=== lytefyre [~lytefyre@cpe-24-58-21-200.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:13] anyone have a pivot_root problem while booting ?? [12:14] or dev/console not being found with kernel panic ? [12:14] that usually indicates that the initrd can't figure out how to mount your root filesystem [12:14] please file a bug against initrd-tools with all the information about your hardware that you can find; if you can boot the live CD, getting 'lspci' and 'lspci -n' output from that would be useful [12:15] im booting it off an usb external hard drive [12:16] oh, god knows what it'll make of that [12:16] file a bug, probably not supported yet [12:16] but it would be good to fix that [12:19] installation went off fine , installed grub on MBR too, darn thing hangs with the above error ! [12:24] check http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8050.html,seens like it has something to do with bugs 496 and 3363 === haggai goes to bed [12:37] n8 haggai === dudley [~dudley@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-61.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ttf_ [~tom@p83.129.2.220.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:31] amu/haggai/riddell: ? === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:19] moin [09:33] morning === Beineri [~Beineri@binner.kde] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:35] elmo: what's up? [11:41] Riddell: ping === trondaso [~trondaso@dsl-160-196.oeke.tiscali.no] has joined #kubuntu-devel === trondaso [~trondaso@dsl-160-196.oeke.tiscali.no] has joined #kubuntu-devel === trondaso [~trondaso@dsl-160-196.oeke.tiscali.no] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] [11:56] haggai: i'll remove crypto for kdepim, that fun keeps me too busy, removing it, readding, than removing it again .. that sucks a bit [11:59] why remove again? === haggai rolls up sleeves and gets stuck into recovering his lvm partition [12:06] Kamion: you don't need any more info before I start? [12:09] Kamion: FYI pvscan says it is lvm2 [12:09] now that I have recreated it [12:10] root@shawn:~ # pvcreate --uuid i7nrBb-JFYo-6idl-o744-306M-XyrY-Wqh9c9 --restorefile /etc/lvm-vg0-backup /dev/hda7 [12:10] Couldn't find device with uuid 'i7nrBb-JFYo-6idl-o744-306M-XyrY-Wqh9c9'. [12:10] Physical volume "/dev/hda7" successfully created [12:10] root@shawn:~ # pvscan [12:10] PV /dev/hda7 lvm2 [61.73 GB] [12:10] Total: 1 [61.73 GB] / in use: 0 [0 ] / in no VG: 1 [61.73 GB] [12:21] haggai: certainly now that you've recreated it, it will [12:21] haggai: LVM1 labels go in the first sector; LVM2 labels go in the second sector by default [12:21] hence why lilo overwrites LVM1 labels [12:22] ah ok [12:23] I don't know what else goes in the first sector [12:23] if you can get another LVM1 physical volume to compare with, you may find that there isn't much of interest there, and you can just dd the label back in, or something - but I don't know for sure [12:24] there are tools to restore the config from text file backups which I'm trying to get working now [12:30] Kamion: surely I could have used my extended partition for lilo instead? Any idea why I didn't get that as a choice? [12:33] lilo-installer only ever offers MBR and the target partition; it's hard-coded [12:33] nothing magic [12:34] in fact removing the target partition from the offered list is kind of difficult :( [12:34] I don't really fancy trying to figure out how to offer the extended partition as well ... [12:45] I see === allee_ [~ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:52] haggai, elmo: pong [01:52] haggai/riddell/amu: do you know about konq-plugins being uninstallable? [01:53] elmo: it's because kdeaddons hasn't been updated to 3.4 yet [01:53] ok - when's that scheduled for? [01:53] uninstallables in main make baby jesus cry [01:53] elmo: as soon as possible, today or tomorrow probably [01:53] ok, cool [01:59] Riddell: hi, wanted to ask your comments about kmilo on the livecd [02:00] haggai: well if mjg says it lets people overwrite the cmos seems it should be off by default [02:01] Riddell: ah ok I didn't realise you weren't aware of that [02:01] Riddell: so remove off the livecd by default right? [02:02] hay I just wrote the thing :) [02:02] what, kmilo? cool I hadn't seen that :) [02:02] Riddell: also, ok with you to add knetworkconf to the installs? [02:03] in theory it could be turned on with the live CD since that's root access anyway but I don't see that it's worth the hassle, it's the install that's the major issue [02:03] haggai: I wrote the thinkpad part of kmilo [02:03] cool [02:03] haggai: definatly to knetworkconf [02:03] yup and for the install we should do something more clever with the groups, like making a thinkpad group eg [02:04] haggai: a thinkpad group sounds good, would there be an easy way to add people to it? and how to have nvram module inserted as default and how to set /dev/nvram permissions by default [02:04] yup something like that [02:05] maybe better to call the group nvram rather than thinkpad, since there may be other uses [02:05] good plan [02:13] so we need either a separate package or to modify kmilo so that it echo nvram >> /etc/modules; changes permissions on /dev/nvram (can that be done permanantly?) and adds your user into a new nvram group === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:28] we talked about this for Ubuntu and concluded that it should be a dbus service, IIRC [02:28] adding your user to the nvram group lets you do crap like modifying the BIOS password [02:28] so a no-go [02:29] really needs to be root-only [06:32] hmm I guess we should be looking to get pyqt into main [06:32] haggai: I believe you volunteered for kdebindings :) [06:34] Riddell: yeah its my idle-time job :) [06:35] it is slowly creeping up the prio list [06:50] http://jr2.quaker.eu.org/hu/index cool [06:53] do we want to use this on the website (requires various things being set up and probably lots of hassling elmo) [06:54] is that meant to have such a broken character set? [06:54] no, it should be utf8 I assume [06:54] Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 [06:59] fixed === LeeJunFan [~junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:02] Riddell: what options do we have open for allowing people baz write access? any idea? [07:03] haggai: I think it either has to be done over ssh or over webdav [07:03] don't know which elmo would prefer [07:04] I think webdav would be less of a problem because you don't need to give full shell access out [07:04] yep [07:07] check that webdav write using baz actually works before you assume it does, though :) === allee [~ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dannya [~konversat@82-37-241-198.cable.ubr07.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:12] Riddell: how come the kdevelop3 package is still broken? [07:13] dannya: because I havn't fixed it yet [07:13] :) [07:13] ok [07:13] think I'll give that a shot now [07:13] I really want to try out kdevelop 3.2! :) === dato [~adeodato@84-120-77-228.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-53.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === dannya [~konversat@82-37-241-198.cable.ubr07.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel === apokryphos7 [~apokrypho@host-84-9-35-81.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:50] dato: is there packaging for kdevelop3 from KDE 3.4 anywhere I can borrow? [07:51] not that I know of. I don't even know the maintainer... [07:52] dato: Christopher Martin no? acroding to recent post on pkg-kde-talk [07:53] no, Norman Jordan. Christopher only asked for a requeue to lamont, which does not need being the maintainer ;) [07:53] ah I see [08:33] going well, Riddell? :) === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-33-159.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:24] hmm did we want anything from kdebindings in main? [10:24] ruby is in universe and its a builddep