
ograjdub, then i would suggest something less rdical...voodo puppets for example12:01
schweebogra: or just find people who haven't signed the CoC yet12:02
schweeband "suggest" their course of action12:02
pittiMithrandir: bah, dh_compress does compress explicitly specified files even if they are < 4k...12:11
=== lamont rediscovers a hard drive with 2.0.35 on it.
zuloi vey12:18
lamontzul: yeah, I screamed12:18
infinitymdz : Regarding the FTBFS of mysqlclient10 on amd64... I suppose it's too late for me to suggest that I recompile 59 source packages to use mysqlclient12 (from mysql 4.0) and drop the old, broken lib entirely?12:18
zuli still have have some slackware 2.0 cds around12:18
mdzinfinity: YES12:18
infinitymdz : Just checking. :)12:18
=== infinity goes to figure out the failure, then.
infinityI may need access to an amd64 machine to poke at it.12:19
dilingerinfinity, king of the last minute library transitions :)12:21
infinitydilinger : Shh.  I just don't feel like fixing bugs in obsolete packages. :)12:21
infinityLuckily, this bug isn't all that tough.12:21
infinityBesides, all that talking with MySQL upstream has to be of some use..12:22
infinityOther than me losing my sanity, that it.12:22
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jdubRiddell: around?12:25
jdubamu: around?12:25
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schweebjdub: alright, well, I uploaded what I did for gsf-sharp to http://www.schweeb.org/~chris/ubuntu/12:44
schweebpasses lintian12:45
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Robot101thom: didn't notice slef had joined the channel, or didn't care? :)12:48
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Robot101thom: both? :D12:49
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thomRobot101: mostly the former, but i now don't care eitehr12:49
jdubschweeb: ahr!12:49
schweebjdub: huh?12:50
jdubschweeb: a pirate says "ahr!"12:50
schweebahh, hehe12:50
schweebI know a brit that says that, but only when angry ;)12:51
jdubautomake symlinks in the tarball12:52
jdubeven though autogen.sh does automake -a12:52
schweebshouldn't have done that?12:52
schweebI just ran autogen.sh12:52
jdubit needs -c too12:52
jdubautomake -a -c12:52
=== schweeb fixes
jdubschweeb: perhaps copy the tomboy/beagle build-depends for mono stuff12:53
jdubschweeb: hrm, so12:56
jdubschweeb: instead of running autogen.sh12:56
jdubschweeb: run each command manually12:56
jdubschweeb: using aclocal-1.6 and automake-1.612:56
schweebin the rules file, or in the .orig source?12:56
jdubwhen you're generating the dist tarball12:57
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schweeb1.6 specifically?  I have 1.4 installed12:58
=== jdub tries make distcheck
jdubschweeb: yeah, use 1.612:58
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infinitygraphviz build-deps on itself unintentionally.  Cute.01:04
danielsmjg59: bleh01:07
danielsmjg59: if we have working suspend, just bump the version to 1.201:08
schweebjdub: Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 4.1.0), mono-mcs (>= 1.0) | c-sharp-compiler, mono-jit [i386 powerpc] , mono-mint [!i386 !powerpc] , libmono-dev, mono-utils (>= 0.96), mono-gac, libgsf-1-dev, libgsf-gnome-1-dev01:08
schweebjdub: those look better01:08
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000fb552f039.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59daniels: Yeah, patch submitted01:09
mjg59I was sitting there for ages looking at the code and thinking How does any of this stuff he added make any difference?01:09
mjg59The answer is, of course, that it doesn't01:09
schweebjdub: and I'm guessing in the dist tarball, I shouldn't run configure, like autogen does?01:09
jdubyou do01:10
mjg59daniels: I've also come up with a solution for X output that doesn't require changing the X config01:10
jdubrun the modified autogen commands (1.6 for aclocal and automake and use -a -c for automake)01:10
dholbachgood night everyone01:10
jdubthen do the maintainer-mode configure01:10
jdubthen make dist01:10
pittinight dholbach 01:10
mjg59Now, if I can just get the damn thing to reset...01:11
dholbachbye pitti 01:11
schweebalright, that makes more sense to me now01:11
jdubschweeb: oh, you need dh_makenetlibs too :)01:12
schweebI wasn't sure what it did01:13
schweeband lintian bitched01:13
jdubyeah, lintian doesn't know about it yet01:13
danielsmjg59: oh?  just poking it all by hand from userspace?01:13
schweebwhat's it for? registering with the GAC or what?01:13
jdubschweeb: it adds a little file that tells dependent packages how to depend on it01:14
mjg59daniels: Yeah, I figured out how to get the video button to actually generate an acpi event01:14
mjg59The ACPI spec is full of useful information01:14
dilingerit's big enough, it should be :P01:16
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jdubmjg59: how boldly would you state the quality of our laptop/acpi power management in hoary?01:16
mjg59jdub: It's massively better than anything else out there01:16
bugajdub: i also can confirm that qca-tls is widely used01:17
bugakopete developers said that using qca-tls is temporary, but removed "temporary" notice later01:18
infinitylamont : Around?01:18
jdubschweeb: also, why 'libgsf-cil' as the source package name? shouldn't it be 'gsf-sharp'?01:18
jdubbuga: aha01:18
schweebjdub: I was going by what all the rest of the package names for mono assemblies I've seen are01:19
jdubschweeb: those are binary names tho, not source names01:19
schweebokay, so leave the binary name -cil, and set the source name to gsf-sharp?01:19
jdub$ apt-cache showsrc libevolution-cil | grep ^Package01:19
jdubPackage: evolution-sharp01:19
jdubthat means the tarball name, etc., etc. too ;)01:20
schweebjdub: hey, I'm not doin too bad for bein green at packaging ;)01:20
jdubnot at all01:20
jdubvery tidy :-)01:20
schweebthis is like the 2nd package I've done that isn't just a mod/upgrade of a prebuild01:20
schweeband the 1st haven't been released... Xen stuff01:21
mjg59If I can figure out this reboot problem, we're all set01:26
schweebjdub: hrm... configure wasn't generated when I did aclocal-1.6 and automake-1.601:26
mjg59jdub: Are you still getting suspend love with latest Hoary kernels?01:26
jdubmjg59: i did the other day01:26
jdubmjg59: i was having problems earlier with suspend workign once then not again01:27
jdubbut i did it twice the other day01:27
danielsjdub: except dbus is dbus-mono, not dbus-sharp :)01:27
jdubschweeb: you should be running...01:27
jdublibtoolize --force --copy01:27
jdubautomake-1.6 -a -c01:27
jdub./configure --enable-maintainer-mode01:27
jdubmake dist01:27
jdubdaniels: special case :-)01:28
schweebah, okay, didn't do autoconf01:28
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danielsjdub: the exception that proves the rule!01:28
jdubautoconf is the bit that generates configure ;)01:28
jdubmorning jlj01:28
mjg59jdub: Probably down to mdnsresponder, if you had that running01:28
danielsjdub: why not just autoreconf -v --install?01:28
schweebjdub: hehe, well their autogen script didn't run it!01:28
jdubjlj: how's the response been to your release?01:28
jdubmjg59: could've been polypaudio too, actually01:28
Amaranthhey, jlj comes here too01:29
schweebI guess I was wrong on my versioning... they claim it's 0.3, but their NEWS claims 0.1.0, heh01:30
Amaranthschweeb: you wrote http://bonehunter.rulez.org/~algernon/blog/2005/03/20/#pyMusique ?01:30
Amaranthoh, nm01:31
Amaranthyou're talking about something else :P01:31
Amaranthi fell off my chair when i read what they wrote about us01:31
schweebgsf-sharp, heh01:31
Amaranthmy name is python, or something01:31
calcAmaranth: hehehe01:42
pittinight everybody01:44
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lamontinfinity: not really01:46
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danielsinfinity: If you need SSH access to an amd64, I can hook you up.01:47
infinitydaniels : Too late, but I may bug you later.01:49
danielsinfinity: OK01:49
infinitylamont : Can I bug you about an FTBFS bug of yours anyway01:49
infinitylamont : ?01:49
infinitylamont : 7846 ... libtool is generating a different linker line on i386 than on the other 3 arches (which is why it's only failing on i386).. Any chance it was cosmic rays, or a goofy chroot?01:50
infinitydaniels : Do we have a house yet? :)02:01
danielsinfinity: just called and harassed Simon, incidentally02:01
danielsinfinity: 34 Barkly St is coming up soon ...02:01
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infinitydaniels : A lot of stuff is.  Then again, it may all suck as badly as everything we've already seen. :)02:05
infinitydaniels : If we don't settle soon, Zofia might actually cause me bodily harm.  And I'l pass on the favour.02:06
infinitydaniels : Not to mention, until we move, I don't have my amd64 system up and running.02:06
lamontinfinity: shouldn't be...02:06
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danielsinfinity: Right.02:07
lamontinfinity: and libtool shouldn't be in the chroot, so the log should show what version was installed.02:07
mjg59Hm. ndiswrapper is depressingly easy to set up02:07
infinitylamont : If you look at the build logs, it looks pretty suspect, that's all.02:07
infinitylamont : On the other hand, the packages doesn't relibtoolise during build either, so it's all a bit weird.02:08
infinitylamont : IOW, I can't come up with a solid explanation for the different logs, other than "something was confused that day".  But I'll dig deeper.02:08
infinitylamont : Could you retry it anyway for kicks?02:08
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lamontwhich package?02:11
infinitylamont : graphviz/i38602:12
infinitylamont : Note that it IS in the archive already, it just failed during your rebuildability testing...02:13
lamontah, from the hoary-test rebuild?02:13
infinityBut the other 3 arches succeeded.02:13
lamontgiven back02:14
lamontmind you, if it succeeds, I'll be annoyed02:14
infinityNot as annoyed as I will if it fails. :)02:14
lamontoh, if it still works, I expect that there's still a bug... if it succeeds, I'll build it 3-5 more times to take a vote.02:15
jdubmjg59: http://live.gnome.org/ProjectUtopia_2fPowerManagement_2fgnome_2dpower_2dmanager02:15
lamontintermittant failures are far worse than solid ones.02:15
infinitylamont : Agreed, though I don't look forward to trying to find the bug in question.  The previous i386 build (the one in the archive) got the correct libtool linker line, and so did the other 6 builds (previous and current builds of the other 3 arches)02:16
infinitylamont : So, one broken build out of 8 looks pretty weird, when the breakage is in an arch-indep bit.02:17
=== infinity goes back to reproducible bugs for a while.
mjg59jdub: Yeah, it's lovely02:22
mjg59jdub: It doesn't do all that much of use yet, though :)02:23
mjg59I'm doing a GUADEC BOF on this stuff02:24
schweebjdub: alright, uploaded changes... would have done so a long time ago, but my parents disconnected the cable modem... I wasn't a very happy camper02:27
schweebjdub: http://schweeb.org/~chris/ubuntu02:27
mjg59thom: I've also got code for ndiswrapper over suspend/resume02:34
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jdubschweeb: d'oh!02:37
jdubschweeb: thanks :)02:37
schweebalways lookin to contribute, now was as good a time as any02:37
lamontinfinity: T&*)%_+_)&%*^_(+_*&%^_)&*^_%)(+*^%^(02:45
infinitylamont : Is that line-noise for "it built fine this time"?02:45
lamontdocument that however you want.02:45
lamontthe latter02:45
lamontmust run for a while02:45
infinitylamont : alright... I'll document another successful build, but leave the bug open for now.02:46
infinitylamont : I'm still betting on cosmic rays.02:46
jdubschweeb: ok, i'm running a big fat index now :-)02:47
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schweebjdub: cool, tell me how it goes... I'm too impatient to sit there and let my stuff index... too many gigs of it02:51
schweebjdub: what about gst-sharp?  that gonna be wanted too, or are there probs with it?03:00
jdubdunno really03:02
jdubhaven't tried it03:02
jancit seems like several packages have no /usr/share/applications/*.desktop files (yet) ?03:07
crimsunseveral being "a ton", yes03:07
jancI just filed a bug for fontforge03:07
jancthe other ones I found were in universal03:08
schweebjdub: ah, gst-sharp ain't happenin... requires a newer ver of libgtk2.0-cil...03:09
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jdubschweeb: aha, ok03:09
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srbakerso i started update-notifier (and it's running in my session) and i never get the icon in my panel03:32
jdubyou will when you apt-get update and there are updates available03:34
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ccok, if i've already rolled a LiveCD, and i want to make further changes, i should use the LiveCDCustomizationHowTo and only pay attention to the customizations part (i.e. preparing the chroot) right?03:40
jdubshould do03:44
ccgreat, time to make the LiveCD more customised then. does anyone know how to specify the firefox startpage properly? in my last roll pref("browser.startup.homepage", "...") didn't work so well03:46
jdubperhaps check our firefox diff03:47
schweebcc: I think the user's preference overrides in that situation... so you'd have to specifically set it in the user's prefs.js... otherwise, there's also a way to lockdown ffox settings, but I don't have a link03:52
ccschweeb: hmm, thanks. i'll have to take a look03:53
cc(and get faster cdrws)03:53
schweebI've done it at work before03:53
ccor alternatively, use Epiphany, which uses gconf settings iirc03:54
schweebcrap, I thought I blogged about when I did the firefox lockdown :-/03:55
schweebguess you're out of luck03:55
schweebit's on mozillazine somewhere03:55
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srbakerwhoa.  i have a big hate on for evolution.  i think i'm going to have an i hate evolution party04:24
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schweebsrbaker: the enlightened use thunderbird or mutt04:35
srbakerschweeb, i was using thunderbird, i'm switching back to balsa04:37
srbakerall mail clients suck04:37
schweebyea, pretty much04:37
srbakeractually, i don't mind evo for mail04:37
srbakerit's all of the other horseshit they throw in there04:37
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=== Keybuk adds "nda" to the list of silly tool names :p
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jancschweeb : thunderbird has one big faw: it has no useable plain text editor  :-(05:41
schweebhrm?  I make plain text messages just fine...?05:42
jancyou don't see how they look at the receiver's end?  ;)05:43
schweebplaintext is just that - plaintext... no formatting... I still dunno what you're talking about05:43
sabmochi schweeb 05:44
schweebhello sabmoc05:44
jancquoting is completely broken in the plain text editor05:44
sabmocschweeb, hows it going?05:44
schweebfine fine05:45
schweebtrying to mock up some mono 1.1.4 packages for myself05:45
jancat least up to TB 1.005:45
calcmutt is a good mail client :)05:45
=== infinity scratches his head.
