=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000d6193400d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000d6193400d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === cc [~cc@byte.fedora] has joined #ubuntu-doc === cc [~cc@byte.fedora] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [04:30] greetings [04:31] hiya jsgotangco [04:39] waaa what a crazy day [04:39] for the doc team [04:39] hehe === cc [~cc@byte.fedora] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] [04:53] is it?..ik now theres been alot with the translations as well [05:09] brb === Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Doc Team - general discussion - backlog at http://irclog.workaround.org | This channel tries to follow the tradition of the #gnome-love channel on irc.gimp.net, all new comers and questions are welcomed, as long as you follow the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct first. === Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by sivang at Sat Jan 1 20:48:30 2005 === Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106002078d2e84e.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [07:40] hello Burgundavia [07:43] salut [07:43] js : === froud-away is now known as froud [07:43] African Greetings [07:43] greets [07:49] err whats an omf file? [07:53] jsgotangco: its a file that acts as a catalog [07:54] when registered to scrollkeeper [07:54] it enables Yelp to automatically inlcude documents [07:54] ohh [08:02] he he ubuntu-devel is starting starting to catch fire [08:08] it is pretty active lately [08:10] hey froud. I emailed Thomas Black at TSF on March 25. I have not heard back from him. You mentioned that you might be able to speak with him. Is that still the case? [08:18] bbl === froud waits for Xhosa translation [08:29] you mean the whole thing for Xhosa? [08:30] no omf only [08:30] meetings c ya later [08:31] umm do i needto do an omf as well? === sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc === EricNeon [~ericneon@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [11:36] jsgotangco: what language did you do again? [11:36] tl [11:39] jsgotangco: yes it would be a good idea === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc [11:49] i'm online for 5 minutes [11:49] everything ok? [11:56] enrico: I guess so, still no OMF for XH and TL [11:56] other than that I just got back from meetings [11:57] enrico: we should script make-po to create OMF files when a new document is added === mdke [~matt@81-179-193-192.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc [11:59] hi all [11:59] how are we doing on the omf files? [11:59] just missing xh and tl === mdke kicks jsgotangco [12:00] :p [12:00] hi froud === froud nods [12:02] waa [12:02] err [12:02] how? [12:02] bye [12:03] heh [12:03] jsgotangco, yo [12:03] waaa 2 omfs? [12:03] @%#$% [12:03] hold on let met study how to do it [12:03] jsgotangco, hold on [12:03] jsgotangco, nothing needs to be learnt [12:03] just check the mailing list, and translate those 4 phrases [12:04] wait let me check my archives [12:06] jsgotangco, then once you've done that, svn up, open one of the omf files from the debian folder, change the phrases and the country codes, and you're done [12:07] ok hold on i thought it was big [12:07] nah [12:07] easy as pie [12:09] umm there's no english omf file? [12:10] no [12:10] that's the -C one [12:10] just use an existing country one so you see what you need to change [12:10] froud: I wouldn't automate OMF-making: that's so simple anyway [12:10] ok ill just guess what these things mean [12:10] it happens so rarely that it's probably not worth automating [12:11] and just send the omf [12:12] jsgotangco, good man [12:13] So, more OMFs came in? [12:13] How many still missing? [12:13] ok just give me 5 mins [12:13] enrico, i just sent ca, tl is on its way [12:13] wow [12:14] ca is commit svn up [12:15] xh I have no response from translator [12:15] will give a phone call [12:15] pt ca de came into my computer [12:15] it was done at Wits Uni [12:15] svn up and compare [12:15] ok just 2 omf for about-ubuntu and release-notes? [12:15] jsgotangco: yes please [12:16] ok done [12:16] sent to list? [12:16] Please tell me when I should do the last upload [12:16] enrico: I will [12:17] sent [12:17] ! [12:20] ok great stuff guys [12:20] svn add -N about-ubuntu-tl.omf release-notes-tl.omf [12:20] A about-ubuntu-tl.omf [12:20] A