
motaboyWell, I'd like to help you in every way you'll need. Are there some important tasks where you need an hands?12:10
Riddellmotaboy: package abakus12:11
motaboyRiddell: what's that?12:11
Riddellmotaboy: a groovy calculator applications I happen to like12:12
motaboyRiddell: you'd like that I package it?12:12
Riddellmotaboy: yep :)12:12
motaboyRiddell: ok.12:12
motaboyRiddell: the problem is that I don't know how to get a really working (read: file index), package hosting...12:13
motaboyRiddell: and using my gentoo's one is not politically correct :P12:13
Riddelldpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages && gzip -f Packages12:15
haggaidpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | tee Packages | gzip -c -9 Packages12:15
haggaidpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | tee Packages | gzip -c -9 > Packages.gz12:15
haggaigenerates uncompressed and compressed version12:16
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motaboyRiddell, haggai thanks for the hint!. But I hate that other's cannot see the package tree via http.12:16
Riddellmotaboy: well that's just a setting of the webserver, if you don't control the web server there's nothing you can do about that12:17
motaboyRiddell: yeah... I spent all the day searching for a good free web hosting without success. :(12:18
amuah right my fault, with k3b ripping them isnt possible, it works with kaffeine and streamripper 12:18
motaboyamu: I'd be happy to fix this if you don't have time and if it's ok for you.12:19
motaboyamu: this is not only related to ripping but also to decoding.12:20
amumotaboy: the question is, why libmad0 is in main 12:20
amuah, amarok12:22
amumotaboy: do you have also qt-skills? did you fixed your bluetooth package? 12:25
motaboyamu: I wrote some kdeapplications like the kdebluetooth programs and libs.12:25
motaboyamu: Are there some problems with kdebluetooth that I'm not aware?12:26
amumotaboy: heh no, kynaptic our packageinstaller need definitiv some love :)12:27
motaboyamu: eheh, are there other active developers behind it?12:27
Riddellnope 12:28
amumotaboy: yep, mvo maintains it and he needs help for the qt part of it.  12:28
motaboyamu: well, I think that there are some good things to do in the next days :D12:29
motaboyamu: I noticed that for gnome someone of ubuntu wrote a new update manager.12:29
Riddellwe should get kde bluetooth in universe, can haggai check it?12:29
amumotaboy: wow, guess mvo will be your best friend if you could help him a bit :) 12:29
motaboyamu: I'll try. :D. unfortunately at work I'm behind a stupid http proxy and I cannot access freenode... :(12:31
amuRiddell: i'm requested help from the motu's for it .... first rewiew of it, just finished 12:31
motaboyamu: How is my kdebluetooth packaging? does it sucks a lot?12:31
Riddellamu: by someone with a bluetooth device?12:31
amumotaboy: you should read your mails ;) 12:31
amuRiddell: yep, dholbach tested it. 12:33
motaboyamu: Oh, great review! I'll fix it tomorrow :D 12:34
=== Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellah, Kamion has come to tell us how debian-installer now installs the correct kde-i18n package12:35
amuRiddell: ;)12:36
haggaiRiddell: will check bluetooth in morning, going to bed night12:37
KamionRiddell: hmph, I suppose you're going to want me to fix base-config ...12:37
RiddellKamion: I don't know what that is but it sounds important so fixing it would be good :)12:38
KamionRiddell: base-config is the piece responsible for installing second-stage packages12:41
RiddellKamion: do you think you'll be able to do that in time for release?12:41
KamionRiddell: are you going to want language-support-* to be installed too?12:41
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KamionRiddell: or language-pack-*, come to that?12:42
RiddellKamion: if they're on the CD yes12:44
Kamionseems to me that kde-i18n-* is a bit more like language-pack-*12:44
motaboynight all!12:46
