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queuetue | If I'm going to do a network install anyway, and I plan on upgrading to hoary ... Can Ijust do a hoary network install from warty disk set somehow? | 12:00 |
khantozavri | any idea yfir? | 12:00 |
yfir | khantozavri: fonts always confuse me, could be many things. I'm afraid I'll have to defer to someone who knows more about fonts than i do | 12:01 |
Marble2 | If I format a partition that is ntfs to fat32 from linux will it delete my data or will I have to delete it manually? | 12:01 |
thoreauputic | burgermann: http://www.aboutdebian.com/internet.htm | 12:01 |
burgermann | thoreauputic, thx | 12:01 |
slask3n | does the repository described in "Method 0" in https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java , made for warty work on hoary as well? | 12:01 |
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burgermann | I should be doing some reading instead of asking I guess.. hehe | 12:01 |
thoreauputic | Marble2: your data will disappear very effectively, I'd say ;) | 12:01 |
EvilIdler | slask3n: I didn't read any fancy howto - I just added the Blackdown repository and installed it. | 12:02 |
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Marble2 | okay good | 12:02 |
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mvirkkil | Any info on the wiki-b0rkage? | 12:03 |
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apokryphos | mvirkkil: it's been reset again | 12:07 |
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Arnia | ZWiki has some issues *sighs* | 12:08 |
Marble2 | what's the easiest way to merge two partitions into one? | 12:08 |
sataere | yfir, Any thoughts? | 12:08 |
iapx8088 | hello all | 12:08 |
=== Arnia remembers it trying to kill his server | ||
iapx8088 | I have to put a echo ondemand >/sys/whatelse/cpu_governor at bootime | 12:09 |
iapx8088 | any suggestion on where to put it in ubuntu way | 12:09 |
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drbombay43 | how does one find a app that was install using dpkg -i? | 12:11 |
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drbombay43 | no it was; suda alien -i ? | 12:12 |
thoreauputic | dpkg -l packagename | 12:12 |
iapx8088 | thoreauputic, hi | 12:12 |
norris | when is hoary suppossed to be released? | 12:12 |
thoreauputic | or do you mean find its path? | 12:12 |
thoreauputic | dpkg -S to show files | 12:13 |
iapx8088 | any suggestion for me? | 12:13 |
=== Arnia wonders about a package manager where the package is used 'in place' as a mounted compressed file | ||
sataere | Does anyone know how to keep mplayer from trying the play the dts stream on my dvd? | 12:13 |
Arnia | Would be cool | 12:13 |
thoreauputic | iapx8088: hi :) | 12:14 |
drbombay43 | yes I installed lime wire, I can see it in the menu but when I click on it it does not open | 12:14 |
fraggsta | drbombay43: as with anything that does that, run it from a terminal and watch for errors | 12:14 |
queuetue | I've got a USB KVM switch - and every time I switch, I feel like I'm being traumatic to the poor system - cpu spikes, tons of junk gets thrown to /var/log/messages, the whole machine slows down for a few seconds... Why does all this happen? | 12:14 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: check the properties by right clicking, and compare to the known path and options? | 12:14 |
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ja5on | How do i install new icon themes in gnome.. I know how to unpack but where do I mv the folder to | 12:15 |
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thoreauputic | drbombay43: assuming you have java configured? | 12:15 |
fraggsta | ja5on: you know there's a button in the theme manager which takes you to your icon themes directory? | 12:15 |
thoreauputic | ja5on: ~/.icons | 12:16 |
ja5on | fraggsta: cheeres | 12:16 |
iapx8088 | queuetue, Indeed it's traumatic. I'd suggest to limit its use. The more if it's a mechanical switch. | 12:16 |
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mefakon | hello | 12:16 |
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=== EvilIdler waves hands Moses-like | ||
iapx8088 | queuetue, and as long as you are switching mouse and keyboard too, I suppose it will show in logs. | 12:17 |
mefakon | wtf, i got ubuntu, and every so often, any window application, it crashes. | 12:17 |
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iapx8088 | mefakon, I suppose it's the way ubuntu is made to work. | 12:17 |
ifrflyer | yfir, thanks - got it going now. | 12:17 |
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mefakon | ... | 12:18 |
yfir | ifrflyer: good. hope i didn't make it more difficult than it actually is :) | 12:18 |
ifrflyer | No, it is ALWAYS me. | 12:18 |
mefakon | so it's poorly coded | 12:18 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: it's usual to ask before sending dcc chat requests... | 12:18 |
ifrflyer | I have demo effect too - when I visit manufacturers and they demo their latest? Ruin and shame. | 12:18 |
ifrflyer | But this works..... | 12:18 |
ifrflyer | Thanks | 12:18 |
drbombay43 | sorry | 12:18 |
Arnia | mefakon: Could be a little more precise? | 12:18 |
mefakon | okay | 12:19 |
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drbombay43 | did not mean to offend | 12:19 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: it failed anyway... | 12:19 |
fraggsta | Indeed. It depends *how* they're crashing. | 12:19 |
mefakon | well, I open a gaim client under the wm Gnome. | 12:19 |
queuetue | iapx8088, So ... in the world of USB, the kvm no longer is viable? | 12:19 |
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thoreauputic | drbombay43: it's OK :) | 12:19 |
Marble2 | what's the easiest way to merge two partitions into one? | 12:19 |
kingsley | How large should an ext3 journal be? | 12:19 |
mefakon | and it just whites out everything and won't let me do anything | 12:19 |
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thoreauputic | drbombay43: what did you want to ask about? | 12:19 |
Arnia | mefakon: 'whites out'? | 12:19 |
fraggsta | queuetue: that doesn't make any sense, half the point of USB is that you can hotplug USB devices | 12:19 |
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mefakon | the current pictures on the gaim client, turn blank | 12:19 |
mefakon | `white' | 12:19 |
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drbombay43 | I mean looking at the results from dpkg -S | 12:20 |
Arnia | mefakon: Ok... start gaim from a terminal | 12:20 |
drbombay43 | I am looking at the results from dpkg -S | 12:20 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: you should see a lot of files | 12:20 |
robsta | what does the hotplug stuff in /etc/network/interfaces mean? i have it on my ppc machine but not on x86 | 12:20 |
drbombay43 | yes | 12:20 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: you want the executable - probably in /usr/bin | 12:21 |
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drbombay43 | can I paste this in run? | 12:21 |
Arnia | mefakon: Does it give any information? | 12:21 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: what does the menu entry say? (right click- properties - command) | 12:21 |
queuetue | How do I do a network install? | 12:21 |
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queuetue | (Can I do ti from a standard install CD?) | 12:22 |
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Marble2 | what's the easiest way to merge two partitions into one? | 12:22 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: I don't think that's necessary - what are you wanting to know? | 12:22 |
=== PecK [~peck@146.Red-217-126-140.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
queuetue | Marble2, use a third disk... | 12:22 |
drbombay43 | when I right click it just gives me the option to add it to the panel | 12:22 |
Marble2 | huh? | 12:22 |
=== revelater [~andrew@adsl-69-225-128-123.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mefakon | grr | 12:23 |
mefakon | I had gaim open | 12:23 |
revelater | is it easy using synaptic for kernel upgrade? | 12:23 |
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thoreauputic | drbombay43: do you know the command (I don't know limewire) ? | 12:23 |
mefakon | and went to resize it | 12:23 |
mefakon | and it paues | 12:23 |
mefakon | d | 12:23 |
drbombay43 | no | 12:23 |
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mefakon | and I can't do anything anymore | 12:23 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: man limewire or limewire --help might give you a hint | 12:23 |
^jaco | any idea how to install gdesklets new version on ubuntu hoary? | 12:23 |
fraggsta | mefakon: but you started it from a terminal, right? do you see anything being printed in the terminal | 12:23 |
dazed| | can someone help me setup a 56k modem on Warty? i have no idea where to start? | 12:23 |
mefakon | no | 12:24 |
fraggsta | then kill it, and start it from a terminal | 12:24 |
phaedo_ | What is the equivalent of rc.local (from redhat/mandrake) on ubuntu/debian? | 12:24 |
phaedo_ | /etc/rc.local | 12:24 |
thoreauputic | dazed|: have you tried the network tools in the menu? | 12:24 |
mefakon | I can't, I can't click anything | 12:24 |
revelater | does anyone know if i have to do anything special after upgrading my kernel through synaptic? | 12:24 |
iapx8088 | dazed|, google for wvdial and if it's a laptop/winmodem use www.linmodemds.org or similar | 12:24 |
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thoreauputic | mefakon: killall <nameof app> | 12:25 |
mefakon | I can't type anything | 12:25 |
fraggsta | you should be able to get to a VT by doing ctrl+alt+f1 | 12:25 |
thoreauputic | iapx8088: pppconfig is easier | 12:25 |
mefakon | I know the commands, just can't input them anywhere | 12:25 |
drbombay43 | thoreauputic; thanks , the proble is no JRE | 12:25 |
fraggsta | then you can log in and kill it | 12:25 |
Nekohayo | hello, any ideas why my nvidia-glx doesn't upgrade when I do an apt-get upgrade? (xfce4, and 5 other packages won't upgrade either.. while gnome/kde packages have no problems) | 12:25 |
dazed| | iapx8088: do all winmodems work on linux or just some? | 12:25 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: yes, limewire is java :) | 12:25 |
Arnia | mefakon: If that doesn't work then press and hold the power key for about 5 seconds... but that's a last resort | 12:25 |
Nekohayo | (packages that are "held back") | 12:25 |
drbombay43 | can the jdk be installed in hoary? | 12:26 |
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iapx8088 | dazed|, don't now presently. I used to know not all | 12:26 |
dabeej | 7822 ? Ds 0:09 /usr/sbin/hald --drop-privileges | 12:26 |
dabeej | if you look | 12:26 |
dazed| | lol ok thanks | 12:26 |
dabeej | hald has Ds | 12:26 |
dabeej | what causes this? | 12:26 |
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queuetue | anyone? How do I do a network install from a standard install CD? | 12:26 |
mefakon | what would cause this? | 12:26 |
thoreauputic | mefakon: you can't do ctrl-alt-F2 and login to kill it? the keyboard is frozen? | 12:27 |
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punjab12 | ubuntu rocks dude :) | 12:27 |
punjab12 | #1!!! | 12:27 |
mefakon | I mean i've used everything from slackware to fbsd, and never had this problem | 12:27 |
punjab12 | mefakon: What problem? | 12:27 |
mefakon | i can move the mouse, but can't execute anything | 12:27 |
punjab12 | mefakon: Hoary RC1? | 12:27 |
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dean_za | high guys is anyone using a prismgt card with hoary , i cant get 128 bit encrypt to work | 12:27 |
fraggsta | mefakon: something has crashed X or is using all the CPU time, probably | 12:27 |
thoreauputic | mefakon: ctrl-alt-F2 for a tty login? | 12:27 |
=== JazyLNXf [~cjazinski@cpe-66-68-236-148.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arnia | mefakon: It sounds like the GTk loop has got stuck to me (but its a first guess) | 12:27 |
JazyLNXf | can someone help me get my sound going. | 12:28 |
Arnia | wow... found a tar.gz that Gnome thinks is a metafont metrics file :) | 12:28 |
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mefakon | it's not just with gaim | 12:28 |
punjab12 | i had an issue where clicking on stuff wouldnt work either | 12:28 |
JazyLNXf | i have the module running (snd-via82xx) but when i goto volume control it says no device | 12:28 |
mefakon | same with firefox | 12:28 |
punjab12 | it was a reported bug | 12:28 |
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Arnia | Its a valid tar.gz | 12:28 |
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mefakon | and no, i can't do C^Alt F2 | 12:28 |
thoreauputic | mefakon: can you shh in from the network? | 12:29 |
JaZyLNX | the module doesn't get loaded at startup i manually loaded it | 12:29 |
thoreauputic | if you have a network... | 12:29 |
etzerd | hey guy please I need help | 12:29 |
mefakon | the system works... | 12:29 |
PecK | hey | 12:30 |
revelater | does anyone know if i have to do anything special after upgrading my kernel through synaptic? | 12:30 |
etzerd | First time install unbuntu but I | 12:30 |
mefakon | just having troubles with X | 12:30 |
revelater | anyone??? | 12:30 |
etzerd | how do I install libdvdcss so I can play dvd? | 12:30 |
tritium | revelater, well, reboot if you want to use the new kernel | 12:30 |
dean_za | revelater: just reboot | 12:30 |
Servo888 | What packages do I need for startx and such? I've grabbed the xorg package but startx is still missing | 12:30 |
revelater | there is nothing i have to edit? | 12:30 |
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mefakon | xorg and a wm | 12:30 |
PecK | anyone wiki? | 12:30 |
thoreauputic | mefakon: sometimes ssh from another machine and running top and/or ps aux can help to targeet the problem | 12:30 |
revelater | nothing i have to create a sym link to? | 12:31 |
=== knucks [~chatzilla@pcp01189996pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azgard | hello | 12:31 |
dean_za | revelater: no grub is already updated and the new kernel will be default | 12:31 |
tritium | revelater, update-grub is run automatically when the package is installed | 12:31 |
knucks | I cant seem to change the Hz on my monitor | 12:31 |
knucks | its hurting my eyes | 12:31 |
azgard | I have a problem using hoary live | 12:31 |
azgard | mouse doesn't work | 12:31 |
queuetue | Anyone? How do I do a network install from a standard install CD? | 12:31 |
revelater | ahhh!!!!! thank you for that ifo.. i like grub now | 12:31 |
tritium | revelater, which kernel did you install? Not 2.6.11, I hope. | 12:31 |
revelater | *inf | 12:31 |
revelater | *info | 12:31 |
revelater | no now i think | 12:31 |
azgard | is there some way to change/test device it is connected to? | 12:31 |
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revelater | haven't installed yet | 12:32 |
yfir | etzerd: you add libdvdcss2 from marillat repository | 12:32 |
tritium | revelater, okay, good deal. You're on Warty, then. | 12:32 |
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revelater | yup | 12:32 |
revelater | tritium, is there a newer kernel version? | 12:32 |
Arnia | queuetue: I don't believe you can. Is there any particular reason you're looking to? | 12:32 |
etzerd | where is marillat repository? | 12:32 |
tritium | revelater, there are in Hoary, yes. | 12:32 |
yfir | etzerd: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 12:32 |
etzerd | ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 12:33 |
revelater | tritium, whats the latest version, out of curiosity? | 12:33 |
zerovertex | hello all. just want to say that xfce spanks gnome as far as preformance. my powerbook g3 is running sweet now without gnome hogging all the memory | 12:33 |
etzerd | but I have to download libdvdcss before in order to add it | 12:33 |
tritium | revelater, the latest supported kernel is 2.6.10. 2.6.11 is out, but there are no linux-restricted-modules for it. | 12:33 |
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queuetue | Arnia, Yes, I have a system with a failing cd-rom drive. It will boot,but complete installation. No floppy. | 12:33 |
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mefakon | hmm | 12:33 |
yfir | etzerd: no, just go to that website and read it | 12:33 |
mefakon | well, i'm on irssi on Ubuntu | 12:33 |
revelater | tritium, ahh, so mouse/keyboard/ everything else, doesn't work right then? | 12:34 |
mefakon | luckily it's text-based | 12:34 |
etzerd | thanks yfir let me try that | 12:34 |
JaZy15 | anyone with any ideas? | 12:34 |
queuetue | Arnia, Is there a way to do a network install? I may have asked the question wrong. :) | 12:34 |
thoreauputic | etzerd: no, just add the repositories and use synaptic | 12:34 |
Arnia | queuetue: I don't think you can actually... | 12:34 |
tritium | revelater, nvidia, ati, a few others don't work with 2.6.11 due to lack of restricted-modules, yes | 12:34 |
iapx8088 | just recompile them | 12:34 |
queuetue | Arnia, Just ot be sure: there is no network install for ubuntu? | 12:34 |
yfir | zerovertex: i've beeen thinking of trying xfce. did you find any bumps when using it with ubuntu? | 12:34 |
revelater | tritium, i see, thank you for the info, now when i install i am going to have to reboot correct? | 12:35 |
tritium | queuetue, search the wiki for network install | 12:35 |
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tritium | revelater, to use the new kernel, yes | 12:35 |
revelater | tritium, sigh.... i want to beat the record for length of somputer uptime... | 12:36 |
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dean_za | so there no wireles Xperts today ? | 12:36 |
revelater | *computer | 12:36 |
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mefakon | hmm maybe if i change my wm | 12:36 |
tritium | revelater, well, you have to choose, I guess... | 12:36 |
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mefakon | how do you change your wm on ubuntu? | 12:36 |
noirequus | Arnia, you might try to install a network install of plain ol' debian, then augment/upate your srouces.list to change to hoary | 12:37 |
thoreauputic | mefakon: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 12:37 |
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revelater | tritium, well, its only been about a week, and the record is about 5 years sooo..... maybe i should reboot | 12:37 |
thoreauputic | to stop and start gnome | 12:37 |
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roo__ | dean_za, whats the problem? | 12:37 |
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tritium | revelater, probably so :) | 12:37 |
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revelater | tritium: lol | 12:37 |
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revelater | tritium: the upgrades are mostly security correct? | 12:38 |
dean_za | hoary picks up my prismgt card but I cant connect using 128 bit ecrypt , how does the network config knwo whether it 128/64 | 12:38 |
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dean_za | also do i need to use ascii or hex ? | 12:38 |
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tritium | revelater, I presume so. I'm not running Warty, so I can't really confirm that, though. | 12:38 |
blueyed | What is used/called when chosing "Hibernate the computer" from the logout menu? Because the screen blanks, but the computer does not hibernate (have to hardreset). How can I debug this? | 12:38 |
queuetue | tritium, I actually searched before, and am searching now, but finding nothing about how to do a normal net install. Is this possible? | 12:38 |
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mefakon | i mean like, in slack there is xwmconfig | 12:39 |
Arnia | noirequus: It wasn't me wanting to do it :) | 12:39 |
chavo | queuetue, you can't do a net install with the ubuntu disks. | 12:39 |
mefakon | is there something relative in ubuntu? | 12:39 |
revelater | tritium: well i heard that they found some pretty serious security problems with kernels 2.4 and up in the last week | 12:39 |
queuetue | chavo, How *do* I do a net install, then? :) | 12:39 |
knucks | can someone help me? | 12:39 |
chavo | you can use the debian net install and change your sources. | 12:39 |
knucks | I cant change my refresh rate | 12:39 |
thoreauputic | mefakon: first you need to install another wm :) | 12:40 |
blueyed | knucks, try editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf - the monitor section needs values from your monitor manual. | 12:40 |
mefakon | hm it's not crashing anymore | 12:40 |
mefakon | weird | 12:40 |
revelater | tritium: is there a dhcp broadcast program, in case something happens to my current connection and i need to reconnect? | 12:41 |
tritium | queuetue, it's unsupported, but you can use a debian net install CD, and change repos, etc. I wouldn't advise it. | 12:41 |
mefakon | thank's for all your help | 12:41 |
=== Arnia is curious about what could cause that crasher | ||
knucks | its like ubuntu didnt recognize my monitor | 12:41 |
=== delire [~delire@x1-6-00-0c-41-9b-f5-4f.k371.webspeed.dk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
tritium | revelater, yes, dhclient | 12:41 |
revelater | knucks, thats odd ubuntu could see my monitor... and no other distro could | 12:41 |
blueyed | knucks: HorizSync and VertRefresh did it here. | 12:42 |
revelater | tritium, cool thanks, i will be going now to install kernel and reboot | 12:42 |
knucks | ^huh? | 12:42 |
knucks | im looking at my xorg.cong.. | 12:42 |
blueyed | monitor section | 12:42 |
tritium | revelater, no problem :) | 12:42 |
knucks | yes.. | 12:42 |
knucks | Section "Monitor" | 12:42 |
knucks | Identifier"Generic Monitor" | 12:42 |
knucks | Option"DPMS" | 12:42 |
knucks | HorizSync28-49 | 12:42 |
knucks | VertRefresh43-72 | 12:42 |
=== jure [~jure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
queuetue | Ok, culd somebody *please* stop dancing around the issue and answer conclusiveley: Is it possible to do a network install of Ubuntu or not? | 12:42 |
tritium | queuetue, I answered you | 12:43 |
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pune | hey, i'm trying to configure wine but it's having trouble finding the configuration file | 12:43 |
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-130-168-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
queuetue | tritium, So, no, ubuntu does not have a network install available, or yes, ubuntu does have a network install available?\ | 12:43 |
blueyed | knucks: change HorizSynch and VCertRefresh to your monitor specs | 12:44 |
noirequus | info is free, sorry if i tacked the wrong nick on the front of it | 12:44 |
=== mindphasr [~mind@000-488-983.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | queuetue, ubuntu does not. I explained an unsupported way to use debian's net install CDs. Again, I don't advise it, but you can try it. | 12:44 |
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knucks | blueeyed: i dont know them.. | 12:44 |
mebaran151 | hey | 12:44 |
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mebaran151 | any of you know what is in usr/local/man | 12:44 |
blueyed | google for them. I can say its 30-140 and 50-200 for Iiyama HA202DT.. ;) | 12:44 |
mebaran151 | and why it would be in red | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | mebaran151: manual pages, presumably | 12:45 |
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tritium | mebaran151, nothing, unless you've installed stuff from source | 12:45 |
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mebaran151 | ok | 12:45 |
mebaran151 | so can I delete it easily | 12:45 |
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tritium | mebaran151, sounds like you built some software, and did make install? | 12:45 |
mebaran151 | gimp print is complaing that it cant create it because it exists | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | mebaran151: why? | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | ah | 12:45 |
mebaran151 | I want the new gimp print beta | 12:45 |
mebaran151 | so I thought I would make it happy | 12:45 |
Servo888 | What kernel-headers should I use for the 2.6.10-4-386 kernel? There are no kernel-headers-2.6.10-4-386; so I'm wondering what you guys recommend | 12:46 |
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mebaran151 | it is a broken symlink though | 12:46 |
mebaran151 | how could that have happened | 12:46 |
pune | can anyone help me, i'm trying to configure wine, but it can't find the configuration file | 12:46 |
thoreauputic | pune: whereis wine might tell you | 12:47 |
pune | hey again | 12:47 |
thoreauputic | pune, probably in /etc | 12:47 |
=== leitao_ [~leitao@d-proxy02.sigmanet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dockane | a little bit offtopic anyhow, maybe there is someby who can help me: how much is an acre ? i am reading a book about Fitch and the first paddle steamers and it says that he made a contract with a loca barkeeper to drunk himself to dead for 150 acres. | 12:47 |
mebaran151 | just took a leap | 12:47 |
tritium | queuetue, you haven't replied to my last comment | 12:47 |
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resiak | dockane: wikipedia might know. | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | dockane: 640 acres to a square mile :) | 12:48 |
pune | more specifically, i downloaded the winesetupTk file and wine attempts to configure it | 12:48 |
queuetue | tritium, What kind of reply would you like? :) | 12:48 |
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thoreauputic | dockane: do the math | 12:48 |
Servo888 | nvm I found it. It's linux-headers, instead of kernel-headers =\ | 12:48 |
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tritium | queuetue, well, you seemed unhappy with our previous replies. | 12:49 |
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desnut | hay alguin espaol???????? | 12:49 |
dockane | ok thnx | 12:49 |
mebaran151 | ok | 12:50 |
xuzo | desnut: try on #ubuntu-es | 12:50 |
mebaran151 | the pkg wants to overwrite some file | 12:50 |
mebaran151 | and dpkg complains | 12:50 |
mebaran151 | I am annoyed | 12:50 |
desnut | ok | 12:50 |
desnut | thanks | 12:50 |
tritium | mebaran151, which package are you installing? | 12:50 |
mebaran151 | Gutenberg-print | 12:51 |
Rene_S | anyone know how to change the gnome footprint icon in the gnome-menu to something else ? | 12:51 |
mebaran151 | the new gimp-print 5.0 | 12:51 |
tritium | mebaran151, ubuntu package? | 12:51 |
queuetue | Well, I still don't feel as though the question has been answered - someone told em to check the wiki for instructions, you tell me there is a procedure you would not use... I'm still hoping someone will answer the question in a way that is useful to me, but I don't feel as though anyone is required to, nor that I should expect anyone to. | 12:51 |
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Servo888 | Any reason why grabbing something from cvs just causes cvs to hang... It's not crashed, just after I hit enter for the password it's been idleing | 12:51 |
Krys^^ | so where could I get ubuntu themes? | 12:52 |
Xeon3D | Krys^^, www.gnome-look.org | 12:52 |
tritium | queuetue, the question has been answered. You're just not happy with the answer. | 12:52 |
mebaran151 | tritium | 12:52 |
mebaran151 | no | 12:52 |
mebaran151 | made my checkinstall | 12:52 |
=== uni-fi [~unifi@cpe-68-174-114-59.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | queuetue: trutium told you it was possible with a debian net install disk, but unsupported and not recommended | 12:52 |
mebaran151 | neato app | 12:52 |
Krys^^ | thanks | 12:52 |
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kingsley | join #bash | 12:53 |
Arnia | queuetue: I believe the answer is 'no' if you want support, and 'yes' if you like the possibility of pain and suffering :) | 12:53 |
kingsley | Oops | 12:53 |
Artemis3 | spamaaa! | 12:53 |
thoreauputic | kingsley: was that a typo or an invitation ? *grin* | 12:53 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, Then I'm not sure why he's grilling me for reponses to what is essentially a "no." | 12:53 |
kingsley | thoreauputic: A typo. | 12:53 |
tritium | queuetue, I'm trying to help you. I'm not grilling you. You're just not appreciative of the hep. | 12:54 |
tritium | help | 12:54 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: it isn't a "no", it's a "possible but risky" | 12:54 |
queuetue | Arnia, What i would like is the possibility of ubuntu on this box, but I'm quickly getting the imporession that today isn't the day to be asking. :) | 12:54 |
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mebaran151 | haha | 12:54 |
isai | hi | 12:54 |
mebaran151 | make install works | 12:54 |
mebaran151 | silly apt | 12:54 |
mebaran151 | I have circumvented thee | 12:54 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: you don't want to hear the answers, it seems | 12:54 |
mebaran151 | (and gimp print has a make uninstall) | 12:54 |
Artemis3 | ... | 12:54 |
tritium | queuetue, the answer won't change until an ubuntu network installer is available | 12:55 |
isai | can't get gnome sound recorder working. I can here myself with the microphone but not record. | 12:55 |
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Servo888 | Can anybody check out em8300... Run "cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.dxr3.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/dxr3 login" click enter for pass, and tell me if it hangs or not | 12:55 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, I'm fine with your interpretation. :) | 12:55 |
tritium | It has nothing to do with today | 12:55 |
Arnia | queuetue: The answer won't change another day. Its possible (and we've described how), but it isn't supported and you perform the task at your own risk | 12:55 |
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Arnia | queuetue: There is NOT an Ubuntu network installer at this moment in time | 12:55 |
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isai | hear* | 12:56 |
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mac_ | hi there | 12:56 |
queuetue | Well, actually, no one has told me how yet, only described a course of action (boot from deb install and put "somethign else" in the source) but I'm okay with that. :) | 12:56 |
tritium | isai, check the "Capture" section of your volume control. | 12:56 |
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tritium | queuetue, that _is_ how. | 12:57 |
mac_ | i need some help with the repositories | 12:57 |
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queuetue | tritium, Ok, good then. I guess I'm fully installed than, and I'm just the idiot.:) Thanks - let's drop it now, ok? | 12:57 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: well, your next logical action would be to go over to debian.org and inform yourself, no? | 12:58 |
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Arnia | queuetue: That is all you do... you install debian over the network, then you change the /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the hoary repositories rather than the deb ones... then you distupgrade | 12:58 |
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queuetue | thoreauputic, Which is *exactly* what I hav ebeen doing, but for some reason, you three really want to talk to me about it. :) | 12:58 |
Artemis3 | what a waste of time.. just burn the cd | 12:58 |
dstevens | hi all, Ubuntu Hoary should install on 512B IDE Flash Memory Module, size wize?, about to purchace. | 12:58 |
=== punjab12 screams war of the worlds | ||
punjab12 | alien invasion is coming, nothing else is relevant | 12:59 |
queuetue | Artemis3, bad cd-rom in the machine, and no replacement on hand... Normally, I'd agree with you. | 12:59 |
isai | I right clicked 'volume' in the left corner and then preferences. Switched device from modem to sound card. doh. | 12:59 |
Artemis3 | hmm | 12:59 |
isai | It now records! | 12:59 |
queuetue | punjab12, Yeah, they gt here a few hours ago. All around decent people. Well, not people... | 12:59 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: OK - I promise not to say another word: happy now ? ;-) | 12:59 |
punjab12 | a hostile alien civilization will come after us | 12:59 |
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tritium | queuetue, we have told you about it, and explained that it is unsupported. What more would you like? | 12:59 |
max | does any1 know how to instal netscape on ubuntu | 12:59 |
punjab12 | queuetue: www.waroftheworlds.com coming june 29th | 01:00 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, I was happy before. :) | 01:00 |
roo_ | max, why do u want to use netscape, out of interest? | 01:00 |
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punjab12 | queuetue: the theatres are going to have people jumping out windows! | 01:00 |
roo_ | max, firefox and mozilla will get a very similar job done.. | 01:00 |
max | music yahoo video | 01:00 |
punjab12 | i cant even watch the film, im too scared :P | 01:00 |
=== katalysator is now known as housetier | ||
isai | Anyone have experience with gnome sound recorder. I need to record about 40min at a time and don't want it to time out like window's sound recorder. | 01:00 |
roo_ | max, any plugins for netscape should work with mozilla/firefox too.. i think. | 01:00 |
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tritium | queuetue, you have to take some intitiave on your own to go take a look at the debian installer. We can't hold your hand. | 01:01 |
max | no i tryed it tels me i need netscape | 01:01 |
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thoreauputic | max, what is "it" ? | 01:01 |
queuetue | tritium, Dude, are you just punking me? Why are you hassling me? :) | 01:02 |
=== tritium wonders how help is hassling | ||
max | its a program to wach videos online | 01:02 |
Arnia | queuetue: And if you're already doing that, then why are you being so dismissive of the channel's help? | 01:02 |
thoreauputic | max, netscape and firefox are virtually identical in almost every way | 01:02 |
thoreauputic | max, which program? | 01:03 |
max | ok il tel u wat i did | 01:03 |
queuetue | Arnia, What's the reponmse I should give so you and tritium no longer feel dismissed, so I can get on with my day? | 01:03 |
max | i go to musi.yahoo.com | 01:03 |
tritium | queuetue, try being nice instead of rude | 01:03 |
max | music | 01:03 |
Xeon3D | ./part #ubuntu ? | 01:03 |
queuetue | tritium, I must not know how, because I'm trying *very* hard to be... | 01:04 |
max | i look for a music video and try wiching it | 01:04 |
Arnia | queuetue: "Thank you for your help, I will try that now" Then we'd say "No problem, come back if you have any other questions" | 01:04 |
max | and it tels me i need netscape | 01:04 |
thoreauputic | max, read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 01:04 |
max | ok | 01:04 |
thoreauputic | max, the app they say you need is probably not a linux app | 01:05 |
queuetue | tritium, Thank you for your help, I will try that now. | 01:05 |
queuetue | Arnia, Thank you for your help, I will try that now. | 01:05 |
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pune | anyway, i downloaded the winesetuptk for wine and when i go to configure wine it says: winesetupTk has detected the super user mode /etc/wine/wine.conf | 01:05 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, Do you nee done, too? | 01:05 |
thoreauputic | max, that page will tell you how to get video support | 01:05 |
max | i know i even used wine to instal it but it dosent work | 01:05 |
=== thoreauputic promised to remain silent | ||
tritium | pune, I find winetools from winehq.com to be far better than winesetuptk | 01:05 |
Arnia | queuetue: No problem, please come back later and ask any questions you may have. | 01:06 |
queuetue | Oops, I get the impression that thoreauputic is feeling left out and just oo polite to say. | 01:06 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, Thank you for your help, I will try that now. | 01:06 |
=== yfir agrees with tritium re: winetools | ||
thoreauputic | queuetue: you're welcome | 01:06 |
tritium | queuetue, http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ | 01:06 |
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Arnia | See... not hard, and its polite and shows gratitude (which is the only payment in this sort of gig) | 01:06 |
queuetue | ( Arnia, Is that the end of the ritual, can I get on with what I was doing now?) | 01:06 |
tritium | yfir, :) | 01:07 |
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gam314 | who chage applicatios menu?? in gnome 2.10 | 01:07 |
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roo_ | gam314, you cant. | 01:07 |
=== tritium wonders why queuetue had to make that last snide remark | ||
LinuxJones | queuetue, please stop being so annoying | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: I suppose you are entirely free to do as you wish, like the rest of us :) | 01:07 |
gam314 | why?? | 01:07 |
roo_ | gam314, unless you use an app written by Amaranth, search the ubuntu forums | 01:08 |
queuetue | tritium, because I'm getting a little pissed that this cnversation keeps continuing, when there is no reason for it to. | 01:08 |
gam314 | i dont speak ingles very well | 01:08 |
queuetue | thoreauputic, I certainly used to think so... | 01:08 |
tritium | queuetue, please remember the CoC | 01:08 |
queuetue | CoC? | 01:08 |
tritium | Code of Conduct | 01:08 |
thoreauputic | queuetue: then act - no one is stopping you from remaining silent :) | 01:09 |
gam314 | where dowload?? | 01:09 |
tritium | queuetue, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct | 01:09 |
=== bassMonkey [~fgrano@dsl-hkigw3o4f.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arnia | Whether you get help later of course is dependent on how you behave now... so politeness is a selfish route to take :) | 01:09 |
speel | so tommrow will be the day hoary comes out? | 01:09 |
queuetue | Is it the Coc that is making you hassle me? | 01:09 |
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tritium | speel, no, Friday. | 01:09 |
=== thoreauputic sighs | ||
tritium | queuetue, nobody is hassling you. You mistake helping for hassling. Please stop. | 01:10 |
queuetue | If you're required* to, then I guess I can't hold it against you. | 01:10 |
Arnia | We aren't hassling, we're simply asking for a minimum level of politeness and manners | 01:10 |
yfir | queuetue, tritium, thoreauputic, Arnia: Everyone has said how they feel about things. Can you guys drop it now please? | 01:10 |
LinuxJones | Guys please wrap this conversation up :) | 01:10 |
queuetue | Please. | 01:10 |
drbombay43 | when the hoary is officially released will the version I'm using update to it? | 01:10 |
dataw0lf | I'm doing a dist-upgrade, but I'm getting some problems with pythoncard.. is there a way through apt-get to keep pythoncard back and install the rest? | 01:10 |
Amaranth | yes | 01:11 |
speel | ah crap i read wrong i thaught it said the 4th =/ | 01:11 |
max | uuuum im in wiki but i cant find restrictedformats | 01:11 |
drbombay43 | Amaranth; are there a lot of changes? | 01:11 |
dataw0lf | anyone know how to keep back a package during a dist-upgrade? | 01:11 |
thoreauputic | max, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 01:12 |
Amaranth | drbombay43: Not if you're on hoary now. | 01:12 |
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drbombay43 | yes I am | 01:12 |
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dataw0lf | Noone knows? | 01:12 |
speel | i know you can unmark it in synaptic | 01:13 |
speel | that holds it back | 01:13 |
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drbombay43 | Amaranth; quick question , when I add draws to my panel and add app's there gone if I reboot, can this be fixed? | 01:14 |
Amaranth | err, never saw that bug | 01:14 |
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dataw0lf | speel: synaptic isn't an option | 01:15 |
thoreauputic | drbombay43: try saving your session on logout | 01:15 |
dataw0lf | echo pkgname hold | dpkg --set-selections <-- will this work? | 01:15 |
meatmanek | Ok so I'm just wondering | 01:15 |
meatmanek | Why should I switch to ubuntu? | 01:15 |
speel | beacause you dont have to deal with dependcy hell | 01:15 |
usual | meatmanek: because the pope died | 01:15 |
PacoBCN | meatmanek, nothing forces you | 01:15 |
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drbombay43 | will try now | 01:16 |
meatmanek | dependency hell only exists on RH nowadays. | 01:16 |
speel | but the repos are outdated most of the time | 01:16 |
PacoBCN | meatmanek, true, rumours say pope's last words were "switch to Ubuntu" | 01:16 |
queuetue | meatmanek, Because of the helpful and friendly people in this channel. | 01:16 |
meatmanek | PacoBCN, lol. | 01:16 |
meatmanek | a package manager that handles dependencies and helpful people? | 01:17 |
meatmanek | you've gotta have more than that. | 01:17 |
Arnia | meatmanek: Because it provides a system focusing on easy of use and simplicity | 01:17 |
meatmanek | so's mandrake. | 01:17 |
meatmanek | and lindows | 01:17 |
speel | rofl mandrake | 01:17 |
chavo | meatmanek, free pizza!!! | 01:17 |
speel | ROFL lindows | 01:17 |
speel | both can go to hell | 01:17 |
speel | maybe not so much mandrake | 01:18 |
chavo | speel, #distrowars is that way -> | 01:18 |
Arnia | meatmanek: Because it tries to go the extra mile to become obvious to users | 01:18 |
queuetue | meatmanek, ubuntu is solid - debian solid, but without the debian pain and 3-year-old packages. It's an abslute pleasure to work with - both as a workstation, an office pc and a server OS. | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | meatmanek: a warm and fuzzy Ubuntu feeling ;) | 01:18 |
speel | but linspire can go jump in a fire | 01:18 |
meatmanek | k | 01:18 |
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PacoBCN | is it morally correct to download cedega from amule, try it and only then decide if to pay or not for it? | 01:18 |
queuetue | meatmanek, Generally, the people involved are very helpful, have a sense of both community and humor. | 01:18 |
=== revelater [~andrew@adsl-69-225-128-123.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meatmanek | PacoBCN, considering they closed some open source software, yes. | 01:18 |
speel | pacobcn: of course :P | 01:19 |
resiak | PacoBCN: It's more morally correct to jsut use CVSCedega | 01:19 |
revelater | hey guys, i cann't seem to find the libdvdcss file on synaptic... | 01:19 |
queuetue | PacoBCN, I'm not sure about moral, but it is probably illegal (in the US anyway)... | 01:19 |
resiak | PacoBCN: ...since that is free and Free. | 01:19 |
meatmanek | CVSCedega? | 01:19 |
meatmanek | really now | 01:19 |
meatmanek | same thing? | 01:19 |
queuetue | meatmanek, Same, except for installshield-specific functionality, If I recall. | 01:19 |
PacoBCN | exactly, I didn't want to try CVS, then get disappointed and forget about cedega forever | 01:19 |
PacoBCN | I never tried it | 01:19 |
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revelater | where do i find the libdvdcss files???? | 01:20 |
meatmanek | queuetue, CVS has that and Cedega doesn't, or vice versa? | 01:20 |
thoreauputic | revelater: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 01:20 |
thoreauputic | revelater: follow the directions there to get the repositories | 01:20 |
meatmanek | http://www.google.com/search?q=libdvdcss&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official | 01:20 |
meatmanek | could be a start. | 01:20 |
meatmanek | or that. | 01:20 |
queuetue | Cedega, the copyrighted version you pay for, has additional third-party things that, due to licensing constraints, cannot be in the CVS. | 01:21 |
meatmanek | queuetue, kinda cool. | 01:21 |
=== Sir [~temp@cpe-066-061-099-016.midsouth.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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SirGrok | Hey, I need a little bit of help... | 01:22 |
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queuetue | (I have apaid for cedega, when I have a game I want to use, btw - it's only 5.00/mo) | 01:22 |
=== Levander [~levander@user-11faos1.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
queuetue | And you only need a month;s worth. :) | 01:22 |
cartel_ | cedega didnt run my dawn of war | 01:22 |
cartel_ | queuetue: you must subscribe at a minimum 3 months | 01:22 |
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cartel_ | cedega doesnt play nice with low end ati | 01:23 |
queuetue | cartel_, And that's why it isn't 65.00. :) (you are right about 3 months. i had forgotten.) | 01:23 |
Levander | How do I associate a file name extension with an application so that when I double click on a file with that extension in nautilus, it opens in the application I configured? | 01:23 |
pune | i can't setup winetools | 01:23 |
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thoreauputic | Levander: in the right click menu, properties, open with | 01:23 |
Grok | I just rebooted my machine and I can no longer log onto my user account. It says that .ICEauthority can not be read | 01:23 |
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Levander | thoreauputic: thanks, looks like it's working | 01:24 |
kikov | hi ppl.. | 01:24 |
kikov | anyone had problems with linux-image-2.6.11-k7-1 and gamin? | 01:24 |
kikov | I have kernel panics!!! | 01:24 |
pune | can anyone help me install winetools? | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | kikov: 2.6.11 is kind of... bleeding edge | 01:25 |
kikov | thoreauputic: it's the last stable recommended kernel | 01:25 |
kikov | ;) | 01:25 |
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kikov | anyway, such a BIG BUG is notable | 01:25 |
toresbe | fear not, I'm here! :P | 01:25 |
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kikov | ie: a user space program cause a CRASH in the kernel | 01:25 |
resiak | kikov: You missed the stuff about how 2.6 is a permanent dev branch, didn't you? | 01:25 |
thoreauputic | kikov: I repeat my opinion, based on what I've seen in this channel :) | 01:25 |
Grok | Anyone able to help? | 01:26 |
toresbe | thoreauputic: hey, haven't seen you in ages! :) | 01:26 |
kikov | well. I read something about the new method of development taken in 2.6 and how the odd branches aren't for development anymore | 01:26 |
tritium | kikov, 2.6.11 doesn't even have linux-restricted-modules yet | 01:26 |
max | uuuum that site didnt help much do u know any substitutes for netscape in sinaptic | 01:26 |
kikov | well.. I have solved the issue by renamig /usr/lib/gamin/gamin_server | 01:26 |
LinuxJones | Grok, you need to delete that file | 01:26 |
thoreauputic | toresbe: I've been meditating on the sad vicissitudes and mutations of life ;-) | 01:26 |
kikov | tritium: well.. then, this is a note for kernel packagers on 2.6.11 ;) | 01:26 |
tritium | kikov, it's not supported yet. They'll package them when they decide to support 2.6.11 | 01:27 |
thoreauputic | max, that won't help you, trust me | 01:27 |
LinuxJones | Grok, hit ctrl +alt + F2 login, sudo -s, then delete the file in your home dir. | 01:27 |
LinuxJones | god | 01:27 |
kikov | tritium: I'm not asking for support | 01:27 |
max | wat wil then | 01:27 |
bet0x | now im up-2-date | 01:27 |
bet0x | =) | 01:27 |
kikov | I can wait till it get stable enough... | 01:27 |
thoreauputic | max, firefox is essentially the same browser as netscape | 01:28 |
kikov | but I have been astonished that a user-space program cause such a kernel_panic! | 01:28 |
kikov | and it's not a bug exploit! | 01:28 |
thoreauputic | max, in fact netscape in its latest form is based on firefox | 01:28 |
kikov | well.. it's indeed a bug exploit just now | 01:28 |
pune | hey can anyone help me configure winetools | 01:28 |
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kernel_panic | kikov: :) | 01:28 |
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venkman | ok | 01:29 |
kikov | http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gamin-list/2005-March/msg00002.html -> by the way | 01:29 |
kikov | they say that it's a bug on gamin | 01:29 |
kikov | but it's also a bug in kernel | 01:29 |
=== segfault [loretito@pc-113-79-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
segfault | hi | 01:29 |
max | ok i get that but i stil doesnt let me wach music videos without netscape | 01:29 |
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segfault2k | someones know what is the font used in ubuntu's logo? | 01:29 |
venkman | i know this is a REALLY stupid question, but, i never had a power supply with 2 fans, do i install the side with larger area and the large fan so that the fan faces inside the case or toward the top of the case? | 01:29 |
PacoBCN | question for you all, guys. Why most of the times I can't open rar files? | 01:30 |
PacoBCN | only in Windows I can | 01:30 |
venkman | PacoBCN, use synaptic to get unrar | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | max, you need plugins (maybe mozplugger or similar) | 01:30 |
queuetue | venkman, You want the air blowing out of the case, if that's what you're asking... | 01:30 |
tritium | See you later, thoreauputic, Arnia | 01:30 |
max | on that site it said that some arent compatible for ligal reasons | 01:30 |
PacoBCN | venkman, I did, even like this I can't | 01:30 |
thoreauputic | max. correct | 01:30 |
Arnia | tritium: bye :) | 01:30 |
=== tritium waves | ||
segfault2k | PacoBCN, because there's a new rar version, thats is un compatible with the actual unrar in linux | 01:30 |
segfault2k | (sorry my english) | 01:30 |
neighborlee | has anyone else seen gnone-panel ( hoary RC ) crash since last update ? | 01:31 |
venkman | quazion_, oh, there's a fan to blow out of the case toward the back, but another fan on the adjacent side | 01:31 |
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max | were do i find that plugin | 01:31 |
PacoBCN | segfault2k, thanks for the explanation, I didn't know. | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | max, many codecs are patent encumbered | 01:31 |
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PacoBCN | this problem sucks... | 01:31 |
segfault2k | me neither, but i think is that, because i've downloaded a trainer in .rar file, and i cant uncompress with unrar, only with winrar :S | 01:31 |
max | explane | 01:31 |
PacoBCN | to need wine in order to simply unrar files is a bit frustrating | 01:31 |
thoreauputic | time to go... see you all soon :) Bye now... | 01:31 |
venkman | quazion_, http://www.tweakzone.nl/images/5580 | 01:31 |
venkman | there's a picture of it | 01:31 |
PacoBCN | segfault2k, I have the same problem | 01:32 |
pune | hey, can anyone help me install winetools | 01:32 |
max | thore? | 01:32 |
etzerd | guys I'm sorry I really don't get it how to add libdvdcss to the repositories | 01:33 |
odyssey | etzerd, you using synaptic? | 01:33 |
segfault2k | someones know what is the font used in ubuntu's logo? | 01:33 |
queuetue | venkman, the 110/220 switch s almost always outside of the case. The place where you plug the cors into is *always* outside. :) | 01:33 |
etzerd | I edit the sources-list but I really don't know what to add there | 01:33 |
queuetue | s/cors/cord/ | 01:33 |
etzerd | can anyone help | 01:33 |
odyssey | etzerd, use synaptic | 01:33 |
venkman | quazion_, on this psu the switch for 115/230 etc is on the inside | 01:34 |
venkman | along with the cords | 01:34 |
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etzerd | I did use synaptic | 01:34 |
PacoBCN | segfault2k, no idea | 01:34 |
etzerd | then I click reload | 01:34 |
venkman | quazion_, on my case i could flip it up over so that it's right side up or upside down and it still would work | 01:34 |
queuetue | venkman, How do you plug it in? Do you have to put your house inside of the case? :) | 01:34 |
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etzerd | but I belive I have to add libdvdcss there first which I do not know how | 01:34 |
queuetue | venkman, My name is not quazion_ . :) | 01:34 |
yfir | etzerd: add this to /etc/apt/sources.list : deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 01:34 |
venkman | doh | 01:34 |
venkman | soryr | 01:35 |
PacoBCN | segfault2k, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2313.html | 01:35 |
venkman | queuetue, i figure the cords should go NEAREST the motherboard (that would be good design) | 01:35 |
queuetue | venkman, maybe - the plug is inside the case? How, exactly, do you plug it in? | 01:36 |
PacoBCN | Installing cedega 4.3.3... | 01:36 |
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Levander | Anybody gotten emacsclient to work with nautilus? | 01:36 |
venkman | queuetue, i'm using it right now, and it seems fine, i'm checking some overclocker sights to see if they installed it the way i did | 01:36 |
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queuetue | venkman, You paid for this? Why would anyone need one of these, d you show your computer professinally? :) | 01:38 |
max | does any1 know were i can get mozplugger or similar? | 01:38 |
=== spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | queuetue, hahaahahah, actually it was the cheapest one today a fry's! | 01:38 |
venkman | at | 01:38 |
noirequus | bye y'all, it's been fun | 01:38 |
queuetue | Heh. | 01:38 |
max | does any1 know were i can get mozplugger or similar? | 01:38 |
spades | anyone know how to add files to startup in xfce? | 01:38 |
venkman | queuetue, mine died a few hours ago, and i was going to blame ubuntu combined with my use of xcompmgr, but i don't think that was the issue. | 01:39 |
queuetue | Probably not. | 01:39 |
max | does any1 know were i can get mozplugger or similar? | 01:39 |
queuetue | Unless you're running 2.6.11. :) | 01:39 |
queuetue | max, Could you ask a few more times? Faster, too. | 01:39 |
max | does any1 know were i can get mozplugger or similar? | 01:40 |
max | does any1 know were i can get mozplugger or similar? | 01:40 |
max | does any1 know were i can get mozplugger or similar? | 01:40 |
max | ok? | 01:40 |
venkman | queuetue, it might be the psu could couldn't give enough power to the motherboard to fuel the geforce ti 4600 | 01:40 |
venkman | Linux venkman 2.6.10-5-k7 #1 Fri Apr 1 17:03:17 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:40 |
LinuxJones | max, relax | 01:40 |
max | i need an answere | 01:40 |
LinuxJones | max, search google | 01:40 |
pune | does anybody have any experience with wine? | 01:40 |
max | i did | 01:40 |
LinuxJones | max, no hits ? | 01:41 |
max | nope | 01:41 |
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LinuxJones | max, >> http://dagobah.ucc.asn.au/mozplugger/ | 01:42 |
pune | hello? | 01:42 |
alainm | pune: what do you want to know about wine? | 01:43 |
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cowbud | anyone know what version of inotify is in ubuntu? | 01:45 |
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libben | what is wine called... or is it vine ? | 01:46 |
alainm | cowbud.. i don't see it | 01:46 |
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bas | libben, wine | 01:46 |
=== peters80 [~peter@12-216-13-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cowbud | alainm: as in installed at all and where are you looking? in the actual kernel source or is there a webpage? | 01:47 |
pune | hey sorry, i'm trying to install winetools | 01:47 |
libben | can i use wine to run flashfxp ? cause i cant find any ftp client that can handles tls encryption on linux | 01:47 |
alainm | cowbud: either installed or in synaptic | 01:47 |
alainm | strange.. | 01:48 |
cowbud | alainm: it is a kernel patch..you can't just install it, it is built in to the kernel | 01:48 |
queuetue | What is the ubuntu way to set up networking? | 01:48 |
alainm | cowbud: oh.. sorry | 01:48 |
alainm | cowbud: i had never heard.. | 01:49 |
cowbud | alainm: no prob thanks for checking though :) | 01:49 |
alainm | cowbud: how could i check? | 01:49 |
libben | queuetue, automatic =) except static ipn =) | 01:49 |
peters80 | Can anyone help me with some serious boot-time problems? On boot up when the filesystem is checked, it is found to contain errors (Buffer I/O error on hda1...attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in a short read...etc) | 01:49 |
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isai | hi | 01:49 |
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cowbud | alainm: well with that I don't know I was hoping to find someone who works on the kernels in here. I suppose I could download the ubuntu kernel patches if they are available..but other than <shrug> :) | 01:49 |
queuetue | libben, I'm trying to set a static IP. :) | 01:49 |
=== T5 [~Jan@dsl-084-059-062-002.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
isai | How I play dvds? I put the disc in and then it automounts & totem tries to play it but can't. | 01:50 |
libben | and ur in gnome, hit System, Administration, Networking ... there it is | 01:50 |
pune | alainm:I'm trying to get winetools installed | 01:50 |
alainm | pune: ok | 01:50 |
libben | isai, apt-get install totem-xine | 01:50 |
queuetue | libben, I'm not running X - this is a server install. | 01:50 |
pune | alainm: It won't install for some reason | 01:50 |
isai | thanks, I am trying it now. | 01:51 |
alainm | cowbud: ok.. yeh.. i haven't ventured in the kernel hack side of the business | 01:51 |
queuetue | I assume it's something dpkg-related, but ca I jsut edit some config file? | 01:51 |
alainm | pune: what does it say.. ? | 01:51 |
libben | isai, also add hdparm -d1 to ur cd/dvd recorder/reader | 01:51 |
=== MarcoH [~Marco@a81-14-145-72.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asubedi | how to make sure that psmouse gets loaded after usb modules? | 01:51 |
chavo | queuetue, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts | 01:51 |
pune | alainm:well, i think i just don't know how to execute it | 01:52 |
peters80 | if I am running ubuntu live and want to access some data on a hard drive that is attached, how do I access that?! | 01:52 |
alainm | pune: use the synaptic tool | 01:52 |
queuetue | chadd, Are you sure that's not on RedHat? | 01:52 |
isai | libben, how do I do that? | 01:53 |
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queuetue | chavo, Are you sure that's not on RedHat? | 01:53 |
pune | alainm: after i untar it, then I find the install.sh tool and try to execute it, it just doens't run | 01:53 |
alainm | pune: ./install.sh | 01:53 |
pune | alainm: that's what i type? | 01:53 |
alainm | pune: sh install.sh | 01:54 |
pune | isai: there is a package you need to play dvds | 01:54 |
alainm | pune: just use synaptic.. alot easier | 01:54 |
isai | pune: which is it? | 01:54 |
pune | isai: i knew you'd ask that, ya know let me see if i can find it | 01:55 |
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chavo | queuetue, may very well be on Redhat also. | 01:55 |
libben | isai, on what hd is ur cd/dvd reader on? | 01:55 |
queuetue | chavo, there is no /etc/sysconfig under debian (or ubuntu)... Unless I'm very mistaken. (I have 5 available and I checked them all. :) ) | 01:56 |
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libben | isai, type mount | 01:56 |
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libben | in a shell | 01:56 |
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isai | libben, /dev/hdc or /media/cdrom0 | 01:56 |
libben | yeah | 01:56 |
libben | u need to type: sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc | 01:57 |
max | does firefox 7.2 exist? | 01:57 |
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pune | isai: ok, i think it's called totem - xine? | 01:57 |
libben | that enables the dma mode on the cd/dvd'reader so it wont stutters while u play it.. | 01:57 |
venkman | wow | 01:57 |
pune | isai: that might be the movie player itself though | 01:57 |
isai | but I thought that's only a one time deal. This is a laptop so I want it to hdparm -d1 each time I turn it on. | 01:58 |
robertj | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=114944 <- someone might find this interesting | 01:58 |
max | does firefox 7.2 exist? | 01:58 |
libben | isai, then u add the command to /etc/hdparm.conf | 01:58 |
max | does firefox 7.2 exist? | 01:58 |
pune | alainm: what am i searching for in synaptic? | 01:58 |
JDahl | max, no... 7.2 is a Netscape version number | 01:59 |
libben | type: sudo nano /etc/hdparm.conf and go to the last line and uncomment it... and change the command line in there to hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc | 01:59 |
isai | pune: I already apt-get install totem-xine. The dvd now loads & totem says "The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" | 01:59 |
max | is there a firefox thats compatable with nescape7.2 | 02:00 |
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lunitik | max: they both use gecko ... so yes | 02:00 |
libben | isai, | 02:00 |
lunitik | max: afaik though, thats a pretty old version... | 02:00 |
isai | libben, I changed hdparm.conf. Thanks. | 02:01 |
kingsley | My eyes are glazing over from reading smartmontools' documentation. What's an easy way to have smartd monitor a hard drive and if it detects errors, send an email to root? | 02:01 |
=== rafi [~rafi@d186-65-castillian-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alainm | pune: wine | 02:01 |
rafi | why does my flash have no sound? | 02:01 |
=== Levande1 [~levander@user-11faos1.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
max | i think i have an old version of firefox is there a way to update? | 02:01 |
Daehlie | www.mozilla.org/products/firefox | 02:01 |
pune | alainm:oh you're saying for the wine config files? | 02:02 |
JDahl | max, what's wrong with your version of firefox? | 02:02 |
pune | isai: did you try a search for libdvdcss? | 02:02 |
max | To use this application with Netscape, you must use a 4.7x or 7.1 version. Download now. | 02:02 |
max | Please use the following error code when writing to Yahoo! Help. (Error Code: 12) | 02:02 |
isai | pune: how to I search apt-get? | 02:02 |
max | thats wats wrong | 02:03 |
alainm | pune: i am just suggesting that you use synaptic to install wine on your system | 02:03 |
alainm | pune: i had no problems | 02:03 |
Krys^^ | I wanna make my taskbar look like a macosx.. how do I do that? | 02:03 |
pune | isai: do you have the synaptic program manager? try searching for css, i think that's what it's called | 02:03 |
max | it gives me that eror wen i try waching a musicvideo | 02:03 |
libben | weird... i dont have libdvdcss installed... but i had it on an earlier installation to get it working... and i watched a dvd today... and it works.. | 02:03 |
fallstorm | Wow... just installed and I have to say I'm impressed... haven't used Linux for a while (over a year?) and I'm impressed with how everything just worked... | 02:03 |
pune | alainm: i've already installed wine, but it's saying that the config file is missing | 02:03 |
libben | hmm... i dident watch a encrypted one =) | 02:04 |
alainm | pune: oh.. ok | 02:04 |
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pune | alainm: it asks for the winesetupTk file which is on synaptic, however it doesn't work as well, so i was trying to get winetools on | 02:05 |
Ratmann | Hello all | 02:05 |
pune | isai: did you find it? | 02:05 |
isai | pune: searched synaptic, found nothing besides CSS web stuff. Also it says libdvdread3 install. | 02:05 |
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Ratmann | Anyone know what FAM is? | 02:05 |
Ratmann | lol | 02:05 |
isai | installed (sic) | 02:05 |
T5 | file alteration monitor | 02:06 |
Arnia | Ratmann: It's a way of checking for modifications to files using dnotify | 02:06 |
pune | isai:i think that's the one, libdvdread3 | 02:06 |
pune | isai: try installing that | 02:06 |
libben | yeah | 02:06 |
libben | i have it installed | 02:06 |
libben | just checked it | 02:06 |
Arnia | Ratmann: Better to use something that uses inotify (which is far more efficient and flexible than dnotify) such as Gamin I believe | 02:06 |
Ratmann | Does Ubuntu have it? | 02:07 |
isai | its already marked. | 02:07 |
Ratmann | I'm trying to install XSI | 02:07 |
isai | as installed. | 02:07 |
Ratmann | http://www.softimage.com/products/xsi/v42/SysReqs/Linux.htm | 02:07 |
=== dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-189.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ratmann | Requierments | 02:07 |
isai | pune: I install gxine will it pull in libdvdcss as well? | 02:08 |
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isai | pune: s/I/If | 02:08 |
computerguy867 | has anyone tried the hplip packages yet? | 02:08 |
Ratmann | Anyone got an idea/ | 02:08 |
Ratmann | lol | 02:08 |
Ratmann | ?* | 02:08 |
Arnia | Ratmann: Yes, it has FAM, but gamin is an API identical replacement so you should be able to use Gamin just as well and its already installed | 02:08 |
pune | isai: um, i don't really know, i was gonna suggest trying out libcroco3 | 02:09 |
Ratmann | Oh | 02:09 |
max | does any1 know how to get the new fire fox version | 02:09 |
Ratmann | I've been trying to install it, but i get an error | 02:09 |
Arnia | Ratmann: Install FAM or Gamin? What's the error? | 02:09 |
Ratmann | I mean | 02:09 |
Ratmann | Installing Softimage|XSI linux | 02:09 |
computerguy867 | has anyone experienced firefox freezing | 02:09 |
HappyPills | computerguy867: I've experienced it crashing before | 02:10 |
computerguy867 | after hoary updates? | 02:10 |
max | does any1 know how to get the new fire fox version | 02:10 |
computerguy867 | x freezes completely | 02:10 |
computerguy867 | when using firefox | 02:10 |
Arnia | Ratmann: The error is? | 02:10 |
pune | isai: what do you mean by s/I/If? | 02:10 |
pune | isai: what does that mean? | 02:10 |
computerguy867 | there were some x updates recently and I think thats whats causing it | 02:11 |
JDahl | max, installing a newer version of firefox, is not going to fix your music videos | 02:11 |
jbm__ | ive noticed firefox act funny when tryin to run a second instance on a different desktop | 02:11 |
JDahl | max, you need to install plugins for that | 02:11 |
isai | its what you do in vi to substitute 'I' for 'If'. | 02:11 |
Ratmann | It's a long one | 02:11 |
Ratmann | lol | 02:11 |
Arnia | Ratmann: Can you summarise? | 02:11 |
max | but it wil let me wach them of musin.yahoo.com | 02:11 |
Ratmann | Hmm | 02:12 |
Ratmann | I COULD copy paste it | 02:12 |
Ratmann | Or | 02:12 |
Krys^^ | does ubuntu support dual monitors? | 02:12 |
Ratmann | I can send you a private ? | 02:12 |
Amesius | Has anyone found a cheatcode to setup a network card for broadband WITHOUT wireless, even tho wireless hardware is present? | 02:12 |
computerguy867 | yes it does | 02:12 |
max | i did instal plugin i dint help | 02:12 |
jbm__ | Krys^^ yes ive had dual monitors running | 02:12 |
Krys^^ | is it quick to set up? | 02:12 |
JDahl | max, you *dont* need a newer browser... you need to fix your multimedia plugins | 02:12 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ it is easy for me with ATI card | 02:12 |
max | how do i do that? | 02:13 |
JDahl | max, no clue... | 02:13 |
Krys^^ | jbm__, i think that's what I have.. | 02:13 |
Krys^^ | how'd u do it? | 02:13 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ do you have the native ATI drivers installed? | 02:13 |
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max | shit!!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:13 |
Krys^^ | nope not that I know | 02:13 |
Krys^^ | i didn't install them | 02:13 |
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pune | does anyone know how to install winetools over wine? | 02:14 |
gabaug | I selected American English when Iinstalled Hoary recently, but Evolution is trying to make me enter dates in DDMMYYY form | 02:14 |
Krys^^ | how'd i get them installed apt-cache search ati? | 02:14 |
JDahl | max, there's tons of wikis on how to install multimedia playback on the ubuntu site... read them instead of whining | 02:14 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ well first you neet to install the ATI drivers... search for "fglrx" | 02:14 |
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max | i did that other guy just siad the same thing | 02:15 |
Krys^^ | ok i'll do that | 02:15 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ after you have drivers installed go here for howto configure for dual http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XineramaHowTo | 02:16 |
Krys^^ | jbm__, i've got like 30 results, what one do I get? | 02:16 |
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jbm__ | Kryss^^ xorg-driver-fglrx | 02:17 |
Krys^^ | ok thanks | 02:17 |
jbm__ | np | 02:17 |
libben | Option "RenderAccel" "true" | 02:18 |
libben | Option "NvAGP" "1" | 02:18 |
isai | I got it working. Hooray! | 02:18 |
pune | hello does anyone know about winetools? | 02:18 |
libben | should i add this to my xorg.conf ? or is it unnessary | 02:18 |
Krys^^ | jbm__, i am new to ubuntu, is there a simple command I need to type to get this going fast? | 02:18 |
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dannemare | Does anybody know if there anything wrong with the wiki? Yesterday I created three pages. Now they are all gone. | 02:19 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 02:19 |
isai | In case anyone has trouble in the future playing dvds here is how you do it. | 02:19 |
dannemare | Including my own peronal info page. | 02:19 |
dannemare | peronal->personal | 02:19 |
Krys^^ | jbm__, I got that part, I meant for the setting it up | 02:20 |
isai | apt-get install ogle. It then gives you directions on how to enable libdvdcss. | 02:20 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ type that at command line and give your password... that gives hardware specific driver support. Configuring the dual display can be tricky and potentially you can break your xorg configuration | 02:20 |
Krys^^ | I'm familiar with apt-get.. | 02:20 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ | 02:20 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ are you familure with xorg configuration? | 02:20 |
Krys^^ | noppers | 02:20 |
Krys^^ | that's where I get blonde :) | 02:20 |
isai | debian doesn't include it because of legal issues. But it provides a script if you can legally use it <wink><wink> | 02:21 |
maddler | damn... anyone using openoffice? | 02:21 |
Krys^^ | I tend to use it | 02:21 |
jbm__ | Kryss^^ lol ya well it is kinda tricky, ATI supplies a nice config tool called fglrxconfig... i recommend backing up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file then run fglrxconfig for a new one... it will ask all about dual displays | 02:22 |
isai | maddler: I use oo | 02:22 |
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maddler | isai... did u ever experienced problems with the printer? | 02:22 |
maddler | I mean... | 02:22 |
isai | nope, although the configuration is wierd. | 02:22 |
Krys^^ | jbm__, can I go through this with you privately, I find it hard to follow along in a busy channel while doing like 10 things at once :) | 02:22 |
maddler | I configure the printer... and printing the test page works... | 02:22 |
maddler | but I'm _unable_ to print any document... | 02:23 |
isai | Do you config the printer thru oo or ubuntu/gnome? | 02:23 |
maddler | both... | 02:23 |
maddler | but what I can't understand is why the test page works... | 02:23 |
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000393d5b468.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbm__ | Kryss^^ sure | 02:23 |
isai | I just installed ubuntu on my laptop so i am not sure exactly if it works. I'll try right now. | 02:24 |
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andreas_ | Hi. I am searching for a nifty RSS theme for Superkaramba. Any suggestions? | 02:24 |
maddler | isai... :) | 02:25 |
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andreas_ | Was that a response to me? | 02:25 |
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chadd | is reiserFS slower than ext3? | 02:26 |
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chadd | and all things equal, which one is better? (pitfalls) | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | chadd: depends on your situation | 02:27 |
HappyPills | i Was under the impression that reiserFS was faster than ext3 | 02:27 |
HappyPills | but the difference is negligible | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | chadd: fs speed is very dependent on what you are doing | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | big files vs small files | 02:27 |
Burgundavia | etc | 02:27 |
chadd | well, because I didnt know better, I picked reiser for everything except boot and a free partion I put under /opt | 02:27 |
chadd | as ext3 | 02:27 |
chadd | "why not" | 02:28 |
andreas_ | Any suggestions to a nifty RSS reader for Superkaramba? | 02:28 |
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Artemis3 | i use ext3 except in boot which can be ext2 | 02:29 |
chadd | *shrug* | 02:29 |
chadd | I've used ext3 before, but never reiser | 02:29 |
Artemis3 | reiser is great unless the hd lies the os when writting... | 02:30 |
andreas_ | Come on guys. Some of you must be using RSS | 02:30 |
Jamminpotato | wow....the man mount is over 1000 lines | 02:30 |
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Hayden | when is hoary stable out? | 02:31 |
crimsun | 8 April | 02:31 |
Hayden | ok thanks | 02:31 |
andreas_ | Hayden: Some time in this month. | 02:31 |
Jamminpotato | in fact it is 1399 lines | 02:31 |
Jamminpotato | hjow do i exit a man command? | 02:31 |
crimsun | Jamminpotato: 'q' | 02:31 |
andreas_ | Does anyone know of a Superkaramba IRc channel+ | 02:35 |
chadd | crimsun: I assume hoary RC will be updatable to stable... | 02:35 |
crimsun | chadd: as always | 02:35 |
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Anubis | http://movies.channel.aol.com/feature/starwars/main.adp | 02:35 |
Anubis | can anyone see that trailer? | 02:35 |
libben | I really need help... been trying to get a answer whole day =) i have an ftp account that runs with TLS... Ive tryed gftp, ftp-ssl and more.... wich ftp client that has GUI will work to connect to his encrypted account? | 02:35 |
pune | can anyone help me? | 02:35 |
crimsun | libben: forget the gui and use lftp | 02:35 |
dataw0lf | man, I've had to --force-overwrite 4 packages so far with my dist-upgrade. | 02:35 |
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venkman | what's the difference between multiverse and universe? | 02:35 |
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crimsun | venkman: license | 02:35 |
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Zugot | anubis: i can see it | 02:37 |
knucks | guys im trying to compile Mplayer | 02:37 |
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venkman | crimsun, what's the licensing difference? | 02:37 |
knucks | and its telling me that i need XFree86 development package? | 02:37 |
crimsun | venkman: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-20.1228090247 | 02:38 |
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Dreamer3_ | yo dude | 02:43 |
Dreamer3_ | yo dudes | 02:43 |
black_Nightmare | anyone mind a deep hardware interaction talk? :p | 02:43 |
Dreamer3_ | how are things in ubuntu land | 02:43 |
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Dreamer3 | anyone? | 02:43 |
