=== lonnie is now known as omni_lonnie === mdblitz1 [~mdblitz1@pool-70-22-91-143.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #kubuntu === phxguy [~phxguy@ip24-251-194-72.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust741.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:32] humm if i want to remove all kde packages from my ubuntu do i just deselect kubuntu-desktop? [12:33] hmm not sure but I think an apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop would work === billytwowilly [~chris@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:34] I have uninstalled several other pkgs that way [12:34] it wont leave over excess k stuff? [12:35] i hate my dist being bloated by debs i dont need [12:36] no idea [12:37] but i would think that it would remove whats gets installed with it === Kirus [~Kirus@200-207-48-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === spektr_ [~th@M795P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] anyone know when this package will be updated?:python2.3-kde3 it's also known as pyKDE === dempa [~dempa@c-b84f72d5.015-64-7673743.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [12:55] Does anyone know how to solve that problem with serial mouses with the Live CD kubuntu? [12:57] i tried to use the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" command but it didnt work. :( === benjanet [~benja@pc-52-169-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] when i try to burn an audio CD on K3B from mp3, i get a message of "unsupported format". Any ideas ? [01:00] Hum.. is this a download channel only? === evan_d [~evan@ool-44c0d08d.dyn.optonline.net] has left #kubuntu [] === Kirus [~Kirus@200-207-48-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu [] === calc kicks people like benjanet really hard [01:08] join 17:58 ask question 17:59 leave 18:04 [01:13] lots of folks think irc is sort of like IM, [01:13] or that with a full room we are all paying attention === tony [~tony@bgp01112777bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:22] whats a good ftp client to use with kde? [01:24] haha calc [01:24] mdblitz1: konq [01:24] a in konqueror? [01:24] yes [01:25] how are things calc [01:28] I just ran the newest set of updates for kubuntu and wow [01:28] lots of changes [01:28] yeah === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #kubuntu [01:28] seems like they are all for the best so far though [01:29] ahh! [01:29] is it me or is every damn domain already in use [01:30] how do i remove all the kubuntu stuff through synaptic? [01:30] that option you get to choose the look and feel of kde after you run those updates.. how can I get back to that? [01:31] in konq [01:31] type settings:/ [01:32] thanks [01:32] there are easier ways [01:32] but that will work for ya [01:33] I mean the one that lets you choose the way the mouse focus works and stuff [01:33] it has kde, unix, windows, and apple os [01:34] i think thats all in the place i topld you [01:34] hmm [01:34] ok, I'll look around in there [01:34] thanks again [01:34] usual: Lots of domains aren't in use. [01:35] any interesting ones === froud-away [~froud@ndn-165-144-136.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] usual: I have one in mind I can't tell you because I'm going to register it;) [01:36] Hello, when trying to edit my xorg.conf file it won't let me save it. HELP!! [01:36] tony: did you open it with sudo [01:36] tony: are you new to the unix way of doing things? [01:36] How do I do that? [01:36] Yes I am... [01:37] ok. Basically unix (ie linux, bsd, etc) run with two kinds of permissions. Your user and root. [01:37] Your user can usually just change stuff in /home/yourusername [01:37] while root can change anything. === froud-away [~froud@ndn-165-144-136.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [01:38] /etc/x11/xorg.conf is outside of /home/youruser [01:38] So you need to be root to save changes to it. [01:38] You can do that with sudo. [01:38] or if you set a root password you can go "su" on the command line and put in the password and get a root terminal. [01:39] so basically "sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf" should do it for you. === Telep [~telep@ZYYYKMDCCLXXXIV.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu === pepsi is now known as G-O-D [03:09] how do I make my wireless card start on boot [03:09] I followed all the steps with ndiswrapper, but I still have to do a ifconfig wlan0 up after my computer boots === mdblitz1 [~mdblitz1@pool-70-22-91-143.balt.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === _gary [~gary@pool-70-22-91-143.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === _gary is now known as mdblitz1 [03:20] how can I make my wireless card start automatically? [03:21] I followed the normal steps for ndiswrapper, but when my computer boots I still need to type ifconfig wlan0 up to start my wlan0 interface === tony [~tony@bgp01112777bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:28] anyone? === incubii [incubii@cor9-ppp133.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Lithi [~l@HSE-Montreal-ppp134953.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === chavo [~chavo@] has joined #kubuntu === Lithi [~l@HSE-Montreal-ppp134953.qc.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu [] [03:46] Do mailto: links work for anyone here in KDE 3.4? [03:47] I clicked on one and the composer came up, but without the e-mail address. [03:53] how can I make my wireless card start automatically? [03:54] I followed the normal steps for ndiswrapper, but when my computer boots I still need to type ifconfig wlan0 up to start my wlan0 interface === Aghaster [~aghaster@modemcable051.37-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] hi [03:57] anyone around? [03:57] ? [03:57] i got a serious problem with kubuntu/ubuntu [03:57] i've tried many different versions of both [03:57] and each time i install it [03:58] i get a broken login screen [03:58] i cant do anything else than moving the cursor over a broken screen === narg [~narg@dsl-65-171-97-106.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:58] hmm [03:59] what is 'broken' [03:59] its sad because kubuntu seemed to be really nice distro :( [03:59] well, buggy screen [03:59] Hrm, can you install fairly easily from the livecd? (Going from debian and wanting to keep /home and the like) [03:59] broken image [03:59] i could try the live CD === Mestapheles [~Captain@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu === tony [~tony@bgp01112777bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] i'm downloading it right now, i'll try it and if i still get a broken login screen i'll come back here === RexM [~TurdBurgl@rexm.supporter.poipu] has joined #kubuntu === chavo [~chavo@] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] where is the kubuntu .deb server? === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === _tony [~tony@bgp01112777bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Aghaster [~aghaster@modemcable051.37-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:39] hi again [04:39] i still have the same problem with the live CD [04:40] i took a photo this time [04:40] let me transfer it to my comp [04:44] anyone around? === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu [04:48] hi blissex [04:48] hi! [04:48] i need help [04:48] i got a real big bug with kubuntu/ubuntu [04:48] Aghaster: there are some important rules on IRC... [04:48] Aghaster: two of them are: never ask anybody specific for help... [04:48] ah [04:48] sorry [04:49] well, there was nobody around exept you [04:49] so i asked [04:49] Aghaster: and second never waste time in introductions. Just state what your problem is and if someone feels like replying, you are lucky... [04:49] anyway, i took a photo of the problem ( because i couldnt take a screenshot ) [04:49] i'm sendint it right now [04:50] er [04:50] blissex [04:50] oh.. [04:50] you're here too? [04:50] he left [04:50] oh, ok [04:50] I thought he was a #linuxhelp mainstay [04:50] heh [04:50] ah well [04:50] roey you think you could help me? [04:50] i can send photo of the problem === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu [04:51] Aghaster: what's up? [04:51] can you describe it? [04:51] Aghaster: a third rule is: never private msg or DCC someone without asking them first. [04:51] ok ok, i'll know all these rules for the next time [04:52] blissex, will you accept my screenshot if i send it? [04:53] ok so the problem is that when i just installed ubuntu/kubuntu, i load the OS and then i get a broken login screen. [04:53] Blissex: ah, heh, sorry ;) [04:53] Aghaster: try to describe your problem in words: what you would like to happen and then what actually happens, being as precise as possible, [04:53] the only thing i can do is to move the cursor [04:53] Blissex: but anyway the problem for me is getting a file without knowing about it... [04:53] Blissex: it may overwrite something maliciously [04:54] i've tried many versions of ubuntu/kubuntu [04:54] and always have the same problem [04:54] Roey: I have that disabled... all IRC clients have a way to confirm DCC receiving... [04:54] last