=== skyrider [~skyrider@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== mdke [~mdke@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
skyrider | anybody alive? | 01:18 |
mdke | yes hi | 01:18 |
skyrider | hi | 01:19 |
skyrider | Where can I download pot files for QuickGuide, About Ubuntu page and Release | 01:19 |
skyrider | notes | 01:19 |
mdke | for translation? | 01:20 |
mdke | you need to contact the translation team i believe | 01:20 |
skyrider | Yes. I'd like to help to translate them into Russian | 01:20 |
skyrider | mdke: I know I will answer that way :( | 01:20 |
mdke | ? | 01:21 |
skyrider | Translation team doesn't have their irc channel? | 01:21 |
mdke | oh right | 01:21 |
skyrider | :( | 01:21 |
mdke | no | 01:21 |
mdke | they have a mailing list | 01:21 |
mdke | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/TranslationTeam | 01:21 |
mdke | mailing list -> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators | 01:21 |
skyrider | I know about mailing list, but it feels mostly useless. | 01:22 |
mdke | why? | 01:22 |
mdke | you didn't get an answer? | 01:22 |
mdke | that is definitely the place to start | 01:23 |
skyrider | Actually I don't asked yet but I've read archives of that list and saw much more questions than the answers :( | 01:23 |
mdke | well that is about the only place you can start | 01:24 |
skyrider | ok, thanks. | 01:24 |
skyrider | But Translation team definitly needs irc channel | 01:24 |
skyrider | :) | 01:24 |
mdke | heh | 01:25 |
skyrider | where I can download latest content of ubuntu-docs package? SVN repository? | 01:26 |
mdke | yes | 01:27 |
mdke | hang on a sec | 01:27 |
mdke | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamStepByStepRepository | 01:28 |
skyrider | thank you very much, mdke | 01:28 |
mdke | pleasure | 01:28 |
mdke | i'm matt btw | 01:28 |
mdke | pleased to meet you | 01:28 |
skyrider | mdke: I'm Alexey. | 01:30 |
mdke | hi | 01:30 |
skyrider | Nice to meet you. | 01:31 |
skyrider | mdke: where are you from? | 01:31 |
mdke | london uk | 01:31 |
skyrider | I'm from Ukraine | 01:31 |
mdke | ok | 01:32 |
=== trickie [~trickie@203-166-242-109.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
mdke | hi trickie | 02:01 |
sabmoc|wrk | hi mdke | 02:12 |
mdke | hi sabmoc | 02:13 |
mdke | how are you matey | 02:13 |
sabmoc | not bad not bad | 02:13 |
sabmoc | and how are you? | 02:13 |
mdke | good thanks | 02:14 |
mdke | sabmoc, what are you up to? | 02:16 |
sabmoc | I am just about to check out the documentation for svn | 02:16 |
sabmoc | from* the svn repo | 02:17 |
sabmoc | I wrote up a little howto and now Im going to rewrite it in docbook | 02:17 |
mdke | k | 02:17 |
sabmoc | then Im going to send a patch to the mailing list adding it to the admin guide | 02:18 |
=== EricNeon [~ericneon@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
mdke | ok cool | 02:19 |
mdke | whats the doc on? | 02:19 |
mdke | gpg key? | 02:19 |
sabmoc | yes, the gpg key signing for ssh | 02:19 |
mdke | nice doc | 02:20 |
EricNeon | morning all! | 02:20 |
sabmoc | thanks, originally it was an email to a friend, but he it was good and I should make it into a howto, so I did | 02:20 |
mdke | hi EricNeon | 02:21 |
sabmoc | hello EricNeon | 02:21 |
EricNeon | hi~ | 02:21 |
mdke | sabmoc, i know nothing about gpg keys | 02:21 |
mdke | i was very interested in the howto | 02:21 |
EricNeon | mdke | 02:21 |
mdke | what else are they useful for? | 02:21 |
sabmoc | cool :) | 02:22 |
EricNeon | at first ,you could install gnupg | 02:22 |
mdke | it is installed by default in ubuntu i think | 02:22 |
EricNeon | and used "#gpg --gen-key" to create a gpg key for you | 02:23 |
sabmoc | most people just attach a sig to outgoing email so if people bother to check the sig they can verify the email came from the correct person. But there are a lot of uses. | 02:23 |
mdke | yeah i can't see that being useful for me | 02:23 |
mdke | no one would check mine | 02:23 |
sabmoc | me neither | 02:23 |
mdke | but maybe for ssh | 02:23 |
sabmoc | yeah ssh is a practical use for ssh | 02:23 |
sabmoc | err.. gpg is a practical use for ssh | 02:24 |
mdke | what else can it do? | 02:24 |
sabmoc | you can use it to encrypt a document so that only the intended recipient can decrypt it | 02:25 |
mdke | i've noticed people post their keys on wiki pages tho | 02:25 |
mdke | doesn't that mean anyone can get it and decrypt | 02:25 |
sabmoc | no | 02:25 |
sabmoc | I dont like the idea of putting public keys on wiki pages, but thats another issue | 02:26 |
sabmoc | basically with gpg, you have two keys | 02:26 |
sabmoc | one is public, one is private | 02:26 |
sabmoc | Ok, here is an example | 02:27 |
sabmoc | I want to send you a file | 02:27 |
sabmoc | I will encrypt the file using YOUR public key, and MY private key. | 02:28 |
sabmoc | for you to decrypt the file, you will need MY public key, and YOUR private key | 02:28 |
sabmoc | so its a four key system, we exchange our public keys, but never never our private keys | 02:28 |
mdke | ok i see | 02:29 |
mdke | pretty cool | 02:29 |
sabmoc | yeah, its a very secure way to transfer any material between two partys | 02:29 |
sabmoc | ssh works on a very similar principle | 02:31 |
mdke | yeah | 02:31 |
mdke | i will check out that doc | 02:31 |
mdke | often i use putty to access my home computer | 02:31 |
mdke | can that by gpg protected too | 02:31 |
mdke | ? | 02:31 |
sabmoc | if its your home computer there is not any point, because it will only be you who will access it | 02:32 |
sabmoc | but if you want to let a stranger log in, then yeah | 02:33 |
mdke | but wouldn't it be securer to protect ssh access with a key? | 02:33 |
sabmoc | it already does | 02:33 |
sabmoc | when you first log into a computer with ssh, that computer will ask your computer for its public dsa_id key | 02:34 |
sabmoc | ok here is another example | 02:35 |
sabmoc | you want to log into my computer | 02:35 |
sabmoc | wish ssh | 02:35 |
sabmoc | with* | 02:35 |
sabmoc | now instead of just allowing you to log in from any computer anywhere, and using any user name... I will say mdke: you must email me your public dsa_id ssh key. | 02:36 |
mdke | i don't think my ssh server does that | 02:36 |
sabmoc | yes it does | 02:36 |
mdke | oh | 02:37 |
sabmoc | if you try to log into a new server it will say something like "server not in list, do you want to permanently add it" | 02:37 |
mdke | yeah | 02:37 |
mdke | and i say, yes | 02:37 |
sabmoc | and when you say 'yes' your computer sends your public key to the server you are loging into | 02:38 |
mdke | ok | 02:38 |
mdke | how does that protect the computer i'm logging into? | 02:38 |
sabmoc | it doesnt | 02:38 |
mdke | oh | 02:38 |
sabmoc | because really you could be anybody loging in | 02:38 |
sabmoc | but if you restrict the public keys to only users that have physically emailed their public key to you, then its safer | 02:39 |
mdke | yeah | 02:39 |
mdke | ok that's what i mean, so i could set up my ssh server to do that | 02:39 |
sabmoc | because then only those users, _using only those computers that they used to generate the public key_ can log in | 02:39 |
mdke | ooh | 02:40 |
mdke | so a user couldn't use their public key on a different computer to log in? | 02:40 |
sabmoc | they would need to make a public key for that computer | 02:41 |
sabmoc | normally that happens automatically | 02:41 |
mdke | right | 02:41 |