amumotaboy: please letme know soon as possible, where you uploaded the new files12:46
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Riddell23:46 < amu> motaboy: please letme know soon as possible, where you uploaded the new files12:47
KamionRiddell: d-i'll ask the user in the event that language-support-* isn't on the CD12:47
amuRiddell: your time is wrong *g* 12:47
motaboyamu: ok. I'll upload them tomorrow when I come home from work. as I cannot access ssh behind the http proxy...12:48
Kamionamu: it's perfectly accurate for the UK ...12:48
Riddellsilly BST, so much easier when we're on GMT the one true timezone12:49
motaboynight all again :D12:49
amumotaboy: mail is also fine, thx12:49
motaboyamu: ok. I'll mail them. :D12:50
KamionRiddell: ok, hmm. I can do this relatively easily (er, well, hackily, but hey) for nearly all cases; but kde-i18n-(engb|ptbr|zhcn) are going to be tricky12:51
KamionRiddell: can I pass on those for the meantime and fix them up post-hoary?12:51
amuRiddell: ;-)12:51
Riddellno en gb?  we'll be Americanized!12:51
Kamionen_GB people I know can cope, pt_BR I *think* can read normal Portuguese, zh_CN er they're kinda screwed because there's no kde-i18n-zh12:52
=== amu say also gn8
Riddellnight amu 12:52
RiddellKamion: that's fine, but arn't those languages available in the language-support-* and language-pack-*?12:53
KamionRiddell: yes; language-pack-pt provides both pt and pt_BR, etc.12:53
Kamionwhich simplifies things12:53
Kamionhmm, I suppose I could make this work12:54
Kamionbut it's fiddly and would require more testing12:54
Riddellwell getting the majority of languages in is the important thing12:54
Kamionyeah, that was kind of my thinking12:57
=== Kamion decides that a test installation here would be a good plan
KamionRiddell: FWIW it's unlikely I'll have time to do any Kubuntu test installs between now and RC, so you guys get to verify that this works :-001:04
Riddellthat's what I like, living on the edge01:05
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RiddellKamion: presumably debian-installer sets $LANG01:14
Riddellkde seems to set it's initial language based on that01:14
apokryphos_Any decisions made re: default package manager for this release, or not yet? :)01:14
Riddellapokryphos_: no change yet01:15
KamionRiddell: yes01:17
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Riddelllamont: any idea what's wrong with this kdebase compile?02:27
Riddellpkgstriptranslations: inconsistent /CurrentlyBuilding file, Package: value is guppi (should be kdebase)02:27
KamionRiddell: base-config uploaded with appropriate logic, and debian-cd tweaked to take advantage of it; next CD build should install kde-i18n-*, except for engb|ptbr|zhcn as mentioned earlier02:30
RiddellKamion: excellent, thanks02:31
lamontRiddell: that's your basic 'how the hell did it launch a 2nd buildd' question02:34
Riddelllamont: can I leave it in your capable hands to sort out?02:35
lamontRiddell: yeah02:35
mdzdb4.0 still wants to enter main; are there builds which need to be retried?03:10
Riddellmdz: kdesdk hasn't built yet for some reason (maybe waiting on kdebase)03:12
mdzRiddell: what's the good version of kdesdk?03:13
Riddellmdz: can you remove python-gnome2, python-glade2 and python-gtk2 from kubuntu desktop seed?03:17
mdzRiddell: done03:19
Riddellmdz: could you also remove xscreensaver, rss-glx and xscreensaver-gl and replace them with kscreensaver03:23
mdzit's a bit late in the release to be making this kind of change03:24
mdzdone nonetheless03:25
Riddellmdz: when will those changes appear at http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds/kubuntu-hoary/desktop03:26
mdzRiddell: that's updated at */17 I believe03:26
mdzor something odd like that; Kamion can confirm03:27
Kamion5,20,35,50 * * * *      update-seeds03:33
mdzRiddell: you're going to upload a new kubuntu-meta, yes?03:59
Riddellmdz: already done04:01
mdzah, just came through on -changes04:01
Riddellsee, tell me enough times and I learn :)04:01
