Riddell | lamont: what's the kdesdk thing? | 12:02 |
Riddell | ah I see | 12:02 |
Kamion | new live CDs up | 12:05 |
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lamont | ew. ppc has 1.5MB of the 2.5MB needed for a successful log. | 12:07 |
lamont | something tells me it won't be done by :00 :-) | 12:07 |
lamont | OTOH, ia64 is at 1.2MB. :-( | 12:08 |
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lamont | kdesdk will be given back at :40. Good luck kdesdk and kdepim. :-) | 12:09 |
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=== lamont will be back in about an hour and a half | ||
pitti_ | night everybody | 12:10 |
dholbach | bye pitti | 12:10 |
seb128 | 'night pitti_ | 12:11 |
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mdz | Kamion: amd64 install starting stage 2, archive-copier looks good | 12:25 |
mdz | Kamion: that new progress bar is still a little funny; it goes through 2 steps without updating the progress bar | 12:25 |
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Kamion | mdz: ok, I'll have a look at it post-preview | 12:27 |
Kamion | er, post-rc | 12:27 |
Kamion | it's better than a blue screen though :) | 12:27 |
mdz | yes | 12:28 |
Kamion | powerpc install in base system | 12:28 |
mdz | definitely cosmetic | 12:28 |
Kamion | the lack of translations in tzsetup and apt-setup concerns me more | 12:28 |
Kamion | that requires the locale to be generated earlier, I think; or alternatively a cheesy templates hack | 12:28 |
mdz | en_US seems to have very good translation coverage | 12:28 |
Kamion | haha | 12:29 |
mdz | I'll be able to confirm the xorg fix shortly on amd64 | 12:29 |
mdz | my powerpc test install is at about the same point as yours | 12:29 |
Kamion | mdz: btw what do you mean by "goes through two steps"? | 12:30 |
mdz | Kamion: the text at the bottom of the dialog box changes, but the progress bar doesn't | 12:31 |
Kamion | weird, don't see where that could be happening; I'll watch out for it | 12:31 |
mdz | it changes to "Checking for CD-ROM..." or similar | 12:31 |
Kamion | yeah, that's got a STEP immediately before it | 12:32 |
Kamion | unless I just fouled up the use of the progress interface somehow | 12:32 |
mdz | is the previous step doing STEP after, rather than before? | 12:33 |
Kamion | it goes START INFO <stuff> STEP if (condition) { INFO <stuff> STEP } STOP | 12:33 |
mdz | interesting | 12:34 |
mdz | I don't know why it looks the way it does, then | 12:34 |
mdz | it's as if that last STEP doesn't take effect | 12:34 |
Kamion | the INFO inside the if is the one associated with the message you mentioned | 12:34 |
mdz | amd64 xorg is good | 12:34 |
Kamion | I see what you mean - but the message before "Checking for CD-ROM" disappeared too quickly | 12:35 |
Kamion | mdz: I think I know what it is: the condition (above) is looking for a file on the CD, so it's probably seek delay between STEP and INFO | 12:36 |
mdz | powerpc booting stage 2 | 12:36 |
mdz | Kamion: I just watched it on amd64, and it was too fast to notice | 12:36 |
mdz | but on powerpc I could see the delay | 12:36 |
mdz | no DMA on that CD-ROM either, on powerpc | 12:36 |
Kamion | I should move the test up anyway to get the progress bar length right, which would fix it as a side-effect | 12:37 |
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elmo | why does the gnome keyboard stuff always come up in a too-small window? | 12:45 |
elmo | and does anyone know how I map a us (if it matters) win key to alt? | 12:50 |
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nictuku | hi. | 12:54 |
nictuku | I'd like to request that you please compile pound with "--enable-msdav" in the distributed package | 12:55 |
nictuku | that goes in debian/rules, line 31 | 12:55 |
tseng | msdav = microsoft webdav? | 12:55 |
nictuku | yes. Technically, it add the *possibility* of enabling WebDav access in pound. | 12:56 |
tseng | we already removed libhowl due to legal issues | 12:57 |
tseng | this *sounds* even shadier | 12:57 |
nictuku | don't worry, it just makes pound forward some HTTP commands. | 12:57 |
nictuku | it's required to make subversion work behind pound, either. | 12:58 |
tseng | ok. | 12:58 |
tseng | can you add it to MOTUTodo on the wiki please/ | 12:58 |
tseng | ? | 12:58 |
nictuku | sure. Is it possible to make it ship with hoary? | 12:58 |
dholbach | nictuku: could you provide a source package? | 12:59 |
dholbach | nictuku: that would be the easiest thing for us | 12:59 |
nictuku | I could, but I don't even know if hoary uses 1.7 or a newer version of pound. | 12:59 |
dholbach | nictuku: you have hoary? | 12:59 |
nictuku | not yet (production servers). | 12:59 |
dholbach | ah i see | 12:59 |
dholbach | Version: 1.7-1 | 01:00 |
nictuku | how should I update debian/changelog? | 01:00 |
dholbach | nictuku: would you joib #ubuntu-motu | 01:01 |
nictuku | sure | 01:01 |
jdub | tseng: howl was removed for licensing reasons | 01:02 |
tseng | s'what I said | 01:02 |
tseng | just wanted to be sure this wouldnt put us in the same boat, you know. | 01:02 |
jdub | you said it in response to enabling something in existing open source code | 01:02 |
Kamion | mdz: hmm, there is a very ugly pile of scrollkeeper errors on powerpc install | 01:03 |
mdz | Kamion: install-amd64 successful | 01:03 |
Kamion | /var/lib/scrollkeeper/C/scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml:2526: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document^M | 01:04 |
Kamion | ic-repo-aptline">The Syntax of the APT line^M | 01:04 |
Kamion | mostly that sort of thing | 01:04 |
Kamion | and there is indeed garbage at the end of scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml | 01:06 |
mdz | powerpc is in scrollkeeper here | 01:08 |
mdz | I'm starting some kubuntu builds | 01:08 |
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mdz | seb128, pitti: here? | 01:14 |
mdz | something odd just happened | 01:14 |
mdz | I inserted an Ubuntu amd64 live CD while logged into the desktop | 01:15 |
Kamion | and can somebody please fix that stuff about scrollkeeper trying to load a network entity? | 01:15 |
mdz | an icon appeared on the desktop, but it was called "CD/DVD-ROM" | 01:15 |
mdz | and when I double-clicked it, I got burn:/// | 01:15 |
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minghua | Kamion: yeah, that bug is annoying, especiall there is an email complaining about it | 01:17 |
mdke | ping seb128 | 01:17 |
seb128 | mdz: pong | 01:18 |
mdke | heh | 01:18 |
mdz | seb128: any idea why that is happening? | 01:18 |
seb128 | mdz: are you sure that's not a blank CD ? | 01:18 |
mdz | seb128: yes, I just booted from it :-) | 01:18 |
mdz | and it's not a burner either | 01:18 |
seb128 | mdz: could you look with lshal or hal-device-manager what kind of CD is detected ? | 01:18 |
Robot101 | mdz: are you aware of a buglet where when doing dist-upgrade with apt, and using pinning or default releases, it wants to install/uninstall stuff based on the conflicts/depends of the highest available version, rather than the version which is the installation candidate? | 01:19 |
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Robot101 | mdz: resulting in apt-get dist-upgrade wanting to install or remove things, but upgrade saying everything is up to date? | 01:19 |
mdz | seb128: will do, after I finish this live CD test | 01:19 |
seb128 | k | 01:19 |
mdz | seb128: it is a DVD+RW, so it could be written again, might that be related? | 01:19 |
seb128 | it should be depend on what hal detects | 01:19 |
mdz | Robot101: that's not quite what's happening, but yet | 01:19 |
mdz | Robot101: s/yet/yes/ | 01:19 |
Robot101 | mdz: I get it because of the python changes in hoary - dist-upgrade wants to remove python, even though upgrade is happy | 01:19 |
juan | hi guyz. will you update mono package to 1.0.6 or 1.14 ? | 01:20 |
mdz | bug 170522 or something like that | 01:20 |
seb128 | mdz: hum, could be | 01:20 |
mdz | yep, #170522 | 01:20 |
Robot101 | mdz: aha, OK | 01:20 |
Robot101 | well that one hasn't been filed too many times :) | 01:21 |
mdz | can someone fix the "none busy" error on shutdown? | 01:21 |
mdz | it's the last remaining wart on the live CD | 01:21 |
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juan | hi guyz. will you update mono package to 1.0.6 or 1.14 ? | 01:21 |
mdz | and iirc it affects the installed system too (though it's less visible there due to the lack of interactivity) | 01:21 |
mdz | juan: tseng looks after our mono packages | 01:21 |
tseng | juan: im working on 1.1.4 as a maybe | 01:22 |
Kamion | oh for pity's sake, I hate heisenbugs | 01:22 |
tseng | right now everything is failing spectacuarly | 01:22 |
seb128 | mdz: who handles the about-ubuntu stuff ? He has put a po file C/about-ubuntu-fr.po instead of making a fr/about-ubuntu.xml ... | 01:22 |
mdz | seb128: the doc team has it in svn | 01:22 |
mdz | seb128: the best thing would be to fix it and send a patch | 01:22 |
seb128 | they don't know how that work, do they ? | 01:22 |
juan | tseng ? mmm let me see, thx :) | 01:23 |
mdz | seb128: no, enrico did it originally but he no longer has time | 01:23 |
seb128 | k | 01:23 |
mdz | so currently no one is maintaining the packaging | 01:23 |
tseng | juan: i just said it doesnt work at all | 01:23 |
tseng | even a little bit. | 01:23 |
Burgundavia | seb128: if you send a patch, I will commit it | 01:23 |
seb128 | mdz: that's not important for the candidate, I'll fix that for hoary though | 01:23 |
juan | tseng opps ok :/ | 01:24 |
seb128 | Burgundavia: that's easy, put the french xml file as fr/about-ubuntu.xml | 01:24 |
juan | I'll have to compile it xD thx | 01:24 |
seb128 | Burgundavia: /usr/share/gnome/help/about-ubuntu/ | 01:25 |
seb128 | Burgundavia: C/about-ubuntu.xml is the default one, translation are <locale>/about-ubuntu.xml | 01:25 |
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mdz | seb128: it says is_blank=1, is_rewritable=0 | 01:26 |
Burgundavia | seb128: ok, will do | 01:26 |
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seb128 | mdz: and it's not blank ? hal bug I would say | 01:26 |
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dholbach | i know you couldnt care less about BOFs at this stage of the release, but is there a way to still get a CDBS BOF in? | 01:28 |
Kamion | Burgundavia: while you're at it, fixing the various broken symlinks in the doc packages would be good | 01:29 |
Kamion | mdz: I wonder if the scrollkeeper thing is just because /usr/share/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd is 4.3b2, not 4.3, so the proper catalog entry isn't registered | 01:30 |
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mdz | Kamion: live is good x3 | 01:33 |
Kamion | Debian #301157 | 01:33 |
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elmo | hey, can we fix that damn blurry icon of update-foo before release? | 01:38 |
jdub | in the splash? yes, that's fixable | 01:39 |
=== jdub gars at lack of real icon for it | ||
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mdz | Kamion: given a successful i386 install report, I'm fairly satisfied | 01:40 |
dholbach | elmo: if you talk about the faded icon in the tray that you get while "something happens", that's a feature | 01:43 |
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elmo | dholbach: no, like jdub said, I mean the one in the splash | 01:43 |
mdz | seb128: is sound preview in nautilus expected to work? | 01:44 |
dholbach | mdz: if you have sox installed | 01:44 |
mdz | but we don't install sox by default | 01:44 |
mdz | and that's silly besides | 01:45 |
jdub | very silly, very silly | 01:45 |
Kamion | adding a system id to the 4.3 catalog entry seems to fix the annoying "Attempt to load network entity" errors | 01:45 |
Kamion | per suggestion in Debian #301157 | 01:46 |
Kamion | but I'm not sure about doing that given that the docbook 4.3 files in docbook-xml are actually 4.3b2, and I don't know what happens if you change that | 01:46 |
seb128 | mdz: you need sox or mpg123/ogg123 | 01:47 |
mdz | seb128: why doesn't it use gstreamer? | 01:47 |
jdub | it was written before gstreamer existed | 01:48 |
jdub | and no one has really cared enough about the feature to redo it | 01:49 |
jdub | it's possible it could be redone with the nautilus extension framework though | 01:49 |
Kamion | so anyone willing to own up to knowing about docbook-xml? | 01:50 |
dholbach | jdub: something we could add on a potential wiki/WantAnIdeaForYourUniOrSchoolProject | 01:50 |
jdub | dholbach: cool | 01:50 |
jdub | Kamion: i may be able to answer | 01:51 |
seb128 | mdz: what jdub said | 01:51 |
dholbach | jdub: that's why i wrote wiki/AcademicInvolvement ages ago ;-) | 01:51 |
mdz | I swear we talked about this before | 01:51 |
mdz | it's a shame not to have that feature work out of the box | 01:51 |
Kamion | jdub: see comments above about docbook 4.3 / 4.3b2 / system ids | 01:52 |
jdub | hmm | 01:52 |
jdub | interesting | 01:52 |
mjt | re netcache proxies - typical "ftp user" variant (USER something@host:port -- proxycheck tries just that). Your example just have port 25 out blocked so you can't list it in dsbl. | 01:53 |
mjt | doh mischan | 01:53 |
mjt | sorry | 01:54 |
jdub | Kamion: hrm, don't think so | 01:54 |
jdub | Kamion: one of the docs must refer to a bad schema | 01:55 |
Kamion | jdub: it's weird because 4.3/ChangeLog in the source says "DocBook XML V4.3 released" at the top | 01:55 |
Kamion | jdub: no, all the docs look perfectly fine, it's the catalog that's broken | 01:55 |
Kamion | and as I say making the 4.3 catalog look like all the other 4.* catalogs fixes it | 01:55 |
jdub | oh, i missed that big | 01:56 |
jdub | bit | 01:56 |
Kamion | oh, hang on, there aren't 4.3b2 entries in there at all | 01:56 |
Kamion | they're in comments | 01:56 |
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dholbach | good night | 01:57 |
Kamion | I think I'll upload docbook-xml to fix this, if nobody objects; the errors are ugly | 01:57 |
mdz | has anyone tested current/hoary-install-i386.iso yet? | 01:57 |
jdub | night dholbach | 01:57 |
dholbach | bye jdub and i'll start wiki/HacksWeCouldNeed first thing tomorrow :-) | 01:58 |
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juan | ! | 02:00 |
Kamion | mdz: will do in a bit | 02:01 |
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Kamion | docbook-xml fix uploaded; we don't *have* to go with it for RC | 02:09 |
nictuku | can someone please report if this is currently accessible? http://www.grupomabel.com.br/ubuntu/ | 02:16 |
Burgundavia | nictuku: it is | 02:17 |
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Burgundavia | some people on #ubuntu are reporting the tracker is unavailable for torrents | 02:17 |
nictuku | thank you Burgundavia. | 02:17 |
Lathiat | nictuku: works fine | 02:17 |
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nictuku | thank you. | 02:19 |
helio7 | http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ torrent tracker is not doing its job I'm fairly sure; I've verified the problem with other folks, but can't figure out where to report it to the Ubuntu administration; can anyone here relay that message? | 02:20 |
elmo | helio7: how do you mean not doing it's job? | 02:21 |
helio7 | "Error: Requested Download is not authorized for use with this tracker" is the message I get; I'm just trying to help out by seeding the latest hoary ISOs; they were working a few days ago... but now are not... you can try one hhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-preview-install-ia64.iso.torrent | 02:23 |
helio7 | I confirmed the error was not unique to my system by asking someone in #azureus to try; they received the same error | 02:24 |
elmo | Kamion: err, dude? | 02:24 |
Kamion | gar, I didn't realise thom had disabled all the existing torrents | 02:25 |
Kamion | ok | 02:25 |
Kamion | I thought it was on the basis of "existing torrents, plus new stuff in torrent tree" | 02:25 |
CarlK | Kamion - you need any more info? I was going to poke around | 02:25 |
Kamion | CarlK: nope | 02:25 |
Kamion | CarlK: if you mean on the torrent thing | 02:25 |
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CarlK | Kamion - torrent thing. k. I'll get back to other things | 02:26 |
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=== lamont_r wonders why acpi says I have no battery | ||
Lathiat | need one of the magic laptop acpi moduules? | 02:27 |
Lathiat | lke the ibm and dell ones? | 02:27 |
helio7 | from the sounds of your talk; my message has been received by those with the power to fix it. Correct? | 02:27 |
mdz | helio7: yep | 02:28 |
elmo | helio7: yeah, thanks | 02:29 |
Kamion | right, I'm on it, I'm just in er a slightly awkward situation machine-wise right now | 02:29 |
Kamion | helio7: can you stick around for a bit? | 02:29 |
helio7 | np thank you; just trying to do my small part to help out Ubuntu; I'm very appreciative; sure I can stick around. | 02:30 |
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Kamion | elmo: I think those ISOs should be heading back towards orcadas now; can you see whether the autotracker magic is working? | 02:47 |
elmo | Kamion: I _think_ it's okay | 02:53 |
Kamion | helio7: can you give it another try? | 02:54 |
helio7 | yup verified here as well Kamion + elmo (= cool | 02:54 |
helio7 | you all rock | 02:54 |
Kamion | fantastic, thanks for the report | 02:55 |
Kamion | it was a combination of things, mostly my screwup/misunderstanding, so sorry about that | 02:55 |
helio7 | If I had a server I'd be hosting; seeding the torrents is the least I can do for this great system; happy I could help; see you all another day | 02:55 |
elmo | kamion: just blame thom - I always do | 02:55 |
Kamion | heh | 02:56 |
seb128 | 'night | 02:57 |
Kamion | I still can't seem to get http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-preview-install-ia64.iso.torrent though | 02:58 |
Kamion | i386 works | 02:58 |
helio7 | ia64 is showing 2 seeds and 3 peers for me; no connection yet, but no error message either; I think it's just a question of availability | 03:00 |
Kamion | right, fair enough; I'm not really used to BT from the client end | 03:01 |
lamont_r | Kamion: lol | 03:01 |
Kamion | I just chuck stuff at torrent.ubuntu.com and hope it works :) | 03:01 |
CarlK | is all ok, or should a BT nut snoop around? | 03:02 |
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Kamion | I think it's sorted; please mail cjwatson@ubuntu.com about any other errors (although note I'll be going to bed soon) | 03:03 |
Kamion | er, any other CD image BT errors that is ;P | 03:03 |
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lamont_r | livecds finally finish downloading (x2) | 03:03 |
lamont_r | now to see how fast install CD's finish | 03:03 |
Kamion | mdz: btw install-i386 was fine, in case I forgot to say | 03:07 |
mdz | Kamion: great | 03:08 |
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mdz | Kamion: do you want to go with RC tonight or tomorrow? | 03:25 |
Kamion | I haven't tried the live images yet, and I'm getting rather tired | 03:26 |
mdz | ok, let's send a call for testing to the lists and get some rest for tomorrow, then? | 03:26 |
Kamion | yeah, I think that's sensible | 03:26 |
elmo | kthxgnight | 03:27 |
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mdz | Kamion: ok, please activate the bat-signal before you go | 03:28 |
Kamion | mdz: mm. I'd like to have jigdos for the install CD, but little's mirror has been synced since then so it's probably no longer possible to generate them | 03:28 |
Kamion | how do you feel about a rebuild of that lot, incidentally picking up the docbook-xml fix? | 03:29 |
mdz | haven't paid attention to what's been uploaded since then | 03:29 |
mdz | s/what's/what else has/ | 03:29 |
Kamion | mdz: nothing else in my hoary-changes box | 03:30 |
juan | where is the dbus session start command at ubuntu? I mean, if it's on .bashrc... or another file... I want to build dbus with mono support, that's the reason... ? | 03:30 |
mdz | Kamion: docbook-xml is irrelevant to the live CD, right? | 03:30 |
daniels | fabbione: thanks a lot dude -- g'night | 03:30 |
CarlK | yesterday's live boots on my e-junk box | 03:31 |
mdz | CarlK: excellent | 03:31 |
CarlK | mdz - maybe - it does't help explain why I can't install | 03:31 |
Kamion | juan: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75dbus-1-utils_dbus-launch | 03:32 |
CarlK | I have todays live and install - I'll burn and see what they do | 03:32 |
Kamion | mdz: well, it's in the desktop seed, so it's in both | 03:33 |
mdz | Kamion: but the change was only to fix the scrollkeeper errors, right? | 03:33 |
juan | Kamion thn! ;) | 03:33 |
Kamion | mdz: right, it's an addition to the catalog | 03:34 |
Kamion | mdz: it might affect the help browser on the live CD | 03:34 |
mdz | Kamion: I'm happy to go out with the current live CDs, and rebuilt install CDs, then | 03:34 |
mdz | no sense having to re-test them in this case | 03:35 |
juan | Kamion can I compile the lastest dbus and use it correctly at hoary? | 03:35 |
Kamion | juan: dunno | 03:35 |
Kamion | mdz: ok, I'll start a rebuild now, and test them all first thing tomorrow | 03:35 |
juan | Kamion sorry, I dont know what's dunno, sorry, I guess I can do that... or not? | 03:36 |
Kamion | juan: dunno = don't know | 03:37 |
juan | oh ok thnx :S | 03:37 |
juan | hmmnn | 03:38 |
juan | has hoary a dbus version with mono support? | 03:39 |
juan | I need that thing :/ | 03:39 |
daniels | juan: apt-cache search dbus mono | 03:39 |
juan | sorry daniels thanks | 03:39 |
Kamion | juan: it's in universe; and this is an #ubuntu question really | 03:39 |
juan | mm | 03:40 |
juan | yes but I've compiled mono 1.1.4 | 03:40 |
juan | I think dbus support is for 1.0.5 | 03:40 |
juan | at ubuntu package.. | 03:40 |
daniels | try it and see? | 03:40 |
juan | ok, np | 03:41 |
mdz | Kamion: hmm, DVD images | 03:47 |
bob2 | bah | 03:49 |
bob2 | the hibernate script doesn't ensure you're going to reboot into the same kernel you suspend from | 03:49 |
bob2 | so if you upgrade kernel, don't reboot, hibernate, then you lose everything | 03:50 |
juan | daniels that worked, sorry and thanks. | 03:50 |
Kamion | mdz: you want them built? | 03:51 |
Lathiat | bob2: swsusp2 blats a big fat warning at you | 03:53 |
bob2 | swsusp/pmdisk tells you it's screwed and continues booting | 03:53 |
bob2 | which trashes the image | 03:53 |
Lathiat | heh | 03:53 |
Lathiat | nice | 03:53 |
bob2 | swsusp2 is crack, tho; he wants to have THE KERNEL prompt the user about | 03:54 |
bob2 | printf/gets from kernelspace, baybe | 03:54 |
Lathiat | suspend2 works far better however, and the kernel does blat at you about a few things that could screw your system | 03:54 |
Kamion | like what? | 03:54 |
Lathiat | booting from the wrong kernel | 03:55 |
bob2 | how does it work better? | 03:55 |
Lathiat | booting when the root filesystem has already been mounted | 03:55 |
Kamion | I mean like what, pre-swsusp2 | 03:55 |
Lathiat | bob2: i've never got the in kernel stuff to work for me, swsusp2 works nice, plus it has nice status bars and whatnot to let you know whats happening, and lets you suspend compress the image which speeds things up, among other things | 03:56 |
bob2 | hm, had no problems with swsusp | 03:57 |
Lathiat | doesn't even suspend | 03:57 |
Lathiat | let alone resume | 03:57 |
bob2 | if it doesn't work for you, that would be a bug (mjg59 said it should work pretty much everywhere now) | 03:57 |
Lathiat | (and suspend to ram works fine) | 03:57 |
Lathiat | i'll try it now | 03:57 |
bob2 | heh, may not be fixed in the 17 minutes before the RC | 03:58 |
Lathiat | hahaha | 03:58 |
Lathiat | at least daniels fixed my resolution bug so 16:10 lcd resolutions now work | 03:58 |
Lathiat | that means all the important stuff on my laptop works out of the box which is rad | 03:59 |
=== moquist [~moquist@pool-64-222-153-106.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
bob2 | itym "totally rad" ;-) | 03:59 |
=== lamont__r burns isos to CD | ||
mdz | Kamion: yes, I think we ought | 04:03 |
Kamion | mdz: ok; you want to run cron.dvd after my cron.daily run finishes, then? | 04:04 |
mdz | Kamion: sure | 04:04 |
Kamion | (note jigdo is turned off for DVD by default, so no need to hack it ;)) | 04:04 |
mdz | if it finishes within the next 4 hours or so, I'll test it too | 04:04 |
mdz | oh, it should then | 04:04 |
Kamion | DVDs take 45mins-1hr or so | 04:05 |
zenwhen | Is the DVD going to be shipped? | 04:05 |
lamont__r | Kamion: wonder if you could be convinced to burn a mini-dvd iso.. (with no packages, just the front end...) That'd be within my rsync abilities... | 04:07 |
Lathiat | oh lovely | 04:07 |
Lathiat | null pointer dereference in the kernel :) | 04:07 |
Lathiat | i wish the nv driver didnt have horrid color depth problems, gradients look like ass, especially the ones in the ubuntu backgrounds and whatnot | 04:08 |
Kamion | lamont_r: isn't that kind of pointless? | 04:08 |
lamont_r | Kamion: well, I was gonna brutalize it... | 04:08 |
Kamion | lamont_r: concatenate the install CD and the live CD, it'd be nearly as good | 04:08 |
lamont_r | Kamion: ok | 04:08 |
Kamion | you could rsync off that; would still take a few hours | 04:09 |
lamont_r | as in, include all the .deb/.udeb's from both? | 04:09 |
Kamion | I was thinking of 'cat' actually :) | 04:09 |
Kamion | hmm - wonder what would happen if you just catted all of main together plus a cloop, and rsynced | 04:09 |
=== tuo2 [~foo@adsl-36-114.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Kamion | that's basically jigdo only stupider | 04:09 |
lamont_r | does rsync really handle bouncing around reordering like that? didn't think it would... | 04:10 |
Kamion | dunno ... | 04:10 |
lamont_r | np | 04:10 |
Kamion | lamont_r: anyhow, take the install CD, delete all the .debs from it, dump in the live cloop and any missing .udebs; that's basically your DVD, modulo a bit of bootloader-fu | 04:10 |
Kamion | lamont_r: hey, you could try out the debian-cd stuff I got into baz recently | 04:11 |
Kamion | baz register-archive http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/archives/colin.watson@canonical.com--2005 | 04:12 |
Kamion | baz get colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/cdimage--mainline--0 cdimage | 04:12 |
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Kamion | cd cdimage | 04:12 |
Kamion | baz build-config configs/devel | 04:12 |
Kamion | make -C britney/update_out | 04:12 |
lamont_r | Kamion: saw the email, was going to try that | 04:12 |
Kamion | then hack up the hardcoded paths in cdimage/bin/* and cdimage/debian-cd/CONF.sh (at least) | 04:13 |
Kamion | actually maybe not the latter any more | 04:13 |
Kamion | then cron.dvd and pray ;) | 04:13 |
lamont_r | and cdimage assumes that the archive is where in relation to itself? | 04:15 |
lamont_r | or rather, it assumes that /cdimage is right under the top of /ubuntu, yes? | 04:15 |
Kamion | /srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/ftp | 04:15 |
Kamion | or rather $CDIMAGE_ROOT/ftp; $CDIMAGE_ROOT is the cdimage above | 04:16 |
lamont_r | and $CDIMAGE_ROOT/ftp/cdimage? | 04:16 |
Kamion | so you get $CDIMAGE_ROOT/{bin,debian-cd,germinate,ftp,...} | 04:16 |
Kamion | no | 04:16 |
lamont_r | ah, ok | 04:16 |
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mdz | Kamion: it so does take an extra hour for jigdo | 04:25 |
mdz | at least it did including ia64; maybe it's only 45m now | 04:25 |
mdz | Kamion: will cron.dvd make torrents? | 04:27 |
Kamion | mdz: don't mind me, I was only looking over the log files which include timestamps ;) | 04:29 |
Kamion | mdz: yeah, you'll get torrents created by publish-daily | 04:30 |
Kamion | (automatically) | 04:30 |
=== lamont_r wonders if that means there are yet newer isos.... | ||
mdz | the last non-jigdo build for 3 architectures took 11 minutes | 04:31 |
Kamion | last cron.dvd seems to have created torrents successfully | 04:32 |
mdz | this one is looking like about 50 | 04:32 |
Kamion | mdz: cron.dvd, fire at will | 04:39 |
Kamion | mdz: I'm outta here for the night | 04:39 |
mdz | Kamion: night | 04:40 |
elmo | cron.daily's disabled on ftp-master for a couple of hours btw - i'm just generating contents files ;) | 04:46 |
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=== lamont_r heads back home | ||
josue | so, just a few hours from RC eh? good work everyone ;) | 05:22 |
=== Krystof [~csr21@84-51-129-62.christ605.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== shaya [~spotter@user-0ccembr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
shaya | whose in charge of the live-cd or installer? | 05:43 |
shaya | madwifi doesn't work with my thinkpad t42p with either with current live cd/installer | 05:44 |
shaya | but it worked with my old system (before the hard disk died) | 05:44 |
shaya | only difference is I had 686 kernel vs. 386 kernel live cd/installer use | 05:44 |
shaya | so something seems screwed up with them | 05:44 |
mdz | thom: the tracker is responsive, but there are no peers | 05:54 |
=== sPoof_ [~jonas@cpe.atm2-0-1301001.0x503f72d6.ronxx2.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
sPoof_ | mdz: New MoinMoin package ready: http://debian.jones.dk/hykrion/pool/ubuntu/moin/ | 06:02 |
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=== wasabi__ [~wasabi@c-24-1-61-51.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
wasabi__ | holy artwork: Ubuntu hardware database | 06:05 |
wasabi__ | slick | 06:06 |
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bob2 | daniels: is BinaryDriverHowto inaccurate for firegl on hoary? | 06:24 |
lamont | must buy new monitor soon | 06:25 |
lamont | hrm.. pressed the power button, why'd it say I did that twice, I wonder... | 06:26 |
mdz | wasabi__: credit goes to ogra | 06:27 |
fabbione | morning guys | 06:30 |
fabbione | mdz: how is the situation? | 06:31 |
mdz | fabbione: we did one more build in order to get jigdo files | 06:31 |
mdz | of the install CDs | 06:31 |
mdz | so live CDs are basically gold | 06:31 |
fabbione | rocking | 06:31 |
mdz | install CDs need sanity checking | 06:31 |
=== fabbione rsyncs | ||
mdz | should be identical to the last one except for docbook-xml | 06:32 |
fabbione | rsync cdimage.ubuntu.com:: | 06:33 |
fabbione | rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] | 06:33 |
fabbione | rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(359) | 06:33 |
fabbione | is it overloaded or am i poiting the wrong one? | 06:33 |
smurfix | fabbione: Do you have an rsync already running? | 06:33 |
fabbione | smurfix: yes, but it is running towards sparc.u.c | 06:34 |
fabbione | i guess they are the same machine... | 06:34 |
mako_ | mdz: hey dude.. just plugged in | 06:35 |
mdz | mako_: hey | 06:35 |
mako | grokster was awesome.. i was 25th of the 35 general public people that got in | 06:36 |
fabbione | hey mako | 06:36 |
mako | hey there! | 06:36 |
fabbione | any link to the full story? | 06:36 |
fabbione | no i don't read /. :) | 06:36 |
=== syn-ack [meskes@CPE-69-76-190-218.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | mdz : Do we want a (6 character patch) fix for that info segfault, or are we long past fixing anything that isn't critical? | 06:40 |
mdz | infinity: depends on whether it's a weird corner case or something people could actually encounter without trying | 06:42 |
infinity | It's bitten me dozens of times. | 06:42 |
infinity | And I'm not alone. The Debian bug is full of "me too"s. | 06:42 |
mdz | the change would only affect the info reader, right? | 06:42 |
infinity | <nod> | 06:42 |
mdz | and not the bits that the world build-depends on | 06:42 |
infinity | Right. | 06:43 |
=== minghua [~minghua@adsl-69-153-134-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mdz | wait until after RC, but it should be fine | 06:43 |
infinity | Kay. When's it safe to upload stuff again? :) | 06:43 |
infinity | I'll just queue up uploads i have approval for until I get a go-ahead. | 06:43 |
mdz | I'll post to -devel | 06:43 |
infinity | Check. | 06:43 |
fabbione | Riddell: ping? | 06:44 |
lamont | uh... why did keyboard choser just decide I have a serbian keyboard I wonder... | 06:46 |
crimsun | wait, you stole my serbian keyboard! | 06:46 |
=== lamont takes notes | ||
lamont | so, if I told it I want japanese, I should still be able to get keyboard chooser to pick american, yes? | 06:51 |
lamont | Gah! no casper translations to japanese???? hrmpf/ | 06:54 |
minghua | lamont: I am not sure, when I tried installing in Chinese, I didn't have a chance to choose keyboard | 06:55 |
minghua | not that China uses any keyboards other than US layout though | 06:55 |
wasabi__ | VS.Net sure is retarded. | 06:55 |
wasabi__ | Nearly impossible to properly source control web projects. | 06:55 |
wasabi__ | oops | 06:56 |
wasabi__ | darnit. I hate IRC | 06:56 |
wasabi__ | I see somebody whose nick looks like miguel so I spew out some mono crap in the wrong place. | 06:57 |
wasabi__ | sorry. ;0 | 06:57 |
calc | haha | 06:57 |
calc | does he even use freenode? | 06:58 |
wasabi__ | no clue | 06:58 |
calc | i think he is mostly on gimp | 06:58 |
wasabi__ | yeah. | 06:58 |
wasabi__ | I know where he is. I just don't know where I am. | 06:59 |
=== lamont-jp [~ubuntu@rover3.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
lamont-jp | hrm.. /var/log/syslog doesn't get saved anywhere before the pivot-root, it appears... | 07:00 |
calc | wasabi__: heh | 07:00 |
calc | wasabi__ gets eaten by a grue | 07:00 |
wasabi__ | Wow. ant is about to be built properly by the buildds. | 07:01 |
wasabi__ | There are 13 things dep-waiting on it. | 07:01 |
lamont | kind of interesting to see what does and does not have translations in some languages | 07:01 |
lamont | Hrm... one should probably not use 'New Login' on the livecd. | 07:03 |
lamont | mdz? | 07:03 |
wasabi__ | Ooh and just disappeared from the buildd list. | 07:05 |
wasabi__ | s/and/ant | 07:05 |
wasabi__ | Oh no it didn't. =( | 07:05 |
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
wasabi__ | oh man. so close. | 07:23 |
wasabi__ | jdepend needs multi->universe | 07:23 |
wasabi__ | =( | 07:23 |
fabbione | mdz: do you have any opinion on #8287? I couldn't reproduce it here and have been trying for almost 4 hours | 07:30 |
fabbione | mdz: resized the damn thing like 9 times | 07:30 |
mdz | lamont: ? | 07:31 |
mdz | fabbione: this is the only such report I have seen | 07:33 |
fabbione | yes and i think that the filesystem was already dirty before the resize. I agree with the submitter that the check should be done before the resize and error reported. | 07:34 |
fabbione | that's the only explanation i have | 07:35 |
mdz | fabbione: but ntfsresize does a check itself | 07:36 |
mdz | it succeeded; you can see in the log | 07:36 |
fabbione | broken check? | 07:37 |
=== sabmoc [~alex@d154-20-136-124.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mdz | dunno | 07:38 |
mdz | Mar 27 15:22:35 main-menu[3124] : (process:18257): NTFS volume version: 3.1 | 07:40 |
mdz | Mar 27 15:22:35 main-menu[3124] : (process:18257): Cluster size : 4096 bytes | 07:40 |
mdz | fabbione: were those the same in your test? | 07:40 |
fabbione | mdz: hmmm no idea.. | 07:40 |
fabbione | i will have to test it again | 07:40 |
fabbione | i trashed the setup to test X yesterday | 07:40 |
lamont | mdz: <lamont> Hrm... one should probably not use 'New Login' on the livecd. | 07:46 |
lamont | did we document that? | 07:46 |
mdz | lamont: does it break horribly? | 07:47 |
lamont | well, rebooting gets you back to a usable machine... or is the username and password documented somewhere? | 07:47 |
mdz | the password is locked | 07:48 |
lamont | and it requires one to get back from 'New Login'. | 07:48 |
mdz | shouldn't zapping the X server get you back as well? | 07:48 |
lamont | or a new user to log in as... | 07:48 |
lamont | I expect so | 07:49 |
mdz | I don't think it's any worse than the Lock Screen issue | 07:49 |
=== lamont reboots one more time | ||
lamont | I think it is equivalent to the lock screen issue | 07:49 |
fabbione | mdz: install cd still asks from the CD on phase2 | 07:49 |
fabbione | is that expected? | 07:49 |
mdz | fabbione: absolutely not | 07:49 |
mdz | and it didn't for me (the last set) | 07:49 |
mdz | md5 of your iso? | 07:49 |
fabbione | rsynced an hour ago.. checking now | 07:50 |
fabbione | but it didn't read anything from it | 07:50 |
fabbione | just asked | 07:50 |
fabbione | c868ccfe958f85f3ef96c06f45707ad6 hoary-install-i386.iso | 07:50 |
mdz | it's a bug if it asks | 07:51 |
mdz | and it's a new bug in this build :-( | 07:51 |
fabbione | i agree :) | 07:51 |
fabbione | well it's not critical for RC | 07:52 |
mdz | yes it is | 07:52 |
fabbione | i need to check if netboot will ask | 07:52 |
mdz | we can release the previous build as RC though | 07:52 |
mdz | the docbook-xml thing was cosmetic | 07:52 |
lamont | 8d318ffb862129b32c2c267513e138a9 - doesn't ask | 07:52 |
fabbione | mdz: what about asking Kamion first? | 07:52 |
fabbione | perhaps it is simple to fix | 07:52 |
mdz | fabbione: sure, I'll be asleep when he arrives | 07:53 |
fabbione | i will remind him if that's ok with you | 07:53 |
fabbione | we will need the usual round of test anyway when you wake up | 07:54 |
lamont | fabbione: about when does pitti usually show up? | 07:54 |
fabbione | lamont: in 30 minutes | 07:54 |
fabbione | hold on... | 07:55 |
fabbione | mdz: wait.. it might be the usual I/O problem on my cdrom | 07:55 |
fabbione | mdz: never mind | 07:56 |
fabbione | the installer did it right | 07:56 |
fabbione | archive copier couldnt | 07:56 |
fabbione | read xlibs | 07:56 |
fabbione | and that's why it asked again later | 07:56 |
fabbione | so the behaviour is proper | 07:57 |
mdz | phew | 07:57 |
=== fabbione hates this shit | ||
fabbione | the weird thing is that i have problems only reading from the install media | 07:58 |
fabbione | never from live | 07:58 |
lamont | mdz: the blue arcs across the lower left of the screen... are those supposed to be there? | 07:58 |
fabbione | and even with different media | 07:58 |
mdz | lamont: you mean the artwork? | 07:58 |
diamond | fabbione: that reminds me, the warty live cds can't be read by either of my nec dvd-rw drives, but work fine in other computers. very annoying -/ | 07:58 |
mdz | fabbione: install reads the entire disk, live only reads parts of it | 07:58 |
lamont | well, I don't see the blue arcs, but later I do... | 07:59 |
fabbione | mdz: yes i know.. but i would have noticed read errors running big applications | 07:59 |
fabbione | X is not what i would really define small :P | 08:00 |
mdz | fabbione: the odds are much lower | 08:00 |
fabbione | yeah i agree | 08:00 |
lifeless | could just run badblocks on it | 08:00 |
fabbione | FLY SPARC! | 08:01 |
fabbione | mdz: i think we can manage to get sparc/main in perfect wync for Final | 08:01 |
fabbione | too bad we won't have iso's | 08:01 |
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fabbione | kubuntu made the buildd lagging a lot recently | 08:01 |
mdz | yes, kubuntu has been churning | 08:02 |
fabbione | mdz: due to gnome upcoming the 6th, do you think i will be allowed to sync main for sparc before we close hoary 100%? | 08:03 |
fabbione | it would be a real gain if it is all there | 08:03 |
mdz | fabbione: I'm not sure what you mean? | 08:04 |
mdz | we won't delay the release for sparc :-) | 08:04 |
fabbione | well gnome is quite big | 08:04 |
fabbione | no no i am NOT asking to delay the release | 08:04 |
fabbione | just if i am allowed to upload the sparc binary after hoary is released (in case the buildd will lag) | 08:04 |
fabbione | to sync main | 08:04 |
fabbione | and close hoary forever | 08:05 |
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
fabbione | morning pitti | 08:05 |
pitti | Hi folks | 08:06 |
pitti | Hey fabbione, how are you? | 08:06 |
fabbione | pitti: i am ok.. thanks and you? | 08:06 |
fabbione | any new dildo for me? | 08:06 |
pitti | fabbione: I didn't think about them over night :-) | 08:07 |
fabbione | tsk :P | 08:07 |
pitti | fabbione: oh, I *have* one :-) | 08:08 |
pitti | fabbione: did I tell you about CAN-2005-0767? | 08:08 |
fabbione | pitti: send it over | 08:08 |
pitti | fabbione: that's the recent Radeon DRI fix | 08:08 |
pitti | fabbione: so something to add to your changelog :-) | 08:08 |
fabbione | pitti: ah ok.. | 08:08 |
pitti | fabbione: I already mailed the other one to you | 08:08 |
fabbione | but that's already fixed | 08:08 |
pitti | fabbione: I revieved the CAN database yesterday, this gives a lot of new crack :-/ | 08:09 |
fabbione | * [SECURITY] drm: fix race condition in radeon driver: | 08:09 |
fabbione | - Add patch stolen-from-head_radeon-race-fix.dpatch. | 08:09 |
fabbione | (CAN-2005-0767) | 08:09 |
pitti | fabbione: okay, lemme look in my mailbox for truly new crack :-) | 08:09 |
fabbione | pitti: ah ok | 08:09 |
pitti | fabbione: yeah | 08:09 |
fabbione | pitti: so there is a new patch for it? | 08:09 |
pitti | fabbione: no, just the new CAN | 08:10 |
pitti | fabbione: ah, you already had it? sorry | 08:10 |
mako | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DraftHoaryRCAnnouncement | 08:10 |
fabbione | no i just added it to the changelog :) | 08:10 |
pitti | ok | 08:10 |
pitti | Hi mako | 08:10 |
fabbione | pitti: i am faster than realtime with you :) | 08:10 |
mako | mdz et al: have nuts with that ^^ | 08:10 |
mako | pitti: greetings! | 08:10 |
mdz | mako: cheers | 08:11 |
fabbione | mdz: i386 install if GO here. (excluding the I/O error but that's not the CD's fault) | 08:11 |
mako | i am going to collapse, i haven't slept in a day :) | 08:11 |
fabbione | the rest of the installation is ok | 08:11 |
mako | g'night all | 08:12 |
fabbione | night mako | 08:12 |
fabbione | sleep tight | 08:12 |
pitti | fabbione: you have mail | 08:12 |
pitti | night mako! | 08:12 |
fabbione | pitti: got it | 08:12 |
lamont | pitti: so should I be able to choose an american keyboard with Japanese? | 08:14 |
pitti | lamont: actually yes | 08:14 |
fabbione | pitti: interesting.. | 08:14 |
lamont | because I press the keys, and it gets me to either serbia or lithoania | 08:14 |
pitti | lamont: -> smurfix :-) | 08:14 |
lamont | doh | 08:14 |
lamont | smurfix: you around? | 08:15 |
lamont | pitti: sorry | 08:15 |
pitti | no worries :-) | 08:15 |
mdz | I think the layout discovery is supposed to be independent of the language selection | 08:15 |
smurfix_proxy | hello world | 08:15 |
fabbione | hahaha | 08:15 |
mdz | you have a us layout and it isn't detecting it? | 08:15 |
lamont | is my vaio - rebooting to choose american and walk through the keyboard chooser there | 08:16 |
Mithrandir | doko: you commented (in 7404) that the next ooo build will have kde support. That's ooo2, not ooo1, right? | 08:17 |
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lamont | Lithoanian. Hrmpf | 08:17 |
lamont | of course, there's some question of whether that final question is saying '1' or 'l' | 08:18 |
lamont | which bytes of the hex dump does he need, I wonder | 08:19 |
=== Fablive [~ubuntu@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Fablive | yay | 08:20 |
Fablive | livecd i386 is go here | 08:20 |
lamont | mdz: I'm 2 for 2 here | 08:24 |
lamont | mdz: on the bright side, almost all US mapped keyboards are going to just hit return to 'American English' | 08:25 |
=== niran [~niran@lucianus.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Burgundavia | I have seen that with a previous live cd as well | 08:28 |
Mithrandir | why is firefox too stupid to download and display a .diff.gz inline? | 08:28 |
Mithrandir | (but only if it's over ftp) | 08:28 |
lamont | Mithrandir: because gnome knows you really want to unpack it | 08:28 |
lamont | ?? | 08:29 |
lamont | and it appears that the final '1' vs 'l' question actually involves a UTF 8 character | 08:29 |
daniels | bob2: err ... i'll check it out | 08:30 |
Mithrandir | uhm, isn't memtest86 in the default install any more? | 08:31 |
lamont | memtest86+? | 08:31 |
Mithrandir | the package name is memtest86, isn't it? | 08:31 |
lamont | ii memtest86+ 1.30-1 A thorough real-mode memory tester | 08:32 |
lamont | memtest86 is like, so, um, ancient. | 08:32 |
lamont | memtest86+ has a '+' in the name, so you know that it must be better | 08:32 |
lamont | :-) | 08:32 |
Mithrandir | bah | 08:32 |
Mithrandir | :P | 08:32 |
Mithrandir | thanks | 08:32 |
Mithrandir | both maintained by the ever-so-inactive Yann Dirson | 08:33 |
Mithrandir | elmo: please un-PaS memtest86+ | 08:34 |
lamont | smurfix-proxy... err, pitti: wanna tell smurfix that 'y q / [ # 1' is what I told it, and it decided lithanian instead of american english | 08:34 |
lamont | ? | 08:34 |
pitti | okay | 08:34 |
Mithrandir | lamont: are you _sure_ you have an US english keyboard? ;) | 08:34 |
=== Mithrandir hides | ||
lamont | Mithrandir: heh | 08:34 |
torkel | I think the merged memtest86 and memtest86+ (and then forked the + version again) | 08:34 |
lamont | Mithrandir: does memtest86+ build on amd64 now? | 08:34 |
Mithrandir | lamont: built fine here, at least | 08:35 |
pitti | lamont: I tell him when I catch him, it's on my todo now | 08:35 |
lamont | pitti: thanks | 08:35 |
Mithrandir | lamont: apart from the Architecture line, but that shouldn't matter? | 08:35 |
lamont | Mithrandir: uh, how about the debian version? | 08:35 |
lamont | Mithrandir: ISTR that memtest (or was that grub... hell) wanted to be 32-bit mode, and the amd64 tools wouldn't let it. | 08:36 |
Mithrandir | seems to build with -m32 here | 08:36 |
lamont | and do you want memtest86+ and memtest86 unPaSed, or just memtest86+? | 08:36 |
Mithrandir | just memtest86+ | 08:36 |
lamont | and that should build for debian too? | 08:36 |
lamont | that is, if they had amd64? | 08:37 |
Mithrandir | but will the build fail due to the Architecture line in debian/control being buggered up? | 08:37 |
lamont | yeah | 08:37 |
lamont | but I'm not so worried about that | 08:37 |
Mithrandir | I don't see why it shouldn't. It's a different upstream version, but barring regressions.. | 08:37 |
lamont | it's more one of, is there anything that needs to change in their toolchain to make it work? | 08:37 |
Mithrandir | (we're at memtest86+ 1.30, Debian's at 1.51) | 08:37 |
Mithrandir | give me a sec and I'll check | 08:38 |
=== lamont twiddles thumb s | ||
mdz | install-amd64 successful | 08:39 |
daniels | hooray | 08:39 |
Mithrandir | lamont: debian/control still needs to be adjusted in Debian, but that's a minor thing. Seems to build fine, at least. | 08:39 |
doko | Mithrandir: 1.1.3-8ubuntu1 does have kde support (openoffice.org-kde), but AFAIK it's in universe | 08:40 |
lamont | committed. elmo: 1.552 has the change | 08:40 |
Mithrandir | doko: ok; I'm going to ignore that for now, lest mdz and elmo wanting to kill me in gruesome ways. | 08:40 |
Mithrandir | mdz: ok to upload new memtest86+ with the Architecture line changed from i386 to i386 amd64? | 08:41 |
mdz | doko: universe? it's part of the kubuntu desktop seed | 08:41 |
mdz | Mithrandir: after RC perhaps | 08:41 |
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Mithrandir | mdz: ok | 08:41 |
Mithrandir | doko: you _so_ owe me beer if I have to make an ia32-libs-kde. | 08:41 |
mdz | Mithrandir: I think that would necessitate metapackage/seed/debootstrap changes | 08:41 |
doko | mdz: ok, it was universe until two days before ... | 08:42 |
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Mithrandir | mdz: nothing ought to break, but let's wait to be sure. | 08:42 |
mdz | Mithrandir: talk to Kamion about it when he wakes up | 08:43 |
Mithrandir | sure | 08:43 |
pitti | argh, keyboard selector still spits out this nasty error message... | 08:44 |
pitti | smurfix: ping | 08:44 |
Burgundavia | lamont: ping | 08:45 |
lamont | Burgundavia: yo | 08:46 |
Burgundavia | lamont: never mind, problem sorted | 08:47 |
Burgundavia | lamont: was a possible issue on #ubuntu | 08:47 |
stone | where do I report bugs (xvncviewer package ( -listen option))? | 08:56 |
mdz | ok, I have 3x3 successful installs with the current candidate | 08:56 |
mdz | good night | 08:56 |
fabbione | night mdz | 08:56 |
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Burgundavia | stone: to the bugzilla | 09:00 |
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smurfix | lamont: *sigh*. Can you tell me the keycodes of those keys on your keyboard? | 09:04 |
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lamont | smurfix: sure | 09:11 |
lamont | from xev, yes? | 09:11 |
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smurfix | lamont: nope | 09:14 |
smurfix | lamont: different keycodes :-/ | 09:14 |
lamont | y==29, q==24, |==shift-51, /==61, [==34, #==shift-3==12, l==46, 1==10 (although that last prompt appears to be all utf-8 chars) | 09:14 |
lamont | bhah | 09:14 |
lamont | from where then? | 09:14 |
smurfix | lamont: console. "showkey". Discard bytes with the high bit set. | 09:15 |
=== smurfix will put that into the syslogged output ASAP | ||
lamont | that'd be really cool.. :-) | 09:16 |
lamont | booting a box to look at... | 09:16 |
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lamont | smurfix: yq|\[#l1== 15,10,2b,35,1a,04,26,02 | 09:18 |
lamont | although I should doublecheck that | 09:19 |
smurfix | lamont: looks the same as my guess | 09:19 |
smurfix | lamont: (not having an US keyboard) | 09:20 |
pitti | smurfix: the error message after the keyboard selector is still not fixed | 09:21 |
lamont | smurfix: confirmed | 09:22 |
smurfix | pitti: which error message? | 09:22 |
pitti | smurfix: i. e. press the keys for autodetection, then you come back to the small menu (with the layout name on top), press enter over the layout name and get a big red error | 09:22 |
pitti | smurfix: you can continue installation, and it doesn't happen any more after this, but it's scary | 09:22 |
smurfix | pitti: I don't get that | 09:23 |
lamont | so running showkey from an xterm is bad... :-) | 09:23 |
pitti | smurfix: besides, originally my layout was called "Deutsch", after the detection it is called "de-latin1-nodeadkeys"... | 09:23 |
pitti | smurfix: 1. choose autodetection | 09:23 |
pitti | smurfix: 2. press the few keys | 09:23 |
pitti | 3. you land back in the keyboard menu | 09:23 |
pitti | 4. the topmost entry shows "de-latin1-nodeadkeys" and is selected by default | 09:24 |
pitti | 5. press enter | 09:24 |
pitti | BOOM | 09:24 |
smurfix | pitti: which keys did you press | 09:24 |
pitti | smurfix: reproducible on 5 machines | 09:24 |
pitti | smurfix: ugh, the right ones... | 09:24 |
pitti | smurfix: the detected layout is correct, BTW | 09:24 |
pitti | smurfix: it's just the cosmetic, but scary error message | 09:24 |
smurfix | pitti: not reproducible here, will rsync the current CD and test with that | 09:26 |
pitti | thanks | 09:26 |
pitti | smurfix: btw, that happend already one or two weeks ago | 09:26 |
pitti | also this seems to be rather platform independent | 09:26 |
smurfix | pitti: I think I know where it comes from, but need to verify | 09:27 |
pitti | smurfix: also, is it possible to display a more friendly layout name? i. e. "Deutsch" instead of de-latin1-nodeadkeys? | 09:28 |
smurfix | pitti: Please do tell me which keys you usually press when you reproduce that problem ;-) | 09:29 |
pitti | smurfix: okay, as soon as my ppc installation is finished, I try the live CD | 09:29 |
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=== tausq waves. can anyone here help with an oo.o packaging question? | ||
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=== tausq is trying to figure out where mozlibs comes from and how to create it for a new port | ||
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=== lamont heads to bed | ||
fabbione | night lamont | 09:37 |
lamont | see y'all in 5-6 hours | 09:37 |
tausq | bye lamont, thx for your help :) | 09:37 |
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smurfix | pitti: OK, uploaded kbd-chooser_1.09ubuntu16 which should fix the red screen | 09:38 |
pitti | cool, thanks | 09:38 |
smurfix | (kamion was faster with a translation update) | 09:39 |
smurfix | I'll figure out what's missing in the US keymap ... again | 09:39 |
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pitti | mdz: ppc/install is fine | 09:45 |
pitti | mdz: the only flaw is the DRC setting in the mixer | 09:45 |
smurfix | Now why did this morning's X update ask all the f*cking X setup questions .. again ... three times? | 09:46 |
smurfix | (as did the one before. and the one before.) | 09:47 |
sabmoc | hi smurfix, sounds like your not having a good day :( | 09:48 |
pitti | smurfix: erm.. "Press one of these keys: q" | 09:48 |
pitti | smurfix: this is more funny: "| /" | 09:48 |
fabbione | ehehe | 09:48 |
pitti | smurfix: neither of these two I can enter without shift | 09:48 |
smurfix | pitti: OK, I'll add rudimentary counting abilities | 09:48 |
pitti | smurfix: does it really need the q for keycode checking? | 09:49 |
smurfix | pitti: So? just press the key it's printed on | 09:49 |
pitti | smurfix: I don't mind s/one of these keys/the key/ | 09:49 |
pitti | smurfix: ah, so without shift? | 09:49 |
smurfix | pitti: It needs the Q figure out whether you're French or Dvorak or whatever | 09:50 |
smurfix | pitti: it does tell you when you press shift not to do that | 09:50 |
pitti | argh | 09:50 |
smurfix | pitti: though the wording could conceivably be cleared up | 09:51 |
pitti | now I get the error message immediately after I pressed the last key | 09:51 |
pitti | n d q | [ = z | 09:51 |
xuesheng | by the way, we're still missing a decent X keymap for azerty ibooks.... | 09:51 |
smurfix | pitti: Yeah, there's an internal table overflow. As I said, fixed in ubuntu16 | 09:51 |
pitti | ok | 09:51 |
smurfix | pitti: That "n" basically isn't, it's some kind of UTF8 glyph which happens to look like "n", so I accept that key via my ugly lookalike table | 09:53 |
smurfix | pitti: I may be able to tweak the heuristics so that's somewhat less likely to happen | 09:53 |
pitti | oh, if it's required, I don't mind | 09:53 |
smurfix | need to figure out where lamont's Lithuanian map comes from, first | 09:54 |
smurfix | pitti: Well, I could have chosen something that doesn't look like something else, which would shorten the decision path | 09:54 |
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smurfix | xuesheng: So write one ..? | 09:57 |
smurfix | bah | 09:57 |
pitti | mdz: ppc/live is go | 09:58 |
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pitti_live | mdz: i386/live is go | 10:09 |
sabdfl | morning all | 10:10 |
mvo | morning sabdfl | 10:10 |
smurfix | Bah, found the US map problem. The alias map doesn't have an 1 / l-lookalike entry, and what the decision tree wants to proceed to the US keyboard is the cent sign | 10:12 |
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smurfix | Fortunately that's easily fixable | 10:13 |
pitti | smurfix: any idea why the i386/live doesn't offer nodeadkeys to me? | 10:15 |
pitti | that works fine on ppc/install and ppc/live | 10:15 |
smurfix | pitti: can't think of anything that's different | 10:16 |
pitti | okay, nevermind | 10:16 |
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smurfix | I've now found 40 characters looking like 1/l/I. *Grumble* | 10:26 |
thom | mdz: meh. they're certainly all running | 10:27 |
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pitti | daniels_: ping | 10:37 |
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infinity | Morning, thom. | 10:41 |
thom | yo | 10:41 |
thom | infinity: how goes it? | 10:41 |
infinity | I goes in a reasonable fashion. You? | 10:42 |
thom | can't complain | 10:42 |
infinity | I can always complain, I suppose I'm just more creative. ;) | 10:42 |
thom | well, i'm sure i could if i think hard, but in general ;-) | 10:43 |
thom | infinity: yeah, but you're a whiney yank ;P | 10:43 |
infinity | Heh. | 10:43 |
infinity | My only big complaint is that daniels and I still haven't found a place. | 10:43 |
thom | heh. it's not hard. there are these things called "houses" or "appartments". They have a sign outside saying "to let". You go to the estate agent, say "ug. me want see biggum house" and they show you the house. you give them "money" and they give you the keys | 10:45 |
infinity | Neat theory, but you left out the part where only 1 in 40 of these "houses" look like they haven't been previously inhabited by "serial killers", and the ones that are decent have several dozen "applicants" all fighting for them. | 10:47 |
pitti | fabbione: this CAN-2004-1073 is a beast | 10:48 |
thom | infinity: see, you should aim the "serial killers" at the "applicants" | 10:48 |
pitti | fabbione: I have the exploit, I modified it according to the mail, it core dumps, but I absolutely cannot find any trace of the setuid program in the core | 10:48 |
fabbione | pitti: how bad? | 10:48 |
pitti | fabbione: the vuln is that you have a setuid program that is executable, but not readable | 10:49 |
pitti | fabbione: the exploit is supposed to core dump, and the dump should contain the setuid program | 10:49 |
fabbione | yes i could understand that | 10:49 |
pitti | fabbione: so that you can read it after all | 10:49 |
pitti | but I don't find the program in the core | 10:49 |
pitti | fabbione: I try the warty kernel now | 10:49 |
fabbione | pitti: that we fixed with all the other patches? | 10:50 |
fabbione | while other distro didn't? | 10:50 |
pitti | fabbione: i. e. the original one (unpatched) and the latest security updaate | 10:50 |
pitti | fabbione: I think there was a general misunderstanding and there has never been a patch for CAN-2004-1073 | 10:50 |
fabbione | pitti: ok, if you need me to build and test, please send me the poc | 10:50 |
pitti | fabbione: the reporter can use the exploit even on 2.6.11 | 10:51 |
pitti | fabbione: chinstrap:~pitti/can1073.c | 10:51 |
fabbione | ok | 10:52 |
pitti | fabbione: start it with a chmod 4751 program as parameter | 10:52 |
pitti | fabbione: and enable core dumps before | 10:52 |
fabbione | pitti: in a sec... | 10:53 |
pitti | fabbione: don't worry, I try it on an old kernel first | 10:53 |
fabbione | pitti: is that one the modified or original poc? | 10:54 |
pitti | fabbione: this is the modded one | 10:54 |
pitti | brb | 10:54 |
fabbione | ok | 10:54 |
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pitti | fabbione: I'm on an unpatched Warty kernel now, go and hack me :-) | 10:57 |
fabbione | pitti: ehhehe will do :) | 10:58 |
fabbione | ok i got the poc and a test program | 10:58 |
fabbione | i can't remember how to enable coredump tho :) | 10:58 |
pitti | ulimit -c hard unlimited | 10:58 |
fabbione | 12 -rwxr-x--x 1 root root 11474 2005-03-30 10:57 hello | 10:58 |
fabbione | that's just Hello World! | 10:59 |
pitti | you need a 4751 program | 10:59 |
pitti | i. e. the user can setuid-root execute it, but not read it | 10:59 |
pitti | fuck, it still doesn't work | 10:59 |
fabbione | strings hello |grep Hello | 11:00 |
fabbione | Hello world! | 11:00 |
fabbione | strings core |grep Hello | 11:00 |
fabbione | Hello world! | 11:00 |
fabbione | works here | 11:00 |
pitti | yeah, now it works for me too | 11:02 |
pitti | on pristine Warty | 11:02 |
pitti | fabbione: you tried on hoary? | 11:02 |
fabbione | yes | 11:02 |
pitti | fuck | 11:03 |
pitti | it didn't work for me on the hoary kernel | 11:03 |
pitti | I try again with the most recent warty kernel | 11:03 |
fabbione | with Version: 2.6.10-31 | 11:03 |
pitti | brb | 11:03 |
fabbione | ok | 11:03 |
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-6-160.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | fabbione: okay, for me it works on warty pristine, warty-security, but not hoary | 11:15 |
pitti | fabbione: but if it works for you on hoary, too, then we are completely doomed :-) | 11:15 |
fabbione | pitti: on what arch did you test it? | 11:15 |
pitti | fabbione: i386 | 11:16 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-48-101.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
fabbione | same here | 11:16 |
pitti | fabbione: I doubt that the assembler code runs on ppc | 11:16 |
fabbione | pitti: i did just grep for the string inside the core | 11:16 |
pitti | Moins seb128 | 11:16 |
pitti | fabbione: me too | 11:16 |
pitti | fabbione: I did chmod 4701 /usr/sbin/ddcprobe | 11:16 |
fabbione | pitti: ok | 11:16 |
pitti | fabbione: and used the exploit on this | 11:16 |
seb128 | hi | 11:16 |
mvo | hey seb128 | 11:16 |
seb128 | who broke my xfree ? Instead of my 1280 (75hz?) I've 1024 now | 11:16 |
fabbione | pitti: i just wrote hello world :) | 11:16 |
pitti | fabbione: strings core revealed some ddcprobe strings on warty, but none on hoary | 11:16 |
seb128 | (60hz) | 11:17 |
pitti | seb128: hey, my flatmate has the same problem | 11:17 |
seb128 | s/xfree/xorg even | 11:17 |
pitti | fabbione: okay, it's not the worst bug in the world, so let's see what the kernel gurus say to this | 11:17 |
seb128 | rahh, I hate this resolution | 11:18 |
fabbione | pitti: yes i agree. it's not the worst i have seen | 11:18 |
fabbione | but we should get a patch for it | 11:18 |
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
seb128 | anybody with an idea to fix my xorg before I start downgrading ? | 11:26 |
seb128 | daniels_: !! | 11:26 |
fabbione | seb128: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:27 |
pitti | seb128: the funny thing was that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after this detected the correct resolution again | 11:28 |
seb128 | lemme try | 11:28 |
mvo | ping jdub | 11:29 |
=== HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.166.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mvo | quick poll: how do you like http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-notifier-panelicon.png ? | 11:30 |
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-48-101.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
seb128 | hum, better :) | 11:31 |
smurfix | mvo: If that's supposed to be an exclamation mark it needs to be more distinct | 11:31 |
seb128 | thanks guy | 11:31 |
mvo | smurfix: good point | 11:32 |
smurfix | Do US keboards have the (Cent) sign printed on them? | 11:33 |
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
thom | smurfix: the one US keyboard i have does not | 11:33 |
=== smurfix feared as much | ||
Treenaks | no US keyboards I have have a on them | 11:34 |
HiddenWolf | Just the dollar. (me is still looking for the euro sign) | 11:36 |
fabbione | pitti: got the mail.. | 11:37 |
smurfix | OK, I'll teach the thing to avoid it | 11:37 |
Treenaks | HiddenWolf: right-alt + 5 | 11:37 |
fabbione | pitti: i have -32 ready for upload as soon as RC is out | 11:37 |
smurfix | HiddenWolf: Here it's +e | 11:37 |
fabbione | pitti: i think we will have to wait for an USN to fix that bug if there is no patch yet | 11:37 |
fabbione | pitti: i need to go out 20 minutes and i will be back | 11:37 |
pitti | sure | 11:38 |
fabbione | daniels_: ping??? | 11:38 |
mvo | smurfix: better now? http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-notifier-panelicon.png | 11:38 |
pitti | mvo: cool :-) | 11:39 |
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smurfix | mvo: Better, though I think the exclam's dot should have a separate outline | 11:40 |
HiddenWolf | How long untill RC is out? I'm holding off to install a new rig here. | 11:42 |
mvo | HiddenWolf: did you got my mail about #7517? | 11:44 |
HiddenWolf | mvo: I haven't seen the bug recently. Perhaps it was already fixed in gksu | 11:49 |
mvo | HiddenWolf: ok, thanks | 11:49 |
=== HiddenWolf isn't totally happy to upgrade now, to check, since he'd have to download 99 updates including kernel, evo and x | ||
mvo | HiddenWolf: please let me know if you see it again | 11:51 |
HiddenWolf | mvo: ofcourse, but I'll move to amd64 as soon as RC is out. | 11:52 |
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091a97.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
dholbach | hai | 11:59 |
mvo | hey dholbach | 12:01 |
dholbach | hey mvo :-) | 12:01 |
pitti | Hi dholbach | 12:03 |
Jeeves_ | * Handling repository: rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ | 12:03 |
Jeeves_ | @ERROR: max connections (15) reached - try again later | 12:03 |
Jeeves_ | Argh. | 12:04 |
Treenaks | again? | 12:04 |
Jeeves_ | Jups. | 12:04 |
Jeeves_ | Why is the limit only 15 btw? | 12:05 |
dholbach | hey pitti | 12:05 |
Jeeves_ | Treenaks: btw, why do I want to become 'nl.archive.ubuntu.com' ? | 12:06 |
thom | Jeeves_: because rsync *hurst* servers | 12:06 |
Treenaks | Jeeves_: because you're nice, and you have heaps of unused bandwidth? | 12:07 |
Jeeves_ | Treenaks: Ow, really? :) | 12:07 |
Treenaks | Jeeves_: well, at least the last part | 12:08 |
=== sPoof_ [~jonas@cpe.atm2-0-1301001.0x503f72d6.ronxx2.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Jeeves_ | Treenaks: Perhaps, but the question is, when is my boss going to send me bills? :) | 12:08 |
Treenaks | Jeeves_: I can't answer that for you ;) | 12:09 |
sPoof_ | mdz: 'morning. Have you had a look at the MoinMoin package(s)? | 12:09 |
Jeeves_ | Anyways, the mirror box has enough bandwidth. But I can't keep the mirror up to date when the master is unreachable. :) | 12:09 |
=== HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.166.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
sPoof_ | Anybody knows what hours mdz can be expected to be active here? | 12:15 |
Kamion | sPoof_: he's in the Western US; roughly working hours + some | 12:17 |
sPoof_ | Kamion: Thanks. | 12:18 |
sPoof_ | Anyone interested in testing new MoinMoin package on ubuntu (or should I ask somewhere else?)? | 12:19 |
Jeeves_ | Lunch! | 12:19 |
=== Kamion starts his install CD test cycle | ||
Treenaks | try #ubuntu-motu | 12:19 |
HiddenWolf | Kamion: did you fix that amd64 daily breakage? | 12:22 |
Kamion | HiddenWolf: yes, ages ago | 12:22 |
Kamion | (time dilates during these release things) | 12:23 |
HiddenWolf | Kamion: what was it? | 12:23 |
pitti | Kamion: hi | 12:23 |
pitti | Kamion: is the ia64 CD okay now? or still too big? | 12:23 |
pitti | Kamion: I don't see it any more in daily/ | 12:23 |
Kamion | HiddenWolf: same thing it was diagnosed to be from the start :) | 12:24 |
Kamion | HiddenWolf: an archive-copier segfault | 12:24 |
seb128 | pitti: we don't build ia64 for hoary IIRC | 12:24 |
mvo | Kamion: i386 installed fine today | 12:24 |
Kamion | pitti: right, what pitti said, mdz asked me to stop building it | 12:24 |
pitti | ok | 12:24 |
Kamion | HiddenWolf: 1 in 4096 chance depending on the combined sizes of the Packages files on the CD, which is why we'd never seen it before - it wasn't amd64-specific | 12:24 |
Kamion | pitti: er, s/what pitti said/what seb128 said/ of course :) | 12:25 |
pitti | Kamion: I know :-) | 12:25 |
seb128 | :) | 12:25 |
fabbione | hey Kamion | 12:26 |
HiddenWolf | Kamion: ok, cool - I'll go and wait patiently for my amd64-install RC then. :) | 12:27 |
=== thom jigdos | ||
=== marcin_ant [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
fabbione | Kamion: btw.. this morning i found a "problem" with archive-copy | 12:40 |
fabbione | either my media are crap or the cd-reader is not that good | 12:40 |
fabbione | but basically there were problems copying the debs to the hd | 12:41 |
fabbione | and there was no error reported from archive | 12:41 |
fabbione | going into phase2 the installer correctly asked for the CD again | 12:41 |
fabbione | but imho archive-copier should inform of these problems | 12:41 |
fabbione | otherwise you don't get to see the issue with broken media until that point | 12:42 |
Kamion | yeah, I saw your comment - I'm confused though, 'cos archive-copier already does have pretty paranoid error checking | 12:42 |
Kamion | it's set -e throughout | 12:42 |
Kamion | and | 12:42 |
Kamion | cp -a "$cdromfile" "$cachefile" || \ | 12:42 |
Kamion | die archive-copier/copy-failed \ | 12:42 |
Kamion | "'cp -a \"$cdromfile\" \"$cachefile\"' failed with code $?" | 12:42 |
Kamion | which should log an error, present a priority critical note, and exit | 12:43 |
fabbione | hmmm weird.... | 12:43 |
fabbione | i can reproduce the problem almost always | 12:43 |
Kamion | but send me /var/log/installer/syslog and I'll take a look | 12:43 |
fabbione | ok | 12:43 |
fabbione | i will as soon as i will reinstall again | 12:43 |
fabbione | food time.. | 12:43 |
fabbione | i am starving :) | 12:44 |
=== msturm [~msturm@t-20-214.athome.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Kamion | jdub: mozilla-firefox home page is still a local file from ubuntu-artwork talking about 4.10 and warty | 12:53 |
Kamion | jdub: hope that's on your queue to fix before final | 12:53 |
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thom | i *really* need a kvm | 12:58 |
=== thom digs under his desk for the second monitor cable | ||
pitti | Argh, I'm stupid | 12:59 |
pitti | >>> "2.9.10-0ubuntu1" >= "2.10.0-0ubuntu2" | 12:59 |
pitti | True | 12:59 |
haggai | lamont: please requeue kdesdk/i386 when you wake up | 01:00 |
mirak | hi | 01:00 |
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mirak | I have seen that ubuntu have is own UMS mounting rules. I am interested in having a smaller cache for async transfers, I wanted if it's customisable or if it's depends of the kernel fat32 module | 01:01 |
Treenaks | UMS? | 01:02 |
mirak | usb mass storage | 01:03 |
mirak | I ask here but I shoul ask in the other channel I gues | 01:03 |
=== mdke [~mdke@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mdke | anyone home here? I would like to know how to post a bug on a universe package? | 01:05 |
pitti | "Use malone, Luke" | 01:05 |
pitti | :-) | 01:05 |
mdke | ok | 01:05 |
mdke | thanks pitti | 01:06 |
pitti | https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/ | 01:06 |
pitti | mdke: that is our crack-of-the-day bugtracking system that is now used for universe bugs :-) | 01:06 |
mdke | right | 01:06 |
fabbione | Kamion: is dmidecode available within d-i? | 01:07 |
toresbe | what is ".desktop"? | 01:08 |
seb128 | what is ".png" ? | 01:10 |
Treenaks | what is ".so"? | 01:10 |
pitti | d00des! | 01:11 |
pitti | seb128: I now have a fix | 01:11 |
=== ogra_live [~ubuntu@p5089C623.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
seb128 | pitti: cool | 01:11 |
pitti | seb128: I stole a Debian version class from sourcerer | 01:11 |
seb128 | :) | 01:11 |
mdke | k thanks pitti | 01:11 |
mdke | filed | 01:12 |
=== mdke [~mdke@mdke.user] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"] | ||
toresbe | oh, it's a file estension | 01:12 |
toresbe | extension!* | 01:12 |
toresbe | sheesh | 01:12 |
seb128 | pitti: python-apt has a apt_pkg.VersionCompare() though | 01:12 |
pitti | oh, neat | 01:13 |
seb128 | /usr/share/doc/python-apt/examples/versiontest.py | 01:13 |
seb128 | for an example | 01:13 |
seb128 | >>> apt_pkg.VersionCompare("2.9.10-0ubuntu1", "2.10.0-0ubuntu2") | 01:14 |
seb128 | -1 | 01:14 |
seb128 | >>> apt_pkg.VersionCompare("2.10.1-0ubuntu1","2.10.0-0ubuntu2") | 01:14 |
seb128 | 1 | 01:14 |
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pitti | cool, thanks seb128 | 01:15 |
seb128 | np | 01:15 |
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=== pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pvanhoof | How come there isn't a "/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build" ? | 01:18 |
pvanhoof | and which package would provide it, or, how can I build it from source? | 01:18 |
seb128 | Kamion: the "Choose language" title in the installer seems to be not translated in french but the po file has: | 01:18 |
seb128 | msgid "Choose language" | 01:18 |
seb128 | msgstr "Choisir la langue/Choose language" | 01:18 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: linux-headers-`uname -r` | 01:18 |
seb128 | Kamion: is the current i386 install CD supposed to have updated translations ? | 01:19 |
pvanhoof | ok | 01:19 |
pvanhoof | looks like that is working indeed | 01:19 |
Kamion | seb128: yes; it wouldn't be translated, the installer still thinks you're in English at that point remember | 01:19 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: it's better to ask "support" type questions in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-nl | 01:19 |
Kamion | fabbione: there's a dmidecode-udeb I think, can't remember if anything uses it | 01:19 |
pvanhoof | Treenaks, yes, well.. here they (you) actually answered the correct solution :) | 01:20 |
fabbione | Kamion: ok thanks. we might need it for multiseat | 01:20 |
Kamion | seb128: if you go back to the main menu you should see the French version | 01:20 |
thom | Kamion: laptop-detect does | 01:20 |
Kamion | thom: dmidecode-*udeb*? | 01:21 |
seb128 | Kamion: the description is translated on the same screen ... | 01:21 |
Kamion | dmidecode-udeb doesn't appear to be in main at the moment | 01:21 |
seb128 | Kamion: that's the screen to selection the geographic area | 01:21 |
seb128 | after the language selection | 01:21 |
thom | there's a laptop-detect udeb isn't there? (or did we decide not to go down that path?) | 01:21 |
Kamion | seb128: oh, it maybe just doesn't remember to reset the dialog title | 01:22 |
thom | Kamion: there's a laptop-detect udeb, but i don't know if anything uses *that* | 01:22 |
Kamion | would require some hairy code in localechooser I guess | 01:22 |
seb128 | k | 01:22 |
Kamion | seb128: it'll work in Debian because they're still using separate language/country choosers | 01:22 |
pvanhoof | A few weeks ago I posted a proposal for the quickcammes module, which adds support for Logitec Quickcam messenger, tot he mailinglist. Did somebody picked this up? I've wrapped the module in an easy-to-build build environment and did some bugfixes to it. You can find more information here: http://freax.be/wiki/index.php/Quickcam_Messenger_Linux_kernel_2.6_driver (please forward it to a kernel-packager, it would be nice if it was support | 01:23 |
pvanhoof | and a few people already asked for packages) | 01:23 |
Kamion | seb128: one of your countrymen is responsible for the combined localechooser ;) | 01:23 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: try that on #ubuntu-motu (they maintain universe) | 01:23 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: which driver is this btw? (original url)? | 01:23 |
haggai | Kamion: did another kubuntu test install. It did use packages off the CD, so that's ok. Although it did go to the net without asking me for secu updates and the langpack | 01:23 |
seb128 | Kamion: who ? :) | 01:23 |
Kamion | haggai: just apt-get update, or actual packages? | 01:23 |
Kamion | haggai: oh, and did it install kde-i18n-*? (ignore this question if you did an English install) | 01:24 |
Kamion | seb128: bubulle | 01:24 |
Kamion | haggai: if actual packages, could you mail me /var/log/base-config.log? | 01:24 |
pvanhoof | Treenaks, it's linked on that page | 01:25 |
pitti | Kamion: will you build a new set of CDs for the RC for any reason? | 01:26 |
Kamion | pitti: it's still possible, but I hope not | 01:26 |
pitti | Kamion: ok | 01:26 |
pvanhoof | Treenaks, there's a package for normal Quickcams in ubuntu, however, a) it requires that you still build it (some wieerd way of installing itusing source packages) and b) it doesn't support the messenger (which is slightly different) | 01:26 |
Kamion | pitti: why? | 01:26 |
haggai | Kamion: ok you're right it was only an apt-get update | 01:26 |
pitti | Kamion: I fixed a stupid bug in langpack-o-matic that caused old translations to be included in some cases | 01:26 |
Kamion | haggai: ok, I can cope with that | 01:26 |
pitti | Kamion: but it's not a real showstopper, I think | 01:27 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: the quickcam upstream people should agree on a module name and merge, or disagree on it and completely split | 01:27 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: and then put ALL resulting source in the mainline kernel | 01:27 |
pitti | Kamion: what about uploading them? Shall I do this after RC release, or right now? | 01:27 |
Kamion | pitti: yeah, people installing the RC will get that fix in updates anyway | 01:27 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: in the mean time, I think providing build instructions is the easiest we can make it | 01:27 |
haggai | Kamion: I did a UK lang install and it had a brief error msg about the kde-i18n package | 01:27 |
Kamion | pitti: can you hold off for an hour or two until I know what's happening? | 01:27 |
pitti | Kamion: "them" == new langpacks | 01:27 |
Kamion | haggai: yeah, it's known-broken for en | 01:27 |
pitti | Kamion: sure | 01:28 |
pvanhoof | Treenaks, I'm not yet going to clean it up (I lack the time). But will in a near future, and propose it to the kernel mailinglist | 01:28 |
haggai | Kamion: k | 01:28 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: also, the "originial" official site is http://home.mag.cx/messenger/source/ | 01:28 |
Kamion | haggai: figured it wasn't too much of a showstopper because American English is comprehensible | 01:28 |
haggai | Kamion: righty | 01:28 |
pvanhoof | Treenaks, also .. I don't think the original developers are still working on it atm. and since I needed it asap I decided to do some quick-hacks first. but sooner or later it got in a usable state | 01:29 |
Kamion | haggai: (basically I need to make it try both kde-i18n-$LL and kde-i18n-$LL$CC without spewing too many annoying error messages | 01:29 |
pvanhoof | so I've put it on a wiki-page .. and now people start asking for packages :) thats the story | 01:29 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: I mailed the mag.cx guy for a while when we were debugging my camera | 01:29 |
pvanhoof | ok | 01:29 |
Kamion | haggai: might still be able to fix that for final though | 01:29 |
Kamion | mdz,sabdfl: my test installs here are 3/3; I'm go for RC | 01:30 |
pitti | seb128: it affects gedit, glade-2.0, libgnomeprintui, libgtop, update-notifier, gnome-session, base-config, eog | 01:30 |
Kamion | pitti: I hope it doesn't affect base-config :) | 01:30 |
pitti | Kamion: wrt. outdated translations | 01:31 |
pvanhoof | well, for inclusion in the kernel .. all those ifdefs should or become if's (to let one driver support all logitecs), or be removed (don't try to support old kernels, don't try to support all logitec devices since they are different anyway, etc) | 01:31 |
pitti | oh right, we don't strip it | 01:31 |
Kamion | pitti: base-config is supposed to be blacklisted | 01:31 |
Kamion | yeah | 01:31 |
pvanhoof | atm the code is rather .. well, ugly :) | 01:31 |
pvanhoof | I mainly polished the build environment | 01:31 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: it should be cleaned up | 01:31 |
pvanhoof | it's okay and it works .. but indeed, ugly | 01:31 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: so the "similar" logitechs are in one driver I guess | 01:31 |
pvanhoof | and there's one little bug: you need to rmmod and modprobe after booting your kernel (else you get a black screen) | 01:32 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: another benefit of a driver being in the mainline kernel is "less breakage on api changes" | 01:32 |
pitti | seb128: btw, does the live CD give you a correct resolution? That worked for m | 01:33 |
=== elmo [~james@83-216-141-215.jamest298.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | seb128: me | 01:33 |
pitti | Hi elmo | 01:33 |
elmo | hi pitti | 01:33 |
pvanhoof | yes, well.. but I need time to merge it .. or clean it up (as a separate module), take a look at the current logitech module and check whether this device can easiliy be supported using that, etc etc | 01:33 |
elmo | Kamion: ? | 01:34 |
pvanhoof | it's something I have on my agenda :). But if you want to join me , perhaps I'll move that agenda-item forward :) | 01:34 |
pitti | dholbach: btw, how does malone perform so far? | 01:34 |
=== ogra_live [~ubuntu@p5089C623.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Kamion | elmo: yo? | 01:35 |
ogra_live | fabbione, around ? | 01:35 |
fabbione | ogra_live: yes | 01:35 |
elmo | Kamion: hmm, nm, it's a stupid question - there's no reason to stop d-i dailies yet | 01:36 |
ogra_live | fabbione, psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 1 | 01:36 |
ogra_live | i have a lot of this in my dmesg... | 01:36 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: just tell me how/what I can do | 01:36 |
pitti | Hi ogra_live | 01:36 |
fabbione | ogra_live: meh.. if the mouse work it's harmless | 01:36 |
ogra_live | hi pitti | 01:36 |
ogra_live | ok | 01:36 |
Kamion | elmo: no, indeed we're probably going to need them still | 01:36 |
pitti | seb128: odd, the build log says "Publishing chroot-hoary/build/buildd/gdm_2.6.0.7-0ubuntu7_translations.tar.gz for rosetta.", but the tarball isn't anywhere | 01:37 |
ogra_live | the new login option should dissapear from the menu on the live cd | 01:37 |
pvanhoof | Treenaks, well, atm it looks like the make install step is installing the .ko binary in an incorrect location (it's standard kbuild). I'm not understanding why | 01:38 |
pvanhoof | make -C $(KSRC) SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules_install | 01:38 |
seb128 | pitti: not tried the liveCD yet, I'm playing with the i386 install atm | 01:38 |
pvanhoof | so thats make -C /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules_install | 01:39 |
ogra_live | if i end gdm after Applications->System Tools->"new login" my screen is locked....missing a password i cant unlock.... | 01:39 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: let's continue on some other channel :) | 01:39 |
pvanhoof | ok :) | 01:39 |
pvanhoof | privmsg? -motu? | 01:39 |
Treenaks | pvanhoof: see invite | 01:39 |
pvanhoof | ok | 01:39 |
=== tausq thanks haggai :) | ||
Kamion | sabdfl: BTW, yesterday I did that pre-release publish to .pool thing you asked for - though http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ doesn't actually show it yet | 01:41 |
Kamion | elmo: did you manage to trigger maswan? | 01:41 |
cc | ogra_live: i'd say reboot, and it usually disappears. thats the synaptics just gone wonky. it happens sometimes (and truthfully, its kernel interface related) | 01:42 |
maswan | Done at Tue Mar 29 22:59:04 MET_DST 2005 | 01:42 |
maswan | last releases sync | 01:42 |
maswan | wrote 588 bytes read 3806792168 bytes 1356903.50 bytes/sec | 01:42 |
maswan | Kamion: seems to have worked | 01:42 |
Kamion | maswan: wonder why you don't have hoary-rc-install-i386.iso etc. | 01:43 |
maswan | .pool/hoary-rc-install-i386.iso | 01:43 |
maswan | it was synced in | 01:43 |
=== Kamion doesn't see it | ||
maswan | http://ftp.acc.umu.se/ubuntu-releases/.pool/ | 01:44 |
maswan | it's there | 01:44 |
maswan | just not linked in | 01:44 |
Kamion | oh, nm, I was looking at releases.ubuntu.com, I thought that was still you | 01:45 |
=== d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
maswan | ah, no, elmo pointed that back. we're back to se.releases.u.c only again | 01:45 |
Kamion | elmo: in that case, any clue why releases.u.c/.pool/ is out of date? | 01:45 |
elmo | Kamion: no, frei reckons there's nothing to rsync? | 01:47 |
Kamion | elmo: odd | 01:48 |
elmo | what's missing? | 01:48 |
Kamion | it's definitely missing hoary-rc-* | 01:48 |
elmo | err? | 01:48 |
Kamion | and indeed the MD5SUMS file is out of date | 01:48 |
elmo | archvsync@frei:/srv/releases.ubuntu.com/www/releases/.pool $ ls -l hoary-rc-* | 01:49 |
elmo | -rw-rw-r-- 1 archvsync archvsync 646940672 Mar 30 02:49 hoary-rc-install-amd64.iso | 01:49 |
sabdfl | Kamion: excellent, thanks! | 01:49 |
pitti | ogra_live, dholbach: I reviewed the CAN db yesterday; there are a bunch of packages that are vulnerable in hoary, but fixed in Debian | 01:49 |
elmo | oh, boggle | 01:49 |
sabdfl | so basically there's a seed, hidden away, and on the day the rsync can be minimal | 01:49 |
elmo | we seem to have ended up with two trees | 01:49 |
sabdfl | cool | 01:49 |
=== toresbe conciders running a Ubuntu AMD64 hoary livecd | ||
pitti | ogra_live, dholbach: shall I write them down, and you want to sync them? | 01:49 |
ogra_live | pitti, that would be nice | 01:50 |
Kamion | sabdfl: right - it remains to be seen how frequently releases.u.c mirrors sync in practice, I guess | 01:50 |
elmo | Kamion: fixed, resyncing now | 01:51 |
ogra_live | cc, its always there | 01:51 |
Kamion | sabdfl: I've changed the .pool filenames so they reflect the state of the release (hoary-rc-*, hoary-release-*, whatever) so that we can have multiple of them at once - only drawback is that that'll cause disk space usage spikes just before a release, but I don't think there's anything to be done about that | 01:51 |
Kamion | elmo: thanks | 01:51 |
pitti | ogra_live: okay to sync ethereal? this is the most urgent issue, I think | 01:52 |
pitti | ogra_live: what about your freeze status? | 01:52 |
ogra_live | yup | 01:52 |
pitti | elmo: please sync ethereal | 01:52 |
ogra_live | pitti, we freeze a minute before release ;) | 01:53 |
ogra_live | pitti, as late as elmo allows :) | 01:53 |
pitti | ogra_live: since universe does not touch any CDs or our main archive, it shouldn't matter much :-) | 01:54 |
ogra_live | right :) | 01:54 |
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sivang | hey all | 02:05 |
sivang | fabbione: do we have a problem with kernel-headers-2.6-686-smp ? it seems uninstallable | 02:05 |
fabbione | sivang: not that i know off.. i have all the headers installed here | 02:06 |
sivang | fabbione: hmm | 02:06 |
fabbione | ah kernel! | 02:06 |
fabbione | no | 02:06 |
fabbione | kernel -> univers | 02:06 |
ogra_live | universe | 02:06 |
fabbione | linux-headers-2.6-686-smp <- | 02:06 |
sivang | universe? | 02:06 |
sivang | wow | 02:06 |
sivang | since when ? :-) | 02:06 |
ogra_live | always | 02:06 |
fabbione | sivang: since warty? | 02:06 |
sivang | fabbione: meaning -smp is not officially supported? I don't understand, sorry. | 02:07 |
pitti | sivang: linux-headers, not kernel-headers | 02:07 |
ogra_live | sivang, kernel not officially supported | 02:07 |
sivang | pitti: ah ok, thanks | 02:07 |
sivang | that was a name mismatch, thanks folks | 02:08 |
sivang | :-) | 02:08 |
ogra_live | :) | 02:08 |
thom | Kamion: current daily on ppc looks good here, btw | 02:13 |
Kamion | thom: cool | 02:13 |
thom | should pxeboot ever play ball, i'll let you know how that goes | 02:13 |
Kamion | I think we're just waiting for mdz to wake up and say go | 02:14 |
thom | nod | 02:14 |
thom | (and dear god my ppc brings whole new meanings to the word slow. even the ia64 is faster! :P) | 02:15 |
dholbach | re | 02:16 |
dholbach | pitti: would be too charming if you gave us your list | 02:17 |
dholbach | pitti: malone still encouters backend problems (afaik); bradb wanted to give us the green light at some stage, so we can unleash the users | 02:17 |
bradb | word-of-mouth is still the preferred way to let people know about it | 02:18 |
bradb | if it's announced to ubuntu-users, i wouldn't be surprised if it ended up on slashdot not long after, and then we'd be in trouble :) | 02:19 |
dholbach | ok | 02:19 |
pitti | bradb: would be a good test, though :-) | 02:19 |
=== Treenaks posts a link on slashdot | ||
pitti | argh | 02:19 |
pitti | thom: here? | 02:19 |
=== zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
bradb | i don't think it'll help anybody if it hits slashdot before we have 24-hour admin availability | 02:19 |
thom | pitti: yo | 02:20 |
pitti | thom: I started to import the CAN database into http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ubuntu-cve.html | 02:21 |
pitti | thom: please have a look at the "Unfixed issues in main", section "warty" | 02:21 |
pitti | :-( | 02:21 |
thom | pitti: mostly moz*? | 02:21 |
pitti | yeah | 02:21 |
pitti | and that's not even everything, I just started | 02:22 |
thom | ouch | 02:22 |
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pitti | elmo: please sync unace | 02:23 |
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elmo | pitti: done | 02:23 |
pitti | thanks | 02:23 |
pitti | ogra_live, dholbach: so are you okay if I request syncs directly rather than giving you a list? | 02:24 |
dholbach | pitti: should be ok... if you encounter trouble, we'll look it up for you - thanks :-) | 02:24 |
pitti | elmo: please sync maxdb-7.5.00, dillo, and squirrelmail as well | 02:25 |
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089C623.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
elmo | pitti: doing | 02:26 |
pitti | ogra, dholbach: for breezy it might be considered to not stop the automatic Debian sync of universe as early as for main | 02:27 |
pitti | ogra, dholbach: as long as nobody really cares for the packages, they might as well get at least Debian love | 02:28 |
ogra | great, but we will also be more MOTUs then | 02:28 |
dholbach | yeah... :-) | 02:28 |
pitti | Mithrandir: gah, we really need tbird 1.0.2, unless you want to start a patching hell... | 02:33 |
Mithrandir | pitti: sorry, I forgot to talk to mdz. :( | 02:33 |
Mithrandir | mdz: approval for thunderbird 1.0.2? | 02:34 |
jani | elmo, re yesterdays ruby1.8 in main, from what I see librdf-ruby ( redland-bindings ) is in universe so it's only libswig that depends on libruby1.8, am I right? | 02:34 |
seb128 | Kamion: the "Time zone configuration" is not translated here with an iso uploaded this morning. The translations should be uptodate ? | 02:35 |
elmo | jani: redland-bindings b-d's on ruby which means it has to be in main | 02:36 |
elmo | build-depends count as much as depends, for determining main vs. univerness | 02:36 |
thom | Kamion: pxeboot i386 looks good | 02:37 |
ajmitch | ogra: 10x as many, I'd think ;) | 02:37 |
=== srbaker [~srbaker@blk-222-52-156.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
jani | elmo oh ok I looked with apt-cache rdepends. What tools do you use to query ? I'll gladly RTFM :) | 02:39 |
elmo | jani: I use the output of germinate | 02:40 |
jani | is it accessible to us? | 02:40 |
elmo | which is, err, somewhere under people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/, I think | 02:40 |
elmo | if you google the wiki, for 'germinate' it should tell you | 02:40 |
jani | ok thanks, is this ubuntu specific or just not yet made into the debian toolset? | 02:41 |
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jani | got it nevermind | 02:43 |
fabbione | pitti: most of the CAN that are "Unchecked" are actually fixed | 02:44 |
pitti | fabbione: yeah, I'm currently walking down this list and mark them in my db | 02:44 |
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089F136.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | fabbione: this list is the outcome of my filtering from yesterday | 02:44 |
pitti | fabbione: so far I only threw out CANs that don't affect Debian and Ubuntu at all | 02:44 |
Kamion | seb128: the translations are up to date, it's a bug in the way locales aren't set up in time for the questions pulled back to the first stage; I mentioned it yesterday and hope to fix it post-rc | 02:44 |
Kamion | jani: Ubuntu-specific, at least for now | 02:45 |
Kamion | jani: free software though | 02:45 |
fabbione | pitti: yes, but some of them have been fixed nevertheless | 02:45 |
seb128 | Kamion: k, thanks | 02:45 |
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pitti | fabbione: I know, these are the ones I mark now | 02:45 |
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fabbione | ok | 02:45 |
fabbione | i also think that you didn't forward to me some of them :) | 02:45 |
fabbione | like 0867 | 02:46 |
pitti | fabbione: this list will be useful after I finished reviewing it | 02:46 |
fabbione | right | 02:46 |
pitti | fabbione: 867 is on my list | 02:47 |
Kamion | seb128: (if you run 'chroot /target localedef -i fr_FR -c -f UTF-8 -A /etc/locale.alias fr_FR.UTF-8' while archive-copier's running, you should get the correct translations; the fix will be to do something like that automatically | 02:47 |
Kamion | ) | 02:47 |
fabbione | pitti: ok.. let me know when you have finished your review | 02:47 |
pitti | fabbione: so far this is the only issue I didn't yet forward | 02:47 |
fabbione | pitti: this evening there is a kernel team meeting | 02:47 |
fabbione | and we can take a look at the issues all together | 02:47 |
pitti | fabbione: if you have some time, maybe you can look at the SuSE patch for 867? | 02:48 |
fabbione | pitti: also 0916 (for ia64) | 02:48 |
=== Kamion goes off to relax for a bit; if mdz's looking for me, I expect to be back around 1400 UTC | ||
pitti | fabbione: uh, I'm currently at -299 | 02:48 |
pitti | will still take a while... | 02:48 |
fabbione | ehehe ok | 02:48 |
fabbione | pitti: i guess i need to get SUSE sources to find the patch.... | 02:49 |
pitti | yeah | 02:50 |
pitti | there haven't been patches at the ML | 02:50 |
=== fabbione sighs | ||
pitti | these suckers.. :-) | 02:50 |
fabbione | they do... | 02:50 |
seb128 | Kamion: nice, thanks | 02:51 |
fabbione | pitti: i need a break before i can start to work on this right ahead | 02:51 |
fabbione | pitti: i will work with them together with the kernel team immediatly after RC | 02:51 |
fabbione | pitti: i am afraid most of this stuff will land in a USN | 02:52 |
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fabbione | elmo: if you have time can you kill 2.6.11 from universe? | 02:53 |
mdke | jdub, ping | 02:53 |
fabbione | linux-source-2.6.11 | 02:53 |
trulux | fabbione: hey | 02:53 |
pitti | elmo: please sync ethereal, firehol, wu-ftpd, armagetron, horde2 | 02:53 |
fabbione | hi trulux | 02:53 |
trulux | fabbione: do you plan to get the networking hooks for any -subrelease? | 02:54 |
trulux | for 2.6.10 | 02:55 |
fabbione | trulux: no. it will be breezy business | 02:55 |
trulux | ok | 02:55 |
trulux | great anyways | 02:55 |
pitti | elmo: ipsec-tools sync as well, please | 02:57 |
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Amaranth | Have any of your read "Improving Application Performance Through Space Optimizations" from Red Hat? | 02:58 |
=== pitti has to go for an hour | ||
elmo | pitti: done | 02:58 |
pitti | thanks | 02:58 |
elmo | pitti: err, not done | 02:59 |
elmo | ethereal is ubuntu modified - okay to override? | 02:59 |
=== pitti looks | ||
Amaranth | wait, i think i remember someone in #ubuntu-motu doing a lot of work on that | 02:59 |
Amaranth | it might have been ethereal-dev | 03:00 |
pitti | elmo: hmm, that needs a merge | 03:00 |
pitti | ogra, dholbach: can one of you (or a delegate) please merge the new ethereal version from Debian? It fixes ~ 5 CANs | 03:00 |
dholbach | pitti: will do | 03:01 |
pitti | thanks | 03:01 |
pitti | dholbach: this tool is very famous, so it should be fixed for Hoary | 03:02 |
dholbach | pitti: working on it | 03:02 |
Amaranth | now to remember who was working on it :) | 03:02 |
dholbach | pitti: so i grab the sid version? | 03:02 |
pitti | dholbach: and merge the Ubuntu changes | 03:03 |
dholbach | ok | 03:03 |
pitti | dholbach: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/ethereal/ethereal_ubuntu.patch | 03:03 |
pitti | dholbach: however, this seems to be out of date | 03:04 |
pitti | dholbach: there is a 0.10.4-3ubuntu2 which is not in the ubuntu patch | 03:04 |
pitti | dholbach: please ask Keybuk to update it | 03:04 |
dholbach | pitti: yeah i'll use that one, no need for keybuk to worry | 03:04 |
pitti | okay, really gotta go now. back in an hour or so | 03:05 |
dholbach | *wave* pitti* | 03:05 |
elmo | release.u.c is going down for a couple of minutes | 03:07 |
=== fabbione goes and crashes - be back in a hour or so | ||
elmo | iz back | 03:12 |
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dholbach | should i be able to upload a signed source package to upload.u.c with any ftp program? (i need to restrict it to 12k/s to not break my connection with 7.5Mb upload) | 03:23 |
dholbach | (dput is afaik not able to) | 03:23 |
spiv | dholbach: trickle would probably solve that. | 03:26 |
dholbach | spiv: *having a look* thanks | 03:27 |
seb128 | i386 install goes fine | 03:30 |
jani | dholbach or wondershaper | 03:30 |
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dholbach | jani, spiv: i'll give trickle a go... thanks :-) | 03:30 |
elmo | ARGH | 03:33 |
elmo | PITTI | 03:33 |
=== maswan hands elmo a 3.5 kg sledgehammer | ||
thom | Kamion: amd64 looks good to go too for me :-) | 03:38 |
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elmo | WOO | 03:39 |
=== thom wonders what elmo's broken now | ||
maswan | http://www.acc.umu.se/images/archive/20000712-Nodstopp/index.html?view=DSC00007.JPG <- like that, to implement a "data retention policy". :) | 03:39 |
elmo | we are now out-of-date clean, uninstallable clean, rene clean, anastacia clean | 03:39 |
seb128 | thom: grumpf, I get this crasher on a fresh i386 install | 03:39 |
seb128 | the gtk/fileselec one | 03:40 |
thom | seb128: hurrah! | 03:40 |
seb128 | nop, not hurry | 03:40 |
thom | seb128: well, at least you can reproduce it now | 03:40 |
seb128 | the bt is crap, full of "??" even with the -dbg packages | 03:40 |
thom | are you only seeing it with firefox? | 03:40 |
seb128 | no, I don't run that stuff | 03:41 |
seb128 | gedit | 03:41 |
thom | Kamion: huh. "The hardware clock says the time is now ." that seems like a regression; definitely used to work | 03:41 |
thom | seb128: hrmph | 03:41 |
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zul | hey | 03:41 |
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Kamion | thom: yeah, missing /dev/rtc or whatever it is in /target | 03:45 |
Kamion | elmo: w00t | 03:46 |
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zyga | hey | 03:56 |
mvo | hey zyga | 04:01 |
zyga | mvo: hey | 04:02 |
zyga | mvo: you were telling me about new features for breezy yesterday | 04:02 |
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zyga | mvo: BTW: I've made l10n improvement for update-manager, dates are now printed according to current locale - will send patch later | 04:02 |
mvo | zyga: nice, thanks | 04:03 |
Mithrandir | hm, is there any sane way to get php4 for apache1 in hoary? | 04:03 |
zul | compile it from source? :) | 04:03 |
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Mithrandir | apart from that, obviously. :P | 04:04 |
zul | heh | 04:04 |
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pitti | ogra: darn, Ubuntu's security reputation will suffer from this: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/58038 :-) | 04:07 |
zul | pitti: in english? | 04:08 |
pitti | zul: CAN-2004-1073 is not fixed although we claimed so ("we" = all Linux distros) | 04:09 |
pitti | zul: but they mention my name in the article... | 04:09 |
zul | heh | 04:09 |
ogra | pitti, wow, they wrote it as if ubuntu discovered it.... | 04:10 |
Treenaks | ogra: didn't we? :P | 04:10 |
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ogra | dunno, pitti, did we ? | 04:10 |
pitti | ogra: no | 04:11 |
ogra | thats what i thought, but on first sight the report looks like :) | 04:11 |
ogra | great promotion... | 04:15 |
dholbach | brb | 04:16 |
srbaker | the new ubuntu theme looks excellent | 04:17 |
dholbach | pitti: done | 04:18 |
srbaker | i still don't like the shit brown choice of colour, but it's better than before | 04:18 |
pitti | dholbach: ethereal? | 04:18 |
pitti | oh, I see it on -changes | 04:18 |
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elmo | pitti: dude, ipsec-tools is in main | 04:41 |
mdke | is the copy -> close program -> can't paste issue known? | 04:43 |
Amaranth | yes | 04:43 |
mdke | phew | 04:43 |
mdke | that is megaserious | 04:43 |
Amaranth | not an ubuntu bug, it's a GTK/X thing | 04:43 |
Amaranth | it's been like that as long as i can remember | 04:43 |
mdke | its not like that in warty i don't think | 04:43 |
Mithrandir | it is, and it'll be fixed, but not now | 04:44 |
mdke | cool | 04:44 |
Amaranth | wouldn't be the first time my memory failed me :P | 04:44 |
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Mithrandir | I think you can work around it by using a clipboard manager. | 04:44 |
mdke | just couldn't find it in bugzilla | 04:44 |
Mithrandir | it's probably in the gnome bugzilla | 04:44 |
Amaranth | someone tried to explain the work that would go into making it work properly and i went crosseyed | 04:44 |
mdke | Amaranth, uhoh | 04:45 |
Amaranth | take copying from gnumeric, for example | 04:45 |
Amaranth | depending on where you copy to it'll end up in any number of formats | 04:45 |
Amaranth | do you want to store all that in RAM? :) | 04:45 |
Amaranth | every format of the copied data would have to be loading into the clipboard manager to make sure you don't lose anything | 04:46 |
mdke | hmm | 04:46 |
mdke | how does windows do it? | 04:46 |
Amaranth | Good question. | 04:46 |
mdke | maybe just dumps it in ram as you suggest | 04:46 |
Amaranth | no, from the sound of it this would be gigs of data | 04:47 |
Amaranth | they probably don't have as many formats | 04:47 |
Amaranth | i can see it being the format it started as and text | 04:47 |
Amaranth | with MS Office of course having it's own techniques for handling it's formats | 04:47 |
mvo | ping Riddell | 04:47 |
Riddell | mvo: hi | 04:48 |
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mvo | Riddell: I'm just looking at #7395 (no desktop file for synaptic in kde). I guess there is something like gksudo for kde? I think I will add a extra desktop file for kde and it would be nice to have the kde aquivalent of gksudo in it | 04:49 |
Riddell | mvo: add this to the .desktop file | 04:51 |
Riddell | X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true | 04:51 |
fabbione | re | 04:51 |
Amaranth | hey, my menu editor got it's own section on ubuntuforums.org | 04:51 |
ross | Amaranth: in windows if you copy lots of data and close the application it checks if you want to take up huge amounts of memory on the clipboard | 04:52 |
mvo | Riddell: ok, thanks. | 04:52 |
Amaranth | ross: hmm, i think i remember MS Office doing that | 04:53 |
Amaranth | other apps never did though | 04:53 |
ross | Amaranth: what windows does with the clipboard is well documented, there are two totally different methods in windows | 04:53 |
ross | office just used the new (decent) and old api, other apps only used the older crap api | 04:53 |
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fabbione | mdz: around? | 05:01 |
fabbione | hey daniles | 05:03 |
daniels | fabbione: !!! | 05:03 |
daniels | wassup | 05:03 |
fabbione | nm.. | 05:04 |
seb128 | hi daniels | 05:04 |
fabbione | and you+ | 05:04 |
fabbione | daniels: i had to upload xorg -7 yesterday | 05:04 |
daniels | fabbione: yeah, I saw that, thanks | 05:04 |
seb128 | daniels: you broke my xorg dude, that's not the moment to start breaking configs :p | 05:04 |
fabbione | daniels: there is only one line fix in postinst.in | 05:04 |
fabbione | seb128: iz gtk buz | 05:04 |
seb128 | ah ah | 05:04 |
=== seb128 slaps fabbione | ||
Mithrandir | daniels: got my X config stuff? | 05:04 |
daniels | Mithrandir: yeah, thanks | 05:05 |
daniels | fabbione: yeah, did you get that off the deb I made for mdz on davis, or did we both just come up with the exact same fix? :) | 05:05 |
fabbione | daniels: no, i used the message on the mailing merged with the stuff on davis to understand where to apply the change | 05:05 |
daniels | cool | 05:05 |
elmo | Kamion: ? | 05:09 |
Kamion | elmo: yo? | 05:09 |
elmo | Kamion: one more mirror to trigger: 'durville.ubuntu.com' | 05:09 |
elmo | kamion: if this sounds crazy, I've updated /etc/rsyncd.conf on little, so you can see what's actually mirroring what | 05:09 |
elmo | kamion: + pls ;) | 05:10 |
pitti | elmo: the next bunch: phpmyadmin webmin prozilla drupal mlterm wine (TIA) | 05:11 |
elmo | pitti: did you see my comments about ipsec-tools? | 05:11 |
pitti | elmo: erm, no? | 05:11 |
pitti | Ubuntu changes? | 05:11 |
Kamion | elmo: done | 05:11 |
elmo | pitti: it's in main :-/ | 05:11 |
elmo | kamion: thanks | 05:11 |
pitti | elmo: argh | 05:11 |
pitti | elmo: okay, then it wanders on my todo | 05:12 |
elmo | pitti: too late, it's done | 05:12 |
elmo | but I'm so snitching on you to mdz | 05:12 |
pitti | hrm, f**k | 05:12 |
Kamion | it's not on the CD at least | 05:13 |
elmo | pitti: anyway, syncing that lot now | 05:13 |
pitti | mdz: ping | 05:15 |
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pitti | daniels: my flatmate experienced the xorg bug too (for the records) :-) | 05:31 |
daniels | pitti: yeah, I've already fixed it | 05:31 |
pitti | daniels: cool | 05:31 |
daniels | purging xserver-xfree86 (rather than removing) should fix it | 05:31 |
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mvo | Riddell: what do I need to do to make kde re-build it's K-Menu (reread the desktop-files)? | 05:34 |
fabbione | Riddell: did you see that kdesdk is still FTBFS? | 05:39 |
fabbione | Riddell: wouldn't be an option to at least try to build the packages in a clean chroot before upload? | 05:40 |
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pitti | fabbione: it seems that CAN-2005-0916 doesn't affect us | 05:40 |
fabbione | pitti: it seems or it doesn't? ;) | 05:40 |
pitti | fabbione: IA64 and PPC64 only | 05:41 |
_mvo_ | Riddell: hrm, network touble. did you answered about the dekstop-file reread? | 05:41 |
fabbione | pitti: meh.. we have ia64 | 05:41 |
pitti | fabbione: but not as an official release arch | 05:41 |
fabbione | i know.. still.. | 05:42 |
pitti | fabbione: I don't mind if you want to fix it :-) | 05:42 |
fabbione | pitti: send me the patch and i will fix i | 05:42 |
fabbione | it | 05:42 |
pitti | http://linux.bkbits.net:8080/linux-2.6/cset%404248c8c0es30_4YVdwa6vteKi7h_nw | 05:42 |
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fabbione | pitti: danke | 05:43 |
pitti | fabbione: gern geschehen :-) | 05:43 |
fabbione | pitti: that looks so familiar with.. hmmm an ABI change? | 05:43 |
pitti | YAY | 05:44 |
fabbione | i will look at it after RC, if it changes the ABI we can sneak it later, if we will hit a more serious problem with same effect | 05:45 |
smurfix | fabbione: looks like it's all #defines, not an ABI change | 05:46 |
ogra | ouch | 05:46 |
pitti | but the #define is in a .h file | 05:46 |
pitti | it might be used from outside | 05:46 |
smurfix | pitti: so? | 05:46 |
fabbione | smurfix: i still prefer to double check stuff :) | 05:46 |
smurfix | pitti: that'd be an API change then, but the binary would still work | 05:47 |
fabbione | smurfix: the ABI checker is free | 05:47 |
smurfix | fabbione: true | 05:47 |
pitti | smurfix: hmm, right | 05:47 |
ogra | pitti, hwdb has 637 submissions since yesterday, i already found 5 of them not using ubuntus hal version (dmidata, processor and lsb_release are missing) heh | 05:47 |
=== ogra damns the sid crossgrading.... | ||
pitti | nice | 05:48 |
pitti | ogra: that cries for stricter dependencies | 05:48 |
trukulo | ogra, graveman offically is in sid now (yesterday) | 05:48 |
pitti | ogra: I fix the dependencies after RC | 05:48 |
ogra | yep | 05:48 |
Kamion | pitti: is it actually a dependency, though? | 05:48 |
Kamion | or just some missing information? | 05:48 |
ogra | pitti, me too, hwdb depends on hal, but not versioned yet | 05:49 |
Kamion | trying to declare a strict dependency on Ubuntu's version of something will bite you | 05:49 |
ogra | i'll do a >= | 05:49 |
daniels | ogra: won't help if debian gets a newer version | 05:49 |
Kamion | no, that doesn't help. e.g. if you depend on foo (>= 0.1ubuntu1), as soon as foo 0.2 exists then that will still satisfy it | 05:49 |
pitti | Kamion: I thought about a >=, but well, Debian's version may be newer | 05:49 |
daniels | 0.9.7-1 >> 0.9.6-2ubuntu1 | 05:50 |
Kamion | this is why we need feature deps | 05:50 |
Kamion | in the meantime it's best to keep dependencies light | 05:50 |
ogra | trukulo, ok, i'll put it on my sync list... | 05:50 |
smurfix | damn | 05:50 |
Kamion | anyway simple dependency structures make the whole system more robust | 05:50 |
smurfix | the new version of the keymap tree will ask *ten* "do you have that key" questions for people with US keyboards | 05:50 |
trukulo | ogra, have you seen gnome-menu-editor? | 05:51 |
smurfix | I know how to fix that, but it's definitely a post-release solution | 05:51 |
ogra | trukulo, Amaranths version he currently develops ? or the CVS snapshot on gnome.org ? | 05:51 |
pitti | elmo: okay, this is the last round: ltris dnsmasq smail smarty (all universe :-) ) | 05:51 |
pitti | elmo: I finished the review, so I won't bother you any more. Thanks so far :-) | 05:52 |
trukulo | ogra :) i mean upstream on gnomefiles, forget it, you seem better informed than i am | 05:52 |
trukulo | http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=867 | 05:52 |
elmo | pitti: done | 05:54 |
pitti | great | 05:54 |
pitti | universe is in a good condition now :-) | 05:54 |
trukulo | Amaranth, have you seen that url? | 05:56 |
Amaranth | I'm sunk. ;) | 05:57 |
Amaranth | Mine still looks better. :D | 05:57 |
_mvo_ | Riddell: can you please /msg me when you around? | 05:58 |
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trukulo | Amaranth, yours is in python, and that's really good in my opinion | 05:58 |
ogra | thanks pitti | 05:59 |
Amaranth | the only feature he has that i don't have and care about is moving menu entries between menus | 05:59 |
Amaranth | which technically should work right now but i've honestly never tried :) | 05:59 |
trukulo | Amaranth, but the other needs patchs on menu, yours? | 06:00 |
Amaranth | on gnome-menus? | 06:00 |
Amaranth | mine just needs pyxdg 0.9 which is in hoary (my patches go upstream :) | 06:00 |
doko | mdz, Kamion: ok to upload the python 2.4.1 final release? | 06:03 |
Kamion | doko: we haven't finished with the RC yet | 06:03 |
fabbione | doko: mdz will send an email out when we are allowed to upload again to main | 06:04 |
doko | ok, thanks | 06:04 |
doko | uploads to universe should be ok? | 06:04 |
pitti | lamont: ping | 06:04 |
mdz | morning | 06:04 |
mdz | pitti: pong | 06:04 |
thom | mdz: morning | 06:04 |
mdz | fabbione: here | 06:04 |
fabbione | doko: probably yes | 06:04 |
pitti | Morning mdz | 06:04 |
thom | mdz: what problems were you having with the bittorrent stuff? | 06:05 |
mdz | Kamion: ready to go? | 06:05 |
mdz | thom: "connecting to peers" forever, as if there was no seed | 06:05 |
fabbione | mdz: http://kernelplanet.org/ <- look at the entry of the 29th of March about memset | 06:05 |
pitti | mdz: today I asked for a couple of universe syncs to fix security bugs (blessed by ogra/dholbach); unfortunately I also asked for ipsec-tools, which is in main | 06:05 |
fabbione | mdz: we could fix all the crap in a batch upload.. or almost | 06:05 |
trukulo | Amaranth, his program needs patching on gnome-menu : http://manny.cluecoder.org/packages/gnome-menu-editor/README | 06:05 |
pitti | mdz: it's a new upstream version all all that, shall I revert this immediately (with a funny version number) or do you want to keep it? | 06:06 |
pitti | mdz: sorry | 06:06 |
lamont | pitti: ack | 06:06 |
thom | mdz: huh. when i tried this morning it took about a minute when there was no-one else on the seed, then worked | 06:06 |
mdz | pitti: does it build and install? can you test it? | 06:07 |
elmo | mdz: it built | 06:07 |
pitti | mdz: happened only a couple of minutes ago, I'll test it ASAP | 06:07 |
fabbione | meh, can't we stop it from enter the archive? | 06:08 |
Kamion | mdz: yep | 06:08 |
pitti | lamont: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/g/gdm/ claims that chroot-hoary/build/buildd/gdm_2.6.0.7-0ubuntu7_translations.tar.gz is published; however, the tarball is not there | 06:08 |
Kamion | mdz: ok to publish? | 06:08 |
elmo | fabbione: no, it happened hours ago | 06:08 |
fabbione | elmo: ah ok | 06:08 |
mdz | Kamion: CD images, yes; I didn't get as far as testing the DVD images | 06:09 |
mdz | pitti: does it have any open bugs in Debian that we closed NOTWARTY, e.g.? | 06:10 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: yay! Been waiting for em! | 06:10 |
Kamion | mdz: nor did I | 06:10 |
=== fabbione burns a DVD too | ||
daniels | mdz: as a heads-up, new xorg version about to land (another debconf oneliner, affects warty upgrades) | 06:11 |
Riddell | fabbione: kdesdk looks to have build ok | 06:12 |
mdz | daniels: we also have keymap fixes to make | 06:12 |
fabbione | Riddell: hmm after another kick back.. sorry i was looking this morning | 06:13 |
mdz | daniels: but if you have a version ready, let's get that in first | 06:13 |
elmo | [TXT] hoary_outdate.txt 30-Mar-2005 17:06 140 | 06:13 |
elmo | [TXT] hoary_probs.html 30-Mar-2005 17:06 242 | 06:13 |
elmo | mdz: just to counter all the negativity! ---^ ;-) | 06:13 |
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Kamion | meh. er, nobody run sync-mirrors on little for a bit, please | 06:14 |
trukulo | Amaranth, your menu-editor doesn't seem to work here (deleting entries) | 06:14 |
Kamion | fortunately I took a backup | 06:14 |
mdz | elmo: and empty anastacia output :-) | 06:14 |
daniels | mdz: i have a version ready to go now (well, it's building -dbg as we speak), and then i can do -9 tomorrow/friday with keymap fixes (hr/nl) | 06:14 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Can you run it form a terminal? | 06:14 |
=== mdz does a little jig | ||
Amaranth | err, from | 06:15 |
trukulo | Amaranth, of course | 06:15 |
mdz | daniels: smurfix made a list for us, of all the keymaps which are likely to have this problem | 06:15 |
Amaranth | trukulo: I need to know if Python spits out any errors. | 06:15 |
daniels | mdz: oh. where's that? | 06:15 |
mdz | daniels: so that we can apply the same fix to all of them preemptively if we want to | 06:15 |
mdz | daniels: scrollback about a day | 06:15 |
pitti | mdz: no, bugs are okay | 06:15 |
trukulo | no output in terminal | 06:15 |
Kamion | yay for cp -al | 06:15 |
pitti | mdz: I test the package now | 06:15 |
trukulo | no errors | 06:15 |
mdz | Mar 29 11:50:44 <smurfix> mdz: The list is: am ar bg by dz el il ir iu jp | 06:15 |
mdz | lo mk ml mm mn ru th tj ua uz | 06:15 |
daniels | mdz: got it | 06:16 |
daniels | yeah | 06:16 |
Amaranth | trukulo: btw, the guy working on the other menu editor seems to be a little "passionate". :) | 06:16 |
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smurfix | daniels: Actually there may be an alternate solution, but I don't think it's appropriate to try it at this time | 06:16 |
daniels | smurfix: now is not really the time to be trying new things, i'd imagine | 06:16 |
smurfix | daniels: exactly | 06:17 |
trukulo | Amaranth, could be, i just want give you a hand on this | 06:17 |
trukulo | :) | 06:17 |
smurfix | daniels: if you want to have a look, it's at /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg -- just uncomment the definition of $nonlatin | 06:17 |
trukulo | i didn't tried the other program | 06:17 |
Amaranth | trukulo: So no errors from Python when you try to delete? | 06:17 |
daniels | smurfix: ah, cheers | 06:17 |
smurfix | that also has a more exhaustive list than then one I collected | 06:18 |
trukulo | Amaranth, exactly, no error, with and without sudo | 06:18 |
Amaranth | :/ | 06:18 |
trukulo | it writes on .config/menu/applications.menu | 06:18 |
trukulo | i use hoary updated from yesterday | 06:19 |
Amaranth | Is it deleted in the editor but not in the GNOME menus? | 06:19 |
trukulo | no, not deleted in editor neither | 06:19 |
Amaranth | What is it? | 06:19 |
trukulo | it's not deleted in any place | 06:19 |
trukulo | don't know | 06:19 |
Amaranth | No, what are you trying to delete? | 06:20 |
trukulo | kde programs | 06:20 |
trukulo | kooka, kcalc, ark... | 06:20 |
trukulo | installed by kubuntu-desktop | 06:20 |
Amaranth | Those shouldn't show up anyway. :/ | 06:20 |
smurfix | daniels: I'd recommend you use the union of these lists for now, and we test whether enabling $nonlatin works post-hoary | 06:20 |
trukulo | they show on gnome menus in my system | 06:20 |
daniels | smurfix: sure, thanks for the pointer | 06:21 |
trukulo | and editor shows them | 06:21 |
Amaranth | trukulo: It's a bug that they won't delete but it's also a bug that they show up at all. KDE .desktop files should have an OnlyShowIn line that hides them in GNOME. | 06:21 |
mdz | Kamion: hmm, so what about kubuntu? | 06:21 |
Riddell | Amaranth: why? | 06:21 |
trukulo | Amaranth, it's possible, let me check | 06:22 |
Amaranth | Riddell: Because they're KDE programs? :) Unless they do something a GNOME app doesn't I don't think they should show up. | 06:22 |
Kamion | mdz: I have no idea where to put those on releases.u.c | 06:22 |
lamont | pitti: interesting... no traces of it on the build machine either. | 06:23 |
Kamion | instinct suggests they should not be on releases.u.c at all, in fact | 06:23 |
haggai | Kamion: was there not talk of renaming the images too? | 06:23 |
trukulo | Amaranth, i'm trying with gdesklets, and doesn't work either | 06:23 |
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Kamion | although releases does have the benefit of mirroring | 06:23 |
Riddell | Amaranth: if they're installed they should show up, they have no way of knowing if there is a similar gnome app installed or not. if gnome wants to not show KDE applications is can specify as much in it's applications.menu | 06:23 |
Kamion | haggai: not enough to push me into actually going to the effort of figuring out how to do it | 06:23 |
haggai | Kamion: ah :) | 06:23 |
Kamion | I could do it for releases slightly more straightforwardly, although that script is already a nightmare | 06:24 |
trukulo | umm, there's something very strange here, Ark is in gnome-menu, but it's not on /etc/xdg/bla-bla | 06:24 |
mdz | Kamion: when I did kubuntu preview, I nearly clobbered the Ubuntu preview :-) | 06:24 |
Kamion | mdz: yes, I noticed :P | 06:24 |
mdz | clickclickOHSHITclicketyclickety | 06:25 |
Kamion | in fact you did partially clobber it | 06:25 |
Amaranth | trukulo: It'd be in /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/share/applications/ | 06:25 |
elmo | giggle | 06:25 |
mdz | but then thom put it back, yes? | 06:25 |
Kamion | just one of the torrents I think | 06:25 |
mdz | so it was a near-clobber | 06:25 |
elmo | ubuntu, kubuntu.. it's all good - the users will never know the diff | 06:25 |
thom | mdz: i did, and then it apparently got clobbered again much later | 06:25 |
Kamion | thom put some of it back, then I put the rest of it back when thom told me about it the next day | 06:25 |
thom | not a huge amount of fun, that one | 06:25 |
trukulo | Amaranth, it's un /usr/share/apps/ | 06:26 |
Amaranth | Isn't that a legacy directory? | 06:26 |
mdz | I'm holding the announcement until kubuntu is published | 06:26 |
trukulo | Amaranth, i don't know | 06:26 |
Kamion | um, ok then, where should kubuntu go? | 06:26 |
mdz | Kamion: any preference for installer problem reports: ubuntu-devel, ubuntu-users or bugzilla? | 06:26 |
Kamion | mdz: bugzilla | 06:27 |
mdz | Kamion: if releases is a problem, cdimage is fine | 06:27 |
elmo | cdimage is less good for me | 06:27 |
Kamion | releases.u.c/kubuntu/*? | 06:27 |
elmo | kamion: I reckon | 06:28 |
Kamion | ok | 06:28 |
mdz | elmo: are there any cdimage mirrors which we can trigger? | 06:28 |
Kamion | I'll make it have the same structure. Fractal filesystem layouts, yay | 06:28 |
elmo | mdz: no | 06:28 |
haggai | Kamion: if it isn't too much effort to change the name for the kubuntu release it might be a good idea | 06:28 |
Kamion | haggai: to what? | 06:28 |
haggai | Kamion: something including kubuntu | 06:29 |
mdz | elmo: so none that I can add to the announcement? | 06:29 |
Kamion | kubuntu-hoary-rc-install-i386.iso? | 06:29 |
elmo | mdz: most don't have space for 160Gb of rarely used stuff | 06:29 |
elmo | mdz: not if it goess to cdimage | 06:29 |
haggai | Kamion: looks good | 06:29 |
mdz | elmo: what about releases? | 06:29 |
zul | brb | 06:29 |
elmo | mdz: you can add se.releases.ubuntu.com | 06:29 |
mdz | the ubuntu and kubuntu URLs will be separate | 06:29 |
Kamion | haggai: I'll see what I can do | 06:29 |
Kamion | it's kind of nightmare-filename-tastic | 06:29 |
elmo | mdz: unfortunately, triggers are still being setup for the others | 06:29 |
mdz | sweden, yes? | 06:30 |
elmo | yes | 06:30 |
haggai | Kamion: thanks | 06:30 |
trukulo | Amaranth, i'm trying to delete xsane, wich is on /usr/share/applications , and menu-editor didn't work, nor in menu, nor in menu-editor | 06:30 |
mdz | Kamion: HEADER.html still says preview? | 06:30 |
mdz | oh, the filenames do too. it's not mirrored yet? | 06:31 |
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Kamion | mdz: it's not finished publishing yet because I screwed up to start with and had to restore from backup | 06:31 |
HiddenWolf | kamion, is RC up yet? | 06:31 |
=== fabbione boots DVD live | ||
Amaranth | trukulo: I need more info. Post your ~/.config/menus/applications.menu file in a new thread on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=67 | 06:31 |
Kamion | HiddenWolf: please stop the "are we there yet" | 06:31 |
Kamion | I'm working on it | 06:31 |
mdz | elmo: any chance we can get either a trigger, or someone to throw the switch for a us.releases.ubuntu.com for final? | 06:31 |
Kamion | I will mention it when it's ready, I won't just wander off for a beer | 06:31 |
trukulo | Amaranth, ok | 06:31 |
pitti | mdz: okay, I tested ipsec-tools 0.3.3-5 with 0.3.3-5, 0.3.3-5 with 0.5-5 and 0.5-5 with 0.5-5 (with authentication and encryption) and querying with setkey; works fine | 06:32 |
HiddenWolf | kamion :# | 06:32 |
elmo | mdz: I've been trying to contact shane for a while now | 06:32 |
elmo | he mirrors every 3 hours tho, I think.. lemme check | 06:33 |
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mdz | the archive, he does, but not cd images | 06:34 |
elmo | no, that's cdimage | 06:34 |
elmo | but it's not 3 :( it's every 9 | 06:34 |
elmo | for us.releases | 06:34 |
mdz | so we need to time it just right :-) | 06:34 |
Kamion | RC syncing to mirrors | 06:35 |
Kamion | now I have to go munge some scripts in order to do kubuntu | 06:35 |
mdz | Kamion: let me know the URL when it's ready | 06:35 |
Kamion | yep, will do | 06:35 |
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Fab-DVD-Live | mdz: guess what? | 06:36 |
Fab-DVD-Live | :) | 06:36 |
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trukulo | Amaranth, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=110295#post110295 | 06:38 |
Kamion | wow, even my cdimage arch commit messages are getting bitter | 06:38 |
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trukulo | Amaranth, file as i posted, without break lines on last line | 06:38 |
svenl | hi. | 06:39 |
svenl | building cdrecord with the DVD patch applied fails for one easy hunk not applying. | 06:39 |
svenl | i removed the hunk (which changes the warning message at cdrecord start) and it now builds. | 06:40 |
Amaranth | trukulo: I need to go for a bit, I'll have to look at it when I get back. | 06:40 |
trukulo | Amaranth, ok, see you | 06:40 |
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=== _mvo_ is away for ~2h | ||
daniels | mdz: uploaded | 06:41 |
mdz | svenl: growisofs in dvd+rw-tools works much better for DVD | 06:42 |
daniels | Kamion: (don't worry about -8 for rc; it's a minor debconf fix that only impacts upgrades from warty -- clean installs/live cds are fine) | 06:42 |
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mdz | Kamion is so far beyond worrying about that for RC ;-) | 06:42 |
mdz | sabdfl: morning | 06:42 |
daniels | heh | 06:42 |
daniels | morning sabdfl | 06:42 |
fabbione | mdz: DVD live is ok, i can't test install tho | 06:43 |
fabbione | mdz: we need to fix the syslinux .txt files for the DVD. They are misleading | 06:43 |
elmo | repinged shane | 06:43 |
fabbione | and they lack the option for live | 06:43 |
mdz | fabbione: please file a bug so that we don't forget | 06:43 |
svenl | mdz: well, growisofs hanged my box, so ... | 06:44 |
svenl | mdz: i didn't do an upgrade in ages, so i am doing this now to try again though. | 06:44 |
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mdz | svenl: I use it many times every day, and it works well for me. cdrecord fails to write anything on the same system, even CDs | 06:45 |
mdz | fabbione: thanks for testing | 06:45 |
svenl | mdz: i am on amd64 though. | 06:46 |
mdz | fabbione: maybe after the initial wave dies down, we can publish some DVD images | 06:46 |
elmo | it's a bit unfortunate we're stuff kubuntu on releases for the first time, but meh | 06:46 |
fabbione | mdz: no problem.. i just need to find an extra hd to test dvd install | 06:46 |
mdz | elmo: an extra 3.6G here, an extra 3.6G there | 06:47 |
Kamion | elmo: yeah | 06:47 |
elmo | 3.6? meep | 06:47 |
Kamion | mdz: also it completely obviates the speed gain from pre-publishing | 06:47 |
daniels | 'meep'? | 06:47 |
=== daniels drops an ACME anvil on elmo. | ||
mdz | elmo: that's the size of the kubuntu preview | 06:47 |
fabbione | AHHHH | 06:47 |
fabbione | daniels: want the bad or the good news? | 06:47 |
mdz | Kamion: what does? | 06:47 |
daniels | fabbione: neither :P | 06:48 |
Kamion | mdz: publishing kubuntu on releases at the same time as switching over the hoary/ symlinks | 06:48 |
Kamion | but hey | 06:48 |
elmo | kamion/mdz: if you don't want to do kubuntu on releases, that's ok for me too, I don't have enough working+tested triggers for it to matter | 06:48 |
Kamion | elmo: I've written the code now | 06:48 |
elmo | I'll just round headless chicken style getting a second cdimage machine going in the background | 06:48 |
fabbione | daniels: ok the good news is that the AGP/PCI hang happens only with the binary drivers.. the bad news is that we clearly lose 3D acceleration on the machines... | 06:48 |
Kamion | and releases do really kind of belong there - I just feel it should be vhosted to releases.kubuntu.com or something | 06:49 |
fabbione | daniels: and apparently it is enough to initzialize the AGP ONCE to make it working forever | 06:49 |
daniels | fabbione: i think 3d acceleration is totally and utterly worthless if it means we have to play some bullshit roulette with the bios to get a basic screen up | 06:49 |
daniels | fabbione: hmmmm | 06:49 |
fabbione | daniels: i am going to retest it again... | 06:49 |
fabbione | daniels: i just need a few more minutes | 06:49 |
daniels | sure | 06:50 |
fabbione | daniels: i also noticed a little bug in gdm.conf. the -sharevts should never be associated to the primary head. | 06:50 |
fabbione | daniels: in our case is always the one with the lower PCI bus id | 06:50 |
fabbione | if not forced differently in the bIOS | 06:50 |
fabbione | not sure if we can really detect that | 06:50 |
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trulux | just as I've done in -motu: | 06:53 |
trulux | I'm trying to apply for membership and maintainer"-ship", and I've been told to ask for those who know on my contribution to write something in my wiki page | 06:53 |
daniels | fabbione: not the primary head, but the first server started | 06:53 |
daniels | fabbione: else you're switching on to some random uninitialised vt that won't have graphics mode | 06:53 |
daniels | or just using the current vt | 06:53 |
daniels | the non-sharevts one has to come first, then the rest | 06:53 |
=== pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
daniels | fabbione: but yeah, if you look in the current multiarse package on chinstrap:~daniels, that uses pcibustype to work out which card should be the lowest, and always sorts that last | 06:54 |
trulux | pitti: hey | 06:54 |
pitti | Hi trulux | 06:54 |
trulux | pitti: I'm applying for membership, mako told me to ask those who know on my contrib. and work to write something on my wiki page | 06:54 |
svenl | Kamion, fabbione: is the current hoary kernel mkvmlinuz ready finally ? | 06:55 |
trulux | pitti: You may be one of those who know it better, if you have time to do so, I'll appreciate it a lot ;) | 06:55 |
Kamion | svenl: I'm buried in publishing a release and ignoring all unrelated questions, just FYI :) | 06:56 |
svenl | Kamion: hehe. | 06:56 |
mdz | thom: I'm having exactly the same problem I described earlier, with the RC torrents | 06:56 |
mdz | thom: is it only me? | 06:56 |
svenl | will check and find out for myself. | 06:56 |
daniels | g'night all | 06:56 |
mdz | thom: ah, the tracker is actuall yrejecting it as not authorized; btlaunchmany hides the error | 06:57 |
elmo | mdz: try one more time? | 06:57 |
mdz | [08:58:06] rejected by tracker - Requested download is not authori | 06:58 |
elmo | what's your IP? | 06:58 |
elmo | (same as IRC?) | 06:59 |
mdz | | 06:59 |
mdz | also tried from | 06:59 |
trukulo | Amaranth, i know one of the problems, localisation | 07:00 |
elmo | there's absolutely nothing helpful in the log. sigh. go torrent | 07:01 |
trukulo | Amaranth, and kde problem related, too, it's because it's on a subdirectory | 07:01 |
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mdz | elmo: does it work for you? | 07:10 |
elmo | er, dunno, not really in a position to try | 07:10 |
elmo | I'm messing with the seeders | 07:11 |
mdz | it's something we should sort out before we announce | 07:11 |
elmo | ah, hmm, one sec | 07:11 |
mdz | I think not authorized -> tracker needs restarting | 07:11 |
mdz | of course thom swore that this was all automated now :-P | 07:11 |
elmo | right, I've brutalised it | 07:12 |
elmo | one more try? and I'll look at working out how to run it myself so I can test too | 07:12 |
=== fabbione imagines thom throwing peanuts to an elmo closed in a cage inside the DC. | ||
mdz | [09:13:00] rejected by tracker - Requested download is not authori | 07:13 |
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elmo | mdz: what is it you're trying to download? | 07:13 |
mdz | elmo: btdownloadcurses http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-rc-install-amd64.iso.torrent | 07:13 |
elmo | shouldn't that, err, be torrent.u.c ? | 07:13 |
mdz | no | 07:13 |
elmo | or is that in the .torrent file? | 07:13 |
mdz | yes | 07:13 |
elmo | ok. sorry, my ignorance of torrent is showing in embarassing ways] | 07:14 |
=== koke_ is now known as koke | ||
trukulo | mdz, do you want me to try to download it? | 07:14 |
mdz | trukulo: I'm quite convinced at this point that the problem is server-side | 07:15 |
trukulo | mdz, ok | 07:15 |
elmo | mdz: ok, at least I iknow what the problem is now | 07:16 |
elmo | Kamion: are you pulsing orcadas? | 07:17 |
elmo | if so, as what user? | 07:17 |
Kamion | elmo: yes, as torrent@ | 07:17 |
Kamion | it's what thom told me, and it's not giving me any errors at least, so I assumed that was ok | 07:17 |
mdz | Kamion: there were ssh host key mismatch errors in the logs, for the runs under my uid anyway, until I fixed my known_hosts | 07:18 |
elmo | james@little:/srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/www/torrent $ find . -name hoary-rc-install\* | 07:18 |
Kamion | mdz: mismatch, or just not known yet? the latter always happens when new hosts get added | 07:18 |
elmo | james@little:/srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/www/torrent $ | 07:18 |
elmo | that's the problem | 07:18 |
Kamion | mdz: and one host key did change | 07:18 |
Kamion | elmo: uh. fuck. | 07:18 |
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Kamion | I see the problem | 07:19 |
Kamion | elmo: does orcadas care at all about the structure of that tree | 07:19 |
Kamion | ? | 07:19 |
Kamion | if I can lay it out any way I like, it's easier to fix | 07:19 |
elmo | Kamion: doesn't look like it does, no | 07:20 |
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lamont | smurfix: any reason that the ppc live disk calls it 'lt' instead of Lithuanian? | 07:21 |
Kamion | that's a general problem on powerpc, it's picking the AT names for some reason rather than the mac-usb-* names | 07:21 |
=== lamont wonders how long and iMac G3 should take to configure the panel | ||
lamont | livecd, that is | 07:25 |
Kamion | mdz: ok, fix in progress I think | 07:25 |
mdz | without DMA on the CD, 5-7 seconds or so | 07:25 |
lamont | finally finished, it appears... | 07:25 |
lamont | pivotroot happened | 07:25 |
mdz | oh, you said G3. they're slow. | 07:26 |
=== lamont suspects the CD reader is not 100% happy too, but can't prove that | ||
mdz | Kamion: say when | 07:26 |
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lamont | then again, it could have been the first victim when the writer died... | 07:27 |
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lamont | x-splash | 07:32 |
lamont | mdz: G3 _SLOW_, not 'slow'. :-) | 07:32 |
T-Bone | lamont: depends on the model | 07:33 |
lamont | T-Bone: well, that and how much RAM it doesn't have | 07:33 |
T-Bone | lamont: but in general imacs g3 are *S.L.O.W* :) | 07:33 |
T-Bone | true | 07:34 |
lamont | still have blank desktop with a bar across top and bottom (blank bars, mind you_) | 07:34 |
smurfix | lamont, Kamion: "at" and "usb" keymaps are distinct; since kernel 2.4 there's no longer any good reason for that AFAIK | 07:35 |
smurfix | these should probably be unified. *After* sarge/hoary. :-/ | 07:35 |
lamont | smurfix: definitely after | 07:35 |
smurfix | heh | 07:35 |
HiddenWolf | smurfix: after sarge, or after hoary? ;) | 07:36 |
smurfix | HiddenWolf: Both, if possible. | 07:36 |
Kamion | smurfix: mac-usb keymaps are physically quite different from the corresponding AT keymaps though | 07:37 |
Kamion | the misnaming is in associating Mac with USB, not in having distinct Mac keymaps | 07:38 |
smurfix | Kamion: Hmm, yeah, you're right | 07:38 |
smurfix | Kamion: still, the distinction doesn't work | 07:39 |
smurfix | HiddenWolf: For more arguing, I refer you to http://wiki.debian.net/?LetUbuntuReleaseForUs | 07:40 |
Kamion | smurfix: and on powerpc keymapper should never be picking AT keymaps, since kbd-chooser wouldn't do that and doesn't have the translations for them | 07:40 |
Kamion | mdz: mirrors are syncing now; I'm not quite sure when orcadas will be done, though | 07:41 |
HiddenWolf | smurfix: I'd rather stay clear of sarge and the touchy feelings around it. But thanks. (I'll be silent now, this is OT) | 07:41 |
fabbione | mdz: are we go for uploads? | 07:41 |
mdz | fabbione: yes | 07:41 |
smurfix | Kamion: People do connect standard USB keyboards to their powerpc machines | 07:42 |
mdz | Kamion: ok | 07:42 |
mdz | Kamion: kubuntu is on cdimage, right? | 07:42 |
fabbione | mdz: thanks.. new kernel on the way | 07:42 |
pitti | fabbione: cool | 07:42 |
Kamion | smurfix: regardless, kbd-chooser *does* *not* have AT keymaps | 07:42 |
Kamion | and now is not the time to mess with that; it can have bad unintended effects | 07:42 |
lamont | hrm... warty live apparently automounted NTFS partitions that it found.. hoary doesn't. annoyed brother wants it to mount automatically... | 07:42 |
Kamion | mdz: yeah, hence the delay | 07:42 |
Kamion | mdz: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/rc/ | 07:42 |
fabbione | pitti: can you pass by at the Kernel Team meeting this evening? | 07:42 |
pitti | fabbione: depends on when my gf arrives | 07:43 |
mdz | elmo: can you confirm that the torrents are spooling up? | 07:43 |
elmo | mdz: I'm watching the log | 07:43 |
Kamion | smurfix: hmm - actually I take that back, it does have AT keymaps | 07:43 |
fabbione | pitti: well.. it's at 20:00 UTC | 07:43 |
pitti | fabbione: uh | 07:43 |
fabbione | pitti: it shouldn't take too long | 07:43 |
pitti | fabbione: okay, I'll try to convince her :-) | 07:43 |
fabbione | pitti: and we want to discuss the last bits of security for hoary | 07:44 |
fabbione | pitti: question of a few minutes | 07:44 |
Kamion | smurfix: which makes kbd-chooser's behaviour almost weirder - doesn't it need to be able to tell which type of keyboard you're using from the start so that it can select from the right set of keymaps? | 07:44 |
fabbione | pitti: after that we will start with breezy... | 07:44 |
pitti | fabbione: you mean procedural or about concrete vulns? | 07:44 |
fabbione | pitti: a bit of everything | 07:44 |
pitti | fabbione: okay, I try to keep the computer running :-) | 07:45 |
smurfix | Kamion: Depends which method you use for key selection. Selecting from the full list uses a two-step approach; the architecture is a low-prio question | 07:45 |
fabbione | pitti: thanks | 07:45 |
elmo | okay, orcadas is freaking me out | 07:46 |
Kamion | smurfix: kbd-chooser already has code to figure out which keymap arch you're on though | 07:46 |
elmo | the bittorrent clients all have future-start dates | 07:46 |
mdz | torrents look good | 07:46 |
mdz | on the client end | 07:46 |
pitti | lamont: btw, any news wrt the missing gdm tarball? was this a one-time or a permanent problem? | 07:46 |
elmo | mdz: ok, i'll leave well enough alone then | 07:46 |
Kamion | smurfix: when selecting from the full list, it picks the correct default for that question; so when selecting using detect-keys, it should use that code to find the keymap architecture, too | 07:47 |
mdz | I have 4/9 live | 07:47 |
mdz | usually it takes a few minutes for the seed to scan all the files | 07:47 |
lamont | pitti: no clue whatsoever, but elmo is going to take the machine out and shoot it in the head. | 07:48 |
pitti | hmm, very subtle solution... | 07:48 |
mdz | elmo: hoary-rc-install-i386 and hoary-rc-install-powerpc are ok, but I get nothing from hoary-rc-install-amd64 | 07:49 |
mdz | still only the same 4 are working | 07:50 |
smurfix | Kamion: detect-keys doesn't work at all well (yet) when you have a keyboard that's not in the decision tree, so currently there's one combined tree and an occasional not-translated keyboard name | 07:51 |
Kamion | smurfix: it's not occasional on powerpc AFAICT | 07:51 |
lamont | ok. for the record: booting the hoary livecd on a 64MB G3 iMac is not something that should be even suggested... | 07:51 |
lamont | finally gave up and booted the install cd instead | 07:52 |
Kamion | it always selects AT keymaps on my powerbook | 07:52 |
mdz | elmo: where is thom hiding anyway? | 07:52 |
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elmo | mdz: I think he ran off screaming about how torrent sucked and how he'd make them all pay | 07:54 |
mdz | elmo: right, so what you're saying is that I should call him | 07:54 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: lol | 07:54 |
Kamion | I think the tree on little is correct now | 07:54 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Still here? | 07:54 |
elmo | I'm not sure if torrent is still syncing up or not | 07:54 |
elmo | I do remember it taking a while | 07:55 |
trukulo | Amaranth, yes | 07:55 |
smurfix | Kamion: I had to drop some keymaps: mac-usb-de-latin1 and mac-us-ext fr_CH1 are indistinguishable from their AT equivalents | 07:55 |
trukulo | i wrote about bugs on forum | 07:55 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: torrent for amd64 is live. No peers/seeds tho | 07:55 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Ok, what were you saying about localization? | 07:55 |
mdz | elmo: not a single new one has gone live since the first batch | 07:55 |
smurfix | Kamion: One solution might be to use the mac versions for ppc | 07:55 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: Where it was saying "rejected by tracker" previously, it now says 'connecting to peers' | 07:56 |
Kamion | smurfix: mac-usb-uk is the one I notice all the time | 07:56 |
trukulo | Amaranth, i'm using [es] (spanish) | 07:56 |
Amaranth | trukulo: I'm pulling the <Name> info from the .directory file. GNOME and/or Ubuntu has it translated for you so that shouldn't be it. | 07:56 |
elmo | ugh, :6969 says "Internal server error" | 07:56 |
Amaranth | elmo: tracker is screwed? | 07:56 |
trukulo | and menu-editor uses spanish names of menus, that don't work on Excludes | 07:56 |
mdz | HiddenWolf: yes | 07:57 |
trukulo | Amaranth, wrong, in english it works, not in spanish | 07:57 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Ok, I'll make it ignore locale info for .directory files then. | 07:57 |
smurfix | Kamion: Is that the name you're seeing in the kbdchooser main window? | 07:57 |
trukulo | Amaranth, ok | 07:57 |
Amaranth | trukulo: btw, you posted in one of the threads :/ I asked to have it in a new thread on the menu editor forum. | 07:58 |
Kamion | smurfix: I'll have to try another test install to be sure, but last time I remember it happening, it initially said "British English", and then after I ran through detect-keys, it just said "uk" | 07:58 |
Kamion | smurfix: that also matches the reports we get here fairly frequently from Mac users | 07:58 |
trukulo | Amaranth, ups, sorry, i didn't read, only post on sticky post | 07:58 |
Amaranth | trukulo: I have my own subforum now. :) http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=67 | 07:58 |
smurfix | Kamion: Ah. I'll run a diff between these keymaps then. | 07:59 |
trukulo | Amaranth, i wrote there, on sticky post | 07:59 |
trukulo | you want me to start a new thread? | 07:59 |
smurfix | Kamion: That should be fixable easily, at least for the standard cases | 07:59 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Not now, I already know the issue. But now that I have my own forum I'm trying to get people to report bugs in new threads. | 08:00 |
trukulo | Amaranth, ok, i'll note that | 08:00 |
trukulo | Amaranth, also, i know problem with kde entries | 08:00 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Makes it easier for people to see if their bug is already known and it makes it easier for me to read them. | 08:00 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Oh? | 08:00 |
trukulo | it's because kde apps are on a subdirectory | 08:00 |
trukulo | are on /applications/kde/ | 08:00 |
Kamion | smurfix: I'm not sure I understand the bug as well as I thought I did though | 08:00 |
trukulo | and exclude don't work with subdirectorios | 08:01 |
trukulo | s/subdirectorios/subdirectories | 08:01 |
Kamion | smurfix: because "uk" is indeed translated in console-keymaps-at, which is included in the powerpc cdrom initrd | 08:01 |
Amaranth | trukulo: Oh, because I use <Filename> | 08:01 |
trukulo | Amaranth, yes | 08:01 |
Kamion | smurfix: are you sure cdebconf does the translating in the way you said in the kbd-chooser 1.09ubuntu5 changelog? | 08:01 |
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Lathiat | Amaranth: looking good | 08:04 |
Lathiat | Amaranth: 0.5 ui is definately better than how it is in 0.3 :) | 08:04 |
lamont | lamont/gcc-3.4_3.4.3-9ubuntu3_hppa.changes | 08:05 |
lamont | gah | 08:05 |
elmo | happier? | 08:05 |
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mdz | they all stopped downloading | 08:05 |
mdz | if you restarted the tracker or something, it's probably waiting to reconnect or something | 08:05 |
mdz | btlaunchmany does a good job of hiding errors | 08:06 |
elmo | yeah, I did | 08:06 |
elmo | the tracker's actually running now, which will probably help | 08:06 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: use btlaunchmanycurses, works better | 08:06 |
=== Mithrandir gets a measly 1MB/sec down. | ||
Amaranth | trukulo: Looks like I'll have to use full paths for <Filename>, I don't see any other option. | 08:06 |
mdz | HiddenWolf: I am | 08:06 |
mdz | that's what I said | 08:06 |
trukulo | Amaranth, that would be correct, i think | 08:06 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: you didn't say curses | 08:07 |
elmo | that btdownloadcurses url you gave me earlier seems to be working for me anyhow | 08:07 |
mdz | hmm, I didn't even realize there was a plain 'btlaunchmany' | 08:07 |
mdz | elmo: once I can confirm that the other 11 are working I'll send out the announcement | 08:07 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: there is | 08:07 |
mdz | anyway I'm using curses, and it doesn't display error messages the way btdownloadcurses does | 08:08 |
mdz | HiddenWolf: is it working for you now? | 08:08 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: Not yet. I'll restart and see what it does | 08:08 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: connecting to peers (0.0%) | 08:08 |
elmo | mdz: can you figlet "USE TORRENT" at the top of the announce, pls? | 08:09 |
mdz | same here | 08:09 |
elmo | ugh, you're kidding, it's still broken? | 08:09 |
elmo | what are you running? | 08:09 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: btlaunchmanycurses --minport 6881 --maxport 6999 --max_upload_rate 20 | 08:10 |
Mithrandir | elmo: worksforme | 08:10 |
elmo | HiddenWolf: what URL? | 08:10 |
Mithrandir | though, only install-ppc, live-amd64 so far. | 08:11 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: amd64-install | 08:11 |
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elmo | that's working for me | 08:12 |
HiddenWolf | <mdz> elmo: btdownloadcurses http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/hoary-rc-install-amd64.iso.torrent - that url | 08:12 |
elmo | that too | 08:13 |
smurfix | Kamion: It does, the problem might be that it's actually checking the wrong table. Can you tell me which keys you're pressing in detect-keys, and their keycodes? | 08:13 |
elmo | both those now work | 08:13 |
elmo | (for me) | 08:13 |
Kamion | smurfix: will do next time I'm doing an install | 08:13 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: not here. Connecting to peers only | 08:13 |
elmo | HiddenWolf: what's your IP? | 08:13 |
smurfix | Kamion: I'll trace what the code does. My kids will have to forego their Mac for a bit ;-) | 08:13 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: | 08:14 |
lamont | Kamion: archive copier should not be the default on G3's. :-( this ones opinion only, of course... | 08:14 |
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elmo | mdz: is it still broken for you too? | 08:15 |
Kamion | damn, I meant to make the Kubuntu CDs kubuntu-hoary-rc-* rather than kubuntu-hoary-* | 08:15 |
Kamion | oh well, too late now, I'm not renaming them all | 08:15 |
Kamion | elmo: 8/12 have started up here | 08:15 |
=== lamont lunches unless someone screams | ||
lamont | right. lunch. | 08:16 |
Treenaks | unless or until? :P | 08:16 |
HiddenWolf | lol@treenaks | 08:16 |
mdz | elmo: I have 8/12 live | 08:16 |
Mithrandir | where are the kubuntu torrents? | 08:17 |
mdz | kubuntu-hoary-install-amd64, kubuntu-hoary-install-i386, kubuntu-hoary-live-i386 and kubuntu-hoary-live-powerpc are not working | 08:17 |
mdz | Mithrandir: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hoary/rc/ | 08:17 |
Kamion | mdz: yeah, same here | 08:17 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: ubuntu-amd64 install does it for you? | 08:17 |
mdz | hoary-rc-install-amd64 is fine | 08:18 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: what's the link to the torrent, I'll re-download to make sure | 08:18 |
mdz | HiddenWolf: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | 08:18 |
elmo | uh | 08:19 |
elmo | why does torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 have same name, different md5sum entries? | 08:19 |
elmo | oh, the dailies, meh | 08:20 |
mdz | because we create many different torrents with the same filenames | 08:20 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: no luck, no peers | 08:20 |
mdz | it's OK on the server side, install-amd64 works fine for me | 08:21 |
pitti | fabbione: I really like your kernel release names :) | 08:21 |
fabbione | pitti: ehehe | 08:21 |
jani | elmo, any reason for a sync from debian not making it to hoary-changes? I cannot seem to find darcs announced there even if you synced it, but I got confirmation email | 08:21 |
mdz | elmo: kubuntu-hoary-install-amd64 just started working | 08:21 |
=== Kamion goes off for a bit; SMS me if it's urgent | ||
pitti | fabbione: I hope there are enough vegetables for the future | 08:22 |
fabbione | pitti: they are not just mine tho.. we vote for them :) | 08:22 |
mdz | k-h-live-i386 and k-h-live-powerpc still idle | 08:22 |
mdz | elmo: hey, they're all working now | 08:22 |
mdz | 12/12 | 08:22 |
=== Mithrandir is seeding at 1.3M/s, all are working. | ||
Mithrandir | downloading at ~8.8MB/sec. | 08:23 |
elmo | ok, yay | 08:23 |
Mithrandir | that's fairly decent | 08:23 |
fabbione | pitti: we will find them.. don't worry :) we have for at least another 6/8 releases | 08:23 |
HiddenWolf | mithrandir: you're making me jealous | 08:23 |
Mithrandir | I'm actually maxing out my 100Mbit now. | 08:24 |
Mithrandir | fun. | 08:24 |
HiddenWolf | elmo; what port is the torrent/tracker on? | 08:25 |
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mdz | announcement is away | 08:26 |
elmo | HiddenWolf: the default | 08:26 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-love for getting involved | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | Kubuntu on #kubuntu-devel | Hoary release candidate: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ | ||
ogra | yeah | 08:26 |
Mithrandir | mdz: approval for m-t 1.0.2? Security fixes; recommended by pitti | 08:28 |
mdz | Mithrandir: ok | 08:28 |
Mithrandir | (probably something more than security too, described by pitti as "backport nightmare" :/ | 08:28 |
pitti | Mithrandir: I mean the security fixes, there are heaps of them, and pretty intrusive ones | 08:29 |
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Mithrandir | pitti: ah, ok. | 08:29 |
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sPoof_ | mdz: Hi, did you receive my mail about MoinMoin? | 08:33 |
mdz | sPoof_: yes, thanks | 08:34 |
pitti | mdz: congrats for the release :-) | 08:34 |
mdz | sPoof_: we published the Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate today | 08:34 |
fabbione | mdz ++ | 08:34 |
mdz | sPoof_: so I have been busy | 08:34 |
=== fabbione -> food | ||
mdz | elmo: gah, the torrents just fell over | 08:34 |
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sPoof_ | mdz: oh, didn't know that. Sorry. | 08:34 |
mdz | kubuntu-hoary-live-powerpc.iso.torrent died 6 times, added to dead list | 08:34 |
elmo | mdz: WHAT? | 08:34 |
mdz | elmo: ^^ for 8/12 | 08:35 |
mdz | is it only me? | 08:35 |
sPoof_ | dmz: So I didn't make it in time, then :-( | 08:35 |
Mithrandir | the torrents have almost died down for me. | 08:35 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: still no torrent here either. | 08:35 |
Mithrandir | pushing ~70-ish kB/s. | 08:35 |
mdz | the ones where I have a complete copy are still alive | 08:35 |
mdz | the others died | 08:35 |
mdz | sPoof_: not necessarily | 08:36 |
sPoof_ | Congratulations with the release, everyone! | 08:36 |
mdz | sPoof_: the final release is in 9 days, so we have some time to get moin in | 08:36 |
mdz | since it is an alternative and not a replacement, the risk is low | 08:36 |
sPoof_ | mdz: I see. | 08:36 |
sPoof_ | mdz: Then tell me again - what happened today if not the release? | 08:37 |
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mdz | sPoof_: "release candidate" | 08:37 |
sPoof_ | mdz: grand freeze? | 08:37 |
sPoof_ | mdz: thanks. I am slow... | 08:37 |
mdz | <mdz> sPoof_: we published the Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate today | 08:37 |
elmo | mdz: I dunno what to suggest, I didn't touch it, I can still see people using it | 08:38 |
mdz | elmo: never mind, I think I ran out of disk. yay btlaunchmanycurses for hiding more errors | 08:38 |
sPoof_ | mdz: the new packaging is equal for Ubuntu and Debian (and Woody backports but haven't tested that yet), | 08:39 |
HiddenWolf | elmo: still nothing here. Do you have any idea what can cause that? | 08:39 |
elmo | god damn it the torrent software is evil | 08:39 |
mdz | HiddenWolf: firewall | 08:39 |
HiddenWolf | mdz: not so for other torrents, and I d/l a lot | 08:39 |
Kamion | doko: should be ok for uploads now BTW | 08:40 |
sPoof_ | mdz: What to do now? I'd be happy to throw it at some testers if need be (and testers are there). | 08:41 |
mdz | sPoof_: I believe the next thing is for elmo to set it up on our server | 08:43 |
mdz | meanwhile I'll get it uploaded | 08:43 |
mdz | actually I think I'd like for elmo to look over it before I upload it | 08:43 |
elmo | mdz: I thought you wanted me to sync it? | 08:43 |
sPoof_ | mdz: I'd like that too. | 08:43 |
mdz | elmo: that's fine too | 08:43 |
sPoof_ | elmo: sync? Is that another thread than MoinMoin or...? | 08:44 |
mdz | is there a new URL? | 08:44 |
mdz | the package at http://debian.jones.dk/hykrion/pool/ubuntu/moin/ is still called 'moin' | 08:44 |
sPoof_ | mdz: Same URL. I can remove the old parts if that disturbs you. | 08:45 |
mdz | sPoof_: we agreed by mail that the package should be named differently, so as not to replace moin 1.2.x | 08:46 |
mdz | so that they can coexist in the archive | 08:46 |
sPoof_ | mdz: Oh - I get it (stupid me) you want a different _source_ name off course. | 08:46 |
mdz | source and binary | 08:46 |
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sPoof_ | mdz: binaries have changed. Source won't take me more than 10 minutes to change. | 08:47 |
sPoof_ | mdz: I'll do it right now! (how embarrassing!) | 08:47 |
mdz | sPoof_: there is still a binary named 'moin' also | 08:47 |
mdz | oh, I see, that is for the old version | 08:47 |
mxpxpod | is beagle going to be in the next ubuntu release? | 08:57 |
zul | heh | 08:58 |
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sPoof_ | mdz: Should be correct now: http://debian.jones.dk/hykrion/pool/ubuntu/moin/ | 09:12 |
mdz | elmo: ^^ please sync if you're happy with it | 09:12 |
sPoof_ | mdz: Removed old stuff. Added debian dir from source package if interested in a quick look. | 09:12 |
HiddenWolf | mdz; elmo; I can get the torrent going with gnome-btdownload, but not with btlaunchmanycurses.... | 09:13 |
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=== smurfix 'd start a torrent seed on my hosted machine if he had free bandwidth :-/ | ||
smurfix | s/my/his ;-) | 09:18 |
mdz | mako: speaking of free bandwidth | 09:18 |
mdz | mako: can you get a seed going? | 09:18 |
mako | mdz: sure :) | 09:19 |
seb128 | mdz: are we in upload freeze ? | 09:22 |
mdz | seb128: no | 09:22 |
seb128 | k, I've some uploads to do | 09:23 |
seb128 | I've a fix for the gtk fileselector crasher | 09:23 |
mdz | yay | 09:25 |
mdz | is there any word on the gamin bug? | 09:25 |
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seb128 | mdz: waiting on pitti | 09:25 |
josue | guys, i've got some 600-700GB available in my server, and want to help if possible, but i've never setup a seed. | 09:25 |
mdz | pitti: ping | 09:26 |
smurfix | josue: Just download the .torrent files and tun btdownload* on each of them | 09:27 |
smurfix | s/tun/run | 09:27 |
josue | alright, where can i find the torrent for the rc? | 09:29 |
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mako | mdz: i'm on both of the i386 torrents | 09:29 |
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josue | sorry, brb | 09:29 |
mdz | mako: both? there are 4 i386 torrents :-) | 09:29 |
mvo | re | 09:29 |
mako | rc install and rc live and ?? | 09:31 |
mdz | mako: ubuntu install, ubuntu live, kubuntu install, kubuntu live | 09:31 |
ups | josue: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ :) | 09:31 |
mako | ahh.. i'm not doing kubuntu yet | 09:31 |
mako | i can do that too | 09:31 |
mako | i'm getting about 1MB/second down on each torrent | 09:31 |
mako | but less than 100KB/sec up | 09:32 |
mako | actually 2MB/second down | 09:32 |
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HiddenWolf | mako: you're making me damn jealous | 09:36 |
mako | HiddenWolf: i downloaded an ISO in under 3 minutes once :) | 09:37 |
helio7 | mdz I got the listserv email today & updated my torrents so I'm getting 12 torrents for seeding (kubuntu X6 and ubuntu X6) all hoary; do you think I should stop seeding Warty at this point? | 09:37 |
HiddenWolf | mako: please, don't be cruel. I | 09:38 |
mdz | helio7: Warty is still the current stable release, and many people still want to download it | 09:38 |
HiddenWolf | I'm maxing out my conn and will have to wait 2:45 for it. | 09:38 |
helio7 | ok thanks | 09:38 |
smurfix | mako: *grumble* *envy* | 09:39 |
maswan | mako: that's two minutes too much. :P | 09:40 |
zyga | geez my LAN is slower :P | 09:40 |
zyga | mvo: ping | 09:42 |
mvo | zyga: pong | 09:42 |
zyga | mvo: who is responsible for the artwork? | 09:42 |
zyga | pretty cd + globe icon | 09:42 |
mdz | zyga: which artwork? | 09:42 |
zyga | make that: pretty ubuntu cd + globe icon | 09:43 |
zyga | the icon from update-manager | 09:43 |
mvo | zyga: in update-manager? | 09:43 |
mvo | zyga: michiel (Mitario) created it | 09:43 |
=== zyga wonders about possibility of adding package-specific icons to update manager | ||
mvo | zyga: you may want to have a look at gnome-app-install for that :) | 09:44 |
maswan | mako: well, assuming it isn't a full-sized dvd iso, then it is pretty impressive | 09:44 |
mvo | it uses the icon information from the .desktop files for that | 09:44 |
Amaranth | gnome-app-install is like a weak attempt at a menu editor :P | 09:45 |
zyga | mvo: good idea :-) | 09:45 |
lamont | Kamion: so that archive copy I was bitching about an hour ago is 64% done. libostyle1 | 09:45 |
=== lamont suspects that he needs to add more RAM | ||
Amaranth | it uses PyXDG, makes it really easy | 09:45 |
mvo | Amaranth: a interessting characterisation | 09:46 |
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Amaranth | mvo: It doesn't actually remove the apps, it just include and excludes them from the menus | 09:46 |
mvo | Amaranth: oh, it does remove the apps (and installs them) | 09:47 |
mvo | Amaranth: if not, you have found a bug | 09:47 |
Amaranth | err | 09:47 |
Amaranth | this must not be gnome-app-install then | 09:47 |
Amaranth | because it doesn't even run with sudo | 09:47 |
Amaranth | no, it's the right app | 09:48 |
zyga | hmm | 09:48 |
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zyga | does freedesktop.org specifies how to lookup correct icon file? | 09:48 |
Amaranth | zyga: are you using Python? :) | 09:48 |
zyga | Amaranth: that depends ;] | 09:49 |
zyga | Amaranth: currently - yes, in general - no | 09:49 |
Amaranth | python-xdg makes it all very simple | 09:49 |
jani | elmo ping | 09:49 |
zyga | Amaranth: interesting | 09:50 |
zyga | Amaranth: that's a separate library I assume | 09:50 |
Amaranth | yeah | 09:50 |
fabbione | Kernel Team meeting on #ubuntu-meeting will start in 10 minutes | 09:50 |
Amaranth | fabbione: mind if i watch? | 09:51 |
zyga | is there any way to check if it's present before trying to load it? | 09:51 |
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zyga | I'd like not have to depend on it | 09:51 |
fabbione | Amaranth: everybody can watch and partecipate, but stay on topic | 09:51 |
=== zyga is still python novice | ||
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Amaranth | zyga: It's in main | 09:53 |
mdz | mako: can I ask in advance for a Hoary final release announcement? I think sabdfl will want to review and revise as well | 09:53 |
Amaranth | zyga: it's even a part of ubuntu-desktop, iirc | 09:53 |
zyga | Amaranth: I've just looked it up | 09:54 |
zyga | Amaranth: thanks that's going to be very interesting :) | 09:54 |
elmo | jani? | 09:55 |
jani | elmo, can you add my GPG key to the ring please? | 09:56 |
jani | Jani Monoses | 09:56 |
jani | I did an upload but seems it was ignored so I supposed I have no permission yet | 09:56 |
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fabbione | Kernel Team meeting on #ubuntu-meeting will start now | 09:59 |
lamont | hrm.. red on magenta is hard to read. | 10:00 |
lamont | really should fix that connector | 10:00 |
=== lamont tries to remember if the preview image had inotify disabled | ||
lamont | hrm.. easy enough to check in a few. | 10:02 |
elmo | jani: what's your key id? | 10:06 |
jani | a moment | 10:06 |
jani | C5AA2301 | 10:07 |
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HiddenWolf | Ugh. I'm guessing you can't install from the livecd? | 10:12 |
Amaranth | nope | 10:13 |
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HiddenWolf | fuck, then I've been downing the wrong ISO | 10:13 |
elmo | smurfix: ? | 10:15 |
elmo | jani: ok, one sec | 10:15 |
elmo | smurfix: nm | 10:16 |
smurfix | elmo: ! | 10:16 |
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pitti | night everybody | 10:28 |
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HiddenWolf | elmo; mdz; if you want people to use the torrents if they can, you should consider linking the bolded links in the wiki to the torrent, rather than the iso | 10:32 |
mdz | HiddenWolf: what bolded links in the wiki? | 10:32 |
elmo | doko: err, "-0" ? | 10:33 |
doko | hmm, yes, will change it, but it's the correct package. | 10:35 |
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lamont | woot... 90 minutes into archive-copier, and 70% done. | 10:36 |
lamont | so if I rip 90% of these locales out of /etc/locale.gen, and regen, will the next lang-pack update recreate them, I wonder??? | 10:37 |
Mithrandir | yes, and it's a bug and pitti has been made aware of it | 10:38 |
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fabbione | mdz: ping? | 10:54 |
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lamont | daily*/current are the RC bits, yes? | 11:15 |
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jani | elmo, if you have time today https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTUToSync, second row, the xfce4.2 upgrade, thank | 11:30 |
=== mvo goes to bed now | ||
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lamont | any ppc-netboot literate folks awake? | 11:51 |
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