
schweebyea, shit on apt-get.org is far from passing anything12:01
ograbut we cant apply it to the apt-get.org pkgs....12:02
ograthats what makes me worried...12:02
hervethat's what is unfair12:02
dholbacheveryone: ping  re: motu report -- please /query me a line or two about what you did and liked in the last month of motu work, kthxbye, love daniel12:02
hervethose packages bypass quality requirements12:02
ograyou can put a package with a huge backdoor on apt-get.org.....and then access all the ubuntu systems using it12:02
ogradholbach, tonight ?12:03
dholbachi will now ping each and every hour12:03
ograhow many hours ?12:03
dholbachto make sure you don't feel left out afterwards12:03
dholbachuntil april, 1st12:04
tritiumI'll be back later, and I'll start working on it, dholbach.12:04
dholbachthat's when the report is due12:04
dholbachtritium: bye michael... working on what? linitian?12:04
ograso tomorrow is enough...12:04
tritiumdholbach, motu report info for you12:04
dholbachtritium: thanks a lot12:04
dholbachtritium: just one or two lines12:05
tritiumsure, no problem :)12:05
tritiumsee you all soon.12:05
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schweebdammit, burned my food :-/12:11
ogradholbach, http://kitenet.net/~joey/debian/unstable/12:12
ogradholbach, fun12:12
ograKamion will love it...12:12
hervelet me guess...12:12
herveimporting apt-get.org also was Colin's idea?12:13
ograthere is also a experimental ....12:13
ograluckily its empty currently12:13
janiherve, no I think sabdlf wants as many packages in ubuntu as possible12:14
janibut we're too few to review them all12:14
hervejani, I know ;-)12:14
schweebI think importing a few key packages of interest is a really good idea... after review... everything? no12:15
schweebjust feels wrong12:15
herveI asked for either users or those maintainers ask for the inclusion of such packages12:16
janiyes there should have been a voting or something going on on users list and get in what is demanded12:16
janinot every deb12:16
herveas ogra said, the motu all agree :-)12:19
janievening all12:20
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ograschweeb, sabdfls idea was that no user has to touch the sources.list, which is a really ingenious idea....but still...12:21
schweebogra: don't they have to go into the apt sources configurator to even get universe?12:22
dholbachschweeb: yes12:23
ograschweeb, yop12:23
herveI think synaptic has a checkbox12:23
hervebut it's12:23
herveit's consired to be the advanced user tool12:23
schweebadd another section in the repos then... "not-looked-at-by-motus-imported-from-apt-get.org"12:24
herveI suggest "dont-even-whin-on-ubuntu-users" :-)12:24
herve3 level user support ;-)12:25
schweebyou've got supported, supported by MOTU, and "piss off"12:25
herve"cry to your mother" to stay polite!12:26
hervetomorrow I'll work on other thing12:27
hervethose python transition are really pissing me off12:27
ograherve, any idea about burn ? there is a weird message on ubuntu-users12:31
ograits not on the transition list and installs fine on my amd6412:32
herve"error installing burn on hoary" ?12:32
ograbut py2.3 is available...so it should get sucked in by the deps12:33
herveI'm working on it :-)12:33
herve"tar: burn/docs: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 01:00:00"12:35
hervei'm always impressed by those DD who used dh_make but but that's pretty all...12:41
ograbe happy they didnt use debmake ...12:42
herveI'm seriously wondering which priority to give to a bug against python-iconvcodec12:43
ogralow ?12:43
herveit seems maintain by dh_make itself, not a human being12:43
ogravery_extra_low ?12:44
ograbelow_ground ?12:44
herveI thought QA bugs would be serious12:44
herveburn is nice too12:45
herve"I use `pwd` because I don't know about $(CURDIR)12:45
herveI have burn ready to upload12:49
herveI would have been usefull today finally12:50
ograherve, youre always useful :)12:50
ogranot only today12:50
herveyou kidding12:51
herveI broke sip4 and packages depending on it12:51
hervewhich means qt and kde python bindinds12:51
ograand ?12:51
herveyes I know12:51
hervewho cares about kde :-)12:51
=== ogra has drunken nearly a bottle merlot
herveI'm desperately waiting on the DD to continue his work on new upstreams of those packages12:52
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=== herve gives the high five to tritium
=== tritium smiles at herve :)
schweebogra: heh, I should start in on this fifth of rum I have next to me ;)12:54
hervewhat? I said it wrong? :-)12:54
hervemerlot? phew...12:54
ograschweeb, prost :)12:54
herveI've got whisky and champagne here ;-)12:54
=== dholbach 'd rather like cookies
hervecan do12:55
herveI'm still thinking how to send them in Germany...12:55
schweebwhen I'm not typing, I'm drinking :)12:55