sabmoc | a public key is for one user, on one particular comptuer | 02:41 |
sabmoc | but thats just with ssh | 02:42 |
sabmoc | gpg is not computer specific | 02:42 |
mdke | ok | 02:42 |
=== sabmoc gets his tinfoil hat | ||
sabmoc | haha | 02:43 |
mdke | thanks for explaining it to me | 02:44 |
sabmoc | np bud | 02:44 |
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=== Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
sabmoc | I can not view the ubuntu-docs xml files using yelp, is that normal? | 03:34 |
sabmoc | anyone awake? | 03:49 |
Liz | its not normal | 03:49 |
Liz | it should work | 03:49 |
sabmoc | Liz, should I also be able to build the documentation right out of the box? | 03:50 |
sabmoc | I think I am missing some files | 03:50 |
sabmoc | can I flood the channel for about 10 lines? | 03:51 |
Liz | i know it was included in hoary..no idea in warty..other than what we were using | 03:51 |
Liz | sure..go for it | 03:51 |
sabmoc | $ make qg | 03:51 |
sabmoc | Building the Ubuntu Quick Guide . . . | 03:51 |
sabmoc | mkdir -p build/quickguide/ | 03:51 |
sabmoc | xsltproc --xinclude --stringparam base.dir build/quickguide/ libs/html-cust.xslquickguide/quickguide.xml | 03:51 |
sabmoc | warning: failed to load external entity "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl" | 03:51 |
sabmoc | compilation error: file libs/html-cust.xsl line 7 element import | 03:51 |
sabmoc | xsl:import : unable to load /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl | 03:51 |
sabmoc | make: *** [qg] Error 5 | 03:51 |
Liz | ive just reinstalled warty | 03:51 |
Liz | let me give it a go | 03:51 |
sabmoc | Im using hoary | 03:52 |
Liz | i never tried it in hoary | 03:52 |
Liz | im going to do a dist upgrade shortly tho | 03:52 |
sabmoc | but doing `yelp quickguide/quickguide.xml` does not work | 03:53 |
Liz | well..looks like i dont even have the files installed | 03:54 |
sabmoc | yelp says "could not load document: The uniform resource identifier `file://quickguide/quickguide.xml' is invalid or does nto point to an actual file. | 03:54 |
sabmoc | s/nto/not/ | 03:55 |
sabmoc | well then, huston we have a problem | 03:55 |
Liz | froud would be the one to ask when he gets back | 03:56 |
sabmoc | I will keep my eyes open for froud >_> | 03:56 |
sabmoc | <_< | 03:56 |
sabmoc | O_o | 03:56 |
sabmoc | froud-away, poke poke | 03:57 |
Liz | and im gonna go do my dist-upgrade | 03:59 |
sabmoc | ok | 04:00 |
=== trickie_ [~trickie@203-166-242-109.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
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froud | African Greetings | 08:55 |
froud | sabmoc: ping | 08:59 |
sabmoc | froud! | 08:59 |
froud | hi di dyou fix that problem yet | 09:00 |
sabmoc | no, I just started fooling with mod_python and lost all track of time. | 09:00 |
sabmoc | but If you have time I am ready now | 09:00 |
froud | ok let's deal with the first problem | 09:00 |
froud | warning: failed to load external entity "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl" | 09:01 |
sabmoc | yes | 09:01 |
froud | This is the top of /trunk/libs/html-cust.xsl | 09:01 |
froud | <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> | 09:01 |
froud | <!-- This file is a customization layer for HTML only --> | 09:02 |
froud | <!-- ======================= --> | 09:02 |
froud | <!-- Imports --> | 09:02 |
froud | <!-- <xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/html/profile-chunk.xsl"/> --> | 09:02 |
froud | <xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl"/> | 09:02 |
froud | <xsl:include href="common-cust.xsl"/> | 09:02 |
froud | uncomment the first xsl:import | 09:02 |
froud | comment the second one | 09:02 |
froud | then while pwd is trunk/ | 09:03 |
sabmoc | froud, I dont have /trunk/* | 09:03 |
froud | the root of your repos will do | 09:03 |
froud | trunk is your root | 09:03 |
sabmoc | ah i see | 09:03 |
froud | do ./validate.sh quickguide/quickguide.xml | 09:05 |
froud | that will tell you if the quickguide in your WC is valid or not | 09:05 |
froud | if you get errors then you have problems | 09:05 |
sabmoc | no errors on validate | 09:05 |
froud | Ok so yelp quickguide/quickguide.xml | 09:06 |
froud | it should open | 09:06 |
froud | bingo, end of technical support call | 09:06 |
sabmoc | it does not, says vile is invalid or does not point to an actual file | 09:06 |
=== froud passes a hat around for any small change | ||
sabmoc | let me restart yelp | 09:07 |
sabmoc | yes it works now | 09:07 |
froud | OK | 09:07 |
sabmoc | hmm.. I had yelp open for about a week :) never thought of restarting it | 09:07 |
froud | now you can do make qgg | 09:07 |
froud | make qg | 09:07 |
froud | and watch it work | 09:08 |
froud | sabmoc: you're on warty right | 09:09 |
sabmoc | $ make qg | 09:09 |
sabmoc | Building the Ubuntu Quick Guide . . . | 09:09 |
sabmoc | mkdir -p build/quickguide/ | 09:09 |
sabmoc | xsltproc --xinclude --stringparam base.dir build/quickguide/ libs/html-cust.xsl quickguide/quickguide.xml | 09:09 |
sabmoc | warning: failed to load external entity "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/html/profile-chunk.xsl" | 09:09 |
sabmoc | compilation error: file libs/html-cust.xsl line 6 element import | 09:10 |
sabmoc | xsl:import : unable to load /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/html/profile-chunk.xsl | 09:10 |
sabmoc | make: *** [qg] Error 5 | 09:10 |
sabmoc | no hoary | 09:10 |
froud | did you install docbook xsl | 09:10 |
sabmoc | maybe not | 09:11 |
sabmoc | lol no i didnt | 09:11 |
sabmoc | sorry! | 09:11 |
froud | Ok install | 09:12 |
froud | then depending on where it is installed you will need to comment / uncommnet the xsl:import | 09:13 |
sabmoc | alright | 09:14 |
froud | you do hav ethe DTD installed right? | 09:15 |
sabmoc | which one | 09:17 |
froud | we are using 4.1.2 cause of scrollkeeper problems | 09:17 |
froud | but you can also install 4.3 | 09:17 |
froud | if you have both in your xml catalog then processing will not go to the network and so will be faster | 09:18 |
sabmoc | Im not sure which packages I need to have installed | 09:19 |
sabmoc | Im still getting a build error | 09:19 |
froud | what did you install | 09:19 |
sabmoc | docbook-xsl | 09:20 |
froud | ok and what is the error | 09:20 |
sabmoc | warning: failed to load external entity "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/html/profile-chunk.xsl" | 09:21 |
froud | Ok, comment that line and uncomment the other xsl:import | 09:21 |
froud | in libs/html-cust.xsl | 09:21 |
sabmoc | these are my lines, which should I comment | 09:22 |
sabmoc | <xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/html/pr\ofile-chunk.xsl"/> | 09:22 |
sabmoc | <xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl\"/> | 09:22 |
sabmoc | <xsl:include href="common-cust.xsl"/> | 09:22 |
froud | It should look like this | 09:23 |
froud | <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> | 09:23 |
froud | <!-- This file is a customization layer for HTML only --> | 09:23 |
froud | <!-- ======================= --> | 09:23 |
froud | <!-- Imports --> | 09:23 |
froud | <!-- <xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/current/html/profile-chunk.xsl"/> --> | 09:23 |
froud | <xsl:import href="/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl"/> | 09:23 |
froud | <xsl:include href="common-cust.xsl"/> | 09:23 |
sabmoc | OOOOooo, its working :) | 09:26 |
sabmoc | done | 09:26 |
