:35
rwabel_bassman: pour francais il faut aller sur ubuntu-fr08:35
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bassmanvery nice sorry for my bad english :)08:36
ren0Hi. I notice when I am using gaim all my freinds have little pictures in their window. Is there a way for me to set this up in gaim. I just don't seem to find it.08:36
tsumethe french have a titanium version of windows on the net, cute08:36
tsumeits full of warez08:36
tsumeWindowsXP Pro Titanium... heh08:36
DarthFrogbassman:  Don't worry about it. It's better than my french! :-)08:36
tsumeThis is amusing08:36
Absenthis there a howto to set up dual head in ubuntu hoary?08:37
motulineCan I re-size my swap partition? Ubuntu made Swap what is only 486mb :o08:37
Absenthor whatever it'08:37
tsumeAbsenth: that is based on your vid card and X, not the distrop08:37
tizenren0: Yup. Ctrl-A, then Modify on your MSN account and set up the buddy icon thing08:37
bassmannice to see you again see you later bye !!!!:)08:37
DarthFrogmotuline: How much RAM do you have?08:37
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Absenthtsume, even if I'm running an agp and a seperate pci video card?08:38
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DarthFrogmotuline: That really should be enough swap.08:38
thoreauputicmotuline: that should be plenty of swap08:38
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tsumeAbsenth: its linux + X then08:38
DarthFrogmotuline: The days of swap = 2x RAM are over.08:38
ren0thanks tizen. I'll give it a try08:38
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tsumeAbsenth: you can find the information anywhere for linu08:38
motulineok :).. Im used to 1028mb of swap space.. other distros have biger swap bases08:38
tsumeAbsenth: you can set up Xinemina or have a virt on each screen08:39
snk00sj-thanks man ! my nvidia drivers work !08:39
snk00sj-53194 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10662.400 FPS08:39
snk00sj-awesome, you all rock !08:39
Absenthtsume, danke.08:39
motulineI get 1800fps..08:39
=== DarthFrog envies snk00sj- I can't get my ATI drivers to do direct rendering. :-(
tsumesnk00sj-: what card is that? and is that at full screen?08:39
=== DarthFrog is annoyed at himself for buying an ATI card in the first place.
thoreauputicmotuline: unless you're running some kind of badass server with huge memory demands :) But then you'd have more RAM anyway ;)08:40
SpooksBeauty, firefox r the updated08:40
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DarthFrogSpooks: Glad to hear it worked for you.08:40
tsumesnk00sj-: what card? :P08:40
SpooksThanks again08:40
Spooks :)08:40
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Absenth22875 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4575.000 FPS08:40
DarthFrogSpooks: And better yet, you learned how to do it yourself.08:40
sal002When booting the livecd can I pass root=[my ubuntu root]  and use the kernel from the cd to boot using my system filesystem?08:40
SpooksKind of08:40
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tsumeAbsenth: what card do you have?08:41
tcktsume, no xmms-esd08:41
DarthFrogsal002: Probably.08:41
Absenthtsume, 5900 ultra 128m08:41
=== Brainache [~mark@spr1-cosh1-4-0-cust219.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
tckwhat sound support does gnome start with08:41
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snk00sj-tsume 6800 GT Pro :)08:41
tckthere's , alsa, esd, oss, arts08:41
tsumetck: esd08:41
codymanDarthFrog: I got my amd64 broadcom wifi connection up and running.. the only thing is that every time i reboot i have to retype in my WEP key.. any ideas on how I can automate that?08:41
sal002Because my initrd for -5 kernel is missing.  I tried using the -3 kernel and all hell broke loose08:41
tckhow come alsa starts up on mine then08:41
tsumetck: you need the esd driver for xmms, or killall the sound drivers08:41
tsumetck: if you are running artsd, then you need the xmms-artsd driver08:42
ermomjr, does dri work with mergedfb?08:42
thoreauputictck: esd talks to alsa ;)08:42
sal002Is there a way to regenerate the initrd?08:42
UdeS-ppcwhat's the command hdparm for?08:42
tckah ok08:42
codymanwhats a quick way to reset sound?  rhythmbox all the sudden says my speakers are busy08:42
DarthFrogcodyman: Yeah.  In /etc/network-something-or-other is the config file for that interface.  Put the info in there.08:42
=== alec_ [~alec@adsl-61-168-70.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brainachehey, im a newbie, and im trying to compile a package.  I keep running into things that are missing in the Configure stage, and im not sure if im missing something, or do i just have to add the bits as i find the things missing from the configure log?08:42
tcktheres not xmms-esd in my synaptic by the way08:42
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thoreauputicBrainache: what are you trying to compile? and do you have a ll the dev packages?08:43
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=== Flik [~flik@d64-180-8-241.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
djpanyone here help me out with a cron message?08:43
djpNo terminal found for user interaction. All questions will abort the program.08:44
thoreauputicBrainache: 99% of the time, the missing packages are the dev (development) packages08:44
Brainacheoh, ok08:44
motulineAny Idea.. if I run fglrxconfig and write XF86Config-4.. X won't work.. and other thing is that X won't work if I change identifier: ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 XT (RV350 AR) instead of "Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) SG86C202"08:44
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Brainachedo i jsut search synaptic for dev packages and install them all?08:44
thoreauputicBrainache: that's one way, yes08:45
snk00sj-ATI drivers suck :)08:45
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JDahlbrainache, normally you should be able to see from compiler or linker error what's missing08:45
sn0wmansnk00sj-, lol, yep.08:45
bung__snk00sj-: so does your face08:45
thoreauputicBrainache: assuming the thing you are compiling isn't available in the repos08:45
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Absenthsnk00sj-, on linux anyway.....  although I got them working once.08:45
DarthFrogsnk00sj-: I'm Canadian and ATI is a Canadian company.  I won't be buying their products again.08:45
Brainacheyeah. This time it wants me to re-write something.  I'll cp the log file08:46
DarthFrogbung__: No personal abuse, please.08:46
larsrohdinis there a problem with gedit in hoary? Because since i updated, i can't get gedit to work...08:46
tsumetck: whit08:46
bung__DarthFrog: sorry, reflex08:46
tsumetck: it already has the esd support08:46
DarthFrogbung__: :-)08:46
tsumetck: open config08:46
=== geneo91 [~geneo93@1Cust4855.an3.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsumeswitch the audio driver to eSound08:46
tckfrom within xmms ?08:46
bung__seriously though I don't get why people love nvidia quite so much08:47
geneo91still need some HELP08:47
tckhang on08:47
thoreauputicbung__: lesser of two evils on linux08:47
DarthFrogcodyman: The file is /etc/network/interfaces.08:47
Brainachechecking for gtk+-2.0 glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 libxml-2.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.08:47
BrainachePerhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc'08:47
Brainacheto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable08:47
BrainacheNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found08:47
Brainacheconfigure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 libxml-2.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.08:47
tsumebung__: because the drivers are the best out there08:47
Absenthbung__ I have no love for nvidia either.  I'd rather have an X800 over the 6800 ultra, but the drivers are a LOT easier on the nvidia side of the fence.08:47
MMondJDahl: hihi, -I don't want to be cumbersome, but perhaps, could you only spare seconds on me?08:48
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-33-55.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
DarthFrogcodyman: Underneath the line that says "wireless_essid (your ssid), put "wireless_key (your key)".08:48
kentBrainache, you dont need to paste all that here, and you need to install the development-packages for gtk+.  Search for itt in synaptic08:48
tcktsume, cool that worked :)08:48
Absenthbung__ and if Matrox could create a card that wasnt a generation or two behind ATI/Nvidia when it came to gaming performance I'd have their stuff in all my machines :)08:48
tsumedoes anybody know where the keyboard map layout change tool is in windows?08:48
tckchose the esound output plugin :)08:48
Brainacheok, cheers08:48
Brainachewill do08:48
JDahlMMond, just ask your questions, and if I know something about it, I will chime in08:48
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bung__Absenth: do they do OSS drivers?08:49
scandiumWait for Techsource's open graphics card later this year...it has quite advanced features and specs will be open...it's not interesting for people who want to play doom3, though08:49
Absenthbung__, I admit to having no idea, as their stuff is so behind performance wise it's not worth the time to look into.08:49
tsumescandium: people need 3d cards not only for gaming08:49
scandiums/it has/it is supposed to have them when it is released/ ;)08:49
tsumescandium: games are for stupid people08:49
Absenthbung__, however on windows, the 2d graphics quality are WAY better.08:49
tsumethey waste thier life on the game08:50
codymanthanks Darth08:50
DarthFrogtsume: I have a Ph.D. and enjoy the occasional game. :-)08:50
tsumeDarthFrog: games suck fyi08:50
MMondJDahl: I have at least a bit more ground understanding of this now -- http://localhost/~user/test2.html works now, perfectly. But when I go upon a php file, it gives me a dialog of "Save the file," so php at this, is not working. If it is of any consolation, though: when I do type "php" in basic term.. it "works," (although this shouldn't mean anything.. especially with my little knowledge of CLI)08:50
tsumegraphics programming is nice when it contributes to science08:50
bung__I'm dumb and I hate gaming!08:50
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scandiumtsume, that's why I said "quite advanced" since it looks like it'll do a lot of opengl etc., but not for gamers08:50
tsumebung__: its not mny fault you were born with less nueral nodes :)08:50
Absenthgaming sure beets the hell out of venting frustrations on the freeway with a 9mm08:50
thoreauputictsume: are you a Puritan or something ? (joking)08:51
Absenth-beets +beats08:51
bung__tsume: neural :P08:51
codymanDarthFrog: this is weird in that "interfaces" file there is no mention of anything wireless just ethernet.. but my wireless connection is currently working no problem... ?!?08:51
tsumethoreauputic: I think you mean.. Omish..08:51
DarthFrogcodyman: Don't complain!  It works. :-)08:51
JDahlMMond, try this test-script: http://www.htmlite.com/php003.php08:51
tsumeAbsenth: not really08:52
thoreauputictsume: no, I meant Puritan - but never mind - comparative theology is probably not your subject ;)08:52
JDahlMMond, i.e., copy and paste it into a file at your own machine08:52
tsumeAbsenth: it just means you can't control your testosterone08:52
DarthFrogcodyman:  use the network tool to configure your interface.  It'll write that file for you.08:52
tsumethoreauputic: its not my strong area :)08:52
codymanDarthFrog: seirously i'm glad it works i don't mine typing in the simple iwconfig wlan0 key xxxxxxxxx open then dhclient wlan0 everytime it boots.. i mean i got it working i get points for that don't I :-)08:52
Absenthtsume, that's probibly true.08:52
tsumethoreauputic: science leaves no room for poppycock08:52
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DarthFrogcodyman: Points and an attaboy. :-)08:53
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Absenthtsume, does Science have a solution for the users I work with?08:53
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codymanDarthFrog: My wireless router is downstairs and across the house yet I still for some reason have 99% connection and it downloads from apt-get at around 500kb/s08:53
thoreauputictsume: ah, well - Einstei liked to play the violin and ride bicycles :)08:53
MMondJDahl: Did it . . . and I get the "save" dialog. I tried that when I had apache 1.3 . . . and that time it worked, so did every file with php08:53
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phxguycan someone help me with the chown command08:53
Absenthtsume, I should warn you, I do have a government job.08:53
MidnightDevilheya again08:53
tsumeAbsenth: does electric chair sound good enough?08:53
sal002Anyone ever use the livecd to boot into their ubuntu system (using the kernel on the bootcd)?08:53
MidnightDevilwhat's horay address for apt-get?08:54
Absenthtsume, sign me up for 208:54
MMondJDahl: And now with apache2.. it doesn't work ;\08:54
DarthFrogAbsenth: Application of technology to social problems is a major mistake!  Herding cats is more likely to work.08:54
bung__someone give me a jb08:54
phxguyhow can i Chown on a folder and all files and folders in it at one time??08:54
bung__chown -R08:54
JDahlMMond, did you install libapache2-mod-php4 ?08:54
AbsenthDarthFrog, Again I think it depends on which technology you'08:54
thoreauputicphxguy:  chown -R08:54
tsumeI need a job in Alaska08:54
AbsenthDarthFrog, Again I think it depends on which technology you're talking about applying.08:54
MMondJDahl: Yes08:54
MidnightDevilsomeone ?08:54
=== Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-33-55.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
tsumeI've every motion set except the job08:54
AbsenthDarthFrog, I think a baseball bat represents some amount of technology, and does solve quite a few social problems when used correctly.08:54