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=== haggai finally uploads kdebindings
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amufroud-work: the kdepim sektion in your docs are invalid :) 02:31
Riddellkdebase hasn't built on amd64 yet, lamont should you put it back?02:34
Riddellkdesdk hasn't built, pretty sure I remember uploading that02:34
elmoRiddell: kdebase failed02:36
elmokdesdk also failed, probably for all arches02:37
elmoplease check the build logs02:37
Riddellelmo: kdebase failed for only one architecture, lamont said it was because a second buildd started at the same time02:41
Riddellelmo: I uploaded kdesdk 0ubuntu4 but can't see any build logs for it02:42
RiddellI also uploaded new kdewebdev and kdetoys and can't see any build logs for them, maybe they're waiting on kdebase02:43
elmofixed kdesdk - it had broken katie02:51
elmogiven back kdebase02:51
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amuelmo: you have mail, after moving them, could you please restart kdeaddons03:16
froud-workamu: each time I remove it, a user comes along with a problem pertaining to it, can I safely remove it now03:33
=== Beineri [~Beineri@binner.kde] has joined #kubuntu-devel
BeineriRiddell: it seems you chose the way to try to rid of gtk+ - so why is hal-device-manager (purely informational?) still there and pulling gtk2 and libgnome* in? :-)03:36
Riddelltis a good question Beineri 03:37
Riddellamu, haggai: any problems with removing it03:37
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haggaiRiddell: no idea why its there, maybe a leftover from the ubuntu seed copy03:47
haggaiso fine with me to remove03:48
=== Beineri guesses this would make the Kubuntu install CD smaller than the Ubuntu CD :-)
haggaiBeineri: :)03:48
elmocould someone have a look at why python-qt isn't installable btw?03:49
Kamionerm ... if you want to get rid of gtk from Kubuntu you've got a hell of a long way to go03:49
elmo(cf. hplip build log)03:49
Kamion(searching for "kubuntu" in there is probably the right way to start, there's a lot of the tree that's only due to things like ubuntu-desktop being supported03:49
BeineriKamion: getting rid of libgnome/vfs/bonobo/pythongnome/ ... :-)03:50
BeineriKamion: how to read that lists? sure that it's for Kubuntu? I read stuff like Evolution in there!?03:51
KamionBeineri: yes I'm quite sure and I said above03:52
Kamionit's a bit confused though because rookery's mirror is nearly a week out of date, damn thing03:55
Beineriah, that's why the LiveCD is so out of date03:56
KamionI doubt it; rookery has nothing to do with CD building03:57
elmoRiddell: kdesdk ubuntu4 failed too03:58
BeineriKamion: than it must be some other reason :-(03:59
KamionBeineri: the live CD is out of date because kdepim has been uninstallable for five days03:59
BeineriKamion: and then it uploads the old ISO with a new timestamp?04:00
KamionBeineri: no, it builds a new ISO with the old live filesystem image04:00
Kamioneventually (fairly soon) the old image will be purged and the ISOs will stop building04:01
Kamionthe current behaviour is useful because it insulates you from temporary failures on the live-filesystem buildd04:01
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Beineri[kde-announce]  amaroK 1.2.3 Released!       *sigh*04:12
Beineri"In other news, development of amaroK 1.3 has now started!" - will take some time apparently :-)04:14
datofwiw, it's already in sid04:17
Riddelldato: not acording to http://packages.debian.org/unstable/kde/amarok is that out of date?04:18
datoit was uploaded this morning. in Debian dinstall runs daily, not hourly ;-)04:19
dato(which means, it's still in incoming.debian.org)04:19
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ttfamu: guess it's obvious (just wanted to confirm that you know) that the install CD is broken - checked yesterdays and todays iso.. kdepim - well gnupg-agent actually is the problem.04:41
amuttf: right, they wait for elmo04:42