herve(add "about" where appropriate)12:56
schweebherve: in a big, ticking box that says "not a bomb" on it12:56
herveand "fragile" too :-)12:56
dholbachwow, siretart had just fixed 3 packages12:56
hervedholbach, you'd prefer coconut or chocolate ones?12:57
herveor both!12:57
dholbachyeah both! :-)12:57
herveI think I'll start a business and sell them on open markets ;-)12:58
herveI buy home-made jam that way12:58
hervesoooooo good12:58
dholbachherve: my mum provides me with it :-)12:59
herveyou lucky12:59
schweebhow old are you, dholbach12:59
dholbachherve: i tell her to send you a package :-)12:59
dholbachschweeb: 2601:00
tritiumnever too old for cookies :)01:00
herveI have to provide mine with this jam from grenoble :-)01:00
herveyeah, sending a jar should be easier01:00
schweebjust send some vacuum packed cookes to him, heh01:01
dholbachherve: i wouldnt start a package with ONE jar - give me your adress and i'll see what i can do ;-)01:01
herveit's too late if you were not serious ;-)01:02
dholbachok somebody give me an easy package to fix01:15
dholbachi need more of a success feeling before i go to bed01:16
herve"python-iconvcoded: unmaintained crap, fire that maintainer"01:16
hervehmm... too aggressive I guess :-)01:16
hervedholbach, whoops01:16
herveI should have left you "burn"01:16
herveor you can pretend I haven't done anything and fix it yourself01:17
=== schweeb hasn't had the energy to fix anything yet
hervein how many hou^Wdays you want to go to bed?01:18
hervebecause you could fix gcompris :-p01:19
dholbachwow... autogen needs assembler01:20
hervedholbach, I suggest you look at pidentd01:22
hervebut this means asking lamont to kick it, roughly :-)01:22
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herveare ia64 fixes really important if this arch is not official?01:25
dholbachlamont: scummvm build was cracked up by pkgstriptranslations on i38601:27
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dholbachlamont: nevermind... you already gave it back01:29
hervewhy are kdebase and kdeaddons on the list?01:29
hervethey're in main now01:29
schweebput a note by em, irssi-text is in there too...01:30
dholbachherve: it's all my fault01:30
ograirssi is fixed01:30
hervedholbach, ho no, don't say that01:30
ograuploaded yesterday01:30
dholbachherve: messed up the lists01:30
schweebogra: what was the prob with irssi?01:31
ograia64 bug01:31
dholbachlamont: why have all of the builds powerpc-givenback?01:31
herveand anything related to mrproject should be dropped NOW01:32
dholbachgives me the feeling something wasnt right01:32
herveI guess it's not our concern either?01:34
dholbachalright... looking after kmerlin01:34
dholbachbroken kde stuff should be referred to as Krack, right? ;-)01:35
schweeb*cough* krap *cough*01:35
hervenautilus-media should be dropped too01:35
dholbachherve: mailed elmo about it01:35
hervewho cares...01:36
dholbachchuck out01:36
schweebwhat should we do with these packages that need things like kernel-source-2.4.26 and such (user-mode-linux)01:37
dholbachtell #u-kernel01:37
dholbachzul wanted to have a look at those01:37
schweebjust inform them about any package that requires a kernel-source package?01:38
dholbachany kernel crack01:39
herveI wonder how many times you said "crack" today -:)01:40
tritiumbe back later01:40
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dholbachtoo often01:40
schweebI could grep logs :P01:41
=== schweeb has like 200MB of IRC logs from various networks/channels
hervem2crypto in the archive \o/01:41
herveI can go to sleep with the mind in peace :-)01:44
hervegood night all01:44
dholbachi'm about to go to bed too01:48
dholbachkmerlin seems to build just fine :-)01:48
=== ogra watches battlestar galactica before bed...and probably im juli afterwards
dholbach"IM JULI"01:49
=== dholbach takes murphy for the last walk tonight
schweebogra: best scifi show ever01:51
ograschweeb, its the film :)01:52
schweebminiseries then ;)01:52
schweeball the same to me, it's all good01:53
schweebwhen season 2's out I'll be much happier :)01:55
dholbachkmerlin fixed and uploaded03:02
dholbachhave a good night everyone03:02
crimsunnight dholbach03:03
dholbachif tritium turns up again: tell him to look if those libs are really needed (i doubt it) and he should look how mlview handles it in debian/rules03:03
dholbachbye daniel03:03
ogranight dholbach03:04
dholbachbye oliver03:04
schweebw00t, elmo put gsf-sharp through03:05
crimsunevening ogra, schweeb03:06
ograhi crimsun03:06
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crimsunRiddell: ping06:14
crimsundts in #ubuntu is having problems upgrading python-kde3 (due to it not having been rebuilt for python2.4)06:18
crimsunif it's ok, I'll go ahead and do the transition, but I need to check with the kubuntu folks first, I presume06:19
