
=== low [~low@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lowhi there12:05
=== trondaso [~trondaso@dsl-160-196.oeke.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zulhigh low12:05
lowthere's a little bug in lilo.conf when you use xfs (hoary-preview, amd64)12:06
lowkernel is /vmlinuz instead of /boot/vmlinuz12:07
schweeblinks should be made to vmlinuz in /12:07
schweeb(they are on my system)12:08
lowat least lilo complains and returns with an error code during install, doing it by hand makes it complaining too, until i put in /target/etc/lilo.conf /boot/vmlinuz12:08
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lowhmmm how to use install cd as rescue so i can solve last problems with lilo without reinstalling ?12:09
schweebyou can also manually install grub to the mbr... the scripts won't work, but you can use the grub shell to embed it yourself12:10
=== schweeb did this on his laptop
lowschweeb: grub does work on amd64 ?12:10
=== trondaso [~trondaso@dsl-160-196.oeke.tiscali.no] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
schweebI dunno, I would assume so12:10
lowschweeb: i'm coming for a source distro and i'm working a bit on amd64, and we were unable to make it work12:11
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schweebyes, it works on amd6412:12
lowgreat :)12:12
lowi'll have to check how you did it12:13
schweebgoogle for "grub embed"12:14
schweebI think it's in the manual as well12:14
lowhmmm looks like lilo borked my first sector of / (xfs)12:16
ogralow, why did you use lilo ?12:17
ogra(i am on amd64 ... with the default, which is grub)12:17
lowogra: errr it was what it proposed to me12:17
Kamionogra: grub can't handle all situations; the installer switches to lilo sometimes12:18
ograthats why i put your name in front of the sentence, yes :)12:18
Kamionogra: xfs is one of those cases12:18
ograKamion, oh, didnt know that12:18
ograKamion, it wasnt the case on warty ....12:18
Kamionlow: if you're using the hoary install CD, type 'rescue' at the boot prompt12:18
Kamionogra: yes, warty just broke with XFS :P12:19
lowKamion: thx.12:19
Kamion(randomly, for some people, not everyone)12:19
ograKamion, nope, worked fine for me12:19
Kamionogra: it's a race condition12:19
Kamionthus "works for me" isn't enough, sadly12:19
lamont__rKamion: any new daily builds since this am?12:19
lowKamion: i've already run grub with xfs as / without problem12:19
ograKamion, i know, i saw the redhat fix of running grub twice :)12:19
Kamionlow: for some people, it's fine. for others, it breaks.12:20
lowKamion: damn :( maybe sis+sata is the cursed couple ;)12:20
Kamion*shrug* I have a cheapo laptop where it fails12:21
lowwell, anyway, i'm off to bed, need to wake up in 5 hours12:22
lowthx for tips and help12:22
lowsee ya12:22
lamont__r% acpi12:23
lamont__rhrm... something's fishy....12:23
lamont__rmjg59: you around?12:23
schweebKamion: I've found using the grub shell and manually installing grub gets it to work... grub-install almost always fails12:33
schweeb(w/ XFS>12:33
schweebalthough that's more work than most people should have to do...12:34
zulwhy dont you create a small boot partiion with someting like ext3 and then the rest xfs?12:39
ograzul, he is gone already12:40
zulheh im so on holiday today ;)12:41
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lamont__rseb128: you around?12:42
=== lamont__r heads home
=== kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59lamont-away: ?12:49
kainhmm.. ubuntu-artwork 0.2.20-2 on hoary doesn't fix the human icon issue12:49
schweebmjg59: he just left for home12:49
zulmjg59: hell be back soon12:51
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lamontmjg59: wondering why acpi isn't happy on my vaio....  what does pcc_acpi do, and should it be loaded as well as sony_acpi?01:02
lamonthrm.. was it something I said? :-)01:03
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zulyes...yes it was01:15
trulux|workinghey zul 01:15
zulhey Treenaks 01:15
zulhow is it going?01:16
lamontevening zul01:17
zulevening lamont how goes the battle?01:17
lamontrather relaxing day01:17
zulsame here01:17
ograis it a public holiday in the us too ?01:17
=== lamont checks and finds only 2 udev-screwed chroots.
zulcanada as well01:18
lamontogra: not entirely 100% sure, but I've been making it a slow day01:21
ograah, yeah01:21
lamontlike fetching isos, and such01:21
lamontspeaking of which, time to burn some01:21
tritiumnot a public holiday, but many people take off for Good Friday01:21
tritiumzyga, what have you heard about powerbook g5?01:22
tritiumogra, here's more goodness: Mar 25 13:21:34 localhost kernel: EXT3-fs warning (device hda1): ext3_unlink: Deleting nonexistent file (1130787), 001:26
adobbieno school today :)01:28
zuli feel old now01:28
tsengmako: ping01:28
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adobbiezul: grey haired?01:28
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zuladobbie: a bit01:29
adobbiezul: ok, you probably are old then :)01:30
ograzul, you shouldnt say that while lamont and me are here ;)01:30
zuladobbie, only 2901:30
makotseng: hey ddue01:30
ograheh, young guy01:30
tsengmako: manoj signed my key!01:31
=== ogra doas the tseng dance
makotseng: killer! 01:31
tsengmako: do i need to resend you my coc, or you still have it01:31
adobbiezul: that makes you 7 years old than I am01:31
ograand six younger then me :)01:31
zulogra: old foggie01:32
ograyeah, my beard is already graying out01:32
makoogra: dude.. unix beard time01:32
makoi can't wait to pull off a unix beard01:33
ograhehe, you mean like maddog ?01:33
makoeven rms now is greying out01:33
makomaddog has a real unix beard01:33
ograah, i think i'll wait 10 years for that01:33
zulheh i have a beard it just needs to be grey01:34
adobbieI shaved this morning :)01:34
mdzmako: I have not heard that term in general circulation, but it should be01:34
makomdz: dude, several years ago at LCA, there was a unix beard BOF (!!)01:34
tsengmako: coc?01:35
makomdz: to discuss beard care, etc, i guess01:35
makoonce, three people with unix beards told me that i "didn't really have a beard"01:36
ogramako, ever had a beard ?01:36
makoogra: dude! i have a beard01:37
makoogra: you met me!01:37
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ogramako, ah, come on, i mean a beard with some more expertise ;)01:37
ogramako, its itching like hell....01:37
makomdz: there must be some serious unix beards at nanog01:38
lamontmako: and that's just the women. :-)01:39
lamonthrm.. forget I said that.01:40
zulyou know that cheers episode where they have that beard competition?01:40
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mdzmako: there are _seas_ of them01:43
Kamionmdz: please merge colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/casper--translations--0 again, up to patch-601:44
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mdzKamion: done, uploaded01:52
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KamionNot sure how I ended up in the kind of position Christian Perrier fills in Debian ;)02:00
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=== kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukKamion: maybe we should recruit him02:09
kainany news on fixing ubuntu-artwork in hoary? I really like human icons but they're broken02:09
tsengthey work for me.. are you tracking this on bugzilla?02:10
kainno, not yet, since I saw the new package, but it doesn't fix the problem02:11
kainogra also confirmed this problem02:11
ogratseng, are you up to date ? and did restart nautilus since he update ?02:11
ograthe even02:11
tsengi killed nautilus02:11
tsengit still works.02:11
jdubkain: what's broken?02:11
ograjdub, there is only the default icon02:12
kainjdub, ubuntu human icon theme, there's something missing in package02:12
ogramorning btw02:12
KamionKeybuk: he's certainly a competent installer / localisation guy02:12
lamonthrm.. current world likes my vaio.  acpi happiness.02:12
ograjdub, mime types that is02:12
jdubah, i must've broken failover02:12
kainalso,as said, I remember four directories under /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable02:13
kainnow they're three02:13
jdubyeah, not really related02:13
KeybukKamion: yeah, he does l10n for dpkg and apt as well02:13
=== lamont pesters Kamion about the installers
lamontdhcp client02:14
lamontwhere is that?02:14
Kamionlamont: dhcp-client-udeb02:15
=== lamont prepares a patch
Kamiondhcp3 so didn't even remotely start to fit02:15
lamontah, yes.02:15
=== lamont makes dhcp2 also ask for interface-mtu
lamont        # install the udeb binary (no need to install dhclient-script02:17
lamont        # since it is provided by another udeb package. See #249373)02:17
Kamionnetcfg has its own dhclient-script02:18
Kamionnote I have a pending netcfg upload02:19
=== trulux|working is now known as trulux|sleep
lamontmight be that the fix actually goes in dhcp-client-udeb...02:19
lamontnetcfg doesn't deliver dhclient.conf, yes?02:20
Kamionlamont: it writes it itself02:20
Kamionat run-time02:20
Kamion            fprintf(dc, "send host-name \"%s\";\n", dhostname);02:21
lamontcan you add 'request interface-mtu' in there somewhere?02:21
=== trulux|sleep is now known as trulux
lamontthat is, add ",interface-mtu" to the request line?02:21
Kamiondefinitely in "please send a patch" territory here :)02:22
KamionI don't feel confident munging that myself02:22
lamontsource name for netcfg?02:22
lamontoh. sure. who would think of that???02:22
Kamiontesting it's a pig, though02:22
lamontis that in the ramdisk?02:22
Kamiontransferring an updated binary over on a USB stick is one option02:22
Kamionlamont: it's in the netboot initrd, not the cdrom initrd02:23
Kamionso you could bung a .deb on a CD02:23
=== lamont has that technology.