time i tried live CD [04:54] Aghaster: what exactly does not work? [04:54] Blissex: same here. [04:54] everything, i cant even login to gnome because its the login screen which is broken [04:54] i got a photo which would explain everything quickly === G-O-D is now known as papsi [04:55] but you seem to refuse DCC transfers so... [04:55] Aghaster: can you put it online on some site? [04:55] lemme see [04:55] Aghaster: unsolicited DCC transfers are surely pretty ungood... [04:55] maybe i got some webspace [04:56] lemme upload it there [04:57] hum... the host is slow [04:57] would you accept email? [04:58] Aghaster: lets try DCC... Try again. [04:59] Aghaster: firewall problems... [05:00] hum.. lemme search for a photo host [05:01] Aghaster: BTW I think the firewall problems are on your side too.. [05:01] Aghaster: also, the image file is 2MB long. You can make it a lot smaller. [05:01] ok, i made it smaller [05:02] its 28kb now [05:03] Aghaster: so upload it somewhere... You must have got some web space. [05:03] Aghaster: can't you just _describe_ what the problem is? [05:03] i can, but a picture explains it all [05:03] ok [05:03] while waiting for the picture [05:03] i'll explain [05:03] so whatever version of ubuntu i install [05:04] when the system loads [05:04] i get to a screen with a broken background picture [05:04] and where the only thing i can do is to move the cursor === ttf [~tom@p83.129.4.138.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:04] i can login [05:04] cant* [05:04] i cant do anything [05:04] no even load gnome [05:04] or kde [05:05] Aghaster: how familiar are you with GNU/Linux stuff? [05:06] i've passed a month on fedora core 3 [05:06] on a kde environment [05:06] Aghaster: for example, can you use an editor like 'vim' or 'pico'? [05:06] i didnt use pico, but kwrite [05:06] i've used other linux distros before [05:07] Aghaster: there is a way to get back in the system ''manually''. Have you got it at hand? [05:07] hum... are you talking about loading another OS to access the files of ubuntu? [05:08] http://free.hostdepartment.com/a/alphacentaurihq/brokensrc2.JPG [05:08] ah, finally [05:08] http://free.hostdepartment.com/a/alphacentaurihq/brokensrc2.JPG [05:08] the picture === babybert [~alm@pcp0011591085pcs.south01.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:10] or did you talk about getting in the recovery console? === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-53-57.client.stsn.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] bliss? [05:13] i'm not a linux noob, but not an expert too. [05:16] Aghaster: having a look. [05:16] ok === technoid_ [~technoid@] has joined #kubuntu [05:16] Aghaster: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh [05:17] ahhhhh : horrified or ahhhhh you know it? :P [05:17] Aghaster: both... === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu [05:18] it is a serious problem heh... [05:19] i'll download the amd64 live CD [05:19] in case this one would work [05:19] ( i got amd64 cpu ) [05:19] Aghaster: naahhhh. [05:19] Aghaster: which monitor is that? [05:20] mine, i took a picture with my camera [05:20] because i couldnt do a screenshot because the OS was broken [05:20] Aghaster: yes, but which make/model? Hyundai V770? Viewpoint V770? [05:20] daewoo 777D [05:21] Aghaster: how old is it? [05:21] hum... i think its 2 years old [05:21] you think it could be related?& [05:21] Aghaster: thats fairly new... [05:22] well, in fact there is only one time where it worked [05:22] Aghaster: the screen is like that because of two possible reasons: the X configuration contains the wrong video card, or much more likely contains the wrong monitor configuration. [05:22] the warty amd64 ubuntu [05:22] did work, but i didnt want gnome [05:22] and x86_64 [05:22] Aghaster: probably your monitor cannot do the refresh rate that is configured to do, so it just freaks out. [05:23] hum.. === incubii [incubii@cor9-ppp133.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu [05:24] do you think there would be a different refresh rate between ubuntu amd64 warty and the other versions? [05:24] because that one did work [05:25] Aghaster: perhaps, depends on the autconfigurator it uses. [05:26] where is it possible to config the refresh rate? [05:26] is it possible to change it directly from the screen's buttons? [05:29] anyway, gtg [05:29] cya === mello [~mello@c-67-162-226-133.client.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === mello [~mello@c-67-162-226-133.client.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:12] I am having problems with xorg and kde; I get pixelated icons on my desktop; no problems with gnome [06:16] any questions? [06:17] er, sorry suggestions? [06:17] I am tired === Polente [~polente@cpe-24-160-73-187.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === _d4vid [~ehud@triforum.com] has left #kubuntu ["] === mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === hunger [~hunger@p5480EAF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [~clay@] has joined #kubuntu === bradh [user34@CPE-61-9-204-42.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.ipv6tb.net] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh is now known as clay|kubuntu === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.ipv6tb.net] has left #kubuntu ["How] === claydoh [~clay@] has joined #kubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu === dcm [thedcm@fl2-] has joined #kubuntu [08:16] Can I please get some signatures: http://www.petitiononline.com/ubl1111/? [08:17] Like hell. [08:18] ? [08:18] Get the fuck out. [08:18] Why? [08:19] This is also to remove the African American from the 'Circle of Friends' logo because we all know black people can't use Linux anyways. [08:19] wtf? === yarjar [~yarjar@24-196-88-113.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:19] Do you not understand? [08:19] hai [08:20] That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. [08:20] It is proven that black people have trouble using computers [08:20] Their greasy fingers slip off the keys [08:20] Where is this proven? [08:20] Find me that statistic. [08:20] Too much fried chicken. [08:20] Studies at Cambridge [08:20] Google it [08:21] Also, they have a tendancy of typing /usah instead of /usr :( === marcusT [~marcus@pD95FAF3F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === yarjar is now known as furjar [08:23] anyone up for some yiffing? [08:24] furjar: er [08:24] furjar: wrong chan, try #FURRYFANATICSNAYAYAYAYA [08:24] marcusT: Can I ask for your support: http://www.petitiononline.com/ubl1111/? [08:24] Roey: ;) === grumpydog [~finch@grumpydog.bronze.supporter.pdpc] has joined #kubuntu [08:25] Don't worry, I'm just a poseur furry anyway. :( [08:25] furjar: what the heck precipitated your statement? :) [08:25] who is the spammer [08:25] grumpydog: Can I ask for your support: http://www.petitiononline.com/ubl1111/? [08:25] furjar: right, you "just read it for the art" [08:25] Roey: I'm random like that [08:25] ha ha [08:25] Roey: i read playboy for the articles [08:25] furjar: c'mon we all know your fursuit ambitions [08:26] ubuntu. Needs a giant panda as its mascot. [08:26] no [08:26] better yet, [08:26] furjar: *puts on white, crusty pikachu suit* cum heer ;) [08:26] err [08:26] Roey: [08:26] wtf [08:26] it needs a pasty-skinned Comic Book Store guy in a cheap ill-fitting panda suit as its mascot. [08:26] oh and sign that petition === bhna [~andreas@p54B80DE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:29] Listen a channel op needs to take reponsibility here. freenode staff is the last resort in which case a kline will be applied. [08:30] furjar: what petition? [08:30] http://www.petitiononline.com/ubl1111/ [08:30] -ChanServ- 1 30 fooishbar 15w 17h 26m 51s [08:30] -ChanServ- 2 29 haggai 1w 4d 13h 32m 32s [08:30] -ChanServ- 3 29 amu 4d 17h 20m 29s [08:30] ??? [08:30] dcm: why are you doing this? [08:30] Ok I am going to ask for intervention [08:30] Doing what? [08:31] changing channel owner [08:31] this channel is a mess [08:31] ._. === Boohbah [~kraid@Boohbah.user] has joined #kubuntu [08:33] This channel is now on the hitlist [08:34] 'hitlist'? [08:38] done [08:39] you are doomed. === grumpydog [~finch@grumpydog.bronze.supporter.pdpc] has left #kubuntu ["Do] === furjar [~yarjar@24-196-88-113.jvl.wi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["assclown"] === vishal [vishal@openwire.metawire.org] has joined #kubuntu === bhna [~andreas@p54B80DE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #kubuntu === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === evan_d [~evan@ool-44c0d08d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #kubuntu === azuzak [~azuzak@201009180230.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === levin [levin@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode] has joined #kubuntu === levin looks in [09:31] Hush nig === dcm [thedcm@fl2-] has left #kubuntu [] [09:33] so, what was that about? [09:54] lameness. === kinema [~adam@03-115.142.