
andredogra, But how do you search for that even? "Memory: 512 MB" gives nothing. "512" gives nothing.12:03
ograandred, have you read whats written below the search field ?12:03
andredogra, Yes, but I don't have my ~/.hwdb left12:04
andredoh, so you can only search for the id? That doesn't sound like search:-)12:04
ograthats only a better way of directory listing....theDB will be built after the release...12:05
zenroxa reasion to go on to the next devel ubuntu12:06
ograthe current usecase is to have a datasheet with logfiles attached for your system, so you just can attach the id to a bugrport or fro support to show your data to others...12:06
ogra...later with a big SQL database we can do a lot more with the data12:07
lamontMar 31 15:08:40 localhost imaplogin: /usr/lib/gamin/gam_server: error while loading shared libraries: libglib-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:08
lamontI hate it when we forget depends...12:09
azeem_glib should just be essential ;)12:09
=== lamont files a b ug
Jeeves_Hey guys. Anyone here who reads mirrors@ubuntu.com?12:11
=== tseng [~tseng@thegrebs.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Kaloz [~kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128lamont: hum ? how do we do that ? the shlibs should handle this one12:12
lamontseb128: nfc12:12
seb128 /usr/lib/gamin/gam_server ... it doesn't look in this dir ?12:12
seb128BTW that's a bug for jdub :p12:12
lamontyeah - I saw it was assgined to him12:12
lamontPackage: gamin12:13
lamontDepends: libgamin0 (= 0.0.25-0ubuntu1)12:13
lamontis missing12:13
seb128yep, I've looked that too12:13
seb128I'll fix it know12:13
seb128not sure if jdub does packaging stuff these time12:14
seb128Depends: libgamin0 (= ${Source-Version})12:14
seb128roh, no shlibs12:14
=== seb128 kicks jdub
=== dholbach got kicked by seb128 for that reason too :-)
dholbach(but i couldnt upload packages at that stage ;-))12:15
=== lamont looks at the clock, screams, runs off. back in a few hours.
dholbach*wave lamont*12:16
T-Bonelamont: could you avg-pkg-build-time k3d on sarti please? I'm getting a bit worried12:16
=== T-Bone guesses he missed lamont by a few
T-Boneogra: i've just been playing around with the hwdb client. It says my current video settings are 1280x1024@75Hz while my monitor is currently running @85Hz. Is that "normal"?12:22
=== luis_ [~louie@c-24-61-44-31.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograT-Bone, it reads the marked output from xrandr -q12:23
T-Boneogra: which says "85"12:23
T-Boneogra: should i fill a bug?12:24
=== T-Bone tries to remember his bugzilla credentials
T-Bonethis is what happens when you let firefox remembers everything for you :P12:27
=== adobbie [adobbie@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T-Boneogra: #8473, with a typo :P12:40
pittihey seb128, why didn't I read " * Fixed all remaining bugs" in your recent gamin upload? :-)12:41
seb128I don't want to piss jdub12:42
seb128do you want to steal his nice bogs ? :)12:42
jdubgo for it dude12:43
pittiseb128: hmm, #7078 is mine now, I got it reassigned :-/12:43
jdubno NMUs in ubuntu12:43
ograT-Bone, thanks :=12:43
T-Boneogra: you're welcome :)12:44
=== T-Bone is finishing to submit his G5 2.5GHz
seb128pitti: lucky you12:44
seb128pitti: I think that's because jdub is MIA12:44
pittiseb128: I still remember the polypaudio ppc bug12:45
pittiseb128: I spent about 5 hours to fix it, then it got dropped from Hoary12:45
pittiseb128: I hope that gamin won't have the same fate :-)12:45
jdubwe're not going to drop gamin from hoary, even with this bug12:45
seb128jdub: is that the same for the g-a-i desktop files ? I don't like the political "will do today" you are serving for weeks ;/12:46
seb128jdub: I think we should ponder changing it ...12:46
=== luis_ is now known as lu|away
T-Boneogra: http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/?xml=bb81f0ba0c17d09675fec6a3e78b8f1712:47
ograno swap !12:48
ograoh, wanted ?12:48
T-Boneactually that box will have about 4GB RAM in the next few days12:48
T-Boneand yes that's wanted12:48
ograah, ok12:48
T-BoneLinux isn't the primary OS12:48
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host60-41.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== T-Bone will register his G4 while at it
T-Bone(and no swap there either ;})12:49
adobbieT-Bone: primary? so you're running multiple OSes?12:50
T-Boneadobbie: sure12:51
pittiNight everybody!12:51
adobbiewhat ones?12:51
dholbachbye pitti 12:51
T-Bonecya pitti 12:51
T-Boneadobbie: OSX mainly, Ubuntu in 2nd and Gentoo64 for the fun of it, on that particular machine12:52
=== T-Bone is reminded that the G4 has warty on it, which will delay its submission to its upgrade to hoary when released
adobbie4GB is very reasonable these days12:55
ograoh yes, please waith till hoary...i get a lot of broken datasets from people using hwdb-client in debian or warty...12:55
adobbieif you can find cheap modules :)12:55
T-Boneogra: hehe :)12:56
T-Boneadobbie: actually you'd better not use "too cheap" ones on such a machine12:56
adobbiethat's true, you'd have to get ECC modules12:57
adobbiethat jacks the price up12:57
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-35-30.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T-Boneg5 doesn't need ECC memory12:58
T-Boneit just don't like bad chips12:58
T-Bonedifference is that contrary to most PC BIOS, it will tell you straight ahead whether you tried to feed him with shitty modules12:59
adobbieyou can stick 4GB of non-ECC into the machine?12:59
=== Keybuk [~scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T-Boneyou can stick 8GB of non ECC12:59
T-Bone(on that model)01:00
T-BoneXserve eats 8GB with ECC01:00
adobbieI've yet to see an Intel/AMD box that'll let you stick that much non-ECC non-registered in it01:02
adobbiebut it looks like I've got off-topic for the channel :)01:02
T-Boneadobbie: this is why Macs are so cool ;] 01:04
=== T-Bone ducks
adobbieT-Bone: Intel/AMD is generic01:05
adobbieit's not cool but for a little money you can get a lot01:05
T-Bonei guess that's a synonym for 'crap' ;] 01:05
=== T-Bone ducks again
adobbieyeah, AMD suckz!01:06
adobbiebut dual-core has me interested01:08
adobbieI hope they make affordable CPUs01:08
=== T-Bone calls it a night anyway, byall
=== T-Bone is now known as T-None
=== mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkeping jdub 01:11
jdubmdke: pong01:11
mdkequick word?01:12
jdubjust replied to your email, btw01:12
mdkeoh no need then01:12
mdkesend/receive all01:12
mdkejdub, thanks for that01:13
mdkejdub, it disturbs me slightly turning it on after only 18 users have expressed a view (12/6)01:13
mdkewhat do you think?01:14
|QuaD-is there any chance to see an updated mono in hoary?01:15
jdub|QuaD-: tseng is looking into it, see ubuntu-devel01:16
tsengim working on it right now01:16
jdubmdke: personally, i think munging reply-to is a horribly bad idea01:17
jdubtseng: woo!01:17
mdkejdub, me too01:17
|QuaD-tseng: do you have an eta?01:17
|QuaD-tseng: ok thanks01:17
mdkejdub, but i feel under pressure from this "majority vote"01:17
tsengwhen im finsished, ill be sure to not keep it a secret.01:17
tsengits not a promise for hoary, we have a few more days left01:17
|QuaD-tseng: haha, yeah, i jsut need to make a simple app, and i would prefer to use winforms01:17
seb128elmo: loudmouth sync please 01:17
tsengcheer on my pbuilder01:18
|QuaD-tseng: :)01:18
dholbachpals... i'm off to bed - good night01:20
mdkebye dholbach 01:20
mdkesleep well01:20
dholbachbye mdke, thanks, you too :-)01:20
=== bradb [~bradb@modemcable087.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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mdkejdub, have sent you a /query with my _last_ question (promise)01:28
Riddelljdub: did you have any thoughts about moving ubuntu mouse curors out to their own package?01:36
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=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060011090228cc.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubRiddell: hrm02:21
jdubRiddell: you want to use them in kde?02:22
Riddelljdub: thought it would be a nice touch02:22
jduband you don't install ubuntu-artwork?02:22
RiddellDepends: gtk2-engines-clearlooks02:22
Riddellbrings in gtk02:22
jduboh, i thought you shipped some of that for the admin tools02:23
Riddellwe're trying not to02:23
=== dts [~dennis@x130-65-210-217.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubRiddell: hrm02:27
jdubRiddell: so it seems a bit whack to do this so late, but i agree that it's desireable02:28
dtsi'm writing a script and I want to have it load up synaptics and install a certain package in case it doesn't exist, how did you do that with the time and date tool?02:28
jdubRiddell: how about shipping the cursor theme with kubuntu-artwork?02:28
jdubRiddell: i had to shift it from the industrial theme package to ubuntu-artwork because it was removed upstream02:28
Riddelljdub: that's the other possibility, seems inelegant but would work fine short term02:29
jdubRiddell: you can easily copy the postinst/prerm from ubuntu-artwork for that02:29
jdubRiddell: yeah, sucks a bit, but safer for nwo02:29
Riddellok, I'll try that02:30
diamondmdz: hey. submitter of bug 8476 here. sorry if i chose the wrong severity, was just trying to go by what the guidelines said, tho i know it's probably a corner case02:31
mdzdiamond: if I find out where to configure the descriptions, one day I'll make them better02:32
diamondmdz: hehe, k02:32
mdzwe're using bugzilla in a much different way than most projects02:32
=== Robot101 grumbles in seb128's direction
diamondmdz: can't just change page.cgi?id=fields.html#bug_severity then?02:33
diamondmdz: as a vague niceity, it might be good if the emails had ubuntu somewhere in the subject: so they stand out as such (i.e. i have a fair number of mails from bugzilla from various projects, '[Bug 8476]  etc..' isn't very findable, but i understand if now is not the time ,-)02:35
mdzdiamond: that one is definitely toward the bottom of the todo list02:35
diamonds/isn't/) isn't/02:35
diamondmdz: fair enough -)02:35
tsengerm, bugzilla does that for every project im involved with afaik02:41
tsengI use procmail.02:41
CarlKI am trying to test out the nvida drivers and got an error just trying to install the base system - posiblly becase of nvidia-kernel-common02:46
=== netdur [~adel@adsl-173-42-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu-devel
netdurhey, firefox shows flash from another tab, here a screenshot http://www.arab7.com/up/file/1112316116365.jpg02:50
netdurbecause bugzilla doesn't like me, someone should report it there02:50
mdkenetdur, difficult for us to report it, we can't test.02:53
mdkenetdur, you should report it :)02:53
infinitymdz : pong.03:08
=== thierry_ [~t@modemcable218.142-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzinfinity: fixed it already03:09
infinityOh.  unpong, then.03:09
infinity(What was it?)03:09
mdzinfinity: php4 depends: libapache-mod-php403:10
mdzneeded to be libapache2-mod-php403:10
infinityThat's correct.  It's an OR dep.03:10
mdzit was an OR dep in the wrong order03:10
infinityWarty users could have php4 installed, which in warty IS libapache-mod-php4.03:11
infinitySo, for them upgrading, it should pull in the right package.03:11
infinityFor new users of main only, it would pull in libapache2.03:11
infinityFor new users of main+universe, it would pull in the apache1.3 module, but that's the only "wrong" case.03:11
infinityIt was done in that order specifically for the upgrade case.03:12
infinity(I was planning on reversing the order for Sarge+1/Hoary+1, when the php4->libapache-mod-php4 upgrade case was less of an issue)03:17
=== ajmitch_ [~ajmitch@port163-21.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityAlso, good morning.03:21
mdzinfinity: it caused germinate to make the wrong choice, and it would also cause new installations to get the wrong packagae if universe were enabled03:22
infinityHrm.  Not sure about the germinate issue, but the latter issue is sort of a tradeoff, I guess.03:23
infinityPeople upgrading from warty to hoary will now have apache2 forcefully installed for them where they had apache1.3+php4 before.03:24
infinity(And no, my packages don't make this new, this has been there since 4.3.9..)03:24
infinityPerhaps there's some value in the forced apache transition (I certainly prefer supporting apache2), but it doesn't seem terribly friendly.03:25
=== mpt_london [~mpt@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thierry_I get open /dev/[sound/] dsp: Device or resource busy while opennning a game03:45
thierry_what could I do?03:45
Keybukcan the game be taught to use esd as an output medium?03:46