tsumeand the ferry :)08:55
ossiiican anyone plz tell me how to set numlock on at booting?08:55
MidnightDevilwhat's horay address for apt-get?08:55
DarthFrogAbsenth: Well, yes.  If you want the "users" to survive, it kinda limits your options, though. :-)08:55
MMondJDahl: Simpy plain off, what concise files would I need go get at least apache2 and php working? asking out of curiosity..08:55
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larsrohdinis kernel 2.6.10-4 the latest version?08:55
tsumelarsrohdin: no08:55
alecMidnightDevil, replace 'warty' with 'hoary' in your apt sources08:55
JDahlMMond, apache2 and libapache2-mod-php408:55
larsrohdintsume, which is then?08:55
thoreauputicossiii: numlockx I think08:55
Absenthlarsrohdin, I'm running 2.6.10-5-k708:55
tsumelarsrohdin: I think 2.6.10-508:55
JDahlMMond, and normally you shouldnt have to change configuration08:55
MMondJDahl: Woah.. uhm, I do have them..08:55
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MMondAnd I didn't . . . everything is at default . . . at least I think so08:56
=== Sixfoot5_NL [~jan@ip503ce8a4.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
MMondOr unless the installations of other modules had them tweaked08:56
phxguyok now I just installed my Nvidia driver according to the isntruction on ubuntu and when I restarted and logged into ubuntu i got an error that said "HAL failed to initialize" can someone help me with that?08:56
larsrohdintsume, how can i upgrade it, with apt-get?08:56
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tsumelarsrohdin: you need to make sure your sources are correct08:56
ossiiiwell, will try it out, tnx thoreauputic08:56
MMondAt several instances, upon removal, I received messages like "This folder isn't empty, and thus will not be removed"08:56
tsumelarsrohdin: I bet you have it set to cdrom only08:56
rwabel_anyone has an idea why under X (gnome, kde etc) special characters like umlaute doesn't work but working fine when switching back with ctrl-alt-f1?08:57
thoreauputicossiii: that's the package name - apt-cache show numlockx will tell you more08:57
larsrohdintsume, no but, i've just upgraded to hoary, so maybe i don't have the correct sources... do you know where i can find the correct?08:57
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ossiiitnx again :)08:57
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=== actionjackson [~actionjac@modemcable059.168-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sal002Okay - does apt-get save the retreived deb files anywhere?08:58
JDahlMMond, try copying the php test script to /var/www and run it from there... maybe php is disabled from user directories - although I doubt it. I dont have apache2/php4 install atm, so I cant help you with the configuration files08:58
=== andril [~andril@adsl-3-198-145.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
andrilhello all08:58
rwabel_sal002: yes it does08:58
apokryphossal002: yes, /var/cache/apt I think08:58
scandiumsal002, /var/cache/apt/archives/08:58
DarthFrogsal002: Yes.  /var/cache/apt/archives.08:58
Absenth2.6.10 isn't an option in Warty?08:58
rwabel_sal002: under  /var/cache/apt/archives/08:58
thoreauputicAbsenth: no08:59
=== mmtb [~marcin@dur192.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Absenththoreauputic, I guess it's time for a dist-upgrade then :)08:59
MMondJDahl: I'll try it08:59
phxguyok now I just installed my Nvidia driver according to the isntruction on ubuntu and when I restarted and logged into ubuntu i got an error that said "HAL failed to initialize" can someone help me with that?08:59
=== geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust3226.an4.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicAbsenth: warty is stable - hence no kernel changes except security patches08:59
^thehatsrule^uh oh08:59
=== elshadii [~elshadii@cpe-069-134-107-252.carolina.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
geneo93how do i get another terminal in failsafe09:00
andrilI need to find out how to chane my resolution after upgrading to Hoary09:00
=== tsume would rather have working updated software than stable software
=== schasi [~schasi@pD95E35B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
larsrohdintsume, or maybe you could show me your sources...09:00
tsumeits like riding a bicycle because you know its more reliable than a motorcycle09:00
thoreauputictsume: so I assume you run Hoary?09:01
tsumethoreauputic: affirmative09:01
^thehatsrule^geneo... xterm &? its a guess09:01
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tsumelarsrohdin: theres a sources.list file in /etc/apt/09:01
elshadiidoes anyone have an opinion about how to replace the mail notification gnome pannel applet?09:01
tsumelarsrohdin: uncomment the ones which are soundful, but don't uncomment the ones which say "for major system updates"09:01
larsrohdintsume, yeah i know...thats the sources we're talking about...09:01
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tsumethoreauputic: better updated software gets the job done faster than old software09:02
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tsumewhat is going to really suck about alaska is they do the same stupid thing aussies do09:02
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actionjacksonandril: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:02
larsrohdintsume, soundful?09:02
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tsumethey charge 49USD a month for 20 gigs a month09:02
thoreauputictsume: yes, well - assuming it doesn't crash and burn.... ;-)09:02
tsumelarsrohdin: which sound right09:02
geneo93no luck09:02
tsumethoreauputic: it doesnt09:02
=== sabmoc|zombie yawns and wakes up.. almost unzombified.
thoreauputictsume: that's nice09:03
larsrohdinok, but i don't know which sounds good...09:03
=== sabmoc|zombie is now known as sabmoc
=== tsume sighs
Absenththoreauputic, I've been on Hoary since last weekend, so far, no problems.09:03
tsumemy cpu keeps throttling lower when I've vmware open :)09:03
tsumethis laptop rocks :)09:03
tsumeGeforceFX 5200 64MB09:03
tsumethe vid card is decent.09:04
thoreauputicAbsenth: sure - if I wasn't on dial up I'd download it too :)09:04
Absenththoreauputic, heh.09:04
tsumeaustralia sucks.09:04
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tsumealaska sucks for the BW too09:04
=== goxy [~goxy@dial4-62-1.scnet.yu] has joined #ubuntu
phxguycan someone tell me what I should have in my fstab to auomount my Windows NTFS drive on hda1??09:04
djpanyone able to help out with a cron message?09:04
Absenthtsume, I've thought about putting ubuntu on my laptop.  Except it's already got a unix that doesn't suck on it.  Hard to justify wiping it out for ubuntu09:04
apokryphosphxguy: ubuntuguide.org09:04
^thehatsrule^phxguy, you know thats prolly read-only?09:04
thoreauputicAbsenth: I'm very happy with warty - only needed to reboot for new kernels so far09:04
tsumebut I'm adventurous :) if I can stand dial-up like I always had, then I can live there09:05
phxguyyup i am aware that ntfs is read only09:05
tsumeAbsenth: linux has always worked on my laptops09:05
tsumeI need to email toshiba for the sources to the software modem09:05
phxguyI followed the ubuntu guide and it doesn't seem to work right....09:05
=== Glin|Jol [~bobo@66-108-244-133.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tsumetoshiba will actually opensource thier software if you ask09:05
Absenthtsume, mine is running OSX.  Linux might be a bit more difficult in terms of apps.09:05
=== mattgirv [~mattgirv@82-34-126-131.cable.ubr01.gray.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
DarthFrogtsume: You could always investigate getting a satellite connection.09:05
tsumeAbsenth: keep OSX, its BSD based, its more secure09:05
tsumeDarthFrog: I thought about that09:06
thoreauputictsume: Australia sucks but, say, Alaska doesn't ? heheh09:06
tsumeDarthFrog: would be faster too09:06
tsumethoreauputic: not as much09:06
Absenthtsume, hense the "unix that doesn't suck"09:06
DarthFrogtsume: Exactly.09:06
actionjacksonAbsenth: YDL09:06
phxguyapokryphos, I have the option set in nautulis to show mounted drives on my desktop but it doesn't show up there09:06
tsumethoreauputic: I like all weather, I just currently feel like being in alaska09:06
Absenthactionjackson, ???09:06
actionjacksonAbsenth: sorry I meant have you tried YDL09:06
DarthFrogtsume: You're in Australia?09:06
apokryphosphxguy: don't know gnome, sorry. :(09:06
tsumeubuntu pasuaf!09:06
goxyi have problemz with intel 536ep modem on ubuntu 5.04 anybody help me09:06
MMondJDahl: Placed it under /var/www . . . still not working (getting the same "open > save as" dialog)09:06
tsumeDarthFrog: no.09:06
ermoCould someone help me debug dri?09:07
Glin|Jolhow would i go about making gtk look less boxy09:07
tsumeDarthFrog: I'm in redneckville because I thought country would be nice to live in for a few years09:07
Glin|Jolgtk themes?09:07
tsumeDarthFrog: Southern states in the US are very poor and theres not many jobs here09:07
DarthFrogtsume: Where is redneckville?09:07
tsumeDarthFrog: Knoxville, TN09:07
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Absenthactionjackson, no I have not.  I've thought about it a few times, but each time I get back to....  I can do everything in OSX YDL would let me do, and I don't have to change anything.09:07
andrilactionjackson: do I restar after doing this?09:08
JDahlMMond, so provided that you really have libapache2-mod-php4 installed (and not just libapache-mod-php4), there's nothing left for you to do but to dig into /etc/apache2 and greb for php... it's easier than it sounds09:08
tsumewindowsxp (this copy) is french *sigh*09:08
codymananyone know why gl screensavers aren't working?09:08
actionjacksonI have it setup as a dual-boot on my PowerBook09:08
tsumehow can I change the keyboard layout in XP? :)09:08
actionjacksonandril: yes09:08
tsumedo I need to download something from MS?09:08
MMondJDahl: I did this in term: root@tosh:/var/www # php -f info.php  <-- and it worked, well . . . in term at least09:08
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andrilthanks I'll be back09:08
Absenthtsume, start, settings, control panel, keyboards/mice I believe.09:08
goxyi compile module insert it into kernel make links  but intel 536ep dont works09:08
goxyhelp me09:09
kentDoes some one know of a client to play poker over the internet with money? A friend asked me to get www.multipoker.com to work in Linux but their client wont work with wine, so if some one knows of another way to play poker with money in linux I think he would be happy :)09:09
=== erik [~erik@64-151-19-52-dhcp-kc.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsumeAbsenth: I thought I checked there, I'll check again09:09
Xappetsume, try alt+shift09:09
goxyi compile module insert it into kernel make links  but intel 536ep dont works help me09:09
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Absenthtsume, I know for sure there's a utility in there somewhere, but no promises as to where it is.....  I'll take a look at the wifes pc,  it's the only windows pc left in the house.09:09
MMondJDahl: wait, so I have to have libapache-mod-php4 too, so not just libapache2-mod-php4, but both? o.009:09
tsumeXappe: *sigh*09:09
mattgirvCan anyone recommend me a good Terminal that can sort of... hmm, fade onto the desktop, so it looks like part of the desktop rather than being window-like :P09:09
tsumeXappe: then I need to take vmware off alt shift :)09:09
Xappetsume, ahaha09:09
=== obeonekanewbie [~obeonekan@host81-156-244-22.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
JDahlMMond, that's not what I said... I am just saying that maybe you have the wrong package installed09:10
thor|awaymattgirv: eterm or aterm09:10
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Xappetsume, I think that's the default combination if you have more than one configuration09:10
goxyi compile module insert it into kernel make links  but intel 536ep dont works help me09:10
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thor|awaymattgirv: in fluxbox, you can toggle window decorations off by editing ~/.fluxbox/keys09:10
Xappetsume, installed09:10
=== Monkeyhead [~Affenkopf@muedsl-82-207-249-057.citykom.de] has joined #ubuntu
MMondJDahl: I have libapache2-mod-php4 and apache2 . . . I cannot imagine what else could possibly be wrong . . . :s09:10
tsumeXappe: hmm09:10
mattgirvthor|away: I am running Openbox at the mo' maybe its a similar command or something09:11
tsumeXappe: booting XP back up.. minute09:11
thor|awaymattgirv: also for logs there's roottail09:11
MMondI had little knowledge to begin with ;\09:11
mattgirvI will have to check :)09:11
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JDahlMMond, so dig into the configuration files09:11
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tsumeI haven't used windows in a long time, but I bought turbotax and it wouldn't run on wine09:11
tsumeI like doing my own taxes with computer programs :)09:11
Xappetsume, haven't used win for five months or so...so I'm not  really sure09:12
phxguytsume:  are you familiar with Wine???09:12
Absenthtsume, have you tried turbotax through Crossover Office?09:12
MMondJDahl: Before I do -- php4 worked with apache1.3, I'm simpy saying, to assure that this might possibly be of any good, I mean, if apache1.3 worked with php . . . and now this isn't . . . something else might be caused it . . . I download a _lot_ of things when I started with this.. lots of other modules09:12
tsumephxguy: it wont run with crossoveroffice either09:12
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tsumeAbsenth: have that, tried that :)09:12
alicanwhere can I find package kernel-source-2.6.10-509:12
tsumeAbsenth: it was acting glitchy09:13
Absenthtsume, it was worth a shot.09:13
alicanapt-get says : Couldn't find package kernel-source-2.6.10-509:13