Kamioncan you rebuild him, though?02:24
lamont            fprintf(dc, "send host-name \"%s\";\n", dhostname);02:25
lamont            fprintf(dc, "request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,\n");02:25
lamont            fprintf(dc, "       domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name, interface-mtu;\n")02:25
lamontI _think_ that's the defaults + mtu...02:25
lamontdoes d-i care at all about time-offset?02:26
lamontyou have plans to test a new netcfg?02:27
lamontand an in-house dhcp server?02:27
Kamionwell, so far mine's just YA translation upload, but sure, can do02:28
Kamionand yes, have DHCP server02:28
Kamiontime-offset> no idea02:28
lamontdhcp3 or something else?02:28
Kamionwhatever woody has, I guess02:28
Kamionii  dhcp           2.0pl5-11woody DHCP server for automatic IP address assignm02:29
=== lamont double checks syntax
Kamionwon't you need to do something with interface-mtu, too?02:29
Kamionand I guess s/       /\t/ for neatness :)02:29
lamontuh, yes. But I think mtu was in dhclient-script in the system02:30
Kamionoh yes02:30
lamontso it may just work02:31
lamontin the subnet declaration in question, add 'option interface-mtu 1496;'02:32
lamontthen verify that the network is configured as such02:32
lamontmeanwhile, I'll root around in the server code some more and see if I can find the 'always send this option' option02:33
Kamionis 1496 generally safe? other people are using this network02:33
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lamontwell, it should really match across the entire network...02:34
kaindefault here is 149202:34
lamontso you may want to create a bootp entry for the MAC in question02:34
kainIf i remember correctly02:34
Kamionthis is kind of not what I want to be doing at 1:30am :)02:35
lamontKamion: so if your lease time is long enough, and no one asks during the test...  02:35
lamontchange it back to 1500 and all is magically suddenly good.02:35
adobbieI use 1492 for my MTU02:35
lamontand you only lockup when you try to send a large packet from the 1500-machine to the 1496 machine.02:35
=== lamont will test
KamionI could set 1500 and set -x / otherwise trace the dhclient-script02:36
lamontKamion: how soon you plan on netcfg upload?02:36
lamontKamion: that'd work02:36
Kamionlamont: have a few others to do first and some base-config stuff to test02:36
Kamionlamont: so no vast hurry02:36
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Kamionok, will give it a go in a bit02:37
lamontKamion: btw, ia64 server install fails trying to install elilo on the disk...  you remember what the fix was for that?02:37
Kamionlamont: all the fixes I remember, I've applied ...02:38
Kamion/var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/messages ought to be enlightening02:39
=== jdub growls at mipsel
jdubi can't do big uploads through my firewall02:41
jdubbig being, like 4M (ubuntu-artwork)02:41
jdubluckily there are lots of APs around ;)02:41
lamontelilo: unrecognized option /dev/sda2 :-(02:41
=== lamont rolls it back to the top of the hill to manually partition
dilingeri'll never be a unix expert, i can't deal w/ the beard :/02:46
Kamionlamont: erm - any idea where that might be coming from?02:46
Kamionchroot /target /usr/sbin/elilo --autoconf --boot $bootpart \02:47
Kamion      --root $rootfs --efiboot02:47
Kamionoh, gar02:47
KamionI bet I know02:47
Kamionlamont: could you stick 'set -x' near the top of /var/lib/dpkg/info/elilo-installer.postinst?02:49
Kamionlamont: and make sure you only have one EFI partition (which I'm betting is your current state)02:49
lamontuh, when I get back there...02:49
lamontyep.  fdisk print just showed 1 partition02:49
Kamionlamont: elmo complained about being asked a question with only one choice, so I lowered the priority in that case; only I suspect now that cdebconf doesn't set a sane default if that happens02:50
lamontthere are 2 drives on the machine, not sure what drive 2 looks like02:51
lamontsda2 is the rootfs02:51
lamont1 = efi, 2=ext3, 3=swap02:51
=== Kamion compares with yaboot-installer
lamontelilo-installer instrumented, base install proceeding (again)(02:53
Kamionpatch written in the event it goes how I expect02:55
Kamionnamely, if you see 'bootpart=' in there02:56
Kamionwith no value02:56
lamontcool.. I want to get my new mirror machine into production, you see...02:57
lamonthrm.. it picked itanium-smp to install... that could be bad, can't remember02:58
KamionIIRC we talked about that and agreed02:58
Kamionbut hmm02:58
=== lamont was more introducer and/or conduit in that discussion
Kamionthat is actually kind of odd02:59
Kamion/var/log/syslog and /proc/cpuinfo would be useful to me02:59
lamontmachine is 2-way mckinley02:59
Kamionthen indeed I think it should have picked linux-mckinley-smp02:59
lamontis there an ssh-client and/or netcat on the install disk?02:59
Kamionnc is in busybox03:00
lamontnc works03:00
=== lamont grumbles at archive-copier, watches it churn
=== lamont remembers to fix the mtu before he does anything else
Kamionlamont: what, in a server install?03:01
Kamionis b0rken then03:02
lamontthis AM's ia64 install, fwiw03:02
Kamionlamont: oh. er. so how exactly are you doing this server install?03:02
lamontvendor : GenuineIntel / arch : IA-64 / family : Itanium 203:03
Kamion'cos elilo.conf kind of, er, doesn't have an entry for server03:03
lamontat boot, adding 'server', otherwise picking the vga non-expert mode03:03
Kamionlamont: that does precisely nothing ;)03:03
lamontwhat must one do?03:03
Kamionare there some of these elilo.conf entries that I could sensibly trim?03:04
Kamionone must boot with preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed/server.seed as kernel argument03:04
lamontvga, serial clearly need to be there.  expert mode makes sense for both as well.03:04
Kamionso I just have to double up all the entries?03:04
KamionI'm ambivalent about expert mode03:05
lamontwell, you could drop server-expert... :-)03:05
Kamionpeople overuse it; I almost think we could drop it and tell people to boot with DEBCONF_PRIORITY=low if they care03:05
mdzKamion: I agree completely03:06
KamionI'm too cowardly to do that for !ia64 at this point, but I think I'll do it for ia6403:06
Kamionhey, language-support-* is installable on ia64 now, so I can remove that hack ...03:06
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Kamionlamont: what do the 'processor' lines in /proc/cpuinfo look like?03:08
lamontKamion: http://ia.mmjgroup.com/~lamont/ia64/cpuinfo03:10
lamontMar 25 19:02:46 main-menu[5770] : (process:28216): bootpart=03:10
Kamionlamont: bingo; willfix03:10
lamontshould be /dev/sda1 for me>03:11
KamionI guess, whatever your EFI partition is anyway03:11
lamontcute part is that after the failure, it prompts you to answer the question... :-)03:12
Kamionlamont: yeah, your priority will get dropped - and then it should work03:12
lamontwell, not 100% sure -- I edited the script and hardcoded /dev/sda1 :0-03:14
Kamionlamont: /var/log/syslog should have some wittering from base-installer about what it was thinking when selecting the kernel03:14
lamontMar 25 18:55:05 base-installer: info: Found kernels 'linux-itanium-smp,linux-mckinley-smp,linux-image-itanium-smp,linux-image-mckinley-smp,linux-image-2.6.10-5-mckinley-smp,linux-image-2.6.10-5-itanium-smp'03:15
lamontMar 25 18:55:05 base-installer: info: arch_kernel: linux-mckinley (absent)03:15
lamontMar 25 18:55:05 base-installer: info: Using kernel 'linux-itanium-smp'03:15
lamontbtw, syslog in the same directory03:15
=== lamont copied all of /var/log