thierry_don't know03:46
thierry_this happens with chromium03:47
thierry_and some other random games03:47
Keybukotherwise kill esd, and log out/in again once done to get sounds back03:47
diamondthierry_: fuser /dev/sound/dsp?03:47
thierry_but my sounds work with anything else03:47
thierry_t@modemcable075:~ $ fuser /dev/sound/dsp03:48
thierry_/dev/sound/dsp: No such file or directory03:48
thierry_I think it's because there's just no directory of that name03:48
elmoKeybuk: eh, you can just restart esd rather than logging in/out, can't you?03:49
danielsi thought esd got started opportunistically03:49
Keybukelmo: doesn't ever seem to work for me03:49
Keybukeverything ignores the new esd03:49
danielsrhythmbox (through gstreamer) seems to kick it into life if it's not running03:49
Keybukthierry_: /dev/dsp03:50
thierry_t@modemcable075:~ $ cd /dev/dsp03:50
thierry_bash: cd: /dev/dsp: Not a directory03:50
Keybuk(esd probably has /dev/snd/pcm* open as well)03:51
Keybukand opening /dev/snd/pcm* makes /dev/dsp busy too03:51
thierry_yeah there's a dsp file in /dev03:51
thierry_it's just not a directory03:51
Keybukwhy did you think it was a directory?03:51
diamondthierry_: try 'fuser /dev/dsp' then03:52
Keybukit's not a file either03:52
thierry_don't know03:52
Keybukit's a character device03:52
Keybukfuser /dev/dsp /dev/snd/pcm*p03:52
Keybukthat'll reveal what has it locked03:52
Keybuk(and it'll be esd :p)03:52
thierry_wow! with 'fuser /dev/dsp' , sounds work perfectly03:53
thierry_now what should I do to make it work everytime?03:53
Keybukfuser -k ?  or just fuser itself?03:53
thierry_just fuser03:54
Keybukesd probably just closed the file because it hasn't played a drum-hit in a few minutes03:54
Keybukit has a timeout03:54
Keybukyou could wrap the game with "esdctl off; game; esdctl on"03:55
=== `anthony [~anthony@220-253-52-236.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== lu|away [~louie@c-24-61-44-31.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jduboh man03:58
Keybuknice idea, WHAT THE FLYING FUCK at the implementation ... :p03:59
Keybukwouldn't adding the user to the plugdev group be the right solution, not chown pmount!03:59
jdubKeybuk: can't revoke until recently03:59
Keybukisn't the point that if you log in on the console, there's no need to revoke?04:00
elmoOH DEAR GOD04:00
elmothat's so freaking STUPID04:00
jdubKeybuk: you might keep the file open if you log in via gdm, etc.04:01
jdubbut given that we can revoke now, i think we should look at some of the consolehelper stuff04:02
Lathiatoh man :P04:02
Keybukjdub: yeah, but what's the security issue of that?  you were granted privilege, you could attack then or later, it doesn't really matter04:02
Keybuksame applies for the "setgid shell" theory ... sure, you can leave yourself one to use it later, or you could do what you were going to do when you had privelege; there's no difference04:02
jduboddly enough, see the pam_group thread on ubuntu-devel04:02
dredgplugdev comes up here: http://lists.progeny.com/archive/cl-workers/200501/msg00000.html04:03
Keybukjdub: btw, kernelplanet.org04:03
jdubKeybuk: yeah04:03
diamondthat pmount thing sounds very like what fedora do for /dev entries04:09
dredgdiamond: it, hotplug and gnome-volume-manager work very well with my iriver :)04:11
diamonddredg: speaking of, um, stuff, you set up apt-proxy yet?04:11
dredgdiamond: no. feeling lazy04:12
diamonddredg: i'd let you use mine, but i reckon that wouldn't help the situation -)04:12
dredgdiamond: does apt-proxy do ipv6?04:13
diamonddredg: good question, i don't know04:13
dredgit would appear not04:14
=== LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinitymdz : So, the final verdict on the php4 metpackage thing is that we care more about new installations getting apache2 than we do about upgrades requiring manual intervention?04:38
infinitymdz : Not that I much care one way or the other.  Just means fielding bug reports or user confusion reports for a while.04:38
elmoinfinity: eh?04:39
elmoDepends: libapache2-mod-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-10ubuntu3) | libapache-mod-php4 04:39
elmowhy will that require manual intervention?04:39
infinityelmo : In warty, 'php4' is the apache1.3 module.04:41
Keybukjbailey: ping?04:41
infinityelmo : The dependency was in the reverse order specifically to DTRT when people with the old "php4" package installed upgrade from woody/warty to sarge/hoary.04:41
elmook, but if you're upgrading and already have apache1.3 installed, I'm struggling to believe apt/synaptic/whatever is going to rip it out because the order of that or'ed dep04:41
infinityelmo : It won't remove apache1.3, but it will install apache2 (they don't conflict), and remove apache1.3's PHP support.04:42
infinityelmo : As you'll be replacing "php4" (the apache1.3 module) with "php4 (an empty package) + libapache2-mod-php4 (php4 for apache2)"04:42
elmomeh, I don't know why we go to the bother of supporting such odd ball configs such as running apache1 and 2 concurrently04:43
infinityTo make my life easier when testing them both? ;)04:43
elmoinfinity: sucks, but it's still TRTD, 'cos we really are running screaming from apache104:43
infinityI'm sure someone could come up with more compelling arguments, but whatever.04:43
danielselmo: the usecase for a while was you wanted to run php4, but you ddin't want a1 for everything04:43
danielsalso, fd.o ran the main site on a1 and svn on a2 for ages04:44
infinityelmo : Fair enough.  I'm more than happy to tell confused users "just upgrade to apache2, this is a not-so-subtle hint".04:44
daniels(this one went back to the days when a2 would just fall over when you poked it)04:44
infinityInterestingly enough, some crazy libc+php4+apache crashes only happen with apache1.3, not apache2, so I'm more than happy to scrap apache1.304:44
infinitySure, the real bug is in glibc, but only apache1.3 can tickle it, as far as I've seen.04:45
dredgnn all04:45
infinityelmo : Well, with any luck, the broken corner case is a small enough use scenario that no one will much care.  I'm happy leaving it as-is, just wanted to hash out the issues (on both sides of the problematic fence)04:52
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=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukbella fabbione!05:16
fabbionebella Scott :)05:16
Keybukjbailey: ping?05:20
jbaileyKeybuk: Just got back05:23
Keybukah, cool05:23
Keybukhave you got a moment?05:23
KeybukI'd like to see if you can explain something for me ...05:23
jbaileyKeybuk: My wife says I have a moment, and 'Hi Scott' =)05:24
KeybukHi Angie *waves* :)05:24
Keybukso, why does libc6-dev conflict with itself? :)05:24
KeybukPackage: libc6-dev05:24
KeybukConflicts: ..., libc6-dev (<< 2.0.110-1), ...05:24
=== moyogo [~moyogo@Toronto-HSE-ppp3718183.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jbaileyThat's from before my time, but my best guess is that it probably used to be libc-dev or something like that and we were probably overzealous in the renames to libc6 at some point.05:26
jbaileyLemme check snapshot, I don't know if it goes back that far.05:26
jbaileyNot snapshot.  I thought gluck had a copy of old Debian releases, but I don't see it in ftp.root05:30
Keybukit manages to slip through a corner-case in dpkg's dep checking, it never quite manages to find a conflict because it never thinks to look at itself and instead assumes it must be a virtual package (which it's not)05:30
jbaileyKeybuk: *lol*05:31
Keybuk"conflict with myself, must be a virtual package I provide, not in my list so carry on"05:31
jbaileyThere's a few places in glibc's packaging that still need some love.05:31
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukotherwise you'd have a very entertaining case where you couldn't upgrade libc6-dev, and had to remove and install it each time05:32
jbaileyDid it trip something you were working on?  Like is this a Hoary/Sarge concern?05:32
Keybukno, someone asked whether there was any special meaning attached to it05:32
Keybukand I couldn't think of one other than "fuck me blind with a chainsaw"05:33
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu-devel
zulits quiet05:42
robertjtoo quiet ;)05:42
robertjdo the ooo2 packages come from sid?05:43
=== tuo2 [~foo@adsl-36-114.swiftdsl.com.au] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
tsengum so05:49
tsengdo we need to move to oftc for the week?05:49
zulwtf is he going on about?05:49
tsengyeah dude.05:49
tsengf'ing owned05:49
fabbionezul: it's not the 31st of March everywhere in the world...05:49
tsengzul: its not as good as the gnome planet switch.05:50
zulcompletely forgot about it being the first tomorrow05:50
robertjthe dot.kde.org switch is pretty clerver as well05:50
tsengrobertj: planet is backwards too05:51
=== robertj can hardly wait for ooo2 base to get into Ubuntu
=== lamont chuckles at debian #291952
=== lu|away can't wait for ooo1.9 to not mangle his documents:/
robertjooh its in06:01
robertjwouldn't run last week06:01
lu|awayhas run for me for a while06:03
lu|awayjust likes to eat files06:03
robertjis the jdbc for mysql driver packaged?06:05
mdzinfinity: that seems like an unavoidable consequence of changing the semantics of the package from being a specific version to a metapackage with an ORed dependency06:10
robertjare libhowl-utils bork?06:10
mdzinfinity: at any rate, we've never supported apache 1.3 in Ubuntu, so yes, it is more important to get it right for apache2 than to support upgrades for 1.306:11
infinitymdz : Yeah, I got that impression.  The point becomes moot about 3 seconds after the CDs are gold anyway, so I'll just stop caring. :)06:13
=== mindwarp [~mindwarp@cpe-69-133-89-168.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mindwarpAfter updating to the newest packages for amd64 ia32-libs_0.5ubuntu3_amd64.deb does not install: "error creating symbolic link `./usr/lib32/libGL.so.1`: No such file or directory06:19
mindwarptoo lazy to file a bug report, there you have it.06:19
diamondnite folks.06:25
mindwarpas a side note I do have the fglrx drivers installed, but I am guess 30% of the users will also so it probably should install without issue.06:26
=== BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp484971pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicy" local attacker may potentially leverage this issue to trigger a kernel deadlock and potentially deny service for legitimate users. " up to and including
bluefoxicyoh, that's from like 13 hours ago, not 1 hour ago, my bad, you all probably know already.07:11
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicycrimsun: bugtraqe07:22
fabbionebluefoxicy: good morning to you too :)07:27
bluefoxicyit's 12:3007:27
bluefoxicyfabbione:  I need a small computer, laptop maybe, can you loan me one and get it here in 10 minutes?  :>07:28
bluefoxicyI dont want to test my hacks on my desktop box07:28
bluefoxicyactually i should have my laptop back in a week07:28
fabbioneare you on somekind of crack?07:28
fabbioneit's not like i have billions in my bank account :)07:29
bluefoxicyfabbione:  I'm crazy, so close enough.07:29
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thullyhi - I found a pretty bad issue with the Ubuntu RC - when I pressed the wireless button on my laptop, the wireless turns off.  However, pressing it again doesn't turn it back on properly.08:02
thullyAlso - on a more minor note, some things (like laptop_mode and kdm on kubuntu) don't look like the rest of the startup messages08:04
thullyas in, they don't look like * Starting K Display Manager (kdm) [ok]  (for instance)08:05
=== jlj [~agp@host-81-191-64-79.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== ups_ is now known as ups
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiMorning, folks08:31
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
kagouhi pitti08:33
pittifor the German guys around: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/5812508:36
infinityHey pitti.08:41
pittiinfinity: bad to loose our Debian account, isn't it?08:41
infinityDid I miss an April fool's joke somewhere?08:43
pittiinfinity: didn't read  your mail yet? "01.04.05 08:31 Joerg Jaspert     Bits from the DAMs ( & Co)"08:44
infinityAhh. :)08:45
infinityVery April Foolish.08:45
dilingerpitti: i want my ice cream.08:45
danielspitti: where was that?08:45
infinitySadly, it's too obviously a joke.  What ever happened to subtlety?08:47
infinitydaniels ; d-d-a.08:47
=== daniels kicks pasc; the updates should happen quicker.
schweebpeople interested in april fool's jokes should be directed to gnome and kde planets :)08:48
=== infinity kicks daniels... d-d-a is the only mailing list you're required to be subscribed to as a DD.
