T-Bone | lamont: please enable CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM in all hppa configs (to support more than 4GB RAM). kylem says it's ok on all configs, debian has it | 12:10 |
T-Bone | (more than 3.75GB to be precise) | 12:11 |
lamont | Total Memory: 3840 Mb | 12:13 |
lamont | grukble | 12:13 |
=== lamont needs more RAM, dammit | ||
lamont | T-Bone: can 32-bit machines have > 4GB RAM? | 12:15 |
T-Bone | lamont: sure, if you run a 32bit kernel | 12:15 |
lamont | doh | 12:16 |
T-Bone | should ask in #parisc, they're discussin that issue | 12:16 |
lamont | actually get 2^44 bits of address space for physical | 12:16 |
T-Bone | but we *really* want it for -34 for the builders ;) | 12:16 |
lamont | fabbione: next ABI event, hppa should have CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM=y in all 4 configurations. (causes an ABI event) | 01:22 |
lamont | fabbione: and is the abi checker smart enough that one can just change the abi version, and it just generates the new files and ignores the old? that'd be cool.:-) | 01:44 |
=== mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-252.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
mainer | hi: new to ubuntu: are there any people or sites that provide .deb pkgd kernel-images? | 03:53 |
mainer | anyone home? | 03:54 |
=== mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-252.gwi.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Leaving"] | ||
crimsun | goodness | 03:59 |
dilinger | hah | 03:59 |
=== kylem groans. | ||
calc | i found out the problem i was having yesterday with mdz's help | 04:09 |
calc | the initrd doesn't load the chipset specific ide driver so it ends up getting loaded after the generic one | 04:10 |
fabbione | morning | 04:50 |
lamont | morning fabbione | 04:50 |
zul | evening | 04:51 |
lamont | fabbione: we planning to keep the 2.6.10 tree alive for breezy, or roll to 2.6.11? | 04:51 |
zul | i thought it was 2.6.12 | 04:51 |
lamont | 2.6.13!! | 04:51 |
lamont | or will they skip that one out of superstition? | 04:52 |
fabbione | lamont: if version X has an abi change, it ignores X-1, but we still need to generate the abi for X+1 | 04:52 |
lamont | right | 04:52 |
fabbione | i was thinking to skip .11 completely | 04:52 |
fabbione | according to dilinger is a crappy kernel | 04:52 |
fabbione | and it would be heaps load of work to port to .11 | 04:53 |
lamont | although I must admit that I'm tempted to let -34 be an hppa-abi event and bastardize things to keep it at 5. It's not even in the archive and all that... :-) | 04:53 |
fabbione | specially the security fixes that are not in .11 | 04:53 |
lamont | right | 04:53 |
lamont | 12 sounds good to me | 04:53 |
fabbione | lamont: i have no isseus if you want to modify hppa | 04:53 |
lamont | and that can go in as soon as breezy opens, yes? | 04:53 |
fabbione | nobody other than you and T-bone are using it right now | 04:53 |
lamont | fabbione: is ABI event... I have to debate whether I care enough to worry about it. | 04:53 |
fabbione | and it has never been published | 04:53 |
lamont | right | 04:53 |
zul | lamont: heh its giong to be a party once breezy opens ;) | 04:54 |
lamont | zul: zact;y | 04:54 |
lamont | zactly, even | 04:54 |
fabbione | lamont: we will go .12 as soon as .12 is released | 04:54 |
lamont | doh | 04:54 |
fabbione | lamont: that will take us more or less 2/3 days to prepare | 04:54 |
lamont | no 2.6.11.really.2.6.12? | 04:54 |
fabbione | is there any reason why you need .12 so badly? | 04:55 |
dilinger | when does breezy open? | 04:55 |
lamont | I rather expect after UDU, truthfully | 04:55 |