froud | nice | 09:26 |
sabmoc | so what exactly did that build? | 09:26 |
sabmoc | yes, nice! thanks man | 09:26 |
froud | the quick guide | 09:26 |
froud | look in build | 09:26 |
froud | the build dir is created duing the make | 09:27 |
sabmoc | ah the html version | 09:27 |
froud | it is not part of the repos | 09:27 |
sabmoc | with css! nice | 09:27 |
froud | since the html version :-) is presentational layer | 09:27 |
froud | yes you know css | 09:27 |
froud | you can customize it if you like via /libs/*.css | 09:28 |
froud | sabmoc: the idea with docbook is that you can build documentation they way it should be built | 09:29 |
froud | from the src | 09:29 |
froud | any target formats derived by transformation are never edited | 09:29 |
froud | only the xml | 09:29 |
froud | hence we dont have HTML, XHTML, RTF, or PDF in the repso | 09:30 |
froud | repos | 09:30 |
sabmoc | so only docbook in the repo | 09:30 |
froud | yes | 09:30 |
froud | and support scripts | 09:30 |
sabmoc | very cool | 09:30 |
froud | All yelp does is transform the xml inline | 09:30 |
froud | yelp has xsl stylesheets compiled into it | 09:30 |
sabmoc | do we have a docbook template somewhere? I have a small document I want to convert from the wiki | 09:31 |
froud | when yelp loads a docbook xml document it produces html | 09:31 |
froud | no we dont | 09:31 |
froud | what is the document | 09:31 |
sabmoc | froud, really! so in yelp I am actually looking at html | 09:31 |
froud | yes | 09:31 |
sabmoc | thats cool | 09:32 |
froud | yelp is dynamic transform | 09:32 |
froud | the make qg is a static transform | 09:32 |
sabmoc | this doc https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GPGsigningforSSHHowTo | 09:33 |
froud | Hmm nice a HowTo | 09:33 |
sabmoc | apparently some people claim it is useful so I was going to submit it as a patch to the admin guide after I get it into docbook from | 09:33 |
sabmoc | thank you | 09:34 |
froud | you can use docbook article format for that | 09:34 |
froud | here is a template | 09:34 |
froud | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | 09:34 |
froud | <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" | 09:34 |
froud | "http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd"> | 09:34 |
froud | <article> | 09:34 |
froud | <title>Article Title</title> | 09:34 |
froud | <sect1> | 09:34 |
froud | <title>Section1 Title</title> | 09:34 |
froud | <para>Text</para> | 09:34 |
froud | </sect1> | 09:34 |
froud | </article> | 09:34 |
froud | When you are ready I will put it in my branch | 09:34 |
sabmoc | you are a very fast typer :) | 09:34 |
froud | you mean copy paster | 09:35 |
sabmoc | ok, that template will save me several hours at least :D | 09:35 |
sabmoc | you are a fast clicker | 09:35 |
froud | what do you use to edit | 09:35 |
sabmoc | emacs xml mode | 09:36 |
froud | Hmm emacs+psgmls hey | 09:36 |
froud | nice | 09:36 |
froud | if you like you may want to write the section on GPG in the User Guide | 09:37 |
sabmoc | yes, actually I guess it is called nXML mode, I dont know what the "n" is for | 09:37 |
sabmoc | yes I would like that! | 09:37 |
froud | have you looked at the User Guide outline | 09:38 |
froud | you may have suggestions for it | 09:38 |
sabmoc | not yet | 09:38 |
sabmoc | which documents are we going to focus on for this next release? | 09:38 |
froud | well make your document as an article | 09:38 |
froud | a few | 09:39 |
froud | first we must restructure the repos | 09:39 |
froud | then we can focus on doc | 09:39 |
sabmoc | I noticed it seemed the quick guide was a big goal for hoary | 09:39 |
froud | we need to upgrade FAQ Guide to Hoary | 09:39 |
froud | yes, cause many people here are new to docbook | 09:40 |
sabmoc | like me | 09:40 |
froud | and we first had to build the framework | 09:40 |
sabmoc | well, i do have a little xp, but nothing much really | 09:40 |
froud | it's ok to be new, I was once a newbie to docbook | 09:40 |
sabmoc | heheh | 09:40 |
froud | As we build the docteam people have picked it up very quickly | 09:41 |
sabmoc | I see why | 09:41 |
froud | any the repos is new | 09:41 |
sabmoc | people are very helpful | 09:41 |
froud | we try | 09:41 |
froud | but learning docbook if you are documenting FOSS apps is very important | 09:42 |
froud | both GNOME and KDE use Docbook exclusively | 09:42 |
froud | and many other projects like TLDP | 09:42 |
froud | always, if you know docbook you can contribute to documenting FOSS | 09:43 |
sabmoc | yes, its very handy | 09:43 |
froud | that said, we do have a policy to enable anyone to write hence we have wiki | 09:43 |
froud | some people find the barrier to docbook to high | 09:44 |
sabmoc | I think the wiki is an awesome documentation system | 09:44 |
sabmoc | but sometimes I wonder... | 09:44 |
froud | It has merit | 09:44 |
sabmoc | I dont want to compare | 09:44 |
froud | but is not the best format | 09:44 |
sabmoc | but I remember what it was like in the gentoo forums about a year or two ago, lots of people posted howto, lots lots lots.. and it was just a forum | 09:45 |
sabmoc | but it was easy to post | 09:45 |
froud | yes, and it is easy to become a mess | 09:45 |
sabmoc | because you just use a text editor, then cut and past it into the forum comment box | 09:45 |
froud | but gentoo also have xml in the backend | 09:45 |
sabmoc | very easy, its not a great system, but someone who just wants to write and post its perfect | 09:46 |
froud | yes we gleen much knowledge from this | 09:46 |
froud | web-based tools are great for getting documents up quick | 09:46 |
sabmoc | yep | 09:46 |
froud | but not so great from the maintenance aspect | 09:47 |
froud | they also are stuck in their format | 09:47 |
sabmoc | the wiki really helps bring the quality up, but its a little harder to post | 09:47 |
froud | whereas with xml you can just write stylesheets and transform to a fromat | 09:47 |
froud | yes | 09:47 |
froud | Ideally I would like to see a round trip | 09:48 |
froud | users can edit docbook in web-based app | 09:48 |
sabmoc | yes, the forum is not great for real documentation, because everything has to be completely rewritten | 09:48 |
froud | and the changes are committed to the respo | 09:48 |
sabmoc | that would be fantastic | 09:48 |
froud | but it is not that simple | 09:48 |
sabmoc | a wysiwyg docbook editor | 09:48 |
froud | well you cant bring single source and wysiwyg into the same space | 09:49 |
froud | they are different polarity | 09:49 |
sabmoc | yeah, thats whast I was just thinking too | 09:49 |
froud | like the ends of a broom stick | 09:49 |
sabmoc | yep | 09:49 |
froud | if you bend the stick to get it together the stick breaks | 09:50 |
sabmoc | it would be imposible | 09:50 |
froud | You can have WYSIOO | 09:50 |
sabmoc | which is why nobody has done it yet, impossible | 09:50 |
froud | What you See is One Option | 09:50 |
froud | Tool like XXE and Syntex have this | 09:50 |
froud | But under Web-based app you need a way to define the semantics | 09:51 |
froud | so the wiki type of user soon gets tired of defining semantics and is distracted form actually writing | 09:52 |
froud | if you are interested in knowing more about how XML benefits documentation see my article http://www.sastc.org.za/articles/xml-solv-prop.html | 09:53 |
sabmoc | I will read it | 09:54 |
sabmoc | what is XXE and Syntex? | 09:54 |
froud | Syntex is a commmercial structured editor | 09:54 |