schweebjanc: odd, it's worked fine for me.  I have my whole company (150 users) running on tbird05:46
sabmocschweeb, hmm.. Im not much of a programmer so Im not too interested in mono, only the slick mono apps like tomboy.05:46
infinityIs festival_client supposed to vomit all over stderr when you run it?05:46
schweebsabmoc: hah, I'm in the middle... I know enough that I can build the stuff and be interested in it, but I'm by no means a programmer05:47
schweebas soon as I hit GUI design I give up05:47
schweebhopefully Stetic makes things better05:48
jancschweed : it works, the messages just look stupid when the receiver has a decent mail client  :P05:48
sabmocschweeb, yeah me too sort of, I went though a little the learning to build mono process, then I went though all the msdn tutorials on mono (very good btw) then made a calculator in gtk# and gave up :D05:48
sabmocI think I would like to learn xul now.05:49
sabmocerr.. correction, I went though the msdn tutorials on c#, they dont have any tutorials on mono yet. ;)05:50
sabmocgtk# really impressed me, I didnt give up because I didnt like it. GTK# makes GTK+ look like an evil joke. No offense :D05:51
schweebyea, I've seen GTK+ too, bleh05:51
Amaranthsabmoc: PyGTK makes GTK# look like a joke. :P05:51
sabmocAmaranth, but I have no interestin in py, I picked up a book on it but keep falling asleep, anything that easy is just no fun.05:52
schweebbleh, py doesn't rub me right for some reason05:52
Amaranthsabmoc: You like pain? :)05:52
AmaranthIf you do it correctly it reads like psuedo-code, it's so awesome.05:53
sabmocAmaranth, no, just kidding you a bit, but py just didnt really interest me. Its just personal preference I guess.05:53
AmaranthGTK# is good too. Anything is better than GTK+. :)05:54
sabmocAmaranth, I know, but maybe thats the problem, my brain needs at least a small level of abstraction from psudocode to code, writing psudocode is no fun.05:54
AmaranthI'm lazy so easy is fun. :)05:54
sabmocbut its possible im crazy05:54
sabmocAmaranth, hehe05:55
schweebI like perl for quick admin stuff, C# for other stuff05:55
sabmocschweeb, ever looked at xul?05:56
schweebxul is mozilla's stuff, isn't it?  if so, yes05:56
sabmocwhen I have time Im starting to poke into xul a little bit. So far it seems more complecated that I had hoped, but Im still interested.05:57
schweebit seems really complicated05:57
sabmocits basically just xml, css and javascript, thats pretty neat06:00
schweebI don't like webapps that much, heh... if I so desired, I could do PHP all day at work06:00
sabmocBut even for a simple app they make you jump though a lot of hoops06:01
sabmocschweeb, where do you work?06:01
schweebI work in the finance industry... for a credit card processor in MI06:02
sabmocwow cool06:02
schweebeh, not really... rich bosses suck06:02
sabmocwant to trade jobs?06:03
schweebprobably not06:03
jbaileyFinancial industry's not that bad.06:03
jbaileyThat's usually my sector.06:04
sabmochey jbailey 06:04
schweebwe're a bit... understaffed06:04
schweeband mismanaged06:04
jbaileyschweeb: understaffed usually isn't the problem I've seen.  Committee meetings with 30 people, none of whom have a clue or are really interested in the problem are.06:04
jbaileyBut each of them have to sign off on it because it touches something they might once have thought about.06:05
sabmocdamn bureaucracy06:05
schweebwell, we're a rather small company... ~150... 5 person IT dept, 2 of us are co-ops (interns)06:05
=== sabmoc gets back to work.. *grumble grumble*
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jbaileysabmoc: Usually, bad trust model more than anything else.  You can't trust that people will review the things they're supposed to so you drag them into a meeting to force them to do it.06:07
sabmocjbailey, hmm.. ic06:07
sabmocjbailey, I've never had to deal with that, closest I have ever come to going corporate was working in the mailroom for midlandwalwyn but they got bought out by merril lynch sortly before I left (I still blame myself)06:09
sabmocoops, I mean shortly after I left.. 06:10
schweebI think I ran into a problem compiling mono 1.1.4 with mono 1.1.406:10
=== schweeb uninstalls
sabmocschweeb, I havent compiled mono since around .40 or so, whats the problem?06:10
schweebit's cleared from my scrollback already06:11
=== sabmoc reaches over and adds another zero to schweebs scrollback
schweebbut I built mono alone earlier, and installed to /usr/local... but when building for a package, it bombed on compile every time06:11
schweeb(fresh source tree)06:12
sabmocah, well I dont know a thing about packaging 06:12
sabmocok, time to work06:13
schweebtime to sleep06:13
=== sabmoc is away: why cant I just make art for a living?
jbaileysabmoc: Midland Walwyn had an awesome trading floor. =)  I got a tour of their facility in BCE in 96 or 97.  06:13
sabmocjbailey, cool, I would have been the guy pushing the mailcart around, and picking up the courier to be delivered.06:14
sabmocjbailey, that was back when I lived in TO of course, Im in BC now.06:15
sabmocthat was such a fun job :) 06:16
jbaileyI was working for Phillips Hager & North in Vancouver at the time and was out here to do some server maintenance.06:20
jbaileyI moved to TO 'bout 4 years ago, moving to Montral this summer.06:20
infinityAnd in another 3 years, he'll be in Newfoundland.06:21
jbaileyinfinity: I'm vegan, I don't think I could cope with being screached in.06:22
danielsjbailey: You too could be a Noofie.06:22
danielsjbailey: Ooh, but I hear the screach is awesome!06:22
infinityjbailey : Pfft.  Convert.06:22
jbaileyOkay, and why do the Auzzies know about neufies?06:22
jdubwe know noofies smell06:23
danielsjbailey: And their screach.06:23
schweebfeel the love! ;)06:24
jbaileyjdub: Newfie's don't smell, that's just what living in a seaport smells like in general.06:24
=== jbailey misses living near real water.
jbaileyNot this thing that used to be a fresh water lake that's beside me.06:25
infinityPort, schmort.06:25
infinityA year next to the ocean in Cairns cured me of any such urges.06:25
infinityThankfully, Melbourne smells enough like "big city" to avoid smelling like ocean.06:25
jbaileyinfinity: Are you in Melbourne now?06:25
jbaileyShit dude, pick a city and stay there for a week or two.06:26
danielsWell, as much as you can call Altona a part of Melbourne.06:26
infinityI'm staying, I promise.06:26
infinityUnless they kick me out of the ocuntry.06:26
infinitydaniels : Pfft, it's closer than your current residence.06:26
infinityAlso, I get to hear folk from Footscray on the train every day talking JUST LIKE Dave Hughes.  And that's always good for a laugh.06:27
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=== infinity gives wget a sideways glance.
sabmocWow, is everyone here Australian Noofies except me? Whats going on?06:28
danielssabmoc: Australian Noofies?06:28
danielsThat's a little bit of a contradiction in terms.06:28
infinityEvidently, wget segfaults iff the first connection times out, but the second attempt connects.06:28
schweebI'm a resident of the US of A06:28
infinityThat seems... Different.06:28
danielsExcept for infinity, because he comes from Noofieland, and now lives in .au.06:28
infinityI come from Noofieland?06:29
danielsinfinity: Yes.06:29
infinityWOuld you like me to tell people that you come from Darwin?06:29
danielsWell, that's demonstrably untrue.06:29
sabmocyes, tell us he comes from Darwin06:29
sabmocthen tell us who Darwin is06:29
infinitydaniels : As is the bit about me and Newfoundland. :)06:30
infinitydaniels : Since I'm from the other side of the country.06:30
danielssabmoc: darwin is a horrible city in Australia06:30
=== infinity goes to argue with wget instead, which is starting to seem like more fun.
sabmocinfinity, noofies are the best people06:31
=== sabmoc has never met a noofie he didnt like.
jbaileysabmoc: While australia is a rock they exile people to, it's a bit too big to be mistaken for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.06:32
jbaileysabmoc: Even my geography isn't that bad (and I can assure you, my geography is horrible)06:32
infinityIt's probably the lack of meat that makes your sense of proportion and direction go all whacky.  <nods knowingly>06:33
sabmocjbailey, how can you have bad geography? I thought you were Canadian.06:33
sabmocoh wait, should have said "of course you have bad geography, your Canadian."06:34
=== sabmoc things grama is for whimps
jbaileysabmoc: Right.  If it's flat it's the praries.  If there's a mountain it's BC.  If there's a big lake, it's Toronto.  If people are talking around me and I can understand them all, it's Quebec, and if it smells like Vancouver but is either hotter or colder than it should be, it's Halfax.06:35
jbaileysabmoc: But notwithstanding that, I tend to think that Africa and India look awfully similar on maps.06:35
danielsjbailey: And if it's flat, dull, and invaded by masses of hackers once a year, it's Ontario.06:36
jbaileyYou're thinking about ottawa.  It's not perfectly flat.  There's one hill there, and they decided to put the parliament buildings there.  There's a hurd of wild cats there, which I think is terribly cool.06:37
jduboh man06:37
danielsIs a hurd like a herd? :)06:37
jdubjbailey: you're SICK06:37
jdub^ exactly06:37
dilingerdaniels: they're daemon cats06:38
danielsjbailey: and I thought Ottawa was in Ontario?06:38
jdubdaniels: we'll fix him in sydney06:38
Keybuka hurd of cats sounds cruel ... poor things must keep dying every few hours :(06:40
=== OddAbe19 is back (gone 07:44:24)
jbaileydaniels: There are allegidely mountains in Ontario somewhere.  I haven't seen any sign of them, but this provice is somewhere around a million square kilometers.06:42
danielsjbailey: Ahr.06:43
sabmocjbailey, what is the weather doing over there right now, have your igloos melted yet?06:43
jbaileyThe province I'm moving to is apparently larger: 1,450,680 square kilometres.06:43
Keybukouch; we have 1,511 sources in main.  and 1,026 sources we've changed from Debian06:43
jbaileysabmoc: Mostly.  There's still a bit of snow on the ground my rain and sun over the last 3 days are wearing them down.06:44
infinityThe igloos never melt.  If they did, where would we keep our pet polar bears?06:44
Keybuk(though some of that latter number are universe ones)06:44
danielsKeybuk: I blame lsb init.06:44
Keybukdaniels: I suspect python2.4 is more worthy of your blame06:44
jbaileyKeybuk: A question that came to mind earlier, if we eventually merge everything to where the changelog is the only difference, do we eventually go back to just merging?06:44
Keybukif the changelog is the only difference, get elmo to sync it from Debian06:45
danielshighly unscientific:06:45
danielsdaniels@catsby:~xap/debian/patches% COLUMNS=1200 dpkg -l | COLUMNS=1200 egrep '^ii' > foo06:45
Keybukit drops our changelogs, but that's ok because they should be at least mentioned in the Debian one06:45
danielsdaniels@catsby:~xap/debian/patches% wc -l foo06:45
danielsdaniels@catsby:~xap/debian/patches% awk '{ print $3; }' < foo | grep ubuntu | wc -l06:45
daniels1656 foo06:45
jbaileyKeybuk: Ah, good.06:45
=== sabmoc wears shorts and tshirts year round.
Keybukdaniels: aptitude install dpkg/experimental06:46
Keybukdaniels: dpkg -l | egrep ...06:46
danielsKeybuk: ooo, shiny.06:46
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mkedwardswasabi_: wrt ant packaging, which domino needs to fall next?  Can I help?07:16
fabbioneelmo: i think there is an inconsistency in the Sources.gz. kdesdk is in main as source and a couple of libs, but the Sources.gz still reports it as in universe07:22
jdubjbailey: what are your thoughts on new versions of nptl?07:31
sabmocwow tomboy rocks07:39
jdubjbailey: ^07:40
sabmocschweeb, I have a couple questions about LoCo.07:42
sabmocschweeb, knock knock07:44
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mkedwardsmdz: word to the wise: "There is no way of recovering an invalid snapshot" (per dm-exception-store.c).07:55
mkedwardsmdz: So don't jog your USB stick when it's your device-mapper COW device.  :(07:56
=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmowhat's up with mono being uninstallable?08:08
elmojdub: ^-- ; it stops me from test-building beagle08:08
fabbioneelmo: did you read above?08:09
fabbioneelmo: and the Build-Deps for kdesdk will pull in more craft from universe08:09
elmo    kdesdk | 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu1 | hoary/universe | source08:09
elmoI don't know what makes you think it's in main?08:10
fabbioneyes... but kdeaddons Build-Dep on libcvsservice-dev (provided by kdesdk)08:10
fabbionein the pool/ is in main08:10
elmokatie@jackass:~ $ zgrep kdesdk dists/hoary/main/source/Sources.gz 08:10
elmokatie@jackass:~ $ 08:10
elmofabbione: that's seed inconsistency - it happens all the time08:10
fabbioneah ok08:10
fabbionein main there is an older version tho08:11
elmothings aren't pulled in automatically so we have some control over what gets into main08:11
fabbionemeh not kdeaddons..kdewebdev08:11
fabbionekdewebdev is the one that Build-Dep on something provided by kdesdk08:12
fabbioneand kdewebdev is in main afaics08:12
elmoyes, I know, it's an ongoing thing08:13
fabbioneah ok :-)08:13
elmowe're discussing it with the kubuntu folks08:13
fabbionefine for me than08:13
fabbionei tought it went in unchecked08:13
fabbione(tbh these are the last 2 packages for main, the sparc buildd is bitching about :-))08:14
jdubelmo: how's it borked?08:20
elmo  mono-mint: Depends: mono-assemblies-base-0.96 but it is not installable08:22
elmo             Depends: mono-common (= 0.96-1) but 1.0.5-1 is to be installed08:22
elmoup-to-date i386 hoary chroot08:22
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jdubelmo: one for tseng / motu08:24
elmojdub: k08:24
sabmocIs anyone organizing ubuntu-love days?08:26
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ajhrm, so what goes on at these Ubuntu conferences?08:29
=== aj ponders visiting sydney for a couple of days at least
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Keybukthe main plan for the sydney one is planning for breezy, I think08:30
ajym bendy?08:31
Treenaksaj: no, breezy :)08:31
Treenaksaj: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-March/000020.html08:31
ajsabdfl's been gagged and left tied up in the back of his jet or something? :)08:31
=== Treenaks points at Keybuk
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091987.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachgoood morning08:41
KeybukTreenaks: whyfor point?08:42
dholbachKeybuk: cool, thanks for the /patches/ :-)08:44
TreenaksKeybuk: something about suggesting badgers :)08:45
Keybukonly because I couldn't remember the names of the other dwarves08:45
smurfixKeybuk: Some of them are not quite suitable for release names anyway.08:47
dholbachmorning elmo, could you please sync  lineakd  from sid at some stage of caffeination? :-)08:47
elmodholbach: just lineakd?08:47
elmoit has a bunch of dependent children source packages08:47
dholbachelmo: i'll investigate08:48
dholbachelmo: thanks08:48
elmodholbach: (I mean lineak-.*plugin, FWIW)08:48
dholbachelmo: i only had a complaint about lineakd itself and it seems to work with the new debian version08:49
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dholbachelmo: then it'd be  lineakd, lineak-kdeplugins, lineak-xosdplugin, lineak-defaultplugin08:51
dholbachelmo: because they enforce lineakd versions08:52
dholbachelmo: did you plan to attend tomorrow's CC meeting?08:52
elmodholbach: sure08:53
dholbachelmo: because right after it, the MOTU crew wanted to discuss the proceedings of universe in the release schedule and mdz already pointed out, that we'd need your input08:53
