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lytefyreamu: the ide=reverse dint work12:12
amulytefyre: meanwhile i found probably a solution, please check http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8050.html12:14
lytefyrethanks in advance12:15
hoschberthi! what can I do with this problem: xorg causes a lag of about 4 seconds... typing "top" shows xorg using a lot of cpu-power, in X everything is "paused".. any idea?12:16
dimmakyeah... i am totally having probs with the repositories12:16
amulytefyre: in adition you should file a bug :) it shouldbe fixed asap12:23
lytefyrethanks, just went through the whle site,seens like it has something to do with bugs 496 and  3363 12:23
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lytefyream going to try the new install method , wish me luck ;) !12:25
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francescHi, I'm having problems with the Xservers file, with kdm in kubuntu I can't get it to work...12:36
francescI've made a link and copied from xdm to /etc/kde3/kdm/, but I still can't set the -dpi to 7512:37
francescanyone has had this issue?12:38
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francesckdm from kubuntu seems to use other config files, different from debian ones, but which ones?12:38
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neomThere there a cli command to generate a random password?12:45
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HaPpYhObOKumbuyah my Lord kumbuyah12:47
slimlol HaPpYhObO wtf12:47
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francescneom, you can it uuidgen and also there are 2 extensions for firefox that do that job12:47
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francescneom, you can try uuidgen and also there are 2 extensions for firefox that do that job12:48
francescso... nobody is missing the Xservers file in the Kubuntu's kdm??12:48
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francescthanks a lot, what a great community... :(01:10
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maxcheeany work being done by the devs to make kde mroe usable?02:21
Riddellmaxchee: all suggestions happily accepted02:22
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ggilbertRiddell: Just one thought, but maybe move the games out of the different subdirectories of Games, and into one menu?02:53
ggilbertand hide the application name that currently appears next to the description of menu items02:54
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ggilbertI guess that's two thoughts02:55
Riddellggilbert: imteresting idea with games, will consider.  why don't you like to know which application you are running?02:56
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ggilbertRiddell: I like knowing what I'm running, but it seems redundant to list something as Personal Information Manager ( Kontact ) or Web Browser ( Konqueror ). 02:58
Riddellif you have 2 web browsers installed you wouldn't know which you were about to run02:58
ggilbertyeah that is a problem02:59
ggilberthow does gnome handle it? Do they do the same thing as KDE?03:00
=== ggilbert installs and looks
Riddelleek, I made someone install gnome :)03:03
ggilbertI do it every release anyways :p03:03
ggilbertif they just hide the app name, then the kde way might be the lesser of two evils03:04
brian_i just came in and i'm not sure what you are talking about. It sounds like menus?03:05
ggilbertbrian_: yeah03:05
ggilbertbrian_: The current menu entries being Description ( Name ) 03:05
maxcheeokay, I just think that kde can be complex without being complicated03:06
maxcheeright now the UI is chaotic03:06
maxcheeit would be a lot nicer if the saner configs and better organizations are applied03:07
maxcheealso, is kubuntu aware of the KDE usability group?03:07
maxcheeI read on dotKDE that they are drafting a HIG for KDE!03:08
Riddellmaxchee: kubuntu-default-settings attempts to do this03:08
Riddellmaxchee: concrete suggestions would be very welcome03:09
brian_i like Internet - Web Browsers - Mozilla etc.. then list all browsers that you have installed on your computer03:09
maxcheethen the next thing would be to make the UI more context-aware03:09
Riddellmaxchee: I am incontact with the usability man, we plan to have a good look at all the settings sometime after hoary03:09
maxcheeie. more context-aware popup menus03:09
ggilbertmaxchee:  indepth ui changes are a little outside the realm of the distribution maintainer though03:10
Riddellmaxchee: right click means exist throughout KDE03:10
maxcheeggilbert: I am aware of that03:10
maxcheeggilbert: it would be better if kubuntu can help kde to simplify its yi03:10
maxcheesorry, I mean UI03:10
maxcheeRiddell: they are just too long03:10
maxcheeRiddell: and a lot of menus can be replaced by drag and drop (example: the applet addition/deletion menus)03:11
ggilbertbrian_: personally i don't like the idea of adding too many submenus. It breaks it  makes things a bit tougher to get to.03:11
maxcheeRiddell: and although people are complaining about gconf, it would be nice if kde have such a thing03:12
ggilberts/it breaks//03:12
maxcheeRiddell: a lot of the settings are rarely used03:12
maxcheeggilbert: a gconf/about:config like system will pacify the advanced users and help less advanced users adopt03:13
maxcheeRiddell: also, I believe it's a good idea to separate konquorer into two apps03:14
brian_ggilbert: I guess for me it is eaiser, when I want to run a app that is internet related I just go to the Internet menu then to whatever submenu I need03:14
maxcheeRiddell: this is inline with the unix philosophy of small tools with focused functions.03:15
ggilbertI dunno, I've always thought of konqueror as being in line with that philosphy03:16