froud | XXE has a community edition but is Java | 09:54 |
froud | are you apporsed to java | 09:54 |
froud | if not see http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/ | 09:55 |
=== Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
sabmoc | I dont run java if I can help it | 09:55 |
sabmoc | but Im not opposed to it | 09:55 |
froud | what is it with people and java | 09:55 |
froud | java is beautiful, like Liz | 09:55 |
sabmoc | wow that looks like a good article | 09:55 |
Liz | lol | 09:56 |
Liz | yes..java is good..if its running well | 09:56 |
sabmoc | hi Liz, I found him | 09:56 |
sabmoc | well.. he found me | 09:56 |
Liz | i see that...did you get your answer with yelp? | 09:56 |
sabmoc | yep | 09:56 |
froud | Liz: how's our favorite Linux Chick today | 09:56 |
Liz | a little bit hacked off froud | 09:56 |
sabmoc | froud, my problem is not so much java as sun | 09:56 |
Liz | i just lost an hdd this morning | 09:56 |
sabmoc | froud, but I prefer python or c# to java | 09:56 |
froud | ouch | 09:57 |
Liz | so i wiped windows off this one and installed ubuntu on it | 09:57 |
Liz | i just finished doing a dist-upgrade | 09:57 |
Liz | not all of the packages are installed yet tho | 09:57 |
froud | Liz: welcome to hoary? | 09:57 |
sabmoc | Liz, you lost? Im sure it will turn up somewhere, have you checked the closet? | 09:57 |
Liz | ive been on it for a week..before the other hdd went kaput | 09:57 |
froud | Hmmm intesting wordddddd Kaput | 09:57 |
Liz | heh.. sabmoc ..i meant its died on me | 09:57 |
sabmoc | ah, why didnt I think of that | 09:58 |
sabmoc | but dont get me wrong, java is ok | 09:58 |
Liz | froud..its a slang word in my country | 09:58 |
sabmoc | it means something like "finished" | 09:58 |
froud | yes here too means broken | 09:59 |
froud | sabmoc: java rocks dude | 09:59 |
Liz | :) | 09:59 |
sabmoc | I think its the first time I've seen it on irc though | 09:59 |
sabmoc | froud, you like it? | 09:59 |
froud | what java | 09:59 |
sabmoc | yeah | 09:59 |
froud | yep yep yep | 10:00 |
sabmoc | cool | 10:00 |
froud | my whole toolchain is java | 10:00 |
froud | runs anywhere | 10:00 |
froud | just install a java runtime :-) | 10:00 |
sabmoc | yeah, thats the big score for java over other platforms | 10:00 |
froud | Saxon, Apache FOP, Xalan, Xerces, XEP | 10:01 |
froud | oh and lets not forget little ol ANT | 10:01 |
sabmoc | heh | 10:01 |
sabmoc | I dont use any of them except apache2 | 10:01 |
froud | make without the wrinkles | 10:01 |
froud | you should see cocoon | 10:02 |
froud | it rocks | 10:02 |
sabmoc | infact, I havent even heard of them, except for apache! haha | 10:02 |
sabmoc | an ol ant | 10:02 |
froud | That web site I sent you to is made with Apache Forrest | 10:02 |
sabmoc | I'll read that doc tonight | 10:02 |
froud | The whole site is from XML | 10:02 |
sabmoc | thats cool | 10:03 |
sabmoc | did you write the article? | 10:03 |
froud | yes | 10:03 |
sabmoc | ah cool :) | 10:03 |
sabmoc | so you must be Sean | 10:03 |
froud | at the moment the site is a static transform, I want to put it under Tomcat | 10:03 |
froud | yep | 10:03 |
sabmoc | how is it pronounced? | 10:04 |
froud | Like the Irish John | 10:04 |
froud | Though some say, Shawn | 10:04 |
sabmoc | but shawn is the wrong way? | 10:04 |
froud | there shuld be a fala in there somewhere | 10:04 |
froud | yes the S is a JJJJJ | 10:05 |
froud | Like Sean Connery, but just a whole lot younger | 10:05 |
sabmoc | haha | 10:05 |
sabmoc | Alright, I'll try to remember | 10:06 |
=== froud wishes the docteam would move to java | ||
sabmoc | lol | 10:06 |
sabmoc | no | 10:06 |
sabmoc | enless you mean the country | 10:07 |
froud | ooooooo, my feet are curling into a fist at the thoght | 10:07 |
sabmoc | eeeww.. fisty feet. gross | 10:07 |
sabmoc | haha | 10:07 |
froud | anyone tried to learn Tolkiens Elvish language | 10:07 |
froud | Hmm, it's pretty cool | 10:08 |
sabmoc | it sounds cool | 10:08 |
=== froud gets an idea to write docs in Elvish | ||
sabmoc | aaahhh | 10:08 |
=== sabmoc takes away frouds coffee.. until he stops having ideas | ||
froud | yeah I hav ewatch all three movies three times and still love it | 10:08 |
=== froud is born for ideas | ||
froud | causes me lot sof trouble sometimes | 10:09 |
sabmoc | :) me 2 | 10:09 |
sabmoc | the trouble part | 10:09 |
sabmoc | the idea part too I guess | 10:09 |
froud | well day is begun. I must hack a manual for Kynaptic today | 10:10 |
froud | nice chatting | 10:10 |
froud | c ya | 10:10 |
sabmoc | ok man | 10:10 |
sabmoc | I'll get that article written | 10:10 |
Liz | se eya froud | 10:10 |
Liz | i must finish customizing my system | 10:11 |
Liz | theres also another liz on this server | 10:11 |
Liz | adn she keeps overtaking my name | 10:11 |
sabmoc | you should register it | 10:11 |
Liz | it is | 10:11 |
sabmoc | then you can kick her an laugh | 10:11 |
Liz | but i get on here and have to ghost her off | 10:11 |
sabmoc | ah | 10:11 |
sabmoc | you would think she would get the hint then | 10:11 |
Liz | i must change my password just in case | 10:12 |
Liz | its a tad too easy | 10:12 |
sabmoc | its too bad gconf didnt have an easy way to import and export its keys @ "finish customizing my system" | 10:12 |
sabmoc | heh, my password is "help" because I wasnt sure what I was doing and wrote /msg nickserv identify help | 10:13 |
Liz | lol | 10:13 |
sabmoc | haha | 10:13 |
sabmoc | meh, I doubt anyone wants to be a sabmoc | 10:13 |
sabmoc | ok, python time | 10:14 |
sabmoc | ah crap, its after midnight, better make that sleeptime | 10:14 |
sabmoc | cya doc folk | 10:14 |
Liz | nite nite | 10:15 |
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-108-201.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== mdke [Matt@spc1-watf1-4-0-cust201.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
froud | co.za is on the kde development map. fame at last http://physos.net/~physos/images/developer_map/smallmap.jpeg | 01:27 |
=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-144-136.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== abelli [~john@e551641ee28cc1a4.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
abelli | ciao a a tutti | 04:07 |
=== zenfoo [~zenfoo@AStrasbourg-251-1-30-61.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
mdke | ola abelli | 04:52 |
=== froud grunts | ||
froud | ula ula ho hu ah | 04:53 |
=== froud translates from cave man to en | ||
mdke | hi froud | 04:53 |
mdke | :) | 04:53 |
froud | hello good dudes | 04:53 |
mdke | how is that gas of yours | 04:54 |
froud | burning | 04:55 |
mdke | jolly good | 04:55 |
froud | jolly good show old chap. I say time to call in the gaurd, what , waht | 04:55 |
=== froud is growing horns again | ||
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
abelli | dehiho | 05:04 |
froud | 'ello abelli | 05:06 |
=== apokryphos_ [~apokrypho@host-84-9-35-169.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
abelli | froud: ciao | 05:07 |
abelli | froud: so where's god gone? | 05:07 |
froud | back to the poker table to cheat on Lucifer | 05:07 |
abelli | whos winning ? | 05:08 |
abelli | playing what black jack? | 05:08 |
apokryphos_ | froud: better in here or in devel channel? | 05:08 |
apokryphos_ | don't wanna get in their way ;) | 05:08 |
froud | apokryphos: there you go http://www.inwords.co.za/kubuntu/kynaptic/kynaptic.html | 05:15 |
apokryphos | very cool; thanks. :) | 05:15 |
froud | apokryphos: svn up I did a spell check just now | 05:16 |
apokryphos | k | 05:16 |
abelli | apokryphos: dont let froud corrupt you . | 05:17 |
apokryphos | too late :P | 05:17 |
=== froud uses his Jedi magic, " You will come to KDE." | ||
mdke | hmm | 05:18 |
apokryphos | Keep inculcating ;) | 05:18 |
mdke | the dark side is more powerful | 05:18 |
abelli | ahh ahhh you sinner ... you're saying it . | 05:18 |
=== mdke zaps froud with his Sith powers | ||
froud | gimme a K | 05:18 |
=== mdke turns apokryphos to gnome | ||
froud | gimme a D | 05:19 |
apokryphos | D | 05:19 |
froud | gimme a E | 05:19 |
=== apokryphos cheers | ||
apokryphos | ok, back to work. :D | 05:20 |
froud | what to you got K D E | 05:20 |
=== froud the power of the force is strong with K D E | ||
apokryphos | hehe | 05:20 |
abelli | is slow with KDE . | 05:21 |
apokryphos | froud: beginner question: I keep getting https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud/kubuntu' is not a working copy | 05:21 |
abelli | or at least slower than G N O M E ... | 05:21 |
froud | apokryphos: I forgot kongi dude | 05:21 |
abelli | or better than W M Improved II | 05:21 |
froud | what are you doing to get that | 05:21 |
froud | you should be in kynaptic | 05:22 |
froud | kynaptic/ | 05:22 |
froud | or did you checkout my entire kubuntu branch | 05:22 |
apokryphos | I get the same thing no matter what directory I'm in... nope, just the kynaptic one. | 05:22 |
froud | apokryphos: make sure you are in pwd kynaptic | 05:23 |
froud | then svn up | 05:23 |
=== froud smells hot dogs ..... fooooood. brb | ||
apokryphos | kynaptic dir is in my ~. When doing svn up https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud/kubuntu/kynaptic/ kynaptic, I get that error still. | 05:24 |
abelli | apokryphos: now switch rapidly to gnome | 05:24 |
abelli | froud wont notice it | 05:24 |
apokryphos | Well, I have been liking gnome lately | 05:25 |
apokryphos | No! Stop. Must be those brainwashing powers; marking indelibly. Ouch. | 05:25 |
=== apokryphos thinks he has KDE in his blood. Well, there is a kind of K in this vein here... | ||
=== mdke [Matt@spc1-watf1-4-0-cust201.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu-doc [] | ||
apokryphos | froud: also, do you mind if I expand the installing Kubuntu doc later, to include, say, some of the stuff mentioned in the installingKDE wiki article? | 05:33 |
apokryphos | (since, not everyone wants the things brought in with k-desktop) | 05:33 |
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] | ||
froud | apokryphos: that doc is also in svn under kubuntu | 06:05 |
apokryphos | Right. Still can't get evil svn up to work ; going to svn co for now, but I figure I'll need the to svn up later anyhow | 06:07 |
froud | apokryphos: you installed subversion right | 06:08 |
apokryphos | Yeah, and subversion-tools | 06:09 |
froud | if you want all the kubuntu stuff in my branch just do svn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud/kubuntu | 06:09 |
apokryphos | yeah, done. | 06:09 |
froud | did you checout all my kubuntu or only kynaptic | 06:09 |
apokryphos | previously: kynaptic; now: done all kubuntu stuff. | 06:09 |
froud | Ok so your working copy is in the rrot of kubuntu | 06:10 |
apokryphos | right | 06:10 |
froud | doing svn up will get updates from the repos | 06:10 |
apokryphos | Yeah, like cvs up, but doesn't seem to work; bah. | 06:11 |
froud | apokryphos: what hav eyou done | 06:12 |
apokryphos | Before I was trying "svn up https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud/kubuntu/ kynaptic" while being in the direct kynaptic dir. | 06:13 |
froud | no just do svn up | 06:13 |
froud | leav ethe URL | 06:13 |
froud | once you have done the checkout you dont need to specify it again | 06:13 |
froud | It's stored in the .svn folder | 06:14 |
apokryphos | ergh, silly me. Thanks. | 06:14 |
froud | much easier than cvs | 06:14 |
apokryphos | Yeah | 06:14 |
froud | no need for CVSROOT etc | 06:14 |
froud | or -d | 06:14 |
apokryphos | or cvs login etc. | 06:15 |
apokryphos | yup | 06:15 |
froud | If you want a cool GUI with a User Manual by me look at eSvn | 06:15 |
apokryphos | Making a note; will check that out later. | 06:16 |
froud | http://esvn.umputun.com/ | 06:16 |
froud | apokryphos: do remember to do svn up from time to time. I will be writing more into the document while you are editing. | 06:26 |
apokryphos | won't it remove my changes? | 06:26 |
froud | no it will only show a conflict if I touch what you are working on | 06:28 |
froud | otherwise it will just merge my changes into your document. | 06:29 |
apokryphos | ok | 06:29 |
froud | I will just be working on Using Filters for now | 06:31 |
apokryphos | I'll take care of the "Searching for Packages" | 06:32 |
apokryphos | in the actual doc, the whole GPL isn't going to be there at the bottom, is it? | 06:32 |
froud | for now it will | 06:34 |
froud | OK the screenshots are alreay there | 06:35 |
=== apokryphos needs to go out at six, but will work on this till then | ||
froud | apokryphos: no rush dude, chill | 06:39 |
froud | go shower and shave | 06:39 |
froud | dont want you date blaming me cause you stink | 06:39 |
apokryphos | always fresh ;) | 06:40 |
froud | apokryphos: what's your full name and email so I can add you as author? | 06:41 |
apokryphos | Well, K.F. Giannaros is probably best ;); I'm known as Francis by everyone though (middle name); K = Kontantinos. francisg@gmail.com | 06:42 |
froud | Cool now how do you say that ;-) | 06:44 |
apokryphos | It's Greek; no-one uses the full-thing, though (like Alexander/Alex); generally just "Kosta" (same pronounciation as the coffee shop) | 06:45 |
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
apokryphos | Bad thing with Kynaptic at the moment seems to be that you can't actually even see descriptions ;) | 06:51 |
froud | Kosta, I know Kosta | 06:55 |
froud | yeah kynaptic is still very basic | 06:55 |
apokryphos | My docbook is still on its first legs; for describing features of hte search, do you reckon I should use varlistentry with term, listitem? | 06:57 |
froud | Probably variablelist | 06:57 |
froud | Put GUI option/labels into the term and the description in the listitem | 06:58 |
apokryphos | ok, better get started on that next time though. Sorry for the lag ;) | 07:00 |
apokryphos | ttyl; will try to get onto this as soon as I get back | 07:01 |
froud | sure, remember to do svn up when you get back | 07:04 |
froud | that way you will avoid conflicts early | 07:04 |
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froud | anyone seen enrico | 08:30 |
froud | we need to get the srcs uploaded before tomorrow/Wednesday | 08:31 |
=== froud fears we lost him in a coffee shop in Amsterdam | ||
claude | enrico is at Amsterdam | 08:31 |
=== froud nods | ||
claude | he told me ha had poor internet conectivity :( | 08:32 |
=== froud nods | ||
froud | anyne else with whiteboard can do the upload | 08:32 |
=== cosmobot [cosmobot@ts3-b70.Voronezh.dial.rol.ru] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
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froud | what do you guys think, can we tag the repos and get on with hoary or should we wait longer? | 09:08 |
froud | claude: we did not get any po files back from you guys | 09:08 |
froud | are we supposed to | 09:09 |
=== Flonne [~rhx@S0106000d61453c6a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
claude | froud: yes, seb128 lead the process with the ubuntu-fr list | 09:13 |