fabbione | dilinger: a few days after hoary is released | 04:55 |
fabbione | lamont: i think james will be faster this time :) | 04:55 |
lamont | prior to really opening breezy, there are plans to rebuild everything with gcc-4.0... | 04:55 |
lamont | not sure if that's going to lockstep or not. | 04:56 |
fabbione | ah right | 04:56 |
fabbione | gcc-4 transition | 04:56 |
zul | iirc there are some kernel build issues with gcc-4 | 04:56 |
lamont | so it's really a question of "what are the plans between hoary-release and breezy-start... | 04:56 |
lamont | otherwise, breezy could start _now_ | 04:56 |
fabbione | zul: yes | 04:56 |
lamont | zul: there are build issues with lots of stuff.. | 04:56 |
fabbione | zul: we can't stay with 2.6.10 | 04:56 |
lamont | the full build wouldn't go into the actual archive | 04:57 |
fabbione | it will probably FTBFS | 04:57 |
zul | heh one of should try building with gcc-4 :) | 04:57 |
fabbione | i can do that right away :) | 04:57 |
zul | ahhh...i was going to do that... | 04:57 |
zul | :) | 04:57 |
fabbione | but iirc the miscompilations were on arch != i386 | 04:57 |
lamont | given that the current gcc-3.4, gcc-4.0 are FTBFS on hppa..... :( | 04:58 |
fabbione | zul: go ahead and do it | 04:58 |
zul | goody | 04:58 |
fabbione | hppa sucks :) | 04:58 |
lamont | fabbione: feh | 04:58 |
fabbione | they build on sparc | 04:58 |
lamont | java assertions, doko thinks he knows what the fix is, won't go in before release | 04:58 |
zul | does ubuntu actually work on sparc now/ | 04:58 |
lamont | if I get bored this week, I'll test his fix | 04:58 |
=== lamont has 3 ubuntu/hppa machines in his house | ||
lamont | (2 buildd's and a router) | 04:59 |
lamont | anyway, bed time for me., | 04:59 |
fabbione | zul: yes it does | 05:00 |
=== dilinger slaves over a hot 2.6.11 | ||
fabbione | lamont: don't rush.. i woke one hour earlier than usual :) | 05:01 |
zul | cool...i have an ultra1 lying around | 05:01 |
fabbione | zul: unfortunatly it won't install | 05:01 |
fabbione | because elmo stopped rsyncing sparc.u.c | 05:01 |
zul | blah | 05:01 |
fabbione | due to some server load problems | 05:01 |
fabbione | he promised me to move it somewhere else | 05:02 |
fabbione | but afaik he didn't yet | 05:02 |
zul | ok...well i can wait...somtimes patiently | 05:03 |
fabbione | perhaps i can convince elmo to do a pulse todya | 05:03 |
fabbione | let see | 05:03 |
fabbione | lamont: sometimes soon i will need some help to add breezy/hoary-security/hoary-updates to the buildd. | 05:04 |
fabbione | because tbh i never had the need to build more than one release | 05:04 |
fabbione | and i can't remember crap on how to do it :) | 05:05 |
zul | i think it might be time for me to go to bed...later folks | 05:10 |
fabbione | lamont: i was thinking that it could actually be an option to open a 2.6.12 branch | 05:11 |
fabbione | creating an orig from bk | 05:12 |
fabbione | but that means that the orig must be used internally and not published | 05:12 |
fabbione | becuase we will replace it with the real one once it's out | 05:12 |
=== cc [~cc@c210-49-121-44.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== Seveas [~seveas@ksl403-uva-131.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== zul [~chuck@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
zul | morning | 02:43 |
lamont | fabbione: other option is to open a 2.6.12 branch with a 2.6.11pre12.orig.tar.gz | 02:45 |
=== makx [~max@baikonur.stro.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
makx | lamont around? | 02:47 |
lamont | yo | 02:47 |
makx | i wanted to ask question how you'd think daily builds should be properly set up. | 02:47 |