Kamionoh, your cpuinfo is only reporting one processor03:16
Kamionwhat's the Right Way to find out the number of processors?03:16
lamonthrm... maybe I am UP...03:16
Kamionit should be running an SMP kernel, even03:17
=== lamont grumbles. is uniprocessor machine. :-(
lamontgonna have to pester the nice men03:18
Kamionlamont: elilo-installer fix uploading03:20
lamontand yeah, mckinley-UP should pick mckinley-SMP (since no UP on CD)03:21
=== lamont really does a server install this time.. and will verify the question thing from elilo-installer
Kamionlamont: ok. I can only think of one way to fix that without rather more serious upstream churn in base-installer, and it's a grievous hack03:23
Kamion-         chroot /target apt-cache search ^linux- | grep '^linux-\(amd64\|386\|686\|k7\|power\|itanium\|mckinley\|sparc\|hppa\)';03:23
Kamion+         chroot /target apt-cache search ^linux- | grep '^linux-mckinley';03:23
lamontoh, that's vile.03:23
Kamion+         chroot /target apt-cache search ^linux- | grep '^linux-\(amd64\|386\|686\|k7\|power\|itanium\|sparc\|hppa\)';03:23
Kamionor something along those lines03:24
lamontis that to get the order correct/03:24
KamionI think that makes me just too ill though03:24
lamontyeah -not worth doing03:24
lamontsince really, you're going to want to load a tuned kernel next anyway, ...03:24
Kamionlamont: it's more because it's damned hard to detect which ones are the metapackages03:24
lamontthe other solution would be to include a linux-mckinley (not smp) kernel03:24
Kamionwithout just hardcoding a stupid list like the above03:24
Kamionthat'd suck a lot of CD space03:25
lamontKamion: not true.  anything with a size less than 2MB is a meta package. :-)03:25
=== lamont vomits
lamontwell.... 'tis truth, it is... :-)03:25
Kamionyou know, that's actually the least bad option I've heard, horrible though it is03:26
Kamionbut I think it should be in the "dirty hacks and how we can purge them" BOF at UDU03:26
lamontI prefer to think of it as an elegant solution, not a gross hack. :-()03:28
ajwhy don't you just tag the metapackages in the Packages file?03:29
lamontaj: was just going to suggest adding something to the packages file..03:29
lamontTask: linux-meta03:29
KamionI think we thought about that, but apt-cache search wouldn't show them up, and we don't have many cleverer tools at that point03:29
aji mean, apt-ftparchive does extraoverrides these days03:29
lamontor even kernel-meta03:29
ajyou could have "Meta: yes" easily enough03:29
Kamionalso we only seem to remember to look at this issue ten days or so before release ;) it was the same last time round, it was a last-minute thing ...03:30
ajKamion: eh?03:30
Kamionaj: can you search on random headers with apt-cache?03:30
lamontKamion: yep. question works, even without modifying the script. ;-)03:31
Kamionlamont: with new elilo-installer? that was quick03:31
lamontold elilo-installer, hit return a couple times after the failure03:32
lamont(prompted, and then it works003:32
lamontKamion: you know, given the state of ia64/desktop, and the direction everyone is going with ia64, you could just make server the default... :)03:32
Kamionhm, I suppose I could use apt-cache search --full and then clever, er, something03:32
Kamionlamont: it is tempting03:33
lamontKamion: I bet mdz would be OK with it. :-)03:33
ajKamion: pipe --full through grep-dctrl?03:33
Kamionaj: don't have it there; we've only just installed the base system03:34
ajKamion: what're you trying to do?03:34
Kamionaj: this is base-installer's logic to select the right kernel to install03:34
ajKamion: well, awk'll suffice anyway03:34
Kamionno awk03:34
Kamionoh, I do03:35
KamionI could chroot03:35
aji thought you installed the base system?03:35
Kamionyeah, was in automatic "no awk in busybox" mode03:35
ajoh, hrm03:35
aji was going to add something fairly similar to debootstrap's little C helper03:35
Kamionhave chroot /target perl, even03:35
KamionC is OK, just typically more effort and larger; but base-installer already has a bit of C code in it to interact with debootstrap03:36
Kamionand b-i doesn't really have to be ultra-small03:36
ajwell, it was more going to be "pkgdetails list Base: yes /target/var/lib/apt/lists/debootstrap_Packages" or so03:37
Kamionarchive-copier has something very similar03:37
ajbut that's waiting on some apt-ftparchive changes i haven't gotten around to cleaning up for mdz yet03:38
KamionUbuntu CDs have Task: ubuntu-base now, if that'd be helpful for testing debootstrap stuff03:38
Kamionalthough it probably includes kernel packages and bootloaders and such that aren't appropriate in debootstrap, so blah03:39
ajnah, the apt-ftparchive stuff just needs to be the per-arch-extraoverrides03:39
ajthen it's just moving debootstrap's idea of base into the packages file03:39
ajnot much testing required03:39
Kamionhah, yeah, half the reason I have Task: ubuntu-base on the CD is that I needed to hack around the lack of per-arch extraoverrides03:39
KamionTask: ubuntu-desktop needed to be different on different architectures, in some cases03:40
Kamionand the rest fell out in the wash03:40
lamonthrmpf.  could have sworn I uploaded the new dhcp3 yesterday03:49
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lamontdaniels around?03:52
Kamionlamont: so, what should I do about netcfg?04:02
KamionI could just upload what I've got here to get the translation stats right, and then you can fix up what you need ...04:02
KamionI think I'm too tired to do sensible testing myself04:02
=== LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
LeeJunFanare debian-cd utils the best way to go to make a DVD/RW or 2 with main,universe? I have a local mirror with debmirror.04:11
bluefoxicyIs Ubuntu gonna use a dynamic theme when cairo comes into gtk+ main for ubuntu?  :)04:12
mjg59lamont: pcc_acpi is for Panasonics - it'll often end up loaded even when it's not strictly necessary (acpi has no infrastructure for hotplug yet)04:13
dilingerluminosity as the default wm for bendy/breezy.  that's what i'm gonna push for ;)04:16
KamionLeeJunFan: haven't quite finished exporting my debian-cd branch to the world; it's nearly there but not quite04:16
KamionLeeJunFan: come back in a few days and I should have it sorted :)04:16
=== mjg59 heads to bed
LeeJunFanKamion: thanks. I have a load of friends who are gonna want to install ubuntu/kubuntu that have dial-up :)04:18
KamionLeeJunFan: we already produce a DVD of all the supported packages04:19
Kamionif they're utterly and unredeemably desperate for something from universe, we'd like to know so that we can decide if it should be supported ...04:19
Kamionlamont: I've gone ahead and uploaded netcfg 1.08ubuntu5 with just the translation fixes, since I need to sleep soon04:20
Kamionlamont: go ahead and do whatever you need to do to its DHCP code if you've had a chance to test it04:20
LeeJunFanKamion: no, mostly newbies - they don't know what they want yet. But I know a few of them want kde default, and the DVD's currently seem to be ubuntu flavored only.04:22
LeeJunFangranted they could apt kde, but...04:23
KamionLeeJunFan: there's a Kubuntu DVD too04:25
=== Kamion -> bed
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zuldilinger: why?05:10
lamontKamion: will do05:22
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lamontwhy isn't openssh-server in ship seed???05:26
Kamionship: * ssh05:27
Kamionlamont: ssh dep openssh-server05:27
=== Kamion -> really bed this time :)
lamontKamion: hrm... it's not on the CD...05:27
=== lamont notes idly that mvo made the process of building bastardized CD's far more complicated.