dholbachelmo: (  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTUMeeting  )08:53
elmodholbach: ah.  hmm.  I have to travel to London at some point - how long is the second meeting likely to be?08:54
dholbachelmo: we have it as first point on the agenda08:54
dholbachelmo: and if you don't make it, you could just tell us, how you feel towards it in advance08:54
elmoyou guys want to change universe _after_ release??08:56
=== elmo whines quietly
dholbachi guess most of us don't *WANT* to08:57
dholbachelmo: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniverseUnmetDeps will give you an idea08:57
dholbachand that's not even the "doesn't build anymore"-list08:58
dholbachwe just need the input if it's possible or not, because i'd feel a bit safer if it was 09:00
elmonot being funny, but trying to fix hoary universe now seems like fighting in quicksand.  it's been version frozen for several months now and you guys have come to the party very late (not at all your fault).  have you considered concentrating your efforts on breezy instead?09:00
elmooh tehcnically it's possible, just a small amount of work - it's just messing with something after it's been released - even universe - just gives me all the wrong kinds of chills09:01
dholbachof course... we'll focus on each an every release09:01
elmoapart from anything else, breezy will probably fix most of these issues, just through auto-sync09:01
dholbachbut i just feel bad for having a fucked-up universe09:01
Treenaksdholbach: "fucked-up" or "slightly broken"09:02
dholbachTreenaks: my judgement depends on the DoesntBuildAnymore-list09:02
elmodholbach: anymore meaning since warty or?09:04
dholbachelmo: i don't quite understand09:04
elmowell anymore implies they did build once?09:05
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dholbachelmo: i heard someone mumbling about test-rebuilding the universe some time ago and never heard of it again... i'm always dreading such a list NonBuildables, but i'm sure we could tackle a lot of dumb stuff with it09:06
elmoI'm actually importing universe right now into the test-rebuild archive09:07
elmomain just finished this weekend09:07
dholbachoh cool09:07
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dholbachwhere could we check for build-errors?09:08
pittijdub: here?09:08
dholbachhi pitti 09:08
pittiHi dholbach 09:08
jdubpitti: yo09:08
elmodholbach: I'm not sure - lamont will know09:08
dholbachelmo: i'll ask him then09:08
danielselmo: mirnyy needs more connections ;)09:08
elmodaniels: use a mirror, you tramp09:08
danielselmo: we have rsync mirrors?09:09
danielsyeah, just waiting for /wiki/Archive to load09:09
danielsi blame you for telling me to use mirnyy instead of auckland09:09
elmous.archive.ubuntu.com is guaranteed to be up-to-date too09:09
elmogod, don't use mirnyy for the archvie09:09
dholbachelmo: thanks a lot09:09
elmoarchive.u.c is fine atm, cdimage (i.e. mirnyy) is still suffering horribly09:09
danielselmo: ah, ok09:10
danielsit seemed absolutely fucked09:10
daniels5KB/sec and always dropping out09:10
danielsi suppose you can't speak as to whether mirror.isp.net.au is a decent mirror09:10
elmoyeah, apache's err, not performing well.  I'm not "fixing" it, 'cos I want something to beat thom around the head with when he gets up09:11
danielsi like your motivations :)09:11
elmodaniels: I don't know - I'm still look for an australian who can give me a useful answer on who'd be best for au.archive.u.c09:11
danielselmo: planetmirror09:11
danielsabsolutely no doubt there09:11
danielsthey have stupidly fast links to the entirety of the country, a fair few people peer with them, and they mirror the entire, well, planet09:12
danielsand are very reliable09:12
danielshell, they were going to mirror fd.o09:12
daniels(we didn't get around to setting up a proper mirror infrastructure)09:12
danielsthe only downside to planetmirror is that they don't seem to do an rsync mirror09:13
elmoyeah, but that's not a requirement for $cc.archive.u.c09:14
dokomorning all09:15
dholbachmorning doko!09:16
pittiHi doko09:17
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pittiMorning sabdfl 09:23
sabdflhey pitti et al09:25
danielssabdfl: 'morning09:25
fabbionemorning sabdfl 09:27
=== Amaranth heads for bed
sabmocnight guys09:31
dholbachelmo: thanks again! :-)09:34
elmodholbach: no prob09:34
jancAmaranth : good idea, it's about 9h35 here  :-/   ;-)09:37
dholbachelmo: could you please sync   libgnome2-wnck-perl   from sid, when you do the next bunch?09:40
bob2is it possible to edit the applications menu in hoary atm?09:42
dholbachbob2: ask Amaranth, he's writing code to make it happen09:43
dholbachbob2: but he said "<Amaranth> now, don't say my name anymore it beeps and wakes me up :P"09:44
Amaranthbob2: You can edit /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu to change the actual structure of the menus and /usr/share/applications contains the desktop files that go into the menu (they're ini files)09:45
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi carlos09:46
Amaranthhttp://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/ is what i have so far09:46
=== Amaranth turns off the beepiness
bob2so there's no GUI in hoary for this atm?09:46
dholbacherm... how can a package have two different source packages? (apt-cache showsrc schoolbell)09:50
dholbachah... maybe re-packaged09:50
dholbachthat explains, why schoolbell-ssl isnt installable any more09:50
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drspinanyone awake this evening?09:54
sabmocwho do we talk to about setting up a mailing list for LoCoTeam-CA? or registering the domain www.ubuntu-ca.org?09:54
dholbachhey mvo09:54
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-37-188.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvohey dholbach 09:55
mvomorning all09:55
dholbachgood morning, seb128 09:55
sabmocmeh, im going to bed09:55
sabdflsabmoc: smurfix is the LoCo team coordinator, he'll be able to help you out09:55
drspinwhat script is run when I insert my USB drive?09:55
sabmocsabdfl, thank you09:56
drspinor better yet -- would it be possible to get RO support for NTFS added?09:57
seb128ajmitch: have you tried python-nautilus before uploading it ?09:57
sabdfldrspin: check out gnome-volume-manager, and hal, and pmount09:57
pittiHi seb128 09:58
mkedwardsdrspin: ntfs support (ro) works fine on livecd09:58
pittidrspin: what do you mean by "added"?09:58
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pittidrspin: you should already be able to use NTFS removable devices09:58
mkedwardsdrspin: it'll let you mount it rw too, but I wouldn't advise it.  <g>09:59
drspinmkedwards: yes :) :) but the automount scripts for a USB drive doesn't check for NTFS -- therefore my drive doesn't mount when I plug it in and it's a pain in the a$$ to use it (root only)09:59
pittidrspin: and you can add NTFS partitions to /etc/fstab09:59
seb128hey pitti 09:59
drspinin other words I have to manuall mount my USB drive with the NTFS filesystem and only root can use it then09:59
seb128pitti: you broke gnomevfs :p09:59
pittiseb128: ??10:00
pittiseb128: I only added a segfault patch recently :-)10:00
pittiseb128: you mean #7933? indeed, very odd10:00
mkedwardsdrspin: mount -o ro,umask=00010:00
pittidrspin: no, it should be mounted automatically10:00
mkedwards(via sudo)10:00
seb128pitti: yeah, this one :)10:00
pittidrspin: if not -> http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/DebuggingRemovableDevices10:00
pittidrspin: and please _dont_ use mount10:01
pittidrspin: use pmount /dev/yourdevice as normal user10:01
seb128pitti: this crash is due to some distro changes ? Just to know if it should be closed upstream10:02
mkedwardsdrspin: pitti's right; I use mount with HD partitions10:02
pittiseb128: I didn't deal with it yet, will do ASAP10:02
seb128k, thanks10:02
drspinpitti: WOW!! 15 or so people have helped me with this and you are the first one to be helpful... followed closely by onkarshinde in #ubuntu... thanks10:03
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drspinsorry to annoy the -devel chan10:03
mkedwardsdrspin: I only point out umask= to say that mount doesn't imply root-only10:03
seb128pitti: I would like to get your opinion on the da_DK breakages for this guy. I've Cc you on the bug, I wonder why it opens en_GB after da_DK10:03
dholbachmorning dredg 10:03
seb128pitti: the guys has opened a bunch of bugs for differents apps10:03
pittidrspin: as it happens, I'm the pmount maintainer and caretaker of hotplug stuff :-)10:03
drspinmkedwards: I use it in my fstab but not sure how to set those on the cli10:03
drspinpitti: well thanks for the help :) :)10:04
mkedwardspitti: interesting hal weirdness: hald wedges during startup if a USB stick was present during power-up (probably BIOS brain damage)10:05
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elmotseng: ?10:07
drspinpitti: can I annoy you for another moment?10:08
mkedwardspitti: see comment in http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LiveCDPersistence10:08
pittidrspin: sure10:08
drspinpitti: pmount /dev/sda110:08
drspinmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda...10:08
pittidrspin: pmount -d /dev/sda110:09
pittidrspin: (and /msg please)10:09
sabmocIs there any chance I could get some free webspace for hosting some files if they are related to ubuntu?10:10
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jancsabmoc : that depends largely on what you want to host...10:33
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janc(I can't host, but there are several solutions...)10:34
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pittidholbach: you should ask elmo to sync rxvt-unicode, it brings a security fix10:47
dholbachpitti: why me? :-)10:47
dholbachpitti: i'll test it and ask him... thanks 10:47
pittidholbach: or any other MOTU10:47
dholbach<- dogwalk10:47
pittidholbach: universe syncs are the responsibility of MOTU, so I don't want to interfere with freezes10:48
ace2001acanyone try compiling gcc 3.4.3 on amd64?10:48
dholbachpitti: thanks for telling me10:48
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maswanftp-deb@churchill:~> rsync --delete --delete-after -av rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu /export/ftp/mirror/ubuntu10:50
maswanrsync: read error: Connection reset by peer10:50
maswanrsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(162)10:50
=== maswan prods ftpadmins
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dokomdz: still awake?11:21
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dholbachelmo: could you please sync rxvt-unicode from sid?11:24
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madduckdaniels: ping?11:36
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danielsmadduck: pong11:53
madducki just installed hoary's xserver-xorg and had some comments...11:53
madduck(a) i was asked by debconf 4 times to configure the xserver (apt-get install x-window-system-core)11:54
madducki have a de_DE system, and 'nodeadkeys' was the default for the question where i enter ctrl:nocaps usually11:54
madduck(that was (b)11:54
madduckthe variant question was empty, however.11:54
madduckand for (a): each time, debconf asked me more questions than before...11:55
madduck[other than that, it works like a charm] \11:55
danielsmadduck: a) is known11:55
danielsfor b), i assume nodeadkeys needs to be the variant, not the option11:55
madduckdict ber?11:57
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seb128carlos: here ?12:04
truluxpitti: ping12:04
pittitrulux: pong12:04
carlosseb128: yes12:05
pittitrulux: btw, are you admin of the -hardened ML?12:05
seb128carlos: rosetta question12:05
truluxpitti: hey pitti, how are you doing?12:05
truluxpitti: yeah12:05
pittitrulux: fine, thanks12:05
pittitrulux: I got a moderation request email, but I don't have a moderation password12:05
carlosseb128: rosetta answer12:05
truluxpitti: lemme take a look12:05
pitticarlos: rosetta done?12:05
seb128carlos: how have you planned to handle po files with ubuntu changes. Ie: gnome-panel.po ... if upstream want to use rosetta, they need to have 2 pot files ? One for the stock upstream and one for the package ?12:05
carlospitti: not yet12:06
pitticarlos: just bitching :-)12:06
pittiseb128: btw, the guy on the ML who complains about a slow gstreamer totem is right. it really sucks :-(12:07
carlosseb128: yeah, that's the idea. It will be improved in the future but for now, it's going to be done that way12:07
carlospitti: I know ;-)12:07
seb128carlos: merging the common parts ?12:07
carlosseb128: yes, upstream and ubuntu translations will have a way to share the translations12:08
seb128nice, thanks12:08
seb128and when have you planned to push rosetta po files in the language packs ?12:08
seb128because managing the translations with this bugzilla bug, is *urg*12:08
carlosseb128: This week people should be able to start translating ubuntu with Rosetta12:09
carlosand next week I hope they will land automatically into language packs12:10
pitti\o/ . o O { YAY }12:10
jbaileyDo we keep an archive snapshot of the array CDs at all so that the jigdo's can actually work?12:11
jbaileyI'm getting 404's (no surprising) on every package that's been updated since.12:12
seb128carlos, pitti: any of you mind to comment on #7370  about the langue-packs ?12:12
Kamionjbailey: no, I've been asking for it for ages12:12
seb128there is some question about the updates, etc12:12
m0rphxhi guys. I couldn't file a bug to python-nautilus, so I filed it under nautilus.12:12
jbaileyKamion: 'kay thanks.12:13
seb128m0rphx: this in an universe stuff12:13
seb128and broken12:13
seb128simply don't use it12:13
m0rphxoh, ok12:13
=== seb128 grrrr
dholbachseb128: should it be on MorgueCandidates?12:14
m0rphxit "works" after applying a simple patch12:14
seb128dholbach: no12:14
seb128it should be fixed12:14
dholbachseb128: ok12:14
seb128ajmitch has uploaded a broken version without testing it12:14
carlospitti: could you look into it?12:14
seb128it crashes nautilus12:14
seb128upstream have got 4-5 dups this WE12:14
seb128and people start complaining here12:14
pittiseb128, carlos: looked at #7370, what should I comment?12:15
m0rphxseb128: I made a patch for that crash, works for me12:15
seb128dholbach: do you know who is he ?12:15
pittiseb128, carlos: nevermind, saw it12:15
seb128pitti: the current comment, language packs updates for new version and outdated stuff12:15
dholbachseb128: who?12:16
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seb128dholbach: <seb128> ajmitch has uploaded a broken version without testing it12:16
Kamionwow, rsync really kills my laptop's I/O bandwidth when it gets going12:16
dholbachseb128: oh yes... he's one of our MOTUs12:17
seb128dholbach: ie, new python-nautilus rebuilt for python2.4 breaks nautilus and that's flooding upstream with crashes12:17
seb128dholbach: I'm not happy with that12:17
seb128dholbach: guys, install a package before putting it in the archive and break nautilus12:17
seb128dholbach: don't get it for you, you are doing some great job :)12:18
pittiseb128: done12:18
seb128pitti: thanks12:18
dholbachseb128: thanks a lot... :-)12:18
seb128pitti: sorry for the comment conflict :)12:19
dholbachseb128: i guess ajmitch will talk to you in some minutes, he was there ... 10 minutes ago12:19
seb128dholbach: I've pinged him 2h30 ago, he has not replied :p12:19
dholbachseb128: guess he was working12:20
seb128np, don't worry12:20
crimsundaniels: ping12:27
ajmitchseb128: sorry, I didn't logout before testing nautilus with nautilus-python, so it didn't pickup the new lib12:32