makx | doing it d-k wise but it should be same, i guess. | 02:48 |
makx | fabbione hinted me that you may have usefull pointers on last u-k meeting. | 02:48 |
makx | i've played around a bit and have a skript that svn co d-k and builds images atm. | 02:49 |
lamont | if the plan is to have these in the archive, then it's simply a matter of uploading fresh source every day. Ideally, it'd have an orig.tar.gz that had nearly everything, and then just a diff.gz for the day, until such time as the diff got large enough and we cut a new orig.tar.gz | 02:51 |
lamont | less bits to up/down load that wya | 02:51 |
lamont | fabbione: cutting even an internal-only orig.tar.gz that's incorrect is a bad plan... | 02:52 |
makx | lamont: aah you are building u-k directly out of source. | 02:52 |
makx | forgot that bit. | 02:53 |
makx | experimental still sounds like a nice target for those. | 02:54 |
makx | ok, so i'll have to work on the unifying of the d-k packaging. | 02:55 |
makx | lamont: ok thanks for the hint. | 02:58 |
lamont | kids->school | 03:00 |
zul | figgin xp | 03:01 |
=== makx [~max@baikonur.stro.at] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["bella] | ||
zul | oh this sucks..ply a matter of uploading fresh source every day. Ideally, it'd have an orig.tar.gz that had nearly everything, and then just a diff.gz for the day, until such time as the diff got large enough and we cut a new orig.tar.gz | 03:27 |
zul | lamont less bits to up/down load that wya | 03:27 |
zul | frig...stupid gnome...sorry | 03:28 |
zul | what i really wanted to say dpkg-architecture: warning: Couldn't determine gcc system type, falling back to default (native compilation) | 03:28 |
zul | uh...nevermind | 03:34 |
zul | ftbs with gcc-4.0 | 03:39 |
=== lamont returns | ||
zul | hey lamont | 04:09 |
lamont | fabbione: you around? | 04:27 |
=== lamont changes the abicheck code | ||
zul | heh that will get his attention | 04:34 |
lamont | grumble. worse than I wanted it to be | 04:36 |
lamont | changing the ${arch}.ignore case to still do diffs | 04:49 |
lamont | if it can, that is. | 04:49 |
fabbione | lamont: i am now | 04:53 |
fabbione | i completely crashed | 04:54 |
lamont | heh | 04:57 |
lamont | added some code to the .ignore case to still do the diff if there's both an abi file and the .ignore file | 04:57 |
fabbione | lamont: i make no objections if it has been tested :) | 04:58 |
lamont | test build is running now | 04:58 |
fabbione | cool | 04:59 |
lamont | well, actually, the .dsc is packaging now. | 04:59 |
fabbione | if everybody is happy and the situation is normal i am off again to enjoy a bit of sunshine | 04:59 |
fabbione | and i will be back in an hour or so | 04:59 |
lamont | later | 05:00 |
fabbione | later :) | 05:00 |
zul | toodles | 05:00 |
lamont | fabbione: of course, the new code is so that hppa can have a well documented non-abi event. :-) We're testing to see if there are more than 2 users, you see... :) | 05:04 |
zul | heh...its not like you would break something on i386 like i usually do and people notice these things | 05:06 |
lamont | zul: this is intentionally ignoring the abi change that really should create 2.6.10-6, but won't. | 05:13 |
zul | ah i c | 05:13 |
lamont | yeah. both t-bone and I agree that we should, so that's 100% of the known user community of our non-existant port. | 05:17 |
lamont | well, s/non-existant port/non-advertised archive/ | 05:17 |
lamont | which means that we have abi files, we're breaking abi compatibility on that archtecture only, and specifically ignoring that fact. | 05:18 |
lamont | lalalalalala | 05:18 |
zul | heh | 05:18 |
zul | crap..i have a dentist appointment today | 05:19 |