HappyPills | I'm installing windows =P | 02:43 |
libben | crimsun, well, that was a blast =) NOT ;) isnt there any GUI ftp's out for linux at all? i mean. CMON... this is server land with filetransfers as biggest needs =) and there is no ftp client with a nice GUI and TLS capabilites | 02:43 |
black_Nightmare | first question: recoken that if you had a lot of ram its possible to make a loader on the hd so as soon as it boots up it'll be mounting a full os into ram alone [using hd for personal files as well] ? | 02:43 |
yfir | libben... | 02:43 |
black_Nightmare | kinda like a zero-hd-useage computer except at bootup and to save personal files to | 02:43 |
Dreamer3 | HappyPills: eeks, what for? | 02:43 |
bitconfused | windows? you'll need hammer, nails, calk | 02:43 |
GoneBoB | libben: open url ftp:///user:pass@server | 02:43 |
Dreamer3 | libben: gnome does FTP | 02:43 |
HappyPills | so I can run it within ubuntu to access matlab =P | 02:43 |
black_Nightmare | it doesn't have to be ubuntu..can be any os/distro btw | 02:43 |
Dreamer3 | HappyPills: ah, not matlad for linux? | 02:43 |
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HappyPills | don't have that | 02:43 |
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libben | Dreamer3, GoneBoB... i need it with TLS encryption | 02:43 |
dad | hey for the graphics mode of ubuntu i can run it on my dell flatscreen moniter only at resolutions at or under 800x600, but i can use my old CRT (a piece of crap) on the higher ones, how can i use my flatscreen on the higher ones? | 02:44 |
Dreamer3 | libben: ah, gnome doesn't do that? | 02:44 |
black_Nightmare | hm no one? :p | 02:44 |
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bretzel | Hi all :-) -- No one has eard about usplash ? | 02:45 |
uni-fi | hey does anyone know where I can go to find linux bounties available? | 02:46 |
Dreamer3 | ah | 02:46 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here using Gnome and NFS? | 02:46 |
Dreamer3 | ok | 02:47 |
Dreamer3 | i think i could get used to hwo nautilus works in gnome 2.10, i wonder if they are ever going to elave it alone | 02:47 |
=== Coily [~mm@216-80-64-162.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arnia | Dreamer3: It shouldn't change much for 2.12 apparently. I think they'll leave it alone when they're happy with it | 02:48 |
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Coily | before i go about breaking sometihng - how do i expand an ext3 partition witht the ubuntu install disc? | 02:48 |
Dreamer3 | Arnia: well, 2.8 was a little psycho (or was it 2.6 when they went spatial?) but with the windows disappearing all the time (at first it threw me for a loop) i think i could get used to it | 02:49 |
Coily | anyone? | 02:49 |
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Dreamer3 | Arnia: can i read about 2.12 somewhere already? | 02:50 |
Arnia | Dreamer3: I like spatial... I actually feel a little odd now I need to hold down shift to get the windows to stay because I found that feature very useful | 02:50 |
Arnia | Dreamer3: no, because the desktop as a whole isn't planned like that. You only know what's likely to be in the release once you have got half way through the cycle | 02:51 |
Dreamer3 | ubuntu doesn't include epiphany? | 02:52 |
Arnia | Dreamer3: I only know they're not likely to change much because the two main developers of nautilus are a little busy (from a planetgnome post) | 02:52 |
Dreamer3 | Arnia: i didn't like 18 windows when i'm navigating down thru a folder, but thanks for the shift tip | 02:52 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: it does | 02:52 |
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Dreamer3 | Burgundavia: oh yeah? | 02:52 |
wrlima | Hello | 02:52 |
Dreamer3 | Burgundavia: i don't see it | 02:52 |
maddler | hmmm... was some1 able to print using OpenOffice on hoary? | 02:53 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: is in main | 02:53 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: epiphany-browser | 02:53 |
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matt_ | Dreamer3, if you dont like the spatial browser feature turn it off in the nautilus preferences | 02:53 |
wrlima | I am using ubuntu and wanted to know if I can use mirrors of the Debian for update. | 02:53 |
matt_ | Behavior > always open browser windows | 02:53 |
Dreamer3 | Burgundavia: it's just not part of the desktop? | 02:53 |
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Dreamer3 | matt_: no, i think with this new change when the old windows go away i'll like it | 02:54 |
Dreamer3 | wrlima: no | 02:54 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: not by default. Ubuntu follow the one app per task rule. Thus firefox over epiphany | 02:54 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: and no abiword or gnumeric, as OO is installed by default | 02:54 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: they are still support software though | 02:55 |
Dreamer3 | Burgundavia: yeah, i miss abi and gnum... | 02:55 |
wrlima | Dreamer3- thanks | 02:55 |
Dreamer3 | Burgundavia: are they in main | 02:55 |
Burgundavia | Dreamer3: yes | 02:55 |
venkman | i've had a major issue with my samsung printer printing liek an inch or 2 off center... and cutting off the bottom of the page. | 02:55 |
matt_ | Dreamer3, heh well in that case, learn also to use the alt+up arrow and that will go to the parent directory | 02:55 |
Dreamer3 | matt_: ok, now that is REALLY helpful :) | 02:55 |
wrlima | Dreamer3- ubuntu the best... :) | 02:55 |
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matt_ | Dreamer3, or alt+shift+up and it will stay in same window | 02:56 |
Dreamer3 | wrlima: *laughs* | 02:56 |
Dreamer3 | matt_: stay in the same window, or leave both windows? | 02:56 |
Marble2 | what do I do with a .so file | 02:57 |
Dreamer3 | matt_: nothing, it's a library | 02:57 |
matt_ | Dreamer3, err it goes to the parent directory without creating a new windows, ie staying in the same one | 02:57 |
wrlima | bye Slackware.. :> | 02:57 |
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Dreamer3 | matt_: hmmm, i don't think i'd like that, sounds like it defeats the spatial thing | 02:58 |
Dreamer3 | matt_: will be coolest once i get my dual-head box up :) | 02:58 |
matt_ | heh | 02:58 |
Dreamer3 | my uncle sold me his athlon 1800, 512mb, 40+20gig, cdr, 52x for $25 :) | 02:59 |
=== black_Nightmare would have liked the hd's | ||
black_Nightmare | :p | 02:59 |
Dreamer3 | black_Nightmare: the 40gig seems decent... the 52x drive won't close without help :) but the system seems solid enough... it was downloading hoary earlier | 03:00 |
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phin | yo | 03:00 |
phin | is it possible to use oss sound with ubuntu? | 03:01 |
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black_Nightmare | dreamer..ah ok :p | 03:01 |
chadd | phin: oss? iew, why would you wanna? | 03:02 |
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phin | my soundcard doesnt support alsa without some clever trickery | 03:02 |
chadd | phin: I would go with alsa, or 'other' | 03:02 |
phin | other? | 03:02 |
chadd | mmm, what was that other system, hang on | 03:02 |
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Servo888 | anybody know if I can extract the contents of a deb package file? | 03:03 |
chadd | aasound I think | 03:03 |
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crimsun | Servo888: sure | 03:03 |
crimsun | Servo888: dpkg-deb -x foo.deb . | 03:03 |
phin | hmmm | 03:03 |
crimsun | Servo888: or use ar | 03:03 |
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phin | ya i cant get my soundcard to work under alsa for crap :( | 03:04 |
crimsun | phin: which card? | 03:04 |
phin | old | 03:04 |
andrew__ | Is there a particular reason that GRUB does not like Windows after an Ubuntu installation? | 03:04 |
phin | ess 1798 or something | 03:04 |
phin | its part of this k6-2 laptop | 03:04 |
crimsun | andrew__: not just grub, lilo suffers from that, too | 03:04 |
crimsun | andrew__: blame Windows | 03:04 |
phin | i got it working along time ago | 03:04 |
phin | and it was a pita | 03:04 |
andrew__ | yes... | 03:04 |
andrew__ | blame windows, of course. | 03:04 |
crimsun | phin: "or something" isn't terribly precise... | 03:04 |
Dreamer3 | andrew__: i don't think windows likes ubuntu after an ubuntu installation | 03:04 |
andrew__ | alas, I stll need to useit. | 03:04 |
Dreamer3 | andrew__: you always install windows first | 03:04 |
andrew__ | I did... | 03:05 |
phin | crimsun it uses the ess-18xx driver | 03:05 |
Servo888 | crimsun, ok thanks, I got it :-0 | 03:05 |
phin | it doesnt detect pnp for it | 03:05 |
crimsun | phin: you mean snd-es18xx ? | 03:05 |
andrew__ | would there happen to be any solution? | 03:05 |
phin | yes | 03:05 |
phin | sorry | 03:05 |
crimsun | phin: and you specified all the parameters? | 03:05 |
phin | mhmmm | 03:05 |
Gman_ | uh, anyone knows marks' official title at canonical? | 03:06 |
crimsun | phin: lspnp -v -> pastebin.com | 03:06 |
Gman_ | i'm just writing up some bio stuff for 2005.guadec.org | 03:06 |
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venkman | yum, gnome updates | 03:06 |
phin | its setup pnp right now in bios, i can always change it again | 03:06 |
phin | but let me pastebin it | 03:06 |
phin | 1 sec | 03:06 |
venkman | is it kosher to restart gnome with killall -HUP gnome-panel | 03:07 |
andrew__ | Well I don't know if you'd call a command blessed by a priest, that's just me.. | 03:08 |
Dreamer3 | hey | 03:09 |
Dreamer3 | does ubuntu not include the gnome wallpapers either? | 03:09 |
Dreamer3 | what's up with that? | 03:09 |
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Dreamer3 | hello? | 03:12 |
Dreamer3 | why is this place so dead? | 03:12 |
=== dad [~dad@cpe-66-91-7-118.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
libben | its nite for some =) | 03:13 |
Dreamer3 | 436 people and no one talking | 03:13 |
andrew__ | don't know | 03:13 |
libben | and daytime for others. | 03:13 |
Dreamer3 | does ubuntu not include the gnome wallpapers either? | 03:13 |
libben | Dreamer3, wallpapers? | 03:13 |
chadd | gah, patch is such a stupid program | 03:13 |
libben | why should it =) only Ubuntu defatult ones =) | 03:13 |
Dreamer3 | libben: yes, gnome 2.10 comes with a niec assortment of wallpapers (release notes) | 03:13 |
ifrflye1 | Hi, running Hoary and gimp2.2; When I open a file from a remote loacation (File-Open Location) I can edit, but if I try toSave As or Save a copy gimp crashes. Anyone else have this, heard of it or have any ideas on how to fix? Thanks in advance | 03:13 |
Xenguy | Dreamer3: this channel is usually quite active | 03:13 |
=== Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrew__ | I wish someone would answer my question though.. | 03:13 |
Dreamer3 | andrew__: what? | 03:13 |
libben | well, not in the ubuntu =) | 03:13 |
andrew__ | I need to get into Windows, and GRUB isn't letting me. | 03:14 |
chadd | Patching the kernel, what cwd should I be in to apply a patch? Its complaining that it can't find file to patch at input line 4... (loads of help there) | 03:14 |
andrew__ | Just hangs after I select Windows | 03:14 |
chadd | maybe thats windows not letting you get into windows | 03:14 |
andrew__ | I already know that | 03:14 |
dazed | whats the command for runnin nautilus in terminal w/o desktop and to goto a specific directory? | 03:14 |
Dreamer3 | andrew__: hmmm | 03:14 |
andrew__ | nautilus --no-desktop | 03:14 |
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andrew__ | or someting | 03:14 |
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Dreamer3 | andrew__: did you intsall windows FIRST? | 03:15 |
andrew__ | Yes.. | 03:15 |
libben | I have more problems then wallpaper though. I need a ftp client that can run TLS... and i want it to be GUI... but NOOOOO =) | 03:15 |
yvan | hello every one | 03:15 |
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Dreamer3 | andrew__: and did you let ubuntu setup the boot menu the way it wanteD? | 03:16 |
=== andrew__ is now known as Ezlo | ||
chadd | patch help | 03:16 |
Ezlo | Dreamer3: indeed | 03:16 |
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dazed | Ezlo: whats the problem? | 03:16 |
dazed | no windows in the grub? | 03:16 |
Ezlo | No no.. | 03:17 |
Ezlo | Windows doesn't boot. | 03:17 |
Ezlo | just hangs after I select it | 03:17 |
Dreamer3 | andrew__: and did you let ubuntu setup the boot menu the way it wanteD? | 03:17 |
Ezlo | Yes | 03:17 |
dazed | sounds like a windows problem | 03:17 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: not sure | 03:17 |
jbmigel | Ezlo i still dont understand the problem ;P | 03:17 |
dazed | nothing to do with linu | 03:17 |
EvilIdler | Ezlo: A blessing in disguise ;) | 03:17 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: paste the relevant part of /boot/grub/menu.lst on rafb.net/paste | 03:17 |
dazed | thast mos def a windows problem :) | 03:17 |
Ezlo | GRUB is just fine | 03:18 |
Ezlo | I've looked around the forums for some sort of solution. | 03:18 |
dazed | Ezlo: ur right...grub and ubuntu are just fine | 03:18 |
Ezlo | tried setting the HD to LBA and/or Large... | 03:18 |
dazed | something with windows is corrupt | 03:18 |
dazed | u need to fix it | 03:18 |
Ezlo | Indeed. | 03:19 |
Ezlo | The question is how. | 03:19 |
phin | crimsun, sorry, my neice needed something | 03:19 |
dazed | Ezlo: if it were me...id run the autorun cd and see if u can "r" repair windows | 03:19 |
dazed | autorun Windows cd* | 03:19 |
jbmigel | that will kill grub | 03:19 |
Jamminpotato | no the repair install wont | 03:19 |
Ezlo | yeah.. | 03:19 |
Jamminpotato | i dont think so | 03:20 |
Jamminpotato | a full isntall will | 03:20 |
Ezlo | God I fucking hate windows. | 03:20 |
jbmigel | w00t | 03:20 |
Jamminpotato | and if it does you could use a live cd to reinstall grub | 03:20 |
dazed | jbmigel: that will kill grub...but u can redo grub | 03:20 |
HappyPills | you don't need a livecd | 03:20 |
HappyPills | just the ubuntu installation cd | 03:20 |
jbmigel | Ezlo exactly what did you modify in the BIOS? | 03:20 |
Jamminpotato | really | 03:20 |
HappyPills | there are instructions in the unnoficial ubuntu guide for reinstalling grub I think | 03:21 |
Jamminpotato | happypills: everywhere i've read it requires a liveCD | 03:21 |
Dreamer3 | so | 03:21 |
HappyPills | they worked like a charm for me | 03:21 |
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Dreamer3 | anyone, can i get the gnome-wallapers? | 03:21 |
Ezlo | Uh, it was recommended ont eh forum somewhere. | 03:21 |
Jamminpotato | ok | 03:21 |
Ezlo | on the* | 03:21 |
Ezlo | to change the way it detects it I guess. | 03:21 |
chadd | man, building a kernel on a 64M machine sucks | 03:21 |
jbmigel | Ezlo you set it to manual? | 03:21 |
chadd | I "should" kill X off to do it | 03:22 |
Ezlo | No... I set it to Large | 03:22 |
Dreamer3 | anyone? | 03:22 |
Ezlo | first it was LBA, whatever that means... | 03:22 |
HappyPills | http://ubuntuguide.org/#gainrootinstallcd | 03:22 |
HappyPills | followed by | 03:22 |
jbmigel | Ezlo how big is the drive? | 03:22 |
HappyPills | http://ubuntuguide.org/#restoregrubmenuafterwindowsinstallation | 03:22 |
Ezlo | 'bout 30gb. | 03:22 |
dazed | Ezlo: your best bet is to run windows repair and if that doesnt work...do a full install...then reinstall the grub...thats probably ur only solution if u want to keep windows | 03:22 |
Ezlo | great | 03:22 |
Ezlo | Piece of shit.. | 03:23 |
phin | crimsun you around? | 03:23 |
phin | http://pastebin.com/266745 | 03:23 |
HappyPills | what partition is windows on Ezlo? | 03:23 |
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phin | i brb | 03:23 |
phin | im gonna hard set this sound card in bios | 03:24 |
Jamminpotato | i just had to a do a win full install after installing ubuntu becuase when i triedt o boot windows it woulkd say error: NTLDR missing :( | 03:24 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: were you going to paste your grub file? | 03:24 |
dazed | if you really knew what u were doing id suggest mounting ur windows drive and checking out the system files and inspecting to see which ones are corrupt and manually repairing them but thatd take years and a pain in the ass | 03:24 |
HappyPills | if its on a primary partition it should be able to boot... if it's on a logical partition than you are probably out of luck | 03:24 |
phin | seems to work better that way | 03:24 |
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Ezlo | No I wasn't | 03:24 |
Ezlo | because there was nothing wrong with it. | 03:24 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: oh ok | 03:24 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: *shrugs* | 03:24 |
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Ezlo | Yeah.. | 03:24 |
jbmigel | Ezlo are you sure | 03:24 |
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sataere | Hey, anyone have any idea why mplayer tells me that "CRC check failed" and crashed 3/4 of the way through all of my dvds? | 03:24 |
jbmigel | do you get to see the windows thing? have you tried f8 for safe mode? | 03:25 |
Ezlo | No | 03:25 |
Ezlo | I don't... | 03:25 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: what do you see? | 03:25 |
jbmigel | well after grub boots windows hit f8 and try to run safe mode | 03:25 |
Lagerstatten | Hi everyone. Sorry to bother you but I just wanted to ask a quick "how-to" question. I have a 12inch Powerbook G4 and I want to install Ubuntu onto it while keeping OS X, dual boot I guess is the correct term. Can someone give me a quick walkthrough on what I need to do? Please and Thank you | 03:25 |
Ezlo | it doesn't boot windows.. | 03:25 |
Ezlo | or else I would have done that already. | 03:25 |
Dreamer3 | Ezlo: and i'm sure it's easier to fix it with the repair option than to reinstall :) | 03:25 |
jbmigel | well after you hit enter i mean | 03:25 |
dazed | Ezlo: trust me do the repair | 03:25 |
dazed | its not as bad as u think | 03:26 |
Dreamer3 | anyone know where those gnome wallpapers are? | 03:26 |
dazed | maybe 1 hour of ur time | 03:26 |
Jamminpotato | Lagerstatten: try search the ubuntu wiki | 03:26 |
Ezlo | all right.. | 03:26 |
=== Dreamer3 goes to search the forums | ||
Ezlo | I'm too lazy to right now.. | 03:26 |
Lagerstatten | Thanks Jamminpotato | 03:26 |
Jamminpotato | Lagerstatten orry i oculd give a more specfic answer | 03:26 |
Ezlo | What a name... Jamminpotato.. | 03:26 |
locomorto | Dreamer3: www.gnomelook.org mught be what you want | 03:27 |
jbmigel | Ezlo so you select windows and hit enter then it does what? freeze black screen?? | 03:27 |
Lagerstatten | it's all good, atleast I'm headed in some sort of direction | 03:27 |
Ezlo | it sits there | 03:27 |
Dreamer3 | locomorto: htey should come with gnome :) | 03:27 |
Ezlo | with the GRUB commands on the screen, jbmigel. | 03:27 |
ifrflye1 | Lagerstatten - are you aware your trsckpad and extreme airport card are not supported without a mess of tweaking in the former and a whole mess of tweaking gthe latter | 03:28 |
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ifrflye1 | ? | 03:28 |
jbmigel | Ezlo i think your problem is still in grub, please post config | 03:28 |
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Ezlo | on rafb.net/paste ? | 03:28 |
Lagerstatten | Yes I aware of that. I just need to learn some sort of Linux for a potential job that I'm applying for...so I thought I'd give ubuntu a try | 03:28 |
jbmigel | oh i dont know, like here is cool just the section about windows is 5 lines | 03:28 |
ifrflye1 | Have fun! | 03:29 |
Ezlo | Oh, right then. | 03:29 |
Lagerstatten | thanks | 03:29 |
inva|id | does anyone know of a ubuntu button image for a webpage (like the firefox / powered by apache / php / mysql buttons) ? | 03:29 |
ifrflye1 | The mouse issue is easily fixed. | 03:29 |
Ezlo | titleWindows NT/2000/XP | 03:29 |
Ezlo | root(hd0,0) | 03:29 |
Ezlo | savedefault | 03:29 |
Ezlo | makeactive | 03:29 |
Ezlo | chainloader+1 | 03:29 |
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locomorto | Dreamer3: that would just add to the install size, and not everyone would use them. It simply adds expense to the ubuntu team | 03:29 |
Ezlo | Just default... | 03:29 |
Lagerstatten | so on the wiki it says that when I install ubuntu, it automatically installs "yaboot" and that will allow me to select which OS I want to boot into? | 03:29 |
Lagerstatten | so i don't need to partition my hd or anything? | 03:29 |
Dreamer3 | locomorto: so they should be in an extra package or something | 03:30 |
jbmigel | Ezlo, windows is on first partition? | 03:30 |
Ezlo | Yes | 03:31 |
jbmigel | Ezlo, and ubuntu boots properly from menu? | 03:31 |
Ezlo | That's what I'm speaking to you from. | 03:31 |
locomorto | also you have to deal with copyright issues, all the authors of the wallpapers would havr to be contacted for permisson which would use up alot of resources which could be used for other tasks | 03:31 |
sataere | Anyone know why mplayer crashed halfway through a movie with the error "crc check failed?" | 03:32 |
jbmigel | Ezlo, weird man | 03:32 |
=== Dreamer3 yawns. | ||
jbmigel | Ezlo, i guess try the windows repair... good luck | 03:32 |
Ezlo | thanks, I guess. | 03:32 |
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odyssey | sataere, because mplayer is buggy | 03:33 |
chillywilly | what does it mean when the update applet/notification thingy is read with 2 white arrows arranged in a circular pattern with a green exclamation point? broken packages? | 03:34 |
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chillywilly | s/read/red/ | 03:34 |
sataere | odyssey, Okay. How can I get it to work? | 03:34 |
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sataere | odyssey, Or otherwise, how can I watch my movie? | 03:34 |
chillywilly | or does it just mean there are new packages? | 03:35 |
fissy | tried xine sataere ? | 03:35 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: no idea :) | 03:35 |
odyssey | try a different player. try totem-xine if you have mplayer codecs installed it will use them | 03:35 |
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phin | yo | 03:35 |
phin | crimsun you around? | 03:35 |
sataere | fissy, yep. XV crashed my system. Forces me to give a hard reboot. | 03:35 |
fissy | was that leaving it on the auto setting for video output? | 03:35 |
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crimsun | phin: yep | 03:37 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: click it and find out | 03:37 |
chillywilly | doesn't seem to be doing anything different | 03:37 |
sataere | fissy, Well, I tried adjusting it using the administration programs that come with ubuntu. But even when set to the no xv setting, it still seemed to use xv. | 03:37 |
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chillywilly | Dreamer3: http://www.libentech.com/update-notification-applet.png | 03:37 |
sataere | x11 gives me no problems, at least under mplayer. | 03:37 |
helio7 | I'm trying to modify a simple script that uses sed to pass a variable to do a substitution... what do I need to put around the $1 to make it work in a sed string? | 03:37 |
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libben | anyone has iglooftp as deb file? | 03:38 |
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ifrflye1 | This is maccy to ask but is there a way to make i386 running hoary go to sleep rather than shut down? | 03:39 |
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etzerd | hello all | 03:39 |
sataere | fissy, I would love to use totem-xine, but I could never get it to stop relying on xv. | 03:39 |
chillywilly | looks like they just made changes to the updater application...AFAICT | 03:40 |
Zugot | how can i make apt-get never upgrade k3b or k3blibs? | 03:40 |
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fissy | sataere, i meant xine, i think you need to install xine-ui in synaptic. It gives you quite a range of output plugins iirc | 03:41 |
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fissy | sataere, including aalib ;-) | 03:41 |
pink__ | hi um i am a major newbie and i have wanted to install the linux version of limewire and i have looked everywhere online for a guide on how to actually install stuff onto my Ubuntu 5.04 system and i am just having a hell of a time, can anybody walk me through it or point me to a place that i can find some walk-through simple instructions? | 03:41 |
sataere | fissy, I'll try it, but I tried xine alone under fedora and it didn't even give me an option for x11. | 03:42 |
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sataere | fissy, heh, and aalib didn't work ;-) | 03:42 |
jbmigel | pink__ have you tried this ? http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#limewire | 03:42 |
fissy | sataere, xine has a weird thing where you have to tell it that you're the master of the known universe before you get all the options | 03:42 |
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etzerd | guys, how can I install Mplayer in ubuntu? | 03:42 |
fissy | etzerd, yes | 03:43 |
sataere | fissy, I know, I set that but it still wouldn't give me x11 | 03:43 |
josue | hi, can anyone point me to a good tutorial on setting up xinerama for my toshiba laptop? I'm running hoary, and my video card is one of those Intel ones. Also, i can easly get a twinview, so both the lcd in the laptop and the external monitor display the same. I would like an extended desktop. Any ideas/links? | 03:43 |
sataere | fissy, I asked for all its available options from the command line, and it didn't list there either | 03:43 |
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etzerd | because I want to install Mplayer Plugins so I can watch video from the internet | 03:43 |
etzerd | How should I do it fissy? | 03:43 |
=== Dreamer3 downloads the gnome backgrounds | ||
pink__ | oh ok thank you so much! :-) is there a simple easy way that works for pretty much everything to install things or is it different for everything?> | 03:44 |
Dreamer3 | that's silly they just don't expose the package... | 03:44 |
rafi | I was going to ask a similar question, how do I watch moves that are mpeg of the internet? Shouldn't they work with Totem? | 03:44 |
Dreamer3 | i wonder if it's because debian didn't package it as such | 03:44 |
rafi | *movies | 03:44 |
pi | Does anybody know a quick way to stop unnecessary modules from loading? | 03:44 |
Dreamer3 | pi: such as? | 03:45 |
jbmigel | pink__ you have synaptic package manager which makes instlal nice for lots of ubuntu things, but java and limewire client takes extra work, hence the guide | 03:45 |
fissy | sataere, opengl? | 03:45 |
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etzerd | fissy you see my question | 03:45 |
Dreamer3 | hmmmm did someone slow down the rotation of progress bars with a theme update? | 03:45 |
fissy | etzerd, its in synaptic for me | 03:45 |
pi | Dreamer3: thermal, irda | 03:45 |
Dreamer3 | i swear they were going faster yesterday | 03:45 |
fissy | have you enabled universe and multiverse etzerd ? | 03:45 |
Dreamer3 | pi: they won't hurt anything | 03:46 |
pi | also button, sony_acpi | 03:46 |
etzerd | I did | 03:46 |
fissy | etzerd, ok, just a minute | 03:46 |
Dreamer3 | pi: i have a long list on mine... part of having a multi-system kernel and auto-detection | 03:46 |
sataere | fissy, opengl for my video card sucks. It renders at 1 frame a minute. | 03:46 |
pi | Dreamer3: they won't hurt, but they don't help either...having lots of unneeded modules slows things down | 03:46 |
sataere | fissy, it does the same under winblows. There's just no great support for it. | 03:46 |
sataere | fissy, it was built for directs | 03:47 |
Dreamer3 | pi: no it doesn't :) | 03:47 |
sataere | fissy, directx | 03:47 |
fissy | thats unfortunate sataere, how about xshm? | 03:47 |
sataere | fissy, never tried it | 03:47 |
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locomorto | omg | 03:48 |
Dreamer3 | pi: the first half of your statement is correct though :) | 03:48 |
locomorto | Ubuntu is no 1 at distro watch, no longer is it small fry | 03:48 |
yfir | locomorto: about time, eh? | 03:48 |
locomorto | yeah | 03:48 |
fissy | etzerd, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=100866&postcount=3 try that | 03:49 |
Dreamer3 | doesn't matter what it's rated :) | 03:49 |
jbmigel | w00t ubuntu pwns mandrake! | 03:49 |
cartel_ | redhat is $16 hehehe | 03:49 |
cartel_ | #16* | 03:49 |
etzerd | shout I type that in the synaptic? | 03:49 |
jbmigel | I feel sorry for all them ByzantineOS users | 03:49 |
Dreamer3 | ok | 03:49 |
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Dreamer3 | now i get it | 03:50 |
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Dreamer3 | debian doesn't (likely) even have gnome 2.10, so they weren't just repackaing it | 03:50 |
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Burgundavia | sarge won't have 2.10 | 03:50 |
sataere | fissy, I tried xine with xshm and it gave me libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 2 (VTS_02_0.IFO). xiTK received SIGSEGV signal, RIP. | 03:50 |
Burgundavia | sid probably already does though | 03:50 |
fissy | etzerd, in synaptic click settings -> repositories. Then add a repo, click on the custom button and copy one of those lines | 03:50 |
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pink__ | jbmigel: where can i find the synaptic package manager if i want to install things from say the debian website in the future? and where can i find guide on how to install java? | 03:50 |
Dreamer3 | i'm downloading the gnome-backgrounds now :) | 03:51 |
odyssey | pink__, wiki restricted formats | 03:51 |
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difekta | do any of you guys know of any initiatives that have been made to devise an open source currency exchange protocol? | 03:51 |
pi | Dreamer3: I always assumed modules sit in RAM, do they lie dormant until called upon? | 03:51 |
difekta | such that you could easily and freely exchange electronic currency.. | 03:51 |
josue | how do i restart X? | 03:51 |
etzerd | I'm waiting fissy | 03:51 |
=== Pop_pa_FrEaK [~dj4christ@mctn1-1913.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fissy | etzerd, did you see my post up there ^ | 03:52 |
pi | josue: try ctrl+alt+backspace | 03:52 |
difekta | killall X | 03:52 |
fissy | sataere, have you got any non-dvd files you could try? | 03:52 |
difekta | then startx | 03:52 |
pink__ | confused >.< | 03:52 |
raydogg | josue, /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 03:52 |
difekta | or that | 03:52 |
=== pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-43-106.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sataere | fissy, erm...that defeats the point. Mplayer works fine for all but dvds. | 03:52 |
Dreamer3 | pi: well, the ram usage is insignificant... maybe if you have 16mb you should be worried, otherwise no... | 03:52 |
josue | lol,ok thanks everyone i will try. | 03:53 |
fissy | etzerd, "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main" is probably the one you want without the quotes | 03:53 |
difekta | raydogg do you know any way to make gdm start the login on a new xserver and stay in the xserver that it's in? | 03:53 |
Dreamer3 | pi: i would say they'd be paged out, but i dunno if kernel space can be paged out | 03:53 |
fissy | sataere, ah, well it sounds like you have a different problem then | 03:53 |
jbmigel | pink__ click System >> Adminitsrtation >> Synaptic, to install from website you can just download and apt-get the .deb from command line. http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#jre will help you with java | 03:53 |
=== gabaug [~gabe@adsl-69-212-98-99.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raydogg | difekta, sorry, i do not | 03:53 |
etzerd | Ok I already did that one | 03:53 |
=== tkiesel [~tkiesel@host105-97.discord.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fissy | sataere, a dvd is just an mpeg-2 in an odd file container - if your computer is crashing on dvds but not other files its perhaps not a video output problem, no? | 03:53 |
etzerd | because yfir help me with that | 03:53 |
yfir | etzerd: what are you trying to do now? | 03:53 |
etzerd | he yfir | 03:54 |
fissy | etzerd, after you did that, did you reload the package list? | 03:54 |
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pi | Dreamer3: Give me a break, i'm a recovering Gentoo user. All this binary and compatibility stuff is like an enigmo world | 03:54 |
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crimsun | phin: ponG? | 03:54 |
etzerd | I did reload the package | 03:54 |
pi | :-D | 03:54 |
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Dreamer3 | pi: only noticeable module i see if 250k for ipv6... all the rest are tiny | 03:54 |
fissy | etzerd, and when you search for mplayer you still don't find anything? | 03:54 |
sataere | fissy, oh, I see what you mean. Well, xv crashes on anything. | 03:54 |
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Dreamer3 | pi: you SHOUDL be able to build your own kerenl if you wanted (i always have) but i seem to be happy with stock | 03:54 |
yfir | etzerd: if you want mplayer, you need to add the Universe/Multiverse repositories | 03:55 |
sataere | fissy, mplayer can play any file, but it only gets through a few dvds. I just want to be able to play those dvds. | 03:55 |
pi | Dreamer3: Nah, i'm satisfied with this :-D | 03:55 |
etzerd | yfir I have a site on the net I use to go and wathc some learning packages | 03:55 |
fissy | sataere, oh :( | 03:55 |
fissy | sataere, it plays some dvds fine though? | 03:55 |
etzerd | the site name is "cbtnuggets" they have free video training | 03:55 |
Markrian | sataere, what's wrong with totem-xine? | 03:55 |
sataere | fissy, yup, I watched one just the other day. | 03:56 |
etzerd | I use to watch those video in SUSE 9.2 by installing Mplayer-plugin | 03:56 |
sataere | Markrian, it uses xv which crashes my system hard. | 03:56 |
Brazmetal | does someone know what the services I can give up to speed up ubuntu? | 03:56 |
yfir | etzerd: ok. you can easily install the same thing | 03:56 |
Markrian | sataere, you can change the video output plugins totem-xine uses | 03:56 |
Dreamer3 | um | 03:56 |
etzerd | how yfir? | 03:56 |
fissy | sataere, are the ones it can play perhaps not encrypted? have you changed anything to do with your graphics at all? composite, glx, even resolution? | 03:56 |
Dreamer3 | what value would a transparent wallpaper have? | 03:56 |
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yfir | etzerd: you have to add the universe/multiverse repositories and then look for mplayer packages, like i showed you with marillat | 03:56 |
Markrian | It requires editing of ~/.gnome2/totem_config though | 03:56 |
etzerd | oh | 03:57 |
fissy | etzerd, i thought you said you had universe and multiverse | 03:57 |
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etzerd | let me chekc yfir | 03:57 |
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yfir | etzerd: i don't have time at them moment to walk you through it again. ask someone to help you add universe/multiverse | 03:57 |
etzerd | I enable them from the sources-list | 03:57 |
=== BigIslandVegan [~BigIsland@m110e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mainer | hi-all,i'm new to ubuntu and was wondering if anyone or anysites had pre-packaged kernel-images,any info is greatly appreciated,thx | 03:58 |
sataere | fissy, no, I had to install libdvdcss before I could play the one the other day. mplayer can play the dvds fine, it will just crash somewhere partially through the movie with an error "CRC check failed" | 03:58 |
libben | http://www.wolftronix.com/videos/wolftail25.avi | 03:58 |
dominic | i have a question is there anyone that can help? | 03:58 |
yfir | staere: there are some DVDs (newer ones) that won't work yet with DeCSS | 03:59 |
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Markrian | mainer, ubuntu comes with kernel images already | 03:59 |
sataere | Markrian, I tried changing it, but it never worked. It always used xv, whenever I tried to change it using the system controls for preferred video output | 03:59 |
dominic | i have a question is there anyone that can help? | 03:59 |
sataere | Markrian, and xine alone doesn't seem to have a x11 output | 03:59 |
fissy | sataere, do you have totem-gstreamer installed to try that? | 03:59 |
dominic | i have a question is there anyone that can help? | 03:59 |
dominic | i have a question is there anyone that can help? | 03:59 |
dominic | i have a question is there anyone that can help? | 03:59 |
dominic | i have a question is there anyone that can help? | 03:59 |
sataere | yfir, how would it be able to play most of the movie if it couldn't decrypt it? | 03:59 |
Fackamato | fuck you. | 03:59 |
Markrian | sataere, I believe xine does have an x11 output, but it's rubbish :p | 03:59 |
javi | wow | 03:59 |
javi | slow down | 03:59 |
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venkman | ok | 04:00 |
fissy | dominic, in those 5 lines you could have asked it | 04:00 |
crimsun | dominic: flooding is counterproductive. | 04:00 |
dominic | srry | 04:00 |
mako | dominic: chill, bro | 04:00 |
mainer | yes,i know,wanted a or 2.6.12 for i-686 | 04:00 |
yfir | sataere: sorry, didn't understand. you can play part of a dvd but not all of it? | 04:00 |
dominic | srry im new | 04:00 |
venkman | my box keeps crashing... unexpectedly, random times, and it's not a complete crash, but it's bad enough i have ot hit the power button | 04:00 |
delltony_ | what is the firewall of choice for ubuntu is it firehol ? | 04:00 |
libben | if i wanna install wine? is it cpu demanding or something like that? | 04:00 |
fissy | yfir, it crashes because mplayer is crap | 04:00 |
libben | is it huge? | 04:00 |
Fackamato | delltony_: iptables? :P, firestarter for gui perhaps. | 04:00 |
venkman | i can't even use control alt backspace or f1 to get to a terminal and kill x | 04:00 |
Markrian | mainer, you're going to have to build those kernels manually from scratch. | 04:00 |
fissy | libben, not really, but its very hit and miss whether the program will work | 04:00 |
javi | dominic: well, thats not the best way to ask ;) | 04:00 |
venkman | do i need the evdev module? | 04:00 |
javi | dominic: whats your problem | 04:01 |
delltony_ | iptables i got but wanted somethign more gui that used iptables | 04:01 |
Markrian | mainer, why do you want the latest linux kernel? | 04:01 |
javi | or question | 04:01 |
delltony_ | or a extreme good tutorial other than a man page on iptables | 04:01 |
yfir | fissy: maybe. all i know is that ther are new DVDs that DeCSS (libdvdcss2) can't unscamble | 04:01 |
dominic | my question is that is it posible in any way for me to use widows cds on linux | 04:01 |
sataere | yfir, yup. It will play fine (even though I have to do all kinds of shit like find the right aid to use, and make it drop the frames), but at one point in the movie it will just crash with CRC check failed | 04:01 |
libben | fissy, well i will only use it for like one program =) flashfxp... so i can get a decent ftp with TLS support and nice GUI | 04:01 |
yfir | *unscramble | 04:01 |
libben | should that be any problems | 04:01 |
mainer | o.k.,n.p. i know how,just takes a while on this old thing,thanks | 04:01 |
yfir | sataere: that's weird. i'm not sure what the problem might be, but sounds like fissy is on the rigiht track | 04:01 |
Markrian | dominic, what kind of 'Windows CDs'? | 04:01 |
Dreamer3 | ok, gnome wallpapers aren't all that great | 04:02 |
delltony_ | dominic: vmware, cedega if its a game, quim | 04:02 |
dominic | like video games and dvds | 04:02 |
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fissy | libben, absolutely no idea. Although, I did recall that macromedia were going to try and make their programs as wine happy as possible to gauge customer demand for their stuff on linux | 04:02 |
sataere | fissy, I believe I was very happy at the sound of an alternative to xine when I first installed ubuntu, but then I found that it also used xv and crashed as soon as it started | 04:02 |
odyssey | venkman, add noapic nolapic to kernel boot args in grubs menu.lst | 04:02 |
fissy | sataere, lol | 04:02 |
sataere | perhaps I'm not being clear: xv produces a completely different type of crash than mplayer. xv will force a hard reboot, mplayer will just tell me the CRC check failed. | 04:02 |
Markrian | DVDs can be played on Ubuntu, yes, but most Windows video games cannot | 04:03 |
fissy | sataere, Do you know which video output mplayer uses | 04:03 |
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dominic | kk thx | 04:03 |
sataere | fissy, yeah x11 | 04:03 |
venkman | odyssey, what does that do exactly? | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | OH | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | i get it now | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | transparent and your background color shines thru, cool | 04:04 |
fissy | sataere, ahh, sorry i'm not quick on the uptake this evening | 04:04 |
odyssey | disables buggy acpi system calls it will stop ubuntu from locking up randomly. I had the same problem | 04:04 |
=== amazing [~amazing@c-24-118-240-178.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sataere | fissy, no problem. I've been trying to solve my video problems for days, I am very grateful for any help | 04:04 |
=== BigIslan1Vegan [~BigIsland@vnam1.uhh.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gabaug | why is it bad to make as root? | 04:05 |
sataere | fissy, I spent yesterday trying to get the right codecs installed | 04:05 |
venkman | odyssey, is that on the kernel line or boot line? | 04:05 |
fissy | which video card do you have sataere ? | 04:05 |
dominic | is it possible to get flash plug-in's for linux | 04:05 |
sataere | fissy, then I spent all of this morning figuring out how to get it to not try and use dts, when I have no possible means of playing dts, I had to switch aid | 04:05 |
fissy | dominic, yep, search synaptic for flash | 04:05 |
sataere | fissy, I have a Trident Cyberblade Ai1 | 04:05 |
Markrian | dominic, yes, the flash plugin is in the multiverse repository | 04:05 |
fissy | sataere, arrrrg! I have a laptop with that chip, I curse trident daily | 04:06 |
Brazmetal | can someone here explain what is the purpose of the acpid and apmd daemons ? | 04:06 |
sataere | fissy, I know what you mean! | 04:06 |
sataere | fissy, but it's all I have to work with, so I've been trying to work around it | 04:06 |
odyssey | venkman, kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1 ro noapic nolapic quiet splash | 04:06 |
fissy | sataere, which driver is X using for display? | 04:07 |
sataere | fissy, lemme check | 04:07 |
venkman | odyssey, yeah, thanks, this has been happening ever since i installed Linux venkman 2.6.10-5-k7 #1 Fri Apr 1 17:03:17 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 04:07 |
Markrian | dominic, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats - that page will contains a lot of useful info to newcomers | 04:07 |
yfir | brazmetal: they handle the software end of power management | 04:07 |
fissy | sataere, ubuntu has probably been clever and told it to use the trident driver - you might as well 'downgrade' to the vesa driver and try using xv again | 04:08 |
dominic | thx | 04:08 |
hyphenated | Brazmetal: they are so programs can do neat things when the "power interface" fires off an event | 04:08 |
sataere | fissy, vesa driver? Does that work better. I had absolutely no idea they were compatible. O.o;;; | 04:08 |
Brazmetal | hyphenated: what kind of events? | 04:08 |
hyphenated | Brazmetal: eg: you can get a 'do you want to shut down now?' dialog when the power button is pressed on the computer case | 04:09 |
fissy | sataere, I think vesa is a sort of lowest common denominator, well not quite as low as vga | 04:09 |
Brazmetal | hyphenated: ahhh so It's not crucial? can i disable them? | 04:10 |
sataere | fissy, everything seems to be working fine with the trident driver, except xv. Will using vesa restrict me in any way? | 04:10 |
hyphenated | Brazmetal: shouldn't break anything if it's not available | 04:10 |
yfir | Brazmetal: I wouldnt' if you are using a laptop. Otherwise its probably ok | 04:11 |
hyphenated | Brazmetal: you might have to manually switch the power off on your computer when you shut down though | 04:11 |
sataere | fissy, I used to have an old Intel 8000 video card which was purely virtual memory, and it never worked right, so I'm always scared of fiddling with what works well. ;) | 04:11 |
Xeon3D | is there any .3gp file player for linux? | 04:11 |
=== vDonQ [~don@ool-18be0722.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vDonQ | hi ubuntu ppl | 04:11 |
venkman | what is NVRM? | 04:12 |
usual | non | 04:12 |
usual | via | 04:12 |
usual | t | 04:12 |
=== Dreamer3_ [~josh@sdn-ap-010tnnashP0126.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usual | i am bad | 04:12 |
usual | 3gp | 04:12 |
usual | is that a cell phone movie | 04:12 |
venkman | brb | 04:12 |
vDonQ | nevermind.... | 04:12 |
fissy | sataere, the only difference would be 3d performance i think, though the trident doesn't have any worth speaking of anyway. I'm not sure if vesa supports xv, so its perhaps a wild goose chase. Have you tried xshm yet? | 04:13 |
=== raccoon [~raccoon@adsl-63-193-149-212.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sataere | fissy, yes. It crashed out. | 04:13 |
sataere | fissy, my only 3d performance is bullshit opengl at 1 frame per minute. So I've been avoiding it like the plague anyways. | 04:14 |
fissy | sataere, what was the error when it crashed with shm? | 04:14 |
vDonQ | can any one tell me how to log in as a user with root priveledges?... | 04:14 |
Agrajag | vDonQ: use sudo | 04:14 |
sataere | libdvdread: Can't seek to block 3812154 | 04:14 |
sataere | libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 2 (VTS_02_0.IFO). | 04:14 |
sataere | xiTK received SIGSEGV signal, RIP. | 04:14 |
etzerd | yfir I just add unverse just like you walk me throught before but I do not see multiverse from the sources-list | 04:14 |
vDonQ | ....instead of sudo'in everything | 04:14 |
Dreamer3_ | gnome look has no star wars stuff? | 04:14 |
Agrajag | vDonQ: if yuojust need a root shell, sudo -s | 04:15 |
caffinated | vDonQ: sudo su | 04:15 |
yfir | vDonQ: if you need a root account you'll have to enable it first | 04:15 |
calc | well star wars stuff is copyrighted | 04:15 |
yfir | vDonQ: but there are good reasons to use the sudo method | 04:15 |
gabaug | vDonQ: there is Applications -> System Tools -> Root Terminal | 04:15 |
fissy | sataere, could you humour me and try a few other dvds? | 04:15 |
vDonQ | ...how do i enable a root account? | 04:15 |
etzerd | I have just this to address on the sources-lest " deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe | 04:15 |
etzerd | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe | 04:15 |
etzerd | " | 04:15 |
sataere | fissy, with xshm? | 04:15 |
caffinated | vDonQ: you don't. | 04:15 |
fissy | sataere, and a file just to make sure xshm works at all | 04:15 |
fissy | sataere, yes please | 04:15 |
caffinated | vDonQ: the root account is not meant to be directly accessable | 04:16 |
Agrajag | caffinated: don't say that, he CAN enable it | 04:16 |
Agrajag | sudo passwd root | 04:16 |
caffinated | Agrajag: yes, but you shouldn't | 04:16 |
Markrian | vDonQ, what exactly are you trying to do? | 04:16 |
yfir | vDonQ: if you must enable the root account, just sudo passwd root | 04:16 |
fissy | there isn't really any need with sudo -s | 04:16 |
etzerd | fissy where can I get the universe/multiverse files? | 04:16 |
Agrajag | but don't expect a lot of sympathy if you manage to hose your system somehow while using that | 04:16 |
caffinated | there is absolutely no need to assign a password to root to do anything with root. | 04:16 |
fissy | etzerd, i'll private message you my sources.list | 04:17 |
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etzerd | Thanks | 04:17 |
vDonQ | ok...specifically, when i go to tranfer files and such thru samba.....i am not allowed(because i dont have access) | 04:17 |
Agrajag | caffinated: what about webmin, a lot of people seem to want to use that for some reason and it wants a root accoutn with a password | 04:17 |
caffinated | Agrajag: and "you don't" isn't exactly the same as "you can't" | 04:17 |
sataere | fissy, interesting. In both cases, it will get through one chapter and then puke its guts out. | 04:17 |
Markrian | etzerd, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-20.3414506543 | 04:17 |
caffinated | if you need to administrate your box remotely, use ssh. | 04:17 |
Agrajag | caffinated: don't tell me that, that's what I do. | 04:18 |
sataere | fissy, in the first dvd it gave me the fbi warning, and in the second it gave me some ad for mgm | 04:18 |
caffinated | don't expose things using a silly control panel. | 04:18 |
Agrajag | and don't tell people that want to use webmin that, because they want to use webmin | 04:18 |
caffinated | Agrajag: that's your problem then, not mine. | 04:18 |
=== dewey [~dewey@c-67-160-122-96.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yfir | caffinated: some people have legitimate reasons to enable root account | 04:18 |
Agrajag | and if they're told they can't, they will go run fedora instead | 04:18 |
caffinated | yfir: i can't think of any | 04:18 |
Markrian | vDonQ, well, you don't need to enable the root account. | 04:18 |
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caffinated | yfir: not to say that there isn't, but as a desktop, you shouldn't ever have to. | 04:19 |
Markrian | vDonQ, are you trying to transfer files from your machine to another, or what, through samba? | 04:19 |
vDonQ | no...i can mv stuff from a terminal | 04:19 |
fissy | sataere, it seems to be struggling to choose a second title. A work around would be to launch xine from the command line specifying which title of the dvd you want to watch, that way you can perhaps get through a whole film | 04:19 |
vDonQ | yes...thru sambo on my home lan | 04:19 |
vDonQ | samba* | 04:20 |
=== caffinated uses samba just fine as an unprivledged user | ||
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sataere | fissy, alright | 04:20 |
Markrian | vDonQ, are you using nautilus to access these samba shares, or smbclient on the command line? | 04:20 |
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vDonQ | i only have transfer probs with nautilus | 04:21 |
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Burgundavia | can I get some feedback on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Airports/infobox | 04:22 |
vDonQ | im new to ubuntu...I usually use mepis or slackware | 04:22 |
Burgundavia | oops | 04:22 |
Burgundavia | wrong channel | 04:22 |
fissy | brb | 04:22 |
Burgundavia | I wondered why people were talkinga bout ubuntu in #wikipedia | 04:22 |
Markrian | vDonQ, what error is nautilus giving you when you try? | 04:22 |
sataere | fissy, okay, I've got it going. It's really choppy, though. | 04:23 |
vDonQ | error msg saying that i dont have priveledges | 04:23 |
sataere | fissy, now it just gave me a warning that the amount of dropped frames are too high, as if I didn't know | 04:24 |
caffinated | vDonQ: then you probably don't on the windows box. are you trying to use a guest account? | 04:24 |
Markrian | vDonQ, well it sounds like you're not entering the correct username/password to access the share | 04:24 |
vDonQ | no a shared account.. | 04:24 |
caffinated | I'd tend to agree with Markrian then | 04:25 |
=== xoxoxo [~xoxoxo@YahooBB219206220072.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vDonQ | i only seem to have this prob with ubuntu tho | 04:25 |
caffinated | you don't need to have root to use samba | 04:25 |
etzerd | fissy don't forget me | 04:25 |
sataere | fissy, and now it just ejected my dvd | 04:25 |
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sataere | fissy, :(( | 04:26 |
Markrian | vDonQ, so accessing the share from a Windows machine, or Slackware using nautilus, is fine? | 04:26 |
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vDonQ | any way, I guess im lazy and was hopin that there was an easy way to get aroung the sudo....stuff | 04:26 |
vDonQ | yes mark...no probs with slack or Mepis | 04:27 |
Markrian | vDonQ, you really, *really* shouldn't have to gain root privileges to use samba as a client ;o | 04:27 |
=== linuzo [~linuzo@toronto-HSE-ppp3933099.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Markrian | Something's very wrong | 04:27 |
vDonQ | i agree | 04:27 |
=== goedson [~goedson@BHE055056.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuzo | Hey guys how come I'm getting this error at startup from ubuntu vicam drivers | 04:27 |
linuzo | videodev: "ViCam-based USB Camera" has no release callback. Please fix your driv er for proper sysfs support, | 04:27 |
calc | heh | 04:28 |
Markrian | vDonQ, so, from the command line, can you access the share as a normal user? | 04:28 |
=== calc wrote the original version of that driver | ||
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linuzo | of what vicam? | 04:28 |
calc | yea | 04:28 |
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calc | i haven't used my vicam in several years so other people have maintained it since then | 04:29 |
etzerd | I'm back fissy | 04:29 |
vDonQ | im not sure...I usually do the sudo -s-H thing as soon as i go to the term | 04:29 |
fissy | etzerd, sorry, i accidently sent my list to the wrong person | 04:29 |
linuzo | well calc they fucked it up | 04:29 |
etzerd | wrowwwwwwwww | 04:29 |
calc | i reverse engineered the protocol since vista wouldn't release docs (they suck) :) | 04:29 |
linuzo | lol | 04:29 |
etzerd | can you send it again? | 04:29 |
Markrian | vDonQ, I'd advise you only use sudo once at a time for each command you need to run as root... but up to you. | 04:30 |
calc | linuzo: there is a sf.net project you probably should tell them about the issue | 04:30 |
linuzo | yeah well I got this vicam workin in linux before | 04:30 |
Markrian | vDonQ, either way, what's the smbclient (I assume) command you use to connect to the share you want? | 04:30 |
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linuzo | thought I had itworking earlier | 04:30 |
linuzo | well I did with xawtv but I dunno | 04:30 |
pune | hey, i'm having trouble installing wine | 04:30 |
linuzo | pune then use windows | 04:31 |
linuzo | lol | 04:31 |
linuzo | j/k | 04:31 |
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pune | linuzo:very funny, | 04:31 |
vDonQ | smb // workgroup/folder/file | 04:31 |
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pune | linuzo: can anyone help me? | 04:31 |
Markrian | pune, say what you problem is and then we'll see | 04:32 |
Xeon3D | is there any .3gp file player for linux? (sorry I didn't see the previous answer, if any). | 04:32 |
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pune | Markrian: ok, i'm trying to install wine off of winehq.com and i'm using the console | 04:32 |
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Markrian | Xeon3D, just curious, got video files on a 3G phone? | 04:32 |
pune | I've had to put in some source url's into sources.list | 04:33 |
Markrian | pune, right, carry on | 04:33 |
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kingsley | Why would key strokes start repeating under heavy load after replacing a SCSI hard drive with IDE and converting from ext2 to ext3? | 04:33 |
Xeon3D | Markrian, yup | 04:33 |
=== Absenth [~nein@12-222-31-128.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pune | however, whenever i try to install a fresh dep of the wine it tells me that i need to add some source to sources.list | 04:33 |
vDonQ | thanx for the help mark.....gotta go | 04:33 |
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Dreamer3_ | anyone know any REALLy classy wallpaper that never gets in the way? | 04:34 |
Dreamer3_ | i just got some lcars wallpaper cause i thoguht it'd be cool (and it is) but it's so BUSY | 04:34 |
Markrian | pune, did you do "apt-get update", or something to that effect? | 04:34 |
pune | Markrian: yes i did that | 04:34 |
pune | Markrian: everything worked | 04:35 |
Markrian | pune, what's the exact error? | 04:35 |
Xeon3D | Markrian, do you happen to know any .3gp file player for linux? | 04:35 |
pune | You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list | 04:35 |
pune | whenever i try to run apt-get install wine | 04:35 |
Absenth | Dreamer3_, I found one on Deviant Art I like a lot. | 04:35 |
Markrian | Xeon3D, I'm afraid not. I'd imagine it's a proprietary format, and that the Windows software for the phone converts it to an mpeg file or something | 04:36 |
Dreamer3_ | Absenth: link? | 04:36 |
Absenth | Dreamer3_, lemme find it, I'll share a link. | 04:36 |
pune | Markrian:it say's You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list | 04:36 |
pune | Markrian: whenever I try to run apt-get install wine | 04:37 |
Markrian | Xeon3D, you could try searching Google, or copy a .3gp file to your machine and do "file video.3gp" and see what it returns | 04:37 |
pune | Markrian: that's the exact error | 04:37 |
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Absenth | Dreamer3_, http://www.deviantart.com/view/16543723/ | 04:37 |
Gman_ | Xeon3D, realplayer 10 should work just fine with that | 04:37 |
Gman_ | Xeon3D, also suspect gstreamer with appropriate plugin would be fine too | 04:38 |
Absenth | Dreamer3_, I use that with aterm, transparent, red tint. | 04:39 |
Xeon3D | root@Server:/home/xeon # file Patricia\ \(.\)\(.\).3gp | 04:39 |
Xeon3D | Patricia (.)(.).3gp: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP (H.263/AMR) | 04:39 |
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Markrian | Gman_, ugh, how can you advocate such rubbish? Real Player 10? Yuck! ;) | 04:41 |
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Markrian | Xeon3D, yeah, I imagine mplayer/xine/vlc could play those files | 04:41 |
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Markrian | Well... the container format is the only difference between it and normal videos | 04:41 |
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mach | when will Ubuntu 5.04 be released? | 04:42 |
Gman_ | Markrian, because it's what i currently have that definitely plays those files | 04:42 |
josue | mach: think around next weekend | 04:42 |
josue | anyone willing to help me set up xinerama? | 04:42 |
mach | josue, thanks | 04:43 |
chronusdark | does anyone know about any regular maintainance i should perform on my ubuntu system that could boost performance..i have noticed it has been running slower than when i first installed it | 04:43 |
josue | i've tried everything i found in the forums, and yet all i can get is the same thing in both monitors | 04:43 |
josue | mach: yes, i believe next friday or so. | 04:43 |
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mach | josue, cool | 04:44 |
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Fackamato | ko nii chi wa | 04:44 |
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mach | josue, is it safe upgrading from Warty to Hoary final release? | 04:45 |
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Markrian | chronusdark, not really. | 04:45 |
Markrian | rubbish answer, I know | 04:45 |
Markrian | mach, it's (apparently) perfectly safe upgrading to hoary from warty | 04:45 |
Markrian | Not that I've tried | 04:46 |
=== underlord [~underlord@c211-30-113-130.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cjdavis | chronusdark - how much memory do you have? | 04:46 |
mach | Markrian, cool | 04:46 |
chronusdark | cjdavis: 512 MB | 04:46 |
Markrian | mach, though you don't need to download the new CD image, unless you didn't know | 04:47 |
cjdavis | chronusdark, have you tried runing any monitors to see what's happening when it gets slow? | 04:47 |
zendog | hi ya ppl | 04:47 |
cjdavis | ie gkrellm etc | 04:47 |
eyequeue | like cron.daily | 04:48 |
chronusdark | cjdavis: not really, its not just certain times its just an overall slowdown | 04:48 |
mach | Markrian, I'll get a Warty media tomorrow and I was thinking in upgrading to the new version since I don't have a cd burner | 04:48 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: sounds suspiciously lik cron.daily | 04:48 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: but i'll let you look into that on your own machine | 04:49 |
josue | mach: yes it is. i upgraded from warty to hoary a few months ago.. and upgraded to hoary rc yesterday.. everything works perfectly | 04:49 |
mach | josue, very cool :) | 04:49 |
eyequeue | josue: um, so you went from hoary to hoary?? | 04:49 |
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chronusdark | eyequeue, i really dont think its that..it doesnt show up on my system monitor.... | 04:49 |
Markrian | lol | 04:50 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: no disk activity at that time? | 04:50 |
cjdavis | um.... | 04:50 |
josue | eyequeue: pretty much yes. my hoary was a couple months old, and did a dist-upgrade yesterday.. big download.. but yea, well updated hoary i guess | 04:50 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, no just my available memory dissappears and system load gets kinda high | 04:50 |
cjdavis | chronusdark -- take a look at /etc/cron.daily -- its not a script, its a directory of scripts to run every day | 04:51 |
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mr_mojo | hi all | 04:51 |
mr_mojo | i'm running hoary rc, i'm having problems with the shared folders thingy. basically i put a folder to be shared via samba, but it won't accept my username/password | 04:51 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: see what top say at that point | 04:51 |
mr_mojo | i'm using my account's usenrame nad password | 04:51 |
mr_mojo | is that right? | 04:51 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: it may well be running something in your cron.daily | 04:52 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, yes, but what's the error? Does it complain that you need either Samba or NFS to use it? | 04:52 |
Markrian | Or does it say wrong username/password? | 04:53 |
mr_mojo | i have installed samba via apt-get | 04:53 |
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chronusdark | eyequeue, im looking into it at the moment...... | 04:53 |
mr_mojo | when i try to login it says wrong username and password | 04:53 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: oh, it's now? /usr/bin/top should be helpful | 04:53 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, is caps lock on? | 04:53 |
mr_mojo | no | 04:54 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, any idea what getty is? i have like 6 of them running | 04:54 |
Markrian | If you log out of gnome, can you log back in? | 04:54 |
Markrian | chronusdark, gettys are fine, they're suppsoed to be there | 04:54 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: that's okay, those are your 6 consoles, they belong there | 04:54 |
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mr_mojo | 'Could not connect to the server because the username or password is not correct' | 04:54 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | is ubuntu or kubuntu easier to install... currently a suse 9.2 pro user and was looking to try out another distro | 04:55 |
mr_mojo | I'm trying to connect via Mac OSX | 04:55 |
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mr_mojo | pop: use normal ubuntu. it's really great. | 04:55 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, oh I see | 04:55 |
eyequeue | Pop_pa_FrEaK: the installer should be the same | 04:55 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | ok will try out ubuntu | 04:55 |
mr_mojo | i would try it on my windows box but a friend is playing CounterStrike:Source on it :D | 04:55 |
Xeon3D | heh | 04:55 |
mr_mojo | yea, and gnome is 10000x better than KDE ;) (joke!) | 04:55 |
Xeon3D | Realplayer did the trick., | 04:55 |
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chronusdark | eyequeue, what about wnck-applet | 04:55 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, samba is quite awkward - you need to enable your user in samba | 04:55 |
mr_mojo | and how do i do that? | 04:56 |
mr_mojo | i'm just pressing a button on shared folders here | 04:56 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: i'm not familiar with that one, sorry | 04:56 |
Markrian | So as your user you need to run smbpasswd | 04:56 |
mr_mojo | why? Why isn't shared folders doing this for me?! | 04:56 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, I don't know, I'm surprised it hasn't | 04:56 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: dpkg -S wnck-applet might say what pacakge it is from | 04:56 |
mr_mojo | machine rejected the (anonymous) password change: Error was : Account disabled | 04:56 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | downloading ubuntu now | 04:56 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, perhaps im just imagining things and my systme is fine | 04:57 |
mr_mojo | via torrent i hope ;) | 04:57 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: heh | 04:57 |
Xeon3D | Pop_pa_FrEaK, welcome to our world... | 04:57 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | thanx | 04:57 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: the next time it seems to change in a downward direction, fire up top | 04:57 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | does ubuntu use Xorg ? | 04:57 |
mr_mojo | yea, ubuntu is great. but turn on the font hinter if you are in a country with a latin charset, because it looks abillion times better :D | 04:57 |
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Markrian | mr_mojo, do "sudo smbpasswd username" | 04:57 |
eyequeue | Pop_pa_FrEaK: hoary does, warty does not | 04:57 |
chronusdark | Pop_pa_FrEaK, hoary does warty uses Xfree i think | 04:57 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | downloading hoary | 04:58 |
mr_mojo | nope, just reset it and it doesn't work | 04:58 |
Jimbob | warty uses XFree86 4.3, hoary uses xorg 6.8.2. | 04:58 |
dross | xfree < * | 04:58 |
chronusdark | i really wish they would boost the composting performance in Xorg | 04:58 |
dross | the management just fell apart ;) | 04:58 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, samba is a fiddly bastard, there could be any number of things wrong | 04:58 |
chronusdark | composting is really nice | 04:58 |
dross | Markrian: no its not | 04:58 |
cjdavis | mr_mojo, use smbclient on the box directly to debug | 04:58 |
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dross | Markrian: samba is very easy | 04:58 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: rotting banana peels always make my day :) | 04:59 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, you know what i meant | 04:59 |
dross | Markrian: with nice books, you can know what you are doing ;) | 04:59 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: actually, no, i don't, tell me | 04:59 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, compositing | 04:59 |
mr_mojo | how the hell do i use smbclient? | 04:59 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | will have the download done in 25 minutes | 04:59 |
Markrian | dross, yes, but most people just want samba to work, y'know? | 04:59 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: aahhhhhhhhh, sorry | 04:59 |
Markrian | And it doesn't, not without at least a couple of nudges | 04:59 |
lunitik | dross: samba is nice... fairly easy if you know what you are doing... but the gnome-vfs support is crap | 04:59 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, since when did IRC require forma | 05:00 |
dross | Markrian: well if they are lazy, then they will never get samba working correctly | 05:00 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, since when did IRC require formal spelling | 05:00 |
dross | lunitik: oh well ;) | 05:00 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: i was seriously thinking it may be some lower-level gui feature, i'm not a gui guru | 05:00 |
mr_mojo | why is this so ridiculously hard. on macosx i check one button. on windows i click sharing then click a checkbox | 05:00 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, lol | 05:00 |
cjdavis | becuase you paid $$ for them | 05:00 |
dross | lunitik: gnome-vfs has always worked for me | 05:00 |
lunitik | dross: oh well? try getting users to use smbclient and tell me "oh well" | 05:00 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, it deals with closed windows | 05:00 |
dross | lunitik: so has kde's support | 05:00 |
mr_mojo | i'll try using NFS instead. macosx should support that | 05:00 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, :P | 05:01 |
dross | Markrian: NFS < * | 05:01 |
lunitik | dross: kio_smb or whatever works fine here... | 05:01 |
Markrian | I've never tried, but I hear NFS is even worse :p | 05:01 |
dross | Markrian: you should try AFS | 05:01 |
lunitik | dross: NFS > CIFS :/ | 05:01 |
dross | lunitik: yes, kio has always proven good | 05:01 |
eyequeue | chronusdark: i would like my box to handle taking things out to the compost pile for me, it's raining :) oh well, maybe next release, heh | 05:01 |
cjdavis | mr_mojo: try 'smbclient -L' | 05:01 |
Markrian | dross, I like my sftp/ssh :) | 05:01 |
chronusdark | eyequeue, check freshmeat :D | 05:01 |
eyequeue | lol, that's a good one | 05:02 |
lunitik | cjdavis: bah... sftp and ssh are slow for file transfer :/ | 05:02 |
cjdavis | ?! | 05:02 |
Markrian | lunitik, you're telling me, I do it all over an 802.11b wireless connection! | 05:02 |
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Markrian | ad-hoc, no less | 05:02 |
mr_mojo | jesus christ this shared folders is a piece of shit | 05:03 |
cjdavis | oh you meant Markrian | 05:03 |
lunitik | mr_mojo: haha | 05:03 |
mr_mojo | lol. sorry for being blunt; but it is | 05:03 |
lunitik | mr_mojo: you mean Applications > System Tools > Shares? | 05:03 |
bob2 | mr_mojo: language please | 05:03 |
cjdavis | mojo - its not bad if you spend a couple minutes on it | 05:03 |
cjdavis | whats the result of 'smbclient -L | 05:03 |
mr_mojo | no, i mean system --> administration --> shared folders | 05:03 |
lunitik | cjdavis: tab completion is your friend... | 05:04 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, you're right - Ubuntu and linux and free software all have much room for improvement | 05:04 |
lunitik | mr_mojo: bah... I guess they moved it. | 05:04 |
mr_mojo | session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE | 05:04 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, what command is that the error of? | 05:05 |
cjdavis | smbclient | 05:05 |
Markrian | oh I see | 05:05 |
mr_mojo | nasdaq7 why do you think jesus christ was never born in america? | 05:05 |
Markrian | the -L flag requires a username | 05:05 |
mr_mojo | nasdaq7 because they couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin | 05:05 |
mr_mojo | he just pm'ed me that | 05:05 |
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mr_mojo | ironically i don't live in america | 05:05 |
Markrian | No. | 05:05 |
eyequeue | mr_mojo: could you please drop the offensive content? | 05:05 |
Markrian | Ignore me, Jesus | 05:05 |
cjdavis | .... | 05:05 |
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mr_mojo | fine | 05:05 |
eyequeue | mr_mojo: thank you | 05:06 |
mr_mojo | what 'offensive' content do you mean out of interest? | 05:06 |
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eyequeue | mr_mojo: let's just say religion and tech don't typically mix well on irc | 05:07 |
mr_mojo | right great | 05:07 |
mr_mojo | if you honestly find 'jesus christ' offensive i think you need to get out more.. | 05:07 |
mr_mojo | anyway | 05:07 |
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eyequeue | mr_mojo: my health status really was not the subject of discussion here | 05:07 |
tritium | mr_mojo, it's the distateful joke, not the mention of a name | 05:08 |
mr_mojo | joke? who said i joked? | 05:08 |
eyequeue | mr_mojo: shall we just move back to ubuntu support? | 05:08 |
=== tritium points to your joke to nasdaq7 | ||
Burgundavia | people, people. Please remember the Ubuntu CoC | 05:08 |
mr_mojo | so how do i fix this NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE? | 05:09 |
eyequeue | mr_mojo: what causes that error there? | 05:09 |
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mr_mojo | smbclient -L | 05:09 |
eyequeue | Burgundavia: someone is msg'ing me asking me for the location of the CoC, would you happen to have it handy? | 05:11 |
mr_mojo | that someone is me btw | 05:11 |
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bob2 | mr_mojo: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct | 05:11 |
eyequeue | thanks bob2 | 05:11 |
Burgundavia | bob2: thanks | 05:12 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba | 05:13 |
Markrian | And you're right - it's not at ALL as easy as it should be | 05:13 |
Zugot | i need a new mono | 05:13 |
=== robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Markrian | mr_mojo, I think the important things are that you do the smbpasswd thing, and that you then restart the samba servers. It's all on that page. | 05:14 |
dross | Zugot: why would you want another disease? | 05:14 |
Zugot | dross: i want to try out beagle and the new monodevelop | 05:14 |
dross | Zugot: C# and mono is a pipedream | 05:14 |
eyequeue | dross: i note the double entendre there, heh | 05:14 |
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dross | eyequeue: :) | 05:15 |
Zugot | dross: ok... beagle is interesting software | 05:15 |
hybrid | hello all | 05:15 |
Zugot | i want to try it out | 05:15 |
Burgundavia | hybrid: salut | 05:15 |
cjdavis | ok, I am trying to install macromedia flash on an amd64 ubuntu hoary install. Anybody have tips on this? | 05:15 |
dross | Zugot: okay, get lost in the starving developers land ;) | 05:15 |
Zugot | dross: this is just for some pet projects | 05:15 |
dross | Zugot: most C#/mono developers are arrogant children | 05:15 |
Zugot | dross: are you a coder? | 05:16 |
dross | Zugot: you should use a language which is well developed and not a fad | 05:16 |
dross | Zugot: yes. | 05:16 |
Xeon3D | how does one take a screenshot of GDM? | 05:16 |
dross | Zugot: I've been through what you are trying to go through | 05:16 |
Burgundavia | Xeon3D: look at something called Xnest | 05:16 |
eyequeue | Xeon3D: once you log in, or the screen asking for the login? | 05:16 |
Zugot | dross: i'm just checking out beagle... i'll give it 2 hours. if i can't get it installed in 2 hours, i'll mark it as not ready | 05:16 |
Burgundavia | Xeon3D: allows you to log in through an x window nested inside x window | 05:16 |
hybrid | dross: how is c# a fad? it is really a M$ java | 05:17 |
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mr_mojo | zugot: ignore the dross troll | 05:17 |
mr_mojo | C#/mono is really fantastic | 05:17 |
Zugot | i enjoy coding c# apps using visual studio | 05:17 |
Zugot | and i like java as well | 05:17 |
Zugot | call me weird | 05:17 |
dross | hybrid: java is also a fad, but its a money making fad for people who don't want to know what it is to really program | 05:17 |