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crimsunmorning, tritium07:26
tritiummorning, crimsun.  How are you07:26
crimsunnot too bad, listening to Kenny Garrett (Standard of Language) and getting ready to do more pike work.  Yourself?07:27
tritiumI'm fine, thanks.  Going to read some papers and perhaps try to pick something off the priority list and see if I can do anything with it ;)07:28
tritiumI recorded my wife singing, and she's having a blast with audacity now :)07:31
crimsungreat :)07:32
tritiumIt's fun seeing her pick up linux so well.  She uses it full time now.07:33
=== schweeb plans on converting the parents
tritiumhey schweeb :)07:34
schweebwhat up tritium07:34
tritiumnot much.  you?07:34
schweebthinkin about fixin libgdiplus and user-mode-linux07:35
schweebalthough I either gotta get the kernel guys to pkg 2.4.26's source, or I gotta upgrade u-m-l's version07:37
crimsunit'll be easier to simply upgrade it in Breezy07:37
crimsunfor Hoary, perhaps bandaid it so it builds07:38
Burgundaviajust looking at torcs07:38
schweebbandaiding it so it builds needs kernel-source :)07:38
Burgundaviait builds on ia6407:38
Burgundaviabut nothing else07:38
schweebso I gotta bump it to .2707:38
schweebin Breezy, I'll upload a 2.6 kernel07:39
schweebas I use u-m-l a decent bit07:39
crimsunschweeb: rather, have it check for _a_ kernel source, not kernel-source-foo07:40
schweeber, it's rather version sensitive07:41
crimsunoh, which version of u-m-l?07:41
schweebit patches the kernel, then builds from the uml arch07:41
crimsunright, make arch=um07:41
schweebin universe right now it's 2.4.2607:42
schweebno 2.4.26 source... got .25 and .2707:42
crimsunhmm, uml is in 2.6, though.07:42
schweebstill needs patches07:42
schweebjust smaller ones :)07:42
crimsunthat way insanity lies07:43
schweebI'm IRCing from a UML right now07:43
crimsunyeah, I used uml a bit a while ago07:43
schweebalthough, I could harass mdz about it, it is his package :)07:44
crimsuntrue :)07:45
schweebI'd have to fix kernel-patch-uml too07:50
tritiumcrimsun, feel like helping ells with his sound problem :D ?07:51
schweebalthough I could hack it to work w/o it :)07:51
crimsuntritium: lemme read scrollback07:52
tritiumcrimsun, thanks07:52
tritiumogra, you up?08:54
tritiumlamont, can you get ops in #ubuntu (if you're up)?08:54
Burgundaviawe got any aussie admins?08:55
Burgundaviathose are the people that would be up08:55
Burgundavialike jdub08:55
tritiumI tried ogra and lamont08:56
tritiumI see you tried jdub in -devel08:56
Burgundaviait is 6am in europe08:56
Burgundaviaon Sunda08:57
lamontsorry - sup?08:57
Lathiat3pm/5pm in aussie so someone might be kicking around08:57
Lathiatdaniels perhaps08:57
tritiumlamont, we have a racist situation in #ubuntu08:57
Lathiattalk to an oper perhaps08:57
lamontwho needs kick-banned?08:57
tritiumit has gotten rather offensive at times08:57
Lathiatoh lamont is around08:57
tritiumlamont, it's all in the logs if you need to see.  Also, Burgundavia has some logs of his own08:59
lamontsaw enough scrollback08:59
lamontso does that deal with it?08:59
crimsunhe'll probably be back :/08:59
BurgundaviaI have emailed mako09:00
Burgundaviawith gpg signed logs09:00
tritiumI'm glad the issue of ops has already come up in the CC meetings09:00
tritiumThanks for handling that lamont09:01
Burgundaviaadded thanks lamont09:01
tritiumBurgundavia, crimsun, lamont:  have a good night.  See you tomorrow.09:14
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dholbachgooood morning10:10
siretartmorning dholbach10:11
crimsunmorning, dholbach10:11
siretartyeah! my first package has been ACCEPTED in debian! :)10:11
dholbachgrats! :-)10:11
dholbachhey you two10:11
siretartit's still in incoming, but has already been build for 5 architectures (not counting amd64 and i386) - buildds rock!10:13
crimsunindeed they do10:13
dholbachwhich one is it?10:13
siretartits pong210:14
dholbachoh cool10:15
dholbachwe'll have it, when breezy opens10:15
siretartits a nice small game, classical pong in 3d (opengl). A friend of mine has done it as homework for a course, and started a project on berlios for it10:15
dholbachi packaged a friends tool too10:16
dholbachfelt obliged to ;-)10:16
dholbachwoah... these kind of games make me dizzy ;-)10:17
siretartdefinitly :)10:17
dholbachanyway... as soon as we have it, i'll give it a spin10:17
dholbachLathiat: :   #   .   ..   HOW-TO-GET-INVOLVED.txt10:18
Lathiatdholbach: :)10:18
crimsunare we supposed to be able to create accounts on malone?11:02
dholbacherm... i have one for ages... should be the one you use with the wiki11:03
crimsunno wonder, I use a different email for that one  O:-)11:04
dholbachyou can merge accounts on malone as well11:04
crimsunah.  Thanks!  :)11:05