Beineriamu: do you need hal-device-manager? :-)04:44
elmoamu: I did it a while ago04:44
amuelmo: cool, also pinentry?04:45
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elmoamu:pinentry doesn't show in my list - what needs it?04:46
amupinentry-qt needs to be also in main 04:47
elmoamu: what needs it?04:47
elmoand, err, it is in main?04:47
elmopinentry-qt |    0.7.1-5 |         hoary | amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc04:48
amuFilename: pool/universe/p/pinentry/pinentry-qt_0.7.1-5_i386.deb04:49
elmoamu: no on archive.u.c04:49
amugreat, my local mirror isnt uptodate :)04:51
Beinerisome kde-i18n are still in universe...04:59
KamionBeineri: they aren't seeded05:00
BeineriKamion: any reason for that?05:00
Kamionno idea, I'm just stating a fact05:01
=== Beineri too :-)
BeineriRiddell: it looks like you can add konq-plugins to the seed now (when stripping hal-device-manager) :-)...05:02
Riddellkonq-plugins looks good05:11
Riddellmdz: please remove hal-device-manager from the seeds and add konq-plugins05:11
elmoRiddell: did you see my whine about kdesdk?05:12
Beineriand kde-i18n-br, -fy, -ga, -lt, -mk, -se ,-srlatn?05:12
KamionRiddell: konq-plugins -> desktop?05:13
RiddellKamion: yes please05:13
KamionRiddell: done, but are you fixing / have you fixed the way it's uninstallable?05:14
RiddellKamion: it installs fine here05:14
Kamionis that recent?05:14
Riddellelmo: saw that it didn't compile, I'll take a look at that05:15
KamionI'm looking at http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/hoary_probs.html05:15
elmoKamion: that's okay now05:15
Kamionelmo: ok05:15
RiddellKamion: about an hour ago says http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/k/kdeaddons/4:3.4.0-0ubuntu1/05:15
KamionRiddell: ok to add those kde-i18n-* packages to supported?05:15
RiddellKamion: yes please05:16
=== Riddell apt-gets those kde-i18n packages to make sure they actually do work
KamionRiddell: done, will need manual action to actually pull those into main, as usual05:20
RiddellBeineri: is that definatly all the missing language packs or should double check?05:21
BeineriRiddell: I only see those 7 but feel free to check :-)05:22
Beineriall others are still 3.2.305:22
Riddellthose language packs are pretty small, but I suppose they have to start somewhere05:23
Beineriamong them are several which were released together with 3.4?05:24
Beinerithere will be more languages and/or greater packages for 3.4.x :-)05:26
KamionRiddell: I double-checked05:29
ttfany problem with adding an rsync section to https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KubuntuFiles ? - might save some bandwidth05:35
=== lamont grumbles at kdesdk -ubuntu4
lamontdh_install -pkbugbuster05:37
lamontcp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde3/kcal_bugzilla.so': No such file or directory05:37
lamontwhich comes back to:05:37
lamontchecking for APR... /build/buildd/kdesdk-3.4.0/./configure: line 33523: apr-config: command not found05:38
lamont /build/buildd/kdesdk-3.4.0/./configure: line 33523: /usr/local/apr/bin/apr-config: No such file or directory05:38
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Kamionttf: more server load though - we stopped advertising rsync URLs for CDs a while ago because you can only have so many rsyncers before the server gets very unhappy05:38
elmobe much better to advertise torrent05:40
Kamionwhich that wiki page does05:41
haggailamont: thanks, looks like libapr0-dev is missing from build-deps05:41
haggaiamu: what's up with kdesdk?05:46
Riddellhaggai: I'm looking at kdesdk05:48
Riddellhaggai: congrats, successful kdebindings05:49
haggaiRiddell: thanks :)05:49
haggaiRiddell: cdbs/kde.mk needs updating in the package05:50
haggaiRiddell: otherwise you get errors because debian/man does not exist05:50
ttfKamion: k - will leave it out then05:51
ttfRiddell: the date font is *really* small (as haggai said) - and the funny thing is that the clock only shows date in the beginning. only after I change the date fonte to e..g 11 the time is actually shown.06:21