release-notes-tl.omf [12:20] successfully (0) [12:20] svn commit -m i18n omf about-ubuntu-tl.omf release-notes-tl.omf --non-interactive [12:20] Adding about-ubuntu-tl.omf [12:20] Adding release-notes-tl.omf [12:20] Transmitting file data .. [12:20] Committed revision 858. [12:20] successfully (0) [12:21] yep they've come through here [12:21] $ svk pull [12:21] Syncing https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos [12:21] Retrieving log information from 858 to 858 [12:21] Committed revision 2451 from revision 858. [12:21] Syncing //docteam/trunk(/docteam/trunk) in /home/enrico/dev/ubuntu/faq to 2451. [12:21] A debian/about-ubuntu-tl.omf [12:21] A debian/release-notes-tl.omf [12:22] seb128 on ubuntu devel tells me that the version is "5.04", not "5.4" [12:22] 5.04 should be [12:23] I'm fixing them all in the OMF files [12:23] Can someone check the other documents? [12:24] which need checking? [12:25] its 5.4! [12:25] eh? [12:25] mdke: I did a grep in all the .xml files, and it seems to be ok [12:25] jsgotangco: 5.04, they say [12:25] cool [12:25] its def. 5.04 [12:25] ok looking in yelp the release-notes are clean [12:26] are the omf files ok to have 5.4? [12:26] jsgotangco, no ;) [12:26] jsgotangco: should be 5.04, but I fixed it already [12:26] ok [12:26] that was seriously fast enrico [12:26] ah there [12:26] already in svn too [12:26] svn up updated it [12:26] ya [12:26] what a man [12:27] were going to the distance *grin* [12:28] right i gtg to study [12:28] ok, so we only miss .xh? [12:28] yeah [12:28] no response [12:28] wow [12:28] we rock [12:28] what language is that? [12:28] woo hoo [12:28] Xhosa [12:28] enrico, froud got it off the university [12:28] African Language [12:29] froud: which one? [12:29] Well actually Canonical paid Wits to do it [12:29] oh [12:29] One of our 11 official languages [12:29] Zulu? [12:29] ohh [12:29] xhosa [12:29] ah, ok [12:29] enrico: no [12:29] I had a look at the file, and it looks like ROT-13-encrypted :) [12:30] LOL [12:30] lol [12:30] I love it, SA has 11 official languages [12:30] and their passports are in English and French [12:30] French is not on the of 11 [12:31] s/on/one [12:31] hi corey [12:31] lol [12:31] are those 11 languages or dialects? [12:31] ok i'm off [12:31] 111 languages [12:31] Italy has 1 official language and none speaks it correctly [12:31] make that 11 [12:31] None cares, even :) [12:31] *grin* [12:31] each language is different [12:32] Everyone's got they own local variant, and a local different language improperly called "dialect" [12:32] enrico: I can giv eyou OMF files but they are just not translated. Is that ok [12:33] but at least the user will be able to see the document [12:33] "trash" is "pattume" in Italian, "rusco" in Bologna and "rsc" in bolognese === enrico needs to disconnect bye [12:35] [12:35] svn commit -m i18n omf about-ubuntu-xh.omf release-notes-xh.omf --non-interactive [12:35] Adding about-ubuntu-xh.omf [12:35] Adding release-notes-xh.omf [12:35] Transmitting file data .. [12:35] Committed revision 860. [12:35] successfully (0) [12:35] woo hooo we rock [12:36] enrico: they are not translated but at least the users will see the docs in Yelp [12:36] froud: i have a question about make po [12:37] how come when i do it it patches some files and when i try to open thepatched files in yelp they wont open at all [12:37] but when i revert they open correctly [12:37] Problems in the po create invalid xml [12:38] I see problems with " [12:38] we will need to use [12:38] ahh i guess that can't be helped for now [12:38] in en xml and so in pot and so in po [12:38] ho ho ho [12:38] not now [12:39] 6 months from now [12:39] *grin* [12:39] enrico: sun up and build and upload we're done [12:41] ok i guess we're all done im packing up [12:41] enrico: can we get commit accounts for mdke n jsgotangco === cosmobot [cosmobot@ts3-b12.Voronezh.dial.rol.ru] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:42] that would be nice [12:42] doh [12:42] Oh no [12:42] ok I will email him [12:42] ok im out [12:42] Time to get you two accounts [12:42] that would be nice thank you [12:42] you have enough experience to know what you are doing [12:42] *grin* oh really [12:42] hehhe [12:42] no thanks to you for the help [12:43] could not have done it wothout you [12:43] awww that's nice to know well thanks again and see ya [12:43] ok I am gonna tag === froud_ [~froud@ndn-165-146-40.