
sabmocmako, have time to talk about confrence booths?12:01
makosabmoc: give me a second.. i'm sending off something to -devel about these userlinux packages12:05
sabmocmako, no problem12:06
makosabmoc: hey dude12:07
makosabmoc: ok.. in terms of support for ubuntu at conferences .. the only thing we curretnly have to send is cds12:08
makosabmoc: but we can send as many as one might need12:08
sabmocmako, that is all we want12:08
makosabmoc: when?12:08
sabmocmako, the confrence is april 30th12:08
makosabmoc: no rush then.. you'll get hoary cds12:08
makohow many cds do you think you want?12:08
sabmocmako, Im not sure12:08
makosabmoc: how big is the conference?12:09
sabmoccan I get back to you on that12:09
makosabmoc: of course12:09
sabmocwhen do you need to know by?12:09
makotwo weeks from now? maybe a little bit more?12:09
sabmocI will let you know in less than a week12:09
sabmocIm still trying to find out if there will already be an Ubuntu booth there or not12:10
makogo to shipit.ubuntulinux.org and make the request12:10
makoif it's for whole boatload, it will not let uyou order them from the web12:10
makobut you can set it to zero and then email me and i can place the order for you12:10
makobut you still need to put your shipping information in that way12:10
makoand you'll need to confirm any large order12:10
makowhat conf?12:10
sabmocmako, Linux NorthWest Fest12:10
makosabmoc: ahh. i think i am already sending CDs12:10
makosomeone else has contacted me about this12:11
makounless it was you12:11
makobut there won't be a booth12:11
sabmocit might be someone from my team12:11
makohm.. send me an email12:11
makoand i will put you guys in contact12:11
makobetter to have a coordinated ubuntu plan :)12:11
sabmoc3 members of the loco canadian team are going, was it Burgundavia  that contacted you?12:11
makoyeah, i'm from seattle but i've moved out to nyc in the last year12:11
makono, it wasn't burgundavia, it was someone i didn't know12:12
=== Burgundavia is going if I don't get funding for UDU
=== mako nods
tsengi think funding for udu is over12:12
sabmocah ok, we'll I emailed the confrence mailing list so I should find out who else is going from ubuntu shortly12:12
Burgundaviaya, but I tried12:12
tsengat least people were getting it approved weeks ago12:12
BurgundaviaI really only decided recently12:13
Burgundaviaso I figured I would try12:13
BurgundaviaI don't really expect to get anything12:13
=== tseng neither.
Burgundaviawhich means it is LFNW for me12:13
sabmoc*and the people rejoice*12:14
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=== azeem [~mbanck@ppp-82-135-13-136.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachazeem: ping12:18
makoazeem: hi :)12:19
makodholbach: hi :)12:19
dholbachazeem: i just saw that multisync was on our to-fix list and wondered if you wanted to fix it (http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/Test/m/multisync/0.82-5ubuntu2/)12:19
dholbachhey mako 12:19
azeemhi mako12:19
azeemmako: you going to LinuxTag?12:19
lamontdholbach: will look12:19
dholbachlamont: hm?12:20
dholbachlamont: i asked azeem :-)12:20
lamontdholbach: doh\12:20
dholbachlamont: but i won't stop you :-)12:20
lamontsaw the highlight, assumed me... :-)12:20
lamontI don't always like that the buildlogs are under ~lamont12:21
=== farruinn [~nate@cpe-69-201-13-7.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachi want   http://qa.ubuntu.com   :-)12:21
azeemdholbach: hrm12:21
makoazeem: yes, i plan to12:21
lamonthrm.. that one seems vaguely like something under the 7891-ish (7885-7893 ish)12:21
makoazeem: i submitted a couple talk proposals but they haven't gotten back to folks yet.. i guess there's some delay12:22
schweebdholbach: indeed12:22
azeemmako: you going to LSM as well, right?12:22
makoazeem: yes, i'm definitely going there.. i'm on the schedule already12:22
azeemmako: see #debian-devel@OFTC from half an hour ago, tbm talked about it12:22
azeem(delay, that is)12:22
=== sabmoc is away: onBlur();
makoyeah, i'm not really worried 12:23
makowhatever :)12:23
Mithrandirsabmoc: please turn off public away.12:24
makobut if my ubuntu talk gets accepted, it means i can go and not take vacation, which vastly increases the chances of me being able to go :)12:24
xuzois the "automount usb devices" feature supposed to work on hoary?12:33
azeemdholbach: heimdal-dev and libedata-book1.2-dev can't be installed together in hoary, though I haven't figured out why yet12:34
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Kamionmdz: ia64 CDs> done12:36
dholbachazeem: *argl* i'll have a look at it too12:36
fyrtyalguien habla espaol ?12:37
Mithrandirazeem: libedata-book1.2-dev depends on libkrb5-dev which conflicts with heimdal-dev12:37
xuzofyrty: #ubuntu-es12:37
seb128azeem: and the reason is that firefox/kde use libkrb5, and we need to use the same to build stuff like OO.o12:40
azeemwell, not sure what to do; this doesn't look like a multisync issue12:40
seb128just build it with krb5 ?12:40
=== azeem upgrades his hoary-chroot
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stuNNedhi i can't find any documentation on loading a custom dsdt, i see this feature is avail in hoary, sorry for asking non-devel quest01:05
=== thierry [~t@modemcable248.72-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
azeemok, seems to work fine01:10
=== lamont must run an errand to town. back in about 1.5 hours or so.
azeemeh, s/work/build/01:10
azeemdholbach: http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/ubuntu-hoary/multisync_0.82-5ubuntu3_source.changes01:11
dholbachazeem: shall i upload it for you or will it be in debian soon, so i could prod elmo to sync?01:11
azeemdholbach: debian isn't affected, it doesn't have evolution-1.201:12
azeemor whatever it was that caused the problem01:12
dholbachazeem: alright, will look in some minutes01:13
dholbachazeem: thanks for fixing :-)01:13
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azeemI haven't tested whatever part of multisync it is that uses heimdal/kerberos, but the basic packages still run01:14
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seb128azeem: and evo uses heimdal for debian01:16
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zenwhenhald is suddenly eating cpu cycles out of nowhere01:23
zenwhenenough to make my system choppy01:23
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kenthas some one tried to move the gcursor function to gnome-theme-manager yet?01:33
ograkent, next release01:35
kentogra, as in Gnome 2.12?01:37
ograkent, probably, i'm thinking about looking at injecting it in the theme manager for gnome 2.1201:38
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091b90.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
kentogra, I grabed gcursor source from ubuntu archive and looked at it (and theme-manager in capplets from ubuntu archive - using hoary) and it seems that it should not be so hard to do. I even played with glade and made the .glade file for theme-manager get a tab for cursors, just for fun. I can hardly code so I cant help :(01:43
seb128ogra: I'm not sure that's a good idea, rather the mouse capplet01:44
seb128ogra: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11067001:44
ograseb128, anywhere it fits ;) i havent looked into it extensively yet....wanted to talk to jdub once i have a bit spare time....01:45
seb128why to jdub ?01:45
ograseb128, he wrote somethig about including it on ubuntu-devel recently01:45
seb128just a remark than it would be nice in a capplet IIRC01:46
seb128you probably want to talk to sven, he's one of the upstream 01:46
seb128(he's on the MOTU list IIRC)01:46
ograseb128, i know.... i'll have to review his hula packages before release....01:47
jdubyeah man, i would totally send you to talk to someone else anyway :)01:49
ograjdub, its not on my todo currently, but i kept your mail in mind...01:50
=== jdub thinks it could appear in both the mouse and theme/detail capplets
ograand i'll come back to it if nobody else implements it01:50
seb128patches are welcome upstream :)01:50
seb128jdub: sorry to bother you again with that, but is there any desktop file update planned for g-a-i or that's shifted from hoary ?01:51
jdubseb128: yes, i am doing nothing else today :-)01:52
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=== seb128 kicks firefox
seb128the grey backgrounds are ugly01:52
ograi like them01:55
jdubseb128: yeah, somehow the "use system colours" switch was turned on01:55
jdubthom: ping01:55
seb128 mozilla-firefox (1.0.2-0ubuntu2) hoary; urgency=low01:56
seb128 .01:56
seb128   * Fix gtk2 themer to correctly set foreground and background01:56
seb128hum, I may want this update :)01:56
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=== ogra slowly starts to think that telling people to send the hwdb data to his mailbox as a fallback was an ill idea....
mdkeis something up with the archives atm?01:59
zenwhenis it flooding in ogra?01:59
mdkebeen getting errors for ages01:59
jdubseb128: d'oh01:59
zenwhenis the server that was supposed to receive that data not up yet?02:00
dholbachzenwhen: no, not up yet02:00
ograzenwhen, yup....today the traffic rised, wondering why02:00
ograand i got my first mac mini submission :-D02:01
mdzKamion: still here?02:01
dholbachseb128: what about the  gtk-doc-tools -fix? will we get it from debian?02:05
dholbachseb128: i think i'd need it for a fixed gmime202:11
seb128Do we have a build issue for something ?02:12
dholbachseb128: hm?02:12
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seb128I've ignored that because I've not noticed any breakage due to gtk-doc-tools for the moment02:13
seb128and there is no reason to change something working :p02:13
dholbachseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/Test/g/gmime2/2.0.14-2/gmime2_2.0.14-2_20050321-1131-amd64-failed02:14
seb128k, I'll fix it tomorrow02:14
dholbachseb128: thank you very much02:15
seb128BTW for the moment time to sleep02:15
seb128'night 02:15
dholbachgood night seb02:16
ogranight seb128 02:16
mdzdoes anyone know where Kamion left off?02:18
mdzI don't see a new d-i upload, nor new CD builds as yet02:18
mdzlamont: can you tell me if a d-i build happened?02:18
dholbachmdz: 1h40m ago he said the last thing, but i'm sure you know that already02:19
=== dholbach looks at xcruise
Kamionmdz: yes, hold on a sec02:23
Kamionlamont: if so, could you tell me what version of eject was in the powerpc d-i build you did?02:24
Kamions/you did/that happened/02:25
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Kamionthe noises I was hearing in scrollback were of a d-i build happening disturbingly early02:25
mdzKamion: I see no d-i build in the upload queue02:25
Kamionmdz: ok. (I'd gone off for a bit to do things at home while stuff built ...)02:27
zulmdz: ping...bug #8288...???02:29
zulmdz: nm..02:30
Kamionmdz: shall I trigger one, or have you done so?02:31
Kamionzul: might be worth pointing out to that patch submitter that setting bugs PENDINGUPLOAD when they aren't in a developer's local tree yet actively gets in the way of our tracking02:32
mdzKamion: I have not, feel free02:32
=== lamont did not do a d-i build
lamontI just indicated when I thought it would probably be ready for one...02:36
Kamionsed: can't read debian-installer_20041227ubuntu23.0.20050329_i386.changes: No such file or directory02:36
Kamionmv: cannot stat `debian-installer_20041227ubuntu23.0.20050329_i386.changes': No such file or directory02:36
Kamionsed: can't read debian-installer_20041227ubuntu23.0.20050329_amd64.changes: No such file or directory02:36
Kamionmv: cannot stat `debian-installer_20041227ubuntu23.0.20050329_amd64.changes': No such file or directory02:36
Kamionis that bad?02:36
lamontKamion: did you happen to just have a build running?02:37
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mdzKamion: what time do you want to start the upload quarantine for RC?02:37
Kamionlamont: what do you mean?02:37
lamontyellow had two buildd's running...  Just did a killall make on it...02:37
lamontso if you were running BuildDI, um... oops02:37
Kamionlamont: yes, I just had a build running02:37
Kamionlamont: same on mcmurdo02:38
lamontuh, want me to kick one, or you?02:38
Kamioner, actually, do I mean mcmurdo? i386 and amd64 anyway02:38
lamontdidn't kill mcmurdo, though...02:38
Kamionlamont: please do, I've lost track of which is which02:38
lamontyellow == amd6402:38
Kamionhooker's finished apparently successfully; that's ia64 IIRC02:39
Kamionross (powerpc) is still going02:39
Kamionmdz: main thing that concerns me is that I haven't yet received a complete Xhosa installer translation, and I know that's a target02:39
KamionAdi promised me a new set of files today, but I guess that slipped02:39
mdzwe set a deadline for it; if it missed, it missed02:40
lamontwanna-build -bamd64/build-db -dhoary --info debian-installer02:40
lamontdebian-installer: not registered02:40
Kamionmdz: other than that ... what's the GNOME situation?02:41
mdzKamion: we're going to delay final to get 2.10.1 in02:42
lamontKamion: amd64 running02:43
mdzjdub: because we don't have time to test that stuff on the day of release02:43
jdubbut how much do we care?02:44
jdubsome releases will be translations-only -> pretty safe02:44
mdzdepending on which packages drop on the last day, we might care a lot02:44
lamontKamion: for future note, BuildDI should not be run in a time that spans :[03] 302:44
jdubsome releases will have changes, some of which we care about, some we don't02:44
jdubmdz: the tarballs are released on the monday02:45
mdzjdub: last time they rolled in monday, tuesday and wednesday02:45
mdzif we are guaranteed to have them all on monday, we can do that02:45
mdzand go out on the 6th02:45
jdubwe're not, not entirely02:45
jdubbut i'm not sure why we care02:46
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060020ed20f68f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubmuch of the important stuff will be in cvs already02:46
mdzwe need to give ourselves a full day for release prep and test cycles02:46
mdzthat means no last-minute new code02:46
Kamionlamont: hmm. ok :)02:46
jdubso let's not take it02:47
jdubi really don't think this is slip-worthy02:47
mdzI gave sabdfl the options, and he said he would rather delay than miss some 2.10.102:47
KamionI'm all for a plan that involves giving ourselves a full day for test cycles, because that means I might not nearly kill myself with work on release day02:47
mdzwhen I suggested that we take what we had on Monday out of 2.10.102:47
lamontKamion: the failure on mcmurdo was because debian-installer/Packages.gz didn't exist when you tried to fetch it, you see....02:47
KamionI slept for sixteen hours straight following warty release02:48
jdubKamion: the objective for breezy is to have three :)02:48
mdzjdub: I'll postpone announcing the delay if you want to argue your case with him02:48
Kamionjdub: three what?02:49
mdzI did present that as one of the options02:49
jdubKamion: days02:49
Kamionyeah. and will that actually happen, I wonder? releases have been awfully last-minute so far02:49
mdzjdub: for Breezy, I want to sync RC with GNOME 2.1202:49
Kamionso excuse my scepticism :-)02:49
jdubmdz: there's probably little use. it's going to be bling-related.02:49
jdubKamion: yes, we'll lock down on monday and release on wednesday, same as gnome.02:50
mdzjdub: the argument was that if we do that, we don't have GNOME 2.10, and we don't have GNOME 2.10.1, we have a mix02:50
Kamionjdub: it has never actually happened that way so far02:50
Robot101*sigh at impending flamewar*02:50
jdubKamion: i'm not saying it has, i'm saying it will02:50
Robot101someone proposed a patch to make Gaim use GConf02:50
jdubmdz: the mix really doesn't matter -> we're very smart people :)02:50
mdzjdub: I know02:50
Robot101the windows porter helpfully pipes up to explain how much that would suck02:50
mdzjdub: it's a matter of what we say in the release announcement, I suppose02:51
jdubmdz: explain RC/2.12 sync?02:51
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mdzjdub: giving us a full week to QA before final02:51
jdubmdz: 2.12.1?02:51
mdzjdub: er, yeah, I meant 2.12.102:51
jdubyeah, agree02:51
jdubwe do mon/wed the week after02:52
jdubin that case, i'll schedule 2.12.1 now02:52
Kamionthat all makes sense; it just has to include EVERYTHING, including <small>artwork</small> ;)02:53
mdzjdub: speaking of artwork, do we have a sound theme or no?02:53
mdzdo I need to call Cliff?02:54
mdzthe sound theme was part of the package02:55
jdubprobably not02:55
sabmocsmurfix, awake?02:57
Kamionlamont: ross is done; do I have the other two d-i uploads?02:57
Kamionlamont: (and were the d-i uploads from hooker and ross sane, given that I started them between :30 and :33?)02:58
lamontKamion: ross is, um. not done.  same issue (upload didn't happen see my WTH question above - babysitting this run02:58
lamontthe other 2 are uplaoded02:59
lamontross either made it or didnt.03:00
lamont\Mar 29 02:00:24 buildd-uploader: Setting to Uploaded(hoary): debian-installer 03:00
lamontmdz: any chance you can still kick cron.hourly on jackass?03:01
Kamionlamont: ok, could you babysit a rerun? I don't want to rerun it myself because I know build,build without intervening byhand is risky03:01
lamontKamion: ross is now uploaded03:01
lamontbut that :24 means it may have missed the last cron.hourly before the :03 cron.daily03:01
Kamionand hooker is currently EDONTCARE03:01
ograsabmoc, its 3am here, only the crazy guys are still up :)03:01
mdzlamont: I have the privileges to do so; I do not know whether it is safe03:02
lamontalthough I'll go kick it anyway after cron.daily03:02
lamontmdz: then nm,03:02
sabmocogra, so you're saying smurfix isnt crazy enough?03:02
lamontmdz: if we want to let Kamion sleep, and ppc doesn't show up in the archive with i386/amd64, then a cron.daily run after the :03 one finishes would be helpful03:02
ograsabmoc, he probably has a real life to cope with tomorrow ;)03:03
lamontbut not before it finishes...03:03
mdzlamont: Kamion can sleep; I'll drive03:03
mdzKamion: the d-i build is basically only translation updates anyway, right?03:04
mdzI don't anticipate any problems that would require your presence03:04
lamontis d-i byhanding automated now?03:04
mdzI'd rather you were well-rested for tomorrow03:04
mdzlamont: no03:04
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Kamionmdz: right, just translations; the last base-config change is substantive, but is easier to fix if it goes wrong03:05
KamionI can test that tomorrow03:05
lamontah, well, I think that happens in cron.hourly, in which case that's ready to happen03:05
KamionI need to stay up for a little bit more to do the tail-end of translation coordination from today, but I'll go and crash after that03:05
Kamionfor some reason msgmerge is being a whole lot slower today than I'm sure it was yesterday03:07
=== zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzKamion: can you push an update of the published seeds?03:09
mdzlamont: amd64, i386 and powerpc all showed03:12
ograargh....i knew adding a .desktop file was a bad idea....i get about a submission per minute....03:12
Burgundaviaogra: isn't that a good thing?03:13
lamontmdz: good03:13
ograBurgundavia, nope, not with this prerelease, i have to compute them all by hand then.... the next release adds a md5sum as filename instead of hwdb.xml....(already on my disk here)03:14
lamontmdz: ia64 build launched, should anyone care03:14
mdzwow, that byhand went poorly03:15
Kamionhttp://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfsresize.html -> mentions Ubuntu03:16
Kamionmdz: done03:16
Burgundaviaogra: ah03:16
mdzI think we may need a new d-i build03:17
mdzpowerpc worked, the other two were skipped without warning03:17
Robot101does the installer have a "Shrink Windows partition to make space for Ubuntu" option, or do you have to do it via the manual badger?03:17
ograBurgundavia, and i'll have to mail them the md5sum back to add it to their client....(its necessary to distinguish between the users)03:18
Burgundaviaogra: ah03:18
ograBurgundavia, so it will be a lot of work waiting for me....03:18
KamionRobot101: manual03:19
lamonthrm.. somehow that's not surprising...03:20
Burgundaviaogra: anything I can help with?03:20
lamontgimme a minute03:20
ograBurgundavia, not yet, but probably between RC and release....i'll come back to you ;)03:20
Burgundaviaogra: ok03:21
mdzlamont: it was my fuckup03:21
lamontmdz: try the byhand again?03:21
mdzlamont: I can't; the files have been moved away and I don't want to try to reassemble them03:21
mdzsafest would be a new set of builds03:21
mdzKamion: since he mentions Ubuntu, perhaps he could take a look at that new "ntfsresize ate my disk" bug?03:23
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Kamionmdz: I just followed up to that asking if the reporter could try the troubleshooting instructions03:25
KamionI imagine that's all upstream would say to start with anyway03:25
lamontmdz: and you just need i386, amd64?03:29
mdzlamont: is it significantly easier to skip powerpc?03:29
mdzI thought you had started them already :-/03:29
lamontone less machine to make sure it's right on...03:29
mdzI guess we'll miss :3303:29
lamontwas dealing with an email issue - sorry03:30
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mdzmy byhand fuckup was the result of having hacked the script to process a subset of architectures the last time03:30
=== lamont is currently wondering why debian-installer isn't even in wanna-build
mdzI want to keep it simple on this end03:30
lamontso you want ppc again? or it's already in the archive?03:31
mdzI want a full set of builds03:31
lamontis there already a 20050329 in the archive for ppc?03:31
lamontok.  it'll get 20050329003:31
mdzplease give them all the same version number03:31
mdzif you'd prefer to re-upload 20050329, we could try that03:32
mdzI think it'll get rejected03:32
lamontok.. they'll all get 20050329003:32
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=== lamont twiddles thumbs for another 2 minutes
lamont(waiting for :35)03:33
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lamontlaunched, x403:36
lamontinteresting that d-i takes 6 minutes on ppc, 3 on ia64, 2.5 on amd64, and 2- on i386.03:36
Kamionit has more bits to it on powerpc03:37
Kamionthree kernels ...03:37
lamontah, ok03:37
lamontso with no more action on my part, bits should be ready to byhand at :44 ish03:38
lamonter, :45, since cron.hourly has to run first03:38
zenwhenoh neat03:39
lamontso, for the record, :35 is too soon too. fixored03:44
lamontppc still running03:44
=== lamont puts buildd-mail on his fixit dammit list
lamontuploaded x4, should be byhandable in < 5 min03:47
Burgundaviamako: ping03:47
lamontmdz: feel free to verify that03:47
mdzlamont: amd64, i386 and ia64 in byhand, powerpc in unchecked03:48
lamontppc will move at :5003:48
jdubgar, drowning in email is not a good start to the day03:48
=== lamont takes 10 minutes to work with his daughter on a bo kata
lamontjdub: you want more??? :-)03:49
jdubnot at all :|03:50
Kamionmdz: the recipe in #1912 reproduces for me with 2.10, and indeed 2.11 appears to fix it (and mentions some long file name fixes in the changelog)03:50
tsengjdub: i could send you one about libmono-dev03:50
Kamionmdz: can I sync it?03:51
jdubtseng: hrm, which reminds me -> mono 1.0.6 (or patch to fix beagle-related bug)... doable?03:51
mdzKamion: which bits of dosfstools do we actually use (if any)?03:51
mdzif it can't break anything, sure03:51
tsengjdub: do you know what $beagle-related-bug expands to?03:52
Kamionlooks like Debian #294177 in fact03:52
jdubtseng: not in any useful detail.03:52
tsengjdub: thats helpful..03:52
mdzjdub: any chance of getting the last of this gamin stuff cleaned up in the next few days?03:53
mdzjdub: I can reproduce #707803:54
jdubtseng: dude, #dashboard :-)03:54
tsengdude, im in there03:55
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jdubmdz: DV refuses to believe either us or the red hat desktop team that this bug exists03:55
jdubmdz: i'll point them all at martin's test output tonight, see if i can get some traction03:55
mdzjdub: is there any way to get debug output out of gamin?03:56
=== lamont is back
mdzeither end of it?03:57
Kamionmdz: as far as I can tell we don't use any of it by default; we turned it all off in warty03:57
jdubyeah, both GAM_DEBUG=103:57
lamontKamion: they give you bo kata's in your school?03:57
mdzKamion: perhaps we should remove it from base for breezy then03:57
jdubmdz: see martin's output files03:57
mdzlamont, Kamion: byhanded03:58
mdzah, ok. so there's probably not much I could add by collecting more traces03:59
Kamionmdz: that would go against the "install useful filesystem stuff by default" bits, I think; and I think support for VFAT is really rather good to have. all I meant was that the installer doesn't run any dosfstools code automatically04:00
wasabi_good morning ubuntu-nam04:00
Kamionlamont: shotokan's entirely unarmed04:00
Kamionmdz: sync request mailed, anyhow04:01
mdzKamion: I'm ready for CD builds, you?04:11
Kamionmdz: don't see new d-i in the archive yet04:12
Kamionoh, duh, my bad04:12
mdzalready synced to little04:13
Kamionmdz: looks good; I've started cron.daily04:14
wasabi_so like where are buildd logs kept?04:14
wasabi_not just the "what's building" but the full output04:15
Kamionwasabi_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/04:15
wasabi_oh duh, i was in Lists04:15
Kamionwhoa, debian-cd is REALLY verbose now I turned up the verbosity so I could see what list2cds was doing ...04:15
mdzKamion: you're doing a non-jidgo build, right?04:16
mdzwe don't have all day ;-)04:16
lamontKamion: unarmed is so, um, unarmed. :-)04:16
Kamionmdz: we so do ;)04:16
Kamionmdz: I didn't turn jigdo off04:16
mdzKamion: I can't start live builds until those are finished, no?04:16
=== zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionmdz: that's true04:16
mdzit takes like an hour with jigdo04:16
mdzand perhaps 10-15 minutes without04:17
Kamionsigh, oh-kay, restarting04:17
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lamontKamion: you should schedule the builds so that livecd builds first... :-)04:17
lamontmdz: 7846: was not reproducible on the buildd04:18
Kamionlamont: actually the crontab is indeed that way round04:18
Kamionat least for Ubuntu04:18
KamionI've stopped that build and started a live one instead, to keep mdz happy :-)04:19
=== mdz does a little jig
mdzI will have all 3 live CDs downloaded and tested before you have your first jigdo file ;-)04:19
lamontKamion: did we schedule our workout BOF?04:19
Kamionmdz: it makes zero difference to me, I will be asleep while it's building ;)04:20
jdubmdz: so was the delay going to be one week, or one day?04:20
mdzjdub: two days04:20
Kamionlamont: nope04:20
jdubto release on friday?04:20
mdzjdub: yes04:20
mdzthe late-week kubuntu release went over well04:21
mdzsome might say a bit too well...04:21
jdublate week is bad for pro press04:21
jdubbut that's not a huge concern for us atm04:21
mdzif you're confident that we'd be happy with what we got on monday, we could reopen the discussion04:22
mdzbut we ought to decide on this before RC04:22
jdubi don't think there's much point reopening it04:23
mdzKamion: ooh, .torrents, does that mean thom is giving us auto-torrent-love?04:26
Kamionmdz: I put them in a suitable place and told him where they were; I don't know if he's done the other side yet04:27
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mdzKamion: are the mirrors updated?04:29
mdzI don't see any rsync connections active, but usually it takes longer than this04:29
Kamionmdz: cdimage.ubuntu.com seems to be04:30
Kamionmirnyy is happier of late, I think04:31
Kamioninstall CD build running; I've disabled the cron jobs, so from now on Ubuntu CD builds are manual only04:31
Kamionuntil RC goes out that is04:31
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ogradoes anybody know of a python-cgitb backport for woody ? 04:44
mdzthom: I've been seeing some instances where I don't get switched back to vt7 after opening the lid; is that likely the state-file-being-clobbered bug?04:46
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=== Kamion -> bed
dholbachme too05:01
dholbachi'm off to bed05:01
dholbachsleep tight everyone05:02
=== minghua [~minghua@adsl-69-153-134-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograhey fabbione 05:13
fabbionehey ogra05:13
danielskamion goes to bed as fabbione awake05:13
dholbachhey fabbione 05:13
fabbionehey guys05:14
ogradaniels, bah, sleep is for lamers *g*05:14
mdzdaniels: live CD testing with 6.8.2-6 is good on all my test systems05:15
danielsmdz: yes, and as I detailed before, live CD and upgrade testing went through fine in all my scenarios here05:15
fabbionemdz: are all the images up for testing?05:20
mdzfabbione: live are up05:21
jbaileyAre these the RC images?05:21
mdzinstall should be up soon if it isn't already05:21
mdzthe build is finished; not sure if the mirror is up to date05:21
mdzjbailey: these are approximately RCCC images05:21
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fabbionemdz: roger05:22
danielsrelease candidate candidate candidate?05:23
mdzfabbione: both live and install are up05:23
mdzdaniels: yes05:23
mdzdaily-live/current -> 2005032905:23
mdzdaily/current -> 2005032905:23
fabbione@ERROR: max connections (15) reached - try again later05:24
jbaileymdz: Cool.  Are we in a no-upload zone now, then?05:26
mdzjbailey: we're in a be-careful-dammit zone :-)05:27
jbaileymdz: Yeah. Mostly I'd like to get the udev with ieee1394 in.  It's adding 4 lines to two config files.05:28
jbaileyIt's be nice to be able to get feedback on that for RC.05:28
mdzjbailey: test thoroughly and upload05:29
lamontjbailey: if you upload udev, please do it while I'm awake, and tell me that you've done it...05:29
=== Sparhawk_ [~sparhawk@c-24-14-121-93.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontwell, actually, as long as noone has _versioned_ depends on the newer udev, we're ok05:30
fabbione /usr/bin/autoconf: line 15: /dev/null: Permission denied05:31
fabbionelamont: i guess you are talking about these errors, right?05:31
lamontfabbione: yep05:31
lamontfabbione: where was that?05:31
mdzsparc, I hope05:31
calcfabbione: nodev mounted05:32
fabbionelamont: yes, sparc05:32
lamontmdz: I still need to go finish cleaning up hoary-test05:32
fabbionecalc: udev double mounted /dev05:32
calcfabbione: oh ok05:32
fabbionei have seen it once already05:32
lamontthere are some of those that got marked as failed, etc05:32
lamontfabbione: I just installed udev in the chroot, then umounted dev/pts, dev/shm, and dev05:33
fabbionelamont: yes, that's why i noticed05:33
fabbionelamont: what are the packages at fault? kdebase?05:33
lamontfabbione: kdeaddons did it, dunno what else05:34
lamontanything that build-depends somethign that depends hal, dbus-1, or udev05:34
fabbionei noticed the first failure with kdebase..05:35
lamontfabbione: I was beyond tracking down _who_ did it...05:35
lamontwas too busy fixing 2 chroots on 11 buildd;s05:35
fabbioneyeah i could guess that05:35
fabbioneso the solution is to install udev in the chroot basically05:36
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lamontwhich means that lacking a build-dep on debconf, and about 15 others will no longer be noticed.05:36
fabbionedpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-xen0-2.6.10-5-386-xen0 not in control info05:36
lamontfabbione: dealing with it properly is on my post-hoary list05:36
fabbionelamont: yeah, there is no time for hoary...05:37
lamontfabbione: my thinking for post-hoary is to divert start-stop-daemon, and mount :-)05:37
fabbionelamont: good idea actually. btw how do you handle the mount of udev after a buildd reboot? manually?05:38
lamontfabbione: I undo what the postinst did after installing it in the chroot.05:38
lamontthat way we have the udev package, but none of the doesn't-work-in-a-chroot instanity05:39
fabbionei guess i need to check that05:39
lamontinsanity, even05:39
lamontoh, and umount chroot-hoary/.dev as well. :-)05:39
lamontif so inclined05:39
fabbioneso you install udev, but you don't run udev in the chroot....05:39
lamontcan't run udev in the chroot05:40
lamontit kinda wants to be one-per-systemmm05:40
fabbioneand you mount manually /dev & Co.05:40
lamontso you install udev in the chroot, undo the mount-funnies, and let it rip05:40
lamont /dev is the static one that debootstrap built05:40
lamontthe trick is to make sure that udev's postinst _NEVER_ runs again.  And that you have /dev/ sane again.05:41
=== lamont grumbles at archive.u.c being > 15 _STILL)
fabbionemeh.. you can only put udev on hold to avoid that05:41
lamontyeah, but it has to be installed in the chroot, and you have to fix /dev to be sane05:42
lamontand if someone has versioned build-deps on a newversion of udev between now and release, I'll have to hurt something05:42
danielslamont: wget it over the lan and then run rsync-over-ssh to chinstrap or so05:44
fabbionelamont: what was that insane deb line to grab _all.deb from another arch?05:44
lamontdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/05:51
lamontit's not _insane_, it's just _sick_. :-)05:51
lamontjust don't let mdz see, or he'll get vomit on his keyboard again.05:52
lamontmdz: why did 8187 and 8189 get pointed at kernel-team:?05:54
=== lamont grumbles at jbailey
jbaileylamont: Eh?  What did I do this time?05:56
lamontjbailey: just trying to figure out why kernel-team wound up on the CC list for 8187, which you closed... dunno if it was you or not, though.05:57
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mdzlamont: wtf is that (dists/hoary/main/binary-i386)05:57
jbaileylamont: It was openned with the cc: in place according to the bugzilla email I got.05:58
mdzlamont: it came in with kernel-team on it05:58
lamontmdz: that's the magical sources.list line to grab arch: all packages from i386.  apt ignores all of the Arch: i386 packages - since you're on sparc, or whatever)06:00
lamontmdz: and yes, it's sick-and-wrong06:00
=== lamont reassigns 8189 to debzilla unless someone screams
mdzeek, archive-copier failed due to a segfault on amd6406:03
mdzanyone else doing an amd64 test install?06:03
calcmdz: i could download an iso and try it if no one else already has06:04
calcbut i wouldn't be able to actually do the install until tomorrow06:04
=== lamont will grab isos in the morning as well
mdzMar 29 04:02:54 main-menu[3713] : (process:28494): Segmentation fault06:04
mdzMar 29 04:02:54 main-menu[3713] : WARNING **: Configuring 'archive-copier' failed with error code 13906:04
lamontbut I have no amd64 boxen06:04
calci did hear that some people were having issues with the recent amd64 kernels06:05
calcpost -28 iirc06:05
mdzpackage-cache-n[28546] : segfault at 0000002a959bd000 rip 0000002a956ea59d rsp 0000007fbfffebc8 error 406:05
mdzthe live CD was happy enough06:05
calci'm running a hoary install from several months ago that has just been upgraded over time06:06
calchaven't rebooted since -28 though06:06
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mdzI need for someone else to check whether this works for them06:07
mdzfabbione: do you have amd64?06:07
danielsi'll test it06:07
mdzpackage-cache-names.c hasn't changed in forever, I don't think06:08
mdzdaniels: yep06:08
danielsrsyncing now06:08
danielscan you squeeze an install into 1.8GB?06:10
calcshould be able to06:11
calcmy /usr is using 1.5 and i have other stuff on it06:11
danielsremembering that we copy the archives on to /var06:12
danielshm, I could probably disable that06:12
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calcit should definitely fit if the cache was disabled06:13
mdzI can reproduce the segfault using package-cache-names on the command line06:14
mdzdaniels: it fails well before you need to worry about that06:14
mdzpowerpc gets past archive-copier OK, but it's broken in a different way06:15
danielsas long as it's not my fault06:15
mdzit asks a crazy malformed question06:15
mdzseems to be apt-setup-udeb's fault06:15
mdzI don't suppose there's a gdb-udeb06:19
danielsthere is, however, a wget-udeb06:19
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infinityfabbione : "the usual moon ray hitting the console cable during a solar ecplipse"?.. If that's a usual source of bugs for you, you may have issues. :)06:22
fabbioneinfinity: do you have any better explanation other than Aliens have invaded our DataCenter?06:23
lamontdaniels: and an ssh-client-udeb06:25
=== lamont sleeps
infinityfabbione : Well, I initially called it "cosmic rays", so I'm with you, I'm just hoping it's not "usual".06:26
fabbioneinfinity: usual was highly ironic :-)06:27
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fabbioneinfinity: i think we can downgrade 784606:34
infinityfabbione : Or close it.  It's either a real bug or not.  There's not much in between.06:34
infinityfabbione : I'm leaning toward "not a real bug", given that no one, including lamont, can reproduce it.06:35
infinityfabbione : Or I can dowgrade it and reassign it to lamont, since he really, really wanted to reproduce it.  He may be over that by now, though.06:36
infinitylamont : ?06:36
infinityOh, sleeping.  Bah.06:36
fabbioneinfinity: i vote for closing06:36
infinityYeah, me too.  lamont can ressurect it, ie still feels the urge to run 50 test builds in a row...06:38
infinitys/ie/if he/06:38
infinityPS: Ubuntu bugzilla + dialup = teh suck.06:38
fabbioneKILL IT KILL THEM ALL!06:38
fabbionei can close it for you, if you want :-)06:39
infinityNah, I closed it.06:39
infinityThough, I closed it with "fixed" instead of "notabug", cause I weas so excited about the page loading that I wasn't pttention.06:40
infinitypaying attention, even.  Wow.  Typing.06:40
fabbioneok.. we are down to 7 RC bugs06:40
infinityThat just means I should file a few more.06:41
fabbioneactually 6.. one is a security for warty06:41
infinityI assume you're just looking at critical bugs?06:42
mdzdaniels: powerpc didn't ask me any X questions on install, and it should have06:43
danielsmdz: define 'should have'06:43
danielsamd64 live and reconfigure asked me about the resolution06:43
mdzdaniels: hoary-install-powerpc.iso06:44
fabbioneinfinity: yes, only critical or higher06:44
mdzdaniels: "should have" as in "always has, and it's correct to, because there's no way it could possibly know"06:44
danielsbut when you say 'should have'06:44
danielsfailing ddc probe?06:44
mdzit just dropped me into 1024x768 with no question06:44
danielsif you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, does it ask you?06:45
mdz(as it did on the live CD, which does the same thing)06:45
danielsyou win the grand prize of getting to repack the powerpc install cd06:47
danielseither that, or punting a custom build06:47
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danielsright, I think I see it06:49
fabbionedaniels: stop smoking crack.. you can't see it :P06:51
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danielsmdz: davis:~daniels/xorg/repack/xserver-xorg_6.8.2-6_powerpc.deb06:52
mdzI don't have an account on davis06:52
mdzhmm, apparently I do, only nobody told me06:52
fabbionemdz: everybody does..06:53
fabbionemdz: it's a porting box06:53
mdzdaniels: didn't you tell me that failed ddc was one of your test cases?06:53
danielsmdz: yes, but I didn't try a fresh install06:53
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danielsmdz: it's a one-line fix, if you repack the cd with the new deb it should be fine06:58
mdzdaniels: I don't know the mkisofs arguments to rebuild powerpc06:59
mdzfirst hour of testing, only three show-stopper bugs found07:00
mdzlooking pretty good07:00
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mdzapparently, remastering powerpc requires a copy of some file out of debian-cd07:02
danielsmdz: would you like me to kick a custom build for you?07:03
mdzmight as well, I'll re-test tomorrow07:03
=== minghua [~minghua@adsl-69-153-134-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
danielswell, I can't SSH into little anyway07:05
danielsso it's up to you to kick the build07:05
mdzdoesn't matter07:05
danielsdaniels@catsby:~% ssh little.warthogs.hbd.com07:05
mdzI'm done for tonight07:05
fabbionemdz: good night07:05
fabbionemdz: anything specific you want me to look into while you are asleep?07:05
mdzfabbione: working X, working archive-copier and working apt-setup-udeb07:06
mdzthose are all show-stoppers07:06
danielsmdz: well, whenever you get up, put that deb in /srv/cdimage.nny.c/local/packages, and run DEBUG=1 ARCHES=powerpc LOCAL=1 LOCALDEBS=/srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/local/packages cron.daily07:06
mdzKamion will be up many hours before I will07:07
danielsand you'll get an image under /srv/cdimage.nny.c/scratch/cdimage/07:07
fabbionemdz: ok.07:07
mdzdaniels: it seems unlikely to me that this should be architecture-specific. is it?07:07
danielsmdz: no, it is not07:07
mdzdaniels: then you can test locally07:08
mdzwihch will be much faster and not depend on anyone07:08
danielsyes, with hoary-install-amd64.iso currently sitting at 43% on the rsync07:08
mdzwhen was the last time you rsynced it?07:08
danielslooks like i jigdo'ed it last time07:09
mdzwhen was that?07:09
danielsi have an rsynced *i386* iso, but fat lot of good that's done me07:09
danielseleven days ago07:09
mdzthat should work fine07:09
mdzturn off your monitor07:09
danielsyeah, I'm sure I'll find some way to work it out07:10
fabbioneYAY! linux-image-2.6.10-5-386-xen0_2.6.10-32_i386.deb07:11
=== ogra applauds
crimsunvery nic07:11
fabbionethere is still clean up that needs to be done07:12
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Mithrandirhi fabio07:48
fabbionehey Tollef07:49
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jbaileyAnyone know of a 'diffdiff' program that will show the differences between two diffs, but take into account that the files might appear in the diff in different orders?08:03
pittijbailey: interdiff08:04
pittimdz: okay to upload netkit-telnet into hoary? (security update)08:04
pittii. e. how cold is the freeze ATM? :-)08:04
jbaileypitti: Thanks.08:05
pittijbailey: (in patchutils)08:05
jbaileypitti: <jbailey> mdz: Cool.  Are we in a no-upload zone now, then?  <mdz> jbailey: we're in a be-careful-dammit zone :-)08:05
fabbionejbailey: interdiff?08:06
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infinitypitti : Speaking of security, got any more for me?08:11
jbaileyMmm.  patchutils seems like one of those things I would've traded critical body parts of in the past.  *sigh*08:11
danielseditdiff is rather neat08:11
Mithrandirjbailey: you haven't heard of patchutils before?08:11
infinityYou've never used it before?08:11
Mithrandirdaniels: emacs does it natively.08:11
infinitylsdiff and filterdiff, in particular, are my friends.08:12
jbaileyMithrandir: Erm, I've done all my patch editting by hand in vi.08:12
jbaileyI've gotten quite good at it.08:12
danielsMithrandir: yeah, often I prefer not to use editdiff08:12
Mithrandirjbailey: you masochist.08:12
infinityI still do a lot by hand, but sometimes automation is nice.08:12
danielsonly when I'm actually adding lines to 30-hunk diffs08:12
fabbionejbailey: ehhehe that reminds me so much of all the forwardport of all the xfree86 patches to xorg :)08:12
danielsusually I'm fiddling patches to apply cleanly :)08:12
infinityI fix offsets by hand, and kill individual hunks by hand, s'about it these days.08:13
=== fabbione fixes some rejects too
infinityOh, that too.08:14
Mithrandirinfinity: M-K kill a whole file in emacs' diff mode.  Quite useful when you don't care to forward-search and such.08:14
infinityMithrandir : filterdiff does the same thing.08:16
infinityBut with filterdiff, I can do shell globbing.08:16
infinityTo, say, remove all instances of libtool.m4 from a diff, etc.08:16
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=== jbailey falls over dead.
fabbionei won't be able to burn images for a while08:23
jbaileyfabbione: And I'll tell Angie that it's your fault.08:23
fabbionemy local mirror just lost a disk08:23
fabbionejbailey: ehhe08:23
jbaileyOh ouch.08:23
fabbione      [>....................]   recovery =  0.3% (466488/117220672) finish=505.4min speed=3847K/sec08:24
=== fabbione sighs
fabbioneit will take the usual 2938298932832 hours to rebuild08:24
infinitySure, but it's transparent.08:24
fabbioneinfinity: it is not performance transparent, when i have to burn the iso's from that raid via nfs08:25
infinityPicky, picky.08:25
infinityYou get to complain about your slow RAID rebuilding when you replace my craptop with something built in the current century.08:25
fabbioneinfinity: my laptop is from the previous century too.. so shut up 08:26
HrdwrBoBmy laptop and raid are both fro the previous century08:27
jbaileylamont: Ping?08:27
fabbionethis raid is at least 4 years old....08:27
fabbionejbailey: lamont crashed a couple of hours ago08:28
jbaileyAh bugger.  I had missed his going away message.08:28
jbaileyOh well, he said it was okay if he wasn't awake.08:29
danielsfabbione: your laptop is way, way, way, way, way, way better than infinity's08:30
fabbionedaniels: ehhee08:30
fabbionejbailey: if you plan to upload udev, you have to wait for lamont08:30
fabbionei am not sure he did put udev on hold inside the buildd chroots08:31
fabbioneif he didn't the buildd's will go banana08:31
jbaileyAh shit.08:31
jbaileyI hit go already.08:31
fabbioneoh well08:31
fabbionelet's cross the fingers :)08:31
jbaileyHis line after telling him said that it was okay as long as nothing dep'd on the new version.08:31
jbaileyThere's no reason for anything to do so.08:31
fabbionethan it should be fine08:31
=== herzi [~herzi@d093101.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirany ppc people with a hfs filesystem around?08:39
MithrandirI have a patch 7936, but would like to test it on a powerpc system, not just AMD6408:40
jbaileyMithrandir: I don't have an hfs partition, but I imagine that I can probably create on on a loopback.08:41
MithrandirI guess just being on powerpc should be enough08:42
=== BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyMithrandir: What do you need?  I need to go pass out soon.08:43
infinitydaniels : Do you have a (resonably) current hoary i386 install CD?08:44
infinitydaniels : And have you sorted out your burning issues? :)08:44
danielsinfinity: 'reasonably', and yes08:44
Mithrandirtwo seconds, I just need to clean the patch of auto cruft08:45
infinitydaniels : warty blows up pretty spectacularly on my craptop, so I still haven't done much with that hard drive.08:45
danielsinfinity: i mean, i just burnt my last, so i need to head up to safeway and get a new lot08:45
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Mithrandirjbailey: http://err.no/patches/hfsutils-no-extern-int-errno.diff ; could you apply that and check whether hfsutils still works?08:47
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jbaileyMithrandir: Erm, extern int errno was causing the linker to segfault?08:49
jbaileyThat's nasty.08:49
infinitydaniels : The more current, the merrier, I guess.  If my laptop is finding obscure bugs, I may as well file/fix them while I'm at it.08:49
Mithrandirjbailey: yes.08:50
Mithrandirjbailey: there's a patch for it, but I was told of it a bit too late in the release cycle, so didn't push it in.08:50
jbaileyMithrandir: I didn't try it without the patch, but with the patch, it builds fine.08:53
Mithrandirjbailey: I'm just as much interested in whether it still seems to work. :)08:53
=== ogra yawns
jbaileyMithrandir: I have an hfs partition on a loopback now.  Do you know these tools at all?  It would help if you can tell me what to test.08:56
infinityYeargh.  doko, doko, doko...08:57
Mithrandirjbailey: no, no idea, really.08:57
Mithrandirjbailey: but I'm afraid Kamion will torture and kill me if I break some powerpc stuff because hfsutils was to build on amd64. :)08:57
jbaileyMithrandir: hmount and hls appear to work.08:59
infinitydaniels : Maybe we could hook up for abite to eat and CD handover? :)08:59
jbaileyMithrandir: As does hmkdir, hcd, and hpwd09:00
jbaileyMithrandir: My guess is you're good to go.09:00
danielsinfinity: today?  tomorrow?09:00
infinitydaniels : Whichever.  I do need to eat sometime today, so today would be cool.09:01
danielsinfinity: i assume you're on zone 1-only, so I'd need to make my way into Monash09:01
infinitydaniels : 1-only, yeah.  We could eat in town.  (I'm at home right now... No MOnash til tomorrow)09:01
Mithrandirjbailey: ok, thanks.09:02
danielsinfinity: oh09:02
infinitydaniels : Also, Zofia kept asking all weekend when we'd hang out again.  I think she likes you.09:02
=== jbailey wanders off to bed.
fabbionenight jbailey 09:02
danielsinfinity: heh :) can't blame her09:02
infinitydaniels : She's easily led astray.09:02
danielsinfinity: i need to see xorg 6.8.2-7 through or i'll be flayed to death, so is later good for you?09:02
infinityLater's cool.  Work is more important, obviously.  I'm just doing some low-bandwidth, text-editor-only package hacking today, waiting on tomorrow for other stuff.09:03
danielssay about 8:15ish in city?09:03
danielsactually, shit09:03
infinityNot so sure about the shit.09:04
danielshm, yeah, 8:15ish is doable09:04
infinityYup, we can do 8:15.09:06
danielsif you're up for ~$16/main, there's a sensational japanese place right near it09:06
infinityZofia'll be cool with that.09:07
fabbione"You can have all the faith in your hardware that you want, but Murphy has enable/root." <- lol09:07
danielsinfinity: phat09:07
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dholbachgooood morning09:18
infinitydaniels : Kay, I'm hanging up the modem.  We'll see you there.09:26
danielsinfinity: rad.  take care.09:27
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Mitariohello everyone09:33
ogramorning dholbach 09:33
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ogramdz, ping09:47
pittiKamion: here?09:48
ograhi pitti 09:49
pittiHi ogra 09:49
ograKamion, was up until 4:30 i think....might sleep09:49
ograerr 3:30 UTC09:49
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thommdz: almost certainly yes (LIDSTATE being clobbered)10:05
thommdz: and, auto torrent is happening this am10:05
fabbionehey thombot10:07
danielsmorning thomarse10:08
thommorning, y'all10:08
thomlamont: apache2 is all infinity's fault10:08
ograhey thom 10:08
=== sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi sivang 10:17
sivanghey pitti 10:17
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-17-120.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi seb128 10:20
seb128hey hey pitti :)10:21
dholbachhey seb128 10:21
dholbachseb128: just an hour after you left, i wanted to ask you something, but now i forgot10:21
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seb128mdz, Kamion: around ?10:23
dholbachseb128: ah yes... what about gnome-vfs-extras? is it needed or in any way useful?10:24
seb128no, that's deprecated10:24
seb128merged in gnome-vfs210:24
dholbachseb128: kamion left at 4:30 (our time)10:24
dholbachseb128: can we chuck it out? because it doesnt build anymore?10:25
seb128$ apt-cache show libgnomevfs2-common | grep Conflicts10:25
seb128Conflicts: gnome-vfs-extras2, gnome-vfs-sftp, nautilus (<< 2.7.2), libgnome2-0 (<< 2.8.0-5), gnome-panel (<< 2.9.2)10:25
seb128you speak about the GNOME 1 version ?10:25
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seb128$ apt-cache rdepends gnome-vfs-extras10:26
seb128Reverse Depends:10:26
thomseb128: the gtk theme fixes in firefox yesterday are overridden in ephy already, btw10:26
seb128just drop it10:26
dholbachi speak about http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/Test/g/gnome-vfs-extras/10:26
dholbachseb128: thanks10:26
seb128thom: yeah my epiphany works fine again, thanks10:27
seb128dholbach: np10:27
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GheRiverogood morning!10:43
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seb128dholbach: 10:55
seb128xpat2 (1.07-8ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low10:55
seb128 .10:55
seb128   *10:55
seb128nice changelog :p10:55
=== Jeeves_ [mark@cl-245.ede-01.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachi leave now... go to bed... to the bar anywhere *HOLLER*10:56
=== seb128 kicks pitti
seb128so you no -fr on ia64 ?10:57
pittiseb128: no -de either10:58
ogradholbach, nooo, you need to stay and keep me awake with funny changelogs ;) 10:58
pittiseb128: within the last few days, some hog was placed onto the CD obviously10:58
seb128pitti: that's not an excuse for no -fr :p10:58
pittiseb128: I'd be glad to add those langpacks again :-)10:59
seb128BTW just kidding, but that's weird, I don't know half of the locales in your list :)10:59
dholbachogra: i seemed to have cared more about a building package than a nice changelog11:00
seb128pitti: BTW when have you planned to update the language-packs ?11:01
pittiseb128: around noon, but I need to check with Kamion11:01
seb128so I'll update the desktops components today11:01
pittiuh, for RC?11:01
seb128do I need to get an approval from somebody to upload today ?11:01
pittiKamion or mdz11:02
pittiseb128: see mdz's mail11:02
seb128I know11:02
danielspitti: or jdub11:02
seb128but I've pinged 1 hour ago11:02
seb128and neither of them care to pong11:02
seb128I'll just go ahead :)11:02
seb128pitti: why not for RC ? :) There are just translations updates11:03
pittioh, then it's probably okay :-)11:03
seb128I want to include the strings from the bugzilla bug11:03
pittiah, that'd rock 11:03
seb128BTW have you contacted DV11:03
seb128this gamin bug really sucks and it's not likely to be automagically fixed upstream for hoary11:04
pittino, not yet11:04
pittifamily kept me busy over the holidays...11:04
dholbachyeah... someone contact DV to sign herve's key *grmbl*11:04
pittiand telnet...11:04
ograhey, why do you guys upload all the time...?11:04
Mithrandirogra: to saturate your network connection.11:04
dholbachhehe Mithrandir: exactly11:04
seb128pitti: np, if you can do that this week would be nice :)11:04
Mithrandirogra: specially for you, my friend.11:04
Mithrandiralso, the buildds need to exercise.11:05
seb128pitti: I don't get the bug easily here11:05
pittiseb128: sure, this whole stuff really sucks ATM11:05
ograMithrandir, i have had another nice hacking night and am only awake to get approval :)11:05
dholbachseb128, ogra: i hope next changelog is better11:05
seb128ie: I've it sometime, but if I start all in debug mode I can wait hours without getting it again11:05
ogradholbach, yeah, be creative ;)11:05
Mithrandirogra: crazy person.11:05
dholbachogra: mail him your phone number and go to bed :-)11:05
seb128dholbach: bah, don't worry, that's just weird to have an empty one :p11:05
ogradholbach, nah, i wanna have the fun to see the build failing short before RC ;)11:06
dholbachseb128: i don't even know how i managed it, to have it empty... even after just 4 hours of sleep11:06
seb128bah, 4 hours is a normal night, isn't it ? :)11:07
Jeeves_Anyone with a rsync server that I can Rsync?11:12
Jeeves_archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu is @max connections11:12
fabbioneJeeves_: there is a list of mirrors on the wiki11:15
Jeeves_fabbione: I can just use any of them.11:16
Jeeves_Oki :)11:16
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danielsross: dude!11:31
rossdaniels: hey!11:31
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danielsross: how was your trip?11:31
seb128hey hey ross11:32
danielsrad :)11:32
rosshi seb128 11:32
thomyou had fun, then?11:35
rossoh yes11:35
thomlots of photos?11:35
rossdon't you read my blog?11:36
thomnot today, i haven't11:36
rosssee http://www.burtonini.com/blog/life/india-2005-03-24-17-4111:36
rossand i'll write more at some point...11:37
dholbachdoes someone know whats up with elmo?11:40
dholbachis he in holidays?11:40
=== azeem [~mbanck@socks-out.lrz-muenchen.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsWhen booting the Live CD (20050329) and selecting the settings shown above11:50
danielssomehow X defaults to a Dutch keyboard layout (no one has a Dutch keyboard in11:50
danielsThe Netherlands...) so US is the correct layout setting. Works in console, but X11:50
danielsdefaults to NL keyboard layout.11:50
=== daniels frowns.
Jeeves_What does a NL-keyboard even looks like?11:52
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TreenaksJeeves_: get an IBM PC, you can get NL keyboards with those11:53
Treenaksbut you're right, no sane person uses NL keyboards :)11:53
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seb128jdub: around ?12:04
ograseb128, bored ?12:04
seb128why ?12:04
ograbecause you cant upload ?12:05
seb128I can12:05
ograyes, but you shouldnt12:05
seb128I'm updating the translations for the differents desktop packages :p12:05
seb128translations updates should be fine12:05
seb128and Kamion is not around12:05
seb128and mdz probably sleeping12:05
ogralooks like12:06
=== Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograyeah, Kamion12:09
Kamionseb128: you were looking for me?12:09
ograme too12:09
seb128I guess that's ok to upload some desktop stuff for translations update ?12:09
seb128ie: just an update of debian/patches/translations12:10
Kamionnot sure; I guess so12:10
seb128that, and the patch from http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gtk-doc/news/2.html 12:11
=== daniels heads out for a while.
ograKamion, and i'd like to upload a nearly done hwdb-client (with working submission and running (interim) server), mailed mdz already, but i'll fall asleep the next few minutes12:11
Mithrandirogra: catch some sleep, mdz shouldn't be around for a few more hours, I'd imagine.12:12
Kamionclient/server stuff is high-priority, as mdz said12:12
Kamionwe need testing of that#12:12
ograso i'm allowed ? i fear i'll sleep to long...12:12
Kamionanything we need to be aware of, that might need to be fixed urgently?12:13
ogranot on my side...12:13
Kamionok, go ahead then12:13
ograyeah, great, thanks :)12:13
=== pitti_live [~pitti_liv@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pitti_liveHi folks12:14
thomhey Kamion 12:14
seb128Kamion: and about http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gtk-doc/news/2.html ? :)12:15
Kamionseb128: gtk-doc> so are we having problems at the moment with the wrong jade being used?12:15
Kamionthom: morning12:15
pitti_livehey Kamion12:15
Kamionpitti_live: morning12:15
seb128Kamion: not than I'm aware of, but we have issues with ":" (MOTU guys have some FTBFS due to it)12:15
seb128do you want to grab both changes from Debian ?12:16
dholbachKamion: the problem can be seen here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/Test/g/gmime2/2.0.14-2/gmime2_2.0.14-2_20050321-1131-amd64-failed12:16
dholbachKamion: jani worked around it in a fluxbox package or something as well12:16
Kamion'issues with ":"'?12:16
Kamionoh, I see12:17
Kamionseb128: ok, go ahead12:17
seb128the debian page has shifted with today's upload12:17
seb128I was pointing this entry in fact12:17
Kamionhaha, ok12:17
seb128both changes or just this patch ?12:18
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seb128I'm fine with the patch only12:18
Kamionseb128: just that patch; I did wonder why the other one was necessary12:18
Kamionbut all the miscellaneous jades confuse me12:18
seb128I don't really know about that, but since we have not breakage atm I prefer to not touch it12:19
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Kamionseb128: right, definitely12:20
Kamionseb128: BTW, when you said "some desktop stuff", how much?12:20
seb1285-6 packages12:20
Kamionsounds ok12:20
seb128just to update the translations with strings from #737012:20
Kamionseb128: actually, surely those are handled by language packs?12:22
Kamionoh, but you need to upload in order for them to get into the langpacks, ok12:22
seb128that and .desktop files are not handled by language-packs12:23
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pittiKamion: what's the deadline for uploading update langpacks?12:29
seb128not before my desktop translations updates :p12:30
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Kamionpitti: I imagine we'll build candidate CDs this evening with the aim of publishing tomorrow12:31
Kamionso sometime this afternoon12:31
Kamion(understand that that's a deadline I invented just now, but it seems reasonable ...)12:32
pittiseb128: can you please ping me if you uploaded everything?12:33
dholbachsee you later12:37
zygawhy does openoffice depend on ia32-libs?12:43
Kamionzyga: that's amd64-specific. OOo doesn't work in 64-bit mode, so we ship 32-bit OOo.12:43
zygaKamion: OO is broken in 64bit mode?12:44
Kamionzyga: yes12:44
zygaKamion: is that fixable or is this permanent?12:44
Kamionzyga: it's being worked on upstream, but it's a LOT of work.12:45
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zygaKamion: eh, too bad, thanks :/12:46
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zygaUnpacking ia32-libs (from .../ia32-libs_0.5ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...12:52
zygadpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_0.5ubuntu3_amd64.deb (--unpack):12:52
zyga error creating symbolic link `./usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory12:52
zygaErrors were encountered while processing:12:52
zyga /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_0.5ubuntu3_amd64.deb12:52
zygaroot@amd64:/home/zyga # dpkg-query -S /usr/lib32/libGL.so.112:52
zygadiversion by xorg-driver-fglrx from: /usr/lib32/libGL.so.112:52
zygadiversion by xorg-driver-fglrx to: /usr/lib32/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa12:52
zygaxorg-driver-fglrx: /usr/lib32/libGL.so.112:52
zygadoes this mean that ati binary drivers are causing this?12:53
Kamionnot sure, ask Mithrandir/daniels12:54
thomargh, colin walters posting on u-devel. namespace collison, brain damage12:54
zygaMithrandir: ping12:54
pittiMithrandir: any chance of packaging thunderbird 1.0.2 for hoary?12:55
pittiMithrandir: otherwise, can you backport the security fix?12:55
MithrandirI can package it, no problem.12:56
MithrandirI'd need approval, though12:56
pittiyeah, sure12:56
zygaMithrandir: can you give some insight on what is going on with xorg-driver-fglrx and /usr/lib32/libGL.so.112:56
pittiMithrandir: I think the best time would be immediately after RC release (if it's approved)12:56
Mithrandirpitti: ack12:57
Mithrandirzyga: probably a missing divert in ia32-libs.12:57
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zygaMithrandir: shoud I file a bug?12:58
Mithrandirzyga: I think it's filed already12:59
zygaIt's a clash between xorg-driver-fglrx and ia32-libs01:00
zygaMithrandir: that's it - nothing new for me to add, thanks01:02
MithrandirI was thinking about fixing ia32-libs for Debian today anyhow, so.01:02
Seveasogra, ping?01:05
dholbachSeveas: i hope he's sleeping01:05
dholbachSeveas: he had another 28h hacking session01:06
Seveasi just wanted to say that the hwdb client works (except for sending)01:06
dholbachi'll tell him (once he wakes up ;-))01:06
dholbachhe'll be delighted to hear01:06
=== Seveas is on fglrx, that was the problem yesterday :)
dholbachhi elmo, could it be that some builds are "hanging"?01:07
=== mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsenghi dholbach 01:09
dholbachhey tseng, hey mvo01:09
mvohey dholbach 01:10
zygamvo: hey01:10
mvohey zyga 01:11
mvozyga: I send you some mail, did they reached you yet?01:11
zygamvo: would you accept a patch that extracts changelogs from .debs and shows them to the user for update-manager?01:11
zygamvo: checking01:11
mvozyga: have you seen the bugreport about it ?01:11
zygamvo: yes - and - yes01:11
zygamvo: I agree about string freeze01:12
mvozyga: there is apt-listchanges already that does that, if update-manager gets this feature, we should use that code I reckon01:12
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mvozyga: thanks (about the string freeze)01:12
zygamvo: that would make update-manager recommend apt-listchanges01:13
zygamvo: the code that can manualy extract the changelogs is pretty small, are you sure we need another package to do that?01:13
mvozyga: we would have to work that bits out. what's the best stragy. just copying is probably a option01:13
zygacopying? the code?01:14
zygamvo: I was also thinking about showing update urgency 01:15
mvozyga: yes, the extracting code (if it is small and easy)01:16
trukuloi prefer to show apt-listbugs instead of apt-listchanges (my opinion)01:16
zygamvo: sort by urgency and add some background color for easier information 01:16
mvozyga: the urgency is a nice feature, but it's not really needed for ubuntu. our policy is that we only have security or critical upgrades, so each update has about the same urgency 01:16
zygamvo: too bad :/01:17
mvotrukulo: apt-listbugs is nice, but it's written in ruby IIRC01:17
trukulomvo: oh, i didn't know, ok01:17
trukulothink it was on python01:17
mvozyga: it's a nice feature to track unstable though, we may think about it01:17
zygamvo: how would we do that? 01:18
mvotrukulo: yes ... does the version in ubuntu interface with the ubuntu bugzilla? I haven't used it at all in ubuntu yet :) 01:18
trukulomvo: don't know, i only use apt-listbugs in sid01:18
trukuloor sarge, never with ubuntu01:18
mvozyga: using urgency for tracking the ubuntu/unstable release?01:19
mvotrukulo: ok01:19
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zygamvo: how about opening a branch for breezy?01:23
Mithrandirzyga: when hoary is out.01:25
mvozyga: it's only a week :)01:25
trukulomvo: only a week for breezy to be released?01:26
dholbachtrukulo: wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule01:26
pittiHi zyga, how's it going01:26
trukulothaks dh01:26
dholbachtrukulo: no problem, tr ;-p01:27
zygamvo: how about urgency on upcoming realeases?01:28
zygamvo: like hoary is now being updated all the time01:28
dokojdub: please could you have a look at #7538? doesn't seem to be OO.o specific.01:29
mvozyga: for breezy, we can talk about new features again :)01:30
zygamvo: this is all for breezy 01:30
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dholbachto be honest, i liked sneezy better... ;-)01:30
zygadholbach: just don't fork us yet ;] 01:31
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dholbachzyga: don't worry01:31
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thomKamion: just to check, the "torrent" tree on little will get releases and arrays/whatever when they're added, right?01:34
Mithrandirmjg59: is nstx known broken on amd64?01:34
Kamionthom: yeah01:34
Kamionso, this archive-copier bug that mdz mentioned01:35
KamionI can reproduce it01:35
thomKamion: cool, thanks01:35
Kamionand it turns out that it manifests precisely when the sum of the sizes of all Packages files on the CD is an exact multiple of 409601:35
thomthat's a great bug, congrats01:35
=== zyga hates api changes in libraries of scripting languages, grrr
dokozyga: talking about PHP4?01:45
zygadoko: I don't use php much so I don't know but I was talking about python01:45
zygastandard c library suxx but at least I's stable :P01:46
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dholbachseb128: thank you!01:48
=== abelli [~john@03f54b13129915d7.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel
abellihello everybody01:52
pittiHi abelli 01:52
faux_any chance of getting mono 1.0.6 into hoary final?01:53
zygamvo: ping01:54
abelliis mark around?01:54
Mithrandirdoko: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux/3.4.4/32/libgcc_s.so points to /usr/lib32/libgcc_s.so.1, which doesn't exist.01:57
mvozyga: pong01:58
abellisabdfl: ping01:59
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HiddenWolfIs the amd64 install daily safe?02:03
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thomfaux_: about as much chance as microsoft releasing XP under the gpl, i'd suggest02:04
Seveastough odds...02:05
abellithom: never say banzai. :)02:05
rossanyone got a url listing the positions in virtual memory linux puts what types of object? i.e. heap, stack, libs...02:05
Treenaksross: does linux put it there, or ld?02:06
Seveasld does02:07
TreenaksSeveas: oh yeah you're the expert :P02:07
Seveasi'm searching for my papers, i have a nice figure02:07
Seveashmm, ok, you need the text with it02:08
Seveascan i send you a document (pdf) by e-mail?02:09
rossSeveas: pdf is fine, ross@burtonini.com02:09
mvoSeveas: can you put it on a url somewhere? i would be interessted too :)02:09
Seveaslook at staff.science.uva.nl/~dkaarsem/ckpt/ in five minutes02:09
Seveashave to regenerate the pdf and put it there02:09
mvoSeveas: thanks02:11
Seveasit's on there02:15
Seveasyou just have to ignore the ckpt header and ckpt data, than you have the structure of a normal elf binary02:17
mvoSeveas: nice, thanks02:18
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pittiKamion: still okay to upload trivial fixes (g-v-m)?02:22
Seveasmvo, ross, i would appreciate it if the document doesn't get spread all over the internet02:22
Seveasit's an early draft :)02:22
faux_thom: hehe ok, thanks02:23
rossSeveas: ok02:23
mvoSeveas: sure02:23
KamionHiddenWolf: no, broken02:25
Kamionpitti: what fix?02:25
dokomithrandir: hmm, I'll look at it.02:26
pittiKamion: #772502:26
pittiKamion: just fixing a symlink target02:26
pittiKamion: /usr/lib/g-v-m/g-v-m-gthumb.sh pointed to g-v-m, not to g-v-m-gthumb02:26
HiddenWolfKamion: *sigh* What's the latest amd64 image I can use?02:26
Treenaksg3e-v4e-m5r :P02:27
=== Mithrandir kicks gconf
Mithrandirsilly stupid thing.  Stop stomping on my settings.02:29
Kamionpitti: yes02:29
KamionHiddenWolf: I think yesterday's is OK, but I haven't checked because I'm too busy fixing it :)02:29
Mithrandirseb128: is it intended that gconf should stomp on user settings just because the files in gconf happens to be symlinks instead of files?02:30
seb128Mithrandir: where do you have some symlinks ?02:33
Mithrandirseb128: /home/tfheen/.gconf/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/%gconf.xml is a symlink to ~/dotfiles/gconf/.../%gconf.xml02:34
Mithrandirit seems like the xml backend unlinks the file instead of rewriting it02:35
seb128I guess that's not a documented usage :)02:36
seb128patches are probably welcome though02:36
Mithrandirit's a sane way to keep ~/.gconf in version control02:36
seb128bah, the mtime stuff make it changing all the time, isn't it ?02:38
Mithrandirif so, I'm going to whack that too02:39
seb128look on the file02:39
Mithrandirinto not changing the mtime unless the node has changed.02:39
seb128there is a mtime02:39
MithrandirI know.02:39
Mithrandirbut gconfd can compare the old and new node and not change the mtime unless the node actually has changed.02:39
Mithrandirseb128: why doesn't changing /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current (when gnome is not running) actually change the window manager?  It seems to be overridden back to metacity each time.02:42
Keybukisn't that an unused key?02:45
seb128Mithrandir: do you have $WINDOW_MANAGER defined ?02:45
seb128in fact /usr/bin/gnome-wm determine the wm to use02:46
seb128and set the key02:46
seb128look on the different conditions02:46
Mithrandirah, seems I have to set the default keey02:47
seb128IIRC it should use current for your user and fallback on default if current is not working02:52
thomkamion/mdz: autotorrent madness looks good :_)02:52
Mithrandirseb128: it doesn't, it uses default.02:53
Mithrandirseb128: at least, that worked for me, and it's according to the docs in gnome-wm02:53
seb128something is bogus, I don't get why there is 2 keys02:53
Mithrandirseb128: but contrary to the docs in the schema.02:53
MithrandirI guess I'll have to fix the gconf backend too. :/02:54
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pittiseb128: regarding the "Submit to Ubuntu database..." translation in hal-device-manager; the string is marked as translatable in glade, but it doesn't appear in the pot file02:57
pittiseb128: do you know how to extract these strings automatically?02:57
seb128bah, don't bother, use my method02:58
seb128gedit po/nn.po and copy the msgid msgstr here :p02:58
pittiokay :-)02:58
seb128gedit or whatever you want but be sure to be in UTF-8 :p02:59
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fabbioneelmo: ping?03:02
Kamionthom: great!03:02
elmofabbione: ?03:02
fabbioneelmo: sorry i just got a mail from katie i don't really understand: pcsc-lite_1.2.9-beta6-1_sparc.changes UNACCEPT03:03
elmofabbione: don't worry, I'll take care of it03:04
fabbioneelmo: ok, i won't :-)03:04
fabbioneelmo: last question, did you have any time to move sparc.u.c? if not, would it be possible to get just one pulse?03:05
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pittiseb128: darn, h-d-m is not even i18n'ed03:06
elmofabbione: pulsing,  I really will try and fix today03:07
seb128pitti: not cool03:07
Mitariohi everyone03:07
fabbioneelmo: thanks a lot, but don't rush. I am more than happy as it is now03:07
pittiseb128: that's too invasive, I don't do this now03:07
Kamiongo apt, it's your birthday03:08
pittiseb128: I just updated the .desktop file03:08
pitticongrats, apt :-)03:08
pittiKamion: how many years?03:08
Kamionpitti: not *really*03:08
seb128pitti: k, thanks03:08
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Kamionpitti: you haven't heard the "go $FOO, it's your birthday" thing going round Canonical?03:08
pittino, I didn't03:08
pittiKamion: was it some special rule in a $NAMEOFOURLEADER game?03:09
Kamionpitti: no - it just carries extreme sarcasm and "$FOO is broken"03:09
Kamion        PACKAGE_COUNT=$(LC_ALL=C apt-cache stats | grep 'Normal Packages:' | awk '{ print $3 }')03:09
Kamionthis is particularly helped by apt randomly changing to 'Normal packages:'03:10
pitti-i then? :-)03:10
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_mvo_Kamion: where does this "go $foo ..." come from (originally)?03:11
Kamion_mvo_: dunno, it's an elmo-ism I think03:11
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thom_mvo_: elmo, possibly via 50 Cent03:12
RShadowCan I ask a question03:12
pittiRShadow: you already did :-)03:12
RShadowI have a question about ubuntu policy..03:12
pittiRShadow: just go ahead03:12
RShadowHostingGeek Umm no03:12
RShadowHostingGeek if he has to rebuild03:12
RShadowHostingGeek then he also need to rebuild all the packages03:12
RShadowHostingGeek as per policy03:12
RShadowHostingGeek thats why with 1 change in one of xorg's packages means a new package for each part of xorg03:12
RShadowis that ubuntu's policy?03:12
Kamionthat's not policy, it's how the system works technically03:13
SeveasKamion, is xorg one source package?03:13
KamionSeveas: yes03:13
fabbioneSeveas: yes03:13
RShadowSo if a new version of evolution is released .. then the entire gnome tree has to be rebuilt03:13
KamionRShadow: er, no03:13
KamionRShadow: uploads happen in units of source packages03:13
KamionRShadow: evolution is a different source package from the rest of GNOME03:14
Seveascool, i'm starting to understand apt :)03:14
Kamionbut libx11-6 is in the same source package as xserver-xorg, say03:14
=== RShadow is confused
KamionRShadow: just FYI, HostingGeek is not what you might call an expert on Ubuntu policy03:15
RShadowKamion: I know .. he has been lying to me for like 45min now03:15
RShadowKamion: I just wanted to bust him some more03:15
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KamionSeveas: it's not apt, it's the archive management system, plus (a) things like GPL requirements to have source matching binaries, (b) sanity03:15
Seveasah, thats right yeah03:15
Seveasand the sanity argument is definitely right :)03:16
Kamion(b) is more important really, we really don't want to have binary packages lying around that we can't rebuild, it just gets silly03:16
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fabbioneKamion: do you want me to see if 7906 is reproducible?03:16
fabbioneacutally i can test 8287 too03:16
Kamionfabbione: no, I know why #7906 is happening and I'm sure it's reproducible03:16
RShadownot to be a bother more .. but is there a xdirectfb package for ubuntu?03:16
fabbioneKamion: ok, what about 8287?03:17
Kamionfabbione: yes, that would be useful03:17
fabbioneit means installing Xp, but it is for a good cause ;)03:17
KamionRShadow: not as far as I know03:17
fabbioneKamion: ok, i will finish the standard i386 install and test that03:17
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fabbioneKamion: btw.. i have xen kernels ready to test. Perhaps we should take a look at UDU if we can use them for d-i testing03:20
Kamionfabbione: the problem's always been that requiring a different kernel means you have to do a separate build of d-i with different sets of module udebs, which means that you invalidate testing of a lot of the things that can actually break d-i03:21
fabbioneKamion: good point..03:22
Kamionbut I mean sure, more testing's always useful, I just don't think it's a substitute for real testing, and especially with automatic installations you can get even more benefit with the same amount of automation from testing on real hardware :-)03:22
Kamions/real testing/real hardware/03:22
fabbioneno it's not a substitute for real hardware when it goes to hardware detection, but it can be useful to test generic code03:23
thomKamion: did you ever look into the testing plan stuff?03:23
Kamionthom: no, sorry :(03:23
Kamionfabbione: yeah, that's true03:24
thomKamion: heh, damn. i was hoping to be able to steal something for the server testing stuffs03:24
=== fabbione comes from the E/// test department and really doesn't want to go back there
fabbionethom, Kamion: i really know the pain you are going trough03:25
thomfabbione: well volunteered; i want to see your work by the end of school today!03:25
=== thom ducks
=== fabbione hugs and licks thom on the face
fabbioneKamion: apt-setup udeb goes banana here. all the screen is cluttered with tons of stuff03:29
fabbionebut it seems to work tho03:29
Kamionfabbione: I'm fixing some stuff, and also it's known-broken in that way for some types of installs (server, iirc)03:31
Kamionthe output's harmless03:31
fabbionei am not there yet in testing.. still doing the normal one03:32
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fabbioneKamion: the standard install is asking for the CD in stage 203:32
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fabbionehey lamont 03:34
pittiHi lamont03:35
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lamontfabbione: shame on you scaring jbailey that way. :)03:35
zulhey lamont 03:36
fabbionelamont: ehehhe03:36
=== fabbione is a true bastard inside
lamontmorning zul, pitti03:36
fabbioneand outside.. i have to admit i am improving03:36
jbaileylamont: Actually, him telling me that the buildds went nuts at least let me know that it was the udev-in-chroot issue that you were worried about. =)03:37
lamontjbailey: heh03:39
Kamionfabbione: was this a netboot install?03:40
fabbioneKamion: no, cd install, but there are problems in phase2 too. checking now03:43
Kamionfabbione: odd, well I'm fixing the apt-setup spamming the screen problem now, but who knows what consequences the broken apt-setup/another question might've had03:44
fabbioneit is installing some extra packages from CD that were not copied to the hd03:45
fabbionei wonder if that's related to archive-copier problem mdz was talkign about this morning03:45
Kamionwhich ones?03:45
Kamionthe archive-copier bug was as far as I know specific to amd64 (although only by chance)03:45
KamionI doubt it's related03:45
Kamion(I've fully analysed and fixed it already)03:46
fabbioneok it's the media that sucks03:46
fabbioneI/O error03:47
=== lamont back in a few
Kamionthom: could you look at why rookery's mirror is so badly out of date? it's starting to become a real problem for sanity of germinate output and things03:56
thomKamion: sure, looking03:57
elmodon't bother, I'm working on it03:58
thomoh, k03:58
elmokamion: it's the same reason I explained to you last week...03:59
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Kamionelmo: mirnyy's load issues? I thought those had been fixed/worked-around04:00
elmokamion: no, mirnyy not being archive.u.c anymore04:00
Kamionoh, so it was just mirroring from an out-of-date place?04:00
mvoKamion: I'm doing a test-install right now and got a strange question ". Hoever, you may want to add another source to apt, so it can ownload from more than one location.". is this a known problem? (it's not translated and the leading "." looks wrong)04:01
Kamionmvo: yes, known, fixing04:01
mvoKamion: thanks04:02
elmoKamion: btw, mirror stuff is still asking random extra questions on netboot04:02
Kamionthe leading "." is a debconf bug I think, but it doesn't matter because I'll be making that question go away again except in expert mode04:02
=== fabbione loves Kamion so much to install XP on a test machine
Kamionelmo: yeah, I know :(04:02
Kamionhaven't figured out exactly what I need to do to fix that04:02
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Kamionmvo: this is what I was talking about above, with apt changing the capitalisation of "Normal Packages:" in apt-cache stats04:02
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mvoKamion: matt applied a patch that changes some capitialisation recently :(04:03
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mvoin 0.6.35 IIRC 04:03
Kamionmvo: yes, that's what did it04:04
maswanelmo: psst. mirror pushes to se.archive? or should I start cron-mirroring again?04:04
elmomaswan: releases or archive?04:04
maswanelmo: archive. currently I'm updating manually when I think I need new packages for my laptop. :)04:04
elmomaswan: please cron.mirror - I haven't worked out the details of how often/when to trigger archive mirrors04:05
maswanelmo: Ok.04:05
elmoKamion: btw, please trigger frei.ubuntu.com for cdimage/releases pulses04:05
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Kamionelmo: done04:07
Kamionelmo: any I can remove from the current list? (syncproxy, auckland, mirnyy, frei, orcadas)04:07
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elmoKamion: do you have separate triggers for releases/cdimage/torrent?04:08
Kamionelmo: no04:08
elmothen, no not really04:08
elmowell, you could drop auckland actually04:09
elmomight as well break people using archive.u.c/cdimage/ now04:09
Kamionhmm, good idea04:09
Kamionelmo: done; I guess nuking archive.u.c/cdimage/ altogether would be best so that people don't get confused by out-of-date stuff04:11
elmoyeah, I'm about to 04:11
elmopitti: what were those mozilla packages you wanted removed?04:12
pittielmo: mozilla-firefox-locale-{de,es-ar,es-es,pl,pt-br}04:13
elmopitti: hmm, ok, thats not what I was hoping ;)04:14
elmopitti: there's a bunch of uninstallable mozilla-locale packages - don't suppose you'd care to have a look? ;)04:14
pittiah, these04:14
pittielmo: gimme a minute04:15
pittielmo: we need syncs for mozilla-locale-{da,it,ptbr}04:16
thomanyone want to admit to owning a printer? if so, can you reproduce 8342?04:16
elmopitti: can you do the usual mail-for-approval dance?04:16
pittielmo: already approved04:16
pittielmo: these are quite old04:16
elmopitti: msg-id or on IRC?04:16
pittielmo: by mail04:17
pittielmo: Message-ID: <20050320170222.GQ17070@alcor.net>04:17
mvothom: works for me(tm)04:18
thomi think he's upgraded and not restarted04:18
thommvo: thanks04:18
elmopitti: all I have is this mail from you about this sync, not that msg from matt04:18
elmo(not that it matters now, but FYI)04:19
elmoKamion: rookery's syncing now and should be able to sync from now on04:19
elmohow often did you wanted it synced?04:19
Kamionelmo: every six hours, say?04:19
Kamionthat should satisfy my AWTY needs ;)04:20
Kamionbut more seriously should be enough for translation updates at least04:20
elmopitti: also mail ssays de-at too - still need that?04:20
thomand changelogs too i suppose04:20
Kamionoh, changelogs runs on rookery?04:20
mvothom: changelogs++04:20
pittielmo: de-at is obsolete now, you can ditch it04:21
pittielmo: no, please wait, this was for ffox04:21
pittielmo: right, we need that too04:21
elmodaniels: ? [in the right chan] 04:23
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elmokamion/mvo/anyone else who cares: ok, done, at 4,10,16,22 :1504:24
mvoelmo: thanks!04:24
Kamionelmo: great, thanks04:24
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elmoKamion: at some stage we should switch little over to using sync-proxy too, but ICBA ATM04:25
Kamionelmo: nod04:25
elmo^-- looks to be the last remaining uninstallable in main04:26
Seveaselmo, isn't that fglrx-driver?04:27
elmooh and the -dev too04:27
elmoSeveas: dunno04:27
Seveason warty it was fglrx-driver, on hoary xfree86-driver-fglrx, sorry04:28
fabbioneelmo: afaik these 2 packages are there only for people that still want to run xfree8604:28
fabbioneelmo: it should be safe to move them to universe04:28
fabbioneelmo: where the xfree86 server is04:28
fabbione+ they are in restricted, aren't they? they can't be in main04:29
Kamionmultiverse not universe04:29
KamionI've asked for that demotion a couple of times but I guess it got lost04:29
elmoah, sorry, guess so04:29
elmodemoted now04:29
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janielmo let me know when you can be bothered with sync requests and keyring administrivia, thanks04:33
Kamionhttps://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/attachment.cgi?id=1911 -> hm, I wonder how I'm supposed to debug this04:35
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fabbioneKamion: ask lamont :-)04:36
Kamionfabbione: ELANG - this is Chinese04:36
elmoright auckland's no longer serving cdimage or releases04:37
fabbioneask Herbert?04:37
elmoif anyone complains, please point them at the right CNAME04:37
fabbioneelmo: so i guess archive.u.c doesn't serve cdimages anymore?04:37
elmofabbione: yes04:37
Kamionfabbione: it's not a problem of understanding the language, just "random characters go missing"04:38
=== fabbione wonders why XP reads from CD to "Save settings"
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fabbioneKamion: all this torture just for you :)04:41
fabbioneit rebooted already into phase 2^6404:41
lamontKamion: obviously missing some utf-8 glyphs04:44
lamontfabbione: and that's chinese, not japanese... :)04:44
Kamionlamont: yeah but the question is why Debian's OK04:45
dokokamion, mdz: please could you review a python2.4 upload (chinstrap: ~doko/python2.4-debdiff)04:46
lamontKamion: little green men?04:47
lamontaka, nfc04:47
=== lamont would start with (1) comparing the translations, and (2) seeing what fonts are loaded in each
Kamiondoko: have you tested a debootstrap with that version?04:47
dokohmm, maybe I should, although it installs, the integrity check shows no additional modules.04:48
Kamiondoko: just worried about extra deps and stuff04:48
Kamionyou said extra bluetooth functionality was added to socket; won't that pull in libbluetooth1?04:49
Kamiondoko: apart from that, ok04:50
dokokamion: no, only some constants from the bluetooth headers are added to the socket module04:50
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Kamiondoko: ah, ok04:53
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elmopitti: fr, it and ptbr are still br0ken05:07
pittielmo: mozilla or ffox?05:07
pittielmo: oh, I see05:08
Jeeves_Ehm,     SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<mirrors@canonical.com>:05:13
Jeeves_    550 <mirrors@canonical.com>: Recipient address rejected:05:14
Jeeves_    User unknown in virtual alias table05:14
elmomeh, is that address still on the webpage?05:14
elmoI swear I've edited it a hundred times05:14
Jeeves_So where should I report my mirror? :)05:14
elmoJeeves_: mirrors@ubuntu.com05:15
dokokamion: debootstrap succeeded05:19
pittielmo: can you please sync m-l-fr as well?05:19
Kamiondoko: ok, go ahead05:20
danielselmo: represent05:21
elmodaniels: sorry, doesn't matter05:21
danielsbut while you're at it, could I please get access to little back?05:21
elmopitti: ok, done05:21
dokokamion: uploaded05:22
elmoif that installs, we're down to: kdesdk and mozilla-locale-{ptbr,it} as uninstallables05:23
fabbioneelmo: kdesdk is also FTBFS :)05:23
dokoelmo: please could you sync python2.3 from unstable (same locale.py patch as in the python2.4 upload)05:23
fabbioneit needs kdewebdev from universe05:23
elmofabbione: I know, riddell's aware05:24
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmodoko: was the python2.4 upload approved?05:24
pelleis paul sladen still working on usplash?05:24
jbaileypelle: I don't think so.05:25
Mithrandirelmo: could you please sync guifications from unstable?  (universe package, not in ubuntu, afaik)05:25
pellejbailey: ok. is anybody else doing that?05:25
jbaileypelle: Daniel Stone and I looked at it briefly, but it's defered until breezy.05:26
pellejbailey: do you have a repository for it?05:26
jbaileypelle: Nope.  We didn't get beyond reviewing really what would need to happen in what piece.05:26
pellejbailey: ok, thanks05:27
elmoMithrandir: done05:27
dokoelmo: 16* ^^05:27
Mithrandirelmo: thanks05:27
dokoelmo: yes05:27
Mithrandirdaniels: xserver-xorg _still_ asks loads of questions on upgrades.05:27
elmodoko: 2.3.5-2, yah?05:28
danielsMithrandir: bah, impossible.  which version?05:28
elmodoko: if so, done05:28
janielmo, could you sync darcs from unstable (universe)?05:29
dokoelmo: thanks05:30
elmojani: done05:32
danielsMithrandir: if you could unpack the deb, repack it with postinst and config modified to use sh -x, and send me the output, that would be fantastic05:32
danielsdoubly so if you use DEBUG_XORG_PACKAGE=verbose05:32
danielsor =developer, whichever05:32
=== daniels -> zzzz
=== bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-144647.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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Mithrandirdaniels: I'll do that.05:37
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyHmm, apparently there are limits to the number of computers I can plug into a breaker. =)05:38
=== Simira [~simira@56.80-202-210.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== abelli [~john@host-84-222-39-106.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thombloody hell how big is kdepim; seems like i've been mirroring it for hours05:40
danielsMithrandir: cheers05:40
=== Goshawk_ [~Goshawk@host228-71.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsthom: hoooooooge05:41
danielsthom: the problem with kdepim is that they were sharing lots of code between kmail et al and lots of kdepim components05:41
danielsthom: so rather than make another component for a common library, kdepim subsumed kmail and friends05:41
thomholy mother of god thats CRACK05:41
danielsit makes sense from the point of view of having a big monolithic tree anyway05:42
thomas far as that makes sense, sure05:42
elmohmm, I've ended up with no /.dev and /dev symlinks pointing to /.dev.  yay05:42
elmoincluding initctl05:43
elmodouble yay05:43
=== Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mitariohi guys05:44
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=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091b90.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvohey dholbach, wb05:49
lamontmdz around?05:50
lamontfor that matter, any ppc-possessing people with a little time on their hands?05:50
thomlamont: sure05:50
=== elmo whispers 'davis' at lamont
lamontelmo: it's a runtime bug05:50
elmoX forwarding! ;)05:51
thomelmo: sicko :-)05:51
fabbioneyeah right05:51
thomlamont: 'sup?05:51
elmothom: it's only streaming video05:51
elmowhat could possibly go wrong?05:51
lamontthom: if you're in the mood:  grab kino_0.75-6, edit debian/control (remove libavcodec-dev from build-dep), edit debian/rules (remove --with-avcodec), build it, and see how much of 5379 you can reproduce05:51
Kamionlamont: ah, figured out the Chinese font thing05:51
=== Kamion decrements bubulle's beer count ;)
lamontKamion: what was it?05:52
=== herzi [~herzi@d093101.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.101.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontelmo: do you have any idea how much it hurt when I fire up mozilla with a remote display?05:52
Kamionlamont: the switch from languagechooser to localechooser included a change from using anna-install to get bterm-unifont to using apt-install instead - but bterm-unifont's a udeb, so anna-install really was needed05:53
=== `anthony [~anthony@220-253-32-140.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmolamont: dude, that's how I access iLOs on *.d.o :-P05:53
Kamionbterm-unifont is the non-reduced font used as soon as more than just the bare initrd is available05:53
elmotransatlantic mozilla == pain, mmk05:53
danielselmo: pussy05:53
Kamionit was figuring out that it looked different in CD-ROM and netboot installs that did the trick05:53
elmolamont: i<mumble>Lights Out, remote management cards on HP servers05:53
lamontelmo: yeah, but I'm shaped to 256kbps...05:53
danielsfull kde session over dialup == fun05:53
danielselmo: integrated?05:54
elmodaniels: that's it05:54
lamontdaniels: in the same way that the chinese water torture is "fun" to experience?05:54
danielslamont: (this was when I was maintaining kde but didn't have the diskspace to build kdebase from kde3 at home)05:54
lamontnote to channel: Kamion can debug chinese problems.  Send him your wierd crap.05:55
lamontdaniels: ouch05:55
lamontthom: the question on 5379 is do we (a) remove the build-dep and down grade the bug, (b) remove the build-dep and close the bug, or (c) see about promoting libavcodec-dev to main...  (b) would be ideal, but I suspect (a) is the conclusion we'll reach05:56
lamonthrm.. speaking of which, I should go fetch iso's in a short while.05:57
Kamionlamont: screw you, hippy :-)05:57
lamontKamion: any fresh CD builds planned, or can I presume they'll stay staic for a bit...05:57
Kamionlamont: another one this evening; not too many changes though05:58
lamontKamion: woot05:58
=== lamont LOL at 'fetch isos... screw you"
danielselmo: can't you get a serial console over telnet with ilo?05:58
kokeelmo: is my key already added to keyring??05:58
lamontdaniels: i==internet --> web, of course.05:59
elmodaniels: yeah, but some features (particularly remote setup/config changes) requires a browser05:59
kokeI've been offline for some days and I don't know much about the progress...05:59
Kamionlamont: not the intended sequence ;)05:59
danielselmo: right05:59
elmokoke: I've been offline with easter weekend too, I'll go see where we're upto with the new MOTUs in a bit05:59
lamontKamion: that's what made it so damn funny05:59
mvoKamion: test-install went fine BTW on i386 (modulo the problem you already know about in stage1)05:59
danielslamont: er, you can feed it xml-rpc stuff to control most everything without needing a browser05:59
lamontdaniels: ok06:00
danielsilos are love06:00
kokeelmo: ok, I don't even know if mako has sent you the neccesary data06:00
danielspart love and part crack, but that's ok.  it's the good crack.06:00
lamontdaniels: crack-love?06:00
danielslove the crack06:00
danielsg'night kids06:01
=== lamont watches the channel tail-spin
lamontg'night daniels06:01
mvonight daniels 06:01
Kamionmvo: thanks06:05
=== bradb [~bradb@MTL-ppp-144647.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmook, who broke ubuntu-desktop06:10
mdzlamont: here06:10
Mithrandir bah, why can't emacs edit scripts inside debian packages?06:11
Mithrandirstupid editor.06:11
lamontmdz: wondering your thoughts on 5379, but I guess we should see what the real story with avcodec is first...06:11
=== decko [decko@decko.user] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Fui]
lamont(comments between my ping and now)06:11
mdzKamion: how do we look?06:13
Simiramdz: better than ever, sweety ;)06:14
ograsexy like always :)06:14
Kamionmdz: fixed the two of your showstoppers that belonged to me06:14
Mithrandirmdz: approval for ooo-amd64 upload with newest ooo?06:14
mdzKamion: including the one which I apparently caused, eek06:16
thomlamont: building06:16
mdzMithrandir: ok06:16
Kamionmdz: ah well06:16
mdzdaniels just left?06:16
Kamionmdz: the archive-copier bug was amazing06:16
mdzI don't see a xorg upload while I was away06:16
lamontthere's a -6ubuntu2606:17
elmolamont: err?06:17
mdzKamion: yeah, saw your analysis06:17
dholbachogra: wb06:17
Kamionmdz: indeed, nor I ...06:17
ograhey dholbach 06:17
Kamionthough he did post a suggested fix procedure; I guess I could try that out06:18
mdzhe was supposed to test that and have a new upload in the archive by now06:18
mdzfabbione: here?06:19
fabbionemdz: yes06:19
Kamionelmo: ubuntu-desktop> hmm?06:19
mdzfabbione: do you know what happened with daniels and xorg?06:19
elmoKamion: nm, it was python being o-o-d06:20
elmowill fix itself06:20
fabbioneKamion: i just managed to complete the setup for 8287.. fillint up the hd with junk right now :-)06:20
elmostill on: kdesdk (known fix, AIUI) and mozilla-locale-{it,ptbr}06:20
fabbionemdz: nope.06:20
Kamionmaybe time to phone daniels; he's not been gone long06:21
fabbionemdz: he left 10 minutes ago or so06:21
Kamionfabbione: the ramdisk_size in silo.conf in installer-sparc/current/images/mini.iso looks accurate to me06:30
fabbioneKamion: i will test again later to see if it was just a case06:31
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pittiseb128: what's the status of the uploads? I'm asking because of langpacks06:42
seb128Kamion: are you updating the installer translations for the preview today ? or that's already updated ?06:42
seb128pitti: I've just uploaded nautilus-sendto, I think all the packages are uploaded06:43
seb128let it some time to build06:43
pittiKamion: seb128 is ready, is there still time for langpack updates?06:43
Kamionseb128: I'm only updating translations in the cases where I'm uploading the packages anyway06:48
Kamionat the moment I have no plans for any more06:48
Kamionpitti: yes, I think so06:48
seb128no big deal, but one of the french string in the kbd screen is too long and cut, I've just noticed :)06:48
pittiseb128: okay, so as soon as nautilus-sendto is built, I can go06:48
seb128pitti: correct06:49
Kamionseb128: yeah, too late for that sorry, I've already started the d-i initrds rebuilding06:49
mvoKamion, mdz: permission to upload a one-line fix to gnome-system-tools? debdiff at: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/review/gnome-system-tools/gnome-system-tools_1.2.0-0ubuntu3.debdiff06:51
mdzmvo: ok06:52
=== lamont resumes his quest, albeit slightly refined...
lamontany kino users out there with a ppc box and some time to play?06:54
mvomdz: thanks 07:00
=== robtaylor [~robtaylor@nat2.camtrial.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionhmm, translation issues in tzsetup-udeb/apt-setup-udeb still07:03
KamionI suspect it's better to fix those after RC :(07:03
dokoKamion, mdz: ok to upload the fix for #8284?07:04
fabbionemdz: the fix proposed on the mailing list seems to work07:04
fabbionemdz: i am building a livecd for testing07:04
=== trulux [~lorenzo@trulux.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== thom chuckles at mjg59 sending bug reports by SMS
dokomdz: the OO.o upload with the xhosa translations won't make it until tonight, I haven't got the complete translations yet.07:06
seb128doko: oh, you are doing an OO.o upload ? 07:06
seb128doko: I'll send you a french translation for the menu entries if that's ok07:07
dokoseb128, yes, small 250.000 line patch07:07
dokoseb128, yes07:07
=== Mithrandir uploads ooo-amd64
dokoMithrandir: cool07:07
Mithrandirit takes a few minutes, upload.u.c is a tad slowish07:08
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truluxtritium: hey07:09
Mithrandirdoko: uploaded.07:10
mdzdoko: ok07:10
mdzfabbione: thanks07:10
ogramdz, hwdb.ubuntu.com/hwdb-data# ls |grep -c .xml07:10
Mithrandirdoko: tell me when the xhosa stuff is up there so I can use a gig more of bandwidth.07:11
ograthis is for less then 7h up 07:11
mdzogra: nice!07:12
schweebogra: if you remind me in about 7 hrs I'll send my data in :)07:12
ograyup :)07:12
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mdzogra: we'll include a blurb in the release candidate announcement; that should kill your server nicely ;-)07:12
Mithrandirogra: it would be nice if I could go back in the hwdb-client07:13
truluxbtw, anyone owns a copy of Sun Tzu's Art of War in pdf? I'm going to buy it on Amazon but I need to make a review for tomorrow and I've forgotten mnay references and sayings from the book07:14
ograMithrandir, i doubt i will make it in this release, i'm happy that i have gotten it in the shape it currnetly is, there are still some small but nasty bugs to fix07:14
truluxfrom the online copies of the book at sonshi.com07:14
Mithrandirtrulux: http://www.kimsoft.com/polwar.htm , for instance?07:14
Mithrandirtrulux: or http://www.huntingdonsucks.com/downloads/the_art_of_war.pdf for a pdf07:16
Mithrandirogra: and it should list the data it sends before sending it off, due to privacy reasons.07:16
truluxMithrandir: many thanks!07:17
Mithrandirogra: and it would be nice if the timeout counted down and had a real progress meter for the upload. :)07:17
ograMithrandir, there is no private data inside :) except the comments the user wirtes himself07:17
Mithrandirogra: it should still list what it's going to send.07:18
Mithrandirand the fading is dog slow over forwarded X11. :P07:18
ograMithrandir, the sendbar is one of the nasty little bugs i talked about ;)07:18
fabbionemdz: the test you did with a working DDC probe was ok or do you i need to test that too?07:18
fabbionemdz: the code path is pretty clear and it shouldn't have any problem07:19
mdzfabbione: it would be worthwhile to test that as well07:19
Mithrandirogra: how does it handle the case of multiple sound cards?07:19
Mithrandir(or video cards or whatever)07:20
fabbionemdz: ok, if i give you an i386.deb can you test it? the machine i have with DDC working has non-suitable setup for it right now07:20
=== lamont grumbles at mvo for exposing the inconsistencies in the archive. (apt-get sometimes gets Release.gpg from one "day", and Packages.gz from another --> sig errors)
lamonts/archive/archive production process/07:21
ograMithrandir, the test currently only picks the default alsa device (first card) but the detailed info is in hwdb-xml -d07:21
elmolamont: don't use ftp-master then :P07:22
ograwhich is attached to the file07:22
elmothat inconsistency isn't exposed in the real world07:22
lamontelmo: is user in #ubuntu07:22
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lamonthe managed to catch the mirror process07:22
mvolamont: you are not the only one. users complain about that too :)07:23
ograMithrandir, the app doesnt by far do what i wanted to do it yet, version2 will be a lot more automated....07:23
elmoeh, how?07:23
lamontmvo: yeah - been chatting with Seq about it in #ubuntu07:23
fabbioneok anybody with an i386 and DDC working?07:24
lamontelmo: rsync still takes finite time to move the files07:24
=== fabbione urges somebody to do a test
lamonthence, you can grab one, rsync comes blazing through, and then you grab the next07:24
elmolamont: time to fetch dists/* shouldn't be that much, it's not like it mirrors pool/ in between07:24
fabbionethe output from xresprobe will tell you if your DDC are working07:24
lamontesp true for users with slower links07:24
lamontelmo: yeah - the user is the one taking the long time07:24
elmowell I don't see how we could fix this really07:25
mdzfabbione: the only machine where I could test that is a laptop with LCD; that doesn't test the proper case, does it?07:25
lamontelmo: me neither07:25
lamontelmo: on the bright side, once hoary ships, we stop generating new Packages/Release.gpg files every 30 minutes... :-)07:26
fabbionemdz: did X actually detecte the LCD size properly?07:26
mdzthe only way to fix that case would be to fetch both files at the same time, I suppose07:26
mdzfabbione: yes07:26
fabbionemdz: than it is ok07:26
mdzfabbione: but doesn't it do that by calling X, not using DDC?07:26
=== lamont wonders if hoary-updates is at least in as a comment in /etc/apt/sources.list now, or if it's going to be as usable as warty-updates was...
fabbionexresprobe does the detection passing the info back to X07:27
fabbioneit doesn't really matter how it detected the info07:27
fabbionemdz: grab the xserver-xorg from people.u.c/~fabbione07:27
fabbionemdz: purge the one you have installed and make sure there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:27
fabbioneinstall the one from p.u.c07:27
fabbioneand see if you get prompted for a question or not07:27
elmolamont: it's definitely in, maybe even enabled by default07:28
enricomdz: what did you want me to upload?07:28
elmowhine whine whine07:28
mdzenrico: current svn, with mako's fixes to the about page07:28
elmomdz: in any idea how I convince apt-ftparchive to not generate Packages/Sources files?07:28
lamontmvo: how about this (for breezy timeframe, of course): fetch Release.gpg, Release, if bad-sig ,fetch Release.gpg.  if bad-sig, error.  Fetch Packages.   check all Packages, if bad sig, refetch Releases.gpg, Releases as before.  Packages sigs must be in one of the two validated Release files.07:29
=== lamont feels sick
enricomdz: I'll try.07:29
thommdz: i did that yesterday07:29
thomenrico: ^^07:29
elmothere doesn't seem to be a tree equivalent of 'Contents " "'07:29
mdzenrico: ^^07:29
mvolamont: we could also try to fetch Release.gpg and Release in parallel?07:29
thommdz: sorry, should've mentioned it07:29
elmoenrico: ^^07:29
=== herzi [~herzi@d124175.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontmvo: sure07:29
=== elmo didn't want to feel left out
mdzlamont: you can easily check the functionality of hoary-updates by doing a test install07:29
lamontmdz: is inplan07:30
mdzthom: I didn't see it go by on hoary-changes, thanks07:30
mdzlamont: would be a good idea to pull down CDs now so that you can rsync less later07:30
lamontmvo: if you fetch them in parallell, then you have to refetch both if you get a badsig07:30
lamontmdz: gonna drive to the neighbors, where fresh iso's were downloaded overnight07:30
thommdz: np; i just had a horror moment and checked - ubuntu-docs |    0.4.1-1 |         hoary | source, all :-)07:31
Kamionlamont: should be enabled by default as of base-config 2.62ubuntu1707:31
=== HoMiE-[G] [word@stjh1-0271.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontKamion: ok.07:31
HoMiE-[G] hey07:31
=== airox [~airox@airox.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== lamont will verifiyt that
mdzlamont: wonderful07:31
HoMiE-[G] i was just told to ask her about serial mouses07:31
HoMiE-[G] is there anything i can do to get mine working ?07:31
airoxIs python similar to other programming languages ? So, is it easy to learn ?07:32
HoMiE-[G] anyone ?07:32
lamontKamion: /current is from ~02:30 UTC?07:33
schweebairox: it shouldn't be tough... although that's a bit OT for here07:33
airoxWell ubuntu uses python a lot didn't it ?07:33
Seveasairox, yes, but this is a development channel07:34
airoxI know :)07:34
airoxThat's why I asked.07:34
HoMiE-[G] yo07:34
HoMiE-[G] can someone help me ?07:34
elmopitti: ?07:34
fabbioneKamion: where in partitioner i can resize the NTFS thingy?07:34
lamontHoMiE-[G] : that's a #ubuntu question07:34
schweebairox: if the channel name was #python, it would be on topic :)07:34
lamontHoMiE-[G] : this would be the channel to discuss your patch to fix it.07:34
HoMiE-[G] my mouse isnt ps207:34
HoMiE-[G] its serial07:35
pittielmo: ?07:35
fabbioneKamion: never mind07:35
airoxschweeb: It had a reason behind (sorry can't seem to find a better translation for this sentence).07:35
seb128doko: http://rafb.net/paste/results/flz8ku47.html07:35
elmopitti: you on top of the mozilla-locale crap or should I file it as a bug?07:35
HoMiE-[G] i asked in #ubuntu07:35
HoMiE-[G] but they said to come here07:35
HoMiE-[G] cause they didnt think a serial mouse is supported07:35
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pittielmo: are there still issues? I thought now we've got everything?07:36
lamontHoMiE-[G] : my daughter's computer had a ps2  mouse plugged into the serial port07:36
lamontuntil the motherboard died, that is.07:36
elmopitti:  -it and -ptbr aren't installable ATM07:36
HoMiE-[G] lemont07:36
pittielmo: okay, I'll look after it07:36
HoMiE-[G] well mine is a ps2 mouse07:36
HoMiE-[G] plugged into a serial port07:37
HoMiE-[G] what can i do ?07:37
TreenaksHoMiE-[G] : plug it into a PS/2 port, or make sure the mouse is capable of functioning in the way you've connected it07:37
HoMiE-[G] i know it is07:37
Kamionlamont: right, I'm currently rebuilding07:37
HoMiE-[G] cause i used it on windows for the longest time07:37
lamontHoMiE-[G] : in any case, it's not a development question, hence OT07:37
dokoseb128: thanks07:38
seb128thank you07:38
lamontKamion: ok.  holler when you're done, so I can freshen things before I go fetch07:38
=== lamont has the 02/03:xx images
mdzfabbione: hmm07:39
enricothom, mdz, elmo: thanks ^^07:39
mdzUnpacking xserver-xorg (from xserver-xorg_6.8.2-6_i386.deb) ...07:39
mdzSetting up xserver-xorg (6.8.2-6) ...07:39
mdzcat: /var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum: No such file or directory07:39
mdzxserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/xorg.conf; file has07:39
mdz   been customized07:39
fabbionemdz: did you make sure that /etc/X11/xorg.conf was removed?07:40
=== robtaylor [~robtaylor@nat2.camtrial.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionei didn't see that error at all07:40
mdzfabbione: yes, but then I installed xserver-xorg and it failed to configure due to a missing dep07:40
mdzhmm, still happening though07:40
mdzsee /msg07:40
fabbionemdz: can you try to purge it completely?07:41
fabbioneand reinstall again?07:41
=== lupusBE [~lupus@dD5772FA1.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzfabbione: I have done that several times, but sure07:41
fabbionemdz: weird.. because i don't get that message here07:41
fabbionemdz: that error is weird07:42
fabbionei am checking if i can reproduce it with a DDCable machine07:43
mdzit is 100% reproducible07:43
fabbionebut i don't think that is the problem07:43
mdzfabbione: the result is a correct xorg.conf, though07:43
fabbionenot the line i changed at least07:43
fabbionethe change is just to handle the priority at install/upgrade time07:44
mdzthis machine is not up to date; I will upgrade it and re-test to be sure07:44
fabbionebut nothing more than that07:44
fabbionemdz: ok thanks07:44
fabbionei am almost finished installing my box here07:44
fabbioneso i can test on more machines07:44
fabbioneand livecd is burning07:44
elmoRemoving render-dev ...07:46
elmodpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:07:46
elmo This is an essential package - it should not be removed.07:46
elmothat's some good crack, monsieur dpkg07:46
fabbionemdz: see ^^^we can blame Keybuk !07:47
Mithrandir<Keybuk> iz gtk bug07:47
mdzelmo: how did that happen?07:48
elmomdz: I removed a bunch of packages from a chroot, including python2.4 and python2.4-minimal and it seemed to lose it in terms of what it considered Essential07:48
Keybukdon't suppose you've got a copy of your status file around?07:49
elmopre or post?07:49
Keybukelmo: both07:49
KeybukMithrandir: s/Keybuk/seb128/07:49
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elmoKeybuk: only post now - but I'll copy that to one side and try and reproduce07:50
Keybukit could be that the file is a little corrupt, and the field has become attached to the next package in the list (guessing)07:50
elmooh, I have status-old07:50
elmoKeybuk: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/paste/status07:51
elmoKeybuk: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/paste/status-old07:51
maswanelmo: did you want anything important?07:52
elmomaswan: hmm?07:52
Mithrandirmaswan: saw my message about grim?07:52
maswanMithrandir: yeah, thanks07:52
Keybukelmo: looks like you've purged stuff since07:53
elmoKeybuk: yeah, meh, that status-old isn't pre the apt-get purge.. lemme retry 07:53
Keybukdoesn't match any bug I'm aware of :-/07:55
Keybukoh, wait07:57
elmoreproducible at least07:57
Keybukwhat's the "Removing" line *after* that message? :p07:57
elmoRemoving patch ...07:58
elmodpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:07:58
elmo This is an essential package - it should not be removed.07:58
elmoRemoving quanta-data ...07:58
elmofor example..07:58
elmogetting a pre and post for you07:59
mdzKeybuk: say, why is it that dpkg doesn't seem to pay attention to priority changes in new versions of binary packages?07:59
Keybukmdz: because apt never calls dpkg --update-avail? :p07:59
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mdzI mean Priority: in the status file08:00
mdzfor installed packages08:00
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@dhcp33.cs.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== fabbione boots liveCD on non-DDC machine
ubuntuSo I'm playing with a live CD of hoary and I see the default evolution launcher in the panel is still "versioned"08:01
=== ubuntu is now known as shaya
Keybukmdz: because the info from the available file overrides it08:01
Keybukit assumes that ftpmaster is all-knowing08:01
pittiseb128: I think there is something wrong with your g-c-m upload08:01
mdzKeybuk: ??///08:01
seb128pitti: oh ?08:01
Keybukthe Priority, Section, etc. of a package is frequently bogus08:01
Keybukbecause ftpmaster override it08:01
shayajust evolution-2.2 now08:01
mdzhmm, point08:01
pittiseb128: all po files are in po/, but da.po is in gnome-cups-manager-0.30/po08:01
shayait woul seem to cause the same problem as warty's evolution-2.0 issue08:02
Keybukso dpkg always uses the values from the available file08:02
Keybukand writes those to status, not what it found in the package08:02
shayawhy not just make that launcher "evolution" (plain no version)08:02
seb128pitti: hum, lemme check08:02
Keybukbut because apt never updates dpkg's available database, things never change08:02
mdzI maintain that dpkg's available database is a bug08:02
elmoKeybuk: same place has status-pre, status-post and not-so-essential.txt.  can reproduce on demand if you need more08:02
fabbionemdz: -7 is go for me on install on both non-DDC and DDC boxes. Testing LiveCD now08:02
mdzfabbione: great, thanks08:03
seb128pitti: utch, lemme fix08:03
mdzfabbione: 1 question on non-DDC, 0 questions on DDC?08:03
shayamdz: a bug or a dselect tied into guts of dpkg issue?08:03
fabbionemdz: correct08:03
Kamionmdz: it's not really dpkg's database anyway, it's dselect's08:03
mdzKamion: see above, though08:03
Kamionmdz: and its author agrees with you that it shouldn't be in dpkg08:03
shayawhich remidns me08:03
shayawhy in the world does dselect pre-depend on dpkg?08:04
Kamionshaya: upgrades08:04
Kamionshaya: it's transitional08:04
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mdzshaya: you mean dpkg pre-depending on dselect?08:04
Kamionhasn't stopped people filing bugs in an attempt to break the transition though08:04
shayaKamion: it's been like that for ages08:04
seb128pitti: in fact it's in po/da.po and gnome-cups-manager-0.30/po/da.po08:04
Kamionshaya: that's because it's ages since woody08:04
mdzshaya: it's been like that for <1 Debian release08:04
seb128pitti: that's bogus but works :p08:04
shayamakes sense08:04
shayaso since sarge will never ship, it will never change :)08:05
KeybukKamion: ish; there's a lot of requirement in dpkg for an available file too08:05
Keybukremoving it isn't a simple matter08:05
KamionKeybuk: mm, true, actually I think I was thinking of the desired-state bit in status08:05
=== Mithrandir whines to lamont that the ooo-amd64 isn't finished building yet.
=== kain is away: e poi onslaught
Keybukeg. dpkg relies on package control data being in available to support --configure -a08:06
mdzshaya: I don't think that's true, apart from not being very nice :-P08:06
Keybukelmo: can you reproduce with -D7777 and send me the (yards) of output08:07
seb128pitti: fixed08:08
elmoKeybuk: k08:08
Keybukuh, status and status-old don't match what you actually did in not-so-essential.txt ?08:09
Keybukah, *finds status-pre and status-post in ..*08:09
seb128shaya: what do you want to change to the evo desktop files ?08:09
elmoyah, sorry, ignore status and status-old08:09
fabbionemdz: -7 is go on 3/3 boxes with expected behavior, both install and liveCD08:10
mdzfabbione: fantabulous, upload when ready08:10
fabbionemdz: it's on the way08:10
lamontMithrandir: thanks08:11
Mithrandirlamont: what's up with it?08:11
lamontMithrandir: successful build, just needs a little bit of love\08:12
Mithrandiroh, ok08:12
lamontcrested is coming back into the rotation, and um, needed some, um, personal attention08:12
fabbioneelmo, lamont: can we make xorg -7 go slightly faster to the buildd?? it should be accepted in 2 minutes by katie08:13
Mithrandir*chuckle*; :-)08:13
lamontfabbione: that's an elmo question08:13
=== Kamion tests out the pre-publishing scripts
fabbioneelmo: ?08:14
elmowell I just locked myself out of my home machine with keybuk's evil -D 7777 DOS08:14
Keybukdon't tell me you forgot to redirect the output? :p08:14
fabbioneelmo: you rock!08:14
mdzsmurfix: ping?08:18
=== jani [~pet@Home03207.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== lamont wonders what this lovely Keybuk-DoS is...
elmofabbione: pushed through08:21
Keybuklamont: I suspect he just went dpkg -D7777 over an ssh connection08:21
Keybukit tends to give a lot of output veryveryvery fast :p08:21
fabbioneelmo: thanks08:21
lamontah, -D == debug?08:21
janielmo could you please sync from unstable ruby-defaults and ruby1.8 ? I tested them, thanks (for darcs too)08:21
Keybuk(and usually coredumps at some point, yay)08:21
lamontKeybuk: hrm.. you should fix that. :-P08:22
Keybuklamont: I fix 'em as I find 'em08:22
elmojani: ruby1.8 is in main08:22
janielmo, oh :(08:23
elmowill need approval from mdz before I can sync that at this point08:23
mdzI thought we managed to kick ruby1.8 out of main08:23
elmoI assume no point in syncing one without the other?08:23
janiI thought all ruby was universe08:23
janielmo, right they go together08:23
elmomdz: swig and redland-bindings seem to be pulling it in08:23
janiindeed I wonder why since ruby is in universe08:23
mdzjani: today is the day before the Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate; we aren't changing anything without a very good reason08:23
mxpxpodjbailey: hey08:24
mdzjani: what bugs will it fix?08:24
janimdz, right I missed the fact ruby1.8 was in main08:24
mdzjani: is it needed to fix some universe packages?08:24
janimdz, well a lot of bugs since it's a stable ruby08:24
janibut some packages in sid depend on it08:24
jbaileymxpxpod: 'sup?08:24
mxpxpodjbailey: not much... how goes the libmpeg2 stuff?08:25
janiand we cannot bring those in (rake, ruby on rails) without updating ruby08:25
janibesides ruby in sid makes it easier to install since it is no longer scattered to so many poackages08:25
jbaileymxpxpod: I'm not actively working on it at the moment.  It doesn't segfault, which is an improvement over before, it's just slow.  Did I miss something else?08:25
mxpxpodjbailey: that's about it08:25
mxpxpodjbailey: it's really jittery08:26
jbaileymxpxpod: Yeah, it's because it's doing it all without any altivec instructions.08:26
mxpxpodjbailey: oh, that's nice ;)08:26
jbaileymxpxpod: Since I don't know any altivec assembler, I tossed it into the "things to care about for breezy" bucket. (Bug #8007)08:28
mxpxpodjbailey: breezy?08:28
jbaileymxpxpod: The release after Hoary.08:28
mxpxpodI thought it was grumpy after hoary08:28
dholbachmxpxpod: Sneezy-108:28
Kamionmxpxpod: it changed08:28
mxpxpodah, ok08:29
Kamionand ubuntu-announce got mail08:29
jbaileymxpxpod: I think the name change was a side effect of WEsley Crusher saving the multiverse too many times.  I have no explanation beyond that.08:29
fabbioneKamion: 8287 unreproducible here :(08:30
dholbachjbailey: *snigger*08:30
Kamionfabbione: doesn't surprise me too much08:30
fabbioneKamion: yeah08:30
janimdz, so no change to ruby before RC means no change before release either?So I know if I should look at the issue08:30
Kamionok, cdimage release publishing should go faster now08:31
mdzjani: it depends on which packages in main depend on it08:31
janielmo said swig and redland08:31
mdzif those two are regression-tested with the new version, we _might_ be able to update it, but it makes me uncomfortable08:31
mdzif it's just to get a stable release and not to fix specific bugs, I'd prefer not to sync it08:32
Kamionwe did have complaints about the ruby split-o-matic packaging08:32
Kamionsomebody was pushing for an Ubuntu repackaging08:32
GuilmonKamion: the ruby split packaging is stupid, I concur08:34
janimdz, no specific bugs I have been bitten by but the changelog lists a lot of them.08:34
janiKamion, debioan unstable already improved on the situation08:34
janithere are less packages now some were merged in libruby08:35
GuilmonKamion: I try to use ruby's network library, I don't expect downloading seperate libs.08:35
Guilmonmdz: where are the source files for the GNOME startup picture?08:35
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Kamionjani: yes, I know08:35
janino need for ubuntu repackaging the debian-ruby people seem to be in it08:35
KamionI read the changelog08:35
janiKamion, ok :)08:35
GuilmonIt would be nice if ther was a Ruby-devel monthly snapshot08:35
GuilmonMatz adds really nice features between releases08:36
Guilmonthere are tar gzips on the ruby site daily fyi08:36
janimy main reason fror syncig would be that some apps not in ubuntu but in sid depend on versions of ruby >1.8.208:36
Guilmon1.8.2p2 is old ;)08:36
mdzGuilmon: ubuntu-artwork08:36
Guilmonmdz: it has source, or just the destination file?08:37
mdzGuilmon: ?08:37
Guilmonmdz: is it jpg or gimp source?08:37
mdzubuntu-artwork is the source package which builds the ubuntu-artwork binary package08:37
mdzGuilmon: it is neither; I believe it is a PNG08:37
Guilmonmdz: who has the source?08:37
mdzI am not sure that anyone has it, why?08:38
Guilmonmdz: I'm assuming it was created from gimp or ps.08:38
mdzphotoshop, I believe08:38
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=== HoMiE-[G] [word@stjh1-0271.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HoMiE-[G] hey08:40
HoMiE-[G] can someone help me ?08:40
HoMiE-[G] with pppoe ?08:40
mdzHoMiE-[G] : this channel is where we coordinate development work; for help ask on #ubuntu08:41
dholbachHoMiE-[G] : you know this is a #ubuntu question08:41
HoMiE-[G] yeah i know08:41
HoMiE-[G] but they wont help me :P08:41
HoMiE-[G] i ask and they dont answer08:41
HoMiE-[G] they said to set it up08:41
HoMiE-[G] its in gnome08:41
schweebyou're not gonna get much of a response in here either08:41
mdzbe patient, or ask on the ubuntu-users mailing list08:41
dholbachHoMiE-[G] : try ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com08:41
HoMiE-[G] but when i go into it dont see it08:41
HoMiE-[G] ok08:42
HoMiE-[G] then08:42
HoMiE-[G] sorry08:42
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ggiHo ho! - http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-March/006241.html08:42
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noharhi guys08:44
seb128mdz: so we are going with 2.10.1, nice :)08:44
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opiPolish LoCo meeting in #ubuntu.pl, all people related, please join :-)08:52
mdzseb128: yes, per sabdfl08:53
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=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060050dac642e4.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzlamont: ping when xorg 6.8.2-7 is uploaded, please09:00
Seveasmdz, it's been sent out to hoary-changes...09:02
pittihmm, no meeting now?09:02
pittidarn, daylight saving...09:02
dholbachpitti: changed - i heard about it 3-4 hours ago09:02
dholbachpitti: i changed it on wiki/Calendar as well09:02
KamionSeveas: that's source upload, mdz's asking about binary upload09:02
pittibut it's still 20:00 UTC?09:02
Seveasi see09:03
dholbachpitti: that's how mdz changed it on wiki/TechnicalBoardAgenda09:03
pittiyeah, I didn't take daylight saving into account...09:03
=== Seveas still pretty new at all of this automated things, sorry for the disturbance
shayathom: you here?09:03
=== d3vic3 [~d3vic3@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukpitti: it's currently 1907UTC, meeting in one hour :)09:07
pittiKeybuk: yeah, I just noticed :-)09:08
zulpitti: date --utc usually works ;)09:08
dholbachKeybuk: what about: The next meeting of the Board will be on: Tuesday 12 April 2005 at 2000 UTC   ?09:08
dholbachKeybuk: no wiki/TechnicalBoardAgenda?09:09
Keybukdholbach: no agenda, I guess; I last checked more than 2 hours ago09:09
dholbachhm ok09:10
pittilamont: ping09:12
lamontpitti: ack09:12
pittilamont: I just tried to build new langpacks09:12
pittilamont: and noticed that nautilus-sendto_0.3-0ubuntu6_translations.tar.gz has an ancient format09:12
pittilamont: i. e. from a very old pkgstriptranslations version09:13
pittilamont: is that possible somehow?09:13
lamontpitti: hrm... checking09:13
pittilamont: I repack the tarball manually09:13
pittilamont: nautilus-sendto_0.3-0ubuntu6_translations.tar.gz.old is the tarball that was created originally09:14
lamontpitti: uh, yeah./09:14
=== lamont kicks crested
lamontfxied, and yes, nautilus-sendto was built on the buildd in question09:14
pittilamont: thanks09:14
pittilamont: does that affect other builds as well?09:15
pittilamont: nevermind, my script will find out... :-)09:15
lamontthere were about 409:15
lamontwhich, depending on order, may or may not be affected.09:15
pittilamont: okay, that's a manageable number for manual repacking09:15
smurfixmdz: 09:15
lamontoo.o-amd64, kubuntu-meta09:16
carlosmvo: around?09:16
mvocarlos: yes, but I'm preparing dinner :) 09:16
mvocarlos: that is, I wanted to leave for dinner now. is it urgent?09:16
carlosmvo: not really09:17
carlosmvo: will talk tomorrow if I'm not around when you are back09:17
mvocarlos: what is it about ? rosetta?09:20
=== kain [~kain@213-140-6-121.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tritiumHmm, I see a nick highlight for me, but it's beyond my scrollback.09:25
thomshaya: yeah?09:26
thomtritium: you don't have anything as useful as /lastlog -hilight?09:26
tritiumthom, I'll try :)09:26
tritiumthom, learned something new09:27
shayathom: you recently put a rtl patch into firefox? is that Simon Monatgu's from bugzilla?09:27
thomshaya: yes09:27
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shayaok, it fixes the rtl issues w/ pango, but not the combining characters09:27
shayastill screws up horribly on rtl text w/ combining characters (i.e. hebrew w/ vowels)09:27
shayaI'll bug him about that09:27
shayajust wanted to know what the story was before I bugged him09:28
thomshaya: ok; yeah, please do - i know next to nothing about international font madness :-)09:28
thomit's his patch unchangeds09:28
shayano problem.  doesn't really effect me except for a bible site that has the text in hebrew and refuses to remove the justified attribute09:30
shayaas normally moz+pango works fine with hebrew+vowels, except if you justify the text09:30
shayathen it just falls down horribly09:30
shayabut email's sent09:31
=== TD [~mike@foghorn.codeweavers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TDhello. is there any way to programmatically determine that an ubuntu-style sudo/disabled-root system is in use?09:35
pittiseb128, Kamion: langpack updates are ready for upload. Okay to go?09:35
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=== Amaranth [Amaranth@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzsmurfix: regarding the problem of non-latin keymaps where people can't login09:37
mdzsmurfix: is there a way to find all of those semi-automatically so that we can fix them in one batch?  users continue to report new examples09:37
TD(without detecting ubuntu specifically, obviously)09:37
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smurfixmdz: Hmm, let me look at it a bit09:39
thomTD: root passwd as * or ! would be a good guess (here is a better place)09:39
mdzTD: sudo lets you query it for this information, but authentication is required09:40
mdzTD: what is the specific problem you need to solve?09:41
TDhmmm, yes, need to know without authentication really09:42
TDessentially when running something as root, how to know whether to ask the user for the root password or their own password09:42
TDwhen providing a custom authentication gui09:42
fabbionemdz: -7 is go on all arches09:45
mdzfabbione: only amd64 and i386 are in the archive so far, waiting for powerpc09:45
fabbionemdz: ok, it should enter within 20 minutes09:45
mdzit's in accepted/09:45
fabbioneyeah but daily runs at :03 and :3309:47
fabbioneso approx 20 before it hits the archive09:47
pittiseb128, Kamion: okay, I'll upload now since I didn't hear any objections :-)09:49
smurfixmdz: The list is: am ar bg by dz el il ir iu jp lo mk ml mm mn ru th tj ua uz 09:50
mdzsmurfix: so far the solution has been to use "us,<foo>" as the X keymap09:51
mdzsmurfix: should we do that for all of those?09:51
smurfixmdz: That does look like the most-correct solution09:51
mdzel, ru and one other have been reported as bugs09:51
seb128pitti: fine with me09:52
TDthom: how do you mean. ubuntu disables root by setting the password to * or ! ? that doesn't sound quite right ...09:54
lamontmdz: ppc xorg missed the last cron.daily by 4 minutes...  will hit this next time around (:03)09:54
lamontbut you know that09:54
mdzTD: not the password, but the encrypted password field in the shadow database09:55
mdzTD: which obviously requires root09:56
mdzI think the best you can do is to make it a configurable setting09:56
mdzindeed, the two methods are not mutually exclusive; they can both be in use on the same systems09:56
mdzand a different method needed depending on which user is authenticating09:56
mdzsome users in sudo, others using the root password09:57
TDah i see09:57
smurfixmdz: Unless somebody from $LOCALE tells us otherwise, lets do it that way. One or two of them might have a non-US basic layout but I don't have any way to check for that.09:57
=== TD nods
=== TD wonders how to explain this in a newbie friendly fashion
smurfixmdz: Ah, there's a more comprehensive list in /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg; grep for "nonlatin"10:00
smurfixmdz: it's commented out, so *possibly* the fix is to just remove the comment markers10:01
smurfixmdz: if that works (dunno how well-tested it is) that'd let us avoid the workaround at xorg.conf generation time10:02
mjtmdz: where's that bug re el, ru layout?10:03
mjt(i'm using ru here... ;)10:04
mdzmjt: #7656, #820210:04
ogramdz no meeting today ?10:04
mdzogra: no meeting today, and no meeting next week (due to the release)10:04
ogra(because -meeting is crowded)10:04
mdzis the topic stale?10:05
ograincluding sabdfl10:05
ogranope, dholbach removed it10:05
mdzok then10:05
fabbionewho canceled the meeting?10:06
fabbionei need somebody to throw in the same room with my wife while she boils down10:07
=== fabbione heads off to sleep
fabbionegood night10:09
mjtwell, selecting just 'ru' w/o 'us' is indeed a bug ;)10:10
mjtditto for el and other non-latin layouts/languages10:10
=== sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-136-124.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TDdoes ubuntu hoary still install the lsb package by default?10:11
pittinight fabbione 10:11
zulnight fabbione 10:11
mjtfor "ru" there should really be 2 choices: "en,ru" and "en,ru(winkeys)" (expect more bugs if that isn't done ;) -- the former comes from old typewriters, the latter has been "invented" by M$ and is far more suitable for a computer; there are both types of keyboards out there10:13
mjtm$ defaults to the equivalent of "ru(winkeys),en" 10:14
lamontmdz: so does this mean yet newer CD images with xorg -7?10:16
zygaTD: hey10:17
zygaTD: do you want to customize your password dialog for ubuntu?10:17
=== zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TDyeah. well, no. not really. i'd like to detect when sudo is available and use that, as asking the user for their own password is better ui than asking for the root password imho10:18
TDbut it's looking like we'll just special case for ubuntu and live with sucking :)10:18
=== zenrox_ [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygaTD: that's a bad idea10:18
smurfixmjt: gdm doesn't have a keyboard layout widget (yet?), so we need to start off with US layout (for now?)10:19
TDyeah. it's not great. but it beats asking the user for a root password they don't have10:19
lamontTD: ubuntu-desktop Depends: lsb10:19
mvoKamion, mdz: permission to upload libgksu: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/review/libgksu/libgksu1.2_1.2.5a-1ubuntu2.debdiff ? suppresses a bogus message, talked to kov (upstream) about it and he agrees with it10:19
TDlamont: thanks, i had a vague feeling it'd been removed but i guess not10:19
zygaTD: why don't you add a checkbox 'I don't have root pasword, use sudo instead'10:19
lamontTD: plan is for breezy to remove it10:19
=== zenrox_ [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TDthat'd be why i had the vague feeling10:19
lamontsince lsb Depends: mail-transport-agent, and that's going away from base10:20
TDzyga: we already have a "No password" button for when you don't have superuser access at all. And I don't want to put the term "sudo" in the UI10:20
TDsudo isn't a word that's meaningful to end users, generally10:20
TDone alternative is to ask the user for the "System access password" and then try both su and sudo10:20
zygaBTW: why gdm by default (with ubuntu skin) has no way to do a remode xdcmp login?10:20
lamontmy first project for breezy is to free my baby (postfix) from the base-chains that bind it10:20
zygaTD: that would be usble :-)10:21
lamontTD: you could try su, and then fail back to sudo, or vice versa10:21
zygaTD: I guess probing is the simples way10:21
TDyeah, that's what we are thinking10:21
lamontor assume that executable /usr/bin/sudo + /etc/sudoers ==> sudo for root...10:21
TDor rather try sudo then su. problem is sudo generates scary errors and warnings sometimes. like the "lecture" :)10:21
lamontbut that's probably not wise.. (the assumption)10:21
lamontlecture is disabled on ubuntu10:21
TDand if you get it wrong it sends an email to root10:21
TDheh, good :) it's not disabled everywhere though10:21
lamonthence su then sudo might be better...10:22
lamontor have a config option that says what order (and whether) to try10:22
lamontroot_access: sudo, su10:22
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== TD nods
zygalamont: that's not really useful - TD is trying to make autopackage compatible with ubuntu10:22
TDyes, su then sudo may work better. i'd avoid a config option10:22
TDthis is supposed to just work dammit :)10:22
lamontwell, packaging for ubuntu vs debian could be different (diff defaults, etc.)10:23
zygaTD: how about system specific config file10:23
zygaTD: /etc/autopackage.specs10:23
zygaTD: if it's there read it and know better10:23
TDzyga: that's just a variant of "detect ubuntu" which is why i was asking about the lsb package10:23
TDi'd rather not do that if possible. using sudo instead of root password is a pretty good idea10:23
zygaTD: Ubuntu could just have that tiny package in ubuntu-base stuff10:24
TDit would not surprise me if other distros copied it10:24
TDzyga: well that was just being discussed on the mailing list, and i don't think it's going to happen anytime soon10:24
zygaTD: true 10:24
zygaTD: not adding the whole autopackage stuff10:24
zygaTD: just one small specs file10:24
zygaTD: try asking again10:24
TDwell, the objection isn't that autopackage is too big. it's that it's the wrong approach entirely10:24
TDso i doubt the base/desktop maintainers would be more amenable to that. anyway we can already detect ubuntu10:25
zygaTD: well then you're stuck between the hammer and the anvil ;] 10:25
TDyeah ;)10:25
zygaTD: anyway you could try asking again10:25
zygacat /etc/autopackage.specs10:26
zyga... that's it10:26
TDwe'll figure something out. anyway, i think that's enough for today. TV time :) i'll be around later, but all my questions are answered now10:26
=== zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== koke [~koke@rm-001-26.serve.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzmvo: hmm10:43
mdzlamont: yes, it does10:43
mdzCDs building now10:44
lamontrsync just about done now.. :0)10:44
mvomdz: if you have doubts, we can postpone it (or leave it as it is). it's only a cosmetic problem, gksu sometimes gives spurious warning-messagesboxes because it don't always get the interaction with sudo right10:45
lamontmdz: holler when they're done, eh?10:46
lamontreminds me.. .parent teacher conferences the next 2 days... ISTR bonnie's is on the 31st.10:47
kokeelmo: I don't want to be tiresome, but what happened to my key? I've already a package for upload :)10:48
pittifabbione: new CAN10:49
pittioh, he's asleep10:49
=== mvo goes to bed now too
zulpitti: gah...more? :)10:51
pittizul: no, just a CAN for an already fixed one10:51
pittizul: can you add it to the changelog, too?10:52
=== blueyed [dAniel@iD4CC0CEA.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zuli can put it my archive and tell fabbione to pull from it10:52
pittizul: I mail him10:53
=== xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-41-93.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzlamont: install CD builds and cloop builds are in progress10:59
mdzI'll start live CD builds when both are done10:59
lamontmdz: with jido?11:00
lamontjigdo, even11:00
mdzjigdo takes an extra hour11:01
Kamionno it doesn't11:02
Kamionit's certainly slower but it isn't an extra hour11:03
=== Loevborg [~loevborg@d39-58.dip.isp-service.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KamionI'll see if I can rope Steve McIntyre in post-hoary to help me switch to JTE11:03
mdzKamion: doing the jigdo post-publish would be sufficient for our purposes, I think11:04
mdznew install CDs are syncing11:05
mdzKamion: I'm going to run to the store for food; can you coordinate with lamont to get a new live build started when the cloops are ready?11:05
elmo [TXT]   hoary_probs.html        29-Mar-2005 21:37  24211:06
elmonow if only breezy would stay that way ;-P11:06
lamontelmo: heh11:06
Mithrandirlamont: still no ooo-amd64? :/11:07
=== zenrox_ [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-107.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== lamont will need to go child-gathering in about 65 minutes...
lamontMithrandir: should be there by now... grumble.11:07
Kamionmdz: post-publish> if you don't mind not being able to build CDs until the jigdo's done, that would certainly be possible; though it'd require some kind of republishing step11:07
Kamionmdz: yep11:07
schweeblamont: heh, rephrase that, or you'll sound like a paedophile ;)11:07
Mithrandirlamont: doesn't look like that.11:08
mdzelmo: anastacia output is looking good too, finally11:08
elmomdz: I know! no more db4.0! *dance*11:09
elmowe should do this release thing more often ;)11:09
Mithrandirelmo: did you hear my sick, sick thing I thought of at FOSDEM?  (wrt libdb)11:10
Mithrandirwe could just make a binary-compatible alternate library which used sqlite as the backend.11:10
Mithrandirit'd be broken, but in alternate ways. ;)11:12
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=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host76-122.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
schweebelmo: dunno if you're the one to talk to, and I don't really care much, but gsf-sharp never got announced to hoary-changes, even though it's in the archive, and I got my notify emails... just figured you'd want a bugreport on your emailer tool11:19
elmoSubject: Accepted gsf-sharp 0.3+svn20050320-1 (source)11:20
elmoschweeb: that?11:20
schweebhrm, I don't see it on the changes archive11:21
elmoit got sent - hoary-changes suffers from overly fascist spam filtering11:21
elmo'cos our mailman setup is to damn dumb to be able to do innovative cutting edge filtering like, err, filtering on a given header11:21
schweebalright then, all is good :D11:21
crimsunschweeb: (don't worry, none of mine are announced either)11:22
elmocrimsun: that's the Maintainer field, you could avoid that11:22
crimsunelmo: yeah, I stripped '.'11:22
crimsunelmo: also tried quoting it11:22
crimsun(ogra let me know)11:23
=== robtaylor__ [~robtaylor@nat19.camtrial.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
schweebelmo: should I change the package to not build on amd64 and ia64, as they don't have mono packages, or would that be on your end?11:23
elmobut in any event, end-of-day, we should just beg/bribe tollef to fix our mailman to filter on X-Katie, and have jdub not apply our spam filters to hoary-changes11:23
elmoschweeb: I'd just leave it - it doesn't do any harm for them to not build, and hopefully amd64 at least will get mono eventually, and this way you won't have to change your package when it does11:24
schweebthat's what I figured11:24
mdzKamion: ubuntu cloops are done, kubuntu in progress, I'll start cron.daily-live11:25
mdzscratch that, only one is done11:26
lamontmdz: was just considering whether to say that i386 was done.11:28
lamontamd64 is compressing, ppc is rsyncing-to-loop11:28
Kamionmdz: yeah, was watching the i386 cloop and had just noticed ...11:30
=== tritium [~rimbert@ee213-dhcp-14.ecn.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
lamontad64 done11:35
lamontppc still restoring image11:35
lamontppc is [ 9]  Block#   378 size  65536 ->  34803 [compression ratio  53%, overall:  34%] 11:39
kokeelmo: did mako sent you my key? I'm not sure who I have to ping11:40
elmokoke: hmm, no, you're not in mako's list yet11:41
elmoI'll send him a mail11:42
kokeelmo: thanks anyway11:42
seb128haggai: around ?11:43
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontKamion: over 3/4 done compressing11:44
lamontKamion: ubuntu cloops are go11:48
CarlKhi folks11:49
CarlKDoes anyone want to help me figure out why my e-machine box keeps "stoping" (but not locking) durring a daily install?11:50
lamontCarlK: that'd be a #ubuntu question11:50
CarlKeven on the same install image, it is never the same place that it stalls, and most of the time I can get to a shell11:50
Kamionlamont: builds started11:51
CarlKlamont - I am just using it to test installs and report install bugs,11:52
lamontKamion: kubuntu-live cloop will fail, I expect (kdepim)11:52
CarlKI was wondering if anyone here 11:52
Kamionlamont: that should be fixed now11:53
CarlKI was wondering if anyone "here" wanted to see if there was an install problem or if my box is just haunted11:53
lamontKamion: yeah, but it's still building...11:53
KamionCarlK: I'm inclined to think the latter, personally :)11:53
BurgundaviaCarlK: why don't we debug on #ubuntu, and if it is a bug, then we can report it to bugzilla11:53
Kamionbugs with that kind of description are usually broken hardware ...11:53
lamontKamion: ppc is still building, i386 will enter the archive in 9 minutes, and amd64 is there.11:53
CarlKBurgundavia - see ya there11:54
lamontkdesdk also needs to be built, amd64 is doing that now, the others are waiting for cron.daily to run11:54
CarlKKamion - me too - I ran stresslinux for 12 hours and didn't have any problems11:54
lamontKamion: so, yeah, it's fixed.  But the fix is still in-flight. 11:55
lamontKamion: 2100UTC sound about right for the i386 install iso timestamp?11:56
Kamionlamont: yes, that's right11:56
=== lamont gets ready to go child-collecting, will wait for cron.daily so he can give kdesdk back on i386
lamontppc may have to wait for my return11:57
=== HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontif kdepim doesn't finish in time, I'll at-job the kdesdk thing to happen 30 min latyer11:59
lamontback in 5m ors12:00
lamontor so12:00

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