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:59] for some reason whenever i try to login/start x via KDM after entering my username and password the screen goes blank for 3-5 seconds then i end up back at a KDM screen. if I kill kdm and run startx as a non-root user x and kde start fine [09:59] in my kdm.log there are a few QImage "Image is a null image" messages === PieD [~Pierre@ALille-251-1-36-101.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:09] hi folks [10:09] I'm using hoary + KDE 3.4 from universe [10:10] and today the package kde-i18n-fr 3.4 is available [10:10] but it is buggy : I lost all the translations [10:10] it is less than 500 Kb, quite small for a so big package :) === drummer87 [~drummer87@c211-30-12-55.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === ztonzy_ [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #kubuntu === ztonzy_ is now known as ztonzy === drummer87 [~drummer87@c211-30-12-55.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu [] === peca [~peca@] has joined #kubuntu === ruby_mncl [~konversat@bzq-238-253.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:49] guys... need help with a new installation... i finnaly got Xserver to start, but the computer gets stuck after 1-2 seconds... the mouse isnt moving and the keybord is not reacting (even hitting num lock key wont turn the num lock light on or off), same thing happend several times in text mode too but in X it happends all the time... === froud-away is now known as froud === _P_ [~princoscr@host-84-220-133-168.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-39.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Curalton [~thomas@] has joined #kubuntu === froud is now known as froud-away === froud-away [~froud@ndn-165-144-136.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === estesoyyo [~konversat@62-43-131-74.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:33] hello [11:34] I have a problem with KMail: there's a Mail folder but KMail tells me it can not create the folder (I have all permisions set right... I think) === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #kubuntu === coruja [coruja@corujinha.de] has joined #kubuntu === SouL_ReBeL [~SouLReBeL@host-84-222-82-56.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] hello! [12:25] Do you know why I can't find a recent version of KVirc? i see only 2.1.3 in the repositories... === Nonphasis [~ville@a81-197-237-148.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === estesoyyo [~konversat@62-43-131-74.user.ono.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _phreak [~phreak@cpe-24-162-112-27.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:43] hi _phreak [12:44] <_phreak> anyone have a clue how to get k3b to decode mp3's === PieD [~Pierre@ALille-251-1-36-101.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:47] <_phreak> for that matter anyone know of a repository thats anything like the PLF repo's? [12:47] <_phreak> I'm begging to debate trying to get urpmi to work, as sad as it is === ikama [~ikama@p5081AF83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] hello [12:50] does anybody have experience with kitchensync desktop-notebook [12:51] uuuuuuups, nobody there ? [12:51] <_phreak> nope :) === spektr [~th@M773P027.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === yuxel` [~opera@] has joined #kubuntu === phreak_ [~phreak@cpe-24-162-112-27.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === psn_laptop [~psn@h11n2fls32o878.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === [fab] [~konversat@refuse.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-39.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === yuxel` [~opera@] has joined #kubuntu === ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Preview Released: http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/ | Wiki: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu | Feedback please: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewComments | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewKnownProblems === ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Preview Released: http://www.kubuntu.org | Wiki: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu | Feedback please: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewComments | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuPreviewKnownProblems === edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === GenghisKhan [~daniel@80-28-181-64.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #kubuntu === [fab] is now known as fab|food === Kirus [~Kirus@200-207-48-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === mfoxela [~legolas@port-212-202-8-100.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu === Kirus [~Kirus@200-207-48-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu [] [01:46] how well does k- and ubuntu hoary coexist? should i shrink my partition and install kubuntu in parallel or can i just add the kubuntu image as source and i can switch kdm/gdm etc. easily? [01:47] Curalton: you currently have Ubuntu installed? [01:47] They can be switched very easily, yes. [01:47] <_P_> wich is the difference in the topic? [01:48] _P_: nothing really; just took out the .uk and added the Wiki link. [01:48] <_P_> thanks :) [01:48] yes, just installed ubuntu hoary and want to check out kubuntu :) [01:49] Curalton: Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with KDE. By installing KDE on your Ubuntu, you have Kubuntu :). [01:49] Kubuntu ISO only difference is the default setup -- at the back, they're both the same. === spreda [~bill@fixed-203-87-74-50.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:50] well, gdm/kdm is one place where they can conflict. [01:50] Curalton: For more details on exact packages, see: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingKDE [01:50] Curalton: You can have both gdm and kdm, but yes -- you must choose to run either one or the other. [01:51] They remain the same at the back, just a different default setup, like I said. [01:51] i know apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will do it, i just dont want to cause more bandwidth than needed and use my already-here CDs :) [01:51] Curalton: Check the link; if you don't want all the stuff, there are other routes to go down. [01:52] err, i want verything. full gnome full kde to check either side :) [01:52] Then go for it; having separate partitions for Ubuntu/Kubuntu would really be very unnecessary. Would you do that on any other distro? [01:53] as in, would you have the same distro installed, but one with only KDE and one with only Gnome? [01:53] heh, its both beta. so i can only break one ;) === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-39.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === yuxel` [~opera@] has left #kubuntu [] [02:02] aw, cant add the cdrom through the gui. and cant install ssh either because the sshclientstuff hold ubuntu-base in place === Wonder [~stian87@adsl-mrk1-080.nett.nteb.no] has joined #kubuntu === fab|food is now known as [fab] === MindZEye [~mindzeye@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu === EddieX [~eddie@h186n6c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === EddieX [~eddie@h186n6c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has left #kubuntu ["Lmnar"] === [fab] is now known as fab|afk === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === azuzak [~azuzak@201009180230.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu === lorenzo [~lorenzo@host1-133.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] hi there [03:04] about kde-i18n packages === fab|afk is now known as [fab] [03:04] ...lost my tranlsation upgraduing to 3.4.0 packages [03:04] as a matter of fact the i18n package is 38 K... [03:05] :-) [03:05] did you read KubuntuPreviewKnownProblems? :) [03:05] no [03:05] i suggest you do, search for i18n and you will see :) [03:06] url is in topic^ [03:06] thanks [03:06] :) [03:07] by the way...many problems reported in the page you were talking about have been resolved [03:08] i18n is still there === MZE [~mindzeye@seanparsons.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu === dvoid [~dvoid@c-215fe155.2010-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === pv [~pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === cmf [~lou@adsl-213-249-162-93.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #kubuntu [03:35] running hoary here and i'm having some samba issues, it ust stops responding after a while, stops responding and can't access the samba mount, browsing using smb:/ in konq is still fine though [03:35] smbiod_handle_request: smbiod got a request ... and we don't implement oplocks! [03:35] smb_add_request: request [cdc40d80, mid=60985] timed out! [03:35] smb_lookup: find audio/Cardiacs failed, error=-5 [03:35] smb_receive_header: long packet: 65596 [03:35] dmesg output^ === amu [~amu@amu.developer.debian] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] <[fab] > lo amu === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === ronny-- [~Ronny@dialin-145-254-238-191.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1F291.