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seb128ajmitch: np. that's no luck that it makes nautilus crashing for everybody that has it installed12:33
seb128ajmitch: I'll fix it now12:34
ajmitchok, sorry about the hassle12:34
dholbachseb128: woohoo:  [gnome-db]  libgda/libgnomedb 1.3.1 released   ? can we now fix mergeant? :-p12:35
seb128dholbach: I've looked on libgda/libgnomedb, that's a mess12:36
seb128I think we will keep them in this way for hoary12:36
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crimsunlamont: ping12:53
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dholbachhi jinty12:57
jintyhoi dholbach12:57
dholbachjinty: i was brooding over  apt-cache showsrc schoolbell12:57
=== jinty goes to brood quickley
dholbachjinty: what shall we do about  schoolbell-ssl  and  libschoolbell ?12:58
dholbachjinty: at least schoolbell-ssl is not installable anymore12:59
jintyno it is going to die.12:59
jintythere is a new schoolbell 1.0 source package which only has schoolbell/libschoolbell12:59
dholbachso putting  schoolbell-ssl  on  wiki/MorgueCandidates  is the right thing to do?01:00
jintyit's already in unstable, and i've asked doko to bring it in to universe01:00
dokojinty: eh, it should be ...01:01
jintywon't schoolbell-ssl just dissappear automatically when the new schoolbell comes along?01:01
dholbachjinty: it's because of 2 different source packages01:02
jintydoko: is this the wrong place to check: ftp://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/schoolbell/01:02
jintythats the point, the new package is a school"bell" source01:03
jintyso, from now on there will be 2 source packages again01:03
tsengelmo: jdub mono-mint has been broken all along afaik, x86 and ppc dont use it, and its too slow to for anyone from other arches to have bothered01:03
dokojinty: oops, sorry, I didn't ... wait a minute01:04
elmotseng: beagle b-d's on it tho?01:05
tsengfor !x86 !ppc01:05
tsengor thats how it should be.01:05
=== tseng looks
elmoah, ok01:06
elmodoes mono really not support amd64 yet?01:06
tsengit does via mono-mint, sortof kindof, but its slow as crap01:06
tsengand no one has bothered to fix whatever it in hoary01:06
tsengmono 1.1 has native support.01:06
tsengmono-mint [!i386 !powerpc]  .. that looks correct per debian policy01:07
elmoyeah, I ran dpkg-buildcheckdeps in the amd64 chroot first01:08
elmoand cut'n'paste the missing packages into the i386 chroot01:08
elmohow come we don't have 1.1 yet, btw - just 'cos debian doesn't, or is it not released?01:08
tsengbecause debian doesnt01:08
tsenga) its a new build system, and b) a new packaging policy01:09
tsengupstream was very unhappy w/ the old packaging01:09
tseng(non)progress is tracked here: http://wiki.debian.net/?MonoDebianPlan01:10
tsengthere is some app breakage from 1.1 also01:10
tsengtomboy doesnt compile, blam needs a patch, muine crashes on close01:10
tsengfun :)01:11
dholbachenrico: ping01:11
thom(also, 1.1 is the unstable branch leading to 1.2, so maybe better waiting for that)01:11
tsengaccording to upstream 1.1 is leaps and bounds better than 1.001:11
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tsengbut there are still regressions in external apps01:12
Kamionupstreams always say that sort of thing :)01:12
thomtseng: sure, i'm just nervous of getting bit by a last minute change that goes into 1.2 and we have to support both 1.1 and 1.2 cos we have a release with 1.1 in ;-)01:12
Kamion"IT'S LOADS BETTER. (oh, some shit breaks.)"01:12
tsengoh, im definately not planning on it for hoary01:13
fabbionehey Kamion 01:13
tsengmy plan is wait for debian to post a new policy and core packages, and go to fixing any incompatibilities in other apps01:13
fabbioneKamion: is the debian-cd source updated on archive.u.c ?01:13
Kamionwhere on archive.u.c?01:14
fabbioneKamion: and is actually the one you are using.. right?01:14
fabbioneKamion: rsync a.u.c:<somewhere>01:14
Kamionplease don't use archive.u.c/cdimage/ if that's what you mean, use cdimage.u.c01:14
danielscrimsun: pong01:14
fabbionethere is only one entry with code/debian-cd.tar.bz201:15
crimsundaniels: hi.01:15
Kamionhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/code/debian-cd.tar.bz2 is updated every time a CD build happens01:15
fabbioneah ok01:15
enricodholbach: hello there01:15
crimsundaniels: I had a question regarding the "disappearance" of libXinerama_pic.a, but I think I've nailed the real problem (hotkeys ftbfs on ia64)01:15
fabbionei am going to try to build sparc iso's sometime during this week01:16
danielscrimsun: s/-lXinerama_pic/-lXinerama/, s/xlibs-static-{pic,dev}/libxinerama-dev/01:16
dholbachenrico: you're not an "uploader" for ubuntu?01:16
enricodholbach: I should be01:16
dholbachenrico: ah, just because of debtags and debtags-edit01:16
dholbachenrico: they should be rebuilt against new libapt01:17
crimsundaniels: right, the problem seems to be an outdated ./configure for hotkeys on ia64 that incorrectly detects the presence of libXinerama_pic.a01:17
enricodholbach: There's a new libdebtags in Debian: a very minor change (removed some debugging fprintfs).  Can't you re-pull that one?01:18
enricoI feel sincerely weird in downloading libdebtags and debtags-edit from hoary and then reuploading them again01:18
danielscrimsun: right, that'd be a Debian patch, so you'll need to remove that patch and re-run autoreconf -v --install01:18
enricoAnd it's not really something that needs me to do it01:18
mkedwardsThe actual root cause of the Xinerama_pic thing would be easier to determine given the config.log from the ia64 build.  It thought it saw XineramaQueryExtension in Xinerama_pic.01:19
danielsmkedwards: er, libXinerama_pic doesn't actually exist01:19
danielsmkedwards: do you mean in Xinerama.h?01:19
mkedwardsI know it doesn't exist; see http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/x/xosd/2.2.14-1/xosd_2.2.14-1_20041119-0352-ia64-successful01:20
dholbachenrico: i thought it was common politeness to ask the maintainer before uploading (even in a case of a simple rebuild)01:20
danielsmkedwards: right: Unpacking xlibs-static-pic (from .../xlibs-static-pic_4.3.0.dfsg.1-6ubuntu25_ia64.deb) ...01:20
enricodholbach: ah, ok, thanks.  But I don't maintain it for Ubuntu anyway.  Anyway, please go on01:21
mkedwardsIt doesn't get any symbols out of it (verified with ldd), but it still puts -lXinerama_pic in xosd-config output.01:21
dholbachenrico: we have the newest versions already :-)01:22
enricodholbach: is that automatic?01:22
danielsmkedwards: err, it won't be there in ldd; libXinerama_pic is a static-only library, so it'll get linked in regardless01:22
dholbachenrico: semi-automatic :-)01:22
mkedwardsSo dh_shlibs doesn't put a dependency on xlibs-static-pic into the libxosd output.01:23
danielsmkedwards: what needs to be done is that s/Xinerama_pic/Xinerama/ needs to be beaten out of the package, and the Build-Deps updated01:23
enrico(or, semi-cool :)01:23
danielsmkedwards: it doesn't need one; it's a static library01:23
mkedwardssorry, typed that before you answered.01:23
mkedwardsOK, so all that needs to happen is that xosd-config needs to drop the -lXinerama_pic.01:23
crimsunhmm, ok, so we'll need to touch xosd as well01:23
truluxStefan Esser fscking with "my FUD on hardened-php"01:24
trulux(the email regarding hardened-php posted to ubuntu-devel)01:24
truluxwhat a jerk01:24
mkedwards(hmm.  Suppose xlibs-static-pic is static?  /me kicks self)01:24
danielsmkedwards: you need to change -lXinerama_pic to -lXinerama (which will be a Debian patch: just back it out and run autoreconf -v --install), and change the xlibs-static-pic build-dep to libxinerama-dev01:25
mkedwardsOK.  Then we get xosd-config and the linker agreeing on -lXinerama.01:26
mkedwardscrimsun: got that?01:28
crimsunyep, thanks01:28
mkedwardsdholbach: that'll fix lineak too01:28
mkedwardspretty much need to rebuild everything that b-d on libxosd-dev afterwards.01:29
dholbachmkedwards: thank you very much for investigating... i was busy - will catch up on it01:29
mkedwardsdholbach: no worries.01:29
mkedwardsdholbach: small wild goose chase.  wild gosling, maybe.  ;)01:31
dholbachmkedwards: good work nevertheless :-)01:31
dholbachelmo: do you know what happened to  scribus  upload 3 hours ago?01:40
danielselmo: according to broonie (the debian zlib maintainer), zlib should be synced from debian01:41
pittijbailey: ping01:43
elmodholbach: who uploaded it?01:43
elmodaniels: nothing to sync?01:44
danielselmo: hmm?01:44
jbaileypitti: Here01:44
pittijbailey: I need another libc upload soon01:44
jbaileypitti: 'kay.  Soon like today, or soon like maybe tomorrow?01:44
pittijbailey: we should coordinate to put out changes into one uploa01:44
pittijbailey: tomorrow would be better 01:44
jbaileypitti: For me too.01:44
pittijbailey: :-)01:45
elmodaniels: version in debian == version in ubuntu01:45
danielselmo: oh.  my laptop must be out of date, then?01:45
dholbachelmo: erm... i uploaded for herve01:45
danielselmo: actually, no.01:45
elmodholbach: it's in main01:45
danielselmo: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zlib/01:45
jbaileypitti: I have... 3 code patches and one packaging patch, and I'd like to beat the crap out of them.01:45
danielselmo: unless some cock uploaded 1.1.2-4ubuntu1 to debian ;)01:45
dholbachelmo: *ARG*01:45
dholbachelmo: i'll tell herve01:46
elmodaniels: 1.1.2-4ubuntu1 is >> 1.1.2-4, I can't sync a _down_grade01:46
danielselmo: hrm, ok01:46
pittijbailey: okay, can we merge our stuff tomorrow? I only need to update one patch (ubuntu-altlocaledir.dpatch)01:46
elmo(1.2.2, same diff)01:46
pittijbailey: so it might be the easiest thing if I just sent you the patch and the changelog entry01:47
jbaileypitti: Yeah, sounds good.01:47
dholbachelmo: thanks01:47
jbaileypitti: And I'll aim for an end-of-my-day tomorrow upload.01:47
pittijbailey: okay, please prod me if you want to upload and I didn't mail you yet01:48
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seb128pitti: debian/patches/14_null_volume_crash.patch, is that something to send upstream or specific to hoary ?02:07
pittiseb128: I asked the bug submitter to test it; if it works, I'll send it to the upstream bug02:08
seb128k, thanks02:08
pittiseb128: I can't test it, I can't reproduce02:08
ograseb128, my little evonotify just stopped working due to the timestap change in wnck/metacity. i dont think its worth to fix it but since i want a working mail notification i'd like to know if there is already something in plce that can handle the evo generated d-bus message (else i will have a look how to write such a thing)02:11
seb128how does it break your stuff ?02:12
ograif i klick the tryicon evo should pop up...but it doesnt. and in .xsesion errors i see  Usage: Gnome2::Wnck::Window::unminimize(window, timestamp)02:13
dholbachogra: i synced a new libgnome2-wnck-perl today... does it work with that one?02:13
ograseb128, but i dont think its even worth the 10mins to fix it :)02:13
dholbachor isnt evonotify perl-gtk2?02:14
ogradholbach, already in the arch ? 02:14
dholbachwas like 4 hours ago02:14
ograthe it might be caused by it02:14
dholbachlibwnck4 -> libwnck16 transition02:15
ogradholbach, but i tink the d-bus way is the preferred one....so a little python script recieving the message and showing the tryicon would b cooler02:15
Kamiondaniels: looks like xserver-xorg doesn't honour preseeding of xserver-xorg/config/display/modes02:15
danielsKamion: no, it won't02:15
Kamiondaniels: can that be fixed? it breaks kickstart02:15
danielsKamion: uhm02:15
dholbachogra: i won't stop you :-P02:15
danielsit's within the realm of probability, but I'm willing to bet it breaks lots of other stuff02:16
danielsthat part of the code is particularly fragile02:16
KamionI know, but I have to mark a big whack of kickstart as unsupported otherwise02:16
Kamionlike it won't always be able to do unattended installs, which kind of defeats the purpose :)02:16
KamionI only realised it was broken today, because up until now kickseed was preseeding the wrong question - but I fixed that and then ran into this02:17
danielsKamion: right02:17
danielsKamion: i'll look at it, but no promises02:17
Kamionok, please02:17
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danielsKamion: patches welcome also, of course ;)02:18
Kamiondaniels: presumably the correct logic is "don't set /display/modes if it's seen and we aren't reconfiguring"02:19
ograseb128, i got a user here who deleted his /etc/gconf dir..... (crazy KDE users)02:19
Kamionexcept I wonder what the live CD should do there02:19
danielsKamion: the live CD is a reconfiguration scenario02:20
ograseb128, any iway to get that back ?02:20
Kamionyeah, but the live CD is also a potential target for preseeding02:20
danielsKamion: it handles things differently based on two cases: a) upgrading, b) everything else02:20
danielsKamion: initial installs fall into 'everything else'02:20
Kamionmaybe not in hoary, but in the future02:20
ograseb128, yup, thats what i thought02:20
dholbachogra: apt-get install --reinstall <.........................................................................................>  :-(02:20
Kamionapt-get install --reinstall doesn't do that02:20
danielsKamion: so we'd basically have to either get everything seeded from kickstart and special-case it into the 'upgrading' scenario (everything filled in), or yeah02:20
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danielsKamion: actually, I have a passable idea of how to attack this02:20
ogradholbach, but what ?02:20
Kamionyou need to pass the --force-confmiss option to dpkg02:21
Kamiondaniels: by that point you can't tell kickstart did it - all you have is that the value is set and that the question is fset seen02:21
danielsKamion: huzzah!02:21
danielsKamion: the modes thing is a bit of a bugger, though, because you realistically can't just preseed modes02:21
Kamionwhy not?02:21
dholbachogra: no "but"02:22
danielsKamion: config/monitor/use_sync_ranges is an important thing to know02:22
ogradholbach, i thought probably removing libgtk and then reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, but i have not the slightest idea if it works or what else breakss then02:22
Kamionkickstart can provide h/v sync02:22
dholbachogra: he can't break it any further02:22
Kamionbut kickstart is very much a "you asked for it, you got it" kind of thing anyway02:22
danielsKamion: if it can provide use_sync_ranges, that'll do02:23
danielsKamion: we can calculate our own sync ranges02:23
ogradholbach, i know :)02:23
ogradholbach, but what meatn "what package" a simple apt-get install --reinstall cant solve that02:23
Kamiondaniels: it will already provide sync ranges if you use xconfig --hsync=<blah> --vsync=<blah>02:23
danielsKamion: even better02:24
Kamiondaniels: so what should use_sync_ranges be set to and when?02:24
danielsKamion: let me think about it and hack a bit, but you totally get the wrath of mdz if it's all fucked ;)02:24
Kamiondaniels: mdz gets to resolve competing breakage of primary hoary goals :P02:25
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Kamiondaniels: I'll upload kickseed 0.15 so that you can test it once it gets into d-i initrds and stuff02:29
Kamiondaniels: boot with ks=http://riva.ucam.org/~cjwatson/tmp/daniels.ks02:29
Kamiondaniels: ... on a scratch machine though, since that'll wipe the disk02:29
danielsKamion: awesome, ta02:29
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Mitariohi everyone02:29
danielsKamion: oh, er02:29
danielsKamion: interesting concept, this 'scratch machine'02:30
=== daniels looks around for an empty disk.