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === froud_ is now known as froud-work === mdke [~matt@81-179-193-192.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc === enrico uploaded 0.7 with the translated OMF files [02:52] devels are not happy: uploads seem to be very restricted today [02:53] Hmm well if they would only talk to us [02:53] but they get carried away and forget us, as usual [02:54] enrico: I just got he Xhosa translations. Think if I commit them we can inclde it [02:55] froud-work: they advertised it in the topic of #ubuntu-devel and in the ubuntu-devel mailing list [02:56] I just happen not to read both of them [02:56] enrico: that is not an excuse [02:56] (which is not unreasonable, if you're almost disconnected :) [02:56] we have had at tleast three devels in here [02:56] they know the status [02:57] froud-work: what about those Xhosa translations? [02:57] I see -xh OMF files are in [02:57] or you mean something else? [02:57] enrico: I am about to commit updates to them. [02:57] this time they are translated [02:57] ah, cool! :) [02:57] the ones in svn now are not [02:57] commit them, then I'll see what I can do [03:00] done [03:00] I'll see if I can get clearance for another upload [03:02] thanks [03:02] any more changes? [03:02] froud-work: (seems like the murphy law I mentioned you in my last e-mail, worked even without the tag) [03:02] not that I know of. [03:02] I'm tempted of calling this one 1.0 [03:03] but then why not 5.04, and whatnot [03:03] it is a good idea [03:03] so maybe it'll be 0.8 [03:03] 1.0 it is [03:04] ok I am gonna tag, your packaging should build from the tag not the trunk [03:04] OK [03:04] froud-work: I just committed [03:04] one version updated [03:04] you know, you want that in the tag :) [03:05] tagged stuff is copied to tags/ [03:06] enrico: when I do the copy I do it to tags/ubuntu-docs-1.0/ [03:06] froud-work: great! thanks [03:07] the message is noted as tag for hoary 5.04 [03:07] ok min let me do it now [03:08] Someone up for testing the last new package? [03:08] it's in http://lento.uncasino.it/enrico/store/ubuntu-docs-1.0.tar.gz [03:09] "Lento un casino" in Italian means "a lot slow" [03:09] you're warned :) [03:09] you untar the file, and you have the source package [03:09] you dpkg-source -x ubuntu-docs-something.dsc [03:09] cd ubuntu-docs-1.0 [03:10] dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot [03:10] then you'll have the .deb that can be installed [03:14] enrico: https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/tags/ubuntu-docs-1.0 at r865 [03:14] svn export from there [03:14] whew that means we can get on with restructure [03:19] Kamion is reviewing the last packages [03:19] He's being very nice [03:20] :-) so everyting in the tag [03:21] svn will be a bit hectic for the bext week as I do restructure [03:21] which means make and builds will break ;-) [03:21] I will try limit the damage [03:21] froud: can't you restructure in a branch and then merge it in once it's working? [03:22] Yes I can [03:22] but why when we planned it [03:22] I need input from people [03:22] but if people want I will do it in a hole [03:23] adds a bit of overhead for me cause I will need to track the trunk [03:23] doing it on a branch means people can still specifically get your branch and add comments [03:23] He he yes they can, but many wont want the headache of another full checkout [03:24] or will they [03:24] It's not that big is it? === Kinnison has about twelve checkouts of launchpad [03:24] for various branch work [03:24] He he [03:24] and that's almost 40 megs of source code each [03:25] our trunk is 57 meg once you have the management files [03:25] Kinnison: you make a good point I will ask on the list and see what peple think [03:26] froud-work: 57 megs unbuilt?! [03:26] yes [03:26] cripes that's big [03:26] screen captures dude [03:26] I guess so [03:27] binary what can I do [03:27] Pity you can't capture them as SVG or something [03:27] launchpad (built and running) is 250M so :-) === froud-work had plans for that [03:27] but svg would add complications [03:27] yelp does not support them [03:28] and b'sides we still need the png [03:28] sucks [03:28] well lets see what people want to do [03:29] 15:24 < Kamion> enrico: ubuntu-docs_1.0-1 installed [03:31] froud-work: can't take a screenshot in SVG unless you hack X really intensely :) [03:31] Although, maybe, asking the app to redraw, then dumping the X protocol traffic and trying to build a vector image out of that... =8-| [03:46] enrico: rathe ryou than me :-) [03:47] froud-work: :) === Cturtle [~Cturtle__@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === froud-work is now known as froud === jsgotangco [DaWorm@info4-189.