MMondanyways . . . I'll get dirty with it . . . haven't ever messed with the configuration files before . . . but here I go09:13
phxguytsume: Was wonder if you have used wine to run Quicken.....09:13
=== spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
JDahlMMond, I use apache2 with php4 for a small server at work.. it was easy to setup09:13
Absenthtsume, I don't suppose you know how to rebuild your Crossover office menus in gnome on hoary?09:13
tsumephxguy: crossoveroffice runs quicken09:13
Xappealican, the name is linux-source in ubuntu09:13
Absenthtsume, Mine vanished post dist-upgrade09:13
phxguyis crossover hard to configure???09:13
tsumeAbsenth: no idea, I usually type out paths09:13
=== thorN [~joe@82-47-218-214.cable.ubr01.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tsumeAbsenth: the menu should be automatic09:14
MMondJDahl: So was apache1.3 and php.. simply checked off a few things and I had it working from scratch within 2 minutes . . .09:14
tsumeAbsenth: you rebuild from the cxsetup09:14
MMondJDahl: Should I just mess with php.ini, and that'd be it? Or . . . something else too?09:14
thorNIs there any chance that my crappy "Visioneer 4800" scanner will work in Ubuntu? (Cos it's not working at the moment)09:14
Absenth./cxsetup:error: could not find CrossOver in '/home/lnoldan/cxoffice/bin'09:14
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tsumeI installed mine in /opt09:15
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JDahlMMond, look in /etc/apache2/*, I dont think you have to configure php.ini09:15
phxguythorN, I think we're outta ucj on that.... I have a visioneer 9220 and it doesn't work either under ubuntu =(09:15
alicanXappe, ok I am updating it.. is there anything else after new kernel 2.6.11 is installed09:15
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Absenthtsume, I'll uninstall, and reinstall to /opt which is a better loction anyway :)09:16
MMondapache2.conf  httpd.conf  mods-available  ports.conf  sites-available  ssl  conf.d        magic       mods-enabled    README      sites-enabled  <-- here is what is there.. where should I begin? I have absolutely no knowledge of this.. :s09:16
edulixbah it didn't work :|09:16
edulixwell it's dinner time09:16
jncMMond: it's a relatively new layout for apache configuration09:17
jnci myself have not yet mastered it09:17
=== djp is looking for some advice with regards dar and a cron message in my mbox
Xappealican, i'm using 2.6.10-5, so I don't know if there's a difference in installation procedure09:17
jncthorN: which interface does it use physically?09:18
thorNit's a USB thing09:18
=== haich [~haich@105.Red-81-33-105.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
thorNI haven't had any expeirence with Hotplug and things09:19
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MMondjnc: Yeah.. but I have absolutely no knowledge at all whatsoever of this.. I'm  new to linux/ubuntu/apache/php . . . :s09:19
sal002okay - mkinitrd gives me a /dev/fd does not exeist - nayone get this?09:19
=== geneo93 [~geneo93@1Cust3478.an4.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarthFrogsal002: that's your floppy drive.09:19
jncMMond: well, welcome to Ubuntu, at least09:19
jnci have been using Debian GNU/Linux distro for my webservers09:20
sal002DarthFrog: Right.09:20
MMondThanks, I suppose09:20
jncit is similar i think09:20
sal002But how do I get mkinitrd to generate the right initrd without caring about my floppy drive?09:20
thoreauputicjnc: practically identical in fact ;)09:20
geneo93DarthFrog:  how do i get another terminal that wont cover this09:20
MMondI have been using Windows for 4 years . . . first time using Linux . . . put it on a 266 mhz laptop.. with GNOME, kinda slow.. but I'm dealing with it09:21
_linux_newb2mmond: dont use gnome09:21
DarthFroggeneo93: Be more specific, please.09:21
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geneo93say lower left corner09:21
DarthFrogsal002: man mkinitrd09:21
thoreauputicMMond: it would run better with a light window manager09:21
_linux_newb2use fluxbox or something a little lighter09:21
djpanyone able to help with an mbox message generated when attempting to run a script using cron to perform a diff backup using dar?09:21
bung__eww initrd09:21
jncMMond: the windowing system X11 is a memory hog09:21
geneo93DarthFrog:  i'm in failsafe xterm09:21
ermoany x.org dri/drm buffs around? I'm getting strange errors on my ati r200 setup (which is supposedly supported)09:21
jncwithout the pretty GUI stuff, a 233mhz box is *perfect* for webserving09:22
larsrohdinevery 20 times i start ubuntu, it checks my filesystems... how can i make it not check the filesystems?09:22
thoreauputicjnc: it isn't X11 that's the problem - it's what runs on it :)09:22
_linux_newb2dont use ext309:22
thorNjnc: my 500MHz webbox is excessive then ;)09:22
AnubisSysInfo: uname: Linux 2.6.10-3-k7 CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+ 1533.771 MHz Bogomips: 3039.23 Mem: 291/504M [||||||||||]  Diskspace: 45.84G Free: 10.60G Procs: 98 Uptime: 9 hrs 48 mins 49 secs Load: 0.11 0.10 0.09  Screen: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]  (rev a3) Screen Resolution: 1024x768 (32 bpp) eth0: In: 90.39M Out: 3.70M09:22
=== karaffb [~karaffb@12-217-207-57.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
jncthorN: yes ;)09:22
jncyes it is09:22
thoreauputicjnc: X11 itself is quite efficient09:22
MMondI used xfce for a while . . . is it lighter than fluxbox?09:22
=== jnc pets his Athlon64 3000+ work box
thoreauputicMMond: no09:23
GNAMit seems a good idea a "/home" on vfat partition, to condivide firefox/thunderbird settings windows/linux09:23
MMondAnd keep in mind, that I am a nub, and I have heard that the installation of fluxbox is rather intricate09:23
bung__computers suck09:23
djpjnc: got a 200mhz, 64mb machine here, running linux and using icewm for the gui. works very quick09:23
thorNhorrible shameful fact, jnc: my webserver is running gnome :O09:23
bung__horses are where it's at09:23
Chipzz_linux_newb2: tsssk09:23
Chipzzlarsrohdin: man tune2fs09:23
jncdjp: ah!   icewm, this is easily done with ubuntu?09:23
Absenthbung__, I agree completely09:23
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_linux_newb2chipzz: what?09:23
thoreauputicMMond: not really - you would only need to edit one file to start it09:23
GNAMsoftware sucks, not computer09:23
erikhow can i install kde on ubuntu?09:23
=== mijndert [~mijndert@i173047.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bung__you've never seen my computer then.09:23
jncerik: #kubuntu  i thinK?09:24
Chipzzlarsrohdin: there is an option to set how much times a filesystem can be mounted without getting checked09:24
jncChipzz: yes, use 'tune2fs'09:24
Chipzz_linux_newb2: teh "don't use ext3" remark09:24
djpjnc: sure. however the machine is currently running vector linux due to internet not being available to it yet. as soon as it is though, switching over to ubunutu and using icewm with it09:24
Chipzzjnc: wrong person09:24
apokryphosPyre: tell erik ubukde09:24
Pyreerik: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingKDE09:24
geneo93there is no #kubuntu09:24
MMondthoreauputic:  Hmm.. how light exactly is thoreauputic? I usually stay away from anything that is not mainstream . . . and from what I've seen/heard, I'll have to do a lot more worrying and taking care of it09:24
apokryphosgeneo93: there is09:24
jnci thought someone said @kubuntu09:24
jncerr.  you know09:24
MMondsorry.. :|09:25
=== Absenth prays Dawn Of War works on Cedega 4.3
=== Absenth doesn't hold his breath
MMondIs KDE lighter than GNOME? o.009:25
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Echylohow to open LaTeX files? .tex.tgz files09:25
_linux_newb2mmond: no09:25
thoreauputicMMond: well, have a look at http://fluxbox.org and read about it :)09:25
bung__Echylo: sounds like you need to tar zxvf that file09:25
jncMMond: KDE would be nicer with a better optimizing compiler i think09:25
bung__then run latex foo.tex09:25
bung__then xdvi foo.dvi09:26
thoreauputicMMond: KDE and Gnome are similar in resource use09:26
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mattgirv          about it :)09:26
mattgirv20:25 <    bung__> Echylo: sounds like you need to tar zxvf that file09:26
mattgirv20:25 <       jnc> MMond: KDE would be nicer with a better optimizing compiler09:26
mattgirv          i think09:26
mattgirvoops :( sorry09:26
mijndertHi, I have just installed Ubuntu Hoary on my pc and I have problems with the sound. My chip is SiS (on a cheap ASrock mobo), All seems OK but no sound is coming out of my speakers. What can be wrong?09:26
Echylotgz aint a tar file I think09:26
=== airox slaps mattgirv
bung__Echylo: suck it and see09:26
Echylowell let's see09:26
mattgirvlol, messing around with irssi :P09:26
elmayaturn up the volume09:26
jncEchylo: it may be a compressed tar file09:26
_linux_newb2mijndert:  try alsaconf09:26
mijndertelmaya, all up09:26
mijndertOk, I'll try09:26
Echylosucking it doesn't help09:27
Echylolets try tar09:27
jncEchylo: the 'tar' command can be asked to handle some types of compression09:27
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DemonTearswhat is the best cdburner for ubuntu ?09:27
thoreauputic_linux_newb2: no alsaconf in ubuntu09:27
jncEchylo: with tar, you must tell it which type of compression to use,  'j' for bzip2,  'z' for gzip09:27
mijndertalsaconf is not found09:27
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mijndertah oke09:27
mattgirvahhh perfect :D09:27
Echyloyes yes already unzipped09:27
jncDemonTears: good question09:27
mijndertstrange :S09:27
sal002ah ha!  that is where my apt-get update broke my system...09:27
sal002mkinitrd failed with no /dev/fd09:28
Absenthis there a way to force umount?09:28
Echyloand how to open .tex files? :p09:28
Chipzzsal002: apt-get update will never ever break your system09:28
mrquickhey guys, I'm having trouble using mplayer out to esd.... esd is working, but mplayer reports Could not open/initialize audio device... I specify -ao esd09:28
sal002It did!09:28
jncDemonTears: there is some built-in things for making CDs with GNOME 2.10, in the upcoming Hoary Hedgehog09:28
_linux_newb2sal002: just dont overwrite files already on your system09:28
jnci did not see a way to burn ISO9660 files though09:28
djpDemonTears: GnomeBaker for me09:28
mijndertMusic Player does not give any error (have sound on AUTO). But no sound at all09:28
sal002it install latest -5 kernel..mkinitrd failed09:28
MMondOne thing that makes me scratch my head is the sometimes low opacity for their windows . . . I have been using Windows for a long time, and I would imagine that it would dramtically eat up the memory like pac-man on coke09:29
airoxI love ubuntu!09:29
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airoxJust to mention it.09:29
erikthianks pyre09:29
GNAMubuntu RULEZ!09:29
sal002initrd for the -5 image wasn't created correctly09:29
mijndertGNAM, It does when my sound works ;)09:29
bung__jnc: I've not been paying attention to whatever you're on about, but you know you can mount those files directly?09:29
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Chipzzjnc: just right-click on the iso and select burn09:29
Absenthso is there a way to force umount?09:29
jncChipzz: !   i didn't even think to try this09:30
=== jnc blushes
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thoreauputicMMond: yes, transparency eats resources - but you can turn it off09:30
Chipzzjnc: me neither in the beginning ;)09:30
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sal002And now mkinitrd fails...says no /dev/fd09:30
mijndertDoes anybody have a solution to my sound problem?09:30
sal002man mkinitrd is of no use09:30
Chipzzjnc: I blushed too when I found out :)09:30
tottynick totty09:30
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mrquickcan anyone help me with an mplayer sound problem?09:30
Absenthmijndert, try "killall esd" and see if mplayer works that way09:30
Beunohey, I just installed kubuntu over ubuntu, and now Im stuck on 640x480, any ideas?09:30
jncand guess what i was trying to burn?  of course, the ubuntu iso!09:30
DemonTearsdjp, jnc thx09:30
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_linux_newb2mijndert: mkinitrd was not meant for you i dont believe09:31
mrquickI don't want to kill esd though! I never had this problem in debian!09:31
tottyhoooo year geniol  the westion ubuntu09:31
GNAMubunto xfree version with kubuntu xorg version?09:31
sal002_linux_newb2: I didn't.09:31
djpanyoneable to help me out with my dar problem?09:31
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apokryphosGNAM: xorg09:31
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genghiswow.  hoary update today and everything's very cramped indeed from a GNOME line-spacing point of view.  any ideas?09:32
mrquicksound card definitely works09:32
thoreauputicdjp: what's dar ? I haven't come across it...09:32
DemonTearscan install rpm file  in ubuntu ?09:32
mrquickbecause all of gnome sounds come through09:32
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mrquickwhen I pkill esd sounds plays through mplayer09:33
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thoreauputicDemonTears: you can, sometimes using "alien" - but why?09:33
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jncgenghis: maybe, submit a bug?    i have amd64 and the hoary preview, it is working nicely.  i have not noticed any line spacing issues yet09:33
mijnderthow can I see my sound card works properly?09:33
mrquickbut when esd is running and I try to mplayer -ao esd I get no sound09:33
djpthoreauputic: backup program09:33
DemonTearsthoreauputic, i wanna install the nero09:33
Xappemrquick, if you compile mplayer yourself and have the esd or poly dev packages installed you can use it with esd or polyp output09:33
MMondAlright. I'll use Fluxbox . . . wish me luck. (really)09:33
mijndertMedia Player plays a MP3 file, but still no sound09:34