danielsinfinity: i'm on it, but I can't be arsed waiting for offlineimap08:49
Keybukschweeb: Planet Arslinux is good too :p08:49
schweebKeybuk: I was involved in that08:50
Keybuksweet :)08:50
schweebKeybuk: note the schweeb in the "the crew" list ;)08:51
schweebone of our guys isn't a fan of Fleck08:51
schweeband even went to the point of making his own private planet.gnome.org, with everyone but Fleck08:52
Keybukfleck rules08:52
schweebhis posts are pointless :)08:52
=== lu|away emails the fleck
=== martink [~martin@pD9EB2526.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
schweebhi luis08:53
jdublu|away: hrm, i think he might get a few emails outta this ;) i mailed earlier08:54
jduba whole stack of mails pointing to a planet he's probably never read ;)08:54
schweebjdub: you should have seen it earlier, whiprush was trying to set the CoC in place in ars #linux earlier08:57
schweebafter I went off on someone :)08:57
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=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHey carlos09:10
carlospitti: hi09:11
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091c0e.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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pittiHi dholbach 09:12
dholbachhey pitti09:12
fabbionepitti: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/12959/info/09:13
fabbionepitti: please let me know asap if it's a 1st of apr fool or something i need to work on today09:14
=== fabbione goes offline for a bit
pittifabbione: I didn't read about this on bugtraq/f-d so far, I have to investigate09:14
fabbionepitti: ok09:15
fabbionei need to go offline a bit09:15
pittifabbione: but this looks too complicated for a fool09:15
fabbionecya later09:15
pittifabbione: sure, see you09:15
=== GheRivero [~ghe@hiscpdprx01.upsa.es] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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danielswoah, looks *way* too complicated for april fools'09:16
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=== lu|away is now known as lu|sleep
=== brainZzZ [clan@c-24-18-82-42.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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bob2`how often is Contents.gz regenerated?09:34
dilingerthat retry goto is ugly09:35
bob2`oh, ew09:36
dilingeranyways, that looks fixed in 2.6.1109:36
KeybukLinus (rightfully) likes goto09:36
Lathiatgotos have their uses09:37
dilingeri have nothing against gotos09:37
dilingeri don't like that goto in particular09:38
Lathiatjust they tend to get abused09:38
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dilingerthe function ends up w/ gotos in both directions.  it's fine until someone puts something in there that isn't handled when a retry is done.09:39
=== mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dilingerand for an absolutely horrid example of goto fun, see do_generic_mapping_read09:42
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dholbachhey mvo09:44
mvohey dholbach 09:45
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pittidaniels: hey, got a minute? :-)09:56
danielspitti: i'm sshing into chinstrap now09:59
fabbioneah much better09:59
brainZzZya know, someone to make all of those little projects happen. ;)09:59
pittidaniels: how could you know? :-)09:59
=== tritium [~tritium@12-202-89-11.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
dilingerRegistrations have closed - linux.conf.au 2005 is sold out!10:04
danielsit sure is10:05
Lathiatyeh sucks but such is life10:07
Lathiattheres a waiting list for cancellations 10:07
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dholbachwho changed left and middle click in nautilus?10:10
pittidholbach: he was forced to... :-)10:11
dholbachit's just i was used to it now, but what i expected, when spatial nautilus came out10:12
dholbachso i have no real objections10:12
Keybukit forces users to retrain their kinaesthetic memory, which is bad10:13
KeybukI can understand it being the default for new users/installs, but upgrades should have kept the old style10:14
fabbioneMOTU's: #6619 the workaround is also in mdadm init script10:14
fabbioneit's an easy fix10:14
brainZzZbut they also include former representative stephen j. solarz (n.y.), a liberal democrat who with former pentagon official richard perle is circulating a letter in congress and foreign policy circles seeking bipartisan support for a more ambitious policy.10:14
bob2`I'm not sure if brainZzZ is a bot or just a really annoying human being10:15
Treenaksbob2`: I think he's an implementation of polygen10:15
danielsbrainZzZ: ?10:15
brainZzZsorta dumb too, since bob2` is a bot and clearly advertises itself as such10:15
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o daniels] by ChanServ
danielsbot it is10:15
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*clan@*.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] by daniels
=== brainZzZ was kicked off #ubuntu-devel by daniels (daniels)
daniels(triggers: calling someone else a bot when they see brainZzZ.*bot, /msg'ing me when I said brainZzZ: ?, and messaging me with some nonsensical crap also)10:16
HrdwrBoBfailed the turing test10:17
danielsyeah, but the old adage about half of real irc users failing it applies here10:17
KeybukIRCing While Intoxicated!10:20
dholbachfabbione: added it to our todo, thanks10:20
fabbionedholbach: no problem.10:21
=== d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachi have the feeling, we need more MOTUs... quite a lot more10:22
pittidholbach: man fork(2)10:23
bob2`no, clone()10:23
=== GheRivero [~ghe@hiscpdprx01.upsa.es] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvoyeah! clone(dholbach), that would be good :)10:25
Keybukbob2`: depends whether you want them to share resources or not10:25
Keybukcould be some locking issues if they both tried to go to the toilet at the same time10:25
Keybukor answered SIGSEX simultaneously10:26
Keybukthat can be a bit painful for the raiser10:26
dholbachhahahaha :-)10:26
dholbachyou wouldn't want more of me around... i really can tell :-)10:27
dredgdholbach: well, it's either more of you or more of everyone else.10:27
pittidholbach: hey, you could not just import the whole apt-get.org mess, but each and every crack .deb that google finds for you! :-)10:27
HrdwrBoBbetter the devil you know10:27
dholbachpitti: yeah... i guess i'd even import tucows or something if wine was readier, it's what i'd love to do... oh what delight!10:28
=== dholbach reminds pitti of the mud-wrestling action
pittiah, right10:29
=== pitti prefers beach volleyball
dholbachwhatever... you shall suffer if you spread more of those rumours :-)10:30
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=== cvd [~claire@host217-37-231-22.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
cvdsabdfl here... just doing an update on CVD's machine, and it is spewing error messages10:30
cvdlots about10:31
cvd &mdash; 10:31
cvd &mdash; 10:31
cvdxchat doesn't want me to paste it in10:31
cvdlots of xml parsing problems, it seems, in the gnome stuff10:31
Keybukoh, scrollkeeper stuff10:31
cvdis that a known problem?10:31
Keybukblame thom, I think10:31
cvdalso, it's generating a lot of locale data, for every en_XX variant.UTF8 it seems10:31
dholbachcvd: that's "normal", i think (locales)10:32
=== Keybuk thought that the parsing stuff was all sent to /dev/null these days though
dholbachcvd: are there any packages that scrollkeeper / xml-parsing stuff refers to?10:32
cvddholbach: no, it's scrolled past the scrollback limit now10:34
dholbachcvd: anything interesting in /var/log/scrollkeeper.log ?10:35
cvddholbach: lots of registrations, no errors10:37
dholbachhrm... then it could be something else...10:37
fabbionepitti: anything new about that vulnerability?10:40
cvdany reason esound-clients is not in main? hard to use esd properly without it10:42
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cvdnow that we are back on esd from polypaudio10:42
Lathiatwe are?10:43
Lathiatah we are10:43
Lathiatpolyp got some issues?10:43
dholbachcvd: it's just recommended by libesd010:43
cvdLathiat: seems to be going nowhere upstream10:44
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cvdmdz: would you consider esound-clients for main?10:44
dholbachcvd: sound should work without it i think10:44
cvddholbach: sound does, but it's hard to playa rbitrary sounds without esdplay10:44
Lathiatdoes esd use alsa?10:45
dholbachhmmm, ok10:45
dholbachone day crimsun will give me a talk about sound/alsa/... and i'll understand it properly too :-)10:46
cvdLathiat: yes10:46
Lathiatnot doing it here10:46
Lathiatand if i start it without /dev/dsp it barfs10:46
thomKeybuk: no, certainly don't blame thom10:55
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-45-221.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
d3vic3doko, ping 10:57
thomgood morning10:58
d3vic3moin thom 10:58
mvomorning thom 10:59
pittiHi thom11:00
pittifabbione: you have mail :-)11:02
=== fabbione hugs thom
fabbionepitti: thanks11:02
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-90.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokod3vic3: pong11:08
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fabbionewanna-build --list=building |grep -v universe |wc -l11:20
pittion sparc?11:20
fabbionesparc is there!11:20
fabbionethanks :)11:20
dholbachfabbione: how many build failures?11:20
fabbionedholbach: ?11:20
dholbachfabbione: broken packages?11:20
fabbioneif all of main is built, build failures should be 011:20
fabbionebut that's not completely true11:20
dholbachah ok.... grep -v11:20
fabbionei had to cheat on 3 packages11:21
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pittiHi Astharot 11:21
dholbachthis would have struck me: complete universe built fine11:21
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fabbionedholbach: no universe is building, it will not finish for hoary and it is deprioritize compared to main, given that there is only ONE sparc buildd11:22
pittihrm, what is the sense of splitting OO.o2 if the core+common are 73 MB, and writer and calc are tiny?11:22
dholbachfabbione: yep11:22
fabbionedholbach: on the otherside, the installer works fine here11:22
dholbachfabbione: *GRATS* :-)11:23
dholbachi built openoffice.org-help-fi-0.20021118 from apt-get.org - someone from the OOo crew will have to review it11:25
dholbachgiven it's from 200211:26
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-2-117.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvomorning seb128 11:31
dholbachhey seb128 11:32
pittidoko: OOO2 is uninstallable11:32
pittidoko: -debian-files is missing11:33
pittidoko: in your repo, at least11:33
dokohmm, the one from universe should work11:33
zygamvo: is there something wrong with gnome cvs?11:34
zygamvo: I'm trying to generate a diff but keep hitting a wall here :/11:35
mvozyga: I haven't noticed anything yet, why?11:35
zygafreshly checkout worked... hmmm11:35
mvozyga: odd11:36
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Burgundaviajdub: ping11:42
pittidoko: I'm spammed with lots of "This task requires a JRE" dialogs when trying to start Base11:42
=== ericf [~eric@c529c2180.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== zyga learns that updating po files can hurt badly :/
haggaipitti: can you review cdrdao for inclusion into main please?  It does a better job than cdrecord in several cases.  See #7877 for rationale11:43
pittidoko: hey, OO.o2 bibliography db doesn't crash on ppc :-)11:44
pittihaggai: for hoary?11:44
haggaipitti: yes11:44
pittihaggai: okay, I'll look at it11:44
haggaipitti: thanks11:45
pittidoko: and deleting a row in Calc doesn't crash any more either11:47
pittidoko: so apart from the fact that it is *painfully* slow and a memory hog (just as OO.o 1), it works fine11:47
=== pitti hugs gnumeric
pittihaggai: can cdrecord do anything what cdrdao can't? (multi-session, El Torito, burn-proof, whatever...)11:50
=== `anthony [~anthony@220-253-52-236.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
haggaipitti: quite a lot, but it doesn't do dao as well11:52
haggaipitti: that's why we want both to be available.  k3b chooses the best tool for the job11:52
pittihaggai: ah, neat11:53
pittihaggai: what does "remove k3bsetup2 from the package" mean?11:53
pittihaggai: isn't the setup program required any more?11:53
haggaipitti: k3bsetup2 is an app that runs as root to 'fix' permission problems -> change cd burner group, permissions and suid cdrecord/cdrdao but we don't need it on a well set up system, like ours :)11:54
pittiand with udev11:54
pittiyeah, stomp it :-)11:54
pittihaggai: do you know whether cdrdao uses mlock() even without being setuid?11:54
pittihaggai: our kernels allow this11:55
=== `anthony [~anthony@220-253-52-236.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
haggai    if (geteuid() == 0) {11:57
haggai      if (mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE) != 0) {11:57
haggai        message(-1, "Cannot lock memory pages: %s", strerror(errno));11:57
pittithe first line should just be dropped11:57
haggaiok, good to know11:57
pittithen cdrdao could get the mlock() benefit even with running as user11:57
haggaicool.  I appreciate you thinking of that11:57
pittihaggai: of course I didn't test this :-)11:58
pittihaggai: but locking the page to prevent swapping seems to be a good thing11:58
pittihaggai: our Warty kernel was patched to allow this, and 2.6.10 does it upstream11:58
haggaiheh :) well it can't be any worse than the default behaviour11:58
pittinormal users can lock pages up to their ulimit11:58
pittihaggai: the only regression could be that users get this error message if they request too much memory11:59
pittihaggai: but this seems to be a cosmetic problem only11:59
pittibah, heaps of arch crap in the diff.gz...11:59
haggaiouch yeah12:00
fabbionepitti: CAN-2005-0867 was already fixed in hoary (-28)12:02
pittifabbione: oh, great12:02
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pittihaggai: I followed up to #787712:17
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-134.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygamvo: how would you feel about adding joe-user-friendliness to update-manager?12:22
zygamvo: things like 'tell me why this stuff is important' and such12:22
mvozyga: per package? or globally?12:23
zygathings like a glossary for my mom who never heard of 'package'12:23
zygamvo: I was also thinking of a gconf key that could disable tis12:23
zygathis even12:23
zygalike "Don't show me newbie stuff'12:24
pittiHi zyga, how's it going?12:24