maxcheeggilbert: but it's a file manager and a browser all rolled into one!03:17
Riddellmaxchee: sounds like you have a few KDE gripes (all perfectly valid)03:17
maxcheeand the UI shows it03:17
maxcheeRiddell: I really wanted to use kde03:17
Riddellmaxchee: applet addition/deletion is being fixed in the next KDE version03:17
maxcheeRiddell: I am big fan of DCOP/Kparts03:17
maxcheeRiddell: is the next version 4.0?03:17
Riddellmaxchee: next version is either 3.5 or 4.003:17
Riddellgconf smells, the problem is to sort and allow to search configutaion options in a usable way03:18
maxcheeRiddell: did the usability team set a schedule on the adoption of HIG by apps shiped with KDE?03:18
Riddellwhich is also being looked at for KDE 403:18
Riddellmaxchee: KDE 403:18
Riddellis the schedule03:18
maxcheeRiddell: well, I think about:config in firefox might be a better example03:18
Riddellmaxchee: konqueror is a very small tool with a focused function (to load kparts)03:19
Riddellmaxchee: about:config being a configuration dialogue?03:19
maxcheeRiddell: type about:config into firefox03:19
Riddelli have no firefox03:19
maxcheeRiddell: it is a bit too primitive for kde, but it might work better than gconf (which is comparable to the dreaded windows registry)03:20
maxcheeRiddell: or mozilla03:20
RiddellI have no mozilla03:20
maxcheeRiddell: well, I will send you a screenshot then03:20
ggilbertRiddell: basically it just lists all of the config file options for mozilla in one long html page03:20
ggilbertI dont think it's all that useful myself03:21
maxcheeagain, firefox does not have all than many settings, which means it is very primitive03:21
ggilbertsince you dont necessarilly know what are valid responses in the context of the config03:21
maxcheesomehow, by making the config system a two-tier system, it allows people to tweak the common settings quickly to get to work and tweak kde further when they have time to get rid of their small complains so that it fits like a glove03:22
maxcheeggilbert: that's true03:22
maxcheeRiddell: my gripe with konqueror is that I would like it to have a UI focused on browsing only when it is in browser mode03:23
ggilbertI'm kind of the opinion that if an option is  not important enough to put in the preferences, then it probably should just be removed altogether03:23
maxcheeggilbert: that's another option. although some kde people hate to learn from the gnome project03:24
maxcheeRiddell: and a UI focused on file management and loading kparts for preview without any browsing functions03:24
ggilbertmaxchee: That stuff is improving03:25
maxcheeggilbert: although it still needs some work before it can reach firefox's simplicity03:25
ggilbertmaxchee: yeah03:26
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maxcheeggilbert: I think kde needs to be simple, yet has its unique qualities03:27
maxcheeggilbert: flexibility and ultra-tight intergration between apps would be its best qualities03:27
maxcheegnome bonobo is just brain-dead03:27
=== Riddell goes to bed
BROKEN_LADDERsweet..i just plugged in my usb mouse and took my ps/2 mouse out and it just works..03:28
brian_but you have to keep kde fast too03:28
BROKEN_LADDERthat's way to simple for linux.03:28
maxcheeggilbert: also will KDE 4 require a longer period of time to develop?03:28
maxcheeggilbert: since it's a major revision.03:29
ggilbertit needs more work, and I teahteag03:29
maxcheeggilbert: but will it take as long as KDE2?03:29
ggilbertdon't know, i seriously doubt it though03:29
ggilbertkde 1 and kde2 are much more different from each other than kde 2 and kde 3 seem03:30
brian_i hated kde 103:30
maxcheeggilbert: both gnome2 and kde2 sufferred from long dev time03:30
maxcheebrian_: I actually think kde 1 is much better compared to gnome 103:30
maxcheebrian_: at least most things work03:31
maxcheelastly, anyone here using koffice?03:31
brian_yes you are right but i found it very bloated03:31
ggilbertI dont think suffered is quite the right word. Both projects took the time to stop and focus a bit more. KDE suffered from the second system effect a bit more than gnome03:31
maxcheeggilbert: second system effect?03:32
ggilbertI actually liked kde 1 quite a bit. I started using the betas of it when i started with linux, and it was a very nice desktop  for the time03:32
ggilbertmaxchee: A bit over built03:32
maxcheeggilbert: yeah.03:32
ggilbertmaxchee: the idea is that the second time you build something you tend to over compensate for design flaws in the first one03:33
maxcheeggilbert: a lot of popular oss suffer from feature-creep, but right now firefox is setting a better trend03:33
maxcheeggilbert: so over-engineered?03:33
brian_catch you later kids bath time03:33
ggilbertgnome did the same thing, but in the opposite direction :)03:33
brian_i mean my kids bath time03:33
maxcheeggilbert: under-built?03:34
ggilbertmaxchee: a bit. They got the idea that their stuff was too chaotic and tried to simplify it. I think they went a little too far03:34
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maxcheeggilbert: that's true03:34
ggilbertI think both systems are gradually moving towards a good medium though03:34
maxcheeggilbert: metacity made sense, but natutilus is a bit too far03:35
maxcheethe other thing is, it would be nice if kde and gnome could share more infrastructures.03:35
maxcheeit's not productive to make two vfs systems, two drawing libraries etc.03:35
maxcheethis is why I think freedesktop is so important03:35
ggilbertI dont think that will ever change, there are just too many core disagreements there03:36
maxcheeggilbert: but will qt ever adopt cairo as it drawing library03:36
maxcheeggilbert: after all, it's a freedesktop project03:36
maxcheeggilbert: although I do understand that it's difficult to work together03:37
