[12:00] Ah! Even better... [12:00] yes... [12:00] http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#upgradewartytohoary [12:01] Most of the time, just sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace warty with hoary. [12:01] But in some cases, the URL is slightly different, so check that link. === QMario [~qmario@adsl-65-68-73-98.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [12:01] How do I restart SWAT? [12:01] anto, on synaptic > repository list > change all "warty" for "hoary" [12:01] anto, thats all [12:01] ante, on synaptic > repository list > change all "warty" for "hoary" === blue-freak [~blue-frea@M2516P017.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] thanks wierdal === blue-freak [~blue-frea@M2516P017.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] np [12:02] hi @ all === i3dmaster [~yongjian@bi01p1.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] How do I restart SWAT? [12:04] L3th3M: thx, i already edited sources.list [12:04] How do I restart SWAT? [12:04] sry no idea [12:04] QMario: restart xinetd or inetd should work [12:04] QMario, once is enough. [12:04] can anyone help me with ubuntu and prism54 ? [12:05] What commands do I use? [12:05] ante, ok === airmikey [~airmikey@c-67-169-142-151.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu === FireEgl [Ariel@Atlantica.IRCNut.Com] has joined #Ubuntu [12:05] ok anyone get gdesklets loaded === pdoms [~pdoms@dD5763332.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] L3th3M: /etc/init.d/inetd(xinetd) restart [12:05] Who use mono? [12:05] Never mind! [12:06] What's the mount option so every mofo on my system can r/w on the disk? [12:06] L3th3M: I use mono... why? [12:06] i3dmaster, ah? [12:06] L3th3M, i do. [12:06] rw ? === mdewand [~mdewand@cpe-68-112-252-181.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] thoreauputic: thanks man! It is much better! === CompotatoJ [~Compotato@cpe-66-27-120-128.san.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:06] i3dmaster: heh - you're welcome [12:06] anyone ? prism54 ? [12:06] I am newbie on develop, and I want to try with mono [12:07] I do not know where to start === madzzoni [~madzzoni@0x503f55a7.bynxx11.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === administrator [~administr@modemcable054.194-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] L3th3M: why not start on something like Python first? [12:08] just I know that I can combine glade with gtk# === madzzoni [~madzzoni@0x503f55a7.bynxx11.adsl.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:08] python? === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] good idea, but I dont know python [12:09] Python is an easier language to learn than C# === jefis [~jefis@] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] if you install files with apt-get, where do they get installed? [12:09] L3th3M: http://python.org/ [12:09] newbie here, sorry ;) === ubuntoid [~swschulz@cpe-024-211-203-172.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] how to check file system? === PinguPowa [~PinguPowa@ip-248.net-82-216-69.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] thanx === UbuntuFool [~UbuntuFoo@82-33-116-144.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] it in a minute ago hanged :( [12:09] Joost: the binaries mostly in /usr/bin [12:10] Joost: all over the place [12:10] How to check file system, fix errors [12:10] :) === noble [~noble@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] jefis: man fsck [12:10] thanx [12:10] can anyone give me the right fstab options for to mount a disk so every user can do everything please? [12:10] hello guys === stefansava [~stefan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] pdoms: this is a Very BAd Idea (tm) [12:11] thoreauputic, what's tm? [12:11] to me? [12:11] trade mark _ [12:11] pdoms: a joke on trademarks [12:11] hihi =) [12:11] Joost: from synaptic, right click on a package -> properties -> installed files [12:11] pdoms: but it is a bad idea :) [12:11] Very Bad Idea (tm) is what you say when it's really not a good idea at all :-) [12:11] believe it or not === dracflamloc [~dracflaml@nat72.vnet.wnec.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] thanks, i'll try that mcphail [12:12] It's in the options right, where the permissions come from for users? [12:12] pdoms: don't do it [12:12] thoreauputic: there is one more untility, but i don't remmeber, do you? [12:12] hi!.......................can anyone help me install TOTEM-XINE on Warty 4.01 from SOURCE code tar.bz2 ????????????????????????????????????????? plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [12:12] thoreauputic, it's my box, and other people need rw 2 =) === noble3 [~noble@] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] pdoms: *shrug* === tombs [~tombs@i62070.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] sorry i got kicked [12:13] one question - when will hoary stable be available [12:13] thoreauputic, really wasup? :) [12:13] stefansava: after that performance, i doubt it :) === CompotatoJ [~Compotato@cpe-66-27-120-128.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] what do U mean? [12:13] pdoms: They won't need read-write across everything though. Doing this will make your box incredibly vunerable === ploum_ [~ploum@19-43.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] isnt marillat a warty resp? is it ok do have it in also? [12:14] No package 'gconf-2.0' found [12:14] its loaded [12:14] stefansava: you don't need to compile it - it's in the repositories [12:14] How to check file system for errors after hard reboot? [12:14] Arnia, it's for one specifiq Harddisk, one from windows ;) [12:14] Can anyone tell me what's happened to my gproftpd user list? === burgermann [~burgerman@0x3e42a174.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] not the disk where ubuntu is installed on [12:14] does someone know whenn hoary stable torrent is available? [12:15] I kicked myself from the server so I could restart the transfer, I can't get back in, and there are no users on the list. [12:15] How to check file system for errors after hard reboot? :) [12:15] the data on that disk needs to be accessed and modified from windows & linux, so i say r/w for every1 on that disk? [12:15] I dont know "repositories" [12:15] And I can't find the user type config files to see if I'm banned. [12:16] pdoms, umask=0 in the fstab options [12:16] repositories are dope [12:16] thank you njan [12:16] stefansava: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components/document_view [12:16] stefansava: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [12:16] nity nity everone [12:16] How to check file system for errors after hard reboot? :) [12:16] thoreauputic, isnt marillat a warty thing only or is it ok to use with horay? [12:17] does someone know whenn hoary stable torrent is available? :-D === osity [~osity@d57-50-77.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] stefansava: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [12:17] cheers guys [12:17] is it hard to setup mirroring on a ubuntu server? === telemaco [~telemaco@] has left #ubuntu [] === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000d6193400d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] or is it a stadard setup? [12:17] libben: read the restricted formats page i posted for stefansava === nrl [~nrl@cpc1-eswd2-5-0-cust57.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] tnx [12:17] standard === slask3n [~slask3n@216-220-35.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] it looks like nobody can give me facts [12:18] i wish a good nicht form austria [12:18] noble3: about Friday [12:18] try #facts [12:18] but I tried to install it with synaptic pack man......and I cant find it === _toerli [~toerli@cl-1157.ham-01.de.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] noble3: the channel is kind of busy right now === netbix [~netbix@host165-70.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] roo: you here? [12:18] thoreauputic: i thougt the release will be available since 6th april === letmee [dy@2001:6f8:99e:243:0:0:0:12] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] thoreauputic: i see === nnonix [~null@nat.ll.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:19] noble3: *sigh* I just gave you the latest news, OK? === morkret [nirnaerth@] has joined #ubuntu === _toerli is now known as toerli === kerskine [~keith@c-66-31-107-166.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === morkret [nirnaerth@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:19] thoreauputic: okok, i know it and say thank you [12:19] noble3: you're welcome [12:19] hello === PinguPowa [~PinguPowa@ip-248.net-82-216-69.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:19] good night guys till next time [12:20] i have a question ? [12:20] because reportbug does not work well === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-40-136.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] thoreauputic: but I tried to install it with synaptic pack man......and I cant find it === luxi [~frederic@modemcable030.51-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] in my system crashed when formatting email for send mail [12:21] stefansava: read *all* the pages I posted for you and do what they say === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] stefansava: especially the restricted formats one === Hauswand [~Hauswand@p54ABF795.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Hauswand [~Hauswand@p54ABF795.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["alla] [12:22] stefansava: and be sure to reload synaptic === _phoenix3051_ [~P@cpc2-ldry1-6-0-cust81.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === marska [~marska@] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] hey all.. i see when i do an apt-get dist-upgrade that gcc-4.0 is available.. i said No to install everything though. Are there any problems with doing a dist-upgrade at this point? I'm running hoary-preview === Arrogance [~aks@CPE0050ba556e4b-CM001225423850.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] thoreauputic, hey i know i have to turn off all other repos but do i have to change the cd repo to install hoary on warty when doing from cd? [12:25] Has anyone here gotten MLDONKEY to work? [12:25] dazed|: I don't follow you: just change warty to hoary, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade === btffmog [~btffmog@host81-152-142-55.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] change warty to hoary in the sources and thats it? [12:26] Is today stil the big day ? [12:26] dazed|: that's it [12:26] thoreauputic, i am on 56k connection so i downloaded the install cd of hoary and now i want to upgrade via cd not repos\ [12:26] dazed|: ah I see [12:27] dazed|: you can only get stuff from "main" that way [12:27] thoreauputic: oh so id still have to upgrade a lot once installed hoary? [12:28] dazed|: in other words, anything you installed on warty wouldn't get updated [12:28] damn.... [12:28] if it was from net repos [12:28] So what p2p apps do you guys use? [12:28] stupid dorm...only dorm on campus with out accesss to campus internet [12:28] dazed|: on dial-up, you are looking at a long wait === ruelamour [~ruelamour@fl-204-215-46-241.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] yeah === ploum_ is now known as ploum [12:29] like years [12:29] lol [12:29] dazed|: I feel your pain - I'm on dialup too :) === Alessio [~Alessio@host146-56.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] dorm without campus internet - lol [12:30] I wouldnt live there [12:30] College without internet... [12:30] the AddingRepositoriesHowto is not really complete written... still gets confused when it dont match the things he claims. [12:30] Well.. At least there is no chance of being caught downloading illegal stuff. [12:30] Bazzi: be thankful you aren't in the third world then [12:30] In the long run, your being saved time and money. [12:30] thoreauputic I am. [12:30] thoreauputic, lol welll how bout this could i upgrade to hoary via cd and then net repo my other stuff or will it upgrade hoary from net repos automatically? [12:31] Bazzi: Arizona is not the third world. [12:31] is it not? [12:31] it could be [12:31] I'm sure some parts are pretty third world [12:31] Bazzi: only culturally ;) [12:31] Thor: By those standards, so is California and most of the US. [12:31] Bazzi: it could be worse - you could be in Arkansas ;) [12:31] marska yep =) [12:32] I live way too close to Arkansas [12:32] :( [12:32] I'm still trying to petition to bomb California, Texas, Arizona, Montana, and all the southern US. [12:32] Its not like we need it or anything. [12:32] :( [12:32] let me leave the state first [12:33] John: What would be the point then ;) [12:33] the whole US should be bombed. [12:33] well, I'm losing it here...time to sleep - bye everyone ! [12:33] it's not that we need it or anything [12:33] ??!! [12:33] I'm not one of the ignorant sheep [12:33] give me a chance ;) [12:34] John: I am firm believer in Eugenics. Mainly that means everyon ELSE should die horribly. [12:34] man... no wonder i couldent find gtypist from debian =) they packed it to junior-typing with both tuxtype o gtype =) hmm... [12:34] yeah, I used to be like that. Until I realized I need others to feel pain, so I can feel pleasure [12:34] not as a sadist [12:34] Ah.. Live around losers and be their King? [12:34] but because it's funny [12:34] yes [12:35] infact I'd say most of the people I am around would suffer without me === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] not because I'm someone great, it's just they're rather... unintelligent === BeatrixKiddo [~REX@adsl-68-122-216-88.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] Hi [12:35] 'lo [12:36] :) [12:36] how do i unmark all deps that was getting on when i clicked aplied... and then i hitted cancel cause i dont wanna install the thing... do i need to manualy look at all deps and search them up and unmark them? [12:36] somebody tell me why I should use Ubuntu. [12:37] it's better than windows me? [12:37] libben, perhaps restart the application? Then they will go away.. [12:37] hahaha [12:37] I am using XP [12:37] oh [12:37] either way [12:37] I don't know, what made you look into ubuntu? === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-199-119.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] even look into linux === marska [~marska@] has joined #ubuntu === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-199-119.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:38] kent, lol =) yeah... forgot that solution... DUH =) [12:38] my friend told me he uses it [12:38] dependability is probably the biggest reason I decided on ubuntu [12:38] consistent updates [12:38] I liked that === SirFunk [~sirfunk@utter28-1.potsdam.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] none of that "security hole found, *2 weeks later* 'yeah we're working on a patch'" === ThreeDayMonk [~ThreeDayM@250-186.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [12:39] hmm... is there no mono for hoary64? === synic [~synic@] has joined #ubuntu === pussfeller [~todd@d187.rtcol.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] FFS... now im pissed =) === synic [~synic@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tarasbulba [tarasbulba@] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] pissed as in angry, or pissed as in drunk? === John-- goes back to idling [12:41] SirFunk: I don't think there is, no. [12:41] ive installed flashplayer-mozilla and flashplugin-nonfree and I still get that i dont have flash installed and i click on install plugin button that pops up... and it still tells me there is no flashplugin avaible === Arthur [~arthur@] has joined #Ubuntu === JzE| [JzE@a84-231-0-138.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu [12:41] <_phoenix3051_> do the "normal" firefox extensions work with the hoary64 version of firefox? [12:41] apokryphos: any idea why? [12:41] can someone help me install .deb packages [12:42] dpkg -i packagename.deb [12:42] SirFunk: none I'm afraid; drop a suggestion on the mailing list or on the Ubuntu-MOTU page [12:42] I have several *.deb packages, and I'm not sure how to install them. New Linux user, just to let you all know. [12:42] ubuntu-motu? [12:43] hello,anyone succeeded to compling and booting with a new kernel in 5.04? [12:44] Pyre: tell SirFunk ubumotu [12:44] SirFunk: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MOTU [12:44] i have a terrible kernel panic :( === CompotatoJ [~Compotato@cpe-66-27-120-128.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106000d6193400d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] SirFunk: "Masters of the Universe" -- mono is in Universe, so best to contact them. Drop a line in suggested packages === ubuntoid [~swschulz@cpe-024-211-203-172.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] ahh === flame [~flame@adsl-109-177.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === HiddenWolf is now known as AFKwolf === zxv_ [~zxv@user78.c217-10-98.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu === flame [~flame@adsl-109-177.swiftdsl.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:46] anyone know where ubuntu puts non-free packages? [12:46] is there a web interface where i can search through the ubuntu package repositories? === Huafa [~Blutre@85-250-57-139.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] Anyone can tell me what is the diff in debian and ubuntu? [12:46] i have a "Kernel panic: UFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" [12:47] it will be nice to hear what is .diff [12:47] sorry all... flash seemed to work =) it was java that fucked it all up =) [12:47] dident occur to me to try more then my favorite flash site =) === JamieMadrox [~blah@nat01-frelinghuysen-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === JamieMadrox [~blah@nat01-frelinghuysen-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has left #ubuntu [] === pippo [~pippo@] has joined #ubuntu === pippo is now known as pippopappo [12:48] man that was a real job....i finally got gimpshop compiled for win98 and it looks just as nice there as on ubuntu === tiocaiman [splaza@pc-200-74-118-188.megavia.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] this is terrific....lots of competition === kpeterson_ [~kpeterson@12-216-13-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] i like photoshop =) just because i master it fully =) but that would make it even easier to understand gimp... havent launched gimp yet =) but i intend to when im about to mod a wallpaper === mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-149.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu === Huafa [~Blutre@85-250-57-139.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu [] [12:50] libben, well gimpshop is no photoshop...by any stretch of the imagination....it is just a scanner and printing tool for cameras and stuff [12:51] ooh =) ment gimp =) [12:51] i have never seen photoshop but for $700 i expect it is very high quality [12:51] very compact and full with features =) [12:51] gimp looks the same... [12:51] I love photoshop [12:51] me2 [12:51] I have seen photoshop and I wouldnt pay that much money [12:51] me either =) [12:52] but i love it =) [12:52] anyway....for me i settle for the free stuff like gimpshop for windows, and clamav for windows 98 [12:52] I wouldn't pay that much for a dog [12:52] i don't understand the stuff anyway [12:52] or even a kid [12:52] I like adobe's menu shuffler; they apply it whenever they release a new version === kingsley [~kingsley@dsl-47-137.nas.com] has joined #ubuntu === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === flipy [~flipy@62-15-248-161.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] hi! === imc [~imc@pcp08366133pcs.lndsd201.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] <_phoenix3051_> using gnome and hoary64 is there an application that will show/mount partions on my disk like kde on knoppix? or do I just mount them manually? [12:55] Which backup utility, if any, can maintain rolling incremental backups, like rdiff-backup, but of a Microsoft file system? === stefansava [~stefan@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:55] i'm using an asus laptot which has a "fn" key to enable more funcionality, is there any way to configure them? === IRCMonkey__ [user114@network-operations.cdd.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] !teve tv4 === Yomic [~Yomi-kun@ip70-178-179-66.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-75-7.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] I wonder if they will ship some more icons with ubunt updating =) === zorglub [~zorglub@sierra152.via.ecp.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] Gah! Something is wrong with my keyboard when I type. Sometimes when I am typing, words wiiiiiilllllll cooomme ouoouuuttt lliiikkkee thiiiisss. [12:59] ... [12:59] new keyboard perhaps [12:59] ^ agreed === zshzn [~zshzn@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561030.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] :p [12:59] .. [12:59] that or try to cut down on masturbating and ejaculating on the keyboard [12:59] give it a nice clean too [01:00] Haha. [01:00] 17:59 < Yomic> Gah! Something is wrong with my keyboard when I type. [01:00] Sometimes when I am typing, words wiiiiiilllllll cooomme [01:00] Okay :P (To the cleaning part.) [01:00] how can i log as root? === dmsoulman [~dmsoulman@cpe-024-088-021-056.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] in hoary? [01:00] flipy: There is no root. [01:00] flipy, "sudo" followed by your user password grants you root priveledges. [01:00] well... moving from gentoo to have a linux distro working on my laptop... [01:00] Root took the wrong pill. [01:01] use 'sudo' before your commands to use 'root' commands [01:01] Yomic: well there is a root, you just are not setup to logon as root bedefault I think [01:01] uhm... i see [01:02] just last thing, why it isn't installed gcc? i mean... i really need to compile some stuff... since i'm new to this distro, doing a gcc --version doesn't show anything... [01:02] how do i use apt-get to install a .deb package that's in my home directory ? [01:02] say, is it really normal that the debian marillat repository always annoys me with the GPG errors? aren't debian repositories GPGed? [01:02] ekwinix, use the dpkg -i command [01:02] they [01:02] they are [01:02] cheers === jeanmarie [~jeanmarie@sab57-1-82-231-108-95.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] how would I get mp3s to work for me? [01:03] Nekohayo: Happens to me all the time. The AMD64 repository is broken, too [01:03] Also, when my keyboard 'lags' my menus can only be opened by holding down the button. === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] hi all [01:03] EvilIdler, thanks. Besides, is there a way to tell synaptic to NOT popup that annoying error everytime? [01:03] When it is usually open with a simple click. [01:03] flipy, gcc isnt installed because most users dont compile software. you can install it easily though by installing the "build-essential" package === loaofwar3 [~zl@209-6-20-15.c3-0.wrx-ubr3.sbo-wrx.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] Nekohayo: The error is from apt, so I would check the apt-get manpage [01:04] roo_, oh i see, thanks! [01:04] ekwinix: well, why would you want to? Why not use dpkg? === _phoenix3051_ is now known as phoenix3051 === poningru [~Poningru@n128-227-55-179.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] i can,t find glib 1.2.10, where get it? [01:05] (sry 4 my english) [01:05] apokryphos, it's not that. its just that i'm new to this and wasnt sure what to use. i didnt even know of dpkg :) === kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] greetings all :) === josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu === phoenix3051 is now known as _phoenix3051_ === Delgul_at_work [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] ekwinix: dpkg is the core of the package system, and apt is just a shell around it to sort dependencies and downloading from repositories. === phaedo [~phaedo@tusk.cotse.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] ekwinix: ok, no worries. :) dpkg -i [01:06] ekwinix: aptituade and Synaptic are common shells around that again :) [01:06] those of you that are on the hoary release, other than commenting out those two lines in the sources.list, do I need to really make any other changes to that file? === Delgul [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === j-rock_ [~joe@c68.115.66.37.static.euc.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] I'm having trouble getting mp3s to play [01:08] kkathman: you shouldn't have to comment out any lines. === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ta'] [01:08] zshzn: what's the problem? [01:08] What the... Firefox MISSED a POP-UP *_* [01:08] hi i just successfully installed the fglrx driver for radeon but now i have trouble configuring the screen resolution [01:08] zshzn: with what program? [01:08] zshzn: did you download the mp3 plugin? [01:08] xmms === _phoenix3051_ is now known as phoenix3051 [01:09] haven't downloaded the mp3 plugin, from where would I get it? [01:09] zshzn: make sure the output is set to the esound plugin if you're in gnome [01:09] Pyre: tell zshzn uburestricted [01:09] zshzn: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [01:09] zshzn: looking [01:09] crimsun ok...there were a couple at the top that said to uncomment them when hoary went "stable" [01:09] zshzn: essentially, you only need the gstreamer0.8-mad package [01:09] zshzn: yeah - that [01:09] it gives this error message everytime i try to click the screen resolution option: The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available. [01:09] anyone know how to fix this? [01:10] how would I get gstreamer0.8-mad? I am new to the package system [01:10] loaofwar3: if you are using ATI prop drivers, then you can't === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] is there any way to compile the kernel without going to the console? [01:10] zshzn: Check out that link above, it walks you through it. Anymore trouble, just ask [01:10] how can i configure the screen resolution then? [01:10] I've looked at the link [01:10] watdo u mean ati prop driver? [01:11] Anyone else having Firefox crash on them when they start it up [01:11] hmm... no java plugin for hoary? [01:11] GhostFreeman, I didnt what are you experiencing? Any errors? [01:11] zshzn: and? [01:11] Every time I start up Firefox, it just sits there and I haveta force quit it [01:12] loaofwar3: unforunately, you have to edit /etc/xorg.conf [01:12] It's been acting up as of late [01:12] loaofwar3: the ATI driver that the company puts out for 3D [01:12] GhostFreeman, what version of Ubuntu and what version of Firefox? === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Wart [01:12] Warty* [01:12] apokryphos, it says install gstreamer, I'm not sure how to do that with the package system. [01:12] GhostFreeman: that's likely the problem ;-). Get thou Hoary. [01:13] GhostFreeman, exactly .. what apok said [01:13] FF 1.0.2 [01:13] zshzn: Ok. Ubuntu uses the Debian package management system -- apt. To install things, you can either use apt (command line) or a graphical front-end (synaptic). I recommend you use synaptic to do so. [01:13] I'll use Mozilla for now, until Hoary goes final [01:13] GhostFreeman, yes I think there are issues with 1.0.2 and Warty...I had a difficult time withit myself [01:13] ok i see [01:13] apokryphos, would it be something like 'apt-get install gstreamer' ? [01:13] zshzn: Go into Synaptic, from the menu go to Repositories, check that "Universe" is enabled, then "Reload", then Find that package, and install away. [01:13] how would i change my refresh rate then? [01:14] I see [01:14] zshzn: you could use that too, if you want... sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad [01:14] Burgundavia: how could i change my refresh rate? === juser [~juser@c-24-13-54-45.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] anyone know how i could change my refresh rate on my monitor? [01:15] loaofwar3: you have to do it from your xorg.conf file, but can't say I know exactly where to get it. Generally, you should get the option for it when doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [01:15] ok thanks === DarthFrog [~rob@S010600036df5148f.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [01:15] loaofwar3, change the monitor, or change the system to work with your monitor? [01:15] change the refresh rate of the monitor === juser is now known as CarlJ [01:16] apokryphos, okay, that seems to install it, but then when I try xmms it freezes [01:16] ATI needs to get better programmers [01:16] zshzn: I don't use xmms, but hmm.. did you try restarting before using it? [01:16] no [01:16] loaofwar3: You'll need the monitor manual. Change the refresh rates in the Monitor section to the right ones. [01:17] zshzn: you should :) [01:17] loaofwar3, most monitors don't have that option, (not sure any do) other than they will adapt to what the card is sending, but only up to a limit. [01:17] alright, I'll go do that [01:17] its about 66 updates from this morning and counting =) [01:18] so FireFox just preseneted me with "A scritp on this page is causing Firefox to run slowly. bla bla bla... Do you want to abort the script? Cancel, OK." which will abort, which will let it run? [01:18] CarlJ, OK [01:19] wacky === akk [~akkana@adsl-69-105-235-1.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] if anyone wants to know, you can run on 64meg.. you just get stupid warings now and then [01:20] i think OK canceled [01:20] can Ubuntu run out of memory to work in? === thully [~thully@wuser8-angell.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu === zshzn [~zshzn@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561030.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] apokryphos, restart didn't help [01:21] GhostFreeman, yes, but first it will start using swap, and then it will stop caching, then it will start killing processes that it thinks can be sacrified [01:21] zshzn: it crashes again? === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] yes [01:22] it just freezes up and wont respond === flipy [~flipy@62-15-248-161.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu === milli [~milli@phantom.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu === gustavor [~gustavo@201-1-132-138.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] zshzn: hmm. Are you running hoary? And, are you sure the files you're trying to play have valid paths? [01:22] that's cool [01:22] how can i tell ubuntu to not use some packages? (for example CUPS - and all stuff related) [01:22] Though, ideally, it still shouldn't freeze up [01:22] GhostFreeman, but things will get really slow [01:23] I don't think I need to worry, I have about a gig of memory [01:23] apokryphos, yes using hoary, and I'd assume its a valid path === sj`_ [~sj@] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] just upgraded to hoary, but I don't get the splash screen... how do I enable it? [01:23] flipy, when you do the install, do "server" and then just install what you do want [01:23] gustavor: you would have to install it. [01:23] Pyre: tell gustavor usplash [01:23] gustavor: http://wiki.nanofreesoft.org/index.php/UsplashHowDoesItWork [01:24] zshzn: After it's stopped responding, did you kill it? [01:24] CarlJ, do server? i don't get it.. the fact is that i've already installed that so i just want to disable some packages, that means to reinstall ubuntu from scratch? [01:24] apokryphos, yes [01:24] neat - can anyone use that box? [01:24] ok.. I thougth it was default on Hoary.. thanks [01:24] flipy, - then apt-get remove === yogui [~admin@ACayenne-101-1-4-41.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] zshzn: sorry, but not quite sure then. Don't use it myself so hard to articulate problems here [01:25] CarlJ, isn't the synaptics a better way to do it? [01:25] CarlJ, because it controls dependencies... [01:25] are all ubuntu package works on debian ? [01:25] flipy: they both do. Synaptic is only a GUI front-end for apt. [01:25] flipy, pretty sure synaptics is just a GUI to control apt === Lemonzest [~chatzilla@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] well, i understand that [01:25] even more sure now ;) === Agoln [~ljbuesch@tark-d-021.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] what i dont understand is why if i try to unistall cups it wants to unistall a lot of packages too... [01:26] flipy: I recommend trying out beep-media-player; I've heard quite a few praises about it in the channel. It's basically a fork of xmms, with gtk. === Bicchi [~chatzilla@pur23f5.fiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] flipy, unless you have spent time configuring things, I would just reinstall - it is so easy [01:26] flipy: because it likely depends on many others. [01:26] how about a freeform skin audip player === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] i'm sick and tired of xmms [01:27] or the other way around - other things depend on cps, so no cups and they go too === verden01 [~verden@cor6-ppp1000.ade.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] Doesn't XMMS already use Gtk? [01:27] GhostFreeman: go for amaroK :P === Daehlie [~daehlie@dhcp-199-170.housing.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] EvilIdler: yeah, it does. Darn; forgot the difference with bmp [01:27] oh and beep-media-player no longer shows the playlist === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] just a 1px bar === verden01 [~verden@cor6-ppp1000.ade.dialup.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === apokryphos thinks === snybole [~snybole@h6n3fls306o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] are all ubuntu package works on debian ? [01:27] CarlJ, that seems useless... so if someday i want to unistall something it will try to unistall all it's dependencies? [01:27] There is a calendar that shows the official release date of Ubuntu 5.04. Does anyone knows the date or the calendar url? [01:28] april 8th [01:28] thanks [01:28] Bicchi: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule === Wyzard [~mike@pcp03799553pcs.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === marska [~marska@] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] Could someone tell me if it's possible to get the same watch working in ubunt as this one: http://www.gentoo.org/images/shots/olson.png , a name perhaps so I know where to download f.ex. [01:28] GhostFreeman: try eina http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=609 [01:28] Hello.. I've tried numerous p2p apps but I have not been able to get even one to work. I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to assist me in this? [01:29] flipy: CUPs is the core printing system. Programs that rely on print would require it. [01:29] mldonkey [01:29] flipy, - I think so. otherwise you are left with things that don't work [01:29] are all ubuntu package works on debian ? [01:29] k [01:29] marska, or bittorent [01:29] cant screw up bittorent [01:29] uhm since i'm comming from gentoo I guess I'm a bit used to it [01:29] Hey everyone... first time ubuntu user and well, some-what new to linux here... I was wondering if there was an easy way to get the kernel sources w/o much hassle... such as by apt-get or synaptic [01:29] pussfeller: MLDONKEY doesn't work for me. Bittorent isn't preferred. === corvix [~corvix@port-195-158-167-227.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] hmm... server isntall, apt-get install xchat; doesn't look like it wants to install xorg - how does that work? [01:30] EvilIdler: I think the difference is it was compiled against GTK+2 [01:30] Sorry for asking this question here, but if i am going to be using kde instead of gnome should i download kubuntu instead of ubuntu. or it just doesn't matter the order? [01:30] well thank you guys [01:30] nighty nigh :D [01:30] is xorg automatically installed with Hoary [01:30] apokryphos: Not a major difference, then [01:30] Bicchi: order doesn't matter, if you intend on having both. [01:30] EvilIdler: nope. [01:30] I have had no luck with MLDONKEY [01:30] Or any of the other apps [01:30] Even Bittorrent has been sketchy. [01:31] marska: for bittorrent? Azureus is the best out there... === mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-149.gwi.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:31] someone around foir drunken smalltalk ... #ubuntu-de [01:31] Haha; my dad thinks he can reformat this computer. (He is a windows luser.) === LinuxJones [~LinuxJone@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === ions|2 [~lsmith@CPE005004729e9f-CM014480110858.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] jabber.org down for any of you guys? [01:31] New Ubuntu user, coming from Debian sid... I'm installing Ubuntu, and I'm surprised that it doesn't detect my 3c556B Ethernet card, but does detect a 3c575... strange because both are supported by the same kernel module, 3c59x.ko === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === vanhoofp [~pvanhoof@dD576CB7F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] apok: I would like some help to get MLDONKEY working.. [01:32] ions|2: Jabber's been up and down for some very much lately === ubuntu [~ubuntu@h081217035237.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] EvilIdler: yeah it's always crapping out but do you know what it's status now? [01:32] hi === ubuntu is now known as Azathoth [01:32] EvilIdler: use another server ;) [01:32] ions|2: It's wotking for me [01:32] marska: I installed it quite some time ago, so I wouldn't recall the procedure. Others on here might know; if you have no luck, I recommend trying in #mldonkey === corvix [~corvix@port-195-158-167-227.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [01:32] just trying out new hoary RC live CD on an iBook, works like a charm :) [01:33] k thanks - trying to set up a new user and it's not liking it === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-54-45.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:33] Azathoth: cool :) [01:33] Apok: Did you have MLDONKEY working? [01:33] Azathoth, do Applications, system, Ubuntu device Database [01:34] i already have ;) [01:34] first thing i did after booting [01:34] still, the fan doesn't stop spinning === keyhack [~keyhack@dva90.resnet.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] so it's extremely loud compared to the complete silence when running OSX [01:34] apokryphos, question: Does hoary automatically install any playback engines for Multimedia? Im just now getting around to getting the sound setup and I've tried both Kaffiene and AmarOK and both dont play back anything [01:34] i think theres a wine port for emule [01:34] or somesuch [01:34] are all ubuntu package works on debian ? [01:35] amule is not so great === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-54-45.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [01:35] kkathman: it should, yes; perhaps not for MP3s. What's going wrong? Does it suggest that they're playing... [01:35] yogui: It's best not to mix them [01:35] yogui: Some might -- probably even most, but that's a guess -- but not all [01:35] So no one else has expierence with MLDONKEY? Help would be greatley appreciated. [01:35] soulseek-nicotine works pretty much out of the box [01:35] Hmm... i just added marillat to the sources and gpg it and all that.. now it update notifier says i have 3 new updates to download... but it contains woody in its name.... should i remove the marillat source? i only want ubuntu things... not things that is added from debian [01:35] whats the specific problem with mldonkey [01:36] Thanxx [01:36] apokryphos, well, Kaffeine seems to indicate it cant find the AudioCD, Amarok can read the contents of the CD (audio cd) but theres no playback [01:36] libben: Use Marillat as a deb-src instead, and build the packages [01:36] (how do you make the bot.. Pyre? tell someone about Restrictedformats? [01:36] apokryphos, I do have sound, because I get those little bell sounds when I open dialogs, etc [01:36] kkathman: this is not the live CD, right? Can you check whether you have the amaroK engines, and then use, say -- xine engine, and see if you can play an mp3 === stuNNed [~stuNNed@stunned.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] kkathman: right. So it seems to be an audioCD playing issue === CarlK [~ck2@c-24-13-54-45.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] could anyone help me? Need to know the name of http://www.gentoo.org/images/shots/olson.png .. The clock in the left upper corner [01:37] apokryphos, I have no engines for amarok, it doesnt list any === obe1 [~joe@dhcp-80c46b4a.la-aldea.arizona.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] EvilIdler, im not quite sure i understand what u mean... cause ive added the deb lines in sources for marillat [01:37] snybole, thats the E clock module [01:37] kkathman: alright, then install amarok-engines package [01:37] pussfeller: Nicotine didn't for me [01:37] ahh ok...just a regular apt-get? [01:37] roo_: downloadable for ubuntu? === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] you sure its not routing troubles [01:37] libben: It takes a little learning..are you prepared to increase your headmeat? ;) [01:38] Pussfeller: Yes. Program didn't even load. [01:38] cuase nicotine iw prety straight forward [01:38] anyone use ivtv drivers for hauppauge tv cards with ubuntu here? [01:38] apokryphos, thats just a regular apt-get then? [01:38] libben: In the sources.list, make it deb-src instead of deb [01:38] snybole, err, i think u need to be using Enlightenment as your desktop (as opposed to Gnome, or KDE or whatever) [01:38] I'd like MLDONKEY anyway.. Well.. Is there anyone who wouldn't mind helping? [01:38] kkathman: that's right [01:38] theres #mldonkey [01:38] alrigt, thanks anyway roo_ :) [01:38] Mldonkey is not really too helpful. [01:38] snybole, np :) [01:39] EvilIdler, done... and now what? do the gpg thing again? [01:39] apokryphos, should I install that amarok-xzine too? or does that come with the engines? [01:39] libben: You build with apt-get -b source nameofpackage; not sure about the flags to automatically install them also [01:39] libben: apt-get update first, though [01:39] kkathman: the amarok-engines metapackage pulls that in [01:39] Lots of files updated today [01:39] LinuxJones: getting close ;-) === starhawk [~starhawk@adsl-68-21-135-138.dsl.yntwoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] libben: I bet you'll get lots of errors on first attempt; it'll list the packages you need to get (build) === jason_ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] apokryphos, okie dokie === CarlK_ [~ck2@c-24-13-54-45.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === desplesda [~desplesda@] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] libben: Packages listed as "whatever | somethingelse" means the first one is preferred, but the other one can be used instead [01:41] apokryphos, tomorrow .....muahhh [01:41] LinuxJones: no, Friday :P [01:41] apokryphos, eh ? I thought it wa the 6th :( [01:41] was* [01:41] i failed to fetch two from sources.list [01:41] hmm === aigarius [~aigarius@] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] LinuxJones: It was, but I guess they're a tad overworked [01:42] LinuxJones: nope, it was changed to the 8th to give more time for Gnome packaging [01:42] EvilIdler, I forgive them ;D [01:42] Pyre: tell LinuxJones ubuschedule [01:42] LinuxJones: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule [01:42] Whee. DVDs play without me having to do the crazy libdvdcss dance. [01:42] apokryphos, the bot :) === loaofwar3 [~zl@209-6-20-15.c3-0.wrx-ubr3.sbo-wrx.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] dun dun [01:42] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) [01:42] apokryphos, awesome [01:42] hi i have a weird problem. i have an epson stylus 600 printer and everytime i try to print it prints out gibberish [01:43] even the test page is gibberish [01:43] it prints characters like $%GWSG@% [01:43] Ack. Xine gets a SIGSEGV on going fullscreen :/ [01:43] what was the gpg i typed ? encrypted key to get authed ? [01:44] apokryphos, is there anything on the wiki about Pyer ?? === Okys [~dimes@dsl-220-235-128-15.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] anyone know anything ? [01:44] i have an epson stylus 600 printer and everytime i try to print it prints out gibberish [01:45] are you sure you picked the right driver [01:45] loaofwar3, do you have the correct driver/model selected ? === fabien [~fabien@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp3501949.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] LinuxJones: Nah, he's not really that popular, and kinda basic ;-) -- only around 13 lil' functions. === LordC [~lordc@cpc4-mfld3-4-0-cust215.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] hi guys [01:45] hi :) === HillTop [~chatzilla@cpe-204-210-35-9.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] apokryphos, would be nice to hook into the wiki page, hint hint [01:46] say anybody know about d-link airplus support? === alberto1 [~alberto1@131.Red-80-37-122.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Pyre, [01:46] Pyre, help [01:46] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) === dazed [~dazed@host-208-60-229-209.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] kbrooks: if you open up a query and type "help" he'll display possible commands [01:46] starhawk, what kind of cdrom drive do you have usb ? === rpj911 [~rpj911@cvg-65-29-197-246.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] LinuxJones: if he's used I might do, but I don't mind it now so much. He can do my dirty work =) [01:47] no jusat a rewriter === bourrin [~bourrin@0.97.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] bonjour! [01:47] I know it works [01:48] apokryphos, :) [01:48] apokryphos, ok I did the install, on the engines, but the only one that shows up in amarok is the Arts engines...odd [01:48] let me re-phrase this... Can somebody inform me if there's a package that could help me with installing a D-Link AirPlus pcmcia network card(DWL-650+) [01:48] apokryphos, I chose that one, and still no playback [01:48] starhawk, can you check the md5sum on the .iso you burned from ? [01:48] hello, someone knows how to install a digital cam please? === gfxstyler [~gfxstyler@xdslg110.osnanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] bourrin: plug it in [01:49] .. that's it [01:49] i selected the right model [01:49] hey [01:49] it says epson stylus color 600 [01:49] in the driver [01:49] that doesn t work :S [01:49] it auto selects it for me [01:49] if i upgrade basic packages from warty to hoary via cd...can install the other packages once in hoary or will it erase my packages i had on warty? [01:49] bourrin: it's a usb camera? [01:49] bourrin, install "gphoto2" [01:49] fabien, >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards [01:49] yes GoneBoB it is === etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b56b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] ill try roo_ [01:50] ? [01:50] no release today? that spoils our plans a bit. we were going to print them for a handout at a conference tomorrow :( === hawke [~hawke@hawkesnest.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] I have problem === ploum [~ploum@19-43.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] I cannot shutdown my syste [01:50] hoary rc-inst... [01:50] bourrin, then try "gphoto2 -P" at a terminal -- should download all files from ur camera. [01:50] loaofwar3, do you have the cupsys-gimp-print package installed === jason___ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] I have only one login password === ions|2 [~lsmith@CPE005004729e9f-CM014480110858.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:50] is there a possibility to get something more recent then 5.04 rc from 30th march? === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] even when I want to go to console I use the same password as root [01:51] aigarius: sudo apt-get update then upgrade and your as uptodate as you can be [01:51] when I want to shutdown the system It ask me for password before I can shut it down [01:51] aigarius: Friday is the expected release day if you really need an updated ISO === Dal- [~Dal-@] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] sadly Airport WLAN will never work in Ubuntu :( [01:51] when I put the password it refuse to shotdown, iut display wrong password [01:51] this seems to be a broadcom chip [01:52] whats up guys [01:52] Is there a special password in ubuntu beside the root password that I don't know? [01:52] LinuxJones: yhx [01:52] etzerd, are you typing it like sudo reboot [01:52] kkathman: does dpkg -l | grep amarok show the others there, installed? [01:52] etzerd, do you have the root account enabled or are you using sudo normally ? [01:52] LinuxJones: thx [01:52] fabien, :) [01:52] linuxjones: i have the gimp-print installed [01:52] I just click on reboot systerm === Fleebailey33 [~andy@c-67-163-138-215.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... [01:52] apokryphos: You can also use wildcard in dpkg -l [01:53] oh, well. then we'll burn and give away the rc install cds and tell people to update. are there any critical bugs in the rc install cds from 30th march? [01:53] apokryphos, on install, it showed messages sayin it was setting up xine, amarok-arts, amarok-gstreamer [01:53] loaofwar3, maybe your printer cartridge just needs a cleaning, if you havn't used it in a while maybe ? [01:53] EvilIdler: yup, I know :) [01:53] kkathman: and the others definitely don't appear there? [01:53] hot dog...that gimp scanner scans perfectly on win98....nice to have it working on both systems. [01:53] good night [01:53] all I remember I did set the system to ask for the password before shutdown, because I don't want my kids be able to shut it down themselves [01:53] kkathman: anyhow, if using aRts you'll likely need to get the akode-mpeg package [01:53] apokryphos, I have quit Amarok a couple of times now, and then restarted, but they dont show in the configure-amarok screen [01:53] but there is no time the setting ask me to create a root password [01:54] starhawk, maybe you have a bad burn on the cd can you try burning to another disk ? [01:54] little help i made a root password but cant sign in as root to graphical login help [01:54] kkathman: that's quite odd. Hm. [01:54] yes [01:54] I used kb3 [01:54] apokryphos, this is amarok 1.2 is that recent? [01:54] flodine: I don't think root is supposed to log in to X [01:54] now i can use my old junk printers as well as my epson for linux [01:54] kkathman: plain 1.2? 1.2.3 is in repos [01:54] Hum, I'm having some trouble installing java, is there an apt-get for it? I've installed java-common but the program requiring says it's still not installed [01:54] flodine, you should be booting into the account that you created when you installed Ubuntu === drkryu [~SwiftyX@adsl-68-251-146-10.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] bourrin, any luck? [01:55] well how do i change my root drives to users [01:55] snybole: Check out Blackdown.org for Java packages [01:55] apokryphos, I'll try to update it [01:55] thanks [01:55] I know some other distro like Redhat, Mandrake, SUSE ask you to set a root password and a user password separately [01:55] but ubuntu do not give you that option [01:55] kkathman: just a sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install amarok amarok-engines, should do it [01:55] roo_, it says teh cam 's unknown but it is in the list of detectable cams [01:56] the same password I assigne during installation is the same password I used as root === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-61.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] bourrin, what cam is it? [01:56] these linux people are absolutely UNREAL [01:56] etzerd, the root account is locked by default login using the account you created during install and use sudo for root access. [01:56] a nikon 3200 coolpix === robin_ [~robin@debian.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] apokryphos, I just did an apt-get install amarok and it says its already at the newest release [01:56] ok thanks LinuxJones === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu === CarlK_ [~ck2@c-24-13-54-45.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] kkathman: did you apt-get update first? [01:57] etzerd, sudo -s (enter your user password) and you basically have a root terminal [01:57] linuxjones is that just for the term [01:57] let me do that one more time just in case [01:57] that's ok roo_ [01:57] that works now!!!!! [01:57] :) [01:57] flodine, nope that's system wide [01:57] thank you very much!!! really === HackRip [Fennryl@ip-7.net-81-220-227.henin.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] where do i typ it in run [01:57] or term [01:57] bourrin, install "gtkam" its a nice graphical tool for managing your camera/albums [01:58] linuxjones: that is not possible because it prints in windows fine [01:58] apokryphos, yep still says its newest....I am going to pull out those two sources I enabled this morning..one moment [01:58] flodine, it takes a bit of getting used to as opposed to using su for root access. [01:58] I'm having Xorg "issues". array-7 correctly detects my NVidia Go700 (although it doesn't seem to have a 1920x1200 modeline, so it settles for 1600x1200), but RC seems to use the ATI module. [01:58] roo_, ah ok!!!! i was looking for gtcam !!!! [01:58] linuxjones: and second i am only having problems with this in hoary becuz it worked fine in warty [01:58] thanx a lot roo_ [01:58] where do i typ sudo [01:58] bourrin, lol. enjoy :) no problem. [01:58] kkathman: nah, that wouldn't affect. Are you sure you don't have 1.2.3? You can check with "amarok --version" === circuit_rider [~Circuit__@adsl-65-43-150-230.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] loaofwar3, did you do a system upgrade recently ? [01:58] (in livecd, that is) [01:59] How do I get an IDE for Python? [01:59] I am burning the new copy now [01:59] apokryphos, yes it says 1.2.3 just that the splash screen says 1.2 [01:59] starhawk, GL ;) [01:59] linuxjones: i did fresh install that is i wiped out all the info on the hard drive === dbrock [~user@c-4db670d5.028-10-67766c2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] [01:59] kkathman: yes, you have 1.2.3. Splash screen will stay like that till 1.3 :) [01:59] do i typ sudo in login or in a term [01:59] loaofwar3, ok sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to upgrade to all recent packages on your system. [01:59] apokryphos, ok..so Im concerned about why amarok is NOT seeing the other engines [02:00] Does anyone know how to run the IDE for Python 2.4? === Gaaruto|OQP [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-50-225.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] nobody can help me :'( [02:00] QMario, have you googled for "python ide" or something? im sure you're not the first with that question. === pippo [~pippo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] kkathman: ok, wait, I'm upgrading to see if there's a problem there [02:00] flodine, terminal, gtksudo will prompt you for a password for anything like Synaptic that requires root-like priviliges [02:00] apokryphos, thanks === meatmanek [~meatmanek@cpe-65-26-182-222.indy.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b56b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === Gaaruto|OQP is Away, Reason: ( Saynara ) | Since: ( Tuesday, April 5, 005. 20:8:2 ) Xlack v.1 [02:02] LinuxJones, I drop to Root/Console I type "sudo -u root it still don't work === billyoc [~billyoc@cpe-68-175-79-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] etzerd, it's sudo -s === billy-420 [~billy@c-67-170-215-210.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] kkathman: all the engines are here for me... [02:03] Has anyone been able to get TuxRacer working on Hoary? What changed to the config did u make? [02:03] kkathman: try seeing if it works with aRts. Make sure you have the akode-mpeg pack though [02:03] just type sudo -s that's all [02:04] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... [02:04] etzerd, yes it will ask for your password, enter your user password [02:04] thanks [02:04] still the same trouble [02:04] let me go tried it again === cafuego [~cafuego@macchiato.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] apokryphos, ok I will download and try that === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-16-88.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] guys i need to see graphical root privleg [02:06] not term === tombs [~tombs@i62070.upc-i.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] [02:06] so login as root [02:06] anyone [02:06] i try wont let me in [02:07] flodine, it does that for a reason [02:07] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... still the same this is not the live cd [02:07] cause you need to set a root passwd first [02:07] i did that [02:07] hey guys, i'm just setting another machine with ubuntu, and i notice the 'fedorad' boot scripts [02:07] dose that make a diffrence [02:07] they are great, nice and easy to read [02:07] is any of that going to end up in debian by chance? === zxy [~ralph@host-84-9-33-175.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] i'd love to see them start using such clean presentation [02:08] holycow: the lsbized stuff? [02:08] yeah [02:08] this is absolutely the best thing ever for win98 [02:08] whiskers, what is ? [02:09] gimpshop [02:09] pepsi i remade my root passwd is that all i need to do [02:09] now we have it working on linux and win98 === steffen [~steffen@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] i don't like gimpshop at all [02:09] apokryphos, installed the akode pkg and still nothing :( [02:09] so for epson it works perfect on linux and for old junk printers it works perfect on win98 [02:09] flodine, i dunno.. ive never wanted to login as root [02:09] i dont see a need [02:09] gimp is very much a superior interface [02:09] kkathman: can't play mp3s? [02:10] holycow, i don't care about the interface....i just care about the scanning and printing [02:10] anyone use grafical root privleges [02:10] kkathman: seems somewhat obvious, but make sure the volume is full up ;). Does it refuse to play them, or apepar as though it is? [02:10] apokryphos, I dont have any mp3s on this computer [02:10] flodine: not recommended [02:10] flodine, what exactly do you want to do>? [02:11] i just want to make a harddrive user [02:11] kkathman: it's worth finding out whether it's the audioCD function, or the general playback. [02:11] kkathman: since the audioCD part relies on kdemultimedia; something different. [02:11] apokryphos, well as I am unfamiliar with Amarok...It does seem to be playing..the track blinks when I press play. I did go to the tray area and clicked on the Volume and looked at the mixer and all SEEMS well there at least as far as I can see [02:11] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... still the same this is not the live cd [02:12] whiskers, *ooo*, cool [02:12] i cant get in to my other hard drives there root can i change them [02:12] apokryphos, let me see if I can get some mp3 from somewhere. not sure where [02:12] kkathman: is the progress bar, for the music, moving? [02:12] whiskers, would you mind commenting on the printing and scanning? what is being worked on exactly? [02:13] kkathman: alright; problem is I've gotta shoot off in a sec, so might not be able to help anymore tonight === Xeon3D [~xeon@bl5-192-51.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] apokryphos, hey thanks for your help...and no, there doesnt seem to be any movement on that playback grid toward the bottom [02:13] or maybe what is lacking? i don't think i know enough about that end of gimp things [02:14] apokryphos, and the progress bar doesnt move either === ubuntoid [~swschulz@cpe-024-211-203-172.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] kkathman: right, then it's not playing. Give the mp3 a go, and if there's a problem I'll try to catch you tomorrow. Or, better, people in #kubuntu might be able to help [02:14] see ya [02:14] apokryphos, thankx for your help :) [02:14] No problem at all === marioch [~Mario@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... still the same this is not the live cd [02:15] holycow, well i already had scanning and printing working perfect on linux with gimp and epson [02:15] starhawk, maybe you got problems while burning the CD. To be sure, burn another one or order one or two from ubuntu.org [02:15] (hi gals and guys) [02:15] holycow, so i compiled gimpshop to see what it looks like on linux [02:15] I did burn anther === pepsi is now known as Acu|eus [02:16] ohhhh i see :) [02:16] holycow, so it looks nice so i decided to make a win98 version [02:16] haha === gfxstyler [~gfxstyler@xdslg110.osnanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] you made a win98 version? no kidding? [02:16] nice :) === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] holycow, so now we have the same power for win98 as linux but for the old printers and scanners [02:16] holycow, this is the best thing ever [02:17] problem here... i need to setup codecs on totem player... on amd64 running hoary [02:17] ? [02:17] it is not the live cd is there a command that I dont know or do you just restart the computer with the cd in [02:17] ante, gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg gives you xvid/divx, totem-xine gives you that and perhaps something more, with possibly less jerky playback [02:17] anyone? [02:18] i can see the iso file === omni_lonnie [~lonnie@home.limbonia.com] has joined #ubuntu === melter [~The@ideaone-243-13.ideaone.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] mjr, thx [02:19] mjr, is that all? [02:20] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... still the same this is not the live cd it is not the live cd is there a command that I dont know or do you just restart the computer with the cd in i can see the iso file === rpj911 [~rpj911@cvg-65-29-197-246.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] ante, well, if you wanted the proprietary windows codecs, you won't have that with a 64-bit player; you'd need to install a 32-bit chroot with a player and the codecs, or kludge around it otherwise (since there's no proper multiarch support yet) [02:22] mjr, thx again... will amd64 support rise soon? [02:22] mjr, codec amd64 support that is [02:23] ante, probably not, since they pretty much require a 32-bit player to function. Multiarch will at some point make it more transparent. === difekta [~DIFEKTA@h-67-101-47-18.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU [02:23] of course, it might be that proprietary win64 codecs will start to surface, at which point somebody probably kludges together support for those with 64-bit players, but this is speculation === phoenixp3k [~phoenixp3@modemcable016.63-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] thx... again... bye === TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] hello! Got a easy question === Orbo [~cam@] has joined #ubuntu === Acu|eus is now known as pepsi [02:25] I am new to ubunta and tring to install the harray but the cd rom says cdrom failure am what am I doing wrong help(ashamed) hoary rc-inst... still the same this is not the live cd it is not the live cd is there a command that I dont know or do you just restart the computer with the cd in i can see the iso file === pepsi is now known as hiohnson [02:25] ahoy, I just upgraded to hoary and cd player won't start, no biggie, I just link /dev/hdc to /dev/cdrom [02:25] but the thing is... [02:25] I have to do this every time my computer restarts === dcooper [~dcooper@pool-141-158-236-170.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] I have firefox 0.9.3 and need to upgrade to 1.0.2 but the wich directory must I install it to overwrite previous version === starhawk [~starhawk@adsl-68-21-135-138.dsl.yntwoh.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] === chrismurf [~chris@] has joined #ubuntu === phxguy [~phxguy@ip24-251-194-72.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Corlib not in sync with this runtime: expected corlib version 22, found 32. [02:28] Download a newer corlib or a newer runtime at http://www.go-mono.com/daily. === LordC [~lordc@cpc4-mfld3-4-0-cust215.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === picole [~picole@] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Anybody know how to resolve that? I've tried removing every cil and mono package on my system. No luck. [02:28] phoenixp3k, install it with synaptic? === qeed [~qeed@adsl-18-57-30.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === hiohnson is now known as Fhantom === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Has anyone been able to get TuxRacer going on Hoary? [02:28] anyone know how i can play music from itunes in linux? [02:28] yes to rpg911 [02:28] i compiled it === josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu === Fhantom is now known as OxDECAFBAD [02:29] libben so I uninstall the previous version first? [02:29] not really [02:29] when i configure, it can't find tcl8.x libs [02:29] just hit aply in synaptic and let it install [02:30] then do an apt-get install tc [02:30] tcl [02:30] i mean === Jas0n [~Jas0n@81-178-98-191.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] How do I enable Windows to download the correct printer driver from my Linux server? [02:30] but tuxracer should have a repository === xMaximex [~xmaximex@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] in the debian packages.... [02:31] can ubuntu be install straight from the internet? [02:31] Yes [02:31] qeed, tuxracer is in synaptic and it works nice on ubuntu [02:31] how? [02:31] is sound blaster live supported ?? i only see my onboard soundcard in the device manager [02:31] A network install. [02:31] is it hard to get my radeon working properly in ubuntu? [02:31] xMaximex: yes, it is [02:31] i did aptitude several times chasing those, but their names are slightly different than the config looks for i think [02:32] crimsun, I'm under ubuntu right now :) [02:32] i will try synaptic === Elsidox [~ej@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [02:32] xMaximex: please paste lspci -v, lsmod, and cat /proc/asound/cards onto http://pastebin.com [02:32] crimsun, where did you tell me to go ? [02:32] okay === Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] I don't know the exact process, but you can just order a free CD from ubuntu.com === dcooper [~dcooper@pool-141-158-236-170.phil.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:32] tnx qeed and whiskers [02:32] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/ [02:33] How do I enable Windows to download the correct printer driver from my Linux server? [02:33] well ive got no cd installed on the system [02:34] http://www.pastebin.com/267675 === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === qeed [~qeed@adsl-18-57-30.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] tnx qeed and whiskers [02:34] i think ive found something on it tho [02:34] http://www.pastebin.com/267676 [02:35] http://www.pastebin.com/267678 [02:35] the end [02:35] ;) === knewt [~jmb@zeus.pimb.org] has joined #ubuntu === xophEr [~xopher@a80-186-114-181.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] i guess there [02:35] QMario, is there some install procedure within windows to add a network printer ? [02:35] Yes [02:35] how do I install ubuntu to a specific partition on a specific hard drive? [02:35] i guess there's absolutely no chance of the cvs x.org in hoary? [02:36] ok this is not right i can get into my root drives help please === chrismurf [~chris@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:36] QMario, it doesn't ask for your printers cd disk ? [02:36] help [02:36] knewt: no. Main is frozen, essentially. [02:36] No, the the printer is an HP PSC 2410 connected via USB to my Linux computer. [02:36] all HP PSC are supported on linux [02:37] can someone please help get in to my root drive graphical way [02:37] I know that, but I want Windows to be able to install the driver, so I can print. [02:37] flodine, open root terminal, run nautilus --browser === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-61.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] crimsun: didn't think so. i don't suppose anyone might already have done the hard work of creating .debs for it? [02:38] if u have a usb disk what is the location that it will be placed? [02:38] LinuxJones, are still there? === dockane [~dockane@pD9E214E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] knewt: not that I know of === dcooper [~dcooper@pool-141-158-236-170.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] QMario, yeah but windows needs to load the driver to format the data for your model of printer [02:38] xMaximex: are you absolutely sure there's an sblive in your machine? It doesn't appear at all in any of those listings. [02:39] does anyone know of a good screen capture utility? [02:39] 1 [AudioPCI ] : ENS1371 - Ensoniq AudioPCI [02:39] Ensoniq AudioPCI ENS1371 at 0xd000, irq 5 [02:39] xMaximex: according to those output, you have 3 sound cards - none of them are a sblive. [02:39] this is it, i think [02:39] xophER thxs your the shit dude' [02:39] xMaximex: that's an audioPCI [02:39] xMaximex: not an sblive [02:39] QMario, can you add it manually and set it as a netowrk printer (I haven't run windows in like 5 years, going from memory :D) [02:39] The problem is that Windows says that the printer driver is invalid. [02:39] much love [02:39] crimsun: drat. cvs x.org is the only way for me to get dri support for my graphics chipset, and i'd obviously prefer to manage it as .debs to make upgrading at a later date easy [02:40] knewt: Breezy opens fairly soon [02:40] crimsun, maybe, but is I connect my speaker to the other card (not the onboard) .. there's no sound [02:40] No, it's not listed in the Windows print drivers directory. [02:40] how do I install ubuntu to a specific partition on a specific hard drive? [02:40] knewt: What chipset? [02:40] i'm doing without right now, but it's annoying [02:40] xMaximex: come again? [02:40] crimsun, what ? [02:40] QMario, so you can't add a network printer somewhere in the control panel ? [02:41] xMaximex: I can't understand what you just said === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-18-22.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] EvilIdler: S3 SuperSavage IX/C SDR [02:41] No, but hold on... === karaffb [~karaffb@12-214-88-236.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] crimsun, if I connect my speakers on the soundcard (The PCI one, not the onboard) there's no sound at all .. [02:41] Ah, not the most common set :) [02:41] xMaximex: so you want to use the audioPCI by default? [02:42] crimsun, yes [02:42] xMaximex: are you using Hoary or Warty? [02:42] I use this card in windows, i dont want to replug speaker after reboot [02:42] Hoary [02:43] EvilIdler: yeah. i was really hoping i wouldn't have to do the work of creating an updated debian/ directory myself [02:43] dazed: it goes to /media [02:43] xMaximex: echo "options snd-cmipci index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base && echo "options snd-usb-audio index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [02:43] Nope, no progress. [02:43] xMaximex: next time you reboot, your audioPCI will be the default [02:44] root@straightbox:~ # echo "options snd-cmipci index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base && echo "options snd-usb-audio index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [02:44] options snd-cmipci index=-2 [02:44] options snd-usb-audio index=-2 [02:44] done [02:44] QMario, this might help if your using cups >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetworkPrintingFromWin2000 [02:44] okay, ill try [02:44] I have a .bin file, how do I run it? ./name.bin ? sudo ./name.bin ? [02:44] brb === HKSDU [~anzilla@CPE000625de9d0e-CM400035832997.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] try putting in /usr/bin snybole, did it come with any libs? [02:44] Thank You. [02:45] its not showing up there rpj911 [02:45] Orbo: nope, it's something from sun, java I suppose :) j2eesdk-1_4-linux.bin is the name at least === mrowth [~memzoa@p508FC541.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === oferw [~oferw@DSL212-235-85-180.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] When I pop my warty cd into my laptop and boot, it gave me blank screen after booting for 3 seconds. I have read an article saying that I have to put noapic for kernel parameter, but he didn't mention the details, where do I put this command? [02:46] oh [02:46] sounds like it could be a shell-script installer [02:46] damn, i remember installing that a long time on a different distro [02:46] one with an embedded archive [02:47] is there a easy way to get muine installed === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-18-22.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] snybole now install java-package and then run "make-jpkg j2eesdk-1_4-linux.bin" to create a .deb which you can then install [02:48] ok that was the easy thing first, review how to mount things, also make sure yur USB have all necsry files installed [02:48] thanks alot :) [02:49] How do I use the same printer driver on my Windows server to the one on my Ubuntu server with my Windows client. [02:49] How do I use the same printer driver on my Windows server to the one on my Ubuntu server with my Windows client? === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.ipv6tb.net] has joined #ubuntu === xMaximex [~xmaximex@edgeforce.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] crimsun, that worked !!! thanks a lot [02:49] xMaximex: np === Doomgaze-MSU [~Doomgaze@femur.cse.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] one problem fixed [02:49] :) [02:49] xmss now [02:49] xmms [02:49] xMaximex: use the esound output plugin [02:50] that work [02:50] How do I use the same printer driver on my Windows server to the one on my Ubuntu server with my Windows client? === Kokey [~ubunturer@] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] crimsun, I already tried that without result .. but now that work [02:50] How do I use the same printer driver on my Windows server to the one on my Ubuntu server with my Windows client? === mrowth [~memzoa@p508FC541.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:50] Sorry [02:51] When I pop my warty cd into my laptop and boot, it gave me blank screen after booting for 3 seconds. I have read an article saying that I have to put noapic for kernel parameter, but he didn't mention the details, where do I put this command? === qeed [~qeed@adsl-18-57-30.mco.