lamont | zul: that'd be protcologist. :-) | 05:23 |
zul | speaking of protcologist...nah...i dont think you wanna know :) | 05:24 |
lamont | really crappy work | 05:25 |
zul | hehe | 05:25 |
lamont | gotta wonder what makes a med student _decide_ to specialize that direction... | 05:25 |
zul | fetish maybe | 05:26 |
=== lamont bets money | ||
zul | could be a little from column a, a little from column b | 05:27 |
=== lamont grumbles | ||
lamont | gotta figure out where the hppa.ignore file gets removed | 05:42 |
lamont | ok. empty files and debuild -S don't seem to mix. | 05:46 |
fabbione | lamont: it's the kernel make clean target that kills empty files | 05:58 |
fabbione | Unpacking libmpfr-dev (from .../libmpfr-dev_2.1.0-2ubuntu1_sparc.deb) ... | 05:58 |
fabbione | dpkg: error processing /opt/sparcbuildd/chroots/chroot-hoary/var/cache/apt/archives/libmpfr-dev_2.1.0-2ubuntu1_sparc.deb (--unpack): | 05:58 |
fabbione | trying to overwrite `/usr/share/info/dir.old.gz', which is also in package texinfo | 05:58 |
fabbione | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 05:58 |
fabbione | hmmm | 05:58 |
fabbione | i guess i have some crap in the buildd cache | 06:00 |
lamont | was old texinfo bug did that. | 06:00 |
fabbione | yeah i remember that | 06:01 |
fabbione | but gcc-4.0 has been built a while ago | 06:01 |
fabbione | i mean that i did build gcc-4 other times | 06:02 |
fabbione | without problems | 06:02 |
zul | fabbione: ccache me thinks | 07:06 |
fabbione | zul: nah. i am talking about building gcc-4.0 | 07:07 |
fabbione | ccache can cope with a different compilare | 07:07 |
fabbione | compiler | 07:07 |
fabbione | it did build before today | 07:07 |
zul | fabbione: i got the same with export CC="ccache gcc-4.0" | 07:07 |
fabbione | zul: so 2.6.10 doesn't build with gcc-4.0 | 07:13 |
zul | nope | 07:13 |
T-Bone | how suprising :P | 07:13 |
=== fabbione isn't | ||
T-Bone | neither am i, just being sarcastic ;} | 07:13 |
zul | sure sure | 07:14 |
fabbione | T-Bone: i could understand that... you are french :P | 07:14 |
T-Bone | fabbione: and? Aren't you italian? :) | 07:14 |
fabbione | yes i am | 07:14 |
T-Bone | what so different about us then? :) | 07:14 |
fabbione | that you are french and i am not? | 07:15 |
T-Bone | the way we cook spaghettis? :) | 07:15 |
fabbione | no.. you don't cook spaghettis | 07:15 |
T-Bone | LOL | 07:15 |
T-Bone | here we go =) | 07:15 |
fabbione | :) | 07:15 |
=== T-Bone must schedule yet another Italian trip for next summer. That country is probably the one I'd want to live in, should I have to leave .fr ;] | ||
zul | fabbione: dies in drivers/acpi | 07:16 |
T-Bone | fabbione: that has to be a compliment! =] | 07:17 |
zul | T-Bone: why would you leave .fr because you are too french? | 07:17 |
zul | hehe | 07:17 |
fabbione | T-Bone: i would never go back to live in italy.. why would you do that? | 07:17 |
T-Bone | zul: no. I was hypothetising :) | 07:17 |
fabbione | zul: ok | 07:17 |
zul | ah | 07:17 |
T-Bone | fabbione: why wouldn't you? | 07:17 |
fabbione | T-Bone: because Italy is only a very nice place to have holidays | 07:18 |
T-Bone | LOL | 07:18 |
fabbione | that's about it | 07:18 |
fabbione | working there.. sucks | 07:18 |
T-Bone | ah | 07:18 |
fabbione | internet there .. sucks | 07:18 |
T-Bone | can't tell | 07:18 |
fabbione | government.. questionable | 07:18 |
T-Bone | lol | 07:18 |
zul | bersecloni? | 07:19 |
fabbione | all the rest != some resturant = the sucks | 07:19 |
fabbione | berlusconi | 07:19 |
T-Bone | yet, food is cool, weather is cool, ragazza cool, monuments cool, landscape cool... ;) | 07:19 |
zul | lazio cool ;) | 07:19 |
