
calcmdz: awake?12:01
=== tritium [~tritium@12-202-89-11.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxhey tritium 12:04
dholbachhey tritium 12:04
tritiumhey trulux12:04
truluxtritium: howya!?12:04
tritiumhi dholbach 12:04
truluxtritium: http://www.tuxedo-es.org/blog/ finally updated!12:04
truluxdholbach: hi :)12:04
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tritiumnice, trulux 12:05
truluxtritium: a friend bought R.Love's Linux Kernel Development 2nd edition for me12:05
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tritiumthat's a nice friend, trulux 12:07
truluxtritium: yeah, he is around your age, dunno, maybe a bit younger12:08
truluxtritium: he managed me to get space at Telefonica R&D data center for my testing box12:10
truluxand access to some sparc machines12:10
tritiumcool, trulux12:11
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dholbachgood night everybody!12:25
tsengbye dholbach 12:26
dholbachbye tseng 12:26
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jdubhrm, somehow i was not collecting mail overnight12:33
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jdubreading message jdub@mail.waugh.id.au:6 of 446 (5354 octets) .....12:33
ograhahaha, only 446 ?12:33
=== ogra loves the day after a long weekend without pc .... there are always four digits.....
=== motaboy [~motaboy@host146-36.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.93.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HiddenWolfRythmbox is giving me an error "Alsa device DEFAULT is already in use by another program" Does that ring any bells?12:38
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truluxanyone knows the trailer/teaser of star wars episode 3? :)12:52
jdubmdz and anyone interested in usplash: http://www.kerneltraffic.org/kernel-traffic/latest.html#212:52
tsumeis there a gnome 2.10 in hoary?12:53
=== trulux adds Fix config. syntrax in Linux-PAM 0.78 packages to TODO list
mpttsume: yes12:53
truluxtsume: yes12:53
tsumeI'm blind then, I think I'm running 2.812:53
=== mpt kicks whoever thought it would be a good idea to make the "Invite" and "Remove" buttons in Gaim so fricking huge
HiddenWolftrulux: yup. OT tho12:55
HiddenWolfDid anything change with Alsa in the last few days?12:55
tsumempt: whatever the trouble is, its alindeman's fault ;)12:55
dhonnI noticed that on all distributions that firefox eats up on my computer 50% cpu when downloading a file.  The download dialog animation is at a very high refresh rate is what is causing it.  12:56
dhonnperhaps we can tone down the refresh rate?12:56
ogratsume, System->about gnome12:57
=== tsume hmms
tsumeI'm running 2.10, I don't know where I recieved the image of running 2.8 :)12:58
dhonnthere is a bug in the Help Documentation mentioning that Gnome is version 2.612:59
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mpttsume: Why alindeman? (doesn't seem to be related to gaim, if sf.net is any guide)01:01
HiddenWolfdhonn: file a bug. :)01:02
tsumempt: Hes a netOp, and dmwaters says every trouble she has is alindeman's fault. Including netsplits, so dmwaters wallops everyone, and everybody msg's alindeman :)01:02
dhonni do01:03
ogratsume, and that explains the bad ui design of gaim ?01:03
mptjdub: Sorry for filing that invalid bug yesterday ... So that I don't do it again: Is there a good reason why I can't rename something in Nautilus just by clicking on its name and typing?01:03
tsengalindeman is a coder on dancer ircd iirc01:04
HiddenWolfogra: no, crappy devs explain the bad design of gaim01:04
tsumeogra: yes! :)01:05
ograHiddenWolf, i dont thik they are bad....at least 80% of the app are great.....but the remaining 20% annoyances make 200% of the look and feel ;)01:06
jdubmpt: that's very easily hamfisted, which leads to confusingly broken results.01:07
mptjdub: I don't remember ever hamfisting it on Windows or Mac ... What are you referring to in particular?01:07
mptYou mean renaming /etc or something like that?01:08
HiddenWolfogra: true01:08
jdubmpt: users misrenaming any file01:08
dhonnhey jdub, i sent you a patch, @perkypants  I'm a metacity hacker, i fixed an issue with maximized window bug01:09
jdubdhonn: a metacity patch? best to put those in gnome bugzilla, surely?01:09
dhonnactually its for human/indubstiral01:10
dhonni sent a few patches to havoc01:10
dhonnbut thats for something else01:11
jdubd'oh, crap -> i managed to revert back to the buggy version01:11
dhonnlol i noticed one time it was based on ClearLooks01:12
dhonnor are you going back to ClearLooks?01:12
jdubnah, sticking with the warty version for now01:12
dhonni love indubstrial lol01:13
dhonni sent a patch to havoc to allow the resizing without syncronization.  It would make window resizing seam very very fast, but visual tearing would occur01:15
jdubhrm, doubt he'd accept that ;)01:16
jdubmight be good for low resource mode though01:16
dhonnnope, he said 10 fps would be resonalble01:16
dhonnright now syncronization is turned off at 1 fps01:16
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dhonnmakes resizing very choopy01:17
jduboh right01:17
dhonnon a slow computer01:17
dhonnor with firefox 01:17
dhonnright now it matches macosx behavior01:18
dhonnbut you will notice that there is no tear in macosx when moving windows01:18
dhonnmetacity has tons of tear when you move a window01:18
HiddenWolfwtf: "Alsa device DEFAULT is already in use by another program"01:20
=== HiddenWolf grumbles
tsengyou already said that01:21
HiddenWolftseng: any clue what could cause it?01:22
dhonnso we want tear when moving windows, but we dont want tear when resizing windows?  doesnt make much sense right now01:22
dhonnman i got to go pick up my gf at work01:23
tsengHiddenWolf: another app using the device.01:24
tsengHiddenWolf: possibly esound01:24
tsengwhat app is giving you that?01:24
tsengyou probably arent getting alot of help because, this isnt a support channel.01:25
HiddenWolfRythmbox is giving me that.01:25
HiddenWolfI'm not looking for help. I want to know where and with what info to file the bug, so a dev will fix this and I can hear music. :)01:25
HiddenWolfI have system sounds, but no sounds in any user app.01:28
jdubHiddenWolf: at the risk of turning this into a support channel, run gstreamer-properties and ensure the output sink is set to esound01:29
tsengthere is no bug.01:29
tsengor at least it sounds like a simple configuration issue01:29
HiddenWolfAll I did was restart my pc for the kernel update.01:30
tsenghe didnt ask about your kernel :P01:30
HiddenWolfjdub: bingo01:31
tsumeis there a dev site for the packaging?01:33
tsumeand lists of current dev pacakges (done, needed, packaging)?01:34
thomjdub: dude, ubuntu-artwork needs to update the homepage for hoary01:34
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HiddenWolfjdub: it was probably an update that overwrote my mixer settings. My line-in got muted again, etc.01:35
ogratsume, on the wiki look for MOTU, and "Developer Ressources" has links to the build logs01:35
tsumeogra: you know if theres an RSS feed? :) and if theres not, can one be set up? :)01:35
ogratsume, talk to dholbach tomorrow, he has plans on rss stuff, but i dont know if he thought of build logs.... good idea01:37
tsengive been wishing for hoary-changes rss forever01:38
ogratseng, should be easy...01:38
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whiprushtseng: gmane has rss feeds for hoary-changes01:53
T-BoneKamion: ping?02:01
jdubthom: yeah, or we need to change the home page02:05
=== jdub is going away for the day tho :|