mr_mojo | yes, it's probably the best langauge on the planet | 05:17 |
dross | mr_mojo: *plonk* | 05:17 |
mr_mojo | no dross, go away | 05:17 |
Xeon3D | Burgundavia, oh ok.. mind it.. it sounds too troublesome for just a stupid screenshot :P | 05:17 |
Arnia | hybrid: Except better designed, with a more sane syntax, and more powerful bytecode | 05:17 |
mr_mojo | you are nothing more than a lousy troll | 05:17 |
hybrid | dross: no jaba is awesome | 05:17 |
Burgundavia | Xeon3D: it is actually quite easy | 05:17 |
dross | Zugot: he doesn't know what hes talking about. | 05:17 |
Arnia | hybrid: Java doesn't allow tail-calls for example | 05:17 |
Burgundavia | Xeon3D: just install xnest and run it | 05:18 |
tritium | mr_mojo, please, be polite | 05:18 |
dross | Zugot: java doesn't have a gui toolkit which uses the popular toolkits on each platform | 05:18 |
Zugot | dross: well swing is a good start | 05:18 |
hybrid | Arnia: yea well my fav language or at least the one i know the most is c++ | 05:18 |
mr_mojo | sorry, he is saying 'most mono/C# developers are arrogant children' | 05:18 |
Zugot | er not swing... swt | 05:18 |
dross | Zugot: the only toolkit which has all popular(also called *shrug* native*) is wxWidgets | 05:18 |
Arnia | I hate C and C++ personally | 05:18 |
mr_mojo | and you are telling me to 'be polite' | 05:18 |
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dross | Zugot: swing doesn't use native | 05:18 |
dross | Zugot: its also bloated if you didn't realise | 05:18 |
mr_mojo | when he has started a huge flamewar. man i don't get along with irc at all today | 05:18 |
Zugot | whatever eclipse uses | 05:18 |
hybrid | dross: java is not a fad it has been here forever | 05:18 |
dross | Zugot: the next version of java will clean up the bloat in the code | 05:18 |
hybrid | bout as old as linux | 05:19 |
dross | hybrid: so has pascal | 05:19 |
eyequeue | mr_mojo: where do you live? | 05:19 |
hybrid | Arnia how can you hate c/c++? | 05:19 |
dross | hybrid: not really | 05:19 |
Arnia | I don't like languages which force me to think outside my problem domain... hence why I like Nemerle and Python :) | 05:19 |
dross | hybrid: you need to go learn your history | 05:19 |
mr_mojo | why is that important? | 05:19 |
mr_mojo | i live in the UK btw. | 05:19 |
dross | Arnia: I like C++, and embedding maybe python ;) | 05:19 |
hybrid | dross: 1991 oak made the java diveriant | 05:19 |
eyequeue | mr_mojo: is it an appropriate hour there to suggest a brief coffee break? that seems to help me when i've experienced similat, just a thought | 05:19 |
dross | Arnia: python sure does help on the fly | 05:19 |
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eyequeue | mr_mojo: s/coffee/tea/ of course | 05:19 |
mr_mojo | lol | 05:20 |
dross | hybrid: thats when the project was started, not completed | 05:20 |
Arnia | hybrid: They're ugly languages that get in the way of what I'm trying to solve | 05:20 |
mr_mojo | already got one | 05:20 |
mr_mojo | sorry, it's jsut the way i am, very blunt. i don't mean to cause offense but i'm a bit frustrated with this filesharing stuff | 05:20 |
dross | hybrid: linux was a rewrite of lovely minix, which already had the framework there. Java came from a blackboard and a team | 05:20 |
Xeon3D | Thanks Burgundavia.. installing it now. :D | 05:20 |
dross | back to the conversation however | 05:20 |
hybrid | Arnia: i just dont understand the whole command line style of python. now if i could understand it better i would prolly like it | 05:21 |
Arnia | dross: I use python for quite large projects... I'd never consider using C or C++ for them because they'd irritate me so much I would be able to stomach maintenance | 05:21 |
Burgundavia | Xeon3D: it installs under applications-->system tools-->new login in nested window | 05:21 |
dross | C++ is _still_ the better to use because it has a toolkit available which uses the native)more popular) widgets of any OS | 05:21 |
primeirocrime | from a musician point of you: you can't really dis other forms of music just because you are into punk rock. There is a lot to be learned even in polka. | 05:21 |
hybrid | dross: java did not is has c/c++ syntax | 05:21 |
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eyequeue | mr_mojo: unfortunately i have zero experience with samba, but i've heard others benefit from that wiki page someone gave | 05:21 |
dross | hybrid: no. | 05:21 |
primeirocrime | you - read view. dislexic me | 05:21 |
hybrid | dross : i is pretty close | 05:21 |
dross | hybrid: java is a horrible hack. and taking out overloaded operators was a big mistake of design | 05:21 |
mr_mojo | c++ is slow and tedious to code in. you have to assign memory youself, which isn't good enough in 2005. it should be done for you | 05:21 |
dross | mr_mojo: compiler implementations | 05:22 |
dross | mr_mojo: C++ is decently fast | 05:22 |
pauldaoust | use PYTHON! WHEE! | 05:22 |
pauldaoust | :) | 05:22 |
mr_mojo | i don't mean the speed of C++ itself | 05:22 |
dross | mr_mojo: you must not program using META PROGRAMMING | 05:22 |
mr_mojo | i mean developing in it | 05:22 |
dross | mr_mojo: no. Its really easy | 05:22 |
hybrid | dross: if it is so bad why does it run on every os? and is used widely onb the web? | 05:22 |
dross | mr_mojo: its really easy and fast to code | 05:22 |
Arnia | All personal opinion, yes, but I have a major philosophy that the computer shouldn't require more molly-codelling than absolutely neccessary | 05:22 |
pauldaoust | sorry, I just got into Python a few weeks ago, and for a non-computerhead for me, it's easy to write quick-and-dirty programs :) | 05:22 |
dross | hybrid: because its like php. a Kiddie bastardized langauge | 05:22 |
mr_mojo | do you really think i'm going to stop developing in PHP and C# because you are telling me i should 'must not program using META PROGRAMMING!1111!'??? | 05:22 |
dross | mr_mojo: thats right | 05:23 |
mr_mojo | excellent | 05:23 |
dross | mr_mojo: you must usually code throw away work | 05:23 |
eyequeue | pauldaoust: i think you'll find that ubuntu has a lot of python fans among the developers :) | 05:23 |
dross | mr_mojo: you probably have no idea what meta programming is | 05:23 |
hybrid | dross: php is powerfull | 05:23 |
dross | hybrid: to an extent | 05:23 |
dross | hybrid: but its abused | 05:23 |
pauldaoust | eyequeye: I think a lot of distros have Python fans... ^_^ | 05:23 |
dross | hybrid: people are making full apps non-web in php | 05:23 |
mr_mojo | i don't do that | 05:23 |
dross | hybrid: those people need to be taught a leson | 05:23 |
resiak | *fear* | 05:23 |
pauldaoust | dross: I made one non-web app in PHP :) | 05:23 |
hybrid | dross: no doubt. but what should they use? asp? | 05:23 |
pauldaoust | pretty simple; it just encoded base64 into binary | 05:24 |
Arnia | dross: Do you think everyone should code production systems in C or C++ then? | 05:24 |
pauldaoust | hey, my top panel seems to be disappearing, almost every time I log into my account. | 05:24 |
mr_mojo | i would only ever code a web app in PHP, but it's by far the fastest webapp creation tool that i know of, apart from ASP.NET 2.0, but servers are too expensive for that at the moment | 05:24 |
dross | mr_mojo: well.. just for simplification in what you would understand meta programming.. its making superfast numerical algorithms | 05:24 |
pauldaoust | this is just after I upgraded to GNOME 2.10 and Hoary et al. any idea, folks? | 05:24 |
dross | Arnia: only if they use a helper program and are smart enough to activate it | 05:24 |
mr_mojo | paul: try killall gnome-panel | 05:24 |
hybrid | mr_mojo: thank you | 05:24 |
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dross | Arnia: I know I've made some pretty dumb coding errors, though any langauge you can make programming errors | 05:25 |
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dross | mr_mojo: I'm suprised you don't use jsp ;) | 05:25 |
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helio7 | anyone know how to pass a variable to a sed string in a bash script? like $1 $2... but what mark do I put around it? | 05:25 |
Markrian | Yo mr_mojo, any luck with filesharing? I just installed samba and enabled some shares using the info on that page I linked to earlier. It should work. | 05:25 |
pauldaoust | mr_mojo: but should this be happening every time I log into my account though? | 05:25 |
Markrian | pauldaoust, nope | 05:26 |
eean | is there an online package database for ubuntu (like there is for debian)? | 05:26 |
pauldaoust | nobody have that problem, eh.... I'll go look in my logs, see if I can find anything | 05:26 |
eyequeue | eean: mysql, postgrequl, db3 | 05:26 |
Markrian | http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ eean | 05:26 |
eyequeue | eean: nm, misread you | 05:26 |
mr_mojo | Markrian: nope! | 05:26 |
eean | Markrian: thanks | 05:27 |
Xeon3D | I need serious help. My Workstation's Ubuntu desktop is so preety that I'm scared of playing with it. HEEEELP :P | 05:27 |
Arnia | dross: Yes, but I believe in using the right language for the right job and I like having my libraries come with me where possible. That is why I like the design of the CLI. I can write my description logic reasoner in a functional language like Nemerle, and glue it to a UI written in an OO language like C#. Much saner from my perspective, and avoids the whole problem of ABI compatibility and binding | 05:27 |
Xeon3D | (I'm typing from the Server.. :P) | 05:28 |
Markrian | Xeon3D, install WindowMaker! :) | 05:28 |
Arnia | But this isn't the place for programming language flaming. Everyone has their own tastes, and there is no resolution of the issue beyond that | 05:28 |
Arnia | As long as you're happy with the languages you use, that is all that matters | 05:28 |
Markrian | mr_mojo, I'm in the UK too, and I'm trying to kill time between now and when the sun comes up. I'd be happy to help you get file sharing working if you still want it | 05:29 |
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mr_mojo | sure | 05:29 |
PacoBCN | Arnia, my usability topic friend, have you seen an app called Quod Libet? | 05:30 |
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Arnia | How many UK developers are there in here? *raises hand* | 05:30 |
Arnia | s/developer/people | 05:31 |
nasdaq7 | i develop for the uk people | 05:31 |
Arnia | PacoBCN: Yes I have | 05:31 |
mr_mojo | me! | 05:31 |
mr_mojo | why on earth am i up at 4:30am :) | 05:31 |
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PacoBCN | Arnia, looks pretty good to me | 05:31 |
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Arnia | PacoBCN: I'm not entirely convinced by the UI actually | 05:32 |
KarlosII | anyone install the ut2004 EECE on ubuntu hoary or have links for it? | 05:32 |
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PacoBCN | Arnia, I haven't installed it, actually, I'm guided by the screenshots | 05:33 |
Arnia | PacoBCN: It exposes too much of the underlying design to the user | 05:33 |
Arnia | I haven't installed it either... I'm just commenting on what I can see from the shots | 05:33 |
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Kaiser_karl | how many people here are using hoary? | 05:34 |
Em`Zee | Hey guys; maybe someone can help me... I downloaded my kernel source to /usr/src and symlinked /usr/src/linux to it... but when I'm compiling VMWare, it still says it can't find the headers in /usr/src/linux/include | 05:34 |
PacoBCN | Kaiser_karl, I'm one of them. | 05:35 |
segfault | hi all. anyone know how to change default pdf viewer to acroread in hoary? | 05:35 |
Arnia | I'm using Hoary | 05:35 |
jalrnc | does anyone know what's wrong with the wiki? recent changes have been lost | 05:35 |
josue | how do i know if im usng xfree or x.org ? | 05:35 |
c | segfault, dontcha right click on a pdf and open with and then make it do it for all pdf? | 05:35 |
Kaiser_karl | hoary uses xorg | 05:35 |
josue | duh! | 05:36 |
josue | omg | 05:36 |
josue | thank you, do you know where xorg.conf is? | 05:36 |
Kaiser_karl | i tried to run xfree and it want there ;) | 05:36 |
Kaiser_karl | uses the same one i think? | 05:36 |
corza | xorg kaiser_karl | 05:36 |
PacoBCN | josue, /etc/X11/ | 05:36 |
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corza | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:36 |
josue | thx | 05:37 |
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segfault | c: i can open by right-click and selecting acro from the menu. how do i do it for all pdf? | 05:37 |
segfault | c: sorry, i'm not a gui person :) | 05:38 |
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Kaiser_karl | lol | 05:38 |
Kaiser_karl | its usualy "sorry, not a cli person" at ITS ;) | 05:38 |
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Em`Zee | Hey guys; maybe someone can help me... I downloaded my kernel source to /usr/src and symlinked /usr/src/linux to it... but when I'm compiling VMWare, it still says it can't find the headers in /usr/src/linux/include ... can anyone help me? | 05:38 |
dross | Arnia: there is only a right language for the right job when it is decided what type of program it is. C++ is the best application langugage due to all the libraries and easiness. C# and the rest can just go run in the road. The only thing C++ can't be used for because it takes much too long is a couple types of numerical analysis, which in turn you need to use a powerful language like lisp or fortran ;) | 05:38 |
segfault | kaiser: lol, yeah.. trying to do it the 'gui way'.. | 05:39 |
dross | Arnia: using Java, C#, or any of the fad languages because "its easier" is no excuse | 05:39 |
dross | easier != less coding time | 05:39 |
=== underlord [~underlord@c211-30-113-130.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dross | if stupid people can't learn what a pointer is, well thats thier fault | 05:39 |
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Kaiser_karl | em`zee sorry dont know | 05:39 |
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Arnia | dross: What does 'easier' mean to you? | 05:40 |
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dross | Arnia: No, the question is, "What does easier mean to other people" | 05:40 |
Arnia | Kaiser_karl: ITS... Durham is haunting me :) | 05:40 |
dross | Arnia: from what I observed, people want the compiler to babysit them because they don't want to learn how to program properly | 05:41 |
Kaiser_karl | whatever haunts you its not what im talking about ;) | 05:41 |
Kaiser_karl | whats durham? | 05:41 |
dross | Arnia: this is in any CS class, just sit in and watch for a few sessions and ask the kids some questions | 05:41 |
underlord | my ethernet card is causing my sound to skip, what can be done to fix this? | 05:41 |
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Arnia | dross: No, you've criticised a particular point of view. You did it in a way that suggests that you have a particular view point yourself. I wish to know it. | 05:41 |
dross | Arnia: I've criticised over observations | 05:41 |
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dross | Arnia: and the fact that the best GUI toolkit(wxwindows) is written in C++ | 05:42 |
Kaiser_karl | bbs. getting out of doze ;) | 05:43 |
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hybrid | does apache have an irc option? | 05:44 |
dross | hybrid: an irc option? | 05:44 |
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dross | hybrid: an irc channel? | 05:44 |
dross | hybrid: there is #apache | 05:44 |
hybrid | like can i make an irc server usin apache | 05:44 |
dross | oh | 05:44 |
dross | hybrid: erm.. you use a irc server.. not a webserer ;) | 05:45 |
Arnia | dross: I'm not stupid, but I have far better things to do with my brain than pointer arithmetic and memory allocation. I'd prefer to spend my time thinking of matters of consequence in the problem domain I'm trying to address. 'Coding properly' to me means learning how to fix upon and express a domain model and its algorithms. What language you use to do this is up to you. | 05:45 |
dross | hybrid: dancerircd(freenode using) is online | 05:45 |
hybrid | dross: yes but could i have an irc server usin apache? | 05:45 |
dross | Arnia: you don't have to think about memory allocation | 05:45 |
dross | hybrid: I don't think so... | 05:45 |
hybrid | ok | 05:45 |
hybrid | ok | 05:45 |
Arnia | dross: So why is knowing C++ coding properly? | 05:46 |
Xeon3D | I really do need an dyndns updater that works as a daemon... :P | 05:46 |
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dross | Arnia: I mean people who want to learn the fad langauges don't want to code properly | 05:46 |
dross | Arnia: they learn it because they are stupid and don't give a damn about future development of what they are making | 05:47 |
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SiRrUs | good evening fellows | 05:47 |
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brainspank | hey SiR | 05:47 |
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venkman | odyssey, i disabled apic with noapic and nolapic as you suggested; however, i still see this in my syslog: localhost kernel ACPI: Interpreter enabled | 05:47 |
SiRrUs | :) whats happening tonight? | 05:48 |
venkman | localhost kernel Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash noapic nolapic | 05:48 |
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hybrid | dross: it is kinda hard to be a bad language. i mean people still use cobol basic and such so yes its popularity my die but it is still usable | 05:48 |
jeavis | hello somebody know a case tool for linux | 05:48 |
brainspank | is anyone using ubuntu on a toshiba laptop? I have a satellite pro 6100. | 05:49 |
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zendog | brainspank, just the live cd dude... | 05:49 |
ells | brainspank, I am | 05:49 |
mr_mojo | is it possible to have the proper firefox icon instead of the unoffical builds one? | 05:49 |
ells | brainspank: I have an S520 | 05:49 |
brainspank | I bailed on gentoo because I just couldn't get wireless working | 05:49 |
brainspank | I had gentoo/wireless working on 2.4 but couldn't manage it under 2.6 | 05:50 |
ells | brainspank; my wireless worked out the box with ubuntu | 05:50 |
dross | hybrid: I call that "being stubborn" | 05:50 |
hybrid | lol | 05:50 |
dross | hybrid: people actually still code in asm.. not my problem :) | 05:50 |
jeavis | hello somebody know a case tool for linux | 05:50 |
brainspank | ells: lucky you! maybe it's that I'm using wep? | 05:51 |
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hybrid | dross: well it is but smalltalk and pascal are still around. but languages for diff jobs is what it is all about | 05:51 |
ells | brainspank: same here | 05:51 |
ells | brainspank: I have the atheros chipset in mine | 05:51 |
brainspank | I admit I'm a little lost in the config files, not being used to ubuntu | 05:51 |
zendog | jeavis, http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2002/08/01/enterprise.html | 05:51 |
ells | brainspank: what ya got in yours | 05:51 |
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dross | hybrid: smalltalk is a good langauge ;) | 05:51 |
jeavis | zendog | 05:51 |
Arnia | dross: I didn't learn C# or Nemerle because they're new. Far from it. I learnt them because they addressed personal needs I'd wanted addressed for a long time. From a language theory point of view, the CLI is astonishingly well thought out. See Nemerle and how well such a language (a weird language by any standard) will work with it. | 05:51 |
ells | brainspank: it should do most of the setting up for ya | 05:51 |
jeavis | zendog; thank you | 05:51 |
ells | brainspank: are you using hoary | 05:52 |
hybrid | dross: but old. i have never used it though. what is the syntax like? | 05:52 |
jdub | guys, the language discussion is massively off-topic - elsewhere please | 05:52 |
zendog | jeavis, NP | 05:52 |
brainspank | I'm using hoary, just d/l'd | 05:52 |
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dross | hybrid: 1 to: times do: [:i| die toss. self accumulate. ] | 05:52 |
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ells | brainspank: is it seeing your wireless card | 05:52 |
dross | hybrid: its a fully OO language.. and squeak is.. okay... | 05:53 |
super_dude2 | i have a problem with sond card cananyone help me? | 05:53 |
Arnia | jdub: Apologies | 05:53 |
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etzerd | hey guys I'm back | 05:53 |
hybrid | hello | 05:53 |
hybrid | etzerd^ | 05:53 |
etzerd | hybrid | 05:53 |
mr_mojo | I have a problem and I'm stumped. I followed this guide:http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PHPDevelopmentHowTo/view?searchterm=apache%20php but i have nothing running on port 80 | 05:54 |
ells | brainspank: you there | 05:54 |
brainspank | I don't think it's seeing my wireless adapter at all | 05:54 |
etzerd | guys you make me a ubuntu lover now | 05:54 |
ells | brainspank: you can set that up, maybe | 05:54 |
brainspank | sorry, I'm checking my laptop... | 05:54 |
ells | brainspank: go into networking | 05:54 |
StR | hi there.... in the Rhythmbox... how do you change the mp3 tags? | 05:54 |
etzerd | hybrid how are you doing | 05:54 |
mr_mojo | StR: you can't | 05:55 |
josue | hey, in /etc/X11 i have both XF86config-4 and xorg.config, how do i know which is being used? | 05:55 |
mr_mojo | it doesn't have ID3 tag editing support [yet] | 05:55 |
ells | brainspank: it is under system | 05:55 |
ells | brainspank: you may be able to set that up easy | 05:55 |
StR | mr_mojo: really? | 05:55 |
mr_mojo | yes. it sucks | 05:55 |
StR | and Rhythmbox is the best player gnome has? | 05:55 |
mr_mojo | anyone wnat to help me get apache working? | 05:55 |
ells | StR, have to agree | 05:55 |
hybrid | etzerd very good yourself? | 05:56 |
etzerd | I just install Mplayer when I load it I can see it is minimize on the task bar with the hourglass turning aroun after while it just dissipear and not loading Mplayer, did I do something wrong? | 05:56 |
Chipzz | StR: what does mp3 tag editting have to do with playing mp3's? | 05:56 |
brainspank | ells: I tried networking - it asked 4 passwd - my root pw didn't work | 05:56 |
Chipzz | does winamp have an mp3 tag editor? | 05:56 |
etzerd | I'm doing fine since I discover ubuntu yesterday | 05:56 |
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StR | Chipzz: to sort the files | 05:56 |
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mr_mojo | chipzz: rythmnbox isn't a mp3player, it's a jukebox | 05:56 |
brainspank | ells: looks like I have other config to deal with to get there | 05:56 |
ells | brainspank: lets chat offline | 05:56 |
Kamping_kaiser | chipzz yes | 05:56 |
kkathman | evening all :) | 05:56 |
etzerd | but it going to take me a while before I really confortable with it | 05:56 |
socomm | mr_mojo: You got any specific issues with apache, that you need help with.? | 05:56 |
mr_mojo | yes | 05:56 |
mr_mojo | i installed as per this guide: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PHPDevelopmentHowTo/view?searchterm=apache%20php but i have no apache running | 05:56 |
Arnia | StR: Muine is better for music playing IMO, but I don't agree with conflating tagging and playing in a single app | 05:57 |
mr_mojo | i assumethere is a command i need to use? | 05:57 |
brainspank | ells: I am an IRC newb. I don't know if I'm setup to chat | 05:57 |
Slackin | Hello all | 05:57 |
mr_mojo | hi | 05:57 |
Chipzz | StR: I know why you want mp3 tag eidting in rhytmbox, and I still think it's wrolng | 05:57 |
ells | brainspank: look next to #ubuntu, my name should be there | 05:57 |
ells | click on it | 05:57 |
super_dude2 | can anone help me with my sound card | 05:57 |
mr_mojo | Chipzz: they are adding it in the next release, so noone cares | 05:57 |
Chipzz | simpel answer: use a seperate program | 05:57 |
mr_mojo | most people want one app to manage music | 05:57 |
socomm | mr_mojo: Ummm is apache running? | 05:58 |
mr_mojo | i don't know | 05:58 |
Slackin | so I was thinking... ubuntu does not use the dhcpcd program to keep track of a dhcp based address... so what does it use, and how do I use it from the command line? | 05:58 |
hybrid | anyone know when we can point our repos to breezy yet? | 05:58 |
Chipzz | and last time I checked winamp, it did not have mp3 tag editting either | 05:58 |
KarlosII | wtfreak | 05:58 |
KarlosII | how do I patch ut2004 on linux | 05:58 |
Slackin | I kinda hate the network setup program. .. | 05:58 |
mr_mojo | i guess not. there is no apache or httpd in ps -A | 05:58 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: mp3 tag editing is still a seperate use case from playing mp3's | 05:58 |
mr_mojo | whatever.. noone cares | 05:58 |
mr_mojo | the fact is they are putting it in and you can't stop them | 05:58 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: for one because you may want to do mass tagging | 05:59 |
=== linux_dip [~dominic@69-27.201-68.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mr_mojo | right, sure, if i want to do mass tagging i'll open a tagging app | 05:59 |
mr_mojo | but if i just want to correct an mp3 while i'm in rythmbox, i just want to right click and fill it in | 05:59 |
Slackin | aside from the fact that as of warty it does not support tcp/ip over firewire... gotta do that through ifconfig. | 05:59 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: exactly, you have just proven my point, thank you :) | 05:59 |
mr_mojo | yes | 05:59 |
mr_mojo | but what is the problem with putting basic id3 tag support in ? | 05:59 |
linux_dip | i have a question: how do i install flash on linux | 06:00 |
mr_mojo | how do i start apache2?! | 06:00 |
Slackin | httpd | 06:00 |
Slackin | ... | 06:00 |
Chipzz | apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 06:00 |
Slackin | you will need the universe turned on for that. | 06:00 |
mr_mojo | how do i start apache2?! | 06:01 |
Slackin | httpd | 06:01 |
linux_dip | apt-get install flashplayer-morilla | 06:01 |
socomm | mr_mojo: /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 06:01 |
Slackin | Or at least that's how I would do in in slack. | 06:01 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: mozilla | 06:01 |
linux_dip | apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 06:01 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: not HERE | 06:01 |
Chipzz | in a console | 06:01 |
linux_dip | ? | 06:02 |
mr_mojo | "The connection was refused when connecting to localhost" | 06:02 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: don't type it in IRC | 06:02 |
Chipzz | :P | 06:02 |
geneo93 | any networking garus here | 06:02 |
linux_dip | were then | 06:02 |
|QuaD- | geneo93: whats your quest? | 06:02 |
=== KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
geneo93 | internet connection sharing | 06:02 |
Chipzz | applications -> system tools -> root terminal | 06:02 |
|QuaD- | geneo93: sorry... don't know too much about it | 06:03 |
geneo93 | connect with ppp0 and share through lan | 06:03 |
Slackin | geneo93, buy a router... save the headache | 06:03 |
Slackin | hehe | 06:03 |
=== raccoon [~raccoon@adsl-63-193-149-212.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | what's the default dhcp client that ubuntu uses? | 06:04 |
geneo93 | normally i dont need it just this week | 06:04 |
=== Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethelparkcadent1bdg1a2-43.pit.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chipzz | Xeon3D: dhclient | 06:04 |
Chipzz | (I think) | 06:04 |
linux_dip | it says invalid oporation inside | 06:04 |
=== uni-fi [~unifi@cpe-68-174-114-59.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slackin | what's wrong with dhcpcd? | 06:04 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: you probably mistyped install | 06:05 |
linux_dip | ? | 06:05 |
Slackin | Or anyone know why ubuntu uses one over the other? | 06:05 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: oh and btw you can copy/paste too you know | 06:05 |
Xeon3D | thanks Chipzz | 06:05 |
linux_dip | i know | 06:05 |
=== mak [~chatzilla@adsl-68-252-110-143.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Chipzz rolls his eyes | ||
linux_dip | it says:: apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 06:06 |
Xeon3D | has anyone here any experience with ddclient (the dyndns updater for linux)? | 06:06 |
=== richard [~richard@c-24-10-189-138.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_dip | hang on | 06:06 |
josue | hi again, i have both XF86config-4 and xorg.conf in /etc/X11, how do i know which is running? | 06:06 |
Slackin | check your x11 log | 06:06 |
josue | basically need to know which to edit | 06:06 |
Slackin | it will tell you which one it is using. | 06:06 |
mr_mojo | could someone pelase please please help me get apache2 starting? | 06:06 |
mr_mojo | i'm typing /etc/init.d/apache2 start and nothing is happening | 06:06 |
mak | can someone tell me how to make a link to a library. the system cant seem to find it, how do i put it into its search path? | 06:07 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: as root? :) | 06:07 |
Slackin | have you given "httpd" a shot? | 06:07 |
mr_mojo | yes | 06:07 |
mr_mojo | ye | 06:07 |
Slackin | and | 06:07 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: try stopping it first? | 06:07 |
linux_dip | it says can't find package flashplayer-mozilla | 06:07 |
mr_mojo | sudo: /etc/init.d/httpd: command not found | 06:07 |
=== Whiffle [~andy@user-12lmo5u.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mr_mojo | there is no apache started | 06:07 |
Whiffle | there is no spoon | 06:07 |
mr_mojo | nothing in the logs | 06:07 |
Slackin | linux_dip, you need to enable the universe | 06:08 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: for some services stray pid files can give problems | 06:08 |
mr_mojo | right | 06:08 |
mr_mojo | how do i fix it? | 06:08 |
linux_dip | what?!? | 06:08 |
mr_mojo | linux_dip | 06:08 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: copy paste the error message | 06:08 |
mr_mojo | goto synaptic | 06:08 |
linux_dip | kk hang on | 06:08 |
mr_mojo | goto edit --> sources and enable universe | 06:08 |
=== Shadow98 [~thompsbm@69-164-137-47.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Dal- [~Dal-@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chipzz | mr_mojo: or even better | 06:09 |
linux_dip | root@Letum:/home/dominic # ^V | 06:09 |
linux_dip | bash: : command not found | 06:09 |
linux_dip | root@Letum:/home/dominic # apt-get inside flashplayer-mozilla | 06:09 |
linux_dip | E: Invalid operation inside | 06:09 |
linux_dip | root@Letum:/home/dominic # apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla | 06:09 |
linux_dip | Reading Package Lists... Done | 06:09 |
Shadow98 | does apt-get install work in ubuntu? | 06:09 |
linux_dip | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 06:09 |
linux_dip | E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla | 06:09 |
Whiffle | yes Shadow98 | 06:09 |
linux_dip | root@Letum:/home/dominic # | 06:09 |
linux_dip | root@Letum:/home/dominic # | 06:09 |
mr_mojo | sorry goto settings --> repositieries | 06:09 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: WHERE did I type inside? | 06:09 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: i tried apt-get install nmap | 06:09 |
Whiffle | did you use sudo? | 06:09 |
linux_dip | E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla | 06:09 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: why are you making up something? | 06:09 |
linux_dip | im not | 06:09 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: no | 06:09 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, put sudo in front of it and try again | 06:09 |
mr_mojo | it's not going to work | 06:10 |
mr_mojo | jesus | 06:10 |
SiRrUs | linux_dip looks like you may need to update your repositories | 06:10 |
linux_dip | how | 06:10 |
mr_mojo | linux_dip: use synaptic! why are you using command line?!?!!? | 06:10 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: I'm telling him to type apt-get install and for some reason he is making up apt-get insise | 06:10 |
Chipzz | inside even | 06:10 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: it couldn't find the package | 06:10 |
=== PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-253-25.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== QqueryQ [~QqueryQ@p0112-ipad01toyamahon.toyama.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mr_mojo | don't tell him to type anything. tell him to tick boxes and type a search in | 06:10 |
mr_mojo | it's far far easier | 06:10 |
venkman | enable the universe enable the universe! | 06:10 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: system -> administration -> ubuntu update manager | 06:11 |
venkman | wow | 06:11 |
Chipzz | click preferences | 06:11 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: i just tried ettercap also...and it couldn't find it | 06:11 |
venkman | calling it the universe is just so gradios | 06:11 |
Chipzz | select the repositories | 06:11 |
Slackin | Yah, like I said, it's all in the UNIVERSE! | 06:11 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, thats odd. have you tried synaptic? | 06:11 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: and ethereal | 06:11 |
Chipzz | click edit | 06:11 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: what is synaptic | 06:11 |
Chipzz | add universe to sections | 06:11 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, maybe try apt-get update first | 06:11 |
Chipzz | repeat for every repository | 06:11 |
Chipzz | exit | 06:11 |
=== kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whiffle | Shadow98, I mean "sudo apt-get update" | 06:11 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: it said reading package list and then done | 06:12 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, now try the nmap thing again | 06:12 |
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Shadow98 | Whiffle: couldn't find package | 06:12 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, hmmm. | 06:13 |
PacoBCN | Anyone for some shooting in Enemy Territory? | 06:13 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: it's past 6am here, I'm staying up a bit longer to try to help a newbie, and he is typing random stuff that he made up | 06:13 |
Slackin | wait... how do I change my nick name in Xchat via some command? | 06:13 |
Chipzz | *sigh* | 06:13 |
Chipzz | I'm off to bed | 06:13 |
mr_mojo | ok. could osmeone please bloody help me here | 06:13 |
hybrid | slackin /nick | 06:13 |
Xeon3D | Slackin : /nick Newnick? | 06:13 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: what could be wrong? | 06:13 |
mr_mojo | i'm going insane | 06:13 |
mr_mojo | why doesn't sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start work!?! | 06:13 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, if you do "sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list , iare the lines for the universe repository uncommented? | 06:13 |
Slackin | Sweet.... forgot, it's been so long, thanks Xeon3D, hybrid. | 06:13 |
=== Slackin is now known as JonnySlack | ||
JonnySlack | YaY! | 06:14 |
hybrid | mr_mojo : we all are its just a matter of time | 06:14 |
Chipzz | mr_mojo: you could look out the startup-script and try to figure out where it's going wrong ;) | 06:14 |
hybrid | Slackin: np | 06:14 |
Xeon3D | JonnySlack, =D | 06:14 |
Chipzz | anyway, /me off to bed | 06:14 |
Chipzz | enough of this :P | 06:14 |
kain | this bug still exists.. after some time wi-fi stops from working | 06:14 |
JonnySlack | Night night Chipzz | 06:15 |
=== Quinn_Storm [~quinn@pa-bethlprk-cad1-grp1-208.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chipzz | thx JonnySlack :) | 06:15 |
linux_dip | btw chipzz i got better help from someone else bye | 06:15 |
Chipzz | linux_dip: yeah fuck you too | 06:15 |
Chipzz | ingratefull bratt | 06:16 |
mr_mojo | ok i have apache 1.3 working. now how do i get it to work with php? | 06:16 |
Burgundavia | Chipzz: please remember the Ubuntu Coc and watch the language please | 06:16 |
JonnySlack | linux_dip, that's not what this place is about, he was helping as best as he could, he just got a bit flusterd... tiss all. | 06:16 |
Burgundavia | linux_dip: you as well | 06:16 |
zendog | LOL | 06:16 |
Whiffle | smelll the love | 06:17 |
kain | what's a bratt | 06:17 |
kain | :D | 06:17 |
zendog | the ubuntu COC rulz, thats why i use this distro... | 06:17 |
venkman | ok | 06:17 |
JonnySlack | smells like burning. | 06:17 |
mr_mojo | ok i have apache 1.3 working. now how do i get it to work with php??!!?!?! | 06:17 |
Xeon3D | how I wished my country's irc network's linuxhelp channel was as nice as this one. | 06:17 |
venkman | we'll see in the next 10 minutes if i can make xcompmgr crash :) | 06:17 |
=== SuperL4g [aaron@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | mr_mojo, check synaptic for the extra packages needed. | 06:17 |
Burgundavia | mr_mojo: you might get better help at #php or #apache | 06:17 |
kain | venkman, xcompmgr + transset = incredibly slowly | 06:18 |
Markrian | kain, only if you don't have decent driver support | 06:18 |
Shadow98 | Whiffle: i uncommeted all the lines and it went through and check but still couldn't find the package | 06:18 |
Burgundavia | Shadow98: what are you looking for? | 06:18 |
Shadow98 | Burgundavia, nmap | 06:18 |
=== individ [~aiurea@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kain | Markrian, I don't have it, but it looks ugly from my point of view | 06:18 |
Burgundavia | Shadow98: hmm. You running hoary? | 06:18 |
Shadow98 | Burgundavia, yes i am | 06:19 |
Whiffle | Shadow98, did you do apt-get update again? | 06:19 |
=== aldebaran [~aldebaran@cpe-024-033-068-169.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whiffle | i can't figure out why its missing, i can find it just fine... | 06:19 |
=== Myrtti_ [myrtti@velhottaret.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JonnySlack | Oh, might be an over-asked question but just when is the release date of horay? Just sometime in april... when it's ready? | 06:19 |
venkman | kain, I don't have a performance issue with it. | 06:19 |
Burgundavia | JonnySlack: April 8th | 06:19 |
Burgundavia | if nothing goes sideways | 06:20 |
=== SuperL4g [aaron@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | Shadow98, if you have universe enabled as a repository just do: apt-get update && apt-get install nmap nmapfe | 06:20 |
=== nybro43 [bmef64sk@pool-70-107-106-181.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JonnySlack | Cool, I just love my warty laptop... can't wait to see it's next incarnation... | 06:20 |
geneo93 | the 8th | 06:20 |
Xeon3D | Shadow98, did it work? | 06:20 |
JonnySlack | Burgundavia, hehe... sideways, remindes me of SuSE post novell. . . | 06:21 |
ells | geneo93: got a question for ya | 06:21 |
geneo93 | JonnySlack: hoary is pretty much ready now just a few bugs is all | 06:21 |
individ | about xorg , it works with an XFree86 config file instead of the default /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? cause the ati driver builds after config an XFree config file | 06:21 |
=== Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
aldebaran | Hi, um apt-get upgrade killed my sound any idea how I can get it back? | 06:21 |
geneo93 | ok | 06:21 |
ells | geneo93: got a guy who i am chatting with who says his password wont work to get him into networking, ,any ideas | 06:21 |
Shadow98 | Xeon3D, no | 06:21 |
ells | geneo93: can he get in thru console | 06:22 |
JonnySlack | geneo93, Well I'm the kinda guy that likes his boxen stable, even if that means holding off from a new release for a few months. . . | 06:22 |
Burgundavia | aldebaran: I assume you running hoary and I assume that your sound icon now says muted all the time | 06:22 |
individ | i mean with an XF86config sorry | 06:22 |
=== oneifreak [~michael@S0106000f66911642.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aldebaran | hoary yes but sound icon shows fine, xmms works fine just no sound | 06:22 |
geneo93 | ells: sudo passwd (user name) | 06:22 |
Burgundavia | individ: xorg uses xorg.conf. I think it is a bug in the ati drivers | 06:23 |
=== b_ [~b@cpe-24-90-47-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aldebaran | sound icon is not muted | 06:23 |
ells | geneo93: tried that will have him do it again | 06:23 |
Burgundavia | individ: do the ati set up thing and then copy the data to xorg.conf | 06:23 |
individ | Burgundavia kewl ill do that thanks | 06:23 |
geneo93 | ells: also sudo passwd root | 06:23 |
Xeon3D | aldebaran, do any sound devices show up in the configuration of the sound output plugin? (EsounD) ? | 06:23 |
Burgundavia | individ: it may take some more hacking to get the ati drivers to work properly | 06:24 |
ells | geneo93, cool | 06:24 |
aldebaran | do you mean output plugins from xmms? I never configured sound, it just worked, then it just didn't | 06:24 |
geneo93 | ells: network-admin might work | 06:24 |
JonnySlack | So can I create a user without sudo ability? (I know how to do it by hand, but does ubuntu have a nifty GUI for the job? ... can't see it in users/groups management app) | 06:25 |
ells | geneo93: cool with try that as well | 06:25 |
chadd | I always forget to time my from scratch kernel builds | 06:25 |
chadd | needless to say <hours later> its still goin | 06:26 |
chadd | hopefully its done by morning | 06:26 |
eean | it takes you hours to build a kernel? | 06:26 |
oneifreak | kernel builds shoudnt take that long... | 06:26 |
JonnySlack | chadd, !!! | 06:26 |
individ | Burgundavia you mean because they are buggy or because copying the config cud make troubles ? | 06:26 |
JonnySlack | hours? | 06:26 |
mak | hey, one of my programs (vnc) cant find a library file, how can i make it see it? | 06:26 |
Burgundavia | JonnySlack: by default, any new users don't have sudo ability | 06:26 |
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aldebaran | xmms offers choices of alsa, diskwriter, esound and oss, am using esound | 06:27 |
chadd | I dont know why you're all suprised, not having any knowledge of what kind of system is building it. | 06:27 |
JonnySlack | Burgundavia, aside from the first new user? | 06:27 |
Burgundavia | individ: ati drivers are generally crap. I run them myself. They take a lot of hacking to get working | 06:27 |
Burgundavia | JonnySlack: yes | 06:27 |
eean | chadd: well you said "needless to say" | 06:27 |
individ | Burgundavia i have an 9200 SE | 06:27 |
Whiffle | chadd is building it on a pocket calculator | 06:27 |
RexM | this sucks, my cellphone doesn't consider daylight savings time.. so it's an hour off | 06:27 |
eean | ah, ok | 06:27 |
chadd | eean: it >is< a clean build | 06:27 |
JonnySlack | Burgundavia, Cool... I wish the installer was a bit more clear on that. | 06:27 |
Burgundavia | individ: doesn't really matter | 06:27 |
Whiffle | :D | 06:27 |
eean | chadd: I wouldn't want to dirty build a kernel | 06:28 |
Whiffle | most kernel builds ever took on mine was *maybe* an hour | 06:28 |
individ | Burgundavia so any tips ? the X does start with the driver provided by ati | 06:28 |
geneo93 | RexM: was made in indiana | 06:28 |
eean | yea, they usually take about 20 minutes or so for me | 06:28 |
chadd | eean: what is a dirty build? | 06:28 |
aldebaran | should I be using alsa or esd? esd only default, alsa offers some device choices | 06:28 |
eean | chadd: a non-clean build | 06:28 |
chadd | eean: build it from the back? | 06:28 |
eean | erm, no | 06:28 |
eean | dirty is the opposite of clean | 06:29 |
JonnySlack | about 40 minutes on my desktop if everything is a module... maybe 25 if I have skimmed it down to just my hardware. | 06:29 |
chadd | eean: I mean, not a progressive build, as in, no modules have been previously built. | 06:29 |
eean | yes, thats what clean means | 06:29 |
geneo93 | aldebaran: killall esd | 06:29 |
chadd | eean: its good that we agree. | 06:29 |
=== kaplanfx [~kaplanfx@c-67-170-193-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JonnySlack | chadd, are you doing a build from kernel.org or the apt sources? | 06:29 |
eean | kaplanfx: boo | 06:29 |
chadd | JonnySlack: I did some light cleaning of obvious non-similar hardware. | 06:29 |
chadd | JonnySlack: apt sources. | 06:30 |
Xeon3D | heh another user helped : now counting : 12 :P | 06:30 |
kaplanfx | hey eean | 06:30 |
eean | chadd: do you use a pentium 60 or something? | 06:30 |
RexM | geneo93, it's a motorola v220 :'( | 06:30 |
aldebaran | killed all esd, using alsa plugin for xmms, streaming something equalizer is moving but no sound | 06:30 |
chadd | eean: p3-500 w/slow drive, and only 64M ram | 06:30 |
Whiffle | i try to use alsa for everything.. | 06:30 |
Burgundavia | aldebaran: you should be using esound I think | 06:30 |
RexM | i would love to figure out how to put linux on it, and somehow program it to make calls and everything like it already does, that would be so awesome | 06:30 |
eean | ah, probably the RAM is the problem. | 06:30 |
mr_mojo | i have php working in my apache config | 06:30 |
mr_mojo | but i don't have mysql | 06:30 |
mr_mojo | Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/test.php on line 2 | 06:31 |
JonnySlack | eean, I once did a kernel compile on a 66mhz 486... let's just say that I now stick to packaged kernels for older hardware. | 06:31 |
RexM | mr_mojo, you just need to compile php with mysql support | 06:31 |
mr_mojo | i'm not compiling | 06:31 |
mr_mojo | i'm using apt-get | 06:31 |
chadd | eean: I am building in a patch fo badram, I have a 128M simm for this ol'laptop that has a few issues, but its not worth buying a new stick. I'll just block out the bad addresses. | 06:31 |
=== LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | mr_mojo, if you use synaptic and search for apache.. your life could be 100x easier :P | 06:31 |
mr_mojo | i am! | 06:32 |
eean | oh, old laptop. I hate old laptops. | 06:32 |
=== BigIslandVegan [~BigIsland@portcullis.uhh.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mr_mojo | i've installed | 06:32 |
mr_mojo | php4-mysql | 06:32 |
mr_mojo | what else do i need? | 06:32 |
Xeon3D | mysql. | 06:32 |
Xeon3D | :P | 06:32 |
chadd | JonnySlack: were you in some kind of hurry? I've had kernels take days on really old hardware, but its better than throwing it out, and every little speed tweak help old slow hardware. | 06:32 |
chadd | not like I was depending on it for my only system, or anything. (: | 06:32 |
=== roy_ [~roy@pool-68-238-103-205.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roy_ | hey all | 06:33 |
eean | hehe, I guess ricers aren't only in #gentoo | 06:33 |
Burgundavia | salut roy_ | 06:33 |
=== P3L|C4N0 [~gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mr_mojo | i've got mysql-server on aswell | 06:33 |
LeeColleton | I know there's a way to intially install a minimal server but is there a way to regress an installed system to that minimal state (easily?) | 06:33 |
JonnySlack | chadd true, but I don't use old hardware for desktop/workstation use... even with a generic kernel it will be a speedy server, for the bottle neck would not be software. | 06:33 |
aldebaran | Burgundavia: ok, I started esd again, changed xmms output plugin to esd, but still no sound, and no error message | 06:33 |
chadd | LeeColleton: reinstall? | 06:33 |
LeeColleton | chadd: ha ha | 06:33 |
LeeColleton | that's what I guessed | 06:33 |
Burgundavia | aldebaran: have you started by commandline to look for errors? | 06:33 |
b_ | what is a good radio for ubuntu | 06:33 |
locomorto | Has anyone successfully installed the spellbound extension for firefox in Ubuntu? | 06:34 |
Xeon3D | aldebaran, are you sudoing xmms ? | 06:34 |
aldebaran | yes xmms -p got: | 06:34 |
LeeColleton | okay, next question. is there a way to kickstart the install without a monitor? | 06:34 |
aldebaran | no not sudoing xmms | 06:34 |
chadd | JonnySlack: I'm not afraid to roll my own kernel. Been doing it for awhile now. | 06:34 |
chadd | LeeColleton: so like a network install? | 06:34 |
roy_ | Q. Is there any way that Nautilus can be fully functional in all directories? (a la Windows Explorer) | 06:35 |
JonnySlack | chadd, same here... slackin with fresh kernels from kernel.org on my desktop for quite some time... | 06:35 |
aldebaran | got alsa mixer timed out, when using alsa output plugin | 06:35 |
locomorto | use the eSound plugin | 06:35 |
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roy_ | I guess I'd like to make myself a power user, or root user when I'm browsing around in nautilus | 06:35 |
chadd | JonnySlack: I've also used less mundane forks. | 06:35 |
LeeColleton | chadd: nevermind, I found this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KickstartCompatibility | 06:35 |
jdodson | hey all. | 06:35 |
chadd | LeeColleton: there ya go. | 06:36 |
Whiffle | welcome to hell | 06:36 |
locomorto | MUHAHAHAHAHA | 06:36 |
jdodson | hell eh? | 06:36 |
Whiffle | usually | 06:36 |
jdodson | ha. | 06:36 |
Xeon3D | roy_, try and add an application launcher on the gnome-panel with the sudo nautilus command. | 06:36 |
JonnySlack | chadd, yah, I did to at one point, with gentoo, but I grew tired of gentoo (did a stage 3 then 2 then 1 install then tossed it out) and moved on to other distros. | 06:36 |
chadd | JonnySlack: I'm finding ubuntu not a bad starting point. | 06:36 |
Whiffle | gentoo is good for learning linux...but i got tired of the wait times | 06:37 |
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RexM | gentoo is my favorite distro, i just installed ubuntu last night, to see how it was | 06:37 |
roy_ | Xeon3D: yeah good call. pretty clever. btw, xeon3d, is my message glowing? how do I make my messages glow to a certain user? | 06:37 |
chadd | anyone here tried rocklinux? | 06:37 |
JonnySlack | chadd, yah I'm using ubuntu on my laptop, it rocks, but I'm mostly a slack guy. | 06:37 |
chadd | slackers abound | 06:37 |
Xeon3D | roy_, if you type the nickname.. that user will see that message "glowing" | 06:37 |
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JonnySlack | ubuntu seems to be the best hand holding distro I've used... | 06:38 |
chadd | JonnySlack: it installed on this laptop well enough, only had to manually bring in the ndiswrapper drivers for this wifi card, and up the interface bits. | 06:38 |
chadd | also didnt do any hd tuning, had to also do that by hand. | 06:38 |
=== BigIslandVegan [~BigIsland@portcullis.uhh.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JonnySlack | and this is the laptop with 64 megs of ram? | 06:39 |
chadd | everything else just worked, even detected I was on a laptop, nice enough installer, didnt bother me for much. | 06:39 |
chadd | ayup | 06:39 |
JonnySlack | How's gnome with 64 megs? I guess you used that wiki article for lowmem systems? | 06:39 |
JonnySlack | I'd just use windowmaker at that point/ | 06:39 |
chadd | right, metacity is heavy | 06:40 |
derek | chadd: have you had any issues getting your wlan to properly start on bootup? what kind of wait times do you have for bootup on that ndiswrapper? | 06:40 |
chadd | the gnome menubar sped up a handful without metacity | 06:40 |
chadd | or should I say sawfish? | 06:40 |
JonnySlack | same pile different shit. | 06:40 |
derek | i had same experience with latitude d505 (and the wlan w/ ndiswrapper was pretty easy) | 06:40 |
JonnySlack | oops... | 06:40 |
chadd | works here. | 06:41 |
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derek | just it takes forever at bootup to load the driver and then almost religiously it doesn't remember that the wlan0 needs to be default gateway | 06:41 |
chadd | JonnySlack: using evilwm atm (: | 06:41 |
kakalto | how do I mount a dvd? | 06:41 |
derek | so i have to touch that and then to /etc/init.d/networking restart | 06:41 |
aldebaran | have to go, will fix sound later, thanks for helping | 06:41 |
chadd | derek: didnt trouble me much. | 06:41 |
chadd | glxgears just worked as well, that was nice. | 06:41 |
chadd | gaim needs to be half as big, stupid big buttons. | 06:42 |
JonnySlack | hehe | 06:42 |
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derek | being a hardcore debian fan for nearly 10 years, i am definitely seriously impressed with ubuntu | 06:42 |
Xeon3D | kakalto, I assume it'll just mount itself automatically when you insert it... | 06:42 |
Xeon3D | kakalto, check it under Places -> Computer. | 06:42 |
kakalto | Xeon3D, nope | 06:42 |
derek | now in fairness debian's method for upgrading is so nice that i haven't actually installed/configured debian for about 2.5 years... so stock debian might have come a long way too :) | 06:43 |
kakalto | Xeon3D, it doesn't mount | 06:43 |
Xeon3D | then add the diskmounter applet to gnome panel. | 06:43 |
kakalto | Xeon3D, I think I have bad dvds | 06:43 |
delltony_ | question what is a good recommended easy to setup ftp server for ubuntu? | 06:43 |
JonnySlack | derek, being a hardcore slackware fan for the past three years, I'm also impressed with ubuntu. .. :] | 06:43 |
JonnySlack | delltony_, proftpd | 06:43 |
=== Kirsch [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delltony_ | well i need some help on that i guess then | 06:44 |
Kirsch | hey guys, does anyone have the boot-icons package setup? | 06:44 |
delltony_ | cause i have it setup and have tested it locally but i can't get anyone to connect to me remotely | 06:44 |
chadd | JonnySlack: didnt read the low mem wiki article, I just followed my usual habit of hack everything out that doesnt actually need to be there. | 06:44 |
delltony_ | it says connected then fails | 06:44 |
bet0x | hi all dudes | 06:44 |
bet0x | :D | 06:44 |
chadd | JonnySlack: nautilus? no thanks. | 06:44 |
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chadd | hmm, ya know, I told it not to build the i2c crap, and yet I see it building it... wtf. | 06:45 |
JonnySlack | chadd, haha! yah, on older systems I go by windowmaker, mc, and mostly command line programs. | 06:45 |
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chadd | JonnySlack: my main reason for getting ram back in this thing is so I can run MGM (: | 06:46 |
john__ | hay where do I control what daemons are run on startup ? | 06:46 |
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venkman | haha | 06:46 |
venkman | that didn't last long :) | 06:46 |
=== Bandit [~Bandit@CPE000f3d649c45-CM014500113984.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | every time my box crashes it's due to the nvidia driver :) | 06:47 |
venkman | localhost kernel NVRM: Xid: 13, 0000 02059700 00002597 00001528 01e601a3 00400000 | 06:47 |
=== ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tony | Dumb question, what do I need to download to get Xmms, mujsic player and totem to play Mp3s? | 06:49 |
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cartel_ | tony: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 06:50 |
tony | carftel: cheers. going there now. Tks heaps | 06:50 |
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JonnySlack | tony, XMMS plays mp3s out of the box for me... | 06:51 |
JonnySlack | totem is another story | 06:51 |
jef_ | where should i get kde from | 06:51 |
jef_ | for ubunto hoary | 06:52 |
Xeon3D | jef_ the repositories. | 06:52 |
Xeon3D | jef_ sudo apt-get install kde | 06:52 |
=== Stereotype [~nightowl@pool-68-238-34-165.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | or.. you could try Kubuntu. | 06:52 |
=== b_ [~b@cpe-24-90-47-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tony | JonnySlack: Funny story that, previous version of Ubuntu, when I d/l Xmms it worked for me too. I suspect the critical difference is where I downloaded it from | 06:52 |
jef_ | is the latest ubuntu release still beta? | 06:53 |
Xeon3D | jef_ the final will only ship on the 8th | 06:53 |
JonnySlack | Well I'm on warty... and the xmms packaged with warty plays mp3s | 06:53 |
Xeon3D | jef_ so yes... | 06:53 |
jef_ | beta is just as good? | 06:53 |
Xeon3D | just has a few more bugs than the final one will have... | 06:53 |
Xeon3D | but it's perfectly usable. | 06:53 |
JonnySlack | tony, guessing horay lacks xmms/mp3 support? | 06:53 |
jef_ | whats this hoary, warty and whatnot | 06:53 |
Xeon3D | JonnySlack, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646 <- this page makes wonders sometimes. | 06:54 |
GhostFreeman | anyways I can see a different login screen | 06:54 |
GhostFreeman | like the April Fools one | 06:54 |
Xeon3D | jef_, hoary is the latest version of ubuntu, still in release candidate version. warty, is the first final version of ubuntu. | 06:54 |
Xeon3D | jef_, they are codenames for the different versions available. | 06:55 |
jef_ | are ati drivers tough to install? | 06:55 |
micmur | Ditto that question | 06:55 |
micmur | Still haven't done it myself | 06:55 |
cartel_ | apt-get install xorg-drivers-fglrx | 06:55 |
jef_ | is there a package manager? | 06:55 |
jef_ | cool. | 06:55 |
JonnySlack | Xeon3D, haha! man that made me laugh... | 06:56 |
Xeon3D | JonnySlack, what? | 06:56 |
micmur | cartel:I already have that installed | 06:56 |
micmur | Anything else I have to do? | 06:56 |
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Xeon3D | JonnySlack, the webpage?.. it really does wonders. | 06:56 |
jef_ | micmur see if you can do a fgl | 06:56 |
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micmur | root:You may want to log out and relog back in as different user | 06:56 |
jef_ | crap. fgl_glxgears in console | 06:56 |
FR500 | hello | 06:56 |
micmur | jef:How so? | 06:57 |
fallstorm | Hmm... it appears that OOo doesn't include spell check/etc for French. Any advice? (Looked in the wiki, but couldn't find anything.) | 06:57 |
FR500 | is there a way to add some service to restart when i come back from hibernation? | 06:57 |
chadd | someone tell me where the gnome-bar is being launched, please? | 06:57 |
jef_ | how come ubuntu doesnt set root pw initally? | 06:57 |
cartel_ | micmur: change to use the fglrx x-server in xorg.conf | 06:57 |
jef_ | apps - sys tools - terminal | 06:57 |
cartel_ | jef_: ubuntu philosophy is no-root. | 06:57 |
FR500 | i'd like to have samba restarted upon wake up | 06:57 |
Xeon3D | chadd, ps aux | grep gnome-panel | 06:57 |
jef_ | but how does that work wit ssh | 06:57 |
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cartel_ | jef_: su. | 06:57 |
root | any one know how i can get xine or mplayer? | 06:57 |
jef_ | no ssh by default? | 06:57 |
chadd | Xeon3D: yes, but where is it being restarted from? | 06:57 |
zendog | fallstorm, check the list, there is a french dictionary, probably in aspell, o myspell | 06:58 |
cartel_ | root: dont irc as root. | 06:58 |
chadd | Xeon3D: gdm I imagine, but where is that setup? | 06:58 |
Xeon3D | jef_, so that new users won't get confused, and as an additional security measure. | 06:58 |
fallstorm | I'm sorry, which list are you referring to? | 06:58 |
Xeon3D | chadd, /etc/gdm ? | 06:58 |
micmur | cartel:Where do I change to use the fglrx x-server in xorg.conf? | 06:58 |
Xeon3D | root: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646 <- | 06:58 |
Xeon3D | bummer | 06:58 |
micmur | cartel: i.e. I have it open right now, but what do I have to change? | 06:58 |
primeirocrime | hey how come when I try the testphp.php in firefox it asks me to download it instead of running in it in the browser? | 06:58 |
chadd | Xeon3D: that would seem obvious I suppose. | 06:59 |
jef_ | ubunt seems poplar | 06:59 |
jef_ | strange that i never hear about it | 06:59 |
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Xeon3D | jef_ : it's a fairly new distribution when compared to most others... but it's one of the best, for new users IMHO | 06:59 |
josh_ | ok there. anyone know how i can get and install xine or mplayer | 07:00 |
micmur | cartel:Am I changing driver listed as "ati" in xorg.conf? | 07:00 |
josh_ | ? | 07:00 |
Xeon3D | primeirocrime, maybe it has something to do with file permissions? I haven't got that problem over here. | 07:00 |
micmur | apt-get install mplayer | 07:00 |
micmur | apt-get install xine-ui | 07:00 |
josh_ | lol thx | 07:00 |
micmur | np | 07:00 |
GhostFreeman | Anyone still have the April Fools login screen | 07:00 |
Xeon3D | josh_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646 | 07:00 |
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primeirocrime | damn! thanks Xeon3D ...I'll check that out | 07:01 |
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Xeon3D | josh_, there you can install totem-xine :P which imho is better than xine-ui. I mean.. the interface is better. the engine is the same. | 07:01 |
Xeon3D | primeirocrime, de nada ;) | 07:01 |
zendog | GhostFreeman, thereis a april fools login screen? | 07:01 |
Xeon3D | zendog: there was one.. yes. | 07:01 |
GhostFreeman | you dont read the blogs? *shock* | 07:01 |
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Xeon3D | zendog, it featured 3 male humans doing the ubuntu symbol... | 07:01 |
GhostFreeman | developers, you fool | 07:02 |
zendog | holy guacamole, im loged since 30... i havent seen it... | 07:02 |
chadd | Xeon3D: no luck with "grep -r "gnome-bar" * | 07:02 |
chadd | Xeon3D: in /etc | 07:02 |
MoneyCat | .. | 07:02 |
Xeon3D | chadd, try gnome-panel | 07:02 |
primeirocrime | Xeon3D, tuga? | 07:02 |
Xeon3D | primeirocrime, yup. | 07:02 |
primeirocrime | :D | 07:02 |
josh_ | thanks | 07:02 |
humbraro | hey folks, i got a question about xdmcp | 07:02 |
humbraro | I can't seem to connect from a laptop running damn small linux | 07:03 |
chadd | Xeon3D: I also left my credit car on a shelf today, and search for it for hours... today the obvious is getting one over on me. | 07:03 |
=== Akira [~mark@pavl01m01-51.bctel.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humbraro | anybody here familiar with it care to help out for a few? | 07:03 |
Akira | anyone have any success installing nforce sound drivers before? | 07:04 |
Xeon3D | Akira.. I didn't need to.. as everything worked from installation. | 07:05 |
Xeon3D | (I just don't have Dolby Digital Support but that is hard to get in windows as well) | 07:05 |
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jef_ | E: Couldn't find package xorg-drivers-fglrx | 07:06 |
gts | anyone is having problems with the latest kernel and nvidia driver? | 07:06 |
danko123456 | So, Hi, I was wondering, candidate means, not really a release yet, right? | 07:06 |
gts | my computer keeps locking up but i can still here music playing and the cursor works | 07:06 |
Hmmmm | hi guys, there's an HP LaserJet 8000 on my office network | 07:06 |
Hmmmm | i want to get it going with warty | 07:07 |
Hmmmm | any idea how i can do that? | 07:07 |
aje | CUPS | 07:07 |
jef_ | what kernel is warty using | 07:07 |
Xeon3D | gts... are you oc'ing? | 07:07 |
venkman | hmm | 07:07 |
danko123456 | Wow busy in here | 07:07 |
Xeon3D | 2.6.8 I think. | 07:07 |
=== Markrian|away| [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | jef_ : 2.6.8 | 07:07 |
jef_ | im likeing ubuntu | 07:07 |
gts | xeon3d, oc'ing? | 07:07 |
venkman | was the nvidia 6629 driver ever in hoary? | 07:07 |
Xeon3D | OverClocking... | 07:07 |
gts | no | 07:07 |
venkman | the new driver sucks horrible | 07:07 |
Xeon3D | gts... I got the same problem by not supplying the cpu with enough voltage. | 07:08 |
chadd | so gnome-panel was taking 24% of my cpu, so I HUPed it and it went back to normal | 07:08 |
gts | the latest one is 73... or 71.. | 07:08 |
humbraro | jef_ at a terminal, type "uname -a" | 07:08 |
Xeon3D | but that may not be your case. | 07:08 |
geneo93 | yes | 07:08 |
danko123456 | Hey, anyone know what the Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate means? | 07:08 |
jef_ | im not using warty | 07:08 |
chadd | I'm not attached to gnome-panel, but I suppose its tied into the login / session management and gdm stuff... | 07:08 |
humbraro | aha | 07:08 |
chadd | anyone disagree with that assertion? | 07:08 |
geneo93 | i have 6629 here | 07:08 |
gts | xeon3d, but it works fine in windows | 07:08 |
venkman | gts 7167 | 07:08 |
=== markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fallstorm | danko123456, it's a sign of things to come. | 07:09 |
eyequeue | danko123456: it's what will release on april, unless bugs are found/fixed | 07:09 |
danko123456 | Does that mean it is not reallz a release | 07:09 |
danko123456 | oh, ok | 07:09 |
=== SuperL4g [aaron@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gts | xeon3d, so do u have a fix for that? | 07:09 |
Xeon3D | gts... then sorry... I'm haven't got enough knowledge to help you out.. | 07:09 |
venkman | i think i might downgrade mine to 6629 | 07:09 |
jef_ | how do i install fglrx driver? get from ati.com? | 07:09 |
eyequeue | danko123456: s/april/8 april/ | 07:09 |
gts | i think i might have to downgrade to 6629 | 07:09 |
danko123456 | And, if I apt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade, it will not be changed over to Hoary, if I have Warty? | 07:09 |
chadd | venkman: so you're in retrograde? | 07:10 |
=== Segovia [~Segovia@pool-68-236-149-71.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gts | i'm thinking it's the nvidia driver | 07:10 |
danko123456 | EyeQueue lol, cool nick. | 07:10 |
Akira | yeah, I would like to have spdif out and my 2 surrounds to work | 07:10 |
primeirocrime | bye ubunters | 07:10 |
eyequeue | danko123456: *if* you change "warty" to "hoary" first, you'll get hoary. if youi leave it alone, you'll stay with warty | 07:10 |
danko123456 | bye | 07:10 |
=== Pop_pa_FrEaK [~poppafrea@mctn1-1913.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | chadd, downgrade | 07:10 |
Akira | thats why i tried the nforce drivers | 07:10 |
danko123456 | haha, right! | 07:10 |
eyequeue | danko123456: thanks | 07:10 |
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chadd | venkman: just dont cross the beams. | 07:10 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | kewl got ubuntu installed and running | 07:11 |
danko123456 | You guys on the Comcast network, any of you? | 07:11 |
gts | yah | 07:11 |
humbraro | danko i am | 07:11 |
Xeon3D | Akira, I can live without DD. | 07:11 |
danko123456 | Sweet, I do online Live Chat support for them... | 07:11 |
danko123456 | :) | 07:11 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | hey Xeon3D I got it installed | 07:11 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | :) | 07:11 |
danko123456 | How do you guys feel about that? | 07:11 |
humbraro | cool, i've probably asked you why i can't get a static ip address before | 07:11 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | it was really easy to install | 07:11 |
Xeon3D | Pop_pa_FrEaK, got what installed? | 07:12 |
danko123456 | The whole COmcast network... | 07:12 |
Akira | Xeon3D: but i cant :9 | 07:12 |
Akira | hehe | 07:12 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | ubuntu | 07:12 |
danko123456 | Sucks, or wehat? | 07:12 |
chadd | danko123456: so tell us how to derestrict the cable modems | 07:12 |
venkman | chadd, hey i have a Ti 4600 strapped to my back. | 07:12 |
venkman | or | 07:12 |
Xeon3D | Pop_pa_FrEaK, welcome to our world then. | 07:12 |
venkman | i could upgrade manually to 7174 | 07:12 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | thanx | 07:12 |
danko123456 | I dont know, I am kinda new there, plus I do what I am told mostly. | 07:12 |
danko123456 | They dont have Static IPs...so that is why you could not get one, probably. | 07:12 |
jef_ | how can i easly add new partitions | 07:12 |
jef_ | already existing partitions | 07:13 |
danko123456 | But seriously, the techn support sucks... | 07:13 |
danko123456 | a lot of agents dont know what theyre doing,.. | 07:13 |
danko123456 | There is some program, Jeff... | 07:13 |
danko123456 | Or, Jef.. | 07:13 |
humbraro | danko123456: in my experience, all tech support sucks that isn't paid for | 07:13 |
chadd | I dont think anyone here would be much suprised | 07:13 |
humbraro | no offense to anyone here | 07:13 |
chadd | so moving on ... | 07:14 |
chadd | lest we relive it in stories | 07:14 |
zendog | humbraro, LOL, probably ubuntu will change that POV | 07:14 |
danko123456 | Who knows what its called, the partitioning SW? | 07:14 |
danko123456 | Yes, I am paid thoufh | 07:14 |
Xeon3D | Pop_pa_FrEaK, be sure to ask in here for about any doubts or questions you may have.. | 07:14 |
chadd | speaking of POV, when are we going to get a true ray casting X server? | 07:14 |
humbraro | zendog, hmm, wasnt thinking of irc as tech support | 07:14 |
danko123456 | Yet I still suck. | 07:14 |
danko123456 | :)) | 07:14 |
Xeon3D | danko123456, qtparted \ gparted ? | 07:14 |
fallstorm | I always use cfdisk | 07:15 |
humbraro | folks are probably thinking of ways to kill me already | 07:15 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | kewl will do that Xeon3D | 07:15 |
danko123456 | There you go Jef_ | 07:15 |
zendog | humbraro, but irc is not just the support you got with ubuntu | 07:15 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | woah 108 updates available | 07:15 |
fallstorm | but when I'm doing partitioning I don't want anything in my way GUI-wise | 07:15 |
eyequeue | $ killall humbraro | 07:15 |
eyequeue | humbraro: no process killed | 07:15 |
jef_ | qtparted? | 07:15 |
Xeon3D | why fallstorm ? | 07:15 |
jef_ | i need to get it 1st? | 07:15 |
danko123456 | Yup, google it. | 07:15 |
danko123456 | FS. | 07:16 |
humbraro | faux pas #1 for today | 07:16 |
danko123456 | Free sow\fttwarem, that acronym sucked.. | 07:16 |
fallstorm | Had a bad experience with a GUI crash when I was creating a partition one time | 07:16 |
Xeon3D | jef_ it should be in the repository | 07:16 |
fallstorm | the table ended up corrupted | 07:16 |
JonnySlack | fallstorm, luck of the draw... | 07:16 |
=== r [~Stirling@adsl-69-235-248-110.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | humbraro: most of us have probably done worse, just don't admit it heh | 07:16 |
fallstorm | Yeah... I'm a little paranoid now of doing such things with GUIs running though | 07:16 |
jef_ | E: Couldn't find package qtparted | 07:16 |
danko123456 | So, lest I do tech support at work, and at home, I shall part, to continue along Chad's literary style. | 07:16 |
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=== rambo [~Stirling@adsl-69-235-248-110.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | jef_, do you have the universe repository enabled? | 07:16 |
=== humbraro hides in the corner | ||
jef_ | prob not i dont know how | 07:17 |
fallstorm | I can't even remember if it was under a Linux environment when it happened now | 07:17 |
rambo | which should i use for my gming machine: 1 gig of pc2700 ram or 512 mb of pc3200 ram? | 07:17 |
danko123456 | This page is your friend, Jef_ http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 07:17 |
danko123456 | :) | 07:17 |
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-36-4.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | jef_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats is probably helpful too | 07:17 |
chadd | rambo: what kind of vid card do you have? | 07:17 |
danko123456 | You should stop wasting time on gaming/./. | 07:17 |
danko123456 | Anyhow... | 07:17 |
zendog | LOL | 07:17 |
rambo | geforce 6800 gt pci-express | 07:18 |
chadd | danko123456: get back to work | 07:18 |
danko123456 | Serious, what kinda game do you think Rambo plays? Barbie? | 07:18 |
chadd | rambo: how much ram is on the 6800 again? | 07:18 |
danko123456 | Ok, last one, | 07:18 |
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danko123456 | Cya | 07:18 |
rambo | 256 | 07:19 |
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humbraro | ok, restating question from before: | 07:19 |
bet0x | crimsun, hi :D | 07:19 |
chadd | rambo: my gut says go with the gig of 'less fast' ram | 07:19 |
rambo | ok | 07:19 |
rambo | that's what i thought as well | 07:19 |
=== Kirsch [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humbraro | Does anybody here connect to their ubuntu box remotely through the remote gdm setup? | 07:19 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | anyoe have luck getting ati cards working with ubuntu ? | 07:19 |
Kirsch | anyone here use XOSD? | 07:19 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | antone* | 07:20 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | lol | 07:20 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | anyone* | 07:20 |
chadd | stop freaking out man. | 07:20 |
humbraro | i am having probs connecting from a DSL live-cd setup | 07:20 |
locomorto | theres a guide on the Hoary howto forum it hink | 07:20 |
locomorto | think* | 07:20 |
chadd | put down the keyboard, have some decaf | 07:20 |
=== jhurst [~jhurst@70-32-240-180.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zendog | Pop_pa_FrEaK, yep, me, no problem with ati radeo | 07:20 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | ok kewl thanx zendog | 07:22 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | I got a ati radeon 9600 | 07:22 |
zendog | Pop_pa_FrEaK, i got a 7k something, try with the live-cd, you'll see if there is a prob without ruining something, :) | 07:23 |
=== joelburton [~joel@static-68-239-80-137.res.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Xeon3D | I got an S3 Virge over here.. it pwnz :P | 07:23 |
dracflamloc | awesome | 07:24 |
dracflamloc | i bet it'd kick my poor 6800gt's butt | 07:24 |
dracflamloc | =) | 07:24 |
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Xeon3D | dracflamloc, sizewise.. yup.. for sure. | 07:24 |
jef_ | isnt reading my partitions:-p | 07:24 |
JonnySlack | Xeon3D, i've had the odd run-in with s3 cards... they don't like framebuffers that much.. at least not with kdrive. | 07:25 |
=== Maestro_Calhoun [~Maestro_C@dhcp09021.highsouth-resnet.unc.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | jef_ :( | 07:25 |
=== gdub [~gdub@d64-180-36-18.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slask3n | how can i display a clone of the screen on my TV? | 07:26 |
Xeon3D | jef_ try gparted.. instead. | 07:26 |
Xeon3D | JonnySlack, heh.. I get the ocasional glitch with this one.. but as long as it works... | 07:26 |
fallstorm | hmm... is there any readon Nautilus wouldn't recognize any files in the Desktop folder unless I created them using Nautilus? | 07:26 |
jef_ | shuld be hdc but it shows a blank hda | 07:26 |
fallstorm | I know they're there, a ls in my Desktop shows them... | 07:26 |
Xeon3D | fallstorm, it's a bug I think. | 07:26 |
Xeon3D | I get that as well | 07:26 |
fallstorm | Ah, ok... just wanted to make sure it's not my install | 07:27 |
Xeon3D | if you restart gnome.. (logout-login) they-ll be there. | 07:27 |
Xeon3D | *they'll | 07:27 |
fallstorm | Hmm, ok :) Thanks | 07:27 |
jef_ | that could help :-P | 07:27 |
jef_ | bb | 07:27 |
Xeon3D | what framerate should I get with glxgears on a default install ? | 07:27 |
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Xeon3D | erm | 07:28 |
Xeon3D | using a GF2 MX400 :P | 07:28 |
JonnySlack | depends on your card and/or dri being setup by the installer without problems. | 07:28 |
Xeon3D | dri? I have DRI disabled. | 07:28 |
Xeon3D | as per sugested in the NVIDIA reame. | 07:28 |
Xeon3D | *readme | 07:28 |
JonnySlack | oh yah... hehe | 07:28 |
geneo93 | Xeon3D: what card and what proc | 07:28 |
Xeon3D | my typing is beggining to suck arse. | 07:28 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@adsl-2-82.lo1.lns1.server-access.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | geneo93, GF2 MX400 64mb RAM & AMD Athlon XP-M @ 2.5 Ghz | 07:29 |