maxcheeggilbert: when two projects have vastly different goals03:37
ggilbertremember, qt is outside of the scope of kde03:37
maxcheeggilbert: that's true03:37
maxcheeggilbert: although kde does have some say in it03:37
maxcheeggilbert: or am I wrong?03:37
ggilbertmaxchee: I'm sure trolltech pays attention to the opinions of some KDE developers, but all decisions are made by Trolltech03:38
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ggilbertyou have some overlap because some trolltech employees are kde developers03:39
maxcheeggilbert: qt is a really nice toolkit, and trolltech have made a lot of compromises to make it more suitable for oss development03:39
ggilbertyeah they've really gone far beyond what could be expected of them03:39
maxcheehopefully the qtwin32 4.x licensing change will cause more oss projects to adopt qt03:39
maxcheeggilbert: but I guess most commercial companies are just too greedy03:40
maxcheeI mean toolkits cost very little compared to the labour cost etc.03:40
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jsubl2what is the name of the metapackage to install gcc03:46
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dimmakwell i got 1920x1200 resolution working, using gtf i generated the following modeline, but it is incorrect: Modeline "1200x1920_60.00"  196.47  1200 1296 1424 1648  1920 1921 1924 1987  -HSync +Vsync05:13
dimmakthis is the one that works properly for me: ModeLine "1920x1200_60.00" 154.0  1920 1968 2000 2080  1200 1203 1209 1235 +Hsync -Vsync05:14
BROKEN_LADDERKDE 1 BETTER than gnome 1?  hah05:15
BROKEN_LADDERwell..gnome 1 was pretty ugly.  but uglier than kde?  i dunno..05:15
dimmakso apparently my dot clock frequency (pixel clock) gets improperly detected05:16
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phxguycan someone help me out with configuring konquerer to use java06:02
phxguyI have installed Java according to the instructioons on ubuntuguide.org but when i go to the java test page at java.com all i get is a grey box that says loading applet06:03
markcphxguy> make sure about:plugins says something about java06:07
phxguythe only things showing on the plugin page is the plugin for flash and acrobat06:08
markcphxguy> make sure JAVA_HOME points to where java is installed06:09
phxguymarkc: the path to java executable  is /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/06:11
phxguyI have a symbolic linkk there.... according to the instructions on ubuntuguide.org06:11
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Roeywhy aren't kubuntu debs prelinked?06:13
kaplanfxRoey: becuase your mom06:13
markcphxguy> try settings -> plugins and make sure one of the paths there is the right one, and rescan maybe06:14
=== Roey jumps off a building
Roeyagain and again and again.06:14
kaplanfxRoey: you are using kubuntu now?06:14
Roeykaplanfx:  yes but I will give up linux and computers in general within a week06:14
Roeykaplanfx:  this is stupid, all these problems.06:14
Roeykaplanfx:  seroiusly!!!! listen:06:14
Roeykaplanfx:  - cannot make my own kernel with grub because grub needs an initrd.06:14
Roeykaplanfx:  - it's not enough to supply --initrd to make-kpkg,06:14
Roeykaplanfx:  because I will need to patch my custom kernel with the cramfs debian-specific patches for initrd06:15
dimmakis roey your real name?06:15
Roeykaplanfx:  those patches are available only for specific kernel versions06:15
kaplanfxRoey: no, you need to build initial ramdisk support in the kernel then build with --initrd to make an initrd kernel06:15
Roeykaplanfx:  so I said, screw grub, I'll use LILO06:15
Roeykaplanfx:  NO it is not enough06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  the kernel must be patched with the debian-cramfs patch06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  which only exists for specific debian kernels06:16
kaplanfxdebian+initrd has always been problematic06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  so I can't use grub06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  then I thought to use lilo06:16
kaplanfxRoey: blame it on RMS06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  but lilo just gave me some bullshit complaint about not recoginizing the drive type06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  and then at that point I weent CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY06:16
kaplanfxit scsi?06:16
Roeydimmak:  yes06:16
Roeykaplanfx:  SATA06:16
kaplanfxkernel 2.6.11?06:17
Roeykaplanfx:  what in the *BLUE FUCK* is wrong with libata???? 06:17
=== kaplanfx goes to kernel.org
phxguymarkc: okk i did that and now i get Error java executable not found06:17
dimmakpronounced like joey?06:18
kaplanfxthey are using the new numbering system alredy?06:18
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Roeydimmak:  joey, accent on the second syllable06:19
Roeydimmak:  Dima Kaznachey??06:20
RoeyBATFOYOMAT, LIBATA, YOU SUCK!!! take THAT linux!!!06:21
=== Roey stabs linux with tears of frustration
kaplanfxdimmak: its like Roeee06:23
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phxguyI knew I hated java for a reasonn.....06:23
Roeyphxguy:  YES YES YES06:25
phxguywhats wierd is it work fine in firefox..... but not in Konquerer06:26
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delphiare there daily snapshot images available?07:34
ian__where are the best kubuntu screenshots?07:35
BROKEN_LADDERhas anyone here used reiser4 in ubuntu?07:54
da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: resier4 is bad07:55
BROKEN_LADDERit was highly touted on articles i read.07:56
da_bon_bonreal bad07:56
da_bon_bonit broke my machine07:56
ggilbertI wouldnt trust it as far as I can throw the cd it's on :p07:56
BROKEN_LADDERi can't even get it to work.07:56
BROKEN_LADDERi installed the reiser4 kernel patch.07:56
BROKEN_LADDERstill nothing.07:56
BROKEN_LADDERokay..i guess i'll hold off using it for now.07:57
ian__reiser (3?) worked for me for years, but I switched to ext3 for the better laptop support07:58
ggilbertian__: reeiserfs and reiser4 are very different beasts07:58
ian__is reiser4 new?  if so, it wasn't that. :)07:58
da_bon_bonBROKEN_LADDER: even grub cant currently use reiser407:58
ggilbertreiser4 looks really cool, but I wouldnt trust it until it gets quite a bit more testing07:59
ian__seeing the words "new" and "file system" anywhere near each other scares me :)07:59
ggilbertparticularly around "hans reiser" :p08:00
ggilbertreiser3 was pretty dangerous when it was new08:00
ian__why, is he a nut?08:00
ggilbertgave it a really bad reputation08:00
ggilbertian__: not bad08:00
ian__I chose it after reading some benchmarks08:00
ian__I'd stick with it, except the ext3 has the laptop-mode now08:01
ggilbertI used to use reiser3, it worked well08:01
ggilberthe does have some annoying ideas when it comes to licensing08:01
ian__like what?08:05
ggilbertian__: He used to have a clause where you couldn't remove code from his tools that had to do with credits08:11
ggilbertian__: then he added in code that would print out a list of anyone who had contributed money that would display when the tools tran08:12
BROKEN_LADDERis there anything wrong with this line? /dev/hdb1       /mnt/hd2        reiserfs  umask=0222    0       008:13
ggilbertBROKEN_LADDER: I'm going to venture a guess and say reiserfs is incorrect08:14
BROKEN_LADDERuh..no, the partition is reiser08:14
ggilbertreiser4 is not reiser308:14
ggilbertmake sure reiserfs is correct for a reiser4 partition08:15
BROKEN_LADDERoh, it was the umask.08:15
BROKEN_LADDERit's not08:15
BROKEN_LADDERi changed the partition to reiserfs08:15
BROKEN_LADDERfor reiser4 it's "reiser4"08:15
BROKEN_LADDERi just had to change the umask=0222, so i just put in "defaults" instead of figuring out what i typed wrong.08:16
BROKEN_LADDERwhat umask should i use to get the same as chmod 1777 ?08:17
BROKEN_LADDERi want to make the partition so that everyone can store things in it.08:17
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ggilbertumasks work by setting every bit set to 1 in the mask to 0 in the final result08:21
ggilbertso if you want 1777 you probably want 000008:21
ggilberthmm that would allow suid08:21
ggilbert6000 maybe08:21
BROKEN_LADDERwouldn't chmod 744 be umask=7033?08:23
BROKEN_LADDERor is the first bit of umask actually not a mask, but just like chmod?08:23
ggilbertI think so08:23
BROKEN_LADDER warning: unknown mount option "umask=0222"08:27
ian__ggilbert: err, that is kinda nutty08:27
ggilbertian__: the idea is to let you to force certain permissions off08:28
ian__ggilbert: no no, the last thing you said to me :)08:28
ggilbertian__: ah08:28
BROKEN_LADDER warning: unknown mount option "umask=004"08:28
ggilberthe may have changed his opinions recently and his software seems to be decent08:28
ian__and anyone who makes Free Software is ultimately alright in my book08:29
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ggilbertyeah 08:30
ggilbertuntil I'm declared supreme dictator for life ( still working on this one) people don't have to conform to my particular views :)08:31
ian__any day now08:33
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amiroffhello people, I've seen on many screenshots a kde utility similar to netstatus on gnome or windows (blinking monitors ). What is the name of it on KDE?09:46
=== incubii shrugs
amuprobably knemo he's looking for 10:04
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lexNLhiya guys11:30
lexNLanyone knows how to get a bootsplash going with kubuntu?11:31
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incubiiah its lookin much better now11:55
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incubiiwhy is it after install the xserver is fine but as soon asi reboot the colors are all fucked up12:39
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incubiistrange 16bit works and 24bit doesnt work properly :|12:41
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ubuntuwould anyone know why a loop mounted iso image is ro (read-only) and how to change it to rw... (mount -o remount,rw dir does not work) ?12:47
dimmakyou might want to run gtf passed with your max resolution and max refresh rate at that resolution to generate a modeline, ie "gtf 1600 1200 85" ... Then replace the hardcoded display values in your xorg.conf to that single modeline... I had to do this to get my 1900x1200 display working properly.12:47
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incubiifrom my knowledge and attempts you cant mount an iso rw12:47
=== Elsidox [~Elsidox@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu
incubiiill give it a try dimmak 12:49
dimmaki'll link you to where i got the info12:49
markcit's an extracted cloop iso... this one is a knoppix image but I'm strying to solve a different problem with the kubuntu livecd image12:49
markcwhenever I try to remaster the current kubuntu livecd image it gets larger in  size... so I was messing with a knoppix iso to see if it did the same thing, expect it's read-only even though it loop mounted12:51
incubiibecause it uses a special defrag util12:51
incubiiand symlinks multiple files12:52
incubiiwww.knoppix.net will have info as to why your ISOs will be larger then theirs12:52
markcah! where is this special defrag util ?12:52
markcheh, I've spent hours trying to work this out ... would you know where on www.knoppix.net by any chance ?12:53
incubiithe customizing section ?12:54
incubiii havent looked into those problems for ages12:54
markcI don't really care about the knoppix iso ro problem.. I really want to solve the kubuntu getting larger problem12:54
dimmakdamnit... i can't find the page by googleing... i am starting up my other computer that has the link in a log12:54
dimmaki suck12:55
dimmakincubii: this is similar >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=327712:55
dimmakand you generate the modeline that appears in the xorg.conf as i stated earlier with gtf12:56
incubiialrite brb12:59
incubiihopefully ittl work12:59
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incubiithat was awesome01:00
incubiithanks for that01:00
dimmakgood good01:00
incubiinow if only i could work out why i can get sound in KDE and not XMMS01:00
dimmaki had to find that out to get my display going today... i am glad the knowledge is paying off01:00
incubiilast time i had sound working in xmms and not kde01:01
incubiii cant win01:01
dimmakwell are you running multiple applications that would be trying to get access to the sound card... like kaffeine and xmms?01:02
incubiiah ffs now it works01:02
incubiii had to change it to ALSA about 40 times01:02
incubiinow it works01:02
incubiifirst linux distro to get sound working 100% on ppc for me01:03
dimmakso have you been using kubuntu long? i have only been running it like 2 days now01:03
dimmaki was so happy that it worked perfectly on my laptop01:03
incubiiyeah its great, im a debian fan01:03
incubiiand i dont like ubuntu01:03
incubiicause its gnome01:03
incubiisomeone mentioned kubuntu01:03
incubiiso gave ti a try01:04
dimmakyeah... i am not a fan of gnome01:04
incubiiit rocks specially after using Yellow Dog Linux01:04
dimmaki usually would do the install script for knoppix01:04
markcincubii> did sound work with YDL ?01:04
incubiiits was borked01:04
dimmaki played around with fedora core 3 for a while... but it just required way to much editing to get working right01:05
=== incubii helped write knoppix HDD installer at the start
markccool :)01:05
dimmaki like kubuntu as much as knoppix... knoppix for running from cd... and kubuntu for installing natively01:05
dimmakvery cool01:05
incubiithough Fabian has done an excellent job with it01:05
incubiimcuh better then i could01:05
incubiiyeah i use knoppix everywhere01:06
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incubiiand knoppix-std01:06
markcso I was almost the right man about my knoppix ro problem... close 01:06
incubiiwaiting for knoppix-std 0.2 to come out01:06
incubiiits probably an option you arent passing to the creation of the iso01:07
incubiihmm accelerated sound01:07
incubiithats an interesting problem01:08
dimmakaccelerated... our pitch problems?01:08
incubiiit speeds up01:08
incubiior maybe its pitch01:08
incubiiit sounds faster01:08
dimmakduration the same?01:09
dimmaklength of song01:09
dimmakthen it seems like pitch01:09
dimmakchipmunk style?01:09
incubiinah not that bad01:09
incubiiits like its running 10% faster01:09
incubiithats how it sounds01:09
incubiionly happens after it loops back to the start01:10
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dimmakdefinitely weird01:10
markcincubii> the iso is the CeBIT 3.8, I use extract_compressed_fs on it, then mount -o loop the extracted file... chroot into it but it's RO !!!01:10
dimmaki am playing around with the amaroK player right now... i like it so far01:10
incubiii honestly have no idea how to mount an iso rw01:11
incubiiu might need something a lil more powerful then mount01:11
incubiilike ultraiso for windows only the linux version01:11
incubiiif there is such a program for linux01:12
dimmakplaying around with a live-cd you can save to?01:12
markcincubii> np, but it's not the iso itself... it's the extracted file I am loop mounting... the kubuntu livecd iso works fine, as evry other livecd iso I've tried to remaster01:12
incubiithat is weird01:12
markca klaus trick to prevent the cdbit image from being altered, I suspect01:12
incubiiwell if he can turn it on, you can turn it off01:13
markcit does complain about no /etc/fstab inside the chroot, but, being ro I can't add one01:13
markcyes, I would like to think so :)01:14
dimmakincubii: you can also completely remove the subsection display modes from your xorg.conf... i did... i like not having unnecessary lines... be sure to backup your current working wrong... cuz i am sure that might not work on certain configs01:14
dimmakalright... well i am gonna shower and sleep... adios01:15
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membreyawould anyone know why Control Center would be crashing my PC?01:17
incubiihas it always done this from the get go?01:18
membreyaincubii: yup, but in gnome ..my system will "occasionally" lock up when I'm using a web browser..everything but the mouse locks up (i can still use it but the buttons dont work)01:19
membreyaonly thing that's changed is that I've changed to reiserfs01:20
incubiiall i can think of is something is broken01:20
incubiiwhich is obvious01:21
incubiiLinux anubis 2.6.10-5-powerpc #1 Tue Mar 15 15:25:47 UTC 2005 ppc GNU/Linux01:24
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membreyahmmm ok01:26
membreyait appears that the nvidia driver01:26
membreyais killing my pc01:26
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incubiimaybe you should update the driver?01:26
membreyaincubii: running 2.6.11-101:26
membreyarunning 2179 from the nvidia website01:27
incubiidamn they move fast01:27
incubiilast time i used them was like 104901:27
incubiion my tnt201:27
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incubiii have a radeon 9000 in this g401:29
incubiibetter then my gaming PC01:29
membreyamy pc is an amd64 3200+, 120gb (soon to be a 2nd hdd as 200gb) both sata..and a geforce 4000 :|01:30
membreyadamnit...kde doesn't support my multimedia keys :|01:30
incubiiwhat a bitch01:30
incubiidoes kubuntu have mac-on-linux available to it01:32
incubiidamn 45mb for 2.6.10-501:35
incubiimy poor lil 28.8kb dialup will get fried01:36
membreyalol :P01:36
membreyaI was thinking ...45mb..dat's nothing01:36
membreyais there ANY way to make kde not so .... "big"01:36
membreyaim running 1152x864 and everything's cluttered01:37
incubiibig as in icons?01:37
incubiiprolly in control center01:37
membreyaas in programs01:37
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markcincubii> you know, you were right, that extracted knoppix iso image is a iso9660 filesystem whereas an extracted kubuntu is ext201:38
incubiiwell there you go01:39
incubiiim not sure what you are asking membreya 01:40
membreyaincubii: ...nevermind, it's "fonts" :) just playing now :)01:41
=== membreya misses Verdana and Tahoma
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membreyagod...that's so much better :D01:43
incubiiyeah its much nicer with smaller fonts01:43
incubiithen turn on antialiasing01:43
incubiiyum yum01:43
membreyadone that, not sure how well AA will work with "nv" as my vid driver :P01:44
incubiino idea01:44
markcmembreya> what size is your main font now ?01:45
membreya10 :)01:45
membreyamuch nicer :)01:45
=== incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp1299.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
incubiisize 10 font with AA looks damn nice01:45
markcI usually am always putting mine up to 13 or 14, even 18 in konq01:46
membreyathats a bit .....insane :)01:46
membreyaunless you're running like 1600x1200 :P01:46
markcjst 1280x1024... but the monitor is always 1.5 mtr away01:46
incubiiim on 1280x102401:47
membreyalol :P01:47
incubiimonitor i less then a foot away01:47
markcI'm trying to remaster kubuntu so I can set the defaults... but, obviously that might not always suit.. as in your case01:47
incubiii do as i please01:48
=== membreya removes ubuntu-desktop :P
incubiithats still in kubuntu ?01:50
membreyaincubii: I installed ubuntu ...2 days ago I just did a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :)01:51
membreyanow I have a whole lotta gnome crap :)01:51
membreyaooo I like transparent konsole :)01:51
incubiiyeah that will do that01:52
membreyadamn lying konsole!01:52
membreyait said "transparent" it's a liar01:52
membreyait's only transparent to the desktop not to apps :|01:52
incubiikinda like most01:53
incubiiit fakes transparency01:53
incubiiinstead of alpha transparency01:53
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membreyaI installed my computer with ubuntu and then upgraded to kubuntu..is there an easy way to remove all references to gnome? or do I need to go through kynaptic and find anything installed with a reference to gnome ?02:37
psnmembreya: well if you choose to uninstall one of the gnome libs I'm sure the rest will follow02:40
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membreyait's asking me to remove kubuntu-desktop ..but that's only a metapackage :)02:43
membreya280mb freed :)02:43
membreyagod, even the kopete page has been hit by the EU :|02:47
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Riddellmembreya: how so?02:47
membreyasame as amsn02:48
marcusTRiddell: hi, I was having a nice talk with Waldo Bastian via bugs.kde.org about my kded issue... and I still have no solution, though it might have something to do with gamin02:51
RiddellmarcusT: what's the issue02:53
marcusTrestarting kbuildsycoca... kdebug #10218302:53
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RiddellmarcusT: how do you know that kbuildsycoca is running all the time?02:55
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marcusTRiddell: it's not running all the time, it's beeing constantly restarted... I can see that in my top output, it actually needs a lot of CPU cycles which make my notebook fan louder02:56
RiddellmarcusT: any idea which file is being detected as changed?02:58
RiddellI'm not seeing the problem02:58
membreyahmmm my volume icon is gone :|02:58
marcusTnope... there should be no special things in my filesystem.... isn't there a way to find out what is reported as changed?02:58
jiyuu0any idea when's the next test release of kubuntu?02:59
RiddellmarcusT: dunno, maybe ask Waldo02:59
membreyaback now :)02:59
Riddelljiyuu0: final thing April 6th02:59
marcusTja, well hope he's still on it somehow02:59
RiddellmarcusT: be quick, waldo is leaving KDE soon!02:59
marcusTRiddell: ???02:59
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Riddellanother week or something03:00
marcusTwhere is he going?03:01
marcusTand then he won't work on KDE anymore? isn't he with Novell?03:03
membreyadoes kubuntu not save folder options (konqueror) ?03:03
RiddellmarcusT: his day to day involvement will reduce a lot because he won't be paid to work on it full time03:03
Riddellmembreya: which options?03:04
marcusTwell, that's bad... didn't know that...he's been one of the KDE names ever since I've been using it. 03:04
membreyaie, I have 973 music videos .. I want it to always display that folder as a list03:04
membreyaany other folder is fine as an icon03:04
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kensaiThanks to kubuntu now I don't hate kde like I used to do03:22
kensaikde 3.4 is the first version I like03:23
membreyaooo new games to play :D03:23
membreyahow do you autostart programs though ? :|03:23
Riddellmembreya: put them in ~/.kde/Autostart03:24
Riddellactually put a .desktop file there03:24
membreyaI just have a script that I need to run at startup :| for my mouse03:25
marcusTmembreya: when it's just something like that, try to put it in the .xsession file in your home03:27
membreyai don't have an .xsession file :|03:30
marcusTmembreya: you can create one... it should be sourced (i.e. run) when you login to your system03:35
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benjaneti cant find beagle on hory universe repository. Anyone else ?04:27
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ggilbert_benjanet: probably not in hoary yet04:39
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benjanetggilbert_, thanks04:41
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omni_lonnieAnyone here tried using "Scripts" in amaroK?06:36
omni_lonnieit complains about needing PyQt, but that doesn't seem to be available... :(06:37
Riddellomni_lonnie: yes, we're looking into that at the moment06:40
omni_lonniewould using one of the debian packages work as a stop-gap solution?06:42
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Riddellomni_lonnie: probably python2.4-qt3 in universe06:46
omni_lonniethanks! I'll give that a try.06:48
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Slikehello, i'd like to test kubuntu....i already heave ubuntu, but apt doesn't find "kubuntu-desktop"....07:25
apokryphosSlike: are you in hoary?07:26
Slikeupgrading first?07:26
haggaiSlike: change warty to hoary and then apt-get update07:26
apokryphosYup. Please see: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/installingKDE07:26
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wickieany chance of getting an mDNS package?07:28
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ImsdleaHELP... I want to install kubuntu from ubunt but I get E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop07:52
wickieImsdlea: you need to upgrade to hoary first.07:53
Imsdleaoh... how do i do that07:53
wickiesee: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/installingKDE07:54
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Imsdleaarrrgg i cna't seem to edit source.list08:03
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BiafraUmm.... question... does KUbuntu come with gnome as well as kde?08:05
RiddellBiafra: no but you can install gnome easily enough08:05
Biafrais there a way I can do it without an internet connection?08:06
RiddellBiafra: not easily08:06
Biafrawould it be possible using the regular Ubuntu installation disc?08:07
Biafrato install gnome?08:07
wickieImsdlea: you didn't forget to sudo in order to edit sources.list?08:07
omni_lonniegnome is installed by default with "regular" unbuntu08:08
wickieRiddell: Do you know if a mDNS package is planned?08:08
Imsdleathis my my first week with linux... so I apprechate your help08:08
Imsdleaim in terminal in sudo08:09
Biafrai mean would it be possible using an Ubuntu install disc to install gnome onto and already existing KUbuntu system08:09
Imsdleahow do i edit from terminal08:09
Riddellwickie: if we have time08:09
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wickieRiddell: I read that it's not DSFG free, so that might be a problem.08:09
Burgundaviadevs here?08:09
Burgundaviaare you guys using kdesu by default, ala gksudo?08:10
wickieImsdlea: If you're new to linux, it's easiest to use kwrite.08:10
RiddellBurgundavia: yes, it's sudo08:10
BurgundaviaRiddell: I am rebuilding qtparted, and I wonder if it is safe to remove th gksu and sux build deps08:10
wickieImsdlea: So, "sudo kwrite /etc/sources.list"08:10
Burgundaviaqtparted will also now use kdesu instead of gksudo08:11
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wickieDoes kdesu sudo as well now?08:12
RiddellBurgundavia: should be as long as you add kdesu08:12
Riddellwickie: yes08:12
apokryphoswickie: Yup.08:12
Biafra(soneone who knows the answer): would it be possible using an Ubuntu install disc to install gnome onto and already existing KUbuntu system?08:12
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BurgundaviaRiddell: kdesu is part of kdebase-bin, no?08:13
apokryphoskdelibs, I believe.08:13
BiafraRiddell: would it be possible using an Ubuntu install disc to install gnome onto and already existing KUbuntu system?08:14
apokryphosErm, it comes with kdelibs.08:14
RiddellBurgundavia: sounds about right08:14
=== wickie finally got acpi working on his laptop
RiddellBiafra: could well be08:14
BurgundaviaRiddell: ok I will build and test on my machine08:14
BurgundaviaRiddell: should hit universe tomorrow or the next day08:14
BiafraRiddell: Ok, will try when I get home (getting set to DL the Ubuntu ISO)08:15
BiafraRiddell: If it helps I'm using hoary-preview08:15
alleeBiafra: I would say yes.  Add ubuntu cdrom to sources.list08:28
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BiafraRiddell: Alrightie then *kicks back and allows his download manager to do most of the work*08:33
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ztonzyanyone more than me that have problem with /dev/video0 ?08:56
ztonzyhow can it be created =08:56
AMIGrAvedoes some uses krusader ? when i go in the configuration window and click on the first option : "Save settings on exit" krusader crashes08:58
bassei hope it atleast saves the settings :)08:58
AMIGrAve;-) nope08:59
AMIGrAvethey should call that "Exit on save settings" ;-)08:59
basseor save settings on crash09:00
AMIGrAvedo you have the sameproblem ?09:00
basselet's see I think I have the program still installed09:00
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basseAMIGrAve: works here09:04
bassekrusader 1.51, on kde 3.3.209:04
AMIGrAveanyway I bet you won't have the problem, I have really strange things happening. I would be under windows i'll say my computer is infected. Just today my Authostastart shortcuts have disappeared09:04
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AMIGrAvebasse: you're on warty ?09:05
AMIGrAveme 1.51 on 3.4.0 (hoary)09:06
basseAMIGrAve: i'm actually on debian :)09:06
basseAMIGrAve: have you tried to remove krusader config files?09:07
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AMIGrAvebasse: yes of course09:20
AMIGrAvebasse: got a debian amd-64 sid on another partition and I don't have the problem09:21
BiafraRiddel: Is it possible to use any packages for Debian on Ubuntu?09:26
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phxguyI have downloaded a gtk theme... Can someone tell me where it goes???09:30
gsuveganyone use a vnc server on hoary ?09:31
BiafraIs it possible to use any packages for Debian on Ubuntu?09:32
Roeyhow do I get evms off a partition?09:36
RoeyI can copy data off  the partition and remake it... I just want to know how to not have evms on it09:37
Biafrawill there be pressed CDs of KUbuntu coming out with the final version of hoary?09:37
phxguybiafra i read that there would be sometime in mid/late april09:38
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Slikei just installed kubuntu, but i'm having 1 little problem with it so far...09:52
Slikei have to go online by wlan09:52
Slikekubuntu sees the network, but i get no ip09:53
Biafraoh,l before I forget.... what packages would I haveta install to have gnome on KUbuntu09:53
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Sliketried dhclient eth1, but it chooses the wrong netmask....09:53
Slikeanu idea's how to get online efficiently?09:53
chavoBiafra, ubuntu-desktop will get you the whole thing09:53
phxguycan someone tell me how to format a usb stick09:53
Biafraok thanks09:54
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basseztonzy: worked?10:04
=== basse pours ztonzy some rum+coke
dimmakWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running10:12
dimmakkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]   .... they are not here... where else could they be?10:12
dimmakkynaptic shows that linux-kernel-headers are installed10:13
Roeydimmak:  hi, whydja ask yesterday for my name? just curious?10:13
Roeydimmak:  are you Dima K..y ?10:14
dimmakjust never heard the name before... seemed worth asking10:14
dimmakmy sn has nothing to do with my real name10:15
Roeyoh, ok10:15
Roeyyeah my name is Roey10:15
Roeynice to meet you10:15
phxguyI have downloaded a gtk theme... Can someone tell me where it goes???10:18
chavophxguy, ~/.themes10:18
phxguychavo: i dont have a .themes folder ....10:19
chavophxguy, mkdir ~/.themes10:19
phxguydoes it need to be hidden???10:19
phxguychavo: I made the folder and copied the file there but where do I select it? I looked in the theme manger and stuff and I dont see it10:22
chavophxguy, open theme manager, then hit Theme Details10:23
chavoThen click on the Controls tab, those are gtk themes10:23
phxguychavo: Im using KDE not Gnome10:23
chavophxguy, <phxguy> I have downloaded a gtk theme... Can someone tell me where it goes???10:24
phxguychavo: yeah... so.... you can't use gtk themes in KDE???10:24
chavosure if you use gtk apps???10:25
chavophxguy, I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish.10:27
chavoKDE uses qt for drawing, gnome uses gtk.10:27
chavoyou can use gtk apps under KDE though10:27
phxguyoh okay that explains it.... thanks10:27
Roeyphxguy:  there is however a bridge layer10:32
phxguyIf I download a kde3.2+ theme/style where would that go???? -browsing kde-look10:33
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apokryphosphxguy: wherever you downloaded it to... to install it, you should specify the prefix. Not sure if it will necessarily work; might.10:38
phxguyok i found one im gonna try its baghira for debian... think its a deb package....10:38
phxguythe instructions on there say to do apt-get install kwin-style-baghira10:39
phxguywill it put the files where it needs to be automatically?10:40
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Slikei still don't get an ip using my centrino wlan card...although it sees my network :-(10:46
Slikeany suggestions?10:46
phxguyare you using wep??10:47
Slike64-bit open key10:47
phxguydid you type in the wep key10:47
Slikeessid, wep, interface,...10:47
Slikekwifimanager monitors the signal10:47
phxguydoes your router have mac address filtering on??10:48
phxguyhmmm i have tried my wifi.... I suppose i should10:48
Slikeyes, mac address filtering is turned on...but it should know my wlan card10:49
phxguyhmm dont know think ill try my wifi10:49
Slikeif i do: dhclient eth1.... it tries to connect, but it shows a wrong netmask address ( instead of
Slikeis there a way to change that10:50
wickieSlike: shouldn't it get the netmask from the DHCP server?10:54
Slikethe problem seems to be, that theres no dhcp request from my pc10:55
phxguyfor some reason it isn't seeing my wi-fi usb adapter10:55
Slikeand when i do it manualy, it does the same as when I used Fedora Core 2....10:55
Slikethere it was solved (the right subnetmask) with some file ifcfg-eth110:56
wickieSlike: perhaps you can change some settings in /etc/network/interfaces10:56
Slikei've been looking there10:57
Slikebut what should i add?10:57
wickieSlike: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/ndiswrapper/view?searchterm=dhcp%20netmask11:00
wickieSlike: maybe there's some useful info11:00
Slikethx, i'll have a look11:00
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Slike(never had any wlan troubles with ubuntu warty)11:00
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alleeSlike: yeah, network is fun.  No ifplugd and eth0 is wifi.   took me some time to realize it (bangs head at the wall)11:08
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Slikethx for all help...but i have to go now11:16
phxguyhow can i get my usb adapter to work? do i have to download some libraries or something?11:16
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