ttfRiddell: will do some more testing on that. would leave the date out of the clock field anyways as it is pops up as soon as the mouse cursor is above the clock06:22
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ttfRiddell: found out why that happens: the time font (16) is too big for the clock field if the date font is only 10 (the clock field size is relative to the *date* size). increasing the date font (e.g. to 11) will make the clock field grow and so the time gets displayed as well. decreading the time font (e.g. to 15) will also display the time as it is then small enough to fit into the clock field.06:33
ttfanother way to get the time displayed is to decrease the panel size to <=31 as that will make the time be displayed next to the date instead of on top :) - this was tested at 1024x76806:35
elmohaggai: needs mor ethan just libapr0-dev07:18
haggaiRiddell: ^07:18
elmo                 from conftest.cc:50:07:19
elmo/usr/include/kde/libkcal/customproperties.h:27:26: kdepimmacros.h: No such file or directory07:19
elmoseems to be the problem07:19
elmolooks like libkcal2-dev needs a depends kdepim-dev ?07:32
datoyes. bab mentioned some days ago on #d-q-k07:33
datoalso on litkntef1-dev, fwiw.07:35
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host65-3.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
motaboyHi all07:36
elmook, adding kdepim-dev as dep of libkcal2-dev is enough to get kdesdk building07:42
elmohaggai/amu/riddell: could one of you guys take care of that soon-ish pls?  kdesdk is one of the 3 remaining FTBFS/uninstallables07:42
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amuelmo: ok07:58
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mdzgood morning kubuntu08:13
mdzare we ready to build kubuntu release candidate candidates?08:14
Kamion(note that Ubuntu images are currently building)08:14
Beineriis kubuntu-meta already changed?08:14
mdzKamion: a new xorg is on the way up08:18
mdzBeineri: it was changed yesterday; are there further changes which need to be incorporated?08:19
Beinerimdz: hal-device-manager drop and konq-plugins addition?08:19
Kamionmdz: I know, but I wanted to test the installer changes ASAP08:19
BeineriRiddell: ping08:19
mdzKamion: understood; just making sure you were aware08:19
mdzBeineri: uploading08:20
haggaimdz: *pounce* I thought libmad and related stuff was universe only yet libmad/libmad0 is still in main08:24
haggaimdz: what is the deal?  I'm asking because I discovered an internal libmad in xine08:24
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motaboyRiddell: hi!09:04
motaboyRiddell: I've quite finished abakus. Now I have to go, I'll post it on the webspace later. Bye!09:05
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motaboyIf kdebluetooth should go in experimental, have I to declare in the control file: Section: universe/kde?10:27
Riddellmotaboy: just kde I think10:43
motaboyRiddell: thanks.10:43
amusektion is only kde 10:56
haggaiRiddell: do you have any idea what screwed up the desktop settings?  Several people have complained on irc, mailing list and I get strange behaviour too now11:36
Beinerihow screwed up? what settings?11:37
Riddellhaggai: mm no, what's the strange behavious11:37
Riddellhaggai: mm no, what's the strange behaviour11:37
Riddellbeen away this afternoon, still catching up11:37
haggaiRiddell: I lost all my taskbar settings when relogging in after last nights update11:39
haggaiRiddell: see latest post to kubuntu-users too11:39
haggaiRiddell: my taskbar was completely blank after re-logging in - no k-menu, no settings, no clock etc11:40
haggaiRiddell: how did you make changes to kubuntu-defaults?  With a text editor or another method?11:40
apokryphoshaggai: That's happened to quite a few users, actually, at one point; everyone who was doing a dist-upgrade... I just did one today though, and didn't get that problem.11:41
Riddellhaggai: text editor, based on what I find in my own ~/.kde/share/config11:41
haggaiamu said he didn't see the problem either11:41
amufunny, mine panel was fine 11:41
RiddellI did change kickerrc last night, not sure what would be broken though11:41
haggaiRiddell: on a completely new user I don't see the kubuntu background either.  Did you try making a new user account and logging in?11:43
Beinerihaggai: do you have a /etc/kderc ? :-)11:44
haggaiBeineri: Beineri /etc/kderc? no11:44
amuarg again a new xserver 11:44
Beinerihaggai: purge kubuntu-default-settings and reinstall it :-)11:44
Beineriand if you have a /etc/kde-profile left-over - kill it too imo11:45
haggaiBeineri: hmm, I have a kde-user-profile11:45
Beinerihaggai: yeah, that one :-), it's now under /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings iirc11:45
Riddelljust tried it with a new user, works fine11:46
Riddellso kderc strangeness is the likely candidate11:46
apokryphosBeineri: do you think that's related to the kicker problem? Since, after I did that (k-d-s purge yesterday), I didn't have the problem with this dist-upgrade11:46
Beineriapokryphos: dunno, at least it fixes the "new user default settings" problem11:47
haggaiso where did my kderc go then I wonder11:47
apokryphoshm, I see I still have kde-user-profile though11:47
apokryphosBeineri: right.11:47
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-17-120.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
haggaihi seb11:49
seb128anybody here with some knowledge of the fd specifications (desktops/icons) and of what KDE is doing according to that ?11:49
haggaiRiddell: any idea whether any of your updates would have wiped kderc?11:49
seb128that seems to be broken 11:49
seb128the package should install an icon in /usr/share/pixmaps/, shouldn't it ?11:50
Riddellhaggai: dunno, not sure why they would but not sure what else would do it11:50
seb128or in hicolor11:50
Riddellhaggai: that file hasn't changed unless you had an old version that kept preferences in /etc not /usr/share11:50
Riddellseb128: yes it's broken, there are a great many KDE apps that only install icons to crystal and not hicolour, they're all broken11:51
RiddellI may fix them all for KDE 3.5 if I have time11:51
haggaiRiddell: define old version.  I have just been apt-get upgrading all the time11:51
seb128because a guy is bugging on gnome and suggests to do some hacks11:51
Riddellhaggai: weeks old11:51
seb128I'll close the bug :)11:51
Beinerihaggai: uhm, not the kde-user-profile file. I menat a kde-profile or alike *directory*11:52
Riddellseb128: blame upstream11:52
seb128I don't blame anybody, I just want to be sure that's not a gnome-menus/panel bug11:53
seb128I will let you blame whoever is to blame then :)11:53
Riddellhaggai: but even if the file could change any idea what would just delete it?  I nead to read up on the properties of .deb config files11:53
haggaiRiddell: only a maintainer script gone wild11:53
Riddellhaggai: maintainer script?11:54
haggaiRiddell: just chekced kubuntu-default-settings, there are no scripts in there11:54
haggaiRiddell: preinst/postinst etc11:54
uniqhey.. looks like some of the new i18n packages are broken.. atleast -nb and -no.. are..11:54
Riddellnope, nothing fancy in there11:54
haggaiuniq: make sure you have ubuntu311:54
Riddellwonder if one of the KDE packages does things to kderc11:54
haggaiRiddell: shouldn't be possible normally - that's owned by root11:54
haggaihmm, I did run kcontrol as root to work around kdesu problems...11:55
uniqhaggai: mkay.. did they come today?11:55
haggaiuniq: no, but very recently11:55
uniqhaggai: ok.. my mirrors are probably slow then.. 11:56
seb128thanks guys11:57
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uniqahgood.. it works.. thanks a bunch.. (the packagefiles for no.archive and se.archive weren't updated 5 hours ago.. i've got everything ubuntu2).. 11:58

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