zygapitti: hi, busy - I'm already late for work :-)12:24
mvozyga: ok for breezy, probably too late for hoary :( (because of the string changes)12:25
=== zyga wants OSS job :-)
upsdoes anybody think that in Firefox privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins should default to 2 ?12:25
zygamvo: everything I'm talking about is for breezy12:25
ups(it blocks pop ups from plugins that have been exploited recently)12:26
zygamvo: along with app icons and similar changes12:26
zygaups: what about plugin popups?12:26
zygaups: flash seems to be abused lately 12:26
upszyga: like flash or java applets12:26
upspopups from those 12:26
zygaups: then it should IMHO - I haven't seen one that was usefull 12:27
upsit is12:27
mvozyga: oh, ok. then I'm all for it. we may use the introduction from synaptic? have you looked at it?12:27
zygamvo: no is that in the doc files or in the app itself?12:27
upszyga: they have released a extension which does this and also disable any user event initiated popups12:28
ups(for testing)12:28
haggaipitti: thanks a lot!12:28
zygamvo: the 'short introduction' popup in synaptic?12:28
mvozyga: in the app, the popup12:29
pittihaggai: the O_EXCL patch might be too late for hoary, but I think the README.Debian change and the mlockall() are appropriate12:29
zygamvo: the text is okay but it should be more obvious and easy to see (preferably in u-m as it's more user friendly)12:30
mvozyga: ok12:31
dholbachpitti: i have some sbin/ binaries in the apt-get.org packages, i'll mark those as "need security review", alright?12:31
=== zyga runs for work, bye
pittidholbach: okay, thanks. any setuid ones?12:32
pittidholbach: (although it wouldn't make sense to put setuid bins in sbin/)12:32
dholbachpitti: not that i'm aware of12:33
pittidholbach: ok12:33
dholbachpitti: i'll prod you again, if i'm through with the list12:33
dholbachpitti: thanks :-)12:34
haggaipitti: yeah the O_EXCL patch is not trivial since it changes possible error return code paths too12:34
pittihaggai: I fixed it in cdrecord long ago and it works fine there; however, this definitively needs some testing, and I also had a bug about it back then12:35
haggaipitti: ok12:37
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mjg59thom: Hm. The backgrounded acpi lock removal probably ought to wait for a second or so before actually deleting the file12:53
=== blueyed [dAniel@iD4CC15B9.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
gabaugthe new gdm background on Hoary....um...I was planning on introducing my gf to her newly dual booting Ubuntu system tomorrow, but I can't show her that :)01:03
=== mjg59 explodes all over dpkg
thomgabaug: tomorrow will be fine. look at the name of the theme in gdm config :P01:05
mjg59So, uh, what /is/ today's gdm theme?01:05
gabaugthom: ah, I get it w/o looking :)01:05
thommjg59: elmo,mdz,sabdfl doing the ubuntu circle of friends01:05
Mithrandirmjg59: gdmflexiserver -n01:06
thommjg59: http://www.planetarytramp.net/background.jpg01:06
mjg59I need to provide a different /etc/acpi/lid.sh for the HPs. How can I do this?01:07
MithrandirI'm amazed you got elmo to agree to it.01:07
Treenaksthom: aaaagh01:07
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GagatanMithrandir: april prank?01:07
MithrandirGagatan: no shit01:08
mjg59thom: Alternatively, can we have a hack in acpi-support's lid.sh that runs a script if it exists?01:09
thommjg59: that seems easiest. sure01:09
mjg59thom: Rock, thanks01:09
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== pitti really likes the new gdm background
pitti"mdz is watching you" 01:14
dholbachhehe :-)01:14
carlospitti: is it in the release candidate? or it's only an update that will disappear tomorrow?01:16
sabdflit's just for this thpecial day01:16
pitticarlos: I'm afraid it will be gone tomorrow :-)01:17
pittisabdfl: but it's nice to see you again :-)01:17
dholbachit really rocks01:17
sabdfldrunk and disorderly?01:17
pittisabdfl: is this in your house?01:17
sabdflnup. restaurant in mataro, last night big dinner01:18
pittiah, I remember01:18
sabdfljdub took the picture, halfway up a ladder01:18
dholbachsabdfl: he has green-ish shoes?01:18
pittiyeah, I already had too much alcohol, so I didn't remember at first :-)01:18
mjg59thom: Any idea when that'll be uploaded? I need to prepare an iso01:18
thommjg59: what script do you need to be run? ;-)01:19
pittidholbach: that's all what is left from his previous greenish iBook01:19
Lathiatcan michael vogt be foudn on irc?01:19
thomLathiat: mvo01:19
pittiLathiat: mvo01:19
Lathiatmvo: ping01:19
mjg59thom: How about making it vaguely sane - /etc/acpi/local/lid.sh.post?01:19
thommjg59: seems reasonable01:19
thommjg59: run at the end of lid.sh?01:20
mjg59thom: If it exists, yeah01:20
=== carlos does a backup of the picture... :-P
thomcarlos: it's on the intarweb already :P01:20
mvoLathiat: pong01:20
=== thom should blog it, really
carlosthom: I'm thinking about bloging about it also :-P01:20
=== mdke [~Matt_@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkeis the login on the website down again?01:22
Lathiatmvo: just curious if you've seen/fied a bug in synaptic where it added a warty repository instead of hoary? (friend added universe today with add and it set warty instead of hoary, but i can't reproduce it here so wondering if it was fixed, can't see a bug report..)01:22
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host211-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvoLathiat: haven't seen that problem yet, is your friends machine up-to-date?01:24
=== kent [~kent@c-71c871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Lathiatmvo: was a cd install downloaded yesterday01:24
Lathiatmvo: like i said i can't reproduce it here, just thought it might have been fixed or something, will have a closer look to see if its reproducible/happens with a dist-upgrade01:25
mvoLathiat: thanks, please let me know if you can reproduce it01:25
Lathiatmvo: cus that would be a sucker of a bug :)01:26
Lathiati noticed cus she installed gstreamer0.8-mad and it was crashing muine, because it was old01:26
Lathiats/crashing muine/couldn't install muine, and was crashing rhythmbox/01:26
mvoLathiat: that would really be a sucker01:26
mdkeplease can someone try to login on the website, I can't seem to login and i wonder if its down again.01:27
pittimdke: confirmed, I can't login either01:29
mdkeelmo, ping01:29
pittielmo: the website login is down01:29
mdkepitti, thanks for checking01:29
sabdflelmo: please bounce the authserver, we are updating LP01:32
=== mjg59 makes a note *not* to use today's ubuntu-artwork in this iso
=== Lathiat grins at mjg59
mdkewhat's up with it?01:44
Lathiatmdke: april fools....01:44
mdkeon the wallpaper?01:44
Lathiata new ubuntu-calendar with that image would have been classy :P)01:45
Lathiatbeing due and all01:45
mdkegot a screenshot?01:45
dholbachsee you later01:46
mdkebye dholbach01:46
dholbachbye mdke 01:46
mdkety :)01:47
=== Astharot [~isager@host52-99.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Astharot [~isager@host52-99.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkenot sure if I preferred the naked guys or these ones01:52
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=== fgx reboota con il nuovo kernel
thommjg59: so, a 1 second sleep then rm the acpi lock?01:59
=== ogra lols about planet.gnome.org
mjg59thom: Yeah, that ought to do02:01
=== koke [~koke@rm-001-26.serve.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittithom: BTW, did you ever consider diff -Nru ffox-0.9.3/ ffox-1.0.2/ > ffox-0.9.3/debian/patches/security_all.patch?02:05
thompitti: *giggle*02:05
thompitti: no, i like having a job ;P02:05
fabbionepitti: ahaha02:06
=== quinn [~quinn@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thommjg59: Uploading via ftp acpi-support_0.21_source.changes: done.02:07
=== pitti tries not to think about sentences involving the words "gamin", "hatred", "beat", and "jdub"
dredgpitti: give in to the dark side02:07
=== quinn idly wonders why it was decided that nautilus should do the jumpey-window thing instead of defaulting to browser mode.
=== srbaker [~srbaker@blk-222-52-156.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thomHrdwrBoB: nice hostname :P02:09
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
srbaker'morning everyone02:16
diamondguys, i'm looking for the previous version of mdadm (1.9.0-1ubuntu1), it's not on archive.ubuntu.com, is there somewhere else i can get it from? specifically i'm looking for the source02:17
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host211-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittidiamond: http://morgue.ubuntu.com/02:24
diamondpitti: ah hah! thanks02:24
=== fabbione goes and crashes for a bit
=== kent [~kent@c-71c871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== Simira [~rpGirl@56.80-202-210.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
kentCan some one explain why I can hear music with totem etc in Hoary,  but if i try Ubuntu Device Database, then I cant hear any sound. It feels wrong to press the button for no sound, since sound actually works for me in all other programs :(  (Posting it here aswell, since perhaps some one here knows if its a problem with ubuntu device database.  (I have a ac97 btw)02:34
mdkewebsite still down02:35
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ogra_ [~ogra@p5089F4F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
robertjkent: maybe gstreamer isn't working?02:42
robertjie. perhaps totem is using totem-xine?02:42
ogra_kent, are your system sounds working ?02:42
robertjand totem-xine perhaps plugins into alsa or oss instead of gstreamer?02:43
=== decko [decko@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra_kent, hwdb-client uses gnome_sound_play() for playing sound, so it works if your gnome sounds work too02:43
kentrobertj, totem is using xine, thats correct. But is muine also using xine? I can play music with muine.  But, as a side-note. Right now, if I select properties on an ogg-file, nautilus hangs. Dont know why :(  Perhaps gstreamer is the cause then?02:43
robertjso it may be cutting out a middle man to get closer to the hardware, which might be good for dvd playback but might be harsh for some things where you want the middle man to do mixing and such02:43
robertjI think muine is gstreamer only, hrmm02:44
pittiseb128, our glorious fighter for "keep the list clean" :-)02:44
seb128am I the only one to care ?02:45
seb128just curious, sometime I'm wondering if I should reply or just let them use that like a bug list ...02:45
kentrobertj, I can play with muine. Im doing it right now. I will try to play some system sounds soon. I think I have it disabled right now.02:46
seb128kent: the nautilus hang is due to libxine02:47
Lathiatgnome_sound_play might use esd?02:47
ograLathiat, it does ;)02:47
Lathiatand something could be broken there i guess02:47
Lathiatwhereas muine uses gstreamer02:47
kentgstreamer-properties is using alsa as output. Should it be using that? It might be that I have changed that some time before, I cant remember :(02:49
pittikent: it should output to esound02:49
kentah, I cant play sound with esd when i try with gstreamer-properties :(    So its esd thats buggy?02:49
seb128ps ax | grep esound ?02:49
pittiseb128: I appreciate that you care :-)02:50
Lathiatseb128: grep esd02:50
seb128pitti: thanks :)02:50
seb128Lathiat: correct02:50
ograkent, everything in a default ubuntu should use esound, thats why i let hwdb-client test the sound there02:50
kentseb128, esd is running:  /usr/bin/esd -n02:50
seb128esdplay works ?02:50
kentseb128, I dont seem to have esdplay on my system :(02:51
seb128it's in esound-common or something like that02:51
=== ogra wonders if fabbionne will share the intrusive code with which he managed to conquer planet.debian.org for ubuntu :)
kentesound-common is installed and newest package (according to apt)02:52
adobbiesucks that esound is still used02:52
ograadobbie, improve polypaudio, so we can use it in the next release ;)02:53
seb128you want to make pitti cry ? :)02:53
kentseb128, ah,  that package was not installed :( Installing it right now.02:53
=== smurfix uploaded a new version of the keyboard decision-tree generating code
adobbiewhy can't gnome and others just use ALSA?02:53
pittiseb128: why, I fixed polypaudio, it has to work!! :-P02:53
seb128yeah, but we use esound :p02:53
ograadobbie, you dont understand the architecture of linux sound02:54
pittiogra: why, what's so wrong with using alsa and dmix?02:54
adobbieogra: probably not02:54
pittiin theory, at least?02:54
ograadobbie, you need a mixing daemon02:54
=== Simira [~rpGirl@56.80-202-210.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiogra: alsa has dmix02:54
kenthmm, I cant hear sound when I play wav's with esdplay :(02:55
ograpitti, that might work in theory :) 02:55
pittiyeah, I don't talk about bugs in alsa :)02:55
pittibut using alsa directly looks nicer, architecture-wise02:55
ograpitti, but as long as they ar there we cant use a kernel mixer ;)02:55
diamondone thing alsa really needs is a simple way to choose a default device02:55
adobbieogra: do you need that for all sound devices?02:56
pittiogra: do you know of any actual blockers in alsa?02:56
ograpitti, not compatible with all soundcards ?02:56
pittiogra: we already use the alsa drivers02:56
ograpitti, we didnt test it extensively ?02:56
pittiogra: we just don't use dmix02:56
pittiogra: well, I don't speak about changing hoary :-)02:57
ograpitti, did you tra dmix on a PNP ISA soundblaster ?02:57
pittiogra: but for breezy we might very well consider trying alsa02:57
pittiogra: I tried it on a SB 12802:57
ograpitti, yeah....lets try it :)02:57
adobbieyou don't need any mixing daemons on decent hardware02:57
pittiogra: dmix is a pure software layer, it shouldn't be sound card dependent02:57
ograadobbie, you need some mixing architecture on top of the sounddevice to play more then one sound at the same time02:58
=== abelli_ [~john@e5145cabfdffb18c.node.tor] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiogra: well, if the sound card hardware supports multiple channels, they can be used of course :-)02:58
adobbieogra: ALSA does that in the kernel doesn't it?02:58
diamondogra: well, sblive can handle 32 streams in h/w02:58
ograadobbie, with dmix, yes02:58
pittiadobbie: if you configure it to do so, yes02:58
smurfixIs anthing special needed to get the new version included in the next -current images?02:58
adobbiepitti: I'm pretty sure that the default02:58
pittiadobbie: no, it's not02:58