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["()"] [02:51] how can i mount a ntfs partition to permit normal user to acces it ? [02:52] HKSDU, before starting booting the kernel off the cd === aigarius [~aigarius@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:52] xMaximex, on your /etc/fstab add uid=1000;gid=1000 on the options part [02:52] when you see the bootscreen of the cd try to press F2 or F3 [02:53] T5: then what do I type? just noapic? === Hayden [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] xMaximex, : so it'll look like this /dev/hdb1 /media/setup auto user,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [02:53] ok [02:53] i try [02:54] HKSDU, dont know try to read the instruction that are given [02:54] T5: ic, thanks a lot, I have hope now :P [02:55] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda5, [02:55] missing codepage or other error [02:55] In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [02:55] dmesg | tail or so [02:55] /dev/hda5 /mnt/data ntfs uid=1000;gid=1000 0 0 [02:55] in fstab [02:56] /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,umask=0222 0 0 [02:56] try that [02:57] xMaximex, change it to /dev/hda5 /mnt/data ntfs user,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [02:57] I made a mistake on the line before.. it was not uid=1000;gid=1000 but uid=1000,gid=1000 === knewt [~jmb@zeus.pimb.org] has left #ubuntu [] === ben_d [~ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] cool [02:58] that works [02:59] xMaximex, which one did? [02:59] /dev/hda5 /mnt/data ntfs user,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [02:59] :D [02:59] nice. [02:59] I'm glad it worked. === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] Arg, i can't change the screen frequency ... only 60hz === dave_ [~dave@pc-24-151-13-039.newt1.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] hey folks, can anyone here help me get my ati radeon 9800 pro running dual monitors? === i58 [~i58@pcp01533679pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] it's currently cloning === syn1 [~phillip@h29.15.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu === Frank_Zappa [~heiza@ppp32-adsl-168.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === soshdin [~chatzilla@adsl-68-23-164-89.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] ok, i got my wireless connection working with ndiswrapper and in GNOME it works fine but drops the connection seemingly randomly and i cannot reestablish connection unless i reboot. ive been using KDE for the last 4 days and the wireless has not dropped once. any reason why? === alvariux [~alvariux@] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] hi [03:06] Woot woo hoo! [03:06] i just installed hoary but i dont find packages for starting xserver [03:06] anybody knows? [03:06] i install server version [03:06] when u do complete removal in synaptic... why dont it remove the .ownfolders in homedir? i dont want the config files laying there =) [03:06] because i dont want gnome [03:06] alvariux: you cant find it in the apt get? === Yannick_ [~chatzilla@toronto-HSE-ppp4000794.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] i install xerver-xorg [03:07] wich plugin do i need to install to get totem play .mpg, .wmv and .mpeg file ? [03:07] but x is not running [03:07] Where are the printer drivers located? [03:07] xMaximex, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646 check this. [03:08] anyone has an idea on when hoary will be released, wasn't it today april 15th? [03:08] QMario: in the cupsys* packages [03:08] can any of you help me set up my xorg.conf to have my dual monitor setup work in extended desktop mode, not clone? [03:08] libben do a dpkg --purge packagename [03:08] Xeon3D, thanks === jef_ [~jef@ip70-186-76-73.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === juan [~juan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] how do i switch to kde [03:08] Where can I download Windows printer drivers to? [03:09] jef_ did you install KDE? [03:09] jef_: kubuntu.org/faq.php [03:09] yeah [03:09] kubuntu sux [03:09] yep [03:09] =) [03:09] jef_: ctrl - alt - backspace [03:09] nay [03:09] anyone think they could give me a hand with the dual monitor stuff? [03:09] :P [03:09] jef_: click session, and select KDE [03:09] can't install totem-xine [03:09] wow ubuntu is catching up fast with gentoo...in the gentoo channel there are 900 and in ubuntu 446 [03:09] i did apt-get install kde [03:10] jef_: then you need to restart X === mathmatt [~mathmatt@pool-71-100-84-61.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] did [03:10] jef_: ctrl alt backspace [03:10] whiskers, we already beated(?) them in other areas... as easiness of use, installing time and distrowatch. [03:10] jef_: was KDE in the session list? [03:10] do i need to run the updates? === ^thehatsrule^ [~hatbot@tehats.0ffice.info] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] Xeon3D, yes...that is true. [03:11] jef_: update the repositories, then update [03:11] upgrade* [03:11] jef_: why does kubuntu suck? [03:12] Xeon3D, i think the reason they are still so popular is because of all the specialized gentoo apps and games [03:12] Of those 900 in #gentoo, over 750 are compile bots. [03:12] i installed kubuntu and its gnome with kde programs [03:12] cafuego, rotfl! :D [03:12] jef_: no it's not [03:12] whiskers, Gentoo has it's strong points as well.. [03:12] jef_: Actually, it's KDE. [03:12] no it's not === jams [~jams@adsl-69-210-119-102.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:12] heh [03:12] the desktop isgnome [03:12] jef_: when you log in you need to set the session to KDE [03:12] jef_: no its not [03:12] Xeon3D, but anyway the ubuntu audience is very very large and catching up with gentoo fast [03:12] Xeon3D: the word is "beat" [03:12] jef_: Only if you tell it to start GNome (via say .xsession) [03:12] how can I change the brown color when gnome is starting? at .bashrc ? thanks guyz [03:13] unless itdo i need to edit something? [03:13] Ycros, thanks. I'm not english\american.. that's why I sometimes make some stupid spelling errors. [03:13] :-P arg [03:13] juan: sudo gdmconfig - chosoe background [03:13] cafuego thanks ;) [03:13] jef_: you need to restart X and select the section session KDE at the login screen [03:13] Xeon3D: english is a stupid language. [03:13] Xeon3D, i am surprised there is not a greater audience for LinuxFromScratch...it is the most challenging [03:13] Ycros: agreed [03:13] Ycros: Inelegant, too. [03:13] runlevel is 3 [03:14] Where are the printer drivers located? [03:14] i dont have a login manager [03:14] i dont know why [03:14] I mean, which folder? [03:14] what are the [ackages for running x in hoary? [03:14] jef_: something is wrong [03:14] jef_: ubuntu doesn't care about login managers/runlevels. They get strted via init regardless. [03:14] alvariux: x-window-system [03:14] thanks cafuego === michael [~michael@82-43-188-94.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] I have a problem with an excessive startup time because "configuring network devices" takes a full two minutes. I suspect it is looking for a connection on eth0, which I only use ocasionally. (I usually use wifi) How do I edit the startup process and lower the timeout of searching for the network connectivity? Thanks to anyone sho can help! [03:15] are there any other desktops available thru apt-get, other than gnome and kde [03:15] By the way, I'm on Hoary [03:15] mathmatt: do you have ndiswrapper going === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] mathmatt: with your wifi [03:16] synl: hmm I dont know. === ibook_boy_ [~marco@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] mathmatt, ... erm.. under networking .. try disabling or unsetting the "DHCP" option. [03:16] for eth0 [03:16] mathmatt: mine does the same thing, im online with wifi as well [03:17] Xeon3D: thanks, I'll try that... [03:17] synl: It only started when I enabled ethernet one day [03:17] i've got this weird problem that links from thunderbird open in konquerer (even though i'm in gnome) and email links in firefox open in evolution. neither of these is my default client. what could be causing this? [03:18] mathmatt, and syn1 : it only takes that time cause it's trying to get an address from a DHCP Server. [03:18] Xeon3D: oh i see, thanks. [03:18] Xeon3D: that makes sense! [03:18] it does make sense === hybrid [~hybrid@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] i did notice it once i got my wifi working and stopped using eth0 [03:19] hello [03:19] i thought it had to do with my wifi instead [03:19] does anyone here use mpg123 === syn1 is now known as synd [03:19] much bbetter [03:19] hybrid, I've got it installed.. what's the problem? [03:20] are there any other desktops available thru apt-get, other than gnome and kde? [03:20] really need to get gnuboy and fakenes in synaptic for the public domain trailer roms [03:21] Xeon3D: how do i play an mp3? [03:21] hybrid, you cannot it is illegal === dizzie [~dizzie@port75.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] you can [03:21] synd: matchbox and flux [03:21] it may or may not be of questionable legality [03:22] whuskers: why is it illegal [03:22] whiskers: it's not illegal [03:22] whiskers^ [03:22] hybrid, well i am not a lawyer...but i thought mp3 was a commercial format [03:22] whiskers: no, it's not [03:22] <^thehatsrule^> lol! [03:22] hybrid, and they may require you to pay royalties [03:22] no === Krys^ [~sammy@tpasmb01dc1-162-25.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] and the chance of that happening is 0 [03:22] <^thehatsrule^> just use lame-mp3 then [03:22] Gone: It may or may not be questionable? [03:23] thats stuff like acc trak1 [03:23] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [03:23] What is a good program to use in ubuntu to watch DVD's? [03:23] I'm trying to install java, using ubuntuguide.org [03:23] <^thehatsrule^> xine? [03:23] drm kinda stuff [03:23] and gxine [03:23] Krys^, you cannot do that either === munki [~munki@port75.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] whiskers, yes, you can [03:23] Xeon3D: but how would i do that? [03:23] tritium, when did it become legal [03:23] you can't watch DVD's in ubuntu? [03:23] but when I write: sudo ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_01/bin/java /usr/bin/java this comes out: ln: "/usr/bin/java": File does not exist [03:23] whiskers, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [03:23] whiskers: It's legal in my country. [03:23] Krys^, they want you to pay royalties for those formats [03:24] Krys^: You can, but you must get the codecs for it [03:24] whiskers: they just had a mgm settle ment like that but now ppl want the same for dvds [03:24] Krys^: VLC [;auer [03:24] Krys^: VLC player [03:24] hybrid, well who knows what will happen === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] yea [03:24] Arnia, how do I get the codecs? [03:24] mp3 is open but patented ..., mp3 IS a commercial format ... [03:24] Krys^: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [03:24] snybole, Method 2 is the best: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] Xeon3D: but how do i play them? [03:25] hybrid, follow the instructions at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646 [03:25] why would it be a restricted format? [03:25] ok [03:25] thnx [03:25] Krys^, patents [03:25] hybrid, well first you have to pay royalties === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:25] hybrid, then they will send you the commercial codecs [03:26] mplayer and ffmpeg is down :-( [03:26] tritium, u can go to a store and buy a dvd.. [03:26] semi-down [03:26] whiskers if it is patented but open why would i need comercial codecs? [03:26] hybrid, at least this is my understanding [03:26] Krys^, yes, you sure can [03:26] hybrid, well i don't know [03:26] http://ubuntuguide.org/#dvdplayback [03:26] .. i dont get why you can't watch them, if you can buy them [03:27] whiskers: idk and idc i juss wanna hear kittie [03:27] :P [03:27] Krys^, because they restrict the formats === synd [~phillip@h29.15.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:27] Krys^, to only paying customers [03:27] I bought the DVD === marioch_ [~Mario@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] Krys^, the encryption method was proprietary. It was reverse-engineered [03:27] Krys^, that was the write format...now you have to buy the read format === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === panickedthumb [~travis@] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] css isn't patented it was just trade secret [03:28] anyone with experience using VESA to handle video for mplayer? [03:29] does anyone know what to do so you can close tabs in firefox with the middle button? [03:31] xophEr: it might be under about:config but my firefox won't display it for some reason === bvg [~bvg@c-67-190-58-185.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === scorpix_ [~scorpix@as17-1.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] Xeon3D: once i do that what do i do? [03:33] xophEr: try http://twanno.mozdev.org/ [03:33] xophEr: "Tab Clicking Options" it's a small extension that works well [03:35] restricted formats are like reading,writing, and arithmetic [03:35] first you pay for the dvd to get the write format, then you pay for the codec to get the read format, and the arithmetic is all the money they make === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.ipv6tb.net] has joined #ubuntu === EricNeon [~ericneon@] has joined #ubuntu === kdp [~kylepenne@resnet-47-22.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu === necromancer [~wesleyuse@ip70-178-82-57.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] hello [03:37] hi~ [03:38] what is the difference between 4.10 and 5.04? [03:38] 6 months of innovation [03:38] ;P [03:38] gnome2.10 and gnome2.8 [03:38] warty has gnome 2.8, hoary has 2.10. warty has xfree, hoary has xorg [03:38] lots of other updated apps [03:39] an updated kernel [03:39] how can i configure a refresh rate higher than 60 ? [03:39] ok [03:39] but its not a beta or anything of that sort... [03:39] when is hoary stable out? [03:39] well, it's not officially released yet [03:39] i heard it was today [03:39] Friday [03:39] friday [03:39] ok [03:39] got pushed back [03:39] xMaximex, u need to set the straight value for horizontal and vertical in ur /etc/X11/xorg.conf [03:39] this week? [03:39] and then restart x. [03:39] EricNeon, Friday [03:40] libben, okay [03:40] ok [03:40] thank you === necromancer [~wesleyuse@ip70-178-82-57.ma.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:40] damn...how many updates u think going to come (if u on hoary currently) once the final release is let [03:40] u know which values ur monitor has ? === Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-165-77.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === DarthFrog [~rob@S010600036df5148f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:41] i have a 21" dell crt. and i have 30-102 and 50-150 [03:41] on the values === socomm yawns. [03:42] anyone want to buy a ps2 :-P === i58 [~i58@pcp01533679pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:43] jef_ yes [03:43] I want to buy xbox360 [03:43] i want an xbox :-P [03:43] ;) [03:43] which ps2 do you have? [03:43] i have ps2, hdloader, 80 gig hard drive, net adapter, 2 controllers, mem card [03:43] old school or new thin model [03:43] 30003 [03:43] 1 [03:43] * [03:44] libben, these setting ? [03:44] i want to get xbox w/spider [03:44] HorizSync 28-49 [03:44] VertRefresh 43-72 [03:44] the new slim ps2s r no good :-P [03:44] I want a modded seXBox. [03:44] jef_: I have both [03:45] sony got scared [03:45] the ps2 has better games and is generally more reliable [03:45] school days, reading writing and arithmetic...is any of this fair? i don't know. === stub [~stub@203-206-239-200.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] X-Box is a better toy. [03:45] does more tricks [03:45] moddy xbox x2.3l 40gig 10 random games bunches of movies and anime [03:45] socomm, X-Box also uses restricted formats [03:45] PS2 may have a better library though. [03:45] xbox w/ spider mod [03:46] socomm, PS2 also uses restricted formats [03:46] solderless [03:46] whiskers: Huh? [03:46] it also has 6 usb and 2 hdd [03:46] PS3 will out at soon [03:46] PS3 will also use restricted formats [03:46] it will be unveiled next month === reddy [~reddy@67-51-2-107.dsl1.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] i love my xbox [03:46] its playing bleach right now [03:46] whiskers: Huh? [03:47] drkryu, well if you are willing to pay all the royalties it is none of my business [03:47] Bleach sucks. [03:47] socomm: Ignore him. [03:47] huh? [03:47] drkryu, it is up to you [03:47] what are u talking about whiskers [03:47] whiskers: Just buy a secondhand X-Box, mod it, and be done with it. [03:47] but I never buy japanese manufacture [03:47] EvilIdler: Didn't know he was a troll. [03:47] erm [03:47] drkryu, well we are talking about MP3, MPEG, DVDs, and game formats [03:47] This is an UBUNTU CHANNEL [03:47] then get one from mexico [03:47] not a PS2\XBOX [03:48] socomm: He's been spewing crap all day. === reddy [~reddy@67-51-2-107.dsl1.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:48] ok [03:48] EvilIdler: All right, good to know. [03:48] there's ONE thing I don't like from ubuntu !!! [03:48] socomm, well my understanding is that they made mods illegal === |caveman| [~biocorp@caveman.ipv6tb.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] I can't install mc !! [03:48] xbox mods are not illegal [03:48] socomm, so you can't even mod an Xbox [03:48] socomm, or a PS2 [03:48] and neither are ps2 mods [03:48] Can't, that's loser talk. [03:48] whiskers, drkryu if you wanna talk bout XBOX and modchips please use another # [03:48] theyre sposed to be illegal in britain er somethin, but i doubt thats goin down [03:48] sorry [03:48] xMaximex, use apt-get install midnight-commander [03:49] i didnt start the convo [03:49] Xeon3D, the focus is not on modchips it is on restricted formats === davix [~davix@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] PS2 is capable of running GNU/Linux, so is a modded X-Box. [03:49] help please, mayday. [03:49] restricted formats are restricted formats... [03:49] So this is not totally off-topic. [03:49] socomm, it's 99% offtopic [03:49] Xeon3D, doesn't work [03:49] i want to get the spider mod and see if it will support the evox bios and the use the spider mod to softmod xboxes if it werx [03:49] Hello i have a question about Dell Inspiron 1100 bios a31(hoary newest iso i386) everything installed fine except for the Video drivers(stuck at 600X480), i looked on wiki and saw a small fix but when i rewrote the xorg.conf and rebooted it failed to run X11(xorg.conf is now back to orginal install settings) and now im not too sure what to do, any ideas? [03:49] socomm, true but the Patriot Act and the DMCA prevent modding anything [03:49] I already tried [03:49] I got both, both are modded and I don't come here talking bout it.. [03:50] mc - Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager [03:50] whiskers, I don't think the Patriot Act does that [03:50] but that doesn't work [03:50] what's the error xMaximex [03:50] i've just switched my graphics card from nvidia geforce 2 to nvidia geforce FX5500, X server won't load claiming "no screens found" any idea? [03:50] tritium, well only time will tell [03:50] xMaximex whats the error message you get when you try to install mc? [03:50] Xeon3D, after a apt-get update it works [03:51] tritium, but historically speaking people throughout history have sought money or its equivalent [03:51] ..... [03:51] davix, you should sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [03:51] tritium, there are only a few free/open source materials and formats [03:51] drkryu, check this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21984 [03:52] and then what do I do tritium, I got stuck with the config, being clueless as I let the install do all the configs at first for me... === LordC [~lordc@cpc4-mfld3-4-0-cust215.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] whiskers: what are you smoking? I've been watching you give false information since you started talking about DVDs [03:52] xeon: thank you, i will read [03:52] XML Parsing Error: no element found [03:52] Location: jar:resource:///chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/mozapps/update/updates.xml [03:52] Line Number 1, Column 1: [03:52] astro76, well i don't see how you can declare it false....debatable perhaps [03:52] drkryu, np [03:52] davix, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm and see if it worked, If not, inspect /var/log/Xorg.0.log [03:52] Read or die. [03:52] im getting this on a site... and ive installed java and flash.. [03:52] why is it not working.. [03:53] flash is working ... and the java console spits out that mess === skreet [~skreet@c-24-147-73-168.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] libben, problem with the *site*? === Misogynist [~jeff@ool-4571c9ee.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === allio [~omfg@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] libben, that's mostly a site problem I think. [03:53] whiskers, what are you referring to? === youpi_ [~youpi@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] i cant get logged onto it ... www.shockplay.com === LeeJunFan [junfan@64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] libben, I think Xeon3D is correct [03:53] tritium, restricted formats and encrytion techniques [03:53] its a site where u can play for 20 mins of free every 24/7 [03:53] hi can we use .deb package to install with ubuntu [03:53] ? [03:53] yep [03:54] just download it and type sudo dpkg -i file.deb === canllaith [~canllaith@jhall.developer.kde] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] youpi_, that's the package format ubuntu uses. Though, you really should use ubuntu native packages, and not debian packages [03:54] anyone have trouble installing limewire? [03:54] roo_, Xeon3D or tritium .. can u get logged on to the site ? without it bitching about plugin ? www.shockplay.com u can play some games multiplayer against others.. its real fun. [03:54] youpi_, using ubuntu packages keeps your package tree nice and clean. === jblack [~jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-87-17.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] youpi_, where did you get the .deb you wish to install? [03:55] restricted formats, and encryption schemes thread on my first ammendment rights. [03:55] libben, I don't have mozilla-flashplayer installed [03:55] socomm, that is why i said this stuff is debatable [03:55] libben, missing plugin. im guessing it uses macromedia shockwave, there is no support for shockwave in linux. === mmuzzy [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] Xeon: Unfortunatly thats not my problem,http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsDell/view?searchterm=dell%20inspiron%201100 explains what to do, but when doing this "fix" it wont let me run X11 because it isnt using valid keywords or somthing [03:55] tritium, roo_ from here http://packages.debian.org/stable/x11/enlightenment [03:56] roo_, do you have mozilla-flashplayer installed? [03:56] the x86 arch === Ooze [foobar@pcp03455377pcs.csouth01.va.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:56] Xeon: so it puts me back at square one [03:56] Hey. Has anybody had a problem with random acpi events filling up their syslog? [03:56] youpi_, install the ubuntu enlightenment .deb packages intead [03:56] instead [03:56] tritium, yep, i have moz-flashplayer installed [03:56] youpi_, yeah like tritium says use the ones in the Ubuntu tree? [03:57] there is enlightenment in ubuntu tree? [03:57] yes === jef_ [~jef@ip70-186-76-73.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] anyone here was able to use NVU from an ALIENed RPM ? I get segfaults whatever I do [03:57] youpi_, u didnt check Synaptic first?!? [03:57] how i check it? apt searhc enlightenment? [03:57] youpi_, it's in universe [03:57] yay im in kde [03:57] thx for the help [03:57] youpi_, apt-cache search enlightenment [03:58] ok [03:58] youpi_, and apt-cache policy enlightenment shows that it's in hoary universe repo === b_ [~b@cpe-24-90-47-224.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] and after apt-get install name ? [03:58] Hi there :) I'm writing an article and I need to know if a particular option is enabled in the kernel of the major distros by default (It's so much easier if I can just say 'If you use mandrake/suse/fedora/ubuntu, this will JustWork') [03:58] roo_, ? dident know there was 2 diffrent thing =) [03:58] youpi_, yep [03:58] libben, now you do :) [03:58] Does ubunto have a /boot/config-foo file like many other distros do? [03:58] thank you a lot tritium [03:58] allways taught it was just flash =) [03:58] :)) [03:58] libben, shockwave != flash [03:58] youpi_, sure :) [03:58] its noT ? [03:58] man =) === phxguy [~phxguy@ip24-251-194-72.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === Levander [~levander@user-1121d8v.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] im actaully LOL here.... oooh boy.. well... everyday is something new to discover === jef_ [~jef@ip70-186-76-73.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] can i remove the gnome bittorrent and just intall azeruz? [03:59] cause it want to take som deps with it if i remove it [03:59] libben, yes, and no need to remove gnome bittorrent [03:59] I think [03:59] bout time a good distro fits on one cd [04:00] .... no one can help?... === rnz [~rnz@rnz.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] Nekohayo, well why would i want it left on my system when im gonna use azeruz [04:00] libben, it will only remove ubuntu-desktop, which is metapackage. [04:00] libben, dunno, hang it to the wall ;) [04:00] yeah... ubuntu-desktop is just to update the menu with it removed? [04:01] if i understood it right? === canllaith [~canllaith@jhall.developer.kde] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [04:01] does anyone else know of a fix for dell inspiron 1100, bios a31, to run proper resolutions [04:02] http://www.google.com/linux [04:02] ^ use it, then ask. [04:02] <- [04:02] why are the ubuntu-guide for horay saying ~/opt/azeruz ? what is opt short for? [04:02] who me? [04:02] <- [04:03] drkryu, have u setted xorg.conf with right values for horizontal and vertical values for ur monitor specs ? [04:03] we should put ESR's "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" [http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html] in the topic. [04:03] yup [04:03] socomm, right? [04:03] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsDell/view?searchterm=dell%20inspiron%201100 [04:03] i followed that === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] and still it didnt work [04:03] libben, http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/ [04:03] bye [04:03] roo_: Dunno, this isn't my channel. [04:04] If I select "no screen saver" then Screen Lock do not work anymore. Is this a bug? [04:04] socomm, nor mine. === hunter [~hunter@adsl-68-90-194-238.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === jef_ [~jef@ip70-186-76-73.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] what should i do to install fglrx driver after the apt-get [04:04] rnz: No. [04:05] jef_: insmod? [04:05] linnen, any other ideas? [04:05] socomm, modprobe is better :D [04:05] opps [04:05] Libben* [04:05] jef_, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [04:05] i shouldnt fglrxconfig and replace xorg.conf? === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ta'] [04:06] i just installed ubuntu about 5 mins ago what do i have to do to install the latest nvidia drivers [04:06] hunter, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto === Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-010tnnashP0380.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] is there something better than vnc to use on a 100mbit-hubbed network for full-screen 1280x1024 smooth remote control? [04:06] Wow, #ubuntu == spoon feeding. === Jas0n [~Jas0n@81-178-98-191.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #Ubuntu [04:07] Socomm, lol [04:07] drkryu, ? [04:07] just downloaded the iso and my computer is so old it wont boot from cdrom [04:07] hi.. anybody knows a app or xmms plugin to make a shoutcast server? [04:07] anyway to bypass this? [04:07] Libben, nevermind [04:07] Libben, thanks though [04:07] Jas0n: Boot floppy? [04:07] how i make one? [04:07] fsapo, apt-cache search shoutcast to look for one [04:07] Jas0n, that is not a problem...go get freedos [04:08] Jas0n: you probably don't wnat to put ubuntu on it then [04:08] hoary comes with only one gnome theme ? [04:08] Jas0n, it has a cdrom driver [04:08] drkryu, u got it working ? [04:08] Jas0n: at least not a full install with gnome [04:08] wow more simple than i was thinking [04:08] upgrade the bios... [04:08] well i can boot with a 98 boot disk to access the cd rom === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-87-17.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] xMaximex, gnome-themes [04:08] tritium, nothing found :( [04:08] i just wondered if there was an exe or something i cud execute === son [~zamnedix@clbb-248.saw.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] hallo [04:09] Jas0n, yes if you paid for Win98 like I had to do [04:09] fsapo, do you not have universe and multiverse enabled? [04:09] Libben, Oh no its not working the way i want it too [04:09] tritium, yes i do [04:09] fsapo, Hoary? [04:09] i still dont know what a kernel is but i dont care [04:09] Jas0n, but if you did not...there is always freedos [04:09] libben, its still stuck in 640X480 [04:09] I want to get rid of some KDE apps (such as kate, kwrite, kprint, etc etc) since I have installed KDE only for its libs (to get amarok running under gnome). This would remove kdebase, is that safe? [04:09] tritium, yes === spanglesontoast [~edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === dave_ [~dave@pc-24-151-13-039.newt1.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] i still dont know what a kernel is but i dont care [04:10] tritium, already searched google too... didnt find anything :( [04:10] the main part of the machine [04:10] is this a song [04:10] son, kernel = brains of an os [04:10] how do i set ata for my ide hdd? [04:10] fsapo, if you have Hoary universe and multiverse, then you can search shoutcast and find several, including shoutcast-server and darkice [04:10] hdparm? [04:10] Nekohayo: yes that's safe, kdebase is only a meta-package [04:10] Nekohayo, it's better if yo just removed them thru dpkg. [04:10] icecast-server, rather, fsapo [04:10] any thoughts, VNC doesn't feel very fast... i'm looking for something more like RDP for windows (as in responsiveness) [04:10] everything else is put onto to interface with the kernel [04:10] zenrox, troll, kindly ignore :) [04:10] roo_, yes sir [04:10] Xeon3D, but they would get back in when kdebase would get upgraded wouldn't they? [04:11] tritium, found this http://www.shoutcast.com/download/files.phtml [04:11] true. [04:11] tritium, i ll try it out [04:11] fsapo, no, use the ubuntu package intsead [04:11] thanks for the tip ;) [04:11] drkryu, have u changed the values ? what values do u use now ? === spanglesontoast wonders why it's so annoying to install a downloaded package [04:11] Dreamer3, try tsclient [04:11] Libben, i changed the values 31.5-48.5, 59.0-75.0 [04:11] cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Horiz [04:12] zenrox: that's what i'm using, wondering if there is any way to make vnc "better" [04:12] what does it say when u type that in console ? [04:12] zenrox: it seems sluggist [04:12] whats a command line txt editor ? [04:12] for ubuntu [04:12] libben. one sec [04:12] tsclient ant vnc === spanglesontoast wishes he could just double click on a package and it would ask him for pass then install [04:13] it actuly uses the win RDP and others aswell [04:13] jef_: there's ed and ex. === dracflamloc [~dracflaml@nat72.vnet.wnec.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] jef_, vi and nano as well [04:13] Libben, option "horizscrolldelta" "0" [04:13] ohoh, i thought you meant a line editor. [04:13] hehe [04:13] did u type it right ? [04:13] yup [04:13] lol === tkiesel [~tkiesel@host105-97.discord.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep HorizSync [04:14] Libben, i give up [04:14] noo [04:14] =) [04:14] dont give up [04:14] Libben, im gonna write my own drivers [04:15] ur on ubuntu Horady ? [04:15] yup [04:15] horay === sbibayoff [~evonski@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] how do i install point 2 play on ubuntu [04:15] this is the only distro i have had this much trouble with [04:15] www.pastebin.com and paste the whole xorg.conf and give me the url [04:15] on the command line when i am using mpg123 what argument plays an mp3? [04:15] what's flashplayer-mozilla now called? [04:15] spanglesontoast, exactly that [04:15] mozilla-flashplayer [04:16] ok [04:16] here is a question you're not asked every day [04:16] spanglesontoast, my bad === n4cht [~n4cht@pcp0011329456pcs.elictc01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] how do i install point2play??? [04:16] hmmm [04:16] i want to run gimp on my laptop and export the app (via X client/server stuff) to my desktop [04:16] gimp=gaim [04:16] still not there [04:16] Dreamer3, ssh with X forwarding. go go google! [04:16] spanglesontoast, it's in universe [04:16] Libben, thanks for you time [04:16] universe? [04:16] bye all [04:16] argh, multiverse, spanglesontoast [04:16] Dreamer3, its trivial, <1min to set up. [04:16] spanglesontoast, apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla and u need multiverse [04:17] where that? [04:17] roo_: no 3 step quick how to? :) [04:17] oh [04:17] how I get that? [04:17] drkryu, have u made the www.pastebin.com yet? [04:17] Dreamer3, nope. googling is a valuable skills. :) [04:17] roo_: i know how to goggle, just feeling lazy [04:17] no [04:17] drkryu, continu, i think i have the same problem :) [04:17] tritium, i wonder how long restricted formats and encryption techologies will be debated...because this argument is what keeps both linux and microsoft going [04:17] Dreamer3, well, so am i ;) [04:17] ur gonna ? [04:17] prob not [04:17] lol [04:17] roo_: will it work with ubuntu eaisly by default, no security settings to change? [04:17] do it [04:17] I can't configure the refresh rate higher than 60 [04:17] give me a link libben [04:17] hold on [04:17] whats the command to install point 2 play i dled off www.transgaming.net its a .tgz file how to i download it [04:18] err install ity === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] spanglesontoast, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#repositories === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@dataw0lf.org] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] http://ubuntuguide.org/temp [04:18] hunter theres a .deb on there too [04:18] ty tri [04:18] take tritium's instead [04:18] Dreamer3, pretty much. altho if u've never used ssh (and "openssh-server") you should read up on it. === snybole [~snybole@h6n3fls306o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === spiderworm [~spiderwor@ip68-3-31-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] roo_: i use ssh every day :) [04:18] roo_: though my ubuntu doesn't seem to have it yet... :-/ [04:18] Dreamer3: Just use "--display" option to gaim [04:18] drkryu, gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and paste it into www.pastebin.com and give the url here when u have done it [04:18] milli: i have to use a special option? [04:19] hunter, what do you want to do ? [04:19] for the love of god, why can't nvidia-glx updates come at the same time of the xorg, or even AFTER xorg, rather than before? i'm getting so damn sick of updating nvidia-glx and then NOT being able to use it for a day or two until xorg gets updated. [04:19] ok [04:19] whiskers, yeah [04:19] hold on [04:19] If you don't care to do the ssh tunneling bit [04:19] i.e, the laptop and desktop are inside the same network === scottj [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu === jblack [~jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:20] tritium, can u try it out for me please? [04:20] done :) [04:20] fsapo, try what? [04:20] [04:20] the shoutcast :) [04:20] open with xmms :) === ruelamour [~ruelamour@fl-204-215-46-241.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === tkiesel [~tkiesel@host105-97.discord.birch.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:20] fsapo, if you wish. So you decided not to install the ubuntu icecast-server package? === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] I just did this in my /home/libben sudo tar jxvf Azureus_2.2.0.2_linux.GTK.tar.bz2 -C /opt/ [04:21] but i cant find the folder in my home folder [04:21] wont see it with ls -a even [04:21] did not find it with locate and find [04:21] tritium, didnt find it here [04:21] tritium, i ll search for it again [04:21] mmm [04:21] fsapo, someting is wrong with your setup then [04:21] great apt-get is moaning about gpg keys.......... [04:21] cannot open display unset [04:21] xMaximex, i want to put point2play on my computer so i can run windows based games [04:22] tritium, lol.. icecast found :D [04:22] downloaded the odin img file, now what? just put it onto the floppy? [04:22] tritium, installing :D [04:22] spanglesontoast, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary/ [04:22] fsapo, good [04:22] can't open display [04:22] hmm.. with apt, does everything stay in /var/cache/apt/archives until it's deleted manually? [04:22] hyphenated, you can use apt-get clean === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] ty [04:22] roo_: the simplest examples i've found don't work out of the box [04:22] np [04:23] roo_: they don't seem to know what screen to attach to or something [04:23] hunter, point2play ?? what is that ? i know cedega (WineX) to play windows based games, but not point2play === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] xMaximex, its the same thing its just a application that runs cedega === xf_ [~i@ppp250-64.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === Frank_Zappa [~heiza@ppp32-adsl-168.ath.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Hatzime] [04:23] okay, so you have to pay for cegeda ? [04:23] hi, trying to install ubuntu onto a dell poweredge 750 server; it isn't detecting the cd-rom drive. any clues? [04:23] yea [04:24] did not find it with locate and find [04:24] tritium: well.. can I copy /var/cache/apt/archive/* to another machine (along with /etc/apt/sources.list) and save me redownloading them all? [04:24] Dreamer3, which is the host? (the one with gaim on it) [04:24] I just did this in my /home/libben sudo tar jxvf Azureus_2.2.0.2_linux.GTK.tar.bz2 -C /opt/ and i cant see the /opt/ folder [04:24] hyphenated, yes [04:24] where did it goo? === caleb_ [~caleb@ip68-111-108-236.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] tritium: awesome, thanks === LordC [~lordc@cpc4-mfld3-4-0-cust215.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] is there a GMT time when hoary final will be released ? or is it random today ? [04:24] cause i did it in my /home/libben/ === youpi_ [~youpi@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:24] roo_: my laptop, [04:24] Dreamer3: On the desktop, allow remote connections and also allow remote apps to show up... "xhost +" from a shell... [04:25] drkryu, ??? where is the xorg.conf ? === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust5507.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] libben, ls /home/libben/ [04:25] xMaximex, /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:25] Xeon3D, doh =) allready did =) and its not there.... [04:25] anyone played .wma files in rhythmbox? the RestrictedFormats page has Windows Media Audio under #6 but doesn't say how to get it working, it's also listed under section 9 in the summary. any ideas? === elale [~ale@168-226-168-110.speedy.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] libben, ls ~ [04:25] tritium, lol i know, but he's supposed to paste it in pastbin.com :) [04:25] Dreamer3, ok so on the desktop install and start sshd [04:25] xMaximex, heh, sorry ;) [04:25] xMaximex, the last i heard cedega was a restricted program to only paying customers [04:25] roo_: done... now i need to xhost + [04:26] Xeon3D, i was following this http://ubuntuguide.org/temp/#azureus [04:26] nobody? [04:26] whiskers, yea i know, that's pretty shitty [04:26] xMaximex, ive had ubuntu for like 20 mins now and im tryin to install cedega [04:26] ive typed all 3 command lines.. [04:26] whiskers, there's a free version of WineX on CVS [04:26] and i cant find that damn folder =) [04:26] xMaximex, well it all depends on which side of the debate you stand on [04:26] Dreamer3, on desktop "ssh -X /usr/bin/gaim" [04:26] sure cedega was on cvs too [04:26] roo_: oh === caleb_ [~caleb@ip68-111-108-236.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:26] just no p2p [04:26] but that doesn't support all games i guess === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] roo_: i think i got things backwards === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:27] Dreamer3, i thought so. :roll: [04:27] hunter, did you pay ? [04:27] i have an account and i have p2p downloaded to my desktop but i dont know how to install it cause ive had ubuntu for a grand total of 30 mins === ibook_boy_ [~marco@] has joined #ubuntu === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-88-222.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] roo_: WOW [04:27] still cannot get these keys [04:27] Dreamer3, working? [04:27] roo_: yep :) [04:27] roo_: this is so cool [04:27] hunter, you could just bring it up [04:27] hunter, ok, what is the file format ? [04:27] roo_: the posibilities are endless [04:27] .tgz [04:28] when I try to install mplayer on hoary it says it needs newer versions of libfontconfig1 and libvorbis0a than are available. anyone had this problem? [04:28] Dreamer3, heh, yep, old trick thats been around for years and years. [04:28] get the .deb one [04:28] hunter, first tar xvzf file.tgz [04:28] xMaximex, so in summary...yes shitty as you say for some but not for the megacorporations [04:28] Dreamer3: roo_'s way is safer anyway [04:28] roo_: yeah, i know just never had an occasion to use it before [04:28] xMaximex, that own all the lawyers === woodwizzle [~corey@user-0c6t0t8.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] milli, Dreamer3, power to the ssh! i saw if in doubt, encrypt. [04:28] roo_: it feels TERRIBLY fast, this is all over encrypted ssh? [04:28] whiskers, yes, but it's shitty for us that pay for a game, and we must pay again to play it on linux [04:29] whiskers, this issue seems very important to you [04:29] Dreamer3, yeah. [04:29] xMaximex, yes it is shitty for the consumer but not the producer [04:29] of course === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-67-168-9-215.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:29] Remote Desktop is way cool too. === zbowling [~zbowling@adsl-68-95-190-222.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] erm, ok, now how do I activate the Geforce? Fx5500 TV OUT exit? [04:30] i came over from slackware 10 so i have no idea how to work ubuntu is there some command i have to type in the console in order to run it?? [04:30] Xeon3D, any idea? [04:30] hunter, did you extract the file ? [04:30] davix, read /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.gz -- it has all the details === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] cause i cant understand where it went === spanglesontoast has never used debian === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.ipv6tb.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] tnx alot tritium, youve been tons of help === spanglesontoast but loves it [04:30] davix, :) [04:30] xMaximex, just did to the desktop now what? [04:30] sudo tar jxvf Azureus_2.2.0.2_linux.GTK.tar.bz2 -C /opt/ [04:31] davix, I have an xorg.conf you can see if you like [04:31] hunter, cat README? or cat INSTALL [04:31] sudo chown -R root:root /opt/azureus/ [04:32] roo_: i just can't get over this [04:32] dosnt have either that i can see [04:32] Dreamer3, lol, think of useful things to do, u'll have years of fun :) === cafuego [~cafuego@macchiato.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] how do I control which audio is the main one for my system? [04:32] tritium, is it same for all cards? [04:32] Dreamer3, even BETTER, write a doc on the Wiki about how to set it up :D [04:32] roo_: now, if i choose open file, it'll act on REMOTE files though, right? [04:32] paste me in query the content of the directory [04:32] id like to take a look, tnx tritium [04:33] anyone ? [04:33] hunter is there a something.sh in there [04:33] davix, more or less [04:33] roo_: too bad it can't access local stuff [04:33] lol [04:33] Im so fucking tired [04:33] LOL === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] ussualy binaries like that have a .bin or .sh to run [04:33] man.. how could i not get the command =) /opt/ hehehe [04:33] davix, okay, actually, I have an old XF86Config-4 with TV-out, but the syntax is identical to what goes in your xorg.conf [04:34] roo_: can you do this without SSH? [04:34] Dreamer3, yeah, lots of ways of doing it. [04:34] can you dcc it to me tritium ? [04:34] you see at the core of this all is the central disagreement between consumers who don't want to be shafted and megacorporation producers who want to maximize profits [04:34] Dreamer3, none more secure tho. [04:34] so I have .wma working w/ totem, is there anyway to get it working with rhythmbox? [04:34] roo_: well i'm already thinking of "weak" clients and strong servers... [04:34] how do i control my audio more than the mixer [04:34] Dreamer3, thin clients? [04:34] xMaximex, found a file that shows sh on it [04:34] roo_: seems the SSH enctryption would slow things down though [04:35] roo_: yes, i know that phrase, just tire d:) [04:35] hunter, then run : sh file.sh [04:35] Dreamer3, VNC is the way to implement thin client architectures properly. [04:35] ssh -C ! === bitsmash [~bitsmash@CPE0080c8c208e3-CM000a739a3c57.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] hi [04:35] roo_: is that right? === spanglesontoast no one is listening to him [04:35] is there a good gnome program for loading ssh keys into memory? [04:35] can someone tell me h ow to install java jre for java in web browsers [04:35] roo_, not necessarily [04:36] roo_: it's not very usable to get to my laptop unless i'm missing a LOT... uses a lot of CPU === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] bitsmash, Method 2: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java [04:36] i dont suppose anyone here knows how to set file ermissions on an ext3 partition so a user can access.edit them, do they? [04:36] should they not just make an apt-get install for it? [04:36] No, Sun won't let them [04:36] roo_: of course i'm using gnome's built in vnc [04:36] roo_: that may be the problem [04:37] roo_: so you're not in favor of LTSP (which uses remote X if i'm not mistaken?) [04:37] ive seen some very impressive, commercially used vnc implementations over X. [04:37] ive read through the man for fstab and mount, and it doesnt mention anything about it. [04:37] bitsmash, Sun's java licensing is too restrictive for that [04:37] is it possible? [04:37] Will someone plz tell me how I can control my audio more? [04:37] what do you mean by more? [04:37] roo_: you mean X over vns, not vnc over x [04:37] michael, see here: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ [04:38] spamg;espmtpast what do you mean [04:38] cheers mate. [04:38] Dreamer3, yup [04:38] well [04:38] lol whoops [04:38] Dreamer3, its 3:40am here %( [04:38] I want to control which one is used for the main sounds === digitalfox [~urbanfox@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] of gnome [04:38] what's the trick with /proc/cpufreq? I change userspace to performance but as soon as I leave the file it's replaced === cafuego [~cafuego@macchiato.cc.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [04:38] roo_: so like the clients would have a framebuffer or svga vnc client, not even X, or more complicated? [04:38] which one what spanglesontoast [04:38] hey, how do I get the sources for 2.6.10-5-386 ? === Parallax__ [~Pbl@158.red-213-231-95.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Dreamer3, ive seen some extremely thin clients, not quite a fb, but close. [04:39] huh well I have 2 cards [04:39] I need to compile an external kernel module [04:39] oh [04:39] g2.10 [04:39] digitalfox, apt-get linux-source-2.6.10-5-386 [04:39] roo_: so they were using X still on the client? [04:39] digitalfox, apt-get install, that is [04:39] I'm having an off-night! [04:39] (it'd be linux-source-2.6.10) [04:39] quite an off night! [04:40] (or linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386) [04:40] im soo confused on where to go to run it [04:40] thanks, crimsun :) [04:40] np :) [04:40] ? [04:40] roo_: wish i had more time to learn about such things [04:40] Dreamer3, in one example i saw, yeah. [04:40] Dreamer3, what do u do for a living? [04:40] "E invalid operation linux-source-2.6.10-5-386" [04:40] digitalfox, are you building a kernel module? [04:41] Yes, tritium [04:41] digitalfox, I told you wrong [04:41] for a wireless card [04:41] ... [04:41] see crimsun's correction above [04:41] roo_: web design, systems admin, pc repairs, etc, etc... === digitalfox knows nothing about debian and is helping someone who knows even less [04:41] sorry spanglesontoast, no idea mate. hope you find the answer your looking for! === Skiatookian [~Matt@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] You actually only need linux-headers, digitalfox [04:41] wow the bionic eye discussion on slashdot is interesting...how can people know which pathways of the brain are mapped to which signals [04:41] somebody could test my radio for me? thanx [04:41] ok. === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] digitalfox: have you ensured that your wifi nic isn't supported directly or via ndiswrapper? [04:41] xMaximex, ok i extracted the files into a folder and there was 1 sh file on it what exactuly do i type in the console to run it [04:42] same errors [04:42] for linux-headers? [04:42] crimsun, It's not my NIC [04:42] apt-get linux-headers-2.6.10 didn't work === Skiatookian [~Matt@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:42] digitalfox: regardless, have you checked for those two conditions? [04:42] digitalfox, in that case, you do need the full version number [04:43] hunter, i already told you, type: sh yourfilename.sh [04:43] is there a gui for apt-get and it runs off the same sources so i can type apt-get install packagehere [04:43] spanglesontoast, yes, synaptic. [04:43] maybe he needs sudo [04:43] roo_: i'm trying to think of other practical applications [04:43] spanglesontoast, are you using Hoary? If so, it's under System->Administration [04:43] tritium, couldnt quite get it right, can you hint me what are the most important things to import to my xorg? [04:44] ya I know about synaptic [04:44] but I can't get all the same packages [04:44] crimsun: noapic didn't have any effect, do you suggest trying nolapic and combos of each? [04:44] Dreamer3, i find it handy more than anything, altho im not reliant on X anyway [04:44] spanglesontoast, it uses the same /etc/apt/sources.list [04:44] roo_: i use X for everyday work on the desktop, so i guess i'm reliant on it :) [04:44] ah ok [04:44] you know I wasted 25 on a fedora core 3 bible [04:44] ...... [04:44] davix, yes, starting from the "Option "TwinView" "True"" line === milli [~milli@phantom.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] thanks guys! [04:45] forgot to tell me to put "install" in there :p [04:45] glad I downloaded this distro [04:45] j/k I should know what I'm doing before using a distro anywya ^^ [04:45] can you repost me the link :( lost it [04:45] right on, spanglesontoast :) [04:45] I now have surround sound [04:45] davix, http://www.pastebin.com/267708 [04:45] brb [04:45] Ubuntu is great, I'd use it on my main laptop but I'm too lazy to reformat [04:45] and my bass and centre work [04:46] Dreamer3, off to bed, tmo :) [04:46] Hello... I tried to mount a USB device (its worked before) and the following message came up.. mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only [04:46] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0, [04:46] or too many mounted file systems === kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] as soon as i've sorted cedega out [04:46] Whats up? [04:46] bye bye windows === xMaximex [~xmaximex@edgeforce.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] good evening all :) [04:46] jesus lots of packages to update 93 === Zotnix pokes Digis [04:46] Oops === Zotnix pokes digitalfox [04:47] Dreamer3: what about pci=noacpi? [04:47] Zotnix, you're a multi-poker === spanglesontoast hits Zotnix with a large webcam that he will use in vmware. [04:47] ok it didnt work i typed in this root@Hunter:/home/hunter/Desktop/P2P/usr/bin # sh Point2Play and it showed this Point2Play: line 27: /usr/lib/transgaming_point2play/bin/python: No such file or directory [04:47] yes Zotnix? [04:47] oh hi :) [04:47] crimsun: ok, i'll try that === danko123456 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-176-226.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === danko123456 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-176-226.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:47] marska, sounds like you misspelled something in your mount command [04:48] why did you make hunter try and compile it from source === drkryu [~SwiftyX@adsl-68-251-146-10.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:48] why not tell him to install the .deb package [04:48] I installed gnome-themes .. where can i change the theme ? [04:48] system [04:48] hunter, sudo apt-get install python === Xeiliex [~Winter@cpe-66-66-194-62.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] pref [04:48] theme === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] oops hehe didn't see === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === akk [~akkana@adsl-69-105-235-1.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === digitalfox [~urbanfox@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:50] isn't ubuntu quite similar to debian? [04:50] :( damn something is blocking my port... how can i open the port 8000 here? [04:50] spanglesontoast, very much so [04:50] so I can use most .deb packages [04:50] i m using pppoe [04:50] fsapo, your router, probably? === TSWoodV [~woodt@] has joined #ubuntu === CB [~CB@AC8C0574.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] hi [04:50] spanglesontoast, well in a way...but debian used to come with 8 cds and ubuntu comes with 1 [04:50] tritium, i dont think so [04:50] spanglesontoast, it would be better to use ubuntu .deb packages exclusively, if you can === TSWoodV [~woodt@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:50] can someone tell me how to install RPMs properly in ubuntu? [04:50] spanglesontoast, but lots of stuff is online [04:50] tritium, i used to open servers using windowsXP [04:51] ah kool === TSWoodV [~woodt@] has joined #ubuntu === mario__ [~mario@CPE0000393a283c-CM014320002378.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] can I use it on a p3 machine? [04:51] fsapo, are you behind a router, though? You might check port-forwarding on that port [04:51] spanglesontoast, sure :) === mepisman [~mepisman@CPE-144-137-29-181.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] tritium, how do i do it? [04:51] not sure if the graphics is supported thou [04:51] fsapo, that depends on which router you have. [04:52] spanglesontoast, it probably is === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] is there any msn client with webcam support for Linux ? [04:52] can someone tell me how to install RPMs properly in ubuntu? [04:52] tritium, if I have opened up to Universe to get a few things like adobie, can I make my package scope back down to just ubuntu? Thanks [04:52] CB: check out alien [04:52] tritium, but how do i check my config here? i dont know if i enabled firewall or something like it [04:52] Xeon3D, amsn [04:52] ?? [04:52] hmm [04:52] it's an ati mach64 [04:52] pci [04:52] HillTop, comment out the line where you included universe (unless you added it to the end of your main and restricted line) [04:52] zendog, amsn to my knowledge doesn't support webcams :P [04:53] lol === panickedthumb [~travis@] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] hehe, np [04:53] HillTop, then, do an update with your package manager of choice [04:53] tritium, Then my upgrading to Hoary will run fine, cool. [04:53] you think that will run? === allio is now known as allio`afk [04:53] Xeon3D, gaim sonthing has it but its flakly at best [04:53] whiskers: No. I typed it correctly. [04:53] HillTop, your upgrade to Hoary will work, even if you have universe === Liz [~Liz@fixed-203-87-27-63.nsw.chariot.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === chavo [~chavo@234.sub-70-213-113.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu === yongjian [~yongjian@c-67-177-236-7.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] marska, ok what does dmesg say is it still using /dev/sr) [04:54] sr0 === jeavis [~jeavis@] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] spanglesontoast, im not even sure what it is im doing i really need like a step by step guide on how to install cedega === LiberalTugboat [~LiberalTu@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] spanglesontoast, I do, but I have seem some strange "banding" with that video card [04:54] what UML I can use in ubuntu? [04:54] hey hey hey [04:54] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 2x/24x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray [04:54] banding? [04:55] marska, ok and you have a cd in it and you typed mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/usbcdrom [04:55] Jas0n asked about booting from a floppy, - look up Smart BootManager here: http://btmgr.webframe.org/ too bad he has left Is there a way to memo him? [04:55] Error message in dmesg: attempt to access beyond end of device [04:55] sr0: rw=0, want=68, limit=4 [04:55] isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=sr0, iso_blknum=16, block=16 [04:55] Whiskers: Yes [04:55] marska, are all characters lower case === Parallax__ [~Pbl@158.red-213-231-95.user.auna.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:56] spanglesontoast, just a strange effect on the display. You may or may not experience it. [04:56] ah [04:56] but you use that card? [04:56] can i start a whole remote-session via something like ssh -X /usr/bin/gnome-session? [04:56] spanglesontoast, no, but my mother does, and her Warty install had that banding effect === classicx [~classicx@gb.jb.74.146.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] hmmm === sophie_msumu [~sophie@93.169.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] I'll let you know mate if it does [04:57] spanglesontoast, good luck :) [04:57] it has a onboard one which is agp [04:57] whiskers: In my command? [04:57] i d like to load enlightenment [04:57] but that didn't like x on fedora either [04:57] Whiskers: yes [04:57] i installed but it s not in my list [04:57] sophie_msumu, that's in Hoary universe [04:57] marska, ok forget the mount...there is a more basic problem === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] what UML I can use in ubuntu? [04:58] marska, try unplugging the usb and plugging in again and read dmesg again === infie [~lllll@218-215-5-40.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-67-177-236-7.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] Tritoch|L, i installed but i don't see it [04:58] jeavis: apt-cache search unified model [04:59] smb.conf (and the gui administration) lists my workgroup as WORKGROUP, but it shows as MSHOME on a smbclient -L [this box name] [04:59] marska, you need to get a clear message from dmesg before bothering with mount [04:59] tritium, i installed but i don't see it [04:59] sophie_msumu, dpkg -L enlightenment will find its file locations [04:59] whiskers: The second message is the error I get when I try to point it. [05:00] tritium, ? [05:00] sophie_msumu, ? [05:00] marska, ok what does the dmesg section say [05:00] marska, is it giving you i/o errors === ells [~steve@69-171-77-164.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] Hey there ells :) [05:01] tritium, dpkg -L enlightenment what is this ? [05:01] tritium: hey Mike [05:01] crimsun; thank you [05:01] sophie_msumu, it lists the files in enlightenment [05:01] jeavis: np [05:01] usb 4-2: new high speed USB device using address 5 [05:01] scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices [05:01] Vendor: ASUS Model: SCB-2408 Rev: 1.2B [05:01] Type: CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02 === mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 2x/24x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray === jnc [shadow@macco.pimpcat.org] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 [05:01] USB Mass Storage device found at 5 [05:02] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! [05:02] tritium: I tried compressing the iso I made, but it would not let me compress it below 94 percent or so [05:02] sophie_msumu, you might also check the docs in /usr/share/doc/enlightenment [05:02] marska, well the kernel picked it up ok...so try another known good cd [05:02] tritium, I told ya i have enlightenment installed === jnc stumbles in, stumbles out [05:02] Whsikers: Alright.. Worked. Sorry === jnc [shadow@macco.pimpcat.org] has left #ubuntu [] [05:02] sophie_msumu, yes, but you also said you can't find it [05:03] ells, you may not be able to compress it any more [05:03] tritium: it wont go far enough to put it on a 4.7g dvd === akk [~akkana@adsl-69-105-235-1.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [":q!"] [05:03] That's too bad, ells :( [05:03] tritium: It will go down to about 6.7 gig [05:03] tritium, i want to load it [05:03] load it [05:03] i see where the files are at [05:04] sophie_msumu, I don't run it. That's why I suggested you read the docs in the location I mentioned [05:04] Is there a page that lists the issues remaining for hoary to stop being a release candidate and start just being a regular release? [05:04] I want a way to distribute hosts files over 10-20 computers, but DNS seems a bit too much. Is there another way to easily manage host resolution? [05:04] Just wondering how many problems still exist to determine whether to upgrade. === xMaximex [~xmaximex@edgeforce.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] does someone installed teamspeak client for linux ? === danikata [~danik@] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] where can i find icon files for some of the menu apps? [05:05] dazed, many are in /usr/share/pixmaps [05:05] mike_douglas: u could use nfs to mount the host files, but I see no reason u wouldn't just use DNS, it's not that bad. [05:05] anyone good at xorg.conf ? i really need help. http://www.pastebin.com/267716 [05:05] thanks tritium === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] libben, what's the issue? [05:05] mike_douglas: i think there are simpler dns server packages than bind9 though, u could look into those [05:05] dazed, np [05:05] does someone in here use "enlightenment" ? [05:06] nobody with an opinion or a link as to how many problems are still in hoary? [05:06] sophie_msumu, the docs were no help? [05:06] tritium, think its about some line i d write [05:06] Levander: alright, I'll take a look at those [05:06] thanks [05:06] Hoary is awesome [05:06] sophie_msumu, huh? [05:07] libben: did u have X up and running on warty before installing hoary? Just seems like lots having problems with x.org. [05:07] I dont get my 1400x1050 resolution... its the only one in there... and still it pops me out to 1280x1024... if u look in the dell url i gave in the pastebin file.. it dont give out any pointers that it can run 1400x1050... but i could rund that before i updated alot of packages... [05:07] Wow Im pretty impressed with KsCD...very stable and reliable for CD playing [05:07] I dont have correct glx... can that be the truble? === membreya [~membreya@c211-28-78-53.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] tritium, i don't have e16 mentionned in the desktop list you know [05:07] Levander, nope.. fresh netinstall [05:07] libben: ah, i see [05:07] sophie_msumu, no, I don't know what desktop list you're referring to [05:07] can anyone call me with gnome-meeting and see if it works? [05:08] got the resolution to work, then i did update from update-notifier,... and it was about 350 packages to update [05:08] since I got X running already, hopefully my upgrade to hoary will just work. [05:08] i'm having trouble with a friend with netmeeting and don't know if it's my firewall or not [05:08] anyone know how to get a framebuffer boot screen in ubuntu [05:08] tritium, GDM [05:08] libben, there were some problems with today's xorg upgrade [05:08] and after att reboot of box next day... it was forced to 1280x1024 [05:08] Dreamer3, I would but Im under KDE :) [05:08] kkathman: well you could use kde-meeting *laughs* [05:08] tritium, well.. i havent had any problem with that... this problem was caused 2 days ago sorta [05:08] libben, hmm... === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu === youpi_ [~youpi@] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] Dreamer3, well ok...lemme see [05:09] i cant find command : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ? how to activate that command, did my isntallation not completely? [05:09] 6 new packs to update though =) just noticed it =) [05:09] Dreamer3, Gotta find it first [05:09] tritium, I am talking about the "welcome" screen where you can chose the session & log on === firejava [~firejava@cpe-24-242-119-201.sport.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] danikata, you installed Warty? [05:09] danikata, you need to use sudo for that [05:09] tritium, got it ? [05:09] but if u look at resolutions my monitor can handle... there is no 1400x1050 in there.. but my monitor can handle 1600x1200 .. [05:10] and if your running hoary its xserver-xorg [05:10] http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/dta/99047/00000002.htm?c=us&l=en&s=gen&cs= [05:10] sophie_msumu, be nice please [05:10] hoary === TwEeT [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] Hey [05:10] Dreamer3, looks like I have Gnome Meeting on my KDE anyway [05:10] why not use 1600x1200 then? [05:10] danikata, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:10] does anyone have the binary for gnomebaker [05:10] tritium, I am kind to you [05:10] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:10] tritium, thk [05:10] kkathman: ah [05:10] ok [05:10] can someone mail me the binary thechitowncubs@gmail.com === UbuntuFool [~UbuntuFoo@82-33-116-144.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] TwEeT, its on the ubuntu website [05:11] the site is down [05:11] what the meaning of sudo ? [05:11] the gnomebaker is down [05:11] TwEeT, search the wiki [05:11] Dreamer3, I havent configured a camera tho [05:11] super user do [05:11] the gnomebaker site is down [05:11] sorry i'm newbie [05:11] what should i search [05:11] hello [05:11] TwEeT, gnomebaker [05:11] ;) === BuffaloSoldier [~stampede@] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] danikata, super doer [05:12] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeBaker/view?searchterm=gnomebaker === WebWiz [~john@] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] the site is down that is serving it [05:12] thats the link to gnomebaker === dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-209.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] THE SITE IS DOWN [05:12] wow many updates tonight [05:12] Hi SiRrUs [05:12] people.debian.org is down [05:12] yeah it does look like its down [05:12] tritium how you doing [05:12] SiRrUs, fine, thanks. yourself? [05:13] thats for hoary [05:13] hehehe === HKSDU [~anzilla@CPE000625de9d0e-CM400035832997.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] hmm its not connecting [05:13] tritium I am great.... but I will get better thanks [05:13] probably my firewall [05:13] for information regarding gnomebaker, please read http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/04/msg00006.html [05:13] could you mail it to me, that would be great [05:13] Ill email it [05:14] great and getting better sounds awesome, SiRrUs :) [05:14] :) [05:14] Well, good night! [05:14] thanks [05:14] see you later === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === obe1 [~joe@dhcp-80c46b4a.la-aldea.arizona.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] ill mail [05:15] sent [05:16] I am having trouble playing a CDROM. I wonder if I need to play in "digital" mode, since I imagine the CDROM is not plugged into the sound card. Any suggestions? Is there an alternative CDROM player? [05:16] if i configure teamspeak client to use oss /dev/dsp .. will it work ? [05:16] x_or, try digital mode [05:16] how to email u tweet ? [05:16] xMaximex, try it [05:16] danikata, I sent it already [05:16] thanks guys [05:17] i cant pv u === classicx_ [~classicx@gb.jb.74.144.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu === _bodly [~bodly@ppp-69-148-18-154.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] LiberalTugboat, dont work .. does someone already makes teamspeak work ? [05:17] LiberalTugBoat: OK, how do I do this, there is nothing in the preferences. [05:17] BRB, Im going to go log into xfce [05:17] I am using the standard cd player which pops up when I insert a CD. [05:17] oh === awb4422 [~awb4422@grd1448.urh.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] as of todays Xorg update I'm seeing a lot of mem use :( === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] well Im not sure, I have always plugged the cdrom into the sound card [05:18] had to restart my X session earlier at 340M, right now X has 101M in use. [05:18] OK... If I was using KDE I think kscd just requires selecting digital mode. But, nothing like this in the gnome version. [05:19] Does anyone know of a linux blog client besides BloGTK that works with movable type 1.5? [05:19] try apt-getting kscd and see if that works [05:19] Yeah, but then I would have to run kdeinit underneath and I'd hate to do that. I wonder if there is another cd player I can try, a little more full featured. [05:19] Is the new ubuntu icon theme going to be released ontime for hoary? === ipcopnewbie [~chatzilla@dsl092-007-008.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dreamer3_ [~josh@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0393.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] kkathman: thanks, i think you proved i have it setup right === dracflamloc [~dracflaml@nat72.vnet.wnec.edu] has joined #ubuntu === _bodly [~bodly@ppp-69-148-18-154.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] umm maybe xmms? [05:20] Dreamer3, not a prob..glad I could help [05:20] with three days to go until hoary is 1.0, i'm about to rebuild my firewall with warty. should i wait? is there anything significant in hoary w/regards to performance and/or security vs warty? [05:20] Wow, no package for grip in ubuntu sources? === OrangeSlice [~orange@dsl-12-160-175-227.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [05:21] brb x_or do you have universe and multiverse enabled? [05:21] Unsure what that means? [05:22] x_or: you dont have all repositories then [05:22] x_or, check out the wiki, it tells how to enable universe and multiverse repos [05:22] adds about 12000 packages [05:23] grip is in there [05:23] libben@burken:~$ glxgears || 119 frames in 5.0 seconds = 23.800 FPS [05:23] is that bad ? === Dreamer3_ yawns. [05:23] yes libben [05:23] p4 1.7 =) geforce 4 =) [05:23] so whats wrong with it ? [05:23] OK, great. [05:23] yes thats real bad [05:23] i have installed nvidia-glx [05:23] what is the /dev file for esound plugin ? [05:23] and enabled it [05:23] i get glxgears [05:23] 3892 frames in 5.0 seconds = 778.400 FPS [05:23] you have to enable it [05:24] i have [05:24] 5300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1060.000 FPS === NumPy [~NumPy@cpe-66-25-254-156.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] and that is on radeon 7500 in a laptop [05:24] nomasteryoda, what kind of card? [05:24] i typed nvidia instead of the nv line in xorg.conf === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] using the DRI drivers === youpi_ [~youpi@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:24] pos intel 855gm laptop === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] That's the video card? [05:24] if anybody's interested in getting dhcp to work on an eth1 interface, i'm your man 8-D === socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-104-165-77.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [":wq"] [05:24] libben did you read the instructions in the wiki? [05:24] it has it all there === fsapo [~fsapo@201-1-139-75.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] could i install my home harddrive that ubuntu inside to my office pc ? === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-87-17.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] it's a Dell Latitude D505 ... intel video card [05:25] hi.. thats me again.. how do i check wich process is using my port 8000?? [05:25] LiberalTugboat, where on wiki page? [05:25] i did it with debian sarge.. and its success.. im only reconfigure xserver [05:25] ubuntulinux.com [05:25] in hardwaresupport? [05:25] yeah [05:25] I just installed crossover office, but it didn't create a menu entry. Anyone knows the command to get to the crossover program itself? [05:25] <_bodly> fsapo: sudo fuser 8000/tcp === skora [~skora@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === vybegallo [~sgenchev@pcp09255249pcs.olathe01.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] 4322 frames in 5.0 seconds = 864.400 FPS 440mx 64 mb [05:26] p3 [05:26] OK, I've added multiverse, and refreshed, but I still see no grip package. Is this the correct page? http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-20.3414506543/view?searchterm=multiverse [05:26] i get like 3500 fps on my main system [05:26] :) [05:26] _bodly, thanx.. it returned 7071 how do i know wich process is it? [05:27] LiberalTugboat, nope.. the wiki page is a bit to hard to find in =) by just going to click on wiki on ubuntulinux... any pointers ? [05:27] <_bodly> fsapo: ps -ef|grep 7071 [05:27] _bodly, thanx.. found it =* [05:27] <_bodly> np [05:27] Oops, needed to enable universe as well. I bet this will be better now. [05:27] hoary: worth waiting for, anybody? [05:27] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [05:28] thats the page libben === vybegallo [~sgenchev@pcp09255249pcs.olathe01.ks.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:28] ipcopnewbie, it's out friday I think [05:28] im not waiting for haory [05:28] <_bodly> ipcopnewbie: hoary is 99% ready to go. I'm running it now on 3 boxes [05:28] I have been running it for about a month now === x_or [~cdawson@sub19-181.member.dsl-only.net] has left #ubuntu [] === cdcarter [~cdcarter@CPE-24-94-223-191.