Kamiondaniels: delete all the partitioning stuff from that file, then02:30
danielsoh, ugh02:31
Kamiondaniels: probably want to grab it to somewhere HTTP-accessible and customise it; I've deleted the partitioning/bootloader bits02:31
Kamiondaniels: it should let you do partitioning manually now02:31
danielsKamion: could you please change 'XWindows' to 'X.Org', 'X', or 'X Window System'?02:31
danielsKamion: X Windows -> world of trademark pain02:31
Kamionthat's really upstream RH stuff, but done02:32
Kamion(though not in that file, can't be bothered :))02:32
danielsi can vim that myself02:33
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ograhi \sh02:38
\shhoi ogra02:38
\shjoke is old ;) 02:38
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dholbachhey zul02:57
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Mirvanyone know which nick Michiel Sikkes uses?03:16
thomMirv: mitario03:16
Mirvok, thanks :)03:16
=== pitti shudders at the version number 1.0lang20041216+ubuntu1-0ubuntu1
danielspitti: ... dude03:30
danielsthom: i hate to say it, but you've just been outdone :(03:30
pittidaniels: I have to add the Xhosa XPI to moz-ffox-locale-all03:31
pittidaniels: and I don't want to mess with uuencode crap, since the package build is largely automatic03:31
=== thom applauds pitti
pittilongest upstream version number ever?03:35
danielss/upstream //03:36
danielseven worse than 0.9.3+1.0rc1+reverted-to-0.9.3-0ubuntu103:36
danielsor whatever it was03:36
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pittiodd, I had expected that the new m-ffox-locale-all package gets stuck in NEW...03:39
truluxpitti: got the moderator access?03:39
pittitrulux: didn't try yet03:39
truluxpitti: ok, lemme know if there's any problem03:43
truluxpitti: btw, do you have time for toolchain work these days?03:44
pittinot really03:44
pittithe time before RC and final release we have to concentrate on bug squashing03:44
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dholbachelmo: could you please sync  xli   and   openscenegraph   from sid?03:52
pittimvo: here?03:55
dholbachsee you later03:58
truluxpitti: ok, just for gcc-hardened/-ssp finishing03:59
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091987.pool.terralink.de] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Verlassend"]
seb128a rsync on the dvd image is supposed to work ?04:07
schweebseb128: that's how everyone I know updates theirs04:15
seb128rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] 04:15
seb128rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(359)04:15
seb128I keep getting this04:15
Treenaksseb128: how are you rsyncing?04:16
seb128rsync -azvP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/dvd/20050315/hoary-dvd-i386.iso hoary-dvd-i386.iso04:16
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mvopitti: pong04:21
thomseb128: prolly too many connections04:21
Kamioncdimage is overloaded :(04:22
pittimvo: is there any reason why php4 4:4.3.8-3ubuntu7.5 doesn't appear in your changelogs tree?04:22
jbaileyKamion: A download that I started earlier this morning (11h00 GMT or so) claimed 10 hours to complete04:23
lamontelmo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/Test/... is a clone of it's parent, but for the test distro04:23
lamontcrimsun: sup?04:24
seb128thom: is there any other location to get that ? :)04:24
mvopitti: when did you uploaded it?04:24
pittimvo: last friday04:24
=== seb128 wants a DVD image
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Treenaksseb128: http://images.google.com/images?q=dvd&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search </annoying mode>04:25
mvopitti: hrm, let me check04:26
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=== lamont plaintively wishes we'd started with just the universe packages _currently_ in hoaary
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jbaileypitti: *pounce*04:33
pittijbailey: ?04:34
jbaileypitti: 7987 just came in, it looks like it might be caused by the stat reduction you did.  Would you mind looking at it?04:35
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pittijbailey: handled, dup of #783504:37
jbaileypitti: Thanks.04:37
=== fabbione mumbles
fabbioneanybody with UML experience around?04:37
pittiUnified Modelling Language? or User Mode Linux? :-)04:38
fabbionethe latter04:38
carlosfabbione: I'm using it, but moving to Xen now...04:38
=== elmo randomly fanboys xen to fabbione just to be unhelpful and annoying
fabbionecarlos: i get errors trying to rootstrap a fs04:38
fabbioneelmo: i need to look into it too, but i need something that is more packaged that xen :-)04:39
fabbionecarlos: basically rootstrap barfs becuase 'linux' cant open the init script04:39
carlosfabbione: there are Debian packages for xen in experimental04:39
fabbionecarlos: do you recall this problem?04:39
fabbioneKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.04:40
fabbionebut there is an init defined there04:40
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carlosfabbione: hmm, don't remember that problem04:40
carlosfabbione: are you using an initrd kernel?04:40
fabbionecarlos: do you remember how to rootstrap a fs? perhpas it's just me doing something really stupid04:40
fabbionei am using the default...04:40
carlosfabbione: from debian??04:40
fabbioneplain deb installed04:40
fabbionemodified /etc/rootstrap/rootstrap.conf to point to my mirror and bring up the network04:41
fabbionethat's all the customization i did04:41
schweebfabbione: I'm working on packaging xen actually04:41
carlosfabbione: sorry, I did it about 6 months ago, and since then, I decided to use debottstrap and do it by hand04:41
schweebbut I use UML as well04:41
carlosfabbione: I think mdz wrote that script (not completely sure)04:42
fabbionecarlos: hmmm ok.. even doing it manually is fine for me.. mdz wrote rootstrap (the one i am trying to use ;))04:42
fabbioneschweeb 04:42
fabbioneok.. do you know how to solve that problem?04:42
schweebI don't, however, use rootstrap04:42
carlosschweeb: I'm using xen on Ubuntu and have the Debian package modified to work with Ubuntu, the only change I don't have is the kernel patch04:42
fabbioneok.. how do i create the image manually..04:43
fabbionei don't care to use rootstrap..04:43
carlosfabbione: I was talking about rootstrap, not debootstrap04:43
fabbionesomething that works is FINE.04:43
carlosfabbione: create a file for your filesystem04:43
schweebfabbione: you know how to make a sparse file?04:43
carlosmount it with the loop option04:43
schweebmake a sparse file how big you want the fs to be, mkfs it, mount loop, then use debootstrap on it04:44
carlosand do a normal debootstrap installation inside that mount point04:44
fabbionecarlos: ok.. gotcha.. install the um kernel...04:44
fabbionecarlos: and so on, right?04:44
carlosbut really, you should look into xen. my uml machine gets blocked every month or so and I need to ask my ISP to reboot it04:44
schweebcarlos: hah, mine's been up for like 9 months straight04:45
carlosfabbione: weel, the kernel is in the host machine, and then, you need to copy the modules into the  /lib/modules of the loop file04:45
dredgmine's been up for ~100 days.. but then i run the servers that they live on, so my UML gets nice treatment :)04:45
fabbionecarlos: ok.. works for me... thanks04:45
=== fabbione just needs some kind of [UML|xen] to test kernels without having to reboot the world
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schweebcarlos: I looked at doogie's packages, then decided to scrap and start over... his are overly complicated... patches in a couple places where no patches need to be added, etc...04:46
schweebmanually mv'ing files04:47
carlosfabbione: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-xen/04:47
schweebfelt like too much of a hack job04:47
carlosschweeb: are you talking about 2.x packages or 1.x?04:47
schweebthe 2.x04:47
schweebplus, I used cdbs04:48
schweebbut, I haven't figured the best way to do the kernel patch yet04:48
carlosschweeb: hmmm, do you have them in any apt friendly place?04:48
schweebnope, they're still in my private stash... I'll release something on my website in the next week or 204:49
carlosI don't care about the kernel, I'm creating them without using .deb packages04:49
carlosschweeb: ok04:49
schweebcarlos: if you feel like sharing your experiences, I made a wiki page for Xen too04:50
carlosschweeb: URL?04:50
=== fabbione sighs
fabbionethis is all so damn complicated....04:50
schweebcarlos: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XenVirtualMachine04:50
fabbionei want my e10k back!04:51
carlosschweeb: ok, thanks04:51
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carlosschweeb: I had no problems booting an Ubuntu rootfs with Xen04:52
schweebdid you enable DEVFS, or use an initrd?04:53
carlosschweeb: no I was not able to use it with initrd04:53
carlosbut didn't try it too hard04:53
schweebmy machine was also a bit odd... it's on an Asus A7V... and my boot drive was on my secondary Promise IDE controller04:53
carlosschweeb: I'm using my main server with Xen atm, with SATA hard drives04:54
schweebI couldn't get it to mount my root, my guess was it was missing a dev entry04:54
carlosand it's on production atm04:54
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schweebcarlos: I also haven't really tried even booting it since I started packaging the stuff... haven't had time really04:57
Kamionhooray, nis kickstart support05:00
Kamionwell, more or less05:00
Kamionnot sure I've got it quite right, it's ages since I did any of that nsswitch.conf mangling05:01
carlosschweeb: count with me as betatester05:01
Mithrandirfabbione: did I forget my fleece neck in your car last night?05:02
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fabbioneMithrandir: i need to check... let me ask Ulla.. shw just come back05:02
schweebcarlos: alright, maybe I'll work on them tonight... they don't come close to passing lintian atm05:03
Mithrandirfabbione: sure, no worries05:03
fabbionenope.. it's not in the car05:04
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mdzdoko: here now05:09
thomhey matt05:10
pittiHi mdz05:10
pittimdz: sorry for breaking libc :-(05:10
dokohi, just wanted to get the python 2.4.1 rc2 into hoary. the final release will be next week after PyCon05:10
mjg59If I want to produce an ISO with some extra packages from universe, what's the best way to do it?05:11
mdzpitti: you broke libc?05:12
fabbionehey mdz05:12
simirahi fabbione 05:13
pittimdz: #7835, the stat() caching stuff breaks for applications that have multiple domains 05:13
mdzmjg59: extra packages just on the CD, or installed per default?05:13
mjg59mdz: Installed per default05:13
pittimdz: jbailey has to upload libc tomorrow anyway05:13
pittimdz: if I don't find a good solution by tomorrow, I will revert the patch to the old one05:13
mdzmjg59: that involves hacking Task: in Packages; not as convenient as it might be05:13
mdzI think Kamion has notes on the process05:14
mjg59mdz: Ah, right05:14
mdzpitti: one day I will learn to trust my instincts ;-)05:14
mjg59Also, what do people feel about putting small hardware-specific packages in universe?05:14
seb128hi mdz 05:14
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pittimdz: one day I will learn not to touch basic packages close to a release 05:14
mjg59Something that would pull in packages used for that hardware and set up default configuration05:14
fabbionehi simira 05:16
mvomorning mdz 05:16
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mjg59mdz: Possibly with a small amount of scriptage05:18
mdzmjg59: can you give an example?05:19
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mjg59mdz: Say "thinkpad-x40" which would depend on tpb and provide a video switch script for acpi05:20
Kamionmorning mdz05:20
mdzmjg59: I have this idea that is on the list to discuss in sydney, to tie hardware detection to package management05:20
mjg59mdz: Ok, cool05:21
mdzmjg59: so that if, e.g., you plug in a particular USB device which requires additional software (say, hpoj), update-notifier would tell you about it05:21
mdzthis sounds like it might tie nicely into that05:21
Kamionogra: should hwdb-client get a .desktop file?05:21
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zygamdz: That's cool as long as it's updated05:23
ograKamion, mdz, dont you think the button in h-d-m is enough ? 05:23
zygamdz: It's like shared folders telling you to install sharing stuff ;] 05:23
mdzogra: not for KDE ;-)05:23
zyga(too bad there is no install-them-I'm-newbie button)05:24
ograhmm...didnt think of KDE05:24
mdzogra: Kubuntu doesn't currently use hal-device-manager05:24
ograyup, i saw it ...05:24
mdzthey do want hwdb-client, but I don't think we can do it for hoary05:24
mdzthey prefer not to have all the GNOME libs in the default install05:24
mdzfor breezy we can perhaps split the package05:25
Kamionogra: oh, I didn't know it was there05:25
ograhmm, having hwdb-client itself involves a lot of gnome libs (canvas, pygtk etc...)05:25
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schweebheh, hwdb-client doesn't like doing the video test over remote X it seems ;)05:25
Kamionogra: might be a good idea to write "Ubuntu" rather than "ubuntu" everywhere05:25
ograschweeb, could you file a bug ? i'll see if its solvable05:26
ograKamion, lol ( have changed it three times now, from small to big and back)05:26
ograKamion, see #693405:28
ograKamion, mdz, so whats the corporate identity, the logo shows it all in small letters, elsewhere in the system its written non capitalized, a final decision would be appreciated :)05:29
mdzogra: the name within a body of text should be capitalized05:31
ogramdz, ok :)05:31
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mdzdoko: are you here?05:32
pittisjoerd: ping05:33
seb128<CIA-1> mvogt * update-manager/src/aptsources.py.in: 05:34
seb128<CIA-1> * src/aptsources.py.in:05:34
seb128<CIA-1> - made "Binary" and "Source" translatable05:34
seb128mvo: oh, GNOME CVS, nice :)05:34
mvoseb128: jesus, you have your eyes _everywhere_ :)05:34
mdzdoko: if packaging a zope thing from scratch, should zope-debhelper be used?05:34
seb128mvo: :p05:34
dokomdz: yes, it should.05:34
sjoerdpitti: pong05:34
pittisjoerd: have you ever heard of cameras not recognized by hal-hotplug-map?05:35
pittisjoerd: I just found a bug that's so stupid that I wonder why we didn't recognize it more early05:35
sjoerdtheir id's aren't in the hotplug map thingy..05:35
sjoerdoh, nice :)05:35
pittihal_hotplug_map: Checking usermaps for USB device vid=0x04a9 pid=0x30ba05:35
pitti-> hex numbers05:35
pittisjoerd: however, h-h-m uses atoi() to convert these vendor/product id strings to integers05:36
pittisjoerd: which results in 0 05:36
zygaseb128: actually I've sent the same patch as you did ;] 05:36
pittisjoerd: now I changed it to strtol(string,NULL,16) and it works perfectly05:36
seb128zyga: about what ?05:36
zygaupdate-manager Binary / Source 05:36
seb128oh, I've just noticed the CVS commit05:37
pittisjoerd: or are the numbers converted to decimal in the environment vars?05:37
seb128I've not sent any patch05:37
dokomdz: if people have questions, send them to me05:37
sjoerdpitti: hal passes them in env vars iirc05:37
pittisjoerd: hmm, probably it converts it to integer then05:38
pittisjoerd: yeah, otherwise almost no camera would work. Okay, please forget the noise, I debug further05:38
sjoerdpitti: in the cases were i had people whose camera's weren't detected it was just a question of adding them..05:38
sjoerdpitti: np :)05:38
pittisjoerd: in my case the camera is present, but it isn't picked up05:38
pittisjoerd: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=738705:38
Kamionogra: please file bugs on any other places in the system (other than the logo, or places like filenames) that use "ubuntu" in lower case05:39
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schweebogra: you want it assigned directly to you?05:39
ograKamion, ok05:40
sjoerdpitti: i'll have a look later on if you haven't fixed it yet by then :p05:41
pittisjoerd: right now I do an extra-verbose hal-hotplug-map and ask for executing it05:41
mdzjbailey: 5204 looks like ECLOSEDWRONGBUG, confirm?05:43
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schweebogra: okay, submitted05:43
ograschweeb, thanks :)05:43
jbaileymdz: It's two bugs in one, and we dont' have a clone feature.  The hdparm part is finished, hdparm now sets the drives when udev notices them (I uploaded that this morning), and hotplug needing to start earlier is nothoary (per comment 3 and our conversations), so I've marked it as remind for post hoary to make sure that hotplug in initramfs in fact does solve this bug.05:47
dholbachelmo: was there a problem regarding the syncs of  xli  and  openscenegraph  from sid?05:47
mdzjbailey: ok, let's keep it open, though, because we get a steady stream of duplicates about it05:48
mdzmilestone is set to 5.1005:48
jbailey'kay.  Should I use milestones then?05:48
mdzin general, yes. if the bug is not fixed, and we do intend to address it in the future, it should stay open05:49
jbailey'kay.  I'll tweak my default bugzilla view to only show 5.04 targets, then.05:49
jbaileyI'd been using 'remind' and 'later' for those.05:49
mdz5.04 or "---", of course05:49
jbaileyRight. =)05:49
mdzKamion: have you had a chance to test the DVD dependency fixes?05:50
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dholbachlamont: elmo told me there was some universe-rebuild-action going on and you probably new, where i could find the logs... can you give me a clue?05:52
dholbachahhhhh, ok... thanks lamont 05:54
mdzthom: ping, re: #4679, #7711, general firefox 1.0.1 readiness05:57
Kamionmdz: not yet05:57
mdzKamion: is there a new image available which contains the changes?05:57
Kamionmdz: they're pretty much the same as were done to a few packages post-sarge to avoid stuff being installed from the network05:57