dholbachi went through that procedure already ;-)11:06
dholbachis malone slow for you as well?11:06
dholbachi wonder if it's my connection11:07
crimsunit's not noticeably sluggish, no11:07
dholbachah ok11:07
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hervemor... afternoon!02:21
crimsun(guh, need sleep)02:21
dholbachhey herve!02:21
dholbachcrimsun: good night then :-)02:22
crimsun'ni :)02:22
ogranight crimsun02:24
crimsunnight ogra :)02:25
ogragood work in #ubuntu ;)02:26
HostingGeekcrimsun: you do not need sleep02:40
HostingGeekcrimsun: i NEED sleep02:40
HostingGeekcrimsun: paste 3 days partying only 4hrs sleep02:40
HostingGeekcrimsun: feet totaly swallowen02:40
hervedholbach, did you poke elmo about sip-qt3 new binary packages?02:42
hervethey just magically appear in the archive02:42
dholbachwow wiki/AptGetOrg nearly finished02:44
dholbachi guess i'll be able to write to the list tonight02:44
hervecrimsun, ping02:45
=== ogra_ [~ogra@p5089E3FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
herveer... he meant it when he said good night? :-)02:47
dholbachpals... i'm off02:52
dholbachsee you later tonight02:52
tsengdholbach: gift-fasttrack reverses kazaa/sharman's network02:53
tsengdholbach: which they arent big fans of.02:53
dholbachtseng: erm?02:53
dholbachtseng: what do you refer to?02:53
tsengim looking at your list02:53
dholbachcomment on it, please02:53
tsengill move it to "legal"02:53
dholbachthanks for that02:53
dholbachi didnt have the time to review and heavily rely on everyone's input02:54
hervewe'll be there :-)02:54
dholbachtseng: thanks for the "heads up"02:55
dholbachhave a nice day everyone02:58
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dholbachneed to catch the train02:58
HostingGeekAmaranth: what happened with your menu editor?03:12
AmaranthHostingGeek: Bugs in pyxdg have halted development.03:14
AmaranthI have an 0.5 practically ready to go but pyxdg doesn't show user created menus.03:14
HostingGeekAmaranth: you said it was fixed :|03:15
Amaranthdifferent bug03:15
HostingGeekAmaranth: why can't you patch pyxdg...?03:15
Amarantheven if i figured it out it wouldn't get into hoary03:15
HostingGeekAmaranth: you got more than 1 WEEK!03:16
Amaranthand other things to do03:16
Amaranthpymusique is taking up a lot of my time03:16
HostingGeekAmaranth: but this is a MENU EDITOR!03:17
Amaranthnot even in the same category as pymusique, sorry03:18
tsengHostingGeek: I've told you nearly a half dozen times, no caps03:18
tsengyou need to stop being obnoxious or you are out.03:18
ograAmaranth, i looked at your package yesterday, we prefe not to have native packages (debian dir in the tar.gz)03:18
HostingGeektseng: but.... its a menu editor!03:18
ograprefer even03:18
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o tseng] by ChanServ
Amaranthogra: I could have sworn my latest package fixed that.03:18
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+q HostingGeek!*@*] by tseng
tsengtimeout chair.03:19
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o tseng] by tseng
ograAmaranth, i didnt see a diff.gz in the dir...03:19
Amaranthdiff.gz would have the debian dir?03:19
ograAmaranth, the clean way is to have the source stuff in the .orig.gz and the debian specific stuff in the diff.gz, yes03:20
Amaranthi tried taht03:20
Amarantherr, that03:20
Amaranthi followed the guides and everything03:20
Amaranthi got an orig.tar.gz and a package03:20
tsengftp://ftp.duckcorp.org/myserver/ - can anyone get here?03:20
tsengim going to mark it as dead03:20
ogratseng, nope, its dead03:20
Amaranthi can03:20
tsengAmaranth: yeah?03:21
ograi tried several times already....it always timed out for me03:21
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o tseng] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-q HostingGeek!*@*] by tseng
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o tseng] by tseng
StoneTableI'm trying to fix some stuff on the priority list (new guy).  Should I add what I change to the changelog of the package I fix?03:21
Amaranthtry ?03:21
Amaranthi've just gotten it twice03:21
HostingGeektseng: i can reach it03:21
HostingGeektseng: thanks03:21
HostingGeektseng: there is a hurd folder there....03:22
ograStoneTable, yup, and use pbuilder for building the new source package03:22
tsengStoneTable: definately. use dch -i, and change the dist to hoary, and the revision to Debian rev -Xubuntu103:22
tsengX = debian rev03:22
StoneTableyeah, I got educated on pbuilder last night :)03:23
tsengheh :(03:24
tsenganyone for http://twerner.debian.net/deb-src/ ?03:24
ogratseng, do you start from the bottom ?03:24
tsengi will save in one second just for you03:25
StoneTabledo I add it to the last changelog entry, or bump the version and add a new one?03:25
tsengogra: saved03:25