pittiadobbie: you need an /etc/asound.conf to configure it02:59
ogradiamond, i'm not talking about high end HW ;) (you know, i'm always the guy that shouts ISA on conferences if it comes to HW discussions ;) )02:59
pittiadobbie: if it was the default, alsa apps would work without blocking02:59
adobbiepitti: I don't have an asound.conf :)02:59
diamondogra: lol, fair enough02:59
pittiadobbie: yeah, you have to create it02:59
ograpitti, dmix will require a fair amount of non gstreamer apps to be changed i guess...03:00
adobbiepitti: so why can I play many streams at one time with no problems when I haven't configured anything?03:00
pittiogra: I think this would make a good UDU bof03:00
pittiadobbie: I can't with alsa (only with esound/polypaudio)03:01
ograpitti, isnt sound mixing a jdub default BOF on every conference ?03:01
pittiadobbie: my sound hw only offers one hw channel03:01
pittiogra: lol03:01
adobbiepitti: what hardware are you using?03:01
pittiogra: remember, we also have to trash inotify and gamin and start to use sth completely different :-P03:01
pittiadobbie: currently a cheap on-board sound chip03:01
=== lu|sleep is now known as lu|away
adobbiepitti: do you know if it's the fault of the driver or the hardware?03:02
pittiadobbie: no idea03:02
ogradredg, planetkde.org 03:02
pittiadobbie: you can play multiple streams with alsa without configuration? neat03:02
ograbig DNS shuffling today03:02
pittidredg: likewise, planet kde03:03
adobbiepitti: I have SB Live Value, it doesn't get much easier than that with Linux03:03
diamondadobbie: uh uh. the sblive can mix 32 channels in hardware. alan cox hacked the kernel driver to allow /dev/dsp to be opened multiple times03:04
pittidiamond: even with OSS? or just the ALSA driver?03:05
adobbieALSA doesn't have a /dev/dsp unless you run the OSS emulation layer03:05
pittiyeah, I know03:05
diamondpitti: that was OSS. i'm pretty sure alsa allows the same thing without hacking03:05
pittidiamond: yeah, could be03:06
pittiadobbie: so dmix allows to emulate the same thing for sound cards with just one hw channel03:06
adobbiecat /dev/urandom >/dev/dsp  as many times as you like noise03:06
seb128elmo: loudmouth sync please03:06
=== pitti is astonished about the funny package names we have
truluxwoo woo03:08
adobbiepitti: it's unfortunate that hardware manufactures make Windows drivers but not Linux drivers03:08
adobbiemeans Linux users end up with drivers that just don't cut it03:09
pittiadobbie: well, at least my video card enjoys the nvidia drivers03:09
pittiadobbie: it's better than nothing03:09
adobbiepitti: yep, that's one thing that's actually easy03:10
kentubuntu hardware database could come with a toggle-button for "Send this spec to the hardware manufactor so that they know we use it, and that we want it to work better in linux"  ?03:10
=== ogra thinks Mithrandir will like that one... http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/amd64.html
ograkent, not yet.... 03:10
ograkent, and i think hey will kill me if i do this unconfirmed :)03:11
ograkent, but you get the idea of hwdb ;), at least _we_ know where improvement is needed03:12
adobbievoluntary collection of system specs for users during install would be interesting03:12
adobbieto get an idea of what hardware is most used by Ubuntu users03:12
ograadobbie, i dont want to force users :)03:12
pittiogra: well, you won't get reports about hw that fails at all, because users won't get to the point when they can execute hwdb03:12
ograadobbie, so its only an option by now03:12
ograpitti, but i get comments and the like....thats what the gui is for...03:13
torkelogra: pitty that we haven't had time to switch to ubuntu yet, that might have added another ~200 machines :-)03:13
ograpitti, it always depends on the state of failure, sure i cant detect a fucked RAID controller if you got / there ;)03:14
truluxfabbione: could you make any microbenchmarking with the current linux-image?03:15
adobbiehwdb not collect any details?03:15
truluxfabbione: It could be fun03:15
ograpitti, but a non working WLAN device, bad sound quality, wrong X,mouse or keyboard detection...03:15
ograadobbie, it runs hwdb-xml -a 03:16
ograadobbie, run that from a commandline....03:16
truluxfabbione: I could make some for you, just writing a paper and having too much junk running to make a clean one03:17
adobbieogra: looks like you would know about this stuff :)03:17
=== mdke [~Matt_@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograadobbie, all HAL data, everything i can read from your BIOS chip, meminfo, cpuinfo lsb-release and the comments you give through the test ;)03:17
mdkewebsite login still down :(03:17
mdkeany news?03:18
ograadobbie, oh, andi forgot, your current xorg.conf + log and your bootlog03:18
kentogra, is the ubuntu hardware database ubuntu-specific code, or could it be used on other distributions aswell? it seems like a great tool.03:19
adobbieogra: is that going to work with a 2.4 kernel?03:19
adobbieas well as with 2.603:19
pittiadobbie: hal depends on 2.603:20
=== Mithrandir chuckles at Magni as she saw the new gdm login
adobbiepitti: yes that's why I'm asking.  will the tool be of much use03:20
ograkent, it depends on ubuntus HAL, and its pretty useless without the hal patches...03:20
thom(and hal only runs on a 2.6 kernel)03:21
ograhmm, amd64 has 248 hwdb submissions, ppc only 37....03:23
=== diamond adds another one to the amd64 section
diamondogra: nice work on hwdb-client03:23
ogradiamond, thanks03:23
diamondvery smooth03:24
ograwait for breezy ;)03:24
diamondmy sound didn't work till i plugged in my speakers, but i felt it would be a bit harsh to blame ubuntu for that -)03:24
mdkeeven ubuntu can't do everything03:24
lamontso does someone already know about enigmail being ftbfs?03:24
adobbieguess I won't test on my 2.4.30-rc3 vanilla kernel :)03:24
mdkeis there anyone else who can sort out the website server?03:25
ograadobbie, no, you shouldnt....03:25
pittiMorning lamong03:26
pittilamont, even03:26
ograadobbie, bwt, why are you running 2.4 ?03:28
adobbieogra: because I don't see a reason to use an unstable development kernel03:29
ograadobbie, but on ubuntu 2.6 is quite essential, you loose a _lot_ of functionallity03:30
adobbiedepends on what functionality you use :)03:30
adobbiemy desktop is a Pentium II03:30
=== Lathiat wonders if /dev works without udev
adobbiethere's not a whole lot here03:30
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=== sPoof [~jonas@cpe.atm2-0-1301001.0x503f72d6.ronxx2.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
adobbieogra: I'm a picky cli lover03:33
mdkenot the standard ubuntu user ;)03:34
adobbieonly interest in Ubuntu is because Debian just isn't cutting it for me03:35
adobbiecan't exactly go around suggesting newbies use Debian03:35
adobbiebut I can do that with Ubuntu :)03:35
pittiadobbie: my gf still uses woody on her box :-)03:36
pittiadobbie: actually it's not even the final woody release, but was sid at that time03:36
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=== froud [~froud@ndn-165-144-136.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== mdke waves at froud
=== froud waves back
infinitylamont : Which ftbfs is this?03:39
froudHello all, where is Ubuntu database manager being developed? In which repos?03:39
=== mdke points at ogra
ografroud, currently only in the source package 03:40
ografroud, i'll make a baz repo after UDU03:41
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froudogra:  Ok docs will be made in docteam svn, is that ok with you?03:41
ografroud, sure03:41
=== dholbach [~daniel@td9091c0e.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
froudok will post information for checkout in awhile03:41
Mitariohi everyone03:41
=== Kyaneos [~kyaneos@80-29-10-220.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
froudogra: ubuntu update manager is gnome only or also will work on kde?03:44
froudogra: sorry03:45
froudogra: ubuntu database manager is gnome only or also will work on kde?03:45
ografroud, i had to add a .desktop entry to make kde happy (i'm not happy about it) baut it needs gnome_sound_play for example, so there are drawbacks :)03:45
pittiogra: use cat file > /dev/dsp for _real_ portability :-)03:46
ografroud, to be honest, i think the KDE users will need a good bunch of gnome librarys to make it work....i'm not sure if kubuntu installs these03:46
froudogra: kde make me happy. Ok so dependacy required if on kde. Is Kubuntu installing it by default or must kde user do install manually03:46
mvohey Mitario 03:46
ograpitti, i want to test esd and the system sounds ;)03:46
Mitariomvo, hi :-)03:47
mvofroud: kubuntu does not ship with update-manager by default03:47
pittiogra: just kidding03:47
ografroud, i dont know :)03:47
Mitariomvo, why don't we make a qt/kde update-manager ;-)03:47
dholbachhey ogra 03:47
=== Mitario volunteers, as long as there are kde/qt-python bindings
ografroud, but since they dont want gnome libs in the default install i guess they dont ship it03:47
froudmvo: but I understand the update-manager only updates gnome03:47
ograhey dholbach 03:47
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mvoMitario: there are binding03:47
=== thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax7-221.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvofroud: oh, it will update just everything03:48
froudogra: ok I will document it as gnome only for now, we can extend for kde later03:48
ografroud, but update manager also is a gnome app, that will need the essential libs03:48
froudmvo: ok03:48
ografroud, ok... (we'll need a kde dev to do that)03:48
froudogra: as far as I know it needs synaptic and apt03:49
ografroud, and the toolkit ;)03:49
mvoMitario: let's do that for breezy :) I would like to seperate the frontend-backend better03:49
mvofroud: correct03:49
froudMitario: good idea03:49
Mitariomvo, indeed indeed :-)03:49
froudMitario: any recent updates for docs on update-manager?03:50
Mitariomvo, maybe we should create a wiki page where we discuss the features/api and such03:50
Mitariofroud, hm, i don't think so, the current ubuntu version is the latest i think03:50
=== abelli [~john@host-84-222-39-106.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvoMitario: sounds good03:51
=== Goshawk [~Goshawk@host211-135.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mitariomvo, actually what kind of 'backend' things do we have?03:51
Mitariomvo, because update-manager is actually already a frontend for python-apt/synaptic03:52
froudmvo: I also dont like the GDFL lic in the front page I will be patching a solution shortley03:52
mvofroud: ah, good news! thanks03:52
=== thully [~thully@wuser115-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
froudok back to work for me c ya03:52
froudogra: since this is gnome for now I will be using gnome doc conventions03:53
froudc ya03:53
abellifroud: ciao03:53
=== froud nods at abelli
=== mxpxpod [~bryan@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mitariofroud, bye, good luck!03:54
mvoMitario: abstracting some common stuff into common python objects that can be used by both frontends is what I have in mind. I think it's good in many ways already, just making it a little more abstract so that the amount of gui code that needs to be written is really minimal03:54
Mitariomvo, yes, ok, i agree03:54
ografroud, ok with me03:55
Mitariomvo, do we put it on the gnome wiki or ubuntu?03:55
mvoMitario: but adding a new frontend is a good thing(tm). it will make sure that we write good code :)03:55
mvoMitario: a kde frontend discussion on the gnome wiki?03:55
Mitariomvo, hmm, well, was actually thinking about client-frontend seperation, but indeed, maybe not such a good idea ;-)03:56
Mitariomvo, i have a kde hacker in 2ft of my workstation atm, so i just asked him about the python-kde bindings and if we have a glade alternative (for the ui)03:56
thullyhi - I've tried the release candidate - and I noticed that if I press the wireless button to turn off my ipw2200 wireless radio, and then press it again to turn it back on, it doesn't come back on properly03:59
mvoMitario: oh, nice. keep me updated :) I have no idea about python-kde beside that it exists03:59
lamontinfinity: 8493-849504:00
Mitariomvo, sure i will, i'll start the wiki page at w.u.c04:00
mvoMitario: great, thanks :)04:01
=== pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zulhey pitti04:02
pittihey zul04:03
zulhow is it going?04:03
pittithe n-th relogin today, and gamin is still the suck...04:03
Mitarioumm, the password reset dialog on the wiki gives me a http auth dialog for "launchpad"04:03
mdkeyeah website is still boned04:04
mdkeno one can reset it?04:04
=== xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-41-93.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkein desperation i'm sending a mail to webmaster@ubuntulinux.org04:07
Lathiatmdke: whats wrong with the website04:07
mdkecan't login04:08
seb128pitti: no need to relogin, killall nautilus gam_server 04:08
=== LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachsee you later04:13
infinitylamont : enigmail should probably be synced with Debian to get proper support for thunderbird 1.0.2 and Moz
infinitylamont : neon, I will fix right now.  It's a simple fix.04:15
infinitylamont : gd2, I'll look at tomorrow.04:15
thominfinity: see the apache2 bug about removal with busted config not working?04:16
infinitythom : No.  Do I want to?04:16
infinitythom : #?04:17
fabbionetrulux: and compare the benchmarks to what?04:19
infinitythom : Y'know, this has come up before...04:21
infinitythom : There was a long thread on debian-devel where people argued that daemons that can't be stopped SHOULD cause the uninstallation to fail, so you know something about it.  Or some such.04:22
pittiseb128: yeah, I just tried this04:22
pittiseb128: but it doesn't help to make gam_server work again04:22
infinitythom : If we've decided that's now bullshit, it's a 2 second fix to add ||true to the prerm.04:22
pittiseb128: I'm at the point where killall gam_server does not make my icons reappear04:22
pittiHi mdz04:22
infinityMornin' mdz.04:22
mvomorning mdke 04:22
ograhi mdz04:22
fabbionemorning mdz04:23
seb128hi mdz 04:23
seb128pitti: urg04:23
ografabbione, youre not aggregated on planet.ubuntu yet ?04:24
infinitymdz : See above, please.  Should a failing init.d 'stop' action bomb package removal, or not?... I have a feeling your answer will differ from the old debian-devel debate, which I'm cool with, just means a quick apache2 upload for Ubuntu. :)04:24
fabbioneogra: i am waiting for elmo to to sync from jdub04:24