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] i ordered my discs already [05:28] _boldly: any shortcomings visavis security? [05:29] LiberalTugboat: i've been running it maybe a week, can't wait till release, tired of downloading 80mb a day [05:29] hmpf.. crossover executable command, anyone? === elmaya [elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] <_bodly> you mentioned using it for a firewall.... Not sure I'd use bleeding edge on a firewall [05:29] Dreamer3, I dont mind the updates === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] I just mind the breaking === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ta'] [05:30] but almost always a restart fixes it [05:30] _boldly: right, that's what i was wondering, whether there's iptables/netfilters vulnerabilities that might have slipped in (i plan on configuring with firestarter or shorewall) === jason__ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === martinhj_ [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] crimsun: should my bios be set to pnp or not OS? === martinhj_ is now known as martinhj === Hayden is now known as h [05:31] ipcopnewbie, find out the version of iptables then check the iptables page [05:31] crimsun: i'm getting ready to reboot to try the pci=noacpi [05:31] Dreamer3_: no. [05:31] crimsun: so it should be told to let the BIOS configure devices, correct? [05:31] liberaltugboat: will do [05:31] crimsun: ie, non-pnp OS? [05:31] Dreamer3_: correct [05:32] does anyone know when hoary will "go gold"? [05:32] crimsun: ok, thanks, that's always confused me [05:32] cdcarter, friday [05:32] crimsun: why isn't linux "pnp"? [05:32] linux is pnp [05:32] just depened on many factors [05:32] crimsun: i've had in on pnp with no ill effects (other than getting video working with the binary driver) [05:33] crimsun: is there some logic to it all? === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] bios is a better way to configure devices === x_or [~cdawson@sub19-181.member.dsl-only.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] remember irq conflicts with win 98 [05:33] Dreamer3 best to let os configure hardware [05:34] geneo93: BIOS you mean or no? [05:34] does someone in here use "enlightenment" ? === elmaya [elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] no [05:34] does someone in here use "enlightenment" ? [05:34] geneo93: if OS you seem to be outnumbered [05:34] does someone in here use "enlightenment" ? [05:34] sophie_msumu, dont spam [05:34] LiberalTugboat, ? [05:34] it doesnt get people attention the way you want [05:35] turn off pnp in bios to let os configure devices === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] LiberalTugboat, no joking [05:35] I doubt there a mant ubuntu enlightenment users, most use ubuntu because of gnome [05:35] brb [05:35] <_bodly> Dreamer3_: on a reasonably new motherboard, linux does an excellent job of configuring stuff === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] 426 frames in 5.0 seconds = 85.200 FPS [05:36] LiberalTugboat, 'f course there are [05:36] _bodly: this is a via 8233, and i can't switch back to console after i start X with the nvidia binary driver [05:36] is that good LiberalTugboat ? [05:36] thats still pretty low [05:36] you should be in the 500-800 range [05:36] yeah... only thing i did was to check the box in nvidia-settings [05:36] how do i know if my firewall if activated or not??? [05:37] <_bodly> Dreamer3_: make sure it's not loading the rivafb driver === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_ [05:37] fsapo: your firewall is part of the kernel already [05:37] _bodly: it's not [05:37] i checked the Opengl box... use of enhanced features code bla [05:37] brb [05:37] and i got better fps [05:37] but that still bad [05:37] ipcopnewbie, so how can i open a port?? [05:37] <_bodly> Dreamer3_: i remember having that problem for a while, but can't remember how I fixed it. :-/ [05:37] _bodly: well if you recall e-mail me nick@gmail.com [05:38] _bodly: as in dreamer3@gmail.com [05:38] i m getting this :( (Cannot see your station/computer (IP: from the Internet, disable Internet Sharing/NAT/firewall/ISP cache [05:38] until then i'm going to reboot and try stuff [05:38] fsapo: it's tricky without help. two helper solutions are firestarter and shorewall [05:38] brb [05:38] <_bodly> Dreamer3_: k [05:38] libben, when you reboot you computer, does the nvidia logo flash before you get to the log in screen [05:38] fsapo: by default, all ports are open though [05:38] ipcopnewbie, dont have any :( === impu [~impu@66-23-199-54.clients.speedfactory.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dal- [~Dal-@] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] LiberalTugboat, yes... [05:38] i have nvidia default that came with ubuntu [05:39] fsapo: but if you don't have a server listening on a port, obviously you'll get "connection refused" which is as good as a firewall [05:39] 71.74 i think it is === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] test [05:39] fsapo: the firewall configuration though will help you control who can access what servers [05:39] i can't believe i'm still here [05:39] lmao === chazwurth [~cstuart@dsl093-000-171.det1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] ipcopnewbie, but i have a shoutcast server on this port =/ [05:39] how could i know wich /dev sound device ubuntu is using ?? because i have to configure teamspeak with the right device .. /dev/dsp doesn't work [05:39] hmm, well it is loading the nvidia driver [05:40] fsapo: i'm not familiar with shoutcast, but what port does it use === aethyr [~aethyr@] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] try a 3d game like tuxracer [05:40] see if it runs smooth === FireEgl [Ariel@Atlantica.US] has joined #Ubuntu [05:40] <^thehatsrule^> tux! [05:40] <^thehatsrule^> :D [05:40] should be.. cause i have 85 fps [05:40] <_bodly> xMaximex: try sudo fuser /dev/snd/* [05:40] I installed Hoary from CD last night. I'm having trouble editing my menus in Gnome -- right-clicking on menu items doesn't give me the option of adding a new item. Can anyone tell me how I ought to edit the menus? [05:40] but the thing is... i did a glxinfo yesterday... and it said it was broken or something. [05:40] <_bodly> xMaximex: it should be using alsa by default [05:41] 85 fps on glxgears is like 3 fps on quake 3 [05:41] and that it wasnt up to date... cause i have 71.74 abd bla === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu === dur [~dureyes@pool-70-110-134-121.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] yeah === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] _bodly, but wich device in /dev/snd should i use with teamspeak ?? i must specify the device [05:41] Or is this a gnome 2.10 issue, and should I ask in a different channel? [05:42] ipcopnewbie, it uses the por 8000 === SuperLag [aaron@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] xMaximex: tell it to use /dev/dsp, then wrap teamspeak with aoss === Whiffle [~andy@user-12lmo5u.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] chazwurth, it's a gnome thing. [05:42] chazwurth, that is not available in gnome 2.10 === Dreamer3_ [~josh@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0393.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] fsapo: have you tried firestarter? === xmachine [~xmachine@] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] crimsun: pci=noacpi doesn't fix it === spanglesontoast [~edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] ipcopnewbie, just tried it [05:42] LiberalTugboat: editing the menus at all isn't available?! [05:42] i cant get java installed [05:42] you need to edit the file that stores the info [05:42] ipcopnewbie, disabled my firewall and now i m not getting errors [05:42] ipcopnewbie, just need somebody to test it :) [05:42] <_bodly> xMaximex: Make sure the module snd_pcm_oss is loaded [05:42] LiberalTugboat: got it. thanks for the info, much appreciated. [05:43] fsapo: happy to [05:43] if you do a google search you can find more info about editing menus in gnome [05:43] someone help me [05:43] <_bodly> xMaximex: lsmod|grep oss [05:43] I have festival running and it's old stuff === Bakagamer [~chatzilla@cpe-66-75-233-39.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] from ages ago [05:43] crimsun: nor putting Pnp back to no [05:43] crimson, how do i wrap ? [05:43] ipcopnewbie, thanx :) [05:44] crimsun, it works now .. i can hear, but other players can't hear me [05:44] ipcopnewbie, i ll try creating some rules just to some ports [05:44] Dreamer3_: then use pci=noacpi noapic nolapic [05:44] how to I restart festival so it's empty [05:44] fsapo: ok, tell me what ports to try against and an IP addr when you're ready [05:44] <_bodly> xMaximex: make sure your mic input isn't muted [05:44] crimsun: this is a agp card, still the pci= stuff? [05:44] fsapo: or we can go to a private channel if you prefer [05:44] if esd is running i can't use teamspeak .. weird [05:44] agp is just a supped up pci slot [05:45] root@straightbox:/dev/snd # esd [05:45] /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy === mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-149.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu === OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === LordC [~lordc@cpc4-mfld3-4-0-cust215.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-149.gwi.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:46] how do I clear festival so it has juststarted? [05:46] bitsmash, did you follow these directions ? - http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#jre [05:46] LiberalTugboat, its like this... i have nvidia-glx (7174) nvidia-kernel-common (7174) and nvidia-settings installed... i have it from apt-get [05:46] so it should be allright... and why isnt it? === dave_ [~dave@pc-24-151-13-039.newt1.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] anyone knows it the release candidate 5.04 be upgradable to the final realease? Or should I wait for the final release? [05:46] hey === LiberalTugboat [~LiberalTu@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] <_bodly> dur: yes, that's the way debian-based distros work [05:46] woohoo xfce 4.2!! [05:47] LiberalTugboat, its like this... i have nvidia-glx (7174) nvidia-kernel-common (7174) and nvidia-settings installed... i have it from apt-get [05:47] so it should be allright... and why isnt it? [05:47] libben: you did run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? === nathan_ [~nathan@200-103-120-177.bsace704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] theine, no. [05:47] i got a dual monitor problem, i have it so the mouse can go to the other monitor, but all the 2nd monitor shows is a super distorted view. But if i move my mouse over there, i can move around a akward box all over the distorted mess. Any ideas? [05:47] libben: well, there you go [05:47] _bodly: thanks [05:47] libben, there is a command that enables the nvidia settings [05:47] why should i reconfigure it ? its just a front end for making xorg.conf ? and it should be fine [05:48] ? [05:48] or am i totaly wrong [05:48] dur: i asked the same question about five minutes ago... for a firewall I'm building. the consensus was, even though you could upgrade, it's still bleeding edge. === EricNeon [~ericneon@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:48] libben: so you edited xorg.conf by hand? === Jishi [~aljishi@c-24-147-173-84.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] i only need to change nv to nvidia [05:48] hm [05:48] never edit you xorg.conf by hand [05:48] i've been doin that === Dreamer3 [~josh@sdn-ap-009tnnashP0393.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] because i haven't gotten results otherwise [05:49] libben: alright, sorry, just trying to help [05:49] Can someone here verify that proper ownership and permissions on ~/.ICEauthority is as follows? :users and 0600 ? [05:49] crimsun: and then === josue [~josue@] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] ? [05:49] <_bodly> ipcopnewbie: I wouldn't reccomend bleeding edge for a firewall, but for a desktop box... [05:49] it makes upgrades break sometimes [05:49] # [05:49] sudo nvidia-glx-config enable [05:49] theine, ;P well... i was afraid of missing out on other things that allready worked good in X. thats why i was a bit afraid of doing it. [05:49] LiberalTugboat, allready done that [05:49] type that into a cli libben === smouche [~bc@cpe-24-90-94-112.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] Could somebody help me? I don't known much about Linux and I don't known how to install a pacjage tha I just downloaded [05:50] _boldly: thanks a lot [05:50] anyone ever run into a system that wont restart via power button unless you unplug the power chord for a bit? anyone know if there is a common fix for this? === francisco [~francisco@] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] ... [05:50] libben: what's the exact problem if i may ask [05:50] im pretty sure after today i hate ATI === khwarizmi [~krischan@p54B870C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] dave_: i'm not very pleased with nvidia [05:50] holycow, sounds like a power supply problem [05:50] Error: your X configuration has been altered. [05:50] This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this [05:50] not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following [05:50] command: [05:50] md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum [05:50] otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section [05:50] from nv to nvidia. [05:50] sorry - [05:50] I just don't known what to do with the .deb file [05:50] Which linux command, if any, will report the parameters defining a Microsoft Windows file system? (For example, whether it's FAT16 or FAT32, how big it is, etc...) [05:50] should used pastebin [05:51] Dreamer3, really? my brother seemed to have no problem, whereas i've spent hours trying to get dual monitors w/ extended desktop working [05:51] hi [05:51] libben, delete xorg.conf === Kumakun [spadaccino@AC9FAD41.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] <_bodly> nathan_: sudo dpkg -i package.deb [05:51] guys, how can I get KORN for KDE?? [05:51] It is not with Kubuntu === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-125.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] dave_: my nvidia works great, i just can't return to a console ever [05:51] LiberalTugboat, huh ? [05:51] then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:51] delete it? [05:51] dave_: it's frustrating [05:51] libben: and you get these messages after issuing which command? [05:51] crimsun: next step? [05:51] Dreamer3, sounds like it [05:52] that was from the sudo nvidia-glx-config enable [05:52] crimsun: in fact i'd take a list, i'm just plugging away [05:52] :( [05:52] yeah, because you changed xorg [05:52] Dreamer3: sorry, I'm kinda busy atm === pixies [~pixies@] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] francisco: what is it? [05:52] yes.. ive altered it before to nvidia instead of the nv line in there [05:52] libben: then do as LiberalTugboat says and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' === raghu [~raghu@] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] when you hand edit xorg.conf then none of the files that changes it automagically wont [05:52] can i have x running while ill do it and then restart x ? [05:52] my god; I did a dist-upgrade this afternoon, it took about 20 minutes. Six hours later, another taking 45min to an hour... [05:53] how can i stop fbcon and vesafb from loading? i added them to blacklist, but that doesn't stop them [05:53] Riddell, Korn is an e-mail notification agent that tells you if you have new email in your inbox [05:53] you can do it while running x [05:53] they're really cranking out these updates [05:53] libben, to make the changes take affect you just have to log out and back in. === HKSDU__ [~anzilla@CPE000625de9d0e-CM400035832997.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === CountDown [~Count@c-66-30-24-103.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] francisco: it's there, you can install it fine [05:53] francisco: it's in universe [05:53] oh ok :P [05:53] heh [05:53] nathan_: you got your question answered yet? [05:53] didn't knew that [05:53] thanks [05:54] LiberalTugboat: Unfortunately the configuration options provided by 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' are quite limited, no? === elmaya [elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] they are enough === code [~code@host-69-145-29-118.hln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] LiberalTugboat: Well, not for me [05:55] so ati dont support 3d on linux huh? === EricNeon [~ericneon@] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] code: they do (perhaps less than perfectly, but they do...) [05:55] nathan_: did you check to see if apt had your package already? [05:56] the problem with hand editing, is when you upgrade, it can screw up the upgrade [05:56] OSS sound is pretty shitty... does anyone know how to increase the sound quality ? [05:56] Yes, it didn't [05:56] happened a couple times during the hoary updates === blenderhead [~blenderhe@adsl-218-178-232.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] fsapo: my firewall may be blocking this dcc thing [05:56] I would reboot and xorg woulnt load === hybrid [~root@dpc6744177080.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] do you have an AIM account, by chance? [05:57] LiberalTugboat: I know, but unfortunately I couldn't avoid editing by hand in my case [05:57] fsapo: sorry about that [05:57] there is other ways to change it with out hand editing I think === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] hello all === cuga [~cuga@Toronto-HSE-ppp3662262.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] LiberalTugboat: I'd be very interested in that === _dark [deviled_eg@microsoft.gotrooted.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] should i use kernel fram buffer ? [05:58] Hey what is the date for hoaries official release, i can't find it on the forum at first glance [05:58] cuga: 3 days away [05:58] the 8th [05:58] wow, i thought it was around the 16th, cool [05:58] it's the 8th now? [05:59] what does it recommend === billytwowilly thought it was the sixth [05:59] <_bodly> oooh, I feel so hoary [05:59] ipcopnewbie, np do u have icq? [05:59] haha [05:59] nicely put [05:59] should i enable use kernel framebuffer device ? [05:59] theine, ? [05:59] fsapo: sorry, i don't [05:59] libben: no === panickedthumb [~travis@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] billywowilly: last i saw it saw set for friday [06:00] SuperLag? [06:00] all hail before panickedthumb the all might ubuntu geek :P [06:00] It is the sixth, isn't it? [06:00] what should i use on this DEADKEY and those options? [06:00] i want what im using now === minsu [~minsu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] the defaul value [06:00] libben: then just hit enter [06:00] is there a way to use more than one software that use sound card ?? === lildevil [~jryden@cpe-70-93-96-247.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] what to choose? i have usb mouse === pauliukas [~paulius@MTL-ppp-152576.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] Can I use VNC's invitation fuction with Vino? [06:01] /dev/input/mice ? === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust5507.an1.det15.da.uu.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:01] or the gpmdata one ? [06:02] libben: I'd suggest you look at your current config while doing this === _dark is now known as darkx [06:02] libben: to be safe, copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf to your home directory and the view it === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === heh [~ubuntu@70-32-149-1.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] that's pissed me off [06:03] theine, i allready has alot of copies of it =) [06:03] anyway [06:03] bloody microsoft [06:03] im on the driver modules section [06:03] glcore? [06:04] libben: Just hit enter [06:04] it has dri in the list [06:04] shouldent that be removed ? [06:04] anyone want to help someone that in reality has no idea what he's doing but has an idea of what he wants to do in layman's terms with some questions? [06:04] libben: that might be true actually [06:04] just ask [06:04] alright [06:04] so i should remove it ? [06:05] i have nvidia geforce 4 4800 === dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has left #ubuntu [] [06:05] Bye everyone! === QMario [~qmario@adsl-65-68-73-98.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [06:05] I have a computer with a 10 gig hard drive, and I want to know the most basic way to install a linux system on it, without taking all the disk space or anything like that, so I can also install games on it [06:05] libben: You need to disable GLCore as well [06:05] by 'also install games on it' you mean you want windows on it too? [06:06] libben: perhaps not dri though... [06:06] it was from start [06:06] libben: http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [06:06] so dri should stay? [06:06] Anybody can help me to install a package? [06:06] it's my secondary computer that I mostly use for fun. I was wondering if it's safe to JUST install Gnome, without installing other things, or if what I did originally installing Gentoo and then installing gnome on top of that was right [06:06] cuga: no. I've seen ways to do what I want to do with just linux === jason___ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] cuga: things like gedega and winex [06:06] libben: yeah, try leaving dri enabled [06:06] cedega, yeah i love that [06:07] WoW works great in it [06:07] <_bodly> hmm.... a new set of X packages in hoary every day is kind of a pain [06:07] I'm really dumb about installing things, but I know how to use google =x [06:07] cuga, do you pay for cedega ? [06:07] well... i allready had it enable before =) but its easier to leave it enabled... and just uncomment it later. [06:07] of course === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === st3v3n [~steven@216-161-222-52.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] member for since august [06:07] okay [06:08] cuga, and it worth the 5$/mont ? [06:08] <_bodly> or maybe I just shouldn't be such and apt-get dist-upgrade addict [06:08] is it safe to just format my hard drive, and install gnome 2.10, or realistically what should I do? [06:08] i'd say soo, i'd pay more, i think they do good work despite what a few pissed off kids say about them, i know a couple of people who work there, they based up here near T.O [06:09] also, how much space does gentoo and gnome combined take approximately? [06:09] <_bodly> xMaximex: I've been happy with cedega [06:09] cuga, okay .. by the way, do you use teamspeak ? [06:09] heh, why are you asking gentoo questions? [06:09] I have in the past yeah, haven't in awhile [06:09] well, my original question .. err one of the original ones, was if you need to have a system below gnome, or if you can just install gnome on a blank disk [06:10] yes you need a system below gnome [06:10] cuga, okay .. i have problem using it on linux [06:10] is there any recommended system? [06:10] uhh.... ubuntu... ;) [06:10] xMaximex, running the server or the client? [06:10] client [06:10] blimey! [06:11] heh, ubuntu would be a good choice for that system. On which by default you would have gnome, but if you wanted other desktop environments later, like kde, you could add them to that. === gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] xMaximex, are you running hoary or warty? [06:11] hoary [06:11] naw, I see no need for alternative desktop environments. I'm running gnome on the livecd package, and it seems really cool === st3v3n [~steven@216-161-222-52.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] last time i ran tsclient i was still on Debian Sid which is basically same thing so dont see why it wouldn't work in ubuntu, but i'll try for you [06:12] me too [06:12] sec [06:12] err [06:12] first [06:12] what is your problem? === philip_ [~philip@15-7.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] with tsclient [06:12] my problem is that i cant use esound with TS .. only OSS .. and with OSS i can't use any other apps that use sound .. like xmms [06:12] granted asking this is like asking microsoft if there are better os's than windows in a way, but are there programs like gnome that are superior to gnome? [06:12] xMaximex, what do you use? Gnome? XFCE4? [06:12] gnome [06:13] heh: I guess quite a few people would argue for KDE for instance [06:13] why is KDE better? what is it better for? === Xeon3D is gonna reboot to check on one thing... be back in a jiffy [06:13] heh: Can't comment on that, I don't use KDE myself [06:14] are there any general comparisons between the two? [06:14] heh, that question could start a war of words regarding preferred environments. There's a kde-oriented form of ubuntu called kubuntu -- you might check out #kubuntu. [06:14] have you read this post ? http://forum.goteamspeak.com/showthread.php?t=9687 [06:14] heh: i'm sure "kde vs gnome" gives lots of matches on google... [06:14] lol [06:14] I don't want a war of words per se if it's just about the look and feel of the os. what about just the stability === st3v3n [~steven@216-161-222-52.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] xfce is AWESOME!! [06:15] cuga, nop === EricNeon is now known as EricNeon|7fan [06:15] heh: Well, you can try it yourself with the Kubuntu live-cd [06:15] heh, you should try a live cd with kde, judge for yourself. Kde's latest version is a huge improvement over the kde that most people may have used, and may have disliked. [06:15] only uses 70 mb at idle [06:15] now ive done the dpkg reconfigure thing [06:15] xMaximex, give it a read, its for exacly what you want to do, setup TSClient to use Alsa instead of OSS [06:16] f [06:16] how do you really test system stability with a livecd? [06:16] hmm [06:16] theine, should i add the nvidia enhanched function? [06:16] then furthur down has some people with variations if the doc didnt work [06:16] libben: what's that === allio`afk is now known as allio [06:16] okay, with ALSA i'll be able to use sound with more than one soft ? [06:16] how can I make the home and computer icons on my desktop? [06:16] http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#enhancenvidiaperformance [06:16] thats theine [06:17] xfce is pretty damn good [06:17] libben: Does it work without this? [06:17] xfce is really nice, especially with the rox-filer file browser. [06:17] yeah, i usualy have everything i can going thru ALSA, for example i'll have cedega going with World of Warcraft, mutted the music in there so i play XMMS over top of it, also on ALSA, and i'll be having audio signals comming in when i have IM's, etc etc.. [06:17] well did before =) i havent restarted yet.. hang on [06:17] anyone? === tritium [~rimbert@12-202-90-180.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:18] if im not mistaken, thats what gstreamer takes care of ? somebody else can probably clarify that [06:18] Does anyone here has an American Express Blue Cash credit card? [06:18] now for the one question that reveals how stupid I am. How do you format a hard drive in terms of erasing all information on it from linux? somehow with just the livecd and gentoo on it my computer only has 500 free megs of space left it seems === pixies [~pixies@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b56b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] hello everyone [06:19] hey [06:19] anyone know how I can get the icons on my desktop? [06:19] heh: do you want to format the entire hard drive or just a partition? [06:20] put them there [06:20] whole deal [06:20] just put in an install cd === yojimbo-san [~yojimbo-s@203-97-50-115.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] theine: basically I want to start from scratch [06:20] how? [06:20] heh: and install ubuntu? [06:20] xfce is FAST!! [06:20] theine: yeah, might as well. I got sick of windows [06:20] download and burn the hoary release candidate install cd [06:20] then gothru the installer [06:21] part of the process is partitioning/formating the disk [06:21] how long before the full Hoary release now? === LiberalTugboat [~LiberalTu@c-24-18-75-18.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === zshzn [~zshzn@Kingston-HSE-ppp3561030.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:21] heh: well, in case you go for ubuntu, you can select "use entire hard disk" during install [06:21] spanglesontost just click on K menu just like windows click on start then chose the program you want then Rightclick the Icon and click add to desktop [06:21] cuga, i don't understand anything .. === PacoBCN [~PacoBCN@62-15-248-62.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] theine: that seems a lot easier than what I was doing earlier with gentoo [06:21] I have a question about when the release is out, i noticed in the sources.list that it says to uncomment a couple of lines when the distro is released... why exacly do you have to do that? [06:21] heh: I guess it is :) [06:22] cuga: because you can upgrade just using apt-get - no need to download the CD [06:22] don't have kde installed [06:22] yojimbo-san, yeah but i can do that from the sources i already have in there [06:22] how come i'd have to add more, will they not be in those repositories anymore? [06:22] theine: I want to eventually learn all about the general codes for using lilo/unix etc.. just as a hobby, but for the time being I have a friend chain laughing at me since I was at basically a dos'ish interface and couldn't access the internet for 2 days from the computer [06:22] all you guys here to be honest ubuntu is the last distro that I'm using because for what I see ubuntu is the best out there [06:22] sorry for the spam [06:22] cuga: not if they say they're looking for "warty" you can't - that'll stay the same forever === lattefaye1 [~lattefaye@wbar2.sea1-4-5-068-157.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === holycow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] yojimbo-san, no i have all my sources already pointing to hoary === panickedthumb is now known as None [06:23] what program can i use to make webpages? === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] <_bodly> cuga: do you mean the security updates lines? [06:23] hmm === None is now known as panickedthumb [06:23] lattefaye1, nvu is a great editor [06:23] cuga: then you have already done everything you need to do :-) the Release won't do anything especial for you [06:23] so is blue fish [06:23] heh: Ubuntu probably provides a smoother transition to the linux world than gentoo [06:23] this is my first day on linux [06:23] and quanta === kpeterson [~kpeterson@12-216-13-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] try nvu === John--- [~john@] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] lattefaye1: congratulations. First of many I hope [06:24] yojimbo-san, can you join #flood, i'll show you what im talking about === st3v3n [~steven@216-161-222-52.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === philip_ [~philip@15-7.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] cuga: sure, I have 5 minutes :-o === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Thu Mar 31 19:32:40 2005 === #ubuntu [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots, please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [07:24] (Dr_Willis/#ubuntu) bestadvocate, isent that good to know. :P [07:24] (synd/#ubuntu) John--: the cooling it takes to keep those things usable is absurd [07:24] (LiberalTugboat/#ubuntu) If I had the money I would build my own laptop [07:24] (bestadvocate/#ubuntu) well i do have AMD64 do you? === kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] (John---/#ubuntu) yeah [07:24] (synd/#ubuntu) John--: there will be dual G4 iBooks way before G5 ones [07:24] (LiberalTugboat/#ubuntu) but alas I am stuck with this compaq [07:24] lunitik, yeah... but why wont the reconfiguring start ? [07:24] :( [07:24] bestadvocate, Yes. but i am useing the 32 bit version of ubuntu. :P [07:24] would anyone have experience in setting up Rhythmbox? [07:24] compaq ! :S === huerlisi [~shuerlima@212-41-77-215.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] lol Dr_Willis why do that? [07:24] if i copy the same line from in here... it will start it [07:24] libben: because you typed 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org' ... which is wrong [07:25] ? [07:25] it is [07:25] bestadvocate, had several programs that dident work very well or at all with the 64bit version [07:25] do piss on my compaq, it was top of the line laptop when I bought it [07:25] libben: xserver-org != xserver-xorg [07:25] compaq sucks [07:25] :( [07:25] lunitik, i dont see the diffrence in the names [07:25] 1.4 ghz p4m 512ram radeon 7500 graphics [07:25] any PC sicks [07:25] yah, your right about that Dr_Willis, i have been wanting to get mono running for months now (to get beagle) [07:25] sucks [07:26] libben: org and xorg!!! [07:26] building your own is the best [07:26] IBM's nice [07:26] lol [07:26] =) [07:26] its easy [07:26] hehehe [07:26] its cheaper === John--- loves thinkpads === rockie [~rockie@] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] libben: I'm drunk as a skunk, and noticed... [07:26] Dr_Willis: still there is something menally unhealthy about paying for the 64 bit and not using them [07:26] John--, you do realise that there is only liek 3 manufactures that make notebooks for every major company [07:26] John--: they need a case redesign.. they just look so outdated : p [07:26] yes [07:26] bestadvocate, Pay? :P bah... [07:27] they just have a name on them [07:27] i like IBM though.. they crank out the G4's and G5's for Apple [07:27] synd: I like the cases, they're simple. none of that flashy shit [07:27] John--: me too. .thats what i like about my ibook [07:27] synd: Its not like the requests are hard to handle... [07:27] but like I said If i had the money I would build my own laptop === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] synd: Apple doesn't sell much... :/ [07:27] lunitik: they're growing vastly [07:28] LiberalTugboat: they give you the means to do that now? last I checked... you couldn't build your own laptop :( [07:28] I think if I had the money, I'd go for one of the smaller powerbooks [07:28] lunitik, ibm makes power series processors for their servers too === Skywind [~Skywind@] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] lunitik, i work for a system builder [07:28] John--: i recommend a 12" iBook [07:28] yeah [07:28] that's what I'm looking at [07:28] so I got access to the parts [07:28] alright so anyone running 64 bit ubuntu? [07:28] but if I had the money, it'd be fun to have a small powerbook [07:29] I hate people that have those gigantic fucking laptops [07:29] weight like 10 pounds [07:29] John--: it takes away from the point of a laptop doesnt it? [07:29] exactly === ion [~ion@] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] John--: plus, the battery life greatly suffers [07:29] I sandal slapped my friend once for thinking about getting a toshiba [07:29] LiberalTugboat: last I checked.. IBM is using POWER5 now... (would be G6...) [07:29] yeah [07:29] John--- what if they are like 10 year old laptops that make people steril ? [07:29] I want to put together a 12 inch centrino notebook with a gig of ram and an 80 gig 7200 rpm hd === ion [~ion@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:29] use it as a paperweight [07:30] lunitik, yeah I know, but its the same archutecture [07:30] John--: whats this paper you speek of ? === Xeon3D is installing kubuntu [07:30] LiberalTugboat: that 7200rpm hdd will greatly lower your battery life [07:30] LiberalTugboat: needs less rpm [07:30] not as much as you would think [07:31] specially with a 10 hour battery [07:31] ;) [07:31] so anyone running ubuntu 64? has updated hoary firefox? [07:31] hah that would weigh more than the laptop itself [07:31] yeah [07:31] i get 6 hrs of life with my ibook [07:31] nice :) [07:31] synd, you can buy 2.5mm 7200 rpm low power hds [07:31] does it crash when you try to print from firefox? john? [07:32] hm? [07:32] and the 10 hour batterys only add half a pound to a 3 pound notebook [07:32] LiberalTugboat: not as low power as a 4200 rpm : ) [07:32] you have ubuntu 64 firefox hoary? does it crash when you try to print? [07:32] isn't ubuntu hoary released fully today? [07:32] well I want whats call "perfomance" [07:32] 6th [07:32] kakalto, 8TH [07:32] 8th [07:32] I don't have ubuntu 64 [07:32] aww [07:33] I was getting hopeful [07:33] my company wont even touch a 4200 rpm hd [07:33] its a huge bottle neck [07:33] well.. sure, everyone does. [07:33] nothing slower then a 5400 rpm drive [07:33] with does affect battery [07:33] doesnt === hgoesm [~hgoesm@p5493EC06.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] yes, the powerbook's have 5400 rpms [07:34] the same processor 12" ibook gets 2.5 hours greater battery life [07:34] yeah, and the next gen will probably have 7200 rpm drives [07:34] what the difference b/w vfat and msdos? [07:34] running at 4200 rpm [07:35] maybe, if they figure out how to create a battery that weighs the same and puts out quite a bit more power === LiberalTugboat doesnt stay away from an outlet more then 4 hours a day [07:35] I think that describes most of us [07:35] lol [07:35] I need a mini fridge [07:36] anyone know of a big cool clock that comes w/ ubuntu? I want to have it as my screensaver [07:36] the kitchen is much too far away [07:36] I haven't really measured but I think it's about 15 feet [07:36] my apartment is so small everything is within arms reach :) [07:36] nice [07:36] btw heres the other side of my workstation: http://photobucket.com/albums/v43/pmartin245/?action=view¤t=DSCN0554.jpg [07:36] had to brag :x === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] John--: a bankrupt hotel was selling their minibars here last year. being dumb, i didn't get one [07:37] ok. ive managed a 1400x1050 resolution... [07:37] libben: thats an odd resolution [07:37] nope === EricNeon|7fan is now known as EricNeon [07:37] it has 1.3333 ratio just like any other good res === andrek [~andrek@ti531210a080-1853.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] 1600x1200 looks bit to much for my eyes.. [07:38] so this is good [07:38] if I had more money I would have more cool stuff too === John__ [~john@] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] only one problem with it thou === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S0106002078d2e84e.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] ... the hell just happend [07:38] gah, fucking computer [07:38] I only have my 2 pcs and 1 laptop "( [07:38] :( === bob2 [rob@] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] but are they cool? [07:39] nice emachines keyboard hehe [07:39] its that im using 'nv' instead of 'nvidia' [07:39] i revived an old P3 toshiba laptop the other day [07:39] John__: care to elaborate.... or you just having fun looking like a fool? [07:39] so what to dooo =) === tanek [~tanek@h37n4fls32o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] i used to have 5 pcs and a laptop but i gave them all away to my poor college buddies [07:39] gr [07:39] accept for 1 cpu and a laptop' [07:39] just having fun [07:39] LiberalTugboat: I use an emachines as my main pc : ) === Caveman [~biocorp@caveman.user] has joined #ubuntu === lunitik acquired an AMD Athlon XP computer with 640 RAM ... cept, but the chipset is meant for an Intel chip... grr [07:40] my main system is sempron 2400+ (oc to 2100mhz) gig of ddr 400 ram (oc ddr420) 120 gig hd nforce 2 utlra mobo dvd burner and geforce fx 5600 === yfir [~yfir@dsl-132-52.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] my main system is a iMac G5 [07:41] i win [07:41] : ) [07:41] blah i use a crappy notebook from Taiwain [07:41] (RAM is PC2700 DDR-RAM,,,) [07:41] but everything works without issues [07:41] jsgotangco: hey, if it works. it works [07:41] *grin* [07:41] not really i had a mac for a month, the lock ins anoyed the crap out of me [07:41] my test rig (which i never use) is a 2500+ barton, 512 ram, via kt890 mobo, geforce 2 mx === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] i want that Acer Ferrari notebook though [07:42] bestadvocate: lock ins? [07:42] jsgotangco: those do look sweet [07:42] (SiS661FX is the chipset... not that anyone cares :P ) [07:42] you know format usage and stuff. === Area [~area@cpe-24-195-234-44.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] bestadvocate: with what programs? [07:43] and my lappy is a compaq 1.4ghz p4m, 512 ram, 40gig hd dvd/cdrw, radeon 7500 [07:43] Can someone give me a hand. I have 3 monitors hooked up on 2 video cards. How do I activate the 2nd and 3rd monitors? [07:43] Area: 3 monitor spanning? wow [07:43] garage program,itunes, [07:43] yuk, SIS chip sets === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] bestadvocate: well, garageband is not available on any other platform. itunes is available on windows [07:43] via, intel or nvidia for me [07:44] i like my asus p4gx-ge [07:44] Yeah synd. I had Linux on a switch with only one monitor, running windows. Its about time I switched over to linux completely. [07:44] i mean like te useage of only mac audio formats on garage tunes and i-tunes offers vary limited encoding [07:44] Area: I feel you === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] a i845gv chip set [07:44] 2ghz celron [07:44] 845 chipset is ok [07:44] rather have 865 [07:44] can someone give me a good manual for pptp under ubuntu? [07:44] or 900 series [07:44] SysInfo: uname: Linux 2.6.10-5-686 CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.00GHz 2000.259 MHz Bogomips: 3964.92 Mem: 229/504M [||||||||||] Diskspace: 74.25G Free: 27.12G Procs: 80 Uptime: 11 hrs 35 mins 21 secs Load: 1.72 1.49 1.19 | Vpenis: 70 cm Screen: nVidia Corporation NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE] (rev a1) Screen Resolution: 2880x1200 (24 bpp) eth0: In: 954.80M Out: 45.62M [07:45] opps [07:45] same problem i have with sound juicer actually [07:45] nice resolution [07:45] anyone know how I set my system to cpufreq performance instead of userspace? [07:45] dual monitors [07:45] how big of monitor? [07:45] yeah [07:45] oh ok [07:46] I found my dream mobo today [07:46] 15" left (1280x1024) -- 19" (1600x1200) [07:46] bestadvocate: you can encode in AAC, MP3, AIFF, WAV, and Apple Lossless [07:46] Tyan K8WE [07:46] zenrox, any idea how to activate more than one monitor? [07:46] dual opteron dual nvidia chipset, dual pci-ex 16 [07:46] area using nvida === martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] nvidia [07:47] Yeah, dual geforce fx5200's === Lancellor [~a@conr-adsl-209-169-96-208.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu === robzulah [~rob@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] area ask in #nvidia [07:47] Alright, thanks. [07:47] n/p [07:47] read the topic [07:47] too [07:47] bestadvocate: and after you do a song in garageband, you can encode it to mp3, aac, etc [07:47] have dual 64 bit opterons (maybe even dual core) with dual 6800 ultras? I can only dream [07:47] I'm trying to install KDE so I can use a few KDE programs, when I check KDE in synaptic it tells me a bunch of others have to be installed, so I tell it to check those then it tells me all of those packages have unresolved dependencies and wont be installed, any idea why? [07:48] robzulah: your repositories arent all there [07:48] i think [07:48] do you guys recomend kde??? === cevans [~costi@ip68-107-38-206.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] Lancellor: ask in #kubuntu [07:48] Lancellor, ask that in #kubuntu [07:48] Lancellor: its just a matter of opinion [07:48] Lancellor: its still got ubuntu under the hood [07:48] KDE reminds me of windows XP [07:48] a lot of plastic feel [07:49] john__: i agree [07:49] i just tried fluxbox for the 1st time [07:49] its kinda sweet [07:49] yeah [07:49] that's what I'm using now [07:49] but i like gnome the best [07:49] i am a gnome guy [07:49] e17 is spost tobe kewl [07:49] but ant tried it yet [07:49] e17? [07:50] coud you cuztomize gnome like kde?? [07:50] my system can't really handle gnome [07:50] enlightment 17 [07:50] gets very slow [07:50] Lancellor: eh? [07:50] old pentium 2, only 192 megs of ram [07:50] :( [07:50] I tried e17. While it looks very nice, it has complexity problems. [07:50] John__: oh..man [07:50] kubuntu is pretty nice [07:50] but it's snappy as hell with fluxbox [07:50] i have a 500 mhz system with 256 ram what do you recomend === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] what problems? [07:51] John__, my server only has 64mb of ran and a 700mhz p2 celron [07:51] john__: i have gnome running well on a P3 600MHz 128MB laptop [07:51] John__, no montor mouse or key [07:51] Lancellor, run XFCE4.2 [07:51] 355MHz p2 here [07:51] can i do that on ubuntu?? [07:51] yeah [07:51] I am right now [07:51] Artemis3: It uses a binary config file format, and thus you have to use a special editor to edit configuration, and that doesn't always work well. [07:52] lancellor e16 is pritty nice too [07:52] how is XFCE [07:52] apt-get install xfce4 [07:52] sorry i'm so new on this but i like the way you think so i'm going to try [07:52] xfce is FAST!! and pretty [07:52] interesting [07:52] John__: ahh i see. man, before i found out about ubuntu (or linux for that matter), i stripped down an athlon 1.3Ghz thinking that it was useless [07:52] binary config file??? how come... [07:53] synd: heh [07:53] even years outdated e16 is my lightweight manager of coice [07:53] Isn't there a graphical interface for Ubantu's X conf? [07:53] *choice === george_ [~george@70-32-149-1.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] the nice thing about XFCE is it runs both gnome and kde apps really well [07:53] synd: how can I check for all my repositories? I dont really understand the whole repository thing yet [07:53] John__: how come the old pcs? [07:53] and they dont look like crap === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] so does the rest [07:53] I got it for free, was a hand me down [07:53] figured, what the hell [07:53] robzulah: www.ubuntuguide.org, scroll down to repositories [07:54] cool, thanks [07:54] hehe, I got SO many extra pc parts laying around === holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] if I installed the hoary hedgehog version of ubuntu is there any reason to install the latest version of gnome? is that an upgrade or? === libben [~libben@c213-89-20-14.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu === imPULSIV [~matthias@pD9585161.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] i think its coming with the lastest version already [07:54] good morning [07:55] my stepdad runs a lawfirm so i am like his old PC distributor, i hooked up like 4 people with free computers who wouldent have one otherwise (i even managed to get one of them to run ubuntu ) [07:55] I got a sound blaster live 5.1 in the closet not being used, sitting next to a celeron 2.0 ghz proc, a p4 1.5 proc, like 5 sticks of ram, 3 extra cases === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-130-168-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] probably a dozen NICs [07:55] can someone help with software problem? [07:55] so no reason to download 2.10 version of gnome with hoary hedgehog? [07:55] bestadvocate: nice. im trying to convert as many people as i can to ubuntu [07:55] hey [07:55] bestadvocate, nice :) [07:55] imPULSIV: what is the problem? [07:55] anybody know a good music notation app [07:55] I used Finale [07:56] I got some people to use Ubuntu at my moms office === mikelds [~miguel@] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] LiberalTugboat: ill buy that 1.5 P4 off of ya : ) [07:56] but they have a crappy registration policy [07:56] george_, it is running gnome 2.10 [07:56] that I really hate [07:56] so I am looking to the Linux world [07:56] oh [07:56] when starting inkscape it tells me that some extensions were not met [07:56] it doesnt have to be open source [07:56] you got a socket 423 mobo to put it in? [07:56] and therefore he doesnt load him [07:56] LIberaltugboat: thanks. I figured as much, just wanted to be sure [07:56] i've been trying out ubuntu, i'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around ubuntu just plugging into my windows network and 'just' working === whaq|away [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu === helio7 [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] its fucking stagering [07:56] and btw, can an app built for MacOS run on Linux with enough hacking [07:56] so since no one with an AMD64 can confirm i am just going to file a bug [07:56] I saw that Gentoo ported Portage to MacOS [07:56] LiberalTugboat: i believe this emachines is socket 423 [07:56] i've battled all the distros for years now, i changed nothing on my ubuntu install yet [07:57] I am on AMD64 [07:57] lol [07:57] does it have rambus ram? [07:57] do hoary's repositories include the latest version of Firefox? [07:57] mebaran151, not really, if you mean os9 your starting from scratch [07:57] mebaran151 hoary? === glyph [foobar@c-24-147-173-95.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] LiberalTugboat: hmmm no, ddr [07:57] helio7, yeah [07:57] how do i remove a dead shortcut from gnome menu? [07:57] if you mean osx, osx doesn't use x11 and your writing to their gui bullshit, so your fucked again, you are pretty much starting from scratch again [07:57] really? they didnt make to many 423 boards with ddr ram [07:57] thanks what's the version # LiberalTugboat? [07:57] you are lucky [07:58] so how do i get rid of that problem [07:58] bestadvocate, yep [07:58] maybe stuff without gui can be recompiled with some easy perhaps [07:58] helio7, 1.0.2 [07:58] holycow, I meant only MacOS X apps [07:58] but it will get 1.0.3 when it is released [07:58] in which case i answered that question too :)_ [07:58] so ill be goog running gnome on my 500 celeron?? [07:58] how do i remove a dead shortcut from gnome menu? by editing the file ? [07:58] mebaran151: when you try to print from firefox (version 1.0.2-0ubuntu5) does your whole browser crash? [07:58] holycow: X11 comes with OSX [07:59] and hoary-stable is due out in what? 3 more days? [07:59] libben, delete the application file [07:59] it prints fine [07:59] synd, anyone aactually code for that on osx? *shrug* mebbe :) [07:59] yeah hoary comes on friday [07:59] mebaran151: ok thanks then it must just be my computer and i wont file a bug [07:59] holycow: openoffice === Xeiliex [~Winter@cpe-66-66-194-62.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] my openoffice oopadmin crashes [08:00] no they killed that, they are doing some java stuff now [08:00] cevans? [08:00] libben: why is there even a dead shortcut? [08:00] holycow: yes, NeoOfficeJ [08:00] I am really starting to not like open office [08:00] it is SOOOOOO slow compaired to abiword [08:00] imPULSIV: I don't know, and it appears no one else here knows either. [08:00] holycow: but it doesnt come close to Pages and Keynote : ) [08:00] wow i didnt know BitchX was pH-balanced for a woman. i wonder which one? [08:00] i installed menu editor... and it appears twice in the applications/system tools menu... and it wont let it be removed with the menu editor tool [08:01] synd, ehe :) well not yet [08:01] there is a new version of open ofice coming out [08:01] 2.0 [08:01] imPULSIV: What is the exact error? [08:01] apple really needs to pitch in and just port oo [08:01] so bye bye [08:01] and ive removed/uninstalled it and installed it again [08:01] still exists [08:01] they owe the open source at least that much [08:01] it says like.... [08:01] when you type last, you get a list of the last logins to your system, where is this log located ? [08:01] Lancellor, and it will be even slower and more bloated [08:01] wait ill post the log [08:01] if it wasn't for the bsd licence they would be dead right now [08:01] libben: don't know, by the way, is your resolution problem solved? [08:01] no one uses all those extra OOo apps [08:01] supss to be a lot faster [08:01] Extension "AI Output" failed to load because a dependency was not met. [08:01] Dependency:: [08:01] type: executable [08:01] location: path [08:01] string: pstoedit [08:01] Extension "Dia Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met. [08:01] Dependency:: [08:01] type: executable [08:01] location: path [08:02] string: dia [08:02] imPULSIV: dont spam [08:02] description: In order to import Dia files, Dia itself must be installed. You can get Dia at http://somesite.com [08:02] Extension "Postscript Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met. === Angelo- [~Administr@] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] Dependency:: [08:02] type: executable [08:02] location: path [08:02] imPULSIV: use #flood [08:02] string: pstoedit [08:02] theine, yes... i can only get that resolution by using NV as driver... if i choose nvidia it wont get that. [08:02] Extension "Sketch Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met. [08:02] Dependency:: [08:02] type: executable [08:02] location: path [08:02] string: skconvert [08:02] Extension "Windows Metafile Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met. [08:02] Dependency:: [08:02] shit christ [08:02] type: executable === Sepheebear [~SepheeBea@cpe-24-193-111-253.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] location: path [08:02] string: wmf2svg [08:02] Extension "EPS Input" failed to load because a dependency was not met. [08:02] im STOP!!! [08:02] Dependency:: [08:02] imPULSIV: please stop [08:02] type: extension [08:02] location: path [08:02] string: org.inkscape.input.ps [08:02] its not spamming [08:02] imPULSIV, you really are [08:02] didnt know that [08:02] wait [08:02] libben: when you switched to nvidia, did you unload the dri kernel module and modprobe the nvidia modula? [08:02] impuslive [08:03] It IS spamming. [08:03] haha [08:03] http://www.openoffice.org/ [08:03] damnit i wish we had a +o bot [08:03] nah it is flooding [08:03] check for your self [08:03] a tad different [08:03] its annoy8ing [08:03] the same === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] Whatever the fuck it is, it's annoying [08:03] Lancellor, I know about 2.0 [08:03] less egregious but really bad anyway === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-18.c0msys.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:03] spamming is malicious === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:03] but it still takes forever to load [08:03] so any of you guys know good musical notation apps [08:03] so can so help instaed oftelling me not to spam [08:03] it is not aout yet [08:03] I love lilypond output, but Finale was easy to use [08:03] and there is just to much junk [08:03] I would like something more visual [08:04] what do you think about that version [08:04] mebaran151: yeah, Logic 7 [08:04] mebaran151: but thats for OSX : ) [08:04] I dont need a database or a graphics program or a webpage designer [08:04] i do [08:04] it's a productivity suite, not a word processor [08:04] you know the one distro i liked more than Ubuntu, and I never even got it working? [08:04] imPULSIV: You are using ubuntu right? [08:04] yep === pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] I just want to type some documents, thats why I use Abiword [08:05] 5.04 rc [08:05] evil entity, may she rest in peace. [08:05] LiberalTugboat, thats not a good critique of oo [08:05] right tool for the right job === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@p54A1F1F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] yesterday i compiled gimpshop and that works great [08:05] yeah but its just like with microsoft office, 95% of users only use 5% of the features === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-67-177-236-7.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:06] thats very much a misnomer [08:06] if that were true [08:06] theine, i did unload dri once, but modprobe... dont know what that is... i did dpkg-reconfigure all time [08:06] then notepad would be the default word editing suite [08:06] microsoft teaches you to sell office on that fact that everyone else has it and not that they dont need it [08:06] today i just installed the package version of inkscape and it cant import eps or ai [08:06] there is a reason oo has to add so much just to get peoples attention [08:06] anyway... ill stick to this... [08:06] libben: what does 'modinfo nvidia' give you? === i3dmaster [~yongjian@c-67-177-236-7.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] what you mean is they use maybe 50 to 75% [08:06] imPULSIV: Have you tried installing pstoedit and dia? [08:07] no Im not mistaken [08:07] no where to find? [08:07] via apt? [08:07] the average user never goes past microsoft word [08:07] imPULSIV: probably [08:07] Would I have to be out of GNOME in order to get and install KDE? === grunde [~grunde@pat-gw.osl.fast.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] searching wait plz [08:07] robzulah: I don't think so - what do you mean? [08:07] and doesnt do anything more then basic text formating (changing fonts, paragraphs) [08:08] filename: /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko || license: NVIDIA || alias: char-major-195-* || vermagic: 2.6.10-5-386 preempt 386 gcc-3.3 || depends: agpgart || alias: pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc00i00* [08:08] now businesses use more of office === ICU [~me@host-95173.ewetel.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] like excel [08:08] LiberalTugboat: I agree === snaggen [~snaggen@c-877070d5.034-37-73746f12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] Yeah, people don't use even half the features of Word alone, and only a very minimal bit of the features in Excel. [08:08] cevan? [08:08] imPULSIV: Yes? [08:08] but the average business still only uses about 10-20% of the features built into office [08:09] found the software and install it right now [08:09] Well, I've tried a lot of stuff, and every time I try to get it, it tells there are unresolved dependencies. They say either: Depends: *file name* but it is not going to be installed or: Depends: *filename* but it is not installable [08:09] libben: and 'lsmod | grep nvidia'? [08:09] Is there any way to view what your FSB is? I can't seem to find it... (looked in lspci...) [08:09] thx for your help so far [08:09] only about 5% of users use more then 50% of the features [08:09] LiberalTugboat: The average business has an undereducated secretary who is the only user of Office in the house :P [08:09] i went to the kubuntu channel but nobody is there [08:09] maybe ill come backlater and tell you if it worked [08:09] imPULSIV: Ok [08:09] Lancellor: now what does that tell you? :x [08:09] libben@burken:~$ lsmod | grep nvidia [08:09] nvidia 3923388 12 [08:09] agpgart 31784 2 intel_agp,nvidia [08:09] so bybye all [08:10] libben: did you try to reboot? [08:10] lunitik, what is your chipset [08:10] brb gonna load into xfce === synd [~phillip@h29.15.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:10] you right [08:11] but people think that more feature is better [08:11] that is farther from the truth [08:11] Eek - sorry about the flooding. I didn't realise imPULSIV had a error message more than one or two lines. === damienp [Damien@pda57-1-82-231-114-75.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:11] not after that no... but i dont care about the 1400x1050 resolution anymore [08:11] if you try to do everything you will never do anything really well [08:11] its all good... i got good fps in glxgear [08:11] libben: how come? [08:11] I got 1400 x 1050 to work on my laptop [08:11] mebaran151: heh... thats what I'm trying to figure out... thought it was SiS 661FX ... but apparently its a SiS 741 or 741GX (as far as I can see, FSB speed is the only difference) [08:11] Noone know why those unresolved dependencies? [08:12] oh === Jefis [~jefis@] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] mebaran151: libben would have it to if he would just select the nvidia driver with dpkg-reconfigure and afterwards... REBOOT [08:12] what kind of northbridge does it report [08:12] mebaran151: acquired this computer not-new ... trying to figure out exactly what it is... [08:12] hey, ubuntu in a second had crashed [08:12] it was abit high also... my monitor aint the newest one ... 1600 hurts my eyes with 85 hz... and 1400 was good ... but ive used 1280x1024 so much i got used to it more [08:12] i need to chech filesystem [08:12] how to do that? [08:12] sis741gx is a pain in the butt [08:12] robzulah: Are you running hoary? [08:12] theine, are you sure about that? [08:12] hmm [08:12] maybe [08:12] that is an AMD chipset [08:12] libben: It's very worth a try [08:13] I know a good deal about it [08:13] ill try one more after ive slept some [08:13] =) === Enspyron [~123@a57226.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] libben: Won't you look like a Windows user too :) [08:13] no, running Warty [08:13] we used to use that chipset in my companys low end AMD systems [08:13] libben: ... make ... [08:13] PPC version [08:13] hey guys if i installed ubuntu in one computer and i move the hard drive to a new computer will rcognize my hardware?? and everithing??\ [08:13] mebaran151: doesn't appear to say... SiS 964 (MuTIOL media IO is the only listing for PCI Bridge) [08:13] lunitik, cat /proc/pci [08:14] Lancellor, no [08:14] or should i do a fresh install [08:14] fresh install === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === damienp [Damien@pda57-1-82-231-114-75.fbx.proxad.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:14] sorry for my stupid questions [08:14] Lancellor, it could work...I have done it but it's not always perfect [08:14] thnkas [08:14] thats not a stupid question [08:14] mebaran151: not there... === Area [~area@cpe-24-195-234-44.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] how to run check file system utility, give me examples :) [08:14] Lancellor: Ubuntu comes with a lot of drivers, so it will be recognised if the driver exists [08:14] robzulah: Hmm... Sounds like apt is messed up, which usually happens while packages are being put into the repositories, but I don't know why that would happen for warty. [08:14] Lancellor: Your system will not be configured for the new computer, though [08:15] I deal with windows users 8 hours a day, no computer question is stupid to me [08:15] cevans: Oh, how I wish for a repository lock while they're updating them :/ [08:15] how to run check file system utility [08:15] lunitik, huh? [08:15] i have a newer computer running windows so i want to try ubuntu in my older one and if everithing works fine move to the newer one [08:15] cevans: Know of any fixes for that? [08:15] lunitik: lspci, then? [08:15] lol... liberaltugboat.. then don't you ever get enough of answering the same simple questions over and over? [08:16] can someone give me a good documantaion for pptp under ubuntu? [08:16] mebaran151: cat: /proc/pci: No such file or directory [08:16] yeah [08:16] robzulah: I can't see how that could be your problem if you are using warty. [08:16] yeah, sometimes you just want to smack them [08:16] anyone know a quick way to get two monitors going with the ATI drivers? [08:16] that is a sort of important file .. weird [08:16] the worse comes from mac users though === rnz [~rnz@rnz.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:17] part of providing support is answering the same questions over and over again [08:17] There are no stupid questions, only stupid people ;) [08:17] try hanging out in Vim some time :p [08:17] LiberalTugboat, lol, tell us about mac users [08:17] we had a mac user come in, he has a g5 imac, he wanted to buy some screen cleaner, (we dont deal with macs) but he was afraid the "pc" lcd cleaner wouldnt be compatible with his mac [08:18] Now my only problem is to get how i will get on my friends ftp with TLS encryption and use a GUI [08:18] If I had a nickle for every time someone asked how to get highlight to work.. [08:18] EvilIdler: if lspci told me what I wanted to know... I'd not be asking... (I want to know my FSB speed...) [08:18] Enspyron, i don't my self, i consider my reiteration of same facts as traiing === allorder [~kwad@] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] the numbnuts do learn actually, albeit slowly === fridge [~Jim@CommSecureAustPtyLtd.sb1.optus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] I want to install a new linux distribution on my webserver, and if everything works well I will also install it on my workstation... would you recommend Ubuntu? [08:18] so he had us search the apple web site to see if they had a compatibility list [08:18] lunitik: Bleh. Isn't there a hardware inventory command that does everything better? [08:18] lunitik, try cat /proc/cpuinfo [08:18] Enspyron: we might be biased around here [08:19] Enspyron: We're all deluded in here. [08:19] Enspyron, you really really should try all of them [08:19] your question will answer it self in short order [08:19] mebaran151: I looked at that... doesn't display FSB speed... [08:19] dunno.. just give me your opinion as to why ubuntu is the better [08:19] absolutely every distro on distrowatch [08:19] of couse we couldnt find a "screen cleaner" combatibility list [08:19] Enspyron, in this room anyone would say Yes! [08:19] hmm [08:19] all 350+ [08:19] maybe we can figure it out [08:19] i use debian but testing ubuntu, so far i'm really impressed [08:19] so he bought the cleaner [08:19] Enspyron: lol, strange place to be asking :p [08:19] 30 mins later he brought it back [08:20] Enspyron: which distro you should use is very personal. Find one that you like and stick with it [08:20] Enspyron: Ubuntu is better than Debian because of shorter release cycles and friendlier default setup (mine detected what my SMTP server is, for instance) [08:20] saying " I went to the mac store and bought mac compatible cleaner for a few dollars more, can I return this" [08:20] Enspyron: kind of like going to Microsoft and asking if they recommend Win2k3... [08:20] LiberalTugboat: rofl === FlimFlamMan [mike@ware15.dfs.uconn.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] Enspyron: Not comparing to other distros, since I don't trust anything without apt by default :P [08:21] let us do some googling [08:21] lunitik [08:22] Kisielk: except microsoft is all for profit === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:22] another mac user "Do you sell computers?" -Yes we custom build all of our computers by hand [08:22] what kind of processor is in your system [08:22] "do you build Macs?" [08:22] mebaran151: AMD Athlon XP [08:22] (ugh) [08:22] Ugh indeed. [08:22] I was just interested in knowing why you guys preffer ubuntu above others [08:22] lunitik, what does cpuinfo say it can do === bur[n] er [foobar@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] or subsitute that with (dell)(hp) [08:23] most of the athlon XP's ran at 333 mhz bus [08:23] I have seen Ubuntu over at my cousin and it looked good, easy to use [08:23] anyone know how a non-root user can burn an ISO to cd with nautilus? [08:23] yes they can [08:23] Enspyron, its a good fast and stable === geneo91 [~kane@1Cust2183.an3.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] right click on it [08:23] uhm.. sudo? === abinadid__ [~abinadid@conr-adsl-209-169-96-208.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu === andreizinca [~andreizin@] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] It doesn't display bus speed... [08:23] FlimFlamMan, you have to set the permissions up right [08:23] LiberalTugboat, you work at a computer store dealy type of place right? [08:23] yeah [08:23] but what can it do [08:23] Enspyron, I'm a former kanotix and GENTOO user, I prefer ubuntu for security and ease of use. :) Plus it uses severals things I like GNOME, XORG. [08:23] yeah [08:23] Enspyron: Actual usage is probably not much different from every other distro, but upgrading is very painless because of apt [08:24] i have group permissions set to rw and i'm a member of the group... still can't write [08:24] mebaran151: you want the cpu MHz line? or the whole thing? or what? [08:24] LiberalTugboat, check this out, i bought 4 cases today, each and every single one had a faulty power supply [08:24] FlimFlamMan: did you log out and back in since adding yourself to the group ? === KarlosII also notes it's saves me time :) [08:24] what cpu model [08:24] yeah that sounds normal, were they cheap cases? [08:24] karlosII: wow.. i have seen many people recommend gentoo for security (because it's so defineable they say) [08:24] i've had like intermittently bad cable, but today takes the cacke [08:24] :) === elbi [~lbm@cpe.atm2-0-1071006.0x50a0824e.abnxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] mebaran151, dudal athlons [08:24] dual [08:24] LiberalTugboat, lol yeah [08:24] mebaran151: 8 ... family 6 .. [08:24] cheap cases have CHEAP power supplyes [08:24] holycow: The powersupplies weren't of the "Winner" brand, were they? [08:24] it's common with them? [08:24] Enspyron, I'm talking user security === VR^ [VR@87-109.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] yeah [08:25] kisielk, yes [08:25] my ubuntu does not show the right CPU freq i have 650 MHz and cat /proc/cpuinfo shows cpu MHz : 497.758 [08:25] EvilIdler, *hmmm* forgot to check, i will note that and check tommorrow, you sound familiar with the situation i guess? [08:25] :) [08:25] can someone help [08:25] i'm lancellor i'm running with ubuntu that i just installed i'm so exited [08:25] so upgrading ubuntu is a pain in the ass? [08:25] under windows XP I had IntelSpeedStep [08:26] holycow: Dunno..I bought one that lasted two days. Then it just ceased to produce power right in the middle of a game. Similar things happened to a friend of mine. [08:26] iwas running on my windos machine [08:26] LiberalTugboat, *nod* so im finding out, what price range does 'reliability' start to kick in? [08:26] upgrading ubuntu is the easiest [08:26] Enspyron: not really. The devs make it easy [08:26] Enspyron, NO [08:26] umm like around 40-50 [08:26] EvilIdler, these ones fail to start up after you power down. you need to pull the power cable to get them back up again. weirdest thing i've seen [08:26] at that price you will get one that works well [08:26] LiberalTugboat, oh thats not bad okay cool [08:26] but it will probably last like maybe 2-3 years tosps [08:26] 40 to 50? [08:26] ouch [08:27] holycow: I've had a whole room of Fujitsu computers do that. Don't remember their brand of power, though. [08:27] Ok, I will definatly install Ubuntu and look at it [08:27] EvilIdler, heh, really? [08:27] if you want a good powersupply buy an antec case (they have antec ps in them) [08:27] i guess that kinda thing goes in batches [08:27] they are around 80 [08:27] holycow: 6 or 7 Fujitsu mini-towers, from the P3 era [08:27] LiberalTugboat, *nod* will check into it [08:27] Enspyron: also try Suse, fedora, debian and maybe arch [08:27] Enspyron: and mandrake [08:28] Enspyron: get the live cds so you test without installing [08:28] holycow: Replaced them with other computers, and now have a stack motherboards the employer doesn't want :) === george_ [~george@70-32-149-1.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] newbie question: does it matter if I download things in .rpm or .tgz? [08:28] yea [08:29] you went .deb [08:29] which one is for gnome? [08:29] george_: Avoid 'em :) [08:29] heh, generally i like cheapo systems, i can't justify more than 1ghz or so systems for average use. game playing sure, so i cheap out not for financial reasons, its kinda the right thing to do [08:29] obviously i'm mistaken about power supplies [08:29] george_: There's no package format for Gnome specifically [08:29] I tried Fedora and something about Suse I don't like... I am currently buying a new server and I'll put on multiple partitions and try more then one distro... [08:29] alright, so technically either is fine then? [08:29] mebaran151: found out its 'Athlon XP/MP(thoroughbred B core)' (which means its the SiS 741GX model) thanks for your assistance :) [08:29] most people dont need computers faster then like 1-1.5ghz [08:30] holycow: I want the cheapest possible RAM (never got burnt), cheapest possible CPU still with some oomph. But powersupplies I prepare to shell out for, actually. [08:30] EvilIdler, you want a tip on RAM [08:30] okay good to hear i'm not the only one that has that crazy idea :) [08:30] haha [08:30] LiberalTugboat: I'm not "most people", thank goodness :) [08:30] PQI... [08:30] LiberalTugboat: I don't need a tip. I have a very nice shop nearby where they get cheap quality RAM :) [08:31] low low cost [08:31] but lifetime warrenty [08:31] Kingmax seems very good. Any experience with them? [08:31] plus PQI accually makes the ram [08:31] kingston is just an importer right? [08:31] yeah [08:31] same for crucial [08:32] Corsair and TwinMOS are the big names. I buy cheapo RAM that actually is noname TwinMOS. Never figured out how that works, but it's good. [08:32] mines powmax [08:32] well TwinMOS doesnt make the ram [08:32] PQI is another good cheapo. It's what's in this computer, actually. [08:32] neither does corsair [08:32] is hoary out tomorrow? [08:32] yeah I love PQI [08:32] nuge, Friday === khwarizmi is now known as krischan [08:32] the 8th [08:32] robitaille: ok thanks [08:32] LiberalTugboat: Does ANYONE make their own crap anymore? :P === jure [~jure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] I got a gig of pqi turbo ram ddr400 running at ddr420 [08:33] yeah like I said PQI makes it [08:33] thats why its cheap [08:33] The timings are pretty low on the PQI I have, too [08:33] no middle man === Draucon [~Draucon@dialup-free-348.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] RAM has been sorta overpriced for a long time. People don't need PC3200 if their CPU doesn't have 400MHz core speed [08:34] Bus speed, whatever (it's late/earl) [08:34] well depending on purchasing, 3200 is cheaper then 2700 [08:35] atleast retail [08:35] Now it is, possibly [08:35] because you buy more volume === alohawulfie_ [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] its hella cheap now [08:35] 2700 is probably not even for sale anymore at the local shops [08:35] yeah we dont carry 2700 anymore === mR-STuPiD [~chatzilla@0-1pool9-238.nas3.boise1.id.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] It's still expensive here. The wheels of progress are square in my country :/ [08:35] i find theres always a ram 'sweetspot' for pricing it out === Xeiliex [~Winter@cpe-66-66-194-62.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] i don't remember overpaying ever on ram [08:36] they've been selling 512 MB pc 3200/400 stickst for $100 CDN about for the last 1.5 years [08:36] here [08:36] it's price fixed imho === classicx [~classicx@gb.jb.174.29.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] KarlosII, lol yeah [08:36] thats still reasonable imho [08:36] KarlosII: Quick calculation makes that a lower price than the average here [08:36] heh [08:36] i remember a few years ago that used to be 300 [08:37] still high I want 512 to go for the price of 256 [08:37] Mail-order has the occasional offer I can't resist, though. Upto 30% cheaper than the shops here [08:37] freaking lame shops here and major companies are still only putting in 256 mb in a WINXP computer [08:37] i know somewhere you can get a gig for like 120 in a dual channel kit [08:37] $US [08:37] You can't make untweaked WinXP do anything useful on 256:/ [08:37] Anyone knows if i can get ubuntu on my pocketloox 720 ? =) 1 gb CF card to it =) and 520 mhz [08:37] I saw 1 gig online for 89 (corsair value) === KarlosII found a good deal for Kingston value $75 for 512 MB :) === sindre [sindrete@ritchie.ping.