claude | about-ubuntu is quite ready | 09:14 |
froud | claude: so are we supposed to get po files or not? | 09:17 |
claude | i hope so... | 09:18 |
froud | Hmm, well mdz and thom are gonna upload soon so if they are not in they will be out until release | 09:18 |
claude | i can send you the file, but don't know if he's ready | 09:18 |
froud | Hmm anyone seen seb128 around | 09:19 |
=== froud goes off to #ubuntu-devel | ||
claude | if we don't include them right now, is it possible that they come into Hoary later ? | 09:20 |
claude | or do we have to wait until next main release ? | 09:20 |
froud | yes, let me see if seb128 is there | 09:20 |
claude | if you find him, tell him to join here | 09:21 |
froud | :-) just done that on #ubuntu-devel | 09:22 |
froud | claude: seems like seb128 is not coming | 09:26 |
claude | :( | 09:26 |
froud | well I guess it will go in later. Anyway hopefully enrico is back by then | 09:27 |
claude | i can send you the 2 french po files, so you can try to integrate them in the svn | 09:27 |
claude | sent | 09:30 |
froud | claude: but I dont know what to do with them | 09:31 |
froud | claude: I am on the seat of my pants when it comes to i18n | 09:31 |
claude | mmmh | 09:31 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-20-215.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
seb128 | hi | 09:32 |
claude | haaaaaaaa ! | 09:32 |
claude | :) | 09:32 |
froud | seb128: are you gonna give us po files | 09:32 |
seb128 | yep | 09:32 |
froud | mdz is doing uploads | 09:33 |
seb128 | about-ubuntu is ready | 09:33 |
froud | well thom actually | 09:33 |
froud | ok so I will check that on ein | 09:33 |
froud | what about release notes | 09:33 |
claude | seb128: i read release-notes, the file seems to be good quality | 09:33 |
seb128 | http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-fr/2005-March/003039.html | 09:33 |
seb128 | the po file is attached to this mail | 09:34 |
seb128 | claude: cool, I've updated the installer translations today, I'll read the note soon | 09:34 |
froud | seb128: please send it to sean@inwords.co.za | 09:34 |
seb128 | can't you click on the click ? | 09:34 |
seb128 | http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-fr/attachments/20050327/278a7de8/fr.bin | 09:34 |
froud | Yes, but too many things | 09:35 |
froud | and no records | 09:35 |
abelli | ciao a tutti | 09:35 |
=== abelli [~john@9723b0e61d3f8ffb.node.tor] has left #ubuntu-doc [] | ||
seb128 | k | 09:35 |
claude | froud: these files are the same as the ones i sent you just before | 09:35 |
froud | claude: ok thanks | 09:36 |
seb128 | claude: you have send them ? | 09:36 |
claude | yes | 09:36 |
froud | svn commit -m about ubuntu french about-ubuntu-fr.po --non-interactive | 09:36 |
froud | Adding about-ubuntu-fr.po | 09:36 |
froud | Transmitting file data . | 09:36 |
froud | Committed revision 780. | 09:36 |
froud | successfully (0) | 09:36 |
=== thom [~thom@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
claude | i only sent the po files, not the xml | 09:37 |
thom | froud: so, i'm just grabbing trunk then? | 09:37 |
froud | svn commit -m release notes french release-notes-fr.po --non-interactive | 09:37 |
froud | Adding release-notes-fr.po | 09:37 |
froud | Transmitting file data . | 09:37 |
froud | Committed revision 781. | 09:37 |
froud | successfully (0) | 09:37 |
froud | thom: yes I think so | 09:38 |
seb128 | froud: thanks | 09:38 |
froud | thom: I just got fr i18n from seb128 | 09:38 |
froud | seb128: no thank sto you | 09:38 |
froud | thom: I am not sure what enrico uploaded before | 09:38 |
froud | thom: it was a black box | 09:38 |
thom | okie | 09:39 |
froud | thom: it would be good to know what and how so a few few of the team members can do this in the event of somebody not being available | 09:40 |
froud | thom: I will speak to enrico about it when he gets out of that coffee shop in Amsterdam | 09:40 |
thom | heh, nod | 09:41 |
=== froud is watch mdz talking on three channels all at once. | ||
froud | I am convinced mdz is three people | 09:41 |
froud | claude: we also need to reveal how we can work better with i18n teams | 09:42 |
froud | claude: I am planning after haory to restructure | 09:43 |
claude | froud: yes, but my first concern now is to understand how the po files will be integrated in filnal desktop | 09:43 |
claude | *final* | 09:43 |
froud | claude: Hmm, yes, that is something else I have no knowledge of | 09:44 |
froud | claude: my areas are writing and Docbook XML framework | 09:44 |
froud | claude: enrico has been hadling packaging | 09:45 |
froud | but we will need to automate the process | 09:45 |
froud | what ever it is | 09:45 |
Flonne | Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I've got a question. | 09:45 |
claude | afk, must deal with children... | 09:45 |
froud | Flonne: shoot | 09:45 |
Flonne | How exactly would one go about joining the documentation team? | 09:46 |
froud | you just did :-) welcome | 09:46 |
froud | what would you like to work on | 09:46 |
Flonne | I've got a lot of free time coming up, and the userguide seems to be woefully incomplete. | 09:46 |
froud | Yes this is a target for grumpy | 09:46 |
froud | we will be reoutlining and working on it soon | 09:47 |
Flonne | I was actually thinking I might be able to throw together a draft in time for Hoary... | 09:47 |
Flonne | I've been playing with it for the past two weeks. | 09:47 |
froud | Flonne: you have a User Guide | 09:47 |
Flonne | I checked it out of SVN. | 09:47 |
froud | You have the content | 09:47 |
=== froud takes it you understand docbook etc | ||
Flonne | I've got a lot of it in point form, and I'm forming paragraphs and sections based on that information now. | 09:48 |
Flonne | Yes, I do. | 09:48 |
=== froud is happy | ||
thom | froud: if you want to tag, rev 781 is gonna be ubuntu-docs 0.4 | 09:48 |
froud | Well you can do a patch | 09:48 |
froud | thom: thanks | 09:49 |
Flonne | 4.3 is the preferred spec right now, right? | 09:49 |
froud | At the moment we have 4.1.2 and 4.3 | 09:50 |
froud | The User Guide should be 4.3 | 09:50 |
Flonne | How difficult would it be to convert 4.4 to 4.3? I began learning 4.4 before actually looking at the DTD line. | 09:51 |
Flonne | Everything seems to render correctly in Yelp, but docbook2html isn't exactly pretty. | 09:52 |
froud | Flonne: very easy if you have not used any 4.4 features and elements | 09:53 |
thom | (froud: sorry, i mean 0.4.1-1) | 09:53 |
froud | Flonne: hav eyou used any features of theat DTD | 09:53 |
Flonne | I don't believe so, but I'm not entirely sure. | 09:53 |
froud | chang ethe DocType Decl to 4.3 and then validate | 09:53 |
froud | you will soon find out | 09:53 |
Flonne | It seems to check out. | 09:54 |
Flonne | Maybe docbook2html just produces ugly pages. | 09:55 |
=== mdke [~matt@spc1-watf1-4-0-cust201.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
Flonne | I couldn't get it to handle link or xref correctly, though I haven't seen those used elsewhere in the User Guide, so I removed them. | 09:56 |
Flonne | But that's irrelevant. | 09:57 |
froud | Flonne: we use the docbook xsl and a custom layer | 09:59 |
froud | if you checkout all of trunk you will have all you need | 09:59 |
Flonne | I did. There was a lot more there than I expected. | 10:00 |
froud | you need to have installed the docbook xsl, dtd, xsltproc, xmllint | 10:00 |