ograah :)04:24
mvomdz: can I ask you about apt/python-apt now? or would you rather postpone it until later?04:24
seb128pitti: the breakage is not only for the desktop :/04:24
infinitymdz : (Assuming "failed" means "the daemon is still running", not "the script sucks")04:25
mdzinfinity: I don't remember the debate, but in general, I feel that breaking the upgrade is worse than leaving a daemon running04:25
mdzs/upgrade/upgrade or removal/04:25
mdzmvo: what about them?04:25
infinitymdz : Check.04:25
infinitythom : Reassign to me, I'll upload soonish.04:25
truluxfabbione: mainline04:25
mvomdz: I would like to upload a new version of python-apt that fixes a refrence count problem in the depcache code and removes a unneeded "Init()" call. 04:26
fabbionetrulux: kinda pointless. we don't modify all the main subsystems at all04:26
fabbionetrulux: we have the same "code" if you want to put it that way04:26
mvomdz: and I would like you opionion on #8151 (I put a patch there to work around broken proxies in apt when the release.gpg is fetched)04:26
infinitymdz : Oh, another one.  bogofilter has a "Maj" bug against it which is fixed in a newer Debian/upstream bugfix-only-type revision.  Any objections to me uploading said version?  (The one that's been around and tested for a week or so, not the one uploaded a day or two ago)04:27
froudmvo: cvs up on update-manager and yelp the help to see if it all works04:27
truluxfabbione: OK, I will have a look04:27
mvofroud: will do now, thaks04:27
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pittiseb128: I didn't catch your last msg any more04:29
pittiseb128: I know why killall gam_server didn't help any more, the old server was in eternal kernel sleep04:29
mdzmvo: python-apt is fairly important; I don't want to change it post-RC unless it's to fix bugs which are critical for the release04:29
pittiseb128: so it was unkillable, I had to reboot04:29
seb128pitti: k04:29
mdzinfinity: is that the "doesn't rotate the transaction logs" bug?04:29
seb128<seb128> pitti: the breakage is not only for the desktop :/04:29
pittiseb128: yeah, for me neither04:29
seb128pitti: ie: happens in /random/directory too04:29
mvomdz: the refcount think is pretty importend (and a easy/obvious thing). the init() is not that importend04:30
truluxbtw, anyone knows how to record a video streaming in mms?04:30
mvomdz: can I send you a diff for review? 04:30
truluxthat's so funny04:30
pittimdz: btw, I analyzed all read() and write() calls, the numerous EAGAIN errors (which are not directly intercepted) are not the reason for the breakage04:31
pittib0rk b0rk b0rk04:31
mdzmvo: ok04:31
infinitymdz : That'd be the one.  The fixed version doesn't create transaction logs by default. :)04:31
thomseb128: is it just me, or is the pango source package a total horror show04:31
mvomdz: thanks04:31
pittiseb128: but since it was in eternal sleep, it's a kernel bug after all, so we can just spank fabbione and go home :-)04:32
mdzpitti: :-/04:32
mdzinfinity: what else is different about it?04:32
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infinitymdz : Two months of minor bugfiz development?... It could take a while to sort the diff.04:33
infinitymdz : There haven't been any new bugs opened against it for ages, if that counts for anything.04:34
fabbionepitti: uh what kernel bug?04:34
infinitymdz : OTOH, no buntu user has complained about the bug, and I doubt it'd hurt to ship with it.  So, whatever seems the best compromise.04:35
pittifabbione: martin    7458  0.3  0.1   2520  1204 ?        T    16:27   0:01 /usr/lib/gamin/gam_server04:35
pittifabbione: mind the 'T'04:35
=== thom remembers how loathesome the packaged version of dbs is
fabbionepitti: fix gam_server... 04:35
fabbioneT    Stopped, either by a job control signal or because it is being traced.04:36
pittifabbione: oh sorry, mixed that up with 'D'04:37
fabbioneD    Uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)04:37
pittifabbione: just tried to blame sb else... :-P04:37
fabbionethat is due to the fact that your hw sucks at I/O04:37
pittifabbione: yeah, 'D' is what happened to hald from time to time04:37
abellimvo: how do you thing about a synaptic's extension that let's you control (install, view, unistall... ) packages on multiple machines? is this already possible?04:38
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mvoabelli: only indirect with --set-selections and "Save selections204:39
mvoabelli: you can easily clone package lists04:39
fabbionei guess compiling kdebindings is quite memory consuming04:40
fabbioneor there is a royal memoryleak somewhere04:40
abellimvo: oh right. thank you.04:40
seb128thom: like glib/gtk 04:41
=== Mithrandir wonders how bad a mod_debian_archive plugin would be.
thomseb128: anyway, can i upload the fix for 8259 please? :-)04:42
Lathiatthom: woo for firefox bug :)04:43
seb128thom: sure04:43
thomseb128: k, thanks04:43
infinityelmo : Can we get 'neon' synced?.. The only two changes are a fix for an RC FTBFS and a one-line fix for a segfault.04:43
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thomLathiat: uploaded; you'll need to restart firefox after you get the new pango04:44
seb128thom: thank you :)04:45
Lathiatthom: :)04:45
Lathiatthom: has anyone filed a bug about italic text moving around when its highlighted?04:45
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Lathiat(that you know of off-hand)04:45
thomLathiat: i'm pretty sure there was one which i resolved ages ago because no-one could reproduce it anymore04:47
Lathiati might try dig it up, happens notably on slashdot for me04:47
thom /. is a law unto itself04:48
thomthere are stacks of rendering problems that only happen on /.04:48
upsthom: that happens to me too, on any italic text on other sites as well04:48
upsthom: any way i can help?04:49
froudogra: how to start hwdb-clinet from the prompt?04:50
truluxmimms: segmentation fault04:51
thomups: become an expert on mozilla rendering and fix it04:51
ografroud, you shouldnt do that...but its possible with hwdb-gui04:51
thomups: i can't reproduce with 1.0.204:51
froudogra: why shouldn't?04:51
maswanthom: I can, right now04:51
upsthom: i've got 1.0.2 too04:52
maswanthom: mozilla-firefox: 1.0.2-0ubuntu204:52
ografroud, it starts anothe program after the questionnaire (the sending part is separated...) i had bugreports of people closing the terminal before hwdb-send is run04:53
froudok, good to know04:53
ografroud, in fact i'm considering to disable runningthe gui from a terminal at all for hoary....04:53
ografroud, its worse enough to have a .desktop entry now (the button in dvice manager is better because it ensures the right hal version is installed)04:54
thomargh, ok. i see it on one box but not the others04:54
upsthom: i don't think i can become a moz rendering expert, but thought you should know that it is still present. doesn't bother me that much04:55
infinitythom : BTW, not sure if you noticed above, but as the Mozilla guy, you should be aware that enigmail needs a bump to be happy with tbird 1.0.2 / moz-mail
thominfinity: bleah04:56
infinitythom : lamont already filed an FTBFS.  A new version is in Sid.04:57
thominfinity: thanks04:59
thommdz: can i sync enigmail - new debian version just adds support for moz 1.7.6 and tbird...05:00
mdzthom: yes05:00
thomelmo: please sync enigmail from unstable05:00
mdzthom: did you investigate / clear up whatever went wrong with the auto-torrenting for RC?05:02
fabbionesmurfix: ping?05:02
smurfixfabbione: 05:02
thommdz: investigating yes, will be testing05:02
fabbionesmurfix: i have some issues building console-data on sparc (a machine keyboardless)05:02
infinitylamont : I can't reproduce your libgd2 build failure on an up-to-date hoary/powerpc.05:02
fabbionesmurfix: it keeps failing console-data postinst05:02
fabbioneLooking for keymap to install:05:03
fabbioneUsage: install-keymap [ keymap_file | NONE | KERNEL ] 05:03
fabbione[BOOM] 05:03
fabbionesmurfix: do you have any clue of what is wrong?05:03
fabbioneit started to happen 3/4 uploads ago05:03
infinitylamont : Timestamp skews, probably, though.  Want me to add touch magic to debian/rules, or just ignore it?05:04
smurfixfabbione: Huh, never saw that, didn't change anything in that corner of the code. You want me to look into it?05:04
fabbionesmurfix: that would be nice. note that it happens only in non-interactive mode05:04
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fabbionesmurfix: if install it manually with a control terminal, it asks me to answer a question.05:05
fabbionesmurfix: problably on out buildd is configured properly05:05
fabbionesmurfix: but that should work nevertheless05:05
fabbionesmurfix: do you want a copy of the changelog?05:06
fabbionebuild log05:06
smurfixfabbione: sure, mail me05:06
fabbioneon the way05:07
fabbionemdz: am I go to upload a new kernel? 2 security fixes05:08
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fabbionemdz: very clear and non intrusive patches05:09
mdkeis it possible that an organisation as important and well organised as ubuntu can _still_ not have rebooted the website authentication server05:09
smurfixfabbione: That's what they all say ;-)05:09
fabbionesmurfix: ehehhe05:09
fabbioneoh talking of which.. 05:10
fabbionei need to sign your pic05:10
fabbionenow i have the time :)05:10
mdkesmurfix, btw is the german group organising some translations of the docteam docs in time for hoary release?05:10
fabbionesmurfix: hey that pic looks like you ;)05:11
smurfixmdke: The guy you probably want to talk to is siretart05:11
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mdzthom: judging by the times he was around last night, elmo may not be awake yet, probably best to email your sync request05:11
mdzfabbione: ok05:11
fabbionemdz: thanks05:11
mdkesmurfix, not sure who to talk to... I sent an email to ubuntu-de but haven't had a response05:11
fabbionesmurfix: you almost look like a kid :P05:12
smurfixmdke: as I said, /msg siretart05:12
mdzlamont: why are you getting all of these test build failures in packages which built before?05:12
smurfixfabbione: That pic is somewhat old anyway05:12
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thommdz: ah. 'k05:12
fabbionesmurfix: is it ok if upload to the keyservers?05:12
smurfixmdke: The German people use their Forum for a lot of their work and I'm not a Forum lover person05:13
smurfixfabbione: sure05:13
infinitythom : Want to throw my neon sync request in that same email? :)05:13
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mdkesmurfix, ah i c05:13
fabbionei should probably add a pic on my keys too.. so they will look more bloated :)05:13
infinitymdz : So, the bogofilter bug; do we care?05:14
infinitythom : Also, apache2 fix uploaded.05:14
smurfixfabbione: Use your hackergotchi05:14
fabbionesmurfix: nah.. i think i will just live with 12109280918 uids :)05:14
thominfinity: sure05:15
mdkesmurfix, siretart says he's not on the german team and hasn't done any translation05:15
fabbionesmurfix: uploaded.. it should propagate pretty fast05:15
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smurfixmdke: oh well, I'll ping the German forum then05:16
smurfixfabbione: true05:16
mdkesmurfix, thanks05:16
dokomdz: regarding an OOo.2 upload for hoary: advantages: builds with gcc-3.4/gij-4.0, so that it can stay in universe, powerpc build done und tested (by pitti and me), disadv: java components don't run, one patch to g++-3.4 still needed, doesn't affect any runtime library.05:16
mdkesmurfix, it wouldn't do to have french translations but not german ;)05:16
smurfixmdke: You have an URL for the translation work?05:17
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mdkesmurfix, http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-de/2005-March/000783.html05:18
ograprobably asking in #ubuntu-de would be sufficient, there are some ofthe forum readers....mdke, i know of no german dev who reads forums like smurfix said....05:18
mdzdoko: so you want to upload oo.o2(universe) and gcc-3.4(main)?05:18
mdkeogra, here i come05:18
infinitymdz : I can't speak for all of lamont's FTBFS bugs, but the 3 he pointed me to were all real, for some value of 'real'... neon's FTBFS is fixed with the sync I requested, enigmail is FTBFS due to tbird/moz updating, and libgd2 is FTBFS due to timestamp skews on lamont's buildd (I see this a lot on m68k), fixable, but probably not worth worrying about, since a retry will DTRT 99% of the time.05:18
dokomdz: yes05:19
mdzinfinity: sure, they look real enough, but they also succeeded with the same versions a couple of weeks ago05:19
infinitymdz : But their build-deps changed from under them, that's the issue for the first two.05:20
mdzinfinity: neon?05:20
infinitymdz : For neon, kdelibs started depending on krb5 stuff that it didn't before, and neon build-conflicts with krb5-dev stuff.  The new version fixes that, by removing the build-conflict and explicitly turning off krb detection in configure.05:21
mdzneon build-depends on kdelibs??05:21
infinitymdz : It would appear so.  Or it build-deps on something that pulls it in.05:21
mdzBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libxml2-dev, libssl-dev, libz-dev, autotools-dev05:21
infinityOh, wait.05:21
mdzI would be surprised (and appalled) if any of those pulled in KDE05:22
infinityMaybe it ws in his chroot?... <looks at the report again>05:22
infinityThe new version is still the better way to do it anyway, but.. Hrm.05:22
ograamu, do you read/write on ubuntusers.de ?05:22
infinitymdz : Ahh, yeah.  It was just installed in his buildd chroot.05:23
infinitymdz : Feh.05:23
infinitymdz : Oh well.  The sync request stands, as it has only that fix and a one-line fix for an SSL segfault.05:23
amuogra: sometimes, not regular 05:23
infinityI need to learn to read more slowly, or stop taking his bug report titles (COnflicting build-deps) as gospel truth.05:24
ograahh, mdke was looking for translators.....and we just recognized that there are not many german forum reading devs :)05:24
ograamu ^05:24
mdkethe ubuntu-de list doesn't get much traffic?05:25
mdzinfinity: I didn't see a sync request in my mailbox05:25
mdzthose should be CCed to me05:26
ogramdke, 820 mails since the start (i was the second subscriber so my archive is complete)05:26
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mdzdaniels: ping?05:26
infinitymdz : It was in IRC.  I also just asked thom to takc it on the end of his enigmail request.05:26
mdkeogra, hmmm05:26
mdkeogra, s/traffic/attention05:26
mdkei might try another email, to locoteam leaders05:27
ograhmm, probably traffic == attention :)05:27
theinethe new GDM login screen's pretty neat I must say...05:27
mdzinfinity: both elmo and I prefer that those requests go via email; the workflow is easier that way05:27
mdkeogra, froud has organised some african language translations05:27
infinitymdz : Kay.05:28
froudogra: just Xhosa05:28
mdkewe need to represent europe05:28
amuogra: hehe, whats about putting it on rosetta?  05:28
mdkeamu, sorry rosetta is broke at the moment05:28
mdkeamu some of the vital documents are very short though!05:28
infinitymdz : What about the libgd2 timestamp skew failure?... If we start fixing those, we'll probably have to touch a couple hunderd packages.  Should I just close it?05:28
ograamu, do any german users look at rosetta ? we need to announce to them that there is help needed05:29
mdkeogra, these docs aren't in rosetta and probably will not make it in in time for hoary05:29
mdzinfinity: timestamp skews should be fixed; we've fixed all the ones which have actually occurred on the buildds to date05:29
amuogra: me z.b. :)05:29
ograamu, youre a dev, that doesnt count :)05:30
infinitymdz : Alright.  I'll plug the appropriate touch magic into debian/rules, then.  I so rarely see timestamp skews on anything but really slow machines, I didn't figure Ubuntu would much care.05:30
mdkeok anyway thanks for your help ogra05:30
mdkei'm off05:30
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thomseb128: how does one update the timestamp on a transient window so it appears on top?05:39
seb128thom: open it with a timestamp ?05:41
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thomseb128: (#8268, for reference)05:43
seb128thom: or you can play with gtk_window_set_focus ()/gtk_window_set_keep_above () etc, mvo has played with that he probably knows better05:44
seb128that's a nautilus bug05:44
seb128thom: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17049405:45
seb128http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169364 in fact05:45
thomcool, it's all yours :-)05:46
seb128I reassign05:46
seb128bah, comment conflict 05:47
thomi think we mid-air collisioned the reassign05:48
thomoh well :-)05:48
fabbionepitti: ping?05:49
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zygamvo: should I send patches or wait till breezy and something gets commited?05:54
mvozyga: what you prefer, I can review patches, but I will only commit after hoary05:54
zygamvo: I can wait, the diffs would have to be hand edited anyway 05:55
zygamvo: what are the chances for KDE version?05:55
pittifabbione: pooooonnngggg06:00
fabbionepitti: too late..sorry06:00
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pittifabbione: sorry, was away for a bit06:00
lamontif kde is installed in the chroot, it's because something in that path fails to remove cleanly...06:00
=== lamont will have to investigate
fabbionepitti: nothing important... we were voting the name for the kernel release :)06:01
lamontdaniels around by chance?06:01
pittifabbione: how could I miss that.... what's the outcome?06:02
pittifabbione: Carnivore Carrot?06:02
abellisabdfl: ping06:02
fabbionepitti: you will see it soon on -changes :)06:02
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infinitylamont : If he's not insane, he's in bed, as I should be.06:03
fabbionedaniels: fdclock is missing a Build-Dep on some cairo-xlib.h06:04
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lamontinfinity: I've found with this crowd, it's not "what TZ are you in?", it's "what TZ are you currently executing?"06:07
abelliwasabi: cia06:07
infinitylamont : DId you figure out why KDE was sticking around?06:08
lamontchecking now06:08
mvozyga: for a kde version? not bad06:10
=== lamont lets that buildd finish with the new-and-succeeding libgd2 first
infinitylamont : Tell me it's the 'x*-common doesn't purge' bug that was fixed in Debian a while ago, so I can scream.06:10
fabbioneinfinity: i don't think so 06:10
fabbionewe would have noticed ages before06:10
infinityfabbione : One would think so.  Though, the bug lay dormant in xfree86 for several versions until it suddenly broke all the buildds.  Very weird.06:11
fabbioneinfinity: it must have been triggered by something06:11
infinityfabbione : I mentioned it to daniels and he said "we might have that bug"... Not sure if he ever actually looked into it.06:11
infinityI'm hoping he did. :)06:12
fabbioneinfinity: well.. changelog is there for a reason :)06:12
infinityChangelog isn't helpful if the bug was never there to start with. (ie: you guys may have killed it with your xorg repackaging without noticing)06:13
=== Lathiat wonders why archive.ubuntu.com returns bad header lines every few times he updates
lamontRemoving apache2-mpm-prefork ...06:13
lamont * Stopping web server (Apache2)...                                      [fail] 06:13
lamontinvoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "stop" failed.06:13
lamontdpkg: error processing apache2-mpm-prefork (--remove):06:13
lamont subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 106:13
lamontinfinity: that, believe it or not, is at least part of the root cause.06:13
infinitylamont : Well, I just fixed that bug too.06:13
infinitylamont : Handy.06:13
lamontinfinity: good.  then I don't have to. :-)06:13
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lamontPurging font configuration of fontconfig...06:17
lamontPurging category cid..06:17
lamontPurging category truetype..06:17
lamontPurging category type1..06:17
lamontfc-cache: error while loading shared libraries: libfontconfig.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:17
fabbionelamont: bad!06:17
fabbionelibfontconfig comes for X iirc06:17
fabbionebut than.. 06:18
wasabiabelli, ?06:19
lamontsudo rm -rf build-hoary-test/chroot-hoary-test/06:21
=== lamont capitulates
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fabbionepitti: http://linux.bkbits.net:8080/linux-2.5/gnupatch@424cce15dqRorp5LwCSspurmm1KAsQ06:23
pittioh no, not again06:24
fabbionepitti: well.. it's signed by one of our friends06:24
pittiyeah, I just saw06:24
pittifabbione: 5 minutes after a hoary upload *sigh*06:24
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fabbionepitti: exactly06:25
Lathiatthat sucks06:25
pittifabbione: well, it won't be the last one until release06:25
fabbionei am afraid not06:25
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fabbionenot even the time to create the pre34 branch!06:26
infinityGah, stupid apache2 init script.06:26
lamontinfinity: ross chroot pristene, neon given back, etc, etc.06:26
=== schweeb pokes jdub
infinitylamont : mmkay.06:27
=== lamont fears that today will be 'rebuild the chroots' day
fabbione|QuaD-: ?06:27
lamontfortunately, I have a script.06:27
lamontunfortunately, the script doesn't know about udev06:27
|QuaD-fabbione: sorry :) was copy in putty, accidently pasted via right clicking the mouse :(06:27
infinityYeah, I automated chroot creation when I had an overheating buildd that I had to keep rebuilding while trying to figure out WTF was wrong with it.06:30
pittiKamion: ping06:31
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lamontinfinity: I have 2 machines, with 3-6 chroots each06:32
smurfixfabbione: can you log onto the chroot of that buildd and do06:32
smurfixfabbione:       env PERL_BADLANG=0        /usr/share/console/getkmapchoice.pl 06:33
smurfixfabbione: (install console-common first)06:33
fabbionesmurfix: in a minute.. yes06:34
smurfixfabbione: It probably prints an error / warning / whatever06:34
smurfixfabbione: with that postinst isn't able to deal with06:34
fabbionesmurfix: do you want the logs i guess06:35
smurfixfabbione: I have the log, but it's not in there06:35
infinitylamont : I only admin half a dozen or so, with 3 chroots each, but surely I get bonus points for them all being m68k...06:35
smurfixfabbione: it's backticked into a variable and never actually printed06:35
thominfinity: stupid points, rm06:35
thomuh, "ym". :-)06:35
fabbionesmurfix: ok just a second :)06:36
lamontinfinity: on the insanity scale, yes?06:36
infinitylamont : Well, it was an argument for the "everything should be automated" thing anyway.  On faster machines, I don't much care doing the same thing over and over.  On m68k, I kinda prefer to set-and-forget.06:37
fabbionesmurfix: see /msg06:37
smurfixfabbione: Ah. So what's debconf doing thinking that Dialog is what we want?06:38
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smurfixfabbione: That's a buildd, that should be set to None, methinks06:38
fabbionesmurfix: no idea. but it has been like that since i bootstrapped the chroot06:38
infinitythom : Just fixed the root cause of the apache2 bug.  D'oh.06:39
thomwhat happened?06:39
smurfixfabbione: So dpkg-reconfigure debconf and the problem goes away.06:39
fabbionesmurfix: let me try06:39
thominfinity: (i hadn't looked at the bug at all)06:39
infinitythom : In the ubuntification of the new init script, I missed a case where it would exit 1 when it should have exited 0. (no daemon running when stop() called)06:39
thomah, oops06:40
fabbionesmurfix: i will test later.. it's building packages for main right now06:40
infinitythom : S'ok.  The other fix (not failing the prerm on init script failure) was probably weanted too, so now we have both. ;)06:40
smurfixfabbione: shouldn't hurt, but better safe than ...06:40
fabbionesmurfix: exactly.. 06:41
fabbioneand since it's keeping up so nicely with main :)06:41
infinityAlright.  Bedtime for me.06:46
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Mitariohi everyone07:00
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thommdz: does the new bug page seem ok?07:00
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pittibye guys07:01
diamondmvo: heimdal-kdc fails to install on amd64. bug filed.07:02
mdzthom: How about "Packages in the 'universe' component of Ubuntu"?07:02
thommdz: sure07:02
thommdz: hrm, note the URL you gave me is currently asking for username/password07:03
mdzI should probably update the Ubuntu description to mention main; I think I can do that from the web interface07:03
mdzthom: that's the URL that sabdfl gave me and swore an oath that it was correct07:03
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thommdz: k. i'm out for a few hours now but mail if it needs changing and i'll do it when i get back07:05
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sabdflmdz: hmm... i may have got the wrong url07:15
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thomsabdfl,mdz: dholbach put https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs in his MOTU mail07:17
thomis that more likely to be right?07:17
sabdflmdz: bradb wants https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs which is not quite right but better07:17
thomsabdfl: done07:18
froudogra: is there a web page which explains how the data collected by Ubuntu Device Database is used with reference to users privacy rights?07:19
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sabdflthom: thanksbot07:19
thomsabdfl: *g*07:19
=== thom -> cinema
thom(time to exercise what little of my german remains)07:20
froudogra: if not then I recomend we make a statement somewhere regarding the policy on this issue07:20
ografroud, i'll write something....its just hardware data that gets collected, no privacy data07:20
froudyes, I see that from the code07:20
ogranothing you could track a user with07:20
froudbut we need to cover it, just in case ;-)07:20
froudogra: still it is private information07:21
ograexcept if the user wants it, he has the ooportinity to look it up by a unqe id he owns07:21
froudcan you mail me details about this unique id or point me to a URL07:22
froudif this information is made publicaly available it does infringe certain rights07:22
ografroud, if the datafile is generated a md5sum is made of this file....the md5sum is also the filename and is stored in ~/.hwdb....if you want to look up your data you can find it with it, but the server isnt able to trace it back to you07:24
froudogra: is this database made publically available for anyone outside of Canonical where it can be used for research or commercial purposes07:24
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ografroud, yes, it will be .... but there is no server for public use yet, it will be there some weeks after release...07:25
froudogra:  where is the server? URL please where I can check it07:25
mdzseb128: are you here?07:26
froudogra: are you aware of the commercial value this database has07:26
seb128mdz: yep07:26
ograas i said there is no server yet, its one cgi to make it possible to look up your own data and show some basic data, its at hwdb.ubuntu.com, but please dont make it public07:26
mdzseb128: so 2.10.1 is delayed, but we do not want to delay Hoary any further.  what do you think is the best that we can do to get bugfixes into hoary?07:27
mdzseb128: can we take CVS snapshots next week?07:27
seb1282.10.1 is delayed ? since when ?07:27
seb128I'm not aware of that07:27
ografroud, its currently a collection of flat files, so it wont ope with a lot of users...07:27
mdzseb128: jdub told me yesterday that it is delayed 1 week07:27
ogracope even07:27
seb128jdub: thanks for saying me dude07:27
ografroud, yes. i'm aware if its value, but what should i do about it :)07:28
seb128mdz: we will probably get a good part of tarballs, maintainers are not aware of that afaik07:28
mdzseb128: hmm, ok.  he did not say it was final, but "most likely"07:28
seb128maintainer will roll tarballs this WE/monday07:28
ografroud, i wont start the real (SQL based) server before release, so this interim will be in place some time...07:29
seb128dunno when he wants to announce that07:29
seb128jdub: why delaying 2.10.1 ?07:29
froudogra: You just have to make your user aware of how what data is collected, how it impacts privacy, and how the data will be used.07:30
seb128mdz: do we want to update stuff without code changes which have no tarball for the translations or not ?07:30
Lathiatfroud: it does mention no personal information is collected07:30
ografroud, dont you think the first screen of the app is sufficient for that ? it tells about all these things briefly07:31
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dredgogra: so what happens if 2 users run the app on 2 identical machines? :)07:31
mdzseb128: translations would be good, yes07:31
smurfixdredg: unless the machines have no Ethernet, they aren't07:31
ogradredg, if they even have the same test results and the same comments, that actually great :)07:31
dredgsmurfix: that popped into my head as soon as i hit enter07:32
ogradredg, that saves us one entry in the DB, since the same applies to both ;)07:32
dredgogra: fair point :)07:32
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froudogra: it does but we must address things in terms of privacy and provide a statement that invites the user to exit now if there are not certain.07:32
Lathiatthe applet looks swanky07:32
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smurfixdredg: Unfortunately (meaning that we probably will get complaints about that) the Ethernet address is included in cleartext07:32
ogradredg, but its unlikely that the bootlog and xlog data are the same anyway07:33
Lathiatfroud: it also gives you a chance not to send at the end07:33
ografroud, hmm...07:33
Lathiati guess a warning could be put there07:33
Lathiatrather than the start07:33
froudyes but it must be plain and obvious07:33
=== _mvo_ goes to play some hockey. bbl
froudogra: while packaging and before sending the user should have a text message to prompt for final verification that they want the information to be sent. By clciking yes, they accept the terms of what ever policy an disclaimer you provide.07:35
ografroud, i think whats written on the first page is sufficient, you are always able to click canel07:35
ogracance even07:36
froudDont count on users reading, I did not07:36
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=== zyga just logged in
ografroud, your own fault...07:36
diamondogra: hum. the hwdb entry for my machine shows ram as being 507M instead of 512... is that expected?07:36
zygawhat the HECK :-)07:36
ografroud, its written there07:36
zygathis is the official artwork? :> 07:36
dredgzyga: yeah07:36
dredglast minute change for haory07:36
ogradiamond, what does cat /proc/memeinfo show ;) ?07:36
zygait sure looks good ;] 07:37
zyga(to be there)07:37
zygabut I sure hope it's going to go away ;] 07:37
froudogra: better to add a prompt at end of wizard, Accept or Decline07:37
dredgmeme info? :)07:37
diamondogra: huh. 507480 kB. no idea why07:37
ogradiamond, i'm only collecting the data the kernel sees :) 07:37
diamondogra: fair enough07:37
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zygaBTW: who is on the happy picture/07:39
ografroud, i really dont like the idea.... if its not for legal reasons that force it, i'd like to leave it as it is...07:39
ograi think one hint that you submit your data online is enough...07:40
ografroud, it will scare a lot of users more then necessary07:43
smurfixogra: It does say no personal data IIRC, which kindof doesn't include the ethernet address07:43
ograsmurfix, yup07:44
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smurfixmaybe s/etheraddr/XXX/g would be a good idea07:46
ograsmurfix, do you _really_ think thats necessary ?07:47
smurfixPersonally I don't but I remember the stink that went up when M$ basically did the same thing07:47
ograthere is no ip or anything....07:47
ograneither routing information....07:48
smurfixogra: I know ... it's not me you'll have to convince if/when somebody decides to raise a stink about that. I don't know how likely that is either.07:49
ograsmurfix, i dont even think it will get used or stored in the database, lets see, if i find the time before release i'll filter it out...07:50
smurfixogra: Fair enough. 07:51
ograheh, preventive programming07:52
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smurfixogra: So is every BUG() call in the kernel, this is just a different class of bug ;-)07:53
ograheh :)07:54
froudogra: it is up to you. I just ask cause I thought it may be a trojan for potential problems in the future.07:55
froudogra: if it was me I would put clear Accept or Decline07:55
ografroud, i will face them if they encounter me, but id rather have 1000 flame mails, then scraing away 10000 users by a extra question...07:56
ograthere are enough options to stop the process....07:57
froudogra: I don't think it will scare users if they have the clarity of a statement07:57
ografroud, it would make _me_ think twic if there were such a question....07:57
ografroud, my GF too she says...07:58
froudogra: and it should to. That is why if the user clicks Accept there is no place for argument and no place for trojan problem in the future :-)07:58
froudogra: just my 2 cents07:59
ografroud, ok...dont take it personally :)07:59
=== kain is away: ciau
danielsmdz: pong08:02
danielslamont: pong08:02
danielsfabbione: eh, should be b-ding on libcairo-dev or whatever, probably it's missed out on an api change08:02
froudogra:  no, I don't, I can always come back and say, "I told you so." :-)08:02
ografroud, yeah, with every right ;)08:03
mxpxpodI know I've asked this before, but is there a reason we're using pbbuttonsd instead of pmud for powerpc?08:13
danielsmdz, lamont: unpong, going to sleep08:14
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Lathiatdaniels: you like late nights dont you :)08:16
=== Lathiat coughs
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mxpxpodthom: ping08:18
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lamontdaniels: oops08:22
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abelliis it possible to install drivers at run time with the live cd?08:38
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mdzabelli: #ubuntu, please08:40
abellihuh yeah sorry .08:40
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dokoKamion, mdz: ok to upload a merged gsfonts package?08:43
mdzdoko: minimal changes?08:46
dokomdz: the two exchanged fonts regenerated, glyphs added with daf's scripts.08:47
mdzdoko: ok, go ahead08:47
dokomdz: ok, any answer to the OOo.2 question?08:48
diamondelmo: hey. sync request for hping3 from debian08:53
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trukulohi people, good afternoon/whatever08:53
ogradiamond, probably better you do it by mail, he didnt show up today 08:53
diamondogra: right, thanks.08:54
mdzdoko: if you can regression-test things in main which build with gcc-3.4, ok08:54
dokowell, I need only regression tests for things which build with g++-3.4. will do tonight08:55
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mdzlamont: I just received encrypted, unchanged copies of my key from you09:06
lamontmdz: yeah - the keyring on my machine hadn't been freshened... so it didn't see the sig09:08
=== lamont has freshened the keyring now..
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lamontfrom the stupid perl questions department... given @x=qw(a b); how do I append "c" to the list?09:11
ograwith push09:12
lamontdanke, even 09:12
trukulodaniels, you awake?09:13
ograyeah, thanks for the key, you were actually faster then me.....09:13
=== ogra still has 10 unsigned mataro keys lying around and waiting for a spare minute...
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Cube-nessanyone know of the "kernels later than 2.6.8 panic (failed sync) in hotplug startup" bug? 09:16
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Lathiatwoo new gnome splash is good09:23
mdzlamont: is "@x = qw(a b c);" wha tyou're looking for?09:25
Cube-nessis there some way i can see what all happens in the hotplug boot script thingy? i'd like to figure out just what is the problem here09:25
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Cube-nessi had to install a kernel form warty to get hoary to work09:25
lamontmdz: actually trying to conditionally append09:25
jbaileyCube-ness: Not trivially.  It chains between shell scripts, so even sh -x gets lost.09:25
mdzok, push then09:26
lamont  foreach ${dist} qw(warty hoary) {09:26
lamont    push(@take_from_dists,"${dist}${flavor}")09:26
lamont        if -d "build-${dist}${flavor}/chroot-${dist}${flavor}";09:26
lamont  }09:26
lamontlike that09:26
Cube-nessi just wanna know what to blacklist so i can use a new kernel09:26
Cube-nessi dont even get anything in any logs09:27
Cube-nessit just jangs09:27
Cube-nesssometimes it spits an oops or a panic09:27
Cube-nessusually not though09:27
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Cube-nesshell, i wish i knew what is failing to sync.. and what that means?09:31
_froud_ogra: a first draft in progress of the Ubuntu Device Database Manual source can be checked out (svn checkout http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/TakingScreenshots) Do yelp on documen to view. It is just a start, but will keep you psoted.09:35
_froud_ogra: a first draft in progress of the Ubuntu Device Database Manual source can be checked out (svn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/froud/gnome/ubuntu-device-database) Do yelp on documen to view. It is just a start, but will keep you psoted.09:35
ogra_froud_, great, thanks, i will read it...09:35
_froud_ah much better09:35
_froud_no need for much reading09:36
_froud_just so you know where it is being developed09:36
_froud_I will notify you once I have the draft complete, then is a good time for reading by you09:36
ogra_froud_, keep in mind there will be some things not yet included in the endversion (like a button that opens your online data for you)09:36
_froud_I will also ask other doc team members if they want to edit etc.09:36
_froud_ogra: sure, we will do it inline.09:37
ograand probably a textfield with the id to copy paste it...09:37
ogra_froud_, i really appreciate it, thanks :)09:37
_froud_ogra: no worries I have a few apps in this state, document them as we go and make sure they will release with docs09:37
_froud_must go09:38
CarlKogra - what is the name of the .wav that gets played for the audio test?09:40
ograCarlK, guess09:40
lamontelmo around?09:41
CarlKfigured it was something like that09:41
Cube-nessis there some way to get soem logging or verbosity fo rhte hotplug init script?09:42
Cube-nessi'd like to see where it bites the duct so i can report some bug09:43
Cube-nessdust too09:43
CarlKyou can make the scrip echo commands by changing the first line to #!/bin/sh -x09:45
Cube-nessso i can do that to /etc/init.d/hotplug?09:46
CarlKi just did09:46
CarlKim trying to find out what -e does, other than prevent -x from working09:46
lamont-e says 'die if anything exits with non-zero status (fails)09:48
Cube-nesshopefully i can figure out where the prob is09:49
CarlKlamont - any idea why -e -x doesn't work?09:50
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lamontit should09:50
CarlK-ex does09:51
CarlK"-e -x" does /bin/sh: - : invalid option09:51
Cube-ness#!/bin/sh -ex -lax09:52
srbaker-x implies -e09:54
Mithrandirfabbione: amd64 xen ; http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.xen.devel/843709:54
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CarlKogra - Audio test, "Test again" clears the comments.. (anoying)10:03
ograCarlK, sorry, might be a wontfix for hoary....10:04
CarlKi hear ya.. 10:04
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CarlKnother one: how come when I hit "partial" it disables "Forward" ?10:05
ograbecaus we want more information from you what partial means ;)10:06
CarlKI filled in the comment, still no Forward10:06
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CarlKah, I have to pick Partil first, then fill in the comment10:07
CarlKI am getting good at fillin in that comment ;)10:07
ograCarlK, yep... thats a bug i'll have to fix...10:07
CarlKwant me to bugzilla it?10:07
ograCarlK, nah, n need, its already filed...10:08
ograbut thanks for the offer :)10:08
CarlK"connecting to server (timeout 30 seconds)" has been on my screen for about 2 min now10:12
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ssbobI've got a quick question about the Live CD10:24
srbakerssbob, no10:25
ssbobHow hard would it be to add back in "Copy to RAM" support?10:25
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ssbobbummer, thanks10:27
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CarlKI wish there was a way to run the Live CD over a lan ;)10:33
Echylois there a beagle package available?10:33
Echylocould have find that by myself :)10:35
CarlKthanks for making me look that up - never knew it existed ;)10:35
Echylothat doesn't work10:36
EchyloI have universe checked10:36
Echylobut it doesn't finds package beagle10:36
ograEchylo, mono is currently being rebuilt, wait some days and you'll probably find beagle in universe....10:37
Echylois it smart to install it from source?10:37
Echylooh well10:38
Echylolet me just wait :)10:39
ograno idea, i hav amd64 here and other tasks the playing with mono...but if tseng makes it, we'll have a easy installable package of beagle before release in universe10:39
ogra(and i belive in tseng ;) )10:39
Echylook thanks :)10:39
jbaileyAnyone here running lvm willing to test a patch for me?  I've tested it on ppc with SATA, md and evms-managed md.  I'm about to test on ia32 with ide, but would like a test on lvm for completeness.10:44
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Berserkerhi people! installer cant find info about partition table of my IDE HDD. But  on the other virtual terminal in the same time I can list it by `fdisk -l` and mount all partitions to any mountpoints..10:48
Berserkerwhat I should  do to install Ubuntu ?10:49
lamontBerserker: that's really a question that's best asked in #ubuntu10:50
lamontmind you, it sounds like you'll wind up fileing abug once you figure out what's going on...10:50
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mvohey dholbach 10:54
mdzmvo: these missing refs in python-apt, what is their effect?  a memory leak?10:57
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mvomdz: worst case is that python throws a exception because it tries to free the "None" object. It needs a lot of calls to the affected functions but I really would appreciate if that could be fixed. 10:59
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Mitariohi everyone11:00
mvomdz: I think the patch is really safe, it was a stupid oversight on my part :/11:00
mvohi Mitario 11:00
mdzmvo: go ahead (emailed you)11:00
mvomdz: thanks a lot!11:01
Mitariois the wiki fixed? :-)11:01
dholbachMitario: i can log in11:01
Mitariodholbach, i had a problem with resetting my password11:02
dholbachMitario: hrm, don't know anything about that11:02
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Mitariohrm, still shows me the http auth dialog11:03
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Mitariohmm, i can login to launchpad, but not the wiki11:08
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=== blueyed [~knoppix@iD4CC1648.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== roo_ [~roo@cpc1-with1-6-0-cust213.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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