
handsome_bhas anybody in here installed hoary, and configured a pppoe connection?  I'm about to try and would like to know if it's simple or a nightmare12:00
DemonTearsanyne konw how to get linux logs on desktop background pls12:00
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handsome_bDemonTears: gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org12:00
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DemonTearshandsome_b: thx12:02
handsome_banyone?  opinions on setting up pppoe?12:03
handsome_bDemonTears: np12:03
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thoreauputicDemonTears: or use root-tail12:03
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DemonTearsthoreauputic: dunno how to use it12:04
DemonTearsthoreauputic: do u know the sample command12:05
thoreauputicDemonTears: haven't used it for a while, but it's similar to tail12:05
thoreauputiclike tail -f to have updating logs12:06
thoreauputichave you tried root-tail -f /path/to/logfile ?12:07
thoreauputicalso in gnome, it probably won't show, as the desktop isn't the root window12:07
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DemonTearsthoreauputic: i'll test it12:09
_phate_does anyone have the Hoary Preview? If would you send me your sources.list, I screwed up mine so I need the default12:09
Nermal_phate_: http://nermal.org/misc/sources.list12:10
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Nermallast 3 lines I added12:11
jboyensis there any way to get Flash fonts to work correctly WITHOUT install msttcorefonts? I'd like to be able to use fontconfig to substitute a font for the MS font Flash wants.12:11
_phate_Nermal, thx!12:12
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aldarsiorwhat's the keyboard shortcut for switching desktops in gnome?12:13
Nermalset them up under keyboard shortcuts12:13
geppyaldarsior: CTRL-ALT-arroy12:13
aldarsiorthanks :-)12:14
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black_Nightmareany of you know if any standard atapi drives would work fine in ubuntu?12:15
black_Nightmaredumb question but wanted check still12:15
Nermalits more the ide controller12:15
Nermalbut they are usually fine12:15
black_Nightmareah ok ty12:15
aldarsiorblack_Nightmare: do you mean for burning?12:16
black_Nightmarewell..do you know about backward compactibility?  this is udma/33 on the motherboard I think12:16
black_Nightmarelike could I use an ATA100 hd here?12:16
black_Nightmarealdar..nah just the drive itself12:16
aldarsiorblack_Nightmare: then you're asking if ATA has backwards compatibility. and the answer is Yes.12:17
black_Nightmarewell it was two questions anyhow....ty still :p12:17
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michael_hi all.. i'm trying to get my sound to work.. but it simply won't.. any help would be appreciated.. when i run the hoary live cd i get sound, and when i run the installed version of hoary i don't get sound12:19
geppymichael_: Do you have the sound system muted?12:19
geppymichael_: if you12:19
michael_geppy: negative12:19
geppymichael_: if you 'apt-get install aumix', you can check to make sure that it's not12:20
geppymichael_:  Sure?  The mixers like to mute themselves.12:20
mjrwell, the gnome mixer that's installed by default should do too...12:20
michael_well i get Errors when i run anything that plays audio12:20
mjrthat's a driver problem, probably, then12:21
geppymjr:  GNOME-mixer allows things to get "locked" such that you can't modify them. =/12:21
geppymichael_: What kind of errors?12:21
michael_geppy: for example when i try running Volume Meter i get the error "cannot connect to sound daemon. please run 'esd' at a command prompt12:21
mjror your user isn't in audio group12:21
geppymjr:  He has an SBLive, I don't see why.12:21
mjrdepends on the errors, really12:21
geppymichael_: Try running esd12:21
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mjrgeppy, righto, I have one too and it works fine :)12:21
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michael_esd returns "/dev/dsp: no such device"12:21
geppymjr:  As do I. =)12:22
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geppymichael_:  ls /dev | grep snd12:22
michael_sndstat i mean12:22
michael_snd and sndstat12:22
geppymichael_: Then, there is a /dev/snd12:22
geppymichael_: You probably aren't in the audio group, like mjr mentioned.12:22
mjrcould the OSS emulation layer be missing for some reason...12:22
geppymjr: ESD uses OSS =P12:22
michael_so how do i fix this then12:23
geppymichael_:  Well, open up the users and groups GUI, and make sure you're in the audio group. =)12:23
mjrgeppy, yes, and if trying to use /dev/dsp yields "no such device", well...12:23
thoreauputicDemonTears: I just tested that command in fluxbox, and it worked fine - gnome is using an overly of the root window, so nothing shows12:23
geppymjr: Then it can't read it due to permissions, I think. =)12:23
geppymichael_: users-admin12:24
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madelhi there12:24
mjrmichael_, you can also do a quick check by running "id" in a prompt, but for fixing, use the admin tool mentioned12:24
aldarsiorI just installed Mysql and some associated things, and towards the end of the download it told me to insert the install cd and would not proceed without it...12:24
madelwhy don't I find the /dev/lp files?12:24
aldarsiorIs there a way to disable that?12:24
michael_is listed from the id command12:25
michael_yeah it lists 29(audio) as a group12:25
geppyaldarsior: Did you install via apt?12:25
michael_in that list, when i do the ID command12:25
aldarsiorgeppy: yep12:25
geppyaldarsior: Odd, what were the other apps?12:25
DemonTearsthoreauputic: so no chance with the gnome12:25
mjrmichael_, well, that's not a problem then; what's ls -l /dev/dsp say?12:25
geppymichael_:  You need to be in "29(audio)"12:25
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aldarsiorphpmyadmin (depended on apache) mysql server mysql client and various dependancies12:26
michael_crw-rw----  1 root audio 1412:26
aldarsiorso all of php, all of apache, mysql client, mysql server, and everything that those depend on12:26
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mjrmichael_, this is getting weird12:26
thoreauputicDemonTears: there's probably a way of redirecting output to the gnome desktop - if you can identify the window it uses - I don't know12:26
michael_crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2005-03-23 18:15 /dev/dsp12:27
mjrmichael_, does cat /dev/sndstat show your card?12:27
Zugotanyone here have a laptop that displays at 1280x800?12:27
Zugoti need to find some modelines i believe12:27
mjrmichael_, well, I'm running out of things that could be wrong then12:27
michael_three audio devices12:27
jeanjeanZugot: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:27
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mjrlist them please12:28
michael_USB Audio Bt87x Digital and EMU10K1 (duplex)12:28
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Zugotjeanjean, it isn't that easy... i need find the ModeLine to stick in xorg.conf first12:28
Zugotjeanjean, and you also assumed i was running xorg...12:28
Zugoti could be running xfree8612:28
mjrmichael_, it may be that /dev/dsp tries and fails to use one of the other sound devices12:28
michael_so are you suggesting i should find a way to disable the other sound devices12:29
jeanjeanZugot: close X and try "X -config"12:29
thoreauputicheh - sound juicer with mp3 enabled rips at 250 kb/sec by default and can't be adjusted... stupid :(12:29
geppythoreauputic: That's why I use GRIP. =)12:30
mjrmichael_, that shouldn't be necessary, but I don't know how to change the order, which would be a less destructive way to go about it12:30
michael_mjr: keep in mind that my audio works when i run the LiveCD, but fails when i use my installed version of ubuntu... maybe there are some ways you could tell me to compare the settings in both to determine what the problem is?12:30
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andrewskithoreauputic: yeah, that simple interface only works to a point. :/12:30
thoreauputicgeppy: yeah, me too - I just thought I'd try it with the gstreame lame plugin to see what happened12:30
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geppythoreauputic: Ah, yeah.12:30
geppyUnfortunately, GRIP sucks on Ubuntu.12:30
geppyHas anyone else had serious issues with it?12:31
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Nikopolthe id3 sucks12:31
geppyI have to perform certain rituals to get it to perform.12:31
Nikopolgeppy: if you use musicplayer with it, it won't put the tracks in the correct order12:31
thoreauputicgeppy: works OK here - I just pointed it at /dev/hdc from memory12:31
geppyNot just that, it tends to hang (and refuse to die, or have another instance opened) if you don't hold it just right.12:31
DemonTearsconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check12:31
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DemonTearsje dois installer quel package pour remedier ca12:32
NikopolDemonTears: g++ j e pense12:32
geneo93musicmatch at one time had nice linux offering12:32
geppythoreauputic:  If it doesn't have focus when I start the rip, it crashes.  (i.e. I move mouse focus to the dialog, which shows up half way across the bloody screen)12:32
michael_mjr: keep in mind that my audio works when i run the LiveCD, but fails when i use my installed version of ubuntu... maybe there are some ways you could tell me to compare the settings in both to determine what the problem is?12:32
NikopolDemonTears: essaie voir12:32
ellsi just installed a new hardrive along with the old,how can i see where it is and where to mount it12:32
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thoreauputicDemonTears: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:32
geppythoreauputic: And it crashes if I change the ID3 info and don't save and reopen12:33
ellsanyone know how12:33
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DemonTearsconfigure: error: Can't find Python.h! You will need the python development package12:33
geppythoreauputic: As well as various other things;  if I insert a CD when it's open, it crashes (and I have to reboot to kill it)12:33
DemonTearsj'ai ca12:34
ellsany takers12:34
DemonTearsthoreauputic: j'insatlle tous le python ?12:34
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thoreauputicgeppy: hmmm.... dunno - I mainly use ogg anyway so .... I tried ripperx which also works ( less configurable, of course)12:35
madelanyone could help me seting up a local paralel printer with ubuntu?12:35
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Zugotis this the official ubuntu support irc place?12:35
Zugotor are there more?12:35
thoreauputicDemonTears: j'sais pas ce que tu veux faire12:35
RupertSwmadel, are you using CUPS?12:35
thoreauputicDemonTears: english here for preference, mon ami ;)12:35
geppythoreauputic:  Yeah, I've recently switched to FLAC, so I guess SoundJuicer would work for me, now, minus certain things like Vorbis comment configuration.12:35
DemonTearsthoreauputic: je compile le gdesklet12:35
madelRupertSw, i think so, the default with ubuntu...12:36
mjrmichael_, yah, sorry, can't help, except to point at trying to change the order of the sound devices as I said (or, in panic, disabling them via /etc/hotplug/blacklist)12:36
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ellstritium: what is up mike12:36
ellstritium: I just put the new drive in12:36
RupertSwmadel, Probably the easiest is to point browser @ localhost:60112:36
tritiumHi ells12:36
thoreauputicDemonTears: pourqoi? C'est dans les repositories12:36
michael_mjr: okay thank you12:36
michael_mjr: i will try that12:36
DemonTearsthoreauputic ca marche poa12:37
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ellstritium: do you think you could help me get this thing mounted and formatted properly12:37
DemonTearsthoreauputic: j'ai ca12:37
DemonTearsthoreauputic: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py:90: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.mainloop is deprecated, use gtk.main instead12:37
DemonTears  self.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)12:37
tritiumells, perhaps a little later this evening12:37
RupertSwmadel, Any luck?12:37
madelRupertSw, do you mean  localhost:601?12:37
ellstritium: cool will catch you after school tonight12:37
Desolategot a bit of an issue, was wondering if anyone could assist me? I just installed ubuntu, everything went fine, but then when I start it, it looks absolutely awful (http://demonfire.breathingwater.com/ubuntu_crappy.jpg)12:37
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thoreauputicDemonTears: sorry, no idea then12:38
tritiumells, you have class this evening?12:38
RupertSwmadel, Yep. A cups demon should be running there, I think. Is it?12:38
ellstritium: until about 11 Mike12:38
ellstritium: it is cool12:38
DemonTearsthoreauputic: ok thx12:38
madelRupertSw, Administrative tasks have been disabled for security reasons. Please use Menu System > Administration > Printing.12:38
tritiumells, if I'm awake when you get back ;)12:39
ellstritium: I am sure you will be,  ha ha12:39
RupertSwmadel, Hmm. You could try gnome-cups-manager or whatever it's called, which is there then!12:39
tritiumells, probably :)12:39
madelRupertSw, and when I try to use that printer manager, It only alows me to configure a USB printer12:39
ellstritium: Mike, I could always reinstall, ,ha ha (inside joke)12:40
garruthi, anyone here got experience with setting up a dns server for a local network?12:40
ellstritium: it is all goo Mike12:40
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RupertSwmadel, If I run it as root, and click add printer, I can choose "Parallel Port" near the bottom of the dlg.12:40
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tritiumRupertSw, is your user in the "lpadmin" group?12:41
madelRupertSw, are you using ubuntu?12:41
DesolateI installed linux on Virtual PC, everything went/looked fine, but when I start it, it looks like this: http://demonfire.breathingwater.com/ubuntu_crappy.jpg12:42
RupertSwmadel, Yes12:42
RupertSwmadel, It wouldn't su automatically for me though for some reason, so I had to run it actually as root with su from the terminal12:42
RupertSwmadel, gnome-cups-manager, btw12:42
atjhas anyone set up nfs or samba w/ ubuntu?12:42
tritiumRupertSw, root account is disabled by default, as is documented.12:42
madelatj, to see another windows box, or to be seen?12:42
RupertSwtritium, sorry: sudo gnome-cups-manager, then.12:43
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tritiumRupertSw, is your user in the lpadmin group, though?12:43
RupertSwtritium, I got irritated and re-enabled it.12:43
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atjmadel: to be seen by a mac (or anything really)12:43
RupertSwtritium, Why should it have to be? I'm running it with _sudo_ - so as root.12:43
RupertSwtritium, Just checked: no I'm not12:44
tritiumRupertSw, you say when you run it as root, you _can_ add it right, but not as normal user?12:44
madelRupertSw, nope...  a only see USB printers...12:44
RupertSwtritium, I have _no_ problem! Adding a printer I would need to be admin, but as it's my flipping computer, I just sudoed to get the privileges rather than farting around with the groups for what is a one-off op.12:45
RupertSwmadel, Hmm.. we're using the same program, presumably. Same version? What are you running exactly?12:46
ellstritium: thru qtparted I think I got it, what should I make its mount point be12:46
tritiumells, that's entirely up to you12:46
RupertSwmadel, I think I'm on 0.3012:46
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ellstritium: it is showing up as hdb?12:46
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ellstritium: should I make it primary or extended12:47
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tritiumells, I thought it was usb drive?12:47
madelRupertSw, I' m using a just installed hoary, nothing changed...12:47
ellstritium: naw, hard drive (ide)12:47
geppySomething's wrong with the Ubuntu hardware database.12:47
geppyI can't connect to the server.12:47
geppyAnd I can't e-mail "hostmaster@grawert.net"12:47
tritiumells, the whole thing is for linux?  you can make one big primary partition12:48
RupertSwmadel, Sorry. could you run 'gnome-cups-manager --version' please? It would help if I knew we were looking at the same screen... :-)12:48
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atjanyone using ubuntu as a file server12:48
ellscool, yeah, the whold 120 gig is for linux, all for linux12:48
ellsshould i make it primary then12:48
madelGnome gnome-printer-view 0.3012:48
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madelRupertSw, I don't even have a /dev/lp file12:48
ellstritium: and of course format12:48
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tritiumells, yep12:49
atjmyles, nfs, samba or other?12:49
RupertSwmadel, Hmm.. I do. Gimme a sec.12:49
ellsokay, when i went to make active, it says something like virtual drive12:49
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SeeleyUSMCAnyone have an idea of what language I should start off in to learn programming?12:50
ZotnixAnyone know what module to load to load inotify. Seems modprobe inotify doesn't work.12:50
RupertSwmadel, I've got one, but if I get rid of it I still see the same in the CUPS manager - is that the parallel port dev anyway?12:50
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geneo93SeeleyUSMC:  python12:51
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RupertSwmadel, Can I check: when you run the manager, do you get a screen with a 'New Printer' icon, looking lots like a windows control panel?12:51
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madelRupertSw, yes....12:52
RupertSwmadel, And when you click on New Printer, you get a sort of wizard dlg, right?12:52
RupertSwmadel, With 4 radio buttons?12:53
thoreauputicSeeleyUSMC: I would start with writing bash scripts,ten look at python12:53
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madelRupertSw, yes....   local printer, network printer,  user a detected printer, user another printer by specifyung a port12:53
RupertSwmadel, So you say 'specify a port' and get the drop-down combo box12:53
madelRupertSw, yes.. and I only see USB  printer #1, #2...  #1612:54
thoreauputicSeeleyUSMC: if you want to have some simple GUI things happening with bash scripts, install Xdialog or use zenity12:54
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RupertSwmadel, Hmmm... You could try 'mknod /dev/lp0 c 6 0' as root, which will give you that device. I notice I haven't got lp1 and only 'see' 1 parallel port, so maybe that is what's needed?12:55
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thoreauputicSeeleyUSMC: the documentation for Xdialog is excellent :  /usr/share/doc/xdialog/html12:56
irbdavidquestion; if i d/l ubuntu, will kubuntu essentially come with it? or will the aptget not come off the CD?12:56
RupertSwmadel, And then you'd need to restart CUPS at the least: 'sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart'12:56
apokryphosirbdavid: nope, it won't.12:56
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apokryphosirbdavid: apt-get will come with it.12:57
codymanhmm... http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/05/03/23/1820243.shtml?tid=163&tid=90&tid=106 whats up12:57
mjrcodyman, slashdot jumping the gun is up12:57
thoreauputicirbdavid: kubuntu is a seoarate CD, but sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will install it12:57
thoreauputicnot from the CD though12:57
mjrcodyman, Perens isn't buying it, apparently12:57
RupertSwmadel, And if that doesn't work, I'm really sorry, because I reckon that's about the limit of my knowledge...12:57
irbdavidcool beans12:57
irbdavidother than that the difference between the two is just the desktop and the apps that come with it?12:58
madelRupertSw, what does " mknod /dev/lp0 c 6 0"   mean?12:58
apokryphosirbdavid: Pretty much, yes. It's all Ubuntu.12:58
RupertSwmadel, It'll create your device for you12:58
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geneo93there is a seperate kubunt iso at http://kambing.vlsm.org/bebas/ISO/12:59
irbdavidkay, thanks guys12:59
RupertSwmadel, And for normal use, you need to also do 'chgrp lp /dev/lp0', which is probably needed for CUPS to use it.12:59
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madelRupertSw, lp or lpadmin  ?01:00
andrilhas anyone installed MPlayer?01:01
andrilor have a link?01:01
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RupertSwmadel, Mine says lp, presumably so that anyone can print, it's just changing the spooler/drivers etc. which needs special priveleges?01:01
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thoreauputicandril: I installed it - but I recommend xine-ui01:01
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thoreauputicandril: and look at ubuntuguide.org for a howto on installing win codecs etc01:02
iananyone successfully switch from ACPI to APM?01:02
madelRupertSw,    crw-r--r--  1 root lp 6, 0 2005-03-24 05:56 /dev/lp0   <-- this is the way it looks yours?01:02
andrilnot Media Player - just MPlayer for linux01:03
D3vIm haveing trouble installing ubuntu. when it gos to install base system it gets up to the kernel and says  initrd-tools error then it aborts? how can i fix this?01:03
andrildo you have a link for Xine-UI01:03
RupertSwmadel, Yes.01:03
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RupertSwandril, You could try the repository at ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/01:03
akurashydo gnome have a cd burner program?01:03
madelRupertSw, nop I still see only  USB printers01:03
thoreauputicandril: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:03
greebohi all01:03
apokryphosakurashy: gnomebaker01:03
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thoreauputicandril: you need to set up your synaptic repositories01:04
RupertSwmadel, Sorry - I really have no idea. Anyone else??01:04
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ianakurashy: also Nautilus can burn CDs directly.  right click an ISO to burn it or do Ctrl-L in Nautilus and type in burn://01:05
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greebodoes anyone know how to get IR working on Ubuntu Warty? Do I need to upgrade to Hoary for this?01:05
greeboTongMaster, heya01:05
ianakurashy: drag/drop files there then File/Write to disc01:05
akurashyian: can i drag and drop into the cd?01:05
thoreauputicandril: xine-ui is in the universe repository - you need to look at those other links as well01:05
ianit's pretty slick, but I'm not sure how people are supposed to find it :)01:06
TongMasterheya greebo \01:06
RupertSwmadel, Oh: try 'lsmod' I've got a 'parport' module installed. Do you?01:06
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RupertSwmadel, And an lp one as well.01:06
SoRcEtTahow can I umount my cd , while a script inside it is running ?01:07
madelRupertSw, a parport_pc and a parport01:07
geneo93RupertSw:  maybe he need to turn off pnp in bios01:07
madelRupertSw, and a lp too01:07
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RupertSwgeneo93, Mine's on, so far as I know.01:07
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RupertSwmadel, What happens if you 'cat /dev/lp0' ?01:08
geneo93mines off01:08
jnoonwhen i do apt-get dist-upgrade it wants to remove ubuntu-base.  im assuming thats a very bad sign correct?01:08
madelRupertSw, cat some_txt_file > /dev/lp0??  or cat /dev/lp0?01:08
geneo93jnoon:  it will get replaced01:09
RupertSwmadel, If there's a driver connected, you should get probably a 'Input/output error' message01:09
RupertSwmadel, The latter01:09
RupertSwmadel, Although either would probably work.01:09
greebojnoon, from memory, ubuntu-base is a "nothing" package that simply depends on a lot of stuff, making installing a working base easy for the initial installation. I don't think removing that package itself is a problem but I could be wrong01:09
jnoongeneo93, there is no ubuntu-base that it says is going to be installed though?01:10
jnoonoh... ok01:10
jnoongeneo93 *  greebo01:10
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madelRupertSw, cat: /dev/lp0: No such device or address01:10
jnoonerr, confused :)01:10
RupertSwmadel, That means that there's nothing listening to it.01:10
geneo93jnoon:  just do it01:10
RupertSwmadel, In the dark again, I'm afraid...01:10
greeboanyone know about IR in ubuntu?01:11
geneo93i'll be fine01:11
madelRupertSw, hmm...01:11
jnoongeneo93, how sure are you? :)01:11
geneo93done it many times here01:11
jnoonlol...  alllllright...01:12
geneo93jnoon:  ubuntu-desktop replaces a lot of stuff01:13
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robtaylorhmm, w32codecs have gone from multiverse, right?01:13
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tritiumrobtaylor, not in multiverse.  They're in marillat's repo01:14
jnoongeneo93, will be back to tell you how this went... hopefully ;)01:14
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robtaylortritium: ok, thought they used to be in multi, i must have been imagining it =)01:14
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larsrohdinjoin /fluxbox01:16
larsrohdinsorry... how do i do that?01:16
^thehatsrule^O.o fluxbox channel?01:16
^thehatsrule^/join #fluxbox01:16
robtaylorlarsrohdin: /join #fluxbox01:16
larsrohdinthank yo=)01:16
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D3vIm trying to install kubuntu and it says this when i get to base system install.. Unable to install initrd-tools ?? how can i fix this????01:16
RupertSwmadel, Been looking through parport.txt in /usr/src/linux.01:16
RupertSwmadel, It suggests looking at  /proc/sys/dev/parport/.01:17
andrilis there a MP3 to OGG converter avail?01:17
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CarlK_D3v - just got that error too01:17
mjrandril, there are scripts to do that (google mp32ogg), but that reduces sound quality01:17
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thoreauputicandril: i think audacity can do that01:18
D3vCarlK_  =((01:18
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thoreauputicandril: with the right mp3 support01:18
CarlK_D3v - pretty sure this is the problem: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=812301:18
CarlK_reported and fixed today01:18
thoreauputicandril: I suggest you also install mpg12301:18
thoreauputicand sox01:18
=== mjr would recommend keeping old mp3s as is (or re-encoding as vorbis from a lossless source), just encoding all new stuff as vorbis
ice_1963right now gnome is better =)01:18
ice_1963then kde lol01:19
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thoreauputicice_1963: matter of taste, old boy ;)01:20
crymsanwell, I finally got ubuntu booted, turns out the cdrom drive woulnd't boot it, but it would boot debian, changed the drive and off I go01:20
black_Nightmarewas afk for a while01:21
andrilThanks guys - I keep getting errors upon "sudo dpkg" - so i guess I need Win around after all01:21
D3vCarlK_  so you think its my disks?01:21
madelRupertSw, I have there a folder called default01:22
madeland 2 files in it.... spintime and timeslice01:22
ice_1963synaptic is better kynaptic01:22
CarlK_D3v - I didn't have that problem yesterday, but my .iso may have been a few days old01:22
andrilThanks again01:22
thoreauputicandril:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto01:22
RupertSwmadel, Yeah. I've also got a parport0 folder with loads of stuff about my actual existing parallel port.01:22
ice_1963gnome is more stable01:23
CarlK_D3v - does your Alt-F3 console show the same thing I posted to bugzilla just now?01:23
thoreauputicandril: don't use dpkg directly, use the GUI and make life easier on yourself01:23
madelRupertSw, I don't have any partport001:23
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black_Nightmareany of you got any comments on this case? :p http://www.pccyber.ca/scrItem.asp?product_subtypes_id=20&product_types_id=5&product_id=421001:23
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ianhas anyone seen talk of an "Ubuntu Update Manager" but for installs instead of updates?  in other words, a super easy to use program for installing new software, with screenshots etc.01:24
D3vCarlK_ hold up let me check01:25
RupertSwmadel, Presumably not, because something isn't looking for it. I'm sorry - I've never had any problems here before. You appear to have the correct device nodes (as far as I know) and the right modules. As I'm not _that_ knowledgeable about the parallel port on linux, which is currently not seen by your machine, I think I have to give up. Good luck!01:25
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geneo93ian:  how much easyer can synaotic01:26
andrilthoreauputic: all I have to do is add another repository with Uni/Multi verse01:26
black_Nightmaresay....do any of you know if ubuntu has or can emulate an terminal session just like under windows 2K01:26
geneo93synaptic be01:26
iangeneo93: a lot01:26
caffinatedian: i fail to see how.01:27
mjrblack_Nightmare, umm, gnome-terminal?01:27
caffinatedsyntaptic is so easy it makes easy look hard ;)01:27
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thoreauputicandril: yes, add those - but for win32 codecs you need others - all on the wiki page and ubuntuguide.org01:27
ianwould you guys sit your mom down in front of synaptic?01:27
geneo93ian:  synaptic is very simple01:27
caffinatedian: in a second, without hesitation.01:27
black_Nightmaremjr...hmm ok here's a tuff question > are these rj45>DB9 adapters actually only for ethernet-consoled network stuffs or not quite so?01:28
andrilwil this harm the system during updates?01:28
greebocan anyone at least point me to some documentation about getting IR working in ubuntu? I've tried looking through the ubuntu forums, and can't get it working01:28
geneo93why not its so simple01:28
thoreauputicandril: I had better luck with xine-ui than mplayer - your mileage may vary , as they say :)01:28
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iangeneo93: saying the same thing over and over doesn't help :)01:28
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D3vCarlK_ No mines way different, says gpg: No valid user IDS  Gpg: this may be caused by missing self -signatrue ?  htf do i fix that01:29
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ben0nehi all01:29
caffinatedian: what part do you find hard?  and what do you think will fix it?01:29
MarkrianAre there going to be many changes between Ubuntu Preview and the Final release?01:29
ben0neis there a tomcat "port" to ubuntu ?01:29
mjrblack_Nightmare, so you probably mean a serial terminal; for that, minicom, and those adapters are probably just converters for uncommon physical serial ports01:29
geneo93ian:  if you cant use synaptic u should n't use computer01:29
andrilinstalling xine-ui now01:29
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black_Nightmaremjr...hm ty I was wondering anyhow01:30
caffinatedian: sorry, that was a little badly phrased.  i should say, what do you think *other* users would find hard about it.01:30
andrilbut what's ggod for audio (mp3) or must i convert01:30
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iangeneo93: you're always rude, I'm done talking to you01:30
CarlK_D3v - do you have a web server box handy?01:30
mjrandril, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:30
D3vCarlK_ yes01:31
D3vits a windows box01:31
CarlK_yer in luk01:31
thoreauputicandril: if you have gstreamer0.8-mad installed , mp3 will play in the music player01:31
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andrilwell xine-ui played them01:31
thoreauputicandril: yes xine will play them too01:31
thoreauputicandril: in fact xine will play just about anything with the right codecs01:32
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ice_1963xine is better then mplayer =)01:32
mjryah, but I'd really rather play my music with Rhythmbox :)01:32
caffinatedian: not that i'm saying you're wrong or anything;  i'm just curious to hear your argument.01:32
iancaffinated: right.  it's not for *me* as a software developer, but for people who have never used computers before (much of the world) and for basic non-techie folks who only know "put in CD, click Yes".  a few things that scream to me as being too complicated (for them) in synaptic: "Reload" (should happen once in a while or be hidden away.  "Reload WHAT?").  "Mark All Upgrades" of course would be left to the upgrade manager.  no need for "A01:33
thoreauputicandril: there are other mp3 players - beep-media-player for instance or xmms01:33
ianhehe sorry for the length01:33
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black_Nightmareian :p01:33
geneo93thoreauputic:  what about .mkv  have you tried that01:33
andrilwell that's all I need01:33
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andrilthoreauputic: thanks so much01:33
thoreauputicgeneo93: no I haven't any .mkv files01:34
iancaffinated: also, it wouldn't show all the packages, just the *applications*.  most users don't want to do package management01:34
caffinatedian: so, you want something that further limits choices to make it a no-brainer kind of installation01:34
thoreauputicandril: no worries01:34
CarlK_D3v - hmm, well.. I had some notes on the wiki, but now I cant find them01:34
iancaffinated: exactly.  the technology is there (.debs are fantastic!), I just want to say "here are 100 great applications, here's what they look like, click Install to try it"01:34
caffinatedian: i can agree with hiding the developer stuff.01:34
CarlK_D3v - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ - search for something about a damaged CD01:35
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caffinatedian: it might be worth even having a default 'user' mode for synaptic.01:35
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thoreauputician: what you describe is like lindows click-n-run - I guess a ui like that would be a nice addition'01:35
caffinatedian: see, i don't know if replacing synaptic is a good idea.  but having a simplified mode might be.01:35
ianthoreauputic: yeah. only not Lindows. :)01:36
ice_1963for get synaptic us apt-get01:36
EricNeonmorning all~01:36
thoreauputician: exactly :)01:36
CarlK_D3v http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RecoveryFromBadInstallCD01:36
caffinatedian: kinda like, nero burning rom on windows.  it starts out in a 'novice' mode, but can easily be swicthed over to a 'power user' mode.01:36
iancaffinated: oh no-- keep synaptic around.  in fact with .deb there's no reason to not have many different front ends01:36
caffinatedian: might be an interesting suggestion for the synaptic maintainer01:37
[bn] ennoiaYou could have bunches of things too01:37
thoreauputician: there *could* be a "simple" package manager, with an "advanced" button to pop up synaptic01:37
[bn] ennoialike a "wireless" package, that installs all the things needed for a good wireless experience :o01:37
iancaffinated: but the default should be the easy one.  so yeah, either synaptic could have two modes or ... yeah what thoreauputic just said01:37
[bn] ennoiaA user might know they have wireless, but not know which peices of software they need to make it all work01:37
pvhian: You might be interested in http://klik.atekon.de/01:37
mjrhmm, so you mean like add/remove applications with the advanced button running synaptic? ;)01:37
ianmjr: you mean from windows?01:38
mjrI mean from Hoary01:38
mjroh, sorry, add/remove programs01:38
ianwhat is "add/remove programs"?01:38
ianis that the gnome-app-install thing?01:38
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ianthen yes, but not just for the basic gnome software01:38
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ianfor all good end-user software01:39
black_Nightmaredoes ubuntu support raid? (especially from Promise)01:39
ianmjr: do you have a URL for that btw?01:39
mjr(hm, there _is_ emacs in the list, but not much other non-gnome programs ;)01:39
AgentQanyone know how i can get my resolution higher than 1024x768?01:39
ianpvh: yeah I saw that recently-- it's along the right track, but I'd hate to get users into the habit of clicking in web browsers to install software.  so dangerous :)01:40
thoreauputicmjr: I feel it would be less confusing to new users if the install mechanism was explained on first startup of the installed system01:40
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pvhgnome-app-install is nifty, but it definitely needs some work.01:40
[bn] ennoiayou could ask a bunch of questions too, friendly questions, and determine what default software to install  based on their answeres01:40
ianthoreauputic: how about an Install New Software link on the desktop?01:40
ianthoreauputic: or similarly obvious place01:41
pvhlike, maybe it would be good if you could find out ANYTHING about the application you're installing01:41
D3vCarlK_ is i386 for p4?01:41
_bSynaptic's great.01:41
adamjohnsonanyone know where to find my machine's ip addy on my homoe network?01:41
thoreauputician: yes, good idea - on the panel with a tooltip perhaps01:41
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CarlK_D3v - i3 will work, i6 would be 'better'01:42
geneo93D3v:  yes01:42
D3vCarlK_ lol  well i got amd u think thats my problem?01:42
ehertleinadamjohnson: try ifconfig in a terminal01:42
geneo93D3v:  k701:43
CarlK_D3v - du no - I would think it would puke on cd boot if it wasn't going to work01:43
adamjohnsonehertlein: just type ifconfig in a term window and it'll output ip addy info or is there more to it, sorry i'm new at this...01:43
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ianpvh: is there a webpage for it?  are you running it?01:43
geneo93dv3 its just a kernel thing the rest is compiled for your machine01:44
D3vgeneo93 i guess its a 2600??01:44
PacoBCNMy pc loves DVDs, love them so much it doesn't want to eject them and I'm forced to execute the eject command.01:44
ehertleinadamjohnson: correct it will tell you your inet addr01:44
thoreauputicadamjohnson: that command will show the network interfaces and IPs01:44
CarlK_D3v Intel x86 install CD     For almost all PCs. This includes most machines with Intel/AMD/etc type processors... http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily/current/01:44
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ehertleindoes anyone here use pastebin often? im not seeing howto "update" a post01:45
D3vCarlK_ ok01:45
FackamatoPacoBCN: you can't eject a drive that's mounted *gee*01:45
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PacoBCNFackamato, it used to work properly01:45
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thoreauputicehertlein: which pastebin are you using? The pastebin.com interface is pretty intuitive01:46
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ehertleinthoreauputic: using pastebin.ca, ill take a look at pastebin.com01:46
geneo93thoreauputic:  you can use #flood also01:47
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thoreauputicgeneo93: errm... yes I know, but thanks anyway :)01:48
ehertleinthoreauputic: yeah the pastbin.com UI seems to do what i want, i think its just a bug in the pastbin.ca code that causes every change to be a new post01:49
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black_Nightmarejust wondering but any of you know if usb is the only way to adapt rj45 into a computer externally?01:49
black_Nightmareor are there other type of connectors for ethernet? :p01:49
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CarlK_black_Nightmare - let me know cuz I have a P2=300 laptop that has a broken pcmcia slot and no USB01:50
ehertleinthoreauputic: nope pastebin.com does the exact same thing... i cant modify a current post, it makes new ones01:50
codymandoes anyone know if there is a flash player build for x6401:50
black_Nightmarecarlk - ty :)01:50
iancaffinated: I could go on about synaptic... a 6-page preferences dialog (better if no prefs needed).  filters? (remove). remove file menu.   remove Edit menu (maybe have a search box on the main window like firefox).   remove package menu.  in fact, I can't find any useful menu items for novices except Help, but they wouldn't need that in an easier app :)01:51
mjrThere are some old parallel port ethernet adapters; slow, but may be functional. I don't know about support or availability nowadays. See eg. http://www.home.unix-ag.org/nils/accton_linux.html01:52
caffinatedian: agreed.  i'm just thinking it might be better as one integrated application to avoid confusion.01:52
CarlK_oh yeah!  I have a xircom!01:52
thoreauputician: one problem is that descriptions of packages are ...ummm... rather geeky for the average novice01:52
iancaffinated: what kind of integration are you thinking of?  what about having the easy one be able to launch the hard one01:52
thoreauputicthe search function works OK but package names can be unintuitive01:53
CarlK_I think the paralel port can do 1.5mbps, about as fast as my cable modem before comcast started speeding them up ;)01:53
caffinatedian: well, you'd start the easy one as the default, and then you could either a) make a preference to switch to the hard, or b) make a conspicuous button that is labeled "easy mode" and "hard mode" respectively.01:53
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ianthoreauputic: agreed.  couldn't use those.  but writing a few hundred normal-human-readable descriptions shouldn't be too hard (surely there are some ubuntu/redhat/novell/volunteer writers)01:53
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black_Nightmarecarlk_ xircom parallel>rj45?? thats interesting I need to locate one lol01:54
black_Nightmarebrb :p01:54
ianthoreauputic: remember that it would only be apps (not -dev, libraries, etc.), and only ones that use modern technology (GTK2) and at least try to fit in in gnome (ie. be easy to use).  so not too many, I think01:55
caffinatedian: i don't really see a problem with having the two modes in the same program, provided that there is a really obvious way to switch.01:55
CarlK_black_Nightmare - i thnk you are confusing someting01:55
ice_1963synaptic is vary good you know that =)01:55
ianit's good for us... :)01:55
caffinatedotherwise you get in to having multiple package managers on the same system, and for a novice, that may also be confusing01:55
thoreauputician: an example: how the heck is anyone supposed to know that for rhythmbox to play mp3 requires installing gstreamer0.8-mad ?01:55
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iancaffinated: I wonder if the simple one could apt-get and install the fancy one the first time the user clicks Advanced...? :)01:56
caffinatedthoreauputic: the solution is to dump rhythm box as an option.01:56
caffinatedat least until they can make that make more sense.01:56
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caffinatedian: that's a thought too01:56
geneo93ian:  try mandrake it uses gurpmi and it gets all depends you need for apps to run01:57
thoreauputician: so the only people who find that out are those who have the skills to find it  ( gstreamer etc) Unfortunately if they don't kow how to access the wiki or IRC they are stuffed...01:57
caffinatedthoreauputic: i have a huge problem with some of the default applications in ubuntu - they simply do not work out of the box.  the media applications are bad that way.01:58
geneo93including codecs01:58
ianthoreauputic: which of course, they don't01:58
thoreauputician: exactly01:58
black_Nightmaresorry carlk_ was thinking a bit too fast :p01:58
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pvhthoreauputic: the problem is a legal one01:58
thoreauputiccaffinated: totem is another unfortunate example of that...01:58
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iancaffinated: do they not work for any free formats?01:58
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caffinatedthoreauputic: yes.  totem left my setup fast.01:58
ice_1963mandrake is for kid's01:59
caffinatedian: i couldn't even get totem to play back mpeg without modification.01:59
andrilthoreauputic: do you know how to remove a item from the Applications > Sound & Vido menu - RealPlayer?01:59
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thoreauputicpvh: I undestand the legal issue - nut a link to the relevant pages on the site could be provided, surely ?01:59
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caffinatedian: out of the box, it's about as useful as a paperweight ;)01:59
geneo93ice thats what he wants in ubuntu01:59
mjr(having totem use gstreamer by default when it has problems playing video smoothly _is_ a bit unwise, methinks)01:59
pvhthoreauputic: I believe ubuntuguide will be included as part of Hoary.01:59
caffinatedmjr: i agree.  they should make it use xine.02:00
ianmjr: I wonder if it's to push gstreamer development?02:00
thoreauputicpvh: good news :)02:00
pvhthoreauputic: even better would be if all the things in ubuntuguide were fixed for hoary02:00
thoreauputicandril: are you on warty?02:00
mjrian, maybe02:00
pvhthoreauputic: but there are good reasons for most of the problems in there02:00
thoreauputicpvh: yes, I grok02:00
mjrI hope it's pushed quickly02:00
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thoreauputicandril: ah, that entry must be a hoary entry - don't know then ( I'm using warty here)02:02
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robertjIs Wobbly Windows for real?02:03
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apokryphosthoreauputic: :-O02:04
thoreauputicapokryphos: heh02:04
VjazAnyone here who has successfully configured a GPRS Internet connection over IRDA and a phone?02:04
ianrobertj: are you referring to seth nickell's blog?02:04
black_Nightmarehmmm IrDa......02:04
black_Nightmarethat makes me thinking02:04
black_NightmareLOL ice02:04
Vjazblack_Nightmare: you know anything about configuring irda?02:05
thoreauputicapokryphos: I'll install hoary when the CDs arrive (dialup here)02:05
ice_1963do tel02:05
ianrobertj: it's real but not necessarily going to make it into production software02:05
black_Nightmareany of you know about these wireless adapters that you can buy in stores for your online-abled game console?02:05
robertjian: I still haven't finished reading, I'll ask why not in a few minutes ;)02:05
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ianrobertj: pretty cool looking huh?02:05
iansomething a little more subtle might be good02:06
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black_Nightmareor not I guess02:06
darkgamer20hey everyone02:07
darkgamer20I installed ubuntu02:07
robertjand it played in Firefox02:07
robertjI feel like I came home 5 years in the future02:07
darkgamer20and i upgraded02:07
ice_1963ok that's good02:07
ianrobertj: I think part of "why not" is that it all requires Luminocity which is an experiment of Owen's, not prime time stuff02:08
darkgamer20i want to know if it is ok to comment out the olf kernel in menu.lst?02:08
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thoreauputicdarkgamer20: it's OK but having the old kernel is a nice fallback at times02:08
robertjrequires? I was under the impression that it was Luminocity?02:09
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robertjis there some other bit besides the fd.o extensions we all know and love?02:09
thoreauputicdarkgamer20: if a new kernel breaks something02:09
ellstritium: I have returned,......but on my laptop02:09
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darkgamer20thoreauputic: thanks I know its safe to leave it there i am just going to comment it out02:09
tritiumells, ok02:10
thoreauputicdarkgamer20: your choice - as always with Free software ;)02:10
tritiumells, one minute02:10
ianrobertj: I think "wobbly windows" is sort of a plugin effect for Luminocity, although where open source software begins and ends is sometimes hard to say :)02:10
ellstritium: I am thinking I will have to reinstall.....okay02:10
darkgamer20thoreauputic: thank you :)02:10
Nibelis it possible to use native debian packages with ubuntu02:11
darkgamer20see you everyone02:11
darkgamer20Nibel: yes02:11
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thoreauputicdarkgamer20: don't thank me - thank the people who thought up the licences :)02:11
darkgamer20Nibel: but you should find most of the packages in "Universe"02:11
darkgamer20bye everyone02:11
typothe hoary install cd freezes one kernel boot right after saying what's the version of the ACPI subsystem. What should I do?02:12
thoreauputicNibel: possible but not a Good Idea (tm)02:12
iantypo: on a laptop?02:12
typoian: yes02:12
iantypo: what type?02:12
typoian: Asus M2400N centrino02:12
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typoian: I have been using 2.6.9-ac13 with S3 suspend and all02:13
typoian: and ACPI has worked for a long time in this laptop02:13
iantypo: there are some notes about that laptop here http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops  no mention of that problem though02:14
typoian: I read those02:15
typoian: maybe that was with warty?02:15
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robertjian: that makes OS X look very restrained02:15
typoian: should I try booting with acpi=off?02:16
ianrobertj: I had the same thought. I wonder if Apple will ever allow 3rd parties to make new effects02:16
robertjI actually like the idea of being able to wave a window to see behind it02:16
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iantypo: I would say try it.  although then you don't have ACPI... :)  how is APM on that laptop?02:16
typoian: I don't think it exists even02:17
typoian: I'd just have to install my own kernel02:17
typoian: not a big problem02:17
typoian: right?02:17
ianI may have to do the same on my T2302:17
iannot sure-- anyone want to chime in here?  is installing a custom compiled kernel hard on ubuntu?02:18
VjazNo harder than on any other distro.02:18
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typofine, I have a compiled one right there in my home02:19
typoand since I'm not overwriting that installing it should be fine02:19
typooff to try02:19
iangood luck02:19
typoshould I file a kernel bug about this?02:19
michal_dhi. will the hoary preview be easily upgradable to the hoary release? i'm not sure which cd image to download02:19
tritiummichal_d, people are already updating their hoary preview installs daily, so yes02:20
michal_dok. thanks02:20
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poningruok stupid question, I am sure people have been kicked for this, but is ubuntu being combined with user linux?02:21
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Fackamatouser linux?02:22
Fackamatowhat's that?02:22
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thundrcleezesay what?02:23
thoreauputicponingru: I gather Bruce Perens says no02:23
VjazDoes Google work for anyone else?02:23
EricNeonI got your e-mal,02:23
EricNeonthank you02:23
poningruso are we combining a distro here?02:24
thoreauputicVjaz: heh... never finds what I want! I'm filing a bug ! *grin*02:24
VjazIs Google working right now?02:24
akkI wonder about the userlinux thing too.  He talks about it but when I've gone to the site there doesn't seem to be much going on.02:24
ianVjaz: yes02:24
black_Nightmarevjaz... try this for now? www.teoma.com02:24
VjazCurse the ISP02:24
black_Nightmareits actually my homepage ;)02:24
black_Nightmarenot my site..I mean the browser homepage02:24
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Vjazblack_Nightmare: ok, was thinking it's probably a porn site or something02:25
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black_Nightmarevjaz...WTF???? are you crazy?02:25
Vjazblack_Nightmare: which would've been thoughtful also, given the most popular search keywords...02:25
CarlKduh... what is the irc list wildcard char?  /list #ubunt* is not showing me ubuntu02:25
MarkrianIf I installed Hoary Preview now, and updated via APT when the Hoary is released, would I be at any disadvantage to people who installed Hoary final directly?02:25
thoreauputicblack_Nightmare: you don't have a porn site as your home page? What's wrong with you ? :D02:25
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Markriani.e., would anything be different on my system/02:26
robl^ubuntu needs some antipsychotic drugs!! its doing very odd things.  its telling me it can't install gnustep because gworkspace.app and viewpdf.app will not be install.. but they are already installed02:26
VjazHm... Google works again...02:26
VjazCursed ISP.02:27
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michal_dmakrian: i was led to believe "no"02:28
VjazThat Teoma site doesn't really look like a match for Google.02:28
VjazThe results I got from Google were much more relevant.02:28
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VjazI was searching for a keyword in Finnish though, so that might affect the search in a bad way.02:29
Zugotdeb http://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat unstable main.... this looks correct?02:29
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phxguycan anybody in here help me with my screensavers???02:30
thoreauputicphxguy: hard to say until you specify the problem...02:31
VjazZugot: I have "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main" but it probably makes no difference02:31
VjazI'd say it's ok02:31
Zugotoops... i used http instead of ftp02:32
phxguywell i have installed my nvidia drivers and everything but when i go to test any of my screensavers they do not seem to work thoreauputic02:32
thoreauputicphxguy: how are you testing? are you running xscreensaver-demo or what?02:32
phxguythoreauputic: in the screen saver window i click on preview02:33
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thoreauputicphxguy: and *none* of them will preview? or just some?02:34
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phxguythoreauputic: im using KDE and the only ones that preview in the little are the ones from x-screensaver. but when i go to test it it doesn't do anything02:34
strugglercan anyone tell me if you can boot off of software raid 5 using yaboot? and if so, how?02:35
thoreauputicphxguy: ah, KDE issue I think02:35
thoreauputicphxguy: I don't have KDE here, sorry02:35
machoohi i just plugged in an external hard drive 40gb that I stored my filed (old win xp files) and i can't access them now although the system recognmizes the device02:35
phxguythoreauputic: i did some updates today and now im back in the screensaver panel and everything is differnet02:36
thoreauputicphxguy: maybe ask in #kubuntu02:36
phxguycould i have been missing a library or something02:36
phxguyi already asked in  #kubuntu no one there is talking02:36
thoreauputicphxguy: could be a conflict with the KDE screensaver, but asking in #kubuntu would be an idea, I think02:37
thoreauputicphxguy: I see02:37
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crimsunmachoo: what filesystem?02:37
machoouh sorry am new to ubuntu what do you mean?02:37
robertjbeagle's compile page is way out of date for warty now, right?02:38
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robertjerr hoary02:38
thoreauputicphxguy: have you tried turning the kde screensaver off and running xscreensaver-demo from a terminal ?02:38
crimsunmachoo: are those old win xp files on an NTFS partition?02:38
phxguyAh Kewl!!!! they are working now02:38
machoocrimsum: i copied my windows documents to the hdd before switching to ubuntu02:38
machooi think so02:38
CarlKis there a channel that bugzilla anounces to?02:38
machoocrimsum: i think so02:38
phxguyI must have been missing something thoreauputic ...02:38
thoreauputicphxguy: what did you do to make them work?02:38
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machoocrimsum: actually i don't remember formatting the disk myself, i think the guy at the store did it02:39
crimsunmachoo: try mounting it.  First, create a mountpoint, like: sudo mkdir -p /media/windows02:39
esherwhere is midnight commander gone in latest hoary ??02:39
phxguynothing really.... Like i said earlier i did an update earlier today and now everything is different in there02:39
^thehatsrule^mc? O.o02:39
machoocrimsum: baby steps please :) how do I do that02:39
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esherserver install dont have this hehe02:39
madelhi there...  anyone was aviable to run OpenOffice.org 2 in ubuntu?02:39
esherand apt-cache search midnight or commander dont find anything02:40
crimsunmachoo: then, sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=022 /dev/sda1 /media/windows02:40
esheri install now from source :(02:40
struggleranyone familiar with apple hardware and raid?02:40
CarlKmadel - I would if I could get past an instal hangup -02:40
machoocrimsum: what app do i use to put these commands in am only familiar with synaptic02:40
crimsunmachoo: those two commands are typed in a Terminal (or Konsole if you're using Kubuntu)02:41
madelCarlK,  control+c ?02:41
phxguythanks for trying to help thoreauputic ... i appreciate it02:41
CarlKmadel - huh?02:41
thoreauputicphxguy: no worries :)02:41
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madelCarlK, joking...02:42
phxguythoreauputic: can you help me with something else???02:42
thoreauputicphxguy: just ask - if anyone can help, they will02:42
machoocrimsum: i used the first commend and it says to type mkdir --help02:43
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BockBilbocan someone tell me how to disable the x server in the startup ?02:43
ben0nethoreauputic, using hoary ?02:43
CarlKin bugzilla, is there a "related to02:43
machoocrimsum: thing is I could read the files automatically with warty02:44
crimsunmachoo: sudo mkdir -p /media/windows02:44
CarlKI see depends and blocks, but want to loosly tie two together02:44
thoreauputicben0ne: I'm on warty atm02:44
machoocrimsum: sorry missed a space02:44
phxguyFor some reason when I try to change the image for my username it tells me that i can't change it and to contact mmy administrator02:45
thoreauputicBockBilbo: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove should do it, IIRC02:45
machoocrimsum: it says special drive does not exist but I saw the lights change ont he external drive when it was working on the command02:46
BockBilbothoreauputic, so, if i do that, after booting, i will have a shell login prompt02:46
thoreauputicphxguy: does it ask for a paddword?02:46
phxguynoope just says i can't change it02:46
BockBilboand if then i want to start the X server ill have to do startx02:46
thoreauputicBockBilbo: I believe so02:46
crimsunmachoo: do you have any other external HDs?02:46
crimsunmachoo: is it a USB HD?02:47
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machoocrimsum: yes sorry failed to mention it is a usb external hd02:47
strugglerdoes anyone know anything about booting raid 5 on a powerpc?02:47
crimsunmachoo: but it's the only one, correct?02:47
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machoocrimsum: aside from the one i have inside the pc02:47
phxguyok i got the exact error msg:  Your administrator has disallowed changing your image.02:47
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crimsunmachoo: please tell me privately the output of, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda02:48
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madelso... no1 has installed openoffice.org2?02:49
Kamakazielots of people have02:49
madelKamakazie, have you? could you help me?02:49
crimsunit's a bit crashy for me, madel, when opening large Word documents.02:49
BockBilbothoreauputic, is this ok?: root@PC-SERVIDOR:/var/www# update-rc.d gdm remove02:50
BockBilboupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/gdm exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)02:50
madelcrimsun, you think I should wait for the final release?02:50
crimsunmadel: I'm can't make that recommendation for you, though I'm sticking with 1.1.302:50
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thoreauputicBockBilbo: hmm...not sure on that - maybe someone else can tell you02:50
jordanaui have a friend that i want to give a lot of files. What is the best way to let him choose the files he wants and download them? should I use vsftpd?02:51
madelcrimsun, why r you stuck?02:51
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BockBilbothoreauputic, could that be cause im running gdm?02:51
crimsunmadel: I'm not02:51
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black_Nightmareany of you know if ubuntu works well with TNT2 Pro cards?02:52
black_Nightmareits 16MB agp :p02:52
thoreauputicBockBilbo: probably - you can try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to kill X and get a tty02:52
BockBilbothoreauputic, im actually doing all of this via ssh02:52
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crimsunblack_Nightmare: Warty works fine, and Hoary's nv driver works. Hoary's nvidia driver is broken.02:53
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thoreauputicBockBilbo: without X or through gdm?02:53
black_Nightmarecrimsun...hrm so I should probably wait for the final release of hoary to ask again then?02:53
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BockBilbowhat do you mean?02:53
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thoreauputicBockBilbo: was your ssh session using X, and is gdm running on the remote system?02:54
BockBilbo(i think i have dissabled gdm)02:54
crimsunblack_Nightmare: the Nvidia drivers are not likely to be updated again before Hoary releases.  If you require hardware-accelerated 3D on your TNT2, I recommend you install 1.0-7167 manually.  Otherwise, the 2D "nv" driver works just fine.02:54
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BockBilbogdm was running on the remote system yes, and my ssh session is using x02:54
mellinuxHey fellas, what's the terminal command to reset everything in X?02:54
BockBilbobut i think ive done it02:54
black_Nightmarecrimsun..ahh ok I see now02:55
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thoreauputicBockBilbo: OK :)02:55
mellinuxmy XF86Config-4 file got messed up..02:55
gankzorI've got unrar and I want to use it to extract a file from multiple rar files, but it only wants to extract from the first file and not continue to the rest, how do I do this02:55
thoreauputicmellinux: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8602:55
black_Nightmarecrimsun its that one local used store has three of these cards in stock -- I'll have try trade my older cards (two are 4MB pci, don't laugh lol) to try get one TNT2 card :p02:55
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mellinuxthanks man02:56
thoreauputicmellinux: assuming you didn't edit it manually02:56
mellinuxi did.02:56
BockBilbothoreauputic, i wanted to dissable the x server cause i see no use of it in my web server02:56
mellinuxis that henry david thoreau?02:56
thoreauputicmellinux: in that case, read the top of the file - it tells you how to fix it so dpkg-reconfigure will work02:57
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mellinuxi can't read it02:57
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BockBilboits a really old computer running ubuntu, and makes no sense using resources for nothing02:57
mellinux...x doesn't work at all, i have a big, non-graphic window02:57
thoreauputicmellinux: of course you can -   less /etc/X11/XF86Config-402:58
mellinuxthat's the command to reset it?02:58
thoreauputicmellinux: use the space bar to read each screen02:58
thoreauputicmellinux: no, that's to look at it02:58
thoreauputicmellinux: at the top it tells you what to do if you want to reset it02:59
mellinuxok thanks man =] 02:59
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mellinuxbe back in a bit02:59
jordanaui have a friend that i want to give a lot of files. What is the best way to let him choose the files he wants and download them? should I use vsftpd?03:01
gankzorHow do I get unrar to extract from multiple split archives03:01
robertjstupid cat03:01
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fangoriouswhat's the no-gui runlevel?03:02
black_Nightmareso crimsun ~ if I use hoary preview .. the TNT2 Pro card would be a 2D card for gnome ... then I do a manual upgrade (or is that more of downgrade? lol) of the drivers to get full 3D performance03:02
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crimsunblack_Nightmare: essentially, yes.03:02
thoreauputicfangorious: debian style distros don't use runlevels for gui/non-gui03:03
black_Nightmarehmm say...03:03
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black_Nightmarehave they figured firewire support for linux yet or thats for a future kernel?03:03
fangoriousthoreauputic: so do I have to boot in single-user mode from grub to not get X/gdm loading?03:03
knuckshow do i set up an ftp on ubuntu?03:03
akkRegular debian seems to use runlevels for gui/nongui (cmdline/x), but ubuntu apparently doesn't.03:03
crimsunakk: debian does not.03:04
crimsunakk: 2-5 are identical03:04
gankzorHow do I get unrar to extract from multiple split archives?03:04
black_Nightmarehm..anyone? :p03:04
thoreauputicfangorious: you can disable gdm03:04
crimsungankzor: extract the first one in the set, and unrar will continue03:04
thoreauputicfangorious: have a look at the update-rc.d command03:05
fangoriousthoreauputic: and if after installing 5.04 the default boot gives me a blank screen fromwhich I can only ctrl-alt-del to reboot (checking vt1-6 doesn't seem to work)03:05
crimsunblack_Nightmare: for what, mass storage?  That's already functional.03:05
knuckshow do i set up an ftp on ubuntu? please?03:05
fangoriousknucks: and ftp server?03:05
knucksthats what i want. an ftp server03:06
thoreauputicfangorious: umm... that sounds like /etc/inittab is fubar, but I may be wrong...03:06
akkfangorious: How about just apt-get remove gdm?  That's what I end up doing on my debian machines.03:06
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black_Nightmarecrimsun ah hmm so the creative soundblaster audigy card is kinda fully useable under ubuntu then? (sound card with one firewire400)03:06
akkfangorious: Sometimes it comes back (other packages dependant on it) and you have to remove it again.03:06
fangoriousknucks: have you looked at proftpd03:06
knucksapt-get it?03:06
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crimsunblack_Nightmare: no, firewire support in alsa is forthcoming.03:06
black_Nightmareah ok03:07
black_Nightmarewas only curious..I don't quite have any need of firewire yet :p03:07
akkblack_Nightmare: It's a little flaky for mass storage; doesn't work with all hardware.03:08
fangoriousakk: I can't seem to get to a shell at all. I see the boot sequence, and when I expect gdm to load (or a text console login to appear), the screen goes blank.03:08
black_Nightmarebrb for a minute03:08
knucksok i got proftpd03:08
akkfangorious: ctl-alt-F2 ?03:08
knucksnow what?03:08
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crimsunfangorious: what graphics chipset?03:08
fangoriousakk: doesn't do anything. all I can do is reboot via power button or ctrl-alt-del03:09
geneo93wow got it back03:09
fangorioussingle-user seems to give me a shell ... seems X is hanging ... intel i830M03:09
knucksi apt-get install proftpd03:09
knucksnow what?03:09
knuckshow do i run it..03:09
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fangoriousknucks: check out the man pages for how to configure it. there should be an /etc/init.d/proftpd script to start/stop it03:10
crimsunfangorious: I believe that's being sorted (i810).03:10
blackzillacan any one help a begginer03:10
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blackzillaI just installed ubuntu and I can't find my hard drives03:11
knucksits not a gui?03:11
knucksi want a gui :(03:11
fangoriouscrimsun: how can it still be broken .... every other current distro i've tried works with the chip03:11
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fangoriousknucks: uh, i'm not familiar with any gui ftpd config tools on linux. (and i haven't configured proftpd in a couple of years)03:12
akkServer apps seldom have guis; lots of servers don't even have X installed, so server apps can't rely on them.03:12
knucksakk: true03:12
knucksok so how do i check my ftp?03:12
knucksi don even know how to work this03:12
Zugotyou can run linux under linux correct?03:13
fangoriousso is there a workaround I can do for this chip?03:13
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akkfangorious: In single user mode, you could try update-rc.d -f gdm remove03:15
akkfangorious: which might get you booting into a cmdline.03:15
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akk(if apt-get remove gdm doesn't work)03:15
blackzillaplease excuse me if Im not familiar with the ettiquette I've never chatterd before but I hope someone can help me find my hard drives03:15
fangoriousakk: yeah, but it seems I'll have to use the VESA driver use X03:15
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crimsunfangorious: I'm not familiar with the i810 and Hoary's X.Org; have you searched bugzilla?03:16
fangoriouscrimsun: in the process03:16
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fangoriousis the vesa driver VESA or vesa in xorg.conf?03:18
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geneo93fangorious:  just edit xorg,cong and put vesa driver03:20
fangoriousgeneo93: couldn't recall the capitalization, vesa seems to be right. C loaded.03:20
fangorioushrm .. "failed to initialize HAL"03:21
fangoriousC loaded means X loaded03:21
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geneo93hmm ctrl alt backspace03:21
geneo93or reboot03:22
fangoriousgeneo93: X loaded just fine with VESA, fully responsive, just got a big error window that said that, and on OK button, rebooting03:22
danielsfangorious: what's your problem with i810?03:23
danielsfangorious: oh03:23
danielsfangorious: what resolution are you running at?03:24
geneo93he has a i830m03:24
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fangoriousdaniels: daniels 1024x768, 24 bpp03:24
fangoriouscan't find anything in bugzilla. but I have a history of not being able find things and filing a duplicate03:24
jordanaui have a friend that i want to give a lot of files. What is the best way to let him choose the files he wants and download them? should I use vsftpd?03:25
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danielsfangorious: try editing xorg.conf and adding the following two lines:03:25
danielsHorizSync 36-5203:25
danielsVertRefresh 36-6003:25
fangoriousI notice the kernel option "splash" in the grub kernel lines. did ubuntu opt to use bootsplash rather than an rhgb type approach?03:26
danielsfangorious: those go in the Display section03:26
robertjare there mono 1.1 debs floating around anywhere?03:26
danielsfangorious: if it doesn't work, try bumping the 52 in HorizSync down to 51 or up to 5303:26
danielsrobertj: nope, we're going with our own solution, called 'usplash' that is somewhere between the two (entirely in userspace, but not invoking X at all)03:26
robertjdaniels: hrmm?03:27
robertjdnaiels: hehe, I think your answer is matched to the wrong person03:28
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fangoriousdaniels: I asked about bootsplash. ;)03:28
robertjand I asked about mono 1.103:28
zulfangorious: no to bootsplash03:29
danielsfangorious: yes, but I'm trying to solve your X problem as well without needing to use vesa03:29
crimsunrobertj: work is being done on mono 1.1.  Whether it makes it in for Hoary is another issue altogether.03:29
fangoriousdaniels: the Display subsection of the Screen section?03:29
danielsfangorious: (i'm the xorg maintainer, and would rather like it if it worked out of the box everywhere)03:29
danielsfangorious: actually, the top-level Monitor section, sorry03:30
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geneo93hehe i have a naked gnome03:30
black_Nightmareany of you know if its possibel to have a 12x dvdrw drive?03:30
sander__daniels, at this point is the x.org ati driver as good as the binary for ati7500 mobility?03:30
robertjcrimsun: if it makes it will beagle .0.8 go in universe?03:30
black_NightmareI thought it was like either 8x or 16x for dvd (dvdrom too even)03:30
fangoriousdaniels, looks like it's working03:30
sander__er radeon 750003:30
danielssander__: fglrx doesn't even work on that chip03:30
sander__That would be yes then. :)03:31
black_Nightmaresander.... heh I have an aiw7500 here :p03:31
black_Nightmarenot used thou03:31
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mebaran151Anyone know any phones that sync with Evolution03:31
crimsunrobertj: tseng is the person you should ask.03:31
mebaran151I was looking at a pretty Sony03:31
mebaran151but I really would like it to sync with Evolution03:31
fangoriousdaniels: is there a gui xorg.conf config tool (other than gvim)?03:32
sander__black_Nightmare, at some point I went all Athlon/ATI. I don't know what caused it. I t happened so fast.03:32
jordanaui have a friend that i want to give a lot of files. What is the best way to let him choose the files he wants and download them? should I use vsftpd?03:32
mebaran151fangorious, you could try gedit03:32
mebaran151if you just want to edit the text files03:32
black_Nightmaresamder...oh ok03:32
Blissexjordanau: depends on how geeky you are.03:32
mebaran151the text files are pretty easy to navigate03:32
danielsfangorious: not really, sorry03:32
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fangoriousmebaran151: i meant to avoid hand tweaking the text file03:33
Blissexjordanau: an HTTP server is an alternative, and HTTP+WbDAV is particularly convenient.03:33
mebaran151fangorious, just tweek it03:33
fangoriousdaniels: no big deal, if it's working it's working03:33
mebaran151the gui tools I have tried are usually not reliable03:33
mebaran151I am sure you can handle it03:33
mebaran151if you installed Linux03:33
mebaran151you can tweak them03:33
mebaran151if you want03:33
mebaran151try xorgconf03:33
mebaran151it will generate one for you03:33
mebaran151I think03:33
sander__And now I find ATI is crappy for linux. I guess until all that fancy cairo/kdrive/gl stuff makes it to my level it doesn't make a difference anyway.03:33
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fangoriousmebaran151: i was just thinking about the posibility of running such a tool messing up the sync rates I put in by hand sugested by daniels. thanks for the tip on xorgconfig though (and system-config-display on fedora has been pretty good to me)03:35
mebaran151if you have weird sync rates03:37
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mebaran151I think it lets you put them in03:38
mebaran151but if you can put those in03:38
mebaran151you should be ok03:38
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strugglerAnybody seen this on Warty?  GNOME hangs after the login screen before putting up the desktop when connecting from a remote X terminal.  XFCE works fine, so I don't think it is a permission issue.03:38
geneo93back in a flash03:38
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kkathmancan apt-get upgrade just one application?  The newest Firefox is 1.0.2 and the version I have is 0.93.03:39
fangorioussweet, only 284 updates available03:39
geppykkathman: You could 'apt-get install mozilla-firefox'03:39
kkathmangeppy.. and that would get the most recent?03:39
geppykkathman: Yep.03:39
kkathmanI guess only if the recent version was in the archive eh?03:40
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RoeyI get this when I start xmms:  21:38:01 kamelot xmms03:40
Roeylibmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:40
RoeyInconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed!03:40
ioguixRoey: I had the same pb...03:41
geppyRoey:  sudo apt-get install libmikmod203:41
mebaran151apt-get install libmikmod203:41
mebaran151geppy beat me03:41
ioguixgeppy: you're faster than me :)03:41
mebaran151Geppy wins03:41
crimsunRoey: that's fixed already.03:41
mebaran151we should give him a trophy03:41
geppyhahaha =)03:41
crimsunRoey: you no longer need the libmikmod/libesd0 workarounds.03:41
mebaran151I like libmikmod03:42
mebaran151I dont know what it does03:42
mebaran151or why I need it03:42
geppybut, hey, it works03:42
crimsunit was a libc6 issue03:42
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geppyWhen will usplash be out?03:42
crimsunBreezy, perhaps.03:43
crimsundefinitely not in time for Hoary.03:43
strugglerAnyone using Warty/GNOME by way of a Xterminal or Windows running a X server?03:43
Roeygeppy:  this ubuntu seems rushed...03:43
Roeygeppy:  packages are missing all over the place03:43
geppyRoey:  Hoary is coming out in a couple of weeks, they can't add anything new.03:43
Roeycrimsun:  they don't have konq-plugins for example, in kubuntu.03:43
Roeygeppy:  so they're going to leave it broken like this?03:43
fangoriousdaniels: any hint why the i915 kernel module loaded instead of the i830 module? you think that might explain the problem?03:43
geppyRoey: Kubuntu != Ubuntu03:43
zeratha I am having some wierd issues and need help with them. It's on Hoary.03:43
Roeygeppy:  xmms doesn't really work03:43
geppyRoey:  Hey, it's not broken for me.03:44
Roeygeppy:  kubuntu is just a set of packages, it's still ubuntu03:44
geppyRoey: XMMS works fine for me.03:44
Roeygeppy:  didn't here.03:44
geppyRoey: That sucks.03:44
kkathmankubuntu = KDE more or less I think03:44
geppykkathman: Right.03:44
Roeygeppy:  it also formats partitions even though you told it not to03:44