froud | Our makefile will do the rest for you | 10:00 |
=== froud complete tagging svn commit -m tag r 781 ubuntu-docs 0.4 ubuntu-docs-0.4 --non-interactive | ||
froud | Flonne: we have a number of nice projects to work on in grumpy | 10:02 |
froud | there is also an outline for the Admin Guide | 10:02 |
froud | and FAQ Guide will need work | 10:03 |
froud | thom: tagging done | 10:03 |
froud | thom: https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/tags/ubuntu-docs-0.4 | 10:03 |
froud | Flonne: we also have a project called LearnLinux | 10:04 |
froud | we would like to customize it to Ubuntu | 10:04 |
Flonne | I'm actually having a problem with the makefile. docbook-xsl-stylesheets 1.65.1 doesn't seem to have chunk.xsl in it. | 10:04 |
froud | it should give me your error please | 10:05 |
Flonne | compilation error: file libs/html-cust.xsl line 7 element import | 10:05 |
Flonne | xsl:import : unable to load /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl | 10:05 |
froud | you running hoary or warty | 10:06 |
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
Flonne | Ah... I specified the wrong location when installing the package. | 10:07 |
Flonne | I'm on a school system right now. :( | 10:07 |
froud | I c ok | 10:07 |
froud | in libs/html-cust.xsl we specify the path for xsl:import | 10:08 |
Flonne | Yeah. I was looking through it. | 10:08 |
thom | froud: ok, so the procedure is: svn export https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk ubuntu-docs-0.4.1 ; tar czf ubuntu-docs_0.4.1.orig.tar.gz ubuntu-docs-0.4.1; update debian/changelog (usually with dch); debuild -S | 10:09 |
froud | cool, you understand xsl cust layers | 10:09 |
Flonne | I try to research things before working with them. :) | 10:09 |
thom | (you'd want to do a debuild -us -uc before the debuild -S to do test packages as well) | 10:09 |
Flonne | I'll just revert that file later. | 10:09 |
froud | thom: I tagged it in https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/tags/ubuntu-docs-0.4 | 10:10 |
froud | so | 10:10 |
Flonne | Okay... Build works now. | 10:10 |
froud | thom: svn export https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/tags/ubuntu-docs-0.4 ubuntu-docs-0.4.1 ; tar czf ubuntu-docs_0.4.1.orig.tar.gz ubuntu-docs-0.4.1; update debian/changelog (usually with dch); debuild -S | 10:11 |
froud | thom: is that not right | 10:11 |
thom | yep | 10:11 |
froud | you export from the tags/ | 10:11 |
froud | not the trunk/// | 10:11 |
thom | now you've tagged it, yeah | 10:12 |
froud | Ok | 10:12 |
froud | Flonne: feel free to improve the CSS and XSLs | 10:13 |
froud | we dont use fo yet, but still have common.xsl just incase we do want to do xsl:fo | 10:14 |
froud | Flonne: so anything common to HTML and XSL:FO goes in the common.xsl | 10:14 |
froud | Flonne: at present we also dont have profiling | 10:15 |
froud | Flonne: but may use it in future | 10:15 |
Flonne | Is there any framework for that? | 10:15 |
froud | Flonne: not yet as we dont use it yet | 10:15 |
thom | Uploading via ftp ubuntu-docs_0.4.1-1.dsc: done | 10:15 |
thom | have a nice day, y'all | 10:15 |
froud | thom: yaaaaay thanks | 10:16 |
mdke | good work you guys | 10:16 |
=== mdke hands round cookies | ||
froud | Flonne: there will be lot sof restructure after hoary | 10:17 |
froud | Flonne: would like your help there | 10:17 |
froud | more ideas the better | 10:17 |
=== froud reaches for cookies | ||
Flonne | I'll read as much of it as I can. | 10:18 |
froud | I have a bunch of stuff in my branch too :-) | 10:18 |
Flonne | In the meantime, is there any content work to do? | 10:18 |
froud | feel free to hack the user guide | 10:18 |
Flonne | Where should I submit changes? | 10:19 |
froud | For now post patches | 10:19 |
Flonne | I'm assuming someone will want to screen this before commiting. | 10:19 |
froud | to the list | 10:19 |
Flonne | Standard diff? | 10:20 |
froud | Flonne: I will so work small | 10:20 |
froud | patch often :-) | 10:20 |
froud | that way I can check it better | 10:20 |
froud | If I dont get it others will | 10:20 |
froud | Flonne: are you a GNOME user or KDE | 10:24 |
mdke | oh don't start | 10:25 |
froud | If you are intersted there will also be doc work for KDE | 10:25 |
=== froud glares at mdke | ||
mdke | lol | 10:25 |
Flonne | I prefer Gnome, but I'm running one system with Kubuntu do I can test things. | 10:25 |
=== mdke points at the cookies | ||
Flonne | so* | 10:25 |
froud | mdke: your nick is all wrong it should be mkde | 10:25 |
mdke | ? | 10:25 |
Flonne | I'm also running a system with a combination of other window managers, since I fromed an fvwm/openbox addiction a year ago. | 10:26 |
froud | Flonne: OK cool I have docs work to go on http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/ | 10:26 |
froud | http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/faq.php | 10:26 |
froud | http://www.kubuntu.org.uk/documentation.php | 10:27 |
froud | Hmm an addict I see | 10:27 |
=== froud whispers to mdke, "the force is strong with this one." | ||
mdke | pah | 10:28 |
Flonne | I blame it on the time I spent writing Arch howtos... | 10:28 |
mdke | you cannot win | 10:28 |
froud | xssssss | 10:28 |
froud | Flonne: anyway send your patches I will be going to bed now. You should be set for now. If what's on your plate now does not satify your itch then checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud | 10:30 |
froud | Flonne: warning that is a large checkout | 10:30 |
froud | If you just want the kubuntu stuff https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud/kubuntu | 10:30 |
Flonne | I'll submit them as soon as I get home, so probably in about four hours or so. | 10:31 |
froud | Flonne: this branch will move in to trunk soon | 10:31 |
froud | I will be in bed as I am in South Africa | 10:31 |
froud | Where are you? | 10:31 |
froud | Canada | 10:31 |
Flonne | Western Canada. | 10:31 |
Flonne | UTC-7. | 10:31 |
froud | Hmm we have a few Mounties here | 10:31 |
Flonne | I also speak French, so I might be able to contribute a little to the fr side of things. | 10:32 |
mdke | does anyone know how the translation side of things works? | 10:33 |
mdke | are they using rosetta for the quickguide? | 10:33 |
froud | Flonne: well welcome to the doc team, and yes your French will be used | 10:33 |
froud | mdke: speak to claude | 10:33 |
Flonne | Though I'm an English/CompSci person by nature... | 10:33 |
mdke | froud, i tried that yesterday | 10:33 |
mdke | yeah hi Flonne welcome | 10:33 |
froud | Oh dear | 10:33 |
froud | well let me try | 10:33 |
froud | 1. we make pot file | 10:33 |
froud | 2. translation team creates po file from the pot | 10:34 |
mdke | yeah | 10:34 |
froud | 3. they give us back the po | 10:34 |
froud | 4. we make a new XML | 10:34 |
Flonne | Is this the same sort of pot used by XMMS? | 10:34 |
froud | ~~~ THE END ~~~ | 10:34 |
mdke | froud, i c | 10:34 |
mdke | thanks | 10:35 |
mdke | froud, and do they work on the pot file using rosetta? | 10:35 |
froud | Flonne: XMMS is a media app | 10:35 |
mdke | or just individually | 10:35 |
froud | mdke: I understand that Rosetta now can take documents | 10:35 |
Flonne | I know, but it assembles a pot during compilation, and I'm pretty sure it's used for localization. | 10:35 |
froud | there is a mail inthe list on this | 10:35 |
mdke | froud, i'll have a look at their archives and the wiki pages | 10:36 |
claude | no Rosetta still not contains doc | 10:36 |
