mjg59 | Did something like http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/3/11/96 get applied? | 12:25 |
zul | lemme check | 12:26 |
zul | no it conflicted with the pmac_pdisk patch | 12:26 |
mjg59 | Ok | 12:27 |
mjg59 | Can you do one that just adds device_shutdown() as the first line of the PM_DISK_PLATFORM case? | 12:27 |
mjg59 | (Context is that without doing that, we cut power to disks before their cache has been flushed) | 12:27 |
zul | sure.. | 12:29 |
mjg59 | So just before the local_irq_save() stuff | 12:30 |
zul | so like this? | 12:30 |
zul | case PM_DISK_PLATFORM: | 12:30 |
zul | device_shutdown(); | 12:30 |
zul | local_irq_save(flags); | 12:30 |
zul | error = pm_ops->enter(PM_SUSPEND_DISK); | 12:30 |
zul | local_irq_restore(flags); | 12:30 |
zul | break; | 12:31 |
zul | brb | 12:33 |
mjg59 | Yup, that's perfect | 12:37 |
zul | cool | 12:38 |
mjg59 | Hm. I may have this ACPI issue sidestepped. | 12:41 |
zul | what acpi issue? | 12:42 |
mjg59 | kacpid taking all CPU time after resume from disk. | 12:46 |
zul | ah ok | 12:47 |
zul | mjg59: done | 12:55 |
mjg59 | zul: Rocking, thanks! | 01:11 |
zul | np | 01:12 |
dilinger | mjg59: is that related to the 0xff-after-resume problem you were having? | 01:15 |
mjg59 | dilinger: Nope | 01:17 |
mjg59 | I haven't tracked that one down yet | 01:17 |
=== zul is debating whether to update the sata driver for ich5 | ||
calc | update the ipw2200 driver too :) | 03:47 |
calc | the one from dec doesn't work on amd64 | 03:47 |
zul | it was a rhetorical debate i wasnt actually going to update it | 03:48 |
calc | oh :\ | 03:48 |
zul | fabbione: i dont think im going to make any changes to my tree so you should be able to pull it in now | 03:51 |
zul | later | 04:01 |
crimsun | later | 04:02 |
fabbione | morning | 05:39 |
fabbione | mjg59: still around? | 06:21 |
fabbione | 3 | 06:23 |
fabbione | mjg59: | 06:28 |
fabbione | * s/CONFIG_pm/CONFIG_PM/g : | 06:28 |
fabbione | Update uninorth-agp-ppc-suspend.dpatch | 06:28 |
fabbione | otherwise you don't get to build it at all :-) | 06:29 |
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
mjg59 | fabbione: Ugh. Yeah. | 12:23 |
fabbione | i applied also the other patches you submitted to zul | 12:27 |
fabbione | they will be in for -29 | 12:27 |
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
mjg59 | fabbione: Rocking | 02:21 |
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== zul [~chuck@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
zul | hey | 02:52 |
zul | fabbione: the config_pm was my bad | 02:53 |
mjg59 | fabbione: So we're expecting -29 on Wedensday or so? | 03:22 |
zul | am at meeting bbl | 03:51 |
fabbione | re | 04:18 |
fabbione | zul: ok.. doesn't matter. | 04:18 |
fabbione | anytime tomorrow... | 04:18 |
fabbione | mjg59: ^ | 04:18 |
fabbione | after 15:00 UTC | 04:19 |
mjg59 | Rock | 04:54 |
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
svenl | fabbione: BTW, the 2.6.10 marvell gige patch worked fine on a gentoo kernel, so i wonder if there is some ubuntu-specific breakage that this causes ? | 05:37 |
mjg59 | svenl: What's the failure mode? | 05:40 |
svenl | mjg59: failure mode ? | 05:40 |
mjg59 | In what way does it not work on the ubuntu kernel? | 05:40 |
svenl | mjg59: wait, i need to re-image the partition to check. | 05:40 |
svenl | mjg59: the module loads, the interface comes up, but you can't communicate through it. | 05:41 |
mjg59 | Do you get interrupts? | 05:41 |
svenl | didn't check. | 05:41 |
mjg59 | Right. Interrupt routing is the most likely issue. | 05:41 |
svenl | i will reimage the partition, and give it a try. | 05:41 |
svenl | may well be that this is the issue. | 05:42 |
svenl | mjg59: thanks. | 05:43 |
zul | wow...that was a fun meeting...not | 06:44 |
=== T-None is now known as T-Bone | ||
zul | hey T-Bone | 07:20 |
T-Bone | howdy | 07:20 |
zul | how is it going? | 07:20 |
T-Bone | ermm. "couci couca" i would say in french ;P | 07:24 |
zul | been better? | 07:24 |
T-Bone | yeah | 07:25 |
T-Bone | but it should getter better soon. I've decided to take a few non paid vacation days to unplug and "reset the hardware" | 07:26 |
T-Bone | but it should getter better soon. I've decided to take a few non paid vacation days to unplug and "reset the hardware" | 07:26 |
T-Bone | oops | 07:27 |
T-Bone | that should have been "going to ski in the french alps between Mar 25 and Mar 29" | 07:27 |
zul | cool...right before release ;) | 07:30 |
T-Bone | yeah | 07:34 |
T-Bone | i'm used to "run on D day" thing ;) | 07:35 |
T-Bone | been pretty good at it | 07:35 |
zul | fabbione: what do you want to do about the dell perc stuff? | 08:21 |
zul | fabbione: never mnid | 08:26 |
T-Bone | zul: i assume he didn't, anyway 8)) | 08:28 |
=== T-Bone ducks | ||
=== zul smakcs T-Bone for good measure | ||
T-Bone | lol | 08:29 |
zul | hah im not going crazy | 08:48 |
T-Bone | <offtopic>hmm. Does anyone remembers what's the max number of files per directory on Linux? | 09:18 |
T-Bone | (ext3) | 09:18 |
T-Bone | hmm. nm, found the proc file where that value is | 09:19 |
mjg59 | Isn't that the maximum number of open files, not the maximum number of files per directory? | 09:20 |
T-Bone | indeed | 09:21 |
T-Bone | looks like i'm being confused | 09:21 |
zul | right im heading home | 10:12 |
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