jdubthom: i'll ping about this later tonight :)02:07
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wasabiOh god.02:13
wasabiNice login screen02:13
mdzcalc: yep02:14
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stratusI've packaged beagle for hoary, cvs and 0.0.7, building right now.02:33
stratuscvs package is buggy and needs patching02:33
stratusanyone interested?02:33
|QuaD-stratus: i believe they have a 0.0.7 package, just haven't releasedit yet02:34
stratus|QuaD-, it won't be on hoary but AFAIK it's a release goal for hoary+1 so i'm asking. I'm a DD and i've heard about MOTU...02:35
|QuaD-stratus: talk to the ubuntu devs :)02:36
stratus|QuaD-, have you read the channel name?02:36
|QuaD-stratus: yeah, i meant don't talk to me :)02:36
|QuaD-i hve no say :)02:37
|QuaD-i just wanted to let you know there is already a package02:37
stratusok, thanks.02:37
|QuaD-stratus: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/hoary/02:39
stratus|QuaD-, oic.02:41
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T-Boneogra: around?02:43
T-Boneogra: submission id 5e9be082a06fe065366890600cfc6c15, vendor 4889 is HP i'd say ;] 02:44
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zulhey daniels02:46
tsengwhiprush: cool.02:57
tsengbeagle isnt going into hoary kids.02:58
zulya think?02:58
tsengi dont think, I know :P02:58
tsengim not putting in a completely new mono stack with 5 days to go02:59
zulwell at least you admit you dont think ;)02:59
tsengbeagled has numerous memory leaks on mono 1.0.502:59
tsengor maybe one big one03:00
zulim still trying to get use to tomboy03:00
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|QuaD-tseng: how come?03:16
tseng< tseng> im not putting in a completely new mono stack with 5 days to go03:16
tsengdoes that not make immediate sense?03:17
|QuaD-tseng: so i shouldn't expect mono 1.1.x?03:17
tsengfor hoary? no.03:17
tsengthere is too much changing03:17
|QuaD-thanks for the effort though :)03:17
tsengi had to touch every mono package under the sun, im not comfortable pushing it anywhere without testing03:17
|QuaD-now i just have to wait for breezy i guess :)03:18
tsengim trying to do something that pleases upstream mono-project and debian mono, and users at the same time03:18
tsengim at my parents for the weekend, i probably wont be working on much03:19
|QuaD-oh well :) 03:19
tsengmako: your latest post rocks.03:20
=== mpt wonders why "Lock Screen" does nothing
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lamontKamion: you around?04:05
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mxpxpodwhy would my openoffice icons not be showing up in the gnome-panel menu?04:36
|QuaD-mxpxpod: ask in the help channel04:37
mxpxpod|QuaD-: in #ubuntu?04:38
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SuperL4gtseng: you around?05:03
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tsumeokay, there something wrong with the installer on my laptop, are there any reported bugs for GRUB?06:00
tsumeits sticking at boot, this is a developer issue if its not installing right by default06:00
tsumeI can't exactly check bugzilla since I'm using chroot to the /target during install :)06:00
mpttsume: So you can do text-mode IRC but not not text-mode Web browsing? :-)06:05
tsumempt: oh.. I forgot about w3m :)06:05
tsumeoh wait, I forgot I have w3m even installing on the bsd server I'm ssh'ing to06:05
tsumempt: well, is there a problem with some laptops to your knowledge? (specifically toshiba?)06:06
mpt"installing" as in right now?06:06
mpttsume: Well I have lots of problems with this Toshiba laptop, but that's another story06:06
tsumeI had ubuntu installed before with lilo, but I wish to use grub. I reformatted because fdisk messed up on calculating the correct space  and tried allocating 80G total when of course the harddrive has less when formatted06:06
tsumempt: I fixed the problems with the toshiba laptop(all of them)06:07
tsumethe last one is the boot manager06:07
tsumethe synaptic pad works great without lag ;)06:07
tsumethe touchpad06:07
mptSo what's a synaptic pad?06:07
tsumemodprobe psmouse rate=40 :)06:07
tsumempt: well I call it by what driver it needs :)06:07
tsumempt: I really want to use grub ;)06:08
mptThere's only one grub bug mentioning Toshiba, and I don't think it's yours06:09
mptIt's complaining that Windows 2000 doesn't boot06:09
tsumempt: I'm searching too, and I'm not seeing anything06:10
tsumempt: what does your device menu file for grub have in it?06:10
mptOh, well I'll get back to work then06:10
mptSee, I don't even know what a "device menu file" is06:11
mptI'm new here :-)06:11
tsumempt: its the file.. /boot/grub/device.something I think06:12
=== tsume thinks its not even setting up grub correctly
SuperQit'd be nice for a hoary maintence patch to include the 1.0.2 ipw2200 driver06:14
mpttsume: (hd0)   /dev/hda06:15
mptSuperQ: Hey, then my wireless might start working properly06:16
SuperQmpt: heh06:16
SuperQit comes with 0.19, which is much better than what warty came with06:16
SuperQbut ipw2200 is under heavy development06:17
mptAt the moment my laptop only gets a wireless connection in rooms where my colleagues' laptops don't, and vice versa06:17
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SuperQmpt: I just grabed the kernel-source and built my own driver06:17
SuperQI still can't get WPA-PSK to work tho06:17
mptIt jumped from 0.19 to 1.0.2 in six months? That's fast06:17
SuperQthey were doing weekly releases 06:18
SuperQup until february06:18
SuperQwhen 1.0.0 came out06:18
SuperQnow they're doing monthly releases06:18
SuperQ1.0.2 is supposed to fix WPA problems06:18
SuperQbut I still can't get my card to associate06:19
SuperQit can if I switch my AP into WEP mode06:19
schweebmornin fabio06:19
fabbionehey schweeb 06:19
fabbionemdz: ?06:39
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bluefoxicywell this is an interesting reason for comcast to return my e-mail:   Permanent Failure: 550_Mailbox_unavailable_or_access_denied_You_are_part_of_a_phishing_attack._Rejecting_command...06:54
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=== Amaranth goes to bed
lamontbluefoxicy: that just means that your box got rooted. :-)07:49
fabbioneok let's go back and hunt down this xen0 boot problem07:51
zenwhendoing my weekly update from a daily disk07:52
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zenwhen_Hey is anyone around07:57
zenwhen_The upgrade broke my Nvidia drivers07:58
zenwhen_it says the kernl module version is wrong07:58
zenwhen_is there a way bto force my nvidia-glx back to the old version?07:58
bluefoxicyfabbione:  fabulous, ubunut is going to support xen?07:59
fabbionezenwhen_: read ubuntu-users on how to do an upgrade or ask in #ubuntu07:59
bluefoxicyfabbione:  i had gentoo on dom1 for a while, but xen doesn't like anything but vanilla apparently (won't even build with grsecurity)07:59
fabbionebluefoxicy: i am evaluating it at the moment07:59
zenwhen_fabbione: I am not having trouble doing an upgrade.08:00
zenwhen_I am having an issue with a new package in hoary.08:00
bluefoxicyfabbione:  I recommend you have fun, and then come back when Xen 3.0 is out and see if it's any better.08:00
zenwhen_I cant exactly file a bug either08:00
zenwhen_but thanks anyway08:00
fabbionezenwhen_: a reboot is enough08:00
bluefoxicyfabbione:  it's a wonderful system; however, making it work is troublesome, and it does not like non-vanilla kernels08:00
fabbionebluefoxicy: yes i know thanks08:01