JonnySlack | Xeon3D, forgot how compiled non-gpl drivers don't like the kernel's DRI interface... | 07:29 |
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geneo93 | Xeon3D: i have dual p3 and gf4 mx440 and get 1000 fp/s | 07:30 |
Xeon3D | strange.. I only got 345 fps | 07:31 |
Xeon3D | :P | 07:31 |
Kamping_kaiser | how do you know how many fps you get? | 07:31 |
Xeon3D | Kamping_kaiser, it shows on the terminal screen | 07:31 |
=== jnc [shadow@c-24-13-85-112.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kamping_kaiser | ok. | 07:31 |
jnc | i'm pretty frustrated ... trying to make packages of gaim-vv | 07:31 |
Xeon3D | geneo93, how do I check if I've got the NVidia drivers installed and loaded? | 07:31 |
jnc | i hope someone takes pity on me and help teach how to make packages of programs that use autoconf/automake | 07:32 |
=== grover77 [~erainey@pool-151-197-168-192.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jnc | the tutorials aren't working out so well | 07:32 |
geneo93 | Xeon3D: nvidia-glx-config enable | 07:32 |
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humbraro | hmm, i'm getting 548fps from a all-in-wonder128 | 07:32 |
Xeon3D | geneo93, command not found. | 07:33 |
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geneo93 | sudo | 07:33 |
Xeon3D | that was with sudo. | 07:33 |
Xeon3D | :D | 07:33 |
geneo93 | well then u dont have it installed | 07:33 |
Xeon3D | i only use root terminal.. so that I don't have to type sudo everytime. | 07:33 |
Xeon3D | hmmm | 07:33 |
Kamping_kaiser | hm. getting 220s | 07:34 |
SuperL4g | any of you guys have bootsplash working on Ubuntu? | 07:34 |
geneo93 | Xeon3D: apt-get install nvidia-glx | 07:34 |
Kamping_kaiser | should use nvida drivers. | 07:34 |
corza | hey guys.. how do i run the DirectX setup in WINE? | 07:34 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grover77 | where is ubuntulinux org geographically located? I write and get no email answer | 07:35 |
=== jef_ [~jef@ip70-186-76-73.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jsgotangco | you can try writing canonical at the isle of man | 07:36 |
jef_ | help meh | 07:36 |
grover77 | I suspect that if it is in Europe, mt ISP, Verizon is blocking it. | 07:36 |
grover77 | mt=my | 07:36 |
jef_ | ive installed ati drivers and ran fglrxconfig. i get this now: $ fglrxinfo | 07:37 |
jef_ | Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 07:37 |
humbraro | grover77, you think your isp is filtering traffic? | 07:37 |
grover77 | yes | 07:37 |
Xeon3D | geneo93, after doing that I only need to restart X? (Ctrl+alt+backspace) | 07:37 |
Segovia | grover77, I use verizon also, with no issues with ubuntulinux | 07:38 |
geneo93 | Xeon3D: the command i gave you before to start it | 07:38 |
robitaille | grover77, according to netcraft.com, ubuntulinux.org is in London | 07:38 |
grover77 | it has been reported that they block all or most coming out of Germany to U.S. | 07:38 |
geneo93 | then restart x | 07:38 |
Kamping_kaiser | /etc/init.d/gdm restart xeon3d | 07:38 |
JonnySlack | grover77, well that sucks... | 07:39 |
humbraro | grover77, hadn't heard that before | 07:39 |
GoneBoB | as a sysadmin for other places that send mail to/from verizon | 07:39 |
GoneBoB | verizon suck. a lot. | 07:39 |
venkman | well | 07:39 |
venkman | it looks like... | 07:39 |
grover77 | there were articles in press and on 'net that they are being sued. | 07:39 |
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | everything was binding to... THE WRONG LIBRARY. | 07:39 |
venkman | which means. | 07:39 |
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venkman | ubuntu's installation of the nvidia drivers doesn't make the proper symlinks. | 07:40 |
humbraro | grover77, try sending from a webmail acct, like yahoo or somethin, and see if it works then | 07:40 |
Maestro_Calhoun | would any of you have the time to help me with this problem I posted in the forums please http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=115172#post115172 | 07:40 |
Xeon3D | geneo. Thanks. | 07:41 |
grover77 | been trying thru Yahoo but no response. closed for weekends? | 07:41 |
geneo93 | Xeon3D: get it going | 07:41 |
venkman | brb | 07:41 |
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Xeon3D | still I'm only getting 800 fps | 07:42 |
Xeon3D | but hey.. it's an improvement. | 07:42 |
humbraro | grover77 i don't see how verizon could filter an email from any site if it doesn't go through their email servers | 07:42 |
=== Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corza | how do i get DirectX installed?? | 07:42 |
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grover77 | yeah, that's what I'm wondering. I go thru th, to geet to my yahoo acount | 07:43 |
Xeon3D | corza, WineX is the one you want to use if you want Games. | 07:43 |
=== SuperL4g [aaron@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odyssey | corza, if you are usint linux you cant | 07:43 |
odyssey | *using | 07:43 |
dts | i am trying to make ssh-add ask in an Xwindow | 07:44 |
corza | Xeon3D, i downloaded a WINE version from WineHQ is that the same? | 07:44 |
geneo93 | Xeon3D: thats about right for gf2 | 07:44 |
corza | Xeon3D, its just that when i run my game.. it says something about 3d, etc cannot find DirectX installed | 07:44 |
Xeon3D | corza : Wine = apps WineX \ Cedega = Games | 07:44 |
Xeon3D | Wine not the same as WineX | 07:44 |
fallstorm | *sigh* Ok, silly question... What's a good command-line equivilent to rpm -U? | 07:44 |
humbraro | grover77, verizon cant *reasonably* know what your doing with your yahoo email account | 07:44 |
corza | Xeon3D, oh damn i have cedega it runs extremely slow | 07:44 |
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fallstorm | (for .deb files) | 07:44 |
Xeon3D | corza, then you must install your graphics cards drivers. | 07:45 |
Xeon3D | dpkg -r | 07:45 |
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deFrysk | fallstorm, dpkg -i | 07:45 |
corza | Xeon3D, probably a good idea lol.. | 07:45 |
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Xeon3D | erm | 07:45 |
venkman | greatness | 07:45 |
fallstorm | ah, thanks... first time meddling with the forces of .deb | 07:45 |
Xeon3D | what does the -U do in rpm? | 07:45 |
Xeon3D | lol | 07:45 |
fallstorm | U is upgrade | 07:45 |
Xeon3D | I haven't used a rpm-based distro in a while. | 07:45 |
fallstorm | as opposed to i, which is install | 07:45 |
deFrysk | Xeon3D, U does Update | 07:45 |
Xeon3D | oh ok.. then -i is the one. | 07:45 |
Xeon3D | :P | 07:45 |
x_madbot | corza, what game do you want to emule on wine? | 07:45 |
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lokadin | hey | 07:46 |
jef_ | how do i recompile the kernel in ubuntu | 07:46 |
grover77 | I have a password and a server name problem, can I just stick the ubuntu CD in, reboot and just install Ubuntu al over agin? | 07:46 |
lokadin | what package manager does ubuntu use? | 07:46 |
jef_ | do i need to for fglrx driver? | 07:46 |
geneo93 | should use alein to convert to deb first | 07:46 |
grover77 | al=all | 07:46 |
Xeon3D | lokadin, apt-get \ synaptic | 07:46 |
bet0x | where i can get the debs files of E17 ? | 07:47 |
fallstorm | Already got the conversion done, just didn't want to use alien to install them as well | 07:47 |
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lokadin | Xeon3D: say can you get emerge on ubuntu? or portage | 07:47 |
keffo | asd | 07:47 |
keffo | ;P | 07:47 |
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SuperL4g | lokadin: Ubuntu != Gentoo | 07:49 |
mdma_ | YALL NUGGAZ IS LAME | 07:49 |
mdma_ | CUHZ | 07:49 |
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lokadin | SuperL4g: so, can't I get emerge? like i could in yoper | 07:49 |
SuperL4g | lokadin: no. | 07:49 |
SuperL4g | Like I said, Ubuntu is not Gentoo. | 07:49 |
keffo | anyone running point2play? | 07:49 |
SuperL4g | lokadin: if you want portage, use Gentoo. | 07:49 |
lokadin | SuperL4g: :( oh well, neither is Yoper | 07:49 |
venkman | ubuntu is a a debian based distro | 07:50 |
grover77 | which documentation pack should a real wet-behind-the-ears use for a 1st time install | 07:50 |
lokadin | SuperL4g: but gentoo is hard to install | 07:50 |
lokadin | eh i don't mind | 07:50 |
SuperL4g | lokadin: hardly :) | 07:50 |
SuperL4g | lokadin: if you can follow instructions, you can install Gentoo. | 07:50 |
lokadin | SuperL4g: in comparison to yoper with it's 15 min install | 07:50 |
RexM | does anyone have trouble with totem saving the settings? I'm trying to change my Audio Settings from AC3 Passthrough to Stereo, but it won't change, I believe this is what's hindering me from videos that i play to have sound | 07:50 |
lokadin | SuperL4g: *long to install* | 07:51 |
lokadin | hmmm | 07:51 |
=== Kirsch [~adam@cpe-66-66-12-34.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperL4g | lokadin: Again, they're not the same, nore are they meant to be. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. :) | 07:51 |
corza | x_madbot: GuildWars | 07:51 |
jnc | lokadin: creating packages for apt/dpkg is a royal headache sometimes | 07:51 |
jnc | it's much easier for a portage system | 07:51 |
mdma_ | SHUT UP. | 07:51 |
mdma_ | LOSERS. | 07:51 |
jnc | ? | 07:52 |
mdma_ | HEY YOU'RE F@ | 07:52 |
mdma_ | ROFLZ | 07:52 |
SuperL4g | mdma_: did you forget to take your meds today? | 07:52 |
bet0x | mdma_, language | 07:52 |
mdma_ | NAH IM DRUNK AND HIGH | 07:52 |
=== jnc looks curiously at the screen and /ignore's mdma_ | ||
mdma_ | IM COOL. | 07:52 |
RexM | but, the videos are also playing with no sound in xine, so maybe it's the totem/xine backend, i'm not sure what this would be? | 07:52 |
bet0x | mdma_, take care please, this is a respetable help channel | 07:52 |
deFrysk | bipolar I can imagine | 07:52 |
jnc | bet0x: ;) | 07:52 |
bet0x | =) | 07:53 |
Burgundavia | mdma_: The channel is for discussing and help with the Linux distro Ubuntu. Please respect that | 07:53 |
jef_ | can i apt-get kde whilst running gnome? | 07:53 |
jnc | bet0x: say, where would you suggest i go to get help creating deb packages for my amd64 ubuntu box? i desperately would like to use gaim-vv (i'm a developer for that project, i could contribute control files probably) | 07:53 |
deFrysk | Jef_ yes | 07:53 |
jnc | i've tried the tutorials, nothing works perfectly yet | 07:53 |
=== syn-ack [meskes@CPE-69-76-190-218.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Burgundavia | jnc: look for Debian maintainers guide | 07:53 |
jnc | farthest i got was built a package that installs the readme | 07:54 |
deFrysk | jef_ apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:54 |
mdma_ | YALL NIGGAZ IS NERDS | 07:54 |
mdma_ | SUP | 07:54 |
geneo93 | who wants to HELP me with internet connection sharing | 07:54 |
jnc | okay i for one vote that mdma_, distruptive as he/she is, be escorted out for a moment to cool off | 07:54 |
bet0x | jnc, no idea, im just a source user , my first month with debian :) | 07:54 |
venkman | geneo93, install firestarter | 07:54 |
jnc | bet0x: :) | 07:55 |
bet0x | 2 years using LFS :) | 07:55 |
jnc | oh yea? | 07:55 |
bet0x | yep | 07:55 |
jnc | that is a shock to come to debian packaging where it all sort of works | 07:55 |
venkman | bet0x, it's easier from source ;) | 07:55 |
Burgundavia | geneo93: firestarter will walk you trough the process | 07:55 |
geneo93 | venkman: what that got to do with it | 07:55 |
geneo93 | ok give it a try | 07:56 |
jnc | making debian packages from scratch is terribly frustrating :( | 07:56 |
venkman | geneo93, it helps you configure iptables, www.iptables.org, without learning what iptables really does. | 07:56 |
Burgundavia | geneo93: firestarter is a firewall configuration tool, which will also help you set up ics | 07:56 |
bet0x | venkman, jejeje | 07:56 |
bet0x | venkman, easy | 07:56 |
geneo93 | good | 07:56 |
bet0x | venkman, but i tired of ./configures :p | 07:56 |
jnc | Burgundavia: it builds, compiles, installs to tmp dir, then the package is made | 07:56 |
venkman | make bzImage | 07:56 |
venkman | ! | 07:56 |
venkman | make install! | 07:56 |
jnc | Burgundavia: but when i install the package, it installs the changelog and readme only | 07:56 |
bet0x | i ahve a lot of builds scripts for LFS , now im using Ubuntu | 07:56 |
Burgundavia | jnc: hmm | 07:57 |
jnc | Burgundavia: there's nothing else in the archive! i'm so confused at this point why it's not putting things from tmp into the package | 07:57 |
venkman | bet0x, now if you wanted you could.... dpkg | 07:57 |
Burgundavia | jnc: your own package? | 07:57 |
jef_ | gnome :-p | 07:57 |
jnc | Burgundavia: yes. i'm taking the libj2k-0.0.9 sources from gaim-vv project | 07:57 |
bet0x | venkman, =9 | 07:57 |
bet0x | =) | 07:57 |
Burgundavia | jnc: can you point me at the source, etc? | 07:57 |
venkman | bet0x, i always screw up ith font servers | 07:58 |
jnc | Burgundavia: ah, yes. | 07:58 |
jnc | Burgundavia: http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gaim-vv/libj2k-0.0.9.tar.gz | 07:58 |
jnc | very straightforward automake/autoconf enabled code | 07:58 |
venkman | jnc, what is that, gaim with debugging symbols? | 07:58 |
Burgundavia | jnc: are you debianizing it? | 07:58 |
jnc | Burgundavia: yes | 07:58 |
jnc | i followed some tutorials, the farthest i have got is the one from debian that details using dh_make as a starting point | 07:59 |
Burgundavia | jnc: debian packaging is fun. I haven't really got much beyond the basics | 07:59 |
jnc | i've made a package before for the newest fwbuilder and libfwbuilder, but those had dsc files and i didn't do much for changes | 07:59 |
venkman | jnc, have they ever tried rewriting gaim to use gtkmm? | 07:59 |
jnc | Burgundavia: i'm mostly a gentoo developer. ebuilds are braindead easy | 07:59 |
jnc | venkman: i doubt that would happen. look at gaim code, it is very efficient and structured like OOP | 08:00 |
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jnc | but still pure C i think | 08:00 |
venkman | jnc, it's pure c | 08:00 |
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jnc | gaim-vv has support for video and voice | 08:00 |
venkman | jnc, i write embeded software in pure c | 08:01 |
jnc | ah | 08:01 |
jnc | for OOP i prefer high level language like Ruby i am learning now | 08:01 |
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jnc | C++ does not have a decent optimizing compiler on the whole planet. intel's is pretty good, watcom's was amazing but now it is no longer compliant | 08:02 |
venkman | jnc, ruby is interesting, i still love java :/ | 08:02 |
=== SepheeBe1r [~SepheeBea@cpe-24-193-111-253.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | jnc, we need an efficient language with OO support and introspection. | 08:02 |
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jnc | i think OCaml is that | 08:02 |
jnc | it's not entirely free though | 08:02 |
venkman | but who writes in that? | 08:02 |
jnc | no one i know | 08:02 |
SuperL4g | venkman: I know there is no JRE plugin available yet for AMD64, but can you still get Sun's JDK for 5.0 and use it on AMD64? | 08:03 |
ryman | hi guys, I'm new to linux. I just install Ubuntu but somehow I can't see my other partitions and I can't play mp3 file. are there any tutorials on this ? thanks | 08:03 |
jnc | ryman: there are articles called "Wikis" which have user-editable content | 08:03 |
Ex-Cyber | heh... I thought D was interesting, but I have my doubts that it will catch on | 08:03 |
jnc | mostly on ubuntulinux.org | 08:03 |
Burgundavia | ryman: for mp3, see www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 08:03 |
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corza | x_madbot: how do i update my display drivers?? | 08:04 |
Burgundavia | ryman: for the other paritions, let us talk privately about that | 08:04 |
ryman | nvm .. I'm reading them right now ... thanks | 08:04 |
jnc | Burgundavia: i would be much obliged if you had a minute to review libj2k debianizing with me | 08:04 |
venkman | SuperL4g, i'm sure | 08:04 |
ryman | Burgundavia, how do I pm you ? | 08:04 |
venkman | jnc, i think there could be some serious improvement to gtkmm, it looks like a pita to use. | 08:04 |
ryman | I'm new to Xchat | 08:04 |
Burgundavia | ryman: look at the other tab taht just opening | 08:05 |
Burgundavia | jnc: I am not the person to be able to help you with that | 08:05 |
jnc | oh | 08:05 |
jnc | know whom i might talk to about that? | 08:05 |
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venkman | jnc, you might try #debian, most people in here i gather are ubuntu newbies or something along those lines.. | 08:06 |
jnc | 'k | 08:06 |
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chadd | kernel still building. | 08:06 |
venkman | jnc, in gnome and gtk, there's no way to specify WHICH filechooser you want across all gtk/gnome apps is there/ | 08:06 |
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Burgundavia | venkman: some of us aren't newbies, but don't have much experience with debian packaging | 08:06 |
jnc | eh | 08:07 |
venkman | Burgundavia, i qualified that with most. | 08:07 |
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jnc | i wouldn't know about the filechooser | 08:07 |
jnc | ciao | 08:07 |
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venkman | l8 | 08:07 |
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venkman | nifty | 08:11 |
Xeon3D | erm.. really basic Q. how do i add a path to the %path% | 08:11 |
Xeon3D | ? | 08:11 |
SuperL4g | damn | 08:11 |
venkman | i really wish they could standardize or let you select which file dialogue box you get in all gtk apps | 08:11 |
SuperL4g | #1 on distrowatch guys :) | 08:11 |
SuperL4g | that's pretty sweet | 08:11 |
Kamping_kaiser | fair effort | 08:12 |
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Kamping_kaiser | just above mandrake with HPD | 08:13 |
Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: generally, export PATH=$PATH:/some/directory:/some/other/directory | 08:14 |
Xeon3D | how does one add a dir into the PATH env. variable? | 08:14 |
Arnia | venkman: That depends on the GTk version the app was compiled against. The new dialogue boxes (due to radically different information requirements) cannot be used with the old API | 08:14 |
Xeon3D | Ex-Cyber, and will it stay there after a reboot? | 08:14 |
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=== x_madbot is away: I'm busy | ||
Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: no, if you want it to stay there, add it to your .bashrc | 08:15 |
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Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: ~/.bashrc is just a shell script that is automatically executed at startup, so all you have to do is put the appropriate command line in there | 08:16 |
venkman | Amia, but if they would have standardized on an interface, and i'm not sure how those dialog boxes are defined in gtk, they could just pass the thing that models dialogue boxes the right one... and it would call the functions from the standard interface | 08:16 |
venkman | in OO you pass a reference to the object implementing the dialogue box interface, i guess in pure c just a function pointer. | 08:17 |
venkman | or | 08:18 |
venkman | a struct | 08:18 |
venkman | with function pointers | 08:18 |
chadd | oh wow, I think the kernel build might be nearly done. | 08:18 |
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venkman | nm | 08:21 |
venkman | it looks like the new gtk does that | 08:21 |
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whiskers | does anybody know what the compiler name is in ubuntu....gcc is not found | 08:26 |
jsgotangco | its not installed by default | 08:27 |
whiskers | jsgotangco, well synaptic has a green flag next to gcc 3.3 | 08:27 |
whiskers | jsgotangco, ok let me try to install it again | 08:27 |
corza | how do i run firestarter as a normal user? | 08:27 |
Kamping_kaiser | you dont | 08:28 |
Kamping_kaiser | sudo firestarter | 08:28 |
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corza | so i have to keep the terminal window open.. | 08:28 |
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Kamping_kaiser | yep | 08:28 |
corza | that sucks | 08:28 |
Kamping_kaiser | only need firestarter to set the rules | 08:28 |
chadd | corza: sudo firestarter& | 08:28 |
corza | oh nevermind got it working now :P | 08:28 |
Kamping_kaiser | then you can close it | 08:28 |
Burgundavia | corza: gksudo firestarter | 08:28 |
Kamping_kaiser | chadd. dont work. | 08:29 |
corza | its workin now | 08:29 |
Burgundavia | run that at applications-->run applications | 08:29 |
chadd | Kamping_kaiser: we've been preempted | 08:29 |
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whiskers | synaptic gave me the option to reinstall gcc 3.3 but still when i type gcc....nothing is found | 08:29 |
Kamping_kaiser | yep. :( | 08:29 |
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corza | is there any need to get a antivirus in ubuntu? | 08:30 |
Kamping_kaiser | not realy corza | 08:30 |
Burgundavia | corza: not at the current time, no | 08:30 |
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corza | didnt think so | 08:31 |
Burgundavia | corza: there are no linux virii currently | 08:31 |
Kamping_kaiser | all the unix ones | 08:31 |
Burgundavia | corza: that was one that I can remember, but that was a server bug and it was years ago | 08:31 |
chadd | just script kiddies | 08:31 |
Kamping_kaiser | and a couple of bsds | 08:31 |
Burgundavia | you can still get rootkitted | 08:31 |
Burgundavia | but av won't help with thtat | 08:31 |
corza | Burgundavia: yeah i think the Ubuntu security will pretty much be over it anyway | 08:31 |
whiskers | well i installed again and still nothing...perhaps let me try to reboot or something | 08:31 |
=== Fleebailey33 [~andy@c-67-163-138-215.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | Burgundavia, if you get an md5 of the copies of modified base-utils or similar files and include it in the av system like clamav then you could cover it. | 08:32 |
Burgundavia | true | 08:32 |
Burgundavia | or something like tripwire | 08:32 |
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venkman | yea | 08:32 |
venkman | i use tripwire at work | 08:33 |
Burgundavia | some sort of uberhack script for that on a desktop machine might be nice | 08:33 |
Burgundavia | need some major work though | 08:33 |
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trueprophet | hey, i've got a problem and i'm fairly computer illiterate, anyone interested in helping? | 08:36 |
venkman | Burgundavia, they could use debmd5sum or what3ever it's call | 08:36 |
Burgundavia | venkman: ya. there is a lot of very cool security things on the table. Whether they make breezy is iffy | 08:36 |
=== ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | for now i'm keeping iptables up, and most services off. | 08:37 |
Ex-Cyber | trueprophet: generally people make that decision based on the problem, and you have not mentioned the problem | 08:37 |
dts | is there a X ssh agent or something? | 08:38 |
Burgundavia | venkman: most services are already off | 08:38 |
=== tombhadAC [~tombhad@p548844A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ells | tritium: what is up Mike | 08:38 |
bet0x | enlightenment (E17) have debian files for ubuntu? | 08:38 |
tritium | ells, hi Steve. | 08:38 |
ells | tritium: hows the laptop | 08:38 |
topyli | bet0x: are there any E17 binaries for any distro? | 08:39 |
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tritium | ells, great! | 08:39 |
ells | tritium: what was the problem | 08:39 |
whiskers | ok i found the problem with gcc...it needed a symlink...but now i have a problem with g++ | 08:39 |
Kamping_kaiser | dts yes | 08:39 |
bet0x | topyli, yes :d | 08:39 |
bet0x | my own repocitory | 08:39 |
bet0x | deb http://downloads.starhome.biz/debian/ unstable/ | 08:39 |
bet0x | update | 08:39 |
bet0x | and install enlightenment | 08:40 |
bet0x | :) | 08:40 |
tritium | ells, filesystem corruption. | 08:40 |
bet0x | Im fixing some broken packages | 08:40 |
trueprophet | ah, okey then, well i partitioned my hd for windows xp and ubuntu, but when i log onto windows it says i have a virus already. mydoom, i have no clue how to download anti virus programs with linix here as i think i may have gotten it on this OS, cause i can see i file called test (which is one of the things this virus does, but it doesn't affect linux, only windows.) there, my problem :) | 08:40 |
ells | tritium: so how did you fix it | 08:40 |
topyli | ah. :) | 08:40 |
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tritium | ells, I went ahead and re-partioned and re-installed. | 08:40 |
ells | tritium: really, not you, not reinstall | 08:41 |
whiskers | ok g++ also needed a symlink but now missing XML::Parser...where is this at in ubuntu | 08:41 |
jjpmr52 | is there anyone who knows something about Amavis | 08:41 |
tritium | ells, the filesystem corruption was too extensive. it's okay, I wanted to setup my partitions differently anyway | 08:41 |
Kamping_kaiser | trueprophet. you didnt get mydoom from ubuntu | 08:41 |
trueprophet | ah, other pple use this comp too | 08:41 |
corza | which package do i download for active x in mozilla?? | 08:41 |
trueprophet | i guess i need to dl anti virus stuff for windows then | 08:42 |
ells | tritium: I got most of my music back from that major reinstall I did a few weeks back | 08:42 |
whiskers | does anybody know which file in synapic is the XML::Parser perl module | 08:42 |
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tritium | ells, most, but not all? How did you lose the rest? | 08:42 |
ells | tritium: I just bought a dvd burner tonight from Tiger Direct, 54.99 | 08:42 |
Kamping_kaiser | ells where do you live? | 08:43 |
ells | tritium: I thought I backed it up | 08:43 |
tritium | ells, cool :) | 08:43 |
venkman | trueprophet, you can download something like clamav, mount your ntfs partition writeable, allow clamav to remove it, and then run the appropriate utilities to REPAIR your ntfs partition BEFORE booting back into windows. | 08:43 |
ells | Kamping kaiser, colorado Sprigns | 08:43 |
Kamping_kaiser | usa? | 08:43 |
trueprophet | okey, cool, thanks vankman | 08:43 |
ells | tritium: I now have backups on my two systems | 08:43 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser: yeap | 08:43 |
tritium | ells, that's good. What are you using to backup? | 08:44 |
ells | tritium: just making dvd backups | 08:44 |
ells | tritium: thru k3b | 08:44 |
tritium | Ah, I see. | 08:44 |
deFrysk | corza , read http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-cranky50.html?ca=dgr-lnxw12BabyDuck | 08:44 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser, where ya from | 08:44 |
=== Delgul [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chadd | anyone point me to the short list on how to add a kernel image to grub? | 08:45 |
chadd | if it was lilo, I'd be done | 08:45 |
Kamping_kaiser | ells. South Australia, Australia's where i am at teh moment | 08:45 |
tritium | chadd, if you apt-get install it, it's done automatically | 08:45 |
chadd | tritium: assume I havnt | 08:45 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser, sounds cool | 08:45 |
=== zendog says g'night, c ya ppl | ||
corza | deFrysk: why am i reading this? | 08:46 |
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Kamping_kaiser | ells http://www.atlas.sa.gov.au/ | 08:46 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser, cool | 08:46 |
tritium | chadd, update-grub should find the new image, if it's in /boot, and add it the "auto-magic" section of /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:46 |
deFrysk | Corza to learn something | 08:46 |
Xeon3D | ubuntu programmers are getting no sleep at all... | 08:46 |
corza | deFrysk: why did u assign it to me though | 08:46 |
Xeon3D | I did update 3 or 4 times today. | 08:46 |
chadd | tritium: I want to test it, not replace my default, yet. | 08:47 |
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tritium | chadd, update-grub is the mechanism | 08:47 |
deFrysk | corza, because you seem to want to use linux like microsoft-os | 08:47 |
jjpmr52 | s | 08:47 |
corza | deFrysk: no i dont. I want to play games | 08:47 |
deFrysk | corza, microsoft games | 08:47 |
corza | deFrysk: yes | 08:48 |
jjpmr52 | x | 08:48 |
deFrysk | so read | 08:48 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser: where ya from originally | 08:48 |
venkman | chadd, i suggest just editing /boot/grub/menu.lst with vi copying what you've got there and then running grub-install /dev/hdx | 08:48 |
=== whatzUP [~vampyre@m73.net81-66-181.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corza | deFrysk: i have yet to come across a good Linux game | 08:48 |
Kamping_kaiser | Tasmania, Australia | 08:48 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser, I am originally from Arizona | 08:48 |
jjpmr52 | x | 08:48 |
Kamping_kaiser | ells, wheres C-springs on a map? | 08:48 |
Kamping_kaiser | ells or arizona ;) | 08:48 |
jjpmr52 | x | 08:49 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser: I am in colorado right now, but i am originally from Arizona | 08:49 |
Ex-Cyber | corza: games are largely a matter of personal preference... some types are actually overrepresented on Linux compared to Windows (roguelikes, for example), but it depends largely on what types of games interest you | 08:49 |
bet0x | topyli, are you there dude? | 08:49 |
ells | Colorado is clost to California, sort of | 08:49 |
jjpmr52 | c | 08:49 |
Kamping_kaiser | yep. dont know where they are in the states . | 08:49 |
Kamping_kaiser | ok. | 08:49 |
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topyli | bet0x: yeah, almost awake even :) | 08:49 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: yes but deFrysk was trying to critise me by saying i want my linux box to be like windows.. | 08:50 |
ells | Kamping_kaiser, it is out west | 08:50 |
deFrysk | corza , to play windowsgames you need window, not linux | 08:50 |
Kamping_kaiser | ok. | 08:50 |
corza | deFrysk: i have a fucking emulator to play em that's why they were made | 08:50 |
Kamping_kaiser | gtg. | 08:50 |
topyli | bet0x: your packages work with ubuntu? | 08:51 |
ells | yeap | 08:51 |
Kamping_kaiser | someones about to cut the power to the house :( | 08:51 |
Kamping_kaiser | see you all later. | 08:51 |
deFrysk | Corza this is not an emulator help desk | 08:51 |
Ex-Cyber | corza: I see | 08:51 |
jjpmr52 | s | 08:51 |
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corza | Ex-Cyber: yeah hes being a total cockface lol | 08:52 |
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whiskers | man this is really a pain trying to compile XML::Parser module in perl | 08:52 |
Ex-Cyber | corza: anyway, you said you have not come across a "good Linux game"; I'm just trying to make the point that "good" is subjective (some people would take Nethack over Diablo, for example) | 08:53 |
jjpmr52 | ssa | 08:53 |
bet0x | topyli, not are mine, are from others but are tested under hoary | 08:53 |
bet0x | im using right now | 08:53 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: yes that is true | 08:53 |
bet0x | topyli, add deb http://downloads.starhome.biz/debian/ unstable/ | 08:53 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: just trying to load steam but its being very arrogant lol | 08:53 |
Ex-Cyber | heh | 08:53 |
bet0x | topyli, let me give a url | 08:53 |
topyli | bet0x: cool! i just might try them, i'm a big fan of E16 | 08:54 |
Ex-Cyber | yeah, I've heard a lot of stories about Steam working, then breaking, then breaking in a different place, then working again... | 08:54 |
Ex-Cyber | whether on actual Windows or not ;) | 08:54 |
whiskers | surely there is some easier way | 08:54 |
whiskers | i get a million errors trying to compile XML::Parser perl module | 08:55 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: lol yeah i might just download the game somehow | 08:55 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: guildwars works, but its extremely slow could be coz of my driver but i cant update it.. | 08:55 |
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Ex-Cyber | corza: because of your driver? | 08:55 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: Video | 08:55 |
Ex-Cyber | corza: what hardware? | 08:56 |
Xeon3D | erm.. I can't get any audio out of SDL games... | 08:56 |
=== birger [~birger@ti211310a080-5664.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xeon3D | why may that be? | 08:56 |
birger | It doesnt look like upgrading to hoary gave me Xorg. How do I check? | 08:56 |
corza | Ex-Cyber: well since my seller has taken my Radeon 9800 pro into warranty and its never returned i've been using my chipset one | 08:56 |
Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: esd might be blocking it | 08:57 |
fallstorm | Night folks. | 08:57 |
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whiskers | oh i see...i needed to install expat-dev instead of expat | 08:57 |
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Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: I see that on some stuff... as a quick test you can do "killall esd" at a prompt and then see if the game magically gets you sound... I'm not sure what the proper fix is | 08:58 |
Ex-Cyber | actually I think I saw a wiki page on that earlier | 08:58 |
Ex-Cyber | if that turns out to be the actual problem | 08:58 |
Xeon3D | how do I restart esd afterwards? | 08:58 |
whiskers | oh my gosh...now GLIB is missing | 08:59 |
Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: "esd &" at a terminal should do it AFAICT | 08:59 |
bet0x | topyli, http://alberto.barrahome.org/blog/home_-_free_user_space/linux/2005/04/04/como_instalar_enlightenment_e17-cvs_en_ubuntu | 09:00 |
topyli | bet0x: thanks, i'll check it out | 09:01 |
tritium | ells, so what are you up to? | 09:01 |
=== RexM [~rex@cpe-66-68-138-234.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bet0x brb | ||
whiskers | ok got GLIB in...now GTK+ is missing | 09:01 |
whiskers | oh my gosh | 09:02 |
=== Sav [~sav@ce02816-kristd-abk.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: you could also try using esddsp (in the esound-clients package in universe), but let me see if I can find the wiki page | 09:03 |
whiskers | ok the only GTK+ is a direct frame buffer approach...has anyone tested this | 09:04 |
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Xeon3D | ok Ex-Cyber. I'm waiting :P :D | 09:05 |
jordanau | wierd problem, i change to my directory cd /home/jordan/downloads then type ls then try to run something in the folder and it says it isn't there after just being listed | 09:05 |
Ex-Cyber | Xeon3D: it's the third section in http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ... I haven't tried that and don't really know what it does, but it's offered as a solution for apps conflicting with esound, so... | 09:05 |
Ex-Cyber | (I don't think that really belongs in RestrictedFormats, but there you have it :P) | 09:06 |
venkman | i like jack better than esd | 09:06 |
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venkman | but i can't seem to get jack working exactly right | 09:06 |
bet0x | topyli, :D | 09:06 |
bet0x | topyli, works like hell the e17 :D | 09:06 |
whiskers | gosh this is so frustrating...i just want to compile a simple program | 09:07 |
topyli | bet0x: well now i know what to do tonight. good ol' E tweakin' is back :D | 09:07 |
venkman | whiskers, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-devel-list/2001-January/msg00118.html | 09:08 |
bet0x | topyli, want see tome screenshots ? | 09:08 |
topyli | bet0x: sure, i'll just get some tissue for wiping the drool off the keyboard :) | 09:09 |
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jordanau | wierd problem, i change to my directory cd /home/jordan/downloads then type ls then try to run something in the folder and it says it isn't there after just being listed | 09:10 |
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Tomcat_ | jordanau: Are you calling stuff with "name" or with "./name"? | 09:11 |
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locomorto | Also, check to see if your case is right, thats important | 09:12 |
jordanau | Tomcat_, what do you mean? | 09:13 |
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Tomcat_ | jordanau: You always have to give the pathname when calling Unix apps on the cmdline... so if you want to call stuff local to the current directory, do ./name | 09:13 |
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jordanau | yeah my case is right, it is when i press a letter and tab twice it gives me the contents of some other folder... | 09:13 |
jordanau | oh i see, learn something new every day | 09:14 |
tritium | ells, I'm heading to bed. | 09:14 |
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Xeon3D | Ex-Cyber, thanks.. I'll check it out. | 09:15 |
tritium | good night | 09:15 |
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jordanau | jordan@JordanUbuntu:~/downloads $ sudo ./armyops230-linux.run | 09:15 |
jordanau | Password: | 09:15 |
jordanau | sudo: ./armyops230-linux.run: command not found | 09:15 |
mebaran151 | somebody really should package the new gimp-print | 09:15 |
mebaran151 | gutenprint | 09:15 |
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jordanau | it found it without sudo though... | 09:15 |
Tomcat_ | jordanau: Is the file executable? | 09:16 |
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mebaran151 | gimp-print and gutenprint could exist seperately but yet the same for the longest time | 09:16 |
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jordanau | Tomcat_, you mean by permission? | 09:16 |
Tomcat_ | jordanau: Yes. | 09:16 |
Tomcat_ | jordanau: I'm not exactly sure what's wrong when your user can execute something and root can't though... :I | 09:16 |
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jordanau | wow running who on that file sure slowed things down... | 09:17 |
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whiskers | ok i finally got a configure on the silly program | 09:18 |
jordanau | yeah it wasnt executable thanls Tomcat_ | 09:18 |
whiskers | now i hope it compiles | 09:18 |
whiskers | all this work for such a small gimpshop program | 09:19 |
bet0x | topyli, http://alberto.barrahome.org/blog/home_-_free_user_space/album/enlightenment_e17 <-- Screenshots | 09:19 |
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topyli | bet0x: sweet. me want E :) | 09:22 |
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bet0x | topyli, use my how to :D | 09:23 |
jordanau | bet0x, as soon as i upgrade to hoary i am going to try your howto | 09:24 |
bet0x | need the url? | 09:24 |
bet0x | is in spanish, but easy to understand | 09:24 |
bet0x | http://alberto.barrahome.org/blog/home_-_free_user_space/linux/2005/04/04/como_instalar_enlightenment_e17-cvs_en_ubuntu <- | 09:24 |
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jordanau | bet0x, oh my spanish is soo rusty, lets see how i do though... | 09:25 |
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topyli | bet0x: are the apps working good as well? the file manager, the pager and whatnot? | 09:25 |
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jordanau | would you like me to translate it? | 09:26 |
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whiskers | sure is taking a long-time but i guess i should not complain...it is compiling at least so far | 09:28 |
bet0x | topyli, its a beta | 09:30 |
bet0x | topyli, not all are working :S | 09:30 |
topyli | bet0x: well, E17 is the half-life 2 of window managing :/ | 09:31 |
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jordanau | topyli, so it is totally kickass? | 09:31 |
GNAM | latest guide about java in hoary? | 09:31 |
scizzo | isn't E17 stalled or something? | 09:32 |
bet0x | topyli, yep :D | 09:33 |
topyli | jordanau: never tried it, but it sure seems ambitious. what can you expect when they have to improve on E16? :) | 09:33 |
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topyli | scizzo: i guess they're still active, it's just a small team working on some kick-ass ideas. takes time, and they seem rewrite it completely from time to time :) | 09:34 |
geneo91 | well firestarter didnt help me | 09:36 |
scizzo | topyli: ok...because E17 has been in development for something like 2 years or so | 09:37 |
dwa_ | scizzo : make that about 4 or 5 ;) | 09:37 |
whiskers | how long does it take to compile gimpshop | 09:38 |
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scizzo | dwa_: hehe | 09:38 |
topyli | scizzo: yep. be strong and ye shall have E17 eventually | 09:38 |
scizzo | whiskers: gimpsho? | 09:39 |
scizzo | gimpshop even | 09:39 |
scizzo | topyli: nah...using Mac OS X and Ubuntu at home.. :) | 09:39 |
dwa_ | i've tried the other day and it looks really impressing | 09:39 |
scizzo | topyli: E17 is not that interesting at the moment | 09:39 |
dwa_ | it's got nice eyecandy | 09:40 |
bet0x | E17 will be the best Desktop for old users | 09:40 |
whiskers | scizzo, yes gimpshop...i want to take a look at it | 09:40 |
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scizzo | whiskers: never heard of it | 09:40 |
whiskers | but the compilation is taking forever | 09:40 |
scizzo | whiskers: gimp I have heard of...gimpshop no... | 09:40 |
whiskers | scizzo, well..do a google on it | 09:41 |
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geneo91 | gimp2 | 09:42 |
scizzo | whiskers: what kind of errors then? | 09:43 |
whiskers | hey i got a successful compile | 09:43 |
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whiskers | hmm...it says gimpshop by Scott Mash....when loading...but i don't see anything special about it...still looks like the gimp to me | 09:47 |
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whiskers | how can you tell the difference between gimp and gimpshop...does anybody know | 09:49 |
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whiskers | still looks like the gimp to me | 09:49 |
scizzo | I don't get it....why translate Paths to Pen tool .... its wrong IMHO | 09:49 |
scizzo | whiskers: look at the menus | 09:51 |
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whiskers | well...original brushes and stuff look the same...but when you open a new file...there are lots of menus and submenus | 09:52 |
whiskers | but uh what is the difference | 09:52 |
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scizzo | whiskers: the application seems to change names and so on | 09:53 |
Xeon3D | what are the advantages of esound over alsa? | 09:53 |
scizzo | whiskers: in menus and so on... | 09:53 |
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whiskers | well i don't know a thing about this...all i ever use gimp for is to scan in pictures from cameras and print them in color | 09:53 |
cubox | qualcuno ke parla italiano? | 09:53 |
scizzo | whiskers: then why would you want to change the looks of GIMP? | 09:54 |
whiskers | well i just wanted to see what a $700 photoshop program looks like | 09:54 |
whiskers | scizzo, but uh...i really don't know the difference . | 09:55 |
scizzo | almost the same...just that you get a few other changes like the interface | 09:55 |
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locomorto | whats wrong with screenshots? Btw, the GIMP is nothing compared to photoshop in terms of functionality | 09:55 |
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Kamping_kaiser | watch out locomorto. that starts wars | 09:55 |
scizzo | locomorto: that depends on the usage | 09:55 |
scizzo | locomorto: for printing purposes...yes then PS kicks GIMP... | 09:56 |
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zendog | locomorto, not wanting to flame, but the xperts says that there are no significant differences beetween gimp and photoshop, just the gui, lol, http://plasticbugs.com/index.php?p=241 | 09:58 |
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fsapo | zendog, hum... it looks like all the same to me :D | 10:00 |
zendog | yep, :D | 10:01 |
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fsapo | zendog, still i dont like images.. i suck with it. | 10:01 |
zendog | hehe | 10:02 |
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whiskers | does anybody know what this stuff is...autocrop image, align visible layers,edge detect, channel mixers | 10:04 |
whiskers | light effects, glass effects, what on earth is this stuff | 10:05 |
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fsapo | man.. it takes ages to compress a 800mb file with bzip2 in best compression option =/ | 10:06 |
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locomorto | I was saying that from personal experience, if you have not used it you cant really talk | 10:09 |
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locomorto | in any case, if there any utility that can provide for me in a grahpical way a index of the size off all the files and folders on my linux box | 10:10 |
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mebaran151 | oh | 10:13 |
mebaran151 | locomorto, yeah I think | 10:14 |
mebaran151 | Gparted does it | 10:14 |
mebaran151 | also system monitor | 10:14 |
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locomorto | No, i mean like says how much space is being used in /opt/, /etc/ /home/, stuff liek that] not the whole hard drive | 10:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | only know the cli way | 10:16 |
mebaran151 | yeah | 10:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | du | 10:16 |
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mebaran151 | system monitor | 10:16 |
mebaran151 | it tells you | 10:16 |
mebaran151 | just not graphically | 10:16 |
scizzo | whiskers: I really do think you should look at www.gimp.org and www.gimpguru.org | 10:16 |
scizzo | whiskers: gimpguru has some really good information and tutorials about Photos and using GIMP to do what you want with photos | 10:17 |
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LEON_PIZDETCH | ./join #ebuntu | 10:17 |
scizzo | whiskers: gimp.org has the general information about GIMP and contains a lot of good basic tutorials | 10:17 |
locomorto | i mean something like this, http://www.sizeexplorer.com/sep.htm | 10:18 |
locomorto | but for linux | 10:18 |
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Agrajag | kdirstat | 10:18 |
mebaran151 | well du does it by command line | 10:18 |
locomorto | du? | 10:18 |
mebaran151 | yeah type it and watch | 10:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | also use du -h | 10:19 |
mebaran151 | try xdiskusage | 10:19 |
mebaran151 | sort of neat | 10:19 |
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mebaran151 | front end to du | 10:20 |
whiskers | scizzo, well..i am not a graphics artist...i don't even know how to use microsoft paint or even inkscape | 10:20 |
mebaran151 | KDE had the coolest app for that | 10:20 |
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locomorto | thanks for the help | 10:20 |
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eean | filelight is the best | 10:20 |
eean | has a pie chart | 10:20 |
locomorto | also, quickly what the bash command for removing directories? | 10:20 |
scizzo | whiskers: well the best place to start is to learn from tutorials | 10:20 |
whiskers | scizzo, i just wanted to see why people pay $700 for free programs | 10:20 |
eean | and looks really cool | 10:20 |
pepsi | htm | 10:20 |
pepsi | can you sort du? | 10:20 |
Agrajag | locomorto: rmdir, or rm -r | 10:20 |
mebaran151 | eean that was the one | 10:21 |
fsapo | locomorto, us rm -R :P | 10:21 |
fsapo | use* | 10:21 |
dmoyne | stupid question : after reporting a possible bug I was asked which encoding do you use for filenames ; how can I check and change if need be ? ; thanks | 10:21 |
mebaran151 | encoding? | 10:22 |
mebaran151 | where do you live | 10:22 |
mebaran151 | if you on Hoary it should be UTF-8 | 10:22 |
mebaran151 | unless you live in China or something where they use UTF-16 | 10:22 |
mebaran151 | or in int land where it is all int | 10:22 |
mebaran151 | or back in the stone age with POSIX/C | 10:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 10:23 |
mebaran151 | int is 32 bit on AMD64 right? | 10:23 |
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mebaran151 | one of these days we are going to need UTF-64 just to tax the system | 10:24 |
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dmoyne | to mebaran51 : I live in France ! | 10:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wow. | 10:26 |
dmoyne | to mebaran151 : I live in France ! | 10:26 |
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venkman | wtf language will use UTF-64 | 10:27 |
venkman | we will need aliens | 10:27 |
aya | dmoyne: if you use Warty your locale is fr_FR (type locale) and your encoding is ISO8859-1 | 10:27 |
dmoyne | to aya : if I use "locale" I see fr_FR everywhere but how to know which encoding system I am using presently ? | 10:28 |
aya | fr_FR is saying ISO8859-1 | 10:29 |
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dmoyne | this is what I get on locale : | 10:29 |
dmoyne | LANG=fr_FR | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_CTYPE="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_NUMERIC="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_TIME="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_COLLATE="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_MONETARY="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_MESSAGES="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
aya | grep french /etc/locale.alias | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_PAPER="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_NAME="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_ADDRESS="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_TELEPHONE="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_MEASUREMENT="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_IDENTIFICATION="fr_FR" | 10:30 |
dmoyne | LC_ALL= | 10:30 |
aya | fr_FR is saying ISO8859-1 | 10:30 |
aya | fr_FR is saying ISO-8859-1 | 10:30 |
dmoyne | I collect this : french fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 | 10:30 |
venkman | frenchfr_FR.ISO-8859-1 | 10:30 |
dmoyne | yes but I experience a problem with GIMP | 10:31 |
venkman | <3 /exec | 10:31 |
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dmoyne | when running gimp on files where there are accentuated characters in their URL I get the following error message in console : "(gimp:8731): Gimp-File-WARNING **: file-utils.c:272: cannot convert filename to UTF-8: Invalid byte sequence in conversion input" | 10:33 |
dmoyne | the file opens but with "Untitled" name ! | 10:33 |
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venkman | apparently there's a cmyk plugin for gimp now | 10:34 |
locomorto | Hmm, freelight is clunky, but xdiskusage is pretty much what is was looking for. Thanks for the tips | 10:34 |
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dmoyne | venkman is you GIMP comment for me ? | 10:35 |
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aya | dmoyne: try this: export CHARSET=ISO_8859-1 | 10:37 |
aya | dmoyne: try this: export G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=0 | 10:37 |
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whiskers | interesting...i just got a notice of 13 ubuntu updates | 10:39 |
dmoyne | aya : oops you export works (second one at least how do I permanently fix ? | 10:39 |
whiskers | starting to sound like microsoft | 10:39 |
HappyPills | anyone know how to get the serial number of a harddrive in linux? | 10:39 |
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aya | add this to your .bashrc | 10:40 |
aya | echo "" >> ~/.bashrc | 10:40 |
dmoyne | I need both commands ? ; does it mean it is a bug ? | 10:40 |
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venkman | dude | 10:40 |
venkman | don't give people advice like that | 10:41 |
March-RX8 | hello | 10:41 |
aya | you need the second | 10:41 |
venkman | oh | 10:41 |
venkman | nm | 10:41 |
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Xeon3D | HappyPills, hdparm -I /Dev/hda f.ex. | 10:41 |
venkman | i thought it was > and not >> | 10:41 |
March-RX8 | could someone tell me how to install a .deb package? | 10:41 |
aya | dmoyne: it's a workaround, not a bug | 10:41 |
Xeon3D | March-RX8, dpkg -i file.deb | 10:41 |
aya | dmoyne: locales settings aren't simple | 10:41 |
whiskers | seems like another problem with ubuntu...i just got audacity up but it says can't use audio i/o layer. | 10:42 |
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deFrysk | March-RX8, dpkg -i | 10:42 |
dmoyne | aya : thanks ! I will set my ".bash.rc" and report more specifically to GIMP people maybe they will tell me what should be donne on a permanent basis | 10:42 |
whiskers | i did not have any problems with audacity on gentoo...i wonder what is different | 10:43 |
aya | dmoyne: ~/.bashrc not bash.rc | 10:43 |
March-RX8 | does it need root privileges? is it the same in kubuntu? | 10:44 |
dmoyne | yes sorry ; thanks again | 10:44 |
deFrysk | March-RX8, sudo dpkg -i | 10:44 |
deFrysk | March-RX8, yes | 10:44 |
HappyPills | Xeon3D: Thanks | 10:45 |
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whiskers | the ubuntu devs need to look into audacity and see what the problem is that it cannot initialize audio i/o layer | 10:45 |
March-RX8 | it says dependents needed. but i dont know how to include them installing via text mode | 10:45 |
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deFrysk | March-RX8, what are you trying to install ? | 10:46 |
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March-RX8 | valknut dc gui | 10:47 |
deFrysk | March-RX8, never heard of it | 10:49 |
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March-RX8 | it is for songs,movies etc downloading | 10:50 |
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deFrysk | March-RX8, I having a look yes | 10:50 |
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deFrysk | March-RX8, cant you install the debs with synaptic | 10:53 |
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Xeon3D | tada... | 10:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | night | 10:53 |
Xeon3D | have a good penguin today | 10:53 |
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Xeon3D | Kamping_Kaiser, it's already day here. 09.54 AM :P | 10:53 |
womble | Is there a panel applet for switching network config Location so users don't have to click through the network settings dialog every time? | 10:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 10:55 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | ok. igs 6.45 here | 10:55 |
March-RX8 | no, i havent already found a way. i can only install the packages listed with synaptic or kynaptic | 10:55 |
dmoyne | aya : you so good I have a second question to you that might be related to my GIMP encoding ! ; all my Gnome style apps have Englis in their menus though French LANG is set and all KDE apps do display French !! | 10:55 |
n4cht | ok, i'm at my frickin' wit's end here. has anyone had any trouble getting php4 working with apache2? i've got all the proper packages installed, the php4 module is loaded, the application type is defined in php4.conf, and still when i try to use php pages w/apache2, it tries to force me to download them, rather than rendering them in the browser. | 10:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | n4cht. hoary or warty? | 10:57 |
scizzo | n4cht: tried using phpinfo(); to see that everything is ok? | 10:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i just apted apache2, the php4 module and it worked | 10:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no | 10:57 |
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n4cht | hoary | 10:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but php pages work | 10:57 |
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n4cht | scizzo, wouldn't that require php pages to be rendered? or can i use that in an html page instead? | 10:58 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | you can use html. make sure you have the right extentions registered thats all. | 11:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i had to add .htm by hand | 11:00 |
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n4cht | rawr. still no good. | 11:00 |
n4cht | i can't figure out why the hell it won't render php pages. | 11:00 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | so you have the right php support installed? | 11:01 |
n4cht | the module is loaded, the application types are defined, apache2 _is_ running, stops, starts, and restarts fine.. so it's not a syntax issue anywhere... | 11:01 |
March-RX8 | i found the other package needed | 11:01 |
n4cht | this is driving me nuts. | 11:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | using <? or <?php ? | 11:02 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | try <?php | 11:02 |
n4cht | still trying to make me download the page, rather than rendering it. | 11:03 |
n4cht | in the html file, it displays blank. in the php file, it tries to download it. rawr. | 11:04 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | can we see it? | 11:07 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | the page | 11:07 |
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knubbze | heyho | 11:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi | 11:07 |
knubbze | is there any known issue with the version of X that comes with 4.10 and the GeForce 6800 Ultra? | 11:08 |
knubbze | because X refuses to work correctly | 11:08 |
knubbze | and I can't install the latest nvidia drivers as they require the kernel sources and apt-cache search kernel-source doesn't find anything suitable | 11:08 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | no afik knubbze | 11:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *not | 11:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try the vesa driver. | 11:09 |
knubbze | doesn't work. :( | 11:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. | 11:10 |
fabbione | knubbze: your best bet is to use the nvidia drivers or to go to hoary | 11:10 |
fabbione | knubbze: hoary will be out in 4 days so it is pretty safe to upgrade | 11:10 |
knubbze | its like, I installed 4.10 straight from the CD onto my harddisk, and after the installation it tried to startup X to go to the login screen 3 times | 11:10 |
jc-denton | does ubuntu have update-init.d ? | 11:11 |
knubbze | fabbione, I downloaded the hoary build and burned it on a CD, but it isn't bootable | 11:11 |
fabbione | knubbze: it would be interesting to know why it isn't bootable.. | 11:11 |
knubbze | I thought the CD is corrupt, so I burned the same image on a new CD | 11:12 |
knubbze | and it had the same effect - then I thought the image was corrupt | 11:12 |
knubbze | and downloaded it again, from an other mirror | 11:12 |
knubbze | and burned it on a new CD again - but same effect | 11:12 |
fabbione | where does it stop booting? | 11:12 |
deFrysk | knubbze, copied the iso ? | 11:12 |
knubbze | "Detected bootable CD-Rom drive, do you want to boot? Y" | 11:12 |
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knubbze | "Booting from CD:" | 11:13 |
knubbze | there it freezes. | 11:13 |
eph | is Hoary almost finished? I was expecting a release about now | 11:13 |
scizzo | eph: please look at the wiki | 11:13 |
eph | ok | 11:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hte 6th | 11:14 |
scizzo | eph: that is the best place to get information about releases | 11:14 |
fabbione | knubbze: it's mostlikely i problem with your CD or your reader, because at that point nothing from ubuntu has been loaded. | 11:14 |
eph | ah teh 6th | 11:14 |
fabbione | knubbze: going back to your original problem | 11:14 |
eph | 2 days :O :) | 11:14 |
knubbze | fabbione, yeah but my 4.10 ubuntu disk is loaded perfectly | 11:14 |
fabbione | knubbze: try installing the nvidia drivers | 11:14 |
knubbze | and suse 9.2,9.1 and redhat 9.0 are loaded cool aswell | 11:15 |
knubbze | fabbione, it demands the kernel source. | 11:15 |
fabbione | knubbze: i have similar effects on one of my test machines, due to my half broken cd writer | 11:15 |
fsapo | knubbze, i had problems with a iso here.. i burned it again and it worked =/ | 11:15 |
fabbione | knubbze: you don't need to compile it yourself | 11:15 |
fabbione | knubbze: apt-get install nvidia-glx | 11:15 |
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knubbze | nothing found that matches, last time I tried that ;( | 11:15 |
fabbione | oh right | 11:16 |
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fabbione | knubbze: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:16 |
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fabbione | as reported here: | 11:16 |
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fabbione | jee sorry.. one sec.. my net is slow today | 11:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | how do you take a screenshot in KDE? i just installed Kubuntu-Desktop, and i cant get a picture of it | 11:17 |
fsapo | Kamping_Kaiser, gimp? | 11:17 |
knubbze | Kamping_Kaiser, import -window root bla.png | 11:17 |
knubbze | or bla.jpg | 11:17 |
knubbze | or bla.bmp and shit | 11:17 |
knubbze | :) | 11:17 |
fabbione | knubbze: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | right... | 11:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | fsapo how? | 11:18 |
jc-denton | how do i configure init under ubuntu? | 11:18 |
knubbze | When you first turn the computer on it says something about NVIDIA in the top left of the screen. | 11:19 |
knubbze | uhm | 11:19 |
knubbze | it doesn't | 11:19 |
knubbze | is that not good? | 11:19 |
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snowblink | Kamping_Kaiser, kscreenshot? | 11:19 |
fsapo | Kamping_Kaiser, click in file -> acquire -> screenshot.. u can even put a delay before the picture :) | 11:19 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | how do i capture the desktop? | 11:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh ta fsapo | 11:20 |
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whiskers | i have one more comment....lament screen saver seems very slow on ubuntu..only 41f/s....i was getting 2000f/s on gentoo for same screen saver | 11:21 |
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whiskers | seems to be a problem with x setup somewhere | 11:21 |
knubbze | <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 fabbione | 11:21 |
knubbze | ahhh, I love you really much dude =D | 11:21 |
siimo | whiskers, sure its not the video driver? | 11:21 |
fsapo | anybody knows how to md5 a file? | 11:21 |
snowblink | fsapo, man md5sum | 11:22 |
siimo | fsapo, md5sum <file> | 11:22 |
whiskers | siimo, well i don't know what driver hoary uses | 11:22 |
fsapo | but how i generate the ms5 key? | 11:22 |
whiskers | but it is very very slow | 11:22 |
siimo | whiskers, im saying if you had nvidia or ati 3d acceleration on gentoo but dont on ubuntu | 11:22 |
whiskers | siimo, yes i was using nvidia on gentoo....i am not sure what hoary uses | 11:23 |
siimo | fsapo, type that | 11:23 |
topyli | fsak | 11:23 |
topyli | beb | 11:23 |
siimo | whiskers, lsmod | grep nvidia | 11:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks fsapo that worked a treat | 11:23 |
topyli | heh. fsapo: just pipe that to a file | 11:23 |
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fsapo | Kamping_Kaiser, :) gimp ownz | 11:23 |
siimo | whiskers, does it list nvidia there? | 11:23 |
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whiskers | siimo, nope i don't see anything with that command | 11:24 |
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siimo | whiskers, well install nvidia look for instructions here http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:24 |
fsapo | siimo, thanx it worked :) 06ba1873fa54e0a32329747f58423228 | 11:24 |
fsapo | but how i check the file later? | 11:24 |
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whiskers | siimo, ok..thanks...i will look into it....also do you have any ideas about why audacity doesn't recognize i/o layer | 11:25 |
siimo | fsapo, read the man page about the -c flag | 11:25 |
whiskers | siimo, it worked just great on gentoo | 11:25 |
topyli | fsapo: run the same command on the same file. compare the result | 11:25 |
Tsushima_Masaki | i'm having no luck with ubuntu or knoppix on my computer | 11:25 |
siimo | never used audacity | 11:26 |
whiskers | siimo, but there is a great deal that does work on ubuntu and it is very easy to install and use | 11:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yep fsapo. sure does. btw. so does ubuntu and multiple logons from one machine ;) | 11:26 |
fsapo | siimo, ok thanx... topyli hehe thats to damn obvious -_- thx | 11:27 |
snowblink | Tsushima_Masaki, what problems are you having? | 11:27 |
topyli | fsapo: some things are to easy to be true on unix :) | 11:28 |
Tsushima_Masaki | well, the setup for the ubuntu livecd seems to hang when configuring the language | 11:28 |
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fsapo | topyli, thats true :) | 11:28 |
snowblink | Tsushima_Masaki, what language? How much RAM do you have? | 11:29 |
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Tsushima_Masaki | i have 1024 MB RAM | 11:29 |
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Tsushima_Masaki | the language settings are English American | 11:29 |
fsapo | topyli, i m afraid of my cdburner.. it burned i iso with error... so i m going to md5 this one.. and i m overburning by 2mb hehe | 11:29 |
topyli | yep, better check especially if you overburn | 11:30 |
max__ | does any1 know an emulator i can get with sinaptic? | 11:30 |
snowblink | Tsushima_Masaki, Where did you get the LiveCD from? | 11:30 |
PaTcH | hello | 11:30 |
fsapo | max__, what kind of emulator? | 11:30 |
max__ | for windos | 11:31 |
max__ | windows | 11:31 |
Tsushima_Masaki | from the ubuntu website | 11:31 |
fsapo | max__, you can get wine with apt-get | 11:31 |
=== Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
max__ | ya i know but it never works | 11:31 |
Nermal | anyone have any problems with nautilus not refreshing the desktop when files are downloaded / moved to the desktop ? | 11:31 |
Nermal | have to killall nautilus for them to appear :| | 11:32 |
max__ | it tels me i need more debug | 11:32 |
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fsapo | max__, take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5458&highlight=wine | 11:32 |
max__ | ok | 11:32 |
fsapo | do a wine search on the forums.. it helps :) | 11:32 |
snowblink | Tsushima_Masaki, And you have the same problem with Knoppix? | 11:33 |
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Tsushima_Masaki | with knoppix i freeze when trying to create the fstab | 11:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | does anyone have a problem where you cant log out gnome in hoary with windows open? | 11:34 |
Tsushima_Masaki | i have some SATA drives btw, and i use NTFS | 11:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what chipset | 11:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | some are realy bad | 11:34 |
Tsushima_Masaki | my chipset? | 11:35 |
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Adross | whats that thing u have to install to use xmms after installing nvidia codecs | 11:35 |
Adross | ? | 11:35 |
=== waxhead [~pete@CPE-143-238-244-233.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waxhead | hey | 11:37 |
whiskers | ok i am going to try the synaptic nvidia driver...be back later | 11:37 |
Adross | its easy | 11:37 |
waxhead | with all the updates I've had, what's the simplest way to remove all the old kernels that have been installed and grub displays? | 11:37 |
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whiskers | ok...the nvidia is not quite as fast here ...about 700f/s vs 2000f/s on gentoo but much much faster than it was while ago | 11:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | waxhead synaptic/apt ? | 11:40 |
Adross | older drivers whiskers old chap | 11:40 |
waxhead | Kamping_Kaiser, that's just it.. I'm not too sure... will it clean things up right... | 11:41 |
Adross | well, found it anyway | 11:41 |
Adross | cheerio | 11:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i think it does waxhead, but im not sure | 11:41 |
waxhead | Kamping_Kaiser, no worries.. guess I should just try it | 11:42 |
waxhead | nothing ventured nothing gained | 11:42 |
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yahalom | i'm having DST issues anyone familiar with it? | 11:43 |
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tlepes | hello | 11:45 |
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fsapo | is there a way to write in a ntfs filesusystem? i dont want to install windows here just to make backup and clean my data partition =/ | 11:45 |
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Seveas | fsapo, yes, you can use expensive cmmercial tools for that | 11:47 |
mjr | fsapo, no free way; you can try and use the windows ntfs drivers with captive (google), or there' | 11:47 |
fsapo | i have a 50GB ntfs partition to backup :( | 11:47 |
mjr | s a commercial proprietary native driver | 11:47 |
Seveas | fsapo, you can read from ntfs for free though :o) | 11:47 |
mjr | fsapo, if you need to just back it up, why isn't reading sufficient? | 11:47 |
fsapo | Seveas, :D at least this =/ | 11:47 |
whiskers | not too bad at all...graphics speeds are acceptable...dvd burning is working...reiser4 fs....and perhaps if i recompile audacity we may get that working too | 11:48 |
tlepes | I was wondering if anyone could help steer me with a problem... I had a hoary install working. I have another drive that I swapped in the computer and installed Win2K on it, and a barebones Warty install that I am using at the moment. The original Hoary install WAS a primary IDE drive, but is now a 2ndary. I have it in GRUB fine, and edited it's /etc/fstab to replace /dev/hda | 11:48 |
PaTcH | can someone give me some suggestions about a problem with wireless card? | 11:48 |
tlepes | I was wondering if anyone could help steer me with a problem... I had a hoary install working. I have another drive that I swapped in the computer and installed Win2K on it, and a barebones Warty install that I am using at the moment. The original Hoary install WAS a primary IDE drive, but is now a 2ndary. I have it in GRUB fine, and edited it's /etc/fstab to replace /dev/hda's with /dev/hdb's but it won't boot.... | 11:48 |
=== cam [~cam@ppp245-176.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | PaTcH, only in you say what the problem is :) | 11:49 |
Seveas | tlepes, you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst too | 11:49 |
tlepes | i get an error VFS: Can't fine an ext3 file system on /dev/hda1 but I know there is a working one there. That is my old Hoary install and it works. | 11:49 |
PaTcH | Seveas ok tnx | 11:49 |
=== Jishi [~aljishi@c-24-147-173-84.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PaTcH | so I've a intel ipw2200 | 11:49 |
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Seveas | tlepes, should say root (hdsomethingelse) for the new drive | 11:49 |
tlepes | Seveas... the old system is in Grub, I can choose it. But it fails to boot | 11:50 |
Jishi | hello guyz | 11:50 |
PaTcH | at boot loads modules and firmware correctlry | 11:50 |
Seveas | tlepes, and also root=/dev/hdsomething in the kernel line | 11:50 |
PaTcH | but ther's this output: | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Driver, 0.19 | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Copyright(c) 2003-2004 Intel Corporation | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Fatal error | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Start IPW Error Log Dump: | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Status: 0x00000100, Config: 00000142 | 11:50 |
PaTcH | Apr 4 11:03:54 localhost kernel: ipw2200: Start IPW Event Log Dump: | 11:50 |
tlepes | okay seveas, i'll get that info... | 11:50 |
Seveas | PaTcH, quit it! | 11:50 |
Seveas | no pasting here | 11:50 |
PaTcH | sorry | 11:50 |
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jono | hi all | 11:51 |
PaTcH | it's only this few raws | 11:51 |
jono | anyone here hacking on the ubuntu device database | 11:51 |
fsapo | jono hi :D | 11:51 |
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jono | hey fsapo :) | 11:51 |
Seveas | PaTcH, no idea what the problem is, can't you paste the complete log somewhere? | 11:51 |
max__ | fsapo that site just told me how to install it but i alredy did i just dont know how to use it | 11:51 |
Seveas | jono, no, that's ogra's baby | 11:52 |
tlepes | Seveas, this is the entries for nt and the old hoary install... | 11:52 |
tlepes | # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS | 11:52 |
tlepes | # on /dev/hda1 | 11:52 |
tlepes | title Windows 2000 (Mike/Gaming) | 11:52 |
tlepes | root (hd0,0) | 11:52 |
tlepes | savedefault | 11:52 |
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tlepes | makeactive | 11:52 |
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fsapo | max__, what do you wanna do with wine? | 11:52 |
tlepes | chainloader +1 | 11:52 |
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tlepes | # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for an existing | 11:52 |
tlepes | # linux installation on /dev/hdb1. | 11:52 |
tlepes | title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.10-5-386 (on /dev/hdb1) | 11:52 |
Seveas | tlepes, NO PASTING! | 11:52 |
tlepes | root (hd1,0) | 11:52 |
tlepes | kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash | 11:52 |
tlepes | initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.10-5-386 | 11:52 |
tlepes | savedefault | 11:52 |
Seveas | tlepes, CUT IT OUT | 11:52 |
tlepes | boot | 11:52 |
tlepes | Sev... sry.. i clipped it! | 11:52 |
PaTcH | the log is only this | 11:52 |
tlepes | how else to show you anyway? | 11:52 |
PaTcH | for my problem | 11:52 |
max__ | ok im trying to install fifa 2005 | 11:52 |
fsapo | max__, so its better to use wineX (cedega) not wine =/ | 11:53 |
Seveas | tlepes, there it says root=hda1, that should be /dev/hdb1 | 11:53 |
jono | Seveas, is ogra in during the day GMT? | 11:53 |
Jishi | I have a quick question...... I have installed Kontact through synaptic and it installed some new dependincies.... I didn;t like Kontact so selected complete removal how do I also uninstall those dependencies?? | 11:53 |
max__ | were do i get it | 11:53 |
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Seveas | jono, i have no idea :) | 11:53 |
max__ | of sinaptic? | 11:53 |
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Seveas | Jishi, apt-cache show kontact | 11:53 |
Jishi | noo of kontact | 11:53 |
Jishi | okay | 11:54 |
Seveas | then you see the dependencies | 11:54 |
Seveas | remove all unneeded ones | 11:54 |
dwa_ | cedega isn't free | 11:54 |
tlepes | seveas... i see, on the kernel line. i will test it out with changes. | 11:54 |
tlepes | thanks | 11:54 |
Seveas | Jishi, but BE CARFUK | 11:54 |
Seveas | CAREFUL* | 11:54 |
Seveas | try apt-get -s remove first to see if it doesn't uninstall others too | 11:54 |
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fsapo | max__, http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45 | 11:55 |
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fsapo | max__, it isnt to simple to install.. but should work :) | 11:56 |
fsapo | too* | 11:56 |
Jishi | Seveas yeah I don't want to screw everything up | 11:56 |
gordonjcp | anybody got a pointer to how to get Ubuntu to use Nvidia cards? | 11:57 |
gordonjcp | *with* acceleration? | 11:57 |
Seveas | gordonjcp: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:57 |
Jishi | Seveas will those dependincies just bother me that they are there.... is there anyharm just sitting there | 11:57 |
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Seveas | there is no harm except that they are eating some harddisk space | 11:58 |
fsapo | Seveas, i just installed my radeon 9800pro yesterday and its working 100% but i m frind of updating the kernel imagen =/ is it going to stop working or something? | 11:58 |
Jishi | ohhh okay so what is the safest way of removing them I issued tha command you suggested.... | 11:58 |
gordonjcp | Seveas: did that, doesn't work. I am now stuck with a blank screen | 11:58 |
Jishi | I wanna past but not flood the channel | 11:58 |
Seveas | fsapo, there is a chance that it will, but if you upgrade linux-restricted-modules too it should work | 11:59 |
max__ | fsapo theres only wine there nto winex | 11:59 |
Seveas | fsapo, and if you install linux-686 (or linux-k7 on athlon, or linux-ppc on mac) they will be kept up to date | 11:59 |
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mojo | tu | 11:59 |
fsapo | Seveas, didnt know that | 11:59 |
dwa_ | TUUT | 12:00 |
fsapo | max__, just do what is saying in this how-to http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45 | 12:00 |
fsapo | max__, thatx wineX not wine... | 12:00 |
mojo | Seveas: this was tlepes a little bit ago... just wanted to let u know that fixing the root entry in grub menu.lst worked like a charm | 12:00 |
mojo | thanks | 12:00 |
Seveas | yw :) | 12:00 |
mojo | right on. | 12:01 |
mojo | peace | 12:01 |
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gordonjcp | Seveas: I followed the instructions on the page but I'm still stuck with a black screen | 12:01 |
gordonjcp | I know the Riva TNT card works with xorg because it works in Slackware | 12:02 |
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Seveas | gordonjcp, yeah tnt2, you need other drivers for that | 12:03 |
Seveas | hold on... | 12:03 |
Jishi | Seveas thank.... I can leave it for some other time.... I seems like you are also helping somone else with somthing more important... than my packages... thank you anyways I will probably drop by tommorw..... | 12:03 |
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Seveas | gordonjcp, can i PM you? | 12:04 |
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gordonjcp | Seveas: of course | 12:04 |
Jishi | Thnak you guyz good night | 12:05 |
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snowblink | install warty and upgrade later or wait until friday and install hoary? | 12:09 |
locomorto | install hoary now | 12:10 |
Hmmmm | whats the release date for hoary? | 12:10 |
snowblink | looks like the 8th | 12:10 |
Daehlie | yeah, updating to the final will take only a short time, the updating is really easy | 12:10 |
snowblink | locomorto, RC stable enough? | 12:10 |
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locomorto | yes, im using it now, and its as stable as warty ever was for me | 12:11 |
willem | Can somebody explain me why mplayer isn't in the 'universe'? | 12:11 |
locomorto | try multiverse | 12:11 |
snowblink | cheers locomorto & Daehlie | 12:12 |
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willem | No really... | 12:12 |
light_punch2 | does ubuntu use rpm? | 12:12 |
Daehlie | no | 12:12 |
locomorto | yes and no | 12:12 |
jure | light_punch2 ubuntu is debian based | 12:12 |
willem | Do you mean support or use? | 12:12 |
Daehlie | .deb | 12:12 |
billyoc | but mostly no. :) | 12:12 |
Daehlie | you COULD use rpm, but there is no reason to | 12:12 |
locomorto | you can use alien to convert to .deb files (like this alien <package>.rpm | 12:13 |
light_punch2 | thx | 12:13 |
willem | i dont understand why mplayer isnt in ports | 12:13 |
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jure | light_punch2 it's better to use apt-get | 12:13 |
gordonjcp | Seveas: nope, black screen | 12:13 |
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locomorto | except things like Nero Linux arn't in apt-get | 12:13 |
willem | and mplayer! | 12:14 |
Hmmmm | Daehlie, i just got my amd64bit box. u think i can install the hoary RC and then upgrade? | 12:14 |
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willem | mplayer is god, buddha and allah | 12:14 |
Insom | hi all | 12:14 |
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Daehlie | i have heard bad things about hoary on amd64, but you should be able to install it and upgrade as normal | 12:14 |
locomorto | hey | 12:14 |
yahalom | can someone help me with changing file permission? i'm trying to install a new thunderbird dictionary and it keeps saying access denied. | 12:15 |
Daehlie | and by bad things i just mean disputes over how to handle the 64 bit arch, not serious issues | 12:15 |
jure | locomorto, what is nero linux? | 12:15 |
whiskers | well i heard that you are not allowed to use Nero Linux unless you purchased a retail copy of Nero | 12:15 |
snowblink | yahalom, man chmod | 12:15 |
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locomorto | its Nero, for Linux, made by Nero. you need a copy of Nero Linux reloaded to get it though | 12:15 |
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jure | ah locomorto, you have cdrecord why do you need nero linux? | 12:15 |
whiskers | so at least we have gnome-baker working to burn dvd's but it really needs a verify option | 12:15 |
yahalom | snowblink, so i lets say "sudo chmod +x <filename> ? | 12:16 |
ali_ | hi hi :) | 12:16 |
locomorto | im just saying its there, and some people like it | 12:16 |
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whiskers | there is k3b and gnome-baker for now...but gnome-baker really needs a verify | 12:16 |
snowblink | yahalom, that will give you execute permission on the file. | 12:16 |
ali_ | whiskers> Is gnome-baker out ? | 12:16 |
ali_ | I could not apt-get install it personnally | 12:16 |
whiskers | yes i have 0.3 burning dvd's now | 12:16 |
whiskers | on hoary | 12:16 |
snowblink | yahalom, you may need write permission | 12:16 |
yahalom | snowblink, i want all permissions, read write execute | 12:17 |
whiskers | but there is no verify option | 12:17 |
locomorto | to change permission: sudo nautilus, then navigate to the thunderbids directores and right click properties and change the permissions | 12:17 |
yahalom | snowblink, yeah exactly, so how do i do that | 12:17 |
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gordonjcp | Seveas: any more thoughts? | 12:17 |
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snowblink | yahalom, chmod +w filename | 12:17 |
yahalom | locomorto, thanx. snowblink, thanx. | 12:17 |
ali_ | ok thanks whiskers, i'm trying to apt-get it | 12:17 |
Hmmmm | anyone here tried hoary on a 64 bit amd? | 12:17 |
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mjr | Hmmmm, yes | 12:18 |
yahalom | snowblink, so +r is read obviously? | 12:18 |
snowblink | yahalom, yup | 12:18 |
mjr | works mostly nicely (eg. hibernating didn't for me, though it worked on my x86 laptop nicely) | 12:18 |
jure | yahalom try typing "man chmod" | 12:18 |
gordonjcp | Oh well | 12:19 |
yahalom | jure, will do | 12:19 |
gordonjcp | Thanks for all the help, people | 12:19 |
ali_ | whiskers> impossible to find gnome-baker, it doesn't seem to be in my repositories, although I have all the hoary repositories (main, restricted, universe, and multiverse) | 12:19 |
whiskers | i have nero that came with my equipment but i don't think it qualifies for Nero Linux | 12:19 |
whiskers | i think you have to have puchased the professional version | 12:19 |
ali_ | I'm searching for Gnomebaker, whiskers | 12:19 |
locomorto | no you need Nero Reloaded, and it cant be a OEM edition | 12:20 |
ali_ | not NeroLinux, or maybe you were not talking to me | 12:20 |
whiskers | ali_, just go get it from Luke and compile it | 12:20 |
gordonjcp | Ubuntu is a great distro, but it just doesn't seem to support my TNT2 | 12:20 |
Kaiser_essen | gordonjcp or isa ;) | 12:20 |
ali_ | whiskers> Isn't there a debian package, just for curiosity ?? | 12:20 |
gordonjcp | Kaiser_essen: ? | 12:20 |
Kaiser_essen | without tweaking | 12:20 |
locomorto | ali_ its not in any of them | 12:20 |
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locomorto | ali are you on hoary? | 12:21 |
ali_ | too sad locomorto | 12:21 |
ali_ | yes, I am | 12:21 |
locomorto | wait 1 sec | 12:21 |
whiskers | ali_, yes i think there is a debian package | 12:21 |
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ali_ | however, it isn't on the repositories whiskers | 12:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gordonjcp: its great, but theres some things it doesnt support properly | 12:21 |
whiskers | ali_, so what...just google and go get it | 12:21 |
ali_ | I'm gonna do it whiskers | 12:22 |
gordonjcp | Seveas: pm | 12:22 |
ali_ | I just wanted to know why Ubuntu didn't get it on its repositories... | 12:22 |
locomorto | ali_ add this to /etc/apt/sources.list (while su): deb http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/hoary/gnomebaker/releases/i386/ ./ | 12:22 |
gordonjcp | Kamping_Kaiser: I don't know why, it works perfectly in Slackware | 12:22 |
ali_ | thanks locomorto | 12:23 |
locomorto | np | 12:23 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | isa is there, just have to install after. its a bit silly | 12:23 |
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ali_ | Oh, you found your link in the Ubuntu Wiki locomorto :) | 12:25 |
ali_ | Am I wrong ? :) | 12:25 |
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locomorto | no, the www.ubuntuguide.org forums | 12:25 |
ali_ | I found it there, interesting page : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeBaker | 12:25 |
Hmmmm | mjr, would you recommend that i download and install hoary RC on my new amd 64 and then upgrade to final? | 12:27 |
Hmmmm | based on your experience that is | 12:27 |
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whiskers | well i have not run hoary long enough to see if it will hold up | 12:27 |
whiskers | so far only a few days | 12:28 |
mjr | Hmmmm, well, I haven't tried a hoary install, I upgraded my warty - but the RC seems to be good. | 12:28 |
Hmmmm | ok | 12:28 |
Hmmmm | coz im dying to get uuntu onto my new box | 12:28 |
whiskers | Hmmmm, well i tell you....ubuntu is the easiest linux i have ever seen | 12:28 |
ali_ | mjr> I tried both methods, and I think the result is different when you install than when you upgrade | 12:28 |
whiskers | it is extremely easy to install and use...but less flexible than gentoo | 12:29 |
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ali_ | whiskers> hmm.. and Mandrake ? (even if I hate it) | 12:29 |
Hmmmm | whiskers, i just wish i could find some good repositories | 12:29 |
Hmmmm | then it would all be too easy | 12:29 |
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whiskers | Hmmmm, who cares about repositories...just get the basics up...and you can go get source for just about anything and compile whatever you want | 12:30 |
ali_ | locomorto> I tried to resolve http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/hoary/gnomebaker/releases/i386/ with my browser and it returns me a timeout error... | 12:30 |
Hmmmm | whiskers, if i wanted source, if just go to gentoo ... | 12:30 |
ali_ | Hmmmm> Or use Synaptic, a great program to manage your packages | 12:31 |
whiskers | Hmmmm, no...gentoo is much much more difficult to use | 12:31 |
whiskers | Hmmmm, it takes months to get it installed correctly | 12:31 |
whiskers | Hmmmm, hoary only takes about 30 minutes | 12:31 |
Hmmmm | ya thats is true | 12:32 |
kev0r | :D | 12:32 |
locomorto | make sure you have it in the file as "deb http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/hoary/gnomebaker/releases/i386/ ./" without the quotes | 12:32 |
Hmmmm | but would you happen to know some good repositories? | 12:32 |
kev0r | ok, ubuntu NEEDS IceWm :) | 12:32 |
kev0r | almost no internal mem used | 12:32 |
kev0r | (l) | 12:32 |
Hmmmm | coz iv put a lot of people onubuntu | 12:32 |
siimo | Hmmmm, main universe and multiverse? :P | 12:32 |
Hmmmm | btw can i download an entire repository and add it is as local one? | 12:32 |
locomorto | not a good idea | 12:33 |
siimo | Hmmmm, its HUGE maybe 100GB or even bigger | 12:33 |
locomorto | you would get alot of diffrent files for version that you dotn need | 12:33 |
Hmmmm | ouch! | 12:33 |
ali_ | locomorto> I didn't try to use apt, I tried to resolve the "address" from my browser | 12:33 |
locomorto | and it would not be upto date | 12:33 |
ali_ | this one : http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/hoary/gnomebaker/releases/i386/ | 12:33 |
siimo | that is if you include universe | 12:33 |
lunitik | siimo: not that big... maybe for all three repo's... | 12:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | kev0r. apt | 12:33 |
Hmmmm | but can i burn the stuff iv downloaded from /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 12:33 |
kev0r | i'm running aMule, gaim, matlab 'n shit | 12:33 |
siimo | lunitik, i believe these source there too on the repos ? | 12:33 |
lunitik | siimo: Sid is about 35 gigs right now... | 12:34 |
kev0r | 110 mb ram :) | 12:34 |
kev0r | used | 12:34 |
locomorto | try it using apt | 12:34 |
Hmmmm | onto a CD and give it to someone else to add it is a repository? | 12:34 |
siimo | ok i over estimated it a bit | 12:34 |
ali_ | do you think apt will work while the address cannot be resolved ? | 12:34 |
ali_ | whatever, I try... | 12:34 |
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cheal | "What happens with the version number in 2100?" -> haha :) | 12:35 |
siimo | ali_, try replacing archive.ubuntu.com with | 12:35 |
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Hmmmm | how can i add a local folder as a repository in sources.list? | 12:35 |
siimo | cheal, ... ill be dead long before then , i dont care! | 12:35 |
ali_ | siimo> I can resolve archive.ubuntu.com, it just doesn't have the gnome baker package | 12:35 |
ali_ | or is a new repository ? | 12:36 |
fsapo | Hmmmm, i think u can just add a CDROM | 12:36 |
siimo | ali_, no its not | 12:36 |
ICU | Hmmmm, my sources.list: http://home.1cu.de/~icu/ubuntu/sources.list | 12:36 |
ali_ | so I don't need it, but thanks however | 12:36 |
ali_ | locomorto> I can't resolve it by apt-get too.... :( | 12:36 |
Hmmmm | ICU thanksa ton dude | 12:36 |
locomorto | odd | 12:36 |
ali_ | deb http://people.debian.org/~goedson/packages/ubuntu/hoary/gnomebaker/releases/i386/ ./ | 12:36 |
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ali_ | 99% [Connexion people.debian.org (] | 12:37 |
jiyuu0 | ali_, i'm having the same prob | 12:37 |
ali_ | it stays here, at this point of connexion... and doesn't evolve | 12:37 |
ICU | ali: same here ... timouts on people.debian.org | 12:37 |
ali_ | ok jiyuu0 :) | 12:37 |
siimo | ali_, i cant connect to people.debian.org currentlym seems down | 12:37 |
locomorto | try it agian tomorrow (i would give you my .deb file, but i cleaned the apt-get cache) | 12:37 |
ali_ | so am I, ICU and jiyuu0 :) | 12:37 |
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jiyuu0 | ali_, download it manually then install | 12:37 |
ali_ | no problem locomorto, it was just for test, i still have k3b | 12:37 |
ali_ | I can't, jiyuu0, the address where the packages are makes a timeout error too | 12:38 |
ali_ | I'll try another site | 12:38 |
ali_ | or from the source code on Luke's site | 12:38 |
ali_ | Let's get compiling :) | 12:38 |
jiyuu0 | ali_, y not try download from direct link | 12:41 |
jiyuu0 | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeBaker | 12:41 |
ali_ | I already tried this, jiyuu0 :) | 12:41 |
ali_ | try to click on the Ubuntu link, it will make you a timeout | 12:41 |
ali_ | But there is not any problem about compiling, I'm not chained to debian packages :) | 12:41 |
jiyuu0 | ali_, have u tried backport? | 12:43 |
jiyuu0 | seems down also | 12:43 |
ali_ | backport ? | 12:43 |
ali_ | I'm already on hoary :) | 12:43 |
jiyuu0 | hoary's backport | 12:43 |
jiyuu0 | deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 12:44 |
jiyuu0 | deb http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 12:44 |
ali_ | But hoary is the last version, it's a backport from what exactly ? | 12:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what are the backports for? | 12:44 |
ali_ | The new version after the RC release ?? | 12:44 |
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jiyuu0 | http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ | 12:45 |
Jefis | How to get developers packeges, i mean, sources, and so on? | 12:45 |
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ali_ | I've read this and I still do not understand jiyuu0 | 12:48 |
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ali_ | If I am on Hoary, the last version, from where are these backported packages coming ? | 12:48 |
KarlosII | :> | 12:48 |
ali_ | A Debian SId distro ? | 12:48 |
snowblink | ali_, what are you trying to install? | 12:49 |
ali_ | I can understand some Hoary packages are backported for Warty which is the precedent release, but for Hoary which is the last one ..? | 12:49 |
waxhead | anyone know why when you install the 686 kernel, the 686 modules aren't a dependancy? | 12:50 |
ali_ | snowblink > The installation is not a problem, I just try to understand the backport concept for hoary | 12:50 |
Deft | waxhead, you mean the restricted modules? | 12:50 |
waxhead | Deft, hmmm likely.. since it's the madwifi and fglrx modules... | 12:50 |
Deft | waxhead, the linux-686 package should depend on the main kernel package and the extras | 12:51 |
Deft | which doesn't exist... that is odd | 12:51 |
snowblink | ali_, I would guess hoary backports would be coming from the development work happening for hoary+1 | 12:51 |
ali_ | hoary+1 ? | 12:52 |
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waxhead | Deft, ok.. I picked the 686 kernel, but no dependacies were listed | 12:52 |
ali_ | Is it the new version Ubuntu devs are working on ? | 12:52 |
snowblink | ali_, the release after hoary | 12:53 |
waxhead | going to reboot to see if I can tell if the 686 kernel is faster than the 386 version.. :) | 12:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | good luck | 12:53 |
Deft | waxhead, you need the linux-restricted-modules-686 package; I don't know why there is no dependency package to install it at the moment | 12:53 |
Deft | waxhead, there really should be a linux-686, to match linux-k7 etc, but it seems to be awol | 12:54 |
corza | Just wondering, is there a Linux Magazine in Australia? | 12:54 |
ali_ | thanks snowblink, I didn't know they were already workin' on | 12:54 |
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borup | should the new fast boot/init scripts be default in hoary, or do I need to install a new package | 12:57 |
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jc-denton | where can i submit a bug for ubuntu? | 12:58 |
snowblink | bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 12:59 |
Seveas | jc-denton, bugzilla for packages in main, malone for universe | 12:59 |
jc-denton | no reportbug? | 12:59 |
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jc-denton | what is malone? | 12:59 |
whiskers | hey how come there is no Freemat in synaptic for people who cannot afford matlab | 12:59 |
queuetue | I have a server-only (custom) ubuntu install. Does anyone know how I change the size of the console font? | 12:59 |
yahalom | anyone here switched from debian to ubuntu? | 01:00 |
Deft | yahalom, I did, when warty was released | 01:01 |
jc-denton | in aterm there seems to be no support for umlauts | 01:01 |
Deft | whiskers, how about gnu octave? | 01:01 |
jc-denton | in the debian version of aterm it just worked | 01:01 |
snowblink | queuetue, not answering your question, but how are you finding Ubuntu as a server? | 01:01 |
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yahalom | Deft, would u recommend ubuntu over debian? | 01:01 |
waxhead | yahalom, yep | 01:02 |
Deft | yahalom, if you want to use your comp as a gnome desktop, definitely | 01:02 |
whiskers | Deft, i will have to look into that one...but first we have to get Freemat working to go with gimpshop | 01:02 |
yahalom | waxhead, y? | 01:02 |
waxhead | yahalom, basically it sit's on debian anyway.. just "nicer" as a desktop | 01:02 |
yahalom | Deft, only reason? | 01:02 |
waxhead | yahalom, all the benefit of debian, with a desktop focus that seems to just work | 01:02 |
waxhead | yike.. that's a bit salesy.... :( | 01:03 |
yahalom | waxhead, so ubuntu is basically a nice debian? | 01:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sort of | 01:03 |
waxhead | yahalom, yeah... I'd say so... | 01:03 |
Deft | yahalom, well, if you don't want gnome (or kde now), there is probably not a lot of point in uprooting yourself | 01:03 |
yahalom | Deft, i have ubuntu, just was curious about debian, someone tried to persuade me | 01:04 |
waxhead | I use debian on my servers.. running stable.. but ubuntu rocks my world on my laptop | 01:04 |
yahalom | Deft, would u recommend ubuntu for a business? | 01:04 |
yahalom | Deft, and servers? | 01:05 |
maddler | who could give me a couple hints for mkinitrd? | 01:05 |
gordonjcp | is it possible that the Riva TNT2 just isn't supported by *something* in Ubuntu? | 01:06 |
yahalom | anyone know how i can update my thunderbird to 1.0.2? | 01:06 |
maddler | yahalom: apt-get or synaptic | 01:07 |
queuetue | snowblink, the install is only 3 hours old, but I've been using hoary as a development server/workstation for afew weeks, and it's great. | 01:07 |
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Deft | yahalom, business probably but no experience, never tried for a serious server | 01:07 |
yahalom | maddler, how would i update it through apt-get, i have 1.0.1 | 01:08 |
yahalom | Deft, thanx man | 01:08 |
snowblink | queuetue, thanks. Am going to setup a rails server and was going to use Hoary | 01:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thunderbird or firefox? | 01:08 |
yahalom | thunderbird | 01:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dont think the latest thunderbird is ready for ubuntu yet | 01:08 |
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yahalom | Kamping_Kaiser, risky? | 01:09 |
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queuetue | snowblink, (IMHO), rails is clever for the first 1-2 hours of development, but then leaves you flat. You may walso want to give webware/sqlobject a shot. | 01:09 |
queuetue | not that you asked. | 01:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yahalom, no you just have to do it from source | 01:09 |
snowblink | queuetue, heh - I'm a ruby nut. That's why I took this job! | 01:09 |
queuetue | Best of luck to you, then. :) | 01:10 |
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yahalom | Kamping_Kaiser, if it will be available soon then i'll wait, if not i'll do it from source. is it going to be updated soon? | 01:10 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | i expect so, but i cant promice. im not in those circles. | 01:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 1.0 i s what i have atm. its fine for me | 01:11 |
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yahalom | Kamping_Kaiser, i'm just having serious dictionary probs | 01:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh. what dictionary? | 01:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not that i can help | 01:13 |
yahalom | english_us | 01:13 |
hhartz | can somebody point me to an URL on how to use the Live CD? | 01:13 |
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yahalom | it wont let me install it, always saying access denied | 01:13 |
yahalom | i have all priviliges on it | 01:13 |
hhartz | I'm supposed to be able to use an USB stick to have my home folder on right? | 01:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hhartz. put it in. | 01:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and i think yes | 01:13 |
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pcj600 | en1 know how to get smb on ubuntu | 01:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | apt-get | 01:17 |
Deft | pcj600, just need to install the samba packages | 01:18 |
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Deft | pcj600, assuming you want to set up as a server that is, nautilus will connect to smb shares anyway | 01:18 |
pcj600 | i can find it with sinaptic | 01:19 |
pcj600 | cant | 01:19 |
Deft | it's just called "samba", a search should show it... | 01:20 |
pcj600 | nope i tryed | 01:20 |
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whiskers | how do i uninstall audacity since it does not work here | 01:21 |
Deft | pcj600, using hoary? | 01:21 |
pcj600 | sinaptic | 01:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | smbclient | 01:21 |
crimsun | whiskers: how does it not work? | 01:21 |
whiskers | crimsun, it says it cannot initialize the i/o layer...but then comes up without audio | 01:21 |
whiskers | crimsun, so maybe it was compiled wrong or something | 01:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | pcj600 | 01:22 |
whiskers | crimsun, so i would like to uninstall it...and go get the source and try that | 01:22 |
crimsun | whiskers: did you pkill esd before you started audacity? | 01:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | pcj600 | 01:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | apt-get install samba samba-common smbclient | 01:22 |
crimsun | whiskers: afaik, it works fine under Hoary | 01:22 |
whiskers | crimsun, i never had to do that on gentoo | 01:22 |
whiskers | crimsun, i will try | 01:23 |
crimsun | whiskers: gentoo probably doesn't use esd by default... | 01:23 |
whiskers | crimsun, yes i used esd | 01:23 |
crimsun | whiskers: was it set to release the sound device? | 01:23 |
yahalom | anyone switched from fedora to ubuntu? | 01:24 |
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whiskers | crimsun, ok pkill esd fixed the problem | 01:24 |
whiskers | crimsun, but why | 01:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yahalom sort of. havent used fedora since 1 | 01:24 |
pcj600 | cvs build-essential bison flex-old libasound2-dev x-window-system-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev libfreetype6-dev libxrender-dev libttf2 libttf-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev msttcorefonts libfontconfig1-dev | 01:24 |
crimsun | whiskers: because by default, esd isn't set to release the device | 01:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | been using doze in the mean time | 01:24 |
CarlK | what is "dist-upgrade" ? | 01:25 |
whiskers | crimsun, ok..how do i change that | 01:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dist upgrade | 01:25 |
crimsun | whiskers: you could modify /etc/esound/esd.conf | 01:25 |
whiskers | crimsun, ok let me take a look | 01:25 |
CarlK | I have no dist | 01:25 |
Petrov | hello, i have a question: can I install ubuntu on hd of 1.2 GB ?? | 01:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | distribution | 01:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | carlk dist-upgrade == upgrade OS | 01:26 |
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Deft | CarlK, dist-upgrade upgrades packages even when it involves installing/uninstalling others, it's used for major changes to the distribition | 01:26 |
CarlK | trying to do: "and run a dist-upgrade (or 'Smart Upgrade') " - | 01:26 |
Petrov | can I install ubuntu on hd of 1.2 GB ?? | 01:27 |
siimo | Petrov, yes but not everything | 01:27 |
whiskers | crimsun, do you know the gentoo defualt options for esd to release when another app needs it | 01:27 |
whiskers | needs dsp | 01:27 |
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crimsun | whiskers: no idea, but it might be on gentoo's cvsweb | 01:27 |
whiskers | crimsun, ok i will have to dig around | 01:28 |
whiskers | crimsun, but thanks. | 01:28 |
Petrov | siimo : only the instal cd? | 01:28 |
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siimo | Petrov, depends what you need | 01:28 |
CarlK | is there a apt-get command version of smart-update? | 01:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no | 01:28 |
jc-denton | i have a question | 01:28 |
siimo | Petrov, probably stay away from kde/gnome if you need a desktop | 01:28 |
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jc-denton | i installed both, ubuntu's aterm and that one from debian sarge | 01:29 |
Petrov | simmo : on a computer of 32 ram and 166 Mhz? | 01:29 |
jc-denton | umlauts dont work on it | 01:29 |
jc-denton | but on uxterm they work | 01:29 |
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jc-denton | also in gnome-terminal | 01:29 |
waxhead | re | 01:29 |
jc-denton | why can this be? | 01:29 |
berkes | ive got a hardwarequestion, not so very ubuntu-specific, though | 01:29 |
waxhead | 686 kernel to boot too! | 01:29 |
CarlK | Petrov - m instal used 1.4G, and I think about .2 is something like cached .deb files that can be removed, but you won't be too happy | 01:30 |
berkes | sudo ifconfig gives me a mac address of 00:00 etc (only zero) for eth0 | 01:30 |
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berkes | anyone any idea where i can change/reset that? | 01:30 |
CarlK | Petrov - you should do a "server" install (300Meg) and then apt-get just what you want | 01:30 |
Petrov | ok thx | 01:31 |
snowblink | Petrov, my official warty CD set says 350MB minimal, 1.8GB standard | 01:31 |
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waxhead | berkes, is you nic recognised? | 01:32 |
CarlK | I installed on a P1-266, 96mb - it "works" | 01:32 |
Petrov | snowblink: thx | 01:32 |
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berkes | waxhead: i am noob, how would i know that? | 01:33 |
berkes | waxhead: o, wait, you mean my irc nic? | 01:33 |
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borup | berkes: that would be nick not nic | 01:35 |
berkes | yea, thought so :) | 01:35 |
Deft | has anyone tried a cd based upgrade with a hoary test cd? | 01:35 |
Deft | nic = Network Interface Card | 01:36 |
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borup | shouldn't the hoary init script be a lot faster? | 01:38 |
Petrov | i have the install cd and how I can choose for minimal? | 01:39 |
borup | my labtop seems to be booting even slower that before the upgrade | 01:39 |
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deFrysk | Petrov, check the options when booting the cd | 01:39 |
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CarlK | trying to test Daniel | 01:40 |
CarlK | 1.0.7174 nvidia package, but it isn't showing up in synaptic - is there an apt-get way of doing this? | 01:40 |
martin | SERVER irc.linuxfromscratch.org | 01:40 |
Petrov | defrysk, ok | 01:40 |
Petrov | thx | 01:40 |
Deft | CarlK, nvidia-glx in hoary is that version I think | 01:40 |
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Deft | CarlK, no, I was wrong | 01:41 |
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CarlK | wait.. found it (used 'search')... | 01:41 |
CarlK | still not sure about the dist-upgrade (or 'Smart Upgrade') thing | 01:43 |
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elcu | could someone help me with ati driver install? | 01:45 |
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ali_ | elcu> do you know the ati driver specific name ? | 01:46 |
andrek | when i'm to build kernel sources, where is the place called "workin directory".. ? i'm not quite following here.. | 01:47 |
elcu | i think i found a solution. thanks anyway. | 01:47 |
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whiskers | well i just that just about covers the hardware basics here....so i just have to wait to see how stable this is going to be over time | 01:48 |
ruffian | Hi, i am trying to run a server. But i think the firewall is stopping everyone outside from accessing it | 01:48 |
ruffian | how do i open a port? | 01:48 |
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deFrysk | http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20050404#1 isnt that nice :) | 01:50 |
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CarlK | what does it take to get apt to use a proxy? (squid is setup, just need to tell apt to use it) | 01:51 |
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whiskers | i think that article is overly pessimistic on autopackage....it may become quite useful in the future | 01:54 |
whiskers | theoretically it will allow removal and insertion of packages | 01:55 |
meng | kinda stinks when gaim never really releases .debs of the latest versions | 01:55 |
meng | is there a way to have autopackage with ubuntu? | 01:56 |
deFrysk | whiskers, its just yet another packaging system | 01:56 |
whiskers | meng, there probably is but it may take a different set of repositories | 01:56 |
deFrysk | yaps | 01:56 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | should I just use the flgrx files found in synaptic or get the ones from ati.com for my ati card ? | 01:57 |
queuetue | svnadmin help | 01:57 |
meng | go for the ati ones | 01:57 |
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Pop_pa_FrEaK | is it easier to install ? | 01:57 |
whiskers | deFrysk, yes it is but can synaptic remove packages or do you have to use the old rm -rf | 01:57 |
deFrysk | autopakaged pack can be removed with autopackage | 01:58 |
whiskers | deFrysk, yes that is what i thought | 01:59 |
Pop_pa_FrEaK | meng is it easy to install the ati ones ? I just switched over from suse 9.2 | 01:59 |
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meng | now, i think apt isn't enough these days | 01:59 |
im_ka | hi | 01:59 |
whiskers | there is one thing that i feel needs to be worked on by ubuntu devs and that is subfs | 01:59 |
meng | i never had sucessfully installed the drivers | 02:00 |
im_ka | how's the hoary rc? my laptop just got fixed and i don't know if i wanna wait til the end of the week | 02:00 |
meng | once, my whole x just went down hard | 02:00 |
deFrysk | whiskers, ask in #ubuntu-motu | 02:00 |
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whiskers | deFrysk, ok thanks for the advice | 02:00 |
meng | is there a channel for ubuntu and ati cards? | 02:01 |
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Daehlie | anybody know how to change the text size of subtitles in vlc, the blood text takes up half the picture and gets badly truncated on long lines | 02:03 |
ali_ | meng> if you have a question about ubuntu and ati, just ask it there | 02:03 |
huhe | i dont mean to be inappropriate or anything but something untcontrollable is happening there is a party in my pants | 02:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | who knows where the SSH server config file is kept? | 02:03 |
Seveas | /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 02:04 |
im_ka | Kamping_Kaiser probably in /etc | 02:04 |
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garrut | Kamping_Kaiser: did you even look before asking that? | 02:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks seveas | 02:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes. for a long time. in man ssh and man sshconfig | 02:05 |
LarsG | any suggestions on why I haven't got any sound on flash anims? | 02:06 |
huhe | garrut he go the answer to his question do you insist that people not assist other people but look up everything themselves ? i dont think you'd have the sheer volume of people on freenode if people didn't help each other | 02:06 |
Seveas | Kamping_Kaiser, all config files are kept in /etc | 02:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ok. | 02:06 |
huhe | btw, man pages are the hardest to interpret being made for programmers | 02:06 |
meng | anyone here knows a good multimedia plugin for hoary | 02:07 |
waxhead | not to mention, actually finding the right man page (command) | 02:07 |
meng | i can't seem to get VLC or mozplugger to work | 02:07 |
waxhead | but apropos tries to help there.. | 02:07 |
whiskers | LarsG, well i had gnuflash working on gentoo but i don't bother with that stuff anymore | 02:08 |
waxhead | does anyone have a /dev/video ? | 02:08 |
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huhe | i spent $600 on a education. LPI certification. after what experience i have had here i am going to retire my dedicated linux box which i can't get rid of with awesome specs | 02:08 |
whiskers | LarsG, i don't use the web very much except google and slashdot and they don't require gnuflash | 02:08 |
ruffian | Is there a way to search if a process is running? | 02:08 |
Seveas | ruffian, try ps | 02:08 |
Seveas | ps -A | grep processname | 02:09 |
ruffian | Seveas: Yes i know, ps ...ps aux | 02:09 |
waxhead | ps aux | grep -i processname | 02:09 |
LarsG | whiskers, thanks.. but there are also some videos without sound, and a dev. language I use.. (BlitzMax) | 02:09 |
nydust | what do this mean Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/compiere/Compiere | 02:09 |
ruffian | Ah ok, thank you | 02:09 |
Seveas | nydust, that you dont have the Compiere class | 02:09 |
CarlK | ps -C processname | 02:09 |
waxhead | nydust, you don't have the required class in your class path | 02:09 |
Insom | ....... | 02:10 |
waxhead | Seveas, do you have /dev/video or /dev/video0? | 02:10 |
Seveas | nope | 02:11 |
ruffian | Is it possible to reboot/restart a process? | 02:11 |
Seveas | i do have video1394 though | 02:11 |
Seveas | firewire thing | 02:11 |
waxhead | ruffian, yeah... | 02:11 |
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ruffian | waxhead: command? | 02:11 |
Seveas | ruffian, you can kill it with kill | 02:11 |
waxhead | /etc/init.d/(progam name) restart | 02:11 |
Seveas | waxhead, that's just for services... | 02:11 |
ruffian | Seveas: yea i can do that, but just wondering if i can restarting | 02:11 |
waxhead | Seveas, true... bad assumption | 02:12 |
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Seveas | cause normal programs don't have initscripts :) | 02:12 |
libben | why is xchat in todays updates? its the same version that is allready installed..... so anyone? | 02:12 |
ckiewiet | hi all | 02:12 |
ruffian | ok | 02:12 |
ckiewiet | I am currently on Ubuntu 4.10, warty | 02:12 |
waxhead | ruffian, it depends on what you are expecting it to do.. if it's to re-read a config then -HUP works | 02:12 |
ckiewiet | is there a way to update to 5.04 | 02:12 |
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ckiewiet | via apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:12 |
ckiewiet | or something? | 02:12 |
waxhead | Seveas, yeah, that's what I have here | 02:12 |
Seveas | libben, xchat (2.4.1-0.1ubuntu4) hoary; urgency=low | 02:12 |
Seveas | . | 02:12 |
Seveas | * debian/patches/37_input_method_tab.patch: | 02:12 |
Seveas | - patch from the CVS to fix an issue with the input method on tab switches | 02:12 |
Seveas | (Hoary: #8514). | 02:12 |
waxhead | I'm needing of a /dev/video for the v4l to work so I can at least try playing iwth my webcam | 02:13 |
venkman | so | 02:13 |
Seveas | so there is a patch to xchat :) | 02:13 |
venkman | how well does ubuntu work on laptops | 02:13 |
Seveas | venkman, very well | 02:13 |
seb128 | Seveas: is that an issue with that patch ? | 02:13 |
Seveas | (i'm an a laptop right now) | 02:13 |
waxhead | venkman, tops! I'm running it on my Dell 9100 | 02:13 |
LarsG | I'm running hoary on my laptop.. | 02:13 |
LarsG | IBM Thinkpad T42 | 02:13 |
Seveas | seb128, no, libben was wondering why xchat was in the updates | 02:13 |
venkman | do those that maintain packages for ubuntu maintain a group of them or just a single package or how does that work | 02:13 |
waxhead | I'm on hoary now.. lots of updates.. but I had warty working fine.. even the ATI card | 02:13 |
venkman | yea, i'm running on hoary on my desktop | 02:14 |
Seveas | waxhead, ati works finer with hoary :) | 02:14 |
venkman | but i had to do some fixage to one of the packages. | 02:14 |
waxhead | venkman, you click on system them admin, and then synaptic... and it's tops.. | 02:14 |
ruffian | I will brb | 02:14 |
venkman | waxhead, that's not what i mean. | 02:14 |
venkman | waxhead, i wanted to know who maintains the nvidia-glx package. | 02:14 |
waxhead | Seveas, works well enough for me... killing a friend of mine who's using mandrake... | 02:14 |
waxhead | venkman, check the details in synaptic | 02:15 |
whiskers | i still don't know if i prefer win98 or linux since win98 is already paid for. | 02:15 |
Seveas | venkman, try apt-cache show nvidia-glx | 02:15 |
Seveas | it's Daniel Stone btw | 02:15 |
huhe | after mandrake ubuntu was my last resort | 02:15 |
waxhead | isn't venkman the javascript debugger? | 02:15 |
waxhead | huhe, ubuntu rocks my world!!! | 02:15 |
nydust | Seveas, what is a Class? | 02:15 |
venkman | waxhead, or the ghosstbuster | 02:15 |
whiskers | if i had not bought win98....linux would be the clear choice...but once a cost is sunk...i really wonder if it makes any difference because win98 is quite fast | 02:16 |
venkman | peter venkman | 02:16 |
venkman | waxhead, don't cross the streams. | 02:16 |
waxhead | nydust, not done much java? | 02:16 |
huhe | i'm just a little disappointed with the group of people drinking beer and obsessing about bogomips | 02:16 |
Seveas | nydust, in the case of your error: a piece of the java program | 02:16 |
whiskers | and nearly everything runs on win98 or linux | 02:16 |
nydust | waxhead, no i just install apps and use the, i am not a programer | 02:16 |
venkman | waxhead, basically, the nvidia-glx package doesn't create the symlink necessary to link to the correct libGL.so | 02:16 |
waxhead | whiskers, horses for courses... I have xp as the dual boot on my laptop.. it never gets booted. but its' there when the wife needs it | 02:17 |
waxhead | nydust, simply put, your app is looking for an external "library" and it's not there | 02:17 |
whiskers | waxhead, well i saw xp on someone elses computer and i cannot stand it | 02:17 |
venkman | waxhead, i figured this out when glxinfo wasn't resolving some symbols and then when i did ldd on it. | 02:17 |
=== tyreth [~tyreth@CPE-147-10-32-86.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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whiskers | i can't stand winme, 2k or xp | 02:17 |
venkman | furthermore, my box was unexplicitely locking up completely | 02:17 |
tyreth | Hi, I've installed cups but I can't see my printer in the kde list of printers. Is there a way to install extra drivers? | 02:18 |
=== Jochem [~Jochem@174.57-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | and i was giong 10fps in wolf3d with a geforce ti 4600 | 02:18 |
venkman | i wanted to vomit. | 02:18 |
=== SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whiskers | they have the system restore stuff that gets in everythings way | 02:18 |
nydust | hmm | 02:18 |
venkman | tyreth, kde has a control panel you can add printers with. | 02:18 |
SiRrUs | hello guys | 02:18 |
whiskers | also win98 seems to be the fastest booting of them all | 02:18 |
meng | DOS is even faster | 02:19 |
waxhead | 8777 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1755.400 FPS | 02:19 |
waxhead | 8785 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1757.000 FPS | 02:19 |
waxhead | 8748 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1749.600 FPS | 02:19 |
tyreth | venkman, I know that - the printer model isn't in there. | 02:19 |
tyreth | venkman, There are a lot of canon printers, but not the i470d | 02:19 |
venkman | tyreth, did you install the foomatic? | 02:19 |
tyreth | No | 02:19 |
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venkman | waxhead, what card? | 02:19 |
tyreth | venkman, which foomatic package(s) should I install? | 02:19 |
whiskers | just try getting a virus on me or 2k or xp and watch it propogate all over that system restore stuff | 02:20 |
venkman | tyreth, i can't remember | 02:20 |
waxhead | venkman, ati radeon 9600 | 02:20 |
whiskers | forget it | 02:20 |
ruffian | Hello, i am trying to run a server...and allow remote access to it. But i think the firewall is rejecting the connections | 02:20 |
venkman | tyreth, you might want to check the database | 02:20 |
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venkman | waxhead, hmm is that supposed to be faster or slower than ti4600, i'm no 3d expert | 02:20 |
tyreth | venkman, the foomatic database? | 02:20 |
CarlK | ruffian - there is no firewall | 02:20 |
CarlK | venkman - there also is no sshd | 02:21 |
venkman | http://www.linuxprinting.org/ | 02:21 |
CarlK | venkman? | 02:21 |
tyreth | ta | 02:21 |
waxhead | venkman, dunno.. it's fast enough for me.. :) | 02:21 |
ruffian | Carlk: I thought there is a firewall built into kernel? | 02:21 |
venkman | CarlK, you can enable ssh | 02:21 |
huhe | some odd phenonema is happening to me. everytime i enter a car i hear a horn. | 02:21 |
CarlK | ruffian - you need to apt-get install openssh-server | 02:21 |
venkman | waxhead, i don't even play games :P i got it free. | 02:21 |
ruffian | Carlk: Then why would it reject connection? Basicly i am testing out an ircd | 02:22 |
venkman | waxhead, my friend used to be one of the top 10 in the usa for quake 3 | 02:22 |
waxhead | venkman, hahaha.. I got it with the laptop... of course I had to pay for it... | 02:22 |
venkman | haha | 02:22 |
venkman | yea | 02:22 |
ruffian | Carlk: Do i need to open a port? | 02:22 |
venkman | he won the cad | 02:22 |
venkman | card | 02:22 |
venkman | ruffian, there's no firewalls built into ubuntu unless you load firestarter | 02:22 |
waxhead | venkman, the idea was that'd I'd play a game.. V8 supercars.. of course it hasn't been installed | 02:22 |
venkman | or learn to use iptables | 02:22 |
=== SandBender [b8bd576a@BILLIE.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
waxhead | fireHOL | 02:22 |
venkman | waxhead, hah, what games are there for linux these days? | 02:22 |
ruffian | ok | 02:23 |
CarlK | ruffian - I am guessing your ircd istn't "up" | 02:23 |
waxhead | I installed it, but haven't taken a look at it yet | 02:23 |
waxhead | bzflag | 02:23 |
SandBender | have any of you tried compiling a new kernel for ubuntu? | 02:23 |
venkman | waxhead, any good? | 02:23 |
waxhead | SandBender, nah... there's generally one that does the job already packaged | 02:23 |
ruffian | CarlK; I have configured the ircd.conf...and it's running in the background fine. I can connect through , but not an ip | 02:23 |
waxhead | venkman, yeah it's a bit of a hoot... | 02:23 |
venkman | hmm | 02:24 |
SiRrUs | ruffian which ircd you running | 02:24 |
venkman | waxhead, i'll go try it out in like... 3 weeks | 02:24 |
waxhead | Linux roo 2.6.10-5-686 #1 Fri Apr 1 16:48:32 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 02:24 |
venkman | waxhead, i plan to graduate school | 02:24 |
venkman | YAY me ;) | 02:24 |
ruffian | SiRrUs: ircd-hybrid | 02:24 |
waxhead | venkman, oh right... | 02:24 |
waxhead | prolly best idea, since it's a real time waster! | 02:24 |
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ruffian | SiRrUs: It did the same thing, when i tired other ircd...e.g Bahamut | 02:24 |
waxhead | I installed it the other night and lost the whole evening.. it was 1am before I knew it... | 02:25 |
ruffian | It's always refusing connection | 02:25 |
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SiRrUs | ruffian did you get Bahamut to work | 02:25 |
ruffian | SiRrUs: No i get the same error message: Connection failed. Error: Connection refused | 02:25 |
venkman | waxhead, haha, dude, i've been up for 24 hours in a row for a few days a week now | 02:25 |
venkman | waxhead, i have a thesis due tonight at 8pm | 02:26 |
ruffian | It's refusing connection for some reason | 02:26 |
waxhead | venkman, not a good thing to do... | 02:26 |
SandBender | dang, yah it works great except it freezes at a random time if I am useing my wlan card | 02:26 |
venkman | waxhead, dude, i know... my weight... is horrible. | 02:26 |
SiRrUs | ruffian I am running Ultimate it seems to work ok | 02:26 |
venkman | waxhead, and i'm not sharp | 02:26 |
tyreth | venkman, now that I installed somemore foomatic packages (some were installed already) I can see no printers available. | 02:26 |
waxhead | venkman, well, you're doing the right thing to get it finished then... :) | 02:26 |
=== kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | tyreth, it appears your printer isn't listed as supported yet. | 02:26 |
venkman | http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi?make=Canon | 02:26 |
SandBender | I serched around and it looks like I need to either turn of atpi or increase the kernal cache to 16k | 02:26 |
ruffian | SiRrUs: You didn't have to configure anything apart from the .conf file? | 02:26 |
tyreth | venkman, No, there's *no* printer drivers there. Nothing. For any make or model. | 02:27 |
venkman | tyreth, restart cups | 02:27 |
tyreth | Tried that | 02:27 |
=== godsmoke [~godsmoke@cpe-66-108-155-162.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tyreth | Restarted computer, even :) | 02:27 |
venkman | tyreth, /etc/init.d/cups restart | 02:27 |
venkman | crap | 02:27 |
venkman | get support on ubuntu forums :P | 02:27 |
SiRrUs | ruffian sure the ircd.conf the ircd ini | 02:27 |
tyreth | If I try to connect to cups (http://localhost:631) no username or password works. even if I give root a password | 02:27 |
SiRrUs | services | 02:28 |
tyreth | How can I connect to the cups interface properly? | 02:28 |
SandBender | so I compiled a new kernel with a 16k patch, it compiles fine but then when I try to boot from it it says kernel panic, vfs error unable to load file system, I checked and the grub load is pointing to the right place...not sure what the prob is | 02:28 |
venkman | waxhead, after this i hope to be ready for some good ole open-source contributions... i was contributing to tar earlier this year. | 02:28 |
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waxhead | venkman, cool... me I just procrastinate | 02:28 |
ruffian | SiRrUS: sure the ircd.conf the ircd ini? What do you mean? | 02:28 |
venkman | tyreth, take a look at /etc/cups.conf or wherever it is | 02:28 |
venkman | waxhead, :) | 02:28 |
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venkman | tyreth, i wonder if ubuntu keeps backups like debian, lemme check | 02:29 |
ruffian | SiRrUS: The ports are opened and binded to the ip | 02:29 |
waxhead | venkman, I'm a highlevel language person though, not a fan of languages where you have to do so much "ground" work... | 02:29 |
SiRrUs | ruffian you asked me if I had to configure anything apart from the conf file. I said sure the ircd conf the ircd.ini the services conf | 02:30 |
venkman | tyreth, if it edited yor cupsd.conf file then you can restore it by copying over it from /var/backup | 02:30 |
Sav | Anyone know why BlueFish cant save files over 380 rows correctly? | 02:30 |
venkman | tyreth, then uninstall those foomatic | 02:30 |
venkman | waxhead, you like java? | 02:30 |
venkman | <3 java | 02:30 |
ruffian | SiRrUs: Ok. I don't think there is a .ini file, but i will check | 02:30 |
venkman | i did most of my programming in java, php and c++ | 02:30 |
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waxhead | venkman, ummm not really... perl :) | 02:31 |
venkman | mmm perl | 02:31 |
=== Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-25.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | i refuse to learn it,but i should | 02:31 |
venkman | the syntax used to scare me, then php was like lube | 02:31 |
venkman | and then bash scripts were the last straw | 02:31 |
kbrooks | venkman, learn it. | 02:31 |
venkman | yea, but i'm so used to c, pl/sql, etc | 02:32 |
waxhead | venkman, haha.. bash scripts.. you do it because you have to, otherwise it's perl :) | 02:32 |
venkman | waxhead, man, bash syntax is horrid | 02:32 |
kbrooks | venkman, well, i can help you. | 02:32 |
kbrooks | can i pm ya, venkman | 02:32 |
venkman | kbrooks, :) not this week, but maybe another time | 02:32 |
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venkman | i could write a quick web-app or something in it and probably know enough to be dangerous | 02:33 |
waxhead | venkman, php is ok.... | 02:33 |
waxhead | venkman, php? | 02:33 |
venkman | waxhead, perl | 02:33 |
venkman | waxhead, php is just sooo easy | 02:33 |
Seveas | perl is icky | 02:33 |
ali_ | python too can be used :) | 02:33 |
whiskers | i am surprised how wd did a fairly good job of getting usb2.0 support in win98 | 02:33 |
Seveas | python is sooo much cleanr than perl | 02:33 |
ali_ | oh yeah | 02:34 |
=== Seveas <3 python | ||
venkman | what about ruby? | 02:34 |
ali_ | and soooo soooo sooo much cleaner than C, for app programming | 02:34 |
Seveas | ruby is nice too | 02:34 |
waxhead | venkman, true I guess.. but I'm not a fan of php's ldap, perls ldap module just rocks... I struggle with java's ldap syntax too... | 02:34 |
waxhead | Seveas, I haven't looked at python, but hten I'm not a fan of a language that forces tabbing in syntax... | 02:35 |
ali_ | waxhead> Use PEAR packages if LDAP package doesn't convince you | 02:35 |
Seveas | waxhead, no tabbing, just spaces | 02:35 |
whiskers | but anyway i guess people will use whatever they like | 02:35 |
ali_ | so you're not fan of tidiness and organization, waxhead | 02:35 |
Seveas | waxhead, and that is one of the reasons python is so much cleaner : | 02:35 |
Seveas | :) | 02:35 |
venkman | waxhead, ahh, i never have done anything with ldap except configure mail server stuff | 02:35 |
waxhead | Seveas, sure.. but still | 02:35 |
nydust | how do i mount a cue file? | 02:35 |
Seveas | you should indent your code anyway... | 02:35 |
nydust | or extract it? | 02:35 |
Seveas | if you don't => bad programmer | 02:35 |
waxhead | ali_, hahaha... I'm waiting for the line noise comment next... | 02:35 |
ali_ | I agree with Seveas | 02:36 |
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ali_ | waxhead> You are not obliged to be impolite | 02:36 |
venkman | tyreth, hey, you MIGHT find a ppd for that printer somewhere if you look for it.... like decompressing the manufacturers drivers and look for it, or possible on a web site found through google | 02:36 |
Sav | Is it possible to "mount" ftp server to a folder so i can open its files in eg, a texteditor? | 02:36 |
ali_ | I just give my opinion as a 4 years old programmer | 02:36 |
Seveas | Sav, look at LUFS, or use nautilus for that :) | 02:36 |
Seveas | ali_, 4 years isn't that much as programmer :) | 02:37 |
waxhead | Seveas, I do, always have. but I'm fond of the bracing for blocks of code | 02:37 |
=== schasi [~schasi@pD95E1EC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | tyreth, http://www.linuxprinting.org/pipermail/canon-list/2003q4/001251.html | 02:37 |
Sav | Seveas, with nautilus i cant open/save files? | 02:37 |
ali_ | when u are 18, yes, Seveas ;) | 02:37 |
Seveas | waxhead, bracing is nice too | 02:37 |
ali_ | And anyway, I don't say it is much, I just say... it is. | 02:37 |
venkman | ali_, :) i've been at it for a long ass time ;) | 02:37 |
ali_ | I prefer tabs to bracing | 02:37 |
waxhead | ali_, 4 years old huh? I'm impressed with the fine motor skills :) | 02:37 |
ali_ | ok | 02:38 |
ali_ | So I think I'd better leave now | 02:38 |
venkman | i like bracing | 02:38 |
ali_ | goodbye. | 02:38 |
venkman | bye bye ali | 02:38 |
waxhead | bracing makes it easy in IDE's... actually, I must try the syntax highlighting for python.... | 02:38 |
waxhead | hahaha... soft... | 02:38 |
venkman | soft? | 02:38 |
Seveas | IDE? | 02:38 |
Seveas | vim is an excellent IDE :) | 02:38 |
Seveas | :!make | 02:38 |
Seveas | :) | 02:39 |
venkman | Seveas, emacs is better if you use gdb | 02:39 |
waxhead | ali_, left iwth little provocation... | 02:39 |
Seveas | emacs, yegh | 02:39 |
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venkman | but i hate emacs | 02:39 |
waxhead | emacs is a nightmare... | 02:39 |
Seveas | gdb, more yegh | 02:39 |
waxhead | mind you when you watch someone who knows it.. amaizing! | 02:39 |
Seveas | waxhead, same goes for vim :) | 02:39 |
venkman | mmm vim | 02:39 |
waxhead | Seveas, yeah.. I'm ok in vim... | 02:39 |
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=== Seveas now has 8 terminals open, all have vim open in it :) | ||
venkman | there's all kinds of shortcuts in vim | 02:40 |
waxhead | Seveas, so much to learn still | 02:40 |
venkman | Seveas, you use :split? | 02:40 |
Seveas | venkman, extensively :) | 02:40 |
Seveas | :sp is shorter :) | 02:40 |
waxhead | venkman, and that's the big thing.. get round to learning them... | 02:40 |
venkman | waxhead, oh yea, there's a crapton to learn | 02:40 |
Seveas | waxhead: google for vimbook-OPL | 02:40 |
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Seveas | and read the Vim Book :) | 02:40 |
Sav | Seveas, i only getting read-only with nautilus, any ideas how to get read/write? (yes i have the permissions on the ftp-account) | 02:41 |
Seveas | Sav, hmm, seems like nautilus doesn't support it then, sorry | 02:42 |
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venkman | Sav, gFTP for you | 02:42 |
venkman | Sav, or command line ftp | 02:42 |
venkman | or if your 1337, telnet | 02:42 |
Seveas | venkman, he wants to EDIT the files | 02:42 |
venkman | oh | 02:42 |
Sav | php programming | 02:42 |
Seveas | WITHOUT explicitly storing them locally | 02:42 |
venkman | hmm | 02:43 |
venkman | that's why ssh exists | 02:43 |
=== Seveas says: ssh + vim :) | ||
Seveas | that's how I make php's on my server | 02:43 |
Sav | ill rather not. im used to "HomeSite" in windows, iv used bluefish until now. isent there any other texteditor with ftp support? | 02:44 |
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Seveas | Sav, no idea actually, but look at LUFS for mounting ftp sites | 02:45 |
venkman | Sav, i believe that your program stores temporary versions of the files locally and uploads them after save or modification | 02:45 |
Seveas | venkman, sure it does | 02:45 |
Seveas | but the point is that it's transparent | 02:45 |
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venkman | use webdav? | 02:46 |
Seveas | venkman, maybe his server doesn't support it | 02:46 |
venkman | ohhh | 02:46 |
venkman | he can use mozilla composer! | 02:46 |
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jono | anyone got a problem with USB mass storage devices being set to read only in hoary? | 02:48 |
Albacker | jono | 02:48 |
Albacker | I cant even get into it | 02:48 |
venkman | jono, lemme check .. | 02:48 |
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Albacker | even thought I used to enter it. | 02:48 |
Albacker | get into __ enter it ! | 02:48 |
Seveas | jono, does it have an NTFS file system? | 02:48 |
=== venkman checks ipod | ||
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jono | no, its vfat - an iriver | 02:48 |
jono | I try to create a folder and no luck | 02:49 |
Albacker | I used to mount /dev/sda4 now I do : | 02:49 |
Albacker | root@galaxy:/home/eni # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/sda | 02:49 |
Albacker | mount: special device /dev/sda4 does not exist | 02:49 |
venkman | jono, ok try this. | 02:49 |
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ubuntoid | xchat update | 02:49 |
venkman | jono, System->Admin->User&Groups | 02:49 |
venkman | jono, select your username | 02:49 |
venkman | jono, Advanced Tab | 02:49 |
venkman | jono, click the boxes that apply | 02:50 |
venkman | hit ok | 02:50 |
jono | ok | 02:50 |
Sav | Seveas, /usr/lib/lufs/liblufs-ftp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, unsupported file system: ftp | 02:50 |
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venkman | jono, i would then logout and back in and try again. | 02:50 |
venkman | jono, that was supposed to say "user privs" tab | 02:50 |
=== iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-67-168-9-215.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
jono | okm will | 02:50 |
jono | try | 02:51 |
jono | thanks | 02:51 |
nydust | do any one know where i can get the cdemu build for ubuntu? | 02:52 |
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venkman | what does gnome use to detect devices to put on the desktop | 02:53 |
Seveas | pmount | 02:53 |
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venkman | hmm | 02:54 |
venkman | my ipod gets automounted, but never reaches the desktop as a volume | 02:54 |
ckiewiet | hey o | 02:54 |
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venkman | and | 02:54 |
ckiewiet | *+`'' | 02:54 |
venkman | it opens the ipod directory immediatly | 02:54 |
da_bon_bon | gnome-volume-manager | 02:54 |
ckiewiet | how come I can't use some of the keys on my keyboard | 02:54 |
ckiewiet | and: how can I update to 5.04 when I'm on 4.10? | 02:54 |
=== ciocanel [~alex@zamolxis.cs.unibuc.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | da_bon_bon, it's already running | 02:55 |
nydust | ckiewiet, look here www.ubuntuguide.org | 02:55 |
ckiewiet | hohoho | 02:55 |
ckiewiet | okay | 02:55 |
ciocanel | Hello, I upgraded to hoary and my usb mouse doesn't work, can enyone give me a hint? | 02:56 |
ckiewiet | ciocanel, how did you upgrade to hoary | 02:56 |
ckiewiet | did you upgrade from warty? | 02:57 |
nydust | ckiewiet, yeah, | 02:57 |
da_bon_bon | damn! cant find my chemistry book! any hypnotist here who can hlp me, plz :) ! :@ :( | 02:57 |
=== Bloody|RLC [~puzo__@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | da_bon_bon, in yoor bookcase | 02:57 |
Seveas | under your bed | 02:57 |
Seveas | on yur desk | 02:57 |
venkman | da_bon_bon, no, take my adderall, or don't cause it might kill you | 02:57 |
Seveas | in your bag | 02:57 |
ciocanel | ckiewiet: I edited my sources.list | 02:57 |
ckiewiet | oh, what did you add? | 02:57 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: nah/no/nono ! :( | 02:57 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, /dev/null? | 02:57 |
nydust | ckiewiet, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#upgradewartytohoary | 02:57 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: i wish not! :( | 02:57 |
ckiewiet | nydust, the ubuntuguide doesn't show anything about how to update from warty to upgrade | 02:57 |
ckiewiet | oh... | 02:57 |
waxhead | ckiewiet, change your sources.lst file to hoary and apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:57 |
ciocanel | ckiewiet: I replaced warty with hoary | 02:58 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, where did you last use it? | 02:58 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: on my desk! :( bout a month ago :(( | 02:58 |
nydust | ckiewiet, look at the link. | 02:58 |
nydust | do any here use cdemu? | 02:58 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, behind/under your desk? | 02:59 |
Seveas | under the shitload of crap on your desk? | 02:59 |
nydust | were can i get the kernel source? for ubuntu 2.6.10? | 02:59 |
venkman | nydust, synaptic will have it for you | 02:59 |
Seveas | nydust, apt-get source linux-image-your version | 02:59 |
ckiewiet | wtf... its like HUGE | 02:59 |
=== darka [~darka@ctv-213-164-111-240.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | ckiewiet, most women don't complain | 03:00 |
ckiewiet | venkman, lol. | 03:00 |
ckiewiet | talking about the stuff that dist-upgrade downloads | 03:00 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: nah | 03:00 |
ckiewiet | the package list is 4 MB in size | 03:00 |
ckiewiet | and stuff :/ | 03:00 |
venkman | ckiewiet, from warty to hoary/ | 03:00 |
venkman | ? | 03:00 |
ckiewiet | yes | 03:00 |
venkman | ahh | 03:00 |
venkman | i imagine it is rather large | 03:00 |
ckiewiet | why is it so big ? =( | 03:01 |
ckiewiet | 34 seconds remaining o | 03:01 |
venkman | ckiewiet, what was it like when you went from windows sp1 to sp2? | 03:01 |
da_bon_bon | Seveas: and if i dont get the book, i am screwed coz i have a test tomoro ! | 03:01 |
ckiewiet | venkman, i never used windows | 03:02 |
ckiewiet | so I have no idea :o | 03:02 |
=== da_bon_bon kicks himself HARD! | ||
venkman | ckiewiet, ever? | 03:02 |
ckiewiet | i used win2k once | 03:02 |
Seveas | da_bon_bon, keep searching then :) | 03:02 |
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ckiewiet | for 4 month or so heh | 03:02 |
BBB | mako, ping | 03:02 |
ckiewiet | k its done | 03:03 |
ckiewiet | how do I know if it worked? | 03:03 |
ciocanel | How can I insert my usb mouse module in 2.6.10 kernel? | 03:03 |
=== Montagh [~mon@222.106.client.e-access.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunitik | ciocanel: it should just load... | 03:03 |
ckiewiet | venkman, how do I know if the update worked heh | 03:03 |
ciocanel | lunitik: it's not loaded. | 03:03 |
da_bon_bon | can someone please help me with this FF problem ? http://rafb.net/paste/results/7i9ogz30.html | 03:03 |
venkman | ckiewiet, i went from... apple 2, to dos 3.x, then mac os, then back to windows, then linux, then windows, then linux then windows ... | 03:04 |
venkman | ckiewiet, restart | 03:04 |
Deft | ciocanel, there is no specific module needed | 03:04 |
ciocanel | Deft: yes, but my mouse doesn't work. :-( | 03:04 |
=== Florob [~Florian@xdsl-213-196-243-114.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | venkman, oic. | 03:05 |
ckiewiet | brb =) | 03:05 |
Deft | ciocanel, have you tried plugging it back in? or running lsusb? | 03:05 |
ciocanel | Deft: lsusb gives me nothing. | 03:05 |
=== Sp4rKy [~Sp4rKy@ARennes-351-1-10-4.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | ciocanel, how about "lsmod | grep usb"? | 03:06 |
Sp4rKy | hi | 03:06 |
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ciocanel | Deft: nothing | 03:06 |
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Deft | ciocanel, that is very strange... you could try "sudo modprobe usbhid" to force it to load | 03:07 |
Sp4rKy | what do you think about hoary? | 03:07 |
claint | it | 03:07 |
Deft | Sp4rKy, it's a huge improvment | 03:07 |
claint | it's fine. | 03:07 |
ciocanel | Deft: it's not working | 03:07 |
Deft | ciocanel, any message? either in the terminal or from dmesg? | 03:08 |
=== LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kain | mm.. ubuntu gnome doesn't mount automatically cdroms anymore. this since I reinstalled current version of hoary, before, using the preview release it works, any ideas? | 03:08 |
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ciocanel | Deft: dmesg gives me something, but the mouse is not working | 03:08 |
llpamies | Hi ! | 03:08 |
Deft | ciocanel, is anything about usb mentioned? | 03:09 |
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llpamies | the dir /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build is provided for any package or sould be created by hand ? | 03:09 |
=== Sp4rKy [~Sp4rKy@ARennes-351-1-10-4.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | why does ubuntu still use .10 kernel ? why not switch over to .11.6 ?! | 03:10 |
crimsun | da_bon_bon: our kernels are more .11.x than .10 | 03:10 |
ciocanel | Deft: yes, usbcore: register new driver... | 03:10 |
da_bon_bon | crimsun: meaning ?! | 03:10 |
crimsun | da_bon_bon: and some patches are from -bk, even newer than .11 | 03:10 |
=== fridge [~Jim@CommSecureAustPtyLtd.sb1.optus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | crimsun: then why not name them that way ? :P | 03:10 |
crimsun | da_bon_bon: take a look at the changelog for linux-source-2.6.10 | 03:10 |
Deft | ciocanel, does anything new appear in dmesg after plugging in the mouse? | 03:11 |
=== slask3n [~slask3n@216-220-35.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | crimsun: i am not on ubuntu ATM, can u point me to a link ? | 03:11 |
Sp4rKy | ciocanel, you can contact seb128 on #ubuntu-fr, he had helped somebody how have a problem with his usb key | 03:11 |
ciocanel | Deft: no. | 03:11 |
crimsun | da_bon_bon: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.10/linux-source-2.6.10_2.6.10-33/changelog | 03:12 |
ciocanel | Sp4rKy: I'll try that. | 03:12 |
seb128 | Sp4rKy: they are soeaking about an usb mouse | 03:12 |
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seb128 | speaking even | 03:12 |
llpamies | The dir /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/build is provided for any package or should be created by hand ? | 03:12 |
llpamies | I need it for compile a driver ! | 03:12 |
llpamies | it is a link to /usr/src/linux | 03:12 |
Deft | llpamies, do you have the kernel source? | 03:13 |
Rene_S | Good Morning | 03:13 |
Sp4rKy | llpamies you must install kernel-source | 03:13 |
slask3n | hi =) anyone here knows how to run dualscreen on a nvidia card? | 03:13 |
da_bon_bon | crimsun: thnks | 03:13 |
Sp4rKy | it's 3 pm ! | 03:13 |
fridge | slask3n, yep | 03:13 |
Deft | slask3n, the nvidia documentation explains how | 03:13 |
slask3n | where can i find this? | 03:13 |
=== ckiewiet [~ckiewiet@pD9E4ABA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | yo. | 03:14 |
slask3n | i installed nvidia from apt-get | 03:14 |
ckiewiet | venkman, it didn't work | 03:14 |
ckiewiet | this bitch of apt-get is trying to be clever with me :( | 03:14 |
=== pippo [~pippo@host190-46.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | lol good morning rene_S? | 03:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | mon, april 4, 22:44 | 03:14 |
Rene_S | Its 9:15 am here | 03:15 |
Deft | slask3n, zless /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/examples/XF86Config.sample.gz might help... | 03:15 |
slask3n | mon, april 4, 15:15 | 03:15 |
Sp4rKy | mon, april 4, 15:20 ! | 03:15 |
ckiewiet | mon april 4, 3:15 pm | 03:15 |
Rene_S | 09:15 AM Monday, April 04 2005 | 03:15 |
ckiewiet | TBVH. | 03:15 |
slask3n | no... 15:15! :p | 03:15 |
ckiewiet | my time is the correct one. | 03:15 |
Sp4rKy | ok | 03:15 |
ckiewiet | and now: does anyone have an explaination for this shit? | 03:15 |
claint | why-oh-why : are you a phb? | 03:16 |
claint | wrong room | 03:16 |
slask3n | Deft: thanks ill look into it :) | 03:16 |
Rene_S | Look its a magic trick I am talking to you from your past .... | 03:16 |
=== apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-25.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | oh my god - if only Einstein could see this. | 03:16 |
Deft | doesn't everyone run ntpdate at boot? how can people be 5 minutes off? | 03:16 |
ckiewiet | it's a miracle - it's unbelievable | 03:16 |
ckiewiet | but still: my system is acting clever on me | 03:16 |
ckiewiet | it says that it updated successfully | 03:17 |
Rene_S | Deft, time isnt accurate. nor linear. | 03:17 |
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ckiewiet | but it still says Ubuntu Linux 4.10 'Warty Warthdog' | 03:17 |
ckiewiet | on boot | 03:17 |
Deft | Rene_S, how fast are you moving right now?! | 03:17 |
slask3n | Deft: but I dont use Xfree86 :s i use X.org... | 03:17 |
Sp4rKy | ntpdate send me an error | 03:17 |
Rene_S | Deft, not very, had a long night | 03:17 |
ckiewiet | Sp4rKy, then your time is: ER:RO | 03:17 |
ckiewiet | I am so FUNNY today. | 03:18 |
ckiewiet | yow. | 03:18 |
Deft | slask3n, should be the same config, search down to TwinView | 03:18 |
slask3n | ok:) | 03:18 |
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claint | master-sama | 03:18 |
claint | dang it | 03:18 |
Sp4rKy | in 5 mn, i'll have the hoary installed ! | 03:19 |
claint | i keep writing in the wrong rrom | 03:19 |
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slask3n | Deft: where is my settingsfile located? | 03:20 |
Deft | slask3n, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:20 |
slask3n | thnx again :) | 03:20 |
ckiewiet | deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / unstable main restricted | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | thats the first line in my sources list | 03:21 |
Sp4rKy | yes, and ?? | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | is that a-ok? | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes? | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yep | 03:21 |
Sp4rKy | hi | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | and thats the rest: | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restricted | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi sp4rky | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | is that also ok, when I want to update to hoary? | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yes | 03:21 |
Sp4rKy | yes | 03:21 |
ckiewiet | then why did it not update to hoary? :) | 03:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you could include update to | 03:22 |
Sp4rKy | apt-get update | 03:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:22 |
=== andi__ [~andi@pD9537F28.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | run that | 03:22 |
Sp4rKy | apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:22 |
ckiewiet | yes I did that. | 03:22 |
Sp4rKy | or use synaptic | 03:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | update first? | 03:22 |
Sp4rKy | have you any error message ? | 03:22 |
ckiewiet | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 23 not upgraded. | 03:23 |
Sp4rKy | i'd started the upgrade an hour ago and it's ok | 03:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what are the 23 not upgraded? | 03:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 3 are your kernel... | 03:23 |
ckiewiet | are you sure you want me to post them here? | 03:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | OH!! | 03:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | are you going through GUI? | 03:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | kill it and then go through CLI | 03:23 |
ckiewiet | neg | 03:23 |
nydust | how can i compile a kernel module to my eksisting kernal? I dont have the source | 03:24 |
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ckiewiet | I am doing that through a terminal Kamping_Kaiser | 03:24 |
Sp4rKy | all your lines are uncommented | 03:24 |
Sp4rKy | ? | 03:24 |
ckiewiet | oui. | 03:24 |
andi__ | got a question: does warcraft 3 run much better with wine than with cedega? | 03:24 |
ckiewiet | wait, do you mean I should disable X before running apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:24 |
andi__ | i tested it on my pc, and with cedega i cant play it (nearly any fps) and wine works fine | 03:25 |
ckiewiet | or is it fine when I do it through the terminal | 03:25 |
=== blueyed [~daniel@i528C307B.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sp4rKy | personally, i run it with x | 03:25 |
=== krism [~krism@pcp0011756544pcs.owngsm01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sp4rKy | and synaptic | 03:25 |
=== ubuntoid [~swschulz@cpe-024-211-203-172.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | it sucks big wienies :( | 03:26 |
Florob | ckiewit: well, my gnome crashed a bit when i upgraded, but it is supposed to work after rebooting | 03:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not for dist upgrade synaptics not good | 03:26 |
krism | to work after rebooting | 03:26 |
krism | <Kamping_Kaiser> not for dist upgrade synapticsto work after rebooting | 03:26 |
krism | sorry, accidental clickage | 03:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) | 03:27 |
ckiewiet | LOL | 03:27 |
ckiewiet | i didn't change anything - I swear. | 03:27 |
=== zooko [~user@blk-215-95-202.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | and after a re-run of | 03:27 |
ckiewiet | apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:27 |
zooko | greetings, people of #ubuntu! | 03:27 |
ckiewiet | it says that it has to download another 250 MB | 03:27 |
ckiewiet | lol. | 03:27 |
=== Insom [~chatzilla@as4-m197.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | for real: what the FUCK? | 03:28 |
Sp4rKy | hoary has about 200MB of package | 03:28 |
ckiewiet | k, then I think its like - a-ok | 03:28 |
ckiewiet | because the first time I ran apt-get dist-upgrade it downloaded 32 MB | 03:29 |
=== Byakhee [~Byakhee@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Byakhee | hi | 03:29 |
ckiewiet | hi. | 03:29 |
=== giuliano [~giuliano@host164-236.pool8173.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckiewiet | why is my nick so strange after all | 03:29 |
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venkman | man | 03:29 |
venkman | i love usb | 03:29 |
knubbze | my realname as ircnick - that's an odd idea somehow heh | 03:29 |
Florob | knubbze: well, may depend on where you are from | 03:30 |
Sp4rKy | ckiewiet, it's good now ? | 03:31 |
Montagh | anyone know how much a celeron 500mhz motherboard is worth? | 03:31 |
jiyuu0 | can pppoeconf take input of username+password for adsl connection? | 03:32 |
waxhead | 50 cent | 03:32 |
jiyuu0 | or do i have to use rp-pppoe | 03:32 |
meng | enough to purchase food for 2 days | 03:32 |
billyoc | for your parakeet | 03:32 |
Deft | Montagh, I have a celeron 300 and motherboard sitting on my TV... can't think anyone would want it... | 03:32 |
Florob | meng: you don't eat a lot do you | 03:33 |
knubbze | Florob, what do you mean? | 03:33 |
Montagh | hehe im on an old p233 | 03:33 |
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knubbze | I'm from the Netherlands, living in Germany due to work reasons at the moment though | 03:33 |
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knubbze | what has that to do with my IRC nick lol | 03:33 |
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Florob | knubbze: well I actually managed to think that was your real name for two seconds, I guess I know to many strage names | 03:34 |
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Sp4rKy | im on a dell inspiron &&( | 03:34 |
Montagh | im 2 lazy to buy a new pc | 03:34 |
Sp4rKy | dell inspiron 1150 sorry | 03:35 |
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Byakhee | quelqu un a test gnomad2 ??? | 03:36 |
knubbze | Florob, nah, my realname is Christian J. Kiewiet | 03:36 |
knubbze | and the nick I had before was ckiewiet | 03:36 |
knubbze | heh | 03:36 |
Byakhee | oups... somebody ever used gnomad2 ? | 03:36 |
YankDownUnder | Anyone tell me how to get my ubuntu box to boot to runlevel 3 instead of 5? | 03:37 |
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zooko | Does anyone know how to flash a BIOS upgrade with no floppy and no DOS/Windows partition? | 03:37 |
Kirsch | zooko: what motherboard? | 03:37 |
Kirsch | AMI/Award? | 03:37 |
=== baterah [~baterah@200-232-211-212.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Florob | knubbze: well, i thing I figured that much... well you know you're not supposed to tell your real name on IRC channels, it's bad for your karma, nicht oder? | 03:37 |
zooko | asus k8v se | 03:37 |
Deft | YankDownUnder, it shouldn't default to 5, although they are mostly the same | 03:37 |
zooko | I'm a little unclear -- there is an ASUS BIOS version displayed, as well as an AMIBIOS version displayed. | 03:38 |
zooko | Maybe this is ASUS's repackaging of AMI bios ? | 03:38 |
Kirsch | zooko: you should check your OEM's site, they usually have instructions how to do it directly from the bios. | 03:38 |
YankDownUnder | Deft: I want to boot to console mode instead of GUI/GDM.... | 03:38 |
Deft | YankDownUnder, ah, debian doesn't do that | 03:38 |
knubbze | Florob, ah, this is the official channel of a linux distribution | 03:38 |
knubbze | i seriously doubt | 03:38 |
lunitik | YankDownUnder: Ubuntu uses runlevel 2 ... 2-5 are exactly the same enless you manually change them... | 03:38 |
knubbze | any twisted minds are in here | 03:38 |
knubbze | :) | 03:38 |
zooko | Kirsch: thanks! But an OEM is one who builds your computer for you, right? So I have none. So I'll read more on the ASUS site. | 03:38 |
lunitik | YankDownUnder: you'd edit /etc/inittab though if you really have to :/ | 03:39 |
zooko | The reason I'm doing this is that I bought a new 120 GB seagate IDE drive, and it won't go into UDMA5 mode, only UDMA2. | 03:39 |
zooko | I thought a BIOS update wouldn't hurt... | 03:39 |
zooko | (famous last words?) | 03:39 |
berkes | this is sooo odd. php cannot find mysql (mysql_connect() not found errors) bu phpmyadmin runs without problems | 03:39 |
kain | zooko, maybe you can try with hdparm? | 03:39 |
berkes | ny idea how that can be? | 03:39 |
YankDownUnder | lunitik: Just want to get it to console login.... | 03:39 |
Deft | YankDownUnder, "chmod -x /etc/rc2.d/gdm"? | 03:40 |
lunitik | YankDownUnder: then turn off GDM in rc2 :/ | 03:40 |
Kirsch | zooko: Asus is your OEM ("Original" Equipment Manufactuer) | 03:40 |
=== Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zooko | I tried with hdparm, it reported that it had set it into UDMA5, but then hdparm or hdparm -i reported that it was currently in UDMA2. | 03:40 |
zooko | So then I looked in BIOS and BIOS said that this harddrive can do only up to UDMA2. | 03:40 |
zooko | Kirsch: thanks. | 03:40 |
lunitik | YankDownUnder: rcconf is probably my favorate tool to do that... apt-get install rcconf | 03:40 |
berkes | phpinfo() tells me that the ubuntu PHP package was built wot the config opiotn '--without-mysql' | 03:40 |
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=== dracflamloc [~dracflaml@nat72.vnet.wnec.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | berkes, php cgi or php apache module? | 03:41 |
berkes | why would that be? | 03:41 |
berkes | apache module | 03:41 |
berkes | afaik | 03:41 |
berkes | but i installed phpmyadmin with apt, never done that before. | 03:41 |
berkes | so mebby it installed its own php with that? | 03:42 |
Deft | worth checking... | 03:42 |
=== Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-002tnnashP0327.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | ok, i've been talking about how memory usage keeps leaking on my system till gradually it's unusalbe and i have to reboot... well, all i did was leave it on last night and i swear it went from like 20% memory used to like 75% overnight | 03:43 |
=== blahrus [~clint@evrtwa1-ar9-4-65-255-248.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | it's not like i have a ton of non-stock stuff running overnight | 03:43 |
zooko | Hm. Maybe it is a cabling issue. I'm using a cable marked "CD ROM". I figured CD ROM and IDE hard drive cables were the same.. | 03:43 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: once upon a time :) | 03:44 |
zooko | Dreamer3: Okay, I'll go scrounging for a legit IDE cable. But I still wish to flash my BIOS. | 03:44 |
zooko | Dreamer3: how are you measuring the memory usage? | 03:44 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: free | 03:44 |
=== Danten [~danten@h172n1c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knubbze | can I ask something completely not Computer related here? | 03:44 |
zooko | Dreamer3: I think memory can be "used" in various ways by the kernel so that it doesn't appear in the free pool but it is still available if you need it. | 03:45 |
krism | Dreamer3 : RAM can get sucked up by hard disk cache, even if the system isn't "doing" anything.. it will be freed when the system needs it. | 03:45 |
zooko | So I think maybe looking at the memory usage stats can be misleading. | 03:45 |
krism | yeah, what zooko said. | 03:45 |
zooko | However, if you actually experience instability, then obviously something's not right. | 03:46 |
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Dreamer3 | krism: i'm not talking about that | 03:46 |
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krism | Dreamer3 : then what are you talking about? | 03:46 |
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lunitik | Dreamer3: having things in memory already beats the hell out of loading it all the time... wouldn't you agree? | 03:46 |
Dreamer3 | -/+ buffers/cache: 391388 124924 | 03:46 |
Dreamer3 | that first number | 03:46 |
Dreamer3 | 391388 in use, after subtracting out the cache/buffers | 03:46 |
krism | stop looking at that number. | 03:46 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: free -m | 03:46 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: that just puts it in megabyes... it's 382mb in use... | 03:47 |
Dreamer3 | last night it was like maybe 150-200mb | 03:47 |
Dreamer3 | again, we're not couting cache and normal things here | 03:47 |
Dreamer3 | and if i quit X, that won't go down substantiall | 03:47 |
Sp4rKy | bye | 03:47 |
Dreamer3 | it just goes up over time until the system is unusable | 03:47 |
lunitik | Used: 468 Free: 146 *shrug* ... kinda wish it was using more... wouldn't have to wait on so much :/ | 03:47 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: i don't mind it using memory, but there is a real problem here | 03:48 |
=== earthen [~earthen@dpc67143183090.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andi__ | when will the final version of hoary be out? | 03:48 |
lunitik | this month... | 03:48 |
zooko | Say, does Ubuntu Hoary with kernel 2.6.10 do SATA on Athlon64 ? | 03:48 |
zooko | I could go buy a SATA drive... | 03:48 |
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zooko | Dreamer3: what are the symptoms of the real problem? kernel crash? | 03:49 |
Dreamer3 | hold on i'm going to quit X and see if memory usage goes down | 03:49 |
andi__ | im using both with prerelease of it | 03:49 |
Dreamer3 | brb | 03:49 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: brb | 03:49 |
blahrus | zooko: yes all depends on the chipset though | 03:49 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: of course it will | 03:49 |
earthen | I've lost my tool bar on top and bottom when i started this morning can someone tell me what is wrong or what i need to reinstall | 03:49 |
lunitik | X won't be in memory anymore :/ | 03:49 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: we'll see | 03:49 |
zooko | https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2004-May/msg08187.html | 03:49 |
krism | i hate when people ask questions but are unwilling to listen to the ANSWER. | 03:50 |
zooko | ^-- geez this is scary | 03:50 |
krism | rawr | 03:50 |
Sp4rKy | with right click on an existant toolbar, you can't recreate ? | 03:50 |
zooko | somebody with same motherboard as me attempted to flash bios and ended up unable to boot from any device even cd rom or floppy... | 03:50 |
=== Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-002tnnashP0327.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | ok | 03:50 |
earthen | there are no tool bar at all | 03:50 |
earthen | they are just gone | 03:50 |
Dreamer3 | 327mb in X, 221mb outside of X... and before I started X after a fresh reboot 40mb was in use... (again, I'm NOT couting caching, buffers, or normal operation) | 03:51 |
blahrus | zooko: thats for fedora core 2 | 03:51 |
zooko | blahrus: so I should be looking at the South Bridge chipset ? VT8237 I'll google for that and SATA... | 03:51 |
Dreamer3 | so, where did 180mb of memory go is what i ask? | 03:51 |
lunitik | earthen: pkill gnome-panel && gnome panel & | 03:51 |
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krism | Dreamer3 : you are not looking at the numbers properly. | 03:51 |
blahrus | zooko: you just need to double check what sata control your board is using | 03:51 |
earthen | i'll try thanks | 03:51 |
blahrus | zooko: just put in the cd and boot it, and see if ubuntu find your sata drives | 03:52 |
zooko | sata_via version 1.1 | 03:52 |
zooko | sata_via(0000:00:0f.0): routed to hard irq line 4 | 03:52 |
zooko | ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xE800 ctl 0xE402 bmdma 0xD400 irq 20 | 03:52 |
Dreamer3 | krism: i am, i'm not stupid i've been doing this for years | 03:52 |
lunitik | earthen: pkill gnome-panel && gnome-panel & | 03:52 |
zooko | blahrus: well, I would like to determine if it is likely to work before I go buy a sata drive. :-) | 03:52 |
=== Deft [~phil@cpc4-hem14-6-0-cust223.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunitik | earthen: my bad... forgot dash... you prolly could have figured that out though :P | 03:52 |
blahrus | zooko: what chipset? nfoce, via, sys, realtek, intel? | 03:53 |
zooko | Dreamer3: so what goes wrong with your system if you leave it on a long time. | 03:53 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: are you getting a real performance hit? | 03:53 |
Dreamer3 | krism: gradually (over a few days) memory usages get higher and higher and then intrudes into swap and the system becuase unusalbe (so, it doesn't lock up or oops... just swapping gets to be too much... and i have to reboot) | 03:53 |
zooko | blahrus: It's a Via chipset. VT8237 | 03:53 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: YES | 03:53 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: all my memory disappears and the system starts swapping everything | 03:53 |
zooko | Dreamer3: you can measure swapping by observing some numbers -- I forget which ones, describing how many pages had to be swapped. | 03:53 |
lunitik | 06:54:18 up 6 days, 11:55, 2 users, load average: 2.16, 2.12, 2.09 | 03:54 |
lunitik | No issue here... then I do have a lot more RAM... | 03:54 |
earthen | well i'm pretty new at this really | 03:54 |
zooko | Very likely there is an application responsible for the swapping. | 03:54 |
zooko | You could wait until it starts swapping, then exit or kill apps one by one. | 03:54 |
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zooko | Also, of course, you could use top or ps to find out how much memory each app is using... | 03:54 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: i have 512mb | 03:54 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: i exit X, and all that memory is still in use | 03:55 |
=== NeoCicak [~NeoCicak@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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NeoCicak | hello... | 03:55 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: 640 here... | 03:55 |
=== yogui [~admin@ALyon-109-1-28-157.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NeoCicak | got a problem with GPG while doing apt-get update.... | 03:55 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: if i stay up another few days and exit X 400mb will be in use... i can KILL all apps (i mean everything) and still have 400mb in use | 03:55 |
saw27 | Dreamer3: have you checked (with ps) that all the x applications are fully exiting when you quit X? E.g. no firefox stubs lying around still? | 03:55 |
zooko | Dreamer3: the "amount of memory in use", as reported by tools like free is misleading. | 03:55 |
NeoCicak | it says that md5sum failed.. | 03:55 |
NeoCicak | what should i do? | 03:55 |
earthen | lunitik: what do I do after i pkill it | 03:55 |
yogui | hi | 03:55 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: not if you read it correctly | 03:56 |
lunitik | earthen: it should respawn... did you type exactly what I said? | 03:56 |
blahrus | zooko: http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-amd64/2004-Jun/0010.html | 03:56 |
earthen | yes | 03:56 |
blahrus | zooko: you like like your alright | 03:56 |
zooko | I suggest you use the following numbers to diagnose: 1. amount of memory resident and total virtual memory, both reported by top, 2. amount of swap going on. | 03:56 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: and swapping and system behavior confirms my observations... memory is leaking somewhere badly | 03:56 |
yogui | i've a problem woth my dns, when i ping www.google.com i ve a unkown host message | 03:56 |
yogui | why ? | 03:56 |
lunitik | earthen: and its not respawning? | 03:56 |
earthen | no | 03:56 |
lunitik | earthen: bah... you did the 'gnome-panel &' part? | 03:56 |
Insom | hi yall | 03:56 |
earthen | I typed pkill gnome-panel | 03:56 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: top doesn't show anything using much memory | 03:56 |
Insom | how do i update my ubuntu kernel module? | 03:57 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: like i said, i can kill everything (only a few things still in TOP) and still have 400mb in use | 03:57 |
zooko | Dreamer3: perhaps you know better than I -- I've never figured out how to measure the memory that's actually allocated by apps vs. that which is just being used as cache by the kernel... | 03:57 |
lunitik | earthen: thats not _exactly what I said... I said 'pkill gnome-panel && gnome-panel &' | 03:57 |
zooko | Dreamer3: Hm. | 03:57 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: free tells you | 03:57 |
earthen | O | 03:57 |
zooko | What's your total system RAM? | 03:57 |
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Dreamer3 | zooko: "buffers" and "cache" in exacltly what it says | 03:57 |
lunitik | zooko: he already said 512 | 03:57 |
Dreamer3 | "user -/+ buffers/cache" is actual memory in use not couting the buffers and cache | 03:57 |
pippo | if i write the uri: preferences:/// in nautilus i have a error message..the string is unknown.....how i can solve the problem? | 03:57 |
krawek | Hi, I have this problem: ndefined reference to `XF86VidModeQueryVersion', what's wrong? | 03:58 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: this happened in warty too, but it was over like 40-60 days... | 03:58 |
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Dreamer3 | zooko: so not a big deal | 03:58 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: i mean annoying, but not critical | 03:58 |
zooko | Dreamer3: you know how to sort by memory usage in top:? | 03:58 |
albeiro | hello. what do you think about ubuntu ppc support ? | 03:58 |
Dreamer3 | zooko: M | 03:58 |
albeiro | is it working at all / very well ? | 03:59 |
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Dreamer3 | i'll keep getting updates and hope it's fixed when hoary releases, but i'm worried | 03:59 |
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earthen | lunitik: i still get nothing | 03:59 |
Dreamer3 | seems the updates are still coming fast and furious for a system to be released in a few days :) | 04:00 |
NeoCicak | hello.. i got a problem with GPG while doing apt-get update....it says that md5sum mismatch..it also said to run apt-get update again... i did it, the problem still persist..what should i do? | 04:00 |
earthen | i get [1] 4949 | 04:00 |
Sp4rKy | do you know a good server manager as cpanel/whm but free | 04:00 |
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=== Keizer [~keizer@pcp02851954pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | OH MY... this new system is 225/250+ fps in glxgears with NO acceleration... vs 400 on my laptop with acceleration | 04:01 |
chillywilly | why does nautilus now behave like I am clicking everything with the middle mouse button and closing the parent window? | 04:01 |
krawek | Hi, I have this problem: undefined reference to `XF86VidModeQueryVersion', what's wrong? | 04:01 |
Dreamer3 | i'm scared to think how fast it'll be with the real nvidia driver :) | 04:02 |
=== Insom [~chatzilla@as1-m85.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chillywilly | it's not as "spatial" as it used to be ;) | 04:02 |
Dreamer3 | and it just has a crappy vanta card | 04:02 |
dwa_ | Dreamer3 ... | 04:02 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: it's still spatial | 04:02 |
Dreamer3 | dwa_: yes? | 04:02 |
dwa_ | Dreamer3 : nm | 04:02 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: but it just closes the previously open window... hold down shift to keep it | 04:02 |
chillywilly | yea but I want the old be havior | 04:02 |
Sp4rKy | and for my manager ? | 04:02 |
chillywilly | why did they change the behavior? | 04:02 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: i don't know if you can get the old behavior... google... may be something in the "registry" | 04:02 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: i like the new behavior better... no 15 windows to get somewhere :) | 04:03 |
lunitik | chillywilly: cuz the guy paying for Ubuntu development likes it that way... | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: but it's still spatial | 04:03 |
chillywilly | I don't | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: it's gnome 2.10, not ubuntu | 04:03 |
=== Segovia [~Segovia@pool-68-236-149-71.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | (as far as i can determing from the release notes) | 04:03 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: no its not | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: oh, realy? | 04:03 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: interesting | 04:04 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: like I said, its something Mark likes... | 04:04 |
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lunitik | Dreamer3: says so in the related bug report... | 04:04 |
earthen | lunitik: that command didn't work for me. :( any other suggestions? | 04:04 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: url? | 04:04 |
lunitik | Dreamer3: idk... I'm not going to look for it... search for it... | 04:04 |
chillywilly | the shift trick does not work | 04:04 |
Dreamer3 | lunitik: ok :) | 04:04 |
lunitik | earthen: no... that should have brought it back... | 04:04 |
=== Danten [~danten@h172n1c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
earthen | even rebooting doesn't help | 04:05 |
NeoCicak | is there any runlevel editor in ubuntu's gnome? | 04:05 |
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yogui | i've a problem with dns | 04:07 |
paulproteus | yogui: Want some working DNS servers? | 04:07 |
paulproteus | | 04:07 |
maddler | yogui: which prob? | 04:07 |
paulproteus | | 04:07 |
=== Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-002tnnashP0327.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: maybe it's ctrl... someone yesterday was sharing keystrokes, i haven't used them | 04:07 |
yogui | when i ping www.google.com i've an error | 04:08 |
yogui | not host found | 04:08 |
Dreamer3 | anyone with GNOME, NFS and hoary? | 04:08 |
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yogui | but when i ping th IP it's workig | 04:08 |
paulproteus | yogui: Do you use DHCP or a static IP? | 04:08 |
yogui | paulproteus : a static ip | 04:09 |
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libben | I want to install IglooFTP it has TLS encryption. but i cant find any deb file for it... any pointers on installing from a tarball ? | 04:09 |
paulproteus | yogui: Then put those two DNS servers I told you about into your /etc/resolv.conf file. | 04:09 |
paulproteus | In this format: | 04:09 |
paulproteus | nameserver | 04:09 |
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paulproteus | nameserver | 04:09 |
chillywilly | they're always changing behavior in nautilus...makes me want to kick them in the head :) | 04:09 |
yogui | paulproteus : i try this | 04:09 |
lunitik | chillywilly: it is not gnomes fault this time though... | 04:10 |
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chillywilly | lunitik: who's fault is it then? | 04:10 |
lunitik | chillywilly: besides... just go to Applications > System Tools > File Browser and you get the old look (single window navigation..) | 04:10 |
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lunitik | chillywilly: I already told you, this time, its Mark Shuttleworth's fault. | 04:10 |
chillywilly | bah | 04:11 |
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lunitik | chillywilly: ie, its not changed at all in mainstream gnome... | 04:11 |
lunitik | chillywilly: all they did is change the gconf setting though... not hard to change back. | 04:12 |
seb128 | feel free to comment about the nautilus changes on http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8516 | 04:12 |
nmsa | 1 or .. the port is blocked | 04:12 |
chillywilly | lunitik: well I figured that but I don't know what key it is | 04:12 |
lunitik | chillywilly: see what seb128 just said... that bug also notes how to change it back... | 04:13 |
yogui | paulproteus : thank you very much | 04:13 |
chillywilly | I just did | 04:13 |
lunitik | seb128: thank you :) | 04:13 |
yogui | paulproteus : it's working | 04:13 |
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Sp4rKy | please, an answer for my server manager :( | 04:14 |
chillywilly | seems like I am not the only one who is cranky about the change :) | 04:14 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: well, it makes sense to me, and as long as you can change it back :) it's cool | 04:15 |
=== JanC [~JanC@dD5E086C7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: sorry it didn't work out for you though :) | 04:15 |
chillywilly | I think they should've left well enough alone | 04:16 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: i'm interesting to know that there is a gconf key to set the current behavior... | 04:16 |
slask3n | i am setting up my TV as a secondary screen and got the resolution and horizontal refresh rate, but i dont have the vertical refresh rate... what should i set it to? or do i need it at all? | 04:17 |
=== mz2 [~mz@81-1-73-188.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamer3 | becaues 2.6 was different than 2.8 and now it's different again in 2.10 (3 different ways) | 04:17 |
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Dreamer3 | 2.6 one window, 2.8 spatial - multi windows, 2.10 spatial - one window | 04:17 |
zooko | http://www.linuxsa.org.au/pipermail/linuxsa/2004-November/075117.html | 04:17 |
Dreamer3 | 2.6 might = 2.4/2.6 i'm not sure when they added spatial | 04:17 |
zooko | ^-- how to flash bios with no DOS or Windows or floppy | 04:18 |
=== groteck [~groteck@141.Red-83-38-122.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zooko | Hm. However, it requires a CD ROM, which I also don't have. | 04:18 |
zooko | I think I'll go buy a CD/DVD reader. | 04:18 |
slask3n | i am setting up my TV as a secondary screen and got the resolution and horizontal refresh rate, but i dont have the vertical refresh rate... what should i set it to? or do i need it at all? | 04:18 |
chillywilly | Dreamer3: right now I am just enjoying the ranting on the bug tracker :) | 04:19 |
=== Chameleon22 [~serg@220-244-235-173-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chillywilly | I'll get to fixing this shit eventually | 04:19 |
Chameleon22 | hi all | 04:19 |
Dreamer3 | chillywilly: ah... if i had X open i'd click the link | 04:19 |
topyli | zooko: you probably want to have either cd or floppy to boot from on any machine, makes life easier :) | 04:20 |
=== beamreach [~tporcella@adsl-69-110-149-100.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CarlK | zooko - I bet I could do it via netboot and... netdiskboot (or something that lets you use a floppy image for the boot file) | 04:20 |
=== earthen [~earthen@dpc67143183090.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Florob | Dreamer3: 2.10 is still spatial multi windows just not in ubuntu | 04:20 |
Dreamer3 | Florob: ah :) | 04:21 |
Dreamer3 | Florob: well, so ubuntu is the only one with that gconf key? | 04:21 |
zooko | Yeah, I think it's time to buy a CD/DVD for this machine... | 04:21 |
Chameleon22 | is it me or is ubuntu lacking packages like pgadmin, k3b, kde, etc | 04:21 |
Chameleon22 | ? | 04:21 |
Florob | Dreamer3: exactly | 04:21 |
Dreamer3 | Florob: cool | 04:21 |
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earthen | lunitik: thanks for the help I got it to work by reinstalling it | 04:22 |
Florob | Dreamer3: not quite I like the new behavior better, too, but I don't like the way they got it. Having browser mode as default or something would have been better | 04:22 |
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Chameleon22 | guys? | 04:23 |
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Florob | Chameleon22: it's you | 04:24 |
Chameleon22 | Florob, well i did apt-cache search k3b for example and saw nothing | 04:24 |
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kain | kain@striker:~$ sudo apt-cache search k3b | wc -l | 04:25 |
kain | 4 | 04:25 |
Chameleon22 | Florob, could you paste me (in pm) your sources list? | 04:25 |
kain | mh | 04:25 |
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Chameleon22 | how do i check what version of ubuntu i am using? | 04:26 |
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kain | Chameleon22, cat /etc/issue | 04:26 |
keyhack | What command do I type to configure my wireless? | 04:27 |
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deFrysk | and outdated versions , cat /etc/tissue | 04:27 |
Florob | Chameleon22: no, because I'm right now evil (I run windows), but I'm quite sure they are in the repository (you may want to look at kubuntu BTW) | 04:27 |
Chameleon22 | kain this is what i am running: Ubuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog" is it same for you or you are on newer version or ? | 04:27 |
kain | Chameleon22, I'm running most recent hoary | 04:27 |
kain | Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" | 04:27 |
Chameleon22 | kain, maybe that could be it | 04:27 |
chillywilly | bleh, I have to agree with all the nay-sayers on the BTS :) I really have nothing to add to their comments...oh well I suppose because Mark *pays* for Ubuntu we are at his mercy | 04:28 |
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Chameleon22 | Florob, there is a kde distro of ubuntu? why cant i just download it? | 04:28 |
Chameleon22 | kain, so howcome i cant see k3b when i apt-cache | 04:28 |
claint | Chameleon22 : have you selected all the repositories? | 04:28 |
kain | Chameleon22, maybe because you don't have in sources.list right repositories, I really don't know how it is on warty | 04:28 |
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Chameleon22 | kain, claint, well i have what CD came with so if anyone want to paste me their list i would appreciate it | 04:29 |
kain | Chameleon22, ok, but they are for hoary, not warty | 04:29 |
kain | anyway if you want I could paste lines in query | 04:30 |
Chameleon22 | kain, how can i alter them for warty? | 04:30 |
claint | Chameleon22 : just uncomment the one's in your list, or better use synaptic and select the other sources. | 04:30 |
kain | Chameleon22, for official repositories you can just change "warty" word to "hoary" | 04:30 |
kain | but beware, you will upgrade to hoary | 04:30 |
kain | or if you want to keep them for warty | 04:31 |
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kain | change just hoary to warty, that's easy | 04:31 |
kain | but I've some repository that do hoary packages only | 04:31 |
Chameleon22 | kain, hold on | 04:31 |
kain | you can find some backports, packages from hoary converted to warty, but that's dangerous | 04:32 |
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da_bon_bon | hey, recently, i am gettin a lot of errors like "png unsigned integer out of range" like when trying to open kbounce & btdownloadgui.py ... any pointers, please ?? | 04:32 |
chillywilly | not so nice that the bug is marked "resolved" and resolution is "notabug" | 04:32 |
Chameleon22 | kain, think i just solved my problem, uncommented stuff in sources list and running update now, will see what happens. By the way whats the ETA on new stable ubuntu release? | 04:34 |
lunitik | chillywilly: if you read his side... it really does make sense... although I think they should have just changed the button order (left to close parent go to child, middle for just opening parent) | 04:34 |
kain | Chameleon22, 8th april | 04:34 |
chillywilly | I don't agree with his view at all | 04:34 |
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Chameleon22 | uhh so me will be doing dist upgrade then ay | 04:34 |
chillywilly | in fact I am mostly disturbed by this change so late in the game | 04:35 |
kain | Chameleon22, yes, bu sure to read the guidelines on ubuntu wiki for the upgrade path | 04:35 |
Chameleon22 | kain, ye uncommenting it solved it | 04:35 |
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kain | nice | 04:35 |
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chillywilly | plus I don't even see instructions there for turning it off either | 04:35 |
lunitik | chillywilly: then you can't have used it that much... I've had (I counted, just cuz it was a mess) 26 windows open at one time... I certainly didn't need them all... | 04:35 |
chillywilly | myabe I am blind? | 04:35 |
lunitik | 2 at most! | 04:35 |
Chameleon22 | kain, definately... i am a debian geek so yeah, just moved desktop to ubuntu to check it out, so far very lean | 04:35 |
chillywilly | then you use middle click | 04:36 |
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lunitik | chillywilly: imo... most common usage should be the left click action... | 04:36 |
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lunitik | chillywilly: most common usage for most is to browse... not to copy files... | 04:37 |
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claint | what are guys talking about, the opening of new windows when you go in a directory or something? | 04:37 |
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lunitik | though, ever since I counted those windows... I have stuck to browser mode... just cleaner :/ | 04:38 |
slask3n | i am setting up my TV as a secondary screen and got the resolution and horizontal refresh rate, but i dont have the vertical refresh rate... what should i set it to? or do i need it at all? | 04:38 |
lunitik | claint: kinda... the change away from that. | 04:38 |
chillywilly | lunitik: well I prefer to use a gui to reraange or clean up my files not necessarily to browse to a given document...for those purposes I usually havs links on my desktop | 04:38 |
claint | ah, i just noticed it. | 04:38 |
chillywilly | cause I want to get there in a hurry | 04:39 |
claint | i am a bit too cli to notice i gues. | 04:39 |
lunitik | chillywilly: still... you won't need 20+ windows... maybe up to like 4 or so depending on how much rearranging :/ | 04:39 |
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chillywilly | and I also usually don't nest my files too deeply...and if I have to go into the system and traverse a long path then I would normally use a terminal | 04:39 |
claint | it actually looks like it opens a new window and then kills the old one. | 04:39 |
lunitik | claint: correct... hence discussion... | 04:40 |
libben | http://ekstam.sytes.net/bilder/Roligt/hitlermelon.gif ;P | 04:40 |
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slask3n | i am setting up my TV as a secondary screen and got the resolution and horizontal refresh rate, but i dont have the vertical refresh rate... what should i set it to? or do i need it at all? | 04:41 |
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estebandido | happy monday! | 04:41 |
estebandido | so... i'm trying to install hoary on a g5... has anyone pulled this off? | 04:42 |
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LordGrunt | hello | 04:42 |
estebandido | my problem is that it won't boot from the CD | 04:42 |
estebandido | i checked the md5 | 04:43 |
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lunitik | estebandido: you are holding down C or whatever? | 04:43 |
estebandido | yes | 04:43 |
forcer | Morning! I'm about to install Ubuntu on a box for a friend who does not know GNU/Linux at all. I use Debian myself, and never used Ubuntu before. How much did change in comparison to Debian? Will I find my way around so I can help him if that is needed? :-] | 04:44 |
estebandido | i also tried the option trick | 04:44 |
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lunitik | forcer: yes | 04:44 |
estebandido | the computer simply doesn't recognize the CD as bootable | 04:44 |
slask3n | i am setting up my TV as a secondary screen and got the resolution and horizontal refresh rate, but i dont have the vertical refresh rate... what should i set it to? or do i need it at all? | 04:44 |
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claint | forcer: it doesn't use the debian repositories though, something to keep in mind. | 04:45 |
LordGrunt | my problem: both konqueror and kcontrol hangs up my system in very ugly way, they freeze display and keyboard. it seems that they run at very high priority cause at very beggining of app start i can hit CAPS_LOCK for example and it lights after ten or more seconds. but rest of system is unusable after that. help? | 04:45 |
Florob | estebandido: good we don't have to ask you if you unpacked it with winrar :) | 04:45 |
estebandido | lol | 04:45 |
a_L_e_X | Do u know if the Hoary-Realease is available in a german magazine | 04:45 |
estebandido | nope, gunzip | 04:45 |
a_L_e_X | ? | 04:45 |
forcer | claint: Ok. So I better keep my fingers off of the sources.list ;-) | 04:45 |
forcer | lunitik: Thanks. | 04:45 |
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claint | forcer: not really. it has all the ubuntu's list, but some of them are commented, which you can remove the comments and gett all the ubuntu repos activated that way. | 04:46 |
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a_L_e_X | Does teh Hoary-Live-CD boot Kernel 2.6 ? | 04:47 |
lunitik | forcer: just enable universe and multiverse for him... use testing where applicable etc... | 04:47 |
estebandido | is there some file that sits at the top level of the CD? i thought i remembered one from the i386 version, but i don't see it on the mac version | 04:47 |
slask3n | is there noone who knows how to set up xorg to use a tv as a secondary screen?? | 04:47 |
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lunitik | slask3n: doesn't look like it... although I don't think you need a virt refresh... depends on type of TV I guess though... | 04:48 |
LordGrunt | hmm, forgive me the spamming then but ill ask my question every like 10-20 minutes, maybe it will reach someone able to help. | 04:48 |
LordGrunt | my problem: both konqueror and kcontrol hangs up my system in very ugly way, they freeze display and keyboard. it seems that they run at very high priority cause at very beggining of app start i can hit CAPS_LOCK for example and it lights after ten or more seconds. but rest of system is unusable after that. help? | 04:48 |
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forcer | claint, lunitik: Thanks :-) | 04:49 |
lunitik | LordGrunt: #ubuntu is primarily gnome... asking here is pointless... ask in #kde or #kubuntu or something | 04:49 |
slask3n | lunitik, its a old philips.. i had to call philips help center to get the refresh rate and max resolution, and she never heard about vertical refresh rate... but should i just skip the vertical refressh rate line in xorg config? | 04:49 |
uggwar | LordGrunt, what gfx card do u have? | 04:49 |
deFrysk | LordGrunt, #kubuntu = specilized in kde-ubuntu | 04:49 |
lunitik | slask3n: comment it out for that monitor... see if it works... | 04:50 |
Chameleon22 | deFrysk, why not just apt get kde | 04:50 |
LordGrunt | i c. omw to kubuntu then ;) | 04:50 |
Chameleon22 | LordGrunt, i am currently just doing apt-get ... kde | 04:50 |
lunitik | Chameleon22: because people are working on it and Ubuntu? | 04:50 |
Chameleon22 | lunitik, meh | 04:50 |
Florob | estebandido: err... you weren't serious about gunzip were you? anyway i386 does have 3 file at the top level: md5sum.txt ubuntu README.diskdefines | 04:51 |
Florob | But those shouldn't be relevant for booting. | 04:51 |
lunitik | Chameleon22: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ... :/ | 04:51 |
deFrysk | Chameleon22, apt-get kbuntu-desktop to get the correct packages | 04:51 |
Chameleon22 | lunitik, EH :| | 04:51 |
deFrysk | *kubuntu-desktop | 04:51 |
Chameleon22 | oh crap | 04:51 |
deFrysk | and what lunitik said :s | 04:52 |
estebandido | Florob: i don't even remember at this point. the important thing is the md5 checks out | 04:52 |
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estebandido | Florob: and yes, i see those files | 04:52 |
=== lunitik isn't technically using that though... mainly cuz kynaptic looks funky... and OO.o takes too long to load for using the same file formats :/ | ||
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estebandido | Florob: maybe i burned it wrong... are you supposed to burn the .iso file itsef, or open it up and burn the contents? | 04:53 |
Chameleon22 | lunitik, doesnt look like apt sees kubuntu-desktop | 04:53 |
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lunitik | Chameleon22: gah... its new for warty :/ | 04:53 |
deFrysk | estebandido, burn image/iso not copy | 04:54 |
Jefis | Where is development packages? | 04:54 |
lunitik | Chameleon22: gah... its new for hoary :/ | 04:54 |
lunitik | Jefis: in hoary. | 04:54 |
Chameleon22 | lunitik, bah back to kde then | 04:54 |
Jefis | all the sources i mean | 04:54 |
estebandido | ah... that must be the problem | 04:54 |
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estebandido | thanks | 04:54 |
Jefis | lunitik: no there aren't | 04:54 |
lunitik | Chameleon22: you really don't want to 'apt-get install kde' :/ | 04:54 |
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lunitik | Jefis: yes, there really are. | 04:54 |
lunitik | Jefis: apt-get source foo | 04:54 |
deFrysk | apt-get remove kde sounds better to me :/ | 04:55 |
lunitik | deFrysk: you want to resind that comment before I explain removal of meta-packages to you? :P | 04:55 |
Chameleon22 | well i cant get kubuntu-desktop so kde is next best thing | 04:55 |
Florob | estebandido: you are supposed to burn the file itself (this is the reason you shouldn't extract it with winrar), but you shouldn't burn it as in copy the .iso file to the cd. you should burn it as image file. | 04:55 |
yogui | which is the command to export the dipslay ? | 04:55 |
deFrysk | hehe lunitik | 04:55 |
lunitik | deFrysk: best way to remove kde is 'apt-get remove --purge kdelibs' ... even that doesn't catch everything though :/ | 04:56 |
Jefis | lunitik: you mean in hoary cd is all sources? | 04:56 |
lunitik | Jefis: no | 04:56 |
chillywilly | ok, if add the following boolean key w/ the gconf editor and set it to True you can turn the ubuntu "spatial" crap off: /apps/nautilus/preferences/no_ubuntu_spatial...guess I overlooked it | 04:56 |
Chameleon22 | lunitik, so true ... but nothing is as hard to yank out as gnome imho | 04:56 |
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lunitik | Jefis: else I would have said "look on the cd'... | 04:56 |
deFrysk | lunitik, apt-get remove qt blah should do the trick | 04:56 |
estebandido | Florob: how do i burn an image in mac os 10.3? | 04:56 |
Jefis | so what you mean in hoary? | 04:56 |
deFrysk | estebandido, medium to rare | 04:57 |
Jefis | apt-get source * doesn't work, i need glibc-devel,x-devel,kde-devel :) | 04:57 |
Florob | estebandido: don't ask me i have not yet saved up for a mac :) Try to google for it. | 04:57 |
lunitik | Chameleon22: apt-get remove --purge libgtk2.0-1 (or whatever) ;) | 04:57 |
estebandido | i'll get right on that | 04:57 |
estebandido | thanks | 04:57 |
Chameleon22 | lunitik, still doesnt kill all of it | 04:57 |
forcer | Hm. Does the ubuntu 4.10 boot CD include parted in the installation process? | 04:57 |
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lunitik | forcer: in the installation process? uhh... no... the installer has a partitioner though... | 04:58 |
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=== lunitik wonders if that is a word | ||
CarlK | I installed hoary a few days ago, box has a 3com 3c905 pci nic, I can netboot from it and run memtest, so it, the wire, the dhcp server and all are working, but when I boot into hoary, the only trace of it is in lspci - ifconfig eth0 says ".... Device not found" | 04:58 |
CarlK | I didn't see anything about it in dmesg, but may have missed it | 04:59 |
forcer | lunitik: We'd need parted, since we need to resize a partition. Should I do that from a different boot CD first? | 04:59 |
lunitik | forcer: probably... | 04:59 |
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forcer | Ok. | 05:00 |
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claint | hmmm, ubuntu's vim doesn | 05:04 |
claint | t do color by default? syntax highlighting i mean | 05:04 |
Jefis | can anyone tell me how to get X sources? | 05:04 |
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crimsun | Jefis: apt-get install libx11-dev | 05:04 |
Jefis | right | 05:04 |
yogui | why i have a gtk-warning when i try to lauch gedit on a distant system ? | 05:05 |
crimsun | Jefis: or if you want it all, apt-get source libx11-dev | 05:05 |
petemc | claint: its not very hard to turn on syntax highlighting in vim | 05:05 |
crimsun | claint: :syn on | 05:05 |
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claint | in my .vimrc now | 05:05 |
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Jefis | crimsun: doesn't work | 05:05 |
claint | already | 05:05 |
crimsun | Jefis: what doesn't? | 05:06 |
Jefis | root@localhost:/home/jefis # apt-get install libx11-dev | 05:06 |
Jefis | Reading package lists... Done | 05:06 |
Jefis | Building dependency tree... Done | 05:06 |
Jefis | Package libx11-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:06 |
Jefis | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:06 |
Jefis | is only available from another source | 05:06 |
Jefis | E: Package libx11-dev has no installation candidate | 05:06 |
crimsun | Jefis: are you on Warty? | 05:06 |
Jefis | no | 05:06 |
Jefis | hoary :) | 05:06 |
crimsun | Jefis: then uncomment main | 05:06 |
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yogui | why i have a gtk-warning when i try to lauch gedit on a distant system ? | 05:06 |
Jefis | main? | 05:06 |
crimsun | Jefis: your /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:06 |
Jefis | right | 05:07 |
Jefis | :) | 05:07 |
Jefis | now it "works" but shows more errors :) | 05:08 |
Jefis | http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb <-- how to run this app from konsole?:) | 05:08 |
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dazed | whats the command to restart samba? | 05:11 |
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dazed | Jefis: to run a deb package ur goin to have to use mc to explore it or unpack it from term | 05:13 |
crimsun | dazed: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 05:14 |
dazed | thanks crimsun | 05:14 |
crimsun | np | 05:14 |
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tandy | does anyone know if i can fix these filenames automatically when copying from fat 32 to linux | 05:15 |
Jefis | i think kynaptic is downloading me something, there is default location he stores it? | 05:15 |
tandy | I get these file names with all these slashes | 05:15 |
dazed | god i hate samba...my comp shows up on windows network but no comps show up when viewing on nix | 05:15 |
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yogui | why i have a gtk-warning when i try to lauch gedit on a distant system ? | 05:16 |
Jefis | where all the .debs binarys are saved on my system, what is location? | 05:17 |
sig | yogui: because your trying to launch a gui program through a terminal | 05:17 |
yogui | sig : yes but there a command to di this | 05:18 |
sig | which command are you using? | 05:18 |
sig | yogui: news to me | 05:18 |
kent | yogui, have you done it via ssh -X or something? | 05:18 |
yogui | sog : i try export DISPLAY | 05:18 |
sig | yogui: that won't work | 05:18 |
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yogui | sig : yes i try ssh -X too | 05:19 |
petemc | Jefis: updatedb && locate .deb , probably /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 05:19 |
kent | yogui, some gnome applications displays warnings when started. Its probably bad code, but most of the times its no problem. Try to load it manually from a local computer in a terminal and see if you get the same warnings. | 05:19 |
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Xappe | Jefis, /var/cache/apt/archives I believe | 05:20 |
yogui | kent : my local computer don't have X installed | 05:20 |
tandy | does anyoen know how i can correct these filenames when reading a fat partition | 05:20 |
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tandy | these long filenames in windows show up with all these slashes in linux | 05:20 |
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kent | yogui, if you run it with ssh -X on a computer with X installed and running, then the program should atleast start. But. as i read it, your problem was that you got warnings, not errors; that is, the program still starts and works. ? | 05:21 |
tritium | tandy, it's due to spaces, most likely. On the command line, you can enclose the filenames in quotes. | 05:21 |
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yogui | kent : no | 05:21 |
libben | Decompress the archive "tar xvfz filename", then "cd" in the newly created directory and type "Install" . | 05:21 |
yogui | the prgoram don't start | 05:21 |
tandy | tritium, yeah i thought maybe there was somehtign icould set to strip them out | 05:21 |
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yogui | kent : i don't see it | 05:22 |
yogui | kent : the program looks running but i don't see it | 05:22 |
fruggle | hi why dont I get security updates for the firefox browser although its in the main component? Firefox 0.93 (warty) is still vulnerable even after upgrading the system! | 05:22 |
CarlK | Anyone know the x.org.conf switch to show the nvidia splash screen? | 05:22 |
tritium | tandy, if you wanted to strip them out, you could use sed, for example. | 05:23 |
mako | BBB | 05:23 |
tandy | tritium, yeah iwas kind of trying to avoid writing ascript | 05:23 |
tritium | CarlK, can't remember, but it's in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.gz | 05:23 |
CarlK | thanks | 05:23 |
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tritium | tandy, sorry, I can't think of an easy way without scripting it... | 05:23 |
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fsapo | tandy, if it were in php haha stripslashes :) but i dont know how to do it in shell... maybe a perl script would be simple to write | 05:24 |
yogui | kent : why i have a gtk-warning when i try to lauch gedit on a distant system ? | 05:24 |
tandy | tandy, hehe yeah thanks anyway | 05:24 |
tandy | oops | 05:24 |
fsapo | tandy, or even a shell script :P | 05:24 |
yogui | kent : sorry | 05:24 |
tandy | thast for u tritium | 05:24 |
yogui | kent : bad key | 05:24 |
tritium | tandy, :) | 05:24 |
tandy | guessi ahve to stop using these crazy nameso n my windowsm ahcine | 05:24 |
tandy | lol | 05:24 |
yogui | Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library | 05:24 |
yogui | Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display | 05:24 |
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yogui | thats what i see | 05:25 |
fruggle | and there are no Ubuntu security notices about firefox at all | 05:25 |
fsapo | tandy, yes.. using spaces and sux :D | 05:25 |
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fsapo | fruggle, here FF updated to 1.0 automaticaly | 05:25 |
tandy | ls | 05:26 |
tandy | that would be the wrong window | 05:26 |
fruggle | fsapo: warty? | 05:26 |
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fsapo | fruggle, yes | 05:26 |
kent | yogui, I usually run it with ssh -X, and I dont change anything with $DISPLAY. That works for me. If you have changed $display. perhaps you need to logout/login or something? ssh -X should be enough. | 05:26 |
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fruggle | fsapo: i thought ff 1.0 is just part of hoary ... | 05:27 |
yogui | kent : same error whoth logout | 05:28 |
fsapo | fruggle, it is.. but i had 4.10 and the made a dist-upgrade | 05:28 |
fsapo | then* | 05:28 |
fsapo | lol i need a better processor =/ it take ages to bzip or compile stuff :( | 05:29 |
kent | yogui, did you say you had no X on the local computer? The one your sitting at? becaus, you do need that. I meen, the program cant just turn up on your terminal.. | 05:29 |
fruggle | fsabo: ah ok ;) | 05:29 |
yogui | kent : on my local system i have X but not on the distant | 05:29 |
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fruggle | the thing is <they> say all packages from main component are supported but firefox is not. | 05:30 |
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fruggle | not in warty release | 05:31 |
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kent | yogui, Im not an expert, but I dont think you need it to be running on the distant computer. Since ssh -X exports settings to use your local X instead of the distant. | 05:31 |
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yogui | kent : ok it's strange .. | 05:32 |
pavka | hi all | 05:32 |
fsapo | pavka, hi there | 05:32 |
fsapo | fruggle, O.o | 05:33 |
fruggle | i thought there would be a backport or something ... but its not. | 05:33 |
kbrooks | fruggle, what's up? | 05:34 |
kbrooks | what is wrong exactly | 05:34 |
Jefis | fruggle: use opera :) | 05:34 |
kbrooks | Jefis, please. | 05:34 |
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Jefis | from my side opera is real better that firefox | 05:35 |
Xappe | but it's non-free | 05:35 |
Jefis | a little banner and that's all | 05:35 |
St0n3-C0l | Is there something like 'gdesklets' for KDE ?? Take a look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=576 | 05:35 |
fruggle | kbrooks: im running warty ... I thought all packages from main component will be supported but firefox is still vulnerable (v.0.93) | 05:36 |
kbrooks | fruggle, well, let me explain | 05:36 |
kbrooks | fruggle, warty is frozen. in a full freeze. | 05:36 |
kbrooks | nothing can be modified | 05:36 |
kbrooks | abs nothing in main | 05:37 |
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Florob | Jefis: you now they were taling abou free as in freedom not as in free bear | 05:38 |
fsapo | anybody here uses cedega? just installed here.. i want to try it out wit something :D | 05:38 |
kbrooks | fruggle, that means that *YOU* yourself have to provide new packages | 05:38 |
kbrooks | fruggle, the new release, hoary, is frozen. too. | 05:38 |
kbrooks | fruggle, but..... | 05:38 |
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kbrooks | fruggle, all ubuntu releases are snapshots of the sid debian tree | 05:39 |
Sp4rKy | Somebody could help me with hoary ? | 05:39 |
kbrooks | (right, everyone?) | 05:39 |
Amaranth | kbrooks: err, no | 05:39 |
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kbrooks | well, correct me | 05:40 |
Amaranth | fruggle: The version will always be 0.9.3 in warty but they backport security fixes. | 05:40 |
pavka | can somebody help me with install zope on hoary? | 05:40 |
fruggle | kbrooks: but there are security updates ... e.g ubuntu security notices. They patch telnet and gaim but not firefox? | 05:40 |
Amaranth | kbrooks: Well, seeing how sid doesn't have GNOME 2.10 or X.Org.... | 05:41 |
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kbrooks | Amaranth, it will be always be 0.9.3 because warty is frozen | 05:41 |
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Amaranth | kbrooks: + security fixes | 05:41 |
Amaranth | frozen doesn't mean you're never get updates, it just means you won't get new versions | 05:41 |
fruggle | Amaranth: try firewalking e.g | 05:41 |
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Amaranth | firewalking? | 05:42 |
fruggle | Amaranth: sorry firescrolling ;) http://www.mikx.de/firescrolling/ | 05:42 |
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Amaranth | fruggle: If it requires 1.0 you're SOL unless you get a backport. | 05:43 |
fruggle | Amaranth: or maybe this one http://secunia.com/multiple_browsers_window_injection_vulnerability_test/ | 05:43 |
Amaranth | oh, you're talking about security problems | 05:43 |
Amaranth | fruggle: are they fixed in 1.0.2? | 05:43 |
kbrooks | i am on firefox v1.0.2 on ubuntu hoary | 05:43 |
john6000 | how long does it take for your free ubuntu cd to get to you? | 05:43 |
Nekohayo | 4-6 weeks? | 05:44 |
john6000 | :o | 05:44 |
Nekohayo | maybe more | 05:44 |
deFrysk | john6000, warty took me about 4 weeks | 05:44 |
fruggle | Kbrooks: im on firefox 1.0.2 too because warty`s 0.9.3 is vulnerable | 05:44 |
john6000 | ok | 05:44 |
Nekohayo | same here, ~1.5months.. by the time I was using hoary | 05:44 |
Nekohayo | :) | 05:44 |
john6000 | hoary? | 05:44 |
yogui | i've a big probelme with ssh -X !!!! | 05:44 |
deFrysk | Nekohayo, yup | 05:44 |
fruggle | Amaranth: yes they are fixed in 1.02 | 05:44 |
deFrysk | :D | 05:44 |
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Amaranth | fruggle: File a bug report then. | 05:45 |
Nekohayo | john6000, Hoary Hedgehog is the current unstable release | 05:45 |
john6000 | im using kybuntu preview till by cd comes | 05:45 |
john6000 | oh | 05:45 |
Amaranth | fruggle: warty will never get 1.0.2 but it should be security fixes | 05:45 |
Nekohayo | that's the one you ordered I think | 05:45 |
fsapo | anybody can help me with cedega? it says its installed but how do i run it? cvscedega isnt working in shell =/ | 05:45 |
Nekohayo | will be released somewhere in april, don't remember exactly | 05:45 |
john6000 | ok | 05:45 |
Amaranth | Nekohayo: friday | 05:45 |
Nekohayo | fsapo, did you try simply "cedega" ? | 05:46 |
Syberius | Ok, im planning a migration from winXP to Ubuntu (have sampled and I like) but I was just wondering what support Ubuntu has for Logitech keyboards with media keys (i like my music) and I have a few other questions as well. | 05:46 |
deFrysk | fruggle, security fix means they are also fixed in unbuntu-firefox whaterverversion | 05:46 |
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jpla | hola | 05:46 |
kbrooks | Nekohayo, hoary is in no way unstable | 05:46 |
john6000 | isnt gnome standard in ubantu? | 05:46 |
jpla | bona tarda | 05:46 |
Nekohayo | kbrooks, it WAS unstable | 05:46 |
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Nekohayo | but I mean it is considered unstable.. or candidate if you prefer | 05:46 |
Nekohayo | it's stable as hell for me :) | 05:46 |
deFrysk | unstable for lack of a better word | 05:46 |
Amaranth | fruggle: security fixes are code taken from 1.0.2 (just for the security fix) and put into the ubuntu version of 0.9.3 | 05:47 |
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yfir | kbrooks: 'unstable' is a somewhat technical term among linux users. | 05:47 |
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deFrysk | unstable=not properly tested (yet) | 05:47 |
john6000 | does unstable mean security holes or crashy? | 05:47 |
Amaranth | unstable means it changes | 05:47 |
Nekohayo | except that I'm a little scared of upgrading nvidia-glx to 7167... thoughts about this? are there segfaults like there used to? | 05:47 |
john6000 | oj | 05:47 |
john6000 | oh* | 05:47 |
Amaranth | stable means it doesn't change | 05:47 |
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Amaranth | thus warty is stable, it doesn't get new things | 05:47 |
firstknight | HI, is there any software in Linux like this: http://sector7g.wurzel6.de/pdfcreator/index_en.htm .... I mean... the visual printer not the pdf creator it self | 05:47 |
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john6000 | does samba come as standard with ubuntu? | 05:47 |
deFrysk | stable means released version | 05:47 |
Nekohayo | unstable means you get to try everything before less adventurous people ;) at the expense of risking your life XD | 05:48 |
blahrus | john6000: no you need to install it | 05:48 |
Amaranth | deFrysk: For some things, sure. Not in Debian terminology though. | 05:48 |
john6000 | :( | 05:48 |
Nekohayo | that's easy with synaptic | 05:48 |
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Nekohayo | smb, smbfs, smb clients and all.. | 05:48 |
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blahrus | john6000: sudo apt-get install samba smbfs | 05:48 |
Nekohayo | however I'm too dumb to get any samba on any distro to work properly :) | 05:48 |
fruggle | Amaranth: yes but there is also no ubuntu security notice about firefox at all | 05:48 |
john6000 | im new to debian i was using slackware i thought i might give ubuntu a try (when my cd comes) | 05:48 |
mdke | does evolution have a function for binging or notifying in some way when there is new mail? | 05:48 |
fruggle | Amaranth: so they dont fix it | 05:49 |
Amaranth | fruggle: File a bug report. | 05:49 |
blahrus | Nekohayo: there are so many gui's for it now | 05:49 |
Nekohayo | mdke, yes | 05:49 |
deFrysk | Amaranth, in debian unstable means 'still picking my nose' | 05:49 |
mdke | Nekohayo, do you know how to find it? | 05:49 |
Amaranth | *groan* | 05:49 |
Nekohayo | I'm using a sound to notify me :) a kde sound actually.. lol | 05:49 |
Nekohayo | somewhere in the prefs | 05:49 |
fsapo | Nekohayo, it cant find cedegar or cvscedega =/ | 05:49 |
Nekohayo | wait I'll take a look | 05:49 |
nmsa | can I ask if you know a IM server for linux that can do voice (maybe video too), like yahoo or MSN ? I want to use it in intranet | 05:49 |
mdke | Nekohayo, will look | 05:49 |
kbrooks | ping. | 05:49 |
Nekohayo | mdke, first go take a look into each email account, theres a "receiving options" or something to enable checking every x minutes | 05:50 |
john6000 | skype? | 05:50 |
Amaranth | nmsa: You mean something like gnomemeeting? :) | 05:50 |
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john6000 | nmsa:spype try that | 05:50 |
kbrooks | "All tests successful, 2 tests skipped. | 05:50 |
kbrooks | Files=173, Tests=3835, 843 wallclock secs (768.91 cusr + 9.15 csys = 778.06 CPU) | 05:50 |
kbrooks | " | 05:50 |
john6000 | skype i meant | 05:50 |
kbrooks | er | 05:50 |
Nekohayo | mdke, and the sound bell is in "mail preferences" (a main category) | 05:50 |
kbrooks | wrong chan | 05:51 |
Sp4rKy | please, i would to know where i can configure my "sleep time" with hoary | 05:51 |
kbrooks | sorry | 05:51 |
nmsa | digits:Amaranth: yes, but more like gaim ... | 05:51 |
Amaranth | nmsa: Then you probably want skype, although it isn't just local. | 05:51 |
nmsa | john6000: can I use it in intranet ? | 05:51 |
Nekohayo | anyone using the latest nvidia-glx? (the 7167)? I don't know why, apt-get holds it back | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | anyone know about this gnome-not-logging-out problem? | 05:51 |
nmsa | Amaranth: I just want it for intranet | 05:51 |
deFrysk | Nekohayo, its not available un hoary | 05:51 |
Amaranth | nmsa: You can pretend it's just running in an intranet but it'll need internet access. | 05:51 |
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Nekohayo | deFrysk, I TELL you it is! | 05:52 |
deFrysk | Nekohayo, i see | 05:52 |
Amaranth | nmsa: Then the only choice I know of is gnomemeeting. | 05:52 |
Nekohayo | deFrysk, don't know why (it wasn't supposed to), but the package is right there in the repository | 05:52 |
john6000 | that sounds good | 05:52 |
john6000 | gnome meeting | 05:52 |
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phoenixp3k | Hello! Need some help... (again) | 05:52 |
Jefis | why kynaptic isn't downloading new packeges? | 05:53 |
nmsa | Amaranth: as IM servaer we can use jabber, jabberd ... but no voice ... :( | 05:53 |
deFrysk | Nekohayo, yes it is .. | 05:53 |
deFrysk | I see it | 05:53 |
phoenixp3k | How do I mount a Floppy Drive | 05:53 |
Nekohayo | that made me wonder if they decided to change their policy on this (and the same night, nvidia released a 7174 driver line) | 05:53 |
Nekohayo | deFrysk, could you take a look, just to make sure I'm not the only one seeing that package? | 05:53 |
Nekohayo | ok thanks | 05:53 |
john6000 | can you use rpms in ubantu | 05:53 |
Amaranth | nmsa: sorry, I don't know of anything else | 05:53 |
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fsapo | john6000, yes.. you can converte them to .deb packages with alien | 05:54 |
Amaranth | john6000: Sure, but don't do it for anything besides proprietary apps that only come with RPMs. | 05:54 |
no0tic | a good configuration program to configure firewall? not firestarter, something more powerful | 05:54 |
Nekohayo | ideas why ~6 packages (including the nvidia-glx) won't apt-get upgrade? | 05:54 |
nmsa | Amaranth: 'thnx | 05:54 |
Ingo^ | Hey | 05:54 |
john6000 | proprietary ? | 05:54 |
Amaranth | Nekohayo: did you dist-upgrade? | 05:54 |
fsapo | john6000, just type alien package.rpm and then dpkg -i package.deb :) | 05:54 |
Nekohayo | nope | 05:54 |
john6000 | is crossover office proprietary ? | 05:54 |
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Amaranth | john6000: closed source | 05:54 |
Amaranth | john6000: yeah | 05:54 |
john6000 | :) | 05:55 |
Nekohayo | I'll go and give it a try, thanks Amaranth | 05:55 |
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deFrysk | Nekohayo, nvidi-kernel is still old version btw | 05:55 |
phoenixp3k | is that a working command line? sudo mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 | 05:55 |
Amaranth | john6000: I meant don't use it for things like libraries or mono or anything like that, ubuntu and whatever distro the RPM is for don't do things the same way. | 05:55 |
Ingo^ | I have an AMD Athlon 2500, do i get the i386 or AMD64? live or install? | 05:56 |
Nekohayo | deFrysk, then it should be safer to.. not upgrade anything yet, I guess | 05:56 |
deFrysk | Nekohayo, better wait yes | 05:56 |
john6000 | ok | 05:56 |
john6000 | i386 | 05:56 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: try vfat instead of msdos | 05:56 |
monteiro | when the ubuntu hoary final version is out ? | 05:56 |
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Nekohayo | friday | 05:56 |
Ingo^ | thx | 05:57 |
ACID|net | hey all | 05:57 |
john6000 | and install (for HDD install) or live (for live cd) | 05:57 |
fruggle | Amaranth: BUGZILLA :Warty is a difficult issue, though. The proposed patch is huuuge and does not apply at all to 0.9.3 (Thom already tried in vain for hours). Thus I have no idea how this could be fixed in Warty. | 05:57 |
Ingo^ | and i make it a bootable? | 05:57 |
john6000 | ? | 05:57 |
Amaranth | fruggle: Then you'll have to use a backport, I guess. | 05:58 |
ACID|net | i was just wondering if there was anything i could do to help with ubuntu? | 05:58 |
fruggle | Amaranth: yes Im already running ff 1.02 ;) however this sucks | 05:58 |
phoenixp3k | it's not working... | 05:58 |
phin | hmmmm | 05:58 |
phin | i cant get sound to work | 05:59 |
ACID|net | i aint a great programmer but i could be once i actually start to do some proper code (Comp sci course doesn't help much)......but i just want to help the project a bit | 05:59 |
phin | anyone got a few moments? | 05:59 |
monteiro | Nekohayo : tks :) | 05:59 |
phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, I think it does access my floppy | 05:59 |
petemc | ACID|net: there are pages on the ubuntu site about what you can do to help | 05:59 |
Amaranth | fruggle: canonical needs to hire a mozilla.org hacker :) | 05:59 |
phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, I mean doesn't | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: do you have an /etc/fstab entry for your floppy? | 05:59 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | how do you play wmv in ubuntu? | 06:00 |
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Nekohayo | Kamping_Kaiser, the easiest way would be to replace totem-gstreamer by totem-xine | 06:00 |
deFrysk | Kamping_Kaiser, with mplayer and xine | 06:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. ok. thanks | 06:00 |
phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, there is an fstab file... | 06:01 |
deFrysk | Kamping_Kaiser, make sure to get w32codecs | 06:01 |
phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, floppy isn't there. It's not in media either | 06:01 |
fsapo | Kamping_Kaiser, i ll find a shell script for you.. it makes everything | 06:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | where frwom defrysk | 06:01 |
fsapo | Kamping_Kaiser, just let me search in my bookmarks hehe | 06:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) ta | 06:02 |
deFrysk | marillat repo | 06:02 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: you should have a line like this; | 06:02 |
thoreauputic | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, nope... | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | /dev/hdb1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | /dev/hdb5 none swap sw 0 0 | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | /dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat umask=000 0 0 | 06:02 |
phoenixp3k | *sorry for the extensive lines people | 06:02 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: umm...well put it there | 06:02 |
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deFrysk | Kamping_Kaiser, read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 06:03 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: sudo gedit /etc/fstab ; add the line I pasted | 06:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thanks | 06:03 |
kent | what could be the problem if ssh -X into a remote computer wont set the $DISPLAY correctly? Its not set at all :( I thought ssh -X was supposed to do that? | 06:03 |
fsapo | Kamping_Kaiser, enjoy :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646&highlight=script+users+codecs | 06:04 |
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phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, there, do I have to create a floppy0 folder ? | 06:04 |
phoenixp3k | mount: mount point /media/floppy0 does not exist | 06:05 |
thoreauputic | kent: X forwarding need to be turned on in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 06:05 |
nmsa | kent: my ssh session is not exporting the DISPLAY | 06:05 |
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thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: yes, create a /media/floppy0 | 06:05 |
phoenixp3k | mkdir right? | 06:06 |
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thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: right | 06:06 |
Sp4rKy | bye | 06:06 |
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Bartl | hi all | 06:07 |
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phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, it's working! Thanks | 06:07 |
yahalom | i desperately need help with my ntp | 06:07 |
yahalom | anyone? nobody has been able to help me | 06:07 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: you're welcome | 06:07 |
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warty | question: does kubuntu also update kde packages is found defected | 06:08 |
Bartl | any leads if and how good ubuntu works on an acer 662lci travelmate? | 06:08 |
nmsa | I am doing a ssh session to my mdk box, where I reload a screen session, I do export DISPLAY to my current ubuntu box. I can't run konqueror : cannot connect to X server | 06:08 |
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warty | try reboot | 06:08 |
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kent | nmsa, and you have tried "ssh -X"? | 06:09 |
nmsa | kent: no, just ssh | 06:10 |
nmsa | let me see :) | 06:10 |
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nmsa | kent: works for you? | 06:11 |
SapoDriLo | hi. I have a problem with xemacs21-gnome-nomule. Using UTF-8 when I press the accent key + a it appears this: | 06:11 |
libben | if i installed a program from a tarball... i only typed sudo ./install and it installed it... it was a ./Uninstall command also... but ive removed the install folder... do i need to download the tarball again to be able to uninstall it? | 06:12 |
nmsa | kent: I have this after the ssh -X: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth: (stdin):1: bad display name "unix:10.0" in "remove" command | 06:12 |
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kent | nmsa, ssh -X always work for me. | 06:12 |
nmsa | kent: u don't have to export DISPLAY ? | 06:13 |
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richard42 | hi everyone -- if you wanted to run a groupware server for evolution clients, what server software would you run? | 06:13 |
kent | nmsa, ssh -X will export it automatic. Thats the point with -X ;) | 06:13 |
thoreauputic | you don't have to export display for ssh -X - but you *do* need to enable X forwarding | 06:14 |
nmsa | kent: what are those errors of mine, then? | 06:14 |
thoreauputic | <thoreauputic> kent: X forwarding need to be turned on in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 06:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it is by default i thing | 06:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *think | 06:15 |
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kent | thoreauputic, If one wants to run a program from a remote computer, and that remote computer has no X running, is that possible? I meen, will the program run remotly and connect to the local X? | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | in ubuntu i think yes, in mandrake or other distros I don't know | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | kent: I don't think X needs to be running on the other machine, but I may be wrong | 06:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i cant connect to debian.org | 06:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it does i think | 06:16 |
CarlK | kent - that will work, if you have all the right settings ;) | 06:17 |
kent | thoreauputic, some one just tried to run a program from my computer using ssh -X from his computer. I know I can run programs from my computer that way, since I do it when I visit my parents (they have a Fedora comp). So, I dont understand why that person could not run a program remotly from my computer :( I have it all configured? Both me and that person run Ubuntu :( | 06:17 |
casualtie | I realized ubuntu are using a local mysql server for storing information or something... Would it be unwise to use this server on my local webserver, or should I compile a seperate mysql server? | 06:18 |
will | anyone have any good resources for setting up a ssh tunnel for VNC? | 06:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | can you connect with ssh kent? | 06:19 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | without the x involvement? | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | kent: don't know, frankly | 06:19 |
CarlK | A): you, keyboard, screen, X, ssh client - B) sshd, xapp (like x-chat) - on B X11Forwarding yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, on A) xhosts+ (to allow conections from other boxes) and I think ssh needs a paramter, like -x | 06:19 |
will | oh and is open office 2 packeged as a deb yet? | 06:19 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | yes will. | 06:20 |
will | Kamping_Kaiser: where abouts? | 06:20 |
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nmsa | thoreauputic: my remote box has: X11Forwarding yes | 06:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it comes up in synaptic will, not sure what you need exactly | 06:20 |
CarlK | kent - sounds like you need the "xhost +" step | 06:20 |
nmsa | still I can't run a remote app | 06:21 |
fsapo | damn this cedega isnt working :( and if i got an error would be better than just not running and not showing errors =/ | 06:21 |
CarlK | nmsa - sounds like you need the "xhost +" step too ;) | 06:21 |
kent | CarlK, already tried that one. Both on my computer and his. Its probably the other person who has done some mistake or something.. For me everything works as it should :) | 06:21 |
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nmsa | CarlK: can I paste something on msg ? | 06:22 |
nmsa | my 4 error lines? | 06:22 |
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pirx | does anyone know how to connect to a wireless network in ubuntu? the card works, and kwifimanager finds the network (i use gnome tho) | 06:23 |
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Dreamer3 | ok, what's the most appropriate way to stop GDM from loading at startup? | 06:24 |
nmsa | my sssh -X says: wrong authentication | 06:24 |
Dreamer3 | i'm thinking of just deleting /etc/init.d/gdm since i could get it back later be reinstalling gdb | 06:25 |
Dreamer3 | gdm | 06:25 |
Dreamer3 | any thoughts? | 06:25 |
phin | update-rc.d gdm remove | 06:25 |
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Dreamer3 | can the entries in the runlevel folders be renamed instead of deleted? | 06:25 |
phin | dreamer do that | 06:25 |
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YankDownUnder | Dreamer3: I've been trying to get an answer for basically the same question | 06:25 |
resiak | Dreamer3: Yes. | 06:25 |
phin | sudo update-rc.d gdm remove | 06:25 |
phin | thats the proper way todo it | 06:25 |
Dreamer3 | phin: ok, and if i want them back? | 06:25 |
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phin | dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 06:26 |
phin | should redo it | 06:26 |
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Dreamer3 | phin: hmmm... makes sense... or reinstalling gdm should still do it, right? | 06:26 |
phin | yep | 06:26 |
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Dreamer3 | phin: they aren't park of the package per se, so that must be part of the setup or tear down scripts | 06:26 |
will | what do i need to tunnel VNC ubuntu - windows? | 06:27 |
Dreamer3 | YankDownUnder: take that approach | 06:27 |
phin | freenx is nice | 06:27 |
Dreamer3 | YankDownUnder: though you eithe rhave to -f force it or remove /etc/init.d/gdm first | 06:27 |
tritium | Dreamer3, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-no-x-start confrms phin's advice, and that dpkg-reconfigure will let you set it up again later. | 06:27 |
libben | Can u run KASABLANCA on Gnome? | 06:27 |
phin | i wouldnt manually remove it | 06:28 |
phin | sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 06:28 |
phin | that'll work | 06:28 |
nmsa | phin: how/where did you find the update-rc.d ? | 06:28 |
Dreamer3 | phin: *shrugs* | 06:28 |
Dreamer3 | phin: i know how to get it back, so i'm not worried :) | 06:28 |
phin | huh? | 06:28 |
Dreamer3 | phin: though -f might have been betteer :) | 06:28 |
phin | ive been using debian for years, its a debian script | 06:28 |
nmsa | i c | 06:28 |
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YankDownUnder | Dreamer3: Seems to have worked - now if I can get XFce to work properly I'll be done.... | 06:29 |
Dreamer3 | YankDownUnder: are you on hoary? | 06:29 |
phin | whats wrong with xfce? | 06:29 |
YankDownUnder | Dreamer3: Ya.... | 06:29 |
YankDownUnder | phin: Graphical installer craps out | 06:30 |
Dreamer3 | tritium: someone was working on ubuntuized xfce packages for the hoary release | 06:30 |
phin | weird | 06:30 |
phin | worked fine for me :( | 06:30 |
phin | you have build-essential and all the requirements met? | 06:30 |
Dreamer3 | YankDownUnder: are you not installing it from the repositories? | 06:30 |
thoreauputic | crimsun has uploaded xfce4 for hoary | 06:30 |
YankDownUnder | phin: Apparently.... | 06:30 |
thoreauputic | 4.2 | 06:30 |
tritium | Dreamer3, yep. | 06:30 |
thoreauputic | you can apt-get xfce 4.2 for hoary now | 06:31 |
thoreauputic | he announced it on the mailing list | 06:31 |
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YankDownUnder | thoreauputic: Hrm....going to give that a shot | 06:31 |
CarlK | what is the command to regen xorg.conf after switching vidio cards? | 06:31 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here with Hoary, NFS, and Gnome? | 06:31 |
Nekohayo | sorry, using reiserFS :P | 06:32 |
thoreauputic | CarlK: sudo apkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:32 |
thoreauputic | *dpkg | 06:32 |
tritium | CarlK, if you've edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand, heed the notice at the top of the file. | 06:33 |
YankDownUnder | thoreauputic: Erf...."E: Couldn't find package xfce4.2" => clue? | 06:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | night | 06:34 |
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thoreauputic | YankDownUnder: dunno - probably it's just xfce | 06:34 |
thoreauputic | YankDownUnder: try apt-cache search xfce | 06:34 |
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YankDownUnder | thoreauputic: Nada. Nothing shows. | 06:35 |
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xamdm | hi @ all | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | YankDownUnder: crimsun says - | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | sudo apt-get install xfce4 | 06:35 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here with Hoary, NFS, and Gnome? | 06:35 |
tritium | YankDownUnder, and it's in universe | 06:35 |
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thoreauputic | did you apt-get update? | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | from the mailing list post: excuse slight flood - | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | 1) Enable universe [http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages] | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | 2) sudo apt-get update | 06:37 |
thoreauputic | 3) sudo apt-get install xfce4 | 06:37 |
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YankDownUnder | thoreauputic: Strange. Trying to follow the directions at the URL posted but my synaptic ain't like the one they're talking about.... | 06:41 |
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thoreauputic | YankDownUnder: just use apt, it's easy to edit /etc/apt/sources.list directly | 06:42 |
jobezone | Hi, anyone uses gdesklets? | 06:42 |
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thoreauputic | YankDownUnder: then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xfce4 | 06:42 |
jobezone | and uses Rhythmlet to control Rhythmbox specifically? | 06:42 |
yahalom | this is the third day i'm askign this. can anyone i mean anyone help me with my timezone, cos this really sucks | 06:43 |
forcer | Hm. Ok, Ubuntu installed, all is well, just gdm starting gets the monitor to switch off. Seems to be some bad timings. Is there an "official ubuntu way" to fix that, or should I just stick with xf86config? | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | jobezone: the only time I tried gdesklets they tried to eat my CPU ;-) | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: dual boot with windows, by any chance? | 06:44 |
jobezone | yahalom, try installing configure-debian , then run it | 06:44 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, nope | 06:44 |
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yahalom | jobezone, apt-get install? | 06:44 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: using UTC for system clock? | 06:44 |
jobezone | yahalom, I think there might be a configuration option there for timezones. | 06:45 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, nope | 06:45 |
jobezone | yahalom, yes. I'm not sure if you have to enable universe, or multiverse, or none, though. | 06:45 |
YankDownUnder | thoreauputic: Right oh...that works better.... | 06:45 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: usually it's best to use UTC and let the machine set local time | 06:45 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, how do i do that? choose in preferences UTC? | 06:45 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: re-running base-config can be a solution | 06:45 |
thoreauputic | sudo base-config | 06:46 |
jobezone | right, easier. | 06:46 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, nothing to do with the fact that my country went into DST, which is at a different time every year? | 06:46 |
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thoreauputic | yahalom: well, if the DST isn't correctly set in the OS, that would be an issue obviously | 06:47 |
jobezone | anyway, in case anyone does use gdesklets, and uses the rythmlet, which is a neat gdesklet which not only allows control over rythmbox, it also downloads album covers of the music being played... | 06:47 |
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thoreauputic | yahalom: you could just reset the time manually I guess | 06:47 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, i'm in the jerusalem timezone which is +2. my DST changed to +3, so i should put Baghdad now? | 06:47 |
jobezone | and it just doesn't do nothing, the bugger. | 06:48 |
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yahalom | thoreauputic, everytime i set the time manually at reboot it resynchronizes and then i loose an hour | 06:48 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: I guess that' a work-around | 06:48 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: or turn off ntpdate | 06:48 |
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jobezone | yahalom, or run base-config and choose Baghdad, then. | 06:49 |
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yahalom | thoreauputic, how do i turn it off | 06:49 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: update-rc.d | 06:49 |
yahalom | jobezone, yeah i guess | 06:49 |
yahalom | sudo update-rc.d ? | 06:50 |
Pete051 | Hi people | 06:50 |
ingo | whee.. Ubuntu sets up fast | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: sudo update-rc.d ntpdate remove | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | I think | 06:50 |
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FR500 | hello | 06:50 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: check man update-rc.d | 06:50 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, thanx jobezone thanx | 06:50 |
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jobezone | yahalom, in on computer I disabled ntpdate, by | 06:51 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here with Hoary, NFS, and Gnome? | 06:51 |
pirate | Is hoary supportive of usb-cdrom drives? | 06:51 |
FR500 | after resuming from hibernation, dvd playback is screwed, anyone experienced that? | 06:51 |
yahalom | jobezone, u disabled it? | 06:51 |
Pete051 | I've just got ubuntu 4.10 up and running but for some reason evolution refuses to talk to my pop server, any ideas anyone? | 06:52 |
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yahalom | thoreauputic, sudo update-rc.d ntpdate remove | 06:52 |
yahalom | update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/ntpdate exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) | 06:52 |
Dreamer3 | Pete051: does another client work? | 06:52 |
yahalom | thoreauputic, should i force it? | 06:52 |
zooko | My problem from earlier today with an IDE drive that wouldn't go into UDMA5 was because I was using a cdrom IDE cable for it. | 06:52 |
FR500 | Pete051, maybe server doesnt run on a standard port | 06:52 |
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Pete051 | dunno I've not tried | 06:52 |
jobezone | going into /etc/rcS.d/ and moving S51ntpdate out of that directory | 06:52 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: if you want to be rid of it, yes | 06:52 |
jobezone | yahalom : going into /etc/rcS.d/ and moving S51ntpdate out of that directory | 06:52 |
FR500 | Pete051, never worked or just stoped working | 06:53 |
Pete051 | maybe I should try mutt | 06:53 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: you can put it back if you wish later | 06:53 |
Pete051 | never worked just times out | 06:53 |
yahalom | is there any reason why removing it wouldnt be recommended? | 06:53 |
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Pete051 | smtp works fine | 06:53 |
libben | what line do i add to fstab to to be able to read my winxp part? i have it on /dev/hda1 | 06:53 |
jobezone | yahalom : if you ever want it to run at boot again, just move it back in. you'll have to use sudo, of course "sudo mv S51ntpdate ~" for example. | 06:53 |
ingo | hmm...Ubuntu says my max screen resolution is 1024x768 but i used 1600x1200 in M$. How do i get Ubuntu to set it in larger resolution? | 06:54 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: up to you - or just uninstall the ntpdate package | 06:54 |
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FR500 | Pete maybe gmail? | 06:54 |
thoreauputic | sudo apt-get remove ntpdate | 06:54 |
Pete051 | yeh perhaps, I'll try that now | 06:55 |
yahalom | ok thanx | 06:55 |
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Pete051 | Hmm have to install it | 06:56 |
thoreauputic | yahalom: you can always reinstall it if you have problems | 06:56 |
jobezone | gone | 06:56 |
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phoenixp3k | Hi! Got a new question :p | 06:57 |
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phoenixp3k | How can I run a .exe file from DOS if Grub is loading... | 06:58 |
Pete051 | not listed on synaptic odd | 06:58 |
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jobezone | phoenixp3k: what do you mean? | 06:58 |
FR500 | after resuming from hibernation, dvd playback is screwed, anyone experienced that? | 06:59 |
phoenixp3k | well, when I was on Windows only, I could boot and access my floppy drive | 06:59 |
forcer | Hm. This is kinda annoying. It seems like X is freezing the system when starting up. :-( | 06:59 |
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phoenixp3k | type A: and access the files, can I do the same with grub command lines? | 07:00 |
Dreamer3 | forcer: how so? | 07:00 |
jobezone | phoenixp3k, I don't know if you can do that in grub, sorry. don't know much about it. | 07:00 |
phoenixp3k | well. might there be some other way? | 07:01 |
jobezone | phoenixp3k, you could acess the floppy inside linux, of course. | 07:01 |
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jobezone | phoenixp3k, or if you want to boot using a floppy disk, | 07:01 |
jobezone | phoenixp3k, you have to configure your BIOS so the first device to be booted is the floppy. | 07:02 |
phoenixp3k | jobezone, yes I did that, but it's not a bootable floppy | 07:02 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: umm.. you could do that because DOS was running - you can't do anything without an OS | 07:02 |
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thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: you need to boot linux to access any file system | 07:03 |
phoenixp3k | So I have to install DOS ? | 07:03 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: of course not | 07:03 |
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jobezone | phoenixp3k, linux can read the floppy | 07:04 |
thoreauputic | phoenixp3k: you just boot linux - if you want CLI only you reconfigure gdm not to start | 07:04 |
phoenixp3k | thoreauputic, it's to update my motherboard firmware | 07:04 |
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ingo | can i alter my screen resolution in term? | 07:05 |
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Dr_Willis | ingo, care to clarify that question? | 07:06 |
ingo | Ubuntu wont let me have a larger resolution than 1024x768 | 07:06 |
ingo | i prefer 1600x1200 | 07:06 |
Dr_Willis | larger in the X display? or the COnsole you mean? | 07:07 |
jobezone | phoenixp3k: Isn't it done by first booting with a DOS bootdisk, then executing that EXE file you have? | 07:07 |
ingo | i want the X display larger | 07:07 |
ingo | i feel like i'm half blind when using 1024x768, just bring on the granny glasses | 07:07 |
=== pepperpot [~pepper@CPE0004e2987e23-CM014080211876.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | ingo, what video card you useing? its possible either the card or the monitor settings in the x config file are not correct. | 07:08 |
CarlK | phoenixp3k - what exe are you trying to run? | 07:08 |
Dr_Willis | My wife makes me set her display to 800x600 so she can see stuff better. | 07:08 |
ingo | GF4200ti 128mb | 07:08 |
ingo | 800x600? yikes.. | 07:08 |
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phoenixp3k | jobezone, hmm this could work a Windows booting disk | 07:08 |
Dr_Willis | she wants BIG BIG fonts all over. :P | 07:08 |
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phoenixp3k | CarlK, it's to update my mother board | 07:09 |
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Dr_Willis | fire up that X config tool. and check out the Monitor section perhaps is where to start.. | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | well BACKUP your working X config first. :P | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | you useing the nvidia drivers for full 3d support also? they may help. | 07:09 |
CarlK | phoenixp3k - got a win9x/me box around? | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | well it may help to get the higher res's at least. | 07:10 |
phoenixp3k | CarlK, I dualboot with XP | 07:10 |
FR500 | hello | 07:10 |
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phoenixp3k | CarlK, and have an old WinME floppy. I'll try it. | 07:10 |
CarlK | phoenixp3k - don't think XP will make bootable floppies - very sure 2k doesn't | 07:10 |
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ingo | Dr_Willis, where do i find the X config tool? | 07:11 |
=== Tweek-linux [~Tweek@pcp01570339pcs.indstr01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ingo | yes i'm a noob | 07:11 |
phoenixp3k | but I should backup grub first | 07:11 |
Tweek-linux | hello | 07:11 |
Dr_Willis | ingo, in the menus somewhere.. not sure excactly. :P | 07:11 |
Tweek-linux | is there a known error with the rpm installer? | 07:11 |
rolf__ | hello | 07:11 |
goldfish | hi guys, i have just upgraded to hoary from warty, I am just wondering, I have an XF86 config file in /etc/X11/ but no xorg.conf, i did a 'locate xorg.conf' and it's in /usr/share/xresprobe/ is this the way it should be? | 07:11 |
CarlK | phoenixp3k - is "ME floppy" a bootable floppy that leaves you at an A:> prompt, or an isntall disk? | 07:11 |
Dr_Willis | http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ is also worth checking out ing. | 07:11 |
ingo | k | 07:12 |
ingo | thx | 07:12 |
Tweek-linux | where it wont let you log into sudo? | 07:12 |
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Agrajag | rpm installer? | 07:12 |
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Tweek-linux | i dont know its actuall name :\ | 07:13 |
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rolf__ | Small question: how do add a language to my ubuntu system. I've installed english but als would like dutch for my girfriend. I can't seem to find how this is done. | 07:13 |
Agrajag | Tweek-linux: ubuntu doesn't even use rpms | 07:13 |
Tweek-linux | it should accept them? | 07:13 |
Tweek-linux | correct | 07:13 |
jobezone | ingo, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 07:13 |
Agrajag | did you install alien, or something? | 07:13 |
Tweek-linux | no | 07:14 |
Agrajag | then what are you talking about? | 07:14 |
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Tweek-linux | i dont know, the only name it shows is %c | 07:14 |
phoenixp3k | CarlK, if I recall it gives me an A: if I cancel something | 07:14 |
Agrajag | the only name what shows? | 07:14 |
jobezone | ingo, to reconfigure X | 07:14 |
Tweek-linux | one sec | 07:14 |
CarlK | phoenixp3k - as long as you don't start installing ME, no need to back up the HD | 07:15 |
CarlK | in fact, you can unplug the HD for the bios update | 07:15 |
phoenixp3k | CarlK, tru... well I'll try this. Thanks for the help everyone | 07:16 |
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ingo | jobezone, thank you! | 07:17 |
jobezone | ingo, welcome:) | 07:17 |
Tweek-linux | http://img75.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img75&image=screenshot9bx.png Agrajag this is what i get when i click the rpm | 07:17 |
zooko | Hm. It isn't easy to get reiser4 into my Ubuntu kernel, apparently... | 07:17 |
zooko | 07:17 | |
forcer | Dreamer3: Dunno what I should answer to that - it start up gdm, which freezes the system (i.e. not pingable anymore) | 07:18 |
forcer | Happens with both the ati and the radeon driver, vga works, but that's not really useful | 07:18 |
Agrajag | Tweek-linux: what program is that though? | 07:18 |
Tweek-linux | no idea | 07:18 |
Tweek-linux | it jsut starts | 07:18 |
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Agrajag | You must have installed it yourself, it looks like a KDE program | 07:18 |
Tweek-linux | i did install | 07:18 |
Tweek-linux | KDE | 07:18 |
Agrajag | it's definitely not part of ubuntu-base | 07:19 |
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Agrajag | and in any case, without alien you won't be able to install anything from an rpm | 07:19 |
Tweek-linux | : | 07:19 |
Tweek-linux | :\ | 07:19 |
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Agrajag | Why don't you just use apt? | 07:19 |
libben | is it safe to write to NTFS partitions? thinking of enabling that to winxp partitions | 07:19 |
Agrajag | crossfire-client in in the repositories | 07:19 |
Mr-Petah | hi all | 07:19 |
thoreauputic | libben: no | 07:19 |
Agrajag | is in | 07:20 |
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bhna | libben: it not save | 07:20 |
libben | ok | 07:20 |
Agrajag | libben: sort of, if you use captive-ntfs | 07:20 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here with Hoary, NFS, and Gnome? | 07:20 |
jobezone | libben, everywhere I read about it, it says not | 07:20 |
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Agrajag | I trust that about as far I can can throw its author | 07:20 |
inva|id | where do I change the value of 'localhost.localdomain' ? | 07:20 |
thoreauputic | captive is still experimental | 07:20 |
JonnySlack | jonny in the house!!!! | 07:20 |
jobezone | libben, VFAT though is completely safe | 07:20 |
forcer | L | 07:21 |
libben | vfat isnt that just plain fat? aka dos? | 07:21 |
JonnySlack | no... | 07:21 |
kain | no, it is fat32 | 07:21 |
JonnySlack | vfat is fat32... | 07:21 |
JonnySlack | kain, beat me to it | 07:21 |
Dreamer3 | anyone here with Hoary, NFS, and Gnome? | 07:21 |
Dreamer3 | sheesh, is it so hard to find someone using NFS? | 07:21 |
fissy | inva|id, /etc/hostname i think | 07:22 |
housetier | 2 of 3 match here Dreamer3 | 07:22 |
thoreauputic | Dreamer3: I use NFS, but I use Warty | 07:22 |
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housetier | Dreamer3 I use nfs day in day out | 07:22 |
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Dreamer3 | housetier: i need someone to confirm a bug in hoary for me | 07:22 |
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housetier | no hoary here | 07:22 |
housetier | :x | 07:22 |
zooko | Well, I guess I can stand to stick with reiser3 one more time. | 07:22 |
zooko | Next time, probably, reiser4. | 07:22 |
jobezone | libben: yes, it's fat32 | 07:23 |
inva|id | fissy, thankyou | 07:23 |
Dreamer3 | thoreauputic: can you rename a file on NFS from nautilus in list view mode? | 07:23 |
BuffaloSoldier | anyone having problem connecting to the repositories tonight/today? | 07:23 |
Dreamer3 | thoreauputic: on my hoary system it goes to "rename mode" for like 1 second, then reverts back without giving me a change to type in anything | 07:23 |
zooko | ... or I could switch to Lindows. ;-) | 07:23 |
Dreamer3 | thoreauputic: works fine in icon mode | 07:24 |
thoreauputic | Dreamer3: I don't know - i use rox filer | 07:24 |
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Dreamer3 | thoreauputic: do you have nautlius installed to test? | 07:24 |
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thoreauputic | yes, but I'm not on my network at the moment, sorry | 07:24 |
goldfish | hi guys, I am running hoary, upgraded from warty but i have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf, anyone know why this is? | 07:24 |
thoreauputic | goldfish: what does X -version say ? are you using xorg ? | 07:25 |
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libben | if i mount ntfs part... ive done it before in /mnt... but now i read on ubuntuguide they place it in /media is there any bennefit from this or just personal taste? | 07:25 |
jobezone | goldfish, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" . If everything's ok, this will configure your x.org server | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | libben: you can mount it anywhere you like | 07:26 |
roo_ | libben, /media follows linux filesystem standards. not following it kills kittens :p | 07:26 |
bhna | libben: distribution taste | 07:26 |
thoreauputic | libben: /media is the new orthodoxy ;) | 07:26 |
goldfish | thoreauputic: damn, it says I'm still using XFree86 | 07:26 |
=== roo_ hails the mighty /media | ||
libben | ill go along with media then | 07:26 |
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roo_ | libben, http://www.linuxbase.org/ for more info | 07:27 |
thoreauputic | goldfish: I'm betting you did an upgrade and not "dist-upgrade" | 07:27 |
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goldfish | thoreauputic: nope i did dist-upgrade | 07:27 |
thoreauputic | hmmm | 07:27 |
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Detten | my nic seems to disconnect after approx 1h. Anybody heared of such behaviour? (forcedeth) | 07:27 |
jobezone | goldfish, I would remove xserver-xfree86, install xserver-xorg, and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:28 |
thoreauputic | goldfish: try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg , then | 07:28 |
goldfish | ok | 07:28 |
goldfish | thanks guys | 07:28 |
thoreauputic | jobezone: I don't think removing xfree is necessary | 07:28 |
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thoreauputic | jobezone: apt should take care of it ? | 07:29 |
jobezone | thoreauputic, probably it automaticaly uninstalls it | 07:29 |
thoreauputic | exactly | 07:29 |
libben | wtf is hdb2 doing there? http://www.pastebin.com/267024 | 07:30 |
libben | anyone ? | 07:30 |
kbrooks | ho | 07:30 |
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Detten | there a pkg for nvnet on ubuntu? | 07:31 |
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kbrooks | Detten, use synaptic | 07:31 |
CarlK | libben - whats the proble,? | 07:31 |
Detten | can't find any | 07:31 |
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libben | I dont understand what the ||| /dev/hdb2 830 1853 8225280 f W95 Ext'd (LBA) is | 07:31 |
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libben | cause i have two disks.... where ive made winxp and linux on... and what tha hell is that part doing? | 07:32 |
kbrooks | libben, xp is fat32........or wait | 07:32 |
kbrooks | is hdb linux? | 07:32 |
Detten | libben its normal | 07:32 |
thoreauputic | libben: it's just an extended partition | 07:32 |
Detten | its the extended partion | 07:33 |
schasi | large block adressing | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | libben: relax, all is well ;-) | 07:33 |
kbrooks | Detten, don't guess | 07:33 |
libben | as u see i have / on hdb3 and swap one gb... then 2 ntfs parts... then that.. | 07:33 |
schasi | chill | 07:33 |
libben | i havent made that | 07:33 |
kbrooks | :O | 07:33 |
libben | so what is it | 07:33 |
=== zendog says: hi ya ppl | ||
kbrooks | libben, what is what | 07:33 |
libben | and its like what, 8 gb.. | 07:33 |
forcer | Not even the official ati driver works: Freezes the system just as well | 07:33 |
Detten | kbrooks, guess about what? | 07:33 |
kbrooks | Detten, never mind | 07:34 |
Detten | :p | 07:34 |
thoreauputic | libben: extended partitions are sort of "virtual', and contain other partitions | 07:34 |
libben | all others parts have ID numbers.. but that one has a letter | 07:34 |
libben | hmm.. | 07:34 |
libben | im confused.. | 07:34 |
libben | u see my hdb3 ? its 24 gb.. | 07:35 |
Detten | its because you made first partition in windows | 07:35 |
kbrooks | wait | 07:35 |
Detten | and windows only supports 1 primary partition | 07:35 |
JonnySlack | Detten, no windows supports more then one.. | 07:35 |
libben | and im down to 19,7 gb right now.. and ive only made clean install with ubuntu on hdb3... and updated all updates to this day | 07:35 |
kbrooks | Detten, er. fix yourself up and READ | 07:35 |
JonnySlack | Detten, it can do 4 just like the drive can. | 07:35 |
Detten | ah sorry bout that | 07:36 |
Detten | didn't know :/ | 07:36 |
libben | so im wondering where has my 4 gb gone? cause i havent downloaded 4 gbs updates | 07:36 |
kbrooks | Detten: Installation, yes | 07:36 |
kbrooks | it can be only installed in a primary partition | 07:36 |
kbrooks | but you can trick it | 07:36 |
kbrooks | but why do it! | 07:37 |
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Jlow | hello | 07:37 |
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JonnySlack | hehe my boss just walked in the lunch room... he never talks to me. | 07:37 |
kbrooks | why? | 07:37 |
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krawek | hi | 07:38 |
Pete051 | OK solved the problem with the mail turn out my provider uses @fs on the end of usernames but not on email account thanks anyway | 07:39 |
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krawek | I get this error: undefined reference to `XF86VidModeQueryVersion', what's wrong? | 07:39 |
Jlow | Is installing Ubuntu next to existing Windows XP on SATA-Raid-0 an easy task? (is it possible at all?) | 07:40 |
JonnySlack | anyone here good at setting up an email server ? | 07:40 |
theine | krawek: when do you get this error? | 07:40 |
JonnySlack | I just have a few questions... in general. | 07:40 |
JonnySlack | and aside from that... how would one turn on spell checking in xchat? | 07:41 |
Jlow | JonnySlack i dont use own email server because many many email providers like aol, gmx etc, block those private senders | 07:41 |
JonnySlack | is that doable? | 07:41 |
libben | so what is that hdb2 then ? cause i have hda1 (winxp C:) hdb1 (winxp D:) hdb2 ( Who fucking made this? not me during install) hdb3 (ext3 / , and ive made net install on it and now im down to 19,7 gb, where is my 24 gb?) hdb5 (winxp E:) hdb6 my swap space.... so what is hdb2 doing there? | 07:42 |
thoreauputic | JonnySlack: spell check in an IRC client? Are you serious ? | 07:42 |
thoreauputic | JonnySlack: I nevver wurry abut speling pusonally | 07:42 |
thoreauputic | :) | 07:42 |
housetier | JonnySlack you might need a script to do that | 07:43 |
JonnySlack | thoreauputic, well some people are a bit self contious about such things. | 07:43 |
JonnySlack | hehe | 07:43 |
CarlK | Trilian v2 had a spell check plugin | 07:43 |
JonnySlack | had? | 07:43 |
JonnySlack | they axed it? | 07:43 |
JonnySlack | Gaim has spellcheck... but I'm using xchat now. | 07:44 |
CarlK | well, I upgraded to V3, havn't tried to figure out if I can use it | 07:44 |
forcer | Ok, vesa driver works. But... this is freaky. | 07:44 |
inva|id | does anyone know where I might be able to find a ubuntu button? as in an image for a website | 07:44 |
CarlK | but it does prove that there is a spell check for an IRC client | 07:44 |
JonnySlack | CarlK, yah, well gaim supports IRC and has spellcheck if you have the right libs installed. | 07:44 |
thoreauputic | hmm... yes gaim ahs spell check, true enough... | 07:44 |
libben | thoreauputic, is my hdb2 virtual sorta thing ? cause its wird it exists there | 07:45 |
thoreauputic | I want typo-caheck *grin* | 07:45 |
ubuntoid | inva|id: on the wiki | 07:45 |
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inva|id | ubuntoid, thanks, I'll look there | 07:45 |
JonnySlack | libben, just #ls -l /dev/hdb2 | 07:45 |
CarlK | I nead synonym check | 07:45 |
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thoreauputic | libben: don't stress - my dual-boot has something similar | 07:45 |
JonnySlack | it will tell you if it is a link or not... and if it is, where it points to. | 07:45 |
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CarlK | or is the need, or @#$ kneed | 07:46 |
oXeN | is there a deb for ubuntu for opera? | 07:46 |
oXeN | on Hoary | 07:46 |
JonnySlack | libben, remember, ubuntu will add drives and partitions without your input. | 07:46 |
JonnySlack | libben, automagiclly... | 07:46 |
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forcer | From the menu, using computer/system configuration/device manager brings up a window which vanishes at once again. How do I access that? | 07:46 |
libben | that is 8 gb ? | 07:47 |
thoreauputic | oXeN: if you want opera, just use the static version they provide on the download page | 07:47 |
krawek | theine when I compiling opengl apps | 07:47 |
JonnySlack | libben, I donno... is it? | 07:47 |
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JonnySlack | Anyone here from Toronto and go to the TLUG? | 07:48 |
libben | isnt that what the numbers are saying on the block thing ? cause on my hdb3 that is 24 gb, it starts with 24xxxxxx and same on the others part... so ill take it that hdb2 that i dont know shit about is 8 gb =) | 07:49 |
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keats_ | hi guys. just installed hoary and it keeps crashing 10 seconds after login and entering in gdm | 07:49 |
keats_ | used the recovery console and after some commands ... | 07:49 |
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libben | its like this... ive created 4 parts on hdb!... and now all suddenly there is a w95 part there and looks like 8 gb big | 07:49 |
=== oklinux [~oklinux@adsl-65-66-22-232.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
libben | can it be because i just installed wine? | 07:49 |
keats_ | i get something about kernel panic | 07:49 |
JonnySlack | libben, no... | 07:49 |
JonnySlack | libben, I think you need to #man cfdisk | 07:50 |
oklinux | ubutu is rated # 1 | 07:50 |
keats_ | anyone got the same problem ? | 07:50 |
forcer | Ah, the hal-device-manager does not work because of "dbus_bindings.DBusException: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory." | 07:50 |
forcer | What do I do to get it working despite of that? | 07:50 |
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dazed| | can anyone help me set up a dialup connection...i went to network settings and added the account but i cant autodetect my modem | 07:51 |
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dazed| | anyone here? | 07:51 |
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okercho | Hi! | 07:51 |
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JonnySlack | hehe... my laptop is a bit lopsided... but when it heats up, it sits right flush. | 07:51 |
keats_ | hmm anyone having the same problem with the dafault kernel ? | 07:52 |
forcer | Ah, the dbus-l init script wasn't running | 07:52 |
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JonnySlack | keats_, may not be a kernel issue. | 07:52 |
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forcer | Why on earth wouldn't that be started? | 07:52 |
okercho | I have a problem with the character codification. Why I see this? Ampliacin | 07:52 |
keats_ | JonnySlack: i said that because after some commands given i got a kernel panic | 07:52 |
keats_ | JonnySlack: the system was just installed | 07:52 |
paul_ | how do i update it | 07:53 |
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JonnySlack | keats_, did you md5 sum your cd images? | 07:53 |
JonnySlack | keats_, then check the burned disks for errors? | 07:53 |
keats_ | JonnySlack: i got them from an official mirro | 07:53 |
keats_ | i got no installation errors | 07:53 |
JonnySlack | keats_, which does not rule out buggy downloads | 07:53 |
=== streetbmx [~mook@adsl-8-147-215.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
streetbmx | hello | 07:53 |
JonnySlack | streetbmx, hi... | 07:54 |
zenrox | and welcome | 07:54 |
keats_ | JonnySlack: are you sure it could be an fake iso ? | 07:54 |
streetbmx | thanks | 07:54 |
paul_ | JonnySlack, how do i update ubuntu? | 07:54 |
keats_ | paul_: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 07:54 |
paul_ | ohhhh | 07:54 |
Agrajag | wait what | 07:55 |
CarlK | md5sum: c868ccfe958f85f3ef96c06f45707ad6 hoary-install-i386.iso | 07:55 |
Agrajag | not if you're going from hoary to warty | 07:55 |
zenrox | paul_, use update manger | 07:55 |
Agrajag | dist-upgrade then | 07:55 |
keats_ | Agrajag: that's dist upgrading | 07:55 |
Agrajag | er | 07:55 |
keats_ | not updating | 07:55 |
Agrajag | warty to hoary | 07:55 |
dazed| | can someone help me with installing windows modem drivers ??? | 07:55 |
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okercho | I have a problem with the character codification. Why I see this? "Ampliacin"--A folder/file name | 07:56 |
paul_ | also what is the defalt root password | 07:56 |
Agrajag | there isn't one | 07:56 |
keats_ | dazed|: what does this have to do with ubuntu ? | 07:56 |
okercho | ubuntu dont have root user by default | 07:56 |
thoreauputic | dazed|: umm - you mean linux drivers for a winmodem? | 07:56 |
streetbmx | hey, i did a server install from the hoary preview cd. and bittorrent isnt working. does hoary close some ports that i should know about? this has worked before under warty | 07:56 |
keats_ | paul_: sudo passwd | 07:56 |
Agrajag | no, DON'T sudo passwd | 07:56 |
keats_ | Agrajag: why not ? | 07:56 |
dazed| | thoreauputic: yes | 07:56 |
dazed| | lol | 07:56 |
Agrajag | unless you have a real reason to have a root password | 07:56 |
paul_ | to update | 07:56 |
paul_ | paul@ubuntu:~ $ sudo passwrd | 07:57 |
paul_ | Password: | 07:57 |
paul_ | sudo: passwrd: command not found | 07:57 |
Agrajag | paul_: sudo apt-get update | 07:57 |
okercho | with your user and sudo, you can use all like root | 07:57 |
okercho | pa | 07:57 |
keats_ | paul_: sudo in front of the commands i gave you | 07:57 |
okercho | paul_ | 07:57 |
Agrajag | good, you misspelled it anyway | 07:57 |
keats_ | Agrajag: it's safe enought to have a root password ... | 07:57 |
paul_ | paul@ubuntu:~ $ sudo apt-get update | 07:58 |
paul_ | Reading Package Lists... Done | 07:58 |
paul_ | that is all | 07:58 |
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thoreauputic | dazed|: there are quite a few of them. I used to have a lucent modem working here, but I dumped it for a real hardware modem | 07:58 |
keats_ | paul_: sudo apt-get upgrade | 07:58 |
Agrajag | ok, now sudo apt-get upgrade | 07:58 |
JonnySlack | err well I gotta go... lunch over. | 07:58 |
keats_ | after updating | 07:58 |
JonnySlack | lates all | 07:58 |
keats_ | bye | 07:58 |
paul_ | paul@ubuntu:~ $ sudo apt-get upgrade | 07:58 |
paul_ | Reading Package Lists... Done | 07:58 |
paul_ | Building Dependency Tree... Done | 07:58 |
paul_ | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 07:58 |
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JonnySlack | oh and in answer to all the questions currently being asked... RTFM. | 07:58 |
JonnySlack | :) | 07:59 |
=== jintxo [~jintxo@10.Red-83-42-79.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
okercho | You are updated paul_ | 07:59 |
paul_ | no | 07:59 |
keats_ | paul_: did you configure apt to use a ftp or http repository ? | 07:59 |
paul_ | i have warty and never told it when it was installing to fetch updates | 07:59 |
paul_ | no | 07:59 |
yogui | how to attribute a name to an adress ip ? | 07:59 |
keats_ | paul_: rtfm then | 07:59 |
keats_ | yogui: /etc/hosts | 07:59 |
forcer | I'd be happy if someone could point me to TFM that I could R.... | 07:59 |
thoreauputic | yogui: man hosts | 08:00 |
keats_ | forcer: ubuntulinux.org :) | 08:00 |
forcer | keats_: I wasn't able to find anything about mysterious Radeon crashes there. Have been looking for a bit, too. :-/ | 08:00 |
yogui | thoreauputic : thank you | 08:01 |
keats_ | forcer: what do you say about my system crashing 10 sec after i login ? | 08:01 |
keats_ | and gettin a kernel panic error ? | 08:01 |
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dazed| | do i use ndiswrapper to install winmodem drivers? | 08:01 |
forcer | keats_: "Hey, sounds similar to mine, let's create a support group" | 08:01 |
forcer | :-( | 08:01 |
thoreauputic | dazed|: no | 08:01 |
keats_ | :) | 08:01 |
streetbmx | forcer: have you checked the ati radeon bugzilla | 08:02 |
streetbmx | its unofficial but still some helpfull stuff | 08:02 |
thoreauputic | dazed|: linmodems.org | 08:02 |
dazed| | im so confused...i know what drivers i need i know what chipset i have ...i know all that crap and all the sites skip over the part about what i do with the damn drivers | 08:02 |
=== Krys^ [~sammy@tpasmb01dc1-163-238.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dazed| | thoreauputic: im there i have been there for 2 days | 08:02 |
Krys^ | :) Hello Everyone | 08:02 |
forcer | streetbmx: Nope - what's the URL? | 08:03 |
streetbmx | http://ati.cchtml.com/ | 08:03 |
streetbmx | xorg crashes with signal 11 just at start | 08:03 |
streetbmx | ? | 08:03 |
=== hor [~hor@pD9FD3F02.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
forcer | Nope. The kernel freezes just at start, and the monitor gets bad signals. | 08:04 |
streetbmx | ohh, standard ubuntu kernel? | 08:04 |
forcer | Yup | 08:04 |
streetbmx | i dont like the ubuntu kernel | 08:05 |
streetbmx | its too fat | 08:05 |
kbrooks | it's fat because the kernel needs to suit many users | 08:05 |
keats_ | streetbmx: does your kernel krash too ? | 08:05 |
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Jlow | ciao | 08:05 |
streetbmx | keats_: no | 08:05 |
=== ob1kenobi [~pippo@host193-45.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ob1kenobi | I can't record anything with my microphone in hoary. Anyone can help? | 08:06 |
=== forcer is a happy user of the Debian default kernel on his own box :-] | ||
streetbmx | keats_: actually im only running a base ubuntu server right now. no xorg or radeon to deal with | 08:06 |
keats_ | streetbmx: i'm on a linux box now searching for answers to fix the darn thing :) | 08:07 |
dazed| | anyone know the difference between an HCF and HSF modem? (ontrollerless and softmodems) | 08:07 |
neighborlee | dont env variables set in /etc/profile work system wide ?? | 08:07 |
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InitMass | i noticed that "the" release has been delayed | 08:08 |
neighborlee | or am I supposed to use bash_profile | 08:08 |
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streetbmx | im trying to solve my bittorrent woes, keeps just saying torrent died. | 08:08 |
paul_ | goatse is down | 08:09 |
neighborlee | InitMass, yeah I feel its still way too 'fresh' as I'm seeing crashes in programs that just dont crash much..that PLUs when it crashed my gnome-panel and entire desktop went down with it and eventually ( it was a gradual but firm crash LOL ) I had to hard reset machine..warty never did that I dont think.. | 08:09 |
streetbmx | thanks for that critcal information | 08:09 |
paul_ | i know | 08:09 |
paul_ | so sad | 08:09 |
keats_ | streetbmx: so where's the ubuntu issue ? :) | 08:09 |
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streetbmx | keats_: well its on an ubuntu server. and i just wanted to find out if hoary has some ports blocked by default or something | 08:10 |
goldfish | Anyone know how to specify programs to run on startup using xfce ? | 08:10 |
streetbmx | keats_: i had it working on warty a while ago | 08:10 |
InitMass | neighborlee, scary! | 08:10 |
kbrooks | streetbmx, no. it's your isp | 08:10 |
keats_ | streetbmx: i don't think it has a firewall activated by default | 08:10 |
keats_ | so i think it's not the machine | 08:11 |
streetbmx | kbrooks: well thats odd, cause the same torrents work on my windows box | 08:11 |
streetbmx | on the same network | 08:11 |
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ob1kenobi | I can't record anything with my microphone in hoary. Anyone can help? | 08:11 |
kbrooks | streetbmx, well, please explain your problem again, for me | 08:11 |
InitMass | neighborlee, i will install it the 8th | 08:12 |
neighborlee | InitMass, heh yeah my feelings...but with RC it seems alot less frequent anyway...before that I was getting nightly crashes | 08:12 |
InitMass | neighborlee, so now you think it good? | 08:12 |
streetbmx | kbrooks, when I try to run a torrent. its automatically saying torrent died. almost like its not even trying to connect | 08:12 |
neighborlee | InitMass, oh ic..by the way talk was that it had been set back even further..so the 8th is the release date stilll then ? | 08:12 |
kbrooks | streetbmx, use bittorrent, please. | 08:12 |
neighborlee | InitMass, no I dont trust it yet | 08:12 |
streetbmx | kbrooks, i am using bittorrent | 08:13 |
neighborlee | InitMass, as I say the desktop is still not sound..im seeing crashing not in warty | 08:13 |
kbrooks | streetbmx, well, use bittornado instead | 08:13 |
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kbrooks | neighborlee, file a bug | 08:13 |
streetbmx | i'll give it a try | 08:13 |
neighborlee | InitMass, or i'm getting HW failure I dont know about..not really sure cause I RARELY these days in windows XP ..hahahah | 08:13 |
samo | Hi! I need som help with screen resolution on a Dell D610 (1400x1050), clean new Hoary install, I only get 1280x1024? | 08:13 |
neighborlee | kbrooks, well before doing it I wanted to make sure I wasn't the ONLY one seeing it...and I posted on forum and got no reply so I thought I might be... | 08:14 |
neighborlee | kbrooks, are you seeing this type of behavior at all ? | 08:14 |
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InitMass | neighborlee, i can't sit on my hands any longer than to the 8th i guess | 08:14 |
neighborlee | InitMass, but as I say it seems much better than before the RC | 08:15 |
kbrooks | neighborlee, you are NOT the only one | 08:15 |
neighborlee | kbrooks, well I feel somewhat better anyway <G> | 08:15 |
kbrooks | neighborlee, ask ##linux or #gnome | 08:15 |
neighborlee | misery loves company | 08:15 |
neighborlee | LOL | 08:15 |
neighborlee | hmm I need to hang out in #gnome then ;-00 | 08:15 |
neighborlee | thx good idea | 08:16 |
keats_ | okay, so nobody else got a kernel panic after a fresh install of hoary ? | 08:16 |
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blueyed | isn't it possible to have multiple users access /dev/dsp ? | 08:18 |
keats_ | blueyed: what does ls -lah /dev/dsp say ? | 08:19 |
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blueyed | crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2005-04-04 19:05 /dev/ds | 08:19 |
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blueyed | p | 08:19 |
keats_ | blueyed: i thing there is a group called audio in /etc/group | 08:20 |
keats_ | so you can add users there | 08:20 |
blueyed | I've done this.. does the user have to log in again after I did this? | 08:20 |
keats_ | the users you want to have acces to /dev/dsp | 08:20 |
keats_ | *think | 08:20 |
=== Florob [~Florian@xdsl-81-173-227-38.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keats_ | blueyed: i think so | 08:21 |
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neighborlee | guys isn't /etc/profile the right place to export env. variables ?..just wondering cause it isn't working right :: ( export DELTA_ROOT=/home/neighborlee/Programming/delta3d ) << I had to issue that manually just now when compiling instead or the system finding it in /etc/profile ???? | 08:22 |
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blueyed | keats_: it does not work. In fact the user was already in this group. | 08:23 |
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keats_ | blueyed: have no idea then :P | 08:23 |
blueyed | thx | 08:23 |
blueyed | does it work with you, keats_? | 08:23 |
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keats_ | blueyed: after i fix kernel panic - not synsing i promise i will try :) | 08:24 |
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Xeon3D | shit... my nics are dying... | 08:26 |
Xeon3D | after a while... my network connection drops..and I can only get a connection to the router with a reboot... | 08:27 |
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quiet | Xeon3D, maybe the cable is going bad?? or the router is overheating?? (is it a liksys/d-link home-router?) | 08:28 |
quiet | linksys* | 08:28 |
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-moin:#ubuntu- Wollt ihr mal was neuse? Etwas besseres? dann kommt in denn neuen IRC Server! | 08:29 | |
-moin:#ubuntu- Fr users mit mIRC: /server -m abc-chat.ch:6670 | 08:29 | |
-moin:#ubuntu- Fr users ohne mIRC: www.dbi.ch/abc | 08:29 | |
quiet | ENGLISH!! | 08:29 |
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Xeon3D | quiet.. nope it's an SMC one.. but I think it may be because I'm overclocking... | 08:30 |
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Xeon3D | when I said reboot, it was a computer reboot... | 08:30 |
quiet | overclocking the router?? you mean the PC right? | 08:30 |
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quiet | I know it was computer reboot.. | 08:30 |
-moin:#ubuntu- Wollt ihr mal was neuse? Etwas besseres? dann kommt in denn neuen IRC Server! | 08:30 | |
-moin:#ubuntu- Fr users mit mIRC: /server -m abc-chat.ch:6670 | 08:30 | |
-moin:#ubuntu- Fr users ohne mIRC: www.dbi.ch/abc | 08:30 | |
quiet | but overheating routers frequently drop connections | 08:30 |
Xeon3D | quiet overclocking the computer .. yes | 08:30 |
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quiet | Xeon3D, honestly.. shutdown the router and stuff for about an hour.. turn it all back on and see how it goes... | 08:31 |
quiet | it's a frequent issue with soho equipment.. though it's not necessarily yours.. just a good troubleshooting technique :) | 08:31 |
Xeon3D | erm.. but I'm almost sure that it's an hardware issue | 08:32 |
Xeon3D | as only one of the computers does that. (the oc'ed one). This one where i'm typing from is ok. | 08:33 |
quiet | Xeon3D, that's fine.. I was just suggesting before you replace the NICs.. :) | 08:33 |
=== _chris [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | okay | 08:33 |
Xeon3D | Its dificult for me to replace the nicks as they are integrated :P | 08:33 |
quiet | ahh... | 08:33 |
quiet | what board? | 08:33 |
Xeon3D | DFI Lanparty NF2 Ultra 400 Rev.B | 08:34 |
quiet | ahh.. rockin' colors? | 08:34 |
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ob1kenobi | what daos mean "Failed to construct test pipeline for 'ALSA'?? | 08:35 |
Xeon3D | rockin' colors? it's green... UV Green. | 08:35 |
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=== Bloody|RLC [~puzo__@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | awesome | 08:36 |
=== Sumido [~dirk@tweety.adsl.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dazed| | anyone know the answer to this question 'Where is the linux source build directory that matches your running kernel? [usr/src/linux] ' | 08:38 |
dazed| | anyone ? | 08:38 |
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Florob | right ask a question and run away argh | 08:39 |
kbrooks | :| | 08:39 |
kbrooks | Florob, i have THAT problem too | 08:40 |
Ingo^ | how do i make a back up before making some changes to the system? | 08:40 |
=== |ronny| [~Ronny@pD9EC55C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CarlK | heh - how come each time I power cycle a box the amount of memory changes? | 08:41 |
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Florob | Ingo^: that depends. Do you want a image of the hole partition or just a backup of some files? | 08:42 |
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CarlK | it has 1 64 and 2 32 meg sticks in it - it is a crap shot if it is going to come up with 128, 64 or 32 | 08:42 |
eSPete | what file do i add alias to? | 08:42 |
Ingo^ | just the necessary really | 08:42 |
CarlK | memtest86+ never finds any errors | 08:43 |
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laxdragon | here is a crazy: how come SuSE 9.3 supports the Radeon Mobility 9000 M6 LY in their version of the fglrx driver and ubuntu does not? What is the difference between the two drivers? | 08:43 |
=== yfir [~yfir@dsl-137-110.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ingo^ | i need to install vid drivers. Last time i did that the whole screen went nutty | 08:43 |
Draucon | when is the final release for hoary?? wednesday?? | 08:44 |
sig | laxdragon: xorg | 08:44 |
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neighborlee | Draucon, 8th | 08:44 |
yfir | Draucon: April 8th is the latest word on that | 08:44 |
Ingo^ | and i'm still without sound | 08:44 |
laxdragon | sig: Ubunto has xorg, sooo huh? | 08:44 |
Draucon | ok thank you | 08:44 |
sig | laxdragon: look at the versions | 08:44 |
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sig | also suse writes own drivers etc that sometimes other os's don't have | 08:45 |
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sig | it may be developmental and they have added it to where ubuntu didn't add it | 08:45 |
=== Anders1 [~Anders@anders1.user] has joined #ubuntu | ||
laxdragon | that kinda bites, so what next, just wait for ati's next release then wait for the ubuntu package to get updated? | 08:45 |
sig | possibly, or go to xorg and get the source and install it yourself | 08:46 |
=== no0tic [~no0tic@host75-164.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Florob | Ingo^: well it's not that likely that your system will get hurt so you either don't backup at all or just the things that are valuable for you (importent documents...). I think it would be pretty pointless to make a backup of systemfiles for that because than you would really have to backup the whole parition and that takes up lots of space. The badest thing that can happen is that you will have to install from scratch. | 08:46 |
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claudemir | hi,all | 08:46 |
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Ingo^ | Florob, true | 08:47 |
=== eken [~eken@c-2e3f71d5.021-6-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ingo^ | nothing important on this partition so a backup is pointless when i think about it ;) | 08:47 |
claudemir | i have a application in delphi | 08:47 |
eken | Do anyone know which repository I need to get Wine on an amd64 | 08:48 |
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Ingo^ | i pretty sure Ubuntu didn't set up my vid drivers when installing | 08:48 |
EvilIdler | eken: Noi such thing. Try a 32-bit version. | 08:48 |
eSPete | what config file do i add alias to, so they are allso there the next time i start my computer? | 08:48 |
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Ingo^ | how do i set up my drivers? | 08:49 |
Ingo^ | and sound | 08:49 |
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claudemir | and would like to make to function in ubuntu. exists some way to make to function? | 08:49 |
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eken | EvilIdler: hmm.. how sad.. I use a 64bit version of ubuntu. | 08:49 |
laxdragon | sig: ok, thats it. SuSE ships with 8.10.19 while Ubuntu has 8.8.25. So once the fglrx package is updated to at least 8.10.19 it should work for me. | 08:49 |
=== gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eken | EvilIdler: I'll have to wait until it comes then | 08:50 |
EvilIdler | eken: So do I. Getting Wine to work on 64-bit is a serious hack; 32-bit emulation might work for you. | 08:50 |
EvilIdler | eken: Don't hold your breath. | 08:50 |
gilles | Sound Juicer can extract in MP3 ? | 08:50 |
gilles | i mean, rip a cd | 08:51 |
seb128 | sure | 08:51 |
gilles | i don't have the choice ? | 08:51 |
gilles | it's not in my preferences | 08:51 |
seb128 | you can encode to ogg, flac too | 08:51 |
seb128 | you need gstreamer0.8-lame which is non-free | 08:52 |
seb128 | mp3 encoding has patents issues | 08:52 |
Florob | Ingo^: maybe http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto helps you? Actually graphics should have been set up when you installed ubuntu. I have no sugestion for sound though I'm still stuck with that, too, but I can hear something just volume controll doesn't work. | 08:52 |
=== xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-41-93.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ingo^ | thanks, i'll check it out | 08:53 |
blahrus | Florob: are you amd64? | 08:53 |
Florob | blahrus: no, why? | 08:53 |
seb128 | gilles: you can find that on the wiki IIRC | 08:54 |
blahrus | Florob: having a sounds issue with the latest RC in amd64 | 08:54 |
=== Kikyo1 [~Kikyou@1-1-3-22a.gam.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Florob | blahrus: well, as I said, as soon as it comes to sound/alsa/oss I'm screwed myself :) | 08:55 |
Kikyo1 | Hi, when I burn normal CDs in works in Ubuntu (it's a DVD+RW burner) but, DVDs won't work.. they won't even open in file browser or appear or dekstop; any clues? :) | 08:55 |
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blahrus | Florob: so am I :( | 08:55 |
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Florob | Kikyo1: how do you try to burn, generally you have to use different (console) tools for CD and DVD. | 08:56 |
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neighborlee | why doesn't /etc/profile take my export variables ? | 08:57 |
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nachtwind | hi | 08:57 |
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nachtwind | is there someone in here who mind telling me how to install apache(1/2) and PHP toi make them work as they should? | 08:58 |
nachtwind | right now i cant interpred PHP files :/ | 08:58 |
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Daehlie | http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/How-To-Install-Apache-PHP-MySQL/1059 | 08:59 |
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nachtwind | thank you | 09:01 |
nachtwind | i will try that | 09:01 |
nachtwind | i thought there was some apt-get package arround there | 09:01 |
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huhe | how do you log channel chats ? | 09:01 |
huhe | in xchat | 09:02 |
slask3n | are there any apps for musicmaking in ubuntu or on linux generally? | 09:02 |
Xappe | huhe: check the settings | 09:02 |
huhe | i have both checked have forawhile but can't find my logs | 09:03 |
Ex-Cyber | huhe: Settings -> Preferences, under the "Chat" there should be a "Logging" panel | 09:03 |
Ex-Cyber | ah | 09:03 |
stack | hi. what are the differences between Ubuntu and redhat ? | 09:03 |
mjr | slask3n, yes; rosegarden would be the first that comes to mind | 09:03 |
Xappe | huhe: they should be in .xchat/ I guess | 09:03 |
Ex-Cyber | look in ~/.xchat2/ | 09:03 |
=== berceco [carlos@80-28-136-4.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjr | slask3n, you may find more references at http://www.agnula.org/ | 09:03 |
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Kikyo1 | Hi, when I burn normal CDs in works in Ubuntu (it's a DVD+RW burner) but, DVDs won't work.. they won't even open in file browser or appear or desktop; any clues? | 09:04 |
Florob | *cough* (20:56:04) Florob: Kikyo1: how do you try to burn, generally you have to use different (console) tools for CD and DVD. | 09:04 |
topyli | slask3n: there are different apps for small tasks. ardour for recording/mixer, beast for synth, hyrdrogen for drums, terminatorx for deejay scratching... | 09:04 |
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topyli | slask3n: i haven't found a basic fruity loopy fun thing yet | 09:05 |
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Kikyo1 | Florob: Ahh.. sorry, didn't see that.. Oh, well when I burn with CDs it works by right-clicking an ISO file and choose "Burn to CD" | 09:05 |
Kikyo1 | But, it won't even notice a DVD is in the drive | 09:06 |
phaedo | Hey there, I'm coming from a redhat/mandrake background, and would like a pointer to some documentation on the network script system in debian/ubuntu. Any suggestions? | 09:06 |
Xappe | slask3n: for basic recording you can use audacity | 09:06 |
Kikyo1 | Florob: If I insert a CD a new file browser window opens in the blank CD (/media/cdrom1/) but not DVDs.. | 09:06 |
=== redson [~red@66-215-123-26.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blueyed | might anyone want to try if they can play sound from two different users logged into gnome? | 09:07 |
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caffinated | blueyed: should work, provided your sound hardware supports hardware mixing. | 09:08 |
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caffinated | most soundblaster cards are ok | 09:08 |
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blueyed | caffinated, it's a onboard chip (nforce4).. should I put my SB back in? | 09:10 |
Florob | Kikyo1: yes that is possible because DVDs are probably not supported by automount or whatever handles this yet. there are some console progs you can try. I don't know what is included with Ubuntu I belive I saw a package for the dvd+/-rw tools being installed you may try to google for that. | 09:10 |
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caffinated | blueyed: not sure about the nforce stuff. I know I had some problems with my USB audio adapter, but my oldish sb live value worked well. | 09:10 |
neighborlee | if /etc/profile isn't the right place to put env var's for global use then where does it go...: .bash_profile ? | 09:10 |
blueyed | caffinated, how can I check if it's supported? it there some info file somewhere to cat? | 09:11 |
breogan | hola! | 09:11 |
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caffinated | blueyed: well, if it's making sound, it's supported. | 09:12 |
caffinated | but that doesn't mean it'll do hardware mixing | 09:12 |
blueyed | thx, I'll google some. | 09:12 |
=== jnoreiko [~jnoreiko@ACCAACF2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caffinated | blueyed: you might try the nforce driver set from nvidia - it might give you a greater degree of compatibility | 09:13 |
venkman | i tried putting a module in the blacklist in the /etc/hotplug directory, but it didn't stop themodule from loading | 09:13 |
blueyed | caffinated, thought esd was meant to do mixing software-wise.. | 09:14 |
=== libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caffinated | blueyed: well, yes and no. it's part of it - some programs want direct access to the hardware though. | 09:15 |
=== LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blueyed | but I tried Rhythmbox on the other account.. | 09:15 |
neighborlee | rhythbox sucks eggs | 09:15 |
neighborlee | out of the box it wont play my oggs | 09:15 |
neighborlee | that OR its a RC issue | 09:15 |
blueyed | I know, but it work best. | 09:15 |
neighborlee | either way it bites | 09:16 |
blueyed | sound-wise | 09:16 |
=== Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neighborlee | blueyed, nope disagree..I tried to play a 'ogg' and I got squat | 09:16 |
neighborlee | unless is a bad ogg..I dont think so..hmm I'd better 'verify that' | 09:16 |
caffinated | blueyed: well, I'd consider looking at the linux nforce drivers | 09:16 |
caffinated | they're available from nvidia, and they may be never than what ships with ubuntu | 09:16 |
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keffo | anyone tried football manager with wine / cedega? | 09:17 |
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blueyed | "/dev/dsp is also in use by another program".. :/ | 09:17 |
blueyed | will try nvidia | 09:17 |
Kikyo1 | Florob: Ah, thanks! :) | 09:18 |
=== Drews_Blunted [~drew@c-24-5-117-25.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Drews_Blunted | hey | 09:19 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, h.e.y. | 09:19 |
kbrooks | heh. | 09:19 |
venkman | how can i turn off the vesafb that initrd loads on boot? | 09:19 |
Drews_Blunted | hey, kbrooks, im trying to get ssh to work and im doing ssh -l root 23.432.54.2 and its not working | 09:20 |
Drews_Blunted | is that the right way to use ssh? | 09:20 |
bhna | venkman: give the kernel an vga=normal | 09:21 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, . | 09:21 |
quiet | hey i'm installing on my notebook and just got a string of "serial8250: too much work for irq10" while instaling all the online software.. doesn't seem to have had a negative effect because it has now continued.. but any ideas? | 09:21 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, .. urm | 09:21 |
Drews_Blunted | yes | 09:21 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, man ssh | 09:21 |
oklinux | will wireless usb card work in ubuntu ? | 09:21 |
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kbrooks | look at the first section | 09:21 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, h/o lemme show ya | 09:22 |
Drews_Blunted | k | 09:22 |
venkman | bhna, i looked in /etc/mkinitrd, and it doesn't have anything in modules, however, it does have probe on | 09:22 |
kbrooks | ssh connects and logs into the specified hostname (with optional user name). The user must prove his/her identity | 09:22 |
kbrooks | to the remote machine using one of several methods depending on the protocol version used. | 09:22 |
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kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, ssh hostname | 09:22 |
kbrooks | or | 09:22 |
neighborlee | keffo, nope I only use native linux games although I feel fer ya | 09:23 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, ssh user@hostame | 09:23 |
nullset | hmm... i did apt-get install ubuntu-calendar but I do not see the wallpapers it installed when I right click -> change background. Any ideas? | 09:23 |
neighborlee | keffo, is that a windows commercial game..never hoid of it | 09:23 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, ssh -l user hostname | 09:23 |
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Drews_Blunted | yea, thats what ive been doing | 09:23 |
Florob | kbrooks: or ssh -l user hostname | 09:23 |
Florob | as he wrote, so what's the point? | 09:23 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, root is disabled. | 09:23 |
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kaupolkan | wenas | 09:24 |
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jnoreiko | the gnome file search box -- is its being broken a ubuntu or a gnome bug? | 09:24 |
ob1kenobi | who can help me in trobleshooting microphone that doesn't work? | 09:24 |
kbrooks | A disabled account is an account that has no password set on it. | 09:24 |
neighborlee | where does one get plugins for rhythmbox for mp3 ( or does one : yes I know ogg is better but atm I have mp3 I need to play) | 09:24 |
kaupolkan | algun espaol aki? | 09:24 |
kbrooks | Drews_Blunted, su considers user accounts (including root) with no passsword to be insecure | 09:25 |
neighborlee | the rhythmbox menu has no indication of where to find them | 09:25 |
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venkman | bhna, when i make a new initrd do i need to re-install grub? | 09:25 |
ob1kenobi | neighborlee, have you tried gstreamer-mad? | 09:25 |
bhna | venkman: no | 09:25 |
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neighborlee | ob1kenobi, checking | 09:25 |
kbrooks | Florob, see my definition of disabled above. | 09:26 |
jnoreiko | neighborlee, check the ubuntu guide page. | 09:26 |
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=== imran [~imran@82-70-148-190.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chase | anyone got a apt-source file which has the newest version of gaim? i cant seem to get above 1.1.4 | 09:26 |
venkman | bhna, i set MODULES=none | 09:26 |
ob1kenobi | who can help me in trobleshooting microphone that doesn't work? | 09:26 |
venkman | bhna, is that ok if i use ext3 for my root partition? | 09:27 |
Florob | kbrooks: yes... well but a) you didn't really have to explain the rest of the stuff and b) you asume he is trying to ssh into a ubuntu mashine and not from a ubuntu mashine, but anyway your probably right. | 09:27 |
kbrooks | Florob, also, that IS why debian's base-config, when you get to root password, WILL NOT accept any blank root password | 09:27 |
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kbrooks | Florob, as a blank root password is insecure to su | 09:28 |
neighborlee | ob1kenobi, k thx | 09:28 |
imran | which package do I need to install to get yacc ? | 09:28 |
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Florob | kbrooks: I assume if su thinks that a password is insecure it wont alow to su to the specified user? | 09:29 |
kbrooks | Florob, and if debian's base-config allowed a blank root password, everything would mess up | 09:29 |
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venkman | oh well | 09:29 |
kbrooks | Florob, insecure pass = blank pass | 09:29 |
venkman | i'm testin it out | 09:29 |
venkman | we'll see how i did | 09:29 |
xinUdetnuaH | Hey, just switched to flux from GNOME, and now it's switched keymap, how can I change it back? | 09:30 |
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kbrooks | Florob, so, yes, you are right | 09:30 |
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bhna | venkman: ext3 is compiled as modul. ext3 module has to be in the initrd.img | 09:30 |
venkman | bhna, yea, it just bitched at me hardcore | 09:31 |
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kbrooks | if ext3 isnt in the initrd, you woint be able to access ubuntu anymore without you specifically rebooting with the livecd inside, and booting with root= | 09:31 |
nullset | Any ideas why after installing ubuntu-calendar I cannot see it as an available option in right click - change background? | 09:31 |
Florob | BTW, does anybody know why ubuntus kernel is so overmoularized? | 09:31 |
kbrooks | and fixing it up | 09:31 |
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quiet | overmularized? | 09:32 |
roo_ | Florob, so that it can be provided as a binary (not source) package. | 09:32 |
kbrooks | Florob, because ubuntu's users deserve much | 09:32 |
venkman | bhna, if i specifiy modules=none in mkinitrd.conf and then put an entry in /etc/mkinitrd/modules will it still include the module for me? | 09:32 |
roo_ | Florob, to cover as many possible hardware configs as possible, making it easy for the user. | 09:32 |
kbrooks | roo_, yeah | 09:32 |
kbrooks | one example is loop. you must load that manually | 09:32 |
kbrooks | because loop isn't really needed | 09:33 |
Florob | no, I mean like standard FS is ext3 but even ext3 is only module and not static | 09:33 |
kbrooks | for the majority of users | 09:33 |
kbrooks | of ubuntu | 09:33 |
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000393c6c940.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | (roo_: right?) | 09:33 |
roo_ | kbrooks, yep. | 09:33 |
roo_ | Florob, standard for who? there is no "standard" dude.. assumptions are the mother of all fuckups :) | 09:33 |
mjr | Florob, usual as it may be, many users don't use it | 09:33 |
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kbrooks | don't use what? | 09:34 |
roo_ | Florob, kbrooks, if you included ext3 built into the kernel, what about the 10% that dont use it? | 09:34 |
mjr | ext3 | 09:34 |
roo_ | mjr, agreed | 09:34 |
=== spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | roo_: nice point | 09:34 |
=== adrighem [~adrighem@k29060.upc-k.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Florob | roo_: they have a bit to much in the kernel, but do you really think they'd care? | 09:34 |
roo_ | modular kernel configs are all about flexibility V performance. | 09:35 |
roo_ | Florob, yes. I would care. | 09:35 |
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bhna | Setting it to none will cause mkinitrd(8) | 09:35 |
bhna | to not include any modules, even if modules were specified in /etc/mkinitrd/modules | 09:35 |
roo_ | Not everyone runs linux on a top end computer. To some, memory bytes are precious! | 09:35 |
Florob | roo_: ok, convinced | 09:35 |
roo_ | Florob, ;) | 09:35 |
nullset | Any ideas why after installing ubuntu-calendar I cannot see it as an available option in right click - change background? | 09:35 |
=== netmonk [~netmonk@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roo_ | Florob, also, modular kernels can make debugging easier, as well as cool hotplug functionality. | 09:36 |
=== spiral [~pgarcia@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spiral | hello | 09:37 |
bhna | venkman: setting it to none will cause mkinitrd to exclude any modules, even if modules were specified in etc/mkinitrd/modzules - man mkinitrd.conf | 09:37 |
roo_ | hi spiral | 09:37 |
adrighem | Hi all | 09:37 |
Florob | roo_: yup, BTW is perhaps I have just not thougt about it enough either, but why is it compiled with -Os rather than -O2 is kernel size so much of an issue? if than why? | 09:37 |
spiral | I'dd like ubuntu to work on a new laptop... | 09:38 |
adrighem | Anyone here who can set me up with a pile of Ubuntu CDs? | 09:38 |
spiral | are there experts of boring laptops there ? | 09:38 |
adrighem | I'd like to distribute the CDs at a middle/small business meeting conference thing this weekend. | 09:38 |
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
roo_ | Florob, Os produces smallest possible executable. small kernels are good.. | 09:39 |
FreezerX | How can I switch the frequence of the CPU to its total frequence value constantly? | 09:39 |
adrighem | I was told to contact mako, but he's not really responsive. And when he is, I'm not. :) | 09:39 |
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drspin | I just installed RealPlayer 10 for Linux... how can I install the FireFox Plugin | 09:39 |
drspin | ? | 09:39 |
wasabi | So, I plug in a USB drive I have, and it detects the device and loads usb_storage. | 09:39 |
wasabi | But it doesn't mount it. | 09:39 |
wasabi | How do I make it mount it? | 09:39 |
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drspin | wasabi: hoary or warty? | 09:40 |
wasabi | hoary | 09:40 |
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drspin | wasabi: pmount /dev/sda1 | 09:40 |
=== SirFred [~mteira@200.Red-83-41-40.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Florob | roo_: fast are too IMO ;) | 09:40 |
SirFred | Hello | 09:40 |
CarlK | where can I find the specs on nVidia Corporation NV11DDR [GeForce2 MX 100 DDR/200 DDR] - hoary only lets me do 1024x768, guessing the card will do more | 09:40 |