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] oh, thats really good [08:38] of course the timing is cl3 but having cl2 is less then a 5% difference [08:38] I run corsair value [08:38] hasn't died in 6 months [08:38] $75 CDN [08:38] 5% is enough for me to care, actually [08:38] i'm not completely understanding the facination with low latency ram [08:38] When the price gap isn't huge, that is [08:38] only a couple FPS difference max === mmtb [~marcin@dvs12.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] mR-STuPiD, not very significant === mmtb [~marcin@dvs12.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === xamdm [~xamdm@pD9E2DA63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] Hi. Did anyone notice weird behaviour from X after the upgrade in hoary yesterday? My screen suddenly doesn't want to use the right resolution (choosing 1024x768 instead of 1600x1200, and trying to force it didn't help either). [08:39] mR-STuPiD, it'd be better to spend your money on a better cpu [08:39] you can get the value brand from the same companies for under half the cost [08:39] mR-STuPiD: Bigger numbers in benchmarks :P [08:39] sindre, it changed your xorg.conf to the default one [08:39] sindre: I dist-upgraded yesterday and had that problem [08:39] mR-STuPiD: That's what I'm buying, basically. Low-latency value RAM. [08:40] yeah [08:40] most ram can take faster timings [08:40] if anyone has a site that will have howto install linux onto pdas... much appreiated... i have this little beauty.. http://www.firstloox.org/index.php?categoryid=8&p2_articleid=25 [08:40] I also reconfigured xorg but it didn't help [08:40] I've changed my xorg back and made a backup copy with the screen res's for my monitor and the size options [08:40] sindre: Seen people with that problem for most of the evening till now [08:40] LiberalTugboat, not if you want it to stay accurate [08:40] EvilIdler: Heh, great. [08:40] libben, google familiar [08:41] half the time, the more expensive ram is the same chips, just with a high default voltage [08:41] Altho I'm not sure what changed, since I never actually edited. I guess a dpkg-reconfigure should fix stuff. [08:41] like 2.5 3 3 7 [08:41] yeah,.. but i wanted a more answer of someone who tried it [08:41] libben, not sure the the timing on this kingston, but I know it's around cl3 [08:41] There's a tool called CPU-Z for Win32 that shows actual timings. Can we get all that info in /proc? [08:41] EvilIdler, godd thought [08:42] cl 3 is fine [08:42] good [08:42] cl 4 is crap [08:42] LiberalTugboat, I agre [08:42] well unless your talking DDR2 then its great [08:42] but that is completely different [08:42] heh [08:42] timings [08:42] just check your bios [08:42] mebaran151, cheap mobos wont tell you the timings [08:43] oh [08:43] mebaran151: The BIOS only lets you *set* timings; it doesn't accurately *report* [08:43] Though, IMHO the installer should've backuped the old, or atleast asked if you wanted to keep it, replace it with default etc. Oh well. :) [08:43] but if you have a cheap mobo you dont care about mem timings [08:43] sindre, agreed [08:43] sindre: If X upgrade *didn't* keep your X config, report it as a bug! [08:44] LiberalTugboat, heh *nod* right [08:44] hey would anyone have any recommendations for an onboard video chipset with good 3d acceleration? [08:45] EvilIdler: I can only find xorg.conf in /etc/X11. no xorg.conf.YYYYMMDDfoo [08:45] holycow, 900 series [08:45] i'd love to be able to give regular users the ability to play neverbal with like a stock open source driver [08:45] on the new intel boards [08:45] sindre: Yeah, that sounds broken [08:45] So I'm asuming that it didn't make any backups. Unless it places it in a totally different place. [08:45] 900 series? oh intel eh? [08:45] *hmmm* === visu [~visu@p54BC864D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] good linux support? [08:45] yeah its fast enought to play world of warcraft [08:45] not sure about linux support [08:46] should be [08:46] okay i'll check it out thanks [08:46] its intels new onboard [08:46] does it come in a cheapy version? === Segovia [~Segovia@pool-68-236-149-71.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] wonders what happend if i pop in my pda. [08:46] or ist that premium product right now? === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] umm they have 910 and 915 boards [08:46] libben, try it then :) [08:47] I think they make a 915 board for under 100 === da_bon_bon [~da_bon_bo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] Ah, works nicely now. Thanks for the tips. Running 1024x768 on a 20" LCD was a pain in the ass. ;-) [08:47] 100 yen? [08:47] lol [08:47] hmm... i thought it was 915 and 1925 [08:47] sindre: Change position. [08:47] ...925* [08:47] mR-STuPiD, they have 3 910 915 925 [08:47] oh, thanks, wasnt aware of 910 [08:48] 910 915 are the consumer 925 is server [08:48] LiberalTugboat, i suppose you mean dollars.. but you might wanna be more specific :) there are ample non-americans here :) === robzulah [~rob@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] american dollars [08:48] i've been buying boards with sis chipsets, shitty but works decent under linux [08:48] sorry [08:48] im an amd guy anyway [08:48] lol [08:48] ill try the intel 900 series and see how it goes [08:48] holycow, gah [08:48] yeah so am I [08:48] holycow, under SiS myself. [08:48] No openGL support at all. [08:48] How many buckets of merkin dollars per Euro nowadays? [08:49] there is some, but its not very good, they implemented a fraction of ogl only i think [08:49] but I work for an intel premier provider (top 2% of the system builders in america) so I have to know this stuff === marko [~marko@pD955E357.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] ah [08:49] hello [08:49] for example, blender works, but neverball barely redraws [08:49] intel actually comes and ask us === Zotnix has Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 630/730 PCI/AGP [08:50] EvilIdler, 1.29 [08:50] I've got a failure [08:50] sorry [08:50] wdh: Not that I care - I don't use either currency :P === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] EvilIdler, :P [08:51] well.. since i only use one of them.. i really dont care either.. but of course i could go on a trip to america quite cheap.. but then again.. who would want to go to america :) [08:51] Could anybody please help me with my packet-system...I get an error, when I want to install new packages...and don't know how to solve it === beezly [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] marko, whats the error? [08:52] ok...I'll paste it [08:52] Entpacke python2.3-gtk2 (aus .../python2.3-gtk2_2.6.1-2_i386.deb) ... [08:52] dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-gtk2_2.6.1-2_ i386.deb (--unpack): [08:52] versuche /usr/bin/pygtk-demo zu berschreiben, welches auch in Paket python2. 4-gtk2 ist [08:52] dpkg-deb: Unterprozess paste gettet mit Signal (Datenbergabe unterbrochen (bro ken pipe)) [08:52] Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von: [08:52] /var/cache/apt/archives/python2.3-gtk2_2.6.1-2_i386.deb [08:52] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [08:52] if its a large paste.. bring it to #flood i was going to say :S [08:52] :) [08:52] marko: #ubuntu-de [08:52] wdh: Not much to see there, and they've held fellow countrymen (and women) at the airport on obscure charges [08:52] lol [08:53] marko, Burgundavia has a point :P [08:53] thx [08:53] i didn't know, that there is a german chat [08:54] marko: Conflicts between pythin2.3-gtk2 and python-demo [08:54] marko: npo [08:54] marko: np [08:54] yeah...something like that...but i don't know how to solve it [08:55] marko: Try a dpkg --purge pygtk-demo, then apt-get -f install [08:55] marko: I don't think you really need the demo, anyway. Just grab some source if interested. [08:55] right EvilIdler...thx === Draucon [~Draucon@dialup-free-348.nmsu.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:56] do you have a good tutorial to how cuztomize gnome === visu [~visu@p54BC864D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [08:56] hmm...strange...seems to be pygtk-demo is not installed [08:56] The way apt complains at times makes it look like the end of the world, but the problems fix themselves eventually [08:57] marko: apt-get -f install, then? [08:58] I tried already and there is the error I posted...It says, that it wants to overwrite pygtk-demo, because it's also in the python2-packet, but it fails because of a broken pipe...whatever this means...*g* [08:59] marko: Ah..list all the python packages, and see if there's one that looks like a meta-package [08:59] marko maybe wait until tommorrow or whenever the release is ... [08:59] ok === imPULSIV [~matthias@pD9585161.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] hey cervans [08:59] i find with debian types of distros just waiting a bit to see if the package is resolved helps [09:00] most of the time it does get fixed [09:00] i got rid of all these errors [09:00] but... [09:00] The errors may be caused by your local mirror being in the process of rsyncing [09:00] now when importing an ai with for example one outline [09:00] did so for testing [09:00] *nod* yeah that too [09:00] it doesnt even show the outline === braam [~braam@swissco9294-3-2.clients.easynet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] so do i have to change st in the prefrences or so? === Sav [~sav@ce02816-kristd-abk.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] plz help [09:01] i despraatlywant this to work [09:01] desprately [09:02] sry but im german [09:02] dont mind my english === Xeiliex [~Winter@cpe-66-66-194-62.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] so any suggestions @ all === tommy [~tommy@dsl-082-083-169-008.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] imPULSIV: Try using the CVS of inkscape... they develop very fast, but don't release very often. Its not often I recommend using CVS, but for inkscape its worthwhile [09:04] imPULSIV: try #ubuntu-de [09:04] Arnia, really? [09:04] *hmmm* [09:04] ok EvilIdler...I listed python with dpkg -l python...and I got the following: ii python 2.4.1-0ubuntu2 An interactive high-level object-oriented lang === zbowling [~zbowling@adsl-68-95-154-133.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === geneo91 [~kane@1Cust2183.an3.det15.da.uu.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:04] i'll haveto give that a try my self === lunitik [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] they all are sleeping [09:05] its just early in the morning here [09:05] holycow: CVS inkscape is immense. Really really really amazing [09:05] marko: dpkg -l "*pyth*" [09:05] Arnia, really? [09:05] oh...htx [09:05] thx [09:05] neato, now i'm psyched :) [09:05] i love that app [09:05] holycow: But they do feature-based releases and until they've achieved their roadmap aim they won't release again [09:05] how do you get cvs versions to work? [09:05] i installed the autopackage [09:06] holycow: They've expanded tile-clones, have support for base-line alignment and all other kinds of stuff [09:06] *nod* and thats fine, i couldn't behappier with their forking of whatever the other app was [09:06] Sodipodi [09:06] oh right [09:06] Which wasn't very nice [09:06] they say its beeing genareted from cvs [09:06] EvilIdler: and how can I identify a meta-package? [09:06] oh that sounds like awesome features [09:06] holycow: Tile clones now do tracing [09:06] yeah sodipodi is kinda one persons pet project, no vision, it was a good start but weird [09:06] holycow: So you can have your clones change size, opacity, colour or presence based on the drawing underneath [09:06] marko: Just paste the packagenames on one line in a PM to me [09:07] no shit? *ooo* [09:07] holycow: Look at the screenshots :) [09:07] right...thx [09:07] Arnia, i have this feeling that inkscape will turn into a power house like gimp [09:07] i did two commercial projects in gimp already, and it beats photoshop hands down in almost every way [09:07] holycow: You mean you're hoping? ;) [09:07] howto istall cvs inkscape? [09:08] k, checkin t heir site out now :) [09:08] Inkscape looks like it'll be important, yeah [09:08] EvilIdler, no, i actually bit the bullet and did one project all in gimp [09:08] you need to get yourself gimpshop [09:08] it took 1 and 1/2 days to unlear photoshop [09:08] its the best of both worlds in one app [09:08] gimp is superior to pshop [09:08] and gimpshop is a stupid idea [09:08] no its so great [09:08] gimp gui is way more powerfull than people realize, no one gives it a chance [09:08] no its stupid [09:09] lol sorry [09:09] iwork wit ps since 4.x [09:09] me too, roughly there about [09:09] gimpshop reminds me of GoneME [09:09] and belive me i appriciate it [09:09] *nod* hey it works for you [09:09] see.. [09:09] thats what i mean [09:09] If you're used to regular Gimp, gimpshop is not a good idea [09:09] what i found about my self was that i was stuck in the 'photoshop way' [09:10] having a menu reorganisation for photoshop would be nice, but it should be a selectable set of XML files for the new menus [09:10] which is just fucking wrong [09:10] heh [09:10] mdi is wrong [09:10] photoshop is wrong [09:10] (all Gimp menus are specified in XML) [09:10] gimpshop is good for people who pirate photoshop. that is all I have to say [09:10] Maybe GIMP should incorporate their idea... and give an option. [09:10] i gain so much speed just by relearning the gimp gui, never mind there being a whole ton of neat little features that i like [09:10] Zotnix: Yes, but it would be as a different set of XML files for the menu. The rest of the Gimp UI is undeniably more sensible (proper tool names for a start) [09:11] GoneBoB, basically its for people who are stuck in their way, and cannot 'unlearn' [09:11] it litterally takes quite a bit of work to 'unlearn' ps, because thats all anyone ever used [09:11] they have more of a hold on that market than ms, it's beyond cult programming [09:11] @ holy [09:11] right man [09:12] if you used it for production for such a long time [09:12] than its so hard [09:12] no you just think it is [09:12] cos i still need to work :) [09:12] 1.5 days for me [09:12] pick one small commercial project, that will take 2 or 3 days [09:12] spec it out so you break even caus it will take you longer [09:12] Photoshop is incredibly overpriced around here. The big edition is easily two months' salaries. [09:12] and just learn gimp [09:12] you will be amazed [09:13] i promise, i'm not slaggin ps, or saying you should stop using it [09:13] i bought the cs premium [09:13] and use it on osx and win [09:13] sadly nobody pays for those things here, its even harder to convince ppl... [09:13] got two packs for agency and private [09:13] When I used Windows I liked Fireworks. [09:13] *nod* i will never use ps again, unless its for a 1 or 2 features that gimp doesn't have yet [09:13] Artemis3: No serious company here pirates it, so the Gimp is occasionally used [09:14] 2.2 release was amazing step for them === netmonk [~netmonk@NATGW2-13.BGMreja.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] Artemis3: Except the crazy Mac people. They buy PS :) [09:14] fw is not bad but imageready is better with me for the sake ofusig adobe interface [09:14] only microsoft bribes the cops to do any search, and photoshop has no ppl here [09:14] or adobe [09:14] whatever [09:14] i forgot the company [09:14] Adobe's interface is so horribly idiosyncratic [09:14] fw is basically useless as is imageready [09:14] i can't ever imagine having image maps on a site at all [09:15] or gif mouseovers === IRCMonkey_ [~chatzilla@pg-as06-l192.crnagora.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] maybe that will make a comeback as a retro 90's thing someday :) [09:15] 2 days to go until release? [09:15] but slicing is sooo easy in imageready [09:15] useless for me i mean, :) in all humbleness [09:16] anyway ... just my point o w [09:16] ov [09:16] Apr-8? [09:16] yep [09:16] imPULSIV, *nod* oh yeah, not diggin it, i basically design so everything is easy to slice to begin with, you kinda know where you can save bandwidth ahead of time, and i just throw down guides ... no biggie [09:16] still [09:16] marko: Some of those packages don't have Ubuntu in their version tag [09:16] ditto === sindre [sindrete@ritchie.ping.uio.no] has left #ubuntu [] === ratl3 [~ratl3@12-223-198-171.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] man i remember the mid 90's when high speed started to just come around ... [09:17] i remember doing huge goddamn guis and image maps and super optimizing image sections [09:17] thx evrbody here for the help so far ill try my luck with the inkscape channel now [09:17] heh :) === Taleel [taleel@toolnine.argh.org] has left #ubuntu [] === pepsi_ [~pepsi@72-254-16-88.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] holycow: What, you had high speed in the 90s? === Elyseum [~Elyseum@d5153EF05.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] t1 :) lol [09:18] at work [09:18] high speeds? [09:18] dsl at home [09:18] heh [09:18] holycow: Inkscape is great for slicing actually... if you give objects IDs (even transparent objects that don't 'print') then it will export everything to the correctly named images [09:18] which year? [09:19] Artemis3, those days were a blur, wish i could tell you exactly :) [09:19] i'd haveto look up when they fired me first [09:19] haha :) [09:19] haha a blur [09:19] Artemis3: Does it matter? A T1 is still insanely expensive today. === pepsi_ is now known as OxDECAFBAD [09:19] Arnia, really? it never even occured to me [09:19] *hmmm* === ibook_boy [~marco@] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] when will the new release take part guys? [09:20] 6th last i heard [09:20] my first internet contact was in 93, a shared text terminal plugged to a sillicon graphics mainframe wich shared a 32kbps link with too many ppl [09:20] holycow: today is the 6th [09:20] does any one know how to install and run gdesklets [09:20] at least i mastered lynx back then [09:20] holycow: What do you think of the screenshots? [09:20] Jimbob, heh, so it is! [09:20] 8th is the supposed release [09:20] holycow, release on Friday the 8th [09:20] Friday, in other words, is Hoary storm. [09:20] Arnia, i was busy pitching that pshop dude the mighty gimp to get to them :) [09:20] gdesklets is in universe [09:20] goin now [09:20] lol === helio7 [~michael@wbar21.lax1-] has left #ubuntu [] [09:21] just apt-get it [09:21] holycow, it used to be the 6th, but was delayed 2 days a couple of weeks ago [09:21] dialup acces was available around 95 and dsl around 98 [09:21] i did it now what [09:21] robitaille, oh really? ehe, k. whenever, ubuntu is rocking my world as is gnome 2.10, these guys are the best [09:22] Gnome's typography is beautiful [09:22] Artemis3, yeah i remember being in internet cafes very early 90's [09:22] holycow, yeah, it's a good distro [09:22] Especially with my Gill Sans interface :) [09:22] Artemis3, now that i think about it more, your timeline is probably more accurate [09:22] and internet here is still expensive.. [09:22] about 40US$ for dsl 256/128 kbps [09:23] robitaille, ubuntu simply shows what debian can be on a time based release [09:23] and some cash behind it [09:23] i went to acesories gdesklets and i got the gdeklets shell === a [~a@] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] but at least its flat rate, we didnt have flatrate until dsl === calamari_ [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] of course debian should always be a community only, it's good ubuntu is separate === GNAM [~hamburger@natpool-1-16.pd.astro.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] holycow: And a focus on usability don't forget [09:23] -2 days === calamari_ [~calamari@dialup-] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:24] i have to buttons displays and controls [09:24] Artemis3, i litterally remember one day being in an internet cafe and this old yuppie fucks walk in, look at me and go 'oh look honey, he's surfing!' [09:24] guys don't you think MDK urpmi is better than apt-get [09:24] ? [09:24] i still shake at the thought of that today [09:24] Getting more than 2Mbit at an affordable price is still hard here, plus I can't get more upload bandwidth at all :/ [09:24] i tried both [09:25] but urpmq --fuzzy pkgname is absolutely needed [09:25] Arnia, *nod* i still can't get over how gnome 2.10 and ubuntu finally feel like a finished desktop [09:25] IRCMonkey_: But have you lived for a year with both? [09:25] what does urpmi offer that apt-get doesn;t (not trying to troll, just looking for info) [09:25] i can now just install it and leave it alone, the places menu was a stroke of brilliance [09:25] EvilIdler: yeah === george_ [~george@70-32-149-1.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Burgundavia: fuzzy search [09:25] all the mac users will immediately understand it, as do win users too but they take a little longer [09:25] IRCMonkey_: Then only you can answer if it's good for you or not ;) [09:25] fuzzy search? on cli? [09:26] i learned unix like text enviroments by using those terminals attached to the mainframe. Irix 5.2 just the version before preemptime multitasking :( [09:26] EvilIdler: that's true === Mark_K [~chatzilla@64-30-195-34.dsl.linkline.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] Burgundavia: MDK [09:26] preemptive... [09:26] IRCMonkey_: I've only had trouble with MDK myself. RH was worse. Debian's apt was always nice to me. [09:26] was wondering if anyone could tell me how to exit X, and have gnome not boot directly into X but instead boot into a VGA console (installing nvidia drivers, heh === i58 [~i58@pcp01533679pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] IRCMonkey_: what kind of fuzzy search and where? [09:27] holycow: Its the first distro I haven't had the urge or the need to fiddle [09:27] EvilIdler: MDK is not what it used to be, ugly fonts by default is something i can't get rid off [09:27] holycow: Dropped it in and immediately I was productive... its amazing [09:28] Burgundavia: for example you want a package named tv you try #urpmq pkgname [09:28] IRCMonkey_: The apt-based distros have been real nice in that respect. Hardware detection is great on all sorts of distros now, though. [09:28] so, anyone got dual head working on an ibook ? [09:28] Burgundavia: but if you want pkgname sound alike you try urpmq --fuzzy pkgname [09:29] IRCMonkey_: nice feature [09:29] EvilIdler: will we have NV drivers in new relase [09:29] ? [09:29] IRCMonkey_: I like a good gui tool though [09:29] Arnia, today i had this epiphany kind of moment, i haven't actually had time to config the desktop as i normally do, the company had this big meeting so every bozo is handing me things to burn, search, play an mp3, opoen up floppies, convert things, search for files on cdrom .... and then it hit me, i didn't touch the fstab file === billy [~billy@64.Red-81-44-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] how is mdk for that? [09:29] heh :) [09:29] Burgundavia: gurpmi [09:29] Burgundavia: something like synaptic [09:29] anyone have an xorg.conf tat will get an emac/Radeon 9200 to run in 1280x1024? Been beating my head against this for hours! [09:29] IRCMonkey_: I'm using NVidia now, and everything's fine [09:29] holycow: The only things I've changed (beyond installing software of course) are my background, my theme (to Clearlooks Olive) and my font (I can't stand Vera Sans cos I do too much typography, and its problems irritate me too much.) to Adobe's Gill Sans [09:29] EvilIdler: even 3d? [09:29] EvilIdler: it's painfully slow with MDK def. drivers [09:30] Arnia, lol, i just haven't had time [09:30] EvilIdler: will Ubuntu come with official NV drivers? [09:30] IRCMonkey_: Nice, fast NV-GLX accelleration. [09:30] oh the other thing, i was opening windows network shares without a problem [09:30] EvilIdler: by default? [09:30] how do I get my warty system typing in japanese? [09:30] i was like copy files everywhere and then i thought, wait, wtf, i didn't haveto config samba? [09:30] heh [09:30] IRCMonkey_: Only thing I haven't tried yet is UT2004, plus xine seems to fail playing fullscreen. But that's xine. [09:30] EvilIdler: I don't know how to recompile kernel etc I am still a Linux newbie [09:30] hmm [09:30] IRCMonkey_: too difficult to set up by default [09:31] holycow: usability is one of my base morals, oddly... so I notice it when I don't have to think about it ;) [09:31] IRCMonkey_: you don't need to recompile. Just install the package [09:31] IRCMonkey_: It worked by default..after getting the real drivers. Ubuntu starts off with nv open source drivers. [09:31] Burgundavia: so it's not by def. [09:31] EvilIdler: nice to hear that [09:31] IRCMonkey_: apt-get install nvidia-glx, load the driver, restart X [09:31] IRCMonkey_: like I said, very difficult to get working correctly ootb [09:31] holy mac-a-moly. 160 mb of Updating again... (and btw.. Kubunto owns almost as much as Ubuntu). === siimo [~siimo@60-234-129-100.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] EvilIdler: what are you using for games: winex? === pvh [~pvh@S010600121729b5b8.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] IRCMonkey_: The only trouble with NVidia drivers right now on Ubuntu are when compiling it yourself, especially if you're not familiar with programming etc. [09:32] cedega i mean? [09:32] IRCMonkey_: A computer on my left, running WinXp. [09:32] so there's a package for NV [09:32] cool [09:33] holycow: I dislike it when people call Linux an OS (its a kernel) and but I find it hard to call most distros OSs either. Ubuntu is a proper OS IMO :) [09:33] EvilIdler: heh === StR34k [~streak@i216-58-13-201.avalonworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] IRCMonkey_: I'm on AMD64, running real 64-bit Ubuntu, and the games I've tried so far are all LucasArts games, Kohan and Alpha Centauri. [09:33] Windows is a kernel also. [09:33] IRCMonkey_: SMAC has a network problem. [09:33] Arnia: Linux is an OS [09:33] Arnia, *nod* it's also different enough to catch peoples ear at least in english [09:33] Arnia : so what do you call to a Linux Kernel + Packages ? [09:33] ubuntu is memorale [09:33] but how years passed [09:33] IRCMonkey_, Linux is a Kernel. [09:33] suse or redhat people forget more easily i think [09:33] were passing [09:34] the definition of OS changed [09:34] and included GUI [09:34] IRCMonkey_, you are referring to GNU/Linux i guess :) [09:34] Only the kernel is called Linux... the rest is just a group of packages that work with the kernel. [09:34] so, Linux has become only kernel [09:34] george_: You need to edit your /etc/inittab file. Look for the line that has 'initdefault' in it and change the '2' to a '1'. === scottj [~scott@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:34] so I was wondering if anyone would know where .debs unpack to? [09:34] what would you say for DOS [09:34] kernel or OS? [09:35] Arnia, i ran into an extra pc over the weekend, i'm thinking of throwing ubuntu on there and giving it to a friend to use ... i'd love to teach her how to use it, then get her opinion on it [09:35] I don't think an OS needs to have a GUI. I think it does need enough programs to actually do something other than spin :) [09:35] OS [09:35] OS. [09:35] IRCMonkey_: Linux never was anything but a kernel. The utilities we use are a collection of BSD and GNU tools. [09:35] Linux is now kernel, that's true but started like OS [09:35] IRCMonkey_, Linux as such has always been the kernel [09:35] EvilIdler: I agree with that, but it still controls the hardware [09:35] IRCMonkey_: Yeah, like kernels do :) [09:35] BIOS controls hardware too [09:35] and it's called biOS [09:35] GNU/Linux is the combination of the linux-kernel and the GNU packages.. together they can be called OS [09:36] I didn't here anyone calls it BIKERNEL [09:36] true that wdh === closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] kakalto: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/JapaneseInputHowto [09:36] i dont think anyone disagrees with wdh [09:36] Basic Input Kernel [09:36] IRCMonkey_: Yes, it means Basic In/Out System [09:36] Hmm [09:36] i have a problem with ubuntu [09:36] After 5.04 HoaryHedgehog, 5.10 BreezyBadger [09:36] perhaps someone else has as well [09:36] cheers, Artemis3 [09:36] closure: Settle out of court ;) [09:36] closure: what sort? [09:37] so it's a system [09:37] when i close my laptop and i open it back up [09:37] not kernel [09:37] it will not reload [09:37] closure: Ctrl + Alt + 7 then touch a key [09:37] erm.. peepz.. BIOS <-> Hard. Layer <-> Kernel <-> App. Layer [09:37] it stays black like it's suspended but i've set it to not goto suspend [09:37] kakalto: that stuff needs working imo, it is a bit unfriendly [09:37] an OS is the collection of the last 3. [09:37] ahk [09:37] Arnia, hrm [09:37] ok [09:37] is there a way to make it automatic? [09:37] artemis3: what's imo? [09:37] ubuntu needs better japanese input support [09:38] anyway, kernel or OS it works better than Win, that's enough for me [09:38] or simply not goto suspend like that? [09:38] in my opinion [09:38] ahk [09:38] we should not need to compile and such [09:38] closure: I think its an ACPI bug. Its not suspending, just changing terminals [09:38] but in the meantime thats for warty [09:38] Artemis3: im-ja2 or kinput2 or something? I'm not sure as only my laptop runs ubuntu [09:38] So I was wondering if I could get a hand with a problem I have/ [09:38] Arnia, so what exactly does ctrl+alt+7 do? [09:39] read the wiki, it shows the situation http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/JapaneseInputHowto [09:39] closure: Changes the virtual terminal to the one X (the graphics layer) sits on [09:39] You only need alt+7 when in console mode, normally === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jmhodges [~jmh@cpe-069-133-106-188.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] Artemis3: I never got uim and all that stuff working, I think I used kinput2 [09:40] StR34k, shoot the problem. [09:40] well if it's just changing terminals why does it goto a black screen [09:40] StR34k, I mean.. ask. [09:40] wouldn't it be a console login? === P3L|C4N0 [~gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] closure: Not if the terminal isn't one with a login attached === ubuntu [~ubuntu@220-245-247-119-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] closure: Like I said, I think its ACPI messing up [09:41] Xeon3D, :) hehe, Well, I deleted a file I shouldn't have... *blush* and when I reinstall the package it's in, it doesn't put the file back. [09:41] yes thats why i think that needs to be addressed, maybe when japanese users try more ubuntu? but if japanese input is unfriendly, will they use it? === whaq|off [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu === mjr [~mjr@ip212-226-158-253.adsl.kpnqwest.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] Artemis3: I agree there should be some sort of automatic input support thing happening [09:42] or at least good packages [09:42] StR34k: Try dpkg --purge on the package, and then install it again === elcu [~justin@wnpp-p-144-134-167-84.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] Xeon3D, So I figure I should just be able to unpack the deb, and copy the file to where it's supposed to go... but I dont know how to get at the files in the deb. [09:42] who here has seen a kernel panic? [09:42] i18n is a good area to improve and a goal of ubuntu [09:42] EvilIdler, I would rather not do that, cause it's an init script. [09:43] StR34k, dpkg -x package.deb wil extract it === darka_ [~darka@ctv-213-164-111-240.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] hello. this is the first time i have actually got a working dial-up connection in Linux === elcu smiles [09:43] Arnia, what is ACPI? [09:43] the more hardware i disable in the bios the longer it is prolonged [09:43] Artemis3: I didn't have perfect Nordic input in terminals, so some i18n work is needed [09:43] StR34k: Ouch === gabaug [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] StR34k, why don't you just install it? [09:43] step by step i guess :) [09:43] hardware problem, or kernel problem? [09:43] my mouse, screen, and music have been freezing up on Hoary for weeks now, and it's driving me mad. [09:43] holycow, Perfect. [09:44] holycow, thanx. [09:44] ratl3: Have you compiled your own kernel? Changed ram speed drastically? Overclocked other components? [09:44] np [09:44] closure: The power management 'standard' used on PCs [09:44] nope [09:44] Xeon3D, I tried, but the file didn't get put back. [09:44] I'm thinking of reinstalling, but I'm worried that the problem might be in some settings w/ in my home directory, and won't be fixed by a reinstall. Is that likely? [09:44] closure: Its not a very strictly followed standard though [09:44] EvilIdler, i haven't done any of that [09:44] :( [09:44] closure: And hence sometimes the software support messes up [09:44] Artemis3, is there quite a large OSS community in Japan? [09:44] EvilIdler, i'm trying to install it [09:44] try hoaryfina in two days, gabaug [09:45] it would be nice if some global input method that could address all languages (or the most possible) could be implemented, maybe a gnome thing or so [09:45] EvilIdler, Yeah, and it was all my own inattention. [09:45] Right.. I'm off. See you all later [09:45] ratl3: Kernel panics on installation? [09:45] GNAM: hoaryfina? [09:45] well thanks for the help Arnia [09:45] hoaryfinal [09:45] auau [09:45] EvilIdler, i've delayed the crash long enough to install it [09:45] should ubuntu users install firewalls? [09:45] GNAM: ok [09:45] StR34k: Well, like someone suggested, extract the deb and copy the file [09:45] EvilIdler, at first yes === elcu [~justin@wnpp-p-144-134-167-84.prem.tmns.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:45] EvilIdler, i think windows was working ok on his computer [09:46] EvilIdler, already done ;) [09:46] kakalto: i'm not sure... [09:46] ratl3: Sounds like either bad RAM, bad CPU, bad ISO (check the checksum!).. [09:46] EvilIdler, i've upgraded the kernel and that delayed the crash a little longer === Arnia [~jgeldart@host81-156-177-247.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:46] EvilIdler, it was annoying, cause mount -a wouldn't be run at boot time. [09:46] ratl3: I've had those symptoms with a bad ISO [09:46] EvilIdler, switched the ram [09:46] EvilIdler, two cds [09:46] StR34k: That one's fairly important, yes [09:47] ratl3: Have you checked the checksum? [09:47] yeah [09:47] EvilIdler, it wouldn't install on his computer === paradon [~thomas@] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] EvilIdler, :) yeah, I was cause I was working on a script to clean out tmp dirs at boot in Suse, and thought I was deleting that. [09:47] EvilIdler, so i connected the hard drive to another computer to install === telemaco [~telemaco@49.Red-83-33-190.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] Artemis3, with that input wiki, they tell you to install something, then say "You don't necessarily need that, by the way" [09:48] AFTERWARDS [09:48] yes [09:48] wtf [09:48] you can try other methods [09:48] EvilIdler, with the super minimal settings in the bios i can at least boot into X [09:48] meh [09:48] pick the one you like [09:48] EvilIdler, oh well, it's fixed now. [09:48] I hope it isn't too dependant on gnome [09:48] considering I use xfce [09:48] EvilIdler, then i get a lockup after about a minute of use [09:48] ah it isnt [09:48] ratl3: Gremlins? Demonic possession? Do you have an electrcal field meter? === Hobart [jb@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] EvilIdler, I was thinking it was a motherboard problem [09:49] good [09:49] EvilIdler, no, but i'm starting to think i need one [09:49] but still it could use better integration [09:49] StR34k: Read up on the immutable flag - it is a lazy man's backup, sorta :) [09:49] only if it'll integrate with all the major DE's [09:49] EvilIdler, everything i did to troubleshoot the problem only prolonged the crash [09:49] and gnome should have something for many languages input (non roman letters) === yahalom [~yahalom@bzq-218-60-116.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] ratl3: What is the CPU, and what is the RAM speed set to? [09:50] EvilIdler, cant say I have ever heard of it. [09:50] did you chack distrowatch.com recently [09:50] thing is, then the more lightweight desktops like xfce wouldn't have input [09:50] look at ubuntu's rating [09:50] check* [09:50] can anyone tell me if i share my desktop with a windows pc? remote desktop [09:50] lets see distrowatch === robitaille [~robitaill@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:50] IRCMonkey_, where 1st. I think everyone knows that. [09:50] *we're [09:50] EvilIdler, it's a duron 700, and i don't remember what the ram is set to [09:50] EvilIdler, defaults [09:50] StR34k: It's sort of a symlink, except when you modify the "link", the linkage breaks, and the other file lives its own life [09:51] Xeon3D: yeah! [09:51] neat [09:51] wow [09:51] people like free things [09:51] :) [09:51] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=160080 wont make it into hoary :-( [09:51] last 6 months already? [09:51] ratl3: Duron 700 is probably 100MHz RAM speed. If the motherboard has a jumper to switch between 100/133MHz speed, check what it is at now [09:51] that must be a huge spike [09:51] EvilIdler, nice [09:52] to push the others [09:52] EvilIdler, yeah, that's the ram speed... thanks for that idea [09:52] StR34k: chattr is the command, and at least ext2 and ext3 supports it [09:52] i guess ill wait for breezy [09:52] EvilIdler, forgot all about jumpers === atp14 [~ATP@c-24-126-88-123.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] mobos can use 133mhz in the bios it says cpu hwclk+33 [09:53] ratl3: Had a motherboard act exactly like that, and I had forgotten it was used for a modern 1.4GHz Duron before I tried it on a 750. Different RAM speeds :) [09:53] the duron is 100mhz === j^ [~j@gw.bootlab.org] has joined #ubuntu === copilot [~will@c-67-175-158-19.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Xeiliex [~Winter@cpe-66-66-194-62.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] EvilIdler, nice, I didn't even know about that.... [09:53] Artemis3: The old Duron is. There's a newer one, past 1.2GHz or so, that runs on a higher clock [09:53] this here is a 1.3ghz duron [09:54] and its still 100mhz, as far as i know [09:54] StR34k: I rate that bit of trivia very high on the obscurity scale :) [09:54] no the motherboard can use the ram at 133mhz [09:54] and the cpu at 100mhz [09:54] if you want [09:54] hey guys why don't make Ubuntu Power Grid Edition === imPULSIV [~matthias@pD9585161.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] back again [09:54] The one computer acts as server [09:54] Artemis3: That depends on the chipset. The last one I put together didn't act right when speeds differed ;/ [09:54] EvilIdler, Yeah, but it's trivia none the less, and somedays, it's fun to throw around :) [09:55] in fact this one is ddr so 200 or 266 [09:55] and other computers in LAN [09:55] hmm [09:55] connect to server and the whole thing acts like grid [09:55] different speed memories? [09:55] StR34k: Hehe [09:55] did someone figure out how to have separate desktops under gnome without wallpapoz [09:55] because the cpu is the same, i have tried 650mhz, 800mhz... [09:55] there are some distros that do this, but it would be good to have Ubuntu LAN super-grid [09:56] at least in cpu core speed [09:56] they are all 100mhz [09:56] bus speed [09:56] no? [09:56] you could have a super-computer in your house [09:56] maybe you had an athlon [09:56] Artemis3: Yes, like I said, chipsets matter. It's not the CPU that determines if you can have different speeds on RAM and CPU. === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] anyone reading this [09:56] ? [09:56] ah that too [09:56] i seem to always use via KT [09:56] I have a supercomputer in my house - distcc and dvd::rip both support clustering of sorts. [09:57] heheh === elcu [~justin@wnpp-p-144-134-167-84.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === accuser [~matthew@taose-adsl.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] EvilIdler, Well, Imma make a backup of my comp now that it's all fixed up :) === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] EvilIdler, Have a good one, and thanx :) [09:58] StR34k: Best to do so - I still need to purge packages I don't need before I freeze my system to DVD ;) === brentp [brentp@203-206-25-174.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] I'll be back [09:58] ive just got a quick question [09:58] how do i change my spell check file to british english?? [09:58] how do i disable gnome for logins [09:58] EvilIdler, I thought so, and I bought like 10 RW's for the cause. [09:58] im running it in a vmware window and its chewing a shitload of cpu [09:59] StR34k: Regular discs are so cheap now that I don't use RWs anymore [09:59] any opengl programmers here? [09:59] EvilIdler, Yeah, but then I end up with discs every where. [10:00] which self destruct in 5 years [10:00] does anyone here know his way around cprights on the logo of ubuntu? [10:00] is there any way, other than mirroring the whole of ubuntu archives, to share ubutnu packages across a network? i have 5 pcs that i would like to keep up to date, without having to download each package up to 5 times... [10:00] EvilIdler, that and spindles of disks, and they get scratched and such. [10:00] StR34k: I stack them high. When it gets so wobbly the glass falls off, I throw them in the bin :) [10:00] ! [10:00] microsoft wants to stole the logo [10:00] EvilIdler, LOL [10:00] steal [10:00] accuser: there's some program in Debian that does that [10:00] EvilIdler: Does it work fast? :) [10:00] kisielk: do you know the name? [10:01] i did some wp yesterday... [10:01] StR34k: Nah, I just buy folders to put my data in. No scratching happens here. === Gman is now known as GmanAFK [10:01] uploaded it and someone cmm that logo is not legit [10:01] EvilIdler, meh, I should, but i Havne't. [10:01] accuser: Look at apt-move [10:01] can i showyou and you tell meyour opinion? [10:01] did you see the msn "spaces" ripoff? [10:01] EvilIdler: thanks - i will [10:01] tis ugly [10:02] EvilIdler, That would mean I have to face the stupid ppl in the stores. [10:02] :( http://www.livejournal.com/~jiyuu0/ [10:02] @ artemis [10:02] StR34k: For my collection of rare, non-DVD movies, I just place them in spindles. They don't get used much, anyway. [10:03] wait ill show my wall [10:03] StR34k: Am I the only one who has a clued computer store in the vicinity? :P === corza [~corza2@ppp101-118.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] EvilIdler, yeah, I have a bunch of cd's in spindles, and I have the bad habit of looking through them like they were a deck of cards. [10:03] StR34k: Poor CDs [10:04] EvilIdler: Are you running Ubuntu on LAN [10:04] ? [10:04] EvilIdler, I live in a small town, the computer stores can pretty much extort the public. [10:04] jdubare you here? [10:04] EricNeon: yo! [10:04] IRCMonkey_: Not much of a LAN until I get the other Linux computers back togetther [10:05] ha~ [10:05] StR34k: I live in the capital, so there's great competition here [10:05] StR34k: I've heard some small town community in Holland created LAN network of their computers 2300+ and created grid [10:05] http://www.seven-sins.org/leopard2-ubuntu.jpg [10:05] look @ this [10:05] and tell me if itsviolating copyright === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-125.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] EvilIdler, mobo doesn't have any pins to mess with [10:06] can the mailinglist "ubuntu-zh@list.ubuntu.org " run? [10:06] EvilIdler, i disabled more stuff in the bios [10:06] imPULSIV: The animal in question was dead when the picture was taken, so no worries. [10:06] EvilIdler, i can't believe windows was working on this machine [10:06] ratl3: No advanced memory setting of any sort? [10:06] no i mean the logo [10:07] ratl3: Well, slummy OSes aren't picky about their partners.. [10:07] EvilIdler, Yeah, I used to live in Toronto, where there was great competition, but it's actually so bad here for somethings, it's worth driving to go to a bigger city. [10:07] bg is from my own stock and i wnted to giveit as present to the germancommunity [10:07] IRCMonkey_, Thats kick ass... [10:07] EvilIdler, the memory is set up correctly in the bios [10:07] hahah it needs more work, the logo gets so invisible ;) [10:07] but interesting [10:07] ratl3: I've run out of ideas for the moment :/ [10:07] jdubours mailing list can use? [10:08] thx [10:08] and is it violatingcprights [10:08] http://www.gridtoday.com/04/1004/103898.html [10:08] see this guys [10:08] EricNeon: hey, didn't i mail you last night? [10:08] first virtual city in the world [10:08] can you add a shadow or something to make the logo look cool? [10:08] EvilIdler, yeah, disabled IDE1, sound, usb, acpi [10:08] EricNeon: whoa! i didn't [10:08] I wish I live there [10:08] lol~ [10:08] EricNeon: sorry, i did a bunch last night - i'll do yours straight away :) [10:08] *grin* [10:09] bye for now [10:09] how do i disable the gnome login screen and just use a text terminal? [10:09] ratl3: Double-check that all memory fits snugly etc. [10:09] don't worry it,we have more time [10:09] jsgotangco: tell him i did! :) [10:09] EricNeon: nup, doing it right now :) === kalis [~johannes@twentyfourseven.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] EvilIdler, i have.. i've alternated between 4 sticks [10:09] ratl3: How about going the opposite direction - reset BIOS to default? [10:09] see you guys! [10:09] EricNeon: he was kinda busy *grin* [10:09] EvilIdler, that makes it crash on startup [10:10] oh === StR34k is heading out. [10:10] ratl3: None of the RAM is ECC? ECC hasn't been mistakenly switched on? [10:10] Hoary is almost within reach that's why [10:10] even #ubuntu-devel is smoking right now [10:10] EvilIdler, nope [10:10] EricNeon: hrm [10:10] ratl3: Have you desecrated any Indian temples lately? [10:10] EricNeon: all of your stuff is -zh... [10:11] EvilIdler, i think i cursed the pope [10:11] ratl3: That's worth karmic brownie points, I think [10:11] hah,because I am a chinese [10:11] EvilIdler, all those years of christian oppression [10:11] christian oppression? [10:11] @$##$%!!@ [10:11] but my gnome team is gnome-cn ,not -zh... [10:11] EricNeon: mmm, wondering why it wasn't -cn [10:12] smurfix: around? [10:12] -zh is Mandarin, right? [10:12] jsgotangco, as a kid?> [10:12] ahh *grin* [10:13] === poopstar [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] EvilIdler, well, i'm going to check it out [10:13] kakalto: Hey, the symbols showed up correctly :) [10:13] :D [10:13] it works [10:13] EricNeon: okay, i'm really sorry, but i'd prefer to defer this until i speak to smurfix [10:13] i though china was supposed to be cn === Hobart [jb@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:14] kakalto: Now go wash your fingers, for I am sure you probably just insulted the non-Asian portion of the channel :P [10:14] I thought dumbass was meant to be dm [10:14] jsgotangco: I'm guessing cn would be Cantonese [10:14] It says Japanese in Japanese === h [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] -_- [10:14] -cn is always meens "The People's Republic of China" [10:14] well, sorta [10:14] kakalto: Yeah, but I currenly have no way of knowing that for sure :P === budg [~budg@c211-30-49-78.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] hehe [10:14] EvilIdler: i don't think we need to have dialect-driven teams :D [10:14] -zh is meens "Chinese" [10:14] check gettext docs === tgs [~tgs@82-41-113-235.cable.ubr05.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] EvilIdler, it hasn't crashed yet... but the only thing enabled is IDE0 [10:15] I don't actually know much japanese, but I'm currently learning it, so yeah [10:15] EricNeon: So what's the difference in the packages? [10:15] ^^ [10:15] EvilIdler: packages are -zh because they are related strictly to language [10:15] kakalto: I'm picking up some verbal Cantonese and Greek. Feck knows if I'll ever learn to read any of either, though :P [10:15] EvilIdler, wouldn't that rule out memory? move the problem to the chipset? [10:16] jdub: I'll have to read a developer's guide to i18n issues one of these months :) === EMan [~Emanuel@cpe-70-112-211-71.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] ratl3: Sounds possible.. [10:16] lol, EvilIdler === archangel_ [~archangel@cpe-069-132-075-070.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === cat [~dead@cat.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] hey guys, I [10:17] In Gnome, I cannot get ALSA or OSS working... if ESD is running, does that prevent ALSA and OSS from working? [10:17] zh is behalf all of Chinese pepole around the world,not only "The People's Republic of China [10:17] how do I change to katakana? [10:17] kakalto: While getting through all the Zatoichi movies, I've discovered I've picked up an awful lot of Japanese, actually. Not that I can form a sentence, or anything. [10:17] have been using Hoary for awhile now and I was wondering if Ubuntu could do automatic updates like portage in gentoo? [10:17] EMan; im reading the faq new and theres something on there about it afaik [10:17] lol [10:17] brentp, quick faq, the offical Ubuntu? [10:17] http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_chapter/gettext_15.html#SEC221 and http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_chapter/gettext_16.html#SEC222 remember you specify both [10:18] yeah [10:18] on their site [10:18] ok, ill check it out.. I was messing around on ALSA's site thinking it was an ALSA issue [10:18] is there automatic updates for Hoary? [10:18] archangel_: Well, you could just add "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" to your crontab === Byakhee [~Byakhee@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] hi [10:19] Artemis3, how do I change to katakana? [10:19] EvilIdler, explain crontab, I'm a newb [10:19] archangel_: no, but look for a little red icon in the upper right [10:19] archangel_: when it shows up, click on it [10:19] lol [10:19] archangel_: The crontab is a file related to cron, the scheduled program launcher. [10:19] it depends on the input system === btd [~bch@user-213-251-104-183.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] try all CAPS [10:19] EvilIdler: crontab is nice, gui way is better for most new users === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] k [10:20] Burgundavia: Or lazy people (me). Any programs to do crontab editing in a proper GUI? [10:20] I'm using xfce4 is it going to be the same? [10:20] archangel_: hmm. No idea [10:20] archangel_: The GUI doesn't affect the inner workings, generally, so no worries [10:20] EvilIdler: I have seen some === lewwy [~lewwy@CPE-60-231-147-175.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === pippo [~pippo@host175-109.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Artemis3, not caps.. [10:21] whats the command line I can use for crontab? === pippo [~pippo@host175-109.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [10:21] EvilIdler: http://www.gnomefiles.org/search.php?search=cron [10:21] jdub, the mailing list is @list.ubuntu.org or @list.ubuntu.com? === Zatarra [rui_sa_pin@a83-132-164-92.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] which input method you used? [10:21] archangel_, it usually involves throwing scripts into the /etc/cron.daily dir etc... === zxv [~zxv@h8n2fls33o824.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] hi [10:22] EricNeon: it will be @lists.ubuntu.com [10:22] Burgundavia: That might be a neat one. Cheers. [10:22] archangel_, pretty simple [10:22] ok,thanks [10:22] EvilIdler: I think gnome-schedule looks to be best [10:22] EvilIdler: I have used none of them [10:22] I'll talk it to my team members [10:22] http://www.livejournal.com/~jiyuu0/ <- Microsoft Spaces logo is for *fat bastards* ? [10:22] EvilIdler: kcron for those of the kde bent [10:23] I [10:23] will give it a look [10:23] thanks guys [10:23] Burgundavia: I like the look of KDE programs..BUT I CAN'T STAND THEIR UNIMAGINATIVE NAMING SCHEME! Ahem. === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] how join into mailing list? === Bazzi [Bastian@pD9E2DD7B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] EvilIdler: gcrontab is in the repos. Those at gnomefiles aren't [10:23] EvilIdler: I agree with you on the naming stuff [10:24] archangel_: There's a program called cron-apt in the repository. I'm guessing it is a script for exactly what you want [10:24] cron-apt only run update [10:24] not upgrade [10:24] read the description [10:25] Artemis3, I used the first one.. [10:25] bloody locales issue [10:25] Ack. That makes it next to useless, but you can add the upgrade, I guess [10:25] i need to read the documentation on that one [10:25] Update and upgrade are synonyms in some languages I speak :/ [10:25] I suppose I should [10:25] EvilIdler, still hasn't crashed... i'm starting to think it was the IDE1 bus === tgs [~tgs@82-41-113-235.cable.ubr05.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["smoke] [10:26] ratl3: What sort of drive and cable is there on the ide1? [10:26] I found the cron file but I'm not sure how to edit it so I will leave well enough alone. I was kind of hoping it was like portage [10:26] EvilIdler, at first it was multiple cdroms [10:26] EvilIdler, and i thought it was a problem with them when trying to install it [10:26] ratl3: I've only seen the issue on Win2k installs, but those newer types of IDE cables caused installs to crash [10:26] by the by this april 8th can I do a distro upgrade to the final version or Hoary or do I have it? [10:27] anybody else having this bug? http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8236 [10:27] EvilIdler, 80 pin and 40 pin were tried [10:27] gcrontab is perfectly usable and has an OK interface. I guess I'll keep it. === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] archangel_: if you dist-update after hoary is released you will have the latest === Jefis [~jefis@] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] ratl3: I do exorcisms cheap. [10:27] EvilIdler, haha [10:28] hey, something wrong with ubuntu, when i run some apps, it crashes [10:28] Burgundavia, I have the preview version of 5.04 installed right now, will I lose any info with the upgrade? [10:28] something wrong with /tmp, how to fix it? [10:28] archangel_: if you do, it is a bug [10:28] Jefis: can you be more specific please? [10:28] Burgundavia, lol doesn't say much for final version if that happens [10:29] Hmm..it wasn't KDE fade effects that made the text fuzzy; I need to clean the monitor. [10:29] Burgundavia: if i run k3b [10:29] my pc crashes [10:29] freezes === elcu [~justin@wnpp-p-144-134-167-84.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] archangel_: Final version is April 8. Dist-upgrade should get you the new version and shouldn't bork anything === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] s/Final version/Hoary releases [10:29] i need to remount / i think, but how? [10:29] Burgundavia, cool thanks I'll hit it up then [10:29] where is the '.gnomerc' file meant to be? [10:29] Jefis: That's pretty drastic. "tail -30 /var/log/syslog" [10:29] later, thanks for the help === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] what plugin for audio & video in firefox should i use?? === paranouei [~paranouei@aurora.internetfactory.es] has joined #ubuntu === btd [~bch@user-213-251-104-183.tvcablenet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [10:31] ? [10:32] now look, i will ping timeout :) [10:32] because i will run k3b, and my pc crash :) [10:32] EvilIdler: gcrontab: gtk1 and 3 years without update [10:32] Burgundavia: How many format changes has cron seen since then? ;) [10:32] Jefis: do you speak French? [10:32] EvilIdler: still ulgy as sin [10:33] Burgundavia: Not with my themes, so I'm OK with it === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [10:33] EvilIdler: default theme is the one I am worried about. Hopefully we will get one of those better ones on gnome-files up soon === EMan [~Emanuel@cpe-70-112-211-71.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] Burgundavia: I haven't seen the default in a long time, since I've kept my /home partition on every reinstall [10:34] Burgundavia: I feel for the ones who do lay their eyes on it, though ;) [10:34] kakalto: try shift space then q [10:34] hmm, tried some stuff, but ALSA is still not working.. aplay -l shows the devices, but /usr/bin/speaker-test plays nothing === shock [~shockwave@dsl-082-082-155-082.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] Artemis3, thanks [10:34] EvilIdler: I keep the default because I want to see what the average user sees. Much easier for documentation and usablity stuff [10:34] Artemis3, the wiki tells me to create a .gnomerc file, but where is it meant to be? [10:35] EvilIdler: average user never changes the default [10:35] your user directoy i think [10:35] jdubif any body want join ours mailing list ,whether he need only sent a empty mail to ubuntu-zh@lists.ubuntu.com? [10:35] there could be one already [10:35] EricNeon: no, it's not created yet [10:35] EricNeon: they will be able to subscribe on the website, just like the other lists [10:36] oh ,I see [10:36] btw kakalto shift l for ascii double [10:36] How do I stop ESD properly? === _jefis [~jefis@] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] <_jefis> i crashed [10:37] EvilIdler: thanks for the info on apt-move. apt-proxy was actually what i needed. all set up and working, without any issues. better than m$ sus! - there is a howto here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptProxyHowTo === Teddy-O [~Teddy-O@pool0189.cvx22-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net] has joined #ubuntu === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === _jefis is now known as Jefis [10:37] accuser: I actually got by with Apache and apt-move on my internal network, but that link's handy :) [10:37] how to fix crashing? [10:37] ???? [10:37] anybody know what plugin for audio & video in firefox should i use?? [10:38] Jefis, can you ssh into your box after it crashes? === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] ssh? [10:38] in to my box? [10:38] it's home pc [10:39] Jefis, heh, nevermind [10:39] jdub: around. What's up? [10:39] i don't run open-ssh or services like that === psf [~psf@] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] something wrong is with /tmp [10:39] have you tried graveman? [10:39] smurfix: EricNeon's LoCo team is set up as -zh, which is a language code, not a tld code :) [10:39] but don't know what [10:40] what to do?:( === poopstar [~drew@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:40] Jefis, try graveman [10:40] what's that? === Teddy-O [~Teddy-O@pool0189.cvx22-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:40] how to run it? [10:40] Jefis, like k3b [10:40] Jefis, only for gnome [10:41] chinese === jagera27 [~nick@] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] cute name [10:41] i don't want to use any others apps, i want to fix i [10:41] it === poopstar [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] when i run kontact in kde, my pc crashes too [10:41] jdub,use zh_CN.UTF-8 [10:41] how to remount / in read&write mode? [10:41] or chinese === globbitz [~globbitz@] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] what Jefis ? [10:42] Jefis: mount -o remount,rw / [10:42] if i have a typedef struct in a .c file, do i include it in the .h file [10:43] ok :) [10:43] jdub, can we use zope+plone on my ubuntu-zh.org website? [10:43] i will crash [10:43] EricNeon: that's up to smurfix [10:43] ok [10:43] h: If the typedef is in the sourcefile, copy and paste to the header file. You should join #c [10:43] are you using kubuntu EvilIdler ? [10:43] ratl3: Yes [10:44] jdub: yeah, he wanted it to be for all-of-Chinese, not just China. Right now, both versions work. [10:44] bah, i mean Jefis.. sorry about that EvilIdler [10:44] smurfix: hmm [10:44] EricNeon: The box isn't really big enough for a zope setup [10:44] EvilIdler: purged the evil looked gcrontab from my system === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === balor [~balor@amdpr.it.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] oh === snowblink [~snowblink@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] Burgundavia: Purge! Repent! [10:44] EricNeon: I'll talk to sabdfl abaou that at UbuntuDownUnder, maybe we can work something out [10:45] smurfix: Half those words were even English! :) [10:45] EvilIdler: how many distros have you carried your home across now? === maddler [~maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] Burgundavia: Slackware, RedHat, Mandrake, Debian, Ubuntu (on this box) === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:204:75ff:feed:da66] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] EvilIdler, and your settings kept working? [10:46] EvilIdler: hmm. had to hack any of the . folders to keep apps working? [10:46] I've actually had to wipe the KDE settings occasionally [10:46] And Gnome wasn't always so hot, either [10:46] wondered about that === cat [~dead@cat.user] has left #ubuntu [] [10:46] But all the .mutt data and such survived [10:46] smurfix, I want meet Jon Hancock this weekend to talk about my team [10:47] when I moved RH 8 --> Ubuntu I did clean install [10:47] Burgundavia: I have tons of sourcecode in $HOME === lunitik [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] any opengl programmers? i'm trying to install mesa so i can write opengl programs, but i don't know which package to get. [10:47] Anyone having problems with and Intel 865G under the latest Hoary? [10:48] EvilIdler: I didn't have much, so it wasn't worth the hassle [10:48] elcu: What graphic chipset are you using? [10:48] elcu: AFAIK just install X and make sure DRI is working [10:48] Burgundavia: I did blow away my mail data last time, though. Nothing important there, and it was 9 megs :) [10:48] I have an 9600 Pro. === OxDECAFBAD [~pepsi@72-254-13-52.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] I installed the fglrx driver === bobesponja [~paljord@] has joined #ubuntu === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-084-059-057-183.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] balor: I need glut.h apparently, and it's not on my comp. === danikata [~danik@] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] elcu: That's not part of GL; apt-get install openglut-dev === lunitik [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] EvilIdler: So I don't need Mesa? === qbeek [~qbeek@sete.idealx.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] elcu: If it asks for glut.h, I guess you already have the other OpenGL headers. They were probably included when you installed the ATI drivers. === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [10:51] how do you write 'Linux' in japanese? [10:53] smurfix, we will make this team for all-of-chinese,now there are more language code in chinese around the world,for example GBK/GB18030/zh_CN/zh_TW/zh_SG/GB2312 [10:53] kakalto: Ehh..just like we do? Is there even an X in the 'alphabet'? [10:53] i dont think you do kakalto [10:53] what's the translation, is what I mean? [10:53] now, i'm sure the french have their own word for linux [10:53] hah [10:53] they pronounce it the same [10:53] so we will consolidate into UTF-8 [10:53] and use latin letters to spell it [10:54] kakalto: I'd expect them to spell it "linuksu" === gro [~gro@ip-212-239-167-158.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] EvilIdler, no, just linux [10:55] they may pronounce it something close to that tho === selinium_ [~selinium_@82-34-184-67.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] OK. a noob question: should i get a virus scanner/firewall? and if so. which one? [10:55] so, holycow, they just write blahblahblah linux blahblahblah ? [10:55] elcu: no need! [10:55] like this --> Linux [10:56] *nod* === zoe [~zoe@openblocks.good-day.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] haha [10:56] what you want is tha katakana of it? [10:56] selinium_: really? [10:56] Artemis3, probably [10:56] what about browser hijacks etc. [10:56] but how is that spelt? [10:57] rinukusu? [10:57] elcu, get a firewall... don't pay attention to him [10:57] or rinii [10:57] or rinuu [10:57] you think try that in google [10:57] i think === Huahua [~hua@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] ratl3: any recommendations? [10:57] I tried it in babelfish... [10:57] elcu, i use firestarter [10:57] elcu, it's been real easy for everyone i know to use [10:57] not babel, just search google with the katakana [10:57] elcu: the architecture of linux and the way it handles its permissions means you dont have to worry about virus' === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-41-22.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === robin__ [~robin@] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] it should be rinukusu [10:58] selinium: righto. === ikuyaLoqu [~ikuya@openblocks.good-day.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] let me see... [10:58] elcu: you have to try quite hard to get viruses to run on Linux [10:58] hi, what is the alternative of kdevelop for gnome ? [10:58] gordonjcp, not on ubuntu [10:58] on ubuntu you just need to trick some user to run a bash script as sudo [10:58] ratl3: i'll try it. thanks. [10:58] elcu: I use firestarter as a firewall, but you would only need this really if you are running a webserver [10:58] lol you can wipe the fuckers drive in seconds [10:58] elcu, but insecure software can still be exploited [10:58] holycow: yeah, but how often does that happen? [10:59] gordonjcp, ubuntu is young, it has few users [10:59] holycow: most Ubuntu users will be coming from Windows [10:59] with universal sudo, just wait [10:59] thats EXACTLY the problem [10:59] selinium_: so, not really necessary for an dial-up user? [10:59] a clever bash script will probably something they download offa website [10:59] it will probably be something somewhat usefull [10:59] holycow: most Windows users will be used to their machines getting it up the jacksie from malicious web pages, malformed MIME and so on [10:59] actually, rinukusu might be something else [10:59] yeah it is [10:59] holycow: none of these are really a problem in Linux [10:59] I searched it, and found a picture of a fairy :S [10:59] but in the background will install spyware, trojans, etc. === whiskey_1 [~whiskers@ppp-68-89-186-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] elcu: default ubuntu comes with all inbound ports closed [11:00] lol gordonjcp you do understand ubuntu has universal sudo? [11:00] you do know that you can just do sudo rm -rf *.* [11:00] gro, it does? [11:00] holycow: and anyone stupid enough to run arbitrary code without understanding it deserves to lose [11:00] I heard it was rinii, but the guy that told me this spelt it in the katakana [11:00] gordonjcp, no [11:00] holycow: yes, of course, but who in their right mind would do that? [11:00] anyone that stupid deserves to be protected [11:00] well [11:00] anyone ? [11:00] elcu, nevermind then... you're fine [11:00] :) [11:00] a single * is better [11:00] ratl3: yes, unless you install something like apache or openssh server [11:00] those that circumvent the protection deserve [11:00] holycow: no, they need to learn [11:01] I suppose I could write :P [11:01] *.* means only filenames with a dot somewhere [11:01] gordonjcp, sorry mate, lack of skills is not the right argument [11:01] ratl3: righto === elcu hugs linux [11:01] gro, does it open those ports only for those programs? [11:01] true stupidity does not equate to lack of knowledge [11:01] except that's ubunshi, isn't it.. [11:01] :-) [11:01] elcu: all firestarter is, is a gui for the IP tables that you get anyway with linux. It allows you to shut and open ports. but also because it is only a tool it does not have the high cpu overheads like zone alarm and there ilk [11:01] perhaps ubuntsu? [11:01] ubuntu will be one of the first distros to see a virus or trojan or whatever ... at least with sudo for everything === jono [~jono@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] is today the release day? [11:02] no one in their right mind uses sudo for everything by default [11:02] its insane [11:02] you seem to talk about social engineering [11:02] jono, nah, 8th [11:02] holycow: if someone walked up to you and told you to run over your hand with a car, would you do it? [11:02] kakalto, ahhh right [11:02] ratl3: these programs open off course ports: otherwise you couldn't be running a webserver ;) [11:02] elcu: you got your answers before i can finish typing, need to speed up! [11:02] anyone here know c? [11:02] holycow bitch bitch bitch something else from you? :P [11:02] so both mac and linux haven't had virii yet? [11:02] jono, don't worry, I made the same mistake :P === qbeek [~qbeek@sete.idealx.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] holycow, how many new users are going to be using the terminal? [11:02] kakalto, :) === elcu is pretty sure he heard of a mac virus [11:02] if you are worried make another user account without belonging to admin [11:03] Artemis3, well admitedly my 'haxor' skills are lacking, i'm sure there are ways [11:03] anyone getting a bug when you plug ijn USB mass storage and only get it read-only? [11:03] sudoing everything is just nuts [11:03] h: Join #c for C questions [11:03] elcu, it's called a McVirus, available at McDonalds with your happy meal [11:03] Bazzi, i guess you missed my earlier rah rah about ubuntu and gnome 2.10 then? [11:03] you only sudo administrative tasks [11:03] i hate those ppl in #c, they know everything [11:03] apparently [11:03] holycow :o [11:03] h: That's the point :) [11:03] gordonjcp, not a very accurate analogy, sudoing everything is like giving a drunk keys to their car [11:04] kakalto: that was horrible. :-) [11:04] holycow: not really [11:04] sure the blame is on the drunk === carambol [~Karambol_@c117193.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] holycow: you still need to deliberately run things in sudo [11:04] but a lot of blame is also on the designated driver that gave them the keys [11:04] You need to be drunk to sudo everything. [11:04] elcu, I know :) [11:04] :)) === ashtray [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] gordonjcp, *nod* i don't disagree, some things need sude, printing, ect. [11:04] holycow, i think ubuntu's sudo without root is more secure than other distros [11:05] sudo on everything is crazy tho, you may as well just run as root [11:05] elcu: your a bit paranoid aren't you! === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] elcu: seriously, there is no need to worry! === ashtray is now known as ashtray_irc [11:05] holycow, sudo passwd? [11:05] heh === corza [~corza2@ppp96-194.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] ratl3, well thats the problem [11:05] selinium: i *am* a former windows user. [11:05] most users passwords are simple [11:05] anyone hear got rosegarden4 running on there machine? [11:05] ratl3: or sudo -s ;) [11:05] therefore the ubuntu root access is simple [11:06] i have users on systems that just do start/start ... never mind the security behind that [11:06] oh [11:06] i cant do that on ubuntu [11:06] Default is still to ask for a password on using sudo. [11:06] doesn't the user have to have admin priv to do that tho? [11:06] it can't be that simple any more for restricted user by default, now root is basically start [11:06] elcu: I 'crossed over' about 2 onths ago. my pc actually works now! [11:06] holycow: not using wheel is madness [11:06] holycow: yes you can create user which are not allow to sudo [11:06] thats why you can either activate root by doing sudo passwd, or make another user without admin priviledges (ie cant use sudo) [11:07] Wasn't hoary final due for release one of these days? === padraig_ [~padraig@mckenna1996.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] gordonjcp, oh i agree with you, not having root from what i see is definately an improvement *nod* ... perhaps just having sudo for things relavent to a restricted user might be better maybe? [11:07] EvilIdler: I can't find opengl_dev in Synaptic [11:07] ashtray_irc: friday [11:08] april 8 [11:08] gro 'can' is sorta improtant part of my point, i'm not trashing ubuntu at all [11:08] gro: Ah. Thanks. [11:08] friday? [11:08] the problem is 'default' imho [11:08] ah yes [11:08] teehehe [11:08] EvilIdler: I do however have some Mesa packages. [11:08] ubuntu is so great right now, that it makes it very nice for windows users to migrate [11:08] and THAT i am very very afraid of with 'default' permissions [11:08] everyone seems to be making the mistake of ubuntu release on 8th, not 6th [11:08] yes ubuntu is filling that niche [11:09] err, other way around [11:09] did they change it or something? [11:09] maybe we need some type of 'policy editor' that helps setup some levels of restrictions at install? i don't know, giving a windows user something so easy to use like ubuntu is asking for trouble with such sudo powers [11:09] kakalto: I saw 6. somewhere on ubuntulinux.org, can't remember where, and that's why I thought today. === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-082-082-202-197.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === selinium_ is now known as selinium [11:09] hey, i switched from gentoo [11:09] eclu: I'm only familiar with NVidia drivers - they come with their own GL headers for development [11:09] ubuntu is filling another niche too [11:09] But those who wait for something good... [11:09] kakalto: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule [11:09] ashtray_irc, I did a search at the top for release date, and found a release schedule === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] I'm sure that said the 6th, last time I went to it [11:10] oh gentoo is fine but not everyone has the patience for so much compiling... [11:10] yeah, exp on a laptop [11:10] But ofcourse we'll wait until friday. [11:10] if i may point out one more thing as well, ubuntu with gnome2.10 is far more dangerous than any other desktop environment before it in some interesting ways ... [11:10] Then i'll fire up bittorrent [11:10] and download to my heart's content [11:10] and i still think freebsd is better :) [11:10] what are you waiting for? [11:11] ... you guys have polished off the biggest show stoppers for my windows users, thats good and bad [11:11] you can install it now ashtray [11:11] and replace mandrake on my laptop! [11:11] /msg nickserv link selinium_ Galadr1el [11:11] now they actually CAN download, install and just go [11:11] man what a scary thought === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] selinium: i always wanted a password for your nick ^^ [11:11] selinium: lol ;) === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] anyone got a netmd md working under ubuntu? [11:11] (j/k) [11:11] holycow: They will no longer be spambots due to drive-by downloads, though === IRCMonkey_ [~chatzilla@IGLD-83-130-191-213.