ogratseng, go ahead, i wont do it now, but start from the top later then03:25
ogra(didnt know dholbach wanted to leave, he was the top down guy ;) )03:26
tsengi was going to go through everything in unreviewed03:26
ograme too03:26
tsengjust to make sure it exists03:26
tsengok well im taking a bath03:26
tsengso hit it for 20 minutes or so :P03:26
tsengi did a bunch03:26
ogratseng, for later....pull the Packages.gz and do03:27
ografor i in `zgrep -E 'Package\:' Packages.gz | sed 's/Package\:\ //g'`; do LC_ALL=C apt-cache show $i; done | grep -E "(Package|Version)" | grep -v Standards03:27
ograthats what dholbach uses....03:27
tsengbbiab then03:27
ograStoneTable, dch -i does nearly everything for you, if you made ubuntu changes, change the distribution in the first line from unstable to hoary and append the -Xubuntu1 to the debian version as tseng said03:29
ogramake sure the mailaddress is ok...dch will tell you whats wrong on save if you made formatting mistakes03:30
StoneTableokay, cool, thanks03:31
HostingGeektseng: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetOrg LOL03:33
HostingGeektseng: i said it has a FOLDER called hurd and another one i38603:34
HostingGeektseng: plus some tarballs03:34
StoneTableoh, dch is nice03:35
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hervedch -Dhoary is better :-)03:50
ograherve, dont disclose all our secrets ;)03:58
hervedon't worry, I keep the secret options for us ;-)03:59
Amaranthhow do i make an diff.gz?04:12
ogradebuild -S04:12
Amaranthdh_make made an orig.tar.gz04:12
ograyou make the orig.tar.gz with dh_make, then move into the source tree and make your modifications in the debian dir....then run debuild -S to create the diff04:13
Amaranthit didn't make one :/04:13
ograerr, debuild -S -sa04:14
Amaranthgrr, still nothing04:16
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StoneTableokay.  I think I've done it right: http://thorin.battleaxe.net/~stone/hoary/04:39
StoneTablegotta run, but I'll be back in an hour or so04:45
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StoneTableOnce I've built a package (going through the priority list), what's the process to have someone review it?06:15
herveask it :-)06:16
StoneTableokay, could someone review my xmms-alarm-bmp1 packages? http://thorin.battleaxe.net/~stone/hoary/ :)06:16
hervehmm wait06:17
herveI think you should have move this packages to "Working on"06:19
herveso that no one else would work on it at the same time06:19
StoneTableahhh, I see that on the page now06:19
StoneTableI'll do that now06:19
herveand I added a step06:20
herve"Waiting review"06:20
herveI'll review it06:23
hervebut can't upload it06:23
StoneTableokay, cool06:24
schweebwassup stone06:24
herveI won't go further06:25
herveit shouldn't be named like this06:25
hervebut xmms-alarm-bmp1_0.3.6-0.1ubuntu1.dsc06:25
herve(er... no .dsc)06:25
StoneTablehey schweeb06:25
StoneTableokay, I'll get that fixed06:25
herveno need to add another entry to the changelog06:26
hervejust fix yours06:26
hervehey trulux !06:26
schweebStoneTable: oh yea, something I forgot to mention... when you modify a package for ubuntu, you don't generally up the main revision, you up (or add) the ubuntu revision06:27
truluxhey herve06:27
herveyeah  \o/06:27
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervehi jbailey06:33
jbaileyheya herve.06:36
tsengogra: i finished weeding out dead/obvious stuff07:41
tsengogra: everything is in "Source Repos" now for stage 2 review07:41
ograyeah, great work tseng07:48
ograyou rock ;)07:48
tsengwas nothing.07:48
tsengdholbach is the real hero07:49
=== ogra is fighting with https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8262
tseng(and will probably be doing alot of stage 2 :( )07:49
ogratseng, true07:49
tsengpoor guy doesnt know when to say no07:49
tsengor something.07:49
ograthats what i am here for ;)07:49
ograi often pull him back to the ground....07:50
ograbut sadly i'm not always available....07:50
StoneTableis there a trick to creating a patch to use with dpatch?  I can't get dpatch to apply this patch07:51
ograhe really likes to do it, but time is short....we'll have to drop a lot of tasks07:51
tsengStoneTable: indeed there is.07:51
StoneTablediff -u src/file.c src/file.c.patched07:51
ogradiff -ruN olddir newdir07:51
tsengStoneTable: http://tseng.ath.cx/log/?p=7 read this.07:51
tsenghopefully your source isnt in a half patched state atm07:52
tsengI hate when I manage that07:52
StoneTableluckily, its a tiny patch07:53
StoneTablegood to learn with07:53
tsengdpatch is great once you know the "trick"07:54
tsenghowever, if your package is already using cdbs07:54
tsengsimple-patchsys.mk lets you use regular diffs in the same manner07:54
tsengvery nice.07:54
truluxI don't get the (r) registered trademark character working with LaTeX07:55
ogravery nice description...07:55
ogradeserves a wiki page...07:55
tsengthere is a bit of one07:55
tsengthat i found after writing that07:55
tsengbut its not as comprehensive imo07:55
tsengogra: when i wrote that, someone from docs was here and asked me about doing an ubuntu development handbook in the breezy time frame07:57
tsengi dont recall the nick07:57
ograyeah, sounds like a marvelous idea07:58
StoneTablewell, hopefully I can get this figured out today, test this out, and get it reviewed07:58
herveI'd like to participate to that07:58
tsenggreat herve07:58
herveand I know dholbach would too :-)07:58
tsengbasing on the debian new maint guide seems obvious to me07:58
ograthe ubuntu MOTU book07:58
tsengbut its lacking on a few subjects07:58
tsengcdbs, dpatch usage, transitions07:59
tsengstuff that comes up daily here.07:59
hervetseng, reading you blog page... I would never have thought dpatch is so impressive08:00
tsengyeah it seemed that alot of people didnt know about it when dholbach and I started playing with it08:01
hervethe last howto I saw about dpatch08:01
hervesuggested to put the diff in 01foobar.dpatch08:01
tsengand edit the top?08:01
herveand copy/paste the sh snippet at the top of it08:02
tsengi was doing that as well08:02
hervenow I discover there's some shell inside it :-)08:02
tsengbut hey, on the same note08:02
tsengyou can actually add a custom dpatch template to debian/patches and have it use that08:02
herveI guess the result is the same08:03
StoneTablewow, tseng. dpatch-edit-patch is /really/ nice08:03
tsengyes, but "my" way is way cooler08:03
herveno hesitation :-)08:03
tsengfor an example of a template, see linux-image source08:03
tsengnot that that is terribly interesting to me08:04
tsengjust be aware that its possible.08:05
herveI like finding examples of nice packaging tips in other packages08:05
tsengim going to blog http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ after I hear back from the author08:05
tsengit seems like alot of people miss out on that as well08:05
tsengI just made a feature request for links to buildlogs08:06
hervenext step, qa.packages.ubuntu.com -:)08:06
StoneTablealright, patch works if called directly via dpatch08:09
StoneTablebut isn't applying when I run dpkg-buildpackage. I must have foobared debian/rules08:10
tsengare you including dpatch.mk?08:10
tsenginclude /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make08:10
StoneTableyep, I added that08:10
tsengdid you add the patch to 00list?08:10
herveit's a cdbs package?08:11
tsengminus the suffid.08:11
tsengherve: doesnt matter08:11
StoneTableoh, minus the suffix08:11
tsengyou can include dpatch anywhere08:11
tsengyeah cat 00list08:11
herveyes but that syntax is to be used inside cdbs?08:11
tsengits makefile syntax08:11
tsengcdbs just gives a set of prebuilt rules08:11
herveok, after phony targets, I need to learn that "include" keyword :-)08:12
StoneTableonce the file is included, I need to tell it to patch and unpatch in rules, right?08:13
tsengif you actually took all the code from various .mk's in cdbs, youd have a traditional debian/rules08:13
tsengalbeit overly large08:13
schweebStoneTable: I would assume dpatch.make takes care of that08:13
tsengits just a bit of abstraction.08:14
LathiatCan someone tell me if detachable toolbars are on in a default ubuntu install?08:14
StoneTableschweeb:  so I assumed, but it doesn't look like the patch is getting applied08:14
Lathiatto me?08:14
Lathiattseng: can you open gedit or evolution, detach the toolbar by dragging it off, then see if you can drag it back into the docked state?08:15
herveStoneTable, I remember changelog entries from DDs saying they forgot to add their new patch to 00list :-)08:15
tsengno, i cant put it back atm08:15
StoneTable$ cat 00list 01fix-alarm-c-bmp08:15
Lathiatyeh same here, so not just me and will file a bug08:15
herveLathiat, it's stuck08:15
Lathiattseng: you can get the draggers focus08:15
Lathiatand hti enter08:15
Lathiatand it will re-dock08:15
Lathiator just restart the app08:16
StoneTablepatch minus the extension, right?08:16
tsengthat looks right08:16
StoneTableokay, looks like something in my rules then.  I'll keep hacking on it08:17
StoneTablesomething with the way it's applied via rules that's different08:18
herveStoneTable, you fixed the ubuntu revision number?08:18
StoneTableherve:  yep08:18
StoneTablebut then I found something else I should be doing different, so I'm fixing that :)08:18
herveogra, I think I've got the same temperature problem as you08:24
hervewhat did you do in the end?08:24
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograherve, take my laptop off the pillow to make sure the air can circulate better08:25
ograherve, you got an amd64 ?08:26