=== lamont isn't sure whether he likes or hates that more.
lamontarchive is signed and checked by the install process.05:53
lamontso, you first have to hack over the ubuntu-keyring package.  Then, having hacked over everything you care about, you have to build and sign valid Release files.05:53
lamontwell, an alternative to the first would be to break the archive signing key, but that would be bad, as well as computationally intensive.05:54
lamontLathiat: something like that05:56
lamontwould be more fun if it actually had worked06:06
=== lamont sleeps
fabbionemorning everyone06:16
tritiumgood morning, fabbione :)06:30
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schweebfabbione: you wanted something earlier?06:56
fabbioneschweeb: yes :-)06:56
fabbionei am working on xen kernel side atm...06:56
fabbioneand i am trying to integrate it directly into the standard kernel06:57
schweeboh really?06:57
fabbionewhat is the status for userland?06:57
fabbioneschweeb: try != it will be there06:57
fabbionethe build part of it is a bit complex06:59
schweebwell, you said the userspace only works properly with python 2.3?06:59
fabbioneor better...06:59
fabbioneschweeb: yes.06:59
fabbioneso you need to Build-Dep and patch to use python2.306:59
fabbioneor talk with upstream about 2.407:00
schweebpatch to use 2.3? it doesn't work oob w/ 2.3?07:00
fabbionealso.. did you see the xen packages in debian?07:00
schweebthey're kinda messy IMO, so I started my own07:00
fabbionethere are a bunch ofpatches you might want to steal07:00
schweebdone :)07:00
schweebabout 5 patches, 3 of which were truly necessary07:00
fabbionei think they are pretty clean, excluding the kernel part that we might not need at all07:00
schweebthe rules file was goofy... manually moving files and stuff07:01
=== schweeb likes using the debhelper tools for everything
fabbioneschweeb: moving file manually has nothing to do with being a clean package :-)07:02
fabbioneit's the resulting deb that it is important07:02
fabbionebut clearly a clean debian/rules helps maintaing the package07:02
schweebyea, I like clean debian/rules07:02
fabbioneso do i07:02
schweebusing cdbs07:02
Amaranthcdbs > *07:03
schweebone of my MAIN problems with his package is that he was using some goofy new patch management system he came up with07:03
schweebthe patches are pre-applied...07:03
Amaranthi had a hackish rules file that i couldn't even understand, cdbs makes it 4 lines07:03
schweebI don't like that much07:03
schweebdpatch is <307:03
schweebfabbione: you think you'll have a kernel ready for release? do you want to try for the userspace in universe?07:04
schweebI could do it, but it'd take a bit of massaging07:05
fabbioneschweeb: it's all written in README.build (about the new patch management system)07:05
schweebyea, I think it's goofy :)07:05
fabbioneschweeb: i might get a kernel, but clearly not inside the archive for hoary07:05
fabbioneschweeb: this is for breezy07:05
schweebwell, I'll focus on some other universe packages for the next week or so (I'm going for MOTU), and then I'll start back on my packages07:06
fabbioneschweeb: sure. make sence07:07
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aalamhi all,07:12
aalam i want to start Punjabi Language for Ubuntu, can anybody help me??07:12
schweebI think you want to look into Rosetta07:13
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schweebalthough, I'm not sure the status of Rosetta translation yet...07:14
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myles3sabmoc are you here07:15
sabmocmyles3: ues07:15
schweeband https://launchpad.ubuntulinux.org/rosetta07:16
aalami check first two07:16
sabmocmyles3: If you can set it up then go for it07:16
myles3sabmoc: cool i can also setup the forum07:16
myles3sabmoc: i have php and mysql07:17
sabmocmyles3: alright07:17
sabmocmyles3: Im actually excited :)07:17
sabmocmyles3: let us know when its ready, im looking forward to it07:18
aalamsabmoc, thanks07:18
sabmocryan and me will get the pybloxsom site up as soon as I get a hold of him07:19
sabmocaalam: ?07:20
myles3sabmoc: do you wnat me to setup a forum to?07:20
sabmocmyles3: dont worry about that for now, if you want to set it up so its ready go ahead but I dont think we'll use it much for a while yet07:20
sabmoceventually yes, but not right now07:21
myles3do you want ftp accuse07:22
sabmocmyles3: no need07:22
myles3okay but what about the domain07:22
sabmocwe will have to talk to smurfix, but I think he is sleeping07:23
smurfixsabmoc: not any more ;-)07:24
sabmocsmurfix: so pybloxsom is no problem07:24
aalamsabmoc, sorry, i want to say to schweeb :)07:26
sabmocaalam: np 07:26
fabbionefor i in 386-xen0 386 386-xenu 686 686-xen0 686-smp 686-xenu k7 k7-xen0 k7-smp k7-xenu; do \07:27
fabbioneschweeb: ^07:27
sabmocsmurfix: I am just waiting for ryan, I will help him with the ssh signing and whatever07:28
schweebfabbione: you're making all of those? damn07:29
smurfixsabmoc: OK, installed. Can y'all take this to ubuntu-ca? It's somewhat offtopic here.07:29
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fabbioneschweeb: we need the xen0 and xenU per flavour :(07:32
schweebyea :-/07:34
schweebso what's going on? you're gonna try to merge the Xen patches into the ubuntu patched kernels?07:35
fabbioneschweeb: kinda07:37
schweebit'd be really nice if Xen would get accepted into kernel main, eh ;)07:38
schweebsparse tree is kinda annoying07:40
fabbioneschweeb: i agree, and the generic part of the patch is not really intrusive07:40
schweebare you actually employed by Canonical? /me has a hard time keeping track of who is and who isn't07:42
fabbioneschweeb: yes, but that shouldn't really make any difference :-)07:45
schweebjust curious, heh07:45
schweebit's nice to know who's who 07:45
fabbioneschweeb: well you can consider me as your god, i have kernel privileges on all your ubuntu machines07:46
schweebubuntu is the only distro where I  haven't felt the need to compile my own from vanilla so far07:47
Lathiathaha yeh07:47
Lathiattheyre nice, helps having the restricted modules package too07:47
schweebI'm not afraid to compile the nvidia drivers :)07:48
Lathiatoh i run binary nvidia drivers anyway07:48
Lathiatcus my suspend works with the latest ones07:48
Lathiatbut having ipw2200 by default is a bonus07:48
schweebI just got lazy with kernels07:48
Lathiatand i need a faster ninternet connection07:48
Lathiat54K/s just isnt fast enough07:48
schweebback when 2.5.x was around, I was always running the latest ck patches and shit07:49
Lathiati never ran 2.5 much07:49
Lathiati followed early 2.6 pretty close tho07:49
Lathiatusually with the mm patchset07:49
schweebit was rather thrilling07:49
schweebyea, up until 2.6.7 or so I always ran mm patchsets07:49
Lathiati just run ubuntu stock now, these days when i try to make my own kernel its all pain :)07:50
Lathiatusually cus im tryign to get swsusp2 going with an initrd but meh07:50
Lathiatnew gtk/metacity/etc themes are rocking, not too fond of the gnome splash tho08:11
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pittiHi everybody08:14
fabbionehey pitti08:18
pittifabbione: the bluetooth bug we talked about is public08:18
pittifabbione: so I guess we fix this immediately after RC?08:18
fabbionepitti: ok, can you send me the usual stuff via email?08:18
fabbionepitti: or now..08:18
fabbionemdz: ?08:19
pittifabbione: sent08:19
fabbionepitti: thanks08:19
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geneo93would anyone be interested in a file sharing app that uses qt and a muscled server08:46
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Roeygreat, this place exists.09:14
Roeythis is a devel question I think, because a kernel module package is refusing to compile under the ubuntu kernel it was produced for09:15
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Mowahey google :)  http://www.playzero.com09:27
Roeyhey google/?09:27
mdzfabbione: ?09:28
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pittimdz: he's already away for family stuff09:40
pittimdz: the bluetooth vuln we talked about is public now09:41
Roeyfabbione:  nevermind, I fixed it.  The problem was that I was installing modules for the ubuntu kernel yet /boot/vmlinuz and /usr/src/linux were symlinked to my custom kernel (, which you see in the error text I posted)09:41
Roeyplease disregard, then09:41
pittimdz: the patch itself is trivial, but nevertheless you might want it fixed after RC?09:41
pittimdz: gotta go, too now09:41
pittihappy Easter everybody!09:41
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dholbachgoooood morning! how are you all?09:44
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kaintoday I downloaded the new fix and upstream release for ubuntu-artwork in hoary, now the icons using the human icon theme shows up, but they're from the Gnome theme, not from the human theme. human icon theme is missing /usr/share/icons/Human/mimetypes again10:27
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zygadhdpc had a bug in latest update10:45
zygacomma was missing in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf10:46
dholbachcould you post the diff in a bugreport on bugzilla?10:49
Mitariohi everyone10:57
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mantienaamu: hi, do you need live-installer sources ?11:07
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claudeenrico, you speek french ?11:16
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enricoclaude: bien sur!11:16
claudeah... j'ai plus de facilit  crire le franais quand mme :)11:17
claudec'est au sujet des traductions de la doc11:17
enricoclaude: oui, mais ceci c'est  un canal en anglais11:18
claudeok so let's try in english :P11:19
claudedid you think about my mail ?11:20
claudewhat solution could we imagine to facilitate the translation of ubuntu-doc11:20
enricoclaude: I have no idea11:20
enricothat's why I asked the translators11:20
claudei think the core team should think about it11:21
claudeit's very important that official Ubuntu doc be available in other languages11:21
enricoIt sure is important11:22
claudemaybe you could open a svn rep for each language ?11:23
claudebut the difficulty is to keep in synch different languages11:24
enricoThose repos would be unused if the translators don't need them11:24
claudewhat about rosetta ?11:24
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enricoclaude: ask carlos :)11:25
claudehi carlos11:25
claudewe're talking about ubuntu doc translation11:25
=== carlos hides
carloswhat? what?11:26
carlosclaude: what do you want to know?11:27
claudeyou told in a mail that Rosetta team would soon start looking into documentation translation11:27
claudewould it be possible that ubuntu doc pot files be available in Rosetta soon ?11:28
claudebtw, there is problems in Rosetta just now11:29
carlosclaude: we don't have a concrete date for it, our main goal is getting all Hoary .pot/.po imported into Rosetta11:29
carlosbut, I think it's easy to reuse11:29
carlosour current system to import also the documentation11:29
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carlosclaude: yeah, I know :-(11:29
claudeenrico just send us pot file for about-ubuntu11:30
claudecould it be inserted in Rosetta for testing ?11:30
carlosso, perhaps (please, don't take it as a compromise, our main goal are normal translations), at the end of this week we could look into a way to import the documentation as .pot files if you supply us a specific tarball format with the .pot and any existing .po file11:31
enricocarlos: so, About Ubuntu and Release Notes will be untranslated when Hoary releases?11:32
carlosthe idea is that this Tuesday, Rosetta let you translate Hoary's .pot files11:32
zygadholbach: I'll try11:32
zygadholbach: I've observed this on my parent's box11:33
zygadholbach: I'm doing an upgrade here now 11:33
carlosenrico: as I said, we could try to import them into Rosetta automatically but only if the normal import works and it's ready in time11:33
claudecarlos: can we imagine that translations be added into Hoary updates after the official release ? 11:34
carlosclaude: that's exactly the point behind the language packs11:34
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zygadholbach: It's already filed11:36
zygathat's a really nasty bug11:37
carlosclaude: I'm going to paste some info at #ubuntu-doc about the way to import the documentation into rosetta11:37
zygawithoug human intevention people loose net access :/11:37
zygalamont: ping?11:38
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mantienaKamion: hi, could you tell me how to make partman and other standart ubuntu-installer modules start after casper module (I added install-mode parameter to casper and in install mode casper doesn't start init from filesystem.cloop) ?12:12
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truluxheya pitti 12:35
truluxpitti: wooka!12:35
dholbachhey pitti12:35
truluxpitti: libssp 1.3.1-1 finished, we're ready to go forward to the toolchain mods12:35
adobbietrulux: source is at same URL as before?12:36
truluxadobbie: right12:36
truluxadobbie: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/libssp/12:37
adobbieI'm up at 6am on a saturday so I think I have some time to look at it :)12:37
truluxadobbie: great, the package will leave Lintian pleasing ;)12:38
adobbieobjdump: debian/libssp1/usr/lib/libssp.so: File format not recognized12:41
adobbiestill see that though12:41
truluxadobbie: hah, NP, libssp.so on /usr/lib/ is an ld-script12:42
truluxadobbie: it's ASCII12:42
truluxanyone knows how to import pages on MediaWiki =>1.4rc1?12:42
truluxit's frustrating me12:42
adobbieyes, I know :)12:43
adobbieI wrote the original one12:43
adobbiemore of a cut and paste from something else though12:43
truluxmaybe the Ulrich Drepper DSO howto had something to do with it ;D12:44
adobbieapparently PaX has issues with my perl12:45
adobbieI think there must be another bug12:45
truluxwhat happens?12:46
adobbieperl locks into some kind of infinite loop12:46
adobbie100% CPU12:46
adobbiebut only under high system load12:47
Kamionzyga: fixed12:47
adobbiethat's why my defoma was running indefinitely yesterday12:48
zygaKamion: thanks12:51
zygaHow to force update-po to get both of ngettext's arguments?12:51
zygaI'm hacking update-manager again12:51
zygaand just cant understand how python's update-po works 12:51
zyga(or - update-po for python source code)12:52
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zygain C it "just worked" (tm)12:52
zygapitti: hi :-)12:53
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ggiIs the ubuntu-artwork version of the clearlooks theme (Human) kept in sync with the current version of gtk2-engines-clearlooks? I've noticed that a bug which was fixed in the 0.5 release of clearlooks is still present in the Human theme (and not present in the current version of gtk2-engines-clearlooks).02:27
zygaggi: you could try to mail the maintainer02:33
zyga[of the ubuntu package] 02:33
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_d4vidhi all02:54
mantienamdz: hi, are you online ?02:58
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mantienaI wonder where it would be better to mount hard disk partitions, which are in user's hard drive(s), for example windows C and D disks or linux partition from other distributions... According to FHS 2.3 /mnt should be never used for permanent mounts, so, maybe in /media ?03:18
zygamantiena: maybe /windows or /media/windows03:19
Micksawhy would hoary's apt ignore some archives? does it require stuff to be signed?...03:24
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mantienazyga: /windows (directly from / ) isn't good choice, because in general there could be a lot of different partitions in user's hard drive(s), not only windows partitions, but also partitions from other Linux or *bsd, distributions, dos partitions or some special partitions created for user's needs, for example I have portable 80 Gb hard drive (which is connected throught IDE interface) with ext3 filesystem for my digital video.03:34
zygamantiena: true, then maybe /media/partitions/*03:35
zygamantiena: then you could have all bsd,fat and cherry-on-top if you like03:35
mantienazyga: ;)03:36
Mithrandirpmount mounts them in /media/$partitionname by default03:37
Kamionzyga: er, you might as well call it /media/media/* :P03:37
KamionI see no reason for a subdirectory of /media03:37
MithrandirKamion: /media/media/media! :P03:37
Kamionwhat's wrong with just /media/$devicename, like pmount?03:37
mantienaMithrandir: pmount works only with removable storage, but I'm talking about IDE and SCSI hard disks03:37
Kamionmantiena: that doesn't mean you can't put static mounts in the same place03:38
mantienaKamion: I think it's fine /media/$devicename03:38
Mithrandirmantiena: why would you want a different scheme for static stuff?03:38
mantienaMithrandir: I don't want different ;)03:38
Mithrandirook :)03:38
zygaKamion: well it gives a distinction from /media/cdrom so /media/hard-disks/foo is better then having /media cluttered03:38
mantienaI think /media is the best ;)03:38
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Kamionzyga: strongly disagree - it's /media/cdrom because it's /dev/cdrom03:39
Kamionpredictability and consistency is important03:39
zygaKamion: and if you have 20 partitions it's /media/hd[a-z] [0-9]  ? 03:40
mantienabut I don't want to be uncompatible with ubuntu (at least from users view), so I'm asking ubuntu developers opinion ;)03:40
Mithrandirzyga: /media won't be cluttered much, if you have more than ten hard drives connected to a computer, you're fairly exceptional and can probably deal with it03:40
Kamionzyga: yep. that's fine.03:40
Mithrandirzyga: 20 partitions?  Use labels and you'll have /media/random-windows-foo, /media/music and so on.03:40
mantienazyga: in any case, if user has zillion partitions, then it's users problem, not us ;)03:40
zygahehe, maybe so ;-)03:41
zygaKamion: I like when usb sticks get their labels right03:41
zygaso it's /media/foo-usb-stick 03:42
zygaand at the same time /media/bar-usb-stick03:42