mdzif the kubuntu bandwidth curtain has been lifted, I'll pull one down05:57
Kamionmdz: Saturday's should05:58
mdzKamion: isn't one built mid-week now?05:58
Kamionmdz: yes05:58
Kamion17 12 * * 2,6   /srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/bin/cron.dvd05:59
Kamion=> Tuesday and Saturday05:59
mdzbut tuesday's won't have the fixes?05:59
mdzI should add the DVD to awty06:00
thommdz: 4679 is fixed in hoary, 7711 is top on my list for the rest of the week; otherwise i think we're pretty good for hoary06:00
seb128Kamion: do you know why the "Set up users and passwords" screen is not in http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/installer-po/ file ?06:00
mdzthom: last word in 7711 is that it seems like a gtk problem; should seb128 be aware of it?06:00
Kamionseb128: hmm, probably 'cos base-config isn't part of that file, it should be06:01
thommdz: he's on the cc list already, yes06:01
mdzah, ok06:01
seb128Kamion: can you fix it ? I would like to have a full french translation for the basic installation :)06:01
mdzamu: what is the plan for #7298 (kmail segfault)?06:01
seb128mdz: seems to be a fileselector crash yep06:01
Kamionseb128: yes, working on it since I said "it should be" ;)06:01
seb128please let me know when you update it06:02
Kamionmdz: last Tuesday's won't, no, seeing as I did the work on Friday06:04
mdzKamion: oh, you meant this past saturday, not this coming saturday06:04
Kamionmdz: yes06:04
Kamionsorry, unclear06:05
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lamontdholbach: I assume that I'm only going to actually look at the ones that are in the archive, but fail on rebuild.  If you see some that aren't in the archive, but now succeed, please feel free to holler.06:05
mdzETA 11 hours06:06
Kamionmdz: starting from install+live?06:06
mdzKamion: starting from scratch06:07
mdzI didn't even attempt rsync06:07
mdzI'll try it06:07
mvosame here, ETA: 9h 06:08
mdzrsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)06:09
mdzoh, that's due to my nightly rsync from like 3 days ago still running06:09
elmouse a bleeding mirror06:09
mdzwho mirrors the dvds?06:10
mdzoh, nice06:10
mdzrsync, even06:10
elmovia syncproxy too, so he always mirrors. something insane like every 3 hours too, I think06:11
ograelmo, whats the state of my ubuntu.com mailadress, i'd like to use something nicer then hostmaster@grawert.net in hwdb-client to not confuse the user06:11
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ograelmo, (sending the data by mail is the fallback actio of hwdb-client)06:12
ograaction even06:12
mdzelmo: not their cdimage mirror, apparently06:12
mdzlrwxrwxrwx           8 2005/03/15 06:37:38 current -> 2005031506:12
mdzi.e., useless to me06:13
mdzit looks like their last update was 2005031806:13
elmohmm, okay, I guess he updates cdimage less ofte06:15
mdzso back to why cdimage.u.c is resetting my connection06:16
janiis mail-transport-agent an obsolete metapackage?06:16
janiI see darcs depends on it but nobody provides it06:16
elmojani: err?06:16
elmopostfix, exim4 et al. all provide it06:16
mdzjani: it's not obsolete, and several packages provide it06:16
mdzapt-cache showpkg mail-transport-agent06:16
lamontdholbach: alogg, clanlib, dia-newcanvas, gmime2, jakarta-log4j1.2 all seem to love you.06:16
janihmm why then darcs removes postifx and installx exim ?06:17
seb128mdz: I get this on cdimage while trying to rsync a dvd image:06:17
seb128rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)06:17
seb128rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(515)06:17
mdzseb128: yes, the same06:17
lamontdholbach: where would you like your failures sent as I find them?06:17
janielmo, apt-get build-dep darcs wants to remove postfix06:19
janidoes it not take that metapackage itno account?06:20
lamontjani: I bet build-dep takes the real package over the virtual package06:21
lamontand exim conflicts: postfix06:21
schweebexim | mail-transport-agent <-- build-dep06:21
elmoerr, does apt-get really do that?06:21
janilamont, so build-dep does not look if I already have postfix then?06:22
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elmothat'd be horribly horribly broken 06:22
lamontjani: apt-cache show postfix 06:22
lamontProvides: mail-transport-agent06:22
herziwhat do i need to do to make synaptic show the progress dialog instead of vte when updating packages?06:22
mvoherzi: uncheck "Settings/Preferences/Show changes in terminal window"06:23
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lamontelmo: my vote is for horribly-broken06:24
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schweeblamont: mine does it too, the build dep is exim | mail-transport-agent... perhaps it'd work if the order was changed06:24
lamontschweeb: no.06:24
schweebor that06:24
lamontpolicy says Depend/Build-Dep on real | virtual06:24
lamontplan for main is to s/exim*/postfix/ for such *Depends06:25
lamontin breezy06:25
lamontunless mdz tells me I may today...06:25
lamonthrm.. I think part of the reason I was stalling was hoping for breezy to be lunchpad-happy.. easier life then06:26
schweebis the problem that apt-get build-dep is stupid and only goes for the real package?06:26
schweeb(even though the virtual pkg is installed)06:27
herzimvo: thanks06:29
Kamionseb128: installer-po updated06:30
seb128Kamion: thanks06:30
mdzlamont: test-build of main is complete and all bugs are filed, right?06:30
mdzmvo: ping?06:31
mvomdz: pong06:31
mdzmvo: please fix #7399 at your earliest opportunity06:31
lamontmdz: yes06:31
mdzmvo: it should be very simple and safe, and adds missing hardware support for a number of cards06:31
lamontthere are about 3 ppc failures that are dups of the others that are not reflected in wb, will do that momentarily06:31
mvomdz: will do, sorry for the delay06:31
mdzlamont: the failure of workrave is expected; elmo will need to migrate a few packages to main and retry it06:34
lamontmdz: cool06:34
mdzlamont: (the workrave just uploaded)06:34
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ograhas scribus always been in main ?06:39
ograit somehow found its way to the MOTU python transition page....06:39
mdzogra: it came into main with Kubuntu06:41
ograahh, that explains it...06:42
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Kamionargh, mail is just coming in faster and faster07:00
Kamionoh ye screaming gods07:02
Kamion#7961 is in fact a really nasty debconf/cdebconf passthrough interaction07:03
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mdz"Today I installed Kubuntu (the full monty)"07:05
mdzwhat a great subtitle for a release07:05
mdzUbuntu 5.04: the full monty!07:05
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mdzjbailey: re: #1440, which CD image do you need?  us.archive.ubuntu.com has images which are only a few days old, and should be much faster07:07
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Kamionmdz: whenever you run debconf in a chroot, you need to first do something like this:07:11
Kamiondb_get debconf/priority07:11
Kamionmdz: and then add DEBIAN_PRIORITY="$TARGETPRIO" to the 'env' around the call to debconf07:11
mdzI shouldn't need to worry about that when faking debconf-copydb, though, right?07:12
KamionI'll add something in di-utils to wrap all this, post-hoary07:12
dokoMithrandir: ping07:12
Kamionmdz: no, not in that case - only stuff that uses INPUT or GO07:12
mdzmost of casper's stuff uses casper-reconfigure, which doesn't chroot07:12
mdzdoes this apply there, or no?07:12
Kamionyou still need to figure out the correct priority07:12
jon1012hi everybody ^^07:12
Kamionwhen using debconf as opposed to cdebconf07:12
Kamionthe passthrough frontend doesn't get it from cdebconf automatically07:13
Kamionhm, maybe it should; but that's a hairier change07:13
KamionI'm less comfortable with doing that than I am with just hacking the four or five things that use debconf that way, right nw07:14
Kamionfor extra bonus points, debconf uses DEBIAN_PRIORITY while cdebconf uses DEBCONF_PRIORITY, yum07:15
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Kamionmdz: if you want to put this TARGETPRIO thing on your list of "awful hacks that should go away" for UDU, feel free07:17
mdzKamion: will do07:18
crimsunlamont: sorry, was in class.  I had what I thought was an ia64-specific question, but it has been resolved.  Thanks anyhow!07:24
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mdzmvo: I think we definitely need a minimum age in the apt cache cleanup code07:30
mdzmvo: otherwise there will always be a race (e.g., release upgrades, which will always put the cache over the limit)07:30
mvomdz: do you mean only a minimum age as default (not a minimalAge and a minimalSize)? 07:33
mdzmvo: currently you have maximum size and maximum age, but we need minimum age as well07:33
srbakerseb128, someone was looking for you saturday.  asked if you irc on the weekends07:33
mdzmvo: so that we will not remove things which are over maxsize, until they have aged07:33
=== herve [~hcauwelie@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128locales refuse to generate a locale if you don't have the language-pack for it ?07:33
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maswanOk, I'm heading off to sleep. Please include my nick in reports about releases.u.c doing something weird, so I'll see them.07:34
seb128srbaker: depending, I tend to not irc now the WE because as soon as I start it I've 10 people pinging me for something07:34
mdzseb128: no?07:34
seb128mdz: I've removed language-pack-fr and language-pack-fr-base because they are outdated and I want to try to new translations07:35
Kamionmaswan: hey, cool, didn't realise releases.u.c had been moved07:35
seb128now I get07:35
seb128perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:07:35
seb128        LANGUAGE = (unset),07:35
seb128        LC_ALL = (unset),07:35
seb128        LANG = "fr_FR.UTF-8"07:35
ogralamont, any idea why workrave doesnt find libgnomeuimm-2.6-dev in the chroot ?07:35
mdzseb128: the language packs remove the locales when they are removed07:35
mdzseb128: but you can put them back07:35
seb128and dpkg-reconfigure refuse to generate fr_FR.UTF-8 even with the locale selected as default07:35
mdzwhat happens when you try?07:35
seb128  en_US.UTF-8... done07:35
seb128  fr_FR.ISO-8859-15@euro... done07:35
seb128  nl_NL.ISO-8859-1... done07:35
seb128it skips it07:36
mvomdz: right. I'll add this. do you think 2 days is a reasonable default?07:36
mdzhow strange07:36
mdzseb128: I guess file a bug for pitti07:36
mdzmvo: yes07:36
herveseb128, locale removed from locale.gen too?07:36
maswanKamion: temporary, to get the load down on mirnyy07:36
mdzmvo: I am starting to get very concerned about the complexity, though07:36
maswanKamion: or at least try. we'll see how it does overnight, hopefully it will be mostly working as usual.07:36
seb128herve: sure, the locales generated are the one listed here07:36
Kamionmaswan: *nod*07:37
mkedwardscrimsun: did un-hacking xosd work?07:37
seb128mdz: http://rafb.net/paste/results/yosLmM52.html07:37
mvomdz: yes, adding complexity is not good so close to the release. I'll check it and send a debdiff and try to be as carefull as possible07:39
mdzmvo: perhaps do it as a single for loop, using stat(1) to get the values and compare07:39
mdzseb128: and no fr_FR.UTF-8 in /etc/locale.gen?07:40
seb128mdz: no07:40
seb128and it's selected in the dpkg-reconfigure locales list07:40
seb128and even picked as the default07:40
seb128I open a bug for pitti07:40
mvomdz: thanks for this idea07:42
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ogramkedwards, he made it ready, i havent come around to upload it yet07:42
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ograwb dholbach 07:42
dholbachok, now i'm really back :-)07:43
ogradholbach, workrave failed with a strange error...(Couldn't find package libgnomeuimm-2.6-dev)07:43
=== mvo -> dinner
seb128#8000 07:44
seb128ah ah07:44
dholbachbye mvo 07:44
seb128Is there a prize for the bug #8000 ? :)07:44
lamontogra: no clue07:44
lamontwant me to look?07:45
dholbachogra: i know, it's because of a yet-to-happen change of packages going universe->main and main->universe07:45
ogralamont, ^^^07:45
ogralamont, thanks07:45
lamontogra: yeah, taht'd do it07:45
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mkedwardsogra: packages that b-d on libxosd-dev will need to be rebuilt after the xosd fix is in.07:47
ogramkedwards, ok07:47
dholbachmkedwards: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniverseXosdRebuildTODO :-)07:47
ogramkedwards, dholbach is to fast ;)07:48
Kamionhmm, I think I should start adding the 'installer' keyword to installer bugs07:48
mkedwardsOh nice.  vlc will work now, maybe?07:48
ogramkedwards, not yet...07:48
Kamionthat would make it easier to give people a Bugzilla query to start from if they want to help with installer bugs07:49
=== ogra hands a medal with a big 8000 to seb128
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=== ogra hands a medal with a big 8000 to seb128
Kamionmdz: do you have access to add Bugzilla keywords?07:59
thomKamion: i can08:00
thomd'you just want an "installer" keyword?08:00
mxpxpodseb128: could you recompile libmpeg2 on ppc with gcc3.4 so dvd's with gstreamer will work?08:00
Kamionthom: yes, description something like "Problem is relevant to the installer, and should be dealt with by the installer team"08:01
KamionI have a big "change multiple bugs at once" queued up :)08:01
thomhrm, actually i can't. sorry; thought i had admin rights08:02
thomKamion: sorry dude08:02
mxpxpodseb128: rather, mpeg2dec08:03
thom(i have no wish to do this via mysql direct, for obvious reasons) ;-)08:03
mdzKamion: yes08:08
Kamionmdz: see above :)08:08
mdzKamion: already done08:08
Kamioncheers dude08:08
mdzthom: do you  know how the "Live CD" entry on enter_bug.cgi works?08:10
mdzthom: we need to add one just like it for kubuntu08:10
haggai+1 for that please08:10
mdzI've added a kubuntu keyword for it08:11
schweebwho's in charge of the openoffice packages?08:11
haggaimdz: btw forgot to tell you, klaus knopper (of knoppix) was asking me how you did the livecd based on the deb installer08:11
haggaiat cebit last week08:11
mdzhaggai: did you point him to the casper package?08:11
haggaimdz: no08:12
mdzthere's also an arch archive for it now08:12
elmohaggai: good work; we don't want our trade secrets getting out08:12
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mdzKamion: that also means that if you need to change casper again in the future, you can make my life easier by putting your changes in a branch08:12
mdzKamion: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/archives/matt.zimmerman@canonical.com--2004/08:13
mdzseb128: my panel did *not* crash last night08:13
Kamionmdz: ta, will do08:13
Kamionunable to access URL: /~mdz/archives/matt.zimmerman@canonical.com--2004/.listing08:14
mdzseb128: it had been crashing overnight recently08:14
Kamionwebdav error: 404 Not Found08:14
Kamionmdz: care to make-archive -l that mirror?08:14
Kamionyou can't access HTTP mirrors with baz unless you created the mirror with make-archive -l/--listing08:14
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Kamion(likewise with tla)08:14
mdzodd, the person who was nagging me to publish it didn't complain08:15
mdzdo I have to recreate it from scratch?08:15
KamionAFAIK yeah08:15
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Kamionbut presumably it's a mirror, not the master archive?08:16
mdzI might as well take advantage of this opportunity to convert it to signed08:16
mdzthe gnuarch wiki says there is a change-archive to make this not suck so much08:17
mdzbut it doesn't seem to be in baz?08:17
lamontmdz: all you have to do is mirror it to a new archive (and type your passphrase a few million times), nuke the old archive, rename the new one in place, and remove the meta file that says it's a mirror.08:22
lamontbut don't tell lifeless I told you how... :-)08:23
mdzlamont: I know08:23
mdzthose are the instructions which _used_ to be in the wiki08:23
mdzand now it tells you to use this unreleased feature instead08:23
lamontyes, because none of us would be running what's in hoary any more... :-(08:24
=== lamont remembers to be good and shuts up
mdzI forget the trick to carrying over the signature stuff08:24
mdzwithout signing the entire mirror separately08:24
mdzor doee that work properly by default now?08:24
Kamionmdz: one sec08:24
mdzall of the useful information has been purged from the gnuarch wiki in favour of this unreleased crack08:25
lamontsigned archives mirror just fine08:25
mdzlamont: with or without make-archive --signed?08:25
Kamionmdz: echo 'matt.zimmerman@canonical.com--2004' > ~/.arch-params/signing/matt.zimmerman@canonical.com--2004-MIRROR08:25
Kamionyou need make-archive --signed08:25
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mdzright, and that extra magic you gave me in order to prevent it from trying to re-sign the mirror08:25
Kamionbut that rune (or similar, depending on what the mirror's name is) will copy the signatures rather than making you re-sign08:25
lamontmake archive --signed, yeah.08:25
Kamionlamont: you too, you don't need to type your passphrase a few million times :)08:26
Kamionlamont: why remove the meta file?08:26
mdzKamion: well, in this case my master wasn't signed yet08:26
mkedwardsmdz: I wasn't nagging about casper, was I?08:26
mdzmkedwards: no08:26
lamontKamion: the one that says 'i'm a mirror'08:26
Kamionmdz: no idea how to change that08:26
Kamionlamont: that's evil; that means you can accidentally commit to the mirror08:26
lamontmdz: when I did that conversion recently...08:26
lamontKamion: note the step prior, in which you nuke the master08:27
mdzmkedwards: that was mantiena08:27
Kamionlamont: oh, I see :)08:27
mdzwho accused me of being impossible to work with because my code was in the source package rather than in revision control08:27
=== lamont writes commands he used...