mdke | but i haven't come across a clear working method yet | 10:36 |
mdke | claude, ok i c | 10:36 |
claude | Rosetta is down now | 10:36 |
mdke | claude, so how do you guys work on the translations? | 10:36 |
froud | claude: ms word doc | 10:36 |
froud | :-( | 10:36 |
claude | Carols told us he'll try to integrate them soon | 10:36 |
claude | *Carlos* | 10:37 |
froud | mdke: but from our side all we need to know is how to generate pot files and how to remark from po to xml | 10:37 |
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060020ed20f68f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
froud | Burgundavia: hello dude | 10:38 |
mdke | froud, i c, i was just wondering about the system for translation | 10:38 |
froud | Burgundavia: where have you been | 10:38 |
mdke | hi corey | 10:38 |
froud | Burgundavia: you in Canada right | 10:38 |
claude | froud: generating the xml from po file is not a problem | 10:38 |
froud | Burgundavia: meet Flonne from W Canada | 10:38 |
froud | no seams easy | 10:39 |
Flonne | Hi. :) | 10:39 |
froud | claude: did you add the commands and cycle to the i18n page on our wiki | 10:39 |
=== froud Burgundavia is shy tonight | ||
claude | froud: something like po2xml origfile.xml file.po > newfile.xml | 10:40 |
=== froud goes back in the log | ||
mdke | can't find much on the wiki or list about how to get involved with translating docteam documents | 10:42 |
Burgundavia | salut | 10:42 |
Burgundavia | Flonne: where are you? | 10:42 |
Burgundavia | no I am not shy | 10:42 |
claude | mdke: the process is still unmature for now | 10:42 |
Burgundavia | have 40+ emails to work through | 10:42 |
Flonne | I'm in Calgary. | 10:42 |
mdke | claude, i c | 10:42 |
Flonne | Where are you? I don't recognize gv. | 10:42 |
claude | mdke: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamStepByStepl18n | 10:43 |
mdke | *clik* | 10:43 |
mdke | ok | 10:43 |
mdke | so basically step 3 is just down to individuals? | 10:43 |
froud | claude: yes | 10:44 |
froud | claude: yes | 10:44 |
claude | froud: yes? | 10:44 |
froud | claude: yes that is the command | 10:45 |
Burgundavia | Flonne: Victoria, BC | 10:45 |
claude | great | 10:45 |
froud | can you document the commands in the cyle | 10:45 |
Burgundavia | Flonne: you are Calgary, no? | 10:45 |
claude | froud: done | 10:45 |
froud | claude: I will need them for the make file | 10:45 |
froud | yo who changed the wiki | 10:46 |
=== thom [~thom@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has left #ubuntu-doc [] | ||
Flonne | Yes, I am. | 10:46 |
Burgundavia | Flonne: you know Userful computers? | 10:46 |
claude | froud: changed what ? | 10:47 |
mdke | claude, i'm looking through the archive but can't find the docteam pot files posted to the list, are they there? | 10:47 |
Flonne | Is that the name of a store? | 10:47 |
froud | why does that page look so white | 10:47 |
mdke | froud, maybe you've changed your skin | 10:47 |
froud | mdke: svn up | 10:47 |
froud | they are in the repos | 10:47 |
froud | no just that page is like that | 10:48 |
froud | the rest are not | 10:48 |
mdke | froud, sure, but step 2 in the procedure is posting the pot files to the ubuntu-translators list | 10:48 |
froud | mdke: which we did | 10:48 |
mdke | it looks like enrico did it but it has not come up on the archives | 10:48 |
=== jjesse [~jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
claude | mdke: enrico sent them on march 25, but they are also in the repos | 10:48 |
froud | jjesse: he dude | 10:48 |
froud | we now also have the po files back | 10:49 |
froud | but we need to make them into xml | 10:49 |
jjesse | hello | 10:49 |
mdke | claude, yeah must be this one: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2005-March/000153.html | 10:49 |
mdke | froud, they are back already? for all languages? | 10:49 |
mdke | that is cool | 10:49 |
froud | claude: you wanna give it a bash | 10:49 |
froud | no just fr | 10:49 |
mdke | just fr? | 10:49 |
mdke | is it too late for other languages? | 10:50 |
froud | thanks to seb128 | 10:50 |
froud | dunno | 10:50 |
=== froud makes ready for bed | ||
mdke | hmm | 10:50 |
froud | mkde: we will iron this out by next release | 10:50 |
claude | froud: what do you mean by "give it a bash" ? | 10:51 |
froud | give it a go | 10:51 |
mdke | froud, i was thinking we could post the pot files to other language lists and ask for translations | 10:51 |
mdke | it might not be too late | 10:51 |
froud | mkde: I see no harm in it | 10:51 |
mdke | ok lemme get the pot file | 10:52 |
froud | mkde let us know how it happens | 10:52 |
mdke | are the pot files easy to find? | 10:52 |
=== froud wonder if mdke notices the nick change | ||
froud | mkde: yes in aboutubuntu/ and releasenotes/ | 10:53 |
mdke | which nick change? | 10:53 |
mdke | froud, kthx | 10:53 |
mdke | oh shit | 10:53 |
=== mdke slaps froud | ||
mdke | damn subliminal mind games | 10:54 |
froud | mKDE has not noticed | 10:54 |
mdke | sorry frgnome | 10:54 |
mdke | brb | 10:54 |
mdke | night if i miss ya | 10:54 |
froud | well chaps all we miss tonigh is enrico and Liz | 10:54 |
froud | but I am off to bed. Happy hacking. Fo rthose late commers we branched ubuntu-doc 0.4 today | 10:55 |
froud | Umm we tagged ubuntu-doc 0.4 today | 10:55 |
=== froud cant wait for the final release so we can get on with restructuring | ||
claude | i'm also going to bed (not the same as froud... lol !) | 10:56 |
froud | good night | 10:56 |
claude | bye | 10:56 |
=== claude [~claude@] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] | ||
jjesse | looks like i joined just as everyone is leaving :) | 11:06 |
jjesse | or maybe they are leaving because i joined | 11:06 |
Burgundavia | mdke and maskie left from a netsplit | 11:10 |
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-52.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== graymalkin [~chatzilla@pcp02119270pcs.sabrna01.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
graymalkin | hello | 11:24 |
graymalkin | I wrote a wiki but I think I kind of screwed it up | 11:25 |
graymalkin | anyone want to look at it and tweak it? | 11:26 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-20-215.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-doc ["I] | ||
Burgundavia | sure | 11:31 |
graymalkin | well, here is the page I did ... https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowToEnableSCSIEmulationWithHoaryKernel26 ... but I did it from the sandbox, and I think instead of making a new page, it just renamed the sandbox. it should be in the "how to" section but I don't really know how to parent it or anything. | 11:33 |
Burgundavia | graymalkin: hmm | 11:33 |
Burgundavia | I am not an expert on the wiki | 11:33 |
Burgundavia | so I will leave alone to | 11:33 |
graymalkin | The problem is if you go to "help on editing" at https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HelpOnEditing , it now says click on the "enable scsi with 2.6" page instead of the sandbox page ... | 11:34 |
graymalkin | I hope someone around here can fix it | 11:34 |
graymalkin | do you know who else can fix it or should I email someone? | 11:36 |
Burgundavia | oh | 11:36 |
graymalkin | I think I fixed it | 11:48 |
graymalkin | w00t! it's set up as a new page now ... I hope someone will correctly put it in the "how-to" category .... | 11:56 |
jjesse | hey nice page graymalkin | 11:58 |
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