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zenwhennero for linux is currently ass09:34
jncmijndert: you could browse to your filesystem, /usr/share/sounds/09:34
mrquickwhen I configure Mplayer, it says it configured for esd09:34
thoreauputicDemonTears: ah, I see - well I can't advise you on that. I use gnomebaker09:34
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reb68I have installed ubuntu and am very new to this. My sound card ,Web Cam, and Scanner do not work. If Hoary is coming out I guess I might as well wait to solve this until I upgrade to Hoary.09:34
jncthere are sounds to play there09:34
mrquickXappe, when I configure Mplayer, it says it configured for esd09:34
jncreb68: maybe09:34
zenwhengraveman is better in every way than the current nero09:34
mijndertjnc, I'll try :)09:34
=== Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
jncreb68: what brand and make are your devices?09:34
DemonTearsthoreauputic, where cen i get that gnomebacker09:34
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jnc(i may know if they work with any linux distro)09:34
Xappemrquick, well, have you tried to change the output to esd then?09:34
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mijndertjnc, No sound at /usr/share/sounds/ :S09:35
thoreauputicDemonTears: I'll get a link - hang on09:35
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djpthoreauputic: http://dar.linux.free.fr/09:35
genghisjnc:  in fact all font rendering is weird09:35
mrquickXappe,yeah I specify -ao esd09:35
jncmijndert: hmm09:35
DemonTearsthoreauputic, ok thx09:35
thoreauputicDemonTears: warty?09:35
jncmijndert: i think this is strange, there should be sound files in the /usr/share/sounds directory09:36
DarthFrogGNAM: Install Warty, then.09:36
thoreauputicDemonTears:  http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/09:36
djpDemonTears: thoreauputic recommended gnomebaker to me. it is excellent!09:36
GNAMwarty doesn't boot on my laptop09:36
mijndertYes there is, but when I try to play one, no sound is coming out of my speakers09:36
GNAMhoary 6 works09:36
Fl-i-nTHi can anyone help me with a tiny mozilla-firefox problem?09:36
DemonTearsthoreauputic, thx09:36
DarthFrogGNAM: So what's your problem?09:36
jncdjp: i could not find gnomebaker, is this in Universe?09:36
thoreauputicDemonTears: there are several files - you want the appropriate .deb09:36
Fl-i-nTit comes up with some wierd text at the bottom09:36
sal002Ahh!  Now I get similar error to - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2664.html09:36
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GNAMwarty had a serious problem in x86_64 kernel09:36
jncFl-i-nT: screenie?09:36
DemonTearsthoreauputic, im using the 4.1009:36
reb68The cam is Dexxa which is same as logiteck. (sic) The sound card is ES1869 Control Interface (WDM) and the scanner is an OLD Microtec Scanmaker 4800.I am told it will never work in linux,09:37
Fl-i-nTjnc, what?09:37
jnctake a screenshot, please09:37
sal002Looks like off to bug report09:37
jncso i can see09:37
GNAMproblem solved with hoary09:37
mijndertjnc, there are some OGG en wave files but no sound is coming out of my speakers09:37
=== tsume wish he would get paid to help irc
jncmijndert: okay.  maybe sound does not work09:37
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thoreauputicDemonTears: http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/warty/gnomebaker/releases/i386/gnomebaker_0.3-1ubuntu1_i386.deb09:37
=== tsume recieved 2 payment offers in the past and denied them for kindness :)
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Fl-i-nTjnc, now what?09:37
mijndertjnc, do you know a solution? I realy would like sound on my pc :)09:38
jncFl-i-nT: erm, could you email to me?  jnc@gentoo.org09:38
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jnci will look09:38
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jncmijndert: privmsg, please.  i can try some things09:38
DemonTearsthoreauputic, i get an error while installing it09:38
geneo91damn ubuntu keeps crashing even in failsafe xterm09:39
mattgirvHow can I take a screenshot of my Linux box ? :)09:39
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Tyniancan anyone help me update my menu.lst file? I have to add "acpi=force pci=noacpi" to the kernal params but I'm not sure where09:39
mattgirvPrint Screen no longer suffices in Openbox :P09:39
hno73Could someone give some advice on unbreaking my ubuntu :)09:39
apokryphosmattgirv: there's an option to "take screenshot" in one of the Gnome menus there09:39
djpjnc: get it from here ...http://digitalpenguin.homelinux.org/downloads/09:39
thoreauputicDemonTears: did you do sudo dpkg -i <nameofpackage> ?09:39
hno73I changed the name of vthe first user and now I can no longer sudo09:39
jncdjp: ! thanks09:39
mattgirvapokryphos: :( I don't use Gnome I am afraid.09:40
apokryphosmattgirv: what do you use?09:40
DemonTearsthoreauputic, its ok thx09:40
Fl-i-nTjnc, done it its sent09:40
thoreauputicDemonTears: got it?09:40
mattgirvapokryphos: I know there are terminal commands to do it, but I forgot them, I am using Openbox at the moment09:40
MMondOkay.. so I'm getting Fluxbox.. http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/download.php what exactly do I wanna get? The debian binary package?09:40
apokryphosmattgirv: erm, you could use imagemagick if you have that installed09:40
apokryphosmattgirv: if not, it's a quick installation anyhow09:40
hno73What's the best way to add myself to the sudo list again? With a live CD?09:40
djpjnc: thoreauputic gave the roiginal link earlier09:40
mattgirvoki :)09:40
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wdhdoes anyone know of a good GTK alternative for an integrated LaTeX editor such as Kile(KDE) or TeXnicsCenter(Windows)??09:41
DemonTearsthoreauputic, do i have to be root to exec it09:41
jncFl-i-nT: okay.   i will have a look09:41
GNAMgood question wdh09:41
thoreauputicDemonTears:   ` sudo dpkg -i packagename09:42
mattgirvapokryphos: What is the command when I have installed that?09:42
thoreauputicor do you mean the app?09:42
wdhGNAM, i know :P09:42
Fl-i-nTjnc, wait its still sending it o.O09:42
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DemonTearsthoreauputic, not for exe after install09:42
MMondOkay.. so I'm getting Fluxbox.. http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/download.php what exactly do I wanna get? The debian binary package? <-- :s09:42
Fl-i-nTjnc, how long does it take for evolution to send a email?09:42
TynianI *think* I just need to add that to the of the default params, but I'm not sure...09:42
apokryphosmattgirv: import09:42
Fl-i-nTjnc, its been saying sending for like 30 seconds09:42
zenwhensudo apt-get install fluxbox09:43
thoreauputicDemonTears: it shoulbe in the menu under multimedia - if not, just type  gnomebaker & in a terminal09:43
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Fl-i-nTjnc, there finally sent09:43
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DemonTearsthoreauputic, ok thx09:43
reb68I think I will try my question again later09:43
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MMondhttp://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/download.php  <-- what package do I want here? :x09:46
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thoreauputicDemonTears: BTW if you start from a terminal it will probably spit out a few warnings - if it works Ok you can disregard them09:47
DemonTearsthoreauputic, thx its work good :)09:47
Fl-i-nTjnc, any solution?09:47
thoreauputicDemonTears: you're welcom - enjoy :)09:47
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jncFl-i-nT: hang on, i am fighting my email spam09:48
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jncit is a losing battle09:48
fluoroHey guys.09:48
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Fl-i-nTjnc, why?09:48
DemonTearsthoreauputic, its freeze :( when converting mp3 to audio file09:48
AjrayI loathe satellight internet09:48
AjrayHey everyone09:49
mattgirvSatellite by the way, ehm I think lol09:49
thoreauputicDemonTears: I haven't tried that - if you run it from a terminal, you might see an error when it does that09:49
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Fl-i-nTDoes anyone know of a good WEb making programme?09:50
thoreauputicDemonTears: if it won't close, type ` killall gnomebaker` in a terminal09:50
EchyloFl-i-nT  Gedit09:50
thoreauputicthen try it from the terminal09:50
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SnarfyFl-i-nT,  NVU09:50
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AjraySee why I hate it?09:51
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MMondI can't download fluxbox by syanptic now, can I?09:51
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, i cant find that package on my Synaptic09:51
robin_I have installed xserver-xfree86 (because xorg currently doesn't support my i845 in res higher than 640) but it does not save configuration made with 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86'09:51
thoreauputicMMond: you can, but it's an old version in warty09:51
MMondthoreauputic: Hrmm. http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/download.php <-- what do I want here then? the binary debian package?09:52
XappeAjray, sattelite? modem upstream and satellite downstream?09:52
thoreauputicMMond: if you like I can send you the deb I made for myself09:52
AjraySatellight up and down09:52
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robin_robin_ I solved the problem, by using the xorg configuration file.. but I think dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 should do the job ;)09:52
Sonium_can someone tell me my root password?09:53
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thoreauputicMMond: you install it with the  `sudo dpkg -i ` command09:53
apokryphosSonium_: ubuntu uses sudo; not the conventional root.09:53
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Sonium_erm, that means?09:53
mattgirvIt means there is no root account09:53
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, how do i get that ppackage?09:53
apokryphosSonium_: it means "you", but with root permissions.09:53
apokryphosPyre: tell Sonium_ ubusudo09:53
PyreSonium_: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo09:53
XappeAjray, how do you accomplish that? sending with your parabolic antenna? ;)09:53
mattgirvYou have to use the sudo command to give root priviledges09:54
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thoreauputicMMond: http://interlink.webhop.org/fluxbox-0.9.12_0.9.12-1_i386.deb09:54
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AjrayI really wonder why I came here. I don't even have a ubuntu distro Yet Another09:54
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SnarfyFl-i-nT,  i don't think there is a dep but there are rpm's ... maybe a alien will work09:54
thoreauputicMMond: that will get you a warty deb, anyway09:54
SnarfyFl-i-nT,  didn't try myself09:54
AjrayThe DW6000 modem sucks badly, though.09:54
MMondthoreauputic: Made for yourself.. as I said, I usually stay close to the mainstream stuf.. at the same time, I have incredibly little knowledge of this.. my laptop seems to have really great compatilibty problems, it's 6 years old, 266 mhz, I used it for experimenting :s09:54
BauhnHi, I tried to install vlc through "apt-get install vlc" but it didn't work.. can anyone help me with installing it?09:55
airoxAnyone has a working msi pc54g wireless card ? (Broadcom chipset)09:55
thoreauputicMMond: up to you - several people have had no trouble with that deb09:55
encKe`does Ubuntu support a pretty good range of pci wireless cards?09:55
robin_airox: ndiswrapper ?09:55
encKe`like Motorola by chance?09:55
thoreauputicMMond: but I understand your reticence09:55
airoxrobin_: Would that work ?09:55
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, an alien?09:55
airoxrobin_: Hard to configure ?09:55
DarthFrogrobin_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper09:56
robin_airox: you could check it, my linksys wpc54g is also broadcom and seems to work09:56
Fl-i-nTjnc, any luck?09:56
SnarfyFl-i-nT,  http://www.nvu.com/download.html <= the package09:56
robin_DarthFrog: I already got it to work :P09:56
thoreauputicMMond: fluxbox is a very small and simple window manager - not a lot can go horribly wrong with it09:56
BauhnCan anyone here help me to install VLC?09:56
DarthFrogrobin_: Good stuff.  How well is it working?09:56
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airoxDarthFrog: Give it to me!09:56
jncFl-i-nT: not yet.   i apparently have a small penis that needs to 'grow'  according to emails i receive09:56
WillCookeDoes anyone know if WEP should work when using ndiswrapper to drive a linksys 802.11b card?09:56
robin_DarthFrog: perfectly09:56
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SnarfyFl-i-nT,  alien ... use to make a .dep from a .rpm09:56
DarthFrogairox: Give what to you?09:56
robin_DarthFrog: including WPA09:56
AjrayWell, as much as I'm accomplishing here I must leave09:57
MMondthoreauputic: Fair enough.. I'll give it a shot09:57
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airoxDarthFrog: that url ;)09:57
DarthFrogairox: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper09:57
robin_WillCooke: probably09:57
airoxtnx DarthFrog09:57
thoreauputicMMond: I can probably walk you through setting it up to start from gdm login - not too hard09:57
WillCookerobin, :)  I must be doing something wrong then!09:57
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Fl-i-nTjnc, hehe09:58
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robin_how good is the Kubuntu btw ?09:58
=== robin_ really like KDE :)
BauhnI need help with installing VLC (or any other media player that play mp3's) Anyone here who can?09:58
=== djp is still looking for help regards an mbox message caused by running a cron script...
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thoreauputicrobin_: most people who tried it seem to be happy09:58
apokryphosrobin_: really very great. :)09:58
XappeBauhn, sudo apt-get install xmms09:58
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thoreauputicapokryphos: you're biased ;-)09:59
BauhnXappe, and how does that program work?09:59
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, whats the website for alien?09:59
djpBauhn: the Music Player default for ubuntu plays MP3's09:59
bwlangBauhn: I recommend amarok: it's a nice gui... if you want something simpler xmms is okay... on the command line there are other options.09:59
robin_apokryphos: okay, I will give it a try09:59
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XappeBauhn, xmms is a winamp clone09:59
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apokryphosthoreauputic: shh, don't tell them. :P09:59
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Bauhndjp, no it doesn't09:59
BauhnXappe, nice09:59
Bauhnbwlang, and how do i get it?10:00
thoreauputicapokryphos: heheh :)10:00
djpBauhn: sure does!10:00
XappeBauhn, you could also try beep-media-player10:00
bwlangBauhn: do you know how to use synaptic ?10:00
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SnarfyFl-i-nT,  did you try apt-get install alien ?10:00
Bauhnbwlang, not really ;P10:00
djpBauhn: check out the following link for help setting up ubuntu http://ubuntuguide.org10:00
Rockjwhich one should I stick with? ftp://ftp.uninett.no/linux/ubuntu-iso/10:00
Fl-i-nTnope didnt know you had to do that soz10:00
Rockjwhich directory?10:00
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NamShubEverytime I log into ubuntu I lose my net connection after a few minutes...10:01
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, ok i have done that now should it be in my Synaptic?10:01
NamShubHow can I bring it back manually10:01
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bwlangBauhn: well - you're going to want to use that if you're going to use ubuntu... it's on the "system" menu... there's pretty good help for it.10:01
NamShub(im connected to a router with dhcp)10:01
pvhI can't eject a CD from my drive!10:01
Bauhnbwlang, i tested it yesterday, but i dont understand it totally yet..10:02
bwlangNamShub: i suspect you have multiple copies of dhclient running and interfering with each other...10:02
pvhIt doesn't show up in media, and it won't respond to pressing the button!10:02
pvhNamShub: great nick10:02
Xappepvh, you have to unmount it first10:02
robin_btw, I still think there is something wrong with the xorg package and the i810 driver10:02
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, oh ok i get it what it does but how can i find a NVU RPM now?10:02
NamShubbwlang: and how can I stop one?10:02
NamShubpvh: thx :P10:02
pvhXappe: it's not mounted apparently10:02
Rockjwhich directory/distro-release should I stick with? ftp://ftp.uninett.no/linux/ubuntu-iso/10:02
Xappepvh,  it probably is10:02
bwlangBauhn: the main idea there is to mark software for installation or deinstallatoin... just search for xmms or amarok or whatever and mark it for installation10:02
Rockjhoary? jigit? warty?10:03
pvhXappe: umount: /dev/hdc is not mounted (according to mtab)10:03
SnarfyFl-i-nT,  if you installed alien, then try downloading the rpm for NVU and "alien" it to a debian package with alien <package.rpm>10:03
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Xappepvh, do a umount /media/cdrom0 and try the button again10:03
bwlangNamShub: you can tell if my hypothesis is correct by typing ps aux | grep dhc  on a command line ... you should see only one of these10:03
NamShubbwlang: ps aux | grep dh shows only 1 process10:03
bwlangNamShub: interesting... what does route -n show10:03
thoreauputicRockj: how much experience do you have with linux? if not much, choose warty10:03
Fl-i-nTSnarfy, do i have to get NVU from there site or do i type apt-get something?10:03
pvhXappe: it's my second drive, and isn't listed in media10:03
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NamShub192.168.1.0   U     0      0        0 eth010:03
NamShub0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth010:03
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Xappepvh, ah10:04
Bauhnbwlang, sweet10:04
bwlangnamshub: no line like this?         UG    0      0        0 ath010:04
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thoreauputicFl-i-nT: www.ubuntuguide.org has a guide for installing nvu10:04
robin_those the kubuntu got also that nice update package manager ?10:04
suposAnyone know if the firefox icons are supposed to look the way they do in Hoary? (Is this a bug or a feature?)10:05
djpanyone here adept at setting up cron jobs?10:05
Rockjthoreauputic: abit, but not that much. I want to run it as a server, not a desktop with GUI. if GUI, it shoulden't be gnome or kde but just light-one.10:05
Xappepvh, and no entry in the Places menu or in nautilus?10:05
bwlangnamshub: you can manually add the route like this 'ip route add default'10:05
apokryphosrobin_: it has kynaptic, which -- to be fair -- isn't as advanced as synaptic, but work is being done on it.10:05
pvhXappe: no...10:05
apokryphosrobin_: but if you've got gtk installed, there's no harm in having synaptic anyhow.10:05
thoreauputicRockj: for that, I personally would use Debian Sarge10:05
pvhrobin_: kynaptic is pretty nice in some ways. it's really fast.10:05
Sonium_isn't gcc a part of the standart ubuntu installation?10:06
SnarfyFl-i-nT,  better follow this, then you're sure it will work [thoreauputic Fl-i-nT: www.ubuntuguide.org has a guide for installing nvu] 10:06
Xappepvh, ok...strange. well have you tried to umount the usual mountpoint for the drive then?10:06
Rockjthoreauputic: I tried Debian Sarge, the install just "forks" up :/10:06
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robin_well I meant the Ubuntu Update manager, and not synaptic10:06
thoreauputicRockj: the new installer for debian is the same as the ubuntu installer - that's odd10:06
pvhXappe: yeah, without any luck.10:06
Rockjonly one I have managed to get thru, where everything is working is Fedora. but atm I got troubles compiling stuff.10:06
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Rockjthoreauputic: hum :/10:06
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Xappepvh, that's bad :/ how about forced umount?10:07
pvhXappe: doesn't show up in mount -l10:07
bwlangRockj: you could try installing debian from a live distro... like knoppix.   But the debian installer is pretty solid... is it possible that you gave it bad info?10:07
thoreauputicRockj: is this an old machine?10:07
Xappepvh, ok10:07
pvhXappe: so apparently, it isn't mounted at all10:07
pvhXappe: Perhaps I could force a remount.10:07
Rockjthoreauputic: abit old, p2 450mhz with scsi hdd10:07
Bauhnwhy do i allways get "broken packages" when i'm trying with apt-get?10:07
Rockjbwlang: nope, not afaik.10:07
Xappepvh, you cant mount it either?10:07
thoreauputicRockj: should be fine as a server, assuming you have reasonable RAM10:08
Rockjthoreauputic: don't remember the exact error I had, but I had error with gentoo too :/10:08
bwlangRockj: I'm not saying you "knowingly" gave it bad info... ;)10:08
pvhmount /media/cdrom010:08
pvhheh, wrong windwo10:08
jncRockj: *drool*10:08
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thoreauputicBauhn: have you checked that you have all repositories configured right?10:08
pvhXappe: mount seems to be hung...10:09
Xappepvh, that should be mount /dev/hd[x]  /media/cdrom010:09
jncRockj: load it up with as much memory as possible, and run a web server10:09
Rockjthoreauputic: Used days to try to get help, but noone could help me, so I gave up the idea and went back to a working install of fedora :/10:09
pvhXappe: unless it's in the fstab10:09
pvhXappe: which it wasn't10:09
Bauhnthoreauputic, i dont know, not so good at linux..10:09
djpBauhn: did you manage to get mp3's playing with your default music player, Rhythmbox?10:09
Rockjjnc: its only supposed to be for that. ;) and a dhcp server10:09
pvhXappe: but now mount has frozen.10:09
Rockjmaybe running samba so I could move over some gb's with stash ;)10:09
jncRockj: maybe you should think about staying with a minimal install of debian gnu/linux10:09
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Xappepvh, kill the bastard :P10:10
jncunless it is your only desktop computer10:10
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pvhXappe: won't even respond to sigints10:10
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Xappepvh, hmm, that's bad10:10
TrixisityHas anyone experience in mounting a USB mass storage device such as an mp3-man10:10
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pvhXappe: Sweet, now mount is gone from my proc listing, but my terminal is still hung.10:10
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Rockjjnc: mhm.  but I might wanna try to get it to compile psybnc first. Thats my only problem I have now with fedora. but I get a problem realated to: http://forums.devshed.com/t110356/s.html?highlight=psyBNC10:10
pvhXappe: this just keeps getting weirder10:11
maxcheeWhat is the difference between evolution and kontact? Which one is more mature? and Which one is more stable?10:11
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MMondDoes it come with suckit?10:11
SysFailanybody have that reposit for the dvd playback file????10:11
SysFaili cant find the forum entry that had it10:11
maxcheeSysfail: google debian marillat10:11
Xappepvh, i suggest you kick your cdrom drive10:11
djpmaxchee: i think kontact is KDE app and Evolution is gnome based10:11
pvhXappe: I suggest you don't buy HP.10:11
jncmaxchee: evolution has support from Novell company10:11
maxcheedjp: that's rather...obvious?10:11
Rockjjnc: any suggestion on the psybnc error? downgrade gcc? oO10:12
pvhXappe: time to reboot. this is oogalay10:12
Xappepvh, well, their printers are ok :P10:12
apokryphosmaxchee: I prefer kontact. Tight intergration with several other things... kmail/akregator/addressbook/kontact etc.10:12
maxcheebut what about their functions?10:12
djpmaxchee: sorry. just giving a difference. i prefer evolution for what it is worth...10:12
apokryphosquite a few more things, too.10:12
SysFailthere was a great entry for it on the ubuntu forums10:12
jncRockj: privmsg me if you want and we can work it out10:12
SysFailwhere the hell did it go10:12
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maxcheeI believe kontact is rather new. Is it as stable as evolution or is it more stable?10:13
NamShubWinOk I logged on my old computer so I could login to IRC10:13
NamShubWinAfter ~5 minutes, I lose my net connection10:13
apokryphosmaxchee: Well, I've never come across a bug, and I use it all the time.10:13
NamShubWin*fresh* (k)ubuntu install10:13
maxcheeSysFail: just search ubuntu wiki for debian marillat and you will find the article10:13
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DarthFrogmaxchee: Kontact is quite good.  I've used it for over a year and had no problems with it.10:14
maxcheedo both of them support mbox importing?10:14
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NamShubWinI can not even ping my router :(10:14
maxcheeDarthfrog: so you've used it before kontact 1.0 is released, right?10:14
NamShubWinany clue?10:14
DarthFrogmaxchee: Well, whatever version was included with KDE 3.2 for Mandrake.10:15
Sonium_where can in find the kernel header files?10:15
maxcheeNamShubWin: your router might ignore ping packets10:15
DarthFrogSonium_: linux-header-(kernel version)10:15
Sonium_full path?10:15
maxcheeNamShubWin: protection from hackers10:15
DarthFrogSonium_: Use Synaptic.10:15
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maxcheeDo evolution and kontact support mbox file importing?10:16
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maxcheeand do they intergrate with the system mailbox10:16
Sonium_what is synaptic ? :P10:16
DarthFrogSonium_: Oh, I see what you're after.  Probably /usr/include/linux10:16
maxcheeSonium_:a graphical package manager10:16
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maxcheeSonium_:you use it to install/uninstall programs10:16
DarthFrogSonium_: :-)  Synaptic is the graphical package manager, used by default in Ubuntu.10:16
Sonium_ok, i'm working on text mode ;)10:17
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DarthFrogmaxchee: KMail can use mbox files.10:17
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Anubisone day xmms is playing10:17
Anubisthe next10:17
Anubisit seg faults?10:17
Sonium_but kernel headers work, thx10:17
DarthFrogSonium_: Then apt-get is your friend.10:17
apokryphosmaxchee: mbox file importing.. kmail: yes.10:17
SysFailits not there maxchee but thanks for your response10:18
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Sonium_hrm, where are there any kernel sources on the standart installation?10:18
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maxcheealso, does anyone here use the system mailbox? I am forced to check my hormail for at least another 6 months regularly and I would like an automated solution10:19
maxcheeI believe on sf.net10:19
maxcheethey provide several daemons that will fetch mail from hotmail servers and download it to the local mailbox10:19
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maxcheebut will modern programs like kmail and evolution accept those?10:20
NamShubWinwhat is the command to bring my network back?10:20
pvfanyone knows why there are no sticky windows in ubuntu ?10:20
Chipzzmaxchee: yes, you connect to local mailserver with evolution10:20
maxcheepvf: you mean the stick notes applet?10:20
Chipzzor kmail10:20
jncno no10:20
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jnc'sticky' windows10:20
jncsame window stays on all desktops10:20
maxcheeChipzz: any security problems associated with it?10:21
jncpvf: that is a function of 'metacity' windowmanager10:21
Chipzzmaxchee: how's that?10:21
FR500is there any way to replace the Mac style clock cursor with the one that was in warty?10:21
Chipzzyou can have it listen only on local adresses10:21
Fl-i-nTjnc, any luck?10:21
pvfmaxchee: no mate...sticky windows...like when you aproximate a window to the border ...it sticks10:21
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maxcheeChipzz: well it's a server, but it would be safe if it only accepts connections10:21
scandiumjnc, right click title bar and select "always on visible workspace"?10:21
jncpvf: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^10:22
scandiumjnc, oh sorry, misread, thought you asked10:22
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jncpvf: i think you are looking for "window resistance"10:22
maxcheepvf: you mean docking windows? I have only seen gaim doing that, on windows 200010:22
Sonium_ok, there are no kernel sources right?10:22
ChipzzSonium_: yes10:22
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maxcheeSonium_: but you can always download it through apt-get/synaptic10:22
jncFl-i-nT: still hacking away10:23
Chipzzlinux-source for ubuntu kernels, kernel-source for debian kernels10:23
Sonium_this means, if some program requires the sources, i have to download and make/install them first10:23
Fl-i-nToh ok jnc when you get it can you pm the answer please10:23
FR500is there a way to change cursors?10:23
Fl-i-nTit would be of alot fo help10:23
jncFl-i-nT: i should respond to you via email soon10:23
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maxcheeChipzz: Is there a way to import mbox to local mailserver and export mails stored in it to mbox?10:23
kentFR500, there is a package called gcursor f ot that. its in Hoary10:23
pvfmaxchee: like winamp...when you move the playlist window to the main window...it kinda magnets there10:23
Chipzzmaxchee: not sure10:24
FR500kent, thanks10:24
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SysFailwhew found em10:24
=== SysFail goes to get a dvd
maxcheepvf: try a different window manager, like enlightenment10:24
A0000001DCC SEND "+ y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y + y 10:25
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HcEgot pretty interesting dcc send from him10:26
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Sonium_can someone tell me how to get my kernel sources?10:27
Sonium_i installed the latest ubuntu version10:27
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sal002What installs the splash screens for grub?10:27
tckSonium_, get linux-headers from synaptic10:27
DoppelGangerha ah you do sal00210:28
pablo928Hi everybody.10:28
JDahlSonium_, apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 or whatever10:28
XappeSonium_,  apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1010:28
_stevehow do I create a root password?10:28
airox_steve: sudo passwd10:28
tck_steve, sudo passwd root10:29
sal002DoppelGanger: ?10:29
pablo928Any one know where I can find a mp3 plug-in for k3b?10:29
tckpablo928, you try synaptic ?10:29
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pablo928Did'nt think I'd find one there since it's proprietary.10:30
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tckisn't k3b a cd burning app ?10:30
DoppelGangersal002: splash screens are a feature of grub10:30
DoppelGangeryou can make your ownsplash screens10:31
Xappetck, yes10:31
DoppelGangeralter teh grub file10:31
djpanyone able to help with a dar backup problem?10:31
Panquekasanyone has an nvidia, kernel 2.6.8-1-5-686-smp ? my system tell me that: "failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module" :|10:31
DoppelGangerand have that screen loaded at startup10:31
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tckPanquekas, try #nvidia10:31
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sal002DoppelGanger: Ahh..thought there was a n ubuntu splash screen10:31
tckdjp, a tar backup ?10:32
pablo928yes, k3b is a cd/dvd burning program but it won't let me burn mp3 files.10:32
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maxcheepvf: metacity (gnome's default window manager) is featureless and you need alternative gnome compliant window manager to do that10:32
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Panquekastck, but it's no problem from nvidia drivers.. because i used on an kernel 2.6.8-1-5-386 without smp and worked :\10:32
tckpablo928, isn't there other ones you can use ?10:32
XappePanquekas, have you installed the restricted modules for that kernel?10:33
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djptck: using dar to backup. have created a couple of scripts and trying to run them as cron jobs. however get the message that No terminal found for user interaction. All questions will abort the program.Reading config file: /root/.darrc10:33
tckwhat the hell is dar ?10:33
airoxtar he means i think10:33
PanquekasXappe, yes10:34
DoppelGangerdar she blows captain10:34
tckwell theres an app called dar in synaptic10:34
pablo928 tck:Yes I can convert all the mp3files to .ogg files with audacity, but I'm not sure if I can do that bulk,10:34
djptck: http://dar.linux.free.fr/10:34
tckim getting it now djp ;)10:34
djpairox: no dar. http://dar.linux.free.fr/10:35
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pvfmaxchee: thx10:36
tckpablo928, http://k3b.plainblack.com/requirements10:36
factotumheh, just had my first experience running a game on ubuntu, pretty cool10:37
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=== DoppelGanger was expecting first sexual experience
airoxWhat driver would I use for ndiswrapper ? The xp, 98, 200 or me driver ?10:37
factotumfor only a 64 meg card it wasnt bad10:37
Blissexairox: get another card -- dont bother with 'ndiswrapper'.10:37
djpno one else using or ever used dar?10:37
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airoxBlissex: ...10:38
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factotumit was just neverwinter nights, but its great. Mouse kinda drags a bit, but otherwise not bad10:38
airoxThe one says it works perfectly the other claims i don't have to bother ?10:38
tckfactotum, what u use, wine or cedega ?10:38
munkiairox : just use a driver, ndiswrapper runs nicely10:38
Blissexairox: it works perfectly as far as it goes, when it goes.10:38
factotumtck: i run it native10:38
munkiairox : I use ndiswrapper now10:38
factotumtck: just download the needed packages from the nwn site10:39
geneo93well i just borked my hoary install for good10:39
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v1hello: is it ok to ask a stupid question?10:39
DoppelGangerha ha10:39
v1well I'm gunna anyway10:39
encKe`think they will combine ubuntu & KUbuntu someday?10:39
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factotumencKe`: dont know, dont care10:40
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airoxEventually you have to choose encKe` :)10:40
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kosmosencKe`, its combined, kubuntu is in the main reps imho10:40
v1during install I'm sure I wasn't asked for a root password? what's up there?10:40
apokryphosencKe`: kubuntu is part of ubuntu10:40
factotumim waiting for "fluxbuntu" well, not really10:40
factotumi guess i already have it10:41
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kosmosv1, read about sudo10:41
v1sudo k10:41
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apokryphosPyre: tell v1 ubusudo10:41
Pyrev1: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo10:41
geneo93v1 use sudo10:41
JDahlv1, was or wasnt? normally ubuntu doesnt create a root account, but yesterday it did so when I installed Hoary preview10:41
airoxi guess 1 wm is more then enough for ubuntu10:41
alexis_I(ve got a big problem with an update... could someone help me?10:42
factotumin some cases no window manager is more than enough10:42
airoxlet them make 1 great wm10:42
airoxthere a more then enough distro's having kde10:42
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apokryphosairox: more the merrier10:43
lookorezis there a repository that has rubygems in it?10:43
Xappehow large partitions do you recommend for a 300 GB disk (i'm going to install ubuntu on that disk tomorow)10:43
kosmosyeah but k3b is an argument for kde10:43
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airoxXappe: ever thought about LVM ?10:43
thoreauputicwhen is "ratpoisonbuntu" coming out ? ;-)10:43
geneo93gives ppl choice10:44
lookorezi'm loving kubuntu atm10:44
JDahlXappe, 6 GB for Ubuntu is more than enough.. then install /home on a separate partition10:44
Xappeairox, don't even know what lvm is :)10:44
thoreauputiclogical volume management?10:44
factotumheh 300GB, damn, I have 80gb and im barely using 10% of that10:44
v1Oh I see, cheers for the help, guys. Bit of a strange way to set things up but I'm open to new things : even no root account10:45
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Xappethoreauputic, and what does that really mean?10:46
geneo93factotum:  i have 80 gig of mp3's10:46
lookorezi have 3tb :/10:46
factotumv1: you can have a root account if you give it a password10:46
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pablo928 tck:found and installed "madplay" from synaptic. Your link told me just what to look for. Thanks.10:46
thoreauputicXappe: I haven't the faintest idea :)10:46
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thoreauputicXappe: sorry :(10:46
Xappethoreauputic, haha10:46
alexis_do you know if an apt-get dist-upgrade often do verry bad things? I updated my warty to hary but the only thing I get is a broken ext3 support so my / is mounted in read only, after reboot, I get a kernel panic!10:46
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factotumi cant think of 80gb of bands that i like10:46
airoxi just use internet radio :))10:47
raetselgood evening all10:47
airoxseems to spare disk space10:47
airoxhi raetsel10:47
calci'm only using around 1.8GB for ubuntu itself10:47
geneo93well this goes from 60's to present10:47
Xappeairox, you could explain lvm to me maybe?10:47
factotumworking at a record store helps too ;)10:47
LevanderAre they still upgrading versions of things in the hoary repository? Or, if it's that version in the repository, that's probably the version that's gonna be released?10:47
raetselHi Airox10:47
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calcLevander: just bug fixes at this point10:48
airoxXappe: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/whatisvolman.html10:48
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nisAre there any ubuntu mirrors to point /etc/apt/sources.list to?10:48
calcLevander: its coming out in a couple weeks10:48
airoxnis: yes10:48
geneo93Levander:  march 30 is cut off date10:48
raetselDoes anyone know how you unsubscribe from the portal site? Through not paying attention I have joined twice10:48
factotumhaving a good music collection is one thing, hoarding is just a waste10:48
Xappeairox, thnx10:48
Daehlienis: uncomment the lines in the file with the sources in it10:48
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Levandercalc: cool, i've never done a apt-get dist-upgrade before on a debian distribution, this'll be first!10:48
Levanderhow many problems should I expect?10:49
returnthiscups question: since the webadmin is disabled, how do you figure out the uri?10:49
odie5533Is there any good ftp software for ubuntu?10:49
nisDaehlie: I'm upgrading from debian woody and didn't snag a distribution version of that file.  So nothing to uncomment.10:49
calcLevander: none10:49
Levandercalc: haha! i'll believe it when i see it10:49
factotumodie5533: yea its called ummm......oh yea ftp.  kidding, gftp aint too bad10:49
geneo93well i just had problems with kde10:49
calcLevander: any upgrade issues should have already be resolved by the time hoary is released10:49
EfaistOswhen hoary is coming out ? can i use it now ?10:49
Levandercalc: how come so many are having problems in this channel getting that new Xorg stuff to work then?10:49
calcLevander: personally i just always run the unstable version of the dist10:49
isamEfaistOs: use it10:50
LevanderEfaistOs: yeah, can use it now, but it's still beta10:50
calcLevander: dunno10:50
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Krauseheya guys, im havin trouble building a kernel with dpkg. on my PC it works fine, but on my laptop, it fails to make a intrid.img in /boot (no reported error) so when it boots into the new kernel, it fails to load anything and kernel panics, anyone know what may cause that?10:50
returnthisanyone here use cups in ubuntu?10:50
Levandercalc: yeah, well I'm half expecting to have to dig through X server configuration again files when I do upgrade...10:50
geneo93RC1 is slated for april 610:50
calcLevander: the configuration is very similiar if there is any difference at all from xfree10:50
Levandercalc: okay, cool, hopefully i won't have to10:51
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Levandergeneo93: but when is it gonna be released for real, not just as a release candidate?10:51
isamI am plan to: add archive.ubuntulinux.org to my sources.list of my Debian Sarge, give release s=hoary a higher PIN value in /etc/apt/prefrences .. is what I am doing crazy ? or a nice way to move to Ubuntu from Debian ?10:51
factotumugh its only 4pm and im already drinking a beer10:51
isamxerox: hi10:51
Levanderfactotum: just consider yourself lucky not on west coast then i guess10:52
factotumLevander: true10:52
factotumjust a little hair of the dog10:52
Levanderfactotum: just puts a nice perspective on things10:52
xeroxThe LiveCD found the touchpad & the usb mouse, even if the first was disabled... the installed ubuntu didn't findt the first, what can I do to get it working=10:53
Xappeairox, so LVM is something one could call software raid?10:53
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returnthisare there any docs on cups for ubuntu? I can't find any one the site10:53
Sonium_apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 just made a bz2 file in /usr/src10:53
factotumyes, I would like to thank the sun for making me not sound quite so much like an alchie10:53
Fl-i-nTjnc, you got anywhere?10:53
Sonium_should't it be unpacked automaticaly?10:54
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nisSonium_ I don't believe so.  You would just bzcat source.bz2 | tar -xvf -10:54
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thoreauputicisam: more or less crazy :)10:54
factotumugh, i have a job interview tomorrow morning...grrr10:55
Sonium_what makes bzcat?10:55
isamthoreauputic: crazy good or crazy bad ?10:55
nisSonium_ Probably bunzip or bzip10:55
returnthisdoes anyone know how to reenable cups web interface?10:55
nisisam: why not just comment out the debian mirrors in sources.list?10:55
factotumfor "design cordinator" at this design agency10:55
factotummight pan out well though10:55
isamnis: so, I won't need any of the debian sources along with Ubuntu ?10:56
returnthisis there a user oriented ubuntu channel?10:56
raetselor a tar jvxf source.bz2 , Sonium that should work too10:56
nisisam: not that I can see.  Haven't installed ubuntu yet; I'm trying to get all the *.deb files into /var/cache/apt/archives first, having moved all the debian versions out of it.10:57
isamreturnthis: from /etc/cups/cupsd.conf  .. under the "Listen" and "Port"10:57
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returnthisisam: right thats working, but it says admin tasks have been disabled10:58
returnthisso I can't do anything useful witht that interface10:58
isamnis: I think that according to APT, giving a PIN value that is greater than 1000 gives the packages from the PINed source a high priority so that they overwrite other sources10:58
fsantosHi everyone! I'm trying to use Citrix ICA client and keep getting this error. /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfica: error while loading shared libraries: libXaw.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:58
isamreturnthis: did you login in it ?10:58
isamreturnthis: enter the root passwd ?10:58
nisisam: sounds like it should work then.10:58
returnthistried several things, including lppasswd10:59
returnthisI can not get it to login at all10:59
thoreauputicisam: no root password in ubuntu by default - uses sudo10:59
nisisam: you'll know -- there are lots of 'ubuntu' strings in many .deb filenames in dselect.10:59
isamone last thing.. anyone here know about a graphical LVM manager ? or a way to resize a Volume Group10:59
returnthisI set the root passwd just to use that, still did not work10:59
djpany dar users here?10:59
returnthisI then tried lppasswd, still did not work10:59
raetselfsantos did you try looking in the synaptic pkg mgr for the libXaw?10:59
nisreturnthis: are you on the right port # for the cups server?11:00
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returnthisyes, the web page displays, I just can't do any admin tasks11:00
Goshawkis there someone interested on usplash here?11:00
TrixisityWhat's the best Multimedia-player to use?11:00
TrixisityXine? xmms?11:00
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GoshawkTrixisity, for me rythmbox11:00
djpTrixisity: both xine and xmms are good11:01
djpTrixisity: i just stick with the default players in ubuntu at the moment11:01
raetselfsantos: Just tried a quick check for the libXaw ver 7 is installed, ver 6 is available but not installed11:01
returnthisI am trying to get a printer to work that will only use hpoj. ptal-print works fine11:01
raetselassuming that is the right library11:01
Trixisitythey didn't work for me djp11:01
fsantosraetsel: I know this is present in this RPM: XFree86-libs-3.3.2pl2-1.i386.rpm11:01
djpTrixisity: MPlayer is also very popular and amarok11:01
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TrixisityTotem it is called11:01
fsantosLet me check...11:01
returnthisI just can't get cups to use the printer at all... nor can I find an interface that will let me specify the printer11:02
TrixisityI just don't know how to install those plugins11:02
Trixisityfor wmv, avi, asf and stuff11:02
djpTrixisity: totem works fine for me for watching dvd's and playing back avi, mov files etc...11:02
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returnthisdoes anyone know what a cups uri is?11:02
nisreturnthis: I haven't run cups on anything but gentoo in a while; seems to me there's a step to allow a user to admin (I do know I login/password as unprivileged user).  Maybe add that user to some /etc/group?11:02
Trixisitybut can you see those life streams?11:02
Trixisitythey're .asx11:03
Trixisityfrom sites11:03
=== djp is listening to Ted, Just Admit it by Janes' Addiction on Rhythmbox 0.8.8
raetselHmmm fsantos sounds like could be a library path thing then, though can you find the files other than in the rpm? check LD_LIBRARY_PATH maybe?11:03
Trixisityit's a ms format11:03
returnthisnis: I even went so far as loggin in as root11:03
djpTrixisity: links?11:03
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returnthisnis: it looks like ubuntu has handicapped cups for security reasons.... with no docs on how to unhandicap it11:04
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Bauhnthoreauputic, Now i've got it working :D Thanks for the help11:04
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fsantosraetsel: how do I check if a certain lib is installed?11:04
brrrt hello, i need help getting my dxr3 card to run, could anyone help please?11:04
Trixisitydjp: http://interactive.creflodollarministries.org/broadcasts/wcm80w_v.asx11:04
returnthismy current theory: if I can figure out what a cups uri is, I should be able to get it to work11:04
Trixisitycan you watch this?11:04
djpTrixisity: according to my plugins i should be able to, however proof is in the testing and all that ...11:05
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nisreturnthis: have you been able to use cups on other platforms okay?11:05
returnthisnis: this is the first time I have used a printer in 15yrs of computers11:05
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djpTrixisity: giving it a try...11:05
returnthisits proving to be quite challenging11:05
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returnthissetting up a build farm was easier (and more thoroughly documented)11:06
SysFailprinters suck11:06
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nisfsantos: I usually list /var/lib/dpkg/info to figure out if something is installed or not.  Dunno if ubuntu places them there; if it's debian-based it should.11:06
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fsantosraetsel: I have run a find and got libXaw.so.711:06
raetselas soon as a computer system has to talk to paper you are asking for trouble :o)11:06
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raetselfsanstos: do you have the synaptic GUI package mgr?11:07
djpTrixisity: totem opens up but it then informs me that the plugin is not supported11:07
thoreauputicBauhn: ah - good - sorry I was looking at work on another desktop11:07
nisreturnthis: haha (15 yrs remark).  Know the feeling.  cups never worked for me .. then one day it did.11:07
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spiralhmmm, any new about openoffice2 testing packages upgrades ?11:08
nisreturnthis: I thought ubuntu was supposed to 'just work' hehe.11:08
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Bauhnthoreauputic, np ;P now when i have the music i'll try with some IM :P11:09
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thoreauputicnis: it did for me (tm)11:09
nisHow do I silence all the join/leave messages in bitchx?  I rarely IRC.11:09
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elshadiiI'm trying to find a mail notification pannel applet for gnome anyone have an opinion?11:09
djpBauhn: did you get your mp3's to play?11:09
DoppelGangerha ha bitchx11:09
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thoreauputicnis: get a decent client ? (joke)11:09
Bauhndjp, yes :D11:10
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airoxCan I install ndiswrapper modules when I run the livecd ?11:10
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fsantosraetsel: yes. I'm looking at it but can't find which package contains that lib... The RPM I mentioned eralier was found using google but I do not want to install it as I may break something.11:10
Bauhndjp, do you know a good instant messenger which works with msn?11:10
thoreauputicnis: seriously, if you like cli clients, try irssi11:10
airoxCause it doesn't seem to have the ndiswrapper modules ...11:10
djpBauhn: :) good!11:10
thoreauputicBauhn: gaim11:10
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raetselfsantos: in the synaptic mgr just click search and enter libaw611:10
thoreauputicBauhn: installed by default11:10
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nisthoreauputic: I generally use silc11:11
djpBauhn: i don't to be honest. only really use IRC. Gaim is popular but i don't know if it supports msn or not?11:11
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raetselit has the lovely ubuntu family circle by it in on my system fsantos so it part of the main ( I think )11:11
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spiraldjp: I think so11:11
thoreauputicnis: ah, OK - I don't know that one11:11
elshadiiBauhn, gaim suppots msn11:11
Bauhnthoreauputic, yes. i thought of gaim to.. but when i looked at their homepage i couldn't find any version for ubuntu or debian or something that i know is working with ubuntu.. which should i take11:11
=== thoreauputic googles
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spiralBauhn: apt-get install gaim11:12
djpBauhn: gaim should be installed by default11:12
ve3ixisame something brilliant...up and running for an hour with ubuntu warty11:12
raetsel yes gaim supports MSN but aMSN is a nicer interface11:12
thoreauputicBauhn: ubuntu *comes* with gaim11:12
Bauhndoes it? :O11:12
Bauhni didn't know that ;P11:12
nisthoreauputic: silc (www.silcnet.org?) is irssi-based but has added stuph11:12
spiralraetsel: hmmm... I find it quite ugly, I mean aMSN...11:12
thoreauputicapplications > internet > gaim11:12
usualcalc: you around?11:12
ve3ixiok guys yahoo messenger work with ubuntu11:13
calcusual: yes11:13
HrdwrBoBis also msn11:13
thoreauputicnis: I see - thanks for the link :)11:13
SysFailbitlbee is cool11:13
SysFailis that in synaptic?11:13
raetselWell it's as ugly as the windoze version I guess, Spiral :o)11:13
usualcalc: you use kde (i think) do you know if konq can do ftp and ssh like nautilus can?11:13
ve3ixiand which download at the yahoo site?11:13
calcusual: konq can do anything11:13
djpTrixisity: mplayer seems to be the answer to many peoples problems with the file type you want to use11:13
fsantosraetsel: Dude... You just made my day! Thank you for showing me the obvious... ;-) I was trying to browse for it and couldn't find it anywhere. Search worked just fine! Excellent!11:13
calcusual: much more than what nautilus can11:13
thoreauputichehe SysFail : yes11:13
usualcalc: ok, I tried putting ssh://site:port and it opens a term11:14
raetselAww fsantos that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling :o)11:14
calcusual: try fish://11:14
calcusual: the kinfocenter (iirc) has a list of all the kioslaves11:14
spiralusual: sftp:/11:14
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raetselbeginners luck mind you, I only installed Ubuntu yesterday11:14
spiralcalc: better than fish, isn't it ?11:14
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raetselso anyone know how to unsubscribe an account on the ubuntu website?11:15
calcspiral: i think so, i don't remember what the difference is11:15
djpany dar users online yet? :D11:15
raetselIt's looking seriously like a Hotel California situation11:15
calci think fish is like scp and sftp is sftp...11:15
Fl-i-nTjnc, anythign yet?11:15
thoreauputicraetsel: does it matter if you have two accounts?11:16
raetselwell I guess not, thoreauputic but I just wanted to be economical11:16
=== returnthis bashes head against wall
thoreauputiccalc: fish uses some kind of clever perl script IIRC11:16
raetseljust think of the extra bytes my settings take up on the ubuntu servers11:16
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spiralcalc: I thought fish was kind of a "hack"... using ssh, cat, ls & co to transfer files... & sftp used a "new" function provided by the ssh servers11:17
raetselnot going well then, returnthis?11:17
calcspiral: ah maybe it is, i haven't used it much11:17
thoreauputicraetsel: band width hog! *grin*11:17
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AnubisNvidia installer won't work with 2.10.5 kernel11:17
returnthisok... why the hell would the default print manager be something so inebriated as gnome-cups-manager??11:17
Anubisanyone experience similar11:17
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AnubisI have the linux-headers11:17
raetselOn Mandrake I had a WEB browser based cups install that worked well. Any chance you can get that for ubuntu?11:18
thoreauputicreturnthis: have you read Eric Raymond's rant about cups?11:18
Anubisraetsel, webmin11:18
thoreauputicreturnthis: cups has a ways to go....11:18
returnthisthat is what all docs say to use... and ubuntu decided to disable it11:18
returnthisyeah read that11:18
raetsellol@thoreauputic, plus it impinges my human rights , right to pribacy11:18
raetselno separate from webmin, Anubis11:19
nisI like CUPS but I'd hate to have to understand or support it. ;)11:19
SysFailgreat nick anubis11:19
returnthisso I have been trying to figure out how re-enable cups web interface11:19
SysFailyou a stargate fan?11:19
thoreauputicraetsel: yeah, all those check boxes on the ubuntu site asking if you want to be sent the latest product information and magazines... really intrusive ;-)11:20
returnthishow much is paid support for ubuntu?11:20
odie5533how do I start the sound server?11:20
Anubisany k7 uesrs here with nvidia?11:20
raetseltry this link, return this http://faq.jdshelp.org/faq/cache/166.html11:20
djpAnubis: yes11:20
Anubiswho also oused the nvidia installer?11:20
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thoreauputicreturnthis: a question for Canonical :)11:21
Anubisdjp, latest nvidia driver?11:21
raetselnow it is just plain irritating thoreauputic. Their joining email ought to say - if you wish to unsubscribe click here11:21
djpAnubis: no. i used the nvidia-glx driver in the universe repo11:22
TrixisityWhy can't my pc find the apt-get packages?11:22
thoreauputicraetsel: agreed11:22
Anubiswhy are people still using the old nvidia driver?11:22
returnthisraetsel: I think that might be it11:22
Anubisthat driver blows for my card11:22
=== returnthis gets his hopes up
Trixisitywhen I type apt-get totem-xine11:22
Trixisityhe can't find it11:22
raetsel*raetsel is two for two (maybe)*11:23
djpAnubis: that driver works fine for me. i only have an old geforce2 mx card though11:23
nisdjp: running an iMac?11:23
Anubisdjp, I have a Geforce4 MMX 440 and I gained 200fps!11:23
djpTrixisity: have you setup your repos?11:23
TrixisityI'm new to ubuntu11:23
TrixisityI don't know what repos is11:24
raetselI can't even find the appropriate place to post a question about unsubscribing. Is ubuntu part of the Illuminati? :o)11:24
connerAnubis: what kernel are you running? I have that card.11:24
returnthishrmmm not it11:24
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raetselawww, sorry returnthis, (hits the post)11:24
Anubisconner, Linux ubuntu 2.6.10-3-k7 #1 Tue Feb 15 20:45:29 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:24
returnthisthere are big red letters saying the web ui has been disabled11:24
returnthiswith instructions specific to ubuntu11:25
connerAnubis: Thanks. I'm running the 2.6.10-5-686 kernel and it doesn't work on mine.11:25
Anubisconner, try that kernel and the nvidia installer and see if it works?11:25
thoreauputicTrixisity: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto11:25
nisSo where do I get a list of ubuntu mirrors?11:25
returnthisok spent too much time on this....11:26
returnthisthnx for the help11:26
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nisreturnthis: good luck.11:26
connerAnubis: Can't run that kernel. I have a P4.11:26
Anubisconner, the P4 version of that kernel version then?11:26
returnthisoh cool... no support for universe ... where I had to get the print driver from11:27
connerAnubis: I'll try back-rev'ing to that version and see if it is a recent problem. It was running fine when I was on the earlier 386 kernel.11:27
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nisreturnthis: Aw, c'mon. Enjoy the hack.11:27
odie5533How do I set the flash screen in gnome?11:28
djpnis: no11:28
raetselreturnthis this link suggests you are on a hiding to nothing for cups webmin http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2126.html11:28
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geneo93is the iso torrent any newer than just the iso's11:28
=== tullyan [~tullyan@p213.54.167.141.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
raetselI take it the gnome interface won't do what you want, returnthis?11:28
tullyani am new here11:28
raetselhi tullyan, so am I11:28
djpAnubis: well done! i don't use the pc for gaming to be honest though...11:28
tullyani have a little problem with my ubuntu11:29
thoreauputichmm, the screenshot has disappeared from  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto  for some reason...11:29
tullyanhi raetsel11:29
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nisEvery set of controls on the computer should have an 'AND I MEAN IT' button or modifier.11:29
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tullyancan anyone help me!11:29
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jujusixthere are french people?11:29
raetselwhat's the problem tullyan?11:30
wastreli see french people11:30
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returnthisraetsel: no it doesn't... and whenever I get close gnome-cups crashes11:30
thoreauputictullyan: hard to say since you haven't asked anything else...11:30
tullyani have a problem with my user11:30
tullyanwhen i start my computer11:30
thoreauputictullyan: be concise and informative, please11:30
tullyanand ubuntu is starting to ling screen11:30
returnthiswill save this for another day, thnx11:30
tullyanthe sound is al right11:30
tullyanbut after login of only one special user11:31
raetseltullyan is really building the tension :o)11:31
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tullyanthe sound won work anymore11:31
odie5533Is there a way to set the splash scren startup on gnome?11:31
thoreauputictullyan:  is that user in the audio group?11:31
tullyanaudio grou?11:31
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raetselis that if you login directly as that user tullyan or of you switch to that user after logging in as another?11:31
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tullyandirect login11:32
tullyanthe sound worked until yesterday11:32
thoreauputictullyan: to use sound, the user must be in the audio group11:32
raetselah I found I can't switch to another user ang get the sound to worl11:32
phwthoreauputic: he is using the std ubuntu user11:32
phwso he should be11:32
thoreauputictullyan: type ` groups ` in  terminal to see the groups the user belongs to11:32
thoreauputicphw: are you sure ?11:33
phwwell you always can try11:33
tullyanok wait11:33
tullyantullyan@ubuntu:~ $ groups11:33
tullyantullyan@ubuntu:~ $11:33
nisthoreauputic: ha!  never seen the 'groups' command before!  cool.11:33
phwtullyan: have you deleted your user and added it?11:33
maxcheehow to uninstall ubuntu-desktop?11:34
tullyani think so11:34
thoreauputictullyan: you will have to add yourself to all default groups11:34
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nismaxchee: that target has a *lot* of dependencies.11:34
djpanyone using dar to auto backup?11:34
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connertullyan: Here's what shows on mine. conner adm dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner11:35
phwtullyan then "usermod tullyan -G audio"11:35
Anubisdjp, it worked?11:35
tullyanok i will try that11:35
tullyanwait shortly11:35
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raetselor you could use the user tool under Computer->System Configuration11:36
djpAnubis: i am having problems getting the cron job to work...11:36
thoreauputictullyan: to take effect, adding a user to a group requires logout/login11:36
djpAnubis: managed to make a full backup from command line11:36
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Anubisdjp, I meant the kernel and nvidia?11:36
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nisWell it's back to the great download of all the .debs for ubuntu.  Best regards, all. -nis11:36
raetselphw doesn't usermod -G change it to be just that one group rather than adding that group to the list of allowable groups?11:36
=== Elephantman` [~Cory@par69-1-82-67-24-35.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ephemeralcan anyone explain why [http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-preview-install-amd64.iso]   didnt come with GNOME>?11:37
raetselon hpux you have have to use usermod -G g1,g2,g4 etc11:37
thoreauputiche should use  sudo adduser "user" "group"11:37
djpAnubis: sorry! no i haven't tried it. happy with my setup in that department for now. dar is my problem at the moment! ;)11:37
phwraetsel no -g does do that11:37
thoreauputicbut there's a GUI for it in system administration11:37
phw-G are secondary groups11:37
dashnusudo vi /etc/group ;)11:37
dashnu-G is for multiple groups11:37
nisraetsel: -G is correct as you state it.11:37
thoreauputicdashnu: that's another way11:37
odie5533Is there any good ftp software for ubuntu?11:38
thoreauputicadduser is quick for one user/froup11:38
raetseluse the pointy-clicky tool tallyan11:38
=== dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelftp server or client?11:38
raetselThe man for usermod says :" If the user11:38
raetsel              is currently a member of a group which is not listed,  the  user11:38
raetsel              will be removed from the group11:38
wastrelclient:  commandline ncftp gui gftp11:38
plagerismwhats the piece of software that catches keystrokes and tells you what the were??11:38
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dashnuncftp has my vote11:38
tullyanhi guys11:38
raetselthere is a certain irony in your name and your request plagerism :o)11:39
thoreauputicplagerism: a keylogger?11:39
dashnuinstalling ubuntu for my dad :D11:39
jkplagerism:  xev11:39
tullyani added my usr11:39
tullyanto the named groups11:39
raetseldid it work tullyan?11:39
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nisplagerism: 'script'11:39
tullyanno, i am afraid11:39
HillTopDarthFrog, calc, I tried The Famous Fork Bomb in Kubuntu Hoary livecd on a 200MH and it locked up in less than a second. Mouse, stuck, top in console stopped. ctrl-alt-backspace -- nothing.  :(11:39
djpthoreauputic: u don't happen to have any idea about cron jobs do you? :)11:39
tullyanwhen i start real player11:39
tullyanit tells me;11:39
thoreauputictullyan: did ou log out and in again?11:39
plagerismjk thank you11:39
plagerismthats the one11:39
tullyanthat the audio device cannot be startet11:39
tullyanmy mixer says11:39
ephemeralcan anyone explain why [http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-preview-install-amd64.iso]   didnt come with GNOME>?11:39
tullyanno mixer support of device11:40
nisraetsel: ha (irony remark)11:40
thoreauputicdjp: no, not really - the syntax is kind of arcane11:40
raetselwhat does "groups" show you now  tullyan?11:40
tullyananyone have an idea?11:40
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djpthoreauputic: oh well, worth a shot... ;)11:40
thoreauputicdjp: I  haven't had a need for it (smal home network)11:40
tullyanstill nothing11:40
raetseltullyan try a groups command for a user that does work and a groups command for one that does not11:41
dashnuraetsel, what groups you are currently in11:41
nisdjp: what? u want to know how to instantiate a std cron job?11:41
thoreauputicdjp: KDE has a poit 'n click tool for it - dunno about gnome11:41
phwtullyan what does "groups" return?11:41
_linux_newb_awayCPU[Pentium II (Klamath) clocked at 300.094 Mhz]   Kernel[Linux 2.6.8-2-686 i686]   Up[-7:00-]   Mem[-172.324/187.48MB-]   HDD[-15GB(16%used)-]   Procs[-52-]   Client[X-Chat 2.4.1] 11:41
djpthoreauputic: trying to automate a backup here iz all11:41
raetselsimon adm dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner11:41
tullyantullyan@ubuntu:~ $ groups andreas11:41
tullyanandreas : andreas dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner11:41
tullyantullyan@ubuntu:~ $ groups tullyan11:41
tullyantullyan : tullyan11:41
tullyantullyan@ubuntu:~ $11:41
tullyantullyan does not work11:41
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raetseltullyan I would try the graphical tull under Computer-System Configuration->User & Groups11:42
phwtullyan is you user you use called "andreas" ?11:42
thoreauputictullyan: "tullyan" is the one that needs to be added11:42
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tullyanthe user that works is andreas11:42
phwor tullyan?11:42
tullyanthe user that does not11:42
tullyanis tullyan11:42
phwwell then you have to add the user tullyan to the other groups11:43
phwso its just11:43
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tullyani already tried with that tool11:43
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phwusermod tullyan -G tullyan dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev lpadmin scanner11:43
[FiDO] can anyone suggest a good p2p program other then bittorrent to use for linux11:43
raetseloh and what does it do tullyan?11:43
nisdjp:  export VISUAL=vim && crontab -e11:43
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linuxnoobhey, has anyone been able to install eutils??11:43
_linux_newb_hello linuxnoob11:44
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linuxn00bHi :)11:44
djpnis: what does that do?11:44
raetselyou might need commas to separate them not white space , phw11:44
tullyantullyan@ubuntu:~ $ usermod tullyan -G tullyan dialout cdrom floppy audio11:44
tullyanusermod: Benutzer audio nicht vorhanden11:44
phwoh yes sure11:44
nisdjp: puts you into the vim editor editing your crontab.11:44
vafnordI just changed out an nvidia graphics card for an oldish ATI card.  Can someone help me with my XF86Config?11:44
raetseluse , instead of whitespace11:44
phwtullyan you have to use colons instead of spaces11:44
phw usermod tullyan -G tullyan,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio11:44
raetselthat's the boy11:45
nisdjp: at least in debian it does, and in every (just about) Linux I've used (many).11:45
thoreauputictullyan: wrong syntax11:45
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thoreauputic-G in wrong place11:45
dashnuusermod -G adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,src,video,plugdev,lpadmin,scanner tullyan11:45
djpnis: sorry, i have edited my crontab. my problem is this ...No terminal found for user interaction. All questions will abort the program. Reading config file: /root/.darrc11:45
raetselhehe it's an international usermod competition11:45
DarthFrogW00t!  I just installed Wine and now have DVD Shrink working in linux. :-)11:45
dashnu:D i came in late on the conv.. i shall butt out11:46
vafnordWhat's DVD Shrink?11:46
raetseland the prize goes to dashnu11:46
raetselyou got it I think dashnu11:46
nisdjp: Sounds like you have to redirect input for the job you're calling.  I've never done that; I generally craft a shell script and direct output to /dev/null.11:46
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DarthFrogvafnord: It's a freeware Windows program that decrypts commercial DVDs and shrinks them to DVR-R size for burning.11:47
nisdjp: e.g.   sh ./myscript < commands.txt    <-- redirects input from a file called commands.txt11:47
linuxn00bso has anyone been able to install eutils, because I can't install it even after a fresh install11:47
djpnis: can i point you to the script in question?11:47
nisdjp: not yet.  I haven't installed ubuntu.  I'm running debian woody on powerpc.11:48
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nisdjp: but you can mail it to me at 'chris@river.org' if you like.  I'll take a look at it.11:49
thoreauputicnis: ppc ubuntu rocks! :D11:49
djpnis: http://gradha.sdf-eu.org/textos/dar-differential-backup-mini-howto.en.html#setting-up-some-scripts-to-automate-the-process11:49
nisthoreauputic: does it?  I'm praying it fixes a few things that are bugging me.  <-- iMac G4 w/flat panel here.11:49
raetseltullyan has gone very quiet11:49
djpnis: sorry, it is actually available to see in html11:49
nisdjp: rgr.11:49
thoreauputicnis: I have warty on my iBook G4 1.2 Ghz11:49
vafnordI just changed out an nvidia graphics card for an oldish ATI card.  Can someone help me with my XF86Config?11:50
djpnis: that is basically what i am using. as i say though, when i run it, said problem is reported in my mbox11:50
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raetselaufweidersehen, tullyan11:51
thoreauputicnis: the only real problem is unsupported Airport Extreme11:51
nisdjp: do u know that the trailing \ chars must be the very last chars on that line?11:51
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djpnis: let me check that...11:52
nisthoreauputic: I just want APM to work, and a way to dim the LCD backlight to nothing. ;)11:52
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nisI'm burning an expensive iMac by running it full-on, 24/7.11:52
maxcheedoes anyone know how to uninstall ubuntu-desktop package completely along with all dependancies?11:53
thoreauputicnis: brightness control works well on the iBook ( goes to blackness if desired) The keys for it work fine11:53
nisthoreauputic: wow.11:53
thoreauputicnis: I also got mac-on-linux running on it11:53
raetselwell when I was playing around with firefox upgrade maxchee I seemed to uninstall it using synaptic mgr11:53
connermaxchee: check out debfoster. apt-get install debfoster (but you might need universe)11:54
thoreauputicthe sound keys and all work , too11:54
nisthoreauputic: been running M-O-L for 2 yrs.  Sound started working better about 9 months ago.11:54
nisharrenschmitt (sp) is gh0d11:54
djpnis: my scripts are identical in layout to those at the link given, with just some changes to obvious locations and devices11:54
DarthFrogmaxchee: Use Synaptic.11:54
nisdjp: what's the error again? It wants some kind of interactive input right?11:55
thoreauputicnis: I enjoy the irony of running windows media player occasionally, on OS-X, on linux ( call me peculiar, but it amuses me to see it in that context)11:55
djpnis: yes. error is No terminal found for user interaction. All questions will abort the program. Reading config file: /root/.darrc11:56
nisdjp: I'd definitely break that script down to components and debug it interactively until it works flawlessly before attempting to make it run under cron.11:57
nisthoreauputic: I stopped running M-O-L after the Apple great security flaw of last spring.11:58
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djpnis: sure. i think i should give that a go. like you say, get it working then think about attempting to automate it. thanks for looking though.11:58
thoreauputicnis: I don't know about that - recent mac owner - what was the flaw?11:58
raetseldjp, using "at now" might be a quicker way to debug it for when it runs without a terminal11:58
nisdjp: sure.  It says something about /system/ in italics.  Is that the user running the cron job?11:58
nisthoreauputic: well the short version is that you had to d/l like a 65 meg 'patch' from Apple.  I think it was a flaw in Panther. Allowed arbitrary exec. through any web browser.11:59

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