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] Hi guys... when will Kubuntu hoary be final after the regular Ubuntu release? [04:01] eh? [04:01] Or will it be final right away? :) [04:02] you wanna know which time kubuntu will be released? [04:02] Yeah. [04:03] https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule/ [04:04] <[fab] > amu: wil KUbuntu have releases on cd as well? [04:05] Ah okay... so it'll be available on the same day as Gnome Hoary. [04:06] [fab] : through shipit you mean? unfortunately not [04:06] Tomcat_: yep [04:06] <[fab] > amu: :( [04:06] Cool. :) [04:06] Thanks. :) [04:13] [fab] : Mark said, probably he'll do a spacial rollout for some usergroups for it .. backgound is this, kubuntu was not planned before, so there's no money left for it, so there's some hope === n17as [~chatzilla@dsl82-163-196-153.as15444.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:16] hello all [04:16] i have a problem installing Kubuntu from Ubuntu. [04:17] <[fab] > amu: the kubuntu people are geographically close together? [04:19] apt-get install kubuntu-desktop response with an error message. [04:19] [fab] : .uk and .de [04:19] <[fab] > amu: would be cool to arrange something one day [04:19] n17as: if you tell us which error, we probably could help you [04:19] <[fab] > like a KUbuntu meeting :) === [fab] keeps that in mind === lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu [04:20] [fab] : if i remember, the ubuntu-guys plan something like this on linuxtag in karlsruhe [04:20] it said redaing packagge list: dine [04:20] hiya guys. [04:21] package lists: done [04:21] I did a synaptic equivalent of dist-upgrade [04:21] and lost most of my settings [04:21] dependencies : done [04:21] How can I get a thumbnail going again for .avi files? [04:21] thumbnail preview [04:22] some package cannot be installed. ..... [04:22] n17as: what happen if you run sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop ? [04:22] lexNL: i's somewhere located in kcontrol ... [04:22] i get a long message in terminal/ [04:22] <[fab] > LT2005 [04:23] how can i copy it to Chatzilla. === [fab] looks when that is [04:23] amu: it's kinda big... any clues where I could look first? [04:23] [fab] : imho there's also a wikipage for it [04:23] <[fab] > amu: s/imho/afaik [04:23] the last line is E:Broken packages. [04:24] n17as: than you /etc/apt/sources.list isnt correct [04:24] err [04:25] n17as: please run a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [04:25] ok [04:27] it to get 276 of archives. [04:27] do i need to d/l all of them. [04:27] yes :) [04:28] OMG ! [04:28] it takes me more than 2 hours to d/l. [04:28] <[fab] > amu: so we Dutchies can not act as facilitators :) [04:28] what should i do after d/l is finished? [04:29] should I run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? [04:29] [fab] : why not? [04:29] n17as: correct [04:29] amu: thanks so much. [04:30] <[fab] > amu: as we live in the Netherlands (hmmpf) [04:30] n17as: the order if something break, just run "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" and probably apt-get -f install ... could happen if your mirror is sometimes out of sync [04:31] i see [04:31] i am very new to Linux. [04:31] [fab] : it isnt a real problem [04:32] <[fab] > amu: lots of ubuntu ppl in NL? === [fab] is clueless [04:32] [fab] : if you want, you can join there, i'm sure about it, even Mako join's [04:32] this is my first week of using it, and i still don't know how to make it to support my native language. [04:33] n17as: you should run apt-get install kde-i18n-XX , where XX your language-code is [04:33] amu: I found it, it actually was simple to get video thumbnail previews. In the konqueror view-menu, preview submenu, check video. :) [04:33] n17as: sorry never used kynaptics or synaptics before, i use apt, thats easy for me [04:33] amu: is that for KDE only or Gnome as well? [04:34] lexNL: cool [04:34] n17as: just kde, if you want the gnome as well, you need to install the language-packs .... === lexNL wonders why, for me, with a pretty normal kubuntu a synaptic dist-upgrade undid quite some settings [04:35] Ok. KDE is fine then. [04:35] apt-get install language-support-XX === yuxel` [~opera@] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] if you install them, you get localized messages from you "konsole" or if you work in a teminal [04:36] amu: is that for Kde? [04:37] n17as: that's for you system, gnome needs also language-pack-XX [04:38] ok. i need to apt-get install language-support-th for console, and apt-get install kde-i18n-th for KDE. [04:39] n17as: you got it [04:39] and apt-get install language-pack-th for gnome? === _tony [~tony@bgp01112777bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === benjanet [~benja@pc-52-169-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:41] i18n is one thing thats not finished yet, wait one week [04:41] n17as: ack, let's say, if you run kde, for your gnome-apps under kde [04:41] when i try to make an Audio Cd on K3B from mp3s, i get the following error "format not supported" [04:42] Curalton: what isnt finished? [04:42] curalton: meaning? I cannot use my language on KDE? [04:42] i18n stuff, as "known issues" says [04:42] n17as: you will once kubuntu is final in a few days [04:42] Curalton: dude; it's already in [04:42] n17as: then you just have to run apt-get again to get these [04:42] err, not here o.O [04:43] i see [04:43] Filename: pool/main/k/kde-i18n/kde-i18n-de_3.4.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb [04:43] ^^ [04:43] ahr, damn. used local university mirror [04:43] thats what i get for my effor to safe precious bandwidth ;) [04:43] Curalton: kick your mirror admin [04:43] efford* [04:43] ok. [04:44] now i know how to do it in console and kde. [04:45] hmm, whats the k* frontend to edit the sources.list, as the gnome update manager. this one only adds ubuntu stuff [04:45] benjanet: could you run a "apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad" [04:45] what is the command to setup language for Gnome? [04:46] n17as: gnome takes the lang from your system environment === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:46] amu: do i need to edit Xorg.conf after I install -- i18n --? [04:46] n17as: no [04:46] ok. [04:47] n17as: you find it out if it's correctly setuped with: set |grep LANGUAGE [04:47] amu: thanks. [04:48] sweet, swsuspend works superb once the resume line is added yet needs sudo to run the script atm [04:48] leaving again. Amu: thanks === lexNL [~alex@84-104-152-170.cable.quicknet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:48] 1 hour to go, and apt-get is downloading Evolution. [04:49] is the file running on Gnome? [04:49] n17as: gnome apps, run on kde, as well kde-apps run on gnome, there is digital freedom between them :) [04:49] amu, i have gstreamer0.8-mad allready installed. [04:50] benjanet: at least you need the codex, i'm not sure which package it is, where you find it ... probably use google [04:51] i have to learn a lot to understand Linux. [04:52] I first tried it 6 years ago, but I coudn't make it work. It was too difficult to learn, but now it is a bit easier to understand. === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-53-57.client.stsn.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:53] amu, google said that the package k3b-mp3 is needed, but i dont find it in my repositories [04:53] n17as: kind of different if you use osx or win before, imho it's too difficult for users to setup their sys, install apps, this will be better _after_ hoary [04:54] i came back to Linux a week ago. the first distro i chose to setup in Gentoo. [04:54] it was fun to start with Gentoo because I learnt lots of command line. [04:54] erm, where do i find an example clean kubuntu sources.list, wiki ha nada [04:57] benjanet: hmm i'm no multimedia guru, you probably could try it with apt-get install sox or lame [04:58] n17as: the problem with gentoo is CPU time, it isnt usefull, compile all time you own system, if you run 3-4 desktop it's a waste of time, package-based distros are more usefull [04:59] i agree [04:59] Curalton: yes, wiki is you friend [04:59] it took me 2 days to compile the base system in stage 1 [04:59] n17as: if you compile once a time a hole desktop, you need on a very fast cluster about 1 Week === ztonzy [~ztonzy@c-6e46e055.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [05:00] i have to say it is very fast once it is finished. [05:01] i don't think my CPU is fast enough for Gentoo. [05:01] that is why i am here. [05:02] n17as: this is a "fairy tale" is you compile it for yourself, even with a perfect kernel-config, your sys is max. 0.3-0.5% faster [05:02] is/if [05:02] amu: just a curious. what does Cxxxxxxxx mean? I got many of it when I install Debian. [05:03] amu: it was very fun to learn. [05:03] CHOST [05:03] CFLAGS [05:03] afternoon [05:03] amu: doh, its in main hoary :) [05:03] Cxxxxxxxxx ? [05:03] i don't know [05:03] amu: erm, x86 vs. athlon/p4 cpu does make a diff, plus maybe libc [05:03] err, kernel for named cputype [05:04] i tried to install Debian, but not succes [05:04] i got error like that after i reboot my system [05:05] what debian? woody? [05:05] yes [05:05] Curalton: who much 5% ? [05:05] then i came to Ubuntu. [05:05] no problem. [05:05] n17as: that is rather ancient and harly works on newer hardware. nowadays usually use sarge - or ubuntu which is a debian offspring [05:06] amu: depends, mysql (only test i did myself) was ~15% faster [05:06] also debian has athlon kernels and optimized glibcs === motaboy [~motaboy@host72-39.