geppyBut, seriously, if you want KDE, use Mepis.03:44
geppyRoey:  Never happened to me03:44
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kkathmanwhy Mepis?03:44
Roeygeppy:  happened here.03:44
Roeyand the sound drivers are still messed up in the kernel!03:44
geppykkathman: Because it's like Ubuntu, but it's based on KDE.03:44
Roeyall this distortion!03:44
geppyNot for me.03:45
Roeygeppy:  it w3asn't here with kernel 2.403:45
geppyRoey: Sounds like your install is jacked up.03:45
geppySBLive here, as well.03:45
kkathmanohh hmm..well my system is pretty minimal and I doubt it would run KDE very well03:45
crimsunRoey: I don't see 3.4 for kdeaddons03:45
kkathmanI gotta get more memory for this wittle box lol03:45
jordanauHi what is the best way to host all of my MP3's for a friend of mine to download?03:45
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crimsunRoey: 3.3.2 for amd64 didn't even build successfully until Feb 26th03:45
Roeycrimsun:  rushed...03:46
kkathmancrimsun, is that because you are in warty?03:46
black_Nightmarekkath..I'm trying to locate a compactible 128MB stick for my pc's motherboard lol :p03:46
kkathmanI think in warty only the KDE core is available03:46
black_Nightmaretill then..the case is half disassembled (almost all drives out.... all ribbons removed) for now :p03:46
crimsunRoey: talk to the kubuntu guys03:46
kkathmanyou have to go to hoary to get all the KDE addons etc03:46
Roeycrimsun:  I mean in general.03:46
fangoriousjordanau: ftp, webdav, http, sftp, ...03:46
Roeykkathman:  that I'll ask in #kubuntu03:47
Roeykkathman:  right now I have issues with non-kde stuff as well.03:47
crimsunRoey: meaning how?03:47
Roeycrimsun:  how what?03:47
Roeycrimsun:  what the problems are?03:47
black_Nightmarewhat is 'kubuntu' anyhow?03:47
crimsunRoey: sure.03:47
Roeyblack_Nightmare:  a set of packages that makes Ubuntu usable03:47
kkathmanRoey: I understand...I have been researching moving to hoary to get the KDE03:47
black_Nightmareoh ok03:47
mebaran151black_Nightmare, you want Ubuntu03:47
mebaran151but you dont like Gonme03:47
kkathmantheres a good page on it in the wiki03:47
mebaran151and enjoy German technology03:47
Roeyblack_Nightmare:  Kubuntu is a set of KDE debs for Ubuntu.03:47
mebaran151so you go with Kubuntu and its KDE tech03:48
crimsunRoey: keep in mind for universe packages, there are barely one dozen of us overseeing fifteen thousand packages.03:48
ogramebaran151, LOL03:48
Roeycrimsun:  sure! understood!03:48
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black_Nightmarehm I think I'll stick to gnome -- the least addon/edits I have to do..the easier it'll be for me to get hang of using LINUX as my main computer or something :p03:48
mebaran151Gnome is cool03:48
Roeycrimsun:  I want to get EVMS off my /boot.03:48
kkathmangnome is ok03:48
Roeygnome is cool under six feet of dirt.03:48
mebaran151all of them have as mnay bells and whistles03:48
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kkathmanI get conflicting opinions over whether Gnome or KDE is harder on resources03:49
Roeybut len(kde.bellsAndWhistles) > len(gnome.bellsAndWhistles)03:49
Roeykkathman:  gnome is.03:49
Roeytry nautilus.03:49
shank_kkathman, kde is03:49
machooanyone got a limewire equiv for ubuntu?03:49
mebaran151kkathman, you want resource independence03:49
mebaran151go with XFCE03:49
kkathmansee :)03:49
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shank_Roey, have you ran any recent very of nautilus?03:49
ianRoey: you're thinking 2001 ...03:49
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typoian: the install was flawless03:49
tomcatHey all, just got my 1st ubuntu install up!03:49
iantypo: excellent :)03:49
Quest-MasterRoey: Gnome's main menu in Hoary takes almost 15 seconds to load on my fabulous machine03:49
tomcatVery nice...03:49
Roeymebaran151:  everyone says that but kde can be less resource dependent than xfce... it depends on what KDE components you want to use03:49
typoian: a quick kernel install later and I have ACPI and sound03:49
kkathmanmebaran...I just have a very minimal system right now...only 96mb memoryUGH03:50
RoeyQuest-Master:  I'm happy your machine is fabulous ;)03:50
crimsunRoey simply likes kde, let's leave it at that.03:50
shank_Quest-Master, turn on memory cache'ing of menu items03:50
kkathmanan old Celeron based HP Pavillion I picked up03:50
smouchexfce4, beautiful.  Log-ins are near instantaneous, window themes are very nice.  Just works.03:50
RoeyLove, don't like. There is no like.03:50
Quest-Mastershank_: I'll try.03:50
mebaran151XFCE looks nicer03:50
Roeyor actually,03:50
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typoian: but I'd rather use the ubuntu kernels03:50
Wildthingdoes anyone here use irssi?03:50
RoeyLove, like not.  There is no like.03:50
typoian: what should I do?03:50
Roeycrimsun:  hi!03:50
shank_Quest-Master, its more of an issue that it checks the disk for updates03:50
Quest-MasterXFCE looks really nice03:50
shank_more than an issue of ram usage03:50
Roeycrimsun:  how do get evms off /boot?03:50
Quest-Mastershank_: How do I turn on the cache'ing?03:51
kkathmanmebaran151:  XFCE .. is that in warty hoary?03:51
crimsunRoey: I have zero experience with evms, lvm, and the like.03:51
iantypo: maybe send the kernel config to someone.  not sure who03:51
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shank_Quest-Master, it maybe hidden somewhere now03:51
tomcatI have a question though: How do I get spca50x (or spca5xx?) installed through synaptic? I've got an old intel cs430 webcam I'm trying to get recognized by linux... and I think that's the driver for it...03:51
Roeycrimsun:  oh, ok.03:51
mebaran151XFCE is everywhere03:51
smoucheI like konqueror better than nautilus, but konqueror keeps krashing on me.03:51
mebaran151just in univese03:51
kkathmanuniverse ok03:51
mebaran151both are unfortunate03:51
mebaran151I use the commandline03:51
mebaran151mv and cp03:51
Roeysmouche:  several possibilities there03:52
Roeysmouche:  one is heat03:52
kkathmanI was going to go to hoary, but was told it would be better to wait until after April 1 when it goes official03:52
Roeysmouche:  another is memory quality03:52
kkathmanhey smouche :)03:52
ianmebaran151: unfortunate?  are you russian by any chance?03:52
smouchehello kkathman, Roey, all!03:52
VjazApril 1 would be a fun time for a release.03:52
Roeyhey smouch03:52
zerathaHey everyone, I really need help with an issue I am having.03:52
kkathmanVjaz yah :)03:52
VjazI think it's April 4th really.03:52
mebaran151I have Russian ancestry03:52
kkathmanyeah I think 4/4 is right03:53
kkathmansorry bout that03:53
smoucheheat could be it, Roey, my fan may be busted.  Either that or amd64 is surprisingly cool, or the fan is very quiet, or kde is very efficient03:53
VjazEarly on the April fools then?03:53
smoucheseems like my system never gets warm.03:53
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mebaran151my system can fry eggs on a bad day03:53
kkathmansmouche if yours is like mine, it has that auto cool feature03:53
mebaran151cheaper heating03:53
mebaran151dinner all03:54
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typoian: what kernel config?03:55
zerathaNeed a hand with a couple apps that don't start properly.....03:55
typoian: I installed a 2.6.9-ac13 from kernel.org, not an ubuntu kernel03:55
tomcatI have a question though: How do I get spca50x (or spca5xx?) installed through synaptic? I've got an old intel cs430 webcam I'm trying to get recognized by linux... and I think that's the driver for it...03:55
smoucheit's a little spooky; fan never seems to kick in.  I should push this thing in windows, check it out...03:55
Wildthinghello, does anyone here happen to use IRSSI?03:56
smouchewhat computer are you using, kkathman?  I didn't know about "auto cool".  Mine's an hp laptop, amd6403:56
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kkathmansmouche:  I have an AMD64 based system that I run WinXP on for web development03:57
kkathmanMy linux box is a little celeron 500MHz 96MB system that I picked up for almost nothing03:58
Roeysmouche:  heat killed my konqueror all the time03:58
kkathmanI got it to start getting acquainted with Linux and learning03:58
Roeysmouche:  in fact... the stupid thing about the LIBATA, fuck it, is that it won't give you heat information for SATA drives.03:59
sander__smouche, I've noticed that too. 3.4 uses very little CPU. Much better then gnome on my box.03:59
=== Cube-ness [~james@ip205-161-39-11-phx.jetstreamwireless.com] has joined #ubuntu
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smoucheyes, sander__, gnome, on my other laptop, athlon xp, really thrashed the cpu.  Couldn't use gimp at all on there...04:00
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black_Nightmarekkath..mine is 300Amhz slot1, only 128MB right now04:00
black_Nightmarelooking to find 2nd stick to get to 256MB total of ram :p04:00
zerathaAll KDE based apps I install fail with a rather long, annoying error message. After installing kubuntu and logging into KDE I get this message: "Could not start process. Unable to create io-slave. Klauncher said Unknown protocol 'file'.04:00
Cube-nesshmm.. where BESIDES the font prefs would a gnome system font be set? I cant seem to change the app, menu, etc font anymore. well, i can make the change, and its reflected in the prefs, but no apps take the settings04:00
kkathmanblack:  Yeah Im going to splurge and spend $80 and get this little Celeron maxed out at 256MB HAHA04:01
kkathmanonly two DIMM slots for 128 each lol04:01
rafaeldthave any one experienced performance problems in xorg after updating to hoary ?04:01
geneo93hi Cube-ness04:01
smoucheI don't really have enough ram for transparency.  500 megs -- moving translucent windows around is like sludge04:02
geneo93i'm stuck here with only a striped gnome04:02
black_Nightmarekkath.. $80 sounds a bit steep lol04:02
black_Nightmaremine 128MB stick upgrade (old stick long sold off) was only a few bucks from a local store some years ago :p04:02
kkathmanits "crucial" memory I need to find something prolly less "reputable" hehe04:02
geneo93Cube-ness:  seems there is a problem with gnome menu04:02
black_NightmareLOL kkath :))04:02
kkathmanCrucial being the company..they love sticking it to ya04:03
black_Nightmarekkath...my small problem with locating the right ram is....04:03
black_Nightmareits quite an older fsb04:03
kkathmanbut its kind of a strange DIMM...way out of date I think04:03
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kkathmanCrucial was the only people still selling it04:03
black_Nightmarewell mine is one step behind the PC100 if you can guess what it is04:04
kkathmanlol yeah I can definitely relate :)04:04
kkathmanI think this computer seriously only has a 100FSB04:04
kkathmanbut I got it for like $14.0004:05
kkathmancant argue with that04:05
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black_Nightmareand the board refuses PC100 sticks so...there (tried once...fully refunded it...end of story!)04:05
black_Nightmarehave to find a PC66 128MB again somewhere :p04:06
kkathmanwell crap, must not be any newer firefox in the archives :(04:06
kkathman0.93 seems very old to me04:06
kkathmanbrb - dinner time04:06
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caffinatedblack_Nightmare: if it's 168pin pc100 will probably work.  it'll just be reduced to PC66 speed.04:06
black_Nightmarecaffinated...I think its more of the chipset supporting both 66mhz and 100mhz for that to work04:07
Roeywhat's the procedure to get cpu/mobo temp sensors working?04:07
black_NightmareI might be wrong thou but I tried once and board didn't even want to use the 'newer' ram stick04:07
caffinatedblack_Nightmare: i used to use PC133 ram in a PC100 board without any problems at all.04:07
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black_Nightmarecaffinated..thats only because most PC133 already can clock down to PC10004:07
black_Nightmarebut PC66 seem to be its very own specifications04:08
geneo93PC133 will work also04:08
black_Nightmareor thats as far as I can tell04:08
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caffinatedblack_Nightmare: well, i'd just find some and try.04:08
BockBilbois it possible to remove a whole directory and the files it has inside with a single command in the shell?04:08
caffinatedblack_Nightmare: i'm fairly sure it'll work.04:08
josueanyone knows of a deb for nvu?04:08
thoreauputicBockBilbo: rm -rf <directory>04:08
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thoreauputicBockBilbo: but be *sure* :)04:09
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black_Nightmarecaffinated..hmm ok....one second04:09
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BockBilbohow do i do to copy a directory into another and allow overwrite?04:11
BockBilbosee... im upgrading a folder with some newer files04:11
BockBilboand directories04:11
=== Coily [~mm@216-80-64-162.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
alainmBockBilbo: could you do a cp -R /olddir /newdir?04:12
black_Nightmarehmmm... $41cdn just for PC100 128MB 3.3V .. damn ... going to have to visit some stores in person and see if I can find anything cheaper04:13
|QuaD-anyone know why windows requires carriage returns?04:13
Coilywhen i install the firefox 1.0.2 tar.gz, should i use -C .mozilla/firefox or should i not use -C (assuming i want to instlal into my home dir)?04:13
BockBilbotrying that alainm thanks04:13
Markrian|QuaD-, what do you mean?04:14
|QuaD-text files04:14
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WillySillywhere are the headers for cpp located for ubuntu?04:14
tritiumCoily, there's an Hoary .deb of firefox 1.0.204:14
black_Nightmarequad..even websites have carriage returns and it usually blotches up your clipboards04:14
black_Nightmareits stupid lol04:14
Coilytritium, im not seeing it04:14
alainmCoily:  what is -C?04:14
MarkrianCoily, I'd suggest not installing firefox like that04:14
Coilyalainm, directory=04:14
Markrianstick to APT04:15
|QuaD-black_Nightmare: hehe yeah, but why04:15
black_Nightmareno idea :p04:15
tritiumCoily, it's in Hoary main04:15
Coilymarcin_ant, i agree but im not seeing the debian package04:15
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Coilytritium, ack oops hoary not sid :x04:15
MarkrianSecurity fixes will be backported to Ubuntu's Firefox soon enough04:15
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MarkrianIt's still a couple of weeks before release as well, so Firefox 1.0.2 might make it in as well04:16
tritiumMarkrian, it's in now04:16
Nekohayoyeah, just appeared today04:16
WillySillywhere are the headers for cpp located for ubuntu?04:16
Coilytritium, im still using warty, im assuming the hoary package will be safe for me04:16
Nekohayosay, has anyone seen wine in the hoary repositories? mine disappeared, still stuck with the one from warty04:17
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Markriantritium, they do work fast, don't they04:17
jordanauanybody here use vsftpd???04:17
tritiumMarkrian, yep04:17
MarkrianCoily, why bother?04:17
CoilyMarkrian, what do you mean04:17
CoilyMarkrian, er, why bother with what?04:17
MarkrianCoily, Hoary will be released in two weeks, just wait for that and then you can upgrade all your pacakges04:18
tritiumCoily, it'll pull in a bunch of Hoary packages if you install it04:18
=== King_Crimson [~chatzilla@ool-44c239cb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
King_Crimsoni need serious help04:18
Coilytritium, ok well damn it's either the unsafe 1.0 or the performance failure 1.0.104:18
Nekohayooh too bad, I wanted to do funny helping04:18
geneo93gun shot wound04:18
Nekohayowhat's the matter?04:19
Nekohayo(problem, I mean)04:19
King_Crimsoni tried installing ubuntu and creating a partiion04:19
King_Crimsonit wont let me change the partition04:19
King_Crimsonlike i click on partition #1. and i change the size, but it wont change04:19
King_Crimsonit just stays at 40gb04:19
Nekohayoyou have to do "write"04:19
jordanaudont you have to clear the partition04:19
Nekohayoit doesn't change anything until you tell it to do so04:19
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crimsunCoily: warty or hoary?04:20
King_Crimsoni dod press tha04:20
King_Crimsoni did do write04:20
Coilycrimsun, warty, i wouldnt have these problems if i was using hoary =[04:20
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King_Crimsoni have hoary04:20
Nekohayohm, then like jordanau said, did you try clearing it?04:20
crimsunCoily: why not dist-upgrade to Hoary?04:20
King_Crimsondud i have windows on there i cnat delete it04:20
Nekohayocleaning the linux partition04:21
King_Crimsoni dont have one04:21
King_Crimsoni only have 104:21
NekohayoXD how do you want linux to install on top of windows?04:21
Coilycrimsun, i havea feeling this question has been answered a million times before but: is it seemless or should i consider a new partition?04:21
WillySillywhere are the headers for cpp located for ubuntu?04:21
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: sounds like you ar trying to resize an ntfs partition - right?04:21
King_Crimsonwell i wanted to make the windows partition04:21
crimsunCoily: seamless.04:22
Nekohayoheh, I'll leave you in thoreauputic's more skilled hands ;)04:22
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MarkrianCoily, I believe Ubuntu back port fixes to firefox04:22
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: do you have Partition Magic?04:22
King_Crimsonumm no04:22
Nekohayoanyone seen wine in hoary repositories?04:22
tritiumNekohayo, yes04:23
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: ntfs resizing is kind of tricky04:23
WillySillyconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check04:23
King_Crimsony is that04:23
Nekohayotritium, is it a special repo? I'm stuck with my warty version04:23
jordanauany of you use vsftpd04:23
tritiumNekohayo, it's in universe.  There's also winehq.com04:23
Nekohayonope sorry04:23
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CoilyMarkrian, not for warty...04:23
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: I think the qtparted program can do it - if you have a knoppix disc it's on that04:23
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MarkrianCoily, what do you mean?04:24
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: also Win XP tends to have unmovable crufy at the end of its partition04:24
King_Crimsoni have the ubuntu live cd04:24
CoilyMarkrian, the warty backports does not have upgrades to firefox04:24
King_Crimsonso ur saying i cant have linux = wndows?04:25
jordanauyes you can04:25
tritiumKing_Crimson, not in the same partition, though04:25
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: no, I'm not saying that04:25
jordanaui am dual booting right now04:25
King_Crimsonyeah i no not in the same partition04:25
Nekohayotritium, oooh I just found out my problem while looking at the versions! the current hoary is a 2004xx xx, and mine is likely a warty backport (2005 11 11)... however, I thought I had kicked off the backports when I did my dist ugprade ?_? (I followed a guide about this)... so hoary backports are used for this, or I have to wait for an update here?04:25
King_Crimsoni just wanna no how to dual boot04:25
Coilyjordanau, omgomg M$04:25
jordanauhaha half life 2 man sorry04:25
Coilyjordanau, haha same reason here ='[04:26
tritiumNekohayo, I've never touched backports.  You should uninstall it and install the Hoary version if you're in Hoary now.04:26
jordanaui am not going to spend 5 dollars more a month for not 100% support in cedega04:26
MarkrianWell, I don't mean backports, just security fixes. Fixes of later versions are applied to current apps04:26
jordanauplus i spent 100 dollars on windows, i can;t just throw it away :-)04:27
=== tritium threw windows away
Nekohayotritium, but it does work for now however... is hoary still stuck with the 2004 12 01 version? might not be worth the downgrade04:27
jordanauking krimson04:27
Coilythe only times ive booted into xp was to either apply security upgrades or for directx progs04:27
jordanauKing_Crimson, how big is your hard drive?04:27
MarkrianPeople still buy Windows? :04:27
tritiumNekohayo, yes, that's the current version in Hoary04:27
King_Crimson40 gb04:28
King_Crimsonbut realy 37.504:28
tezzais the latest kernel for hoary the 2.6.10 one?04:28
King_Crimsonor something, 37. something04:28
jordanauis it filled up?04:28
Nekohayotritium, thanks04:28
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King_Crimsonno i have 4.10 gb left04:28
tritiumNekohayo, there are newer ones on the way soon04:28
jordanauthat not gonna be alot...04:29
jordanaui personally would do this...04:29
King_Crimsonyeah i no that the comps almost 5 years old04:29
King_Crimsonyeah i no removable hd04:29
jordanauI would reforman and reinstall windows04:29
tomcatHey all, I'm trying to get the spca5xx driver onto a new ubuntu install... new linux user here and Im stuck with the tar.gz file downloaded...04:29
thoreauputicKing_Crimson: that's enough to install ubuntu - but you'll only have about 2gigs space left04:29
tritiumKing_Crimson, s/no/know ;)04:29
tomcatWhat's the command to extract tar.gz?04:29
King_Crimsonthats ok04:30
tritiumtar zxvf file.tar.gz04:30
thoreauputictomcat: tar xvzf <file>04:30
King_Crimsoni dunt mind04:30
=== steven123 [~Steve@p169l21lp-d4-dynamic.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Nekohayotritium, cool ;) and do you have an idea if we'll be able to test the scary xorg eyecandy (front page currently on osnews.com) ?04:30
tomcattanks guys!04:30
steven123I just recieved my order of unbuntu cd(s)04:30
steven123and i wwant to switch over to Unbuntu04:30
tritiumNekohayo, I haven't seen it.  What is it?04:30
steven123what games can i play on ubuntu. I play CS, HL2, Steam, Americas army,04:30
jordanauwhat windows version??04:30
Nekohayotritium, go take a look, well I find that scary.. first time I see this :) wobbling windows04:30
steven123Can i play these in Ubuntu04:30
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jordanausteven123, all of them but you will need cedega04:31
steven123Or Pay04:31
King_Crimsonso wat do i do?04:31
jordanau$5 per month04:31
NekohayoSteveA_, america's army has a linux version too04:31
steven123cedege nevermind04:31
steven123i found a torrent04:31
steven123lol ok04:31
steven123How about Media04:31
geneo93King_Crimson:  find a bootleg copy of PM04:32
steven123.WMV files04:32
jordanauKing_Crimson, fdisk and create a windows partition and then install windows04:32
steven123Can i install WIndows media player 10 in Ubuntu04:32
jordanauKing_Crimson, can you do that?04:32
Nekohayotritium, it's about Luminocity window manager & Cairo04:32
tritiumNekohayo, ok04:32
King_Crimsonjordanau: u have aim?04:32
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thoreauputicsteven123: um..no04:32
Grexowhen will the new ubuntu website design be live? :)04:32
steven123Then how i watch stuff?04:32
King_Crimsonhow do i fdisk04:32
steven123How do i burn a DVD /backit up in Ubuntu?04:32
King_Crimsoni dunt wanna delete all the stuff on my hard drive04:33
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Nekohayosteven123, you don't need windows software for everything04:33
King_Crimsoni just wanna resize the windows partition04:33
jordanauKing_Crimson, join this room #jordanau04:33
arnonwhat's ubuntu? some kind of bleeding edge version for debian ?04:33
Nekohayothere are LOTS of differents apps for every tastes04:33
thoreauputicsteven123: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats << how to get wmv working04:33
Roeyheh, sorry:04:34
skorastevie, there's different ways of playing media, different programs.04:34
Roeyhow do I get rid of evms managing a device?  I don't want evms managing /boot.04:34
skoralinux = lots of choices04:34
Roey(I selected something right as the text scrolled by)04:34
steven123What do i sacrifice if i move to Ubuntu?04:34
robstersteven123: only 3 goats.04:34
thoreauputicsteven123: depends what you want/need to do04:35
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steven123So if i move to ubuntu i can still play games and stufF?04:35
=== Imrahil [~Imrahil@c68.185.170.245.mad.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
steven123well i'm just a 13 year old, doing Homework, Games, and Chatting04:35
steven123ubuntu good idea?04:36
thoreauputicsteven123: homework=yes chatting=yes games= mostly04:36
King_Crimsonit comes with openoffice, firefox, and gimp04:36
madelsteven123, yes, with GNU/linux you can do almost anything, and ubuntu is very user-friendly to make the change04:36
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steven123Alright GOODY!04:36
Nekohayosteven123, only if you are really enthousiastic and have spare time to work on your issues ;)04:36
steven123How about Virus/Adware/Spyware/Shit/Popups?04:36
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
alainma thing of the past04:37
Nekohayosteven123, none for now04:37
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steven123Is Ubuntu the "best" idea?04:37
thoreauputicsteven123: you need to do some research and reading - use the search function on ubuntulinux.org04:37
alainmi love it..04:37
steven123he he i know i'm just fooking around04:37
Nekohayothere's no such thing as "best" :)04:37
Ycrosthat depends on your definition of best04:37
madelsteven123,  there are no virus/spyware...in GNU/Linux04:37
Nekohayomaybe... "less suckier" XD?04:37
steven123So Ubuntu based oN Debian... Are their any good Debian Software04:37
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Nekohayomadel, for now.04:37
Coilyim having problems finding the firefox 1.0.2 (or 1.0.1) warty backport, can someone give me the repository?04:37
steven123there is DEBIAN software?04:38
Nekohayowhat do you mean?04:38
crimsunsteven123: look in universe and multiverse04:38
steven123Debian popular?04:38
thoreauputicsteven123: there are thousands of software choices04:38
Nekohayonot only debian-specific04:38
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steven123so then04:38
steven123i can't say04:38
steven123use Mandarke 10.1 Software on DEbian?04:38
cleit0nalguem fala portugues?04:38
geneo93steven123:  some04:39
skorasteve, all the linux software is based on the source.04:39
thoreauputicsteven123: you don't need to - the same stuff is available for Ubuntu04:39
Nekohayosomething you must understand04:39
Nekohayosoftware is not LOCKED into a distro04:39
BockBilbocleit0n, #ubuntu-pt04:39
Coilyim having problems finding the firefox 1.0.2 (or 1.0.1) warty backport, can someone give me the repository?04:39
skorahowever, the source can be packaged in different ways: RPM, DEB, etc.04:39
steven123Ok guys04:39
NekohayoCoily, tried ubuntuguide.com?04:39
steven123Last Question04:39
YomicWhy do I have to install so many libraries to install this one program *_*. This is pissing me off >_<04:39
Nekohayo.org, sorry04:40
steven123CAn i burn DVD or make copies in Unbuntu?04:40
Yomic(Prog is parted)04:40
skoradon't worry steve, i was in your position a few years ago.04:40
CoilyNekohayo, yup, i have all the repositories there added04:40
thoreauputicCoily: is there a burning reason to need it? the wrty firefox has security patches, you know04:40
Nekohayoyou can do anything that another os does04:40
steven123CAn i burn DVD or make copies in Unbuntu?04:40
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Nekohayosteven123, you can do anything that another os does04:40
Yomicsteven: Stop repeating yourself; and yes, you can >_<04:40
Nekohayodoing some research for which app you prefer04:40
Coilythoreauputic, the burning reason i need it is because of the security patches...04:40
steven123so if i installk ubuntu04:40
steven123i can burn dvd right away download software04:41
Nekohayosteven123, TRY THE LIVECD!04:41
steven123i did04:41
thoreauputicCoily: well, warty has updated security on firefox04:41
steven123well OK i'll use it he he04:41
tritiumsteven123, you're doing a lot of repeating04:41
thoreauputicCoily: just not the version as such04:41
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Coilythoreauputic, youre saying the gif exploits are patched in warty?04:41
jordanauany vsftpd users here?04:41
Coilythoreauputic, and the javascript exploits...04:42
steven123i worry a lot04:42
Nekohayosteven123, everything has a reason, if it doesn't work out of the box, search in the forums or something04:42
steven123i going to give this ubuntu a try04:42
bung__i AM going.04:42
thoreauputicCoily: I don't know the specifics - but firefox, like all other warty apps, gets security updates04:42
bung__GET security update04:42
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bung__wait, ignore me.04:43
steven123i reading Ubuntu Review04:43
steven123bad scores04:43
steven1235 comign out son04:43
Coilythoreauputic, well 1.0.2 was released today so...04:43
steven123I GOTTA ORDER04:43
bung__I hate alcholol04:43
bung__just like I hate your face04:43
thoreauputicsteven123: in the end, you have to make up your own mind04:43
steven123bah ok guys04:44
Coilyi realy just need to find the wart backports repository04:44
steven123HMm cedega04:44
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steven123i come back after installing04:44
thoreauputicCoily: have you done an update/upgrade today? if firefox is included, the patch has been applied04:44
tezzawhat package do i need if i want to recompile the ubuntu kernel ?04:44
Coilythoreauputic, just did a minute ago04:44
Ghostfacekillamy Ubuntu seems happy right now04:45
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YomicIs there a package download that I missed somewhere that prevents me from having to download all these libs to install this one single program?04:45
thoreauputicCoily: I think you are worrying unduly for no real reason, frankly04:45
tezzayo hmms04:45
Coilythe 1.0.1 backports package was released ON MARCH 15, i had to go through debian to get the package04:45
steven123FUCKING AWEsome04:45
steven123opps.. sorry for the bad word.04:46
steven123found a guide that answered my questions04:46
tritiumYomic, are you using apt-get to install it?04:46
Coilyeven though jdong, from the ubuntuforums, said he released it for warty i can not find it04:46
steven123thank u guys04:46
YomicNo, I'm using ./conigure04:46
tritiumCoily, don't panic.04:46
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thoreauputicCoily: I think you may be confusing versions with updates ?04:46
Yomic.configure *04:46
tritiumYomic, if you compile your own software, you have to install the libraries you need.04:47
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typoshould I use polypaudio?04:48
tritiumYomic, if you get the ubuntu source package, it's easy with apt-get build-dep04:48
Coilywell here's the facts: a package for firefox 1.0.1 has been released, i can not find the package using apt-get update04:48
Coilyid like to know what repository i must add04:48
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tritiumYomic, if you're not using an ubuntu source package, then your'e not tied into apt, and you have to get the build-dependencies yourself04:48
thoreauputicCoily: of course not - the warty version is like 0.93 - but it gets patches for secuity issues04:48
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eyequeuei thought warty-backports was closed now.  i just got 8 pacakges from warty-backports !04:49
eyequeueany ideas why?04:49
bung__it hates you04:49
tritiumCoily, your concern seems to warrant dist-upgrading to Hoary.04:49
LeeJunFanwhat does restricted mean in /etc/apt/sources.list?04:50
YomicI see; thanks.04:50
bung__isn't restricted non-free or something?04:50
eyequeueCoily:  Get:8 http://backports.ubuntuforums.org warty-backports/main mozilla-firefox 1.0.1-2ubuntu1~4.10ubp1 [9374kB] 04:50
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tritiumLeeJunFan, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view04:50
Coilyeyequeue, thank you that was what i was looking for04:50
eyequeueCoily:  meaning it's available in warty-backports, if you choose not to go to hoary at present04:50
Coilya direct answer to my question wow04:50
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tritiumCoily, backports are not recommended.  They will make upgrading to Hoary a PITA04:51
mellohow do i install the latest nvidia drivers?04:51
eyequeueCoily:  see https://ubuntulinux.oorg/wiki/BreakMyUbuntu :)04:51
Coilytritium, i see04:51
eyequeuetritium:  allegedly that's no longer the case (numbering changes?)04:51
LeeJunFantritium: doh... thanks.. I was thinking it was an arg. I forgot there could be more than one src on a line.04:51
thoreauputicCoily: you got direct anwers - they just weren't what you wanted to hear04:51
tritiumLeeJunFan, :)04:51
tritiumeyequeue, it's still the case04:52
jordanauguys i am pretty stuck here04:52
eyequeuetritium:  in any case, there's a "back out of backports" method right at the top of the forum about it, right?04:52
tritiumeyequeue, no idea.  I don't touch backports04:52
eyequeuetritium:  all of the forum posts i've read about it seemed to indicate that the dpkg in hoary handles numbering differently now? (hence no longer is an issue)04:53
jordanauI am running vsftpd and have an ftp server up and running, unfortunately, i can't find where the folder where my ftp stuff is located04:53
Coilyi should point out that i already did the unrecommended 'installing mozilla.org's tar.gz', so i may already be looking at these problems04:53
tritiumeyequeue, the problems are more complicated than just version numbers04:53
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|QuaD-jordanau: i don't have vsftpd on my comp, but did you check the config file?04:55
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jordanauyeah i cant find anything04:56
thoreauputicCoily: if you installed the tar.gz to your home dir or /usr/local or sinilar, you should be OK04:56
geneo93maybe we need split channel one for hoary and one for warty04:56
|QuaD-jordanau: another thing you can do if you REALLY can't find a config file, is upload something to is, sudo updatedb, locate *filename*04:56
Coilythoreauputic, whew, ive gotten semi-used to breaking linux installs but avoiding them is nice04:57
jordanauno i have found the config file okay04:57
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madelhi there...04:57
|QuaD-jordanau: its gotta be in there04:57
|QuaD-if you want to post it online somewhere, i can take a look04:57
madelwhat is the equivalent to do a rpm -ql  in debian/ubuntu04:57
jordanaui have an idea04:58
jordanau join this chat #jordanau04:58
Grexono more electricity bills04:58
Grexofree energy is real04:58
|QuaD-jordanau: put it ina pastebin04:58
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Grexoubuntu on a computer running free energy :-)04:58
LinuxNITcan you get xfce4 in ubuntu?04:58
thoreauputicmadel: what did you want to do? tell us that and we can give you a command, probably ( not many here would be familiar with rpm)05:00
madelthoreauputic, I did a apt-get install  quake2, but now want to know what files did that command install05:01
bung__dpkg -L quake205:01
eyequeuemadel:  dpkg -L quake205:02
eyequeueer, yeah :)05:02
jordanau|QuaD-, I got it fixed thank you for your help,05:02
jordanauhow would i link all of my music files from /media/windows to /home/ftp ??05:03
jordanauthat way people could read them from ftp and i won't have to waste diskspace copying them to a whole new folder05:04
|QuaD-ln -s05:04
thoreauputicln -s /media/windows  /home/ftp  presumably05:05
eyequeuewill all ftpds honour a symlink?05:05
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eyequeueor will he need o check some config file?  (i don't run any ftps, just know symlinks can be an issue elsewhere)05:05
|QuaD-eyequeue: my guess is its a line in the config05:06
bung__eww ftp05:06
Desolateumm, would anyone happen to know why I don't have X11 in /etc/?05:06
bung__you're on crack!05:06
jordanaueyequeue, we will find out in a minute and i will be sure to let you know :-)05:06
thoreauputicDesolate: you don't have an X server installed?05:07
Desolatewhy wouldn't I?05:07
DesolateI don't recall even messing with that in the ubuntu install05:07
eyequeueDesolate:  warty of hoary?05:07
thoreauputicDesolate: well, if X is running, you most definitely have X11 in /etc05:08
eyequeueDesolate:  warty oR hoary?05:08
thoreauputiceyequeue: either way, he would have an X11 dir in /etc05:08
eyequeueDesolate:  apt-get install xserver-xfree86 (or xserver-xorg if on hoary)05:09
bung__...unless he's on crack...05:09
Desolateoh, I'm running it on Virtual PC btw05:09
eyequeuethoreauputic:  i'm not usre he is though, he's on mirc to get here05:09
bung__I think you're taking this crack problem of his a bit lightly05:09
thoreauputicDesolate: that's an upper case X, BTW05:09
Desolatewarty btw05:10
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jordanauThe folder "Music" linked and showed up on my server but i get a 550 failed to change directory05:10
thoreauputicDesolate:  /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is probably what you're looking for05:10
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|QuaD-jordanau: make sure permissions are right05:11
Desolateyes except I don't have X11 :p05:11
typoshould I use apache or apache2?05:11
DesolateI'll try apt-get install xserver-xfree8605:11
eyequeueDesolate:  sudo apt-get install xserver-xfree8605:11
jediwith all these lovely kernel updates, my grub boot list is growing quite long. If i edit menu.lst it will just be regenerated next time another kernel update occurs... how would i go about remove these older kernels?05:11
typophp4 seams to drag apache2 along05:11
thoreauputicDesolate: not possible unless you have no xserver installed05:11
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geneo93Desolate:  in terminal type cd /etc/X1105:11
eyequeueDesolate:  that command will likely bring in a number of other pacakges, if you really don't have that dir05:11
Desolatewhich is, I guess, what the case is then, thoreauputic05:11
jordanau|QuaD-, is the permission created when linking?05:11
eyequeuetypo:  apache2 is the "default" in ubuntu from what i've encountered05:12
Desolatealright eyequeue, I'll try it05:12
thoreauputicDesolate: in which case you would be staring at a prompt on tty105:12
|QuaD-jordanau: make sure the link and the actuall folder (and files) are atleast read only to everyone05:12
jordanaumay i ask how to check that?05:12
eyequeueDesolate:  are you a previous linux user?05:12
|QuaD-ls -l05:12
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Desolatethis is wierd05:13
Desolate"xserver-xfree86 is already the newest version"05:13
jordanaudrwxrwxrwx that is the windows directory05:13
jordanauso we are okay05:13
jordanauhow do i check the link?05:13
|QuaD-got to the directory, ls-l05:14
thoreauputicDesolate: umm... you are making some kind of mistake then - /etc/X11 *must* be there05:14
|QuaD-* ls -l05:14
eyequeueDesolate:  okay, if you have a graphical user intferface (icons, mouse, etc) then you have X11 running, and hence that directory .... and if you don't know linux from elsewhere, i suspect you would not be comfortable at a commandline ... so, i'm unclear05:14
Coilysince i installed mozilla's 1.0 tar.gz, will i need to do anything extra before upgrading to hoary?05:14
Desolateeyequeue: I need it to config Virtual PC to 16bit depth05:14
Desolateinstead of 24, which it does not support05:14
eyequeueDesolate:  as has already been mentioned, i'll repeat:  it is   /etc/X11/   not   /etc/x11/05:14
thoreauputicCoily: where did you install it? and did you make any symlinks ?05:15
Desolatehehe, ok that solved it :P05:15
=== thoreauputic sighs
DesolateI feel stupid now, thanks :D05:15
thoreauputicDesolate: I told you that about 10 minutes ago05:15
Desolatesorry, I didn't see it05:15
Desolatehad 4 people talking to me at once :p05:16
Coilythoreauputic, my home dir. i only made a link to the executable05:16
thoreauputicCoily: should be fine then05:16
jordanau|QuaD-, lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     nogroup        21 2005-03-23 22:08 Music -> /media/windows/Music/05:16
jordanauthat is the link05:16
|QuaD-jordanau: and it still doesn't work?05:16
thoreauputicCoily: it won't affect your apt stuff - it's independent05:16
jordanauyou want to try05:16
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Coilythoreauputic, gotcha05:17
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eyequeueDesolate:  99% of linux is uppercase, you just stumbled across an exception :)  that said, it is always case-*sensitive* :)05:17
|QuaD-jordanau: i trust you... did you look in the config file?05:17
Desolateah, well thanks05:17
DesolateI'm a total linux noob :P05:17
jordanau|QuaD-, for info on linking?05:17
Coilythoreauputic, should i just try the same thing with mozilla's 1.0.2? if i dont want to upgrade to hoary that is05:17
thoreauputiceyequeue: heh - I think you meant "lower case" ?05:17
|QuaD-jordanau: yeah05:17
jordanaulet me check05:17
eyequeueDesolate:  ugh, retract that ... 99% of linux is *lower*case, heh05:17
thoreauputicCoily: you can do that, sure05:18
eyequeuethoreauputic:  yeah thanks, i caught it after i sent it ... no need to confuse him further, eh? :)05:18
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karstenwhat's the supported upgrade path from Debian woody = Ubuntu?  Hoary or Warty?05:18
typohumm, I installed in english and then told it I was in portugal. It added en_PT to the locale which drives perl nuts. Is this a bug?05:19
thoreauputickarsten: there isn't a "supported" path, AFAIK :)05:19
eyequeuekarsten:  at this point, for a week or so, i'd say warty is more likely, even though it's not officially supported05:19
karstenthoreauputic: IIRC there was an item on the Wiki about it.05:20
thoreauputickarsten: hmm... OK... I guess it's possible - as far as I know, it's not encouraged ;)05:20
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eyequeuekarsten:  as a point of interest, i can say i saw someone in here yesterday who had problems because he upgraded from sid to warty, and an ubuntu pacakge version didn't get upgraded, and he got bit (sid's version was missing a file that ubuntus version had, and some other package needed that)05:21
eyequeuekarsten:  sheesh, he went from sid to hoary, sorry05:21
thoreauputickarsten: but if you're the karsten I'm thinking you are, you will know how to avoid the pitfalls05:21
eyequeuewhat's with me tonight?05:21
karstenthoreauputic: Got someone trying an Debian install w/ ls-120 superdisk, floppy, various rootfs issues.  My recommendation is to either put the HD in another system or another system's CD in this one.05:21
karstenthoreauputic: I can.  The n00b I'm assisting may not ;-)05:22
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thoreauputickarsten: :)05:22
giardhi all05:22
karsteneyequeue: <shudder>05:22
giardhas anyone had any problems with apache2 recently?05:22
eyequeuei'd suggest heading to stable, then making the step up if you want :)05:22
jdubkarsten: there's no *supported* upgrade path from woody, but either warty or hoary should work ok (helps if whoever's doing it is comfortable with big debian upgrades)05:22
karstenthoreauputic: Yo're you IRL?05:22
giardrecent updates seems to be giving me trouble with php4 and mysql05:22
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karstenthoreauputic: s/Yo/who/05:22
eyequeuegiard:  the warty version has been working for me here05:23
karstenjdub: Thanks.05:23
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jordanau|QuaD-, i don't see anything in the manpages of the confiq file under symbolic links or links05:23
giardeyequeue: cool05:23
karstenjdub: gnome is f*cke seven ways from sunday, BTW.05:23
giardanyone using hoary?05:23
thoreauputickarsten: sorry I lost you there ?05:23
eyequeuegiard:  "recent updates" implies you may be on hoary though, and i can't speak to that05:23
Fackamato<- hairy hoary05:23
typopt_PT.UTF-8@euro isn't generated although it is selected as LC_CTYPE05:23
karstenthoreauputic: Where do I know you from?05:24
karstenthoreauputic: ...or vice versa.05:24
thoreauputickarsten: a /whois tells me who you are and I've red some of your stuff :)05:24
NormDgiard: I've installed the pre-release from cd and upgraded from there.05:24
karstenthoreauputic: OK.05:24
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giardwhen I try to call mysql_connect, the php page dies with "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in..."05:25
karstenthoreauputic: I get that a lot ;-)05:25
NormDerr..."updated", I suppose is more accurate.05:25
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giardit only seems to not work recently05:25
eyequeuekarsten:  run in fear, even i seem to recognize your name from somewhere, you're infamous :)  (though i just associate it with debian, nothing specific)05:25
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karsteneyequeue: That seems to be my problem.  My name is associated with nothing specific.05:26
giardcould it be something having to do with installing phpmyadmin?05:26
andrewskianyone have periodic freezes?05:26
=== thoreauputic gives karsten a fatherly lecture on the consequences of infamy ;-)
eyequeuelol., no, it's that i'm not heavily immersed, though i guess i'd associate branden with x, things like that, i don't know any of the majority of the faces and their contributions05:27
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jordanauthoreauputic, would the following command help with my problem??? mount --bind /path/you/want/to/include /path/to/vsftpd/docroot/subdir05:27
karstenthoreauputic: Wrote the book, kthx05:27
thoreauputickarsten: hehe05:27
karstenandrewski: How's your swap situation?05:27
andrewskikarsten: none used (at present), don't know about when it freezes, but i have a gig...05:28
giardI figured it out05:28
thoreauputicjordanau: to be totally honest , I haven't a clue05:28
jordanauactually better question, can i hurt anything doing that?05:28
YomicHow can I put short-cuts in my Applications -> Subgroup?05:28
karstenandrewski: ...and what's freezing.  Whole desktop?  Whole system?  Specific apps?05:28
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andrewskikarsten: mpd still plays, grip still rips, mouse moves, but nothing responds and i can't ctrl+alt+f1 to the CLI.05:29
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akkandrewski: Keyboard lockup, possibly?05:31
eyequeueYomic:  shortcuts?05:31
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andrewskiakk: no, the mouse doesn't respond either, just moves.05:31
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akkUSB keyboard and mouse?  I wonder if a USB lockup could cause mouse clicks to fail while mouse movement worked?05:32
eyequeueYomic:  if you mean a launcher, i can tell you how in warty, but i'm told it's different in hoary05:33
eyequeueYomic:  which are you running?05:33
akkWe have a machine that periodically gets usb lockup (keyboard stops working, so does the PDA cradle; no mouse, it's a server).05:33
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andrewskiakk: usb mouse.05:34
andrewskiakk: but it still tracks when it freezes. :)05:34
arc_does anyone knows why gnome-cups-manager package has the smb browsing deactivated?05:35
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Inva|idI am trying to find the kernel header files to install the spca5xx driver, but I don't see any for my kernel : 2.6.10-4-38605:35
Inva|idany suggestions?05:35
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eyequeuearc_:  wild guess, do you ave full smb support installed?  (i know nothing of it personally)05:36
arc_eyequeue: yes, that's not the problem05:36
eyequeuearc_:  at a minimum it would need botht the libraries and the tools pacakges05:36
benjiehey, rhythmbox is crashing when I try to load it in ubuntu, anyone know how to solve this?05:37
arc_eyequeue: both libsmbclient and smbclient installed05:37
akkandrewski: Do you have another machine, so you could telnet/ssh in and poke around, see if the machine is responding to the net?05:37
arc_eyequeue: I think that the package is not compiled to support that05:37
eyequeuearc_:  okay, since i have neither a printer nor smb here, i have no further ideas, good luck05:37
andrewskiakk: i could set it up to do that next time it freezes.  should i look at top?05:37
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arc_eyequeue: thanks05:38
eyequeuei do wish this laptop had a parallel port though, seems odd to have no option to print05:38
Cube-nessOk.. weird.. Is there some weird networking issue lately? suddenly a lot of networky apps dont work.. like not being able to bind and such.. and WHAT is sit0?05:38
arc_eyequeue no usb port either?05:38
jordanauthoreauputic, that mount i just made, I need to change the permissions how do i do that?05:39
eyequeuearc_:  i have 4 of those, heh05:39
Yomiceyequeue: warty05:39
arc_eyequeue: there are usb printers :)05:39
thoreauputicjordanau: chmod05:39
eyequeueYomic:  okay, step one, Applcations > run application05:39
thoreauputicjordanau: or chown for ownership05:39
akkandrewski: If you can get in, that tells you something (kernel is okay).  Then I might look at dmesg,05:39
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andrewskiakk: to check for hw?05:39
eyequeueYomic:  in the dialog box that popos up, type "applications:///" and yes that's a tripe slash :)05:39
akkandrewski: or maybe try other usb stuff (plug in an external storage device or a second mouse or something).05:39
oggb4mp3Is there a way to change the size of the GNOME system font?  I have changed all font sizes to 8pt in font configuration, but menu and othe stuff is still big05:40
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oggb4mp3like 12 pt05:40
eyequeueYomic:  browse through the gui to the subdir you want to be in, and then select "new launcher" or similar phrase05:40
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oggb4mp3I have been all through gconf looking for a setting05:40
oggb4mp3to no avail05:40
andrewskiakk: seems like it could be X, since my music daemon keeps running.05:40
eyequeueYomic:  the rest should be self-evident, but ask if confused05:40
YomicOkay, thanks :)05:40
helio7hey all; i'm trying to get quicktime to work as a plugin through firefox, and one step in the process is deleting "~/.mozilla//pluginreg.dat" where is that?  Any idea why there are two slashes?05:41
akkandrewski: Oh, could be.  I was thinking ctl-alt-Fn failing meant it wasn't X, but maybe X locks up the kbd and won't let those events get to the kernel.05:41
eyequeueYomic:  i'm told "applications:///" went away in gnome 2.10 (==hoary) so add what you want to the menus now? heh05:41
andrewskiakk: dunno.  we'll see next time. :)05:41
eyequeueanyone here know what the hoary equivalent is?05:41
thoreauputiceyequeue: there isn't one05:42
jordanauthoreauputic, i am a lttle confused, i am reading the help file, i ran mount --bind /media/windows /home/ftp what would i do to change to read only?05:42
andrewskieyequeue: hoary == hoary :)05:42
eyequeuethoreauputic:  how do we get launchers added to the submenus?05:42
eyequeueandrewski:  ah thanks, i was hoping it wouldn't be too hard, lol05:42
thoreauputiceyequeue: amaranth has written a python app to do it05:43
andrewskieyequeue: do you mean the next unstable thing after hoary is stable?05:43
thoreauputiceyequeue: it's on the forums somewhere - don't have a URl handy05:43
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eyequeueandrewski:  no, read my line above the one you answered :)  i'm looking to add to hoary menus05:43
Amarantheyequeue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139005:43
andrewskieyequeue: whoops, too many channels. :)05:44
helio7where is ~/.mozilla//pluginreg.dat ?05:44
eyequeuethoreauputic:  that's fine, i'm not on hoary yet, just thought it could be useful in doing support05:44
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typois "Add/Remove Programs" going to get a better list of programs?05:44
thoreauputicjordanau: read only is 444 but you probably don't want that05:44
eyequeueit does seem weird that gnome would remove that functionality and someone outside would need to write an app to accomplish it though05:44
jordanauyes i want read only05:45
thoreauputicjordanau: it depends what you need05:45
jordanauvsftpd wont run with the mount i created as write05:45
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markybobwho do i change the icon nautilus uses for specific file types?  not just a single file, but all files with such an extension?05:45
thoreauputicjordanau: chmod 755 is full access, read and execute for group and owner, for instance05:45
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eyequeueread-only because it's an ntfs partition perhaps?  i'd say mount it read-only and don't worry about the perms05:45
thoreauputicsorry for group and others05:45
jordanaubut no write correct?05:46
typoanyone know?05:46
thoreauputicjordanau:  4=read 1= execute05:46
thoreauputichence 5= read + execute05:47
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giardI take that back05:47
giardI can't get any php modules to load05:47
giardphp itself works fine05:47
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giardbut trying to use an addon like the mysql plugin or the mhash one doesn't work05:47
eyequeuethoreauputic:  if it's a mount point he needs, talk him through traversal/"execute" :)  i seem to lack communication skills tonight05:47
Yomiceyequeue: I can't seem to find anything similar to 'new launcher'05:47
giardand I just reinstalled everything fresh05:47
eyequeueYomic:  okay, hang on, let me get where you are05:48
jordanauso to change the mount permisson (i need to read up on this stuff) chmod 755 in the directory05:48
mconbereI just installed hoary, I'm trying to get nvidia drivers running, but I need the older version (6111) which doesn't show up on synaptic.  How do I get the older drivers to be avialable?05:48
YomicI'm in the folder with the application I want linked.05:48
eyequeueYomic:  you're in the subdirectory/submenu that you want?05:48
thoreauputicjordanau: not *in* the dir - you specify the dir after the chmod command05:49
eyequeueYomic:  don't go to the /usr/bin type place, go to the applications/internet type place05:49
eyequeueYomic:  there now?05:49
YomicI see now.05:49
thoreauputicjordanau: but yes, I suggest you read a bit about hmod/chown05:49
eyequeueYomic:  menu file, item "create launcher"05:49
thoreauputicjordanau: to change ownership recursively, for instance, use chown -r group:user05:51
jordanaujordan@JordanUbuntu:/home/ftp $ chmod /home/ftp/ 75505:51
jordanauchmod: invalid mode string: `/home/ftp/'05:51
jordanauthis is a mount by the way05:51
eyequeue1 2 3 >--> 1 3 205:51
thoreauputicjordanau: chmod 755 /path/dir05:51
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jordanaujordan@JordanUbuntu:/home/ftp $ sudo chmod 755 /home/ftp05:52
jordanaujordan@JordanUbuntu:/home/ftp $05:52
thoreauputicjordanau: done :)05:53
tomcathey all, I'm trying to compile a module I'll need for a webcam I've got here, and I'm getting an error...05:53
jordanauPerfect My FTP server works perfectly,05:53
thoreauputicjordanau: silence is golden in *nix ;)05:53
tomcatmake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/home/tomcat/Desktop/spca5xx-20050319 modules05:53
tomcat/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-4-386/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: gcc: command not found05:53
jordanauAlthough i am sure it is as insecure as hell05:53
eyequeuetomcat:  common.  apt-get install build-essential05:54
jordanauin one month of linux i have learned that05:54
tomcatEyeQ: Oh, really... ok, let me try that.05:54
benjiehey, rhythmbox is crashing when I try to load it in ubuntu, anyone know how to solve this?05:55
thoreauputicjordanau: man hosts.allow ; man hosts.deny     ;-)05:55
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thoreauputicjordanau: and others.... heheh ... there's a couple of RTFM answers for you :P05:56
eyequeuetomcat:  the other common building error (not for today, but for the future) you typically need the libfoo-dev version of libraries, not just the libfoo version :)05:56
thoreauputicbenjie: umm... run it from a terminal and see what errors it's spitting out for a start05:56
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benjie(rhythmbox:13582): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:57
benjieAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:57
benjieRhythmbox-ERROR **: file rb-ipod-source.c: line 478 (rb_ipod_get_itunesdb_path): assertion failed: (mount_point != NULL)05:57
benjiethats the lot of it05:57
jordanauI will say that i have been a lot better about figuring stuff out for my own in general than i was with windows05:57
kkathmandoes anyone know if the new firefox (1.0.2) is anywhere?  It doesnt seem to be anywhere in warty even universe.05:57
jordanaui still have a long way to go though :-)05:57
eyequeuejordanau:  it's fun, isn't it?05:58
tomcateyequeue: That did it, thx05:58
eyequeuetomcat:  cool05:58
thoreauputicjordanau: at least you try - and yeah, linux does that to you05:58
DesolateI'm trying to install irssi, and I need a bunch of libraries and compilers, so is there an easy way to install some sort of basic dev tools package?05:58
tomcatNow I have to figure out how to install this module...05:58
jordanauyeah i should be doing thermodynamics right now but no i am busy setting up a ftp server so my buddy can have all of my mp3s05:58
eyequeuekkathman:  right.  it is in hoary though05:58
kkathmanahh ok05:58
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tritiumDesolate, a package is available.  You don't have to build it05:59
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eyequeuejordanau:  lol, priorities05:59
kkathmaneyequeue:  would I need to change from warty to hoary to get that one package?05:59
kkathmanim thinking that if I dont there might be dependency probs05:59
thoreauputicbenjie: are you trying to run it as root? Don't if so06:00
helio7has anyone succeeded in viewing quicktime as a plugin in side of a webpage?  Is this doable?06:00
eyequeuekkathman:  "stable" means unchanging except for security fixes, basically.  hoary will be released as stable in a couple of weeks if you'd like to wait06:00
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jordanauspring break in 2 days, i don't have anymore priorities06:00
kkathmanyes I think I'll do that...I just use opera :)06:00
kkathmanI have the current on that one06:00
robl^anyone know why running GNOME/GTK apps under Windowmaker session will make fonts many times larger than under a GNOME session?06:01
giardthis module thing looks like it has to be a bug06:01
giardit's showing up on both my computers06:01
benjiethoreauputic: no, its not as root06:01
eyequeuehelio7:  i've done so, via something or other i read on ubuntuguide06:01
giardanyone using hoary been playing with php4?06:01
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helio7eyequeue: ok I'll keep looking then thanks (=06:01
eyequeuehelio7:  should be simple to find there, though i don't recall specifics06:01
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thoreauputicbenjie: well, it doesn't like your X authentication for some reason - what does  ls -l ~/.Xauthority say?06:02
helio7eyequeue: so you can hear the music here? http://www.morrisseymusic.com/quicktime/1.html06:02
helio7(if you don't mind checking (=06:02
typowhat package should I file kernel bugs under?06:03
tritiumtype what's the problem?06:03
eyequeuehelio7:  say my name again?06:03
benjiethoreauputic: how do I check that?06:04
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thoreauputicbenjie: benjie: well, it doesn't like your X authentication for some reason - what does  ls -l ~/.Xauthority say?06:04
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eyequeuehelio7:  i don't hear it, but i think i have no sound now :/06:04
thoreauputicls -l ~/.Xauthority06:04
helio7eyequeue: lol well you don't see the jigsaw piece suggesting a missing plugin (= right?06:05
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invalid|ubuntuI compiled the spca5xx driver, with no warnings/errors - but I don't see it with modprobe, any suggestions?06:05
tritiumtypo, what's the problem?06:05
eyequeuehelio7:  it does fire up mplayer though, which says* it is playing rtsp://(long thing here).mov06:05
pvoceevening all:)06:05
helio7eyequeue: thanks06:05
benjiethoreauputic: its says "ls: /root/.Xauthority: No such file or directory06:05
eyequeuehelio7:  right, it seems my sound is borked, since i dind't here xchat tell me you said my nick either06:05
thoreauputicbenjie: you typed it wrong or as root06:06
eyequeuehelio7:  all indications are that i'd hear it there, if sound worked ... i'll ... gasp, reboot now06:06
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YomicAre there any GUI partitioning tools available worth mention?06:06
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typotritium: the kernel won't boot without acpi=off06:07
typotritium: I had to install my own kernel to get ACPI06:07
tritiumtypo, that's not necessarily a kernel bug.  It could be your hardware06:07
=== Yomic doesn't understand enough about the filesystems to mess with parted
typotritium: it works with other kernels06:07
typotritium: what do you suggest I do then?06:07
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thoreauputicbenjie: cd /home/benjie ; ls -l .Xauthority06:08
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michael_hi all.. i've been trying to get my sound working and i found out what the problem is (in hoary).. when i type cat /dev/sndstat it shows that my three audio devices are in the wrong order... i need to change that order around so that my Sound Blaster Live! device is listed first, then my audio WILL work06:08
nisokay no more popping in and out. sorry.06:08
pvoceIll just throw this out there.....has anyone else had problems geting the nvidia-installer to find the proper headers, even AFTER providing the path?06:08
mconbereanyone know how to get the older nvidia drivers (6111) installed in hoary?06:08
tritiumtypo, I guess file a bug if you feel certain about it06:08
Desolateanyone know how to enable identd?06:09
Desolatefor irc (irssi) and such06:09
typotritium: I've compiled a bunch of kernels for this hardware and ACPI has always worked (with more or less bugs)06:09
benjiethoreauputic: k, that worked.  it says "-rw-------  1 benjie benjie 117 2005-03-23 18:37 .Xauthority06:09
typotritium: what package then?06:09
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tritiumtype linux-image-<version>06:09
thoreauputicbenjie: OK that looks fine, so that isn't the problem06:09
pvocemconbere: I know that synaptic allows to get nvdia drivers for UB, but I dont think theyre HD ACL06:09
nisDesolate:  cd /etc/rc2.d && ln -s ../init.d/identd .  <- or similar06:10
kkathmanAnyone here running XFCE as their desktop?06:10
YomicWhere can I find a GUIed partitioning tool?06:10
thoreauputicbenjie: are you trying to play stuff from an external device?06:10
nisDesolate: and then rename the link:  mv identd S98identd06:10
akkYomic: qtparted06:10
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akkYomic: At least if it works for you.  I haven't had much luck with it.06:10
YomicThanks, but is it apt-get[able] ?06:10
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akkYomic: Yes.06:11
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benjiethoreauputic: I was wanting to play a cd of mine that I ripped, but since Rhythmbox crashes on opening, I wasnt doing anything other than trying to open it06:11
michael_hi all.. i've been trying to get my sound working and i found out what the problem is (in hoary).. when i type cat /dev/sndstat it shows that my three audio devices are in the wrong order... i need to change that order around so that my Sound Blaster Live! device is listed first, then my audio WILL work06:11
BrendHello. It appears that an IBM utility called "Verify Disk" has just wiped our entire system, without warning. "fdisk /dev/sda" and "fdisk /dev/sdb" report zero partitions. Is there any chance they could be wrong, and is there anything we can do find out?06:12
eyequeuewho was asking for quicktime help?06:12
thoreauputicbenjie: so just typing `rhythmbox` results in a crash?06:12
tritiumBrend, that seems like a question for IBM06:12
typotritium: bugzilla doesn't seam to like "linux-image-2.6.10-4-386"06:12
eyequeuemichael_:  sound doesn't work for me in hoary, that fix may be of use here.  what did you do?06:12
benjiethoreauputic: yes06:12
nisBrend: if you have an old copy of the partition table (a log of it from fdisk session) just recreate it same parameters as before.06:13
thoreauputicbenjie: :(06:13
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michael_eyequeue: my problem isn't yet resolved06:13
benjiethoreauputic: exactly06:13
michael_eyequeue: i know the cause of the problem, not the solution06:13
geneo93i think that write 0 and 1 to disk iirc06:13
thoreauputicbenjie: try running strace rhythmbox and see if that gives you any clues06:13
Brendtritium: The question for IBM that is currently foremost in my mind is "What does 'verify' mean, dickheads?" :)06:13
michael_eyequeue: type cat /dev/sndstat06:13
ioguixbrend there is a program that try to recover partition from a disk06:13
michael_eyequeue: tell me how many audio devices it lists06:13
eyequeuemichael_:  i had conjectured mine was due to oss and lack of alsa, but not gotten far06:14
ioguixbut i don't remember the name06:14
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tritiumBrend, yeah, no kidding :)06:14
ioguixit is apt-gettable under debian, search under ubuntu...06:14
geneo93Brend:  i have that ultility here and it writes o's and 1's to disk06:14
eyequeuemichael_:  Audio devices:06:14
eyequeue0: Intel 82801DB-ICH4 (DUPLEX)06:14
eyequeue1: Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem - Modem (DUPLEX)06:14
tritiumtypo, perhaps because it's not in the repos anymore.  only 2.6.10-5 now06:15
thoreauputicbenjie: obviously only the last few lines will tell you anything useful (when the crash occurs)06:15
tritiumtypo, nevermind06:15
nisIf you don't already have one, make a copy NOW of your partition table:  script && fdisk p q && quit (do the steps omit the && verbiage).06:15
Brendgeneo93, "verify" emphatically does not infer any writing activity :)06:15
eyequeuemichael_:  different devices of course from you, but the duplicity could cause hoary confusion06:15
typotritium: should I try a newer kernel first?06:15
tritiumtypo, if I were you, I'd have tried 2.6.10-506:16
geneo93Brend:  did it not through a caution flag06:16
eyequeuemichael_:  i'm on warty as i type this btw.  it's the hoary livecd that i was testing and it failed06:16
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michael_eyequeue: the liveCD actually worked for me, the installed version does not.06:16
Brendgeneo93: No caution, no confirmation, no explanation, and no indication of what it was doing until it had finished "checking" (read: erasing)06:16
benjiethoreauputic: well, it fills the terminal with a whole bunch of lines I don't understand, and then crashes just like when I run rhythmbox normaly. the last lines that seem to be of any use are "open("/usr/share/locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (Nosuch file or directory)06:16
benjieopen("/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)06:16
benjieopen("/usr/share/locale-langpack/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo", O_RDONLY) = 23fstat64(23, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=14943, ...}) = 006:16
benjiemmap2(NULL, 14943, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 23, 0) = 0xb477c00006:16
benjieclose(23)                               = 006:16
benjiestat64("/usr/share/locale-langpack/en/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo", 0xbffff038) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)06:16
eyequeuemichael_:  heh, figures06:16
benjiewrite(2, "\nRhythmbox-ERROR **: file rb-ipo"..., 13406:16
benjieRhythmbox-ERROR **: file rb-ipod-source.c: line 478 (rb_ipod_get_itunesdb_path): assertion failed: (mount_point != NULL)06:16
michael_eyequeue: so i looked at the differences in configuration, and i noticed that the sound blaster live card is listed FIRST for the livecd, and listed LAST for my installed version06:16
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michael_eyequeue: so from that i can conclude that the order of the device matters06:17
typotritium: there's also 2.6.11 there, should I try that?06:17
eyequeuemichael_:  hmm, i wonder why the livecd differs?  maybe some devel would know?06:17
tritiumtypo, no, that's not supported yet06:17
kkathmanwhat is the command to add XFCE to the Sessions list when you log on?06:17
thoreauputicbenjie: hrmph - *please* don't paste in the channel like that06:17
typotritium: ok06:17
geneo93well it does erase disk contents the one i have anyway Brend06:17
eyequeuemichael_:  *nod* i'd think so too06:17
Brendgeneo93: Then why isn't it called "Disk Eraser"? :)06:17
ggeeckoanyone here use pine and gmail??06:17
BrendThe irresponsibility of this is just mind boggling.06:18
michael_eyequeue: im looking into a way to BLACKLIST the devices i don't want06:18
geneo93its IBM stuff06:18
benjiethoreauputic: sorry, I'm new at this, my ettiquete is non-exsistent yet. I appologize06:18
michael_eyequeue: since i can't switch the order(dont know how) at least i can eliminate the unwanted ones from ever loading06:18
eyequeuemichael_:  hotplug, and,um, "that other package" heh06:18
eyequeuemichael_:  man i'm braindead tonight06:18
thoreauputicbenjie: it seems to be having a barf about locales as far as I can see - but I'm not expert enough to parse the problem I'm sfraid06:18
ggeeckowhats the difference between coldplug and hotpkug06:19
geneo93Brend:  i have the util on floppy but i dont know if i can read it here06:19
Daehliewhat is the default cdrom device in ubuntu, I tried to mount /dev/hdc since my dvd drive is the secondary master06:19
eyequeuemichael_:  i'd blacklist the modem if i needed too, since i haven't used it ever since i got this laptop06:19
michael_eyequeue: i just found something helpful at http://occy.net/node/5706:19
thoreauputicbenjie: for future reference, use pastebin.com or similar06:19
benjiethoreauputic: alright, well I'll try to work it out. Thanks anyways for your time and patience06:19
thoreauputicbenjie: good luck06:20
Brendgeneo93: Our best plan right now is to rebuild the server from scratch, reinstall our tools, recover our repositories from checkouts, and then charge IBM for two lost man-months.06:20
benjiethoreauputic: thanks06:20
michael_eyequeue: it's basically what we might have to do to get our audio working06:20
eyequeuemichael_:  cool, is that your laptop?06:20
michael_eyequeue: no, that's just some random site i found06:20
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geneo93Brend:  i'm going to see what the readme says if i can06:21
typolooks like xorg doesn't like being updated while it's running06:21
eyequeuemichael_:  i'll have to see if the modem pops up first in /dev/sndstat tomorrow, that would answer that for me06:21
michael_eyequeue: okay good luck06:22
typoshould I use a 686 kernel image?06:22
Fackamatoif you have a pentium3 or newer, yes06:22
pvocehas anyone else had problems installing nvidia drivers from the installer they provided?06:23
Fackamatonot me06:23
Fackamatowhat "problems" ?06:23
eyequeuemichael_:  thanks06:23
geneo93does ubuntu have dosemu by default06:23
tritiumpvoce, I use the ubuntu .debs rather than nvidia installers06:23
Fackamatogeneo93: of course not, maybe in the repos tho06:23
pvoceI had to get the source headers, but even giving the instaler the path of the headers, the installer cant find them06:24
geneo93Fackamato:  k thanks06:24
tritiumdosemu is in the repos06:24
eyequeuegeneo93:  Filename: pool/universe/d/dosemu/dosemu_1.2.1-3_i386.deb06:24
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pvocetritum: I did too, but its not hardware accelerated, or at elast I cant find how to enable acceleration06:24
eyequeuegeneo93:  so you do need universe, not just main06:24
tritiumpvoce, what's wrong with the ubuntu packages?06:24
tritiumyes, it06:24
geneo93oh i have them all06:25
tritiumis hardware accelerated06:25
geneo93just trying to look at readme on floppy drive06:25
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pvocetritum, I beleive you, but I am having a difficult time getting it the card to act like it:)06:26
geneo93Brend:  looks like i'll have to goto windows machine06:26
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Fackamatoall packages are compiled for i386, with no optimizations, right?06:27
typowhy have linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 and linux-image-2.6.10-4-386?06:27
pvocetritium: the fps rates are so low I wonder if im using an old CL06:27
tritiumpvoce, that's odd - it's accelerated for me06:28
Fackamatotypo: different versions, newer = better06:28
YomicThis is just a question a couriosity, but, what is the 'windows' key used for in Ubuntu :D?06:28
eyequeueokay, someone explain this for me please?  Applications > SystemTools .... gkrellm *was* there earlier, but doens't show up now .... yet, it's in the folder when i browse to it via applications://     what gives?06:28
FackamatoYomic: nothing by default afaik06:28
typoFackamato: but why different packages for different versions?06:29
virtualdFackamato: they do have optimizations, but not for newer cpu instructions. that doesn't matter much for other stuff than multimedia apps though, and they are cpu optimized06:29
thoreauputictypo: because one is an update of the other and some people might need the older one for driver compatibility ?06:29
Fackamatovirtuald: true06:29
typothoreauputic: ah, ok06:29
nisYomic: to order chaos06:29
tritiumpvoce, I'll be back...06:29
Fackamatotypo: newer stuff might work for others, break stuff for others06:29
Fackamatoand since it's kernels, it's good to have versions to choose frmo06:29
pvocenot to sound too naive, but is there a setting unique to ubuntu that I am missing?...06:30
virtualdi wonder if a cpu optimized libc would make a difference06:30
eyequeuetypo:  one other thought, in diagnosing a problem... "which kernel are you running?"  a specific answer might pin down what change broke things06:30
YomicHow do I do the Linux/Ubuntu equivalent of alt+ codes of Windows06:30
pvoceits just an older GeForce2 DDR06:30
eyequeueYomic:  what does it accomplish, maybe someone knows?06:30
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nisYomic: I think it works already.06:31
nis(used to)06:31
da_bon_bonhi all06:31
Yomicnis: Not for me :/06:31
da_bon_bonheard ubuntu is getting some frowns and hostility from the debian turf ?06:31
nisYomic: stop gdm and try it in vim on console.06:31
typoeyequeue: yeah, good idea06:32
typoI'm off to try this new kernel06:32
nisYomic: (or hotkey into the console if you can)06:32
nis(I can't!)06:32
eyequeueda_bon_bon:  i'd not heard that06:32
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: is this a troll or are you asking for some good reason?06:32
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pvoceall Ive heard is that an invite was extended to userlinux....there was a good write up of Debian in the article06:33
virtualdanyone here know python? how do i import gethostbyaddr when there's already a line that says "from socket import error as socketerror"?06:33
eyequeueda_bon_bon:  i'd imagine IF it was so that it was more likely some human in one project had a sqabble with some human in the other project, people are fallible and all06:33
thoreauputicpvoce: and Bruce Perens was supportive of Ubuntu in his comments on /.06:34
nisYomic: (in vim) :help digraphs06:34
pvocesounds trollish if you ask me06:34
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pvocethor: my ppoint exactly06:34
nisWhat's Perens doing these days?06:35
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jimarkogood day all :D06:36
eyequeueother than writing on /.?   i don't know, heh06:36
thoreauputicnis: user linux as I understand it06:36
nisthoreauputic: rgr. tnx.06:36
BockBilbobye, and thanks for all06:36
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geneo93Brend:  soory cant read any of it its for as400's06:37
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typo2.6.10-5-686 has the same problem06:37
thoreauputiceyequeue: well, Perens was actually "responding" to an irresponsible article post on /.06:37
typoshould I file it then?06:37
syn-ackYAY! the wiki's down,06:37
da_bon_bonhi all06:37
nisYomic: you should be able to enter direct ascii digraphs using cat > file at the console, also. iirc.06:37
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da_bon_bonheard that ubuntu is getting some hostility from the debian turf ?06:37
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pvoceyeppers...its a troll06:37
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: stop it now06:37
eyequeuetrue (i happened to see it, and then the reference to the "invite" thereafter as well)06:38
pvocebonbon: too many people who work in the tech field here to stir up06:38
=== thoreauputic asks if there are ops in the chan and poits them at da_bon_bon
nisI started an iLamp page on that wiki.  It ate my kernel config, which took me about an hour to copy and paste into the web browser text-input field, a dozen lines at a time.06:38
eyequeuei wonder if all these channels are getting similar s*-stirring messages as well, with $DISTRO1 and $DISTRO2     ##slackware #archlinux #kubuntu #ubuntu #fedora06:40
regeya_#kubuntu is not06:40
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: well, the problm was that i got disconnected. sorry... and i am lagging, so i dont know whether its posted or not..06:41
sigwhy is acroread and acroread-plugin kept back?06:41
eyequeueregeya_:  thanks :)06:41
jimarkoYeah, whats the deal with kubuntu? Which version level of KDE is used?06:41
eyequeuesig:  most likely, dependencies, unless you have something on hold06:41
syn-ackon hoary, at least06:41
pvoceprobably....most of us have used more than one....I cut my teeth on slack, used mdk for the past four years, then found ubuntu recently and was bought over06:41
sigeyequeue: weird06:41
nisbtw if you edit ~/.bashrc and add the statement  'export PROMPT_COMMAND=' it will stop doing *that*06:41
syn-ackI cut my teeth on RedHat 5.206:42
pvoceslack 3.6:)06:42
eyequeuesig:  i'd try this command to see if it gives enlightmenment: sudo apt-get install acroread06:42
pvoceaka slack 9606:42
eyequeuesig:  don't let it complete if you don't like what it says it is about to do06:42
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pvoceold 2.2 kernel:)06:42
pvocefvwm for gui06:43
sigeyequeue: yeah broken packages06:43
sigthats why06:43
=== regeya_ didn't get started with linux until 2.0.36
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eyequeuesig:  try   sudo apt-get -f install06:43
syn-ackHell, I forget which kernel was in 5.206:43
sigeyequeue: why would I do that when I just told you it depends on some packages that are broke06:43
pvocethat beats me:)06:43
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Brendgeneo93, well, thanks for trying. There's an IBM engineer on his way, I'm preparing the staple gun for his arrival.06:44
eyequeuesig:  i read that as some of your current packages on the box are broken06:44
balzaci just ordered my ubuntu CDs. It's sweet that shipping is free.06:44
signo a newer package it needs is broke06:44
geneo93Brend:  good luck06:44
pvoceBrend: be more creative than that...alka seltzer for his birds:)06:44
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eyequeuesig:  if hoary, i guess you could wait a couple of days, though you can check to see if it's reported on bugzilla06:45
geneo93Brend:  the IBM engineers i met didn't really help much06:45
sigeyequeue: yeah06:45
sigoh well06:45
eyequeuebalzac:  welcome (soon) to ubuntu :)06:45
signo hurry06:45
sigI hardly use it06:45
=== sig &
pvocebbl all06:45
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balzaceyequeue: thanks06:46
geneo93funny i have nothing to read pcdos706:46
balzaci had two really serious linux geeks recommend ubuntu, plus it's based on debian, so that was enough for me.06:46
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nisnice fonts in ubuntu06:47
balzaci'm picky as hell about software06:47
eyequeuebalzac: i've been quite pleased with it.. any questions at this point?06:47
balzaci'm thinking...06:48
nisI think my idle session problem is solved .. but I haven't let one idle long enough to be sure. ;)06:48
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balzaci'm interested in the people behind it06:48
eyequeuebalzac:  have you run debian before?06:48
balzacseems like some high-integrity people06:49
nis(I'd go away and come back to find the Human Family smiling at me .. instead of all the tasks I had going in open windows!)06:49
balzaci've messed around with it, but i'm no linux geek. i'm just getting started.06:49
eyequeuei'm thnkful for their efforts06:49
tomcatThx for the nudge there earlier, Eyequeue. I've got my webcam module installed, but I thikn I need to reboot to see if it's working with gnomemeeting (as I quit out of the GM 1st time install and now I can't launch it...)06:49
balzacdebian was the most pleasing linux distro so far06:49
balzacfedora reeks too much of redhats commercialism06:49
syn-ackDebain, Ubuntu and Gentoo are the only ones I use anymore.06:50
eyequeuetomcat:  yeah, modules and anything kernel-related sometimes need that dreaded rebioot, heh06:50
jimarkobalzac: +106:50
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syn-ackbalzac: there is nothing wrong with "commercialism" All I ask is that they make a good distro, and they havent had that since RH 7.306:50
eyequeuebalzac:  if debian was a comfortable for you, i think you'll enjoy ubuntu06:50
nissnow plow just went by06:51
jimarkoi came from Fedora C3 to Ubuntu and have used that since.. its nice :)06:51
eyequeuenis:  where are you located?06:51
balzacsyn-ack, i don't like someone's profit-motive to stink up my experience.06:51
niseyequeue: CT USA 73W 42N06:51
eyequeues/comfortable/comfortable fit/06:51
croplogichas anyone else had problems with the warty install?06:51
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factotumby default, does sound work more or less in a "one at a time" way? Like if im playing something in xmms, there wont be any sound for anything else.06:52
syn-ackjimarko: I came from RedHat 5.2, 6.0, 7.3, 8, 9. CorelLinux, Debian and Gentoo. ;)06:52
syn-ackjimarko: I consider myself a distro whore.06:52
eyequeuenis:  ah, i don't know my lat/lon but lake ontario here, warm yesterday, snow today, lol06:52
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nisfactotum: depends on method used.06:52
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niseyequeue: rgr.06:52
michael_eyequeue: i found the solution06:53
eyequeuemichael_:  great06:53
jimarkosyn-ack: i was a red-hatter previous to Fed, and i'd used debian for server. But yeh, as far as recent desktop dabblings are concerned, Ubuntu is the best IMO06:53
thoreauputicfactotum: I seem to get system sounds when using gstreamer apps like rhythmbox, but not with xmms06:53
geneo93syn-ack:  i have 4 on this system06:53
michael_eyequeue: check out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21549&highlight=audio+work06:53
syn-ackbalzac: Guess what, You know who Alan Cox is? Hes one of the prim upstream kernel hackers and guess who he works for? RedHat.06:53
nisfactotum: I tried playing 20 songs at the same time thru xmms.  Was ..  'interesting'.06:53
thoreauputicfactotum: I haven't looked into it since I don't care about system sounds ;)06:53
fangoriousso what's the hoary-updates apt repos that are default disabled?06:54
balzacyeah, he's cool, but it seems like redhat's release schedule is linked too much to their marketing department. i think they have too many suits aboard.06:54
syn-ackjimarko: Depends on what Im using the distro for, I will use Gentoo for things I wouldnt even think about having a binary distro for. It compiles much cleaner.06:54
factotumme neither, im in xfce. An example, playing music means no sound from somthing like a flash animation, if i shut off xmms I then get sound06:54
syn-ackbalzac: I think it's all in your head, personally.06:55
nisthoreauputic: echo "set bell-style none" > ~/.inputrc ;)06:55
factotumah well, no biggie. Just wondering if it was normal for it to work that way06:55
eyequeuemichael_:  the problem i seem to have had is ... there seems to be oss but no alsa in hoary ... is this right?06:55
thoreauputicnis: heh - I didn't mean the system beep - I meant gnome sounds - but thanks for the tip :)06:56
eyequeuefangorious:  on april 7th, after hoary is released, they will ne no longer disabled06:56
thoreauputicnis: I should have been more precise :)06:56
croplogicisnt alsa intertwined with the 2.6 kernel06:56
nisthoreauputic: altho!  I got an error related to ~/.inputrc the other day I'd never seen before!06:56
eyequeuefangorious:  consider them a placeholder at present06:56
fangoriouseyequeue, how do they differ from the security updates repos?06:57
syn-ackcroplogic: as is oss.06:57
michael_eyequeue: i believe alsa is supposed to be there.. go to System->Preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector06:57
balzacdebian is the distro which comes closest to having the blessing of Richard Stallman06:57
syn-ackcroplogic: ALSA is more Userspace.06:57
balzachis blessing means a lot to me.06:57
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nisBless you, my son.06:57
eyequeuefangorious:  "updates" are changes to the stable release, which only happens for hoary on 6 april06:57
thoreauputicbalzac: don't you mean GNU/blessing?  *grin*06:58
syn-ackcroplogic: thats one of the main diffrences with OSS and ALSA. ASLA has userspace tools that OSS doesnt. thats why you can do more with it06:58
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eyequeuemichael_:  okay, i only saw a lack of alsa in the sound icon on the top right, leftclick and "open volume control" and the mixer there was VERY sparse06:59
nisBeing loyal to Stallman is like being loyal to an alcoholic father who used to be nice to you when you were a little boy.06:59
fangoriouseyequeue: ok, I'll just ignore it untill then. thanks06:59
croplogicall i know is it's a good thing, beacause it makes the reality of a linux DAW that much more feasible06:59
fangoriousis gnome NetworkManager available? I've enabled the universe repos and still don't see it06:59
syn-acknis: I call him Stallin... I slip with that EVERY time... heh06:59
eyequeuemichael_:  but i hadn't seen system > preferences > multimedia systems selector, so that could be my problem07:00
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nisUbuntu by definition is about *groups* of people.07:00
balzache's more like marx. stalin was only a dictator, but stallman is a visionary.07:00
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nisI'm quite curious to see how many people buy into that meme.07:01
balzaci like the way stallman has chided the wayward children07:01
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eyequeuenis, well, "humanity toward others" implies not existing in a vacuum :)07:01
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nisbalzac: the GPL is viral, and many object to it, and their arguments are decently organized.07:02
Fackamatohm, when's the next gentoo version coming out07:02
FackamatoI tried gentoo some 4 months ago, didn't play nice :>07:02
niseyequeue: In the spirit of King and Christ .. I love you, eyequeue /Albert /Twin Peaks07:03
syn-ackFackamato: Gentoo doesnt have versions.07:03
balzacit's not just a meme. what they have in common is having their eyes on the utopian future where parasitic, unregulated capitalism is pushed aside.07:03
syn-ackper se.07:03
=== Fackamato <3 mulled wine
nis(original remark directed to Sheriff Truman)07:03
Fackamatosyn-ack: releases then? :o07:03
balzacstallman doesn't like small-minded profit-driven motives interfering with his user experience.07:03
fangoriousi'm having trouble with my linksys 802.11b car, should be supported by the orinoco driver07:03
eyequeuenis:  i suspect i lack the television exposure to understand that properly, but, "um, thanks?" :)  it sounds positive at least07:04
fangoriouscar => card07:04
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syn-ackFackamato: ask in #gentoo.07:04
W3BMAST3R101does any one here use tor?07:04
nisbalzac: there's an intolerance under the surface there.   Watch for it, says I.07:04
syn-ackFackamato: I still use the 1.4 installer.07:04
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eyequeuefangorious:  i'm about to speak of 802.11g, not 802.11b, so bear that in mind07:05
Brendnis, by the time people get to chanting slogans at the capitalist pigs, reasonable suggests are futile :)07:05
Fackamatosyn-ack: Right.07:05
ellsI must ask. Where is the directory where the kernel is kept07:05
Fackamato/boot/ for the image, /usr/src for the source07:05
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tritiumhi ells.  You're back...07:06
Wildthingis there an equivalent of karamba/superkaramba for gnome?07:06
balzacnis, one can't be in a hurry for social evolution, but that doesn't mean one has to be satisfied with the status quo. I don't buy into everything either marx or stallman ever wrote, but I can see the parallels between buddhist and socialist principles.07:06
eyequeuefangorious:  the linksys card, of the *same* model number etc, had at least four different revisions, all of which used a *different* chipset (and thus required a different driver) as ridiculous as that sounds07:06
nisBrend: when we get to to 'Microsoft Distribution' of Linux then I'm worried.  ;)07:06
jdubnis: the GPL is not "viral". at every point, someone using GPL code a) has a responsibility to understand the license and b) has every option to not use the code.07:06
tritiumWildthing, gdesklets07:06
Wildthingoh ok07:06
Wildthingi thought those were only for like weather things07:06
nisells: /07:06
eyequeuefangorious:  quite the pain determining this of course, when someone tells you that you need driver "foo" for that model, etc.   is it possible that the same is true of yours?07:07
tritiumells, shall we finish up the new hard drive stuff?07:07
nisjdub: Perhaps.07:07
fangoriouseyequeue, i've been using the orinoco driver bundled with the kernel for a long time, FC 1-3, ubuntu warty, ...07:07
balzaci happen to believe that when people become mature enough to realize their self-interests are aligned with the interests of others, some kind of socialist equilibrium emerges.07:07
jdubnis: there is no perhaps about it.07:07
Brendbalzac, a whole lot of people through history have believed that, and been emphatically wrong about it :)07:08
eyequeuefangorious:  oh, the same physical card?  then you know it's that driver, ignore what i said07:08
fangoriouseyequeue, :)07:08
ellstritium: actually, I got this wireless card, and thought I would try to get it working07:08
nisjdub: perhaps.07:08
balzacthat is based on maturity and individual development. it can never be forced on people from outside.07:08
ellstritium: feel up to it07:08
tritiumells, I have the solution for your hard drive I believe07:08
michael_anyone, how do i check what version of kernel i'm running through the terminal?07:08
|QuaD-jdub: can you comment on the availability of beagle and ifolder in breezy>07:09
ellswell, I am not home right now07:09
tritiummichael_, uname -r07:09
jdubnis: not a response that indicates you're willing to learn, unfortunately.07:09
nisjdub: wtf?07:09
tritiumells, oh07:09
jdub|QuaD-: beagle might make it into hoary universe, unfortunately the goal posts have been moving a fair bit.07:09
ellstritium: at school07:09
jdub|QuaD-: ifolder is still in a pretty terrible state (and doesn't do p2p yet, which makes it far less useful).07:09
ellstritium: kind of on break07:09
tritiumells, i see.07:10
ellstritium: want to try the wireless card, just to see07:10
balzacBrend, collectivism prevails when conditions are ripe for it. individualism prevails when conditions are ripe for it.07:10
tritiumells, ok07:10
|QuaD-jdub: as to beagle... hoary is going to be released in around a week, when would we see beagle? in regards to ifolder: i didn't realize it was in a bad state, it is just a nice way to share files07:10
ellstritium: I will put the card in then07:10
tritiumells, /msg me07:11
jdub|QuaD-: beagle 0.0.7 has already been uploaded, it's just not in yet07:11
tritiumjdub, you rock07:11
jdub|QuaD-: 0.0.8 requires a new point release of mono07:11
balzacthere's no hurry and no need to politicize it, since it depends entirely upon individual development.07:11
jdubbalzac: this is pretty off topic for this channel, take it elsewhere please07:11
|QuaD-jdub: its been uploaded? what are we waiting for to allow it to be used?07:11
croplogic<michael>  locate kernel07:12
jdub|QuaD-: nothing in particular07:12
|QuaD-jdub: haha, alright, i am just excited about it, can't wait to try it07:12
jduban i386 package available there07:12
|QuaD-ok :) i will add it07:13
|QuaD-to ,u apt... thanks07:13
jdubno, you'll have to download it manually07:13
jdubhi EricNeon07:14
|QuaD-jdub: ohh :( then that throws off apt07:14
nomasteryodaif anyone here can adapt the gnome-suse netapplet for other systems such as ubuntu, the benefits would be awesome07:14
EricNeonI am come form China07:14
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eyequeuea gnome 2.10 question, i believe.  will there be a simple mehod to add custom program "launchers" to application submenus? (a la applications:///)07:14
jdubEricNeon: you're the same eric who requested the cn list?07:14
jdubah yes07:14
jdubcool :-)07:14
netsackwhat's the "best" version of gcc/g++ that we should probably install on hoary?07:14
EricNeonnow , the ubuntu wiki site looks has wrong07:14
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jdubeyequeue: not in gnome 2.10, there are a bunch of menu editors available though07:15
crimsunnetsack: the default, 3.3.x, unless you have amd64, in which case you probably want 3.4.x07:15
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EricNeonmaybe it is my blame07:15
jdubEricNeon: what's happened?07:15
eyequeuejdub:  well, perhaps i should have said s/gnome 2.10/hoary/07:15
netsackcrimsun, thanks.07:15
jdubeyequeue: not in main07:15
elcuHi, anyone willing to answer a few questions 'bout installing the ATI driver?07:16
EricNeonI create a wiki page for chinese team,then the ubuntu-wiki is down07:16
EricNeonnow ,the ubuntu-wiki main fontpage looks as:07:17
EricNeonSite error07:17
EricNeonThis site encountered an error trying to fulfill your request. The errors were:07:17
EricNeonError Type07:17
EricNeon    AttributeError07:17
EricNeonError Value07:17
EricNeon    FrontPage07:17
EricNeonRequest made at07:17
eyequeuejdub:  seems unfortunate, something to consider for breezy?   i presume theres something in hoary/universe that a relative newbie could be talked through?07:17
EricNeon    2005/03/24 06:03:38.984 GMT07:17
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fangoriouseyequeue, heh, I had the SSID messed up, it works now07:19
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EricNeonjdubcan you fix it?07:19
Wildthingwoah gdesklets just crashed my X07:19
fangoriousso does anyone know if hoary is going to include NetworkManager?07:19
tritiumfangorious, no, it won't07:19
elcuok, i'll just put my question out there: according to this guide [http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto] , installing the ATI driver requires the use of apt-get.07:19
eyequeuefangorious:  heh, glad it's working, frustrating when it turns out to be completely outside where you were looking :)07:19
fangorioustritium, bummer.07:19
elcuProblem is, I don't have a working net connection in Linux07:20
jdubEricNeon: did you edit the front page? if so, what did you change?07:20
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nisEricNeon: I had identical error last night.07:21
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EricNeonI don't know how can I edit the front page07:21
nisjdub: the wiki's broken.07:21
jdubEricNeon: did you change anything, or did you just find this?07:21
EricNeonI add a table for chineseteam07:21
jdubnis: that's what we're discussing right now.07:21
eyequeueelcu:  someone else may have a better solution (i hope) ... meanwhile, could you download the files manually (at work) and use floppy or cd to transfer them to your ubuntu machine?07:21
jdubEricNeon: hrm, well, that page works fine :-)07:22
EricNeonthen I find my wrong,07:22
nisjdub: the error page served up has no decorations on it at all.07:22
eyequeueelcu:  actally, you're on now, so could you use that net connection, rather than a work machine07:22
elcueyequeue: which files?  i got the rpm from ati.com, is it possible to use that instead?07:23
EricNeonso I undo something at it07:23
EricNeonbut ,it looks not fine in my firefox07:23
croplogicanyone know if the apt package for the k7 optimized kernel just "linux k-7"?07:23
tritiumcroplogic, apt-cache search linux-image | grep k707:24
eyequeueelcu:  no idea which files, i don't ave ati ... what i would do (and this will require booting to linux) run the apt-get command, which of course will not work, but write down the files it tries to grab07:24
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Echylohmm I see that there is an firefox update will it fix the download bug?07:24
niswow.  the error's propagated to the base page of the wiki.07:24
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tritiumEricNeon should be commended for bringing up the issue rather than avoiding it07:25
nisI tried posting almost 1000 lines to a new page last night, and the wiki broke *right then*. /paranoid.07:25
eyequeueelcu:  then grab them manually, they will end in ".deb" and put them in a work directory you create in linux.  change to that directory and run "sudo dpkg --install *.deb"07:25
elcueyequeue: ah, ok.  noob question again: where do i get the files it tells me to get?07:25
eyequeueelcu:  let me find you an example07:26
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embrylI've got a question about java... does anyone know where java detects/finds what language the applications should be in? All of my java apps are in japanese by default for some reason... i want to change it back to english.07:27
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
niselcu: you can generally prepend 'http://www.mytarget.com/ubuntu/'  to the /pool/foo path and use wget to get the file.07:28
tritiumelcu, which kernel do you have?07:28
eyequeueelcu:  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-
nisprepend 'wget ' to that.07:29
michael_anyone, i just did a tar xvjf on a tar.bz2 file.. i then tried to do a ./configure.... and i get the error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH... how do i fix this?07:29
eyequeueelcu:  that's not a file you want probably, but you see the path there?  manually browse to the right location07:29
nis(and to resume, prepend 'wget -c ' to it)07:29
eyequeuenis:  i hit the right file, by sheer luck??07:29
elcunis: i don't have a working connection in ubuntu07:29
embrylsorry, it looks like everyone's busy....?  can someone help me search for this answer...? I'm only getting results on google about programming in java...07:29
niseyequeue: no I assumed you knew what you were doing, man. ;)07:30
embrylinstead of finding out where java detects its language...07:30
elcutritium: i'm running warthog07:30
niselcu: try substituting 'ftp://' for 'http://' there.07:30
niselcu: in your browser.07:30
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tritiumelcu, okay, eyequeue has already pointed you to the right place ;)07:30
eyequeueelcu:  browse to the  directory that apt-get says the file is in, it will be "most" of what you need, add the rest per my example (like "pool")07:30
eyequeueelcu:  you'll probably need a coiple of debs, so write down the whole list of what you need while in linux07:31
nisright.  you can right-click on the file in a good web browser.07:31
elcueyequeue: brilliant. i'll try that. thanks07:31
balzacEchylo, the download bug? You mean how it won't resume?07:31
eyequeueelcu:  you do know this will require a couple of reboots, right?  sorry i can't think of a simpler way for you07:31
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niseyequeue: what's they trying to do?07:32
eyequeuenis:  he needs ati, and i've never touched that, i was just guessing heh07:32
elcueyequeue: so using rpms, and then converting them to debs is something to avoid? (sorry, been a mandrake user for a long time, 1st time with ubuntu)07:32
niswhy?  why use ati?07:32
elcueyequeue: i'm not afraid of reboots :)07:33
eyequeuenis:  he's got no net in linux, so he's manually fetching the debs, to dpkg -i after he goes back to linux07:33
niswhy not boot a generic kernel?07:33
elcunis: i don't have 3d support07:33
FackamatoATi has working 3D acceleration with fglrx .07:33
eyequeuenis:  i presume he needs ati for his graphics card, though i don't know why he has no net07:33
niselcu: you don't need 3d support to use wget tho. ;)07:33
eyequeueFackamato:  you mean i stumbled upon the right file by sheer luck ?? :)07:34
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PuGzfor the first time ever!07:34
PuGzand i thought... what better than to go brag about it!07:34
PuGzi realise you probably all have it07:35
PuGzi dont care!07:35
ubuntuhi, anyone know how to load Ubuntu LiveCD onto RAM so that the DVD-RW drive is free to burn discs?07:35
eyequeuenis:  i wasn't pointing him to wget because i dind't know the exactr file, wanted him to be able to browse after he found the file requirements (via apt-get)07:35
niseyequeue: I threw an old Tatung EGA card into a spare debian box the other day and logged in using my /televsion/ and the composite monitor port of the Tatung card.  No special kernel.07:35
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Echylono balzac here it won't downloadn anything07:35
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Quinn_StormPuGz: I have 3 megabit down cable :-P but seriously I know how you feel, when I first got broadband it was amazing07:35
eyequeuePuGz:  i feel your thrill :)  now, rather than short lines in irc, go download something huge like the kernel source and rejoice, heh07:36
niseyequeue: I think I get it. tnx.07:36
virtualdPuGz: i have an ethernet outlet besides my appartment door :D07:36
Echylocome on don't ruin his fun07:36
PuGzQuinn_Storm, mine is 8000 Kbs adsl07:36
PuGznot bad!07:36
balzacEchylo, i've never experienced that one.07:37
PuGznot quite 3 Mb... but 1!07:37
PuGzvirtuald, hehe07:37
EchyloI'm experiencing it all the time ;)07:37
Quinn_StormPuGz: nice, must not be in the US...and if its 8000Kbit that's well over 3Mbit07:37
PuGzdamn its good07:37
|QuaD-PuGz: i got 2 10mbit connections :)07:37
balzacv1.01 ?07:37
PuGzapt-gets are soo much faster now!07:37
Echyloprobably :-)07:37
Echylowould be bad if it wasn't faster07:38
eyequeuePuGz:  and um, *cough* graphic web sites, heh07:38
EricNeonChinese Ubuntu-Team is out! Welcome to ours channel  ----->#ubuntu-zh07:38
balzacwell, i hope it gets sorted out soon. downloading is the one thing that's troubled me with firefox. resuming downloads, specifically.07:38
Echylowell 1.02 is out I think07:38
eyequeuepictures of kitties and doggies, of course07:38
balzacmy boy asa is on the case. maybe i can get him to bump up the priority of that bug.07:38
Echylolets try the download07:39
eyequeueEricNeon:  congratulations07:39
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EricNeonthanks a lot!07:39
PacoBCNhey, has anyone seen NeroLinux?07:40
PuGzPacoBCN, no07:40
PuGzwhats it like?07:40
PacoBCNlike Nero for windows07:40
=== nis has fiddled with it a bit /bad joke
eyequeuePacoBCN:  not i, but i've heard it has a reasonable user interface07:40
Echylojay balzac error is fixed here(fx 1.0.2)07:40
johngama1000does anyone know about loading and running Ubuntu LiveCD from RAM?07:40
PuGzbrb - reboot after dist-upgrade07:41
PacoBCNyes, like the one in WIndows07:41
nisPuGz: cool.07:41
balzacEchylo, glad to hear it.07:41
Echylohope your bug gets fixed soon07:41
eyequeuejohngama1000:  if you find out, putting it on the wiki would be good for others ... hence, someone might have done that already?07:42
nisbalzac: is that your name?07:42
=== nis knows that name.
Echyloof course he is a famous writer07:42
Echyloah french one :p07:42
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PacoBCNbut it's not free07:42
balzacnis, just a nick.07:42
Benjamin_Ldoes anyone here know how to configure webalizer for firefox ?07:42
eyequeueBenjamin_L:  is it an extension?07:43
Benjamin_Lits a webstatistic program ^^07:43
Benjamin_Loops statistics07:43
PacoBCNread this:07:44
PacoBCNNeroLINUX is FREE of charge if you register:07:44
PacoBCN    * A Full Version of Nero Software Version 6.3 or higher07:44
PacoBCN      Retail Version or Downloaded Version07:44
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eyequeueBenjamin_L:  typically Tools > Extensions, then slect the one you want, then click Options07:44
Benjamin_Li know how to install extensions :)07:44
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Benjamin_Lbut i want firefox to show up in the statistics, anyone got a good .conf file for that ?07:44
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|QuaD-Benjamin_L: as in you want to know how many people use ff?07:46
Benjamin_Lyeah, at the moment i only see the different user agents in the statistics but I want to group the same ones07:46
michael_eyequeue: okay i found the definite solution to the problem.. i know this because IVE GOT SOUND FINALLY! :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=100610&postcount=707:46
EricNeonthis is kubuntu living in chinese http://www.linuxsky.net/down/ftproot/incoming/f33k4/scrothot/01015.png07:46
eyequeuemichael_:  cool07:48
eyequeuemichael_:  i'd say the only barrier i might encounter then is if for some reason the alsamixer and friends are somehow omitted from the livecd07:49
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lrojascould i realistically expect to perform a succesfull install of this : LAMP, WINE, CEDEGA, Mono-Project, PPTP MPPE, FireWire, USB FileSystem, gtkPod, QuickTime, mp3, DivX, RealMedia.08:00
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=== n4cht [~warty@pcp0011329456pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
n4chtok... how hard will it be to upgrade from warty to hoary?  according to the website, you should never have to 'reinstall'.. so does that mean all upgrading is done online, like it suggests?08:01
tritiumlrojas, you might look at vpnc if you have a vpn that uses pptp or mppe08:02
eyequeuen4cht:  simple, as far as your typing a few things, but could be long if you're on dialup08:02
eyequeuen4cht:  you edit a file, /etc/apt/sources.list, then type two commands, then wait an eternity if you're on dialup for the downloading, heh08:03
n4chteyequeue, that's awesome.   i'm considering making the switch from mepis to ubuntu.  with mepis, to upgrade, you have to keep /home in a diff. partition, and 'preserve' it after downloading, and burning the newest copy of mepis.08:03
nisyeah I still haven't chosen a kernel source yet.08:03
nisI'm still leaning toward the benh kernel if it's still active.08:03
_4`awn4cht> hoary is an ubuntu version08:04
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eyequeuen4cht:  well, the "official" recommendation no doubt is probably to back up your /home beforehand, that's a good precaution, but i'll bet 99% will upgrade without it and have no problem08:04
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n4chteyequeue, excellent.08:05
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nisThe 'passwd -l' issue is unresolved in warty-powerpc for runlevel 1.  Wiki (or the doco, can't recall) says its resolved tho.08:05
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n4chtwhat kernel does hoary come with?08:05
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lynxxso kopete got shut down?08:05
samatmangot a question08:05
eyequeuen4cht:  2.6.10 i think, but i'm on warty08:06
Fackamaton4cht: up to 2.6.11 is available, I think it comes with 2.6.10 by default, or 2.6.808:06
FackamatoAre there any issues with the AMD64 version of Hoary?08:06
FackamatoOr does everything work as good as on 32bit.08:06
samatmani had no problems at all08:06
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eyequeueFackamato:  "come" yes, i know i heard someone saying something today, though it sounded minor ... it's still not release date after all08:07
samatmanhow od you find out if you have hoary or warty?  i forgot to label my burned cd's so i picked one and installed08:07
nisholy <foo> it's after two.08:07
Fackamatoit's 8am and I haven't slept yet ;P08:07
elcueyequeue: back again. i'm really sorry to ask again, i wrote down the dpkg command and saved the ftp site, but i forgot the apt-get command to check which packages i need.08:07
eyequeuesamatman:  dpkg -l dpkg08:07
n4chti'm running warty livecd right now.   i couldn't decide between warty or hoary, but now that i know hoary comes with a kernel newer than 2.6.7, i think my decision has been made.08:07
Fackamaton4cht: No need to use warty over hoary imo. :>08:08
eyequeueelcu:  let's see, the ati right?  you said you had some web site with directions?  i don't know it offhand, but run whatever that website said08:08
eyequeuen4cht:  ii  dpkg           1.10.22ubuntu2 Package maintenance system for Debian08:08
samatmannothing says 'hoary' or 'warty'08:08
n4chtthanks a bunch folks.  i'll be back (hopefully) in the next hour or so, running hoary.  :)08:09
samatman1.10.22ubuntu2 is warty?08:09
eyequeuen4cht:  that's the output for that i get on warty, if you have hoary, it will be higher08:09
nisan HOUR!08:09
samatmanahh, ok08:09
elcueyequeue: "sudo apt-get install xfree86-driver-fglrx"? [http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto] 08:09
kkathmanhey eyequeue was it you that mention XFCE earlier?08:10
n4chtnis, it usually only takes me 25 mins or so to install most distros.  factor in rebooting to mepis, downloading the hoary iso, and burning it.. then installing, i'd say about an hour.08:10
eyequeueelcu:  okay, run that command in linux, and write down all the errors it gets08:10
nisgah. that's awesome, n4cht.08:10
elcuthanks again.08:10
eyequeueelcu:  and of course, any other commands it suggests08:10
eyequeuekkathman:  nope, sorry08:11
niselcu: what OS u use to get the files?08:11
elcunis: i'm on xp at the mo'08:11
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kkathmanwell, maybe you can help..I did an apt-get install xfce but it doesnt show up in my Sessions now08:11
=== caffinated thinks n4cht has never installed gentoo ;)
niselcu: so add XP filesystem support to linux and mount the volume.  ;)08:11
elcueyequeue: do you mean "packages" it suggest?08:12
lynxxShorewall any good?08:12
eyequeueelcu:  yes, there may be more than one, the rest will be dependencies, and are equally as needed08:12
caffinatednis: you shouldn't need to add it to ubuntu - it comes with NTFS readonly support out of the box ;)08:12
caffinatedthough, it doesn't seem to add the entries to fstab, and it probably should08:12
elcunis: i already mounted windows in ro mode08:13
eyequeuelynxx:  no personal experience, but i know some admins that swear by it, and i generally respect them08:13
lynxxty eyequeue08:13
niselcu: so it's just the matter of accessing the outside world via ethernet or modem?08:13
elcucaffinated: i had problems with grub not booting windows08:13
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XbruceXis NNTP authentication clear-text like FTP08:13
elcunis: yes that's right, my dial-up modem doesn't seem to work with any distro so far08:13
niselcu: can  you minicom to a shell account at your ISP?08:13
lynxxyou have any personal favs eyequeue?08:13
eyequeuelynxx:  of course, those who want to do everything manually will tell you it's vile, heh08:13
caffinatedelcu: interesting, it worked for me without any tweaking at all.  ubuntu was very good with the grub bootloader08:13
samatmanwhat package do i d/l for kernel sources?08:14
niselcu: and use sz?08:14
samatmanis it the [kernel #] .orig.gz?08:14
lynxxlol god forbid you should have to do any work running linux huh eyequeue lol08:14
elcucaffinated: well, i had drake 9.1 and i overwrote the partitions.  plus i'm a noob i guess.08:14
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BeirdoHeya all...08:14
niselcu: winmodem?08:14
caffinatedelcu: oh.  well, frying your partitions would probably stop you from booting an OS heh08:14
eyequeuelynxx:  i actually tend to go with raw iptables, but i don't have a bias against something like that, want to play with it when i have free time08:15
Beirdoanyone here use vservers under hoary preview?08:15
elcuelcu: never bothered to try, i'm afraid08:15
lynxxroger that eyequeue08:15
eyequeuelynxx:  firestarter is popular, and the ubuntuguide explains its isntallation08:15
niselcu: what does 'ls -la /dev/ttyS0' say?08:16
elcunis: i mainly use linux for work.  i spend more time in windows.08:16
elcunis: i'm not in linux so i couldn't tell u08:16
deFryskelcu, windows needs a lot of spending time yes08:16
eyequeueelcu:  which you use for play? :)08:16
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niselcu: do u have a 2nd working machine or do u reboot each time?08:16
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lynxxrgr that eyequeue08:17
elcueyequeue: windows08:17
eyequeueelcu:  though i'd die if i had to, i can see an advantage to *not* having the net when you hav to get work done, no distractions08:17
elcunis: dualboot. bit of a pain, i know, but i'm sharing the comp with Windows users who wouldn't think of changing.08:17
niselcu: got it.08:17
niselcu: so we can't interact with u when Linux is up, is that it?08:18
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phxguyreal e-z question... I think. what is the command to stop the xserver08:18
elcunis:yep, i'm not willing to go the full transition anyway.  u can probably tell i have had problems in the past.08:19
eyequeueyou probably want    sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:19
nisphxguy: /etc/init.d/gdm stop (if gdm is running)08:19
deFryskinit 208:19
niselcu: you seem well-adjusted to me. ;)08:19
eyequeuedeFrysk:  actually, in ubuntu runlevels 2 3 4 and 5 are the same08:19
deFryskeyequeue, ooh08:20
elcueyequeue: i still manage to find ways to procrastinate in linux though.  i have a tv in the same room. :)08:20
eyequeueelcu:  heh, there's always a way to avoid work08:20
phxguynis: do i need to have sudo in front of that?08:20
=== deFrysk is infected with fedora's inits
nisphxguy: yes08:20
phxguyok thanks for your help08:20
elcunis: cheap shot :)08:20
nisphxguy: root is the only one who can stop gdm08:20
eyequeuephxguy:  sudo means "do this as root" which is needed for most anything that would effect all users on the machine08:21
nisphxguy: that command tells the start-stop daemon to stop gdm.08:21
lynxxhrm at first i didnt like ubuntu but...i think im really starting to get into it08:21
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elcuwell, i'm off.  u might be seeing me again.  hopefully to announce success. :)08:22
elcuthanks again.08:22
niselcu: good luck.08:23
lynxxgl elcu08:23
nisexcept for a winmodem he should have ppp by now.08:23
nisor maybe it's a newfangled USB support issue.08:23
samatmanwhat are the linux image packages i see?08:23
nissamatman: kernels?08:24
eyequeuesamatman:  kernels08:24
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nissamatman: might c.f. the days when  you had to burn a kernel to a diskette to boot Linux.08:24
samatmani'm looking for kernel sources and i keep seeing things that say 'image' and 'orig08:25
nisThe standard compile of the kernel produces an image suitable to directly dd it to a disk.08:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ
eyequeuesamatman:  look for linux-source, under l08:25
samatmanunder l?08:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*Maynard1@*.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] by daniels
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eyequeuesamatman:  you're in the archive?  pool?08:26
=== n4cht [~n4cht@pcp0011329456pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
samatmani haven't seen the phrase archive or pool so i can't say08:26
samatmani'm searching from google08:26
n4chtyay.  hoary is more than half-way downloaded.08:27
eyequeueIndex of /ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-
samatmanon my machine?08:27
eyequeueon http://archive.ununtu.com/08:27
samatmanahh, thanks08:27
eyequeuespelled right of course08:27
nisn4cht: I grabbed about 360 megs of .deb files to get warty going .. via 56k dialup. ;)08:27
lynxxmy root password isnt working when i want to open firestarter08:28
n4chti'm so glad it's debian based.  i haven't used anything but debian in 3 years when i switched from slackware.08:28
eyequeueor just wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-
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eyequeuelynxx:  user password, for sudo08:29
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nislynxx: sudo passwd root08:29
samatmando i want .deb .dsc?08:29
=== din is dling ubuntu atm :)
eyequeuesamatman:  you want the deb08:29
nissamatman: .dsc for source-builds (dpkg-source I think)08:29
=== gilbert is now known as gilbs72
eyequeuesamatman:  the others are used to build debs btw08:29
n4cht360mb?  pfft.   that's nothing.  i've been downloading for 17 mins, and i've snagged over 400MB of hoary.  :D08:29
nisotoh I have no place to store 400MB.08:30
dini'm just wondering, what kind of package management does ubuntu have? is it an rpm distro?08:30
deFryskrpm ? buhahahahah!!08:30
n4chtit's debian based.08:30
eyequeuesamatman:  typically, you always want the deb, unless you want to manually change things around while making your own version of a deb08:30
n4chtso... .deb.  dpkg.08:30
n4chthow many rpm distros are there anyway?  just redhat and fedora, right?08:31
nisdin: dpkg08:31
deFryskn4cht, and mdk08:31
eyequeuen4cht:  and a ton of variants08:31
samatmanuname -a produces:    and i see this:  l linux-source-
samatmanwill that work?08:31
dinwell i'm migrating from gentoo cuz of hd failure08:31
eyequeuesamatman:  yes08:31
=== n4cht loves dpkg.
samatmanfor compiling modules?08:31
dini don't have the time to sit 6 hours to reinstall gentoo08:31
eyequeuesamatman:  yes08:31
n4chtdin, ubuntu uses dpkg, which also means apt.  (apt is very similar to emerge)08:32
eyequeuedin:  it's a different mindset from gentoo, be aware08:32
nisdin: I migrated off gentoo last week.08:32
deFryskdin if you like gentoo you could do a quick gentoo install with vidalinux08:32
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dinwell i'm tired of gentoo for a while08:33
dini need a change :)08:33
eyequeuedin:  slackware may be closer, if you want that08:33
n4chti got sick of gentoo fast.08:33
deFryskdin, compiling is highly overrated08:33
dinnah, don't like slackware08:33
dinyeah i know08:33
dini had this gentoo install for over 2 years08:33
eyequeuei don't want slack either, nothing against patrick08:33
nisdin: a gentoo devel told me 'gentoo is for developers'08:34
dinnis: well i like it a lot.. portage owns08:34
deFryskspeed/bleeding makes ubuntu a good choice after leaving gentoo08:34
nisportage rox08:34
dinbut i'm ready for something different08:34
nisI'll .. miss it.08:34
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n4chtdin, if you want something that installs fast, has an amazingly simple package management system, and just plain works...  i'd suggest anything debian based.  i've been using mepis for a while, switching to ubuntu right now.08:34
eyequeuenis:  "what i use is for people like me" iow, heh08:34
nisI also miss the colorized sysvinit08:35
deFryskn4cht, mepis is too slow and too kde centric08:35
dinwell i'm dling the hoary iso right now, so...08:35
niseyequeue: sounds vaguely like David Byrne lyrics ;)08:35
eyequeuenis:  ubuntu has the tiniest taste of colorized, a fail is red08:35
dinyou guys wanna see my last screenshot?08:35
samatmanwhy not08:36
n4chtdeFrysk, first thing i did was ditch kde and switch to fluxbox.  :P08:36
dinbefore migrating hehe08:36
deFryskn4cht, hehe :D08:36
nisI had /one/ gentoo box and about 6 debians.  now I got 7 debians (and chroot into gentoo once in a while)08:36
eyequeuenis:  boot some time with no net, and you'll see the time sync fail for example08:36
Hayden i've already got ubuntu installed, if i install kubuntu can i delete all the gnome-related files later with ease?08:36
n4chti'm probably gonna ditch gnome with ubuntu and use fluxbox too.  i'm a fluxwhore.08:36
niswell 6 debs 1 ubuntu ;)08:36
din<-- fvwm guy08:36
lynxxheh had to open it in root terminal...08:36
niseyequeue: yes I seen red ;)08:36
=== SteveA_ [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
deFryskdin, my desk (ubuntu) http://johanvrt.tomaatnet.nl/mygnome2.10.png08:37
samatmanwhat do you do with a .deb package?08:37
samatmango to console the the sh thingy?08:37
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n4chti just hope the installation process is easy.  i'm trying to ditch my windows partition and share my mepis swap with ubuntu.08:37
ellscan anyone tell me where the linux source directory is on the system08:38
eyequeuesamatman:  in a terminal, type "sudo dpkg --install *.deb"08:38
deFryskells, /usr/src/08:38
eyequeuesamatman:  in a terminal, type "sudo dpkg --install big-long-filename.deb"08:38
ellsthats it08:38
n4chtells, uh.. what do you mean by 'source directory' ?  you mean the root dir, or /usr/src?08:38
ellsnot /usr/src/Linux or something08:38
dindeFrysk: looks good08:39
nissamatman: 'ar x file.deb' to unpack it; dpkg -i file.deb to install it.08:39
dindeFrysk: i'm no gnome guy at all though08:39
ellsn4cht /usr/src08:39
deFryskdin, a few tweaks from art.gnome.org and gdesklets ;)08:39
nissamatman: skip the 'ar' part, that was pedantic.08:39
ellsdeFrysk, not /usr/src/Linux or something08:39
eyequeuesamatman:  -i is short for --install, just wanted you to know what it was baout, not to make you type more, heh08:39
dindeFrysk: well i scripted my desk08:39
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dinthe config file is some 1100 lines long08:40
n4chthas anyone had any problems with getting gdesklets working with ubuntu?  i could never get it to work with mepis, but that's likely because, as was mentioned earlier, it's too kde-centric.08:40
nisells: /usr/src/linux/ is usually a soft link to /usr/src/<kernel-variant-name>08:40
deFryskdin, too complex for me hehe08:40
ellsgot it08:40
ellsnis: so it shoulg be /usr/src/2.6.1008:41
eyequeuen4cht:  weeks ago i saw someone having troubles with it in hoary ... i suspect it's fixed now, i don't see that at all any more08:41
eyequeueells:  more like /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.1008:41
ellseyequeue, in console when i got there, I see the headers but not the source08:42
dinwell i'm off to watch tv08:42
dinthe iso has another hour or so anyway08:42
=== n4cht is away: bathroom break. i have to leave an unpupu.
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ellseyequeue, is this what I am looking for08:42
eyequeueells:  if youi installed that deb, you'll ave a .tar.gz file in that dir08:42
lynxxhrm if i close firestarter will it keep running?08:42
eyequeuelynxx:  you're closing the user interface to it, yeah08:42
ellseyequeue: dont see it08:42
ellseyequeue, how can I check for certain08:43
lynxxrgr that08:43
eyequeueells:  you weren't the one i was helping find the source deb, but were you watching and did it?  or maybe that's why you don't have it? :)08:43
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eyequeueells: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-
ellseyequeue, totally different man08:43
nisells: I don't have it handy but it has the word 'kernel' in it and at least a piece of the revision number in the name of the kerne source's directory.08:44
eyequeueells:  or fetch that any way you like08:44
ellseyequeue, okay08:44
deFryskells, ls /usr/src/08:44
MyNameIsChrisWhat package is required for mp3 support in rhythmbox (warty)?08:44
eyequeueells:  then when you dpkg -i that deb, you'll have that tarball there08:44
deFryskgive the output08:44
ellseyequeue, thanks08:44
eyequeueells:  np08:45
nisdin|tv: latz08:45
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samatmanprobably just a codec08:45
samatmanlike lame08:45
samatmanbut i have no idea for sure08:46
deFryskmylesbraithwaite, gstreamer-mad08:46
eyequeuei think i need to seriously consider messing with the livecd and hoary sound again08:46
deFryskI think08:46
eyequeuei've been putting it off, being tired08:46
samatmananyone here use wine wiht ubuntu?08:46
eyequeuesamatman:  not me, but i definitely see people do it all the time, including with "cedega"08:47
samatmanwork with games well?08:47
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eyequeueyeah, they say cedega is great for that08:47
eyequeuei'm not a gamer myself08:47
samatmanwhat's cedega?08:47
eyequeuethe renaming of "winex"  after some license change or something08:47
deFryskMyNameIsChris, gstreamer-mad08:47
eyequeuei don't know the difference between wine and winex, but they're very related08:48
MyNameIsChrisdeFrysk, cheers08:49
eyequeuei'm surprised some gamer hasn't piped up by now, heh08:49
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samatmanarthur just left too08:49
deFryskMyNameIsChris, also read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats08:49
lobo_nzI think the winex/cedega has support for directx -> opengl translation whereas wine does not08:49
MyNameIsChrisdeFrysk, Yeah, I understand mp3 is not free08:50
MyNameIsChrisBut it is the only format my portable player supports08:50
eyequeuesamatman:  daytime your timezone definnitely has some gamers in here08:50
samatmanif i have internet acces then i'll come by08:50
samatmanrigh tnow i have a long cable dropping through the hallway08:50
samatmanany good virtual cd drive apps for mounting images?08:51
lynxxyou guys have any program reccomendations?08:51
eyequeuelynxx:  i like cat ;)08:51
eyequeuecat (1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output08:51
eyequeuels (1)               - list directory contents08:51
eyequeuethat's another nice one, heh08:51
eyequeuelynxx:  don't take me too seriously there ... but what did you want it to do?08:52
eyequeueseriously, firefox, if you haven't tried it08:52
lobo_nzsamatan: mount is good for that08:52
samatmanmount will mount images?08:53
samatmanMS can suck it08:53
lobo_nziso, there is a howto on ubuntu wiki08:53
samatmanwhat about other formats?08:53
eyequeuesamatman:  man mount, and scroll through the parts that don't apply, but you'll see how terribly powerful that command can be08:53
eyequeuesamatman:  most anything you can imagine, just type "man mount"08:53
lobo_nznot sure but I use bin2iso to convert bin images so I can mount them08:54
samatman.bin that was the other one08:54
wdhlobo_nz, man bin2iso ?08:54
wdhlobo_nz, nevermind..08:54
wdhmisread.. just came out of bed08:55
lobo_nzI downloaded it and compiled it from somewhere, I have it if you want it, its a small program08:55
Fackamatowhat's the limitation with linux and image formats?08:55
Fackamatoit can only mount .iso afaik08:55
Fackamatois it the mount command, the loopback device, or what08:55
eyequeueFackamato:  like bzimage?08:55
eyequeueFackamato:  like bzimage?08:55
eyequeueFackamato:  scratch that, i was thinking kernel image, you were not08:56
=== IRCNinjaMonkey [~chatzilla@ip-169-74.resnet.emich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
IRCNinjaMonkeyHello I was wondering if someone can help me out?08:56
samatmani downloaded the kernel source .deb package, ran that command and found a tarball in my /usr/src directory08:57
samatmanput that through file roller...and got squat08:57
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: go ahead.08:57
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IRCNinjaMonkeyI have a 40 gig hdd currentl formated in fat 32 (was ntfs) and for some odd reason when I go to put Ubuntu on it it only sees it as a 2.1 gb drive08:57
IRCNinjaMonkeywith it formatted either way08:58
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nissamatman: bzcat file.tar.bz2 | tar -xvf -   (or substitute 'zcat' there for .tar.gz)08:58
n4chtok.  i'm back from taking my unpupu.  the hoary iso is done burning.  now to check it, and then install!08:58
n4chtit burned properly.  wee.08:58
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n4chtbe back in about 30 mins or so.08:58
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: that's odd.08:59
IRCNinjaMonkeyand I don't have a way to format it to any of the linux filesystems at this moment... that I now of08:59
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IRCNinjaMonkeyand the drive works in windows08:59
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: boot the install media and dd the first meg with zeros to wipe it clean.08:59
eyequeueIRCNinjaMonkey:  actually, you do have a way, probably08:59
eyequeueIRCNinjaMonkey:  the install disk does formatting, if you ask it to09:00
IRCNinjaMonkeyconfused about nis' response09:00
IRCNinjaMonkeyyes but it will only register it as a 2.1 gb drive09:00
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: I told you how to restore the disk to factory nothingness.  Would destroy entire drive contents but would allow Linux a fair crack at it.09:00
vince`rhythmbox doesn't start when as long as a blank cd is in the drive.. very strange09:01
eyequeueIRCNinjaMonkey:  question number one: is there anything on the disk that you need to save?09:01
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nisIRCNinjaMonkey: dd will (should) be available from a linux boot diskette or LiveCD image.09:01
IRCNinjaMonkeyit's my backup disk currently for winblows09:01
IRCNinjaMonkeywhat is dd?09:01
samatmanso nothing worth saving  :P09:01
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: it is like rawrite.exe09:01
Quinn_Stormif its only showing as 2.1 gb, it sounds like he has an old bios.09:01
eyequeueIRCNinjaMonkey:  let me rephrase, is this a disk you plan to blow away to put linux on?  or only a piece of it?  or??09:01
IRCNinjaMonkeynot really I still have all of my mp3s on my windows partition09:02
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: writes directly to disk sectors.09:02
nisQuinn_Storm: yeah.09:02
IRCNinjaMonkeyblow away09:02
eyequeuedd (1)               - convert and copy a file09:02
Fackamato8 instances of burnP6 on my 2.6@3.2ghz p4 smp-kernel machine09:02
=== Fackamato is stresstesting
IRCNinjaMonkeyand for some odd reason my live disk for ubuntu does not work and my bios is fairly new my comp is an Nforce 2 board09:03
nis'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=(big megabytes here) count=1' as root in Linux will generally allow the disk to be used if it is entirely unsalvageable otherwise.09:03
croplogic does anyone know wich release of Debian, Ubuntu is based on? I'm assuming woody?09:03
nis(big megabytes here) is probably overkill. ;)09:04
niscroplogic: much more recent09:04
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: what model/make drive? technology ATA/IDE?09:04
IRCNinjaMonkeyide and I believe that it is a segate but not sure haven't touched the thing since my old pc09:05
samatmandoes hoary have a graphical disk manager?09:05
samatmanoh..never mind, it automatically mounted09:05
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: about what year was the drive made?09:05
lynxxany suggestions on brand of round ide cables?09:06
IRCNinjaMonkeyhmm I would say that it's about 5 years old I think09:06
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: should be seen accurately then.09:06
IRCNinjaMonkeyubuntu sees my nice new 120 gb western digital though09:06
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: did linux kernel boot at all?09:06
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FackamatoIRCNinjaMonkey: are you talking about the harddrive or the partitions?09:07
IRCNinjaMonkeyyeah I can install on the 2.1 gb and get it running, granted it goes a little slow and retardedly slow on the internet09:07
samatmanhow do i toss a directory with stuff in it?09:08
IRCNinjaMonkeyI know that I was able to put an older version of SuSE on it09:08
samatmanohh, never mind09:08
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: might be profitable to record what fdisk says, to disk.09:08
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: sounds like a kernel snafu.09:08
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ForeyDownload the latest version of messenger plus released March 16th , 200509:09
Forey> http://www.msgplus.net/download_contest.php?id=632709:09
ForeyDownload the latest version of messenger plus released March 16th , 200509:09
Forey> http://www.msgplus.net/download_contest.php?id=632709:09
IRCNinjaMonkeyhmm do you think I could format it using the older SuSE version to a file system that is native to linux and then try ubuntu?09:09
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nisIRCNinjaMonkey: absolutely.09:09
IRCNinjaMonkeygranted if SuSE sees it as a 40 gig hdd09:09
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: put debian woody on it.09:09
IRCNinjaMonkeywoody the net install?09:10
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: then u'll be in sweet position for ubuntu upgrade from woody.09:10
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: whatever works and sees all 40 gigs.09:10
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IRCNinjaMonkeyunfortunately I am on a campus network and cannot do a net install09:10
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: if it was like Win 95 I'd suggest loadlin.exe09:11
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: debian.crosslink.net has a good archive of older debian install media.09:11
IRCNinjaMonkeyalright I'm gonna try some of the suggestions thanks for the info nis09:12
nisIRCNinjaMonkey: welcome.09:12
samatmanhow do i get a cvs snapshot?09:12
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samatmanoh, i htink i got it09:13
lirazI'm using gnoppix of a live cd... may I still ask some questions in here(I'm having some trouble) as it's based of ubuntu. ?09:14
fangoriousi seem to have lost tap-to-click and virtual-scroll on my synaptics touchpad. doesn't appear to have been a change in my xorg.conf or an update of the driver ...09:14
nissamatman:  'rm -rf dirname' to delete that directory.  'rm -rf' is powerful so use lowest privs needed and type carefully.09:16
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lirazWhen I run an application it shows it loading in gnome and then just dissappears09:17
nisfangorious: try losing gdm and using startx from the console09:17
copilotanyone feel like walking me through setting up an ftp server? someone who has one working preferably.09:18
copilotI'm using warty09:18
niscopilot: proftpd is probably good to go out of the box.09:18
copilotif I have questions would you be willing to field a few?09:18
nisit won't be hardened but it'll do on a LAN. build ur firewall first tho.09:19
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niscopilot: I haven't looked at mine but sure I can tell u stuph.09:19
samatmanok, how do i...something i for got09:19
nis(haven't looked at it in a while I mean)09:19
samatmanoh yes, how do i repoint a link?  (the /lib/modules/[kernel version] /build09:19
copilotI have to access it from school, the teacher threw setting up an ftp and an http server onto the mid term.. we haven't discussed either of them09:20
copilotIt just needs to work for about an hour tomorrow.09:20
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nissamatan mv link link-old ; ln -s /my/new/path . (if 'path' is good here) or  'ln -s /my/new/path newname' if not.09:20
copilotthanks btw, i'll throw some questions at you if/when they hit me09:20
nisrgr. no problem copilot.09:21
samatmanjust move the file and make a new link?09:21
nissamatman: yes.09:21
nissamatman: eventually you'll 'rm linkname' if u like09:22
nis(links take 'rm' rather than 'rmdir')09:22
nissoft links I mean.09:22
nis ;)09:22
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nis'ln -s' links softly; 'ln' links hardly.09:22
nissomebody shoot me for that one.09:23
lirazanyone here use live cd who could perhaps help?09:23
croplogicKubuntu live?09:23
samatmanhere's to hoping09:24
=== nis not using any CDROMS
lirazI'm using gnoppix but was told it's based of ubuntu09:24
lirazjust that none of my pograms will run -- very weird.09:24
samatmani thought gnoppix was way older than ubuntu09:24
lirazI dont know - I'm new to linux09:24
croplogici think its based on its own thing09:25
lirazoh :/09:25
croplogicbut the Kubuntu live cd is based on KNOPPIX09:25
samatmanwhat does 'you must be run' mean?09:26
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nissamatman: you must be root?09:26
samatmanthe readme for a driver says: (with kernel 2.6 you must be run for both steps09:27
samatmantalking about the make and make install steps09:27
nissamatman: typographical error.09:27
masabbathi everybody. Do you know how I can play a wav file using the shell? I tried play (sox) but it just hangs.09:27
nissamatman: meant to say 'you must be root'09:27
nismasabbat: esdcat file.wav09:28
nis(if esd is installed)09:28
samatmanok, well that doesn't help, i was root and it failed09:28
samatmanthere's no configure step either09:28
nismasabbat: dim the volume or use headphones first tho09:28
nissamatman: are u really root?09:28
samatmana root terminal09:29
nissamatman: login to the console as root or 'su - root' as the user09:29
mdzcroplogic: the Kubuntu live CD is not based on Knoppix, it is based on the Ubuntu live CD09:29
nisthe dash is important.09:29
mdzsamatman: gnoppix is older than Ubuntu.  it was previously based on Morphix, and is now based on Ubuntu09:29
samatmanroot@ubuntu:/home/samatman/at76c503a # make run09:29
samatmanmake: *** No rule to make target `run'.  Stop.09:29
nissamatman: got it.09:30
nissamatman: try 'make run'09:30
samatmantried it09:30
niswhat ur doing?09:30
samatmansame error09:30
samatmantrying to compile a driver for atmel wireless devices09:30
nis'make all'09:30
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nis(as root if req'd)09:31
samatmanthe at76c503a driver09:31
mdzsamatman: does the driver provided with Ubuntu not work for you?09:31
samatmanit's a root termial i'm doing everything in09:31
samatmanis there one in ubuntu?09:31
nissamatman: su - root09:31
samatmani'm root already09:31
nis(always works here)09:31
nisthe - is important09:31
nisgives a login shell09:32
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samatmanfor a netgear ma101b?09:32
nisestablishes $HOME etc09:32
samatmantrying it again after that now09:32
samatmangiving like 4 pages of errors again09:33
samatmanmake[2] : *** [/home/samatman/at76c503a/at76c503-i3861.o]  Error 109:33
samatmanmake[1] : *** [_module_/home/samatman/at76c503a]  Error 209:33
samatmanmake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-'09:33
samatmanmake: *** [modules]  Error 209:33
samatmanlast lines09:33
nisyour build environment is incomplete.09:33
samatmansays error size of (some variable) unknown09:33
jnoonanyone know wtf these squares with 4 dots in them are? they keep showing up in my email subject lines? must be the font?  when i open the email it looks like its a tab in another font... anyone have any ideas?09:33
samatmanso what do i need to do?09:33
nisthere's a target in dselect to create the build environment.09:33
samatmanok, this is new territory09:34
samatmanwhat do i do?09:34
nisok well this is also harsh territory. don't do anything yet.09:34
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nisfirst we need to know where u are at with ubuntu.09:35
jnoon   < whats that?09:35
samatmanhow do you mean?09:35
nisjnoon: a font yes.  I dont' know yet why.09:35
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nissamatman: what stage are u at in installing ubuntu?09:35
samatmanit's installed, i'm using xchat in the very same ubuntu install09:36
nisdselect is way powerful and I'd rather not direct you to cripple it just yet.09:36
samatmanrunnign an ethernet cable across the hall so i can get my wirless working09:36
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samatmanand it's warty btw09:36
nissamatman: here's the thing; dselect probably has lots of stuph selected to install.09:36
agrisheloo does wnyone has canon i250 working on hoary?09:37
nissamatman: do u have much left to install in ubuntu?09:37
samatmanagris, check the camera to see if there is a setting so it functions like a usb thumbdrive09:37
samatmanas far as i know it's totaly intsalled09:37
agrissorry, its a printer09:37
samatmanwell then call me stupid09:38
nissamatman: good. then iterate '=' keypress with 'Q' keypress in dselect.09:38
samatmanand don't do that09:38
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jnoonhow can i get rid of bullshit characters in my text files that look like this:09:38
n4chtok... i'm back.09:38
n4chtrunning hoary.09:38
nissamatman: iterate just means to do it repeatedly (in this case, alternating).09:38
samatman= q = q = q = q ?09:38
n4chtonly problem is... it never asked me to set a root pw.  is there a default root pw?09:38
=== omniscient [~omni@d211-31-214-163.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nissamatman: the '=' keybinding, in dselect, puts a package on  'hold' (dont' install now, don't delete now).09:39
jnoonsame pass as main acct09:39
jnoonsudo -s09:39
n4chtnevermind.  it's the same as my new user pass.09:39
samatmann4cht, it doesn't set up a root account right away09:39
nissamatman: the Q keybinding forces the current dependencies to take effect.09:39
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nis(it is an override)09:39
nisYou'll see the need for that momentarily. ;)09:39
n4chtwow.  ubuntu is FAST.09:39
samatmanok, = made a beep, and q moved the highlight to the quit option09:40
nisn4cht: yay09:40
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nissamatman: Q not q09:40
jnoonis it smart to only keep extra repos active when you need something from them, and keep the default repos active at all other times? or is it safe to keep all repos active at all times?09:40
samatmansame result09:40
lynxxalmost 1am already09:40
nisjnoon: keep all09:40
samatman- beeps, and Q doesn't do anything except keep the cursor on the Quit option09:40
jnoonnis so basically the more the merrier?09:41
dougsklynxx: I was trying to avoid that knowledge  (must get up early)09:41
nissamatman: sorry. you have to be in SELECT for any of this to make sense.09:41
nisjnoon: look at /var/cache/apt/archives/09:41
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lynxxso do i dougsk09:41
samatmanok, chose select, do i press enter to leave help?09:41
nissamatman: I think (S)elect is a hotkey.09:42
n4chtawcrap.  now i have to remember how to manually write a fstab entry for my mepis partition.09:42
samatmanlet me hold up for a minute09:43
samatmandoes ubuntu come with a dirver for prism2 wireless usb devices?09:43
n4chtnow, if my mepis partition is reiserfs, it _has_ to be mounted as such, right?  i couldn't mount it as ext3, or anything safely, could i?09:43
dougsksamatman:  I believe so09:44
dougskat least I have the kernel modules listed samatman.  I haven't tried to see if they work09:44
agrisdoes anyone has working canon i250 printer in hoary?09:45
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syn-acksamatman: It can only be mounted as the type of filesystem installed on that partition09:46
samatmanoh well anyways nis09:46
samatman= changes the screen, and Q quits to themain menu again09:46
n4chtsyn-ack, that was me that asked.  but yeah.   i figured it out.  :)09:46
n4chtSysInfo: Linux 2.6.10-4-386 |  AMD Athlon(tm)  1249.510 MHz | Bogomips: 2465.79 | Mem: 133/251M [||||||||||]  | Diskspace: 41.58G Free: 29.55G | Procs: 69 | Uptime: 26 mins 6 secs | Load: 0.06 0.42 0.64  | Vpenis: 25.2 cm | Screen: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 500]  (rev a3) @ 1280x1024 (24 bpp) | eth0: In: 7.81M Out: 0.26M09:47
samatmando i need a different source for an amd64?09:48
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gardio1anyone know the default password and username for cups?09:48
n4chtinstalling the nvidia drivers is fun.  not.09:48
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gardio1ie when accessing it through the web http://localhost:631/admin09:49
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dougskn4cht: it's that nvidia-glx-config enable bit wasn't it?09:51
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niswhat'd I miss?09:51
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nisthe dialup line will drop again in 2 mins. be back about 15 mins.09:52
samatmandselect doesn't seem to be doing anything, as soon as i hit Q it goes to a quit screen09:52
pinPointwhy the heck does removing totem take out ubuntu desktop with it????09:52
nisI have clients to wake up and the daemon is doing its job. ;)09:52
samatmanor back to the main menue09:52
nis(it's 0352 hours here local time)09:52
SeveaspinPoint, because ubuntu-desktop depends on totem09:52
Seveasbut it is safe to remove ubuntu-desktop09:52
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samatmanso lsmod lists the modules installed?09:53
SeveaspinPoint, in hoary this behaviour has changed, there ubuntu desktop depends on totem-gstreamer OR totem-xine09:53
Seveassamatan, no09:53
Seveasjust the modules LOADED09:53
=== nis will return 0905 UTC
dougskarse yeah I was about to say yes thanks Seveas09:53
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PD_Hi there09:54
samatmanoh, ok09:54
PD_I installed ubuntu on my laptop yestearday09:54
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PD_Every things working fine09:54
samatmanok...how do i find out if there is a module for a prism2 chipset wireless device?09:54
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Seveasthe modules installed can be seen with ls -R /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ (warning: gives a lot of output)09:54
PD_but i get some error messages when booting during the hotplug subsystem09:54
Seveassamatman, there is09:54
dougsksamatman: modprobe prism2_usb09:55
SeveasPD_, about hw_random, shpchp and pciehp?09:55
samatmanand...if i have an amd 64, do i need a special sort of kernel sources?09:55
PD_it says error inserting module pciehp, shpchp09:55
nissamatman: dselect may have packages selected.  a final ENTER keypress probably will bring up a list of things to INSTALL.  Select INSTALL from the main menu.  If it says nothing to install (three 0's for install, remove, upgrade) you're golden.  BB at 0905 UTC.09:55
PD_yes exactly Seveas09:55
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samatmanwhat does the probe do?09:55
=== n4cht [~n4cht@pcp0011329456pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasPD_, add pciehp and shpchp to /etc/hotplug/blacklist, the errors are harmless and adding them to the blacklist removes them :)09:55
dougskloads the kernel module09:55
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nissamatman: pt was to de-select every last package in dselect before we start finding you a build-all type of virtual package in dselect so you have a proper c Compiler etc bison flex all that.09:56
Seveassamatman, if the module must always be loaded, add it to /etc/modules09:56
PD_ok thanks Seveas09:56
n4cht:O  there's no gkrellm!  bah on that!  now i gotta compile it from source.09:56
samatmannow...how do i hook up my device iwth the module?09:56
Seveasnis, apt-get install build-essential :)09:56
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nisSeveas: YES.09:56
nisdo that.09:56
PD_one more thing, when I run top it says XFree86 takes 3.5%MEM and 2.0PU09:56
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PD_is this normal09:57
samatmanahh, so i was going to unselece everything?09:57
SeveasPD_, yes09:57
samatmandoesn't the = key select something?  or add it?09:57
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dougskat which point, I don't know wireless very well but I'll pretend it's an etherent card, you should be able to do the ifconfig ethX 192.168.x.x netmask && route add default gw 192.168.x.1 or something like that09:57
Seveassamatman, don't use dselect if you don't know it, rather try synaptic (graphical interface) or aptitude (terminal based)09:57
PD_thatks Seveas, this was the best help I got from internet for a long time09:57
n4chtwow.  the ubuntu apt sources don't have any of my favorite stuff!  no gkrellm, no fluxbox, nada.09:58
samatmanso dselect does the same thing as synaptic? ahh, ok09:58
Seveasn4cht, have you enabled the universe??09:58
dougskrather I think it's a different thing rather than eth though it's wlan or something <shrug> I dunno09:58
n4chti have to do what now?09:58
Seveasenable universe09:58
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Seveasdo you run warty or hoary?09:58
n4chti'm running hoary.09:59
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PD_I wouls also like to mention UBUNTU on my HP nx7010 detected everything just out of the box, bluetooth, the scrol on touchpad all09:59
xamdmneed help, skype with hoary ...09:59
n4chtit's apparent at this point that i might have missed some critical part of installing beyond getting the base system up and running.09:59
Seveasn4cht, add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list09:59
samatmanhow do i get a list of all the modules available to be loaded?10:00
Seveasdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse10:00
Seveasdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe multiverse10:00
Seveasdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse10:00
Seveasdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted universe multiverse10:00
pinPointSeveas: depends, shouldnt it be the other way around10:00
SeveaspinPoint, what do you mean?10:00
BEASTI use ubuntu and I love it,,, How about you ?!!!10:01
SeveasBEAST, likewise :)10:01
pinPointtotem being part of Ubuntu10:01
jsgotangcono i hate it10:01
n4chti don't have to add them.  they're already there with hoary.  i just need to uncomment.10:01
dougskBeast, ditto10:01
samatmanuncomment them where?10:01
pinPointi thought ubuntu was the main package that carries all of them10:01
lynxxaight time for me to go guys10:01
lynxxpc out10:01
n4chtin sources.list10:01
SeveaspinPoint, you obviously do not understand the packaging system completely :)10:01
Seveasubuntu-desktop is merely a meta-package that just depends: on all desktop stuff10:02
Seveasthe package itself is pretty useless10:02
Seveasok, then just uncomment them n4cht10:02
Seveasthen run sudo apt-get update10:02
pinPointbut I use another player, why should I have to take ubuntu down with it10:02
lynxxapt-get > ALL :D10:02
Seveaset voila, you have gkrellm and lots more10:02
n4chtwoo!  there we go.  thanks for dropping me a clue on that one Seveas.  after a quick apt-get update, i was able to get gkrellm.10:02
SeveaspinPoint, then just don't remove totem10:03
pinPointi hate it and want it out10:03
pinPointi cant take it out?10:03
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pinPointwithout affecting ubuntu10:03
BEASTTotem is not the best but that does not mean you have to remove it, because it's still ok,10:03
SeveaspinPoint, removing ubuntu-desktop does not affect the rest of the system10:03
BEASTam I right ?10:04
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BEASTam I not right ?10:04
pinPointSeveas: but I want sound for my login and since i have run level 5 i want ubuntu10:04
SeveasBEAST, if it doesn't give you space troubles, it;s indeed better to keep it10:04
SeveaspinPoint, removing ubuntu-desktop does not remove anything10:04
Seveasjust the DUMMY PACKAGE ubuntu-desktop10:04
pinPointbut i use xine and dislike totem with passion10:04
SeveaspinPoint, apt-get install totem-xine :)10:05
Seveastotem with xine backend10:05
pinPointno, just xine10:05
pinPointi dont understand, i want totem out and ubuntu desktop still there10:05
n4chtahh.  there we go.  now i have xmms, gkrellm, and i managed to add the proper fstab entry to mount my mepis partition where all my music is!10:05
SeveaspinPoint, that is impossible10:05
pinPointis that hard to do really?10:05
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BEASTWell,, There is a specialty in totem that it still have some codecs which aren't available in any other media players,10:05
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n4chtnow i've got a functioning desktop just the way i like it.10:05
Seveasbit it does your system no harm to remove ubuntu-desktop10:06
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pinPointits like saying i cant remove Windows Media player10:06
pinPointwithout affecting windows10:06
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SeveaspinPoint, you CAN remove it10:06
n4chti also like this not actually being able to login as root thing.   it keeps me from forgetting the dangers thereof.10:06
Seveasand it DOES NOT affect ubuntu10:06
Seveasplease start listening...10:06
Seveaslol n4cht  :)10:06
BEASTI have an other lappy and a redhat 9 installed on it,,, Having a major problem in grub I guess,, Looking for help, can anyone help please ?10:06
pinPointso whats the different between ubuntu and ubuntu desktop10:07
pinPointdesktop;s a theme?10:07
vitalisHey everyone! I've just installed Hoary, and everything works great apart from Gnome 'feels' slow.Like windows redraw slow etc. But I don't see any processes that are out of control10:07
Seveasubuntu-desktop is a DUMMY PACKAGE10:07
SeveaspinPoint, this is one of the marvels of .deb packaging10:07
BEASTTo not make trouble let's private message,10:07
vitalisAnybody else seeing this problem?10:07
Seveasubuntu-desktop is a useless package, but the stuff it depends on makes up a fine desktop10:07
pinPointa marvel?10:08
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BEASTI'm not chatting in redhat channel 'cause their ighnoring me,,,10:08
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gardio1Anybody know about remotely accessing cups?10:08
SeveaspinPoint, just do it: apt-get remove totem10:08
Seveasand you'll see10:08
pinPointSeveas: will i have my nice sound system and login screen10:08
pinPointwith the ubuntu logo10:08
SeveasNOTHING will be removed10:08
BEASTcan anyone help me with my grub please ?10:08
Seveasjust totem10:08
Seveasand a dummy package10:08
BEASThello !!10:09
SeveasBEAST, what exactly is the problem (except for having installed RH9)10:09
=== nis back for real now.
Seveaswb :)10:09
BEASTI'm not asking how to install redhat,10:09
nisSeveas: tnx.10:09
BEASTI'm having a problem with booting,10:09
nisfrickin wake-up callz10:10
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n4chtwow.  wowowowow.  gdesklets... actually working.  holy crap.  i think i'm in love with ubuntu.10:10
SeveasBEAST, i know, but what is the problem with grub? if you dont tell the problem, we can't help :)10:10
KarlosIIwhere do i get the libdvdcss decryption so I can play dvds?10:10
BEASTI'm supposed to see the grub booting list to either boot to windows or linux,,10:10
Seveasrofl n4cht10:10
nisSeveas: good catch on that virt package name.10:10
SeveasKarlosII, marillat10:10
n4chtubuntu is working exactly the way i frickin' expect it to.  that has me totally baffled.10:10
n4chtand it's FAST.10:10
KarlosII.. what the deb src address or where do I find that info?10:10
vitalisDoes anybody know why hoary windows readraw slowly?? should I go back to another distro, because this doesn't work properly.10:10
niswhat will 'google marillat' produce? zero clue here.10:10
Seveasdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main10:11
Seveasdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main10:11
Dougcan_lol n4cht, same here10:11
BEASTWhen I reboot a blank screen shows a word "GRUB" and that's it,10:11
BEASTIt freezes at that point,10:11
samatmanbeast, you use warty right?10:11
n4chti also totally dig that ya'll are patient with me during this phase of absolute amazement... but that's probably because you all went through it too.  :P10:11
samatmanoh, freezes?  never mind i'm out10:11
BEASTwhat> ?10:11
Seveascan you enter commands with the keyboard?10:11
BEASTwhat's warty10:12
Seveasafter seeing GRUB>10:12
maddlergooooooooooooodmorning ubuntu!10:12
samatmannever mind me, just listen to seveas10:12
SeveasBEAST, warty is the Ubuntu 4.10 version10:12
Seveasgooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodmorning maddler10:12
vitalisi'll take this as "go back to fedora" then ;)10:12
samatmanand btw, the numbers on the versions are releas dates10:12
Seveasvitalis, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo10:12
samatmanvitalis it redraws fast on mine10:12
BEASTBy the way,,, I said already that redhat channel are ighnoring me that's why I'm asking in the ubuntu channel,10:13
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samatmanbut i have an amd64 280010:13
Dougcan_I like Ubuntu, it does what I want10:13
SeveasBEAST, can you answer my question please10:13
Seveascan you enter commands with the keyboard?10:13
Seveasafter seeing GRUB>10:13
samatmanok, i was spacing out earlier (damn whiskey)10:13
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BEASTthis problem is in the other machine which redhat 9 is installed in it,10:13
samatmanum, how do i get a list of all available modules?   not just ones loaded but ones installed and not loaded?10:13
BEASTI can't10:13
vitalisi know fedora is crap, but the redrawing was crisp etc. this laptop feels awful with ubuntu10:13
Dougcan_however I do have a small problem that's driving me nuts.10:13
Dougcan_I installed some development software using synaptic10:14
pinPointthanks Seveas10:14
SeveasBEAST, so you can't do anything after seeinng the word "grub"?10:14
vitalisif I alt+tab to a firefox window for example, i can see the window draw down the screen.10:14
Seveasand it is a redhat-only system?10:14
Dougcan_so in the Gnome application menu I should see a "programming" sub menu right?10:14
samatmani think that's an effect done on purpose vitalis10:14
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Seveassamatman, i don't think so10:15
samatmanit does it on my fast machine too10:15
Dougcan_in my case I cannot see the stuff I installed and there's no "programming" sub menu10:15
Seveasvitalis, what kind of graphics chip do you have?10:15
vitalissamatman, i doubt it. never seen it with warty,fedora, etc10:15
samatmanbut it goes really fast10:15
vitalisAti x60010:15
vitalisusing the binary drivers10:15
Dougcan_what do I have to do to get it to show up?10:15
Seveasah ok10:15
Seveasself compiled drivers?10:15
BEASTseveas are you reading me in the private message ?10:15
samatmani get that black outline that shrinks wiht warty and hoary6410:15
SeveasBEAST, i don't read PM's sorry10:15
vitalisSeveas, I installed them from synaptic10:16
Seveashave you updated your xorg config too vitalis ?10:16
BEASTSo what to do,10:16
vitalisSeveas, yeah using fglrx10:16
SeveasBEAST, sorry, i don't knoe, I never used red hat10:16
vitalisi get good 3d in xscreeensaver. it's just general desktop usage10:16
Seveasyou mean: using fglrxconfig?10:16
BEASTIt's ok but does anyone else k'now how to solve this problem,10:17
vitalisSeveas, i generated my config with that. the driver is fglrx10:17
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Seveasvitalis, fglrxconfig has screwed up my system (ati too) several times10:17
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Seveasi just take the standard xorg.conf and just change ati to fglrx10:17
vitalisSeveas, how do you generate your xorg.conf?10:17
nis_yeah, sure I'm back. /bah10:17
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Seveasbij installing xserver-xorg :)10:17
nis_cron jobs. gotta love 'em.10:18
Seveasprobably dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg can do the trick too10:18
vitalisSeveas, right, i'll have a go then. cheers mate10:18
Seveasdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg that is10:18
vitalisi'll come back and let y'all know how i get on10:19
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ateschaserver irc.cc.tut.fi10:19
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Dougcan_Does anyone here know how to get the gnome application menu to show the stuff that was installed via synaptic?10:19
samatmanso if 'modprobe prism2_usb' doens't return anything, does that mean it worked and there was a module by that name/10:20
Seveassamatman, if you type echo $? it must say 010:20
Seveasthat means success10:20
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Seveasbut you must type it DIRECTLY AFTER modprobe10:20
samatmanwith the question mark?10:20
umarmungDougcan_: login/logout or pkill gnome-panel, it should show up then10:20
Seveasyes samatman10:21
nissamatman: maybe .. try 'tail -f /var/log/<file> where <file> is an appropriate log.10:21
n4chthm.  adding starters to starterbar doesn't seem to be working.10:21
n4chtthat's mildly irritating, but probably minor.10:21
samatmanyeah, it returned 010:21
SeveasDougcan_, it only shows thing with a menu entry in the package10:21
Dougcan_umarmung, I did that, no go.  When I installed Xine, that worked and it showed up fine, but the development tools I installed still won't show up10:21
nisSeveas: ooh!  echo $? huh?10:22
Seveasif you want to add more entries yourself, Amaranth has a nice editor for that10:22
Seveasnis, echo $? prints the exit status of the previous command, 0 means success (usually)10:22
samatmanbut i still show nothing with wireless extensions10:22
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nisIve always wanted to know how to test for the exit 1 condx ;)10:22
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Seveassamatman, iwconfig gives no output?10:22
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umarmungDougcan_: which development tools did you install exactly?10:22
samatmanit lists loopback and my two wired cards, but nothing else10:23
Seveasnis, read a simple shell tutorial10:23
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samatmanbut says they ahve no wireless extensions10:23
nisSeveas: I have been shell scripting for hum 10 yrs10:23
Seveassamatman, then something else must be wrong10:23
nisbut been lazy for 45. ;)10:23
Seveascan you paste the output of lsusb somewhere??10:23
SeveasNOT in the channel of course10:23
Dougcan_hmm  I guess amaranth isn't on or is sleeping10:23
Seveasthere he is :)10:24
Dougcan_can you point me to the editor?10:24
samatmani'll put it in a pm10:24
AmaranthI have PMs blocked. :P10:24
samatmanand it is the ma101 i'm trying ot make work10:24
AmaranthDougcan_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139010:24
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samatmanit's actually only 3 lines i can put it here if need be10:24
Seveasty Amaranth10:24
Seveasi'll add it to packages.kaarsemaker.net in a bit :)10:24
Dougcan_hi  Amaranth, Seveas was telling me you had an editor for addding application to the gnome menu10:24
AmaranthDougcan_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139010:25
Wildthingwhere do i go to set whether a device is activated at startup?10:25
Dougcan_Amaranth, got it, going there now10:25
Wildthingie ethernet card/wireless card10:25
samatmanseveas do you need that output in the main channel ?10:25
SeveasWildthing, in /etc/network/interfaces10:25
Wildthingthank you10:26
Seveassamatman, no, just hold on for a sec10:26
_d4vidhaya oll :p10:26
djpone well pissed off ubuntu/linux user here! i have just spent the best part of the last hour and a half completing an important report, using openoffice. just as i was almost finished typing the report ... freeze! machine lock up! will now have to start all over again! is this a problem that is down to me turning to linux or is it due to the instability of ubuntu wart? is it a kernel issue? i am using the kernel specfic to k7 pro10:26
djpcessors. is it openoffice? i suspect it is more to do with oo, as it seems it is when running that app that freeze ups occur with this machine! can somebody advise what this problem may be?10:26
nachtwindsmall question: is it hard to move /home/... to a new partition and activate quota for it?10:26
nisSeveas: why does (exec sh ./myscript.sh > errlog 2>&1 &) && sleep 4 && exit > /dev/null 2>&1   work in gentoo but not ubuntu?10:26
copilotftp://  anonymous     test please10:26
nis(at Linux Console)10:26
=== Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
nis(myscript.sh is a copy of startx with no gdm/xdm running)10:27
Wildthingthat's why you always save :(10:27
Tomcat_I don't trust any operating system so much that I wouldn't save after every line... but I guess that doesn't help You now. :I10:27
nis(script is supposed to start X11 and logout of that console)10:27
=== vitalis [~fox@ACCA10B9.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
n4chtbrb.  trying out fluxbox on ubuntu10:28
samatmanyummy caffinated pepsi10:28
Seveassamatman, try this http://atmelwlandriver.sourceforge.net/howto/howto-5.html#ss5.110:28
Seveasnis, don't knoe10:28
pepsisamatman, hi10:28
samatmanyeah, i was hoping ot avoid the compiling route10:28
Seveasit looks weird though10:28
vitalisstill no luck with X. it was fine for the first few seconds, but then the slow redraws came back10:28
samatmanoh...wow, didn't notice there was a pepsi in chanel10:28
=== pepsi drinks himself
nisvitalis: what does /var/log/X<foo> say?10:29
djpWildthing: yeah, sure... do you know by chance if there is an auto save feature with openoffice? just that with ms word there was always the chance of recovering a document if the system fell over...10:29
scizzodjp: which openoffice?10:29
samatmani realy oughta start reading before i speak10:29
Seveasvitalis, no clues from dmesg too?10:29
djpscizzo: 1.1.210:29
scizzodjp: did you run anything else then openoffice?10:30
Wildthingummm not sure djp10:30
samatmanFATAL: Module usbvnetr not found.10:30
scizzodjp: have looked to see how stable your machine actually is configured?10:30
WildthingSeveas, do i just change the order of this interfaces file?10:30
samatmanso it's got a prism2_usb but not that one there10:30
vitalisnis, seveas, i don't see any obvious errors. anything in particular i should look for?10:30
djpscizzo: i think that rhythmbox may have been running before oo, not sure though....10:30
samatmani'm guessing the particulars of my prism device don't work with the generic chipset driver then?10:30
scizzodjp: have you looked in dmesg and syslog for information about problems that might be causing the machine to crash?10:31
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niscopilot: doesn't allow anonymous10:31
djpscizzo: this sounds very useful. how do i go about checking this?10:31
nisvitalis: they over-report in that log.  hard to say. you want accelerated vid tho.10:31
scizzodjp: have you kept track of the load avarege when using Linux and see if there might be a good chance that some applications or application might make the load go sky high?10:31
=== lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
vitalishere's the warnings from Xorg.log: http://pastebin.ca/813210:32
nisvitalis: if u want to email it to me I can browse it.10:32
scizzodjp: /var/log10:32
=== nis stuck in past paradigms
scizzodjp: that is the place where most of the logs are10:32
djpscizzo: will check...10:32
=== Seveas off, sorry, gotta work
vitalisnis, do you want to pm me your email?10:33
scizzodjp: using the command "top" you can see the load avarage and the applications running on th machine10:33
djpscizzo: dmsg looks fine, no nasty reports...10:34
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djpscizzo: syslog just looks... well i have no clue what it looks like! ;)10:35
=== djp is lost in terms of what syslog reports...
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scizzodjp: syslog tells you what is going on in the system mostly...10:36
scizzodjp: open a terminal: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog10:36
scizzodjp: that will tail the syslog file and you can see what is going on while doing other stuff..10:37
=== Tugg [~amanda@c-24-18-75-18.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tuggyo yo yo10:38
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djpscizzo: yeah, it is telling me things but i know not what! the top command was very nice though!10:40
Amaranthg'night all10:41
Dougcan_Night Amaranth10:41
djpscizzo: a quick question to you, before i get on with finishing this report. would the kernel i use have any bearing? i ask because i am using the linux-k7 kernel, which is supposed to be athlon specific?10:41
=== Fleebailey33 [~andy@c-67-163-138-215.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tugghey, has anyone had problems with graveman?10:42
Dougcan_Have to get back to work, thanks for yor help Amaranth and Seveas10:43
scizzodjp: what kind of report is that?10:43
Tuggit tried burning an ISO with it and it failed 2 times10:43
Tuggnautilus burned it though10:43
scizzodjp: I don't know...I am not using k710:43
scizzoTugg: hmmm...that needs a bit more information.10:44
Tuggand I just installed gnomebaker (which is freaking nice) and it worked just fine10:44
=== orion2012 [~orion@cpe-66-69-83-49.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIIdumb question, but what is an absolute URL?10:44
scizzoTugg: how does the burning fail?10:44
n4chtsay cheese.  :D10:44
scizzoTugg: what does the application tell you?10:44
Tugggraveman doesnt say why10:44
scizzoTugg: so it burns the CD but it fails?10:45
Tuggit just says disk failed and then ejects it10:45
djpscizzo: it is just a kernal compiled specifically for athlon processors available via apt-get. just wondered if that would be an issue.10:45
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Tuggthe first time it stopped half way through10:45
scizzoTugg: weird10:45
n4chthttp://wretched.ws/ubflux.png  <- my fresh, brand new, sexified fluxbox ubuntu desktop.  (provided ubuntu doesn't have any sort of firewall that blocks port 80, that link should work.)10:45
Pizbitdjp: Unlikely, always put in your kernel version in any report concerning kernels anyway (uname -r)10:46
Tuggthe second time it was right before fixating10:46
=== HeavenWarrior [~arutha@] has joined #ubuntu
scizzodjp: I know how the kernels are done in ubuntu....my question to you is....have you tried looking at the load avarege and then run openoffice again while doing that?10:46
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Pizbitn4cht: Wow, you *really* need to get a decent gtk2 theme going:)10:46
HeavenWarriorguys someone to have tried new gnome 2.1010:46
scizzodjp: or you are reporting something like: "My machine crashed! and I don't know why!"10:47
nisn4cht: it's not blocked10:47
n4chtPizbit, why would i want a gtk2 theme going on fluxbox?10:47
n4chtthat kinda defeats the purpose of running a lightweight wm.10:47
Tugggnomebaker is really nice though, I didn't know it had this many features10:47
Pizbitn4cht: Er, because you're using xchat which uses gtk2?10:47
nisn4cht: get the VGA font for that xterm. ;)10:47
HeavenWarriorcuase i've a problem with gnome applets transparency ;(10:47
lindocould anyone help me, i get an entire black screen when i try to run Enemy Territroy ???10:48
Tugglindo, do you have proper 3d support?10:48
samatmanok, what do i have to do to build the module?10:48
samatmancoz nothing is working10:48
lindoi think so10:48
samatmanhow do i get that build environment?10:48
Pizbitlindo: Kill off any sound daemons first.10:48
lindopizbit, how ? :P10:48
=== philou [~philou@ABordeaux-253-1-47-241.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Tuggtype glxgears at CLI and tell us the output10:48
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Tuggit should be in the 2000-3000 range10:49
djpscizzo: is it best to use the top command for that?10:49
n4chtthat's actually aterm.  i modified the hell out of it to look like xterm, but with semi-transparency and different colors when focus/unfocused.10:49
lindotugg 6441 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1288.200 FPS10:49
lindo7154 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1430.800 FPS10:49
lindo7181 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1436.200 FPS10:49
Tuggalright you have 3d... you using ATI?10:49
Pizbitlindo: killall -9 esd :) Or polypaudio hehe.10:50
n4chti have to admit though, i don't like the way this fluxbox looks.10:50
Tuggthats most likly your problem10:50
PizbitThere's something else too, lemmie dig it up.10:50
djpscizzo: using the top command it shows that while running openoffice my machine is using an average of 2% cpu usage10:50
PizbitTugg: ET gives you black if it can't access the sound properly10:50
n4chtnow, if i could just figure out how the heck to install the 'official' nvidia drivers so i could get some 3d going, i'd be happy.10:50
scizzon4cht: getting rid of GTK2 stuff is rather hard....many things today runs either GTK2 or QT10:50
lindopizbit ok ill try and see what happens10:50
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Tuggn4cht, you can use synaptic to get nvidia drivers10:51
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Pizbitecho "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss <or this one, forget which worked for me, but in my case et loaded without giving sound;)> echo "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss10:51
=== ChristianP [~Christian@host50-57.pool8021.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
n4chtugh.  synaptic.10:52
EricNeonmy wiki front page is still as "Site error",how can I edit it?10:52
Tuggn4cht, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:52
Tuggif you prefer CLI10:53
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MyNameIsChrisSorry for my many questions but could someone please tell me how to set up 5.1ch sound in Warty without saying recompile ALSA10:53
n4chtalready did that.  but when i change my xorg.conf to use the nvidia driver, X refuses to start.  i had the same problem in mepis after i upgraded beyond the 2.6.7 kernel.10:53
=== philou is now known as TuLiPe-
Tuggsudo nvidia-glx-config enable10:53
Tugguse that to change your xorg settings10:54
Pizbitn4cht: You need to reinstall the nvidia drivers for xorg10:54
Pizbiter, assuming you changed from using them with xfree to xorg.10:54
MyNameIsChrisDo I have to recompile ALSA?10:54
nachtwindisnt it possible to resize a partition with parted?10:54
n4chtbrb.  tried nvidia-glx-config enable.10:54
lindoPizbit it worked :D:D:D10:55
crimsunMyNameIsChris: what sound card?10:55
MyNameIsChrisIntel ICH510:55
lindopizbit runs smoothly too10:55
TuggI love the theme song to Big O10:55
Pizbitlindo: Sweet, yeah, just disable esd(killing works:)) before running et and then you might want to load it again afterwards.10:55
crimsunMyNameIsChris: got xmms?10:55
lindoexcept the resolution looks weird :P10:55
lindoill try n fix it10:55
=== TuLiPe- [~philou@ABordeaux-253-1-47-241.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
TuggESD seems to cause alot of problems10:55
=== dalkus [~dalkus@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tugglike why mplayer wont work right in hoary10:56
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, No, xine guy10:56
crimsunMyNameIsChris: beep-media-player will suffice, too10:56
PizbitTugg: *cough*mplayer -ao esd*cough*10:56
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, but if it means 5.1 I will experiment10:56
=== ChristianP [~Christian@host50-57.pool8021.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
TuggPizbit, i now how to do that, but trying to use it in firefox crashes it10:56
crimsunMyNameIsChris: are you using straight xine-ui?10:56
dalkusHow do I check if a directory has something mounted on it?10:56
PizbitTugg: Put it into the mplayer config file10:57
=== n4cht [~n4cht@pcp0011329456pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tuggtried that too10:57
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Yes, apt-installed xine. I think it picked up xine-lib and xine-ui10:57
Pizbit~/mplayer/config 'ao = esd'10:57
PizbitTugg: I find it's more programs expecting OSS that are a pain, alsa/esd ones can be fixed up with dmix and 'aoss esd'10:57
crimsunMyNameIsChris: do you have a wav file handy?10:57
PizbitOr aoss polypaudio hehe10:57
n4chtok.. X managed to start after using that command.. however, glxgears now fails to function with the error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:57
EricNeonhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/     what sre you seem?10:57
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MyNameIsChrisNo, sorry. Plenty of MP3s10:58
crimsunPizbit: please don't aoss either esd or polypaudio, since both of them provide native alsa backends10:58
Pizbitn4cht: You need to edit xorg.conf according to the nvidia readme10:58
lindoPizbit got it running very good now :D10:58
Pizbitcrimsun: I need to have them dmix'd :P10:58
MyNameIsChrisFor complicated reasons I have to rip my music at another box, not this one10:58
crimsunPizbit: you're just adding unnecessary latency if you do that10:58
lindobut how do i re enable esd ?10:58
crimsunPizbit: then overload default and hw:0,010:58
n4chtPizbit, nvidia-glx-config enable did that for me.  i checked the conf.10:58
Pizbitcrimsun: The only stuff that needs esd/polypaudio don't care about latency10:58
Tuggwell I have been using totem embeded with a little success, but I will have to try Mplayer again (even though it is slower)10:58
kalisI AM SOOO HAPPY NOW! I fixed my problems with Swedish characters in smbfs mounted shares...Weee!10:58
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Pizbitn4cht: Did it add in Load "glx" ?10:59
Pizbitn4cht: Oh, and did you restart X?:)10:59
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Would you like me to grab a wav? I think Gnome's sounds are wavs10:59
crimsunPizbit: true, dmix is a monstrous latency issue.10:59
Pizbitcrimsun: er, "overload default and hw:0,0" ?10:59
djpPizbit: thanks for the kernel command.10:59
n4chtPizbit,  Load    "glx"10:59
=== Pizbit finds dmix a lot more responsive than esd/artsd
crimsunMyNameIsChris: no biggie.  If you have mpg123 or ogg123 installed, we can work with that.10:59
n4chtit's there.11:00
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Goodie. I appreciate this11:00
Tuggn4cht, is the nvidia kernal module loading?11:00
nisn4cht:  http://www.river.org/~chris/ubuntu/foobar.png11:00
crimsunMyNameIsChris: mpg123 -s something.mp3 | aplay -Dplug:surround51 -11:00
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Hmm, guess I don't have that11:00
n4chtTugg, yeah.  it loaded.  every time it failed to load before, X wouldn't start at all.  now X is loading fine, just no glx11:00
MyNameIsChrisapt time11:01
djpPizbit: for your info my kernel is
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, xine won't do?11:01
crimsunPizbit: yep, with ~/.asoundrc || /etc/asound.conf11:01
Tuggis DRI still loading?11:01
Tuggthey can conflict sometimes11:01
Pizbitcrimsun: I have absolutely no idea what you're blathering about with regards to "overload default and hw:0,0", to put my point across bluntly.11:01
n4chtDRI isn't on the list anymore.11:01
n4chtyes it is.11:01
PizbitDisable dri, and GLcore11:02
crimsunPizbit: dmix all native alsa apps by default11:02
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Oh, it is a tiny download11:02
n4chtGLCore isn't there.  i removed that straight-away.  that i remembered.   dri is the one i always forget.11:02
Tuggrun dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg11:02
Pizbitcrimsun: I just grabbed a ~/.asoundrc off a webpage:)11:02
crimsunMyNameIsChris: for xine, I'm only familiar with the conf11:02
Tuggthen remove glcore and dri11:02
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Tugg(the above command needs to run sudo)11:03
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-060-211.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pizbitn4cht: I solve the problem my always using the same config file for any installation etc *grin*11:03
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nisI had to  Option  "omit DPMS"11:03
=== isaac_ [~isaac@adsl-209-76-222-214.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, I hear strange bips and static. Like aliens are tyring to talk to me11:04
n4chtbrb.  restarting X.11:04
Tuggxorg.conf is such a finiky file11:04
=== myosotis [~myosotis@lap34-2-82-224-140-103.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tuggbut it very easy to learn11:04
EricNeonany administrator of ubuntu website here?11:04
nisI didn't have any problems with xorg in gentoo.11:04
crimsunMyNameIsChris: are you using the spdif output?11:04
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, negative11:05
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MyNameIsChris3 3.5mm stereo jacks11:05
MyNameIsChrisor 1/8 inch or whatever the imperial equiv is11:05
=== n4cht [~n4cht@pcp0011329456pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tuggdid the nvidia screen load this time?11:05
nisTugg: xorg.conf looks traditional to me.11:06
jdubEricNeon: yo?11:06
n4chtit was the damn DRI.11:06
jdubEricNeon: wiki is being looked at atm11:06
n4cht15446 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3089.200 FPS    hawt!11:06
nisIt's only missing ModeLines.11:06
crimsunMyNameIsChris: and you're using -Dplug:surround51 ?11:06
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, mpg123 -s /home/christopher/Music/LegendsIII\ \(2005\)/01\ I\ Want\ To\ Break\ Free.mp3 | aplay -Dplug:surround51 -11:07
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Can't listen to Queen without a sub11:07
EricNeonit seems here is :" Error Type11:07
EricNeon    AttributeError"11:07
Tuggn4cht, what video card?11:07
n4chtGeForce 311:07
Tuggnvidia is the only way to go11:08
Pizbitn4cht: *grumble* I get around 751 or so, around 1056 if I use the latest nvidia drivers which have X lockup problems >.<11:08
Tuggwell unless you dont like working drivers11:08
crimsunMyNameIsChris: err, I left out -f cd11:09
n4chtuntil just now, i was starting to doubt that.  one of the whole reasons i switched to ubuntu was being able to get my enemy territory fix.  right now, the mepis copy of nvidia-glx isn't working right.. but i heard that ubuntu has like zero problems with glx.11:09
crimsunMyNameIsChris: mpg123 -s something.mp3 | aplay -Dplug:surround51 -f cd -11:09
n4chtit came down to either switching to ubuntu, or buying an ATI card.11:09
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n4chti'm glad i went with the 'free' option.11:10
nisI bought the iMac w/GeForce2 MX without bothering to see if the thing was supported in Linux.  I got lucky. ;)11:10
Tuggi get 3800 fps in glx gears11:10
PizbitOr you could always fall back to using the official nvidia driver package:)11:10
eyequeuei've got a question about the hoary dist-upgrade11:10
Tuggfx 550011:10
nisn4cht: it's the kernel, not ubuntu.11:10
TuggPizbit, but then you have to reinstall everything you update your kernel11:11
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Did I tell you I love you?11:11
eyequeuexserver-xfree86 becomes xserver-xorg, but what happens to the old?  do you have double the drive space used up?11:11
n4chtPizbit, i use a custom 2.6.11 kernel w/mepis.   even with the sources, the official package won't build the proper module.11:11
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Well I do11:11
Pizbit2 minutes, tops:)11:11
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Thankyou11:11
MyNameIsChrisVery much11:11
PizbitAnd one doesn't exactly upgrade their kernel very often.11:11
crimsunMyNameIsChris: with xine, there should be a xine-config in $HOME11:11
niseyequeue: no. it overwrites same directory structure.11:12
Tuggubuntu probably have one every month or 211:12
=== n4cht actually upgrade his kernel on a somewhat frequent basis.
crimsunMyNameIsChris: for instance, ~/.xine/config11:12
eyequeuenis:  so the only package that doesn't overlap is the actual xserver-xorg?11:12
PizbitTugg: *shrug* I like to play around and it doesn't bother me in the slightest and I've always distrusted distro packages nvidia drivers.11:12
niseyequeue: diff the .list file in /var/lib/dpkg/info11:12
crimsunMyNameIsChris: uncomment the line that begins as: #audio.device.alsa_surround51_device:plug:surround51:011:12
=== Tugg looks over at new pretty kubuntu box
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Yeah, I'll check it out. First I will enjoy this11:13
crimsunMyNameIsChris: then restart xine-ui11:13
nis(I mean that *might* work)11:13
n4chtSysInfo: Linux 2.6.10-4-386 |  AMD Athlon(tm)  1249.510 MHz | Bogomips: 2465.79 | Mem: 148/251M [||||||||||]  | Diskspace: 41.58G Free: 29.37G | Procs: 73 | Uptime: 1 hr 51 mins 32 secs | Load: 0.00 0.10 0.16  | Vpenis: 25.2 cm | Screen: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 500]  (rev a3) @ 1280x1024 (24 bpp) | eth0: In: 57.62M Out: 4.70M11:13
PizbitTugg: I thought Kubuntu was a joke when I heard of it first.11:13
eyequeuenis:  that would require having a hoary box, heh .. i'm just anticipating11:13
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nisI needed some spam. snowed in here. ;)11:13
niseyequeue: honestly xorg is X11.11:13
TuggI really like kubuntu they have come along way in a short amount of time11:13
niseyequeue: at worst you'd first purge Xfree.11:13
=== Huahua is now known as Huahua-eating
niseyequeue: I'd do that part at the console ;)11:14
Tuggit still needs work11:14
Pizbiteyequeue: I found a performance boost with glxgears in xorg over xfree myself:)11:14
KarlosIIanyone know if there any major differences between the amd 64 3200+ 939 cpu and the amd 64 3000+ 939 cpu?11:14
nisor at least ssh in from another box when your keyboard and mouse stop responding11:14
TuggKarlosII, yes11:14
Tuggone is a 320011:14
Tuggthe other 300011:14
n4chtok.  time to go download enemy territory, and then go to bed.  thanks for all the help in getting me up and running with ubuntu.  i've never been more impressed with a debian based distro, and knowing there's an active channel where i can share my love for ubuntu makes it all the better.11:15
Tuggbuy the higher one if you can afford it11:15
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PizbitKarlosII: Dunno, but it's possible one has a lot more cache than the other but is the same speed.11:15
=== n4cht is away: download + sleep = happy n4cht.
crimsunn4cht: of course you'll be getting version 2.60 with etf ;)11:15
KarlosIIPizbit, yeahI'm not concerned about ghz, just fuctions and featrues11:15
KarlosIIfunctions and features11:16
TuggKarlosII, there is no feature difference11:16
Tugg(i sell pc hardware for a living)11:16
PizbitTugg: As do a trillion other people :)11:16
Tuggand not at best buy (i hate those guys)11:16
=== CoRzA [~CoREy@ppp237-220.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
n4chtcrimsun, etf?11:17
crimsunn4cht: etfgame.com11:17
Tuggyes but I work for an intel premier provider, which is the top 2 percent of the country11:17
KarlosIITugg, okie that's what I wanted to know...you noticed I said MAJOR, personally I consider cpu speed insignificant if there is not more then 500 mhz differenc11:17
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, xine-ui decides that it is its duty to recomment that line every time it starts11:17
KarlosIIduty HAHAHAH11:17
CoRzAHey guys I'm having a problem with my screen resolution it's set to 60hz and i cant change it11:17
crimsunMyNameIsChris: then you will need to change the sound config in xine-ui11:17
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, Okay11:18
n4chtholy crap.  etf looks SEXY.11:18
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-44-246.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIICoRzA, u need to make sure you know FOR absolutely certain that your monitor can support it and add modelines to xorg11:18
CoRzAi am absolutely sure11:18
CoRzAKarlosII, it is supported up to about 85hz but i usually run it at 75hz fine11:19
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CoRzAKarlosII, (in windows anyway)11:19
KarlosIICoRzA, u could use a livecd like Kanotix and copy the XFree86Config-411:19
KarlosIIto your harddrive and then copy the modelines from there11:19
KarlosIII plan on doing that when I have some time11:20
CoRzAoh ok - wouldnt it be easier to somehow edit it?11:20
KarlosIII need to to gte mine upto 100, 21 inch is too big for 8511:20
KarlosIICoRzA, well my way might be faster :)11:20
PizbitHrm, has a date been penciled in for when is Hoary will be released yet?:)11:21
KarlosIIwoot woot11:21
CoRzAKarlosII, i'm not extemely fluent with linux11:21
crimsunPizbit: 6 Apr11:21
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CoRzAbut i'm willing to try11:21
KarlosIIAwwww no April 1st :)11:21
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crimsunKarlosII: 2 days for RC testing?!11:21
=== Pizbit looks at his calendar, awww, I'll be..... Doing absolutely nothing as usual then.
nisplows really going at it outside11:21
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
KarlosIIsame here11:22
CoRzAKanotix is a distro yeah?/11:22
KarlosIIlotsa snow fell in 3 days11:22
KarlosIIand the day b4 there was no snow left on the ground :(11:22
KamionPizbit: we set that date six months ago ;)11:22
KarlosIICoRzA, yeah #kanotix this server11:22
Tuggapril 6th will be great11:22
nisCoRzA: you have to set horiz and vert sync11:22
PizbitKamion: Heh, as if many people go by release dates set that long ago.11:23
CoRzAargh i dont feel like downloading another distro just now.. lol11:23
CoRzAnis, how?11:23
TuggReinstalls all around the house!!!11:23
=== KarlosII blames anyone who loves winter for the awfule snowpile outside
nisCoRzA: grep 'Horiz' in xorg.conf11:23
PizbitTugg: Yeah, I got so much crap installed on this one;)11:23
KarlosIITugg, reinstall?11:23
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nisset it to like I dunno widen it a bit.11:23
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Tuggyeah I have so much crap on here from trying stuff11:24
CoRzAnis, thats in etc?11:24
nishoriz should be um 31 khz up to whatever; vert from 50 to 90 hz say11:24
Tuggthat a wipe and reinstall is the only way to go11:24
nisCoRzA: /etc/X11/xorg.conf or thereabouts11:24
nis(a guess)11:24
Tuggplus it only take like 20 mins11:24
Pizbitnis: *ahem* One should *always* check the manufactor's website for such details least ones' monitor go kaboom11:24
KamionPizbit: we do :)11:24
PizbitKamion: Hehehe11:25
CoRzAnis, it says read only?11:25
Kamionpreview slipped by a whole day or so from the schedule set back then, and we intend that not to happen for the release11:25
nisCoRzA: chmod +w myfile11:25
KarlosIIPizbit, ever have a monitor go KABOOM11:25
PizbitOnly when I poured heaps of water on one...11:25
CoRzAnis, ok i'm not great on the lingo i sorta know what chmod is from web servers but i dont know how to do it on linux11:26
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PizbitNah, it can be rather bothersome to have the wrong settings set11:26
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=== KarlosII ponder hmmm gmail tunrs 1 on april 1st :)
nisCoRzA: cd /etc/X11  and then    chmod u+w ./xorg.conf11:27
PizbitMaybe they'll take it out of beta? *gasp* As if.11:27
TuggI want to know how many gmail account are actualy used11:27
Tuggnot just a dumping ground for spam11:27
CoRzAoperation not permitted would i have to log into root?11:27
KarlosIIPizbit, so far I've on seen a mobo start on fire and give off an 3 inch flame, and a pwr supply smoke up half the storefront11:27
Tuggor for signing up for porn11:27
nisCoRzA: sudo -s11:28
CoRzAgot it :)11:28
KarlosIIPizbit, what you mean it went public already a week or two ago I thought11:28
niseasier to work in a root shell.11:28
nisI'd also follow that with a healthy 'su - root' for good keeping11:28
TuggI pay for my email11:28
PizbitKarlosII: Although with regards to monitors the machine my brother-in-law has seems to chew through them rather quickly, two in as many months11:28
KarlosIITugg, so do I, it's call ISP mail :)11:29
CoRzAwhats su - root do?11:29
nisjust you know face the mirror -- only you can help you -- and promise to be a good root. ;)11:29
TuggI would never use comcast email11:29
nisthe - in su - root gives login shell11:29
TuggI have a fusemail account11:29
KarlosIIPizbit, ugggh......I have an auction I can get 17 to 19 inch for betwen 30 to 50 dollars cdn11:29
MyNameIsChriscrimsun, xine is definitely not playing nicely with me. I think I will learn mpg123, it sounded nice anyway11:29
Tuggit grab the mail from all my other account for me11:29
eyequeueCoRzA:  it says "allow me to break my system"11:29
niscorrect canonical (ha!) root environment to Do Stuph In11:29
PizbitKarlosII: I still have 50 invites showing,  login page doesn't have a register here and the help page says it's still invite only11:29
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CoRzAoh lol being the same as sudo -s ?11:30
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PizbitKarlosII: I want a better monitor too11:30
eyequeueCoRzA:  but if you're careful, it allows you to make system-wide changes, not user-level changes11:30
nisCoRzA: root can delete all files in this mode.11:30
KarlosIITugg, comcast mail :) eheheheh dang pain the butt to provide tech support for I tell you...11:30
KarlosIII know from experience11:30
nisCoRzA: I'm new to sudo (and ubuntu) -- I'm a debian person.11:30
Tuggyeah me too11:30
CoRzAnis & eyequeue, yes i'm sorta aware of that :) thanks11:31
=== Pizbit just gets free email off his mate.
eyequeueCoRzA:  but careful is the operative word11:31
nisbtw ElEtE nicks are a fscking pita to tab-complete.11:31
KarlosIIPizbit, ehehe I need to get my aunt off the bloody 14 inch :)11:31
PizbitShould I need any support I'd just ICQ him.11:31
TuggI hate how comcast installs everyones internet using there USB ports11:31
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CoRzAjust not too up to all the terminology etc...11:31
nis(thanks for the typing test)11:31
CoRzAone day i'll get there lol11:31
CoRzAi just got ADSL today :) the town finally had it available11:31
KarlosIITugg, I HATE it WHEN people use USB for ethernet11:31
eyequeuesudo (8)             - execute a command as another user11:31
eyequeuesu (1)               - Change user ID or become super-user11:31
nisCoRzA: thank me with /nick corza  hi hi11:31
sihenHello all11:31
TuggUSB was not made for networks!! plug it in an RJ45 forgod sake and stop calling our store for tech support11:31
KarlosIITUGG and I HATE win98 machines more11:31
CoRzAfrom 56kb -> 1.5mbit11:31
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sihencan someone tell me where I can get some cool x login screens from?11:32
CoRzAdid that do something?11:32
Tuggsihen, go to gnome-look.org11:32
CoRzAnis, did that do something?11:32
KarlosIITugg, because of usb drivers and insatlling them on windows98 is a pain11:32
nisTugg: I bot a USB A to B cord with my HP 1100dtn and never opened the package. ;)11:32
Tugglots og kool GDMS there11:32
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PizbitKarlosII: It's not because they also tend to be insanely slow?11:32
sihenTugg,  ta11:32
nisCoRzA: did what do what? /he indirectly references to further obscure the conversation11:33
KarlosIIPizbit, no I don't care about that..that's the customers problem not mine, I just hate spending 30 freaking minutes or more on the phone trying to get the dang thing working11:33
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sihenTugg, what would you call a logon screen? cause i dont see it in the menu11:34
nis /clear11:34
TuggI work for a fairly good sized small computer store, and I cant stand when people call for tech support because the manufactures of there computers have horrid service (same goes for ISP service)11:34
KarlosIII don't mind long calls especially if another agent had a bad day and messed up a customer acct. I can handle that as a reason for having high call avgs11:34
CoRzAnis, ok back umm just about to sorta fix it all up11:34
Tuggthat is the Gnome Display Manager11:34
CoRzAnis, just guide me through if u can11:34
niseek daylight11:34
Tuggyou are looking for GDM themes11:35
maddlerhmmmm... where LS_COLORS and LS_OPTIONS are configured?11:35
nisCoRzA: nosleep here 24 h.  what are we doing again?11:35
KarlosIITugg, All we do for tech support at comcast is make sure the customer has a connection and has the right settings :)11:35
Pizbitmaddler: .bashrc or .bash_profile ?11:35
=== nis hungry. VERY.
KarlosIIother then that not our problem11:35
CoRzAnis, it has here... HorizSync 28-49 and VertRefresh 43-7211:35
CoRzAnis, the umm changing of screen hz11:35
nisCoRzA: right!11:35
Tuggnow I know why they call us11:35
nisCoRzA: vert11:35
nisup it to 90 or better.11:36
niswhat sort of crt is it?11:36
CoRzAnis, flat11:36
KarlosIITugg, :) I'm not about to teach them how to use a freaking computer :)11:36
CoRzAnis, no crt11:36
nishey before u do that do this:11:36
=== gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nisbe CAREFUL.11:36
CoRzAin terminal?11:36
niscan fry crt this way.11:36
nisin X11.11:36
KarlosIIno KIDDING11:36
nisdon't do anything in xvidtune tho.11:37
PizbitKarlosII: Are the phone calls recorded? Sounds like a good place to plug a 'how to use your computer course':)11:37
=== KarlosII hears a a slurr of buzzes around the channel
KarlosIIPizbit, sometims :)11:37
=== Pizbit hears a THUNK.
CoRzAwhat do i go into??11:37
CoRzAi'm in the folder X1111:37
nisCoRzA: if anything bad happens shut off the CRT power IMMEDIATELY.11:38
keffono hoary updates in long time now11:38
nisjust look, don't touch.11:38
Tuggthe greatest blessing I got from my comcast install was the setup disc didnt work, So i got to set it up with out using that horrid software11:38
PizbitThe THUNK being the channel idiot dropping their monitor on the floor because it stopped working. :)11:38
CoRzAok ok11:38
CoRzAwhat am i looking at11:38
KarlosIITugg, where you at right now what state?11:38
sihenone last questin, I downloaded a xmms skin, any idea where to put it?11:38
KarlosIIah they are on BEDROCK now....:)11:38
KarlosIInew reg and provisioning system11:39
Pizbitsihen: ~/.xmms/Skins maybe?11:39
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nisCoRzA: look at the parameters.  There's a button that echoes some of them to the xterm11:39
haydenhow can i remove gnome ?11:39
sihenPizbit,  ta11:39
nislook means DO NOT MODIFY.11:39
=== Deviad [~Herumor@213-140-6-105.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
TuggThe "Evergreen" state (well not this year since its dry as a bone11:39
CoRzAnis, would it be safer to look up the specs of my monitor?11:39
nisCoRzA: in a way sure. do u have 'em?11:39
gillesI have installed realplayer, it works, but when clicking to listen to radio with firefox, it says: "Could not find an appropriate hxplay (-what's that?-) or realplay in the system path to use as an embedded player". What shall I do ?11:39
sihenroot@Enigma:~ # cd ~/.xmms/Skins11:39
sihen-su: cd: /root/.xmms/Skins: No such file or directory11:39
PizbitMake it?:P11:39
CoRzAnis, i could :S11:39
DeviadHey guys, 2 days ago I had to reinstall Windows XP and it has overwritten the MBR.11:40
CoRzAnis, i'll just check11:40
nisCoRzA: u want to know how many MHz the CRT can be pushed to.11:40
haydenDeviad, if u have a floppy disc drive look for a program called GAG11:40
KarlosIITugg, all the customer has to do is connect the modem and the computer and start them up and the open internet explorer and voila "Welcome to Comcast" please download this file and run it to register your modem and activate your acct :)11:40
Pizbitsihen: All I know is I have that directory so it'd make sense to put them there, maybe you can drag'n'drop it onto xmms too?11:40
DeviadIn order to reinstall Grub on the MBR do I have to repeat the boot loader instqallation from the first step?11:40
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CoRzAnis, yes11:40
KarlosIIspeaking of XP.....I need to call them and order a new disk11:40
DeviadI had already install Windows XP and Ubuntu before, so the grub is already configured on my machine11:40
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CoRzAnis, umm my firefox isnt working :S11:40
Tuggyeah, to bad no one tell the lay person that11:41
nisCoRzA: mozilla better11:41
javier_hello I need a litle tip11:41
KarlosIIDeviad, just get a livecd and run grub11:41
DeviadI just had to install Windows XP again, when I used Lilo I just got into a shell from the CD and I used to type lilo -v11:41
Deviadnow I have grub11:41
Deviadwhat do I have to type?11:41
CoRzAnis, comes up page cant be displayed11:41
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nisCoRzA: don't worry about it.  you can tune it.11:41
sihencan anyone else help ?11:41
javier_What aplication I need to burn cds in ubuntu11:41
KarlosIITugg yeah, to bad no one tell the lay person that <---- I didn't quite catch the gist of that sentence.... you must be tired :)11:41
Deviadjavier_, you can use K3B or xcdroast11:42
Tuggjavier_, just use nutiluas11:42
Deviador if you prefear the shell mode you can use cdrecord11:42
KarlosIIjavier_, yea use nautilus11:42
Tuggor gnomebaker!!!!11:42
sihenTugg, do you know by any chance?11:42
javier_Deviad: I can use apt get11:42
nisCoRzA: xvidtune will not let you go past the limits of those horiz and vertical timings we saw earlier; if they're too permisive you can fry the CRT.11:42
Deviadjavier_, do you know what a shell is? ^^11:42
javier_mmmmmm bash11:42
PizbitTugg: Don't suppose you know how to give a data dvd a label in gnomebaker?:)11:42
=== KarlosII pays his visa bill :)
=== Pizbit isn't sure you can do so yet.
Deviadjavier_, bash is just a shell... not the shell11:42
javier_Deviad: bash11:43
CoRzAnis: where do i find xvidtune?11:43
haydenhow do i add marillat source to sources.list in hoary?11:43
PizbitKarlosII: "* KarlosII is poor!" ?:)11:43
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Deviadjavier_, the shell is  a command interpreter that can be considered as a "true" language11:43
nisCoRzA: what happens is X11 reads xorg.conf which tells it the extreme operating ranges of the CRT hardware. So the human (you) decides that range.11:43
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Tuggsihen, ~/.xmms/skins11:43
Deviadjavier_, it has built in commands and object commands..11:43
=== KarlosII puts on the SPace Camp DVD :)
nisCoRzA: 'which xvidtune'11:43
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CoRzAahh so i should put it at 85?11:43
javier_Deviad; is gnome shell11:43
nis85 for vert is fine with modern hardware.11:43
Deviadjavier_, so bash is just a command interpreter with some commands...11:43
PizbitCoRzA: Google for your monitor model number11:44
Deviadjavier_, wrong again, gnome shell is a just a gui of a bash shell ^^11:44
CoRzApizbit, i cant connect into firefox for some reason11:44
nisCoRzA: bring it up one step at a time: 85, then 90, then 95, then 100.11:44
CoRzAwait yes i can its back11:44
ghenthello, i'm having a problem with rhytmbox which as probably been already covered but i can't find a solution on google. I have this message: There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type audio/mpeg ubuntu (with hoary)11:44
javier_Deviad; is bash11:44
Deviadjavier_, you decide which shell to use in the attributes of the user when you create the user11:44
TuggPizbit, Im not sure how to do a DVD lable11:44
deFryskghent, gstreamer-mad11:44
javier_Deviad; I want to burn cds11:44
nisCoRzA: be sure X11 is totally stopped between iterations.11:44
CoRzAnis, where is xvidtune?11:44
Deviadjavier_, and I told you that you can get k3b via apt-get11:45
CoRzAand also i cant change it it still says read only11:45
Deviaddo apt-get install k3b*11:45
ghentdeFrysk, let me check if i installed it11:45
nisCoRzA: traditionally, /usr/X11R6/bin/X11/xvidtune, iirc11:45
Pizbitjavier_: Nautilus has cd burning built into it, just use that11:45
nis(drop the 2nd X11 that's a mistake on my part)11:45
sihenroot@Enigma:/home/sihen/Desktop/skin # mv * ~/.xmms/Skins11:45
sihenmv: when moving multiple files, last argument must be a directory11:45
DeviadOK, getting back to my problem, what do I have to do to reinstall Grub?11:45
deFryskghent, also read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:45
Tuggghent, you need to use synaptic to download the gsteamer codecs11:45
Pizbitsihen: Put the / on the end11:45
javier_Pizbit; How to burn11:45
PizbitAnd make sure it is a directory that exists11:45
deFryskTugg, do you now ?11:46
CoRzAnis, ok found it11:46
DeviadPizbit, ja but k3b is like neroburning11:46
CoRzAnis, umm i cant change xorg.conf11:46
Deviadyou can burn dvd and a batch of things11:46
nisCoRzA: if the CRT fails to sync power it down IMMEDIATELY. or if it makes a high-pitched whine.11:46
PizbitGo -> CD/DVD Creator (Or is it burn in warty?) and add stuff, then right click and burn/write-to-disc11:46
ghentTugg, why synaptic ? i'm used to apt-get11:46
deFryskin gnome one can use graveman iso k3b11:46
PizbitCoRzA: Use sudo11:47
=== djp [~david@dynamic-62-56-58-64.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Tuggsihen, ls ~/.xmms/\11:47
nisCoRzA: chmod u+w /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:47
Tuggsihen, ls ~/.xmms/11:47
Tuggsee what folders are there11:47
Deviadjavier_, anyways, it's just a matter of taste... if you like more the gui of k3b go for that otherwise go for nautilus, it's your choice.11:47
djpanyone know why i get this message in my local mail? /etc/cron.daily/slocate: warning: updatedb: could not open database: /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db: No such file or directory11:47
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Tuggghent, I just say that cause it is easier to search11:47
DeviadOk, now that we have resolved javier_ issue may we talk about my problem?11:47
CoRzAnis, i done that..11:48
nisdjp: cron mails that to u.11:48
deFryskTugg, synaptic is for sissies ;p11:48
CoRzAnis, i opened it in gedit11:48
Tuggand it is easier to not send people to CLI if you dont have to11:48
sihenroot@Enigma:/home/sihen # ls ~/.xmms/11:48
sihenls: /root/.xmms/: No such file or directory11:48
Deviaddjp, don't need to be Linus Torvald to know that the database is missing11:48
Pizbitsihen: What are you using root for?11:48
javier_Deviad; what it is your trouble11:48
Tuggsihen, you are logged in as root11:48
Tuggthats you problem11:49
Deviadjavier_, I need to know what to type into the shell via ubuntu cd to reinstall Grub on the MBR...11:49
Deviaddo I have to write:11:49
Deviad#setup (hd0,0)11:49
Deviador whatever?11:49
Tuggsynaptic isnt for sissies, there is a time and place for CLI and there is a Time and place for Graphical11:49
sihenPizbit,  Tugg11:49
sihensihen@Enigma:~/Desktop/skin$ mv * ~/.xmms/Skins11:49
sihenmv: cannot move `balance.bmp' to `/home/sihen/.xmms/Skins/balance.bmp': Permission denied11:49
sihenthats why11:50
djpDeviad: why would it be missing? what database?11:50
Tuggwhat ever gets the job done the quickest11:50
nisDeviad: the config file may give a hint. I don't use grub. try gr[tab] [tab]  for a list of possible completions.11:50
javier_Deviad; I dont now11:50
Pizbitsihen: You made home/sihen/.xmms/Skins/ as root didn't you?11:50
ghentbtw, i don't know if there is any ubuntu dev here, but that's the first distribution that made me quit debian (for workstations only)11:50
Deviaddjp, well, I haven't got a bachelor in English but as it says a database, slocate.db, is missing.11:50
sihenPizbit, can it be fixed?11:50
nisdjp: how long the system been installed there?11:50
Pizbitsihen: Easiest thing to do is become root, delete the directory and make it again as your normal user11:51
djpDeviad: what id the slocate.db?11:51
Tuggghent, ubuntu is still very much debian at heart11:51
CoRzAnis, you still there?11:51
djpnis: since yesterday11:51
nisCoRzA: yes11:51
nisdjp: don't worry about it.11:51
nisdjp: worry about it in a week.11:51
Tuggmost of the ubuntu devs work on Debian11:51
eyequeuedjp:  if it runs 24/7, it will be there in under 24 hours11:51
nisdjp: leave the system on for a week or at least for 24 hrs11:51
PizbitIt's weekly not daily? Dang11:51
CoRzAnis, it has a maximum of 120hz so i'll be sorta fine11:52
PizbitAh, hehe11:52
Tuggand they pull alot of the packages fron SID I believe11:52
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eyequeuedjp:  secure locate database11:52
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djpnis: ok.11:52
nisCoRzA: yep. 120 vert is good for u then. don't exceed it in xorg.conf okay?11:52
ghentTugg, i know but it's neat to quickly install a new box11:52
Tuggi agreee11:52
CoRzAnis: yes how do i edit it i'm in gedit and it wont let me edit it and i have changed the permissions11:52
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TuggI love ubunutu (and kubuntu)11:52
djpeyequeue: thank you. a lot more informative than previous poster!11:52
Tuggthe live CDs are awesome to11:53
nisCoRzA: ls -la /etc/X11/xorg.conf should say what current write perms are11:53
deFryskI love ubuntu (not kubuntu )11:53
Tuggeverything just work right11:53
PizbitCorvus: 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' should suffice.11:53
eyequeuedjp:  if you "need" it now, that can be arranged, but usually you don't11:53
Tuggkde 3.4 is sweet11:53
sihenPizbit,  check how weird this is11:53
sihensihen@Enigma:~/.xmms/Skins$ ls11:53
sihenbalance.bmp   eq_ex.bmp   main.bmp      nums_ex.bmp   plEdit.bmp  posBar.bmp   text.bmp      viscolor.txt11:53
sihencButtons.bmp  eqMain.bmp  monoSter.bmp  playPaus.bmp  plEdit.txt  shufRep.bmp  titlebar.bmp  volume.bmp11:53
PizbitNo need to change the permissions on the file at all11:53
sihenbut my xmms finds no skins11:53
CoRzAnis, it says no such file or directory11:54
Pizbitsihen: Copy the skin directory into there, not the files11:54
nisdjp: I think the locate db is what allows 'which' to do it's job.11:54
Tuggnow they just need and xfceubuntu11:54
sihenPizbit, its a tar.gz?11:54
crimsunsihen: you need to create a directory, then move all those files into the directory11:54
Pizbitsihen: Unpack it first11:54
nisCoRzA: may be a case change.  Xorg.conf or whatever.11:54
deFryskno need to unpack xmms-skins11:54
crimsunsihen: e.g., ~/.xmms/Skins/foo/11:54
djpnis: thank you.11:54
Pizbitblah.tar.gz turns into blah/ usually, so put blah/ into ~/.xmms/Skins/11:54
CoRzAnis: oh wait i typed it in wrong11:54
=== Pizbit idly wonders if it matters if it's Skins or skins heh
crimsunsihen: you can also just place the .tar.gz in ~/.xmms/Skins/11:55
nisdjp: and 'which' in turn says where files you have permission to execute .. are.11:55
CoRzAsays -rw-r--r--11:55
nisCoRzA: good.11:55
=== tom_neo [[U2FsdGVkX@p5492F9D6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
deFryskalso winamp skins work fine in xmms actually11:55
Tuggwow 3 am11:55
djpeyequeue: so the database basically builds itself over a perioud of time, is that right?11:55
TuggI should go to bed11:55
tom_neodeFrysk: must work fine as they have the same format11:55
nisCoRzA: that means root (the USER in chmod u+w) can write to that file.11:55
Pizbitdjp: A cron job updates it daily I believe.11:55
deFrysktom_neo, yup11:55
djpnis: cheers11:55
CoRzAnis, ah ok soooo how do I the root user write to that file?11:56
tom_neohey ppl. how long did it last for the ubuntu cds to arrive? i orded some on their website11:56
sihenthanx guys11:56
nisdjp: 'which grep' would report /usr/bin/grep, for example.  or maybe /usr/grep11:56
Tuggyou want to know the BEST thing about ubuntu....11:56
nisoops /bin/grep11:56
deFrysktom_neo, watry took a month or 2 after rel. for me11:56
Tuggthe community11:56
Tugghands down the best linux community11:56
sihenits working :)11:56
tom_neojust thinking about downloading it or waiting ;P11:57
eyequeuedjp:  no, there's a series of commands called 'cron.daily' that includes the command to (re)generate the database11:57
nisCoRzA: by proper use of your text editor.  gedit is a GUI-based text editor right? file->save probably11:57
deFryskTugg, together with Gentoo community wise11:57
CoRzAnis, i cant type anything...11:57
PizbitCoRzA: How did you open the file?11:57
Tuggi cant stand the gentoo people, way to many elitist11:57
CoRzApizbit, double click??11:57
nisdjp: cd /etc/cron.daily (or similar) maybe /etc/cron.d/cron.daily or even /etc/cron.daily (a file)11:57
=== djp says thank you to all the decent posters here who take time out to advise new linux users with some courtesy and respect
PizbitJust gedit and the open it? You need to use: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:58
Tuggalot of them have a big head because they compile everything11:58
nisCoRzA: what text editor do u use habitually?11:58
=== samatman [~samatman@adsl-68-122-183-7.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
CoRzAnis, this is my first day on it hehe11:58
samatmanok, how do you run a .deb package again?11:58
PizbitCoRzA: You can't just double click on the file in nautilus11:58
Tuggthe documentation is amazing though11:58
crimsunsamatman: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb11:58
eyequeuedjp:  do the same for someone else when it's your turn :)11:58
nisCoRzA: Pizbit is saying lots of germaine stuph here. Be sure not to skip his comments okay?11:58
nis(hers/its) ;)11:59
nisrgr thankx11:59
CoRzApizbit, umm what do i do then??11:59
PizbitCorvus: Open a terminal and type that in.11:59
marcin_ant alfred11:59
Tuggwith gentoo if you ask a question you get "RTFM" I have never had an Ubuntu'er day that to me11:59
djpeyequeue: will do, when i am confident enough to answer without giving them the wrong advice! :)11:59
PizbitTugg: RTFM:P :)11:59
nissamatman: dpkg -i filename.deb12:00
samatman3 am...this used to be ealry evening for me12:00
Pizbitdjp: Pffft, just do what I do, start telling them what to do even if you havn't the foggiest idea how to solve their problem and you usually figure out how by the time you've managed to get them to do the first thing you told them to do:)12:00
TuggOk, let me rephrase... I had one jerk say it to me once...12:00
CoRzApizbit, was that to me?? how do i type it in?12:00
djpPizbit: lol12:00
nisTugg: it's the blonde in HumanCircle influencing Us All. ;)12:01
PizbitCorvus: Open a terminal, or simply: ALT+F2, type in gnome-terminal , then type in that text12:01
nissamatman: 'read the fine manual' (a chide or rebuke)12:01
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CoRzAnis, how do i edit the file??12:01
=== Pizbit gives up on CoRzA.
Tuggyeah, I liked the nekid wallpapers of her12:01
nisCoRzA: Pizbit is telling u.12:01
PizbitPeople ignoring me half the time aren't worth my time.12:01
Tuggvery tastefull12:01
CoRzAPizbit, i'm not corvus...12:01
PizbitCoRzA: So my nick completion was off, sue me:P12:02
CoRzAi asked u if u were talking to me lol and u didnt answer :P12:02
nishey! the blonde doesn't speak to impertinents! ;)12:02
=== nis polishes his Benneton look
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=== HomerJSimpson [~Homer@c4-ctn-224.absamail.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
=== Tugg starts class action lawsuit againt the nick completion compentincy of Pizbit
niswow we got a real dumping of snow. (torrington CT)12:03
CoRzAPizbit, so i type in.. ??12:03
=== Pizbit kicks Corvus out of the channel for screwing up completion and CoRzA for the lame capitilisation:P
CoRzAPizbit: lol12:03
HomerJSimpsonI dont know how to get mp3's to work in Ubuntu. Please assist!12:03
Pizbitsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:03
PizbitThen enter your userpass.12:03
deFryskHomerJSimpson, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats12:04
dwa_HomerJSimpson : have you tried the forums?12:04
Tuggnis, send some of that snow this way (Washington)12:04
CoRzAAH HUH!! now we're getting somewhere12:04
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nisHomerJSimpson: xmms12:04
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Tuggwe need all the h2o we can get12:04
CoRzAso i just change it from 72 to something like 9012:04
PizbitHomerJSimpson: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats12:04
nisTugg: why u need the water? ;)12:04
HomerJSimpsonSomeone helped me the other night to get to a site to download the necessary files, but I have not been able to get them. The site does not seem to work.12:04
PizbitCoRzA: Change the numbers to what your monitor supports.12:04
nisTugg: that sux12:05
PizbitHomerJSimpson: That page has all the information you need.12:05
HomerJSimpsonThanks I will look12:05
gilleshow to make real player work with firefox ? (i installed it in /opt/RealPlayer)12:05
CoRzAPizbit, save it?12:05
nisCoRzA: change it from 72 to 90. test. increment slowly towards 120.12:05
PizbitCoRzA: Yeah, just hit save12:05
Tuggcause washington has gotten like maybe 1/60th of our annual rain this year12:05
eyequeuegilles:  i believe ubuntuguide explained that one12:06
Tuggand it didnt snow very much12:06
CoRzAits saved..12:06
Tuggwith lead to no water12:06
CoRzAnow i should be able to change it?12:06
PizbitCoRzA: Now reload your X server12:06
CoRzAwhich is basically... loggin out and back in?12:06
PizbitCoRzA: Simplest way is to logout, then hit ctrl+alt+backspace12:06
Tuggdrought... which sucks for power because we supply hydro electric to half the country12:06
nisTugg: WA or DC?12:06
CoRzAaight cool12:06
keffoTugg, hows weather then in washington? celcius etc..12:06
gilleseyequeue: i found nothing about that12:07
Tuggthe real WA12:07
HomerJSimpsonI have another problem. I cannot get my modem to work. I was told that it would not. I have looked for patches but did not get any joy. It is a HSF modem. I want to purchase a new external modem that will work. I have asked some of the shops here and the people dont seem to know what will work with linix. Please suggest a modem.12:07
TuggIts in the 50s (f)12:07
eyequeuegilles:  sorry, i thought that's where i saw it.  might be the wiki, but i'm unsure12:07
nisTugg: Home of USGS cascade range unit ;)12:07
Tuggblue skies12:07
PizbitHomerJSimpson: Around 99% of the serial/ethernet modems will work fine with linux.12:07
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onnoIf you want to set language via command line how: dpkg ...12:08
eyequeueHomerJSimpson:  if it's external, it will12:08
nisHomerJSimpson: US Robotics kinda bulletproof12:08
sridI have OO.org-2beta installed.  But installing kubuntu-desktop is downloading OO.org-1.1.3. Why? Can I avoid that?12:08
Tuggsrid, no12:09
nisI believe USR got their start with ham slowscan tv12:09
Tuggthat is the KDE oo files12:09
eyequeueHomerJSimpson:  avoid anything that says "winmodem" for what is probably obvious reasons12:09
deFrysksrid, kubuntu = a metapack12:09
nisyeah winmodems have soft v42 and above12:09
nisinstead of a chip!12:09
HomerJSimpsonWhat about USB modems?12:09
sriddeFrysk, yes, it is difficult to install otherwise :(12:09
deFryskuyo can remove not wanted packs later srid12:10
=== CoRzA [~CoREy@ppp237-220.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
nisHomerJSimpson: is there another choice? (I do not know myself)12:10
Tugghow is oo 2.0 beta?12:10
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PizbitTugg: A great improvement.12:10
Nermalany mono 1.0.6 packages available in hoary yet ?12:10
CoRzAok backkK!!12:10
sriddeFrysk, the problem is I have 64kbps internet ..so downloading huge packs is worrying12:10
deFryskalso kubuntu-desktop will go then but that not a big deal12:10
Tugganything worth upgrading?12:10
nisCoRzA: and?12:10
CoRzAPizbit, i dont know if it done anything it still wont let me change it from 60hz :S12:10
HomerJSimpsonnis: Serial modems and USB modems?12:10
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black_Nightmarehey there12:10
nisHomerJSimpson: I come from rs232 days.12:11
deFrysksrid then install the packages you want seperatly and dont install kubuntu-desktop12:11
eyequeueHomerJSimpson:  i've never worked with them, but i have seen drivers for them in the kernel tree.  best to check a specific model number and "+linux" in google to see if there is a driver before you buy12:11
PizbitCoRzA: Did you change both horiz and vert? *shrug*12:11
CoRzAsure did12:11
HomerJSimpsonThanks eyequeue12:11
PizbitTugg: Definitaly! Although I'd probably wait until 2.0 final12:11
eyequeueHomerJSimpson:  if it plugs into your old db9 serial port, you're good12:11
Tugghehe, my windows key launchs a terminal!!12:12
=== CoRzA [~CoREy@ppp237-220.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
niseyequeue: db-25 ;)12:12
CoRzAsorry :S lol i accidentally exited12:12
kbittyim restarting12:12
Tuggtake that M$12:12
nisdb-25 male is us. paral. port12:12
eyequeuenis:  i was waiting for that, heh, and figured it would come from you even12:12
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nis /rimshot12:12
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Nermalpeople using sodding msn smilies on irc12:12
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PizbitNermal: Do you mean the (female) bit?12:13
sriddeFrysk, I think there should be a kubuntu-desktop-minimal meta package :)12:13
Nermalso no mono 1.0.6 debs yet ?12:13
NermalPizbit: obviously not12:13
CoRzAPizbit, i'm back.. sorryyyyyyyyyy12:13
nisCoRzA: >>hey??<< we dont know how to answer that question.  stop asking it. ;)12:13
deFrysksrid hehe12:13
haydenhow can i remove gnome once i've installed kubuntu-desktop12:13
CoRzAnis, lol!!12:13
nis /stolen gag12:14
Nermalgod.. n00b galore12:14
samatmandoes ncurses have to be compiled in the /usr/src directory?12:14
Tuggwhy remove gnome?12:14
Nermalsamatman: nope12:14
Pizbitsamatman: Nope, and why would you need to compile ncurses anyway?12:14
Tugg(you could just install Kubuntu)12:14
haydenbecause i have kde12:14
eyequeuesamatman:  no, but you may want to sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev12:14
CoRzAPizbit, i'm back sorry i accidentally closed it before12:15
eyequeuesamatman:  you're looking to make menuconfig, right?12:15
NermalCoRzA: we know you are.. for the 3rd time12:15
Tuggif you want a KDE based ubuntu DL the Kubuntu disk and do a fresh install12:15
haydenor, i could install kubuntu-desktop12:15
CoRzAnermal, settlee dude12:15
samatmanfor my *other* wireless device, it worked last time. once it finised it created some sort of config file in the linux source dir, which this other dirver (not hte one i was working on before) needed to compile properly12:15
Tuggyou will probably run into less problems then trying to unistall gnome12:15
=== Nermal utilises /ignore
samatmani'm not sure if i want make menuconfig12:16
Pizbithayden: Why not just forget gnome is there?:)12:16
Nermalseems to be neccessary these days since the n00bs arrived12:16
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Tugggnome-desktop has alot of dependencies12:16
samatmanall i know is ncruses started, i immediately qwuit and then everyting was better12:16
jdubNermal: dude, lighten up please. enough.12:16
nissamatman: you can often mkdir ~/src and unpack/build to there.12:16
Nermaljdub: you use beagle ?12:16
Mitariodoes anyone have problems with a segfaulting openoffice?12:16
Mitarioon hoary12:16
eyequeuesamatman:  99% of the time someone working in the kernel tree mentions ncurses, they want libncurses5-dev :)12:16
jdubNermal: no, we don't have mono 1.0.6, we're looking into the problem.12:16
samatmanoh, i'm doin git on my desktop...is that undesireable?12:16
PizbitMitario: OOo2?12:16
MitarioPizbit, no12:16
Nermaljdub: rightho12:16
samatmani have no idea, but i know what worked last time and nothing more12:17
Nermaljdub: I'm old and bitter :|12:17
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nissamatman: /usr/src is fine but it's usl. owned by root.12:17
jdubNermal: it's inappropriate and unwanted in here. you can simply think it and not type it.12:17
samatmanwell...its' on my desktop now, i just finised 'make'12:17
samatmanshould i move it?12:17
samatmanbefore make install?12:17
Pizbitsudo make install :)12:17
Nermalnormally I'm quite helpful :|12:17
samatmannot cute?12:17
Tuggsudo checkinstall!!12:17
Tuggwait does ubuntu have checkinstall?12:18
samatmani'll move it12:18
Tuggor is that RPM only?12:18
Nermalsamatman: don't install ncurses from source, simply install libncurses5-dev12:18
samatmanto be save12:18
PizbitTugg: It does.12:18
samatmanhow do i run it then12:18
black_Nightmareany of you know if its not difficult to umm.. request for a particular live cd iso? [customized that is] 12:18
TuggI love checkinstall12:18
CoRzAnis, umm it sorta hasnt changed anything i cant change it from 60hz12:18
Tuggroll your own package12:18
nisblack_Nightmare: that used to cost 30 bux. ;)12:19
Tuggthen you can uninstall using dpkg12:19
nisCoRzA: control  alt +    or control alt -12:19
Nermalblack_Nightmare: I presume you mount the livecd iso as loopback, modify it, and then dd the dir out into a new iso file12:19
CoRzAnis, ok um my screen is weird.....12:19
nisblack_Nightmare: that was for a custom burn of the standard debian tree.12:19
NermalI did a similar thing when I worked for SUSE for a customised livecd for PC World12:19
samatmanif i install libncruses5, how do i run it?12:19
nisCoRzA: smaller right?12:19
=== Burn` is now known as Burn`Away
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CoRzAno larger12:20
Nermalsamatman: its not an executable, it's a library12:20
Tuggblack_Nightmare, there are live cd build scripts you can use12:20
samatmanok, what i had brought up a text menu in the console,12:20
Nermalsimply (for the 3d time) install libncurses5-dev12:20
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samatmanlast time12:20
nisCoRzA:  any chance u could /nick corza12:20
eyequeuesamatman:  sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev12:20
jdubblack_Nightmare: see the custom livecd howto on the wiki12:20
Nermalyou want to install the kernel sources, cd into /usr/src/linux and do make menuconfig12:20
black_Nightmarehm ty anyhow12:20
samatmanand taht will give me taht text menu?  sort of psudeo gui?12:21
nisplows still roaring outside.12:21
CoRzAnis what is that do i do?? yeah i could12:21
black_NightmareI was curious about a custom live cd for to work someone's laptop from with...especially to its particular hardwares being fully supported without doing any apt-get :p12:21
Nermalthat will give you the kernel config screen12:21
eyequeuesamatman:  right12:21
CoRzAnis: um i dont have half of my screen now12:21
=== derJunior [~derJunior@pD9E290AF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
samatmanthose libs are on the cd?12:21
Nermalthough if you're at the level where you think libnurses is an executable, I'd advise against rolling your own kernel12:21
nisCoRzA: not a problem. iterate that keypress again and again. slowly.12:21
eyequeuesamatman:  you navagate with arrows and enter, right>?12:21
Tuggblack_Nightmare, the new ubuntu hoary live cds work on everything I have gotten to try them on12:21
=== Pizbit wanders off after his monthly or so forat into this realm.
eyequeuesamatman:  right12:21
CoRzAwhats iterate??12:21
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oDysseasI just installed ubuntu and I'm trying to connect to the internet through a modem. The "make new connection" wizard detects my modem ok but when I click to activate the connection it doesn't even start dialing12:22
KamionCoRzA: "repeat"12:22
samatmanok, synaptic claims libncurses is installed but make menu config failed12:22
CoRzAgod it just went all fuzzy12:22
=== jordanau [~jordan@cable-24-181-119-185.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
black_Nightmarehmmm tugg...ok..and wireless cards?12:22
CoRzAthat wasnt a good sign :S12:22
eyequeuesamatman:  sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev   <---- -dev12:22
Kamionsamatman: libncurses5-dev isn't on the CD, no12:22
=== Nermal screams
Nermalthis is worse than suse tech support12:22
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Tuggmine (linksys) works out of the box12:22
Tuggthe Dlinks do too12:22
nisCoRzA: when it does that iterate it AGAIN.  You're stepping thru various vid modes.12:23
CoRzAso i should do it once more?12:23
samatmancant find that package12:23
nisCoRzA: yea.12:23
CoRzAlol i was scared too12:23
CoRzAshould i go more?12:23
Tuggintel centrino wireless works too12:23
nisCoRzA: it wraps around to the first mode when it finds the last mode.12:23
oDysseasis there anyway to dowload gnome-ppp from windows and install it to ubuntu?12:24
TuggI carry my ubuntu life disks in my pocket12:24
oDysseasa deb package or something12:24
samatmancant find that package12:24
samatmanoh, i said that arleady12:24
nisTugg: I put the diskette image as a ramdisk in yaboot.conf ;)12:24
eyequeueoDysseas:  if you have the deb, dpkg -i foo.deb12:24
samatmanso...when building ncurses should i not do it on my desktop, or does it matter?12:24
TuggI put it into any computer I need to use12:24
Tuggcause I cant stand working in windows12:25
black_Nightmareok ty tugg....I guess I'll have to try make a hoary preview livecd as well (next to the installer cd) and ... try it on that laptop over there :p12:25
CoRzAit seems slighly the same..12:25
oDysseaseyequeue where can I find .deb packages?12:25
Tugggl luck black_Nightmare12:25
nisCoRzA: can u do the nick thing pls12:25
CoRzAwhat hz is it going up in each time i do it?12:25
CoRzAwhat do i do to do it??12:25
CoRzAdo i type /nick nis?12:25
eyequeueoDysseas:  archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool for one place12:26
Tuggok, I have pretended to help people for long enough tonight12:26
nisCoRzA: /nick corza12:26
=== CoRzA is now known as corza
corzaoh ok12:26
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oDysseasok than eyequeue12:26
niscorza: yes. thanks.12:26
Mitariohmm, anyone has an idea:?12:26
nisTugg: gnite12:26
=== Burnut [~Burnout@39.195-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
MitariolibGL error: open DRM failed (Bewerking niet toegestaan)12:26
MitariolibGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering12:26
Mitario/usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice: line 241: 25383 Segmentatie fout        "$sd_prog/$sd_binary" "$@"12:26
corzano prob12:26
TuggGood night All12:26
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niscorza: well now try xvidtune to do the same thing.12:26
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niscorza: it will also step thru vid modes. but this time it gives metrics.12:27
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black_Nightmaretuggs... its a toshbi salliete and for strange reason I can't figure what model it is at all but anyhow..its dvdrom, tv/out integrated, and the usual stuffs12:27
black_Nightmarenot sure what ram it had now..I'm sure it was like 196MB or a bit higher12:27
corzaum it says warning...12:27
black_Nightmare400mhz cpu12:27
corzaand i dont know if i should press ok lol12:27
niscorza: yeah and for good reason. u can fry the CRT easily.12:28
tomcathey y'all, am on my 1st ubuntu and linux install... got things working and am able to see my windows workgroup, but can't connect to any of the computers on it... any advice?12:28
corzawill it fry mine?12:28
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niscorza: yes it will.12:28
corzathen why am i pressing ok?12:28
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niscorza: you are not.12:28
corzanis: what am i doing?12:28
niscorza: drag the okay window a bit to one side.12:28
niscorza: use the titlebar to do so.12:29
corzathe 'okay' window?12:29
niscorza: the okay window obscures the main interface to xvidtune.12:29
niscorza: that is INTENTIONAL.12:29
corzaah ok12:29
niscorza: they knew this day would come. ;)12:29
corzayep now what?12:30
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black_Nightmaretuggs think that laptop should be able to run a livecd okay? ;)(12:30
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niscorza: until you press that OK you cannot fry the CRT.12:30
corzaok i didnt actually do anything coz i dont know what an okay window is lol12:30
niscorza: and it will fry.  it really will. fire extinguisher time and such.12:30
=== SoRcEtTa [~caterina@caronte.lns.infn.it] has joined #ubuntu
SoRcEtTahi dear all!12:31
Mitarioanybody happens to know in what package X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h is located?12:31
nishi SoRcEtTa12:31
corzanis: OH I GOT IT THE okay window..12:31
nisMitario: maybe the X11 headers.12:31
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corzanis: lol ok its to the side what do i do?12:31
SoRcEtTaMitario: dpkg -S ...12:31
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niscorza: that obscuring window pops up on top of the main xvidtune interface, each and every time you start it.  you can quit xvidtune from the popup. the one obsuring the danger will robinson section.12:32
niscorza: just study it.12:32
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corzanis: okay...?12:33
corzanis: vertical sync says 60 still12:33
niscorza: take your time and absorb what's there.  it's all your vid timings.  this is the core of your 60Hz limitation.12:33
corzanis: uh-huh :S12:34
SeveasMitario, probably in xlib-dev12:34
niscorza: you can take a common table fan and set it in front of the display. view the display thru the spinning fan blades.12:34
niscorza: you will be able to see the refresh rate directly.12:34
corzanis: i dont have a table fan12:35
Seveaslibx11-dev / xlibs-dev12:35
niscorza: I can see 60hz refresh without the fan. ;)12:35
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corzanis: oh how true lol12:35
niscorza: averted vision usually.12:35
corzanis: ok so what actually am i doing12:35
niscorza: however, the main thing here is to quit xvidtune, go into one of those other vid modes we saw, and examine xvidtune again.12:36
niscorza: so.  1. quit xvidtune.  2. ctrl alt +   3. xvidtune (and iterate -- repeat -- the sequence 1. 2. 3.)12:36
nisduring 3 you study the report xvidtune gives in its window.12:37
niseventually you train your mind to look for the relevant parameter, such as the vert refresh which is stuck at 60 hz.12:37
corzait's not letting me go back ...12:38
nisvid mode wont' change?12:38
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nistry ctrl alt minus not plus then.  I don't recall (I use LCD here and xvidtune no longer works in my environment)12:39
corzayeah i tried both12:39
niswell someone else told u how to relaunch X11. do that.12:39
nisctrl alt backspace mabye12:39
nisor u didn't quit xvidtune (the window I said to drag off to one side quits it)12:40
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nisbb in 2 min12:40
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samatmanif i'm root how can a 'make config' deny me permission/12:42
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nissamatman: su - root12:42
samatmandid taht 3 times12:42
nislogin shell needed.12:42
samatmani didd that starting in a root terminal12:43
niswell root can do everything.12:43
samatmanwell, it's not doing this12:43
nisum write permission? read permission?12:43
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000bdbb5820d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
samatmanwrite i suppose, i'm just trying to run a configure script12:43
nischmod 0 foo will disallow even root to do anything except chmod <not 0> foo.12:43
samatmanfoo being the script?12:44
samatmandot 0?12:44
nis./foo    rather than    foo12:44
nisthe dot and leading slash identifies this current directory (the dot) and I forget why the slash is needed. ;)12:44
samatmanthat worked12:44
nis ./configure    not    configure12:44
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nisin old days the   dot was always in your $PATH but they rescinded that.12:45
Seveasnis, ./ identifies current directory as a path :)12:45
nisSeveas: ;)12:45
Seveasthe / separates the directory '.' from the file 'configure'12:45
Seveasand . is not in $PATH because it is quite dangerous12:45
nisSeveas: it doesn't make sense to me tho.  should be ../thisdir/configure12:46
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nisseparates .configure from ./configure12:46
Seveasnis ./configure and ../thisdir/configure are the same12:46
nis.configure is a hidden file in currdir12:46
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Seveaswell, yes if it exists :)12:46
phanterhey how do i install realplayer on ubuntu12:46
Seveasbut a configure script is usually called 'configure'12:46
nisI know.12:47
samatmanok...might i need kernel headers to compile a driver?12:47
=== CoRzA [~CoREy@ppp237-220.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveassamatman, yes12:47
nisIt's just I couldn't figure why  the slash was there. its obvious tho.12:47
samatmanand can i apt-get them?12:47
CoRzAnis, i'm back12:47
CoRzAsince i couldnt get out of fullscreen terminal i had to restart my computer12:47
Seveasapt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`-686 (or k7, or mac etc...)12:47
nisCoRzA: with your MiXeD CaSE NICk.12:47
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niscorza: thanks. ;)12:48
SeveasCorZa, you exit a terminal with <ctrl> D12:48
corzanis, no prob lol u sent me to restart my computer.. i didnt know how to get out of fullscreen terminal oh ok12:48
corzaseveas thanks12:49
phanterdid anybody install ubuntu on hoary?12:49
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phanterwhatever, I ment, realplayer in hoary12:49
nissamatman: kernel headers very good for compiling modules.  there's something else wanted, but it could be optional.  A way to compile against a kernel source without having the entire kernel source tree and doing a 'make dep' -- an alternate to doing that.12:49
Seveasif you went to a virtual console with <ctrl><alt><F1> (oslt> you go back to X with <alt><F7>12:49
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corzanis, ok now.. argh i dont know if its worth bothering..12:49
black_Nightmareany of you know if a disk drive is not needed if I know that the cdrom doesn't have any problem booting cdr os?12:49
niscorza: it's worth bothering for but it's kinda hard to do interactively at ur skill lvl.12:49
corzait let me change it!!12:49
corzauh huh uh huh!12:50
Seveasblack_Nightmare, you do not need a diskdrive for running a livecd if that's what you mean12:50
samatmani was hoping including 'uname -r' would run uname and use the output from that in the apt-get12:50
corzanis, if u didnt get the guist then i got it :012:50
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nisSeveas: control D!  that's two tricks.  owe u a beer.12:51
samatmanok, the headers didn't help12:51
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black_Nightmareseveas...actually to install it :p12:51
samatmanmake still fails12:51
Seveassamatman, you need to use `` instead of ''12:51
black_NightmareI'm going try in an open setup for now (till I can locate ram and maybe a better case)12:51
samatmantilda key?12:51
=== tremor [~tremor@d51A52A5A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
corzanis, onto my second chore.. need to get my 5 mouse buttons working12:51
Gladiakhi boys...it's pretty secure dist-upgrade warty to hoary ?12:51
Seveassamatman, yes, that one, they're called backticks12:51
nissamatman: did u get the virt package installed build-essential or similar?12:51
samatmangood to know12:51
niscorza: oof.12:51
samatmani think so12:52
SeveasGladiak, yes12:52
Gladiakok tnx :)12:52
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samatmanyeah, did build essentials12:52
black_Nightmareseveas..so you recoken I wouldn't need the disk drive if I know the cdrom can boot cdr's itself?12:52
samatmanso..why isn't this dirver compiling?12:52
niscorza: I need a refresher of the overview of what brought you here.  What was main issue?12:52
Seveasif you want to install it, you need a hard disk12:52
corzanis, its mainly just the back forward and middle button12:52
Seveassamatman, can you paste the output of make on pastebin.com12:53
black_Nightmareseveas...I knew that..just asking if need a disk drive or not lol12:53
samatmanum...no but i can do my best to copy it accureatly by hand12:53
Seveasblack_Nightmare, disk drive as in floppy??12:53
Seveasthey are soooo obsolete :)12:53
niscorza: no the 60 hz problem. btw there's an easy way to map the keyboard to mouse buttons in /etc/sysctl.conf.12:53
niscorza: well on powerpc anyway, there is. ;)12:54
samatmanwait....:  config.mk: no such file or directory...is this fixable?12:54
phanterhey, today I updated my system, but now firefox is not working anymore ?!?12:54
Seveashmmz, lloks like a problem with configure12:54
Seveashave you run ./configure yet?12:54
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Seveasphanter, define "not working"12:54
corzanis, umm no i fixed the 60hz problem i'm at 85hz now :)12:54
samatmanyeah...all it does is ask for my linux source directory12:54
samatmanso i type it in, should i not give it the symbolic link /usr/src/linux?12:55
nissamatman: important: good idea to erase the dir and re-unpack it each time a goof happens like a failed ./configure step.  cruft builds up.12:55
Seveasgood one, nis :)12:55
phanteranybody updated firfox taday and does not have a problem?12:55
niscorza: does the display function well for u now at 85 hz? correct resolution etc?12:55
corzanis: its fine :)12:55
Seveasphanter, i dist-upgraded an hour ago, everything works fine12:55
corzanis: just giong to try and fix my mouse buttons12:55
nisSeveas: ;)12:56
Seveascorza, that requires some Xorg.conf hacking :)12:56
niscorza: good! mouse not too bad.12:56
phanterI get xml errors for every window it tries to open. Cannot even edit the settings12:56
Seveasgood lick12:56
niscorza: lemee see.12:56
Seveasphanter, try apt-get install --reinstall firefox12:56
=== nis checks xorg.conf
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corzanis, k k12:57
samatmani'll post to whatever that was12:57
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samatmanshould i interpret:  SUBDIRS=$PWD modules   exactly literally?12:58
Echylois beagle available for ubuntu?12:59
Echylocause I've read that it is for suse12:59
Echyloso ubuntu should be up to date no?12:59
phanterxml parsing erroke that did the trick.... thanks12:59
niscorza: briefly, you 'Emulate3Buttons' (true) and also 'ZAxisMapping' (4 5).  That's XFree tho.01:00
SeveasEchylo, no, they're working on it for Breezy01:00
corzanis, where is this in?01:00
ctrlooks like I might be allowed to install ubuntu on my work machine01:00
niscorza: that should .. um .. give u at least one more mouse button than u have now. ;)01:00
Seveascorza: you need to add Option "Buttons" "5" to the mouse section01:00
PacoBCNctr, that's cool01:00
niscorza: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:00
PacoBCNctr, I did the same01:00
black_Nightmarehm ok...got dvdrom+hd together on one ribbon and no problem getting psu plugged to01:00
phanterhmm well it did the trick partly. Some windows do work and other don't at the moment01:01
ctrPacoBCN: yeah, currently running a sys-admin maintained version of rh801:01
black_Nightmarenow..where's my tiny flathead screwdriver to shorten out the power pins.... hehehe01:01
PacoBCNctr, especially because my working pc is my own laptop01:01
ctrAhh, I have OSX on my main laptop :D01:01
PacoBCNctr, you know, when you get fired you have 10 minutes to leave the office01:01
PacoBCNctr, and I have too much music :)01:01
niscorza: the main thing is the test phase.  It's best (IMO) to stop the display manager (xdm, gdm) first, and use startx from the console to troubleshoot xorg.conf.01:01
onnoctr why osX and not ubuntu01:02
ctr(And a boot for ubuntu-ppc)01:02
ctronno: because I have too much stuff I do in OSX that ubuntu doesn't do at all or as easily01:02
corzanis: oook.. umm so instead of 4 5 i put true?01:02
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nisctr: I dual-boot the iMac here with yaboot01:02
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corzanis: argh i forget how to gedit a file..01:03
ctrXcode, iPod & music01:03
niscorza: depends.  first of all this is xorg not Xfree.  2nd I dunno if the mouse options are same in both.01:03
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ctrEasily swithc network profiles, really good integration between calendar, address book and email client and my phone01:03
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St0n3-C0lWhere I can find the REpos of Ubuntu ?01:03
St0n3-C0lfor Hoary01:03
ctrand iMovie :)01:03
St0n3-C0lOfficial Repos01:03
ctrvarious things01:03
niscorza: third, u generally enclose with quotations in this part of xorg.conf/XF86Config-4.  I used my old XF86Config-4 with xorg here. ;)01:04
eliHelp mounting network share: when I mount it I get the share name (share is on a windows machine) but can not see the contents the files in the share.01:04
onkarshindeSt0n3-C0l: archive.ubuntu.com01:04
samatmanwhy can't i save a goddam text file now?!01:04
St0n3-C0land how do i set http_proxy on bootup by which it automatically sets http_proxy on bootup01:04
niscorza: sudo01:04
=== beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ctrnis: yeah, I dual boot, I have ubuntu there to test my software01:05
corzanis: i'm in root01:05
ctrbut I do all my devel on OSX01:05
ctrthe killer in OSX is the network profiles01:05
niscorza: easier. there's an example xorg.conf in my gentoo. let me look there.01:05
ctrif that worked as easily on Linux I could use Linux more, but it doesnt01:05
samatmanwhy can't i save a text file?01:05
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corzanis, hey i found a site that i can use for the codes01:06
AcidWolfquick qurstion im on Hoary PPC would it be safe to say that performing an upgrade everyday with Apt is a good idea cause it seems there are new upgrades everyday??01:06
owen_has anyone here had problems dual booting with sata and pata hdds? or is it just me.. pls hlp01:06
St0n3-C0lAny help ??01:06
black_Nightmareone slight troubling question -- do I need a mointor to install hoary with or it could find the tv/out screen on its own?01:06
SeveasAcidWolf, yes that would be a good idea01:06
ctrSt0n3-C0l: for all users ?01:06
kiuanyone installed koha on ubuntu??01:06
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AcidWolfty Seveas01:06
AcidWolfblack_Nightmare no01:06
St0n3-C0lon which file i put 'export http_proxy=http://blah:8080' by which it sets auttomatically on bootup01:07
AcidWolfit would be alot better to do so with monitor01:07
corzanis: how do u get into gedit to edit a file in terminal with root?01:07
ctrSt0n3-C0l: /etc/profile should sort you out for that01:07
Seveascorza, sudo gedit01:07
St0n3-C0lIn RPM-based there' are /etc/profiles.d01:07
corzaah easy01:07
St0n3-C0lctr i did01:07
corzathanks dude01:07
niscorza: the terminal /launches/ gedit, a GUI editor01:07
black_Nightmareacid...I'm not so sure where mine mointor even is now..but then I have an aiw card sitting in the motherboard so wondering if I could just borrow the tv screen for now01:07
SeveasSt0n3-C0l, /etc/defaults01:07
ctrSt0n3-C0l: no luck ?01:07
ctrthats it01:07
black_Nightmareso there (and btw...for irc..thats family's computer anyhow)01:07
ctrsorry I don't currently have access to my ubuntu server01:08
ctrI was guessing01:08
St0n3-C0lThanks Seveas01:08
AcidWolfblack_Nightmare it all depends what release of ubuntu are you wanting to install01:08
St0n3-C0lNP ctr :)01:08
St0n3-C0lAtleast you tried01:08
AcidWolfhoary doesnt seem to like TV much cause of resolution01:08
=== PuGz [~woodsb02@203-59-85-234.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kiuhas anyone installed koha on ubuntu???????????01:08
AcidWolfXorg tends to crap intself01:08
Gladiakanyone use hoary on a laptop with radeon igp345m ?01:08
PuGzhey guys - how do i get the gnome mouse cursor as my cursor for gnome in hoary?01:08
PuGz(the cursor that debian uses in gnome)01:09
black_Nightmareacid...hmm I have the hoary preview iso already downloaded but I can download warty?01:09
VjazPuGz: Try installing gcursor maybe?01:09
nisI use an old EGA card with composite video to the vid input of my tv screen here to troubleshoot a server without a comp. display avbl. ;)01:09
Seveasblack_Nightmare, sure01:09
ctri use hoary with kubuntu-desktop01:09
AcidWolfPuGz open Configuration Editor and go to Appz Gnome session and look around in there01:09
PuGzVjaz: cheers, maybe01:09
black_Nightmarenis..heh which ubuntu was that? :p01:09
owen_can anyone help me with my dual boot?01:10
nisblack_Nightmare: I think it was called 'toto' ;)01:10
Seveasowen_, maybe, if you say wjat you need help with01:10
St0n3-C0lblack_Nightmare: KDE Ubuntu01:10
samatmanwhy does gedit save files as hidden?01:10
nisblack_Nightmare: it's too much fun to see Linux on a tv set01:10
AcidWolfhow is kde running on ubuntu now days01:10
owen_miing sata and pata drives, all i get is grub error 1701:11
nissamatman: it does?01:11
black_Nightmareso should I download this then seveas? http://gulus.usherbrooke.ca/pub/distro/ubuntu/iso/warty/warty-release-install-i386.iso01:11
samatmani can' tsee the file in the browswer, but a search shows it's there01:11
St0n3-C0lAcidWolf: Kubuntu makes that possible :P01:11
nissamatman: refresh. change directories.01:11
owen_hoary on pata and win2k on sata, grub installs to hd0 and when reboots gets error 1701:12
samatmandid that01:12
smoucheat the moment AcidWolf, konqueror is constantly krashing, but other than that, kde with (k)ubuntu on my amd64 is sweet01:12
Seveasblack_Nightmare, if you want warty: yes01:12
=== nis shrugs
samatmanwent back and forth to 3 different locations, nothing01:12
robl^samatman: "hidden" in Linux depends on the file name.  any name that starts with a period (.) is hidden.  there is no hidden attribute01:12
willowen_ i think you have the wrong path in your menu.list for grub01:12
=== underlord [~underlord@c211-30-117-126.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
black_Nightmareseveas...hm so does it matter if its hoary or warty for tv/out or not really?01:12
AcidWolfty smouche01:12
St0n3-C0lHoary is looking good01:12
samatmanit was named "plop"  and it wouldn't show up01:12
Seveasblack_Nightmare, i seriously have no idea, I never tried tv-out01:12
St0n3-C0lmuch better than Warty :P01:12
AcidWolfanyone running hoary on PPC have the keyboard layout worked out yet01:12
St0n3-C0lExcept Firefox :>01:12
black_Nightmarety anyhow01:12
St0n3-C0lit is lil buggy01:12
black_Nightmareguess I could try both cd01:13
willowen_ you need to boot of live cd and chroot into your dist. check /boot/grub/menu.lst01:13
owen_will: but this is after a fresh install01:13
AcidWolfcause mine is running real poopie01:13
nissamatman: scan carefully.  it's there.01:13
willowen_ humm01:13
underlordi just installed hoary preview on a new computer (2nd hand, but powerfull enough), i have a motorola sb4200 cable modem that has both an ethernet connector and a usb connector which i believe can operate symaltaniously01:13
samatmannow i see it after a reboot, but i went back and forth to 3 directories in nautilus and there was nothing01:13
underlordthe new computers ethernet appears to be recognised by the kernel01:13
black_Nightmaresay nis do you know if the video res is usually limited by the tv itself .. not by the tv/out?  or am I wrong :p01:13
ctr5 minutes to download this cd iso01:13
nissamatman: nautilus huh. okay.01:13
ctrthats pretty damn fast01:13
samatmanwhat should i use?01:13
underlordbut i connect modem and reboot and ubuntu doesnt connect to net01:13
smoucheFirefox is spastic these days!01:13
underlordany ideas why?01:13
Seveasblack_Nightmare, it is limited by the TV standard01:13
nisblack_Nightmare: ntsc is a single res; that should be true in composite I think.01:14
Seveasthat is just 500-something lines01:14
owen_hoary works fine from the sata on separate partition and with pata unplugged, but not when installed on the pata01:14
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Seveasboth PAL and SECAM01:14
black_Nightmareseveas..hmm that makes it a bit easier than said since family have this months-old (don't ask me why they got it LOL) large tv01:14
black_Nightmaremaybe I can try the higher NSTC res on it01:14
Seveasmaybe :)01:14
robl^samatman: that may be a nautlis bug.  the file isn't really hidden.. just that nautli needs to "re-read" the list of files in the directory01:14
nissamatman: nautilus is neat; but I'm unfamiliar with it.  I'm very much looking forward to transitioning over to it.01:14
black_Nightmareanyhow..brb trying find rest of cables to get the board plugged together....oh and relocate the thing to close to tv :p01:15
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samatmanlast time i had to install this driver i did make menuconfig, then went to the driver and it went beautifully01:15
nisblack_Nightmare: examine the CRT when it's on.  Look at the pixel sizes with a mag. glass ;)01:15
=== Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1b-1-8.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
nissamatman: what's the base issue here?01:16
owen_will: could it be that grub is installing to the mbr of the pata and not the sata? (the error might be from a previous installation, ie grub not reinstalled to the right mbr)01:16
samatmandifferent computer, different wireless driver01:16
St0n3-C0lnis: You'll be :P01:16
samatmanan rt2500 based card01:17
nissamatman: is the module in /lib/modules/foo yet?01:17
samatmanfoo being my kernel version?01:17
nissamatman: I think it goes into /lib/modules/<foo>/misc/ or similar if it wasn't built by the 'make menuconfig' procedure.01:18
samatmanwhat is foo?01:18
nissamatman: yes matches kernel revision.  that's how you get to have multiple kernel revisions on one system.  that's where it diifferentiates the modules.01:18
samatmani don't know what that should be on this system01:19
samatmanand i'm looking for what file?01:19
nissamatman: foo is a universal replaceable parameter; it  is shorthand for a variable, as in algebra variables.01:19
nissamatman: uname -r01:19
samatmanright, i'm in that directory01:19
nissamatman: if it's an external module it goes into misc I think.01:20
corzanis, did u end up finding anything?01:20
samatmani have nothing containting 'misc'01:20
nissamatman: for instance my hcfusb modules go in misc.01:20
niscorza: I'm burned out and snowed in and hungry.  I didn't look. ;)01:20
corzanis: lol01:21
nissnow in march!01:21
nisgood one too.01:21
smouchejesus, now konqueror is crashing when I'm not even actively using it.01:22
corzanis: i found something but i have to get imwheel01:22
corzanis: i found the .. .tar-1 file but i dont know what to do with it01:22
samatmani have boot, kernel, initrd as dirs, build is a symbolic link, modules.(alias, ccwmap, dep, ieee1394map, inputmap, isapnpmap, pcimap, symbols, usbmap)01:22
nissamatman: example of externally-built module installed path: /lib/modules/2.4.22-ben2-r7/misc/hcfusbserial.o01:22
samatmani have no misc01:23
samatmanit hasn't been built yet01:23
samatmani can't compile it01:23
smouchenis, I just woke up to snow too --01:23
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niscorza: make a directory in your home dir. change directory to it.  then unpack it to see what's in it.01:23
nissmouche: east coast?01:23
iomicifikkohi all01:23
corzanis, its not a .gz file01:24
smoucheyes, nis, New York.  You?01:24
=== Quarupt [~Quarupt@c-67-183-254-78.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
nissamatman: build pts to the correct kernel tree for that set of modules.  probably humm /usr/src/kernelname01:25
nissmouche: torrington (Litchfield CTY in CT)01:25
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invictushow can I make rhythmbox play mp3 in hoary?01:26
nissamatman: a proper external module probably creates 'misc' then. ;)01:26
niscorza: what is it?01:26
=== nis stalls.
corzanis: well i dont know what to do with it01:26
niscorza: is it an archive?01:26
samatmandoes ubuntu have cd burning by default?01:27
smoucheI'm issuing a fatwa on that damn groundhog, nis.01:27
corzanis: its named imwheel-1.0.0pre12.tar-101:27
HiddenWolfinvictues: install gstreamer-mad01:27
corzanis: no?01:27
corzai double click on it and it says cant be displayed01:27
nissmouche: heh. we had a good march snow when .. um .. 8 yrs back maybe?01:27
Burgundaviasamatman: yes for data, no for audio01:27
iomicifikkohi, i have a problem with vsftpd in ubuntu: i can access tree and subdir but always getting "550 Failed to open file" error trying opening files, any idea? thanks01:27
niscorza: a tarball.01:27
Burgundaviasamatman: search for gnomebaker01:27
corzanis: affirmative01:28
smouchethnik you're right, nis.  I always complain we don't get enough snow in New York, but enough with winter already01:28
black_Nightmaregot my motherboard running now01:28
invictusHiddenWolf; cant find it in apt01:28
black_Nightmaretv screen is showing bios setup :p01:28
niscorza: cat myfile.tar | tar -xvf -01:28
black_Nightmareso....just wanting check one thing... I should probably disable bios PnP?01:28
nissmouche: real currier and ives moment late last night .. snow on all the trees!01:28
samatmani can't beleive i'm using a cd for a damn text file01:28
QuaruptI did an update an my Gnome broke again?01:29
nisblack_Nightmare: cool. that's how I do it here.01:29
QuaruptLost desktop and panels, no shortcuts worked no right clicking worked01:29
Quarupthad to install kubuntu01:29
St0n3-C0lwhich repos u used ?01:29
QuaruptNo i mean the Hoary updater01:30
nisQuarupt: I haven't figured that out but edit .xsession and add stuph to it. maybe .. nautilus (it seems to be there but in bakground)01:30
QuaruptI cant believe that there gunna release this as stable next week01:30
nisQuarupt: try 'killall nautilus' in shell01:30
black_Nightmarenis...so could you answer my question? :p01:30
black_Nightmaresamathman..thats how come disk drives still have their useful ;)01:30
nisblack_Nightmare: sorry I'm quite dizzy now. q was?01:31
black_Nightmarenis - should i probably disable bios PnP?01:31
corzanis: ok that done something??01:31
samatmanok...i finally got the errors posted on pastebin01:31
nisblack_Nightmare: in the award bios type setup?01:31
black_Nightmareaward yeah01:31
samatmannow that seveas is away01:31
nisblack_Nightmare: um .. dunno. try it both ways. ;)01:31
corzanis: what did that do?01:31
black_Nightmareok I'll go disabled for now01:31
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nisblack_Nightmare: depends on ur goal01:32
black_Nightmarebrb :p01:32
samatmani have a usb disk, but it just wouln't let me write the damn text file ot it01:32
nisblack_Nightmare: disable until you run out of options. then enable. /std engineering01:32
=== odysseus is now known as odysseus1
niscorza: 8 conversations going here.01:32
Quaruptkopete isnt a bad irc client01:32
=== nis is actually a corpse refusing to give up the terminal
corzanis: sorry, what did typing that do just list what was in imwheel?01:33
St0n3-C0lNever used Kopete01:33
niscorza: u unpacked a tarball. now browse.01:33
St0n3-C0lWhat bout GAIM :P01:33
St0n3-C0lThey don't have /notice command :P01:33
niscorza: lynx is your friend here.01:33
Mitariothe wiki is broken?01:33
corzanis: ok..01:33
corzanis: where did i unpack it to?01:34
corzanis: found it01:34
nisMitario: yes.01:34
niscorzo: current dir01:34
corzanis: what do you mean lynx is my friend?? eh??01:34
niscorza: type 'lynx' in the terminal.01:34
corzanis: current dir: home01:34
corzacommand not found01:35
niscorza: text-based www browser also file browser01:35
niscorza: so install it. ;)01:35
nisI use it every single day.01:35
smouchewhoa, nix it never occured to me that lynx was also a file browser; must be fast01:35
nissmouche: lightning fast.01:36
corzanis i'll do it another day i have to go thanks for all ur help mate01:36
niscorza: you're welcome. was fun and challenging.  good luck.01:36
black_Nightmarethis is too funny LOL ...01:36
smoucheheh, given that konqueror hates me, I think I'll try lynx01:36
QuaruptMan KDE is looking nice nowadays01:36
corzanis: thanks alot catcha01:36
nis /me emphasis on 'challenging' hi hi01:36
black_Nightmarenis I didn't realize it but one of the spare 2.5gb hd I had left on shelf actually had full 98se installed TOGETHER with the radeon drivers too01:36
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niscorza: be well friend01:36
maddleranyone using KDE on hoary?01:36
black_Nightmarejeeze..and I thought I would be booting to a 'no system files found' screen01:37
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nisblack_Nightmare: doncha love that?01:37
HappyPillsanyone had much like with printer sharing and SP2 (not SP1)? my SP1 machine prints perfectly through samba on Ubuntu, my SP2 machine hangs01:37
queuetueHas anyone used vncviewer in --listen mode?  vncviewer works fine connecting to other sites, but crashed right away in --listen mode: "X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)"01:37
Quaruptmaddler: I do01:37
Quaruptmaddler: Kubuntu anyways01:37
Mitariohmm, inotify  isn't in the stock ubuntu kernel anymore?01:37
black_Nightmarenis...well.....yeah but at least this proves that the tv/out does work well -- I'll just have to see if I can find what res it is using now :p01:37
samatman98se?  BURN IT!!!01:37
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black_Nightmarebbl for a while01:37
maddlerQuarupt: are you able to go in "administrator mode" for fontlist management?01:37
Quaruptnever tried01:37
KamionMitario: no, broke too much01:37
maddlerQuarupt: it asks me for root password but the it goes back sto standard user...01:38
Quinn_Stormwhat is an inotify btw?01:38
KamionMitario: boot with 'inotify' kernel argument to try it01:38
MitarioKamion, :-(01:38
MitarioKamion, ah great, thanks01:38
KamionQuinn_Storm: it's an interface to let applications find out when files change without having to constantly poll them01:38
nisblack_Nightmare: so tv out works in separate operating systems? neat!01:38
maddlerQuarupt: could you give it a try? :)01:38
owen_does anyone here use a tv tuner with conexant chip in hoary?01:38
KamionQuinn_Storm: (or directories changing) used by things like file managers01:38
Quaruptmaddler: ya try enabling the root account?01:39
Quaruptmaddler: sudo passwd01:39
Quinn_StormKamion: I see, interesting01:39
nisowen_: I use a conexant modem. they support linux indirectly.01:39
samatmani give up01:39
samatmanthis is getting stupid01:40
Quinn_StormKamion: I assume you have to recompile the ubuntu kernel to get it?01:40
nissamatman: what's interesting to me is how far you did get and why the work was necessary.01:40
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samatmani haven't gotten anywhere01:40
nissamatman: Linux is a unix and u learned a lot of unix today.01:40
samatmanvery little i didn't already know01:41
samatmanor had been told before01:41
KamionQuinn_Storm: no, you have to boot with the 'inotify' kernel argument; at the moment it's too risky to enable by default01:41
samatmani'm honestly on the verge of destroying this machine with an axe handle01:41
nissamatman: what u after anyway?  what use for the computer for u?01:41
samatmaninterent, bittorrent, games, chat01:41
nissamatman: well Mac OS X has all the stability of unix/linux but is much easier to admin/maintain.01:42
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samatmanwant to get wine and related softwares working so i don't have to muck about with windows key generators01:42
maddlerQuarupt: yes... noway...01:42
samatmanyeah, but macs are expensive machines01:42
Quinn_StormKamion: Ah, I see.  what sort of risk? just a lockup?01:42
cartmananyone knows why emacs doesn't want to enter non-ascii charcters?01:42
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nissamatman: yeah.01:42
cartmanlike unicode ones01:42
samatmanand i have an amd64 280001:42
samatmanthis worked a month ago just fine01:43
nissamatman: so -- a Linux installfest maybe? spring's here.01:43
samatmani just want it to fucking work01:43
nis /command/ it to. ;)01:43
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samatmanit worked before01:43
MyKq3hi does anyone know y the last UbuntuLinux ver (previwe hoary). is so havy ?01:43
samatmanand i don't know what is different01:43
nisI think they should add an 'and I MEAN it' button to all keyboards. ;)01:44
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cartmananyone using emacs in a unicode locale?01:44
maddlerQuarupt: the strange thing is that it gaves no error even if I use a wrong passwrd...01:44
nissamatman: I typed 'macintosh-old' instead of 'macintosh_old' to support my keyboard here.  This was the ubuntu install 2 days ago.  No key was mapped to the right character.  Not a one.01:44
KamionQuinn_Storm: right; if you remember a month or two ago, kernel lockups at every login01:45
nisThat was six hours I'll never see again.01:45
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Quinn_StormKamion: okay, well I'll check it out, inotify does seem like a cool feature.  does it automatically integrate with the fam-alternative that ubuntu uses?01:45
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nisWorse -- I knew all about the 'macintosh' vs 'macintosh_old' issue, which was probably 12 hours of my life from 3 yrs ago. ;)01:45
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nisdrove me nuts.01:46
KamionQuinn_Storm: as far as I know, yeah. note that there's already a notification interface (called 'dnotify') in use; inotify is just a better version of it.01:46
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Quinn_StormKamion: yeah I just read a little page on dnotify.  I'm gonna try rebooting w/ inotify and see if I'm affected by the bug01:47
Kamionnis: http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/keycodes has the translation map for what you probably ended up with, btw01:47
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nisand .. this is a brand new iMac (or was 3 yrs ago) .. but 'old' not the (implied) 'new' ;)01:47
samatmanwhat does make -C do?01:47
maddlerChange  to  directory dir before reading the makefiles or doing anything else.01:48
robl^speaking as a person that started using Linux at kernel 0.99pl9, Linux may take longer to set up and tweak... but once it is running you will MUCH less problems than most other "mainsteam" operating systems01:48
nisKamion: I created that document (its equiv.) by rial and trerror.01:48
nisline my coffin with it. ;)01:48
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smouchehey, nis. Lynx looks great.  Bit of a learning curve, but I think I'm going to enjoy using it.  Thanks01:49
nissamatman: the man page says the -C switch causes make to change to a directory before doing anything.01:49
Kamionnis: ah, ok :-)01:49
nissmouche: no problem.01:49
nisI better get out of here before a real expert exposes my fraud.01:50
keffomount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/iso01:50
keffois this the correct way?01:50
keffoyes it was01:50
niskeffo: looks right01:51
AcidWolfquestion to access a repository through apt does one need a key emerged01:51
niskeffo: for style (only) the -t switch might come first.01:51
samatmanmake --help and i saw it01:51
samatmani'm goign to bed01:51
nissamatman: another day.01:51
samatmani wanted a 64 bit OS without having to deal with the absence of drivers for windows xp01:52
samatmanand then the small box was goign to be my over night bittorent box01:52
=== Albacker [~eni@as5300.atnet.com.al] has joined #ubuntu
t325hello, does any1 know how to change font size for gdm login screen?01:52
nissamatman: perspective.  these are amazing machines.01:52
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nist325: no but it's high on my list. /etc/gdm/gdm.conf I think is a starting pt.01:53
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samatmananyways, i need sleep, it's 5 am01:53
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nis8 am here. ;)01:54
t325nis I already checked it, nothinbg about font size..01:54
St0n3-C0l6 P.M :P01:54
nist325: I had the thot that it'd be a global GNOME or GTK setting.01:54
Gladiak1 pm01:54
nisSeveas: .no?01:55
=== Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1shills1b-1-8.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gladiak.it :01:55
Quinn_Stormwell, looks like inotify is fine on my system01:55
Gladiakitaly suck01:55
nis /clear01:55
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t325nis I don't think so, because gnome and gtk settings are different for each user, gdm settings are global, can only be set by root (or sudo in ubuntu)01:55
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MyKq3nahttp://www.osx-e.com/modules.php?modid=1&action=show&id=86 damn have someone sow it?01:57
MyKq3its for windows...01:57
nist325: right. X11 is started by gdm (sorta) or restarted anyway.01:57
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nist325: /etc/X11/Xsession script foo?01:58
nis .Xresources somewhere?01:58
airoxI've just upgraded to hoary. Everything seems fine. But my mouse isn't working in X anymore. Is there a utility that can scan for which device the mouse is hanging on ?01:58
airoxlet's see ..01:58
airoxIt doesn't detect anything :(01:59
St0n3-C0lairox: Check your xorg.conf02:00
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t325search for "font" in Xsession gives nothing; will try to find .Xresources02:00
airoxSt0n3-C0l: And then ?02:00
Gladiakwhat mouse is it ?02:00
nist325: /etc/X11/app-defaults/XSm ?02:00
St0n3-C0lCheck ur mouse device02:00
St0n3-C0lmaybe it works02:00
airoxIt's there.02:00
St0n3-C0lI did the same yesterday02:00
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Gladiakwheel mouse ?02:01
airoxit's a microsoft wheel mouse yeah02:01
airox2 btn and 1 scroll btn02:01
=== nis doesn't wish to restart X11 to find out right now.
Gladiakprotocol ImPS202:01
Gladiakand it could be fine02:01
Seveasairox, compare your old XF86config-4 to your new xorg.conf02:01
Seveasthat could give you some clue :)02:02
t325nis could it be this "*chooseSessionPopup*font:12x24"? (in XSm)02:02
Gladiakright :)02:02
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urbanfox[Rebel] hi02:02
urbanfox[Rebel] I'm having issues with totem02:02
urbanfox[Rebel] It won't play MP3 by default02:02
nist325: on right track but I think I know what xsm is and this isn't it.02:02
urbanfox[Rebel] what package do I need to install to fix this?02:03
St0n3-C0lurbanfox[Rebel]  its based on Gstreamer by default not on Xine-Lib02:03
Seveasurbanfox[Rebel] , install totem-xine02:03
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Seveasand if you have marillat repos already: try w32codecs too :)02:03
St0n3-C0lyou'll have to get Gstreamer plugins or install totem-xine (just as Seveas said)02:03
nist325: has something to do with managing gdm via remote so u can boot a remote xterminal over a lan. get an xdm/gdm login screen on another phys term.02:03
nist325: might involve unix sockets and localhost too. dunno.02:04
nist325: 12x24 would be one large font indeed.02:04
urbanfox[Rebel] apt-get install totem-xine isn't doing anything :(02:04
St0n3-C0lurbanfox use Synaptic02:04
urbanfox[Rebel] says there are no installation candidates02:04
calcits in universe02:05
urbanfox[Rebel] I can't find totem-xine in Synaptic either02:05
CitizenXanybody got flash as a firefox plugin in the 64bit hoary running ?02:05
Seveasurbanfox[Rebel] , enable universe first02:05
calcyou have to add that repo to sources.list first02:05
t325nis what should I put instead of it (12x24)?02:05
St0n3-C0lRepos are set on CDROM02:05
St0n3-C0lAdd Binary Repos for Multiverse and Universe02:05
urbanfox[Rebel] I'm new to debian-based distros02:05
urbanfox[Rebel] as such I know next to nothing02:06
St0n3-C0lGo to Synaptic -> Settings -> Repos -> Add -> Hoary Updates02:06
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St0n3-C0lIf you're using Hoary02:06
St0n3-C0lotherwise Warty02:06
St0n3-C0land check on multiverse universe02:06
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nist325: gdmsetup ?02:06
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urbanfox[Rebel] ah, thanks02:07
urbanfox[Rebel] I knew the package selection seemed a bit thin02:07
St0n3-C0lurbanfox[Rebel] : don't worry I was new too :P You'll have to spend some time to understand the features of debian-based distros :)02:07
urbanfox[Rebel] :P02:07
St0n3-C0lNo Problem02:07
nist325: mod some script to do 'gdm -fn myfont' ?02:07
St0n3-C0land then click on Reload02:07
kainhi there, someone knows why alsasink/alsasrc and osssink/osssrc doesn't exists in hoary? I've gstreamer0.8-alsa/oss installed but those pipeline aren't on my system02:08
kainso if I want to use an alsa mixer instead of esd I can't02:08
Quinn_Stormkain: gst-register02:08
VjazIf esd is on, alsa and oss are reserved by esd, so you can't use them if you don't kill esd, I think.02:08
Quinn_Stormkain: or more exactly, most likely, sudo gst-register02:09
VjazI could be wrong.02:09
black_Nightmarethis is just too stupid LOL... locked out of my system by a hard password that I can't seem to recall now02:09
kainwell, let's try02:09
black_Nightmarestoopid... :))02:09
t325nis no nothing in gdmsetup; will try to change in XSm, who knows.. and for the script idea, I have no idea where to start02:09
nist325: 'xdm -resources' is a valid switch.  man xdm02:09
Quinn_Stormkain: oh, its gst-register-0.8 on ubuntu02:09
=== black_Nightmare needs to figure how to remove winsecure thus dos
kainyes Quinn_Storm, I've tried that but no result02:09
kainerror in pipeline02:09
nist325: u can trace the scripts; I start with the 'startx' script nowadays but I used to start with 'xinit' binary.02:09
nist325: the script chain has this maddening way of undoing what another setup.02:10
=== lionel_ [~lionel@10.21.96-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnonhey, I tried to update base-files and /var/log/btmp is inaccessible, it exist but I can't change its permissions or access it at all. The update needs to access it, what's wrong?02:10
nisblack_Nightmare: battery.  remove. short motherboard batty contacts. no bios passwd. ;)02:11
black_Nightmarenis..no not bios -- the system02:11
nisblack_Nightmare: root?02:11
black_Nightmareit was an old program I used last I used this computer .. it has a fullscreen login window and even disables the ctrl key too02:11
kainwell, it worked, thanks02:11
kaini must kill esd02:11
t325nis I found smthn interesting in /etc/X11/Xresources; will restart X02:11
St0n3-C0lI think he locked his windo*s system02:11
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black_Nightmarest0n3...well...this particular hd never seen any use for quite a long time so there02:12
black_Nightmarefunny that it had a full system left on it :p02:12
nist325: don't forget these are mostly example scripts, but they're incomplete.  The 'font' grep can turn  up nothing because that's an option for which no example comment was given but belong there. ;)02:12
St0n3-C0lGone from my head02:12
niscomments in X11 generally start with ! in some files but not others.02:13
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nist325:        xlogin.Login.font02:15
nis              The font used to display the typed-in user name.02:15
t325where is it located?02:15
nist325: man xdm02:15
nisgot all u want there.02:15
CitizenXsomeone here who could help me with flash, its about the firefox plugin, i got it all installed but when i open some flash or shockwave thing the plugins workingplace stays black02:15
=== Shaquile [~Shaquile@h216n2fls34o888.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
nissure look like Xresources to me but I haven't read the legend yet.02:15
ShaquileHave you got fglrx to work in Ubuntu?02:16
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nist325: file should be named (after the pattern of) DisplayManager.DISPLAY.resources02:17
nist325: say, gdm.0.resources02:17
padlefotanyone use 3ddesktop ?02:18
urbanfox[Rebel] hrm. is there a redhat-artwork package?02:18
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Jesteraceurbanfox[Rebel] , you looking for the bluecurve metacity theme?02:19
urbanfox[Rebel] yes02:20
Jesteracei had to download it from redhat then extract it02:20
St0n3-C0lYou like that theme :P02:20
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urbanfox[Rebel] what section are artwork packages put under?02:20
=== jordanau [~jordan@cable-24-181-119-185.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jesteracei forget i googled and found it02:21
Jesteracescreenie :P02:21
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black_Nightmaresay .. on ot note any of you know where the startup folder would be kept under? (the directory that is)02:21
nist325: could also be a gdm theme issue02:22
black_NightmareI already tried windows>startmenu> and its not there02:22
=== IRCMonkey_ is now known as BX4702
black_Nightmarehmm system folder....ty02:23
BX4702Got a question here02:23
Stemp /msg nickserv set email smarguet.freesurf.fr02:23
nist325: try /usr/share/gdm/themes/HumanCircle/HumanCircle.xml02:24
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nis(subst. ur theme there for HC)02:24
BX4702am tring to install ubuntu on a found computer but it doesn't boot from cd and setup is locked wiuth a password I do not know, anyone can tell me how to get around that?>02:24
nist325: just change all the instances of '12' to '18'02:25
=== Stemp [~Stemp@d83-177-253-57.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
St0n3-C0lJesterace: Looks better02:25
Jesteracehehe :P02:25
nisBX4702: disc battery02:26
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nisthat zeros out the bios02:26
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nis(cmos nvram)02:26
BX4702will try that now thanks02:27
niswill also lose all bios settings so u want to print screen all of them first02:27
vivekhow do i install gaim-vv on ubuntu?02:27
BX4702don't have acces to em,02:28
nisBX4702: print screen key on PC-AT used to be able to print bios screens to dead trees02:28
nisBX4702: defaults usually are okay but non optimal02:28
vivekdoes n e 1 know how to install gaim-vv on ubuntu????02:29
nisBX4702: besides I believe the Linux kernel pretty much ignores most of them02:29
BX4702ok will use defaults and take it from there, seems easiest and am not that good at all this thanks nis02:29
nisBX4702: welcome.02:29
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nisBX4702: sometimes u short the battery terminals on the mobo to 'drain the residual charge' out of the cmos.02:30
vivekgaim-vv on ubuntu?02:30
nis(disc the battery -- don't short the battery)02:30
kentvivek, I dont think that program is so usefull. Its based on an old gaim, so you wont have bugfixes etc, and the webcam feature does not seem to work that well. (If it would, then they would have made a working release..)02:30
nisBX4702: www.badflash.com has good help there02:31
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psthhi folks02:31
psthif i have a server,and two clients, whats the best way of doing regular backups from the clients onto the server?02:31
thefishpsai_, check out rsync, it is very quick for this kind of thing (it will only transfer changes)02:31
nispsth: rsync but it's low level and slow (not best, but 'a' way).02:32
thefishpsth, even ;)02:32
black_Nightmareok I finally found the main program for the winsecure thinge and moved it to a temp folder then rebooted..02:32
black_Nightmarenow I have full access to desktop :p02:32
nisthefish: slow over ssh I meant ;)02:32
maddlerpsth: tar+scp (maybe using certificates)02:32
maddlerpsth: using a cronjob02:32
vivekty kent...but is there ne way ican see web cam on linux???02:32
psthcheers, i'll take a look at rsync02:32
nisblack_Nightmare: now format C: /S ;)02:32
black_Nightmareand nis -- the display is set to 1024x800 and it actually doesn't seem to have any problem showing that on this large tv at all ... except the 10pt standard fonts are a tad hard to read unless you're not too far from the tv02:32
black_Nightmarenis..no thanks lol02:33
viveki have ubuntu,ofcourse..02:33
psthmaddler, would a cronjob using rsync be possible?02:33
black_Nightmareso I think ubuntu would also be able to show on the tv as well?02:33
psthi was goinna use ifolder. or is that for a completely different thing?02:33
nisblack_Nightmare: I can't read the EGA fonts at all! but I know what they say.02:33
kentvivek, gnome netmeating can do it, and it can talk to windows computers (they have to start netmeating in windows)02:33
black_Nightmarenis..lol ~ well seriously this tv displays 1024x800 fine02:33
thefishpsth, rsync can be cronned yes, even better - run it over ssh with public keys02:33
black_NightmareI'm going try raise it higher and see what the limit is02:33
nisblack_Nightmare: ubuntu in text  mode certainly will.02:33
thefishpsth, that way, you dont need to put passwords in your scripts02:34
psththefish, i've no idea what you just said. but i'll check into it02:34
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nis /nothing's certain tho02:34
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maddlerpsth: sure...02:34
maddlerpsth: you can use whatever you want in a cronjob...02:34
thefishpsth, first read about rsync, then check out ssh with pubkeys (google has loads)02:35
nisblack_Nightmare: it sounds like that gizmo would present a VGA hardware interface to ubuntu. SVGA server should do in X11. :)02:35
psththefish, cool! thanks a lot everyone, i'll get looking into that stuff later02:35
maddlerpsth: but using tar to compress files on local machine will shorten time needed for transfer... and use less bandwidth...02:35
=== nis steals black_Nightmare's tv gizmo
maddlerit also depends if the central server is on the same lan of the two machines being backed up...02:35
n00b_like I installed aterm and now I want to put it in tu the applications menu.how can I do that?02:35
black_Nightmarenis... its aiw7500 card btw :p02:36
black_Nightmarebrb for a while02:36
t325nis I solved the problem editing both Xresources (uncomment a line at the bottom, set dpi value to 96) and gdm theme file config (14->12)02:36
nisblack_Nightmare: just a PCI card?02:37
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nisdpi wow02:37
niswhoda thunkit02:37
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Jesteraceurbanfox[Rebel] , http://jester.bluefire.org/bluecurve.zip02:38
Jesteraceit's the metacity & gtk themes02:38
St0n3-C0lwhere are Mplayer fonts located ?02:39
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Jesteracedon't know i use xine :P02:39
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skoraa quick google search brought up /usr/local/share/mplayer/font02:42
skora:] 02:42
skorabtw, i forget where the apt sources list is edited at..02:43
skora[location wise, on my drive] 02:43
skora[somewhere in etc ?] 02:43
skorathanks jesterace.02:43
Jesteracenp :)02:43
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skorais that the right one stone ?02:43
skorajester, does this list directly correspond with synaptic's list, or does synaptic have a different one ?02:44
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=== skora is contemplating writing a small wiki entry that lists all of the repositories, unless such a list already exists and i cant find it :p
Jesteraceskora, synaptic should use the exact same list02:45
nisskora: there is a mirror page02:45
skoranis, i see that list, though i was proposing one that's similar to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/02:47
St0n3-C0lskora: nope :P02:47
skorathen lists the repositories right on it.02:47
keffotar.gz <-02:47
keffotar -zxvf file.tar.gz02:47
nisskora: rgr02:47
skora[easier for newb's, imho] 02:48
skorargr ?02:48
St0n3-C0lNice try :P02:48
niskeffo: I think -xzvf is usual there yes02:48
skorait its02:48
keffokeffo@keffo:~$ tar -xzvf point2play1.3.3_deb.tar.gz02:49
keffogzip: stdin: not in gzip format02:49
keffotar: Child returned status 102:49
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keffonever had thosep problems before02:49
skorahave gzip installed, right ?02:49
St0n3-C0ldo onething02:50
St0n3-C0lmv point2play* point2play*.deb02:50
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keffosmart one02:50
nisthere is no *.deb.tar.gz  .. a .deb is an 'ar' archive02:50
nisar x debfile.deb02:50
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nisgzip -t myfile.gz tests for gzipedness iirc02:52
foznotmy computer now has no sound....i installed vlc last night and now nothing. any ideas?02:52
foznoti am using ubuntu hoary02:52
niswhat's vlc?02:52
St0n3-C0lsame question raised in my mind :P02:53
keffoa media palyer02:53
niswhazzit do?02:53
keffoan awesome media player02:53
nisalsa/esd issue02:53
keffohey foznot www.ubuntuguide.org02:53
kefforead about vlc there02:53
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keffoor go into prefs in vlc.. and try both esd, oss n alsa02:54
foznotonly esd works02:54
foznotand with only certain discs/dvds02:54
nisOSS worked on my last box for no reason I could fathom.  But there it was (that was always an esd box prior).02:54
nisI have to go.02:56
=== nis crashes hard.
foznotkeffo: i didn't see vlc listed02:56
foznotthanks nis02:56
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nisfoznot: welcome. 73, all. -wa1tnr02:56
black_Nightmareanyone know what you call it if you have a desktop that is larger than the screen itself?02:56
deFrysksmall screen02:57
nisblack_Nightmare: look at 'virtual' in the same spot as the Modes "1024x768" "800x600" part of XF86Config/xorg.conf etc.02:57
=== nis really gone.
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ftwigI have to kill esd to get xmms working in horay, I did not have to do this in warty.  Any idea whay?02:57
St0n3-C0lhey where to put plugins for Totem02:57
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deFrysksudo apt-get install totem-xine02:58
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St0n3-C0lI did02:58
black_Nightmarenis...ah ok because I got 1200x1024 running on tv now but I have to scroll a bit to see part of desktop :p02:58
St0n3-C0li am saying in which folder i can put plugins for Totem02:59
black_Nightmareits like the tv is 1024x800 max but the desktop is wanting to run 1200x1024 :p02:59
St0n3-C0lokay got it02:59
deFryskStoneTable, get the w32 codecs from marrillat02:59
deFrysksee the wiki page for restricted formats for further info02:59
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black_Nightmarenis did you understand what I was saying anyhow?03:00
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deFryskSt0n3-C0l, I mean sorrr StoneTable darn autocompl03:01
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StoneTableheh :p03:02
St0n3-C0lI already did ;)03:02
St0n3-C0ldun u worry :P03:02
deFrysklater folks03:02
St0n3-C0lI did it from tarballs03:02
black_Nightmarebah where the heck is nis?? lol03:03
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St0n3-C0lDo anybody uses any good Download Manager here ?03:08
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St0n3-C0ld4x dumps the downloads from 89% to start (even when Resume is supported) ehh :P During downloads03:09
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drossI'm having trouble installing staroffice03:11
=== kickrocks [~kickrocks@pcp09527421pcs.maysld01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
drossit says permission denied, but runs with any other user03:12
kickrocksis there a ia64 version?03:12
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kickrocksuhmm forget that03:14
kickrocksI found it03:14
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adrighemSt0n3-C0l: gwget?03:14
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St0n3-C0lkget is better03:16
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Jesteraceah cool do  a custom install and you get ubuntu with no desktop :P03:17
Deadbeef|foodwhy does warty include apache2 but not php4; and what deps does php4 exactly have ?03:17
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adrighemI've got a problem when installing package "fam"03:17
adrighemwhen I try to install fam, apt-get wants to remove 178 other packages, i.e. my whole deksopt install.03:17
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Deadbeef|foodadrighem: man apt-get, and the section about dependancies.. you could, ofcourse, ignore it03:18
=== Deadbeef|food is now known as Deadbeef`
adrighemDeadbeef`: yeah, I know about dependencies. I've been using debian for over 8 years now.03:19
St0n3-C0land when I try to remove gnomemeeting03:19
St0n3-C0lSynaptic tries to remove Ubuntu-desktop03:19
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=== Deadbeef` is now known as Deadbeef`NL
adrighemDeadbeef`NL: but there's no real reason for fam to be incompatible with all those packages. What I'd like to know is...is anyone alse having problems with fam and gnome?03:20
Deadbeef`NLdon't know.. haven'03:21
Deadbeef`NLt updatet warty yet03:21
St0n3-C0lhaven ?03:21
kentSt0n3-C0l, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage. Its not a real package. It only make sure that when you install ubuntu, all packages that is named in ubuntu-desktop gets installed so that you get the whole desktop. You can remove that package later on, and some packages will remove it. So its not a problem.03:21
deFryskSt0n3-C0l, Ubuntu-desktop is a meta-pack03:22
deFryskremoving it does no harm03:22
=== black_Nightmare needs to figure making these downloaded iso's into cd's already!!! jeeze lol
Jesteraceheh so it keeps gnome installed?03:22
deFryskJesterace, yup03:22
flyingsquirrel54hi all installed ubuntu yesterday and I love it!!03:22
Jesteracewish i knew that awhile ago03:22
Jesteraceforget what i tried to install that said it would remove it03:22
flyingsquirrel54how can I install the plugins to play mp3's03:23
=== deFrysk uses gnome , loves gnome but does not have the metapack installed
Jesteracehowever I suppose if it did get removed install ubuntu-desktop would put it back in03:23
deFryskJesterace, yup03:23
Jesteracei'm putting it in warty at the moment03:23
Jesteracedid a custom install  :P03:23
=== lok [~heka@facultes-3-82-228-151-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
deFryskbut if you remove Oo u-desktop get removed with it withoud doing any harm03:23
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flyingsquirrel54hey guys, how can I install the plugins needed to play mp3's03:24
deFryskflyingsquirrel54, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:25
St0n3-C0lflyingsquirrel54: apt-get install totem-xine03:25
segfault2kthere is a way to use xcompmgr 03:25
segfault2kin ubuntu hoary?03:25
flyingsquirrel54thanks I'll try those03:25
St0n3-C0l3ddesktop :P03:25
=== kresten [~kresten@0x503f6739.kjnxx3.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
black_Nightmarehmm stupid question: how do you delete folders in dos?03:27
Deadbeef`NLblack_Nightmare: del /?03:27
black_Nightmaredeadbeef... 'del' is only for files03:27
airoxdeltree ?03:27
deFryskblack_Nightmare, rightclick it in total commander03:27
black_Nightmaredoh.. deltree -- thanks03:27
Deadbeef`NLdeltree indeed03:27
black_NightmareI should have thought of that03:27
black_Nightmarebrb :D03:27
Deadbeef`NLbut's that not a default program :)03:27
Deadbeef`NLeg not shipped with DOS03:28
Deadbeef`NLafaik :P03:28
airoxWhy in hell are you using DOS then ? (curious)03:28
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000bdbb5820d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
black_Nightmarehd chirping madly away now..hehe deleting system folder :p03:29
HappyPillsdos rocks03:29
black_Nightmarehappy..not to mention that you can read-only ntfs from dos..rendering the supposed sercuity of ntfs useless03:30
black_Nightmareirony isn't it?03:30
HappyPillsoooh, didn't know that03:31
thefishblack_Nightmare, its the same with ext3, reiser, ext2, xfs03:32
HappyPillsI reiterate, dos rocks03:32
HappyPillsyes but they weren't made by microsoft03:32
black_Nightmarethefish..well...they think 2K and so for business is supposed to be secure03:32
thefishif someone has physical access, security is null03:32
black_Nightmarebut truth: its NOT!!!!03:32
black_Nightmarebetter to just stick to whatever os works..even 9x as well03:32
Deadbeef`NLntfs is just a layer on top of the actual filesystem03:32
black_Nightmareyeah you tell me now03:33
black_Nightmarethats why I like my iomega zip drive....03:33
Deadbeef`NLblack_Nightmare: you're joking right ? win9x ?03:33
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thefishDeadbeef`NL, hehe no way - its a very complicated, messy mess03:33
black_Nightmaremy most personal files are *off* the system when its not in use03:33
sridkubuntu is great!03:33
HappyPillsso if ntfs is just a layer than what is the underlying file system?03:33
=== thefish has had to *try* and write drivers for it - it is not a layer
thefishits a filesystem03:33
black_Nightmaredeadbeef... between 98se and 2K there's not much difference if you remove ntfs sercuity from 2K ... thats just my own rant anyhow ;)03:33
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sridno anti-aliased fonts in kubuntu-desktop! :-(03:34
Deadbeef`NLblack_Nightmare: besides the stability++ from 2k :)03:34
tom_neo mhh what could be the reason for my system hanging when i burn a cd03:34
bung__and the fact it was based on NT, not 95.03:35
black_Nightmaredeadbeef...I had 98se running for years ... even *no* repairs at all03:35
black_Nightmarerock stable even with umm.. over 20 uninstall.exe used and several dos fix-it visits03:35
black_Nightmareor maybe it was just me03:35
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bung__I think the architecture is very different.03:36
bung__but then again, I don't pay attention.03:36
St0n3-C0lI always had problems with 98se :P03:37
St0n3-C0lRegistry errors03:37
black_Nightmarest0n3..must be hardware choice then03:37
Riddellsrid: anti-aliased fonts should be fixed in an upload I made last night03:37
black_Nightmareor some programs not done well03:37
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St0n3-C0lon p4 ?03:37
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black_Nightmaremine is 300Amhz slot1 anyhow03:38
kenthmm,  have gnome.org been slashdot'ed?  :(03:38
sridRiddell: so if I apt-get update now, i could be fine?03:38
St0n3-C0lkent what ya mean :p03:38
sridbut kopete is really not good for IRC (i liked xchat)03:38
black_Nightmarejeeze... deltree is still working away at the system folder....must be huge...lol03:39
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St0n3-C0lsrid: Obviously Kopete is a multi-protocol client and xchat is pure IRC client03:39
Deadbeef`NLblack_Nightmare: did you turn cache on ?03:40
gilbs72hi. is there a hot-key to wake ubuntu after i close and open the lid of my laptop?  been looking for info but couldn't find any. i end up pressing ctrl-alt-del to shutdown and restart.03:40
krestenHi! Does any of you guys know how to disable the touchpad on a laptop?03:40
kentSt0n3-C0l,  most articles on slashdot links to another page, and those pages get sunk down from to much traffic since it seems that *many* people read slashdot. And now it seems that it is gnome.org's turn to get so many readers that it gets sunken down.  (or atleast Seth Nickels blog)03:40
sridlet me switch back to xchat03:41
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black_Nightmaredeadbeef..nevermind when I went to check it was done and waiting for me to say yn to the next directory :p03:42
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black_Nightmarejust curious but can I set a desktop in ubuntu or.....?03:42
black_Nightmaredesktop picture that is03:42
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Deadbeef`NLyes you can03:42
Deadbeef`NL..right mouse button03:43
krestenblack_Nightmare, Background?03:43
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krestenblack_Nightmare, as Deadbeef`NL, said: right mouse button...03:43
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black_Nightmaresorry yeah.. background -- jeeze I'm not thinking straight!!03:44
=== black_Nightmare whacks head
black_Nightmarecan I set a BACKGROUND picture in ubuntu? :p03:45
black_Nightmarewith gnome that is03:45
airoxblack_Nightmare: yes.03:45
black_Nightmareoh ok....thanks :)03:45
black_Nightmarecan I config background color too?03:45
airoxblack_Nightmare: yes.03:45
krestenSame place...03:45
black_Nightmarehm ty03:45
black_Nightmareblack background and a dark picture :D03:46
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krestenIs it possible to disable the touchpad?03:46
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airoxkresten: yes.03:47
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airoxkresten: check your xorg.conf file in /etc/X1103:47
airoxIt should be in there.03:47
krestenWill do. Thanks!03:47
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black_Nightmareany of you even heard of Need For Speed Underground?03:49
dizzielol :)03:49
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black_Nightmareairox..me too..not so sure its my kind of games but then the graphic arts they do are quite nice03:49
airoxblack_Nightmare: So ... :)03:50
black_Nightmarehttp://www.eagames.com/official/nfs/underground/us/downloads.jsp?show=wallpapers&skin=default and 2nd row.. leftmost picture ... thats my favorite background picture :">03:50
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black_Nightmarenice girl....lol03:50
krestenairox, Hav'n03:50
krestenairox, Sorry...03:50
krestenairox, I don't think I have that...03:50
airoxkresten: Using warty ? ... Then check XFree86Config in the same dir.03:51
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krestenairox, using warty. I have a XF86Config-4 in that dir...03:52
airoxYeah, use that one.03:52
airoxerr.. check that one03:52
black_Nightmareairox - just wondering but did you look at the picture? :p03:53
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airoxblack_Nightmare: no ;)03:54
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krestenairox, What should I check/uncheck?03:54
black_Nightmarewhy not?03:54
airoxkresten: Check the directives if there are 2 mouse sections.03:54
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foznoti still have no sound with hoary after reinstalling vlc last night...no other changes were made...if i go back to warty, is warty using the 2.6.10 kernel?03:55
naikuty_hello, anybody on AMD64 - I just couldnot get X up03:55
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krestenairox, there are two sections. One of those are even labeled "synaptics touchpad".03:56
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airoxkresten: What about the other one ?03:56
krestenairox, "configured mouse"03:57
airoxkresten: You have the problem that the wrong mouse is used for controlling the cursor ?03:57
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airoxOr you just want to disabel one ?03:57
chillywillywhere is ps2pdf in ubuntu?03:58
krestenairox, no both works... just want to disable one...03:58
chillywillyis it packaged?03:58
airoxkresten: ok.03:58
chillywillyanyone know of any other tool that I could use that is packaged?03:58
airoxchillywilly: ps2pdf is in a default hoary installation.03:58
chillywillyshould've just tried it at the command line03:59
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airoxkresten: Check the section labeled ServerLayout03:59
krestenairox, should I change "SendCoreEvents" to false for the device I want to disable?03:59
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Deadbeef`NLairox: do you perhaps know why warty ships with apache2 but without php4 ?03:59
chillywillylooks old though, doesn't have ps2pdf1403:59
airoxDeadbeef`NL: Does it ship with a webserver ?04:00
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Deadbeef`NLyes, apache04:00
airoxstrange ...04:00
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krestenairox, yeah got both devices there...04:00
airoxDeadbeef`NL: in hoary it isn't there ..04:00
airoxkresten: comment the correct one out.04:00
Deadbeef`NLand in warty neither04:00
airoxchillywilly: in the hoary default installation there is ps2pdf1404:01
chillywillyhmmm, that looks liek dog shit :)04:01
chillywillyok, then it's just not listed in the man page04:01
krestenairox, How...? which caracter do I use to comment things out?04:01
airoxDeadbeef`NL: So you are asking why it ships WITHOUT a webserve /04:01
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airoxkresten: #04:01
airoxkresten: Put that one at the front of the line.04:02
Deadbeef`NLairox: no, why it does not ship with php404:02
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krestenairox, thanks...04:02
airoxkresten: Then log out and back in.04:02
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chillywillyhmmm, it's not converting very well04:03
chillywillythat sucks04:03
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airoxDeadbeef`NL: Well I find it weird that it even ships with a webserver.04:03
airoxDeadbeef`NL: Installing php would be another (for many) useless thing.04:03
no0ticopenoffice has been freezed to 1.9.76 version?04:03
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Deadbeef`NLairox: not for me ;)04:03
jazzkaI've got a bash-script, and I want to execute it once every day, which is the easiest way?04:03
airoxDeadbeef`NL: Then install it.04:03
airoxDeadbeef`NL: You do have apt-get you know ;)04:03
no0ticor hoary stable release will contain OO.o 2?04:03
krestenairox, Thanks.04:04
airoxDeadbeef`NL: Would be a shame not to have to use apt-get ;D04:04
airoxkresten: np04:04
Deadbeef`NLairox: apt-get yes; but don't have internet access on that machine04:04
Deadbeef`NLdon't ask either04:04
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airoxDeadbeef`NL: Then grab the packages and burn them on cd or something./04:04
Kamionno0tic: that hasn't yet been decided04:04
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Deadbeef`NLand can't get the deps working while the right things ARE installed04:05
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no0ticKamion: where decisions take place?04:05
skywirehow can i hide my host?04:06
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airoxskywire: Could you be more specific ?04:06
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chillywillyall the text is missing in the resulting pdf04:06
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Kamionno0tic: technical board and/or misc developer meetings. however that particular decision is blocked on, er, actually having working OOo2 packages04:07
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no0ticKamion: thanks04:09
krestenhow do you edit files from the command line?04:10
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krestenWhich program do you guys use?04:10
Deadbeef`NLkresten: nano04:11
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krestenDeadbeef`NL: ok04:11
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thomerzwhen will hoary exactly be released?04:12
DJ_Miragehalf way april ?04:12
reynoldlarizawhere can i find a screenshot? i like to see it :)04:13
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=== DJ_Mirage has birthday on 3rd of april ;)
thomerzis it sure Xappe?04:13
Xappeno, that's what I think i've heard04:14
Xappereynoldlariza: screenshot of hoary?04:14
reynoldlarizai would like to see some :)04:15
skywirelook @ google :P04:15
Xappereynoldlariza: here's mine: http://www.deltaconnect.se/~jon/Screenshot.png04:15
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reynoldlarizathanks :)04:15
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reynoldlarizaso what does ubuntu different from other distributions? if i may ask :)04:16
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MiguezXappe, what theme and icons are those?04:17
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befrokdoes ubuntu use SCIM by default?04:17
bob2reynoldlariza: the website has stuff about that04:17
LeeJunFancan anyone help me debug my openoffice install on amd64? I get can't execute binary file :(04:18
blackmoonhi! i've got some errors with synaptic...04:18
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XappeMiguez: the theme is leech and the icons are GNANT04:19
Xappei think :) (i've changed the desktop a bit since that shot)04:19
blackmoonno ones?04:19
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bob2blackmoon: best to just ask your question04:20
bob2which won't involving pasting crap in here04:20
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=== wland hi
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krestenairox, commenting out that line didn't do the trick... Any suggestions?04:20
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airoxkresten: Comment out the whole section of the mouse then.04:20
MiguezXappe, looks nice, and the eye background is disturbingly pleasing04:21
reynoldlarizaim a new to linux, and i want to learn it, is ubunti realy easy to learn? used windows almost all time time :)04:21
XappeMiguez: yes, that one is from deviantart04:22
exaltedThanks to a package in the installation process, i cannot proceed with the default installation. So i've installed Ubuntu with "server" option, as you know this installs just the base packages. Now i have to install all packages i need manually. So to have nice GNOME Desktop Environment and GNOME Desktop Manager which commands i have to run? Thanks.04:22
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Miguezreynoldlariza:  I never used Linux before, got Ubuntu working 4 days ago, am not going back to Windows04:23
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PacoBCN__any good bash coder here?04:23
Miguezreynoldlariza: was a steep learning curve in the beggining, specially setting up the video card for hardware acceleration and getting my NIC to work04:23
blackmooni've got some errors when i try to update the packages, with synaptic;  E: postfix:  post-installation script return error code 104:23
Kamionthomerz: 6th April, definitely04:23
Miguezreynoldlariza: but with the help from people at #ubuntu and #opengl, I got it all working in two days, and am very happy right now04:23
Kamionexalted: aptitude install '~tubuntu-desktop'04:24
PacoBCN__I need something stupid but since I'm kinda noob I don't really know how to do this. I need to resize all images in a given directory to max width 1024 but only if exceeded. Any howto master?04:24
PacoBCN__I know mogrify is my friend04:24
PacoBCN__but I'm not sure how to do it, anyway04:24
exaltedKamion: is it necessary to rooting?04:25
reynoldlarizai used PERL C/C++, and PHP a lot, does ubuntu support these language?04:25
no0ticdoes anybody know something about Luminocity?04:25
lamontblackmoon: which version of postfix, current?04:25
Kamionexalted: "to be root"? yes04:25
Miguezreynoldlariza:  I code OpenGL in C/C++.  As far as that, Anjuta is a great IDE (anjuta.sourceforge.net)04:25
exaltedKamion: how to do that with sudo?04:25
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Skidhi, does ubuntu  use xorg? or xfree?04:25
Miguezreynoldlariza:  And even though i lack the facts, I am pretty sure you can install whatever libs you need for whatever languages04:26
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Skid*looking at the xfce4 composite stuff04:26
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Xappeexalted just throw in a sudo before the command04:26
MiguezSkid: Ubuntu Hoary, the latest version (still in a beta stage, somewhat, but open to public, and is what i have running) uses xorg04:26
exaltedSkid: warty xfree, hoary xorg04:26
krestenairox, still no luck :(04:26
Kamionexalted: put 'sudo ' before what I said04:26
Skidah, cool im just installing now, so if i update straight to horay04:26
Skidit'll install xorg?04:26
exaltedKamion: allright.04:26
MiguezSkid: yep04:27
Skid(that's done by the apt sources, yes?)04:27
Skidjust chanign warty -> horay04:27
exaltedLet's have a try then, thx folks.04:27
airoxkresten: You did restart x didn't you ?04:27
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reynoldlarizathanks you, but last question... i also used office suites and a lot of image editing (in PSP,Photoshop), does it have one?04:27
krestenairox, I restarted the computer...04:27
Miguezreynoldlariza: GIMP for images, OpenOffice for any office stuff04:28
reynoldlarizadoes it have in the installer e.g. openoffice?04:28
krestenairox, so yes ;)04:28
Skidreynoldlariza -gimp?04:28
Miguezrenoldlariza: Hoary installs OpenOffice as default04:28
reynoldlarizaoh thanks :)04:28
Xappereynoldlariza: open office and gimp are installed "out of the box"04:28
Skidis there a horay download, or is it easier just to update?04:28
Xappetoo very late04:28
reynoldlarizalolz, i used openoffice in Windows :P04:28
Miguezreynoldlariza: let me give you some links to look at04:28
reynoldlarizathanks Miguez :)04:29
Miguezreynoldlariza: http://www.gimp.org/04:29
Miguezreynoldlariza: and you already know openoffice :)04:29
robl^does ubuntu support solitaire and turning the screen a pretty shade of blue, like Windows? :)04:29
exaltedKamion: sudo aptitude install '~tubuntu-desktop' ?04:29
Kamionexalted: yes04:29
Miguezreynoldlariza: plus I have found that the repositories for Ubuntu, which is basically a directory on the net where your distro goes to fetch applications you want, is very complete04:29
exaltedKamion: thx04:30
exaltedsee ya04:30
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Miguezreynoldlariza: so everytime I have wanted something, and told Ubuntu to get it, it found it right away04:30
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Miguezreynoldlariza:  If you are gonna try Ubuntu, I recommend you read the ubuntuguide.org04:30
reynoldlarizaok, i will :)04:30
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airoxWhere could I check how much videoram x.org sees when it's running ?04:31
danielsairox: /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:31
AcidWolfOSS is apparently being used by another process04:32
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AcidWolfhow do i check what is using it04:32
warcraft3My isp let me download MAX 10 GB pr 24 hours.. If I download more.. the conection is down for 5 days.. (I am in a university student home) I need to shape my conncetion so it whill stroop the conncetion when I get close to 10 GB.. Any one have an idea?04:32
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bob2warcraft3: turn off bittorent04:34
bob2I can't imagine you can actually do 10GB/day of legit traffic04:34
blackmoonpostfix version = 2.1.5-904:34
limaunionwarcraft3: move to another ISP ?04:34
warcraft3It is easy to do 10 GB, some ftp, some DC04:34
bob2"legit traffic"04:35
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warcraft3No I dont think so.. I get T3 for 30 $ a month04:35
AcidWolfLegit meaning not warez04:35
gabbanaHey guys, does the most recent ubuntu 2.6 kernel has bluez enabled ?04:35
danielsand not mp3s04:35
danielsgabbana: yes04:35
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gabbanaHrm,.. weird. Any reason why hciconfig won't show the device then?04:35
airoxhcitool scan works ?04:35
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airox/etc/init.d/bluez-utils start ?04:36
airoxdone that ?04:36
gabbanaroot@spalato:/home/gabbana # hcitool scan04:36
gabbanaDevice is not available: Success04:36
warcraft3So any one know how to shape not in bandwith but in trafic pr 24 hour?04:36
njanbob2, I can shift about half that with legit traffic without much difficulty.04:36
blackmoonlamont, postfix version = 2.1.5-904:36
gabbanayea airox04:36
warcraft3And are there anything like a game repo for Ubuntu?04:37
bob2gabbana: that means the module isn't loaded04:37
airoxwarcraft3: use apt-cache search traffic shaper04:37
bob2gabbana: or your hardware isn't supported04:37
airoxwarcraft3: Yeah there are some games for ubuntu.04:37
airoxwarcraft3: Things like patience tetris etc..04:37
black_Nightmareairox what about transgaming?04:37
gabbanaIt worked with Sarge bob2 - so I was thinking it should work with hedgedog as well.04:37
black_NightmareI keep wondering about trying that on ubuntu heh04:37
airoxblack_Nightmare: That costs.04:37
bob2gabbana: did it load the module sarge used?04:38
warcraft3Like there is univers, it should be one for games...04:38
airoxblack_Nightmare: You mean cedega ?04:38
Skidwhat is cedega?04:38
Skidi keep seeing it mentioned :)04:38
arc_Skid: brand new WineX04:38
airoxwarcraft3: apt-cache search games04:38
bob2Skid: yet another name for winex04:38
Xappecedega, formerly known as wine x04:38
gabbanabob2, I apparently forgot the name of the module *blush* I thought it was bluez.04:38
bob2gabbana: I'm pretty sure bluez isn't a hardware module04:39
airoxwarcraft3: You can consider using cedega so you can play some games on linux which you could play in windows.04:39
bob2gabbana: mine's hci_usb04:39
black_Nightmareohhhh winex...hmm04:39
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black_Nightmareis there a site for cedega that I can look at? :p04:39
warcraft3Yes, but I think there are some good games for linux... but I cant compile em...04:39
airoxwarcraft3: Enemy territorry ;)04:40
bob2black_Nightmare: www.transgaming.com04:40
bob2warcraft3: if they're Free, they can just go in universe04:40
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warcraft3many games that are on http://www.happypenguin.org/ are not in univers .... that is bad04:40
bob2warcraft3: so suggest they be packaged04:40
black_Nightmarebob2... transgaming=cedega you saying?04:40
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bob2black_Nightmare: ? no.04:41
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bob2that's the website of the company that sells winex04:41
Jesteracetransgaming also does cedega04:41
bob2same thing04:41
Jesteraceworks decent enough04:41
flyingsquirrel54I tried compiling cedega on suse and broke wine completely I'm considering paying for a month to get it set up04:41
black_Nightmarehmm one interesting question...04:42
airoxcompiling cedega ?04:42
black_Nightmareubuntu has less overhead than windows for the same basic tasks? (internet/etc)04:42
airoxIs there a source of it ?04:42
black_Nightmareor am I wrong :p04:42
bob2airox: there's a broken non-free cvs repository of it04:42
lamontblackmoon: postfix_2.1.5-9ubuntu2?04:42
lamontor really -9?04:42
airoxblack_Nightmare: It can be.04:43
bob2black_Nightmare: depends what version of windows.  gnome's probably on-par with win2k04:43
flyingsquirrel54is it worth buying?04:43
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black_Nightmareah ok..ty anyhow04:43
warcraft3http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/index.php?category=1 ... if you want Wine/Cedega... for free04:43
flyingsquirrel54is it worth paying for? anyone here bought it?04:44
blackmoonsorry, problem with a irc client (i write as a blind man - i can see nothing) i restart and come back....04:45
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flyingsquirrel54i guess nobody has bought cedega...04:46
warcraft3flyingsquirrel54 , Yes it is fair to pay to, just pay for 3 months and you can use the versjon u have installed as long as u like...04:46
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=== black_Nightmare is getting a tad worried now lol....
flyingsquirrel54yes, but does it work/ how is the service, I compiled and it didn't work. (I'm somewhat a newbie)04:47
black_Nightmaredeltree been working away at one particular game folder for quite a very long time now04:47
black_Nightmarenot sure if its stalled or just trying to delete tons of files :|04:47
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bob2flyingsquirrel54: #cedega is a better place to ask04:48
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blackmoonlamont: postifix 2.1.5-9ubuntu304:48
flyingsquirrel54great didn't know it existed!04:48
flyingsquirrel54I installed warty on my pc at home, install had no errors, but the screen goes blank when it chages video modes.04:49
flyingsquirrel54same thing happened when I tried suse and redhat04:49
flyingsquirrel54not the video card cause I can use a normal monitor fine04:50
flyingsquirrel54oh, forgot to mention that the pc is connected to my big screen tv04:50
lamontblackmoon: what else printed before the 'postinst exited with 1' error?04:50
lamontand do you know what version of postfix you were coming from?04:50
flyingsquirrel54lindows (and windows, of course) work fine with the tv (sony wega36"HD)04:52
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_Demian_wich p2p prog is use most bij linux users?04:53
flyingsquirrel54can anyone help me use my tv with ubuntu?04:53
blackmoonlamont:     E: postfix:  post-installation script return error code 104:54
lamontblackmoon: yeah - before that04:54
lamontand after 'Setting up postfix ...'04:54
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blackmoonnothing, i've got 2 error after the first error...04:55
blackmoonthe errors are:04:55
gabbanaAny ThinkPad T41p user here got bluetooth working?04:56
blackmoonE: mutt:  problems with dependences     ---     E: postfix-tls: problems with dependences04:56
lamontblackmoon: grumble04:57
lamontcan you fire up a root terminal window and type some stuff for me?04:58
bob2gabbana: do you have bluetooth and hci_usb loaded?04:58
blackmoonyes, but just a moment..  i must logout again... come back soon04:58
Skidjust installed warty.. is it worth my updateing to horay BEFORe setting up the nvidia stuff?04:58
Skidor after?04:58
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airoxAnyone has a dell optiplex gx110 with an 82801AA AC'97 Audio controller ?04:59
black_Nightmarestupid question: can you cancel dos commands thats already running04:59
black_Nightmareor do they always have to finish first? LOL04:59
Quinn_Stormhey, quick question, does ubuntu package / will ubuntu ever package Xgl?04:59
airoxubuntu doesn't seem to autodetect it ..05:00
airoxIs there somewhere alsa-conf ?05:00
gabbanabob2, yea I have both loaded05:00
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gabbanabluetooth              46340  7 hci_usb,rfcomm,l2cap05:00
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bob2gabbana: and "hcitool dev" shows nothing?05:02
gabbanayea, nada05:02
bob2Quinn_Storm: maybe when it's usable05:02
Quinn_Stormbob2: is it not usable yet then?  I don't mind running it within another X session, if that's the issue with it05:02
flyingsquirrel54can anyone help me use my tv with linux? screen goes black when switching video modes while booting05:02
MyKq3don't know but i wouldlove to know05:03
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exaltedI get message on Ubuntu installation: "Kill switch enabled on eth0". What is this?05:04
black_Nightmarestupid question: does ubuntu have dual-cpu support?05:05
bob2black_Nightmare: of course05:05
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black_Nightmarehm....ty :p05:05
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blackmoonlamont: tell me what i must do...05:06
caffeinejust installed ubuntu for the first time,  most pain free linux install ive ever done05:06
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flyingsquirrel54not that i'd recommend it as a distro but the install of lindows is super easy and super fast 10min. one question.05:07
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lamontblackmoon: dpkg -l postfix05:08
jack__is GVIM :(a)Gnome Vim or (b) GTK Vim?05:08
lamonter, dpkg --status postfix05:08
jack__or rather what are the differences between these two?05:08
lamontsince the version won't fit :-)05:08
lamontjack__: ISTR gnome vim05:08
lamontnot sure what the differences are05:09
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robl^jack__: GNOME is built on top of GTK..  ig that helps..  all GNOE apps use GTK.. but not all GTK apps are GNOME.05:09
blackmoonok, i've got the output.... but are you the mantainer?05:10
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trumpetmichi all... I'm new to ubuntu... can anyone help me mount my NTFS drive as read/write?05:12
blackmoonlamont: ok, i've got the output.... but are you the mantainer?05:12
lamontblackmoon: postfix is my baby, debian and ubuntui05:12
mjrtrumpetmic, you can't do it in a useful way with free drivers05:12
lamont2.1.5-9ubuntu3 for the version?05:12
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blackmoonlamount: wow... great...05:12
=== lamont expects so
trumpetmicmjr: what do you mean, in a useful way?05:12
mjrtrumpetmic, you can use windows drivers on x86-linux with captive, which is non-newbie stuff, or you can buy an ntfs implementation, I don't recall where05:12
blackmoonlamount: yes, the version is 2.1.5-9ubuntu305:13
mjrtrumpetmic, basically the free drivers only support overwriting files without changing their size05:13
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mjrtrumpetmic, any other write support is unstable, due to not having documentation on how to do it properly05:13
ssgtfuhey new to and going to test it but a question: does ubuntu come with a cind of control center (i mean cind of yast from suse, or mcc from mandrake???)05:13
trumpetmicmjr: interesting... does captive come with the hoary live CD?05:13
lamontblackmoon: ok  and how recently was the last time you upgraded?05:14
lamontthat is, are you coming from warty, or from fairly recent hoary?05:14
mjrtrumpetmic, don't know; search with synaptic. If not, search with google05:14
trumpetmicmjr: i want to replace the contents of my system32 folder with the contents of my friends system32 folder... maybe instead of over-writing, I could delete mine and copy hers?05:14
blackmoonlamount: hoary, installed today...05:14
blackmoonlamont: hoary, installed today...05:15
mjrtrumpetmic, you wouldn't be able to do that with the free drivers05:15
bob2trumpetmic: I'd really find another way to do that05:15
lamontand this is an upgrade from that, or during a fresh install?05:15
bob2surely there are windows boot disks05:15
lamontblackmoon: ^^05:15
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lamontbob2: bootdisk.org, iirc05:15
flyingsquirrel54can anyone help me use my tv with ubuntu? screen goes black when switching video modes while booting, not the video card cause I can use a normal monitor fine05:15
trumpetmicmjr: hmmm... bummer05:16
bob2flyingsquirrel54: er, that doesn't show it's not a video card issue05:16
trumpetmicbob2: what other way is possible, other than putting my hard drive in her machine?05:16
bob2flyingsquirrel54: does X support tv-out on your card?05:16
bob2trumpetmic: surely you can boot windows from a cd or something?05:16
lamontblackmoon: and what vintage hoary?  preview disk? today's daily?  array 6?  array 7?  (and fresh install, or upgrade from what you had?)05:16
trumpetmicbob2: maybe, I'm not sure05:16
lamontblackmoon: installed from CD?05:17
trumpetmicI was hoping to be able to use Linux for this05:17
lamontblackmoon: if so, what does ls /media/cdrom/pool/main/p/postfix/postfix_* say?05:17
blackmoonlamont: i've made a fresh install from cd and then i've upgraded the packages...05:17
caffeineis joe included with hoary?05:17
lamontblackmoon: then we want to grab the version number for the postfix on the CD - see the ls cmd above05:18
bob2caffeine: in the unsupported section, yes05:18
caffeineok thnx05:18
bob2trumpetmic: youd have to use captive-ntfs then05:18
derJuniorhi, why i can't use crontab?05:18
blackmoonlamont: ok, just a moment...05:18
bob2derJunior: you need to ask a far less vague question05:18
mjrtrumpetmic, hmm, I seem to recall that the knoppix livecd had some easy captive-ntfs support; I don't know if that's so, but you might want to look into that05:18
derJuniori'm in the crontab group cron is running05:18
bob2you don't need to be in a crontab group05:18
mjr(if there's just the one thing you want to do with it)05:19
lamontderJunior: and shouldn't be in the crontab group05:19
trumpetmicmjr: yeah, I was able to install and configure captive on knoppix... I was never able to copy the files to my NTFS though05:19
lamontderJunior: what error message do you get?05:19
blackmoonlamont: /media/cdrom/pool/main/p/postfix/postfix_2.1.5-9ubuntu2_amd64.deb05:19
trumpetmicmaybe i'll try again with knoppix05:19
derJuniorbut it doesnt work anyway05:20
derJunior*/5      *      *       *       *       /usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh >> /dev/null05:20
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bedboihi there05:20
derJuniorlamont: no there isn't a error message (or i don't see one)05:20
lamontblackmoon: OK.  as root, run: /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.postrm configure 2.1.5-9ubuntu205:20
trumpetmicthanks all.  seeya05:20
lamontderJunior: and are cron entries showing up in /var/log/syslog?05:20
bedboihow to run the installer without rebooting? (i'm under linux btw)05:21
bedboibtw no HD filesystem is mounted05:21
bedboiany hint?05:22
derJuniorlamont: yes they are05:22
blackmoonlamont: postrm called with unknown argument `configure'05:22
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lamontblackmoon: &*)^)%&*^_& fat fingers.05:22
lamontblackmoon: OK.  as root, run: /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.postionst configure 2.1.5-9ubuntu205:22
lamontblackmoon: OK.  as root, run: /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.postinst configure 2.1.5-9ubuntu205:22
bob2bedboi: pretty sure that's not possible05:22
lamontderJunior: does it show your command getting executed?05:23
lamontderJunior: and I assume you created that crontab with crontab -e or crontab filename, yes>?05:23
bedboithis usb cd-rom doesn't seem to boot05:23
lamontbedboi: possible is such a liberal word....\05:23
derJuniorlamont: i get the error in my mailbox /var/mail...05:24
lamontderJunior: and the error says?05:24
derJunior/bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh^M: No such file or directory05:24
derJuniorbut there isn't an ^M05:24
derJuniorin crontab -e05:24
lamontah, lose the windoze end-of-lines on your file05:24
lamontcrontab -e and fix the line05:24
bedboii'm out of ideas05:24
blackmoonlamont: *stfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail system is already running[fail]      invoke-rc.d: initscript postfix, action "start" failed.05:25
lamontbedboi: it's very problematic.  basically, you play installer, and it's no fun.05:25
lamontblackmoon: sigh...  give me a minute05:25
blackmoonlamont: ok, no problem...05:25
derJuniorlamont: how can i fix it?05:26
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lamontderJunior: get rid of the ^M in either /usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh, or in the crontab entry - wherever it is...  what editor are you using?05:26
lamontblackmoon: ok.  /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.preinst upgrade 2.1.5-9ubuntu205:27
flyingsquirrel54bob2: sorry didn't see your response what do you mean by "does X support tv-out on your card?"05:27
lamontblackmoon: and then /var/lib/dpkg/info/postfix.postinst configure 2.1.5-9ubuntu205:27
flyingsquirrel54i assumed that if it supports it it supports it.05:27
bob2flyingsquirrel54: ?05:28
bob2flyingsquirrel54: does it support it at all?05:28
flyingsquirrel54also, lindows works fine on it.05:28
bob2there you go05:28
bob2ask on the user list05:28
derJuniorlamont: my problem is: when i edit crontab wiht crontab -e there isn't an ^M05:28
flyingsquirrel54which user list is that? of the card or of X05:29
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bob2flyingsquirrel54: ubuntu-user05:29
black_Nightmareok hd almost all empty now05:29
black_Nightmarejust shut down to let hd cool off a bit for now05:29
MyKq3i m about to install kde on my Ubuntu whish me luck :)05:29
lamontderJunior: what about in /usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh?05:29
RiddellMyKq3: good luck!05:29
flyingsquirrel54i see. I had the same issue with suse.05:30
cmhi, I've just apt-get dist-upgrade 'd with horay in my sources.list.. i dont really notice anything different and in /etc/X11 XF86config-4 is still there? someone told me horay has xorg?05:30
derJuniorlamont: when i start the script manual it works perfectly05:30
=== cm is now known as Skid`
bob2cm: do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?05:30
blackmoonlamont: i've got the same error :-(05:30
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Skid`bob2, I'm using gnome atm ?05:30
befrokhello? anybody knows about SCIM? is it included in Ubuntu?05:30
Skid`so I guess so05:30
bob2Skid`: no, go check05:30
bob2befrok: you can check that yourself05:30
lamontblackmoon: and nothing else?05:30
bob2befrok: (yes)05:31
derJuniorlamont: hmkay antother great error :)05:31
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keizerUbuntu didn't ask me for a root password!05:31
derJuniorSubject: Cron <lkerscher@pc-leo> /usr/local/bin/dyndns.sh >> /dev/null^M05:31
lamontkeizer: exactly05:31
bob2keizer: please read the FAQ05:31
derJunior/bin/sh: /dev/null^M: Permission denied05:31
Skid`bob2, yes its the newest version05:31
bob2keizer: or wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo05:31
bob2Skid`: then you have x.org installed05:31
Skid`erm, well wheres the config ?05:32
Skid`or is there a command to show the version?05:32
blackmoonlamont: no, i've got some others info.... wait...05:32
keizerSite Error05:32
keizerAn error was encountered while publishing this resource.05:32
keizerThe site isn't working05:32
Skid`there's no xorg related command05:32
Skid`its still XFree05:32
RupertSwCan anyone help me? I'm happily using ubuntu on my desktop + have just installed it on my laptop, which thinks the networking's ok, but can't ping anyone!05:32
lamontblackmoon: the other output is what I needed...05:32
bob2keizer: oh well, read the FAQ then05:32
bob2Skid`: dpkg -l xserver-xorg05:33
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BurgundaviaRupertSw: is your interface up?05:33
BurgundaviaRupertSw: ifconfig05:33
knewtkeizer: which site isn't working? the wiki is working fine05:33
lamontkeizer: the root password is disabled, and the initial user has sudo privs05:33
arc_how do I subscribe to ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com05:33
Skid`No packages found matching xserver-xorg.05:33
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blackmoonPostfix configuration was untouched.  If you need to make changes, edit /etc/postfix/main.cf (and others) as needed.  To view Postfix configuration05:33
blackmoonvalues, see postconf(1).05:33
blackmoonAfter modifying main.cf, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.05:33
blackmoonRunning newaliases05:33
blackmoon * Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent...05:33
blackmoon *stfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail system is already running[fail] 05:33
blackmooninvoke-rc.d: initscript postfix, action "start" failed.05:33
Burgundaviaarc_: www.ubuntu.com --> right hand side lists mailing lists05:33
Jesteracewoot scite in hoary repo :D05:33
arc_Burgundavia: thanks05:34
RupertSwBurgundavia, Yes. ifconfig shows it with the same settings as the PC, save the last triplet in the inet addr line of course.05:34
bob2Skid`: then you're not using hoary05:34
BurgundaviaRupertSw: can you ping your pc?05:34
bob2knewt: the website is screwed05:34
Skid`I changed all instances of warty in /etc/apt/sources.list to hoary..05:34
Skid`do i need to enable universe?05:34
bob2Skid`: no05:34
Skid`or update the kernel, it's a fresh warty install05:34
RupertSwBurgundavia, Nope. The light on the hub flashes (corresponding to the laptop), but nothing else happens and i get an error:05:34
bob2Skid`: did you forget to run "apt-get update"?05:34
Skid`and then apt-get dist-upgrade05:35
RupertSwBurgundavia, "Destination Host Unreachable"05:35
BurgundaviaRupertSw: is this a static or dynamic address?05:35
RupertSwBurgundavia, Static.05:35
bob2Skid`: then you did something else wrong05:35
bob2no idea what05:35
BurgundaviaRupertSw: check your subnet?05:35
BurgundaviaRupertSw: they need to be the same05:35
RupertSwBurgundavia, how?05:35
lamontblackmoon: /etc/init.d/postfix stop05:35
lamontblackmoon: then run the postinst again05:36
BurgundaviaRupertSw: how did you set it?05:36
RupertSwBurgundavia, Is that the 'mask' one? In which case, they're both
Skid`  linux-restricted-modules-38605:36
Skid` is the only module that was kept bck05:36
BurgundaviaRupertSw: ???05:36
BurgundaviaRupertSw: they should both be
BurgundaviaRupertSw: is the broadcast address for the subnet
RupertSwBurgundavia, Ooops. yes they are, sorry - can't read!05:37
keizerOMG this is such a lame hack05:37
keizerI like using root05:37
androxxlhello, i have one problem if anyone can solve it ?05:37
BurgundaviaRupertSw: ok, so the subnets are correct. check to make certain that the gateway is correct on both machines05:37
Kamionkeizer: set the root password, then ('sudo passwd root'); it's just a default05:37
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BurgundaviaRupertSw: should be something like
bob2keizer: er, so, set a password?05:38
RupertSwBurgundavia, Yep, It's the same, but surely irrelevant if I'm trying to ping within the subnet?05:38
Burgundaviaandroxxl: what you need help with05:38
keizerKamion, I'm trying to use Sudo and it says my user is not in the sudoers file05:38
BurgundaviaRupertSw: can you dump the results of ifconfig on both machines to #flood please?05:38
lamontkeizer: I just say 'sudo -s' for my root window needs...05:38
androxxlmy integrated sound ac97' sound card doesn't work05:38
lamontkeizer: or do you like to login as root?05:38
Burgundaviaandroxxl: hmm05:38
Burgundaviaandroxxl: what does dmesg say?05:38
keizerkeizer@LinuxLaptop:~$ sudo -s05:38
keizerkeizer is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.05:38
androxxljust a sec05:38
RupertSwBurgundavia, Sorry not easy, as the laptop has no ethernet + thus is not on the internet.05:39
keizerThis is my one and only user05:39
Kamionkeizer: erm; is that a fresh install? did anything funny happen during the install?05:39
keizerIt went just fine05:39
Kamionfrom what CD?05:39
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lamontkeizer: initial user should be in the sudoers file05:39
blackmoonlamont: then i must run also "postfix.preinst upgrade 2.1.5-9ubuntu2" ?05:39
lamontblackmoon: just the postinst05:40
lamont(the preinst should have stopped it...)05:40
shmoolikto install kde i just sudo apt-get install kde , m i  right ?05:40
bob2shmoolik: kubuntu-desktop05:40
blackmoonlamont: ok, no errors this time...05:40
=== zooko reads: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MailStorageStandardisation
keizerI gave Ubuntu three tries05:40
Kamionkeizer: you could certainly boot in recovery mode and repair it, though05:41
keizerIt let me down on the wireless and so much.05:41
Kamionkeizer: again, from what CD?05:41
RupertSwBurgundavia, Ah. Didn't notice, but the laptop's one doesn't say RUNNING.05:41
RupertSwBurgundavia, How do you change this?05:41
BurgundaviaRupertSw: does it say up?05:41
Kamionkeizer: Hoary has not been released. What test CD did you use?05:41
shmooliksudo apt-get install kububtu-desktop ?05:41
Kamionkeizer: there are a *lot* of possibilities05:41
RupertSwBurgundavia, Yes: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST05:41
lamontkeizer: at least one a day, pretty much05:41
BurgundaviaRupertSw: does dmesg give you anything?05:41
bob2shmoolik: however you normally install packages05:41
RupertSwBurgundavia, What should I be grepping for?05:42
keizerKamion,  I downloaded it two days ago05:42
jordanauif i minimized something to zyztem tray and it doesn't show up, is there a restore or maximize terminal commnad?05:42
keizerThis is nonsense to use sudo. I used it once at a place I worked and didn't like it.05:42
keizerI like being able to use root.05:42
lamontblackmoon: grumble... did you do any postfix configuration changes after the install, or is this just a 'fresh install, then apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade'?05:42
Kamionkeizer: so a daily build, or a preview, or Array CD 7, or what?05:42
keizerWhat do I type in recovery mode to fix this?05:42
keizerKamion, Preview05:42
RupertSwBurgundavia, Both PC and laptop complain that no IPv6 routers are present, but presumably that doesn't matter.05:42
Kamionkeizer: 'passwd root' and set a root password05:43
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keizerCarlK told me to download it heh05:43
Kamionkeizer: then you can use su all you want05:43
Kamionkeizer: impressive, I've installed preview lots and never saw that bug05:43
garrutor sudo -s05:43
BurgundaviaRupertSw: no, that shouldn't matter05:43
keizerBRB guys05:43
lamontkeizer: the contents of /etc/sudoers would be interesting05:43
Kamionit would not have been released if that had happened to any of us05:43
RupertSwBurgundavia, But the PC one (different hardware by the way) says 'promiscuous mode enables' and laptop doesn't05:43
Kamionkeizer: yes, what lamont said05:43
BurgundaviaRupertSw: look for eth005:43
linowinHi all05:43
shmoolikdoes  any one knows y my xmms shows me all the songs time with astronomic numbers ?05:43
jordanaucounterstrike 'y" i hate that...05:44
linowinI have a big problem wuth Ubuntu Install AMD X6405:44
jordanauyeah after it plays one it should get the correct time05:44
lamontKamion: maybe we need 2 names for releases...  then we know when they're running the unreleased hoary :-)05:44
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Beirdomake the unreleased "whorey"05:44
linowin"HAL fail to initialize " so no USB key recognized and no CDROM05:44
Kamionlamont: early breezy, I'm going to put an evolution-like "you know this is alpha software, right?" first screen in the installer05:44
jordanaushmoolik, it should get the right times after the songs are played mine used to do the same thing, all songs about 30 min right?05:45
bung__Beirdo: wonder how the desktops will reflect that...05:45
RupertSwBurgundavia, Do you know whether I need to enable promiscuous mode (or what it does for that matter!) ?05:45
lamontKamion: _A_QUESTION_?????? :-)05:45
Kamionlamont: yup05:45
zookoKamion: the fact that Ubuntu has a timeline for future releases should make that "you know" notice much cooler.05:45
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blackmoonlamont: yes, fresh install... then i've run synaptic, the first time i've got no error, the second time the errors...05:45
zookoOh, I don't think it should be a questions.  Just a note.05:45
Kamionlamont: Mark's edict only applies to final releases, as far as I'm concerned :)05:45
linowinThe Weardest is that Live CD X64 Is Doing Great without thses problems05:45
=== zooko smiles.
Kamionzooko: "question" is a technical term here; the question type would indeed by "note05:45
Kamioner, 'be "note"'05:46
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BurgundaviaRupertSw: promiscus mode for packet capturing and analyzing05:46
lamontKamion: lokl05:46
BurgundaviaRupertSw: not needed for day to day running05:46
zookolinowin: I have Ubuntu on Athlon64 here.05:46
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linowinHas anyone an idea to solve this problem ?05:46
lamontblackmoon: ok.  I'll work on tracking it down05:46
linowinYes Zooko ?05:46
shmoolikjordanau,  not realy ... i talking about some thingy like 1000 Minz +/-05:47
RupertSwBurgundavia, Hmm. The PC's one says 'link up' explicitly, but the laptop's doesn't, even though under ifconfig it says it is. Could this just be a different driver?05:47
blackmoonlamont: ok, if do you need a tester, i'm available...05:47
linowinUBUNTU is far the best distribution of linux i tryed but Don t manage to get the CDROM and USB " Fail to initialize"05:48
=== Keizer [~keizer@pcp02851954pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jordanaushmoolik, when you play the song the time doesn't get fixed?05:48
shmooliku can c here the problem http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9354/screenshot5sn.jpg05:48
KeizerI'm booted into recovery mode05:48
KeizerI expected to be at a console right now05:48
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RupertSwBurgundavia, Oh, and the RX/TX packets have stayed at zero even though I have successfully pinged myself through the address. Does that just get routed through
KeizerInstead i'm at a desktop05:48
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shmoolikjordanau,  no....05:48
KeizerI did passwd root and of course I did sudo -s passwd root05:49
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BurgundaviaRupertSw: is for loopback05:49
KeizerBoth times I get different errors05:49
BurgundaviaRupertSw: so no05:49
KeizerTotally bad experience05:49
blackmoonlamont: now, can i run synaptic for the updates, or it's a bad idea?05:50
lamontblackmoon: I can't reproduce it...05:50
KeizerThis is my second install of Ubuntu05:50
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Lynxxsup guys05:50
lamontblackmoon: we've done nothing bad, in the course of things05:50
KeizerLast time I re-installed because I didn't have root and thought I missed something.05:50
RupertSwBurgundavia, So why does pinging myself through the 192.168 address not give me RX and TX packets on that link?05:50
lamontblackmoon: so yes, all should be good.05:50
Keizerturns out this uses Sudo which is the Debian way05:50
ka_kaKeizer, er is geen root05:50
lamontKeizer: what does /etc/sudoers have in it?05:50
Skid`i dont understand what the multiverse stuff is, non - free software? do you have to pay for it?05:50
BurgundaviaRupertSw: have you checked the cable and connnections?05:51
blackmoonlamont: ok, tell me what i must do...05:51
RupertSwBurgundavia, I'll plonk it into another one.05:51
lamontSkid`: it's stuff that you probably want to read the license for05:51
Keizertail /etc/sudoers05:51
Keizertail: cannot open `/etc/sudoers' for reading: Permission denied05:51
lamontblackmoon: you are free to run synaptic.05:51
BurgundaviaRupertSw: try swapping the cables too05:51
lamontall we did was play dpkg a bit...05:51
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lamontso you may need to finally say 'dpkg --configure -a' to make everything happy05:51
RupertSwBurgundavia, No. Still 'Destination Host Unreachable' .05:52
lamontKeizer: yeah - you'll need to be root to read it...05:52
KeizerSo this install went bad05:52
KeizerThis is like my third install05:52
linowinHAS anyone have knowledge in "HAL" ??05:52
ka_kaKeizer u have to use sudo05:53
blackmoonlamont: ok, i've understand it... i mean tell me what i can do for help you...05:53
Kamionka_ka: no you don't, not if you set the root password.05:53
Kamionka_ka: the fact that using sudo is the default does not mean that other approaches are unsupported05:53
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lamontblackmoon: well, you could reinstall to see if you can reproduce it.05:53
RupertSwBurgundavia, Yes, and I just swapped the cable that I'm using to send this to the one that was on the connection that wasn't working, so it's not that!05:53
lamontblackmoon: you could downgrade postfix to the verison on the CD and see if re-upgrading hits it..05:54
Keizerka_ka,  I tried with Sudo heh05:54
KamionKeizer: well, the *really* recovery-mode approach is to boot with init=/bin/sh; that definitely won't take you to a desktop05:54
Keizersudo -s tail /etc/sudoers05:54
Keizerkeizer is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.05:54
lamontblackmoon: although, if it's only from that version, i'm not horrified...05:54
KamionKeizer: I'm mystified by why your installation is so utterly screwed though05:54
BurgundaviaRupertSw: it must be something simple that I am not seeing05:54
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BurgundaviaRupertSw: have you run 'dmesg | grep eth0'05:54
lamontKeizer: any chance of 8-bit characters in your username?05:54
KeizerEverything works. This is not common Linux tough. Sudo I wasn't expecting, I was hoping Ubuntu would have improve over Debian.05:54
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httpdsswhen is monodevelop 0.6 going to be available for hoary ??05:55
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KamionKeizer: yes, we've got the idea that you don't like sudo by now :-)05:55
ka_kaKeizer,but u can make a root passwd with sudo passwd root05:55
Kamionka_ka: not if sudo doesn't work, he can't05:55
KeizerI tried that05:55
lamonthttpdss: is there a lower rev monodevelop in hoary?05:55
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linowinPlease, at least answer me saying that you can t help me :(05:55
KeizerJesus, I just want a descent linux05:55
RupertSwBurgundavia, Yes. There's just 'using hotplug firmware load', a pci address and 'no IPV6 routers present' x 205:56
KeizerFedora kinda blows, I don't want to use it but I know it will work and have root.05:56
KeizerGentoo will take all day to build05:56
KamionKeizer: you can boot with init=/bin/sh and clean up05:56
ka_kaKeizer, #ubuntu-nl05:56
lamontlinowin: several people know about hal (but not me) - what's the question?05:56
httpdsslamont: yes 0.5.105:56
WhiteRabbitKeizer, what are you looking for in a distro to do for you.05:56
linowinThanks lamont05:56
KeizerI'm a web developer05:56
BurgundaviaRupertSw: is there a dhcp server somewhere on your network?05:56
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KeizerI like to use Apache, MySQL, PHP and Eclipse IDE05:57
lamonthttpdss: then expect monodevelop 0.6 to enter the archive once (a) it's available, and (b) breezy opens.05:57
KeizerOn Gnome05:57
lamonthoary will have 0.5.105:57
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KeizerWhat a nightmare05:57
KeizerI wanted my system going this morning05:57
blackmoonlamont: ok, i'll try to do it...  you are always in this channel?05:57
RupertSwBurgundavia, No. Is there a way to bring down the interface and then up again? That might show error messages?05:57
lamonthttpdss: although I rather expect that someone will backport it to hoary, for whatever reaso05:57
lamontblackmoon: it's in my default list, so yes.05:57
Keizerka_ka, Ok, i'm there heh05:57
CarlKI have a wifi pccard that doesn't seem to be supported - is there a way I can get it's mac ?05:57
BurgundaviaRupertSw: 'sudo ifdown eth0'05:57
KeizerKamion,  How can I clean up?05:58
BurgundaviaRupertSw: 'sudo ifup eth0'05:58
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KamionKeizer: I'd really rather like to find out what's broken here so that we can fix it, but I can only do that if you can boot with init=/bin/sh and tell me what's in /etc/sudoers05:58
httpdsslamont: ok, thx05:58
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KamionKeizer: well, setting a root password after booting with init=/bin/sh would be one way :)05:58
Kamionthen reboot05:58
CPUnerdhow can I remove the soundcard from the menu.lst args ?05:58
CarlKhey Keizer - sleep well?05:58
CPUnerdpci=noacpi ?05:58
CPUnerdlive cd05:58
RupertSwBurgundavia, Thanks. But I get absolutely nothing new from dmesg at all.05:58
KeizerKamion, Ok, so just change the boot options on recovery mode?05:58
blackmoonlamont: ok... thanks for all... see you later...05:58
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RupertSwBurgundavia, Shouldn't it be saying something?05:58
KamionKeizer: right05:59
KeizerCarlK, I slept just fine.05:59
KeizerI wake up to find I can't use root05:59
KamionKeizer: I'm a bit concerned that recovery mode took you to a desktop, but I consider that a secondary problem :)05:59
WhiteRabbitKeizer, just stick with ubuntu give it time to work for you the way your wanting it. :) raod maps take time.05:59
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KeizerOk guys, BRB06:00
BurgundaviaRupertSw: no06:00
RupertSwBurgundavia, Ok, it's just that the driver on the PC chucks out loads of messages 'link up' 'link down' etc.06:00
caffeinedoes flash work in ubuntu?06:01
bung__assuming you mean usb cards etc, yes.06:01
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bung__oh no, other flash, still yes.06:01
caffeinei mean flash as in the web graphics06:01
raphaWhat's this?06:02
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RupertSwBurgundavia, AArgh! Even route outputs exactly the same thing. The reason I'm so confused is that the light on the hub flashes, so surely the laptop's at least sending _something_ through the eth0 port?06:02
bob2caffeine: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:02
saik0good morning #ubuntu06:03
AcidWolfhas anyone had any issues with Totem-xine eg.it runs really slowly and the CPU usage goes up by a hell of alot06:03
raphaI install Zapping, don't see it in the menu, say "killall gnome-panel", it doesn't load properly, I log out and back in, get ten times the message that there was already a panel although there isn't one, open a terminal, killall gnome-panel && gnome-panel and get some stuff like "(gnome-panel:18588): Bonobo-WARNING **: Component must be associated with a container first see bonobo_component_set_container" and "** (gnome-panel:18588): WARNING *06:03
rapha*: Die AppletShell-Applet-Befehlszeilenschnittstelle konnte nicht vom Bedienelement abgerufen werden"???!06:03
AcidWolfit looks as if it lags and plays the dvd frame by frame making it very irritating to watch06:04
RupertSwBurgundavia, Most irritating is that redhat FC2 got it working on it's own - it was just horribly sluggish so I wanted a move :)06:04
bob2rapha: random applications won't show up in the menu06:04
BurgundaviaRupertSw: so you don't have a dhcp server on the subnet?06:05
raphabob2: zapping has a .desktop file. But that isn't my problem. My problem is that gnome-panel doesn't load anymore.06:05
RupertSwBurgundavia, No.06:05
linowinPlease has anyone any knowledge in HAL ?06:05
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rapha(And I'm pretty sure Zapping has nothing to do with it, because it is a TV watching application that doesn't even have a panel applet)06:05
VjazAnyone here know anything about flickr.com?06:06
_d4vidhi all06:06
saik0I broke Gnome >_< Is there any way to remove session info from a user? I cant login anymore (to gnome anyhow)06:06
bob2linowin: best to just ask your question06:06
VjazI've been bumping into it in blogs and things.06:06
linowinUBUNTU is far the best distribution of linux i tryed but Don t manage to get the CDROM and USB " Fail to initialize"06:06
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bob2linowin: best to ask on the list06:06
VjazAm now looking at some pics there, and I hate it, because it seems like it requires Macromedia Flash to work, which sucks very much because it's just showing pictures.06:06
linowin"Fail  to initialize HAL" in Install version, No problem in LIVECD06:07
linowinWhy HAl Works on LiveCD and not in Install version ?06:08
VjazWhich versions?06:08
linowin5,04 X6406:08
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Vjaz5.04 is not stable yet, so it's likely that the install version and livecd you've got aren't the same.06:08
linowinLiveCD ok, Install CD fails to initialize HAL06:08
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bob2linowin: don't /msg people06:09
bob2linowin: the user list, http://lists.ubuntu.com/06:09
cyanohello world06:09
Lynxxsup cyano06:09
linowinhi cyano06:09
cyanoi'm french06:09
linowinSo is there anyway to install the LiveCD version ?06:09
Vjazlinowin: 5.04 will be stable 4th of April. You should try again then. It's likely that the install version you have happened to be broken at the time the installer was made, and the livecd wasn't. It'll probably be fixed by the time it's stable.06:09
bob2linowin: no06:10
=== Keizer [~keizer@pcp02851954pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
linowinIt s pity ! can t use CDROm :(06:10
KeizerOk guys06:10
KeizerI got root06:10
KeizerNow I need to add my user to Sudo06:10
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linowinSo you tell me there s nothing to do ?06:11
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Vjazlinowin: Ubuntu 5.04 is not finished yet, so alas, you'll probably have to wait. Is it the preview install CD you're using?06:11
KeizerKDE blows ass06:11
shmoolikdamn right !~06:11
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airoxIs there some way I can add all shoutcast servers to rhytmbox ?06:12
linowinYes vjaz it is the preview for both live and Install version06:12
KeizerI just edited the sudoers file06:12
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bob2airox: all of them in the world? no.06:13
KamionKeizer: should probably look like 'keizer ALL=(ALL) ALL' as the last line of /etc/sudoers06:13
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Lynxxgnome=OSx desktop, KDE=Windoes desktop06:13
KeizerKamion, Ahead of you06:13
KamionVjaz: (that's 6th April, btw06:13
KeizerI'm already getting updates heh06:13
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Hackmohey all, can someone help me with my flash plugin problem?06:13
airoxbob2: Well some guide, like showing a list categorized in genre etc06:13
KamionKeizer: so was that line totally missing?06:13
Kamionnot just broken or something?06:13
KeizerSure was06:13
Lynxxwhats the prob hackmoL?06:13
KamionKeizer: impressive06:13
riccardohi all, i've got quite a stupid question to ask.. anyway: is it possible to change the bpp or modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf under ubuntu live?06:14
KeizerThe last line said: root ALL=(ALL)06:14
zooko<zooko> So the Ubuntu standard MTA is postfix, right?06:14
zooko* zooko is trying to set up mail.06:14
zooko<zooko> wrongchan06:14
zooko<foom> use exim4, it's more awesome06:14
HackmoI installed the flash plugin for mozila from apt-get but it didn't work06:14
KeizerThanks for your help guys06:14
KeizerCarlK, I now have sudo06:14
KeizerI'll hang around in here now06:14
linowinSo thanks evreybody, if i undertood you, i ll have to wait for final version to solve the problem ( hoping it will) :)06:14
HackmoLynxx: I installed the flash plugin for mozilla from apt-get but it didn't work06:14
KeizerEven thought i'm an EFNET wh0re06:15
black_Nightmarebrb going try make iso into cd's :p06:15
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zookoHm.  apt-listbugs tells me that the latest postfix has bugs...06:15
Hackmolynxx: also when I click the "look for plugins" option that comes up in firefox I get a parse error06:15
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=== zooko looks into warty postfix.
KamionKeizer: and you entered 'keizer' as your username during the installer, before the first reboot, right?06:15
Lynxxparse error?O.o...hrm never encountered that before06:15
KeizerKamion, This happened to me twice.06:16
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KeizerKamion, I did06:16
HackmoLynxx: It's only started happening to me since I started using the latest version of firefox06:16
lamontzooko: what bugs?06:16
zookograve bugs of postfix (2.1.5-4ubuntu1 -> 2.1.5-9ubuntu3) <open>06:16
zooko #294207 - experimental postfix does not work - smtpd: bad command startup ...06:16
zooko #295439 - postfix: postfix in experimental fails to install06:16
KamionKeizer: if you could mail /var/log/installer/* to me (cjwatson@ubuntu.com), I'd appreciate it06:17
Lynxxdid you try it on plain mozilla?06:17
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lamontzooko: 249207 is against 2.2 somethign from experimental06:17
Hackmolynxx: I just restarted firefox and the error seems to be gone from the "check for plugins" but I still get it when I try to download from macromedia or sun06:17
Hackmolynxx: no06:17
KeizerKamion, No problem06:17
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lamontzooko: as is 29543906:17
zookolamont: thanks.06:17
Lynxxcheck and see if you get the error with reg. mozilla06:18
zookoHowever, I've already installed postfix-tls from warty.06:18
KamionKeizer: thanks06:18
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lamontzooko: no bugs in hoary's postfix (modulo whatever the hell blackmoon ran into that I need to deal with...)06:18
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lamontzooko: ok.06:18
lamonthoary's is better.06:18
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HackmoLynxx: how to access regular mozilla?06:18
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tolaI'm trying to boot the hoary preview live cd on a 20" G5 iMac and it says it can't detect a CD-ROM drive. Any suggestions?06:19
Lynxxman i wish i wasnt in class right now on a win machine06:19
airoxDoes somebody knows a nice music mixing program for linux ?06:19
Lynxxuhm cant tell ya off the top of my head Hackmo06:19
Hackmolynxx: I tried just typing "mozilla" into the terminal but it brought up firefox06:19
derJuniori'm back again06:19
da_bon_bonhiya all06:20
tolaairox: take a look at http://bloodshed.net/wired/06:20
tolaairox: good luck getting it working though06:20
derJuniori have a little Problem: If i edit crontab with crontab -e (vim) at the end of the line i get an ^M! (can i see in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/lkerscher)06:20
derJuniorwhy do i write in dos mode?06:20
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zookoSo, I've googled and googled, but I can't find some doc that tells me "The Ubuntu Way To Fetch Your E-mail From IMAP/POP/POP3 And Stuff It Into Local Store And Read It".06:21
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CoutsosHow can I install the source for the kernel? (not compile)06:22
tolazooko: have you tried using evolution? I use Mozilla Tunderbird myself06:22
=== zooko frowns.
zookoOh, so there isn't An Ubuntu Way to fetch your e-mail and stuff it into a local store where I can read it with my preferred, non-standard, cmdlineoriented tools, such as "grep".06:23
=== zooko is sad.
airoxzooko: fetchmail ?06:23
LynxxHackmo, http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/firefox-linux.html06:23
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zookoairox: I have used fetchmail for years, on Debian.  I guess I should just do the same on Ubuntu?06:23
Hackmolynxx: thanks06:24
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zookoI read this page saying that Ubuntu should always use maildir format in ~/.maildir, so I thought maybe I should learn something about new tools before plunging ahead with my normal old fetchmail and nmh.06:24
zookoHowever, I really do not want to use evolution or another point-and-drool interface.06:24
zookoI already have my e-mail on Mac, and the reason I am going to all this effort is to get away from that point-and-drool stuff and get my e-mail back under my own control.  ;-)06:24
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CPUnerduse Thunderbird06:25
Lynxxdid it work Hackmo?06:25
Hackmoi'm still reading it06:26
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akkzooko: offlineimap can pull mail from an imap server into maildir format, if you really want to try maildir.06:26
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Lynxxalso hackmo http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7760.html06:27
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nubbeI've tried kubuntu for a little while, but now I did a "remove kubuntu-desktop", I still got a lot of K-aps running (like khelper, kacpid and so on)06:27
bob2zooko: offlineimap is excellent if you want your mail in more than one place06:28
bob2zooko: and tons faster than fetchmail06:28
cefmaildir is good in some ways, and sucks in others06:28
nubbeI've rebooted and chnged to gdm06:28
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bob2nubbe: kacpid at least is a kernel thread06:28
bob2nubbe: if you login to gnome, no kde stuff should be started06:28
nubbeach so  :)06:28
nubbebob2, thanks06:28
akkofflineimap worked pretty well for me, but I gave it up because of bad interactions between uw-imapd, offlineimap and mutt.06:28
akkNot sure which one was at fault, but the combination was frustrating.06:29
bob2uw-imapd is a terrible imap server, tho06:29
akkYeah, so I hear.06:29
cefyes. yes it is06:29
bob2plus it uses mbox, which is always going to suck06:29
caffeinehow do i add packages?  and when i d/l what dir/  do i place them in for packages06:29
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akkThe mail server is woody, and I wasn't happy with any of the imapd options there.06:29
bob2caffeine: you just install using synaptic06:29
bob2caffeine: you don't usually need to download them manually06:29
bob2akk: backports.org has dovecot packages, fwiw06:29
caffeineare most programs listed in synaptic?06:30
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cefmaildir's problem (for me) is that if you get directory/disk corruption, you can end up with thousands of files in lost+found/ *sigh*06:30
akkbob2: If sarge ever releases, we'll upgrade the server and get tons more options (though I don't remember if dovecot is in sarge).06:30
=== knewt considers trying to create .debs from xorg-cvs and locking them into place
bob2caffeine: everything you've told it to know about is06:30
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akkI don't actually like maildir, but I could live with it if I could get mutt to deal with it gracefully.06:30
bob2akk: it is06:30
bob2hm?  I've been using maildir with mutt for...3 years.06:31
caffeinebob2: how do i tell it i want to install kismet06:31
akkbob2: Good.  Maybe my problems were all uw-imapd related.06:31
akkbob2: The main problem was that if I read something, and marked it unread, then later I could never make it read; it kept popping back to unread.06:31
akkbob2: I think there were similar problems with deleted messages coming back.06:31
bob2caffeine: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto06:31
caffeinethanks bob06:32
bob2akk: hm, I've not seen that06:32
KeizerUbuntu just did a Windows style crash06:32
bob2then file a bug06:32
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cefKeizer: sure you aren't running the BOSD screensaver?06:33
Keizercef, It didn't blue screen06:34
KeizerIt did a familar Explorer style lock up06:34
bob2what a silly way to describe a problem06:34
cefwhat, lose all the icons then refresh them?06:34
KeizerAnother thing just crashed: "The Application "gnome-volume-manager" has quit unexpectedly."06:35
ChipzzKeizer: ignore it06:35
bob2did you just run an upgrade?06:35
=== akk doesn't find Explorer-style anything "familiar", I'm happy to say
ChipzzKeizer: just ignore it06:35
bob2Keizer: then it's a known bug, deal06:36
HackmoAnyone got any idea why firefox won't search for plugins when I click the "search for missing plugins" button?06:36
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linowinRe all06:36
linowinI resolve my problem06:36
akkWow, ubuntu repositories are fast compared to debian (for apt-get update)06:37
linowinI ll report it06:37
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KeizerTime to use wget06:37
bob2Keizer: log out and in again06:37
linowinI had problem with "fail to initialize HAL" at boot with install version and hadn t this problem with Live CD06:37
Quinn_StormI have libxext-dev installed but there's no pkg-config file for it.  is there a package I am missing or something?  I even ran a system-wide search for all the .pc files, and I didn't turn up a single xext.pc...06:38
FuckYou_DCC SEND "+ g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g + g 06:38
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linowinI found a way to make it work06:38
vivlachagahi any experience installin tomcat and apache on ubuntu?06:38
HcEwhat's wrong with FuckYou_ ?06:38
HcEhe's trying to DCC me crap06:38
linowinIf i start Ubuntu with a CD in, HAL initalize correctly !06:38
flyingsquirrel54me too06:38
Quinn_Stormdo I need to make my own xext.pc?06:39
linowinSo it is a way to solve problem now but it shows that HAL has some problems :)06:39
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JDahlHe's just messing with Tor IP masking, so he cant be banned06:39
JDahl(or she)06:39
Kamionsomebody who can be bothered should report him to freenode admin06:40
Kamion(since they ask for that in their policies doc)06:40
linowinNone seem to care about that, but i told you if anyone asked you whith the same problem06:40
KeizerThe updates are taking forever to install06:40
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Quinn_Stormoh well, I made my own xext.pc for now06:41
AcidWolfwhats the command to check current kernel version06:41
AcidWolfi forget06:41
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CarlKAcidWolf - uname -n06:43
CarlKer, -a06:43
zenroxor uname -r06:43
zookoThat's funny -- why doesn't fetchmail in Warty come with fetchmailconf?06:44
=== zooko tries Hoary.
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airoxCould someone ban FuckYou_ ...06:44
AcidWolfits none of those06:44
johns^ah thanks06:44
airoxGetting strange DCC's from him.06:44
AcidWolfnope ok got it06:44
cefsame, was just about to suggest the same to someone else06:44
_jon_hey, having a problem with K3B, it's trying to dd from /dev/fd/0 to create an image for a dvd i'm trying to burn06:45
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Quinn_Stormagh, there are no .pc files for pretty much all of the ubuntu x library -dev packages!06:45
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cef_jon_: trying to create a bootable cd?06:46
hansany reason not to have normal debian sources in sources.list?06:46
_jon_cef: no, i'm trying to create a video dvd06:46
Quinn_StormI think I made the two I needed (xext and xtst) though...I hope they work properly, I don't know for sure what libs each needed since I didn't have references handy06:47
zookoNo fetchmailconf in hoary either.  I guess I'll do without it.06:47
cef_jon_: then afaik, it shouldn't be copying anything from the floppy06:47
_jon_cef: I know that06:47
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cef_jon_: what option in k3b ae you using?06:48
_jon_new video dvd project, then i sepcify the video_ts and try to burn06:49
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Kamionhans: yes, very bad idea, it confuses apt because there are different packages (recompiles) with the same version06:49
Kamionzooko: it's in universe for both warty and hoary06:49
zookoKamion: Thanks.06:49
Kamionnot sure why we aren't supporting it, we probably should if we're supporting fetchmail06:50
Kamionmail ubuntu-devel@?06:50
cef_jon_: did you go into Project -> Edit Boot Images at all?06:51
=== Lynxx [~Einstien@adsl-69-233-222-130.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
akkIf I do apt-get -f dist-upgrade, it tells me to put the hoary cd in the drive.06:51
akkWhy would it want anything from the CD on a dist-upgrade?06:51
_jon_akk, remove the cd part from your apt-source list06:52
cefnew packages that are depended upon but shipped on the cd06:52
Amaranthakk: Your sources.list has the CD included. If the packages are available from the CD it'll go there first.06:52
linowinZooko ! i manage to make the CDROM work !!!!06:52
Kamionyeah, that's kind of arguably a bug in the installer06:52
Kamion(the sources.list thing)06:52
akkWow that's a lotta new packages.  (First dist-upgrade after a hoary install a few days ago.)06:53
akk161 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 148Mb (lots of small packages)06:54
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KeizerNow I gotta get my wireless working.06:56
Mitariohmm, does anyone know where I can get the AC_DEFINE_DIR() automake/conf macro from?06:57
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drossquestion about linux on laptops06:58
drossI'm having a problem, and would like to know what the most likely problem is. Minute..06:59
drosside: failed opcode was: unknown06:59
drosshda: task_in_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }06:59
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setitecan someone help me06:59
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drosshda: task_in_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=156296166, sector=15629616606:59
setitei need to install the latest nvidia driver06:59
drosssetite: then install it06:59
setitebut it keeps saying that the nvidia module is already loaded07:00
drosssetite: source from apt07:00
setitehow do i unload it07:00
drosssetite: sudo modprobe -r nvidia07:00
Noesishi okes, i just installed ubuntu, but it never asked me for a root password and i cannot get into my root account07:00
HackmoAnyone want to help me with my firefox problem?07:00
zookolinowin: great!  What was the trick?07:00
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KamionNoesis: use 'sudo <command you want to run as root>'07:01
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Noesisbut how do i log in as root kamion?07:02
Noesisi went to tty207:02
Noesislogin root and password root07:03
Noesisno success07:03
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zenroxNoesis, sudo -s then enter your userpass07:03
linowinZooko: I left a CD in the CDROM before BOOT and no pb. Thats why LIVECD was ok07:03
HackmoSo, firefox problems eh?07:03
linowinZooko : This shows that HAL driver is still a little Buggy :)07:04
=== TjaBBe [~TjaBBe@cp358637-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
linowinI reported this TIP on the Hardware problem page on Forum07:04
KamionNoesis: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:04
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setiteshit that doesnt work07:04
hansso what is this universe and multiverse stuff? is there a ubuntu for debian gurus page?07:05
mdzdross: it's extremely unlikely to be anything but a hardware problem07:05
mdzdross: could be a failing drive, bad cabling, etc.07:05
setitebut the nvidia site says modprobe -q agpgart07:05
Noesissudo -s ok, i am root, but why cant i log in directly as root?07:05
akkhans: They're in the synaptic dialog for "add sources" or something like that: contributed and non-free packages, iirc.07:05
lamonthans: universe == rest of debian main, multiverse == non-free07:05
zookohans: universe is stuff that isn't supported by canonical.  multiverse is non-free.07:05
zookosomething like that07:05
KamionNoesis: the page I pointed you to explains various reasons we chose to go this way07:06
Noesisagh, ok, i did passwd now and now i can log in as root07:06
hanslamont: thanks07:06
Noesisthqanks kamion, will read it now07:06
drossmdz: I found the answer. Its easy to fix. Unfortunately it happened07:06
Kamionzooko: think of it as a matrix: main == supported/free, restricted == supported/non-free, universe == unsupported/free, multiverse == unsupported/non-free07:06
zookoKamion: Thanks for the clarification about restricted.07:07
zookoI've debfoster postfix-tls, but postfix is listening only on port 25, not on 443.07:07
hansKamion: thanks, that's clear now. is that documented somewhere that I just missed?07:07
zookoOne important reason that I need TLS is that my ISP blocks incoming 25...07:07
Kamionhans: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components07:08
lamontzooko: /etc/postfix/master.cf07:08
hansI remember seeing links to "components" but had no idea that it was referring to repositories.07:08
BeirdoOK, gonna try again since nobody could help at all last night :)07:08
Beirdoanyone here using vservers on hoary preview?07:09
lamontzooko: and the rest of the config - tls isn't autoconfiged07:09
Kamionhans: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu is a repository (or archive); main, restricted, universe, and multiverse are parts of that archive.07:09
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Myrtticould somebody English speaking and using English Ubuntu show me the contents of his/her /etc/environment?07:10
Myrttiwould be greatly appreciated07:10
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zookolamont: thanks07:10
zookoMAIL yumyum:/usr/share/postfix$ cat /etc/environment07:10
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KamionMyrtti: (on a fresh install now, that'll just be LANGUAGE="en_CA:en" or similar)07:11
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KeizerGod said let there be Aptitude07:11
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=== zooko tries uncommenting everything matching "tls" in postfix/master.cf...
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strhow to update hoary07:12
auraxis hoary stable enough to install on dekstops ?07:12
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Vjazaurax: It's quite stable already, I guess, but I wouldn't be too surprised if problems still came up.07:13
Jesteraceaurax, yep07:13
akkaurax: I've been running it for 2-3 days and it seems pretty good here.07:13
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auraxcuz i tired it on my new desktops07:13
auraxa bit problematic. with refresh rate and stuff07:14
auraxand USB mouse07:14
=== spiral [~pgarcia@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
zookoI had a problem with a USB mouse.  I swapped mice with another hoary desktop and the problem went away.07:14
auraxmy specs are : rocklake 865G / o/b lan/ 3ghz / nv fx5200 / 512 ddr 40007:14
zenroxaurax,  but nothen that cant be fixed??07:14
zookoThe problem was, the mouse pointer was crawling around the screen even when the mouse was still.07:14
auraxyep exactly!07:14
auraxmoving like it sick or something .07:15
zookoI tried reconfiguring xorg, but it insisted that the mouse was /dev/input/mice and was a IMPS2, if i recall correctly,07:15
zookoand i couldn't seem to change this setting.07:15
zookoEliminating gpm didn't change the behavior.07:15
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hansthanks again for the help07:16
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HackmoAnyone got any idea why GAIM will just quit itself07:16
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auraxso what did fix it zooko07:17
auraxcuz i really wants to try hoary on those desktops07:17
zookoaurax: swapped optical USB mice with another hoary desktop of mine.  :-)07:18
zookoI really ought to report bugs to the Ubuntu bug tracking system, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.07:18
Hackmozooko: Applications > System toold > bug report tool07:19
Myrttidammit dammit dammit07:20
zookoHackmo: I don't have metacity or gnome installed..  :-/07:20
zookoActually my wife does on her box, so I guess I could go report bugs there.  :-)07:20
tritiumzooko, bugzilla.ubuntu.com07:20
zookotritium: thanks07:20
HackmoWas just about to suggest that07:20
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zookodoesn't ubuntu use reportbug to automatically determine the version numbers of relevant packages ?07:21
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kickrocksanyone use the ia64 version?07:21
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zookosigh.  my ISP seems to block 465 and 587 too.07:23
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djpare there any ubuntu users who stick to the strict free software/free formats with their installs?07:26
Quazioni am still using the default install djp as my main workstation at work07:26
olyhi, i got a question about beagle can i use it on fat32 and resierfs partitions it says to add an option to fstab but the example is ext307:26
kickrocksdefine "free"07:26
Quazionno need for mp3/divx stuff etc07:26
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olyis it likely to fudge up anything if i give it a go ? or has someone given it a try ?07:27
kickrocksI guess that answer is porn dirven07:27
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djpQuazion: do you find it restrictive?07:27
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olyanyone any idea, or advice ? i dont really want to try and loose any data unless i know it can be done07:29
maddlerevening all!07:29
neirasgood morning07:29
neirasfrom Vancouver, Canada!07:29
auraxso how do i make USB mouse work with warty?07:29
CarlKaurax - plug it in?07:29
auraxi did07:29
auraxit moves like its sick07:30
auraxit moves himself.07:30
djpkickrocks: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:30
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maddlerneiras... greetings from italy... :)07:30
St0n3-C0lWhat was the guide page of Ubuntu ??07:30
scizzoSt0n3-C0l: www.ubuntuguide.org?07:30
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Fackamatogreetings from sewden07:31
St0n3-C0land how do i set my nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf permanently bcoz When I reboot that file goes back to nameserver
neirassewden - it's like Sweden, only with a lot more sewing.07:31
St0n3-C0lOh Thanks07:31
St0n3-C0li was looking for http://guide.ubuntuforums.org :P07:32
tritiumSt0n3-C0l, it probably needs to go in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d somewhere.  Check the resolvconf documentation.07:34
Quaziondjp: what do you mean with restrictive. I am having no problems working on it, though some little bugs here and there07:34
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tritiumSt0n3-C0l, the "base" file, I believe is what you want.07:35
hou5tonI'm wanting to download ftp the latest hoary ... i'm there now and see several folders ... cdimage, releases, ubuntu07:35
exaltedin the network settings, in connections tab i can see my wireless device, but he cannot connect to my router. what should i do07:35
hou5tontrying to figure out what thing to download07:36
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tritiumhou5ton, you want a CD image?07:36
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tritiumhou5ton, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/07:36
Quaziondjp: but for "users" i think its not very usefull if you cant watch mpg files etc... though i stopped watching pr0n at the office, which i feel is a good thing :)07:36
hou5tontritiumi: I would like the install CD07:36
setitehow do i find the contents of a cd07:36
tritiumhou5ton, see above URL07:37
setiteshould the cd mount automatically07:37
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CarlKQuazion - users or kids? ;)07:38
hou5tontritium: ya ... but do I download something in that "daily" folder or one of those under the "releases" folder?07:38
CarlKto me, users include office workers07:38
Quazioni mean homeusers i guess07:38
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setitedoes anyone know why my cds arent mounting?07:39
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CarlKQuazion - even that group has a sugnificant number of people that don't need "crap"07:39
Quazionmy gf always watches missed tv shows on our iBook works like a charm, dont think you can do that with ubuntu. it are real/wmv streams i guess07:39
tritiumhou5ton, what do you want to install?  Hoary?07:39
hou5tontritium: i'm guessing that I go under the "releases" dir and download 5.04?07:39
hou5tonthe latest Hoary07:39
tritiumhou5ton, the very latest Hoary is in a daily build07:39
hou5tontritium: wouldn't that be the best place to start07:40
djpQuazion: :)07:40
CarlKQuazion - there is definately a large population that likes all the "crap", myself included - but I think they are a smaller piece of the "market"07:40
Quazioncarlk, i think most homeusers use there computer or to chat/im , download music (mp3) or game. Think they cant play mp3's free or ?07:40
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tritiumhou5ton, either today's daily build, or array 707:41
QuazionCarlK, i agree with you on that one :)07:41
Quazioni am a smaller piece07:41
Quazioni am very happy with how simple ubuntu is. It has not a load of bloat for me07:41
djpQuazion: by restrctive, i meant in terms of file playback i suppose. ie, visitng websites and not using java, flash-plugins etc...07:41
CarlKdo the "legit" music sites (napster, itune thing, etc) only do mp3?07:42
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djpQuazion: sounds to me that you are getting by pretty well without though!07:42
Quaziondjp: i think i miss java, but not enough to get it installed :)07:42
tritiumhou5ton, did you find it okay?07:42
hou5tonyes ... i thinkg so ... thanks07:42
Quaziondjp, with webviewing i miss internet explorer more then flash etc :)07:43
Quaziondjp, since some company's i work with have ie only logins :(07:43
hou5toni used an ftp link that a friend sent, but the download rate is slow ... by try your http link07:43
djpQuazion: sure...07:44
CarlKhou5ton - what URL are you trying to get?07:44
tritiumhou5ton, the .torrent might work well for you07:44
CarlKyeah, if it is one wiht a .torrent, use it07:44
airoxThe torrent files are very fast :)07:45
CarlKno torrents for the dailies07:45
djpQuazion: completely switched over now to linux... just thinking about taking the big step and trying to survuve with the totally free software thing!07:45
neirasQuazion, if you want to play movie files with no trouble, install "totem-xine" ... If you want Realplayer, you can get it for Ubuntu at www.realplayer.com07:45
auraxi got it fixed, allhad to do is change the dev to /dev/input/mouse007:45
setiteanyone use cedega?07:45
setitei dont know how to install with it07:45
neirascedega install.exe07:46
setiteijm looking for a dummy guide but am having no luck07:46
neirasin a terminal07:46
zookoaurax: thanks!07:46
KeizerTime to use apt-get =)07:46
setitethats what you use to install games?07:46
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djpQuazion: i think it was installing limewire under ubuntu that made me feel that way. felt like windows all over again, pop-up messages asking me if i wanted to purchase the 'pro' version et al!07:46
setiteim trying under point2play right now07:46
hou5tontritium: the http link you sent is going a little faster07:46
neirasor use point2play07:46
setitewhatg do i do with it07:46
hou5tonnot much ... but a little07:46
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KeizerPoint2Play for the win07:46
neirasI dunno, I don't use it07:46
setitei click install it asks for an exe07:46
neirasread rour manual07:46
Quazionneiras, we where talking about 100% free software. ofcourse i could get it to work :)07:46
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setitei select the exe then nothing happens07:47
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neirasQuazion: Oh - an idealist, I see07:47
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Dr_Willispoint2play can be a real annoyance07:47
Dr_Willisi just use the command line to launch stuff07:47
setitei think it cant mount my cd07:47
xeroxIs there anything wrong in this: apt-get install apache2, apt-get install cl-modlist (a mod-.. for apache) and it wants to inistall apache-common? Apache-common description says it's for 1.3, not 2.0 !07:47
setitei may have messed up07:47
setiteim using ubuntu6407:47
setitethat guide07:48
setitei edited it07:48
setitecan you tell me if I did it right...07:48
Quaziondjp, just ask you selve what you really need and stick to that :), though there are good Free download tools like gnutella etc :)07:48
shmoolikDAMN i realy love what they have  done with the usb storage :)07:48
setitethe part i dont get is this07:48
setite    *  Edit /usr/bin/cedega to find lib3207:48
setiteAdd: /lib32:/usr/lib32 to the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH07:48
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setiteso i changed this07:49
setiteto this07:49
setiteexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$/lib32:/usr/lib32:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"07:49
Quaziondjp, but personaly if i would need something and its non free i would use it anyways. But i wont "steal" it. if they ask money or i pay or i dont use it.07:49
Quaziondjp, but i have one restriction i read the end user licence agreement, and dont use the software if i dont agree with it.07:49
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djpQuazion: fair enough. sounds good to me07:50
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xeroxIs there a way to get a DSO-enabled Apache2, in ubuntu?07:51
Keizerthis isn't working: apt-get install beep-media-player07:52
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rapha_Hi all07:53
rapha_Does somebody have iFolder installed on Ubuntu?07:53
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zotoi have some questions07:53
sleptKeizer: you have to describe the error (sudo ?)07:53
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zotoim trying to install either wingware's python ide or eric307:54
Keizerslept, It can't find the package07:54
zotohas anyone gotten either working?07:54
setitewhat am i doing wrong07:55
setitethis program is evil07:55
sleptKeizer: it's in universe, you have to enable universe source lines in /etc/apt/sources.list , remove the # in front of that line07:55
sleptthe one with universe07:56
sleptand then apt-get update07:56
olyhum, is beagle going to make it into the hoary final release by any chance ?07:56
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neirasit's still unstable07:57
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olyshame, oh right07:57
neirasbut IANAD07:57
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xeroxCan you explain to me how to completely delete apache2?07:57
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xeroxapt-get remove left it near completely :|07:58
airoxxerox: apt-get --purge remove apach207:58
airoxapache2 ...07:58
setitehow do i mount my cdrom07:58
airoxsetite: using mount ...07:59
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sleptsetite : mount /media/cdrom07:59
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setiteok guess i dont have to do that07:59
setiteimma be pissed if i payed for cedega and it wont work08:00
neirassetite, if you're using the default desktop, go to Computer and click the cd drive08:00
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lewizAnybody know of any reason remote desktop (VNC) isn't offered as one of the "Connect to Server" options in Hoary?  If there are none, are there any places I can go to request this functionality?08:00
xeroxsetite: it leaves many things, /etc/init.d/apache2 for example, what could be the cause?08:00
neiraslewiz: Terminal Server Client under Internet in your menu08:00
neirasIt's not in Connect To server because Connect To Server is for filesystems08:01
setitexerox... i dont know what your talking about08:01
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lewizneiras: Ah, I didn't realise TSC did VNC :)  Ah, I see what you mean about Connect To Server.  Makes sense.08:01
xeroxsetite: that file is left in the filesystem08:01
neiraslewiz: there is also a Terminal Server Client panel applet for shortcuts08:02
xeroxsetite: oh, whoops, sorry.08:02
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xeroxairox: things like /etc/init.d/apache2 are left in the fs, what can be the cause?08:02
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airoxxerox: You didn't purged the package.08:02
setiteturgid member08:02
airoxxerox: dpkg --purge apache208:03
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xeroxdpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove apache2 which isn't installed.08:03
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setiteanyone successfully run cedega with ubuntu6408:03
xeroxairox: I need to reinstall it?08:03
airoxxerox: Then remove it manually.08:03
airoxxerox: That's also an option.08:04
xeroxairox: hmpf08:04
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setitecan someone look here http://digital-conquest.ath.cx/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu#UPDATED_AMD64_pure64_w.2F32bit_libs_and_NO_32bit_chroot and tell me what exactly i should do to this export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$WINEXINSTALLDIR/winex/lib:$WINEXINSTALLDIR/winex/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"08:04
xeroxairox: so bad :\08:04
zookoHm.  How can I test my postfix installation?08:04
zookoI'm reading the man page for sendmail, trying to figure out if I can specify a host for it to connect to, via TLSor else on port 25.08:05
zookoOh, I guess I could telnet to port 25...08:05
neirasxerox. You did a partial remove, so as far as the package system is concerned, apache2 is NOT installed. It left its data dirs behind so as to protect any changes you've made. In order to purge, just do apt-get install apache2, then apt-get --purge remove apache208:05
airoxzooko: netcat is a nice tool to.08:05
KeizerDoes anyone know how to get Beep Media Player with apt?08:06
airoxAre there kernel sources for hoary's kernel ?08:06
neirasairox: apt-get source linux-<your arch>08:07
VjazKeizer: sudo apt-get install beep-media-player08:07
sleptKeizer : I told you08:07
airoxneiras: Well ... it downloads linux-meta :/08:08
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neirasairox - then specify the full version of your kernel08:08
Keizer10 things at once08:08
KeizerThat didn't work last time08:08
neirasairox `uname -a` will tell you what it is if you aren't sure08:09
KeizerE: Couldn't find package beep-media-player08:09
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airoxneiras: uname -r that is, but it simply isn't there ...08:09
neirasairox - are you planning to build a custom kernel?08:10
sleptKeizer : did you enable  universe ?08:10
airoxneiras: I need the sources for the quickcam modules to compile.08:10
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Keizerslept,  I haven't08:10
Keizerslept, Please help08:10
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zookoairox: yes, but I don't know the full syntax for smtp.  I guess I could packet sniff an outgoing smtp transaction, then replay that to myself.  :-)08:11
neirasairox Oh. try apt-get install linux-source08:11
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neirasairox: You might find http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelHowto interesting08:11
airoxzooko: helo domain.com \n mail from: <user@domain.com> \n rcpt to: <user@domain2.com> \n data \n Hi, this is a test message \n .\n quit \n08:12
typoubuntu seams to be spinning the disk up and down a bit too much. It should even do it now since I'm on AC power. Can I tweak this?08:12
sleptKeizer: open a terminal, then sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, then you just have to remove the # at the beginning of the line, it's explained in the file aswell, then save the file, sudo apt-get update08:12
zookoairox: thanks!  :-)08:12
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neirastypo: sudo hdparm -S 120 /dev/hda08:12
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sheeparegreatHi all, ive just installed Hoary usning the cds, everything seems to work except Rhythmbox and totam i get this error "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type application/x-id3." Any ideas?Thanks08:13
sianishi all08:13
sianisi hava a little question08:13
airoxsheeparegreat: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#codecs08:13
sianiscan i install the ubuntu on a old pentium?08:13
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Keizerslept, You got some sleep I see08:14
sianis133 mhz, 64 MB ram, dvd-rom, 10,4 GB hdd?08:14
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neirastypo: look at /etc/acpi/power.sh for the script that runs when you plug in/unplug your machine08:14
AcidWolfi got dvd going on my notebook but now when it plays the sound tends to jump on and off08:15
lewizHmm... is there any way to permanently remember my SSH/SFTP places?  They stick around on my desktop and under Places but I'd like them to stick around after reboot.08:15
AcidWolfand ideas08:15
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airoxAnybody know if swsusp would work on a desktop pc ?08:15
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neiraslewiz - they should stick around between reboots by default08:15
airoxdualm: use glue.08:15
neirasas long as you are using "Connect To Server"08:15
zookoairox: IT WORKED!  Thanks.08:16
airoxzooko: np.08:16
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airoxzooko: Try some open relay test also.08:16
zookoairox: how08:16
dualmairox, sorry i was inspecting a strange behaviour in xchat08:16
AndyRevenin' all08:16
airoxdualm: ;)08:16
zookoI like open relays.  They help John Gilmore.08:16
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lewizneiras: Oh, okay.  That seems weird but cool.  Is there no way to edit their settings?  Like changing the default directory, etc.08:16
airoxzooko: ...08:16
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airoxzooko: http://www.abuse.net/relay.html08:17
dualmsorry people, I'll remove of the auto join list08:17
neiraslewiz, no, not for now. The idea is to treat those reomte connections like drives. Once you create them, you use them as they are.08:17
zookoSo I've updated my MX records and IP addr records o that mail should start coming my way once the DNS updates.08:17
zookoWe'll see.  :-)08:17
neiraslewiz, if you're using Hoary, you'll see that they also show under Places08:18
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airoxzooko: using mysql as backend for postfix or what ? :)08:18
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drspincrimsun: you around?08:18
airoxhi Paloseco08:18
Palosecohow can i set up the passwork for root?08:18
Palosecoi have installe dit and i have not been asked for it08:18
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airoxPaloseco: sudo passwd root08:19
Palosecoi cannot login as root!!!08:19
neirasairox, noooo08:19
airoxno ?08:19
neirasPaloseco - you don't need a root user08:19
Palosecowhat a crappy shit08:19
drspinPaloseco: just use sudo08:19
choisyPaloseco: ubuntu uses sudo. why really do you wanna log as root?08:19
zookoairox: Hm.  I ran "inc" to move the incoming mail into my nmh folders, and that worked.08:19
wezzeruse sudo instead08:19
neirasPaloseco, sudo "command" runs it as root08:19
zookoSo I'm using whatever postfix backend is the default for ubuntu.08:19
drspinif you want a teminal use sudo -s08:19
neirasPaloseco - if you want a root prompt, do "sudo su -08:19
airoxPaloseco: You can use root. Just think about the security related issues.08:19
Palosecoi want to be root for installing packages and all that08:19
neirasairox - there is no reason to set a root password08:20
airoxPaloseco: There is a root terminal.08:20
KeizerI need to get my wireless working.08:20
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lewizneiras: Yeah, I am.  I'm very impressed but I've been out of the GNOME game for a very long time -- it's changed a lot :)08:20
Palosecothe root terminal promps for password08:20
drspinPaloseco: use gksudo if you're running X apps that need root08:20
airoxPaloseco: U have to use your own password for it.08:20
choisyPaloseco: it wants YOUR password08:20
sianisso, is ther anyone is here, who know, so can ubuntu install to a Pentium 133, 64 MB EDO ram???08:20
neiraslewiz - Yep, and it's only getting better. I recently came back to gnome after years of KDE - it's sooo much nicer now08:20
airoxsianis: Maybe you will be the first ;)08:20
airoxsianis: I guess it's rather slow to run X.08:20
PalosecoI have tried my own users passwd but did not work08:21
KeizerWhat can I use to get my wireless card running?08:21
neirassianis - it will work08:21
Palosecoit asks for root passwd08:21
zookoI've now found all several ogg vorbis internet radio stations.08:21
choisyairox: X will do fine on a P133, maybe not gnome :)08:21
neirasPaloseco, no, it asks for YOUR password08:21
KeizerI have Artheos Dlink G650 card08:21
sianisi want to install icewm08:21
airoxchoisy: Yep.08:21
sianisi install now Hoary08:21
zookothanks for your help, everyone!08:21
sianisi hope, hope, hope :)08:21
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Paloseconeiras i will try it08:21
airoxsianis: You could use fluxbox. Maybe something like that works.08:21
airoxsianis: Try openbox also ;)08:22
sianisairbox, i try08:22
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sianisairbox: i will use what is run :)08:22
sianisairox soory08:22
cg0defis there finally a way to edit menus in gnome 2.10?08:22
Palosecothanks guys08:22
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airoxcg0def: There is some php gtk thingie around.08:23
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wartyi got a lot of cluster out of range, someone knows how to fix them08:23
wartyReclaimed 459 unused clusters (15040512 bytes).08:23
wartyFree cluster summary wrong (1220979 vs. really 1218195)08:23
airoxcg0def: It's crappy.08:23
zookoDarn -- I can't send mail with nmh's "comp" / "post" executables...08:23
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choisyhum... I have that ibook that is begging for hoary, but I have no cdrs left.... can I burn the iso to a dvdr ? or is that a silly idea?08:23
lewizneiras: Heh, I'd not used KDE in a long time either.  GNOME is far more polished than KDE but I'm impressed with kubuntu-desktop, especially as it seems to be a fairly new/untested release.  That can only get better too.  I miss things in GNOME though that I haven't been able to replace -- wheeling through the desktops with my mouse wheel (works on the pager though), proper window snapping (none of this shift stuff), resize snapping and probably a few 08:23
sianisthe install is vry slow, but i have time :)08:23
cg0defairox: if it works it's probably better than nothing08:23
zookopost: problem initializing server; [BHST]  premature end-of-file on pipe08:23
zookosend: message not delivered to anyone08:23
airoxcg0def: :)08:23
airoxcg0def: You can edit the files manually.08:23
cg0defairox: the only reason why I am not upgrading to 5.04 is the menu thing08:23
cg0deftakes too damn long to edit it manually08:24
airoxThere should be some small utility indeed.08:24
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caffinatedcg0def: there is a small program you can get to deal with that08:24
airoxThe gnome folks shouldn't have abondend it :(08:24
sianisif the ubuntu is start running, i write a letter :)08:24
cg0defwell it's not like it was a HUGE problem to write a new tool after they ditched the old one08:25
sianisairox: gnome will not run?08:25
cg0defcaffinated: thanks08:25
caffinatedcg0def: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2070508:25
airoxsianis: dunno.08:25
sianishope :)08:25
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sianisi want to use the business program08:25
caffinatedcg0def: it's irritating, i agree.  but i upgraded to hoary, and it's been mostly smooth sailing.08:25
cg0defthe screenshots are pretty nice for this tool08:26
ecstasywhere is the xmms skin directory for ubuntu08:26
lamontsianis: gnome runs like a dog in 128MB... hope you're used to _slow_ if you have 64MB...08:26
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cg0defoh yeah, does anyone know if echo indigo is added to the alsa modules (finally)08:26
sianisif ubuntu is can run08:26
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sianisa try upgrade 96 MB08:27
gratuitlewiz: if you use openbox instead of metacity in gnome, you can scroll through desktops with the wheel just so long as you're over the desktop08:27
lewizgratuit: Hmm, that's not a bad idea, actually.  I'll go find out if Fluxbox has the necessary bits and bobs, that's what I ran for the last n years :)08:27
sianismy father is want to use them08:28
ice_1963gnome run's good for me =)08:28
sianisand i said im, you will not use Windows :)08:28
choisyis there a irc channel for ubuntu-ppc users?08:28
cg0defif you ever get used to linux (especially debian and derivatives) windows will seem very weird to you08:29
n4chtcg0def, you ain't kiddin'08:29
cg0defwell it's not just apt but apt is the main reason08:30
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sianiscan i install blacbox to ubuntu?08:30
cg0defthen there are better graphics08:30
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n4chtsianis, yep.08:30
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lewizThe only thing I've found lacking is Java support.  It's way too much hassle for a distro like Ubuntu where everything else just *works*.  Debian should petition Sun for a license to distribute Java -- the FreeBSD Foundation had one for a while.08:30
sianisthe blackbox is the better toa little pc08:31
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KeizerHow can I list the packages related to beep media player because it's crahsing when I try to play anything.08:31
KeizerI might need the MP3 plugin.08:31
zenroxlewiz,  read www.ubuntuguide.org for jre installing08:31
gratuitlewiz: have you tried make-jpkg? still not perfect by a long shot, but it does make it easy08:32
HackmoCan anyone tell my why gaim just quits all by itself?08:32
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ecstasydoes anyone know where ubuntu's xmms skin directory is08:32
lewizzenrox: Yeah, I've got it sorted now -- I installed some binary packages I found linked from there somewhere.  It's not ideal though.  Still, better than most :)08:32
DaSkreechIs there a program for Ubuntu to finetune the screen?08:32
zenroxecstasy, ~/.xmms08:32
ecstasyhow do i get there?08:32
n4chtHackmo, likely a segfault.  run gaim from a terminal window without using & to put it in the background, that way you can see why it's crashing.08:32
zenroxtype that in nautlius08:33
gratuitecstasy: cd ~/.xmms you might then have to make a directory called 'Skins'08:33
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djpcan anybody explain to me what gmstreamer0.8-plugins actually does? what formats does it support?08:33
ecstasyyou know i dont have a directory bar in my natilus ;/08:34
zenroxecstasy,  then do open location08:34
zenroxthen type that in08:34
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DaSkreechOr should I use xvidtune08:34
n4chtecstasy, use a terminal window then.  :P   never underestimate CLI!08:34
NeillHi, I need someone who knows about software raid08:34
ecstasyyou guys are geniuses08:34
ecstasythanks :] 08:34
lewizKeizer: What is bmp?  All I can find seems to suggest it is a fancy version of xmms?08:35
NeillI have a software raid array on my ubuntu system (/dev/md0)08:35
ecstasyah... now im satisfied.08:35
Neilland I've had a disk fail, and I've removed and replaced it (/dev/hde)08:35
Keizerlewiz, It's a Winamp clone be XMMStter than08:35
lewizKeizer: Okay, I might give it a try.  Thanks :)08:35
Neillthe other disc is fine, and the array is running in degraded mode. (/dev/hdg)08:35
sianisnow is runnuing the kernel insattl08:36
NeillIt's just a simple raid1 array that uses each disc as a block device (no partitions)08:36
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sianisi can't write :)08:36
NeillI want to know how to add /dev/hde back into the array08:36
Neillmdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/hde seemed like the right option but I get :08:36
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Neillhot add failed for hde - invalid argument08:37
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Neillany ideas?08:37
Neillno? Oh well, will try again later.. Thanks.08:39
sianisi think the installation is completed08:39
xeroxairox: I found it, it was because of apache2-common apache2-utils and so on packages.08:39
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DaSkreechSeeleyUSMC: Wanna help out a partial visual problem?08:40
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=== rempresent [~rempresen@12-240-12-154.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
rempresenti have a BCM94306 802.11g card, how can i get this card working08:43
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Burgundaviarempresent: have you googled it and linux?08:44
rempresentas far as i know, it is recognized in my hardware profile, but i can't get it to work with the networks settings prefs08:44
rempresentyeah, but i got little information on it08:44
rempresenti was just wondering if anyone here has dealt w/ wifi08:44
airoxxerox: hehe :)08:45
lewizHow does Ubuntu provide the remote desktop?  There is no vncserver installed and I can't even see a running instance.08:45
Burgundaviarempresent: different cards provide very different reponses08:45
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Burgundavialewiz: have you acivated it?08:45
St0n3-C0lHow do i set my nameserver in resolv.conf When I reboot it automatically changes back to
amxlewiz: it's called vino-server08:45
lewizBurgundavia: Yep.  It works if I use vncclient and connect but I can't actually see it running.  Just wondering what VNC it is -- tight, secure, real, etc.?08:45
lewizamx: Ah, thanks :)08:46
typomy disk seams to be doing spinning up/down noises even after I do hdparm -S 0. Anyone know what it might be?08:46
xeroxairox: I'm going nuts.08:46
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rempresentyeah, so i don't know where or how it is identified08:46
xeroxthose other packages doesn't want to go :\08:46
rempresentfor example, my eth0 is my lan card08:46
rempresentwhat is the wifi card08:47
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synic_anyone know about raid and the ich5r sata chipset?08:48
synic_(with the 2.6 kernel)08:48
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xeroxDo anybody know how to get a DSO-enabled apache2?08:49
Burgundavialewiz: if I do a search for vnc, I don't see one either08:50
mjrrempresent, depends on the driver; eth1, wlan0, ath0...08:50
typoIf I change a package's file, will it be overwriten on upgrade?08:50
St0n3-C0lHow do i set my nameserver in resolv.conf When I reboot it automatically changes back to
rempresenti don't even know if i have a driver08:50
sheeparegreati have installed hoary and think I have this problem http://lists.debian.org/debian-gtk-gnome/2004/09/msg00037.html what should I do?08:50
lewizBurgundavia: amx says that it uses vino, which is a modified RealVNC as far as I can tell.08:50
rempresentbut the device manager has been picking up my wireless card08:50
synic_alright... new question.  Is it possible to set up software raid during the ubuntu install?08:51
sheeparegreati have all the symptoms... same error with rthymbox an totem08:51
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lewizamx: Can you tell me anything more about vino?  I've read two things at gnome.org but I'm just trying to find out if it does SSL by default.  It looks like everything is there but I want to be sure :)08:51
typoanyone know?08:52
rempresentmjr  it is a BCM94306 802.11g08:52
amxlewiz: I really don't know much about it... I just know that it's called vino, cause I had the same question you just had :)08:52
lewizrempresent: There is no driver available for that.  Best you can hope is to use the ndiswrapper and the Windows .inf file.08:52
lewizamx: Ah, okay.  Thanks very much :)08:53
DaSkreechIs there a Screen Fine Tune program for Ubuntu>08:53
rempresentmjr  what, no driver, dang....  how do obtain the .inf file08:53
amxlewiz: you're welcome...08:53
Burgundavialewiz: ya, I forgot about vino08:54
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lewizamx: Found it -- desktop/gnome/remote_access, there is a flag to require encryption.  For some reason it is not set by default.08:56
sheeparegreatwhould an error with the sound setup give me the error I mentioned?  I can hear sound now, the 'multimedia system selector; are both set to ESD is this correct? I dont really know how sound works in linux08:57
St0n3-C0lHow do i set my nameserver in resolv.conf When I reboot it automatically changes back to
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fissyturn off dhcp?08:57
St0n3-C0lDo anyone use kernel-2.6.11 here ?08:58
St0n3-C0lIts on08:58
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amxlewiz: ah cool, I didn't know about that...08:58
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lewizamx: Although... I just enabled it on one machine and I can no longer connect now.  This is probably a Debian non-free SSL thing :/09:01
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CarlKother than browse/cut/vi/pate, is there a wget like way to get the text from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/apcs01.html ?09:01
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sianisthe installation is comleted09:02
sianisbut after the restart, the X is not started...09:02
JoeCotelleseHello, I'm a ubuntu newbie and I have a question. I'm trying to get rhythmbox to decode m4a files. I know it uses GStreamer as a backend and I know GStreamer supports m4a through faad. How can I get this to work?09:02
St0n3-C0llynx ?09:02
St0n3-C0lor links :S09:02
St0n3-C0lcomleted :P09:02
djpcan anybody tell me what the gstreamer plugin is actually for?09:02
bluefoxicyis there a way to set Gnome to use composite?09:03
KeizerHow can I play MP3s on Ubuntu09:03
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JoeCotelleseKeizer: You need to install gstreamer-mad plugin.09:03
garrutbluefoxicy: yes09:03
garruti'll look it up in mine09:03
JoeCotelleseThe plugins provide additional support for GStreamer.09:03
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CarlKSt0n3-C0l - does lynx have a "save as text" option?09:03
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sheeparegreatwhat is gstreamers purpose?09:04
JoeCotelleseKeizer: MAD is not installed by default due to legal issues with mp3s09:04
bluefoxicygarrut:  how :)09:04
CarlKKeizer - current hoary isn't working wiht my dlink09:04
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KeizerCarlK, I got the wireless to work.09:04
SeeleyUSMCAnyone know of a program that lets you access your hotmail account or yahoo account?09:04
KeizerCarlK, I'm talking to you through it09:04
djpJoeCotellese: gstreamer is used by totem?09:05
exaltedI'm using GNOME Desktop Environment in english, but my keyboard layout is different than english. In both "locales" and "keyboard layout" setting i've adjusted to the should to be settings09:05
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exalted but the result is nothing.09:05
CarlKKeizer - out of the box, or did you have to tweek something?09:05
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exaltedany help?09:05
exaltedSeeleyUSMC: what do you mean?09:05
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JoeCotellesedjp: I'm not sure. Today is my first day using Ubuntu, I came from Gentoo/KDE. Rhythm box definately uses it.09:05
St0n3-C0lin which file do i put http_proxy to auto set on bootup09:06
SeeleyUSMCexalted, An e-mail client that allows you to access your hotmail e-mail account or your yahoo e-mail account09:06
St0n3-C0lOne said in /etc/defaults Thats not working09:06
exaltedSeeleyUSMC: E-Mail Client, i see now.09:06
KeizerCarlK, Once everything was installed I was able to get it to work.09:07
St0n3-C0ldjp: Yes in Ubuntu but u can install totem-xine09:07
djpJoeCotellese: ok, thanks. so what does rhythmbox actually use it for? do i need the plugins for anything? i don't intend to playback mp3's, just ogg vorbis files basically. do i need the gstreamer-plugin to playback ogg vorbis?09:07
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JoeCotellesedjb: I think OGG works out of the box. Looking at my setup, libogg is installed by default.09:08
KeizerThat gstreamer mad didn't do anything except install09:08
CarlKKeizer - so the installer didn't see it and set it up?09:08
St0n3-C0lSeeleyUSMC: Yup there is :P09:08
KeizerI need to find the MP3 pack for Beep Media player09:08
SeeleyUSMCSt0n3-C0l, what is it?09:08
sheeparegreatanybody had anyproblems with rythym box/ sound post install? it doesnt work on mine it gives me this error "There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type application/x-id3." xmms works and so does xine, rthymbox and totem dont :(09:08
KeizerCarlK,  The installer seen it, but wouldn't connect to any networks.09:08
CarlKI will swear that in mid Feb all I did was install09:08
knewtdon't suppose there's any docs anywhere on building .deb's from xorg cvs? would make my life much easier09:08
JoeCotelleseKeizer: When I installed gstreamer-mad it brought in libmad. This was all I needed to do.09:08
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JoeCotelleseKeizer: I just did this an hour or so ago.09:08
CarlKKeizer -  that is more than I am getting, I think09:08
KeizerJoeCotellese, With Rythmbox?09:09
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exaltedSeeleyUSMC: http://yahoopops.sourceforge.net/09:09
JoeCotelleseKeizer: Yup, let me see if I can dig up the link.09:09
St0n3-C0lSeeleyUSMC: Microsoft Outlook (Works in Windows and Access only Hotmail Accounts) :P09:09
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CarlKKeizer - but I am glad yours is up - wouldn't want to have caused you to waste a bunch of time09:09
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St0n3-C0lWhy my /etc/resolv.conf refreshes on every reboot09:10
JoeCotelleseKeizer: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-302.html09:10
Noesiswhen i run pon my pc dials up, it is connected but i cannot ping an external ip - it doesnt seem to use the ppp adapter as gateway09:10
alitochI have some great problems to install/configure my second compu's PCI Modem09:10
alitochsome help?09:10
exaltedSeeleyUSMC: I have nothing to say about the Hotmail case :-)09:10
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NoesisSt0n3-C0l: you may have dns set to dynamic09:11
SeveasSt0n3-C0l, because you're on dhcp09:11
St0n3-C0lOhh PCI Modem09:11
t325hello is the person I sent the e-mail about font sizes here? (I'm not on my pc and need the info I sent you)09:11
alitochhello St0n3-C0l :)09:11
CarlKSt0n3-C0l - I think dhcp client creates that file when the server gives it DNS's09:11
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St0n3-C0lwell having probs this tyme only09:11
SeveasCarlK, not completely09:11
exaltedGentlemen anyone with experiences about ipw2200 device here?09:11
Seveasit's resolvconf that does that09:12
alitochmy modem is detected, i can see it in the Device Manager (I'm under Ubuntu Hoary)09:12
Seveasexalted, a bit09:12
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DaSkreechIs there a way to fine tune the Screen in Ubuntu?09:12
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alitochbut when i run pppconfig and try pon to connect, I just can't resolve any address09:12
zygaI'm running up-to-date hoary and files created in ~/Desktop don't really appear on the screen untill I manually hit ctrl+r09:12
SeveasDaSkreech, what do you mean with 'The Screen'09:12
exaltedSeveas: Installed Ubuntu hoary preview, he got my device, but couldn't connect to the router.09:12
DaSkreechThe Display09:12
St0n3-C0lSeveas: on startup it says running 0dns-down to check if resolv.conf is ok09:12
alitochI tried to install setserial package, but my Hoary LiveCD doesn't recognize the floppy disk :'(09:12
DaSkreechSeveas: It's part way off the monitor09:13
Seveasexalted, what kind of security?09:13
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exaltedSeveas: security?09:13
SeveasDaSkreech, sounds like you need to adjust your monitor09:13
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Seveasexalted, wireess security WEP, WPA or something09:13
DaSkreechI have other OSes on the same machine adjusting Ubuntu means that I'd have to adjust all the others every time I Login09:13
exaltedSeveas: let's say no security :-)09:14
Seveasah ok exalted :)09:14
ice_1963that's funny=)09:14
zygaDaSkreech: It's probably different refresh rate09:14
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zygaDaSkreech: I've seen it often on LCD displays09:14
St0n3-C0lSeveas: You said before that If you want to set http_proxy on bootup put it in /etc/defaults09:14
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St0n3-C0lnothing happened09:14
exaltedSeveas: So what do you have for me?09:14
DaSkreechzyga: That makes the display come off the screen?09:14
DaSkreechzyga: As in Off center?09:14
bluefoxicynope, and on top of it running xcompmgr is dangerous because then gnome can't log out o.O09:15
zygaDaSkreech: yes09:15
bluefoxicyit freezes on logout09:15
Seveasif you type in a terminal: sudo iwconfig wifi0 essid YOUR_SSID and after that type dhclient wifi0, what does it say (of course replace wifi0 with your devices name)09:15
alitoch...no help?09:15
DaSkreechzyga: Hmm how would I determine the right refresh rate?09:15
=== bluefoxicy sighs
SeveasDaSkreech, does your display scroll with the mouse movements?09:15
zygaDaSkreech: don't -- simply make sure all oses use the same09:15
Seveasif so, it's merely a resolution problem09:15
DaSkreechSeveas: No the resolution is right. Just Off center09:16
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exaltedSeveas: allright i've to change to the Ubuntu then, be back in a (short) while.09:16
zygaDaSkreech: adjust the monitor in ubuntu and reboot to 'other' system09:16
zygait should be exactly wrong ;] 09:16
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DaSkreechRight then I adjust for that OS and reboot :)09:16
zygaDaSkreech: no09:16
alitochhum.. thank you however09:16
zygaDaSkreech: then you know it's your monitor ;] 09:17
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mrproperHow do I get the source to the kernel I am running in Horay?09:17
zygaDaSkreech: play with different refresh rates and you'll find the right one09:17
zygamrproper: apt-get source09:17
DaSkreechzyga: That can get a little dangerous under Linux09:17
St0n3-C0lyou're net less then how you're online :>09:17
alitochmrproper> apt-cache search kernel, then choose09:17
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drspindoes anyone kow of a utility that I can use to find packages that I don't use on my system?09:17
alitochand run uname -a to get your kernel version09:17
St0n3-C0lOut Of Frequency09:18
KeizerWith apt, how can I install EVERY package associated with beep-media-player?09:18
alitochi said it is my second computer, St0n3-C0l  :)09:18
alitochI am currently on the first09:18
alitochKeizer : i suppose apt-get install beep-media-player*09:18
mrproperWhat package does the kernel come in?09:18
alitochso could your try to help me now St0n3-C0l  ? :)09:18
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zygaDaSkreech: well... ;] 09:19
Keizeralitoch, Ok09:19
zygaDaSkreech: try going lower09:19
St0n3-C0lI can't with modems :P09:19
zygaDaSkreech: shouldn't hurt09:19
exaltedSeveas, im back. what i have to do again pls09:19
St0n3-C0lI had a winmodem and now I am on LAN :P09:19
=== SeeleyUSMC goes off to get thunderbird and set it up with Ypops
St0n3-C0lwinmodem never worked for me on Linux09:19
lewizDaSkreech: I doubt it can.  Any monitor that's not a decade old will handle it appropriately.09:19
DaSkreechzyga: OK I'll build a script that restores the X Defaults before trying09:19
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alitochMy modem is not a winmodem as Linux detects with with the devicemanager09:20
DaSkreechlewiz: Yeah but you can set it too high then the monitor just goes off then you kinda sit there tapping your fingers09:20
alitochalthough, it doesn't detect it with the Network manager or pppconfig :'(09:20
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lewizDaSkreech: CTRL+ALT+F1 will drop you to a console without any hassle :)09:20
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mrproperE: Unable to find a source package for linux-source-2.6.1009:20
=== DaSkreech knows. It's not me doing the changes though
echnatonhi i have a question! iam using 2 sound devices! where can i set my primary sound device?09:21
=== DaSkreech will have to teach her vi I suppose
=== AlfaWolph [yri@cpe-024-024-098-083.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KeizerIt still crashes09:21
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zookoHm.  I ran reportbug, and it looks like it is going to send mail to *debian's* bug tracker.09:21
wartycan the clusters out of range be fix ?09:21
exaltedSeveas, sorry buddy i had to reboot my PC, can you tell again that line please09:21
zookoWhich they will probably reject as being a bug report about ubuntu config.09:21
Mr_Lurrrrrhi, anyone know how to configure Virtual interfaces at boot_09:21
Seveasexalted, ok09:22
=== moquist [~moquist@pool-64-222-146-17.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveastwo lines:09:22
DaSkreechzyga: So leave scanlines alone?09:22
KeizerWith apt, how can I remove beep media player?09:22
KeizerI need to reinstall the entire thing.09:22
zookoKeizer: I suggest you learn debfoster or synaptic instead of apt.09:22
KeizerI know Synaptic09:22
Seveassudo iwconfig wifi0 essid YOUR_SSID (change wifi to the name of your device and YOUR_SSID to the actual ssid)09:22
=== BARBoy [BAR@210-55-47-49.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
dualmhello friends,09:22
zookoBecause with apt, you can remove a package, but it will not automatically suggest to you a bunch of related packages that you might want to remove...09:22
Seveassudo dhclient wifi0 (change wifi0 again)09:22
kukelKeizer: apt-get remove <package>09:22
=== the420thplateau [james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasif all goes right, dhclient should after a few secs say it got an ip09:23
xeroxWho there isn't apxs if I installed apache2?09:23
xeroxIt's *so* bad, where can I find it?09:23
zookoMaybe reportbug shouldn't be in main if it doesn't report to ubuntu.09:23
Mr_Lurrrrrhi, does anyone know how to configure Virtual interfaces to get up at boot09:23
xeroxIf anybody has it, could he mind to check in which package is it, and tell me?09:23
St0n3-C0lhow do I start my SSH Server ?09:23
dualmwoody used to show an icon on the desktop whenever a partition is mounted, How do i bring the same in Hoary?09:24
SeveasSt0n3-C0l, have you installed it yet?09:24
zygaSt0n3-C0l: sshd09:24
Seveasbecause it is started on boot09:24
Seveaszyga no09:24
Seveas/etc/init.d/sshd start09:24
BARBoy I am new to ubuntu and i need help with getting onto the interet, can someone PM please?09:24
zygaSeveas: well ;] 09:24
exaltedSeveas, he s doing the dhcpdiscover thing...09:24
zygaSeveas: it does start too ;] 09:24
zygaSeveas: but you're right ofcourse09:24
Seveaszyga, yeah but not in the correct way09:24
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djpSt0n3-C0lis there a need for both xine-totem and gstreamer-plugins?09:25
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ice_1963is ubuntu from woody or sarge ?????09:25
stephen_I am back :D09:25
stephen_i finished intalling UBUNTU09:25
St0n3-C0ldjp: Nopes09:25
St0n3-C0lget xinelib and totem-xine09:25
echnatonubuntu is forum debian!09:25
pikatordoes one know where the kernel header files are placed in ubuntu? (need it to install VMTools)09:25
stephen_How do i get Ubuntu To work with my external HD and how do i play WMV files?09:26
exaltedSeveas, no dhcpoffers received.09:26
wlachI'm having some weird problems getting my networking up.. it works when I first install it (or when I boot from livecd), but networking won't come up on subsequent boots09:26
alitochpikator > /usr/lib/src09:26
djpSt0n3-C0l: you would recommend totem-xine, correct?09:26
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stephen_How do i get Ubuntu To work with my external HD and how do i play WMV files?09:26
St0n3-C0land Get w32-codecs too (If Possible) and put them in /home/username/.gnome2/totem-addons/ If you want to view .wmv movies09:26
pikatorthank you alitoch09:26
wlachI'm using the rtl8139 networking card (in lieu of an onboard 3c905). Any ideas?09:26
St0n3-C0lit will automatically remove totem with gstreamer09:26
alitochwelcome, pikator09:26
ob1kenobiis there a program for ubuntu which rips and compress a DVD, like DVDShrink does?09:26
St0n3-C0land then it will install totem-xine09:26
stephen_ya I am looking for that 209:27
echnatonbut its illegal09:27
stephen_How do i install it in ubunto?09:27
KeizerThis is lame09:27
zookoArgh.  then reportbug crashes.  I'll report the bug in reportbug via HTTP I guess.09:27
lewizIs it just me or is Sound Juicer crap?  I'm all for simple user interfaces but damn.  Three output choices?  grip here we go.09:27
KeizerBeep-Media-Player is awesome and I can't use it09:27
stephen_how do i get?09:27
alitochSt0n3-C0l> isn't it better to install the codecs in /usr/lib/win32, so it is available for all the users ?09:27
ob1kenobiechnaton, dvd::rip does not compress09:27
djpSt0n3-C0l: i would not need to install the w32codecs as well would i, unless i wanted to use the formats that are supported in the codec?09:27
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KeizerCarlK, Have you goten beep-media-player to work?09:27
echnatonof course09:27
Stuttergarthas anyone tried to use OpenOffice with a scanner in Hoary?09:27
KeizerI need my MP3s!!09:27
zookoWhoops, can't report bugs on the bugzilla without working e-mail.  Catch 22.  Suck.09:27
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St0n3-C0lalitoch: I don't think totem will read it from /usr/lib/win3209:27
stephen_HOW do i RIP and BURN a DVD in Linux, How Do i Get my external harddrive to work? How do i get WMV to work?09:27
StuttergartI have libsane installed but OpenOffice isn't seeing the scanner device even though xsane does.09:27
exaltedSeveas, no dhcpoffers received. (sorry about repeating)09:28
St0n3-C0lIf you install xine-ui and set the path to /usr/lib/win32 then totem-xine will read it from that directory09:28
zookoKeizer: I listen to mp3z (and oggz) with xmms.09:28
alitochSt0n3-C0l> Believe me, it does :)09:28
alitochI've tried and it works09:28
Keizerzooko, It looks like I will succumb09:28
zookoRight now I'm listening to an ogg vorbis radio stream from Czech republic.  I think.09:28
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zookoI guess the default in Ubuntu is gstreamer or something ?09:28
alitochThen, you just have to do apt-get remove totem-gstreamer && apt-get install totem-xine09:28
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zookoThe default music player.09:28
alitochthat's the whole job09:28
lewizstephen_: I'd install mplayer and w32codecs for your wmv files.09:28
St0n3-C0lgood so djp try to put win32codecs in /usr/lib/win32 :)09:29
St0n3-C0land don't forget to 'mkdir /usr/lib/win32'09:29
Seveasexalted, hi, sorry for thr delay09:29
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stephen_LEWIZ: Ok where do i find w32codec and how i install mplayer?09:29
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lewizstephen_: Use Synaptic Package Manager -- it's in System->Administration if you're using Hoary.09:30
Seveasdo you have an access list on the router ( i know i have one and alwys forget to add new cards so I'm alway cursing about why things dont work)09:30
alitochstephen > on mplayer official site, you'll find the codecs, you can get mplayer via apt-get09:30
stephen_how does that work09:30
alitochsudo apt-get install mplayer09:30
alitochit is a command to download applications from ubuntu repositories09:31
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exaltedSeveas, you mean what09:31
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stephen_E: counldn't find09:31
stephen_Reading Package Lists... Done09:31
stephen_Building Dependency Tree... Done09:31
stephen_E: Couldn't find package mplayer09:31
St0n3-C0lmplayer is very much buggy :S09:31
UbooI've got a .deb package (the application wasn't available through apt-get). What command do I use to install it?09:31
St0n3-C0lWhen I start playing a movie it hangs09:31
alitochyou have to modify /etc/apt/sources.list, stephen_09:31
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stephen_What i type in?09:31
alitochor to use Synaptic and modify its Repositories09:31
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alitochYou have many howtos on the net09:31
alitochGoogle it, stephen09:31
St0n3-C0lstephen_: Your /etc/apt/sources.list is set on CDROM09:31
Seveasexalted, on my router I have an access list and have to add mac addresses for cards that want to join the net09:31
stephen_Fook lol ok09:32
Seveasexalted, is your machine dual-boot? if so, does the card work in windows?09:32
newbilonzoHi people. I'm totally new to Ubuntu and Linux in general... Would this be the right channel to ask stupid questions, or would there be a newbie-channel for those? My problem is mounting an ex-windows hd..09:32
stephen_What i type?09:32
St0n3-C0lUboo: dpkg -i filename09:32
UbooSt0n3-C0l: thanks.09:32
=== punkass [~punkass@S0106000423578661.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_hOw i get my external USB hard drive to work?09:32
St0n3-C0lUboo: Anytime :)09:32
Seveasnewbilonzo, you can ask all stupid questions you want :)09:32
exaltedSeveas, note that in prior installation the same ubuntu receveid many times offers from dhcp.09:32
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DaSkreechnewbilonzo: What File system?09:33
Seveasstephen_, just plug it in :)09:33
newbilonzoseveas, here comes: /dev/hda1   *           1        1024     8225275+  54  OnTrackDM609:33
punkassany devs here know how to read info coming from a usb mouse09:33
stephen_I did09:33
newbilonzo/dev/hda2            1025        1285     2096451    e  W95 FAT16 (LBA)09:33
Seveasexalted, that is odd09:33
stephen_I DONT SEe anything09:33
=== zooko monkeypatches reportbug so that he can report a bug.
stephen_wher is it?09:33
=== zooko runs reportbug reportbug
Seveaspunkass, what do you mean?09:33
stephen_I MISS My movies wHERE where where i plugged in.. SO MANY people haave been saying "PLUG it in" that i am getting frustarted :(09:33
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punkasswell i have a mx1000 mouse, and on windows it has a battery monitor09:33
stephen_BECAUSE i dont see s***09:33
newbilonzoseveas, I just can't find the proper -t type to get that to mount09:34
punkassi was thinking i would like to try and make an applet for linux09:34
zookoGetting status for reportbug...09:34
zookoWill send report to Ubuntu (per request).09:34
newbilonzoNot even the fat1609:34
maddlerpunkass... kinda hard... ;)09:34
roscobig problem here: the iso preview verion of hoary 64 isn't booting at all09:34
exaltedSeveas, yeah debian based distro are good on my machine. believe me ive tried 100 of times, fortunately he couldnt freezed during installation this time, but no wireless :(09:34
Keizerzooko, Even XMMS is crashing while playing MP3s09:34
roscoI've burned the iso with a dvd rewriter and a cd rewritr09:34
maddlerrosco... did u tried on another cd-rom drive?09:34
zookoKeizer: that's interesting.09:34
roscoi've checked the md509:34
punkasswell the mouse works fine, so it thought that the base may be setting out the info and i could read it somehow09:34
zookoHow about mpg123 from the cmdline.  Or mpg321 or something.09:34
punkasssetting = sending09:35
Keizerzooko, It's bad luck09:35
Keizerzooko, I didn't install mpg123 because I installed xmms-mas09:35
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roscomaddler: I've burned with 2 different devices and tried to boot with those two devices too, no success09:35
stephen_HOW do i get my USB hD to work?09:35
Seveasstephen_, what does mount say after you plugged it in09:35
roscothe warty iso was booting fine...09:35
stephen_i dont know MAN i am new to this linux09:36
stephen_I just plugged it in09:36
stephen_that's it09:36
roscoeven the previous daily releases of hoary were booting, just the preview isn't09:36
stephen_now what to do?09:36
Seveasstephen_, in a terminal type mount and paste the output in a private message09:36
alitochstephen_> try sudo modprobe ide-scsi09:36
alitochthen plug your USB FlashDisk09:36
Keizerzooko, just installed it09:36
Seveasnewbilonzo, i don't undderstand your question, can you be a bit more specific09:36
KeizerGoing to see if it will work09:36
alitochand then, try the command : sudo mount -a09:36
stephen_i did09:36
drspinstephen_: warty or hoary?09:36
drspinstephen_: what filesystem is on the disk?09:37
maddlerrosco... bios?09:37
drspinstephen_: I actually just solved this problem the other night -- with the maintainer of the autoplug packages :)09:37
drspinstephen_: /msg me09:37
Keizerzooko, Anything else I will need beside mpg123?09:37
Seveasnewbilonzo, fat partitions are mounted as type vfat09:37
Seveasnewbilonzo, does that help?09:38
roscomaddler: I don't think so, I've installed multiple version of warty and hoary without problems09:38
drspinstephen_: type /msg drspin hi09:38
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newbilonzoseveas, I have tried all sorts of "mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/160a09:38
roscomaddler: could it be the burn speed ?09:38
Jesteracei'm giving a hoary preview install cd a go09:38
Jesteracei've always installed warty then dist-upgraded to hoary :P09:38
drspinnewbilonzo: if this is a USB drive it will /dev/sda109:39
roscoIs it possible to upgrade to the preview version of hoary, from an old daily release ?09:39
Seveasnewbilonzo, can i send you private messages?09:39
newbilonzoseveas,"type of commands, adding -o=fat-16 and yet nothing...09:39
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alitochstephen> sudo mkdir /mnt/usb && sudo mount -t ntfs -o uid=1000 /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb should work09:39
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exaltedSeveas, so what i can do to get work this?09:40
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zookoKeizer: I thought playing an mp3 with mpg123 woudl be a good way to find out whether the crash is in audio subsystem or elsewhere...09:40
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KeizerMaybe I should change the audio driver from ALSA to OSS09:40
maddlerrosco... that would be kinda strange...09:40
KeizerI was listening to MP3s with Beep Media Player on Fedora Core on this laptopl.09:41
Seveasexalted, read the manpages for iwconfig, ifconfig and dhclient and experiment a bit ...09:41
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maddlerrosco... the md5 would fail09:41
maddleroh... is any1 able to use XINE?09:41
zookoI think there is a recent bug in hoary's audio myself.09:41
zookoIf I could submit bug reports, I would submit one about that...09:41
henkehave the boot time improvements made their way into hoary?09:42
punkassso maddler: you say its kinda hard...any thoughts where i can start researching?09:42
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exaltedSeveas, as to your opinion in the system>administration>networking what are the essential parts to be filled to not having problem?09:42
KeizerIt's using OSS right now hehe09:42
KeizerWith Alsa it WONT work09:42
zookotry esd09:42
lamontdoes gnome allow one to drop pretty icons on the login screen for the existant users?09:42
maddlerpunkass... google? :)09:42
alitochyes, I have the same thing since i am under hoary , Keizer :)09:42
stephen_How to get USB hd to work09:42
Seveasexalted, ssid or network name09:42
Keizeralitoch, And you can listen to MP3s?09:42
lamontfound it09:43
KeizerI need some music!09:43
zookohoary *waS* working for me until I upgraded last week, then it broke.09:43
Jesteraceheh i listen to music with hoary09:43
zookothings wouldn't *crash*, but they would *hang* whenever they tried to open the audio output device with alsa.09:43
stephen_How do i get Mplayer09:43
zookoThe workaround I discovered was to kill -15 the esd process before using the alsa thing.  :-)09:43
KeizerI'm going for it09:43
Keizerzooko, How do I get the esd pid?09:44
St0n3-C0lapt-get install mplayer09:44
maddlerstephen_... use Synaptic :)09:45
zookoKeizer: ps eax | grep esd09:45
exaltedSeveas, thx anyway09:45
stephen_WHat the FOOK is that?09:45
St0n3-C0lbut I think its really buggy one that in Ubuntu's Archive09:45
stephen_how how how09:45
St0n3-C0lWhat error?09:45
stephen_long 109:45
St0n3-C0lstephen_: http://mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/news.html09:46
St0n3-C0lDownload tarballs and install09:46
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stephen_How i install09:46
alitochKeizer> i can with beep-media-player, when i change to OSS09:46
St0n3-C0lthats much better09:46
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caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: http://ftp2.de.freesbie.org/mirror/mplayer/stable/main/binary-i386/09:46
alitochKeizer> i didn't need to install any other library, everything comes with the BMPlayer package09:46
caffinatedassuming you'd like debs09:47
choisyanyone knows of a way to create a bootable dvd from a cd iso image?09:47
St0n3-C0l./configure , make && make install09:47
alitochstephen_> tar xzvf if it is a .tar.gz tarball and tar jxvf if it is a .tar.bz2 tarball...09:47
lukfuglany ruby users in here? trying to get 1.8.2 installed on ubuntu09:47
alitochcan't you use GOOGLE, Stephen ?09:47
KeizerThe kill -15 esd pid worked!09:47
KeizerI have MP3s!09:47
alitochcool Keizer09:47
alitochdoes BMP load it ?09:47
St0n3-C0lYeah really09:48
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St0n3-C0lcaffinated: Don't you think this is mirror of marrilat09:48
St0n3-C0lor marilliat09:49
caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: it might be, i don't know.  i couldn't find .deb packages on the official mplayer site, so i went looking.09:49
caffinateduse them, or don't.  it makes no difference to me ;)09:49
zookoKeizer: maybe you could submit a bug report to Ubuntu so they could fix this bug with esd vs. alsa before they release hoary...09:50
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zookoAnybody know how to configure postfix to send to a smarthost on a non-standard SMTP port?09:50
kezzcan I resize a windows partition using the ubuntu installer without data loss?09:51
caffinatedzooko: after some poking, i've found that the issue isn't with alsa and esd.  it's with some sound cards, and a lack of hardware mixing.09:51
zookothank you, google09:51
lamontzooko: relayhost= [foo.baz.com] :252509:51
lamontI think09:51
SeeleyUSMCkezz, I've done it with success09:51
caffinatedi have a soundblaster MP3+ USB which is not properly supported by linux09:51
zookocaffinated: I dunno -- it worked on my box until I did sudo apt-get upgrade last week.09:51
zookolamont: thanks!09:51
caffinatedhowever, an old soundblaster live value doesn't suffer the problems09:51
SeeleyUSMCkeffo, Just make sure you defrag your partitions first09:51
St0n3-C0lcaffinated: Rude attitude :P09:52
kezzthanks SeeleyUSMC09:52
caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: i don't see what's rude about it.09:52
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SeeleyUSMCkezz, I'm just glad I can help someone out for a change :)09:52
caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: if i wanted to be rude, i wouldn't have offered you any suggestions at all.09:52
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zookolamont: currently it says "relayhost=vorpal.notabug.com".  I'm changing it to "relayhost=vorpal.notabug.com:26".09:53
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ice_1963do tel09:53
SeeleyUSMCGrr...the auto-finish for nicks in X-Chat sucks09:54
Keizerzooko, Hah, I like using OSS and that's what's working now09:54
caffinatedzooko: anyhow, since i switched audio devices, all the problems went away.  *shrug*09:54
St0n3-C0lcaffinated: You can add that link in ur Synaptic too09:54
KeizerBefore it was trying to use OSS and couldn't because of ESD09:54
caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: i'm aware of that.09:54
caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: i only wanted the mplayer debs myself though, so i didn't bother to.09:54
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Kamionmplayer's in multiverse guys :)09:54
Kamionif it's buggy, please suggest fixes09:55
caffinatedKamion: is it?  iirc, i searched for it and it wasn't there (and yes, i added the multiverse in sources.list)09:55
Kamionwe don't want people to *have* to go off to random repositories if we can help it09:55
caffinatedKamion: is this a recent addition?09:56
Kamioncaffinated: only mplayer-custom in warty it seems; hoary has mplayer-{386,586,686}09:56
Kamioner, and k6 and k709:56
=== slicslak [~slicslak@S0106000f66e13f97.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
grono k8? ;)09:56
orion2012Very noob question: I remember reading that ubuntu packages were not compatible with debian packages, so why then does marillat's repos work which seem to be debian specific.  What am I not getting?09:56
Kamiongro: there is mplayer-amd6409:56
caffinatedKamion: strange.  the only version i have in the hoary repos is the one i put in.09:56
Kamionmplayer-386 | 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 | hoary/multiverse | i38609:57
Kamiondefinitely there, perhaps you didn't switch on multiverse09:57
zookoorion2012: sometimes deb packages can work on ubuntu or vice versa.  sometimes not, and trying can lead to bad tangles.09:57
caffinatedKamion: no, it's on.09:57
caffinatedKamion: i'm not new to debian ;)09:57
Kamioncaffinated: no but you might've thought it was in universe; that's a common mistake to make09:57
orion2012zooko: : so marillat's have generally been tested and seem to work?09:57
lamontzooko: should really say relayhost=[vorpal.notabug.com] :26  unless you really want to try port 26 on the MX list for vorpal09:57
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Kamionthat's the earliest version in the morgue, so it's been around that long09:58
St0n3-C0lI was jus kidding dun take that on ur heart :P09:58
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St0n3-C0land take anywhere u would like :PPPpp09:58
Jesteracei prefer compiling from source09:58
St0n3-C0lexcept ur heart eh :P09:58
zookolamont: thanks!!09:59
rimbertI'm locked out.  gdm can't find human and default themes, and the chooser won't let me input my username09:59
KeizerUbuntu hates me09:59
zookozooko: I use, or haveused, marillat's repo for mplayer on ubuntu on athlon6409:59
zookoErr, I mean orion2012:09:59
rimbertand the kernel update broke my nvidia10:00
orion2012well... any ppc users? I'm trying to find a package for libid3 and libmad...10:00
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rimbertAnybody else locked out of gdm now after the update?10:00
caffinatedKamion: i'll poke around and see what i can see.  thanks for the heads up.10:00
zookoOoooh.  Can I get access to the morgue?  That could be useful.10:00
Kamionzooko: http://morgue.ubuntu.com/10:01
alitochwhat's the morgue ? :o10:01
Kamionalitoch: dead packages10:01
alitochseems interesting, gonna take a look10:01
Kamionalitoch: only useful for research10:01
alitochoh ok :)10:01
rimbertThis is the most broken I've ever seen Hoary10:01
alitochI though it was dead developpers of the Ubuntu team :p10:01
zookoPotentially useful for reverting after upgrade breaks something, eh?10:01
Kamionzooko: mm, we'd rather it weren't widely advertised as such because it would reduce the incentive for us to fix things :)10:02
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zookofamilytimeThanks, #ubuntu!  I'll be back tomorrow.10:02
rimbertzooko: but today is a good day to use it, given the breakage ;)10:02
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Albackerguys can anyone help me ? : eni@galaxy:~$ alsamixer10:04
Albackeralsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device10:04
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sleptI'm looking for an easy to use homepage generation gui , does anyone know ?10:04
St0n3-C0lcaffinated: Don't you find mplayer a bit buggy ?? from multiverse or universe10:04
Keizerslept, Quanta or Bluefish?10:04
groor screem?10:05
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WhiteRabbitslept, http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/ -- http://quanta.sourceforge.net/ -- http://www.nvu.com/index.html10:05
alitochslept> NVU10:05
St0n3-C0lThere was a new application10:05
slept thanks10:05
alitochlol, WhiteRabbit, same idea same time :)10:05
alitochi'm gonna eat10:06
alitochsee you later10:06
Albackercan anyone help me with the alsamixer problem which I posted before ? ? ? ?10:06
Albackercan anyone help me with the alsamixer problem which I posted before ? ? ? ?10:06
St0n3-C0lI don't remember the name was sponsored by Linspire10:06
=== mellinux [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhiteRabbitalitoch, you was 4 seconds off though ;)~10:06
groSt0n3-C0l: that is nvu10:06
caffinatedSt0n3-C0l: i didn't get it from the standard ubuntu repositories.  i have not had any problems with it so far.10:06
=== rimbert is now known as tritium
St0n3-C0lnvu ehe :P10:06
caffinatedAlbacker: repeating several times is not likely to get you any help.10:06
Bizzehhey, im doin a bit of research10:06
Bizzehhow much faster (binary wise) is ubuntu than debian, if any?10:07
groAlbacker: what soundcard do you have? it is probably not detected by ubunty10:07
St0n3-C0lYeah I forgot :P I was gonna give nvu link to slept10:07
=== drspin uses Nvu
Albackercaffinated : sorry.10:08
Albackergro, I can see it while booting into ubuntu10:08
St0n3-C0lAlbacker: There is no sound ?10:08
St0n3-C0lhave u tried 'alsamixer' on kernel10:08
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AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, no10:09
caffinatedAlbacker: no problem.  just wanted you to know so you didn't inadvertantly screw yourself ;)10:09
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AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, ??10:09
St0n3-C0lAlbacker: Try 'alsamixer' in terminal10:09
KeizerI need to report my problems hehe10:09
St0n3-C0land then10:09
KeizerSo that the dev team can fix them.10:10
AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, I got that error from the terminal10:10
St0n3-C0lAlbacker: Your problem is that you're not getting sound ? right ?10:10
AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, yeah10:10
St0n3-C0lRun as root10:10
St0n3-C0lgo in terminal10:11
St0n3-C0lsudo alsamixer10:11
AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, same10:11
InitMassanyone using Nicotine here?10:11
groAlbacker: output of "ls -l /dev/mixer"?10:12
Albackergro : lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           11 Nov 17 19:07 /dev/mixer -> /dev/mixer010:12
AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, the same error10:12
=== [1] AlfaWolph [yri@cpe-024-024-098-083.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
St0n3-C0ldo u have alsamixer installed ?10:13
groSt0n3-C0l: he has trust me ;)10:13
mellinuxcan someone direct me to a site with a terminal FAQ10:13
AlbackerSt0n3-C0l, YES, SURE, it runs.10:13
InitMassany date set for the stable release of hoary?10:13
St0n3-C0lIts installed bydefault in Hoary10:13
AlbackerUBUNTU recognizes the command10:14
=== oferw [~chatzilla@DSL217-132-30-19.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
St0n3-C0lyeah :P10:14
St0n3-C0lthen why its not running in terminal10:14
Albackereni@galaxy:~$ whereis alsamixer10:14
groAlbacker: and the output of ls -l /dev/mixer*10:14
Albackeralsamixer: /usr/bin/alsamixer10:14
St0n3-C0lit will open up one dialog in which it will ask u to modify your volume level10:14
St0n3-C0ltry that10:14
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Albackergro I send them to prv, because I didnt want to Flood here.10:15
St0n3-C0lIts running here10:15
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groAlbacker: yeah i noticed, thx ;)10:15
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Bizzehso, is ubuntu faster than debian, or slower, or same?10:16
Albackerany idea gro ?10:16
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groAlbacker: you are running warty?10:17
tritiumThank goodness for startx!  gdm is so broken10:18
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Albackergro, no10:18
Albackergro, I'm runnin beatrix, which is UBUNTU.10:18
crimsunBizzeh: can't really compare10:19
=== runedude [~runedude@pcp0010864625pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
runedudehi folks, is there a way to upgrade from Warty to Hoary?10:20
Bizzehmeh, ill just go source based and go gentoo and know its faster10:20
runedudeW/o ofcourse burning a new cd.10:20
groAlbacker: ok, that explains why you have multiple /dev/mixer and /dev/dsp entries ;)10:20
Albackergro, so what to do ?10:20
=== flax [~eduard@dtn-c-b421.mxs.adsl.euronet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
groAlbacker: what brand of soundcard you haven?10:21
tritiumnot exactly jdubtv, but tritium can be seen here: http://www.mgmt.purdue.edu/info/cameracenter/public.asp?camera=drawingroom10:21
crimsunBizzeh: source-based doesn't imply faster :-)10:21
Bizzehcompiling with all processor ext's and only having in what i NEED....10:22
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groAlbacker: lspci | grep audio10:22
Bizzehid say that would be faster10:22
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runedudeAnyone know how to upgrade from Warty (4.10) to Hoary (5.04) with the sources.list ?10:22
Albackergro :pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices10:22
Albacker0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801AA AC'97 Audio (rev 02)10:22
flaxi want to install openldap with the following command: sudo apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils. When i do this, a debconf window is show,.. is there a way to provide the properties on commandline so the debconf window will not be shown?10:23
ahmadsome famous problem10:23
ahmadand need help10:23
Kamionrunedude: "warty" -> "hoary" throughout, 'apt-get dist-upgrade', hope :-)10:23
runedudeKamion, thanks :)10:24
Kamionrunedude: (or "Smart Upgrade" in synaptic instead of that second step)10:24
crimsunBizzeh: serious misconception.  It gains you a false feeling of optimisation, though.10:24
runedudeKamion, gives me alot of msgs of failure :)10:24
ahmadfixing a broken package10:24
crimsunBizzeh: why not try one of the Hoary live cds?10:24
ahmadto get control10:24
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Bizzehim 45 mins into installing Hoary on vmware now10:24
runedudelike this:10:24
Kamionrunedude: oh, sorry, 'apt-get update' (or Reload in synaptic) right after changing sources.list10:24
runedudeW: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:24
Bizzehits started downloading stuff too10:25
Bizzehwithout even asking me10:25
Albackergro ? still here ?10:25
runedudeOkay. :)10:25
Bizzehhow nice is that10:25
groAlbacker: ok, try lsmod | grep audio10:25
KamionBizzeh: only so much localisation support you can fit on one CD10:25
runedudeThanks. It works.10:25
=== Rebroad [~rebroad@client-82-3-64-113.mant.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kamionrunedude: make sure the upgrade doesn't want to remove ubuntu-base or ubuntu-desktop; those are usually signs of problems10:25
Bizzehstill, "would you like to install x packages of x mb (y/n):"10:26
RebroadHi all10:26
Bizzehdownload even10:26
KeizerAnyone here ever used tune2fs?10:26
Bizzehmakes no diff10:26
KeizerWhat's the command to convert my ext2 to ext3?10:26
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KeizerI want journaling.10:27
Bizzehmke2fs -j10:27
crimsunKeizer: tune2fs -j10:27
Rebroadno sign of the psmouse.c Touchpad problem being fixed yet...?10:27
runedudeKamion, will I need to reboot?10:27
flaxKeizer, http://puggy.symonds.net/~rajesh/howto/ext3/toc.html10:27
KeizerSo like tune2fs -j /dev/md0 ?10:27
Kamionrunedude: it installs a new kernel, so yes10:27
runedudeKamion, Aww :P10:28
Kamionrunedude: system should keep working until you do, though10:28
runedudeok :)10:28
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Kamionnot that I've actually tested that; since I'm the installer guy, I do fresh installs :P10:28
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Bizzehyay for installer taking fuck all notice of what i told it10:29
Rebroadcan anyone hear me?10:29
KamionBizzeh: ?10:29
flaxRebroad, wassup?10:29
Bizzehtold it a user and pass10:29
Rebroadthanks flax: i was wondering!10:30
Bizzehtry to log in now its dont10:30
KamionBizzeh: check that your keyboard layout is what you think it is10:30
Bizzehand it comes at me with "incorect username or password"10:30
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flaxRebroad,  :D patience ;)10:30
RebroadI have a suggestion for a little feature addition to synaptic - best place to mention it on here or somewhere else?10:30
Bizzehwhat? uk layout10:30
Bizzehlike it was in install10:30
=== CaVaStra [~carel@f35146.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Rebroadregarding synaptic: it would be really cool if it offered to uninstall packages once they reach zero dependants.10:31
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RebroadI had loads of libraries I uninstalled today that weren't being used.10:31
crimsunRebroad: dpkg -l deborphan|grep ^ii10:31
Rebroadah.. cool. thanks crimsun!10:31
Bizzeh1st letter = cap10:32
CaVaStrausing Hoary, I cannot install nvidia-glx, gives an error clashing with x-org-flrx driver, any onbe got a solution ?10:32
Bizzehanyway, how would i go about getting kdevelop on here?10:32
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KamionBizzeh: don't do that then :-)10:32
exaltedhi! my wireless network device seems to be an ethernet device, and because of this i think i cannot connect to my wireless router. does anyone knows what i have to change?10:32
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flaxanyone here who knows how to stop debconf from asking questions by specifying additional parameters on the command line for a apt-get install10:34
Rebroaddeborphan is certainly a useful tool, although for newbies, it would be cool to have the functionality included in synaptic10:34
flaxi want to exectute a sudo apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils, without the dialog for password being shown (i want to add this on the command line)10:34
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stephen_I LOVE UBUNTU@10:35
bluefoxicyoh god. . .10:35
flaxwhere? ;)10:35
=== bluefoxicy wonders how the UH team will handle the new gnome stuff
bluefoxicythat worries me.10:35
jacowhy my xchat logs r not saved in iso-8859 ?10:35
crimsunRebroad: it actually does afaik10:35
bluefoxicythen again10:35
Kamionflax: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install slapd ldap-utils10:35
kickrocksubuntu on ia64 is nice thanks10:35
sic|jaco: they are hidden in your home directory10:35
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crimsunRebroad: err, sorry, I misread Synaptic for aptitude10:36
Rebroadcrimsun: synaptic hasn't done for me so far10:36
jacosic i know this but10:36
Kamionflax: although that'll just use some default rather than letting you set it on the command line10:36
Rebroadcrimsun: ah.. yes. aptitude probably does10:36
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jacomy terminal works right with euro symbol10:36
bluefoxicyhopefully Ubuntu will get PaX, Gnome's stuff will happen, nvidia will cause a problem, and instead of abandoning PaX, Ubuntu will smack nVidia in the face with issues that tehy've needed ot resolve for years now10:36
jacomy xchat also10:36
Rebroadcrimsun: is it safe to use aptitude instead of synaptic?10:36
wartyhello people10:36
jacoonly my log no10:36
crimsunRebroad: absolutely10:36
crimsunRebroad: any apt frontend10:36
bluefoxicy(what we need is a fcking open source accelerated nv driver)10:36
Rebroadany here got ntfs read/write working safely on ubuntu?10:36
flaxKamion,  and i can't set it the value by defining a global variable / adding a DEBIAN_FRONTEND parameter?10:36
wartyi'm of argentima10:37
sic|jaco: that is the way it is installed with this distro...it just is10:37
CaVaStrasooo. no nvidia-glx for me ?10:37
Kamionflax: you could preset it in the debconf database, assuming that those packages are happy with that; see the debconf documentation10:37
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Kamionflax: or use a stacked debconf database10:37
Rebroadbluefoxicy: it could be worse - it could be not free10:37
flaxKamion, thanx i have enough pointers for tonight i guess :D10:37
bluefoxicyRebroad:  potentially.10:37
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bluefoxicyRebroad:  But I'm very security concerned and anything that majorly would impede the effort is bad.10:38
Rebroadbluefoxicy: what's nvidia's reason for not releasing the source?10:38
sic|has anyone had difficulty with smb.conf...I am considering writing one from scratch based on others examples10:38
kickrocksati will be able to make better drivers10:38
bluefoxicyRebroad:  Ubuntu will be less inclined to move to a PaX base if Gnome suddenly relied on GLX, and the nVidia drivers still used runtime code generation10:38
strugglerAnyone familiar with GNOME on Warty?10:38
bluefoxicyRebroad:  I dunno, Nvidia is  weird with nda crap10:39
HappyPillsdownload manager closest in functionality to getright/flashget?10:39
bluefoxicyit's a business10:39
bluefoxicydeciding to release your code under GPL is a major legal decision that needs to spend 10000 years in committee10:39
=== Rebroad hasn't heard the term "PaX" before
HappyPillsor does anyone have a fav. dl manager for linux?10:39
bluefoxicyRebroad:  Core component on which grsecurity is built around10:39
bluefoxicyRebroad:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PaX10:39
Rebroadbluefoxicy: thanks10:40
bluefoxicyRebroad:  also http://usrbac.sourceforge.net/misc/sec_presentation.sxi10:40
sic|HappyPills: You need a dl manager?10:40
crimsunI'm surprised you didn't link him to pax's homepage on grsecurity.net10:40
bluefoxicycrimsun:  my wikipedia article is a lot more explanitory, unless he can read http://pax.grsecurity.net/docs/10:41
St0n3-C0ld4x :P10:41
Rebroadhmmm. ubuntu's upgraded mozilla-browser more than once in the last 24hrs i think...10:41
St0n3-C0lDownload For X10:41
=== SiB77 [~Sipila@a81-197-60-108.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
HappyPillsjust something to easily get flash files and large files, despite how they act I don't trust firefox downloading large files10:41
crimsunbluefoxicy: sure.10:41
Rebroadah. or maybe it was firefox earlier..10:41
St0n3-C0lDownloader For X*10:41
=== enplo [~enplo@ppp-athens-1-98.teledomenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
SiB77May i ask something?10:41
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Burkhello guys10:41
UbooWhat's the best tool to handle 7zip files on ubuntu? I found http://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip/ but I didn't find it in any repository, so I figured maybe it's not good and that's why it's not there.10:41
bluefoxicycrimsun:  tech documentation is good for techs, bad for normal users :)10:42
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strugglerI'm having problems with GNOME startup on Warty.  I'm having trouble with GNOME on a remote terminal but XFCE is okay. Would someone like to help?10:42
SiB77How can i change my ubuntu resolution to 1280x1024? I only have 1024x768, 800x600...10:42
mcrawforheya, what's the ubuntu way for choosing what services start at which runlevels?10:42
sic|bluefoxicy: I have to agree...tends to be really vague10:42
BurkI'm running hoary arry cd7 live. when I mount with "sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/win" I don't get any icon on the desktop nor in Places...is it a missing feature on the live cd?10:42
mcrawfora console program please...10:42
=== Zotnix [martin@ool-4357361a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
St0n3-C0lHappyPills: Downloader For X (d4x named in apt-get) OR Kget10:43
HappyPillsI'm trying it out already.10:43
HappyPillsit doesn't seem that crash hot so far...10:43
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bluefoxicysic|:  Technical documentation is usually explained in technical concepts, except it assumes you understand the underlying concepts, and leaves you like ". . . what the hell does that mean?"10:43
sic|HappyPills: Whats wrong with Firefox?  I have pulled files as big as a gig with it with no errors in both linux and windows10:44
bluefoxicyfor anything10:44
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Rebroadbluefoxicy: how come the principal PaX author wants to remain anonymous...?10:44
bluefoxicyRebroad:  *shrug* I dunno.  solar (a hardened gentoo dev) is also anonymous10:44
sic|bluefoxicy, I think a lot of it is written internally and assumes too much...I am an AIX sys admin and a lot of info is just out there10:44
tritiumwhat broke gdm themes to badly today?10:44
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SiB77Can ubuntu linux be run in 1280x1024?10:45
bluefoxicySiB77:  yes10:45
sianishi all10:45
sianisi have a little program10:45
sic|but you have to fix the dpi10:45
bluefoxicyI want a BTX motherboard10:45
sianisi use ubuntu on laptop10:45
sianisbut when the ubuntu booted up10:45
Rebroadbluefoxicy: if I'm running a web server on ubuntu (apache2) - should I harden it more than it's default configuration?10:45
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sianisi cannot use the brigitness up donw function key10:46
sic|SiB77, I use ubuntu at work @ 1280X1024 but the BPI was messed so I had to set it manually10:46
punkrockguy318My middle mouse-button on my mouse is not working.. What steps should I take to troubleshoot this?10:46
HappyPillssic|, it's kind of difficult to dl .swf files, especially since mozilla-firefox automatically plays them and I don't want to disable that functionality10:46
sianiscan some1 help me?10:46
takipunkrock, you on hoary or warty?10:46
punkrockguy318taki, hoary10:46
CaVaStraWHo can help: Unpacking nvidia-glx (from .../nvidia-glx_1.0.6629-0ubuntu23_i386.deb) ...10:46
CaVaStradpkg-divert: `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx' clashes with `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'10:46
CaVaStradpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx_1.0.6629-0ubuntu23_i386.deb (--unpack):10:46
SiB77Well, i would like to set it manually..10:46
=== runedude` [~runedude@pcp0010864625pcs.longhl01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sic|HappyPills, very true, I didn't consider that10:46
Burkguys, does an icon appear on desktop when you mount a device (like sata hd)?10:46
bluefoxicyRebroad:  In general, I'd say that the hardening stuff I'm more into should be everywhere simply because it's suitable for everywhere; but for servers and higher security environments i think you should look into a MAC like SeLinux, RSBAC, or the GrSecurity RBAC10:46
alitochi'm back10:46
Rebroadpunkrockguy318: your name is so long, it's screwing up my xchat display :-s10:46
punkrockguy318taki, I just switched mice... my old mouse's middle button work10:47
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punkrockguy318Rebroad, heh yeah everyone tells me that... sorry, i've been using it for all my usernames for two years10:47
takipunkrockguy, gimme a sec to find the page with the info. you have to go into xorg.conf and add a line. at least it heled me. Ah, if it's that, you need to reconfigure xorg for the new mouse10:47
bluefoxicyRebroad:  Of course, as more programs cease to work with PaX because of nVidia's glx crap, it suddenly becomes less suitable for everywher. . . :(10:47
=== Spooks [Spooky@cpc4-mapp4-5-0-cust30.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu
bluefoxicyyou don't need 3D acceleration for a web server10:47
punkrockguy318taki, How would i reconfigure it for the new mouse?10:47
Rebroadcan I use selinux with ubuntu, bluefoxicy?10:47
bluefoxicyRebroad:  I dunno10:47
bluefoxicyI heard there was effort10:48
tritiumnvidia broke with today's kernel update10:48
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SpooksHey guys n gals10:48
bluefoxicycheck #hardened-debian10:48
sianisuse someone ubuntu on laptop???10:48
Rebroadtritium: how does it break? should I avoid the new kernel if I use nvidia-glx?10:48
=== BARBoy [BAR@210-55-84-198.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
bluefoxicyI think there's effort in ubuntu and debian by the ubuntu and debian teams; I think the hardened debian team is also going at selinux, but they're after bringing SSP, PaX, GrSecurity, etc as well.10:48
punkrockguy318bluefoxicy, speaking of ubuntu security.. i was somewhat disappointed  to find that ubuntu is copmletely vulnerable to a fork bomb...10:48
BARBoyhey people, i need help with setting up a modem in ubuntu10:48
Rebroadfork bomb..? which linux's aren't?10:49
alitochpunkrock> it doesn't depend of the distro, but of how you use it10:49
bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  everyone is completely vulnerable to a fork bomb.  Edit /etc/security/limits.conf to have a line "*               hard    nproc           2048"10:49
Bizzehhow would i install kdevelop on a default ubuntu install?10:49
RiddellBizzeh: apt-get install kdevelop310:49
tritiumRebroad, perhaps another ABI change.  I'm not sure.10:49
CaVaStraNobody ? Unpacking nvidia-glx (from .../nvidia-glx_1.0.6629-0ubuntu23_i386.deb) ... dpkg-divert: `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx' clashes with `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'  dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx_1.0.6629-0ubuntu23_i386.deb (--unpack):10:49
RiddellBizzeh: it's in universe10:49
punkrockguy318bluefoxicy, debian isn't by default...10:49
takipunkrockguy: crap, I forget. I think it's dpkg-configure xorg.conf10:49
BizzehRiddell: i been using ubuntu for about 30 seconds10:50
alitochBizzeh> there are two ways to do it : Install Kubuntu, or apt-get kde base packages10:50
takisomeone here should knwo10:50
tritiumRebroad, and gdm stopped working today too.  I dropped down to kernel 2.6.10-4 because of the breakage in -5, and gdm can't find Human or default themes, and won't let me login.10:50
bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  what stops debian from being fragged by a fork bomb10:50
punkrockguy318bluefoxicy, different kernel options according to /.10:50
Burkmmmm.... let's try it this way: how do I do to have an icon that mount/unmount my sata hd with winxp on it? :)10:50
tritiumSo between kernel and gdm problems, it's been an "interesting" day.10:50
bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  there's no fork bomb defuser in the kernel by default10:51
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alitochBizzeh> Do you wanna use Ubuntu under KDE and not Gnome, or just need KDevelop ?10:52
RiddellBizzeh: try asking in #kubuntu maybe, you need to set up universe and install kdevelop3 probably with synaptic10:52
punkrockguy318bluefoxicy, why doesn't ubuntu set these limits by default?10:52
bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  I dunno10:52
sianishow can i setup the bootalbe application, pl: cups, laptop-mode?10:52
bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  I haven't really tested them though. . .10:52
=== SeeleyUSMC [~shawn@ca-29palms-cmts2a-57.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sianispls help me!!!10:52
Bizzehjust kdevelop10:52
SeeleyUSMCAre there any PHP5 packages for Ubuntu?10:52
bluefoxicyBizzeh:  you could try anjuta as well, a GTK+ IDE, though it doesn't have graphical window generation (i.e. like glade)10:52
alitochsianis > what id your problem ?10:53
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bluefoxicyBizzeh:  it would integrate with gnome better10:53
sianisi don't know10:53
alitochSeeleyUSMC > Try an apt-get install php5, should work10:53
sianishere i setup the boot aplication10:53
=== black_Nightmare [~black_Nig@modemcable099.228-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sianisex: cups, lapto-mode10:53
black_Nightmarehey there10:53
tritiumSeeleyUSMC, apt-cache search php5 to search for it10:53
black_Nightmareany of you used hoary preview? (i386)10:53
alitochwhy don't you try the default installation ?10:53
punkrockguy318black_Nightmare, yes...10:53
n1ckim using hoary atm10:53
bluefoxicybash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable10:54
alitochblack_Nightmare> yes10:54
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bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  hey it works.10:54
black_Nightmarehmm...well here's a strange question:10:54
tritiumblack_Nightmare, lots of us are using even more recent than the preview10:54
sianisblack_Nightmare, yes10:54
punkrockguy318bluefoxicy, somoene should file a bug report10:54
black_Nightmareas soon as I get the installion starting..it is like at something about video frame buffer...10:54
sianisalitoch, can you help me?10:54
mcrawforOy! How do I change the services per runlevel in Ubuntu?10:54
bluefoxicypunkrockguy318:  Actually i filed a report to make a security center, which was spawned by me looking at bastille's shitty ass UI, which was wehre I found that hack.10:54
black_Nightmarethe screen shows minor frizzle for a second..goes black then..suddenly shows tons of blue frizzles like its supposed to be a screen or something10:54
alitochsianis> if you tell me what is precisely your problem, yes10:55
black_Nightmareis it just that hoary preview doesn't really like my particular tv/out tv screen?10:55
black_Nightmareright now I have the cpu running fine from a helix livecd so I know it has to be something with ubuntu itself10:55
tritiumSeeleyUSMC, I don't think you'll find php5.  try searching for php410:55
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punkrockguy318bluefoxicy, hmm10:56
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black_Nightmareoh great..nevermind I take back what I said... helix seem to show the similar blue frizzles when it looks like its just gotten to the desktop10:57
=== SeeleyUSMC wants php5 though...oh well...
SeeleyUSMCI can just do a manual install10:57
black_NightmareI really need to figure a vga source for my system10:57
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Burka gentle italian friend has told me that mounted devices' icons not appearing on desktop/Places in Hoary is actually a still unresolved bug10:58
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punkrockguy318what languages are supported in ubuntu?10:58
=== black_Nightmare puts out a small box for donations for a nice small mointor :p
black_Nightmarejust some humor hehe10:58
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crimsunblack_Nightmare: I have two small monitors, but neither work.  Want?10:59
black_Nightmarelol no thanks :p10:59
black_Nightmarecrimsun I'm like looking for at least 1024x800 support smoothly (or 1200x1024 either way)11:00
SeeleyUSMCAnyone ever use FetchYahoo! ?11:00
punkrockguy318not i11:00
black_Nightmareanyhow just one quick question...11:01
larsrohdinwhy can't i download totem-xine?  "Package totem-xine has no available version, but exists in the database." is there something wrong with my sources?11:01
black_Nightmareso I plug the ethernet cable in before running ubuntu setup and it pretty much should be able to grab libs etc on its own?11:01
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SvictorHi there ! Did anyone have any trouble with keyboard shortcuts after upgrading to hoary ? Since I upgraded, CTRL+numeral is overriden in all the text programs : I type CTRL+three numerals, and get the ASCII equivalent. I don't need this feature and had lots of custom shortcuts assigned to CTRL+numkey. Can't figure how to revert to previous behaviour.11:02
crimsunlarsrohdin: universe available?11:02
crimsunblack_Nightmare: if the network is functional, yes11:02
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Rebroadi was having problems installing totem earlier also11:03
black_Nightmarehm...ok ty I'll remember that when I find a suitable mointor to get/borrow for my system :p11:03
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larsrohdincrimsun, im trying11:03
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larsrohdincrimsun, no universe was commented...11:04
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SeeleyUSMCUmm...after I use synaptic to install Thunderbird, what do I do to use it?11:04
crimsunlarsrohdin: totem-xine is in universe...11:04
punkrockguy318SeeleyUSMC, mozilla-thunderbird11:04
larsrohdincrimsun, ok thanks alot dude! happy easter=)11:05
crimsunlarsrohdin: you, too11:06
larsrohdincrimsun, what plugin do i need to play dvd.iso?11:07
Spooks.iso is an image, burn it to a CD-ROM11:07
punkrockguy318larsrohdin, or mount it11:08
larsrohdinSpooks, thats not what i asked... i can play it in e.g. ogle, but when i try opening it in totem-xine it says i need a certein plugin to do that... what plugin?11:08
=== Spooks nods
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SeeleyUSMCAnyone have suggestions about installing YPops with thunderbird?  I can't put localhost as a smtp server like their install instructions say to11:11
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mrproperWhere can I get a stock kernel .config file for Horay? Like...the one that official kernel builds use.11:13
eruinthere is no stock kernel .config :o11:14
mrpropereruin, But they must use a certain .config file when building debs?11:14
mrproperWhere could I find that file.11:14
eruinbut if you download a vanilla kernel you have to create a config file from scratch :P11:14
eruinapt-get source linux-image-your-flavour11:14
sianiscan some1 help me on laptop setup?????11:15
eruinlook in the debian/config folder11:15
sianiscan some1 help me on laptop setup?????11:15
eruinonce you've got that file downloaded ;)11:15
mrpropereruin, Where is the debian folder?11:15
crimsunmrproper: /boot/config-$(uname -r)11:15
mcrawforhow the hell do I turn on iptables in ubuntu?11:16
mcrawforthere's no /etc/init.d/iptables file11:16
sianiscan some1 help me on laptop setup?????11:16
mcrawfornot if you use that many question marks.11:17
Agrajagmcrawfor: install it first11:17
mcrawforAgrajag: it is installed11:17
Agrajagoh, then I dunno11:17
crimsunmcrawfor: the iptables packages no longer provide an initscript, because it used to cause so many problems11:19
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mcrawforcrimsun: what is the recommended way of configuring it on boot?11:19
eruinkind of cool11:19
crimsunmcrawfor: please see zmore /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian.gz11:20
=== stephen_ [~stephen@p169l21lp-d4-dynamic.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_hi i am looking for a plugin that will allow me to watch movies online11:20
stephen_I am using FIrefox 1.0.211:20
=== punkrockguy318 is now known as punkrockguy3185
mcrawforcrimsun: that file doesn't exist on my system11:20
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stephen_i tried searching on forums and google11:21
crimsunmcrawfor: /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian.gz doesn't exist on your system?11:21
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mcrawforcrimsun: no.  i have a /usr/share/doc/iptables-1.2.11/ dir, but it doesn't contain a readme11:21
mcrawforonly some info about modifying a 2.4 kernel11:22
crimsunmcrawfor: hoary, correct?11:22
mcrawforsorry, i'm an idiot11:22
mcrawfori do have that file, and will read it now. thaks11:22
stephen_How do i watch movies onlineusing firefox11:22
omni_lonniedoes anybody here use netzero with ubuntu?11:22
Agrajagstephen_: you're not being very clear11:23
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alitochstephen_> you need win32codecs...11:23
SeanQI'm so retarded.11:23
SeeleyUSMCAnyone here use YahooPops?11:23
stephen_No i mean11:23
stephen_I FOLLWOED  guide with Mplayer11:23
SeanQI tar'd a file for gentoo in ubuntu, hoping to cp it over to /mnt/gentoo/etc [/etc in gentoo] 11:23
stephen_i got eveyrthing working11:23
stephen_i wanna watch a trailer online using firefox11:23
SeanQwell, this file happened to overwrite my whole ubuntu system. :P11:23
tom_neoomni_lonnie: nope but where should be the problem?11:23
stephen_but nothing shows11:23
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sianiscan some1 help me on laptop setup?????11:24
alitochlol SeanQ :)11:24
sianiscan some1 help me on laptop setup?????11:24
SeanQI'm just going to run straight gentoo [GUI installing now]  until Hoary full11:24
alitochstephen_> maybe you need some specific plugin11:24
stephen_i know that11:24
omni_lonnieif it works I'm gonna recomend it to a friend of mine...11:24
alitochlike flash player if it is a flash anim11:24
stephen_BUT I DONT Know what11:24
stephen_i needa media plugin11:25
stephen_to play .mov online11:25
Rebroadsainis: how?11:25
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alitochwith win32codecs you should be able to read it11:25
Agrajagdid you install mozilla-mplayer?11:25
stephen_i got win3211:25
stephen_dont use mozilla11:25
alitochor search firefox plug in to read .mov  files11:25
tom_neoomni_lonnie: ah. well what exactly should not work?11:25
Agrajagstephen_: yes you do11:25
Agrajagfirefox is mozilla11:25
alitochdon't you know using GOOGLE ?11:25
pinPointmy flash doesnt play sound11:25
stephen_mplayerplug-in never worked11:25
stephen_I USE IT11:25
stephen_i tried mplayerplug-in11:25
Agrajagit's not mplayerplug-in, the package name is mozilla-mplayer11:26
stephen_what else11:26
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stephen_k i installed11:26
stephen_should work now?11:26
stephen_i used synaptic11:26
garrutAgrajag: ii  mplayerplug-in 2.80-0.1       MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla, Konqueror and Op11:26
Agrajaggarrut: do you have any third-party apt sources?11:27
garrutofcourse i have11:27
Agrajaggarrut: then that's where it's coming from11:27
stephen_thank u guys11:27
Agrajagmozilla-mplayer is what's in universe, or multiverse or whatever11:27
garrutyeah so, i'm just saying that's the name11:28
pinPointanyone know how to get audio from flash inside browsers?11:28
Agrajaggarrut: only if you use third-party sources.11:28
pinPointi cant hear volume11:28
garrutarg, ok whatever11:28
Agrajagif you're only using ubuntu's sources, which is pretty much all you need in hoary, it's mozilla-mplayer11:28
alitochi have the same problem, pinPoint11:29
httpdsswhy isnt w32codecs on my list ??11:29
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apokryphoshttpdss: you haven't added the extra repos11:29
Agrajaghttpdss: because you don't have universe/multiverse enabled11:29
httpdssit is enabled :-S11:29
apokryphoshttpdss: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:29
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Agrajaghttpdss: you added them to sources.list and then did apt-get update?11:30
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Agrajagoh, wait11:30
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Agrajagyou might need debian-marillat for that still11:31
Agrajagdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main11:31
Agrajagadd that repo, and grab w32codecs11:31
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mrproperDoes Horay come with reiserfs xattr's enabled?11:31
alitochAgrajag> I can't connect to these repositories11:31
alitochseems that they're like... locked, or unavailable11:31
Agrajagalitoch: really? I haven't tried in months11:31
alitochall the others work11:31
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apokryphosalitoch: what's the error message?11:32
apokryphosWorks fine here.11:32
alitochAgrajag> I tried some weeks ago11:32
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[Phaedrus] hey guys11:32
[Phaedrus] i have a quick question11:32
alitochapokryphos> I don't really remember, It says it can't resolve, or join this address11:32
[Phaedrus] is there any extension in firefox to make javascript work?11:32
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alitochAnd it is installed by default in my hoary, I remember11:33
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apokryphosalitoch: Well, perhaps it was entered wrong... just updated and got no problems.11:33
[Phaedrus] any idea what it is called?11:33
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alitochok i'm gonna try11:33
alitochwhat do I have to add ?11:34
tomsstarssalut y a des french ici???11:34
alitochif you could give me your sources.list concerned part, it would be very nice11:34
alitochoui tomsstarts11:34
alitochah, he has gone.11:34
stephen_how do i automatically make firefox download wmv/avi/mov11:35
black_Nightmaredoes ubuntu have any data cdr tools included or I could apt-get something?11:35
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apokryphosalitoch: www.youmortals.com/stuff/ubuntu/sources.list11:35
alitochblack_Nightmare> you have a default data cdr tool, type burn:/// in the Nautilus URL field11:35
black_Nightmarealitoch...ohh...hm ok11:35
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black_Nightmarealitoch... does that like open a dialog for what files to put on cdr or its different?11:36
alitochif you wanna use something for audio/video CDs, you can use K3b, the KDE Burner, I like it11:36
alitochthank you apokryphos11:36
stephen_how do i automatically make firefox download wmv/avi/mov?11:36
=== peter__ [~peter@MTL-HSE-ppp206428.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_how do i automatically make firefox download wmv/avi/mov?11:36
black_Nightmarewell I'm just looking for a basic data cdr -- to backup longterm stuffs to11:36
black_Nightmarenothing fancy ;)11:36
alitochblack_Nightmare> it is just a normal blank window where you copy your files, then you click on the "burn" button on the left, and it's done11:37
=== Fleebailey33_ is now known as Fleebailey33
black_Nightmarehm ty thats what I just need :D11:37
stephen_how do i automatically make firefox download wmv/avi/mov?11:37
peter__Hi everyone this is my first day using linux11:37
alitochso Ubuntu Nautilus Burner is what you need11:37
mdkestephen_, bless you11:37
alitochHi peter__11:37
apokryphosstephen_: Please stop asking the same question.11:37
mdkehe has hiccups11:37
stephen_NO one answering :(11:37
mdkegive him a break11:37
peter__Hi alitoch11:37
black_Nightmarealitoch..you know when I got my first (and its still my own only lol) cdrw it came with nero ughhhhh :-|  .. I soon quickly trashed that for small freeware alternatives lol :p11:37
stephen_it's my damn first time11:37
alitochI can add something :11:37
black_Nightmarenero = overbloated (to me)11:37
alitochstephen> please stop thinking we are some Google Bots11:37
stephen_SO USED to using windows11:38
stephen_has evrything11:38
apokryphosstephen_: Then here is your first lesson: don't flood the channel.11:38
stephen_lol ok11:38
=== Insom [~chatzilla@cmung2472.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_So does anyone know how to?11:38
Insomhi all11:38
alitochyou did well, black_Nightmare  :)11:38
=== black_Nightmare thinks stephen_ already needs to learn some MANNERS!!!
black_Nightmarealitoch...har yeah :)11:38
alitochNero never worked the stupid time I wasted with windows11:38
stephen_there's no plugin?11:38
Insomwhere and how do i get codecs needed to play mp3 and divx on ubuntu?11:38
=== chickenman [~chickenma@cpc2-lewi5-5-0-cust184.brom.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
alitochno stephen11:38
alitochwe don't know11:38
mdkestephen_, there is a plugin, but it does the opposite11:38
stephen_i just want firefox to automattically download wmv or anyfiles when i just click it11:38
black_Nightmarealitoch...and as for the supposed windows defragment ... I never used it but rather had diskkeeper lite which could run even with other programs opened ;)11:39
apokryphosInsom: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats11:39
stephen_no plugin that does that.. GRR11:39
mdkestephen_, go to the preferences, download tab11:39
stephen_i did11:39
peter__Im trying to understand how to use this system so i can completely switch to linux can anyone give me so info on where to learn about this or just some good tips11:39
stephen_it doesn't have WMV11:39
mdkestephen_, you could add it11:39
chickenmanhey every one i am back at last :P11:39
mdkestephen_, what is it doing with wmv if not downloading?11:39
stephen_that is what i need to know :D11:39
stephen_no i download like 400 WMV11:39
alitochyes black_Nightmare, and you need to reboot after any installation also...11:39
stephen_and i dont want it keep asking SAVE or open11:39
alitochthere are so many things we can reproach to win11:40
stephen_i dled 100 so far11:40
=== peter__ [~peter@MTL-HSE-ppp206428.qc.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
stephen_but windows had where u tick automatcially..11:40
stephen_and it done11:40
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HappyPillsstephen_, goto preferences, downloads and specify a save point for it11:40
HappyPillsin mozilla-firefox11:40
black_Nightmarealitoch ~ too true.. windows is too **** overbloated every since win95 was already around :))11:40
stephen_i have a download folder11:40
=== chickenman jumps up and down
stephen_automatically perform for file type11:41
stephen_I want it so WMV get saved automatically11:41
stephen_i click plug-ins11:41
black_Nightmarestephen_ do it manually yourself then..quit using all these stupid "overhelping" useless stuffs :p11:41
stephen_ok fine!11:42
WhiteRabbitWin2000 was the best OS ms ever done or will do11:42
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black_Nightmarehmm jeeze that reminds me of xp .. it tried to make everything a stupid "one click" which is so 100% weak11:42
stephen_my finger hurt11:42
=== black_Nightmare laughs
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
mdkestephen_, you could try clicking "always do this", the next time it asks you11:42
mdkestephen_, or you can go to preferences -> download11:42
mdkestephen_, then click plugins, and disable which ever you want11:42
=== matt_ [~matt@81-178-89-149.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_i did that11:42
stephen_BUT IT doesn't work11:42
black_Nightmarestephen_ in the time you took to spam here you could have already downloaded several wmp's manually yourself...now think about that yourself duh11:42
=== matt_ is now known as mdke
stephen_i am doing it11:42
stephen_and talking11:42
alitochapokryphos> I retry to join marillat11:42
mdkestephen_, or you can go to preferences -> download11:42
WhiteRabbitlonghorn will need a 3ghz cpu & 512 megs of ram min11:42
mdkestephen_, then click plugins, and disable which ever you want11:42
=== WhiteRabbit rubs his linux distros!
stephen_i go here11:43
apokryphosalitoch: and?11:43
stephen_i go download11:43
stephen_damn it11:43
apokryphosalitoch: Oh, trying now... ok. :)11:43
black_Nightmarewhiterabbit ~ ughh thats totally rubbish.  3ghz JUST to type a document?11:43
stephen_WHY THE fook ins't it working11:43
black_Nightmarewhy you can even use any PI and it'll still be fast11:43
Insomtnx apokryphos11:43
alitochnow it works !11:43
mdkestephen_, this is the last time i'll repeat11:43
alitochgreat great :)11:43
chillywillyfook this shite11:43
alitochthank you11:43
apokryphosalindeman: cool. :) No problem.11:43
mdkestephen_, preferences -> download -> plugins, disable whichever you want11:43
stephen_i can't because in the plugin section there is nothing11:44
stephen_where can i get plugins ?11:44
alitochso apokryphos, I though the one I took was an old URL or something like that so I couldn't resolve it11:44
mdkestephen_, ah i c11:44
alitochoh my god...11:44
alitochPlease, put him away11:44
stephen_ya there u go!11:44
stephen_now u get it11:44
stephen_sorry man i'm korean11:44
stephen_bad english11:44
=== black_Nightmare is starting to think stephen is too "I demand one-click works" childish
alitochEven my ears are broken11:44
=== black_Nightmare sighs
apokryphosalitoch: I don't think it was "old", because that repo has been there for years I believe. Might just have been entered wrong, or listed wrongly somewhere.11:44
SeeleyUSMCAnyone here use YahooPops?11:44
stephen_that is me because i use windows xp to much11:45
=== kdp [~kylepenne@resnet-47-22.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== lukemal [~lukemal@host-ip25-175.crowley.pl] has joined #ubuntu
alitochthe problem is not your english dear Stephen, the problem is you break my *****s11:45
=== maddler [~maddler@213-156-52-118.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
mdkestephen_, that is provided by mozplugger. But you should be able to simply click "always perform this action" when you download one, and it will remember it11:45
=== mx|gone is now known as mxpxpod
alitochhe also seems to need a free formation to learn using Ubuntu11:45
alitochJust doesn't know Google, and it can easily answer all his questions.11:45
stephen_mdke it doesn't remeber11:45
stephen_download that?11:45
lukemalhi everybody. its my first day with ubuntu and its my first day with irc ;-)11:45
mdkealitoch, give it a break now c'mon11:45
mdkestephen_, no that won't help11:46
Kamionlukemal: welcome11:46
chillywillywelcome lukemal11:46
black_Nightmarealitoch so true11:46
mdkealitoch, this channel is here to try and help11:46
chillywillyinformation wants to be free people....it told me so itself11:46
mdkestephen_, i'm not sure why it doesn't remember, there must be something wrong with it11:46
stephen_reinstall firefox?11:47
=== arc_ [~arc@203.Red-217-126-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Grock [~Dlock@209-148-105-63.nas2.sr2.dial.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_o i know11:47
HappyPillsHi lukemal, welcome to irc and ubuntu11:47
alitochmdke> i'm not against help11:47
lukemalKamion: your nick name sounds Polish :-)11:47
stephen_it may be because there is a firefox 0.92 or something to11:47
alitochI tried to help him and helped three persons since I came11:47
stephen_maybei should uninstall that?11:47
mdkestephen_, you have two versions installed?11:47
=== njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu
alitochbut stephen case is kind of special, doesn't stop repeating the same very easy questions that can be answered by a so easy google request11:48
=== sippeter1 [sippeter@adsl-67-119-242-125.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lukemalI like one thing in Ubuntu... it's without KDE ;-)11:48
alitochwelcome lukemal11:48
stephen_ya because i couldn't install11:48
stephen_ i couldn't update11:48
mdkealitoch, this is not a channel which redirects people to manuals or google11:48
alitochThere is KUbuntu for people who like KDE :)11:48
stephen_there is the defualt 1 that came with11:48
=== boglot [~logbot@gw.workaround.org] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_and i have the DOWNLOADED one11:48
mdkestephen_, you should just have the native ubuntu firefox package11:48
alitochmdke> you don't understand what I mean maybe11:48
stephen_mdke but that's old as sh*T11:49
stephen_isn't it dangerous?11:49
alitochi don't talk about redirecting automatically people !11:49
mdkestephen_, no11:49
HappyPillsyes, this is the happy channel for people to throw questions randomly into the fray =P11:49
apokryphosmdke: I don't think you're wrong, but some prelimenary attempts at research shouldn't be a lot to ask for before entering a channel.11:49
=== black_Nightmare needs to figure a good mointor (or see about hooking this kvm able up to family's system) and at LEAST finally get a good try at installing and using ubuntu :p
stephen_where is the defualt locateD?11:49
alitochI say he asks us questions about everything that comes to his brain, he floods!11:49
mdkeapokryphos, ubuntu is a distro which encourages new users to linux, we should encourage that11:49
alitochyou have problems installing Ubu black_Nightmare ?11:49
mdkealitoch, yes so we tell him, and then he can learn not to do it again11:49
black_Nightmarealitoch...seem it doesn't even like tv/out-only output11:49
black_Nightmareso I'm going to have to figure using a mointor to go through the installion windows11:50
apokryphosmdke: Once again, full agreement. But I'm more for the case of "helping them help themselves" rather than just "do their work for them".11:50
stephen_mdke where is defualt 1 located11:50
alitochwhatever, mdke11:50
=== Nula [~user@c-67-164-97-225.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mdkestephen_, i don't know I'm afraid11:50
sippeter1So yeah, I got some Zyklon B left over from last time that you can use for them...11:50
mdkestephen_, basically the problem is probably caused by two programs trying to use the same configuration in your /home directory11:50
alitochblack_Nightmare> unfortunately they are different drivers and methods to install for each device11:50
sippeter1Whoops, wrong window.11:50
Nulahow do I make make the DMA = on to stay permanent with my dvd drive using hdparm???11:50
kdpaaaaaahhhhhhhhh i dont know nething about IRC! who is the developer for the menueditor?11:50
alitochunder Linux, I mean11:50
mdkeNula, edit /etc/hdparm.conf, instructions are in the file11:51
stephen_i uninstall the old 1 or the dled 111:51
black_Nightmarealitoch..yeah true..likewise I'll have to figure hooking my system up to the mointor [which is for family's cpu too]  to try run the installion process11:51
black_Nightmareunderstood? ;)11:51
mdkestephen_, the downloaded one11:51
Nulamdke, thanks11:51
alitochmaybe could you do a google search with Ubuntu and the name of your TV-Output Device ?11:51
stephen_and where is the original?11:51
stephen_i changed the shortcuts11:51
black_Nightmarewho the HECK is sippeter?11:51
mdkestephen_, i don't follow you i'm afraid11:51
alitochI understand you have problems with your screen under Ubuntu black_Nightmare11:51
mdkeblack_Nightmare, yeah i got that too11:51
stephen_is bad he called me a nigger11:51
alitocham i wrong ?11:51
mdkestephen_, yeah we all got that message11:52
stephen_<sippeter1> Bye nigger11:52
sippeter1Yeah yeah yeah, everybody talks about me.11:52
black_Nightmarestephen...must be a bot11:52
black_NightmareIGNORE TIME11:52
=== black_Nightmare clicks
black_Nightmare" sippeter1!*@* added to ignore list." har11:52
stephen_do u know where the original 1 is?11:52
sippeter1Tee hee... What a commotion.11:52
=== werner [~werner@h8024845226.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_because i changed like the panel shortcuts to the downloaded 111:52
mdkesomeone ban sippeter111:52
mdkestephen_, i c11:52
black_Nightmaremdke..you mean a ban+kick11:52
mdkei do11:52
stephen_bann the poor guy isn't nice11:53
sippeter1Like I said, what a commotion...11:53
alitochblack_Nightmare> If you have some problems with your monitor while using Ubuntu, you should try the Hoary Release, I think it has fixed the screen bugs11:53
alitochwith some kinda configs11:53
mdkestephen_, what do you need to know about the original version? If you uninstall the downloaded one, just "firefox" will start the old version of the program11:53
=== mt2 [~mt2@ip68-99-93-149.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Brent [~fp@callisto.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Hackmo is now known as DanTheTekMan
Grockhi, quick question about something that seems possible to me, namely compiling source code in a way that I can do final install step with dpkg -i foo.deb, purpose being keeping track of file with synaptic, I'm hoping that there's something similar to make-kpkg kernel_image.  Anyone know how to do it?11:53
=== DanTheTekMan is now known as Hackmo
Rebroad#kubuntu seems very quiet11:54
black_Nightmarealitoch...actually.. I think that this mointor should work fine for ubuntu -- I'll just have to figure shutting it down and slip the kvm cables in place then put my system on the 'pc 2' end of cables and try it from there11:54
apokryphosRebroad: It has its moments... seems to be just people passing through at the mo.11:54
black_Nightmarethen maybe..either leave it there for now or try configure it to boot to tv/out by default [after installing the whole distro of course] 11:54
=== unkwn [~unkwn@HSE-Kitchener-ppp3508498.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sippeter1Has anyone listened to "Mindless Self Indulgence - Faggot"?11:55
alitochHowever, black_Nightmare, try Hoary it's excellent :)11:55
=== St0n3-C0l [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu
black_Nightmarealitch..when is hoary going to be out?11:55
kdpwhat does it mean to register and identify w/NickServ11:55
HappyPillsI never got sippeter1's messages11:55
HappyPillsoh wel11:55
Rebroadfor some reason my vmware is contantly needing to be vmware-config.pl'ed11:55
mdkeblack_Nightmare, 6 april i think11:55
mdkeHappyPills, lol11:55
wdhwhat would be the best way to remove kubuntu from a basic ubuntu-system?? i installed the meta-package 'kubuntu-desktop', but just uninstalling that seems useless.. any ideas??11:55
stephen_Where is the defualt firefox location?11:55
unkwnI have a VIDEO_TS folder, i want to burn it to dvd and have it play on my standalone player, how do i do that in ubuntu?11:55
alitochHoary Preview Release is already out, black_Nightmare11:56
mt2Hello, I'm trying to enable DRI support for an older ATI Mach64 based card (3D Rage Pro) and it's simply just not working for me. I've installed the latest drivers from the dri project and everything I try just doesn't work. Does anyone have an ideas or interesting things to read?11:56
stephen_Where is the defualt firefox location?11:56
mdkestephen_, i said, "firefox" is the command11:56
apokryphoskdp: to have your IRC nickname registered... so it's "yours".11:56
alitochYou can download it, burn it, install it, just like I did11:56
stephen_thank U11:56
Rebroadoooh. the Mach64..  i remember those...11:56
stephen_time to kill the downloaded 111:56
alitochConcerning the stable release, I dunno... apokryphos, do you know when the Stable release is going to be out please ?11:56
stephen_thank u mdke11:56
mdkestephen_, ok seriously, you can either learn not to repeat the question within quick intervals, or you will get no responses and probably banned11:56
apokryphoswdh: well, it is a metapackage. It works by depending on others, not vice versa. See man debfoster.11:56
apokryphosalitoch: April 6th11:56
HappyPillsHas anyone succesfully compiled the ndismonitor program?11:56
black_Nightmarealitoch..lol I thought you meant the actual release....11:56
alitochthanks :)11:56
alitochit's excellent11:57
black_NightmareI do have the hoary preview cdr here already anyhow :p11:57
unkwnanyone have dvd authoring experience in ubuntu?11:57
HappyPillsIt's even harder to do than ndiswrapper =P11:57
=== cavediver [~jonas@] has joined #ubuntu
alitochI installed it, black_Nightmare, even if it is a Preview :)11:57
cavediverAnyone familiar with dm-crypt ?11:57
alitocha Preview is done to be... previewed :p11:57
stephen_it locked11:57
stephen_how i move it11:57
black_Nightmarealitoch - I yet have to install mine LOL11:58
alitochBut I just have to wait two weeks and I'll be able to use the stable one :)11:58
=== alitoch is happy
black_Nightmareapril 6 seem a tad too far away11:58
alitochyes, you must do so :p11:58
mdkestephen_, you have to phrase your questions more fully11:58
mt2I mean, at this point, I'm not even sure if the card is loading properly. lsmod returns something semi-good, but it doesn't match the results the tutorials in the forums mentioned11:58
black_Nightmarecan hoary preview be upgraded to hoary or I'll have to reinstall it?11:58
stephen_i can't delete the firefox folder11:58
alitochIt will be very easier and faster for you to install all the packages u need for restricted things11:58
mt2black_Nightmare, it can be upgraded11:58
stephen_lock picture is on the folder11:58
apokryphosblack_Nightmare: you can upgrade very easily. Two commands.11:58
mdkestephen_, you need root permissions11:58
alitochLike reading Mp3 and Videos for example11:58
Rebroadanyone know if linspire can be upgraded to ubuntu...?!11:58
=== acs [~acs@a83-132-170-121.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
stephen_how do i do it in terminal?11:58
mdkestephen_, i'm scared that if I tell you you will delete something important11:59
sippeter1Any admins here?11:59
stephen_no i wont11:59
stephen_i just deleting the firefox folder11:59
stephen_i dont want to delete important11:59
black_Nightmarehm ty so I could try different stuffs and do apt-get then when the stable release is out I'll upgrade to it11:59
stephen_i swear11:59
sippeter1I mean, any ops here?11:59
mdkestephen_, tell me which folder11:59
alitochblack_Nightmare> with the Warty release, I had something very strange... I made an apt-get dist-upgrade after having changed my sources.list to Hoary repositories, but it didn't give me the same result as a HD installation from the Hoary CD....11:59
RebroadI know a cool way to accidentally delete stuff. do a "tar cf -|tar xf -"11:59
apokryphossippeter1: what is the problem11:59
alitochSo I think you have to install it if you wanna be "completely" under Hoary11:59
acsI am still new to this linux thing so can anyone tell me how I can upgrade firefox from it's current version which is 0.9.3 to the new version 1.0.112:00

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