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zenwhen_fabbione: a reboot wasnt enough. Apparently the kernel module in linux restricted conflicts with nvidia-glx08:04
fabbionezenwhen_: as i said before, you didn't upgrade all your system. You need to use the latest linux-restricted-modules together with the latest nvidia-glx08:05
zenwhen_But I did.08:05
fabbioneno you didn't08:05
zenwhen_Oh well.08:05
zenwhen_sure did.08:06
fabbioneotherwise it would work08:06
zenwhen_... wow08:06
fabbionesince i did the packages and i use them myself on 4 out of 6 test machines08:06
fabbionelogout from X08:06
fabbionego to console08:06
fabbionermmod ndivia08:06
fabbionemodprobe nvidia08:06
fabbioneand check the output from dmesg08:07
fabbioneit will tell you what version of the kernel driver you are using08:07
fabbioneso either the kernel module is the wrong one or you didn't upgrade nvidia-glx08:07
zenwhen_the linux restricted modules for my kernel which is 2.6.10-4-686-smp are th newest08:09
zenwhen_and just upgraded nvidia-glx08:09
zenwhen_which caused the issue to begin with08:09
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zenwhenhad to downgrade to 622908:13
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bob2`debmirror seems quite confused08:18
bob2`and keeps downloading the same satuff over and over08:18
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gabaugdoes Canonical spend a large amount of $ on bandwidth for package updates? It seems combining apt-get with BitTorrent would work great, especially considering the temporal locality of lots of users updating to the latest packages08:28
bob2`a couple of people have tried integrating bt with apt08:39
bob2`but no one's suceeded yet08:40
=== wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-61-51.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
gabaugbob2`: any pointers to their work/names?09:05
mdzfabbione: 09:11
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fabbionemdz: i did some progresses on 7078. i am working on adding more debugging info to isolate what causes the problem09:32
mdzfabbione: I read bugzilla, yes09:33
mdzeven on saturday ;-)09:33
fabbioneit's sunday here :)09:34
fabbionebtw.. the pope is dead09:34
mdzyes, he was dead yesterday too09:36
fabbioneyesterday for you :P09:36
wasabiAt least we don't have to hear about Terri anymore.09:37
wasabiIs that getting any out of US coverage at all?09:37
ajwasabi: god yes09:37
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calcwasabi: now there will be years of pope is dead coverage10:00
wasabiThat's ok.10:00
=== dholbach [~daniel@td90919bb.pool.terralink.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wasabiI can stand that. The fight about Terri, I couldn't stand.10:00
dholbachgoooooood morning!10:00
wasabi, vietnam!10:03
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dholbachnoooo wasabi that wasnt what i was going to say....10:05
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fabbionexen really doesn't like patches on top of vanilla10:12
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froudogra: ping11:44
froudfor developer credits in the doc can anyone please tell me ogra's real name11:46
Mithrandir11:47 [OPN]  -!-  ircname  : Oliver Grawert11:47
Mithrandirfroud: /whois is good for finding out such stuff11:47
froudMithrandir: my whois did not return anything11:48
froudprobably cause I am using Konversation ;-)11:48
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ografroud, morning :)12:05
=== trygvebw [~trygvebw@217-131-213.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
froudogra: African Greetings12:06
froudogra: just about to commit finalized draft of document12:06
ografroud, such informations are in the changelog of the packages if kopete doesnt like me ;)12:06
trygvebwwasn't the third ubuntu release going to be called grumpy groadhog?12:06
froudogra: not using Kopete12:07
froudIRC via Konversation12:07
ograkonversation indeed12:07
=== HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.93.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra(sorry just waking up :) )12:07
froudogra: well just to let you know the doc is now at a stage where it could use your review12:07
froudI will send you an email12:08
froudYou can add help button to the app ;-)12:08
froudthe OMF with series id is also done as are the make files12:09
froudogra: so integration with scrollkeeper should work if you register it12:09
froudYou might want to look at the omf category though.12:10
ograi will :)12:10
HiddenWolfDamn, there IS a bug somewhere with Alsa/oss12:11
ograT-None, its not hp :-P <property class="linux" subclass="cpuinfo" name="vendor_____" type="string">GenuineIntel</property>12:11
T-Noneogra: oh, that's it the CPU vendor then12:12
=== ogra wonders why ia64 adds this ugly subdashes to the kernels cpu information...
=== T-None is now known as T-Bone
=== T-Bone wakes up
ograT-None, yup.... i'll write a correct parser for the data later in the process, currently i'm greppin through the flat file....subdashes are the last i had expected there :)12:13
ograbut thanks, now i got a ia64 example to play with :-D12:14
T-Boneogra: btw, can i register hppa machines? :}12:14
ograT-Bone, sure, but i currently cant promise the datasheet will show anything :)12:15
T-Boneit's likely that i'll submit a bunch of "amuzing" hardware submissions by the end of the coming week. I have half a dozen machines to setup in my data center ;] 12:16
ograyeah, go ahead :=) i'll take everything....12:16
T-Boneand they are *not* regular pcs ;] 12:16
T-Boneok :)12:16
froudogra: sent12:17
ograyeah, thanks froud 12:17
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froudogra: will this app move to gnome cvs12:17
ograT-Bone, would be nice to have the id's :)12:17
T-Boneogra: sure. I haven't looked much. Were is the ID stored on the local host?12:18
dholbachhey ogra!12:18
ografroud, i doubt it, its very tied to our hal version ... probably if i sent all my hal patches upstream, but even then they are unlikely to accept the meminfo/cpuinfo patch (they already have half of this data through another way)12:19
ograand i have a problem to do a clean spec for the BIOS data that gets collected before next release...12:20
ograhi dholbach :)12:20
thomogra: 7a2c98b99d588c4ef04ccf3cf8d33ebe is also ia64, for the record :-)12:20
froudogra: ok, please feel free to make patches against the docs are just email me your comments etc.12:20
froudc ya later12:20
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T-Boneogra: btw, that machine has 2GB ram, ie 2048 MB. I wonder why it says 204612:21
thomT-Bone: heh, mine says 204512:21
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T-Bonethom: lol, maybe that's consumable RAM. Self destructs after a given use? ;] 12:22
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ograT-Bone, i read the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo, see yourself :)12:22
ograerr meminfo indeed12:23
T-Bonethen you have full RAM - kernel size12:23
T-Bonei suppose12:23
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ograwhatever meminfo offers...i have also the BIOS data (if available) to see the single ram banks....a real DB server will read that value later :)12:24
T-Boneogra: a simple workaround would be to round up the value to the nearest power of 212:25
T-Bonethis is extremely visible on ia64 since ia64 kernels are *huge*12:26
ograT-Bone, i dont want to spend to much time on the server output yet, i still have some other important tasks that require to be done before release (i.e. i just switched server and client to bzipped transmission...etc), the server part is something for next month12:27