herveno, a simple p4m08:26
hervebut I already know laptops are not to be chocked :-)08:27
ograherve, does the file /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRC/temperature exist on your system ?08:27
herves/THRC/THRM yes08:28
hervetemperature:             52 C08:28
herveI'll wait to compile python-kde :-/08:28
ograi have a little tool for my system tray, i'll upload a tgz for you, might be necessary to adjust the path a bit08:29
herveI had a tool for toshiba to force the fan on08:29
herveI don't know for dell08:30
herveyou're using gnomecanvas? ;-)08:31
ograas i said, adjust the THERM_ZONE variable in cputmp.py and just run it...08:31
herveit seems I need to install some egg.trayicon08:32
ograoops, indeed08:32
herveapt-file rocks :-)08:33
hervegulp! 55 C08:34
hervebetter go to dinner while it's cooling :-)08:35
ogramine is going over 70 from time to time...08:35
herveI don't find the point of an amd64 in a laptop, anyway ;-)08:36
hervesee you later08:36
=== pe7er [~losof@pD95EB6D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervestrange... it won't cool below 49C09:11
ograherve, mine is lowest at 4209:12
ograbut the averages is 4709:12
herveI don't expect a "little" p4 mobile cpu to heat that much09:13
herveespecially when doing nothing for a quarter of jour09:13
ograprobably you need to blow a bit cool wind into the case :-P09:14
herveI have a usb fan to plug in case ;-)09:14
herveI removed the media base to see09:14
StoneTableokay. xmms-alarm-bmp1 should probably be put into the morgue.  It depends on beep-media-player <  0.9.7 is in hoary, and it does not work with either xmms or bmp in hoary (makes xmms segfault, bmp doesn't even recognize it)09:26
StoneTableshould I put that in MorgueProposal?09:27
ograStoneTable, ok, then put it on the MorgueCandidates list :) thanks for investigating :)09:27
StoneTableokay, np. On to the next one09:28
ograyeah :)09:28
=== rubenv [~lambda1@83-134-128-94.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervelet's get rid of those unmaintained crack ;-)09:29
=== pe7er [~losof@pD9E2D311.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograand pull in other unmaintained crack from apt-get09:29
herveyeah! and python-kde too! it's incompatible with latest libraries!09:30
ogrago on :)09:30
herveyeah! enthusiasm!09:30
herveit can't seem to go below 42C. I guess I can't expect more09:46
herveI can't compile C++ code09:49
herveit heats the laptop like hell :-)09:50
=== dholbach [~daniel@td90919a0.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
herveyo Daniel!09:53
dholbachtseng: thanks for your mail09:53
dholbachhey herve09:53
dholbachtseng: and for AptGettingOrg :-)09:53
dholbachtseng: funny thing is: mxpxpod (bryan forbes, mr. coaster) said to me coaster wasnt ready, so i stopped my packaging attempts; i'm was flabbergasted as you are, when i read his blog entry about it09:56
dholbachif it's ready now *shrug* get it in09:56
=== herve [~hcauwelie@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey herve :-)10:02
hervedo you remember than command-line utility10:04
herveto launch another command with regular intervals?10:04
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tsengdholbach: wb10:19
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=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-175-222-241.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
truluxwhere's tritium?10:47
dholbachmaybe out... on a sunshiny day10:48
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-175-222-241.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervedholbach, ?11:08
dholbachherve: !11:09
hervewhat if I sollicitate you to upload "burn"11:09
hervewhich is ready for 24h now :-)11:09
dholbachdpkg-source: extracting burn in burn-0.4.211:11
dholbachtar: Read 5120 bytes from -11:11
dholbachtar: burn/docs: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 01:00:0011:11
dholbachtar: burn: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 01:00:0011:11
dholbachshall i   touch -m   it?11:13
ogragood idea :)11:13
hervecan't tell11:13
dholbachoh.. tar/whatever did it itself11:14
dholbachah no... orig.tar.gz won't be changed11:14
hervewhich is kinda what you except from a "orig" file ;-)11:15
dholbachherve: done11:15
hervethank you!11:16
hervetell me you gave it a quick review :-)11:17
herveI'm not totally reliable these times11:17
dholbacha brief one11:17
hervejust a debdiff would reassure me11:18
dholbachnot that many uploads today :-)11:19
herveI'm still stuck with those sip4/qt/kde hell's angels :-)11:20
dholbachi have a good excuse as well, was busy with lists and playing-drums-and-eating-pizza-with-a-charming-girl today ;-)11:21
herveexcuse accepted!11:22
dholbachthanks :-)11:22