fabbione | T-Bone: aren't you married? | 07:19 |
fabbione | zul: ahahha | 07:19 |
T-Bone | fabbione: hell no! | 07:19 |
T-Bone | ;) | 07:19 |
fabbione | T-Bone: if you really want to get laid to death you should go and visit siciliy | 07:20 |
fabbione | just remember to get a fake id before going there | 07:20 |
T-Bone | i'm 24 dude. I'm not gonna emprison myself while I'm at the peak of my sex appeal ;) | 07:20 |
zul | not going to touch it.. | 07:20 |
T-Bone | i went to sicily ;) | 07:20 |
fabbione | otherwise one of these hot chicks might show up at your door in france with a mini T-Bone | 07:20 |
T-Bone | LOL | 07:20 |
fabbione | dude... 24? | 07:21 |
fabbione | hell you are kid | 07:21 |
T-Bone | fabbione: that's what they say in movies, is that so true? | 07:21 |
zul | you are a young'un t-bone | 07:21 |
fabbione | T-Bone: i lived in sicily for 4 years... | 07:21 |
T-Bone | fabbione: sure. I'm trying to grow chest hair. Ask lamont-away =) | 07:21 |
fabbione | well it is true in certain parts of siciliy | 07:21 |
fabbione | ahahahaha | 07:21 |
T-Bone | i guess this might be true in certain parts of Corsica as well :) | 07:22 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:fabbione] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelTeam | http://people.u.c/~lamont/Archives/kernel-team@ubuntu.com--2005/ stable: kernel-debian--pre34--2.6.10 playground: kernel-debian--experimental--2.6.10 | There are no kernel bugs.. only broken hardware | T-Bone: I'm trying to grow chest hair. | ||
zul | hah | 07:22 |
fabbione | well corsica is france territory and i have never been there | 07:22 |
T-Bone | fabbione: you're late on topic. Lamont has put that one in the very early days of #u-kernel ;] | 07:23 |
T-Bone | fabbione: never been to france? | 07:23 |
fabbione | yeah but i wasn't here | 07:23 |
T-Bone | ah ok :) | 07:23 |
fabbione | T-Bone: oh yeah.. i have been to france several times | 07:23 |
T-Bone | ah! | 07:23 |
fabbione | specially in Paris | 07:23 |
fabbione | that's just because the best airshow in EU is/was there | 07:24 |
T-Bone | said to be the most beautiful city in the world... | 07:24 |
zul | i been to paris once | 07:24 |
fabbione | T-Bone: bullshit.. Rome > Paris | 07:24 |
T-Bone | airshow? | 07:24 |
T-Bone | fabbione: lol, no way :) | 07:24 |
fabbione | T-Bone: yeah.. Le Bourget | 07:24 |
T-Bone | fabbione: you don't have the Eiffel tower in Rome ;) | 07:24 |
fabbione | (sorry for the spelling) | 07:24 |
T-Bone | fabbione: ah! I see | 07:24 |
T-Bone | spelling is correct btw :) | 07:24 |
fabbione | T-Bone: you don't have the colosseum in Paris | 07:24 |
T-Bone | fabbione: right. we don't collect ruins ;) | 07:25 |
=== T-Bone ducks! | ||
fabbione | T-Bone: that's why it is still up and rocking after 2000 years.... | 07:25 |
fabbione | ehhe | 07:25 |
fabbione | anyway let's cut the speech france <-> italy here | 07:25 |
fabbione | otherwise i will get T-Bone to commit suicide for being born there | 07:26 |
T-Bone | LOL | 07:26 |
T-Bone | in your widest dreams... =) | 07:26 |
T-Bone | +l | 07:26 |
fabbione | T-Bone: ok.. listen to this story as a starter | 07:26 |
fabbione | you are probably too young to remember | 07:27 |
T-Bone | ? | 07:27 |
fabbione | you know that Italy and France always fight for who has the best wine? | 07:27 |
fabbione | it's kinda of a friendly war ... | 07:27 |
fabbione | but you can smell it | 07:27 |
T-Bone | fabbione: I don't. The answer is obvious. I wasn't aware there was a debate 8) | 07:27 |
=== T-Bone laughs like evil =] | ||
fabbione | well we always accused France to steal Italian wine, mix it with some local flavour and sell it with a different name | 07:28 |
fabbione | France of course always negated that | 07:28 |
T-Bone | berk | 07:28 |
T-Bone | should some people do that in France, that's not wine they're selling :P | 07:28 |
zul | local flavour would be anti-freeze | 07:28 |
fabbione | all of a sudden, in Italy, they found a big amount of poison in italian wine | 07:29 |
fabbione | due to some kinda of infection... | 07:29 |
fabbione | probably generated by some chemical shit | 07:29 |
T-Bone | fabbione: it is obvious some producers sell something that should barely be called cat piss. What's even more unfortunate is that there are people buying it as "French wine" :P | 07:29 |
fabbione | well.. of course we closed down the selling of wine | 07:29 |
T-Bone | fabbione: no kidding? | 07:29 |
fabbione | now.. how come some of the major France wine producers did the same? :) | 07:30 |
fabbione | T-Bone: no i am really serious | 07:30 |
fabbione | i am not kidding | 07:30 |
T-Bone | wow | 07:30 |
fabbione | oh as a side note | 07:30 |
T-Bone | looks pretty much unbelievable to me | 07:30 |
fabbione | the part of italy that was damaged | 07:30 |
T-Bone | at least for the "Grands Crus" | 07:30 |
fabbione | was the north-west.. close to the french border line | 07:30 |
T-Bone | Piemont? | 07:31 |
fabbione | now.. really *CASUALLY* | 07:31 |
fabbione | all the southern-east french wine were not distributed | 07:31 |
fabbione | yeah Piemonte | 07:31 |
fabbione | ;) | 07:31 |
T-Bone | good wine in Piemonte, that's for sure :) | 07:31 |
fabbione | oh.. of course.. France did NEVER import wine from italy.... | 07:31 |
T-Bone | heh | 07:31 |
fabbione | anyway | 07:32 |
fabbione | i think it's time to go and help my wife | 07:32 |
fabbione | and get some food | 07:32 |
fabbione | cya tomorrow guys | 07:32 |
T-Bone | fabbione: well i don't know much about that story, but the best wines in France aren't southern-east ones. Bordeaux and Bourgognes are respectively southern west and middle-east, so to speak | 07:32 |
T-Bone | fabbione: heh, cya. I'm not done with you yet ;) | 07:32 |
fabbione | T-Bone: well still pretty close to france :) | 07:33 |
fabbione | T-Bone: next one will be italian kitchen vs french cousine | 07:33 |
fabbione | :P | 07:33 |
T-Bone | LOL | 07:33 |
zul | french football vs italian football? | 07:37 |
T-Bone | lol | 07:38 |
T-Bone | i don't like football, i'd be a bad advocate :) | 07:38 |
T-Bone | OTOH, french rugby vs italian rugby would prove interesting... 8) | 07:39 |
zul | i dont really pay attention to rugby anymore | 07:41 |
zul | fabbione: there is alot of warnings like this include/linux/skbuff.h:1017: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'csum_and_copy_from_user' differ in signedness | 07:45 |
zul | that should probably be fixed as well | 07:45 |
=== lamont_r [~lamont@m010f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
lamont_r | WARNING! ABI check override for hppa has been detected, and there were changes! | 09:22 |
lamont_r | woot! | 09:22 |
T-Bone | lol | 09:26 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: that means that my check changes worked.... | 09:27 |
T-Bone | indeed | 09:27 |
lamont_r | fabbione: actually, I have another quesion about the abi check.... | 09:28 |
lamont_r | normal use case is going to be that the user installs the new kernel and then doesn't reboot... | 09:28 |
lamont_r | hence adding symbols should mean that the new modules won't load in the old kernel, no? | 09:28 |
lamont_r | :q | 09:29 |
=== lamont_r needs focus_mode: eyes | ||
zul | wohoo...helium balloons | 09:40 |
lamont_r | zul: get a real job, slacker | 09:41 |
zul | i tell you i work for the government.. | 09:42 |
lamont_r | zactly! :0-) | 09:42 |
T-Bone | lol | 09:42 |
zul | however i wouldnt mind being paid to work on ubuntu full time :) | 09:42 |
lamont_r | CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM committed. I feel so dirty | 09:43 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: i like you very much, you know? Especially when you're dirty ;) | 09:43 |
zul | ok...take it to #ubuntuhppaorgy | 09:43 |
lamont_r | what better way to find the 3rd user, eh? | 09:43 |
T-Bone | lol | 09:44 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: i've finished reviewing my howto, and will advertise it soon | 09:44 |
lamont_r | mjg59: why does the kernel think ACPI says I have no batteries? | 09:45 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: and you fixed your /boot vs / issue? | 09:45 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: I can't tell. I'll tell you in next upload | 09:45 |
T-Bone | s/upload/upgrade/ | 09:45 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: all i can say is that it doesn't work within the chroot, that's for sure | 09:46 |
T-Bone | which brings us the question of "how is it supposed to work in the (yet hypothetical) installer" | 09:46 |
lamont_r | grep link_in /etc/kernel-img.conf | 09:47 |
lamont_r | link_in_boot = yes | 09:47 |
lamont_r | have that? | 09:47 |
T-Bone | yes | 09:47 |
T-Bone | link_in_boot = Yes | 09:47 |
=== jbailey [~jbailey@CPE000ded9d787c-CM014260028338.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
zul | hey jbailey | 09:52 |
jbailey | Heya Chuck | 09:52 |
zul | how is it going? | 09:52 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: is there any way to educate popcon about an http proxy? | 09:53 |
lamont_r | http_proxy=? | 09:53 |
jbailey | zul: Good! I got a place. =) | 09:53 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: in popularity-contest.conf? | 09:53 |
lamont_r | dunno | 09:53 |
T-Bone | ah | 09:53 |
zul | jbailey: oh yeah wehre? | 09:53 |
T-Bone | because i can't get it to work behind a proxy, you see... | 09:53 |
jbailey | zul: In the plateau/ | 09:54 |
zul | cool | 09:55 |
T-Bone | jbailey: dude, i've started reading "WYFL", it's fuckin amusing! ;) | 09:55 |
T-Bone | jbailey: i'm learning a handful of useful expressions ;) | 09:55 |
zul | later | 10:03 |
lamont_r | WYFL? | 10:06 |
=== lamont_r saw a t-shirt this past weekend that simply said 'WTFWJD?' | ||
T-Bone | Watch Your Fucking Language | 10:07 |
T-Bone | subtitled "How to swear effectively, explained in explicit detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday life" | 10:07 |
lamont_r | URL? | 10:08 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: btw, seen what I said in #parisc? I wonder how bad it would be to run a debian 2.6.8 kernel on Ubuntu for the time being? | 10:08 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: that's a fuckin book! ;) | 10:08 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: amazon.com ;) | 10:08 |
lamont_r | heh | 10:08 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: probably no worse than any other. | 10:09 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: ok. I guess that i'll do that then, because the j6k don't have GSP and i don't feel like going to school every 4 days or so to power cycle them | 10:09 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: alternatively, figure out what we broke in 2.6.10SMP | 10:09 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: btw, we're down to 2 builders until friday, since one of them died :P | 10:09 |
lamont_r | xorg builds just fine on a UP kernel. | 10:09 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: everything built fine | 10:10 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: i'm almost certain that's the cache_grow panic that stroke | 10:10 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: unfortunately that box is headless | 10:10 |
lamont_r | xorg build died twice on 2.6.10-33.1-hppa64-smp | 10:10 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: crossover serial cables, dude. | 10:10 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: that's what's there. Except minicom isn't always running on the other end of the cable :P | 10:11 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: i've been building xorg on 2.6.12 64bit smp | 10:11 |
lamont_r | well, yeah | 10:11 |
=== T-Bone does a test install of bastardized kernel on ubuntu to check how it behaves | ||
T-Bone | lamont_r: unfortunately, as i kept bashing on #parisc, our kernel is in a very awful state since :( | 10:14 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: modulo the "expect bug" | 10:15 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: alas | 10:16 |
=== lamont_r thinks maybe -34 with discontigmem will make it die less often... | ||
T-Bone | lamont_r: all in all i can keep the buildd setup on the A500 to build sensitive packages, unless you manage to get the A500 in DC, and that one to build these | 10:19 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: install procedure advertised on #parisc and linked on the website ;) | 10:20 |
lamont_r | just in time for the abi event. cool. :=( | 10:21 |
T-Bone | who cares, they all know :) | 10:21 |
lamont_r | yeah | 10:21 |
T-Bone | i haven't m-l'd it yet :) | 10:21 |
lamont_r | well, if you do, include the fact that -34 will have abi breakage, so they'll need to reboot after they install | 10:22 |
lamont_r | (hppa, for our listeners here) | 10:22 |
T-Bone | i won't m-l anything before we get the archive in the right place and -34 in it | 10:22 |
=== lamont_r likes that plan | ||
T-Bone | i knew you would :) | 10:22 |
T-Bone | k so ubuntu seems to behave well with debian | 10:23 |
T-Bone | s/.2/-2/ | 10:23 |
lamont_r | coolnesss - that has all of kyle's backport of 2.6.12? | 10:24 |
T-Bone | no clue | 10:24 |
T-Bone | strange thing is that we have a -5 in universe, but it doesn't build. I just asked kylem about that in #parisc | 10:25 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: it dies with "depmod: ELF file /build/buildd/kernel-image-2.6.8-hppa-2.6.8/install-32-smp/debian/tmp-image/lib/modules/2.6.8-1-32-smp/kernel/drivers/net/hamachi.ko not for this architecture" | 10:25 |
lamont_r | T-Bone: you mean 2.6.8-2-32_2.6.8-5? | 10:26 |
T-Bone | tons of messages like this | 10:26 |
T-Bone | kernel-image-2.6.8-hppa_2.6.8-5 | 10:26 |
lamont_r | 64 vs 32 bit modutils issues | 10:26 |
T-Bone | how comes we can't build it? | 10:26 |
T-Bone | or should i say, how comes it builds fine in Debian? | 10:26 |
=== lamont_r tries to remember what that bug was | ||
T-Bone | (i suppose it does) | 10:26 |
lamont_r | uname hack in the kernel returned the wrong thing the last time | 10:27 |
T-Bone | huhu | 10:27 |
T-Bone | gah i hate the idea of bastardizing the Ubuntu setup on the builders :P | 10:29 |
T-Bone | at least if i could have installed kernel packages from universe it'd have been almost acceptable :P | 10:29 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: i'll let the machine run Ubuntu with debian kernel for a while just to make sure. Seems to work fine in any case | 10:38 |
T-Bone | lamont_r: i'll add some 200 more signed changes a bit later. Time for me to get some food | 10:44 |
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