T-Bonesure. that was just an idea12:28
ograT-Bone, very appreciated :)12:28
T-Boneogra: you're welcome :)12:29
ografroud ?12:31
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dholbachhey seb128 12:50
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fabbionehey seb128 12:52
seb128hi fabbione 12:52
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dholbachhrm... got disconnected - did anyone reply to the "FSL free enough?"-question?01:33
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kainI've removed (purged) every -it (my language) packages, done dpkg-reconfigure to generate an en_US locale, but gnome is still my language, what's wrong?02:51
kainmenu is in english02:51
kainbut the entries are still italian02:52
kainmm... wrong xchat tab :)02:52
kainsorry for that02:52
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HiddenWolfcrimsun: thanks03:01
crimsunHiddenWolf: np03:01
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=== Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Lizanyone awake who works with USB ports?03:21
crimsunwould you clarify that, please?03:22
Liza few days ago, i upgraded ..and lost all sign of USB ports in /de03:23
Lizin /dev03:23
Lizive upgraded again just an hour ago, but still no usb 03:23
crimsunare you running -33?03:23
crimsun(reading your post to u-u now)03:26
Lizany idea on where i can look to get them back?..be it taking out a file somewhere or something?.03:26
Lizahh..ok thanks03:26
Lizi wasnt getting any reply in ubuntu..and froud said to try here03:26
Lizto let developers know whats happening03:26
ograLiz, start here: grep USB /var/log/dmesg03:27
crimsunyeah, I was about to type what ogra said03:27
crimsunit's highly unlikely that the kernel is not finding any usb controller/devices03:27
crimsunseems more to be an issue with pmounting/g-v-m03:27
ograexcept they are disabled in the BIOS03:28
crimsunyeah, that would do it03:28
=== sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-22.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogragamin probably...03:28
Lizit picks up my usb there03:28
crimsunheya sabdfl 03:28
Lizalso shows up in device manager too03:28
dholbachhey sabdfl 03:28
ograLiz, now look at your device manager03:28
ograhi sabdfl03:28
Lizbut when i cd to /dev dir, theres nothing 03:28
crimsunLiz: what are you looking for in /dev, /dev/sda1 ?03:29
ograLiz, nothing like nothing, or nothing like no usb ?03:29
Lizcrimsun, yes..or anything sd*..and theres nothing03:29
Lizogra..my usb shows inn device manager03:29
crimsunLiz: are you booting with the drive powered on and plugged in?03:29
dholbachsabdfl: i'm nearly done with www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetOrg, when pitti turns up, i'll tell him to security-review some packages and i'll need someone to look over license issues, but after that elmo will get green light from me03:30
Lizcrimsun, my miniusb drive?03:30
crimsunLiz: yes.03:30
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crimsunLiz: ok, so you boot, then plug in the minidrive and turn it on?03:30
dholbachsabdfl: i'm particularly proud to have the privilege to invite joey hess into the MOTU crowd ;-)03:31
sabdfldholbach: :-)03:31
Lizyes..its only a small storage device that kinda replaces floppies03:31
Lizmajority of uni students are using them..has more space on them03:31
crimsunLiz: according to dmesg, is the storage device detected?03:32
crimsunLiz: (after you plug it in)03:32
ograLiz, does this device show up in the device manager if you plug it in ?03:32
sabdfldholbach: great work on AptGetOrg03:32
dholbachsabdfl: thanks :-)03:32
sabdflas for Joey, i'd recommend personalising that email somewhat :-)03:32
zulyay i have my laptop working under ubuntu03:32
ograyeah, dholbach deserves a medal....(or a beer in UdU), sabdfl 03:32
dholbachsabdfl: i'll advise him to take it with a grain of salt, nevermind :-)03:32
sabdflsalt with his beer?03:33
Lizcrimsun..after plugged in..no03:33
dholbachhow perverse do you think i am? :-)03:33
sabdflso what do you guys think of the first baby steps of rosetta-for-the-distro?03:33
Lizogra, doesnt look like it..03:33
Lizi dont know where to look if it is03:33
dholbachWOW rock03:34
crimsunLiz: dmesg should report something about a mass storage device after you plug it in03:35
sabdfldoes google find https sites?03:35
dholbachthe only thing that will confuse people is "german", "german (germany)" and probably result in doubled efforts03:35
zulcrimsun: unless if its some weird ass usb storage device03:35
crimsunzul: ah, true.03:35
Lizcrimsun, no, it doesnt show up there either03:35
Lizi just plugged it in03:35
zulLiz: what kind of device is it?03:36
Lizthat one03:36
Lizthey cal them super mini disk tiny's03:37
Liznormally i plug it in..and it works03:37
zulLiz: can you open up a bug on bugzilla and attach the output of lspci, dmesg, and lsusb -v -v -v and we will take a look at it03:38
Lizbut since the upgrade, its stopped working03:38
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dholbachsabdfl: do we have a doc that specifies what happens to and with the rosetta translations?03:42
sabdfldholbach: there may be stuff on the wiki, chat to daf if you need more03:42
sabdflat the moment, i think we've only imported main03:42
dholbachno... timer-applet is universe03:43
dholbach(the first i looked up)03:43
sabdflthe trickiest bit relates to language pack updates03:43
sabdfljust before the release, pitti and carlos and daf will generate final Base Language Packs03:43
dholbachand the handing-over-to-upstream bit, but i guess that's planned for breezy, right03:44
sabdflfrom then onwards, new translations will go into Language Update Packs that we will publish through hoary-security or hoary-updates every month03:44
dholbachah cool03:44
sabdflrosetta already support upstream translations03:44
sabdfl /products/foo/1.2.8/+translations should work03:44
sabdflfor a 1.2.8 release of foo03:44
sabdflwhat we will work on is great web pages to allow people to merge translations between the distro and upstream, during the breezy cycle03:45
wombleUbuntu is having real major issues with a Compaq Armada E500... partitioning is screwed, and I'm getting the *weirdest* stuff with the installer displaying stuff on whichever VC I'm on when it decides it wants to draw something... anyone got a few minutes to give me some debug tips?03:45
sabdflwomble: hoary?03:45
dholbachsabdfl: yeah... that would absolutely rock03:45
womblesabdfl,  Sorry, yeah, the hoary RC.03:45
wombleI gave the warty installer a go too, but it didn't like the system either.03:46
Lizzul did you want lspci -v ?03:49
wombleOh, and the layout guesser is FUBAR, too -- it guessed my keyboard layout as Serbian (Cyrillic) -- which it sure ain't...03:49
sabdflwomble: if you're able to provided detailed developer feedback, then we could point you at the folks who know most about the installer and laptops03:50
sabdflis this a current model on sale?03:50
womblesabdfl, No, it's an old one, and I reckon I can give this "detailed developer feedback" stuff a go... <grin>03:50
wombleP-III 400MHz, 64MB RAM, 6 GB HDD.03:51
sabdflwomble: ok, file bugs in bugzilla.ubuntu.com with as detailed descriptions as you can03:53
sabdflthen point kamion or mjg59 at those bugs03:54
sabdflyou generally want to file bugs on debina-installer or installer, when asked for a package or component03:54
womblesabdfl, Guess I'll have to get a bugzilla account then... drat, another rarely-used password to remember...03:54
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mjg59womble: Feel free to add mjg59@codon.org.uk as a Cc on the bugs04:01
womblemjg59, Just tried d-i rc2 and got a nice error message.  Posted it on #d-boot.  Got time to help now?04:02
dholbachapt-get.org finished - i'm off04:08
crimsungreat work, dholbach :)04:09
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dholbachthanks crimsun 04:09
tsengid like to recommend that all motu's /ignore HostingGeek, he's wasting a ridiculous ammount of time under the guisse of being loosely on topic04:11
tsenghavent managed a good reason to flat out ban him yet.04:11
ogratseng, just ignore him...04:12
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Riddell" The next meeting of the Council will be on Apr 13th 2005 at 0400 UTC"  is that correct, 4 in the morning?04:25
crimsunI believe so04:27
crimsunI believe it's a rotating schedule04:27
ograRiddell, nope, 6:00 in the morning :-P04:27
Riddellogra: even worse, too late to stay up for, too early to get up for04:28
mjg59Riddell: 0500 for the UK (we're not on UTC now)04:28
=== Riddell pats mjg59 and reassures that he does know how clocks work :)
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pittiHi guys04:37
ograhey pitti04:37
pittiogra: still at hacking?04:38
ograsure, always *g*04:38
ogra(in fact i'm just having a lazy day and review the data a bit...and a bathtub waiting)04:39
pittidude, it's spring time and great wheather04:39
ograi know, the dogwalk comes after the bath :)04:39
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T-Boneogra: might eventually submit an hppa entry in a few minutes, indeed :)04:44
ograT-Bone, give me the id if you submitted it :)04:45
T-Bonesure :)04:45
ograthanks :)04:45
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mvirkkilIt seems changes from the last 1-2days are missing from the wiki?04:46
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lamontwomble: keyboard guesser - are you using the hoary-rc CD?04:56
lamontbecause that's a known bug04:56
mvirkkilSomeone has f*cked the ubuntu wiki. All pages added in the last couple of days are gone, as well as all changes from the last couple of days.04:56
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mvirkkilThis just happened.05:01
mvirkkilLike within the hour05:01
mvirkkilI had just edited a page, a newly created page and went back to add some more stuff and the whole f*cking page was gone.05:02
mvirkkilThis sucks rocks.05:02
zulmvirkkil: one of the cannical guys will wake up eventually and it will be fixed05:03
crimsunI'd be angry, but I have mentos.05:04
mvirkkilzul: I suppose. Well, I guess I'll do something productive instead of writing to the wiki ;-)05:05
zulyeah you could :)05:05
Mithrandirdoko: I managed to get a backtrace from a fcdsl hangup now, want a bug?05:05
zulbut you could also blame Mithrandir :)05:05
dokomithrandir: yes please05:07
Mithrandirdoko: which component?05:11
Mithrandirzul: you can blame a lot on me, but I don't do anything to the wiki05:12
zulMithrandir: oh i know...your name just came up at the convient time05:12
ograMithrandir, probably that is what you are to blame for ;P05:12
fabbioneseb128: ping?05:13
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pitticu later05:16
fabbioneseb128: well FYI, the dnotify code in gamin is a joke. It still uses the poll backend to perform the 3 most important operations.05:19
fabbioneseb128: i still can't figure out what goes wrong and where, but i think i am getting closer.05:19
dokoMithrandir: may avm-fritz-firmware (if that exists), or else l-r-m05:21
Mithrandirdoko: already filed against l-r-m05:21
dokoseb128: I found the reason for not displaying accents ...05:22
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abellisabdfl: ping05:34
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superted_During install, when your are prompted with "Choose a locale:" what are you choosing a locale for? (translating purposes, sorry if it is OT)05:49
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kokesabdfl: ping too :)05:53
fabbioneogra: you around?05:55
fabbioneogra: i need to send my hwdb data stuff.. i just noticed that the gui is broken.. can i do it in console?05:56
ogranope....in which way is the gui brokn ?05:56
fabbioneogra: in the Video section, it expects that the server is RANDR capable, that is not always the case05:56
fabbionei can print the error if you want05:56
ograonly fglrx afaik05:57
fabbioneand nvidia05:57
ograhuh ? oh, not nv ?05:57
fabbionenv = free = has RANDR05:57
ograah, ok05:57
fabbionenvidia = crap = no RANDR05:57
ograi'm using nv and assumed nvidia would behave the same...05:57
fabbioneXlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".05:58
fabbioneTraceback (most recent call last):05:58
fabbioneand so on05:58
fabbionei guess you know the error05:58
ograyup, i know this05:58
fabbionenext is the Audio part05:58
fabbioneit perfectly detects one of the 2 audio cards..05:58
fabbionebut it doesn't attempt any test on the second one?05:58
ogracurrently it only uses the default card ....05:59
fabbionetsk ;)05:59
ograthats stuff for version2 05:59
fabbionewell can i generate a config to send to hwdb?05:59
ograwher 80% of the tests shall be automated...05:59
fabbionesince i know that all my hw is working05:59
ograwait a sec... testing06:00
fabbioneno rush06:00
fabbionesabdfl: did you see that we are #1 on distrowatch (6 months stats)?06:02
ograhwdb-xml -a > /tmp/hwdb_data.xml && hwdb-send06:02
ograshould work06:02
fabbionei clicked ok..let see06:03
ograthats where i develop the server06:03
fabbionesending data...06:03
fabbionewhere do i check the amoung of crap i added to the db? ;)06:03
ogragreat, you find your id in ~/.hwdb ....06:03
fabbionei have no ~/.hwdb...06:04
ograthe server is only a inrterim solution, i'l write a real parser next week...06:04
ograhuh ?06:04
fabbionenever mind.. it's a file06:04
fabbioneok i can see the ID06:04
ograi'm currentl working on the client, so there is not very much server sided currently...thats for past release rime :)06:05
fabbionehmm it shoes only cpu and ram?06:05
fabbioneis that correct?06:06
fabbioneogra: does the client check also for more than one gfx?06:06
ogranot yet..06:06
ogracurrently i just wanted to have a base for the stuff, so it only does the minimal...06:07
fabbionemake sense06:07
ograhacking hal ate a lot of my time....06:07
ograsince its very sensitive terrain06:08
fabbioneyup i know06:08
fabbioneit was enough to play with hotplug for me06:08
fabbioneto say stop to COCAINE!06:08
fabbionego straight to eroin before touching that stuff06:08
ograbtw, hwdb will as first thing get a real online device manager and give access to x and boot data....in future releases you only have to apply the id to a bug to get all info ;)06:10
fabbioneogra: ehehe06:10
ograno more "please attach lcpci -bla"06:11
fabbioneogra: you might want to consider writing a kernel module to access all the hw directly :)06:11
fabbioneogra: well given that they submitted their data06:11
ograprobably for v3 ;)06:11
ografabbione, sure, but 3100 submissions in 5 days this is online.....i guess the bigger part of users will submit ;)06:12
fabbioneor we can add a pre-page to bugzilla/malone to submit the data BEFORE opening a bug06:12
ograi have constantly about 600 submissions a day06:12
fabbioneand use the hwid as secondary identification key06:13
fabbioneno data.. no bugs06:13
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kagouwhy thunderbird 1.0.2 is not in hoary. It's a bug/security release ?06:15