mdzthen I put it into arch and published a mirror08:27
mdzand he said he was happy then08:27
mdzbut apparently he didn't even try to use it, because it was broken08:27
mkedwardsmdz: your code's not in revision control, it's in arch.  :)08:28
mdzKamion: non-broken mirror syncing now08:28
lamontbaz make-archive --signed (--listing) lamont@ubuntu.com--2005-COPY08:28
mdzmkedwards: ssshh, there are arch developers all around us08:28
lamontbaz make-archive --signed (--listing) -m lamont@ubuntu.com--2005 lamont@ubuntu.com--2005-COPY08:28
lamontbaz archive-mirror lamont@ubuntu.com--200508:28
lamont<lots of signing>08:28
lamontcd /var/lib/arch08:28
mkedwardsgnashing their pointy teeth and gibbering08:29
lamontrm -rf lamont@ubuntu.com--200508:29
lamontmv lamont@ubuntu.com--2005-COPY lamont@ubuntu.com--200508:29
lamont(ok, I actually just moved it out of the way until I was sure it worked...)08:29
Kamionlamont: that would never have occurred to me - fun trick08:29
lamontrm lamont@ubuntu.com--2005/=meta-info/mirror08:30
mdzKamion: those are the steps that used to be in the gnuarch wiki08:30
lamontthen really really really make sure you nuke the original master, because it's really really really bad to have two masters...  and lifeless will beat you up.08:30
mdzI suppose I should be happy they're updating the docs, but it would be nice to keep the old docs around until they actually "release"08:30
ogracould someone tell me what i did wrong with xosd before i disturb our ftp master ? crimsun changed it, i checked the packaging (which seems ok), signed and uploaded it....am i supposed to put myself in the Changed By field to get it accepted for main ?08:31
Kamionthis is the problem with using a wiki simultaneously as design discussion forum and user documentation08:31
lamontmdz: I fear that the gnuarch crowd is assuming that everyone is running crack-o-the-day.  Why would you want something older, anyway?08:31
Kamionogra: you certainly shouldn't change Changed-By:08:31
tsengogra: im not in keyring@ and i get stuff uploaded Changed By me08:31
mdzlamont: omg ur code is 2 weeks old it's WORTHLESS08:31
lamontmdz: zactly08:31
ogratseng, it simply disappeared08:31
Burgundaviamdz: incorrect descriptions in packages? Should I fire the email off to you? (It just got sent to ubuntu-doc)08:31
mdzBurgundavia: bugzilla08:32
tsengogra: its not NEW?08:32
Burgundaviamdz: will open bug08:32
mdzBurgundavia: or if it's a universe package, MOTU08:32
ograKamion, i thought so, so i'm wondering why it silently disappeared08:32
ogratseng, nope08:32
Burgundaviamdz: checked, its main08:32
lamontKamion: and that discussion led to a wonderful semantics discussion on whether or a mirror of the archive is the same archive, or a different archive.  (it's the same archive, they tell me.  Even though it's on a different machine in a different location and all that...)08:33
ogratseng,  apt-cache showsrc libxosd208:33
ograi uploaded 2.2.14-1ubuntu1 for crimsun08:34
ogra2.2.14-1 is in the archive08:34
mkedwardsmdz: xosd change fixes FTBFS for all xosd-using packages08:35
mkedwards(FTBFS on ia64, anyway)08:35
ogramkedwards, ia64 is not release critical afaik08:35
elmoKamion: I think we need /releases/ to not be on cdimage.u.c08:35
mdzyou'd think everyone who wanted kubuntu would have it by now08:36
mdzat least the first big wave08:36
Kamionelmo: can I leave snapshots like arrays there?08:36
Kamionelmo: Mark didn't want them on releases08:36
elmoKamion: sorry, what I mean is, we need to not duplicate stuff on releases.u.c and cdimage.u.c08:36
Kamionbut sure, I can unpublish the preview from there08:37
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mkedwardsogra: neither are xosd-using packages, which are in universe.  :)  But the Xinerama_pic stuff will bite.08:37
ograelmo, sorry to bother you with that, but could you look what happend to my xosd upload08:37
KamionRSA host key for syncproxy.ubuntu.com has changed and you have requested strict checking.08:38
elmooh, _crap_08:38
ograelmo, yep, no trace on hoary-chages ?08:38
ograchanges even08:38
Kamionelmo: now claims to be 6b:cf:da:50:e0:21:28:20:55:73:5c:76:52:87:e1:8908:38
Kamionalthough I guess it's safe to ignore that, I don't exactly need to trust those machines08:38
elmoKamion: yes, that's right08:38
ograelmo, but thanks, that becalms me :)08:39
mdzkubuntu/amd64 seems to be incredibly popular08:39
Kamionelmo: (did you purge/reinstall openssh-server or something?)08:40
elmoFrom: crimsun@fungus.sh.nu (Daniel T. Chen (new))08:40
elmopossibly that broke mailmn08:40
elmokamion: yes, to get the DSA version08:40
ograah, ok08:40
Kamionah, right08:40
mdzelmo: possibly that broke postfix; that's against RFC282208:40
Kamioner, no it's not?08:41
Kamion   Strings of characters enclosed in parentheses are considered comments08:41
Kamion   so long as they do not appear within a "quoted-string", as defined in08:41
Kamion   section 3.2.5.  Comments may nest.08:41
elmoDaniel T. Chen (new) <crimsun@fungus.sh.nu>08:41
elmonow _THAT'S_ against RFC282208:42
elmokatie turned it into the valid form08:42
ograelmo, i see, i'll ask him wher the (new) coes from08:42
ogracomes even08:42
elmoogra: his GPG key I'd imagine08:42
Kamionogra: it's not the (new) that's against RFC2822 there, it's the unquoted "."08:42
Kamion"Daniel T. Chen (new)" <crimsun@fungus.sh.nu>08:42
Kamion"Daniel T. Chen" (new) <crimsun@fungus.sh.nu>08:43
Kamioneither of those would be valid08:43
ograblind me 08:43
=== ogra blushes
haggaimdz: why did you assign kubuntu bugs to amu and not to kubuntu-devel?08:43
mdzhaggai: assigning bugs to a mailing list isn't generally productive08:43
mdzkubuntu-devel is the QA contact so that the traffic is CC'd08:44
Amaranthseb128: PING?08:44
seb128sort of pong08:44
Amaranthseb128: you're the only one that seemed to have any idea how this menu spec works08:44
seb128what about reading it, so you have an idea too ? :)08:44
Amaranthi've read it completely a couple times now08:45
mdzhaggai: are you officially devoting much of your day to kubuntu now?  if so, some of those should go to you08:45
Amaranthi'm down to one last thing that i think might be a gnome-menus bug08:45
haggaimdz: yes I am08:45
Amaranthi have testingthis.desktop in the user and system locations and the menus are choosing the system one. new user entries show up just fine though08:46
elmoKamion: lemme know when it's unpublished - no rush, just so I know08:46
Amaranththis is the non-root editting of root menus holy grail08:46
ograelmo, thanks for the time btw :)08:46
elmoogra: no prob08:46
seb128Amaranth: you use your user .menu files ?08:46
seb128not the /etc/xdg/menu ones08:47
Amaranthi don't know how gnome-menus does it, i have python-xdg reading ~/.config/menus/applications.menu08:47
Kamionelmo: I've TODOed it, because I want to update the publish-release script at the same time08:47
Kamionelmo: not putting it off though, will do it tonight or tomorrow08:47
elmoKamion: cool, thanks08:47
seb128Amaranth: I don't think that's ~/.config08:48
Amaranthseb128: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=100619&postcount=10 <--thats what the applications.menu looks like08:48
Amaranthseb128: that's where kmenuedit puts it's stuff08:48
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Amaranthseb128: it puts .desktop entries in ~/.local/share/applications and .menu files in ~/.config/menus08:50
seb128Amaranth: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17070208:50
seb128MENU_VERBOSE=1 gnome-menu-spec-test08:51
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seb128Amaranth: the bug has an example08:51
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Amaranthi think i want to pipe the output of that to a file08:52
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Amaranthseb128: yeah, that shows my desktop file loading from the system menus instead of the user ones08:54
=== lamont must go yell at the gas people over lunch... back in a while
=== lamont does a couple more things before leaving
Amaranthseb128: hell, that doesn't show anything loading from user menus, which is obviously wrong because i'm looking at an entry loading from user menus right now08:56
seb128Amaranth: MENU_VERBOSE=1 gnome-menu-spec-test08:56
Amaranththat's what i did08:56
seb128and what does it say about your local .menu ?08:56
buxyKamion: where can I find the scripts used to generate ubuntu CD images / live CD ?08:57
seb128Amaranth: 08:58
seb128Loading menu layout from "/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu"08:58
seb128Loading "/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu" from disk08:58
seb128Set basedir "/etc/xdg/menus"08:58
seb128Set menu name "applications"08:58
seb128etc here08:58
mdzogra,seb128: can you think of any simple way to address bug #7150 for Hoary?08:58
mdz(xscreensaver locking on the live CD)08:58
Amaranthseb128: that doesn't even seem to show up in here08:58
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seb128mdz: hum, out of turning xscreensaver off, nop09:00
seb128Amaranth: where is your .menu file ?09:01
=== Amaranth wonders why this spits most of it's stuff out on stderr
buxymdz: I asked that to Kamion first, but maybe you can also help me: where can I find the scripts used to generate ubuntu CD images / live CD ?09:01
Amaranthseb128: ~/.config/menus/applications.menu09:01
mdzbuxy: we use debian-cd09:01
seb128Amaranth: apparently I don't have access to your homedirectory 09:01
mdzwith some modifications that Kamion made09:01
seb128Amaranth: so that's not really useful09:02
Amaranthseb128: Oh, I gave you a link, let me get it again.09:02
seb128Amaranth: ie: is the content somewhere ?09:02
Amaranthwhat he has is what i have09:02
buxymdz: and for the live CD ? I doubt it's also debian-cd... :-)09:02
mdzbuxy: yes, it is09:03
seb128Amaranth: 09:03
seb128Set basedir "/home/gnome/.config/menus"09:03
seb128Set menu name "applications"09:03
seb128File loaded OK09:03
seb128Resolving files in: <Root>09:03
seb128Resolving files in: <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"09:03
seb128on the top of the log09:03
buxymdz: duh, must be "many" modifications then, okay I'll wait input from Kamion then09:03
ogramdz, what seb128 said, except the LiveCD releases at least a week later, then i could try to hack something together, but currenty i'm full with tasks09:03
mdzogra: how could we implement what seb128 said?  is there a configuration file which can disable the locking functionality entirely?09:04
Amaranthah, now that shows up09:04
ogramdz, dunno, i'll lookinto it09:04
seb128Amaranth: ??09:04
mdzat the least, we would need to a) remove the menu entry, and b) adjust acpi-support configuration to avoid its explicit locking09:04
Amaranthseb128: i dunno, i couldn't find that part in my log before09:04
seb128Amaranth: grep is nice :p09:05
ogramdz, it has a configuration dialog, so there must be a config file anywhere....09:05
Amaranthi had it in gedit and search for Loading menu layout09:05
Amaranthnothing showed up, i think it was because of the was i was logging it09:05
Amaranthanyway, it just says it's loading my menu then moves on to the system one and starts loading desktop entries09:06
AmaranthResolving files in: <MergeFile>/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu</MergeFile>09:06
AmaranthMerging file "/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu"09:06
ogramdz, i'll find it and tell you what we can do....but i dunno anything about the kde dialog09:06
seb128Amaranth: from the spec09:08
seb128"If the user adds a menu item, you use <Include><Filename>foo.desktop</Filename></Include>."09:09
seb128Amaranth: works fine here, you just need to add an include in ~/.config/menus/applications.menu09:10
svenlKamion: 09:11
svenlKamion: would you consider enabling -chrp dailies of the netboot stuff ? 09:11
svenlKamion: now that the kernels have mkvmlinuz support ? 09:12
Amaranthseb128: that should make the user entry show up over the system one?09:12
elmoKamion: do you have any array deadlines/cdimage creating sessions coming up?09:12
Amaranthseb128: that doesn't do anything :/09:14
seb128Amaranth: yep09:14
seb128have you even tried ?09:14
seb128what is in the log ?09:14
seb128is in the menu ?09:14
seb128s/is/is it/09:14
seb128how have you added it ?09:15
Amaranthi put that in my applications.menu below the MergeFile line09:15
seb128and it's not in the menu ?09:15
Amaranthit is, but it always was09:16
Amaranthi need the user version09:16
seb128the use one ?09:16
Amaranthno, it's still the system one09:16
seb128is the user version in the menu ?09:16
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Amaranthgnome-menu-spec-test shows my version and the system version being merged09:18
Amaranthbut it looks like it's picking the system version09:18
AmaranthUnion of 0x80c4178 and 0x80c7d7009:18
Amaranth Adding to set 0x80c4178 entry gcalctool.desktop09:18
Amaranthmy version is loaded as 0x80c7d7009:19
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seb128Amaranth: I think that you need to make totem-user.desktop09:20
seb128Include it09:20
seb128and Mask totem.desktop09:20
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shayaseb128: you here?09:22
seb128sort of09:22
shayadoes evince thumbnailer work for you in nautilus?09:22
shayait doesn't do anything for me and othres09:22
shayawhile for a few it seems to work fine09:22
shayaany ideas?09:22
seb128shaya: works fine09:22
seb128try to run it from the command line09:22
seb128Amaranth: what ?09:23
shayait runs and can create a png when run manually09:23
Amaranthstill nothing09:23
seb128Amaranth: no way that doesn't work09:23
Amaranthmaybe killing gnome-panel isn't enough to make it update, let me look in my editor09:23
seb128Amaranth: Including a menu item works, Excluding too09:23
seb128no need to kill it09:23