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-175-222-241.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tritiumgood afternoon :)11:28
dholbachhey tritium11:28
tritiumWhat's up dholbach ?11:28
tritiumHi herve11:28
dholbachtritium: did they convey my message to you? concerning the shlibs-message of krecipes?11:29
tritiumdholbach, no.  Who's they?11:29
tritiumBut I know which 2 lintian warning you're referring to11:29
dholbachwhoever was in the channel after i went to bed ;-)11:29
tritiumI dicussed that with amu11:29
dholbachah ok11:29
dholbachdid you find out if those libraries are needed?11:29
dholbachi mean... to be installed?11:29
dholbachif not, you might have a look at mlview11:30
dholbachthey handle it nicely in debian/rules11:30
tritiumoh, okay.11:30
dholbachyeah... had to have a look at their code and then remembered11:30
tritiumamu and I read up on that, and found out that in the case of small binary packages that require a few libs, it's okay11:30
dholbachif the binary is compiled against their own libraries and those aren't to be installed you can remove them in the post-install target11:31
dholbachelse lintian will assume you want to install them and argues about missing shlibs files11:31
dholbacherm post-compile11:32
tritiumdholbach, okay.  I'll double-check11:32
tritiumdholbach, this is what I was referring to: http://lintian.debian.org/reports/Tnon-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink.html11:32
tritium3rd paragraph11:32
dholbachah yes11:33
tritiumBut I'll try to find out if they can be completely removed instead.11:33
tritiumdholbach, so, did anybody else review the package?11:34
hervelintian would be much funnier if reports by maintainer where sorted in violation order11:35
hervenot alphabetical one :-)11:35
dholbachhaha herve11:35
dholbachtritium: did amu review it?11:35
tritiumdholbach, yes, some time ago11:35
dholbachdid he make a note?11:36
tritiumhe told me to fix up some lintian warnings, which I did, and it looked good11:36
tritiumNo, but ogra reminded him to about 2 days ago11:36
tritiumI don't know if he ever responded to ogra or even got his /msg11:36
dholbachi'll push someone towards it11:36
dholbachde rien11:36
ogratritium, i only pinged him with a messeage in -devel, he didnt answer11:36
tritiumogra, okay, thanks :)11:37
ograjust waiting for his comment on the page, i'm willing wave it through blindly then (even if its not my normal practice)11:37
tritiumThanks, ogra.11:38
tritiumwe had quite a night/early morning in #ubuntu last night11:38
tritiumThere was a racist incident11:39
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tritiumluckily lamont as able to kick/ban him.11:40
tritiumI'm glad they discussed getting ops for #ubuntu at the last CC meeting11:40
dholbachyeah... even without those guys it's hard to read anything in #ubuntu scroll-wise11:41
herveI came to the conclusion that...11:41
herveeither python-kde or me is fscked up :-/11:41
herveI quit11:43
=== dholbach comforts herve
dholbachherve: take an easy Xorg-buildproblem11:43
hervethat's what I'm thinking of11:44
dholbachalthough they're hard to spot on the list11:44
hervebut I wanted that python transition to finish11:44
hervehere I am!11:46
hervefree to handle that xorg transition!11:46
dholbachyou have to cherrypick them from the lists11:47
dholbachbut i'm preparing new ones ... hahahahaha11:48
dholbachbut i'll preserve those already fixed11:48
herveer... which am I supposed to consult?11:48
ograoh, god, someone give him his pills !!!11:48
hervedholbach, I prefer you as WikiMaster than ListMaster ;-)11:49
herveogra, even that girl would not have calm him down ;-)11:49
hervexorg and xosd lists seem over11:51
dholbachbut not all xorg-buildproblems ever appeared there11:51
dholbachmost of those reverse-depending on liballegro* should be b0rked11:52
dholbach(like atanks)11:52
hervethe DesktopFile transition seems endless!11:53
dholbachE_NOTPRIMARYTARGET :-)11:53
=== ogra cries about electricsheep
dholbach1) buildable 2) installable 3) clickable11:53
hervedholbach, I just was giving a tour to all our lists11:54
ograherve i still would prefer a script generating them...11:54
dholbachherve: i know :-)11:54
ogra(.desktop files)11:54
herveis the unmetdep list reliable?11:55
dholbachyes, but you can make up your own :-)11:56
dholbachapt-get -i unmet | less11:56
tritiumrimbert@ubuntu:~ $ objdump -p /usr/bin/krecipes | grep NEEDED11:57
tritium  NEEDED      libkrecipesexporters.so.011:57
tritium  NEEDED      libkrecqsqlite.so.011:57
tritium(among others)11:58
tritiumDoes that only specify build dependencies?11:58
dholbachyou could just try :-)11:59
dholbachand see, if they're REALLY needed ;-)11:59
tritiumtry removing the libs and seeing if it works?  okay, I'll dothat11:59
tritiumdo that12:00

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