fabbioneoh well.. ogra thanks for the info06:17
fabbionei guess i am going to crash in front of the TV06:17
ografabbione, youre welcome ;)06:17
fabbioneogra: oh btw.. i might pass by Germany for the October Fest06:18
fabbionenot sure yet tho06:18
fabbionei am waiting some friends from italy to decide06:18
ografeel invited :)06:18
fabbioneeheh 06:18
fabbioneit's gonna be better to go out ;)06:18
fabbioneand have fun06:18
=== fabbione -> tv
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kentkagou, I cant answere for the ubuntu developers, but as i know if they rather backport bugfixes than install new versions. Even though it might be mainly bugfixes, it sometimes they contains new code aswell, which makes for possible new bugs. And the pre-release time is all about getting those bugs away, not introducing new possible ones for the distribution.  But, that said, im not the one to answere. Just could not h06:29
kentelp it. ;)06:29
bronson_swsusp works great in Hoary!  It mostly just works.06:30
bronson_I noticed a problem though...06:30
bronson_If your kernel gets upgraded (something that happens automatically now) and then you suspend, you can't resume.06:31
kagouthx kent 06:31
bronson_You just lose your suspended session.06:31
bronson_That seems rather a large problem to me.06:31
bronson_Should I file a bug anywhere?06:31
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seb128fabbione: oh, cool06:41
seb128doko: k. That will be fixed for hoary ?06:41
zygadoes ubuntu have a dedicated/supported xorg.conf creation utility?06:52
zygaafter last update my parents' desktop is broken06:53
zyga(it seems it has reverted to lowest possible resolution)06:53
Robot101doko: why even in nptl does the glibc's vfork function still call the real vfork syscall?06:53
T-Boneogra: seems like hppa submission will have to wait. hwdb-client, though installed, won't run06:53
ograoh ?06:53
T-Bonecomplains about an ImportError06:53
T-Bonevarenet@Esperanza:~$ hwdb-gui06:53
T-BoneTraceback (most recent call last):06:53
T-Bone  File "/usr/bin/hwdb-gui", line 6, in ?06:53
T-Bone    import gtk.glade06:53
T-BoneImportError: No module named glade06:53
ograno glade on hppa ?06:54
T-Boneii  libglade2-0    2.5.1-0ubuntu1 Library to load .glade files at runtime06:54
=== T-Bone wonders
ograT-Bone, thanks, thats a bug, it needs a dependency on python-glade2 obviously06:55
T-Bonethat's what i was suspecting06:55
ogralocally fixed :)06:56
T-Bonethat machine is a very good testcase: we don't have ubuntu-desktop metapackage, so any broken dep will immediately show06:56
ograah, ok06:56
=== T-Bone install python-glade2
T-Bonemuch better!06:57
ograthanks again :)06:57
T-Boneyou're welcome :)06:57
T-Bonesh: xrandr: command not found06:58
T-BoneTraceback (most recent call last):06:58
T-Bone  File "/usr/bin/hwdb-gui", line 66, in <lambda>06:58
T-Bone    self.advance.connect("clicked", lambda w: self.adv(self.xmlfile))06:58
T-Boneanother missing dep maybe? :)06:58
zenwhenI updated from a daily disk yesterday an am already 130MB behind on updates.06:58
zenwhenThats quick development.06:58
ograT-Bone, nope, that looks more serious06:58
zenwhenBut I sent in my hardware info ogra. :)06:58
Lathiatzenwhen: heh06:58
Lathiatzenwhen: its probably a kernel+xorg rebuild06:58
ograzenwhen, yeah, thanks :)06:59
zenwhenLathiat, yeaah06:59
Lathiatthey keep ranking my bandwidth in06:59
zenwhenHoary seems to get faster every week though. 06:59
ograT-Bone, which hal version are you running ? is that a current one ?06:59
T-Boneii  hal            0.4.7-1ubuntu1 Hardware Abstraction Layer07:00
ograsorry, i missed the xrandr message on top07:00
zenwhenMy hal-device-manager crashes right now. Not that I use it, really.07:00
T-Boneogra: hehe ;)07:00
=== T-Bone apt-get install xbase-clients
ograT-Bone, nvidia card ? 07:00
T-Boneogra: no card, running remotely ;)07:01
ograT-Bone, or no x at all..07:01
T-Boneogra: that machine is supposed to be a server, you see ;)07:01
ograyou cme up with some very special cases :=)07:01
T-Boneogra: i often do :))07:01
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T-Boneogra: maybe you want to add that to the deps as well :)07:02
ograhehe, yup, never thought of such a case :)07:03
T-Boneogra: that's why i'm hear. I always do stuff other people would never try ;] 07:03
=== T-Bone can't type
ograhmm, i doubt xrandr will work over ssh...07:04
T-Bonenot over ssh07:04
T-Boneexport DISPLAY=foo:007:04
T-Boneand it works just fine :)07:04
ogragreat :)07:04
T-Boneogra: data sent, have fun!07:06
ograyeah <property class="linux" subclass="cpuinfo" name="cpu_family" type="string">PA-RISC 2.0</property>07:07
T-Bonethere are two families: 2.0 and 1,107:08
T-Bone2.0 is 64bit capable, 1.1 is not07:08
T-Boneogra: you're gonna like the memory information too ;)07:08
ograhmm, you obvoiusly cant buy them....07:08
ogra...they have no vendor07:08
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T-Bonetoo bad07:09
T-Bonei booted a 32bit kernel, it only sees 4GB, whilst there are 807:09
ograheh, the meminfo is indeed nice :)07:09
T-Boneogra: i'll take care to submit the next one with a 64bit kernel :)07:10
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ograT-Bone, thats quite funny....there is no hal info at all in the lshal output....only data based on my patches07:12
T-Bonedo you want me to send you the output of lshal?07:13
ograis there any ?07:13
ograi'm quite sure it has only three devices computer, memory and pcrocessor...07:14
T-BoneDumped 4 device(s) from the Global Device List:07:14
T-Boneogra: off by 1 :)07:14
ograi forgot a empty BIOS device :)07:14
T-Boneright :)07:14
ografunny, so hal seems not to work for hppa07:15
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superted_anyone know how the beagle pacakages are coming?07:15
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superted_im gonna translate "Kill switch enabled on ${iface}"07:38
superted_what's a switch?07:38
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Lathiatsuperted_: basically 07:42
Lathiatsuperted_: most laptops have a function to turn off the wireless07:42
Lathiatsuperted_: usually a button (switch) or a key combination (say fn+f2)07:42
zenwhenDoes the person who builds Ubuntu's kernels chat in here?07:42
CarlKdoes the Live cd have the same DEB_CONF=critical thing that the install does?07:43
Lathiatzenwhen: theres #ubuntu-kernel07:43
HiddenWolfCarlK: yes, but building a kernel is not a one-man-job. :)07:44
HiddenWolfzenwhen, sorry ^07:44
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CarlKyeah, it is a one CPU job ;)07:45
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dholbachare there any details on the wiki b0rkage and to what extent changes to a site (that took me the most of 3 days) can be reverted?07:54
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mvirkkildholbach: Any info on what actually happened?08:16
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dholbachmvirkkil: no, but i'll have to endure excruciating pain, if the state will not be reverted somehow08:18
mvirkkildholbach: How so?08:19
dholbachmvirkkil: it took me the best of 3 days to compile everything listed on wiki/AptGetOrg08:20
ogramvirkkil, he worked like a dog the last three days to make a list for universe packages to import08:20
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dholbachnow i'll always have a backup copy around08:20
mvirkkilYou wouldn't happen to have that somwhere in the browsers cache.08:20
ogramvirkkil, without that list we wont be able to ipmort the stuff...08:20
dross:) #ubuntu was unable to help me, and I've asked this question before. I justforgot the specific pacakge name for the linux-2.6.10-5 source :)08:21
ogradross, search in synaptic08:21
drossogra: I'm in console mode08:21
mvirkkilI happened to have a window open where I had the page I was working on, so I'll be able to copy-paste.08:21
dholbachdredg: apt-cache search08:21
ograapt-cache search....08:21
drossogra: it wasn't in synaptic or dselect last time08:21
mvirkkildross: Use aptitude. / will pop open the box08:22
ogradross, it is...and this is not a support channel, please keep it in #ubuntu08:22
drossno, I have the 2.6.10 source, but its not the one you guys told me to use last time08:22
mvirkkilAny ops around?08:22
mvirkkilwe could use a good /kick08:23
drossmvirkkil: you must take after cafuego ;)08:23
kentDoesn't the wiki have old versions of stuff saved? I thought that was one of the points in having a wiki?08:23
drosskent: in the history/revisions08:23
mvirkkilFrom the wiki point of view the changes never happened.08:23
dholbachkent: it currently has the OLD state08:23
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mvirkkilThey seem to have taken a backup copy from april 1st.08:24
mvirkkilor something..08:24
=== dross wish mdz was here :)
dholbach"back to the future" or something08:24
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mvirkkildholbach: Tell me a word that would be on the AptGetOrg page08:29
mvirkkil(but not anywhere else)08:29
dholbacha word that would have been in the NEW page?08:29
dholbachand not on the old?08:29
dholbachmvirkkil: or a word in general?08:30
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dholbachmvirkkil: i don't understand your request08:30
kentdholbach, Im no expert, but I have seen that sometimes people use google's cache to bring back stuff from sites that have been slashdott'ed. But, perhaps google dont cache wikis? Thats one way that might get back stuff. (Just trying to help :)08:31
mvirkkildholbach: Never mind.08:31
dholbachkent: the one in google's cache is older... motaboy already came up with it - thanks for trying :-)08:31
mvirkkildholbach: I have a version of the page from my browsers cache.08:32
dholbachmvirkkil: oh... which timestamp?08:32
mvirkkil2005-04-01 11:50:3308:33
ograno good08:33
ogradholbach, what about your cache ?08:33
mvirkkildholbach: Don't you have it in your cache08:33
dholbachi viewed it afterwards08:33
mvirkkildholbach: You went to the command line, to the cache directory and grepped for it?08:35
mvirkkilIt was probably overwritten by a 'newer' version :-(08:36
dholbachi'll see what i can extract08:36
mvirkkilThey resetted the wiki again I think!08:38
dholbachno unfortunately, it's all crap08:39
mvirkkilThey did it again.08:39
dholbachmvirkkil: nothing changed for me08:40
mvirkkildholbach: Had you made any additions since the last reset?08:40
ograits empty08:40
mvirkkilwtf is going on?08:40
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mvirkkildholbach: You said the cache version is 'all crap'. What did you mean?08:44
dholbachall the versions i opened afterwards08:44
=== mvirkkil feels sorry for dholbach
dholbachmvirkkil: it's ok... if somebody tells me: sorry, but you'll have to do it again, i'll grab another cup of coffee and do it again08:45
dholbachbut i'd rather wait for a definitive answer08:45
mvirkkildholbach: You have a rare attitude.08:45
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dholbachmvirkkil: thank you :-)08:46
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HiddenWolfdholbach: thumbs up08:47
mvirkkildholbach: I guess there is no chance you could script the thing?08:47
mvirkkildholbach: I mean write a script to extract at least some of the info, and format it?08:48
dholbachmvirkkil: i already did it to a certain extent, but i have to see if packages build and then review their copyright, look for suspicious stuff08:49
dholbachi think it'll all go faster now08:49
dholbachsince i kept the sources around08:49
dholbachbut still it'd be pain :_)08:49
mvirkkildholbach: That's quite a project. 08:49
=== mvirkkil is impressed
ogramvirkkil, dholbach is a inpressive guy ;) else he wouldnt be a MOTU lead :)08:50
dholbachstop it... you'll make me cry :-)08:51
ograyou deserve it :)08:51
ogra(...no, not the crying)08:51
mvirkkildholbach: You should probably warn anyone you know to have visited the AptGetOrg page NOT to wisit the AptGetOrg page again before they have checked their cache.08:53
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dholbachmvirkkil: i already thought about collecting wiki mails (from those who are subscribed to the whole)08:54
smurfixOh, great, wiki login is fucked again08:54
dholbachsmurfix: if it was only the login08:54
dholbachsmurfix: i could live with that08:54
smurfixdholbach: I saw08:54
dholbachmvirkkil: i'll wait for the backup-answer08:54
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smurfixdholbach: the recentchanges page is not very reassuring either08:55
drossoh I remember what I was needing to ask08:55
drosswho is the maintainer of the package cache servers?08:55
drossare MOTU, or are they just the packagers?08:56
ograyou mean the archive master ?08:56
drossogra: I had a idea yesterday to RSS the uploads as they go to the servers08:56
mvirkkilBTW: Any talk about running a diskless ubuntu (ubuntu-ltsp)? Maybe collaborating with skolelinux (also based on debian)?08:56
ograor the package maintainers ? (that would be MOTU for universe) ....08:56
drossogra: I don't know :)08:57
ogramvirkkil, there is something planned for UdU about it08:57
mvirkkilogra: Forgive my n00bism but what's UdU?08:57
ogramvirkkil, at least a BOF .... iirc08:57
ogramvirkkil, https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuDownUnder08:57
drossmvirkkil: please stop with the buzz/fad words08:58
drossmvirkkil: not only are you being hostile, but childish. This isn't #debian08:58
ogramvirkkil, https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuDownUnderBOFs (search for Thin Clients)08:58
dholbachdross: HM?08:58
drossogra: I'm glad they finally updated the package I was wanting08:59
mvirkkildross: Could you please be more specific?08:59
mvirkkilogra: Thanks.08:59
=== dross thinks japanese conversations are much more polite. People know how to speak with respect, not dishonor
=== mvirkkil confused
dholbachdross: could you please elaborate on where mvirkkil was impolite?09:00
drossmvirkkil: you made an inappropriate comment earlier.09:00
drossmvirkkil: it was very impolite, and a shameable offense.09:01
mvirkkildross: About when someone came to the channel asking for help, and was repeatedly asked to leave and I wondered if an op might kick him?09:01
drossmvirkkil: its not your place to state in the channel who needs kicking. It definitely could have gone to privmesg09:02
zenwhenHello Fellows :)09:03
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mvirkkildross: Ahh.. I found the text. I was suggesting YOU should be kicked because you came to the channel asking newbie questions that weren't appropriate, but only AFTER I and others had helped you.09:09
mvirkkildross: If I offended you I appologize.09:09
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mvirkkilDamn. Didn't notice he left.09:14
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pittiHi guys09:21
ograhey pitti 09:22
dholbachhey pitti 09:23
blueyedI'm having problems with powernow-k8: "transition frequency failed".. seems to be stalled at 1ghz (amd64 3000+, nforce4-ultra)09:25
blueyedno ideas? I'm using 32bit ubuntu..09:28
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zenwhenThe Livecd runs really well in VMware now09:39
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blueyed..there is no BIOS option for cool'n'quiet. It starts with 1.8GHz after reboot, then drops to 1GHz and stays there.. 8/09:42
sladenwhat's the situation on the Spatial mode patch?09:42
sladenblueyed: this is a -user question09:43
pittiseb128: here?09:43
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seb128pitti: hi :)09:44
blueyedok, sladen. Just thought this may be a general problem to solve. It means that a 1.8ghz will run at 1ghz only - all the time!09:45
sladenblueyed: because it's not being used!09:46
sladenblueyed: if you start something, the CPU frequency will go up as it's neededr09:46
toresbeare there AMD64 Hoary lives?09:47
zenwhentoresbe, yes09:47
toresbezenwhen: yay09:47
zenwhenI tried the daily from yesterday on my amd64 machine and it works great09:47
toresbeJust got a new machine09:48
blueyedsladen, I've tested with burncpu - 100% cpu usage.. then new errors go to /var/log/syslog, but no frequency changing.09:48
pittinight everybody09:48
toresbeI feel so dirty, I'm used to abandonware :P09:48
mvonight pitti 09:48
blueyedsladen, and this happened with 32bit and 64bit kernel.09:48
toresbeI'll just put it up for an overnight download, then 09:48
ograProgram received signal SIGTERM, Terminated.09:49
ogra0x0000002a9662a6b5 in select () from /lib/libc.so.609:49
pittinight mvo09:49
zenwhenmy AMD64 machine is infortunatley not completely mine for the screwing with as I have a ton of people relying on me to keep it up as a fileserver for a project I am working on.09:49
toresbezenwhen: got an url there?09:49
dholbachbye pitti09:49
zenwhenI am thinking about getting a new amd64 machine to use as a desktop09:49
toresbezenwhen: they rock09:49
ograif you start time and date admin xscreensaver gets aSIGTERM09:49
toresbezenwhen: so silent! <309:49
toresbezenwhen: thanks :)09:49
zenwhenI hit that site up for two new lives and a new daily install every weekend to do testing and get my desktop up to date.09:50
zenwhenthe ONY major issue I have run into is with the new Nvidia drivers.09:51
zenwhenWhich i wish had been left out of hoary, but thats not my decision.09:51
toresbetore@fortran:/shared/hd2/torrents$ wget -c http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily-live/20050403/hoary-live-amd64.iso --limit-rate=80k09:51
toresbe--21:50:13--  http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily-live/20050403/hoary-live-amd64.iso09:51
ograseb128, do you have any insight in the gnome-system-tools code ? i'm wondering why a SIGTERM on xscreensaver gets triggered if you click ok09:51
toresbe           => `hoary-live-amd64.iso'09:51
toresbeResolving cdimage.ubuntulinux.org...,
toresbeand I tried it again, and it worked09:51
toresbeConnecting to cdimage.ubuntulinux.org[] :80... connected.09:51
toresbeHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found09:51
toresbewhat the hell?09:51
ograseb128, in time-and-date-admin09:51
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seb128ogra: no idea09:58
ograhrmm...bad, looks RC09:58
seb128ogra: xscreensaver seems to restart fine10:00
ograseb128, not here...and a user reported it in the -users list....that made me look10:00
ograseb128, the daemon just stops f i click ok....gdb shows a SIGTERM...10:01
dholbachogra: does the backtrace tell you anything?10:02
ogradholbach, Program received signal SIGTERM, Terminated.10:02
ogra0x0000002a9662a6b5 in select () from /lib/libc.so.610:02
ograthats all10:02
mvirkkilogra: Does strace tell you anything useful?10:03
mvirkkilogra:  Strace might give you an idea why that select() is being called10:03
ograselect(4, [3] , [] , [] , {4, 915213})     = ? ERESTARTNOHAND (To be restarted)10:04
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seb128ogra: "bt"10:05
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ograCannot access memory at address 0x7fc000000010:06
ograseb128, ^^10:07
dholbachthis can't be all10:07
ograi guess i'll have to compile a debug version....10:08
ogradholbach, what happens to your screensaver if you run time-and-date ?10:08
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ograSystem->Systemverwaltung->Zeit und Datum10:09
ograerr Datum und Uhrzeit10:10
dholbachogra: no SIGTERM10:11
ograit runs fine ? 10:12
dholbachprocess still running10:12
dholbachsame pid10:12
seb128same here, that's weird10:12
seb128gdb gets a crash10:12
seb128but the pid doesn't change10:12
seb128same here10:13
ogracould it be that t&d admin tries to restart it with uid 0 ? since it runs with that...10:14
seb128restart what ?10:14
ograoh.... my .xsession-errors looks interesting...10:15
ograart_render_invoke: no image source given10:15
seb128nothing to do with that afail10:16
ograno, seems not related..10:16
ograalready starts before my testing...10:16
ograhmm, but restarting with a sighup seems to work too, it even gives a nice message to stdout10:24
ograogra@honk:~ $ xscreensaver -nosplash10:24
ograxscreensaver: 22:22:36: SIGHUP received: restarting...10:24
ograxscreensaver: 22:22:36: running as ogra/ogra (1000/1000)10:24
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dholbachgood night everyone10:58
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tsengbye dh11:13
ograseb128, if i run  sudo time-admin, it works like expected, if i run gksudo time-admin, it breaks....11:14
seb128ogra: perhaps that's due to the focus locking ?11:15
ograyup, thats what i suspect....i'll talk to mvo, he was hacking at it, wasnt he ?11:15
sivangseb128, ogra : 'sup dudes?11:16
seb128hi sivang 11:17
ograhey sivang 11:17
sivangwhat's up? any new interesting g-s-t bugs? :-)11:17
sivangseb128: btw, I havn't forgot those release bugs we talked about, just didn't have enough time, will fix them before release thought11:18
seb128which ones ?11:18
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sivangseb128: the ones I reassigned to myself, some missing groups from profiles.xml and one username masking11:18
seb128hoary is this week11:19
=== ogra shivers
sivangI kno11:19
sivangbut matt said it's was for 10th no?11:20
kernel_panicI'm trying to install mozilla-firefox_1.0.2-0ubuntu2_powerpc.deb but the .deb seems to be broken11:20
sivangah oops11:20
sivangthat's this week :-)11:20
thomkernel_panic: define broken, given it's worked for thousands of others11:20
kernel_panicshoul'd I paste ~7 lines ?11:21
thommessage them to me11:21
sivanganyway people, night for now, see you too tommorow.11:21
thomnight sivan11:21
sivangnight thom ! :-)11:22
ograciao sivang 11:23
sivangnight ogra 11:23
dokoseb128: the font fix will be in hoary, just sent you a diff so you can check it out11:23
seb128k, thanks11:23
dokoRobot101: please ask jbailey about glibc11:24
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roo__are there plans to version bump abiword? (from 2.2.2)11:59
roo__currently, it doesnt seem to support importing JPGs :/11:59
dredg5 days before release, there are very few plans to bump anything i reckon :)11:59
roo__nevermind that the word processor doesn't handle the world's most popular image format ;)12:00
thomit can't be that important if they get to version 2.2 before it does support it12:00
dredgi'd argue that it's a word processor and not an image processor12:00
dredgbut meh12:00
mvirkkilAny info on the wiki-b0rkage?12:01
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