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] andrek: netmd isn't very usable under linux as a whole [11:12] i have a problem who can help me plz? [11:12] but there is a sf.net project for it [11:12] notmd [11:12] :) === jason_ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] I copied it straight from the Nickserv website, the b'sartds! [11:12] EvilIdler, i can very easily trick a windows user to run anything [11:12] :) [11:12] its trivial [11:12] you don't even haveto try [11:12] just give them a link and some instructions [11:12] hehehehe [11:12] what about ipod then? how is that with linux(ubuntu) [11:12] they will happily fuck up their system [11:12] elcu: Do you have xlibmesa-gl-dev? [11:12] i have that problem with the sound system in ubuntu hoary... i want to use 2 sound in the background [11:12] and then blame it on us [11:12] Should it bother me that both vga16fb and vesafb modules have been loaded (during livecd boot)? [11:13] holycow: Well, they ARE the simplest of individuals ;) [11:13] holycow yeah tell them to sudo rm -rf / :D [11:13] EvilIdler, :) [11:13] Bazzi, thats funny, yet at the same time not funny [11:13] heh :) [11:13] holycow: when did u start using linux? [11:13] i have that problem with the sound system in ubuntu hoary... i want to use 2 sound in the background [11:13] EvilIdler: yes. [11:13] I think I need this folder: /usr/include/GL [11:13] It's auto-darwinisation. === GoneBoB is now known as Elvis [11:14] But it doesn't exist. [11:14] 2 sound? thats simple if the apps use esound [11:14] h well, as i know where your going with it, why don't you just say what you are going to say :) [11:14] elcu: That folder may be elsewhere === IRCMonkey_ is now known as Xnecromancers === johns^ [~john@decande.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] play rhythmbox and xmms and gnome noises [11:14] elcu, gentoo was much nicer for writing code to me [11:14] 3 sounds ;) [11:15] elcu, oops i shouldn't have said that here [11:15] EvilIdler: 'locate' comes up with nothing. [11:15] elcu: Ihave /usr/include/GL, which contains links from /usr/X11R6/include/GL/ [11:15] EvilIdler: Should I install that Mesa package? [11:15] for writting code? you miss the devel apps? [11:15] elcu, did you do updatedb? just incase i missed earlier post [11:15] you can alwayws install em [11:15] Artemis: Yes. I'm figuring out which package to get. [11:15] elcu: Sounds like something wrong with your filesystem if the package is there, but the haeders are gone [11:16] ok so like that... i can't hear music and play a flash sound(for example) [11:16] oh, thats another matter ;) [11:16] elcu: Reinstall the xlibmesa-gl-dev package, then [11:16] EvilIdler: I haven't installed it yet. :-) I thought you meant if I could see it in Synaptic ... which I can. [11:16] if you say so... [11:16] Artemis3, yeah, that's what i'm talking about [11:16] elcu: No, I meant do you *currently* have it ;) [11:16] Artemis3, on gentoo you HAVE to have the right dev packages for everything [11:16] EvilIdler: Oh. Then no. :-) [11:17] i think i learned the packages of using so many distros already [11:17] elcu: Then it's like I said first - just install that [11:17] EvilIdler: So that's the package to get then? === rdurand [~rdurand@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] elcu: It should be [11:17] lu all [11:18] EvilIdler: OK thanks. I'll try it. [11:18] and you can always do a compile just to make sure you have all === sbc [~ca@] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] even if you don't plan to install it or anything [11:18] anyone hear got rosegarden4 running on there machine? [11:18] elcu: Get xlibmesa-dev, xlibmesa-gl-dev, xlibmesa-glu-dev [11:18] Artemis3: compile what exactly? [11:19] EvilIdler: That was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. [11:19] i guess it depends in what you want [11:19] which language, etc [11:19] [11:19] WHOA [11:19] ^^! [11:19] that looked awesome in my client [11:19] is that right... [11:19] ? [11:19] Artemis3: Ah, gotcha now. [11:19] I can actually see it [11:19] paste arab too ;) [11:20] paste? [11:20] or type [11:20] whatever [11:20] X-Chat has working i18n support, as kakalto confirmed for me :) [11:20] jsgotangco, it's called japanese [11:20] :) [11:20] Should I expect WEP to work from the livecd? [11:20] does it worth with right to left? [11:20] *grin* try esperanto or latin [11:20] I don't have arab text input [11:20] I have problems with hearing music from two programs in ubuntu who can help me please? [11:20] I have problems with hearing music from two programs in ubuntu who can help me please? [11:20] Arabic and Hebrew ggoes the wrong way [11:21] hahaha [11:21] no surprise there [11:21] but its an interesting problem === jmhodges [~jmh@cpe-069-133-106-188.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] Xnecromancers: which 2? [11:21] adapt software for them [11:21] xchat likely anchors all text to the left, so as you input it, it goes left [11:21] you see if i want to hear music from gstream and from flash player in the net i can't [11:22] i'm outta here.. thanks for your exorcism help EvilIdler [11:22] gtk is supposed to handle it, so i wonder [11:22] ratl3: Hehe [11:22] and even more fun is mixing things === BazooKA [~vampyre@m73.net81-66-181.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] Burgundavia: you see if i want to hear music from gstream and from flash player in the net i can't [11:23] When i try and start rosegarden4 i get an error message saying Jack server not started. can any one help me with this? [11:23] I suppose I better stop learning japanese to this channel [11:23] mako, are you here? [11:24] Xnecromancers: for flash http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SoundProblemsHoary [11:24] Burgundavia: It's not just flash. [11:24] I will sent you mail to introduce the members of ubuntu-zh [11:25] Xnecromancers: that solves that. What other app? === mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] Burgundavia: If i change in the "Multimedia System Selector" to alsa it's not playing\ === alterim [~chatzilla@82-32-28-192.cable.ubr04.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] Xnecromancers: should be esd [11:26] esd works in delay if i pause [11:26] i want alsa [11:27] linux it's freedom === Elvis is now known as HrdwrBoB === martink [~martin@pD955E58B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] Burgundavia: I want alsa [11:28] Xnecromancers: canna help ya then [11:29] Burgundavia: Why not? [11:29] Xnecromancers: Ubuntu uses esd, with hooks to alsa [11:29] Xnecromancers: because he doesn't know about using raw alsa perhaps? [11:29] Burgundavia: you probably have alsa [11:29] does anyone know about the JACK server? === BigJohn [~bj@host81-158-243-253.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] selinium: I'm sure someone does... try asking... [11:30] selinium, what does it JACK? [11:30] Burgundavia: OK... so how does i stop the delay with esd? [11:30] go to Sound...and uncheck Sound server and the other option there [11:30] While trying to compile something I got this error: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! <- what package do I need? [11:30] I mean what is a JACK [11:30] :S [11:30] kakalto: JACK is simular to ESD or GStreamer ... perhaps more like ESD though... [11:30] ahk [11:30] Xnecromancers: hmm. Not a sound expert. Cannot help you there either [11:30] Xeon3D: install x-dev [11:30] lunitik: i have been! I am trying to start rosegarden4 and it fails saying JACK server isn't running. JACK server i believe is an audio server. [11:31] Burgundavia: If i play some music and i push the pause buttom it's take a while and then it stops playing.. it's not amidetl [11:31] selinium: apt-get install jackd === tigger|nl [~eduard@82-217-119-240.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] Xnecromancers: that is odd. I don't see that. I would log back in and see if it does it, and then file a bug [11:31] selinium: should be able to 'jackd start' or simular... else... look in /etc/init.d/jackd [11:32] Burgundavia: OK man thanks. [11:32] Xnecromancers: strange... I was just watching movies... only happens here in full screen mode... [11:32] Xnecromancers: hey, np [11:32] thanks balor [11:32] Burgundavia: It's happed all the time in my P4 2.8 [11:32] Xnecromancers: if that is the case there too... its cuz your video sucks... has nothing to do with sound. [11:32] :) [11:33] Burgundavia: Man i'm talking about the sound i hear music and pause not vedios [11:33] Burgundavia: And i have ati 9200 === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === esteve [~esteve@27.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] Xnecromancers: ahh... yeah... that deff doesn't happen here... mp3's and ogg's all play as expected... [11:34] Burgundavia: ? i dont understand what you have just said [11:34] Xnecromancers: np = no problem [11:35] i know.. [11:35] Xnecromancers: I don't see anything else you might not understand... [11:35] you say that it's happen in mp3? === kent [~kent@c-a6c871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] Xnecromancers: I said that it doesn't... [11:35] lunitik: I have jackd installed. But it says it is not running? also this error: ALSA lib seq_hw.c:446:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory [11:35] ho.. [11:35] cuz it does [11:36] selinium: ahh... I don't know how to generate that node... === Chameleon22 [~serg@220-244-235-173-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] nvm [11:36] lunitk: np [11:36] thanks for trying.. [11:36] lunitik: cheers for trying! === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] selinium: look in /usr/share/doc/jackd though... should give decent docs for setting it up... [11:37] lunitik: cheers for the pointer! === jeavis [~jeavis@] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] I need help How I can get the new gnome enviroment === whiskey_2 [~whiskers@adsl-68-90-60-176.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === lunitik kisses seb128 for 'totem' ... finally listened to what he said prior to warty release :P [11:39] cept it was mdz that disagreed that that was a good idea... bah [11:40] lunitik: I beg your pardon? === esteve [~esteve@27.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] I need help How I can get the new gnome enviroment [11:41] mdz: we had a disagreement about ubuntu-desktop depending on strictly totem-gstreamer prior to warty release... [11:41] Does anyone know the name of the package containing xf86vmode.h? === lunitik points at '/msg nickserv info lunitik' ... think I was using '|trey|' === siimo [~siimo@60-234-129-100.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] lunitik: ubuntu-desktop has always depended on 'totem', and still does === tof- [~tof@blueice2n1.uk.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] yes, despite the IP issues, gstreamer sucks for everyone ;) [11:42] and for good reason [11:42] mdz: nah... installing totem-xine used to remove ubuntu-desktop ... [11:42] and its almost the required first thing a user must do [11:42] lunitik: yes, because totem depended on totem-gstreamer [11:42] lunitik: trust me, I know of what I speak [11:43] mdz: bah... either way... its different now... totem-xine doesn't remove ubuntu-desktop... and this is why I thanked seb128 (he is maintaining 'totem'...) [11:44] lunitik: seb128 and I are well acquainted ;-) === Sav [~sav@nl-157-169.bth.se] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic [~debianarc@wolax7-212.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === desplesda [~desplesda@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] mdz: collegues tend to be ;P [11:44] and we agreed on the solution === elcu [~justin@wnpp-p-144-134-167-84.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] which is not the same as the solution which I rejected [11:44] :) [11:44] can someone help [11:45] I've just installed Hoary on VMware on top of WinXP. Has anyone tried using this sort of setup in the long term? [11:45] i can't seem to unpack .rar files [11:45] mdz: I recall you disagreeing at first with it... and I always just installed mplayer after so as to not interrupt ubuntu-desktop... [11:45] i downloaded unrar too but it still doesn't work [11:45] any help? === nomeata [~jojo@nomeata.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] alterim: ubuntuguide.org [11:45] aka you can't help or? === aljosa [~aljosa@cmung1169.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] Hmm, I got this stupid id this morning. Why not patch update-manager, synaptic (or whatever) to use bittorrent-files for upgrading? That way the network-load on ubuntu servers will not be so high (though I have had no problems yet with slow servers.. but its a cool id). [11:45] unrar should do.. === whiteknight [~james@81-178-241-57.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] lunitik: I don't have time to argue about this, but I will explain once and clearly: my opposition was to adding alternative dependencies to ubuntu-desktop, while the solution which was adopted was to modify the dependencies of the 'totem' package [11:46] seb128: anyways... thank you again... much appreciated... now to work on getting rid or xpdf 8) === rainer [~rainer@h081217128133.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] oh thats what triggered the whole bittorrent2 discussion... it will take a while [11:46] Hi. A ubuntu user mailed me because I maintain a debia package and asked me questions why my package is not up to date. It is in debian, but ubuntu still has an older version. so I wonder when ubuntu updates the packages they take directly from debian? [11:47] lunitik: np. breezy will probably have evince has default pdf viewer === Benjamin_L [~benni@pD950D311.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] mdz: ahh... ok... I don't think I stuck around for the conclusion :) [11:47] s/has default/as default/ [11:47] seb128: yay... still have to live with xpdf for a while longer though :) [11:47] seb128: thank you so much for that [11:48] yeah, but gpdf doesn't handle type3 fonts === jeavis [~jeavis@] has joined #ubuntu === lunitik still needs to figure out why it was decided to use Grumpy instead of making devels use broken software :P [11:48] How I can get gnome2 [11:48] and evince is quite new, not easy to push it for hoary [11:48] nomeata: if it is in universe, talk at #ubuntu-motu [11:48] on ubuntu site stands that modem (slmodem driver) on ibm r40 works but it doesn't. any help/instructions/links? [11:48] i dont mind if ubuntu-desktop vanishes at all when installing totem-xine [11:48] its pretty symbolic anyway [11:48] Burgundavia: how can I tell where it is? [11:49] seb128: especially not now... but from what I have seen of it... it seems pretty stable etc... doesn't seem like it would be a difficult sell over xpdf... [11:49] nomeata: the archive is frozen for some time new, hoary is for this week [11:49] nomeata: does it have a little ubuntu logo next to it? === enplo [~enplo@dhcp14.softlab.ece.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu === classicx [~classicx@gb.ja.66.97.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] nomeata: we will sync new versions again then [11:49] nomeata: if it doesn't it is universe or multiverse [11:49] that's not an universe matter [11:49] nomeata: what package ? [11:49] seb128: yarssr [11:50] How I can get gnome === jason__ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] here is the user asking: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=2261 [11:50] seb128: is the reasoning behind Grumpy documented anywhere? Seems to deviate from initial reasons for devels using Hoary :( === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] jeavis: you have it already? [11:50] (ie, they are more likely to fix breakage because it will piss them off :P ) [11:51] thoreauputic; I cant access to the desktop === classicx [~classicx@gb.ja.66.97.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] Burgundavia: where would it have the icon? is there something like packages.debian.org for ubuntu? [11:51] thoreauputic; I have a message for a error in the session [11:51] nomeata: in ubuntu itself [11:51] I want to install again [11:51] okay, i need a c/c++ dev enviroment under gtk/gtk2... ahint? === huerlisi [~shuerlima@] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] hi ya all! I just installed ubuntu on my g3 Powerbook Pismo, most things work fine, but there are still some problems I can't figure out [11:51] nomeata: it'll be synced from debian after the freeze [11:51] lunitik: what do you speak about ? [11:52] nomeata: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/ === whaq|off [~whaq@] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] when I install the mozilla-flash plugin firefox freezes [11:52] ante: anjuta [11:52] seb128: ok, thanks [11:52] np [11:52] thoreauputic; I cant access to the desktop [11:52] OK. I installed the mesa packages, but when I try and compile a program, it says that glut.h is missing. [11:52] thoreauputic, that any good? has code completion? [11:52] I have some files in /usr/include/GL [11:53] but glut.h is missing. [11:53] And I'm not sure which package has it. [11:53] ans second when I try mozilla-mplay it dwnloads stream till 99% and then does nothing for hours [11:53] seb128: Last I head, Grumpy will be used simularly to Sid, and Breezy will be the next version... but I recall the reasons behind devels using the devel branch were for bugs to annoy them, and to speed freeze stabalization... [11:53] ante: I'm not a coder - I just know it exists in the repositories [11:53] (probably worded horribly again..) === sic| [~sic@cpe-66-68-76-29.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] s/head/heard/ === wezzer [~antti@a84-230-113-73.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] ante: maybe try apt-cahe show anjuta and look at the web site [11:54] hi thoreauputic, can you help with an install of rosegarden4 it eroors: ALSA lib seq_hw.c:446:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory [11:54] *apt-cache show === nomeata [~jojo@nomeata.de] has left #ubuntu ["Client] === onno [~onno@] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] selinium: hmm - I can' t get rosegarden working here either.... === lunitik also wonders whether 'launchpad' will end up partly resembling packages.d.o ? (somewhat sounds like it... the package database or whatever...) [11:55] Soyuz? [11:55] somebody can help me I can start my gnome session [11:55] jeavis: /etc/init.d/gdm restart [11:55] you should ditch gnome and get kde >8-P [11:55] crimsun: sorry for inconvinience, is sl-modem driver working for you on ubuntu? [11:55] thoreauputic: then I stand no chance! Have you started the jackd server? [11:56] lunitik; what I need to do [11:56] selinium: I haven't tried very hard, to be honest :) [11:56] jeavis: umm... hit the right keys? === flipy [~flipy@paris.upf.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] hi! [11:57] flipy: hi [11:58] i need to set up a proxy to complete the installation [11:58] but if i ran expert i don't know half of the questions === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] thoreauputuc: jackd -d alsa || jackd -d oss to start jackd, then it tries to start on my machine [11:58] Is there a way I can call gcc-3.2 just by using 'gcc', and the same for g++-3.2? [11:58] and if i ran default it doesn't prompt me to set up a proxy [11:58] flipy: you can't install off the cd? (choose 'no' to download from internet... ) then set it up when the system is up? [11:59] lunitik, so, how do i do it after the installation? === root [~root@] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] lunitik; what I need to write y forget === waxhead [~pete@CPE-143-238-244-233.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] hey everyone [12:00] root: you should *not* IRC as root ! [12:00] man.. another 110 meg upgrade tonight... [12:00] flipy: there is a tool within GNOME that will allow you to ... [12:00] ok thanks lunitik === Fracture [~Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] flipy: in hoary... System > Preferences > Network Proxy ... don't know where it is in warty... [12:02] (been a long time since I used that...) === jeavis [~jeavis@] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] anyone? [12:02] lunitik, i'll try it [12:02] thank you a lot [12:02] bb [12:02] elcu: you can set GCC version in most configure scripts === no0tic [~no0tic@host117-27.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] elcu: if you don't know how to do such things though, then I question why you are compiling anything... [12:04] I can start my gnome session, what I need to do [12:04] jeavis: what are you trying to do? [12:05] Any Greek users here? === lupusBE [~lupus@dD5E03FA1.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] EvilIdler, yes, just ask your question [12:05] lunitik; I want to start a session and appears a message that said tha my ssesio during < 10 secs that I have and error [12:05] jeavis: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf && sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ... set debconf to ask for 'low' priority questions... and configure X correctly... === InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-161-41.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] bas: I am trying to figure out the Greek keymap, and can't find the letter as in "" [12:06] lunitik: the gcc and g++ packages seem to have been removed after another package's install. i guess i'll just install them again [12:06] elcu: they are not installed by default... apt-get install build-essential [12:07] bas: I basically don't know what key to press (or keys) [12:07] lunitik: worked it out. thanks. === lz [~lz@adsl-69-109-229-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu === selinium [~selinium_@82-34-184-67.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] anyone knows of cd/dvd butning app under gtk? [12:09] EvilIdler, so you have a british keyboard and want to type greek? [12:09] bas: Would you happen to have a photo of a Greek keyboard? ;) [12:09] bas: Norwegian, actually [12:09] hi there [12:09] i have a nvidia card [12:09] ante: apt-get install coaster [12:09] lunitik, that any good? [12:10] lz: That's one of the top questions here - we might be able to help :) [12:10] lunitk: where was that jackd doc again, sorry :) [12:10] EvilIdler, no i don't own one either. but you should put multiple layout in your xorg.conf, e.g. Option "XkbLayout" "gb,el" and then also a layout switcher key: Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle" [12:10] evilidler: i seem to be not getting full graphic acceleration :( [12:10] lz: me too [12:10] :) [12:10] ante: actually... nevermind, thats not in the archive... apt-get install graveman === kryl [~chatzilla@digitalfabric.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] ante: :) [12:10] that's definitely the biggest question on any linux channel [12:11] ante: I don't use GUI tools though... its faster to just use cdrecord itself for me [12:11] lz: hae you looked at www.ubuntuguide.org it has a few pointers! [12:11] nope i shall check [12:11] ante: www.ubuntuguide.org for nvidia stuf [12:11] lunitik, that burn dvds too? [12:11] selinium, it didn't worked [12:11] ante: it should... [12:11] bas: I'm looking at the KDE tool. I think it's setting it up..what key do you press to type omicron with tonos? === xukun_ [~xukun@xm0027.uvt.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] excellent === trond_ [~trond@host-81-191-162-90.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] EvilIdler, no idea === mameluke [~bo@84-72-13-175.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] i hope it works! thanks for the info, selinium [12:12] ante: it depends dvd+rw-tools, so yes it does === donely [~you@] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] lz: np :) [12:13] lz: remember to back up the files as instructed just in case! === lok [~lala@pouet.dnsalias.org] has joined #ubuntu === nessmuk [~nessmuk@159.205-206-70-0.interbaun.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] ante: are you using the NV driver or the nVidia driver? [12:15] would like to be able to spell check in Dutch. How can I add these language? [12:15] okie === CauSaLITY [nothingofa@dyn45.the4.nas.panafonet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] language-pack-nl [12:15] xukun_ install aspell-nl [12:15] xukun: such things should be depended on by your specifig language pack === siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:16] bah... what carambol said [12:16] lz: just in case if you do something and you loose the graphical interface, you can sign on at the command line and use irc by typing irssi [12:16] thanks guys [12:16] and fridge... cept... carambol's answer was better [12:16] buh [12:16] bas: I think I have the toggle in my xorg now, at least. Cheers :) === paulb [~paulb@tpr-165-252-07.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === madjpm [~guest@] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] selinium sweet [12:16] Hi ! [12:16] let me restart x now! [12:16] brb [12:17] 8783 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1756.600 FPS === lz [~lz@adsl-69-109-229-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] sweeeeeeeeeeeet === mz2 [~mz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] mother of jesus [12:17] very nice [12:18] I have a problem with my eepro100 network card with a toshiba satellite pro 4600, the driver is load => mii -(ee100 + eepro100)- , I can set an ip with ifconfig but no network [12:18] can anybody tell me why ClamAV or similar antivirus isn't included in any distributions as default? === sventu [~sventu@p508E58A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] lz [12:18] donely: there are no real Linux virii [12:18] Hello Does anyone know how to configure an Ubunu desktop to log on a windows domain? [12:18] lz, you get it working? [12:18] yeah! [12:18] donely: because viruses in linux are almost unknown [12:18] lz: before you go, a few tips! if you hold down control + SHIFT AND PRESS f1 yuo will go to the command line screen, f7 to come back. give it a go [12:18] xukun: actually... you probably want 'language-support-nl' ... which isn't a dep of language-pack-nl ... [12:18] lz, run glxgears and show me what frame rate you get === darkling [~hugo@wlan-218.ecs.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] ok [12:19] Burgundavia: I know, but it seems a little cocky that the linuxworld isn't preparing when solutions exist [12:19] haha! [12:19] donely: av is only as good as the defs in it [12:19] donely, it's only a problem if you do everything as root [12:19] donely: when virii start appearing, clam av will start coming out [12:19] lemme private msg you [12:19] donely, and if you are doing that, then you need to assess if you shouldn't be back on windows.. :) [12:19] donely: until then, it is merely one more program to maintain with possible security bugs [12:20] so in other words, currently an antivirus program would probably do more harm than good [12:20] Burgundavia: I'm just thinking, that to convert some people, it should be there...anyway..you're probably right with the "one more to support" thing [12:20] Burgundavia: thx === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === lunitik wonders why language-pack-nl-base depends language-pack-nl depends language-pack-nl-base [12:21] grrr [12:21] donely, convert conshmert... they either do or they don't.. AV isn't going to make the decisionf or them [12:21] donely: on the contrary, the lack of need for virus checkers in linux is a big selling point === EvilIdler [~Hedyn@216-141-85.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === corza [~corza2@ppp96-194.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ciao] [12:21] the thing is, most people don't realize that they could do without one [12:21] bah... language-pack-nl-base only recommends language-pack-nl ... but yeah... [12:22] windows has trained them well === caffinated [~dfgdf@2conn13.rupert.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] Burgundavia: indeed [12:22] hi caffinated! [12:22] hehe === topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has joined #ubuntu === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] Can anyone please tell me how to configure ubuntu to logon to a windoze 2K domain and if it is possible? [12:24] i installed nvidia drivers and changed XF86 file to what they said on ubuntu guide page... i still can't get glxgears beyond 3 digits? [12:24] donely: OMG - there's no Spybot Search and Destroy or Adaware for Linux!!! *grin* [12:24] paulb, should me, go hit the samba.org site and read up [12:24] thoreauputic: bah ;) [12:24] heheh [12:24] ante: glxgears is not a benchmarks.. that's why [12:25] thoreauputic: but seriously, how do I install the coolwwwsearch toolbar in firefox in ubuntu? [12:25] fabbione, how could i benchmark it? [12:25] ante: anything over 100 fps is more than ok. [12:25] ante: any game you have... [12:25] Thanx waxhead looks like my only option. [12:25] donely: oh... you need Gator-for-Linux too... [12:26] ante: your eye won't be able to even recognize that refresh rate [12:26] thoreauputic: well I've gotten GAIN to work through WINE, so I'm gettin' there [12:26] fabbione, should i disable "dri" module? guide doesn't say so === paulb [~paulb@tpr-165-252-07.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:27] ante: read the nvidia documentation. there are 90229382 options to configure the driver properly and that's on a case-by-case base according to your hw [12:27] impossible to make a generic guide [12:27] hw? [12:27] ah, hardware [12:27] any links? [12:27] :) === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host205-111.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~pitti@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu === jason_ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] fabbione, any links? [12:29] ante: zless /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/nvidia-settings-user-guide.txt.gz === schasi [~schasi@pD95E1BCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] ante: easy.. i was searching for it.. give people a sec [12:29] fabbione, sorry... thx for helping [12:31] another problem... i installed tux racer via synaptic, how can i run it? there is no tuxracer command... === verden01 [~verden@] has joined #ubuntu === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] ante, type tuxracer at the command line? [12:33] How do i send a directory and all its content with ftp (command line ftp) [12:33] anybody else having slow cd burning? === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> tolkien.freenode.net === joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp215.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu === Em`Zee [~wiZard@cpe-24-58-135-159.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] i have ubuntu hoary installed and the only problem i'm having is if i leave the computer downloading for a long time for somereason it shuts down and reboots any ideas? === agabus [~agabus@203-206-253-222.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] I'm running Ubuntu Warty and everything's going great except after exactly 59 minutes of uptime (going on 1hr) the machine beeps three times and locks up === naito [~naito@pc-178-23-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === jure [~jure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] My cron job isn't scheduled to run until *:17 so I don't think it's that [12:36] but I can't figure out why it crashes on the hour mark [12:37] How do i send a directory and all its content with ftp (command line ftp) === john___ [nyg22xepx8@p0lden.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] Hello? Anybody here? === Xappe [~jon@regulus3.student.uu.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] nope [12:38] i dont thik so [12:38] :P [12:38] think* [12:39] john___: only 461 of us at last count [12:39] Sav, mput, but you might use scp - it's easier and more secure === ubuntu [~ubuntu@gwcl.ralsko.net] has joined #ubuntu === AFKwolf is now known as HiddenWolf === ubuntu is now known as casey [12:40] ok. I have a newbie question about the Ubuntu installation. [12:40] ok === jagera27 [~nick@] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] I have two disks installed in my computer. Will I be able to choose wich disk to install on? [12:41] john___: yes [12:41] yes .. [12:42] okay. I am running Windows on one of them, and I do not want to erase that disk. === verden01 [~verden@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:42] Thank you very much! You have been most helpful! [12:42] === agabus [~agabus@203-206-253-222.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:43] oyasuminasai? === huerlisi [~shuerlima@] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] I'm running Ubuntu Warty and everything's going great except after exactly 59 minutes of uptime (going on 1hr) the machine beeps three times and locks up [12:44] yeh [12:44] :S === Outoff_ [~outoff@0xc2ef4c62.kjnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Alessio [~Alessio@host146-56.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] Greetings thoreauputic-et al. Had to give up on lftp-just couldn't get 'put' to work. got into the server and could make/delete dir's, just couldn't upload files. [12:46] Em`Zee: i have never heard of that one! I leave my PC on for the whole day [12:46] jagera27: that's odd [12:47] So used gftp instead-very easy. am now starting to build the web site, slowly [12:47] thanks for the help anyway === Byakhee [~Byakhee@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] jagera27: you can also use nautilus for ftp - did you know that? === petethere [~prichard@pcp01474811pcs.montvl01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> tolkien.freenode.net === joh_ [~joh@grn-dhcp215.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] not really. is it any better than Search for Files:-) [12:49] jagera27: heh - if gftp works for you just use that :) === TiffOn [user@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] ok.. what do I need to install to get 'cc [12:50] yes, can't quite shake off my gui dependancy [12:50] ' [12:50] it's a compiler... [12:51] waxhead: sudo apt-get install build-essential [12:51] waxhead: gcc is the GNU cc compiler [12:52] Em`Zee, what do your logs say is happening? === pepsi [~pepsi@72-254-22-198.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu === UniVolstrup [~univol@homer.cs.aau.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] thoreauputic, thanks.. couldn't find the right package... === maddler [~maddler@] has joined #ubuntu === BigJohn [~bj@host81-158-196-135.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] waxhead: it isn't intuitively obvious, is it ? *g* [12:54] thoreauputic, acutally that's going to install an older version of gcc over the one that's already installed, which is 3.4 === snybole [~snybole@h6n3fls306o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] waxhead: hmmm - did you install that separately? Ubuntu doesn't install gcc by default === BuffaloSoldier [~stampede@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] thoreauputic, no.. it was like that when I got here... === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] someone else set up your machine? === Sung [~Sung@bwCable2-113.fctvplus.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] I'll be in later today explaining the logs [12:58] thoreauputic, nope.. must me [12:58] (which are empty) =P [12:58] sorry [12:58] bbl [12:58] s/must/just/ === martinald [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] thoreauputic, I'm going to install it anyway === martinald [~martin@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === victor [~Victor@196.70.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] anyone alive? [12:59] yep [12:59] no.. but breathing... [12:59] build-essential installs the relevant build tools - it's a package that depends on gcc, g++ , make etc === roshambo [~mark@] has joined #ubuntu === darka [~darka@ctv-213-164-111-240.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] thoreauputic, wonder if it installed the gcc stuff when I installed the kernel sources? [01:01] hello all [01:01] how howhi [01:01] hi [01:01] hehe [01:01] how do i force eject a cd ? [01:01] type eject on the commandline? [01:01] won't work [01:01] device is busy [01:01] unmount it first then hit the eject button? [01:01] but i just rebooted [01:02] ive found a typo in the default page that firefox shows (this is on hoary that i installed yesterday)... is it worth filing a bug report? [01:02] Sung, make sure you don't have something open pointing at /cdrom === etzerd [~etzerd@ool-4357b56b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] hello all === GNAM [~auauuuaua@natpool-1-16.pd.astro.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] Sung, what do you get when you type 'mount'? [01:02] have you corrected remaining bugs? [01:02] should i go ahead and install the haory RC or should i wait two more days for the release? [01:02] wait 2 more days. [01:03] waxhead, /dev/hda on /media/cdrom0 type udf (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=bob) === pj [~pj@ip503cd421.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] how do i get my xorg to accept resolution changes? err:x11settings:X11DRV_ChangeDisplaySettingsExW No matching mode found! (NoRes) [01:04] gnam: couldn't i just upgrade from RC->release when release comes out? [01:04] no [01:04] via apt-get? [01:04] no [01:04] you have two days to try gentoo [01:04] cd rom won't umount [01:04] victor, go ahead and install the RC. [01:04] then you can install ubuntu [01:04] haha.. i'm an experienced gentoo user. [01:04] GNAM: go away [01:04] auuau [01:04] Sung, as root type umount /media/cdrom0 === roo_ [~roo@cpc1-with1-6-0-cust213.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] I'm waiting two days [01:05] waxhead, sez the device is busy [01:05] victor, just be aware there may be a large amount to download as final bugs are fixed [01:05] cool [01:05] thoreauputic, well, at least now I have cc... pity the module won't compile [01:05] that's what i figured. [01:05] i am sure i am not running anything [01:05] victor: of course you can update - pay no attention to GNAM [01:06] update is NOT GARANTEED between beta and final. [01:06] Sung, try this then: lsof | grep -i cdrom [01:06] GNAM: troll elsewhere [01:06] . [01:06] is hoary gnome 2.10 or 2.8? === darren_ [~darren@82-69-210-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] 2.10 [01:07] Sung, make sure you're not inside the CD somewhere [01:07] 2.10 [01:07] GNAM, are you related to GNOME? [01:07] no [01:07] :P [01:07] :) === daniels [~daniels@202-44-183-17.nexnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] hmm [01:08] xine 9851 root 14r REG 3,0 1471027189 266 /media/cdrom0/Ghost_in_the_Shell_Innocence.DVD(xvid.ac3-5.1)[KAA] [00C92C0A] .mkv [01:08] xine 11222 bob 14r REG 3,0 1471027189 266 /media/cdrom0/Ghost_in_the_Shell_Innocence.DVD(xvid.ac3-5.1)[KAA] [00C92C0A] .mkv [01:08] Sung, haha.. that's your problem them [01:08] Sung, kill 9851 [01:08] xine isn't running atm. [01:08] Sung: try umount -r -l /media/cdrom0 (or whatever your mount point is) [01:08] Sung, ps aux | grep xine [01:08] aha [01:08] kill 9851 [01:08] kill 11222 if it's still running === MyNameIsChris [~Christoph@] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] hmm.. just be safer and ps aux | grep xine to make sure that those are the right pids [01:09] device still busy [01:09] cannot unmount [01:09] Sung, looks like root was running xine - is that right? [01:10] snowblink, looks that way... [01:10] Sung, what does ps aux | grep xine show? === slask3n [~slask3n@216-220-35.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic wonders why one would run xine as root.... [01:11] root 9851 0.4 7.2 239160 18704 ? S 06:22 0:12 xine [01:11] root 13186 0.0 0.2 1824 576 pts/0 S+ 07:11 0:00 grep xine [01:11] Sung, sudo kill -9 9851 [01:11] Sung, as root, kill those process [01:11] i had just rebooted i shouldn't be running anything [01:11] Sung, but ps is telling you it is... === Arnia [~jgeldart@host81-156-177-247.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] is there another GUI besides GNOME in Ubuntu? [01:11] Outoff_, kde, in kubuntu [01:11] kde, xfce [01:12] Outoff_: not out of the box, but installable, yes [01:12] okay [01:12] thx [01:12] my laptop is quite slow .. and gnome eats all the resources :D [01:12] Outoff_, kde won't be much better I think [01:12] i got it out thanks [01:12] Outoff_, fluxbox [01:12] Outoff_, KDE [01:12] just learning. [01:12] Sung, yeah? what did yo do? === thoreauputic waits for the holy war to commence [01:13] anyone know where I can score a binary of libgc6.4 ? [01:13] Outoff_, actually just use a tty and screen. ;) [01:13] Outoff_: KDE probably won't be much better for that. But which feels faster is very sensitive to hardware [01:13] typed eject after your last syntax. [01:13] snowblink, hahaha... [01:13] okay, ill try them .. [01:13] how do i force quit a app on the spot ? [01:13] thx again :) [01:13] snowblink, mind you, that's how I work on some dev stuff on my server.. ssh, screen and vim... :) === Arnia hugs Gnome [01:13] snowblink: I prefer to use an abacus ;-) [01:14] Sung, wiht out killing xine? [01:14] Sung, xkill perhaps [01:14] Sung, kill command === paradon [~thomas@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:14] Sung: or pkill [01:14] Sung, but you need the pid first, so find that using ps aux | grep === Jas0n [~Jas0n@81-178-72-103.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] waxhead: pkill short circuits that requirement [01:15] thoreauputic, yeah? [01:15] yeah [01:15] man pkill ;-) [01:15] thoreauputic, only do it from the terminal typically === mz2 [~mz@] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] waxhead: ssh, screen and vim are the *only* way to work [01:16] and irssi [01:16] i download this last night and i burnt it to a cd and it keeps saying cant get base password, problem with the cd? [01:16] and it says burn it at a lower speed [01:16] which i did at 8x [01:16] :S [01:16] thoreauputic, right.. prolly just wrappers around grep and kill anyway === jk_ [~jochem@] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] gordonjcp: when I were lad, used to use punchcards ! === derJunior [~derJunior@pD9E29E3A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] waxhead: yep - pkill an dpgrep are the same man pge, for instance [01:17] *pgrep [01:17] thoreauputic: punchcards? Luxury! We didn't have any punchcards, we only had the holes [01:17] and we had to sellotape them together ourselves === Albacker [~eni@] has joined #ubuntu === jk_ is now known as jk [01:18] gordonjcp: we used to *dream* of having holes! Used to bootstrap PDP11 wit' switches! [01:19] thoreauputic, ok.. what's the right package to install for the kernel source? [01:19] but you tell the young people that today, and they won't belive you...no, they won't... [01:19] thoreauputic, do you know any about wine etc? === daniele [~daniele@] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] thoreauputic, hmm been a while.. if I'm compiling modules, I really only need the kernel headers don't it? [01:20] it was mentioned on the list a while a go that libgc 6.4 could be found at packages.debian ... I locate it [01:20] I can't locate it sorry [01:20] waxhead, yes [01:20] waxhead: kernel-source or linux-source ( can't recall which) [01:20] thoreauputic, linux-source [01:21] thoreauputic, kernel-source is Debian [01:21] waxhead: for headers, linux-headers-$(uname -r) [01:21] wooow [01:21] snowblink: yes, but there are kernel source packages - it's a bit confusing really [01:22] The default Gnome looks sweet!! :D [01:22] thoreauputic, yeah, I think Ubuntu should remove the kernel* ones but I'm sure they have good reason for keeping them in === daniele is now known as madrid [01:22] http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/libgc1 found it [01:22] Outoff_, what do you mean? [01:22] I just installed Ubuntu === darkling [~hugo@dhcp-198-120.chem.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] and the default theme-thingy is sweet [01:23] That's just a colour variation on industrial with square borders [01:23] and you try clearlooks already? [01:24] I use clearlooks olive [01:24] me skyblue === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] I had to modify it though cos the title bars didn't work well with my font :) [01:25] with a blue background with in white letters gnome [01:25] clearlooks is the best theme [01:25] http://art.gnome.org [01:25] I vary in taste between Industrial and Clearlooks... currently in a Clearlooks phase :) [01:25] hmm, how come that I did not have to write a root-password? [01:25] nah, twm green theme is where it's at... [01:25] have = had [01:26] Outoff_: have was correct :) [01:26] ah [01:26] Outoff_: Root is disabled by default [01:26] okay :D [01:26] ohhh .. [01:26] Outoff_: Everything is done via sudo for security reasons === martinald [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] is theere any good mysql gui admin clients apart from mysqlcc? [01:26] sudo? (im very new to ubuntu) === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] how do you do with Webmin without a root password? :) [01:27] Outoff_: sudo is how you run a command with root privillages [01:27] http://ubuntuguide.org [01:27] Outoff_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo/view?searchterm=root%20sudo [01:27] ok, where do I find winbind (samba) stuff for ubuntu? cos it doesn't appear to be in any of the samba packages [01:27] thx :) [01:27] so hoary is in RC [01:27] Outoff_: sudo [01:27] but is it final? === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] ahh found it it seems.. winbind is in universe *sigh* [01:28] mackid: RC is not final... but I've been running Hoary for ages [01:28] madrid: webmin is an issue, yes [01:28] thx alot!! [01:28] mackid: Upgrading is ridiculously simple with Ubuntu [01:28] Arnia: as have I, just wondered if I should be seeing something when i dist-upgrade.. [01:28] ok.. in /usr/src, do I need to create a link [01:28] been a while since I've done this... [01:29] mackid: If you've been tracking for a while, probably not [01:29] thoreauputic, for webmin is needed to set a password for root? What happen if someone set a password for the root account in Ubuntu? [01:29] Arnia, I have. okay. thanks. [01:29] i'm off. [01:29] I seem to recall linux pointed to the directory that had the linux source === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu ["SCHOOL"] [01:29] madrid: nothing drastic - you *can* do sudo passwd root [01:29] madrid: it just isn't recommended [01:30] thoreauputic, Ah.. ok. Thank you! === phaedo [~phaedo@tusk.cotse.net] has left #ubuntu ["pthread_exit();"] === totalshredder [~luke@207-172-117-21.c3-0.upd-ubr13.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] hey everybody === Albacker [~eni@] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] I'm about to install windows here [01:31] Anyone has a running configuration of a Jabber server to past into the SettingUpJabberServer wiki? [01:31] I need to know how I can do so without messing up grob [01:31] totalshredder: really? have fun... [01:31] GRUB* [01:31] lol, kids have online classes :P [01:32] What classes require windows? === Arnia looks a little alarmed [01:32] you need net meeting [01:32] art maybe? [01:32] oh [01:32] ... what? [01:32] Latin class, for smart people ;) [01:32] GnomeMeeting talks the same protocols [01:32] net meeting to do online classes? [01:32] yes [01:32] don't ask me [01:32] totalshredder: Tried GnomeMeeting? [01:32] totalshredder: have you checked gnome-meeting? Don't know if it does net meeting... [01:32] web based online classes work just as well as some shitty net meeting classes :p [01:33] totalshredder, Latin? :) Who learn latin today? [01:33] a brother of mine :) [01:33] thoreauputic: It does... at least I've talked to people using it [01:33] Arnia: OK :) [01:33] thoreauputic: And it apparently does all the NAT stuff itself now [01:33] Gnome meeting isn't capable of entering different class rooms === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] totalshredder, are you italian? :) [01:33] totalshredder: Eh? [01:33] they have about five of them on the server [01:33] how to remove theme from them manager? [01:34] heck yeah I'm italian. Only 25% though ;) [01:34] totalshredder: What do you mean 'different classrooms' [01:34] *theme manager [01:34] ante: How did you put it there? [01:34] install theme [01:34] when you sign on in net meeting; you pick between about five different "servers" [01:34] I was not able to do the same in gnome meeting [01:34] Click on the desktop, Ctrl+L, type '~/.themes' [01:34] totalshredder, (si potrebbe quasi parlare in italiano...) nice :) [01:34] ante: look in ~/.themes [01:34] You can delete the theme folder from there [01:35] I can't speak italian! [01:35] thx, guys... [01:35] ante: you can delete them from there === tizen [tiz@ADent8215.ResNet.Dal.Ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] I'm just a regular stupid american! === QKa [~ishida@kecske097.elte.hu] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] totalshredder, "regular" :) [01:35] heck yeah ;) [01:35] Oooh... inkscape now optionally uses Gnome VFS [01:35] Yay [01:36] how can i chnage gnome menu icon? [01:36] any news on the Hoary release? === lionel_ [~lionel@10.21.96-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] totalshredder: "regular" has a different meaning outside america :) [01:36] seriously! [01:36] Guys, if I install windows (on a separate hard drive) will I be able to use GRUB still? [01:37] Lots of words mean different things in British English certainly (not that there is any real thing as 'british english' given how many dialects we have here) [01:37] or will I have to reinstall ubuntu [01:37] totalshredder, yes you do [01:37] totalshredder: windows likes to be on the first drive [01:37] anyone here experiencing problems with sound on hoary? === Wyld [~mark@ppp242-148.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] it will be on the first hard drive [01:37] like, no sound, but everything seems to work [01:37] totalshredder: If you make a boot disk or have a live CD you can get grub back [01:37] That sounds easy enough! [01:37] Can I configure GRUB from there? [01:37] totalshredder, not only the first hard drive.. but the first partition too. But you can have more that once HD [01:38] I have an full first hard drive :) [01:38] ante: There have been reports... what card do you have out of interest? [01:38] where can I find previous packages versions [01:38] Arnia, i've found a solution... so i wanted to help the community... :) [01:38] I'm going to go ahead and install it; I need to get them on that class. === tarasbulba [tarasbulba@] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] Or boot from CD type expert at boot prompt, load the basic system and choose the grub install from the menu === kbrooks [~kyle@CPE0050ba557516-CM000039d12a5d.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] okay, got it [01:39] Arnia, nforce built in, but there have been problems with other built in cards as well [01:39] I'll be whining back here if I don't understand ;) [01:39] Hey all .. quick question .. just did an install on a system, and the initial apt-get to grab the updates fail. I'm now sitting in a nice little shell, with core system only. I did alter sources to shift it to hoary, and did a "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" ... but I was sure there was a script I could call to reinitialise the install process so i can get xorg, gnome, etc .. [01:39] thanks a lot guys! [01:39] whats the name of that script? [01:39] sudo apt-get gnome desktop [01:39] I think [01:39] where can I find previous packages versions? === Ex-Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] gnome-desktop* === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] Wyld: no, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [01:40] isn't there an ubuntu-core or something === totalshredder [~luke@207-172-117-21.c3-0.upd-ubr13.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:40] Wyld: or run base-config === tarasbulba [tarasbulba@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:41] THATS it .. base-config :) [01:41] thanks muchly [01:41] np === _tester_ [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu === billy [~billy@213.Red-81-44-207.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-92.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === gub [except@geeknation.org] has left #ubuntu [] === fgx [~fgx@barlach.spin.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] is there anyone in here using Rox filer as native file manager instead of nautilus? [01:44] kalis: I'm using it, but it isn't set as default [01:44] I use both, but mostly rox === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-188-035.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === zorglube [~zorglube@ca-tours-5-78.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === balor is now known as balor_lunch [01:44] i used rox with fvwm2 before, but it would be nice if i could make it default in gnome too. === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-188-035.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:45] so if i click a folder in the places menu it opens in rox for instance [01:46] kalis: might be possible to set it in gconf-editor - I haven't tried [01:47] a search for nautilus or manager gives me nothing useful in gconf-editor :( === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] kalis: Try changing /desktop/gnome/applications/component_viewer/exec === SiRrUs [~SiRrUs@HSE-MTL-ppp77407.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === bitsmash [~bitsmash@CPE0080c8c208e3-CM000a739a3c57.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] hi [01:50] im having trouble unzipping archives === verden01 [~verden@cor6-ppp695.ade.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] bitsmash: what sort of archives, what sort of trouble ? [01:51] zips rars failed io errors [01:51] and why was unrar version 0.0.1 [01:51] Arnia, nope! no luck, nautilus still opens when i choose something in the places menu :( === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] try unrar non-free in multiverse [01:51] Hum [01:52] thoreauputic: um... why should it matter [01:52] kalis: ask on #gnome on irc.gimp.net [01:52] s/.net/.org [01:52] My brain is splurged :) [01:52] Is it possible to install a proprietary plugin for the Helix player so that it is able to play Real media files? [01:52] unrar-nonfree actually - and I don't know why - just passing on what some people have trid with success [01:52] *tried [01:53] bitsmash: the nonfree version apparently handles some things better [01:53] I never use it so this is purely anectdotal [01:53] oh === verden01 [~verden@cor6-ppp695.ade.dialup.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:55] is there a tool that makes twinview work without messing with the xorg file? === neofeed [~moritz@pD95753CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] hmm...nothing much to do today === schas0r [~schasi@pD95E1786.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === cikilin [~cikilin@] has joined #ubuntu === dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-108.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] gnome dictionary / dict.org seems not to be responnding here - can anyone confirm ? [01:57] sal [01:57] hi [01:57] hello [01:57] people sure take sides on the debate between the consumer who wants to save money and the producer who wants to make money === Firsti [~petteri@a81-197-2-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] i delete by mistake the panel === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] i dont know how to get it back [01:57] how to make a theme for gnome? === Yannick_ [~chatzilla@stic5201-10.med.usherbrooke.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] anybody? [01:58] ante: art.gnome.org has some tutorials [01:58] hellllllllloooooooooooooo [01:58] Arnia, thx again === GmanAFK is now known as Gman === jinty [~jinty@] has joined #ubuntu === Laney [~laish@81-178-78-214.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] cikilin: try running gnome-panel - else delete your .gnome and .gnome2 entries in $HOME and restart gnome to get default settings === Chameleon22 [~serg@220-244-235-173-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Teady] [02:00] ante: No problem [02:00] hey how can i restore a panel? [02:00] make money? [02:01] whats the point of that? [02:01] hey how can i restore a panel? [02:01] hey how can i restore a panel? [02:01] hey how can i restore a panel? [02:01] cikilin: once is enough. [02:01] does composite in X (the one that creates shadonws on windows etc) use GL? I remember that once i tried it and it was *slow*, but is it slow becaus of lack of GL or something else? (becaus now i have working GL, ;) [02:01] maybe he has 4 panels he needs to restore === maddler [~maddler@] has joined #ubuntu === GNAM [~hamburger@natpool-1-16.pd.astro.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] in which case, the single question is 'hey how can i restore four panels?' [02:02] who cares of Suse 9.3? [02:02] auaua [02:02] GNAM: this is #ubuntu [02:02] exactly [02:02] cikilin, if you have *no* panel, rightclick on desktop and choose start terminal. From there, start "gnome-panel" without the " " signs.. [02:02] daniels: everybody knows ubuntu is a rebadged suse, damn [02:03] daniels, hi! [02:03] kent: It doesn't use GL... composite is just a protocol [02:03] xf_, really? [02:03] Arnia, so me having working GL will not speed it up :( ? [02:03] kent: Some implementations may, xcompmgr doesn't but then xcompmgr is a proof of concept hack [02:03] kent.. actually it run quite good: try xcompmgr -cfF with the actuall X.org server [02:03] kent: Having working hardware accel WILL, but not cos of GL :) [02:04] xf_ i am not sure ubuntu has caught up with SUSE because the last i heard SUSE knows how to use subfs and ubuntu does not [02:04] Arnia, madrid, and there is no problem with nvidia tnt2 and composite? I have some vauge memory of problems with the nvidia driver and composites, but thats probably fixed right? === ptlo [~senko@darguner.rdlab.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] kent, I have a nvidia geforce fx5200 with 128Mb.. all is good :) [02:05] whiskey_2: actually, i was kidding, but oh well :) [02:05] madrid, ok. I will try it now then. I have enabled it in xorg.conf so it should work on restart.. with xcompmgr.. i think. [02:05] whiskey_2, Ubuntu uses automount. what are you having problems mounting? [02:06] kent, you could try: add your additional modules in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf as described in ubuntu wiki pages... === msturm [~msturm@t-20-214.athome.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] daniels, jdub, any other aussies in here: is there any proposed structure (i.e. timetable) for ubuntu down under? wondering what days i should come; can't make it the whole 5 days but perhaps can for 2 [02:06] i tried with gnome-panel and nothing [02:06] kent.. press ctrl+alt+canc.. then open a terminal and do "xcompmgr -cfF" [02:06] roo_, well i have really never had a problem mounting anything in all the years because if you follow the correct procedure it is not a problem....but subfs is a technology that allows easier manipulation of cdrom devices [02:07] kent.. probably you will need a "killall gnome-panel" to realign panel [02:07] xf_: the executive summary is 'bofs, bofs, bofs' [02:07] can anybody help me to retore the panel? === kent [~kent@c-a6c871d5.432-1-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] cikilin, "ps afx|grep gnome-panel" and "kill -9 " [02:08] i have a panel but i want [02:08] for anyone using dict or gnome dictionary; apparently some changes are being nade at dict.org and I find I cant connect using thes clients - changing the server to test.dict.org seems to work [02:08] madrid, omg its slow.. :) I have an Athon 2400+, tnt2, and 512mb ram. And I find it to slow to use. But i used xcompmgr -cfF. Maybe there is something to make it faster.. some switch [02:09] daniels: heh, fair enough. any structure to the bofs, at all, or is it all lets-see-what-the-hell-surfaces? === sommers [~sommers@] has joined #ubuntu === Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] heyas. i just installed ubuntu hoary from the CD. and am reading ubuntu guide. after installing, i just updated my sources.list from ubuntuguide website and did apt-get update. but i get an error with the nerim.net entry, what do i do to correct it so the error goes away? === ksw [~ksw@pug.wizardz.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] sommers: an error or an authentication warning? [02:11] sommers: Don't worry about auth warnings [02:11] thoreauputic, the authentication warning. [02:11] Arnia, ok [02:11] Well, worry about them if you don't know who they are ;) [02:11] sommers: don't worry about it [02:11] but i'd rather not have it. I know that i need to import the keys probably, but i dunno howto :) [02:11] kent, ..are you using Hoary? [02:12] ubuntu has been nice. been 5 minutes :D === por [~por@a62-216-27-101.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu === telemaco [~telemaco@42.Red-83-33-185.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] sommers, it's pretty slick that's for sure [02:13] :)) [02:13] now do i need to apt-get upgrade? [02:13] i can't think of what to work on today === th0re_ [~th0re@c51008445.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] madrid, yes. But i tried with only the -c switch, and now its faster, but i find it a bit slow. But its sort of ok. But then, now I only get little shadows on the windows, but its nicer than nothing :) [02:13] gdesklets & python-xdg are bugged [02:13] and how do i stop some packages from upgrading, like if it wants to update 1,2,3, but i wanmt to stop 1 and install 2 and 3, then how do i make it do that? [02:14] kent try with -s and you will find more fast too [02:14] sommers: dpkg --set-selections pkgname hold === th0re [~th0re@c51008445.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] thoreauputic: how do i add the normal user i created to the sudoers list? cos when i say sudo apt-get update it asks for the password, and says sommers not on the list [02:15] xf_: there's going to be a schedule posted at some point [02:15] lunitik: ok. [02:15] sommers: replace 'hold' with 'install' to turn that off when its no longer broken... [02:15] sommers: is this the default/first user? should be in sudoers.. === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host205-111.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === Robin_Kin [~ircuser@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] sommers: else run visudo [02:16] thoreauputic: yeah, i created it during the install. [02:16] just one root and one sommers [02:16] hmm - should be in sudoers then === lunitik guesses thats not what sommers wanted? [02:16] you made a root user? [02:16] thoreauputic: You can do it from Gnome too === alfmalf [~abuono@] has joined #ubuntu === alfmalf [~abuono@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:17] sommers: System > Administration > Users and Groups [02:17] what is the default password entry for root in the shadow file "!!" ? [02:17] thoreauputic: i meant root was created by default, and the installer asked for the root password, then it asked me to create a non root users which id did, sommers === kirillka [user@81-86-27-141.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] Arnia: ok === JeffWl [~hoary@cm41.epsilon201.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] fridge: umm... just a single '!' ... [02:17] Click the user, click the properties button and choose their privilages [02:17] lunitik: yeah, the dpkg --set-selections pkgname hold is right i think. [02:17] sommers: um... the installer doesn't make a root user or ask for a root password [02:18] thoreauputic: It asks for a password for the "root" user or the administrator. === Archangel_13 [~kevin@hsdbrg64-110-214-147.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] thoreauputic, Do you have the script ready now for the root-questions? ;) [02:18] thoreauputic: umm... its makes one... it just disables it... === javi [~javi@] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] lunitik: OK whatever [02:18] sommers: it really means your user [02:19] It asks for the *root* user, or the *first* user? [02:19] :( [02:19] sommers: if thats broken (its saying that its reporting the incident) you need to boot to rescue mode and add your user to /etc/sudoers [02:19] When you install, it first asks you to set the Administrator password, which is for the root user, then it asks you to create a non-root user. [02:20] *blinks* it shouldn't do [02:20] yeah, i opened the sudo file with visudo and added sommers ALL=(ALL) ALL === odyssey [~odyssey@222-152-115-118.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] Arnia: its kinda unclear imo... it says "Changing user.." in the title bar, and talks about needing administrator privs... [02:20] What CD version are you installing from? [02:20] hoary out on the 8th? [02:20] sommers: that isn't right - it shouldn't ask that [02:20] Arnia: I complained about that, but I think I was basically ignored by devs :/ [02:21] thoreauputic: well, it did. i installed twice. first time i made a big error, so i installed again. [02:21] odyssey,yep,the 8th [02:21] Arnia: the latest hoary Cd. i downloaded it yesterday. [02:21] evening peeps, wondering if hotplug errors during boot on a toshi 4600 laptop normal? === thoreauputic is now also confused === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-92.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] yah for hoary [02:21] yep [02:22] Okys: if they are related to chpshp and pcixhp (I think) then yes... else, no === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-92.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] lunitik: Well I don't know when that change was made... [02:22] lunitik yes to the fore [02:22] The message was perfectly clear before === sommers is confused. [02:23] Arnia: it states 'Changing user' though... despite saying 'your password'... obviously it is still not clear enough... [02:23] aint MC (midnight commander) in the apt-get? [02:23] Okys: perfectly normal... you can add it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist if you want so you don't have to see the error though [02:24] Arnia: I don't recall being asked for a root password at any stage in the installation [02:24] Outoff_: it is in Universe [02:24] thoreauputic: Neither do I... it never asked me any message like that. I was very very clear that it was my personal account [02:24] lunitik ok, would that stuff with my wireless then?? [02:24] universe? :( === pe7er [~losof@pD95EB3C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] Arnia: when did you install? [02:24] Outoff_: enable Universe and 'apt-get install mc' ... [02:25] sommers: About two months ago... [02:25] Arnia: :( [02:25] Okys: it has nothing to do with wireless... [02:25] sommers: Dunno why the message has changed... maybe they've forgotten to edit the deb installer text in one area :) [02:25] Arnia: ok. === stuNNed_ is now known as stuNNed [02:26] sommers: it's very odd, since a constant stream of people pass through here saying "WTF! It didn't ask me for a root password!" [02:26] i guess so. [02:26] how do i enable Universe? [02:26] thoreauputic: hehe. [02:26] if i installed from the CD once again, i'd take a pic and show you, but i dont want to install all over again :D === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-92.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] i thought it was perfectly normal [02:27] Outoff_: in synaptic... Settings > Repository ... ensure that the Universe entry is enabled [02:27] sommers: as you would, with previous linux experience, yes... [02:27] thank you [02:28] sure is nice to have some consistency between linux and win98 === billy [~billy@213.Red-81-44-207.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] now with gimpshop and oo2 it is easy to port documents, images between them [02:28] whiskey_2: ? [02:28] thoreauputic: yup. i'd been using redhat 6.2 for sometime. [02:28] like 4 weeks. [02:29] lunitik, well, i am just pleased to have consistency between the two computers [02:29] 6.2?? You're an archaeology fan ? [02:29] sommers: I don't think that qualifies as "sometime" ... not in that sense at least :) [02:29] what is a good program for checking emails? [02:29] whiskey_2: cool [02:29] thoreauputic: hehe. i borrowed it from my cousin. [02:29] sommers: evolution is installed by default [02:29] sommers: umm... most like Evolution :/ === NormD [~ndillier@12-223-57-184.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Evolution integrates well [02:30] ah, ok. [02:30] Thunderbird is lighter [02:30] sommers: second icon from System (or Computer... depending on version) [02:30] Depends what you want :) [02:30] Arnia: too well, IMO === caffinated [~dfgdf@2conn13.rupert.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] i deleted that. yellow icon. === xuesheng [~xuesheng@ALamentin-101-1-10-83.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Arnia: but then you have to remove ubuntu-desktop :/ [02:30] did'nt know what it was :D [02:30] thoreauputic: Its doing information integration the wrong way [02:30] Arnia: not a good idea... enless you like reinstalling :/ === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] sommers: haha - do you always delete things you don't know about? [02:30] thoreauputic: but I know working code wins, hence my development of frege [02:31] Ooh... should start putting frege in my archive === eni_ [~eni@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] thoreauputic: well, those 2 icons other than firefox were looking too bright :) === eni_ is now known as Albacker [02:31] thoreauputic: that's about all i deleted so far. [02:31] I would like to merge in an unique file some .rm files, how can I do? [02:31] How do i remove the old packages that were copied over from the CD during the install? [02:31] note to self: if you rename the default user using the users & groups GUI tool, remember to update /etc/sudoers as well.. *sigh* [02:32] sommers: apt-get autoclean [02:32] ok. [02:32] (autoclean gets rid of old packages... clean gets rid of all...) [02:32] sommers: I see - so if, say, there was a "too bright" icon for , oh, the kernel, it would have to go... *grin* [02:32] I cant find the place inside Synaptic, settings -> Repository where I can enable Universe :( [02:32] thoreauputic: yes. everything bright must go! [02:32] sommers: yeah... umm... could try just changing the icon instead? [02:33] well, dunno how to do that yet. [02:33] sommers: you have no idea what a kernel is huh? [02:33] well, the kernel would'nt have an icon. [02:33] sommers: right. Well, you sound like a candidate for GNU screen and the tty without X approach :D [02:33] lunitik: I think he was being facetious [02:33] Or were you... gah === Arnia needs some caffeine [02:34] hehe [02:34] Arnia: I think you're right ;) [02:34] sommers: sure it would... a peice of paper with a green foot on it here :/ [02:34] cef, or you could remember to add the user to the sudo-list in THAT application (user admin). Editing /etc/sudoers is not needed. [02:34] sommers: just install slackware 4 or so - you should be right at home ;-) [02:34] kent: hrm.. didn't see it there [02:35] thoreauputic: you should be shot *nods* :P [02:35] thoreauputic: My first linux install was Slack 3.5 :) [02:35] On an UMSDOS pseudopartition [02:35] Mine was Lasermoon [02:35] again on UMSDOS [02:35] lunitik, sorry to highlight you, but i cant find the place to enable universe [02:35] thoreauputic: nope. i like this :D === lunitik grumbles enough at the current state of slack... then... it probably hasn't changed much... heh [02:35] On FAT16 on an 800Mb harddisk filled with crap :) [02:35] sommers: so do I :) === Arnia has heady memories === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] how do you listen to mp3s? [02:36] totem? [02:36] sommers: ears are recommended [02:36] sommers, legally you cannot unless you pay royalties for the codec [02:36] Outoff_: bah... in the second entry... click edit... (make sure it has a URL, not somethign about a CD) .. add 'multiverse' to the line that states "main restricted" ... [02:36] too bad then. [02:37] kent: will file a bug after hoary is released (too late now methinks).. just think it should at least warn you that you're changing the name of a user that appears in sudoers [02:37] sommers: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad [02:37] Outoff_: not the prefered way... but yeah... it'll work [02:37] sommers, there are some unrestricted formats like ogg that you can legally listen to [02:37] okay, thx alot === csj [~ubunewbie@220-142-154-190.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] :)) [02:37] how about streams? === pat [~pajoma@VPNPOOL01-0061.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] sommers, well i have not heard a court case deciding that issue [02:37] sommers: via 'Music Player' in Sound and Video after doing what thoreauputic just said ;) [02:37] sommers: if you install that you can use the music player to listen to them ( rhythmbox) [02:38] whiskey_2: its only illegal if you end up in jail for it. [02:38] what is the right way to install nvidia drivers with ubuntu? [02:38] thanks. [02:38] lunitik, well..not really because everyone has a conscience === balor_lunch is now known as balor [02:38] xuesheng: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [02:39] lunitik, although the fear of jail does influence some [02:39] whiskey_2: I have a conscience... I also like that conscience to not effect my in a negative way... [02:39] Laws are normally pragmatically here [02:39] cef, I just saw that I might be mistaken. But, the user admin program is a bit badly designed. Its hard to know what actually gets done where.. :( I mean, I cant see if there is a way to ad a user to the sudo list in that program.. :( [02:39] There is nothing illegal about mp3, they're just patent encumbered [02:39] pragmatically applied === maddler [~maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] kent: run system administrator programmes seems a safe bet [02:40] whiskey_2: I love music... and require pr0n... if I don't have the codecs... I'd go insane, and start raping females... I think my choice is relative good... === airco [~airco@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] lunitik, well i let people make their own decisions...but i try to stay aware of the environment [02:40] "main restricted multiverse" in that line? === kirillka [user@81-86-27-141.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:40] og with a ; between? [02:40] or* [02:40] whiskey_2: plus I need Java too... but other than that... everything here is free... oh and Flash... bah [02:40] Outoff_: umm... yeah [02:40] lunitik, well there is gnuflash that worked on gentoo [02:40] Outoff_: but with nothing between them [02:40] mozilla-thunderbird is nicer.. smaller too. [02:40] okay, thx :) [02:41] whiskey_2: there is flashplugin-nonfree in multiverse :/ [02:41] what chan are linux newbies supposed to go to for a question? [02:41] airco: here... [02:41] lunitik, yes some things are restricted to only paying customers so you have to respect the producer's decision [02:41] k, i'm trying to mount my windows hd under ubunto [02:41] airco: that is, if you are using Ubuntu :P [02:41] *ubuntu [02:41] lunitik, or you should === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] but i'm getting a "device already mounted or directory busy" error === worlock [~worlock@friedmancorp.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] while neither is the case [02:42] whiskey_2: I use Linux because I didn't want to steal software anymore... but some things I just refuse to go without... [02:42] anyone have any bright ideas? :) [02:42] lunitik, it is simply a fundamental disagreement between the consumer who wants to save money and the producer who wants to make money [02:42] airco: you typed mount and it does'nt list the partition as mounted? [02:43] airco: busy applies if you are in the dir also... === h2 [~h@203-219-130-10-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] the error is: mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /var/windows busy [02:43] and i'm not in the dir atm === beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] nor is any other shell, as far as i can see [02:43] sommers: no [02:43] hm. my /dev/hda1 is mounted fine in /windows [02:43] sommers: as in, yes i typed it, no it doesn't show up === njees [~nsa@64.80-202-21.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] can somebody help me with some network configuration? [02:44] airco: i have this line in /etc/fstab /dev/hda1 /windows vfat defaults 0 0 === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] airco: but you need to create a /windows under root, and then type sudo mount -a [02:45] sommers: that ought to be /mnt/windows (or simular) ... but I'll let it slide :P [02:45] How do I set up firefox so I can just click on a wav and it will play ? [02:45] yeah. that makes better sense... [02:45] sommers: you've made a custom mount point there [02:45] What software and configs do I need to mae that work? [02:46] Arnia, where do you see that? I cant see any "run administrator programes" in user admin :( [02:46] thoreauputic: i did'nt. the installer did it. [02:46] lunitik: airco@Airco:/ $ sudo mkdir /windows; sudo mount -a /dev/hda1 /windows [02:46] mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /windows busy [02:46] sommers: one day... look up FHS :) (filesystem hiarchy standard) === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] kent: Click the user, click properties, user privilages [02:46] sommers: er...mm... your installer is *very* odd [02:46] airco: mount -l [02:46] thoreauputic: when you are partitioning, you can select the FAT32 partition [02:46] sommers: yeah, it's in my fstab as well (friend of mine put it there) and it used to work [02:46] thoreauputic: no. it is not. === leonel [~leonel@dsl-200-78-92-226.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] thoreauputic: maybe you did not choose the "expert" install. [02:47] sommers: Oooh! Did you drop into the advanced installer? [02:47] Arnia: yes [02:47] lunitik: mount -l still gives the same result [02:47] sommers: That explains it... I should file a bug about that for Breezy [02:47] airco: sudo mount -l (type your password when prompted) [02:47] sommers: correct - I only did the manual partitioning part [02:47] lunitik: i was already sudoing [02:47] Arnia: oh. i did'nt know auto install and expert install were that different :( [02:47] lunitik, The setting is now non-free (multiverse) - but I still cant find MC .. === martinald [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] maybe mc is not included? [02:48] sommers: expert install is very close to the original debian installer I believe [02:48] hi. i'm having problems playing back xvid/divx. when i open a xvid file it's all jerky [02:48] sommers: It really is an expert install [02:48] Outoff_: update the repo... (actually, it should have done this...) ... I see it in hoary :/ [02:48] and the sound is out of sync by 1-3 seconds [02:48] martinald: did you get all the necessary codecs? [02:48] sommers: that might explain the root thing too [02:48] i apt-get'd ffmpeg-gstreamer [02:48] or gstreamer-ffmpeg [02:48] yes it plays back, just out of sync and jerky [02:48] sommers: I used defaults except for the partitioning [02:48] thoreauputic: i guess. maybe an expert is expected to know what the sudo error means and add themselves to the file :D [02:49] Arnia, yes, I have looked there. I have a newly updated Hoary and i dont have that option there. I have 12 options there, most of them allows access to stuff, but none of them says anything about access to admin programs. Im using a swedish language, but for sure I would know if one of them would allow access to admin programs. They are all about access to setup printers, use soundcards etc. [02:49] martinald: does that occur in all players? What one are you using? === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] sommers: yes, that sounds right [02:49] martinald: bah... ffmpeg isn't up to much yet... try using w32codecs (find it on apt-get.org) ... far better performance... [02:49] lunitik: It also updated the synaptic - so i can install (non-free) apts [02:49] ok [02:49] How do I set up firefox so I can just click on a wav and it will play ? What software/config do i need? [02:49] (on account of its the real codecs... not a hack) [02:49] should i uninstall ffmpeg? [02:49] ok [02:49] martinald: nope, no need. [02:49] Outoff_: 'sudo apt-get install mc' (after closing synaptic) [02:50] Arnia, http://leviatan.kicks-ass.org/user-admin.png === xbill [~xbill@cezanne-2-82-66-156-98.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] kent: Mine has lost the option too now :/ === Arnia sighs [02:50] Oh well [02:50] ok i have another question [02:50] is there any good gnome mysql admin tools? [02:50] lunitik, 'E: couldn't find package mc' [02:50] there is phpmyadmin. webbased [02:50] that are made with gtk2, so it fits in with the rest of the eniroment [02:51] yea i have that and im using that now, its just so slow [02:51] gtk2 wont make it faster i think :/ [02:51] Outoff_: warty? [02:51] Outoff_: maybe its not in warty :/ [02:51] er yea but not having to go through PHP, HTML and gecko is gonna make it a lot lot faster [02:51] warty? - im using 5.04-rc hoary [02:51] i mean i've used some gtk1 ones and it's really nice and usable, but it looks so damn fugly :) [02:52] martinald: oh. i use the phpmyadmin though. but its a friend comp and it is fast. [02:52] kent: virtual desktops are something you should become familier with... [02:52] im working on very very large datasets thoguh ;) [02:52] kent: you can have up to 36 of them... helps to organize your desktop. === _tester_ [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] sommers: gtk2 is a lot faster now [02:53] lunitik, warty? - im using 5.04-rc hoary [02:53] lunitik, virtual desktops? Why? I dont like them. I never use that much programs (web, mail, irc, etc). And alt+tab works great :) [02:53] sommers: Should be even faster once its hardware accelerated === Arnia couldn't live without virtual desktops [02:53] Outoff_: I don't know then... I'm using hoary and see it :/ [02:53] Arnia: no idea. i dont even know how slow it was earlier :D [02:53] :( === rubyier [~rubyier@201009181058.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] ive found php myadmin fast though. [02:53] that aint nice [02:54] Where can i download other desktop themes from? or atleast preview some before i download? === qbeek [~qbeek@sete.idealx.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] sommers: gnome-look.org, art.gnome.org [02:55] sommers: concerning those lines in /etc/fstab [02:55] i currently have the following two lines there: [02:55] airco: yeah? [02:55] /dev/hda1 /var/windows ntfs defaults,uid=1000 0 0 [02:55] /dev/hda2 /var/archive ntfs defaults,umask=0222 0 0 [02:55] (among others of course) [02:55] which are my 2 windows partitions [02:55] ok [02:55] could the uid or umask be set wrong? [02:55] Outoff_: 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' ... ensure this line states 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe main restricted multiverse' someplace ... 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mc' [02:56] okay, ill try that === alex [~Alex@zamolxis.cs.unibuc.ro] has joined #ubuntu === opinicus [~opinicus@nelis.its.uct.ac.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@c24.241.234.183.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === xf_ [~i@ppp250-64.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:57] 3% [1 w32codecs 398080/13.2MB 3%] 18.8kB/s 11m21s <-- this is why apt-get sucks :( [02:57] how do I install the flash plugin - macromedia's flash plugin (not the GPL one) [02:57] martinald: because your connection can only put through 18.8kB/sec? === lunitik wishes you could pipe to something that involves sudo (ie cat foo | sudo /foo) ... would make helping people so much easier... [02:57] Although, perhaps they wouldn't learn so much... but yeah [02:58] no, because it's too centrialised. my connection can do 240K/sec [02:58] airco: try /dev/hda1 /var/windows ntfs ro,users,uid=500 0 0 [02:58] daniels: nerim is relatively slow anyways... I get about 200, whereas I average about 520 from ubuntu archives... [02:59] lunitik: um, you can pipe stuff to sudo [02:59] disclaimer: all numbers stated are kb/s [02:59] echo xserver-xorg hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections, for example === InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-161-41.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] airco: try /dev/hda1 /var/windows ntfs ro,users,uid=1000 0 0 [02:59] airco: try those lines. [03:00] daniels: ahh... I think actually I was trying 'sudo `cat foo | sudo /bar`' [03:00] k [03:00] lunitik: what were you hoping to achieve? [03:00] reboot or just try to mount it? [03:00] airco: but as lunatik said, it is better to have /mnt/windows and /mnt/archive instaed of in var. [03:00] daniels: I should try things before stating... :) === gds [~John2ny@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] hi friends [03:00] heh [03:00] How are you? === omni_lonnie [~lonnie@home.limbonia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] I'm a new Ubuntu's user [03:01] :-) === neoevoke [~root@] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] daniels: same as what I stated above... I could then tell people 'echo somerepo | sudo sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install foo' [03:01] sommers: you've done a bit more than 4 weeks with Redhat 6.2, I suspect :) [03:02] lunitik: like >, but with sudo? [03:02] daniels: cuz trying to help people that don't appear to get it is frustrating :( [03:02] gds: hello [03:02] sommers: nope. 4 weeks. but in text mode. my graphics card was'nt supported? [03:02] sommers: mount /dev/hda1 [03:02] mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /mnt/windows busy [03:02] grr [03:02] lunitik: echo foo | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list, is the equivalent of >> /etc/apt/sources.list [03:02] thoreauputic: : nope. 4 weeks. but in text mode. my graphics card was'nt supported? [03:02] is there any way to see which process is keeping /dev/hda1 busy? [03:02] sudo sh -c 'echo foo >> /etc/apt/sources.list' also works [03:02] daniels: damnit... I'm tired... heh... yeah [03:02] or should i just suppose the error does not really reflect the problem? === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] daniels: ahh... thanks :) [03:02] sommers: it's OK, I talk to myself all the time ;) I know a good shrink- interested ? *g* [03:03] thoreauputic: hehe. that's what you used to do beside walden pond? === Delgul [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] hi airco [03:03] thoreauputic: and yeah, tell me how to remove a package and not remove the others that depend on it :/ [03:03] sommers: indeed, when I wasn't plotting Civil Disobedience :) [03:04] hehe [03:04] How can I pass to Ubuntu from debian sid? [03:04] Hi, since 2 days ago the xserver crashes when I log out of a remote ssh session with X11 tunneling enabled? Anybody else seen this problem? [03:04] lunitik, it work now, thx alot! :) === mmc [~ercmarusk@] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] I'm using Hoary and updated said two days ago [03:04] It's possible? [03:04] Outoff_: you're welcome :) [03:04] and convenient? [03:04] Hello, I try to install gparted and it tells me that it cannot be install because I have some unmet dependencies. [03:04] Outoff_: and in the process... I learned something too :) === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-174-223.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Delgul_at_work [~gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] lunitik, hehe me2 (alot .. :P) === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-188-035.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] how to change login splash screen? [03:05] I'm getting file does not exist http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/./postgresql-common_5_all.deb with the line deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti psql/ in sources.list. What am I doing wrong? [03:05] alex, use Partition Magic :-) [03:05] the file is at http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/psql/postgresql-common_5_all.deb [03:05] gds, :-/ [03:05] ante: i am doing it right now :D [03:05] sommers, :) === njan [~james@62-249-201-66.adsl.entanet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] There're the unmet dependencies in Ubuntu? [03:06] ante: there's lots of things at gnome-look.org [03:06] sommers, i love this channel... [03:06] daniels: ohh... you said SiS driver had DRI support correct? I currently have a SiS Real256e (64mb shared mem) ... but it doesn't appear to be doing direct rendering ... card just too crap for composite? :P === kotatsu [~kotatsu@] has joined #ubuntu === Q-FUNK [~q-funk@] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] sommers, but how to change it? [03:06] gds, yes, I've upgraded to hoary and since then I have some problems with the packages [03:07] howdy! is there any ubuntu-calendar planed for this month? [03:07] alex: what packages in peticular? [03:07] lunitik: it's going to be slow as hell if dri works anyway [03:07] alex: debfoster comes in handy to clean up after yourself I find :) [03:07] azz alex, there're no these problems in sid :-) [03:07] sommers: ? === daniels looks at Q-FUNK, looks at the new ubuntu-artwork that just got accepted. [03:08] daniels: heh... I kinda just want to see it in action... but (tried with KDE...) it kept complaining that Composite wasn't even enabled (even though I added the correct lines to xorg.conf :( ) [03:08] any tips on migrating to OOo 2.0 ? i would like to avoid having both 1.x and 2.0 === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-35-20.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] Guys, I want to resize my ext3 root partition, what's the easyest way to do it? [03:09] daniels: grrr, that package still doesn't assign all the correct icons when you are using Human theme :( [03:09] daniels: exactly what does the artwork package have to do with it? [03:09] sommers: how to change it? [03:09] lunitik: hm? [03:10] (about half of the icons contained aren't used for what it seems they are intended for... for instance the bugreport tool icon etc...) [03:10] ante: oh sorry. goto system administration login screen setup [03:10] for apache to work with php, I just need to install apache2 and apache_mod_php4 right? === killefiz [~sven@h3933.serverkompetenz.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] ante: sorry, was away changing mine [03:10] sommers, np [03:10] Can anyone help me? I'd pass to Ubuntu from debian sid [03:10] daniels: with the old menu editing mechanism, I went through and assigned many myself, but I don't really know how via cli... wish more were in use, its a nice set :( [03:10] wdh: GPG error: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com hoary Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [03:10] Someone else got that? [03:11] okay.... how to change login screen SPLASH image... not login screen? anyone? [03:11] lunitik: dunno, sorry [03:12] How do I set up firefox so I can just click on a wav and it will play ? What software/config do i need? [03:12] daniels: they are being assigned correctly there? === daniels shrugs. [03:12] i really don't know [03:12] queuetue: you need the correct codecs... see www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [03:12] anyone? startup splash? howto change? === Q-FUNK [~q-funk@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:13] Hi ubuntu people :) [03:14] daniels: are you a Ubuntu dev? [03:14] theine: yes [03:14] daniels: bah... browse around /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable with your favorate graphical viewer... there are quiet a few that aren't assigned... [03:14] daniels: he's the maintainer of X ... cuz he quit on KDE :) [03:15] seb128 - on your CD boot issue [03:15] why cant i install the .deb-files i download?? the only option i have is to open them in archive managetr (file-roller) [03:15] daniels: sorry for asking in the dev channel [03:15] daniels: if you find yourself with nothing to do of course... :P [03:15] theine: np. i haven't seen that issue myself, and it sounds like a local thing/driver issue/whatever [03:15] lunitik: odds are low [03:15] daniels: figured that :) [03:15] seb128 - does do you get the same message if you pull the CDand try to boot from the HD? [03:15] ante: it's a longshot and an ugly hack, but you can replace the image used by the default splash: on my old gnome 2.8 it's in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ [03:16] CarlK_: that's not a CD boot issue, that's an hdd issue when the installer eject the CD and reboot to install the packages [03:16] seb128 - ah [03:16] daniels: I just remembered that I enables OpenGLVideoOverlay for my ati card and I use OpenGL through X11 forwarding, so maybe that's the reason [03:16] lunitik, No, I want to know how to just have it play - not launch some huge video steaming application, I jsut want it to quietly and unobtrusively play wav files... [03:17] why cant i install the .deb-files i download?? the only option i have is to open them in archive manager (file-roller) [03:17] queuetue: they are working on a firefox totem plugin :/ === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] queuetue: there is also mplayer-mozille === Kyaneos [~kyaneos@80-28-218-139.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] queuetue: there is also mplayer-mozilla [03:18] queuetue: umm... make that mozilla-mplayer... [03:18] slask3n: you could save them to disk, open a terminal and install them using dpkg [03:18] queuetue: its in restricted though :P [03:18] gah... multiverse... I think I need sleep >:| === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-188-035.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:18] lunitik, I can live with that, if it gets me across the finish line here. === trygvebw-away [~trygvebw@217-131-213.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === Wyld [~mark@ppp242-148.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:19] ptlo, no way to configure ubuntu to do the same automaticly? [03:19] Hi! What do you think about this Kubuntu CD label i just made? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117998#post117998 === golanz [~golan@81-174-12-108.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] queuetue: add 'multiverse' to the line that states 'universe' in /etc/apt/sources.list (ensuring this line isn't commented..) and 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer' [03:20] is there a file on the CD that inentifies what build it is? === classicx [~classicx@gb.jb.174.11.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu === tritium [~rimbert@ee213-dhcp-14.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] tritium: he he, I like it :) [03:20] i got a major problem. my sony ddu 1622 dvd drive cant read dvd anymore - after about 2 minuts of searching the dirve led goes off and "mount : no medium found" -- please help -*- anyone experienced this ? [03:20] Riddell, llike what? [03:21] CarlK_: within base-files... there is... [03:21]

is there going to be a splash screen with hoary stable? [03:21] h2: no [03:21] that to trygvebw-away not tritium [03:21]

ok [03:21] appologies [03:21] Riddell, no worries :) [03:21] slask3n: you could tell firefox to run dpkg automatically.. maybe there's a nicer solution but i don't know of it - i'm just a newbie to ubuntu myself [03:22] ok :) thanks anyway :) [03:22] slask3n: (or, if you're opening them by clicking in the nautilus, you could instruct it to use dpkg to open them... the procedure's basically the same) [03:23] ptlo: gnome-app-install is supposed to handle that.... === ska-fan [~ska-fan@dsl-082-082-188-035.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] ptlo: could be installer... not sure [03:23] lunitik - you goint to tell me what it is? === apokryphos_ [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-4.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] CarlK_: what what is? [03:23] ahh...here's the answer, then :) thanks [03:23] Can I find out which possibly not installed package contains a file named pg_config? [03:23] is there a file on the CD that inentifies what build it is? [03:23] slask3n: what lunitik said.. === mmc [~ercmarusk@] has left #ubuntu ["] [03:24] ptlo: ok, ill try now === thoreauputic_ [~debianarc@wolax7-171.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] CarlK_: in base-files... 'issue'... [03:25] lunitik: i managed to get all the packages i needed for now with synaptic (which is a brilliant tool!, imho :), so i didn't explore that in more depth === Lemonzest [~chatzilla@cpc1-nott4-3-0-cust147.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] CarlK_: they ought to put that in debian-version... or make a file 'ubuntu-version'... but bah [03:25] lunitik - find ./ -name issue - nothing === Yannick_ [~chatzilla@stic5201-10.med.usherbrooke.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [03:26] CarlK_: you need to extract the .deb :/ [03:26] CarlK_: you on another distro? [03:26] lunitik - screw that ;) [03:27] seb128 - what is the md5sum of md5sum.txt? my daily is currently 1b092cb31402981e7d6875e332efdf3b md5sum.txt === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-129.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] CarlK_: you burn a file named 'hoary-install-*' or 'warty-install-*'? === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu === Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-182.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] CarlK_: the md5 is the one from the MD5SUM file on the mirror === pdoms [~pdoms@dD57633E4.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] seb128 - givfe me the #@$# md5sum! === pdoms [~pdoms@dD57633E4.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Ik] [03:27] okay, i managed to change the session splash screen.... but the background during the splash is the annoying ubuntu brown [03:28] anyone? [03:28] lunitik hoary-install-i386.iso [03:28] CarlK_: I know how to look on a md5, thanks, don't bother with that === lunitik can't remember the last time he actually checked an MD5SUM on a CD... must be a glutten for punishment :/ [03:28] CarlK_: I was just asking to Kamion if he did changes on that today [03:28] seb128 - then do it and tell me if I have the same one you do === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-129.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] ptlo, lunatik: can i install apps with gnome-app-install? cause the only thing i see is a menu-configurator... :s [03:29] CarlK_: thanks but I don't need somebody to debug that for me [03:29] ante: yes, I'd like to know how to change that brown background too [03:29] CarlK_: then its 5.04 ... but it appears this isn't what you want :/ [03:29] ante: wish I knew where it could be edited... === GheRivero [~ghe@] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] thoreauputic: right click... Change Desktop Background === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] I was I have 3 boxes that I just installed last night - if it is the same image (not name, but same build) then I can say "dosn't happen here" === Parallax__ [~Pbl@] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] lunitik: umm - no the *splash* background === xabb [~xabb@host196.200.61.156.ifxnw.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] lunitik, that's not the background === Parallax__ is now known as Paralla1 [03:31] can anyone aid me a sec? [03:31] thoreauputic: I see a yellow splash background (apparently knew...) === Paralla1 is now known as Parallax_ [03:31] but I can't say that untill someone figures out if seb128 and I are using the same build, which apparently is top secrit confidintial information [03:31] lunitik: but where can it be changed is the question... [03:31] lunitik, try to remember... hard... :) [03:32] is there a way to upgrade FF to 1.0.3? [03:32] CarlK_: what are you trying to do ? Debug my issue ? [03:32] dev [03:32] CarlK_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily/current/ [03:32] seb128 - kinda - more confirm it [03:32] CarlK_: look on MD5SUM [03:33] hmm, what is the default documentroot for Apache2? [03:33] seb128 - that does not tell me what image _you_ used [03:33] I cant seem to find it in the apache2.conf [03:33] Outoff_ there is none [03:33] it depends on your se [03:33] system* [03:33] thoreauputic, is this what you're looking for: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#splashscreenimage ? [03:33] CarlK_: because I'm working on other stuff right know and don't want to go to run md5sum on the iso [03:33] CarlK_: that's 9f195a43914c74a90e47f84dd9144fa2 hoary-install-i386.iso [03:33] I just make it? Like DocumentRoot ? [03:33] and it should be in httpd.conf not apache2.conf [03:34] i mean Firefox1.0.3 -beta [03:34] seb128 which is why I asked for something that taakes 2 seconds [03:34] tritium: thanks - I'll look to see :) [03:34] CarlK_: I've said, so, today i386 install [03:34] seb128 - md5sum md5sum.txt [03:34] the httpd.conf only have 2 setting [03:34] hmmm [03:34] 1* [03:34] seb128 - it may have been updated between when you pulled it and now [03:34] I hate those weird packagers who change every conf and shit :P [03:34] hehe [03:34] CarlK_: no [03:34] you have typed 10x as much as md5sum md5sum.txt, cut/paste [03:34] I just want my DocumentRoot :D === Munapaa [~dabi@120.Red-83-37-170.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] thoreauputic, i checked that... it changes only splash image [03:35] CarlK_, please be polite [03:35] Outoff_ assuming there is none, just set one :) [03:35] ye, ill try that [03:35] ante, if you want a different background to the splash image, edit and replace the splash image [03:35] argh shit. === Gman [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] ante: yes, i already changed the splash image - I want to make the background black :/ [03:36] I installed the jre and ooffice2 still cannot find it === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-87-134.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] ante, or do you want to change to entire desktop's background? [03:36] thoreauputic: gconf key: /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image ... replace this with a file from /usr/share/pixmaps/splash [03:36] tritium, no just the background color during the splash [03:36] is there a way to move the trash icon from the panel to the large icon on the desktop [03:36] lunitik, that's just the splash image... [03:36] lunitik: that isn't the issue, but thanks [03:36] lunitik, we are concerned with the background during the splash [03:37] i need a script what every 15 min executes a command, whats the fastest way? [03:37] Munapaa - watch [03:37] thoreauputic, lame solution could be to change splash to be res of the screen... so it covers whole screen === Safari_Al [~tr@ppp52-109.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] i don't fully understand gnome but i liked the trash icon on the desktop where i could just drag files into the icon [03:37] sleep 900 === Keizer [~keizer@pcp02851954pcs.ctftmy01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] does anybody know how to move it to the desktop [03:38] CarlK_, ? [03:38] ante: I tried that - problem is that before and after the splash you still see the brownish background [03:38] Munapaa - man watch [03:38] ante, thoreauputic: try changing the background color of "Standard Greeter" in GDM Login Screen Setup... [03:38] thoreauputic, oh... then i fired up gimp for nothing.. :) [03:39] CarlK_: right, but I had to open my browser, go to the page, open the file, and copy the stuff which I didn't want to do because there is no reason for that [03:39] lunitik: ah, Ok I'll try that ,, thanks :) [03:39] i think i tried to do thath [03:39] i see a remove from panel...but if i do that will it go to the desktop or disappear === EddieX [~eddie@h154n4c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] thoreauputic: it is the correct color afaict by default... seems to fit... hope that's right :) [03:40] seb128 - sigh... why were you talking about this in -devel? === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] it worked! [03:40] CarlK_: I've asked to Kamion if he dide some change [03:40] thx lunitik [03:40] CarlK_: dunno why you have moved that on this chan [03:40] s/dide/did/ === Neill [~Neill@fresco.nrsmith.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Gman [~gerrit@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] that is what you did. not why. I am "assuming" you wanted to alert the team that there may be a problem [03:41] thoreauputic, it's not desktop->gnome->background->primary_color and secondary_color in gconf? [03:41] ante: you're welcome :) === robin_ [~robin@debian.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] tritium, fire up login screen setup, and on standard greeter tab opt for Color and choose color below [03:41] CarlK_: don't assume [03:42] seb128 then tell me [03:42] CarlK_: just ignore me please [03:42] ante, thanks [03:42] CarlK_: I was speaking to Kamion, that's all [03:42] tritium, u're to thank lunitik [03:42] no to you [03:42] :) === mameluke [~bo@84-72-13-160.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] cheers, lunitik [03:42] tritium: you're welcome :) [03:42] now, another problem... changing sound scheme for gnome? [03:43] this bongo kongo ubuntu is no good for me [03:43] :) [03:43] tritium, lunitik ...do either of you know how to move the trash icon from the panel to the desktop === jorge_ [~jorge@DWM-246-119.go.retevision.es] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] tritium, lunitik i have lots of space on the desktop === orospakr__ [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu === andrek [~andrek@ti531210a080-1853.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] seb128 - if there is a problem with the install, I am in a good posision to help... be nice if I could get what I need [03:44] well i guess if nobody knows i will just experiment with the remove from panel [03:44] whiskey_2: gconf key: /apps/nautius/desktop/trash_icon_visible [03:44] whiskey_2, yeah, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-09-16.1393795212 [03:45] so, sound schemes... anyone? === closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] tritium: cept I really knew :P [03:45] CarlK_: did you do some change to grub with the installer since yesterday ? :) [03:45] seb128 - I am rsyncking a new image, which implies that it has changed in the last 12 hours... I am still wondering which build you were using [03:45] CarlK_: CarlK_: that's 9f195a43914c74a90e47f84dd9144fa2 hoary-install-i386.iso [03:46] which is current one [03:46] seb128 - not what I asked for.... [03:46] bah, enough of this [03:46] seb128 - what is the md5sum of md5sum.txt? my daily is currently 1b092cb31402981e7d6875e332efdf3b md5sum.txt === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-41-22.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["I] === lizdeika [~lizdeika@] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] tritium, yes the gconf worked great...now i have it back on the desktop and the panel which is ok with me [03:46] thats great... === Guest1688412690 [~Kablah@user-2869.l6.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] whiskey_2, good deal : [03:46] :) [03:47] changing sound scheme? again... anyone? i hope i'm not boring u guys.. :) [03:47] CarlK_: you approached that all wrong... he is a devel... and you were being kinda rude... [03:47] is there a way to have a RPD server under linux ?? like remote desktop in windows ? === nithron [~Kablah@user-2869.l6.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] lunitik - so what should I have done? [03:48] CarlK_: not been a prick [03:48] xMaximex, you can have a VNC server easily === sanpera [~sanpera@] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] well i have fallen asleep many times over the last few days and this thing still has not crashed [03:48] xMaximex, on Hoary, System->Preferences->Remote Desktop [03:48] tritium, Im with VNC right now, but I prefer the RPD client than VNC client [03:49] and i dont want my screen to display while i'm connected === billyoc [~billyoc@cpe-68-175-79-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] CarlK_: your frustration is not his fault. he was taking time out of development time to help you! === ptlo [~senko@darguner.rdlab.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] xMaximex, I'm only aware of RDP clients, sorry [03:50] i don't know why irc xdcc does not work but at least email appears to work [03:50] okay [03:50] VNC is pretty laggy too [03:50] Compared to RPD [03:50] lunitik - I am not the one that needed help.. he had a problem, it may have been a ubuntu problem, I was trying to help with that === ZorroBytes [~ZorroByte@] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] CarlK_: he asked you to ignore him, and he let you know he didn't need help... [03:51] lunitik - I was going to try to duplicate his problem which normaly is a good thing for debugging [03:52] lunitik - I know "he" didn't need help, but I am still interested in helping the project [03:52] CarlK_: I'm pretty sure Sabastian is a guys name.... there are more constructive ways to help... === hohlraum [~hohlraum@] has joined #ubuntu === ronny-- [~Ronny@pD9EC4B10.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] also i think you should not remove root capabilities because at the very least they have to go into libusb to configure their scanners [03:53] for a desktop os [03:53] lunitik - im game - what would be a more constructive way to help? [03:53] i like the new boot.. not so much scrolling. a lot like fedora minus rhgb. [03:53] CarlK_: you can maintain packages in universe if you are so inclined... heck, find the bug and add to it... annoying him helps no one. === stazich [~stazich@adsl-69-208-129-253.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] whiskey_2, there's sudo [03:54] sudo program_as_root [03:54] or sudo -i to become root [03:54] lunitik - I have been finding bugs. and it sounds like there may be one that leaves a system "broken" which I think should be investigated === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] tritium, yes i guess that would work...i am not really sure of sudo's limitations...i never used it that much [03:54] how to remove gaim from startup? [03:54] whiskey_2, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo === ante is now known as n0mad2000 [03:55] tritium, i only used sudo to run programs as root...i never tried building directories and moving files with it [03:55] CarlK_: cool... then you should have asked him for the bug report... and tryed to reproduce... [03:55] I just installed Apache2 - but i cant find the documentroot .. [03:55] ante: system / preferences / sessions [03:55] lunitik - I have this setup: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LocalNetInstall [03:55] whiskey_2, you may like to use "sudo -s -H" [03:55] tritium, ok...thank you very much for the advice === luke_ [~luke@207-172-117-21.c3-0.upd-ubr13.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] ante, close it up and save your session on logout [03:55] whiskey_2, :) [03:56] CarlK_: cool? [03:56] lunitik - thats basicly what I was trying to do, but he wouldn't provide a key bit of info [03:56] tritium, thx... again [03:56] CarlK_: so how is being rude helping you to get it? [03:56] bam... I now have a current iso... let the installs begine [03:56] yo, I just installed windows 2000 for school [03:56] it didn't mess with grub at all... what are you people smoking? === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] lunitik - pretty sure I asked nicely a few times and kept getting non answers: what is the md5sum? A: "today [03:57] just to say... u guys are the greates [03:57] *greatest :) [03:57] luke: you installed it on the same drive as linux? [03:57] no, different one [03:57] luke: .. well.. duh [03:57] DOH! should have known! [03:58] luke: :) [03:58] Oh well, just pretending to be smart ;) [03:58] CarlK_: you should have went to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and got it yourself [03:58] today = 24 hours, which covers 2 builds. he had to take time to dl, burn cd, install from cd, poke at system. very likely that daily was updated durring that time === oklinux [~oklinux@adsl-65-67-244-42.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] anyone working on an X based graphical boot for ubuntu? [03:59] hohlraum: that would be nice [03:59] CarlK_: today = April 6 ... I see only one image for the 6th :/ [04:00] I need help with my apache! - i cant find the DocumentRoot! [04:00] lunitik - not in all parts of the world [04:00] /var/www [04:00] hohlraum, well, a graphical boot, not X-based, as far as I know. It's called usplash [04:00] ohh [04:00] hohlraum: not that I'm aware, but usplash intends to be fb-based [04:00] ska-fan, is it posible to change that? [04:00] Outoff_: of course [04:00] the fedora guys are trying to eliminate rhgb and just bring up the main X server (rather than the cut down one) and modify GDM to display boot messages. === i58 [~i58@pcp01533679pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:00] CarlK_: today is not the 5th anywhere. [04:01] that would be neat as hell. === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] ska-fan, where do i change that? - i cant find it in the apache2.conf === Brikkah [Be_Flex@cn-nawij-cr25-1098.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] crimsun: is there a page for the usplash development? === Potn [~potnhbug@ip136-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] hohlraum, http://wiki.nanofreesoft.org/index.php/UsplashHowDoesItWork [04:02] i think i asked this once... but here's again... i need a development enviroment for c/c++ runnning on gtk and that it can be found in repositories [04:02] anjuta? kdevelop? gvim? xemacs? x-terminal-emulator -e joe ? [04:03] ante: I take it you didn't like anjuta? [04:03] ajunta isn't in repositories... kdevelop is running on qt [04:03] I beg to differ; it most certainly is in the repos [04:03] an xeamcs isn't actually a development enviroment [04:03] anjuta is in the repositories [04:03] lunitik - md5sum seemed like the best way to be sure what build he was working with. everything else is "close" [04:03] ante, ajuta is in universe [04:03] maybe not for amd64 === difekta [~DIFEKTA@h-68-164-168-167.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU === Kamping_kaiser [~kaiser@ppp137-117.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] unless I actually _pretended_ to upload anjuta [04:04] ante, perhaps you need to add the universe repo to your sources.list ? [04:04] tritium, i added univers and multivers [04:04] CarlK_: *shrug* you're too argumentative to be helpful ... [04:04] it's in amd64 universe as well, it seems. At least on hoary. [04:04] ante, did you update? [04:04] and trust me, it's in universe. I'm looking at a successful build log for amd64. [04:04] hmm... i believe i have all the repositories [04:04] okay...brb ... [04:04] lunitik - im jsut watching the progress bars now of the install that finished dl a few min ago [04:05] CarlK_: I'm just trying to make you see why he reacted the way he did... and you're trying to justify yourself... [04:05] Outoff_: grep -r DocumentRoot /etc/apache2/* === ogra [~ogra@p5089E50E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] ohh, thx alot :) [04:06] lunitik - like I said.. I tried to be nice, that didn't work... so I tried something else [04:06] and that resulted in a worse reaction... [04:06] nope... nothing shows up [04:07] ante, then you don't have universe properly setup in your /etc/apt/sources.list, apparently === Space_Monkey [Jason_Dean@ppp3-68.her.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] ooops... i searched for ajunta... not anjuta [04:07] sorry === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu === lykkelamaen[PG] [~lykkelama@] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] lunitik - you made teh same mistake he did - I wasn't asking for the md5sum of the whole cd, just one file [04:09] hi - how do I create an ISO image from an existing CD? [04:09] lunitik - found that becasue I am reviewing the log trying to find what point the box wouldn't boot - [04:10] lunitik - pretty sure it was after the install reboot, but can't find it - you remember? [04:10] snowblink, try 'dd if=/dev/cdrom of=myimage.iso' [04:10] i said it once... i'll say it again... U GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!!! [04:10] snowblink, dd if=/dev/cdwhatever of=image.iso [04:10] sanpera, kain thanks guys will give it a go [04:10] snowblink, dd is a very powerful program when you learn how to use it [04:11] CarlK_: from what I was following... it was during next reboot... [04:11] snowblink, it is so important that there is a win98 version of dd [04:11] lunitik - "next" ? - so after all is installed, login, reboot? [04:11] userful to make a raw copy of your partition for data recovery === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] useful* === pijak [~pijak@81-86-127-208.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === sunpascal [~sunpascal@220-139-205-181.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] why there isn't flashplayer-mozilla package? [04:12] there is ;) === hawke_ [~hawke@] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] when i do sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla i get an error [04:12] ante, that one's in multiverse [04:12] CarlK_: I wasn't following the bug that much... I started paying attention because I didn't like the way you were addressing him... [04:12] i added all repositories... that's sure [04:12] 100% [04:13] hello [04:13] ante, from apt-cache policy flashplayer-mozilla: 7.0.25-0.0 0 [04:13] 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/multiverse Packages [04:13] ante: apt-cache search mozilla- [04:14] well flashplayer- also works I guess [04:14] :P [04:14] lunitik - well, 2 boxes just rebooted - at least nothing is totaly wacked [04:14] i found it under another name... libflash-mozplugin [04:14] CarlK_: cool... then I guess you can't reproduce... [04:14] that one okay? [04:15] thats a lib [04:15] so i can't seem to find flashplayer [04:15] Is Mr. Pitti here? [04:15] ante, you should get flashplayer-mozilla [04:15] lunitik - well, I would love to know what hardware/config and build was being used... [04:15] ska-fan: that's me [04:15] ska-fan: Martin Pitt, btw :-) [04:16] ante: its in multiverse ... whereas what you can find is in universe... please check your sources.list [04:16] pitti: ah, sehr gut. Ich finde pg_config in den neuen Paketen nicht [04:16] CarlK_: go look for the bug report :/ [04:16] ante: did you run apt-get update after changing the repositories? [04:16] lunitik, I told him that [04:16] yeah [04:16] ska-fan: english spoken here :-) or just /msg me [04:16] hello, [04:16] can anyone help me? [04:16] tritium: I know... reiterating... maybe he will actually go check if he is told enough times :P [04:16] I'm new to linux [04:16] I never saw a bug# [04:16] sunpascal: don't ask to ask, just ask [04:17] lunitik, :) [04:17] ok ... [04:17] :) [04:17] sunpascal: could help if we knew the problem [04:17] I can't see my hard disk partition === flipy [~flipy@stargate.upf.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] with windows on it === jnoreiko [~jnoreiko@ACD4A240.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] after installing Ubuntu [04:17] what's in "My computer" [04:17] sunpascal, http://ubuntuguide.org/#windows [04:17] i'm trying to unistall some packages of my ubuntu (hoarty), but it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop [04:18] is there a sleep function in warty? [04:18] CD Drive and File System [04:18] ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package AFAIK [04:18] hi, anyone fancy helping a bit of a noob with a dns/networking problem? I'm fairly sure I saw the answer in the forums but that's one of the areas I can't get to... === crimsun_ [crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] jnoreiko, that's correct. Also, there is sleep support in Hoary... [04:19] sunpascal: ok, look at the link tritium gave you [04:19] i have to say firefox did a pretty good job on their browser but one feature missing from firefox seems to be the ability to select text and send it to the printer [04:19] is there any good ide for c++ in the ubuntu repository? (i can't find anjuta :() [04:19] compared to internet explorer [04:19] flipy: anjuta is in universe [04:19] in universe? [04:20] i just have 3 repositories: cd-rom, ubuntu and ubuntu-security [04:20] do i need to add more? [04:20] guys, is it possible that the people who made my PC could have put in a 400mhz processer, and tricked the computer into thinking it was a Ghz? [04:20] flipy: yes, in universe. http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages [04:20] although i suppose you could select text and copy it to the clipboard and paste it in a text editor for printing...but that is more tedious [04:21] luke_ - 400 to 1g is pretty unlikely === zorglube_ [~zorglube@ca-tours-5-182.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] hmm... because I got a 1Ghz but it's slower than my 400ghz === pdoms [~pdoms@dD57633E4.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] 400mhz === pdoms [~pdoms@dD57633E4.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Ik] === rubenv [~lambda1@83-134-131-62.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] luke_ - dmesg|less will show some stats on the CPU - I find that fairly reliable === Skeezix [~jamin@cust-] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [~maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] luke_: well the processer does not always mean it goes faster....everything depends on processor, memory and hard drive [04:23] luke_: and also it depends on the Cache and so on also [04:23] there is a funny article on slashdot...it says the people are bamboozled by technology jargon [04:24] reminds me of vcrs [04:24] i can't find universe in my synaptics repositories, how do i add it? [04:24] i can get to a handful of sites, eg mozilla, ubuntuguide, but not others eg google, ubuntuforums === alterim [~chatzilla@82-32-28-192.cable.ubr04.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] flipy, http://ubuntuguide.org/#repositories [04:25] any way I can sort this out without rebooting to windows and poking through the forums again? === keyhack [~keyhack@] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] oh thanks tritium [04:25] np [04:25] pijak: ? === nubbe [~fsdhufsd@c-ad2970d5.031-17-67626713.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] pijak: maybe...it would be good to know what the actual problem is...? === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-202-192-44.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] flipy, note that the URL I gave you is for Warty. If you're using Hoary, follow the same procedure, but don't replace "hoary" with "warty", ok? === lex [~lex@alesia-5-82-66-232-152.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] CarlK_: if you look in #ubuntu-devel... they are discussing the issue... perhaps if you still want to help, watch and try to reproduce? === alexcj [~alex@co105893-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === occy [~october@ip24-252-207-63.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === doko [~doko___@dsl-082-082-206-004.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] lunitik - watching.. saw you trying to get a # and getting similare answers that I got ;) [04:28] lunitik - but thanks - I didn't want to poke anymore === jason__ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] well like I say im a bit of a noob with linux, I have a network card running into a router, i think I have a problem with dns [04:29] whiskey_2, https://addons.update.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?application=firefox&version=1.0&os=Linux&category=Miscellaneous&id=282&vid=1073 [04:30] firefox takes a couple of seconds 'looking for' any address I type in and an age 'connecting to' [04:30] whiskey_2, if you look at the extension's homepage it says it will print a selection [04:30] whats, usually, are the indications of my cdrom drive's lens being dirty ? [04:30] sanpera, kain, whiskey_2 thanks guys dd worked a treat! [04:30] da_bon_bon: it likes porn [04:30] some things it never gets to, like the ubuntu forums or google for example [04:30] hohlraum: and ? [04:30] any ideas? [04:30] pijak, http://ubuntuguide.org/ - check the ip6 section and firefox. [04:31] pijak: sounds like a network problem of some sort === Parallax_ [~Pbl@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:31] da_bon_bon: hehe ultra sensitivity to even the lightest scratches on cds. [04:31] da_bon_bon: as in read errors [04:31] can someone tell me how to get .rar working in ubuntu 5.04? [04:31] apt-get install unrar [04:31] i cannot seem to open any .rar files [04:31] is there a new deadline for final rls of Hoary? [04:32] hohlraum i've done that [04:32] alterim, - see http://ubuntuguide.org/ - :P it mentions getting the non-free rar and other stuff. also. [04:32] hohlraum: and something like "it tries to keep on reading the disc but ultimately fails" ? [04:32] Dr_Willis [04:32] apt-get install unrar-nonfree [04:32] that is no help at all [04:32] perhaps the newer versions of rar/unrar are needed. [04:32] or perhaps you rar file is bad. [04:32] they have taken rar from the repos too [04:32] its in the multiverse or universe i think. [04:33] lemme check [04:33] use wine and run winrar :P [04:33] multiverse [04:33] Can I rerun the menu.lst generation that takes into account the other os's on the hard drive? [04:33] i don't friggin use wine === cmf [~lou@adsl-213-249-162-11.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] sigh @ typical linux smart ass impractical answer === trygvebw-away [~trygvebw@217-131-213.adsl.tele2.no] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:33] add multiverse to the hoary bin entry in synaptic. [04:33] it is [04:33] so you did install unrar-nonfree? [04:33] alterim, sort of like useing 'rar' eh.. :P === alexcj [~alex@co105893-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:33] is there any way to tweak the initrd stuff loaded at boot? (so, i want to disable all raid and lvm stuff...) [04:34] sorry? === psh [~Gary@ACD85C66.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] so i download a file that comes as a .rar inside a .tar [04:34] and now it's my fault for using a rar? [04:34] an rar In a tar? egads... [04:34] flipy: Not trivially. What are you trying to do? [04:34] jesus christ man [04:34] never downloaded an xvid before? [04:34] alterim: whats the problem exactly? [04:34] thats almost as bad as the bmp's ive seen renamed to jpg. === whiteknight [~james@81-178-241-57.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] all group releases are .rar inside .tar [04:35] alterim: unrar x filaname.rar [04:35] every single one [04:35] alterim: use file to check whether the file is really a rar arhive === japp [proxyuser@] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] grrrrr [04:35] they ARE .rar [04:35] jbailey, i want to disable all stuff loaded at boot, like device-mapper, raid, lvm, ntp... in gentoo i've had a command called rc-update, is there something like this here? === japp [proxyuser@] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Dr_Willis: you didn't know that renaming text after dot automatically changed format? *g* [04:35] Dr_Willis: :P [04:35] alterim: file filename.rar .. whatsit say? [04:35] flipy, update-rc.d === HackRip [Fennryl@ip-7.net-81-220-227.henin.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [04:36] lunitik, of course it does! it chantges the icon! [04:36] is X cockroaches in in any of the ubuntu mirrors? [04:36] ok... xD [04:36] flipy: Most of those are not in the initrd, they're after init's been loaded. update-rc.d is the command you want. [04:36] Dr_Willis: :D [04:36] thank you both!!! [04:37] is it me, or is the ubuntu wiki in need of cleaning up? === Florob [~Florian@xdsl-213-196-242-75.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] all wiki's need cleaning up ;) [04:38] jnoreiko: I nominate you :) [04:38] it says: dead.mans.shoes-done.rar: RAR archive data, v14, os: Win32 [04:38] jnoreiko: sign up and start editing... :) [04:38] tritium, can i query you? [04:38] plus the fact i'm referring to .rars i can open no problem in w32 [04:38] flipy, sure [04:38] i've signed up already, just waiting the usual amount of time before diving in :) [04:38] so, anyone actually got the answer? [04:39] does anyone KNOW how to open .rar in ubuntu? [04:39] i'l probably clean the faq page up and convert the formatting like it says sometime soon [04:39] jnoreiko: I signed up because I wanted to change something that was wrong... took me about 5 mins to make my first edit :P [04:39] alterim: have you installed unrar-nonfree? [04:39] can't planner export an image ?? in html export I don't see a gantt image [04:39] no psh [04:39] :\ === Dr_Willis giggles at psh [04:39] it's not in the repos [04:39] it used to be [04:39] alterim: then do it.. christ.. 3 people have told you to already [04:39] it's not in the repos === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === wurm [~wurm@d129120.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] alterim: is in MULTIVERSE .. i told you that twice already. [04:40] you cant do anything without that. [04:40] bye :) [04:40] i have multiverse added [04:40] how can i get a list of all package installed to remove those I do not use ? === HWolf [~hidden@136.57.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] alterim: you using hoary? [04:40] yes [04:40] alterim: i just installed it from hoary a second ago. it works fine. [04:40] hmm [04:40] alterim: multiverse. [04:41] nr, well i will be hornswaggled...that firefox printing extension seems to work....terrific [04:41] alterim: add multiverse, then apt-get update [04:41] is that in sources.list by default? === Th_Guru [gary@ns.kieser.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] alterim: nope [04:41] alterim: no [04:41] alterim, Nada. Nein, Neit [04:41] when is the hoary release due? [04:41] alterim: 2012 [04:41] .. er.. oxen: 2012 [04:41] oXen: 08.04.2005 [04:41] thanks Florob [04:42] How do I change the language of ubuntu? [04:42] Fackamato: dpkg-reconfigure locale === Th_Guru [gary@ns.kieser.net] has left #ubuntu ["was] [04:42] locales [04:42] Fackamato: dpkg-reconfigure locales [04:43] whiskey_2, are you being sarcastic or serious? i haven't used it [04:43] dr_willis, that's the bit I was looking for with regards firefox, thanks! Hopefully I can now use the web to figure out how to get everything else working [04:44] Fackamato, after that if you want to change gnome language select if from gdm at login screen === ubuntu-geek [~ubuntu-ge@] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] it* [04:44] rgr, thanks. [04:44] pijak, yep. Ubuntuguide.org is our friend. :P === stuNNed_ is now known as stuNNed [04:44] nr, no i just got it and i selected some text from slashdot and right clicked and now it says print....terrific === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] pijak, even if its getting a little outdated in some areas. [04:45] hello [04:45] nr, i never try to be sarcastic ...it is just that people don't understand what i say...sometimes even i don't understand [04:45] whiskey_2, Huh? :P === martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] :) === yahalom [~yahalom@bzq-218-60-116.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] Does anyone here know how to make scim (chinese) work on Ubuntu Hoary 5.04???? [04:45] nr, what i am saying is that the firefox printing extension seems to work making firefox more compatible with internet explorer [04:46] ive had some issues with that firefox auto-copy-to-clipboard extension. but ive learned to work around it lol. [04:46] anyone using the Enlightenment desktop? [04:46] yahalom, used it ages ago. [04:46] I used e16 and e17 [04:46] Dr_Willis, not worth it? [04:46] e17 a little [04:46] yahalom, not yet [04:46] kain, how come? === hugaru [~hugaru@purpan-2-82-224-15-182.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] is it recommended or not really? [04:47] yahalom, you need to manually configure entries for menus, launch bar and so on, btw e17 is very eye candy === Brikkah [Be_Flex@cn-nawij-cr25-2733.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === SubZero_AK [~Mark@] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] or at least I didn't explore in deep its features [04:47] yahalom: its doesn't have anywhere near the number of developers as kde/gnome. which translates into very few releases.. not many users. [04:48] haha [04:48] what a suprise [04:48] i've installed unrar-nonfree [04:48] ah ok [04:48] and .rar files.. don't work! === brk3 [~jirc@] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] so i'm probably better off sticking to gnome === uggwar [~christer@pc47-114.hiof.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] alterim: rarsoft.com .. get out your checkbook. [04:48] if i stability is more important, right? [04:48] or kde. [04:49] No? No one knows how to make scim work? [04:49] hey, can someone tell me whats the best way to upgrade from warty to hoary..? [04:49] ips no chance === Dr_Willis wonders what errors the rar command is giveing as to why its not working. [04:49] noone knows how to open a .rar file [04:49] chech the ubuntu guide [04:49] alright well thanks anyways [04:49] rar command? [04:49] http://ubuntustartguide.online.fr/ [04:49] alterim: if you show the output then maybe someone will know [04:49] alterim: unrar [04:49] i'm trying to open the file in fileroller [04:49] try from the command line [04:49] alterim, thats the problem then is my guess.. use the shell === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === GNAM [~auauuuaua@natpool-1-16.pd.astro.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] yahalom: .. 12 months and you'll start seeing more eye candy become available. XGL/Glitz/Cairo/Luminocity(Metacity really) are all working on providing it for us. === Laney [~laish@81-178-78-214.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Ubuntu === tritium [~rimbert@ee213-dhcp-14.ecn.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:52] so what command should ibe using [04:52] and should i be using unrarfree or unrar, or just even rar? === carambol [~Karambol_@c117193.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] alterim: unrar --help [04:52] alterim: unrar x filename.rar === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:52] i did unrar e filename.rar [04:53] how can i get a list of all package installed to remove those I do not use ? [04:53] alterim: pretty much the same. without the full path data [04:53] seems to be working [04:53] alterim - e doesn't create the directories [04:53] it's annoying that fileroller won't do it though [04:53] i prefer gui in every case [04:53] xMaximex: dpkg -l | more === izaac [~izaac@izaac.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] hohlraum, what is eye candy? the plastic look, cos i dont dig that bru === izaac [~izaac@izaac.user] has left #ubuntu [] === eric_ [~eric@modemcable234.48-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] yahalom: lemme find a url for you. [04:54] yahalom: http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/xshots [04:54] xMaximex: deborphan [04:55] yahalom: i installed and played around with luminocity .. pretty neat.. not really usable for daily computer use though [04:55] Is there an easy way to change every "id=" into "class=" in several files? I have a lot of .txt-files that I have to change :( [04:55] foster [04:55] ?? [04:55] hohlraum: eh... that stuff is a long way from mainstream yet... cairo isn't even being officially used by gnome yet... [04:55] what sed command will strip ^M from the end of the line? === stenass [~stenass@] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] lunitik: .. yeah, which i stated already. [04:56] hohlraum, appreciated [04:56] hohlraum, that is pretty neat, but i can see that if i installed that on a company's pcs they would throw me out === meuserj|work [~meuserj|w@] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] hohlraum, speed is the essential part [04:57] yahalom: its a test bed.. to should you what IS possible.. not what will be the default :) [04:57] kent: shell script + sed + regexp can do that [04:57] look i have an old laptop 2gb what linux should i install? [04:57] yahalom: as in.. if it can do that.. it'll beable to do 'xxxx' [04:57] stenass, start learning how to post questions clearly... :) [04:57] Florob, "sed s/id=/class= *.txt" ? Will that do it? Im afraid of f*cking it up, so I want to get it confirmed first :) [04:57] hohlraum, well its cool. i never doubted that linux is capable of anything. [04:58] hohlraum, does it dicrease speed? [04:58] who can help me? [04:58] yahalom: it uses your video cards GL rendering engine.. so no. [04:58] yahalom: apparently not really currently... === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] yahalom: but lemme repeat .. its all experimental :) .. i have installed and used it. and it does make stuff slower.. but thats just bugs in the code :) === scarl [exis@ti221110a080-13329.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] the desktop switching is very cool. i like that. [04:59] stenass - boot the ubunto install cd, "server", you get "nothing" but a platform for installing other things, like X and Firefox (I did this on a p1-233, 96 ram, it is very usable) === stenass [~stenass@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:59] how to turn off annoying pc speaker that sounds off when i press tab or something i terminal? i think it's called bell [04:59] yahalom: it tells you what cards they use... not anything special really... [04:59] hohlraum, how long in ur opinion until its ready? [05:00] im trying to install e17 on warty but i get dependency hell with some libs, anyone know a repository where they have these packages? [05:00] or any other way to install it? === mmtb [~marcin@dva197.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] yahalom: the cairo/glitz/xgl stuff is neat as well. i think the first distro you'll see it in will be novell's .. early next year. === mmtb [~marcin@dva197.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:00] lunitik, just looks fancy? [05:00] anyone? turning of bell? [05:00] hohlraum, what suse? [05:00] no that won't work try `sed s/id=/class= text.txt > text.txt` in a for loop [05:00] yahalom: yeah or whatever they call it now. [05:00] yahalom: I mean the cards... not the effects.... [05:01] hohlraum, lol, so ubuntu isnt going for that stuff? [05:01] lunitik, ah ok [05:01] yahalom: www.osnews.com has various articles talking about it. [05:01] lunitik, get it ;) [05:01] yahalom: those things will never be enabled by default... [05:01] yahalom: too much for many cards (mine for instance) [05:02] :/ [05:02] im trying to install e17 on warty but i get dependency hell with some libs, anyone know a repository where they have these packages? repeat [05:02] i personally dont care if gnome looks all nice and simple to eternity, as long as speed and stability is on the increase === Space_Monkey [Jason_Dean@ppp3-68.her.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] scarl: http://www1.apt-get.org/search.php?query=e17&submit=&arch%5B%5D=i386&arch%5B%5D=all === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] laters [05:03] what i liked about linux is that u can take any comp, put linux on and it works. windows on the other hand u always have to have the best and newest, and it concerns me if linux goes in that direction even if its free, cos hardware isnt and will never be. === andreizinca [~andreizin@] has joined #ubuntu === demank [~Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-129.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] yahalom, well 'any and works' can be untrue :P === xamdm [~xamdm@pD9E2D1CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] then again ive fought with windoes on hardware that it had worked on just a week befor.. :P === mauro [~mauro@] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] Dr_Willis, fine u got me ;) more likely will work on any...agree? [05:05] Dr_ [05:06] lunitik, thanks but i still get the same dependency crap [05:06] in synaptic === sniper- [~sniper@] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Does any one use Ubuntu with XP on anothor partition? [05:06] Dr_Willis, lol dont get me started on windows [05:06] ips i do [05:06] scarl: strange, thats for testing (which coresponds with warty) [05:06] i need an ftp virtual filesystem in order to mount a ftp to a directory on my filesystem. any hints ? thanks [05:06] yahalom, yep - seem what when linux works it works good.. when it breaks - its normally fixable. , when windows works - it works good.. when it breaks -- you have to resort to doing 'odd' things in hope that it some howstarts workings. === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu === ronny-- [~Ronny@pD9EC5C8B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] much like that 'rar' issue earlier. [05:07] lunitik, man i really want e17 [05:07] sucky [05:07] shouldn't this command replace every id= with a class= ? All it does for me is to print out 2.txt on the terminal, it does not change anything :( sed 's/id=/class=' 2.txt [05:07] Sacral, Do you have problems accessing the XP partition when not in root? === jc-denton [~nils@zux173-061.adsl.green.ch] has left #ubuntu [] [05:07] Dr_Willis, nowadays its unbearable with the spyware issue, even though windows bought this bulleye thing [05:07] ips nah.. i just add /dev/hda1 in fstab then do mount -a [05:07] anyway i gotta go [05:07] yahalom, yep - spyware is getting tobe worse then spam. [05:07] was interesting === demank [~Miranda@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:08] Dr_Willis, take care bru [05:08] scarl: heh... if you don't mind the risk of reinstalling to use it... you could try adding 'deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian testing main' to sources.list... [05:08] scarl: theoretically that should resolve outstanding deps... could break a lot of other things though... [05:08] Scarl, oh that might be it! Is the -a for all?? [05:08] lunitik, i have already [05:08] ips yeah [05:08] cool thanks! [05:08] scarl: heh... ok... I have no idea why that wouldn't do it :( [05:08] kent for me it does nothing I belive there has to be a g/ somewhere I have to look that up, hang in === jure [~jure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] crap [05:09] scarl: deps are due to packages being too knew? [05:09] ok [05:09] lunitik, i think so [05:09] hoarty doesnt have it [05:09] scarl: strange [05:10] anyway im gonna wait [05:10] scarl: there are archives of old versions of packages on Debian's site... if you want to go to that hassle? [05:10] what is the best wm next to e17? === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] nah [05:10] scarl: depends what you want from a wm... [05:10] when i run chromium i get an error /dev/dsp busy no sound [05:10] i want looks first of all [05:10] and a menu with apps [05:10] how can i fix that [05:10] and thats about it [05:10] keint: sed s/id=/class=/g test.txt > test.txt should do it, but it leaves me with an empty file perhaps im just to dump to use the ">" because the output without "> test.txt" is correct [05:11] scarl: apt-cache search x-window-manager <-- there are a lot to choose from... all are right for _someon_ === sunpascal [~sunpascal@220-136-220-150.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] Florob, I got it to work now. It prints out the file with the things replaced. But, the thing is that the files are in iso-latin1-15, and it seems that when it gets outputed to the terminal, i get squares for every swedish letter. Will that effect the file? As it is now, i can > the output into a new file, and its done. [05:11] someone* [05:11] lunitik, but on your experience, which wm looks best to you? [05:11] i get the same error when i run tuxracer [05:11] Florob, yes. We thought about the same thing ;) Il try to see if it messes up the swedish letters in the file. I can try with one file. [05:11] with the exception of e [05:12] anyone can help me? [05:12] Florob, it works with the >. Thanks for the help. [05:12] scarl: I tend to learn towards DM's ... if the hardware is crap, usually flux... [05:12] i tried flux [05:12] but [05:12] scarl: many like openbox (yet to figure out what it has over flux) [05:12] kent: how does it look now? just in case i ever have to do something like that. [05:13] scarl: WMaker is nice... if you like that kinda thing... I don't really though === Gman is now known as garrut [05:13] hi, I just installed ubuntu, but I can't get the screen resolution higher than 800 x 600 === spanglesontoast [~edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === cmf [~lou@adsl-213-249-162-11.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] im trying openbox now [05:13] ill brb gotta re login [05:13] I checked already in System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution. [05:13] scarl, I did that but some unknow reason I still get that the permissions on my XP partition is read-only and exec for root and nothing for the rest, do you know why that could be? [05:13] scarl: ratpoison is scary to use... fvwm is kinda nice... [05:14] Florob, it looks as it should. The id= got replaced with class= sed 's/id=/class=/' 2.txt > hej.txt Thats the command i ran, I have not tried to direct the output to the same file, [05:14] ante: you might have audio players blocking the sound device (dsp). try closing any apps that use sound, if that doesnt work, try using alsa for audio output [05:14] hmmm okay === scarl [exis@ti221110a080-13329.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] heh no dice === JeffWl [~hoary@cm41.epsilon201.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] openbox wasnt installed into gdm [05:15] Florob, if I direct the output to the same file, it gets blanked. Perhaps there is some switch to sed which makes it edit on runtime..? [05:15] sunpascal, it might be your xorg settings === SubZero_AK [~Mark@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:15] on second thought the printing extension does not seem to work correctly [05:16] if you select only a paragraph of text ...it wants to print the whole page [05:16] does anyone know why my menus wont work in fluxbox? [05:16] scarl, don't know if you heard me as you seemed to be logged off for a while so i will repeat. [05:17] scarl, I did that but some unknow reason I still get that the permissions on my XP partition is read-only and exec for root and nothing for the rest, do you know why that could be? === Fackamato [fackamato@h120n2fls33o1012.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] ntfs is read only always isnt it? [05:17] scarl: in your travels though... you should definatly at least try XFwm ... if I wasn't so lazy, I'd prolly be using it right now (although probably with gnome-panel :/) [05:17] i thought you cant write to an ntfs [05:17] kent: edit on runtime? I really wonder why it gets blanked, it even gets blanked if you pipe from cat... [05:17] scarl: you can... you just give up your right to bitch (cuz its likely to fuck something up) === Lenny1729 [~florian@p213.54.161.77.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] haha === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-129.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] aight [05:18] ok ips, so where is the xorg configuration saved? [05:18] /etc/X11/xorg.conf === Cturtle [~Cturtle__@] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] scarl, yeah but I mean I did mount -a /dev/hda1 and normal users still canot access it. [05:19] Florob, with edit on runtime, i meen that perhaps there is some way to make sed save the changes, and not as now, try to save it with > [05:19] daniels: it must be scary how much you type that :P [05:19] lunitik: muscle memory [05:19] kent: already looked for this in the manpage: not possible it seems [05:19] is fvwm any good? [05:19] sunpascal, you can also type xorgconfig as root. [05:19] ips then i dont know [05:20] daniels: eh... I got to 'g' when you hit enter... I didn't do that bad :P [05:20] ips: please don't ever recommend that [05:20] ips i installed linux for the first time yesterday so im also kind of new :S [05:20] is it possible to use an usbstick as homedir when using the ubuntu live cd? without remounting it manually? [05:20] daniels, why? === peter26 [~aodf@dsl-082-083-054-115.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] ips: because sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, is far more likely to give you a working configuration [05:20] Need help for installation ubuntu... === wuming [~mignwumin@CPE00400554c0b6-CM0012253ebe0a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] scarl, oh okay, I'm kinda new too. [05:20] anyone knows what "VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev hda3" on the boot screen means? [05:21] ips but so far everything has worked great [05:21] daniels: you should take it out of Ubuntu's X to ensure it doesn't happen... :) [05:21] daniels, oh ok I didn',t know [05:21] During installation I always receive the message "Cant find installation-CD"... [05:21] lunitik: funnily enough, I've been considering it [05:21] lunitik, is fvwm any good as wm? [05:21] daniels: no reason to keep it around... [05:21] sunpascal: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf: if you have any lines about HorizSync or VertRefresh, throw them away. make sure all the lines starting with Modes include 1024x768 [05:22] lunitik: or just rename it to xorgconfig-byusingthisunsupportedutilityiacceptthatiamresponsibleforwhateveritdoes [05:22] i need an ftp virtual filesystem in order to mount a ftp to a directory on my filesystem. any hints ? thanks [05:22] scarl, fvwm is awesome. best de/wm out there. [05:22] During installation I always receive the message "Cant find installation-CD"... === wuming [~mignwumin@CPE00400554c0b6-CM0012253ebe0a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:22] scarl, http://migrantroo.com/screenshots/ [05:22] Can anybody help, please! [05:22] scarl: its ok... not my style... heh... the guy that helped me to first get accounted with Linux was a contributor for it... === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] scarl, thats my setup. but u have do ANYTHING with it; most flexible/powerful de there is. [05:22] how can i search windows lan network? [05:22] i think firefox needs to do a little more work on the printing extension [05:23] scarl: its ok, but I never used it for that long... more an old timer unix wm === classicx [~classicx@gb.jb.174.11.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] ante: type "smb:///" in nautilus [05:23] lunitik, not true anymore, it has a new following of desktop hackers. [05:23] daniels, you seem to know alot, do you know why it could be that I can only access my XP partition as root and it doesnt seem to be possible to change the permissions [05:23] roo_, awesome, but how do i load a theme in fvwm? [05:23] ips: needs to be mounted with umask=002 [05:23] Lenny1729, search it, not browse it... [05:23] daniels: bah... most will just hit tab... look at all the letters and figure 'bah, ok' and hit enter :( [05:23] daniels, how do I do that? [05:23] scarl, well its all configured through /home/username/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc [05:23] ante, oh sorry.... === wurm [~wurm@c142010.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] lunitik: heh [05:24] scarl, lunitik, fvwm can do things that no other wm/de can do. [05:24] Lenny1729, i want to search for some files on the network... and u don't need to apologise... :) [05:24] ips: not sure if it's being automounted -- that should just work [05:24] roo_, i downloaded the themes tar [05:24] ips: if it's in /etc/fstab, edit that and add it to the options column [05:24] or bz2 file rather [05:24] where do i put the theme files? [05:24] roo_: still, its background is the same... it was the wm before there were de's... [05:24] ips: (or add uid=1000) === jason_ [~jason@c-66-41-244-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] daniels, I add uid=1000 to fstab? [05:25] daniels, to options? [05:25] in the options column of your xp partition if it's there, yeah [05:25] daniels, thanx [05:25] anyone, how to search lan via samba for some files? [05:25] scarl, unpack it in ~/.fvwm [05:26] sure is nice to have an alternative to HP's software....i like their dvd burner but i hate their software [05:26] lunitik, true and valid, but it is changing along with its reputation. some (all?) of the most impressive desktops ive seen have been custom fvwm configs. [05:26] roo_, thanks [05:26] ante, well you can just browse them with nautilus no? [05:26] their software takes you to all these places that want you to buy commercial versions [05:26] ips, nope... there are cca 1000 computers on it [05:26] scarl, the guys in #fvwm are usually helpful if around [05:26] roo_: you involved in the project? or just like it a lot? :) [05:27] ant, if you want to search for files on a certain smb server, you could choose "Connect to server", fill in the necessary data and run the normal gnome search tool. But searching more than one server at once is not possible with gnome I think [05:27] lunitik, i just like it a lot :) i believe in the merits of innovation, and for me, fvwm allows the *users* to innovate, rather than just the devs. [05:27] crap [05:27] roo_: the person I talk of is awol, perhaps you are familier with him? (works on fvwm2-themes last I talked to him) === Scorpion_Script [~scorpion@host-84-9-27-117.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Scorpion_Script [~scorpion@host-84-9-27-117.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:27] what was the command to untar a tar.bz2 file again? i always forget the switches [05:27] i did ta xvjf [05:28] tar [05:28] right === wurm [~wurm@c216158.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] scarl, that shud shud work [05:28] scarl: that should have worked... [05:28] scarl, i use two steps...bunzip2 filename...then tar -xvf filename [05:28] ok, daniels, shall I restart x now? I changed parts in the modes section. [05:28] whiskey_2, that is very backward :/ [05:28] exis@jen:~ $ tar xjvf fvwm-themes-0.7.0.tar.bz2.htm ~/.fvwm [05:28] bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file. [05:28] tar: Child returned status 2 [05:28] scarl, but there are probably better ways [05:28] haha [05:28] ! [05:28] now i see it [05:28] sorry [05:28] I've got a weird problem with my Ubuntu machine at home.... [05:29] I'm using two Harddrives, one is IDE and the other Serial ATA [05:29] scarl: file whatever.tar.bz2 === puterfixer [lilmouse@Home04095.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu === lifesayko [~lifesayko@] has joined #ubuntu === bur[n] er [foobar@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] My root partition is on the IDE and my home partition is on the SATA === dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-108.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] daniels, hmm, I tries both uid=1000 and umask=002, unmounted, remounted and I still can't access it outside of root. [05:30] whats the apt-get command for dist upgarde? === malte` [~malte@host88-171.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] ips: ok, i have no idea, sorry [05:30] i've not played around with ntfs or whatever [05:30] dazed|: apt-get dist-upgrade [05:30] dazed|: haha [05:30] daniels, alright well thanks [05:30] on bootup, Ubuntu tries to scan all the drives with fsck, but since it hasn't loaded the modules for the sata drive, it doesn't see the device and errors [05:30] hi guys. Hoary Hedgehog was supposed to be released today, but all I see is a release candidate. is that the final version? [05:31] fryday [05:31] dazed|: slam a sudo infront of that though === moogman [~moogman@cpc2-cwma2-3-0-cust170.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] was that to me, deFrysk? [05:31] friday even [05:31] yup [05:31] 8th [05:31] ahhh i forgot the - in the mid === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] ok :) I am sooooo anxious, heh :) thanks [05:31] lol [05:31] it drops to a single user session, but if I exit out of it, everything boots up just fine (sometimes it fails to mount the two partitions on the sata drive though) === Detten [~Detten@d51531B17.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === YgDnFVs [Xiufhwd@] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] samba mount windows network in some folder, right? where is that folder? [05:32] deFrysk: with any luck... it'll be a quick dist-upgrade too :P [05:32] roo_, i had to learn the hard way over the years so i was never taught properly the most efficient way to do things. [05:32] lunitik, yuppers :D [05:32] roo_, why dont i have ~/.fvwm ? [05:32] i installed it via apt-get [05:32] roo_, so my approaches i am sure are awkward...but i just try to make things work === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-14.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] scarl, mkdir ~/.fvwm [05:32] scarl, i think i have to run it at least once [05:33] scarl: you have to start fvwm first... [05:33] so samba mount windows network where? [05:33] ok [05:33] ill do that [05:33] thanks again, I appreciate it. have a good afternoon/morning/day/night [05:33] Hi i'm having a strange problem with lockups I just update Gnome (with spt-get), and upon rebooting and logging in, gnome freezes. Can't use the mouse or keyboard. However, booting into gnome failsafe mode seems to work [05:33] Is it possible to have my usb stick as home directory when booting from the ubuntu livecd? [05:33] Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? === darkkyo [~darkkyo@217-117-49-138.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos [~apokrypho@host-84-9-32-14.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === jsgotangco [DaWorm@info4-189.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] whiskey_2, sure whatever u prefer, but if tar has support for handling compression through -j and -z switches, why not use them? [05:34] whiskey_2, save precious keystokres === wurm [~wurm@c226023.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] The top and bottom gnome panels come up, but nothing else loads === sunpascal [~sunpascal@220-136-220-150.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu === padx [~padx@] has joined #ubuntu === hgoesm [~hgoesm@p54947091.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === lunitik wonders if its normal that when he starts a new session (on tty8) and logs in as a user thats already logged in it doesn't apply user settings? [05:35] (theme, icons etc..) [05:35] ok. still can't get a higher screen resolution than 800x600 in ubuntu [05:35] crap crap crap... I can't get gnomebaker :( [05:35] anyone have an idea? [05:35] neofeed, google for it [05:35] I did. [05:36] the crappy page is down [05:36] sunpascal what video card and monitor? possible the monitor config is to blame [05:36] neofeed, i have it here if you want it [05:36] sunnywind: for 1280x1024 ... VSync 50-100 HSync 30-60 ... other than that, I don't know === JzE [JzE@a84-231-0-138.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #Ubuntu [05:36] whiskey_2, latest .deb? that would be nice [05:36] Daniels, its really weird! even though I have uid=1000 in fstab when I mount my partition it is uid=500!!! It is as if mount does not listen to fstab!!?? [05:36] neofeed, i wonder why the page is down...luke is a great programmer and it needs a little more work [05:37] neofeed, yes ok...i will try this xdcc thing again and see if it works === sepheebear_ [~SepheeBea@cpe-24-193-111-253.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === exis [exis@ti221110a080-13329.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] ok im now in fvwm [05:37] whiskey_2, moritz.angermann@gmail.com should work [05:37] sunpascal, did you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg like daniels suggested? [05:37] sunnywind: oh... and for this resolution on the console... vga=794 :) [05:37] neofeed, http://ftp.tiscali.nl/debian/pool/main/g/gnomebaker/gnomebaker_0.3-3_i386.deb [05:37] it works fine with other distros though [05:37] how do i load the themes roo_? [05:37] deFrysk, thanks but is that the lates? [05:37] neofeed, ok if xdcc doesn't work...i will use email. === thrac1 [~thrace@rtlogic.rtlogic.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] I did have to change video memory in the bios though [05:37] neofeed, bookmark http://ftp.tiscali.nl/debian/pool/main/g/gnomebaker/ === closure [~ubel@adsl-065-013-010-009.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] deFrysk: they dont' have an apt repo? [05:38] deFrysk: seems strange that they wouldn't... [05:38] ips: could be getting mounted via pmount or such -- i'm not sure [05:38] neofeed, do you see the file being sent to you [05:38] whiskey_2, doesn't work. [05:38] I hit accept like 20 time [05:38] *s [05:38] if you click on receive file do you get anything [05:38] lunitik, i would install it seperatly, its a debian , not ubuntu package [05:38] moogman: try booting your kernel with the "noinotify" parameter in your grub entry [05:38] daniels, pmount??? [05:38] whiskey_2, nup === Colnet [~Colnet@] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] ok if it doesn't work..i will just use evolution === Colnet [~Colnet@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [05:39] daniels, i also have rw,users,noauto in options [05:39] deb http://ftp.tiscali.nl/debian/ unstable main <-- would be fine for sources.list === Pyre [~Pyre@host-84-9-32-14.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] psh: Okies, trying now... [05:40] ips: not sure, sorry [05:40] neofeed, try graveman otherwise, its available and as good as gnomebaker [05:40] daniels, ok thanks [05:41] deFrysk: Ubuntu is Debian ... with sane releases and a clear target audiance.... [05:41] deFrysk, does it burn audiocds?? [05:41] I use Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller [05:41] psh: I'm using 2.6.11-1-686-smp if that helps. Was wondering if it was the smp kernel being problematic [05:41] neofeed, graveman , yes [05:41] works well on debian, slackware and so on [05:41] moogman: doubt it, but i know there have been inotify problems in recent kernels. [05:41] lunitik, ubuntu is still forked from debian so be careful with mixing repos [05:42] neofeed, ok...it sure took a long time to send...but i think it is on its way [05:42] deFrysk: its not forked like Xandros or Linspire is though... [05:42] I reconfigured x but it didn't start at all after that [05:42] exis, sorry was away for a min. [05:42] night [05:42] exis, load themes? [05:42] whiskey_2, thank you! [05:42] lunitik, still forked though === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] i sure wish i knew what was wrong with xdcc [05:42] psh: Yay, seems to work thanks. I guess really I should wait until the kernel becomes mainstream in apt-get before I try to install it hehe [05:42] Said "no screens found" [05:42] deFrysk: at the start of a release cycle... you ARE running SID ... [05:42] roo_, yeah i downloaded the themes tar [05:42] anyone know how to configure composite to display the drop shadows under xorg ? === imPULSIV [~matthias@pD9585161.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] exis, do "ls -l --all" in ~/.fvwm [05:43] AndyFitz: Open the file /etc/X/xorg.conf as root [05:43] AndyFitz: Then add at the bottom... [05:43] exis, post the output on pastebin.com === sventu [~sventu@p508E4DC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] got sum stuff for your desks [05:43] wanna see? [05:43] /etc/X11/xorg [05:43] imPULSIV, err, huh? [05:43] AndyFitz: Section "Extensions" [05:43] http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=22730 [05:43] AndyFitz: Option "Composite" "Enable" [05:43] take alook [05:43] AndyFitz: EndSection [05:43] deFrysk: Ubuntu maintains Debian standards... and works with / is the upstream maintainer... [05:43] AndyFitz: Then restart X and that should do it :) [05:44] lunitik, would you add debian unstable to ubuntu ? [05:44] roo_, [05:44] as repo ? [05:44] exis, [05:44] deFrysk: I have before... [05:44] great moogman thanks ill try it :) [05:44] I'll be right back gotta restart x [05:44] deFrysk: no noticeable issues... [05:44] all i got when i did that command was > [05:44] an arrow [05:44] i press enter and another arrow [05:44] so i did ctrl c [05:44] deFrysk: you should have asked if I'd recommend others do that... answer is no === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [05:45] lunitik, ok === francesco [~francesco@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] exis ls -l --all ~/.fvwm [05:45] hello [05:45] hi [05:45] exis, copy and paste that into your term. [05:45] gonna make some coffee , feel a headache coming ..:s [05:45] Anybody else here knows a bit about partition mounting? [05:45] deFrysk: small repo's are fine though... the wiki even recommends many that are targetted for Debian... [05:45] right now it works [05:45] 2 seconds [05:45] kannt install gstreamer0.8-mad it is not avalible what should i do? [05:45] neofeed, maybe Luke got sick of a web page like i did. [05:46] hey exis what about the wallpaper? [05:46] deFrysk: in fact, I think it describes how to add what I said (even though I just looked at the layout of the repo to figure it out) [05:46] neofeed, i got real tired of paying those DNS registration fees [05:46] anyone know how I can get gnome to display anything better than 800x600? [05:46] seen it? [05:46] neofeed, so i cancelled my website a long time ago [05:46] francesco: have you enabled Universe? [05:46] how do i get my rounded corners? === kain [~kain@ip-72-109.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] sunpascal, did you configure X? [05:46] sunnywind: I told you... [05:46] yeah I did === kain is away: cesso [05:46] apokryphos, not yet tell me howto please [05:46] but than it showed "no screens found" [05:46] i have ubuntu 5.04 [05:46] sunnywind: HSync and VSync need to be changed... [05:47] whiskey_2, poeple.debian.org/~blah might link to some free webservice if debian doesn't provide own. SO I don't think it's been the fees === dcraven [~dcraven@CPE000f3d5d5cd1-CM014340007726.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] sunnywind: in xorg.conf [05:47] roo_, for some reason i cant paste [05:47] francesco: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the line that says "Universe". [05:47] i hit ctrl c in the term [05:47] heh === psh [~Gary@ACD85C66.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:47] lunitik, what do I change in xorg.conf? [05:47] moogman, that didnt work, instead of enable perhaps use 1 ? [05:47] neofeed, well i know in my case..those guys wanted $30 every year...and i just could not afford it. [05:47] sunpascal, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:48] ok... [05:48] neofeed, so i cancelled my website and went to p2p [05:48] sunpascal: don't adit by hand [05:48] sunpascal: edit [05:48] sunnywind: paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to www.pastebin.com ... I will edit it and do that same.. [05:48] good [05:48] whiskey_2, what ever works out, right? ;) === zorglube_ [~zorglube@ca-tours-6-59.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] apokryphos, there is just hoary [05:48] neofeed, yep that is right...and everyone has to decide for themselves. === wurm [~wurm@d130015.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] neofeed, because no one knows them better than their own self [05:49] sunpascal: I'd strongly suggest to use dpkg-reconfigure to add more resolutions [05:49] Any one could help me, I can't access my XP partition with non-root users, and it seems that mount doesn't listen to fstab. [05:49] francesco: there will be a line that says deb archive.ubuntu.com universe (something like that) [05:49] ok posted it [05:49] apokryphos, query? === Soze [~rdurand@] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] sure [05:49] lu all === CiRuS [~CiRuS@pD9EBA6A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] AndyFitz: What do you mean by it didn't work? Its definitely "Enable" though [05:50] brvo hoary est tres bien [05:50] ok theine, I'll do that [05:50] MemoServ === fissy [~fissy@] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] sunpascal: hit ok all the time until you reach the screen where you can select additional resolutions [05:50] becuase really any web page or document can be put on p2p as well as files [05:50] savez vous comment je peux modifier le fichier menulst afin de definir windows par default [05:51] moogman, well I can't see any dropshadows :P [05:51] sunpascal: by "hit ok" i mean "hit enter"... [05:51] and p2p does not require DNS registration fees [05:51] how do I set them up [05:51] sunpascal: after you added more resolutions keep hitting enter in the following screens until it's done [05:51] Soze: as-tu essayer editeur de configuration gconf? [05:51] AndyFitz: Heh, well you'll need to run "xcompmgr" to see those. The X conf change only enables the composite extension you see, and composite != drop shadows [05:52] Soze, t'y connais-tu en montage de partitions? === gustav_ [~gustav@c-104b71d5.322-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:204:75ff:feed:da66] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] Can anyone think of why my mount command does'nt listen to the options section of fstab???? === ante [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] moogman, I just ran xcompmgr and it freaked my monitor out ... then I dragged a window over the artifacts and as I did that they wiped away [05:54] how to add item to gnome menu? [05:54] sunnywind: http://www.pastebin.com/267932 <-- exclude the php parts at the beginning and ends, copy this into a file save it, and 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /root/home && sudo cp thisfile /etc/X11/xorg.conf' [05:55] blah... home should be xorg.old ... but whatever... blah will work... so long as we know where its going :) [05:55] #kubuntu === wurm [~wurm@d068048.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] AndyFitz: Uhh? If the composite extension didnt work then xcompmgr would have done nothing but error and quit :) [05:55] anyone? adding an item to gnome menu? can't be that hard.. :) === lool [~lool@pig.zood.org] has joined #ubuntu === sunpascal [~sunpascal@220-136-220-150.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] ante: it's not that easy but there are ways === phaedo [~phaedo@tusk.cotse.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] ante: hoary... it is... [05:56] neofeed, did you get the email yet [05:56] neofeed, yesterday it seemed to take about 15 minutes [05:56] ante: look at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=67 [05:57] lunitik: I tend to believe copy and pasting via pastebin.com and then moving stuff around with root privileges is a dangerous task for a newbie [05:57] whiskey_2, yea did, thanks again [05:57] neofeed, ok ...no problem. [05:57] ante: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GnomeMenuEditingHowTo/ === melter [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] ante:it's a thirdparty program that can be used to channge the menus [05:57] gustav_, can it be obtained via apt-get? [05:58] nope [05:58] theine: agreed ... but it beats the heck out of explaining the file... and I am purposely providing a backup... [05:58] theine, I reconfigured x [05:58] but it didn't work [05:58] after that I get "Fatal Server Error No Screens found" [05:58] sunpascal: paste your new xorg.conf again at pastebin [05:58] neofeed, if you have any questions on how to use it...just ask...but it does not have a verify option === hgoesm [~hgoesm@p54947091.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:58] sunpascal: do you have any X at all right now? === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] sunnywind: did you do any of what I said? === orel [~bourrin@203.69.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === markuman [~markuman@pD9E4C1DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] sunpascal: when do you get that error message? are there any more details given? [06:00] Can anyone think of why my mount command does'nt listen to the options section of fstab???? === wurm [~wurm@c217031.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] hi everybody [06:00] hi [06:00] theine: there is a log. Shall I upload that? === markuman [~markuman@pD9E4C1DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [06:00] theine: have him 'echo $DISPLAY=':0' and restart X === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: Ubuntu Help | Support Information: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/ | Ubuntu 5.04 release candidate: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hoary/ === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Thu Mar 31 19:32:40 2005 [08:15] (dcraven/#ubuntu) lz, I take it your sound works now? [08:15] (vrln/#ubuntu) neiras: indeed, I didn't follow the ubuntu scene for months, now I checked distrowatch and noticed it's #1... not bad for a distro that has had 1 release so far :) [08:15] hm, neiras [08:15] ill get this error [08:15] W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.nerim.net stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907 [08:15] Keffo: Xine hates me too [08:16] keffo - that won't affect anything [08:16] Vrln; gonna look into VLC thanks [08:16] you're good - you can lose the error by adding his gpg key [08:16] oh [08:16] found it [08:16] by new spatial mode, i mean the fact windows close behind you when you click on new ones. [08:16] if that makes any sense. [08:16] on the ubuntuguide [08:16] what is the difference between esd and alsa and oss ? [08:16] You know, all this messing around with spatial mode would be fixed if they'd just do things the way BeOS did - right clicking a folder gave you a hierarchical menu showing the contents of that folder. You could browse down to the folder you wanted. [08:17] BeOS had it nailed [08:17] xmms use esd .. but if i set teamspeak to use /dev/dsp .. i have to close esd process [08:17] i dont think you can, if im reading this ( http://koke.amedias.org/2005/04/02/spatial-mess-prevention/ ) right. [08:17] its extremely annoying. the spatial mess is what i wanted. [08:17] has anyone had any sucess stories with winehq [08:17] neiras, it's probably patented... === ReleaseX [~anon@adsl-66-143-146-172.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] xMaximex, oss is the old sound system for linux. its the old interface for sound drives. [08:18] neiras, ok, works fine.. thanks. but how much will this affect my stability? sicne i had multiverse universe and the ordinary ones before.. will this affect? === St0n3-C0l is back (gone 00:28:32) [08:18] or should i comment em out? [08:18] xMaximex, ALSA is the new one. [08:18] dcraven, I really doubt one can patent the use of a popup menu to browse subfolder contents [08:18] and esd is gnomes sound server, i think, but im not sure. === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] keffo: It won't. Only effect will be that you'll be able to watch movies. [08:18] ALSA normally has OSS driver compatability. [08:18] sounds great [08:18] ;P [08:18] keffo - if you install totem-xine, everything will be really happy [08:19] neiras, you'd be suprised... You should check some of the patents held by MS, Apple, Amazon and the like. === fgx [~fgx@host134-170.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] xine will play just about everything for you now === Bicchi [~chatzilla@pur23f5.fiu.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-149.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] so does anyone know about the new new spatial mode? is there anyway to get it to leave the windows open? [08:19] dcraven, seen 'em. You poor americans with your patent office :) [08:19] neiras, for example the "spring loaded folder". And I'm Canadian :) [08:19] I think someone's even patented "Method of excercising a cat using a laser pointer" === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] neiras, lol [08:20] oh, a fellow canuck, awesome [08:20] still not working [08:20] :< === martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] keffo - did you apt-get update? [08:20] i did [08:20] weird [08:20] it downloaded w32codecs etc [08:20] brb === dhonn [~dhonn@rrcs-66-27-52-190.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] keffo, make sure you have no broken packages in synaptic. === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [08:21] hmmm, the article says "You can set \"/apps/nautilus/preferences/no_ubuntu_spatial\" to get the previous spatial behaviour.", but that key doesnt exist. [08:21] any ideas? [08:21] nooneyouknow, make it in gconf-editor. That's what I did and it worked. [08:21] ah, i see. === Alessio [~Alessio@host146-56.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] cheers mate. [08:21] nooneyouknow, make it a boolean key, set to true. [08:22] cheers === zbowling [~zbowling@adsl-68-95-154-133.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] dcraven: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5443036.html === rrm3 [rrm3@openwire.metawire.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] theres nothing broken tbh [08:22] haha, didnt know you could make your own keys. thanks. === enntee [~enntee@S010600055d28b6f1.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] neiras, that link makes me feel a bit queazy. I hope it's a parody or something. === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] dcraven - nope, that's real === nathan_ [~nathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] Hello.. I'm having a problem with Mozilla browsers in Hoary. Anytime I go to a site with flash, the browser crashes. Anyone else experienced this? === Echylo [~Echylo@90-169.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] Someone here uses grace????? === dcraven hides his laser pointer [08:23] hahaha [08:23] ah sweet messy spatial mode is back again.: ) [08:24] nooneyouknow, heh.. "messy". [08:24] how do I change to another card as my default sound card? [08:24] lunitik: look out when you are write smth to someone ;) [08:24] I had a discussion on BeOS-style spatial going on desktop-devel-list... everyone seemed to like the idea [08:24] Quite a contriversial choice that was to change spatial eh? haha.. I'm sick of hearing about it already! [08:25] perhaps a patch is in order... I'm a lazy bastard [08:25] lunitik: i don't have any problem with x ;) [08:25] lz, does the card work now? You have sound? === sajeem_1 [~fob@ool-43530c5b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === synic [~synic@] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] Oh man gaim drives me crazy with the noisy disconnects... Remind me to fix that after exams. [08:26] Is there a convenient ISO burning app on the livecd? === airco [~airco@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] does ubuntu have any yast like config tool? [08:27] yeah dcraven [08:27] mkedwards, Nautilus. Right click on your ISO file. [08:27] but it is outputting from a different card [08:27] Nakkel: It has "gnome-system-tools" === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:27] rgr, ty [08:27] i want it to output from my soundblaster but it is outputting audio from my motherboard === keffo [~keffo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] i'm trying to get my windows partitions mounted under ubuntu but i keep getting 'mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /mnt/windows busy', though i'm very sure the device isn't mounted and the dir isn't busy. does anyone have any ideas what could be going on, or pointers to where i might find more info? [08:28] lz - try disabling your onboard sound in your BIOS === BuffaloSoldier [~stampede@] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] lz - That will effectively hide it from Linux [08:28] :/ [08:29] dcraven: thx. someone hasn't had his morning coffee. :) === thrac1 [~thrace@rtlogic.rtlogic.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:29] ok [08:30] thanks for your help === pitti [~martin@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] brb let me disable it in my bios [08:30] good luck [08:30] :D [08:30] how to install gcc? after installation system says I don't have it and can't install build-essentials [08:30] mkedwards, no problemo [08:31] LadyRoot, its build-essential [08:31] zenrox, The following packages have unmet dependencies: [08:31] build-essential: Depends: gcc (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed [08:31] Depends: g++ (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed === ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] LadyRoot, do you have universe enables === Snarfy [~Snarfy@62-177-147-34.static.bbeyond.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] enabled [08:31] zenrox, yes I have === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] LadyRoot: the easiest thing is going to be "sudo apt-get build-essential"; will pull in dependencies automatically. [08:32] do you have i net accesses with it [08:32] Riddell: it should have been on :-) [08:32] mkedwards, id wont install === pc03 [~pc03@186.Red-83-34-238.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] Riddell: thx! [08:32] sudo apt-get update first. [08:32] zenrox, I think so, cause I installed some packages from universal === clarknova [~achiral@] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] LadyRoot, try doing a update agine [08:33] and make sure debian sid isn't in your sources.list at the time === nlt [~jonathan@wbs-146-176-185.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === encKe` [~encKe`@ppp-65-67-227-161.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] don't hae sid in sources.list [08:33] *have [08:33] or testing (sarge) either [08:33] is there anyway to upgrade from kubuntu to hoary? === thrace [~thrace@rtlogic.rtlogic.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] im such a tard for going with kubuntu [08:34] no other servers except ubuntu are in sources.list === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] anyone actually know when hoary is going to be released? [08:34] looking at it now ... one moment [08:34] nlt: friday [08:35] encKe`: kubuntu is just a desktop package - apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [08:35] cuz I've had like 300 updates in the last few days.. === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-75-212.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] LadyRoot: perhaps your mirror is broken? archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main is working fine for me [08:36] thx neiras === clarknova [~achiral@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:37] encKe`: Just be sure not to do it in an xterm [08:37] encKe`: :) [08:37] mkedwards, I have the same archive, system is after frsh install [08:37] k [08:37] LadyRoot: you did apt-get update, then apt-get install build-essential? [08:37] mkedwards, yes === itay [~itay@IGLD-84-228-25-177.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] I know this is probably a matter of opinion, but do you people thinks its worth doing a fresh install of the official hoary when its released? Im already running with all the hoary updates. [08:38] that is strange, on second machine everything gone fine [08:38] *went [08:38] nlt, no. [08:38] nlt, no [08:38] waitaminute. did you say 3:3.3? [08:38] :/ [08:38] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [08:38] build-essential: Depends: gcc (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed [08:38] Depends: g++ (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed [08:38] ok... any justification? [08:39] nlt: all you need to do is apt-get dist-upgrade and you're set :) [08:39] We...want...your...soul [08:39] nlt: actually you'll never have to reinstall, you can just dist-upgrade to every new version of ubuntu === dirKai [~js@mus174.ucc.ie] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] odd. current epoch for gcc/g++ is 4. They're just the pseudo-packages, by the way. [08:39] nlt, I think you are already running the latest hoary as of today if you are keeping up to date. After release, an apt-get dist-upgrade will set you up. [08:40] nlt, yeah, like vrln said. === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] how does IBM's java implementation compare to Sun's? [08:40] hey all === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] dcraven: Im considering waiting for the final release... Im in SA, and our DSL bandwidth is limited to 3gigs per month... === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] LadyRoot: can you e-mail the entire output of apt-get install build-essential? (m.k.edwards@gmail.com) [08:41] but i did the 200+ yesterday. [08:41] mkedwards, sure [08:41] nlt, you would probably save bandwidth if you used the dist-upgrade method with apt. [08:41] i have a problem. i just tried to start enemy-territory, the game.. it normally works, but this time it didn't.. my screen resolution changed and i ended up looking at my gnome desktop in like 640x480 or whatever.. so i hit ctrl-alt-bkspc to restart X, but it just killed X and when it tried to restart it gave me an error [08:41] "I will disable this server for now, when it is working correctly, restart GDM" [08:41] Any possibility you have an old gcc-doc on the system? [08:42] any ideas, folks? === alex [~Alex@zamolxis.cs.unibuc.ro] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] There is full support available only for females :P and for males "read manpages" haha [08:42] mkedwards, I just installed the system and did dist-upgrade === airco_ [~airco@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] hmm sorry, got disconnected, i don't suppose anyone has answered my question in the meanwhile? === area [~area@cpe-24-195-234-44.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] mackid, do a "grep \(EE\) /var/log/Xorg.0.log" to see the error lines in the X logs. [08:44] can ya please repeat your question airco_ ? [08:44] i'm trying to get my windows partitions mounted under ubuntu but i keep getting 'mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /mnt/windows busy', though i'm very sure the device isn't mounted and the dir isn't busy. does anyone have any ideas what could be going on, or pointers to where i might find more info? === lz [~lz@adsl-69-109-229-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Hey, Can someone help me? I've been having serious trouble trying to get my second monitor working on Ubuntu. Can someone help please? [08:44] mackid, open the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if there is any useful info too. [08:44] airco_: Does the windows drive not show in "Computer" [08:44] airco_: df -h and paste me in pvt [08:45] dcraven: (EE) NVIDIA(0) FAILED TO INITIALIZE NVIDIA KERNEL MODULE [08:45] Aborting! [08:45] mackid: modprobe nvidia-kernel, then try again [08:45] er [08:45] modprobe nvidia [08:45] neiras: it definitely doesn't :-) [08:45] how do i start gdm again? [08:46] stone-col: done [08:46] mackid: /etc/init.d/gdm restart === ashgan [~ashgan@ashgan.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] man neiras is way faster than me. [08:46] likewise === itay [~itay@IGLD-84-228-25-177.inter.net.il] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:46] Shot me down on both of those answers. [08:46] neiras: Starting GNOME display manager.. [Fail] === Tux-Rox [~garrett@pdxproxy.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu === neiras polishes his gleaming chrome gunbarrels [08:47] mackid, did the "modprobe nvidia" give any output? [08:47] heh [08:47] Man I gotta lose some of this coffe buildup.. brb [08:47] neiras: never mind, that's because i didn't do it as superuser.. just did, same problem [08:47] dcraven, it did now [08:47] dcraven, it did not [08:47] Has anyone used USB Wireless adaptors with hoary and had it work? I've tried an Intel Anypoint AP310 and a D-Link DWL-122 without success.... :-( [08:48] mackid - did you just get a kernel update by any chance? [08:48] Tux-Rox: ipw2200 (Intel Centrino) works flawlessly. [08:48] neiras, probably.. lol. i run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade like 3 times a day [08:48] Oh usb. [08:48] Nevermind. [08:48] and i generally don't pay attention to what it installs :-P [08:48] LadyRoot: my guess is that you have an old gcc-doc installed, which Conflicts with gcc, on which g++ in turn depends. dpkg -l gcc-doc, please. [08:48] mackid - are you using linux-386 as your kernel package? [08:48] But I've heard of a guy who did have success. [08:48] mackid, oh my. === classicx [~classicx@gb.ja.66.164.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] neiras, no.. 2.6.10-5-k7 [08:49] mackid - it may be that you have the wrong linux-restricted-modules [08:49] neiras: Athlon XP 2600+ [08:49] mkedwards, dpkg -l gcc-doc [08:49] No packages found matching gcc-doc. [08:49] oh, wait. do you have the main repository in sources.list as well? [08:49] Is it just me, or is http://lists.ubuntu.com/ down? [08:49] after system installing... [08:49] mkedwards, of course === ips [~ips@CPE00023f3dcb93-CM000f212c95b6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] mackid - you need to make really sure that linux-k7 is the only kernel superdep on your box [08:49] LadyRoot: apt-cache search gcc-doc [08:49] mackid - get rid of all vestiges of linux-386 [08:49] gcc and g++ are in main [08:49] neiras, 2.6.10-5-386 is also on my box but i don't use it. okay. [08:50] mkedwards, gcc-doc - Documentation for the GNU C compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++) [08:50] gcc-2.95-doc - Documentation for the GNU compilers (gcc, gobjc, g++) === davix [~lama@85-65-147-184.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === Detoxv [madd@user-0c9a907.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] mackid: I've had the same issue before === maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-130.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] neiras: also i have a 4-day uptime but that shouldn't be a problem, should it? [08:50] you should reboot when you get a new kernel [08:50] mackid, I've also had a problem where some rogue broken GDM process is still in memory too. Maybe a /etc/init.d/gdm stop might help.. Never know. === ashgan is now known as Ashgan [08:50] neiras, darn. lol. [08:50] otherwise this kind of thing happens [08:51] neiras, but if he didn't reboot into the new kernel, then this wouldn't be an issue. [08:51] heh === flashball [~flashball@81.130.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] sources.list line should read: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted universe [08:51] neiras, dcraven, i'm rebooting. be right back. [08:51] good luck [08:51] mackid wait [08:51] wait [08:51] aarh [08:51] Doh! [08:51] oops === werweqr [~ewr@pD9E10F43.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === orospakr_ [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu === mameluke [~bo@84-72-14-151.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === flashball [~flashball@81.130.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:52] mkedwards, I have these lines === Em`Zee [~mzxgiant@cpe-24-58-135-159.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] I smell flood. [08:52] dcraven, when he gets back, tell him to reinstall linux-restricted-modules-k7 and nvidia-glx [08:52] dcraven, then he needs to reboot [08:52] hey, where do i tell my gnome to stop animating my window minimizes etc? === topyli hides downstairs [08:52] LadyRoot: and apt-get update got / touched hoary main? [08:53] Hey guys, I just stopped in to ask a quick question; After Ubuntu is loaded for 59 minutes, it crashes upon an hour of uptime [08:53] In the past, I couldn't get rid of all the linux-386 stuff... now I just did. 389MB. scary. [08:53] neiras, okay, assuming he gets back. Hopefully he knows about irssi. [08:53] there's nothing pertainant in the kernel logs or syslog (nothing in that timeframe) [08:53] :/ [08:53] I hate it when people just poof like that [08:53] hope he forgives me [08:53] mkedwards, yes, I think so, because I've done dist-upgrade earlier [08:53] is ubuntuforums.org down? === scam [~gsinai@c83-248-148-235.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === CountDown [~Thaddeus@dhcp-45-124.media.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] Anyone have any ideas? [08:54] nlt, it's in gconf-editor under metacity prefs.. something about minimal resources. === spectrum [~martin@cl-lnx-sprinc-srch.blue4.cz] has joined #ubuntu === Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] nlt, apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources [08:54] LadyRoot: please send apt-get update output as well. [08:55] nlt, keep in mind that it does more than just that though. [08:55] any word on Hoary release? [08:55] sajeem_1, not 'til Friday. [08:56] does anyone know where I can get an OOo 2PR deb. I would prefer to download then add a link to my sources list [08:56] thanks dcraven. === maddler [~maddler@213-156-52-118.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] oh, and do that "apt-get -f install" step; dependency chaining won't work if a package has been forced in with dpkg and apt's database is inconsistent. [08:56] mackid [08:56] you made it [08:56] you left too quick! [08:56] neiras, no i didn't. lol, it hasn't rebooted yet. [08:56] Em`Zee, is there something in /etc/cron.hourly that is giving you grief? [08:56] neiras, i ran sudo reboot.. and it didn't reboot [08:56] soooo.. [08:56] Anyone know of a fix for the NFS / OOo2 issues? [08:56] i ran sudo shutdown -h now [08:56] annndd.. it didn't shut down [08:56] soooo [08:56] i opened bitchx again [08:56] :-P [08:56] mkedwards, sent [08:57] any ideas how to kill this sucker? i could always punch the power button.. [08:57] mackid, you need to reinstall linux-restricted-modules-k7 and nvidia-glx [08:57] before rebooting [08:57] neiras, i do. okay. what about my rebooting problem? ah, before rebooting [08:57] mackid: try telinit 1 to go single user and then shutdown [08:57] okay. [08:57] dcraven: ooh, its ugly when you're moving windows around... [08:57] nlt, yeah.. wireframe. [08:57] bwlang, just run telinit 1? [08:57] mackid - make SURE that the linux-k7 package is installed [08:57] mackid: yeah ... that should take you to console mode [08:58] dcraven: yeah, but uglier than just drawing a box.... oh well. ;) [08:58] mackid - try just manually killing the box if all else failes [08:58] doesn't telinit 6 reboot? === carlos__ [~carlos@host74-228.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] does anyone know where I can get an OOo 2PR deb. I would prefer to download then add a link to my sources list [08:58] nlt, you'll get used to it :) === brrrt [~hans@mail.effet.info] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] mkedwards, I'll try to make apt-get clean and will check again [08:58] neiras, wow, that wasn't installed.. i'm surprised [08:58] neiras, all this time have i been running a k7 kernel with 386 modules? [08:58] mackid - and that was the root of the problem [08:58] scam, it should already be in apt. search for openoffice2 [08:59] So, I'm trying to get PAM working with kerberos on Ubuntu. I installed libpam-krb5 libpam0g krb5-user and one of them asked for the kerberos server name. I typed in the wrong name and would like to fix it but don't know how. Ideas? [08:59] thanks:) [08:59] mackid - no, you ran a k7 kernel but didn't have the -k7 superpackage installed [08:59] so everything got confused [08:59] How do i find out if my graphics card is running the official nvidia drivers without rebooting and waiting for the logo? [08:59] neiras, i see. okay, that's installed, what do i do now? [08:59] neiras, try that single user thing to reboot? [08:59] I tried apt-get remove --purge, but the config screen didn't come back up. [08:59] hm, damn codecs :< [08:59] LadyRoot: apt-get -f install output? [08:59] mackid - you have linux-k7, linux-restricted-modules-k7, and nvidia-glx? [08:59] then yeah [08:59] scam, the -d option to apt-get will just download and not install if that is what you want. === IRCGuest0 [IRCGuest12@207-38-252-211.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] hi [08:59] I think. [08:59] (apt-get update looks fine) [09:00] neiras, nvidia-glx is installed.. [09:00] mkedwards, in first mail was it. same happened as without -f [09:00] Has anyone used USB Wireless adaptors with hoary and had it work? I've tried an Intel Anypoint AP310 and a D-Link DWL-122 without success.... :-( === Suvroc [Corvus@] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] mackid, and you reinstalled restricted-moidules? [09:00] [00000270] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `WMV3'. [09:00] VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [09:00] argh! [09:00] neiras, i just INSTALLED it.. it wasn't even installed, to my surprise. [09:00] oh ok [09:00] then kick it into reboot [09:00] however you can [09:00] neiras, ok [09:01] no, don't put a package name on the command. just "apt-get -f install" [09:01] what's the init thing to change to single user mode? [09:01] i forgot. [09:01] for some reason i am not able to reach the forums right now, so i will ask here [09:01] can someone tell me a little about the ubuntu-calendar [09:01] i can't scroll up in bitchx!! >_< [09:02] mkedwards, thanks, now it installs :) === allio [omfg@] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] okay, hard kill unless anyone has any more ideas. [09:03] >_< [09:03] i have a suse with working sound but my ubuntu has no sound :( only with the ubuntu live-cd === spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] Did you try telinit 6? [09:03] telinit, that's it [09:03] runlevel 6? [09:03] that's reboot? [09:03] could anyone give me a hint how to use the info on suse to get sound in ubuntu? === thundrcleeze [~thundrcle@c24.241.234.183.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] brrrt: alsamixer ? [09:04] I think so. [09:04] Apparently that worked. [09:04] Well... on other distros. [09:04] LadyRoot: did you capture the apt-get -f install output? if that's a problem caused by dist-upgrade, people will want to know. [09:04] Yeah, I guess so. :) [09:04] I wasn't about to try. [09:04] St0n3-C0l: looks good [09:05] mkedwards, ok, I will send it to you [09:05] who looks good :P [09:05] brrrt, use alsamixer and make sure no channels are muted and that PCM != 0. [09:05] (I'm assuming you didn't force packages in with dpkg, though I haven't read the kubuntu instructions) [09:05] dcraven: i'll try [09:05] (Sorry for the awayness) === mindframe [~mindframe@ip24-254-49-107.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] dcraven; No, there's nothing in cron.hourly [09:05] thats better ;) [09:05] and it's not an hourly thing [09:06] cron.hourly is set to run on *:17 [09:06] brrrt: you can Mute/Unmute by pressing M key. [09:06] Em`Zee, ahh. [09:06] and it's not even a clock problem [09:06] it's a problem with uptime === sventu_ [~sventu@p508E6476.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] like if I just keep typing uptime [09:06] it'll get to 59min [09:06] then the computer will beep 3 times and lock up [09:06] the kernel is only alive for EXACTLY 60 minutes === HWolf is now known as HiddenWolf [09:06] Hey Em`Zee [09:06] Em`Zee, don't type uptime :) [09:06] lol [09:06] Haha well you know what I mean, though [09:07] Em`Zee: Are u using KDE Power saving options :p === Em`Zee waves to thundr [09:07] Em`Zee, I have no idea what that could be. [09:07] I'm not using KDE at all [09:07] =P [09:07] Someone suggested an Enhanced RTC problem === andy__ [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] Is it a laptop? [09:07] Desktop. === blizah [blaa@12-215-198-79.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] I can't seem to get to ubuntuforums.org === beezly [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] upgrade uptime === Arnald [~Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] is hoary officially out? [09:08] huh? [09:08] or is that tomorrow [09:08] cool [09:08] blizah: Friday [09:08] It's more like upgrade kernel. [09:08] It's not a problem with the uptime program [09:08] phaedo: Yeah, the server is overloaded I think [09:08] phaedo, me either. I think it's dead. [09:08] k tnx crimsun [09:08] and I just rebuilt my kernel [09:08] Em`Zee, when did this start happening? [09:08] 2.6.10 [09:08] ok, just checking...tnx [09:08] blizah, not 'til Friday. [09:08] When I installed Warty =P [09:08] cant wait :D [09:09] need the new ati drivers soo bad [09:09] oh. That's bad. [09:09] So it happened in 2.6.8 as well? [09:09] i need the old nvidia drivers so bad. 1.0-6111 [09:09] hehe [09:09] blizah: you can I think...just apt-get install xorg-ati* just like this === beny [~beny@sonia.sickless.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] (yeah, it's obvious) [09:09] Oh wait [09:09] nooo [09:09] sorry my bad [09:10] it worked in 2.6.8 [09:10] St0n3-C0l'': [09:10] St0n3-C0l'' [09:10] But I used a nearly identical .config [09:10] St0n3-C0l: no luck : [09:10] brrrt: ?? === airco [~airco@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] I just added some module support that has absolutely no relation to clocks or any critical kernel things. [09:10] Many peoples upgrade to 2.6.10 from 2.6.8 having different kind of problems :P [09:10] St0n3-C0l: ups sorry for the garbage [09:10] Heh. I haven't compiled my own kernel in Ubuntu. :) [09:10] does ubuntu has the newest gaim? [09:11] I mean the last updates [09:11] Did you even try the stock one in Hoary? [09:11] Em`Zee, vimdiff /boot/config-2.6.10* /boot/config-2.6.8* [09:11] brrrt: hmm.. already volume is on 100% ? [09:11] St0n3-C0l: i still have no sound i unmuted all and checked the levels in alsamaixer === BuffaloSoldier [~stampede@] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] brrrt: what sound card? [09:11] Reith lectures on radio 4 now, for those interested in that :) http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/fmg2.ram [09:11] jeramy_: I tried to install 2.6.11 from Ubuntu's repos but it stuck [09:12] Dr_Aevil: Why is all the cool stuff on Radio4 when I can't listen to it :p === oklinux [~comptoyou@adsl-65-66-30-13.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] St0n3-C0l, ? [09:12] St0n3-C0l: boot with "noinotify", and please don't use that package. It's unsupported for a reason. [09:12] brrrt: Sure you've raised the volume level of all sound options [09:12] St0n3-C0l: onboard via82xx [09:12] brrrt: Hoary? [09:12] how do I install k3b cd burner in ubuntu ? === th0re [~th0re@c51008445.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] Arnia: hehe, how come? === mmuzzy_ [~mmuzzy@ip24-250-44-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] St0n3-C0l: yes all 100% yes hoary [09:12] oklinux, do you have universe enabled? [09:13] brrrt: you need to compile a newer version of the snd-via82xx driver using the 'alsa-source' from universe. [09:13] what the hell. [09:13] hmm [09:13] brb [09:13] oklinux, apt-get install k3b probably works? [09:13] how do I check jeramy_ ? [09:13] St0n3-C0l: ok, i'll try thx! [09:13] lol [09:13] hey if one wants to download ubuntu might one be more up to date with the rc rather than the 5.0.4 listed in the download site? [09:13] k3b is in universe? [09:13] brrrt: sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) alsa-source [09:13] I just found a "CONFIG_LOCK_KERNEL=y" line [09:13] What the hell is that!? [09:13] lol [09:13] crimsun: I can only feel for you :P === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu === socomm [~socomm@adsl-68-125-218-197.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] oklinux, are you using synaptic? === mackid [~dan@67-138-165-127.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] St0n3-C0l: hmm? [09:13] You're doing and I am getting all the credit ;) [09:13] hey. [09:13] works now. [09:13] Em`Zee, it locks your kernel after 60 minutes. :P [09:13] crimsun: ahh kewl :) [09:13] St0n3-C0l: no biggie [09:14] X started right off. woot. [09:14] Em`Zee, haha [09:14] yes jeramy_ [09:14] I know but still :P [09:14] Hahahahahahaha === Em`Zee feels completely and utterly retarded [09:14] mackid, congrats :) [09:14] thanks :) [09:14] =D [09:14] brrrt: let me know when that has completed [09:14] new login artwork too.. i need to reboot more often [09:14] lol. === bah [048830696@AC85C4AF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === Nekohayo [~Kiddo@ip216-239-75-212.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] sorry for the mess .... [09:15] St0n3-C0l: it appears i can mount ntfs partitions from my 2.6.8 kernel, but i can't mount em from 2.6.10 and 2.6.11. do those threads say anything about that? [09:15] hmm [09:15] Seriously, though... [09:15] mackid, did you get the pleasure of seeing the April 1st GDM? [09:15] mackid, I almost died laughing. === _ReDRuM_ [~rob@cpc1-brig4-5-0-cust169.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] I don't even see anything from MenuConfig relating to Lock_Kernel [09:15] oklinux, open it up and go to settings->repositories [09:15] dcraven: Those guys were/are ugly. [09:15] LadyRoot: notice the "Correcting dependencies... Done" line in apt-get -f install output. [09:15] crimsun: will take some time... [09:15] <_ReDRuM_> wow i just tried this ubuntu - first non-source distro im half happy with :) nice job guys [09:15] socomm, meanie. [09:15] dcraven, i did, and it actually freaked me out when i first saw it [09:15] airco: ubuntuforums.org is dead atm === yfir [~yfir@dsl-143-156.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu === francisco [~francisco@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] ok im there [09:15] LadyRoot: it's a pity it's hard to tell what that did. [09:16] dcraven, i was like "WTF?" [09:16] what's the diff between the 5.0.4 dir and the hoary dir on the downloads pages? [09:16] lol [09:16] hey is ubuntuforums down? [09:16] heh === classicx [~classicx@gb.ja.66.95.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] dcraven: I wish they would have gone back to the half dressed people backdrop. === osumanus [~osumanus@pool-70-21-89-223.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] First, oklinux, are you running Warty or Hoary? [09:16] <_ReDRuM_> im sure you here this all the time but help a n00b out :D does hoary have KDE in it? [09:16] francisco, I think so. [09:16] They changed it around in Hoary. [09:16] damm :( [09:16] jeramy_ how do I check [09:16] I was going to reply to some threads [09:16] socomm, people complained and called that "soft porn". === keyhack [~keyhack@] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] _ReDRuM_: yes. /join #kubuntu [09:17] <_ReDRuM_> thanks [09:17] _ReDRuM_: or install Ubuntu Hoary and 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' === Ben2004uk [~Ben@host81-153-138-56.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] Someone having same problem like airco_ ? === KarlosII reads the SHAW Internet announcement of speed increase from 5 mb to 7mb download. http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20050406005191&newsLang=en [09:17] oklinux, was it the release from 6 months ago? When did you install it? [09:17] I installed hoary and when I use kde I dont see any of my appliacatios [09:17] Who thinks 5MB bandwidth is slower :P === KarlosII shoots woot woot woot === socomm [~socomm@adsl-68-125-218-197.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [":wq"] [09:17] KarlosII: Where is that announcement? [09:17] mkedwards, I know that it's strange, home, that happened only to me and won't happen again. Thank you again. [09:17] KarlosII: I have Shaw Xtreme. :-) [09:17] re link [09:17] me too [09:17] dcraven: I heard that people did that - are those people now offically certified and locked away for society's protection? :) [09:17] oklinux, how about this: close the window that popped up (in Synaptic) [09:18] Dr_Aevil, I sure hope so. [09:18] Im running 4.10 jeramy_ [09:18] LadyRoot: no worries. Have fun! [09:18] :) === Em`Zee shakes head [09:18] oklinux, That's Warty. === johan [~johan@AMontpellier-152-1-59-222.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === zbowling [~zbowling@adsl-68-95-146-11.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] KarlosII: Are they still blocking Bittorrent traffic? [09:18] getting closer and closer :P [09:18] bonsoir ts le monde ! [09:18] Em`Zee, the CONFIG_LOCK_KERNEL option is in Code Maturity Level options. [09:19] ok now what jeramy_ ? [09:19] to 100% dist-upgrade === holycow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu === St0n3-C0l is away: brb [09:19] :-) [09:19] dcraven; I'm looking at it right now [09:19] and I don't see anything about it === Agoln [~ljbuesch@tark-d-021.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu === zendog [~jd78slsgp@] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] Em`Zee, I kinda doubt it's relevent since it is defaulted to y in the stock kern. [09:20] oklinux, what does it say near the bottom? Is there a line that has "main restricted" in it? === dcraven goes to make menuconfig [09:20] dcraven; Eh yeah true [09:20] The naming is weird [09:20] =P === ceus79 [~ceus79@e178077240.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === padx [~padx@84-72-108-184.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] where in the repositories jeramy_ ? [09:21] DarthFrog, they only HAVE ELLACOYA in VANCOUVER, and ti will not be expanding :) === Albacker [~Albacker@] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] Em`Zee, hmm.. That is the only one of the 3 options not there in menuconfig. [09:21] Weird. === padx [~padx@84-72-108-184.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === KarlosII br === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32D13.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === SamuelGZ [~usuario@cm214130.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu === SamuelGZ [~usuario@cm214130.red.mundo-r.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [09:22] oklinux, I wish I could tell you, but my version of Synaptic is different from yours. They changed it in the newer version. :) [09:22] oklinux, close Synaptic down and open a terminal? === ubuntu [~ubuntu@dsl81-214-59010.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu === zax123 [~Roberto@masq.densi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] ok I got root terminal open jeramy_ [09:23] dcraven; indeed it is [09:23] does anyoneknow what the policy w.r.t OOo and Java is in Ubuntu? [09:23] ok. type in (minus the quotes) "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" === decklin [~decklin@ip70-188-188-23.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] ooo is on install cd, java integration in progress (using ecj to build) [09:24] scam: OOo is in, java is not. === holy_cow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu === Em`Zee turns on EVERYTHING in Kernel Debugging [09:25] oklinux, If you get an error, use nano instead of gedit. === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:25] sun's jdk (converted to a deb with java-package) works nicely, as do several open source jvms === mameluke [~bo@84-72-14-151.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === airco [~airco@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Em`Zee, this is probably already established somewhere here, but are you using stock? === nayfnu [~nayfnu@client-82-19-5-69.mant.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Hi guys, sorry about the ignorant question. A friend told me that Ubuntu was releasing Hoary today. Did he mean the Release Candidate or is there a full-release expected sometime soon? [09:25] Hi chaps === spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] pushed back to 8th zax123 [09:26] zax123, it's being released on Friday now. [09:26] zax, I think it's a release candidate at the mo [09:26] dcraven; No [09:26] Beautiful, thanks! :) [09:26] Anyone here who has enabled inotify and are having problems with mounting usb stuff? [09:26] hand-compiled === KarlosII ponders dang I wish they would increase their bandwidth limits and upload speed instead of increase download speed from 5 mb to 7mb on shaw cable systems [09:26] Speaking of which - I upgraded to hoary today,a little over-zealously [09:26] I didn't touch most of the stock options for memory and the like though [09:26] so do I type in apt-get install k3b jeramy_ ? [09:26] Em`Zee, you did a make oldconfig? [09:26] All seems to work, except that it hangs on trying to start the hotplug subsystem on bootup [09:26] yeah [09:27] then I took that and tweaked. [09:27] =P === HulaSeb [~spayne@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] hi all [09:27] Pressing Ctrl-C a couiple of times makes it work, but any idea why it might be doing that? [09:27] i need some help with inotify and ubuntu hoary rc [09:27] Em`Zee, then you took that and b0rked :) [09:27] can one upgrade from sarge to hoary? [09:27] oklinux, did you add universe to the list already? [09:27] dcraven; pfft [09:27] when i enable inotify in the kernel options (grub) and restart, gnome won't automount my usb devices? [09:27] It boots [09:27] =P [09:27] heh [09:27] True. [09:27] It just doesn't STAY booted. [09:27] does anyone have beagle working on ubuntu? [09:27] if so, how? [09:28] Mestapheles, I tried a sarge to hoary dist-upgrade on my laptop a few days ago and it kernel panics on bootup now. That's why I'm waiting for the full release. I'm going to wipe my drive and start over. [09:28] HulaSeb, I don't think Beagle REQUIRES inotify anymore... IIRC [09:28] have you tried either the rc or hoary from the 5.0.4 downloads dir? [09:28] does anyone have any idea when ubuntuforums.org will be back up? [09:29] I just changed my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to hoary and did it that way. [09:29] dcraven; I enjoy recompiling my kernel so much that I have a shirt that says "Recompile your Kernel today" and on the back "Because Kernel recompilations make baby Jesus happy" [09:29] dcraven: according to the folks at #dashboard, it doesn't NEED it but it doesn't work as well === Xeon3D [~xeon@] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] zax123: I don't know the diff between the 5.0.4 the rc. Why keep them separate? [09:29] Mestapheles: I dist-upgraded this system from sid. You'll find a few problems - usually you have to remove xfree, the gnome menus are screwed up and you'll need to configure sudo or switch gksu from the default in the menus [09:29] oklinux, the process is 1) add universe to the line with main restricted in it, 2) apt-get update 3) apt-get install k3b [09:29] Anyone idea why booting hoary might hang at "Starting hotplug subsystem..."? [09:29] Em`Zee: that sounds quite lonely === regex_racoon [~back_east@cpuinternal.mkl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] will_; I am quite lonely =( [09:29] HulaSeb, it appears you are not alone though --> http://www.beaglewiki.org/index.php/UbuntuInstall [09:29] I'm not sure why (or if) RC is different from 5.0.4... === anacondo [~mazer@206.Red-83-46-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] HulaSeb, read the section on Inotify... Unless it is you who posted that of course. [09:30] dcraven: it can use FAM but that's a bit of an imprefect solution, I mean the FAM daemon just uses polling etc === osmandemirhan [~osman@dsl81-214-61255.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] I have beagle working, though I haven't run it for a while [09:30] Em`Zee, I want that shirt. [09:30] when I first installed it on debian I had to compile a fair bit myself but most of what I needed was already in sid [09:30] I'll put it up for sale sometime [09:31] on my IRC network's store [09:31] i posted it [09:31] I've always run my own kernel so patching it with inotify wasn't much hassle at all [09:31] anyone know how i can capture audio from a mpeg-file to wav? [09:31] Alongside "GOD: Because nothing says divine anger like 10,000 angry locusts gnawing at your private areas" === ubuntu [~ubuntu@cm21133.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] the problem is that when inotify isn't enabled, beagle has to 'poll' for results which is naff === Adam16 [vusvo16@agv190.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] HulaSeb: yes, solution, find an inotify enabled image or compile your own :) [09:32] and if i enable inotify the usb plug and play goes to pot [09:32] that's weird === Xeon3D [~xeon@bl6-96-8.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] I think Inotify is already compiled in the stock hoary kern. [09:32] CONFIG_INOTIFY=y === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [09:32] Isn't today release day? [09:33] regex_racoon, no. Friday. [09:33] Its THE 8th! [09:33] haha [09:33] regex_racoon, it got delayed to the 8th, for technical reasons. [09:33] Thanks [09:33] Thanks guys, ciao. [09:33] you mean they need to have a two day party === Xeon3D thinks that the date of release should be in the topic. [09:33] regex_racoon, testing is underway tho. === dcraven agrees with Xeon3D... Wholeheartedly. [09:33] HiddenWolf, yeah, I'm testing hard already [09:34] I was thinking that it was today as well. [09:34] Maybe it should be in a FAQ somewhere === forest [~forest@c213-100-52-85.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu === theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] mackid, there was a posting to -devel mailing list that it would be the 10th. [09:34] uh oh [09:34] 8th, sorry [09:34] 10 more minutes until I crash [09:34] I hope the kernel finishes building before that [09:34] hahaha.. Try to hold on Em`Zee ! [09:35] there are some things that do seem broken with hoary as it stands though (that I've noticed) 1) they removed alsaconf and don't seem to have made a way to let people easily configure alsa - which is why you get a fair few people coming in to ask about 5.1 surround etc, 2) no menu editor! astonishing omission! someone has made a menu editor with python now, but it's a bit basic atm [09:35] Stop typing "uptime"! [09:35] HiddenWolf, I see. [09:35] uptime [09:35] :_P [09:35] heh [09:35] uptime [09:35] :o === Em`Zee boom [09:35] lol [09:35] zax123: I don't know the diff between the 5.0.4 the rc. Why keep them separate I can remove that also befoe hand but where does one find info on configuring su? CAn't one continue to use su? [09:35] ok [09:35] 15:35:27 up 51 min, 3 users, load average: 1.11, 1.06, 0.61 [09:35] oops [09:35] =/ [09:35] 9 minutes [09:35] giving up on openoffice2 [09:35] 15:35:50 up 29 min, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.18, 0.19 === Em`Zee smacks MAKE [09:35] go faster! [09:36] 21:35:58 up 1 day, 13:23, [09:36] I just noticed that alsaconf was gone about 1/2 hour ago.. I thought that was funny. [09:36] Em`Zee, what processor/RAM do you have? [09:36] AthlonXP 2GhZ [09:36] 1024MB PC3200 DDR [09:36] 2800+? [09:36] I think so === mackid has a 2600+ [09:36] 512MB PC3200 DDR [09:36] and i ain't complaining [09:36] heh === Xeon3D has a 4200+ [09:36] make works just fine for me.. what are you compiling? [09:36] :D [09:36] Xeon3D, *drool* [09:37] I'd like my kernel to finish compiling before the old one crashes [09:37] mackid, a broken kernel. [09:37] zax123: Ca't one continue to use su? [09:37] eh. kernel. eh. [09:37] dcraven; a broken kernel... with debugging options! :o [09:37] mackid, I was joking.. I got a 2500+ Mobile running @ 2500 Mhz. [09:37] Nice. [09:37] zax123: any doc on how to configure sudo? [09:37] lol. [09:37] is there a ubuntu kenerl image with inotify 0.21 or 0.22? [09:37] dcraven: yep, it puts new users in a terrible fix - you have to cross your fingers and pray that the default installer config works for you...if not! [09:37] [00000270] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `WMV3'. [09:37] VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [09:37] a 4200+, i was thinking.. does that even EXIST? :-P [09:37] what am i missing? [09:37] HulaSeb: Hoary will ship with 0.22 disabled [09:38] Mestapheles, you want to use su like in other distros? Is that the problem? === dcraven is a little behind. [09:38] yes I like su [09:38] <_ReDRuM_> why cant you use su? [09:38] 6 more minutes [09:38] sudo su [09:38] keffo, i don't think you can play WMVs in VLC.. [09:38] <_ReDRuM_> first thing i did as soon as i got ubuntu installed is open a terminal and type sudo su - [09:38] Mestapheles, I think you can do something like "sudo passwd" or something to set an actual root password still. [09:38] mackid.. no.. but according to some calculator I found on the net, running 10x250 means you got a 4200+ [09:38] :D [09:39] Mestapheles, sudo -s works to give a root shell too. === Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@80-29-40-48.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] Xeon3D, really. interesting. [09:39] Xeon3D, so 10 is your multiplier? [09:39] why does 'users' give me my username 5 times? [09:39] wait.. hmm. waht? [09:39] mackid, why not? :< [09:39] mackid, yup. Athlon XP-Mobiles have the multiplier unlocked. [09:39] yes that's right, sudo password, vaguely familiar [09:39] i'm 11.5x167 [09:39] so 1920.5MHz [09:39] thnks === Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-67-76-133-253.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] HiddenWolf, you are logged on in other ttys etc? === FreezerX [~thomas@dsl-213-023-160-082.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === classicx [~classicx@gb.ja.66.132.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu === javier [~javier@6.Red-80-38-208.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] <_ReDRuM_> Mestapheles: if your having problems for some reason you could always sudo bash :) [09:40] hello can someone help me, I'm triying to install mysql on my server at home [09:40] Mestapheles, it's "passwd". [09:40] but I can change the 167 if i want.. however, it tends to make things not work right if I got above 170... [09:40] but it gives me errors this is the url, sharpie.no-ip.org [09:40] go* === cprov [~cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] 4 minutes... [09:40] >< [09:40] _ReDRuM_, "sudo -s" gives a root shell. === _ReDRuM_ hates sudo. === cprov [~cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu [] === granted [~bibi@abo-12-22-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] any program like net limiter ? i wanna tell azerus not to use my whole bandwith [09:41] I don't see what the big difference is really. [09:41] anyone? === mmtb [~marcin@duo176.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] <_ReDRuM_> ever since that exploit for it in 97 or so i figured all sudo does is give hackers an easy ride to root if they get a user account === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-4-045-007.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === mz2 [~mz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] libben: why not tell azureus to set a download limit? [09:41] _ReDRuM_: what, *eight* years ago? [09:41] hello??????????????????????????????????????? [09:42] 2 minutes.. === Em`Zee cringes [09:42] _ReDRuM_, that's if they can get a user account with sudo access === Em`Zee grasps his computer [09:42] hmm, Jet2k5's question mark key is stuck === orospakr_ [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] Jet2k5: how about telling us about the error? [09:42] Em`Zee: sorry i've been battleing with this for 3 days now [09:42] <_ReDRuM_> they're far more likely to get my user acc than my root acc [09:42] _ReDRuM_, you should set up another acc without sudo access [09:42] gordonjcp: all I can say is go to that url, hopefully you will get the same error I did [09:42] sharpie.no-ip.org [09:42] <_ReDRuM_> never thought of that. [09:42] Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress. [09:42] _ReDRuM_, and su to it [09:43] _ReDRuM_, I mean su to the account with sudo [09:43] thank you skippy [09:43] regex_racoon: erm? if you're going to do that why not just have root and normal users? [09:43] or who ever you are [09:43] <_ReDRuM_> i don't paste webpages into shell windows - and when i do you can go "ahha told you so! shoulda used sudo" [09:43] Dr_Aevil, good question [09:43] Jet2k5: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html [09:43] rather than su --> sudo [09:43] Jet2k5: go read that, for the next time [09:43] Here we go... [09:43] oh god [09:43] 59 minutes... [09:43] Jet2k5: now - have you installed the php-mysql packages? [09:43] Dr_Aevil, It means that you don't have an account named root === granted [~bibi@abo-12-22-69.bdx.modulonet.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [09:43] Jet2k5, please, read it. === jnc [shadow@macco.pimpcat.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] gordonjcp: nope, just did install mysql-server [09:44] Jet2k5: well, there you are then === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] Dr_Aevil, That means that someone would have to guess username and password [09:44] well that's true, but I'm not sure that really makes a difference - if you have local access you can find out the other users anyway === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu === CicalaMvta [~Cicala@chello080109002146.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] Still here Em`Zee ? [09:44] Jet2k5, is mysql running? [09:44] Jet2k5, open /etc/php4/apache/php.ini and comment out the line extension=mysql.so [09:44] Dr_Aevil, well, it helps on a one user system anyway [09:45] and, that assumes that merely knowing the name root makes the system significantly less secure - I mean, if that's true then we best take all those apache web servers down quick :) [09:45] or /etc/php4/apache2 if you use apache2 [09:45] Dr_Aevil, who runs apache as root? [09:45] Jet2k5, if you have such basic problems configuring mysql and php, perhaps its a security risk for you to run them? [09:45] but I agree, that citing a security vulnerability that's 8 yrs old is a bit of a weak basis to not use sudo [09:45] Dr_Aevil, lots of people [09:45] btw i hear that Hoary is being finalized [09:45] it's not ready on amd64 [09:45] dcraven: I'm able to log into it [09:45] dunno if that means it's runnign [09:45] Jet2k5, you might be better off with hosting for your blog until you have enough skills to host your own. [09:46] OpenOffice won't print ;) [09:46] regex_racoon: security is not from the obscurity of hiding the user name - security has to come from the authentication system [09:46] roo_: I think I can manage, just don't understand this mysql === Em`Zee [~mzxgiant@cpe-24-58-135-159.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] Damn.. Em`Zee croaked again. [09:46] Dr_Aevil, I agee, but obscuring something can be an aspect of it's security [09:46] Boy this thing is regular, I'll give it that [09:47] 60 minutes on the dot, "beep beep beep" POW === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] Em`Zee, that's whacked. [09:47] Yep === NetGeek [~dbasinge@stffp11-208.staff.library.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] Dr_Aevil, why do you thing stegonography works [09:47] hey guys will upgrading from sarge to hoary update my kernel? [09:47] Em`Zee, the system bell beeps thrice? [09:47] Dr_Aevil, *think [09:47] Indeed. === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === dieffel [~dieffel@0x535c23ba.bynxx11.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] Mestapheles: upgrading from Sarge is a very bad idea, unless you like trouble === Florob [~florian@xdsl-213-196-242-75.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] Thrice bells, then completely locks up === zeedo [~zeedo@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === jgl [~jgl@] has joined #ubuntu === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-184-135-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Bazzi- [Bastian@pD954E986.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] Mestapheles, from *sarge* to Hoary? are you mad? :O [09:49] regex_racoon: knowing that the root user is called root is not a weakness. Also, steganography is weak precisely because it relies purely upon covering a message - it's also not an appropriate comparison as security through obscurity ina password system is simply the use of a fig leaf to cover other weaknesses whereas the very definition of steganography is to obscure a message within other information [09:49] lol. k,got it [09:49] Dr_Aevil, true. =) [09:49] Mestapheles, I did an in-place upgrade from sid to Hoary and it was a bit messy, but successful in the end. [09:50] dcraven; make anything of the three beeps? === john6000 [~john@dsl-80-43-220-41.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] Em`Zee, did you manage to compile your kernel before your system went away? [09:50] nope [09:50] =( [09:50] :( [09:50] Em`Zee, no... Google doesn't help either. You didn't play in BIOS recently did you? [09:50] nope === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-157.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] so I can upgrade to sid first, but what about upgrading kernel? [09:51] Em`Zee, you in X? [09:51] Right now, I'm in Gnome, yes/. [09:51] Mestapheles, kernel came with it. [09:51] kool! [09:51] but I've tried running without X running at all [09:51] still crashes [09:51] on the hour [09:51] Em`Zee, does it lock without X running? Doesn't sound much like an X problem, but what the hell... [09:51] I installed japanese input support last night, and when I booted in this morning, it was chinese :( [09:51] Oh.. Nevermind then. [09:51] Heh [09:52] how do I fix it? [09:52] Mestapheles, it was not without it's wrinkles though, so be warned. === oly [~oly@host81-151-217-251.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] Dr_Aevil, If you don't know what you are looking for it is more difficult to find, however [09:52] brb [09:52] I can uninstall X and any gui and just do a server upgrade to avoid problems === Dko [~jesse@cpe-69-204-74-196.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Bazzi- [Bastian@pD954E986.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] kakalto: try installing chinese and perhaps get a japanese enviroment :) or file a bug report I don't think there really is a workaround [09:53] anyone here interested in USplash? [09:53] Mestapheles, if you're used to hacking and fiddling with packages, go for it. backup first tho ;) [09:53] Dr_Aevil, I'm not suggesting that hiding something is the pinnacle of security, but merely suggesting that it can be an aspect of it. === icerogue [~Ice@astound-64-83-231-124.mn.astound.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] I am use to fedora: yum -y update, how do I do the same with apt? === Pluk [~Pluk@10-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] actually, Florob, I think there is a work-around, it's just that I used the normal work-around, which didn't work === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] so I gotta go to the japanese wiki page [09:54] Would someone answer a preaty newb question? If I installed a package like bsdgames with the SPM. How would I find and run the programs? [09:54] hi ppls === stazich [~stazich@adsl-69-208-129-253.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === xiaogil [~xiaogil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] chinese eh? [09:55] what's SPM... [09:55] yeh [09:55] anyone knows serious which the ideal and sure list of repositories [09:55] for the version hoary? [09:55] Synaptic Package Manager [09:55] Dko, one way is to go to Synaptic, click on bsdgames, go to Properties, and then Installed files === mmtb [~marcin@duo176.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tritium [~rimbert@ee213-dhcp-14.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] They all run from the console. [09:56] i need some automation === tanek [~tanek@h37n4fls32o1104.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Ok thanks [09:56] anyone knows serious which the ideal and sure list of repositories [09:56] for the version hoary? === fonsken [~fonsken@d54C32D13.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] dhonn, apt-get update apt-get -y upgrade [09:57] (two commands) [09:57] thanks [09:57] Dko, np [09:57] man, microsoft really screwed up with Service pack 2 [09:57] service pack, not incompatability pack! [09:57] what is the diff between dist-upgrade and upgrade? [09:57] dist = distrobution? [09:57] (that's a question) [09:57] dhonn, and if you're moving to a new version of something (like Warty to Hoary) use dist-upgrade [09:58] thought so [09:58] ok i get it [09:58] dist-upgrade installs new depedences for updates [09:58] upgrade will hold them back if they require new packages to be installed [09:58] but you would have to change your sources.lst file to do a real dist-ugprade [09:59] I'll be back. [09:59] the apt-get manpage has more details [09:59] Artemis3, I'm gonna try the other workaround for keeping it japanese [09:59] well... not exactly. There have been times with my Hoary install where I've needed to dist-upgrade. === ove [~ove@18.82-134-62.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu === Captain_X [~ubuntu@lns-vlq-36-gre-82-253-73-153.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] kakalto: yes dist means Distribution === St0n3-C0l is back (gone 00:40:32) [10:00] when hoary becomes stable, do i only have to change repositorys to hoary instead of warty and apt-get dist-upgrade? [10:00] tanek: basically yes === tritium [~rimbert@ee213-dhcp-14.ecn.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:00] regex_racoon: well you can't much argue that it *could* make it more difficult, but I would be worried that any reliance upon such security would in the end breach kerschoff's law === fgx [~fgx@host134-170.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] tanek: insert a 'sudo apt-get update' in the middle, and yes [10:00] nice :) [10:00] that's great === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] by the way, does polypaudio work as it should nowdays? [10:01] Dr_Aevil, agreed [10:01] heard a lot of bad things about it === oklinux [~comptoyou@adsl-65-66-30-13.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] thank I got it working guys === Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-67-76-133-253.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:01] how do i check my hd tempatures? [10:01] how do I update my menu ? [10:02] tanek: never used it myself, i've heard it was considered for hoary then dropped [10:02] oklinux: GNOME or KDE ? === maddler [~maddler@213-156-52-118.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] ah, i thought it was default in hoary :P [10:02] Karamba seems to be much more better than gdesklets :P [10:02] still ESD then? [10:02] tanek: before you do, make sure you have the packages ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop installed, if you want a 'official' Hoary that is [10:02] Dr_Aevil, or did you mean Kirchoff's Law? [10:02] tanek: "was" being the key word :) i'm on hoary and i don't have it here === neofeed [~moritz@pD95753CD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] Ok found them. But how do I run them now? Just typing the name in the console doesn't seam to work. [10:02] Dr_Aevil, http://www.scientia.org/cadonline/Physics/circuits/kirchoff.ASP === scam [~gsinai@c83-248-148-235.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu [] [10:02] libben: lmsensors is the suite of sensor software for that sort of thing - can need a bit of fiddling but there are plenty of frontends for pretty displays and selection of sensors etc [10:02] Dr_Aevil, :) === numb [~chatzilla@bl5-146-124.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] nice :) [10:03] gnome [10:03] yfir: why? [10:03] There.. had to start dinner before my wife divorces me. [10:03] dcraven: haha [10:03] St0n3-COL gnome [10:03] oklinux: hoary or warty? [10:03] oklinux: Try applications:/ in nautilus === mainer [~mainer3@bb-205-209-66-149.gwi.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:03] regex_racoon: hehe, no def not that guy :) [10:03] otherwise there's some menu-editor apps in ubuntuforums.org === arrrk [~lml@a81-84-14-86.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] tanek: those packages depend on the 'standard' packages of hoary. updating them will ensure you have all of the packages the developers intended. withouth them you might not get everything when you upgrade [10:04] not worked for me maybe it works for u [10:04] You can't edit menus in 2.10 without 3rd party apps. [10:04] oklinux: gnome 2.10 (hoary) dropped support for changing the menus === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-157.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] I win! [10:04] lol [10:04] Dr_Aevil, so ur telling me to install lmsensors? and then a frontend that plays with lmsensors? or are the frontends standalone? [10:04] yfir ok thx, cause i dont think i have ubuntu-base :P === anacondo is now known as anacondo_AWAY [10:04] dcraven: go and have your dinner :P [10:04] eyequeue warty [10:04] grr [10:04] St0n3-C0l, I just started it cookin'. [10:04] eyequeue changing menus? [10:05] gao~ [10:05] haha === whiskey_1 [~whiskers@adsl-68-90-235-25.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === stranger [~banjo@adsl-68-90-235-25.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] I find that decision astonishing - even if the present system wasn't nice, why remove the ability to edit the meus without having a replacement ready? [10:05] oklinux: appplications:/// (three slashes) in "applications > run application" === revs [~revs@81-178-134-181.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] dhonn: modifying the contents of a menu [10:05] Dr_Aevil: was it "removed" or just a problem that couldn't be fixed in time? [10:05] How can I prevent ubuntu from switching the frequence of the CPU (P M 1,3GHz) to lower frequence? [10:05] I would really love to taste but it would be a high-risk :P [10:05] never done that [10:05] Dr_Aevil, it's a new fdo format and the editing didn't make 2.10 in time. [10:05] can someone please explain me why I can't apt-get install gpm in 4.10? === jbarnett [~jbarnett@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] dhonn: example, if yu want to add an app to the menus under Applications > Internet [10:06] libben: yep - lmsensors can tell you info witha console app, but there are lots of applets etc that use it [10:06] St0n3-C0l, yeah it probably would :) === braam [~braam@kabel217128.mobiel.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] it doesn't detect my ps/2 mouse and I'm trying to set it up to gpm to see if it's working [10:06] arrrk: is that in universe, and do you have universe enabled? [10:06] poor wife :p === merlin__ [~merlin@216-239-45-4.google.com] has joined #ubuntu === phaedo_ [~phaedo@tusk.cotse.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] St0n3-C0l, she gets by :) [10:06] you know what would be cool is if you can choose an excutable and right click it, click add to Menu [10:06] If a file comes up green in the terminal how do you run it? [10:06] but I get a "package gpm not avaliable" [10:06] dcraven: ok :) still though, you'd have thought that for a desktop gui the inability to edit its principle method for accessing programs would have held up the release or something === FelipeM [~log@VA1-1D-u-1041.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] dhonn: well, typically you add a "luancher" that you then put the /path/to/app in, along with other characteristics, such as icons [10:08] Dr_Aevil, I'm sure it's not something the devs are all that cool with either. They had to make a choice and they determined this was the answer. I trust their reasoning was sound regardless of how silly it seems to me on the outside. === kanaberra [~kanaberra@] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] eyequeue: I'm new to ubuntu... what's universe? [10:08] arrrk: Section: universe/misc [10:08] http://dev.realistanew.com/menu-editor/menueditor_0.4.3ubuntu1_all.deb <-- there is this app though, written in python by someone [10:08] dcraven: you do? you have more faith than I then :) [10:08] howdy. What are task packages called in ubuntu. In other words, how do I find a list of bundles? [10:08] Dr_Aevil, hehe.. I suppose I do :) [10:08] arrrk: it is an additional repository, things that aren't in main [10:08] dcraven: hah :P [10:08] oh [10:08] Amarnath :P === kanaberra [~kanaberra@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:09] so I add that to my apt config file? [10:09] dcraven: see now, that's how we ended up going to war hehe [10:09] arrrk: most people do want it [10:09] *Hates being a linux newb. * T_T === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === oly [~oly@host81-151-217-208.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] Dko, c'mon, you're at the best part! [10:09] arrrk: there's a line with "main" in it, probably "main restricted" (a few lines actually. add " universe" to the end of it [10:09] War? [10:09] Dko: it doesn't last too long [10:09] arrrk: Ubuntu repos is divided in four sections 1) main 2) universe 3) multiverse 4) restricted [10:10] arrrk: then sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install gpm [10:10] Dko, did you get an answer? cd to the directory and type ./filename. [10:10] ok, I'll try that [10:10] many thanks [10:10] arrrk: np === classicx [~classicx@gb.ja.66.78.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu === gfxstyler [~gfxstyler@xdslc072.osnanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] Dko: It may cause you headache but you learn alot and when you come at medium-level your head says "Permission Denied" [10:11] heh === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-157.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] ah crap [10:12] Thanks dcraven. And I eagerly await the day my mind does that. XD [10:12] You've learn alot now if you want to live in this world....stop going into programming language [10:12] eh [10:12] Dko I gave u this advice :> [10:12] Uhh.. There are 500+ people here. Holy. === Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu [10:13] kakalto: NewZealand faced a whitewash against Australia :P [10:13] dcraven: Ubuntu is very popular. :-) [10:13] I know. Sorry for not specifically saying you. >.< === th0re [~th0re@c51008445.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu === billy [~billy@213.Red-81-44-207.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Goshawk [~Goshawk@host205-111.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === zax123 [~Roberto@masq.densi.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] DarthFrog, evidently. Rightly so too. [10:13] No need Dko :P === HackRip [Fennryl@ip-7.net-81-220-227.henin.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu [] === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-157.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] St0n3-C0l is a credit hound. [10:13] haha [10:13] so [10:14] does anyone know of a ubuntu kernel with inotify 0.21 or 0.22? [10:14] hi everyone is there a way to remove alot of accounts easily from the console? [10:14] Dr_Aevil, gdesklets-data - displays and sensors for gdesklets [10:14] wmsensors - WindowMaker dock applet for lmsensors [10:14] are the only ones i find === titus` [~titus@cro.rezel.enst.fr] has left #ubuntu ["http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/hoary_party_paris"] [10:14] Hello guys, anybody know if Ubuntu would work on a Powerbook G4? [10:14] is it in marillat [10:14] So what's the deal with Ubuntu's insane popularity and growth over like 6mos? That's crazy. [10:14] icerogue: vipw [10:14] HulaSeb: they all have inotify, but Hoary will ship with 0.22 disabled. I stated as much above... [10:14] zax123: should do [10:14] well primarily because its debian [10:14] zax123: works fine for the most part [10:14] dcraven: quality? [10:14] what did you say aboe === maximaus [~max@user-37kacct.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] a polished and highly targeted debian [10:14] i was in the shower === kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-102.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] yfir: what do you mean the most part? [10:15] HulaSeb: that Hoary will ship with 0.22 disabled === Dko [~jesse@cpe-69-204-74-196.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:15] how can it be enabled? [10:15] Yeah but I guess how do new people know that. Those are reasons why we stay. [10:15] eyequeue: what do i do with that? [10:15] no distro comes close to debian, and ubuntu is an example of just how well debian can perform when properly focused on a core audience [10:15] HulaSeb: heh, you don't value system stability much? [10:15] Debian never works on my notebook, ubuntu does [10:15] icerogue: run it? [10:15] crimsum: how can i enabled it? [10:15] dcraven, they try the other ones [10:15] then they install ubunty and forget rpm hell [10:16] Wow 118 updates for hoary today? [10:16] and all sorts of other thoughtless nonsense like yast found elsewhere [10:16] :o [10:16] icerogue: man vipw [10:16] eyequeue: do i just remove the lines for the accounts that i want to remove? [10:16] icerogue: right === administrator [~administr@modemcable054.194-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] FreezerX, is your notebook a Mac? [10:16] linspire is a crappy money making sceme and then nicked KDE [10:16] icerogue: deluser will offer you the option of deleting their files and things too, see if you prefer that, man deluser [10:16] 2 years ago there was big hype over Gentoo, but nothing like this... Geez. === Hass [~Hass@] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] and don't ask me why i keep on typing 'ubunty' [10:16] hehe [10:17] is gentoo anygood? [10:17] dcraven, this next release is going to be even bigger [10:17] its basically a ready to go environment === spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] holycow: why? [10:17] zax123, no, Centrino 1,3GHz with ATI Radeon M 9000 and usb-mouse === Dethread [~Dethread@wsp009965wss.netadm.calpoly.edu] has joined #ubuntu === alavista [~Al@host81-153-24-25.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === nickx [~nickx@23-125.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] john6000: "good" is opinion, and many feel it is good [10:17] Hi guys ,.. got a quick question which I can't find :(.. how do I change my menu on the easy way... like start property's in windows? === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] ok [10:17] john6000, I think so.. I'm still a Gentoo guy at heart I think.. Even though I use Ubuntu now :) [10:17] it fits into a windows workplace, without changing anything, and the little show stopper like mounting floppies and searching files on cd's are resolved and properly engineered imho === Mr-Petah [~mrpetah@33.Red-80-33-211.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ta'] [10:17] nickx: warty? [10:17] Gentoo is really fun, but has it's down side too. [10:17] hoary [10:18] :) gnome [10:18] sorry, [10:18] dowbnnside? [10:18] Debian had problems to detect my usb-mouse and graficcard [10:18] nickx: that functionality has been removed from gnome 2.10 [10:18] basically any windows momo will be able to pick it up, install it and use it right away, without having to configure scripts and figure out anything underneath [10:18] libben: atually for harddrives, I just remembered there's the tool "hddtemp", I don't know if that has a frontend, but if you just want to check from time to time, that's the thing to use [10:18] sorry for asking the same question than the other 100 dudes before me... what is the final release date 8, 9 or 10? [10:18] which is kinda good, but also a problem [10:18] dcraven: agree, gentoo is the most fun distro. but sometimes a pain to do simple things [10:18] eyequeue, and now :( .. can't I change or add things [10:18] oh [10:18] crimsun: how then? [10:18] nickx: Amaranth wrote a little app for it, search ubuntuforums for menu-editor === alavista hopes it's 9th, so that a special patch goes in... :) [10:18] Cause crossover nesteld him self === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] john6000, takes a long time to compile everything. [10:19] eyequeue: 0.5 coming out today, i hope :) [10:19] and it doesn't hurt this channel is nice :) unlike say #debian [10:19] FreezerX: who tells you to use Debian Woody :P [10:19] ok will try .. brb when questions thnkx guys, greets from holland [10:19] ehe :) [10:19] told* [10:19] eyequeue: adding new menus, submenus, and moving things from one category to another :) [10:19] hi [10:19] Amaranth: cool :) i added an app, now it's a duplicate, can't get rid of, yadda yadda :) fixed? [10:19] I used Debian sid [10:19] eyequeue: hehe, i dunno [10:19] Amaranth: Great program but doesn't work :P [10:19] eyequeue: probably, what version were you using? [10:20] Amaranth: np, it's better than what we had :) [10:20] St0n3-C0l: Doesn't work? Does it sit on IRC all day? Does it want more money? [10:20] Amaranth: 0.4.3 [10:20] HulaSeb: pass inotify as a kernel parameter === foreigner_1 [~banjo@adsl-68-89-172-201.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Amaranth, lol [10:21] eyequeue: Ouch, post a new thread on the menu editor forum telling what you did and include your ~/.config/menus/applications.menu [10:21] i'm kinda newbie.. soo I have a small question still. I found menu editor 0.4 a file named blablbla.deb how can I install this on a normal way... I can unarchive it [10:21] eyequeue: Make sure you make a new thread in the menu editor forum, otherwise I won't look at it. :) It's under the 3rd party projects forum. [10:21] Amaranth: wild guess, i've not looked into it, but does the app pull from some global menu list as well as from a local per-user one? could be the conflict [10:22] If Ubuntu overwrites my menu.lst one more time I'm gonna flip out. [10:22] hehe, nickx found my software :) [10:22] ow Amaranth yeah cool :) going to install it haha [10:22] Amaranth: i'm on my way out the door as soon as my ride arrives, but i'll try to do so later this evening [10:22] eyequeue: it does, but it should hide the old one [10:22] just started of with ubuntu, delete all windows software haha === foreigner_1 [~banjo@adsl-68-91-109-7.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] nickx: dpkg -i foo.deb [10:23] HaH well...it worked with the root account but not with user account [10:23] mean :) i'm sorry I'm a n00b but one time explanation is always remember : ) [10:23] Amaranth: i had two of something, and mistakenly changed them to the same name too, that is probably another thread to add, heh === SebSeb [~HulaSeb@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === izaac [~izaac@izaac.user] has joined #ubuntu === whiskey_2 [~whiskers@adsl-68-91-109-7.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] nickx, don't apologize. You can't be any worse than St0n3-C0l . [10:23] :) [10:23] lol... === dcraven jerks St0n3-C0l's chain. [10:24] should I open the root terminal go to my desktop (Where my file is) and exc your command? [10:24] nickx: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb, from a normal terlmina [10:24] terminSection: universe/misc [10:24] al [10:24] wtf? [10:24] Would this card work Ok on Ubuntu Hoary : Mentor - Adaptateur USB Wifi - 54 Mbps - 802.11g ? [10:24] nickx: If you downloading the file to your home dir just open a regular terminal and run 'sudo dpkg -i name.deb' [10:24] t e r m i n a l [10:24] dcraven: Go & See :P if your food will be overcook you're gonna dead tonight [10:24] will try ok... hold [10:25] St0n3-C0l, no kidding. She's a picky one. [10:25] this trackpad is definitely obnoxiously located on this laptop === lex [~lex@alesia-5-82-66-232-152.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-157.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] dcraven: haha wrong selection :> [10:26] ok that's working, where does the command: dpkg -i for?.. (decompress and install) [10:26] when I log in as japanese language, I can push Shift+Space to activate japanese writing, but when I log in as english, it either types in chinese or doesn't work at all [10:27] could anyone help? [10:27] nickx: terminal [10:27] Artemis3? [10:27] dkpg mean terminal? [10:27] noooo [10:27] i installed it : ) so that went good [10:27] First go in Terminal -> type sudo dpkg -i file.deb [10:28] nickx: it is an app that needs root privileges (since it modifies more than your single account) and therefore you run it under sudo [10:28] why doesn't everybody just install wajig and be done with all these commands :) [10:28] yes did.. it went ok : ) but I was wounderin where the command dpkg means... [10:28] nickx: system-side changes, you'll lmost always run under sudo [10:28] wajig? [10:28] wajig ? [10:28] dpkg (8) - a medium-level package manager for Debian [10:28] oww :) really cool.. haha [10:28] dcraven: lemme get you an url [10:28] ??? [10:28] nickx: "debian package manager" [10:29] wonderfull [10:30] maybe it's strange... [10:30] but!! [10:30] I feel that the OSX and linux / unix community is way more helpfull then the win [10:30] nickx: here here [10:30] Thats true === Ex_Cyber [~excyber@cpe-024-211-182-083.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] I bought a mac mini and deleted my win os on my laptop it seems to work more stable :) [10:30] hehe [10:30] nickx, Windows has a community? [10:30] dcraven: i wrote this so i don't have to explain everything over and over again :) http://uclinux.info/wiki/index.php/Maintaining_a_Debian_box_with_Wajig === spades [~lenny@ool-18b93cb9.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] dcraven: No, but they also don't have any good HELP channels :P [10:31] nickx, I think there are great support groups on both sides..Ive seen good communites for windows and really tacky people on Linux...but in general I think you are right :) [10:31] My friend asked just a simple question 'From where we can change our guest account password', They replied "You can't" haha === oly [~oly@host81-151-217-119.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] I think we might be more desperate and starved for attention... lol === arrrk [~lml@a81-84-14-86.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu === cowbud [arrick@] has joined #ubuntu === DarthFrog [~rob@S010600036df5148f.vc.shawcable.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Kopete] [10:32] topyli, interesting program. [10:33] dcraven: i do most everything with it === arrrk [~lml@a81-84-14-86.netcabo.pt] has left #ubuntu [] === dhonn [~dhonn@rrcs-66-27-52-190.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] It's even in apt! [10:34] sure, it's been in debian for some time now === phoov10 [~patrick@3639239719.mi.dial.123.net] has joined #ubuntu === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu === anacondo_AWAY is now known as anacondo === phoov10 [~patrick@3639239719.mi.dial.123.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:36] hehe.. I installed it on this machine and was confused when I couldn't run it. Turns out I was in an ssh session with another bloody box. === tdunks [~dfg@toronto-HSE-ppp4039290.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] dcraven: don't get this all wrong, wajig is not my creation, i'm just a fan :) === gub [except@geeknation.org] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] anyone in here happen to have a garmin 2610 (gps) ? [10:37] woah a lot of ppl like ubuntu [10:38] can someone help me i cant get into actual linux it says that the graphical interface or sommin like that temporaily cant load === gub [except@geeknation.org] has left #ubuntu ["division] [10:38] dcraven: it's hell when you type the wrong command into the wrong xterm, worse if you have different boxen on different xterms :) [10:39] topyli, well it's nice regardless. [10:39] Dr_Aevil, gdesklets-data contained the Lmsensors 0.8 just so u know. === Bicchi [~chatzilla@pur23f5.fiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] I am curious how good is the dual monitor support in ubuntu? I am about to install ubuntu and need to know if it can handle it. What do i need to do? I have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. [10:40] I think k3b is much better than NeroLinux :P [10:40] Free & Easy to use eh === imcsk8 [~imcsk8@] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] Bicchi: nothing to do with ubuntu. if X supports your card, then you're OK [10:42] topyli: ubuntu uses X [10:42] Hi guys, I played with menu editor, tryed to delete something but look what happend... ?? http://picserver.404zone.nl/userfiles/blogbuster/menu.jpg [10:42] topyli: these days xorg supports almost every card [10:42] how can I restore this [10:42] Has anyone tried to compile GNOME with jhbuild here? === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] jeramy_: yes [10:42] successfully? [10:42] jeramy_: not yet. still working on it [10:42] can i display things in portrait mode in linux. is this handled by X and what should i do? === th0re_ [~th0re@c51008445.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] ah. I did it a while back, but ended up with some error... like I was missing a compile flag or something. [10:43] Bicchi: there's a Rotate90 flag for X11 [10:43] Bicchi: that's a question for X11 devs === Jefis [~jefis@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] I'm going to try again and see if it's still there. [10:43] Bicchi: #freedesktop [10:43] St0n3-C0l: sure. but my matrox g550 under linux has no tv-out, and xinerama requires fiddling. and this is matrox, the ever-best linux card! :( [10:43] checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation! [10:43] For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log. [10:43] Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support! [10:43] how to get this one? [10:43] Bicchi: the quick answer is no, i don't know any people that made it work [10:44] is there Free software (preferably in universe/multiverse, but I didn't see any there) to do analysis/annotation of disassembly listings for multiple processor families? (I'm not especially concerned with which processors are supported, I'm mostly interested in understanding the problem - the only open-source analysis program I know of is MC68000-specific and the source contains lots of hacks) [10:44] jnc: so you can not rotate the desktop? [10:44] crimsun: i had to wait until my upgrade finished now i lost the apt-get command for getting alsa-source and so on [10:44] jeramy_: It got as far as howl-0.9.10... [10:44] topyli: Never worked with matrox :P I used Nvidia which is supported by almost every distro and now Intel :P [10:44] brrrt: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) alsa-source [10:44] I didn't get that far, I don't think. === ante5000 [~ante@] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] hey guys, can anyone help me? im using OSS Plugin to output my sound in XMMS, but the volume control in XMMS seems to net work... the volume can only be controlled through the volume control which is a separate app... does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do to fix it? i want the XMMS vol slider to work... [10:44] You're running Hoary Rebroad? [10:44] Bicchi: i'm going to say the answer is no, because i want you to ask X11 devs about it === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] jnc: gotcha [10:45] when hoary is released on friday [10:45] crimsun: thanks! === tdunks [~dfg@toronto-HSE-ppp4039290.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] jeramy_: jhbuild downloaded loads of stuff, such as automake versions 1.4,1.7,1.8,1.9 even though I already had them all installed... not sure why [10:45] jeramy_: Hoary yes [10:45] do i need to reinsyall [10:45] stazich: turn on software volume control in options of xmms [10:45] hey is there a quick way to make like 20 accounts? [10:45] from hoary rc? [10:45] SebSeb: no, you can update && dist-upgrade [10:45] Bicchi: X11 is a huge chunk of software and the X11 devs are the only cats who are going to know what you're talking about exactly [10:45] St0n3-C0l: i'm old fashioned. ati and nvidia support used not to be what they are now. and still they fool around with binary drivers [10:46] Can someone help me. I am getting this error when lodaing linux and it wont let me into linux wither the error is Teporary failure in name resolution hel;p? === jpok [~jp@haz95-1-82-229-80-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === mikep [~mikep@c-24-0-8-144.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] does anyone here use beagle? === holzmann__ [~holzmann@p3E9D2DE6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] can anyone recommend me some software for ubuntu to display a number of images after each other with some cool transition effects? [10:46] Rebroad, yeah, that sounds about right. I'm building libxml2 right now. [10:47] jeramy_: only 110 or so packages to go then.... [10:47] Wifi USB adaptators work on Hoary or not ? === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] It's a PIII 1GHz. Yep. Assuming I get that far. :) === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [10:47] garrut: there must be some simple hacks based on xscreensaver or something. find them at freshmeat.net [10:47] Can someone help me. I am getting this error when lodaing linux and it wont let me into linux wither the error is Teporary failure in name resolution, help? [10:47] I managed to make it to about 15 before it crapped out on me? [10:48] topyli: ok thanks, i'll check that out === carambol [~Karambol_@c117193.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Echylo [~Echylo@90-169.246.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] tdunks: most probably during boot something starts that needs a DNS server and the one configured for it is not working. [10:49] and how do i fix that? [10:49] question, ubuntu freezes when I try to download something with firefox [10:49] Blissex, could it be a problem of /etc/hostname? [10:49] Hi, when using electricsheep with xscreensaver, the "--zoom 1" parameter don't functions and the sheep isn't fullscreen. Anyone can help me ? [10:49] im a noob with linux so no techinal stuff :P [10:49] anyone here know how to make the "less" command not make it's output disappear after exiting it? [10:50] jpok: if it is of any comfort, i have the same problem :) [10:50] dcraven: tdunks: possibly, if the hostname is not also in '/etc/hosts' [10:50] thanks topyli... but it don't resolve the problem ;-) === Bazzi- is now known as Bazzi [10:50] heh [10:50] Rebroad, do you specifically need to use less? Can you just use cat instead? === skora [~skora@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] also when/if i get back into linux how do i get my dlink network card to work [10:51] jeramy_: yes. need to use less === andrew__ [~andrew@ool-43532616.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === andrew__ is now known as Ezlo [10:51] Rebroad, I never use it, so no. :) [10:51] crimsun: well, ./configure --with-cards=via82xx in the source dir? [10:52] Perhaps it's a bug of last version of electricsheep but no one talks about this on the electricsheep FAQ page === nasboy [~chris@resistor.rh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] is there anyway to do a batch adduser? [10:52] Can I just upgrade to hoary using APT or should I reinstall [10:52] nasboy, you're using Warty now? [10:52] Rebroad: less doesn't do that. if it does, we have to find out why [10:53] yes [10:53] nasboy: change your /etc/apt/sources.list to match hoarys [10:53] i think ubuntu is going to take over the world ..... [10:53] nasboy: you can ''just upgrade'', especially if you follow some of the online HOWTOs on the subject. === mom_m [~hes@sauron.aadl.org] has joined #ubuntu === oly [~oly@host81-151-217-248.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] nasboy: where it says warty u write hoary === yojimbo-san [~yojimbo-s@203-97-50-115.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] that's what I figured...I just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to mess up my system [10:53] then do apt-get update [10:54] nasboy, no you won't. If you're paranoid about data loss, you can always back some stuff up first. [10:55] tdunks: to fix your problem may require a bit of geekyness though. [10:55] nasboy: you'll have to apt-get upgrade, then dist-upgrade perhaps a few times before you're through. maybe even apt-get -f install (without arguments ) in the middle. this is the worst-case scenario [10:55] tdunks: however it is hard to judge from a distance not knowing whats going on exactly how to fix it. [10:55] anyone here got gmailfs working? [10:55] probably going to take more explaining then [10:56] jnc: to answer my question and yours, you can do portriat mode by typing "xrandr -o left" on the command line. that according to the guys over #freedesktop. [10:56] linux booted fine one time didnt boot next time [10:56] yeah i was trying to figure out how to get it working as well, Rebroad [10:56] like, I could not find where it INSTALLED IT [10:56] Bicchi: :) [10:56] i installed it with apt [10:56] but where is it? [10:56] topyli: less seems to open a new screen of some sort, so when less exits, you are left seeing only what you saw immediately before less ran [10:56] Bicchi: apologies if i'm a bit cantankerous today. [10:56] hi everybody. [10:56] Bicchi: i'm glad you found some help from someone knowlegable [10:57] mackid: check out /usr/share/docs/gmailfs [10:57] jnc: thanks [10:57] mackid: and /etc/gmailfs === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu [10:57] Rebroad: working as advertised. what's the problem? [10:57] Dang, gmailfs looks like a cool hack! [10:57] my question is about gaim...im running warty, and gaim v 1.1.2, but want to upgrade to 1.2.1 [10:57] I just upgraded to Hoary and I'm seeing some *strange* things in dmesg [10:57] topyli: I want less to be more like more, where i see the file i was viewing after exiting less [10:57] tdunks: was your internet line fine on one time and not on the other? [10:57] how do i remove [safely] the 1.1.2 and then install the 1.21 properly ? [10:58] [i know how to build from src, do i have to convert the src to a deb ?] [10:58] here goes nothing [10:58] hoary is on the way [10:58] Rebroad: ah. well, then you'll have to find the real more === z1nOnly [~nick@adsl-068-016-133-022.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kennyjb402 [~Kennyjb40@] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] what are the technical problems which have delayed the release? [10:59] Rebroad: there must be an open source implementation. or maybe even a "compatibility mode" for less, like there's a "vi compatibility mode" for vim [10:59] SebSeb: the release was delayed to try and accomodate gnome 2.10.1 [10:59] anyone: is 4-8-05 still the full-release date for Hoary? [10:59] SebSeb: not so much technical problems as bug fixes [10:59] oh and that === moreati [~alex@82-36-130-211.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] topyli: surely everything in ubuntu is opensource === Kirsch [~adam@] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] is friday the final release then? [11:00] SebSeb: yep [11:00] no [11:00] never got it working [11:00] Rebroad: sure. but ubuntu doesn't have the original more [11:00] I read the FAQ on enhancing the performance of my NVidia card but I do not have the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or anything like it inside /etc/X11 :( [11:00] Hey everyone, i've read tons of articles and stuff, is the ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 NOT supported under linux? I know the fglrx driver doesn't support it... === Zepticon_ [~Zepticon@] has joined #Ubuntu === guptan [guptan@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] Kirsch, yuo can always use non accellerated drivers === alavista is now known as simosx [11:02] like vesa ang vga [11:02] Hi, when using electricsheep with xscreensaver, the "--zoom 1" parameter don't functions and the sheep isn't fullscreen. Can anyone help me ? [11:02] Goshawk: I am using just the ATI driver now... [11:02] lz: what version of ubuntu are you using. if it's 5.04 then the file is now called xorg.conf, due to the project forking. [11:02] ooooh [11:02] no wonder! Thanks moreati [11:02] Rebroad: try "most" it's supposed to be very configurable. i've never tried it but everybody who is unhappy with less have gotten it to work just-so-they-like-it :) [11:02] Kirsch, if you are using ati drivers all is fine === juser [~juser@adsl-69-211-21-31.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === juser is now known as CarlK [11:03] Kirsch, all the hardware acelleration is ok so [11:03] what to download to check my hdtemp [11:03] sorry, i'm using the radeon driver... is it better to use the ati or radeon driver? [11:03] hmm [11:03] hddtemp or gdesklet-dada [11:03] hddtemp or gdesklet-data [11:03] topyli: i'll check it out. thanks [11:03] anyone know how to get a nice framebuffer boot screen in ubuntu? [11:03] Kirsch, radeon is a kind of chipset [11:04] I know. [11:04] brb [11:04] you are using the ati radon driver [11:04] fron ati.com? [11:04] no, there are 2 drivers, ati and radeon, i switched it to radeon. [11:04] No, from Xorg [11:04] wait [11:05] crimsun: i compiled and installed the alsa-drivers from source [11:05] do this [11:05] glxinfo | grep direct [11:05] crimsun: but i get errors when i "modprobe snd-via82xx" === Dethread [~Dethread@wsp009965wss.netadm.calpoly.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] brrrt: "from source"? [11:05] brrrt: using the method outlined in /usr/share/doc/alsa-source/README.Debian ? [11:05] Kirsch, be faster [11:05] mackid: any luck with gmailfs? === moreati [~alex@82-36-130-211.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:06] can somebody tell me why my ubuntu freezes when I try to download something with firefox? [11:06] Echylo: at last! someone else with the same problem! [11:06] crimsun: ups, no [11:06] crimsun: ping? [11:06] Echylo: do you have a nvidia gfx card? === HiddenWolf is now known as AFKWolf [11:06] I had a question, it is not possible to listen to MP3's stored on a remote SAMBA Windows Network? [11:06] gordonjcp: pong? [11:07] without downloading the files [11:07] francisco: I sure hope so [11:07] francisco: yes [11:07] crimsun: tried again with the NVidia drivers, this time with a Geforce 2 [11:07] otherwise the sounds i hear now are impossible! [11:07] francisco: either stream them, or use smbmount [11:07] Kirsch, ping [11:07] Rebroad, mcrawfor ; why can't I? :( [11:07] smbmount? [11:07] ping? [11:07] I still get a black screen, and the xorg log suggests it's when I load nvidia glx [11:07] Is that enabled by default? === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kennyjb402 [~Kennyjb40@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:08] Kirsch, have you done that comand? [11:08] francisco: that mounts a samba share as a local drive [11:08] ping what tho? [11:08] *but* commenting out the option "glx" line doesn't help === louis_ [~louis@ip24-254-52-9.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] yes, i've used ping [11:08] Kirsch, no you have to do : glxinfo | grep direct [11:08] ah ok Rebroad will try [11:08] 9559 [11:08] is there driver support for the Airport Extreme (different question)? [11:08] 1sec Goshawk [11:08] Kirsch, ping is to say if you are still there === Jefis [~jefis@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] francisco: only problem with smbmount is that if you lose network connectivity, then it seems to freeze the commands that try to access the share, using the df command [11:08] s/saysee [11:08] i hvae driect rendering on [11:09] francisco: I meant "including the df command" [11:09] Kirsch, ok.. so it's all ok [11:09] crimsun: any pointers to anything else I can try? [11:09] oh, ok Rebroad === Rebroad prods Echylo [11:09] E: Couldn't find package smbmoun :( [11:09] gordonjcp: did you say you tried noapic nolapic pci=noacpi ? [11:10] francisco: smbmount [11:10] crimsun: i dont need isa-pnp for the via82xx, or? [11:10] whats up folks [11:10] Goshawk: ok... is there a way to get transparent support in a desklet than without using xcompmgr? [11:10] E: Couldn't find package smbmount === Zepticon_ [~Zepticon@] has joined #Ubuntu === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-61.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] still [11:10] heh [11:10] :P [11:10] cause it works, but moving a window makes it move slowly. [11:10] francisco: maybe it's called smbfs [11:10] brrrt: no, you don't [11:10] oh Rebroad i think I installed that before [11:11] how could I run it? cause it doesn't seem to be on Kubuntu === pdoms [~pdoms@dD57633E4.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] francisco: there's no such package. it's in smbclient i guess [11:11] Kirsch, i dont' know sorry [11:11] Anyone got an idea of how I can give "new login" a shortcut? it's not listed in shortcuts editor.. [11:12] francisco,topyli: apt-get install smbfs [11:12] pdoms: just drag it from the menu [11:12] to where garrut ? [11:12] oh yeah === Derec [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] ok Rebroad [11:12] pdoms: to where you want it [11:12] E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [11:12] garrut, sorry i mean shortcut keyboard combination [11:12] damm [11:12] garrut: He wants a keyboard shortcut [11:12] ah [11:13] pdoms, Applications --> System tools [11:13] pdoms: Open up the "Configuration Editor" tool [11:13] like windowsbutton + l ;) [11:13] pdoms, you find "new login" [11:13] Yes, but i want to give it a keyboard shortcut Goshawk === starhaw1 [~starhawk@adsl-68-21-135-138.dsl.yntwoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] Jimbob, thanks checking out [11:13] pdoms, arg.. i dont' know [11:13] that's gconf-editor stuff [11:14] np Goshawk :) [11:14] topyli, Rebroad smbclient and smbfs are both installed [11:14] crimsun: no, I haven't tried that === beny [~beny@sonia.sickless.net] has left #ubuntu ["into] [11:14] crimsun: seems worth a shot though, brb === umarmung [~Schreiber@p3E9E26AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] pdoms: Add the keyboard shortcut to "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_" [11:14] francisco: try mount -t smbfs foo foo foo [11:14] hey, does anyone here use skype (on linux, of course) [11:14] pdoms: Modifiers are entered as "<(mod)>" (e.g. "") === umarmung [~Schreiber@p3E9E26AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [11:15] because my fonts in the skype program are really big, and i was wondering why, or if anyone else had the same problem.. === oly [~oly@host81-151-218-23.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === johane [~johan@h245n2c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] pdoms: Then go to "/apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_" [11:15] hi I am tring to run ubunta and I am not sure if I am burninig the cd right I am using kb3 any one [11:15] mackid: run qtconfig [11:15] pdoms: Set that to "gdmflexiserver". [11:15] topyli, didn't worked [11:15] pdoms: Or for nested (in-a-window) logins, "gdmflexiserver -n" [11:15] A device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom, [11:15] or by label, using -L label or by uuid, using -U uuid . [11:15] Other options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p passwdfd] . [11:15] For many more details, say man 8 mount . [11:15] pdoms: Also: http://ignore-your.tv/fusa/ [11:16] francisco: which command did you give? [11:16] topyli, mount -t smbfs foo foo foo === Echylo [~Echylo@254-180.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Anubis [~LordVader@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] francisco: the foo's are of course placeholders for your real filesystems and stuff :) [11:16] Jimbob, wow thanks, gonna try it now :).. btw is it possible to use the windows-logo key in linux? === RemoteViewer [~555@kyle.physik.fu-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] topyli, oh hahaha === iceaxe18 [~iceaxe18@c-67-168-9-215.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu === flipy [~flipy@62-15-248-161.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] pdoms: Yes, so long as your keyboard is configured as a 105-key, IIRC === CarlK [~juser@adsl-69-211-22-211.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] I believe it gets mapped to a modifier, though [11:17] So it acts like Control or Alt [11:17] how can i switch the gcc version? [11:17] francisco: ok, let's construct a sane command line for you [11:17] I use it to drag windows (Win+ anywhere in the window drags it) === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] mackid: i think skype uses your kde settings [11:18] Jimbob, I don't know that :s [11:18] (By default it's Alt+drag) === redPanda [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] francisco: what is the workgroup, machine, and share you are trying to mount? [11:18] hello all [11:18] hi I am tring to run ubunta and I am not sure if I am burninig the cd right I am using kb3 any one === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] help [11:19] hi [11:19] skype rocks. better than msn/yahoo/aim etc [11:19] topyli, workgroup is HOME, machine is called Navigator, share is folder "Shared" [11:19] ....well, except for it crashing a lot on linux and on windoze... [11:19] gnome is doing weird thing to me [11:20] I guess the last update killed me? [11:20] UI have a high load [11:20] francisco: ok. as root (sudo), make a directory called /mnt/win_share or something [11:20] and gnomes menus will not populate [11:20] starhaw1, do you end up with one big file on the CD? [11:20] Hi. I've just installed Ubuntu and can change the root password. I've tried sudo passwd root but this asks for a password which I don't have. Anybody have any ideas? [11:20] topyli, what about /windows [11:20] Jimbob, thanks for the hep mate :) === airco [~airco@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] francisco: good === mkedwards [~mkedwards@adsl-64-175-14-61.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] topyli, done [11:21] hi I am tring to run ubunta and I am not sure if I am burninig the cd right I am using kb3 any one [11:21] redPanda: use YOUR password ;) [11:21] starhaw1, do you end up with one big file on the CD? [11:22] yes [11:22] although consider using sudo -s for a root promt [11:22] starhaw1: you are repeating yourself [11:22] ok. I'll go and try that now. [11:22] prompt* [11:22] ok, try this as root first. "mount -t smbfs //navigator/shared /windows" it will fail, but we'll get error messages :) [11:23] I'm glad my TTY terminals work again [11:23] starhaw1, somewhere (don;t have k3b handy) shold be a "burn image" [11:23] #quit bye [11:23] topyli, root@ubuntu:/home/francisco # mount -t smbfs //navigator/shared /windows [11:23] Password: [11:23] root@ubuntu:/home/francisco # === redPanda [~chatzilla@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:23] Works :D [11:23] hehe [11:23] i didn't think so :) === casimir [~casimir@] has joined #ubuntu === kay [~kay@p50838E13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] francisco: so, do you want everybody to be able to mount that, or just your, or just root? [11:24] Jimbob, a question, I found out that the windows-logo is Super_R but.. Will it work if I set as value "Super_R p"? [11:24] Hello, I need some help,I think the last update to wpasupplicant has broken my wireless connection === thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] is there a security risks ? topyli === yojimbo-san [~yojimbo-s@203-97-50-115.dsl.clear.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] [11:25] hello [11:25] francisco: not really. how many local users do you have and how much do you trust them, that's the question [11:25] does someone know how I can find a list of ubuntu meta packages? === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-123-172.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [11:26] How do I create a symlink? [11:26] pdoms: "p" should work [11:26] starhaw1, gime a sec to install k3b... [11:26] Hello, can anybody help me downgrade wpasupplicant? [11:26] thechitowncubs: type "man intro" === harish [~chatzilla@pcp0010984796pcs.howard01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] pdoms: or just "p" (for either windows key) [11:26] (R == right) === Earthen [~admin@dpc674454046.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] Rebroad, I just failed on howl. :) [11:27] topyli, just me :D [11:27] hey [11:27] how can i switch the gcc version to 3.4? [11:27] jeramy_: snap! [11:27] Jimbob, thanks and do I have to reboot to make it work? [11:27] kay, I am on wireless, just insatlled about 8 hours ago, so "it works" ;) [11:27] pdoms: No, it should just work [11:27] (also gtk+, atk, pango, and a few others... but you can skip them...) :) [11:27] francisco: is the server always up? === ernstp [~ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] (who needs gtk+?) === haich [~haich@201.Red-81-33-105.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] topyli, yeah [11:28] CarlK: For me it stopped working after it, it comes and goes all the time, while other computers are fine === KePeRHeLL [~iago@cm102033.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu === pippo [~pippo@host188-104.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] CarlK: Do you have the old deb still ? [11:28] how can I track down this high load? [11:28] francisco: would you like to mount it automatically at boot time? [11:28] Rebroad: I didn't find any relevant info there [11:28] topyli, that would be editing fstab right? [11:28] y4es [11:29] yes === Pluk [~Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] carlk did you get it installed [11:29] Jimbob, but are you sure it's right to put because when I pushed that button in the shortcut-editor there were no <> around it [11:29] topyli, thanks to you I am now listening to my 3GB of mp3's on my winblow machine [11:29] :) [11:29] Hrm. [11:29] Jimbob, So I wonder if it's possible to use that key and a letter :s [11:29] hehe === plagerism [~plagerism@CPE00606771c662-CM013419900473.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] kay, not here (I had to go to the local bar because my ISP went bonkers) [11:30] Is there a way I can link to a file that already exsists? [11:30] pdoms: Umm, you could try, I guess [11:30] flipy, just install gcc 3.4 via apt-get or synaptic and change the gcc link in /usr/bin to point to 3.4 instead of 3.3 === dazed| [~dazed@host-208-60-229-108.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] topyli, I have a question, I tried to play xVid movies and such with linux and it seems like they don't have the codec needed, is there a player I need? [11:30] francisco: you'll find a suitable fstab line easily on the web. sorry, but i don't happen to have any windows servers here to mount. (just lucky i guess :) [11:30] crimsun: i did what was mentioned in the readme and installed the .deb file modprobe snd-via82xx works now, but now i am missing the master and pcm faders in the mixer and totem refuses to play the wav file [11:30] I am moving from Fedora Core 3 to Ubuntu I have the ISO 5.04 the current release // Should I wait for the official release on Friday ?? [11:30] In Linux how can I determine the number of pixels between to arbitrary points on my screen? [11:30] "hal.dev" is running like 50 times after a reboot? [11:30] topyli, haha, thanks though :) [11:30] is it just my kernel? [11:30] to -> two [11:31] thechitowncubs: man ln [11:31] francisco: install totem-xine, and the evil codecs from marillat [11:31] can some help me with squid proxy setup [11:31] topyli, marillat.com ? [11:31] Earthen: what do you need help with? I setup proxy last week [11:31] Dethread, thanks! [11:31] cool thanks [11:31] udevd is bad? [11:31] Dethread, that will work for g++? [11:31] All I did was a basic setup, though :) [11:31] well i followed the how too on the debian site but it down't work [11:31] francisco: no. hold on, i'll find you an useful URL. are you on warty or hoary? [11:32] flipy, yes, same procedure [11:32] Earthen: the default setup for ubuntu is pretty much working. === gumpish [axcf@user-0vvdbm3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] ok thanks [11:32] Earthen: What error are you getting? [11:32] I'm not getting any error that i can tell anyway [11:32] topyli, in hoary [11:33] Earthen: do you know if it is running? /etc/init.d/squid restart [11:33] Dethread, is there any other symlink to change? [11:33] as root [11:33] Jimbob, it works! is it possible with the 'configuration-editor' to make that the changes are for all users on the system? [11:33] I followed the setup on this page http://www.debian-administration.org/?article=71 [11:33] yes it is running [11:33] pdoms: Umm, not from the UI, no [11:33] crimsun: is there anything special i should take care of ? [11:33] Did you setup the proxy in the www client? === ksmith [~ksmith@cpe-024-168-176-061.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] brrrt: nope, not if you followed those directions [11:33] yes as root [11:33] pdoms: You can edit some XML files (what the configuration editor reads) to force that, though [11:33] no [11:33] that isn't something you'd necessarily do as root [11:34] i used nano as root [11:34] ok. http://ubuntuguide.org/temp/ . see "how to install multimedia codecs". but you need totem-xine. ubuntu by default installs totem with gstreamer backends, which don't cut it [11:34] Jimbob, that's a bit complicated or not too much? :) [11:34] you should probably configure the client then: open your www browser, edit -> options -> proxy setup and configure it === bufalo73 [~konversat@62-43-131-74.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] pdoms: Umm, it's more involved than the UI and requires running a text editor as root, but it's not terribly complicated. [11:34] i was try to setup a transparent proxy [11:34] squid is a transparent proxy === mx|gone is now known as mxpxpod [11:35] pdoms: But then, I'm a programmer, so my judgements on "complicated" vs. "uncomplicated" are colored by that :-) [11:35] Jimbob, I'm capable runnin text editor as root ^^ [11:35] =/ so Sun's Java 1.5 isn't working for hoary? Is there any working 1.5 implementation for hoary? === simosx [~Al@host81-153-24-25.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:35] so it says i don't need to configure the clients [11:35] Jimbob, I have some console-experience and also with editting files etc [11:35] gumpish: you can manually install it pretty easily. just throw it into /opt [11:35] pdoms: Ok. you want to go to /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/ [11:35] Jimbob, I study informatics, but I don't know what I'm gonna do later [11:36] ok === oly [~oly@host81-151-218-23.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === fgx [~fgx@host134-170.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] no package management makes the baby jesus cry [11:36] crimsun: i was following exactly those directions :( === enplo [~enplo@ppp-athens-1-167.teledomenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] Jimbob, one quick question, it will work also with sudo right? (didn't set root password) === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] pdoms: Yeah, "sudo -s" will give you a root shell/console [11:36] I'm there [11:37] hi I am tring to run ubunta and I am not sure if I am burninig the cd right I am using kb3 any one [11:37] nice trick, didn't know it :) Jimbob [11:37] crimsun: compiling and so on looked good, i've seen no errors === ubll [~none@cpe-069-134-149-110.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] francisco: by the way, according to the guide, totem with gstreamer backends does seem to be enough. very cool! [11:38] starhaw1: if you put the cd in your computer and reboot, starhawk1, and it boots into ubuntu then it works [11:38] pdoms: As root, run gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/ --type string --set "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_12" "shortcut" [11:38] starhaw1: and double check your BIOS is booting from the cdrom [11:38] oh, let me try topyli :) [11:38] thats just it it isnt working [11:39] Jimbob, done === ubuntoid [~swschulz@cpe-024-211-203-172.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] so are you running linux or windows right now starhawk1? [11:39] I think I am doing something wrong when I burn it [11:39] mepis [11:39] topyli, do you happen to know the exact name of the package? [11:39] you can do something like this in linux: cdrecord -scanbus; cdrecord -dev={output} -data -iso ubuntu.iso === imka [~imka@chello084114172120.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] gstreamer [11:39] pdoms: Then gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/ --type string --set "/apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_12" "gdmflexiserver" [11:39] hi === billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] francisco: the codecs? you need two: gstreamer0.8-plugins and w32codecs [11:40] how do i create a symlink? i need to create /usr/src/linux that points to linux-source..... [11:40] Jimbob, done [11:40] before you do that you can test the cd by mounting it: mount /dev/[device] /cdrom (probably as root) [11:40] you should also run an md5 on the iso you downloaded [11:40] i know this isnt a great place to ask but can anyone help me figure out why i cant connect to any torrents? [11:40] francisco: but you do need to set up extra repositories as explained ther [11:40] to verify what you'r working with is valid [11:40] e [11:41] where do I put that in the command line I am farly new to lunix [11:41] pdoms: Ok, then run "gconftool-2 --shutdown" for root and all currently running users === DASC [~DASC@pc-21-1-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === japp [proxyuser@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] pdoms: What you're doing is forcing all users to have command_12 be "gdmflexiserver" [11:41] whats md5 [11:41] pdoms: that "gconf.xml.mandatory" is GConf's "admin-enforced" settings [11:42] starhaw1: It's a math equasion for encrypting data. [11:42] sorry you'll need to read some pages before i can personally help you more. you should probably read a linux system administrator guide [11:42] topyli, you mean the universe repositories? [11:42] but the answer is that it depends on your window manager [11:42] yes, and the infamous christian marillat's multimedia stuff [11:42] you can press alt+control+f1 to get to a command line prompt [11:42] then press alt+f7 to come back === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu === japp [proxyuser@] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] that's how to leave X for the command line [11:43] starhaw1: The idea is that you run a bunch of numbers (the contents of a file) through the equasion, and it'll give you the "sum" of the numbers in that file. [11:43] ah ok [11:43] starhaw1: the "sum" is pretty unique, so you can use it to check if a file has changed. [11:43] I do that from the command line [11:43] Jimbob, done, linux is made nicely :) [11:44] pdoms: I'd check it to make sure it worked properly :-) [11:44] Does anyone know how to find the number of pixels between to arbitrary points on the display? [11:44] francisco: sorry, didn't mention your name there ^ === Anubis [~LordVader@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] starhaw1: You wouldn't happen to be StarHawk, of starhawk.org fame, would you? === kay [~kay@p5083978D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] no [11:45] Something with my wpasupplicant is broken now [11:45] Symptom is that wireless goes away and comes back all the time [11:45] topyli, no problem :) [11:45] It was interesting to see that no /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant existed [11:45] topyli, I am trying to find the marillat packages [11:46] hey...anyone knows what I can do if i lost CUPS root password .. ?? [11:46] After downgrade, nothing changed, upgrade again and voila (apt-listchanges shows something new) [11:46] And i have it back [11:46] Only that it is still not working.... === tshark7 [~timmir@ip70-186-42-75.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] Jimbob, I see it changed in config-editor [11:46] is there a simple way to reset it ? [11:46] francisco: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main [11:47] francisco: just put that in your /etc/apt/sources.list === CarlK [~juser@adsl-69-211-10-121.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] pdoms: Cool, it should work ok then [11:47] ok, done [11:47] :) [11:47] francisco: no. here's the line: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main [11:47] ok, let me try this a different way: how does ubuntu bundle/group software [11:47] does it only have 2 groups: server and workstation? [11:47] Jimbob, yes it should, but it doesn't. weird.. i'll have a deeper look onto it.. thanks alot for learning me this! [11:48] francisco: that's where you'll get win32codecs :) [11:48] topyli, I added deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main [11:48] If I was KDE for instance, do I have to guess that kde is the metapackage to install? Is there a list? === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] starhaw1, sorry bout that.. bar.net isn't too good either;) [11:48] I figured that I had to put "deb" first topyli [11:48] hello [11:48] pdoms: np [11:48] ok [11:48] francisco: heh [11:48] merlin__, have you tried to use synaptic or aptitude? [11:48] crimsun: i did it again watching more closely to the output, no error no warning no sound === johane [~johan@h245n2c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] crimsun: no master and no pcm [11:49] I installed k3b, shouldn;'t it be on the menu somewhere? [11:49] bufalo73: I haven't run them on ubuntu yet. Do they have special bundles? [11:49] where [11:49] merlin__, synaptic can be used to view category types. === gdub [~gdub@] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] I am looking at it to === th0re [~th0re@c51008445.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu === lionel_ [~lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Yvonne [~ubuntu@cn-sdm-cr02-0185.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === dodger [~dodger@p54B1B2AD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] did you find it === Thundercracker [~am@81-178-199-135.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] carlk [11:51] where do you all look for background images? [11:51] starhaw1, ran it, looking now [11:51] ok [11:51] t3rror, gnome-look typically. [11:52] i will check there [11:52] topyli, after win32codecs I am done? :O === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060040058a234b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === thully [~thully@wuser115-league.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] dcraven: ok, so I see the package types on synaptic. But this doesn't tell me how I can find some ubuntu-desktop metapackage or ubuntu-kde [11:52] i am just not familiar with the different repositories for background images === dodger [~dodger@p54B1B2AD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [11:52] Jimbob, strange problem. I putted the same manual in nr. 11 and than it works.. :s [11:52] for that matter, is there some meta server package I should install to get essential stuff like sshd? [11:52] francisco: i guess, if the gstreamer backend really works. try and view some pr0n or something :) [11:52] merlin__, I'm not really understanding. [11:52] Is sshd really supposed to be missing from a default install? [11:53] merlin__: install ssh, should get it === milli_ [~milli@phantom.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] merlin__, you don't have sshd and you want it? [11:53] hi ppl, i'm on an ibook and since i don't have another actual mouse button, i was wondering if anyone knew how i could set my rmb click to be ctrl+click? [11:53] starhaw1, it is under Tools, CD, burn CD image [11:53] ok [11:53] Thundercracker: buy a real mouse ;) [11:54] Burgundavia: yep, I did that and it's there. I was kind of hoping there was a bundle/task packate I could/should install to have all that stuff installed at once [11:54] garrut, air doesn't support a mouse all that well :) === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] crimsun: are there any ALSA_CARD_OPTIONS i need to configure for the via82xx ? [11:54] merlin__, install openssh-client or openssh-server... Or both. [11:54] topyli, lol will do [11:54] hi - does anyone know how to speed up sound juicer - I set it up to rip MP3 and it rips at 1.2x - which takes 40 min for a CD! [11:54] got it thank you [11:55] francisco: i'm interested because if gstreamer does work, i can get rid of xine myself! === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-6-158.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] thully, get a faster drive - (audion <> data) [11:55] dcraven/ Burgundavia: same thing with KDE: it comes with many packages. Without just looking at them all and guessing, how do I know which is the master package that installs all of KDE? [11:55] merlin__, I think I understand what you are saying, but I'm unclear as to who should be responsible for determining what would be included in such a metapackage. === milli_ is now known as milli [11:55] burning now [11:55] is DMA off by default on Ubuntu? [11:55] yipee [11:55] could someone give me a hint what's wrong when i run make cloneconfig and make prepare in /usr/src/linux? i paste it in flood [11:55] thully, for CD i think it is === telemaco [~telemaco@] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] topyli, heh. Ok, so I open Totem movie player [11:56] yes [11:56] merlin__: should be kubuntu-desktop [11:56] Also, how do I change bitrate of an MP3 rip? [11:56] thully, for opticals, I beleive so. === rainer [~rainer@h081217128133.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] Jimbob, any idea? [11:56] francisco: get something with a wicked codec like avi or mov [11:56] dcraven: the packaging guys :) / Burgundavia: thanks, that's what I was looking for. So, without asking here, is there a way for me to find that out by myself? :) [11:56] ok [11:57] merlin__: ask here? [11:57] pdoms: Well, hum. [11:57] merlin__, I think you just guess or use search in synaptic if you have an idea what you are looking for. [11:57] Jimbob, I really don't understand why it doesn't work.. It looks ok in config-editor [11:57] could someone please come to #flood and help me what's wrong when i try to run make cloneconfig? [11:57] topyli, seems like Totem won't start heh. [11:57] merlin__, you'll get used to it. It's not as bad as it seems :) [11:57] pdoms: What are you setting the keybinding to? [11:57] Can anyone enlighten me as to why packages like openoffice.org-l10-en depend on openoffice.org (>> 1.1.1+1.1.2) | language-support-en and therefore are not automatically removed when openoffice.org is? === UbuntuFool [~UbuntuFoo@82-33-116-144.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === safrican [~safrican@adsl-69-208-183-96.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] dcraven/Burgundavia: fair enough :) / apt-cache search ubuntu | grep ubuntu will also give me a clue [11:58] Jimbob, l [11:58] thanks guys :) [11:58] merlin__: or synatpic [11:58] my next ? is what is the slowest processos speed I can run this on horry [11:58] merlin__, cheers. === mmtb [~marcin@duo81.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] Hi there, just got a short question: I got Ubuntu now running on two maschines and wanna use one just as x display so I added the other to xhost, but still can't open the display, anybody can tell me why? === plagerism [~plagerism@CPE00606771c662-CM013419900473.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] Jimbob, but that cannot cause the problem, It worked before (my account only) [11:58] francisco: are you starting totem from the menu or opening the file from nautilus? [11:58] Ok [11:58] topyli, from the menu [11:58] whats a good vo driver when using the fglrx ati driver?? === kevogod [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] starhaw1, hoary will run on a 386, but you may not like it ;) [11:58] hrm === oklinux [~oklinux@adsl-65-67-246-2.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] 233 with 96 meg ram ok [11:59] francisco: the proven method: install totem-xine. sad but true [11:59] pdoms: Will you be around in 4 hours? [11:59] Guess not... [11:59] Is it rude of me to only order two CDs? [11:59] I think ubuntu is overrated [11:59] Is the Ubuntu GNOME theme available to the non-Ubuntu users? [11:59] topyli, totem-xine is already the newest version. [12:00] starhaw1, I have a P1-233, 96 - I only installed X, firevox and one of the "light" window managers - it "works" but I am not thrilled [12:00] ah