Kamiongar, I hate the bugzilla-spam "let's leave the same comment in three different bugs all assigned to the same person" approach03:42
mantienain windows user gets a lot of logical drives (c,d,e,f,g, etc) if he has zillion partitions, so it seems he don't wouldn't want to have too many partitions ;)03:42
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mantienaKamion: I wanna put draft specification of partition-finder component at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallerTeam04:13
mantienais this correct place ?04:13
Mithrandirmantiena: you would probably make a new page04:16
mantienaMithrandir: yes, but at which place ?04:17
zygamantiena: hmm BTW how do I extract windows partition name?04:17
Kamionmantiena: I don't really care as long as you don't dump it inline into the InstallerTeam page :)04:18
Mithrandirmantiena: just name it PartitionFinder or something.04:18
mantienaKamion: previously you told me, that name "partition-finder" is not good for such component, maybe you could suggest better name ?04:19
zygaWho writes changelog.Debian files?04:20
Kamionwell, you're clearly not finding partitions, but looking inside them; partition-prober might be a better name04:21
Kamionzyga: each individual developer04:21
Kamionmantiena: might also be worth pondering how much of your code would be shared with os-prober, and how to cope with that04:22
Kamionyou could conceivably change the os-prober source package to have it spit out a second binary package, so that you don't have to clone-and-hack the code04:22
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mantienaKamion: so, you suggest to make 2 binary packages (os-prober and partition-finder) from single os-prober source packages ?04:23
olyhi, Seveans told me to ask if the nforce onboard network card is stil supported 04:25
olysince the update this morning, it has been broken 04:25
olyi know there was a bug in the packages 04:25
olyand have the newer ones now, but the nforce card still does not work 04:25
olybut another card does04:25
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olymii-diag eth0 returns SIOCGMIIPHY on eth0 failed: Operation not supported04:26
Kamionmantiena: os-prober and partition-prober unless you insist on the misleading partition-finder name; but yeah, that's just one suggestion off the top of my head, don't take it as holy word or anything04:26
restrexhi guyz... when I enable inotify at the /boot/grub/menu.lst, the gnome session paralize when it's booting, when I disable inotify the gnome session starts normally, How can I fix it?? thanks04:27
olythe card worked perfectly this morning though,04:27
Kamionmantiena: and I only said "look at it and see how much code you're sharing"; the answer will depend on that04:27
Kamionrestrex: inotify's known broken on some systems which is why it's switched off by default04:27
olyalso are there any kernel modules that are needed for the nforce network card ?04:27
Kamionoly: dhcp3 broke this morning04:27
olyyeah, i know it was fixed at 1204:28
zygaKamion: where can I read about the format of changelog.Debian files/04:28
Kamionoly: look at /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, there's probably a missing comma before "interface-mtu"04:28
olyi installed the fixed ones04:28
Kamionzyga: the Debian Policy Manual04:28
restrexKamion cool, tnx btw04:28
olyokay, Kamion will look at that file04:28
SeveasKamion, he installed the fixed dhcp-client packages, but mii-diag gives errors when probing04:28
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Kamionno idea then, the kernel hasn't changed that recently04:29
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olyalso my last update before that was yesterday04:29
olyso its something recent, 04:30
Kamionlast kernel changes were on Thursday and don't look like they should have affected anything to do with network cards04:30
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Kamionyou sure there isn't just a screwed dhclient process lying around somewhere?04:30
Seveasno, we've killall-ed them04:30
KamionI hate to ask, but have you rebooted since?04:30
Seveasand it already goes wring with mii-diag04:30
olyi have rebooted a few time 04:31
Seveasao it's not dhclient related04:31
olyit all started with a reboot though 04:31
Kamionand had you rebooted since the last kernel upgrade?04:31
olyi upgraded this morning and rebooted,04:31
olyi have also rebooted since applyig the patch04:31
KamionI mean before today04:31
olyoh, possibly not04:32
olyi leave the computer on for long periods at a time04:32
Kamioncould be way back, then; please file a bug on the 'linux' component04:32
mantienaKamion: you told me "you're clearly not finding partitions, but looking inside them", I don't understand what I should look inside them :( I think I just should find all partitions, which are mountable (contains filesystem, which can be mounted with linux) and not belongs to being installed system (are not mounted as /, /home, /tmp, /var, etc) and this is all04:32
Kamionmantiena: so you're probing the filesystem04:33
Kamionand thus avoiding mounting random stuff like Apple driver partitions04:33
olyokay, does that mean file the bug for i2c-nforce2 ?04:33
Kamionoly: whatever's broken :)04:34
olyi take it thats the component in question ? 04:34
Kamionoly: please include 'lspci' and 'lspci -n'04:34
olyno idea, the network card is broke lol 04:34
Kamionoly: as I said, "on the 'linux' component"04:34
olyi can sort the lspci stuff no prob, not sure what component it is though04:35
Kamionwhat do you mean by "component"?04:35
olyoly: as I said, "on the 'linux' component"  04:36
Kamionin bugzilla04:36
olyoh right not used bugzilla yet 04:36
Kamionit asks you for an Ubuntu component to file the bug against04:36
olyjust looking now04:36
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mantienaKamion: there are no way to discover filesystem without probing (for example by looking in /proc/some_file ) ?04:36
Kamionmantiena: no04:37
Kamionmantiena: the standard way in the installer is to use parted or libparted04:37
=== Kamion goes to do something a bit more weekendy
mantienaKamion: thanks for info, AFAIK (lib)parted probes for partitions (sometime not correctly ;) ), so component name will be partition-prober (at least for now ) ;)04:38
olyum, any idea what the package would be ?04:40
mantienaoly: ?04:41
olyjust got to the ubuntu bugzilla page 04:41
olyits asking for a package as required04:41
olyno idea what package broke my network card :p04:41
Kamionoly: oh, it's called package now, I thought it used to be component. the package is 'linux'04:41
Kamioni.e. the kernel04:42
olyoh right 04:42
mantienaKamion: btw, it seems http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallerTeam is outdated (for example some Goals for Hoary are different from reality), can I update this page to match current situation ?04:44
olyokay, where do i put my lspci logs ? 04:46
olypaste them in the description ?04:46
Kamionmantiena: I'd rather do that myself; will go and bump some of them to breezy now04:47
Kamionand only the graphical installer got deferred (well, and floppy installs, but that turned out not to be possible)04:48
Kamionmantiena: done04:49
mantienaKamion: thanks04:50
=== metallikop is now known as kop|gone
olyokay, got it submitted now finally :p05:00
olythxs for the help / info :)05:00
zygawhen is breezy going to appear in archive.ubuntulinux.org?05:04
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Kamionzyga: in the case of hoary, we only brought it up after warty released05:05
Kamionzyga: dunno if we'll be doing the same again this time05:06
Kamionit certainly won't be worth paying any attention to until after hoary releases05:06
Kamionoly: so after I said 'linux' three times, you filed it against kernel-package instead? ;)05:08
=== Kamion reassigns to somewhere the kernel team will actually see
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Mitariohi davyd ;-)05:09
davydso, who wants to put some icing on the cake with regards to iPod handling in GNOME ?05:10
tsengdavyd: hm?05:10
davydtseng: well, just now, I docked my iPod, and it appeared on my desktop, which is COOL++05:10
davydit appears as a firewire disk05:10
davydwhich is fair enough05:10
davydthe context menu offers me "Unmount" to remove the disk05:11
davydhowever, with iPods, if you send them SCSI-Eject (ie, use the eject command)05:11
davydthey display the "Ok to Disconnect" screen05:11
zygadavyd: BTW what can I do so that usb sticks appear on my destkop?05:11
davydzyga: display volumes on the desktop, perhaps?05:11
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zygadavyd: a folder gets opened - true but if I close it then It's a venture down /media (far too many clicks)05:12
tsengzyga: uh, are you using inotify?05:12
tsengzyga: or too-old gamin05:12
davydtseng: basically, it would be really rad if it was detected as an iPod, used the iPod icon, and instead of Unmount perhaps said "Disconnect"05:12
zygatseng: checking...05:12
tsengdavyd: meh.05:13
zygatseng: gamin05:13
davydwhere Disconnect would send the eject sequence (I assume via the same mechanism as ejecting CD-ROMs)05:13
tsengthat touches alot of areas, not sure which one its actually in05:13
davydtseng: probably gnome-vfs mostly05:13
tsengiirc pitti had some kind of "fix" for this at one point05:13
davydI haven't hacked in that area for ages though05:13
lamontzyga: ack05:13
tsengto call eject05:13
tsengzyga: i meant, what version05:14
davydtseng: it would be the rad icing on the cake, and I thought someone here might just know how to do it05:14
davydto save me rooting around in there for days05:14
zygalamont: fixed already, hup :-)05:14
tseng> Concerning https://bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2134, I05:14
tseng> put up a (still) unofficial new gnome-vfs2 package which should05:14
tseng> (finally) handle the unmounting of iPods correctly. It also plays05:14
tseng> better with USB sticks, they are actually powered off now.05:14
zygatseng: 0.0.26-0ubuntu105:15
=== davyd fears Ubuntu bugzilla and its certificate that's not
davyd(the man owned Thwarte for cryin' out loud)05:15
zygadavyd: you mentioned 'display volumes on the desktop', where is that?05:15
davydzyga: I think it's only exposed through gconf-editor05:16
davydzyga: it's actually something I added ;)05:16
zygadavyd: argh... GUI, kingdom for a GUI ;] 05:16
Kamiondavyd: and I think his standard reply to that observation is "I've dealt with far too many certificates in my time", or similar :)05:16
Kamionafter all, if there's anyone you'd expect to know that SSL certificates are snake oil ... ;)05:16
zygadavyd: you could patch gnome-volume-properties05:17
davydKamion: it's one of my constant sources of amusement05:17
davydKamion: however, I am easily amused ;)05:17
davydzyga: to do?05:17
zygadavyd: include a checkbox  'show mounted stuff on my desktop'05:17
davydzyga: interesting idea05:18
davydzyga: of course, it assumes the person is running nautilus05:18
tsenguh, thats not exactly part of the same use case05:18
tsengor at least it crosses components in a bad way05:18
zygadavyd: hmmm true but It's better to support the majority than to support no-one and be 'correct' about it ;] 05:19
davydtseng: yeah05:19
davydzyga: it was never exposed, because at the time everyone had volumes turned on05:19
zygadavyd: if someone uses something different he might just patch it again05:19
davydI wanted to turn them off because I had almost no screen space05:19
davydI have them on on my big monitor'ed machine now05:19
zygadavyd: I saw fedora a moment ago and it works the way you described it, but on hoary it doesn't 05:20
zygadavyd: gconf key must be turned off then... checking :)05:20
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davydzyga: I think it is on Hoary05:20
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davydtseng: so no chance of seeing a fix for this then?05:20
davydtseng: I see from the bug that there were issues05:20
davydbut it's not clear if they were resolved05:21
tsengthere is a "link" to another bug05:21
zygadavyd: which key is that?05:21
davydtseng: I don't see it...05:21
davydzyga: /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible or something?05:22
zygadavyd: hmm it was checked05:22
zygadavyd: but plugging in usb stick did not show anything05:22
davydtseng: hmm, ok05:24
davydtseng: it looks much deeper then I originally suspected05:25
=== davyd figures it'll be fixed when it's fixed
zygadavyd: just checked that again, doesn't work05:25
zygadavyd: should an icon appear in "my computer" too?05:26
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tsengzyga: yes05:28
tsengzyga: do you have a /dev/inotify?05:28
zygatseng: no05:29
zygatseng: what should I install?05:30
tsengyou should not have that05:30
zygatseng: so, now what?05:30
tsengso, i dont know why you arent seeing your /media stuff updating on desktop/computer05:30
=== zyga reinstalls nautilus
=== davyd positively replicates the iPod eject problem
=== zyga needs an ipod ;]
torkelis gnome-volume-manager running?05:34
=== zyga still has the same problem, folder (open folder) appears but no icon on desktop
zygatseng: yes05:35
davydhmm, this creates an interesting issue with the charging of said iPod now I can reproduce this05:35
zygazyga      8533  0.0  1.3  16772  6820 ?        Ss   11:31   0:01 gnome-volume-manager --sm-client-id default505:35
davydbefore it worked, I just docked it and it never mounted05:35
davydnow that it works, docking it mounts it05:35
davydand ejecting breaks it05:35
=== davyd considers patching gnome-volume-manager to ask him if he wants to mount his iPod or if he was just chargin'
olyoops, sorry kamion kernel did not pop up in the list of packages05:36
olyi tried a few variations that seemed like the closest one :p05:36
olycani change it to something else ?05:36
Kamionoly: that's why I said 'linux' clearly; we call it by its upstream name rather than 'kernel'. I've already reassigned it.05:38
olyokay, thxs i was a bit confused that linux was not in the list :p 05:39
HiddenWolfIs the latest daily safe?05:40
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Kamionoly: it is in the list05:45
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KamionHiddenWolf: the one I just built this afternoon should be05:45
herveelmo, ping05:45
HiddenWolfKamion: I can't seem to find a decent awnser: are there any major pros/cons to running x86-64 on the desktop atm?05:49
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MithrandirHiddenWolf: they're a bit faster, depending on the application.05:52
olyi'm just blind then lol05:53
HiddenWolfMithrandir: is it possible to have java/flash in firefox, do all the things you'd expect on a desktop?05:54
zygaHiddenWolf: flash - not easily (you'd need 32bit firefox) - macromedia didn't make 64bit flash plugin05:55
MithrandirHiddenWolf: flash, no, java, yes.05:55
HiddenWolfSorry for going off-topic, but how easy/hard is it to run a 32b app once the system is 64?05:56
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mdzHiddenWolf: please take this conversation to #ubuntu; you know it's off-topic here05:56
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sivanghey all06:13
Kamionsivang: did you see my call for translations?06:14
sivangKamion: nope, sorry, was detached mot of the week, what do you need?06:14
Kamionsivang: installer translations - apparently Rosetta isn't quite ready for them yet so I'm doing them by steam - http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-March/006121.html06:16
sivangKamion: eh I see, ok, that's fine I'll read over. What about {live|install}cd localization howto? Have you managed to get to them?06:17
Kamionthere's already a live remastering howto; install, no :-(06:17
KamionI think at this rate it might be a post-release thing, unless there's a lull after release candidate (which I doubt)06:18
sivangKamion: yes I know, But I don't think it contains insts. for localization or does it?06:18
Kamionoh I see; well, pretty much likewise06:18
Kamionthere's stuff in the installation manual though06:18
sivangKamion: true, I need to get to it and stop bothering you :)06:18
Kamiondocuments preseed/locale= and such06:18
sivangKamion: btw, just some maybe an installer usability qustions, is there a way to make d-i offer partitionning scheme on the free space left on a drive? (leaving the other fs intact)06:22
Kamionsivang: yes, that was removed in warty but I thought I'd restored that in partman-auto 38ubuntu106:23
KamionI can check06:23
sivangKamion: that'd be nice, this was a ctually a major down side while offering people the warty install cds, most of them were left some free space on the drive but the regular st,d partitionin scheme had been all or nothing and people didn't want to tinker more with it, so they just gave up the installation altogether.06:25
Kamionwarty certainly didn't have that06:26
Kamionthe partitioning changes for warty were kind of hurried06:26
Kamionsivang: just tested, works fine for me06:30
Kamionalthough it should really reuse existing swap partitions rather than creating a new one, but shrug06:30
sivangKamion: ok, great :)06:44
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zygaKamion: I can help with polish translations for base and installer 07:06
zygaKamion: and shadow if that's something important07:06
Kamionzyga: Polish is sorted now thanks to opi, I think; but thanks07:20
zygaKamion: right07:22
lamonthrm.. serving size on girl scout cookies (samoas) is 2 cookies.  Who eats just 2?07:26
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schweeblamont: are they made out of real girl scouts? </adams family>07:27
lamontschweeb: no.  nor real samoans07:28
=== lamont notes that "vegitarian" meals aren't made with real vegitarians either...
lamontbeef sausage pizza, OTOH, is made with real vegitarians07:29
=== davyd laughs
schweeb*cough* vegetarians 07:29
lamontcows are too vegitarians07:29
schweebherbivorous :)07:30
lamontyeah. same thing07:30
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=== ogra looks if infinity is around....