seb128gamin follows the changes09:24
Amaranthok, it's just gnome-panel and/or gnome-menus09:24
Amaranththen there it a bug09:24
Amarantherr, is09:24
seb128works fine here (tm)09:24
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seb128shaya: /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@pdf/command gconf key ?09:24
Amaranthyeah, sometimes it does09:24
Amaranthother times it doesn't09:24
seb128gamin is 0.0.26 ?09:24
shayaevince-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o09:24
Amaranthseems totally random and i haven't been able to reproduce it working or not working in certain situations09:24
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Mithrandirdoko: pong09:25
shayaand "enable" is checked09:25
Amaranth0.0.26, yeah09:25
seb128shaya: so no idea, do you have some thumbnails for other stuff ?09:25
seb128no sense09:25
shayaanyway to debug this09:25
shayai.e. have nautilus output a log09:25
shayastupid nautilus09:25
seb128the gconf key is set, the command works09:25
seb128are you sure it doesn't thumbnail it ?09:26
seb128have you "touch file.pdf" ?09:26
shayaits not displaying the thumbnauls09:26
shayahold on09:26
shayalet me try that while viewing it09:26
shayathat did it09:26
seb128so that works09:26
shayabut only for that pdf09:26
shayanot for the old ones in the dir09:26
seb128touch *.pdf09:26
shayayea, but why do I have to do that?09:26
seb128because you have screwed the preview somewhat09:27
seb128and it doesn't update if the file doesn't change09:27
seb128you need to update the timestamp to force a refresh09:27
Amaranthseb128: You're my hero. ;)09:27
seb128ie: perhaps you had a broken thumbnailer09:27
AmaranthI don't know why I didn't think of that....09:28
seb128it has masked the file has thumbnailed09:28
seb128and it doesn't try to update09:28
seb128Amaranth: np :)09:28
seb128shaya: you can rm -rf ~/.thumbnails/fail/09:28
seb128and restart nautilus09:28
seb128should do the trick09:29
shayaonly problem with these thumbials is that they screw up the spacing09:29
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shayaanyways, thanks09:31
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jbaileymdz: Ah thanks, that's worth knowing.  I'm getting Jordi to pull down array 6 and the current nightly.  It's probably finished by now (but he's certainly gone home for the day).  I'll keep that in mind for next time, though.09:56
seb128do we have a server actually working to rsync a dvd image ?09:57
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mvohey Mitario 10:06
Mitariomvo, heya10:07
zullater guys10:13
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Mitariomvo, i have some kind of radical thought here :)10:18
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mvoMitario: two week before the release :)10:20
Mitariomvo, oh, that's noproblem my idea can be implemented in 10 minutes coding ;-)10:21
mvoMitario: tell me about it then 10:21
Mitariook, let's say a /security/-update will never remove any packages from the system, agree with that?10:21
mdzseb128: not anonymously10:22
Mitariomvo, anyways not noticable for the user - as in, some front-end app is removed10:22
mvoMitario: right, u-m will never remove or add packages10:23
Mitariomvo, ok, why don't we drop the 'select/unselect' update column, and let the 'install' button perform a dist-upgrade always10:24
Mitariomvo, i mean, most users just want to know there are updates and install them, no matter what happens10:25
mvoMitario: we never do a dist-upgrade :) only upgrades. but I think it might be nice to have the checkboxes because a user might decide to not-install some packages (because e.g. it's too big right now)10:25
Mitariohmm, yeah true.. but won't a user which already knows he doesn't want to install that package but does want to install the others use synaptic?10:26
Mitariomvo, and security updates will probably only change 1 - 3 packages10:28
Mitarioi've never seen security updates with > 10 packages10:28
luisFWIW, some kde security updates for suse and redhat have required updating all kde packages10:30
luiswhich is >> 1010:30
Riddellluis: any idea which ones?10:30
luisI don't recall10:30
luisjust offering it as an edge case where security updates could have more than 10 packages10:31
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luisI presume you could see the same thing with gnome, though to the best of my knowledge it has never happened10:31
thommdz: i know how it works, yes10:31
mdzthom: can you work the magic for kubuntu?10:31
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thommdz: i'll get the kubuntu stuff done after dinner - haggia; is that mail from the other day still valid10:31
thomhaggai, even10:32
mdzthom: it would save both me and the kubuntu team a lot of time moving bug saround10:32
thombe about 45 minutes?10:32
Riddellmdz: what is thom's magic for kubuntu?10:32
thommdz: can you have a quick look over popcon.ubuntu.com and see if it looks ok?10:32
azeem_*big magic*10:32
mdzRiddell: having a 'kubuntu' pseudo-product in Bugzilla to get bugs automagically copied to kubuntu-devel and assigned to someone reasonable10:33
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Riddellooh yes please thom 10:34
mdzthom: ia64 seems to be very nearly white-on-white10:35
mdzin the legend10:35
mdzer, amd6410:35
thommdz: amd64, yes10:35
mdzand the scale is a bit crowded :-)10:35
thomi wanna look at the debian code and see if they have a fix for that10:35
mdzthere's certainly a lot which could be done to prettify it, but I think it's certainly ready to publish10:36
thomi really want to rewrite the whole thing to use templates for the html and so on, but that's way down on the priority list10:36
haggaithom: the mail is still valid, but a new Product would be even better than the description change I asked for10:38
Kamionbuxy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/debian-cd/code.tar.bz2 (no diff though, it's a tarball of modifications to somewhat-out-of-date CVS ...); it's basically a horrible nasty hack because I haven't been able to convince anyone to import debian-cd into arch so that I can maintain local changes sanely10:49
ograseb128, seen that ? https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/23910:49
Kamionsvenl: sure, although the kernel upload that adds mkvmlinuz stuff hasn't actually happened yet - I'm waiting for that first10:51
Kamionelmo: nope, nothing in the next week or so that I know of10:51
Kamionelmo: hoary release candidate is the next thing on my list (30th)10:51
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Kamionbuxy: (the casper source package is the thing to look at for how the live CD works)10:52
seb128ogra: any example ?10:55
ograseb128, nope, i'm just discovering malone and if that would be real, it would be worrying10:56
ograseb128, no idea if thats an actual bug, but ccording to bradb it could be legit...10:57
bradbogra: as in, i'm unaware of anyone having used prod lp just for testing purposes.10:58
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mdzthom: hmm, the popularity-contest dialog still says debian, even though it's not the debian popularity contest11:04
mdzthom: since we install it by default disabled, debconf isn't very interesting; perhaps we should just ship a command-line tool to turn it on11:04
thomyeah; i wasn't sure how to change it without blowing away the translations11:04
thomhrm, should be trivial to write; will do11:04
mvois linux-restricted-modules installed by default for new installs?11:08
Mithrandiriirc, yes11:08
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mdzmvo: yes11:10
mdzhas been since Warty11:11
mdzthom: or maybe update the template, and wrap it in debconf-with-gnome-frontend-love11:11
mdzthom: then we could add a .desktop for it too11:11
mdzthough that might be too in-your-face11:11
mdzI do want to find a way to encourage participation11:11
mdzbut I agree that we shouldn't ask during the install11:11
mvomdz, Mithrandir: thanks. I'll add the pcmcia driver for avm pcmcia-fritz then too to the pcmcia-cs package11:12
haggaiis rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com turned off or something?11:12
haggairsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] 11:12
mdzmvo: yes, I think it's easiest to add everything to pcmcia-cs, since the modules can come from different packages11:12
mdzhaggai: it's apparently broken11:12
mdzI asked elmo about it, and he berated me for not using a mirror11:12
mdzwhich I assume means he knows it's broken11:13
haggaimdz: hmm thanks I'll look for an rsyncable mirror then11:13
dholbachkamion, mdz: what am i supposed to do with #7888 (workrave) and new g*mm dependencies? am i required to find someone to upload new versions, that get rebuilt?11:19
infinitydholbach : I was about to tackle mdz about that (since the bug has been assigned to me)...11:20
jdubKamion: around?11:20
infinitydholbach : To use your proposed change, seeds need to change, right?11:20
dholbachinfinity: i can forward you the mail conversation11:21
infinitydholbach : Which doesn't seem unreasonable, but requires intervention from people who are Not Me.11:21
dholbachinfinity: i already mailed kamion, jdub and mdz about it - but i'm not sure if my input/action is required11:21
infinitydholbach : If one of them said "yup, we'll fix the seeds", then that should about do it.  I can upload a fixed source package once the libs have moved around appropriately.11:22
dholbachinfinity: you can upload to main? good to know... :-)11:23
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mdzdholbach: I mentioned in the bug that i already uploaded the package11:26
mdzdholbach: and then i passed the bug to elmo for the archive resync bits11:26
infinityOh, see?... I guess I need to wake up and check my mail.11:27
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dholbachmdz: so no further input required from me?11:27
mdzdholbach: nope, thanks11:27
dholbachthank you, mdz 11:27
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thomwhere should kubuntu bugs go? kubuntu-devel@lists?11:34
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mdzthom: bugzilla, QA contact; kubuntu-devel11:35
mdzthom: unless they want a kubuntu-bugs list, like kernel-bugs11:35
Riddellmdz: yes please11:36
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jdubRiddell: you want kubuntu-bugs?11:39
thommdz: can one not assign a default QA contact to the component? i don't know if i can set QA in the way the livecd hack sets owner11:39
jdubthom: you can set default QA contact11:40
Riddelljdub: well I'm happy with using kubuntu-devel but mdz seems not to like that, either is good11:40
jdubRiddell: it's pretty anti-social ;)11:42
jdubmdz: http://gnomedesktop.org/node/219911:43
mdzthom: a default qa contact can be set on a component, yes11:44
mdzbut I have no convenient way to maintain the list of components11:44
mdzand editing components when you have thousands of them is painful in the web UI11:45
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mdzjdub: it is not based on ubuntu :-(11:45
thomright. unf11:45
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mdzthom: one day I will add stuff to bugzilla.py to do it via SQL11:46
mdzbut not today11:46
jdubmdz: but after the breezy livecd enhancements... :-)11:46
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mdzthom: if the same hack used for livecd can be used, that would be ideal, but somehow I doubt it (since qa contact isn't on the enter_bug form I don't think)11:46
mdzjdub: what's missing from the hoary infrastructure?11:46
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thommdz: that's exactly the problem :/11:46
mdzit sounds like a flavour11:46
jdubmdz: it could be, but there are still reasons to play with other systems before using casper11:47
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mdzjdub: it sounds like it's based on the new knoppix with unionfs11:47
jdubjust thinking attractiveness over technical requirements11:48
jdubwe should have a casper site11:48
jdub^ lame, but it exists11:48
azeembah, onlx Linux Live CDs11:51
thomazeem: what, you mean it doesn't cater to the huge and GROWING hurd live-cd market?11:51
azeemdude, even Eugenia loves us11:52
jdubyeah, now there's a growth market and a half11:52
luisman, I need to get on that planet11:52
luisI'm feeling so left out11:52
jdubmandrake goes yearly: http://lwn.net/Articles/128451/11:52
mdzthom: from zero, there's nowhere to go but up11:52
thommdz: *g*11:54
thommdz: right, i don't think i can bludgeon this in quite the necessary way :(11:55
jdubah, eugenia likes arch now11:56
jdubwhich keeps her out of our bugzilla :)11:56
thomjdub: arch linux? she always did11:56
azeemI wonder whether she likes the new XFCE file manager11:56
jdubnow she's publically liking it11:57
maswanmdz: the rsync problem is just that mrinyy has a couple of magnitudes too high load to support it at the momen11:57
jdubin an osnews kind of way11:57
mdzKamion: amd64 dvd install in progress11:57
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jdub"Saying Ubuntu was 2004 is a bit wrong though, I've never seen such sustained hype over a distro as we've seen with Ubuntu, and Ubuntu looks set to take 2005 by storm as well."11:59
jdubreleased in *september* and people think it was "the distro of 2004"11:59
mdzoctober ;-)11:59
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Burgundaviajdub: s/people/Eugenia12:00
smurfixjdub: What's "hype"ish about simply being good? That guy needs to work on his terminology.12:00
jdubBurgundavia: other than eugenia12:00
azeemsmurfix: EGENDER12:00
jdubmdz: public knowledge, etc.12:00
smurfixazeem: OK, OK, s/his/her/g12:01
jdubsmurfix: there's been a lot of hype, user articles, etc.12:01

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