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu-doc [05:34] i cant sleep [05:34] froud: if we branch, it becomes intrusive? [05:34] why your brain is buzzing with all the work and learning you have [05:35] jsgotangco: you branch if the change you want to make are intrusive to the trunk [05:35] its only 11:40pm but i just read your email and it got more confusing to me so i logged into my wife's laptop now [05:35] however if nobody sees it as intrusive then we just do it in trunk [05:36] trunk is simpler but branch is more favored? [05:36] niether in mho [05:36] if people what to do it in trunk we can do it [05:37] For example I have a branch [05:37] ok let me get this right when you say branch is this like a fork? [05:37] I have been doing stuff there so that it would not impact on Hoary [05:37] yes i got that right [05:37] kinda like a fork except we can merge back [05:38] so the branch would be exclusive to 5.10? [05:38] jsgotangco: you want some bed time reading? [05:38] no [05:38] the branch is temporary [05:38] ok a nice intro would do [05:38] AHHHHH [05:38] it lives and then is merged into trunk [05:38] you should read svn book [05:38] i should [05:38] ok its much clearer now [05:39] when you said it was temporary [05:39] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/svn-book.html [05:39] ok last: so the branch merges to trunk in the end right [05:39] when all the chaos is over [05:39] but the trunk would be borked in sort of way? [05:39] ahhh [05:39] no trunk is still workable [05:39] because right now, we mess up the trunk itself right [05:40] if somebody say wants to write on User Guide [05:40] they can continue [05:40] cause we are in branch [05:40] all we need do is track trunk [05:40] and merge changes to user guide into branch [05:41] the branch contains only a part of the trunk? [05:41] no the whole [05:41] but can also have a part [05:41] right [05:41] in this case the whole [05:42] cause we have tag we have backup [05:42] cause we in svn we have revisions [05:42] so we can either take from tag [05:42] or we can roll forwward and back [05:43] ok i better read that link ill get it in no time [05:43] see svn switch command on how to toggle between branches and trunk [05:43] when you switch to a branch your trunk becomes the branch [05:43] this can be confusing [05:43] i see thats why you insist on esvn [05:44] so some developers just have a checkout of the trunk and of the branch [05:44] eSvn will just make life easier for you [05:44] you can use svn and learn the commands [05:44] but why do we want to branch just in case if it seems so chaotic? [05:44] cause with eSvn you can see the commands issued [05:45] no, some people would not like to have a choas [05:45] others dont mind [05:45] you want to learn something new [05:45] so branch is interesting to you [05:46] for others they dont [05:46] so it depends on the team [05:46] well i admit i havent even learned like 10% of trunk in my opinion [05:46] my reasoning for the branch was not so much because it is better or worse, just to take others into consideration [05:46] ahhh [05:47] jsgotangco: did you install eSvn [05:47] yes i did [05:48] and how do you find it [05:48] but i am in my wife's xp laptop atm [05:48] well i admit i didnt read the manual [05:48] but when i saw the trunk it was much easier to navigate [05:48] did you understand the gui [05:48] yes [05:48] also updates etc are easier to see [05:48] and i already saw the status of the documents so it was a plus [05:48] yep [05:49] you did not have to learn svn syntax [05:49] i will be trying it out later and will probably be of use to me before UDU [05:49] but you could see the commands [05:49] ahh [05:49] Oh great are you going to UDU [05:50] *grin* i got sponsored [05:50] Oh nice [05:50] well at least one of us is going [05:50] thats why i felt responsible for learning some more before UDU so ill make sense there in a BOF or whatever [05:51] I think enrico will also go [05:51] I have too much work on my plate to go [05:51] good, I am glad you are going [05:52] i got lucky i guess, as to i am