john6000 | whats the root password | 09:40 |
wasabi | drspin, why isn't that automatic? | 09:40 |
=== phoenixp3k [~phoenixp3@modemcable116.233-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drspin | wasabi: not sure... does it work with pmount? | 09:40 |
john6000 | whats the root password | 09:40 |
=== [1] wacko_- [~wacko_-@cpe-70-112-219-55.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roo_ | Florob, look at some benchmarks for Os V O2; the performance hit is often tiny. | 09:40 |
wasabi | Yeah, it did. | 09:40 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: That's a monitor setting, not card setting | 09:40 |
john6000 | whats the root password | 09:40 |
drspin | wasabi: paste $ dmesg |tail in #flood | 09:41 |
phoenixp3k | I'm back once again, trying to fix an other bug :p | 09:41 |
=== ronny-- [~Ronny@pD9EC55C2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CarlK | john6000 - currently nothing | 09:41 |
john6000 | ok | 09:41 |
drspin | john6000: use sudo $man sudo | 09:41 |
bhna | john6000: there is no root password | 09:41 |
john6000 | ok | 09:41 |
john6000 | no root username ? | 09:41 |
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john6000 | or just the pword | 09:41 |
roo_ | Florob, http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0302.0/0958.html | 09:41 |
phoenixp3k | I have video lagging problems, and tryed to install Mplayer but crashes before even opening... sort of. | 09:42 |
CarlK | EvilIdler - my monitor will do more too - could it be my kvm switch hoses up some auto detection? | 09:42 |
john6000 | oh well | 09:42 |
CarlK | john6000 - you don't get to know it ;). use sudo | 09:42 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: You need to specify the frequency ranges in the Monitor section in your X or Xorg confihg | 09:42 |
roo_ | btw, if anyone wants insanely cheap hosting, priv msg me (not me thats offering it, i have info on how) | 09:42 |
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drspin | wasabi: check your nautilus settings... in warty it's Computer -> Desktop Preferences -> Removable Storage | 09:43 |
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CarlK | EvilIdler - so everyone is capped at 1024 unless they edit xorg.conf? | 09:43 |
goron | What's the graphical tool for configuring Samba? | 09:43 |
CarlK | goron - SWAT or Webmin | 09:43 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: When autodectection can't smell your monitor properly, yes :/ | 09:43 |
CarlK | EvilIdler - got it | 09:43 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: I got a list of desired monitor resolutions when I installed, and picked 1600x1200 and a few others. Didn't you get that one? | 09:44 |
CarlK | I did, but I just blew past it becase I wanted to install the nvidia drivers first | 09:44 |
CarlK | now I wat to crank it up, and it won't crank | 09:44 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: That's why you only have 1024x768, then ;) | 09:44 |
wasabi | drspin, it is set to mount removable devices | 09:44 |
Florob | roo_: interesting... though size difference isn't THAT big either. | 09:45 |
drspin | interesting... | 09:45 |
CarlK | EvilIdler - isn't there a script that will re-probe? | 09:45 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: I had to adjust the frequency settings anyway, because it only did 60Hz at 1600x1200. | 09:45 |
john6000 | when i type startx it wont load | 09:45 |
john6000 | :( | 09:45 |
drspin | unplug it -- wait 5 seconds -- plug it back in then paste dmesg | tail in #flood | 09:45 |
roo_ | Florob, no, i think for any more justification (rather than information), you should see #ubuntu-devel | 09:45 |
drspin | wasabi: unplug it -- wait 5 seconds -- plug it back in then paste dmesg | tail in #flood | 09:45 |
wasabi | Drspin, same stuff. | 09:45 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: You're better off finding the range your monitor can handle, and adjusting the two lines in the config. Then save the config on permanent media till later :) | 09:45 |
wasabi | it detects the device fine. | 09:45 |
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wasabi | gnome-vol-manager doesn't get it though | 09:46 |
drspin | wasabi: I can see that -- what I want to see is why it's failing on the automount... BEFORE it's mounted | 09:46 |
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venkman | does initrd accept the same arguments as the kernel? | 09:47 |
wasabi | Well, there are no mount mesages, PERIOD. | 09:47 |
drspin | wasabi: OK -- check the logs for GVM | 09:47 |
Florob | roo_: well, I don't really want them to change anything, I was just wondering. Who really wants (me) can still compile himself a custom kernel. Just bugs me right now that they failed to update nvidia-kernel-common | 09:47 |
john6000 | how do i open the package tool thing in console? | 09:47 |
CarlKx | EvilIdler, Im trying to test the install and figure out what parts could use some help | 09:47 |
wasabi | ahh here we are. | 09:47 |
=== Florob goes to bed now | ||
libben | can i run Kasablanca on ubuntu ? its for KDE env | 09:47 |
drspin | so anyone know how to install the mozilla plugin for RealPlayer? | 09:47 |
roo_ | Florob, night, dream of updated kernels :p | 09:47 |
EvilIdler | CarlK: EDID detection, no doubt :) | 09:47 |
john6000 | how do i open the package tool thing in console? | 09:47 |
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EvilIdler | libben: Most tools don't care what environment they're run in, as long as you have the libraries required | 09:48 |
john6000 | thanks for the help | 09:48 |
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EvilIdler | libben: Check that kdelibs are installed | 09:48 |
CarlKx | EvilIdler, so other than running the install and leaving the KVM on that box for an hour, isn't tere a way to reprobe and figure it out? | 09:48 |
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EvilIdler | CarlK: The probe is only a blip at some point, and the whole install should only take a few minutes.. | 09:49 |
CarlKx | my idea of "whole install" = hoary, what is yours? | 09:49 |
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EvilIdler | CarlK: There is a tool called readedid or something, but I can't see it installed here :/ | 09:49 |
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christian | hey, how do I gnome and xorg together? | 09:50 |
christian | start* | 09:50 |
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CarlKx | xorgcfg is looking pretty cool | 09:51 |
superted_ | Does anyone know how beagle is coming along? | 09:51 |
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quiet | what kernel does hoary use? 2.6.10? | 09:52 |
crimsun | yes | 09:53 |
Ingo^ | If i have a built in soundcard, could it prevent the other soundcard from being detected and used? | 09:53 |
libben | y | 09:53 |
quiet | cool | 09:53 |
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crimsun | Ingo^: no | 09:53 |
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mhz | hello, everyone! | 09:53 |
anars | does anyone else have trouble with a certain package while installing the Ubuntu 5.04 RC (linux, not expert-mode) | 09:53 |
anars | it's after the first reboot.. | 09:54 |
drspin | wasabi: it looks like you may have hit a bug.... file an ubuntu bug | 09:54 |
=== Mr-Petah esta Ausente, Razon: ( an algo estar... ) | Desde: ( Monday, April 4, 2005. 20:50:08 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
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mhz | anyone using Kubuntu?? | 09:55 |
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bhna | mhz: yes | 09:55 |
crimsun | mhz: /join #kubuntu | 09:55 |
mhz | ah, ok. Did not know. :) | 09:56 |
alexsmith | Having a few problems with vim in Ubuntu. I've got my XkbLayout set to "no", I've got previously working inputrc and vimrcs on, but up/down on the directional pad puts letters. | 09:56 |
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Orbo | just upgraed to hoary, no sound | 09:56 |
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Orbo | upgraded* | 09:56 |
Orbo | checked the forums | 09:56 |
Orbo | alsamixer works, but my output jack is off | 09:57 |
crimsun | Orbo: lspci -v, lsmod, dmesg, cat /proc/asound/modules => pastebin.com | 09:57 |
dstevens | hi, is anyone having problems with mozilla-firefox not starting and causing a run-away process | 09:57 |
xukun_ | anyone using GeForce4 440 Go card? | 09:57 |
Orbo | how do I turn it back on | 09:57 |
Orbo | crumsun | 09:57 |
crimsun | Orbo: and amixer output | 09:57 |
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_phate_ | I have a Geforce 2 Ultra GTS (BladeRunner) card, what are the latest drivers and how do install them? | 09:57 |
Orbo | amixer provides lots and lots of output | 09:57 |
crimsun | Orbo: right, paste it to pastebin | 09:57 |
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ACID|net | is hoary still due out 6th? | 09:58 |
lamont_r | 8th | 09:58 |
lamont_r | "week of april 4" | 09:58 |
dstevens | i have attempted to apt-get remove then installing again, still causes problems | 09:58 |
ACID|net | ahh | 09:58 |
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crimsun | hinton-james, eh? | 09:59 |
crimsun | or is that morrison? | 09:59 |
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Orbo | posted it crumsun | 10:00 |
Orbo | crimsun* | 10:00 |
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drspin | where does FF keep it's plugins and components? | 10:01 |
dstevens | Question is how can i reinstall-rollback mozilla-firefox to a working state, have tryed apt-get remove mozilla-firefox --purge but is still leave a load of firefox shit. | 10:01 |
crimsun | Orbo: unmute the Audigy Analog/Digital jack | 10:01 |
Orbo | how, I can't unmute it, its not turned all the way down | 10:01 |
Orbo | its just off | 10:01 |
crimsun | press 'm' in alsamixer | 10:01 |
Orbo | alrighty | 10:01 |
dstevens | So when it come to reinstalling it seems to reinstall over the old stuff. | 10:01 |
Orbo | thanks mate | 10:02 |
crimsun | dstevens: you need to remove /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox | 10:02 |
crimsun | Orbo: working? | 10:02 |
FreezerX | I ve installed EmiFreq but how is this tool startet to set the cpu frequence? | 10:02 |
Orbo | yeap | 10:02 |
Orbo | yep* | 10:02 |
crimsun | Orbo: good. | 10:02 |
quiet | It would be cool is canonical shipped TheOpenCD for free like they do Ubuntu.. I have gotten quite a few clients to switch to Linux because of the free Ubuntu disks (I put them on the magazine table in my office) | 10:02 |
Ingo^ | anybody know how do install the soundcard? | 10:02 |
Orbo | so I just upgraded to hoary, anything new I should give a go at? | 10:03 |
ACID|net | whats TheOpenCD? | 10:03 |
St0n3-C0l | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=576 | 10:03 |
St0n3-C0l | These are gdesklets in KDE ? | 10:03 |
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_phate_ | how do I search for a package? | 10:03 |
dstevens | crimsun: as in rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox, scratch head package management ?? | 10:03 |
lamont_r | ACID|net: a bunch of open source stuff compiled to run on windows | 10:04 |
crimsun | dstevens: after you --purge mozilla-firefox, rm -rf /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox | 10:04 |
lamont_r | www.theopencd.org, irrc | 10:04 |
Orbo | I know I need gstreamer lame for encoding to mp3, but I dont have any repositories that have it, do you think its okay to use apt-get.org for it? | 10:04 |
crimsun | _phate_: apt-cache search | 10:04 |
lamont_r | _phate_: how do you search what for a package? | 10:04 |
crimsun | Orbo: a bad idea. | 10:04 |
dstevens | crimsun, ok cheers. | 10:04 |
Orbo | grrr | 10:05 |
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FreezerX | or search with synaptic | 10:05 |
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lamont_r | apt-cache search word will find all packages that apt knows about that have descriptions containing 'word' | 10:05 |
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imran | TheOpenCd.org rocks :-) | 10:05 |
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imran | the fact that I'm credited on the contributors list has nothing to do with my opinion ;-) | 10:07 |
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forcer | Ok, my friend is happy with ubuntu :-) Any recommendations on a very basic introduction to GNU/Linux for newbies? | 10:07 |
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slask3n | are there any good apps for musicmaking in ubuntu or on linux generally? | 10:07 |
jbailey | forcer: I don't know of a good one - The problem I find with most of them is they go into how filesystems work, and occasionally touch on a bit of programming. | 10:08 |
Marble2 | How come I can't download directories off a remote ftp server with lftp, but regular files work fine | 10:08 |
jbailey | forcer: You probably want to look for an intro to Gnome or something like that. | 10:08 |
dstevens | crimsun, tryed remove --purge, rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox, then re-install got Errors were encountered while processing: mozilla-firefox Extension System Warning: Failed to set up default extensions. | 10:08 |
jbailey | forcer: I don't know that such things exist usefully, though, since gnome still changes in some pretty important ways every 6 months. | 10:08 |
crimsun | dstevens: rm? why not rm -rf ? | 10:09 |
=== Alessio [~Alessio@host146-56.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
venkman | do i need to do a depmod before i use mkinitrd? | 10:09 |
quiet | slask3n, musicmaking as in synth-type stuff?? like fast-tracker or something on windows? | 10:09 |
St0n3-C0l | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=576 | These are gdesklets or wat ? | 10:09 |
dstevens | crimsun, i did remove the directory and contents. | 10:09 |
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crimsun | dstevens: and what version was reinstalled? | 10:10 |
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quiet | slask3n, audacity is a great audio editor... but I'm not sure about music making tools.. | 10:10 |
Marble2 | anyone? | 10:10 |
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Orbo | crimsun, do you suggest anything for mp3 encoding? | 10:10 |
crimsun | Orbo: no. | 10:10 |
dstevens | crimsun, Unpacking mozilla-firefox (from .../mozilla-firefox_1.0.2-0ubuntu4_i386.deb) | 10:10 |
quiet | St0n3-C0l, it looks like gdesklets to me... why? | 10:11 |
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_phate_ | are there any nvidia drivers for Xorg? | 10:11 |
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dstevens | crimsun, weird after i done an update dist-upgrade all this started. | 10:11 |
crimsun | _phate_: yes | 10:11 |
[nrx] | is there a win32 alternative to linux's lspci? | 10:11 |
crimsun | dstevens: 1.0.2-0ubuntu4 works fine here. | 10:11 |
St0n3-C0l | quiet: I was not sure that we can use gdesklets in KDE too | 10:12 |
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quiet | [nrx] , device manager? | 10:12 |
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quiet | St0n3-C0l, of course... | 10:12 |
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[nrx] | quiet, that's not a take on lspci, is it | 10:12 |
=== MrPetah esta Ausente, Razon: ( en algo estar... ) | Desde: ( Monday, April 4, 2005. 21:11:56 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
_phate_ | crimsun, how do I install them? | 10:12 |
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St0n3-C0l | aham | 10:12 |
quiet | not directly.. they're totally different OSes.. but it's as close as you will get... since it lists all peripherals of your OC | 10:12 |
quiet | PC* | 10:12 |
crimsun | _phate_: they're already installed, you just have to enable them. See wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:12 |
[nrx] | quiet, no, it lists installed peripherals | 10:12 |
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quiet | [nrx] , right..... ? | 10:13 |
scorpix_ | http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/33934/index.html | 10:13 |
dstevens | The thing i do not understand is if i ask apt to remove a package and purge the configuration file, thats what one expects it todo, delete wtf it installed, or am i asking for the moon on a stick. | 10:13 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: I followed the instructions for the Riva TNT2 card, but I still get black screen once X starts | 10:13 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: any thoughts? | 10:13 |
quiet | [nrx] , if it's not installed it's listed as "unknown device" | 10:13 |
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quiet | [nrx] , if you have that problem.. look at the pice of hardware.. find model # or something.. and google it.. generally you can find drivers that way.. (if that's your problem) | 10:14 |
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crimsun | gordonjcp: Hoary? | 10:14 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: yes | 10:14 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: the version in Hoary has a known problem with TNT* | 10:15 |
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gordonjcp | crimsun: bugger | 10:15 |
streetbmx | St0n3-C0l: i think they could also be karamba. i think kde users generally use karamba over gdesklets | 10:15 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: hopefully we'll have 1.0-7174 | 10:15 |
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St0n3-C0l | streetbmx: Thanks :) | 10:15 |
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gordonjcp | crimsun: is that in the "unofficial" drivers? | 10:15 |
St0n3-C0l | I am updating my repos :P | 10:15 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-April/006540.html | 10:15 |
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streetbmx | sure | 10:15 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: ah, that's different from the last lot I looked at | 10:16 |
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dstevens | Next browser then firefox is total fully wank compliant, as it can install uninstall properly, who would be the next choice in browsers. | 10:16 |
gilles | Is there libmysql-java for ubuntu ? | 10:16 |
streetbmx | i have yet to tinker with kubuntu, does it replace gdm? | 10:16 |
Burgundavia | where does gnome store you personal setting for opening files again? | 10:16 |
St0n3-C0l | yes | 10:16 |
=== Mr-Petah esta Ausente, Razon: ( en algo estar... ) | Desde: ( Monday, April 4, 2005. 21:11:55 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
crimsun | gilles: not that I'm aware | 10:16 |
St0n3-C0l | uses kdm :P | 10:16 |
drspin | OK so -- the symlinks for Real Player are in the right directory for FireFox... but Firefox isn't recognizing the plugins... | 10:16 |
Burgundavia | is it .local? | 10:16 |
slask3n | quiet: something simple like a l eJay and such, where you have a samplecollection and just mix them... just for fun... | 10:17 |
crimsun | Mr-Petah: please disable that, thanks. | 10:17 |
streetbmx | aw | 10:17 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: presumably I need to change the Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia" like I would with any other distro? | 10:17 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:17 |
quiet | slask3n, check out audacity | 10:17 |
slask3n | ok :) | 10:17 |
gilles | crimsun: why not ? | 10:17 |
quiet | i understand that the 'circle of friends' gdm theme is 'controversial'.. why is that?? i don't see anything wrong with it.. it looks very nice.. :) | 10:17 |
Brik | i have a little big problem...i never seted a root password, i changed the name of the principal user with graphic interface and now ...i can't entrance in my passpartout... what can i do? | 10:18 |
crimsun | gilles: the Java issues are just beginning to be sorted | 10:18 |
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Brik | i'm near desperation... | 10:18 |
drspin | quiet: it's the sexual implications of the photgraphy I imagine... | 10:18 |
gilles | crimsun: do you have an idea of how long will it take to have it ? | 10:18 |
crimsun | gilles: Breezy, hopefully. | 10:19 |
drspin | quiet: I personally appreciate the art :) | 10:19 |
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quiet | drspin, sexual implications?? lol.. you've gotta be joking.. i see more sexual implication on nickalodeon | 10:19 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: the nvidia-glx-config script fails when I try it | 10:20 |
St0n3-C0l | lol | 10:20 |
Brik | nothing can helpl me? | 10:20 |
Brik | have i really lost my system? | 10:20 |
=== kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kkathman | greetings :) | 10:20 |
drspin | quiet: right -- I'm just saying -- from a generalized American viewpoint -- the Ubuntu photographs are very sexual... American's suck when it comes to this stuff... | 10:20 |
gilles | crimsun: translated to french, breezy mean nothing... (?) | 10:20 |
dstevens | hello should doing 'apt-get install epiphany' give a command called 'epiphany' that should open a browser apon execution. | 10:20 |
Amaranth | Brik: There is no root account in Ubuntu. | 10:20 |
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Amaranth | Brik: You can't login with the user account anymore? | 10:21 |
pc03 | sexual?????? | 10:21 |
quiet | drspin, i agree.. wow.. that's nuts.. i think it's fantastic.. | 10:21 |
Burgundavia | dstevens: you need epiphany-browser | 10:21 |
Brik | Amaranth: yes i can | 10:21 |
Burgundavia | dstevens: epiphany is something else | 10:21 |
Amaranth | Brik: Then what's the problem? | 10:21 |
quiet | there is too a root account.. it's just disabled | 10:21 |
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Brik | Amaranth: the problem is that i can't use sudo.... | 10:21 |
=== LordBubba [~lhunfalas@ti500720a080-8154.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drspin | quiet: :P | 10:22 |
Amaranth | Brik: o_O | 10:22 |
drspin | Brik: o_0 | 10:22 |
resiak | Brik: What did you do to your user? | 10:22 |
LordBubba | Can someone help me with a small issue ? | 10:22 |
Amaranth | I know how to get to a mode that lets you fix it, I just don't know what to do from there. :) | 10:22 |
kkathman | quiet so can you enable the root or is that just a no-no ? | 10:22 |
Brik | Amaranth: i change with graphic interface the name of the user | 10:22 |
drspin | anyone know why Firefox isn't recognizing RP10 plugins?? | 10:22 |
Amaranth | LordBubba: Don't ask to ask, just ask. ;) | 10:22 |
=== huz [~huz@garonne-4-82-226-184-30.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kkathman | LordBubba, ask away | 10:22 |
LordBubba | I can't get the mouse to function in the X version | 10:23 |
Brik | Amarath: i changed the name from maxi to max | 10:23 |
LordBubba | any ideas ? | 10:23 |
quiet | you CAN enable the root account.. but it's a dumb idea.. you can do everything with sudo | 10:23 |
drspin | LordBubba: is it a USB mou7se? | 10:23 |
drspin | *USB mouse | 10:23 |
LordBubba | no | 10:23 |
LordBubba | PS" | 10:23 |
LordBubba | PS2 | 10:23 |
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Brik | but i cant use sudo | 10:24 |
Brik | the password is not accepted now | 10:24 |
drspin | Brik: also sudo -s will give you a root prompt | 10:24 |
dstevens | root@ghost:~ # apt-get install epiphany-browser | 10:24 |
dstevens | Reading package lists... Done | 10:24 |
dstevens | Building dependency tree... Done | 10:24 |
dstevens | The following extra packages will be installed: | 10:24 |
dstevens | iso-codes mozilla-firefox wtf no fuckfox | 10:24 |
quiet | or sudo su | 10:24 |
drspin | Brik: did you passwd root ?? | 10:24 |
Amaranth | Brik: Ok, are you comfortable with a command line and vim or nano? | 10:24 |
huz | hello guys, I'm currently running an up-to-date hoary version on my nvidia graphic card based laptop. My kernel is 2.6.10-4-686. I'm currently encountering some X freeze. I don't have any logs to find the reason of this; have you any hints | 10:24 |
Burgundavia | dstevens: epiphany uses the gecko rendering engine | 10:24 |
kkathman | quiet, I just wondered, since all the other distributions have a root account. Many of us just learned to su root when we started I guess. | 10:24 |
Brik | i can't use sudo | 10:25 |
drspin | Brik: Why not? | 10:25 |
Brik | i did sudo -s but it's required the password | 10:25 |
Amaranth | Brik: Are you comfortable with a command line and vim or nano? | 10:25 |
drspin | Brik: use YOUR password | 10:25 |
Brik | and the password now is not accepted | 10:25 |
LordBubba | and the system config is impossible , since i can't choose no at the " Does the mouse function Properly" lol | 10:25 |
quiet | Brik, "passwd" and reset the password | 10:25 |
drspin | LordBubba: use the [TAB] key and the [SPACEBAR] | 10:25 |
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LordBubba | *test it* | 10:26 |
dstevens | ok, so what browser works in ubuntu without fuckfox as it will not install or reinstall as the package is 'crap' | 10:26 |
Amaranth | quiet: He changed his username and it didn't get updated in /etc/sudoers | 10:26 |
Brik | Amarath : i can use Vi | 10:26 |
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kkathman | dstevens, are you on Ubuntu hoary? | 10:26 |
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drspin | Amaranth: oooh -- :) that would be a problem for him | 10:26 |
dstevens | yup running hoary | 10:26 |
Amaranth | Brik: Ok, reboot and use grub (where it says hit esc) and boot into "recovery mode" then edit /etc/sudoers | 10:26 |
quiet | Amaranth, ahh. probably.. but it should just be the group.. not the username in sudoers.. no? | 10:27 |
Brik | ok | 10:27 |
Amaranth | Brik: The line to edit should be obvious, it'll have your old username it in | 10:27 |
kkathman | dstevens, if you do your update and dist-upgrade the newest Firefox will be installed | 10:27 |
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Brik | what can i write? | 10:27 |
Amaranth | quiet: Nope, it goes by username. | 10:27 |
Amaranth | Brik: Change maxi to max | 10:27 |
kkathman | dstevens, but if you just dont like FIrefox, Opera works well. | 10:27 |
Brik | ok | 10:27 |
Brik | i try | 10:27 |
Brik | thanks | 10:27 |
Amaranth | or the other way around, whatever you changed your user to | 10:28 |
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forcer | jbailey: Thanks! He's looking for an intro to the shell as well, and the file system, so that's not too bad. I guess we'll find something. | 10:28 |
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Amaranth | I forgot to mention that in recovery (single-user) mode it's quite easy to fsck everything up. ;) | 10:28 |
Amaranth | I guess it's no worse than running as root though. | 10:29 |
dstevens | Not that i dont like it, it will not run with out eating all the cpu cycle, all i want is browser that works | 10:29 |
LordBubba | drspin : it doesn't help , it wont nudge the arrow from Yes to no | 10:29 |
kkathman | dstevens, I suppose you are on Gnome? | 10:29 |
Amaranth | dstevens: Sorry, I missed it, what was the problem? | 10:30 |
jbailey | forcer: If you want that, ISTR some people speaking well of O'Reilly & Associates Intro to Linux boot. | 10:30 |
forcer | jbailey: Nice. Thanks :-) | 10:30 |
dstevens | Yup running a vanilla horay only install stuff from apt-get whatever | 10:30 |
kkathman | Amaranth, he wants a different, less resource intensive browser other than Firefox | 10:30 |
Amaranth | ah | 10:30 |
Amaranth | well, first file a bug report about firefox eating CPU like that | 10:31 |
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dstevens | personally i would rather find a browser that works. | 10:31 |
kkathman | dstevens, one thing you might do is make sure you have done that tweak to make pages load faster | 10:31 |
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Amaranth | then your options are mozilla, epiphany, opera, and atlantis | 10:32 |
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Amaranth | and lots more, but those are the major ones | 10:32 |
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dstevens | Nope all i installed on firefox was a web developer plugin, but on removal by apt it should just delete every thing it installed, so therefore it is not a problem with firefox but a problem with either 'apt' or some deb package problem, deb-rule whatever. | 10:34 |
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drspin | does anyone know why FireFox won't recognize why RP10 plugins?? the symlinks are in the right place I believe... | 10:35 |
Brik | Amarath: thanks i have once more my system | 10:35 |
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dstevens | because it has been renamed Fuckfox | 10:35 |
=== gilles [~gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | what xmms plug-in do i need to install for the shoutcast(winamp .pls files) radio?? generally it just auto-opens with xmms.. | 10:35 |
kkathman | dstevens, if you dont like Firefox then, I'd suggest Opera or one of the others that were mentioned. I have both Firefox and Opera installed, both work just fine on my box | 10:36 |
marska | Hello. How does one enable mp3 support in Ubuntu? | 10:36 |
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roo_ | marska, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 10:36 |
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gilles | non of the gstreamer0.8... stuffs works on Hoary | 10:37 |
gilles | why ? | 10:37 |
roo_ | we should set up a bot in here, anyone that mentions "mp3, divx, movies, mplayer, formats, etc" with a "?" should be sent http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats in a priv msg :) | 10:37 |
dstevens | kkathman: I have nothing against it, presume nothing, and i will try. | 10:37 |
marska | roo_ that would work | 10:37 |
venkman | ok | 10:38 |
venkman | how can i change the order of hotplug loading modules | 10:38 |
venkman | or insert a modual at a certain spot in the order | 10:38 |
dstevens | ok, apt-get install opera Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Package opera is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 10:38 |
dstevens | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package opera has no installation candidate, boo boo | 10:38 |
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scorpix_ | http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/33934/index.html | 10:39 |
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marska | I think we should remind ourselves about how glorious Synaptic is. | 10:39 |
dstevens | i really feel like a troll but im not, i just a simple person who would like to browser some shit. | 10:39 |
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marska | GUTB | 10:40 |
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gilles | is it better to use mp3 to rip CDs or other format ? | 10:40 |
Amaranth | gilles: If you care about quality and have HD space to burn use flac. | 10:41 |
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Amaranth | gilles: Otherwise, ogg vorbis is better than mp3. | 10:41 |
Keizer | Does the java-pkg not build javac into Ubuntu? | 10:41 |
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elninja | ah. | 10:41 |
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Keizer | elninja, Cool nick | 10:42 |
Arti | ubuntu is so nice, it connects to wireless lan faster than windows and has less problems with my usb mouse (windows sometimes reports unknown hardware) | 10:42 |
marska | gillles: This is an old debate. MP3 is better supported.. So if you plan to use an iPod or something, rip to MP3 | 10:42 |
Sir | Hi all, I have a Ubuntu problem... I was updating my ubuntu dist (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) and my computer crashed before it finished. | 10:42 |
elninja | handy.. just insttalledd ubuntuu aand as you can see.. keybaaordd repeaatt raatees are goingg mmadd | 10:42 |
elninja | pls help | 10:42 |
dstevens | llooll | 10:42 |
elninja | heh | 10:42 |
elninja | uhuh | 10:42 |
gordonjcp | elninja: hheeeeehhhh hhheeehhh hheehhhh | 10:43 |
marska | Computer->Desktop->Keyboard | 10:43 |
elninja | i just want the norrmall bios setttingss... | 10:43 |
Sir | Now, I can start just about everything but xserver. | 10:43 |
elninja | i know.. doeessn't heellp | 10:43 |
elninja | reppeaat aandd delay are on low | 10:43 |
marska | Gun to forehead -> Pull back hammer -> Fire | 10:43 |
^Ocean^ | does the ubunto cd use grub or lilo | 10:43 |
elninja | deelay on high | 10:43 |
elninja | ofccourse | 10:43 |
grogoreo | does anyone know of a cross platform program like www.xfire.com? | 10:44 |
elninja | also.. keyboard hangs on loginscreen after boot | 10:44 |
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will_cat | ei | 10:45 |
will_cat | somebody could tell me | 10:45 |
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marska | Question.. I'm trying to install Mozilla through Synaptic. I check the package and it begins to download, and then prompts for the Ubuntu CD. I do not have access to the CD and wish to download from the web address. How can I force it to download from the package depository? | 10:45 |
will_cat | which are the packages that allow you to install a kernel image and then in a automatic put it un menu.lst of grub loader? | 10:46 |
Arti | marska, remove the cd entry from /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:46 |
Sir | Marska, can you not use apt-get ? | 10:46 |
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Arti | or comment it out | 10:46 |
marska | Sir: Its just a general problem, would like to resolve it. | 10:46 |
marska | Arti: Thank you. | 10:46 |
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Sir | Anyone have an idea on my question? | 10:47 |
will_cat | just comment the line in /etc/apt/source.list | 10:47 |
will_cat | just comment the line in /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:47 |
Burgundavia | will_cat: any kernel image should do it | 10:47 |
will_cat | yes? | 10:47 |
Sir | (My computer crashed while apgrading to Hoary....Now I can't boot) | 10:47 |
kkathman | marska, you can stop that if you remove the CD reference in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:48 |
grogoreo | Sir, can you boot into recovery? | 10:48 |
grogoreo | Sir, from grub | 10:48 |
marska | kkathaman: Thank you. I just did | 10:48 |
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will_cat | somebody told that ubuntu has 2 especific packages to do that | 10:48 |
Sir | No, I can't start X server (I don't think taht I can... I am new to Ubuntu) | 10:48 |
dstevens | would reinstalling Ubuntu to get a fuckfox browser to work seem extreme, as if it is im going to say fuck linux/ubuntu and join gnu-hurd. | 10:48 |
kkathman | sorry I walked back just now ;) | 10:48 |
Burgundavia | dstevens: regardless of what you think of ff, please don't use that terminology here | 10:48 |
marska | kkathman: Its appreciated regardless. I don't know why anyone would care to answer questions in a irc channel.. Otherwise test their sanity. | 10:49 |
grogoreo | Sir, well when you turn on your computer you will have a list of partitions to boot. There should be an option for recovery | 10:49 |
kkathman | dstevens, did you just try doing an apt-get update, then an apt-get install mozilla-firefox ? | 10:49 |
grogoreo | Sir, the X Server has nothing to do with grub or booting up the kernel | 10:49 |
marska | But you guys do and I thank you for it. | 10:49 |
Sir | I will be right back (going to other computer... Will try it. Thanks for the tip) | 10:49 |
dstevens | What its English, in the dictionary. | 10:49 |
jordanau | grogoreo, quick google search shows that some people have gotten xfire to work (albiet very glitchy) in wine. Thats all i know | 10:49 |
kkathman | marska, some of us just like to be helpful if we can :) | 10:49 |
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Burgundavia | dstevens: the channel is governed by the Ubuntu Code of conduct | 10:50 |
Jishi | hello everyone | 10:50 |
grogoreo | jordanau, thanks, but I allways try to use as much native programs as i can. | 10:50 |
elninja | anyone can tell me how to get divx/xvid to work in Totem Movie player? Or should I install a completely different player? | 10:50 |
grogoreo | Sir, does the screen go blank when it tries to load the X-Server? Try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 to goto your commandline | 10:50 |
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elninja | Can anyone get the resolution higher than 1024 x 768 ?? | 10:51 |
Keizer | How can I install JDK? | 10:51 |
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dstevens | what a load of wank | 10:51 |
kkathman | elninja, yes I have 1280 x 1024 | 10:51 |
Jishi | any advice guyz.. I need to use bluetooth on Ubuntu, And sync my cell and with Evolution calander.... and file transfer. I also want to be able to access by phone book and sms. | 10:51 |
elninja | kkathman, I can't even select that.. ATI 9600 + 1280 flatpanel | 10:51 |
Jishi | I was not sure about Bluez or gnome-bluetooth... | 10:52 |
kkathman | elninja, hmm, what resolution are you able to get? | 10:52 |
Burgundavia | dstestevens: please keep you language under control, as per the Ubuntu Code of conduct. If you have a specific problem, please raise it | 10:52 |
Sir | I love you all, I got it working (I think) | 10:52 |
kkathman | Burgundavia, I think he left, thank goodness :) | 10:52 |
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skraaningsulv | hi all, just discarded windows and installed a clean ubuntu. but before i did so i collected some files to my second harddisk. i then removed that harddisk physically, and installed ubuntu. after that i put the second harddisk back into the computer and restarted ubuntu. but i dont know how to find it....? | 10:53 |
elninja | kkathman, display can have 1280 and videocard about 2048 x .... orso | 10:53 |
Sir | Thanks a milion guys... Although the tip was one for a n00b, it helped a lot. | 10:53 |
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grogoreo | skraaningsulv, you need to add it in your /etc/fstab | 10:53 |
quiet | is gdesklets broken in ubuntu?? it doesn't start.. trying to start it from terminal tells me "gtk.mainloop is deprecated, use gtk.main instead" | 10:53 |
Burgundavia | gdesklets is generally broken | 10:54 |
quiet | lol.. i seem to notice that.. | 10:54 |
Burgundavia | honestly, I cannot answer your question, sorry | 10:54 |
quiet | np | 10:54 |
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sig | where do I change my video driver in ubuntu ? | 10:56 |
sig | gui | 10:56 |
Keizer | sig, You wanting to setup another driver? | 10:56 |
sig | Keizer: I want to view what other drivers there are out there for this | 10:57 |
Keizer | You'll want to edit your xorg.conf file I believe. | 10:57 |
bhna | sig: no gui. you have to edit the xorg.conf in /etc/X11 | 10:57 |
sig | I know that | 10:57 |
sig | hmm | 10:57 |
skraaningsulv | grogoreo i foud the text file but what should i write? this is the secondary (slave) harddisk and i guess it is FAT32 partitioned | 10:57 |
Keizer | My turn | 10:57 |
Keizer | I want to build java so I have javac. That's standard in JDK | 10:57 |
sig | This laptop has: ATI Radeon IGP 340M card | 10:57 |
Keizer | What's the command to build from a jdk.bin file? | 10:58 |
Keizer | The .deb builder. | 10:58 |
sig | don't think there is a driver for this yet | 10:58 |
Keizer | That's all I need | 10:58 |
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Keizer | I thought it was java-pkg or something | 10:58 |
Keizer | But I can't remember | 10:58 |
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Keizer | I know I did it to install JRE | 10:58 |
venkman | sos | 10:59 |
venkman | err | 10:59 |
venkman | wow | 10:59 |
venkman | i really hate hotplug | 10:59 |
venkman | with a pation | 10:59 |
venkman | passion | 10:59 |
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Keizer | Make out with it | 10:59 |
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quiet | :/ trying to install "mplayer-586" it says it all kinds of dependancies but "they are not going to be installed" ???? | 10:59 |
=== Rebroad [~rebroad@client-82-2-62-34.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | quiet: Warty? Hoary? | 11:00 |
quiet | warty | 11:00 |
Keizer | Ouch | 11:00 |
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crimsun | quiet: see wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:00 |
quiet | i am.. | 11:00 |
quiet | that's the quide i'm following | 11:00 |
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quiet | i've added all of the repo's too | 11:01 |
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marska | Was that the restricted url for MP3 support? | 11:01 |
quiet | marska, apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 11:01 |
grivell | Is there a repository for PPC libdvdcss2 for Ubuntu? | 11:01 |
crimsun | quiet: apparently my instructions were munged | 11:02 |
grogoreo | skraaningsulv, open the file up with gedit as root and copy your main drive, probably /dev/hda if it is a IDE Hard Drive on the first IDE socket. Then change it from ext3 or ext2 to ntfs or vfs (vfs for fat32) | 11:02 |
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grogoreo | skraaningsulv, but make sure you have the ntfs package | 11:02 |
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quiet | crimsun, so what do you suggest? | 11:02 |
Rebroad | Hi. I'm running hoary with the latest updates and my PC keeps freezing now (but didn't do this before some recent kernel-image and xserver-xorg updates). Anyone else experienced this? BTW, I'm using nvidia-glx | 11:02 |
ACID|net | i have a 1.2Ghz 12" Ibook - how easy would it be to dual boot with hoary? | 11:02 |
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crimsun | quiet: you need to aptitude update && aptitude install mplayer-586=1.0-pre6a-0.0 | 11:02 |
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Och | Somebody know why there is a rpm directory in /usr/src ???? | 11:03 |
apokryphos | The current kernel still having problems with the nvidia drivers? Locked out of X again because of it... | 11:03 |
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josh__ | i thought esd was going away in hoary? | 11:03 |
grivell | ACID|net: Ever run Linux on ppc before? (new world). I have same system. Running Debian, with Ubuntu on a USB hd (chroot) | 11:03 |
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Bazzi | how do I edit the PATH? I need to add JAVA_HOME | 11:04 |
=== a_monkey [~thechimp@user-0can32u.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | thanks crimsun!!! | 11:04 |
apokryphos | Bazzi: edit your .bashrc and put it in there | 11:04 |
hohlraum | Och: cuz you have rpm installed? :) | 11:04 |
libben | what was it to type to install a deb file ? sh blablaDEBFILE.deb | 11:04 |
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a_monkey | would i be able to use the ubuntu livecd to install ubuntu as well as test it out? | 11:04 |
bhna | Och: compatibility-reasons | 11:04 |
kbrooks | libben, dpkg -i | 11:04 |
Och | hohlraum, no way! ;-) | 11:04 |
quiet | i didn't realize i was actually supposed to include the "=1.0xxxx" i thought it was just telling me what ti was going to install | 11:04 |
gilles | I have got the following error msg with totem : "There were no decoders found to handle the stream in file "file:///tmp/vue_sur_chine03042005.asx", you might need to install the corresponding plugins". Can I solve it ? | 11:04 |
ACID|net | grivell: Nope, never installed anything on this ibook - its new | 11:05 |
a_monkey | or do i have to download the install cd? | 11:05 |
Och | bhna, thanks | 11:05 |
a_monkey | to install it | 11:05 |
quiet | a_monkey, different CD | 11:05 |
Bazzi | apokryphos why should I add that there? | 11:05 |
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bhna | Och: sorry for the typos | 11:05 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: ping? | 11:05 |
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a_monkey | quiet: what? | 11:06 |
apokryphos | Bazzi: ~/.bashrc is the command run when Terminals are open. Things such as the PATH, and other variables set such as Java etc.. are placed in there. Lots of stuff on this on Google. | 11:06 |
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Bazzi | k | 11:06 |
grivell | ACID|net: It is not that hard to do. I have OSX / Debian dual boot. And can use MacOnLinux for Java/Flash if need be. | 11:06 |
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a_monkey | quiet: so i have to use the install cd to install? the livecd is only for testing it out? | 11:06 |
quiet | a_monkey, no... you can't install from the LiveCD..you need to download the installer | 11:06 |
quiet | a_monkey, yes | 11:06 |
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a_monkey | quiet: ok thx. | 11:06 |
Bazzi | apokryphos cause I dont see any PATH things there | 11:07 |
quiet | :) | 11:07 |
Rebroad | apokryphos, just before you logged in, I said "Hi. I'm running hoary with the latest updates and my PC keeps freezing now (but didn't do this before some recent kernel-image and xserver-xorg updates). Anyone else experienced this? BTW, I'm using nvidia-glx" | 11:07 |
a_monkey | can you set up root on ubuntu? i heard you can't. | 11:07 |
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ACID|net | 'passwd root' | 11:07 |
ACID|net | i think, | 11:07 |
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a_monkey | ok | 11:07 |
ACID|net | check | 11:07 |
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Keizer | Ubuntu is being a hassle | 11:07 |
apokryphos | Bazzi: No :). You add that in. | 11:07 |
Keizer | I can build the jre no problem | 11:07 |
Keizer | But the JDK reports this: | 11:08 |
Keizer | fakeroot make-jpkg jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-amd64.bin | 11:08 |
Keizer | Creating temporary directory: /tmp/make-jpkg.XXXX2IXxH3 | 11:08 |
Keizer | Loading plugins: blackdown-j2re.sh blackdown-j2sdk.sh common.sh j2re.sh j2sdk.sh j2se.sh sun-j2re.sh sun-j2sdk.sh | 11:08 |
Keizer | No matching plugin was found. | 11:08 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: yes? | 11:08 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: Bah; evil kernel/nvidia. Well, pretty much same problem here | 11:08 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: irssi is *not* pretty. | 11:08 |
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socomm | apokryphos: Speak for yourself. | 11:08 |
Rebroad | apokryphos: are you managing to use X? I am, but it keeps freezing, and I have to shutdown by pressing the power button- that's the only way to continue! | 11:08 |
Rebroad | apokryphos: who is irssi? | 11:09 |
Och | bhna, no problem ;-) | 11:09 |
gordonjcp | Rebroad: I'm having problems with hoary and a Riva TNT2 | 11:09 |
gordonjcp | Rebroad: black screen after booting up | 11:09 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: tried those drivers, still no success | 11:09 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: am I basically wasting my time trying to get Ubuntu to work with a TNT2? | 11:09 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version | 11:09 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: not really; if I select "nv" as driver I can only get around 640xsomething resolution | 11:09 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: I can't get that far | 11:09 |
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crimsun | gordonjcp: hmm? | 11:09 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: with vesa, it goes pretty crazy, but gets the resolution right. Neither I could really stick with | 11:09 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: that would require some sort of working console | 11:09 |
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apokryphos | Rebroad: it's a text-based IRC client | 11:09 |
Rebroad | apokryphos: oh.. I'm able to use nv and nvidia with 2.6.10-5-686, but only nv with 2.6.11 | 11:09 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: which you have. | 11:09 |
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gordonjcp | crimsun: not any more I don't | 11:10 |
libben | so i type dpkg -i filename.deb and it installs ? | 11:10 |
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Lefungus | hello ! | 11:10 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: I've only got 2.6.10 here | 11:10 |
Rebroad | apokryphos: but when I saw "working" i mean- it freezes sometimes. not even Ctrl-Alt-F1 unfreezes it :( | 11:10 |
kkathman | apokryphos, hey guy hope you are well today :) | 11:10 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: give me a moment | 11:10 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: sure you do. Boot into rescue mode. | 11:10 |
skraaningsulv | do i need the ntfs package to mount a fat32? | 11:10 |
Lefungus | I was wondering which utility I could use to view and edit files in hexadecimal under ubuntu | 11:10 |
Lefungus | any idea ? | 11:10 |
bhna | skraaningsulv: no | 11:10 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: ergh. That sucks. I hope these problems are fixed soon.. it's not the first time it's happened. | 11:11 |
Rebroad | i think i might have to re-install an old kernel and xserver from my 03032005 burned hoary cd... | 11:11 |
apokryphos | kkathman: Hi; not too bad. | 11:11 |
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gordonjcp | crimsun: recovery mode is now hosed too | 11:11 |
Jamminpotato_ | anyone in here program in java nad python | 11:11 |
zendog | got a little problem, the 2 keymaps in ubuntut warty's gnome that corresponds to my keyboard, are incomplete, the latin american ones, how can i override this to get the la-latin1.kmap.gz, its my first time using gnome, hehe, y used to be at wmaker always... | 11:11 |
Rebroad | anyone here seen the new xserver where the windows flex as you move them? | 11:12 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: how so? How far does rescue get? | 11:12 |
gordonjcp | it gives me a root prompt then hangs | 11:12 |
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libben | kasablanca depends on libstdc++6 (>= 4.0) | 11:12 |
hohlraum | Rebroad: luminocity? | 11:12 |
libben | I dont have that.. | 11:12 |
gordonjcp | hmmm | 11:12 |
Lefungus | Because when I try to open binary files under emacs or vim, they try to open it in text mode :( | 11:12 |
libben | but it dont exist in apt-cache search | 11:12 |
Rebroad | hohlraum: i think that's what it's called. have you seen it? | 11:12 |
gordonjcp | this gets weirder, if I unplug the keyboard and plug it back it, it works again | 11:13 |
libben | should i install a lower version and try? | 11:13 |
a_monkey | does hoary or debian testing have more up-to-date packages? | 11:13 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: OK, I think I've narrowed the recovery console problem down to keyboard weirdness | 11:13 |
r0bnyc | can I install ubuntu w/o burning the iso? | 11:13 |
elninja | can't get my Digital Output working (emu10k1x), anyone? :( | 11:13 |
Keizer | This sucks | 11:13 |
hohlraum | Redbroad: its Luminocity (window manager) + Xfake .. i've got it up and running on my FC3 install. | 11:13 |
=== Keizer balls hurt | ||
Rebroad | r0bnyc: you could - in vmware | 11:14 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: nvidia driver version is 7174 | 11:14 |
hohlraum | 7167 | 11:14 |
r0bnyc | Rebroad: this pc scuks so bad i wont be able to run vmware here since it only has 256mb/pc133 ram | 11:14 |
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Rebroad | r0bync: what os are you currently running? | 11:14 |
Rebroad | r0bync: 256mb will be enough | 11:14 |
r0bnyc | Rebroad: kanotix | 11:15 |
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pdoms | what do i have to type to find where ESD-Enlightment is? | 11:15 |
Rebroad | r0bnyc: why don't you want to continue with kanotix? | 11:16 |
=== apokryphos kernel reboot | ||
Keizer | OMG | 11:16 |
kkathman | r0bnyc, as long as you have a dedicated video card, 256 should be enough I'd think | 11:16 |
Keizer | How do I update the /usr/share/java-package/sun-j2sdk.sh to reflect my package? | 11:16 |
r0bnyc | intel i810 scuks too | 11:16 |
r0bnyc | celeron 635mhz scuks too | 11:16 |
=== gordonjcp heads off to bed | ||
gordonjcp | nn all | 11:16 |
Keizer | It has the appropriate package in regex | 11:16 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: k | 11:16 |
Keizer | OMFG | 11:16 |
quiet | pdoms, locate? | 11:16 |
Keizer | CarlK, Y0 | 11:16 |
hohlraum | Rebroad: its Luminocity (window manager) + Xfake .. i've got it up and running on my FC3 install. | 11:16 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: thanks for your help anyway | 11:16 |
Keizer | CarlK, Heelllllllllp | 11:17 |
pdoms | quiet, "System->Preference->Multimedia System Selector-><Audio Tab> Choose Output "ESD -Enlightment...." " but i don't find this multimedia ... :S | 11:17 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: and are you using any additional options in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? | 11:17 |
kkathman | r0bnyc, I had an old HP Pavillion with only 96MB and Ubuntu ran on it ok ...a little slow, but still ran fine even with Gnome :) | 11:17 |
quiet | r0bnyc, hey! | 11:17 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: nope, it's plain vanilla. I tried commenting out Option "dri" as one web page suggested but it made no difference | 11:17 |
=== Rebroad experiences a deja vu | ||
r0bnyc | oh | 11:17 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: I even compared it to a known-good xorg.conf file from my Slackware machine | 11:17 |
r0bnyc | quiet: u seem familiar | 11:18 |
Rebroad | hohlraum: where do I get luminocity and Xfake from please? | 11:18 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: hmm. Have you reported this on nvnews.net's Linux+Nvidia forum? | 11:18 |
hohlraum | live.gnome.org/Luminocity i think | 11:18 |
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quiet | r0bnyc, arch | 11:18 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: no | 11:18 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: the board works perfectly well in Slackware 10.1 | 11:18 |
r0bnyc | quiet: knew it ;) | 11:18 |
quiet | r0bnyc, didn't work out? | 11:18 |
pdoms | quiet, is there any other way to get there? | 11:18 |
skraaningsulv | hmmm i need to make the root user, have not done so yet. | 11:18 |
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quiet | pdoms, what is it?? a plugin...a media file?? | 11:19 |
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r0bnyc | quiet: yea it did but im on my old pc cuz my laptop is messed up | 11:19 |
pdoms | quiet, I think an option | 11:19 |
kkathman | skraaningsulv, you dont need a root with Ubuntu though | 11:19 |
quiet | r0bnyc, ahh.. well cool.. I really like it.. i just stuck ubuntu on my notebook to play with it again.. I love tweaking arch.. but i like ubuntu for it's simplicity | 11:20 |
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r0bnyc | quiet: lol | 11:20 |
=== Keizer falls over dead | ||
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Rebroad | my favourite command of all time: meld | 11:21 |
tck | so hoary final is out tomorrow | 11:21 |
kkathman | Rebroad, sounds ominous :) | 11:21 |
tck | is that like 2 hours time :P | 11:21 |
quiet | pdoms, i dunno.. strange..in what application? | 11:21 |
Rebroad | i hope they fix the nvidia kernel problem before it goes final! | 11:21 |
Draal | Hello.. Um.. Why doesn't ubuntu playback my mp3 files? | 11:21 |
tck | Draal, select right codec from xmms | 11:21 |
gordonjcp | tck: 'lo | 11:21 |
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Draal | xmms? | 11:22 |
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quiet | Draal, because mp3's are not free...wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats :) | 11:22 |
tck | search symatic for 'mad' plugin | 11:22 |
tck | lo gordonjcp :P | 11:22 |
zendog | Draal, you have to install the gstreamer-mad | 11:22 |
Lokadin1 | say does anyone here use a modem with ubuntu? | 11:22 |
tck | Draal, what player are you using | 11:22 |
josh__ | ok... anyone have any familiarity with the via_82xx sound driver? (VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 30)) | 11:22 |
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zendog | Lokadin1, yep, a external modem.. | 11:22 |
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Lokadin1 | anyone use an internal modem on ubuntu? | 11:22 |
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Dreamer3 | when the driver is loaded it prevents gnome from starting up... both in hoary and warty | 11:23 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: you around? | 11:23 |
tck | Draal, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 11:23 |
Draal | tck: Totem | 11:23 |
tck | read as above | 11:23 |
zendog | Lokadin1, internal modems are a very hairy topic, check www.linmodems.org | 11:23 |
tck | should help you out | 11:23 |
Lokadin1 | thanks | 11:23 |
Rebroad | hehe. I have Netscape 7 and Thunderbird sharing the same profile. seems to work, and lets me import mail from thunderbird to evolution :) | 11:24 |
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zendog | Lokadin1, my recomendation, buy a external non-usb modems, the best... | 11:24 |
pdoms | quiet, talking about this "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19526&highlight=xmms+mp3" read the "SOLVED IT" part | 11:24 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: yes? | 11:24 |
grivell | Is there a PPC version of Marillat for Ubuntu? | 11:24 |
Draal | So I can't play back my mp3 files in Ubuntu? | 11:24 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: i have a via82xx chipset and the audio driver is blocking gnome from starting... same effect on hoary as warty, so the new kernel didn't help | 11:25 |
zendog | Draal, you dont readed all? you can, indeed. | 11:25 |
lok | grivell, if it's for w32codecs you can't use theme with ppc | 11:25 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: removing the snd_82xx (not sure exactly name) or killing esd repeatedly allows gnome to start, any ideas? | 11:25 |
Draal | Zendog: Just seems to be a few extra hoops | 11:26 |
zendog | Draal, in this very moment, im listening to my massive attack mp3's in my rythmbox | 11:26 |
grivell | lok: No for libdvdcss2 | 11:26 |
zendog | Draal, in a warty... | 11:26 |
Keizer | OMG | 11:26 |
Keizer | How can I do dpkg search package ? | 11:27 |
tck | Keizer, apt-cache search program | 11:27 |
Rebroad | Keizer: install apt-file | 11:27 |
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grivell | Keizer: apt-cache search "my stuff" | 11:27 |
bretzel | Hi htere :-) | 11:27 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: I'm not sure what you're saying; is snd_via82xx actually hanging the system? | 11:27 |
sig | apt-cache search package | 11:27 |
Keizer | But I built these packages | 11:27 |
Rebroad | Keizer: I think apt-file might be better in that you can search for packages that contain any file - even if you don't have them installed | 11:27 |
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Keizer | They are the java packages built from a .bin file. | 11:27 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: any other thoughts on my TNT2? | 11:27 |
sig | apt-file search name | 11:28 |
kkathman | Draal, not hoops really, just need to get the right packages to install, thats all. | 11:28 |
Keizer | aptitude is the system package manager I guess | 11:28 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: unfortunately, no | 11:28 |
zendog | Draal, check your synaptic, for easy adding the universe and multiverse repositories, then just download the gstreamer-mad, :) | 11:28 |
grivell | lok: Found it, Marillat's homepage says where to go for PPC :-P | 11:28 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: the system isn't hanging, but gnome either displays a brown background (warty) or doesn't even get that far (hoary)... it just sets there... i didn't give it more than 2-3 minutes... rmmoding the sound driver... or killing esd a few times will "jumpstart" things | 11:28 |
Draal | Thanks Zen | 11:28 |
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lok | grivell, enjoy :p | 11:28 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: obviously these are permanent solutions, so i was hoping yuo'd have suggestions | 11:28 |
zendog | Draal, np bro | 11:29 |
skraaningsulv | it does not seem as i can alter the fstab file as user myself | 11:29 |
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gordonjcp | crimsun: ah, well, nm then | 11:29 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: ok, first thing to test is whether gnome starts successfully with the setting "Enable sound server startup" _UN_checked | 11:29 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: ok :) i think that'll prove me point, but hold on :) | 11:29 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: is it worth trying a Geforce 2, to see if that narrows it down to the card? | 11:29 |
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crimsun | gordonjcp: yes | 11:30 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: brb | 11:30 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: ok, I'll need to take it out of this machine so I'll try it tomorrow | 11:30 |
crimsun | gordonjcp: ok. | 11:30 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: starts flawlessly without a sound daemon | 11:31 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: ie, unchecked | 11:31 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: I'll let you know how I get on | 11:31 |
gordonjcp | crimsun: I need an excuse to buy a new graphics card anyway ;-) | 11:32 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: i guess the next thing would be to see if sound works from the console via alsa, or no/ | 11:33 |
Dreamer3 | ? | 11:33 |
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crimsun | Dreamer3: yes | 11:33 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: well, darn i have no speakers... | 11:34 |
crimsun | headphones? :) | 11:34 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: and is it works from console, bug against esd, if not i might just be stuck? | 11:35 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: no headphones here either :) | 11:35 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: does hoary have the latest alsa? | 11:35 |
Rebroad | ubuntu is so user friendly! Impressive! you put in a new hoary CD and it asks if you want to automatically update everything. cool. | 11:35 |
Dreamer3 | this chipset isn't new though | 11:35 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: not necessarily an esd bug, since if you start esd from the terminal and use an esd app, and it works, then that shoots that theory | 11:35 |
Burgundavia | hoary users, please try to go to https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8650 in firefox and see if you can select ok | 11:35 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: ok, so basically get speakers and play around? | 11:36 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: no, Hoary's kernel contains 1.0.6, which is ~2 revisions older than the latest. | 11:36 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: how hard is it to get the latest? | 11:36 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: fortunately, 'alsa-source' is 1.0.8, which is currently the newest. | 11:36 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: i'm apt-getting alsa-source now | 11:37 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: i think upgraded to the latest will be quickest... then if no problem, i'll assume it's fixed | 11:37 |
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crimsun | Dreamer3: you'll also need 'linux-headers-$(uname -r)' and 'build-essential' | 11:37 |
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crimsun | Dreamer3: (1.0.9 is right around the corner) | 11:38 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: good notes | 11:38 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: ah | 11:38 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: well, this is a GREAT PC, but without sound it's gonna kinda suck | 11:38 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: wait, once hoary freezes 1.0.9 will be harder to get, no? | 11:38 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: ok, i don't REALLY need build-essential (which includes g++) i just need MOST of it, right? :) | 11:40 |
Draal | Trying to install mplayer and the following error comes up.. mplayer-386: | 11:40 |
Draal | Depends: libfaad2-0 but it is not installable | 11:40 |
Draal | Depends: libpostproc0 but it is not installable | 11:40 |
Draal | Depends: libxvidcore4 but it is not installable | 11:40 |
Draal | How do I resolve this? | 11:40 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: you need build-essential, linux-headers-$(uname -r), and alsa-source | 11:40 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: well, finally got it working, though temporarily now using 386 kernel. | 11:40 |
crimsun | Draal: what cpu? | 11:40 |
Rebroad | apokryphos: ah.. hmm. i think maybe i should try that also | 11:40 |
apokryphos | Rebroad: using 2.6.10-7 here | 11:41 |
fuzzyman | looking forMKAY | 11:41 |
apokryphos | (before -5) | 11:41 |
Draal | Crimsun: Pentium M | 11:41 |
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crimsun | Draal: use my repo, and install mplayer-586=1.0-pre6a-0.0 | 11:41 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: ok ok :) | 11:41 |
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fuzzyman | 11:42 | |
richard42 | does anyone know how to set up courier? | 11:42 |
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richard42 | i want to use it with evolution | 11:42 |
Draal | "My Repo" ? | 11:42 |
peters80 | Help! My hard drive with Ubuntu (and all my files) will not boot, it says there is an error with the files system (buffer i/o error...attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) Am I doomed? | 11:43 |
crimsun | Draal: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:43 |
=== Sionide [~dragon@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== woodwizzle [~corey@user-0c6t0t8.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
woodwizzle | I have a dual boot system with a vfat partition that I can keep data in that I'll need to read and write under either OS (ubuntu & windows) | 11:45 |
woodwizzle | But in ubuntu I don't have write permissions and I can't figure out why | 11:46 |
woodwizzle | I've tried to sudo chmod them but that doesn't work. | 11:46 |
Draal | Crimsun: You mean the multiverse repo? | 11:46 |
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Draal | Which repo is "My Repo" | 11:46 |
crimsun | Draal: sh.nu/~crimsun | 11:46 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: have you had lots of people that needed to upgrade to get their sound working? | 11:46 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: or anyone? | 11:47 |
Arti | woodwizzle, probably its set as readonly in /etc/fstab ? | 11:47 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: quite a few, but they are hardly the norm | 11:47 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: ah... | 11:47 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: many, many more have simply dist-upgraded flawlessly | 11:47 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: any with this hardware? | 11:47 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: iirc, yes | 11:47 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: well, like i said warty never worked either on this box :) | 11:47 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: same issue | 11:47 |
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=== xophEr [~xopher@a80-186-114-181.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
woodwizzle | Arti, nope, its set to defaults | 11:48 |
woodwizzle | /dev/hda7 /windows vfat defaults 0 0 | 11:48 |
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=== ajmitch [~ajmitch@port163-21.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xophEr | Hello, what kernel is ubuntu 5.04 hoary (rc) shipped with? sorry for being so ignorant, didnt find out with a quick googling so I thought I could ask here :) | 11:49 |
=== [anders-mcafee] [~snafu@82-68-84-57.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | xophEr: 2.6.10 + $tons_of_patches | 11:49 |
Burgundavia | 2.6.10 | 11:49 |
andrek | what is a good ftp server for ubuntu? | 11:49 |
xophEr | allright, thank you | 11:49 |
crimsun | andrek: try vsftpd | 11:49 |
[anders-mcafee] | andrek: anyone you can run chrooted with as little privilegies as possible | 11:49 |
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[anders-mcafee] | ;-) | 11:50 |
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Dreamer3 | crimsun: downloading | 11:50 |
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crimsun | k | 11:50 |
Draal | Trying to use apt-get to install a program, this error comes up. E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 11:51 |
Draal | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 11:52 |
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peters80 | I am currently running Ubuntu Live, but have a (malfunctioning) hard drive mounted. I am trying to fix the hard drive and have the feeling fsck might help, how do I run fsck to check the mounted harddrive from my live boot? | 11:52 |
Draal | Is this because of synaptic? | 11:52 |
[anders-mcafee] | Draal: is synaptic running? | 11:52 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: are their instructions anywhere for nvidia with ubuntu? (i'm sure there are) | 11:52 |
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peters80 | deamer3 ubuntuguide.org | 11:52 |
Draal | mcafee: Yes | 11:52 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:52 |
Dreamer3 | peters80: thanks! | 11:53 |
=== pippo [~pippo@host140-39.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gilles | Do I need to do something special to upgrade from ubuntu hoary preview to release candidate ? | 11:53 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: should i follow the wiki over the guide? | 11:53 |
=== SquallBSR [~SquallBSR@cpe-66-69-80-33.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peters80 | gilles: also on ubuntuguide.org | 11:53 |
zendog | Draal, u can't use synaptic and apt-get at the same, in separated terms... | 11:53 |
[anders-mcafee] | Draal: that could be why you have the lock file there, try installing the program with synaptic, or quit synaptic to use apt-get | 11:53 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: reconcile both :) | 11:53 |
Draal | Alright.. Thanks | 11:53 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: ok :) this sytem is already so fast though, i can hardly imagine it getting faster | 11:53 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: guess that's what i get for using a slow 900 laptop all this time :) | 11:54 |
=== jonathan_ [~jonathan@wbs-146-156-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
woodwizzle | how come I can't even change the owner of the directory with sudo chown??? | 11:54 |
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jonathan_ | woot | 11:54 |
[anders-mcafee] | woodwizzle: you should be able to | 11:54 |
gilles | peters80: no, it's not | 11:55 |
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Dreamer3 | i need the nvidia drive for vanta, correct? | 11:55 |
Ex-Cyber | wow... "Rhythmbox is the GNOME music player that lets you do everything" | 11:55 |
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=== Ex-Cyber uses Rhythmbox to terraform Mars | ||
crimsun | Dreamer3: sure, TNT-based | 11:55 |
woodwizzle | [anders-mcafee] sudo chown corey /windows | 11:55 |
woodwizzle | chown: changing ownership of `/windows': Operation not permitted | 11:55 |
javi | hi there fellas, im trying to install mplayer, i configured apt to multiverse repository, and made: apt-get install mplayer, then i get this output: Package mplayer is a virtual package provided by: *mplayer-nogui 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 *mplayer-k6 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 *mplayer-custom 1:1.0-pre5-0.6ubuntu1 *mplayer-586 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 *mplayer-386 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6. Then if i choose any of these: i get a dependencie problem that i dont have some lib | 11:55 |
javi | s installed, it is safe to install this libs first? i mean (i think) apt should do it automatically | 11:55 |
peters80 | gilles sorry I misunderstood you question | 11:55 |
crimsun | Dreamer3: though if you don't need hardware 3D acceleration, "nv" will suffice. | 11:55 |
kkathman | Ex-Cyber, LOL | 11:55 |
crimsun | javi: what cpu do you have? | 11:55 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: i want the cool screensavers :-) | 11:55 |
javi | amd xp barton | 11:56 |
Dreamer3 | crimsun: this will be a dual-head monster when i'm done with it | 11:56 |
Ex-Cyber | kkathman: I knew Ubuntu came with lots of useful software, but this really takes the cake :D | 11:56 |
crimsun | javi: install mplayer-k6 | 11:56 |
[anders-mcafee] | woodwizzle: what permissions are there on the /windows directory and is it mounted read-only? | 11:56 |
javi | k | 11:56 |
=== mhz BBL | ||
=== richard42 [~richard@cpc3-shep4-6-0-cust160.leic.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Alessio | 5 minutes to hoary | 11:56 |
=== Dreamer3 notes hoary updates are still coming fast and furious | ||
skraaningsulv | so i entered my new disk in fstab, but where should i look for it now when i have rebooted? | 11:56 |
kkathman | Ex-Cyber, I dont even have any speakers for my Lin-box...they are on my Windoze one | 11:57 |
woodwizzle | its not mounte, bd read only, its mounted with the default option in /etc/fstab. Its owner is root and its permissions are 755 | 11:57 |
woodwizzle | sorry, its not mounted read only =) | 11:57 |
javi | crimsum: i get this output: The following packages have unmet dependencies: mplayer-k6: Depends: libsvga1 but it is not installable or svgalib-dummyg1 but it is not installable E: Broken packages | 11:57 |
woodwizzle | can't type. | 11:57 |
javi | crimsun* | 11:57 |
crimsun | javi: do you have universe uncommented as well? | 11:58 |
[anders-mcafee] | woodwizzle: if it is mounted rw, you should be able to chown it through sudo.. is there any stuff in /var/log/messages ? | 11:58 |
andrek | is ftp udp or tcp? | 11:58 |
javi | i changed uniververse by multiverse | 11:58 |
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javi | universe* | 11:58 |
[anders-mcafee] | andrek: tcp | 11:59 |
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javi | or should i have the two repository's ? | 11:59 |
crimsun | javi: you need universe compiled, too | 11:59 |
andrek | what about ssh? udp? | 11:59 |
[anders-mcafee] | andrek: you sort of need tcp as you want to ensure all bits of the files you xfer get there. ;-) | 11:59 |
crimsun | javi: s/compiled/enabled/ | 11:59 |
[anders-mcafee] | andrek: ssh/scp/sftp is tcp as well. | 11:59 |
woodwizzle | nope, nothing in messages | 12:00 |
andrek | ok :p | 12:00 |
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