zygalamont: whaaat?07:37
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lamontzyga: huh?07:54
zygalamont: beef sausage pizza....07:58
ograzyga, whats wrong with that ? lamont is right...07:59
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zygaogra: it may be perfectly fine - I just don't get it ;] 07:59
ograzyga, most vegetarian food isnt made of vegitarians, but most non vegetarian food (meat) is...08:00
=== zyga nods in silence
ograzyga, its a joke (a _very_ good on, i laughed a lot, kudos lamont)08:02
=== zyga thinks about hacking python code
zygapython is nice but I'm worried about putting too much stuff dependant on py code08:02
zygaespecially system stuff08:02
ograzyga, wait until we rewrote the kernel in py ;)08:03
zygaogra: you did hear about perl live cd where everything except the kernel was written in perl?08:03
herveogra, I think a project is doing so08:04
ograoh, no i didnt08:04
zygaogra: but the real issue is that - when python breaks lot's of independent programs break08:04
ograherve, yeah, there are weird people around ;)08:04
zygasome time ago I was doing an upgrade from warty to hoary08:04
hervehmm... as does the libc or any runtime08:04
zygaand (my fault) I broke python08:04
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zygaI was really dissapointed when I noticed how much stuff stopped working08:05
zygado you think it would be sane to keep /usr/sys-local/python around?08:05
zygaand tweak various system tools to try either one ?08:06
zygathink of it as 'static' binaries kept just in case08:06
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_d4vidhi all09:37
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trulux|workinganyone has a sparc machine to give me access to? I need to work on libssp portability09:42
zygatrulux|working: I've got access to a sparc box but it doesn't have linux on it09:47
LeeJunFanwhat would be dd'ing /proc/kmsg to /var/run/kmsg when I insert a DVD that's causing my CPU to max for long periods of time because it can't read the blank DVD?09:47
zygatrulux|working: It's at my university (available after passing thru a bunch of other boxes)09:48
trulux|workingzyga: what OS is running on it?09:50
dokotrulux|working: ask fabbione09:51
trulux|workingdoko: oh, ok, thanks09:51
trulux|workingdoko: the gcc-*-hardened packages will be wrappers or profiles, I'm designing the stuff to make you feeling proud09:52
trulux|workingdoko: instead of overheading maintenance for us09:52
trulux|workingwith gcc-3.4-ssp and the other goodies09:52
trulux|workingdoko: just doing a digram of it09:52
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zygatrulux|working: I'll check - some ancient solaris09:53
dokotrulux|working: sounds fine, and what about the upstream integration work? ;-)09:53
trulux|workingdoko: ported most of the SSP to 4.009:54
trulux|workingdoko: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/patches/gcc-4.0/09:54
zygatrulux|working: on it now ;] 09:54
trulux|workingzyga: solaris... hah :)09:54
zygaw8 something is wrong ... not yet on 09:55
trulux|workingzyga: Welcome to SunOS 6.1.3 - If you are still not 0wned, then it's not SunOS09:55
zygatrulux|working: damn the box is down - still checking thoug09:57
zygaI've got a bunch of alphas if you'd like ;] 09:57
zygadamn something must have struck the computer room09:58
zygaout of a dozen boxes only few are up09:58
=== zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygabut sr2201 (16 cpu risc) *is* up09:58
=== zyga wonders if recent gcc have high performace vector stuff like that native compiler has
zygatrulux|working: I'll keep bashing sun for a while - I'll let you know if it's up10:00
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zygatrulux|working: if you'd like I can get you some old sparc boxes for a few bucks10:01
zygatrulux|working: or you can buy one yourself ;] 10:02
zygatrulux|working: I'll bet there are plenty in some warehouses / ebay10:02
trulux|workingzyga: in Spain, sparc's are not that common, even in hospitals10:08
ograinfinity, ping10:08
zygatrulux|working: cheepest one I've found was for something like 160 PLN (4.12 PLN = 1 Euro)10:10
zygatrulux|working: no hdd, 128MB, net, graphics card10:11
zygatrulux|working: 300Mhz sparc 10:11
zygatrulux|working: besides crappy ram It's pretty good IMHO ;] 10:11
zyga(for testing and such of course)10:12
=== BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
trulux|workingzyga: the shipping costs many10:17
zygatrulux|working: for 190 you'll get 4GB scsi hdd10:18
zygatrulux|working: hmm well spain is far away from poland ;-] 10:18
zygatrulux|working: but you should check any local ebay of yours 10:19
trulux|workingbtw, I might take a look on php5 packages, just for fun10:19
zygatrulux|working: in poland it's called 'allegro'10:19
trulux|workingI will10:19
=== mdke [Matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygaif you need that crappy sun anyway ;] 10:19
mdkeping jdub10:20
ogramdke, i guess .au is asleep10:21
zygaogra: different time zones are annoying aren't they ;] 10:21
ograzyga, you get used to the delay in conversations ;) backlog is a wonderful thing :)10:22
=== i3dmaster [~i3dmaster@c-67-177-236-7.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygaogra: backlog?10:23
mdkeogra, ok10:23
=== mdke looks at jdubs idle time
mdkeperhaps he is travelling or something10:24
zygatrulux|working: with home delivery I can get sun box for 50 euro10:25
=== hsprang [~henning@d082163.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograzyga, yeah, you can adjust your irc clinet to log a certain amount of lines to have a long scrollback, then you can get the info what was said during the last few hours...10:28
zygaogra: ah... now I get it10:29
zygathings you can learn each day10:32
zygafrom man df on hp-ux10:32
zyga     -k   Causes the numbers to be reported in kilobytes.  By10:32
zyga          default, all reported numbers are in 1024-byte blocks.10:32
zygaThat's sure different ;] 10:32
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froud-awayMitario: new updates done for update-manager. More coming in the morning.10:51
zygafroud-away: what updates are those?10:55
=== opi [~emil@cij184.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
opiKamion, just a note: sorry, the last part will be in your mailbox in a morning11:08
opiKamion, I was to busy, playing soccer to do it on time :-)11:08
=== syn-ack [meskes@CPE-69-76-190-218.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygamvo: ping?11:08
opiKamion, OK, I'm going to bed now 11:09
dholbachzyga: he's not here11:10
opizyga, hi and bye :)11:12
zygaopi: hi and good night :)11:12
trulux|workingdone: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/misc/ubuntu-hardened-schema.png11:14
zygatrulux|working: mama mia, that's a spicy graph ;] 11:16
=== stratus [~stratus@201008026181.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
trulux|workingzyga: ;)11:20
trulux|workingzyga: added legend, reload11:20
zygatrulux|working: just a note: the colors you've chose are a poor combination for laptop displays 11:22
zygatrulux|working: if I look hard enough they differ - but at a glance they look the same11:23
zygatrulux|working: that's a really nice graph for people that know what it means :)11:23
trulux|workingzyga: :(, I didn't do it on my laptop11:25
trulux|workingI'm now on the dumb fast box11:26
trulux|workingI need to have *many* things working at same time ;)11:26
zygatrulux|working: post svg, people will manage ;] 11:26
trulux|workingthe svg? sure11:26
zygatrulux|working: as do I, ssh is great here ;] 11:26
trulux|workingzyga: http://pearls.tuxedo-es.org/misc/ubuntu-hardened-schema.svg11:28
zygagot it11:29
zygathose big blue texts are needed or is it just inkscape playing dumb?11:29
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trulux|workinghey, what gcc will be used in breezy? gcc-3.4, or gcc-4.0?11:51
zygatrulux|working: AFAIK 4.0 but I may be wrong11:51
trulux|workingit's just that I have around more than the half done for porting SSP/ProPolice to 4.011:52
trulux|workingand I want to know how much time I have to finnish it11:52
zygatrulux|working: for breezy? a lot ;] 11:53
zygatrulux|working: why are you afraid you can run out of time?11:55
trulux|workingzyga: my holidays finnish in 2 days11:56
trulux|workingzyga: It means, no more trulux on steroids11:56
trulux|workingzyga: no more trulux "the larry work mule"11:56
zygatrulux|working: breezy won't be released for a while since hoary isn't released yet ...11:57
zygatrulux|working: or are you targetting hoary?11:57
adobbieholidays in March?11:57
zygaadobbie: yup11:57
zygaadobbie: wielkanoc 11:57
trulux|workingzyga: breezy11:59
trulux|workingzyga: but my work is also available for hoary11:59
zygatrulux|working: then you've got nothing to worry about IMHO - but ask someone with more ubuntu background11:59

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