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] Caralton, have you read the topic in Gentoo about Installing Gentoo from Stage1to3. === bekkeri [~jbergstr@vipunen.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu [05:09] hi, how can I set up a network connection in kubuntu? [05:09] Curalton: that's cool, cause you 250GB mysql database runs 15% faster, you need 1 weeks to compile everything, a week costs about 5000$ manpower, i could easyly say, i'll upgrade my hardware for it. That's probably good if you run servers, but for normal users with their desktops, wasted time [05:09] bekkeri: you install knetworkconf [05:09] ok [05:09] amu: i agree. i think it is very good for server. [05:09] if it isnt .. than open kcontrol [05:10] I don't see any dhcp settings in the control center, though [05:10] 37mins to go. [05:10] amu: im just talking about default debian 2.6 386 kernel vs. a 2.6 athlon kernel + libc (.deb) [05:11] n17as: Curalton: nethertheless Gentoo or not, i prever Debian, it would be real fun if you have to compile it on your severfarm and the build is not successfull [05:12] i prefer kbuntu for now as i am a newbie. === motaboy is a gentoo developer [05:13] bekkeri: you say to automatic and get dhcp enabled [05:13] amu: is knetworkconf installed by default? [05:13] i want to leave Window(tm) as soon as I can. [05:13] since a few days with the kubuntu-desktop [05:15] amu: in what subcategory should the relevant settings be? [05:16] motaboy: who much time you need to compile your hole system ? [05:16] amu: a lot :D [05:16] bekkeri: intternet & network; [05:17] and which category under that? [05:17] why is apt-get downloading OO again? === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] amu: I was a debian user some years ago, by I hated to wait to much for kde updates. [05:17] i have it installed already. [05:18] n17as: its updating it [05:18] so I switched to gentoo. I'd take less time to compile it that to wait for it. [05:18] motaboy: what is your PC spec? === amu rent bekkeri amu's glasses ..... Network Settings [05:18] after sarge is out dpkg should really get binary diff support or deltas of some kind... [05:18] n17as: x86 P4 2000 and Athlon2000+ [05:19] n17as: but I'm not here to talk about gentoo :P [05:19] motaboy: there are scripts on kde.org you can install & run daily cvs snapshots :) [05:19] ... on a debian sys [05:19] mine is P3 6XX, 256 ram. [05:19] ok, so I probably don't have knetworkconf installed then... [05:19] it is very slow. [05:20] amu: I'm here for another reason :D [05:20] amu: I'm also a kde developer (kdebluetooth) [05:20] :P [05:20] how can I install it then, if I don't have my network configured and can't get it thru apt-get that way [05:20] lots of expert are in here. [05:20] And I'm interested to know which are the kubuntu's plans. [05:20] motaboy: cooooooooooooool ..... it's also on my todo [05:21] amu: we are going to finally release 1.0 in some weeks [05:21] bekkeri: setup it once in a manual way :) [05:22] motaboy: why stable is the last version? [05:22] s/why/how [05:23] amu: I think really stable. (or our users don't reports bugs...) === amu brains coredumps again [05:23] amu: to be honest I think that ubuntu/kubuntu will finally be the final distro. But I have some doubts, can you please anwser to my questions if you have time? :D [05:23] does kubuntu (debian) use some proprietary package format insted of rpm (I use fedora myself but decided to install kubuntu on one of my parents' computers) [05:25] motaboy: cool just /msh me === technoid_ [~technoid@] has joined #kubuntu === Telep [~telep@e81-197-79-152.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-155-215-159.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:33] I cannot get the windows iconified in the icon bar as supposed to be with KDE 3.4 [05:35] bekkeri: no deb's isnt a proprietary package format === pjw [~pjw@c44-29.icpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === billytwowilly [~chris@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:45] how do I mount a floppy drive then? [05:46] open konqueror and type media:/ [05:46] it isn't there [05:46] it's like the whole floppy device wouldn't be recognized by the system [05:47] shouldn't a floppy drive be /dev/fda [05:47] what's about floppy:/ [05:48] i'll try that then === mfoxela [~legolas@port-212-202-8-100.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] hello, i am back [05:50] download is finished, but i got tons of errors. [05:52] Couldn'st stat source package list http://.......... -stat (no such file or directory) for every downloaded files. === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] floppy:/ didn't work either, it just said "Could not start mdir." [06:01] mkdir a: works form a Konsole ? [06:14] not mkdir, mdir === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust7389.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu === spektr_ [~th@M916P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [06:16] need some help with kpp [06:17] hmm [06:17] when was repositries last updated ? === salvi [~salvi@] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] <_P_> finale in18 is out :D === spektr_ is now known as spektr [06:28] <_P_> *finally === salvi [~salvi@] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] awww, dist upgrade with the default repositories ruing the kubuntu presets, e.g. the wallpaper :/ [06:42] also the lipstick pastik mod is gone :( [06:43] bekkeri: err right [06:45] ah, there "kde-style-lipstik - The Lipstik style for KDE", strange it disapeared [06:49] amu, the main repositries doesnt seem to have been updated last days, correct ? === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === slick [~slick@pool-70-23-230-165.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:49] ztonzy: yep, there's a lag (k)ubuntu is in final freeze [06:50] amu, aah... === motaboy [~motaboy@host212-36.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:50] that's great to hear [06:51] you blender deb arrived just in time :) [06:52] amu, yes I noticed :) [06:52] amu, wanna see my latest wip-update ? [06:52] amu, http://www.elysiun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=384352#384352 [06:52] :) === toffy [~bjorn@] has joined #kubuntu [06:54] cool stuff [06:55] blenderwork :) [06:55] thanks === randabis [~randabis@cpe-67-10-186-21.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === kay [~kay@p50838B23.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:11] uhm, after upgrading kde-i18-de I only have English [07:12] and i cannot add any language anymore === delltony [~delltony@c-24-99-11-118.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:16] hi happy easter all [07:17] hi === n17as [~chatzilla@dsl82-163-196-153.as15444.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:17] hello [07:18] nobody here on non-English KDE 3.4? [07:18] anyone here have the slightest clue how to get dma to work on a dvd drive? [07:19] i nkow the drive supports it cause it did in warty [07:19] and now i get operation permission denied when i do hparm -d 1 /dev/hdc [07:19] i have been trying to install KDE 3.4 from Ubuntu, but haven't been able to do it so far. [07:19] i got depedencies errors. [07:19] use kubuntu-desktop [07:19] delltony: doint that via sudo? [07:20] been there dne that [07:20] did it as root too [07:20] didn't work [07:20] then it could be the chipset is odd [07:20] kay: didn't work. [07:20] i.e. denied on driverlevel [07:20] what does it say? [07:20] got an erroe message. [07:20] hold on a sec [07:20] hmm laptop isn't even a year old and was recently updated [07:20] you can always install kdelibs, kdebase, kdepim, etc [07:21] strange [07:21] The last line is E : Broken packages. [07:22] Can you do apt-get install kdebase? [07:22] downloading now. [07:22] good, try kdepim, kdegraphics and so on... it should tell you what package is making a problem [07:23] delltony: "not even a year" could mean it is too new and drivers have not been written yet [07:23] most likely because the manufacturer refuses to give out specs [07:23] i have on my amd64 e.g. no kdeaddons yet [07:23] it says kde-desktop depends on Kdepim [07:23] and kdepim depends on kdemail....and so on. [07:23] any other ways to d/l all in once. [07:23] try apt-get install kmail [07:24] i think i have to do that. [07:24] i guess we can work out, what is keeping it back [07:24] likely some lib that affects many [07:24] What are you on now, n17as ? [07:24] Ubuntu [07:25] Gnome 2.10 [07:25] I see... dunno if that gives conflicts [07:25] what does it say about kmail? [07:25] Curalton, i guess you missed the part where i stated it worked in warty :) [07:25] ah, doh. maybe a missing kernelmodule not being loaded [07:26] i am still downloading kdebase. [07:26] and the nec 6500a module would be? [07:26] or maybe its /dev/cdrom because the device changed with udev [07:26] i will tell u one it is finished. [07:26] so it works... hm [07:26] then do kdelibs [07:26] after kdebase? [07:26] sorry have to run [07:27] damn this sucks [07:27] ok [07:27] casue i know i turned it on in warty with the hdparm command === froud [~froud@ndn-165-144-136.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [07:27] delltony: try hwinfo --bridge and see what is recommended === froud is looking for anything kubuntu to document. Ideas welcome [07:27] ok [07:28] recommended kernelmodulewise [07:28] command not found [07:28] froud: NX server/client :) [07:28] URI? [07:28] and package name [07:29] read the start here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1968 [07:30] and actually i dont even know about the legal state of the server atm. but the test i ran was very impressive. X forwarding over ISDN with virtually no lag [07:30] Curalton, that command i can not find [07:30] delltony: apt-get install hwinfo then i'd guess [07:31] duh :p [07:31] should have a line like Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe i2c-viapro" at the end [07:34] Curalton: that is not in Kubuntu yet? [07:34] yes, so it seems. debian/ubuntu is always missing more official packagers :) [07:34] man using this hwinfo --bridge i don't see anything in relation to a cdrom i did hwinfo --bridge | grep cdrom [07:35] see hwinfo --help [07:35] shows you what -- you can use too [07:36] i doubt they dropped the kernelmodule [07:36] delltony: hwinfo --bridge will show bridges, not cdroms:-) [07:37] yeah i changed it to cdrom [07:37] so look for the module now? [07:37] anyone succesfully install kde-desktop from Ubuntu, please help. [07:37] delltony: cdroms should be covered by the standard ide modules for the most part. [07:37] i am still not be able to do that. [07:38] n17as: http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/documentation.php [07:38] but the gridge negotiates dma etc. afaik [07:38] hunger, well how you turn on dma [07:38] thats the whole question at hand [07:38] delltony: hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom does not work? [07:38] nope [07:38] permission denied [07:38] both with root and sudo === hunger thinks it was -d... [07:39] delltony: Which chipset do you have? Does your kernel support DMA for IDE devices? [07:39] how do i find out? [07:39] fround: i got an error after i apt-get install kubuntu-desktop/ [07:40] n17as: what error [07:40] delltony: hwinfo --bridge should show your PCI-IDE bridge [07:40] broken packages. [07:40] it depends on Kdepim [07:40] i'm running version 2.6.10-5-686 [07:40] ok let me look [07:40] amu: ping [07:40] kdepim depends on kdemail [07:40] n17as: hold === hunger would like to know the status of kdepim as well... [07:41] kdepim depends on kmail [07:41] elltony@bubbabox:~$ /usr/sbin/hwinfo --bridge | grep PCI-IDE returns NOTHING [07:41] delltony: Is there a /boot/config-2.6.10-5-686 file? === delltony looks [07:41] delltony: I do not have hwinfo... [07:41] i had to install it [07:42] delltony: try the reallyall option maybe [07:42] amu: I thought you said the kdepim error was fixed [07:42] delltony: I do not have ubuntu either:-) [07:42] reallyall? [07:42] kmail depends on gnupg-agent, but it is not installable. [07:42] delltony: or if you can still boot the old kernel make a diff of the lsmod output [07:42] no i don't have the old kernal [07:42] delltony: Do not grep, I am not sure how hwinfo calls the beast. [07:42] kmail depends on pinentry-qt , but it is not installable. [07:42] do not grep? man your not even using ubuntu haha [07:43] kmail depends on pinentry-X11 , but it is not installable. [07:43] Curalton, whats this reallyall option you speak of? [07:43] and then I don't know what to do next. [07:43] n17as: The kdestatus wiki-page claims kdepim is stalled due to missing gpg-bits in main. [07:43] n17as: wait 1 min please [07:43] delltony: it should dump all the hd info it finds [07:43] wen i as what is it i mean whats the command? [07:44] delltony: I think Curaton meant you should not grep but read all the output. [07:44] hunger: you can grep, hwinfo is aware what the output is === azuzak is now known as jpedrosa [07:44] hunger; i am a newbie. i have no idea what s missing. does it mean it is not a user error? [07:44] hwinfo --reallyall > myhardwareinfo.txt [07:45] n17as: please look at this document at the end [07:45] http://www.inwords.co.za/kubuntu/inst/desktop-install.html [07:46] Curalton, ok but what exactly am i looing for in that outputted file [07:46] i see my cdrom in there [07:46] fround: thanks. [07:46] n17as: I think the kdepim package is just not installable at this point in time... at least not without additional sources. [07:47] n17as: did it work foro you? [07:47] hunger: see the doc http://www.inwords.co.za/kubuntu/inst/desktop-install.html [07:47] i think kubuntu.org.uk need to be updated as well. [07:47] Yes, but Riddle needs to do that [07:47] delltony: can you upload the file, ill have a look [07:47] froud: Yeap, I did. That is where I got the impression from;-) [07:47] delltony: or use some nopaste site [07:47] the document page hasn't been updated to reflectthe probelm. [07:47] sure [07:48] n17as: I was told by amu that the problem was fixed === froud growls at amu [07:48] froud: The kdestatus page in the wiki did claim otherwise this morning. [07:48] froud: Filename: pool/universe/g/gnupg2/gnupg-agent_1.9.15-3ubuntu4_powerpc.deb [07:49] it has't been fixed yet as i have the problem, but it is ok to know the way to overcome the problem. thanks. [07:49] it's still in universe === bekkeri [~jbergstr@vipunen.hut.fi] has left #kubuntu [] [07:51] So there is kdepim 3.4 in kubuntu live cd now? === kay [~kay@p50839E93.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:52] i have updated source list. what i have to do next? [07:52] apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [07:52] n17as: apt-get update first to get the new data === NamShub [~wasted@dsl-134-58.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:53] sorry yes you must reload [07:53] 'lo [07:53] hi [07:53] So what, my kde-i18n is messed up [07:53] Anybody have it in 3.4.0 already? === hunger does, but he is not yet using kubuntu:-) [07:54] didn't work. [07:54] i got problem after apt-get update. [07:55] and that is? [07:55] I still have my problem of losing my net connection after 5-6 minutes (from boot). I have no clue how to bring it back so I would love help :) [07:55] n17as: we need to know more about the problems in order to help [07:55] package.gz at amu website is not found. === froud still looks for any kubuntu apps that dont have docs [07:56] froud: kmilo [07:56] kay: url? [07:56] froud: At least I didn't find such yet [07:56] froud: of what? [07:56] kmilo [07:56] so I can read about it [07:57] I am connected to my routeur with DHCP. Everything seems to be working properly, name servers etc... but as I said after a few minutes it's just gone. ifconfig show eth0 as up and running [07:57] you asked for stuff that has no docs, froud [07:57] yes, where is the development done? [07:57] now you ask me for their URL?! [07:57] yes [07:58] kay: is this it http://www.kde.me.uk/index.php?page=kmilo [07:58] yes [07:58] ok thanks [07:58] i have just googled to [07:58] so what can i do then. === froud goes off to read [07:58] amu can you help n17as [07:58] And the bad thing is, it breaks my laptop [07:59] NamShub: What kind of router is it? [07:59] kay: Linksys WRT45G [08:00] kay: but im connected with wires :) [08:00] NamShub: And you are on Wireless or on Ethernet [08:00] ah, i see... strange [08:00] but my gentoo connection, and my win XP connection, and Knoppix -- they all have no rpoblems [08:00] I had that one and it worked fine.... what kind of ethernet driver are you using [08:00] only kubuntu [08:00] Nvidia's drivers [08:01] for onboard ethernet? [08:01] yes, nforce3 [08:02] I am writing from gentoo, on that same machine, and it works great... [08:02] Do you have ifplugd installed on Kubuntu? [08:03] i give up for now. [08:03] Otherwise, once up... I guess I never saw a network stop to work [08:03] n17as: hm msorry didnt follow what was the problem? [08:03] because of kernel or so [08:03] ifplugd? Ill check [08:03] amu: i got kpim problem. [08:04] kay: this is the standard, fresh install -- i didnt do anything yet but turn on antialiasing :P [08:04] NamShub: It could bring down interfaces that appear somehow down [08:04] i have already install kdebase, and add deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~amu/deb ./ to source list. [08:04] amu: after i apt-update i got the problem like this. [08:05] NamShub: The network stuff is kernel land, I admit, I never used a Ubuntu kernel so far [08:05] Failed to fetch http://people.ubuntu.com/~amu/deb/./Packages.gz 404 Not Found [08:05] NamShub: Except for ifplugd, ah... hm... resolver, i don't no what failed [08:05] n17as: http://people.ubuntu.com/~amu/deb isnt any more valid, kdepim is now in archive [08:05] n17as: don't use those, use normal Ubuntu [08:06] n17as: Remove them, they are outdated and confusing your apt [08:06] n17as: just remove that line from your sources.list [08:06] ok [08:06] ok ill try to shut that down. I assume its a daemon can just shut down..? [08:06] NamShub: you can do dpkg-reconfigure ifplugd and tell it to stay away from it [08:07] amu: done [08:07] ok [08:07] thanks [08:07] apt-get update is finished. [08:07] gonna try this now :)\ [08:07] gl [08:07] brb, hopefully from kubuntu :D [08:07] apt-get install kubuntu-desktop return with kdepim problem. [08:07] n17as: you should add also universe from now into your sources.list [08:08] s/from/for [08:08] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main multiverse restricted universe === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] n17as: make sure you have that as the only line in your sources.list and you have everything possible === edulix [~edulix@] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] ok [08:09] what's the best gui for torrent/kde since qtorrent doesn't work with new python after todays update? [08:10] froud: what about kmilo? === _P_ [~princoscr@host-84-220-134-33.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === carambol [~Internet@c117065.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:11] kay: talking to kde-doc team and trying to raise Riddell [08:12] kay: do i have to delete all others source list? [08:15] pheewwww, it is working. thank you all so much. [08:17] now i am downloading Kubunto, and it is time to relax. Thanks. === NamShubWin [~hey@dsl-134-58.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu [08:17] :( [08:17] perhaps a better question is how do I get konqueror to regognize the .torrent file and use the kfile plugin that's included with kde? [08:18] ifupd isnt running === buz_ [~buz@217-162-131-144.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === buz_ [~buz@217-162-131-144.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [08:24] ok ill try dpkg-reconfigure -a... we'll see hehe === buz [~buz@217-162-131-144.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [08:35] does anybody have libegroupwarewizard.so ? it's not included in current kdepim and i'd like to test egroupwarewizard === jcdenton [~david@222.Red-80-38-87.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] hi! [08:38] I like azureus myself for bittorrent [08:38] Ok I just did a smart upgrade via Synaptic and now KPanel is borked. I only have desktop and help applets on the Kicker. Anyone else got this [08:39] anyone know how to fix it? === gdh [~gdh@80-192-144-33.cable.ubr06.wi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:40] Just a quickie- are there any plans to include SynCE in Kubuntu for Pocket PC synchronisation? [08:40] KPilot's all very well, but ain't much use for the loads of PPC devices out there :) [08:40] froud: heh, had the same, just killed ~/.kde for it, ugly :( [08:41] froud: you can only fix it by hand unless you have backups... [08:41] Curalton: ok [08:41] buz: search on packages.debian.org maybe for the file [08:41] buz: its a lab box so I can trash it all I want :-) [08:42] well it trashed my workstation [08:42] didn't think it so funny, really [08:42] gdh: synce is in universe i think [08:43] buz: er, how do I get to that? :) I'm a long-time Debian user, but K/ubuntu is very new to me :) [08:43] mhh add the universe repository to the apt sources [08:43] Is it doable from all in Kynaptic or is sources.list need editing... am trying to use this system as a Windows user would - i.e. everything has to be clicky-clicky... [08:43] synaptic can do it from the gui [08:44] kynaptic i don't think so [08:44] (kynaptic is pure shite anyway) [08:44] Yeh, kynaptic still seems rather early.... [08:44] haha :) [08:44] maybe kpackage could do it [08:44] that's still better than kynaptic in any case [08:44] OK will check that out,thanks... [08:45] buz: kynaptic is still in early devel [08:45] i now [08:45] Next question then =) Are all of the media players incapable of playing directly from a KIOSlave? I just browsed to smb://myserver/mp3/blahhh.mp3 and nothing played... I had to copy the file locally.. [08:45] it should better not be shipped [08:45] surely that can't be intentional? [08:46] usually I'd mount my samba shares from fstab so non-KDE apps can see them.. but this seems to defeat the point of KIOSlaves. === NamShub [~wasted@dsl-134-58.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu [08:54] gdh: ive been wondering about that myself [08:54] it's probably because most players use external engines for play... [08:55] buz: I was hoping it was just a teething problem that'd be sorted before release on Apr 6th [08:55] but it seems a bit more fundamental than that :/ [08:55] its a pretty fundamental problem :-) [08:55] Doh :) [08:57] altho MAYBE kaffeine can do it [08:57] i didn't try yet as my fileserver is down, some weird hardware problem [08:58] Nop, none of kaffeine, juk or amarok will do it.. and worse than that there's no error .. just nothing... === BROKEN_LADDER [~BROKEN@h-69-3-238-216.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #KUBUNTU [08:59] thats pretty embarassing indeed [08:59] i understand why kmplayer has that problem but as for the others, it's deeply embarassing [09:00] is there a way to extract individual files from a deb? [09:00] dpkg-deb -x will give you the whole deb unpacked [09:01] you can probably supply a regex to that for a file [09:01] just extracting it will do [09:01] i just don't want to install it === downclimb [~johnson@host-69-145-229-49.cac-co.client.bresnan.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:10] Cool, SynCE works, and not a compiler in sight :) [09:11] nice, now ksyncml wouldnt hurt ;-) [09:11] hah, that was the next question ;) [09:12] i can't find that one anywhere ;-) [09:12] and still no working libegroupwarewizard.so found [09:12] debian unstable only has 3.3 [09:12] Do you really have to run synce-serial-start as root? would it make sense to have that as an automatic action when the ipaq module sees a valid connection? [09:13] no idea, really === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust7389.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has left #kubuntu [] [09:13] cool :) [09:13] if it needs access to the serial port, it probably needs root yeah [09:13] or kplayer? [09:13] carambol: It doesn't bother me, I can easily work around it... I'm thinking really of how shoddy it makes Kubuntu look :) [09:14] cf. Windows .. happily browse any \\servername\share and drag files to Winamp, etc. [09:14] i think it's a KDE problem actually [09:14] iam using mplayerk6 an kplayer === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] mpf === _sefokuma [~sefokuma@228.Red-81-44-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] here i am wanting to try kontact and first thing i try doesn't work because of a missing lib === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:42] am i begging for trouble if i use alien? === edulix [~edulix@] has joined #kubuntu [09:46] I'd say so :) [09:47] At best you'll get loads of unmatched symbol errors. [09:49] that's it yeah [09:49] buhuhu where can i find libegroupwarewizard.so for kde [09:49] the thing that pisses me off most is the .exe installers used by MS activesync apps .. [09:50] and 95% of apps aren't available as a .cab [09:50] i wouldn't touch activesync anyway [09:50] once upon a time i bought a pocketpc 2000 pda [09:50] worst money i ever spent [09:50] If you have a need to get software onto a PPC device, you've not much choice :( === ronny-- [~Ronny@dialin-145-254-240-042.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] best thing to do with ppc device is to install qtopia [09:53] I have to say I'm really impressed with this one.. winmobile 2003 thing... beats the shit out of Palm :) [09:53] that's because palm is shit === pv [~pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has left #kubuntu [] [09:53] actually, p9X0 series from sony is probably the best pda out there. small and good phone [09:53] WTF even wants to carry a big pda AND a phone [09:54] This thing is one of the HTC phone/PDA things, so it does everything :) [09:54] i wont ever buy a windows phone [09:55] Just add a 1G card and I have an iPod Mini, a phone and a PDA - the windows bit is fairly irrelevant. [09:55] i finally got rid of windows just to buy a MS phone? [09:55] you can do the same with the symbian devices [09:55] give the alternative at work was a blackberry... :) [09:55] and they are smaller [09:55] i never quite understoof why anyone would use blackberry stuff [09:55] this is a futile bickering session - I'll stop now because we both know we're right :) [09:56] too true === kay [~kay@p5083846F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === aaa_ [~user@d81-211-255-198.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu === BamaJank [~BamaJank@] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] New to kubuntu, how can I access the floppy drive? It isn't mounted under mnt, I was able to mount it in /dev as fd0 === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-39.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] BamaJank: are you using the preview? [10:31] Yes Kay [10:31] installed i386 [10:31] BamaJank: I think it is a known problem that automatic mountin under /media does not work [10:31] I don't know if it would include floppy though, don't own one anymore [10:32] I suggest, you apt-get update; apt-get upgrade [10:32] Doing that now Kay thanks [10:32] Should give you pmount package and fixes for automatic mounts [10:32] was switching over from PCLOS and had some exports on a floppy [10:32] I don't recommend doing that at the mo; some of the packages seem to have problems at the moment. [10:32] Problems with saving KDE settings. Go ahead though, if you don't mind just re-adding some of your previous settings. Nothing critical has been reported. [10:32] true... kde-i18n is broken here [10:33] eh, false then, my german language KDE is all English now [10:33] I had no previous settings of my own apokryphos, this was just installed [10:34] I had to read applets on kicker, it was empty after friday update [10:34] BamaJank: Ok. Half the things are gone then; you'll likely only have to reconfigure kicker, but we'll get to that problem when (if) it comes. Will take about one minute to solve, so no problem. ;) [10:34] LOL alright, what will happen to the kicker? :-) [10:34] apokryphos: And the languages issue, nobody but me report that? [10:34] I haven't noticed it; one sec, lemme check. [10:35] BamaJank: just the clock will likely disappear, one or two things like that. Easily addable. [10:35] the window list also [10:35] Oh no problem then [10:36] Shouldn't be an issue, I can manage that...is the kernel source available? I would like to install the Nvidia drivers... [10:36] apokryphos, hi [10:36] I can't check myself since I am in the middle of updating [10:37] apt-cache works always and as user too [10:37] ztonzy: hi there :) [10:38] kay: which package did you say was broken, exactly? [10:38] hey hey [10:38] good today? [10:38] apokryphos: i had kde-i18n-de and kde-i18n-ru on 2 machines here [10:38] apokryphos: today they got an update to 3.4.0 ... finally [10:39] apokryphos: Only that now in kcontrol i only see English as a language and all text is English [10:39] apokryphos: Not a big issue for me, but my Russian user is going to kill me tomorrow :p [10:39] LOL [10:39] apokryphos, yes..except for pollen season - headache === yuxel` [~opera@] has joined #kubuntu [10:40] kay: Hm, yeah, no installation candidate. Hopefully they'll sort that soon. :) [10:41] ztonzy: ah, hayfever? [10:42] apokryphos: oh... you mean they are removed from archive? === BROKEN_LADDER [~BROKEN@h-69-3-238-216.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has left #KUBUNTU ["MI] [10:43] apokryphos, yah,,,or birch, and some other too === pjw [~pjw@c44-29.icpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === difekta [~DIFEKTA@h-69-3-238-216.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #KUBUNTU === kay [~kay@p5083846F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] <_P_> someone has problem running xmms? [10:46] <_P_> i have this error [10:46] <_P_> Message: fmt 5, channels: 2 [10:47] <_P_> Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) [10:47] <_P_> serial 221 error_code 8 request_code 2 minor_code 0 [10:47] <_P_> [10:47] Well, try amarok? [10:48] or beep-media-player ? === usual [~colin@cpe-24-194-193-27.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === billytwowilly [~chris@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:48] did things like /exec amarok in konversation stop working with the latest kde updates [10:48] <_P_> amarok works [10:48] <_P_> is a xmms problem [10:48] <_P_> and gdk 1 i think problem [10:49] usual: hm, not working here for me (used to). [10:49] shrug, this Kubuntu channel, you know? [10:49] apokryphos: yeah, it sucks [10:49] wonder what broke [10:49] usual: quite a few things ;) [10:49] I am trying to be helpful, but why should Kubuntu be concerned with GDK 1? [10:49] apokryphos: the latest updates changed a ton of shit [10:50] usual: Hopefully they'll be resolved soon :) [10:50] yeah [10:51] k3b was just updated [10:51] was it broken before? [10:52] not that I know of [10:52] but I think this is the latest version [10:52] 0.11.23 [10:52] its really cool stuff, k3b [10:53] yeah [10:53] i havn't tried nero for linux yet [10:53] but k3b is sweet [10:53] it has received terrible reviews, the nero [10:55] i bet [10:55] looks like gtk1 [10:56] It is... [10:56] that is the most surprising about it === vinsee [~vinse@adsl-67-123-246-82.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === vinsee [~vinse@adsl-67-123-246-82.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #kubuntu [] [11:02] Hi all === motaboy [~motaboy@host212-36.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:03] Why does the kubuntu use the openoffice? The koffice is nativer than the openoffice :/ [11:04] what do you think? [11:04] OpenOffice reads/writes MS Office docs better. [11:04] probably a usability decision than KDE loyalty [11:04] KOffice has a long way to go yet. [11:05] It's just a shame OO.org takes so long to start up. [11:05] reminds me of Netscape on a 4MB windows 3.1 PC. [11:14] gdh: a tip: install prelink and then dpkg-reconfigure openoffice.org and turn prelinking on [11:16] haggai: Sounds interesting.. what does that do? leaves a copy in RAM before you actually run it? [11:17] gdh: no, it writes the results of the linking process into the binary so that can be reused on subsequent reloads [11:17] that's clever :) [11:17] Is that likely to mess up if, e.g. some of the depend libs underneath get upgraded? === froud is now known as froud-away [11:18] yes, you have to redo the prelinking (run sudo ooprelink) if the dependent libs change [11:18] but it just goes back to the slower behaviour, it doesn't actually break [11:19] the big downside is that it changes the binaries themselves so integrity tests eg md5sums for the package no longer work. That;s why it's not enabled by default [11:21] K, well that worked, but I don't notice any speed increase - ho hum :D [11:21] it increases the cold start speed [11:21] OK I'll watch out for that next reboot - cheers for the info :) [11:21] no probs [11:21] will be sure to apply that to our call centre next week === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu === paa [~chatzilla@an48.netikka.fi] has joined #kubuntu === swilry [~swirly@tonkin-6-82-227-195-117.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === vinsee [~vinse@adsl-67-123-246-82.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === vinsee [~vinse@adsl-67-123-246-82.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #kubuntu [] === RexM [~TurdBurgl@rexm.supporter.poipu] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:29] Hello [11:29] swilry: Hi :) [11:29] Maybe someone could help me solve a problem [11:29] Lo [11:30] we can try... [11:30] I've installed kubuntu, works great [11:30] kde 3.4 is good, and I installed kde-i18n-fr (I'm french) === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #kubuntu [] [11:30] but after restart, the french langugage disappeared [11:30] even a apt-get install --reinstall kde-i18n-fr doesn't do anything [11:31] the fr lang is no more in control center [11:31] Of course, I can read english, but... you know... [11:31] same here with *-de... [11:31] Sorry, I only know English, mais, un peu de Francais... certainly not enough to converse with =) [11:32] oh, spanish also went away (my girlfriend speak spanish) [11:32] is the locale part broken? [11:33] there's a lot broken it seems - hopefully fingers are busy typing in time for the release on Apr 6 :) [11:34] ohoho, got a clue... [11:34] i looked up the size of the i18n-deb... about 7k seems rather little... ;) [11:34] dpkg -L kde-i18n-fr gives a great empty thing [11:35] no more than 10 lines [11:35] :( [11:36] 7000 B total! [11:37] i suppose the best thing to do is to wait for the next package update... [11:37] th 3.3.3 version is 16M big :( [11:37] ok, I will downgrade to i18n-fr for 3.3.3 till then ;) [11:37] thanks a lot [11:37] yes, maybe something went wrong with packing oder uploading the .deb [11:38] Should I file a bug or something? [11:38] Or just wait? === Pointwood [~Pointwood@] has joined #kubuntu [11:39] hm, i think this 'bug' is too obvious for bug-reporting... === mackito [~mackito@185.Red-83-35-106.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:40] ok, thank you and nice easter === swilry [~swirly@tonkin-6-82-227-195-117.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [11:45] hi, sorry i've a little problem, i need to mount my windows partition (/dev/hda1), but if i try with a user account it says that only root can do that, so i've tryed with root but i cannot access to this partition with konqueror... only trougth the terminal by comansd [11:45] some body know how to access to this partition trougth konqueror? [11:45] mackito: try adding "-o YourUserName" to the mount command [11:46] okis [11:46] sorry, me stupid [11:46] no? [11:46] -o uid=YourUserName [11:46] ok [11:46] thank you i'm going to try [11:46] if you only need to manage files, you can just open smb://servername/sharename in Konq directly [11:53] hi [11:54] where do I change animated min/max [11:56] I just prelinked firefox - didn't seem to help a lot. [11:57] thank you gdh, it works :)