unemployed at the moment and pigging out on the time [05:52] hmmm, lots of unemployed people around [05:52] better to work for yourself [05:53] well at least i am not bumming around i might be able to use what i am doing here someday who knows [05:53] absolutely [05:54] hey well I must carry on with my XSL custom layer [05:54] ok i better start reading thanks again [05:54] get some sleep or wake the wife up [05:54] ;-) [05:54] "grin* [05:54] ok laterz === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Doc Team - general discussion - backlog at http://irclog.workaround.org | This channel tries to follow the tradition of the #gnome-love channel on irc.gimp.net, all new comers and questions are welcomed, as long as you follow the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct first. === Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by sivang at Sat Jan 1 20:48:30 2005 === claude [~claude@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-130.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc [08:56] boyz [09:03] girls [09:03] animals [09:04] hmm [09:04] speak for yourself [09:04] i do :) [09:04] heh [09:05] maskie: how r the cows? [09:05] thx for packaging, works like a charm [09:06] cool thank enrico for that [09:06] told you to trust him ;-) [09:07] you were right [09:07] but it was just in time [09:07] heh [09:07] perhaps a timetable for next time... [09:08] you guys know anything about pgp? [09:08] and evolution [09:08] some [09:09] enrico's emails say that the key is valid but it couldn't check the sender [09:09] sorry that wasn't clear [09:09] with enrico's emails, evolution says that the key is valid but it couldn't check the sender [09:11] Hmm, you got me there [09:11] whats your key number btw? [09:12] mdke: I just sent you my public keys, import them [09:12] k [09:12] thx [09:12] if i can figure out how [09:13] with enrico and jgotango i just did --recv-key number [09:13] should be a feature to import when you right click the attached key. [09:13] yeah should do it [09:14] dunno why it cant check the sender [09:14] same with you [09:14] "valid signature, cannot verify sender" [09:15] maybe I need to import them into evolution somehow [09:16] try it with my key now from inside evolution [09:16] I dont use GNOME so I use Kmail [09:16] i've just imported it using command line: gpg --import you.asc [09:17] maybe i need to certify it too [09:17] and does it recognise me [09:17] "valid signature, cannot verify sender" [09:18] remove it and use evolution [09:18] add it to your keyring [09:18] evolution doesn't seem to do that [09:18] its ok [09:18] dumb app [09:18] heh [09:18] i think i've found the solution [09:18] com eto kde [09:19] kpgp makes it easy [09:20] i think i have to sign your key [09:21] oh yeah, that's done the trick [09:21] cli rules [09:21] yep atomic [09:21] what was the solution [09:22] i edited your key and signed it [09:22] it asked me if I was sure the key was actually yours [09:22] Hmm now why do you need to do that [09:22] double security [09:23] ok remove it [09:23] ? [09:23] I just sent you something else to try [09:23] remove it so we can test [09:23] remove your key? [09:23] yes [09:23] i have to find out how [09:23] I sent you a new mail with key [09:24] a different key? [09:24] slightly [09:24] that one is signed [09:24] the new one that is [09:25] how do i remove a key [09:26] ok done [09:27] have imported the next one [09:27] same error: [09:27] "valid signature, cannot verify sender" [09:28] hmm thats dumb [09:28] what key number do you have [09:28] the reason is that someone might send me a fraudulent key [09:28] so i have to sign it to verify that its yours [09:29] when i've doublechecked ;) [09:29] do you hav ethe key pair [09:29] or just the ElGamal [09:29] my key pair is F4FB4332F0C34EA6 [09:29] i only have the one ending A6 [09:29] what is a pair? [09:30] key and signature [09:30] the one above [09:30] no idea what you're on about :/ [09:31] dont worry [09:31] anyway all is well [09:31] cool so send me your public keys [09:31] after I verify your fingerprint and sign, the email is fine [09:31] ok [09:34] sent btw [09:35] thanks I have it and it is already in ;-) kpgp you gotta love it [09:35] hmm === mdke tries gnome-gpg [09:35] ooh [09:35] also gpgp [09:35] much easier [09:36] nah [09:36] i like cli [09:36] especially when learning about gpg [09:38] gtg now [09:38] cya later [09:43] froud: what about the faqguide ? [09:44] what about it? [09:44] seems there was a problem with modifications outside of docbook [09:45] is it still a project of docteam ? [09:45] I dunno, I got message from the author who said he did not know cause he was not reading his email [09:46] I told him how to get it [09:46] then silence [09:46] It is still one of our projects [09:46] I would just like it done in svn [09:46] but we need his collaboration [09:47] it would be nice, but not necisary to continue [09:47] that is... you'll do a fork ? [09:47] not by choice [09:47] but hey [09:58] claude: why do you ask? === sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc [10:07] froud: because i read your mail and since hasn't got any feedback [10:08] Oh ok [10:14] froud: about svn restructuring [10:14] if you're sure about your restructuration [10:14] you should modify trunk [10:15] if there's still some tweakings [10:15] also to branch [10:17] not sure if that helps you :/ [10:17] he he, cant be sure until done and no way to do it in one step [10:18] so we could say freeze trunk [10:18] and try in a branch [10:18] no need to freeze trunk we can merge [10:19] yes, but that's simpler if there's a minimum of modifications in trunk [10:19] it's a "convention" freeze [10:21] so we can also browse the branch with browser, don't need to download to be able to examine it [10:22] he he you feel like clicking a hundred times to see [10:22] not hundred, only ninety-nine :) [10:23] you shouldn't put the whole tree in the branch, only a skeleton [10:23] there is another way using svn list url [10:24] but still awkward [10:24] otherwise people must install eSvn and then they can browse explorer style [10:29] brb [10:30] cya === claude [~claude@] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc [10:49] froud, still here? [10:49] mmmmm hmmm [10:50] heh [10:50] what time zone are you in btw? [10:50] busting my balls on a docbook cust layer [10:50] South Africa GMT [10:50] GMT? [10:50] ok so its not late [10:51] 22H40 [10:51] still early [10:51] heh [10:51] but no sun outside [10:51] no [10:51] can here the crickets [10:51] hear [10:51] nice :) [10:51] :/ [10:51] reminds me of italy [10:51] listen, is there a stepbystep commit guide? [10:52] Dunno, is there [10:52] dunno [10:52] what you got in mind? [10:52] i thought you wrote all those pages [10:52] froud, just wanted to find out how its done [10:52] not all but some [10:52] what a commit [10:53] yeh [10:53] i'm trying to read most of those pages [10:53] first svn up [10:53] then svn status [10:53] then svn commit [10:53] or svn commit file [10:53] you work on cli right [10:54] oh i c [10:54] so you don't need to diff or anything [10:54] I suggest you read http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/svn-book.html [10:54] nope [10:54] :-) [10:54] will bookmark it [10:54] It is a must read [10:54] heh [10:54] np i have plenty of time [10:54] especially since you will have a commit account ;-) [10:55] yeah but i don't envisage using it for some time [10:55] so I can take my time and learn properly [10:55] why [10:55] froud, because if I understand correctly, you guys will be working out some structural stuff before works starts on the docs [10:56] well we may do it in a branch [10:56] and also I won't start committing until i'm sure of myself [10:56] so long as you docs are well-formed and valid it will not be a problem [10:56] heh [10:56] we or at least I will be checking you [10:56] uhoh [10:56] >_> [10:56] <_< [10:56] help you though the pains [10:56] i'll read the stuff [10:57] no dont worry [10:57] you will be fine really [10:57] haven't even tried editing any docbook stuff yet [10:57] so i'll take my time [10:57] you on gnome [10:57] used gedit at first [10:57] then look at emacs or vim [10:57] just feel your way around [10:57] yeah ok [10:58] if you get lost shout and I will help [10:58] there's a page on the wiki that mentions openoffice... [10:58] but emacs/gedit are cool [10:58] not recomended, but yes [10:59] i need to learn emacs properly too === mdke bins his course [10:59] docbook is easy when you have help [10:59] :) [11:00] look forward to it [11:00] right gtg, blackadder is on tv [11:00] good night === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060040058a234b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mdke [~matt@mdke.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc